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Fi oftMs •TtfM M tiw Or iNWMPf Mv ■*. ,>jN l«t L'Imthjiita lniaM 4h1I LMdAtaHtdaoaf MlH PMIt'MfB HMUMIt OH pONIt M VIM OH 401 poHVMit rai(w HIM mooifiMtion k a ■D Covan iwtorad M^orlamiiMlMl/ CoHvartMO laaMifte at/oM ptNiMMa Covar tMa MiMfcii/ La tHra <§ aooaar j ura \ D D Cotowad CotoHiad ink (i^ othar than Mm or Maek)/ \ ElMM* 0.a. autia qoa Maoa ou noifa) QColoHrad plaMand/br HkMiMomf nanehas Woo UluttratkNW an aoulaur \ ■ ■ \- '. ^ .. □'^'fountfliirMi cMlMK matar^^ ^— aiA 'Ji^mmM^m^m di«MiMoaA^MO#M .;■..,; ;\-^ .../-^■^. .;■..■.. ^ ._ □ ti#i|bM^NiavaaiiM«lMdows( aloni inMrtof Mappn/ U t a l i iiN wrrta paot ea uMr da rowibraou da la di i low l iBn h Umt da la wani inrtria H ia "^ |~~|Goloa □ Colourad patn/ ttnwot laminatad/ f^M taitaHiiai at/on paWleHlia i I3:r P diMolflHrad, ttainad or toud/ ni|as dataanaas Showthi Tr wtufif rr^Quality of print vari^ [}lJ Oualit* i n ip l a da I'iwprawon □ Continuow pagination/ fafination ccintinua □ Indudat indaii(as)/ Comprand un (dat) indax TitIa on haadar takan from:/ ' La titra da I'an-ttta proviant: r— ..,:.- r^ L- witnm ma wict* ^vnanavar poasioM* oMia nava .* 1 TitIa paga oflinua/ J Pagadatitraidilalivraiton 11 M pant 4Ha aartainat paiit planciMt aioutaat .■-.., ■■ ■ ^ ■ ■ :■■ fcK» d'ona witiBHratlon.appaiaiMint daw la tarta. 1 1 Caption of issua/ l 1 Titra da depart da la livraiuMv man, wruua eaia awt poaMDM. oat pagai n ont D Maithaad/ GAniriqua (ptriodiquas) da la livraison I — "y Additional cowMnantt;/ Wrinkled pagies may film slightly out of focus. There are some creases In. the middle of pages. Thii itam is fUnMd at Iha radMBtkm ratio chaeind iMlow/ Ca doeuoMnt aitfilMi ao tau« da rn in^Wgn* ci-datiimi "tOX^ nwr "IfJT ^SfT ^Sx •K a 30X 12X IfX aox 24X 28X 32X -^z- ' •/. thanks Th* eopy fHincd Nra has baan to thaie«naroaity of: AntflieMi diuiioh of Canada Ganafal synod ArahhMi Tha Imaoaa appaariiHi haia ara tha baat quality poaalbla. oonaldavInQ tna aondMan Mnu la^lblNty of tha aflglfial eopy and In kaapkig wrtHi tlM fllmino eontraot tpaoHleatlona. Original oapl . aa In printad papar eovara aia fHmad baglnnln0 with tha front oovaf and anding 91% tha lqa\,paga with a printad or Muatratad Impcaa* •Ion. or tho book eovar whan appToprlata. All othar Original ooplaa aro fllmad baglnnlntf on tfio first pago with a printad or muatratad Impraa- skNi. snd amikig an tha^ast paga with a printad " or lllustratad Iwiprass l enl i. L'axamplalra fHmA f ut raproduh griaa i la Aa|Haan Ctiufan ov Canada Oanaiai Synod Aranivas Laa bnagaa sulvantaa ant StAraprooultaa avao 10 plua grans sain, oompta tariu 4a la aotMlltlon ot da la nattotA da I'sKamplalra film*, at an aanf a arnllf avae laa oondWon a du aontrat df^ ^ fNmaga. ■■ -■ - . \. ■ - ■ /*- '■ Lfa ORampkMraa arlglna u ii dont la aouvorturo an par la pramwr plat at On tarmlnant. son por la. damMra paga gul aomporta una ampralnta di m p r asslan au dTuatratian. salt por lo saoond platt salon la oaa. Toua las autraa aiiamplalrss , arlginaux aant flknaa an