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Las diagrammas suivants iilustrant la mAthoda. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 /%C ■ipiMi .„^^ \ 'it i^ # -i\ o »# • , For the Yearof the Chriftiai|JB^» i^;! 1 and from the Creatioo of the WbrJil according to Chfonolog^, i/i;^ beittg the SECOND iUtr LEAP YEAR; and in thet^hteeolth Year of the Reign ol his Majefty lung George tfiiQ, Thirdvconiifting of 365 jiaysi^f: # "i ' Wbtnin is eoliMitil^ ; ^"ftietiitiatiQiis ^ndKcHpfcibJ^tlietijB^ Sii^ir MPQB^srifing and fej^tijgV Mol)q> PIace>>' ' Aopgce iEPeriffte^Bqillttoii ofTiiiie«HighWaier • r^ «r ' V' ' A 1 '■ , !>• '' M 'B,. ■ ttii ^/i . ' Aopgce iEFeriger^Kqaattoii or 'i:ine«ttign^^ •^- atAf/^FealiindF^(UoH)i^hurch»S^ -'^i t.4 'i" oHhe ^Verai CiiiarUaJkd Setfpd^ijr b iOie^ '1 P . tot Npi/a'Smiat lac. vfc» 4 V- ■ ! ■ I ;1'.:6^-Nl#'tlT' %■ 5..^,*" * B^—ii ^^ ThtSHlPHERD of BANS U RT'i Aults to judge oKhtT Chaneet of th« Weatker. I. 2. t. fair 2. 3. 4. t. 2. Changet of th« Weatker. I I. tf the Sun rife red and fiery, —wM md rain. If cloudy, and it foon dccrcafe, — • certain ftir wtMhitt CLOUDS. Small iM round, like a dapple-greyi with t aoith yiieA/^ Toeatkn hr tw9 9r thrtede^t. Large like rockt, — ptoi fkvmtt* If faiall Clouds encreafe« "» mwk taint | If ^large Clouda deereafe, -^fair vnaiier, •I I S T s. If tliey rife in loir grounds, and foon nnilh, '^ fair wirnktr. If they rife to the hill topi. — raie in adajftr tw, A general Mitt h^Sdtt the Sun rifti, aear the fiiU Mson^— ■weather, J. If in the ntw Moon. — rain in tki $U» , If in th« eld,— r4/t in0u env. WINDS, t. Obferte, thht in eight yieart time thire ia at muck fouth-wtft wind, ac nonhead ; end confequently as iBtny wet years, as dr^. 2. When the Wind turns te north-eaft, and it continues two days without rain, and does not turnfouthon the third day, it is likely to continue north-eaft fni eight ot nine dayi, •— aOfair j and then come to the fouth again. 3. If it turns a|ain ojut of the Ibuth to the north-eaft with rain imd continues In thie hortk-eKft tw* diys without raie, and neither tarsia fouth,- nor raihi the thTrd dat,-lr is lib t§ cminat tmtk-ufi fit tw9 er tire* WMftr .^The Wind will iniih thefetums an thiM weeks. SOUTH-WBST WINDS. X. After a northerly Wind^ for the moft part two months or more, and then coming fouth, there are ufuaUyf ihrct orfotw fair H^x at fx/i, and tiien m dtfotrtk or fifth ie9 eiinis rain, or elfe the wihd turns north again, and continues dry. 2. If it returns to the leuth with&i a Aiy or two without rain, and northwurd with rain, and returns to the fouth in one or two days. is before, two or three times together after this lort,—- then it ia like to be in the jfouthor fouthi/eft tWd or three months together, aait was in the necthbilbte--^— Hie Wlndi wUlfnifli thefe turns in a fortnight. 3. Fair weather fer t week with' a fouthem Wind, is like to produce a "great draoeht. If there has been much fain out of the fouth before, 't'he Wiml ufually turns from north to fouth with a quiet wind without rain, but returns to the north with a ftroag winds and ciin ; Tfik kiih!^ Windl arb When it turril ttook fouth to north hyweft. • N. B. When the noith. WiiM firft cleats the tit, (whkh it uliially once a week) be fure of a fair ^ay or two. CLOUDS. z. In Summer Or HlrVisili, whin die wind hat §ecn foath two or thteediyi, anditgrowt teryhot, and yon feeCloudi, ri(h with ) i «s « l n. '. M • « ; ./.■ ' 'f 'J t * ■ ",v ' ti",' '' !i * .#> I I 'i 1 I t t i! •I I % il '/ il L J i 4 I < -. > J -••f .«( great whitt topi liket«w«r«» at if one wcrt upM th« top of another, and j«intd together with bUck on the riCtkct fide,— —there will be thunder and rain fwddenly. a. U two fuch Cloud rifie, one on cither hand,*— ic Ii time to make haftcfo fhelier. 3. If you fee a Cloud rife againft the wind, or llde wind, when that Cloud comet up to yoUf the wind will blow the Came way that the Cloid came. And the fame rule holda of a clear place, when all the fky it equally thick, except one clear edge. 4 Sudden raini nerer laft long : but when the air grows thick by degrees, and the Sun, Moon, and Start, Ihine dimmer and dimmer^ then it it like tp rain fix huurt ufually. 5. If it begin to rain from the fouth, with t high ¥t\n4 for two or three hours, and the wind lallt, but the rain continues , it it like to rain twelve houtt or mure { and does ufuaUy rain till a ftrong north I wind clears the air.