IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) b^o ^ y^:\^ .^^ .<^ 4 ^^ 1.0 I.I 1.25 ■■■' .MU. — ^ m ^ 1^ 2.5 M 1.8 U_ |||||,.6 V] >• . treal, on the Uth January, 1855, which are alluded to ia one of ^^e^e Powers a„d which by tbe terms of the said Minutes, it shall not be competentfot the Synod at any time to ajter, unjess with the consent of the Ministers grantmg such Power and authority," are First, '> Tfiat the interest of the Fund shall be devoted m the first in- stance, io the payment of salaries of £112 10«. each," to s»ch MmisU^rs " ^nd that the next claim on the Fund sfoall be that of the Ministers on the Ro of the Synod, and who have been pjit on the Synod's Roll, since the 9^th May JSSS ;" and Secmid, " That all persons wl^o have a claim to such benefi-s, shall be Ministers of the Piesby. terlan Church of CanSo, in con.i^ction with the Church of S-^land and shaU cea e to have any claim, whc) they cease to be Ministers in connection with the said ^'^'" Of''these conditions, it is presumed, you wiH approve, and I have the satisfaction to inform you, that on the terms proposed by the Government and o which he Commutation Committee are prepared tu agree, as soon as these f^^^^^^^ ;t.^"^^X from the Ministers of the Church, it vy 1 be certainly possil^e t« /^^Pj^.g^.f Jj first condition, in so far as re.pects Mmipt ;s settled before fh^mh May, 1853 a^ me«erv^n- the capital, to secure to them, fl^iia the interest, salaries of £m lOs ior ite, J^HncurnVnc^ Ti is, therefore, earnestly entreated that there may be no hesitation or delay in signing and forwarding these Powers. . R,«^i„,:nn nassed I am further instructed tc call your attention to the following Resolution, passed unanimouslv, at tlie last meeting of Synod'.— ,_^t^^ rn^ioimea- « That all Ministers be, and they are hereby enjoined a^^ entreated as to a mea sure, by which, under Providence, not only their own private M^^eref w l be s^^^^^^ but ; permanent endowment for the maintenance and extension of Religm^^^^^^^^ ances in the Church,) to grant such authority as is necessary to effect a ^^l^'''^'^^^ in the fullest rnanne,', thankful to Almighty God, that a way so easy is open to them for conferring so important a benefit on the Church. Not doubting that you \vill concur in the views ol ihe Synod. I am, Rev'd. Sir, Your obedient Servant, John Cook, Convener. Be sure to sign and seal, or acknowledge your seal before two witnesses, whose ^'^'"S^XLvrof^fat before a Magistrate. The age is to be counted from last birth-day. j^ q Reverend .^•. '«fwwwa(«i!««B«r if'':