1 Xaw Society ot XUpper (Taimba. CURRICULUM OP THE LAW SCHOOL, OSGOODE HALL, TORONTO. 1 t ■ ; a » ' . . . J 1 J . TORONTO : Canada Law Book Comi-anv, Toronto Street, 1900. }/i 6 c t\ • . • « • » • • • • • • • • • • •• • Xaw Society of Clipper (lanaba LKtJAI. KDICATION ("o.M M ITTKK. Z. A. liASH. (^('.. Chninii'in. Waltkk Bakwick. Q.C. VV. H. Kiddki.i.. (^C. KiOHAKi) Bayly. C^.C •lOHN HosKix. Q.C. H^inYAKD Maktin. Q.C B. B. OsLEK. Q.C, W, pRorOKOOT. ('. n. HiTCHiK. qy. ('. WolUXSON. Q.C. «;. F. Sheplky. (^C. H. H. Stkathy. (^.C. .1. V. Teet/ei.. Q.C. (J. H. Watson. q.V. PHKFA(^K. This pamphlet is desigiifrl \o afford necessary mforrna tion to Stndents-at-Law, and those intending^ to V)econie such, in regard to their course of study and examinations. They are. however. als(> reccMnniended to read cai-efull\ in conuection herewith the Kulcs of tlie Law Socict\ . 72477 'P PAIiLK OK ('()NTKN'I\S. .. l'.\■> (ViiKK I LI M OK The Law S( hool. (>S(J()()I)K HALL, TOJ{()NT(). TUK LAW si^rrooL. N. W. Hoyi.es. R.A.. q.i\ K. Douoj-iAs Akmoitk. Q.C. A. II. Maksh, H.A.. LL.B.. q.(\ .John Ki\(i. M.A.. <^('. M('(tIrio(K)H YorxG. H.A, Ej'fttnivct's: (JooDWix (liMsoN, M.A. H. K. Kosk. li.A.. LL.U. .1. A. ('. Camkuon. LL.B. .W. X. Tillky. DIKKCTIONS TO STl'DKXTS. Admission of students to the Law ScK-ictv of I'piH'r ('.'inadii takes place twice a .vear, namely, in Easter Term. Nvliicli eoinmenees on the tliii-d iMonday in May. and ends on the third Saturday thereafter, and in Trinity Term, wiiieli commences f Imviiiy: passed witliiii four \*-i\ys of liis iipplioiMoii. nii rxMiiiiiiiitioii in tin' subjt'cts spccilir*! in Sclicdiilc A. f Ai»p«'n(lix). or n ('fi'tificjitc of h!ivin«; inntricninlcd in siidi nnivfi-sitv within such pci'iod of fonr yciirs. (4) A ciindidiitr wlio sliall pi'csrnt, m cci-titicalt' of liMvin«: pnssctl witliin four vciirs of Ids npplic-dittii, tlic .lnni«)r Mnfricnhdion Kxiindiuition lu'ld )»v tlit- l)t'|)}irtnM'nt of Kducation. (.")) A oidrl (»f IIm' Hovnl Militjiry Collci^c. Kiiitrston. who hjis piisscd, within fonr ycnrs of his npplicjition. in l)oth the Oblitrntory and Vohmtary <'xnnnnati<»ns ht'hl for f'ldrancr. and who has also taken the foursc in the Collcy;*' foi- one year and passed the exainiindion at the end of the year. This rej>idati(»n continues in force only so lony a Beiu'her of the Soci«'ty. statin^: his intention t<» enter. A fee of one dollar must l>e paid with this notice. This notice is permitted and must he given, althoujrh the applicant has uot at the time passed the (pnilifyin}*: exanumition. Tlie blank form of uotii-e atnl all other forms nuiy l>e <)btained l)efoivhand frotn the Secretary ui)on application to hiiu. if tlie (pialifyiiif? examimition is to be held before the end of Kastei- Term the four weeks' m()tice above re((uired may be t^iveti for that Term. If such examination is f() be held before the end of Trinity Term the notice inuy be given for that term. As soon as the ai)plicant has heard the result of his exandnatiou. and obtains his certificate or Iish('(l on ifs pnfscnt ItuHis l).v the Law Society of Upper ('Miiadu in ISH!), under the |)rovisions of rules paHHcd by tlie Society in the exercise of its statutory l)(»w(^rs. It is eonducted under the iinniediate supervision of tlie LetrnI Education Coiuniittee of the Society, suliject to the control of the licnchers of the Society in Convocation assenihled. Its purpose is to secure as fai" as possil»h' th<' jmssession