A HISTORY OF THE SCOTCH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ST. GABRIEL STREET, MONTREAL. BY REV. ROBERT CAMPBELL, M.A., The Last Pastor. ;^^]^■I:9^^ i*C //^■^'^ J* MONTREAL : W. DRYSDALE & CO., PUBLISHERS. 1887. <1^7ip iv. ** ^ Entered aooording to Act of Parliament of Canada, in the year 1887, by W. Deysdale & Co., in the OflSce of the Minister of Agriculture. (iAZBTTB Printing Company, Montekau ^V^^^^^-t.'v^^wt,^^!^ (K^CL^^^ ^V^/V^-t.'v^^wt^ '^.^-^^ ^ A-^ 'n^"^^^^ C^^c^i^^^^^-r ^ ^Txjc ^jemoi;;^ OF TKB several generations of christians, formerly worshipping in the St. Gabriel Street Chitrcii, hut who, having accomplished their warfare, are now at rest ; AND, especially, TO THOSE WHO WERE MEMBERS OF THE CONGREGATION UNDER THE AUTHOR's ministry in the old CHURCTI, during the last TWENTY YEARS OF THE CENTURY EMBRACED IN THIS HISTORY, IN RECOGNITION OF THEIR UNIFORM KINDNESS, FORBEARANCE AND LOYALTY, THIS VOLUME IS AFFECTIONATELY DEDICATED. PREFACE. This memorial volume has swelled to dimensions far beyond the original intentions of the author. So far as paper and printer's ink are concerned, at least, subscribers get a great deal more for their money than was promised them. The plan of the work, which was to discuss such public questions as the Church in St. G-abriel Street had special connection with, and to give an account of the persons who filled office in the congregation, has been adhered to; but the details have covered more space than was apprehended. On taking counsel with friends, whose judgment I deemed reliable, I was led to believe that sketches of those who had taken a leading part in the church, for a hundred years, would add to the interest and value of the publication. These biographical notices have mainly contributed to the increased bulk of the volume. It may well be thought surprising that the records of so humble an edince should furnish materials for a book of 800 pages ; but the variety of incidents centering in the quaint little church was quite remarkable, and the number of persons of note who had a more or less inti- mate relation to it, was very great. In the old world, a structure only a hundred years old would have no special reverence paid it ; but with the rapid developments ii which our city and country have witnessed, a century counts for much ; and most readers will probably admit that it would be a pity that the events recorded and the persons described in these pages, should have been alto- gether forgotten. I do not expect every reader to peruse the entire volume. Some will value it on account of the original documents bearing on the history of the country which it contains, and which it was thought desirable to make public. Others will pass these parts by without ever glancing at them. To Montreal readers, generally, the brief sketches of former well-known citizens, herein presented, will probably be the most attractive feature of the book ; but even in this part of it, persons outside the city may take an interest, as many of those whose careers are sketched, belonged to Canada at large, as well as to Montreal. I cannot pretend to faultless accuracy in these brief narratives. It would be scarcely possible to have avoided mistakes in giving details of the lives of several hundred persons ; but I can at least claim to have left unused no sources of informa- tion regarding them that I knew to be within my reach, and I hope that these biographies will be found, in the main, reliable. My function has been to ascertain facts, to show their mutual relations, and interpret them aright if possible. I am not to be held responsible for the facts themselves, but only for the manner of narrating them. Many things happened in connection with the old church which one could wish had never come to pass ; but they were not to be undone by being suppressed. It is the business of the historian not to describe events as they iii ought to have been, but as they were. In this spirit, I have done my work. I have spoken of men and things as I understand them to have been— nothing extenuated, nor aught set down in malice. The engravings in this volume, of which there are two more than were promised to suscribers, are the handywork of George H. Matthews, of the Boston Wood Engraving Company, and have been pronounced good by competent judges. It is to b-j regretted, in the cause of superior art, that Mr. Matthews, after giving Montreal a trial for a year, did not find patronage sufficient to encourage him to remain with us, and so has returned to Boston. There have been many excellent men and women con- nected with the St. Gabriel Street Church besides those herein mentioned,— persons probably as worthy of having been held in grateful remembrance. But the subjects of these sketches were not, for the most part, of my choosing. The ministers, as the chief centres of the life of the church during their several pastorates, have, of course, most space given to them. Then, as it was my plan to describe the office-bearers, the elders, the members of the temporal committee, the deacons, and the trustees, were already selected to my hand. They had commended themselves to their fellows in the church in the several generations, for their zeal and supposed ability to promote the inter- ests of the congregation. Besides them, a few individuals whose outstanding qualities, or conspicuous careers, gave them a claim to notice which vvrill not be challenged, have been assigned a place in this volume. I had occasion to notice generous and public-spirited acts on the part of former citizens. Since those remarks were written, the whole world has been called on to admire the splendid gift to the city, in commemoration of the Queen's Jubilee, of Sir George Stephen and Sir Donald A. Smith, of $1,000,000 for Hospital purposes. I have to express my acknowledgments to many friends who have encouraged me in this undertaking. To all the subscribers I owe thanks, as they have so far guaranteed the expenses involved in the publication. I have been spe- cially indebted to the Hon. Justice Cross, the Hon. Alex- ander Morris, the Rev. Dr. Snodgrass, and Mr. T. S. Brown, Mr. Jas. Tasker, to the proprietors of the Montreal Gazette, Montreal Herald, and Montreal Witness, to the librarians of the Parliamentary Library at Ottawa, of McGrill College, and of the Fraser Institute, to " Hochelaga Depicta," and " Ville Marie," by Alfred Sandham, published by George Bishop & Co., to the Rector of Christ Church, to the min- isters of the several Presbyterian Churches of the city, — and to numerous other persons who have kindly fur- nished particulars regarding their ancestors and relatives. I trust this volume may be deemed worthy of a place on the shelves of citizens generally, irrespective of creed, as containing information regarding the century, 1786 to 1886, that they would all wish to possess and preserve. It is only in a loose sense that the narrative can be called a " history." It would more accurately be designated a col- lection of raw materials, some of which may be useful to the historian ; but such as it is, it is offered for the candid perusal of the public. The first issue of the volume is limited to subscribers, but arrangements have been made to supply additional copies to new subscribers, whose names will be duly embraced in a future issue, if it shall be demanded. And now I take farewell of my readers. If they experience half the pleasure in glancing over these pages, that I have had in writing them, my labour of love will not have been in vain. St. G-abriel Manse, Montreal, July 16th, 1887. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. • PAGE, Montreal Cradled in Religion — Cartier, Champlain and Maisonneuve Religious Men — The Early Jesuit Fathers— The Huguenots in Canada — Company of Hundred Associates — The St. Sulpicians... 1 CHAPTER II. Montreal, not only beautiful and well situated frciu a Military Point of View, but also commands the Trade of the northern portion of the Continent — Ontario's desire to possess the Island of Montreal — Earliest Trade, that in Peltries : its influence — Formation of North-west Company — Relations between Commerce and Religion — Connection of the Army with the First Establishment of the Scotch Church in Montreal — The old 78th Regiment, a link be- tween " Prince Charlie " and the Scotch Church in Montreal. ... 13 CHAPTER III. Connection of the Church with the American War of Independence — Rev. John Bethune, the Founder of the Scotch Congregation in Montreal — The old 84th Regiment, or " Highland Emigrants " — f The U. E. Loyalists— Mr. Bethune settles in Williamstown, so called after Sir William Johnson — His Character and Work — Father of the Late Dean and of the Late Bishop of Toronto .... 25 CHAPTER IV. Social, Civil and Commercial Condition of things in Montreal a Cen- tury ago — Presbyterian Church has kept pace with the Growth of the City — The Scotch in Montreal, before 1786, worshipped with the English Church Congregation — Rev. John Young, a Scotch Licentiate, with American Ordination— Settled in Montreal in 1791, as " Stated Supply " — A Link between the Congregation and the Presbyterian Church of the United States — Mr. Young's Weakness and Misfortunes 39 Vlll CHAPTER V. PAGa Rev. John Young's Gifts and his success in strenatliening tlie Presby- terian cause in Montreal — The social life of the time in the city — Anomalous position for Minister and Congregation, he never having been inducted — Discontent with his ministry — Mr. Young's resignation and departure — His subsequent honorable career — The ' Recollet Church ' — Hospitality of the Recollet Fathers towards the Scotch in giving the use of their Church — The St. Gabriel Street Church built in 1792 —The Protestant Church at Borthier— Original Trust Deed of St, Gabriel Street Church — The old Church and the Champ de Mars 55 " CHAPTER VI. The Ten Trustees of St. Gabriel Street Church — Adam Scott, William Stewart, Duncan Fisher, William England, Alexander Fisher, William Hunter, Thomas Oakes, John Empey, and John Russel — The Original Subscri])tion List for the erection of the Church — Remarks on the same 69 , CHAPTER Vn. Notices of the leading subscribers to the Church Building Fund — The Fur Merchants — Alexander Henry, Forsyth-Richardson & Co., Sir John Johnson, James McGill, Andrew Todd, Joseph Frobisher, George McBeath, Francis Winter, James Dunlop, John Gregory, Wm. Murray, John Lilly, Auldjo & Maitland, James Woolrich, and the Employees of the Company, Sir Alexander MacKenzie, Nicholas Montuur, Robert Grant, Peter Pangman, William Mc- Gillivray, Simon Eraser, Cuthbert Grant, Angus Shaw, Roderick McKenzie, Robert Thompson, William Thorburn, James Finlay, David Grant, Alex. Eraser and Peter Grant 814 CHAPTER VIII. The remaining subscribers to the Building Fund — Benaiah Gibb, Richard Dobie, James Logan, William Forbes, James Cowie, John and James McDowall, James Strother, Thomas Busby, Hon. John Molson, Richard Brooke, John Finlayson, Simon Clarke, Donald McKercher, John McArthur, John Fisher. John Hunter, William Russel, George Stansfleld, Jacob Marston, Alexander Simpson, Thomas Sullivan, John Neagles, John J. Deihl, Andrew Winkle- foss, Alexander Robertson, Jonathen A. Gray, John Gray, Dr. Blake, Samuel Adams, David Smith, and Joseph Howard 113 CHAPTER IX. ' , ., ^ PAGE Subscribers to tbe Debt in 1800— William Logan, Joseph Provan, John Stephenson, Philip Ross, William Demont, John TiOckhart Wise- man, James Birss, William Ireland, William Manson, Thomas A. Turner, John Blackwood, John Ferguson, William Martin, Robert Aird, John Aird, R. McClement, James Smith, Richard Warffe, Captain Chisholm, Thomas Porteous, Nicol Fletcher, John Mittle- berger, John McCord, David Ross, Peter McFarlane and James Henderson 130 CHAPTER X. r Rev. James Somerville's Birth, Education and Licensure— Comes to Canada— Chosen successor lo Mr. Young — His Literary and Scientific Tastes — His Marriage — Originates Natural History Society and Montreal General Hospital— His Benefactions and Death 150 CHAPTER XI. Rev. J. Somerville recommended by Rev. Dr. Spark— First trouble over the Possession of the Keys of the Church— Mr. Somerville's Letter on the situation — His Ordination and Induction •— The Second Presbytery of Montreal— Rev. Robert Forrest and Rev. Robert Esson, Secession Ministers from Scotland— Erection of ' St. Peter Street Church— Mr. Esson's Address on the occasion— The Difliculty t bout getting Registers by all except ministers of the Churches ot Rome and of England— The Character of the Adherents of St. Gabriel Street and St. Peter Street Churches respectively i 168 CHAPTER XII. Right Rev. John Strachan, Bishop of Toronto— A Candidate for St. Gabriel Street Church in 1802— His Letter of Application— His birth, education and position in Scotland— His relations to the Presbyterian Church— His subsequent career in Canada 183 CHAPTER XIII. Friendly relations between the English and Scotch Churches in Mon- treal—Rev. D. C. Delisle, the first Protestant Clergyman in the City— Succeeded by Rev. James Tunstall, and he by Rev. Jehosha- phat Mountain, D.D.— Mediaeval Claims of Church of England PAGE resisted by theChuich of Scotland— Christ Church Congregation worship in St Gabriel Street Church from 1803 to 1814 — Opening of the first Christ Church 201 CHAPTER XIV. The Business of the Church transacted by the Elders — The Rules and Regulations, framed in 1804, gave proprietors of pews supreme control — A Committee constituted the Executive of the Congrega- tion, with largo powers— Those Rules and Regulations denounced after 1844, as Erastian by Mr. Esson — Revised and altered essen- tially in 1845— The last By-Laws, drawn up in 1807 215 CHAPTER XV. The new names that appear on the subscription list to Mr. Somerville in 1803 — James Grant, Isaac Todd, John Shuter, Archibald Mc- Millan, George Piatt, John McKinstry, James Kyle, Jacob Hall, William Skakel, George Skakel, Alexander Skakel, William Gra- ham, John McKindlay, John Porteous, William Porteous, Andrew Porteous, Finlay Fisher, James Smith, John Ogilvy, Wm.Stewart, Andrew Patterson, Jasper Tough, James Laing, Alex. Allison, Alex: Davidson, John Reid, Hon. Judge Reid, Simon McTavish, Thos. Blackwood, Wm. Hallowell, John Catanach, and F. Guner- man, Thomas Thain 230 CHAPTER XVI. The New Englanders connected with St. Gabriel Street Church, — The BaggB, Elijah Brown, James Chapman, James Charlton — The De Witts, Horatio Gates, Bezaliel Gray, Thomas ringland,Laban Folger, Jonathan Hagar, The Halls, Thomas Harris, Jonathan Hart, Samuel Hedge, Joshua Henshaw, Horace Hibbard, The Lymans, Uriah Mitchara, Nahum Mower, Simon Myers, Zenas Nash, David Nelson, Moses Northropp, J. W. Northup, Jonathan Parkins, Cornelius Peck, Nathan Pierce, Abner Rice, M. Savage, Isaac Shay, Robert Street, Nathan Strong, Zabdiel Thayer, Simon Thomson, Benjamin Throop, Daniel E. T ylee. The Wadsworths, The Waits, The Whitneys and Josiah Winants— The War of 1812 affects them — Items connected with the victory of Waterloo, 1815 — Baptism of negro slaves and Scotch Indian half-breeds. Other members belonging to this period, — George Gillespie, Robt. Gillespie, The Armours, John Fleming, James EUice Campbell, ■■' ' XI PAGE William Blackwood, Hugh Brodie, Lieutenant-Colonel William Mackay, Archibald Norman Mcljeod, John McDonald and James Brown 251 CHAPTER XVII. Rev. Henry Esson, M.A.,— His birth, Education, and call to Montreal — His high culture and social qualities — His early theological views — His connection with education and the Clergy Reserves question — His marriage — His ideas about an Established Church — The change in his notions of preaching the Gospel — Joins the disruption movement in Canada — Appointed Professor in Knox College — His Death — Dr. Willis' estimate of his character and work 276 CHAPTER XVIII. Lord Selkirk, Sir Gordon Drummond, Lord Dalhousie, Rev. Dr. Urqu- hart, Thomas Torrance, John Torrance, Hon. Justice Torrance, Rev. E. F. Torrance, George Garden, Andrew White, James RoUo, Rev. Dr. Wilkes, Hon. Thomas Mackay, Hon. James Ferrier, Rev. Dr. Douglas 297 . CHAPTER XIX. Re-adjustment of the relations of the Pastors, Messrs. Somerville and Esson, to the Congregation, in 1822 — Rev. Edward Black called and settled — Financial condition of the Church from 1835 to 1829 embarrassing — The unfounded rumours regarding Mr. Esson's character — The Congregation divided, and result disastrous— Dr. Hamilton's account of the scene at the Church door, March 6th, 1831— Names of the adherents of Mr. Black and Mr. Esson re- spectively — Matters at issue settled by arbitration — The good that came out of the evil 333 CHAPTER XX. The circumstances leading to the establishment of St Paul's Church — The award of the clerical arbitrators — The Synod's action thereon — Delay in accepting it — Award of the lay arbitrators—^ St. Paul's Congregation organized — Meet in the Baptist Church — Build St. Paul's — Kindly relations resumed between the two Ministers and their Congregations 351 Xll CHAPTER XXI. PAGB Henry MoKen/ie— Norman Bothune — Jaiuos Carsiiel — John Brown, Dr. William Bobertson— Hon. George Moflatt — A. L, MaoNider, Dr. Stephenson — Archil)al(l Hume — William Scott — Hon. Peter McGill — John Smith — Sir Hugh Allan — Alex. Glans — Joseph Ross — James Potts — Charles Bowman — Kenneth Dowie — Dougald Stewart — William Kerr — John Redpath — John Simpson — Robert Simpson — John McKenzie — Hon. L. Gugy — Archibald Ferguson. 366 CHAFPER XXn. The Clergy Reserves Controversy — Policy of the Crown to Establish the Church of England in Canada — The Oxford Movement favoured the idea — Dr. Strachan's Ecclesiastical Charts — Claims of Niagara and Quebec congregations first put forward — Mr Esson, the great Champion of the Clmrch of Scotland's rights — J. C. Grant's Mission — Dr. Lee'e "Queries"— Answers obtained — Church of Scotland General Assembly's Action on the subject — Upper Canada Legislature upholds Presbyterian Claims — At- tempts to control education in Lower Canada by Church of England resisted by Mr. Esson— Church of Scotland's rights granted in 1840 398 CHAPTER XXHL Hon. James Leslie — Campbell Sweeney, Robert Sweeney, Campbell Sweeney, Jr. — Dr. Caldwell — D. P. Ross— William Peddie— Colin McDougall — John Jamieson — Charles Tait — Francis Hunter, Sr. Francis Hunter, Jr. — J. C. Grant — James Scott — James Logan — William Suter — Roderick MacKenzie— Kenneth Walker— Thomas Ross — James Court — Benjamin W^orkman — Alexander Workman — William Workman — Thomas Workman— John Dougall — Geo. Johnston— Archibald Ferguson 421 CHAPTER XXIV. The Free Church Controversy— Resolutions of the Synod in 1841, 1842 and 1843 — Meant to avert a disruption here — Influences brought to bear in the meantime — Points of Agreement in 1844 — Final catastrophe — A divided Church — Mr. Esson's Address to his Con- gregation — Resolutions of Congregation and Session— Protest Served by Minority 453 CHA ITER XXV. PAGE The leaders in the congrejjtation on the side of the Presbyterian Churcli of Canada, — Hon. A. Ferrie, Wm. Murray, Rev. Dr. Donald Frasor and Aloxandor Fraser,Wm. Gunn, Robert Smith, Alexander Urquhart, James Tamer, Andrew Wilson, Archibald Macfarlane, W. C. Cormack, James Macfarlane, Robert Dalgleish, Wm. Hutchison, David Roa, Andrew Simpson, John Sutherland, George Middlemiss and Charles Mearna — The 27 protesters on behalf of the kirk, — Andrew Shaw, John C. Lilly, Robert Esdaile, James Tyre, Wm. Laverock, Donald Ross, Walter M. Peddle, Ferdinand IMacCulloch, Wm. Muir, Wm. Skakel, Daniel Gorrie, Town Major Macdonald, Daniel Fisher, Robert Macfarlane, Alex. Ferguson, Wm. McCulloch and John Blac^kwood 474 CHAPTER XXVL The Free Church Committee, members for a time of St. Gabriel Street Church — They organize Cot6 Street Church — Archibald McGoun — The MacKay Brothers — The Free Church Deputies, Revs. W.C Burns, J. McNaughton, and J. Bonar, preach in St. Gabriel Street — Rev. W. Leishman called and Onlained in St Gabriel Street Church — His ministry brief and one of trials — The U. P. Congre- gation worship in St. Gabriel Street— Rev. Dr. Taylor— Warden King — Rev. Dr. Gray — Robert Davie — G. A. Pyper — David Wylie and William Rowan - 512 CHAPTER XXVIL Rev. William Rintoul, M.A.— Sketch of his career— His illness and Death — Rev. Dr. Burns' Tribute to his memory— Rev. William Reid, D. D., of Toronto— Rev. George Smellie, D. D., of Fergus — Rev. David Inglis, D.D., LL.D.— His work in Montreal — His sub- sequent career 531 CHAPTER XXVm. Rev. J. Crombie, M.A.— Rev. A. F. Kemp,LL.D., settled as Pastor— His birth and training — His ministry in Montreal— Subsequent career —John McCallum— Dr. McLagan— Wm. McBean— Edw. Moore —Donald McLean— Angus Mcintosh— H. B. Picken— Geo. Selkirk —Robert Gardner — Andrew Mitchell— Archibald Moir— Hector Munro— Dr. W. P. Smith— William D. McLaren, -Peter Dods— Archd. Swan— Alex. McGibbon— Jas. Brown— Matthew Hutchi- XIV PAOB ■on — David Rodger— Goorge Cruikshank — James Soultliorp— "William Brown — W. F. Lightliall — George Irving — James Rol)ertson 551 * CHAFrER XXIX. The Free Church movement in Canada onded in a secession, not a disruption — The cautiousness of the Cimrclies avoiding litigation — The defects in St. Gabriel Street. Church Title Deed — Ita Forms claim to belong to the Church of Scotland — Petition to Lord Dal- housie in 1825 — The Synod formed at the instance of St. Gabriel Street congregation which, if so, in fact, became incorporated in it — The legal questions involved — Those free to enter into a com- pact, not always free to go out of it — The Lawsuits — The Cobourg Case — The St. John's, Leith, Case — The Compromise — The action of the St. Gabriel Street congregation — Action of the Presbytery in connection with the Church of Scotland — Knox Church quit the old edifice, and the Church of Scotland is re-instated — The question of Session Records and Registers 575 CHAPTER XXX. , / The names by which the Church has been known — The congrega- tion re-organized — Petition to Canada Presbyterian Church of 48 members and four adherents — They fall in with the reorganized congregation — List of families 'ms remaining — Rev. Robert Campbell, A.M., D.D., inducted— iMrst Board of Trustees— The Registers and Records — Alexander Bertram — James Duncan — Henry Lunan— James LilUe — Charles Eaplin — W. L. Haldimand — William Patton — Andrew B. Stewart — First elected Kirk- session— Douglas Brymner— List of Trustees since 1867 — Andrew McNeice — David Strachan — John Whitlaw — Alexander Sclater — Rev. Alex. Campbell, B.A 601 CHAPTER XXXI. The relation of St. Gabriel Church to the Union question — The Con- test in the Quebec Legislature over the Union Bill — The Privy Council's Judgment on Temporalities Act, and subsequent Legis- lation — Commutation of Ministers' Claims on the Clergy Reserves — List of commuters — Correspondence with the Government — William Darling — Bishop Strachan's parting shot — The qvad es- tablished position of Roman Catholic Church in Quebec Province 640 XV PAGE CHARTER XXXII. Centennial Celebration, March, 1880 — Sermons in St Gabriel Church by Principal Grant and Dr. Wilkes, March 7th — Reunions in St. Gabriel Church — Conversazione in Presbyterian College — Ad- dresses at the Great Anniversary meeting, March 12th, 1886, in Knox Church— Sermons by Dr. Reid, Archdeacon Evans, and Dr. Douglas, in St Gabriel Church, March 14th, 1886 683 CHAPTER XXXIII. Other Presbyterian Churches in Montreal, in 1886— Knox — St An- drew's — American — St Paul's— Erskine —Crescent Street — St Matthew's— Calvin — St Mark's — Chalmers' — Stanley Street — Taylor— Melville— St. John's— The Saviour's 743 CHAPTER XXXIV. Farewell to Old St. Gabriel's— The New St. Gabriel's 781 NAMKS OK SUBSCRIBERS TO THK "HISTORY OK THE SCOTCH CHURCH, ST. GABRIEL STREET, MONTREAI.," By Ri:v. Roiikut Cami'mem,, ISI.A., D.D. COI'IKS Aitkoii, MfH. .lohn. .Moiitnml 1 AloxiUidor, Cliiirles. " .... 1 Allan, Aloxiiiulor. . " .... 1 An^'us, R. B " .... 1 Armour, .lohn Hamilton, O. 1 Arnolt, William Montreal.... 1 Arhi.son, William... Cornwall, O. 1 Baillio, A Montreal 1 Bain .Tas.. l'»l)l»' j Toronto ... . 1 LiVjrary (. l>ain, Janu'8 R Montreal .... 1 Bain, Rev. W., D.D..Kinji8ton 1 Barohty, Rov. Jas... Montreal .... 1 Barker, Charles " .... 1 Ba.stian, W. L " .... 1 Beckinjrham, John. " 1 Beers, Dr. W. G.... " .... 1 Bellbouse, J. G " .... 1 Bennett, Rev. .T-, Ulmonte. ... 1 X-'.i^ • • • • • j Berriman, John .... Montreal .... 1 Bertram, William.. " .... 1 Bertram, Isa L " .... 1 Betlnmo, Strachan. . " 1 Bethune, Norman.. " 1 Bickerstafl", M.S.... " 1 Bissett, Mrs. A " 1 Blssett, James. . • Machine 1 Blair, Mrs. John Montreal 1 Bonner, John " 1 Boodle, R. W. Mont- Book Club " .... 1 Brodie, Robert " .... 1 Brodie, W illiam .... Quebec 1 Brophy , Robert .... Montreal .... 1 Brown, David " 1 Brown, Tho8.S " .... 1 Brown, R. G '' .... 1 Brown, James " .... 1 Bruce, Mrs. David . . " .... 1 2 Bnrncl, Rev. J. S. ..Martintown Burnett, James. . . . Montreal. . . ^"?D.^"V..^'.'.^:'}ii'^»if^'^-- Bynl, Charles Montreal... Caldwell, .^1 ary Montreal . . . Cameron, Rev. D. G-.Dunjrannon Campbell, Rov. A. ■[ ^''^ w 1\*!' Camjihell, Dr. F. W. . Montreal. . . ( iimi)bell, 1*. E ( "ornwall . . ( 'antlie, James jMontreal . . . Carmichael, Rev. J..Laskey Carmichuel, Rev. 1 , n • J p • V J.erthier . . . Clarke, A. C Montreal • • . Cle-horn, W Clelland, William.. Clifr, John Cook, Rev. J.. D.D . .Quebec . . . . Cooper, Mrs. Jas. . . . Montreal . . . Cormaek, Rev. Jas . . Laehino .... Coull, Rev. Geo Montreal . . . Crossby, P. A " Cruikshank, Rev. 1 « W.R ]■ Cruikshank, Geo... " Cruikshank, W. G.. Cunniu}j;ham, D. ... " Cunningham, Sarah. " Cunningham, D. L.. " Gushing, Chas.jN. P. Darling, Mrs. W., Sr.Montreal. . • Darling, William ... " Darling, Andrew ... *' ..-. Davidson, W. C... Davidson, George . • Kingston — Dawes, T. A Lachine Denny, A Cornwall . . . Dewey, Rev. P. M. .Montreal COPIES } XVlll CO PI EH Dick, John Quobec . Dingwall, .Inmex. . . .CornwuU Donunlme, U()l)ert. .Moiitroul Donat?hiu', .lolin. . .. " Druiiiinond, (leo. A. " Druinirioiul, Daniel . Petite ('6te Diiclos, Uev. I''. G. . . liryson. . . Duncan, Duviil L. . . Montreal. ^T'"''r'iKlf"l'i"ronto.. Knox Col logo. . J Dinilop, < i. C Montreal . Dunlop, John " .Montreal. (I Ennis, J. H. ••• Esdaile, R. M . Esplin, George " Esson, Mrs. rrof. . .Toronto . Evane, Ven. Arch . . Montreal Ewing, William.... " Ewing, William, Jr. " Ewing, A. S Farquhar, J. M Montreal Ferguson, r. J " Finnie.J. T., M.D.. Fisher, Arthur, M.D. " Fleck, A. W Ottawa.. Forbes, Geo. C Montreal Forbes, Mrs. R " Forsythe, Robert. . . " Foulds, A. R Martintown Foulis, "William .... Montreal . Eraser, James " Gabler, Mrs. Theo.. Gault, .lames R. ... Gibb, Alex Gordon, James Graiiam, Thomas . . . Grant, Angus Grant, W. H Grant, V.R. Prin... Greene, E. K Greenshields, E. B . . Greenshielils, Sam . . Greensliields, E. M. Griffin, Martin J., ) Parlia't Library j Montreal . <( Ottawa. . . Montreal . Kingston , Montreal . Ottawa . Haldimand, W. L. . . Montreal . . Hamilton, A " Harper, James Cornwall . Hart, Col Montreal. Hart, Rev. Prof.... Hontlerson, Jolin. . Hendorson, .lame.s . Heritage, Mrs. IJ. | Herring, Mrs. W. . . Higgiiis. .Ino. (ioo. . Hodge, Matthew. . . Hcxlgson, Joiiatliun Hogg, MrH. Walttjr., Hood, Mrs. David . Hoo Marsden . . . Lanskail, A. D. . . . . Montreal . Laurie, David . . ...Montreal. Learmont, J. B.. II . . . . Leitch, James-.. . . . Cornwall Lewis, John.... . . .Montreal. Lewis, John. ... iiui\i, 1.11111. ) *T ^ I j) \ . . . . [ Montroal COPIBH Lunan, Mrs. My Montreal. Lyiu'h, Mfh. (ioo. J. " Mar»««in,I)r. I). H. A. " Macdonald, Uinht \ nt.^vi-,. Hen. Sir.Ino. ;\. [""H^'V.. Macdoiiald, Hon. I). A Macdonaltl, A. (). 1 „ do I/tv ( Macdonald, Mrs. IJr. " M^fi^JJ^i^l-^yj' ' }Broc^^^^^ Ma(;(iillivray, (i. H..William8t'vvn Mack, Win., M.r.l'..('ornwall .. ■ Mackay, Hn^'li Montreal. • • Mackenzie, Hector. " Mackie, Rev. .John. Kingston .. MacNisli, Rev. N., \ „ LL.D / Macpherson, Alex . . Montreal. . . Macjjliorson, Alex. . " Maoi)lier8on, R. D.. " MacTavish, P. M... Malcolm, A. R " Marsh, John " Mathews, Rev. 1 r\„„K„„ G. D., aD-.-./Q^^^ec-'- Mathieson, R. T>.,\ Montreal advocate / Montreal.. Mattice, C'. J Cornwall . . . McAllister, And. . . . Montreal. . . Mc Arthur, Colin. ... " McArthur, James . • Martintown McCabe, T., Patent \ Ottawa OlHce |Uttawa.... McCallnm, R. N. . . . Montreal. . . MoCord, David R... McCurdy, Rev. E. A..New Glasgow McDonald, Alex . . .Montreal. • . McFee, Coll McGlbbon, Alex . . . Regina Mcintosh, Thomas. .Montreal. • . Mcintosh, H. E.... " Mclntyre, John.... " McKay, Thomas . . . Montreal . . . McKeracher, 1 Howiok Rev. a W..../ ttowick. COPIKH McLaren, Wm. D . Montroiil .... McLean, Rev. D. J Arnprior Mclxiun, Rev. Alex..H()i)ewell ... Mclit^ilau, Hon. A.VV.Ottawa McUtnnani Kwen. . . Montreal .... MclAuman, Far- ) ("harlotten- 1 quliar D / burg, ().. ( McLennan, D. F. . . Willianiat'wn McMillan, E. D. . . . Montreal McNaughton, Arch. " .... McNaughton, Mrs. 1 „ A. E / McNaughton, A . . . . Cornwall .... McQueen, Miss Montreal. . . . McCiuoen, John F.. " McRae, F. A " .... McVVilliam, Wm... Quebec Moldruni, .lamoa . . . Montreal. . . . Midland, James H. " .... Molson, J. H. R.... Mooney, J. H " .... Moore, William " .... Moore, James " .... Morris, John L " .... Morris, Hon. A .... . Toronto Morrison, D Cornwall .... Morton, Henry Montreal .... %^j5t, Rev- /. B., I j^i^g^^^^ Mowatt, W. W Montreal .... Muir, Rev. J. B. . . . Huntingdon. Muir, Mrs. Wm. . . . Montreal. . . . Munro, Hector. . .. " .... Murphy, John " •-.• Murray, Alex " .... Murray, H. Esson . . " .... Murray, Miss " .... Murray, James " .... Nelson, Alex Montreal .... Nelson, Alex '' .... Newman, L. H " .... Ogilvie, Hon. A. W. .Montreal. . . . Ogilvie, W. W Orkney, Miss " .... Osborne, James .... Hamilton, 0. Osborne, Mrs. Wm • " " . Paterson, A. T Montreal Patterson, J. M " Patterson, A. W. . . . " Patterson, Rev. Jas. " Patton, William.... " XX Peck, Thomas Perkins, Mrs " — Phillips, Mrs. Geo.. Picken, J.B " Pilkington, Miss iChelten- 1 A., The Grove, [■ ham, Douro Road ... J f^ngland. J Porteous, Rev. Geo. . Toledo — Porteous, Arch. C. . .Cornwall ... Pringle, .Judge A. F. " — Pringle, R. A Pringle, George .... " — Ramsay, R. A Montreal . • . . Ramsay, Mrs. Hew.. " — Queen's University. Kingston.. . Reed, William Montreal. . . Reid, Rev. W., D.D..Toronto Richardson, Mrs . . . Montreal . • . . Riddell, A. F Rintonl, W. H Robertson, .Tames . . Robertson, Andrew. Robertson, John A. Robertson, J " Robertson, R. F.... Robertson, Duncan . Lachine . • • Roddick, T.G.,M.D. " Ross, P. S Ross, Geo., M.D.... " Ross, Rev. Prof Kingston . . Sclater, William Montreal. • Scott, Thos. A Scrimger, Rev. Prof. " Shaw, R " Shaw, Jas. G Shepard, Mrs. T. . . . " Sleeth, David, Jr.. . " Smith, Rev. J. K., 1 ^„i. D.D. ;|Galt Somerville, C. D. . . . Montreal. . . COPIES .... 3 II II II 11 II i< II Stephen, Sir G., Bart " Stewart, McLeod . . . Ottawa . . Stewart, Robert, Jr. Montreal Stewart, Thomas . . . Stewart, John Stewart, James .... Stevenson, Mrs. Jas. " Stevenson, A. W . . . " Stow, Mrs Parkdale Strachan, Jessie L. .Montreal Stuart, John A " Stuart, E. J " Sutherland, J. Burt. " Tasker, James Montreal Taylor, John M.... " Taylor, Albert E.... Taylor, C Tempest, J. W Teekey, Joseph " Thom, James " Thom, P. V Thomson, Malcolm. " Tyre, R. W Montreal COPIES 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Warden, Rev. R. H.Montreal . Watson, Rev. Jas. . .Huntingdon. Watt, Arch Montreal Weir, Robert " Wells, Samuel W.. Wesl. Theol. Coll., per Itev. Prof. W. I. Shaw Wheeler, Dr Williamsor., Rev. \ -ir,- „„*„„ James, LL.D...}^^"g«t«"' Wilson, J. C Montreal . Wilson, R. C Workman, Alex .... Ottawa . . Coll., 1 Prof. [ .... J 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 IQuebecHouse Tamborne, Hants,Eng. 1 Page ix. i< X. « xi. K 1. l< 7. - be over- looked, for it has been far-reaching in its influ ice. Mon- treal's first lessons in Christian civilization were taken under the auspices I have just described — among the best, it may safely be said, that the France of the period could furnish — and every Protestant Church, as well as every other institution in the city, has felt the powerful sway of " the gentlemen of the Seminary." o o < ir. OS < > Q OS Q 55 U) as o ^, CHAPTER II. Montreal, not only bjsautiful and well situated from a Military Point op View, but also naturally commands thh Trade op the northern portion op the Continent — Ontario's Desire to possess THE Island of Montreal — Earliest Trade, that in Peltries : its Influence — Formation of North-west Company — Relations be- tween Commerce and Religion — Connection of the Army with the First Establishment of the Scotch Church in Montreal — The Old 78th Regiment, a link between " Prince Charlie " and thb Scotch Church in Montreal. Beautiful for situation is Montreal. The view from the side of the mountain is a perpetual feast to the eyes of the inhabitants. It has not the rugged grandeur of Quebec, but there is a soft picturesqueness about it, which affords great delight to the casual visitor, and is a source of constant joy to the citizens. The striking feature of Montreal is the hill in the background, from which it derives its name. Visitors from rival cities sometimes affect to make light of the mountain, of which we are so proud, and talk of it as a mere mound ; but though it is only 700 feet above the level of the St. Lawrence flowing near by, it is well entitled to the enthusiastic attachment of the citizens, as it of old excited the admiration of Jacques Cartier, and received from him the highest com- pliment which, as a courtier, he could bestow, when, in honour of his sovereign, he called it Mount Royal. It is to Montreal what Arthur Seat is to Edinburgh ; as indeed the crest on its north-east corner which gives to the Allan Mansion its title " Ravenscrag " is a good miniature of Salisbury Crags, which adorn the brow of " Edina, Scotia's darling seat." The majestic river rolling swiftly by, with 14 the solid Victoria Bridge overarching it — the green prairie lying beyond and stretching away to the south and east, with here and there a conical hill or low mountain range, or a village with its glittering spire, until vision is lost in the dim outlines of the Green Mountains and Adiron- dacks — while towards the south-west and west the eye rests on Lake St. Louis and the great Ottawa threading its way through hills and woods to join the greater St, Lawrence, — it is an education in the beautiful to look from the top of the mountain on this scene. The view northwards consisting of varied plain and woodland and water, and bounded by the bold Laurentians, completes a picture once seen never to be forgotten. The landscape as seen from Mount Royal is different now, of course, from what it was in 1535, when " east, west and south, the forest was every where, while the broad blue line of the great St. Lawrence gleamed amidst it all." Yet the essen- tial features have remained the same. Cartier was so enchanted with the beauty of the scene that, when he returned to France, he urged that an immediate settle- ment should be made at the foot of the mountain. Yet the beauty' of the situation, much as it might move the soul of a cultured and sentimental European, was not enough to secure prosperity to the town which was founded, on this site recommended by Cartier, a hundred years afterwards. It was in those days a question of the first importance, what facilities a place afforded for defence against the attacks of the savage Indians, who were then the only inhabitants of the country. And the next ques- tion was, would it conduce to the interests of commerce to build a tow^n in the locality indicated. A favourable conclusion could not but be come to with regard to either of these considerations. For the purposes of both pro- tection and trade, Montreal was well situated. It was long a military centre, although we have fallen on better 16 times, when the Champ de Mars is given up to the games of youth and the noisy laughter of children, rather than to the tread of regiments and the music of fife and drum. But Montreal has pre-eminently developed into a com- mercial city. Nature designed for it this distinction. Notwithstanding all that railways have achieved, water carriage still furnishes the cheapest and easiest mode of transporting merchandise from place to place. As a rule, great cities have always grown up in the neighbourhood of good harbours on the sea coast, or on large navigable rivers and lakes. Mariners, military men and missionaries early perceived the advantages for trade possessed by Montreal. A glance at a map of the continent shows that from the head of the island, navigable water courses spread out like a fan over hundreds of thousands of miles in the interior, all of which get an outlet to the sea by the St. Lawrence. The trade of half North America must sooner or later obey the laws of nature and pass through this port. Montreal may geographically belong to the Province of Quebec, but its real interests are more bound up in the portion of the continent lying west of it. Sea-going vessels have to halt at the foot of the Lachine B-^pids, and break bulk here, so that our merchants must have the handling and distributing of a large part of the wholesale trade of the continent. The intimate relation in which Montreal naturally stands to the country lying westwards has always been perceived, and has, at various times, caused an agitation to be got up for having it politically joined to Ontario, as commercially, it is largely dependent upon that Province. Had the island been included in Upper Canada, when the separation between the two provinces took place in 1791, as the British citizens of that day wished, no serious vio- lence would have been done to natural geographical boundaries ; although it is a ^branch of the Ottawa that 16 sweeps around the island at St. Ann's, and the great Rivers Ottawa and St. Lawrence were regarded in a general way as the dividing lines between the two sec- tions of the Canada of that period. A line drawn from Pointe Beaudette across to the Ottawa having been named as the westernmost boundary of Lower Canada, seeing that French families were residing that far up the country, thus disregarding the barriers which nature had laid down, because the French were then the most numer- ous, the people of Upper Canada, when they began to be strong enough to make their voice heard in the country, might well be excused, if they put forth efforts to recover territory that ought to have been included in their Pro- vince, — the Counties of Vaudrouil and Soulanges — and the island of Montreal in addition. Accordingly, in 1832, a public meeting was held in Toronto (then York) to take into consideration a proposed petition to be presented to the Legislature of Upper Canada, asking that the Island of Montreal should be annexed to the Province, thereby providing a seaport for Upper Canada. This meeting took place on the 17th October, Hon. W. Allan in the Chair. The Hon. Gr. H. Markland, then Attorney-General, along with the Solicitor-General, Hon. C. A. Hagerman, were appointed to draft an address on the subject. The reasons adduced in favour of the proposed annexation were : — " The Lower Province had two seaports, while they had none. " The trade of Montreal was almost wholly dependent upon Upper Canada, from the fact that that Province was inhabited almost exclusively by British, who imported goods from the Mother Country, while three-fourths of the population of Lower Canada were French, and manu- factured for themselves articles of domestic use. " Instead of receiving directly the duties levied on their own imports, they had to await the pleasure of the It Lower Canadian olHoials, before the proportion was settled and paid over.'' The i)otitioners, therefore, asked that changes should be made in tht^ l)oundaries of the Provinces, so as to in- clude Montreal in Upper Canada. Nothing- came of this agitation, although it was revived by the British portion of the citizens of Montreal in the troublous times of 1837-8, and mutterings to the same effect were heard when so many of our French com- patriots lost their head a few months ago over the fate of poor Louis Riel. And it may safely be said that nothing short of a revolution would induce the majority of the people of the Province of Quebec to allow the annexation to Ontario to take place ; for who would provide the funds necessary for carrying on the governmental machinery, if the merchants of Montreal could no longer be reached by taxation ? The trade of the City had a humble beginning. Peltry was for a long period the only traffic deemed important ; and the cargo of a few canoes, though of considerable value, did not furnish tonnage to make it worth while for many vessels to cross the Atlantic and share in the traffic. The first depot of the fur trade established was at Tadousac— then Three-Rivers became the westernmost trading post ; but in the course of a few years, Montreal monopolized the peltry business. It was geographically the natural centre of the trade, as the great waters of the continent, over which the Indians paddled their canoes in search of fur-bearing animals, nearly all converged at this point. In the month of June, the dusky natives be- gan their course eastward, their frail barks laden with the spoils of the winter's chase and the spring's trapping. The number of Indians who resorted to the City increased, as the reports of those who visited it extended the know- ledge of what was doing there. The account of the re- B 18 coption they had mot with, tho sight of the things they had reciuved in exchange tor their goods, ail (contributed to increase this trallic, so that whenever they returned with a fresh supply of furs, a now nation or tribe gener- ally came with them. Thus, by d(^gre(>s, a kind of fair was opiMK'd, to which the several tribes of the (.continent resorted. The fair was held annually from the beginning of June till the latter end of August. The skin of the betivers was chielly sought after. It far surpassed in im- portance, at that early period, all oth(?r furbearing ani- • mals ; and hence it occupies the place of honour on the armorial bearings of our country. Governor Dongan of New York wrote in 1687 : — " It will be very necessary for us to encourage our young men to goe a beaver hunting as the French doe." And he suggested that Country Forts " should be erected for the securing of the beaver trade and keeping the Indians in community with us." Comparatively limited in volume though this trade was, it had a great deal to do with shaping the history of the North American continent. It was the desire of the English merchants residing in New York and the New England States, then British territory, to secure con- trol of the peltry traffi.c that brought them into collision with the French in Canada. With this view, they made a league with the Iroquois Indians, while the French obtained the alliance of the Hurons and Algonquins and other tribes lying within the bounds of Canada. The French Governor DeNonville wrote to the government which he represented : — " Canada is encompassed by many powerful English colonies, who labour incessantly to ruin it by exciting all our savages and drawing them away with their peltries, for which the English give them a great deal more merchandize than the French, because they pay no duty to the king of England." The fur trade was the all absorbing interest, for more than one 19 hundred and fifty yoars, in the valley of the .^t. Lawrence and the vast reo-iou bordering on Hudson's Bay. During a ('onsidera])lo portion of that time, there was a rivalry be- tween the l<:nglish and Fnuich for the ;:■■•■■.,. British flag has been the signal for planting also the banner of the cross. The English and Scottish Churches both owed their establishment in Montreal to the British soldiery that garrisoned the city after the conquest, and, when quit- ing the army, took up their abode in it. The same was true of Quebec. Rev. George Henry, ex-chaplain to a Scotch Regiment, organized the first Presbyterian Church in old Canada, in a large loom in the Jesuits' Barracks, Quebec, in the year lt65. Among others who engaged in the fur trade of the North-West company were retired officers and privates of the Scottish Regiments that had been concerned in the taking of Quebec and Montreal. Some of them were Highland gentlemen of high degree. It is not easy to realize it, but it is nevertheless a fact, that a few of those who were' present at the organization of the first Presby- tei'ian Congregation, in a room on Notre-Dame Street, on the 12th of March, 1786, had, as youths, been actually en- gaged in the fight at Culloden, in 1746 ; and several of them were the children or descendants of those brave men who stood by the side of " Prince Charlie " on that fated field. From that day forward, the power of the chieftains, we know, was broken — clanship in the Highlands was doomed. The exuberant vigour of the mountaineers could not remain pent up, but must find vent for itself in some other direction than in waging deadly warfare with the Sassenach, or in maintaining feuds with neighbouring septs. William Pitt helped to solve the difficulty, by get- ting the clans to organize regiments for service under the House of Hanover, to be officered by their chieftains and the other gentlemen of the respective districts. That great minister never devised a more successful stroke of policy. The Highlander rushed into battle at the shrill notes of the Pibroch as cheerfully as the more stolid South- ern hurried to breakfast at the sound of the gong. These regiments proved at once the most serviceable and reliable in the British army, covering themselves with glory whenever a chance offered. None of them made a more brilliant record than the gallant 42nd or Black Watch, and the old TSth or Fraser Highlanders. These two regiments played a prominent part in the British campaign against Canada. The 42nd, commanded by G-eneral Murray, after whom they were called "the Murray Highlanders, " was a Perthshire regiment, raised in the land of TVaverly. This gallant corps had been terribly cut up, owing to the blundering of Abercrombie at Ticonderoga, in 1*758 ; but every man of them sold his life dearly, as might be ex- pected. The capture of Montreal was a bloodless victory in which these brave sons of the mist shared ; and they have distinguished themselves on so many battlefields, in the century and a cj^uarter w^hich has since elapsed, as to have well earned the memorial that it is now proposed to erect to them near Aberfeldy, where the regiment was first embodied, and the eulogy which the gallant G-eneral Lord Wolseley has lately pronounced upon them : — " When in action with the Royal Highlanders, we need take no trouble about the part of the field where they are engaged, for I have always then realized that what men could do, they would accomplish. Officers and men work together with an entire and mutual confidence in one another that ensures success. Whenever I go on active service, I always try to have this splendid regi- ment with me, because I can rely upon it at all times and under all circumstances. Whenever I see the red hackle of the Black Watch, I feel I have there not only good friends, but also staunch comrades, who will stand by me to the last. Perthshire has good reason to be proud of its regiment, for it is, without any doubt, one of the finest that has ever worn the Royal uniform." - : - The 78th Regiment of that time was not the same corps 24 that now goes by that number, the gallant Rosshire Buffs, the splendid fellows who relieved Lucknow, whom the people of Montreal had the honour of having among them from 1867 to 1869, and who used to fill St. G-abriei Street Church to overflowing at the G-arrison service, but was composed chiefly of Inverness-shire Highlanders, and so were known as " the Eraser Eegiment," because so large- ly made up of members of that clan. They, too, had suf- fered severely in previous campaigns, having lost nearly three hundred in killed, wounded and prisoners at Fort Du Quesne, through bad generalship ; but they met their fate as men, without flinching. They had also occupied a distinguished place in the force with which Wolfe had conquered Montcalm on the plains of Abraham. When Canada was confirmed as a British possession by the treaty of Paris in lt63, the brave soldiers who had achieved its conquest were offered a home in it, as many of them as chose to remain ; while the head-quarters of the regiments returned to Britain. A large proportion of the Highlanders elected to stay in this country and had lands assigned them ; many of the officers settling in Montreal or the neighbourhood, while the men took up their resi- dence in the mountain regions around Murray Bay and Riviere-du-Loup, where their descendants are to be found to this day. When the North- West company was organ- ized, several of the retired ofiicers of the 42nd and 78th Regiments joined it. This service suited the adventur- ous spirit of the Grael, not less than the army or navy ; and not a few of those to whom no military career at home offered, resolved to try their fortunes in this new sphere of activity which opened up to them. These were the men, for the most part, whose spiritual inter- ests were sought to be promoted by the organization of a Presbyterian Church in Montreal, REV. JOHN BETHUNE. CHAPTEE III. Connection of tiie Ciiukcii with 'niB American War of Independence — Rev. John Betiiune, tub Foindeij of the Scotch Congkegation :; IN Montreal — The old 84Tn Regiment or "Highland Emkirants" — The U. E. Loyalists— Mr. Betiiune settles at Williamstown, so callfjD after Sir AVi lliam Johnston— His Character and "Work — Father of the Late Dean and of the Late Bishop of Toronto. "We have seen how the commencement of Presbyterian- ism in Montreal is linked with the most romantic period of Scottish history, throuj^h the Murray and Fraser High- landers, who formed the nucleus of the original congre- gation. The old Church had large associations also with the most stirring events in American history. The Rev. John Bethune, who had the honour of first planting the blue banner of the covenant in this city, had taken part in the conflict betwixt Great Britain and her colonies, and had suffered in the cause of loyalty. Born in the island of Skye, in 1751, and educated at King's College, Aberdeen, Mr. Bethune emigrated with some of his kindred to South Carolina, and, being a licen- tiate of the Church of Scotland, he obtained the chaplaincy of a regiment of the Royal Militia in the Carolinas, com- posed of Scottish settlers, on the breaking out of the revolutionary war. The royal cause did not succeed, as we know ; and with many other loyalists, he was made a prisoner, and for a time had to endure great hardships at the hands of the rebels, victorious against the authority of Greorge III. In due season, an exchange of prisoners took place, and on regaining his liberty he made his way to the steadfast Province of Nova Scotia, and tock up his 26 residence iu Halifax. He did not long remain idle there. He was largely instrumental in organizing " the Highland Emigrants," a corps made up iu part of Gaelic speaking settlers in Nova Scotia, and of the disbanded soldiers of the old *78th and 42nd Regiments, of whom an account has been already given, as haA^ng settled on the banks of the lower St. Lawrence. It embraced also some ex-members of the Montgomery Regiment, who remained in Canada when their term of service had expired. This fine body of men was mustered in 1775, and regimented in 1778 under the number of the 84th, but they went generally by the title of " Highland Emigrants." Mr. Bethune was appointed chaplain. These brave veterans gave a good account of themselves whenever an opportunity offered. They constituted the chief strength of the spirited defence of Quebec against the attack of the United States troops under Montgomery, when that gallant general fell on the 31st December, 1775. After the independence of the re- volted colonies was acknowledged by Great Britain in the treaty of peace, the preliminaries of which were arranged on the 30th November, 1782, the " Highland Emigrants " were disbanded, and returned to their peace- ful avocations as agriculturists and traders. Mr. Bethune took up his residence in this city. A man of a noble countenance, as the accompanying engraving shows ; of dignified presence and engaging manners, as well as of a chivalrous spirit, he soon attracted to himself his fellow- countrymen resident in Montreal and vicinity. As a loyalist, who had suffered for his king and native land, he exercised great influence among the British portion of the citizens of all creeds. And he was not the only refugee from the United States who took up a residence ; in Montreal. A certain number of the New England i people had come over to Canada as traders before the J War of Independence had broken out. These remained loyal to Great Britain ; and a good many more from the same quarters, who sympathised with the mother coun- try in the struggle, emigrated northwards, and some of them cast in their lot with their brethren already resident in this city. As they had rendered themselves obnoxious to the Republicans, among whom they formerly lived, by their devotion to the cause of the British Empire, for the unity of which they stood out, they w^ere, therefore, distinguished by the title of United Empire Loyalists. They were a tried people, as a minority exposed to the active opposition of the majority always is; sturdy in their opinions, and stalwart in their character — the mate- rial of which political martyrs are made — for such they were. The U. E. Loyalists also naturally rallied around Mr. Bethune, as one of the most distinguished of their number. Such was the order of men that came to the front when the ex-chaplain of the 84th Regiment pro- posed to organise a Presbyterian congregation in Mont- real. A good many of the Highlanders belonged to the Episcopal Church, and some of them were Roman Catho- lics ; but when their high-spirited and patriotic fellow- countryman appealed to them for sympathy and help, their national sentiment was stronger than their denomi- national attachment, and they rallied around Mr. Bethune, first, and, afterwards, around Mr. Young and Mr. Somer- ville, his successors, almost everyone of them subscribing to the building fund of the St. Grabriel Street Church, and subsequently becoming the proprietor of a pew in it. These Highland gentlemen were as open-handed as they were brave and patient in enduring hardships. Ten guineas was a considerable sum for men to subscribe in those days, but that is the amount which stands opposite the name of each of the " G-entlemen of the North-west Company," as they are styled in the subscription list in our possession. 28 Mr. Bethuue continued preaching to his small but in- teresting congregation, from March 12th, lt86, till May 6th, 1Y8*7, when he removed to Upper Canada. Want of support was one of the grounds of his leaving Montreal, but the main reason probably was his wish to enter upon the possession ol the land, assigned to him and other IT. E. Loyalists, who had fought for their King. The same liberal provision was made for those who had served in the war with the revolted States, fighting for the Crown, that had been made at the conclusion of the conflict with the French in Canada, viz : — To a field ofiicer, a grant of 5,000 acres ; to a captain, a grant of 3,000 acres ; to a subaltern, a grant of 2,000 acres ; to sergeants, other non-commissioned officers and privates, a grant of 200 acres each.^ In pursuance of this policy. Governor Haldimand was instructed, in 1788, to grant patents of land, on applicants taking the usual oath of allegiance, and subscribing a declaration acknowledging the three Estatet of Great Britain as the supreme legislature of the Province. The American loyalists settled along the banks of the St. Lawrence and around the Bay of Quinte. The 84th Regiment, after being on the list of His Majesty's army for five years, was dis- banded, and, therefore, had not the remotest connection with the 84th of to-day, any more than the old t8th Eraser Highlanders had with the famous Mackenzie Regi- ment, now known by the same number, " The Eoss-Shire Buffs." The retired officers and men of the " Highland Emigrants" that chose to accept land in Upper Canada, were also provided with lots along the St. Lawrence, which most of them took possession of in 1*784. Mr. Bethune, as chaplain, ranking with a captain, w^as entitled to 3,000 acres. And besides what was thus voted to the • At the end of the French war, privates got only 50 acres. S9 U. E. Loyalists themselves, the further premium was put upon adherence to the royal cause, that " th«>ir children, as well those born thereal'ter as those already born, should, upon arriving at the age ol' twenty-one years, and females upon their marriage within that age, be entitled to grants of two hundred acres each, free from all expense." As Mr. Bethune had some children already, and afterwards had a numerous family, the amount of land falling to him and his ofFspring must have been large, although in those days such property in even splendid townships like Lan- caster, Cornwall and Charlottenburg, did not count for much. He took up his residence in the latter township, at the place called Williamstown, after Sir William Johnston, one of the heroes of the war with France, whose influence with the Indians was so dominant and unfailing. lie, too, had been assigned land in Glengary, and had built a mill on the " Eiviere Raisin," at this point. But though Mr. Bethune went to reside upon his property, he did not forget his ministerial vows : he re- sumed professional work in the new sphere to which Providence had led him. He was a faithful and zealous missionary, and to this day the fruits of his vigour and efficiency remain, in the large and prosperous congrega- tions organized by him, not only at Williamstown, but also at Martintown, Cornwall and Lancaster. He bap- tized, altogether, 2379 persons during his ministry in Grlengary. In no part of Canada, perhaps, was the Pro- testant population kept so well consolidated, as in the district to which Mr. Bethune ministered : very few de- nominations have even yet acquired a foothold in it — thanks to the high influence, both intellectual and spir- itual, which he exercised at the formative period of the history of Glengary. He and his partner, Veronica Wadden, who was Swiss by birth, struggled bravely against poverty and the pri- 30 vations manifold, incidental to " lifo in tho bush, having littlo more to live upon than his half pay as a retired chaplain," and brought up their large family of six sons and three daughtt-rs, instilling into their minds high principles, and imparting to them that culture whi(;h, emanating from so many Scotch manses, has led on ch^rgy- men's sons to distinction and honour. His patriotism, of which he hnd given such striking proof in his youth, grew with Iiis advancing life, and helped to deepen in the whole district that loyalty which has ever characterized thi; men of Glengary. We iind his name second on the list, on the loyal address present- ed to Lieut. General Sir G-ordon Drummond, President of the Province of Upper Canada, on the 21st December, 1814, at the conclusion of the second American war, Bishop Macdonnell's name being the first. The mention of Bishop Macdonnell suggests the in- sertion of an interesting incident of those days, illustra- tive of the kindly sentiments which the Gaelic-speaking residents of Glengary, Protestant and Roman Catholic, cherished towards each other. Some dispute had arisen between Mr. Bethui.v and his parishioners, as still some- times happens in the best regulated congregations, which they failed to settle by themselves. The happy thought occurred to some one to submit the diificulty in question to Bishop Macdonnell, their respected Roman Catholic neighbour of St. Raphael's, and this course was mutually agreed on. After the hearing of parties, the worthy pre- late, who might he expected to give the benefit of the doubt to his Protestant confrere, by way of upholding the the principle of authority, not only gave judgment in his favour, but gave the people a good lecture on the duty of respect and obedience which they owed to their eccle- siastical superior. And my informant tells me that the congregation received the exhortation in good part, and 31 the breach betwixt them and their pastor was heak^d. This incidiiiit shows that the happy rehilions subsisting betweea Roman Catholics and Protestants, seen in the occupation of the Recollets Church in Montreal by the latter, was g-eneral at that time throughout the country. And it is pleasant to note that the Highlanders of Glen- gary still live in an atmosphere of i)eace and good will, although dillering in their religious views. It is not many years since St. Andrew's Hall, Martintown, in which Presbyterian religious service is held on Sabbath evenings, was placed by llev. J. S. Burnet and his con- gregation at the disposal of llev. Father Gauthier, the Roman Catholic Priest of Williamstown, for the holding of a concert on behalf of the work of his parish ; and it was not only patronized by the Presbyterians of the dis- trict, but the St. Andrew's Choir actually had a place on the Programme. After Mr. Bethune's removal to Glengary, there remains no record of any subsequent connection with the congre- gation he left behind in Montreal, except on two occa- sions : once, when his son Alexander Neil, afterwards Bishop of Toronto, was baptized by Rev. John Young, on the 7th September, 1800 ; and, again, when he took part with Rev. Dr. Sparks, of Quebec, in the ordination of Rev. James Somerville as minister of the St. Gabriel Street Church, on 18th September, 1803. He died on the 23rd September, 1815, deeply regretted by the community amongst which he had lived and laboured so long. The following tribute was paid to his memory in the Montreal Gazette a few days after his decease : " Died at Williamstown, . . . after being long in a weak state of health, the Rev. John Bethune. . . . Mr. Bethune, at an early period of his life, left Scotland with his parents for the purpose of settling in the colonies of America. 82 When these colonies rebelled, he and many others were reduced to much distress by their steady loyalty and by their firmness and attachment to the Grovernment. At this time was probably laid the foundation of that disease which has ultimately caused his death. During the rebellion he was appointed chaplain to the 84th Regi- ment, with which he did duty till the peace was con- cluded. He then settled in Canada, where he lived re- spected and beloved by all who knew him. " Mr. Bethune was a man remarkable for the mildness and agreeableness of his manners, but at no time defi'uent in that spirit which is requisite for the support of a Christ- ian and a gentleman. He understood what was due to ' the powers that be,' without losing sight of that respect which was due to himself. He has left a widow and numerous family ; but the place they hold in society will show that as a husband and father he must be numbered among those who have done their duty well." In after years a very tasteful monument to his memory was erected by his six sons, the inscription on which is very much admired for its chasteness, and the warmth of respect and tenderness of affection which it breathes. I give it entire. One side has : — " Sacred to the memory of the Rev. Jno. Bethune, Pastor of the congregation of the Kirk of Scotland in Glengary. He departed this life at Williams- town on the 23rd September, 1815, in the 66th year of his age, and the 44th of his ministry." Another side has : — "This monument is erected as a mark of filial affection to his memory by his six sons, Angus, Norman, John, James, Alexander, Donald." The third side bears : " That he was a faithful steward, the peace and happiness of his flock are the most certain proof. " That he was eminently endeared by those conciliating 33 endearing qualities which united society in the closest bonds of unanimity and friendship, his numerous con- gregation, who shed the tribute of unfeigned sorrow over his grave, have borne the most honorable testimony. " That he was open, generous and sincere, those who participated in his friendship can afford the most satis- factory evidence. " That he was a kind and affectionate husband, a tender and indulgent parent, the love and unanimity of his numerous family furnish the most undeniable proof." Happy the sons that had such a father, and honoured the father that had sons to appreciate him. Mr. Bethune's influence upon Canada did not terminate with his decease in 1815. He lived for more than half a century afterwards in his sons, and still lives in an honoured and useful pos- terity. No stronger proof could be afforded of the even balance of his nature, and of the gentleness, tempered with wisdom, that characterized him, than his success in training up a large family of sons, all of whom afterwards did credit to his memory, and proved worthy of their revered sire. Several members of his family had a connection, in after years, with the congregation which their father had organized. His eldest son Angus, who was born in 1Y83, entered the service of the North-west Company when a young man ; and, on his return from a lengthened sojourn in the Red River country, in 1815, had a son baptized by Rev. James Somerville, the mother of the child being an Indian woman. This indicates that he must have been himself a member of the congregation. The books of the church show that Norman, the first of Mr. Bethune's children born in Grlengary, became the proprietor of a pew in 1809 ; and he and his younger brother James entered into a partnership with Alexander 34 Henry as auctioneers in 181 Y. Norman (3ontinued his con- nection with the old Church till the dissension occurred in 1831. Mr. Bethune's daughter, Christie, who was mar- ried to Robert Henry, a merchant, on the 2nd November, 1817, with her husband, afterwards attended the " Scots Church " in St. Grabriel Street. Still another member of Mr. Bethune's family became connected with the congregation. This was his youngest daughter, Ann, born 21st May, 1798, who was married to Mr. Henry McKenzie on the 23rd May, 1815, and whose son, Simon McTavish McKenzie, we are happy to have with us yet worshipping in the church of which his father was an honoured elder, and his grandfather was the founder. But the two most eminent members of his family became clergymen of the Church of England in Canada. These were John, his third son, and Alexander Neil, already mentioned, the fifth, — the former, the late Very Reverend the Dean of Montreal ; and the latter, the late Right Reverend Bishop of Toronto. This is one of the many points of contact between the St. Gabriel Street Church and the Protestant Episcopal Church in this country. Several circumstances conspired to bring about the entrance of Mr. Bethune's two sons into the English Church. The chief of these, undoubtedly, was the influ- ence of their school teacher, the late Bishop Strachan. Mr. Strachan was ordained by Bishop Mountain, on the 22nd May, 1803, and settled at Cornwall immediately afterwards. In the autumn of the same year, he opened a school in that town, which afterwards obtained a just celebrity. Amongst his first pupils at Cornwall was John Bethune. Mr. Strachan was a famous instructor of youth. He had enlarged views as to the proper scope of education, and succeeded in inspiring his pupils with a love of letters, as well as in awakening into full activity their intellectual powers. His own mental gifts were of 35 a high order-he was endowed with acuteness, activity energy and a genius for government. He put an indelible impress upon all the pupils that passed through his hands. The intellectual force which |he centred upon them dominated their subsequent career. Havino- left the Presbyterian communion himself to join the Epis^copal Church, as we shall have occasion to notice more fully by and by, he became a redoubtable champion of prelacy and very likely considered he was doing God service when he sought to bring others to adopt his new views.' No one, so far as I know, ever accused him of deliberately setting himself to gain over to the Episcopal Church the sons of his worthy neighbour and friend, Eev. J iJethune ; but ingenuous youth are easily moulded un- consciously by a master-mind like Dr. Strschan's. And It was all the easier to influence them in this direction that they inherited from their father highly conservative leelmgs, deep attachment to the mother coantry, and a profound veneration for British institutions. Add to these considerations the fact that the Church of England had got the start of the Church of Scotland n Canada • had a larger number of clergymen, who occupi( d a higher position in the country, and werc better provided for°out ot the public purse, it is known that Dr. Strachan pointed these facts out to clergymen of the Church of feeotland, and to private members of that Church as a reason why they should cast in their lot with the Ano-li- can communion ; and it is not likely that he would with- hold his views from the young students whose opinions he was privileged to shape. Whatever was the ground occupied by these two young- men, in preferring to take Orders in the Church of Enff- laud rather than in that of their father, they were worthy 01 the high positions which they achieved, and were ornaments of the church of their choice. For that matter 36 both of them might have become bishops : as it is well known that the late Dean of Montreal declined overtures made to him to place him over the Diocese. Both of them were accurate scholars, as all Dr. Strachan's capable pupils were; both of them were for a time teachers themseU^es, as so many of the greatest men in the Churches of Eng- land and Scotland have been ; and both of t'-em have left to their children the heritage of a spotless name. The Reverend John Bethune was ordained by Bishop Mountain at Quebec, in 1814, the year before his father's death, and was first settled at Augusta, near Brockville, as the following announcement intimates that he taught the Grovernment school, established in the village of Augusta. " The Public School, for the District of Johns- town, U.C, will be opened on August 1st next. Augusta, l*7th April, 1815. John Bethune." He seems to have subsequently been in charge of the Church, at Brockville, because in the year 1818 he became Rector of Christ Church, Montreal, in exchange with Rev. Mr. Leeds, who remained at Brockville. In features, he strongly resembled his father. There is an admirable por- trait of him in the Vestry House of Christ Church, below which is the following inscription : " Johannes Bethune, S.T.R Parochice Regiomontanse annos quatuor et c[uinquaginta Rector, JEdis Christi Cathedralis in urbe Regiomontana, Annos Duodeviginti Decanus, natus est die quinta Jan- naurii, A. S. MDCCXCI. In pace decessit die vicesima secunda Augusti, A.S. MDCCCLXXII." In 1835, he was appointed Principal of McGrill College, at the termination of the lawsuit the relatives of Hon, James McGrill's widow had carried on to set aside the will by which the estate of Burnside, together with ^£40,000 was left by that gentleman to form a University SI in Montreal. It was the wish of the founder, as well as of the Grovernors, that Rev. Dr. Strachan should be the first Principal ; but his position as Rector of Toronto and Archdeacon of York was so important that he would not give it up for even this office, so attractive to one pos- sessing his tastes, and the filling of which would have realised the dream of his youth. Unable to accept the position himself, there was no one whom he would more naturally desire to see at the head of the new in- stitution than his friend and former pupil, Dean Bethune. The College question, however, was not yet settled, and before the University could be got on a satisfactory foot- ing, a new charter had to be procured in 1852. This in- volved the resignation of Dr. Bethune, and the recasting of the governing body of the College. The Rev. A. N. Bethune was for many years Rector of Cobourg, and the attempt to make King's College at Toronto an Anglican Institution, pure and simple, having failed, when the Diocese of Toronto resolved to institute au independent Theological School at Cobourg, Mr. Bethune was appointed the first Professor of Theology. When it was determined, in 1866, to appoint a coadjutor bishop to aid the now aged Dr. Strachan, the choice of the Synod lay on Mr. Bethune — a result most gratifying to the venerable prelate — who, in declaring Mr. Bethune elected, added : " and I hope that his future life will be what his past has been, — just, and holy, and upright, in every respect, worthy of the high station to which he has been called." Less than a year afterwards Dr. Bethune succeeded to the See of Toronto, owing to the death of his senior. Dr. Strachan. Thus two Scotchmen, both trained Presbyterians, and both of them having some slight relation to the old St. G-abriel Street Church, Montreal, filled in succession the office of Anglican Bishop of Toronto. 88 In taking leave of the founder of the Presbyterian cause in Montreal, it may be interesting to some to know that Mr. Bethune's grandson, the son of Angus already mentioned, Dr. Norman Bethune of Toronto, has lately connected himself with the communion to which he by de- scent belongs, after worshipping for many years in the Anglican Church. This is what Darwin would have called a|?return to the original type. It is still more in- teresting to learn that one of his sons is now prosecuting his studies with a view to the ministry of the Presby- terian Church. CHAPTER IV. Social, Civil and Commkrcial Condition of things in Montrkal a Cen- tury AGO — Prksbyteuian Church has kept i'acu with the Growth OF the City — The Scotch in Montreal, before 1786, worshii'ped with the English Ciurch Congregation — Rev. John Young, a Scotch Licentiate, with American Ordination — Settled in jNIon- AiBAL in 1791, AS "Stated Supply" — A Link between the Con- gregation and the Presbyterian Church of the United States — Mr. Young's Weakness and Misfortunes. The Reverend John Bethune's effort to establish a Pres- byterian Church in Montreal was not altogether successful, yet it paved the way for ultimate success. The beginning was small, but so also was the beginning of the city. It is difficult for those who have seen Montreal only within the last thirty years to realize .how humble a town it was a hundred years ago. Let me mention one or two things which indicate the backward state of matters socially and commercially in the year 1Y86. A mail for England was despatched only once a month, and it went by way of New York, taking about four weeks on the way, whence it was carried by packet-ship, and four months had to elapse before an answer could be had from across the Atlantic ; now we have a daily mail for Great Britain, besides that we are in momentary com- munication with all parts of the world by telegraph. The incoming mail was put off" the New York packet at Hali- fax, whence it came overland to Montreal, which it took a month to reach. In 1*789, it was publicly intimated by the postal authorities ; " Letters for any part of the con- tinent of Europe are to be sent under cover to a correspon- 40 dent in Loudon, otherwise they cannot be forwarded from this Province." The Civic Government of the period was paternal enough, as the following proclamation shows : — "City and District of Montreal,, AVednesday, 1st Januarj', 1789. " At a meeting of His Majesty's Justices of tlie Peace this day, it is ordered that tlie price and assize of bread, for tlio pi-osent month, be as follows : — The white loaf of 4 lbs., at 9d. or 18 sols. The brown loaf of 6 lbs., at lOd. or 20 sols. And that the several bakers of the city and suburbs do conform thereto and mark their Dic?d with the initial of their name. • " By order of the Justices. "J. Reid, " Clerk of Peace." Here is an advertisement of the same year : "Montreal, 1st April, 1789. To RE Sold, "A stout, healthy nep;ro man, about 28 years of ajze — is an excellent cook, and very lit for working on a farm, Enquire of the Printer." A primitive condition of affairs, sure enough, is disclosed by these facis. The trade of the city, we would now say, was exceed- ingly insignificant. The entire carrying capacity of the ships annually entering at Quebec did not exceed 12,000 tons and a very small proportion of these vessels made their way to Montreal. The exports of furs and other co- lonial produce from Quebec, in the year 1^86, were valued at .£445,116 sterling less than tw^o millions and a quarter dollars, of which this city's share can be imagined as trifling. The amount of wheat leaving Quebec in lYSY was 200,000 bushels. To see what our commercial pro- gress has been in the century, compare these figures with the trade returns for Montreal alone during the year 1885. There entered this port last year, 441 ocean steamships 41 with a tonnage of 619,64V, and 188 sailing vessels, carrying 64,207 tons ; while 5,003 inland vessels visited the harbor with a tonnage of 724,975. The imports en- tered at the harbor office were valued at $37,042,659 and the exports at $25,209,813. And this does not embrace the inland traffic done by railways centring in the city. The population of the oAty in 1805 was only 12,000, and we are therefore safe in saying that in 1786 it did not reach half that number. The story of the progress of the Presbyterian Church from the day on which Mr. Bethune began a regular ser- vice a(?cording to the forms and practice of the Church of Scotland, up to the present time, is, therefore, in reality, the story of the advancement of Montreal, from a small walled town to the great and beautiful city which it has become, gradually spreading over the whole island. The growth of Presbyterianism has kept pace with that of the community. The seventeen Presbyterian congregations, all told, of to-day, are a good showing of work achieved in the century. The little seed has become a tree of goodly proportions. From May, 1787, till 1790, there exists no record of ser- vices held according to the Presbyterian forms. During this period all the Protestants in the city seem to have worshipped together, attending the services of the Hev. David Charbrand Delisle, who was st3ded "Rector of the Parish of Montreal and Chaplain to the Grarrison." When the Bishop of Nova Scotia visited Montreal in 1789, — before the advent of Bishop Mountain to Quebec — an address was presented to him by the Church Wardens and a Com- mittee of the Protestant inhabitants of Montreal, who went as far as Pointe aux Trembles to meet him ; and amongst the names are to be found many of those who were after- wards forward in the erection of the Scotch Church. Among others who up to 1790 supported the Church of 42 England wore William England, William Hunter, Adam Scott, John Russell and Duntan Fisher, who were after- wards appointed trustees for the Presbyterian Church, their names being mentioned in the original deed; as well as Joseph Provan, Thomas Busby, liobert Aird, Alex- ander Fisher and Finlay Fisher. Mention is made in the Hunter Manuscript, from which we gather a good deal of our information respecting those early days, of occasional services held by Scotch military chaplains ; but they do not appear to have kept up regular public worship or to have dispensed ordinances. The gentleman,to whom the credit has to be given of get- ting thePresbyterian cause placed on a solid and permanent footing, was the Rev. John Young. Like Mr. Bethune, though born and educated in Scotland, he had come as a young man to America and w s settled for some time in the United States. Born at Beith, Scotland, he was licensed by the Presbytery of Irvine on the 29th Novem- ber, 1785. As it is of consequence to have a full and accurate knowledge of this minister's status when he came to take up his residence in Montreal, and of his rela- tions to the Church of Scotland and to the Presbyterian Church in the United State&, I give extracts from the official records : — " Irvine, 29th ]^ov., 1*785, P. M. After Prayer, — " The Presbytery, now considering that Mr. John Young had gone through all the pieces of trial prescribed by Act of Assembly, to their satisfaction, they resolved to license him to preach the Gospel as a Proba- tioner of this Church, He being called in, and having answered the questions appointed to be put to probationers by the 10th Act of Assembly, 1711, and having signed the formula of said Act, the Presbytery, after suitable admoni- tion, did, and hereby do, unanimously license the foresaid 43 Mr. John Young to preach the Gospel qf Christ, as a pro- bationer within their bounds and elsewhere, as he may be regularly called." Mr. Young's next appearance is in the State of New York. "At South Hanoveii, June 19th, 1*787. "The testimonials of Mr. John Young, a probationer from the Presbytery of Irvine, having been approved by the Synod, were read, and he was received under our care. Mr. Young was appointed to visit the vacancies, north- ward and westward of Albany." The above extract and the three extracts which follow are taken from the minutes of the Presbytery of New York. " At Goshen, October mh, lt87. " A call from Cambridge, and another from Schenectady and Currie's Bush, were brought in and put into Mr. Young's hands, and he declared his acceptance of the latter." "October 18th. *' The Presbytery appointed Mr. Young for an Exegesis. An Christus qua Mediator sit adorandus ?" " At Elizabeth Town, May lih, 1788. "The Presbytery examined Mr. John Young on his ex- perimental acquaintance with religion, and his views in entering the ministry; with which they were unani- mously satisfied ; and accepted his sermon delivered at the opening of Presbytery, and his Exegesis now delivered, as parts of trial ; and examined him in Hebrew, Greek and Latin, I^gic, Uhetoric, Geography, Astronomy, Natural and Moral Philosophy, Church History and Government, and Systematic and Casuistic Divinity ; and sustained the examination. 44 " Mr. Yonii"' adopted tho "Westminster Confession of Faith, and approved of the Directory." " May 8th. "The Presbytery hearing" there were didieulties in the conj^regation of Schenectady, resi)ecting arrears due to their former minister, appointed Dr. Uodgers to write to them, and Mr. Mi^Donald to meet with them and seii that all matters b'' arranged previous to Mr. Young's ordina- tion, which is to be at Schenectady the second Thursday in August ; Mr. King to preach. Dr. Ilodgers to preside, and Dr. McWhorter to give the charge." SCHENECTADY, August 14th, 1788. " '" ne Presbytery proceeded to the ordination of Mr. Young, and in the absence of Mr. King, Mr. Schenck preached from Acts x. 29, last clause, and Mr. Young, having publicly adopted the Confession of Faith of this Church, and declared his assent to the form of govern- ment, worship and discipline, the Presbytery set him apart to the work of the Ministry, by prayer and imposition of hands ; and, with the mutual consent of both parties, installed him pastor of the United Congregations of Schenectady and Currie's Bush. Dr. Rodgers concluded the whole with a charg(» to the pastor and people ; and Mr. Young took his seat, and Mr. James Sliuter sat as his elder." It follows that Mr. Young was a minister of the Presby- terian Church of the United States, rather than of the Church of Scotland. It is the act of ordination, not the licensure, that confers ministerial status. License leaves the licentiate, according to the order of the Presbyterian Church, still " a layman," — to use a convenient word, to which some have objection from an ecclesiastical point of view. 45 The namo of Mr. Young appears oorasioniilly in the minutes until the reference, in October, 171)0, to the " newly erected Presbytery of Albany," which embraced him and his charge. The Presbytery of New York was, at its own instance, divided by the Synod, and a new Presbytery of Albany set off from it, on the 8th of October, 1700. At the first meeting of the Presbytery of Albany, within the bounds of which Mr. Young's congregation lay, held in November, 1790, he requested that the pastoral relation between him and the people of his charge should be dissolved. Meantime a serious charge was brought against him, and it was while it was hanging over his head that he paid his first visit to Montreal. Plis absenting himself in these circumstances, without previous permission obtained from the ecclesiastical authorities, showed if not cowardice, at least, a want of judgment, that was enough to weaken his cause and create a prejudice against him. Notwithstanding this, Mr. Young, after due investigation, was honourably acquitted. At the same meeting, in December, 1790, the "Presby- tery proceeded to enquire into the conduct of Mr. Young in abruptly leaving his charge, in the sight of the slander- ous accusations," referred to above, " and taking a journey into Canada without the knowledge of his people, the leave of the Presbytery or the advice of his brethren." His conduct was adjudged " unfaithful and untender to his flock and tending to subvert Presbyterial discipline and order." The Presbytery resolved to " call Mr. Young to a solemn acknowledgment and to require profession of his unfeigned sorrow and repentance of his behavior in the whole of that affair." Mr. Young having complied, the Presbytery then " agreed that after a solemn admoni- tion from the chair he should be re-admitted to his seat," — which was done. It was after this, and at the same 46 meeting, that he was released from his charge at Schenec- tady and Currie's Bush, the reason assigned being a " deficiency in the payment of his salary." He continued to preach, however, by appointment of Presbytery to the same people, as " stated supply," till the next meeting in March. This evidently implies that in neither the Pres- bytery nor the congregation there rested a shadow of suspicion respecting his moral character. At the meeting of the Albany Presbytery, in March, 1791, he declined a call from the churches at Currie's Bush (now Princeton) and New Scotland. In September, 1*791, " he reported himself by letter as preaching in Montreal in Canada, and requested to be appointed ' stated supply ' to a church in that place." From other sources, we learn that on the 18th day of that month, " the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered by him, in accordance with the usages of the Church of Scotland, in the 'Kecol- let ' Roman Catholic Church." He, therefore, 1 and an organized congregation here, ready to receive ordinances at the hand of a visiting minister. Mr. Bethune, in virtue of his commission as an ambassador of Christ and of his orders as a Presbyterian minister, had, without advice or sanction from a Presbytery, in the exceptional circum- stances in which he was placed, erected a charge in Mon- treal, which, from that time forward, could claim all the rights and privileges of a congregation. In the early his- tory of any country or church, anomalies of necessity arise. Congregations, Ministers and Presbyteries must, in such a case, get on their feet the best way they can. We shall find instances of the elasticity of our Presbyterial proce- dure right along the history of our Church in Canada ; but this is no argument against the propriety or desir- ableness of insisting strictly upon the observance of the rules, which long " usage has shown to be required to secure that things within the House of Grod shall be done 47 decently and in order, whenever it is practicable to enforce them." The Presbyterian congregation in Montreal resolved to ask the Presbytery of Albany to take them under its care, no doubt persuaded to this action by Mr. Young. I quote at length from the records of that court, kindly placed at my disposal by the clerk, Rev. J. N. Crocker of Saratoga. " Salem, N.Y., Sept. 9th, 1791. " A petition from a Presbyterian congregation at Mon- treal in Canada was also laid before the Presbytery, re- questing to be taken under their care/ and to have Mr. Young appointed a' stated supply ' till the next meeting of Presbytery in March. The Presbytery, agreeable to their request did enroll them among the congregations under their inspection, and Mr. Young was appointed a ' stated supply.' " "Albany, Sept. 4th, 1792. "The Presbtery, taking into consideration that no accounts have been received by them from Mr. Young at Montreal, for a year past, ordered Mr. Warford to prepare a draft of a letter to Mr. Young and report on Thursday morning." " Ballston, Feb. 20th, 1793. " A letter from Mr. Young, their ' stated supply' at Mon- treal, and also another from the Presbyterian congregation in which he preaches, were laid before the Presbytery, in which each of them requested a dismission from the Pres- bytery, in order to join a Presbytery about to be formed in Canada. The Presbytery, however willing to grant their request, judged that a dismission to join a body not in existence was irregular. They, therefore, ordered Mr. McDonald to write a letter to Mr. Young and another to the congregation, informing them that the Presbytery would, with cheerfulness, dismiss them as soon as they 48 should name the body to which they desired to be dis- missed, and that he send to them an extract of this minute." " Teoy, June 25th, 1*793. " A letter from Mr. Young, dated at Montreal, was read, in which he informed the Presbytery, that a Presbytery had been lately erected in that country under the name of the Presbytery of Montreal, and requested a dismission from them to join that body. The Presbytery, having taken under consideration the remote and local situation in which Mr. Young was placed, agreed to grant his request, and they did and hereby do dismiss Mr. John Young from his connection and subordination to the Pres- bytery of Albany, to join thePresbytery of Montreal ; and they hereby recommend him to their friendly atten- tion as a minister of the Grospel in regular standing with them, and ordered the clerk of the Presbytery to furnish Mr. Young with a certified copy of their decision." A petition from the vacant congregation of Montreal, under the inspection of the Presbytery, was laid before them, stating that a Presbytery under the title of "The Presbytery of Montreal had lately been established in Canada, that they found it would be peculiarly convenient for them in their seclusion to be under their care, and requesting a dismission that they might be regularly receivedby the Presbytery of Montreal. The Presbytery, sensible of the justice of the observations contained in their petition, agreed to grant their request, and they did, and hereby do, dismiss the congregation of Montreal from their inspection, and do hereby reecommend them to the care and kind patronage of the Presbytery of Montreal, as a society of regular and reputable standing in the Presbytery ; and they ordered the stated clerk to transmit a certified copy of their decision to that congregation." 49 It is a notable fatt that the two first Presbyterian ministers that officiated in Montreal were Scotchmen,, who came to the city by way of the United States. That fact seems remarkable to us now. But it ought to be remembered that the separating lines between the two sections of the continent were not then so clearly drawn as they are to-day. It was only seven years before Mr. Young came to Montreal that the Independence of the United States had been acknowledged by Great Britain. There had been previously a constant accession to the pulpits of America from England, Scotland and Ireland, and the sense of community of religious interests did not and could not cease all at once, by reason of any i)olitical change that took place. Even now, people in Great Britain and Ireland speak of going to America, when they mean Canada. This tendency must have been much stronger a hundred years ago, when Canada was little known and had but a few English-speaking inhabitants, while the Eastern and New England States Were already fairly well settled. Besides, the Gospel of Christ knows no political boun- daries, as it takes account of no nationality or tongue. And it is to the praise of all the Evangelical Churches of the lately constituted United States that they did not over- look the claims of Canada to enjoy the preached word, notwithstandmg its firm refusal to join the Federal Republic. Loyalist and Ilepubli(;an are one in Christ. The keen political feeling excited by the Revolutionary War had not yet subsided, when preachers from "across the line " were found penetrating the Canadian forests in search of the new settlements, holding forth the Word of Life, showing that in Jesus Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek, that the Church is a more comprehensive in- stitution than the State, and that it disregards barriers, whether natural or artificial. D 60 "We gratefully recognize the fact that the congregation worshipping in St. G-abriel Street Church received its first formal Presoyterial status from the Church across the border. I have been unable to ascertain whether Mr. Bethune was ordained in Scotland or in the Carolinas, and therefore cannot say whether he was a minister of the Church of Scotland or not, but, in any case, he came to us through the States, and Mr. Young's orders were clearly American. We glory in the distinction of having once belonged to this great Church. Groing back a step, indeed, it might be claimed, that the Presbyteries that ordained Mr. Young and Mr. Bethune, if he were ordained in America, derived their orders from Scotland. The early synods of the Presbyterian Church in the United States take up that position. Here is an extract from the minutes of the Synod of New York, on the 2*7th September, lYol. " We do hereby declare and testify our constitution, order and discipline to be in harmony with the Established Church of Scotland ; we declare ourselves united with that Church in the same faith, order and discipline." Again, in 1753, we find the Synod re-affirming this position : — " In the colonies of New York, New Jersey, Pennsyl- vania, Maryland, Virginia and Carolina, a great number of congregations have been formed upon the Presbyterian plan, which have put themselves under the Synodical care of your petitioners, who conform to the constitution " the Church of Scotland, and have adopted her stan- dards of doctrine, worship and discipline. . . . The young daughter of the Church of Scotland, helpless and exposed in this foreign land, cries to her tender and powerful mother for relief." The Presbyterians of the United States, writing to the Governor of Virginia, in 1*750, said that " they were of the same persuasion as the Church of Scotland." 51 Mr. Bethune and Mr. Young had therefore a true Pres- byterian succession. And it may be said that the Presby- terian Church of the United States has been faithful to the principles thus avowed, as received from the mother country. Indeed, it is more conservative of the traditions of the elders than the Churches of Grreat Britain are. It would seem'as if Colonial Churches were always more tenacious of ancient forms and usages than the parent ones. Consequently a severer type of Presbyterianism is to be found in Ireland and the United States than in Scotland, at the present time. The connection of the St. G-abriel Street Church with the Presbytery of Albany was of but short duration, we have seen. Of the Presbytery of Montreal, which the congregation and Mr. Young were dismissed to join, we have no information. It has left no records behind it of i:s meetings or acts — none, at least, that have hitherto been discovered. But there has been a tradition in Can- ada that it was composed of Dr. Sparks of Quebec, Mr. Bethune of G-lengary and Mr. Young of Montreal, to- gether with the representative elders from the respective charges which they served. It does not seem to have been in existence in 1800, — at least, to have exercised its episcopal functions at a time when a wise and vigilant oversight would have been of the utmost value to the cause of religion, not to say of Presbyterianism, in Montreal. Mr. Young was a man of no great strength of character. We have seen that his first visit to this city was by way of a temporary escape from some difficulties into which he got in his pastoral charge over the line. Being a weak brother at the best, his isolation, all the time he served this church, from brethren who might counsel and fortify him, was most unfortunate. The wine merchant seems to have been, relatively, a more important personage then than now, judging by the number of men of high standing that 52 engaged in the business at that time. Dining out was the rule with the wealthier citizens. There were no news- papers, exchanges or clubs in those days, where men might congregate and gather intelligence of what was going on in the world ; and this means of mental occupation and gratification was compensated for, a hundred years ago, by social intercourse. Conversation over the walnuts and the wine was what books and journals are to the people of this generation. The minister was expected to grace the tables of his rich parishioners ; and it would have taken a gentleman of much personal dignity and strength of will to dominate the tendencies of a high-strung, hard- drinking society, such as that in which he, to a considera- ble extent, moved. Mr. Young was not possessed of the fibre, either intellectual or moral, to exercise a wholesome control over the excesses of the time. Instead of conquer- ing the evils of his surroundings, he was in some degree conquered by them. In 1801, complaints began to be made that he did not always act with discretion. At this point, the good offices of a Presbytery, if they could have been secured, would have been of immense advantage to the cause of decency and order. It seems conclusive that there was no Pres- bytery in existence to which he and the congregation owed allegiance, that it was left with a committee of the congregation, composed partly of the Session and partly of the Managers of the temporal affairs of the church, to inquire into the rumours afloat injuriously affecting Mr. Yonng's character, and to deal with them. This was a most embarassing situation for a congregation to be placed in, while it was ruinous to the clergyman's influence. For, vvhether he is acquitted or condemned, a minister's usefulness is gone, when the members of his own con- gregation are called upcjn to in\ estigate charges affecting his moral character. It is a first principle in Presbyterian government that neither a congregation nor a session can 53 sit in judgment upon a minister. He can be properly- tried only by his peers in the Presbytery or Supreme Court. That the charges against Mr. Young were, up to Novem- ber, 1800, not regardtid as having bla.stcd his character so as to untit him lor the duties of his oIii(;e, is clear from the fact that he continued to oiliciate in the church up to 9th August, 1802 ; and that when a vote was taken whether he should retire or continue to supply the pul- pit, on the 10th day of November, 1800, the great majo- rity expressed a wish that he should remain. Mr Young was never technically minister of the church, and this fact made the irregularity of the congregation in putting him upon his trial less than it would otherwise be. As has been already said, he received an appoint- ment as "stated supply " from the Presbytery of Albany ; but this was after the arrangement had been made between him and the congregation. He never received what is known as " a call " from the congregation, nor was he inducted into the pastorate by the Presbytery. It was, in fact, a private arrangement he had made with the people, and it was to last as long as it suited both parties. Had he been formally installed as pastor, the procedure taken by the session and temporal committee would have been a violation of Presbyterian principles and practice. The difference betwixt the position of "stated supply " and that of pastor is well put in the evidence given in the suit, Kemp vs. Fisher, by Rev. C. H. Taylor of Ballston Centre, then clerk of the Presbytery of Albany : — "The said Rev. Mr. Young was never installed or inducted in said St. G-abriel Street Church by the Presby- tery of Albany : and in regard to his relation to said Presbytery, he never was pastor of said Church, but was merely, for a stated time, fulfilling towards the Church the functions of a regular pastor. The relation of a pastor 54 to a Church is, according to our constitution, indissoluble, save by the action of the Presbytery ; but that of 'stated supply,' although recognized by the Presbytery, is one of voluntary arrangement between the clergyman and the congregation, and endures so long as it is mutually con- sented to by them. Taking a congregation under the care of a Presbytery gives it all the rights and privileges of a part of the Presbytery, while so under their care : and that connection remains — unless regularly dismissed — which appears to have been the case with the Church at Montreal. The said Rev. Mr. Young was not regular pastor of said church at Montreal during the time it was under the care of the Presbytery of Albany, not having been installed, as I have already mentioned. A resignation of a clergyman, addressed to the church or congregation for which he officnated, would, ac(3ording to our rules, be inefficacious to destfoy, or put an end to, his relation to such church and congregation, if a regular ' pastor,' but if a ' stated supply ' only, it would put an end to his con- nection. But a ' stated supply ' is often and, indeed, gen- erally, for a stated time ; and in such case, it becomes the duty of the congregation to receive the clergyman for that time, — and the duty of the clergyman to fulfil that time, otherwise it would be disrespectful to the Presbytery. But the arrangement is, in its nature, of a temporary character." The only acts of jurisdiction, then, exercised by the Pres- bytery of Albany over the congregation of St. G-abriel Street Church, during the twenty-one months it was under their care, was the appointment of Mr. Young as " stated supply," from September, 1791, to March, 1*792, and then dismi sing him and the congregation in June, 1793. Mr. Young appears to have remained as " stated supply " at his own risk, from 1793 till 1802, and when there appears to have been no Presbytery to take action in the prem- ises, perhaps there was nothing left for the congregation to do but to take the law into their own hands. CHArTEH V. Rev. Jons YouNfi's ohts anm) his svocess in stkexgthhnino tub Prksiiy- TBRFAX C.VUSH IN MONTHBAL — ThE SOCIAL LIKE OF THE TIME IN TUB CITY — Anomalous i-osition koii Minihteu and CoNdiiEr.ATioN, he never IIAVINC; BEEN INDUCTED — DISCONTENTMENT WITH HIS JIINISTRY — Mr, Young's Resignation and Departure — His subsixjubnt iionouraislk CAREER — The 'RiroLLBT CiiuRcn' — Hospitality oe the Rix'ollet FathEjUS towards the Scotch in giving the use oe their Churcii — The St. Gai'.riel Street Church built in 1792— The Tkotestant Church at Bbrthibr — Original Trust Deed of St. Gabriel Strei-tt Church — The old Church and tub Champ db Mars. Although Rev. John Young does not appear to have been always able to exercise self-denial, he must have possessed many estimable qualities, or he could not have maintained his position in Montreal for eleven years. The social tendencies, which were his weakness, made him popular with many ; so that he was able to accomplish a good deal during his incumbency in the way of getting a churcli erected and entirely paid for, and consolidating the congregation. He must have been endowed with energy and business capacity, as well as gifts of speech. And had he been fortified by the companionship and counsel of brethren in the ministry, he might have been a very useful pastor. As illustrating the solitariness of his situation, we find him, in the year 1800, baptizing his own daughter, which is at least an unusual thing for a Presby- terian clergyman to do, although there was no irregularity in the act. There was much in his situation that was in- teresting, as there is in the position of any missionary in a new district. He had it in his power to mould the re- ligious character of the young community. The sense of 66 Tospoiifiibility which attaches to one in these rircum- stancos adds dignity to his olHce. The setth^rs for hun- dreds ot'mih^s around Montreal ])rou<^ht their children to him lor baptism, and he made occasional missionary tours among them, with the view of coniirming them in the faith and cheering them in the midst of the hardships and privations of life in the back-woods. He seems to have had occasion also to minister to the spiritual necessities of the aborigines. The following makes rather curious reading to-day : — " Jenny, the Red Bird of the tribe of the Hurons, aged twenty-four years, was baptised this twenty-fifth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hun- dred and ninety-six, by " John Young, "Minister." Mr. Young's geniality seems to have enabled him to maintain happy relations with the other Christian people of Montreal. For instance, he appears to have officiated at baptisms and funerals for the Anglican clergyman of' the city at that time, Rev. S. J. Mountain, as his name is inserted in several Acts in the Registers of Christ Church, during the years 1Y98-99 and 1800. Symptoms of dissatisfaction with Mr. Young's lainistry began to show themselves in the year 1800. Whether it arose from a want of appreciation of his professional services, or because rumours had reached a portion of the congregation that Mr. Young's conduct was not always becoming, does not appear. The question seems to have reached a crisis in November of that year, for a congrega- tional meeting was held on the 10th of that month, for the purpose of testing the sentiments of the people towards him. There was no Presbytery to take the matter in hand, and so a short and easy method was adopted, as the following minute shows : — 57 " At a mootinof of tho Prosbytoriaii Pon<^regiitioii of this city, hold iii their church, the 4th instant, a numl)or of those present expressed a wish for another ( lergynnui, to which the Key. Mr. Young-, being present, replied, he had not the least ob,ections to retina on an annuity, provided a majority of his congregation wished it." " Therefore all those of the said ciongregation who wish Mr. Young to retire from his present charge, on the fore- going conditions, will please to signify it by signing their names hereto, adding dissatislied ; and those for him to continue will signify it by adding satisfi(}d." Montreal, 10th November, 1800." The result of this vote showed that Mr. Young had yet a strong hold on the confidence and esteem of the con- gregation. .The following voted for his continuance : — John Lilly, Adam Scott, William Hunter, Ivichard Wartl'e, Wm. Grilmour, John Cuthbortson, James Laing, Robert Buchanan, James Strother, William Martin, James Logan, Alexander Chisholm, Hugh Tulloch, William Thompson, Peter McFarlane, B. Gibb, Mrs. Finlayson, James Hender- son, Philip Ross, G-eorge Martin, Thomas Hunter, Duncan McNaughton, James MuDowall, Plugh M(^Adam, John Watson, John McKay, J. Gottfried Glagau, David McCosh, Robert Algie, Arthur Gilmour, Thomas Prior, Thos. Reid, Chas. Falconer, William Graham, Jos. Provan, Jean Mc- Dougall, John Telfer, James Stevenson, John Hunter, Thomas Taylor, Donald McKercher, William England. Only six voted for procuring .another clergyman. They were the following : Isaac Todd, John Russell, John Mc Arthur, John Fisher, who appends this remark to his signature, " being firmly of opinion it will turn eventually for the good of Mr. Young," — Alexander Henry, William Martin. As showing that his surroundings in Montreal had an unfavourable influence upon his habits, we follow his 68 career with satisfaction after he left the city. He proceeded first to Newark, now Niagara, in Ontario, in the autumn of 1802, where he officiated for a time. He afterwards ministered to a congregation near Lake Champlain ; thence he removed to Lunenburgh in Nova Scotia, and finally was settled at Sheet Harbour, in that Province, where he died in 1825, the Kev. John Sprott of Musquo- doboit, officiating at his funeral, who wrote to a friend in Scotland that "his death w as much lamented by that infant settlement." We have seen that Mr. Young was never installed as minister of the St. Grabriel Street congregation ; but in point of fact, he came to be looked upon as if he had been. All things considered, his incumbency must be regarded as a long one, nearly eleven years altogether, he being without the protection and fortifying afforded by the per- manent pastoral relation. In this fact we have satisfactory evidence that he must have possessed not a few points of worth and popularity. The tone of his last commun- ication to the congregation, addressed to Mr. Beuaiah Gribb, is sad enough : — " Montreal, 1th. August, 1802. Sir, — I hereby resign all claim to the Presbyterian Church ; hoping you, and all concerned, will do what you can to collect what is due to me as minister of said Church, previous to this day; and I expecl, my old friends of the Presbyterian congregation, dearly beloved in the Lord, will give me a sum not less than one hundred pounds, which may enable me to land my family in my native land. May peace be within your walls, prosperity within "^ir borders. Sir, Your humble servant in the Lord, JNO. YOUNa. Mr. B. Gibb." T!IE RECOLLET CHURCH. 59 The conf]^regation treated Mr. Young very handsomely, in response to this appeal. They presented him with i}105. 148. lOd., over and above his claim for salary. A great deal of interest gathers around the eleven years that Mr. Young spent in connection with the St. Gabriel Street Church. It was under his regime that the oft-men- tioned display of religious hospitality on the part of the Recollet Fathers took place. Their church, of which we present an engraving, was put at the disposal of the Scotch Presbyterians in 1791, as it had been, for twenty years up to 1Y89, at the service of the English Church ; and on the 18th of Saptember, 1*791, the Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per was administered in it, as has been already stated, ac- cording to the practice of the Church of Scotland. The " Society of Presbyterians," as they were then called, continued to occupy the old Recollet Church from the date mentioned until their own edifice in St. Gabriel Street was ready for divine worship. The Fathers politely refused any remuneration for the use of their church, but were induced to accept of a present from the congrega- tion, in acknowledgement of their kindness, consisting of two hogsheads of Spanish wine, containing 60 odd gallons each, and a box of candles, — amounting in all to £ 14 2s. 4d. Mr. Hunter, in his manuscript, closes the narrative with the quaint remark — " they were quite thankful for the same." Again, in 1809, when the present roof was put upon the St. Gabriel Street Church, and the steeple and bell were erected, the Scots' congregation assembled for public worship, for two months or more, in the E-ecollet Church. This reads wonderful in these days, when the lines are so strongly drawn betwixt Protestants and Ro- man Catholics. But this exhibition of neighbourliness is not without its parallel elsewhere. At several places on the continent of Europe — in Switzerland, if I remember rightly — I learned, when travelling in that part of the 60 « world in 187Y, that Protestant and Roman Catholic services were held alternately in the same edifice. The same thing was true of several parishes in France : notably of Mount Beliard in Alsace, the country which gave Farel to the Reformation. Such displays of toleration and sym- pathy show that men are better than their creeds, and belie the cynical maxim of Rousseau, that " it is impossible to live at peace with people whom one believes to be eternally lost." The fact that it was not a singular act of religious tol- eration and friendliness, on the part of the Recollets, does not detract anything from the magnanimity of their con- duct. They were not equally disposed on one occasion to show kindness to certain Jesuit Fathers, when the lat- ter knocked at the door of their convent in Quebec. As the Recollets were the first missionaries and teach- ers that arrived in Canada, and showed so liberal a spirit towards Protestants, they are entitled to be noticed at some length. They belonged to the order of St. Francis, and were also known as " Freres mineurs de Vetroite observ- ance de St. Franpois.'' The term Recollets indicates their characteristic aim, which was to secure a scrupulous observance of the rules of the founder. They were the third section of the Franciscans that attempted to bring about a reform in the order — the " Capuchins des religieux du tiers ordre"" behig an earlier branch of reformers of the same fraternity. They gave themselves up to study and meditation, and endeavored to revive a taste for letters in the monastic institution to which they belonged, — (Latin) recollecii. The founder of this reformed order of Franciscans was Juan de La Puebla y Sitomayor, Comte de Belalcazar. He was a Spaniard, as his name indicates, and initiated this Lchool of monks in 1484. The order was introduced into Italy in 1525, and into France, at Nevers and Tulle, 61 in 1592, and at Taris, in 1^03. In 1532, they were sanc- tioned, and erected into apartico.lar congregation by Pope Clement VII. Previous to the French Revolution, they had 168 convents in France, and these were divided into seven provinces. The order furnished many chaplains to the armies of the Roman Catholic states, and they ottered their services for missions to India and other heathen countries, as well as Canada. Four of them accompanied Champlain on his third voyage to this continent, in 1612, nine years after their establishment in Paris. These four pioneers were joined by two others in 1625, and by sev- eral more in after years. The first school in Canada was opened at Three Rivers, in the year 1616, by Father Pacific Duplessis, of this order— the second school at Tadousac, in 1618, by Father Joseph C. Caron. Besides these, they instituted quite a number of elementary schools for boys in the country parishes as well as in Vercheres, Quebec and Montreal. In 1620, the Recollets, under the French King's authority, established a convent at Quebec, to which the famous Prince de Conde made a liberal donation. At the conquest, in 1760, their lands, with those of the Jesuits, were taken possession of by the crown. The last of the order, Pere Louis (Demers), or- dained in 1757, died at Montreal in 1813. Their church and monastery occupied the space bound- ed by Notre Dame Street and Lemoine Street, in one direction, and McGill and St. Peter Streets, on the other sides. Upon the extinction of the order in Canada, this property passed into the possession of the British Govern- merit. It was afterwards conveyed to the Hon. Mr. Grant, in exchange for St. Helen's Island, which previ- ously belonged to him. The Fabrique purchased it of Mr. Grant, and assigned the church to the Irish Roman Catholics for their use, after their numbers had greatly increased by immigration ; and they continued to occupy it until St. Patrick's Church was opened on ITth March, 184t. The original buildings were entirely of rubble and masonry, like most of the edifices of the period ; and when they ceased to be occupied, they soon gave tokens of decay, so that the front, facing on Notre Dame Street, had to be taken down. The old French Parish Church being removed from where it stood, across Notre Dame Street, extending into what is now Place D'Armes, in 1830, its cut stone front was transferred to the Recollet Church. The venerable structure was demolished in 18G6, to make way for the exigencies of commerce ; and all that remains now to jemind us that the order ever existed in Montreal, is the street which bears their name. Sic transit gloria mundi. » Rev. John Young's name must ever be associated with the history of the St. Gabriel Street Church. It was a substantial work he achieved, when he moved theProtestant citizens of Montreal to erect this edifice for the worship of the Church of Scotland. It marked an era in the history of Canada. It declared that the British people had come to stay. It was the first Protestant edifice for public worship, properly speaking, in the province. A little church, which still stands, it is true, had been erected six years earlier by Hon. James Cuthbert, Seignior of Berthier, a Scotch Presbyterian ; but it appears to have been of a private character — like the chapels attached to the de- mesnes of noblemen in Great Britain — for the religious instruction of the retainers and dependants of the lord of the manor. I fancy this must have been the status of the church in question, because no notice was taken of it in the historical reviev/s and statements relating to Pres- byterianism in Canada, prepared early in this century by Dr. Sparks, Dr. Harkness, Mr. Esson and others. This church had also a bell which is older than that which hangs in the steeple of the St. Gabriel Church. But 63 ' in the absence of evidence that the Cuthbert chapel was anything more than a private one, we shall, in the mean- time, hold to the long cherished opinion that the Scotch Church in St. Gabriel Street was the first Protestant one built in the Province of Quebec. Mr. Cuthbert, indeed, claimed for his church the dis- tinction of being the first erected after the taking of Canada by the British. I give the inscription on the marble slab set in one of the outer walls : — '' This chapel was erected for Divine worship by the Hon. James Cuthbert, Esq., Lord of the manor (Seignior), of Berthier, Lanoraie, Danby, New York, Maskinonge, and the first built since the conquest of New France, 1760, and in memory of Catherine Cuthbert, his spouse, who died March the 7th, 1785, aged 40 years, mother of three sons and seven daughters, nineteen years married. Caroline, one of her daughters, is interred in the west end of this chapel, near her mother. She was a good wife, a tender mother. Her death was much lamented by her family and acquaintances. "Anno Domini, 1786." . The following paragraph, taken from the " Canadian Antiquarian," published in Montreal in 1877, supports the claims of the Berthier Chapel to the seniority : — " This chapel was built in 1786 by the Hon. James Cuthbert of Castle Hill, Inverness, Scotland, first English Seignior of Berthier, and named St. Andrew's ; and there seems to be no doubt that it was the first erected for Pro- testant worship in Canada. The services were con- ducted for some years, after the Presbyterian form of worship, by a clergyman who came out from Scotland and lived in the Seignior's family as tutor." It might be claimed for this chapel that it was the first Protestant edifice erected in Lower Canada, 64 but not tho first in tho vvholo of old Canada, for in Upper Canada, a mission chui.-h had been built by the Imperial Government for the Mohawk Indians, near Brantfjrd, in 1782, in recog-nition of their friendly alliance with Grreat Britain during the Ami^rican lievolutionary War — an ivlliance which cost them their possessiojis on the Mohawk River, New York State. The bell in this Indian church was cast by " .Tno. Warner, Flei Street, London, 1786"; so that it is also older than the St. Gabriel Church bell. But neither can the Mohawk Church nor bell be exactly said to have existed for the accommodation of the ordinary public. On the 2nd of April, 1792, the lot on St. Gabriel Street, then known by the name of St. Philippe Street, was pur- chased from Madame Hertel for the sum of one hundred pounds (Halifax currency). As the terms of the deed be- came afterwards a subject of prolonged legal scrutiny, we give entire so much of it as has been subject of controversy, in the French language, in which it is written : — " D'un certain Acte de vente par feu Dame Marie Le- compte Dupre, veuve de feu sieur Hy polite Hertel, Ecr., tant en son nom qu'au nom qu'elle agit, re9U par MM. Th. Papineau et son confrere, le dernier jour d'avril, mil sept cent quatre-vingt-douze, a MM. Adam Scott, William Stewart, Duncan Fisher, William England, Alexander Hanna, Alexander Fisher, William Hunter, Thos. Oakes, John Empy et John Russell, tons citoyens de cette ville, membres du comite elu par tons les membres de la con- gregation Presbyterienne, etablis en cette ville et lieux circonvoisins, acceptant ponr la gloire de Dieu et le ser- vice Divin a I'usage des membres de la dite congregation Presbyterienne et leurs successeurs, a I'avenir, selon et conformement a I'usage de I'eglise d'Ecosse, telle qu'elle est etablie par la loi en Ecosse a ete extrait, ce qui suit a volontairement reconnu et confesse avoir vendu, cede, 65 qiiitt6, trausporte ot dSlaisse, taut on son nom qu'au nom qu'olle agit, des maintenaiit ct a toujours un terrain et emplacement, svis et sitae en cette ville, rue St. Philippe, de la (jonsistance de tout le terrain qui pout se trouver appartenir aux dites parties veuderesses, conforraement aux anciens titres, tout presentoment rerais aux dit ac- quereurs, tenant le dit terrain par-devant a la rue St. Phi- lippe, par-derriore aux terrains de K.R.P.P. .Tesuites, d'un . cote a Mad. veuve Bcaubassin, d'autre cote au terrain oc- cupe par les remparts de cette ville, qui paraissent meme anticii^er sur le terrain presentement vendu." It will be noticed that a sentence in the deed says : " d autre cdte an terrain occupe par les remparts de cette ville qui paraissent mime anticiper sur le terrain presentement venda.'' This is an important clause. It has been a very general impression that the Presbyterian congregation, in 1*792, obtained a strip of land from the British Grovernment on the Champ de Mars side, twelve feet in width, so as to make the lot wide enough for building the church on, and the lawfulness of their tenure of this strip, has been called in question. The fact seems to be, on the contrar]'', that the Champ de Mars had encroached {paraissent mime anticiper sur le terrain) on the lot which was bought from Madame Hertel, and it is doubtful if the St. G-abriel Church authorities ever gained possession of all the land con- veyed to them by their deed. The walls of the city, constructed in 1*724, had been built for the most part on private property,surrendered by the owners, as needed for the common security, without recompense, but with the understanding that if ever the walls were taken down, the lands on which they stood should return to the rightful owners, their heirs or assigns. Before the end of last century, the enterprising Mer- chants of Montreal felt that they needed more elbow-room than vras afforded them by the then circumscribed limits ee of the city, which did not ombraco an area much exceed- ing 100 acres. They felt "cribbed, <'abiued and confined " by the walls which King Louis had beiiu at the trouble of erecting. Accordingly, they, in 1707, petitioned the Legislature to have the walls demolished. In 1801, an Act was passed for this purpose, one section of the pream- ble of which read : "Whereas, it is just and reasonable that the laud which the said walls and fortifications now occupy, and which docs not belong to His Majesty, should be delivered up to the lawful proprietors thereof, their heirs or assigns." The Act admitted the right of recovery and possession to all those whose claims, on examination by the Court of King's Bench at Montreal, might be found good. The settlement of claims, under this statute, required several years to effect, and in the meantime the Act was continued until finally the walls were entirely removed. The congregation seem to have thought that they did not occupy all the land they were entitled to; for on 4th May, 1803, they appointed a committee, consisting of Dun- can Fisher and "William Martin to look into the matter, and take such steps as might be requisite to secure the rights of the church : — " It is resolved that the said Duncan Fisher and "William Martin be and are hereby appointed syndics, trustees and attorneys for the members of the said committee, for the express purpose of claiming all the ground which the wall and fortifications, heretofore built and erected for the better defence of the city of Montreal, occupied in the extent of the ground appertaining to the said Presbyterian Church and congregation, and for that effect to employ such attorney and counsel as they may be advised. ""^ *The claim was not settled at date, October 7th, 1808, as D.F. and W.M. got leave of court then to have an attorney in the cause named in the place of Robt. Russell, Esq., deceased. G7 "Whethor anything over oamo of this appliration does not appear from the do(3iimonts relating to the church at pres- ent known to exist. Bnt the" mere fact that more was claimed than has been occupied at least disposes of the allegation that the church encroached on the property of the Government on the Champ de Mars side. The " Scotch Church," " the Protestant Presbyterian Church," or " the Presbyterian Church of Montreal," by all of which designations it was at one time or another known, was built in 1792 Messrs. Telfer and Mcintosh executing the mason work, and Mr. Joseph Perrault the carpenter work. The roof cost iI125, and the ceiling and flooring £62 10s. The entire cost of the edifice, as it stood originally, was i;851 Os. 9d. Its size is 60 feet by 48, and it has accommodation for 050 sitters. The following was the arrangement of the seats : — 17 Square Pews, seating each 6 102 60 Long Pews in the middle, 5 300 18 " " " cross, 6 78 32 Gallery Pews to contain, say 170 Total 650 In 1809, a new roof was put on the church, the steeple was erected, and the bell procured, at a cost of iJ725 Is. 8d. Still further improvements in the interior were effected in 1817, the present gallery being then put up, at a cost of <£620 7s. Id. Three chandeliers, imported by Benaiah Gibb, cost .£72 9s. 6d.=^ The building, then, when com- pleted as it is now, at the end of twenty-five years, re- quired an outlay of ^£2,268 19s. (Halifax currency), or about $8,000 of our money. * These chandeliers have had rather an interesting history. When gas was introduced into St. Gabi'sl Street Chuich, the chandeliers passed into the hands of Knox congregation, Cormvall; and now they are holding up the light in a third church, that of New Glasgow, Quebec. 