IMAGE EVAIUATION nST TAIIOET (MT-3) ^ ^ J h ■«» _ K . "Vi , 1.0 t .■•1 M u , * . > ' - '•.■■' 41 ' -^ ; '• , '-..'- — ^- — 6" ^— ^r — - •;-':■. ;.. - — ► <$ V" ■il |]fl Ub^ I I Gorporado »% ;*> <^ J ,«v y CIHM Microfiche Series (Monograplis) ^^ \ CXMH ollection de icroficlies (^ohograpliiies) / V Canadian Jnstituta for Historical IMicroraproductions / inttitut Canadian da micrqraproductlona historlquas 8^ f TIM ImtitMM IMS wmmmmi ttf copy avaMiMa for fMniint- NatuM •* tfM Mil OripiMlp .f ofilMiMapci*! Ov wlMllR^ 909 □ □ Covari laMotad and/or laminaiid/ CoMvartiNa raataurta at/oM paMienMa Cokiuratf aovavf/ CoMvartHia da aowaiMr Covart □ Covar tMa aiMnt/ La titra da aomacMra U Canaa liiofraplilquai an D ColdMfad MiitA odiar than bhia 0r Maefc)/ ^pMf* da aodaur (i.a. autra qua MaMa ou noira) □ Celoafad ptaiiM and/or J nanahaa at/bM Uhmrationt an aoiilaur m Bound wHh ^thafriMlarial/ RaM avaa d'autrat i /:■ □ Ti#it Wndint may cauif iliadown or distortion atom intarior matfiii/ / . La raUura MTfia paut ^aaair da I'oaabra ou da la dittairaton la loni da la liiarta intMauva ,'" ^ ' , . ^ - ■. ■; ■■■■■/ I i within tkatajtt. WHwnaaar po w i M a, ' uaan onutfad froni ffilaainfif II M paut qua cartaif»(M pafat Maneli ton d'una rastauration apparaiMant dam la taKta. HMis, tonqua aato *tait poniMa. cas papt n'ont pat atafilniMSa D Additional commanti!' dHiMMMaim iiiiiiiliwiiiliiiai TMs iterti is f Hmad at tha raduetion ratio chadjtad Ca doeumant att filmi au tauM da riduetion vf L'Inatilut a m i ai o f ito i l to w a Hto ur a a ampi a lra qu'il lui a ♦Hi p D ii UJ i da m p r oautar. Lat dMails da eat idppointd raproduiia, ou qui pauvant aiiiiir una niodif iaation dant to HMVioda normato da fHanajaiom indiquaa raatorad andMr tominatad/ rattauraa>at/ou paMieuMat dkaotound rtainad or fomd/ a;r a -.,-1- r~~ysiMNvtiiroufii/ I I Tramparanca r~>Ouilityof Li:^ Qualit* in4 print variat/ i n ^fd a da I'lmpranion □ Continuoui patiw a tion/ Pafination continua D IndudM indaxias)/ Comprand un (das) indaM Titto on haadar takan from:/ La titra da I'an-tttoproviant: □ Titto paga of issua/ Paga da titra da la livraison □ Captiofi^of issua/ Titra da depart da la livraiton D Gintriqua (piriodiquas) da la livraison L 10X 14X 1IX 22% 26X ' XX •fi'.^" ']' Ld > ■-* - 1* , ::: ,„;; ^-- — ,■_._,- 12X lix 20X ^x 28X 32X ^^t: Tim copy fNnMM lMf9 tiM bcMi rapcoduoMl tiMnlw to tlM QWIOfQSity OfS', AnploMi ChufCh of QMWfM •ynofl AlMliVMf Vwrnnp M um fNmA fut raprodult frio* A b fMWfOWlS OCS An^HMn Churan of vMMNto QMMral Syfioo AioMvM Tho two— a p p oflng hf an itm b— t q u ilH y poMlbto eoMMoring tho MfidHion Mid lOfllbMty * of tho orlgifMl copy ond In kooping wMi tho mining contract I ^Lm liiMiQio cuhmitoc ont #!# rapfodullw ovoc IP pluo QfMM ooint compto tonu oo w condition ot QO !