— Thefe long rai^a feldem hold above twelte | houra, or happen above once a year. 6. If it begins to rain an hour ur two hetott Sun riitog, it le like to be fair before noon, and fo continue that day : but if the rain begin an hour or two after Sun riifig» ic isl))te toiaia tU thai day, except the Rainix>w be feen before it raint. SFRIN6 and SUMMER, ff the laft eighteen day t of February, and ten'dayiof Mareh, be for the moft part rainy, then the Spring aBd*Sun)mor quaiteiA are like to be fo too. I never knew a gieat daught^ bi)t i| ^tn4 an that feafon. W I N T U^. 1. If the latter end of OA'obcr, and beginning of Kovtmberbe for the moft part warm an^ rainy, then January and February are like to be frofty and cold except after a ver^* dfy fuipmefr. 2. If U£t9ber and I»^ove«ber be fnow and frt)ft,thttl January and Fcbr^fury are like te be open and mild. '.■^' .-: V ^ - * - . ,w, :f VULGAR NOTES, &c, for the Year 1778. DoffliDical Letter - D. Golden Namber • 12. IE^aft . - I. Cycle of the Son * 23. Iwman IndidioD - ii. S^Q4||ys af(er Elii(^ 15. Septuagefima Sunday February - 15th. A(h*Wednerday March 4tk I Foil Moon before Eafter April - - 12th. Eafter Sunday April ipih RogacionSunday May 24tb Afcenfion Day May 28ih. WJiitfundny J^tnti 7tli. Suntij^ys^after Triirity 23: Advent Sunday Nov. 29tb. i-'^pit- «!«»* BSB^iSn. a I mmm '.' I mtmrmmmmm»^immmmmf' I f.' » ^. ts»^ tf^«iai jSft^nii ts^t^ ^^ ^«)aL.iss* •i i, I Of the EcLpfes this Year, 1778. TH £ R tt will be but two vifible Eclipret in this Year, one ol which will be of the SUN, OB the 34th Day of June in the following Order* Ji* m* Beginning «t « xo. i6. 'I Duration, - 2* 15. j j Dibits Eclipfed, 10} The fecond of the MOO N« in December, n* m* Beginning 5d Day - |i. 55. Night, Middle, 4th, - ^ %, 15. j^^^^ J^Apparent Bad, • • • - 2. 3'* * "'* Duration, . . . ^, ^^, Dibits Eclipfed, 7 | H i Time. I. 4 r I 4 * . I A^k i ;n-im- 'ft 1 '<^'^ 36 II 12 I I 2 3 4 ^^ C rife 6 5 6 58 54 4» 45 4« 541 7 8 9 10 II 7 8 9 10 II II morn. I 3 4 5 6 3 6 17 26 «5 o 7 2 8 II J2 I 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 25 >5 S 55 45 35 25 IP o 4S 38 30 20 10 o 1 3 24 12 o 48 38 28 18 6 55 45 35 I { ^ <4 jI'^ t ■lamvMiyMaiinii^ 78. * 1 ^^^r-AjL&u^J^ i/Z«^2it«5*>w >ri»-»i yyZ^C^ Qyy^Ci^yw^'w^^ IK' ZriutJ^ 2*-' aA'7)>tft^[}tMut,^^JfAjL^ Z0'%z^.(^a^f^ .1 1» a a 04 -l*f „t^:i>», , .? tf,tttll'-^1Dlll*ti*>t1ult»Kr»i'MnMmam.i % III u\ I 21 41 5 i< III 121 I. 3SC- — 50C ,t III. MARCH, hath XXXI Days, 1778. ) Firft Qaarter 5th Da^, 9h. Nighr. # Full Moon 13th Day, 5h. Morning. a Laft Qaarter 20th Day, 4h. Afternoon* • New Moon 28(h Day, ih. iim. Morning. Remarkable Day St 1 O J. IVeatbety &c. i. F,fia, H. M. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 »3 14 \l 17 18 «9 20 21 22 23 24 *5 76 27 28 29 •30 31 D 2 3 4 \ 7 D 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 I 2 3 D 2 3 Qainq.St.DAV.#Pf More falling titeather. Shrove Tuesday Ash>Wednesoay. clock faft II m. 26L ift in Lent. Moderate nveathr clock faft 10m. 24f. ^r the/ea/on» Mcre/ttQW # Apoeee. or ^tf/«. id Suna. in Lent. clock faft 901. i5r. St. Patrick. Stamp- Adt rep. 1766)6 Now prepare the equi- cl. f. 7ni4. 6r. uo3ial gale is itar, 3d Sund. in Lent. Jtaiu, Lady Day. clock faft 5111. 54r Mo'i rain sbeus ihitjime, 4th S.jn Lent % Ap. clock faft 411^. 2or. ■nr^^ X- .-I i r IV. APRIL hath XXX Days. 1778. X D Firft Quarter 4th Day, ilh. Morning, # FuU Moon liihDay, loh.Nigh(. (( Laft Qnarrer 19th Day, ^h. Morning. # New Moon 26th Day, 2h. Afternoon, \ I W D M D i 4V 56 5b Remarkable Days, fVeatheVi ice. All Fools Uay. April Jho'wtrs clock fad 3m. 25r. are fnid to bring 5 th Suniiay in Letic 7 '3 /jr/^ Mayfonxjen, 84 tirck faft'im 55f ^5 Great Changes 10 6 «^«»^ M;> time 1 1 ' 7 # ap. r« w<7//>' /^ir/j 0/ 12 Dj 6ih Sunday in Lent tie World ; ^tf/ the eiient may be at Sub & clock together a great dijiance. A fpcll of plea/ant 'iveather. EASThR-Sunday clock flow im. t\L Snsnv or rain St GeorgCj is very near, St Mark Eva. Per. ift Suod. p. Eafter. Viftory of Coloden ('746. clock ilow 301 \- »*i« ^i ■ «> » i» im wimummia. 778^ »n '/(fa. 48 JSS^Aj^^i^^ ^^.^^ 1^ -^^ I ' "i I III'' ■ — — — ■— ^— — D' Firll Quarter 3d Day, lih. Night. 4 '5 16 17 18 19. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 W D 5 O 2 3 4 5 D 2 3 4 5 D «^ emariable Days^ St. Philip y James. ;4 Plea/ant 2d pad Ealkr. clo. floiv 3m. 36f. Mori raikt ^ Apog. and perhapi thundir and iighining* 3d. palfl Eafl'er. clock flow 3^1. 58r. Mote pli^/hnt nvfatibsf • c\, (t. 4tn. 5C Q^ChaHoite b. 1744 4th paftEalVer. He thdit Hiinds his ««tv« clo. fl. 3. 58!'