68 It was opened for Divine service by Mr. Young on the ^th October, 1792. The masons did good honest work — the mortar was well tempered, as was discovered when a door was made through the farther end in 18Y4 — it being next to impossible to break up the wall, the rubble stone imbedded iu the mortar offering greater resistance to the crowbar than hewn stone would have done. The timber, too, has proved of good quality, as it has stood solid under the tread of thousands of footsteps for nearly a hundred years. It has certainly no pretentions to architectural style, yet it has a quaint appearance of antiquity which attracts attention. It would pass for one of the Scottish Parish Churches of the Reformation period, so far as its exterior is concerned. Inside, it has a bright and cheerful appearance, and possesses excellent acoustic properties, although the seats are uncomfortably narrow and straight in the, back. OLD ST. GABRiEL'S. {Montreal "Star," SqJt. 25,1886.) Oh, ancient church, how many, many days, God's people have come up, and met in thee ! How many a clea'" and heartfelt melody These walls have aeard and echoed to His praise. Here many a feeble soul has cried to God, For strength to cope with trials, dark and fierce, For grace to bow beneath the grievous rod, For heavenly beams the earthly night to pierce. And many a weary heart has hero found rest, And peace, that boon the world can ne'er bestow. And here gained strength for many a fearful test, Through which, unhelped by Him, they could not go. Like painted portraits on ancestral halls, Sweet, serious memories throng around thy walls. Frit. Montreal, September 22nd, 1886. CHAPTER VI. The Ten Trustees of St. Gabriel Street Cht'Rcii — Adam Scott, William Stewart, Duncan Fisher, William England, Alexander Fisher, William Hunter, Thomas Oakes, John Emi'e\-, and John Russel — The Origin A.L Subscrh'Tion List for the Erection of the Church — Remarks on the same. The church in St. Gabriel Street had a strong hold on the religious, social and public life of Montreal, at least during the first fifty years of its existence. Its founders and early supporters gave it a status of great influence. A century ago, as now, the Scottish traders constituted a very important section of the population of the city. They ranked with the foremost in enterprise and wealth. They were, indeed, the leaders in all public matters, as well as in the domain of social life. The ten trustees, in whom the property of the church was first vested, represented the several walks of industry then pursued in the city. The following minutes show us the organization effected in Mr. Young's time : — Montreal, 8th May, 1*791. "The members of the Presbyterian congregation of Montreal, having been regularly called from the pulpit, this day met for the purpose of electing a committee to manage the temporals of said congregation. The follow- ing gentlemen were unanimously chosen : Messrs. Eichd. Dobie, Alex. Plenry, Adam Scott, William Stewart, Bancan Fisher, "William England, Alex. Hannah, Alex. Fisher, John Lilly, "William Hunter, Peter McFarlane, G-eorge •70 King, John Robb, Thos. Oakes, John Empie, John Russel." Of these, nine were to be sufficient to form a quorum. Montreal, 11th May, 1791. " The committee having met, proceeded to elect their officers. Mr. R. Dobie was unanimously appointed Presi- dent ; Mr. Adam Scott, Vice-President ; Mr. William Hunter, Treasurer, and Mr. John Russel, Clerk." This was the committee which continued in office until the year 1800. On the 25th May, 1*791, the committee appointed Mr, Duncan Fisher to purchase a lot of ground on which to build a church. Mr. Fisher having finally settled for the purchase of the lot from Madame Hertel, Mr. Scott, Mr. D. Fisher, Mr. Hannah, Mr. Oakes and Mr. Russel were appointed a committee to settle with a carpenter. Out of the committee of sixteen members appointed to manage the temporalities of the church in 1791, ten were afterwards chosen as trustees, to hold the property in behalf of the congregation. Adam Scott, the first named in the deed, was, at that time, a prominent merchant in the city of Montreal. From him, the hinges, screws, stove-fixtures, paints and oils, re- quired for the building, were procured on the 30th July, 1792. He had been a contributor to Christ Church, and, indeed, a Churchwarden in 1789, and attended its services in the old Jesuits' Chapel, in the interval that elapsed between the departure of the Rev. John Bethune, in 1787, and the arrival of Rev. John Young, in 1790. He, with Alexander Hanna and John Russel, signed the con- tract, made with Joseph Perrault, for the roofing and flooring of the church, in February, 1792. His name appears on the subscription list for build- ing the church, as seen below, for ten guineas. He does •71 not appear, however, to have been in circumstances in later years to afford much pecuniary help to the congrega- tion, although, up to 1809, pew No. 27 stood in his name in the treasurer's books. Prominent in the congregation from the beginning, and the first vice-president in 1791, he was chairman of the committee for the management of the temporal affairs of the church, from 1800 to 1803, and, as such, had to preside over the investigation into the charges brought against Rev. John Young, to which reference has been already made. His name appears second on the list of those who, in November, 1800, favoured the retention of Mr. Young. In his capacity as chairman of the Temporal Committee, he was also the first to sign the petition to the Government, in 1802, for the continuance to Eev. James Somerville of the =£50 a year, which the Government had formerly paid to Rev. John Young, for services rendered to the military in the garrison. Ke reached the promised good old age of three score years and ten, dying 20th December, 1818, from concussion of the brain, the consequence of having fallen down stairs. He lived only two days after the accident. Rev. James Somerville offici ited at his burial. For several years before his death, he ceased to take a prominent part in the affairs of the congregation. William Stewart, whose name appears next on the list of the trustees, was also a merchant in the city. He is said to have been a native of Glasgow, Scotland, and came to Canada to push his fortune, while still a young man. Like all the rest of the trustees, he contributed ten guineas to the building fund of the church. He does not seem to have taken a prominent part in the work of the congrega- tion afterwards. He died on the 3rd of December, 1797, aged 44 years. His widow, Isabella Cowan, married Mr. •72 William Hunter, a co-trustee, and one of his daughters Isabella, was the first wife of the late Sheriff Boston, to whom she was married in 1814. She died in 1821. Another daughter, Jane, born in 179*7, never married, and lived with Mr. J. S. Hunter's family until her death a few years ago. He held pew No. 17 in the church. Duncan Fisher, whose name appears third on the trust, was for many years the leading spirit in the congregation. A native of Dunkeld, Perthshire, Scotland, he, with three brothers, Alexander, John and James, and a cousin, Finlay, settled in Montreal, shortly after the conclusion of the American war of Independence. In the deed of the church- pew No. 34, which he held, he is designated Duncan Fisher, " cordwainer," and he appears to have had the mental activity that has usually characterized the guild to which he belonged. He was a zealous Presbyterian, although he, with commendable catholicity, supported the English Church, and attended its services, before the Scotch Church was fully established in the city, — his name appearing as a contributor to its funds as early as 1785. Besides the dis- tinction of being one of the original trustees of the Church, he was chosen an elder at the first nomination, occupying that position in 1792. This office he discharged with much fidelity up to the time of his death. He, too, subscribed ten guineas towards the erection of the church in 1792 ; and, when an effort was made, in 1800, to wipe out the debt remaining upon the building, he subscribed five pounds more. His name stands at the head of the call to Rev. James Somerville, along with a promise to pay two guineas annually towards his support. It was he who conducted the correspondence with the Presbytery of Albany, with reference to the securing of Rev. John Young as stated supply, and led in the other transactions that took place between the congregation in the St. Gabriel Street •78 Church and that Reverend Court. He signed all the original deeds of pews given to subscribers, on behalf of the session, which at first managed the temporal as well as spiritual affairs of the congregation. He was charged by the session, in 1794, with the administration of the poor fund of the Church. He was session clerk in 1802, at the time when Mr. Young's affair was under consideration,' but he'took no part in that business, nor did he vote for or against Mr. Young, when the question of that gentle- man's resignation was brought before the congregation. On all other occasions, whenever any important matter had to be dealt with, he invariably occupied the foremost place. It was so, we have seen, when a syndic was needed to deal with the Government respecting the ground be- longing to the Church, supposed to have been appropriated in building the ramparts of the city ; and when the seces- sion took place, in 1803, and the party opposed to the calling of Mr. Somerville carried off the keys of the church, he was one of those appointed to take measures to secure the rights of the congregation. His name appears more frec^uently than any other in the church books. He died on the 5th July, 1820, aged sixty-seven years. The entire community of Montreal, as well as the Scotch Church in St. Gabriel Street, owed not a little to this public spirited Highlander. His influence did not die with him. His descendants are to-day occupying, and have, since his decease, occupied positions of honour and usefulness in the community. It was Mr, Fisher's good fortune to marry a woman of great personal worth, Catherine Embury, and she had a large share in stamping upon the family the superior character which they afterwards displayed. She was the daugh^^er of Rev. Philip Embury, the pioneer of Methodism in America ; and being a devout woman and deeply attached to the peculiarities of the system in which she had been trained, she asserted such ascendency over the •74 minds of her children, that they all, in after years, joined the Methodist church. Mr. Fisher's eldest daughter mar- ried Rev. John Hick, a Methodist preacher of some note. Mr. Fisher's eldest son, Daniel, a merchant in St. Paul Street, met with a sad death by an explosion of gunpowder, in 1826. He was a man of high character, and a leading member of the Methodist Church of Montreal, which then stood at the corner of St. James and St. Frau(^ois Xavier Streets, on the site of the present Medical Hall. After his death, a memorial tablet was affixed to the wall of the church, which was removed to the new church on St. James' street, when it was erected in 1845, where it may be seen, and it will, no doubt, accompany the congregation to their more splendid edifice in St. Catherine Street, now in course of erection. The inscription is as follows : — " Sacred to the memory of the late Daniel Fisher, Esquire, merchant of this city, and one of the Trustees of this chapel, towards the erection of which he was a munificent con- tributor. The inflexible integrity which marked his mer- cantile transactions ; the exemplary manner in wh'c^h he discharged his relative duties ; the secresy and liberality of his benefactions to the indigent, were the fruits of that religion, under the influence of which, in his last affliction, he was patient, and in death victorious. He died Decem- ber vi, MDCCCXXVI, in the xxxixth year of his age. "The Trustees have erected this monument as a tribute of respect to departed worth." The second daughter was married first to William Hutchison, a merchant in St. Paul Street, and after his decease to the late William Lunn. From this daughter the Lunn, Dr. G-. W. Campbell, and Judge Cross connec- tion is descended. Mr. Fisher's second son, John, followed his father's business, first in Montreal and afterwards in Quebec. His •76 Tepresentatives to-day are Dr. Arthur Fisher, of Sherhrooke street, and his sons, Roswell C. Fisher, advocate, and Sidney A. Fisher, M.P., for Brome. The late T. W. Eitchie's family are also descended from Duncan Fisher, their mother being a daughter of John, just mentioned. Elizabeth, Mr. Fisher's third daughter, was married to the late John Torrance, and had a numerous family, and through her, the large John Torrance connection, including Sir A. T. Gait's family, and the families of the late Eev. Dr. Mathieson and the late Robert Esdaile, must also be counted in among Duncan Fisher's posterity. James, Mr. Fisher's third son, married a sister of the late William Lunn, who still resides in Hamilton, Ontario. The most distinguished of Mr. Fisher's family was Duncan, who married the widow Budden, mother of Mr. E. H. King, formerly President of the Bank of Montreal. Duncan Fisher, Jr., was a Q.C., and occupied a promin- ent place at the Bar of Lower Canada. The late Justice Smith was his partner. Duncan was always regarded by the family as its brightest member, and was much respected by the community for his great legal talents. He died December 27th, 1845, aged 45 years. The late Judge Torrance studied his profession in the office of Mr. Fisher, who was his uncle ; as did also Justice Cross, who is married to his niece. It may be truly said that old Duncan Fisher and his excellent spouse, Catherine Embury, have been greatly honoured and blessed in their posterity. "William England, whose name stands next on the trust, was a native of Scotland, who arrived in Montreal before 1*789, as in that year he attended the services of Christ Church and was a subscriber to its funds. He was a cooper by trade, and the house still stands, at the corner of Dor- chester and St. Dominique streets, which was once his 16 shop. A few years ago it had repairs made to it which changed its external appearance ; but thb walls are the same that he occupied in prosecuting his business, which was then and for fifty years afterwards, a leading industry of the city. The coopers were amongst the most influen- tial and prosperous of Montreal's citizens, in the days when potash, flour and the other produce of Ontario, were all forwarded in bulk, to be here prepared for shipment to the markets of the old world. Every large mercantile house had its own cooper. Mr. England subscribed ten guineas towards erecting the Church in 1792, and two pounds fur liquidating the debt remaining on the building in 1800. Pew No. 5 belonged to him. With Duncan Fisher and Wm. Hunter, he was appointed an elder in 1792, and was session clerk in 1794. His name was also associated with Mr. Fisher's on the original deeds of pews granted in 1V92. He voted for the retention of Mr. Young in November, 1800, and, as a member of the Temporal Committee at the time, he took part in the Young investigation. He died December 29th, 1822, in the 84tli year of his age. The Herald's obituary notice remarked : — "The deceased vas for a long term of years resident here, and enjoyed a reputation for integrity and industry that procured him a very general esteem." Mr. England formed one of the minority opposed to the calling of the Rev. James Somerville, in 1803, and seceded with a few others to organize a new congregation with Eev. Robert Forrest as minister. From that time forward his name does not appear on the records of the St. Gabriel street Church ; but it is interesting to notice that his grandson, Alexander England, became connected with the Church in St. Gabriel Street a few years ago, and at his death, in 1885, he received burial at the hands of the present writer. He was born at Norway House, his father, James 77 England, sou of William above mentioued, being in the- employ of the N. W. Co. His mother was an Indian woman. Alexander Ilanna or Hannah — for it is sometimes spelt in the one way and sometimes in the other, — whose name comes next in the deed, was a merchant in Montreal. He was one of the three to sign the contract with Perrault, for the wood work of the Church. He also subscribed ten guineas towards the undertaking. • He died on 20th July, 1798. It is believed that he was a native of Galloway, Scotland ; but had emigrated to the colonies south of the line 45^, prior to the commencement of the revolutionary war. His British feeling was too stout to allow him to avow allegiance to the stars and stripes, and so he joined the loyal exodus to Canada, settling in Montreal. He owned pew No. 18. Alexander Fisher, the sixth of the Trustees, was a brother to Duncan Fisher, the elder. He kept a hostelry in St. Mary street. He subscribed ten guineas towards the building fund, but we find no further trace of his name in connection with the Church. He died before the year 1800, leaving several children. One daughter was the second wife of Rev. John Hick, already mentioned. His two sons, John and Daniel, became afterwards prom- inent as citizens and general merchants. It was John who occupied a foremost place in the contendings for the Church of Scotland interests, from the year 1844 onwards. Further mention will be made of him by and by, as well as of his brother Daniel, and their descendants. He occu- pied pew No .26. William Hunter was another of the Trustees. He was one of several brothers, natives of Kilmarnock, Scotland, who came to Montreal in the eighteenth century, and became general merchants. He subscribed ten guineas for the erection of the Church, and five pounds in 1800, when the debt on the original cost of the building was extinguished. He was one of the three first elders of the Church, and was Session-Treasurer from the time of Mr. Bethune on till he left the congregation. He had been a contributor to Christ Church in 1789. When the first Protestant Burying-Ground was formed in 1799, he was chosen as one of the five first trustees. He was a warm friend and supporter of Rev. John Young ; but when the congregation resolved, in 1803, to extend a call to Kev. James Somerville, he led the opposition, being in favour rather of Rev. Robert Forrest. He kept a diary in which he noted the ecclesiastical events of his time, and to it we are indebted for a good deal of our information, regarding the early efforts to plant the Presbyterian Church in Montreal. He owned pew No. 2. Mr. Hunter married Mrs. Stewart, widow of William Stewart, the second of the Trustees, of whom an account has been already given. William Stewart Hunter, Notary, father of James Stewart Hunter, Notary, and grandfather of Herbert Story Hunter, of this city. Notary, was a son of this marriage. Mr. Hunter's subsequent ecclesiastical career was con- nected with what is now St. Andrew's Church, and so we have no farther concern with him. His brother Robert, however, continued tc belong to the Church in St. Gabriel Street. Thomas Oakes was an Englishman by birth. He had a Tinsmith's shop in St. Paul Street, where his family carried on the same business long after his decease. Mrs. Oakes was still managing the business in 1822. He and his family occupied pews 70 and 101, up to 1813. His wife was a German, Elizabeth Mittleberger. Mr. Oakes's name 19 also appears with a subscription of ten guineas after it, towards the fund for erecting' the Church. He signed the call to Mr. Somerville in 1803, and undertook to pay two guineas a year for that gentleman's support. John Einpi'y was the next Trustee named in the Deed. So far as (;an be ascertained, he was a member of a United Empire Loyalist family which still resides in the County of Stormont, Ontario. He was, therefore, with Mr. Han- nah, a representative on the trust of the; refugee element of the Montreal population. "VVe have seen that the American loyalists rallied naturally around Rev. John Bethune, and Mr. Empey appears to have belonged to this class. He occupied pew No. Sf\ But his connection with the congregation must have terminated shortly after the erection of the Church, as the last time his name appears on existing documents, is as a subscriber of six guineas to the building fund. He probably removed to Upper Canada soon afterw^ards. John Russel, the last named of the ten Trustees, was a merchant in the city. His wife was Grizzell McKenzie. He was a contributor to the funds of Christ Church in 1789. Xhe first "Clerk " of the Committee, he held that office from 1^91 to 1800, and, when the committee was re- organized that year, he was re-appointed secretary. He was prominent in the business of building the church. He was one of the Trustees of the first Protestant Burying- Ground, chosen in 1799, but on the ground of absence from the Province, his place was filled by William Martin, 9th October, 1801. He was also a member of the com- mittee for enquiring into the rumours affecting Rev. John Young, in 1802. He was one of the six who voted for the retirement of Mr. Young in November, 1800. His name stands at the head of the Trustee list of subscrip- tions for the erection of the Church, for the sum of ten 80 guiiu^as. His doath came about in a molannholy manner. Haviiif? gou(^ to Groat Britain to purchaso jyoods, ho was roturnini^ to Montreal by way of Lake Chaniplain on board a barge, when, by the vessel's lurehinj^ against a boom, he was thrown overboard, and was drownt^d. His remains were aftewards recovered and interred at Point Ticonderoga. His widow returned with her young family to Tain, Ross-shire, Scotland, from which she and her husband had come. She married Rev. Mr. Mackenzie, Minister of Tongue. Mr. Russel's son. Hector, returned to Montreal, when he grew up, and <'ontinued his father's business, which was long one of the largest establishments in the city, known by the name of " Hector Russel and Com- pany," and "Russel, McKenzie and Company." Colin Russel was a nephew of John's. Two other Russels connected with the Church about the same time were brothers of his — William, who subscribed five guineas towards the building fund, and Robert, who was an advocate, and was charged with guarding the rights of the congregation in the matter of the Champ-de-Mars encroachment. The family occupied pew No. 97, but they gave it up in 1809. Such were the men chosen to represent the Presbyterian community at the important epoch in its history, when it was about providing for itself a local habitation. The selection was truly catholic in its character, and in pru- dent keeping with the situation at the moment, as well as an earnest of the iiture history of the congregation, then rallying around the eu'eiprise of building a church. The list of contributprs to that enterprise, illustrates still more fully the catholic temper of the founders of the Presbyterian cause in Montreal. It is headed — 81 " A SUBSClilPriON FOR BUILDING A I'HESHYTKIIIAN CHURCH IN MONTREAL. " N.B. — Wlim till' I'ncH are madt; Ihctj mil he mid (if Pnhlic Sale, and every mbfcriber who Un/H a I'eie »hall he (dloved the money he han f,aid hy mhscrip- tim, on nccount of the price of mid J'ew." Alox. llonry Twenty pounds. rortiytli, RicharilHon & Co Twenty i)ound8. J. Johnson, Biirt Twelve pounds. Juniea Mcdill Ten guineas. Andrew Todd Ten guineas.. .To8ei)h Frobialior Ton guineas. George jNIeBeath Ten guineas. Francis Winter Nine pounds. James Dunlop Ten guineiis. John Gregory Ton guineas. Williiun M urray Ten guineas. John Lilly Ten guineas. Auldjo it Maitland Ton guineas. H. O. & Woolrich Five guineas. James Morison One guinea. GENTLEMEN OF THE NORTHWEST. Alex. McKonzio Five guineas. Nicholas iMontour Five guineas. Robert Grant Five guineas. Peter Pangman Five guineas. William McGillivray Five guineas. Simon Eraser Three guineas. Cuthbert Grant Three guineas. Angus Shaw Three guineas. Rodk. McKenzie Three guineas. Robert Thompson Three guineas. William Thorburn Three guineas. James Finlay Three guineas. David Grant Three guineas. A)' X. Eraser Three guineas. Peter Grant Three pounds. J. bt. Germain Fifteen shillinga John Russel Ten guineas. Dincan Fisher Ten guineas. William Stewart Ten guineas. William England - Ten guineas. Adam Scott Ten guineas. F 82 William Hunter Ten guineas. Alex. Fisher Ten guineas. Alex, Hannah Ten guineas. Thomas Oakes Ten guineas Benaiah Gibb Ten guineas. Richard Dobie Ten guineas. Jamee Logan Ten guineas. John Young Ten guineas. Forbes & Cowie Ten guineas. John and James McDowall Seven guineas. Joseph Howard Two pounds. John J. Deihl Two guineas. James Strother Five guineas. Thomas Busby Five guineas- James Porter Five guineas. John Molson Five guineas. Richard Brooks Two guineas. John Finlayson Five guineas. John Empey Six guineas. Simon Clarke Five guineas. Donald McKercher , Five pounds. John McArthur Five guineas. John Fisher Eight pounds. John Hunter Eight pounds- William Russel Five pounds. George Stansfield Five guineas. Jacob Marston Four pounds. Alex. Simpson Two guineas. Samuel Adams Six guineas. John Neagles One guinea. Thomas Sullivan One guinea. Andrew Winclefoss One guinea. Jonatlian A. Gray One guinea. Francis Deslard One dollar. D. A. Grant Two pounds. John Cxray One guinea. Alex. Robertson ... .Two pounds. David Smith Four pounds. Dr. Blake One guinea- This was carrying into effect a resolution passed by the committee on the 20th April, lt92 : — " Agreed that the church should be built by subscription, and that when 88 the pews in the church would be finished, they would be sold at auction to the highest bidder, and each subscriber's money would - Foss, Albxandbu Robertson, Jonathan A. Gray, John Gkay, Dr. Blake, Samuel Adams, David Smith and Joseph Howard. Benaiah Gibb, senior, whose portrait appears on the opposite page, subscribed ten guineas in 1Y92, and again two guineas in 1800, for the building fund. There are few names entitled to be held in higher honor in Mont- real, than that of Benaiah Gribb, founder of the Gibb firm, which still carries on business here, in the gentle- men's outfitting line. Although born in Northumber- land, England, May 6th, 1*755, he was of Scottish origin, the family being descended from the Gibbs, baronets, of Fifeshire, Scotland. He came to Montreal in 1*7*74, and the following year opened his first shop in the city, when its population numbered only a few thousands. For upwards of thirty years, he took a very prominent part in the affairs of the St. Gabriel Street Church. He was elected a member of the temporal committee in 1800, and again in 1804, when he was made its Vice-President, after the new rules and regulations went into force. He, with William Martin and John Fisher, signed all the deeds issued at this time. He had been a member of the Young investigation comm.ittee, and contributed five H 114 pounds for the removal of that gentleman's family to Niagara, in 1802. As a member of the temporal commit- tee, he signed the resolution in favor of Mr. Somerville, in May, 1803, and subscribed three pounds annually to his support. He signed the memorial to the Grovernment. in 1802, asking the continuance of the fifty pounds for- merly allowed Mr. Young, as a consideration for services rendered to the troops. He lent ten pounds for lifting off the debt remaining in 1810, which was afterwards returned to him. He, with his son Thomas, contributed ten pounds to the steeple and bell fund. The pew he first occupied was No. 49, but afterwards he and his family sat in No. 9. The late Miss Gribb, his daughter, remained in the church until the disruption in 1844, and afterwards. Mr. Isaac J. G-ibb also attended occasionally. Mr. Gribb's first wife was Catherine Campbell, who died in 1804. His second wife was Eleanor Pastorius, to whom he was married by Mr. Somerville, on the 26th December, 1808. He retired from active business in 1815. His sons. Thomas and James Duncan, along with Joseph Kollmyer, succeeded him. In 1820, he was a Director of the Savings Bank. In 1824, the Jubilee of his coming to reside in this city was observed by an entertainment which he gave to a large number of his friends, that furnished occasion of kindly reference to his public and private worth on the part of several of his fellow citizens. The following report is taken from the Herald : Intbrbsting Jubilee. "On the evening of the 27th inst., our worthy and highly respected fellow subject and citizen, Benaiah Gibb, Esquire, gave a splendid enter- tainment to nearly fifty of his friends, amongst whom were several of the first circles in this community. The supper tables were loaded witli the richest delicacies which the season could produce, and the whole was served in a manner to render the most perfect gratification to the guests. 115 The occasion of this /i^le was, that upon the day it took place, Mr. Gibb liaci completed a residence in Montreal of fifty years, during which lengthened period he has sustained the enviable character of an honest man, and one whom the breath of calumny has never approached. " After supper, a very impressive address, written by Mr. Gibb for this occasion, was read by a gentleman present, in which were detailed some memorable events of liis life, and a pious acknowledgment for the mani- fold blessings wliich have been dispensed to him by Divine Providence. In tlie address are the following bequests, which are highly honorable to the benevolent character of a man who has always been a contributor to charitable institutions, viz: £10 to the poor of the Protestant Episcopal church; £10 to the Roman Catholic poor; £10 to the poor of the Presby- terian congregation in St. Peter street ; £10 to the poor of the Scotch Kirk in St. Gabriel street ; £10 to the poor of the Wesleyan congregation, and £10 to the funds of the Montroal General Hospital. The address closed with the memorable Patriarchal prayer, — 'Lord, let now thy servant de- part in peace, for mine eyes have seen Thy salvation.' "Colonel Evans then rose, and in a very neat and appropriate speech, complimented the venerable host on his present comfortable retirement from the busy path of life, and i)ropo3ed that the health of Mr. Gibb be drunk, with three times three, which was done with enthusiasm by all present. The Rev. Mr. Easton next addressed the company. He said he had been well accjuainted with Mr. Gibb for upwards of twenty years, during which time he had frequent occasion to call on him for charitable purposes, and he declared that in no one solitary instance did he quit the mansion without receiving even more than he expected. " Such events as the one above mentioned, seldom take place, and we trust that the excellent character of the person who caused it, will justify the motive which induced us to give it publicity. Many excellent songs and duets were sung during the evening, and the band of the 70th Regi- ment added much to the enjoyment of the company, who broke up highly delighted at their entertainment, and with feelings of the warmest de- scription for their friend, about two o'clock in the morning." The prayer of Simeon, quoted on this occasion by Mr. Gibb, had an answer, for which he had not long to wait. He died on the 18th March, 1826, aged 11 years, — the Eev. Edward Black, then a colleague of Mr. Esson and Mr. Somerville, officiating on the occasion. The well known notary, Isaac J. Gibb, formerly senior partner of the firm of Gibb & Hunter, who now resides at Como, is descended from a collateral branch 116 of the Gibb family ; while Charles Gibb, of Abbotsford, the distinguished agriculturist aud horticulturist, who recently visited Russia, with a view to selecting and importing hardy fruit trees from that country, suitable to our climate, is a grandson, being a son of James Duncan. One of Mr. Gibb's daughters, Elizabeth, married James Orkney, of the firm J. & R. Orkney ; and her daughter, Miss Orkney, now occupies the Gibb mansion in St. Catherine street, alongside the new St. Gabriel Church. Another daughter, Ann, never married, and died a few years ago. Mr. Gibb was a Freemason. But it is by the munificent donation of Benaiah Gibb, the younger, to the Art Association of Montreal, that the family's name is to be perpetuated in the city. Like James McGill, in founding McGill College, Benaiah Gibb, by the liberal provision he made at his death, for the educa- tion of the citizens of Montreal, in the refining and elevat- ing principles of Art, erected for himself a monument more durable than marble. The collection of pictures which he bequeathed to the Association, together with the bronzes, of a total value of $28,685, formed a splendid nucleus for a permanent exhibition of works of Art, to which the Association has gone on adding from time to time, providing one of the greatest attractions of life in Montreal. In addition to the treasures of Art of his own collecting, thus devised in trust, for the instruction and pleasure of present and future generations, he left a lot of land, valued at $9,600, and $8,000 in money, for erecting a gallery in which they might be preserved and exhibited. The noble building, the Art Gallery, of which the citi- zens are so proud, we therefore owe to the late Mr. Gibb's enlightened generosity. A brass tablet, in the hall of the gallery, erected by the Association, commemo- rates his munificence : ' ■ *' This Art Gallery owes its existence to the liberality of lit Bonaiah Gibb, Esquire, who died in this city, ou the 1st of June, 18*77. By his will, he devised and bequeathed to the Art Association, the land upon which this building stands, !|8,000 in money, over 90 oil paintings, and 8 valu- able bronzes. The Association has placed this Tablet here in honor of the donor, and as a small token of respect and gratitude to him, and to aid in perpetuating the memory of his generosity and public spirit. 1881." The present members of the Gibb firm, Alexander and E. M., are descended from a brother of the original Benaiah's, who established the nearly related House, in the Royal Exchange, London, England. A great grand- daughter of Mr. Gibb's, is married to Kev. Arthur French, Curate of St. John the Evangelist Church, Montreal. Richard Dobie, whoso name succeeds as subscribing ten guineas, was a rich merchant of the period. When the members of the Presbyterian congregation of Mont- real, " having been regularly called from the pulpit," met on the 8th of May, 1Y91, " for the purpose of electing a committee to manage the temporals of said congrega- tion," Mr. Dobie's name was at the head of the list of six- teen chosen ; and he was afterwards made chairman of the committee. This was the committee that remained in office until the 17th of August, 1800. He signed the call to Mr. Somerville, contributing three pounds a year to the salary. He was a member of St. Peter's Masonic Lodge in 1772, and occupied afterwards more than once the office of Master. He died on the 25th March, 1805, aged 74 years. He owned pew No. 20, which his heirs continued to occupy so long as a record can be traced of the individual holders of pews. James Logan, who subscribed ten guineas, for the erec- tion of the St. Gabriel Street Church, was the grandfather 118 of the late Sir William Logan. He was a native of Stir- lingshire, Scotland, and came to reside in Montreal, a])out the year 1784. He 'was a baker by trade ; and by thrift and attention to business, he prosj^ered greatly, and laid the foundation of that success which his sons and grand- sons subsequently achieved. He died on the 17th Jan., 1806, being 80 years of age. He subscribed one pound for the debt in 1800, and was also chosen an elder during Mr. Young's incumbency. He was the James Logan who was associated with William England and William Hunter, fellow elders with him, in obtain- ing possession of the keys of the church, in 1803. He, therefore, seceded with the Forrest adherents. William Forbes, who subscribed ten guineas, was the senior partner of the firm of Forbes & Cowie, coopers. He was chosen an elder in Mr. Young's time. He was elected a member of the temporal committee in 1800, and gave a guinea that year to the churcii debt. He contri- buted one pound to the Young fund. He signed, as an elder, the resolution declaring that the congregation re- mained firm in their purpose to call Mr. Somerville, in 1803, and subscribed two guineas a year towards that gentleman's stipend. With Duncan Fisher and William Martin, he signed the protest served on Mr. William Hun- ter, in the matter of the church keys. He died shortly afterwards, having received mortal injuries at a fire. He occupied pew 31, which his family continued to hold till his widow died in 1812. James Cowie, who with William Forbes subscribed ten guineas, was a cooper by trade, and appears to have been ready to take his share in every good work. He contri- buted to the fund for wiping out the debt, as well as to that raised for Mr. Young's family. He was one of those 119 who signed tho resolution declaring adhesion to Mr. Somerville in 1803, and subscribed a guinea annually to- wards that gentleman's support. He occupied pew 41, until his death in 1812, His son, James Cowie, junior, who prosecuted the same business as his father, purchased pew 78, in the year 1809. John and James McDowall, who contributed jointly seven guineas for erecting the church, were prosperous merchant tailors, of the city. Each of them subscribed two pounds a year for the Somerville stipend. In 1807, pew No. 38 was purchased by James. In 1809, he gave ten pounds for removing the debt, and in the following year, three pounds for the steeple and bell. He stood by Mr. Young at the November meeting, 1800, and always proved the minister's friend. James Strother, whose name comes next, subscribing five guineas for the building fund, was a native of Wools, Northumberland, England. He came to Canada as a lad, to be put to school to acquire the French language. He married Jane G-rant, one of the 700 United Empire » Loyalists, who left iheir ail in the Mohawk Valley, in company with Sir John Johnson, making their way to Canada, where they would be free to maintain the con- nection with the grand old mother country, which they so highly prized. He was appointed issuing commissary for the Montreal military district, in 1796, and held the position for 46 years. He resided in St. Mary Street, and owned a good deal of property in the Quebec suburbs, much of which was destroyed by the disastrous fire of 1852. With Robert Gilmore, he took an active part in promoting a petition to the Legislature, to establish a " House of Industry" in Montreal. He was an ardent supporter of the Presbyterian cause. He voted for re- 120 tnining Mr. Younj^ in Novombor, 1800, and contributed a pound to the debt the same year. He also gave a pound to the fund for Mr. Young's family, in 1802. He sub- scribed two guineas annually for Mr. Somerville's sti- pend, and gave three pounds for the steeple and bell. In 1807, he purchased pew No. 71, which remained in pos- session of his family up to 1844. There is one feature of interest about this subscriber, that does not obtain regarding any of his contemporaries : his daughter yet resides among us, and is able to take an intelligent interest in all that is going on in both church and state. Mary Ann iStrother, married to Kobert Unwin, in 1842, has a recollection of worshipping in the old church, so long ago as 1807. And yet she had the satis- faction of being present at the Centennial services, in the old edifice, in March last. She was also present at the inauguration of the new St. Gabriel Church, on the 2Gth September, 1886. To her the writer is indebted for a large amount of information regarding old persons and events ; and he has found her statements always borne out by documentar]'- evidence, so accurate is her memory, at the advanced age of 84 years. Through her we can almost grasp the citizens of the last century by the hand, so vivid is her portraiture of the people of three genera- tions ago. She has a distinct recollection of seeing as worshippers in the church, Hon. John Molson, Hon. Wm. McGrillivray, Hon. Justice Reid, the Earl of Selkirk, and his son, the Earl of Dalhousie, and Sir Alex, McKenzie. Thomas Busby, the subscriber of five guineas, was an early settler in Montreal. He was an Englishman, and attended the services of the " Protestant congregation of Montreal, under Mr. Delisle, in 1785." He signed the address to the Bishop of Nova Scotia in 1789. Besides this contribution to the original building fund, he gave 121 a pound afterwards for clearinf^ off the debt. Ho was a real estato agent, and had in his hands the management of the property of the Grants of Longueuil. He does not seem to have occupied a pew in iho, church, although worshipping in it, with other members of Christ Church, for eleven years, lie was a warden of Christ Church in 1822. Hon. John Molson, the founder of the Molson family in Montreal, was also a subscriber to the building fund, to the amount of five guineas, and for thirty years after- wards, took a lively interest in the prosperity of the con- gregation. He came of a good old English family, in Lincolnshire. His first visit to Canada was made in the year 1782, when he was only eighteen years of age. He resolved to erect a brewery, and returned to England to raise the funds necessary for the accomplishment of his design. He managed to negotiate a loan on the security of his ancestral estate of Moulton ; but the amount he brought out with him did not nearly suffice, so that he was obliged to make a second visit to England, for the purpose of financing. The work proved so costly, that he had finally to part with his English property. Hence- forward, Canada was to be the home of the family : the die was cast. One of the disappointments of the situa- tion was that no barley was grown in Canada up till this time. He overcame this difficulty by importing seed barley from England, which he gave to the farmers for nothing, with a promise that he would buy, at a certain price, all that they could raise and would deliver at his works in Montreal. Now, the annual production of this cereal, in Canada, amounts to upwards of 20,000,000 bushels. But this was not the only enterprise to which Mr. Molson turned his attention. He built the first steam- 122 boat that ever plied on Canadian waters. Fulton's steamer was started on the Hudson only in 1807, and Mr. Molson had the " Accommodation" running to Que- bec in 1809. He brought out with him, from England, two skilled engineers and mechanics, David Brown and John Jackson, and they built the little vessel, 72 feet long, with 16 feet beam, and driven by an engine equal to six horse-power. It gave place, in 1811, to the " Swift- sure," a larger boat, with superior equipments, which was of great service to the Grovernment in the war of 1812. The following appeared in the Montreal Gazette of September 27th, 1813 : " Public notice is hereby given, that John Molson, of the city of Montreal, will apply to the Legislature of this Province, during its next session, for a law giving him the exclusive right and privilege of constructing and navigating a steamboat or steamboats, to be constructed and navigated within the limits of this Province, for the space of seven years, to be computed from the first day of May next." He succeeded in securing this monopoly, and the " Malsham," which was the original form of the family name as known in "Wales, and the " Lady Sherbrooke" were soon afterwards put on the route between this city and Quebec. On the 1st December, 1816, his three sons, John, Thomas and William, were admitted ixito partnership with him, in the brewing and steamboat business. In 1815, the passage to Quebec by steamer cost .£3, and the upward passage X3 10s. Mr. Molson took a prominent part in public concerns. He was a member of the committee of citizens to super- intend the erection of the Greneral Hospital, in 1821. He was a member of the House of Industry, and Vice-Presi- dent of the Montreal Fire Insurance company, in 1820, as also a director of the Savings Bank. He subsequently became President of the Bank of Montreal, at a time of commercial depression, when Benjamin Holmes took the 123 helm as cashier. Mr. Molson was appointed to a seat in the Legislative Council, and afterwards became a member of the Executive Council. After laying a good founda- tion for the great family history which has since added much to the strength and renown of our city, he died in 183Y, at the age of *71 years. The name Molson is one of those that have survived the changes and chances of a hundred years, and like that of McGrill and Gribb, it will be handed down to posterity chiefly through the benefactions made to education and charity. Mr. Molson's son, John, was elevated to a seat in the Legislative Council. The brewery, founded in the same year as the St. Grabriel Street Church, still stands. One of our most successful banking institutions bears the name of Molson. A magnificent mausoleum adorns the hillside in the Mount Royal Cemetery, erected as the depository of the last remains of the members of the family. One of Mr. Molson's daughters is Lady Mac- pherson. But none of these distinctions or honours will help to perpetuate the name of Molson so successfully as the William Molson Hall, of McGill College, the Molson Chair of English Language and Literature, in the same institution, and the Molson farm, on which the House of Industry and Refuge stands, at Lougue Pointe. Mr. Molson signed the resolution for keeping faith with Mr. Somerville, in 1803, and contributed three pounds annually to that gentleman's stipend. The family owned one of the square pews in the church, No. 13, which they continued to occupy till 1823. He was one of the movers in the effort to found a Uni- tarian Society in the city. He, with some others, bought the lot on which the Merchants' Bank now stands, for a church to be connected with that denomination. But the cholera carried off, in 1832, several of the promoters of the movement, and so it fell through at that time. It was 124 resumed in 1835, but Mr. Molson did not live to see its success. He was at one time Provincial Grand Master of the Freemasons. The Hon. John Young subscribed ten guineas. He was a fur trader and capitalist. He was appointed a member of the Executive Council of the Province, and sworn in on the 29th December, 1794. He occupied the position of an honorary member of the council, from Vth January, 1812, to the 5th February, 1817, when he re- sumed the duties of an ordinary member. He drew a salary, as an Executive Councillor, from Yth September, 1816, to mh February, 1825. On December 30th, 1812, he received a grant of the township of Sherrington, from Sir G-eorge Prevost, baronet, Governor-General, and on March 21st, 1815, a further grant of It, 000 acres, in the township of Ling wick, from the same Governor. Mr. Young subscribed again four pounds in 1800, for reliev- ing the burden of debt upon the church. Eichard Brooks, an Englishman, from Yorkshire, and an English churchman, subscribed two guineas. He was a merchant in the city, and purchased pew No. Y8 in the church. He subscribed to the Young fund, in 1802. John Fiulayson, whose name follows in the subscrip- tion list for five guineas, was a wealthy North-west fur trader. He died a few months after making this contri- bution to the building fund, but his widow continued to be one of the most liberal supporters of ordinances in the St. Gabriel Street Church. She and her family occupied pew No. 32. She contributed her mite to the Yoang fund in 1802, as well as to the removal of the debt in 1800. But she appears to have seceded with the other adherents of Mr. Forrest. A son of his, in the employ of the North-west company, rose to be chief factor at Fort Douglas, on the Red River. 125 Simou Clarke, who subscribed five guineas, was a native of Yorkshire, England, who had come to Montreal and engaged in the fur trade, before the establishment of the North-west company. He accumulated a large for- tune, and erected a handsome residence at St. Catherine's, on the other side of Mount Royal, called Beaver Lodge. Here, he and his son John after him, who had also been long engaged in the fur trade, and had occupied the posi- tion of chief factor at Fort Pelly, exercised profuse hospi- tality, and this extravagance, together with going surety for friends, soon ran away with even the large means of the family, and their residence passed into the hands of strangers. Mr. John Clarke owmed property in Cote St. Antoine, and from him, Clarke Avenue receives its name. The family pew in the church, purchased in 1807, w^as No. 89. Donald McKorcher, subscribing five guineas, was a brew^er, who afterwards settled on a farm near Lachine. He purchased pew 74. He was one of those who signed the Somerville manifesto, in July, 1803, contributing two pounds towards his salary ; but he afterwards, seems to have joined Mr. Easton's congregation, in St. Peter Street. Mr. John Mc Arthur, who subscribed five guineas, was an active and influential member of the congregation. He came froni Argyllshire, Scotland, to push his fortune in the New "World, and settled in Montreal, while still a young man. He kept an inn, with a grocery and spirit shop adjoining. He contributed one guinea tow^ards the debt, in 1800, and was one of the six who voted for the retirement of Rev. John Young, in the same year. He was a member of the investigating committee that subse- quently dealt with the Young case ; and when that gen- tleman sent in his resignation, Mr. McArthur headed the 126 subscription list, for the benefit of the minister's family, with the sum of five pounds. He was a member of the temporal committee from 1800 to 1804, being Vice-Presi- dent a part of the time ; and when the new constitution was adopted, he was chosen, on April l*7th, 1804, a mem- ber under it, and continued in office for two years. He was one of the committee who signed the memor A and protest, resolving to stand by Rev. James Somerville, at the time of the opposition to that gentleman, occasioned by the Forrest party, and he subscribed £4: 6s 8d a year to the minister's stipend. Mr. Mc Arthur was ordained an elder, 31st January, 1804, On February 26th, 1805, he was appointed repre- sentative elder of the Kirk Session, in the Presbytery, — which would seem to imply that the Presbytery con- tinued to exist after 1803, although there remains no dis- coverable record of its transactions. In 1810, he contri- buted two pounds towards the fund for clearing off the indebtedness of the church, and three pounds for the steeple and bell. His family occupied pew 33. He died on the Yth June, 1811. John Fisher, who subscribed eight pounds, was a bro- ther to Duncan and Alexander, two of the original trus- tees of the church. He was a prominent member of the congregation in after years. He was elected to a place on the temporal committee, in 1800, which he occupied till 1804. He was also on the special committee regarding Mr. Young, as he had favoured that gentleman's with- drawal in 1800. He, as a member of the committee of management, signed the memorial to the Grovernment in 1802, asking that the allowance of fifty pounds, formerly given to Mr. Young, might be continued to his successors. He contributed two pounds to the Young retiring fund. He was one of those who signed the document for assur- 12Y ing Mr. Somerville of the support cf the main body of the congregation, before that gentleman's settlement in 1803, and he subscribed three pounds towards his salary. In 1804-5, he was again a member of the temporal commit- tee. Mr. Fisher never married. He w^as connected in business with Mr. William Hutchison, the late Mrs. Lunn's first husband. Jointly with Mr. William Martin, the elder, he occupied pew No. 1, in the old church. He died on the 29th of May, 1829, aged 10 years. John Hunter, who gave eight pounds to the building fund, was a brother of William Hunter, the elder and trustee. The three brothers, William, John and Thomas, between them, contributed seven pounds for liquidating the debt in 1800. They all adhered to Mr. Forrest and Mr. Easton, and became afterwards members of the St. Peter Street Church. William Russel has been already mentioned as a bro- ther of John, the trustee of the church. He w^as a mem- ber of the firm, John Russel & Co. Dreading the approach of the war with the United States in 1812, he gave up his business in Montreal and removed to Glasgow, Scotland. He occupied pew^ No. 96. He gave two pounds for the debt in 1800, and two pounds to the Young fund. Although still holding his pew for some years, he wor- shipped with the St. Peter Street congregation, and in 1808, the pew passed into the hands of Captain Chisholm. Greorge Stansfield, who subscribed five guineas, was a woollen merchant, of the city. He was a native of York- shire, England. His sou, Joshua Stansfield, afterwards extended the business to all classes of goods. Jacob Marston, or Marsdeu, who gave four pounds for 128 the building of the church, ^va8 an Englishman and an officer of the Court of King's Bench. He occupied pew No. 11. A daughter of his was baptized by Mr. Young, in 1V99. He was high constable of Montreal, in 1820. Alexander Robertson, who contributed two i^ounds, and had pew No. *71 assigned him when the church was first built, was a general merchant of the period. He afterwards formed a partnership with his brothers, James and Patrick, as fur traders. Jointly they occupied pew No. 8. Alexander Simpson, the subscriber of two guineas, was a millwright. Thomas Sullivan, who subscribed one guinea, was an Irish Protestant, who kept a tavern, and afterwards acted as a real estate agent. At his house, St. Peter's Masonic Lodge held their meetings in 1794. He afterwards owned pew No. 61 in the church. John Neagles, another subscriber of a guinea, was also an Irish Protestant. John J. Deihl, the subscriber of two guineas, was a German, who kept a grocery store. Andrew Winklefoss, who gave a guinea for the build- ing fund, was also a German, and kept a grocery store. He made a contribution also to the Young fund, in 1802. Jonathan A. Gray and John Gray, each of whom sub- scribed a guinea, were brothers, Englishmen. They were members of the English church, as was also their brother, E. W. Gray, Sheriff of Montreal, who owned pew No. 27 in the St. Gabriel Street Church, and was a prominent 129 citizen. .Tohu was a North-west trader, and lived at St. Catherine's, now Outremout. He was President of the Bank of Montreal, in 1 820. Jonathan was the foremost notary of the day in the city. He transacted all the notarial business of the Presbyterian church in his time. He died July 31st, 1812, aged 66 years. He performed the duties of coroner for the district, in addition to his notarial func- tions. The Herald said of him : " He was one of the oldest and most respectable English inhabitants of this city." H. Griffin succeeded to his papers and office work. In 1808, John Grray and his wife, Mary Pullman, had a son baptized by Mr. Somerville He purchased x)ew No. 89, iu the year 1812. Dr. Blake, the last on the list of subscribers, who gave a guinea to build the church, was an Irish Protestant. He was a retired army surgeon, but practised his pro- fession in the city. He was a prominent member of St. Peter's Masonic Lodge from 1*7^4 onwards to 1*782. A daughter of his married the late Justice Aylwin. His widow, who sat in pew 65 during the Anglican occupation of the church, married Major B. A. Panet in 1814. Dr. Blake dictated the inscription to be placed on his tomb, — " The last of the Blakes." Samuel Adams, who contributed six guineas to the building fund in 1Y92, was a tavern-keeper in the parish of Pointe aux Trembles. David Smith, who gave four pounds in 1792, for the erec- tion of the church, and made a farther contribution in 1800, kept an inn at Longue Pointe. He died in 1809. Joseph Howard, the subscriber of two guineas, was a merchant in the Berthier district. He died December, CHArXER IX. Sl'bscrihers to the Deut in 1800 — Wii.i.iam Locan, .Tohei-h Puovan', John Stei'iienson, riiiLii" Ros.s, AVii.MAM Demont, John Lockiiart Wise- man, James Birsk, William Ihelasp, William Manson, Thomas A Turner, John Blackwood, John Ferguson, William Martin, Roubrt AiHD, John Aihd, R. McClbmbnt, James Smith, Richard Waki ie Cai'tain CnisiioLM, Thomas Pokthous, Nicol Fletcher, John Mittle- BERGER, John McCori), David Ross, 1'ei'er McFarlanb and James Henderson. William Logan, a native of Stirlingshire, Scotland, was the eldest son of James Logan, baker, an account of whom has been already given. He came to Montreal with his father, whose trade he had learned, about the year 1784, and ten years afterwards he married, his maternal cousin, Janet E. Edmond, who crossed the Atlantic for the purpose of being joined to him. His father and he carried on the baking business jointly, and soon they acquired a com- petency, and very prudently invested their means in real estate, purchasing, among other properties, the land in the neighbourhood of the city, which is still known as " Logan's Farm." Although his name does not appear in the list of sub- scribers to the building fund of the church, while his father's does, the family pew, No. 28, was taken by him, rather than by his father, on the 23rd November, 1*792, immediately after the church was finished. From that time onwards, he took a lively interest in the prosperity of the congregation, and did his share of its w'ork. He was chosen a member of the Temporal Committee in 1806, and 131 continued on it till the year 1800. Ho was elected Treas- urer in the year 1812, and held that important office for three years, relinquishing it only when he resolved to give up business here, and return to dwell in his native land. Desirinff to crive his sons a better education than could then be furnished in Canada, he first tried the experiment, in 1814, of sending them to board in Edinburgh and attend the famous High School of that city. But he concluded to take his family to Scotland with him the next year, leaving behind him only his eldest son James, to take charge of his father's and uncle's business. Mr. Logan bought a small estate near Polmont, about twenty miles from Edinburgh, where he died on the 14th or 15th June, 1841, aged 82 years, and was buried in the Polmont church-yard. Mr. Logan contributed two pounds towards the church debt in 1800. He subscribed £2 10s. to the Young fund in 1802. Although his father was prominent in of)position to the calling of Mr. Somerville, and seceded with the Forrest party, William Logan signed the document in favour of Mr. Somerville, in July, 1803, and to the min- ister's salary, he afterwards contributed two guineas annually. He gave five pounds for removing the debt in 1810, and two pounds to the steeple and bell fund. He acquired pew 27 as well as 28. Hart Logan was "William's youngest brother. He was a merchant, having for partner, in 1803, G-eorge Watt. He acted as Lieutenant of Volunteers, under Lieut.-Colonel Caldwell and Major Dunlop, in the war of 1812-14. He was a liberal supporter of the St. Grabriel Street Church, contributing .£10 to the debt in 1810, aud £5 for purchas- ing the steeple and bell. He sat with his brother in pew 28. After a successful career as a general merchant in Montreal, he established a Counting-House in London, England, in 1815, leaving his nephew James, William's 132 eldest son, iu charge of his business in this city. Of this James we shall have occasion to speak later on. But the most celebrated of all the Logans was a younger son of William's, Sir William Edmond, LL.D., F.R.S., to whom the Science of Canada is so greatly indebted. He was a native of this city, and was baptized by the minister of the Scotch Church in St. Gabriel Street. The following is the entry of the event : — " William Edmond, son to Williiim Lo;;an, of Montreal, baker, and Janet Edmond, his wife, born on tiie liOth of April last, was bai)tized in presence of the father and mother this IGth day of May, in the year of our Lord 1798, by JOHN YOUNG." He obtained his preliminary education at the hands ot" Alexander Skakel, who kept asiT-cessful private grammar school in Little St. James Street. At the age of 16, he was sent, with his brother Hart, to the High School of Edin- burgh, where he distanced all competitors and came out Dux. He took a session in the University of Edinburgh, sit- ting under Professors Playfair and Jamieson, but at the age he then was, trade had more attractions for him than science or learning, and so he gave up what promised to be a bril- liant literary career, and entered, in 181'i', the office of his uncle Hart, in London. Here he remained till 1831, but meantime his scientific instincts had been developing themselves, and in the latter year he was appointed manager of the " Forest Copper Works," Morriston, near Swansea, Wales. This was the beginning of his real career. His duties brought him into close contact with the geological facts of the earth's crust, and soon a keen scientific interest in the general phenomena of this " solid globe," far beyond what was involved in his metallurgic operations, w^as awakened in his mind. He became a geolo- gist, attracting the attention of such proficients iu the science as De La Beche, Murchison, Sedgwick and Buck- land. 133 • Sir "William Logan is entitlod to the chiol' credit for the satisfactory conditiou of the Geological Survey of Canada to-day. It was he who first gave it system, and aimed at its completeness. There had been individual workers before his time, like Dr. Holmes, of Montreal, Dr. Wilson, of Perth, Ilev. Andrew Bell, of Dundas, Sheriff Dickson and E. Billings ; but even their researches were comparatively valueless, until the whole geological surface of the country came to be pieced in, and a conjoint view of it was obtained. Parliament having voted a small sum of money to commence operations, by way of secur- ing a comprehensive knowledge of the mineral wealth of the f^ountry and its geological character, Mr. Logan was appointed Director of the work in 1842. Ably assisted by Dr. T Sterry Hunt, who became Chemist to the Survey in 1846, and by Richardson, Billings, Dr. Robert Bell, and other enthusiasts of science, whom he at different times rallied around him, by the year 1851, when the G-reat International Exhibition was held in London, he was in a position to present a report on the Geology and Mineralogy of Canada, that attracted the attention of the scientific world, and placed him in the front rank of Geologists. His reputation was still farther enhanced by the display of the geolog" i and mineral resources of this country, made at the Universal Exposition at Paris, in 1855, on which occasion he was awarded the Grand Gold Medal of Honour, while the Emperor Napoleon III decorated him with the "Cross of the Legion of Honour." On the 29th of January, in the same year, he received knighthood at the hands of his own Sovereign, Queen Victoria. But the dignity of knighthood made no difference in the simple and unostentatious ways of this worthy Canadian scientist. He was the plainest of men in his dress, in his daily fare and in his home, if home he may be said to have had, whose summers were spent under 134 movablo canvas, and his wintors in a small cornor of the Geological Museum, near by his work. It was after he resigned the Directorship of the Survey, in 18()!>, tlial he took up his (juarters at his own fine residence, Kocklield, Logan's Farm. The little room, his " di'ii," in which he slept, in tile Geological Museum in St. (rjibriel Street, was as well worth seeing as any portion of the interesting specimtms gath« red from Gaspe to Luke Superior. The col- lection of old boots and other habiliments was wonderful to behold. It was an ideal old bachelor's quarters, for Sir "William never married. He was too serious for such a pastime. He died, June 22nd, 1875, greatly beloved by all that knew him. Sir \v illiam was a member of a large number of distin- guished societies. In 1851, he was chosen a Fellow of the Royal Society of London, Sir Roderick Murchison moving his election. He was also made a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, in 18(51. He was created a D.C.L. by Bishop's College, Leunoxville, in 1855, and LL.D. by McGill College, in 1856. He was a member of a great many American and Foreign Associations, and received upwards of twenty medals in recognition of the eminent service he had done to science. But, after all, he will probably be better known to the general community, here- after, by his gifts of money for the promotion of education than by even his contributions to the science of his time. In 1804, he founded a gold medal in McGill College, for proficiency in an Honour course, iij Geology and Natural Science in that institution ; and, in 1871, he and his brother, Hart, gave $20,000 for endowing the " Logan Chair of Geology," in the same University. Sir "William always evinced a deep interest in the prosperity of the church, in connection with which his boyhood had been spent. 185 Joseph Provan, tilthough not one of tho orii«injil sub- 8(ril)('r« to the fund for orecting th<» churcli, liv»'d in the city prior to i\w founding of thtf rrcssbytorian cause. We find hifs name on the list of subscribers to the "Protestant Congrei^ation of Montreal," whi<'h alterwards became Christ Church, as early as 1785, and again in 1788. The lirst trace we have of his connection with the Scotch Church in St. (rabriel Street, is in the subscription list opened on the 27th May, 1800, for removing a debt of ^£220 remain- ing on the edilice at that date. He contributed three pounds on that occasion. But from that time onward till his death, the church had no stauncher or more a<;tive ad- herent than Mr. Provan. He voted for Mr. Young in November, 1800. He was married by that gentleman to Susanna Griswold on the 20th March, 1802. He gave i;3 lOs. to the fund raised for Mr. Young's family. He was a strong supporter of Mr. Somerville's coming to Montreal, signing the manifesto in that gentleman's favour, and, subscribing £,S lOs. towards his stipejid. On Mr. William England's withdrawal from the congregation, and resigna- tion of his place on the Temporal committee, Mr. Provan was chosen in his stead, on the 1st of June, 180-J. He re- mained on this Committee until it was replaced by the committee appointed under the new rules and regulations adopted in 1804. He was chosen a member of the new committee elected by the proprietors of pews on the I7th of April, 1804. He was also appointed Treasurer of the congregation, an office which he tilled with much ability, the accounts being kept by him with great accuracy and clearness. This committee was re-electted in 1805, without any change. On April 15th, 1806, he was again chosen by the proprietors a member of committee, and re-appointed Treasurer, and continued to occupy that most responsible position until the year 1812. He purchased pews Nos. 84 and 95, which had originally belonged to Francis 136 "Winter and George McBeath, who were among' the first subscribers to the building fund. Mr. Provan was a general merchant of high standing. On one occasion he met with rather a serious adventure when crossing the Atlantic. During the rebellion in Ireland, in 1798, he and Francis Hunter, of whom I shall have something to say at a later period, were fellow passengers on board a small merchant vessel on their way to Canada from Great Britain. A large ship of war was sighted, and there was considerable speculation among the people on board as to the nationality of this cruiser ; but it was con- sidered safe at any rate to try and get away from her. But the man-of-war, which proved to be a French ship carry- ing 74 guns, soon overhauled the little merchantman, and made prisoners of all the passengers, whom they conveyed to Brest. The prisoners were well treated. They M^ere set at liberty each morning, but had to return at a <■ lain hour each evening, and be locked up for the night. Mr. . Provan and his friend, Mr. Hunter, were ten months in Brest before they got their liberty by being exchanged. Mr. Provan died 1st April, 1814, aged 55 years. An "old and respected merchant," the Gazette called him in its obituary notice of his death. He left a son and two daughters. One of the latter married Andrew Pattersou, of Quebec, and her daughter again married one of the Denholms. The other daughter became the wife of one of the Pembertons, who, like the Pattersons and Denholms, were merchants of high standing and respectability. John Stephenson, who subscribed two pounds to the re- moving of the debt in 1800, and occupied pews 36 and 37, was a tobacconist in Montreal. He was an influential member of the church until his death, which occurred in 1821. He contributed two pounds to the Young fund, and was one of the proprietors who signed the 137 manifesto in favour of Mr. Somerville, in 1803. He sub- scribed three pounds annually to the stipend, and when- ever any appeal was addressed to the congregation he always made a liberal response. He gave three pounds for the steeple and bell, and Jive pounds to clear off the debt in 1810. His second daughter, Joanna, was married to James Whiteford, of Ste-Eose, in 1815. After his de- cease, his place in the church was occupied by his son. Dr. Stephenson, the foremost medical man of his day, in the city, of whom notice will be taken later on. Philip Ross, who subscribed one pound for the debt in 1800, afterwards became a very prominent member of the congregation. He kept a grocer's shop at the corner of McGill and St. Paul Streets. He was married by Rev. Mr. Delisle to Jane Grant, 23rd February, 1784. His daughter married Donald Proctor Ross, a merchant, whose niece and adopted daughter, was the late Mrs. Donald Ross, of View Mount, wife of the founder of the Trafalgar Institute. He stood by Mr. Young in 1800. He was a member of the Temporal Committee from 1800 to 1803, and as such, signed the Somerville resolution. He gave a pound to the Young fund, and signed for himself and William Graham, two guineas a year, for Mr. Somerville's stipend. He was ordained an elder, August 8th, 1812, and lived to be a very old man. He adhered to Mr. Black, when that gentleman separated from Mr. Esson, and resolved to found a new congregation, in 1832. He owned pew No. 75. Charles Falconer, plasterer ; John Taylor, blacksmith ; William Christie, grocer ; Alexander Logie, mason ; Chas. Arnoldi, watchmaker ; John Watson, tanner ; William Gilmore, mason; J. Gottfried Glagou, tanner, who vvas a German ; William Martin, baker ; James Stephenson, who 188 was in the shoe trade ; Thomas Prior, tailor ; John Hall, baker ; John Robc^rtson, carpenter ; Dun<;an McNau<^hton, gardener ; Robert Simpson, cooper, who was married to Mary Weight by Rev. Mr. Delisle in 1769, and died in ISOO, were all active members of the church in Mr. Young's time, contributing to the debt in IHOO, and taking their fair share in the business of the congregation. William Demont and Stephen Belair were French Pro- testants, whose names aj^pear in the list of contributors at this period. John Lockhart Wiseman, inspector of potash, gave a pound to the debt in 1800, and subscribed a guinea toward the Somerville stipend in 180o ; but he died on the 16th November, in the same; year. The name of Jam«s Birss lirst appears on the subscrip- tion list of 1800, for removing the debt. He was then engaged in the cooper business, which we have seen was very extensive in those days, be(!ause, not only had the out-going produce of the country to be barrelled, but, owing to the difliculty and risk of transportation over the bad roads, the groceries for the interior had to be sent, for the most part, in small kegs. Mr. Birss went after- wards into the grocery business, in St. Paul Street, in whi(!h he greatly prospered. He contributed a pound to the Young fund, in 1802. His name is not on Mr. Somerville's subscription list in 1808, ])ut in 1804, he bovight pew 64, and a few years afterwards half of 65. He was ordained an eider on the 14th of April, 180o, and continued to dis- charge the duties of that ollice with fidelity and zeal, until his death, which occurred on the 22nd of January, 1821. He was then f)2 years of age. His family still occupied pews 64 and 65, until they followed Mr. Black into St. Paul's Church, in 1882. His sou, Mr. J. II. Birss, and his 139 daughter, Mary, are still honoured meml)ers of that con- gregation. Mr. J. H. Birss was present at the Centennial Meetings in St. Gabriel Street Church, in March last, and gave interesting reminiscences of his boyhood in connec tion with the old church. William Ireland was another of the subsequent ofiice- bearers of the chun^h, whose name lirst appears on the subscription list of 1800. Born at Dunfermline, Scotland, about the year 177-3, he came to Canada in 17!>]. He was book-keeper to Forsyth, Richardson & Company, and, as he lived at No. G, St. Gabriel Street, not far from the church, his house was made a kind of vestry, for lack of a better, where the ministers kept their gowns and bands. T^rom here they walked, in full canonicals, all the way to the church, and up to the puli)it. In 1805, Mr. Ireland bought pew No. 14, the same that Mr. John McCord had previously occupied, and in the same year he was chosen, both to be a member of the Temi)oral Committee and an elder. For sixteen years, he took part in the management of the financial ))usiness of the congregation, acting as secretary to the Temporal (Committee. He was ordained an elder at the same time as Mr. James Birss, 14th April, 1805. He died in 1822 of paralysis. His wife's name was Anastasia Genery. His son, William, })orn 16th January, 1807, and baptized by Mr. Somerville, afterwards became an elder in St. Andrew's Church, Kingston, — worthy son of a worthy sire. He was secretary-treasurer of Queen's University and Chamberlain of the city of Kingston, and died in 1879, leaving a large family of sons and daughters. The eldest daughter is the wife of Rev. Kenneth MacLennan, late of Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. Two of his sons have held high positions in the banking institutions of the country, and a third 140 was for many years secretary-treasurer of Queen's Uni- versity. "William Mansoa, who contributed a pound to the debt in 1800, and subscribed two pounds a year for Mr. Somer- ville's stipend, was a retired soldier, store-keeper in the Store-keeper G-eiieral's Department, and had charge of the Chateau de Ramezay, the Government House in Notre Dame Street. lie occupied pew No. 40. The widow of his son, Thomas, married Benjamin Workman, on the 24th June, 1823. Kenneth Walker, who afterwards became an influential member of the church, also appears on the record for the first time in connection with the effort, in 1800, to put the building out of debt. He kept a draper's shop, and an assortment of fancy goods and perfumery, in St. Paul Street. He purchased pew No. 08, in 1807. He sub- scribed a pound annually to Mr. SomerA'ille's salary. On 14th April, 1833, he was ordained an elder, after the with- drawal of the St. Paul's section of the congregation. We shall hear more about him in connection with the Protest, lodged, in 1844, against the resolution of the majority of the congregation to join the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Conrad Masteiler, was a wealthy German citizen, who contributed to pay off the debt in 1800, and to help the Young family in 1802. He died in May, 1808, and beijueathed all his real estate in St. Mary Street towards erecting a House of Industry for the city. The property was worth about .£2,000. The amount not being enough to carry out Mr. Masteller's plan, an act of incorporation was obtained, in 1818, authorizing the appointment of wardens of the House of Industry of Montreal. It was 141 to be non-sectariau and purely national. No appoint- ments were made under it, however, till 182*7, when F. Desrivieres, F. de Beaujeau, S. Gerard, J. Bouthillier, H Grates, R. Kimber, H. McKenzie and J. Kimbor were named the first wardens. The present Protestant House of Refuge took its origin only in 1862, but Mr. Masteller's generous ideas and liberal bequest laid the foundation for this noble charity. Greorge Martin, who subscribed to the debt in 1800, was a brother of William Martin, the baker, already men- tioned. He was also a baker, and was a member of the Temporal Committee from 1800 to 1803. The two brothers supported Mr. Young, and contributed to the fund for re- moving his family. They subscribed a guinea each to Mr. Somerville's stipend. They were proprietors of pew No. 45. As a member of the Temporalities Committee, George signed the Somerville manifesto in July, 1803. Thomas Turner's connection with the St. Gabriel Street Church began with giving a pound to the debt fund in 1800. He was a partner in the famous Commercial House of " Allison, Turner & Co.," general merchants. In those days, there was no division of goods into hardware, gro- ceries, crockery, dry goods, &c. All the large establish- ments kept a little of everything likely to be desired by country dealers. The firm to which Mr. Turner belonged was one of the foremost in the country, in enterprise and success. He was one of the seven gentlemen who signed the call, Cth July, 1817, for a meeting to elect the first Directors of the Bank of Montreal. He was president of the Bank of Canada in 1820, as well as a director of the Savings' Bank, one of the wardens of the Trinity House, one of the Commissioners for the improvement of the inland navigation between Montreal and Lachine, and a member of the Board of Examiners for flour inspectors. 142 Mr. Tumor subscribrd ono pound a yojir to Mr. Soiner- villo's stipend. Ho ai'tcrwiirds owned p(3W 35, formiirly tho property oi' Dr. llrown, which ho purchasiKl in IHOfJ. His daughter was married to Captain McCulloch. John Blackwood, who <^av<; a pound to the did)t in 1800, was a merchant, in partm^rship with his brother- Thomas, ol* whom W(i shall hear a ^Toai deal in oonno(ttion with the hi.story, not only oI' St. Gabriel Street Church, but also oi' tho entires Presbyterian cause in Canada. He contributed to tho Young fund in 1802, and subscribed three pounds annually lor the stipend of Mr. Somorvillo. Mr. Black- wood was elected a member oI" the Tcnnporal Committee in 1809, re-eld for Mr. Young in 1800. Al(!xaiuler Chisholm, who sub.scrilxid a pound to the debt fund in 1800, was a retired oflicer. He had btMni a Lieiiteiuint in the Koyal Garrison Battalion, and n^tirod witli thci rank of (captain. lie was th(^ proi>rietor of p(^w 90. He died on the IGth November, 1813, aged 73 years. Another important member, whoso name appears for the first time in connection with the movement to lift off the debt in 1800, was Thomas Porteous. Ho subscribed two pounds on this occasion. At this time he r(^sided at Terrebonne. He owned Isle Bourdon, and ran a ferry across tho river at that point. He afterwards removed to the <;ity, and (commenced business as a general merchant, at 18 Notre Dame Street. His wife was Olive Everett, K 146 who jL?avo birth to a daui^htor, Agnes, in 1708, and baptized })y Mr. Youiij?. In 1814, Mary, the eldest daus*'hter of Mr. Porteons, was married to H8 ; but his widow occupi(»d the seat until 1800, when it was purchased by James Carswell. James Henderson, who was one of the Temporal Com- mittee from 1800 to 1803, was a sergeant of the 41st Tvegimcnt. He was married by Mr. Young in 1801. Petcir McFarlane's name does not appear among the list of subscribers to the church either in 1792 or 1800; yet h(! belonged to th(? congregation during this period. He was one of the sixteen members of the Temporal Com- mittee appointed in 1791. He voted for the retention of Mr. Young in November of that year. He subscribed a guinea annually to Mr. Somerville's stipend. He was one of the oldest British residents in the city. He was married by Rev. D. C. Delisle, first, to Mary Goodburn, in 1769, and, after her death, to a widow named McNamara, in 1789. He was a tailor, and died in 18'' 1, at the advanced age of 86 years. He occupied pew 32 jointly with Mrs. Bland. 148 Among other subscribers to the building fund in 1800 was DaA id Ross, attorney. His grandfather was a banker in Tain, Ross-shire, Scotland ; and his father, John Ross, was a volunteer Math the *78th Fraser Highlanders at the taking of Quebec, under "Wolfe, 1759. Mr. Ross' brother, John, was prothonotary of the Court of King's Bench for the district of Quebec, and a prominent member of St Andrew's Church, Quebec, of which his son, Hon. David A. Ross, Minister without a Portfolio in the present Mercier government, is a respected elder. David Ross married, in 1803, Jane, daughter of the Hon. Arthur Davidson, a native of Aberdeen, Scotland, one of the Justices of the Court of King's Bench for the Montreal district, whose wife was Jane Fraser, daughter of Major Malcolm Fraser, of the 78th Highlanders, a member of the Lovat family. Mr. Ross had a large family ; but his only representative in the city to-day is the able physi- cian, Dr. G-eorge Ross, Professor of Clinical Medicine in McGill University, son of David Ross' eldest son, Arthur. Mr. Ross was a prominent member of the Bar in the district of Montreal, and was acting Attorney-G-eneral in 1820. It was he who was entrusted with guarding the interests of the St. Gabriel Street Church, in the matter of securing the rig'^ is of the congregation to all the land conveyed by their deed, on the Champ de Mars side, — in succession to Robert Russell, in 1808. He was a warm supporter of Mr. Somerville, to whose stipend he contri- buted two pounds annually. He occupied pew No. 4, along with James Smith. His two sisters were married to the two ministers of St. Andrew's Church, Quebec, — o^e to Dr. Spark, and the other to his successor, Dr. Hark- ness. After the death of Dr. Harkness, his widow married Staff-Sursreon Montgomery of Quebec. Another name belonging to this period, was that of 149 John McCord, senior, a native of Antrim, Ireland, Patentee of the undivided half of the Gaspe property, known as the " O'Hara and McCord Patent," who w^as born in 1*711, and who died at " The Grange," Montreal, on the 14th October, 1793. On the 1st of January of that year, he purchased the large square pew. No. 14, in the St. Gabriel Street Church ; and Hon. James Leslie, who was connected with the family by marriage, spoke of their attendance at the church in his time, which must have been after 1808, although Mr. W. Ireland had acquired pew 14 before that date. The McCord family seem to have been Presby- terians at this time, otherwise it is hard to account for their sitting in the St. Gabriel Street Church, when the first Christ Church (the Jesuits' chapel) was near by. No family in the district has, perhaps, taken a more prominent part than Mr. McCord's in the affairs of the country. Of his two sons, John, the eldest, died at Quebec, without issue in 1822 ; but Thomas, his second son, who, owned a large portion of Griffinto\vu, and represented the West Ward of the city in the Provincial Parliament, and was afterwards Police Magistrate of Montreal, an office which he held at the date of his death, in 1824, and after whom McCord Street is called, had two sons, both of whom rose to seats on the Bench, Hon. John S. McCord, and Hon. Wm. King McCord. Hon. Thomas McCord, son of the latter, also became a judge, while his daughter married the Hon. Justice Polette. The representative of the family in the city now is ex- Alderman David E. McCord, a prominent member of the Montreal Bar, son of the Hon. Justice John S. McCord, and of his wife, Anne Ross, daughter of David Ross, advocate. CHAPTER X. Rev. Jambs Sombrville's Birth, Edccatiox and Licbssure— Comes to Canada — Chosen Succeissor to Mr. Young — His Literary and SciENTn'io Tastes — His Marriage — Originates Natural History SociETJ' AND Montreal General Hospital — His Benefactions and Death. After the departure of the Rev. John Young, in August, 1802, the church was vacant ^or several mouths. The number of candidates in those days v\ras smaller than that offering for such a position in our time, yet it was at least great enough to perplex the congregation. The following intimation was read from the pulpit on the 29th May, 1803:— " The congregation will please to take noticee that they have had a trial of two ministers, namely, Mr. Somerville and Mr. Forrest. A number of the hearers of this church have requested that the votes of the people be taken, that their choice may be known. Accordingly, two gentlemen will be appointed early this week for that purpose, to wait upon every member of this church. So you will make up your minds on this important business, that you may be ready to give your votes." This was scarcely the regular mode of procedure in Presbyterian congregations, where a call is formally moderated in under the authority of a Presbytery. But any church in a new country must do the best it can in exceptional circumstances. If bhere was not a call in due form tendered on this occasion, there was obtained at least an undoubted expression of the voice of the people. The 151 result of the vote was, that Mr, Somerville was chosen by the ma,jority. The minority, as has been too often the case in Presbyterian communities, did not acquiesce in the decision to call Mr. Somerville, but resolved rather to withdraw from the church. Three of the elders. Messieurs England, Hunter, and James Logan, grandfather of Sir William Logan, and John Boston, afterwards sheriff, were among the adherents of Mr. Forrest. There was a difficulty at this time also, as at a later date, about the possession of the key of the church. Mr. Hunter had it in his keeping and refused to give it up. A meet- ing of the proprietors was held on the 23rd July, 1803, when it was unanimously resolved by those present " that every support should be given to Mr. Somerville, as the person duly appointed as minister of this congregation to the exclusion of every other person, and that none other be admitted or received to perform Divine worship with- out their consent. And as the said William Hunter now refuses to deliver up the ke3rs of the said church, it is re- solved that other sufficient locks and keys be provided for the security of the said church, and of the possession of the said proprietors therein." This resolution was signed by the members of the Temporal Committee, John McArthur, George Martin, Benaiah Gibb, John Fisher, Philip Ross and William Martin — by the two remaining members of the session, Duncan Fisher and William Forbes — and by nineteen other gentlemen : Hon. James McGill, Hon. John Richardson, John McKindlay, John Ogilvy, Isaac Todd, William Logan, John McKinstry, Robert Aird, James Cowie, William Graham, Thomas Oakes, James Strother, John Ferguson, Joseph Provan, James Dunlop, Donald McKercher, Hon. John Molson,|,Simou McTavish, and John Stephenson. Several months previously, the congregation had appar- ently made up their mind to call Mr. Somerville, as the following memorial shows : — 162 " To His Excellency, Sir Robert Shores Milnes, Baronet, Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Lower Canada, &c., &c., &c. The Memorial of the Subscribers, Presbyterian Protest- ants residing in the city of Montreal, as well on their own behalf as on behalf of the other Presbyterians of their congregation, Humbly Sheweth : — That His Excellency, the Right Hon. Lord Dorchester, late Governor of this Province, was graciously pleased, in the year 1794, to grant to the Rev. John Young, then minister of the Presbyterian Church for the city of Mont- real, the sum of fifty pounds per annum, commencing on the first day of May, in the said year, and which sum hath been annually paid to the said John Young by His Majesty's Receiver General of this Province. That the said John Young formally resigned his charge of minister of said church on the 7th day of August last, retired a few days afterwards from Montreal, and is now settled with his family at Niagara in Upper Canada ; and your memorialists entertain no idea that he will ever return to this place. That your memorialists being so circumstanced, and being more solicitous to have a clergyman of their own persuasion, of good life and morality, have lately had atrial of the Rev. James Somerville, a minister of the Presbyterian Church, who gave the whole congregation the greatest satisfaction, and whose conduct and loyalty appear most exemplary, but who, from engagements he is now under at Quebec, cannot immediately take charge of the said Presby- terian Church and congregation of Montreal. But your memorialists do look to him with confidence as the person who in the spring is to take charge of the said church. Your memorialists, therefore, humbly pray that Your 168 Excellency will be graciously pleased to retain the said annual sum of fifty ^^^unds, unappropriated, in order that the sum may be hereafter :^ppropriated to the laudable purposes for which His Excellency, Lord Dorchester, in his wisdom granted the same. And your memorialists, as in duty bound, will ever pray. * (Signed,) Adam Scott, Jos. Provan, John Fisher, B. GiBB. Montreal, 15th November, 1802." Committee on behalf of the Conf^regation. This Memorial was the answer returned by the congre- gation to the following letter addressed, on behalf of the Lieutenant-Governor, by the Hon. James McGill to John Fisher, "Presidenc" of the Temporal Committee of the Church : — " Montreal, 13th November, 1802. " Gentlemen — I am desired by His Excellency the Lieu- tenant-Governor to inform him whether Mr. Young, the Presbyterian clergyman, left this place with or without the approbation of his congregation ; at what time he left Montreal ; and if any idea is entertained of his returning — to which inquiries, I presume, you can give satisfactory answers. I request you, therefore, to communicate them without delay ; nor do I imagine it will be improper to add the measures you have discussed in consequence of Mr. Young's absence or resignation. "I am, very respectfully. Gentlemen, " Your very obt. and humble servant, " James M'Gill. "Messrs. John Fisher and others, forming the Committee of the Presbyterian Congregation of Montreal." 154 It is important to note the date of this petition. It shows that Mr. SomerviHe had already been virtually invited to become pastor of the church, months in advance of the time when the congregation were called upon to choose between him and Mr. Forrest, and if any one was to blame for the disagreement that led to the secession in 1803, it must have been those who allowed themselves to become partizans of Mr. Forrest, notwithstanding the previous understanding come to with Mr. Somerville. Mr. James Somerville, the first regularly inducted min- ister of the St. G-abriel Street Church, was a native of Lan- arkshire, Scotland, and was brought up in one of those pious cotter homes which Robert Burns has rendered memora- ble. The ambition of his parents, as it always has been of so many of their class in that country, was to see their son " wag his pow in a pu'pit." He was accordingly sent at an early age to Glasgow University, lor he had already completed his course in Arts when he was only seventeen years old. The two professors who seem to have made the deepest impression upon his mind were Mr. Young, who then taught G-reek in the University, and was the compiler of a very accurate, though brief lexicon of that language, which is still in considerable use, and Mr. Anderson, Pro- fessor of Natural Philosophy, who enjoyed a great reputa- tion as a teacher of Physics towards the close of the last century. To quote the language of the late Dr. Wilkie of Quebec, Mr. Somerville's early friend, and a native of the same village, who wrote an unpublished sketch of hi$ life after his decease : " The last (Prof. Anderson) had more par- ticularly fixed his attention, and had led him to direct his thoughts so much to objects of external nature as to derive from the view of their magnificent arrangements a large share of his enjoyments. By a regular contemplation of the beauty, wisdom and beneficence which they indicated, he confirmed hia trust in the Divine protection, and pro- 155 moted that equanimity of temper for which, through life, he was remarkable. His habitual contemplation of the works of nature, and of matters of fact, contributed, we may well suppose, to foster that love of truth, that total cbsence of exaggeration, that simplicity of manners, for all which he was most happily distinguished." Dr. Wilkie adds : " The predictions of Professor Young had inspired him with a taste for philosophical discussions which he retained through life. Upon finishing his collegiate studies he entered upon a regular course of classical read- ing." In this way he laid the foundation of that general culture which fitted him to occupy a high position among the most accomplished men of his time in Canada. Mr. Somerville afterwards took a course of divinity under Professor Findlay of G-lasgow, and was licensed to preach by the Relief body of Presbyterians, in 1^99. The fact of having been educated in the Glasgow University, through- out his professional as well as literary training for the ministry, made it the easier for him, though brought up in the Relief Church, to accept a call from the St. Gabriel Street Church, which was then counted as belonging to the Church of Scotland, and to receive ordination at the hands of ministers of the Church of Scotland. There were but few congregations at that time in connection with the Relief section of the Church, and they did not offer much of a career to young men of ability and scholarship. Mr. Somerville soon grew tired of acting as a probationer in these circumstances, and gladly availed himself of an offer that came to him through a Glasgow friend, to proceed to Quebec, in order to undertake the education of the chil- dren of the S< ittish lumber merchants resident there. He took ship for Canada at a time when it was more of an undertaking to cross the Atlantic than it is now to go round the world, and landed at Quebec on the 3rd of June, 1802. He was then twenty-seven years of age. He en- 156 tered immodiatoly upon his task of organizing a school, which was the precursor of all the educational eiforts in the ancient capital, in which the Scottish citizens have borne a prominent part. Dr. Wilkic , who succeeded him in his school, remarks that Mr. Soraerville had a peculiar aptitude for teaching, and adds : " The encouragt :nent he met with was every way equal to his expectations. His success was proportionate to his exertions, which were great. He was held in high esteem by the principal families residing in the city, — and his memory was long cherished in succeeding times by the young persons who had the happiness of receiving his instructions." Among his pupils, at that time, was the late Archibald Ferguson, elder in St. Paul's Church, and father of Professor Ferguson of Kingston, who accompanied Mr. Somerville to Montreal, after his settlement in St. G-abriel Street Church, in order to continue to enjoy the benefits of his tuition. Being a preacher, however, his services were in request at a time when there were so few of his order in Canada. On coming to Quebec, he connected himself with St. Andrew's Church, of which Kev. Alexander Spark, D.D., was pastor, and thus became a member of the Church of Scotland, as it existed in Canada. The ministers who then represented that Church in this country held out to him cordially the right hand of fellovv^ship, although, as a licentiate, he belonged to the Relief Section of the Presby- terian family. It was on Dr. Spark's recommendation that he was invited to preach in the St. G-abriel Street Church, shortly after Mr. Young had taken his departure. The con- gregation immediately resolved to invite him to become their minister. The terms of the Deed of the Church, as given at pages 64 and 65, did not preclude the calling of a probationer from the Relief body ; all that it pre- scribed, was that he should have been regularly licensed by a Presbytery in the British Dominions. Mr. Somer- 15*7 ville indicated his willingness to accept the call, but in- timated that he felt bound in honour to complete his ser- vice as a teacher at Quebec for the entire year for which he was engaged before leaving Scotland. It was in the interval, that llev Robert Forrest visited Montreal and preached in the Church, making a favourable impres- sion on a portion of the people, and creating division, a kind of result too often seen in the experience of con- gregations. Mr. Somerville was ordained to the pastorate on the 18th of September, 1803, Rev. John Bethune of "Williamstown, the founder of the congregation, and Rev. Alexander Spark, St. Andrew's Church, Quebec, officiat- ing on the occasion. It was generally understood that Mr. Somerville was then ordained to the Ministry of the Church of Scotland, and he so understood the matter all his life, although the question was raised after his death. The experience Mr, Somerville had gained as a teacher, even though it was only for a short time, did much to confirm his taste for science and learning, and to strengthen the bias towards such pursuits he had early shown. Many of his friends were, indeed, of opinion that he made a mis- take in quitting the teaching for the clerical profession ; but he himself would never admit it. The Scottish ele- ment being, as has been seen, always proportionately large among the mercantile class of Montreal, Mr. Somerville, as the only representative of the Scottish clergy in the city for many years, naturally had a good deal of influence in the community, and he seems to have entirely deserved the respect shown him. He took a leading part in all movements for promoting a wholesome state of society. To this end he connected himself with various organiza- tions, the Freemasons among the rest. His, too, was the first name on the roll of the Montreal Curling Club, organ- ized in 180Y. In 1809, he succeeded in establishing a literary society having its headquarters in this city. Dr. ^ 168 "Wilkio will toll us its history : — *' Ho covoted the society of well iiiforinocl por.sons aud tho free commuuication of ideas. Hence sprung- up in his thoughts the conception of the Symmatiietical Society, formed for the purpose of promoting? mutual improvement, and possibly to be the germ of some greater association H»^ laid hold of the thought with eagerness, and communicated it to a very few gentlemen, in whom he had confidence, in Montreal, and to one or two residing at a distance. The proposal was zealously embraced by the few friends to whom it was explained, and carried out with considerable regularity for a few years. A number of essays were furnished from time to time by each of the gentlemen associated, and these were pretty fully discussed at the meetings of the society. Remarks were likewise communicated in writing, and a regular account of all the transactions recorded by one of the members appointed to act as secretary. A few of these papers were afterwards printed in the Canadian Review, in 1824. The subjects discussed were chiefly sci- entific, literary or commercial." His biographer tells us : " During his whole life he was wont, when his health permitted, to take daily exercise in the open air. In his rambles he used to carry a small hammer, with which he amused himself in examining the interior appearance of stones and rocks. If this was not done in a strictly scien- tific manner, it served at least to diversify his recreations and give them activity. Sometimes he collected plants and flowers, and he had ever a just appreciation of the beauties of natural scenery. Sometimes he was joined, in his rambles, by one or more of his clerical brethren, who, it is well known, were always attracted by his lively conversation." It would appear, then, that Mr. Somerville was studying the earth's structure before the formation of the " Greological Society " of G-reat Britain, and while Hugh Miller was still in petticoats. To the end of his 159 days, he tontinued to indulge a taste for natural history ; and some old persons survive to tell how, in their youth, they used to see him strolling through the fields, picking up flowers and stones, and looking at tYunn intently, thus confirming the rumors that were abroad touching his mental equilibrium. Mr. Somerville kept a diary from the time he was twenty-two years of age, and amongst other things noted in it was the state of the weather, to the influences of which his frame was keenly suscept- ible. This re(!ord he kept till within forty-eight days of his death. It was probably not very siientific, as he is not likely to have possessed A'ery accurate instruments ; but such as it was, in the absence of any better meteorologii^al statistics, it would be at least curious, if not valuable, could it be recovered : so far, however, the effort to trace its fate has been unsuccesful. When Mr. Somerville died, in 183V, he l6ft the most of his property to religious and benevolent institutions. Dr. "Wilkie will tell how he was led to do so : "It has been seen throughout the course of this narrative, that his mind was eminently sociable. Being at the same time of a strongly benevolent cast, his sociability gave rise finally, or at least greatly contributed, to two most excellent insti- tutions — ' the Natural History Society' and the ' Montreal General Hospital.' His practice of rambling in the fields in quest of objects suitable for the study of Natural His- tory, has been already noticed. His attractive conversa- tion naturally drew to his society others who possessed similar tastes, particularly his two brethren in the Church, and some of other professions. One gentleman, especially, of highly scientific attainments, (known to be A. Skakel, a teacher in this city) assisted to give accuracy and order to their observations. A considerable collection of natural objects was, in consequence, formed ; a place was found necessary for their reception, the assistance of others was 160 solicited and obtained, and out of these humble endea- vours arose, on the 16th May, 1827, the ' Natural History Society of Montreal.' Thus, the little rill issuing from the mountain's brow gathers increase of waters as it rolls on, and, in the end, becomes a potent stream, fertilizing the regions through which it flows, and pouring a navi- gable flood into the ocean. In consequence, probably, of his connection with the origin of this institution, and cer- tainly from his devotedness to the cause of knowledge and truth, he left a munificent bequest for the endow- ment of a lectureship in furtherance of its objects " It is in these terms that Dr. "Wilkie, writing shortly after Mr. Somerville's death, sets forth his claims to be gratefully remembered by " The Natural History Society." Mr. Somerville's sympathetic nature and public spirit, seem to have had much to do also with originating the " Montreal General Hospital." Here is what the memoir, from which I have already quoted, says: " He always considered the first suggestion of the Montreal G-eneral Hospital, as due to himself. 'The first idea of it,' he said, ' was suggested by my servant falling sick of an inf actions fever. She had no friends in the city. I could not turn her out of doors. I v^as apprehensive for my own family. I thought how advantageous it would be for the patient, and how satisfactory to my own mind, if there was an hospital to which she could be sent, where she would re- ceive the necessary attention and care, while my family would run no risk of infection. Others might be in sim- ■ i^ar circumstances. I proposed the subject to some medi- cal gentlemen and also to my colleague, who always has been forward to promote objects of public utility. The scheme was followed up with zeal and liberality. An institution arose far surpassing his utmost expectation.' Such was the development in his truly Christian mind of an institution which has since grown to be one of the 161 honours of Canada, an institution of which Montreal will always be proud, and to which the late Hon. Mr. Rich- ardson, after all highly valued labours, had the honour of making an important addition." Assuming the accuracy of Dr. Wilkie's information, here is another and still stronger ground why not only the citizens of Montreal, but the people of all the outlying districts, should do honour to the memory of Mr. Somerville. By his will, drawn up on the 21st February, 1833, four years before his death, he left bequests in the following order, and to the following amount : — " For the purchase of a ground lot and erection of a inanse, for the use of the minister of the St. Gabriel Street Church, ' during thirty years, the object of my warm and constant solicitude,' c£l,000 ; " To support a lectureship for the benefit of the Natural History Society of Montreal, i) 1,000 ; " To Mr. Wilkie, at Quebec, ' my friend from early life,' .£1,000 ; " To the Rev. Alexander Mathieson, of Montreal, ' many years an intimate friend,' iJlOO ; " To the late Thos. Blackwood, Esq., ' one of my oldest and most confidential friends at Montreal,' jEIOO ; " And to the Trustees of the Montreal G-eneral Hospital, as residuary legatees, all that may remain, after paying off all the above mentioned legacies." Dr. Wilkie, who knew the value of Mr. Somerville's estate, adds the re- mark : " The remainder falling to the Greneral Hospital, must, it is believed, be very considerable, and will, no doubt, be suitably recorded." In those days however, no special notice was taken of legacies, and so what was realized from the estate cannot now be ascertained ; but the fact that the Hospital was made residuary legatee, implies, in itself, that the amount designed by Mr. Somer- L 162 ville for that institution, must have been larger than he gave for any other single object. Mr. Somerville was twice married. His first wife was Mariamne Veitch, a native of Edinburgh, Scotland, who had come to reside with a relative in Quebec, To this lady he was united on the 8th of July, 1805, two years after his settlement in Montreal. She is described by Dr. "Wilkie as a very superior woman; but he enjoyed the comfort of her society for only a single year. She expired on the 16th of August, 1806, a few days after having given birth to a daughter, named from herself, Mariamne. " He entered a second time into the married state," says Dr. Wilkie, " on the 4th of April, 1808, with Charlotte Blaney. This lady appears to have been an orphan, but brought up and educated by Mrs. Perry, well known at that time in Montreal, for her piety and exemplary con- duct, who acquired a moderate independence, by means of her industry and prudent conduct. "With this wife he lived thirteen years in the strictest bonds of conjugal feli- city." Mrs. Somerville brought her husband a son, named Alexander William, born August 2nd, 1814, When this child was only four yeais old, his mother fell into a de- clining state of health, and died in her husband's arms, on the 1st of August, 1819, on board the steamer on its upward trip from Quebec, whither she had gone, in the hope that fresh air and change would strengthen her. Mr. Somerville's health had broken down on one or two occasions, from excessive mental eflforts, as early as 1809. The amount of his work in the year 1815 may be esti- mated from the number of entries in the church registers, amounting to 58 marriages, 51 burials, and 115 baptisms. His temperament was acutely nervous, and when the domestic afflictions, mentioned, overtook him, added to the burdens of his pastorate, his health gave way under the pressure. It was then that Rev. Henr} Esson was procured 163 as his colleague. They worked together with a large measure of harraouy till 1822, when Mr. Soraerville retired on an allowance of iJ150 a year ; but continued to receive the <£50 additional given by the Government, in consider- ation of the service rendered to the Imperial troops by the ministers of St. Gabriel Street Church. Although ab- solved from the duty of preaching for the rest of his life, he remained, in the eye of the law, the senior minister of the congregation to the day of his death. In the year 182V, his valuable and faithful friend, Mrs Perry, who had retired from business in Montreal, and gone to reside in Edinburgh, departed this life. She left a large share of her means to the family of her late adopted daughter. But it was characteristic of her good sense and tender sympathy that she left iJ4,500 to Mariamne, Mr. Somerville's daughter by his first wife, a larger sum than she willed to the son of Charlotte Blanev, because that young lady was physically infirm, as well as a most at- tractive person. These legacies are mentioned, because a good deal of the late history of the old church in St. Gabriel Street, w as indirectly shaped by them. As Mr. Somerville's years advanced, his nervous ailments became more serious, — and sometimes bordered on mental alienation. He had alternate seasons of melancholy and exhilaration. But those who knew him, say that even at the times when his mental aberration was most apparent, he never lost his intellectual activity, and amusing inci- dents are related that show his ready wit. One of these will suffice. While no restraint was put upon his freedom, his friends had provided him with a body servant, whose instructions were never to lose sight of him. but yet never obtrude his presence upon the minister, nor make him think himself watched. This servant, on one occasion, was an Irishman, not long out from the Emerald Isle, who continued to wear the long heavy coat he brought with 164 him across the sea, even during the heat of summer. The man, thus equipped, had charge of Mr. Somerville, on a broiling July day. The minister set out for a walk along the Cote St. Paul road, and proceeded at a rapid pace, evi- dently determined to have a little fun at Pat's expense. He walked aimlessly a long distance, and then made a detour, returning to his quarters by another route, all the time chuckling with delight at the discomfiture of his guardian, down whose face the sweat was running in copious streams, in his efforts to keep sight of his master. The year 1832 was marked by another sad event in Mr. Somerville's family. This was the death of his son in his nineteenth year. He was already well advanced in the study of medicine, and had it in view to proceed to Edinburgh, there to complete his professional training, but he caught an infectious fever in the course of his practice as a studedt, and died on the 30th of November. This was a crushing blow to the tender hearted father ; but a still severer one soon succeeded. His dear Mariamne, all the dearer to him on account of her bodily infirmity, was taken from him, twelve weeks after her brother ; and his house was left unto him desolate. He fell heir to the money of his children ; and it was with the means thus put at his disposal that he made the benefactions with which his name is associated in Montreal. In our time the amounts bequeathed by Mr. Somerville to public objects, do not seem large ; but fifty years ago, they must have been counted considerable, when there was comparatively little realized wealth ip, this country, and money was so much more valuable, relatively, than it is now. Though not appearing very large to the present generation, they were timely; and the several sums, applied to the respective objects contemplated in the final bene- volent disposal of his means, were productive of more im- portant and lasting results to those public objects than 165 five times the amount would be to-day. His thoughtful generosity put the institutions which it aided on a pros- perous footing ; and once they got fairly under weigh, their success became assured. The chapter is incomplete without a portrait of Mr. Som- erville, but if one was ever taken, no trace of it can now be found. In the absence of his likeness, we may be thank- ful for the following brief pen-portrait of him, by Dr.Wilkie: " He was a little under the middle stature, of a vigorous but not athletic form. His features were perfectly regular, and had a most prepossessing appearance. His eye was uncommonly quick and penetrating. His hair, till he passed the meridian of life, was black and glossy, with an easy curl. " When Mr. Somerville was in health, and settled at home, he was exact and methodical in his daily readings. He commenced each day with perusing a portion of the sacred writings. This practice he had continued through life, whenever health and leisure permitted. Upon finish- ing the task he had assigned to himself for the day in this department, he entered in his journal the remarks which occurred to him on the general spirit of what he had read. These remarks were exceedingly brief, and referred exclu- sively to practical matters. Having made this entry, he proceeded to another department of his reading, — some of the periodicals, perhaps, of the day, or some of the standing works of English literature. By this happy distribution of his time, his remembrances of Divine truth were con- stantly kept alive, and his intimate acquaintance with the current literature of the age was never left behind. " His mind was well informed and his understanding clear, quick and perspicacious. He fastidiously shunned at all times to express any opinion on subjects with which he had not, at least, a reasonable acquaintance, and held all such pretence in contempt. His piety was real and deeply felt, but incapable of the slightest show or ostentation." 166 Such was the man, and such was the work he achieved. He deserves to he remembered by the citizens of Mont- real, not because he was a man of brilliant intellect or of surpassing powers in any way, but because, by his high character and attainments, he maintained the credit of the order to which he belonged, and exercised a widespread and wholesome influence over the English-speaking so- ciety of this city, when it was a community so small that every clergyman had a personal acquaintance with all its members. This was the formative stage in the history of Montreal. After the lapse of eighty-three years, from the date of the beginning of his ministry, it is, of course, impos- sible to put one's finger on any tangible results of his pastorate in the spiritual life of the community. The influences he and his contemporaries exerted are indis- tinguishably blended in the life of to-day, as the echoes of the past go to form the murmur of the universe. But all the testimony we can gather goes to show that he served L is generation faithfully according to tl 3 will of Grod, — entering fully into all enterprizes and undertakings which aimed at the moral and social welfare of the com- munity, as well as discharging with ability the duties pertaining to his office in the more restricted sphere of his own church. After his decease, the congregation to which he had ministered so long and faithfully, erected a tasteful mural tablet to his memory, with the following inscription : — " Sacred to the memory of the late Rev. James Somer- ville, who wa^g born in the village of Tollcross, near Glasgow, 1st April, 1775 ; ordained Minister of this Church, 18th September, 1803, and died 2nd June, 1837, aged 62 years ; " This Tablet has been erected by this Congregation, in token of their gratitude for the munificent legacy of One Thousand Pounds, bequeathed by him for the pur- 167 « pose of building a Manse for the accoramodation of the future Ministers of St. G-abiiel Street Church ; " Having been bereaved of his children, he consecrated at his death the whole of his property, of which the greater part was the bequest of disinterested friendship, to the cause of Science, Friendship, Humanity and Piety." His friend, Dr "Wilkie, to whom, as has been seen, he left a handsome legacy, erected a very tasteful monument to his memory in the old Protestant burying ground on Dor- chester street ; but when it was converted into Duft'erin Square, in 18*75, there was a general demolition of the old tombstones, and among other sacred memorials destroyed, was the Somerville monument, before the attention of any person interested in its preservation was called to the mat- ter. In the absence of any kindred of Mr. Somerville left in the country,the St. Gabriel Church authorities took action and had his remains removed to Mount Royal Cemetery, a few members of the congregation subscribing about $100 for the purchase of a suitable lot in which to deposit them. But his bones now lie in a nameless grave, while there are on all hands granite and marble memorials over the dust of citizens of less account. The St. G-abriel congregation have done their part. And now it remains for those specially interested in the management of the General Hospital and the members of the Natural History Society, institutions that profited at least as largely by Mr. Som- erville's generosity as St. Gabriel Street Church did, to unite in erecting a simple and inexpensive monument over the grave of this benefactor of the community. CHAPTER XI. Rev. J. SoMERviLi.E recommended by Rev. Dr. Spark — f iust Trouhle oveik THE Possession op the Keys of the Church — Mr. Somervillb's Letter on the Situation — His Ordination and Induciton— The Second Presbytery of Montreal — Rev. Rorert Forrest and Rev, Robert Easton, Secession Ministp:rs from Scotland — Erection of St. Peter Street Church — Mr. Easton's Address on the occasion — The DiFFicULiT about getting Registers iiy all, except ministers op tub Churches of Rome and of England — The Charact'br of the Adherents of St. Gabriel Street and St. Peter Street Churches rbspbctively. Eeference has already been made to the waut of unan- imity on the part of the congregation in the settlement of Mr. Somerville. As the first secession took place in con- sequence of opposition to his ordination and induction as pastor, it is only justice to his memory that his attitude in the matter should be i. ade known. It has been stated already that Rev. Dr. Spark of Quebec received Mr. Somerville on his arrival in that city with great cordiality, inviting him to preach in the pulpit of St. Andrew's Church, and extending to him other friendly offices. Mr. Somerville became a member of St. Andrew's Church, and his name appears on a petition from that congregation to the Governor, in 1802. When Mr. Young left Montreal, and the Scotch congregation in St. G-abriel Street applied to Dr. Spark for aid in their emergency, he could not do otherwise than recommend the friend he had so lately met with, and whose good qualities he had already had many opportunities of observing. Mr. Somerville was invited through Dr. Spark, 169 to preach in Montreal, which invitation . he accepted in the autumn of 1802, conducting- divine service twuce on the Sabbath after his arrival and returning to Quebec the same week. " The specimens aftbrc4.ed by his appearance in the Church in St. Grabriel Street, the general turn of his frank and open and grave conversation, the ample recommend- ations he had brought with him, both from Quebec and from his native country, appeared to give satisfaction to the majority of the congregation. In consequence, an expectation of a future mutual connection was formed, on both sides, and preparations were made for a call being presented in due time." Completing the year's service as a teacher in Quebec, he removed to Montreal in the early part of June, 1803. Although not inducted, he entered immediately upon the discharge of such duties as a licen- tiate could regularly perform, — visiting the sick, consoling the afflicted, and preaching on the Lord's Day. In this way, an acquaintance was formed between him and his future flock, prior to the formal creation of the pastoral tie. It was at this stage that a subscription list was opened, in order that some guarantee should be provided for his support. A number of substantial householders and heads of families bound themselves to pay for this purpose a definite sum annually for three or five years. The Rev. Dr. Spark was Mr. Somerville's patron ; but the Rev. Dr. Mason of New- York, who had also been com- municated with at the time of Mr. Young's withdrawal, recommended the congregation to call one of the young preachers of the Burgher Secession Church, whom he had induced to come from Scotland to America. This was the Rev. Robert Forrest, already mentioned. His appearance made a favourable impression upon those who for a time were disposed to contend for the possession of the build- ing on St. Gabriel Street, and, as has been seen, secured the keys of the Church. 170 Tho oougregation of Christ Church were now worship- ping in tht? Scotch Church, and Messrs. Hunter, Enghiud and James Ix>gan had obtained the keys from John Ger- brand Beek, one of the Church Wardens, at the (conclusion of the Church of England service, on 21st July, 1803. This action led to the serving of the following protest on Mr. Hunter : — " By this Public Instrument of Protest or attestation, — Be it known and miide manifest to all persons to whom these presents shall come or may concern, that on the Twenty-second day of July, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Eijiht Himdred and three, at the reciuest of Duncan Fisler of the city of Montreal, Cordwainer, William Forbes of the same place, coojjer, two of the elders of the Scotch Church in this city, and William INIartin of the same place, gentleman, one of the mem- bers of the committee appointed to regulate the temporal affairs of the said Church. AVe the subscribing Public Notaries of the Province of Lower Canada, residing in the said city of Montreal, by lawful authority duly admitted and sworn, went to the house of William Hunter, merchant in INIontreal, and then and there speaking to him personally, demanded of him the keys of the said Church of Scotland or Scotch Church, which were delivered to him yesterday (the 21st inst.), by John Gerbrand Beek, Es- quire, one of the Church AVardens of the Protestant congregation in this City, whereunto the said William Hunter answered that ho was desired by Mr. Logan and Mr. England to get the keys of the Church from Mr. Beek, and that he cannot deliver them to any person, except said Mr. Logan or Mr. England. Which answer not being satisfactory, we, the said notaries, at the request aforesaid, have protested and by these presents do most solemnly protest, as well against the said William Hunter, as against all others whom it doth, shall or may concern, for all cost, charges, dam- ages, interest, expenses, hurts and injuries, already suffered or that shall or may hereafter be suffered by the said Duncan Fisher, William Forbes and William Martin, in their capacities aforesaid, or others concerned, for or upon account of the premises : Thus done and protested in Mont- real aforesaid on the day and year first before written, a copy of these presents having been left with the said William Hunter, at his dwelling house in Montreal — that he and all others concerned may not plead igno- rance in and about the same. In test, veritatis, J. A. Gray, Not. Pub. Thos. Babron, Not. Pub." Ill The following letter, writtisn by Mr. f^omerville, shortly before leaviiif^ Quebec, will explain the situation at the moment. Besides the opposition, to his settlement of which he was aware, the question how hi« ordination could be best secured, troubled him and the congregation. QiBiiBC', 15th June, 1803. Dear Sir. — I received yours in duo course. Mr. Betlmne and Mr. Spark, I l)eliovo, wil! liavo no difricnlty now in joining in my ordination, provided tlie congregation or myself make none. The "jrinoipal objection which Mr. Spark had, was, I behevo, on account of Mr. Young. That objection is now removed 'y Mr. Betiiune'a letter. As for the congregation at Montreal, why I really do not know what would please them in all points. It would appear that a number of them are, at beat, very unsteady, to say no worse. I could wish, very much, that some plan could bo fallen upon for putting it out of overybdily's power to say a single word as to the legal- ity of my ordination. Going to Scotland, could it be done, would be the most ell'ectual way, and also the most respectable. I could wish, very much, tills measure could be put in practice. It would remove every doubt, and add a degree of respectability to the business which it can hardly have in any other way. I was licensed by the Ko'""jf Presbytery of Glasgow, and 1 have certificates from that Presbytery, and also from tlie Relief Presbytery of Edinburgh. The only difference between the Relief and the Church of Scotland is, in the article of presentations by Patrons, which does not exist in this country. Of course, I consider my- self a proper candidate for any congregation who may choose to call me. Ordination implies the being received by that Presbytery, by which you are ordained. Of course, if that Presbytery be a regular, lawful Presby- tery, the person ordained by them must be regularly and legally ordained. I do not wish to come to Montreal, even though I were invited, till the business of my ordination be settled,— that is, whether it is to be in this country, or if I am to go home. It is disagreeable, to my mind, even to be suspected of ishing to intrude myself upon the people of Montreal. If I come to Montreal, it shall be openly and honourably. I feel it my duty to inform the committee, that I am not at all anxious to change my situation. I am here, I believe, usefully employed, and I am very com- fortably situated. My income is such as supports me decently, and why should I be anxious to change. I feel gratitude to the people of Montreal for their kindness and attention to me, and certainly consider myself as bound to do everything in my power for them, as far as is consistent with propriety, and that duty which every man owes to himself. I am, yours truly, J. SOMERVILLE. 172 On the 18th of Septombor, 1803, tho proposed Presby- tory met, and was constituted at Montreal, (3on8i8ting of Rev. Alex. Spark, Rev. John Bethune, and Dunean Fisher, the elder, representing St. Gabriel Street congregation. Mr, Spark had been ordained in the Church of Sc^otland. He came to Quebec first, as a teacher, in ItSO, taking live mouths on the voyage from Aberdeen, his native city. He returned to Scotland in 1783, and returned to Quebec, an ordained minister, in 1786. Although still prosecuting educational work, he relieved Rev. G-eorge Henry, the minister in charge of the Scotch Church, Quebec, of the heavier part of his duties, and when that gentleman died in 1795, Mr. Spark succeeded him. He had a fine turn for business, and conducted the correspondence with the Government, on behalf of his church, with great tact and energy. He died suddenly of an apoplectic fit, March 7th, 1819, while on his way to conduct service in the church in the afternoon. Since page 50 of this book was written, I have gathered from the Christian Recorder, published at York (Toronto), in 1819, four years after Mr. Bethune's death, that he had been originally ordained by a Presbytery of the Established Church in Scotland, for ai congregation of his countrymen in South Carolina. At the meeting of Presbytery for Mr. Somerville's ordina- tion, a letter was produced from the Rev. Robert Findlay, D.D.,Professor of Divinity, under whom Mr. Somerville had studied, and from whom he had already produced the usual testimonials. From the tenor of this letter, the two min- isters and the elder present considered themselves justified, in the existing circumstances, in forming themselves into a Presbytery. The following is the minute framed on the occasion : — " Montreal, I7th September, 1803. The former Presbytery of Montreal, having been by un- fortunate circumstances dissolved, the Rev. Mr. John 173 Bethune, Minister of the Gospel at (rlennary, in Upper Canada, formerly a member of the said Pn'sbytery, and the Rev. Mr. Alexander Spark, Minister of the Gospel at Qnebee, con<'eiving it would be for the good of religion to form a connection and constitute theniselves into a Presby- tery, did accordingly meet at Montreal, this 7th day of Sep- tember, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun- dred and three ; and after prayers, the said Ministers, together with Mr. Duncan Fisher, took their seats. The Rev. Mr. John Bethune was chosen moderator, the Rev. Mr. Alexander Spark, clerk. Absent, the elder from Glen- gary, and the elder from Quebec. The Presbytery agreed that they shall be known and addressed by the name and style of The Presbytery of Montreal.'' " Mr. James Somerville, preacher of the Gospel, pre- sented a petition to the Presbytery, the tenor whereof as follows : — Montreal, September 17th, 1803. To the Moihrator and remanant memhers of the Preahytery of Montreal, to meet this day in Montreal . The Petition of James Somerville humMy slieweth, That in the month of .Tune last your petitioner was invited by the congregation of Montreal to come and take ui)on him the pastoral charge of tlieir church. That in consequence of said invitation, which will be laid before you, your petitioner since the middle of July last has officiated publicly in said church. Your Petitioner, however, not being in full orders, cannot discharge the requisite duties of his office, which occasions no small inconvenience to the members of said congregation. Your Petitioner, therefore, prays and entreats that the Presbytery will take his case anc^ vue case of the congregation under consideration, and, if your Petitiov. jr ahaM be deemed duly qualified, he prays that you may proceed to his ordination with all convenient speed : And your Petitioner, as in duty bound, will ever pray. (Signed) J. Somerville.' " And a call having been presented tr the Presbytery l?y the congregation of the Church of Scotland in Mont- real, inviting the said Mr. Somerville to be their minister. 1'74 The Presbytery having taken said petition and call into consideration, agre( d to receive him on trials for ordination. " And ihe said Mr. Somerville having delivered dis- courses on the following subjects prescribed him, viz. : a Homily Psalm 136 : 1 — an exercise and additions on Gral. 3 : 8 — a lecture on Luke 12 : 13-21 — and a sermon on Gral. 4 : 18, the Presbytery having approved of the same, put to him the necessary questionary trials, in all which he gave satisfaction, they appoint Sunday, the 18th instant, between the hours of ten and twelve in the fore- noon for his ordination, adjourned till to-morrow, the 18th instant, and concluded with prayer." " MoNTEEAL, 18th September, 1803. *' The Presbytery met according to adjournment. The Revd. Mr. John Bethune, Moderator, the Revd. Alex. Spark, Clerk, and Duncan Fisher, Elder. Read the minutes of the last meeting. After a sermon, preached by the Revd. Mr. Alex. Spark, from 1 Cor. 14 : 33, agree- able to the resolution of yesterday, Mr. James Somerville was solemnly ordained and set apart by prayer and im- position of hands to the sacred office of a minister of the Grospel. The Revd. Mr. John Bethune presided and gave the charge." Having completed the work for which it was specially constituted, namely the ordination and induction of Mr. Somerville, the Presbytery adjourned to meet on the third Monday in February, 1804. There has been no record dis- covered of this meeting to which the adjournment took place, or of any subsequent meetings of this Presby- tery of Montreal ; and it is probable that it never met, except for dealing with emergencies such as that for which it was formed. It will be noticed that no mention is made of the Church , 175 of Scotland in the title of this Presbytery. This is to be accounted for probably, in the main, from the fact that as the Church of Scotland, at that date, embraced by far the larger part of the Presbyterians of that counti-y, the sece.ders not yet having become very numerous ; so that it might be taken for granted, without a statement of it, that a Presbytery, formed by Scottish ministers belonging to the Established Church, would be held to represent that Church. There may, however, have been a design in omitting any reference to the Church of Scotland, so as to unite all the Presbyterians in the community, some of whom had come from Ireland, some from the United States, and some had belonged to the seceders in the mother country. Co^nprehensiveness had all along been studied. In the original deed, the general designation is used " The Presbyterian congregation," although the pre- ponderating influence and sentiment are indicated in the qualifying words added, that its affairs were to be managed " conformably to the usages of the Church of Scotland, as by law established." At that stage in the history of British colonies everything was tentative. The constitution of both Church and State affairs, in the dependencies, grew out of events as they came about, as was the case with the British Constitution itself. There seems to have been at first no thought of a separate .md independent Colonial Church, The letter of Mr. Somerville shows that the setting up of a Presbytery in Montreal was only a make- shift, to be adopted because the more desirable course ap- peared, for some reason, impracticable. The ideal, clearly cherished by him and the other parties to the transac- tion, was ordination in Scotland, and by the Established Church. The Rev. Robert Forrest, in whose favour the first secession from the Church in St. Grabriel Street took place, visited Montreal, and preached in the Church, in April, 116 1803. He coutinued to officiate for five Sabbaths, whereas Mr. Somerville had been heard only for a single day. This circumstance gave a chance to the leaven of discontent to operate ; yet, as has been seen, Mr. Somerville was the choice of the large majority of the congregation. .Mr. Forrest had meantime withdrawn to the United States ; but when the resolution was arrived at, preferring his rival, he returned to Montreal, and rallied his friends, who assembled in the same room in Notre Dame Street, in which Mr. Bethune had held services seventeen years be- fore. He did not remain long with his friends here. Re- ceiving a call from a congregation in New York, in the autumn of the same year, he accepted it, and bade fare- well to Montreal. The Rev. Robert Easton, formerly Minister of Morpeth in Roxboroughshire, in connection with the Associated Reformed Synod of Scotland, suc- ceeded Mr. Forrest, in 1804. He and his congregation continued to worship in the room, aforesaid, until the 8th of March, 1807, when the Church in St. Peter Street was opened for worship. As this was a movement that carried important consequences with it, originating, as as it did, the St. Andrew's and American Presbyterian Churches, it demands a more extended notice. The following extract from the Montreal Gazette of the 21st October, 1805, throws light on the situation : — " On Tuesday, the 15th inst., the corner-stone of a new Presbyterian Church in St. Peter Street, Montreal, was laid by the Rev. Robert Easton, who delivered the follow- ing speech, printed at the request of the Committee of Managers : — " Brethren, *' I congratulate you upon the commencement of a building, designed for the benefit of society in matters of infinite importance. Every wise man admits, that what- 177 ever tends to form virtuous principles in the human heart, and to direct the exercise of them through the various re- lations of human life, should be embraced and pursued with ardour. The public institutions of religion, when conducted in a proper manner, have eminently this effect. By a display of the most excellent truths, they enlighten and elevate the faculties, and soothe the sorrows of the mind ; they furnish the most cogent arguments against profanity and vice ; they are the most eifectual means of promoting the great ends of civil government, — as habits of industry, subordination and honesty are put by them on the strongest of all hinges, the love and fear of the authority of Heaven. By including, in this account of Eeligious Institutions, the doctrines taught in the West- minster Confession of Faith, and the Rules of Presbyterian Church government, you have the whole of my private and official principles ; and you perceive the only purposes to which this building will be applied. I say, the only purposes, — for I am confident that, during my own min- istry in it, impiety and vice, disloyalty and turbulence will be equally reprobated. And I wish to Heaven th&t a stone of it had never been laid, if it is ever to be the instrument of diffusing poison through the veins of reli- gious and civil society. But I fear no such consequence ; because the congregation has resolved, and measures are already taken, to place it perpetually under the care of a regular body in Scotland, whose evangelical and loyal character is well knowm to the Christian world. . . . " Let us always strive to merit the approbation of our fellow citizens, and of the officers of government, by a peaceable, friendly and virtuous behaviour ; joining with all good men in whatever may promote the common wel- fare ; and marking, with the utmost detestation, every- thing of an opposite tendency. . . . "Perhaps, your great interest, my friends, in the politi- lis cal state of Religiou in this country, may ''c?quire that subject to be noticed on this occasion. But the question, you know, of clerical privileges, is still undetermined. Let us be thankful thus far, that we can meet together for public worship, without any annoyance ; and though I am denied at present the legal exercise of some of the cler- ical functions, yet, it is by a law which does, in the most unequivocal terms, exclude every other Protestant clergy- man, who is not of the Church of England. Let us wait with patience : real grievances will be redressed ; for we are under the protection of a sovereign who cherishes all his dutiful subjects, and whose person and enlightened government may Heaven preserve against the mischiev- ous designs of foreign envy, ambition and tyranny, to dis- pense the blessings of impartial justice, tranquillity and joy to millions of grateful people." Reading between the lines, it is not hard to understand the reasons for dwelling on the points emphasized in this address. The people who had gathered around Mr. Forrest and Mr. Easton were mostly either American by birth, and so accustomed to a different ecclesiastical atmosphere from that of the Church of Scotland all their lives, or were in sympathy with the secession churches of the mother country. Attempts had evidently been made by some parties in the community to discredit them, as if they were disloyal and dangerous elements in society, and belonged to no responsible section of the Church of Christ ; while the Church in St. G-abriel Street was looked up to with respect, as representiiig the Established Church of Scotland. Mr. Easton endeavours to parry these thrusts by pointing to the Westminster standards to which they adhered, and intimating that the congregation had it in con- templation to seek a connection with one of the organiza- tions in the old country. The other point referred to is one of historical interest. lV9 The right of marrying and burying persons belonging to their congregations, had been claimed and exercised by all the clergymen of the Church of Scotland, settled in the countries situated on the St. Lawrence, from 1759 onwards. In the spring of 1806, an event occurred which raised the question of the validity of these Acts. Registers had hitherto been issued to these ministers in Quebec as well as in Montreal. Those belonging to the St. Gabriel Street Church are complete from the year 1*795. Soon after the passing of the Constitutional Act of 1791, a statute was enacted in Lower Canada for the more secure regis- tration of births, marriages and deaths. This Act limited the registration of births to the clergymen who performed the Christian ordinance lof Baptism. The Judges of the Court of Queen's Bench were constituted the authority to sanction the holding of registers. In the district of Quebec, a minister belonging to some other denomination than the Churches of England and Scotland, who had been refused a register, notwithstanding, ventured to perform some acts of clerical duty requiring registration. The Right Reverend Bishop Mountain caused proceedings to be taken against him. The Chief Justice, in delivering the sentence of the Court, condemning the unfortunate dissenter to six months imprisonment, attempted, in a speech of considerable length, to establish the position that the Church of England was the only established Church of the country, and that all persons not belonging to it or to the Church of Rome, of which the rights were guaran- teed by the capitulation and by the subsequent treaty with the King of France, came under the denomination of dissenters. Further, his Honour stated, that, conse- quently all clerical acts requiring registration, that had been performed by others than clergymen of the said established Church, or of the Church of Rome, were irregu- larly performed, and liable to be called in question. To 180 prevent confusion," he added, " 9 bill will be introduced this evening into the Legislature to legalise all such acts." A bill was accordingly introduced by Bishop Mountain* which passed the Council ; but it was rejected in the Lower House, on the ground that the rights of the Church of Scotland had always been admitted in the province, and ought not now to be questioned. It is this opinion of the Chief Justice that Mr. Easton refers to, as one of hardship ; but he seems to take some comfort from the thought that the implied disability ex- tended to the hitherto favoured Presbyterian Churches that claimed to represent the Church of Scotland, as well as to the dissenters from that Church. As it was under the patronage of Rev. Dr. Mason that Mr. Easton come from Scotland and settled in Montreal, he and his congregation received substantial support from friends in the United States. Of the .