of a thoroutjh leyral education by all th()se who ente noon the pra(^tice of the lejjal profession in the Trovinee. To this end. attendance at the School (hiriu}? three terms or sessions is made compulsory u|)on all wlio desire to l>e admitted to the practice of the Law. The course in the School is a three years' course. Tlie term or session coninu'uces on the fourth Monday of >>eptemher, and ends on the last Monday in April, with a vacation commencin}; on tlie Saturday before Christmas and cmliiiH' on the Satunhiy after New Year's day, and a vacation at Easter comniencinf^ (ui the Thursday before Oood Friday, and eoneludintj at the end of the ensuing week. Admission to the Law Society is ordinarily a condition ])rec«'dent to attendance at the Law School. Every student- at-ljaw before being allowed to enter the School nuist present to the Principal a certificate of the Secretary of the Law Society, shewing that he has been duly admitted upon the books of the Society and that he has i)aid the prescril)ed fee for the term. Stmlents, however, residing elsewhere, and desirous of attending the lectures of the School, but not of qiuilifying themselves to practice in Ontario, are allowed upon pay- ment of the usual fee to attend the lectures without adnjission to the Law Society. , The student is required to pass the examinations in the Law School at Osgoode Hall on the subjects prescribed ]>y th»' Law ScIkkiI Curriculum as set out in App«'ii(lix (H.). Students vvlio luiv«' failed at tin* examinations for any year ai'c ol»liji;«'d to aj^ain attend the lectures for that year. A H:raicii)al or a Lectuivr, who states the (^ase to be argued, and appoints two students on each side to argue it, of which notice is given, and printed copies of tlie case distril)uted, one week ju'fore the day foi' argumeut. The decision is pronounced at the close of the argument or on some future day. Two lectures (one hour) (hiily in each year of the course are delivered on Monday, Tuesday, VVednesday and Thurs- day of each week. Printed schedules shewing tlie days and hours of all the lectures are distributed among the students at the com- niencenient of the term. At each lecture the attendance of students is carefully noted, and a record thereof kept. 8 At, tlic close of cjicli tcnii, tlio Principal certifies lo Die Le^al Education Coniinitteo the names of those students who a|)i)ear l)y the record to liave duly attended the lectures of that tei'in. No stud<'nt is to l)e certified as havinj,' duly attended the lectures, unless lie has atteiuled at least ti\e- sixths of the at,'r mav l)e dealt with bv the Committee. 10 EXAMINATIONS. Tlu' Law Society does not liold any entrance examination. Ai)i»licants for admission mnst brinjj themselves witliin one of the five classes of cases mentioned on the pi'e('edin«j pages 3 and 4. The law examinations wliich every stndent and derk must pass after his admission, viz., first intermediate, second intermediate and final examinations, must he i)assed at the Law Scliool examinations under the Law School Curricuhim hereinafter ])rintcd, the first intermediate examinations being passed during the first, tlie sec<)nd intermediate examinations during second, aiul tlie final examinations the close of the third year of the School course respectively. The intermediate and final examinations are divided into two i)arts, one being held before the Christmas vacation, and the other at the close of the