. buftnejs as he ouj^ht, Per. wnillfiuda en9ugh to dt. RoGA. Sun. ^ - ilfor/ failing ' clock flow ^m. 3 if. AssENis. D«y. 29 oK^. ChAr. 2d. ReIlor.j:^. 3o| 71 cl. fl. zm. 55f. 3i;D| id pall AssENSiOf;.!! t.^s.l H M morn. d 20 5> I 21 I 48 2 >5 a 4^ 3 6 3 36 4 4 I^rifel 8 13 9 17 10 26 11 ei (norn» | 6 i! 5» I 17 /*. Sea H. M. 12 12 I 2 3 4 5 I 7 8 9 10 8 56 46 36 26 '5 5 55 45 35 25 >5 o lb 45 II 30 12 I I i 3 4 4 6 7 7 8 9 lO II II 15 o 48 33 to 50 49 25 10 5? 45 30 20 lo 55 \r\' n VI. JUNE, hath XXX Days. 1778. ' D Fird Quarter 2d Day loh. Afternoon. # Pull Moon 9th Day, Midnight. D Qnartcr i^th Day, 4h. Morning. • New Moon 24ih Day, iih. 30m. Morning. '«! MIW D OJ I 3 4; 4j 5 d 6 6' 7 8 2 9. 3 0,4 2: 6 4l> $•: 2 7] 4 9 6 21D Rcmarkahie Days* H.M.H. PI&C(Ih. m/ 22I 2 23' 3 24' 4 Phafant JhoivetSt foiloxved ly pleajant do. flow 2m. 29 f. K. Geo. III. b. 1738. Apog. We At her Whitsunday. clo. flow im. 35^ Signs ofthuntler and rain* Trinity Sunday. About thtft days Sun and clock toge. ^t'* Tnr.y expeSi heavy ftgSy find /mall rains 19 Perig* id Snnd. paft Trin. Pka/nnt Weather St. John Bap. hut decs not lajt clock faft 2m. 7f. I 27I ;l long. j 28 D j 2d pall 'rrinity. j 29J 2! St. Peter, ■j ;?o' 3 clock fall z.-n. 561". f i i H.M. 2C 5^ 5 26, 6 27J - 4 24 8 4 24 8 4 23 8 4 23 8 4 22 8 4 21 8 4 "21 8 4 20 8 4. 20 8 4 20 8 98 ^\ 9 8 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 8 9 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 ■ 4 IS 29 belly. 26 reins 22 fee re If 16 29 thi^h? knees 22 legs 16 28 feet 22 head 18 neck i7 arms 16 breail 15 »9 heart 25 belly II 50 mom' o 17 44 1 II 1 39 2 7 2 36 3 6 J rife 9 10 9 4(6 10 42 11 10 II 38 (norn. o 7 36 1 o 1 40 2 15 2 55 3 3« ^ rilt 8 33 9 " 9 44 10 42 10 41 11 8 12 45 1 30 2 15 3 5 3 55 4 40 5 30 6 15 7 3 7 53 8 39 9 20 10 10 11 o 11 50 12 48 1 45 2 35 3 25 4 15 5 5 5 55 6 45 7 40 8 30 9 20 10 10 11 o II 50 12 40 { \ •h^ )9; -K 1 r 4^ i i. l\ P o o o o c o mmm BIIk ."i- ,r">^. •> .i /.> I J U-* ■ -ii^W-.. 4»l □ VII. JULY, hath XXXI Days. 1778, J Firft Quarter 2d Di>', ih. Morning, # Foil Moon 9 h Day, 1 1). Afternoon. d Lail Quarter i6ih Day, Midnight. # New Moon 24th Day, &h. 1501. Morning. ^ Firll Quarter 3111 Hiy 5^. Aficrnoon. M|W' Remarkahit D^yst r, s. i> 'ft r.^i. r Hen. D Id IVeather, i^c, .h.m. h. Placc.iH M H M t 1 4? pUafant greiMing 4 19 8 22 II 35i I 30 || 2 5JVil. Virgin Mary. 4 3^0 8 reins. 1.2 0; 2 20 3 6i % Pi po^,. lutatbif, 4 20 8 ^18. morn.j 3 10 4 7 clock fait 3m. 42r. 14 21 8 frcret 30; 4 5 D 3d paft Trinity I4 21 8 '7 I 0: 4 48 6 2 Moderate Jhoiuers , ;4 2 2 I! ihigh » 43! 5 38 . 7 3 nAiith thunder. 4 22 8 , 15 .. 2- 50 6 25 8 4 ana lightning. 4 23 8 knees 3." 7 15 . 9 5 clock »aa 40). 30!*. 4 23 8 H ([nH; ^ 5. 10 6 1 ^ 4 24 8 28 8 24 »55 1 1 7 ^Aj^i a//a 4 25 8 legs. 9 »5 9 4P 12 D 4th paft Trin. 4 25 8 26 9 40 10 30 »3 2 ptrhcps thunder. 4 26 8 tect. 10 ij II 20 ( M 3 ciock f aft 5m. I if. 4 27 8 24 10 42 12 10 ; »5 4 A few Days cf raiu 4 28 8 head. 1 1 14 I a ' 16 5 Per. fo/^ 'we(ither A ?9 8 >7 1 1 46 * 50 1 "^ 6 and then nvar/rf again. 4 30 8 29 (iiorn. 2 40 i^ 7 clod; lad 5m. 34f. 4 31 8 ntck M 3 30 »9 D ;fh paft Trin. 4 32 8 25 « A 4 20 2> 2 Fine gtO'VJ{ng IVeat^er. + 33 8 arms 1 42 5 10 . 21 3 Rain and thunder ^ 4 34 8 21 2 3c 6 ' 2^ 4 A nuet moon is at 4 35 8brcaft 3 2C 6 50 7 40 25 5 clock iaft 5m. 5 if. 4 36 8 lb 4 ic 24 6 hand. 4 37 8 i»eus t ^ fets 8 30 25 2( D Sr. JA^lES. 6ih pud Trinity. 4 33 8 }■ 59 8 16 29 7 .)' 9 20 2; 2 |. 40 8 loejly. 8 4." il 2^ 3 do, faft 5m, 54r. t- 40 8 25 9 ^'i II 5c 29 ^ Foggy, dull f 4i « reii.S g 4., 12 .0 l^ c ©Ap, DogDays be 4 42 8 21 101. i 3» nveather. f 43 8 fec;ets,io 48 J 2 2C. J VIII, AUGUST hath XXXI Days, 1778.' I ■ • ■■ . Pll.l ! I I f '■" ■ ' . ' . '' J I m ' O Full Moon 8th Day, 2h. Morning. d l^ait Charier 151)1 Day uh. Morning. 1^ New Moon, 22(1 Day, 5b. Ahernoon. P Firtl Qiiarter 30th Day, 2h. Morning. M D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 o I 2 3 4 5! 6 ■'■P'W ' Remarkable Days, PTeather, ^c. 7 D 2 3 4 S 6 7 *l 9 20 21! 22" 33| 25 36; 27i 2^1 29' 3^ 3I' Lammas Dvyv. 7th paftTkiN. clock fall 5111. 42 C UnpJe a/ant njiteMther and moft likely to ccfi:lfiue *till the full moon. cl. f^m. i^r. ^^rw PI 8th pail Trin. 2 St, Li^WRENCE. 3' If'eathef. 4 Pr, of Wales b. 1762 5 cj^ f 4«n. ijf. (9 l>e. 6: Hear no ill of a friend^ 9rh part Trin. Aflr y/>^4/f ••i/ry of an enemy f do. f. 301. i2r. Plea/ant jho'voers end ivai'm. Perhaps thunder, loth part Trimty St. Barth- clock fart im. 44^ O Aponee. r-j- © /. P J jrj. p/ H.M.H.'Place.iH. M. 4 44 81 18 Si I 19 4 45 8 thigh !i I 55 4 47 81 16 inborn. 