£1500, which the new Church erected by the congregation in St. Peter Street cost, ^£600 was collected from the American people, with the understanding that it was to be a Secession Church, and to remain in that connection. The connection was, however, only one of sympathy rather than a legal one ; and, as a matter of fact, the con- gregation early became a second Scottish one, to which a certain class of the people of that nationality went, because they felt more at home in it, although the edifice in St- Gabriel Street was specially known as " the Scotch Church." In his evidence in the suit, Kemp vs. Fisher, in 1860, the late Hon. James Leslie being asked : " Of the three Protestant Churches you recollect to have been in existence when you came to Montreal (in 1809), which was most particularly known as the Scotch Church ? " — " Answer : I consider that it was the St. Gabriel Street Church. It was as much known as the 181 Scotch Church, as Christ Church was known as the English Church ; although there were two Scotch Churches, namely, this and the St. Peter Street one, known as Mr. Easton's Church." — Question : " Was there, between these two Scotch Churches, any recognized dis- tinction as to which particular denomination or body each was more especially identified with, or so reputed?" Answer : " The St. Gabriel Street Church was considered the Church which was attended by the higher classes of the Presbyterian community, and Mr. Easton's Church by the tradesmen and mechanics of the Presbyterian faith." But while the new Church in St. Peter street may have attracted a majority of the families of the class indicated by Mr. Leslie, it certainly did not embrace them all, as the records of the St. G-abriel Street Church show that a fair proportion of all ranks and conditions in the community attended its services. Nor was the latter without a consi- derable sprinkling of Presbyterians from the L^nited States. Nahum Mower, Nahum Hall, Cornelius Peck, Romeo Wadsworth, Nathan Pierce, John Westovei, Jonathan Hagar, J. W. Northup, Zabdiel Thayer, Joshua Henshaw, Jacob De "Witt, Jabez De Witt, Samuel Hedge and Elisha Lyman are, among other names, manifestly of New England origin, to he found in connection with St. Grabriel Street Church, long after the erection of the Church in St. Peter Street. Yet, doubtless, Mr. Leslie's recollections fairly re- presented the general character of the two congregations respectively. Mr. Easton's Ministry in St. Peter Street Church con- tinued until 11th July 1824, when the congregation, by a majority, voted themselves in connection with the Church of Scotland, taking the name of St, Andrew's Church. The people dealt handsomely by him on his retirement at that date, affording him an annuity of i)150, which he received up till his death, in 1851. His name must ever be associ- 182 ated with the planting of the first offshoot from the parent tree in F't. Gabriel Street. The plant grew vigor- ously until, at the date named above, it threw off a shoot in turn, out of which has grown up the stalwart American Presbyterian Church of to day. But the St. Andrew's and American congregations are entitled to have a chapter to themselves, as influential factors in the history of the first century of Presbyterianism in Montreal. CHAPTER XII. Rionr Rev. Joiis Strachan, Bishop of Toronto — A Candidate for St. Gabriel Stheht Church tn 1802 — His Letter of Application — His uirth, education and position in Scotland — His relations TO THE Presbyterian Church— His subsequent career in Canada. The date 1803 was, we have seen, an important period in the history of the St. Gabriel Street Church, involving almost a crisis in its affairs, by reason of the defection of three of the elders and a good many members, owing to the choice of Rev. James Somerville as minister, by the majority of the congregation, rather than of Rev. Robert Forrest, whom they favoured. It is an interesting fact, in the light of subsequent events in Canada, that a third can- didate offered himself for the position on that occasion, although the communication from him came too late for action to be taken on it, the faith of the congregation having been already pledged to Mr. Somerville. This was no less important a personage thaii Mr. John Strachan, afterwards the Right Reverend the Bishop of Toronto. The letter was dated " Kingston, 21st September, 1802," and was ad- dressed to Thomas Blackwood, who became afterwards so prominent in church circles in Canada. After some pre- liminary remarks, Mr. Strachan proceeds to define his ecclesiastical position : — " I am not licensed to preach, but that would not occasion more delay than taking orders, the latter of which cannot be obtained in the Church of Scotland before a settlement is procured ; whereas both can be obtained at one and the same time, were we agreeing in other respects. The most respectable method would be to take orders in Scotland, were the delay at 184 all admissible. This would not take up above four montlis at furthest; and,asi I take it for granted tluit the luonibers of tho church wouUl profer one educated and ordained at home to a foroiRner, this does not api)oar an objection of jrreat magnitude, especially when I recollect that I could bo niady before they conld procure another from Scotland. If it sliould, ho\\ever, apinnir improi)er to leave the cluirch vacant so long, orders, I •tipi)08e, may be procured in tliis country, in a short time. You will oblige me in communicating what of this letter you think i)roi)er, to the com- mittee, should they fail in their present solicitation, and it apix^ar to you likely that I may succeed. ****** You will oblij>re nie much by writing, as soon as you can, concerning the church, as it is probable by this time, the matter is determined one way or other; and you will easily conceive that a state of susi)ense is not very agreeable. If the gentleman has accepted their jjrojMisals, it will be unnecessary to mention anything about me. If not, I can appear personally and procure the necessary qualifications, as soon as their determination concerning me shall be known. I ask your forgiveness for so much trouble, and am, " My dear sir, &c., " JOHN STRACHAN." In a letter to the same correspoudeut, of " 13th October, 1802," he expressed regret at his want of success iu obtam- ing a settlement iu this city. The following are his words : " Montreal aflbrds the advantage of a Library, a luxury unattainable iu this Province. The excellent society was a second inducement of much weight, and even the expectation of a jatmt across the Atlantic is to a Scotchman, you know, a matter of no small importance. My engagement here expires in winter, but that is no bar to an immediate change, was a proper situation casting up." Mr. Blackwood, in furnishing these extracts from the originals in his possession, which he had carefully pre- served along with many other letters from Rev. Dr. Strachan, to Kev. Dr. Harkness of Quebec, in a communi- cation dated " Montreal, 22ud January, 1828," makes this "NB.": " Before the letter of 21st September, (1802) came to hand, the Rev. James Somerville had been recommended from Quebec, and had preached to the congregation, who had approved of him ; so that according to Mr. Strachan's suggestion, no public mention was madeof him, it being 'unne- 185 cessary.' However, cortain of his 8i)eecho8 and writiiitrs of lato yoars, now renders it proper to bring to light acircunistnnoe whidi would otherwise, pr((i)ahly, nover have l)een known, except to some of his particular friends and acqtiaintances. " T. B." Mr. Blackwood took the further precaution of having a notarial copy made of these letters, in the office of Mr. Griffin, N. P., of this or licentiate of the Presbyterian Church ; but those who were acquainted with the facts, did not need to put any unfair report like that in circulation. All that they had to do was to take the status of Mr Strachan, as he gave it himself, exactly eight months before the date of his ordination by the Right Reverend Bishop Mountain, of Quebec. But that is not all. Fennings Taylor claims that Mr. Strachan " had by no religious act of his own become a member of any religious body." Dr. Strachan, too, when Archdeacon of York, alleged that he " had never commun- icated," until Dr. Stuart " admitted " him " to the altar " a little before he went to Quebec, to take holy orders. Why, herein in a marvellous thing, that a student of 190 Divinity, who had gone through a course, so that he could assure a congregation that if they called him he could qualify in the matter of license and ordination in four months, yet had never communicated, when it always has been assumed that students have entered into fellow- ship with a congregation before being admitted to the Theological classes ! And it is, if possible, still more mar- vellous that he should have been, according to the show- ing 6f the biographers themselves, a schoolmaster succes- sively in two Scottish parishes, and yet not have been a member of that church, when everyone acquainted with the subject ought to have known, that at that time, no one could be admitted to occupy so important a parochial position, without at least professing to belong to the Established Church, and " declaring his willingness to subscribe the Confession of Faith, or the formula of the Church of Scotland, and to submit himself to the govern- ment and discipline thereof." Did Mr. Strachan get into office at Kettle, under false pretences ? And did he desire to get into office in Montreal, under false pretences ? Those v/ho allege that he never was a member of a Presbyterian Church, in order to free him from the imputation of " ratting," may choose on which horn of the dilemma to hang him. The truth seems to be that when Mr. Strachan came to Canada, and afterwards when he offijred his services to the St. Gabriel Street Church, the state of his mind, like that of his friend Chalmers in his early ministry at Kilmany, was more intent upon securing academic dis- tinction or professional advantages, as a teacher or preacher, than upon the primary consideration of doing good to his fellow men. Disappointed first in the matter of the assistantship to Professor Brown, of G-lasgow, which at one time seemed within his grasp and then escaped him, and afterwards in the promise 191 of having a new college to establish in Canada, on the strength of which he came to this country, but which also failed him, he was capting around him for some new opening into which he might enter, when the St. Grabriel Street Church vacancy occurred. The position of minister in that church was then one of the few prizes which the country could offer to men's ambition. Mr. Strachan sought it, but was too late in entering the field. The next step to which he seemed shut up, was to try the Church of England, what preferments it might be able to throw in his way. Circumstances having brought him within the pale of that church, his logic set to work, no doubt unconsciously, to justify the step he had taken, not as his first but his second choice, and to fortify his new position. It was then he reached the " well de- fined theological principles," which Fennings Taylor, probably with truth, describes as "an aftergrow^th," but whether as " the result of clearer knowledge and closer study," is another question. We may be allowed to apply to this case the phrase which the London Times coined to describe the change which came over Mr. G-ladstone's views regarding the Irish question — the " conviction " may have been " self-imposed." It would be altogether pleasanter to write only of the excellencies of this extraordinary man ; but, inas- much as he sought, in his own lifetime, to make little of his former ecclesiastical relations, in a manner unworthy of him, and his biographers, after his decease, did not ad- mit, as with a good grace they might have done, the facts as to his Presbyterian status, I have felt that the imper- ative demands of historical truth must be met by the foregoing criticism. But, making due allowance for the zeal for the cause with which Mr. Strachan identified himself, in the cir- cumstances already narrated, such zeal as usually charac- 192 terizes proselytes, we fmd much to admire in his character ; and imagination fails to conceive how the face of the entire subsequent history of ecclesiastical affairs in this country, miprh^ have been changed, had this man with his, as yet, undeveloped potency and remarkable energy and vigour of character, been chosen for the influential pulpit of the St. Grabriel Street Church, instead of the comparatively feeble, although most amiable, accom- plished, and worthy Mr. Somerville. This redoubtable Canadian ecclesiastic first saw the light at Aberdeen, Scotland, the nursery of not a fev^ famous men, on 12th April, 1778. He was matriculated at an early age, in King's College there, from which he graduated M A., in 1707. Obtaining a situation as teacher near St. Andrews, at c£30 a year, he was able, in 1797, to enter the Divinity class in the University, although his at- tendance was irregular, owing to his duties as a Parish schoolmaster. However, he took out his class-tickets, and delivered the prescribed discourses, and so secured his standing as a student of Divinity. The Parish school of Kettle, the annual income of which was =£50, becoming vacant, he was the successful candidate in a public com- petition, although a mere lad. It was here he laid the foundation of his reputation as a successful instructor of youth, having for pupils, amongst others, David Wilkie, afterwards so celebrated as a successful delineator of Scottish life, and Commodore Barclay, son of the parish minister, who lost both his arms in an engagement on Lake Erie, in the war with the United States, in 1812. He had, in the meantime, made the acquaintance of Thomas Chalmers, afterwards the famous Scottish preacher and divine, who was at about the same stage of profes- sional preparation as Mr. Strachan himself, and of Thomas Duncan, subsequently Professor of Mathematics in the University of St Andrews. All three were, at this 193 period, aspirants after literary fame and academic distinc- tion ; and, when the offer came from Canada of a position, as a teacher, that might ultimately lead to the establish- ment of an important Educational Institution in that country, it was first made to Mr. Duncan, then to Mr. Chalmers, but both declining it, Mr. Strachan was next approached on the subject, and he accepted. He reached Kingston on the Slst December, 11*79, to find that he had to settle down to work as tutor in a private family, that of Mr. Eichard Cartwright, grand- father of Sir Richard Cartwright, ex-Minister of Finance, instead of engaging in the more ambitious enterprize for which he had crossed the Atlantic, of founding a college for the superior education of the youth of the colony. He remained in this position until his ordination, and it was in the interval he offered himself to the St. G-abriel Street congregation. The change in his ecclesias- tical views he ascribed to the influence of the Rev. Dr. Stuart, Rector of Kingston, who, like himself, had been a Presbyterian in his youth. The day of his ordination, he was appointed to the English Church at Cornwall, making the fifth clergyman of that communion then in Upper Canada. To fill up his time and supplement his income, he established a school, and was fortunate enough in a few years to attract capable pupils from all parts of the country. Among them, as we have already seen, were three of the sons of Rev. John Bethune, the founder of the Presbyterian cause in Montreal. James Duncan Gribb, son of Benaiah G-ibb, and G-eorge G-regory, son of John Gregory, boys belonging to the St. Gabriel Street Church, were also educated by him ; as were Sir John Beverley Robinson, Chief Justice McLean, Sheriflf McLean, Col Gugy, Justices Macaulay, Vankoughnet, Jones and Ridout, Hon. George H. Markland, Hon. John Macaulay, and many others, who afterwards occupied a high position N 194 in the public affairs of the country. His biographer, Bishop Bethune, says that Mr. Strachan never overlooked the interests of the church of his adoption while engaged in his educational work. His " desire " was " to select from his pupils those who had a taste and qualification for the sacred ministry." He was a born educator, and acquired a remarkable ascendancy over the youth under his in- struction. It used to be said of him that he invariably stood by his old pupils in after life, and they, as loyally, stood by him, and thus they climbed the ladder of power together, hand in hand. In 180*7, he married the widow of the late Andrew McGill, of Montreal, which was another point of contact with the Scotch Church in St. G-abriel Street, on the part of Dr. Strachan. This event was an important one in his career. The second daughter of Dr. Wood, of Cornwal], she was young, beautiful and accomplished ; and, as her late husband had left her rich also, she was a meet companion for Dr. Strachan all through the distinguished career which he afterwards ran. She died in 1865, 81 years of age, after 58 years of wedded happiness with Bishop Strachan. Through his relation to the McGill family, we may also trace his influence over the early fortunes of McGrill College, of which he was offered the first Principalship, but, declining it, was appointed Professor of History and Civil Law in 1823. In ISOt, he was made LL.D. by the University of St. Andrew's, where his friend. Professor Duncan, had found a sphere for his talents. In 1811, the University of Aberdeen conferred upon him the degree of D.D. It cannot be charged, there- fore, that if he turneu his back upon his country's faith, his fellow Scots gave him the cold shoulder in consequence. The Rev. Dr. Stuart, of Kingston, died in 1811, and although Mr. Cartwright would have preferred to see his friend, Dr. Strachan, appointed to the vacancy there ; yet, 195 out of deference to the wishes of the widow of the late rector, her son, the Eev. George O'Kill Stuart, who had been in charge of the church at York, which was then, every way, inferior to Kingston, was chosen successor to his father ; and Dr. Strachan was translated from Corn- wall to York, at that time a little town of a few hundred inhabitants, yet an important place, as it was the seat of the Legislature. He lived to see it grow into a great Toronto, *' the Queen City " of the Province, and no one felt more pride in its prosperity than he. Some great men have been the creatures of circumstances. That cannot be alleged of Bishop Strachan : he rather dominated his surroundings. Yet, unquestionably, he arrived at York just at the moment when his opportunity also arrived. War having been declared between the United States and Great Britain, on the 18th June, 1812, the whole country was thrown into a ferment. At such a time, the true leaders of men are forced to the front. Dr. Strachan's voice sent ringing tones throughout the Province, sum- moning the people to the defence of their hearths and homes. His facile and vigorous pen was that whi(;h took the clear lead on the occasion. He entered the lists with Thomas Jefferson, of Monticello, Ex-President of the United States of America, in the discussion of the inter- national points in dispute, and was able to hold his own in the controversy with that distinguished states- man. He founded " The Loyal and Patriotic Society of Upper Canada," and by his courage, activity and diplomatic skill, he saved Toronto from destruction in 1813, when it was taken by the United States troops. He thus earned an influence in the country ; and he was afterwards rewarded with such honours as the rulers of the day had it in their power to bestow. In 1818, he was appointed a member of the Executive Council of the Province, which was charged with the 196 administration of public affairs. Towards the end of 1820, he was nominated to a seat in the Legislative Council, and for twenty years took an active part in framing the laws of the country. As many of the old fur traders were amongst his warmest friends, he espoused their cause against Lord Selkirk with characteristic warmth and vigour ; and, it may be added, with a good deal of unfairness. The worthy Bishop, with all his clear- ne*"s of intellect, was manifestly not a prophet, as the fol- lowing declaration of his, made in 1816, in connection with the Red River controversy, shows : — " The Grovern- ors and Adventurers trading to Hudson's Bay, may con- gratulate themselves on receiving =£10,000 for a portion of their supposed territory, which, for the purpose of colonizing, is not worth so many farthings ; but to sup- pose, as your Lordship seems to do, that any sum of money can remedy the disadvantages arising from a situa- tion so remote is exceedingly absurd." Ho then adds that no British Colony will ever approach nearer to it than twelve or thirteen hundred miles, — and urges in effect that the population of the older Canadian settlements could not be expected to spread into it " for at least a thousand years." To this pamphlet, Archibald McDonald replied, with great ability, in a series of letters to the Montreal Herald. Bishop Strachan was stoutly loyal to British Institu- tions. He was greatly enamoured especially of the con- stitution of England — King, Lords and Commons, with the Church closely allied to the State, and Bishops sitting in the Legislature. He entered heartily into the views of Lieutenant-Governor Simcoe, when in his address at the first Parliament of Upper Canada, in 1Y92, he declared it . was his desire to see reproduced in the Provincial consti- tution, " the very image and transcript of that of Great Britain." As a foundation for thib ideal, the Bishop planned 197 to have parishes erected after the model of those of Eng- land, and GrrammLr schools established in the great centres of population, to be crowned with a University — all under the control and supervision' of the Church of England. But he was baffled in his main schemes, as we shall see when we come to discuss the Clergy Eeserves question. He was instrumental in having District schools erected at Cornwall, Kingston and Niagara, and, at a later period, in founding Upper Canada College in Toronto. The University of King's College was established in 1827, as the coping-stone of the educational edifice which he had planned, — one of its provisions being that the Archdeacon of York, the dignity to which he had just been elevated, should be at all times its President. But, in 1849, the Reformers, whom he thought dreadful people, being in power, dropped the name of King's College, and called the institution "The University of Toronto." Farther, they not only abolished the Episcopalian faculty of Di- vinity which he had created, but went so far as to declare clergymen ineligible to a seat in the senate of the Univer- sity. It was then he started the movement for the erec- tion of Trinity College, Toronto, putting down $4,000 for himself to head the subscriptions. He afterwards raised for it in England, by his own exertions, $60,000. In August, 1839, Archdeacon Strachan was consecrated Bishop of Toronto, with the whole of Upper Canada for his See. In 1836, the Legislative Assembly remonstrated against his holding a seat, along with the Rom?u Catholic Bishop of Regiopolis, in the Legislative Council ; and the views of the popular house of Parliament were upheld by Lord Grlenelg, the Colonial Secretary of the day. This put the lively little Bishop on his mettle ; he stood upon his rights ; he had been appointed by his sovereign at no solicitation of his own, and he was not going to abandon his position 198 at the beck of Canadian agitators. And he maintained his ground, until the terms of the Union Act were passed in January, 1840. He protested vigorously against the Union, as it was his opinion that the interests of Protest- antism would have to be sacrificed to the overshadowing influence of the Church of Rome in the councils of the country. He took substantially the same view that the Mail is propounding so eloquently to-day. From this time forward, his schemes in the matter of an Established Church and an Anglican University having been thwarted, he withdrew largely from public affairs and gave himself up to the duties of his Episcopal office, which he dis- charged with singular laboriousness, fidelity and zeal. He died on 1st November, 1867, in the 90th year of his age. It might be safe to say that no person in Canada has ever wielded so all-powerful an influence in the directing of public affairs, as he did, for a period of nearly thirty years. And he remained essentially a Scot to the end of his days. His accent was broadly Aberdonian to the last. He had the taste for controversy that is supposed to belong to his countrymen. There was no mistaking his face for that of an Englishman or an Irishman : it was of the dis- tinctively Scottish type. And although he roused the ire of good Presbyterians in 1838, by charging Calvin with " pride " in opposing Episcopacy, and was wont to say to his Presbyterian fellow countrymen, when he met them, half in jest and half in earnest, " have you not by this time purged yourself of the heresy of John Knox ? " in everything, save Episcopal ordination, he remained a dis- ciple of Calvin and Knox. His preaching was of the orthodox Scotch type ; as his character was the product of ages of such teaching. Namby-pamby sentimentalities never yet yielded a John Strachan ; and if the Knox- Calvin element had been taken away, there would have been little left, and it not the most estimable part of him. 199 In spite of his high toryism and lofty notions on Epis- copacy, he was kind and gentle towards his clergy, and full of consideration for their comfort. Many character- istic anecdotes are told of him. He would not yield to popular clamour in anything. A deputation once waited upon him to complain of the tiresomeness of their clergy- man's preaching, alleging that he had delivered the same discourse over so often that it had become familiar to them as the Lord's Prayer. The Bishop heard all they had to say, and then asked the spokesman, "What was the text ?" He hummed and stammered, and had to confess that he could not recall it. Then, addressing the next man, he asked, "What was the text?" and so he went round them all, without eliciting an answer, and concluded by bid- ding them go home and ask their minister to go on preaching that same sermon until they had at least learned the text. But he could take the clergy " down " as well as the people. His mission and confirming tours were most laborious campaigns, and it was found to be a very serious undertaking for those who went with him to continue bearing him company to the end ; as he often had as many as three appointments on a single day. Various were the excuses they had to contrive for breaking off their engage- ment and returning home. A clergyman, who afterwards rose to a high dignity in the church, came to the Bishop on one of these tours, with a letter in his hand, and a very solemn expression in his face, saying, " My Lord, I have just received a letter from my wife, and I am sorry to say she is very ill and requires my presence at once." "Aye, aye," replied the far-sighted ecclesiastic, " I've been ex- pecting that letter for several days." He had noticed tokens of weariness on the part of his chaplain. " My young friend, you have preached only half of the Gospel this morning," he said to one whom he regarded 200 as an extremist iu his teaching, " I must preach the other half this afternoon." '* Sit doon, sir, ye're talking nonsense," was rather a laconic method of bringing a wordy harangue to an abrupt conclusion. "Well, I am in the hands of the meeting," replied the speaker. " Nae, nae, ye're not, ye're in my hands, — sit doon, sir," reiterated the Bishop in Khcetian tones. CHAPTER XIII. FlUBNDLY RhLATIONS nHTWEHN THE ENGLISH AND ScOTCH CllURCHESIN MoiTT- RBAL — HbV. D. C. DhLISLH, ITIH FIRST PR()TE8TANT ClBRGYMAN IN THE City— SuocHEDBD hy Rev. Jambs Tunstall, and hh by Rev. S. Jehoshaphat Mountain, D.D.— MKDiiEVAL Claims of Church of EwiLAND resisted BY TUB CHURCH OF SCOTLAND — ClIRIHT ChURCH CONGRBGATION WORSHIP IN St. GaBRIEL StRBET ChURCH FROM 1803 TO 1814 — Opknincj of the firmt Christ Church. At this particular period, the members of the Church of Scotland were throwu into very intimate relations with those of the Church of England. Indeed, from the first, there was a good understanding between the representa- tives of these two influential religious communities. The fact that a large proportion of the prominent British mer- chants in the city were Scotch, and had been brought up as Presbyterians, contributed not a little to the creation of a friendly feeling on the part of the English Church towards their Scotch neighbours. Many of those who went to make up the " Protestant Congregation of Montreal" had been Presbyterians in their youth, and became con- nected with the Episcopal Church out of necessity, as the first Protestant congregation planted in the city, and the only one for several years. Among the " Protestant inhabit- an- s of Montreal " that subscribed the address to the Bi.shop of Nova Scotia, in 1789, were Adam Scott, Alex- ander Henry, James McGill, James Finlay, Thomas Forsyth, James Dunlop, John Lilly, James Laing, James Morrison, J. G-. Turner, John Eussel, "William Hunter, John McArthur, Robert Simpson, Finlay Fisher, "William 202 England and John Kay, all Scottish Presbyterians, — Mr. Scott, occupying at that time the position of a church- warden. Several of them returned, decidedly, to the Church of their fathers, as soon as Mr. Young began his ministry in Montreal ; while others of them appear to have been divided in their allegiance between the two communions — not breaking off their connection with the Church of England entirely, and yet giving countenance and aid to the movement to establish a Presbyterian cause in the city. The fur traders being Scotch, for the most part, and the early supporters of the Church of England, but being also generally Presbyterian in their views and sentiments, and worshipping half the day according to the forms of the one Church, and the other half after those of the other, constituted so many middle men, and were the means of bringing both the clergy and the membership of the two communions into close and friendly contact. At that early period, the found- ation was laid of that good understanding which has almost always since subsisted between both the clergy and the laity of these churches in the city. Then, when the relations of the two Christian communities elsewhere had been strained, owing to the agitation of public ques- tions at issue between them, more than once, in the history of the past, there never was a suspension of intercourse between them in Montreal. Courtesy has uniformly char- acterized the bearing of Episcopalians to Presbyterians here ; and one element governing the situation probably has been the considerable number of Scotch families em- braced, from one cause or another, in the Anglican com- munion, leavening it with a sentiment more cordial, especially towards Presbyterians, than it has exhibited in some other places. Then, the mental hospitality displayed by the Scots in connecting themselves with the Qhurch of England, and even taking office in it, before any Presby- 203 terian congregation was organized in the city, was beauti- fully reciprocated, we have seen, by the assistance many Episcopalians rendered in the building of the St. G-abriel Street Church, and by the occupation of pews in it after- wards, thus begetting respect for their communion in the hearts of those who had been accustomed to give no quarter to prelacy. The early free commingling of the adherents of the two churches produced a tolerant spirit, which has happily continued in good measure down to the present day. The first Protestant Minister resident in Montreal was the Rev. David Charbrand Delisle. He was one of three clergymen, of Swiss extraction, who were employed by the Church of England to labour among the French Canadians. He must have commenced his work shortly after the conquest, as he began to keep a Register for the " Parish of Montreal " on October 5th, 1*766, and he had probably been engaged in ministerial work some time before things were matured enough to warrant this step. The advent into Canada of French Protestants, at this juncture, as representatives of the Church of England, was in pursuance of the policy of the British authorities, who hoped, and expected, by means of clergymen speaking their own language, to convert the French Canadians to Protestantism, and thereby secure their loyalty to Eng- land. This hope of winning the habitants to the faith of the Church of England, was doomed to disappointment, and after a fifty years' trial it was entirely abandoned. Mr. Delisle filled the double office of Rector of the Parish of Montreal and Chaplain to the Garrison. For fifteen years, he and his people were beholden to the Recol- let Fathers for accommodation. But in 1789 they peti- tioned Lord Dorchester for the use of the chapel belonging to the Jesuits' College, which stood near about where the Court House now stands, and was Government property, — 204 alleging in their plea the hardship of being so long neces- sitated to lie under obligation to their Roman Catholic neighbours for a place of meeting. The Grovernor G-eneral granted their request on the 14th September, 1*789, and they set to work to fit up the chapel for public worship, which they did at considerable expense ; and it was opened for divine service on the 20th of December, 1*789. Four days previously they resolved to adopt the name of *' Christ Church." Up to this time they were known as the "Protestant Congregation of Montreal." Mr. Delisle was an ardent Freemason, and was a prominent member of St. Peter's lodge from September, 1780, to August, 1*782, at which date he asked leave to withdraw from it, on the ground that it was inconvenient for him to continue his attendance at meetings. Many of those afterwards prominent in the St. G-abriel Street Church were married by him ; Peter McFarlane and Mary Goodman, in 1Y69 — Robert Simpson and Mary Weight ; Simon Fraser and Genevieve Lefevre, in 1*7*70 — John Porteus and Josette Cargueville, 1*7*71 — Thomas Porteous and Mary Gerard, in 17*73 — Donald Grant and Jane Baker ; James McGill and Mrs. Charlotte Guillemin, in 1776 — John Grant and Margaret Beattie, in 1777 — John Gregory and Isabella Ferguson, 1778 — Joseph Frobisher and Charlotte Jobert in 1779 — Rev. John Bethune and Veronique Waden, on 30th September, 1782 — Thomas Sullivan and Margaret Dackstader; Dr. Blake and Mary Sunderland,in 1783 — Alex. Henry and Mrs. Marie Lavoie; Philip Ross and Jane Grant, in 1784 — Alex. Henry (again) and Mrs. Julia Kitt?on,l785 — Peter McFarlane (again) and Mary Ann McNamara, widow, in 1789 — Benaiah Gibb and Katherine Campbell, in 1790 — Samuel Gerard and Ann Grant, in 1792 — Thomas Busby and Margaret La Casse ; John Grant and Catherine Campbell, in 1793. Mr. Delisle also baptized two children for Robert Aird, the first, John, in 1782, and the second. 205 John, in 1*784. Two of Rev. John Bethune's children, Mary and Christie, were also baptized by him. In 1*791, Eev. James Tunstall became assistant to Mr. Delisie, and on the death of the latter he succeeded to the Rectorate, with Rev. Philip Toosey as curate. We have seen that Bishop Mountain had endeavoured to reproduce on Canadian soil all the distinctions and privileges claimed by the parochial clergy of the Church of England at home ; and in consequence had sought to inhibit, in the Quebec district, any other Protestant denom- ination from obtaining Registers in which to insert Acts of Marriage, Baptism, or Burial. The avowed aim of the Pitt Ministry was to reproduce English institutions in Canada. Its constitution was to be the very image and transcript of that of Great Britain, as one of the Canadian Governors put it. With this view. Bishop Mountain was assigned a seat in both the Executive and Legislative Council of Lower Canada, in the year 1796, as a Lord Spiritual in the community, corresponding to i he Arch- bishop of Canterbury, in England, who, in virtue of his ofl&ce, has a right to a seat in Her Majesty's Privy Council. The Bishop of Quebec was, therefore, only carrying out the policy prescribed to him, when the British Government gave him his appointment, in the high claims which he asserted. In 1791, two years before there was a Bishop in Quebec, and while Montreal was included in the Diocese of Nova Scotia, there seems to have been an attempt made to claim superior privileges in this city also, although apparently with indifferent success. At a meet- ing of the Churchwardens and Vestry of Christ Church, on Sunday, October 23rd, 1791, " the Church clerk hav- ing represented that the funerals, marriage and baptism service are sometimes performed without his attendance or his being notified, the churchwardens resolve that the same is irregular, and to signify their sentiments thereof 206 • to the ministers." This was in the days of Rev. John Young, and he and his people w ere equal to the occasion. On November 5th, 1791, " the churchwardens' letter, of 2Yth October, to the elders of the Presbyterian Church, being returned to them open, by the hands of Mr. Bowen, the Church clerk, with a verbal message from Mr. Young, the minister, they consider the same as a refusal of the proposal to join together moneys collected in charities." The Presbyterians of the Church of Scotland asserted their independence on this occasion, although they did not obtain Registers until 1796. There was to be a long and bitter contest before the Church of England would sur- render their exclusive pretensions ; but the representatives of the Church of Scotland never, for a moment, acknow- ledged those claims, nor faltered in holding that, as mem- bers of one of the National Churches of the United King- dom, they were entitled to the same rights and privileges in the Colonies as the Church of En gland enjoyed. In our days, when all Protestant communions here are on an equality in the eye of the law, it is difficult to realize how reason- able men could at any time have put forth the mediaeval claims which the Episcopal Church so long did in this country. But whatever irritation may have existed else- where on account of the high pretensions of the Church of , England, things seem to have settled down easily in this city, and as there were no very serious practical matters involved in the question, for many years, there was a tacit acknowledgement of the fairness of the claims put forward on behalf of the Church of Scotland. As has been already remarked, Rev. John Young was called upon, on several occasions, to officiate for the Rector of Christ Church at baptisms, and burials, in the years 1798 to 1800. The good understanding, thus seen to exist between the two communions, made the arrangement, by which they should occupy the church in St. Grabriel Street 20*7 jointly, quite an easy one. And it said much for the good sense, not to say Christian charity of the clergymen of the two churches, that they were willing to accommodate each other — and these kindly relations lasted for eleven years. Kev. James Somerville was the minister of the St. G-abriel Street Church during this period, and Rev. S. J. Mountain, D.D., was ihe Rector of Christ Church. Dr. Mountain was the elder brother of the first bishop of Quebec, and was one of the thirteen Mountains that were carried in the same ship across the Atlantic, and landed at Quebec on All Saints Day, 1*793. He was of Huguenot extraction, and was of the same family as Michel de Montaigne, the celebrated essayist. Jacobe de Mon- taigne being obliged to leave France, for conscience sake, settled in the County of Norfolk, England; and his descendants, accommodating themselves to their new sur- roundings, not only gave their French name an English dress, but became stoutly loyal to the institutions of the country of their adoption. The Rev. Jacob Mountain, one of them, entered the ministry of the Church of England, an act that showed that the family had become thoroughly imbued with the sentiments of their new found home ; for the English Church embodies the peculiar bent of the people's mind more thoroughly, perhaps, than any other institution in existence among them. Jehoshaphat Moun- tain, who occupied the pulpit of the St. Gabriel Street Church, one-half each Sunday for nearly eleven years, was the eldest son of this Jacob Mountain, and was born at Norwich, England, where his father was Rector of the Parish of St. Andrew's. When his brother was appointed bishop of Quebec, and ordained to that office on the *7th of July, 1793, Jehoshaphat resolved to accompany him to Canada, and share with him in the labours, which, as a missionary bishop, he had to lay his account for, in a sparsely settled colony. A good anecdote is told in con- 208 nection with the selection of Dr. Jacob Mountain for the newly erected Canadian See. It is alleged that he was presented at Court to George III, just at the the time when the Royal mind was occupied with procuring a suit- able clergyman for the position in question, in response to petitions from the colony. As the story goes, the king remarked that he wished he could find a clergyman who would be willing to go to Canada, to fill the office of Bishop of Quebec, when Dr. Mountain quickly answered, " Say unto this Mountain, remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove ; " and the royal mandate accordingly went forth. If this did not take place, it ought to have taken place. It would have been a display of ready wit, not unworthy of a scion of the House of the Montaignes. There was a special fitness in the coming of this family of French descent, to a province in which French customs and laws, as well as the French language, predominated. And they proved a decided acquisition to Canada, They were all imbued with a missionary spirit, and gave them- selves up heartily to the promotion of the spiritual interests of the country. Of the seven clergymen of the Church of England in Lower Canada in 1813, four weie Mountains. The estimation in which Dr. Mountain was held in this city may be inferred from the following obituary notice, which appeared in the Herald of April. 12th, 1817 :— " Died here, on Thursday last, aged tO, the Rev. Jehosha- phat Mountain, D.D., official of Lower Canada, and Rector of Christ Church in this city. He was a man endeared to all his friends and relations by extraordinary generopity and warmness of heart : the former had only to make their wants known to him, and he assisted them more than they expected ; he anticipated the wishes of the latter. In him the poor have lost a steady friend — their loss is irrepara- ble. He was industrious in finding them out ; his donations 209 were distributed with great judgment and regularity ; his liberality knew no distinction of countries or sects, and his bounty went quite beyond what, in common cases, would be called charity. The energies of this excellent man's mind were much impaired and debilitated of late years by the declining nature of old age, leaving little more than the inherent wish (which seemed to be in him) of protecting the poorest classes. He met death with uncommon com- posure, and even with cheerfulness, wishing to see every one who enquired after him, a pleasing omen to his afflicted family, that he reclined on his Saviour, and that his spirit was about to join those of good men made perfect. Some are to be found wh( denied Dr. Mountain the qualities for which his character was so superior, and for which his memory will be recollected with blessings ; but let them remember that a life passed like his must not be tarnished by little singularities or by their unguarded way of repre- senting trivial incidents. May they meet death with the same mind as he did, and leave behind them half as many proofs of their excellence. " His was the first corpse ever brought into the new Christ Church. He was the first minister of the Church. It was the first time the organ was played upon such an occasion, and it was by his liberality it stands there. He was the venerable head of the Protestant Episcopal Churches in these provinces in rank as well as in years. The powerful effects of these circumstances, few could withstand, the silent tear bedewed each countenance while viewing the awful and affecting spectacle before them." Dr. Mountain was succeeded as Rector by Rev. John Leeds, who had been his curate for some time. In 181*7, shortly before Dr. Mountain's decease, a somewhat vigor- ous correspondence was carried on in the Herald, touching the fidelity to duty of the Anglican clergymen of the city. The accusation was that they had refused to attend the o 210 funeral of Conrad Happel, a respectable G-erman citizen, who had claims upon their attention, as their critics alleged, — necessitating the calling in of Mr. Somerville to discharge the last offices. Mr. Leeds, it was said, declined to go to perform the burial service, because it would inter- fere with his dinner. He contradicted this statement ; but the attack made upon him injured his usefulness, and so, after a year's occupancy of the position of Rector, an exchange was effected between him and the late Dean Bethune, as has been already noticed, — he removing to Brock ville. The following interesting minute is found in the records of the Temporal Committee of the St. Gabriel Street Church:— ' "13th June, 1803. " The secretary produced a note from the Vestry and Churchwardens of the Church of England of this city, in name and on behalf of their congregation, addressed to the elders and committee of the Church of Scotland, stating the destruction of their church by the late fire, which has deprived them of their place of divine worship ; and requesting the use of our church for that purpose, and other parochial duties, until they are otherwise pro- vided." " The elders and committee having taken the said request into due consideration, and willing to give every aid in their power to promote religion and the good of the Church of England, as neighbours and fellow-citizens, have unani- mously resolved that the said request be granted, so far as the committee and session are concerned, until we are provided with a clergyman of our own, and afterwards, on such days and at such hours as may be agreed on by both parties." The arrangement was satisfactorily made and continued 211 for years, forming one of the many interesting episodes in the history of the venerable edifice. On the 29th December, 1804, a meeting was held of those interested in the erection of a Protestant Episcopal Church. Rev. Dr. Mountain presided, and among others present were Joseph Frobishcr, E. W. Grray, David Ross, and John Piatt, whose connection with the St. Gabriel Street Church has been noted. A committee was ap- pointed to prepare plans and prosecute the undertaking. The committee called for tenders in January, 1805, but the congregation was so comfortably housed in the Scotch Church, and the two clergymen and their flocks got along 80 amicably, while meeting at separate hours in the same edifice, that the new Christ Church was a long time in building. Money was not very plentiful among the ad- herents of that chvirch, and so long as the arrangement with the Presbyterians continued satisfactory, there was no great urgency to push on the erection to completion. It would seem that from 1803 to 1809, the members of Christ Church paid nothing for the accommodation afford- ed them in the Scotch Church, further than bearing the expense of heating the building during the hours they occupied it ; but, when it was resolved, in 1809,,to put a tin roof upon the St. G-abriel Street Church, and make extensive repairs and additions to the interior, assistance was sought by the temporal committee from their Episco- pal friends, and it was proposed that, for the future, Christ Church should pay <£50 a year as their contribution to the repair fund. Accordingly, certain of the proprietors of the Scotch Church expressed their willingness to give up their pews to the churchwardens of the Episcopal con- gregation, during their usual hours of service. When the repairs were completed, the following letter was sent from the temporal committee to the authorities of Christ Church : — 212 " Montreal, 11th Nov., 1809. " Gbnti-embn,— T am desired by the Committtee of Proi)rietor8 of the Scotch Presbyterian Cliurcli of tliia city, to intimate to you tliat the said Church, having undergone the neceessary repairs, will be ojiened for divine service on Sundav, the 12th inst. WILLIAM IRELAND, Secretary. Messrs., the Wardens of 1 the English Church, Montreal." j It was some mouths, however, before the arrangements were perfected, and, meantime, the following letter was received from the English Churchwardens : — "Montreal, 27th Aug., 1810. " Gentlemen,— The Episcopal congregation, being desirous of returning to your Church until their Church can be finished, request, by the sub- scribing Churchwardens, to be informed on what terms you will allow the church service to be performed there. Also, that we should be allowed to fix and raise such rates on the ytewa in the said church, as shall be requisite to raise a fund to enable us to pay the rent and discharge the contingent expenses attending the said church. A speedy answer will greatly oblige. Gentlemen, Your most obedient and humble servants, J.G. BEEK, JAMES WOOLRICH, GEO. CLARK." The following was the answer : — Montreal, 4th September, 1810. " Gentlemen, — We received your letter of the 27th ult., but before we could give an answer, it was necessary to consult the proprietors of j)ews in the Scotch Church, in order to get their consent, that you should have the free use of the pews so as to enable you to fix and raise such rents on them, as may be necessary for the purposes you mention. Having now got the consent of nearly the whole, you may have the free use of the Scotch Church during Sunday for the performance of divine worship, at any time between half-past twelve and three, p.m., for whf 'h you will pay to us, or either of us, in the course of this month, the sum of £50 currency, and, also, one-half the fire-wood that may be required to keep the church warm during the winter. 218 Some propriotors of seats wish to reserve tliem for their own use, during your service; others have t;iveii them up to particuhvr j)eople, hut in either case, it is undorstoml that the occupier shall pay you the annual rent that you shall fix for such class of pews; but which, it is understood, shall not exceed what may he a reasonable estimate for the pur{X)Ses expressed in your letter ; and we herewith hand you a list of the pews, specifying those . that are retained or given to particular people on these conditions. Notwithstandinj; what is naid above, with respect to the time of divine service, it is understood, that when either of the clergymen are to admin- ister the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, they shall, on such occasions, accommodate each other as to times. We are. Gentlemen, Your most obedient servants, A. AULDJO, J. OGILVY, J. BLACKWOOD, T. BLACKWOOD, W. IRELAND. Committee for Man- aging the Temporalities of the Church. nNLIPs^, " To Messrs. J. G. BEEK, JAS. WOOLRICH, GEO. CLARK. : ■ ' .V t-s" — ^ These proposals being mutually satisfactory, arfarrange- ment was entered into that lasted until the new Christ Church was ready for divine service, in 1814. The follow- ing account of the opening of that fine edifice, which used to stand on Notre Dame street, about where Henderson and Company's Fur Warehouse now is, and which was destroyed by fire on the 10th of December, 1856, appeared in the Gazette of Thursday, the 13th October, 1814 :— " The new Episcopal Church was opened for divine service on Sunday last. An appropriate and excellent sermon was preached on the occasion to a large and respectable congregation, by Rev. Dr. Mountain. This truly elegant structure reflects the highest credit on the taste of the Directors who had the superintendence of its construction, and, when finished, will be a handsome ornament to this growing and important city." The Imperial Parliament voted .£4000 " towards furnish- ing the Protestant Parish Church in Montreal," and sub- 214 scriplions were also obtained from individual friends in England. The church served its day well ; but when it was burnt, the authorities resolved to anticipate the move- ment of the population towards the suburbs, and so selected the site of the present Christ Church, the foundation stone of which was laid on 21st May, 1857. The old Christ Church had doors opening on both Notre Dame and St. James Streets ; and apropos of this fact, a good story is told of a Highland Regiment, at one time quartered in the city. The great body of the men were Scotch Presbyterians, as their Colonel also was ; but the orders of the Commandant of the District were that the Church parade should be to Christ Church. These orders were obeyed ; the regiment marched along and entered the church at the Notre Dame street door, but went on, tramp, ' tramp, right through the building and out of the door at the farther end, into St. James Street, turned to the right, ' and walked straight to St. Gabriel Street Church, where they joined in a service that was more to their mind. CHAPTER XIV. TiiK Business of the Ciii-rch transacthd by the Eldhrh— The Ruleh and RB(iULATI0N8, KKAMEU IN 1804, GAVE TROrUIBTORH OK PeWS HUI'RBMB CONTROL — A Committee constitijtbd the Exec:utivh of the Conurk- OATION, WITH I.AR<1H I'OWBRS — ThOSE RuLHS AND RjDCiULATIONH r)B>- NOUNCED, AFTER 1S44, A8 BRA8TIAN UV Mr. EsSON — RkVISBD AND ALTHKED ESSENTIALLY IN 1846 — ThB LAST By-LaW8, DRAWN Ul' IN 18(57. It was in 1804, within a few months of the beginning of Mr. Somerville's ministry, that the first attempt at drawing up a constitution for the St. Gabriel Street Church was made. Up till that time, the elders of the congregation appear to have been charged with the chief responsibilities of the church. There was, indeed, a tem- poral committee in existence during the period of Mr. Young's incumbency, and they had to undertake very serious work, we have seen. But their sphere of operations was not well defined ; the elders were the recognized authorities of the congregation, and from them the pew rights of the proprietors were held, in the first instance, as the following form of deed used in 1792, shows : — CHURCH OF SCOTLAND, Montreal : Pew No. 34. KNOW ALL MEN by theso presents, that we the Undersigned, Elders of the Presbyterian Protestant Church in the city of Montreal, named Thb Church of Scotland, for and in consideration of the sum of (Nine Pounds) lawful money of the Province of Lower Canada, in hand paid to the Trea- surer of the said Church, before the execution of these presents, Have and hereby Do, Grant, Bargain, Sell and Assign unto A. B., (of the city of Montreal, a pew, number thirty-four) in the said Church ; to have and to hold the said Pew unto the said A. B., his Heirs, Executors, Admin- 216 ietrators and Assigns, for ever, subject to the following Charge where- unto the Purchaser doth hereby voluntarily bind himself, his Heirs and Assigns, that is to say : — To the annual payment of Four pounds six shillings and eight pence, lawful Money aforesaid, being the annual rate of the said Pew, towards defraying the Minister's stipend, CTerk's salary and other incidental charges ; which sum shall be paid on the first day of January in each year to the Treasurer of the said Church, the first payment to be made on the first day of January next. Provided nbvbktiieless, that the said annual payment shall only extend and be binding on the present purchaser during his life, or his residence in this Province, and not on his Heirs and Descendants, unless they choose to become Proprietors of said Pew at the above rate. And 'vherba^ the above annual payment is to be considered as part of the consideration Money whereon the sale is made ; Thbbbfoee, in case of non-payment thereof to the Treasurer of the said Church, the property of the said Pew is to revert to the Church, to be sold by the Elders thereof to the highest bidder, subject to the same rate ; the arrears then due to be paid out of the produce, and the residue should any there be paid to the former Proprietor. In Witness whereof tho said Elders and the Purchaser have to two parts hereof severally set their hands and seal.^, at Montreal aforesaid, this twenty-third day of November, in the year of our Lord One Thousand seven hundred and ninety-two. Signed, Sealed and Delivered 1 In presence of \ C. D. [L.S.] E.F. [L.S.] A. B. I hereby transfer all my right, claim, and title to Pew No. 34, in the Church of Scotland in this city, over to Mr. Alexander Glass, of the same place, grocer, having received value for the same. Montreal, 21 st Aug., 1822. For self and heirs of the estate of the late A. B., A. B. This was a safe course for a colonial congregation to take. Everything done at that period was imitative. The essen- tial feature of our church is government by representa- tives of congregation 3, called elders. A Presbyterian Church, planted in a new community, may not always be able to conform to its prototype in every particular ; but it will at least have its " elders." True, their office is, for 21*7 the most part, a spiritual one ; the oversight of the flock, the care of of the young, ministration to the poor and visit- ing the sick, are their special functions. Yet, in Scotland, it often happened, at the end of last century, that the management of parochial affairs generally, so far as they affected the congregation, yv&s in the hands of the Kirk SeFiiion. The practice with which the people, therefore, were acquainted in the mother country, rather than the theory of the Church of Scotland, was that which they naturally followed, when they first organized a Presby- terian congregation in Montreal. The elders were made the administrators of its affairs generally, temporal as well as spiritual. When, in the course of events, the cause grew, as it did under the popular preaching of Mr. Young, and the rapid increase in the Scottish population, this simple and primitive arrangement was found insufficient. Men, whose religious qualifications were high, did not neces- sarily display any special aptitude for business, and, there- fore, were not always those whom the congregation would select to manage their temporal affairs. Hence followed the appointment of a temporal committee. But that committee must often have been at sea to know how far their duties carried them, and it would be inconvenient to be calling the people together, from time to time, to obtain instruc- tion from them, on every matter that emerged. The natural thing to do was to get general instructions from the congregation, covering such matters as experience had shown to be likely to arise in the ordinary administration of affairs. Accordingly, it was resolved, at a meeting of the proprietors of pews, on the 14th February, 1804, to have " Rules and Regulations " drawn up for the guidance of the Committee. They are given in full, as the history of the congregation was largely shaped by them. 218 RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE PROPRIETORS OF THE SCOTCH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF MONTREAL. VVE, the Subscribers, Proprietors in tlie Scotch Presbyterian Church of Montreal, being persuaded that it will be for the interest, peace and pros- perity of the said Church that the conditions under which we hold our property be fully understood and ascertained, have for these purposes pureed to and adopted, and do hereby agree to and adopt the following Articles : — 1st. Every person having purchased a Pew or Pews in the said Church, and paid for the same, and who shall produce a deed deemed sufficient by the Committee of the Church, is a Proprietor, and shall be qualified to vote for and be chosen a Member of the Committee, or appointed to any other office relative to the direction or government of the Church. 2nd. There shall be a Committee of the Church to regulate all the tempor- alities thereof, which Committee shall be (ihosen from the Proprietors at large, at a General Meeting annually held for that purpose, on the Third Tuesday of the month of April each year, notice having been given of said General Meeting the two Sundays preceding, from the Pulpit or Precentor's Desk ; and the said Committee shall consist of five Members, which Members so named and chosen by a majority of the Proprietors then pre- sent, shall be considered duly elected and qualified to regulate everything relative to the temporalities of the said church, during twelve calendar months after said election, and afterwards until a new Committee shall be chosen. Three Members, including a President or Vice President, shall form a quorum, and be fully competent to transact business. 3rd. The Committee, as described in the preceding article, are empow- ered to sell Pews, execute Deeds and Leases of Pews, collect moneys, pay moneys, order repairs of the Church, call Public Meetings, and do all and everything respecting the temporalities of the said Church. 4th. There shall be a Treasurer of the Church chosen annually by the Proprietors at the General Meeting, who shall receive and pay all moneys by order of the Committee only, and shall render an account of his trans- actions to the Proprietors at the Annual Meeting, but shall furnish the Committee with a statement of the funds in his hands whenever they require it. 5th. Every Proprietor of a Pew or Pews present at a General Meeting shall have one vote only, and when two or more Proprietors hold a Pew they shall have but one vote, they agreeing amongst themselves, by bal- lot or otherwise, who shall give that vote ; and in case of. any misunder- standing amongst such Proprietors on this point, until they make it appear they have agreed, they shall have no vote. It being hereby provided that such disagreement shall not be construed to be any privation of their rights as Proprietors at the General Meetings, nor shall it influence or retard any business on which a General Meeting may be held or called. 219 6th. In case of a vacancy in the Church by the death of a Minister or otherwise, in the election of a person to supply the said vacancy, the Pro- prietors shall vote in conformity to the regulations specified in the fifth ariicle. 7th. To prevent anything like mistake respecting the electing of a Min- ister, it is hereby provided and always to be understood, that no Proprie- tor, as is pointed out iu the 5th article, upon any pretence whatever, shall give his vote to any person, ]>ut to one who shall have been regularly bred to the Ministry, and who shall have been licensed by some regular Pres- bytery in the British Dominions, he producing credentials to ascertain the same, and who shall profess to be of the persuasion, and who shall adhere to the laws, government, and mode of worship of the established Clmrch of Scotland, properly so-called and denominated and known to be such, and also a natural born subject of His Majesty. And further, no i)erson ehall be considered duly elected as Minister of the said Church, without having a number of votes, at least equal to a majority of the whole number of Proprietors entitled to vote had they been present. 8tli. The Rents of the Pews and other Revenues of the Church shall be appropriated to the support of the IMinister, and to the defraying any inci- dental expenses which may be incurred respecting the said Church, such as Clerk's and 8exton's salaries, necessary repairs, &c. 9th. It shall be the business of the Committee to see all the money rela- tive to the Funds of the Church regularly collected, and the Minister's salary fixed and paid, and if it shall so happen that there is a deficiency in the Funds appointed for the aforesaid purposes, the Committee shall call a General Meeting of the Proprietors to provide for the same. 10th. Every Proprietor in the Church may transfer his property to another, by sale, gift, or last testament ; but no transfer can l e valid, but on the express condition of the new Projirietor's being approved by the Committee and subscribing the^-i Articles. 11th. If any Proprietor shall lefuse or neglect to pay the annual Rent fixed on his Pew, agreeable to his deed, when become due, the said Pro- prietor so refusing or neglecting shall immediately lose all right to vote or act as a Proprietor in any matter respecting the said Church ; and if the said Proprietor, so refusing or neglecting, continue to refuse and neglect to pay the said annual Rent, for the space of twelve calendar months from the time the said annual Rent shall become due, then the Committee, after two notices'from the Pulpit or Precentor's Desk, shall sell the said Pew to the highest bidder, and the money therefrom arising shall belong to the Church. 12th. The preceding Articles shall not have any retro!*pective influence whatever on what has been already done and passed, and no addition or change respecting them shall take place, unless the said addition or change shall have been made at a General Meeting of the Proprietors. 220 13th. AVb the Proprietobs of the said Church, being convinced of the utility and propriety of the preceding Articles being fully understood and attended to by every Proprietor in this Church, and as we conceive it will greatly tend to the preservation of harmony, and to the advancement of religion among the Members thereof, We nHREBY Resolve, That every Proprietor, and also every one who shall become a Proprietor, shall subscribe this and the preceding Articles, as a proof of his approbation of the same, and of his determi lation to abide by them, and until such time as this is done, nono chall be considered as competent to give any vote, in the General Meeting of the Proprietors or in any matter whatever respecting the said Church. In Witness whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our proper names, this fourth day of April, in the year of Our Lord, 1804. The deeds of Pews, granted to proprietors, after the adoption of the foregoing '* Rules and Regulations," ran in the same terms as those issued by the elders in 1792, except that for the words, " Elders of the Presbyterian Protestant Church in the city of Montreal, named the Church of Scot- land," were substituted, " three of the Committee named and appointed by the proprietors of the Scotch Presby- terian Church, in the city of Montreal." A clause was also added, in 1804, to the deeds : — " And also upon this condition, that the purchaser, his heirs and assigns shall be held and bound by, and duly comply with, the foregoing Rules and Regulations for the government of the said church, made on the 4th April, 1804 ; and also to all such other Rules and Regulations as shall or may hereafter, from time to time be made, and adopted for the said purpose." This was an anomalous constitution for a Presbyterian Church to set up. No special qualification was laid down for the proprietors of pews, further than that they were the highest bidders for those pews when auctioned off, and afterwards paid their rents regularly. The holders of pews might be Roman Catholics, Episcopalians, Methodists or Baptists, or of no creed at all ; and yet, not only were all the tninor interests of the church in their hands, but they were the parties that even chose the minister. And, then, 221 the regulation which made it indispensable that no min- ister should be elected, unless the number of votes cast for him was more than one half of the legally qualified voters onthelistofproprietors, putitinthe power of a minority to block the way to the settlement of a minister for an indefinite period. If, at the first, the congregation, as we have seen, threw more upon the spiritual office-bearers, the elders, than was implied in their office, now they rushed into the opposite extreme, and pat the spiritual rights and liberties of the people in peril, or at least placed them at the mercy of persons whose only qualification was that they could afford to pay the highest price for a pew. It is true, the proprietors did not dare go outside the Presby- terian Church for a minister : he had to be a licentiate of some church within the British dominions, and to " profess to be of the persuasion, and to adhere to the laws, government and mode of worship of the Established Church of Scotland." But every one knows that men might be found having these qualifications, whom it might be very undesirable, notwithstanding, to place over a congregation — they might have little godliness about them, and fail in preaching the Gospel, and yet be selected for the very colourlessness of their teaching, by men who had not the true spiritual interests of the community at heart. And the anomalousness of the constitution, in this respect, led to grave difficulties in after years. Indeed, so long as these " Rules and Regulations " were in force, the congregation w^as virtually governed by the temporal com- mittee. It was all powerful, and the Kirk Session was relatively insignificant, if it was not almost suppressed. The explanation of the willingness of the congregation to vote themselves, under such a constitution, is to be found in the state of matters at that period in the Church of Scotland. The heritors of the parish had a great deal to do with regulating its affairs, and the appointment of 222 the minister was nominally in the hands of a lay patron, who might or might not be a member or adherent of the Church of Scotland, although he must always be a Protest- ant. In the constitution of the St. Gabriel Street Church, the proprietors of pews are accorded the same powers as were vested in the heritors and patrons in the mother country. But the grej,t difference in the situation was lost sight of. The heritors and patrons had all of them a deep stake in the parish, whereas a few proprietors in the St. Gabriel Street Churh had only to pay some twenty, thirty, or forty dollars, to be endowed with this important fran- chise. And what is still more to the point, in Scotland the Presbytery had an influential voice in the settlement of a minister, and could refuse, for cause shown, to ordain and induct even such as were licentiates, and had a presenta- tion from the patrons. " The right of collation " lay with the Presbytery ; it was their prerogative to judge of the fitness and qualifications of the Presentee. But if the majority of proprietors in the St. Gabriel Street Church chose a licentiate, no appeal from their decision was possi- ble on the part of the membership of the congregation, or by the minority of the proprietors. We have seen that Bishops Mountain and Strachan en- deavored to transplant into Canadian soil the Church of England, as it existed at home, and to reproduce, on this side the Atlantic, even those special features of the mother church, which were the products of a state of society differ- ent from that existing in Canada. But they were not the only persons that made mistakes in this direction. The early Presbyterian congregations, planted in this country, in like manner, sought to copy the ecclesiastical arrange- ments of Scotland, and failed to distinguish between what was of the essence of the mother church, and what was merely adventitious in its constitution, and the outgrowth of past ages of circumstances that had no parallel in 223 Canada. It was made part of the constitution of St. Andrew's Church, Quebec, for instance, that the sanction of the Grovernor General of Canada should be obtained before any minister could be settled in that congregation. This was supposed, at the time that constitution was framed, to be the proper thing to do, in order to secure recognition by the Government, and certain pecuniary advantages. The preferences of the bulk of the people of the church were considered of little account ; and the members seem to have acquiesced easily in this state of things. Certainly they did not consider it a hardship not to have a controlling voice in the selection of a pastor. The present state of public sentiment on this question emerged slowly into force. In the Church of Rome, of course, the clergy were sent to the parishes from without ; and when the authority of the Pope was thrown off in England, the King assumed the appointing power — and in Scotland some external source of clerical supply had to be found to take the place of that which had been cast oif. The great feudal Lords, as in general the best educated gentlemen in the community, and, on the whole, the most competent judges of the qualifications of ministers, rather than the people themselves, were entrusted with the nomi- nation of the religious teachers of the people. It was, therefore, quite natural that the Presbyterians, who had been bred under this state of opinion in the mother country, should think it desirable to reproduce in Canada also, a nominating power, apart from the membership of the the congregation, for the selecting of ministers. In the case of the St. Gabriel Street Church, the pew-owners had this power bestowed upon them ; and no provision was made in their constitution for the exercise of authority over the congregation of a Presbytery or other church court. It is clear, then, that this constitution was unconstitutional. That is to say, it went in the teeth of a clause in the deed 224 of the church which made it imperative that the minister should "adhere to the laws, government and mode of worship of the Established Church of Scotland," which implies that the people, as well as the minister, were amenable to those laws, and so were bound to give heed to the authority of the Presbytery and other church courts that might be organized over them. It is true, they prac- tically recognized the jurisdiction of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church in connection with the Church of Scotland, after it was erected in 1831, and that of the Presbytery to w^hich the Synod assigned the congregation, by submitting to its enactments, and by sending the ministers and elders of the congregation as representatives to take part in its deliberations ; but by no formal act did the proprietors of pews place themselves under the control of a Presbytery or Synod. This was one of the pleas urged, at the time of the disruption, in favor of the right to secede to the Presbyterian Church of Canada — " this congregation have never pledged themselves, as wnll be manifest from the Records of the congregation, to any connection what- ever." And the Proprietors, about the same time, prefaced a resolution by these qualifying words : *' recognizing no jurisdiction or authority whatever over St. G-abriel Street Church, either by the Synod of Canada, in connection with the Established Church of Scotland, or by any of the Presbyteries constituting said Synod." Although their meaning, probably, was that, from the time of the disrup- tion onwards, they did not recognize the jurisdiction in question, yet the words might have a retrospective appli- cation fairly enough. As early as 1831, Mr. Esson felt that the constitution was faulty. In his brief account of the Scottish Church of St. Gabriel Street, in the city of Montreal, Lower Canada, drawn up in obedience to a request of the " Very Reverend the Synod of Canada," dated October 31st, 1831, he makes 225 this observation : — " A corporation of some sort is much wanted, with power to hold property for ecclesiastical purposes. The Rules and Regulations for the government of our church, the substance of which has already been given, look very well on paper, but do not appear suffi- cient in practice, else, how came the church to be shut up and kept closed for such a long time r Farther on, he remarks : " When we take an impartial view of the divi- sions and difficulties with which the congregation has at different times been distracted and agitated, ever since the church was built, it is reasonable and rational to suppose that there is something wrong in its constitution, — some root of gall and bitterness lurking there. A tree is known by the fruit it bears—' do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles ; ' else how came the church to be shut up and kept closed for such a long time ?" After the con^reo-a- tion had given in its adhesion to the Presbyterian Church of Canada, notwithstanding the protest of a minority, in 1844, and Mr. Esson had been appointed Professor in charge of the students in training for the ministry, in connection with the recently constituted Synod, he wrote to Mr. Wm. Murray, from Toronto, on May 1st, 1845. regarding the "Rules and Regulations " which we are now discussing : "The constitution ot the church is absurd — it is not only Erastian, but it is almost un-Christian, for a Heathen might be a proprietor, if you retain that constitution." Again he urged : " There must be an entire abandonment of the old constitution, otherwise your church is more Erastian than that from which you have separated, and against which you have protested." In a letter to the same gentleman, a few days afterwards, he returns to the subject : " It is all impor- tant that you leave not one relique of the Erastian constitu- tion of your church, or anything unsound or unpresbyterial in its actual order or working, to be made a handle against you." At this time, the movement to organize an entirely 226 new oongregation had begiiii, and was showing activity. At the head of it were Messrs. John Rodpath and J. R. Orr, two honoured Christian gentlemen, familiar with Presbyterian principles, to whom the " Rules and Regu- lations " were accordingly oifensive. They, and others associated with them, in the endeavour to establish a con- gregation holding well-defined Free Church views, seem to have concluded that it would be impossible to purge the St. Gabriel Street Church constitution of the leaven of Erastianism, in which they regarded it as steeped, and hence they resolutely refused to commit themselves to counting the old church on St. Gabriel Street as the only and all sufficient representative of the j^rinciples involved in the disruption in Scotland Besides, Mr. Redpath never concealed his apprehension th-^t it might be found in the end that the minority of the congregation still claiming connection with the Church of Scotland, would be re- ijistated by the Civil Courts in possession of the Church and Manse. His mind was made up, therefore, that the wisest and best course for the Free Church sympathizers was to commence on an entirely new foundation. He succeeded in impressing these views on many of the other leaders of the movement in Montreal, as well as upon the ministers whom the Free Church of Scotland sent out from time to time to preach to the adherents of that church in this city. Mr, Esson took in the situation thoroughly, and as he desired that the old church should be the centre of the new ecclesiastical organization for the Montreal district, he besought the people to remove from the " Rules and Regulations " the features of which complaints had been made. There was a natural hesitancy on the part of the proprietors of pews, not only in that they V7ere asked to surrender civil rights and cherished privileges, an order of things, too, that was venerable for its antiquity and was hallowed by long associations, but they found that any 22*7 meddling with tho coustitution at this juncture might afli'ct their title to the property. However, Mr. Esson'8 earliest entreaties prevailed. The Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada also took up the question, in lH4o, — moved thereto by a refereiKH^ from the Presbytery of Mont- real, in connection with that church. It was resolved : " That Mr. Esson be appointed to visit St. Gabriel Street congregation, and assist them in revising the constitution and deeds of the church, that the same in all that relates to spiritual things may be brought into harmony with the standard and practice of this church. That these instru- ments, when so revised, shall be, by Mr. Esson, or any other office-bearer of the church, laid before the I'resbytery of the bounds, who, on being satisfied with the same, shall direct the congregation to take the requisite steps for pro- curing a successor to Mr. Esson." Accordingly, at a " General Meeting of the Temporal Proprietors of the Scotch Presbyterian Church," held on June 30th, 1845, the " Rules and Regulations for the Pro- prietors were revised, corrected and extended." The first five articles were left untouched. But the 6th and tth articles were completely remodelled ; 6th. — " That in the election of a Pastor, when a vacancy shall occur, and in all that pertains to the conduct of spiritual affairs, the congregation shall conform invariably to the law^s and prescriptions of the ecclesiastical authori- ties. Proprietors, as such, have no right or power whatever to intermeddle with spiritual things, except they be com- municants, or full members of the church." 7th. — " No Proprietor or pew-holder shall be permitted to have any voice or vote in the Temporal or Spiritual con- cerns of the church, who is known to be a member of any other church or congregation." Articles, 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th, also remained un- changed. The 12th Article was shortened to read : "No 228 change resptM^tiiift thoHt' articleM shall take place, inih'ss thi' said change shall have been made at a General Meeting oi the Proprietors." Two new clauses were inserted : — 13th. — "That in the meantime, while it is expedient for the security of the Temporal Property of the church to leave the Temporalities to l)e managed as heretofore, it shall be understood that the power of the Proprietors of Pews shall be interpreted and limited by the laws and standards of the Presbyterian Church of Canada." 14th. — " It is further declared by the Proprietors, here- unto subscribing, that they are ready to conform in all respects to the principles of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, and the enactments of her ecclesiastical authorities in ail spiritual things, and are even prepared, should it be found necessary or expedient, to sacrifice their rights as Proprietors, in order that the great ends of the spiritual government of the Church may be attained." Article 13th in the old Rules was made 15th iu the revised constitution. These changes brought the church into harmony w^ith true Presbyterian principles ; whereas, before, it was like no other ecclesiastical organization under the sun, in the spirit of its regulations. The Committee of Proprietors embraced iu themselves the functions of patron, kirk- session, and Presbytery, all in one. This revised constitution was that under which the Church was governed, until it was vacated by Knox con- gregation. By the Act, Victoria 27 and 28, c. 161, the old proprietary rights in the building were abolished, and it was left to the congregation as re-organized, to frame rules for the government of the church, subject to the approval of the Presbytery of Montreal in connection with the Church of Scotland. Such " Rules and Re,(^ulations " were adopted on February 10th, 1867. Article 8th reads : — " This congregation shall be under 229 the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the rresbyterinn Church oi' Canada in conntntion with the Church of Scotland, ah provided for in section 4 of the Act of Incorporation ; and in all matters pertaining to the elet'tion of ministers and elders, they shall conform to the rules and forms in force for the time being in said Church." In a sub-section, it is stipulated that no changes Jn the constitution shall be made without the sanction of the Presbytery. In all respects, the riUes are in line with the ordinary practice of the Presbyterian Church through- out the world, and have worked very smoothly. It was under these rules that the old edifice closed its history, and the new St. Gabriel Churcli starts out in its career with them for its guidance. CHAPTER XV. The \ew names that ai-phar ox tub suiisciuption list to I\Ir. Sombrvillk, IN I8O0— John Grant, Isaau Todd, John Shcter, Archiisald McMil- lan, Gborcb Platt, John McKinstry, James Kyle, Jacob Hall, William Skakbl, George Skakbl, Alexander Skakbl, William Graham, John McKindlay, Johm Porteocs, William Portbous, Andrew Porteous, Finlay Fisher, James Smith, John Oculvy, Wm. Stewart, Andrew Paitbrson, Jasi'br Tough, James Laing, Alex. Allison, Alex. Davidson, John Reid, Hon. Judge Reid, Simon McTavisii, Thos. Blackwood, Wm. Hallowell, John Catanach, and F. Gunerman, Thomas Thain. " Montreal, 21st Jiiue, 1803. " At a meeting of the committee and elders i tJie Pres- byterian congregation of this city, on the 20th inst., it was unanimously resolved that a subscription be set on foot amongst the congregation in order to ascertain what sum may be raised for the salary of Mr. Somervilie annually for three or live years, to commence from the first of Jan- uary last, including pew-rents previous to his being called to Montreal, provided he be regularly ordained as minister for said congregation." Below, I mention only those whose names appear iu connection with the church, for the first time, on this list. John Grant of Lachine, who subscribed two pounds per annum for three years, was agent for the North-west Com- pany, and attended to the forwarding of their stores and supplies from Lachine, and carried on the business of a forwarder generally. He was born in Glenmorristou, near Inverness, Scotland, in 1'754, and came to Canada in 231 1771, settling at Lachine. lu- those days, forwardiug- was a business of importance, as everything destined for points westward had to be taken in carts from Montreal and sent from Lachine in canoes and batteaux. The forwarders furnished the necessary equipments for conveying goods both by land ond by water. They were the public carriers, doing the w^ork in a small way which is now done by rail- ways and steamboats. It was not till the Lachine canal was finished, about 1825, that goods could be sent to Lachine otherwise than by carts. The "Durham boats" as the batteaux employed in forwarding at this time, and lor twenty years afterwards, were called, had ropes attached to them and were drawn up the currents of the St. Lawrence by oxen, assisted by the crew and passengers, walking along the shore. It took weeks for emigrants, making their way to Upper Canada, to reach even Brock- ville by this mode of conveyance. We find Mr. Grrant's name in the minutes of St. Peter's Lodge of Freemasons as early as 1771. He was married by Rev. D. 0. Delisle. to Margaret Beattie, on July 30th, 1777. He, and his family after him, owned pew No. 15, in the St. Grabriel Street Church. He died on the 23rd August, 1817, universally regretted, aged 68 years. His daughter, Margaret, was married to Thomas Blackwood, on 27th December, 1806. And his sou James C. G-rant, advocate, afterwards occupied a very prominent position in relation not only to the Scotch congregation in St. Grabriel Street, but also to the whole of the membership of the Church of Scotland in Canada, as we shall by and by see. The following obituary notice appeared in the Gazette after Mr. Grrant's death : — "His hospitable and charitable clispo.sition was almost unboiinileJ. He was greatly beloved, and his neighbors, as a last token of thoir respect, carried the body on a palantjuin, not only from Lachine to this city, but oven to the grave, not allowing the hearse in attendance to be used." Tt wuK Mr. Grant 'k intention to ^ivo a sito for aProfiby- irrian Church in I^achinn. Wo. did not accompliHh thiw in his lii'd'tirno ; l»ut his licirH carried out hiH winh after hiw death, and t,'-iivril, IHOT). Strong jrrouiul was taken hy the sj)eakers a^-jiinst th«( proi)osal maxhi in ParliairKjnt to tax merchandize! to provide funds for ))uildinf.j the lirst jail erected in the city. Th(U\ owne7th May, IHIT). His adoj)ted dau<.^hter married J'eter McCulcheon, belter known as Hon. ret<^r McOill. Mr. Shuter bel()n«r(.d to the Ohunhof I'hi^laiui, although he «r«.ii)!i(,uKly supported the Scol(di Church, He gave, a (dieck for the tower of the lirst (Ihrist Church, in 1H1!>, Mis name is made mem(»rable by the in<:reasingly popular Shut«M' Street, running Irom Sherbrcoke Str(j, was a trader in the. city, and, later on, IS mentioiK'd in the records as a ycjoman. He was tlie owner of pew 42 until his death, in 1810 ; and afterwards it belonjj^ed to his heirs for many years. The four brothers Hall, — Joseph and Jacob, hatters in Ht. Paul Street, — Benjamin, a merchant in St. Lawrence Street, — and John, a bakt^, — were Ameri(;ans, who (3ame to Monlrciil Ixslbn' tlio bi'^iiiiiiiii^' ol" iluH (/ciitury. Thciy all had rcilalions to llm Si. (laln'icl St reel ('hun^h, when thor(^ wc^ro inariiair<'s, hapli.siris or burials in qucHiion, il not at othor tim«?H. Miss Charlotto Hall, lh(^ a«»o(l lady who died last year, was a daivuhtcM- of John's ; kg waw Mrs. V<'nnor John diiMJ in 1H()<), ayod 4H yoars. It was i{«Mijamin who owned the Hall |)ropr- vilhi's salary ; but the whole i'amily connection after- wards seem to have be<^om(^ associated either with Clirist Church or with tiie St. Fetor Street congregation. Alexander Skakcd, A.M., LL.l)., teach(M-, was an aecom- plished scholar, and did not a. little to (-reate a taste for S(!ience ainon*;' the citizens. The academy which ho founded aimed at imj)arling- a lirst-<'hi88 education. Ho was himself an erudite g'eiitlemaii, a, Master of Arts of King's (Allege, Aberdeen, that University which has given so many admirable teachers to tlie world. He received a training for the ministry of the Scottish C'hurch, but for some reason or other lie did not j)roceed to take orders in it; but chose rathtu- the profession which he followed. His school s(>rv(>d th(^ jmrp^ses of a Grammar Scliool in Mo!itreal,})efor(5 tlu^ High School was esta)>lished. Among other pu|)ils of his who afterward rose to distinc- tion wen' Sir William Tjogan and Chief Justice' Hadgley. By way of marking tht; educational servici^s which he rend«^rtMl to this <'ountry, his Alma Mater conferred upon him the h{ iiorary degree of LL.D. Mr. Skakel was married, first in IHOH, by Mr. Somer- vilh^ to his own <'0usin, Isabella Skakid, and afterwards to Miss Dalrymple, sister of Mrs. Archibald Ferguson. His school-room was in 27 Little St. James Street. ' 236 V While he drilled boys in the elements of learning-, during? the day, he advertized (^hiKHes in natural philosophy, to which h(^ invited adults in the evenings. ]Jr. Skakel took a prominent place in th«; (^ity as a public man. He was not only one of the persons named in th(! Act incorporating the General Hospital, but he was a m<^mber of the building committei^ charged with its construrat(?s these two lacts : — " TliiH tal)let was eroctod by tlio (^()V«^rll()r8 of the Montreal General Hospitiil to the memory of Alex. Skjike;!, A.M., LL.D., in commemoration of his long and vahiii])i(( servi(;eH as iseeretary, and also to roconl his munilicent l)0(iueHt to tlie Instiintioii. He died Kith Ati^^ust, 1 84 < I, aged 71 years." He was a fast friend of Mr. Somerville's, and used to share in the minister's scientific rambles ; so that when that genth^man afterwards ceased to be responsible for his acts, Dr. Skakel acted as one of his guardians. He occupied pewr 68, and in 1810 lent .€10 to help to remove the debt i'rom th«; church. • John M(;Kindlay, who, at the hands of John G-regory, subscribed three pounds, was also a prominent merchant of the period. Ht^was an eager promotor of Mr. Somer- ville's call, being one of the 27 who signed the July resolution of 1803, in his favour. He disappears from the church books, howevortant crisis when the church was enlarged and re- paired, and the linancial arrangement for occupation was made with the members of the ( 'hurch of England. He bought, first, pew No. 7. This was afterwards assigned to the firm of Gillespie, Moffat & Company, while he purchased for his own family use No. 3, after it was given uj) )>y Sir Alexander McKenzie. He gave €10 to the steeph' and bidl fund, in 1809-10. He was chosen a Tru8te«>, of the Protestant burying ground in 1807, and 238 • ■• ' was one of the committee of live ibr erecting- the Nelson monument. When h«^ died, he did not forget the church which he loved. The following extract from his will was ciommun- ica(ed to the congregation by the Hon. Cleorge Molfat, his executor, on 2f>th January, 1820 : " I'liio tlu! (iri^'iii.'il Scdtcli I'm-sliytcirian f'luircli, Montroal, I ^;ivo iind l)(!(iuojiili tlie Hiini of One Hundrod I'ouikIh." Finlay Fisher, who su))scril)ed two pounds, was a cousin of Duncan Fisher. lie kept a school alter the old S', who subiseribed inj^uinoa, on thiw occaHion, was a wholesalt' merchant of high stamliiii;', the founder of the tirm afterwards known as " Allison, Turner ik Co." He was one of those who vot»'d for Rev. John Young- in 1800. He died Gth May, 1803, aged 49 years. Alexander Allison, who also became responsible for a guinea a year to Mr. Somerville, was a partner in the lead- ing commen^ial firm of " Allison, Turner & Co," as John Allison, his brother, was. In 1812, the partnership with Turner & Co. was dissolved, Mr. Turner afterwards carry- ing on the business alone. In 1811, he took the lead in a movement to add to Mr. Somerville's stipend. In conjunc- tion with Mr. George Gillespie, T. Thain, Jasper Tough and George Garden, he memorialized the temporal com- mittee on the subject. Mr. Somerville, learning of it, felt sensitive in the matter, and wrote to the committee to say that the memorial had been sent without his knowledge or consent. He was unwilling that the gentlemen man- aging the finances cf the church should suspect that he was using any underhand or indirect means to increase his income; and told them that if he had felt the pressure of necessity, he would have communicated with the temporal committee directly. The correspondence was creditable to all concerned. It was a generous thing for merchants, themselves possessing a fair income, to see their clergy- man, to whom they looked up with respect, in the enjoy- ment of a comfortable stipend ; and it showed Mr. Somer- ville to be a gentleman of a high sense of honour, that he feared the imputation of securing his personal advantage by means that were not straightforward. Mr. Allison gave iJlO to help to rid the church of debt in 1810. He died at Quebec on the 1st December, 1821, the Herald announcing the fact in the following terms : — "Died at Quebec Alexander Allison, Esq., formerly 241 of the firm of Allison, Tumor ik Co., a vory «»xccllent jiiul honourable man, and of a very public spirit." Ah'xandor Davidson, \vh(> subscribed a i^uineii, was a merchant of <^ood standin**-, belonging to the firm of A. Allison & ('ompany. lie died in 1808, aged 27 years. John licid, who subscribed a guinea annually, for three years, held at this time, and for twenty years afterwards, the office of Prothonotary of the Court of King's Bench, at Montreal. He had, previous to 1780, conducted a re- spectable academy in Quebec, and this fact had a good deal to do with the early history of Presbyterianism in this province ; for it was at his instance that the Rev. Dr. Spark had come to Quebec. Mr. Reid had written to Dr. MacLeod, a professor in King's College, Aberdeen, to send out to Quebec a suitable person to conduct his academy. Professor MacLeod selected Mr. Spark, whom he spoke of as '• an excellent mathematician, and a sensible, discreet, young man, and having had much practice in teaching." As has been already noted, it was Mr. Spark that recom- mended Mr. Somerville to the St. Grabriel Street congrega- tion, vacant by the withdrawal of Mr. Young, in 1802. Mr. Reid appears to have removed to Montreal in 1780, the same year that Mr. Spark came to Quebec ; for we find him present at a meeting of the St. Peter's Lodge of Free- masons in that year, and he became master of the lodge in 1781. He made his subscription to Mr. Somerville's stipend <£1 5s. in 1806 ; but he and his family became connected with Christ Church. The Honorable James Reid, who subscribed a guinea to Mr. Somerville's stipend, and who afterwards occupied pew No. 14, was a nephew of John Reid, the piothonotary. He was admitted to the bar of the province in 1794, was raised to the bench as a Puisne Judge in 1807, and in 1823 ^^ . . ..: • 242 elevated to the Chief Justiceship. He was one of the six commissioners appointed 1st March, 1804, for executing the Act 31st Greorge III, concerning the building and re- pairing of Churches. His name stands first on the com- mittee appointed to collect subscriptions for the families of the soldiers who fell at Waterloo, in 1815 ; and he was appointed, with James Dunlop, Hon. James Richards, and Rev. John Strachan, as one of the trustees of Mr. James McGill's estate. In 1838, he was permitted to retire, on the score of old age and infirmities. He was an admirable judge, and enjoyed the universal respect and confidence of the community. On his retirement from the bench, he visited Europe, and was offered a knighthood by Her Majesty, the Queen, on account of his long and faithful public services, but declined the honour. He was mar- ried to a sister of Hon. William McGrillivray, who erected to the memory of her husband the south-west wing of the G-eneral Hospital, which bears a tablet with the following inscription : — " This wing was erected by Elizabeth McGillivray, widow of the late Hon. James Reid, Chief Justice of Montreal, in testimony of her veneration for the memory of a husband, whom she loved and honoured, and in ful- filment of his wishes. He died on the 19th June, 1848, in the *79th year of his age, having sat on the bench 32 years. As a Judge, he was distinguished for judicial knowledge, inflexible integrity, and dignified firmness. His conduct as a citizen was honourable, independent and consistent. Benevolence, generosity and Christian humility marked his character as a man." Among other names that appear for the first time on this document is that of Simon McTavish. He may be regarded as the founder of the famous North-west Com- pany ; as he was certainly its leading spirit for the first '. •• 243 iwenij years of its existence. It was the union of his capital and energy with that of the Frobishers that gave the fur trade its first great impulse, and led to the estab- lishment of the depots in the interior, and reduced the business to a system. Formerly, every man prosecuted the trade in his own way, and by such methods as seemed good in his own eyes, — the result being rivalries, strife and sometimes even, bloodshed. But this vigorous and far-seeing Highlander, who had a fine turn for busi- ness, conceived the idea of combining, instead of com- peting with the other houses that were engaged in the trade, and was able to secure the adhesion at once of the Frobishers, the firm which, next to his own, had been the most successful in this branch of business. John Gregory, as we have already seen, afterwards fell in with the plan, although for a few years he carried on a rival company. Mr. McTavish owned the seigniory of Terrebonne, and had mills at the village, which Messrs. McKenzie and Oldham leased, after the proprietor's death. On Itth July, 1802, he obtained from governor SirR. S. Milnes, a grant of 11,550 acres, in the township of Chester. He subscribed five pounds to Mr. Somerville's stipend, and was one of the 27 pew owners who signed the reso- lution in that gentleman's favour in July, 1803. But that which has made his name most memorable to Montrealers of the present day, is the stately monument which stands half way up the mountain, above Ravens- crag, alongside the high level reservoir. Citizens of an older generation were still more familiar with the name of McTavish, owing to its association with what was popularly known as the " Haunted House," the stately mansion which the great fur magnate had erected, but which was never completed. The design was a grand one. It was in contemplation to have magnificent grounds about the mansion, but the early death of the 244 proprietor arrested the progress of the improvements begun on the face of the mountain. The elegant build- ing and its surroundings were afterwards pllowed to fall into decay ; and popular fancy associated the deserted halls with ghosts and apparitions. The site of the mansion was near the south-east corner of the Ravenscrag pro- perty, a little to the west oi the residence of Mr. M. H. Gault. All that remains to-day, to tell the tale of the past, is a space of about 50 yards by 12, on the rugged face of Mount Royal, embracing the tomb of Mr. McTavish and the monumental obelisk, surrounded by a solid stone wall about ten feet high. The inscription on the south- east side of the monument runs thus : — * " Sacked TO TUB MEMORY OP Simon McTavisii, EsQUiRK, "Who died July 6, 1804, . Aged 54 Years, ; This Monument is erected by his nephews, William and Duncan McGillivray, To commemorate their high sense of his manly virtues. And as a graceful trihute For his many acts op kindness shown to them." The beautiful street, leading up, past the Presbyterian College and the Reservoir, to Ravenscrag, also helps to perpetuate Mr. McTavish's name Hon. "Wm. McGillivray and Hon. Justice Reid were the executors of his estate. Thomas Blackwood's name is found for the first time on this list, — for a guinea a year- Not excepting even Duncan Fisher, the elder, no member of the St. Gabriel Street Church ever gave himself up to work for its in- terests with greater devotion than Mr. Blackwood. His brother John has been already mentioned as a contributor to the debt fund in 1800. THOMAS liLACKWOOD. 245 Mr. Blackwood was born in Lanarkshire, Scotland, on the 10th of February, 1Y73. He came to Canada in 17,91, and entered the counting-house of Hon. John Blackwood, of Quebec, who, although of the same surname, was in no way related to him, Mr. Blackwood lived six years in Quebec, and then took up his residence in this city, enter- ing into the service of the firm of Todd and McGrill. He afterwards formed a business partnership with Francis DesRivieres. He lived at No. 19, Notre Dame Street, and took his fair share in the public business of the city. He was one of the directors and Secretary-Treasurer of the Montreal Savings Bank, as well as a charter director of the Greneral Hospital. But Mr. Blackwood had a special leaning towards eccle- siastical affairs, and few men in Canada wielded a more trenchant pen, or exhibited a more statesmanlike grasp of Church questions, as these were affected by Canada. He served for many years on the Temporal Committee, and thus became familiar with the financial capabilities of the congregation. He was chosen to this important post, first, in 1808, and afterwards in the years 1810, 1814, 1815, 1819, 1820, 1821 and 1822. In the four latter years, he was president of the committee. On March 21st, 1819, he was set apart to the office of elder in the congregation, and from that date till his death, his name is found attached to all important docu- ments emanating from the session. It was appended to the petition from the congregation to the King in 1822, as well as to that addressed to Lord Dalhousie, Governor Greneral, in 1825, asking for the church rights similar to those accorded to the Church of Eu gland in Canada. He took part also in the deliberations of the Presbyterian representatives which prepared the instructions given to J. C. Grant, advocate, when he was sent to London to promote there the claims of the ministers of the Church • • 246 of Scotland to a share in the Clergy reserves. And his pen was not idle in helping to disseminate correct views on the subject among the public men of the country. It was to him that Bishop Strachan had written, in 1802, offering to become pastor of the St. Gabriel Street Church, and it was he that brought the letter, making said offer, to light, in 1828, of which the prelate complained, but without reason. On the demise of Henry McKenzie, in 1832, Mr. Black- wood was appointed his successor in the session-clerk-, ship. In 1834, he was chosen representative elder of the session in all meetings of the Presbytery and Synod, and he continued in this position, year after year, up to the time of his decease on the 22nd November, 1842. The minutes of the session, prior to his accepting the office of clerk, had been irregularly kept, — Mr. Esson not having much notion of the importance of a full and formal record of proceedings ; but Mr. Blackwood introduced a new order of things in this regard. Indeed, he had personal ground of complaint against the looseness of the manner of keeping the minutes up to 1831, as he petitioned the Presbytery that year to have certain alleged session minutes, reflecting upon him, corrected or expurged — which was accordingly done. Believing that the report of the Colonial Committee of the Church of Scotland, in 1836, was too ready to concede the pretensions of the Anglican Church in Canada, Mr. Blackwood prepared and published the following criticism on it : — Having read with attention the " Report of the Committee of General Assembly on Colonial Churches," with the proceedings on Ist June, 1836, it may be proper to notice some mistakes that the committee have fallen into, owing to the members not being correctly informed relative to the affairs and state of the Scottish Church in the Canadas. Page 6. — Afterspeakingof Act? regarding Scottish Presbyterians in the East Indies and Australia, it is added : " In the Acts respecting Upper 247 Canada, the same principle seems to have been admitted, thoii^rh in words whicli have given rise to some difliculty in their interpretation" Now, onr Constitutional Act (31 Geo. Ill, eh. 31,) applies equally to both the Canadas. It gives the King power to erect and endow corporations in favour of tlie English Church onl;/ ; but does not grant tluvl favour where the Scottish Church is concerned. Within the last nine years, however, Provincial Acts have been passed in both Provinces, giving power to Pres- byterians (and otlier sects, for tliey are placed at the head of the list by way of eminence) to hold land in a corporate capacity ; but restricting them to no more than Five Acres for each congregation. While our Church is thus restrained and disabled, more than 50 Rectories have lately been erected in Upper Canada, and largely endowed ; some of them, it is understoo William Hallowell who undertook to contribute to the support of Mr. Somerville for three years, was an English- man and an Episcopalian ; nevertheless, he not only gave two pounds annually for three years, in terms of his sub- scription, but increased his gift to four pounds, which he continued up to 1811. He also gave £10 for removing the church debt in 1810. He was a merchant of the firm of McTavish, McGillivray & Company, as it was constituted in 1806, after the retirement of the Frobishers, and the death of Simon McTavish. His daughter was married to the late Venerable Dean Bethune, of Montreal, and his son, James, was a member of the Montreal Bar. Andrew Patterson, subscribing one pound, was a mem- ber of the firm of " Gillespie, Moffat and Company," or rather of the firm which preceded it, the style of which varied at different times. He was the uncle of A. T. Pat- terson, the present head of the house in Montreal. He removed to Quebec in 1815, and died there in or about the year 1860. John Catanach, subscribing among others on this occasion, was a baker in the employ of William Logan, Sir William's father. He continued to have a connection with the Logan estate after the proprietor removed to Scotland, and was evidently regarded with confidence and affection by Sir William, as we find references to him in the corre- spondence of the great Geologist. No pew stood in his name on the church books, but he contributed liberally to the funds every year up to 1814, at which date the '' individual subscribers " ceased to be noted. He died 8th July, 1816. 250 F. Gonnerman was an old citizen of German origin. He signed the address to the Bishop of Nova Scotia in 1*789 ; but appears to have cast his lot in v^^ith the Presbyterians' after they were fully organized. He was a tavern keeper and dealer in fuel, and for some time supplied the St. Gabriel Street Church with wood. William Stewart, who subscribed £1 2s. 6d. on this occasion, was a nephew of William Stewart, the original Trustee. He was a merchant, and came under obligation to pay Mr. Somerville a guinea annually for three years. In 1804, he acquired pew 92, and a year or two afterwards also No. 93, which he retained till 1818, having Eobert Hunter, a ship-carpenter, who was for several years Precentor in the church, for fellow-occupant. William Skakel, tailor, and George Skakel, cooper, were brothers who subscribed to Mr. Somerville's stipend. William died, 31st December, 180*7. George owned pew 48, as long as the proprietorship of individual pews can be traced. CHAPTER XVI. TiiK New Enolanders connbctkd with St. Uabriei. Streett C'HrRcn, — Tub BA(ifi8, Elijah Brown, Joseph Chai'Man, Jameh Charlton — Tub DEWiTTfci, Horatio Gates, Bezaliel Gray, Thomas FiN(iLAND, Laban FoL(iER, Jonathan Hagar, The Halls, Thomas Harris, Jonaiuan Hart, Samuel Heuge, Joshva Henphaw, Horace Hiurard, The Lymans, Uriah Mitcham, Nahi'm Mower, Simon Myers, Zenas Nash, Davh) Nelson, Moses Northroim', J. W. Northcp, Jonathan Parkins, Cornelus Teck, Nathan Pierce, Arner Rice, M. SAVA; — The war of 1812 affects them — Items connected with the victory of Waterloo, 1815 — Baptism ok negro slaves and Scotch-Indian half-urebds — Other mbmijers belonging to this period, George Gillespie, Rort. Gillespie, The Armours, John Fleming, James Ellicb Campbell, William Blackwood, Hu(;h Brodie, Lieutenant-Colonel William Mackav, Archibald Norman McLeod, John Macdonald and James Brown. One of the most interesting features of Montreal, at the beginning of this century, was the large New England element of its population. A most valuable element it was, as well as a picturesque one. Many of these people 'were political refugees, who though their fathers had left England to seek " a faith's pure shrine — freedom to worship God," yet were bound to the old land by many endearing ties, which they could not bear to have entirely sundered. Others again, though republicans, saw a fine opening in this city for trade or for the practice of their craft, and so chose it as their home. Montreal is greatly indebted to this infusion of vigorous life drawn from the old Puritan stock. The skilled mechanics, who ministered 252 to the comfort of the inhabitants, and helped to build up the city, 75 or 100 years ago, were mainly drawn from across the line 45°. Naturally shrewd, they were also frugal and industrious, and presented a striking contrast to their neighbours, the fur traders, whose gains accumulated rapidly, and who, in consequence, lived luxuriously and spent freely. The thrifty tradesmen, like the snail of the fable in its race with the hare, won in the end. The wealth of the merchants filtered by degrees through the com- munity, until at last it reached the safe pockets of the "Yankees." They thus proved a "salt" to the city — they saved it from the elfects of an unhealthy, overstimu- lated social life. The Puritan leavoi which those pru- dent, thoughtful, sagacious New Euglanders brought over with them to Montreal has not ceased to be felt even yet in our religious and social life. Their motto was, "Dili- gent in business, ferA'ent in spirit, serving the Lord " — and they were most useful citizens ; wide awake in all respects, they introduced the best methods of doing business into the community. A few of them became prominent as merchants, but for the most part, they plied the various kinds of handicraft which the necessities of the time and place demanded. I take it that the following were from New England, although I do not vouch for the absolute accuracy of the list :— Abner and Phineas Bagg, brothers, who owned property at the Mile-End, and advertized pasturage for sale — Joseph Bigelow, a nailer, whose wife was Sally Higgins — Elijah Brown — Joseph Chapman, tailor — James Charlton, hatter — Jabez and Jacob DeWitt, hatters — Horatio G-ates and his nephew, Nathaniel Jones, merchants — Bezaliel Grray and Juditha, his wife — Thomas Fingland, trader — Laban Folger — Jonathan Hagar, shoemaker — Joseph and Jacob Hall, hattero, and Benjamin Hall, their brother — Nahum 253 Hall, biscuit-baker, aud inspector of flour, 1819 — Thomas Harris — Jonathan Hart — Samuel Hedge, blat'ksmith,after- wards hardware merchant — Joshua Henshaw, dry goods — Horace Hibbard — The Lyman brothers, Lewis and Micah Jones, druggists, and Elisha, Hotel-keeper — U. Mitcham and Hannah Peltry, his wife — Nahum Mower, printer — Simon Myers — Zenas Nash — David Nelson, saddler, whose son Horatio Alexander was baptized by Mr. Somerville in 1806 — Moses Northropp, hatter — J. "W. Northup, Heph- zibah Thurston, his wife, and their son, Asenath — Samuel Park, cabinet-maker, owned pew No. 10 — Jonathan Park- ins — Cornelius Peck, carpenter, inn-keeper and stage pro- prietor, married to Maria Hall — Nathan Pierce — Abner Rice, physician — M. Savage, corset, pelisse and mantua maker — Isaac Shay, carpenter — Robert Street, tailor — Nathan Strong, bricklayer, and Sally Westover, his wife — Zabdiel Thayer, crockery merchant, and Abigail Curtis his wife — Simon Thomson — Benjamin Throop, grocer — Daniel E. Tylee, tea merchant — James Wadsworth and brother, druggists — Resolu and Seth Wait — Barnabas and Ben- jamin Whitney, the latter a writing master — Josiah Win- nants. The quaint names in the above list, most of them taken from the scriptures, help to identify the families as of New England origin. The surnames, again, correspond in not a few instances to those of honoured and promi- nent citizens of to-day, who owe probably much of their prosperity to the skill, prudence, thrift and, above all, the high principles of their Puritan progenitors. All those whom I have mentioned are found in the old Registers of St, Gabriel Street Church, in one connection or another. Some of them joined the St. Peter Street Church, after it was started, and ultimately were incor- porated in the American Presbyterian Church ; but many of the families continued connected with the Scotch 254 Church, at least up to 1812, and some of them afterwards. On the breaking out of war in that year, the British G-overn- ment caused a proclamation to issue, warning* all Ameri- can citizens in Canada, either to take the oath of allegiance or leave the country. Some of them became citizens, but others returned to the United States. This caused a little coolness between the old country people of Mont- real and those from the United States, which it took years to remove. This estrangement had probably no good reason in it ; for there is no evidence that the citi- zens of American origin said or did anything at that time to justify the suspicion with which the loyalists came to regard them. Yet the fact remained — the intercourse be- tween these two sections of the population was not for years after this so hearty as it had been. Indeed, it was this circumstance which, for the most part, led to the final establishment of a distinctively American Presbyterian Church. The DeWitts, hatters, were among the Forrest adherents who seceded from the St. G-abriel Street Church, in 1803. Jacob DeWitt was at that time in partnership with Moses Northropp. He subsequently engaged in the hardware business. He was one of the leaders in the movement to establish the American Presbyterian Church, and pre- sided at the meeting to organise that society on 24th December, 1822. He was a warm supporter of that church until his death. Although an American by birth, Mr. DeWitt threw himself heartily into public affairs touch- ing the welfare of the city and province ; and not only entered parliament, representing the County of Chateau- guay, but was one of the first directors of the Bank of Canada. He also promoted the establishment of the City Bank, and was one of the founders of the Banque du Peuple. D. B. Yiger and he were the largest share- holders in the latter, and on the death of Mr. Viger, the 255 first president, Mr. DeTVitt succeeded to the positiou, which he held until his decease. Hon. Horatio Grates was a supporter of St. Gabriel Street Church, from 1808 onwards till 1813. He and his partner at that time, Mr. Bellows, lent i)10 to help to clear off the debt on the building in 1810, one-half of which they afterwards donated to the congregation. They also con- tributed £2 to put up the steeple. Mr. Gates and his nephew, Mr. Jones, were successful merchants. J. G. McKenzie, founder of the great house of "J. G. McKenzie and Company," was married to a daughter of Mr. Gates. Hector McKenzie and Frederic McKenzie, ex-M.P., are his grandsons. Mr. Gates was appointed a member of the Legislative Council, 16th March, 1833. He was also one of the seven gentlemen who signed the call for the meeting to elect the first directors of the Bank of Montreal, 4th July, 181*7, and was chosen then, and remained one of its directors for many years, being president of it at his death. Isaac Shay was the carpenter who erected the steeple of the St. Gabriel Street Church, in 1809, and put a new roof on the church the same year. The roof was done by contract and cost <£318 12s. 2d. The steeple was done by days' wages and cost .£133. The account for the bell was £SQ 13s. 9d. He entered afterwards into partner- ship with Mr. Bent, and they became enterprizing con- tractors, responsible and competent to carry out all that they undertook. They built the first Bank of Montreal, the fine old structure pulled dov n a few years ago to give place to the present Post Office, and held most of the heavy contracts of the period. Mr. Shay bought pew 59 in the church. He was one of the directors of the Mon- treal Savings' Bank for several years. Mrs. William Phillips is his grand-daughter. 256 Wadsworth and Lymau who subscribed a guinea in 1803, 1804 and 1805, were a firm of druggists in the city. Before 1806, the two families appear to have separated in business, as in that year, Wadsworth and brother are found subscribing a guinea on their own account. They con- tinued to contribute to the funds of the church up to 1813, but in the years 1811 and 1812, the name of R. Wads- worth is credited with the contribution, and in 1813 it is " Wadsworth & Co." From 1806 on to 1812, Lewis Lyman contributed sums each year varying from one to two guineas. He also gave £2 10s. for buying the bell, and putting up the steeple, and lent £5 for removing the debt in 1810. At different periods, the names of two other brothers, Elisha and Micah Jones Lyman, are found in the Registers of the St. Gabriel Street Church. They were all from Northampton, Massa- chusetts, and sons of Elisha Lyman of that town, and of his wife, Abigail Janes. The Lymans are descended from an old English stock, from the county of Essex, — one of their ancestors, Richard Lyman, having come to New England with the Puritan emigration that went on early in the 17th century. He was one of the first settlers in Hartford, Connecticut. In the course of time, a branch of the family settled at Northampton. Micah Jones Lyman, whose wife was Elizabeth Sheldon, had practiced medicine in Vermont before removing to Montreal in 1810. At the beginning of the war of 1812, he gave up the drug business which he had established here and went to Troy, N.Y., where he carried on the same business till 1842. He died in 1851, aged 84 years. Elisha Lyman, inherited from his father the old family homestead, but exchanged with his brother, Theodore, leav- ing Northampton and afterwards residing as a farmer suc- cessively in Conway, Mass., and Derby, Vt. He removed 267 , ;. /. to Montreal iu 1815, and kept a public house on McGill Street till 1828. He was known in the family as Deacon Elisha Lyman, and was a man of sterling integrity, strictly conscientious and religious. His son, William, had come to reside here in 1807, but left in 1812, on account of the war. He returned in 1819, and established the present firm, which was then known as Hedge, Lyman He Co, He retired from the business in 1855, and died in 1857. His two younger brothers, Benjamin and Henry, followed him to Montreal and joined him in the business. Benjamin, one of Montreal's most honoured Christian citizens, an elder in the American Presbyterian Church, died suddenly at Toronto, 6th December, 1878. Henry is still with us, with eye undimmed and natural force unabated. Lewis was younger than Micah Jones and Elisha, but he was the first of the family to come to Montreal. He was also in the drug business commencing with the Wadsworths, and afterwards conducting it by himself. He died in 1852, aged 80 years, leaving no children. Two sisters of the Lyman s were married here, — Lydia, to Samuel Hedge, hardware merchant, whose grand- daughters married the Trenholmes ; and Susannah, to Roswell Corse, whose daughters are Mrs. Dr. A. Fisher and Mrs. Henry Lyman. Col. Theodore Lyman, jeweller, who came to Montreal in 1833, — the late Colonel Stephen Jones Lyman, chemist and druggist, following him the next year, — and the late Han- nah Willard Lyman, were the children of Theodore, a younger brother of Micah, Elisha and Lewis, and were all born in old Northampton, Mass. The name of Miss Lyman is yet as ointment poured forth in many hearts and homes, not in Montreal only, but all through Canada, for the blessed influences which she exerted as an instructor of young ladies. There were many regrets felt when, in 1865, she gave up her select academy here and accepted the prin- B 258 cipalship of Vassar College, Poughkeepsie. She entered into rest there, February 2l8t, 1871, aged 55 years, but her remains were brought to Montreal and borne to Mount Royal Cemetery, followed by numerous sorrowing friends who had known, loved and honoured her in life. The Savages and the Lays, among others, are related by marriage to the Lyman family ; so that this influential New England stock has taken deep root in Canadian soil. Moses Northropp, partner of Jacob Dewitt, bought pews 49 and 50, on 6th March, 1809. These he held till the breaking out of the war in 1812, when they passed into the hands of James EUice Campbell. Mr. Northropp seems to have prized his American citizenship more than his trade interests, and consequently left the city on the issu- ing of the king's proclamation. N. hum Mower, who purchased pf^w 62, in 180*7, was a native of Worcester, Massachusetts. He was a printer, and set up a newspaper in Montreal in 180*7, the Canadian Courant, which was the first purely English journal pub- lished in the province. The Quebec Gazette and the Mon- treal Gazette, up to that date, and afterwards, were both of them printed half in English and half in French. All advertisements, and other important matters in them were ranged in parallel columns, in the two languages. Another feature of Mr. Mower's paper calls for remark : it was more of a newspaper than those journals I have named, — which were largely official organs, containing G-overnment notices and advertisements, but very little reading matter, — and what they had was all foreign. They had no reports of events happening in Canada, nor com- ments upon the management of affairs. But Mr. Mower was in advance of his contemporaries of the fourth estate, in these particulars. The Courant had spicy reflections 259 upon current topics, aud considered the local affairs of the city and province as worthy of notice. Mr. Mower's connection with the church ceased during the period of the war of 1812-4, his pew having been sold to Mr. A. Leishman, in 1813; but whether his withdrawal had any relations to national questions does not appear. Mr. Mower in his valedictory proclaimed himself an up- holder of British institutions. On the 6th of June, 1829, the following address appeared in the Canadian Courant and Montreal Advertiser^ a paper then published in Montreal, tw^ice a week, on Wednesdays and Saturdays : — To THE Patrons of the " Canadian Courant." " Twenty-two years have now elapsed since the sub- scriber issued the first number of the Courant, then the only entire English paper in this city ; on retiring from its charge, it might not be improper to take a short retrospective glance, over a period which, although attended with a share of the perplexities which are inseparable from a life of business, has not been without its pleasure. Yet he would rather be silent on a subject which must naturally speak so much of self, were it not that custom imposes the necessity of addressing a few words to his friends and supporters, on breaking the tie which has hitherto connected them; and gratitude urges to follow the practice which custom has sanctioned, — for, having experienced much from the honourable and most respectable iu society whereofto be grateful, in what- ever situation the remainder of his life may be spent, he will never cease to cherish a warm regard for the many friends who have shown him so much kindness and liberality. With respect to the political course of the paper, he conceives it necessary to say but a few words ; his endeavours have always been to make it a free and im- 260 partial recorder of public events, and, although not born a British subject, he feels an honest conviction of having redeemed the pledge made in the first number, that he ' should make it his duty to become a good subject, and endeavour to persuade others to continue so.' Being an admirer of the British Constitution, he has invariably endeavored to found his principles, and fix his conduct on that basis, and to make it an indispensable requisite in all whose editorial labours have from time to time been retained." Mr. Mower's daughter, Mrs. Perkins, has been one of Montreal's most active Christian ladies, and is still with as. In nothing pertaining to modern civilization has such improvement been made, perhaps, as in the sphere of jour- nalism, during the last hundred years. This is strikingly seen by comparing the Montreal Gazette of 1787 with that of 1887. Then, a few inches of the folio sheet were given up to a brief abstract of European news brought by the latest saili. ^ ship. Sometimes this small budget of foreign news was dated at Paris, sometimes at Brussels, sometimes at Copenhagen, but oftener at London. This was almost all the reading matter contained in the issue of the paper, — the rest consisted of official announcements and advertisements. Speaking of continental news reported in the local papers, leads me to insert two small items copied from the Montreal Herald, of September 2nd, 1815. The first is a form of Prayer and Thanksgiving, read on Sunday, July 9th, 1815, in all churches and chapels throughout England and "Wales, for the signal victory at "Waterloo : — " God, the Disposer of all human events, without whose aid the strength of man is weakness, and the coun- sels of the wisest are as nothing, accept our praise and 2G1 thanksgiving for the signal victory whith Thou hast rocently vouchsafovl to the Allied Armies. G-rant, O mer- ciful God, that the rL'suit of this mighty battle, terrible in conflict, but glorious beyond example in success, may put an end to the miseries of Europe, and staunch the blood ol' nations. Bless, we beseech Thee, the allied Armies with Thy continued lavour. Stretch forth Thy right hand to help and direct them. Let not the glory of their progress be stained by ambition, nor sullied by revenge ; but let Thy Holy Spirit support them in danger, control them in victory, and raise them above all temptations to evil, through Jesus Christ Our Lord, to whom with Thee and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory, now and forever. Amen." The other item is the letter addressed by Napoleon Bona- parte, to the Prince Regent, when the fallen Emperor surrendered to the British ship Bellerophon, on 17th July, 1815 :— " In consequence of the factions which have divided my country, and the hatred of the greatest powers of Europe, I have terminated my political career, and I come, like Themistocles, to place myself under the protection of the British nation. I place myself under her protection and laws, and which I demand of Your Royal Highness, the most constant, and the most generous of my enemies." With Mr. Somerville's ministry,certain anomalies passed away. Both he and Mr. Young had some delicate matters to handle. I have already noticed the baptism of a young Indian woman by the former. Here are one or two addi- tional items, leading us back to an obsolete condition o^ things : — " William, a negro belonging to James Dunlop, Esquire, of Montreal, was baptized this seventeenth day of November, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine, by JOHN YOUNG, Minister. 262 This looks straiigo now, but here is another cm ions entry in the Eegisters : — Geo. McKeiizie, aged about nine years; Roderick, iiged about six years, born to Daniel ^ll'Kenzie, Escjuire.of Montreal, of a woman in the Indian country, wore baptized tliis sixteenth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and four, by JAMES SOMERVILLE, Minuter. In 1798, Mr. Young, in like manner, baptized "James, son to Cuthbert Grrant, Indian trader, aged seven years, mother unknown " ; and, in the same year, Hannah, daughter of Peter Grant, merchant, aged about three years, mother to me unknown." Some very serious moral and social questions were in- volved in these ministerial acts. It was, perhaps, to the credit of these Scotch traders that they cared enough for their half-breed off-spring to bring them to Montreal, on their return from the North-west, and solicit baptism for them. The French, on the other hand, for the most part left their half-breed children with their Indian mothers, who brought them up after their own fashion. As between the two, the Scotch were to be commended. But there were other features of these transactions which it must have been difficult for the ministers of those days to wink at. "Were those children born in wedlock ? Morally, they no doubt were — that is, the traders took these Indian women to be their wives in the sight of God. There may have been no marriage ceremonies,for there were no clergy- men in the wilds of the far west to celebrate them ; but the women were joined to these merchants in all simplicity q,nd fidelity, and counted themselves wives according to Indian notions. To all intents and purposes it was a mar- riage — as, indeed, it would be regarded according to the old law of Scotland. This being so, the problem must have arisen, — what became of these wives when the 263 traders left the Indian country and returned to Montreal ; were they dealt fairly by, in being abandoned, as the records may be supposed to imply that they were i On the other hand, if these Indian women had no right to be regarded as wives, were not the children illegitimate, and ought not the fathers to have been disciplined before having church privileges extended to them ? We are not told what dealings the clergymen had with the fathers in the instances mentioned, bts-bre their children were baptized ; but, in any case, the whole question was one surrounded with difficulties. A few of the traders brought their Indian wives east with them, and their conscientiousness and (Courage were worthy of all praise ; but, as a rule, these women were abandoned without receiving the tender <'on- sideration from their Scotch partners that was due to the mothers of their children. The question of the validity of these Indian marriages, which was long a debatable one, was at last set at resi by the elaborate judgment of Hon. Justice Monk, in the celebrated Connolly case. The Court of Appeals, 7th Sep- tember, 18*79, upheld Judge Monk's decision in the Supe- rior Court. John Connolly was declared the lawful son of William Connolly, who was married to Suzanne, the daughter of a Cree Chief, according to the Indian customs, although without the religious rites which accompany marriages in Christian communities ; notwithstanding that said William Connolly married afterwards another woman, Julia Woolrich, daughter of James Woolrich, the rich dry goods merchant, of whom mention has been made, while his Indian wife was still alive. Another feature of the early religious state of the pro- vince is shown in the registers during the incumbencies of Mr. Young and Mr. Somerville, that ceased, in a large measure, after their day, — namely, the number of bap- 204 tisms they were called upon to solemnize for families living in the distant parts of the province, and even across the United States' line. There were no Protestant clergy- men a(Hessible to the settlers nearer than those resident in Montreal. In our time, ministers would scarcely feel free to baptize the children of all and sundry that (;ame to them, without bome previous knowledge of the parents and a guarantee of I'leir religious character. But circumstances alter cases. It was creditable to the people living in the bush, that they sometimes carried their infants a hundred miles in their arras to receive the Christian token — they showed their faith by their works — and the clergymen would naturally be very reluctant in such cases to with- hold the ordinance through which those families desired to pledge their little ones to become disciples of the Lord. I shall conclude this chapter by notices of a few of the prominent Scotch members whose connection with the church belonged chiefly to this period. In 1805, Greorge Gillespie subscribed three guineas for five years. He was the Gillespie who imposed his name upon the celebrated firm of " Gillespie, Moffat and Com- pany," which still maintains a leading place in the com- mercial community of Montreal. The names of Yeoward, Gerard, Parker, Ogilvie and Tough, partners in the same concern, before Mr. Gillespie or in his time, have long ago dropped out of sight. Mr. Gillespie came to Montreal about lt90, and in 1*796 he is mentioned in connection with the agency of the North-west Company. He had a share in the fur trade during its palmiest days, and soon made what, at that time, was counted a fortune. He was a gentleman of high honour and integrity, and helped to give a fine tone to the commercial sentiment of the period of his stay in this city. He occupied it eat in the firm's OltAlA' ROBERT ARMOUR. 265 pew in the Church, No. *7, but he was a constant and liberal subscriber to the funds of the congregation on his own account. He gave JGIO to clear off the debt in 1810. On retiring from business in Canada, he bought a property in the Upper Ward of Lanarkshire, near Biggar, where he resided till his death about 1841, or 1842. Robert Grillespie was a younger brother of G-eorge. He came to Montreal about 1800. His name appears as a sub- scriber, first, in 1808. But he acted as Precentor and Clerk to the Session, in 1804. He was a director of the Lachine Canal Company, and vice-president of the Agricul- tural Society of Montreal, in 1820. He continued to reside here until 1822, when he removed to London, and was the senior member of the firm of " G-illespie, Moffat and Com- pany " there till 1856, when he retired from business. He died in 1861 or 1862. Mr. Grillespie was a member of the temporal committee of the St. Gabriel Street Church in the years 1813, 1814, 1815 and 1816. In 1815, he was Vice-president, and 1816, President of the Committee. The Armour family also become .connected with the St. Gabriel Street Church in the early years of Mr. Somerville's ministry. Three brothers, Robert, Hugh and Shaw Armour, were natives of Kilmarnock, Scotland. Robert, the eldest, was born there in 1'780, and came to Canada in 1^98. He engaged in general merchandize, and formed several part- nerships in Montreal. The first firm consisted of Hender- son and Armour. Afterwards he did business under the style of " R. Armour and Co." In 1817, his name appears as senior partner in the concern of " Robert Armour and Davis." He married, in 1806, Elizabeth Harvie, of Kilmar- nock, who proved a helpmeet indeed to him, and bore to him several sons and daughters. She died in 1823. 266 In 1807, Mr. Armour bought pew No. 17, which formerly belonged to the widow of William Stewart, one of the original trustees of the church; and in 1816 he secured also pew No. 88. His business ability, as well as the depth of his interest in ^he welfare of the congregation, soon singled him out for the offices in the gift of the people. He was chosen a member of the Temporal Committee in 1807, and was re-elacted in the two succeeding years. In 1808, he was made Vice-president of the Committee. On the removal of William Logan to Scotland, in 1815, Mr. Armour was elected Treasurer in his room, and held the office for the two following years. On the 21st March, 1819, he was ordained an elder in the St. Grabriel Street congregation, the duties of which office he performed with much ability and fidelity up to the time of his withdrawal from the church, with the section of the congregation that adhered to Eev. Edward Black. Although he took part in the movement to establish St. Paul's, Mr. Armour had a strong personal attachment to Mr. Esson. He mourned sincerely over the bitterness imported into the controversy by the partizans of the two clergymen, and did what he could to pour oil on the troubled waters. It was a great joy to him when, a few years afterwards, cordial relations were re-established between Mr. Esson and Dr. Black, and their respective congregations. Mr. Armour was an esteemed public citizen. He was one of the Commissioners for improving the inland navigation between Montreal and Lachine. He was also one of the wardens of the Trinity House. He was finally cashier of the Bank of Canada. Five of Mr. Armour's children were baptized by Mr. Somerville, — Robert, in 1806; Mary, in 1808; Andrew Harvie, in 1809 ; John, in 1815 ; and Agnes Hunter, in 1817. Robert, who was a general merchant, died in 1845. 