School year. Tlie two parts of the secoiul intermediate and final examinations are, in regard to passing, distinct and iiulei)cndfiit examinations. The percentage of marks Avhich must l)e olitained in order to pass an examination of the Law School is fifty-five l)er cent, of the aggregate number of mai-ks obtainable, and twenty-nine per cent, of the marks obtainable ujKjn each paper. Examinations are also lu^ld in the week commencing with the third Monday in Sei)tember, for those who were not entitled to ju'esent themselves for the earlier examinations or Avho, having presented themselves, failed in Avhole or in part. Students, whose attendance upon lectures has l)cen allowed as sufficient, and Avho have failed at tlie Christmas or Spring examinations, niav present themselves at the September examinations, ell her in all the subjects or in those subjects only in which they failed to obtain fifty-five per cent, of the marks olitainable in such subjects. Those entitled, and desiring to i)resent themselves at the September 11 examiiuitioii, must jjive notice i)i writing to tlu' Secretary of the Law Society, at least two weeks perior to tlie time ot such examinations, of their intention to present thi'inselves, statins? whether they intend to do so in all the snlgeets, or in those ojily in which they failed to ol>tain fifty-tive per cent, of the marks obtainable, mentioning the names of snch subjects. The time for holdinf? the examinations of the Law School in any year may be varied from time to time by the Legal Education Committee, as occasion may require. Students who have failed at the examinations for any year, are obliged to again attend the lectures of that yrar. HONOURS, SCHOLARSHIPS AND MEDALS. The Law School examinations include examinations for Honours in all the three years of the .School coui'se. Scholarshii>s are offered for competition in connection with the first and second intermediate examinations, and medals ij) connection with the final examinations. In order to l)e entitled to present themselves for exami- nation for Honours, candidates must obtain at least thi'ee- foui'ths of the whole number of nuirks obtaiualile on the papers, and one-third of the marks obtainal>le on tht^ paper on each subject, at the Pass examination. In order to be passed with Honours, candidates nmst ol»taiu at least three-fourths of the aggregate marks obtainalde on the papers in both the Pass and Honour exaininations; and at least one-half of the aggregate marks ol)tainablc on the papers in each subject on l)oth examinations. The Scholarships oflfered at the Law School examinations are the following: — Of the candidates passed with Honours at each of the first and second years' examinations, the first is entitled to a scholarship of $100; the second to one of $G0; and the next five to one of $40 each, and each scholar receives a diploma certifying to the fact. 12 The mcdfils offovod nt the fliml exnniiiiiitifm iu the Law Scliool, are the t'oUowiiij,': — Of the persons ealled witli Honours, the first three are entitled to medals on the fonowinff eonditions: — The first, if he has i)assed both intermediate examimitioiis with Honours, to a ffuUI medal, otherwise to a silver medal. The s('C(.nd, if he has i)assed l)oth intermediate examina- tions with Honours, to a silver medal, otherwise to a bronze medal. The third, if he has passed both intermediate examina- tions with Honours, to a bronze medal. The dii.loma