7 D 2 3 4 5 6 7 D .•J 5 ■iV '^^ " \'- -V. k f > V, .„,.T ■*.V".^»-'- •»., 'V X' ^V-*- \ ^ V^.'**^" " ''J.' v-n"*- \1 ( I i.)»,ft««r.*»— • Ml D ' I I( ^\ * "W^W" 4 IX. SEPTEMBER hsth XXX Days, 1778. • Full Moon 6th Pay, i][h. Morning. ]} Lad Quarter 13th Day, at 8h. Afternoon, # New Moon 21 It Day, 5h. Morning. ([ Firft Quarter 28ih Day, 2h. Afternoon. a M 11 M'W Remarkable Days, •*. G J.| D's j r.^s.\F.Sea» \ i D|D Weather, tfr. ri M H 'Place. H.M. morn. H M. 1 '. 3 -^ >^^// ofpleajant 5 26 7 knees 4 JO 2 4 'u/eather > 28 7 «7 53 5 i 3 5 Kefifatisfed twilh doing > 30 7 29 « 5 50 1 1 1 4 6 ive/l ; a»d let ethrs s 31 7 legs. 3 8 6 40 ^ t 5 7 talk as they pleafe 33 7 24 4 18 7 30 ^-Okx^ ! 6 D I2lh p. T. cl.f.54.f.iin. 35 7 feet. C fi^^' 8 20 1 7 2 36 7 19 7 4 9 10 8 3'Nat. V.Marv Dog 38 7 head. 7 39 10 9 4 ( pAYS^Zf^. 39 7 14 S 16 10 50 U " #i 10 II 5 6 % Perige. 4' 7 43 7 28 neck. 9 2 9 4' 11 40 12 30 ^^^^ 12 •3 7 D clo. flow 3m, 55f. I3ch paft Trin. 44 7 45 7 26 arms. 10 18 10 48 1 20 2 10 ^ t »4 2 ITs tinre to prepare for 47 7 ^4 Ji 14 3 M 3 the autumnal Equinox 48 7 breart nr.orn. 3 50 \ 16 4 clo. flow 5m. \()(. 50 7 18 6 4 40 ■ 17 5 Lamb. l^Whop pnj/ihly 52 7 29 1 6 5 30 ,1 18 6 it mav hloiv hard. 53 7jJj«^art 2 5 6 20 I '9i 7 clock fl.ovv 7m. 3r. S5 7 27 3 5 7 1 20; D part Trin. 56 7 belly. 4, 5 7 50 ^ 1 J 21 2 St. Fviatihew. 3 58 7 H 5 lets 8 30 Z2 3 K. Gi-ORG'-: III. cro. 55 59 7 reins. 6 46 9 20 ^> 1 / 23 4 @ Apogee \o 6 »9 7 »2 10 10 1 24 5 Cold morjtings and 6 I 6:recret 7 46;! I ■ 25 D clo. flow 8m. 25f. 6 3 6] 16 8 30|ii 50 1 ^ 26 7 St. Cyprian 6 5 6;th:ghs 9 1 6; 12 40 M 27! D i^^h pall Trinity j6 6615 «o » ^ 8 6 29 II 10 I 30 V" 28 2 evenings, \6 2. 20 i » 29! 3 St Mich. \6 9 6 knees morn. 3 «o I 1 301 4 clock flow lom. 4f- *6 II 6i 27. 012 a. B. X. OCTOBER hath XXXI. Days, 1 778. ^ # Full Moon 6ih Day zh. Morning. ([ Lad Quarter i2ih Day, »t Midnight. 9 New Moon 20th Dav, 311. Afternoon. J Firft Quarter 28.tlj Day, ph. Morning. MIW Din Remarkahle Days, Weather, l5c. II i 2I 6 3 7 4D 3 6 7 9 10 1 ) 12 ^3 H '5 16 '7 18 '9 2< 21 22 23 2^ 2C 2( ! 3 ' 2 3 S 6 7 D 2 3 4 S 6 ^^ / D 2 4 6 Higb'4tinds and and plenty ef > ^ rTiin,'* i6ih paft Trin. do. flow um. i8f. y*. O s.\ D *s r.©/. |i^../^9 neck. arms. 16 bieall H 28 heart. 26 heljy 23 reins 21 fecret 16 29 thigl ?7 kll«.e^ 24 I.JO '2 3 4 5 30 3» 40 49 6j Ic-i 6^18 i6 56 6i 29 clock flaw j6na. 1 if. .6 58 6i Utc Drik 6 29 7 8 8 9 10 1 1 15 o 48 38 3^ 22 mo;n. o 15 I 2 2 3 8 2 54 53 Dfeis 53 28 2 6 7 8 iO ) I 55 X 6 ;noin. a 15 » -5 2 35 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 ii II 12 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 •7 8 9 !0 10 II 12 I 2 2 .1 45 35 25 45 30 >5 o 50 40 30 20 10 o 45 30 ^5 o 45 30 K 48 36 24 12 O 3« 28 .f jT2 5 16 10 49 1 20 12 5 can do to-day. 7 13 5 belly II 48 3 10 »3 6 7 H 5 H morn 4 H 7 CI. fl. 15m. i6f. 7 "5 5 28 47 4 50 15 D 22th p. Trin. 7 16 5, reins I 45 5 40 16 2 High iwindt and 7 18 5 /5 2 45 6 30 17 3 •# Apogee 7 19 5 fecrct 3 46 7 20 18 4 greut rains* 7 21 5 17 4 47 8 »9 5 Continues cold and 7 22 5 29 Diets 8 40 20 6 CI. fl. 1401. I5f. 7 23 5 fhighs 5 43 9 30 2] 7 *wet» 7 24 5 25 6 35 10 20 22 D 23d pad Till N. 7 25 5 knees 7 3« II 10 -^3 2 St.C'LfiMIKT. 7 26 5 19 8 39 12 24 3 CI. fl. 1 2m. 56r. 7 27 5 legs 9 46 12 50 25 4 High nvinds 7 28 .; H 10 54 I 40 26 5 and rarVf 7 29 5 28 morn 2 30 27 6 fhe/e dcrys. 7 30 5 feet 8 3 20 28 7 Clock flow iim 381' 7 3* 5 26 I 20 4 10 29 L) Advent Swndat 7 32 5 head 2 26 5 30 2 S:. Anprew. 7 33 5 25 3 35 5 50 .— a [Xn. DECEMBER hath XXXI Days. 177S. • Full Moon 4ih .Day, lU. Mornin)|[. C Lart Qiiarier nth Day, lih* Morning. • New Moon i8ih D.iy, tfh. Night. 1> Firll Quarter 26ih Day, 4h. Mo ning. . ■ I ». W D 3 4 5 6 M D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I i 12 <3 14 15 16 17 iS »9 20 zi\ "I 23) 4 24' 25J6 27!d 28 *9 7 D 2 4 5 D 2 5 Remarkabli Days, H.M.H. Place 3t* • Pw ^a\. your/elf , 3d Advent 1 7 33 3+ 35 36 37 38 38 39 39 401 40 . 4' 7 7 7 I 7 7 7 7 7 3- 31 9Apo .el. (t. 4m. i^r. /i:/flr^ plea/ant ^uj tat her but not 'very tvarm, CI. flow 2m. 5 if. Cslear and cold 4lh in AovENt followed cl.fl. 5of twith great Jnonv, San and clock cog. Christ born. St. Stkphen Sr^ JOHN Evan. Innocents. ^ Per. 7 41 CI. fall jm. Sr. 741 Co/d and clear ends 7 40 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 //* 71p nil 40 neck 21 arms. l3 bread 15 28 heart >7 belly >5 Reins 28 fecrci 25 rhigh 22 knees 16 28 legs. feet 21 head 16 neck 1 16 i arms ] «4 H.M. 4 4'! <: 4^ 6 5. d nl\ 5 37 6 35 7 33 83^ 9 27 io 24 II 22 fmorn. .0 20 1 18 . 