261 Andrew Harvie, the first named partner in the formerly well-known firm of publishers, booksellers and stationers, " Armour and Ramsay," with branches in Kingston and Toronto, died in 1859. The firm " Armour and Ramsay " owned and directed the Montreal Gazette for many years. They had a strong British feeling, and as race questions were at the time agitated, the Gazette in their hands was the stout champion of the rights of the English-speaking minority. John survives, and resides in Hamilton, Ontario, So does Agnes Hunter, as the widow of the late Hew Ramsay, of the firm above mentioned ; and the mother of the late beloved Robert Anstruther Ramsay, advocate, whose sudden taking off a few months ago, in the prime of his manhood, was universally deplored. A Christian, a scholar and a gentleman ; he bore the white flower of a blameless life. No citizen, at least outside those worship- ping in the old church, took a deeper interest in its fortunes, or more enthusiastically supported the proposal to publish its annals. Hugh and Shaw Armour were younger brothers of Robert's, who came to Canada some years after him, and established a general mercantile business. Hugh died at St. Therese de Blainville, in 1822, aged 36 years. In 1816, Shaw bought pews 56 and 57, as also 90 and 91 in the St. Grabriel Street Church. In 1820, Shaw Armour was dis- count clerk in the Bank of Canada. He afterwards removed to Cobourg, in the upper province. John Fleming, w^ho was a regular subscriber to the church from 1807 onv/ards, was born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, in 1786. He came as a youth to Montreal, and joined the firm of Hart, Logan and Company, general merchants. He was one of the first presidents of the Bank of Montreal. In addition to prosecuting trade, he found time to court the muses. The SodUe Literaire de 268 Quebec offered a medal for the best ode commemoratiug the fifty years reigu of George III, iu 1809. It was won by Mr. Fleming. He had one of the finest private libraries in the province, containing about 11,000 volumes. He pos- sessed a fine literary taste, and wrote a good deal. Amongst other productions of his pen was a book entitled : " The Political Annals of Lower Canada, being a Review of the Political and Legislative History of that Province." The substance of the publication had previously appeared in the form of Essays in the Canadian Reviein. Mr. Fleming died of cholera in 1882. During the troublous times in the congregation, from 1829 to 1832, he took sides with Mr. Black, but died before St. Paul's was fully or- ganized. Charles Arnoldi. watchmaker, bought pew No. 60 in 1807, w^hich he continued to occupy till 1810. He and his wife, Anne Brown, had a child baptized by Mr. Somerville, 3rd February, 1806. James Ellice Campbell, who bought pews 49 and 50, when they were given up by Moses Northropp in 1812, was an old North-wester. He was one of the ofilcers of the corps of voyageurs that took Detroit in 1812, holding, under Colonel McGillivray, the rank of Quarter Master. He afterwards became a lumber merchant and ship owner, having a yard at Hochelaga. He was appointed culler of timber, staves, &c., in 1820, He married a sister of De Bellefeuille Macdonald, and his son, James Reid Campbell, named after Chief Justice Reid, was one of the claimants to the Earldom of Breadalbane when Glenfalloch took the estates and title. J. Reid Campbell lives on his estate of Inverardine, near Cornwall, Ontario. His con- nection with the church appears to have begun in 1812. Lewis Charles, a relative of Mr, McTavish, who came 269 from the old country as a landscape j^ardener to lay out the grounds around the mansion which the great fur king had planned, also attended the St. Gabriel Street Church at this time. His son, J. Charles, was a gardener, in Mountain Street, in 1819. His grand-daughter is the wife of John N. Hickey, commission merchant of Mackay Street. William Blackwood, of the firm of Blackwood and Larocque, merchants, a brother of Thomas and John, also belonged to this period. He was a member of the Tem- poral Committee in 1815, 1816 and 1817. He died on the 15th April, 1831, aged 45 years. Hugh Brodie, grandfather of Hugh Brodie, the notary, of Montreal, was also a member of the church at the be- ginning of the century. His daughter, Mary, now the aged wife of Matthew Woodrow of St. Lambert, was baptized by Mr. Somerville on the 20th November, 1804. Mr. Brodie then lived at Chambly. Afterwards he became Mr. John Lilly's farmer, a position he filled until he acquired property of his own at Coteau St. Pierre, where he died in 1852, aged 72 years. A native of Lochwinnoch, Ayrshire, Scotland, his life was devoted to agricultural pursuits, in which he became a pattern to his French Canadian neigh- bours. He took special pleasure in giving information and counsel to his fellow-countrymen, newly arrived, for whom his house was ever open. His fame as an agricul- turist extended beyond Canada, and he was several times appointed a judge at the New York State Agricultural Exhibitions. He seems to have severed his connection with the St. G-abriel Street congregation, soon after the St. Peter Street Church was organized, with which he connected himself. He was ordained an elder in that church, and warmly commended himself to the Christain community by a walk and conversation becoming the 270 Grospel. His sous, Hugh aud Robert, both uow deceased, were successful farmers, aud highly respected members of the commuuity, and left the heritage of a good name to their children and children's children. James Brown who purchased pew No. 8, in 1805, and held it for twenty years, was an influential citizen. Born in Griasgow in 1776, he came as a lad to Quebec, where he was married at the age of 19, by Rev. Alexander Spark. Here his two eldest children were born and baptized. He removed to Montreal in 1801 or 1802, and became the pioneer book-seller and stationer of Montreal, besides ac- quiring the proprietorship of the Montreal Gazette, which had been continuously published since 1778 He em- ployed a large number of men in the several departments of his business. Amongst others of his employees was the father of the Hon. Justice Badgley, who acted as editor of the Gazette. He occupied, therefore, in most respects, the same position early in the century that Armour and Ram- say filled at a later date. In the course of his business he was obliged to take over as payment a paper mill at St. Andrews, near Carillon, so that he was forced into becom- ing a manufacturer. He disposed of the Gazette to Mr. Turner, and his other business to other parties, and con- fined his attention to the mill. It did not prove a profit- able undertaking — he rather lost heavily in the business. Mr. Brown gave £2 to the steeple and bell fund in 1810. His pew was sold 1826, as he no longer lived in the city or paid pew rent. There being no Scotch church then in St. Andrews, the family attended the Episcopal services, and ultimately connected themselves with that com- munion, which the survivors among his children, Mr. John O. Brown, formerly auctioneer, now agent, and Miss Brown, an octogenarian, who is still vigorous, continue to do, being members of Trinity Church. Mr. Brown died 23rd May, 1845, aged 60 years. 271 Grwynn Owen Radford, the jailer of Montreal, also became a supporter of ordinances in St. Gabriel Street Churcli in 1804, contributing £1 15s. that year to the minister's stipend — and increasing the amount to £2 in 180'). He was a prominent Freemason, and was at the head of a small company of five who founded the Grand Assembly of Knight Templars and Knights of Malta in 1800. Among the Norwesters, perhaps there was no name around which such stirring memories gathered as that of Archibald Norman MacLeod — not even Cuthbert Grant's. MacLeod was one of the pioneers of the fur trade. Along with John Gregory he had started a company to com- pete with that at the head of which stood Simon McTavish and the Frobishers. When the two concerns amalgamated, he was the most prominent of the partners actually in the Indian country. He acted as Major under Colonel McGillivray, in the successful expedition against Detroit, in 1812. He also figured largely in the attempt to drive the Selkirk Highlanders away from the Red River, in 1816, and directed the operations conducted by Grant, Pangman, Montour and others. At an earlier date, although he was a magistrate for the North-west terri- tories, he was charged with attempting to drive off Rous- seau and Hervieu from trading with the Indians. Colonel Coltman, of Quebec, who went as a commissioner, specially designated by the Governor-General, to inquire into the circumstances attending the death of Governor Semple, and the troubles between Lord Selkirk and the North- west Company, reported MacLeod as one of those to be held responsible for the murder of Semple. He was a visitor at St. Peter's Lodge of Freemasons in lt81, but he was very little in Montreal. His connection with the St. Gabriel Street Church appears to have begun 2*72 • only in 1809, when he subscribed a guinea, which he continued to give. In 1811, he contributed <£8 16s towards wiping out the church debt. He bought pew 30 in the gallery, in 1819. In that year, and in 1820, we find him in the head office of the company, in St Gabriel Street. Lieutenant-Colonel William MacKay had also a connec- tion with the St. Gabriel Street Church during Mr. Somerville's ministry. He had been a trader on his own account upon the banks of the Menoraoni River from the year lt96 onwards. He finally settled down at Michilli- makinac, from which centre he directed his fur operations. Visiting Montreal in 1808, he then married Eliza Davidson, daughter of the Hon. Justice Davidson. He joined the North-west Company in 1812. On the breaking out of hostilities between Great Britain and the United States, in that year, he put himself at the head of the British settlers ; and soon afterwards took the fort of Prairie-du- Chien, which from that time forward bore his name, Fort MacKay. He undertook an expedition against the Mississippi in 1814, in command of the Michigan Fenci- bles, and, by the military successes which he achieved, earned for himself his Lieutenant-Colonelcy. He tra- velled, during the w^ar, 19,000 miles. He is described as an " active and intelligent gentleman, and of an imposing figure." The Alexander MacKay, mentioned by Washing- ton Irving in Astoria, was his brother, and was in the employ of the North-west Company as early as 1806. He also attended the church for some time, and with William contributed jGIO to the steeple and bell fund in 1810. William MacKay's name first appeared on the subscription list in 1809, and continued till his return westward in 1812. He gave ^3 to the debt in 1810. A son, William, who died in infancy, was baptized by Mr. Somerville, 22nd November, 1811. The Hon. Robert MacKay, retired 273 justice of the Superior Court, oue of the warmest patrons of Art aucl Letters among our citizens, is another son. Colonel MacKay returned to Montreal, and occupied a position in the Indian Department from 1820 onwards till his death. The name of the MacKay family is perpet- uated in the street which is called after them. Of all the Northwesters, of whose career I have know- ledge, perhaps the most romantic was that of John Mac- donald, of Garth, son of Macdonald of G-arth, formerly captain in the 84th Highlanders. Descended from the Keppoch family, he inherited the high spirit and courage of the famous Lords of the Isles. He came to Canada in 1791, as a lad of 17 years, and entered the service of the North-west Company. As he was brother-in-law of Lieut.- G-eneral Sir Archibald Campbell, Bart., G.C.B., Governor of New Brunswick, and Commander-in-Chief in the Burmese war, as well as of Hon. "William McGillivray, who was married to his sister Magdalen MacDonald, and was a grand-nephew of General Small, Governor of Guernsey, formerly Colonel of the 84th Highlanders, he was afforded every opportunity of rising in the service. For a few years, at first, he was under the direction of Angus Shaw, for whom he conceived the highest affection and esteem ; so that when he was offered a place on the staff of Sir Alexander MacKenzie, when that renowned traveller was setting out on his voyage of discovery, he declined to attach himself to any one else in preference to Mr. Shaw. Having shown energy and pluck on many occasions, thereby commending himself to the senior part- ners, he was selected to lead in many enterprises in which these qualities were required. Among other things given him to do was to rescue David Thomson, the astronomer of the Company, who was on one occasion, in British Columbia, cut off from communication with the posts east 8 274 of the mouiitaiii.s, through the interposition of hostile Indians. He succeeded in bringing Mr. Thomson safely across the " Rockies." It was after this that he visited Montreal and attended the St. Gabriel Street Church. In March, 1808, he, now a partner, and Angus Shaw, Aeneas Cameron and A. N. McLeod, all made a contribution to the funds of the church, and had their names inscribed in the Treasurer's books. But his great undertaking was in the war of 1812-4. He received the commission from the Company, to fit out an expedition for the capture of the fur-depot of the American traders, with John Jacob Astor at their head, which had been established at the mouth of the Columbia or Oregon River, and called after its founder *' Astoria." He sailed from England in the ship " Isaac Todd," in 1813, for this purpose, and landed at Astoria, on the 30th of November in that year, after doubling Cape Horn. On the 1st day of December, Captain Smith of the sloop, on board which Macdonald and his party reached the settlement, took possession of the depot in the name of King George, and called it Fort George, after his Royal Master. Here, a party that came by land across the moun- tains, met them, rnd Macdonald, as senior partner of the firm, amongst them, had the chief responsibility thrown upon his shoulders. He conducted Astor himself, and John Clarke, McDougall, Stewart and Donald McKenzie, who were Astor's associates in business, as prisoners, across the Rocky mountains, and over the plains to Fort "William, where, at the conclusion of the war, they were set at liberty. He settled at Gray's Creek, in the County of Glengarry, in 1816, at the instance of Bishop Mac- Donnell. He was persuaded by his son to write an account of his adventurous life, which he did in his 89th year, and has left two manuscript volumes, of great historic value, embracing sketches of his experiences and reminiscences. Besides these interesting memoranda, 27') th(^ Bellefeuillo Macdonalds have portraits of Hou. \V. McGillivray and A. N. MacLeod. Mr. Macdoiiald died at the ripe old age of 90 years, leaving, among other children, the late Judge Rolland Macdonald, of "Welland, Ontario, and De Bellefeuille Mac- donald of this city, whose wife is a daughter of Lieut.- Col. the Hon. R U. Harwood, M.L.C., Seignior of Vau- dreuil, — whose mother, again, was a daughter of the Marquis of Lotbiniere, Knight of the Royal and Military Order of St. Louis, and Engineer-in-Chief of New France. CHArTER xvir. Rev. Henry Esson, M.A.,--Hi8 iiirtii, Education, and call to MoNTRKATi — HlH HIGH CULTITRB AND SOCIAL tlTALITIES— IIlS EARLY THEOLOGICAL VIEWS — His connection witii edi'cation and the Clbroy Reserves QUESTION His marri;..?j— His ideas about an Estahlisiied Church — The change in nis notions ok rREAciiiNG the Gospel — Joins the disruption movement in Canada — Appointed Professor in Knox College — His Death — Dh. Willis' estimate of his character and WORK. The Rev. Henry Esson's pastorate in St. Gabriel Street Church was not only the longest, leaving out the fifteen years during which Mr. Somerville was nominally min- ister, without sharing in the work or responsibilities of the office ; but also covered the most important period of its history, and was in many respects the most influential. He was a man exceptionally gifted, and he found in the Montreal of those days a fitting theatre on which his gifts could be displayed to a^^ vantage. No other minister of the church ever bulked so largely in the eyes of the public, or made so marked an impression upon the entire community. Mr. Esson belonged to the city and country, as well as to the Scotch Church in St. Gabriel Street. He was just the kind of man the proprietors of pews, on the whole, were at the moment looking for. The new Christ Church was now opened, and, with its organ and music, and other attractions, was a keen, though friendly compe- titor with its Scotch neighbour near by. The leading men of the St. Gabriel Street Church resolved to have their organ and other attractions centred in the pulpit. An able REV. HENRY ESSON, M.A. J^l 211 and accomplished preacher was the agency on which their confidence for the success of their church rested. Mr. Esson was born at Deeside, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, in the year 1793, so that he was 24 years of age, in 181Y, when he became joint pastor of the St. Gabriel Street Church. He was the youngest son of a highly respected farmer, who trained his household in the fear of the Lord, and received an abundant blessing from heaven in return. He ijceived his university education in Marischal College, Aberdeen, and had the good fortune to attract the special attention of the Rev. Professor Stuart of that institution, by reason of his scholarly attainments and amiability of disposition. Many of the prominent merchants of Montreal were from Aberdeen city or county, and when an addi- tion il clergyman was wanted for the Scotch Church in this city, it was natural for them to put themselves in communication with the influential representatives of the church in the Granite City, in order to gain the end they bad in view, the securing of a colleague to Mr. Somerville, who would worthily sustain the dignified position of a Minister of the Established Churcli of Scotland, in the com- mercial metropolis of Canada, by h.s preaching power, his literary acquirements and his social taL-nts. Clothed by the representatives of the congregation here with full ap- pointing power, Professor Stuart selected Mr. Esson as eminently well-fitted in all these respects for the situation in question. We give the history of the transaction, as showing how the Presbyterian Church managed to work out its destiny • in special circumstances, and accommodated itself to the exigencies in which it was placed. At a meeting of the temporal committee on the 14th December, 1816, " It was intimated that several members of the Clmrch had expressed an opinion that, in consideration of the delicate condition of the present 218 Minister's health, and the multiplicity of duty he has to perform, a col- league would be desirable, if sufficient funds for his support could be procured." The Committee agreed that a meeting of the proprie- tors and members of the church should be intimated for Sunday, the 22nd instant, to be held thereon, immediately after the forenoon service, to take the same into considera- tion. " Montreal, 22nd December, 1816." " Pursuant to the resolution of the Committee of the 14th inst., a general meeting of proprietors and members was held in the church, when it was unanimously agreed : — " That a subscription should be opened for raising a sum of money to be applied to the purpose of procuring a minister from Scotland, as a colleague to the Eev. J. Somerville, and other contingent expenses, and that the annual salary of said colleague should not be less than £400. Messrs. George Garden, James Leslie, Jasper Tough, Robert Armour and A. L. MacNider were chosen and appointed a special committee." This was the initiation of the movement to obtain a colleague and sviccessor to Mr. Somerville. *&' "Montreal, 9th February, 1817." •* It was ordered that the Secretary should furnish the Rev. Mr. Somer- ville with copies of the proceedings of the meeting of the Committee of the 14th of December last, and of that of the Proprietors and members of the congregation on the 22nd of the same month, and to request that he would give his assistance to carrying the present measure into effect." This was the second step taken towards maintaining the efficiency of the pulpit of the St. Gabriel Street Church. How Mr. Somerville regarded the movement, I will let Dr. Wilkie tell. After detailing the facts respecting the failure of that gentleman's health, his biography goes on to say : — " From these circumstances it cannot be wondered at, that, in a large congregation, such as his was, there should be many persons who would 279 ■wish for what would be considered a more efficient minister. A large proportion of the members, it is true, convinced of his earnest desire to do his duty as faithfully as possible ; and penetrated with a conviction of the honesty and benevolence of his heart, would do nothing to his prejudice ; and nothing, certainly, without consulting him. It is but justice to that highly respectable congregation, to state that this portion was all along predominant. . . . But whatever might be their opinions indivi- dually, it was agreed finally, with his consent, if not his approbation, to send for an assistant or colleague, for by which designation he should be named, seems not at first to be definitely settled. . . . Mr. Somerville received his colleague, for such he was now admitted to be, with becoming courtesy and frankness. Nor does it appear, that notwithstanding slight diflerences of opinion in the Session or in the Presbytery, formed some years after, any cessation occurred of the cordiality which such a connec- tion implies. In the difficulties, also, which several years afterwards arose from various causes, he gave his influence and advice, whenever he was able to give it, steadily in favour of a fair and honourable treatment of his brother." And Mr. Esson reciprocated these fraternal sentiments. He was too benevolent in heart and reverent in disposition not to respect the feelings and regard the susceptibilities of his venerable colleague. Professor Stuart lost no time in executing the commission with which he was entrusted* as the following documents show : — " At Aberdeen, the seventh day of May, one thousand eight hundred and seventeen : — Which day the Presbytery of Aberdeen being met and constituted. Professor John Stuart, of Marischal College, Aberdeen, having craved access to the Presbytery and been admitted, produced a letter of procura- tory, from the committee of the Scots Presbyterian congregation in Mont- real, Lower Canada, empowering him to send out an ordained clergyman of the Church of Scotland, as colleague to the Rev. James Somerville, their present minister. Said letter being read and sustained, Professor Stuart informed the Presbytery that from his personal knowledge of Mr. Henry Esson, whom the Presbytery had this day licensed to preach the Gospel, he had recommended him to that congregation, as a proper person to be colleague to their minister, and that, in consequence, he had received a blank call subscribed by the committee appointed by the congregation, and corroborated by Mr. Somerville, the minister, and by the elders, — which call he had this day filled up with the name of Mr. Henry Esson. Together with said call, Professor Stuart gave in to the Presbytery the following letter : — 230 To TUB Very Rfverbnd thh PnESBYTERV of Aherdehn". Gentlemen, — I beg leave to lay before you the annexed extract from the Roriords of the late Synod of Alierdeen, by which you will learn the state of the Presbyterian Church of Montreal in Canada, and their anxious desire of forming a more intimate connection with their mother church. You will also see that having been appointed proxy or agent for that con- gregation by a committee of their managers, I have been authorized to make choice of a suitable person as colleague to their senior clergyman, who is in bad health, and that they are desirous of such assistant not only receiving his license and ordination from the Church of Scotland, but also of his being sent out to America under their particular sanction and au- thority. I have, therefore, entered into an agreement with Mr. Henry Esson, who has just been licensed by your Reverend Body, to go out to Canada, in that capacity, and being empowered irx the name of the con- gregation to })romise him a very liberal stipend or salary, I flatter myself that there can be no objection to his being now again taken on Trials and formally ordained a Minister of this Church. Allow me farther to solicit, that as the Presbyterians of Montreal, from their jieculiar situation, are very much in want of a clergyman, and that from an application about to be made in his behalf to the ensuing General Assembly of this Church, it would be very highly gratifying to that congregation, if his ordination could take place before the meeting of the Assembly, you would proceed to his ordination with all pos-^ible despatch. I have the honour to be, in the name of the Committee of IManagers, very respectfully, Reverend Gentlemen, Your faithful and obedient servant, (Signed), Jo. Stuart, Mar. College. Aberdeen, 7th May,lS17." " The salary warranted to Mr. Esson is £400 currency per annum, equivalent to £360 sterling, over and above the fees for marriages, etc., which may amount to at least £50 more. Professor Stuart also laid before the Presbytery a letter from Mr. Henry Esson, signifying his acceptance of said office, together with a certificate of Mr. Esson's qualification to government, on all which Professor Stuart took instruments in the hands of the Clerk. The Presbytery having duly considered, the foregoing pai^ers and request, unanimously agreed to take the necessary steps for ordaining Mr. Esson with all convenient speed. They accordingly pre- scribed to him the usual pieces of Trial, and they resolved to meet in the ordinary place on Thurday, the 15th current, to receive said Trials, and to ordain Mr. Esson if they shall then find him qualified." " At Al)erdeen, the fifteenth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and seventeen ; the Presbytery of Aberdeen being met and co>istituted, compeared Mr. Henry Esson and delivered several pieces of Trial pre- 281 scribed to him at last meeting. He was then removed, and the Presbytery having deliberately considered said Trials, did highly approve of the same ; and it having been certified to the Presbytery that he had preached publicly with great approbation, — and the Presbytery being also stitisfied as to his piety, prudence and other ministerial qualifications, tbey unan- imously agreed to proceed to his ordination. Said (Questions being put and satisfactorily answered, the Presbytery did and hereby do, by solemn prayer and imposition of hands, set apart INIr. Henry Esson to the office of the Holy Ministry. He was afterwards seriously and suitably address. ed ; and Mr. Esson having on a former occasion subionbed the formula of the Church of Scotland, he now received the right hand of fellowship as a Minister of this Church . The Presbytery appointed their clerk to furnish Mr. Esson with an extract of their proceedings relative to his ordination when called for. " (Signed,) John Leslie, "Pby. Clerk." This was the course followed seventy years ago. before there was a Presbytery or other local machiuery here to facilitate clerical settlements, by a congregation desiring a minister from the Church of Scotland ; and we have seen, in some recent cases, in the city, that no better plan has yet been devised for overcoming the difficulties to be sur- mounted, in gaining the same end, bv consregations. in our day. Mr. Esson entered upon his duties in the autumn of 181t, and soon made himself felt in Montreal as a scholar, a gentleman, and a brilliant talker. The congregation were proud of their gifted young minister, who was able to uphold in any presence the dignity befitting a repre- sentative of one of the established churches of G-reat Britain. Courteous in manner as Sir Charles Grandison himself, he possessed social qualities of a high order, and, as described by one of our octogenarian citizens, who knew him well and was competent to make a fair esti- mate of the man, he was easily the leader in the best Montreal circles of the period. Graceful and fluent in speech, when a congenial subject was introduced, before 282 the art of conversation was wholly lost, he carried off the palm from all competitors. There was some risk of the conversation running, indeed, into a monologue, as was the case with that distinguished talker Coleridge, accord- ing to the testimony of Charles Lamb, — and with Lord Macaulay, as Sidney Smith represented the matter, when he said, '' I believe Macaulay never did hear the sound of my voice." Mr. Esson was at this period of his life the soul of any company in which he was found. Later in life, he became more reserved, as if mentally pre-occupied. He had a most exuberant imagination, and it had ample materials on which to work in the vast stores of know- ledge which his retentive memory placed always at his disposal. Nor had he any difficulty in finding utterance. The language at his command was always equal to ex- pressing the ideas produced in his fertile brain. And then he had all the simplicity of a child. He was a very Nathanael for guilelessness. He was absolutely free from suspicions and was consequently easily imposed upon by the unworthy. He was known more than once to take off, even on the street, one of two coats he was wearing, and give it to a needy person whom he met. This generosity of nature and freedom from suspiciousness led him not unfrequently to patronize undeserving persons ; and it is believed that it was some of those who had victim- ized him that afterwards rewarded him evil for his good, and gave currency to the mischievous rumours which caused so much injury to thje congregation, and distress to himself and all concerned in the welfare of the Church. The followin^!^ is the entry of Mr. Esson's first marriage in the Church Registers : — Rev. Henry Esson, one of the ministers of the Scotch Kirk, Montreal and Miss Maria Sweeney, of the same place, spinster, were joined in marriage (by license) at Montreal, this seventh day of July, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three, by (Signed) ED. BLACK, Minister." 283 This entry is signed, in addition to the principals, by Campbell Sweeney, Jane D. Caldwell, M. C. Sv^eeney, Anna Sweeney, Elizabeth Sweeney, Robert Sweeney, Campbell Sweeney, Junr., Martin Caldwell, H. Urquhart, W. Caldwell and James Sweeney. A son named Campbell Sweeney was born to them 16th December, 1825, and baptized by Mr. Black. This son, and another afterwards, died in infancy. Mrs. Esson also died on the 2nd of February, 1826, aged only 24 years. In 1842, he married Elizabeth Campbell, of Edinburgh, sister of Rev. A. J. Campbell, of Geelong, Australia, and of A, J. Campbell, formerly of the Merchants Bank of Canada, — and aunt of Rev. F. Renaud, of St. John's, and of the wife of Bishop Sullivan. In his youth, Mr. Esson was of a gay disposition, and his preaching at this period had a strong literary flavour about it, although in our day it would not be deemed popular. In the first twenty years of his ministry, it was chiefly the Gospel of culture which he taught. He preached the first sermon of the St. Andrew's Society of Montreal in 1835. The discourse was published, and is remarkable for the vast erudition which it displays. The literary notes accompanying ii exhibit a wide range of read- ing, and especially an extensive acquaintance with the principles of philosophy, which was his favourite study. His style of preaching, at that period, although it might fascinate and please men for a while, very soon ceased to have power. There is a time for dilating in the pulpit upon the noble faculties of man and urging their proper employment. The Bible contains a great deal in praise of virtue, and much of both the Old and New Testament is taken up with enforcing duty upon man and maintain- ing the claims of morality. No religious teacher is war- ranted in overlooking this fact, or in failing to do justice to the whole circle of truth embodied in the word of God ; 284 it is his office to rightly divide it. But souls are not saved by descantiug on the beauties of the sentiments set forth by Jesus and His Apostles. As a rule, sinful men require a more heroic treatment. The patient suffering from a gangrene cannot be cured by aprinkliug rosewater about his apartment. And the people who go to church, sometimes at least, have cravings after a new life. They expect to be told of their sins — they are, to a certain ex- tent conscious of their short-comings, and feel that the preacher who does not take hold of them, as they are, is not the spiritual physician they need. They are not long satisfied to be spoken to as if they were saints ; so that the sermons on Christian duties, which are very useful to believers already advanced in the divine life, seem to them as idle tales. Such discourses take them into a realm of which they have no knowledge ; and they cease to attend the services where what is spoken does not touch their real condition. Mr. Esson's preaching at this period was of a kind to pall on the hearts of the people who had religious yearnings. He did not stir the blood by calling sinners to repentance, nor did he insist strongly upon the necessity of the new birth. He called attention rather to the meekness and purity of Jesus than to His great work as the sin-bearer. Many young preachers make the same mistake as Mr. Esson : in their own love of truth and enthusiasm for righteousness, they fancy- that they have not to do more than point out what is lovely and of good report to their hearers, in order to obtain a ready practical acquiescence in their views. They have to learn by experience that men have to be reconstructed before much is to be looked for from them, in the way of a fine character. In short, he attempted building up a fine Christian character, without seeing well to the foundations. He did not attend to the due proportion between doctrines and duties. The staple of 285 his teaching related to the latter rather thau the former. This style of sermonizing made him popular with some, but it soon lost its hold upon others ; and it was out of the felt lack in his discourses, more than in the weight of the duties of the pastorate, that the desire sprang for another colleague to Mr. Somerville, besides Mr. Esson. Meantime, the church lost its chance of holding some good people like Duncan Fisher's family, John Torrance, Henry Wilkes, and James Ferrier, who otherwise would naturally have remained in it. The Reverend John Hick, already mentioned as marrying into the Fisher family, was a popular Methodist preacher, sent out by the British Conference, and stationed in Montreal first, in the years 1819-20, and again in 1828-30. He was succeeded by Rev. P. L. Lusher and others whose manner of pulpit address made pungent appeals to the conscience and ' struck at the roots of sin in the soul. The Rev. Mr. Per- kins, of the American Presbyterian Church, which se- parated from St. Andrew's Church, in 1823, was also what is known as an evangelical preacher, so that those who were dissatisfied with themselves, and had an in- stinctive desire for a new heart anu a sense of forgiveness, went either to hear him or the Methodist preacher. This was the reason why St. Grabriel Street Church gave some of its good people to the Methodist and American Presby- terian Churches, as others betook themselves to the Church of England, on social grounds, or on account of local circumstances. Another outcome of the teaching of Mr. Esson's early ministry was the establishment in after years of the Unitarian Association and Congregation in. Montreal. He was not very clear in his views as to the Divinity of Our Lord, any more than as to His atoning work ; and, as a consequence, there were some, among his hearers, who did not stop short at his hesitating semi- socinianism, but went on in the direction in which his 286 doubts and speculations on these fundamental subjects probably lirst started them. To satisfy those whom Mr. Esson's teaching* did not suit, and to secure thorough ethciency in the pastoral diq^art- meut of the work in the congregation, the Rev. Edward Black was added to the ministerial staff in 1823. It was thought that he possessed the gifts and qualities which were found to be lacking in Mr. Esson, and it was expected that these gentlemen being what mathematicians call the complement of one another, the church would be excep- tionally well served by their united efforts. As is well- known, these expectations were far from being realized: the arrangement did not work well. I am not going to appor- tion the blame for the failure between the parties : there were, doubtless, faults on both sides. This matter will be treated of more fully, when we come to the secession of the St. Paul's congregation from the St. Gabriel Street Church. But this much I may say here : the ministers were less culpable than the people. "Whatever differences or diversities of view and feeling existed between Mr. Esson and Mr. Black were taken up by their respective partizans, in the congregation, and became widened and intensified in their minds and hearts. The final issue, as we shall see farther on, was the withdrawal of Mr. Black and the portion of the congregation that sympathized w^ith him, in 1833, to constitute a new congregation, and thus originated St. Paul's Church, which stands in the front rank of the Churches in the Dominion. Mr. Esson, like Mr. Strachan, at Cornwall, devoted a portion of his time to the education of youth during the greater part of his ministry in Montreal, establishing the "Montreal Academic Institution." In this way he eked out his income, which was rather limited after the original subscription, on the strength of which he accept- ed the position, expired. He was aided in his educational •287 work by the Rev. Hugh Urquhart, of whom a iiotii^e will b»' given elsewhere, from the date of that gentlemau's arrival in Montreal in the autumn of 1822, until his re- moval, in 1827, to Cornwall, to become pastor of the Srot- tish Church in that place, Mr. Esson was an admirable , teacher, for, besides possessing high attainments, and the art of imparting knowledge, he was animated by a line enthusiasm, which stimulated the mental powers of the youth entrusted to his care. Besides supplying a felt want in the community, in the absence of a grammar school, he preserved his scholarship, and cultivated those academic tastes, which qualified him for the responsible position he filled during the last nine years of his life, as a professor in Knox College, Toronto. His interest in edu- cation naturally inclined him to stand up for the rights of the Church of Scotland, to share with the Church of Eng- land in directing the schools of the province, and in fur- nishing them with teachers. There was a long and severe contest over this matter ; but his views prevailed at last. To him the liberalizing of the constitution of Mi^Crill College, and freeing it from the domination of the Church of England, was also in a good measure due. He carried on a vigorous correspondence on the subject with his con- temporary, Dean Bethune, for some time in the Herald, £nd his letters carried conviction to the minds of the Gov- ernors, so that finally, the institution, largely through his influence, was got upon its present non-denominational, though Protestant footing. He was also an earnest champion of the rights of the ministers of the Church of Scotland, to participate in the benefits of the Clergy Reserves. He ably seconded Rev. Dr. Harkness of Quebec, who was his senior, in the move- ment to secure for the Scotch Church equal priA'ileges with those accorded to the Church of England in Canada ; and to him was entrusted the duty of drawaug up some 288 ol' th«! mo8t important dorumonts by way of establishing the rights at issue When the Clergy Reserves question came to be discussed, the part he played in eonnec^tion with its settlement in 1840, will be more particularly noted. It was a well-merited honour, therelbre, to which his brethren raised him, in 1842, when they placed him in the chair of the Moderator of the Synod. His public services, rendered to the church, in the way of vindicating its rights in Canada, entitled him to this mark of distinc- tion at their hands. By this time, too, a marked change had come over his religious views, which brought him more into the line of sympathy with the other ministers of the church. What specially led up to this revolution in his sentiments, and caused him to begin to preach up the great evangelical doctrines of the Gospel, I have been unable to trace. His most intimate friends were never made aware of the occa- sion of the change, although the fact of the change was known far and wide. One informant hints that his intimacy during his widowhood with the lady who subsequently became his wife, had, probably, something to do with bringing about this wholesome state of mind ; although she modestly disclaimed any such influence in the affair. Certain it is, at all events, that during the latter part of his ministry, he preached Christ crucified as the great power of G-od, for the salvation of sinners. He was chosen, with Rev. Dr. Mathieson, of St. Andrew's Church, chaplain to the St. Andrew's Society of Montreal, at its formation in 1835, and preached the first sermon delivered to the society on the 30th November, in that year — a sermon that breathed forth a spirit of lofty patriot- ism as well as showed the literary accomplishments of its author. He preached the annual discourse to the Society, on two subsequent occasions ; and when he resigned the chaplaincy, in 1845, on removing to Toronto, he was elected an honorary member of the Society. 289 Long- before 1831, he had telt the necessity of a fuller rresbyteriaii organization than was afforded by the isolated congregations in Upper and Lower Canada, the ministers and elders of which had met only occasionally for ordinations. In 1827, the ministers, elders and tem- poral committee of the Church in St. Grabriel Street, presented a petition to the Governor in Chief, pointing out the disabilities under which they laboured, and con- (;luding with the request that " His Ex(!ollency would grant a charter of Incorporation to the said Church, either sole or aggregate, with power to hold the land on which the church stands, und also land to form the site of a manse and ? glebe and burial ground . . . under such limitations and restrictions, as to his wisdom might seem proper and necessary." It was not till fifteen months afterwards that an answer was received from the secretary. " It was very brief and to this purport," wrote Mr. Esson in 1831, " That the petition had been referred to His Majesty's Attorney General, and, from the report of that officer, His Ex(3ellency found that he had not the power to grant the charter prayed for." In his memor- andum to the Synod, after its formation, Mr. Esson thought that the Church in Canada should not rest satis- fied with the amount of organization which the Synod recently formed, had given. Arguing from the confusion and difficulties connected with the St. Gabriel Street Church at the time of writing, he added : — " The fact is stated to shew the miserable state of anarchy in which we have been placed for some time past, in hopes that the parent Church of North Britain will take effectual measures for introducing into these provinces an efficient church government and discipline. But it is humbly conceived this cannot be done without an Act of the United Parlia- ments of Great Britain and Ireland, to establish or authorize the establishment of an ecclesiastical jurisdiction here, T 290 and to give the civil magistrate power and authority to aid the charch courts, when such aid may become neces- sary." Mr. Esson, it will be seen, was a very high church- man, of the Presbyterian type. The Established Church of Scotland was his ideal, which he wished introduced into Canada. He was very glad, indeed, to accept such an instalment of organization as the formation, in 1831, of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada in connection with the Church of Scotland afforded ; and he and his colleagues, along with the session and congregation, not only heartily connected themselves with it, acknowledging its jurisdic- tion, but they invoked its good offices towards obtaining a settlement of the unhappy differences which at this period were rending the congregation in pieces. But in 1844, Mr. Esson was carried on the top of the wave of Free Church sentiment, that had already swept over the mother country, and had now reached the shores of Canada. He took his place at the head of the band of sympathizers with the non-intrusion party of the Church of Scotland, in the Montreal district ; and threw himself into the controversy with characteristic ardour and enthu- siasm, as we shall see by and by. In November of that year, he resigned his charge, on being appointed professor in Knox College, Toronto. The impression which he made in this new sphere may be gathered from the tributes paid to him after his decease. He died on the 11th of May, 1853, in the 61st year of his age. The following notice was penned by his friend, Greorge Brown, of the Globe, and sets forth his qualities in a few graphic and delicate touches : — " He was a man of studious habits and of varied learn- ing; of unquestionable logical powers, and of fertile imagination ; and into all that he did, he carried with him a noble enthusiasm, which enabled him to triumph ■ 291 over many obstacles. He was an applicant for the chair of history in the University of Toronto, and his appointment was confidently expected. Of most agreeable manners and amiable temper ; in private life he was respected and beloved, and he will be long and kindly remembered." This estimate of Mr. Esson's life and work will be fit- tingly concluded by the following tribute, paid to him by his colleague, the Rev. Principal "Willis, D.D., of Knox College, who had the best opportunities of knowing him, in the course of a sermon, preached in Rev. Mr. Irvine's church, G-eorge Street, Toronto, on the Sabbath evening following his death : — " The end of a long illness, in the case of our friend, Professor Esson, came with a somewhat unexpected rapid- ity, and so far, we were taken by surprise. I had the satisfaction to be present at the solemn moment when the spirit was taking its departure, and joined in commending him to the Saviour in whom he trusted. He is gone ! and the cordial regret simultaneously uttered by a large circle of friends, bears testimony to the void which his death is felt to have made in the community, and to the high esteem which his disposition and virtues had secured for him in the hearts of his fellow citizens. " Mr. Esson was one whom it was impossible to know and not to love, for the noble simplicity and ingenuousness of his temper and manners, united with an ardour of spirit, rendering his congenial studies a source of constant enjoyment to himself and enabling him to interest the hearts, as well as the minds of students, in comparatively abstract speculations ; but which never kindled into more fervent enthusiasm than when his mind dwelt, in the course of private conversation, or in public prelections, on the practical tendencies and prospective issues of the labours of studioiTs men and philanthropists, in accelerat- ing the diffusion of universal happiness, and ameliorating the condition, physical and moral, of the humdn race. 292 " 1 have seldom or ever known a man more ingenious, more superior to whatever is mean or sordid in intention or sinister or intriguing in mode of action, or with whom it was more manifest that views of personal inter- est and ambition of power, and love of popularity, were not the principles that held sway with him in council or in conduct in public affairs. Whether you agreed with him in sentiment, or whether you differed, you found in him, in the one case, a hearty and honest associate, and in the other a liberal and magnanimous opponent. " Mr. Esson was long engaged in the ministry in Mont- real. Nine years ago, at the commencement of Knox College, in this city, he threw himself with all his ardour into the work assigned him, of directing the studies of youths intending for the Holy Ministry, especially in the preliminary department of their training. And not more by his intellectual than by his moral influence — by his professional exertions, than by his truly paternal interest in those committed to his charge, did he contribute to form the minds of a considerable portion of our candidates, and attach the confidence of one and all, as to a familiar friend. I have had the best opportunity of witnessing the earnest- ness with which he sought to impress a reverence for the "Word of Grod on his pupils, and to commend to them the dictates of its divine wisdom, as the ultimate rule and arbiter in all philosophic investigations. I believe he derived his chiefest enjoyment in the study of man, his favourite study, — from the opportunity it gave him of admiring and commending the Divine Author of all his mental and moral adaptations. He lived in a region of lofty contemplation, in which, as he retired within him- self, he not only might seem to withdraw himself from the excitement of passing events, having no heart for the tur- moil of petty strife, and his talent not lying in the capacity for the details in business ; but he might seem in a degree 293 unsocial, not because he was austere, but because his mind was prone to abstraction. Yet he was far from being with- out the social feeling, any more than indifferent to public interests. He loved his friends ; he looked from his retire- ment with complacency and benevolence on all men ; and when he allowed himself to relax in conversation, young and old alike listened, delighted, to the overflowings of his affectionate heart, and the utterances which indicate with- out ostentation, the richly furnished mind, trained to habits of observation and sagacious reflection. His habits of ab- straction, therefore, had nothing of the morose, and I think it was because his mind was possessed of the peace of the Gospel, and imbued with the love of Grod, as well as pro- vided with the stores of philosophical and historical lore, that he was so uniformly happy, — alone or with others, — as the good man is said to be satisfied from himself. " The latest hours of our departed friend were in har- mony with the habits of his life. It was not simply the favour of God, but the likeness of God that his soul aspired after. It was not merely the more selfish question of safety that exercised his spirit, though that is, in itself, a great and important question, and he gave indications in his expressions of a contrite and humble mind, conversant with godly sorrow : he loved to hear of the gracious covenant and of the work and righteousness of Christ. He dwelt in love, as one dwelling in God ; and I believe that in his view of Heaven itself, he looked, not so much at the idea of being free from all the ills of life, or pos- sessed of self-gratifying joys, as the end to which salva- tion itself is the means, in a closer communion with the Father of spirits, and a larger participation of the Divine nature. " How mysterious is the Divine Providence ! But a short while ago, his name was selected as among the likeliest candidates for a newly erectedjchair in our Uni- 294 versity, I can bear witness to the equanimity with which he received the notification and waited for the issue. It has pleased Grod to assign a translation of a different kind ; but it is not without satisfaction that his many friends can reflect that a long life of educational service did not close, without this testimony rendered with very general concurrent suffrages, to Mr. Esson's learning and his merits as an instructor of youth. " There is reason to think that the rapid decay of his strength latterly, was the effect to a large extent, of long continued mental application. Ungru-^gingly these la- bours were given, but they were of a kind, — and it is not always allowed for or understood, — to wear out the frame, independently of any organic disease seizing on the vitals. The intellectual anxieties which a keen imagination and a tender texture of the nervous system produces, press formidably both on the mind and body. The sword may prove too sharp for the scabbard ; and it is affecting to witness the prostration of the finest powers, yielding, not without resistance from their natural buoyancy, to the stern progress of the destroyer, overcome by the exhaus- tion which was induced by their very great vigour and activity." Professor Esson's remains were conveyed to Montreal, and interred in Mount Royal cemetery. The St. Grabriel Street Congregation had a marble tablet to his memory placed on one of the walls of the Church, on which the inscription reads : — " Sacred to the Memory of Revd. Henry Easoii, A.M., for twenty-seven years pastor of this congregation, and afterwards Professor of Literature and Philosophy in Knox's College, Toronto. Uniting in a rare degree the accomplished scholar and public spirited patriot with the energetic pastor and teacher, he commanded extensive respect from the community ; and endeared himself to his flock and numerous friends, not more by his pulpit ministrations than by his faithful and affectionate private coun- sels, his generous spirit and amiable manners. He died at Toronto, 11th 295 May, 1853, aged 61 years. Distinguished to the last by his enthusiasm in study and devotedness in the cause of education, his remains were brought to this city and interred in the Mount Royal cemeterj'." This tablet aud oue to the memory of Rev. William Rintoul was procured with money raised in the congrega- tion for the purpose of making a presentation to Dr. McLagan, on the occasion of his leaving the city, as a token of the people's sense of gratitude to him for his self-denying labours connected with the church, and especially for the exertions he had put forth to reach Rev. Mr. Rintoul when he was lying sick of cholera at Trois Pistoles. Dr. McLagan declining to receive any testimonial, the money, together with additional sums obtained from friends in the city, was devoted to this object. The Knox Congregation, as representing the main body of those who erected it, carried the tablet with them to their new church on Dorchester Street, on one of the walls of which it may be seen. The following particulars regarding the condition of the church previous to 1831, furnished by Rev. Mr. Esson, in his interesting summary to the Synod already referred to, will be read with interest : — " The usual number of worshippers may be estimated at about 450 to 500 persons, and the congregation, young and old, may be reckoned at 1,500. The sacrament is disjiensed twice every year, except the last two year?, as mentioned already. About eighteen and twenty j'ears ago, the number of communicants was from 250 to 260 ; since that time they have increased considerably, and for several years past, have amounted to from 300 to 325 or 330 ; and in September, 1826, there were 370, of which 50 were communicants for the first time. But it is to be observed that a number of these communicants, perhaps 25 to 30, reside at a distance from Montreal, and are not considered members of the congregation ; they come to town occasionally only, to attend the ordinances of religion, having no ministers residing near them." " For a considerable time after our church was built and the congre- gation formed, the number of elders, it is believed, did not exceed four or five. But in 1819, nine additional were ordained, which increased them 296 to thirteen. None Imve since been added to tlie number, and the elders are now reduced to seven by the stroke of death." " It is not customary to exact fees for marriages, etc., by the Ministers of the Scottish Church, though we have lieard that a small fee of 2s. 6d. is often exacted by those of some other churches, not as a reward for their clerical duties, but for enregistering marriages, baptisms and funerals, which clergymen who obtain registers are required to do by a Provincial Statute. Marriages and baptisms are generally performed in the houses of the parties, which occasions more trouble and loss of time to the Min- ister than if performed in the church ; and, in consequence, it has become customary, with those who can aflPord it, to give voluntarily some fee or gratuity. But these emoluments are quite fluctuating and uncertain, and do not add much, at the end of the year, to the Minister's income." Rev. Dr. Donald Fraser of London gives his recollec- tions of the state of matters in the church during the days of Mr. Esson's ministry : — " The service in Mr. Esson's time was dreary enough, as in most of the Scottish churches of the period. Psalms and paraphrases were sung in a sitting posture, without any instrumental accompaniment, — the choir raised in a semi-circle at the foot of the pulpit, being led by a Mr. Came ron, who, I am sorry to recollect, kept a public house in the St. Lawrence suburbs. There were two prayers, one very long, the other long. And the sermon, which wa s read to us, though never stupid, was dry and vague, and profited little." CHAPTER XVIII. Lord Selkirk, Sir Gordon Drummond, Lord Dalhousie, Rev. Dr. Urqu- HART, Thomas Torrance, John Torrance, Hon. Justice Torrancei Rev. E. F. Torrance, George Garden, Andrew White, James RoLLO, Rev. Dr. Wilkes, Hon. Thomas Mack ay, Hon. James Ferribr, Rev. Dr. Douoi^as. In the early days of Mr. Esson's ministry, Lord Selkirk came to take up his residence in Montreal. The following announcement appeared in the Montreal Herald of the 4th November, 1815 : — "Yesterday evening, the Earl of Selkirk, his Countess and family, arrived in this city. They came from Enj^land via New York." A few weeks afterwards, official announcement was made of the following appointments : — " Quebec, 18th December, 1815. " His Excellency, the Administrator-in-Chief, has been pleased to grant the following commission, viz : — " To the Right Honorable Thomas, Earl of Selkirk, to be Civil Magis- trate and Z:u lice of the Peace for the Indian Territories. Robert Seniple> James Bird and James Sutherland, do. do. do." This was not Lord Selkirk's first visit to Montreal. He had been in the city as early as August, 1803, at the time he accompanied to this continent the Highland emigrants whom he induced to settle in Prince Edward Island. On that occasion he came into contact with the commercial aristocracy of the city, the fur traders, whom he found living in lordly style, a convivial fraternity of abounding hospitality. Most of them were, when they entered the 298 service of the company, we have seen, young men who had been well-bred in Scotland. By their thrift, perseverance and courage, they gradually acquired wealth and position. The Company put a premium upon efficiency, by giving their employees the prospect of a share in the concern in future years. To become a partner, was the great object of every clerk's ambition from the day he was engaged. Promotion was slow but sure to all that proved them- selves capable men. The partners residing in Montreal and Quebec, managing the (?hief concerns of the company were called " agents ; " while tho^e who superintended the collection of the furs in the interior were known as " wintering agents." Washington Irving, in his " Astoria," published in 1836, thus speaks, from personal recollections, of Montreal society, about the time of the Earl of Selkirk's first visit : — " Few travellers that have visited Canada, some thirty years since, in the days of the MacTavishes, the Mac- Giliivrays, the McKenzies, the Frobishers, and the other li? agnates of the North-west, when the company was in all its glory, but must remember the round of feasting and revelry kept up among those hyperborean nabobs." But it was at the great annual gathering, at the Grand Portage, afterwards Fort William, which might be called the fur parliament, that the greatest ostentation of the leading men of the Company was displayed. Here is what Irving says of them : — " The partners from Montreal ascended the rivers in great state, like sovereigns making a progress : or rather, like Highland chieftains, navigating their subject lakes. They are wrapped in rich furs, their huge canoes, freighted with every convenience and luxury, and manned by Canadian voyageurs, as obedient as Highland clansmen. They carried up with them cooks and bakers, together with delicacies of everv kind, and abundance of choice 299 wines for the banquets which attended the great convoca- tion. Happy were they, too, if they could meet with some distinguished stranger ; above all, some titled member of the British nobility, to accompany them on this stately occasion, and grace their high solemnities." Lord Selkirk was not the man on whom scenes like these would be lost. He had already given proof of superior insight as well as courage and generosity of nature. And while he listened to the tales of the North- westers, regarding the country from which they had returned, and saw such profuse tokens of the wealth which the prairies, rivers and lakes of those wild regions yielded, he began to revolve the problem, whether it would not be possible to draw off a portion of the surplus population of the Highlands of Scotland, in whose for- tunes he had already displayed a profound interest, and get employment for them in the North-west. What he saw and heard around the hospitable boards of the fur agents at Montreal, at least afforded him food for thought. It has become one of the disputed problems of history, what was the controlling influence leading Lord Selkirk to found his Red River colony. It was the current opinion amongst the members of the North-west Company, so long as it had a separate existence, that his lordship was a selfish, grasping man, who deliberately plotted to ruin their business, and secure the monopoly of the fur trade to the Hudson's Bay Company : and that with this view, he bought a controlling interest in the latter concern, — from 30 to 40 per cent, of its stock, and then established the Red River Coiouy, in order that he might be able to com- mand any number of servants from it, to assist in obtain- ing and maintaining an ascendancy over the traffic in furs. This was the view of his Lordship's schemes, which the agents of the North-west Company industriously circu- lated among their subordinates, stimulating their opposi- 300 tion to the continuance of the Red River Settlement, as an unjust violation of the prior rights of the Company. On the other hand, Lord Selkirk's admirers, both seventy years ago and now, have maintained that his whole con- duct in this matter was dictated by a noble purpose and desire to help the surplus population of the Highlands of Scotland to better their fortune, — that he took the risk of spending .£40,000 of his own money in Hudson's Bay stock for their sak^s, and put himself to all the trouble which he had in connection with the Red River settle- • ment, led on by a lofty spirit of philanthropy alone. Perhaps the truth lies between these opposite estimates of his plans: no man's motives or character is without some little mixture of alloy. Very likely, his lordship thought from what he had witnessed in Montreal that it would be a profitable investment for himself to get into a situation to dominate the fur trade ; and he was able to contemplate this result with all the more satisfaction and enthusiasm, that he would also be able to open up a career to a large number of the G53elic-speaking portion of his countrymen, whose special patron and champion he had constituted himself. Born in 1771, at St. Mary's Isle, Thomas Douglas, 5th Earl of Selkirk, at the conclusion of his college course, chanced to make a tour of the Highlands, and from what he witnessed among the people of the north, he not only took a great interest in them thenceforth, but when he came to his title and estate, in 1799, he resolved to make an effort to better their condition. Lord Selkirk was an acute thinker. He perceived that the true remedy for the evils of poverty in older countries, where the people are in a congested condition, elbowing each other for want of fair scope for their energies, is emigration to the more sparsely settled portions of the globe. He was not only a philanthropist, but also an author of repute, a philos- 301 ophical politi(;al economist, aud a patriot. The Highland colony which he conducted to Prin<'e Edward Island in 1803, was gathered iVom Skye, Uist. Ross-shire, Argyll- shire and Inverness-shire ; and he was so satisiied with the result of the enterprize, that he set to work to advocate the colonization of Canada, as the true policy for the Highlanders, rather than clinging to their small crofts at home, and eking out a scanty subsistence all their days. He wrote a book on the subject in 1805. But he did not confine his vigorous pen to this field of enquiry ; he pub- lished, in 1807, a treatise on the defence of Great Britain against Napoleon, who was planning the conquest of the " tight little island." He was a friend of Sir Walter Scott's. The great Novelist was a believer in Selkirk's generosity as w^ell as in the soundness of his colonizing policy. It would appear that his lordship had endeavored, in the first instance, to induce the British G-overnment to under- take the transportation of emigrants to the plains of the North-west, and it was only when they declined, that he formed the plans which he afterwards carried out, of buy- ing Hudson's Bay stock, after first having satisfied himself of the validity of the title by which the company claimed the North-west. In 1811, the company made him a grant of 116.000 square miles of the territory on the Red River which they claimed, on condition that a colony were settled on it. As soon as the North-west Company were made aware of this transaction, they protested against it, objecting to the Hudson's Bay Company thus intruding upon a portion of the country which the representatives of the North-west Company had occupied for 50 years. They also pointed out the fact that the Hudson's Bay Company's charter assigned to them only those regions in North America that were not occupied by the subjects of any other Christian prince or state. 802 • Lord Solkirk issued, in 1811, the prospectus of tho new colony which he proposed to establish, and invited the attention of the unemployed people of Great Ihitain and Ireland to the advantages which it offered. A sentences in the prospectus reads thus : " The settlement is to be formed in a territory where relii^ion is not the g^round of any disqualification ; an unreserved participation in (^very privilege will therefore be enjoyed by the Protestant and Catholic without distinction." The result of the appeal was that a number of families, collec+ed out of Sutherland- shire, Sligo, in Ireland, and some, afterwards, from the Orkney Islands, set out for the Red River by way of Hud- son's Bay. They reached the mouth of the Churchill River late in the season ; too late to prosecute their journey fur- ther, until the spring. In 1812, they reached their destin- ation and settled on the banks of the Red River, a little north of where Winnipeg now stands. Lord Selkirk called the district " Kildonan " after a parish in Helmsdale, Sutherlandshire, from which a good many of his colonists had come. Their subsequent story was one of hardships and trials without number, some of which w^e have already had glimpses of, when tracing the careers of Pangmau, Cuthbert Grrant, Archibald Norman McLeod, and others; and it is unnecessary to dwell on them here at any length. Suffice it to say, that the North-west Company adopted two methods of dealing with the col- onists. A Highland diplomatist of the fur traders, Duncan Cameron, by the arts of persuasion, got a number of them to leave the Red River District and proceed to Upper Canada, at the expense of himself and partners. And when this method failed to induce all the settlers to abandon Lord Selkirk's plans, the representatives of the Company used threats, and, when they availed not, at last, force, to drive away those who had begun farming on the banks of the Red River. Duncan Cameron, John Dugald Cameron, partners of the North-west Company, Cuthbert Grant, William Shaw and Peter I'angman, clerks of the Company, were the men at the time in charj^e of the district, and were held responsible for seiz- in«j^ in April, 1815, the cannon which had been sent out from England for the defence of the colony, as well as for attacking and shooting the settlers, and })urning their houses in June, 181G. Lord Selkirk determined to stand by the settlers, for whose occupancy of the district he was responsible, and he iitted out an expedition from Canada against their enemies, consisting of 150 disbanded sol- diers, 180 canoe-men, and a sergeant's body-guard for himself. The chief point to be attacked was Fort William, at the head of Lake Superior. The Company's servants did not attempt a resistance, and so his lordship took peaceable possession of the Fort on the 11th August, 1817. Exercising his magisterial functions, he put all the partners he found there, at iirst, in confinement, and then sent them to Montreal, to stand their trial for pillage, arson and murder. He retained only one of them, Daniel McKenzie, who complained of being kept in a dungeon. By a sad accident, the upsetting of his canoe, afterwards on his way down to Canada, Daniel McKenzie and eight others lost their lives. Lord Selkirk felt that he must pur- sue a bold policy if he would make any headway against the fur-traders, men whom he thought not over nice in the means they used to accomplish their ends, and so among other risky things he did, was to apprehend Cuthbert Grrant, when he was clearly within the territories of the United States. He w^as aided in this expedition by Miles Macdonnell, Dr. Allan, D'Orsonnens and Spencer. Meantime the members of the North-west Company in the east were not idle. They had an information laid in Upper Canada against his Lordship for seizing Fort Wil- liam, and General Gore, the Governor, authorized a war- 304 rant to issue for his arrest. But Lord Selkirk placed the constable and the twelve men sent to apprehend him, under the guard of his own constabulary force, and after- wards dismissed them paying no heed to their warrant. The partners whom he sent under arrest to Montreal had to be sent to Upper Canada, under the jurisdiction of which Fort "William lay, for trial. It came off in September, 1818, at Sandwich, in the Upper Province, and caused a great sensation in legal political circles at the time. Lord Selkirk, meantime, returned to England, and McKenzie, who had been imprisoned by him at Fort William, ^^ btained a verdict against him, the court assessing the damage at jei,500. His lordship's career after this was but brief. Worn out by the troubles through which he had just passed, he went to pass the winter at Pau, in France, where he died on the 5th of April, 1820. His lordship had married, in 180Y, Jean, daughter of James Wedderburn Colville, Esq., of Ochiltree, and when he took up his residence in Montreal, the Countess had borne him tw^o children, the late Earl, Dunbar James Douglas, and Lady Isabella Helen, now Lady Isabella Hope, she having married in 1841, Hon. Charles Hope, Grovernor of the Isle of Man. During his stay in Montreal the Earl's youngest child was born. The event was thus announced in the Montreal flem/r/ of January 11th, 1817 : BIRTH. ■*' In this city, on Saturday evening, the 4th inst, the Right Honourable the Countess of Selkirk, of a daughter." This young Canadian was named " Lady Catherine Jane." She married, in 1849, Loftus Tottenham Wigram, of Lincoln's Inn, then M.P. for Cambridge University, and died in 1863. On the 1st December, 1817, Lord Selkirk bought pew 305 No. 4 in the gallery of the St. Gabriel Street Church, for which he paid iJ20 10s. Od. He attended the church regularly' while he was in town, and brought his children with him. Baron Daer was a bright boy, and Lady Isabella Helen is still remembered by some of the people who about her own age attended the church seventy years ago. The late Earl, the last of the Selkirk's, was only eleven years of age when he was called to succeed his father. He retained to the end of life warm recollections of Mont- real, and of the quaint old Scotch Church in which he spent his Sabbaths during some of the most impression- able years of his boyhood. He was proud of his con- nection with Canada, and when the St. Andrew's Society of Montreal was organized, in 1835, he asked to be allowed to become a life member of it. He was always glad to see any Canadians that called upon him at his country seat, St. Mary's Isle. He was a model landlord, and altogether a fine character, with highly conservative tendencies. His lordship married, in 18Y8, Cecely-Louisa, daughter of Sir Philip de Malpas Grey Egerton, Bart., M. P., of Oulton Park, Cheshire. He died w^ithout issue, and the title has been merged into that of the Duke of Hamilton. His sister, Lady Isabella Hope, however, enjoys his estate, and occupies the old family seat, at St. Mary's Isle. The Selkirk name is to be inseparably connected with Canada, not only by the town of that designation on the banks of the Red liiver, but especially by the range of Mountains in British Columbia, running parallel to the Rocky Mountains. The result of the conflict between the old Lord Selkirk and the North-west Company was to hasten the union of the two rival trading companies, which took place the year after his death. They took the name of the Hudson's Bay Company, which was not only the older, but had a u 306 better defined position and relation to the territory in which the fur trade was prosecuted. In 1835, the company bought back from the young Earl of Selkirk all right and iitle to the 116,000 square miles which had been granted to his father in 1811 for c£84,000 sterling. So that, financially, it proved a very profitable transaction in the end to his estate. Lieutenant General Drummond, who was president of the province of Upper Canada during the war with the United States, 1812-4, and was appointed Governor in chief of the Canadas in succession to Sir George Prevost, also had a brief connection with the St. Gabriel Street Church. His name is given in the books as occupying pew No, 36, while Christ Church worshipped half the day in the Scotch Church. From him, the township of Drummond, Lanark county, Ontario, in which the writer was born, — the county of Drutnmond, Quebec, — and possibly one of the streets of the city — all derive their name. The Earl of Dalhousie, Governor General of Canada from 1820 to 1828, was frequently in Montreal during his term of office, and when in the city, was a regular wor- shipper in the Scotch Church, St. Gabriel Street, — sitting in Lord Selkirk's pew in the gallery. He was a Presby- terian by conviction, and, so long as he was Governor General, his co-religionists received every encouragement to prosecute their rights regarding the Clergy Reserves and other privileges, which the representatives of the Church of England in Canada claimed exclusively. His influence first secured a favourable hearing for the peti- tions and remonstrances on these subjects which, from time to time, were sent to the Government at Westminster. Dr. Harkness, at Quebec, and Mr. Esson, at Montreal, held close communication with him regarding these matters SOI His Lordship was boru in lt70 and succeeded to the title in 1*787, from which date to 1815, he was in the army and performed distinguished services in the Napo- leonic wars. Previously holding a seat in the House of Lords as a representative Peer of Scotland, he was created a Baron of G-reat Britain in 1815, and in the following year was appointed Lieutenant Greneral commanding in Nova Scotia with the functions of Governor, a position which he held till June, 1820, with the exception of a few months' absence on leave in England. When the Duke of Richmond died suddenly, August 2*7th, 1819, as was thought of rabies communicated by the bite of a tame fox, Lord Dalhousie received the appointment of G-overnor in chief and commander of the forces in British North America. He held this office for the long period of eight years, although he was absent on leave fifteen months of the time. No Grovernor G-eneral hds stood so well as he with the Scottish element of the population, either in Nova Scotia or in Canada. This was signally shown by the action of the St. Andrew's Society of Montreal, ten years after his return to Great Britain, first, when a false rumour of his death reached the city in 1837, and r>ioj' till' Scnirh I'rrfhytirinn Cinirch at M'»itri"tf, G^:vTI,HMB^f : — As I uiKlorHtuml tlmt yon liavo oxprosstvl houu« imwillijisf- noHH to Hipn my call, I take th« liln^rty of iiiforminj? you that at tlio ond of two years, comnHMicin^ from tho lOth of Docomlnir, 1H'_"J, I ilo not consider till' chiircli boiuul to mo for any stiiMy tlio projiriotors of tho (•iiurcii,or by thoir committoo, accord- ing to the Rules and Re>julations of said church. I am, gentlomen, Your obedient sorvant, KDWAUn BLACK. Montreal, 25th Decomlnir, 1822." The Committee replied : — "Rhvbrbnd Sill, — We yesterday received your favour of that Riiv. JamoB Romorville or tlie Rev. Henry EHMon, to he coUeuj^iie to the survivor. Anroiniti« you ail dutiful r(w]iect, eitcouragement ami obe- dience in the Ijord. And, tluit you Tiiay be a«Hure«l of tho supfwrt and onconrapement tipon which you may dojKind, we herel)y hind and ohiij^e ourtieives U> pay yt)U ontof tlie nurfduH funds of this Chunli, the sum of one liundnKl ami lifty jHiundu annually. (Sip;ned), JAMES SOMERVILLK, Minuter, S.C.if. HENRY ES80N, MininUr. HENRY MrKENZIP; Vict'-l'rendenU • THOK TORRANCE, 1 ». , , ,, ANDREW SHAW 'I Mnnhrxnftly VVN, J ^^' .JOHN BROWN, ' J Committee. PHIUPROSS, T. I'ORTEOUS, GEORGE GARDEN, H. McKKNZIE, \ Ehhrtt. R. ARMOUR, JAMES CARSWELL, ANDREW WHITE, Andrew Porteonsi, John Hettrick, Janes Brown, Shaw Armour, Alexander Skakel, Gordon Forbes, James Murray, Kenneth Walker, James Mathers, Alex. Glass, G. Skakel, John Aird, James Ross, A. L. MacNider, Williana Reid, Kenneth Dowio, John Clarke, John McKenzie, Put McGregor, John Porteous, James Greenfield, James Dunn, David Dickie, D. Robertson William Gray, John Fisher, Wm. Martin, M. Andrews, George McKenzie, IX P. Ross, Rod. McKenzie, George Dickie, Hugh Douglas, Thomas Thain, William McDonald." The following letter to Mr. Black, accompanied the call, and intimated the conclusion arrived at on the whole question of his relation to the Church in St. Gabriel Street : — " Montreal, 27th February, 1823. Rev. & Dear Sir, — We have now to inform you that you were yesterday duly elected at the General Meeting of the Proprietors of the Presbyterian Church of this place, according to the Rules and Regulations thereof, as mutual assistant to the Rt v. James Somerville and to the Rev. Henry Esson, his present colleague, .vith full powers of colleague during your 389 aHKiHtuntMliii), and toyonr HurceedinK R8 colleague to the survivor of either of them. II. McKENZIK, V.P. THOMAS TORRANCE, ANDRKW HHAW, JOHN HKOWN." The original ediit, which was affixed to the Church DOOR, has been preserved. It runs as iollows : — "Tlte Presbytery or clcrjrytnen in these i>rovint'eH, in cfmnection with the EstaVdJglied Cliurcli of Scotland, met in this city, having; received a call from the members of this ConKreuation to Mr. Edward Black, preacher of the Gospel, to be on? of their ministers- -and. llndin^ the same orderly pro<.;(«ded, and the Hame Mr. Etlward Black, having undergone all parts of his trial, in order to hi^* ordination, and the IVesbytery, fmilinjj; him (luali- fied to be a minister of the Gos()el, and fit tTOvision for his salary was only temporary. Yet that step, of doubtful wisdom, was repeated in Mr. Black's case. It must be said that members of the congregation in both cases showed a disposition to devise liberal things. The amount raised by private subscription seems to have been nearly as large as the ordinary revenue of the church. The guarantee for Mr. Black was even more objectionable than that for Mr. Esson, being for only two years. The committee, undertaking this new respon.sibility, consisted of Thomas Porteous, Kenneth Dowie, James Carsuel and Joseph Ross ; but Peter McGrill acted for Mr. Dowie during the absence of the latter from the province. The danger in such a case is that when a minister's position depends upon the good will of a few men, it cannot bear any strain. The risk involved became quite apparent at the end of the two years for which the Black guarantee fund provided. On the 15th of July, 1825, when the salary of the three ministers was entirely dependent upon the pew-rents and collections in the church, the income was found quite inadequate to meet the demands upon it ; and the tem- poral committee unanimously resolved that one minister was sufficient for the congregation — that the revenue pro- vided only for one, in addition to Mr. Somerville, retired — and they concluded with suggesting that one or other of the two should take the entire ministerial duty, receive the income, and make some compensation to the other, in the hope that an allowance should be secu.red, before long, from the government, in consequence of the agita- tion then going on asserting the right of the representa- tives of the Church of Scotland in Canada to participate in the Clergy Reserves, — in the event of the success of 345 which, both pastors might be kept on. The committee did not suggest which of the two ministers should con- tinue to fill the office ; nor probably had they any other than the most disinterested views on that question. When the matter was put before the two gentlemen in question, Mr. Black acquiesced in the suggestion, but Mr. Esson declined it, as it seemed to imply that he and Mr. BJ'ick then occupied the same relation to the congregation — which he did not admit. So matters were allowed to drift. Certain moneys in the hand of Mr. Esson's old guarantee committee were applied for by the temporal committee, and used for meeting the obligations of the congregation. In December, 1826, the committee found the net revenue of the church to be only .£450, and they propose'! that the three clergymen should be asked to meet and apportion this sum among themselves. Other- wise there was nothing for the committee to do, but call a meeting of the pew proprietors. The expedient was tried of raising the pew-rents, but the result was that the revenue decreased instead of increasing, as the people gave up their pews rather than pay a very much larger sum for their church accommodation than they could get it for elsewhere in the city. This was the financial situation of the congregation when new elements of trouble entered into the problem — rumours began to prevail affecting the character of Mr. Esson — rumours which a committee of clergymen asked to investigate them, in 1831, declared to be unfounded — and which were afterwards traced to a foolish young man's mimicry, in personating Mr. Esson's tones of voice in compromising circumstances. A portion of the con- gregation was distressed by those rumours and gave credit to them, w^hile the rest as stoutly refused to be- lieve them ; and so the St. Gabriel Church people divided into two hostile camps. In the party adverse to Mr. 846 Esson were five of the elders, being a majority of the Kirk-Session. On the other hand, the majority of the temporal committee, as representing the pew proprietors, was ranged on his side. It is rare that collegiate charges, even in Scotland, where the rights of parties are clearly defined, work well. The arrangement here was no exception to that general rule. There was a striking contrast between Messrs. Esson and Black, in personal appearance, as their portraits show, — in mental constitution and in temperament. Mr. Esson was an idealist — all aglow with sentiment, and living in a region of thought high above the actualities of the present world. Mr. Black, on the other hand, with his massive, Luther-like face, was a man of strong com- mon sense, intensely real, and an objective preacher, of what is known as the Evangelical school. Each of them had his admirers. The ministers were but men — each of them doubtless displayed weakness at this crisis. I am not going to determine between them ; but, so far as appears, Mr. Black did not endorse the action taken by his par- tizans on several occasions. The best course to follow in the circumstances was not very clear. The majority of the session thought they had a right to enquire into a minister's character in the absence of a Presbytery or superior Court. Mr. Esson, on the other hand, maintained, what is undoubtedly the constitutional view, that a session is incompetent to deal with rumours affecting a clergyman's good name ; he can be judged of only by his peers in the Presbytery. But there was no Presbytery in connection with the Church of Scotland, then in existence here, to whose jurisdiction he was subject, so that his contention practically amounted to this, that ministers in Canada ut that time were amen- able to no authority whatever. But both parties appealed to the congregation on the subject, although neither claimed that it was a regular thing to do. 347 The five elders opposod to Mr. Essou seut the follow- ing letter to the temporal committee : — "Montreal, 13th January, 1830. "Ghntlbmbn : — "We, the undor.signed, meinhers of session, hereby roquest you to call a general meeting of the f onjxregation of the Scotch Church, in St. Gal)riel Street, on Monday week, the 25th instant, at 10 a. m., to nominate a committee to receive a report from the majority of the members of the session reganling matters concerned with the interests of the church. " We are. Gentlemen, " Your most obedient servants, " PHILIP ROSS, 1 "T. PORTEOUS, I " JAMES (ARSWELL, |- Elders. " ROBERT ARMOUR, I " H. McKENZIE. J ' To John Eisher,E8(j., President, and the other members of the Temporal Com- mittee of Management of the Scotch • Church in St. Gabriel St., Montreal." The committee called a meeting? of the proprietors, but not with a view to proceeding in the manner indicated in the foregoing letter It was held on the 25th January, 1830, the Hon. Louis G-ugy presiding. Mr. Esson defended himself against the rumours which had been circulated to his prejudice. After discussion, James Leslie moved, and Thomas Blackwood seconded a motion, which was carried — " that Mr. Esson had exonerated himself from the charges made against him." At the annual meeting for the election of the temporal committee, held 20th April, 1830, both parties appeared in force, and sought to gain control of the finances of the church. Hon. Peter McGrill, a friend of Mr. Black's, but above suspicion in the matter of fairness, was unani- mously chosen as president, and Uobert Simson. one of the Esson party, as secretary of the committee. The 348 other three members, Dr. "William Caldwell, Kenneth "Walker and William Blackwood, were friends of Mr. Esson, — as was also A. L. MacNider, the treasurer elected. After this, there was keen competition for the pews offered tor sale. The committee, in February, 18H1, re- fused to confirm the sale by auction of pew No. 27 to Dougald Stewart, although he had been the highest bidder, but gave it rather to Walter M. Teddie, In like manner, they gave pew No. 41 to William tShand instead of to John Whitlaw. William Porteous, William Robertson, Peter Whigham, Geo. McDougall, Geo. McDonald, John Fleming, John Douglas, John Bruce and William Leys had all desired to obtain pews, but did not succeed, and this was made matter of complaint, by the elders' party, to the coi vention of Presbyterian ministers assembled at Kingston in June, 1831. The five elders having refused to co-operate with Mr. Esson, there had been no meeting of session for a long time, and t^ie communion had not been dispensed since 1829. He, therefore, resolved upon the high-handed measure of disregarding them altogether, and of nominating and ordaining new set of elders. He had intimated his intention to pursue this course and proceed to the ordi- nation of elders on Sunday, March 6th, 1881, — and that a fortnight afterwards, he w^ould administer the commu- nion, — when the elders took possession of the church on the Saturday night and locked the door, in order to prevent this irregular procedure the next day. It was on the Sab- bath morning the notable scene took place, yet remem- bered by old citizens — the friends of Mr. Black inside re- taining possession of the edifice, while Mr. Esson's party outside were trying to force the door. It was thus de- scribed by an eye witness. Dr. Hamilton, surgeon to the 66th regiment, in his book, " Trifles from my Port-Folio :" " During our residence of a year at Montreal, I wit- .849 iies-sed a sceno of «>Toat roli!>ious Mcandal with much pain. A (luarrel took \i\snv hotwecii two Pro8byt»*rian cler<^ym(>ii olliciating- in tho samo ohuroh, and then* was a viohnit contest in consequence between their respective partizans as to the possession of it. One party had got hi — early on a Sunday morning, too ; barricaded th*< door, and there were blockaded by tlu^ other, who endeavoured to starve them into submis' Ion. But the besieged held out stoutly, and a supply of provisions having been ob- tained through a window in the course of the night, they shewed a determined front in the morning. All this time the crowd of Canadians in the street were laughing disdainfully at these disgraceful proceedings, and enjoy- ing this extraordinary spectacle as a good joke. It was by no means agreeable to my Protestant feelings to see persons of the greatest respectability committing them- selves in this serio-comic manner, and when I beheld a most estimable medical friend, with whom I had dined the day before, figuring us a ringleader ia the fray, he appeared like the blind Samson making sport for the Philistines. " It is but justice to the clerical gentlemen concerned, to add that they disapproved of these unseemly practices, and took no part in them." The elders being outside at the time, along with the rest of the congregation assembling, were arresi-ed, and taken away, and had to give bail to appear before the Quarter Sessions. A bill of indictment was found against the principals in the aliair, but they could not be brought to trial, owing to the adjournment of the criminal court, till the September term ; and things had to remain in this unsatisfactory condition until then. In this extremity, the temporal committee wrote to the two ministers of the Church of Scotland in Quebec, Rev. Dr. Harkness and Rev. J. Clugston, soliciting their 860 good officew, and iirgini? th»»ra to oome to Montroal and help to adjust the difficulties between the two parties. These gentlemen had already given it as their opinion that the majority of the session had aeted irregularly in venturing to hold an inquiry into the liM'it«il hy law in Scdtlainl lias not y«>t (ixN-mlfil itn jiiriHili(!ti(»n tu ('ana«la— until tliis ovtMit, unil until a i'rosl>yt«)ry, fortni'd in tlii.s country, can hIicw crciUtn* tluiri of otiico from tlio parent church ; or until a colonial i'nmhytf^ry uhall havH rfict'ivoil tlu» fonnal r«»co>rnition of th« chun'li in St. (fal>riolStn'«»t — annirrt>i;ation shall liuvn pla(*H This was sigiiod by 31 persou.s, and amougst them were threo of tht» eldors. Tho miui.st»»rs of the Church of Scotland in Canada were communicated with, and agreed among themselves to meet at Kingston to deal with this grave matter among other things, on the 7th of June, 1831, and out of this meeting grew the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada in connection with the Church of Scotland, and, it may be said, the General Assembly of to-day. The Presbyterian ministers had been urged by Sir George Murray, Secretary of State for the colonies, to meet any way, with a view to organizing and being in a (condition to treat with the government for their rights as a body, and this advice had weight with them ; bu^ the immediate occasion of their coming together was to try and compose the un- happy differences that existed in the St. Gabriel Street Church. The following minute gives an account of the Synod's original organization : — " The ministers, eldors and commissioners from congregations in com- munion with the Church of Scotland, assembled in St. Andrew's Church, Kingston, — present : The Rev. Alexander Gale, of Amherstburg, George Skeed, of Ancaster, John Machar, Kingston, 358 The Rov. John CnilckHliuiik, Hytown, Aloxuii'lor llnH', Altllxtroiiifli, , ItolMirt .Mr(iill, Niiitriini, TlintniiMdiirk WilHiiii, I'ortli, Willinin MrAliHt«r, liiiiiurk nml nivUiDiiHiB. WilliHiM lliiitoiil, York, AI*txnii(ior MiitliitMoii, Moiitieiil, llunry Khhoii, Montroal, .loliit McKHii/.io, Williutustowii, Hu^?ll rnnilmtt, ('oriiwftll, Alnximdcr ( umiol, Miirti:it(j\vn, • Kdward IMiu'k, Montreal, GtO> Miickuii/.io, Vmi, barrlHUtr at law, roiumiHsionor from Kiiiitiitoiii, John WilliMon, Ivsi|., surgeon, elder, from Ancastor, John .Mc(iillivTay, IOhii., i-oiMiniMuionur from Williamstowu, Alexander McMartln, Esti., M. 1'., ronunissioner from Martlntown, .lohn Tnrnhull, Khi|., commiHsloner from Itelleville, The Hon. Arciuhald MoLcum, older, from ("ornwall, SampHon, Kscj., rommiNsioner from Amhuriithurg, John CrookH, Esci., older, from Niagara, John McJjt^an, Esij., elder, from Kingston." After lengthened and matun^ deliberation, it was unani- mously resolved : " That this convention of ministers and elders, in connection with the Church of Scotland, repre- senting their respective congregations, do form themsalves into a Synod, to be called the Synod of the Presbyterian ('hurch of Canada, leaving it to the Venerable, the General Assembly, to determine the particular nature of that cou- nectiou which shall subsist between this Synod and the Greneral Assembly of the Church of Scotlaud." Both parties in St. Gabriel Street Church ultimately agreed to refer the matters iu dispute between them to the arbitrament of the assembled ministers. Each of them prepared a memorial and statement of the case. That emanating from Mr. Esson's side was signed by the following : Kenneth "Walker, Wm. Peddie, Dr. "William Caldwell, and Robert Simpson, members of the temporal committee, — and Thomas Blackwood and James Leslie, elders, — also by X 354 Alex. T^siie, Campbell Sweeney, I'rancis Hunter, jr., Fran<'i6 Hunter, sr., John Blackwood, Campliell Sweeney, jr., James Blackwood, Wm. Buchanan, James Scott, Wm. McCulloch, George Johnston, Jas. Strother, Wm. Shand, James Logan, John Dougall, jr., Wm. McKonzie, Wm. Douglas, John Gardner, Arch. Lyon, Thos. Ross, A. McMillan, James Strother, jr., James Millar, Wm. Suter. Ellis Roland, Robert Sweeney, John Blackwood, jr., f'olin Mc Dougall, John Weir, Kenneth Cameron, Ferdinand McCulloch, Arch. McMillan, Andrew Shaw, David Handyside, D. P. Ross, James Court, John Simson, The following are the concluding paragraphs of the me- morial of the majority of the session : — " We have only to add that should Mr. Esson give you an assurance that, while matters are pending between him and his congregation, he will desist from the election of elders, and will proceed to so solemn and mportant a transaction only in the regular manner, viz. — by the consent of the session — we will do all in our power that there may no longer be a suspension of the Sabbath services. Without such an assurance, we must, as guardians of the public peace, allow matters to continue as they are, at all events, until the question between the parties be tried by the civil authorities. " To facilitate a final adjustment of all matters, we beg leave to nomi- nate as arbitrators, on our part, the Rev. John Machar, of Kingston, and the Rev. John McKenzie, of Williamstown, and we hope that these Rev. Gentlemen will do the congregation of St. Gabriel Street the favour to accept the office. " If they saw fit, we will concur in the measure that a layman be also appointed, and will leave the appointment for that layman to themselves. " Should the opposite party name any equal number of arbitrators, it will be understood that they, the arbitrators on both sides, have the power to call in one or more persons as umpires, should circumstances require it. " We have the honour to be, " Reverend Sir, " Your most obedient servants, "(Signed,) EDWARD BLACK, Min.,1 PHILIP ROSS, ROBERT ARMOUR, JAMES CARSWELL, H. McKENZIE, " To the Moderator of a meeting of ministers in connexion with the Church of Scotland to be assembled at Kingston on the 7th June instant. To be communicated." K <( << }- Eldtrs. I J 355 This was the first document in connection with this business, to which Mr. Black appended his name. The Synod took up the case on the 10th of Jnne, when the memorials and documents forwarded by the two par- ties were read. Mr. Black repeated, verbally, his pledge, to submit the whole case to arbitration, and again named Messrs. Machar and McKenzie. Mr. Esson agreed to the proposal, and appointed Rev. Geo. Sheed and Rev. Robert McGill, arbitrators on his part ; and both Mr. Black and Mr. Esson agreed that the said arbitrators should have power to call in an umpire if necessary. " The Synod, having maturely considered the specialties and diflaciilties of the case, approved of the submission to the aforesaid arbitrators, and instructed those brethren to proceed in the arbitration with the caution and deliberation which the importance of the case demands, and to pro- cure from the parties, if necessary, a written pledge, that they shall abide by the decision of the arbitrators. The Synod instructed the clerk to fur- nish Mr. Esson and Mr. Black each with a copy of this minute for them- selves, and for the parties respectively connected with them. " And the Synod recommended that the doors of the said church be opened on Sabbath, se'ennight, for public worship, and that, both Mr. Esson and Mr. Black do preach in the Church as heretofore, unless any- tliing in the decision of the arbitrators, bar their doing so, — Mr. Black preaching in the morning of Sabbath se'ennight, and Mr. Esson in the afternoon, according to rotation. " The Synod further instructed the arbitrators to report to the Synod, at next meeting, the decision which they may have come to in this case. The deliverance of the Synod was read to the parties, and agreed to by them." The members of Kirk-session siding with Mr. Black,, communicated the resolutions of Synod to their friends,^ and requested them to comply with the advice of the Superior Court to open the church for public worship. They declined to do so, until the award of the arbitrators should be made, and sent a letter to Henry McKenzie, the session clerk, attempting to justify their refusal. This letter, dated June 15th, 1831, was signed by the following parsons : — 856 W. Porteous, Wm. Scott, John Fleinin<», Jolin Wliitlaw, James Scott, John Campbell, Andrew Watt, John Hood, Alex. McNider, Wm. Wilson, Jr., Wm. Lang, John Brownlie, John Douglas, David Ferguson, Archibald Ferguson, William Leys, C. Tait, A. Porteous, Duncan Currie, Wm. Yuile, William Gunn, Geo. McDougall, John Carswell, A. Nimmo, John Johnston,- Wni. Kerr, John Porteous, William Don, Wm. Wilson. \V. H. Scott, Alex. McNider, Hugh Molntyre, Wm. McCreadie, William Watson, J. McKay, John Young, James Morgan, James Spiers, Dougald Stewart, Archibald Hume, Daniel McNab, Wm. Robertson, M.D. Henry Johnson, Alex. Rutherford, John Douglas, Daniel McGregor, Alexander Douglas, Duncan McMartin, John Brown, William White, Geo. McKeuzie, Geo. McDonald, Daniel Scobie, Archibald Fletcher, Wm. McNider, Wm. W'ilsoii, Daniel Gorrie, James Henry, Thomas Mussen, Joseph Honey, Dugald McLellan. Finlay McMartin, John Ross. John George, John Bruce, P. Whigham, , J. Stephenson, M.D., Patrick McGregor, George Gray, Andrew Small, William Glass, John Glass, Wm. Buchanan, James McNider, Jr., James INIcNider, Sr. While declining to open the church, in conformity with the recommendation of the Synod, the writers of the letter professed " entire confidence in the integrity of the respectable gentlemen, chosen as arbitrators, to settle the unfortunate dispute, and willingness to cheerfully ac- quiesce in their decision." On the 6th of August, the friends and supporters of Mr. Esson sent a complaint to the Presbytery of Quebec, under whose jurisdiction the congregation had been placed by the Synod, that the church was still kept closed by those who had taken forcible possession of it, ending with this prayer : — "That your venerable Court will take such steps as to your wisdom may seem meet, for carrying into effect the recommendation of the Very Rev. 357 Syncxl, and that you will be pleased to adopt such further measures as may seem best calculated to preserve tlie discipline and government of the church, and to maintain tlie authority of its judicatories." This was signed by the temporal committee, two of the elders, and other pew proprietors and members to the number of 77 altogether, while to the opposition manifesto there were 75 names appended, — showing that the con- gregation was about equally divided. The names on this memorial correspond, in the main, with those that were attached to the memorial of the Synod. The following, however, were not on that document : — L. Gugy, John Dougall, Sr., Thomas Campbell, Robt. Shedden, Geo. R. Land el, Alex. Kirk, Sam. Leckie, William Watson, Robert Minnis, William McDonald, Chas. Windsor, Francis Forbes, Adam Ferrie, Sr., David Glass, John Fisher, James Potts, George Dempster, James Rogers i James Blackwood, Walter Scott, Robert Watson, James Kean, Alex. Anderson, P. Scott, Jr., James Hadden, Samuel Stone, H. Walker, W M. Peddie, Struthers Strang, William Gunn, Alex. Wilkie, Jae. M. Blackwood, Norman McHardy, William Cole, Alex. Dewar, Rod'k. McRae, Wm. Lee, Geo. Rhynas, AVilliam N. Lyon, J. P. Grant. On the 22nd April, 1831, the day on which the election of a temporal committee should have taken place, no gen- eral meeting of the pew proprietors being possible, owing to the church being shut, the committee appointed in April, 1830, of necessity remained in office in terms of By-law No. 2. William Blackwood, one of the members of committee, having died, in the interval, William Peddie was appointed in his place by the remanent members. The church being still closed, on 5th November, 1831, application was made by the temporal committee for the use of the Wesleyan Chapel on St. James Street, at such 858 hours on the Lord's Day, as it was • ot needed by the owners. TheMethodists agreed to give their church on con- dition that Mr. Esson and Mr. Blac^k should hold alternate services in it. As the committee deemed this condition an interference with their business by people outside, they declined to take the church on the terms proposed. On the 12th of November, they applied to the Trustees of the Natic?ial School on Bonsecours Street, for the use of that building in which to hold Sunday services, until they could regain entrance into the church. The request was granted by Dean Bethune, Rev. R. E. Stevens, A. F. Atkinson, and Alexander Skakel, the trustees. Accordingly, the adherents of Mr, Esson met for worship from Novem- ber, 1831, to March, 1832, in the National School-room. The building still stands. It w^as occupied twenty years ago as barracks for the Impei al troops. In after years, it was used as a vinegar factory ; and, recently it has been fitted up as a variety theatre. On March 10th, 1832, the Court gave judgment in favour of the Esson section of the congregation, ordering the sheriff to give possession of the church to David Handy- side, John Fisher, Walter Peddie, Wm. Shand, George Johnston, A. L. McNider, Campbell Sweeney, Robert Handyside, and Kenneth Walker, the persons named in the indictment as claiming the right of possession. Divine Service in the church was resumed on March 25th, 1832. The four clerical arbitrators, appointed to investigate the points in dispute in the St. Grabriel Street Church, came to a unanimous finding on May 23rd, 1832. After declaring Mr. Esson innocent of the charges affecting his moral character, brought against him, and pronouncing Mr. Black equally innocent of the accusation of seeking to oust Mr. Esson from the church, with which he was blamed, on the other hand, the arbitrators went on to 859 say that there was much iu the proceedings of Mr. Essou's accusers to be coudemued as hostile to the attainment of justice and in opposition to those ecclesiastical laws which they were solemnly bound to reverence and obey. On the other hand, they held that Mr. Esson ought to have overlooked the incompetency of the session to decide as his judges, according to ecclesistical law, and have used means for removing suspicion from the minds of his brethren in the session. The following was their award : — " That Mr. E.S80ii and Mr. Black do forthwith form separate congrega- tions of such as may adhere to each respectively ; that Mr. Esson shall, as senior minister, retain exclusive possession of tlie church in St. Gabriel Street, provided the proprietors who adhere to him shall purchase from the proprietors who adhere to Mr. Black, their i)ew8 at a valuation, to be determined, if necessary, by arbitrators mutually chosen, and all the records belonging to the church in St- Gabriel Street be given up to Mr. Esson, in behalf of a new session to be formed for that church." They close their award with craving that the Pres- bytery of Quebec may do their part, in giving effect to this decision, by acknowledging Mr. Black and his ad- herents as a distinct congregation already in full com- munion with the church, and admitting them to all the rights and privileges flowing from this connection. The arbitrators made their report to the Synod at King- ston, on August 3rd, 1832. The Synod received the re- port and approved ol their award, and instructed them to report how far it had been carried into effect. They re- ported next day, finding that it had not been carried into effect : — " The arbitrators regret to inform the Synod, that notwithstanding the protestations of parties as to their readiness to comply with the award, it appears to the arbitrators that the spirit of parties is such that they expect no peaceful termination of all their labours in thi.s painful case. Persuaded that nothing which they can do will be of any avail in the matter, the arbitrators recommend to the Synod to enjoin the parties to settle this dispute in terms of the award with the least possible delay 360 M-arninjj them that unless the injunction be foniplied with, tliey will be lield to be contumacions, and left to the consequences of their conduct, and to the Tribunal of God." Whereupon the Synod received and approved the re- port, ^nd resolved 'in terms thereof. After this, the parties agreed to abide by the award, and Messrs. C. J. Forbes, John Frothingham, Thomas B. Anderson and Wm. Budden, were appointed, in terms thereof, arbitrators to settle the financial questions in- volved. These four gentlemen agreed that the congre- gation remaining in the church should pay over to the individual pew-owners leaving the church the original price of their pews with ten per cent added ; and that, on the other hand, Mr. Black should surrender all keys, books, documents, registers and furniture appertaining to St. Gabriel Street Church. All parties finally acquiesced in this decision, and thus the unhappy business was brought to a conclusion. The Presbytery of Quebec, all this time, was perplexed and vexed with the St. Gabriel Street Church strife. The first difference arose when the Presbytery was formed in 1831, over the question whether two clergymen could claim a seat, in the Presbytery as representing the same congregation. About Mr. Esson's right there was no difference of opinion ; the problem affected Mr. Black's position only. The ground taken was that unless there had been a formal constituting of the congregation as a collegiate charge, the Presbytery could admit only one minister to a seat. In consequence, Mr. Black was not allowed to take his place in the court at first. He appealed to the Synod against the action of the Presby- tery, and his appeal seems to have been sustained, as he afterwards occupied a seat in the Presbytery. The next difficulty was as to the commission of Mr. James Leslie as representative elder. He had been chosen 361 by the minority of the session, consisting' of Mr. Esson, Mr. Blackwood and himself. The other four elders had not been summoned to the meeting at which the choice was made, consequently the commission in Mr. Leslie's favour was rejected by the Presbytery. These difficulties continued until they were solved by the result of the arbitration. There was a little trouble over part of the , registers, Mr. Black claiming the right to retain posses- sion of those which he had taken out in his own name, lor the last two or three years of his connection with the St. Gabriel Street Church ; but after some correspondence, they were given up to Mr. John Fisher, who had been appointed by the four lay arbitrators to receive all the papers and documents pertaining to the church from Mr. Black. On the 5th of March, 1833, Mr. Esson reported to the Presbytery the issue of the arbitration and his concurrence therein. . On 26th July, 1833, Mr. Black laid on the table, docu- ments to satisfy the Presbytery that he had complied with the award in relation to the church of St. Gabriel Street ; and also a satisfactory bond of provision for three years, for a sum not less than .£150 as salary. And having duly considered the same, the Presbytery, in compliance with said award, on their part, do hereby acknowledge Mr. Black and his adherents, as a distinct congregation already in full communion with the church, and admit them to all the rights and privileges flowing from this . connection. Mr. Black, in consequence, received the right hand of fellowship, and his name was added to the roll. The Baptist Church, in St. Helen Street, being placed at the disposal of Mr. Black's congregation, part of each Sabbath, they continued to worship in it until the new church which they set about erecting, in the same street. 862 was fiui.shwl. It was opened for worship on 24th August, 1834, under the name of St. Paul's Church, Mr. Bla<;k showing his fine business talents and the gentn-al energy of his nature, now that they had unrestricted si!ope, iu the rapidity with which the enterprize was brought to successful completion. In order not to be burdensome to his congregation, like Paul, he also laboured with his own hands, opening a select school in a building alongside the new church. He too was an etlicient teacher, and not a few of those who afterwards occupied high positions in the profes- sional and commercial communities, could trace their suc- cess iu life, to the careful training which they received at his hands. Mr. Black impressed some portion of his own massive strength upon the congregation which he organized. The distinctive doctrines of Grrace received due prominence iu his teaching, and the influence of such preaching con- tinued to tell long after he was gone. And now all that ever had any connectioL. with the old St. Grabriel Street Church are proud to claim that St. Paul's was once an integral part of the congregation worshipping therein. Dr. Black's able successors have built well upon the foundation he laid, and have placed St. Paul's, by their talents, zeal and faithfulness, in the front rank of the religious forces of the dominion. Reviewing the unfortunate controversy that issued in the manner described in these pages, from the standpoint which we occupy to-day, it has to be acknowledged that there were faults on both sides ; but it is also manifest that the parties to the controversy were thoroughly in earnest, and felt that the highest interests of the congre- gation were at stake. It is a new proof how deeply men's natures are moved, in spite of all that can be said to the contrary, by the supreme concerns of religion. The con- 8H3 Silences of both sidivs were enlisted, and Presl)yterii)nfi have always been tenacious of ground covered by con- 8(nence. On the other hand, the controversy atibrded melancholy proof that in the matter of charity and tolera- tion, the iirst half of the nineteenth century had not ad- vanced beyond the point reached by the Christians of the first century. Heat was engendered by differences of view even among the apostles. Black and Essou had to part as well as Paul and Barnabas. " All's well that ends well." The Head of the church, we may be per- mitted to believe, allowed the separation of St. Paul's from St. Gabriel street for the furtherance of the Gospel. God makes the wrath of man sometimes praise Him, restraining the remainder thereof The reference to this matter would be incomplete, if I failed to emphasize the happy termination of the estrange- ment between the two ministers and their congregations. Mr. Esson and his congregation led the way, to their honour be it spoken. In 1839, while St. Paul's Church v/as undergoing some necessary repairs, the use of St. Gabriel Street Church, half of each Sunday, was tendered by Mr. Essou and the authorities of his church, and accepted by Dr. Black and his Kirk-sessiou. The next advance was more marked. On December 22ud, 1840, the following resolution was passed by the session of St. Gabriel Street Church : — "The session of St. Gabriel Street Church, taking into consideration the '4,Teat advantages that would be derived from a public and decided mani- festation of the good feeling which they are happy to believe now exists between the sieter congregations in this city, in communion with the Church of Scotland, beg leave, most respectfully, to communicate to the sessions of St. Andrew's and St. Paul's Churches, their unanimous and cor- dial desire forthwith to establish and maintain that fellowship and co-operation which ought to subsist between them as members of the same church. The ministers and session of St. Gabriel Street Church are ready, frankly and cordially, to act in conformity with the spirit and tenor a64 of tliii reHolutioM, as hchmi ax tlioy sliall iindorsttuid that tlioao HentirnentH are n'oiprocattwl by the MiHUtr churches (»f St. Amlrtnv'H and St. I'aul'H." (Signed), THOS. BLACKWOOD, Semtm Clerk: On D«'r. :i7th, ol' the samo year,' the Kession of St. Paul's Church unanimously rusolvod : — " That tho HOHsion of St. I'aul'8 Chnn-h receive, with th(< most hoartfelt satiHfaction, the conuniinication I'ronj tli(! simHion of St. Ciahriel Stwet Church, of said date, and would heg to tender tlieni their innst Krat^iful iicltnowl(wlj?ments for tlrHt entertaininK and then makin)^ a propoNition whic^h, if carried into ellect, in tlio same ^^en(^rou8 and Christian spirit in wliich it has been (;onceived, would Umd most materially to benefit each individual congroKtition, and to 8tren;^then and consolidat^^thointtirestsof the Church of Scotland in Montreal." The result was the appointment oi' a joint committee of the thvee sessions that i'ramecl resolutions which were heartily adopted, and thu« the Church in the city was strengthened by a " threefold cord." His Alma Mater conferred upon Dr. Black the degree of Doctor of Divinity, in the year 1837. He was the first Scotch minister in Montreal to receive this mark of profes- sional distinction. He, as well as Mr. Esson, took a very prominent part in discussing the Clergy Reserves question. Indeed, it was a subject with which he was more competent to deal than his senior <'olleague; for he was a man of figures, which Mr. Esson was not. The latter could discuss principles, but got lost when he had to descend to details. When at last the rights of the Church of Scotland to participate in the revenue from th^ Clergy Reserves was conceded, and the Synod had to nominate nine commissioners to manage the Scotch Church's share of the income derived from the reserved lands, Dr. Black was not only appointed one of them, but was made the first convener of the Board. Dr. Black's great monument in Montreal to-day is St. Paul's Church. But he is otherwise worthily remem- bered. Mrs. John Greenshields, his daughter, has long 805 otx'upi»'(l a for»>mo.st plaro anionic the Christian ladies of Montreal, as idcuiititMl with many of the public charities. Her sons, Edward IMack (IrcenshifUls, and Samuel Green- shields, th«^ heads of thu i^reat dry j^oods house of " JS. (^ireenshields. Son »Sc Company, " have inherited much of their grandl'ather's energy, as one of thtan inherits his name. Mrs. Oswahl, wife of (^olonel Oswald, is another of Di. Black's "grandchildren. Then, the Rev. William M. Black, the founder ot St. Mark's Church, now the Minister of Anwoth, in Scotland, the parish of which the Rev. Samuel Rutherford was at one tinn; pastor, is l^r. Bla replaced him on the committee. He was a strong sympathiser with Mr. Black, and accompanied him to St, Paul's. John Simson, who was treasurer in 1827, 1828, and 1829, was a merchant of good standing, but of retired habits, who late in life married a French-Canadian girl. Mademoiselle Barron. In the difficulty between the ministers, he took sides with Mr. Esson. Joseph Ross, elected a member of the temporal com- mittee, in 1823, was a grocer at 2 St. Joseph Street. He M'as the uncle of Mr. T. B. Ross, the late Joseph M. Ross, and of Mrs. Whitehead. He was a member of the com- 377 mittee that j^uaranteed Mr. Black's malary for the first two years of his pastorate ; and, as was to be expected, he attached himself to Mr. Black in the day of trouble, and seceded with him to St. Paul's Church. Robert Simpson, who was a member of the temporal committee in the years 1827, 1828, 1820, 1830, 1831 and 1832, was the senior partner of the firm of Simpson and Mclntyre, prominent merchants of the city. Malcolm Mclntyre, the junior member of the firm, was from Cal- lander, Perthshire. Scotland, uncle of Robert Mclntyre, ex-M. P. for the county of Renfrew, Ontario. Mr. Simpson was born at Malta, and came to Montreal about 1822. He occupied pew No. 1, in the St. Gabriel Street Church, and, after his departure from the city, it continued in the possession of his nephews, G-eorge and John Rhynas. Mr. Mclntyre, his partner, havin*( died in the cholera epidemic, in 1832, Mr. Simpon removed to Quebec. He sympa- thized with Mr. Esson, in the controversy between the two ministers ; but it showed the estimation in which he was held by all the pew-holders, as a gentleman from whom only fair play was to be expected, th;^^ when there was a strife between the two parties to gain the ascendancy in the temporal committee, in 1830, Hon. Peter McGill, as re- presenting the Black sympathizers, and he as representing the party siding with Mr. Esson, were chosen unanimously as members of the committee, Mr. McGill, president, and he, secretary. He left the city, however, before the final se- paration of St. Paul's Congregation took place. On the 8th June, 1832, the temporal committee placed the following minute upon their record : — " Mr Robert Simpson handed in his resignation as secre- tary and member of the committee, in consequence of changing his residence to Quebec, which was received with regret, as that gentleman had for a long period dis- 878 char<;^«!d tli;^ duty of Hecretary, in a very .sati.sta»tory maiiiuM-, and mootini^ with the «*utir«' approbation ot'tht» propriotorn. at their hi.st annual meetiu«y. who aj^ain unanimously re-appointed him. His ahsenoe, therefore, will deprive the committee of a most elHcient member, and the church of a zealous friend, and one of its liberal supporters." William Kerr, whose name appears second ou the list of those members of St. Gabriel Street Church that de- clined to accede to the recommendation of the Synod, iu 1881, to open the church, was a prominent merchant of Montreal. It was in his office that the late Sir Hugh Allan received his first business training. He was a member of the temporal committee in 1827. He was appointed an elder in St. Paul's Church, 31st May, 1830. He died, 8th April, 1842. Robert Kerr, accountant in this city, is his sou. His daughter was the wife of the late John Henry Evans, hardware merchant. Gi-eorge McKenzie, the third ou the list of recusants against the Synod's recommendation, was an innkeeper, at 9 St. Louis Street, Old Market, in 1820. He bought pew No. 89 ou 28th December, 1816. He was also ordained elder in St. Paul's Church at the same time as Mr. Kerr. John Bruce, who long kept a school on McG-ill Street, afterwards on St. Henry Street, was also ordained an elder iu St. Paul's Church on the same day as Mr. Kerr. He afterwards became a school inspector for the province. He died at Lachute, 19th January, 1866. He was one of the persous to whom the temporal committee, during the years from 1830 to 1832, refused to give titles to pews, although the highest bidders at the auctions, at which the pews were put up for sale. Dougald Stewart was also denied the deed of the pew 879 which was kuofkcd down to him by th«> auftioii^pr iu l'\>hruary, 18-'U. It was givoii by the tt»niporal comiiiittee rath«'r to Walter M. P»'ddie. Mr. Stewart was a native of Callander, Perthshire. S(^otland. He rarac to this city in 1810, and established a dry goods business, in which he greatly prospered. In the long controversy between the Esson and Black parti»'s, iu the St. Gabriel Street Chun-h, he adhered to the latter, aud accompanied them into St. Paul's. On the 28th December, 1845, he was ordained an elder in the church. He took a pro- minent part iu founding the " Lay Association of Mont- real," a society of gentlemen belonging to the Church of Scotland in Montreal, that did excellent service in its day to that branch of the Presbyterian Chun^h — among other enterprises publishing the Presbf/tenan, the organ of the Presbyterian Chur«.h of Canada, in connection with the Church of Scotland, from 1848 to the date of the union, iu 1875. Mr. Stewart was one of its vice-presidents. He died at Montreal. 25th January, 1852, in the 5oth year of his age. Rev. Robert McG-ill, D.D., then Pastor of St. Paul's Church, preached a suitable discourse the Sabbath after his death, and alluded to Mr. Stewart's many ad- mirable qualities, especially the exemplary regularity of his attendance in the House of God, aud the fidelity w^ith which he performed the duties of an elder in the district of the congregation allotted to him. Robert Mclntyre, who was married to Mrs. Stewart's niece, succeeded to Mr. Stewart's business, and the well known house of Mclntyre, Son and Company has grown out of it. William Leys, dealer in groceries, was another of the prominent supporters of Mr. Black throughout the trou- bles from 1829 to 1833, who was refused a pew by the temporal committee. He naturally followed the party with 880 whom ho Kympathizcd into the new entorpvizo ol" build- ing St. raul'H. George (Iruy, upholHterer, was anoth»'r of tho aftivo I'riendH of Mr. Black, whf) afterwards wa.s a hearty 8up- j)orter of St. PaulV ('hurch. IUh daughter married John Grant of the milling firm, " (Jrant, Hall and Company," for some years vice-president and afterwards president of the City Bank, and survives her husband, who died in 1882. George McDonald, a memb«^r of the firm of James M< Donald and Company, merchants, was also regarded with disfavour by the temporal committee, and denied the possession of a pew which he bought. He was after- wards chosen an elder in St. Paul's Church, and ordained 28th December, 1845, In his later days he was in the office of Wm. Dow and C^orapany as manager. He died, 20th November, 18G9. David Ferguson, of the firm of A. and D. Ferguson, coopers, had obtained a pew from the temporal committee in February, 1831, so that they must have regarded him with less suspicion than some of the other Black sup- porters. He purchased pew No. 45. But he afterwards seceded with the St. Paul's people. He and his brother Archibald threw themselves into the Free Church move- ment, in 1844. He was one of the committee of twelve that founded Cote Street Church, and was ordained an elder in it. He has lived to see the scattered fragments of Presbyterianism in this country re-united, and the blue banner of the covenant borne aloft throughout the Dominion. One of the joys of the centennial services in the old church in March, 1886, was the presence at the communion of Mr. Ferguson, with his venerable, white, flowing locks, and other aged saints ripening for the kingdom, some of whom have since gone home. .881 Thf Hon. TiOuiM (In^y, who proHidccl jit tin- Np^'inl rn«^«'tiiii( of the connn'i^-ation on the 2.')th .Tiinuiiry, 1H:J0, (iilli'd hy tht' ti'Miporal fonuniltt'o t()»), in the <'hurch. Mr. Smith -was a native of Athelstaneford, Haddinu^ton-shire, Scotland, and came to this <'Ountry ({uite a youth. He entered into ])artnership in the dry goods business with Charles Bow- man ; and wlien that gentleman removed to Ui)per Ca- nada, Mr. Smith found himself embarrassed for want of capital. However, obtaining a settlement, he resumed business, and succeeded in a few years in acquiring a competency. He retired from ai^tive life about 1844, and built the hue house on St. Alexander Street, in which he died on 2nd March, 1872, and whi( h was afterwards occupied by Rev. Gavin Lang. His wife, Betsey Rea, died, 18th May, 1878. He was one of the original mem- bers of the St. Andrew's Society, and to the last took a deep interest in its work. He was one of the first nine commissioners for the management of the Clergy Reserves, chosen by the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, in connection with the Church of Scotland, in 1842. He was one of the trustees of the new St Andrew's Church, appointed in 1849. After a long connection with 382 that chimh, he joined St. Paul's in his later years, and died in communion with that congregation. Mr. Smith sympathized with Mr. Esson in the attacks to which he was exposed ; and seconded a motion of" a vote of thanks to Hon. Mr. C-rugy for presiding at the meeting at which Mr. Esson was called to vindicate him- self. But he got so wearied and disgusted with the protracted strife, that he took himself off from the church altogether, and joined St. Andrew's Church. One of his daughters became Lady Allan ; another, the wife of Andrew Allan, his brother ; a third, the wife of J. Gr. Bellhouse, of Bellhouse and Dillon ; and a fourth, the wife of Hartland S. Macdougall, Kenneth Dowie, who was appointed treasurer of the congregation in April, 1823, was partner of Hon. Peter McG-ill, while he was known by his original name of Peter McCutcheon. They were general merchants, of high standing. Mr. Dowie was an admirer of Mr. Black, and had become one of the guarantors of that gentleman's stipend for two years from the date of his ordination in 1828. Shortly after this, he left Canada, and began a com- mission business in Liverpool, England, dealing in Cana- dian products, and amassed a large fortune. John McKenzie, who owned pews No. 3 and 92, in the St. Gabriel Street Church, was partner oi the old mercantile firm, Hector Russel and Company, afterwards known as Russel and McKenzie. He was a native of Tarbat, Ross- shire, Scotland. As has been already noted, he married ' Duncan Fisher's fourth daughter, Nancy, Januar/ 31st, . 1822. With many others, he left the Scotch Church, St. Gabriel Street, at a period of strife in the congregation, and afterwards joined the St. Andrew's Church. His daughter, Catherine Elizabeth, was married to Rev. Dr. Mathieson, on the 30th July, 1840. by Rev. Henry Esson. His daughter, Nancy, became the wife of Robert Esdaile, 383 , and survives. Mr. MoKenzie lived to the ripe age of 83 years, and died on November 2itth, 1873. The Hon. Peter McGill also seceded from St. Gabriel Street with the Black party. It was on a visit to him, au old school-fellow, Mr. Black was when he became known to the St. Gabriel Street Congregation. And Mr. McGill's adherence to the St. Paul's Church cause was a tower of strength to it. He was, perhaps, the most popular Scotch- man that has ever lived in Montreal. He enjoyed the confi- dence and respect of all ranks and conditions of men. His fellow Scots bore to him an enthusiastic attachment. This was seen in the fact that he was chosen as the first presi- dent of the St. Andrew's Society, in 1835, and was elected to the same high dignity, as they esteemed it, on eight subsequent occasions. The general regard in which he was held was shown by his being made the first mayor of Montreal, under the new constitution, in 1840. He held the office for three consecutive years. He made the first application for sanction to organize a volunteer force for the protection of the city, on 10th November, 1837, at the time of the rebellion. His father belonged to Newton Stewart, in Galloway, Scotland, but he himself was born at Cree Bridge, Wigton- shire, in August, 1789, and came to reside in Montreal when he was twenty years old. He was first in the em- ploy of the firm, Parker, Gerard, Ogilvie & Co., and after- wards became a partner in the business of Porteous, Hancox, McCutcheon and Cornigan The last style of his firm was Peter McGill & Co., Mr. Dunn being his partner. His mother's name was McGill, and when his uncle, the Hon. John McGill of Toronto, made Peter his heir on con- dition of his assuming the name of his mother's family, he consented ; and is better known to history as Hon. Peter McGill. He occupied a prominent place in the com- a84 mertial community. FromlH34to ISOO, he was president of the Bank oi' Montreal. He was also a director of the Grand Trunk Railway, as he was chairman, indeed, of the first railway company in Canada, the 8t. Lawrence and Champlain. He was a governor of the Montreal General Hospital, as well as president of the Montreal Auxiliary Bible Society. He was the lirst president of the Lay Association of Montreal, consisting of the prominent members of the Church of Scotland in the city, who were banded together to promote the welfare of the Church throughout the country. He was appointed a member of the Legislative Council of the Province on the loth November, 1832, and was called to the Legislative Council of United Canada by Lord Sydenham, 11th May, 1841. He was offered the position of Speaker of the Legislative Council by Lord Metcalfe in 1843, but declined it. He was induced to become a member of the Executive Council under Lord Elgin, in 1847, but he resigned the position iu 1848, during the hot discussions regarding the Rebellion Losses Bill. His resignation added immensely to his popularity with his fellow Scots, and, indeed, with the entire British portion of the community — all the more that he was well-known to be a liberal iu politics. He was at one time Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Canada. He was a governor of McGill College, as well as a trustee of the Church's University of Queen's College, at Kingston. He was ordained an elder of St. Paul's Church, December 28th, 1845. He was one of nature's noblemen. Possessing a massive frame, and endowed with physical as w^ell as mental energy, he was such a man as would be chosen a leader in any circumstances ; and he left behind no memories that were not blessed. Another gentleman, who subsequently filled a large 385 • place in the city and country, attended the St. Gabriel Street Church, for several years prior to the secession oi' St. Paul's congreg-ation. This was Hugh Allan, afterwards Sir Hugh, the head of the great shipping firm of H. &; A. Allan. He was a regular worshipper in the church from 1820 onwards, although he was not a communicant, as he was only a lad at the time. Born at Saltcoats on the Ayrshire coast, Scotland, the son of a ship captain, it was as natural for him to become associated with the sea as it is for a duck to take to the water. But his first thought was commerce in its more restricted sense, and so he entered the employ of William Kerr, merchant of this city, on his arrival in Canada in 1826. He was afterwards a clerk in the firm of Millar, Parlane and Company. In this estab- lishment, he got into his right sphere, for they were ship- owners, as well as general commission merchants. His presence in the concern was soon felt ; his was an ability that could not be hid, and a partnership followed, as a matter of course. The firm developed into Millar, Edmon- stone & Company, — Edmonstone, Allan & Company, and, finally, H. & A. Allan, and Sir Hugh became one of the lords of the sea. But besides creating one of the largest fleets in the world. Sir Hugh was identified with innu- merable land enterprises. The Merchants Bank owed its existence to him, and he was long its president. He was the president, and the controlling spirit of the Montreal Telegraph Company, He was president of the Montreal and Ontario Navigation Company ; of the Montreal Ware- housing Company, and of numerous other joint-stock concerns. The commerce of Canada owes more to him than to any other single citizen of the country. His con- nection with any enterprize seemed to guarantee its suc- cess. He had a surpassing intellect, swiftly working as it was clear. Energy was stamped on every feature of the man. There was no such elastic step in Montreal as that z 886 of Sir Hugh. Every mowmeut of his body bespoke the abounding vitality and vigour of this merchant prince. There was courage in his mien. It said as plainly as words: *' What man dare. I dare." It was, therefore, characteristic of Sir Hugh that he should wish to have his name associated with the greatest undertaking of the age, laying a railway across this continent on Canadian soil. But it was not so to be ; this great work was destined to be achieved by younger, though not less capable fellow- countrymen of his. Work was a positive enjoyment to Sir Hugh, as, indeed, there seemed to be no limit to his capacity for it- Yet his activity came to a very abrupt conclusion. His end was pathetic — he was found by his son, dead in his apartment, in Sir Houston Boswell's Edinburgh residence, his head leaning upon his hand, and lying over a half written letter. He died in harness, as such a man ought. The busy brain had drawn too largely upon the heart's force, and it ceased to beat. Sir Hugh Allan was a consistent Scottish Churchman throughout his long and brilliant career, although his father belonged to the Burgher Church. Young Hugh cast in his lot with the congregation representing the Church of Scotland on his arrival in the city. In after years, no name was more prominent in connection with the Boards of the Church of Scotland than his, although he was not an elder. He did a large amount of routine work for the Synod, and did it thoroughly well. He w^as a long time treasurer of the French Mission Fund of the Church. He was an active member of the Lay Association, and at one time its President. It was in connection with the administration of the Clergy Reserves, however, that he did the most import- ant service for the church, — as secretary of the Board of Commissioners. And when the Government paid oif the ministers and the latter resolved to throw the pro- SSI ceeds of (•ommutatioii into a commou fund. Sir Hugh was chosen a member of the Temporalities' Board, and, after the death of Mr. Thomas Patou, its chairman, a posi- tion which he filled until the union, in 187o. Although later in life, when he had so many important trusts de- pending upon him, he did not give so much of his time and thought to ecclesiastical affairs, as he did while still a younger man with fewer cares ; yet he deserves to be remembered by the church with gratitude for the cheerful and efficient service which he rendered in this connec- tion. He retained his affection for the churi^h of his country. At a Synod breakfast in the St. Lawrence Hall, in 1870, at which Sir Hugh presided. Rev. Dr. Cook of Quebec, who had long been associated with the great shipowner in church matters and appreciated his ad- mirable qualities, spoke in terms of high praise of Sir Hugh's fidelity to the religious traditions of his country, when so many in like circumstances were tempted to forsake them. The only chapter in his career which was to be regretted opened in 1873 ; during* the heat of an election, he departed from Presbyterian traditions by ad- dressing political meetings on the Lord's day. It was in connection with this campaign that he spent so many thousands of dollars in the places where they " would do most good," to use his own phrase, in order to c^rry into parliament, members favourable to the construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway, by a company of which he was president. From this time forward, too, he no longer favoured the union of the Presbyterian churches in Canada, although he had previously thought it was the statesman-like thing to aim at ; and his opposition to^ the scheme was deemed to be owing to the sharp criti- cism, passed upon his connection with the political campaign of 1873, by certain newspapers supposed to voice the sentiments of the Canada Presbyterian Church 388 of the period. However, although 8ir Hugh did not enter the Presbyttirian Church in Canada, he did not do anything personally to embarrass the work of the united church. His name remained on the trust of Queen's College, as well as on the Temporalities' Board, long after 1875, but he did not attend the meetings, and gave notice that he was not going to offer any factious opposition to what was done by these bodies under the new conditions. Sir Hugh received the honours of knighthood at the hands of Her Majesty the Queen, in 1871. This was a recognition, not only of the important service which he had rendered to the British empire in various ways, but especially of the attention which he had been privileged to pay to His Royal Highness, Prince Arthur, while resident in this city in 1869 and 1870. The knight of Ravenscrag will long be pointed to as one who from a humble beginning was able, by industry, foresight, and the practice of sobriety, to achieve distinction, and amass a colossal fortune. Lady Allan pre-deceased her husband by about twelve months. His son, Hugh Montagu Allan, is now the proprietor of Ravenscrag. The most of Sir Hugh's other twelve children are already settled in mar- riage. John Redpath, who had a more or less intimate con- nection with the St. Gabriel Street Church from 1818 to 1833, was a large man every way. His rugged frame enshrined a mind of stalwart proportions. Behind his shaggy eyebrows, lay a far-seeing eye. He was destined to play an important part especially in the ecclesiastical aifairs in Canada. Civilly he was also influential, and was a member of the City Council from 1840 to 1843, but he had the taste for church matters that distinguishes many of the best of Scotia's sons. He had decided eccle- siastical leanings, and in this respect, as well as in several 381) other points, he was not unlike Hugh Miller. Mr. Red- path was born at Earlston, Scotland, in 179t>. He was left early an orphan, and alter learning his trade came to Canada in 181«). From that date till his death he resided chieliy in Montreal ; although, when carrying out large contracts elsewhere, he was necessarily a good deal out of town during his early career. He was a stone-mason, and he was a good one. He carried his consc.ience with him into everything he did. He did a good deal of work for the chun^h at various times, as the accounts show. A capable man like him, who was more than a mere worker in stone and mortar, was sure to make his mark in a new country like Canada. He was em rusted with large undertakings, because he had successfully managed small ones. A contract on the Lachine Canal, well fulfilled, made him a reputation for energy and capacity that led to other profitable contracts ; and Mr. Redpath became a rich man. His co-partnership with Hon. Thos. McKay has already been noticed. It fell to him to superintend the construction of the locks at Jones' Falls, as Mr. McKay had those at Bytown in charge. After retiring from the building business, he became identified with many of the most important comm'erial enterprises of the city. For 35 years he was a director of the Montreal Bank, and became vice-president after the death of Hon. Peter McGill. He was a prominent shareholder in the Montreal Telegraph Company, a partner in what is now the Richelieu and Ontario Navi- gation Company, — and had a large interest in mines in the Eastern Townships ; and he started the first sugar refin- ing establishment in Canada, — the great works at the St. Grabriel Locks, that bear his name. He was married to Janet Macphie on the 19th of Dec- ember, 1818, by Rev. James Somerville, and his two eldest 390 children were baptized by the same j^entleman, — Betsey, in 1819, and Peter, (who waK born let of August, 1821), on 12th September following. Mr. Blaek, while connected with the St. G-abriel Street Church, baptized Mr. Redpath's three daughters, Mary, Jane and Helen. Mr. Redpath held very firmly by the Puritan theology; consequently, he never sympathized with Mr. Esson. He gave his hearty support, however, to Mr. Black, and went with him into St. Paul's. He became a zealous worker in the new congregation ; took charge of the Sabbath School as superintendent, and was ordained an elder at the same time as John Bruce, Wm. Kerr and George McKenzie, on the 31st May, 1835. ' "When the reverberation of the Scottish Church disrup- tion movement reached the shores of Canada, Mr. Redpalh heartily espoused the cause of the non-intrusionists ; and wishing to be quite free to maintain his convictions, he resigned the superintendency of the St. Paul's Sabbath C^chool and his eldership in the congregation, on the 80th of January, 1844. and his resignation was accepted, with every feeling of regret at losing so energetic a worker, by the session and congregation. Mr. Redpath returned to the St. Grabriel Street Church, during the few months that intervened between his leaving St. Paul's and the disrup- tion in Canada, because he found that Mr. Esson and the majority of his congregation occupied common ground with him on the questions involved in the Free Church controversy. His falling in with the St. Gabriel Street Church w^as, however, only temporary. The spiritual atmosphere there did not quite suit him, and his mind was made up not to be content with its provision. Gather- ing around him a band of kindred spirits, the Free Church Committee of twelve was formed, the other eleven being James R. Orr, David Ferguson, Archibald Ferguson, Archi- bald McGoun, James Morrison, William Hutcheson, Alex- 391 ander Fraser, Donald Frasor, William Bethuno, Evandor Mclvor and William Mcintosh. To these original twelve were afterwards added, James Court, Joseph McKay and Adam Stevenson. They resolved to have a new congrega- tion organized that would, as they regarded the matter, adequately represent the reWved spiritual life of the Free Church, as well as its merely political views. The result was a sharp collision between Mr. Redpath, as convener of the committee of twelve, and Mr. Esson and the St. Gabriel Street congregation. In vain did Mr. Esson resign his charge ; in vain did the congregation revise the consti- tution of 1804; in vain did all the elders of St. Gabriel Street session offer to resign, in order that matters in the church might be brought as much as possible into line with the views and sentiments of the Free Church. Mr. Redpath and his associates were inexorable, and the Depu- ties sent out by the Free Church to promote the cause in the city and surrounding country, as well as Dr. Robert Burns, who settled in Toronto, and was guiding the movement in Canada, after mature deliberation coincided with them. This exasperated the St. Gabriel Street con- gregation, — the people thinking that, considering the con- cessions which they had made and the risks they had taken, in joining the Presbyterian Church in Canada, they deserved a different treatment at the hands of the Free Church leaders. Cote Street Church was built, a congregation was speedily formed, under the able and attractive preaching of Messrs. Bonar, Arnott, Somerville and others. Members were drawn from every Presbyterian Church in the city, and some from even other denominations. Both congrega- tions w^ere recognized by the Presbytery and Synod ; but it was a long time before the sore in the hearts of the St. Gabriel Street people, created by the establishment of a rival church in Cote Street, was healed ; and, of course, 892 Mr. Kt'dpalh, whose Htrong will, it was known, hiid largely g-ovonicd tho situation, came in for a iull measure of the })lame. iJut it was not in this affair alone that Mr. Redpath showed insight, vigour and determination. Th«' remark- able sutu ess of the Presbyterian Chun-h of Canada owes not a little to his statesmanlike grasp of all the great ques- tions that came })efore its supreme court, of which he was almost always a member. Many monuments of his energy and wisdom remain, besides his magnificent residem^e of Terrace Bank. It is enough to speak here of one of them, the Presbyterian College, Montreal. The following sketch of the origination of this institution, which has contrib- uted so much to strengthen the Presbyterian cause in the city and district, and which may be looked at as one of the most remarka])le outgrowths of the first century of Presbyterianism in Montreal, is taken from the " Presby- terian College Journal." for December, 1885. It shows how much of the splendid success of this school of the prophets is due to the foresight, and strong will of Mr. Redpath: — " On a cold, frosty evening in January, 1864, a few friends met in the drawing-room of Terrace Bank, at the invitation of the late Mr. John Redpath, to consider the propriety of instituting a Thelogical Seminary in Montreal, in connection with the Canada Presbyterian Church. Those present were Revs. D. H. MacVicar and A. F. Kemp, Princii)al Dawson, and Messrs. John Redpath, Joseph Mackay, Laird Patou, George Rogers, Warden King, and John Stirling, — two ministers and seven laymen. The very decided preponderence of the latter in this initial meeting seemed to foreshadow the place which the institu- tion has ever since held in the confidence and esteem of the people, and the hearty and generous support which they have accorded it." " No minutes of this conference appear to have been 393 kept, and ovon the piv( ise diil*' of it cannot bo nsccrtainod. l)Ut a conunittco waM apj)oint»»d to i)r«»pare an outline of what was agreed upon to l)o Hulmiitted to a large meeting;, to l>e hehl on the 9th of February, in the house of Mr. John ('. 