of eaeh medallist eertifies to his being sueh medallist. The Rules relating to Honours, Scholarships and Medals, ai-e 208 to 2lS inclusive. PHn.LIPS-8TEWART LIBRARY. On the 2nd February, 1892, Mi: T. B. Phillips-Stewart, a member of the Law Society, bequeathed his estate to it, and directed that the annual income should be expended by a Committee of Benchers in the purchase of law })ooks for the Law School. Under this bequest the sum of $7,599.05 was subse- quently paid to the Law Society, and under a resolution of Convocation, the income of the fund is annually expended in the purchase of students' books. This Library now comprises a number of duplicate copies of the text ])ooks on the Law School course. A reading room with suita))le attendance is maintained in the Law School building for the use of students, and text books are lent out to students subject to rules governing the length of time books may be retained and the care to be observed in using them. i:{ CALL TO THE BAR AND AJ)MISSION AS SOLK'ITOK. ('{(11 to tile Bar, juul {ulniission as Solicitor, aic rt' to 22.") inclusive; and by the Act 54 Vict. ch. 2."). The notice re(|uired )»y Rule 189 to l)e {jiven on or Ix't'oi-e the fourth Monday before Term by caiulidates t'oi" Call to the Bai', is not re(|uired to be j^iven by candidates for admission as Solicitor only (except in special cases), Init both classes of candidates are required to tile their papers with the Secretary, and pay their fees on or l»efore the third Saturday before Term; no candidate failinj^; to do so, will be received except ui)on si)ecial ])etition. Candidates are also partieidarly requested to see hijori' the first day of term that their pa|)ers are rcy-nlar. When the term of service of an Articled Clerk expires l»etween the third Saturday before Term and the last day of the Term, he shall prove his service ))y afifidavil and certificate up to the day ou which he makes his aflHdavit only, and tile a supi)lemental atlHdavit and certificate with the Secretary on the expiration of his term of service. FEES. The fees i)ayable are stated in the resume t)f fees con- tained in Schedule C. Full fees are jniyable by students l)reseuting themselves for the tiiml examination, althouy:h the period of three or five yeai-s, as the case may l)e, from the time of their admission to the Society may not have expired. 14 AIM»KM)IX. A. THE .MATinCULATION CUKHTCULUM. BOOKS AND SUBJECTS PRESCRIBED FOR THE EXAMINATIONS. To l»e passed by persons, not being graduates, in order to qualify them for admission to the Society, as Studeiits- at-Law of the matriindant class. EX(^JJSH ({RAMMAK. Tlie nmiii facts in tlie (levelupinwiit of the laniruiige. Etyinokt'.'-v and Syntax, inclndinjr the loii MuUi|»le; FiiictionM; S(|Uiuv Fioot; SiinjiU! K(|uati(iiis (if one, two, and three unkiioMii (|iiHiititit'>!; Indices; Surds; (^midratics of one and two iiiiknoMn (|iuiiititius. (JkomKIUN : Kuclid, Hooks I, II, and III; uas}- Deductions. LATIN. TianHlatioM into Latin of EiM'li.sh jihmses and easy sentences to illii-trute Latin accidence and tlie common rules of Latin syntax. 'I'lanslation into Latin of easy narrative Knj^lish l)ased upon tlie (iist twenty-live (-haptei's of tlie presciiljed Caesar. Translation at .sight (with tlie uh'- of vocalmlaries) from some easy pro>.