3.«4 3 33 4 43 "> 53 5 fct. 5 5^ 6 ^i 7. 57 8 9 9 24 10 41 n 57 morn 2 10 3 24 4 39 F Sea. H M { 6 7 8 8 9 10 1 1 12 12 I 2 3 4* 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 II 12 I 2 2 3 4 5 5 I nH p>. 5 52' 6 dUMl. 40 25 40 30 20 10 o 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 o 50 40 30 20 10 54 39 24 9 39 I -^ sran^ -t Afc*^'^*** " " — a 78. r//. M I 50 40 I 30 20 10 9^i \jA^ '"^ A^ od^ - ■ ■/ 4^ ^^ -•^■j' '>» •jWi'fmT'%- '■'-'-^■»'" ■- . iZ^ aiaAju £)uy4x.4Jsu> t!^ y^ ii% u^^5^:^ o^c^^tr^ ~y 9' ?■ > ''■•-/.^ K !^, ^Ai6^-'»-' I, C 9- ViuA Cy mmmmmmimim f > f Y ■\' // ^?»<:^. C^^. ^tn^ M ^ '^^L&^aAri^':^^ <^^^^-^^^-»v'<^!^^'-^->^--^tfc,^J^ fftaife5»«--— 7 Ti'"." Ipence SKiUii 4 lAfitE o. Expentis or IVages ^lADERy by this fmtU 7e Fury yt Father ivkerein Wauling \ « Man ''opofitUf, W^ ac^ ««, eath\ and Foot \o/ Lands, '0 trudg§ nvtthout P'i/reffion ^ order He that 'en that Ftd'Veur, '« the ployed to ' Ltber. '' Danger, ''Oildrgfi ' French. 'which 'reeborn La-vus ^ e'very ^ildren * Jhall yment, » and ects I ■ % ccor-" veer, y of vens hut nubefherfor the letter or -joorft Time will determint* Many pious and godly Matrons nvill recei've fiu/eet Jitt of Jcul-fa'vingneftjromfome Go/pel Amhajjadon this lea jtn and by taking intvardly the outwa*d Man, *will raijt up the neiv, to the great Edification of tho/e Vejfelt of jahatiout and Jttcreajebf the Flock nf Believirt, People n»ill be in gi eat Expectation of Di ft urbane ts among Jomt neighbouring Potentates about this Time, and feemingly not others, for feveral old tottering Letchers, with Snow on their Heads and Frod in their Bones., will go coughing and limping after a parcel of young Girls, like fo many reverend old Goats. About Michaelmas there will be a mod dreadful Mortality among the Geefe, and another Among the Turkeys ac Chriftmas. Every Lottery Office Keeper in Londou and elfewhere will enter into Par- tnerfhip with one Mr. Qoodluck ; but Mr. Goodluck will be Vox et preterea nihil , invifiblc to mortal Ken ; however, he will cheat like the very Devil, and thofe that buy at his Shop may depend on having the-«> Odds againll them ; but the worft Plague that will befat us this Seafon will be a molt horrible, hateful, direful difnial, doleful, dieadful, difmal, doleful, dreadful, diabolical Difttmper, one of the moil Hiameful, the iroft foul harrowing difeafes that ever tormented the Sons of Men, and the Name of it is — Want of Money t With refpe£l to the Waf — Peace, Peace! And now for a Touch a' Politics, and then 1 have done ; the (Irenght of the Nation confift in the Number of people id it, ana in the Riches of the Individuals ; confequently every ftep that has a Tendency to leflfen the Number of People, or to reduce the moft numerous Glafs to Poverty, ma(t have its EiFcAs in weakening and impovertlhing the Nation ; but, if we examine the (late of Great Brtam by this Rule, we (hall (ind that the greatelt Enemy (he ever had could never devife a more pernicious Method to ruin her than that which is porfued at prefent by the monopolizing of Farms, andreduciuM ihe lower Clafs of People into a Jlnte of Servitude iiule better than Slavery ; The ^nly Method of redoring the Kingdom to a better Sraje, would be by laying a Tax of fifteen or twentjf Shillings an Acre, on every Acre of Land above a ctr.ain Npmber that any Perfon (hould have, either direftly, in his own PofTtlllon. Any Perfon that kribws^ any Thing about Government, will fee the Property fif Tanri Cane Virg 6cor €api Th 1 n " a 1ft of facH a Method at firfl Sight; And now, mj geil- tle Readers. I (hall bid you farewell till the next Year, therefore call for a full Pot of the very beft^ P"clc up your Ears, apd take a hearty Pull for the Honour of King George and Old England. The Namei and Charafters ofthe Twchc Signt, Aries, Taarns. C-ancer. iXjimiiii. Leo. L\bra. Sagitar. Aqoari* Pifces. The Namci and ChaTa£ters of the Twelve Signs&Hoofes. I. n Gemini, the Arms. 4. an Cancer, the Bread. 5. * SI Lto, the Heart. 6. njl Virgo, the Belly. 7. g5s Libra, the Loin ^. 8. rn, Scorpio, the Secrets. 9, ' 4^ Sagittary, the Thighs. 10. Vf Capricorn, the Kneet, II. SS Aquary. the Legs. 12. 