13«M'ket, IJrun.swi'k Street. At this date, a consideral)!*' number of leading- Presbyteiians assembled. Mr. Kedpath was called to the chair, and Principal l);ivvson presented the report of the committ«'e appointed at the iirst i)riv'ate conference. A spirit of unanimity and Christian enthu- siasm pervad«»d the meeting, and the whole matter was considered in a thoroughly practical and business-like manner. It was unanimously agreed to go forward. The necessity and benelits of such an institution as was con- templated were felt to be paramount. Diificulties arising from iinance or from the possibility of unreasonabh» oppo- sition from any (juarter were not overlooked ; ]>ut it was resolved that thev must be faced and overcome bv faith in (rod, and an unyielding determination to make known His gospel. It was clearly apparent to all that the number of ministers and missionaries required to l)e greatly increased in order to meet the wants of the Church and mission fields, specially in the province of Quebec, ('entral Canada and the Ottawa valley. The spiritual destitution of these regions demanded immediate atten- tion. Their peculiar claims upon our w^ealthy and gener- ous citizens w^ere readily acknowledged, while it was not forgotten that ' the iield is the world,' and that the pro- posed institution should in no sense be local in its scope, or limited in its influence to one territory." " " So far the w^ay seemed open and the prospect ])right and promising. The committee was accordingly instructed to perfect its report and have it ready for presentation to a public meeting of the three city congregations, viz. : Lagauchetiere Street Church (now Erskine). St. Gabriel Street Church, and Cote Street Church ( now Crescent 894 Street). THIh m«'<'tinK-, whifh wuh a lull jind ♦MithusirtHtio ono, waH held in Cot^? Street Chunh, with Mr. U«»(lpath iii the chair. What had been considered and decided in the private conl'erenc*^ referred to was nioHt cordially approved, and steps were taken to brin^ the matter before the Pres- bytery of Montreal. This bein^ done, the Presbytery resolved with perfect unanimity to submit the proj)osal, in the usual way. to the Synod at its meetin*^ in June in Cooke's Church, Toronto." " Dr. Taylor and Mr. MacViiar were appointed to support the overture })efort^ the Synod. They did so, and were ably aided on the lloor of the house by Warden Kin«j and others, who ur^^'d the necessity of immediate action being taken. After the matter w.. . carefully considered in a large committee and in open Synod, it was linally agreed, on motion of Mr. Drummond, s(H'onded by Mr. Chambers : — "That the Synod sanction the formation of a Theological College, as craved by the Presbytery of Montreal, and that for this purpose, that Presbytery be authorized to prepare and obtain a charter, mutatis mutandis, similar to that of Knox College, and to report to next Synod." " Thus the enterprise received the public imprimatur of the Supreme Court of the Church, which took it from that time forth under its care and entire control." Mr. Kedpath did not live to see the enterprise com- pleted, w^hich he had thus helped to launch ; but the Presbyterian College will alw^ays stand as a monument both of the cdurage and wise churchmanship of him and his colleagues at that little meeting at Terrace Bank. His name has been since fittingly associated with the institu- tion by the forming of the John Redpath Scholarship, and the John Redpath chair in the College, by his respected widow. ; ;i , Pie took a deep interest in all the great public charities of the city. He was for a long time chairman of the 395 rominittoo ot inaiiapcTiU'nt of tho G»'n»'ral IIoKpitnl, and iinally, prosidi'iit, ol' th»' Hoard of (lovt'ruors. Th(^ Hrnt nu'eting to form tho llouso (»f Industry and R^'fuij^t' was h«'ld at his house, in I)alhouRie iSquan*, in lH3'),and when tho «'Hbrt wan HuriessfuUy revived about .'{0 years after- wards, he -was elected president of the institution. Ho waH also the first j)resi(lent of the Meehaniis' Institute, and after the death of Colonel Wilgress, he was made president of the Montreal Auxiliary Bible iSoeiety. He was a warm supporter of the French-Canadian Missionary Society from its commemement. As he was the chief mover in establishing^ Cote Street Churoems, extracts from wiiich he often rejitnUed, ahnost to the last. He was a man of strony common sense, vigorous with calm judgment, great moral coiira^re and vast energy. The secret of his extraordinary success in husine>^8 was to he sought, not in favouring circumstances, for he made the circumstances which contributed to his good fortune ; but, under God's blessing, to his high aim, his firm will, and dauntless courage, and liis indomitable perseverance." Mr. lledpath had a very large family. One of his daugh- ters married John Dougall, of the Witness, — another T. M. Taylor, an insurance agent, — a third, George A. Drummond» president of the Board of Trade, — a fourth, Professor Bovey, of the Chair of Engineering, in McGill College, — and a fifth, C. J. Fleet, advocate. His eldest sou, Peter, who has retired from business and now resides at Chiselhurst, England, has rendered distin- guished service to education by handsome donations to the library of the Presbyterian College, and very specially 396 by the magnificent building which he erected and pre- sented to McGill University, which bears his own name, and will hand that name, with honour, down, we hope, to distant posterity, — the " Peter Redpath Museum " Archibald Ferguson, also left St. G-abriel Street Church at this crisis, and joined St. Paul's. He has already been referred to, as accompanying Mr. Somerville from Quebec to Montreal, in order to continue to enjoy that gentleman's scholastic superintendence. Mr. Somerville hi d been brought to Quebec as a teacher, mainly through Mr. Ferguson's father, — and he proved successful as an in- structor, so that those who could afford it, resolved to send their children to Montreal after him. In subsequent years, Mr. Ferguson chose Montreal as his permanent residence, becoming proprietor of the Herahi in succession to the Gray family. Mr. Ferguson owned pew No. 10 in the St. G-abriel Street Church, and used to do the congregational printing. He was ordained an elder in St. Paul's Church, 13th May, 1855, and continued to fulfil the duties of the office with exemplary fidelity up to the day of his death, which occurred on October 9th, 1876. Mr. Ferguson did not cease to take an interest in the fortunes of the old church , although he became an office- bearer in St. Paul's. In his later years, he was fond of recalling his connection in early life with Mr. Somerville and Mr. Esson.. And it was his lot to be specially instru- mental in receiving back into the custody of the Church of Scotland, in 1865, the venerable edifice which had been for twenty years and more in possession of the Presby- terian Church of Canada, or the Canada Presbyterian Church. He was one of the eleven provisional trustees named in the Act, settling the ownership of the church 27-28 Vict., chap. 161. And he was deputed by the other ten to see the terms of settlement carried out. 397 But it was specially as treasurer of the Widows' and Orphans' Fund, of the Presbyterian Church of Canada in connection with the Church of Scotland, for the long* period of twelve years, that he is entitled to the grateful remembrance of the church. This fund he managed grat- uitously, with as much care and fidelity as if it had been his own money that Wf*r-> concerned ; until he saw the capital mount up from |42,174 to |82,169. Mr. Ferguson was also an ardent friend of Presbyterian Union, which he lived to see happily accomplished. Professor Ferguson of Queen's Univers^ity is his only son, and his daughter is the wife of William Ross, notary, one of the elders of St. Paul's Church. , The 71st Regiment, the famous " Highland Light Infantry," was stationed in Montreal in the year 1827, and attended the church. Pew No. 58 was placed at the disposal of Colonel Jones and the other officers of the Regiment. CHAPTER XXII. TiiH Cr.BiKJY Reserves Controversy — Policy of thw crown to Estaiilish THE Church ok Ex(;i,ani) in Canada — The Oxford Movement FAVOURED the IDEA — Dk. StRACHAX's EcxLE-SIASTUAL ChARTS — CLAIMS of NlACiAEA AND QUBUEC CONGREGATIONS FIRST PUT FORWARD — Mu. ESHON, TUB GREAT ClIAMl'ION OF THE ClIURCH OF SCOTLAND'S RIGHTS — J. C. Grant's Mission — Dr. Lee's " Queries " — Answers ortainbd — Church of Scotland General Assembly's Action on the subject — (Jpi'ER Canada Legislature upholds Preshytbrian Claims — At- tempts TO control education in Lower Canada isy Church of Em^land resisted uy Mr. Esson — Church of Scotland's righis granted in 1840. The " Clergy Reserves " controversy is interesting from more than one point of view. For one thing, it is the his- tory of the attempt made to plant Established Churches in the British colonies ; for the same plan was intended to be followed up in Australia, if it had succeeded here. It is also specially important, on account of its bearing upon subsequent Presbyterian consolidation. Sir George Murray, British Secretary of State for the Colonies, in a letter to the Grovernor of Upper Canada, — Sir John Colborne. of date, 1st August, 1830, urged, that for the purposes of receiving consideration from the Government all the Presbyterians should join together. From 182H onwards, =£750 a year was given by the Imperial Govern- ment to be divided between the Church of Scotland Min- isters, but Sir George Murray was disposed to extend assistance to all Presbyterian clergymen as well. He says : — --•- ; . ...,-- 399 " Itiii)pears tome very de.i ruble, if suoli measure could he accomplished, that the whole of the Prosbyteriiii clergy of the province should form a Presbytery or SvucmI, and that each Presbyterian minister, who is to receive the allowance from the Governme?it, should be recommended by that body, in like manner as the Roman Catholic priests, who receive assistance from Government, are recommended by the Catholic Rishop." This advice had lelatiou to Upper Cauada ouly, but the subject was pressed with even greater warmth aud zeal iu Lower Canada ; and St. Gabriel Street Church was the head centre of the movement. Self-interest, it may be almost said, self-preservation, urged the congregation as well as the ministers, to agitate the subject. The pew- rents could not be made to yield an adequate revenue for the support of the three clergymen. Relief from this em- barrassment, we have seen, was looked for by the temporal committee from the Clergy Reserves ; and this circum- stance was not without its influence on the course which the question took. In New York, and a few other places, provision had been made by the colonial authorities, before the American revolutionary war, for the maintenance of certain churches; but in the colonies generally there was no attempt to erect a religious establishment, as the aim o ' the settlers of the New England districts especially, in coming to the New World, had been to escape from the oppression, as they deemed it, of tl e Church of England, and seek " a faith's pure shrine — freedom to worship Grod." After the revolt of the colonies, British statesmen of both parties concluded that a mistake had been committed iu neglecting to foster Episcopacy in America. Sir Peregrine Maitland, who was Lieutenant Governor of LTpper Canada during a large part of the first quarter of this century, may be taken as the mouthpiece of the English rulers of this period. He strongly espoused the cause of the Church of England in this country, and based his advocacy of it upon the assumption that it was best calculated to promote loyalty 400 in the province, assorting that all the clorgy of that com- munion had T'^raained faithful to Great Britain through- out the American war. The best antidote to the dreaded Puritan leaven, it was thought, would be the extension of the influence of the Church of England. Tt was with this view that George III., in what is known as the Quebec Constitutional Act, providing for t) j self-government of Canada, set apart one-seventh of the waste lands of the province for the maintenance of " a Protestant clergy." That term was, indeed, afterwards found broad enough to cover Presbyterians of every hue, and Method- ists as well as Episcopalians ; but the Hansard report of the debate on the occasion, as well as the drift of the Act itself, shows that it was the Church of England that was designed to be benefited by it. The true " Protestant clergy " was used in contra-distinction to " Roman Catholic," and vas inserted to indicate that the latter could have no claim upon the Clergy Reserves, but must rely on the advantages conferred on them by the Treaty of Paris, and the Act of 1774, by which the Romanist priests had been secured in their " accustomed dues and rights," while the right was reserved to the crown of making such provision out of the said accustomed dues and rights, for the encouragement of the Protestant reli- gion, and for the maintenance of a Protestant clergy, as might be thought from time to time necessary and expe- dient." Fox, indeed, objected to the privilege (*ontemplated to be bestowed upon the Church of England by the Bill, contending that the Church of Rome or the Church of Scotland, as representing a proportion of the population of Canada, as large as that belonging to the Church of England, had an equal right to recognition at the hands of the Grovernment. But Pitt and Lord Grenville, the author of the Act, in framing it, proceeded upon the sup- position that the Episcopal Church of England was the 401 rrotestant Chm-ch of the realm ; and so one of the clauses ot the bill empowered his Majesty to " authorize the (governor to erect hi every township, one or more parson- ages or rectories, according to the Church of England and to present to such parsonage, or rectory, an incumbent or minister of the Church of England, duly ordained accord- ing to the rites of that Church." The King's instructions to the Governor of Canada, in 1818, were quite explicit ^ to the special favour to be shown to the Episcopal Lhurcvh After enjoining that the religious susceptibili- ties of the Roman Catholics of the Province were to be respected, he was told always to remember " that it is a toleration of the free exercise of the religion of the Church ol Rome only, to which they are entitled, but not to the powers and privileges of it as an Established Church, that hein^ a preference which belongs only to the Protectant Church of England- Governor Maitland carried out these instruc- tions only too faithfully; and, while pretending to be inendly to the adherents of the Church of Scotland, endeavoured to throw suspicion upon the loyalty of the Iresbyterian community generally, bv calling the other sections of it " Independents," and representing them as more inclined to the " neighbouring republic" than to the iiritish Empire. At this time, too, the Oxford movement had begun, and the High Churchmen, chafing under the want of Catholi- cism, the orbis terrarum, which so greatly distressed New- man, were anxious to remove the stigma that the insular position of Anglicanism affixed to them ; and so desired to girdle the world with offshoots from the parent church, beginning literally with Jerusalem. Dr. Strac^han zealously promoted this policy of the authorities in England. His astute mind foresaw, in the reservation of one-seventh of the unappropriated lands of Canada, the means of en- dowing the Anglican clergy in the colony, on a scale A A A A 402 that would vie in iuflueuce and graud«^ur with the liv- ings of the Church of Eughiud at home ; provided all could be kept iu the hauds of his owu church. As yet, these lauds yielded scarcely any revenue, but he suo ceeded in obtaining large sums of money from the public chest for I'roraoting the extension of the cause of Protest- ant Episcopacy. His church had thus the advantage of the smile of the rulers of the day, and enjoyed the pa- tronage of all officialdom ; so that, in comparison, the other religious communities that had ('ommenced opera- tions in the country were handicapped in the race. Dr. Strachau, in 1823, sent to the Imperial authorities a letter, accompanied by what he called an Ecclesiastical Chart, which purported to give a comparative estimate of the strength of the various denominations ; but its tenor w^as so manifestly unfair, magnifying his own church and belittling others, that it aroused both the Methodists and Presbyterians, not only to assert the strength they had already attained, but also to put forth greater exertions for the time to come. The attack made on Presbyteriauism by Dr. Strachan, in the document referred to, which was repeated in a new Ecclesiastical Chart which he issued in 1826, had an important bearing on the fortunes of Presby- teriauism in Canada The few ministers then in the country buckled on their armour in right earnest, and they urged their friends in Scotland to come to their as- sistance. From that day forward, the interest of the Established Church of Scotland in the progress of Presbyteriauism in Canada, was secured, and both men and money were liberally supplied. The intervention of the General Assem- bly of the Church of Scotland w^ith the Imperial autho- rities, craving that the ministers and adherents of the church in this country should be placed on an equal foot- ing with those of the Church of England, so far as the 408 iavours of the G-overumont were concerned, (;ou(ributed not a little to the obtaining of their just rights by our people ; although it shows how great the odds were against which they had to struggle, that even Dr. Chal- mers, at this period, in his enthusiasm for Church exten- sion in Scotland, and championship of religious establish- ments, was prepared to advise that the Church of Kngland alone should be established in Canada. The influence of the Presbyterians in the colony was, however, too great for this policy to be carried out. It was a strong point that the Church of Scotland was established at home, equally with the Church of England, and there- fore had claims throughout the empire, outside the United Kingdom, that were as good as those of the sister estab-' lishment. The first claim put forth by the Presbyterians to share in the advantages of Clergy Reserves was when the in- habitants of Niagara of that persuasion petitioned Sir Peregrine Maitland, Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Can- ada, 17th May, 1819, setting forth the hardships they had had to endure, and praying His Excellency to grant them the sum of jCIOO, out of the funds arising from Clergy Reserves, or any other fund, at His Excellency's disposal. In forwarding the memorial, he remarks : " This petition involves a question in which I perceive there is a difference of opinion, namely, whether the Act intends to extend the benefit of the Reserves to all denomina- tions, or only to those of the Church of England." The question was submitted by Earl Bathurst to the law officers of the Crown for their opinion. On the 6th May, 1820, Earl Bathurst wrote to Sir P. Maitland, informing him that His Majesty's law officers were of opinion that though the provisions of the Act of 1Y91 were not con- fined solely to the Clergy of the Church of Scotland, yet that they did not extend to all dissenting ministers. " 404 The next document on the subject emanated I'rom St. Andrew's Church, Quebec, in IHIO, petitioning lor a con- tinuation to a new minister of the cCSO sterling, tbrmerly given to Dr. Spark. But it was Mr. Esson who was the chief of the movement. His sense of the injustice of the treatment which the Church of Scotland ministers were receiving would not let him keep silence. It was one of the members of the St. Gabriel Street Church, J. C. Grant, Esq., advocate, son of John Grant, of Lachine, who w^as selected to go to Great Britain as a commissioner to plead the cause of the Presbyterians be- fore the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland and His Majesty's Government. The following documents give the history of the movement : — To the Kind's Most Excellent Majesty :— The most humble petition of His Majesty's most faithful and loyal subjects, the Ministers and Elders in connection with the Established Church of Scotland in Upjier and Lower Canada. Most Graciovh Hoveheign : — Wm, the Ministers and Elders in connection with the Established Church of Scotland in Canada, humbly beg leave to represent to Your Majesty the great disadvantages under which we at present labour in these colonies, in consequence of the church to which we belong having no legal provision made by public authority for its support. And we would most humbly represent to Ycur Majesty that means exist in this country which will ultimately be available for this purpose, and, as we conceive, amply sufficient; la iids having been reserved both in Upper and Lower Canada for the f^appt)rt of a Protestant Clergy, of which the rents, however inconsiderable at present, may be confidently expected to form, at some distant period, a revenue that would afford a sufficient provision for the support of a I'rotestant Clergy in connection with both the Established Churches of Great Britain. We, therefore, must humbly pray Your Majesty to be graciously pleased to grant that a por- tion of said lands lie appropriated for the support of a branch of tlie Church of Scotland in Canada. J. SOMERVILLE, f H. ESSON, ^Ministers. HUGH URQITHART. J GEORGE GARDEN, THOMAS PORTEO US, PHILIP ROSS, ' P. LESLIE, ROBERT ARMOUR, JAMES CARSUELL, H. Mackenzie, THOMAS BLACKWOOD. Montreal, 12th December, 1822. h Elders. 405 [Copy.l Downinj,' Street, l!>tli Mardi, 1823. Mv liORI), I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Lordship's dispatch of the 24th January last, transmittinj? a petition to His Majesty from the Ministers and Klders in connection with the Establislied Churcli of Scotland in Vpiter and Lower Canada, prayin;; for the legal establishment of their church in those provinces, and of an udecjuate provision for the clergy thereof; and to accjuaint your Lordship that I have laid the same before His Majesty. I have the honor to be, etc., etc.. T . , , r' , (Signed,) BATHURST. Lieutenant General, The Earl of Dalhousie. G. C. B., Ktc, etc., etc. [Copy.] Downing Street, 2r)th .Tune, 1826. Mv Lord, I have tlie honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Lordship's dis- patch of the 24th IMarch last, transmitting memorials from the ditlerent congregations and ministers of the Church of Scotland in Canada, praying for pecimiary aid from His Majesty's Government, and recommending the same to my most favourable (consideration. In reply, I have to ac- quaint your Lordship that I am of opinion it would be certainly desirable to grant salaries to the Ministers of the Church of Scotland, and in the event of any funds being placed at His Majesty's disposal, by the eale of Crown Lands in Lower Canada, I shall be very nsady to entertain the applications which you have recommended, but at present, I can only express my regret that the want of means prevents me from complying with the petitionary request. I have, etc., etc., etc., p., , (Signed,) BATHURST. [A true copy.] H. MoNTIZAMBERT, Assist-Secretary. " A meeting of the clergymen of the Church of Scotland resident in Upper and Lower Canada, accompanied by lay members from their respective congregations, was held at 406 Cornwall, on Wednosday, the 30th day of January, 1828, to devise snch ineaKures as they might deem most expe- dient ibr promoting the interests of the chiirch at this im- portant crisis. Present : the Kev. Dr. Harkness, Mr. lilsson, Mr. Mathieson, Mr. Connel, Mr. Urquhart, Mr. Maihar, Mr. McKenzie, ministers ; — the Hon. Neil MacLean, Mr. John MacLean, Mr. Ferguson, Mr. McQillivray, elders ; and Mr. Kobert Simpson, William Dunlop, Esq., and Mr. Neil Mcintosh." " It was agreed, among other items of business, to take into consideration what might })e the best method of pre- paring an Ecclesiastical Chart, exhibiting the errors of Dr. Strachan's, and a correct statement of our own church, &c., w^hich, after some discussion, was referred to the fol- low^ing members, vi". — Messrs. Esson, Mathieson and Dr. Dunlop, to report thereon." " The prevailing report respecting Mr. McLaurin's ap- plication to be admitted into holy orders in the Church of England, on the score of a conscientious preference, was next taken into consideration, and the following brethren, viz., Messsrs. MacKenzie, Connel, and Urquhart, directed to take such steps to ascertain the facts of the case as to them might seem fit." The reference here is to thf Rev. John McLaurin, minis- ter of Lochiel, in Glengary, a native of Breadalbane, Scot- land, who came to this country in 1819, and with whom Dr. Strachan had opened a correspondence, encouraging him to join the Church of England. Mr. McLaurin, how- aver, proved constant to his own church, and died in its ministry, in 1833. Speaking of Archdeacon Strachan's endeavors to spirit Presbyterian ministers into the Angli- can communion, gives occasion to relate a good anecdote bearing on the subject. Among others whom he had endeavored to influence, in this direction, was Rev. Mr. Jenkins of Markham, Ontario, connected with the Asso- 407 ciate Synod of Scotland. Mr. Jenkins had ir limtli- Ton in U|)|Hjr ami l.ownr (iiiioiltt, urn m full foniiniinioii with tli« Kstal)- li.sli«(l Chun'li of Srotluiid. "That they (m»iu« before your voncruhle court to represent in hehalf of tlu'in«eI\0H aiui their l)rethnui in thewe provincoH their (;Iaiiii«anil waiitH, and to Holi'it your aHHiHlami' ami Mupport in thoir application to HIh MajcHty'H (loverninent for the puriM)Heof ohlainiuK a leu'al ami iM-rnuvnont proviHion for tho HupiM)rt of tiie ('hurch in this [)art of the Kinpire." " Tliat whil(* your ineuiorinlistH deem theniMelve.s entitled hy the funda- mental lawH of the llritisl n.stiliition, to ohtain the ndvnnta^'o of a full leual rec(vnition in the .same manner uh {\m sister Church of England. — they are, in point of fact, placed in a Hituation almost as disadvanfat^oous nn any of tlie Protestant disMentors." At the Kamo tim«^ there was rend by Mr. Eissou, a draft of JUKtnictions, for Mr. Grant ; also u dnilt of a memorial prepared at said meetiiii^, to the General As.sembly of the Church of Scotland. It ran as follows : — " Cornwall, 1st. Feb., 1828. " Sir, — A meeting,' of the clergy of the Church of Scotland, resident in U[)i>or and I-ower Canada, together witli lay niend)ers from tluwr cou^rci- gations, having apiM)inted you their agent in Great Britain, rotiuost your attention to the following instructions which they have drawn up for your guidance in your mission." "As the attachment ot the Presbyterians to their own church has been called iu question, and their num])er represented as inconsiderable, we are perfectly willing that the condi- tions on which the Government aid shall be attbrded pre- viously require a certain amount of voluntary contribu- tions from the members of every congregation, claiming such assistance, as well as such a number of heads of families as may appear to His Ma-jesty's Government suffi- cient to constitute a congregation. " We particularly recommend the establishment in the East Indies, as being most likely to afford the best prece- dent on which to found our claim to a connection with the Church of Scotland, and as we have now in some measure 409 ohtaiiK'd a roroq^iiitioii and provision in the Provinces, our agont will not tail to urs»«' on th«» f his mis- Hion. I rosiKictfully solicit for hitri all Uio favour that can bo with pro- priety tiranted him, in pntliiij^ these in liis l^l^'ga^'e at the Custom House wliere lie may land. "(Si^MH'.l,) DAfJIorSIK, " (;ov('rnor-(i(wi('rjil in " Britihli North Am('n(!a. •*Quel)ef, 14 ih February, 182H." " At Edinburgh, tne 2ii(l day of June, one thousand eig'ht hundred and twenty-eight years. — Session ult. "Which day the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland called for the report of the Committee on the Canada petitions, which was given in by Dr. Lee, the convener, and along with it a Memorial of the clergy and laity of Upper and Lower Canada, in connection with the Church of Scotland, and an overture from the Presbytery of Paisley, relative to Presbyterian colonists in British North America. " It was moved, seconded and unanimously agreed to : — " That the General Assembly feel a strong; interest in tlie prosperity of His Majesty's Presbyterian subjects in connection witli the Church of S<'otland, and resident in the I'ritish colonies of North Anierica, more os|)ecially in their spiritual interests, and the provisions wliich they require for promoting and maintaining them. That it is, so far, highly satisfactory to know that the countenance of His Majesty's Government has been ex- tended to them in some degree, — and the Gcuioral Assembly entertain the hof)e that some further jtrovision will ho granted as may make them, not only to obtain a legal and permanent provision, but also to enjoy the civil and religious liberties, which they res[jectfully look for as a fXHtple, in com- munion with this established church, and a valuable body of settlers in His Majesty's North American Provinces. That the Assemibly apjn-ovo of the report made by Dr. Lee, and re-appoint the Committee, with instruc- tions to aid by Petition or otherwise, the applications, at j)re8ent making to (iovernment, by the Sttottish ministers in comnmnion with the Church of Scotland in the North American colonies, for a legal and permanent Jtrovision, and the full exercise of all their rights and privileges, as minis- ters in connection with one of the P^stablished Churches of Great Britain ; and the said committee, of which Dr. Lee is the convener, is hereby re- quired to report to the next General A8semV)ly. ^' — , . (Signed) JOHN LEE, .i... £rcl. ii'ec" 414 Th(» followiiit^ is th<» copy of ji l«>tt«'r from Dr. McaruK : — " KtNd'.M r..M.K(iK, .Idiin 27th, 1S2H. " My Dhak Silt :— Win((( in(M»tiii(j; yoii uiul Mr. rn|iiliart on tin; 7th lii8t.' I have miHiivHd iiii jimhwcm' to tlm laHt Mi'iiiorial of thi* rommitUiO of As.s(iinl)ly, riiaUiii).; an alhrnioii to tlio former iiicthoil propr^stMl for a'nliiij; tlio l*r«Hl)yt;; a inoiiioriai f<» the (iovernor- in-('onnril, the (iovomor will have received His Maje.sty'H coniinandN, anthoriz-ini^ him upon lieinu; satisded that tin* <'onditiorH have l)een duly coinprM^l with, to contribute to llu* support of the clert^yinan in Hii(;h pro- portion as, to^reth»»r with the contribution of tli(* parties presj^itin;^ the tncinorial, may lie siitlicient to allbrd him a comiHitent maintenance, Hiich contribntion, however, beiii'.^ n»!r:e8sarily limited by the fiinilH which it may be in the power of ih(* crown to ap|>ropriate t(» sudi |)iirpoHe, and liy other (;laims, wiiich may (ixist upon tlKi-e funds, — on nM-eiviim this commnni- eation, I immediately wrote to Ijord Dalhousie, re(luostin^^ to be informeinnin«»- of 1832, "The ministers and rul- ini»' elders of the PresbytiU'y of Quebec," jxilitioned the Kinj^- to hav(^ the rights of the(Jhurch of Scotland to share in tlie ('lerjL^y lleserves recojijnized. Amongst the i)assaq'e8 of importance, it had one thing, tlu^ h^gal opinions of Lord Lyndhurst and Gilford, to whom the qui^stion had l)een submitted l)y the crown on a former occasion : — " Wt5 ar(!i)r<)|»iiii«'ii flml tlioii^fli llio i)n)viHi(niH madt^by tlio lUsI (Jtfor^re III., ell. ;{1, .s(((;(,i()ii.s ;!(i aiul I'J, for tlinal ri<,'ht, to be admitted to an eciual pailicipation with their brethren, ihe clergy and members of the churches of En},'lan(l and Home, in the nianatjement and suj)erinteiidence of education, as it now is, or may hereafter be vested in the aforesaid institution. "May it therefore please Y^our Excellency to take the premises into your favourable consideration, and, in such manner as Your Excellenciy in your Avisdom shall see fit, recommend to the legislature in the contem- plated amendment of the Act for the establishment of the Royal Institu- tion for the advancement of learning in the province, to provide for the due representation of the clerjry and members of the Church of Scotland. "And Your Excellency's memorialists, as in duty bound will ever pray, etc., etc , etc. " (Signed,) JAMES HARKNESS, D.D. " (Signed,) H. ESSON, Minister. " Quebec, li3rd January, 1829." The concession at length granted to the Church of Scotland made the religious communities, unprovided for, clamorous to be put on the same platform. The result was that, in 1832, the Methodists, the ministers of the United Presbytery of Upper Canada, representatives of the non-endowed Presbyterians of Scotland, and the clergy of the Church of Rome in Upper Canada, had the same status accorded them as the ministers connected with the Established Church of Scotland — were granted an annual allowance from the territorial funds of the G-overnment. This was the situation of affairs up to 1840, when, at the instance of the Canadian legislature, the Imperial par- liament pass3d the Act which authorised the sale of the Clergy Reserves. The bill provided that ministers con- nected with the Church of Scotland should receive the same advantages from the proceeds of the lands sold as 41H * tlioso of I he (Miunli of I'ln^laiKl d that the words, Protestant <^ler<^y, we:r(^ lari«<^ enough to include other y which tw^o-t birds of the unsold reservcid lands were as- sii^ned to the Church of lilnijfhind and oiu;-third to the Church of Scotland. Reviewing the controversy, Fen- 41!) iiiiiUfN Taylor well Hayw : "Tho clforl on tlu» pari of frit'iKlM of ilic Chun h of lOiii^liiiKl 1(» plarc the iiiiuisttMs of Ihc ('liiircli ol' S(;ot land in I lie catcirory ol' (li.sHciittTs wjis fx- (M'cdinj^ly iiijudifioiis." The iinpt'rial A<'1, pliMJnir I he (Miun h of >S too late. Had a piict l>*>*>n iiiadt' at an *>;i,|-liparated irom the Synod in coiuuM-tion with the (church of Scot laiul. Their oppositioji, liowevev, could not be thus bought oil". The agitation was continued, and so in 1854, the (Meri^y Reserves were " st'eularised," that is, the proceeds ol" the sales of the reserved lands wen^ handed over to the several municipalities to ])e exi)ended as th(«y ehose, vested rights beinj.^' held sac^red as in the Imperial Act ol' 1840. These rights were commuted with the sev«'ra.l (churches, as was done in the c^ase ol' tli«^ Irish (churches ; and thus oriirinated the i'und (tailed the " Tinnporalities Fund " in the "rresl)yterl;in Church in Canada" to-day. . 420 Tho experiment of Pitt to reproduce Episcopacy here, with bishopH in the Lep^islative Council or Upper House, in order to promote loyalty to the crown, tailed, and is not likc^ly to be repeated, the mixture of races and creeds making it impracticable, even if it were desirable. And it is found that we are wonderfully loyal without the preserving salt of dominant Episcopal inlluence. HON. JA.MKS Lt.Sl>IK CHAPTER XXIII. Hon. James Leslie, — Campbell Sweeney, Robert Sweene\', Campbell Sweeney, Jr. — Dr. Caldwell — D. P. Ross — William Peddib — Coun McDouGALL — John Jamieson — Charles Tait — Francis Hunter, Sr. Francis Hunter, Jr. — J. C. Grant — James Scott — James Logan — William Suter — Roderick MacKbnzie— Kenneth Walker — Thomas Ross — James Court — Benjamin Workman — Alexander Workman William Workman — Thomas Workman — John Dougaij. — George Johnston— Archibald Ferguson. Lieut .-Colouel, the Hon. James Leslie, .T.P., was the son of Captain James Leslie, 15th Regiment of Foot, who was Assistant Quarter Master G-eneral to the army of General "Wolfe, at the capture of Quebec. He could trace his descent from Royalty through the Earl of Rothes and the Stuarts of Inchbreck, in the Mearns, the latter family deriving from Murdoch, Duke of Albany, grandson of Robert the second. Mr. Leslie was born at Kair, Kincardine, Scotland, 4th September, 1786, and educated at the G-rammar School, Aberdeen, and afterwards at Marischal College and Uni- versity of Aberdeen. He came to Montreal in 1808, and commenced business on his own account. The firm was known as James Leslie & Co., and in after days as Leslie, Starnes & Company, Hon. Henry Starnes being his partner. They were wholesale grocers and general merchants. Mr. Leslie's connection with the St. Gabriel Street Church began immediately on his coming to the city. In 1809, he purchased pew No. 22, which formerly had been the property of Patrick Robertson, merchant, brother of James and Alexander Robertson, already mentioned. He was 422 '' married to Julia, eldest daughter of the late Patrick Langan, 14th December, 1815, by Rev. Mr. Jenkins, the military chaplain. Mr. Langan was formerly an officer in the British army, and became Seignior of Bourchemin and de Ramsay. Mr. Leslie served as an officer in the Montreal volunteers during the war with the United States in 1812. He held a commission in the militia from 1811 until 1862, when he retired, retaining his rank as Lieut. -Colonel. He was one of the gentlemen calling ■'he public meeting in 1817, to organize the Bank of Montreal, and appoint directors. He was chosen one of its first directors, and continued to serve on the board for many years. He was one of the original board of the General Hospital. He was also a director of the Savings' Bank, and of the Montreal Agricultural Society, in 1820. Mr. Leslie was one of Mont- real's most esteemed citizens, and took high rank as an honorable merchant. His popularity was shown in the fact that he sat as the member of the East Ward of the city in the Legislative Assembly of Lower Canada, continuously, from the general election in 1824 until the union between the provinces in 1840. He was chosen member for Vercheres, in the first general election after the Union, and sat for that constituency until 1848, when he was summoned to the Legislative Council. In March, 1848, he became president of the Legislative Council, and held this position until September following, when he was appointed Provincial Secretary and Registrar. He held office until October, 1851. He continued to sit in the Legislative Council until Confederation in 1867, in May of which year he was appointed to the Senate by Royal proclamation. He died on the 6th December, 1873, at the advanced age of 87 years. If there is any name entitled to respect and grateful mention in the annals of the St. Gabriel Street Church it 423 is that of Mr. Leslie. His membership in it extended over a period of 65 years, lonj^er than that of any other person connected with it ; and his membership durinj^ by far the greater part of that time was one of activity and devotion +0 the interests of the congregation. He sat under all the ministers that preached in the old church, from Mr. Somer- ville down, and was loved and esteemed by them all. Indeed, it was impossible for any one to know Mr. Leslie and not to love him. As early as 1811, he was put into office by his fellow- pew-holders, being that year chosen a member of the temporal committee. He was elected inl813 to the same position, and again in 1816 and 1817, being vice-president in the former year and president in the latter. He was also a member of the special committee for providing funds to procure an assistant to Mr. Somerville in 181*7, and was one of those who were instrumental in bringing Mr. Esson to Montreal. He was ever a warm friend and constant supporter of Mr. Esson. When Hon. Peter McGill resigned his position as chairman of the temporal committee, at the crisis in 1830, on account of his leaving for G-reat Britain, Mr. Leslie was chosen in his place, being second only to Mr. McGill as a man to be honoured and trusted. But as he had been ordained an elder, March 21st, 1819, he felt that ^ I was not compatible with discharging the functions of hi* spiritual office to take the presidency, and so he de- clined it, on the score of his being an elder. He allowed himself, however, to be placed on the temporal committee in 1845 and 1846, after the disruption, and in 1845, he was put on a special manse committee, appointed by the con- gregation, as in connection with the Presbyterian Church of Canada. Mr. Leslie adhered to Mr. Esson, both in 1832 and 1844. Mr. Thomas Blackwood and he were the only elders remaining in the session, after Mr. Black's adherents left the church. It was he who moved the resolution on 424 January 25th, 1830, expressing the congregation's convic- tion, that Mr. Esson had exonerated himself from the charges brought against him by the majority of the elders. And it was he who presided at the meeting of proprietors on June 30th, 1845, when the congregation made changes in the Rules and Regulations, with a view to meeting the objections urged against the constitution of the Church. Mr. Leslie always maintained that the proprietors had an inherent right to make such changes, so long as they main- tained the forms of worship practised in the Church of Scotland. He stood out stoutly for the right of the con- gTegation to a share of the services of the Free Church deputies, which the Cote Street organization claimed altogether. With Mr. Johnston and Mr. Gunn, he offered his resignation as an elder in 1845, when fault was found with the composition of the session by the Free Church Committee ; but the resignation was not accepted, on the ground that it would be disastrous, in the situation in which things then were, to leave the congregation without a Kirk-session. The eftect upon Mr. Leslie of this conflict with the Free Church Committee, combined with Mr. Esson's removal to Toronto, was to cause him to withdraw from the prominent place which he had previously occupied in the con- gregation. He took comparatively little interest in the affairs of the church for many years, and when Knox congregation resolved to remove to their new Church in December, 1865, he declined to accompany them. The congregation in connection with the Church of Scotland being reconstructed in 1866, he resolved to cast his lot in with it. It was a great pleasure for the writer to visit the dear old gentleman in his pleasant St. Mary's cottage in Parthenais Street. A more aiTable and courteous gentleman could not be found than Mr. Leslie. His life and character were stained by no single fault. Sans peur, sans reproche might very well be said of him. 425 Mr. Leslie had two sons and two daughters. Patrick was married to a daughter of A. M. Delisle, collector of customs. Both he and his wife are dead, as well as their eldest daughter, A boy and girl survive, as the only repre- sentatives of the family. Mr. Leslie's younger son, Edward, died unmarried. One daughter was married to Major Nairn, Seignior of Murray Bay, — and she died three years ago ; while Grace was married to. Mr. John Henderson of this city, who survives her. Campbell Sweeney was inspector of potash for the city, the I ition filled afterwards by the late Colonel Dyde, A.D.C. to Her Majesty the Queen. Mr. Sweeney was a victim to the first visitation of Montreal by cholera, and died l*7th June, 1832. He belonged to what w^as known as a " good family " in the north of Ireland. As has been already seen, Eev. Mr Esson's first wife w'as his daughter. The family were all clever, intellectually, and they occu- pied a high social position in the city. The sons were hot-blooded youths, and got into serious scrapes. We have seen that one of them, Campbell, junior, who was a lawyer by profession, got shot in the leg by a novice in the use of the pistol, James Scott. He had previously had an "aftair of honour" with William Walker, a fellow advocate, in which he came olF better. He shot Mr. Walker in the hand, destroying one of his fingers. But this event did not make much stir in the com- munity, compared with the tragedy in which Robert Sweeney, another son of Campbell Sweeney's, was in- volved. He was also an advocate, who had a misunder- standing with Major Ward, an officer of the " Royals " then stationed in the city. He rose hurriedly from his own table, sent a friend directly to the officers' mess wath a challenge to Major Ward. A duel was arranged — the com- batants met. May 22nd, 1838, and Sweeney, whose aim 426 was always unerring, shot his adversary dead. The only witness of the affair were the seconds, who, with Sweeney, fled across th 28th November, 1862, he was appointed on the permanent Ktafl' of the militia a« l>ri«^ade-major ol'No. C military districtol" Lower Canada. He commanded the volunteer brigade stationed at Si. Johns during the Fenian trouble of 18(16. In the spring of 1870, he commanded a brigade stationed at Huntingdon and Hemmingford, on account of a threatened Fenian invasion on that frontier. On the 28th May, an advauie was made, a large force, under Colonel Bagot, of H. M. 69th Regiment, against the Fenians entrenched at Trout River. The 50th Battalion Volunteers led the advance, and he was in command of the line of skirmish- ers that drove the Fenians across the border. In March, 1874, he was appointed deputy adjutant general, com- manding No. 5 military district. During the next seven years' service as D. A. G., on several important occasions, he had the responsible duty of commanding the troops called out in Montreal in aid of the civil power. For these services he was made a C. M. G-. by Her Majesty the Queen. He commanded successfully brigade camps at Laprairie, Franklin, Granby and Sherbrooke. In 1863, with the co- operation of all the officers in the country, he was success- ful in organizing at Huntingdon the first Rifle Association in the Province of Quebec. This Association has held an annual competition up to the present time. Subsequently he succeeded in having a Rifle Association formed in each county in the district. These associations proved of prac- tical benefit to the active militia of the district, by pro- moting proficiency in rifle practice, and creating a healthy spirit of rivalry in rifle shooting between the corps. When a boy, he went to the Sunday-school of the American Church, and became so attached to the school and church that he remained there as scholar, teacher and member, until he left the city in 1858. When he and his 443 • family rt'tuniod to tho «ity, thoy joined Chalmors' Chunh, where they still (ontinuo to worship, and where he HIIh the important duties of an elder. Another memher of the St. Gabriel Street Church, who afterwards became a power in the land, also left the con- jrrpgation at this crisis, and connect«'d himself with the newly organized Conj^'repfational (^huvch. This was John Dougall, the great Mr. Dougall, with Mr. JameK Court and anoth«'r gentleman, formed a t«'mperanee society, and issued a monthly publi- cation in connection with it, <'alled the Cnnnda Tfm/jenince Advocate. The Advocate changed hands, the late Mr. J. C. Becket having taken the management of it, while Mr. Dougall embarked in anoth«'r enterprise whi;t tlieoKtAMIdhinpntaf tliobiddinj^of c*)!!!^'!^!)^*, have llier«liy HatniK)ml intwrestH ami ikuxoiuiI fwdinjjM to an ox- tent that must over conimand th« w^iwct and atlrniration of tho Christian ('iiurcii." These resolutions were passed, year alter year, with a view to avert iug- a disruption of the Churoli in Canada It was hoped that by expressing sympathy with the con- t«>ndings of the mother church, on the jjart of the whole Synod, the more ardent spirits in Canada would be con- tent and not divide the church here, and this course seemed likely to be successful up till the day of final action. Meantime, there was a correspondence carried on between the several parties in ti^cotlund, and their sympa- thizers in this country. The matter was discussed in the Presbytery of Montreal in connection with a letter from Dr. Grant, Convener of the Colonial Committee, assuring those ministers that continued loyal to the parent church, of all needful en- couragement and assistance, so far as the means at the disposal of the Committee would allow. A motion, by Dr. Black, thanking the Colonial Corumittee, was carried by a vote of to 6 over one by Mr. Esson, that no action be taken by the Presbytery until it was seen what posi- tion the Synod w^ould take in reference to the whole ques- tion. The discussion was continued upon two overtures brought before the Presbytery. Dr. Mathieson moved, seconded by Dr. Black : — " It is humbly overtured that the Synod shall declare that the connection with the Established Church of Scotland as it has hitherto existed, and as set forth in the declaratory enactment of Assembly, 1833, shall continue ; and inasmuch as said connection involves no spiritual jurisdiction over the churches so in connection, that the Synod shall disapprove of all agitation of questions that tend to divide and distract our churches, and shall enjoin her ministers and members to follow no divisive courses." 451> A counter overtnre whh moved by Mr. Ebhoii, seconded hy Mr. Henry : — " It Ih hereby overtured by thin I'renbytory to the SyiKxl, (but in tbo juiljj" incnt of tbiH I'rPHbylory, tbcro ii|i|H*iirH to \)e (m\y «)iu* (rourao to which oiir I liiirch in pledged by nMti^nited i( and tnaiiitiiining tho ubuohitu and ttntire freedom and {ndei)ondenco of the Canadian Church, which we hold witli thoNe grt^Kt principles to which we proclaimed our (inaniniouH uttachiiH^nt in thorewo- IntionH jiaHNed at He^^Hions IMl anil 1H4L', uh iiindaniental articleH of our KccleHiast ical c( )nBtit u t ion." Eleven voted for Dr. Mathieson'8 reHohition and three lor Mr. Esson's. The Synod met at Kingston on July IJrd, 1844, and an anxiouH time it was i'or all good men. The great question to be settled was the future relations to the Established Church of Scotland. A conference was held on the 4th of July, On motion of Dr. Cook, of Quebec, it was agreed that the Synod should endeavour to ascertain the points con- nected with the question in which all were agreed. He then pla<'ed the lollowing propositions before the Synod : — 1. " The Church of Scotland does exercise no jurisdiction over the Synod of Canada." 2. " Tlie Church of Scotland does not claim jurisdiction over the Synod of Canada." 3. " The Church of Scotland is not entitled to exercise ecclesiastica 1 juris- diction over the Synod of Canada." 4. " The adherents of the Church in this Province have ample liberty in tlie election of their ministers." 5. " There has been no interference whatever on the part of the Civil Towers, with any of our Ecclesiastical Courts." (>. " There is not, at present, so far as can reasonably be judged, any pros- pect of such interference with the Ecclesiastical Courts." 7. " There is no external or le.gal let or liindrance to the extension of tlie Church in this Province." 8. " Therefore the alleged causes of disruption at home «lo not exist here." The 4th, oth and *7th propositions were agreed to by all. Five ministers and an elder objected to the first, — five 460 ministers and two elders to the second, — three ministers to the third, — and one minister, to the 6th. The objectors in every case afterwards seceded. No fewer than five separate motions and amendments, on the main question, were tabled, — the first, moved by Dr. Cook, seconded by Mr. James G-eorge, — the second, moved by Mr. Bayne, seconded by Mr. Gale, — the third, moved by Mr. McGill, seconded by Mr. Clugston, — the fourth, moved by Professor Campbell, seconded by Dr. Mathieson, — and the fifth, by Mr. Urquhart, seconded by Mr. Cruick- shank. Ultimately, all these motions were withdrawn, except Dr. Cook's and Mr. Bayne's, — Mr. Urquhart's being finally incorporated with Dr. Cook's. On the evening of July 8th, a protracted and friendly and prayerful confer- ence between the leaders was held, and it was thought that an amicable settlement had been secured ; but during the night, influences were brought to bear on the matter that made a final break inevitable. The vote being taken July 9th, 1844, on Mr. Bayne's amendment, against Dr. Cook's motion, the former was supported by 40, — 20 min- isters and 20 elders ; while the latter motion received 56 votes, — 39 ministers and 17 elders. The motion carried asserted that the spiritual and eccles- iastical jurisdiction of the Church in Canada had always been, then was, and ought ever to be free, final and un- controlled, notwithstanding any interpretations which might have been or might yet be put on its " connection with the' Church of Scotland;" that the Synod pledged themselves to maintain this independence, and to frame an Act declaring it (which was afterwards done) ; that it would receive duly qualified ministers, from all Presby- terian Churches holding the same standards ; and that the Church in Canada was not called upon to enter on a dis- cussion for itself of the practical bearings of those prin- ciples which had divided the Church of Scotland. 461 The main difference between Mr. Bayne's motion and Dr. Cook's, was as to continuing the qualifying- words " in connection with the Church of Scotland." Here is the gist of the resohition of the minority : — . "Having assumed the designation 'in connection with the Chnrch of Scotland,' this 8ynod feel that hy continning any longer in this peculiar connexion with the aforesaid church, they would be virtually giving their sanction to her procedure in tht^ matters which led to her dif^ruption." And it proposed that the name in future should be " The Preshyterian Church of Canaduy Mr. Esson supported Mr. Bayne's motion, and afterwards joined in his dissent from the Synod's deliverance and in his determination no longer to hold office in the Presby- terian Church of Canada in connection -^^ith the Church of Scotland. On his return from the Synod, Mr. Esson lost no time in giving his congregation information of his views and position. He called a meeting of the^people on the 30th of July, and addressed them at length. The following passages from his address are given, because they state the grounds on which the claim of the majority to hold the property afterwards rested, in the protracted litigation : — " How will St. Gabriel Street Church be affected by what has come to pass at the late session of the Synod ? If it be the fact, as I liave stated, that no change has been wrought in the constitution of the Colonial Presbyterian Church, or in the Civil or Ecclesiastical relations, then it follows that all things still are as they were. If it be objected to that I, the minister of the congregation, have made myself a party to the forming of a new Synod, and — separating myself from the old connection — have entered into a new one, my reply is, that in so doing, I have not gone beyond the just limits of my freedom and power, as a minister of the Church, or as a subject of tlie Civil Government. For let me advise you all, that the title deeth of the Chxirch, its rules and regidations, framed by the proprietors for its govern- ment in its temporal concerns, and more especially in the election of its pastors, and m// ordination vorcs, are all that I know as describing and deter- mining my duties and obligations, and the condition on which I hold my rights and emoluments, my status and office, as pastor of St- Gabriel Street Church." 462 "There is nothing in any or all of these put together— which prescribes to me any rule or condition limiting my perfect Uberty of will or action in regard to forming or dissolving, exercising or renouncing such connections. I am under no obligation in any wise to connect myself as your minister, with any church or ecclesiastical court, in or out of the colony. Neither am I hindered so to do if I jjlease. There is nothing in the bond between us to put any restraint on your perfect freedom, or mine, in regard to such con- nection. I was for more than twelve years a minister of St. Gabriel Street Church, when it was much more upon the footing of an Indei^endent, or Congregational, than a Presbyterian Church. During all that time, we had no connection whatever with any other ecclesiastical body, save what in the looseness of common speaking is called such, namely, a friendly and free-will interchange of counsel, sympathy and succour, all of which we received from the church of our fathers, and especially from that section of it which is now disestablished. But this, as I have said, is a connection like that of a father with his son, who is come of age. It touches not the independence and free-will, and free action of the latter as defined by the civil law. This distinction, it is extremely necessary to bear in mind, as ignorance, or inadvertency in this point has, I fear, given rise to much mis- apprehension and blundering, both in and out of the Synod, and a due attention to it may prove of some etficacy to preserve peace and unity." Mr. Esson continued : — " That this church was not in connection, or even in communion with the Established Church of Scotland be- fore I became one of its pastors, is demonstrated by the fact, that then for the first time, an application was made by the resolution of a general meeting of the proprietors to have such connection recognized by the Parent Church. To secure, if possible, the success of this application, I went up after my ordination by the Presbytery of Aber- deen, to the meeting of the General Assembly, in 181*7. The application gave rise to a short discussion, in which, I remember well, the late Sir Henry MoncriefF, with his characteristic penetration and sagacity, put some ques- tions to those who supported the petition, and finding that the late Mr. Soraerville, my predecessor, was a li- centiate of the Eelief Church, he declared his opinion, in which the Assembly appeared to acquiesce, that the Church could scarcely be received into communion, much 463 less into couuection, so that it was rather a stretch of their authority, aud an act of courtesy aud indulgence on the part of the Assembly, when they passed a declara- tion, of which I myself was the bearer to Canada, that St. Gabriel Street Church, having now a regularly or- dained minister of the establishment, would be held to be in full communion with the Mother Church. They are quite mistaken, therefore, as can easily be proved by reference to the Title Deeds and Rules of the Church — who contend that the minister is required to be in con- nection or even in communion with the Church of Scot- land : " 7. To prevent anything like a mistake re8i)ecting the electing of a minister, it is hereby provided and always to be miderstood, that no pro- prietoi, as is pointed out in the fifth article, upon any pretence whatever, shall give his vote to any person Init to one wlio shall have been regularly bred to the ministry, and who shall have been licensed by some regular Presbytery in the British Dominions, by producing credentials to ascer- tain the same, and who shall profess to be of the persuasion, and who shall adhere to the laws, government and mode of worship of the Estab- lished Church of Scotland, properly so called and denominated and known to be such, and also a natural born subject of His Majesty." " Here it is stated as a condition, a qualification of the candidate or nominee, that he must be regularly bred to the ministry, a clause altogether superflous and absurd, as you well know, had it been the mind of the framers to shut out from the pulpit all but licentiates of the Estab- lished Church." "He may be of the Relief, as was the late Mr. Somer- ville, or he may be a Burgher or Anti-burgher, or of the Synod of Ulster, or in communion with any section of the Presbyterian Church, not only in the British Empire, but throughout Christendom, provided only that he be a British born subject and licensed by some regular Presbytery in the British Dominions. It is therefore in- dubitably ascertained by these facts aud circumstances 404 that all that is required by the rule is that the minister adhere to the same ecclesiastical law and order which are recognized by the Established Church cf Scotland, and by which criterion she is contra-distinguished from all the numerous and diversified forms and modes of Presbyterianism in the Parent Land, in the colonies or on the continent of Europe and America. This is equally the standard of the Free Protesting Church of Scotland ; and were St. G-abriel Street Church and her minister to become connected with that body, it would be no de- parture from the constitution on whiih I am commenting. So long as the ministers of the Free Church adhere to their ordination vows, they fulfil and answer to all the conditions and qualifications rightly understood of the seventh rule, so that had I, as many erroneously con- ceived, entered into connection with the Free Church, it would not have invalidated, or at all affected my rights as pastor of this church. It is very important here to understand and bear in mind the undoubted fact that the difference between the Established and the Free Church is a difference, not in faith or principle, but in practice ; not in regard to the standards. Theological or Ecclesiastical, but in regard to a law of the Civil or Mu- nicipal Code of Scotland and its interpretation and appli- cation, as it affects the constitution and polity of the church. The law of patronage is not an ecclesiastical law ; on the other hand, the Established Church has again and again condemned and protested against it, as an in- fringement of her spiritual independence and of her consti- tutional rights and liberties as they have been guaranteed by the union, and as a palpable and violent encroachment and usurpation of the civil power upon the Ecclesiastical. Now, the law and government referred to in the seventh regulation can, it is manifest, be no other than the law of the church, the Ecclesiastical law." 465 " It is quite certain that St. Gabriel Street Church is not in connection with the Established Church of Scot- land. We are. therefore, the interpreters and administra- tors of the ecclesiastical law and constitution which we have chosen for ourselves. There is no appeal but to the (dvil courts of the country, and until it is proved be- fore them, that we have b ■ some overt act, renounced in principle, or transgressed in practice, our constitution as defined by our rules and regulations, we cannot, I am persuaded, be deprived of any civil right or temporality which we possess on the condition of adherence to the laws of the Church of Scotland. In like manner, until it is proved that the ministers who have seceded from the Synod of Canada in connection with the Church of Scot- land, have been in error in asserting their belief of the independence of the Colonial Church, they cannot be con- demned, or adjudged to have forfeited any rights or pro- perty whatever. This is just the cause to be tried, and a fair trial must precede a righteous decision." " If we are and all along have been, as we believe, inde- pendent, civilly and ecclesiastically, our declaration of that independence can infer no offence, involve no chansre no consequences, good or bad." Montreal, August 28, 1844. " A meeting of the Members and Sitters in St. Gabriel Street Church, took place this evening, when an address on the recent disruption of the Synod of Canada was delivered by the Rev. Mr. Gordon of Gananoque ; on the conclusion of the address, the Hon. Adam Ferrie was called to the chair. It was then moved by Dr. McNider, seconded by Mr. J. Turner — Resolved. Ist. " That this Congregation, feeling themselves bound to take cogni- zance in their collective c?racity, of the question which, for some time has E E 466 agitated, and has now broken up the Presbyterian Church, in this Province, desire to record tlieir firm attachment to tlie great princii)le8 of tlio Supreme Headship of Clirist, and tlie sole authority of tlie Word of God, in matters spiritual and ecclesiastical, believing these principles to be essential at all times, and in all lanils to the purity and prosiierity of the Christian Church." Which resolution was put, and unanimously carried, — Mr. John Fisher alone objecting. Moved by Mr. "William Hutchison, seconded by Mr. Wm. Bethune — 2nd. " That considering the repeated testimonies borne in favour of the aforesaid principles, by the Synod of Canada, this congregation have viewed with surprise and regret the recent conduct of a majority of the Synod in adhering to the ranks and strengthening the hands of those who have brought ^hese principles into peril, and approving, as they do, of the con- duct of tiie minority of the Synod, in preserving an unbroken and consist- ent testimony to the uuth, resolve to adhere to their protest, and by God's grace to follow them on the conrse which they have taken." Which resolution was put, and unanimously carried, — Mr. John Fisher alone objecting. Moved by Wra. Murray, Esq., seconded by Archibald McFarlane, Esq. — 3rd. " That this Congiegation, cordially approving of the conduct of their esteemed Pastor, in the present crisis, commend his fidelity to his princi- ples and professions, and now declare their resolution to adhere to him and to the righteous cause for which he is contending, and to maintain him by all lawful means, in the status which he has so long held as min- ister of St. Gabriel Street Church." The mcetmg w^as then closed by Rev. Mr. Henry, with a most impressive prayer, and the Apostolic Benediction." At a meeting of the session held 31st August, 1844, when Rev. Henry Esson, Kenneth Walker, James Leslie, William Gunn and Greorge Johnston were present, the following deliverance was come to : — " After mature deliberation, it was unanimously resolved that inasmuch as this congregation have, at a general meeting called by requisition of 467 the minister from the pulpit, and held on the 2Sth instant, decided to adhere to the Presbyterian Cliurch of Canada, and furtlier, asthis session having been represented in tlie Synod in 1841-2, are pledged to the resolu- tion unanimously passed at those meetings, they hold themselves bound, in cons(!ientious consistency, to go along with the Pastor and congregation in declaring their adherence to the Presbytery of Montreal, in connection with the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada." Mr. Walker did not formally dissent, although he did not agree with the position taken by the session, as he afterwards maintained. The following Resolutions were passed at a general meeting of the temporal proprietors of St. Gabriel Street Church, held on the 2nd September, 1844, Hon. James Leslie in the chair : — Moved by Hon. A. Ferrie, seconded by "W. Hutchison — 1. " The proprietors of St. Gabriel Street Presbyterian Church, consider- ing the separation of the Rev. Henry Esson, minister of the said Churchi from the Synod of Canada, in connection with the L'stablished Church of Scotland, and his adherence to the recently formed Synod of the Presby- terian Church of Canada, feel bound to declare, that in their judgment, the Constitution of the Church has in no article been violated or broken ])y the said action of the minister ; and that by the course he has seen fit to adopt, he has not forfeited, in the least degree, his position or his rights, as pastor of this Church." Which resolution being put from the chair, and the roll being called over by the Treasurer, there appeared for the motion thirty-two ; against the motion, three. The motion was then declared to be carried. Moved by W. Murray, seconded by D. Rea — 2nd. "That the proprietors, recognizing no jurisdiction or authority whatever over St. Gabriel Street Church, either by the Synod of Canada, in connection with the Established Church of Scotland, or by any of the Presbyteries constituting said Synod, regard the recent conduct of the Presbytery of Montreal, in connection with that body, in declaring the Rev. Henry Esson no longer Minister of the Church, as an act of unwar- rantable interference ; and approving, as the proprietors here distinctly do, 468 of the conniBtent and conHcientious condnctof their Minister, in thoproHont criHiH, resolvo to I'ontinne to him, all tii(( teuiiwral ri)j;ht.s and enioliiinentji, which he haH heretofore enjoyed, and to resist, by all lawful meann, any attempts by any individuals or party, who may seek to procure hit ejectniont." Which resolution beiug put I'rom the chair, was declared to be carried by the same majority as the former. Those opposing Mr. Esson's views and wishes, do not appear to have been organized or vigorous. It was after he left Montreal that they moved to puri)ose. Indeed, those who were not prepared to endorse his action in the disruption question, or to follow him into the new Presby- tery and Synod that had been formed, were amongst his warmest personal friends and staunchest supporters in former days. He was a man whom they, therefore, found it difficult to oppose. They would gladly have supported their beloved pastor, if their convictions of duty had per- mitted. Mr. Esson's personal popularity with them will account, in some measure, for the small number objecting to the resolutions given above. At the same time, the meetings were not largely attended, as the number of pro- prietors was not great, and but few of them attended — only 35 altogether, it would seem, of those who had paid their I)ew rent for the year then current, and so w^ere qualified to vote. But there was a number of proprietors who did not approve of the action of the majority — a number nearly equal to those voting at the meeting on 2nd September — although most of them, for some reason or other, failed to put in an appearance and record their votes on that occa- sion. They lodged a protest a few days afterw^ards against the proceedings of the meeting of the proprietors. The original is in my possession, bearing the signatures of the gentlemen named, — 27 in all. It is headed : — 469 " St. Gabriel Street Church." " In consequence of the publication of certain proceed- ings, leading" the public to believe that the congregation, as well as the proprietors of St. G-abriel Street Church, were nearly unanimous in their approbation of the conduct of the Rev. Henry Esson in seceding from the Synod of Canada -in connection with the Church of Scotland, as by law established, we, the undersigned, proprietors and members of the church do hereby express our unqualified disapprobation of said secession, as well as of the proceed- ings had thereon, at the meeting, on the 2nd, instant, at which James Leslie, Esquire, was chairman, and against which we do hereby solemnly protest, and declare our full determination to contest the attempt of the party, who are disposed, contrary to the Constitution, to divert the church from the purpose for which it was originally'' established ; — Signed, Andrew Shaw, Kenneth Walker, William Laverock, F. MacouUoch, D. P. Ross, James Logan, Daniel Fisher, James Scott, Thomas Ross, John Fisher, Robert Esdaile, Don. Ross, Wm. Muir, David Handyside, D. Gorrie, Robert McFarlauo, W. McCulloch, C. Tait, John Speirs, James Tyre, W. M. Peddie, Wm. Suter, John Charles Lilly, Colin Macdonald, Alex. Ferguson, John Blackwood, Wm.Skakel. Montreal, *7th September, 1844." The day after the dissentients withdrew from the Synod at Kingston, this instruction was issued to Presby- teries : — " The Synod instructed the clerk to furnish Presbytery clerks with the names of those ministers who have adhered to the dissent and protest given in by Mr. Bayne ; and the Synod instruct Presbyteries to communi- cate with the said ministers, and any others, with regard to whom a/ama 470 may exist of thoir liavinp secedcfl, to aBcortain wliothorthoy still acUioro to the dissent, and to tlielr sooj^sHion from tluHctinrch, — an(l,onaHoortain- iiiK tliJH, to proceed a(;(;ordinj; to tlio laws of the Church, and to intimate the same to tlio Ciovernment,— but to take no steiw in regard to i)roi)erty until next meetinj,' of Synod." The Presbytery of Montreal met pro re nata, on July 29th, 1844, for the purpose of following out the instructions thus given by the Synod. "The Presbytery having taken the special matter for which the meeting was called into their consideration, resolved that Messrs. Esson and Black bo requested by letter from the clerk to inform them before the next ordi- nary meeting, whether they still adhere to the secession." " At Montreal, the seventh day of August, one thousand eight hundred and forty-four : — On w^hich day the Presbytery of Montreal met by appointment at St. Gabriel Street Church, their usual place of meeting, but not finding access into the Church, constituted at the door thereof. Rev. Dr. Mathieson, Moderator pro tern, "Walter Roach, John Martin, Mr. Hugh Brodie, Mr. John Bruce. The Presbytery adjourned to meet immediately in St. Andrew's Church. Notification of this adjournment, with the cause thereof, was affixed on the gate of entrance to St. Gabriel Street Church." The same day, the clerk reported that he had received no answers from Messrs. Esson and Black, to the circulars sent them, of 29th July last. The clerk was instructed to communicate again with thpse brethren, requesting their replies on or before the next meeting of the Presby- tery." At a meeting of the Presbytery on the 2*7th of August, " the Moderator stated that, in accordance with the injunc- tion of Presbytery at last meeting, the clerk had a second time written to the Rev. Henry Esson and Rev. David Black, requesting to be informed whether they still con- tinued, and meant to continue, in their secession from this 471 (Ihurch, and that no answer had bfon rocoivod. Tho IVsbytery agreeably to the inHtruetions of the Synod, consider the facts of the said Rev. H. Esson and Rev. D. Bhuk, having- sif,nied the protest on the rejection of Mr, Bayne's resolutions, and their consequent withdrawal from the Synod, as certified to tho Presbytery by the Synod clerk, sulUcient (evidence of their having seceded from the Pr*;sbyterian Church of Canada in connection with the Church of Scotland, and that they are no longer ministers of this church, — and the Presbytery do hereby declare that the said Rev. Henry Esson, late Minister of St. Gabriel Street Church, Montreal, and the said Rev. David Black, late minister of St. Therese do Blainville, having by their own act seceded from the Presbyterian Church of Canada, in connection with the Church of Scotland, are no longer ministers of that Church, nor ministers of the Church of Scotland in Canada." At a meeting of Presbytery on the 3rd March, 1845, Dr. Mathieson moved the adoption of the following resolu- tions, which, after due consideration, were unanimously agreed to : — " Mnt. — Tliat St. Gabriel Street Church was erected in 1792 for the use of the Presbyterian inhabitants of Montreal, members of the Church of Scot- land, and has always been in iKjssession of a conjjregation in connection with the Church of Scotland. " Second. — That the Rev. Henry Ksson, and the conjjregation then under his pastoral care, did, in 1831 , consent to the formation of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada in connection with the Establislied Church of Scotland, and the Presbytery of Montreal, as a constituent portion of said Synotl, and did place themselves under the spiritual tiuperintendence of said Synod and Presbytery, and did, by various acts since, liomologate the engagements into which they then entered. " TIdrd. — That the Rev. Henry Esson, in consequence of his secession from the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada in connection with the Church of Scotland, has been declared to be no longer a minister of said Church, nor a minister of the Church of Scotland in Canada. " Fourth, — That the Church of St. Gabriel Street being now without a stated minister, be declared vacant, and that the ordinary form observed In such r>«««H be diHixMim^l with, iiiaHiiiiicli bh Uh oliMrviinco In llio pre- mttit cinniiiiHtiiiuMm of tlmt flnin-h iiii^lit It'iul to unHuiMiilj ntrifu niui con- ttuition, at all tiriiuH iiijiiriniiH to tlio cuurto ofpiim aiul uiidHtilod religion; iiiitl iiiHtiMul of Hftixlin^ oiiu of their nuinl)er to ^ivo ititiiiiution froii tlio pulpit oftiiiH tlu'ir Art, that tho I'niHhytcry hoiuI, iintliTtlut hand of tlioir iiio drclaroil iit. Oalniol Street ('liurch vacant to tho TruHtecH of Maid Cliurcli, in bolialf of the proprietoiB— to the TruHtuofl of tho nianHe, — to tho Kirk-Hi sHion, and to the ti^niporal <'()ni- niittoo, and roquuHt tiiat tlio election ol a ininister for Haid chiirch and coHKrejiation l)o j)roceod('d in witli all «'onvoniont H|Hiod, in accorlanco with tho lawM of tho Church of Scotland, and the constitution of St. CJahriol Street Chnrch." The mod«^rator was instructed to uct pursuant to the terms of these resolutions. "At a meeting- of Tresbytt^ry, on 28lh May, 1S45, Dr. Mathieson reported that agreeably to the instrm^tions of last meeting of Presbytery, he had forwarded copies of the resolutions >assed anent St. Gabriel Street Church, to the Trustees of said i'hurch, in behalf of the proprietors, — to the Trustees of the manse, — to the Kirk-session, — and to the temporal committee. A letter was read from the tem- poral committee, the teuour whereof follows : — "MoNTUEAi-, 11th April, 1S55. Sir, I have to aohno',Yled>,'e receipt of a letter dated the 4th instant, enclosing certain resolutions passed at a meeting of Presbytery, and addressed to the Honorable Adam Ferrie ; and I am instructed to inform you that the temporal committee of St. Gabriel Street Clmrch do not recognize the authority of your Presbytorj'. I have the honour to be. Sir, Your ol)edient servant, (Signed,) J. MACFARLANE, Secretary. To the Rev. Dr. Mathieson." " The Presbytery consider that though the temporal com- mittee do not recognize the authority of this Presbytery, they do not however hold the opinion of said temporal committee as that of the congregation, nor can they, as a Presbytery divest themselves of their duty to those of 473 tho said conafrogation Ix'loimiiig to thoir ecclesiastical coiniimuion, und in foUowinir up the mt of deolaring the chun'h vuciint resolve to make au otter oi" nw\\ o(»a«ioual nervii'eH uh hUuII be in tlieir po\/er to render. The mod- erator wan instriuted t" write to the Kirk-session, en- closing a oertiiied copy of this minute." At a meeting" of l*r".»s])ytery, on tli»' 24tli June, 1S45, Dr. Mathieson reported " that ai^reeably to the iusf ruction* of last meeting he had written to the Kirk-sewsion of St. Gabriel Street Church, Montreal, with a copy of the mi- nute bearing on their case, and put it into the hands of one of the elders of said church, and had received no reply." While the old Presbytery was taking action in tie manner shown by these extracts, a new Pres])ytery had been formed in connectiou with the new Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, composed of Mr. Esson, Mr. Clugston of St. John's Church, Qu»'bec. Mr. Henry of Lachute, and Mr. Black of St. Therese, with their several elders. In consequence of Mr. Esson's removal to To- ronto, this new Presbytery of Montreal, was in a manner ])roken up. Mr. Clugston and Mr. Clarke, his colleague, were at so great a distance, that they could not, espe- cially in winter, attend any of the meetings — Mr. Henry was at the distance of 40 miles from Montreal, and Mr. Black of 25. A central missionary comhiittee was ap- pointed in these circumstances, on whom the power and responsibilities of a Presbytery were for a time devolved ; and the individuals comj^osing it were all members of what has been already spoken of as the Free Church committee. The St. Gabriel Street Congregation, while having to endure blame from the old Presbytery, did not think they received the kind consideration and encour- agement from the new Presbytery, or the committee that discharged its functions, to which they deemed them- selves entitled. CHAPTER XXV. The leaders in ITIE congregation on the side op the PEESnYTBRIAN Church of Canada, — Hon. A. Ferrib, Wm. Murray, Rev. Dr. Donald Fraser and Alexander Frarer, Wm. Gunn, Robert Smith, Alexander Urquhart, James Turner, Andrew Wilson, Archibald Macfarlane, Wm. C. Cormack, Jas. Macfarlanb, Robert Dalgleisii, Wm. Hutchison, David Rba, Andrew Simi'son, John Sutherland, Georgk Middlemiss and Charles Mbarns— the 27 i'kotestors on behalf of the kirk, — Andrew Shaav, John C. Lilly, Robert Esdailb, James Tyre, Wm. Laverock, Donald Ross, Walter M. Peddib, Ferdinand MacCulloch, Wm. Muir, Wm. Skakel, Daniel Gorrib, Town Major Macdonald, Danibi- Fisher, Robert Macfarlane Alex. Ferguson, Wm. McCulloch and John Blackwood. In proceeding- to sketch the persons who took a promi- nent part in the St. G-abriel Street Church, in connection with the disruption movement, it is necessary to state that from this point onward to the end of the volume, the notices of individuals must be brief, for two reasons : first, that they have yet scarcely got into the perspective of his- tory, or got settled down into their permanent pla,ce and relative proj ortions. The ancient proverb was : " Call no man happy till he dies." We must see the end of our fellows before estimating their lives. The other reason is, that they were well known to many yet alive, and the design of this book is to supply information regarding former generations and events that are already or almost entirely forgotten. The Hon. Adam Ferrie, who presided at the congrega- tional meeting, after the disruption, on the 28th August, 1844, to ascertain the mind of the people on the Free 475 Church question, and again on 30th June, 1845, for the purpose of amending the "Eules and Regulations " of the Church, was born at Irvine, Ayrshire, Scotland, 15th March, 1*7*77. He commenced his mercantile career at G-lasgow, and came to be known as a friend of the people. He married 3rd June, 1805, at Port Glasgow, Rachel, daughter of Colin Campbell, of that place. He signalized himself as champion of popular rights in a famous lawsuit, insti- tuted to defend the claim of the citizens to a path along the Clyde, which had long been in use, and across which a wall had been built by a man who had become suddenly rich by liquor-selling. The case went to the House of Lords, and judgment was in favour of the people. The money to pay for the expenses of the suit was raised by workingmen's pennies dropped into a stout, oaken box as they passed. This box was presented to Mr. Ferrie, along with a punch bowl, two goblets and a ladle, of solid silver, and they remain as heir-looms in his family. The inscription on the bowl reads as follows : — "Presented to ADAM FERRIE, Esq., BY A NUMBER OF HIS FELLOW-CITIZENS, AS A MARK OF THEIR ADMIRATION OF HIS INDEFATIGABLE, PATRIOTIC AND DISINTERESTED EXERTIONS IN ASSERTING AND ESTAHLISHING THE EIGHT OF THE PUBLIC TO THE BANKS OF THE ClYDE. Glasgow, May 1, 1829." A gold medal was also bestowed on him and each of his co-workers in the cause of the people on this occasion. The inscription upon it runs thus : — "THE REAVARD of PUBLIC SPIRIT." " The citizens of Glasgow to Adam Ferrie, George Rogers,Jame8 Duncan, John Watson, junior, John Whitehead, for successfully defending their right to a path on the banks of the Clj'de. 1829." j ^ ;_,. 476 Mr. Ferrie sailed from the Clyde, June 5th, 1829. He commenced bu^jiness in Montreal as a general merchant, on his arrival that same year, his office and dwelling being in St. James street, near Place d'Armes. He afterwards resided in Beaver Hall Square. He was one of the promi- nent Scotchmen of the city. As such he presided at the public dinner, 1st. December, 1834, at which it was resolved to organize the St. Andrew's Society of Montreal ; and was chairman of the committee that drafted the original constitution of the society. When the first elec- tion of oflB.cers took place, the next year, he was chosen First Yice-President,and Second Vice-President the follow- ing- year. He was a member of the first city Council under the amended constitution, for the years 1840, 1, 2. He connected himself with the Church in St. Gabriel street in 1829, and sided with Mr. Esson in the controversy then in progress. His name first appears in the document sent to the Presbytery of Quebec, complaining of the Black party for not complying with the recommendation of the Synod to open the church in 1831. When it was resolved to increase the number of the members of the temporal committee, from five to twelve on the 15th April, 1842, he was elected a member of the committee and appointed president. He was re-elected to the same position the three following years» He purchased pew No. 62. He was a fast friend of Mr. Esson's. Both were ardent defenders of the popular rights, and champions of liberty. Mr. Ferrie. as might be expected, cordially supported his pastor in voting for Free Church views in the Synod ; and afterwards stood by him in claiming possession of the church and all its property, for the new Presbytery and Synod. After Mr. Esson's removal to Toronto, however, his interest in the congregation almost entirely ceased, although he was a party to the calling of Mr. Leishman in 1846. He afterwards attended the Unitarian Church t) WILLIAM MURRAY. 477 ;- ^ ' ■ in Montreal, havinj^ takon offence at the very hip^h Calvinistic views, preached, with great power, in the church on one occasion by Mr. Bayne of Gait. However, Mrs. Ferrie and her daughter remained in the St. Gabriel Street Church until the family removed to the west. Mr. Ferrie's abilities, as a great tribune of the people, were recognized by Lord Sydenham, who called him to a seat in the Legislative Council, 9th June, 1841. He left Montreal in 1853, and took up his residence in Hamilton in 1855. He died in that city, 24th December, 1863, at the advanced a by the tongregatiou 22nd July, 1846. He con- tinued to worship in St. Gabriel Street till the end of Mr. Inglis' ministry, in 1855, wh«'U he Joined St. Andrew's Church, of which he has b'^ou a member ever since, James Turner, who owned pew No. 02, in St. Gabriel Street Church, and seconded the resolution moved by Hon. A. Ferrie, on 30th June, 1845, for changing the " RuU^s and Regulations " of the church, was a native of the borders between Midlothiai. and Berwickshire, Scotland, where he was born in 1801 H«' came to Montreal in 1833, and began business as a veterinary surgeon. For a long time he was the only one iu the city, and he was a thoroughly good and successful one. He connected himself with St. Gabriel Street Church on his coming to Montreal, and continued faithful to it through subsequent vicissitudes, till his death on Novem- ber 10th, 1849. He was elected a member of the temporal committee in 1845, and was re-elected each year afterwards during life. He was also appointed on the manse committee after the disruption. Mr. Turner was a man of sterling integrity, and was highly respected in the community. Mrs. Cruickshank, wif( c^ George Cruickshank, manager of the Provincial Loan Company, is Mr. Turner's daughter. She continued a member of the congregation as it was reconstructed in 1866, and remained in connection with it as long as she resided within reach of the church. . ■ 486 Archibald Macfarlane, who with his brother-in-law, T. C. Panton, was joint-proprietor of p€;w 101, took a very prominc^nt part in the alfairs of the conj^regation at the time of the disruption and afterwards. He was a brother of Andrew Macfarlane, a former merchant of the city, who still survives. They were first in partnership in the wholesale hardware; and dry-goods business, at 103 St. Paul street. Andrew remained in the old shop, bat Archibald afterwards set up for himself, in the same lines of goods, at 190 St. Paul Str(!et. lie was a public-spirited gentleman, and was, in 1849, one of the vice-presidents of the St. Andrew's Society. In the same year he was ap- pointed a member of the city council, and (;reated an Alderman the following year. He sat also as an Alderman for 1851. After Mr. Panton's death, Mr. Macfarlane occu- pi(;d his house on the side of the mountain, at the top of Brehaut's hill. He afterwards removed to Cornwall, On- tario, and (;ontinued in business there till his death. Robert W. Mai^farlane, late proprietor and editor of the Cornwall Rejmrter newspaper, was his son. Mr. Macfarlane was elected a member of the temporal committee in 1845, and every year afterwards until 1849. He was treasurer from l^^^T to 1851. At the congrega- tional meeting, to decide on the Free Church question, August 28th, 1844, he seconded Mr. Murray's motion. At the meeting of proprietors, 30th June, 1 845,for re-modelling the " Rules and Regulations," he moved the resolution proposing the changes. William C. Cormack, proprietor of pew No. 28, who also took an active part in favour of Mr. Esson, in 1844, began life in Montreal as head clerk in the retail department of Hector, Russel and Company's dry goods establishment. He married Miss Kidd, of Laprairie, and entered into a business partnership in the dry goods line with Messrs. 48Y Kidd and M(;Kay, under the style of " Kidd, Cormack and McKay." Later the firm was known as " Cormack, Dick- son and Company," 102 ^t. Paul Street. Mr. Cormack's resid(;nce wa.s at the head ol' Drummond Street. Mr. Cormack was ehicted a mijmber of the temporal committee in 1838, wh(!n he was made vice-president, as he was also the next year, lie was re-elected a nember of the committee every year afterwards, until 1848. He was also a member of the f pecial manse committee, appointed in 1845. He moved the 8rd resolution at the meeting of proprietors, 30th June, 1845, for changing the rules. James Macfarlane owned pew No. 20. He was chosen a member of the temporal committee in 1842, and every year afterwards until 1850. When Mr. Gunn resigned the s.3cretaryship of the committee in 1844, ht; was ap- pointed to that office, and continued in it for four years He and his broth(;r, W. S. Macfarlane, were natives of Perth, Scotland, and succeeded Hon. James Ferrier in the grocery business which he had established on Notre Dame street, opposite the Court House, "W S. Macfarlane being married to Mr. Ferrier's daughter. He also signed the call to Mr. Leishman. James Macfarlane removed to Chicago, where he died. Robert Dalgleish, who owned pew 1*7 in the gallery, and seconded the fourth resolution at the meeting for changing the " Rules and Regulations," in 1845, was a native of the Loudons, near Edinburgh. He came to Montreal in 1828, and that same year received, through Lord Dalhousie, an appointment in the military secretary's department, the duties of which he fullilled faithfully for 45 years. He died 4th July, 18*7t. He married a daughter of "William Aird. She left St. Gabriel Street Church for Cote Street, in 1844, and he afterwards followed her. 488 David Eea, who owned pew 4*7 at this crisis, and second the resolution moved by Mr. Urquhart, 30th June, 1845, was a book-keeper, living in Lagauchetiere Street, near Wolfe street. He was elected a member of the tem- poral committee the same year. Mr. Rea is still among us, enjoying a green, old age, and attending to business as an agen^ in his office, St. James Street, as punctually as the youngest. He is a member of Knox Church. Andrew Simpson, who was elected a member of the temporal committee in 184*7, and re-elected in 1848, and who owned pew No. 20, at the time of the disruption, was a native of Caithnesshire, Scotland, and came to Canada in 1834. He was of the firm, Simpson and Dawson, brewers. He moved the 6th resolution at the meeting 30th June, 1845, at which the " Rules and Regulations " were changed. He was the step-father of Thomas Grraham, now one of the elders in St. Gabriel Street Church, and its treasurer for many years. Mr. Simpson died in 18*71. John Sutherland, who seconded the resolution on this occasion moved by Mr. Simpson, and who had become lately joint-proprietor of pew No. 65, in the church, was a blacksmith, partner of "William Burnett. Their shop was on Chenneville Street, near Vitr6 Street. He was a member of the temporal committee in 1842, and again in 184*7, 1848, and 1849. George Middlemiss, who owned pew No. 5, in the gal- lery, and moved the fourth resolution at the meeting on June 30th, 1845, was a cabinetmaker in St. Catherine Street, near Bleury. He was chosen a member of the temporal committee in 1848, and re-elected in 1849 and 1850. Mrs. D. McBurney is his daughter. James Mearns, who owned pew 25 in the gallery at 489 this time, and moved the ^th resolution at the proprietors' meeting, June 30th, 1845, and was elected a member of the temporal committee in 1846, was also a cabinetmaker, St. Mary Street, near Campeau. Of Alexander Bertram, blacksmith, who seconded the resolution, a fuller account will be given at a later stage. William Hutchison, who owned pew No. 21, and seconded the motion made by Hon. Adam Ferrie, at the meeting of pew proprietors, on September 2nd, 1844, was born at Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland, 12th September, 1809. He came to Canada in the year T833. He was an enterprising builder, and has left some splendid memorials of his energy and capacity behind him, both in Montreal and elsewhere. The Bank of Montreal, the Bank of British North America, the Baptist College, now Mount St. Mary convent, and St. Andrew's Church, in this city, only need to be mentioned. He removed to Cobourg, Upper Canada, in 1857, as a central point from which to conduct the extensive building enterprises he had on hand, which was the erection of houses for the branches of the Montreal Bank, in different parts of the Province. When he had brought these large operations to a successful close in 1860, he enterec the Public Works department of the civil service at Ottawa, as inspector of government buildings, and continued in this position until his death, which occurred August 6th, 18*75. Mr. Hutchison joined St. Gabriel Street Church when he first came to the city. He was elected a member of the temporal committee in 1842, and re-elected in 1843 and 1844. In the latter year he was also chosen, along with Walter M. Peddie, a member of the manse trust, in room of Thomas Blackwood and Robert Simpson, deceased. This office he resigned afterwards, when he connected himself with the Cote Street movement. Meanwhile, he built the 490 manse on Sherbrooke Street, corner of St. Charles Borrom6e Street, now the property of Alderman Mooney, — being both its architect and builder. He was one of the twelve gentlemen forming " the Free Church committee," and his energy of mind and character was of great service to their undertakings. He was ordained an elder in that church, 19th September, 184t. In 1835, he married Helen Hall of Largs, Scotland. Mr. Hutchison is worthily represented by his sons, A. C. Hutchison, architect, ll.C.A., J. H. Hutchison, contrac- tor, and Dr. Hutchison, dentist of Ottawa, all famous as curlers. Andrew Wilson, who owned pew No. 94, and was a member of the temporal committee in 1849, was born near Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1822, and came with his family, in 1834, to Montreal. In 1836, he entered the Montreal Herald office, in a very subordinate capacity ; but by his industry, probity and intelligence, gradually secured for himself a leading place in its management. In 184*7, he, with Messrs. Potts and Penny, purchased the Herald pro- perty, and he continued a shareholder in it, till his death, 24th October, 18'79. In 1852, he married Esther Matthews, who survives. The late Senator Penny, who was asso- ciated with him in the conduct of the Herald, wrote this sentence regarding Mr. Wilson, in a brief, but hearty obituary notice : " he never heard him utter an unworthy thought, or do an ungenerous action, while his amiability was such, that during that long period, sometimes in very trying circumstances, no word of unkindness ever escaped him. It is a rare blessing to have such a friend." All that was best in the city of Montreal, cordially echoed this affectionate tribute to Mr. Wilson's worth. Mr. Wilson removed, in 1865, with the Knox congrega- tion to the new edifice in Dorchester Street, and worship- ANDREW SHAW. 491 ped there for several years, but, owing to trouble over the instrumental music question, and other rauses of irritation in the church, he ceased his connection with the congre- gation and joined St. Andrew's Church, in the communion of which he died, and which his family still attend. The foregoing were worthy men, and an honour to any Christian church; but, with two or three exceptions, they had not, up to this time, taken any considerable part in the work of the congregation, and many of them had only within a few mouths acquired the right of voting in its affairs. It was only in the spring of 1844 that the follow- ing had become pew-proprietors : — James Turner, Alexander Bertram, Robert Dalgleish, Charles Mearns, Alexander Urquhart, Alexander and Donald Fraser, Dr. "Wm. MacNider, George Middlemiss, Archibald Macfarlane, Robert Davie, and Arch'd. McGoun, all of whom were counted in among the thirty-two pro- prietors voting together on September 2nd, 1844. The 27 protesters, on the other hand, were, for the most part old members and proprieters of the congregation, — gentlemen who had stood by Mr. Esson in the day of trial, and had contributed to secure the prosperity of the congre- gation, and to give it the iiigh status it occupied in the community. Kenneth Walker, Wm. Suter, D. P. Ross, James Logan, James Scott, Thomas Ross, and Charles Tait have already been spoken of as office-bearers, in the church, long prior to 1844. Of John Fisher, a full account will be given farther on in connection with the lawsuits regarding the church property. Of the others, the oldest and most noted member and proprietor was Andrew Shaw. Mr. Shaw, who, for twenty-five years, was one of the most prominent members of the church, was son of Wil- 492 liam Shaw, a "West India merchant, oF Glasgow, S(!otlaud, and was born in that city, July 27th, 1775, and died in Montreal, May 11th, 1862. He came to Canada in 1810, acquiring a knowledge of business as head clerk with the late James Dunlop, who died in 1815, when Andrew Shaw began business on his own account, and was for many years an extensive ship- owner. He projected and superintended the building of the first Atlantic steamer, intended for this port, the " Oneida," but it was purchased by the British govern- ment, for the transport of troops to thf Crimea. He was the originator of the Montreal Telegraph Company, and its first president, in 1847. He was "Master of the Trinity House " for many years, and up to the time of his death, in 1862. He was a major in the militia, and took an active part in suppressing the rebellion in 1837. He was a gov- ernor of the Montreal Greneral Hospital for thirty years, and one of the original contributors to its building fund, in 1820. He married March 14th, 1821, Hannah Ferguson, ^ direct descendant of the Grants both of Duldreggan and Corrimony, and had six children. One only survives, Annie, the youngest daughter, wife of Dr. "Wheeler of Montreal. Three of his nephews are now living in the city, — David Shaw, a ship broker, James Gibb Shaw, Port "Warden of Montreal, and Capt. John Low, a stock broker, — formerly of Her Majesty's 15th Regiment. Mr. Shaw took an active and prominent part in connection with the early history of the St. Andrew's society, being chairman of the committee of management, in 1837 and 1838, first vice-president in 1839, second vice-president in 1840, and again in 1842. Mr. Shaw connected himself with the St. Gabriel Street Church on his coming to Montreal, in 1810, and up till 1844, it had not a warmer supporter than he. He bought pew No. 8, in the gallery, for jei9 10s. in 1817, and it he 408 occupied until after the disruption. He was elected to the temporal committei^ in 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823, when he was made treasurer. In 1822 he and John Fisher, the half-brother of his wife, were appointed a committee for sijL^ning deeds of pews. He was re-elected to the com- mitt(^e in 1829, but then declined to act ; but he served on the committee again in 1833, 1834, and 1835, being presi- dent the last named year. He was appointed under Rev. James Somerville's will, made in 1833, a trustee of the iJlOOO which that gentleman left for the erection of a manse for the future ministers of St. Gabriel Street Church. He was also one of the executors of Mr, Somer- ville's will, after his decease in 183*7. He was chairman of the committee appointed to superintend the building of the manse ; he and the other trustees held it for the Church of Scotland, and he received the revenues derived from it during the period of litigation, and applied them in keeping- up the property. The surplus was allowed to accumulate in his hands, and afterwards in those of Mr. James Tyre, the tenant of the building, until it amounted to a large sum, and this was available at length to assist in paying off the !|5,800 allowed to Knox congregation in lieu of their claim on the old building. Mr. Shaw's name appep.rs first on the protest of 7th September, 1844, against the resolution of the majority of the congregation and proprietors to follow Mr. Esson into the Presbyterian Church of Canada. He was also made defendant in the first suit taken for the recovery of the manse by the con- gregation in the church after the disruption, Ja7nes Leslie, et al.,plaintiffs, v. Andrew Shaw et al. defendants,'^ fyled 29th January, 1846. In a subsequent suit " Kemp v. Fisher,'^ he gave important evidence 11th May, 1860. The final suit taken on behalf of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, in connection with the Church of Scotland, by Attorney- G-eneral Cartier, was instituted by his afiidavit, made 14th 494 April, 18fi0. Ho and his family attended St. Andrew's Chur(!h, after 1H44. Mr. Shaw ranks with Duncan Fisher, Thomas Black- wood, James Leslie and John Fisher, as among the most active and devoted members, and ofKce-bearers of the con- gregation, during the period it was in K, and took in as partner Ferdinand Macculloeh, who had been lon«^ book- keeper to his brother. Hard times came, houses in the west, with which the firm had dealt, came tumbling? down, and heavy losses followed, and Mr. Peddie retired to a farm near Sault-aux-Kecollets, a poor man. From that time forward his health grew feeble. Mr. Peddie was one of nature's gentlemen. Instinctively honourable, and cultured by training, with a graceful address, he was of a gentle and lovable disposition. He married in 1833, Mary Anne, daughter of Eobert McFar- lane, of Perth, Scotland, mentioned elsewhere. He died at Montreal, Aug. 19th, 1870, aged 79 years. Mrs. I'eddie and her two daughters opened an academy for young ladies and children, in 1861, which is still kept by Miss Peddie, and which has been a great boon to the community. Gentleness and humanity have been the refining influences brought to bear upon their pupils. Mrs. Peddie was spared to take part in the centennial service in the old church, and to be present at the final leavetaking of the ancient sanctuary : but she worshipped in the new edifice, with which she was much pleased, only a few Sabbaths when the Lord took her to Himself. A truly " elect " lady was she, in whom the meekness and gentleness of Christ shone forth, — one of God's chosen, chastened by trial and ripe for the Kingdom. She fell asleep in Jesus, 3rd November, 1886, aged 74 years. *' Eobert Esdaile, who also entered his protest against the 406 Chnrrh in St. Gahrii^l Stn'ot brcukin^ ofl' itH <'onnftrtion with thf (;hary ^^^^ aunt, Miss Lillie, and i'ducatcid at ]<]dinhur^h, Scotliind. 1 1<>. ('nt y(!ars. Mr. Macculloch is still with us, a hal(5 old g<^ntleinan, whose portly form reminds one- of the physique; of th(; merchant jirincMJs to be st^en in the Glasgow Exchange, lie married a daughter of Dr. William llobertson. Mr. Ma(;cullo(;h signed tho i)etition to the Synod, as one of Mr. Esson's friends, in 1831. llo held the important oiiice of Treasurer in the congregation during tho years from 1838 to 1841. 49!) Colin McDouiild, who owiiod pow No. 30, and was ainonj? ilu; 27 proi«!Hlors a^ainKl, tho NrcuiSKion ol' St. (Ial)ri<'l Stn^^t Church in 1H44, wasih(M-(Kloul)tabloi City Couii(;il. TT<' sorvod as councillor that yoar and Ihe following one. In 1859, ho was appointed an Ald«irman, for at that period th«^ro were two ranks in the Council, — CVmncillors and Aldernnsn. He (-ontinued to Hc-rve as an Alderman IVoin 185!) to 1864, when he nstired. His chief business was eonductinj^ a hrewi^ry in Jacques (-artior Street ; but halti(' ports. IIo Wiis proprietor of tho ostato at Orwell, situatod on lh(5 banks of Lodi L<^von ; but certain of his tradin<4" vontun^s liavin<'' involved him in heavy loss(!s, ho was o})iif.^od to part with it. His only dauf^htor, Marianne, havin;.? marriiul Walter M. Peddio, of Montreal, in 1h;{3, ho followed hor to Canada a fuw years afterwards, and did a limited business here as a grain broken-, lie di(;d 1st May, IHOl, u^cd 75 years. William Skakol, also signin*^ the protest of *7th Sept- ember, 1844, who owned pew No. 6H, was a clerk in tho Ordnance I)ei)artm(nit. He was a brotht^r of the teacher, Dr. Skakel, and had b»^en connected with the church from tho early days of Mr. Somerville onwards. William Laverock, who owned pew No. 50 in St. Gabriel Street (church, and was om; of th»; 27 proprietors and m(^mb(!rs who issued the i)rotest of 7th Sept«!mber, 1844, began lite in Montreal as a storoman, and after- wards kept a grocery at 97 Ciaig Street. James Law, i)roprietor of i)ow No. 17, attend<'.d St. Gabriel Street Church from IS.'H, when he first came to Montreal, on *o tho disruption in 1844. Ho was a native of Kirkoswald, Ayrshire, Scotland, and was born in 1812. He was one of the noble Scottish merchants of whom Montreal has had occasion to be proud. He was a mem- 50a bcr of tho firm of " Isaac l?u in ihc Niiirui room in I*], of rapid consumplion. lie had married MinN Orkney, grand-dnuu;;hter ol" iJenaiah Oihh, senior, and his widow, Mrs. 1^'erjj^nson, who lived, in the lilelime ol' Beniiiah (Jril)h, the yoiin«r8ign(ul, has not yet beeu put in operation. Sir Donald A. Smith has come to the rescue, with (characteristic generosity, and has added $25,000 to the endowment, so that there is a prospi^ct that the wishes of the founder will soon begin to be realized. 606 Donald Uoss oonnectod himsoH' with Ht. Paul's Church alter leaving St. (rahri(»l Street, and had a good diuil to do with eriM'ting the magniiicent cdillcc; in Dorchester Street, in whic^h that congregation now worships, lie was Hp<^- cially active^ in introducing the use of the organ into the worship ot St. Paul's Church. He died of jnundice, lOth May, ]H7*7, aged 6.5 years ; and Mrs. Ross did not long survives him. She died ol' the same disease, August 2nd, 1879. But th(^ genthunan who had thc^ greatisst responsibility cast upon him of all that protested against the scM-ession of 1844, was John Fisher, thc^ proprietor of pew 2(5. The son of on(^ of the original trustees, baptized in the church, all his life associated with it, and one of its most active mem- bers for the pri^vious thirty years ; he was looker! up to by the Church of S(.'otland party as their natural leader, holding, as he did, strongly by their views. He was first elected a member of the temporal committee in 1821, as John Fisher, junior, to distinguish him from his uncle, John. He was again chosen in 1822, and he and Mr. Shaw were entrusted with signing the pew detnls, on behalf of the committee He was a member of the committee, also, in 1823 and 1824. In 1827 he was made president of the temporal committee, and continued in that responsible office in 1828 and 1829. In January, 1830, he seconded a motion of Andrew Shaw's, at the public meeting at which Mr. Esson vindicated himself with reference to the charges laid against him by the elders, in favour of the procedure suggcfc;ted by Mr. Esson. Hon Peter McGill having re- signed the presidency of the committee when leaving for Great Britain in 1831, Mr. Leslie was first chosen in his stead, but he declining on the score of being an elder, Mr. Fisher, then M.P.P., was elected, 10th March, 1832. He was on the committee to receive the church back that |onN i'ism;i<. r.o7 Hprin«^. Ili-i was choHt'ii on ilu' couitiiitttM* rvtiry ycuir afttT- ward.^, up to, and iiK ludiii^ IH44 ; on whitli y»'sir h»i wuh vii'o-prt'Nidcnt, aH lio had hiu^n in IH.'I'J, 1H4'J and 1H4.M — vvhil<' pn'sidcnl u<^'aiii in IHJ}7. l{orn in Montreal, in ITHH.Jolin Fisher, when a lad, was sent lirst lo liie eountry lo learn larniin^. Jhit he early showed a predilection lor hnsiness, and h»^ was put by his step-l'ather, Mr. V'eri^uson, into the warehouse of lltMlor Riissel tV (/O., in vvhieli he renniined lor some years. He afterwards formed a partnership with his l)rother Daniel, under th(( style " Daniel and .lolni I*'isher." ^rociM-ies and dry-^oods nierchanls. On 27th Oclober, IH21, he was mar- ried, by lv,ev. Dr. llarkness, to Miss Hunter, daui^htc'r of h'rancis Hunter, merchant of (Quebec, who was afterwards an elder in St. Gal)riel Street ('hurch. Mrs. Jolm Fisher was the handsome old lady who, with h«!r dauu^ht(M', Mrs. Ilaird, atten(h'd St. Gabriel (Uiurch, nearly lifty years after- wards, durinjr ihe writ(^r's early ministry in Montreal. Mr. I<'isher IbrrruKl a lAisiness partnership with his brothor-in-law, Francis Hunter, junior, aft(ir he and liis brother Danitd separated. It was durin«r this j^Umy period of his career, that hes was ele(tted nuimber of the: Provincial Parliament. He representt^d Montnsil West for the ttTm from 1880 to 1884. Mr. Fisher having- had a lar^^e commensal <'onnection in })oth Ui)i>er and Lower danada, and «^(^tting' many concerns into his hands in the way of stMiurinj^' him- self against loss(!s, thou*;ht his best policy was to retire from 1-usiness altor, oltl(«rH atxl conitrntration lit Hrofkvilln, m woll uh to all ChriHtititi hnttlinwi in all |)lii('«w to wlioni lit any tinut tlioHo linon may IxMir tHNtitnony. That Hn tliiit ktHtfx^th lHriu>l and nuitlu't' HiurnltKrH nor nlnopH nmy proHftrvM from all (nil — t'roin UiIh tinio, forth and for ovnrnioru thuir l)rotlu*r in th» iMindH of tho ( i...■ . ,u William Rowan, who owned pew No. 47, and became a prominent and useful member of the Scotch Chun^h in St. Gabriel Street, was a native of Strathaven, Lanark- shire, Scotland. At the age of 17, he entered the British army, serving in the 79th Highlanders, in which he rose to the rank of sergeant. He came to Canada with the regiment. Soldiers are exposed to a great many tempta- tions, and, as a rule, piety is not very much countenanced among them. Notwithstanding this, William Rowan's religious character was early shown. His piety was deep and abiding, and of a kind not to be concealed. By much study of the Scriptures, he became so well grounded in the word of God, that he was ever well able and ready to console the mourner, counsel the doubter, and comfort the sick and afflicted, and thus make himself a welcome visitor in every household. He was a ready expounder of the Bible, and was specially interested in the spiritual welfare of the young, with whom he always cherished a warm sympathy. He was for upwards of 20 years super- I I 580 intendent of the Sabbath School in the St. Gabriel Street Church, as he was indeed ready for every good work. His activity and usefulness soon fixed all eyes on him as a fit and proper person for the eldership, and he was unanimously chosen for that ofP.ce, and was set apart to the office at the same time as David Wylie, 30th January, 1848. For 26 years he continued in the faithful discharge of its duties under the ministrations of the Eev. W. Leish- man, Eev. W. Rintoul, Eev. D. Inglis, Eev. A. F. Kemp in the St. G-abriel Street Church, and Eev. Dr. Irvine and Eev. E. M. Thornton in Knox Church, — part of the time acting as Session clerk. Eev. Dr. Donald Fraser makes an appreciative allusion to the sweetness of Mr. Eowan's Christian character. "When a soldier is a man of God, he is one out and out. Mr. Eowan had also served as an elder in Knox Church, Toronto, for some time, under the ministry of Eev. Dr. Burns. He died in Montreal, 21st January, 18*74, in his 71st year. At the distribution of tokens to the new communicants at the communion before his death, Mr. Eowan gave an address to those then joining Knox Church, which was so full of the Gospel and of the experience of a long and faithful walk with Christ Jesus, that all present were moved — many to tears. He warned them that the lips that then addressed them might never do so again, as if he had a plresentiment that he was soon going home. Mr. Eowan was appointed town sergeant under Town Major Macdonald, both being retired veterans of the same famous Highland regiment. Although he accompanied the Knox congregation to their new church, he never ceased to be interested in the old one, and always spobj words of encouragement ir the writer in connection with his attempt to build up a i ew cause in ths ancient edifice. His three daughters, each in turn, became members of the congregation in St. Gabriel Street. REV. WILLIAM RINTOUL, M.A. CHAPTER XXVII. Rev. William Rintoul, M.A. — Sketch op his career — His illness and Death — Rev. Dr. Burns' Tribute to his memory — Rev. William Reid, D.D. of Toronto — Rev. George Smellib, D.D., of Fergus — Rev. David Inglis, D.D., LL.D. — His work in Montreal — His subsequent career. The Rev. William Rintoul, M.A., was born at Kincar- dine, Perthshire, Scotland, on the 30th of October, 1*79*7. He studied at the Universities of Edinburgh and G-las- gow, and took the degTee of M.A., at the former. He was ordained by the Presbytery of Dunblane, in 1821, as minister of the Presbyterian Church at Maryport, Cum- berland, England. But he was deeply imbued with the missionary spirit all through life, and his thoughts travelled beyond the seas. His sympathies followed his co-religionists who were then in large numbers seeking homes in the distant colonies, and he wrote a pamphlet on the " claims of the colonists on the churches at home." In 1831, he was appointed by the Grlasgow Colonial Society to the charge of St. Andrew's Church, Toronto, of which he was the first minister. He arrived in Canada just in time to take part in the formation of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, in connection with the Church of Scotland. In 1834 he was translated to Streetsville ; but so public-spirited did he commend him- self to his brethren, and so clear-headed an organizer and man of affairs generally, that he was the same year appointed missionary and corresponding secretary to the Synod. It was intended that he should resign his charge and devote his entire energies to this work ; but he did not see his way to leaving Streetsville so soon after his settlement there ; and so the Synod had to be satisfied with such efforts in the way of promoting church exten- sion as he could put forth in conjunction with the duties of his pastoral charge. We find the Synod in 1835 " ex- pressing the high sense which that Reverend court enter- tained of Mr. Rintoul's diligence in fulfilling the duties of his office during the past year." It shows how emin- ent the services were which he had already in five years rendered to the church in this country, that in 1836 he was placed in the Moderator's chair of the Supreme Court, the highest honour which the church had in its keeping. When it was resolved to establish Queen's College at Kingston, with a view especially to training candidates for the ministry, Mr. Rintoul, with Dr. Cook of Quebec, was selected for the task of visiting the churches of Great Britain and Ireland, for the purpose of helping to raise the necessary funds +j equip the Institution. This was a kind of work for which he had a special aptitude, as his mind was at once nimble and vigorous. In 1844, he chose to cast in his lot with the Free Church sympa- thizers, and this step involved him in herculean labours in order to extend the organization of the newly formed church throughout the entire country. He was appointed Clerk to'the new Synod when it was constituted in 1844, and he performed the duties of the office efficiently until he resigned in 1851. Subsequent history tells how re- markable was the success which followed the efforts of the Presbyterian Church of Canada. Its ministers and missionaries were everywhere ; and Mr. Rintoul bore no small share in the plans and labours by which these remarkable results were achieved. Like Mr. Esson and Mr. Leishman, he was a man of ripe scholarship ; and so when Knox College was organized, he was appointed to the Chair of Hebrew and Biblical Criticism in that Institu- tion. In consequence of a change in the arrangements in University College, by which a Professor of Hebrew was added to the staff, the authorities oi Knox College resolved to abolish their Hebrew Chair, and in this way Mr Rii toul was again free to accept of a call to a pastoral charge. The Rev. Thomas Henry, of Lachute, having declined the call tendered to him by the St. G-abriel Street congregation in March, 1850, the attention of the people was drawn to Mr. Rintoul, and a unanimous call was addressed to him on the 3rd of July, 1850, and as he was present and signified his acceptance of it, he was inducted to the charge on the same day. The Rev. J. C. Fairbairn of Allanton, Scotland, then supplying Cote Street Church, preached. So crying were the necessi- ties of the situation that the P.esbytery felt they were justified in dispensing with the usual somewhat tardy preliminary steps. A protest was served on the con- gregation by Mr. Gordon Mack, as in the case of Mr. Leishman. The settlement of Mr. Rintoul was full of promise. The congregation felt that they had secured the services of a strong man, a man of mark and experi- ence in the country, and they were able to indulge in sighs of relief that at last they seemed getting out of deep water. The faint-hearted acquired new courage, and the resolute now became confident. But while man proposes, God disposes. Scarcely had his ministry begun to make itself felt here, and the congregation to rally to the old church, when he was suddenly cut down by that fell disease — cholera. But he died in harness. He was about his Master's business at the time, prosecuting, with characteristic zeal and eagerness, missionary work on the lower St. Lawrence. He was sent by the Presbytery to visit the congregation of Metis, which at the time was without a pastor. He had got as far as Trois Pistoles 684 when he was struck with the illness which proved fatal on the 13th of September, 1851. This was a serious blow not only to the prospects of his own congregation, but also to those of the church to which he belonged, in this Province. His judgment was such as to inspire confi- dence in all with whom he came into contact. He was also a man of deep personal piety, as well as of exemplary pastoral fidelity. Mr. Rintoul wielded a facile and vigorous pen, and amongst other good services rendered by him to the church was editing for two years the Ecclesiastical and Missionary Record of the Presbyterian Church of Canada; and he well merited the eulogiura passed upon him by Rev. Dr. Burns who preached his funeral sermon on the 28th Sep.;. 