\ : (li r-imjilc (|U<'Hti()ii.s im irniinmiii', (vJ) \\w transliition nt >iin|ik' iin^Mi^fcs fnmi Enj^lisli into Krciifli, (M) tiaiislatidii iit siyht of msy piiN'^iiycs from iihkIciu Ficiicli, iiiid (4) an exaiiiinatioii on tlif following,' tcxt.i ; l!t(KI : Knaii.t, lu v'liicu (Iu capitainf ; Fki im.kt, la Fee. I'.tdl ; |)r, Maistki:, Voyajjfc aiitoiir dti ma cliamlnc ; Lum iik. la < liiimmairt'. i!>0-J: Lamknnais. I'arolts d'un croyant, Ciiaps. \H and Wll: 1'kkkai i.r, If Maitrt) (.'liat on \c ( 'liat Bott6 ; Dimas, I'li nt/, j;(li'. and la I'ipo (If .Ifan Bart; Ar,i'iio\SK Daidkt. la Dcinitrf c'las^f, ank L'Isi,k, la MaisfillaiM' ; Aknai;t, la Fcnillf ; ( 'uATKArituiAM), KKxilf; Tiii.oi'iiii.K. (iAiTiKH, la (liinn'if; VicToK Hr(;o, Extu.se ; Lamaiitim:, rAiitomiH-; l)i: M i-ski. Ti i^tcssc ; Sn.i.Y I'Ki'Dlio.M.MK, le Vu.se lu'ist' ; La Fontai.nk, k' Clif Mf f t Ic Ro'can. Mauamk FiMii.r. KK (iiitAiMHN, la .loif fait pour. GEKMAX. Tlie candidate's knnwli.'dlf (jiiestions on j^rammar, (2) tlie translation of simple passa;;es from English into (Jei'man, (3) ti'anslation at sijrlit of easy passage.- from modern (Jerman, and (4) an exumination on the follow inj; texts : — UIOO: Hai tF, das kalte Herz, Kiilif Storeh. 1(101 ; Lkandkk, Triiumereien (selected liy Van Daell). HMCi : (Jhimm, Kotkii))p(:lien ; Andkkskn, Wie's der Alte maelit, Das neue Kleid, Venedij^, Hothsehild, Der Hiir ; EuTi-, Himnielsselilii>-s«l : Fko.m.mki,, Das ei.seiiie Kretiz ; B.v :mh.\( ii, Nieotiana, Der (Joldlianm ; Hkink, Loielei, l)u bist wie eiiie Blnme ; Uhl.v.vd, Seliiifer's .Sonnta)^,-lied, Das Schloss am Meer ; Chamis.so, Das Kehloss Boneourt ; ('(.aiiims. Die Sterne, Der Riese (ioliath ; (Joktiik, Mitrnon, Erlk()nij.% Der Si\n<;er ; S(1III.m;k, Der Jiinglin<^ am Baehe. Lkandkk, Triinmereien (seleeted l)y Van Daell), pp. 1-44. HLHMENTAKY KXPEHIMKXTAL SCIKNCK. I'HVSK S. Une of ineti'u rult! ; uso of <'ali|K}rM and vernior for more acuiirato iiH'tric iin-asuiftiiciitM (<■.//., (iiaiiK-tt'iM of wires. tliickiioMH of jjlass, pliiteH, otu. ) ; miiiifricul caloulutions iti tlio metric system. Uhc of lialaiKv. Hpeoifie jfruvity, l»y ,s|)0(!itic gravity bottle ami Hydrostatic Italaiice, of li(|iii(Is and of solids. Boyle's law ; l)arometer, ditl'usioii of jrases. Use ()f Fulirenlieit and ("entij^rade thermometers ; determination of zero and lioilinj; point ; l)()ilin^ point dei>endent on pressure. Kxpansion of solids, licpiids and j^ases ; examples, S|teciHe heat ; latent heat; easy numerical examples. Transmutation of matter; indestruetihility of nmtter. Solution, precipitation, crystallization and evajxiration. CHK.VJISTRY. I'loperties of Hydroj^en, Chlorine, Oxyj^en, Sulphur, Nitrocren, ('arl)on and tiieir more important (nmipounds. Xomeuiilature. Laws of c()ml>ination of the elements. The Atomic Theory and Molecular Theory. VJ THE LAW SCHOOL (TKHICrLrM. FIHHT YEAH. . (ioicrdl JHris})rii(ii)i('v. llollaiKr.s KIfiiieiit.«s (it .FurisinMileuL't'. Contracts. Anson on C'ontnicts. Heal Property. WillianiH on Ruiil Pro|)erty, Leitli's edition. Deiine's Princijiles of Conveyaneing. Common Lair. Broonvs Connnon Law. KinKsfoid'js Ontario Blackstone, Vol. 1 (omitting tlie parts from paj^es 123 to Kit) inclusive, 180 to 2*24 ini!lusive, and .S!U to 44"f inelusivi.'). Jul Hi III. Hnell's Ptincijiles of Equity. Marsh's History of tlii.- Court of Chancery. Pracliee and Piocednre. Judicature Act and Rules of Practice. Statute Law. ' Such Acts and i)arts of Acts relating- to each of the al)o\e suhjeets as shall he prescrihed iiy the Principal. SECOND YEAR. Criminal Lair. The Criminal Statutes of Canada. Beat Property. Kerr's Student's Blackstone, Book 2. Armour's Leith's Blackstone. 