5£ Pifces, the Feet. Thefe are the Twelve Houfes of Henven, from whefiG& Artroiogers fetch their Intelligence, Keeping their State Intelligencers there. Their Spies to fee what's done in every Sphere;* But oftentimes, whatever they do all, Their Spies and their Intelligence Joih faiU The dominion of the Moon in Mart's Eodfi Pafling under the TWelv^c Zodiacal CONSTELATIONS- V Jriti tfcad and Face. b taui'us Seek & f hroat. It Gtmini Arms &(houI- ders. SB Caffrerfifeaft &Stoiiiach. Si Lto Heart and Back. fiR Virgo ho^tU it Belly. ^ Lihra Reins and Lotns. rix Scorpio Secret Members. / ^' Thighs &Hips. if Ctf^r/VtfrnKhees&Hams. ^ Aquarius Legs & Ancle5; >€ Pz/^f/ Feec and Toes. The Nam0s & Charadlcrs of the Planets. Wiih the Dragon's Head and Tai/, Jf Saturn. 1 t % Jupiter. S-0» 0^ the San. < S Mars. 3 ^ .4 $ Veno^« 0^ the San. 4 ^ Mercury, I ]) the Moon; Q Dragon's Head. © Dragoh*^ Tail. 'tm^ The Chara^ers of the Afpeft^. r> I A Trine. Upon the Twelve Signs, ^ The Head and Face the ^am not atwayi rule : V The Neck aftd Throat are govern'd by theSuIh U O'er th' AriDs and Shoulders dill the fwitu prefide: So- Breaft, Stomach, Kibs, the Crooked Crai dotk guide. ^ The noble Lion roles the Back and Heart' : na The b^r^ifal A7r|m claims the Belly Parf. tf& The Reins and Loins the equal Salanct weight III, The Scorpion o'er the Secret Parts doth fwa^* j( The curious Archtr d&th tfie Thighs arfedl : 1^ So doth the Gnat our bended Knees proted^ ;:; The Legs unto Aquariu's Lot do fall ; H Tnc //> car aAive Feet Ueit Pbiiioii calU *!' -ml ■fete JA Table of the KINGS and QUEENS of England^ from Egbert to our So- vereign Lord George III. Their Names* I 2 3 4 King Egbert EtheU6olf Ethelbald Ethelbeit c Ethdred I. 6 Alfred 7 Edw. I. Saxon 8 Ethelftan 9 Edmund I. io Eldred ii Edwia 12 Edgar \ 5 Edw. II. Saxon 14 Ethelred II. t5 Edmund II. Danish L/ne. \6 CanutHsK 17 Harold A 18 Canutus II. 19 Edwi ConfefTar zo Harold Norman Line. 21 Willi. Conq. 22 William Rufus 73 Henry I. 24 Stephen Saxon Line reflored. 25 Henry M. 26 Richard I. 27 John Heig*;! 81917 83621 857i 3 860 6 866j e 87229 901 '23 92416 940 946 955 959 975 978 1016 1017 1037 1040 1042 1066 9 4 16 3 38 20 3 2 24 I 1154 1189 Thcfr Names. Rerg beg 1272 1307 1326 1377 29 King Edward I. 30 Edward II. 31 Edward III. 32 Richard II. Lancafter Line. 3^ Henry IV* 34 Henry V. 35 Henry VI. York Line. 36 Edward IV. 37 Editeard V. 38 Richard III. Families United. 39 Heniy IV. 40 Henry VIIL 41 Edward VL 42 Queen Mary I, '>y 43 Queen Elizabeth *'^ J Kingdoms United. 35 19 51 22 1399 I4>3 1422 1460 1483 1483 1485 1509 14 9 38 23 o I 24 38 6 5 45 27 John ''"^ '" 44 James I. 45 Charles I. 46 Charles II. 47 James II. 1 Mary II. 4^ } WilHam III. 49 Queen Anne 50 George I. 51 George II. ^2 George III. Whom God preferve 1603,22 1625123 1648I36 1684! 4 1688I 6 1988114 1702 12 1714U 172733 The following Tible (hews yon the H^eigbt ; and, not only (o, but a\(o^ the Falue oi the Gold and Sxlvir Coini of England, 9\ 3 16 Weight. Gold dwt. gr. Guinea • 5 Half Guinea 2 Silver. A Crown - 19 Half Crowa 9 Shilling - 3 Six-Pence - i I Value. 1. 8. I 1 10 d* 8 k 16 i O o o o o 5 2 I o 6 o 6 o According to the above Proportions, it appears, that the Value of a lb. of Silver is 3!. 2. And of alb. of Gold 44^ Guineas t or 46I. 14s. 6d. Alfo that the •%* of Silver is 5s. 2d. and the 0%. of Gold 3I. 17s. lod.^, which Standard Price is the fame with the prefent Bank Price ; according to which is calculated the following TABLE of the Values of the feveral Weights of Gold Coin at Bank, or Standard Price. cJJt s. d. qT dws 1. 8. d. q. oz 1. 8. d. q 17 10 2 2 I 3 10 2 I 3 2 7 9 2 2 7 15 9 3 3 11 8 1 3 u 13 7 2 3 4 IS 7 I 4 >5 II 6 3 5 19 5 2 5 19 9 4 2 6 II 3 6 3 4 2 6 23 730 7 3 7 7 3 I 7 ^7 5 1 2 8 2 8 II 2 8 31 300 9 2 9 15 3 9 35 10 2 10 2 10 18 II I 10 38 18 9 12 10 I 12 2 6 9 II 42 16 7 2 20 3 3 15 2 i3 _4 31 12 40_ 14 6 y Note. That a lb. or any other Weight of Gold, is to the fame Weight of Standard Silver as 15 V? to i, or as 15 to one nearly: /. e. The Standard ,Gold is lA Value 1 5 rimes that of Silver, and ^V "no""*' *^* No Gold to pafs which weighs lefs as below, viz* GUINEA. - - . 