1851, as well as the appreciative minute which the Presbytery passed at their first meeting after his death : " The Presbytery in con- sideration of the heavy loss they have sustained in the lamented death of the Rev. Wm. Rintoul, late minister of St. Gabriel Street Church, do most readily avail them- selves of this opportunity to record the high sense which they entertain of the many virtues and excellencies which adorned his character, both as a man and a Chris- tian minister. While none were more exemplary in the relations in which he stood to his fellowmen or more amiable in the intercourse of private life, few equalled and none surpassed him in the diligent and conscientic as discharge of the duties connected with the pastoral oilice; and as a member of Presbytery his services were invalu- able. During his short residence in Montreal, he secured to himself the love and esteem of men of all classes among his fellow citizens." Dr. McLagan, surgeon to the 20th Regiment, then stationed in Montreal, an elder of the church, proceeded with Mr. Rintoul's son, David, to Trois Pistoles, as soon as word reached Montreal of Mr. Rintoul's illness. He afterwards communicated to the 535 Missionary Record of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, the following interesting account of tne last days of this man of God: " Mr. Eintoul left Montreal to all appearances in good health on the evening of Monday, the 1st of September, reached Quebec next morning, and after a stay of an hour or two at that city, proceeded by steamer on his way to Metis, and arrived at Cacouna, 120 miles below Quebec, at night. He appears to have been somewhat indisposed during the voyage, nevertheless he started on Wednesday morning by land, and in the evening reached Trois Pistoles, a distance of twenty-one miles. There he was received into the house of Mrs. Sexton, from whom, and from her son, Mr. John Gr. Sexton, he received unwearied attention during the short remainder of his life. Mr. R. had been decidedly ill on the road between Cacouna and Trois Pistoles, and soon after his arrival at the latter place, his illness took the form of cholera ; and as he had suifered from a form of the disease before, he thought lightly of it, and expressed his intention of going to Metis, as soon as the parties sent to meet him from that place should arrive. On Tuesday, the 4th, however, his illness had so rapidly increased, that although the expected convoy had arrived, all idea of going on to Metis, in the meantime, was aban- doned. On "Wednesday evening he had conducted family worship, but on Thursday, being too ill to rise, he requested that when the family were assembled the psalm might be sung and the Scriptures read in his hearing, and this being done he offered up a fervent prayer from his sick bed. On Friday and Saturday he became much worse, and consented to have medical advice, but he still refused to send word to his family in Montreal, lest they should be too much alarmed. On Sabbath, Tth, his illness still increased and he dictated a letter to his son in Montreal, requesting him to join him as soon as possible, as he sometimes doubted 636 whether he should ever reach home again ; and begging that the elders and the congregation generally should pray for him. The letter he signed in a faint and irregular man- ner, which attests his weakness at the time. It was on the same day that a gentleman passing on his way to Quebec, and hearing of the sick stranger visited him, and promised to convey the intelligence to his friends ; and it was through this channel that the first report of Mr. Rin- toul's illness reached Montreal, on Wednesday, the 10th. From the time that the letter was written, he seems to have been impressed with the certainty of a fatal issue to his sickness. He remarked what a blow it w^ould be to his family, and by many other expressions intimated a consciousness of his danger. His uncomplaining patience and quiet resignation were observed, and afterwards fre- quently commented upon by his kind attendants. Mrs. Sexton spent much time in reading the Bible to him ; the •Zth chapter of Job, and the Psalms, particularly the xxiii. and xxxi., were more than once asked for by the sufferer, and several times he repeated the last verses of the xi. chap- ter of Matthew, and said quietly, That is just what I am doing, evidently alluding to the 28th verse. As the body failed, the mind suffered with it. And having some verses read on Tuesday or Wednesday, he exclaimed, sorrowfully, Is it not amazing that I cannot fix my tlioughts on spiritual things, — and after this time he lay, for the most part, in a kind of stupor, only occasionally asking with eagerness, if there were no tidings of his son. I had started from Montreal in company with the latter on the 10th, as soon as the account of Mr. Rintoul's illness was received, and by tra- velling day and night we reached Trois Pistoles, on Friday evening the 12th. For a moment he revived and seemed to recognize us both, enquiring if any letter had arrived from Mrs. Rintoul, then in Scotland, and almost imme- diately relapsed into his former state of semi-consciousness, 58*7 irom which he did not again rally. Every means likely to stimulate and revive the vital powers were at once had recourse to, but without the slightest benefit. When spoken to, he gave evidence of having heard, but it is doubtful if he ever comprehended what was said, or could join in prayer offered up at his bedside. During Saturday, the 13th, he continued to sink gradually, and at seven in the evening breathed his last, quietly and without pain. Under the circumstancep it was impossible to have his body conveyed to Montreal, and as he had himself re- quested to be buried in the nearest Protestant burial place, his remains were next day carried to Riviere du Loup, a distance of twenty-seven miles, where we were kindly received by the Rev. Mr. Ross, of the Church of England, in whose church the body was laid for the night. Through the kindness of the same gentleman, and their own desire to do every honour to the almost friendless stranger, nearly all the Protestant inhabitants of the village were in the church next morning, when the burial service was read by Mr. Ross, and the body committed to the dust." The following tribute to Mr. Rintoul's memory was paid by Rev. Robert Burns, D.D., Toronto, through whose agency, Mr. Rintoul came to Canada, in a sermon preached in St. G-abriel Street Church, September 28th, 1851 :— " The mind of Mr. Rintoul had early attached itself to the spiritual interests of the North American colonies, and while at Maryport he published an excellent pamphlet on the ' Claims of Scotsmen abroad ' to the benevolent con- sideration of the churches at home. The design of this publication was to rebuke the apathy and indifference of ministers and preachers in Scotland in regard to a theme whose importance was at that time rightly appreciated by very few. The work became, under God, the occasion of Mr. Rintoul's settlement, personally in Canada. It brought him under the notice of the Grlasgow Colonial Society, 688 • which had been formod in 1825 ; and whon, in 1831, ap- plication was mado to that Society by the Trustees of St. Andrew's Church in th(^ town of York, U. 0., for a minis- ter, Mr. Kintoul was selected as ono that seemed to possess the qualifications desired — soundness in the faith ; expe- rienced zeal in pastoral duty ; pious discretion ; and a steady, consistent walk. Moreover, he loved the (colonial field, and this was a re(;ommendation of no ordinary kind, at a time when the prejudices of young men lay strongly in an opposite direction, and when few were found ready to emigrate, from choice, to ^ b Hettlements of the west. We may add that Mr. Rintou) came to Canada at a time when the dilHculties which lay in the way of success were much greater than now. He had few predecessors in the colonial line, and certainly there had not been above one or two who had from choice their lot amid the supposed bush- men of British America. He had the wish to begin as one of the pioneers in the service ; and we this day have to thank God that for twenty years these lands have been permitted to enjoy the services of such a man. His name will stand out in the page of the future historian of the Colonial Church, as that of a faithful and devoted minister of the cross, who was ever ready to spend and be spent in the service of his Master. " In the town of York, now the city of Toronto, he labored faithfully for the space of three years. He preached the word in all purity and simplicity ; he reproved vice and sin of every form ; and he maintained the wholesome dis- cipline of the house of God with impartiality and inde- pendence. The city was then limited in population and extent, but its character was in the process of formation, and the footsteps of Christian men and Christian ministers, are deeply and beneficially indented on the virgin soil ; for it is by the conscientious labors of such men, and their consistent conduct in connection therewith, that a favor- 680 able national (character is formod. Ho organized the church in that city ; he beheld it with pious interest in the first . germ of its spiritual being ; and he wat(^hed over its infant strength with anxious solicitude. There are still to be found in th«^ midst of us, those who loved the good man for his own and his Master's sake, and who look back on his early labours with a grateful remembrance. " The sentiments of Mr. Rintoul, regarding the spread of the gospel in the province and in the world, were enlarged and liberal. He entered cordially into the formation of the Upper Canada Bible and Religious Tract and Book Socie- ties, and he was an offi(!e-bearer in both till his removal to Montreal. Sabbath Schools and Bible Classes in his own congregation he zealously patronized. For union among brethren he earnestly pleaded and perseveringly prayed, and few men were more respected and loved by brethren of all denominations, than was your late laborious and painstaking pastor. " To the circumstances which led to a change in the field of Mr. Rintoul's pastoral labours, I do not advert further than to say, that the breath of slander never lighted on the pious minister of Christ, whose sincerity was unques- tioned, and whose uni.npeached fidelity was the theme of just approval of all conscientious men. His Lord and Master, had ample service in reserve for him in another and no distant field ; and for thirteen years the worthy members of the Church at Streetsville, enjoyed the labors and example of this judicious and humble minded pastor. The Christian society there was likewise young, and the memory of his ministrations among its members is still fragrant. " Amidst various labours Mr. Rintoul's special aim was the advancement of the cause of evangelical truth in con- nection with his own countrymen and his own church. His correspondence with friends in Scotland, and especially 540 with tho Colonial So<'ioty of Ghisgow, was large and full. Tho information ho furniwhod waH minute and authentic ; and he Hpared no paiuH in methodizing and arranging for practical uho hi« ample Htore of statiNtical inveHtigation. CeaHeless were his etfbrts to induce young men of pi«5ty to come out to these colonies ; and it was the difhculty of gaining this objetk who form tlio coinnitUtuii of our roli< ^ioiia mH'iotitvt. lUi whm Htu'mtary of tlio Tract Hoci«ty, and Hinco M.. Itlack'H dttpartnnt liad Ixioti indiicod, at tlu^ unaninioiiH r(M(U(«ii> of ttiH conunittoo of tlu) Kntncli Canadian Ho<-iMty, to till liiH piaro. Hoth tliitm) inHtitutionM will Hufl'ur niatitrially in loHin^ )>iH tMtrvic.ua ; and unleMH (iod in HiM niurc7 aoo fit to raiso up othurs in Iuh room, IiIh death will in this IKiintof view l)« a piihlic (rulamity." The congregation placed a moiiumoutal tablet on the wall of the church, with the tbllowinjif inscTiption : J HACKBI) TO THH MMMOKY OF THE REVD. WILLIAM RINTOUL, M.A., WHO DIED AT TROIS PIHTOI.HH, C. E., l:iTiI HHITKMIIEH, 1851, IN THE FIlfTY-KOUUTII YEAK OK HIH A(1E, AND TUB THiUTY-KIKHT OK HIH MINIHTKV. After labouring? in England and Canada, ho was appointed profoHsor of Hebrew and Oriental Literature in Knox's College, Toronto; from whi<;h he was called to tlie pastoral ctiurge of this congregation. Distinguished by extensive erudition and unaffected piety, by the catliolicity of his spirit, and his missionary zeal, as well as by his ministerial faithfulneHs, commanded the eHteetn of hid flock, and of all who knew him. He was attacked by cholera while i)erforming a missionary journey Vi Metis, and suddenly called from his earthly labours, to his heavenly reward. " Blessed is that servant, whom his Lord when he cometh, shall find so doing." • In the interval which elapsed between the death of Ml Rintoul and the settlement of another pastor, the pulpit was supplied by several of the ministers of the western province. Two of them deserve special notice, Dr. Reid and Dr. Smellie. The Rev. William Reid, D.D., the venerable Clerk of the General Assembly and agent for the schemes of the 542 western section of the church, who was in charge of the St. Gabriel Street Church pulpit at the beginning ot 1852, when the annual register required to be taken out, and whose name is inscribed in the register for that year as officiating minister, was born in the parish of Kil- drummy, Aberdeenshire, 10th December, 1816. He was educated at King's College, Aberdeen, in both Arts and Theology, and was licensed to preach in 1839. He came to Canada in the autumn of that year, and was ordained to the ministry and inducted to the united charge of Grafton and Colborne, Ontario, 30th January, 1840. In April, 1849, he was translated to Picton, Ontario, where he laboured faithfully until he was appointed editor of the Record of the Presbyterian Church of Canada and agent for the schemes of that church. He was appointed joint-clerk of its Synod when Mr. Eintoul resigned that office in June, 1851, — and sole clerk in 1853. When the Canada Presbyterian Church was formed by the union of what is popularly known as the representatives of the Free Church and United Presbyterian Church in Canada, in 1861,he became joint-clerk of the new G-eneral Assembly — and when the larger union was consummated, in 18Y5, he was continued in the office, for which he is admirably qualified by business ability, and knowledge of church law. He was chosen Moderator of the Synod of the Pres- byterian Church of Canada, in 1850, and Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, in 18 1 9. The university of Queen's College con- ferred upon him the well merited degree of Doctor of Divinity, in 18*76. Dr. Reid kindly took part in the cen- tennial services in March, 1886, and his sermon and ad- dress, near the end of this volume, will be read with interest. The Rev. George Smellie, D.D., minister of Melville REV. DAVID INGI.IS, D.D. 543 Church, Fergus, Ontario, was another of the kind friends who came to the relief of the St. G-abriel Street Congre- gation, and officiated for a considerable length of time, after Mr. Rintoul's sad taking olf, and before the congre- gation could find another pastor. Dr. Smellie is a son of the Manse, his father being minister of St. Andrews, Orkney. He received his literary and professional train- ing at Edinburgh University, and was set apart to the office of the holy ministry, March 30th, 1836, as assistant and successor in Lady Parish, North Isles. In 1886, the jubilee of this event was held in his church at Fergus, and it was shared in by the Presbytery of Gruelph, of which Dr. Smellie has been long an honoured member, as well as by his own congregation, who made a handsome pre- sentation to himself and his partner on the occasion. On March 18th, 1843, he was married to Margaret L. Logic, daughter of Eev. Dr. Logic, of Kirkwall, and immediately afterwards he removed to Canada,settling at once at Fergus, where he has since remained ; and by the consistency of a noble christian life, as well as by the faithful ministra- tion of the word and sacraments, has built up a strong and influential congregation — affording another proof of the value of long pastorates. In 18*71, he published a brief memoir of his friend and neighbour, the great leader of the Free Church party in Canada, Dr. John Bayne, of Gralt. The university of Queen's College bestowed upon him the well-earned degree of D.D. in 1885. His daughter, Elizabeth Logie, was married to Rev. D. J. Macdonnell, minister of St. Andrew's Church, Toronto, 2nd July, 1808. The next settled pastor was Rev. David Inglis. While paying a visit to some friends in this city, he preached with such acceptance in several of the churches that the St. G-abriel Street Congregation resolved to extend a call to him to become their pastor. He accepted it, and was 544 inducted on the 13th July, 1852. It was a blessed Pro- vidence that threw him in the way of the congregation at this particular crisis. His style of preaching began soon to tell, and crowds flocked to the old church. The tables were now turned upon the churches that had drawn people away from St. G-abriel Street : it became once more the popular resort. There was magnetism in this new preacher. He had pathos in his voice as well as in his soul. His tongue answered to his heart. People yet speak of a wonderful series of discourses on the Apoca- lypse which he delivered on Sabbath evenings to im- mense gatherings. But this tide of prosperity also was alas ! destined to be short lived. A great sorrow befell this young prophet in the year 1854. With one fell stroke cholera swept away his beloved partner and three of his four children, and left him desolate. The following is the entry in the Registers : "Jane Meldrum, wife of Rev. David Inglis, died 8th July, 1854, and was buried on the 9th day of the same month, aged 30 years." Elizabeth Archibald Inglis, died 10th July, aged 6 years and 9 months. Catherine Meldrum Inglis, died 10th July, aged 3 years and two months. James Inglis, an infant, died 19th July, only 19 days old. The constitution of the cnurch, even with the changes effected in 1845, was not according to his mind. There was friction between the Session and the temporal com- mittee. He had succeeded in getting the congregation to have deacons appointed for managing the business matters of the church. A deacons' court was accordingly constituted l*7th June, 1853. The next step was to get the temporal committee to surrender their prerogatives to the deacons. A good deal of misunderstanding fol- lowed, which was attended by an irritating correspond- ence between the minister and the temporal committee. . 545 The outcome of it was that the committee agreed to denude themselves of the functions they had discharged for 60 y^ars, and hand over the church and all its belong- ings to be managed by the deacons, — the committee how- ever, remaining nominally in possession. This was the condition of things until, in 1864, the temporal committee was abolished by Act of Parliament. The committee took this action, 11th April, 1855, but the concession came too late. These unpleasant differences following so soon after his great sorrow, Montreal had lost for him its charm. His health gave way under the double pressure, and as a change of scene seemed advisable, he accepted a call, 26th April, 1855, to what is now known as McNab Street Church, Hamilton, where a portion of Knox Church, having separated from their brethren, had set up a new cause. Mr. Inglis had declined a call to the undivided Knox Church, the year before. A blessing rested upon his ministry in this new sphere, as well as in Brooklyn, where he ended his days in distinguished usefulness, Dec. 15th 18*7*7. The following sketch of Eev. David Inglis, who re- ceived the degree of D.D. fiom the Rutgers College in 1874, and of LL.D., from ^Olivet College, Michigan, has been kindly contributed by Rev. David Waters, LL.D., formerly of St John, N.B., now a pastor in Newark, New Jersey, — an intimate friend of Dr. Inglis, who was with him at the time of his death, — and will be read with pleasure by the many friends of the departed divine. " His father Rev. David Inglis, was for many years pastor of a U. P. Congregation in the parish of Greenlaw, Berwickshire, on the Scottish side of the Tweed. He was a man of good attainments, and was highly esteemed in the United Presbyterian Church of which he was a minister. By his influence and example, a suitable bent was given to the aspirations of his son David, who in K K 546 time resolved to study for the ministry of the church. His attention to his scholastic studies was from the very first assiduous and devout, and in the various subjects of humanity, moral philosophy, rhetoric, belles lettres, Sec, he distinguished himself at once by his zeal and attain- ments. After passing through the regular course in the University of Edinburgh, he graduated with honors. He subsequently passed through a course of divinity studies, attending among others the classes of those eminent theologians, the late Dr. Chalmers and Dr. John Brown. At the ea^iy ago of 20 years, he was licensed by the Pres- bytery of Carlisle, England. " Afier licensure he resided in Cumberland, England, for a short time. It was not destined that he should remain long at home. Providence pointed out the western world as affording a more suitable sphere of labor, and having paid a short visit to his friends in Scotland, he emigrated to America in 1846. Almost immediately he entered on missionary work in the Western States, after which he became pastor of the Detroit Scotch Church, 1846-Y ; stated supply N. Y. C. Washington Heights, 1847 ; Bedford, N.Y., 1847-52. From Bedford he came to Montreal, and from Montreal Le was called to McNab Street Church, Ki miiton. " This church was puny and small. It was formed by the division of Knox Church, then under the care of the ^ev. Dr. Irvine. It consisted of only forty-two members. Divine services were conducted in a wooden building which would accomodate only about 300 persons. But Tinder the efficient ministry of the new pastor, the con- gregation and church rapidly grew in numbers and strength, and it was soon found necessary to build a new church. This led to the erection of the present hand- some and commodious structure on McNab Street. Here he carried on his pastorat'^ for upwards of sixteen years. 547 He gradually drew around him a large and strongly- attached congregation, and during the period of his ministry he received into membership with this church not fewer than 1000 persons. In Hamilton he married for his second wife Miss Gale, daughter of the late Rev. Alexander Gale, a well known Presbyterian minister, and grand niece of Rev. Henry Esson. As the pastor of a large and flourishing congregation, and as a man of recog- nized public ability, he took an active interest in the affairs of the Presbyterian Church, and in the social and moral well-being of the city. His talents were often in requisition for special religious services, for lectures in connection with literary and other institutions, and for contributions to the press. These services were always cheerfully rendered, and whilst they contributed to the instruction and interest of the people who attended them, they added greatly to his own reputation and influence. A commodious stone manse was also erected for him. His congregation always on the increase was devotedly attach- ed to him ; whilst in the city, amongst ail denominations and classes, he was regarded as a central figure, as a use- ful citizen, and as a distinguished ornament. In 1865, on the resignation of Mr. Kemp, and before Dr. Irvine was thought of, Mr. Inglis received a very pressing call to return to his old congregation in Montreal, then about removing to their new edifice of Knox Church ; but he did not see his way to accept it. "But the exigencies of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, seemed to require that he should take charge of a most important and responsible post in connection with Knox College. His eminent attainments as a scholar and his sound theological views as a divine, evidently fitted him for training candidates for the Christian ministry. He was therefore summoned in 18*71 to occupy the chair of systematic theology in Knox College, Toronto. It was 548 a call which came upon him unexpectedly ; the strongest efforts were made by his friends to induce him to decline it. But ho felt it to be the call of G-od ; and painful though it was to separate from his flock, he had no alter- native but to obey. Hi? spirit was one of devout faith ; his conduct an illustration of cheerful obedience to the call of duty. " In leaving Hamilton the friends of Mr. Inglis, resolved to present him with some tangible token of their esteem. A public subscription was therefore organized, and a very liberal sum of money was spontaneously contributed from all classes of the public. This, with a service of plate, was presented to him at a public meeting which was largely attended. The Hon. Isaac Buchanan presided at the meeting, and recounted in glowing language the many excellent qualities possessed, and the many useful services rendered, by Mr. Inglis. " The duties of his new vocation, he discharged with exemplary zeal, and with great acceptance to the church, and profit to the college. But in about a year another change was proposed. He was called to the pastorate of the Reformed Church on Brooklyn Heights. To the great grief of the Canadian Church, he saw it to be his duty to sever his connection with the college, and accept the call which was so cordially extended to him. As pastor of this church, he labored with great zeal and much accept- ance, beloved by his people, and highly respected by the whole community. His labors were not only appreciated by his own flock, but were influential and useful in a public sense generally. The church grew under his ministration, and honors were conferred upon him. But his happiness was not unmixed with pain. He lost a beautiful child and subsequently his wife. " A short time before his death, he received a unanimous call to Knox Church, Toronto, to become the colleague 549 and successor of the venerable Dr. Topp. He was not able to come to any decision in regard to this matter. There were strong influences at work either way. But in the meantime he had been attacked by malarial fever and other ailments. Medical skill failed. He was called up higher. " Dr. Inglis was a man of commanding presence, of kind and genial disposition, and one whom to know was to love. He won the attection and esteem of a largo number of his brethren in the ministry, and his people were devotedly attached to him. He was a powerful and elo- quent preacher of the great truths of the Gospel. Many will remember his striking and earnest appeals which thrilled the souls and melted the hearts of his hearers. For years he had made systematic theology his special study. That combined with a careful study of kindred subjects made him in every way well qualified to fill the professor's chair or the preacher's desk. " For some years he prepared the Sabbath School lessons for the Sower. These were masterly expositions of Scrip- ture. He had been appointed Vedder lecturer for 1879, and was engaged in preparing these lectures when taken ill. He was a most valuable member of a Church Court. Possessed of a powerful mind, an able debater, and being well acquainted with the rules and forms of ecclesiastical procedure, he was able to guide the discussion of import- ant subjects, and not seldom was a wise conclusion of a difficult question reached through his instrumentality. " As a Scotsman he always cherished an ardent love for his native land, and was fond of roaming among its hills and dales, and of portraying with his pen some of the more stirring scenes of its history. He was a member of the St. Andrew's Society of New York, and warmly espoused the interests of other organizations by which his countrymen could be benefited. Whether viewed as 650 a Scotsman, as a past(,i-, or as a friend, he gave evidence of the possession of the noblest qualities ; and in his removal the lamentation of old may be repeated that a great man and a prince in Israel has fallen. " He engotred with deep intei est in all the deliberations which were held during many yejrs, in reference to the union of all the branches of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, a union which he did much to further, and in the consummation and success of which he greatly rejoiced. " In the summer of 1877, he went as one of the delegates of the Reformed Church in America, to the Presbyterian Council at Edinburgh, and rendered good service there." Dr. Inglis was an author of repute. Among his publi- cations were, " Crown Jewels," a sweet little book giving an account of his bereavement in Montreal ; papers to a monthly, "Waymarks in the Wilderness," published in Detroit, of which he was associated as editor with his brother, Rev. James Inglis, and Rev. John Hogg, after- wards Dr. Hogg, minister of St. Andrew's Church, Guelph; Exposition of International S. S. lessons in Sower and Gospel Field, 18*74-7 ; Historical sermon commemorating the 25th Anniversary of the church on the Heights, Brooklyn, 1875 ; Many contributions to the press ; Ved- der lectures in course of preparation at his death. CHArTER XXVIII. Rev. J. Cromuib, M.A. — Rev. A. F. Kbmp, LL.D., BwrrLsn ah Pastok— IIih UIKTH ANDTUAININd — HlH MINI8TUY IX MONTREAL— SCUHKyUENT CAHHER —John McCaixum— Dr. McLa(ian— Wm. McIIban— Edwahd MtMiUB — DoNAi.n McLean— ANdi'H McIntohii— H. 11. I'ickbn— Geo. Selkirk — RouHRT Gardner — Andrew Mitchell — Archd. Moir — He(Tok Munro— Dr. W. p. Smith— William D. McLaren- Pioter Dodh — Arhid. Swan — Alex. McGiuuon — Jah. Brown— Maithi.w Hutctii- soN — David Rodobr — Georob Crukkshank — Jameh S<^'i:LnioRi' — William Brown — W. F. LuiirrnALL — Gborc.e Irvinc; — JAmes ROUERTHON. The Kev. John Crombie, M.A., supplied the pulpit of St' Gabriel Street Church from the beginning of May till the middle of August, 1855 Mr. Crombie was born in the city of Aberdeen, 13th November, 1820, but when he was two years old, his father received an appointment under Gordon of Fyvie, and he was brought up in the delightful neighbourhood of Fyvie castle. He received a good education in the parish school, and entered Marischal College when he was 1*7 years of age with a view to preparation for the ministry, Gordon, who was a patron, affording encouragement that he should not want a parish when qualified for it. John was borne along, however, on the wave of enthusiasm created by the non-intrusion controversy, and, despite the earnest protestations of his father, and the sacrifice of his eccle- siastical prospects, he cast in his lot with the Free Church ; and was required by his father to leave the home of his childhood and provide for himself. Through what he could make as a teacher, and the good offices of Free 662 Ch.urrh frioiids, ho was able to complotft his eduoatiou for tho miuistry — whicih ho did at Edinburgh uiidor Chal- mers, Cunningham, Bu(^hanan, and Duncan. Licensed by the Free Presbytery of Kincardine O'Neil, l!)th June 184!), after serving as an assistant for some time in Aber- deen and lianlf, and 0(;cupying the mission station of Nev/burgh and Foveran for three years, he was per- suaded by Dr. John Bonar, Convener of the «'olouial committee of the Free Church, to oiler himself for work abroad. In consequence he came to Canada in 1864, and began work in the Scotch settlement of Inverness. He was first settled for 1) months at Laguerre, then 14 years in Invi'rness, Quebec, and during the last 18 years he has been minister of Smith's Falls, Ontario. He resigned this charge in Mar(?h, 1887, and is now pastor emeritus. Mr. Crombie laboured hard to bring about the union in Canada, and has been an honoured and useful minister of Jesus Christ. He was raised to the dignity of Moderator of the Synod of Montreal and Ottawa, in 1881. Rev. Alexander Ferrie Kemp succeeded to the pastorate of St. Gabriel Street Church, 4th September, 1865. Mr. Kemp was a man of the kind that always makes a deep mark on the community in which he resides. He had a strong individuality, and contact with him was influen- tial. Yet his strongly accentuated nature made him foes as well as friends. He had many personal qualities which were fitted to keep him in the remembrance of his fellow- men; and yet, in the city of Montreal to the public interests of which he devoted not a little of his time and energy, during his stay in it, but a few here and there can recall his face and form, — and to the rest his very name is un- known. " Sic transit gloria mundi'' It is not yet quite twenty-two years since that ministry here ceased, which REV. ALEX. F. KEMP, LL.D. 553 has been so soon forgotten — a mournful commentary upon the fate of a public man, if there was nothing for him to look forward to beyond posthumous fame. Mr. Kemp was born in G-reenock, Scotland, in 1822, so that he was only 62 years of age at the time of his death. He studied first at the university of Edinburgh, and after- wards at the Presbyterian College, in London. England. Receiving his orders from the Presbytery of Lancashire, his first exercise of the functions of the ministry was as chaplain to the 26th Cameronian Regiment, then sta- tioned in Bermuda. When Mr. Inglis was translated from this church to McNab Street Church, Hamilton, Ontario, Mr. Kemp, on the recommendation of eminent men in Great Britain and America, was called to St. Ga- briel Street Church, although he had never officiated here previously, nor was he known except to a very few per- sons in the congregation. Mr. Kemp continued earnestly and faithfully to proclaim the Gospel message in Mont- real, until his resignation was accepted by the Presby- tery on the 9th June, 18G5. It was a transition period in the history of the churches of the city, and Mr. Kemp came in for even iiore than his share of the trials from which all ministers and congregations were at that time suffering, through the removal of members and adherents from the centre to the suburbs, and the demand that arose for new churches and organizations in what is called the " West End." In accepting his resignation, the Presbytery put on record their appreciation of his peculiar aptitude for business, his accurate knowledge of church law, his lively interest in missionary work, his laborious and ex- cellent services as Clerk of Presbytery, and his earnest and enlightened zeal in promoting all the schemes of the church. This was a well merited tribute from those who knew him best. Z But Mr. Kemp, though feeling that he owed his chief labours to the cause of religion, and especially to that congregation and church to which he had promised his undivided allegiance, on the occasion of his induction, stood also in active and useful relations to the wider public. He was for some years a school commissioner, at a time when the discharge of the duties of that office was attended with even more anxiety than it is to-day ; for the means at the disposal of the Board of that period were meagre in comparison of those which it now com- mands. He took an active interest in all efforts to pro- mote the intellectual and moral welfare of the citizens, without distinction of nationality or creed. He was a valued contributor to the " Canadian Naturalist," the earlier numbers of which were enriched with papers from his pen. He was especially expert in Botany, and helped to keep alive a wholesome taste in the community for the study of the works of God. The " Natural History So- ciety of Montreal." of which he was one of the Vice-pre- sidents owed something of its prosperity, during his resi- dence in this city, to his earnestness and zeal in further- ing its work. Mr. Kemp wielded a fluent and graceful pen. He found scope for his literary activity, for two years, in editing, jointly with Dr. Donald Fraser, the •' Canadian Presbyter," published in this city, as the non- official organ of the branch of the church with which he was connected. A work, less popular, but of greater per- manent value, was his "Digest of the Minutes of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada," in which his knowledge of ecclesiastical affairs obtained adequate expression. Besides many contributions to transient lit- erature, he wrote a pamphlet, in 1866, on the effects of the union of 1861, between the Canada Presbyterian Church, and the TJ. P. Church of Canada, which called forth " ;]^ood deal of criticism. In it he contended that theu'jion had not been productive of the good that its 555 enthusiastic promoters had expected. But he lived long enough to find that his conclusions in this matter had been premature ; and no one rejoiced more than he in the results of the large union, of all the Presbyterians, which took place in 1875. Not the least interesting to us, or important in itself, of the serAHces which he rendered to the cause of Presby- terianism in Montreal, was the active and successful effort which he put forth, in concert with Rev. Dr. Snodgrass, Hon. Alexander Morris, Alexander McGribbon and others, to settle the long-pending suits which had been carried on between the Presbyterian Church of Canada, and the Presbyterian Church of Canada in connection with the Church of Scotland, as to the ownership of the St. G-abriel Street Church and the manse which then belonged to it. The following are the male names appended to Mr. Kemp's call : — Wm. Rowan, elder, Archd. Moir, deacon, Daniel Fisher, Peter Dods, David Brodie, Allan Cameron, Alexander Fraser, J. Rattray, W. R. Smith, George Middlemiss, Angus Mcintosh, Stephen Johnson, David Rodger, John McCallum, elder, Robert Gardner, deacon, Henry B. Picken, deacon, George Purkis, John Morrison, A. H. McKenzie, John Walker, Andrew Simpson, James Laverock, M. G Gosselin, Alex. Bertram, H. T. Lamplough, James Sculthorp, Wm. H. Woods, Archd. Swan, And. Mitchell, deacon, Peter Moir, William Hunter, George Brown, Robert Kent, Archd. Spence, Alex. McGibbon, James Wilson, Robt. Lockhart, jun., John McRobie, Alex. Wilson, John McPherson, And. Johnson, James McGibbon, James Brown, Daniel Fisher, Wm. McBean, elder, George Selkirk, William AVilson, Alex. McGregor, Alex. McLeod, Wm. Kingland, Wm. Murray, John Boyd, William Meek, Henry Ashby, John Boyd, Jas- Kinleyside, W. A. S. Fisher, Andrew Wilson, John Aird Matthew Hutchison, Archd. Wilson, J. Bonner, John Russel, James Rough, W. J. W. Alison, John Irvine, •-' 556 James Millar Wilson, Wm, Leater, Alox. Macfarlane, Henry Robertaon, Andrew Maaaon, William Ferguaon, John McPherson, William W^ilson, Hector Munro, William Douglas, Alex. Chisholm, J. A. Malcolm, James Hodge, James A. Harte, J. Y, Gilmour, Hugh McCallum, John McCallum, jun. Thomas Hodge, James Duncan, Alex. Batchelor, ' Charles Lawson, James Shearer, D. J. Macfarlane, James Fraser, James Fairie, Kenneth Campbell, and Mrs. wards members under Dr. Kemp's ministry. D. M. Urquhart, David Bansley, John Collins, Robert Anderson, C. Nelson, John Fraser, George Irving, James Catto, William Wilson,' William Fraser, T. Nelson. Robert Seath, were after- Considerable friction had been developed between him and a portion of the congregation on the subject of a new church, and it ended in his resignation being tendered on the 16th of May, 1865, and it was accepted by the Presby- tery on the 9th of June following. The Presbytery of Montreal, of the Canada Presbyterian Church, recorded the following minute on the occasion : — " In accepting Mr. Kemp's resignation of the pastorate of St. Grabriel Street Church, the Presbytery unanimously resolved to express their unfeigned regret, that he has deemed it his duty to take this step, and to record their unabated confidence in his piety and ministerial faithful- ness, as well as their high appreciation of his varied gifts and attainments. They specially mention his peculiar aptitude for business, his accurate knowlege of Church laws, his lively interest in missionary work, his laborious and excellent services as Clerk of the Presbytery, and his earnest and enlightened zeal in promoting all the schemes of the church ; and now while being deprived of his coun- sel and fellowship as a member of Presbytery, they unite in devout prayer to Almighty God that He may crown him with his favour, and continue to make him eminently usefal in the services of the Gospel." After leaving Montreal he was minister for a short time at Windsor, Ontario. But the sphere there was insufficient to engage the interest and energy of a man who was yet in his prime, and had been acting on a larger theatre. As affording fuller scope to his literary activity and scholastic tastes, he, therefore, soon afterwards accepted an appoint- ment as Professor of Mental Philosophy, Logic and Moral Philosophy in Olivet College, Michigan, and afterwards in Knox College, Galesburg. At this time Queen s College, Kingston, conferred upon him the degree of LL.D. But his desires were towards this the land of his adoption, much as he appreciated what was good and true in the institutions of the United States. Accordingly, we find him back in Canada in 18*74, as Principal of the Ladies' College in Brantford, Ontario, where he remained four years — his last position being that of Principal of the Ottawa Ladies' College, which as well as the one in Brant- ford, is under the patronage of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. He resigned this latter office, broken in health and spirits, and after that he was without a fixed home or occupation. The last few months of his life were spent in a measure of sadness, arising in part from the feebleness of health, but in greater measure from a sense of the want there is in the Church of an adequate provision for the declining years of those who have given to it the energy and strength of a lifetime. In his prostration of body, he was prone to take a dejected view- of his life's work, since it ended thus without home or position. But his friends would not allow him thus to speak. It does not, indeed, redound to the credit of a church so large and powerful in resources, as our own, that those who have served it faithfully should have even the shadow of ground for complaint that grey hairs bring them only humiliation and penury. Even the law of old was more generous, since it provided for the retirement at the age 558 of fifty, of those who had served the altar twenty years. Surely the grace of the gospel ought to put it into the hearts of God's people, to provide at least equal things for the servants of Jesus Christ. Dr. Kemp entered into rest. May 4th, 1884. He left a widow and three children, — S. A. Kemp, M.D., of Calicoon, N.Y. ; Mrs. C. H. Sutherland, of Hamilton, and Miss Kemp, who is a skilful teacher of drawing. One of the disheartening features of Mr. Leishman's ministry was the difficulty experienced in getting elders to serve. This was partly owing to the treatment accord- ed to Hon. James Leslie, and Messrs. Johnston and G-unn, on whom even Mr. Esson had brought pressure to bear to secure their resignation, broadly hinting that they had not the temper of mind to qualify for their office ; but also was in some degree due to the absence of a spirit of enthusiasm in the congregation during Mr. Leishman's pastorate. An effort was made, in August, 1848, to add four new mem- bers to the session. The congregation nominated seven, James Stevenson, Andrew Gibb, George A. Pyper, Arch'd. McFarlane, James Turner, John Drysdale, and "William McBean ; but with one voice they declined the office. At communion seasons, the Session had to appoint temporary deacons to assist, — Messrs. Pyper, McBean and Bertram, acting in that capacity, 2nd October, 1850, and Edward Moore, and John McCallum, 30th January, 1851. At length, on the 11th May, 1851, under the new influence brought to bear upon the congregation by Rev. Wm. Rintoul, John McCallum, Dr. Philip McLagan, and William McBiur were set apart to the office of the elder- ship. ;,' John McCallum, ordained elder, May 11th, 1851, was born at Stranraer, Scotland, 11th April, 1806, his parents 569 having come originally from Argyllshire. He came to Canada in the summer of 1882. Cholera being bad in Quebec, the good ship " Oxford," which carried him and others to our shores, and which had no sickness on board, did not deliver up its passengers until it reached Montreal, and when they get to the city, it was with the greatest difficulty lodgings could be had, so great was the people's fear that the plague should be introduced into their dwell- ings by immigrants. Mr. McCallum pursued the business of a piano-forte maker, at 73 St. Dominique Street. He joined St. Gabriel Str^^et a short time before accepting office. He continued to discharge the duties of the eldership until 1858, on the 13th of October in which year his name appears for the last time as attending a meeting of Session. He was greatly attached to Mr. Inglis, and stood by him in his efforts to bring the practice of the congregation more into harmony with the genius of Presbyterianism. He died 15th September, 1876, aged 70 jrears. Mr. R. N. McCallum, merchant, St. Catherine Street, Treasurer of Crescent Street Church, is his son. The old piano-forte business is carried on still by members of the family, at 66 Bleury Street. Dr. Philip "Whiteside McLagan, who was ordained at the same time as Mr. McCallum, was surgeon to the 20th Kegt., then stationed in Montreal. Mention has been made of him already in connection with the efforts to save Mr. Rintoul's life. He was a native of Newcastle-on-Tyne, England, where his father was a physician, and where he himself now resides, having retired from the army several years ago. He was of eminent service to the con- gregation, acting as superintendent of the Sabbath School, as well as elder, and when his Regiment was ordered off, the people wished to present him with some token of their regard and appreciation ; but when he heard of 560 it, he intimated his unwillingness to receive it. The money raised for this purpose, added to by some subscrip- tions from friends outside, was applied rather to procuring cenotaphs to Professor Esson, and his friend, Mr. Rintoul. The Kirk-session put the following minute on record, 11th July, 1855 :— " The Session cannot avoid noticing the vacancy now caused in its midst by the removal of their worthy brother in Christ, Dr. Philip W. McLagan, of Her Majesty's 20th Regiment of Foot, who for a period of upwards of two years past has been associated with them as elder of this church, and a most faithful and diligent labourer in the cause of religion and humanity. The virtues of Dr. McLagan's example, the untiring activity of his efforts in the church and Sabbath School, and his unaffected piety as a disciple of his Divine Master, will be long remembered with love by this Session, and esteem by the congregation of which they have the oversight — while his professional aid, at all times bestowed most freely on the needy sick and afflicted, will lead them to feel, that they have lost a friend, whose place, under similar circumstances, may never be again supplied." " The Session record their sentiments, commend him to the blessing of Almighty God, whom it has been his delight to serve, and to the affection and respect of Chris- tians wherever Providence may order his lot." William McBean, ordained elder in St. Gabriel Street Church, May 11th, 1851, was born near Aberdeen, Scot- land, 2*7th April, 1798, was married in 1822. He car- ried on the business of miller and distiller in or near the city until 1848, when, with the progress of the age, he became convinced that the manufacture of spirits was a bad business, and forever abandoned it. He became quite 561 a temperance advocate ; and, although from his youth up, surrounded by various forms of liquor, he never drank it ; and he brought up his sons to eschew both drink and tobacco. He joined the St. Gabriel Street Church in 1832, and after the disruption bought Mr. Skakel's pew. Tn his evidence, in the suit Kemp v. Fisher, he said he saw no cause for the disruption in Canada. He succeeded Mr. Rowan as Session clerk, and performed the duties of the office with efficiency for several years. He died 8th Sep- tember, 1888, aged 85 years, much respected by all that knew him. Dr. McBean, of the Turkish baths is his son. Edward Moore, who was admitted a deacon, July 22nd, 1853, and an elder 28th October, 1855, was born near Belfast, County Down, Ireland. His father's family at- tended the ministry of Dr. Henry Cooke, May Street, Bel- fast. Mr. Moore came to Canada in 1832, and at once joined St. Gabriel Street Church. He was a useful mem- ber and office-bearer in the old church, and he continues to serve his generation faithfully in Knox Church. He taught a class in the Sabbath School for fourteen years in St. Gabriel Street. He was treasurer to the committee appointed to procure the funds for erecting the memorial tablets to Professors Esson and Rintoul. He was treasurer also for the Deacons' Court, for some time, and was appoint- ed Session clerk in 1865, an office which he still holds in Knox Church. Mr. Moore was a long time in the employ of the late Hugh Eraser, of the Eraser Institute. He officiated at the communion service in the old church, March ^th, 1886, in connection with the centennial cele- bration, and has afforded the writer much assistance in the present undertaking. Donald McLean, whose name stands at the head of the list of Deacons ordained in St. Gabriel Street Church, 562 namely, those set apart 22nd July, 1853, was a devout Highlander, whom Mr. Inglis oncouragod to study tor the ministry, and he entered as u student at Knox College. During his course of preparation he spent his vacation in Montreal, and conducted a Gtelic service in the old (;hurch, with much acceptance. He had a fine command of the language of the Celt. He returned to Scotland, where he died soon afterwards. Angus Mcintosh, proprietor of pew No. 2 in the gallery, the second on the list of deacons, was clerk to Hector Munro, who at the time was carrying on extensive under- takings as a builder and contractor. Mr. Mcintosh was appointed secretary to the temporal committee in 1853, and continued in that office in 1860, although not acting in that capacity in 1854, and 1855. Ho was an important witness in the lawsuits, having to produce the minute- books of the congregation. He joined the chu;*ch on his coming to the country in 1830. Henry Belfrage Picken, owner of pew No. 6, who was ordained deacon, in the St. Gabriel Street Church, July 22nd, 1853, was born in Edinburgh in the year 1800, and was the son of Ebenezer Picken, the poet, of whom Eobert Brown of Underwood Park, Paisly, published a beautiful monograph, in 18t9. Ebenezer Picken was a native of Paisley, and a friend and literary rival of Alexander "Wilson, the ornithologist. He had received an education in part for the ministry, but was drawn rather to litera- ture. He taught school at Falkirk, where he married a sister of Henry Belfrage, D.D., the author of a popular series of sermons. Through her the naii\t! Belfrage was introduced ii to the family. Mr. Picken afterwards re- moved to Edinburgh, where he set up as a teacher of languages. He published in 1813, "' Poems and Songs " 663 by Hubscription ; aud also " A Pocket Dictionary of the Scottish language." H. B. Picken emigrated to Montreal in 1882, and was employed a couple of years in the Gazette, office. He then entered the service of the Bank of Montreal, and continued in it for thirty-five 5'^ears. He and his family accompanied Knox Church to their new edifice. One son, Henry Belfrage, is treasurer of that congregation ; another, John Belfrage, is an elder. H. B. Picken, senior, died of paralysis July 8th, 188*7, aged t8 years. His two sisters, Catherine and Joanna Belfrage, also lived in Montreal, and estab- lished a high-class boarding school. Joanna contributed many poetical effusions to the Literary Garland and Tran- script, during her residence here. She died in 1850. His brother, Andrew Belfrage Picken, the author of " The Bedouin," and "Lights and Shadows of a Sailor's Life," also came to Montreal, in 1830, and became well-known as an artist and teacher of drawing. He died in 1849. George Selkirk ordained a deacon at the same time as Donald McLean, Mr. Picken and others, was a cabinet- maker in Craig street, near St. Charles Borommee Street, son of Mr. Selkirk, already mentioned as taking part in the disruption controversy. Robert Gardner, owner of pew No. 21, the last of the first list of deacons ordained, 22nd July, 1853, is still to the fore, is the senior of the firm Robert Gardner & Son, and the founder of the " Novelty Iron Works," Nazareth Street. He was a member of the committee representing the congregation in the negotiations with the Church of Scotland committee, regarding the compromise of 1864. He and his family are still connected with Knox Church. His son, Robert, was formerly the popular Colonel of the Sixth Fusiliers. 564 Andrew Mitchi^ll, ordaiiu'd a dcMuon 14th Juno, 1854, and all oldor, 28th October, 1855, 'had boon a iion-comniis- Mionod olUcor in tho 2r)th Cumoroi; uin Uogimont. Mo adopted aiiabaptiHt viowH in 1850, and hiw iiamo was Htruck off tho roll, Ottobor iHt in that year. Archibald Moir, who wbh ordainod a doaron 14th Juno 1854, waH a mombor of th(^ lirm oi" " Adams and Moir," wholesale dry-goodH, St. Paul Street, lie was afterwards associated with Robert Forester in the wholesaler grocery business, under the style of " Forester and Moir." He is a native of Scotland. He is now an ellicient Customs' olHcer, being an appraiser in the examining warehouse. Ho was a special friend of Dr. Kemp's, and is still a member of Knox Church. He was nominated to the eldership in 1855, but declined the olfice. Hector Munro, owner of pew 2*7 in the gallery, who was ordained a deacon 14th June, 1854, and an elder Septem- ber 13th, 1868, was born in Roxboroughshire, Scotland, 21st January, 180Y. Ho went to Edinburgh when he was sixteen years old, where he learned tho business of a mason. Marrying in 1832, he and his wife came to Montreal in that year, but they were three times wrecked on the way and lost all their effects except their clothes. He and Mrs. Munro, were among the original communicants in the Lagauchetiere Street Church, but they afterwards went to St. Gabriel Street Church during Mr. Esson's ministry, before the disruption. They were among the supporters of the Free Church in Cote street >t first, but soon after- wards returned to St. Gabriel Street. Mr. Munro was one of the committee of the congregation to arrange the terms of the compromise with the Kirk in 1864 ; but it ended in his remaining in the church and affording efficient help in having a congregation organized in connection with the 565 Church of Scotlund. IIo vvaH a mombor of the lirHt board of truHtooH, appoiiit«'(l uiidor tho new /'^'^'•/mr, and aiied for Homo tiino hh Hh secretary. IIo was also < Iiohpii an elder, but n\sijL»;ned the ollice in 1870. Feelin«]f the inliruiities of ago j^ainini^ upon them, h»; and Mrs. Miinro resolved to attend St. Taul's (-hunh, vvhieh w»k near their home. Mr. Munro erected a large number of buildings in the (^ity, but the most important was the Bonsecours Market. He lilled many Government contracts on the Lachine and Rideau Canals, and at Sorel, Three Rivers, St. John and Chambly. II»( also had contra«'tH on the Lachine railway, aH well as on the Grand Trunk, botween Longu«'uil and the Province Lino. Whatever Mr. Munro undertook, he prosecuted with energy. He was a Protestant School Commissioner for many years, and in this capacity ren- dered important service, especially in connection with tho erection of school houses. He is still full of lire and fon-e. Robert Anderson, one of our most successful merchants, and now vice-president of the Merchant's Bank, was or- dained an elder, 28th October, 1855, at the same time as Edward Moore and Andrew Mitchell. John Lousou was also nominated for the eldership at the same time, but declined it. Mr. Anderson was one of the people attracted from Cote Street, in 1854, by the devout ministrations of Dr. Inglis. He resigned the eldership 3rd March, 1857, during the pastorate of Mr. Kemp. He is now a member of St. Paul's Church. Mr. Anderson's name has been long associated with every good cause ; and as the Lord has greatly prospered him , he has had it in his power to render efficient help to those objects that commend them- selves to his mind and heart. • Mr. Anderson was born near Glasgow, and removed to Montreal in 1840. He came early under the influence of religion, and his life has been characterized by devout- 566 ness. Although an octogenarian, he is still hale and vigorous, realizing Psalm xci. 16. Dr. "William Primrose Smith, son of elder Robert Smithy and owner of pew No. 1, was ordained a deacon, 14th November, 1855. He was a native of Glasgow, Scotland, and a very particular friend of Mr. Leishman. Mrs. Leish- man was his niece. He was a member of the temporal committee from 1846 until it was abolished, and was vice- president most of the time. An action was taken in his name to compel John Fisher and Andrew Shaw to call a meeting of proprietors for the election of three new trus- tees for the manse, but the suit went against him. He continued a member of Knox Church until his death. A serious misunderstanding arose between him and his fel- low deacon, Alexander McGibbon, which caused a great deal of trouble to the Session, and made him withdraw from the membership of the congregation for a time ; but he resumed it. He died 13th December, 187^. "William Duncan McLaren, also ordained a deacon, 14th December, 1855, was born at Stirling, Scotland, 27th Janu- ary, 1827. He came to Montreal with his parents in IF'"^, The family attended St. Andrew's Church till 1835, but in that year they became connected with St. G-abriel Street. Mr. McLaren long carried on business as a grocer, at the corner of St. Lawrence and St. Catherine Streets ; but for several years past he has confined his attention to the manufacture of the " Cook's Friend Baking Powder." Mr. McLaren was repeatedly nominated by the people for the eldership, in the old church, but declined. He accepted the office, however, in Knox Church, in which he was ordained 12th March, 1879. Rev. James Fleck, B.A., pastor of that church, is married to his daughter. Mr. McLaren has done good service in promoting Home Mis- 56*7 sion work in the city, especially in connection with Taylor's Church. He has been also an active member of the city mission committee. Peter Dods, ordained a deacon 14th November, 1855, had kept a grocery at the corner of Wellington and Prince Streets. He was at this time in the employ of Hon. Peter McGill. Archibald Swan, born at Dollar, Scotland, 12th March, 1829, and set apart for the office of deacon. 14th November, 1855, was a dry-goods merchant, of the firm " Brown and Swan," and latterly of " Eobertsons, Linton and Co." He was ordained to the eldership in Knox Church, 12th March, 18*79. He came to Montreal, In 1849, and died 12th August, 1885. Alexander McG-ibbon, who was ordained a deacon, 14th November, 1855, was born at the village of Petite Cote, near Montreal, on the 15th February, 1829. He was the son of a Scotch settler who came to Canada from Perth- shire, early in the century. Mr. McGribbon's early years were spent in agricultural pursuits, but when about 15 years of age, he entered the employment of Mr. Neil Mac- intosh, a prominent merchant of Montreal, embarking in business for himself a few years later. He married Harriet Davidson, a Scotch lady, and had a family of 13 children, of whom 8 survive, the eldest being Robert D. McGibbon, B.A., B.C.L., barrister of Montreal. Mr. McGibbon was early connected with St. Gabriel Street Church, taking an active part in its affairs ; continuing his interest in Knox Church, by the minister and congregation, of which he was, in 1869, presented with a splendid testimonial, the famous Columbus clock and marble pedestal, in token of his services and liberality. Mr. McGibbon 568 was for many years one of the most active and public- spirited citizens of Montreal, and has occupied the posi- tions of member of the City Council and President of St Andrew's and Caledonian Societies. He was a G-overnor of the Montreal General Hospital, of the House of Refuge, and repeatedly chairman of citizens' organiza- tions to promote the different interests of the city. At the outbreak of the Kiel rebellion, he was offered, by the Dominion government, the position of Quarter-master General and Chief Transport officer of the Alberta Field Force, under General Strange, and accomplished most efficient work by his undoubted executive abilities. He now fills, with credit to himself and benefit to the country, the position of Inspector of Indian Agencies and Reserves in the North-west Territories, with head-quarters at Regina, N.W.T. On leaving Montreal to fill the latter post, he was entertained at a public banquet by a large number of his friends, and his departure evoked most complimentary expressions of esteem from the French and English press of the city, for which he had so frequently and unselfishly labored for many years. James Brown, who was chosen more thau once before a deacon, but was at last persuaded to accept the office in 1857, is a brother of William Brown, the elder. He was born at Dunse, Berwickshire, 8th April, 1822, and came to Montreal in 1848, and immediately joined St. Gabriel Street Church. He has been engaged, and is now, in the wholesale dry goods business. He was at one time in partnership with Archibald Swan ; now the firm is James Brown & Son. Mr. Brown's specialty has been Sabbath School work, in which he has been actively engaged for 40 years. It was he who succeeded in rallying the large school now in connection with Taylor Church, in which he was assisted by a band of faithful workers from other 569 churches. Mr. Brown has been repeatedly soliciled to accept the office of older in Knox Church, with which he is connected, but he has uniformly declined. Matthew Hutchison, chosen a deacon in September, 185Y, is a brother of William Hutchison, already men- tioned. He was born at Largs, Ayrshire, May IVth, 1827. His first business was that of a baker, but he was appointed Deputy Inspector of Flour for the city, which position he filled with much satisfaction until his re- moval to Goderich, to take charge of the Harbour Mills there, the property of the Ogilvies and Hutchison. His wife is Helen Ogilvie, sister of the Hon. Senator Ogilvie. Mr. Hutchison has been much missed on the curling finks of Montreal. David Rodger, who was chosen a deacon in September, 1857, was a native of Edinburgh, Scotland. Ho was educated at Heriot's Hospital. Receiving an appoint- ment to the High School, Montreal, as colleague to his fellow-townsman, T. A. Gribson, in 1848, he came to reside here that year, and connected himself with the St. G-abriel Street Church at once. For 27 years he laboured assiduously as a teacher, most of the young students of the city passing through his hands ; and many of them can trace the formation of their habits of study to his stern discipline, which they did not appreciate at the time, but which they were thankful for afterwards. One of his daughters is now a teacher in the High School for girls. During Mr. Kemp's ministry, Mr. Rodger left St. G-abriel Street and joined Dr. Taylor's church in Lagauchetiere Street. , . George Cruikshank, who was elected a deacon in Sep- tember, 1857, and inducted an elder May 191h, 1867, is a 510 native of Rothes, Morayshire^ Scotland, his father being a staunch member of the Church of Scotland. He visited Montreal first in 1842, but left it and went to Demerara, in the West Indies, where he remained a couple of years. When he returned the disruption was over, and Mr. Esson had removed to Toronto. Mr. Cruikshank accom- panied his friends, John Gray and Archibald McGoun, to Cote Street Church for some time ; but at length settled down in St. Gabriel Street. The first time his name appears is in connection with Mr. Pyper's efforts to improve the finances of the congregation in Dr. Leish- man's pastorate. He was specially attached to Rev. Wm. Riutoul, and mourned sincerely his sudden taking off, and the brevity of his hopeful pastorate in St. Gabriel Street. Mr. Cruikshank lived some time at Streetsville, Ont., where he enjoyed the ministry of Dr. Ure, now of Goderich ; and also at Three Rivers, where he sat under Rev. G. D. Ferguson, now Prof. Ferguson, of Queen's University. There he was ordained to the eldership. Mr. Cruikshank married the daughter of James Turner, and thus became identified with the past history of St. Gabriel Street Church. He was among those who did not approve of the westward movement of Knox Church ; and no single individual contributed so much as he to the success of the congregation organized in 1866. He took hold of the Sunday school, when Mr. W. M. Black resigned the superintendency to assume that of St. Paul's Church ; he acted as the deputy to the eleven provisional trustees, and enthusiastically supported the new pastor after his induction in December, 1866. He did the work of six men at that period, and when the first twelve trus- tees were chosen by the reorganized congregation in 186Y, Mr. Cruikshank was one of them, as he was also one of the first elders nominated by the congregation. He continued faithfully to discharge the duties of both 511 ' offices till 18*72, as well as to assist in the work of the Sabbath School, in which he took a lively interest, as he was most successful in dealing with the young. Remov- ing to too great a distance for Mrs. Cruikshank, in her weak state of health, to be able to go to St. Gabriel Street, they connected themselves with Ohalmers Church, which they now attend. James Sculthorp, who was chosen a deacon at the same time as James Brown, David Rodger, and George Cruik- shank, in the autumn of 185*7, was a native of London, England, where he was born on September 24th, 1807. He came to Montreal, May 24th, 1836, and first attended the services of the Episcopal Church, in which he was brought up. Marrying a Presbyterian wife in after years, he went with her, first, to Cote Street Church, and then to St. Gabriel Street, during the popular ministry of Mr. Inglis. He continued to discharge the duties of deacon until the conclusion of Mr. Kemp's ministry ; but, his Presbyterian wife having died, he and his family resumed their connection with St. George's Church. Mr. Sculthorp was a respected leather merchant ; and ought to be remembered by the St. Gabriel Street congregation, especially,, as the donor of ihe splendid chair that adorns the pulpit. "William Brown, who was ordained an elder on Feb- ruary, 1881, was born at Dunse, Berwickshire, Scotland, 1st March, 1824. He came to Montreal in 1845, and be- gun business as a nurseryman at Cote des Neiges. He joined St. Gabriel Street Church in 1846. When the House of Industry and Refuge was opened in 1864, he was appointed the first superintendent, a post which he filled with great fidelity up to 1874. He resigned his eldership on account of the establishment of a church at Cote des Neiges, which he attended, and his resignation 572 was accepted, 2l8t April, 1865. He died 4th July, 1883. Mr. Browu was a thinker as well as an active worker. He published two little treatises, one on the currency question, the other on the land question, — both of which display literary ability and grasp of these two important economical subjects. Mr. "W. F. Lighthall, who was ordained an elder, 3rd February, 1861, was born at Troy, N.Y., October 30th, 1827. He was descended on his mother's side from the good old Knickerbocker stock, her people belonging to the Dutch Eeformed Church. Through her he is also connected with the Van^/uren and Schuyler families. His father settled at Huntingdon, P.Q., in 1829, when all around was a wilderness. He was the postmaster, as well as registrar for the counties of Huntingdon and Beauharnois. Mr. W. F. Lighthall, having learned the notarial business, came to reside in Montreal, in 1859, and went immediately to St. Gabriel Street Church. He resigned the eldership, September 21st, 1863, and left the church altogether, but he and his wife returned to it in 1865. They removed with the Knox congregation, where they worshipped until 1872, when they connected themselves with the American Pres- byterian Church, in the membership of which they now are. They resided near Chalmers' Church, at one period, and attended its services, although they never formally joined it. Mr. Lighthall then joined Mr. Jones, who was in charge of the church, in an effort to seat the building, each of them contributing |100 out of his own pocket. George Irving who was ordained a deacon, 11th April, 1863, was born at Annan, Scotland, and came to Canada in 1838. He was connected first with the Champlain Rail- way, and then joined the staff of the Grand Trunk, which he has served for 25 years, during the greater part of which time he has been paymaster of the Road. He was 573 ordained an elder in Knox Church, November Ist, 1867; but, owing to his inability to discharge the duties of the office satisfactorily, cii account of his necessary absence so much from the city, he resigned the office, 29th March, 1881. On the t>th of Februai/, 1863, the constitution of the deacons' court was altered so that one-third of its mem- bers should retire every year. On the 12th of April, 1863, Robert Forester, G-eorge Irving, James Robertson and Archibald Swan were ordained, conformably to this regulation. Robert Forester was partner with Archibald Moir, of the firm Forester and Moir, wholesale grocers. He is a native of Glasgow, Scotland. James Robertson, proprietor of the " Canada Lead and Saw "Works," who was ordained deacon April 12th, 1863, was born at Old Kilpatrick, but brought up at Fintry, Stirlingshire, Scotland. Trained to business in the office of Newton, Keate & Co., Grlasgow, he came to Montreal in 1857, to conduct a manufactory for the construction of lead pipes. He joined St. Grabriel Street Church that same year, and taught in the Sabbath school under the superin- tendence of Mr. Rowan. When the final arrangements regarding Knox Church were made, he resolved to cast his lot in with those who remained in the old church, and consequently tendered his resignation of office as a deacon, 27th November, 1865. It was accepted, 12th Fe- bruary, 1866. When the writer was called to St. Gabriel Church in 1866, Mr. Robertson appeared before the Pres- bytery of Guelph, as a delegate from the congregation to plead for the translation to Montreal, and the high opinion the author formed of him was an element helping him to decide to come to Montreal. Mr. Robertson has never failed in duty since to the pastor whom he was largely 574 instrumental in bringing to St. Gabriel's. When the new Board of Trustees was erected, April 10th, 186Y, he was elected a member of the trust, and has been on it ever since. On the decease of William Darling, who was fourteen years chairman of the tru&tees, Mr Robertson was chosen his successor ; and it fell to him to prosecute the work of selling the old church and buying the new one. This work he accomplished with much ability and address ; and the congregation owe him a deep debt of gratitude for the success which attended his negotiations. On the 20th May, 1883, Mr. Robertson was prevailed upon to accept the office of elder, although he had declined it on several previous occasions when the membership of the church had an opportunity of indicating their prefer- ence. And no more faithful office bearer does the church possess ; for, while the head of an extensive mercantile concern with branches in Toronto, Baltimore, St. John and Winnipeg, ho deems it his duty to give a consider- able share of his time anr* thought to promoting the spiritual interests of his fellowraen. He married, in 1864, Amelia, daughter of David Morris, Seignior of St. Therese de Blainville. James Stevenson, who had declined the office of elder when pressed to accept it, in 1848, was ordained a deacon, 9th May, 1853. Born in Campbellton, Argyllshire, Scot- land, in 1810, he came to Canada in 1840. A Highlander himself, he was an ardent patron of the Grselic language, and was instrumental in having services occasionally in that tongue in the old St. G-abriel Street Church. He was the proprietor of pew No. 34. He was a book-keeper and lived in St. Monique Street. He afterwards removed to SoreL S. C. Stevenson, secretary to the Board of Arts, A. W. Stevenson, J. A. Stevenson and David Stevenson are his sons. Most of Mr. Stevenson's family are members of Knox Church. CHAPTER XXIX. TirE Free Cnuucii movement in Canada hnuko in a 8fx;ehsion, not a nisRui'TioN — The cautiousness of the Chukches avoioino mtkiation — Thb« i)ErEcn"8 in St. Gahribl Street Church Title Deed — Its KORMH claim to HBLONG TO THE CllURCII OF SCOTLAND —PETITION TO Lord Dalhousib in 1825 — Tub Synod fo}{mhi) at tub instance op St. Gabriel Street Congregation, wiiuii if so, in fact became incorporated in it — The legal questions involved — Those free TO enter into a compact, not always free to go out of it. — The Law-suits — The Cohouro case — The St John's, Leitii, case — The compromise— The Action op the St. Garriel Street Congre- gation — Action op the Preshytbhy in connection with the Church OP Scotland — Knox Church quit the old Church, and tub Church op Scotland is re-installed — Tub question of Session Records and Recjisters. We have seen that the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, in connection with the Church of Scotland, desired the congregations and people still adhering to it, to exercise due caution in the matter of law-suits regard- ing such Church property, as might be involved in the disruption, communicating a proposal to the brethren who had formed themselves into a new organization, to have questions of property in dispute settled in a friendly way ; still it instructed Presbyteries to prompt and definite action with respect to the ministers who had seceded, or might yet secede. The newly formed Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada also adopted a cautious policy, so far as properties in dispute were con- cerned, appointing a committee to confer with a similar committee of the Kirk on the subject. Indeed, its atti- tude with regard to the Presbyterian Church of the 576 past in Canada, was, from the beginnin*:^, ol«'ar and fair. It did not claim to bo tho same Church that had been formerly in existence. On the contrary, the first minute of the dissentients, before declaring themselves a Synod, described them as having "Just withdrawn from said Synod " (of the Chun^h of Scotland), and distinctly recog- nized an entirely new departure. So that the situation in this country was quite different from that in Scotland, where the Free Church claimed to be the true Church of Scotland of the past, and the only rightful continuator of that past. There was not a word said by the minority, in Canada, in the way of assailing the right of the majority to claim to be the true and legal representative of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, in connection with the Church of Scotland, as it had been previously constituted. The event was regarded by the minority themselves as a secession rather than a disruption. Mr. Bayne's resolution proposed that the Church should surrc^nder any properties and emoluments that came to it through its connection with the Church of Scotland, if the British Legislature should indicate that the altered rela- tion to the Established Church affected their rights to those properties and privileges, — which it did in withdrawing the Clergy Reserve allowance, or its equivalent, from the seceders. This did not hinder Mr. Bayne himself from" afterwards putting forth a claim to the church and manse at Gralt ; nor Mr. Esson from seeking to secure the church and manse in Montreal, — on the ground that these properties belonged to the congregations respectively, and were not gifts from the crown. But the Gait case was easily settled. The manse had been vested in four trus- tees, three of whom seceded. The trustee remaining in the church, with other members of the church, who, though they were in the minority, thought they had a right to the property, sued the three trustees for breach 511 of trust, in allowiufjf Mr. Uuync, iil'tor his withdrawal from tho Church of Scothuid, to retain poKScHsion of tho msiase. The Court of Chancory issued a docrce removing those thre«^ trustees comphiined of, and appointinj^ three belonjj- ing to the Church of Scothmd instead, with costs against the seeeders. The church in St. Gabriel Street, Montreal, was in a peculiar situation ; this was acknowledged by both sides. The Synod of the Presbyttu'ian Church of Canada hesitated about admitting it in 1846 as it then was ; partly on account of its ICrastian constitution, no doubt, but also partly on account of the uncertainty of the tenure of the property. The leaders of the new church, apart from Mr. Esson, would have preferred that all the people had abandoned the old place of worship and conce. trated their energy, means and enthusiasm in building up Cote Street Congregation, where there could be no legal questions raised to interfere with the growth of the Church, and its proper work. The conservatism of the Congregation — the unwillingness of its leaders to cut away from their past — stood however in the way of the wishes of Bonar, Arnott, Burns and Redpath. We have seen how Mr. Ksson viewed the legal and constitutional questions invol ved. He saw clearly where the defects in the title deeds of the St. Gabriel Street Church lay. He had pointed them out years before, in the historical sketch prepared for the Synod of 1832. The property was not vested in the Church of Scotland, in so many words. If it had been, there would have been no room for protracted law suits. The Church of Scotland people would have claimed it, and it would not have taken long to bring the question to an issue. But there was a missing link to establish the title to the property on the part of the adherents of the old Kirk. The deed bore that the land on which the Church stood was M M ;«- 67H acqiiin'd. in tho first iiiHtjiiKu*, by th« noininitt»M? of Um truNttu'H, " olectod by (b»» inomborM of th« I'n'Mbytoriiiu Conjj^ro^ation, Ht'ttlfd in tho town and n»'i^hl)oiirho<)d, accepting it for tho glory of God and divint^ Horvico, for tho use of tho said Pn^sbyttM'ian C'ongrojration and thoir suoreHNors, in tho futuro, accordinn" to and in conformity with tho UHago of tho Churoh of Scotland as it in ostab- liwhod by law in Scotland." Horo it is said th«^ property was for tho iiso of tho Prosbyttu'ian Congrojration of Montreal ; tho only limitation being" that the sorviros should be conducted accordin<^ to tlu; mannor of the ostablished Church of Scotland. This was tho weak point in tho title, when it came to bo scrutinized in the light of subsequent events. But when it was drawn, it was in ac(;ordanco with existing facts, as it was mi^ant to be. The Prosbytorians then forming the congregation were not all members of tho Church of Scotland — a con- siderable number of them w«;ro from Now England and the American colonies, as we have seen. The very minister under whoso advice, doubtless, tho titles were drawn, Rev. John Young, received his orders in New York ; but ho conducted the Services in accordance with the usages of tho Chun^h of Scotland, which licensed him. Ho aud the congregation were not to blame, if they framed the title deeds to supply their present want, and did not provide for all the possible exigencies of the future. The same remark holds good respecting the terms of the seventh of the Rules and Regulations adopted by the congregation in 1804: " To prevent anything like a mistake rosj'jecting tho electing of a min- ister, it is hereby provided and always to l)e understood, that no proprietur, as is pointed out in the Fifth Article, upon any pretence whatever, shall give his vote to any person but to one who shall have been regularly hreil to the ministry, and who shall have been licensed by some regular Pres- bytery in the British dominions, — lie producing credentials to ascertain the same — and who shall profess to Ije of the i)ersuasiou, and who sliall 57U Ofllmro to tlm lawg, ^'ivc^niniont ami inoilo of worship of tlio K«tftbllHlu>il Cliiirrh nf Scotltunl, projK^rly Ho-cnllo ict, as being placed at your P^xcellency's disposal for tiio benefit of t. lo clergymen of the Established Church of Scotland resident in Canada, the sum of one hun- dred pounds, sterling, to each minister, which we most resiKjctfuUy state to be the smallest sum that, together with our own contributions, is fitted to secure to them a competent maintenance. And your Memorialists, as in duty bound, shall ever pray, &c., &c. Montreal, 12th December, 1825. (Signed,) T. P01tTP:0US, thos. hlackvvood, robert armour, ani)rf:w white, J. LP:sLIE, S- mtlers. JAMES CARS WELL. I'HILIl' ROSS, GEORGE GARDEN, H. McKENZIE, Seg/don Clerk. H. McKENZIE, J'rriridenl, KENNETH WALKER, Commxtke. of ALEX. GLASS, ^ C. TAIT, Ser«^y KeNervi'S (|U(^stion (^aine to he diseuKKCid, and it wiih proposed to send an advocate of the claims of the ministers and <;on^rej^a- tions in ('anada to (Ireat Hritain, Mr. lilsson was at the head of th( movement, and liis c<)n<»Teoati()n hacked him np, and a mc^mher ol" it was siihicted lor tlu^ mission. So hir as it lay in the ])ow(^r oi' hoth ministers and people to d(^- elare it, St. (rahriel Street (Miurch was emphatically, de facto, in (;onn Ioiil;' as the conditions of tlie orij^iind dc^ed were not violated, and 'the making oi" th»^ ('han*?es was ^one about rejrularly. From ()c,t()l)er 8th, ]HM\, on to the 14th April, IHtW), th(5 (/hurlc)iHiv«', added to thoir loriiKir |)1(mis thi.s one, — that they were a uwn) voluntary associaiioii, mcctini^ lor r«'lii;iouH vvor.sliip, and not a «'()rporat«! hody, and a.s .such they could not ho pro- cojulcd a«;aiiiMt. Mr. .1. J. Day acted as coumnoI, Now, Mr. ('roNH took advaiitau^cor the kiiowledfrcof the lacts and of the papers involved in the ca8e availahle lor evidon(H!, which his lonntM' experience hadf^iviui him. He was l)acked up by Mr. Alexander Morris, aH honorary (M)unsel, ai(h'd hy Mr. Snodi^rasH, an a,l)le (MMilesinstical lawyer. Th(;y maintained that the conu^rei^ation was orj^anized in 178(5, aw a (;onii,re^ation of thii (/hurch oT S(U)tland, hy Mr. Hethums a minister of the Church of Scotland, that Mr. YouniJ^ found it orjj^anized, and that though it was under the spiritual jurisdiction of th«^ l*res- hytiu'y of Albany for upwards of a year, it did not lose its I'ormer character durin2, not only woro headed " Chunch of Scotland, Montreal," })ut began with these words : " know all men by these presents, that wo, the undersigned, (ddors of the I'resbytorian Pro- testant Church, in the city of Montreal, named the Churc^h 592 of Scotland," — that thr deeds of pews, all along had the same bearing, " Church of Scotland, Montreal," — that Mr. Young, who first officiated in the church, although he was never legally its minister, was a licentiate of the Church of Scotland, — that Mr. Somerville had become a member of the Church of Scotland before accepting the call to the church, and although he had been licensed by a Presbytery of the Relief body, he was ordained by a Presbytery com- posed of ministers of the Church of Scotland, — that Messrs. Essonand Black were ministers of the Church of Scotland, and that when Mr. Esson was ordained to the ministry of the congregation, by the Presbytery of Aberdeen, it was declared to be in communion with the Church of Scotland, as the temporal committee, in calling Mr. Esson, had ex- pressed the wish that it should be,— that the congregation, all along, had been made up chiefiv of members of the Church of Scotland, and as such, had oiaimed and received favours and privileges from Government, — that when the church was founded in 1*792, there was no Free Church in Scotland, or Presbyterian Church of Canada, so that any such church could not be contemplated by the framers of the title deeds, — that the congregation and Mr. Esson, with them, had deferred constantly to the views and wishes of the Established Church of Scotland, prior to the erection of the Synod in connection with it, in Canada, — that the Synod was established at the solicitation of the St. Gabriel Street congregation, and the advice of the Church of Scotland, and that the congregation then and afterwards gave in its adhesion to the Synod, accepted its decisions, acknowledged its authority for thirteen years, and was subject to the government of the Presbytery, which the Synod erected during all that period, — that, though it were granted, that the entering into relations with other congregations in Canada to form the Synod, was a purely voluntary act, on the part of the St. Gabriel Street 593 people ; the conclusion that they were equally free to with- draw from the Synod, does not follow, since there are many engagements into which one is free to enter, but which he is not equally free to relinquish, — that the Presbyteries and Synods, all the world over, bind their members, and the individuals composing them can be released from member- ship only by the consent and action of the courts themselves — that Mr. Esson and his congregation had not been released from their allegiance to the Presbytery and Synod, but had illegally and defiantly refused to acknowledge the author- ity of these courts, and in consequence that he had been declared no longer minister of the church or a member of the Presbytery or Synod, while the Presbytery and Synod still claimed jurisdiction over the Church in St. G-abriel Street, and all that chose to remain worshipping in it, — that even though the people claiming to be the St. G-abriel Street congregation were only a voluntary association, they were bound by their own rules and regulations, so far as temporal matters were involved, as certainly and as firmly as if they were an incorporated body — that their status was recognized and provided for in the Act. 12 Yict. cap. 41, sec. 8, under which the suit was taken, in the name of Attorney-General Cartier, — and that, finally, when the deed of the church property was first registered, as it was only in 1841, the congregation was described as belonging to the Presbyterian Church of Canada, in con- nection with, the Church of Scotland. ' As to the apparent concession in rule Y of 1804, by which any properly educated and regularly licensed British probationer was declared eligible for the pulpit, so long as he was prepared to conduct the services of the church in conformity with the practice of the Church of Scotland, they held that the interpretation put on the terms of the deed, in 1804, did not fix the proper meaning of those terms, and that the rules of 1804 were not of N N 594 binding force — which, indeed, the other side admitted, as they changed said rules. And, further, they maintained that even though the congregation were free to call a minister from any section of British Presbyterianism, the moment he became a minister of the St. Gabriel Street Church, he was then to be counted as in connection with the Church of Scotland. He took the status of the con- gregation — the congregation did not take his. Then, the name engraven on the front of the Church supported their contention :— " CHUECH OF SCOTLAND, 1792." Mr. Morris tells what influence his pressing this fact upon the attention of all the parties before the court was. He says, in a letter, dated 8th January, 1885 : — " One morning I was going to the Court House. The question was — what was the church when founded ? The old building was covered, it being a thaw, with hoar frost, and looking up, I saw to my wonder, high up, the words: "CHUPCH OF SCOTLAND, 1792." That solved the query. I went to see Dr. Mathieson in tl^e afternoon, and told him of my discovery, when, to my surprise, he said he knew it all along, but did not attach any importance to it. I told him that monumental evidence was the highest and proved the founders' designs. It contributed largely to the com- promise.'' After this discovery, as Mr. Morris calls it, a truce to hostilities was proclaimed, and Mr. Morris is entitled to the credit of having suggested it, as well as that other more important political truce between Hon. John A. Macdonald and Hon. G-eorge Brown, in 1864, which resulted in the confederation of the scattered provinces of British North America, into the Dominion of Canada. Has not Mr. Morris well-earned a title to the blessedness of the peacemaker ? All parties were by this time weary of the strife, and with the proverbial uncertainties of the law present to their minds, were nothing loath to listen to proposals of a compromise. Mr. Kemp, and his congregation were all the readier to discuss such pro- posals, as their thoughts were directed to the question 595 of building a church somewhere in the St. Antoine suburbs. If they could arrange to dispose of their interest in the old edifice for a round sum of money, this would help them to carry their wishes in the matter of building into effect. Committees representing the two sides were chosen to conduct the negotiations, and soon they found a modus vivendi. The compromise effected was on somewhat the same lines as that of 1832, in regard to the portion of the congregation seceding to found St. Paul's Church. The old kirk people were to buy up the proprietary rights of the congregation that continued worshipping in the church from 1844 to 1864 — and these rights were valued at $5,800. The following minutes show how cordially the congregation fell in with the plan of settlement : — " At a meeting of session, held January 18th, the Mod- erator (Rev. A. F. Kemp) stated that the proprietors of pews and the tem';^oral committee of the church had agreed on the terms of a compromise of the two lawsuits now pend- ing regarding the church property, and had appointed a committee to meet with representatives of the other parties in the suits, with instructions to bring the same to an early issue — the terms being that the party representing the Church of Scotland pay to this church the sum of .£1,400, or such greater sum as may be agreed on, they agreeing to give up possess: on of the church and all claim to the manse — it being stipulated that the congre- gation keep possession of the church for two years from the present date." *.t a meeting on January 20th, 1864, " The session hav- ing prayerfully considered this matter so important to the interests of the church, agreed to express their entire concurrence with the proposed settlement of the matters so long in litigation ; and deeming this circum- stance an opportunity, in Providence, of promoting the 596 welfare of this church, by providing for it another place of worship, recommend the congregation to make a united effort, as early as possible, for this purpose, — the session resolving unanimously, trusting on the divine blessing, to promote this matter to the utmost of their pQwer." At a meeting of session, held August 2nd, 1864, the following minute was recorded : — " It appearing that the terms of the compromise referred to in the minute of 20th January last, had been finally settled by the congregation agreeing to accept the sum of jei,450 in lieu of all their claims, and to vacate St. Gabriel Street Church on the 1st of November, 1865. It appearing also that the congregation, at a public meeting regularly convened, had appointed trustees, viz. : John Ewart, Wil- liam D. McLaren, Alexander McQ-ibbon, Matthew Hutchi- son, Archibald Moir, and Robert Gardner, to receive the money agreed to be paid, as aforesaid ; and that the con- gregation at said meeting had adopted a new name, viz, : that of " Knox Church." It appearing farther, that an Act of Parliament had been obtained confirming and ratifying the terms of said compromise, and designating the said trustees as the " trustees of Knox Church." It is therefore necessary that the session should henceforth be styled the session of Knox Church, Montreal." The terms of compromise were also approved of by the Presbytery of Montreal, in connection with the Church of Scotland. At a meeting, held 3rd February, 1864 : " Mr. Morris reported, on behalf of the committee on St. Gabriel Street Church and Manse, that an agreement had been come to between certain representatives of the St. Andrew's, St. Paul's and St. Gabriel Street congregations for a com- promise of the existing litigation, so that the possession of the church should revert to the Presbyterian Church of Canada, in connection with the Church of Scotland, and 59*7 all claims to the manse be abandoned by the Canada Presbyterian Church. The Presbytery, while holding that the church and manse were and are the property of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, in connection with the Church of Scotland, yet do not feel disposed to take any steps to prevent the existing compromise being effected." An Act of Parliament, 2t-28 Vict., cap. 161, was drawn up by Mr. Cross, and approved of by the counsel for the other side, embodying the terms of the compromise, and providing for the succession of trustees for the church. Mr. Morris, M.P.P., took charge of the Act in passing it through Parliament. A portion of the preamble, and two or three of the important sections are given : — " And whereas, at a meetir.g of the congregation of tlie said church, held on the 28th August and 2nd September, 1844, the majority did approve of the conduct of the minority of the Synod in connection with the established Church of Scotland, and determined to adhere to their protest and to fol- low them in the course they had taken, and thereby virtually determined to annul all previous rules and regulations inconsistent with their said resolution, and did also exhibit their sanction to the principles of the Presbyterian Church of Canada. " And whereas, on the 30th June, 1845, a majority of the subscribers, proprietors in the said church, adopted a series of new rules and regula- tions, whereby it was, among other things, declared that the powers of proprietors of pews should be interpreted and limited by the laws and standards of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, and since the said year, 1844, two distinct organizations of regular Presbyterians have existed in this Province, each laying claim to the said property, the one being the Presbyterian Church of Canada in connection with the Church of Scotland the other being the said Presbyterian Church of Canada, since included in the organization known by the name of Canada Presbyterian Church, to the latter of which the majority of the congregation of the said St. Gabriel Street Church, adhered, adopting the said new rules and regula- tions, and much litigation having arisen as to which of said organiza- tions had a right to said property, and the parties having agreed to a com- promise and settlement of their difierences according to the tenor and terms of the present Act, which both have petitioned for, to confirm and legalize the said compromise and settlement : Therefore, Her Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Assembly of Canada, enacts as follows : — 598 " The property aforesaid, including tliat purchased under deed of date the 2nd of April, 1792, with the building thereon, and all the members and appurtenances thereto belonging, aa well as the ground accjuired for the Haid deeds of the 21st of March and 10th of December, 1840, the buildings tliereon, the rents, issues and profits thereof, accrued and to accrue, and all the memberis and appurtenances thereto belonging, are declared to I)ortain to the said rrcsbyterian Church of Canada in connection with the Church of Scotland, and are hereby vested in Walter Peddie, Thomas Paton, Alexander Morris, Archibald Ferguson, Joseph Moore Ross, James McDougall, William Darling, Robert Esdaile, Alexander Mitchell, John Kingan, and Robert Muir, who, with their successors in office, are con- stituted a body politic and corporate by the name of " The Trustees of the St. Gabriel Church," with power to exercise and maintain all such actions, remedies and recourse as may be necessary for the recovery, protection management and administration thereof; Provided always, thai the build- ing at present used as the St. Gabriel Street Church, being part of the said property, may be used by the present occupants up to the Ist day of Nov- ember, 1865, or such earlier time us they shall have provided another place of worship, but no longer, and after which time they shall be bound to vacate the same, and no other than the said corporation of the St. Gabriel Church shall thereafter have the right to hold or posseBS the same. " Until a congregation shall have been regularly organized in connection with the said church, and a minister for the same duly called and induct- ed to the charge thereof, the aforesaid trustees shall remain in office, and three of them shall be a quorum for ihe transaction of business, and in the event of the death of any of them, or their residence being removed from the city of Montreal, or its environs, the remainder shall alone be the trus- tees, with full power to exercise all the functions of the said corporation) until their number shall have been reduced to less than five, when those remaining, ae often as this occurs, shall appoint the number wanting to make up five, and after the organization of a congregation, such congre- gation shall themselves by rules and regulations to be by them adopted for this purpose, and approved of by the Presbytery of Montreal, in connec- tion with the Church of Scotland, pref cribe the time and manner for the trustees to go out of office, and the election of others in their stead, but until Buch rules and regulations shall have been adopted and approved as afore- said, the number of five shall be kept up by the appointments to be made by the trustees themselves, in the manner above mentioned. " And whereas it has been agreed that the members of the congregation of the said St. Gabriel Street Church who have adhered to the said Pres- byterian Church of Canada should receive, for abandoning their claims in the premises the sum of $5,800 to be employed towards building or pro- curing a church for themselves, and for that purpose have assumed the name of the congregation of Knox Church, in connection with the Canada 699 Proabytoriaii Church, and liave organised and appointed John Ewart, Wm. D. McLuron, Alex. McGibhon, Matthew Hutchison, Archibald Moir, and Robert Gardner, as trustees to represent them under the name of tho Trustees of tlie Knox Church, it is therefore enacted, that the saUl corpora- tion of the Saint Gabriel Church, are declared to owe and to be indebted to the said trustees of the Knox Church in the sum of five thousand einht hundred dollars, payable as follows: three thousand two hundred dollars on the passing of this Act, and the remainder in three equal annual pay- ments, bearing interest at six per centum per annum, from the time that the said Saint Gabriel Street Church nhall be vacated by the adherents of the Canada Presbyterian Church, and the said trustees of St. Gabriel Street Church put in possession thereof." Thus the loug and bitter controversy was brought to a peaceful conclusion. The only parties that could regret it were those who wished to see the legal points raised in the several suits settled. The great question, whether, granting the flaw in the title deed, its effect was not remedied by the subsequent history of the church, afford- ing strong presumption that the contention was correct that the congregation w:.s meant from tho first to be one in connection with the Church of Scotland — and, especi- ally, whether, coming under the jurisdiction of the Synod and Presbytery in 1831, after which only the deed of the Church was registered, did not create a good title to the property, even if it were defective before, — would have been an important one to be determined. Was not the congregation bound by the implied terms of the compact into which it then entered, which became par- amount over all congregational rights, and limited those rights to consistency with the supremacy of the Presby- tery and Synod ? A. case showing that the title deed of a church not made in favour of any religious denomina- tion, was adjudged sufficient to secure it to the Church of Scotland, when years after its erection the congregation worshipping in it joined the Estabished Chnrch, was not known at the time this suit was in progress. It was that of St. John's Church, Leith, Scotland, which is reported in Court of Session Cases, Vol. VII., 1868-69. • 600 "The church was erected by subscription in 1773, for Divine Worship. It was not formally connected with the ('hurch of Scotland untill828bnt all ministers before that year belonged to the Church of Scotland. In 1843, ministtir, managers, trustees and nearly tlie whole congregation connected themselves with the Vrm Church. In 1808, the Presbytery of Edinburgh raised an action to have it declared that the defenders presently acting as tmst^^s and managers of the said church are di8(iualifled to hold or possess the said church, or any part of the subjects and others forming part of the property of the same, as such trustees and managers, and to have the said defenders ordained to denude themselves of, and dispose, assign, and make over to and in favour of the pursuers, as interim trus- tees and managers of the said church, the church itself, and all subjects and property of any kind now possesHed and held by the defenders aa acting trustees and managers. The Court found the contract and agree- ment of 1828 wan not beyond the powers of the parties thereto, and that the same is binding and effectual, and that the church and its pertinents are thereby permanently attached to the Church of Scotland." The Session of Knox Church held its last meeting in the St. Gabriel Street Church, Slst July, 1865. The last congregational meeting of Knox Church — one for the purpose of calling a minister, after Kev. D. Inglis declined, and at which it was resolved to call Rev. Dr. Irvine, — was held in the old church, October Slst, 1865. The last time Knox congregation met for Divine Worship in St. Gabriel Street was 26th November, 1865. And here ends another chapter in the history of the venerable edifice. CHArXER XXX. The NAMKB by which the CiIUUCH hah MHBN KVOWN— ThH CONOBEX^iATION RKOROANIZEI) — PotITION TO CANADA PrICHIIYTHIUAN ClIUWlI OF 48 MRMBRRH AND 4 ADIIKKENTH — ThHY FALL IN WITH THK KKOKOANIZBD OoNdiuxiATioN — List ok families thus hemainino — liiov. Robt. Cami'hell, a.m., D.D., elected — Firht Board of Truhtwi]h — Tiih Bi'XJiHTER.s and hixx)RD8 — Alhxandbr Bertiiam — Jameh Duncan — Henry Lusan— Jamhs Lii.lih — Charlhh Ehi-mn — W. L. Haldi- mand — William Paiton — Andrhw B. Stewart — First elbcthd K1RK-8B8810N — Douglas Brymner — List of Truhthes since 1867 — Andrew McNiece — David Strachan — John Wiih'law — Alexander Sclatbr — Rev. Alex. Campiibll, B.A. The first registers of the congregation were taken out by Eev. John Young, Slst December, 1*785, under the name of the " Presbyterian Church, City of Montreal," — the title used during his incumbency. Rev. James Somerville's first registers were authorized, under the name of the " Presbyterian congregation. City of Mont- real," 19th September, 1803. This designation continued until 181*7, when, on Mr. Esson's advent on the scene, the name was changed into that of the " Scot's Presby- terian congregation, City of Montreal." In 1819, Mr. Esson introduced another change, calling it the " Scotch Presbyterian Church, City of Montreal." In 1828, the name settled down into the form which it kept until 1864,—" Scotch Presbyterian Church, St. Gabriel Street, Montreal." In 1839, a proposal to call it St. John's Church, was negatived by the voice of the majority of the proprietors. In 1864, the congregation about to leave the church, took the name of Knox, while the congreg- 602 ation, in connection with tiio chunh of Scotland, that came in and occupied the old edifice, hem^eforth waw known as "the St. Gabriel Church," although it con- tinued to be (tailed in fa<;t, the St. Gabriel Street Chun^h, both by the memb»'rs of the congregation and the general public. The Act of Tarliament, 27-28 Vict. Cap. 101, constituted tht^ Trustees of the c^hun^h a corporation, under the designation of '* the Trustees of the St. Gabriel Chur(;h." It might seem that it was part of the com- promise that ihe old name; would be given up. But such was not the case. There was nothing said in the negoti- ations for the settlement between thcs two committees, of a (change of name ; and, as a matter of fact, the original draft of the terms of compromise agreed to by the com- mittees, and the form in which it was introduced into Parliament, had the old name in it. The change was an afterthought, and was made by the representatives of the Church of Scotland alone and on their own motion. Rev. Dr. Snodgrass, who had to do with the matter, writes to say, that one reason of the change was that all the con- gregations in connection with the Church of Scotland might have uniformity of nomenclature. There was already a St. Andrew's, a St. Paul's, a St. Matthew's and a St. John's — to have it in line with the rest, they re- solved to call the church St. Gabriel's, retaining as much ad possible of the old name, — with this advantage, that while the designation of the street might be altered, or the congregation build on a nev*r site, the name of the church would remain unchanged. On February 1st, 1865, in the Presbytery of Montreal, in connection with the Church of Scotland, "A committee consisting of Dr. Mathieson and Mr. Darrach, ministers, and Messrs. Ferguson, Hunter and Henry, elders, with power to add to their number, was appointed to co-oper- ate with the Trustees of St, Gabriel Street Church, after the 1st of November, next." 608 On F(ihruary 15th, 1H0(5, in tho Kam«' Prowbytory, "It was in()v«'d by Dr. J«'nkinH, seconded by Mr. Hunter, and agreed, — that the St. Gal)riel Street con^rej^ation be put upon the roll us a vacant churge." It had remained on the roll of the Presbytery in connection with the Church of Scotland, as a va«'ant conjf negation trom 1844 to 1H4!> ; and Dr. Mathieson held tenaciously to the view that it was, during all the twenty-one years, a vacant congreg- ation. This conviction was ein])hatically stated in his deposition before the Court in 1800. His view of the situation was taken by th(» Presbytery in 1806, and so none of the preliminary steps recjuirt'd to be taken by Presbyteries, in connection with the Church of Scotland, at that time, in organizing new congregations, were taken in this case. An interim Kirk-session was ap- pointed consisting of Kev. Dr. Jenkins, Moderator, and Messrs. James Burns, from St Andrew's Church, and William Christie, from St. Paul's. Several of those who had been members in 1844 at on<*e returned to the Church, and as they had never had their names entered on the rolls of other churches, they w^ere acknowledged mem- bers of the congregation on their own declaration without any certificates. So were all those belonging to the con- gregation in the interval, who claimed to be so, and cast in their lot with the re-organizod congregation, acknowl- edged members without certificates. These latter had previously applied to the Presbytery of the Canada Presbyterian Church to be organized as a congregation, but they had not received much encouragement. At a meeting of the Presbytery of Montreal of the Canada Presbyterian Church, held September 27th, 1865, "A petition was laid on the table of the Presbytery, signed by 48 members and four adherents of the church, praying for the counsel and aid of the Presbytery regard- ^ ■ 604 ing the purchase of Gosford Street Church, and the form- ation of a congregation in the eastern part of the City of Montreal. The Presbytery received the petition, but agreed to defer the consideration thereof till next ordinary meeting, and instruct the Clerk to notif" the Sessions of the congregations likely to be affected by > ^ movement." At a meeting of the same Presbytery, held i ^, — " Two motions were made, one by Mr. Watson, to recOj^uize the petitioners as a new congregation, provided they secured a building nearly out of debt, and were able to support themselves ; — the other by Dr. Taylor, which was carried : "That this Presbytery would rejoice to see a new con- gregation in said district of the city ; but looking at all the circumstances, this Presbytery does not think the way is yet opened for such a movement, or that there is a call in Providence to proceed in it. If, however, said petitioners can satisfy the Court that they are able to beome a self-supporting congregation, it might then see cause to alter its judgment." . The petitioners, finding their proposal to buy the G-osford Street Church, and set up an east end congregation, under the auspices of the Canada Presbyterian Church, opposed, resolved to unite with the old kirk people, and remain in the ancient edifice, when the rest of the congregation returned to Knox Church. This course they took without offering any formal opposition to the removal to Knox Church of the congregation that had been worshipping in St. Gabriel Street. They did not claim to represent the congregation, which removed with its entire organization. Nevertheless, they had previously formed a no inconsider- able part of the congregation, and some of them had been high in office. The following were the thirty-two families thus remaining, when the congregation removed to Knox Church : — 605 Aird, John, a long tinae a member, with his wife, and their eight chil- dren. Batchelor, Mrs. Alex., widow, many years a member, with eight of a family. Bertram Alexander, Chief of Fire Brigade, a member from 1831 on- wards, formerly of the temporal committee, with his wife, a member since 1834, and their son and daughter. Bickerstaff, David, teamster, a member for several years, as well as his wife — their children, three in number. Booth, Edward, bricklayer, not a communicant himself, although attending the church since 1858, but his wife was — five children. Burnet, Mrs. Samuel, widow, a member since 1853 — four children. Cruikshank, George, produce dealer, a member since 1857, .v former deacon — his wife, the daughter and representative of James Turner. Duncan, James, artist, a member since 1834, as his wife also waa — with their son and daughter. Ferguson, William, hose maker, an adherent since 1835, with his wife and five children. Fletcher, George, clerk, baptized and brought up in the church — his sister, Sarah, a communicant. Fraser, James, pensioner, a member from 1834 onwards, with his wife and grand-daughter. Gabler, Theodore, although a member of the German Church, had for some time attended St. Gabriel Street Church, of which his wife was a member since 1853 — their children four in number. Haldimand, W. L., hardware merchant, a communicant since 1860, and his wife, daughter of Roderick McKenzie, baptized and brought up in the church, had been a member since 1855 — four children. Houston, Mrs. Adam, a membor since 1844 — two nieces adherents. Irwin, William, tailor, a member, with his wife, for several years— three children. Kelly, William, brought up among Protestants, though born a Roman Catholic, an adherent, his wife a communicant since 1855 — one child. Leslie, Hon. James, a member since 1808, a former president of the tem- poral committee, and an acting elder from 1819 to 1846. Lunan, Henry, grocer, a member since 1857, his wife also — two chil- dren. Mcintosh, Robert, commercial traveller, an adherent for some years — a wife and child. McMillan, Hugh, baker, a member since 1863, as well as his two daugh- ters. McNiece, James, trader, a communicant since 1859 — his wife and his two children. Munro, Hector, contractor, a communicant at intervals since 1840, 606 and a deacon — one of the committee representing St. Gabriel Street Church in the compromise — his wife and three daughters also communi- cants — three other children younger. Paterson, Alexander, piano-maker, a member aince 1861, also his wife — three children. Robertson, Jame.s, lead manufacturer, a communicant in the church since 1^)7, a former deacon — his wife also a member — two children. Robertson, John, foreman, a member since 1858, — as well as his wife — seven children. Ross, William Joseph, brickmaker, — he and his wife communicants since 1863 — four children. Ross, Arthur, — an adherent since 1860, — his wife a communicant since then. Russel, John, stonecutter, an adherent — his wife a member since 1845. Shepherd, Mrs. George, widow, a member since 1843. — Her daughter, Mrs. Lee, a member since 1855. — Two other children and two grand- children. Spooner, Mrs., widow, a member since 1848. Wand, Mrs., widow, a member for nearly fifty years — Her son-in law, Thomas Clapperton, and his wife, adherents. Wright, Robert, carpenter, a member since 1842 — as well as his daugh- ter, Mary Jane. Several of these families had remained in the church at the crisis, in 1844, more from personal regard for Mr. Esson, and from old associations with the building, than from any interest they took in the questions at issue between tht Established and Free Churches of Scotland ; and now they made up their minds again to remain in it, both on account of their past relations to it, and of the convenient religious accommodation it afforded them. These 32 families and 50 communicants themselves formed a substantial nucleus for a congregation. Along with them joined 16 families that had been attending St. Andrew's Church, and 18 from St. Paul's. Of these a good many had formerly belonged to St. Gabriel Street, but left it after the secession in 1844. There were also nine families from Erskine Church, and four from the American Presby- terian, among those combining at this time to uphold a church in the city proper, when most of the congregations had removed to the St. Antoine suburbs. 60*7 The Presbytery of Montreal, in connection with the Church of Scotland, reorganized a congregation that had once been upon its roll, in the only way in which it could do so, in the circumstances. Had the minority, in 1844, chosen to adhere together and continue organized, meeting somewhere for worship in the interval of twenty-one years, and acknowledged by the Presbytery, that would have been one way of preserving their distinctive position. But they did not take that course ; they attended other churches, without becoming members of them, where they resolved to wait and see whether they could not recover the dear old sanctuary. The same thing took place else- where ; the Church of Scotland had to recognize in G-alt, Hamilton, London, G-uelph, Peterboro', and numerous other places, a minority of the congregation, as the right- ful continuators of the old history and the true represent- atives of the former congregational position. In some of these cases there had been a vacancy for years, and the people had been scattered ; but when a minister was again settled, and ordinances administered, they did not them- selves doubt whether they were the old congregation or not, nor did the Presbytery or Synod to which they belonged doubt it. The length of the vacancy did not aflfect the principle. The minority alone, on this occasion also represented the old time position ; for whatever defect there might be in the technicalities of the title deed, there could be no question that from the first, and all along to 1844, the sentiments of the congregation worshipping in St. Gabriel Street, had been those of love and veneration for the Church of Scotland, and implied confidence in it. The minority, not the majority, in 1844, were the success- ors to that sentiment, and therefore to the old position. This is the gist of the whole question of succession. Knox Church indisputably represented the majority of the Kirk session and congregation prior to 1844. But this remark 606 has to be made, that the majority has to act constitutionally in order to claim to have its own way. When the majority of the congregation recognized and obeyed a minority of the Presbytery and Synod rather than the majority of those courts, they were not in a position to insist so strongly on the rights of a ma,joTity in the congregation. In the Presbyterian Chuich, the Supreme Court binds all the lower ones — the majority in the Assembly, over-rides a majority against it in any individual synod, or Presbytery or congregation. So that, constitutionally, the St. G-abriel Church was bound by the decision of the Synod, in 1844 — and as the majority of the congregation violated the the constitution of the Church, by defying the Synod, the minority that stood for the Synod's position, came to be the true and only representatives of the former congrega- tion, ecclesiastically as w^ell as civilly. It is not as if the question lay between the action of a majority and a minor- ity acting constitutionally, and in acknowledged connec- tion with the same ecclesiastical body. In that event, the majority's action must prevail. That, however, was not the situation here. According to these well understood principles of the constitution of Presbyterianism, then, the majority in 1844, made a new departure, and should have vacated the church to the minority. Had they done so, there would have been no questions raised forty years afterwards as to who were the successors of the old congregation, as there has not been in other congregations where the minority were left in possession of the church, and held continuous service. If, for argument's sake, it be granted, that the majority wrong- fully held possession of the church, could that injustice be deemed a sufficient reason to deny the minority the rights, at the end of the period of wrongful occupation, which would have been conceded to them, had they been allowed to occupy the church at once ? The question is 609 put thus, to show that the length of the vacancy, does not affect the principle involved— just as Vice-Chancellor Esten held it did not in the Cobourg case. This was the view of the matter taken by the Presbytery of Montreal, in connection with the Church of Scotland, in 1866 They declared it to be the same congregation dejure as that which had been on the roll of the Presbytery, in 1844. That Presbytery alone was the judge in the matter, and the Synod upheld their action. All this was done before the writer had any personal interest in the question, or knew anything about it, but his apprehension of the principles of Presbyterian polity tells him that they took a properly constitutional course in the premises. It is a matter now, fortunately, of no practical import- ance, since all the congregations but one that had a relation to the old edifice are in the same great organiza- tion : it has an interest only for constitutional lawyers, civil and ecclesiastical. For the point of difference that arose between the St. Gabriel and Knox Church authori- ties, regarding the old registers and Kirk-session records of the St. Gabriel Street Church, did not depend upon the question of succession, except in so far as that question was involved in the preamble of the Act of Parliament ratifying the compromise. When vacating the old church, about 1st December, 1865, the Knox congregation took with them the Church Registers and the Kirk-session Records, extending over the past history of the congregation. This was not discovered until after the induction of the writer. The gentleman who had conducted the financial negotiations, on behalf of the provisional trustees of St. Gabriel Church, had not had his attention directed to this portion of the property ; and when the new minister asked him about the old records and registers, he said he presumed they were in the iron box-safe of the Church, in which there was a miscellaneous collection of papers. 00 610 Rev. Dr. Snod^Tass and Mr. Morris who had most to do with effecting the compromise, on behalf of the Churcjh of Scotland, w^ere now resident in Upper Canada, or they would have seen to this point. Soon after the new trus- tees of St. Gabriel Church were appointed, they had this matter before them, and on July 2nd, 1867, it was carried " that a committee be appointed to ivait on the trustees and Session of Knox Church to ascertain if they were willing to return the books and records of St. Gabriel Church, previous to the disruption in 1844. Committee : Mr. Munro, Mr. Darling, Mr. Stewart and Mr. Patton." On the 9th of August following, the com- mittee appointed to confer with the Session and trustees of Knox Church report " that they, the trustees of Knox Church, consider that they have the sole right to hold all the books and records connected with the congregation worshipping in St. Gabriel Street Church up to the time of vacating the said church." This attitude of the Knox Church authorities, basing their claim upon the fact that they represented the congregation of 1844, was a surprise to the gentlemen connected with the Church of Scotland w^ho had had ^o do with settling the terms of the com- promise. No mention had been made of those registers and records in express terms, in the negotiations ; but they understood that they were treating for the surrender of the entire property involved in the dispute of 1844 — and that all this property was surrendered by the St. Gabriel Street (Knox) congregation in consideration of receiving the sum of $5,800. Mr. Morris, who had charge of the bill in Parliament, Mr. Cross who framed it, Dr. Snod- grass, who had much to do with arranging the terms of the compromise, had this understanding, and they are yet in the flesh to substantiate the information they gave in 1867. The lawyers took the view that if Knox con- gregation had wished to reserve this portion of the 611 property at issue, they cught to have so stipulated aud have it of record — otherwise all the books and docu- ments belonging to the church were embraced in the term " appurtenances " used in the Act. And they were clearly of the opinion that the St. Gabriel Church trus- tees could recover them by an action at law. And this opinion of theirs was upheld in the St. John's Church, Leith, case, already referred to, in which the registers and records, as well as the edifice, were recovered by the Church of Scotland, as " pertinents " or " appurtenances " of the church. The authorities of St. Gabriel Church were loath to resume litigation over this comparatively small matter, when the larger affairs had been settled out of court, and so resolved that every other method of securing their rights ought to be exhausted before having recourse to this very undesirable one. Frequent friendly conversa- tions on the subject were had betwixt representatives of the two churches at different times. At last, the Union having been accomplished, and both congregations being subject to the Presbytery, the good offices of the Presby- tery of Montreal were invoked, to secure a settlement of the matter. A committee was appointed to receive the representations of the two congregations on the subject ; and after due deliberation the committee, through Rev. Dr. Jenkins, Convener, reported a unanimous finding to the following effect : — " First, — ^That the Registers of Marriages, Baptisms and Burials be held by the Presbytery for safe keeping, with the understanding that access to such registers be freely allowed to either of the two Sessions, for all legal or otherwise necessary purposes. Second, — ^That the Kirk- session records be retained by Knox Church, with the understanding that the St. Gabriel Session, if they so desire, shall be permitted, at their own expense, to make 612 a duly certified copy of said records." The repreHentatives of St. Gabriel Church acquiesced in this deliverance with hesitation, as adjudging them much less than they had a right to, and were blamed by many in the con- gregation for yielding too much. But they felt that in the interest of peace it was better to accept the commit- tee's decision as a final settlement of the question ; and it accordingly became the judgment of the Presbytery. Rev. Robert Campbell, M.A., D.D., seventh son of Peter and Margaret Campbell, was born in the Township of Drummond, Upper Canada, June 21st, 1835. Descended from an old Highland family that forfeited their estates by fidelity to their ill-starred ancient race of kings, in 1*715, he inherited nothing from his forefathers except, perhaps, a too high spirit. The blood of two lines of Campbell's, of the Maclaren's, and the Macdiarmid's unite in him, so that he is every whit a Celt. His parents came to Canada in 181*7, and took up land in th^ military settlement formed around the town of Perth, in 1816, under the direction of Lieut.-Colonel Cockburn, Deputy Quarter-master-Gleneral. His father was a man of superior intelligence and high character, and was held in much esteem in the district. He was elected an elder first in the First Presbyterian Church, organized at Perth in 1817, by Rev. William Bell, and afterwards in St. Andrew's Church, in connection with the Church of Scotland, when it was organized by Rev. T. C. Wilson. Robert had the misfortune to lose his father, when he was still only in his thirteenth year ; but the pathos of his mother's widow- hood made a profound impression upon his heart, and his sympathy with her lonely sorrow first touched the springs of emotion in his nature. She was a high strung but very devout woman, and he owes to her genuine, earnest prayers a very deep debt of gratitude. He enjoyed very 613 meagre scholastic advantages as a boy. He attended no school but the common school of the neighborhood — and it was very common — until he went to College. Luckily for him, when he was in his fourteenth year, there chanced to wander into the district an Irishman, fresh from the old sod, a man of considerable learning, who offered his services as teacher in the school in question, then vacant. This man could teach Latin and Greek and the higher mathematics to purpose. Finding Robert and his younger brother, Alexander, fairly well up in the several English branches, this teacher proposed that they should enter upon these more ambitious studies, which had never been taught in the school before. So they began with very old fashioned books, and an inexpensive apparatus. The novelty of these studies proved most attractive to them ; and as they had no standard to govern themselves by, as to the amount of ground they should daily overtake, by comparing notes with former pupils or classes, they limited their daily tasks only by their capa- city, and tL ^ teacher gave them loose reins, and it is to be feared devoterl to them more than a fair share of his time. They would i ad sometimes a hundred lines of Virgil at a sitting, and along with this, perhaps, five new proposi- tions of Euclid each day, with Greek and Algebra in proportion, and did not know they were accomplishing anything wonderful when done. Other books of a kind to attract boys were scarce ; and they prosecuted these studies with avidity for the enjoyment which was afforded them by the introduction into new realms of thought and imagination. Robert getting tired of school, when in his sixteenth year, sought to gratify his boyish ambition of becoming a merchant's clerk, and made a brief trial of it ; but events so shaped themselves that he became in his seventeenth year a school-master instead. He had had no training for the work, nor had he any thought of becom- 614 ing a teacher until the day he was engaged. This step decided his future lif*>. In the course of that year, 1852, a blessed year for him, God led him by His Spirit into fellowship with Himself, through the agem^y of an elder beloved brother, then a minister of Christ, but long since in glory. Encouraged by that brother and by his own clergyman. Rev. Dr. McMorine, of Uamsay, he resolved to prepare for the ministry — iind while teaching, he prose- cuted the preliminary studies for entering the tilasses of Queen's College — Dr. Mc^Morine kindly reading with him after school-hours. He presented himself before the Sena- tus of the College at the beginning of October, 1853, with fear and trembling, doubting whether he could reach the required standard for entrance. What was his astonish- ment to find that he was awarded the sc^holarship for the best papers ! He had never had a standard to measure himself by, and his ideal was very high. He graduated B. A., with Honors in all subjects, in 1856, and M. A. in 1858. He was fortunate enough to secure the first medal ever offered in Queen's University, for a special examina- tion in History and Geography, in 1855 ; and the course of extra reading into which he was thus led, determined for life the bent of his tastes. Immediately after gradu- ating, in 1856, he took to teaching with a view to replenish his exhausted exchequer, preaching by Arts- students not being a thing then thought of. He got an engagement at Ancaster, Upper Canada ; but six months afterwards the Head-mastership of the Queen's College Preparatory School became vacant, and he was asked to allow himself to be nominated for the position. He was appointed. This was a very congenial sphere, as well ao an important one, for a youth of only 21 years. His chief business was to prepare candidates for matriculation in the University. Lads came to him from all parts of the Dominion, as well as from Kingston ; and it was an in- 616 spiring work to mould tho taHtos of sovonty or eighty youths, at all stagoK of attainmonts. II«i remainod in this })ost for four yearH, prosecuting his theological studies at the same time. Licensed to preach by the Presbytery of Bathurst, 18th July, 1800, he resigned the Ilead-master- ship on th»^ 1st of October, with a vi(^w to spending a year in the Old World, before settling down to his great life-work, as a minister ; and was made the recip'ent of a veVy handsome presentation and flattering address on surrendering the reins of Queen's College School into other hands. After spending upwards of twelve mcmths in visiting the University seats of Scotland, and looking in upon their cbvssco, and in travelling through Great Britain and Irel uid, as well as part of the continent of Europe, he return-^d to Canada in the autumn of 18G1, and selecting St. Andrew's Church, Gait, among several vacancies that made overtures towards calling him, he was ordained and inducted to that charge, 10th April, 18G2. The sphere was not an easy one to fill. The pul- pit he was to occupy was that in which Dr. John Bayue had long preached with marvellous power ; and all the other churches of the town were ably manned. It was no child's play to prepare two sermons a week, and ii^an- date them for delivery without notes, which was what he attempted and carried out, in a fashion, for nearly five years. But the partiality and affection of his congrega- tion, who took him to their hearts, with all his immaturity and inexperience, carried him on in a flowing tide of hap- piness, during the whole of his ministry among them. It was a trying day when he was called to leave them. He would gladly have stayed, for he was happy and contented, and had a lovely home in Gait ; but fate would have him go to Montreal, where he was inducted into St. Gabriel Church, 13th December, 1866. On December 29th, 1863, he led to the altar Margaret Macdonnell, only 61 «] duu^fhtiT of Rov. Goorgo Miudonpll, iniiiiHlor of St. Andf'w'K Chun^h, ForgUH, — u day over to \hi j?nit«'fully rt'iiunnlx'n'd by him an th«» beginning of a new and happy ora in his lif»>. In addition to th«» work of hi8 congro|;^ation in Montreal, ho wa« askud to aid in editing" th<'! Prcshi/U'riau, at that tiuio th»>! retjognizcd orii^an of the Prosbytorian Chunh of ('anada in cojinodtion with tho Church of Hcothmd, of which Doujj^las Hryrancr was oditor-in-chit'f, but who, from his connection with tho Montreal Herald, was obliged to be abNcnt ibr weokK at a timo a8 Parliamentary coireKpondent. This congenial work ho continued up till the autumn of 1870. That year ho was adjudgod tho prize for tho host t^ssay on Pn'sbytorian Union in Canada, ott'orod by a number of genth'men in Montreal and Quebec — tho JudgoH being Rev. Dr. Cook, Kov. Dr. Taylor, Rov. Dr. Ma(!Vicar, Hon. Justice Torrance, and Hon. Alexander Morris — a large edition of whic^h was published by F. E. Grafton of Mon- treal, and which may bo supposed to have contributed to bring about tho Union in 1875. Ho was a member of the Committee of tho Church of Scotland on Union, during part of tho time the negotiations were goi'ig on ; and when, in 1874, it was resolved to proceed with the Union the next year, if the way were clear, he was appointed convener of the Committee of the Synod to make the necessary preparations for the great event. In 1877, he spent six months in Great Britain and Ireland, seeking to interest the Presbyterians of the Mother Country, espe- cially in the work of French Evangelization, to which the Presbyterian Church in Canada has committed itself In 1880, he was appointed Lecturer in Church History in the University of Queen's College, Kingston, a position which he filled for two years. In 1870, on the death of Dr. Mathieson, he was appointed Chairman of the Board of Management of the Ministers' "Widows and Orphans' 611 Fund, which olli i " Rev. Robert ('ainphoU, M.A., after u brilliant career in tbis (Jniversity, ijrucluated witb bonurH botii as li.A. and M.A., and uince that lime be liaH kept al)rea8t of tbe advancing; Hcli(»larsbip of tbe age. He bus Inien a frH(iuent (Contributor to varioiis reviewH and magazines. Articles from bis i.)en bave api)eared in tlie Catholic i'rtshyleriun, and in tlie liritwh uud Foreign Kvanyelical Review. In 1870, be trained tbe prize ottered by repre- sentatives of tbe two rresbyterian cliunrbes in Canada, for tbe best essay on tbe union of tbe cburcbes. For two sessions, 1880-81 and 1881-82, be successfully dist'barged tbe duties of lecturer on ecclesiastical bistory, and he has written a valuable bistorical work, wbich is on tbe eve of being published. Wbile doing all this he has been performing tbe arduous duties of a pastor of an important city congregation, and has taken an active part in the public work of tbe church and in meetings of the various ecclesiastical courts in which be is recognized as an authority on ecclesiastical law. A TOUCHING RBI'LY. When Dr. R. Campbell arose the music of that gude auld sang, ' The Campbells Are Coming,' filled the ball. He replied saying; Learning only a couple of hours ago that it was the wish of my Alma Mater to confer ufmn me this honor, I can scarcely make adequate acknowledge 618 ment of the same, or trust myself to give expressiun to my feelings on this occasion. To have my name enrolled among the good and noble men who have already been deemed worthy of this degrea by Queen's University was an honor to which I had not dared aspire ; but as the Senate in their kindness thoaght fit to offer to me this distinction, even though it was quite a surprise to me, I do not feel that I should be at liberty to decline an honor coming to me unsolicited from such a source ; and all that the fulness of my heart enables me to say is that this mark of the confidence and good-will of the learned gentlemen composing the Senate overcomes me, and must prompt me to make a further proof of my ministry, and to be more earnest and active in promoting the search after truth as well as in furthering righteousness among men." On the 10th of April, 1867, the congregation, as em- powered in the Act 27-28 Yict., cap. 161, adopted a new code of rules and regulations, which were approved by the Presbytery of Montreal, as required, on the 1st of May following. The number of trustees was fixed at twelve, and the twelve gentlemen first elected, in succes- sion to the eleven provisional trustees, were Alexander Bertram, Charles Esplin, William L. Haldimand, Hector Munro, James Lillie, William Patton, James Robertson. Andrew B. Stewart, G-eorge Cruikshank, James Duncan, Henry Lunan and Walter Peddie. Alexander Bertram, the first on the list elected, after- wards the first chairman of the Board of Trustees, was the popular Chief of the Montreal Fire Brigade. A member of the congregation since 1831, and proprietor of pew No. 10, he had been a member of the temporal committee in 1849, 1850, and 1853, and convener of the executive com- mittee in 1851. He had also acted as temporary deacon in the church, as he had been solicited more than once to allow himself to be nominated to the eldership. He was one of the 32 proprietors voting to sustain Mr- Esson's position, September 2nd, 1844, as he took part in the subsequent meeting for altering the rules and regu- lations. Born in Berwickshire, Scotlmd, in 1811, his (ju»tr^ CHIEF BERTRAM. 619 father, like himself, being a blacksmith by trade, and an elder in the Established Church, Mr. Bertram came to Canada in 1831, as his brother George also did, who was afterwards a veterinary surgeon, in partnership with James Turner, and who died recently in Philadelphia, United States. He joined the Volunteer Fire Protecting Company then in existence, soon afier his arrival in the city ; and when Mr. Bronsdon, as chief engineer, organ- ized the first regular fire department, Mr. Bertram became captain of No. 4 fire engine. In 1849, he was appointed assistant engineer, and in 1852, after the great fire, chief engineer of the brigade. At this time there were 400 men in the department, who were obliged to continue in their ordinary calling for a maintenance, but to drop it whenever the church bells rang the alarm. Mr. Bertram was himself an ingenious mechanic, and his active mind was always bent on improving the apparatus which the brigade had to use. With this view, he visited over and over again the chief cities of the United States, and wherever he got a hint he made use of it in perfecting the machinery of his department, as he gave them hints in exchange. When the new water works were con- structed, giving sufiicient pressure to reach the tops of most of the buildings then to be found, by the use of hose alone, the brigade was re-organized and reduced to 57 officers and men. The department made a fine exhibi- tion before the Prince of Wales and suite in 1860, and so proud were his friends of the manner in which the chief acquitted himself on the occasion that they presented him with a silver cup. In 1863, the men of the brigade presented him with another cup ; and in 18*73, those who had been with him twenty years in the department pre- sented him with a fine portrait of himself in oil. He died August 31st, 1875, aged 64 years ; and was accorded a public funeral. The immense popularity of the chief 620 was seen by the demonstration made by his fellow- citizens on the occasion. Not only was St. Grabriel Church, at which the servic^e was held, packed to its utmost capacity, but the streets along which the procession passed was lined with men, women and children, whose mournful faces testified to the sense of loss which the city had sustained ; for the tall, lithe, manly form of the grand old chief had been familiar to young and old. The following passages are taken from the discourse delivered by the writer, as his pastor, on the occasion : — " His father being an elder in one of thi; parish churches of Scotland, his mind was early imbued with those religious principles that have given atone to the Scottish character. He was a genuine Scot in his religion, as he was in every other respect. Calm and equable, consistent, and reserved, there was an utter absence of ostentation in his religious life, — his spirituality did not consist in mere talk — indeed, like many other good men, he did not care to lay bare the workings of his heart before his fellow-men. But in p grave and decorous observance of ordinances, in the prompt and regular attendance upon the ministration of the word and sacraments, as well as in the strict attention to the ordinary, obligations of life, those things which test the genuineness and efficacy of a religious profession, I have known few men to excel him. The modesty, the amiability and the self-content, which were strong points in his character, he owed not more to the native qualities of his mind and heart than to the moulding influences of divine grace. G-ifts of speech he did not possess, but he was a man of varied acquirements and thoughtful mind. But his forte was action rather than thought or speech. If anything was wanted to be done, he was the man to do it. Tested by the Saviour's rule, ' By their fruits ye shall know them,' Alexander Bertram is worthy of being spoken of with approbation m from a Christian pulpit. He did justly, loved mercy, and walked humbly with his God. His excellent sense made him a reliable counsellor, and I have to acknowledge my own personal obligations to him on more than one critical occasion. He was altogther a strong man, with deeply marked lines of character, which could not fail to dis- tinguish him among his fellows. A life spent as his was, actively in the service of God and man, could not but terminate as his did, in a calm and peaceful death. In the course of duty, I have been present at many death beds. It has been my privilege to attend upon not a few that were ripe for the kingdom of heaven. But I can safely say that I have never known any person that looked forward to his decease with so much serenity as Mr. Bertram. From the beginni^rg of the sickness that terminated so sadly on the 'Ust of August, he seems to have had a premonition that his work on earth was done. I think he expressed to me on only one occasion, during the progress of his malady, a desire or hope that he should recover. At all other times he spoke as a man who believed himself dying. And from what I have learned since from other sources, it is manifest that he must often have looked forward to death as a thing that might overtake him at any time in the discharge of the perilous duties of his office ; so that the contemplation of it was quite familiar to him. This will in some measure account for the remarkable calmness which he displayed in prospect of dissolution. Like the Apostle he had died daily, — that is, he knew that the dangers of his avocation might in a moment cut him off. He died heroically as he had lived. There was no flinching from the approach of death, as he had bravely met the perils of his occupation in life. His confidence in Jesus never failed him. His faith was that of a child ; and though his habit of mind was to be reticent on such subjects and 622 to conceal rather than display emotion, he evinced much tenderness of heart, and delivered himself on several occasions with considerable warmth of feeling as to his hopes beyond the grave, and his desire to be with Christ, Altogether with respect to him, wo may adopt the language of David and say, ' Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace.' These particulars, I am sure you will be interested in hearing, regarding one whom you loved and respected. To this congregation his loss is irreparable. Connected as he had been with this church for upwards of forty years, thro:\gh all the vicissitudes of its history, it is no exaggeration to apply to his affection for it the words of the Psalmist — ' Her very stones to him were dear.' His devotion to the interests of this congregation was un- bounded, and his dying request that his remains should be conveyed to this church, on the way to their last resting-place, shows that as he clung to the church in his life, so he did not wish to be divided from her in his death. No one can ever know how much he did for us, not merely in his capacity as chairman of the Board of Trustees for many years, and afterwards as a simple member of the trust ; but also by the gratuitous per- sonal labours which he performed, and the mechanical ingenuity and skill which he brought to bear in innu- merable instances in improving the details about this old edifice, at odd hours, when his services were not required in connection with his occupation proper. We shall never see his like again. His personal appearance struck a stranger as that of no common man. His tall, lithe, well-knit, muscular form, was graced with much native dignity. His person was easily distinguishable among thousands, and hence it was that every citizen knew the dear, brave old Chief of the fire brigade. That marked form that was associated with many a deed of daring in 623 . saving life and property tor which, if it had been dis- played in destroying life on the field of battle, medals and honours would have been heaped upon him, citizens of Montreal shall not again see flitting through their streets ; but they will ever warmly cherish its image in their hearts." / . • Old citizens will be glad to possess the accompanying engraving of the brave, good Chief. * Charles Esplin, whose name appears second on the list of Trustees, is a native of the Parish of Cortachy, but brought up in Lintrathen Parish, Angusshire, Scotland, and came to this country in 1834. As a mill-v/right he had occasion to move a good deal through the country building oatmeal mills, and in this way acquired a thorough knowledge of the land of his adoption. The growth of the merchandise of the city requiring a con- stantly increasing number of packing-cases, he saw a promising opening for industry in their manufacture, and he commenced the business, which he carried on in Duke Street for many years, and which his son, Greorge, is still prosecuting successfully, — his son James, a young man of high intelligence and personal worth, who was a partner in the concern, having died last yePir. Mr. Esplin was first connected with St. Andrew's Church ; but, being a champion of the interests of the part of the city in which he lived, when that con- gregation moved up to vn, he joined St. Paul's, — and when St. Paul's followed in the same fashion, he espoused the cause of St. Gabriel's. In 1869, he bought the late Col. Wilgress' noble mansion at Lachine, — " The Grrove " — in which to spend with his beloved partner the evening of life, and shortly afterwards gave over the active man- agement of the business in town to his sons. He is still hale and hearty, receiving his friends with a cheery word 624 . and ready jokti, although nearly ninety years of age. A man of sterling character and Himplo tastes, he has been satisfied with long life and with many other tokens of the Lord's favour. k. . -m. .. .