■ nonwio oo i ■iionipioifw nniio* vi vn. coniofimio ovoc loc conomonc on cuiiuoi oo. Original c o p lac In printod papitr oovors arc INmad beginning witli tlia front ,covcr and ending on the lact page with a printod or MiMliratod improa- lion, or ttio bocii cover wtion a pproprlatp. All other original copiee are flliiied h eginh i n g on tho 'fkat pege with a printpd or Hhietrated Improe- ■ion, end ending oq tlio leet ppgf with a printad or Mluetretad liwpreeeloh. Ue e w empieiree originei w ddnt la eouverturo en ■*.,■ The loot recorded frame on each microficlia •haN contain the aytnboi -»> (meaning "CON- TINUED"), or the eymbol ▼ (meening "END"). par w pfemier pw oi on lOfiiNnani owt po* . " domlAio Booa oui oomabrto una omBfolnta djmpreeeion ou d iMietratlonf eoit pav ie eecond niat. aalon la imo. Toiia lia autfoa aaamblairea orlginaux eont flhiide en oommenpant par la . pcamiaro page gul cpi m porta tine empreiitie djmpreeeion ou dlRuetretion et en terminant pajf |a dOfniera page gul oomporta una taae * ' On deeeymbelee eulvanta a ppa i rtua eur ia ^ demlAve image do cheque microflclie.'eelon la ^ cae: la eymbolo -»• lignlfle "A SUiVlirMp ■yiiiuuie ▼ oigiiino nn • L ^ I •. \' /i •■■■ 'fi:-'-- 1- * 32X » Mape. platae. cherta. etc.. may be flmed at dHferent raducdon ratioa. Thoee too lerge to bo entirely Included in one expoeure are fibned < beginning in the upper left bend comer, left toi^ riglit emftop to bottom, ee many framee aa >. required. The fbHoMlng diigrtnia Muelrate the ; fNmde i dee taux da reduction Loraque la document eat trap grand pour Atro ^ leproiduit eii un eeui cNchA. N eet fimd A pertir I do l'«iigie fupArieur geucho^ do gauche A diWto, et do liaut en baa. en prenant la norhbra dimagee nAceeeeiro. Lee dieg ra mmee eOhianta^ Wuatiai^ la mAthodo«' 1 ■2:: . ■ ;3 •. 1 ^ 2 -r • ■ ■ . 3 f. -f .^. f: f I ■ 4 A 'm -T _yf-*it .* »^ .;>^ori .f.f' ••' ,fW¥'.?ip^ •V .V ! ,V %)«< 'ft* / -r^.'* * ^JvV^v * V f . ■* J •• ; iit.- . ■ ^^-^^ £ ' ' I'.fi} " . >'«•'' M (■ ^ V ''^-t •.- '' ,?..di ■' » ■. -"^ '"»!. -J-** r * ..Ut*^'« , .^ ^,. •-.' * kv f:i*n-'ii» \v '"ir^''T"T»*^ ■ *>v^, *-J^:' '*,-«'<■ A COmrBBSATION BiTwaaii ▲ COONTBT PAB80N AND ONS QT HIS JfhOCMm UPON THE JIUBJBGT Of e €l)urci) Sacietj. »T • ' ■ ttii THE BBV. W. STBWAET DAELIKG. i ' imemmbtni ■ : ■■ ■> • i' .■'I: ^becalm 1»ea«ty of cfittrtoiniialtveDing. I had TMt to pny, which I had dtfemd till 4he last in order loilierMM the probability of iltiding the good man of tke houte at home. '' He was an intelligent farmer, (ftod a very worthy mkn, who had recently come to our j^riffih, and who was in a great degree ignorant of ilie ' UMitwre o( the Sodety. 1 fek eonvlnccd, liowc ver, that if I eouM Micceed in enlisting his nnderstanding and llltiiympathiea on behalf ef the object I had in view, I ■hoold not only be sore of his attendance bnt of bis ii^ptHli ' Iffy hopes of finding him at home were not -^Kpappointed, and after the usual salutations had heed %MlllMtged in a friendly and eordiid manner, a convcr- Mtinnaimihir Id substance to that which follows en* aued between os. ;^t .ix:^;i v *^ PuwmC -^l called this evening, Mr. lieyVic, to ask "jroato attend onr Church Society meelingf which is lo be held uplit the church next week. I want you Hill to eome, fof we ought all to be interested in the ^tjHt ofthat meeting. The Church Society will iMfer thrive till all the members of each congregation, );fdoi%Hnid'*old, rich and poor, enrol themeelves as Wenibert nf the Paroc|4il Association. Fmiikiomr.'