5dwt. 8 gr. HALF-GUNIEA, - - 2 16 • • Province of NontaScetia. Governor, Francis Legg, Efqr; Lieutenant-Governor, Tht Monoialb M A R I O T AR B UTH NOT, Sfiij Uh Majeft/s dmndL The Honorable Micbiel Francklm, Charles Morrii, Rick. Bulkdey* Henry Newton, Jonath. Binnej, jof. Gorham, The Homrable Arth. Goeld, John Butler, Jamet Burrow, If -J. Crei^too, M fi M B £ R S of the H$tt/t of Jftmlj. €o\xntj of Haitf ax, W'dlhm Vtlbitt, James Browne Efqvai Ii John PhiUppi and James Brenton,. Efq; Comfy 'f Antaftlii, Wm. Shaw and Henry Evans, Efqra. Cou: : " KMnenburgt Otho Wm, Schwartz and Jekn Newton, Efqrs. JCing 'i^r{y, H. D. Denfon and W. Toi^, Efiys. County of CumUrlaiid, JothamGay, Efqr; ««d Mr. Tfcew Dickilin« Queen's County, Wm. Smith and Simeon Ferkifit, Sfqrt* County of Amtaiy, Charles Morris and Jamet Simonds, Eiqre. Townof ftz///a», Tkomaa Bridge and JefephfaUbaBka, Bl||rt Onfi§w, Truro, Mr. Sam. Arckibald. tndoud erty, Jmu^lit, Mr. Ph. LoTett,ju. Granville, Gkrill. Prince, Sfq; tMtuiAwg, Ph. Knaut, £^{ Barton, Jef. Pierie, Sfq; Gir«iM^,Jn.ChlpnM», £% Faim§utk,Ui. Nnxthup, £% Hiwport, Jf. Defthaaapa, Efq^ Cmttftaad, Mi. H. Kbs» Suchfillt, Ambttrjt Live rpoal, Mr. Tho. Cockratt. TiiiCNfSfA. BarriHf^t }»^n FilUa, ££f { Seer4tary 0/ tka Pr§vime, Honoiebte Richard BuUieky, £fqt Chief Sureyor of Land», Hon. Charles MorcjiSy Mi/n Attorney General, William Nefbitt, Efqj SoUieitor General, Richd. Gibbons £% Treafurer, Benjamin Green, Efq) RcgiAer, Hon. Arthur Goold, Efqj » ProT»it Marfliall, John Fenton, Efq ; Naval Qflcer, Winek. | Toege, £fqi Judge of the Court of Admiralty for Appeals, Jonath, Sewall, Efq j Hit Dfl^ty, James Brenton, £fq ; Provincial Coart of Admiraltt. Honorable Richard Bulkeley, Bfq } Judge. Ckaslea Morris Ittttior £fq; Regifter. -^ Wm. Smith Efil) Marihall. Hit Mijelly*s Suprtmi C^urt for the Pfo^tncf* Ifonorable Charlei Morris, Efqt Cluc^ ]i#ie«i. jft»c vt^hmft, £11^ jm^i^r **" ^"^ t t-^^trw-jflwv i*jirfi,W h Jufticei of the Inferior Court t #/* Common Pleas, County of Halifax, H. Newton, Geo. Cottnam, Jonath. Binney, William Smith and Benja. Green, Ei^ri ; County of Annapolis, Jaf. Wenniett, Henry Evans and Thomas Williams, Efqrs; ^ovncy of Lunenburg, John Creighton, L. C. Rudolph^ Jofepk Pernette, and Jonath. Prefcott, Efqrs. Xing'f County, H. D. Dcnfon, John Burbidge, Samuel Wilioughky and Labeus Harris, Efq ; County of Cumberland, Edward Birron, James Law Efqrs. Queen's County, Simeon Perkins and fSatnuel Freeman, Wm. John-* ftone, Efqutres. Townfliips of Yarmouth, Barrington, and Argylt in Queen's County, John Crawley and John Barnard, Efqrs. Jufticei of the Peace in the County of Halifax. W.Nefbit W. Tongne John BHfbidge, Benj. Green, Joha Cunning-r ham, Geo. Cottnam John Newton, Ifaac Defchampji, W. Smith. Georgi Walker, W. Rulfel, Phipps, J. F. W. Def- barres, Charles Morris, jun. (George Smith, Enoch Ruft, Jof. Gray, Giles Tidmaifli John Fillis, George Defchamps, Daniel Cunningham, Tho. Profter, Th'}. Bridge, G. W Sherlock, and J. G. Pyke. Efqrs; bounty af Antapolis. William Neibitt, Jofeph Winuietc Henry Etans, John Hall, Jofeph Fatten, Phineas Lovei, Thomas WiU liams, Ohriftopher Prince, W. Shaw, and S. Katherns, Efqrs« For the Townfhip of Wilmn, Ph. Richardfon, Efqr; County of Lunttibmrgj L. C. Rudolph, Jjfeph |Prefcott, Jofeph Per- nette, D. C. Jeflen, Ph.Knaut, and Henry Fergufon, Eiqrs. Xjatg*/ County, I . Defohamps, Wm. Nefbitt, H. D. Denfon, Winck . ToBge, John Burbidge, Charles Morris, junior. Jofeph Bailley, Labeus Harris, Haadley Chipman, Samuel Wilieughby, Nathan Df!w«lf, Jofeph Gray, Joieph Pierfe William Beft, Jofeph Northup. John Chipman and Abel Mitchener, Efqrs. 6ounty of CumAtrlawd, William Allan, Edward Barron, Robert Scet, James L^Wj Charles Dickfon,|Chriftopher Harperand S, BUek, Efqrs. ^H»'s County , Simeon Perkins, John Crawley, £ph.|eook, Sam. Free- man, Renald M'Kennon, Phintas Durke, Bcnj. Green, Nathaa Tupper, Wm. Joknitone, If. King?and Archelaus Smith, Efqts. County of fiiiifoi:)^, James Simmonds, James White, Jfrael Pearly, Thomas Profter, Phineas Nevers, Jervis Say, and Jacob i^acon, Efqrs. For the Tcvvnihipi of Onflow, Truro And Londondtrry, Daridl Archibald, J*""^* Fulton, James Yuill John Mahon and J^fliua Lamb, Efqrs. County of ILinii Cou County ol County County o John N J4r. U V * lupri nu 1 ^ At At At IN F< ^1 JUDGES oftbi Courti for tbt Probati r/ Willsj, Charles Morrit» £r^; Joaior^ ^arro^at^ General; 7-77^r7flhe Officers ol Hu MajeUy -- LIST »/'« " „( CoUeftot. Iota New."'" Wj- G^iger. And .t l^'^-^^^Toefd.y of 0**J^:;____, if COURTS 0/ Special Stjfiens of iht Peatti At Wind/or^ The laft Toefday of Jum and fcconi Tuefday of Oaohtr, At Onflow, The Firll Tuefday of Ftbrua^y and Auguft* At BurringtoH, The Firft Tuefday ol Novembtr. At Yarmouth^ The Firft Tuefday oi Afril. For Che INFORMATION of thofe who refide in Che Country near the feveral Rivers which run into Che Bay of Fundy, It may be obfervcd, TH A T io and about Minis Bafon, Wind/or And that NrighbourHood, at the Full and Change of the Moon, ic is high Water about 12 o'Clock, and of Courie when