• ,•-,!' • "William Louis Haldimand, chosen a trustee in 1867, remained one until after the centennial celebration in 1886. He is of the same family as the celebrated Swiss soldier of fortune, General Frederick Haldimand, who was Governor-General of Canada from 1778 to 1784, and had previously distinguished himself in the war between England and France, for the possession of Canada. The General had a nephew, Jean Haldimand, to whom refer- ence is made in the Haldimand papers, lately published, and whose interests he strove zealously to promote. This nephew, a native^of the Canton of Berne, was married in the Parish of Quebec, to Mademoiselle Marie Joseph Marie. They had three children — two girls and a boy, Louis, who was born in the Parish of Quebec, in 1769, and died in Montreal, in 1812. He married, in the Parish of Montreal, 28th October, 1793, Mademoiselle Marie Amable Mouflette Nicolas, who bore him ten children, all of whom died in infancy, except one, Louis, who was born, 19th September, 1799, and died in 1848. This Louis w^as "William Louis Haldimand's father. He married Hannah "Wurtele, in 1822, and left four daughters and three sons. He con- ducted a hardware busines in St. Paul Street ; and his son, "William, succeeded to the business, on his death. "William L. Haldimand married Mary Anne Mackenzie, daughter of Roderick Mackenzie, and accompanied her to St. Gabriel Street Church, of which he became a member in 1860. Mr. Haldimand was elected Treasurer of the congregation in 1867, and continued to discharge the duties of that office with painstaking fidelity up to the year 1880, when his business engagements would not 625 admit of his retaining it any longer. The congregation owe a deep debt of obligation to Mr. Haldimand, in con- sideration of those long and laborious services. He and his wife, who wus also most useful as the treasurer of the Dorcas Society, proved very loyal to the old church ; for, although they removed in 1873, to St. Catherine Street west, they continued to walk all the way to St. Gabriel Street, until the spring of 1886. It was only when they despaired of seeing a new St. Gabriel Street Church erected nearer them, and when they began to feel the infirmities of advancing years, that they took the step at last of sundering their connection with the congregation. A few months' longer patience would have solved the difficulties ; but no one could foresee this at the time. James Lillie, chosen a trustee in 186*7, and ordained an elder, 13th September, 1868, was born at Ancrum, Scot- land, 2nd January, 1811. He got a training for business, and served for some years as clerk in a bank at Jedburgh. In 1830, he emigrated with his parents and their family to Canada. They settled near Montreal, and he entered the office of Andrew Shaw, in which he remained for two or three y«3ars. In 1833, he and William Kerr, who is still to the fore, with eye and mind and natural force unabated, rented the Gale farm at Hochelaga, which they continued to cultivate in partnership for forty-two years. While the military were in Montreal, they made a good deal of money by contracting to furnish supplies to the troops. Mr. Lillie never married, his widowed sister, Mrs. Potts, keeping house for him and Mr. Kerr. The family first attended St. Gabriel Street Church, but afterwards Dr. Taylor's Church, in Lagauchetiere Street. His w^as one of the nine families from Erskine Church that cast in their lot with the re-organized congregation. He died, May 30th, 1880, and the following passages are taken from the p P 626 funoral sermon proached on tho occasion of his burial, by the writer, his pastor : — "The universal verdict regarding him, both by those w^ho know him intimately, and by those who had with him only a casual acquaintanc^o was, that he was an Israelite, indeed, in whom was no guile. A more gentle, humane, and inolFensive man was not to be found on the Island of Montreal. And this was not because he was without convictions of his own. lie had formed opinions and come to conclusions for himself on most subjects, and these were generally sound, ^ased on an intelligent apprehen- sion of all sides of queRiions. But while his views were usually of a kind that could bear the light, ho was too fair-minded to be opinionative. As a consequence, he had little or none of that combativeness that is characteristic of the Scot. He had learned that many men have many minds, and that it is vain to think to mould them into any one shape. " The evenness of his temper, and the candour of his mind eminently qualified him for the office which he so long held in this church. At the date of his death, he was the senior elder of the congregation ; and all his col- leagues in the Session miss his dignilied and genial presence, and the good common sense which he brought to bear on all questions that arose. " Mr. Lillie was a man whom the Lord had prospered ; and he was animated with the feeling that the least thing he could do was to hold life and capacity and means not only as /row the Lord, but also as for the Lord. He was, therefore, not only liberal in his gifts to religious and benevolent objects, but was ready to give his time and his strength to doing good. The Tract Society, the Sunday School Union, and above all, the Bible Society and Mont- real General Hospital, found in him a warm supporter, he having been for many years a collector for them. 627 *' It was with some roluctaiico that ho was persuaded to accept the eldership whcui chosen for that olFuie ; and when at last he consented it was because he had it pointed out to him that some person had to till the olRce, that he had been chosen by the suffrages of his fellow members, and that it was his duty to yield to their wishes and give back to God in this particular way, some portion of the gifts which had been bestowed upon him by the Lord. But there was one condition which he attached to his ai^eptance of ollice ; it was this, that he should not be expected to pray in public. He urged this on the ground of a peculiar nervousness which unmanned him when he attempted to speak in public ; and he oiteu expressed regret that he had not begun to cultivate the art of speaking when a young man. " He was a man of little show,but of great substance. He was a great deal better than he appeared ; in this respect being a contrast to the general tendency, which is to seem great w^hether one is great or not. At a time when there is such a straining after appearances, it is refreshing to meet with one like Mr. Lillie with whom it w^as a much more serious matter to be right than to seem right. The power of speech which was denied him in health, seems to have come to him in his sickness. It was beautiful to hear the fervour and unfaltering confidence in which he expressed his faith in the Redeemer. The last week of his life was given, almost without interruption, to praise and prayer, audibly uttered. Even in his delirium the subject that came upon his tongue was the grace and love of Jesus, whose continued presence and favour he constantly in- voked. The Lord thus loosed his tongue at the last, as Jesus opened the mouths of so many dumb ones when He lived and laboured on earth. And when he at last departed, it was with the confident assurance of a glorious resurrection, charging his dear friends, who watched so ^' 628 fondly at bin bedside to m(?et him around the throne of Go Strachan'h parting shot — Tub quasi- bbtahlisueo position OF Roman Catholic Church in (,iuEuKc Pro- vince. The experience which the author had of a united Pres- byterianism, in the St. G-abriel Street Church, could only confirm his previous convictions as to the importance and practicability of Presbyterian consolidation in Canada. He had already, under the nom de plume of " Presbuteros," written in the Presbyterian, a series of letters on the sub- ject. What set him specially thinking on this question was the fact that he had had .the privilege, in 1861, of listening to the debates, on the subject of Presbyterian Union in the Colonies, which took place that year in both the Established and Free Assemblies of Scotland, in con- nection with union proposals reported from Australia. Without a dissenting voice, all the speakers commended the action taken by their co-religionists in the distant east. Then, the writer was distressed beyond measure at the bitterness of feeling on church questions, he found existing in Scotland — where people manifested the fiercest animosi- ties, and spoke of one another in the most uncharitable fashion — all in the name of the Christian religion. His resolution was taken, to do what he could, at least, in his own beloved country, to take away all excuse for the cul- 641 tivation of such a spirit. His first (^hargo, on tho spot whero Free ChtuchiHin was born in Canada, aflbrdod him a good theatro in which to begin th»< work of breaking down sectarian feeling. Before he h>ft Gait, nearly every traceof the old-time ill-will between the two Presbyterian Churches had disappeared. And one of the motives in- ducing him to undertake to revive' the old cause in St. Gabriel Street, was the opening which he saw it afforded for testing the practicability of the union which was now beginning to be seriously discussed in the country. The experiment in Montreal was entirely successful. A broad, manly type of Christianity grew up in this united com- munity, not a colourless or creedless religion, but one based upon the grander elements of doctrine and practice on which Established, Free, U.P. and American Presbyterians could all heartily agree. "When, at this time, a prize was offered by some of the large-minded Presbyterian laymen, representing both the churches in Montreal and Quebec, for the best essay on Presbyterian Union, the minister of St. Gabriel's sent one in. It was a subject on the discus- sion of which he entered, at least, con amore. The prize was adjudged to him in September, 1870. He had pondered the history of Presbyterianism in Scotland, and was enamoured of the situation when that country presented a united front to the foes of its civil and religious liberty. These were the palmy days for Scotland. The National Church embraced the whole of the people. This was what he wished to see in Canada — a church cor- responding to the old time Church of Scotland, embracing in it all ranks and conditions of men, — Presbyterians of every name and degree, whether from Scotland, Ireland, England or the United States. This was the ideal church of Scotland in his eyes, and he was surprised that others claiming to be strong upholders of the National Church, could not look at the question in this light. Q Q 7 642 But hi8 viow wont ev«ni fiirthor than this. II«f thought ho diMconu'd signH of narrownoHH in both tho Church of England and the Church of Scothmd, growing out of their insular, national position. Their views were, for the most part, bounded by their own country : the Church of Eng- land — the Church of Scotland — they were content so long as they were favoured institutions of those two countries, — and they had little regard for anything beyond. Tiiis state of things crystallized by time and fact, they held ior divine — which is the constant tendiuicy among men. It was difl\'rent with those who were at the laying of the foundations of those institutions : the reformers in both England and Scotland looked abroad — indeed, many of them had received their reforming inspiration on the con- tinent — and they counted themselves as members of a larger brotherhood. The Westminster standards were born of such a conception — not only aiming at uniformity in tho British Empire, but also at establishing unity of faith with the reformed churches of the continent. In the lapse of centuries, these larger aspirations were lost sight of, and the national churcihes settled down into a situation of self- satisfaction, as if they were realizing the divine ideal. But when we go back to first principles, and think of the Lord's conception of the church, it was manifestly not to be determined by national boundaries. It contemplated being cc-extensive with the world ; and so far as this feature of catholicity is concerned, using the term " Catholic " in its strictly etymological sense, the Church of Rome, to the extent that it a Iras at being a universal church, is in ad- vance of Protestant communities. But why should not Presbyterians everywhere be one ? The moment this ques- tion is asked, it raises another question, what should be held essential to Presbyterianism ? It is clear that nothing can be regarded as of the essence of a church that cannot be predicated of it in any and every place, where it can 648 bo planted. Evorythiiij? <*ls«' muHt bo oliminatt'd from its cnu'd and roiiMtitution, excHipt what Ih appli<'abbi all th« world ovor. When this toHt is employed, th(« mattor of rstublishmcnt and endowment, ibr inHtance, is Ibund to b*^ nuToly adventitious. Thoiso featurcH of the r«>ibrnied churchoH oi' ICuropc have })(M»n of innnenHe «ervic!e in the providence of God ; it is a HeriouM problem whether they ar«^ not Htill 8ul)servin|^ an important puri>o8e, creating a national religious (sentiment that even those assailing ihem are proliting by, without perceiving or recognizing the fact. But it is quite clear that th»f moment you go with your church into a new^ country, you must b(^ content to do without these features that have come down from the past, and are counted of consequence iu the old world. An elemei L that is not universal cannot be held essential, and it must gradually disappear, if it is not reproduced where new branches of the church are reproduced. It was such thoughts as these that led the writer to en- deavour to enlarge the views of those who were contend- ing tor a Church of Scotland in Canada. It is the church of Christ in Canada that is to be aimed ni ; that is to say, every feature iu the Church of Scotland, that is of divine obligation is to be reproduced here but nothing else. The Pan-Presbyterian Coum'il in Edinburgh, in IS*??, which the writer claims the credit of suggesting in July, 1867, was a stretching forth towards catholicity ; and when the Presbyterian Churches of Canada united, in 1875, they put themselves in line with those holding the same prin- ciples all the world over, when they called their Church not the Presbyterian Church of Canada, but the Presby- terian Church in Canada. The true conception of a church must embrace oecumenicity — which is more than is im- plied in the term national ; and when Presbyterians in all the world are one, as they may be, by ministerial and church communion, this will be a step in the direction of 644 realizing the still greater measure of catholicity, contem- plated in the Saviour's intercessory prayer, that His people " may all be one." St. Gabriel congregation, as might have been expected, went cordially and unanimously for union, when the question came before them, — in which respect they were nowise distinguished, however, from a large proportion of the congregations in connection with the Church of Scot- land. It was not till the crisis arrived, in regard to the obtaining of the Union Bills in the Quebec Legislature, that they came to have any prominence or responsibility cast upon them. The story has never before been told how that crisis was overcome. "Word came on a Saturday after- noon that the Private Pills committee of the Legislative Council of Quebec had resolved to report against the Bill sanctioning the union. The Bill had passed the popular branch of the Legislature, and was then considered safe. But there was an active and influential opposition to it proceeding from the Church Scotland, if it was limited in numbers ; and in spite of the representations and protest- ations of a committee that had been labouring to promote the measure, the opponents of it had got a majority of the Council really to believe that the Church of Scotland especially was greatly divided on the subject of Union, and that it would be unfair to the large liumber in the country that were opposed to it to legislate i: way their rights of property, as the Bill proposed would do. Crediting these asseverations, even some Protestant members of the Coun- cil had voted against finding the preamble of the measure proven. Already the Union had been provided for by legis- lation in the other provinces, and it seemed monstrous that a few opponents of the movement, chiefly in Montreal, should have it in their power to thwart the wishes of the great bulk of the Presbyterians in Canada and block the progress of Union for even a single year. What was to be 645 done? Clearly, what was needed was to convince the Legis- lative Council of Quebec that their innocent impression as to the divided state of opinion in the Church of Scotland was an erroneous one. Such a demonstration was required as would leave no dou}>t upon their minds as to what the popular wish was on the subject. The matter was one specially affecting the Church of Scotland and its honour. The writer was the only member of the committee belong- ing to that church left in the city. Mr. Croil was in Quebec watching over the Bill, — Dr. Jenkins was away. The responsibility of action, therefore, fell on the minister of St. Gabriel Church alone. Consulting with Mr. William Darling and a few lay friends, he proposed making an immediate appeal to the Presbyterian people of the city and province to show unmistakably what their mind was on the question at issue. He therefore set the telegraph wires in motion, iirst of all obtaining the consent of the committee in Quebec to his sugges- tions. The heather must be set on fire. The plan was to get petitions at once prepared to be signed by the congregations in the city, to protest against the action of the Legislative Council — and to move the great centres of Presbyterian influence in the west, also, to protest against an action that equally affected them. The first thing to be gained was to get the Private Bills committee to delay reporting their former finding to the Council itself, and to agree to receive petitions and a deputation on the subject before proceeding further. This concession was obtained through the influence which Eev. Dr. Cook and Dr. Cam- eron, M.P.P., brought to bear upon the local ministers of the Crown. The excitement in Montreal was already great among those who had heard the news ; but it was destined to be greater before long. It was already seven o'clock, Saturday night. Every one he could even consult was away from home ; but the writer had made an arrange- • 646 ment with a printer to remain in his ojfice, in order to prepare the heads of the petitions, if it should be found necessary to do so, — and to his honour be it told, the man who undertook to do this was against the Union, but he was a personal friend, and this was in the way of business. Now the moment of difficulty had arrived. The plan of petition being approved at headquarters in Quebec, the next thing was to prepare the form. The writer, sitting in a printer's office, had no specimen before him of the proper style of a petition for the Lieutenant Governor in Council and the Legislative Council. He had, therefore, to proceed to do the best he could from his own conscious- ness. He drafted a form of petition : Mr. Mitchell waited till midnight in order to print copies of it. The writer, who had not even tasted food since noon, got home to bed, but not to sleep. At the break of day he started out to see the brethren,the ministers of the several Presbyterian churches in the city, taking Principal MacYicar, who was nearest, first. He entered cordially into the proposal to get petitions signed that day, and the following one, and hold a mass meeting in St. Paul's Church on Monday evening. Dr. Taylor, Dr. Burns and the rest all joined heartily in the effort. The writer, with his own hands, carried a parcel of the forms of the petition to every one of the Presbyterian Churches in the city, before eleven o'clock that Sabbath morning. The people's blood was up ; they were indig- nant that the Legislative Council should venture to stand in the way of a great popular movement, and they in large numbers signed the document, the situation having been explained to the people by the officiating ministers. Posters were put up along the streets on Monday, calling the mass meeting that evening — which was held in St. Paul's Church, under the presidency of Andrew Allan, — the leading members of the city congregations, on both sides, •taking part in the meeting. Strong resolutions were 641 passed, and an influential deputation appointed to proceed at once to Quebec as the bearer of the petitions and reso- lutions to be laid before the Private Bills committee. That easy-going body never before or since, probably, had its composure so ruffled as on this occasion. Indignation meetings had also been held in Toronto, Ottawa and King- ston. The Council got their eyes opened as to what side popular opinion was on. Certain unimportant amendments in the Bill were agreed to by the friends of Union, which enabled the Private Bills committee to resile gracefully from their former position ; and the union, in IS'ZS, was safe. But the writer, who had gone with the deputation to Quebec, and had been borne up by excitement for those four days, collapsed afterwards, and was unfit for work for a month. At the next great crisis connected with the Union, when, in 1881, judgment was given against the Temporalities Board, by the English Privy Council, St. Gabriel Church was destined to have great responsibility cast upon it. Mr. Darling, the chairman of the Board, was a leading member of St. Grabriel's ; and although the minister of that church was not a member of the Board at the time when the action was taken, Dobie vs. The Temporalities Board, and so was not condemned in the costs for which the older members were held responsible, he had become a member of it before judgment in the case was rendered. He wi- the only ministerial member of the Board resident in the city, who could be looked to by the lay members of the Board, to furnish the necessary information and guidance for their procedure on the occasion. It lay with him, therefore, to prepare the documents to be issued to all the congregations of the united Church, rallying them to the support of the Board in procuring the new legisla- tion that had to be sought from the Federal Parliament. That support was afforded without stint, — every member 648 of Parliament, and every Senator, that had Presbyterians among his constituents, was solicited to give his vote for the measure, reaffirming the old Temporalities Act, and indemnifying the Board for their administration. This concerted action secured the passing of the bill, although it still met with stout opposition in the Private Bills Committee of both Houses of Parliament, — calling forth the magnificent speeches of Principal G-rant, Mr. Macdon- nell, of Toronto, and John L. Morris, of Montreal, in reply to Messrs. Macmaster, Brymner and Lang. The writer had the responsibility here again of gathering the materials to be used in argument, and preparing the case ; as he, with others, had to spend weeks of his time in Ottawa, giving information to members of both Houses in private, as to the merits of the question. It ought to be recorded, in this connection, that when the churches were seeking legislation, prior to the Union, they gave notice of their intention of applying to the Federal Parliament for just such a Temporalities Bill, as they had finally to obtain from it, but were informed on the authority of the Minister of Justice of the period, that the matter in question belonged to the jurisdiction of the Legislature of Quebec and could not be dealt with at Ottawa. The leader of the Opposition of the time, an acknowledged great constitutional lawyer, was understood to coincide in that opinion ; so that no blame attached to the churches or Boards for the unfortunate situation in which the Privy Council's-judgment had placed them. The introduction of the term, " Temporalities Board," gives occasion to return to the subject of the Clergy Ee- serves question. Unfortunately for the churches whose interests were at stake, this question had become a politi- cal one, the Tories wishing to preserve the fund as it was, and the Reformers crying out against invidious distinc- tions between one church and another in this free country. 649 The Clergy Reserves question in Upper Canada, and that of the Seignorial Tenure in Lower Canada kept up such a continual agitation that government almost became impos- sible, and other important questions were not receiving due attention. The Reformers were divided, Mr. Brown's party having withdrawn their support from Mr. Hincks. This brought on a crisis, and a Coalition Ministry was formed with Sir Allan McNab as premier, and John A. Macdonald, attorney-general, the Lower Canada section of the Hinck's Cabinet still remaining in office, with A. N. Morin at its head. This Coalition was formed to deal with the two burning questions of the day, the Clergy Reserves and the Seignorial Tenure. All observant and thoughtful men had come to the conclusion that these matters about which there had been so loud a clamour raised, must be disposed of. The Church of Scotland took no steps to protest against the proposal to secularize the Clergy Reserves, the Synod feeling that the public con- clusion on the subject was already foregone. Bishop Strachan, however, gallantly stood in the breach. He had nailed his colours to the mast. The Bill for secularizing the Clergy Reserves being introduced by Hon. L. T. Drummond, on October 19th, 1854, a meeting- of the Synod of the Diocese of Toronto, was summoned to take the subject into consideration, when the following resolution was adopted : — " The Lord Bishop, Clergy and Lay Delegates of the United Church of England and Ireland, in the Province of Canada West, in Synod duly assembled at Toronto, on Thursday, the 26th day of October, A. D. 1854, hereby solemnly protest against the enactment of a certain measure now before the Legislative Assembly of this Pro- vince, having for its avowed object to dispossess the said church and other religious bodies in this Province, of all the right and title to the benefit and proceeds arising out 650 of the lands formerly set apart by the Crown for the sup- port of a Protestant Clergy, and which benefit and pro- ceeds were still further guaranteed by the Imperial Act of 1840." The Synod further resolved not to send any deputation to make representations on the subject before Parliament, as useless, the thing being determined upon. They rather left it with their friends in the Houses of Parliament to make the best terms possible by way of indemnifying the church, for the spoliation to which they thought she was being subjected. One feature of the situation at least was hopeful : the final disposing of the question was in the hands of the old-time champions of the rights of the churches of England and Scotland. Hon. John A. Macdonald moved the House into com- mittee on the Bill, Slst October, 1854, and explained its features. The Coalition Ministry had the support of the Globe in their general policy; and Hon. G-eorge Brown at once signified his approval of the principle of the measure, although objecting to some of its features, — the commuta- tion clause, for one. At a subsequent stage, he empha- sized these objections, the occasion being the presentation of the following Memorial against commutation : — " The Memorial of the Niagara Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Canada, in Conference assembled, " Humbly Shewetu : — " That your memorialists, in co-operating with others, their fellow- subjects, to obtain the secularization of the Clergy Reserves, were actuated by a conviction, that all appropriations by the State, forming a fund for the support of the Ministry of the Lord in the churches of Christ, are detri- mental to the interests of our Holy Religion, retarding its progress, relax- ing it« discipline, and causing invidious distinctions among those who, otherwise, might rer^pect each other, and labour together cordially in the common cause. " It is, therefore, with no small degree of disappointment and surprise that your memorialists find, after years of painful and protracted effort, and on the very eve of the attainment of this much desired object, that 651 the Act of the legislature providing for the final arljnstment of this question, has incorporated therewith a clause for commuting with the churches, or which, in the ojjinion of your memorialists, amounts to the same thing with the individuals authorized by their reHi)ective churclies, thereby providing for the perpetuity of thie very evil which is ostensibly sought by the Act itself to be abolished ; for really your memorialists can see no difference in regard to the prin(!iple and eflect of the thing, between having the churches supported directly from the avails of the lands them- selves, and the endowments created by the funding of the sums paid over to the several stipendiaries as provided for by the Act. " KiLWORTH, C. W., " 2l8t May, 1855." Mr. Brown moved, 28rd April, 1855, the reference of this memorial and other petitions sent to the House against the commutation clause of the Bill to a committee, and suppor tedtheir general views in an elaborate speech. He and his friends had hitherto advocated commutation, in order to get rid at once of a connection between the Gov- ernment and any of the clergy in Canada ; but what they wished was, that the commutation should be with the individual clergymen, and not with the churches. There was an obvious objection to this, however, — what security could the country or government have that clergymen when they received their allowance for life would con- tinue in the discharge of their clerical duties, or even remain in the country ? Hon. John A. Macdonald thus put the matter, in answer to Mr. Brown : "The arrangement was in all cases made with individual clergymen, but as a security that they should not take the money and desert their labours, they were required to show that the body to which they belonged was willing that they should commute." Hon. Francis Hincks, speaking of the opposition mani- fested to the measure of endowment implied in the pro- visions of the Bill, said : "Who was going to give this endowment? Why, the Clergy them- selves, and their conduct ought to command the admiration of the com- 652 munlty. It was an act of generosity, such as was rarely heard of, for they left themsolvoH by doing no, entirely in the handfi of the church society for the means of subsistence." The Bill became law, May 9th, 1885, with the commut- ation clause intact : " The commutation is to be made according to the probable expectation of life." The following were the ministers connected with the Church of Scotland who commuted, — with their ages, and the amounts which were paid over to the Synod on their account : — Anderson, Rev. Anderson, Bain, Barclay, Barr, Bell, Bell, Bell, Bell, Burnett, Campbell, Colquhoun, ' Cook, Davidson, Dobie, Evans, Ferguson, Fraser, George, Gibson, Gregor, Haig, Johnson, Johnson, King, Lewis, Lindsay, Machar, Macdonnell, " Mair, " Mann, ' " « K (I t( U « « <( (( (I <( « .Tames age, 57 Joseph " 59 William " 40 John " 41 William .... " 36 William .... " 75 Andrew . . , . " 51 William .... " 44 George " 35 Robert " 31 John " 35 Archd " 50 John, D. D.. " 49 John •' 43 Robert " 27 David " 62 Peter " 58 Thomas .... " 62 James " 54 Hamilton ..." 43 Colin " 47 Thomas " 38 Thomas " 61 WiUiam " 31 William " 66 Alexander .. " 63 Peter " 34 John, D.D... " 57 George " 43 William " 56 Alexander. . . " 54 amoimt, £1527 00 1441 10 " 1998 00 1981 10 2071 10 837 00 " 1734 00 " 1920 00 " 2088 00 " 2148 00 2088 00 " 1768 10 1785 00 " 1932 00 " 2200 10 1372 10 1489 10 " 1372 10 " 1367 10 " 1932 00 1849 10 2037 00 " 1386 00 " 2148 00 802 00 1296 00 " 2097 00 " 1627 00 " 1932 00 " 1560 00 " 1641 00 658 Mathieson, Rev. Alex, D.D .age, McClatchoy " George " " William " Robert, D.D.. " John " John II " Alexander .. " .' .-'■'» McEwen, McGill, McKonzie, McKerraH, McKid, McLaurin, McLean, y ho bocamo authori:^«»(l and einpowen'd, in virtue of a n^Holutiou paHRed by the Synod on the lAth .Tannary, lHr)5, to endorse and accjuit to the several powers of attorney from individual members in behalf of the Synod. • " I do hereby certify that the above in this and in the preceding paj?*-. is a true and faithful extract from the minutes of the commission. " (Signed), " John Cook, D.D. "Quebec, 28rd Feb., 1865." " QiiEiiKC, 23r(l Marcli, 1855. " Sin, — I Imvo the honor to i. '':rm you tliat I ant prepared to comuiuto with Government the HuUirioH of the niininterH of the Cliiirch of Scotlatxl in this Province, whoHO nameH und ajjes are (contained in the enclosed list, and respectfully to recjuest that such commutation may iHselfocted at your earliest convenience. " I have, &c., " (Signed), John Cook. " The Hon. Inspector-General." The following is the official reply : — " Inhpkctor-Genbual's Officm, " QuHBEc, 27th March, 1855. " Sir, — In acknowledging the receipt of your letter without date, addressed to the Inspector-General, informing him that you are prepared to commute with Government the salaries of the ministers of the Church of Scotland, in this Province, whose names and ages are contained in the list enclosed. " It is observed that the amount of stipends opposite each name in the liist, except the three last, is £150, and for the last three, £125 each, which amounts exceed considerably the stipends of the ministers of the Church of Scotland, paid for the year 1853, as returned by Hugh Allan, Esq., secretary to the Board of Commissioners of the Synod of Canada, in con- nection with the Church of Scotland. " The Inspector-General is desirous of receiving from you, some explana- tion as to the excess of stipends now returned by you. '• I have, , and camo to this city whon hi! wuh .)iily twenty yi^ars ohl. Ho first hcgan a small commission husinciss i'or his I'athcir, who was a fancy j^oods merchant in Edinburgh ; but alter a year or two, struck out lor himself, and succeed(?d in building up thc^ extensive hardware trade which stands an honour to his enti^rprize and business sagacity, lie marri<;d Mary Davidson, of Edinburgh, who survives him. Of the eight children, two di(!d in infancy, — two daughters gn^w to woman- hood, one marrying Dr. G. T. lloss, of this city, but died within a year of her wedded life, the other dying un- married. Four sons grew up with, their father's busini^ss, and three of them continuci in it, whiles the fourth, Andrew, has become partner in a dry goods lirm in Toronto. H. W. Darling, president of the Bank of Com- merce, and Robert Darling, dry goods merchant, both of Toronto, are younger brothers of Mr. Darling. William Darling died, after a week's illness, of inflammation of the lungs, November 1st, 1885. The following account of the funeral services, which were held November 4th, is taken from the Montreal Herald of November 5th : — " One of the largest funeral corteges that has been se(!n in Montreal in many years was that which left the man- sion of the late Mr. William Darling, Bloomficdd House, lloc-helaga, for St. Oabriel Presbyterian Church, where the funeral services were conducted yesterday afternoon. " Rev. J. B. Muir, M. A., of Huntingdon, a member of th(i Widows' and Orphans' Board — with which the deceased had been associated — conducted thcs devotional scirvices at the house by request. The Rev. H. J. Borthwick, of the Episcopal Church, Hochelaga, read appropriate passages of Scripture at the service in St. Gabriel Church, after 074 which \li ciiHtoin of HcoUIhIi (;U;r){3'tiiiui, wlntii Htaiidiii;^' ovnr Uio roinuiiiH ol tUiamHi'd uwimAh'th of their lloiik, to Hpotik (»(■ tlio <;liuru(!t<»r or lifo of tlin (lopatUid ; but ho promiiionl ainont.' liis (oIIowh whh Ik* w1ioh»i tliiHt now li(!H Ixiforo iih ho oulHtiiiKliiin woro liiH (imilitioH — that, I may \w jnHtili(»(l in hrfakin^; tii(N hiIoiko iiHiial on uncii (KiciiHiouH. I H|K»ak th« thin^rH tiiat I hav(i known of my friond, from an intinuuiyof njiwanlH of oi^'htcnn ycuuH. Many of yon hud u nnich lon^(^r ac)|naintan('o with him, and I atii Hunt that my (*Hlimalo()f him will ho (UidorHod l)ytlioHO who liav(;t, and ITih raro nativo powers won* (tidturod hy much of th(! host road inj^ and l)y rolhfction. Ih* haj)n'iiti(;<(H in !:'s wiir(\li()UHi) or c'tmitinj^ liou.so. IIo wiiH tlio inuiiiHtiiy of a Inr^'o circli* of Imh kiiidmtl who, (|Uont. proHixiriiy tlmy at.tain(«l. Tll(>H(^ aro fartH with wlii<'.li yon aro all woll a)'({iiaint(t(l. Miit William Darling imwhc^hhoiI otluir <|iialiti(^H not ho ^diKirally known. I havo naid that 111! waH I'ruo from [)t)tty vanity, and (•aridoHs of nl(^r(l apjmaniiuMJH, Ah noarly rolated to tliiH ijinility, lin had no ap|K!tit(^ for ai)j)lanH(!. liiko all Hiron^; iruui, Iw. waH indiirnnmt to thu ahallow (Titi(!iHni of tho paHHin^; honr. Undid not iiko to h(io Ium nanio in tlut n; convitttions, a kiHui Hcnwo of ri^lit, rpoH((. i*>iit whatovor colliHionH ho may have had with othorH ho novor loHt IiIh solf-r(!H))ruro tho puhlict with hiHj^riovancfW, nor w((ar his hoarlnpon liiH Hliiw(! for dawH to po(ik at. l\v. waHHatinliod to livo his timo, and con- tidontly lookod for IiIh vindication in tho final Ibhiich of hiu dilliironcoH with OthorH. If ho waH slandc^roc, ho thoni^ht proiM^rly that tho rocord of a iifc- timo oii;;htto Hiidico for itH rofiitation. Ordimirily ho wuh iiKlidonuitahout what tho thonj;htl(!HH, jroH^ipin;,' mnllitndoH said ; yol nndifrnoath iiis stolid oxtorior and (lalmncwH of toiniKsr th(!ro lay lixtrcmo HonHitivonosn. llo waH kociidy alivo to any awHanlt ni)on his hononr or prohily. lint ho WHf. Hin- Kidarly free from animoHity. I n(>vor hoard him nttor an iirddnd or harsh word ahont any of Imh opiM)iiontH; nor did ho wiHJi thom ill. Althon^h ho did not huvo much to do with piihlic afhiirH, oulHido liiH iiiimodiato Hphero of acition as anuinrhant, lio dovotod a>;rout doal ^ion was novor demonHtrativo, hut it was t?onuino. H« was wont to worship as the lowlioHt of the lowly, and to receive instnu;- ti(mH with the meekest of the meek. And so, when informed tliat bis end was at hand, ho waH nowise taken aback ; but was ready to depart, com- mitting; his et()rnal iutereHts into the hands of (iod his Kaviour. After all, dear friondH, this is the supremo test of a succensful lifo — to have the con- BciouH support of Josus Ohrist in duuth. Our /riond's end was iHjace." Tho following? resolutioiiH won; passod l)y Home of the Boards ovor which William Darling presided, or of which he was a member, and were iorwarded to his family. Tiiw MKnciiANTs' JUnk ok Canada. Copy of resolution passod at a mootin>? of directors of the Merchants' Bank of Canada, held on Saturday, 7th November, 1885 : — It was roHolved — "That the diredors of tho Merchants' IJank of Canada desire to pla(;o on re(;ord their deep sense of the Iohb the Hank and mer- cantile (!ommunity have sustained in the death of their late esUiomed col- league, Mr. William Darling. His large exi^riouce and sound judgment were uniformly used in the advancement of the interests of the Bank, and bis aesiduous attention to the many important matters brought before the Board greatly contributed to the iKjsition tho Bank now occupies in the community. The directors beg to convey to the widow and family of the deceased their sincere condolence on tlu^ loss they have sustained, and for the purpose of duly conveying to them this mark of ap|)reciation and sympathy, direct that a coi)y of thin minute, duly eng mmd and signed, be forwarded by the President and General Manager on behalf of tho Bank." Andkbw Au,an, ~'^ " President. G. Hagub, Gen. Manager. TlIK IJoAUl) OK TltADH. Okki<;k ok rmo lioAito ok Thadk, MoNTUioAi-, nth Nov., IKHf). Dmau iSiit, — I l)0>j tof MiIh Hoard at itH nioot- iii|4 on TiKwlay last ; — " l{((Holvwl, 'I'liat Ui« Ooiiiicil of tlio Moiitroal Hoard of Trado fully rocoj?- iii/,oH Ui(t valiiabl*! and varied H(!rvi(;nH ho uiilirin^ly roiidorod to tlio coiii- in«r<;ial and trado intoroHlH of tliiw city, by tho lat<» William Darlin;?, Khcj., during; tlio many yoars in whidi \m Horvod hh a nKunlxw of tho CouikmI, and aftorwanlw aH i'nwidont of tim Hoard, and tlio ( 'ouncil now rccordH its (loop Honse of tbo Iohh HUHtainod by Montroal in liiHd(«;oaHO. That a copy of this rowdution bo (lommunicatod to Iho l)on»avod family, to^othor with an (^xjtroHHion of tln' Hinconi Hympalliy of tht^ ('(niiicil." l\»rmit mo to way that I pornonally wharo in tho rognjta of tlio Council, and tondor alHo my res|M!(;tful (toiidolonoo. I am. doar Sir, Yours Hin(;on>ly, W. .1. I'attkiwon, Hocrotary. William Darling, Esq. PlJUHBYTKItlAN TiCMI'OKAMTIKH BoAIlI). At a m(Miting of tho Hoart)iM!cially thiH (;ou){ro}ration, huH HUHtainud in tiiuauddou ronioval of Mr. Darling, tho late ciiairman of the lioard. During the nineteen yuaru in which he nat on the I'oard he was tniwearied in hin elFortH to forward the iiitoroBtH of tho (;hur(!h ; and for tho hiHt fourt(«uj yearK he pn^idod over the; deliltoratiouH of this (torixira- tion with ^reat ability and wisdom. Hih coIIeaKUOH on tiie Jtoard feel that tho (;ongre^;atiou has Huflerecl an irreparable loss in the death of Mr* Darling, wlio did ho much to promote the ])roHperitv of tho St. (iabriol (!hur(!h by both liiH i)er8onal H(»rvi(!eH in its behalf and by his lilieral con- tributionH to its funds; and they be)? to tender to Mrs. Darlinjj and her family tii(i cxi)ression of th(Mr Hincore sympathy, trustinj? that th(» mani- fold promiHCH held out to the widow and fatherless may be abundantly realized by them. The HO(!retary is instructed tocommuni(!ate a copy of this minute to Mrs. Darling." Wm. I{kioi), Secretary. l?oard of Trustees St. Gabriel Church, Montreal, KJth NovembGr, 1885. The secularization of tho Clergy Reserves was a crisis in the history of Canada. It was the assertion of the principle that the colony was not in all matters going to conform to the order of things in the old world ; but was to judge for itself how much to retain of the traditional principles and practices of the mother countries. It was the final protest of the community, especially against reproducing in Canada the same relations between the. Church and the State that had so long obtained in European countries, and for the continuance of which Bishop Strachan fought so hard. We have seen that the Anglican Church of Upper Canada, in despair, resolved to do nothing for or against the secularization proposals. But the redoubtable prelate was not going to allow matters to be shaped according to 6*79 popular clamnur without at loaRt i88uing hJH protest, whi('h WJiK addroHHed to the h^adi^r of th(^ Fren«;h Hcctioii of ilio- Cabiii(^t, and iiiand lor his <'on(|U('n'inplat(Kl an IlJnufliHh (Jhunh, and a public, proviNion niado for itH maintcnancu', as was th(< pr»ivailinj? (•on('<'i)tion n'^ardin^ a properly conditioned church ; but he desired that along- side this Church of l*]n^lan^«< in th(< pro^rcNH ol" lliiN (•Inin^ji. Tho Ircaty is ohMoU^to, and our l''n'ii
  • y the Montreal Herald, sounded the alarm vt tithes, tithe-pro(;tors, demoralizing the laity, and so forth. This (bourse; appears to be unfair and uu(;alled for, seeing the peophi them- selves continue the willing members of a church whi(;h <'ould not otherwise compel them to maintain its ministers, or support it in any shape whatever." 682 So far, so good. The one thing to be objected to, which is now getting to be obsolete, and is not concecljd to any other church in the country, is the fact that the machinery of the Courts can be used to enforce ecclesi- astical dues. This must be done away with, and the people left to give spontaneously. CHAPTER XXXII. Ckntennial Celebration, Maech, 1886 — Sermons in St. Gabriel Church BY Principal Grant and Dr. "Wilkes, March 7th — Reunions in St. Gabriel Church — Conversazione in the Presbyterian College — Addresses at the great Anniversary Meeting, March 12th, 1886, IN Knox Church — Sermons by Dr. Reid, Archdeacon Evans and Dr. Douglas, in St. Gabriel Church, March 14th, 1886. At a meeting of the Kirk-session of St. Gabriel Church, held on 28th December, 1885, it was resolved to take steps to have a fitting commemoration of the hundredth anniversary of the first Presbyterian services held in the city ; and the Moderator was requested to seek the co-operation of the Session of Knox Church in making the arrangements. Mr. Campbell lost no time in communicating with Mr. Fleck on the subject ; but no response having been given, the St. Gabriel Street Session resolved to proceed and do what they could alone to celebrate the event. They thought the public of Montreal would deem the matter of sufficient importance to be worth an effort to make it memorable. The result showed that they had rightly gauged popular feeling : no event or celebration ever held in the city awakened more general interest in the Protestant community, and many Eoman Catholics even entered heartily into the pro- ceedings. The first programme, sketched by the Kirk-session, contemplated having all the meetings in the old church in St. Gabriel Street, the idea being to have two special services on the two Sabbaths, the 7th and 14th of March, 1886, with interesting social re-unions on the intervening week-nights — and a great historic demonstration on the evening of Friday, the 12th of March, — the anniversary pi'oper. Already correspondence had taken place with parties at a distance, whose assistance was sought to make the commemoration a success, when the Presby- 684 ,i teiy met, 12th January, 1886. On the morning of that day, it ( occurred to the minister of St. Gabriel Church that the Presby- tery might be disposed to take an interest in the matter, and he j introduced the question. The Presbytery entered heartily into the proposal to celebrate the occasion, and appointed a committee consisting of Eev. Prof Campbell, Moderator, and the ministers and representative elders of St. Gabriel, Knox and St. Paul's Churches, together with Messrs. Warden, Jordan and Warden King to make the necessary arrangement, if a celebration were decided on, Mr. Campbell, convener. With a view to add eclat to the event, and give the brethren from the country an opportunity to take part in the celebration, the Presbytery appointed its spring meeting to be held on March 11th, instead of in the month of April as usual. At the suggestion of the convener, the committee ai-ranged that the centennial celebration should be held in one of the uptown churches, — Knox Church, as having had the longest and latest connection with the old edifice in St. Gabriel Street, being speci- ally named by him. The only question raised was as to whether the building was large enough for the number of persons that might reasonably be expected to assemble on the occasion. However, it was definitely decided to hold the celebration in Knox Church. It was thought that besides the meeting in Knox Church, which would necessarily be historical in its character, and denominational, it would be well to have some social gather- ing to which others than Presbyterians might be invited, and at which an opportunity might be afforded to representatives of other churches to offer their congratulations on the auspicious occasion. A conversazione in the Presbyterian College, as being an admirable common rallying ground for all the Presbyterian congregations in the city, and as affording accommodation for a larger number of guests than any single church or hall that was available, was determined on. The St. Gabriel Church Session very gladly modified its origi- nal programme, in order to give prominence to the centenary, by securing the co-operation of all the Presbyterian congrega- tions in the city in the celebration, and re-arranged its scheme of meetings, giving up the Thursday, Friday and Saturday 685 evenings — on all of which it had proposed to invite the public to the old church. The Session adhered to its oi-iginal i-eeolution in all other respects. The arrangements for Sabbath, the 7th March, were that the Eeverend John Cook, D.D., LL.D., of Quebec, the oldest friend of the St. Gabriel Street Church, should conduct morning service, that Eev. Henry Wilkes, D.D., LL.D., of Montreal, ex-Principal of the Congregational College, and the representative of the catholicity of Montreal, should officiate at 8 p.m., — and that immediately afterwards the communion should be dispensed, all old members being invited to share in the service, — while the pastor of the church should deliver an historical discourse in the evening. Towards the end of the week, a message came from the Venerable Principal of Morrin College, Dr. Cook, that he was so indisposed that he could not venture to undertake the journey to Montreal, and the fatigue and excitement of the ser- vice for which he was announced. Very Reverend Principal Grant, D.D., of Queen's University, responded at a day's notice to the call to take Dr. Cook's place. The discourses as preached by him and Dr. Wilkes are given below in full. \ *■ SERMON PREACHED MARCH 7th, 1886, AT 11 A.M., BY VERY REVEREND PRINCIPAL GRANT, D.D. Ephesians 5 : 32 — " I speak concernwg Christ and the Church." The Apostle has been speaking of the marriage relation ; but his thought has been of the relation between Christ and the Church, and he here says that, just as husband and wife are one, so are Christ and the Church one ; one organism, with one heart and life. Christ is the Head. The Church is the body. We cannot see the Head ; but He is. We can- not see the body. We see only individuals united into communities pro- fessing to be His. But the body is, and there is a perfect union between the Head and the body. Whatever Christian life is, in the visible com- munities, comes from the Head. These represent the body. They exist to manifest the Head to the world ; to sho^v forth His Spirit and continue His work from age to age, until that work is completed in a regenerated humanity. Only as any visible community does this work, does it repre- sent the body of Christ and is it worthy to be called a Church. The visible Church should be filled with the Spirit of Christ. How is it that the Church falls so far short of this ideal ? Christians should be Christ-like. How is it that as a rule they are so unlike Him ? It was not so with heathen communities. Tell me the gods of a people, and I will tell you the character of the people, it used to be said and said with truth. The gods of each nation represented the characteristic national virtues and defects. The people made the gods, and the gods re-acted upon and fixed the national character. The differences between ancient nations had thus bases in their gods. Hence, hopelessly different national ideals, incurable diversities, and war, as the normal condition of the heathen world. Hence, too, the fate of the old ethnic religions. They prevailed with the nations that gave them birth. Each religion rose, culminated, decayed and died with the nation or civilization with which it was identified. But while they existed, there was no disagreement between the gods and their worshippers. Each people's character was formed upon the ideals it had projected for itself and which it called gods. There was agreement between the god of the land and the people of the land, between the Head and the Body. Why is it not so between Christ and the Church? Because the Head of the Church is not a natural product. He is above man, and has been 68Y above man ever since He revealed Himself to patriarchs, propheta and psalmists. He is the same yesterday, to-day and forever. No wonder that the people of Jehovah were continually forsaking Him, while — as Jeremiah pointed out — no other nation " changed their gods, which yet are no gods." No wonder that there was always what Hosea and Micah called " a controversy of Jehovah with his people." The people wished gods like themselves. Their gross natures could not endure the pure severity of perfect light, the consuming fire of Jehovah's holiness. And it has been the same ever since the full revelation of God was given in the Christ. The Church of nineteen Christian centuries has been as unlike its Head, as the Church of the previous nineteen centuries was unlike the living God who revealed Himself to Abraham, Moses and Hosea, as Friend, Saviour and Husband. Christ and the Church are related as husband and wife, yet, as we have seen, the wife is not and never has been worthy of her husband. Christ has promised, however, that she shall be all glorious, " not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing." The ideal Church, therefore, shall become real. This is the promise. Let us always keep the promise in mind, and in the meanwhile distinguish, — First, between the forms that the Church has assumed, and may yet assume in different ages, and the ideal Church, as it is in God's sight, and as it shall be in a regenerated humanity. Secondly, between the part of the Church with which we are connected and the whole Church of God on earth at the present day. Thirdly, between the Church and that for which the Church exists. I. Think of how many forms the Church has already assumed. With the call of Abraham, the Church — as the election of grace for the good of humanity— commences. There had been revelations of God before, but there had been no special work of redeeming love, no separating of a piece from the lump, in order to prepare it to be a leaven tor the whole. But, with Abraham, a new movement begins, which has gone on continuously ever since. It began with the call of an individual. We can now see the significance of this fact. In that dawn of history, man's individual responsibility to God had not yet been recognized. Worship was the act of the community. But only in the individual is there hope for the com- munity. Let every man know the possibilities that are in him. He may initiate a new development to which no bounds can be assigned. The first outward form that the Church assumed was that of the family. Abram was called by God, because he was a man that would not keep his religion to himself He would command his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment. The 688 significance of this fact, too, is very great. The great cell of society is the family ; and the religion that is to unite humanity with God must be rooted in family life. Modern socialism does not imderstand that the family cannot be dispensed with, and it has proposed awkward devices as substitutes for it, at which He that sits in the Heavens laughs. The Church grows from the family into a community. That commun- ity passes through centuries of vicissitudes. In Egypt, under the pressure of the most developed civilization of the time, it awakes to understand the priceless heritage it possesses in the knowledge of Jehovah, the God of Abram, and so becomes a nation. The national life is rooted in religion. The nation, at the outset, does what its great ancestors had done centuries before, went out from all that men usually think life worth living for, " not knowing whither it went." During the next fifteen centuries, the national form of the Church changed again and again. Repeatedly the nation seemed to be lost It was beaten, broken up into tribal fragments or clusters of tribes, reduced to chaos, but the life was in it and continually re-asserted its power. The nation at length realized complete unity under David, but soon after was disrupted into two kingdoms, the breach between whom could never be healed. Then, the larger of the two was crushed to powder, and in the next century, Jerusalem was destroyed. To all appearances, the experi- ment of a Kingdom of God on earth had. ended in total failure. But with the Church, the valley of trouble has been always the door of hope. After death, resurrection was sure to come. In every age, prophets had declared that the golden age of the people of God was in the future. And at no time had this prophetic intimation been couched in more inspiring language than by Isaiah, when the Aesyrian was thundering at the gate, or by Jeremiah when he foretold the utter destruction of the king- dom. They constantly declared that the community of the people of God was indestructible, and that the hope of the future was bound up with Israel. During the Captivity, there was apparently no Church upon earth. But the Church existed in the cities and plains of the illimitable East, as truly as when it was in its own land. Deprived of outward ordinances, the people found it a sweet necessity to be cast on the naked arm of God. They learned how blessed are the privileges of prayer and praise, and inspired psalmists assured them that the time to favour Zion would come. Their visions were fulfilled, though not after the form nor in the full measure foretold by them. During the next centuries, the Church assumed of necessity an ecclesi- astical rather than a political form. No longer an inspired warrior or prophet judged the people, nor a king with more or less of Oriental absolutism. The high priest was the head of the people, and Scribes were the most important class in the community . 689 At length, in the fulness of time, the Head of the Church came in the flesh. Ho, the ideal man, the true prophet, King and priest of humanity, He, in whom God and man were united, that He might unite humanity to God, came to estahlish the Kingdom of Go Holy Spirit, afl wo seo, Tsaiali c. i., 1 : " The spiiit of tho Lord (iod ia upon me; bocauHe the Lord liuth anointed nie to preach good tidinpjs unto the meek," et(;. I suppose, liowevor, there ia included in the symbol tlu holt/ iivrd, which is the utterance of the Spirit. The anointing to preach includes tho word given to bo proclaimed. So the oil from th(» two olive trees in Zeclmriah's vision denotes the word given with the Holy Ghost, sent down from heaven. Those trees may be the Old and New Testaments, or the two dispensations. It is not my jmrpose to expound Zechariah's vision any further than to show the use of the .Jewish candlestick to denote the Cimrch of God. It is the bearer of the word and the spirit of God. The light is kindled by that divine agent, and burns brightly as He graciously feeds the flame. This spirit- ual light streams forth from tlse spirit-endowed community into surround- ing darkness, for Christ says to his disciples, " Ye are the light of the world," " A city set on a hill cannot be hid." The text then sets before us for meditation several interesting points concerning individual Christians and the churches comiwsed of such Christians. I.— Bkauty and Glory. The psalmist prays, " Let thy word appear unto thy servants, and thy glory unto their children, and lot the beauty of the Lord our God bo upon us." Aaron's garments and bnjaatplato were distinguished for order and beauty, and we are commanded to worship the Lord in the beauty of •holiness. How beautiful are treca ! "The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree; he shall grow like a cedar in Lelmnon. Those that l)e planted in the house of tlie Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God; they shall bring forth fruit in old age." The candlestick was constructed somewhat after the fashion of these beautiful works of Gtxl, tho trees, that it might suggest tho beauty of the Christian life and character, and. the beauty of the Church. "Beautiful for situation, the joy of the wliole earth, is Mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great king. God is known in her palaces for a refuge." Though there are elements in the beautiful that meet the wants of the sesthetic part of our nature, which it would not be easy to define, yet fit- ness, adaptation to an end, must enier into our conception of the beauti- ful. And assuredly the light shining from a truly Christian character and course, whether in the individual or the Church, is a most fitting thing to glorify Christianity, to honour God, and to vindicate and render triumphant the truths of the Gospel. The material of which the lamps were made is suggestive of glory ! Pure gold, fine gold, curiously and elaborately wrought. This is always a symbol of wealth and splendor. The heavenly city ie said to be paved with gold. 694 It should be noted, ere we proceed farther, that the candlesticks before us, in the first instance, denote what the Church of God is, when it corre- sponds with its true idea; but, secondly, they suggest what it ought to be — a light shining in a dark place, diffusing its living, glowing bright- ness all around. The description carries embedded a call to be that which is desfTibed. This ct. -^s distinctly out in the explanation of the symbol w- ch our Lord gives. *fter saying, "Ye are the light of the world," he adds, " Let your ligu 'ne before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your i er who is in heaven." The Lord probably refers to the candlestick, with its lighted lamps on the branches, when he says, '• Let your loins be girded about, and your lights burning, and ye yourselves like unto men who wait for their Lord." He has respect also to the same thing in the parable of the ten virgins. Their lamps burning were the symbol of their Christian character ; to have them go out into darkness was to lose that character. Hence the loud and solemn appeal, " Watch therefore." The Apostle Paul also speaks to individual Christians when he says, " Do all things without murmurings and disputings ; that ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom shine ye as lights in the world ; holding forth," etg. Observe, therefore that the glowing descriptions of the beauty of the Church, of her privileges and glory, found again and again on the pages of Holy Scripture, are so many trumpet-tongued appeals to Christians to be them- selves thus. By your allegiance to your Lord, by your profession of love and homage, by your indebtedness to his redemption work, and your perpetual indebtedness to his grace, are you, individually and collect- ively, urged to beauty and glory in your temper of mind, in your wor- fjhip, in your daily walk, whether in business, in the family or in society. " Whatsoever ye do in word or deed," etc. II. — Growth. Though not so prominent as some others, yet this feature of growth is not wanting in the candlestick representation of Christians and the Churches. The likeness to a tree involves this idea, for you ever associate with the thought of that beautiful object, the extension of its girth, and the spreading and enlargement of its branches. Bf lides, the blossoms of flowers which were added as ornaments to the golden candlesticks in the Ifcibemacle, were emblematic of the Church's joyful blossoming and pro- sperity. Our Lord much enlarges on this characteristic of his Church. As a grain of mustard seed when first planted, it becomes a tree in which the fowls of Heaven lodge. Whether as individuals or assemblies, the Lord's people are a leaven, which being hid in the meal, the whole mass of the world's character is to be leavened with these sacred principles. If the image be of a Captain, and the forces under his command, there is 695 no discomfiture, no turning back, they proceed onward conquering and to conquer. Every Disciple of Jesus is required to grow in grace &c.> and to promote to the utmost of his power, the growth and spread of GodUness in the earth. It is observable that in order to do this he is instructed to look for power from on high. It was not for the early disciples merely that the command was given by their Divine Master who would have them preach the Gospel to every creature under heaven, to tarry at Jerusalem till they were embued with power from on high. Unless the word comes with the demonstration of the spirit and in power, it does not achieve the victory over sin and Satan ; it does not turn men from the error of their way . But let Christians cry unto the Lord for that power ; let them make all their efforts in His Kingdom in dependence on this blessed power, and fruit will abound. Let any disciple of Jesus thus proceed trustingly, prayerfully, earnestly, he will receive help from above. Nor does he proceed in vain. Truth advances, the Church grows, Christ triumphs and the struggling combatant on earth has often to exclaim " Now thanks be unto God who always causeth us to triumph in Christ Jesus." III. — Effictently Occupied. This part of the vision is very interesting. "In the midst of the seven Candlesticks one like unto the Son of Man." As employed by Him- self—when on earth, this designation reminded them of his humanity as he set forth, it suggests the fact also of a superhuman nature, and tlien follows a magniflcient description of his glorious person and attire, as at once Priest and Monarch of hiB Church. His position and that of his priestly apparel indicate both dignified repose and interposing acti- vity. His robe, instead of being girded up around the loins to give freedom for action, is simply girded under the breast with a golden girdle. His ministry of toil and weariness and suffering was over. He \,as no more driven to and fro by malignant Pharisees or the turbulent populace. He had not now to go through the scenes of Gtethsemane and Calvary, for the days of his suffering and mourning were ended :— He was in possession of his Kingdom ! He sat upon his throne. He moved about in the quiet dignity of an accomplished and glorious mission. Yet He walked in the midst of the Candlesticks, and He held the stars in His right hand. He yet ever and actively interfered to guide, sustain and bless. He had told His disciples during His perirenal ministry on earth that when He departed from them, He would not leave them in a state of orphanage, but would come unto them, and we see here that the promise is fulfilled. He has triumphed over sin, death, and the grave, and now in His glorified and triumphant state, He walks in the raidst of the golden Candlesticks and by His spirit keeps their light brightly burning. We can conceive of the Jewish priesthood through neglect or weariness, allowing the lamps of the 696 golden candlestick to go out, being untrimmed and unfed with oil, but He that keopeth Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps : He is never weary ; and the lamps in the midst of which He walks and which He graciously trims and feeds, burn on for ever — their light never goes out This is the surpassing dignity and glory of the Church that the Lord Christ in ever in the midst of her, in an occupancy of mighty efficiency .' " All her children are taught of the Lord " and great is their peace. " The wonderful, the counseller," the Prophet like unto Moses, He walks among His people as their teacher. They often " wonder at the gracious words that proceed out of His mouth," and their " hearts burn within them as He talks to them by the way and while He opens to them the scripture." From Him they learn their duty and receive their impulse and stimulus ; to Him they are indebted for all their worthy thoughts of the Great God and Father ; He gives to them the Comforter, the Holy Ghost, who takes of the things of Christ and reveals them to their souls. He comforts them in all their sorrows and guides them in every perplexity. The Divine Sagas, the Eternal Word. He is the truth and He graciously unfolds it to their hungry spirits and eager gaze. The Son of Man walks amidst His people in sacerdotal garments, their High Priest, who hath fully atoned for their sins, and now intercedes for them before the Throne, presenting, amid the much incense of His merits, their prayers and works and tears. The efficiency lor good of such occupancy who can estimate? Has He not a fellow feeling with His people ? Is He not their elder brother — their friend ? Is He not human as well as divine ? What power and prevalency in His interces- sions ! And how encouraging and consolatory to know that they are being continually offered up ! Amid the many agencies fitted to put out the lamps, — the damp and cold blasts of worldliness and sin which threaten to extinguish their light, — how blessed His priestly agency at the Mercy Seat, keeping alive the flame ! Nor less potent is His indwelling as the K%ng in Zion, to which this robe and other symbols also point us — Isaiah vi., 1, for He controls and subdues the mighty forces, which, if unchecked, would destroy the Church. The world, the flesh, and the devil are mightier to overthrow and break in pieces, than were Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, and Nebuzar-alan, captain of his guard, when they laid siege to Jerusalem and took it. Indeed, so mighty are they that no one, save King Jesus, can effectually overcome them. It is through Him that His servants are conquerors. They give thanks to God, who always causeth them to triumph in Christ. As we think of the Churches in themselves or in their individual members, we have to note this grand central personage, who is ever with them, an effective guardian, walking in the midst of their glory and beauty, and honouring Himself in their growth and brilliancy. We 691 appreciate more fully the exhortation of Barnabas, addressed to the dis- ciples at Antioch, " when he came, and had seen the grace of God, was glad, and exhorted them all, that with purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord." IV. — Power in Bbnbficknt ExEmcisE. This matter of powc from on high is of supreme moment. Vain is our organization, empty our most attractive forms, futile our expenditure of time, energy, and money, barren of results our most distinguished gifts of eloquence, culture, and zeal, without this power: this God-given, f^pirit-inspired might; this moulding, transforming energy ; in fine, this power of God unto salvation. The design of creating these seven lamps, and of the walking in the midst of them on the part of the Lord Christ, is that the nations might be illumined and saved. Power is imparted that it may be beneficently exercised. He sets up the candlestick of glory and beauty, causes it as a tree to grow, and to blossom in joy and fruitfulness, and He walks in the midst of it that its seven lamps may burn brightly to cheer and to bless all who come under its influence. Is the human soul oppressed by sin in darkness in condemnation, without God and without hope ? — this divine power in beneficent exercise illumines the darkness, lifts oti' the burden of condemnation, and brings back the wanderer to God and to a joyous hope. It makes men cluldren of light and of the day, and by its pervading influence in them and through them puts to shame the un- fruitful works of darkness. Churches thus illumined and thus occupied exercise a subtle and unobtrusive but a mighty influence for good on the community in which they dwell and of which they formed a part. The individuals of which they are constituted one after another jjass a\ ay into the unseen and eternal — they continue not amid their earthly privi- leges and labours by reason of death — but the Church lives on. Instead of the fatl>ers there are the children, and these from generation to generation. ' You celebrate the centenary of this venerable Clmrch in which the light has shone during three generations. Who can measure the blessed influence of its sacred services, the priestly king walking in the midst, and putting forth His great power for good. I remember sit- ting in one of the pews, joining in the worship and, listening to the Word as ministered here more than sixty-three years ago. With old-fashioned internal arrangements, its seats were well filled by individuals and fami- lies, on whose experience and lives and influence on others, the services were ever producing a sacred effect. The power exercised is subtle, gen- tle, not immediately apparent. You cannot say — lo, here ! lo, there! But it is there nevertheless, at the secret springs of action and of character, making men and women and children other than they would have been had they not enjoyed the privilege. I suppose there are few, very few, of 698 my fellow-worshippers of those days now among the living, but neverthe- less the succession has continued — faithful men have laboured, and that not in vain, and still the Lord of the Church holds the star which has shone here for many years in His right hand, and is walking in the midst of the golden lampstand. I do not further allude to the history of the congregation, as that will occupy your attention this evening. I have known and esteemed its successive pastors, and have now and again occupied its pulpit, notably after its interior was modernised a number of yoars ago. May the richest blessings of the Master descend upon His people here continually. One word in conclusion. The scene we have been contemplating is one of light, brightness, glory. It is such as our loving Father would have us enjoy. He has made abundant provision that every one may have the blessing. He invites, allures, commands, in order that we may live and be blessed. But we are to notice also that it is possible for us to live in darkness and to be finally consumed by sor- row and despair. Out of Christ we are lost ! Let not one of us neglect the great salvation. At the conclusion of the sermon, a communion service was held, pre- sided over by the pastor, Rev. James Barclay, of St. Paul's Church, delivering an address. Many old members, and friends from other churches, participated in the sacrament. St. Gabriel Church, March 8th, 1886. The centennial celebration at St. Gabriel Presbyterian Church was continued by a festival in the church, which was largely attended. The Rev. Robert Campbell occupied the chair, and after the opening exercises introduced the representatives of Knox Church. He said that he did not claim the exclusive possession of all the memories that clustered around those walls, and that Knox Church, in its removal from that building, wa3 quite exceptional, inasmuch as they had left of their own accord, and shared in all the memories connected with that building, up to within the last twenty years. Major McGibbon, who had a great deal to do with the early history of Knox Church, then gave an interesting narrative regarding it, and Miss Melville sang a solo, " Over the line." The chairman in introducing the Rev. J. Edgar Hill, of St. Andrew's Church, referred to the circumstances of the secession of 1803, which developed ultimately into St Andrew's Church, and then spoke of the generous consideration extended to him in coming to Montreal by the venerable Dr. Mathieson, then minister of St Andrew's Church. Mr. Hill then addressed the meeting, and said that he brought the congratu- 699 lationa of St Andrew's Cliurch, and their desire was to be worthy of the Church of Scotland, which always said good of everybody and ill of none. A quartette, " The Prodigal Child," was next sung by members of the choir, and then Rev. G. H. Wells, of the American Presbyterian Church, was introduced as one of the grandchildren of the church. He, too, brought the congratulations of his church. After a solo by Mr. Bain, "The Palace of the King," Rev. W. R. Cruikshank, of Point St. Charles, brought, he said, the congratulations of his Kirk-session and congrega- tion, and concluded with expressing the hope that St. Gabriel's con- gregation would soon be provided with a more modern church edifice in a suitable locality. The proceedings were brought to a close by the singing of the long metre doxology, after which the benediction was pronounced. Those present then adjourned to the school-room adjoining and partook of refreshments which had been furnished by the Young People's association. St. Gabriel Church, March 9th, 1886. The centennial celebration of St. Gabriel Presbyterian Church continued this evening, the Rev. R. Campbell presiding. Letters apologizing for unavoidable absence were read from the Rev. Messrs. Norton and Newnham, and conveying their good wishes. The Rev. James Barclay, and Mr. Birss — who had attended the SabI ath School fifty years ago — made short addresses, followed by a solo by Miss J. Robertson. The chairman referred to historic connection between St. Gabriel Church and Crescent Street Church, formerly Cotd^ Street Church, and in the absence of the pastor, called upon the Hon. .Justice Torrance, one of the members of the Session, who conveyed the congratulations of the Kirk-session. Principal MacVicar, as a former pastor of Cot^ Street Church, delivered an interesting address showing the catholicity of Pres- byterianism, indicating the point of contact between the Presbyterians and various other representative churches. The choir having sung "Jerusalem, my glorious home," the chairman introduced Mr. Edward B. Greenshields, grandson of a former pastor of the church and founder of St. Paul's Church. Having referred to Erskine Church, congratulatory addresses followed from the Rev. L. H. Jordan, pastor of the congregation, Mr. Andrew Robertson, and the Rev. R. H. Warden. Messrs. Stewart and Traquair then rendered a duet, "Now we are ambassadors," after which the concluding speech of the evening was then listened to. It was from the Rev. Mr. McCaul, of Stanle' Street Presbyterian Church, who referred to the St Gabriel edifice, and said that the right thing for Presbyterians to do would be to buy and preserve it for some general church use. A hymn having been sung, and refreshments served, the meeting closed. ^00 St. Gabriel CnuHai, Marcli 10th, 1886. The centennial festival was continued this evening, the pastor in the chair. After devotional exercises, the first congregation to be welcom )d was St. Mark's, which was organized by the Rev. W. M. Black, son of one of the former ministers of St. Gabriel Street Church. The Rev. J. Nichols responded on behalf of his congregation, and members of the choir of St. Mark's contributed to the evening's proceedings by singing several pieces. The Rev. Dr. Smyth, of the St. Joseph Street Church was prevented from being present by illness, but he sent greeting in his own name and on behalf of his Kirk-session and congregation. One of the managers of the church also answered the remarks from the chair in welcoming the congregation. An interesting part of the proceedings was the relation of Col. Fletcher and Mr. George Cruickshank of personal reminiscences in the old church. The Rev. Colborne Heine brought from Chalmers' Kirk-session and con- gregation, and the Rev. Thos. Bennett from Taylor Church the respectful greetings of the two youngest of the sisterhood of Presbyterian churches that had grown out of the old mother church in St. Gabriel Street, and thus was brought to a close a most interesting and delightful series of soirees. At the conclusion, the chairman reminded the friends present that these meetings were, however, meant to lead up to the great meeting, the anniversary itself, to be held in Knox Church on Friday evening, and urged their attendance then and there. He also referred to the com- memorative services to be held in his church next Lord's day, and explained that the Communion in the afternoon was to be quite distinct from the Anglican service, and a short interval would elapse between the two. ; . March 11th, 1886. The Conversazione in the David Morrice Hall this evening was a brilliant affair. The programme was arranged by a special committee, of which Rev. R. H. Warden was convener. The Rev. Professor Campbell, Moderator of the Presbytery of Montreal, occupied the chair. Congratulatory addresses were delivered during the evening by Rev. Dr. Wilkes, Rev. Prof. Shaw, of the Wesleyan College, Rev. Dr. Stone, of St. Martin's Episcopal Church, and His Honor Mayor Beaugrand. The Harmony Male Quartette Club sang several pieces, and Holland's Band filled up the intervals with appropriate music. Refreshments were served in the dining room, reading room and lecture room No. 1. The corridor, 101 library, halls and entire college buildings were thrown open at the close of the programme, and were thronged for the rest of the evening by all that was best in the way of intellect and worth in Montreal circles. It proved a happy suggestion to hold this reunion in honour of the centenary of Presbyterianism. Knox Church, March 12th, 1886. This was the great day of the feast. By eight o'clock, the church was well filled, and a little later every seat was taken. The Rev. Jas. Fleck, B.A., pastor of the church, presided, and on the platform were the Revds. Principal Mac Vicar, Prof, Coussirat, Dey, Robert Campbell, A. B. Mackay R. H. Warden, L. H. Jordan, W. R. Cruikshank, T. Bennett, J. Mackie, J. McCaul, W. J. Smythe, Ph.D., G. H. Wells, J. Nichols, J. Patterson, C. Heine, A. B. Cnichet, J. A. F. McBain, and K. McLennan, members of Presbytery, under whose auspices the meeting was held. The grand Old Hundredth Psalm was sung as the opening exercise. Rev. L. H. Jordan read the Scriptures and led in prayer. Then Psalm 122 was sung, after which the chairman gave a short historical address, showing the relation of the Knox congregation, in whose church the meeting was held, to the century of Presbyterianism just concluded, — as representing the main stalk of the original congregation, organized 12th March, 1786. Then followed the addresses of Principal MacVicar, Rev. Geo. H. Wells, of the Amerii n Presbyterian Church, and Rev. Dr. Reid. Psalms 24 and 48, and Paraphrase 2 being sung in the intervals. This grand meeting was brought to a close by prayer and the benediction by Rev. A. B. Mackay, of Crescent Street Church. ADDRESS DELIVERED IN KNOX CHURCH, MARCH 12th, 1886, BY PRINCIPAL MACVICAR. PRESBYTERIAN DOCTRINE AND POLITY. To say within half an hour what should be said on the subject, at the centenary of Presbyterianism in Montreal, is a task whicih I have not set for myself, but one which I have been constrained to attempt by the urgent persuasions of my lay and ministerial brethren. If my sentences, therefore, seem condensed and void of rhetorical expansion, ascribe it to the limit of time by which I am bound. Presbyterianism is not a thing of yesterday. Its doctrines and the fundamental principles of its polity can be readily traced to their apostolic source. Foremost among its dogmas is that which declares that the Bible is the supreme, infallible rule of faith and conduct, by which alone all matters of doctrine, worship and discipline must ultimately be determined. This was the great central principle of the Reformation of the sixteenth century, and the various Christian bodies formed under the spiritual im- pulse of that period have acted upon it with more or less fidelity. So far as Presbyterians are concerned, while granting occasional unfaithfulness and deadness, we may safely say that they have adhered to it with a firmness of purpose which is still unshaken. They have all along em- phasized the truth of the memorable words of Chillingworth : " The Bible, the whole Bible, and nothing but the Bible, is the rehgion of Protestants." Nor have they hesitated, amid successive storms of Germanic and Anglo- Saxon Biblical criticism, to indicate precisely what they mean by the Bible. In their subordinate standards they have definitely settled the canon by naming the books which it contains, and steadfastly refusing to allow any diminution of the number or any addition of apocryphal writings and the traditions of men. They have based the claim of the Book to infallible authority on its divine inspiration, and have uniformly put forward this claim in opposition to the pretended infallibility of Popes and Councils, and the imperious utterances of Rationalism. As to the mvde of inspiration, Presbyterian, as well as other theological writers, have ex- pressed a variety of opinions, while, touching the fact of inspiration, they have shown the utmost unanimity. They have declared in the clearest terms that the Book is from God, and is the true expression of His mind, while it has undoubtedly a human and historical character, inasmuch as 10S men were ussfl as ilio free organs of the Holy Spirit in making the record whether of truth communicated directly and for the first time by God, or gathered from human sources. Along with the inspiration, infallibility, and sovereign authority of the Bible, Presbyterians have strenuously maintained TUB RIOHT AND DUTY OF ALL TO USE IT FREELY, because of its perfect adaption to their intellectual, moral and spiritual wants. They have apprehended no danger from putting it into the hands of the i)eople, owing to its 8up{)08ed obscurity and tlie difliculty of under- standing it. They have gone ujwn the assumption — surely a safe and true one — that if the Spirit of God did not make plain his meaning and express in the most intelligible manner all essential saving truth, and if Jesus, whom the common people heard gladly, because He spake as never man spake, failed to state with sufficient simplicity and clearness His own gospel, we look in vain for help in this respect from erring, sinful men and human literature. And while strongly asserting the right of private judgment in determining the meaning of the word, Presbyterians have ever been careful, at the same time, to seek unanimity and catholicity of belief and practice among the members of the body of Christ : hence, the various creeds and confessions ujwn which they have been united. And here we take leave to say that creeds, whether written or unwritten, are necessary and unavoidable. They may be feeble and mutable, or strong and stable, the growth of the thought and wisdom of centuries. A man may be silly enough to ignore the past and all its efforts, and to regard the advent of wisdom into the world as dating from his own birth, but he should credit those who lived before him with some share of com- mon sense, and shape his creed accordingly. And one way or other a creed is inevitable. Since God has undoubtedly spoken to man, it is obviously man's duty, not only to listen but also to do his best to express in clear terms what he understands to be God's meaning. This is his creed, what he believes, it may contain much or little, may be logical and definite, or disorderly and vague, according to his capacity and culture and the measure of faith with which he receives the heavenly message. And it is manifest that the larger the number of intelligent, God-fearing, Bible honoring persons who are cordially agreed as to what they believe the better, because they thus testify openly to the unbelieving world that, in terms of his intercessory prayer, they are one in Christ, and because it is undeniable that the weakest part of every man's creed is that which he holds alone or aside from Christendom, and the strongest part that which he holds along with the whole household of God. Happily for Presbyterians they have never appeared as an isolated sect so far as doc- trine is concerned. Their strength has largely been their catholicity and 704 comprohonsive and firm ^raHp of divine truth. Tl)ey have accordingly, in common witli Cliristondoni, uccopted the Apostlon' Creed as containin),' apf)8tolic tiiacliinj;, althoujj;h not written by ajKistolic luinda, and tlio Nicene and so-called Athanasian Creeds in similar terms. If asked to give an historic; account of the belief of the portion of the Holy Catholic Church which we represent, we confidently jKiint to the oracles of God as supreme, and then to no narrow, sectarian creed, but to the consensus of the lieformed Confessions as that which we hold and teach. We point to the Galilean Confession of the Protestants of France (1559); the Belgic Confession of the Netherlands (1561); the second Helvetic Confession of Switzerland and other countries (1560); the Heidelberg Catechism of Germany and Holland (1563) ; the two Scottish Confessions of 1560 and 1581, as well as the Thirty-nine Articles of the Church of England, suj)- plemented and explained by the Lambeth Articles (1559), and the Irish Articles of Archbishop Usher (1615) ; and to the canons of ihe Synod of Dort (1618). WHAT WAS BEST IN ALI- THB8H VBNEKAHLFJ SVMHOLS was gathered up into our Westminster Confession and Catechisms in 1647. It was the specific outcome of the best Theological scholarship of the age, and of the terrible struggle between Puritanism and serai- Romanism, known as the Second Reformation in England. It was made, as is well known, in the venerable Abbey whose name it bears, and where the Bible was translated in 1611 for English-speaking people, and again recently revised. But although the work of English scholars, candid and profound, and intended for three kingdoms, it was rejected in the land of its origin and accepted in Scotland and by the churches beyond the Atlantic and Pacific. It may be said of all the confessions named, as well as of this last and best of them, that they are not the fruit of theory and speculation, but of keen, practical conflict and deep conviction. There were f^iants in those days, mighty men of God, Huguenots in France, Burghers in Holland, Puritans in England, and Covenanters in Scotland, who had the courage of their convictions, and who were ready to contend and die for the truth which they formulated. It is not sur- prising, therefore, that much of it assumed an apologetic and controver- sial form, and that the views of Apollinarians, Eutychians, Arians, Socinians, Pelagians, Arminians, and especially Papists, ^vere treated with critical skill and unmistakable firmness, facts which require to be kept in view, in order to read with success these great theological treatises, as they may be called. They are so largely moulded upon the prevailing errors of the stirring times which gave them birth, as to be almost unin- telligible to persons ignorant of these important periods of Church History. Nor is it to be regretted that our Westminster Standards are so largely apologetic, because they deal electively with great generic errors which 705 are ever recurring in slinlitiy varied forms in the history of human tlioiinht. It is prohably this foaturo of tho work, as well an the copious stores of positive and direct truth whicli it contains, that lias f^iven it vitality beyond all its predecessors, so that now, after more than two centuries, it stands, with but 8li(,'ht modifications, as still sotting forth the belief of the Reformed churiihes. Many persons ignorantly imagine that our Chunrh and doctrine are Scottish, and that the work of formulating our dogmas was limited to Scotland, but the facts are far otherwise. Before Scotland had any Con- fession of her own, about the year 1548, Goor~", Wishart, the martyr of St. Andrew's, translated and publiahod for tlie use of the people, the First Helvetic Confession, and it should not l)e forgotten that the best theo- logical instruction which our great Reformer, John Knox, ever received, was from the lips and writings of that Frenchman of penetrating, mar- vellous, imi)erial mind, John Calvin. He was thus taught the views which he incorporated in his Confessio iScoticana (1563), which was adopted by the General Assembly, so that in a very essential sense, Scot- land owes her first Confession to the French mind. Then, a few years later, the Assembly sanctioned and approved the Second Helvetic Con- fession. This symbol originated (1566) in the desire.to enlarge tlie earlier Swiss Confession of 1536, and to include in it the views of John Calvin, whicli had meanwhile been published. It was also professedly drawn up to manifest the unity of doctrinal belief among the Reformed continental ciiurches, and was approved by most of them before being adopted in Scotland, and has ever since found general acceptance in Switzerland. The Geneva catechism, prepared by John Calvin, was also sanctioned by the General Assembly upon this specific ground, among others, that it was then the one most generally used among the Reformed churches, our Presbyterian ancestors thus again showing tlic utmost catholicity of spirit and practice. Moreover, the Heidelberg catechism was translated into English and freely used in the Church of Scotland. It was originally prepared by the Heidelberg theologians, Gaspar Olevianus and Zachariah Ursinus, at the command of the Elector-Palatine, Frederick III. It ie Calvinistic in doctrine, and became the standard of the churches and schools of the Palatinate, and retains the authority of a symbol in Ger- many to this day. It was approved by the Synod of Dort, 1618, and its use in Scotland shows both the identity of British and Continental Pres- byterianism, and how much we owe to Germany, as well as to Switzer- land and France. Finally, the Act of the Parliament of 1690, approving the Westminster Confession of Faith, fully recognizes the fact that it con- tains the sum and substance of the preceding Reformed Confessions. Our claim, therefore, to catholicity in doctrine and polity is no vain boast, but one which rosts upon a broad and strong historical foundation, and the fact that our subordinate standards survived the revolutionary storms of the eighteenth century, and are to-day accepted by millions of U U 706 ChristianH of a thoughtful and vigorous typo all over the world, and an* more influential than ever before, is no nniniijortant evidence of their being the vehi(;le of (lod's trutli which ahideth forever. The uixtoenth and (leventeenth centuries formed a period of unprei^edented njental and 8j)iritual activity, of reformation and thoolo).'i<;al pro>;re8», but the eij;hleeiith century was a time of re-action and dcHtruction. It waa then that Deism in En^cland robbed men of the truth ui God and left them nothin;,' but tlie cold lifeless sitoleton of natural relijrion and threatened tiie ruin of (Jhurch and State, until the apologetic eflorts of Butler, Lard- ner and others, and the vital warmth of the Methodist revival in some measure chocked its progress. Deism in France Degonerated into Blasphemous Atheism, leroval of Hoirie of bis brethem. 1 have not met with the pamphlet, and I am not aware that the proposed society was not actually formed. The objects set forth, however desirable in themselves, have not yet been practically secured in the Province of Quebec. After the division of the (.'hurch in 1844, Mr. Esson was removed to Toronto, to take part in the work of educating younj? men for the Ministry. In this Work he was in his element. He was a most enthusiastic teacher, and his lectures and teaching were well fitted, not merely to impart additional knowledge to the young men under his care but to quicken and stimulate their mental qualities and make them truly life-long students. Mr. Esson, who was grer tly beloved by a large circle of friends, died in the early part of 1853. With the Rev. Edward Black, the Minister of St. Paul's Church, I was but little acquainted. He was seldom present at subsequent meetings of Synod. He was a faithful Minister, and much respected and beloved by the members of his congregation. I could recall with great pleastire my impressions ofmany of the ministers who were in the Church when I became connected with it, but this would occupy too much of your time. I shall briefly mention a few of them. Dr. Machar of Kingston, from whom with his excellent and devoted wife, I received on my first arrival kindness which I shall never forget, was a man greatly respected and beloved by those who knew him. He did not greatly delight in the debates of church courts, but he was a man of sound views, extensive learning, and deep personal piety. He was a model pastor. At a subsequent period he rendered most important services in connexion with Queen's College. The Rev. William Rintoul, first pastor of St. Andrew's Church, Toronto* but of Streetsville, when I came to Canada, was also one who laboured faithfully and in various capacities for the advancement of the Presby- terian church. Afterwards he was connected for a time with Knox College as instructor in Hebrew and Biblical Literature, and for the latest years of his life was Minister of St. Gabriel Street Church. From time to time he did a large amount of Missionary work. He was respected and beloved as a man of deep piety and of a most catholic spirit. The Rev. Alexander Gale, for many years Minister of Hamilton, was an excellent scholar, a zealous educationalist, and a most faithful, laborious and useful Minister. He gave much attention to the public business of the Church, and exerted an extensive influence throughout the whole of the Western Section of Canada. After 1844, he was called to Toronto to take charge of an Academy and give instructions in Classical Literature 721 to the Studonts in Knox College. Mr. Gale died in the early part of 1854. The Rev. Hugh Urqiiliart was Mmlerator of the (irst Synod which I attended. He was a man of >?entlo but dignified hoariiiii, and appeared to nie to (liHchargo with groat attention and ability the duties of the chair. The Rev. William Bell of Pertii had come at an early ()orio(l to Canada, and his labours tended largely to build up Presbyterianism in what was then called the Bathurst district. I rememlier during the meeting of Synod in 1840, we had a social gathering of the members in a large room in the North American Hotel in Toronto, when Mr. Bell gave very in- teresting accounts of his early labours. He had two sons in the ministry of the Presbyterian Church, Rev. Andrew Boll, and Rev. George Bell, now Dr. George Bell, who resides in Kingston. The Rev. Peter Colin Campbell first wont as a Presbyterian Minister to the Mauritius. After a short time he came to Canada, and was called to Brockville. When Queen's College was established, he was appointed Professor of Classical Literature. Afterwards he was Minister of Caputh, in Perthshire, Scotland, and subsequently was Principal of the Uni- versity of Aberdeen. He was a man of acute intellect and an accom- plished scholar. The Rev. Robert McDowall was one of the earliest Presbyterian Minis- ters who preached in Canada, having come to the country before the close of last century. For many years he was almost the only Presbyterian Minister who preached in the country. For many years he was almost the only Presbyterian Minister along the shores of Lake Ontario, and many congregations owed their continued existence, under the blessing of God, to his Missionary visits. He was present at my ordination, and remained with me a few days at Colborne. His long experience, deep piety and strong common sense well qualified him to give needful counsels to a young and inexperienced minister. He lived two or three years after the date referred to. The Rev. John Bayne of Gait, afterwards Dr. Bayne, was one who left his impress on the Presbyterian Church- He was a man of powerful intellect, of deep thought and strongly marked character. His sermons are still remembered in the whole district around Gait. They were truly great sermons, frequently occupying nearly a couple of hours in the de- livery, but they were listened to not only with patience and attention but with avidity. But were I to speak even briefly of all the ministers with whom I was brought into contact, and who might be counted worthy of being remem- bered, I should detain you to an unreasonable hour. I should like to speak of such men as Thomas Wilson, of Perth ; John Fairbairn, of Ram- say ; Henry Gordon, of Gananoque ; James Ketchum, of Belleville ; V V 722 Robert McGill, of Niagara, afterwards of Montreal ; M. Y. Stark, of Dundas; John M, Roger, of Peterborough ; Donald McKenzie, of Zorra; Dr. James George, of Scarboro', and many others. Very few of those who were ministera of the Church in 1840, are now alive, and still fewer are in the active discharge of the duties of the ministry. Dr. John Cook, of Quebec, Mr. Thomas Alexander, at one time of Cobourg, Mr. Duncan McMillan, and Mr. William Meldrum are, so far as I know, the only ministers now alive who were in the ministry when I first became identi- fied with the Canadian Church. I should add the name of Dr. Robert Neill, of Seymour, who was ordained one day before me. You will observe that in these remarks I have confined myself to ministers in the Church at the time of my arrival in Canada, and with whom I was per- sonally acquainted. There were at that time several ministers who, in any history of the Presbyterian Church, are worthy of being mentioned, connected with the Secession or United Presbyterian Church, but with these I was not brought into contact. Such men as Mr. William Proud- foot, Wm. Taylor, John Jennings, Robert Thornton, and others of their associates did much to extend Presbyterianism. Happily the streams which then flowed in different channels have been united to form one great river. For more particular accounts regarding the early workers in the field, I refer you to the pages of the volume lately published by my excellent friend, Dr. Gregg, of Knox College. My plan, it will be seen, restricts me also from referring to those who came in after years, such as Dr. Robert Burns, Dr. Willis, and others. I may state that at the first meeting of Synod after my arrival, the union of what was called the United Synod with the Synod in connection with the Church of Scotland, took place. This union brought in such men as Mr. William Smart, of Brockville, Dr. Robert Boyd, of Prescott, Mr. Daniel W. Eastman, of Grimsby, and others, — in all, sixteen ministers. Several of them had been pioneers of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Had time permit ted, I should have referred to some of the prominent elders who, in early days took part in ecclesiastical matters. I am reluctantly obliged to lay aside this part of my plan. There is one elder, however, whose name often occurs in the early minutes of Synod, I refer to the Honourable William Morris, whose public services and private labours did much to advance the interests and secure the rights of the Presbyterian Church. The early Canadian ministers had to meet with many difficnlties, and even trials, which are not experienced in these days. The state of the coxintry and of the roads, and the domestic arrangements of the houses where the minister or missionary had often to lodge, were very different from what we find now. Then, again, they were in many cases isolated, far removed from each other, and with few opportunities of meeting, except on the occasion of Presbytery and Synodical meetings. Their time for study was limited, as their fields of labour were often so exten- •723 sive that they had to be almost every day in the saddle, either for a preaching appointment or for family visitation. There was less ma- chinery then than in these days, but there was a large amount of missionary work done— indeed, every minister was a home missionary as well as a pastor. Had this not been the case, the Presbyterian Church would not to-day have bean such as it is. While the early fathers of the Church had each a full share of work in his own sphere, they were from the beginning public-spirited men, men of large views, and of high Christian enterprise. From the very first formation of Church courts, the ministers and elders at their meetings gave their attention to such subjects as the following : The education of young men for the Christian ministry, Home Mission work, the state of religion, missions to the heathen, and to the Aborigines, Sabbath ob- servance, temperance, and the subject of the license laws, Psalmody, a religious book depository, aud other matters intimately connected with the moral and physical advancement of the people. Some of these sub- jects have not yet been exhausted, but occupy the attention of the Church from year to year. But I must hasten to a close. My review goes back less than fifty years. Even within the limits of this period very great changes have taken place, changes in almost every dep irtment, civil and ecclesiastical. When we contemplate the altered circumstances of the present day, the vast growth of the Church, for in reality the little one has become a thousand, the altered social condition of the people, the improvement in church architecture, in Sabbath school accommodation, in church psalmody, in the means which the young men of our congregations, whose hearts the Lord hath touched, have for obtaining education, both literary and theological, we may well say, " What hath God wrought ?" I have attained the ago when one is somewhat disposed to look back in the past, and " inquire why the former times were better than these." Perhaps in some respects they may have been bettor, but I am no pessimist. I do not believe that things have been becoming worse, but better. I believe that in many respects the present times are better than any that have gone before, that there is more spiritual life in the churches and in the individual Christians than in former years, and more interest in the extension of Christ's kingdom, and I think we can witli great confidence look forward to the future. So far as our Presby- terian Church is concerned, let us maintain our great fundamental doc- trines, the great doctrines of grace, as set forth in our symbolical books and as prominently unfolded in the word of God. Let us be faithful to our principbs, while at the same time we cultivate friendly intercourse ^ith other branches of the Church of Christ, for our principles lead us to be Catholic, and to recognize as brethren in the Lord all who love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity and in truth. Let us be faithful to the 724 great Head of the Church, and we may trust that, through His blessing and the abiding presence and power of His spirit, there will be seen even greater progress and growth in the future than in the past, to the glory of our God and King. A hundred years, a century, is a long time to look back on, it is a long time to which to look forward. We cannot anticipate the future. We know not what changed may take place in the course of years, but we have the true promise to rely on, " Lo I am with you always, even to the end of the world." St. Gabriel Chuech, March 14th, 1886. SERMON PREACHED IN ST. GABRIEL CHURCH, AT 11 A.M., BY THE REV. WILLIAM REED, D.D.. OF TORONTO, CLERK OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Hebrews vii., 23, 24, 25 : " And they truly were many prusts," etc. The careful reader of the Epistle to the Hebrews will have observed that a leading object of the writer is to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ,— to exalt him personally as higher than any creature, as better than the angels; yea, as God's equal,— to exalt him officially as worthy of more glory than Moses, and as superior to the priests of the Old Testament, the priests of the order of Aaron. Several points of contrast are mentioned between the Levitical priests and Christ, and between their respective priesthoods. The writer of the Epistle especially dwells on this point, that the priests under the law were after the order of Aaron, but Christ was after the order of Melchizedeck. who is spoken of as being " without father, without mother, without descent." The obvious meaning of these expressions is not that Melchizedek was really without father and mother, but that his priesthood did not depend on his earthly parentage. The priests under the law held office in virtue of their descent from Aaron, Unless their descent could be thus traced,they could not hold the priestly office. But in the case of Melchizedek, his priesthood did not depend on his being the son of any earthly parent He was a priest specially appointed and recognized by God; and so Christ was a priest by special appointment of God the Father. " Thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek." Farther, Aaron and his successors were priest*, and nothing more. Melchizedek was both a king and a priest, and Christ was king and priest together, " a priest upon his throne." 725 In considering this passage more fully, I shall consider, 1st, the state- ment as to the priests under the law ; 2nd, the declaration as to the priest- hood of Christ, in its perpetuity and unchangeableness; 3rd, the infer- ence which the writer draws, that in virtue of his priesthood the Lord Jesus Christ is able to save unto the uttermost all who come unto God by him. First, then, let us notice the statement of the text as to the priests under the law, " And they truly were many priests," etc. Under the Old Testament dispensation there were many priests. Several persons exe- cuted the duties of the priesthood at the same time. They were divided into several orders. There was a division of labor. One order or rank had one set of duties to dischart^e, and another had another set of duties. But Christ, in all his priestly work, was alone. " Of the people there was none with him." None shared hie work. He is the one mediator between God and man. Neither angel nor archangel, not even his mother, could take part with him in his priestly and mediatorial work. The undivided work and the undivided honor belong to him alone. But the passage is to be regarded as referring not so much to the fact that under the law several persons might be executing the functions of the priesthood at the same time, as to the fa(;t that there were many priests in succession. They were not suflered to continue by reason of death. One generation of men passed away alter another, and so one set of priests passed away after another. One high priest succeeded another. The holy offices to which they were consecrated, the holy services and duties in which they were engaged, did not preserve them from the stroke of death. Being themselves sinful men, needing to have sacrifices offered for their own sins, being themselves compassed with infirmity, they had to submit to death. Death passed upon them as well as upon others. And as their work was not perfect, as their services and sacrifices needed to be repeated from day to day, being in reality merely types and shadows of good things to come, there required to be a succession in the priesthood, one being raised up to take the place of another. There were thus many priests, becausa they were not suflTered to continue by reason of death. There were among these priests men of different characters. Some were exemplary for their piety and fidelity, and there were others who made themselves vile by their ungodliness and wickedness. Some died full of days, and others were cut down in the midtime of their life. Some came to their end in peace, and others were cut off by some sudden strokes of divine displeasure. The high priest himself, with all his high dignity and privileges, could not long continue, by reason of infirmity and death. As Aaron was gathered unto his fathers, and was succeeded by Eleazar, his son, so one high priest succeeded another in rapid succes- sion. " They truly were many priests, because they were not suffered to continue by reason of death." "^""3 So it is still with ministers and people alike. They are not suffered to •726 continue by reason of death. Congregations have a succession of minis- ters ; and ministers see themselves surrounded with new congregations. This old pulpit has been filled by a succession of ministers. Within the range of my own memory, there have been in succession five ministers, exclusive of the present incumbent, who, I trust, may be long spared to minister, as in the past, to a faithful and attached congregation. Ihe first whom I knew was Mr. Henry Esson, who was greatly beloved, and whose memory is still cherished by surviving members of the old con- gregation. On being called to another important field of labor, he was succeeded by Mr. William Leishman, wlio was in his turn succeeded by Mr. William Rintoul, a man of deep piety and missionary zeal. Mr. Rintoul was the only minister of this churcli whose pastorate was closed by death. I refer, of course, to those whom I knew. The others were translated to other spheres of labor. Mr. Rintoul died as pastor of this flock, being cut down by cholera while on a missionary tour to Metis. His grave is in the little Protestant burying ground at Rivifire du Loup. After Mr. Rintoul, Mr. David Inglis was for several years minister of this church. Many, no doubt, remember still liis faithful proclamation of the Gospel, and also the severe domestic bereavements which, in the provi- dence of God, he was called upon to experience. After his removal to Hamilton, in the Province of Ontario, the pulpit was occupied by Mr. Alexander F. Kemp, well known as a man of science and as ah education- ist, as well as an able preacher. These ministers in succession occupied the pulpit, each in his own style proclaiming the gospel of the grace of God. Tliey have all passed away, not being suffered to continue by rea- son of death. These old pews, too, have been filled by a succession of hearers. The old bell— the first, I believe, that ever pealed in any Pro- testant church in the Province— has summoned to the house of God suc- cessive generations of worshippers. Tliere have been changes in ^Jie pulpit and in the pews. Individuals and families pass away and others take their place. So it will still be. To-day we are in our places, busied with our ordinary duties ; but time passes on. Death, judgment and eternity are at hand. Let us work while it is called to-day. " Whatso- ever our hand findeth to do, let us do it with our might. The day is far spent and the night is at hand, when no work can be done." IL In the second place let us notice the declaration in the text as to Christ and his priesthood. " But this man, because he continueth ever, hath an unchangeable priesthood." The Lord Jesus Christ, our great high priest, was made like unto his brethren. " He took not on him the nature of angels, but the seed of Abraham." He is such a high priest as became us, one who can be touched with a feeling of our infirmities, ons who was tempted like as we are, yet without sin. But although man, he was not a mere man, — he was Emmanuel, God with us. He died, but he died not aa a mere man. He laid down his life lor his people. He was 121 both the priest and the victim. He oflfered himself up as a lamb without blemish and without spot. He poured out his soul as an offering for sin. And having died, he rose again, for death could have no dominion over him ; and continued his priestly office by ascending into heaven, there to present the merits and memorials of his infinitely precious sacrifice and to make within the vail intercession for his people. The priesthood of those priests, who were after the order of Aaron, terminated with their lives. But when pur great high priest, who is not after the order of Aaron, died, his priesthood did not terminate. The scene of operation wivs transferred from earth to heaven. As the high priest on the great day of atonement, after having offered up the appointed sacrifice, entered into the holy place with the blood of the sacrifice, so Jesus, having arisen from the grave, ascended to his Father and entered into the holy place, not made with hands, even into heaven itself, there to carry on his great work, to plead the merits of his sacrifice, to receive gifts for men, even for the rebellious, and to make continuous intercession for the people. His priestly work on earth was complete. " By his one offering he perfected forever them who are sanctified." His sacrifice was so precious, so perfect, that it needed no repetition like the sacrifices under the law,— it required no addition to be made to it. But in heaven his intercession is perpetual. " He abideth a priest forever." " He ever liveth to make intercession for his people." We cannot tell nor understand precisely how Clirist's intercession is carried on. He appears personally in the pres- ence of the Father as a mediator. He stands as " the lamb slain," still bearing the marks and prasenting the virtue of his meritorious and sacrificial death. From the words which he himself uses, " I will pray the Father," we may believe that by some distinct expression of his will he pleads the cause of his people before the Father. Tenderly, lovingly, with sympathy and with efl'ect, he pleads our cause at the right hand of the Throne of God. " We have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous." While, then, we have no priests such as officiated under the law, while we have no bloody sacrifices, while we do not recognize the necessity of any repetition, or attempted repetition, of the sacrifice, whi< h he offered up once for all, while we do not regard ministers of the Gospel as exercis- ing priestly functions, we are not without a priest, as some assert of us. We have a priest, a great high priest, who hath passed into the heavens, and who ever liveth, interceding for us. While some believe in earthly priests and offerings and sacrifices, the Christian can say : • .' " I need no priest save Hina who is above, No altar save the heavenly mercy seat, Through these there flows to me the pardoning love, . _ -^ " ^ And thus in holy peace my God I meet. 728 I need no blood but that of Golgotha, No sacrifice save that which on the tree Was offered once without defect or flaw, And which, unchanged, availeth still for me. I need no vestment, save the linen white, With which my high priest clothes my guilty soul, He shares with me his seamless raiment bright, And I in Him am thus complete and whole." III. In conclusion, let us briefly notice the influence which the apostle draws from the nature of the priesthood of the Lord Jesus, " Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost who come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them." Christ having, in his priestly character, by his sufferings even unto death, fully paid the price of our redemption, having been exalted to the right hand of God, clothed with all authority and power, and exercising the function of mediator and advocate in behalf of his people, may be well regarded as able to save to the uttermost all who come unto God by him. His sacrifice being of infinite value, his intercession being continual, his i^;terest in his people and his love to them being ever fresh, ever unchangeable, no enemy can successfully assail them, no sin can destroy them, for if they sin, they have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. He can save to the uttermost in respect of sin and guilt. " His blood cleanseth from all sin." He can save the very chief of sinners. He can save to the uttermost in respect of time, on to the end of the Gospel day, until the last ransomed soul shall be saved. He can save to the uttermost in respect of the necessities and wants of his people, sustain them to the last of their days, through all their tempta- tions, conflicts, trials, weaknesses and sorrows, and make them conquer- ors and more than conquerors. Consider, then, brethren, the apostle and high priest of our profession, Christ Jesus. He is a Saviour, able and mighty to save, and willing, too, for he hath declared that whosoever cometh unto him shall in no wise be cast out. Let all look to him. Let sinners, laden with the guilt of num- berless sins, look to him. There is truly life in a look, for the proclama- tion is, " Look unto me and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth. " Let weak and trembling believers look to him. His grace shall be made sufficient for them. He is ever making intercepsion for them. Let us all habitually look to Jesus Christ in him ; changes may take place around us, earthly relatives, friends and companions may be taken from us, but he ever liveth, the same yesterday, to-day and forever. The lips of fathers and mothers and ministers who have pleaded with us and pleaded for us may become cold and silent, but Jesus, our ever living and ever loving friend, abideth ever, making intercession for his people. He liveth ever, and because he lives, they shall live also.