20 I'n-sniiill I'rofnflji. Williaiiis 1)11 I'or/^oiml IVoiicrty. Coutrtti'ls. I'dlliKk oil ( 'fiiitriict^t. l!a\\ liiiNoii nil S|n'citic I't-i tuiiiiniicf. Hiyt'ldM 1)11 'I'diIs, Kiij;lisli fditiuii. Kiinihj. H. A. Siiiitli's I'liiiripU's of Ki|uity. h'.ri^lrnrv. I'oWfll on lOvidciicc, ('(»istil\iiiini(il llislofji mill l.iiir. BoiiriiintV Miimml ot I lie ( 'oiistitiitioiml Hij^toiy of ( 'iuiimIh. Todd'^ I'.iiliiiiiifiitiiiT (iovtrmiifiit in tin; Hiitisli ('oloiiiuM (2iid edition, I.S!I4). ' 'I'lu' followiiij; portions, viz.; — <'liii|). "J, |)nyi's •_'."» to ()."{ iiicliisivo. M, " 7M " h:{ 4. " |(»7 " IJH .'», " I.V> " 184 tl, " -idO " -ids 7, " L'U!! " '24n s, " •_'47 " ;{(Mi il, " .sol " .Sl-i IS, " H(I4 " S2(i " I'ldrlicr iin(l I'rovvdiirr. Statuli's. Hull's and Ordt-rs rulutinj^' to tlii^ Jiirisdielion, pleading. practice and procedure of tlie ("oiirts. Still II tr I.aiv. Such Acts and parts of Acts it-latiny to tlic aliove .subjects as shall 1)0 proscril)t'd by the I'lincipal. THIRD VKAH. I'lntlvacttt. Pass stn|s. I )f ( 'niviir UN I illiinilllrcK. t Ki'll mill hiiiiii nil .Murlunu:t>><. I'lllls, I'nlini'k on 'rmts. Snijili (in Nrj^liyi'iirt'. "Jnil I'llilinn. Ki'iihtn'v. Mrs! nil K\ iiii'llri'. Cniinnrrviiil l.iiir. Itcniiiiiiin (HI SiilfM. Miii'liuiMi nil hilU, N'otos iinil ('lii'i|iii's, I'liriili' lull niiihnniil hiir. Wi'slliikf's I'rJMili' liili-i lint inniil Lnw. t'liiislnii'liuii mill Oiniiihnii nf Shiliilis. Il!ii(liii>ll«''s CuiiMtriirlinn iiiul Kth-il nfSlninluiv L.iw. ('iinmliini I'liiisliliilinniil Lnir. ( 'li-imnl''^ Ltiw nt' tlif ( 'fi mil I ill II ( 'oust it ill inn. I'riii'lln mill /'rnrnliiri. Still iitrv. Mules 1111(1 OnU'is irlntiny: tn I lit- jiirisdiit inn. |iliiiilim^. |illictiri' iiml |irnci'(l lie nt tlic Cniiils. Sliiiiiii l.mr. Sncll Arts mill |(mts nf .Vets iclat inn' In i-iidi nf tin- jilinvc sillijiTts II- sjiiill III- |ir(-ciilicil hy till' l'iinci|)jil. llniHilirs . riic .Miiiii('i|iiil .\ct, i;. S. (».. (til.. -J-i-'t. 'I'lu' Oiiliiiin ('niii|Miiiits Alt, M. S. ()..('!i|i. I!l|. 'I'lif .Inint Stock ('oin|iiiiiics Winiliny up .Act. \{. ,S. (»., ('ii|(. I'-J-J. Tlic ('om|imiii's Ai^t. |{. S. ('.. (,'u|.. I lit. 'I'lic \\'iii(liiiii-ii|» Aci. U.'Aj'-r.. i'-qi. 1J!I^ ! l' • '• '. ' ' i'lic \\'in(liiii>-u|i .\ir.'ii{'i>i'.'Mt;v\(!t • i-Sfiit .-.■i:i;\'j( I. ;(.'j n. ). l'ii|.. .;•_'. I'nlnit'i's ("oiniHinv I iiw (ISUH)., . , , ,, , tt .,.«,; ^ NoTK. Ill tluM'xiiiiii iiMioiis of arl t'ni'Vcnrs. stii()() 00 Koi" admission as a Solicitor (!0 00 Additional fee in special cases nndei- U'nie 22.'{ in addition to fee for admission as a Student-at- iiavv 200 00 , On every jx'tition to Convocation for special relief. 2 00 Kor evei'v cei'titicate of admission as Stndent-at- ijaw 1 00 For Barrister's diploma 2 00 Koi- evei-y other certificate 1 00 With evei-v other notice 1 00 Law Scho(»l. pel- term in advance 40 00 (After tlu; Term of 1J»02-I90;{ -S.'xjJMll. Bai-i-istei''s annual term oi- liai- fee 2 00 Solicitor's Annual (N-rtificate IT) 00 In case any candidate for Call to the Bai\ or foi- a C«'rtit1cate of Fitness as Solicitor, fails to pass the ne<'essai-y examination, or is rejected on any other t>:round, the fee deposited l>y liim acc()rdinj>' to the Statute or the Rules of the Socie-t^;, ssiuii'l he i-eturntxl; to ^i,!'it5 V'y the Seci-etary. less $10. lTh<' f<')''f