the Moon quarters, it is high Water about 6 o'clock. At Cumberland and Annapolis, it is high Water at the Fall and Change oi the Moon about 15 Minutes after II o'clock. In Five Hours from the Time of high Water at Wind* fir, the River is fordable to Falmeutb, aed it remains ford^ble for three Hours in Summer, and two Hours in tile Winter Seafon. High Water at Windfir about $0 Minutes later than at Uoflin^ and in Cumberland Bafon and AnHapolis Bafoo nearly the fame, as at Bofton, (^ONTBNTMENT and CoVETOUSNESS ; TBnMPERANCI aWGluttont ; Sobriety and Drunkenness, €ompared ; jhe^Ming their refpeSlive effeSis on our bap- pinefs and mijery, CON TENT will give relifti to all my plcafures, andm^Jce mean epicure upon my little fortune, and enjoy to the lull heigth all that I have ; whilft covetoafnefs v^ould let me ftarve io the mid 11 of plenty, and make a beggar of me though I wallowed in gold. Temperance «od ibbriety will give me life and health, a calm and free cxerdfe of my reafon ; whilft gluttony and drunkenntfs «ifill enervate my body and ftupify ray foul, make me live Hke a beaft, and die like a fool. For pleafurefaas a bewitch- iog faculty, the more we tafle it, the more we hanker af- t!bth\ and therefore, the beft way to avoid being captiva- ted by th9t Syren, is to flop oar ears to her charms ; when #e have often baulked opr appetttesi 'by denying them what they crave, they will in a while ^tow fo quiet, that tUty win crave ao more. f % TDr( clean ? To am tftion is There making condutt A n fieknef Let! p'lciou) Stri' next. Iti theW fneak If It oc thee It ^ wUl ^ A I 4 «"! ta\ cf m tc d twQ tUiow dirt as*' ^ ftudiottstnan making P'"P«' «<»""""' . . My .E»i»« P*'" *"* f,*«f,..ra A. two f -'«„'„ ,.eu.U, v.eaV'-''. •«* ^ ^' ' ^/^^Jm on that .count. „ ,i,i b^ hapPT » •»« »tr to U'-"-"' '»*'""'-"*"'/,^, ^„,.. „o..«.l. theW company *^f ^J^^uittampleuponyou. ^^^^ „^3fy. ■ »^Ttht^-iSf t^.o. ... e«» >- o,. C- 'it- you give away no;;;4,^ will hardly thatvK you » ^ ^^^^ j-pj^e. mod«fty conceals. ^ "^ An idle Pf ^°"J* f^ft^^^^^^^^ are thofe f^^^^''^, all time. : diftiii- Thetrueftobjeft»otcn ' (hmes tortn, Real merit, like artleft i^ft.maWe gift,tUiie, . guiihingly i»»ft"f"'.-- ^,fter? of Heavetv * »^« \v>at migbt turn to the account of ihemfelves ano ^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ table? .. „d, to your own rum* Tudgeof yourfc fby tw i^^^g^^^,nt,andwno g^^^ . *"■" Sy?"-y^'"*'°';el-ofv,hatU bat-^i about bycoa- „„nf.metob«fa'«- , butabadmaBef. „„,i,;„j ,ok« •" Wealth i. • Bf^itrman i b«a»Ce h. w.U ft>^l^ ^^^_^^^^^ ^,^ ««»S=d. Jl '^,„j „,„ may ««»'3' '" ' ^^^mIm' » ' I* / n n-m ^ mean who cannot do mifchief. Therefore follow peace with al Fiefentu ought to be genteel; not expenfive ; They are not valuccl by generous minds for their own fake, but as marks qf love or cftetnt. .Whoever anticipates troubles, will find he has thrown awayagreae seal of terror and anguifh to nn purpofe^ Liire io as j>oV)ody may believe bad reports again(l you, * Whenever you find you do not care to look into yjur affairs^ yov may aflure yourft^lf th:ir they will foon not be fit t6 look into. Reform yourfclffirft, and then others. >. Do whu j^ood ollices you can : But leave yourfelf at liberty from pfomifes and eng-ip,cmonts. I^t no one overioad^you with favours : You will find it, ani|;|i- fufferable burden. ^ .^ There areniany doublings in the homane bcrt :Do notttiink you cari i^d out (he whole of a man's charadter at once, uulefs he isra Ibol. / Let no pretence of friendfliip miflcad you ; he is not your friend, who acteiripts it. IfyoucruAa known knave, people will not fo much as pity yooi i when you fuffcr by hire. An excellent Custom ofChina. THE hillorical relations of China tneationa ceremony of opening the grounds^ which the Emperor performs every year. The ciefign of thia pahlic and fukmo sdl » ic excite * the people totilla2ritied f very year of the hof- batidman who has dtdinguilhed himfelf mod in his profef- fion ; and he makes him a Mandarin of the eighth order. Amorg the ancient Perfians, the Kings quitted the gran« deor* and pomp, on the eighth day of the month CiiUipd Cbmtm rifiZt to eat with the hufbandmen. Thefe in-* ftttotions were well calculated for the encouragement of agricnltufe. •* Venty, the third Emperor of the third Dynafty, tilled the lands himielf, and made the Emprefs and his wives •mploy their liihe in the filk works in his palace. Hillory •f China. - - -r - I _ • -• — -^^— — ^— — ^- ^^^^ .^J ^^^ f' 4^'' % * 4 «4 fW^. ! -- f i ■4-r