— Ambn. THE ANGLICAN SERVICE. In the afternoon, at 3 o'clock, a service of the Church of England " in commemoration of the years 1805 to 1814 during which, by the Christian courtesy of this congregation, the members of the Church of England were permitted to hold their service in this church " — as was stated in the " Form of prayer " printed for the occasion, was held. Ven. Arch- deacon Evans ofliciated, assisted by Rev. Canons Ellegoodand Anderson. There was a special fitness in Mr. Evans undertaking the office, not only from his ecclesiatical status, and as the Bishop's private chaplain, but also from the fact that hie wife is a grand-daughter of Rev. John Bethune> the founder of Presbyterianism in Montreal. The church and chancel Avere beautifully ornamented with flowers. Tho service began with the singing of the 100th Psalm, the rendering of which was much aided by the choir of St. Stephen's Church. This was followed by part of the usual order for evening prayer. Psalms 122 and 123 were then read, after which Canan Ellegood read the first lesson from Isaiah 62. This was followed by the singing of the Magnificat, after which Canon Ellegood read the second lesson from Rev. 1. The Detis Misereatur was then sung, followed by the repeating of the Apostle's Creed. Canon Anderson then read the Collect for the first Sunday in Lent, and the second and third Collects at evening prayer. The hymn " The Church's one Foundation " was then sung. Canon Anderson then read the prayers for the Queen and Royal Family, for the clergy and people of all conditions, a general thanksgiving, and the prayer of St. Chrysostom, with a special clause for the occasion, referring to St. Gabriel Church. The hymn, "All hail the power of Jesu's name," was then sung. Archdeacon Evans preached the sermon, choosing as his text Revelation xxi. 22 : — " And I saw no temple therein." How intimately connected, the preacher said, are our earthly temples and our spiritual lives. The earth contains no spot so sacred or so dear to a devout soul as the tabernacle of God pitched among men. the material sanctuary of wood and stone where prayer is wont to be made. It has always been so since God chose a people for himself. Long before any temple's foundation had been laid, Abraham had his " place before the Lord " to which he gat him up to pray. The solitudes of Bethel became the very gate of heaven to Jacob, where he built an altar and called it the House of God. Later on in Israel's history all their religious life was clustered round the tabernacle. There the blood of sacrifice and the smoke of incense gave expression to •730 a people's faith and obedience. There were oflTered a people's prayers and praises. There prophetic ceremonial spoke of better things to come. And later still, when David's son had built God's temple at Jerusalem, where the gold and the silver, the cedar, the marble and the brass, lent their beauty and strength to the material structure, while the mystic glory of the Shechinah glowed within, how did all the holiest instincts of God's people centre there ? It was the very habitation of their souls, the home of their desires, the joy of the whole earth. Thither the son of Abraham turned in fond devotion from every distant land whither his wandering feet might carry him. Like Daniel in Babylon, he would open the win- dows of his soul towards Jerusalem, the city of his love, and the fervid longings of his heart would find expression like the Psalmist's, " How amiable are thy dwellings, thou Lord of Hosts ; my soul hath a desire to enter into the courts of the Lord.." And when at length One more glorious than the high priest effulgent with oracular jewelry came to God's temple, even the Messenger of the covenant, to whom all types and ceremonies pointed, in whom they found their meaning, and before whom they melted away even as the stars which pale before the gilded splendor of the rising sun, when a fuller divine presence even than the Shechinah glowed within its precincts— even the Sun of Righteousness— when at length his scattered followers went everywhere preaching forgiveness through His name, his words at Jacob's well found wonderful fulfillment :— " The hour cometh when ye shall neither in this mountain nor yet at Jerusalem worship the Father." When from city to city and from land to land the churches of living stones, communities of blood-washed souls began to rear material structures, cross-crowned habitations for the worship of the crucified, the same devotion to the courts of God's house, which so marked the Jewish, pervaded the Christian sentiment as well, and men have grown to reve- rence and then to love them. Round them their most sacred associations gather, and their holiest memories cluster. Of the log chapel reared by the self-denying toil of the hardy pioneer, as of the lofty cathedral adorned with painted glass and sculptured marble, devout spirits have learned to sing :— I love the place, Lord, Wherein Thine honor dwells ; The joy of Thine abode All earthly joy excels. And to-day what sacred memories gather round this venerable edifice ! Sacred memories for you of the Presbyterian faith — grateful memories to us of England's church, and wholesome, happy memories for all. Even since we assembled here this afternoon, Jiow many of you, my older brethren, have been retracing your steps through the years that are gone. Many who have worshipped here and passed away, have lived again in 1S1 your thoughts ; memory lias re-peopled this place with the kind and the good of past generations who used to tread these courts, to learn the secret of that better life which is now their's forevermore. Living again in memory, the fires of old affection are re-kindled and you are ready to cry, " Oh, for the touch of a vanislied hand and the sound of a voice that is still !" To many of you will come grateful memories of blessings here experienced — seasons of refreshing hero enjoyed — words of counsel and of comfort heard from this pulpit in times of perplexity and sorrow. For us, wo seem to live again in those days when your generous-minded ancestors threw open these hospitable iloors to ours and bid them wel- come to find a temple for their worship here, while exiled by misfortune from their own. We seem to have bridged over the span of seventy years since last our forefathers in the faith assembled here, and our sur- pliced clergy stood to load their worship in the self-same venerable form which we have used to-day. We stand upon historic as well as holy ground. Turning from these thoughts, how strange, how almost startling will the statement seem that every earthly temple made with hands, however sacred its associations, is after all but a reminder of the fall of man. We call them monuments of faith, and so they are; but so also are they monuments of our rained state, monuments of what the world has forfeited through sin. The more strict and proper meaning of the word " temple" is a place consecrated to God, with ministering priest, incense and sacrifice. But we have come to use it also in a figurative sense of any place specially sot apart for the worship of God. In either sense they have only existed in the world becaui^e of the havoc sin has wrought While tliore was no sin, there was no sacrifice. Had there been no sin, there had been no altar, no place of offering for sin, no temple. Before the fall time and place for worship were unknown. But for the fall, they had remained unknown. Then the universe had been God's temple, all humanity his congregation, every spot a sanctuary, every word praise, every act worship. Thus was it in Paradise. Only in the day of sin, was this happy prospect blighted, and those elements let loose which have limited man's worship and devotions as to time and place. " They heard the voice of God m alking in the garden in the cool of the day." Ominous words are these ! It was the day on which the pleasures of sin had overtaken them. Hitherto God had been always present to them ; to-day he had been present, but they had not seen Him. Sin had dis- tracted them. Disobedience had shut him out from view. Only with the solemnities of night, conscience asserted itself and the voice of God was heard. Thenceforward life has been marred of God's design — part sin and part obedience, part toil and part worship— here a temple and there a temple — worship and service of God no longer universal — man's whole attitude changed towards God. No longer natural for him to be holy he must be helped by ordinances. The truth he never should have * 1S2 ' . needed must be preached to him. Ho must bo taught the remedy of a disease he never should have had. For this tliere must be a ministry, and for the ministry a temple. Thus earthly temples, sacred as they are, are but concessions to our necessities, only needful because of sin. They stand like garrisons of a king in a once loyal but now disloyal province — their very existence sorrowful because testifying of a disloyalty which should not be. They are strongholds of truth, only needful because truth is not universal — strongholds of holiness, only needed because holiness is not universal, as once it was — their very idea embodying false concep- tions of God — seeming to represent Him as dwelling more in one particu- lar place than another, while He asks, " Where is the house that ye built Me, and where is the place of My rest?' They seem by the very use men make of them to encourage the idea that the worship of God is but for one day, and not for all the seven. God has permitted them in merci- ful condescension because of the infirmity of our nature, but from the beginning it was not so. Thus can we come to understand why St. John saw no temple therein. He was beholding things as they are to l)e, when He who in the beginning created shall have made all things new, when He shall not only replace them as they were, destroying sin, but shall crown them with a fuller glory. And nowhere in all God's creation shall the blessed transformation be so wonderful as in man himself, redeemed and glorified. Ihe i.eeds of his present fallen state being needs no longer, that which supplies them shall be done away. Here he must toil, and so must rest. To this end, darkness follows daylight in merciful succes- sion. Then rest will be universal. No period need be measured off for it — there is no night there- " No candle, neither light of the sun," no luminaries where all is light. There no Sabbath dawns, because no Sab- bath ends. It is a perpetual keeping of Sabbath. And thus, too, " No temple is there" — no place for sacrifice, where the Great Sacrifice is ever present — where all are redeemed — no place dedicated to worship, wliere the great object of all worship, is present — no place for ordinances, the channels of God's grace, where wo shall be in living intercourse with Him. Their glory present everywhere alike, the splendor of their pres- ence filling every part, and making all heaven a temple, and thus " the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it" — its every citizen a spiritual priest, its every occupant a worshipper. So then at length, my brethren, worship is to be universal. The shades and differences of this world's sanctuaries shall find no place there. The true followers of the Lamb whose voices never blended in worship here, shall and must be blended there. Shall not this thought encourage us to seek and pray for fuller foretastes of the harmonious spirit which there we shall experience so fully ? For this the heart of Christendom is longing ; for this we believe the Mighty Advocate is pleading still as He did upon earth that " they may be one." If uniform- 733 ity of practice, faith and doctrine seem a jrreat way off— imfMissible per- haps until heaven is the universal temple — though those are days when any movement onco inau^urattnl may develop with worulorful rapidity— a closer unity of spirit may at least be cultivated between the followers of Him who says "Hereby shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye love one another." If we lived more up to the principle, " In all things charity," Christianity would present a more consistent and attractive aspect than it does. The truest way of drawing nearer each other is by drawing mutually nearer to the Crucified. As the radii of a circle approach each other, in proportion as they approach the centre, so, Christians come nearer to each other as tliey come nearer to Christ. If He is to be the Temple of our worship by and by. He must be the life and only centre of our worship here — the desire of our hearts, the glory of our lives. Brethren in Jesus Christ, may we who have mingled in His worship to-day in this temple, made with hands, again unite our praises where " the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple" eternal in the heavens. The sermon was followed by an offertory on behalf of a new St. Gabriel church building fund. The hymn, " One sweetly solemn thought," was then sung, which was followed by a prayer and the benediction, which closed the service. After service the Holy Communion was administered, a large number of the congregation remaining to receive it. The Rev. Dr. Reid, Rev. Prof. Scrimger and Rev. Robert Campbell, the pastor, officiated. The scene was one of deep solemnity. SERMON PREACHED IN ST. GABRIEL CHURCH, MARCH 14th, 1886, AT 7 P.M., BY THE REV. GEORGE DOUGLAS, LL.D., PRINCIPAL OF THE WESLEYAN COLLEGE. Psalm xcii., 4 : — " For Thou, Lord, hast made me glad. Through Thy work, I will triumph in the works of Thy hands." Of all productions of thought, of artistic skill and of creative genius, the most unchanging in form and duration is that of poetry and song. The songs of the Vedas, the Iliad of Homer, the tales of Chaucer, these have travelled down to us from remote antiquities, and still, with eye undimmed and natural strength unabated, they fling defiance in the face of time and hold a divinity within them which age can never kill. And what is the secret of this undecaying, undying power of song ? Mani- Y34 fently becauso it crystallizes thought into the rallying erica of liberty; into tho inHtiiicts of (loop aU'ectioii; into tiio idoals of boauty that ascend to the Diviiio; into just that whicli our liumanity (locrt^es shall iiovor dio. Seldom, if ovor, has the world witnossod a finer illustration of all this than in tho psalms before us. Hoar with ago, yot crowned with i)eren- nial youth, they come to us with songs ; songs pathetic and tender as tears; songs that breatho swoett>st devotion; songs of (Conflict and tri- umph, empire and victory ; songs that strike every note in the scale of possible ex|)erionce, from exultant joy down to avenging remorse; songs that stand as God's great heritage to tho Church throughout all ages and generatiouH. Our text, this evening, is one of those ( rystallizod thoughts, true in the experience of the unknown psalmist, true, forever true. " Thou, Ix)rd, has made me glad through Thy work. I will triumph in the works of Thy hands." The subject before us is in commemorative harmony with this centen- nial occasion. We do not propose to subject this text to any severe analysis, but simply to ask your prayerful contemplation of some of God's works as the source of gladness and triumph to the Christian. I. — Works op God in Works op Nature. The method of all anti-Christian science is to begin with the atom, and by natural evolution advance to an athoistic and idtimate negation of an intelligent Designer. The method of Christian science is to begin with an Infinite Thinker, and trace his handiwork to its last analysis. In this material universe we have matter unorganized, matter organized into life, and then that life ascending to alliance with intelligence. Take mat- ter unorganized, pulverize and sift it, fuse it with fire, dissolve it with liquids, analyze it down to its ultimate atom. In that unseen atom, you find law and force, the law of elective affinity, and a force, working accord- ing to law, which leads these atoms to rush into each other's embrace, build themselves up into crystalline forms that oorruscate into beauty, up into those granite heights that stand as ministers of sublimity to men, and, as the laws of matter are alike in all worlds, up into those flaming suns and systems that swing the rounds of immensity — " Forever singing as they shine. The hand that made us is divine." Take, again, matter organized into life. All seeds hold within them a slumbering and germinal power. Let one be deposited in the soil, it wakes from its long sleep, it builds its cylinder, it seeks the light, it blos- soms in the bud, damasks in the rose, goldens in the fruit, and diffuses, like benediction, its perfume all around. Before this, deepest science 735 and liij,'ho8t artmicovor and bow their roverential heads, and with united voices declare, " Tlio builder and maker in (lod !" Then take hfo in its hi^lier forms, — tlie wondrous optics of the ea^lo oyo, tlio uticeasinK enjiinery of the heart, the thrill of the nerve, the tine frenzy of the animal nature, up to the culminatinji beauty of that piiysi- cal manJKMMl which becomes the place of al)idinK for that searching intel- ligence that nra(luatt\s the laws of the univc^rse and reveals the thinkinjjp of God. Standinji amid the amplitude of this universe, with evidence everywhere of an infinite and jjersonal thinker, of an infinite and {xir- sonal worker, who delighta in beauty, who expresses the sympathy of his heart in the universal mother-love, who manipulates the universe, so that it is working toward rij^hteousness, how just the testimony, how kindiinti the thoujzht, that the hand of a Father-God is in all. Yes » "Thou, Lord, hast matle me j^lad. Through Thy work, I will triumph in the works of Thy hands." II. — Works ok God. — Wokk of Kevblation. What grandeur pertains to this revelation of God ! Like an antique and stately temple, it has gone up through the ages, stone upon stone holding many a dark crypt and niche and aureole of beauty. The two IKjrtals face the eternities. Out of the eternity of the past, you enter its genesis of creation ; out of its apocalypse of consummation you mari!h into the eternity to come; while ascending its altar steps of gradual development you climb to the mystic heights of God-head. With this grandeur, how commanding the evidence of its divinity. Look at it as an intellectual and progressive force in the world. It has over gone before and beckoned onward the civilization of the ages. Since this truth was first given, what changes have transpired ! Instead of the frail bark groping its way along Levantine shore, wo have the stately steamer that steers by the stars ; instead of the swift-footed courier, we have the flash of the telegraph across continents and beneath the seas ; instead of the dromedaries of Midian and Ephah, we have the palatial car which sweeps along on rails of steel ; insteatl of the weary fingers of the scribe, we have the mighty printing press, which multiplies a million- fold the productions of the mind ; instead of the shifting tent of the Arab, we have the colossal cities, with their magnificent palaces. Art lifts up her head, Liberty unrolls her charter, Religion builds her temple, where- ever the influence of this revelation obtains ; and still it holds aloft its banner of Excelsior, and cries out to the civilization of the nineteenth century, " Not as though you had already attained, either were already perfect ;" advance with me, — I lead the way to the infinite ideals of God, possible to man. With the intellectual quickening which belongs to this revelation, we ask you to mark its universality of adaptation. Light of the World I Light, says Plato, is the shadow of divinity. What a symbol 736 of His truth is light ! Light ! It tips the mountain summit, it shines in the valley, it spreads itself over the plains, it gilds the domes of mighty cities, it gladdens the weary eyes that watch for the morning, it looks in on the prisoner in his cell, it smiles on every flower, it forgets no blade of grass, is over all, around all, blessing all. How finely does this figure the universal fitness which belongs to the revelation of God. Divine truth ! It challenges science, and says, " Search the strata and the stare, and find out a god more adapted to man than the Being I reveal." It confronts philosophy, and demands that it shall show an attribute of the spirit, or an inner want, which it does not meet. Divine truth ! It goes out into a far country, a land of darkness and the shadow of death, and, standing amid corruption and the grave, points to a mom — a glorious mom of resurrection, and an immortality whose immortelles shall fade them, never. Descending to an uttermost despair, and looking up, it points to the possibility of an ever ascending and utter- most salvation. Divine truth ! It smites with a drawn sword, piercing to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and it is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart, while its pron^ises hang like brilliants in that firmament which overarches human condi- tion. Oh, th« darkness of that Gethsemane into which we may enter ! Oh, the wailing cry, "My God, why hast thou forsaken me!" which blighting anguish may wring from the desolated heart. When Dr. Punshon lay dying, a friend who was with him went to Mr. Spurgeon and asked the prayers of his congregation. Mr. Spurgeon asked, " Is the doctor much depressed ?" When answered in the affirmative, he added, "Ah ! I have gone down to the depths of sorrow, anguish and pain, but there is no darkness, no depth where the light of promise does not shine.' All hail, ye promises of God ! Crowned as comforters are ye all ! Maxims of Socrates, the thinker, principles of Plato, the philosopher, wisdom of the all-unveiling dramatist, deep inductions of Baconian knowledge, coined into the currency of literature, held in. honor and tmsted by the age, can ye crown despair with hope, light the languid eye into a new brilliance, sustain the panting heart, when age fails, when childhood bows its head in death ana sorrow sits enthroned ? Nameless shall be the men who, with infamous intent, have sought to break down the anthority of revelation, and rob us of our last hope, — men who, with an arrogant assumption that lifts itself against the very heavens, dare to assert that the Gospel of our Christianity is becoming effiie ; that the thought and intelligence of the age demands another and a better Bible. Anotlier Bible ! Is that possible ? Methinks the heavens laugh and the earth responds with derision, while the universe cries out. Impossible ! An- other Bible ! " Should all the forms that men devise Assault my faith with treacherous arfc, I'll call them vanity and lies, -; — And bind Thy Gospel to my heart." _- "For Thou, Lord, hast made me glad. Tlirough Thy work, I will triumph in the works of Thy hands." III. — Works of Gon. — Work of the Person and Mission of Christ. The upbuilding of the person of Christ must ever be re^rarded as God's grandest work. His name shall be called wonderful, and justly so, for in that person He has seemed to gatlier all things in himself. This uni- verse holds matter and mind conditioned into a six-fold life. Life vege- table, that grows; life animal, that feels; life intellectual, that thinks; .life emotional, that thrills ; life moral, that oscillates between right and wrong ; life spiritual, that ascends to God— every form of life known on this planet and beyond it is thus gathered together into one. And now behold the infinite personality of the Son, stooping with an infinite stoop- ing and lifting this six-fold life into an everlasting union with Himself, and you at once see that your Saviour and mine is mediator for the uni- verse, embracing all things within His wondrous personality. In one of the great palaces of Rome there is frescoed on a lofty ceiling the Aurora, one of Guido's finest productions. As you stand and look up at the dim distance, all is nebulous and obscure, but on the floor there is a reflecting mirror into which you may look and study the details of the painting. Looking up, all is dim and distant; looking down, all is near and dis- tinct. Looking up, "no man hath seen God at any time;" looking down, " the only begotten of the Father, He hath declared Him." Ah ! it is this near image, this character of Jesus, that is dominating the ages and will mould humanity to its likeness. With such a Saviour as this, what are miracles to Him ? What is it that the water blushes into wine at his word, or that the billows quiet at His bidding? What is it that sepulchred death departs at His command, or that foul leprosy and shivering paralysis flee before Him, and the heirship of strength and beauty returns? With such a Saviour as this, who shall doubt the plenitude of that ability which, travelling in the greatness of His strength, is mighty to save ? If I would see the dignity of man, or the terrors of that impending calamity to which he is exposed, I must take my stand be- neath the shadow of the Cross, and ask what must have been the issues which demanded the sacrifice of an incarnate God ? Speculative systems on law, justice and atonement, that have agitated the ages, get you hence. In the incarnate Son of God we have a being who lived and died to tell the world one word — that word was Love, — a Being who built the altar of Calvary and laid himself on it as an atonement, a royal procla- mation of a Father reconciled to everyone of the redeemed, the blood- royal of the race. I may be told that tliis world is but as a grain of sand on ocean shore to the magnitude of the universe, too insignificant, utterly, to be the theatre on which the phenomenon of the incarnation was to be enacted, but we forget that sometimes God delights to put dignity on insignificance. WW ^38 Long was it believed that the magnetic pole was some stupendous mountain, sending out its attractive forces all over the earth ; but when Sir John Ross discovered this pole he found neither hill nor mount, but a dreary v;aste ; yet from that centre there went out a power which makes every needle shake to the pole, guiding the mariner over unknown seas. The thunder of the Reformation, which shook the mighty despotism of Rome, was not forf ed in a London or a Paris, but in the petty, marshy village of Worms. And so, in like manner, God has dignified thie world by making it the place of sojourn of His Son. His cross and passion, with their infinite agonies, made this world a mysterion, arresting the gaze of angelic principalities and powers. His death and burial trans- formed this world for a time into a sarcophagus, carried in the hands of the eternal laws through the veiled darkness of the immensities. " Ah ! the pathway is not given. Ah ! the goal I cannot hear, Earth will never reach to heaven, Never will the there, be here," was the wail of Schiller, but the resurrec;ted Son of God, standing upon this earth, bade defiance to the forces which held him here ; ascending up on high, entered the everlasting gates which had for Him lifted up their heads, and left behind him a shining track, along which the lowly and the lost may in pardon and in peace pilgrimage to the skies. Oh! mys- tery and mercy of God's works and ways, that He hath crowned with everlasting dignity this world and our race by the advent of His Son. We clasp Him in the arms of faith, and hold him to our heart of hearts, as we cry out, " Thou, Lord, hast made me glad. Through Thy M'ork, I will triumph in the works of Thy hands'." IV. — Works op God. — Work of the Spirit. It is never to be forgotten that if the Son of God is the organ of divine manifestation, the Spirit of God is the organ of divine execution. What is creation but the work of the Spirit? " Thou sendest forth Thy Spirit, and they are created ; Thou renewest tlie face of the earth." No sooner were the mountains brought forth and the earth and hills formed by the Spirit, than a new and higher manifestation was proposed. God had created organized matter, God had created organized spirit. As thought is the logical antecedent of action, so a thought — I had almost said a new thought— came to the mind of God. He will tabernacle spirit with flesh and appoint immortality to dwell with dust. He will create a new order of being that will wake the wonder of the universe— a physico-spiritual being, with a consciousness, with an intelligence, with an affection— a being who would shed on his Creator the full summer-bloom of a heart's •739 intensest love. That divine thought took form in the creation of our race, designed for eternal fellowship and beatitude. I need not tell you the old, old story, how the purpose and policy of heaven was seemingly defeated and our humanity involved in ruin. The literature of that ruin is read and known of all men, in living epistles around us, written within and without, with mourning, lamentation and woe. By whom shall Jacob arise, and who shall deliver Israel ? If we accepted much of the current teaching of our age, another gospel is being promulgated, which is not a gospel— the gospel of culture^ the gospel of self-education, which proposes a self-regeneration, independent of God, of the Holy Ghost. Can it be done? A man says, " I will build my scaffold, set up my ladders, mix the colors, and tinge and adorn those dark, portentous storm-clouds into beauty." Can he do it ? Never, never ! But look how God accomplishes the task? He rolls the sun beneath the hill-tops, flashes an oblique light athwart the coming darkness, an.l lo ! the storm clouds become continents of silver, islands of gold, and purple-crowned summits, while the canopy of heaven becomes an aqua-marine, rivalling the beauty of the ocean. A man says, " I will set up my scaffolding, and with my colors of cul- ture I will adorn the dark, unholy elements of my character with the beauty of holiness." Can he do it ? Never. But behold the method of God. With one flash of the light which comes from the Holy Ghost every element of the man's being is transformed into the likeness of the Divine. Then, the distorting frown of guilt is changed into the smile of p^ace ; then the foul imagery of the imagination is cartooned into the likeness of the Heavenly ; then the prodigal, in rags and polluted from his companionship with swine, is robed, J&ted, ringed and songed, amid exultant joy, that " the lost is found." God the Spirit is templed in the heart, in grander than Pantheistic sense, and the " Spirit answers to the blood, And tells that he is born of God." While on every line and lineament is written "Holiness unto the Lord." And what finite intelligence can measure the greatness of this work of God? When the Spirit converted fiery John, it was not merely that a soul was saved from death ; that work meant giving to Jesus a beloved dis- ciple, giving to the world the intelligence that God is a spirit, that God is light, that God is love ; giving to the ages and eternities to come all the inspiration that comes through his character and writings. When the Spirit shot the arrows of conviction through the hearts of Wesley and Whitefield, like binary stars they shone out over the churches ; they started evangelistic forces that have influenced millions for good. Grand as is the Spirit's work, that which kindles the heart is 740 the condescending sympathy of that Spirit to the lowliest possible condi- tions. A Btrong-minded New England mother determined tliat her son should form his own religious views. The names of Jesus, Saviour, Heaven, had never been spoken in his ears. The boy of six sickened and lay dying. The anguished mother awoke to her folly. As she watched her dying boy, he opened his eyes and said, " Mother, what country is that I see beyond the high mountains ?" The mother said, " My spn, there are no mountains ; you are with us here in the room." But the boy insisted that he saw a beautiful country, where little ones were calling him to come, and appealingly cried, " Oh, won't you help me over the high mountains ?" They sought to comfort him, when, turning with more than mortal brightness in his eyes, he said, " Mother, mother, do not be afraid ; the strong man has come to carry me over the high mountains," and he was gone. Ah, the spirit was there to tell that young heart of a Deliverer, though he knew not the name. In the light of the Spirit's all-comprehending work, who is not ready to exclaim, " Thou, Lord, hast made glad. Through Thy work, I will triumph in the works of Thy hands." V. — Works of God. — Work of Consummation. Out of all the symbolizings of Scripture, none convey to us a higher conception of that dwelling-place to which we hope to go than the state- ment of Paul that God hath prepared for them a city. The grandest •productions of man on this earth are cities. They are the expression of all that the intellect and skill of man can devise and execute. Calcutta, on the Ganges; Stamboul, on the Dardanelles; Rome, on the Tiber; Florence, on the Arno ; Paris, on the Seine ; London, on the Thames, the golden gateway of the continent — here wealth has concentrated in suinp* tuous palaces and architectural glory, in the rush and thunder of com- merce, in the culminating of social refinement, in the gathering of all resources to minister to man. If such be the splendor which hangs around the cities that have been built by man, what shall be said of the city whose builder and maker is God ? Those apocalyptic texts which, as one has said, seem to have fallen from the sky like fragments from the jasper walls and golden pavement of the city of God, and which flash before our eyes with a blinding refulgence, do not tell us too much of that heavenly city ! No ; we are well assured that God, who poured out the wealth of His divinity to redeem, will, in His provision for our great future, transcend all that tongue can utter or heart conceive. Cloud-capped towers and gorgeous palaces of heavenly splendor will be there, but that object which above all others will wake the immortal song of the redeemed will be the Lamb in the midst of the throne and of the city. Oh, the beatitude of that city, where the gates shall be open night and day. Shades of the departed that have gone from this honored 741 church, can ye not come back and tell us of your bliss? But no. We need you not. God hath told us in words, which our own poet, Burns could not read without tears, "Tliey shall hunger no more, thirst no more, die no more ; neither sliall there be any more pain, but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in the midst of it, and they shall reign for ever and ever." Captain of our salvation, whose magnificent titles are the Resurrection and the Life, to Thee we commit our souls and bodies, in the sure and certain hope that Thou hast prepared for us a city, for " Thou, Lord, hast made me glad. Through Thy work, I will triumph in the works of Thy hands." Fifty-four years ago 1 sat as a scholar in the Sabbath school, beneath the gallery on my left, while my father and mother occupied a front seat in yonder gallery, when Rev. H. Esson was minister of this church. In the allotments of Providence, my path led into a sister denomination, but my love for the church of my fathers abides with unabated strength, From this centre, founded one hundred years ago, has gone out a power which has planted the banner of the Presbyterian Church in every city, in every town, in almost every village and community, from where the rude Atlantic tosses her crested billows against the granite cliffs of New- foundland to where the broad Pacific tells to the beach her summer dreams in sea-blown murmurs, faint and low. I rejoice that the Church which I represent stands side by side with yours in holding the essen- tials of all Christian truth, and, with yours, is marching with triumphal tread to the conquest of this Dominion for Christ. With the exception of one or two, I have known every pastor, from the venerable Somerville onward; and what is our hope but that, when the shadows are a little longer grown, we shall join them in that church of the first-born, whose names are written in heaven, amid the beatitudes of the Eternal. Amen. The Montreal Witness of the 15th March, 1886, had the following kindly notice of the foregoing services and meetings .— THE CENTENARY. Commencing with Dr. Grant's sermon a week ago, and ending with that of Dr. Douglas, last evening, the centennial celebration of Presby- terianism in Montreal has effectually marked the open page of our history with a most interesting era. St. Gabriel's, or St. Gabriel Street Church, calls to mind the early days when it was building, when the Roman Catholics thought it not sin to harbor Protestant worship in the Church of the Recollets. It vividly recalls the early fraternity by which "Covenanters " and " Prelatists " worshipped within the same walls. It 742 particularly recalls the long war of the " Disruption," and its happy end, having been carried off by those who sympathized with the Free Church movement and long used by them, having been recovered by the Church of Scotland by process of law, the exiles having to build themselves a new church which they called Knox, and having, finally, by Presby- terian Union, become a sister with its rival. It is now the peaceful centre around which not only all Presbyterians but all Protestants and all Christians may praise God together. Where will it be at the end of another hundred years, and where will Presbyterianism be ? Both, we prophesy, will have given way to something larger. Presbyterianism, which the Mayor supposed must have come from the Old Conntry, claims to be as old as Christendom, and in its modern history Scotland can claim but a small part. It seems to-day to be established like the ever- lasting hills. But, while nothing essential to it is likely to^ give way, it may, in another century, be difficult to recognize the denomination which now bears the Presbyterian name. As Professor Shaw said, Methodists claim also to be Presbyterians, and the recent facts of Presby- terian union and Methodist union point to larger results. Meantime we contemplate with reverence the wide-spreading harvest over half a con- tinent, which may be traced to the handful of corn sowed by the sturdy men and noble women of a hundred years ago. No one could have listened to the mighty eloquence of Dr. Douglas last night without a feeling that it was good for him personally that his early days had had pure Christianity to feed upon. So impressive a discourse is seldom heard. Dr. Keed's venerable presence gave force to his earnest repetition "of the old, old story which he had proclaimed there so many years before. There was a fine touch of reverence in the presence of Arcli- deacon Evans and Canons Anderson and Ellegood at the afternoon Anglican service. It was impossible, even for a Presbyterian, to note the white-haired worshippers so thickly dotting the large audience without feeling a quickening of the emotions and a sympathy that easily over- steps differences of form. The service on Friday evening in Knox Church, the congregation which originally worshipped in St. Gabriel Church, and the exhaustive oration of Dr. MacVicar on that occasion were most interesting. The celebration in David Morrice Hall was suggestive of the day when brethren shall dwell together in unity. CHAPTER XXXIII. Other Presbyterian Churches in Montreal, in 1886: — Knox — St. Andrew's — American— St. Paul's — Ekskinb — Crescent Street— St. Matthew's— Calvin — St. Mark's — Chalmers'— Stanley Street — Taylor — Melville— St. John's — The Saviour's. Knox Chuhch. In the list of the Presbyterian Churches of Montreal at the date of the Centennial celebration, apart from old St. Grabriel's, Knox is entitled to be placed first; because, although, according to the present writer's views of Pres- byterian constitutionality, it does not represent de jure the original congregation, organized 12th March, 1786, it does unquestionably de facto. And Were the author would take leave to say, as formerly a minister of the Church of Scot- land in Canada, that he regards it as a compliment to that branch of the church that his friends of Knox Church so stoutly contend for the honour of continuing the history of the St. Gabriel Street congregation that existed prior to 1844. Knox Church, at the corner of Dorchester and Mansfield Streets, is built in the early English variety of Gothic architecture, consisting of a nave, side aisles and a pulpit recess. The principal entrance on Dorchester Street is through a large open porch; and there are two entrances on Mansfield Street, leading to the gal- leries and basement. The nave, arches and roof are sup- ported on light piers, which also carry the galleries, and these latter are made to project octagonally between the *744 piers. The ceilings are plastered, and the roof timbers formed so as to divide them into panels. The ceiling over the organ and pulpit recess is grained and has a pretty effect. The pulpit is spacious, with a handsome Gothic balustrade in front, worked in black walnut wood. The pews on the ground floor are arranged on a circular plan, and, with the galleries, afford accommodation for *750 per- sons. The plan contemplates the addition of a tower and spire at the west side. The church is built of Montreal stone, and, although not an imposing structure, is a very comfortable and useful one — the appointments of the base- ment being everything that could be desired. A very fine organ has just been built by "Warren & Co., in the recess in rear of the pulpit. The church was opened for divine service, December 3rd, 1865, the Kev. D. H. McVicar, then of Cote Street Church, officiating at 11 a.m., — Rev. John Jones, then of Cote des Neiges, at 3 p.m., and Rev. A. B. Simpson, then of Knox Church, Hamilton, at V p. m. The first minister of the new church was Rev. Robert Irvine, D.D., formerly of Knox Church, Hamilton, who was inducted, February 6th, 1866. He resigned the pastorate, 2nd Dceember, 1870, and removed to Augusta, Georgia, where he died, April 8th, 1881, aged 66 years. He was succeeded by the Rev. Robert M. Thornton, B.A., who was inducted, 8th March, ISYl, and resigned, 30th October, 18*74, to accept a call to Well Park Free Church, Glasgow, where he laboured successfully for several years. He is now pastor of the East Camden Presbyterian Church, London, England. The present esteemed minister is Rev. James Fleck, B. A., formerly pastor of the 2nd Presbyterian Church, Armagh, Ireland, to which he was ordained, 31st March, 1869. A native of the County Antrim, Ireland, he was educated in Queen's and General Assembly Colleges, Belfast. He visited Canada in 1875, on a special mission ' t45 connected with his congregation ; and the impression which his appearan(;o in Knox Church on that occa- sion made, was so strong, that when the congregation became vacant the following year, he received a unanimous call to the church, which he accepted.. He was inducted, June 1st, 18*76. The office-bearers of the congregation, in 1886, were : — Kirk Session. — Rev. James Fleck, B. A., Moderator ; Edward Moore, Clerk ; D. Aikman, John McDougall, Jas. Wallace, Rev. Prof. Campbell, M.A., W. I). McLaren, J. T. Donald and Walter Paul, Elders. Trustees. — Wm. McGibbon, D. Aikman, H. B. Picken, Jr., W. D. McLaren, Robert Gardner, Alex. Murray. Board of Management. — W. D. McLaren, President; H. B. Picken, Jr., Treasurer ; Jno. Baillie, Secretary ; A. R. Wightman, J. Gr. Davie, W. S. Evans, Jas. Gardner, Geo. Barrington, H. S. Stafford, Walter Paul, Robt. Henderson, A. W. Stevenson. Auditors. — Jno. McD. Hains, Wm. Cairns. The following statistics show that the congregation, which has much esprit de corps, is a most important factor in the religious life not only of Montreal but also of Canada : — Contributions to schemes of the church, $1114 ; contributions for all purposes, |5892. St. Andrew's Church. The congregation, of the origin and early history of which a sketch has been given, pp. 1*76-182, having re- solved by a majority, on the retirement of Rev. Robert Easton, in 1824, to connect themselves with the Estab- lished Church of Scotland, application was made for a minister to influential parties in that church, and Rev. John Burns was chosen. He was ordained by the Pres- bytery of Edinburgh; and on the 9th July, 1824, the •746 committee of arrangements, in name of the congregation, put it upon record that they were " Christians in connec- tion with the Established Church of Scotland, under the ministry of Rev. John Burns." The congregation, at the same time, assumed the name of St. Andrew's Church. Mr. Burns resigned his change. May 19th, 1826, and re- turned to Scotland. The congregation asked him to select a minister for them ; and his choice fell upon Rev. Alex. Mathieson, although he appears to have encountered some prejudices in certain of the Presbyteries, raised against the congregation's relation to the Church of Scotland, which were supposed to emanate from parties connected with St. Gabriel Street Church. Mr. Mathieson was a handsome young Highlander, although Renton was his birthplace, where he first saw the light, October 1st, 1*795. He took his full course of Arts and Divinity in Grlasgow University ; and was licensed and ordained by the Pres- bytery of Dumbarton. He was installed minister of St. Andrew's Church, December 24th, 1826, and was intro- duced to his charge, according to the Scottish custom, on the following Sabbath, by Rev. Archibald Connell, of Martintown, Upper Canada. As Dr. Mathieson had so much to do with St. Gabriel Street Church, in one way and another, it is fit that an extended notice of him should appear in this volume. He was a noble specimen of manhood, physically, men- tally, morally and spiritually. He could not be in any company without being singled out for attention ; and this not on account of any attempt at creating a strong impression, for he was very modest, — might even be called shy, by nature. In the Roman Church he would have been made an Abbot, on account of his very pres- ence — he would certainly have obtained a mitre in the Church of England. Of a retiring disposition, he was yet resolute as a lion in defence of his principles. He had 74Y also all the mental activity and warmth of emotion that belongs to the Gael. The influence which he wielded among his brethren is seen in the fact that he was chosen the second Moderator of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, in connection with the Church of Scotland, in 1832. In the year 1887, the Senatus of Glasgow University, unsolicited, bestowed upon him the degree of D. D., — indeed, he got no intimation of the intended honour until his name was called. He was again raised to the moderatorship of the Synod of the Church of Scotland, in 1860, in prospect of the advent of royalty to Canada. His dignified and spirited bearing, in the presence of His Royal Highness the Prince of "Wales, when he deemed his church belittled by the Duke of Newcastle, won the admiration of the entire com- munity. The author takes the liberty of borrowing back from Mr. Croil's biography of Dr. Mathieson his contribution to that volume, describing the venerable minister of St. Andrew's Church as he appeared in the Synod : — " J know no one who courted popularity for its own sake, less than Dr. Mathieson did. Of course, like all men, he loved power and influence, but he would never condescend to acquire it by trimming his sails to the breeze. He was too out-spoken, and cared too little to conciliate those who were opposed to him in opinion, to have his name associated with trium- phant votes. Hence he was more frequently counted with the minority. No face was more radiant than his, however, when he felt that he was in sympathy with the Synod as a whole; as, for instance, always when reading and commenting upon iho annual reportof the Widows' Fund, his smile was most benignant, and his eye was filled with kindly warmth. The same was true of his treatment of all persons who were in accord with his views — when at any time they addressed the Synod. It was really a temptation to one to coincide with him — even against better judgment and conviction — to obtain a hearty recognition from him. But woe to him that raised the Doctor's wrath ! And this was not hard to do. Letthe slightest symptom of departure from what he thought the constitutional principles and practice of the Church of Scotland be shown, and the Doctor's agitated countenance and restless attitude became quite a study. He seemed like 748 a proud steed held in oliec^k witli the bridle : oliairipiiifj his iron curb. Vory freciuontly li« would not wait till the siHsakor sat down to oxprees bis pro- test aKainst anytbinn that HMiiiod to liini in the roniotoHt way to ar^uo contempt of, or inditlbrence to, the parent cburcb ; but would interrupt him in spite of all rules and (trios of ' order!' And when he rose in such cir- cunistaneoH, the iiearts of conuuon disputants (luailed l)efore him. His lips firmly compressed, 1, ^tokeninj; the resolution of his nature, indigna- tion seated on his brow, and his eye Hashing forth sciornful fire — particu- larly if the op]K)nent hapi)ened to bo in the Doctor's estimation, //oujij; and iiicxiH'riciici'd and therfforr pri'sumptuons — this was enoui^h to bear the un- lucky wight to the ground ; so that it mattered not that the Doctor had not free utterance. Like the full bottle, the few words that came out of his lips in spurts, being clenched, by the determined force with which the staff was brought to the ground, were more powerfully eloquent and effective than full flowing periods, decked out in the ordinary dress of rhetoric, but which really want the subjective reality and earnestness that character- ized the Doctor. " Dr. Mathieson did not shine in debate. He was governed in his views more by instinct and fooling than by a strict acquiescence in the laws and requirements of the Church of Canada, and thus had to speak everything that occurred to him, when it did so occur, whether it was in order to do so or not, sometimes rising half a dozen times in a single debate. Nevertheless, he was very influential, though not possessing the qualities needful in a leader. His personal presence and bearing were much in his favour — men of meaner exterior felt themselves at a disadvantage when arrayed in opiwsition to him. In later years, too, the remembrance of Ins long and faithful services added weight to bis views, while his well-known loyalty to the church gave him a hold on the sympathies of all who had a spark of chivalry in their nature, so that even those whom betook to task in no honeyed words, could not help respecting him as an earnest, honest man. It cannot be doubted that all through our church's history his views helped to mould the legislation of the church if they did not control it — giving to it a conservative tone ; so that on the whole, the Synod was the arena on which he appeared to greatest advantage." The part which he felt called upon to take in connection with the St. Gabriel Street Church, after the disruption, has already been given in detail. He felt more than ordin- ary responsibility in the matter, inasmuch as he was one of the executors of Bev. James Somerville's will, and had, indeed, been that gentleman's chief adviser in leaving the $4,000 to build the manse. Knowing the intentions of the •749 douor, ho stood out Htroiigly for holding the mause for iniuistors of the Church of Stotlaud only. Beyond that, he took no very decided action to contest the claims of Mr. Esson and his succ^essors, farther than moving resolutions in the Presbytery bearing upon the case. He and Dr. Black were, indeed, looked upon by those siding with the Free Chun^h as th 'ir chief opponents in the Montreal district, yet they were blamed by other mem- bers of their own Presbytery for their inaction in the mat- ter of leaving the St. Gabriel Street Church alone ; and it was even insinuated that they were not averse to having one seceding church in the city, as a safety-valve, a centre to which Free Church sympathisers from their congrega- tions might repair and not trouble them — and that, more especially, were they reconciled to the withdrawal of cer- tain of their members, seeing that they received from St. Gabriel Street Church in exchange for them so many wealthy and influential families, after 1844. Dr. Mathieson died of heart disease, after a severe illness of a few weeks, 14th February, 1870. He had passed through two very heavy trials a short time previously, which, no doubt, contributed to shorten his days. His daughter was drowned while bathing at Cacouna, 29th July, 1868. And St. Andrew's Church, which was as the apple of his eye, and in which he took so much pride, was destroyed by fire, on the Saturday night, October 24th, 1869. Mention has been made of Dr. Mathieson's shyness. This was partly the reason why he did not meddle much with general movements in the city, or take part in local societies, in which some of his contemporaries were promi- nent. But besides that, his ecclesiastical relations, which took hold upon the whole country, fully occupied his time, and afforded him all the ministerial fellowship he needed ; and he considered that he owed his first duty to them ; 150 while others, whose ecclesiastical functions were confined mainly to Montreal, found vent for their surplus enthusiasm and energy in devising and promoting local associations of various kinds. When Dr. Mathieson began to advance in years, he had a number of assistant ministers. Rev. Robert Dobie, late of Milton, the plaintiff in the suit against the Temporali- ties Board, was one of these ; so was the Rev. Robert Her- bert Story, D.D., late Minister of Roseneath Parish, now Professor of Church History in G-lasgow University. Rev. Andrew Paton, now the respected minister of Penpont, occupied the position of Assistant and successor to Dr. Mathieson, and was inducted 15th February, 1866. On receiving a presentation to Penpont from the Duke of Buccleugh, he resigned his connection with St. Andrew's Church, 23rd December, 1869. Rev. Gavin Lang was inducted as Dr. Mathieson 's successor, November 28th, 18*70. He had been selected for the position by a committee consisting of Dr. Norman MacLeod, Dr. Macduff and James A. Campbell, of Stacathro, as eminently suited by a fine presence, ready talents and impressive social qualities, for tilling the most influential Presbyterian pulpit in the country. He was already con- nected with Canada by historic ties, his father, of the same name, having been minister of Shelburne, N.S., for two years. Mr. Lang had been minister of the parish of Fyvie, and at the time he was called to Montreal, was successor to his father at Grlassford. As is well known, he opposed the union of the Presby- terian Church of Canada in connection with the Church of Scotland, towards the close of the negotiations, although he and two of his elders, Messrs. Hickson and Hunter, acted on the committee for arranging the terms of union, during the earlier years of discussion of the 151 question. The issue was disastrous to the fortunes of St. Andrew's Church. The majority of the congregation resolved to stand by their minister and decline to be par- ties to the union, but a very influential and active minority would not stay in the church on these terms, and seceded from it, worshipping separately for some months, but finally becoming incorporated in St. Paul's Church, which henceforth became strciiger than St. Andrew's. Mr, Lang receiving a call to Inverness, re- signed in May, 1882. Rev. James Edgar Hill, M.A., B.D , the present pastor, is a graduate of the University of Edinburgh. Licensed by the Metropolitan Presbytery, July 9th, 1872, he was afterwards assistant in Morningside Parish, as well as in Lady Yester's Parish. Being presented by the Queen to the Parish of Burnt-Island, on petition of the parishioners, he was inducted minister there, July 16th, 1873. He was minister of St. Paul's Church, Dundee, where he had been settled, February 18th, 1877, when he received the call to St. Andrew's Church, Montreal, into which he was inducted November 15th, 1882. St. Andrew's Church which was burnt in 1869, and re-built on the old lines, stands unrivalled for elegance among the many beautiful ecclesiastical structures of the city. Without expensive adornment either within or without, there is a tasteful harmony about it which pleases the most fastidious eye, while its site, on the slope of Beaver Hall Hill, sets off" its admirable proportions to advantage. It was designed by Gr. H. Smith, who took for his model the celebrated Salisbury Cathedral. It is built of Montreal stone, with a tower and spire rising to a height of 180 feet from the ground. The gallery fronts and pulpit are of rich Gothic work ; and the effect of the whole is heightened by the light afforded by the stained •752 glass windows. On the right and left of the pulpit there are noble memorial windows to Dr. Mathieson and mem- bers of his family. Teustees of St. Andrew's Church. — Joseph Hickson, Chairman ; "William Currie, Treasurer ; John Beattie, Sec- retary ; George Denholm, James Spier, Hugh Paton, Rev. J. Edgar Hill, M.A., B.D. Kirk-session. — Rev. J. Edgar Hill,M.A., B.D., Moderator; George Graham, Treasurer; C. N. D. Osgood, Henry Morgan, Dr. A. Lapthorn Smith. Organist, Joseph Gould. Executive Committee. — W. W. Ogilvie, Chairman; Rev. John Williamson, Secretary ; Joseph Hickson, John Beattie, Dr. A. L. Smith, W. M. Blaicklock, Jas. Poustie, C. N. D. Osgood, George Graham, Wm. Currie, J. G. Shaw, Jas. "Wardlow, R. M. Esdaile. American Presbyterian Church. The minority of Mr. Easton's church in St. Peter Street, offended at the resolution of the majority to procure a minister of the Established Church of Scotland, and " none else," withdrew from what henceforth became St. Andrew's Church, and c 'ganized a new congregation, December 15th, 1822. They were recognized by the Presbytery of New York city as under their care, March 23rd, 1823. The first church belonging to the congrega- tion stood at the corner of St. James Street and Victoria Square, where Morgan's warehouse now stands, and was opened for Divine worship, 1st December, 1826. William Lyon Mackenzie thus describes it in 1831 :— Montreal, April 10th, 1831. " I went this forenoon to the American Presbyterian Church, the clergyman of which is greatly celebrated 753 here as a preacher. The house is a large and commodious stone building handsomely finished both inside and out- side. The pulpit is of the most costly mahogany, with crimson cushion, very splendid. The windows are all made double to keep out the cold. The congregation sit while singing, as in Scotland, but the organist and band of musicians alone join in the melody ; at least, I did not observe that any others of the congregation opened their lips to sing. The music is ver3'" pleasing ; some of the choristers, male and female, having fine powerful voices. The congregation is numerous, and the people generally well-dressed, forming evidently an important and influ- ential part of the citizens of Montreal. Yet the minister, because he was born in the United States, is forbidden to marry even the members of his own congregation. Mr. Perkins delivered an excellent discourse from Isaiah iii, 11 — " Woe unto the wicked, it shall be ill with him, &c." Rev. Greorge Perkins was the second minister of the church. He was installed May 30th, 1830, and resigned on account of ill-health in June, 183*7, and died in Chicago in November, 1856, aged 52 years. The first pastor had been Rev. Joseph S. Christmas, a man of rare personal qualities, of an ardent and poetical temperament* and withal of fervent zeal in his ministerial work, which was crowned with great success, the membership of the church rising during his four years' pastorate, from 30 to 2*74. On September 27th, 1839, Rev. Caleb Strong was inducted into the charge, — "a man of fine character, a scholar and a warm friend to all." He died in January, 1847, only 31 years old. Rev. John McLeod was installed the fourth pastor November 7th, 1847, and closed his labours with the church in April, 1857, having added during his ministry 164 members to the church. Mr. McLeod afterwards laboured in Philadelphia for many X X 754 years, and is now resting in the evening of his days. Kev. James B. Bonar was inducted in July, 1857, and resigned the pastorate in February, 1869. It was during his ministry that the present spacious church in Dor- chester Street was erected, the corner-stone of which was laid, April 27th, 1865. It is said to be an exact copy of Park Church in Brooklyn, New York. One of its finest features is the fact that it provides for lecture-room, study and other modern adjuncts to a well-equipped church, without going underneath the ground. The " Study " is a cosy sanctum which is the envy of the ministers of all the other churches of the city. This additional accom- modation is secured by the length of the building, which is 144 feet, — and which adds to its massiveness, the width being proportionately great. It was opened Jr.ne 24th, 1866, and has a seating capacity for 1200 persons. The present popular pastor is the Rev. George H. Wells, who by his scholarship, personal magnetism, public spirit, as well as ready eloquence has fully maintained the ministry of this congregation at the high level which it has always reached. Mr. Wells was born in New York, brought up in Illinois, and educated at Amherst College and Chicago Theological Seminary. He was ordained at Amboy, Illinois, in 1867, and was inducted into his present charge 1st November, 1871. The communion roll of the congrega- tion numbers about 400 ; and it has always been foremost in supporting all good objects in the city. Besides the Home Church in Dorchester Street, it supports ordinances in a mission chapel in Inspector Street, at present minis- tered to by Rev. Malcolm S. Oxley, and has for half a century kept a Sabbath School at the Cross Mission Chapel, and one also for a long time at the Tanneries. Although the congregation is called " American," it is not now mainly composed of those who were born in the United States or who, indeed, ever had any personal cou- •755 nection with that country. They are largely persons of Canadian birth, who have been drawn to it by personal considerations, rather than those that are denominational or national. Although nominally Presbyterian, it is virtually a Congregational Church, being beyond the in- fluence of the currents of Church life in the United States, and yet not id' ntifying itself with the communion in this country from which a considerable proportion of its membership is derived. Kirk-session.— Rev. George H. Wells, Moderator ; E. F. Ames, Clerk ; George Childs, Hugh McLennan, S. H. May, G. W. Reed, John Murphy, and W. S. Paterson. Trustees.— G. Cheney, Chairman ; G. W. Reed, Hugh McLennan, G. S. Brush, A. D. Nelson, M. Babcock, W. V. Lawrence, J. C. Holden and K. Greene. St. Paul's Church. Rev. Dr. Black, the founder of the congregation having died on 8th May, 1845, it was, perhaps, natural that the people's thoughts should have turned to Rev- Robt. McGill of Niagara. They had showed their confidence in him in tue time of their trouble, in St. Gabriel Street, by agreeing to him as one of the four arbitrators ; and his management of that business had been characterized by much tact and sagacity. Indeed, it was he who took the initiative in convening the Ministers of Kingston, in 1831, to deal with the matter. This action was quite in keeping with Mr. McGill's record, as one of the most public-spirited of the Church of Scotland clergymen in Canada. His voice in the counsels of the Synod was always heard on the side of Church extension and evangelical movements generally. He had also exhibited literary taste while at Niagara, and took steps to publish a Church of Scotland 756 Monthly, which should advocate the rights of that body in Canada, especially in the face of the grasping disposition of the Church of England. The Christian Examiner, while it lasted, did this most effectively. During his incum- bency of St. Paul's he received from Glasgow Univer- sity the well-merited honour of Doctor of Divinity. He maintained while in Montreal, the high reputation which he had established in Niagara, consolidating the congregation which Dr. Black had founded. He died 4th February, 1856. On the 4th of November, in the same year, Eev. William Snodgrass, D.D., was called from Charlottetown, P. E. I., to fill the vacancy in St. Paul's. He laboured in the charge till 5th October, 1864, when he was transferred to the more important sphere of the Principalship of Queen's College. He was convener of the committee of the Church of Scot- land on Union, and as Moderator of that branch of the United Church, was one of the signers of the Union document. He conducted a successful campaign, with Rev. Professor MacKerras, his colleague, on behalf of the endowment of Queen's College in 1869, and succeeded in raising $100,000. His labours and anxieties regarding the institution told upon his health more than once ; and so, when the Presbytery of Canonbie presented him to the Parish of Canonbie, which opened up to hima sphere of quie ter usefulness, he was tempted to accept it. The Eev. John Jenkins, D.D., L.L.D., succeeded Dr. Snod- ' grass in St. Paul's, being inducted June 27th, 1863. As he had to do with getting St. G-abriel's on its feet in 1866, and was moderator of the reconstructed Kirk session, he also belongs, in a measure, to the history of the old church in St. G-abriel Street. He was born at Exeter, England, and educated at Mount Radford College, Exeter, and Hoxton Theological Institution, London, England. He was 151 ordained to the ministry of the "Wesleyan Methodist Church, in 1837, so that this is his jubilee year, as well as the Queen's. The same year he went out as a missionary to India, under the auspices of the Wesleyan Missionary Society of London. After returning to Eng- land, he accepted an appointment to Montreal, and was the first minister in charge of St. James Street Methodist Church, having Kev. Lachlan Taylor, D.D., and Rev. Mr. De Wolff, for colleagues, during his term of ofiice. He acquired a high reputation for scholarship and controversial skill, by a course of letures which he delivered at this time, the subject being the Douay Bible. The large church was crowded during the delivery of these discourses. In 1853, he joined the Presbyterian Church of the United States, and became colleague of the Venerable Albert Barnes, and afterwards pastor of Calvary Presbyterian Church, which was an offshoot from Mr. Barnes' congregation. When St. Paul's became vacant, the echoes of his eloquence in the olden time were still vivid enough to cause the congregation to turn their thoughts to him, more especially as he had given up his charge in Philadelphia, th6 position having become, to an Englishman, uncongenial during the war between North and South. He was elected Moderator of the Synod of the Church of Scotland, in 1869, and won golden opinions by his skill and ability as a presiding officer. It was while he occupied the chair that the final union movement was initiated by the letter addressed to him and the Moderators of the several Presbyterian Churches in the Dominion by the Rev. Dr. Ormiston. He was also Moderator of the Greneral Assembly of the Pres- byterian Church in Canada, in 18Y8, and displayed in the chair great promptness and tact in guiding the business of the Court. But in Montreal his great monument is St. Paul's Church •758 and the magnificer^t congregation worshipping therein. It was just at the critical moment the resolution was come to, to remove from St Helen street to Dorchester street. A delay of even a year or two would have left St. Paul's behind in the race. That Dr. Jenkins should have succeeded in securing the erection of the magnificent edifice, in which the congregation now worships, at a cost of nearly $100,000, and that he should have seen it com- pleted and out of debt, shows how strong the hold was which he had upon the people's confidence and affection. The old congregation was not only kept well together by this movement, but the situation was one also to command a constant growth ; until now it stands at the head of the Presbyterian community of the country in powerful resources. The building is in the style known as the decorated' Gothic, modernized to suit the requirements of the Pres- byterian form of worship, and its general appearance is such as to do credit to the city, and to entitle it to rank with the finest of the many noble edifices of which Montreal can boast. Dr. Jenkins having been repeatedly disabled by attacks of bronchitis, and obliged to be absent in winter, which is the great season for work in Montreal, deemed it the wisest thing for his own health, and in the interests of the congre- gation, to resign his pastorate, which he did 24th October, 1881, the people having devised liberal things on his behalf in giving him a retiring allowance of $2,000 a year. During his pastorate. Rev R. Laing, now of Halifax, Rev. "W. R. Cruikshank, of Montreal, and Rev. W. T Herridge, of Ottawa, acted as assistants. Having failed to secure the man of their choice, in Canada, the congregation looked to old Scotland for a clergyman, and were ambitious enough to think of calling a gentleman from one of the first posi- tions in the Scottish metropolis. And they succeeded, too, 759 — making a noble departure in the matter of salary which they offered, iJl,500 sterling, — an amount somewhat commensurate with the means of the people and the responsibilities of the minister's position. Rev. James Barclay, M. A., was born in Paisley, Scotland, of the Barclays of Canal Bank, and received his early education in the Grammar School of his native town, and in Merchiston Castle School, Edinburgh. His professional training was obtained in the University of Glasgow, in which he graduated M.A., with a scholarship in 1865. Licensed to preach in 18*70, ho supplied Dalbeattie for three months, and was ordained minister of St, Michael's, Dumfries, January, 1871. He was translated to Canonbie in 1874, and from there to Linlithgow in 1876. Li 1878, he w^as called to be colleague of Dr. McGregor in St. Cuthbert's, Edinburgh, where he was found by the St. Paul's congregation. Aad both their courage and their liberality have been amply justified by the result. Mr. Barclay has proved himself a wise pastor, as well as an able preacher, and is altogether a strong man, who can be relied upon to maintain, in every presence, the amour propre of his splendid congregation. The income of the congregation for the centennial year, 1866, was $26,000. Of this sum $7,314 was in aid of the general work o/ the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The people have with commendable liberality and zeal under- taken the support of a missionary in Central India. Kirk-session. — Eev. James Barclay, Moderator; T. A. Gibson, M.A., William Ross, Alexander Macpherson, Jas. Croil, Alexander Mitchell, Charles D. Proctor, William Reid, James A. Cantlie, James Tasker, J. L. Morris, Prof. J. Clarke Murray, LL.D., George M. Kinghorn, Philip S. Ross, William Walker, John Taylor, Colin McArthur, John Larmonth and Alexander McFee. 760 Board of Trustees. — Andrew Allan, Chairman ; E. B. Greenshields, Secretary; Alexander Ewan, Treasurer ; Alex- ander Mit( hell, John C. Watson, John Hope, Sir Donald A. Smith. Erskine Church. Of the ministry of Eev. Dr. Taylor, who founded Erskine congregation, mention has been already made. In 1864, the congregation, then worshipping in the old edifice in Lagauchetiere Street, took an important step in calling Rev. John M. Gribson to be colleague and successor to Dr. Taylor. He was inducted, 16th December, 1864. The afiairs of the church had always been well managed. Dr. Taylor having trained the people to consider the business matters of the congregation their concern fully as much as his. But their methods up to this time were the old- time ones. The advent of Mr. Gibson was the beginning of a new era in their history. He brought with him the latest ideas in church organization, and as he had admir- able administrative abilities, he got the most improved plans in operation for promoting both the temporal and spiritual interests of the community in which he moved. One result of the fresh impulse given to the congregation's life, by his association with Dr. Taylor, was the erection of the present chaste, commodious, serviceable, and well-equipped church, which was opened for public wor- ship, on the 29th of April, 1866. Mr. Gibson, now Rev. Dr. Gibson, of St. John's Wood Presbyterian Church, London, England, resigned his position, 6th April, 18*74, in order to accept a call to one of the Presbyterian Churches of Chicago. Ho was succeeded by the Rev. James S. Black, in the office of colleague and successor to Dr. Taylor, who was inducted, 8th October, 1874. Mr. Black was a native of 761 Brechin, Scotland, and educated at Glasgow and Edin- burgh Universities. Licensed in Edinburgh, in 1869, ho had settled as pastor of a Congregational church at Nashua, New Hampshire. Having preached in Montreal during the period of his American pastorate, he made such an- impression that he was called to fill Mr. Gibson's place. When Dr. Taylor died in 1876, the entire work of the congregation devolved on Mr. Bla(;k, and he continued to discharge the duties ol" the position, until, Mrs. Black's health demanding a change of climate, he resigned on the 22nd April, 1884, and removed to Colorado Springs, where he has since resided and officiated. The Rev. Louis H. Jordan. B. D., the present pastor, was inducted. May 7th, 1855. He was born in Halifax, N. S., where he received his preliminary training. His professional education was obtained in the University of Eg nburgh, and after travelling in Europe, he settled in his native city, being called to St. Andrew's Church there, where belaboured and proved himself an excellent pastor, until called to his present charge. He maintains his repu- tation here as an active worker, showing special skill in organization. He is the editor of The Pastor's Diary and Clerical Record. KiRK-SESSioN. — Rev. Louis H. Jordan, M.A., B.D., Moderator ; John Brodie, Clerk ; Warden King, James Gill, William Rc^bb, Charles W. Davis, R. A. Becket, James Rodger, Rev. R. H. Warden, David Yuile, Rev. Prof. Scrimger, M.A. Board OF Trustees. — David Brown, Sen., President; Andrew Robertson, Secretary/; Warden King, Jonathan. Hodgson, John Hutchison. Board of Management. — James R. Lowden, President ; • Alexander C. Leslie, Vice-President ; Frank Brundage, Treasurer ; James Brown, Financial Treasurer ; Charles T. Christie, Recording Secretary; Dr. Charles Ault, William 762 C. Jarvis, "William Waugh, James Paton, Archibald Mclntyre, John Millou, Peter Laing, Thomas E. Hodgson, William Angus, James Williamson, William Yuile, John M. Kirk. Contributions to the schemes of the church, $4,267. for all purposes, $13,483. Crescent Street Church. Reference has betn already made to the origin of the Free Church in Cote street, and to the fact that it was supplied for seven years, from the time of its organization, by emi- nent ministers from Scotland. The first settled pastor was Rev. Donald Fraser, now Dr. Donald Fraser, of Marylebone Presbyterian Church, London, who was inaucted, August 8th, 1851. After a brilliant ministry, he resigned his charge, February 3rd, 1859, to accept a call to Inverness, Scotland. A vacancy of nearly two years occurred at this time, which was brought to a conclusion by the settle- ment of Rev. Donald H. MacVicar, January 30th, 1861. Mr. Ma(; Vicar w^as called from Knox Church, Gruelph, where, in a brief ministry, he had first shown his ability. He fully sustained his reputation in this more prominent sphere, although the demands upon the energies and powers of so young a man were necessarily heavy. When the Presbyterian College, Montreal, was established, he was appointed its first professor, September 10th, 1868. This new position afforded a still better arena for the exer- cise of his splendid logical faculties — the concentration of intellect, of which it admitted, leading to the rapid growth of his powers and the advancement of his scholar- ship; until as Principal MacVicar, D.D., he has become a recognized power among the divines of the continent. But his interest in his former congregation has never ceased. He has been its friend at every crisis since ; as it was, 768 largely through his influence, while the congregation was under his temporary care, that the magnificent new church on Orescent street, was erected. The Rev. Robert Ferrier Burns, D. D., was inducted into the charge of Cote Street Church, May 4th, 1870. Descended from a noble family of preachers, the son of the distinguished minister of St. Oeorge's Church, Paisley, Scotland, convener of the colonial committee of the Church of Scotland at the time when so many excellent ministers were appointed to Canada — and afterwards the vigorous champion of Free Church principles in Canada — Dr. Burns was an heir to distinctions, which it was no easy matter to support. But he has been equal to the task. In ready wit and exuberant humour, and in the marvel- lous, never-lailing gifts of speech with which he is endowed, he has been excelled by no Burns among them all. He has published a very faithful and interesting memoir of his father, and is now the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterij^n Church in Canada. During his pastorate in Cote Street, the congregation was beginning to realize the necessity of removing the church westwards to be near the bulk of the people ; but as sen- timent was not quite ripe for action, Dr. Burns, rather than chafe under the difficulties of the situation, accepted a call to Fort Massey Church, Halifax, February 22nd, 1875, where he has since laboured with much comfort and success. Crescent Street Church, erected at a cost of $118,000, is in many respects, the noblest of all the edifices belonging to the Presbyterians of Montreal, and was opened for divine worship, March 10th, 1878. It is the only Presby- terian Church in the city which may be said to be com- plete in its equipments. It is happy in having no base- ment ; its school-room, class-rooms and lecture-rooms are 764 all above j[^round, in tho mar of tho church, and all under the Hame roof — adding to tho size and inaHsivoness of the structuro. Its first pastor has been Rev. A.B. Mackay, who was inducted, May lOth 1879, on a second call being addressed to him. lie had declin«!d the invitation which he received the previous year. Mr. Mackay is a native of Montrose, Scotland, and was educated in Edinburgh Uni- versity and th(; English Presbyterian College, I^ndon. His first tiharge was in Wor('(!8ter, England, where ho was ordained, 16th August, 1868. Thence he was trans- lated to IJrighton. lllngland, and from there he (same to Montreal. He is a brother to Dr. Mackay, of Hull, author of " Grace and Truth," and other excellent practical works, and is himstill the author of several volumes, which have been found very useful and been well received in both Grreat Britain and Ameri(!a. Mr. Mackay is an earnest and vigorous preacher, and upholds the evangelical stand- ard which has ever been characteristic of the ministry of the congregation. KiRK-HEHsiON. — Rev. A. B. Mackay, Moderator; Archd. McGoun and Hugh Cameron, Clerks ; Jamt's Ross, David Morrice, John Stirling, Peter Nicholson, Hugh Watson, David Cameron, W. C. Munderloh, John G. Savage, E. W. Kelley, A. Ma(;dougall. Deacons. — John Anderson, George Hyde, Jas. Slessor, R. N. McCallum, David Robertson, Alex. Bremner, Daniel Wilson, Duncan Cameron, D. T. Eraser, James McGoun, Robert Logie, Chas. J. Elect, Thos. Eorde, Geo. D. Reid. Truhtkks.— John Stirling, An^hibald McGoun, David Morrice, James Ross, P. Nicholson. Contributions to the schemes of the church, |6,()15. for all purposes, |1 8,338. 705 St. Matthew's Church. « Tht; history of St. Matth(iw'K fongrofration datos back to the autumn of 185*7, when the ]lev. W. Snodgrass, minister of St. Paul's Chur(;h, began fortnightly services in the ticket oflice of the Grand Trunk Jtailway at Point St. Charles. These services were discontinued for a time, owing to lack of pulpit supply. A Sabbath School, how- ever, was established in the same building, which was the nucleus of the present large and ilourishing school. In the year 1858, through the exertions of members of St. Paul's Church, apar(;el of ground was secured for a church building. Its erection was, however, delayed for various reasons until the autumn of 1859, when active operations were resumed In January, 1860, the building was so far advanced as to permit of its being opened for Sabbath School work. The (colonial committee of the Church of Scotland was asked .4(l. In January, 1865, the IJoard of City Missions ottered, that if the (congregation wishcnl to appoint their own pastor, and become self-supporting, they would give grants as follows : |900 for the iirst year; $400 for the second year ; and $200 per year, for the next three years. Shortly after the chur(;h was opened, the qu(^stion of opening a JJay S(;hool was (considered by the (committee, and fully agnnnl to. The school was op(;ned on the 4th of May, 1863, and was under th(^ control of the Session until Novemb(^r of 1868, when tht; Protestant Board of School Commissioners assunncd it. In Fe})ruary, 1866, chieily owing to ill-h(^alth, the minister, liev. P. 1). Muir, resigned his pastorate, and mu(;h to th(; r(;gret of all who knew him, gradually became weak(;r, until, in June of the same year, he passed aw'ay to his (eternal rest. Before appointing another pastor, this (church notified the Board of City Missions, that they were prepared to become 768 self-sustaining, and acc.ordiiif^ly, on Aug. 6th, 1866, thoy met as a congregation, and (elected their own oflieers. The congregation proceeded to give a (;all, and after hearing several candidates, (;hose the Rev. Ah^x. Young, of Howick, as pastor. During this year the Board of City Missions offered to remove !|6,()00 of the debt on the property, provided that St. Joseph Street Church would assume the balance, of $3,600, and pay it olf in three years, in addition to sustaining a pastor. This being agreed to, of the $6,000, Cote Street Church raised $3,000, Erskine raised $1,800, and Knox Church $1,200. In 1870, the Board of City Missions, being informed of the inability of the congregation to pay their share of the debt, again contributed $2,000, which left only $1,600 for the congregation to raise. The congregation grew steadily during Mr. Young's pastorate. In December, 1872, the Rev. Mr. Young resigned his (iharge of the congregation, and on August 28th, 1873, the Itev. John Scrimger, M.A., was inducted. Under Mr. Scrimger's cjarnest and able ministry, the <;ongregation made rapid and sure pro- gress in every department. Mr. Scrimger was ap- pointed Professor of Old q,nd New Testament Exegesis in the Presbyterian College, October, 1882. He was succeeded by Rev. Thos. Cumming, of Stellarton, N. S., who was inducted, March, 1883. Mr. Cumming, having received a call from Truro, N. S., wais translated to that place, November, 1884, and the congregation was once more without a pastor. A call to Rev. W. J. Smyth, B. A., B Sc, Ph. D., was moderated i and he having signified his acceptance, was inducted into the pastorate on July 24th, 1885. Sini^e then, the congregation has continued to grow and prosper. Every department of the church is in am' t healthful condition. At the end of 1886, there w^erc 336 scholars on the roll of tho Sabbath School, and an average attendance of 201, and 709 29 ox(M?llont teachers. Ah the name of the street on which the church stands was changed from St. Joseph to Notre Dame Street, it was deemed advisable to change the name of the church. Alter seveval congregational meetings it was decided to call it Calvin IV sbyterian Church, whi<;h was approved by the Presbytery on January 11th, 188V. The names of the members of Session at the close of 1886, wen^ : Messrs. Hugh Sym, Forrest Locke, Alexander Anderson, James Cleland, Alex. Bowers, Jas. Symington, Alex. D. Lanskail, Q. B. Hoy, David Stoba, and John Gow. St. Mark's Chuucit. The corner-stone of this edifice, corner of "William and Dalhousie streets, was laid by Rev. W. M. Black, the first pastor, October 25th, 1869. It was opened for divini; wor- ship on the first Sabbath of January, 1870, and at the May meeting of the Presbytery of Montreal, in connection with the Church of Scotland, St, Mark's was recognized as a congregation. The church grew out of a mission Sunday School, held for many years in a room off Wellington street, belonging to the late Mrs. Aitken. In 18(58, Mr. W. M. Black bt^gan labouring in the district, and by his zeal, energy and in- fluence, succeeded in getting the cause on a solid looting. He secured the co-operation of active workers from both St. Andrew's and St. Paul's Churches. The congi(!gation were under special obligations to Mr. Joseph Hickson, Manager of the Grand Trunk Railway, and to Mrs. Hick- son, who, for some time, showed their interest in the church by worshipping in it, instead of in their own church, which was near at hand. The first session was formed, May 21st, 1871, and was composed of Robert Kerr Y y •770 hardware merchant, now of Lachine ; Robert Laing, B.A., now Rev. R. Laing, minister of St. Matthew's, Halifax ; and William Linton. Mr. Black was inducted into the charge on March lih, 1871 ; and, after devoting himself to its interests for several years he accepted a presentation to the lovely Parish of Anwoth, in Scotland, and his resignation v^ras accepted by the Presbytery, 11th November, 1875. Rev. John Nichols, the present pastor, was inducted, September 28th. 1876, and has succeeded in maintaining his ground in the face of not a few discouragements. Besides upholding the cause in the district, he has taken an active part in general movements affecting the interests of the city. Mr. Nichols was born at Berwick-on-Tweed, educated in Elmfield College, York, and Sunderland Theological Institute, in connection with the Primitive Methodist Church, by which he was ordained in 1869. After labouring four years in England, he arrived in Canada in 1874, and soon after being received by the Greneral Assembly, in 1876, he was inducted into the pastorate of St. Mark's. The congregation numbered 163 communicants, at the end of 1886. The receipts for all purposes were |1768. The Kirk Session. — Rev. John Nichols, Moderator; M. M. Scleater, Clerk ; Wm. Linton, Wm. Clendinneng, A. Lindsay, and H. Vallance, Jr. Board of Managers, W. C "White, John A Milne, Joseph Reid, Wm. F. Coupland, Hobert Weir, Alex. Greive, Alex. Lindsay, Wm. Sherlow, and James Stewart. Auditors, Messrs. M. M. Scleater and a. C. Barry. CiiLMERs' Church. Chalmers' Church had its origin in a mission Sabbath School, established in 1861. The district was canvassed, Ill and the school opened with an ittendance of eighteen scholars and five teachers. The Eev. D. H. Macvicar de- livered the opening address ; the teachers present were Mr. James Phymister, the originator of the movement, Messrs. P. S. Ross and P. Nicholson, and Miss Stephens, (afterwards Mrs. Cantlie). The school increased so rapidly, as to necessitate more commodious quarters ; and to meet this want, a suitable mission hdl was erected, a few rods higher up the street, by the liberality of George Rogers, Esq., who charged a nominal interest on the cost of the building as rent. The school was removed thither, in January, 1862, but five months after its inception, with eighty-seven scholars and eleven teachers. Regular mission services were begun in the mission hall, in May, 1863, the Rev. M. Donaldson preaching, under direction of the Mission Board, on Sabbath even- ings, until May, 1865 ; also, holding meetings for prayer, and for the furtherance of temperance, during certain evenings of the week. From this latter date until 1867, only precarious supply was had, when an arrangement was made whereby Rev. Dr. Hamilton conducted service on Sabbath evenings. During 1868-69 only occasional sup- ply was had, but the Sabbath School continued its good work without cessation. Early in 1869, preliminary steps were taken to organize a congregation in connection with the Sabbath School, with the result that on the 24th November, 1870, eleven members representing seven families were formed into a regular church, called " Mile End," after the name of the Sabbath School. This name was changed to " Chalmers," at a congregational meeting held on 11th January, 1872, at which date there were fifty-eight members and twenty-eight families. Rev. John Jones, formerly of Cote des Neiges and Brockville, being called, pushed forward the building of the church with great energy. In December, 1870, a committee was 112 appointed, conHistin^ of .ToK(^i)h MacKay, A. Fowler, W. King, G. Jiogc.rs, Laird Paton, E. 11. Copland, W. M. Knox, li. C. WilHon, r. S. R088, M. Thomson, and A. C. Clark, to Holedt a Huitablo site for a chun^h, to dt^vise ways and means ibr its erection, as well as to proc^un; a plan. The ehun^h was dedic^ated to the servi(;e of God, on th(^ l^th June, 1878, the llevs. Dr. Dury(?a, of Brooklyn, U.S., Dr. Kadi«s of Glasgow, John Jones, who was scuttled as pastor of th(; (;hurch on the 29th February, 18*71, and J. Gibson (now Dr. Gibson, of London, G. B.) taking part in the opening services. The c-hurc^h and site eost i|25,000, whi(;h sum, through the liberality of many of its friends, along with the commendable zeal of the members of tht; church, has been almost wholly liquidated. The prosperity of the congregation and Sabbath School has been very gratify- ing, though somiiwhat interfered with by the short terms of its pastorates. The Rev. John Jones, M. A., resign«Ml in July, 1874, after a pastorate of nearly two years and a half. He was succeeded by the llev. Wm. Mit<;h(dl, B.A., who was inducted, after more than a year's vacancy, on th(i 23rd September. 1875, in the pastorate of the church- He resigned the following yc^ar, and was, in turn, suc- ceeded ])y the llev. Pet(;r Wright, inducted on the 18tli September, 1877. H(; resigned in 1880, whresent pastorate, and though some 71 names have been a ithdrawn, besides many others which have bec^n dropped from the roll, and some who have died, the roll now numbers about 250 in good standing, while the families number some 150. The 1r^ Sabbuih School jind conj^n^jratioii have* jrrown ko lar^n,, that at tho last annual mciitinf,' of th»', cono-n'^rution, Ht«^pN wcro taken to incnuiso tho acirommodation lor i\n\ Sabbath S(;hool and th(; chun^h. Tho SciSHion is coujposod of tlu^ ibllowin^r :_.Tohn Flotchor, Lt.-Col. (Militia), C.M.U, Malcolm ThomHon, Manairor of ICdwardsburgh Slarch Compiiny, Konnoth McLood, of M(J.('od & Shotton, trunk manufacturers, JamoH Stuart, Htorcman, Robert Mill«>r, dork, J. II. S(^ott, book-keop(;r, .Tamc^H Wilson, civil en«rinoor. • Tho names of tho manaj^ers for the yoar IHHO were : Robert McISwou, /Ve«V/m/ ; \l. P. Niven, Vice rreudml ; liobort Miller, Semilurf/ ; K. J. II. DoujrlaN, Trmsurer'; W. J. Robinson, .TauKis Wilson, JamoH Stuart, Fr. Braid- wood, Stew. Muirhoad, W. II. Ui('hard, A. Scott, James Muir, Wm. Patterson, J. il. Ross, .1. Kennedy. Thoro are several societies in comu!ction with tho church, e.fr., The; Christian Work Association, whos(? aim is to further social kindliness— the .Tuvonih; Missionary Association, whoso work it is to gather the missionary offerings of tho people— tho Sabbath S(;hool Association, composed of tho toacihors and ollicors of tho Sabbath School— the Young People's Asso(;iation, which seeks to interest and instruct tho younger portion of tho (;ongroga- tion— and the Ladies' Aid So(n«^ty, through whose self- sacrificing elForts since its formation in April, !8^Y, no loss than $2630.82 has bcsen raised on b(fhalf of tho work of th(; r;hur(!h. The congregation is thoroughly organized and active, and is in a hopeful and prosperous condition. Tho Rev. G(!org(i Colborne Heine was born in Now Brunswick, and receiv(;d his lit(nary training at Frederio ton, but took his iJivinity Cours(^ in Princieton, Now Jersey. He was assistant to Rev. Dr. Cook, of St. Andrew's Church, Quebec, for more than two years, and aft<(rwards supplied St. Andrew's, Ottawa, for some mouths. He 114 then visited Great Britain and the Continent for a year, and on his return, accepted the (mil to Chalmers' Church. Contributions to the schemes of the (^hur«;h, ^'(550. " for all objects, 114,587. Stanley Stiieet Church. The congrejration worshipping in this church consisted originally of 66 members, and 18 adherents of Erskine Church, who seceded, when that congregation resolved to use instrumental music as an aid to worship. They were recognized by the Presbytery of Montreal of the Canada Presbyterian Church, and organized 26th May, 1874. They first met for religious service in the St. George's Church School-house ; but as the erection of the new church was pressed forward with energy, they were able to worship in the basement, December 27th, 1874, on which day it was formally opened, llev. Dr. Burns preaching in the morning, and Rev Principal MacVicar in the evening. Rev. E. F. Torrance, (now of Peterboro') ofHciated for several months with mu(;h ac<^eptance, but the first pastor was Rev. J. C. Baxter, M.A., formerly of Dundee, (now Dr. Baxter of Kirkcaldy, Scotland) who was inducted. May 7th, 1875. During the same month, the church, having been completed at a cost of $39,000, was formally opened for Divine service. Dr. Baxter resigned the charge in August, 1878. The Rev. James McCaul, B.A., formerly of Three Rivers, was called, and inducted February 18th, 1879. The church lay under the crushing weight of a debt of $25,000 at this time ; but Mr. McCaul, ably assisted by Colonel Stevenson, George Rogers, the late Alexander Rose, and others, addressed himself to the task of lifting the burden off the congregation, which he had very nearly accom- plished, when he resigned the pastorate, March 30th, 1886, to accept an appointment to Great Britain and Ireland, in 115 tho interests of French Evangelization. lie was succeeded 80th September, 1H86, by the present pastor, Rev. l^Mnlay M. Dewey, a native of this provinc^e, who received his literary education atM<;Crill Collej^,', but studied Theology at Morrin Colh'j^e. lie was pastor of Uichmond, lilastern Townships, for nine years, whi^re h<^ gave lull proof of his ministry; and he has given a fresh imjnilsc to the life of this spirited congregation by the eanu'stness and warmth of his teaching. The elders are Georgt^ Rogers, of Rogers and King ; James Ross, merchant ; Pt^ter Mc^Leod, missionary; W. D. Duncan, clerk ; D. Carrie, and William Drysdale, bookseller. Th(; Sabbath School had 150 scholars during the (lentennial year. Contributed to the schemes of th«^ church, $^^)5. for all obje(;ts, $3,552. Taylor Church. This congregation, in its present form, dat(»H nominally from the 2Jird day of July, 18*70, when Rev. Dr. Taylor, by appointment of Presbytery, organized it in Iludon Hall. Work had been previously carried on, however, on two lines, which then converged — by the (^anada Presbyterian Church, and by the Presbyterian Church of Canada in con- nection with the Church of Scotland. The former had long held a Sabbath school in the Quebec suburbs : the latter established both a school and a mission preaching station, in the old Sir John Johnson Mansion in (Jraig street, the property of J. T. Molson,not far from Papineau S(]uare, in 1868. This station was supplied by Rev. Robert Laing, now of Halifax, and others, as the "East End Mission," under the dire(;tion of the Presbytery's Home Mission committee, until it was taken over by St. Andrew's Church, as St. Paul's Church assumed the Forfar Street Mission. It had previously been removed to Salem Church, Panet 116 Street. To this mission charge, Rev. John L. Stuart was ordained by the Presbytery of Montreal, after the Union, 22nd July, 1815, and he continued to supply it till 1st of May, 18*76. By this time, St. Andrew's Church had voted itself out of the Union, and, as Mr. Stuart wished to remain in the united church, he tendered his resignation. St. Andrew's Chuijh bought the building, over the heads of the Presbytery of Montreal of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, and retained posses- sion of it, which made it necessary that the congrega- tion should seek accommodation elsewhere. Hudon Hall, St. Catherine Street, was secured, and to it the congre- gation removed, and with it combined the Sabbath School work formerly carried on under the auspices of the Canada Presbyterian Church. The Rev. John Jones, who had done such good service in establishing Chalmers' church on a solid footing, was induced to take hold of the mission in the summer of 1876, and by his energy and perseverence he succeeded at last in getting the present church erected on Champlain Street. On loth January, 1878, Rev. A. C. Morton was ordained as pastor of the charge, but his ministry was of brief duration. Failing health compelled him to surrender it, and Mr. Jones was again asked to lend a helping hand. The next pastor was Rev. John J. Casey, who was called from Elgin and Athelstane, and inducted March 16th, 1882. In the discharge of his duties, he contracted small-pox, from which he died, June 10th, 1884. Meantime there was growing up a very large and promising Sabbath School, under the superintendence of Mr. James Brown, of Knox Church, and an energetic staiBF of teachers— which, as well as the congregation, received special assist- ance from Knox congregation. Rev. Thomas Bennett, the :esent pastor, having been unanimously called from a charge in Ontario, wat. inducted, Ist December, 1885. When the congregation started out anew in Hudon Hall, there were but 31 communicants in it — at the end of 1886 the membership numbered 150. The outlook of the Church is of the brightest kind, considering the rapid growth of the part of the city in which it is situated. Contributions to the schemes of the church, |80. for all objects, $1,318. Melville congregation, at Cote St. Antoine, was not fairly on its feet at the date of the centennial, but, during the year 1886, its organization was completed. It con- tributed $99 to the schemes of the church, and raised |6,314 for all purposes. Not the least interesting of the Presbyterian congrega- tions in Montreal, in the centennial year, were the two French ones — St. John's and Saviour's, — although they ca,nnot be said to have had any specially intimate connec- tion with the Scotch Church, St. Gabriel Street. They are rather the fruit of the evangelical zeal of the whole Presbyterian Church in Canada. Jesus taught that the natural effect of the presence of Gospel truth among men is to extend itself, even as leaven communicates its own qualities to the measures of meal in which it is buried. And so, our people desire to give the Word, which has cheered and blessed themselves, to their neighbours who possess it not. We have seen how the English statesmen, at the end of last century, thought to make the French Canadians Protestant, in order to make them loyal to the British Crown, and how civil pressure was brought to bear upon them to this end. But moral and spiritual results can never be achieved hy political agencies, especially by violence. This fact came at last to be IIS recognized in connection with the French colonists. Our church has taken up the work in the spirit of kindness, and for the love we bear the French people, "We would have them feel and believe this : their suspicion is that we are dishonouring their nationality by our evangelistic movements, and that it is because we deem them an inferior people that we are sending missionaries among them. The very opposite is the case. It is because they belong to the noble Gallic race — a people perhaps the most capable in Christendom, — that we could wish that nothing were wanting to their perfection. We would have them what Coligni was, — what Margaret and Henry of Navarre were, — we would see produced noble men and women of the type that adorned France in the period of its greatest glory, — and we offer them the stimulating, beautifying Gospel of Jesus Christ to put a finish on their already graceful spirit. It was the writer's privilege, in 181*7, to visit the United Kingdom to set the claims of our French Canadian fellow-citizens before Christian brethren, with a view to aiding this worthy work in which our church has embarked ; and this is the only special point of contact between the old St. Gabriel Street Church and the French congregations in the city. St. John's Church. This church originated with the Presbyterian Church of Canada in connection with the Church of Scotland, three years before the disruption. On 2nd September, 1841, Mr. E. Lapeltrie, who had been sent to Canada by the London Missionary Society, was ordained by Rev. P. C. Campbell, afterwards Principal of Aberdeen Uni- versity. The congregation consisted at first of only twelve members. Mr. Lapeltrie returning to France, owing to ill-health, in 1850, Rev. L. Baridon succeeded him, who •779 resigned in 1853. For the next six years there was no pastor, but faithful elders and others held regular service until 1859, when Mr. Baridon resumed the pastorate, although, from bodily infirmity he was obliged to resign it in 1861. He was succeeded that same year by Rev. J. E. Tanner, a minister of the Reformed Church of Switz- erland. It was during his incumbency that the church, corner of Dorchester Street and Bronsdon's Lane, was built. It was opened for public worship by the late Principal Leitch, of Queen's University, during the meet- ing of Synod in 1863. In 1867, a French pastor. Rev. Mr. Groepp, was placed in charge, but remained only a year. On August 23rd, 1869, Mr. Charles A. Doudiet, having completed his theological studies in Queen's Uni- versity, was ordained and inducted to the pastorate. The congregation then assumed the name of St. John's Church, and was placed on the Presbytery roll. Mr. Doudiet was translated to St. Matthew's Church, 22nd September, 1872, but was recalled and re-inducted in 1877 — a great im- pulse meantime having been given to work amongst the French Canadians by the purchase of Russell Hall, during the ministry of his successor, Rev. Charles E. Tanner, son of a former pastor, who was inducted into the charge in 1874. During this period also the famous converted priest, Rev. Charles Chiniquy, visited the city and revived an interest in the work of French Evangel- ization, and brought many into St. John's Church. Mr. Doudiet was born at Geneva, Switzerland, and got his literary training at the G-rande-Ligne Baptist College. He is a distinguished preacher, his services in English as well as French being much sought after ; and his min- istry has greatly contributed to strengthen the cai*se of French Protestantism in the city. Contributions for all purposes, $460. ISO Saviour's Church. This edifice on Canning Street was built by the Board of French Evangelization in 18*77, for Kev. Charles Chiniquy, and dedicated, 14th January, 18*78. The Rev. Principal Mac Vicar presided, and the late Rev. Dr. Robb, of Cooke's Church, Toronto, preached the sermon. In May, 1879, Mr, Chiniquy resigned the charge of the mis- sion to go to Australia. The Rev. B. Ouriere succeeded him, and continued in charge till the end of May, 1880, when he resigned to return to France. The present pastor, Rev. Alfred B. Cruchet, was translated from New Glasgow, 1st November, 1880. At that time the number of commun- icants was twenty-seven, and of families, twenty-six. Since then the congregation has entirely changed. Emi- gration and prosecution have drawn away, from time to time, those who have come under the power of the truth in connection with this church, as well with all the other Frenc^ Protestant congregations in this Province, so that it does not increase in proportion to the efforts put forth and the results accomplished, as rapidly as English speak- ing churches usually do. Mr. Cruchet was born in this Province and received his preparatory education at Pointe-aux-Trembles, and entered the Presbyterian College, Montreal, in 1871. On completing his course, he was ordained and inducted to the pastoral charge of New Grlasgow, Quebec, August 29th, 1877, where he laboured faithfully until his removal to Montreal. This brief account of the present condition of Presby- terianism in Montreal, may be regarded as a fair showing of work done in a century. Truly, the little one of the 12th March, 1786, has become a thousand. CHAPTER XXXIV. St. Gabkibl Chuech after the Centennial Sekvicbs — The New St. Gabriel's. ST. GABRIEL STREET CHURCH, MONTREAL, ./"'•■:. 1792. ;v-'-. , '^ ,, Old house of stone | wherein men meet, to pray, In that same faith their fathers knew before ; And, art thou doomed, alas ! to pass away, Destroyed in all save memory, evermore ? With fond regard I view thine old stone walls. The simple stone-cut story of thy birth ; More dear to me than high cathedral walls, ; ; - As near to God, perhaps, though less in worth. For He respects the spirit of mankind, ;, : . Nor cares for forms, or pomps of divers creeds; , And in the rearing of thy stones, I find Apart provision for the spirit's needs. The other part hath been supplied by men. Whose names, for piety and Christian grace, Have passed down, one by one, from that day when The mark of birth was wore upon thy face. OM house of stone ! men prophesy thy doom. They say thine honoured walls must be pulled down, That other new improvements may have room, — To meet the growing business of the town. Shall this be so, and we stand idly by, ' To see the relic of our parents' skill. Razed to the earth, without a manly cry For mercy, 'gainst an act of vandal ill ? Brothers, that worship God in every creed, Lend us your voice and let our wish be known. Help us to stay a sacrilegious deed. And save from ruin His old house of stone. June 4th, 1882. Evander. •782 Tlie poet's protest could not save the old edifice : the exigencies of the congregation and the public requirements demanded that it should be sacrificed. In the month of October, 1885, the late "Wm. Darling had obtained from G. B. Burland a written offer of the "Wesley Congregational Church, the acceptance of which he deemed the wisest thing the St. G-abriel's congregation could do, provided they could dispose of their own edifice to advantage. No competent offer being made for the latter, however, no progress was made in the way of negotiating with Mr. Burland until July, 1886, when he agreed to take over the St. G-abriel Street Church for the sum of |15,000 in part payment of his church, should we purchase it, if at the end of six months from the time of concluding the trans- action with him, we were unable to dispose of our pro- perty at a higher figure. The congregation unanimously agreed to these terms at a meeting held July 15th, 1886 ; and evening services were commenced in the new church on August 22nd, following. Forenoon services were con- tinued in the old edifice until September 18th, 1886. In the morning of that day, Rev. C. A. Doudiet, of St. John's Church, officiated, and immediately afterwards, the Lord's Supper was dispensed for the last time. Uunfortunately the day was very wet, which hindered many from attend- ing who desired to be present. The pastor delivered a farewell discourse in the evening, from the Montreal Herald's report of which the following passages were taken : — Taking leave of the edifice where this congregation had worshipped so long, and which was endeared to them by many tender associations, could not fail being impressive. Many, particularly the elder members, were deeply touched. The thought that it was the last time they would ever worship there seemed to them to be a very sad one, and they bade fare- well to the old church with evident regret The last sermon was listened to with devout attention. The Text was — Pb. cii. 12-13. — " But thou, Lord, shalt abide forever ; and thy memorial unto all generations. Thou ^83 shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion : for it is time to have pity upon her, yea, the set time is come. For thy servants take pleasure in her stones, and have pity upon her dust." The abandonment of this house as a place of worship is a token of the changeablenesH inherent in all man's works- In its day it was a building in which pride was taken. It was the centre of the best religious influence to be found in the community. The foremost citizens regarded it with satisfaction as their church ; it stood a favorable comparison with any edifice of which Montreal could then boast. And in the natural course of events, the next thing we shall hear of it probably will be that it is to be pulled down to make way for a more modern structure, or that it will be utilized in some way for the public advantage and convenience. The con- text intimates that nothing better need be expected of anything built by man's hands. To God alone, and to what is divine, does the idea of perma- nence attach. It was the Psalmist's refuge in the .time of weakness and trouble, to meditate upon God's eternal power. When all human things were shifting, like sand beneath the feet, he threw himself upon the divine arm for help. Feeling his days declining like a shadow, and his vigor withering like grass, he planted his feet upon the rock of divine un- changeableess : " Thou, O Lord, shalt abide for ever." And as he reflected upon his own need, and was braced up by the confidence inspired by the fact that the Lord reigns, for the clause " thou shalt abide for ever," might also be translated, as it is in the margin, " Thou sittest as king," so he thought of the desolate condition of God's house, which was at that time in ruins, and hoped that the same Lord that was mighty to help the indivi- dual believer in distress, would also come to the rescue of the ruined Temple on the slope of Mount Zion. " Thou shalt arise and have mercy upon Zion ; for it is time to have pity upon her, yes, the set time is come." It is always mournful to contemplate a great person in his decay; it is little less melancholy to see a great institution in ruins. Solomon's Temple, while it yet stood, was the pride of every inhabitant of Judea, as well as of the citizens of Jerusalem ; the disappointment and distress of patriotic and devout Jews was correspondingly great when it was over- thrown by the invading hosts of Babylon. The exiled people wept when they remembered Zion. And when they were restored to their own country, their first concern under Ezra and Nehemiah was to rebuild the Lord's House. As they beheld the grand and curious blocks of stone, with which the temple had been erected, lying in confusion around, half buried in dust and rubbish, their bosoms heaved at the sight. Those stones were dear to their hearts ; as they looked upon the dust upon which the ruins lay half imbedded, they had a feeling akin to pity. Every particle of that dust was associated in their minds with the names of David andSolomon^ the monarchs whose reign reflected the greatest lustre upon the nation, as well as with several generations of worshippers who had ascended the hill 784 of Zion to offer homage to Jehovah, the God of Israel. It was an affectinp sight, that Temple in ruins in which their fathers had souglit tlie Lord I Brethren, we worship for the last time to-night in this quaint old build- ing. It is not in ruins, thank God ; it was never brighter or more com- fortable than it has been for the last half dozen years. Yet it may be said to have been gradually getting less attractive and comfortable, as well as less imposing in comparison with the larger and better equipped churches erected all over the city. In this sense alone can it be said to be in a state of decadence. It has served three or four generations of worshippers, and having done its work, it, too, will soon be numbered with the things of the past. Would that before it finally disappears, it could be endowed with speech to tell forth its secrets for tha instruction of mankind ! What a tale the old walls might unfold. Could they but give back the echo, not of the words of the preachers, who have spoken from this lofty pulpit, alone ; but also the thoughts and emotions of the occupants of the pews— the feelings which came to the birth while they were listening to those that addressed them in God's name — what an extensive and varied vol- ume would issue. Each stone of the venerable edifice we fancy to be the depository of some secret thought or desire communicated to it; but it is vain to try and extort from the stone and lime the tales that may be stored up in them. We take leave of this historic spot with heavy hearts, although convinced that an attempt to continue for any considerable period longer the maintenance of a self-sustaining congregation here must have ended iu failure and disappointment It would be painful to all to find a cause in this venerable church dwindling away, even as it is dis- tressing to witness the gradual but sure decline of an aged relative whom w^e love and esteem. Yet, the last parting word is necessarily a sad one. This building is associated with the names of eight ministers who have preceded me — Messrs. Young, Somerville and Esson, Drs. Black and Leishman, Mr. Rin- toul, and Drs. Inglis and Kemp ; but my term of service has exceeded that of any of them, except Mr. Esson's, covering nearly one-ff)urth of the period since the church was erected. 1 came here a comparatively young man, and have given the best of my days to establishing and maintaining a con- gregation in this edifice. There were about forty families connected with the church when I was called, embracing about the same number of com- municants. The work which I had to undertake was what, in military phrase, would be called going into the breach. There was the remnant of a former congregation, and they, with a few individuals from' other churches, constitute -J the little band, at the head of which I was placed to lead them on in fighting the Lord's battle, in this quarter of the city. It was a great honour to be entrusted with rallying the scattered forces of tha Presbyterian communion in the East end of Montreal. The post of diffi- culty is the post of distinction in the Lord's army, as well as in that of Her ■ 785 Majesty tlio Queen. I do not rogmt that I have Imd to sjhmkI and 1m> sjient in this cause for twenty yours. A hN'ssinj,' has \mm upon my ministrv. This I know: God Ims >jiven mo multitudes of famiiioa as well hh individuals in Montreal whom I have been privile-od to hriii« to Jesus ; and not a few of these had be(ni very (careless, if not positively irreligious, before com- ing? under my ministerial induenoe. I have had the honour of doin« a hiT^e amount of city mission work, and I thank God for the many He has given me in return for such action and thought and effort as I have been able to put forth. He gave me a post of difficulty, putting me in the high places of the field, and toKlay I bless his name that He counted me worthy of this distinction. And not only has the Home Mission work of the Church been largely and successfully promoted from this centre during the last twenty years, but It has been our good fortune to be a training school, as it were, for the churches in the southwest part of the cUy. If ull tho families that gradu- ated from here into the other congregations, during my ministry alone were gathered together, they would make quite a little army. Indeed it has been the fortune of this church to bo a feeder to all the Protestant churches of the city throughout the greater part of its history. Not to speak of St. Andrew's Church, St. Paul's Church, the American Church Crescent Street Church, and more recently, Knox Church, which drew off large bodies from this building, at a great crisis in the history of Presby- terianism,~in the case of Knox Church, the great bulk of the congregation leaving these walls,-a very considerable proportion of the members of Christ Church, in former days, as well as of several excellent families that have been prominent in St. James Street Methodist Church and in Zion Church were formerly in communion with the congregation worshipping here. The building may be aaid, therefore, to have been a training school for the Church Catholic in this city. And this is one reason why it is re- garded with great respect by every denomination in Montreal. They have all owed something to it, and have had reason to be grateful for its existence. As I have already said, this kind of work is the most honorable in which an ambassador of Christ can engage. But I can testify that it requires a high degree of faith and self-abnegation to continue in it As a congregation we have learned patience from the things we have suffered in this regard' and now we think we have done our part, and that we are entitled lo^seek to be placed m a situation in which greater permanence may be secured We may be pardoned if we desire henceforth to consolidate our forces more firmly and to enjoy the fruits of former toil and effort. Having performed our share of work in the high places of the field, it may be permitted to us now to occupy ourselves in strengthening the garrison. During my ministry in this church, I have admitted upwards of 500 persons into the fold of the visible Church by baptism ; I have officiated at the burial of upwards of three hundred; I have joined about six hun- z z 78f) ,1rc(l poranna in tlie honds of vvcllock, an.l I luivo woivod ii>t(. the foUow- sliip (,f tho church \v«ll nijih a thousand houI.s. My jHistorate hua l«on a hihorious oius hut it has lu^on a coniparativoly hat)py ono; for we have been favored with a lar^'(» moasuro ot \min% and on tlio wliole w.^ havo ho(^n nnu'h prosiK^rcd. 'I'akin^ thoHo thinjrs int(. mu'ount, yon can all un- derstand that it is noamall trial to tal^o loavo of this ven(*ral)lo budding around which my thounlits and anxielias have constantly clustored for a score of yoars. For thoufrh I havo for a lonj? time ur>ro»l i\w nocessity of removing from tins locality, where wind and tide may be said to have aieen ajrainst us for a dozen years past, to some quarter where I should bo in a position to compete with my brethren in the ministry on e-iual terms, now that the word farewell has to be said, I lind myself almost choking with emotion as I attempt to utter it. And there are very many, I doubt not both in Montreal and in the most .listant parts of the country, through whoso hearts a tender thrill of regretful emotion will pass when they loam that the voice of praise and prayer and preaching, is no longer heard in St. Gabriel Street Church. I have reason to know of many who take pleasure in the stones of this edifice, and to whom its very dust is dear. It may be that those whose connection with it has ceased within a year or two realize no consciousness of tender memories that gather around these walls. It is with this old church as it is with the old home of our childhood. There is a pleasure in the youth's leaving his father's house, there is excitement for a time in the novelty of living among strangers in new places. But as years pass away, a yearning towards the old home comes at the heart, and the longer the years of absence from it, the deeper this yearning becomes. Just so, those whose latest connec- tion with this building dates farthest back, are more fondly drawn towards it, and I have no doubt that in the course of years, we shall all share in this feeling of respectful interest and attachment, if so be that these vener- able walls shall continue to stand. This church has not been free from faults, as what earthly organization is. It has had its days of darkness. It may be, indeed, fairly described as the church militant, so many trials has it come through ; but He who was with the church in the wilderness, never wholly forsook our Zion, and the motto has heen verified ; nee tamen consumebatur. This church ha.s been a faithful witness for the truth in this city, taking its whole history into accoupt. Not only have the great doctrines of Grace received the prominence given them in the Christian Scriptures, but there has been it " right dividing" of the *' Word of truth," a leaving behind sometimes of the "principles of the doctrine of Christ," in order to leading believers " on to perfection." The course of events in the century of its history has been a fair sample of all the centuries— perhaps not much better than the general developments through ecclesiastical history, for the previous eighteen centuries, but certainly not worse. This church has had its 787 nnersos an.l trhi!fl, us woll m poriority. Nono of the ministors, it n.av he men- tionod, held an honorary dejrreo durint: their service of the church~to be pastors .,f tho ..Idest Protestant f 'hurch in the I'rovince, ^^^is deemed distinction enough. Then, we have a good illustration in the past bietory of this congregation of the vanity of the thought of anchor- ing a congregation in the depths of any parti.-ular phase of religious thought or life. Ministers may oini,hasize om^ side of truth during their term of service, and there maybe elders and oflice-boarers whose influ- ence may be dominant for a season ; but there is no guarantee that it shall be iKjrmanent. It is often observed that when a vacancy occurs in a congregation, the choice of the people, as a rule, falls upon a minister who presents points of contrast to the pastor immediately preceding, ri.at is to say, they select him for the qualities that strike them, by reason of their freshness and novelty, becai.^e oflering a contrast to those with wlucii they had been familiar in their former spiritual guide. Thus it is that the theological i^endulum is kept swinging. But it will be found that there is a fundamental, solid, family likeness in the entire Presbyte- rian community, to which there is a disiKjsition to revert, as the true type of character produced by it. The church has been served by a great variety of ministers : no two of them have been of similar mould ; but it will be found on the great day, I doubt not, that they were all helping on the great designs of the Head of the church-that period when "Jesus shall reign where'er tho sun does his successive journeys run"-" the great lar-off, divine event to which the whole creation moves." On the whole' It has been owned of the Lord, as a centre of light and Christian activity' At one period, the collegiate pastors of St. Gabriel Street Church took their turn in supplying ordinances to Lachine, Laprairie, the Chateauguay region, and the districts of St. Andrews, Lachute, Grenville, New Gla8<-ow and Rawdon, so that for the first fifty years of its existence, it undertook a large amount of home mission work, as for the last twenty vears it has been privileged to accomplish a good share of city mission work. It has embraced in the list of its office-bearers and membera, men of every degree in the social scale. In this respect, it has fairly illustrated the spirit of the Church of Scotland, in the sessions of which the peer a- J the peasant may be found meeting on an equality. I may go farther and say It haa fairly interpreted in this regard a higher spirit still than that of tlie Church of Scotland, pamely, the spirit of the Master Himself. To whom did He give the destinies of His Infant Church but to fishermen 788 and tax-gatherers? and with these the learned Paul was afterwards asso- ciated. And so in the Kirk session of this church, from its first establish- ment onwards, we find craftsmen, traders, merchants and members of the learned professions joined together. There is, indeed, food for profitable reflection aflfoided in the history of this congregation as to the relatione between what may be termed labor ana -<.t energy of mind and strength of character that are conditions of prospt • and success. There is scarcely a single exception to tha rule that members, he families of tradesmen, and what are usually named the working cla*. ■, have alone become distinguished citizens, and helped to make Montreal the great commercial centre it is to-day. The ideal of life they had before them, the maxims in which they were nurtured, the habits of economy and thrift in which they were trained, all being whole- some, contributed to make them successful in their undertakings, and fit them to be the architects of their own fortunes. It would seem, on the other hand, that they who are born to plenty, and especially those who are trained foolishly by their families, in the belief that they are better than their neighbors, because they are not under the necessity of earning a subsistence by labor, are doomed to decay. Those who take the fore- most place at the bar, on the bench, in the forum, or in the marts of com- merce, are not they who have been nursed in the lap of indolence, and fed with silver spoons, but those who were taught self-denial and practised it on their own part, and were trained in a regard for truth, honor and virtue. So that if any one wishes to enfeeble his children, and unfit them for running successfully the race of life, he will inoculate their minds with the notion that they are better than the common order of mortals, because born to inherit the wealth which his energy was able to accumu- late, and accustomed to luxury in living and dre-'s. The children of the wealthy of former generations have passed into obscurity, while the dc'^cendants of the shoemakers and carpenters and blacksmiths of sixty years ago are now the foremost amongst our citizens. It is not the rank, I need not say, that makes the man. We cannot estimate the human family in classes. There are mean and selfish persons among both rich and poor ; every man is to be valued according to his own personal worth, and not because of his birth or surroundings. Thooe who were formerly up are now down, having exchanged places with those fellows whom they were perhaps taught to despise as vulgar. And it will bfe the turn of their families, it is to be hoped, by and by, after they have had some contact with mother earth, which is a great purifier, and ha\«e learned humility— as Nebuchadnezzar learned it, by sharing in the fare of oxen in the open field,— again to display the energy of character that is begotten by honest labour, and so return to the top of the social ladder. The late Hon. James Leslie once deposed before ihe courts that . the distinction of the congregation worshipping here, in the first quarter of the century, ■ ■■ ' 789 ;"-■..■; was that it embraced almost all the Presbyterians in the city at that time who had any social pretensions, while what is now St. Andrew's Church was composed chiefly of artisans; who were also dissenters from the Church of Scotland. If that was the state of matters then, and the people were allowed to plume themselves upon their suj)eriority, what else was to be expected than a social revolution and an exchange of places with those who were not enfeebled by any unfounded views of life ? True it is that " a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth." I am thankful to say that my exfierience in this church has been most delightful in regard to this point. We have had a sprinkling with us of every class in the community, which is the ideal state of things ; lut our rich people have been as hrmble in mind as the poorest among us; and the learned have assumed no airs of superiority over the unlettered. There has been no despising of God's little ones- no paying court to those who came into the assembly wearing gold rings and costly apparel. And it has been a constant joy to me to see the steady advance along nearly the whole line made in all that is best in mental and spiritual growth, as well as in material possessions ; and I confidently count upon many of the future distinguislied men and women of Montreal going forth out of our thrifty and well regulated households." After sketching the leading male members of the con- gregation during his twenty years' ministry, of whom a longer notice is given in Chapter XXX of this book, he went on to say : — " I wish I could speak of the faithful women of age and character and worth who have been connected with us during those twenty years. But time does not allow. Not to speak of those yet with us, I will just name ]Mrs. Lemoine, Mrs. John Fisher, Mrs. Laing, Mrs. Minshall, Mrs. John Ross, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Landell, Mrs. Currie and Mrs. Shepherd, all of whom were persons of not« in one way or other, and rendered service to this church and congregation. On the whole, even in its least palmy days, the old church has had a record of which no one need be ashamed, and any one may be pardoned who lias deemed it a distinction to be a worshipper in this fine old his- toric edifice. But now we are about to take farewell of it, and let me address a few words in parting to the congregation. Let me remind you of the respon- sibility that attaches to the hearing of the Word and to the reception of the sacraments. At the last day it will come against you in the judgment if you have not made a diligent and proj^r u^e of the means of grace which you have enjoyed within these walls. Let memory and conscience be busy to-night. And now that we go away, we shall hope to find you all worshipping with us in our new church. As Moses said to Pharoah, " there shall not an hoof be left behind," so we would fain believe that you will all accompany us to our new ecclesiastical home. I am aware thrt it will be less convenient for several of the families of the congregatioa than the present situation ; but others have long suffered inconvenience in coming here, and it may now be claimed that it is their turn to be ac- commodated. It is a serious thing, as you all no doubt realize, to break one's connection with a church ; and it can be justified only when a per- son or family can be more useful in another church— when they are certain to be more spiritually profited — and when the question of health and convenience, not only now, but in future, asserts itself. On these grounds, I should say, one might reasonably contemplate exchanging one pastorate for another ; but I would have them scrutinize their motives in so doing very narrowly. If there should creep into the solution of the question social considerations, for instance, the person who is influenced by them in the face of the strong claims of duty, which are indicated by the lines within which Providence has placed us, must suffer moral and spiritual deterioration, by obeying .the lower motives as against the demands of those that are higher. But I hope better things of you, brethren, although I thus speak. Old St. Gabriel's ! many an anxious thought has been spent on thee during nearly a century, and not the fewest of them in the last score of years ; but there has been much happiness and joy mingling with the cares and trials. Thy venerable i^resenco, and thy history, rich in inci- dent, have always lent a charm to the labours manifold that have been performed within thy walls. Old St. Gabriel's, farewell !" The conditional sale to Mr. Burland, of the old church, although the amount guaranteed for it was very small, at least enabled the congregation to go on and complete the purchase of the new church, and start on a fresh career. But through the good offices of Hon. James McShane, when he became a member of the Provincial cabinet, and the energy displayed by Hon. Mr. Mercier, the premier, the trustees were able to dispose of the property, at a slight advance upon the sum which Mr. Burland was willing to allow for it, — namely, $S per square foot — or a total of $1*7,790. For this sum, the old church passed into the hands of the Quebec G-overnment, on the 25th of March, 188*7. The intention of the authorities is to demolish it, and use THE ST. GABRIEL CHURCH, ST. CATHERINE STREET. •a 791 the site for an addition to the Court House. The trustees reserved the bell, the corner-stone, the pulpit, and the tablet on front, bearing the title of the church and the date of its erection. These, except the pulpit, they intend to make use of in constructing the proposed centennial tower of the new St. G-abriel's. The New St. G-abriel's. The til t .series of the opening services of the New St. Gabriel Church were held on the 26th September, 1886. The preliminary devotional exercises were conducted by the pastor, Rev. Robert Campbell, M.A., who offered the prayer of dedication. The sermon was delivered by the Rev. Daniel James MacDonnell, M. A., B.D., the minister of St. Andrew's Church, Toronto, who chose for his text, Phil. iii. 13-14. In the afternoon, at 3. p.m., there was a special service for the young, conducted by the Rev. Principal Mac Vicar, D.D., LL.D. The Very Reverend Principal Grant, D.D., of Queen's University, Kingston, officiated at 7 p.m., and discoursed from Mark xiv. 6. On the evening of Monday, September 27th, a social re-union took place, at which the congregation had the pleasure of entertaining their friends from other churches. The pastor occupied the chair, and addresses were delivered by Rev. A. B. Mackay, of Crescent Street Church, Rev. Mr. Hanna, of the First Baptist Church, and Rev. John Philp, of the St. James Street Methodist Church. The intervals were agreeably filled by solos and anthems from the choir, led by Mr. James R. Bain, and by voluntaries on the organ. During the evening, Mr. R. D. Mathieson, Presi- dent of the Young People's Association, presented the 192 pastor with a magnificent pulpit Bible, having the old and new versions of the Scriptures in parallel columns. Mr. Darling, on behalf of the ladies of the congregation, announced that they had hoped to be able on that evening to present also a pulpit robe, which had been ordered from Middlemass', Edinburgh, but it had not yet arrived. Refreshments were served in the Lecture room, by the ladies of the congregation. On Sabbath, October 3rd, the opening services were continued, Rev. James Barclay, M. A., of St. Paul's Church, preaching at 11 a.m., from John iv. 24 ; and the pastor at 7 p.m., from John xxi. 15-17. ">-'"''■ -■"'.■ Kirk Session. Robert Brodie, ordained November 19th, 1871, was born on the banks of the Chateauguay River, in this Province. He inherited the estate of Kilbirnie, Ayrshire, Scotland, and therefore is known as the " Laird," although the pro- perty has passed out of his hands. He was the founder of the firm "Harvie and Brodie," flour merchants. He resides at Coteau St. Pierre. William Darling, ordained 21st June, 1878, is the eldest son of William Darling, already spoken of, hardware mer- chant, and was born in Montreal. He is now the head of the firm which still carries on business under the old style, "Wm. Darling & Co." Daniel Drummond, ordained also, 21st June, 1878, is a well-known farmer, of Petite Cote. He was born near Comrie, Perthshire, Scotland, but came to Canada with his parents when only a boy. He was at one time a member of St. Andrew's Church. Thomas Graham, ordained at the same time as William Darling, Daniel Drummond, and Grilbert A. Fletcher, 21st. June, 1878, is a native of the city, and has been connected 793 with St. G-abriel Street Church all his life. He has a crockery store on St. Lawrence Main Street. Besides dis- charging the functions of an elder, he has been for many years a trustee, and has performed the arduous duties of the treasurership of the congregation since 1880. Matthew Hodge, ordained 20th May, 1883, is a native of Quebec city. He came to reside in Montreal in 18*70. He is a grocer in St. Lawrence Main Street ; and was for some years a trustee, but resigned the office after becoming' an elder. James H. Michaud, ordained 21st February, 1875, is a native of Carleton, Bonaventure County, Quebec. He got his business training in the office of Arthur Ritchie and Co., Dalhousie, N.B., and Liverpool, England, and married Mr. Ritchie's niece. He removed to Quebec, in 1853, where he was in business until he removed to Montreal in 1870. He is now a member of the lirm of Frank Bond & Co.^ brokers. He has been session clerk since the death of Mr, Tait, in 1877. .Tames Robertson, lead and saw manufacturer, ordained 20th May, 1883, has already been spoken of as a deacon in St. Gabriel Street. John A. Stuart, ordained November 19th, 1871, was born in the parish of Ray, County Donegal, Ireland, and came to Montreal in 1868. For fourteen years he was storeman for William Darling & Co., and latterly has been in the employ of TV. Clendinneng k; Co. He has been assistant superintendent of the Sabbath school for many years. Board of Trustees. William Arnott, first elected a trustee in 1878, was born near Lachute in this province, is a gardener and proprie- tor in Parthenais Street. He was baptized in the St. 794 Ga> riel Street Church. He has resided in the city since 1862. Charhjs Barker, elected a trustee, 4th. July, 1883, is a native of "Westou-on-Trent, Derbyshire, England, where he was born 10th March, 1820. He served 22 years in the British army, and was battery sergeant-major in the Royal Artillery. He came to Canada in 1865, having left the army in 1860. He is now in the Inland Revenue Department. Charles Byrd, elected a trustee at the annual meeting in February, 1885, was born at Lachute, in this province, and came to Montreal in 1866. He is chief clerk in the office of W. C. Munderlob & Co., steamship agents. David Cunningham, elected a trustee in 1877, was born in the parish of Colinton, county of Edinburgh, Scotland, and came to reside in Montreal, in 1848. He is the Inspector of gas meters. John M. Farquhar, book-keeper, chosen a trustee after Mr. Darling's death, January 6th, 1886, is a native of Paisley, Scotland, where his father resided at the time as accountant in the Bank of Scotland. His great-grandfather, Mr. Steele, was minister of the West Parish Greenock, a brother of Sheriff Steele. Mr. Farquhar ca.iie with his father's family to Montreal in 1857. Thomas Graham, the Treasurer of the congregation, elected a Trustee in 1878, has already been mentioned in the list of elders. Archibald McNaughton, merchant, descended from an old family in Glenlyon, Scotland, was born at Callendar, Scotland, but was brought up near St. Eustache in this Province. He was chosen trustee on the resignation of Mr. Ewing in 1876. "William Patton, Chief of the Fire Brigade, has already been spoken of as one of the original twelve trustees. William Reed, customs broker, was elected a trustee 795 in 1871, and has filled, with great ability . nd acceptance, the office of Secretary lO the Board since 1872. Mr. Reed was born at Kilmarnork, Scotland, August 18th, 1826, and arrived in Montreal on the same day of the month in 1846. James Robertson, the Chairman of the Board, has been already mentioned. David Sleeth, wood merchant, was chosen a Trustee at the annual meeting of the congregation in 1868, in room of Walter M. Peddie, resigned. Mr. Sleeth was born at Ullykapply, County Fermanagh, Ireland, and came to Canada in 1847. Archibald Watt, clerk, who was elected a Trustee, on the resignation of Mr. Haldimand, in 1886, is a native of Aberdeen, Scotland, and came to Canada in 1870. These are the twelve men whose signature is appended to the documents by w^hich the history of the old St. Gabriel Church was closed, and that of the new St. Gabriel's was opened. The following are the other organizations of the con- gregation, together with their office-bearers : — Auditors. — William Foulis and R. McCulloch. Organist. — Henry R. Day. Choir Master. — James R. Bain. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASS. Superintendent. — Rev. R. Campbell, M.A., D.D. Assistant Superintendent. — Mr. J. A. Stuart. Secretary-Treasurer. — Mr. Archibald McAllister. Assistant Secretary. — Mr. Thomas Blair. Librarian.— Mr, William Bickerstaff. Assistants. — Mr. Wm. Beckingham and Mr. George Lawson. Representative to S. S. Association. — Mr. P. M. MacTavish. 796 Teachers. — Bible Class — Rov. Robert Campbell, D.D. Infant Class — Miss Marion Taylor. Intermbdiate CLA88KH.--Mr8. Campbell, Misses liropby, M. Darling, A.M. Kyle, McAllister, M. McMillan, Norman, Provost, Robertson, and Messrs. Hunter, Lampard, McGillivray, MacTavish and Stuart. MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION. Office-Beakers and Executive Committee. PreiridenL — Rev. R. Campbell, D.D. Vice-Presidents. — James Robertson and Wiliam Patton. Treamrer, — Matthew Hodge. Secretary. — Wm. Peddle. Auditors. — P. M. MacTavish and A, Watt. Committee. — Messrs. W. Bickerstalf, J. Blair, J. Cunningham, W. Darling, J. M. Farquhar, W. Foulis, J. Hood, Andrew McAllister, Jun., R. McCulloch, A. McNaughton, W. C. Patton, and J. A. Stuart. Collectors. Mrs. Arnott and Mrs. Wells. Mrs. Blair and Mrs. Lognon. Mrs. Foulis and Mit^s Brophy. Mrs. J. Taylor and Mrs. Bain. Mrs. R. McCulloch and Miss McAllister. Messrs. Bain and Byrd. Misses Elizabeth Druramond and Mary Irving. LADIES' AID SOCIETY. President— Mrs. Campbell. Vice-Presidents. — Mrs. W. Darling, Senr., Mrs. James Robertson. Secretary- Treasurer—MisB M. Patton. YOUNG PEOPLE'S ASSOCIATION. Honorary President. — Rev. Robert Campbell, D.D, President. — Archibald Watt. la^ Vice-President. — Robert Stewart. 2nd Vice-President. — Marion Taylor. Treasurer. — John M. Farquhar. Secretary. — Thomas H. Blair. Assistant Secreta,ry. — Maggie Darling. District No. 1. « 2. « 3 i< 4 « 5, (1 6 « 7, 191 Executive Committkk. John MacTavish, Chairnuin. Archibald McAllister. M. Darling. M.Taylor. Visiting Committbb. p. M. MacTavish, Chnirman. Miss Flora Taylor. Miss Nellie Campbell Miss M. Norman. Miss A. Kyle. Miss McAllister. Miss Hammond. Miss A. Lognon. Miss E. Lawson. Mr. Vvin. Clelland. Mr. Geo. Norman. Mr. Archd. McAllister. Mr. Geo. Lawson. Social CoMMriTEa Mr. J. R. Bain, Chairman. Mr. Thos. H. Blair. Mr. Richard Lynch. Mr. Geo. Norman. Mr. Andrew McAllister. Mr. Wm. Clelland, Jr. Mr. J. R. Hunter. Temperance Committee. Miss Brophy, Convener. Miss Patton. Mr. F. Graham. Miss M. Darling. Mr. James A. Stuart. Mr. Archd. McAllister. Finance Committee. Mr. J. M. Farquhar, Cliairman. Mr. John Foulis. Miss M. Darling. Mr. Jno. Riohardson. Miss F. Taylor. Mr. Robt. Stewart. Miss Norman. Mr. P. M. MacTavish. Music Committee. Mr. Andrew McAllister, Chairman. Miss Patton. Miss Stanfield. Miss Ferguson. Miss May Robinson. Miss Hammond. Mr. Jno. Loughead. Publication Committee. Rev. Dr. Campbell, Chairman. Miss M. Taylor. Miss Katie Campbell. Mr. Andw. McAllister. Mr. J .R. Bain. Mr. R. D. Mathieson. Mr. Geo. Lawson. 798 ST. GABRIEL CHURCH TEMPERANCE ASSOCIATION. Honorarn I'rcindtnl, — Rev. R. Cainpboll, M. A., D.D. I'reirUleiit. — Mr. Archibald McAllister. Vice-I'rerident. — Miss Bropliy. Secretary- — Mr. ilohn L. Foulis. Amiftant SecreUiri/.—MlsH M. Tatton. Treasurer.— Mr- J. R. Bain. Executive Comthittee. Misses E. McQneen. Messrs. J. A. Stiiart. Rol)ert8on. Frank Graham. M. Darling. W. Irwin. StanfleUl. Andrew M'jAllister, Jr. F.. Taylor. A. Watt Henry. W. Clelland. The site of the church, thouj^h not on a corner, is a favourable one, on the south side of St. Catherine Street, a little east of Phillips' Square, and opposite the splendid new Methodist Church. The body of the edifice is of red brick, but the front is of Montreal stone, and is very fine. There are three doorways, — the main one in the centre, being deeply recessed with iiioulded joints, detached columns with bases and foliated capitals, and moulded arches. It is thirteen feet in width and twenty-four feet high, with a llight of stone steps to give easy ascent to the main hall. The doors on either side give access to the basement, with circular staircases to the main hall and to the galleries. Below the ornamental apex of the main gable is a large rose window, the tracery of which is wrought in a style of rare ornamentation. Between this window and each of the octagonal towers, there is a rose window seven feet in diameter, filled with ornamental tracery. The plan of the church is cruciform, with short nave. The choir and transepts meet in a circular centre of fifty- four feet in diameter, having twelve clustered columns, moulded bases, enriched and foliated capitals to support 700 tho ar«!ht'8 and dom»», which in Ufty-fiv«» iVu>t uhov*^ tho floor-hnM'l. Tho coiling light, twtMity-livo loot in diameter, In lillcd with cut and coloured ghiHH, with lantern above, to give light to the centre of the church. The gallericH are pla<'ed across the nave and the transepts. The choir and organ occupy the plati'orm in rear of the pulpit, six feet a})0ve the lioor-level, reached by steps from the choi** vestry. The minister's platform is three feet above th(^ floor, with steps ascending on either side, the desk in the centre being of a rich design. The seats of the church are all carved and radiate from the 4 Dobie, Kiohard 117 Dobie,Rev. Robert 690* Dods. Peter S67 Donaldson, Rev. Mr 711 Doudiet, Rev. C. A 779, 782 Doufcall, .John 443 Douglass, Rev, Geo., LL.D . • 329 Dowie. Kenneth 382 Druuiniond, Sir Gordon 39, 306 Drummond, Daniel 792 Duncan, James 6o5, 629 Dunlop, James 90 Easton. Rev. Robert 176 Eliegodd. Rev. Jacob 723 Empey, John 79 England, William 75 Esdaile, Robert 496 Esson,Rev. Henry. 276 Esten, Vice-Chancellor ... 609 Evar.i*, Archdeacon 729 Ewing, William 633 Falconer, Chna . . 137 Farquhar, J. M 794 Ferguson, Mrs. John 142 Ferguson, David 380 Ferguson, Arch'd 396 Ferguson, Alex 504 Ferguson, Wm 605 Ferrie, Hon, Adam 474 Ferrier. Hon. James 326 Fingland, Thos 252 Pinlay, James liO Finlayson, John 124 Fisher, Duncan 72 Fisher, Duncan, Jr 75 Fisher, Alex 77 Fisher, John 126 Fisher,Finlay 238 Fisher, Daniel 50« Fisher, John. Jr 506 Fleck, Rev. Jas 684, 701 Fleming, John 267 Fletcher, Nicol 146 Fletcher, Arch'd 439 Fletcher. Lieut.-Col. John 440 Fletcher, George 605 Fletcher, Gilbert A 792 Folger, Laban 252 Forbes, Wm ■••. 118 Forest, Robert 573 Forrest, Rev. Robert 175 Forsyth, Hon. John . 86 Forsyth, Thos 86 Frechette, Louis 1 "Frit" 68 Fra«er, Simon 106 Eraser, Alex Ill Eraser, Rev. Donald, D.D 296, 479, 7(12 Fra8er,Jame8 ,. 605 Eraser, Rev. Joshua 765 Frothingham, J 360 Gabler, Theodore 605 PACIK Gale, Rev. Alex 467, 720 (larden, George 318 Gardner, Robert 563 (Jates, Hon. Horatio 256 Gibb, Benaiah 113 Gibson, Rev. Hamilton.. 661 Gibson, Rev.J. M.,D.D 7«0 (Jillcspie, (Jeorge 264 Gillespie, Robert 2t>5 Gilmore, William 137 Girdwood, Rev. J 517 Glagou,J. G 137 Glas.s Alex 376 Gnepp, Kev. M 719 (Jonnerman, F 250 Gorrie, Daniel 500 Graham, Thomas 794 Grahame, Wm 236 Grant, Cuthbert 107 (Jrant, John 230 (J rant, J. C 431 Grant, Principiil, D.D 685, 686, 791 (iray.John 128 (Jray, Jonathan A 128 Gray, Rezaliel 252 (Jray , George 3t0 72 Irwin, William 605 Jumioson J John 429 Jenkins, Rev. J. , D.D.,LL.D. . .603, 611, 756 " Jenny, the Red Bird of the Indians." 56 Johnson, Sir William 89 ,Tohn! Redpatli , John 388 Keed, William 794 Keid, Duncan 147 Reid.John 241 Keid, Hon. James 2ll PAOK Roid, Rev. Wm.,D.D .541,718,724 Rice, Abner 263 Richardson, Hon. John 86 Rintoul, Rev. William, M.A 531, 720 Robertson, Alex 128 Robertson, .Tohn 138 Robertson, Dr. Wm 369 Robertson, James .673, 606 Robertson, John 606 RodKer. David 569 Rollo, James 320 Ross.Philip 137 Rops, David 148 Ross, Dr. George U"* Ros.s, Joseph 376 Ros»,n. P 427 Ross, Thomas 4.33 Ross, Joseph Moore 484 Ross, Donald 505 Ross, PS 771 Ros8,Wm. Joseph 606 Rose, Sir John 509 Rowan, Wm 529 Roy, Rev. J 799 Russel, .John 79 Rua8el,Wm 127 Russell, John 606 Savage, M 25.'l Sclater, Alex 638 Scott, Adam 70 S.ott.Wm 374 Soott, Barbara 374 Scott, James 432 Scott, Rev. John, D.D 518 Scrimger, Rev. Prof., M.A 733, 768 Sculthorp, .James 571 Selkirk, Lord Thomas 297 Selkirk, Lord Dunbar-James 305 Selkirk. George 663 Shaw, Angus 109 Shaw, Andrew 491 Shaw.Rev. Prof., M.A 700 Shay. Isaac 255 Shepherd, Mrs. George 606 Shuter.John 2.'?3 Simpson, Alex 128 Simpson, Robert 138 Simpson, John 376 Simpson, Robert 377 Simpson, Andrew ... 488 Skukel, Alex., LL.D 235 Skakel, Wm 250, 505 Sleeth, David 7y5 Smellie. Rev. Geo., D.D 542 Smith, David 129 Smith, James '• 238 Smith, Hon. Justice 238 Smith, John 381 Smith Kobert 484 Smith,Dr. W. P 566 Smvth.Rev. W.J,Ph. D 768 Snodgraas, Rev. Wm..D.D 587, 616,765 Somerville, Rev. James 150 Somerville, Mariamne 164, 585 Spark, Kev. Alex., D.D 172 Speirs, John 497 Spooner, Mrs 60<5 Stansfield. (Jeo 127 Stephenson, .John 136 Stephenson, James 137 Stephenson, Ur 372 Stephenson, James 574 B01 Stevenson , Lieut.-Col 774 Stewart, William 71 Stewart. Wm 250 Stewart, Dounald 878 Stewart, A. B 62i' Stewart. Rev. James 7ft5 Stone, Rev. I)r 700 Story.Rev. R. H., D.D 6 Strachnn, Right Reverend Bishop. . .84, 183 Strachun, David 635 Street, Robt 2^3 Strong, Nathan 253 Strong, Rev. Caleb 693 Strother, James 119 Stuart, Rev. J. L 716 Stuart, John A 793 Sullivan, Thos 128 Sulpitius 7 Suter, Wm 433 Sutherland, John 488 Swan. Arch'd 667 Sweeney, Campbell 425 Sweeney, Campbell, Jr 425 Sweeney, Robt 425 Tait, Chas 429 Tail, David 6.31 Tanner, Rev. J. E 719 Tanner, Rev. Chas. E 719 T(iylor,John 1,H7 i'aylor, Thos 145 Taylor, Rev. Wm., D.D 523 Telfer, of Telfer & Mcintosh 147 Thain, Thos 239 Thayer, Zabdiel . • 253 Thomson.Robt HI Thomson, David Ill Thomson, Simon 2,53 Thornton. Rev.R.M 684 Throop. B 253 |o^d,Andrew '.". '.; 95 lodd, Isaac 2;i2 Torrance, Thomas 313 Torrance, John 314 Torrance. Hon. Justice 316 J orrance, Kev. E. F 774 lough, Jasper 239 Tunstall, fiev. Jas 205 Tumor, Thos ]41 Turner. Jas 486 Tylee, Daniel. ., 253 Tyre, .Tames 503 ITnwin,Mrs, R 120 Urquhart, Rev. H., D.D 310. 721 Urquhart, Alex 484 Vaudreuil, Marquis de 9 Waden, Veronica 29 Wadsworth, James r56 Wait,Resolu 253 Wait, Seth 263 Walker, Kenneth 140, 434 Wallace, Rev. Robert 518 Wand, Mrs 606 Wnrtte, Richard 144 Warden, Rev. R. H 699,700 Watson. John 137 Watson, Robert 452 Watson, William 452 Watson. Rev. James 604 Watson, Thomas 636 Watt, Arch'd : 795 Well.'!. Rev. Geo. H 710, 754 White, Andrew 319 Whitlaw, .John 637 Whitney, B.irnabas i 53 Whitney, Benjamin 253 . Wike8,Rev. H.,D.D.,LL.D 820,692 Wi kie.Rev. D.,LL.D 156 Wilson, Andrew 490 Winants, Josiah 253 Winklefoss, Andrew 128 Winter, Francis 96 Woolrich, James 99 Workman, Benjamin 4.36 Workman.Alex 486 Workman, Thos 438 Workman, Wm 438 Wright. Hey. Peter 772 Wnght.Robert 606 Young, Rev. John 42 Young, Hon, John 124 Young, Rev. Alex 768