ooniman^ant par la * praOiMia paga qui eomporto liiio omprainta dlmpraaslo n au dlNuatoatlon at an tamilnan| par la d ai i i H iffs pago qui oomporto uno toMo ^^ / ■■■■ 'ir. - Tha last racordad frama on aach nilerofleha shaN eontain tha symbol^^i^lmaanlng "CON> TINUiD"). or tha symbol ▼ (moaning "END"). whiohoyar appNas* Un das symbolaa auNrants appwraltra sur li damMra Imaga da ohaqua mwroflcha. solon lo oaa: la aymbolo ^^ slgnHIa "A tUIVIIE". la symbolo ▼ slgnHIa "PIN". i Mapa, plataa. eharts,-Ote.. may ba fllmad at dWforan t raductlon ratloa. Thoaa tjBO largo to bo antlraly Includad In ona mpoayro mn fllmad bagbmlng bi tha uppar laft hand eomar. laft tO^ right and top to bottom, aa many framaa as -^^ roquirad, Tha foHowhig diagrams Hlustrata thi- mathod: Laa oartaa* planohaa. taMaaux. ato«. pauvant atva- fllni4a i daa tsux da r#duethMi dlffSranta. LorsquO la doeumont oat trOp grand pour Atro raprodult on un soul oNehi. H oat fNmO i partk da-l'angla supMaur gauflha. da gauoha # drolto. at da haut an baa. an pranant IjMiombro dimogoa nS c sssskra. las d IagiWwniaa suhiants INustrant la nMthoda. V- 2 ■,.::■ 3 7 2 i ft •\ • r* » ) ; tl*-. W" _fmf .■ jT^LfcJ •*ssf«.««?rT.? ..Tr' OF PRAYER TO BE USED f|| all Churches and Chapels, thmni^i^ oiit the Prorince of Piova^Scotia, on Wedne^dauAhe'IM day of J«a«,l8a0, heinglhe0ay appointed by Proela- maeioii for a General Fast a[nj £|ii|pi. r liation fiefore Almighty God,|o>e bb« serv|)(||io tk/^mi} dQ¥0«t and flolenn . . and fiiuS^ ^ iPor obtaining Para,>rt i ii««>- . '>i»'* ! ' "i .?^ !*t^ ' ' i£^ r s ^fct Q» K)i«, O God. •^MpWwJr-^ * ,v*MP!'**i|WI^'^^'^^*''^''' •'■■•'■■ '*'"'' •"" t^*" " '»'ii*>- )r, h •'J- \ 4^, ■^,. '%, ■.:\ ' fW-' M6Mu^Pt^^. 64?mnjB.^' holj A„gH, charge dflit: ^« iMlp fend ftbi0l(i. '-wtnir ^u,^,. ;«i* IT f^rtl LeaMm; iMiah, LVIU. ^^ IT SMdMlJUMofii 81. L(ik«» XUI. tp It 10. T MuiSaiofiki baUttt finish* Aiy,iAe lMo/a«Miii^iitoll ftmkA Most (pacious leather and 6od, who hast prombad forgiveness ofsins to all them that with hearty re« vpentance and true faith tufn uiito tfiee. look dewi. we besfcech Thee, from Heareft, Thy dwelling phoe, upon us jny unworthy Servants, who, under an aweful appreben- sion of Thy judgements, and a deep conviction of our4)wn sinfulness, prostrate oursdVei before Thee. Have pitv, mr^hV^^wl"!? ^ULt^iT^I P«^i!f. and remove from evelry part of the Vmm Kibgdom, and keep far «w«y from Ou/ ••!♦«♦ that grievous disease, tgaibst which oar oiily seeo- Hiy te^ Thy eopipassion. We coaifeas whh sbaiM Md Mbtritfcm, thtft, in the pride arid hardness of our fadart^ whajre-ibBwn omrselves uhtbahkrut ibr Thy mercies, s^d S?!? '^'iP^*" ^» iaftgihitiOMi instead of Thy bolt Umt. ret east us mtt dwaj^ O Lerd^ in displeasure, but !lf!."!*nSI?. ^,«?f*'»- ^rf'ifjl -"f» .< 4 Morniog Prayer. ^ OOOD, who It (be prayer of David Thy Mrtant -dUat ataylhehandortheiie»troyiog Ahgel when it tvaa lifted up agalnatJeruaalem, and on the rftpentance or Nlnereh didat apare that linful city, vouchaafe in like manner to boir down Thine ear to our prayer, Hnd to accept our repentance. WilhdrawThy chaatisements from ua, U Lord, and w^ilatThou preaerveat our bo5pare thy people, O Lord, and give no| thine heritage to reproach, that the heathen should rule over them : V\ herefore should they •ay among the people, Where is their God ? ,.\'5k!*J^#, "^ f^ "#^ F'' ■ t',- r7 > # The OonkmtinkMi 8«rrl WHlSN j| fiift, b« not. u tiM bjr|K>«rlt«iy 0/ i M 0oaoitiuwc« t for limy dMgiirt tktlr fio«t« llnl Ihtj mkj apMar unto niM to IksC 1 tti ihot, whtoil Ih fMiMt, •BBoiot thhie head, »ihI with thy (§0% j tb4t tbw, tMMir not iwtd men toiwt, but unto tby Fatber wbi«b la ii aacrot 1 aod tby Fatbor wbteb aefl|)i la aeor^t iball rtward tbct optiily« ^^ f TVa fA« AWaM ChnM4, mmI V)**' <*«f HU AttaMM. i tA«fi •IUI{&« r«MllA«/o/lMniif Sral«iMM; Not %iMify Mt tbftt ailtb onto ibet I^^> I^^^d, Ibrilt enter into the kingdom of Heaven ; but bt that do«tb f btl will of my Fatber wbicb ia in Heaven. — ^ Bleised be the man tbat provldeth for iilie tfcti and needy : tbe Lord 9UII deliver bip in the lime of trouble. akmU ft« uatd. • ■ JFt9f^firAt Chmtekattd^mlhn. O^HACtOVU Oed| wbo art kind to tbe untbaokiul a»d tbe ovily we fauaMy aeknowMge tbat #e have ^t manifested a due aense'oftbe number lei* bl«tihigay both spiritual and temporal, which we and our fathers have received at Tb^ bands, atid of Iho miahiy deliverances which Tby power hath wrought for our Church «nd Nation* Through our neglect of Thy urdinaneesi and misuse of lliy bounti^a, offsooea have been multiplwd in the land) and ^hy holy Nama hath been profaned among the heathen by our trinsgrcsaiona. Ifet fbraake ua not utterly^ O lch, tliat (hey may be clothed with rigbteousneasy and that Tby IVord apokea by their meutha may never be spoken In vain. Sup- iwt and comfort all thoae wha are ia distress or adversi- ty* ind osfiecially theso whoiaf boo viaitest with any ns ortbeib that ask in Tbf Son's Name, we be- feech Thee mercirully to laelhie TBine eer to us that have iiade now our pravera and suppUcatioos unto Tbee ; a«d^ grant that thoae thiaga which we have faltbrutty asked ao- dording to Thy will may eleotuaJly be obiebied, to the re- lief of our necessity, and to the setting forth of Thy glory, through Jeses Chmtorn^ Lonl^ npHB peace of God, wBlcb passetft'all tindemaiidlng, Xkaepf«p»hearta aadmiede ietb^baewMge aadMw of flHil'^iind of His Son J^esus Christ our Lord) and tht bl#S| o(a»a Almighty, the Vath^r, th* So9p «id ttm Holy Ghoat, be amooftt^ juk taiamMin with yoa always. w •'** f ■ --^ ^- 1. ^m ' '*it »; - y : '*'' .•] ^« 4 .^' m^ or vff «5 n •'III ■IHi » Glider iNF fi?^ing flvjrejjf^ "W fT "I" ! l|l>ftl< f Ltt kimlhal mtmUUreth rfnd trill • hmi VoU* Iknt a , Prayer $kaU bt tf ad. : . ;, i V 9iUi A« /wo ColUthfir Erenin/f' Pruftr, to fA« End :^, '"'HSIPi^PII'' .'^ » '"'**'''(llili.!ffli#JfW'''WP''^'S^ -»^--*»-«'i«fUem ^ 1 .. . ..' , " • ^ , ^ ■ I " . 4 * • * *■., ■■ . > •- ■ .,■; • - ■■ ■ # * ■ \ ■ :.■'■ :"■:.- ■■■■■ ■i HH W^W " ^^B ■ ^H w ^^^^H ^^^H ^F -' ^^^H 1 ^^H W ^^^^ ■ ^^1 r .; Zt^.- <^ c