-'l am very glad you have called, sir, '^Ib^ l-Wftnted very much to ask you about ihiaClMi#cli '.•belef^; Ibr to say the truth, though Tve heacclitoine* '^lllillt^boot it, I don't half UBdersUod it» Vh^ ^4 ^ J^^ w p id^pa not fccefre ooeeitbeafliiiialMpwta d«iil)OC ''^ifii'ivdUng^lc, iMi l-teo. by«si>«bol4bsM^M^ ^fMi%9«iM|oliikid ^tM Ati8oeiWorta|lit4HNt«4l» countij ; but Ibr all tbut there is » good deal »bo«it it -\ ' * c M 1 \ ^ ' *- _^ - 1 » '"* ^ ^1 i- 3$ ^^ '* *• M ^^^^ Imm ^ L Ik. HttH^^^'t^l^ " ( " BT-. — .- a 1 Idoii*t rightfy underftadd, and if you are not in* g — t iw wgy » I wiali you would ^jqplaip U taiWv-»-IHijri eU iMditat w*jr of fxpUiDiog itfplkf |t«ta'Ott agaia to the eoiMtiiution« oMlMiiiifid JBthatbtgivniiigiOf the gencrar report; mid «ti bMf wie in ray pocket, a^e will go through' UtogfttlNW^ fjrat, tfaso, you aao it ia a Miaaionary Society, MMif Uiahed for the aupport of dergymen of tho CiMMffir wkhio cilia dioccte^-^for aaaittitig paor mioiHttfailyr iwcraaiii^ their «tipendt>-»fbrproriaing.ionMaiipiMlft lorUiem wheu worn out by age, exertion iod iiifi«aD|«> ;tita^MKlun&t for work, aa well m for; Iheirtw^fflli «ad orphaua after j^ey themtelvea are removwjdHlir death. That la the firat clais of objects tbeuGhMMll flooitty haa in view,^ aod lam surcno ooe caii 4c^ " their excelleoce. ^ .. ■, ' ;, .•:v/r>.v,v!'ivHf h^m:. '■ . ^ JF\im**-"Nok air, , that they ct&*t, and I««i4«re a 1|B«i.«Qfitkodw little about the country not, torhoflw that OHaaionafiea are badly wanted io all parl«.#^. a%tr8.are» «a I hear, whok diatricto wiih4Hi^ off i«c^ twodergymeit iu them, and we can aU ilaaie ef#ni» , iiuMijrtawoahipa about ut where the peoplw)iity«»i|# 4he fiioe vii a tniniater of ib^ Church, unlflip ^^m^^f •ome other of the ekfgj about go.out to bapSlUlitMr abildren now and then. I am glad, too, thal«ll|»ma- Ihittgia going ta be done for thoie miaaioc^aiiei wi^, ^ne oldaud worn out, and for their famitie^ afiat..,/>.' ci ^ : ...^♦- - <„fj>.v^-: ^fit *Par>r^}ieU you see the Church) 8oeiHyw.v«fi. i m-iiml^kt^^.^i^ ^- i: :• . /i^i-JRafiM.ftxmKaehMlMhf& thai faf% rMore^fve^^Oie •■/;-r; ■•;!<' oppoftnoitf t»f MDding oor bojt to tli« 8ott4aj MUot I M0( word up to tboMhoolmMtttr w« bad l» th«p«t of tkt coontrj vhoro we wort, thot I wtottd my J^f lM|bt tboir oitochiMii, and bo Mot word bool( ogait tbiC bo would not do it, for it wot a|aiiMt tba act) m4 tbol tbarofon I might teach them my^K, I want n^ bofo to be good icbolarH but I want them^ to be good ebtiatiana too; aod thc^ ihould bt tougN^l^^^diHyot IfbeolaaweU at at church. \ . ,j .^- ! iV.-^Tbe next object to which the Chm«h Sodtty detirtt to direct itt effbrtt it, to grant attiitaneeto ^ntrviog jrooDg men, who, in eonteqoence of waat of l|raiia,.ara iocapable of portQiq« tboio at^ifi wbith an-QetdOil to Bt them ibr the minittiy. . , ^. .,;. )♦ (>, i^EirM.^WeU now I call that an escoHeni things and I with there had been tomething of that tort long ^ fon it pott jno ii| mind of Tom Martin'a boy. ^>m lired in thb tettlemeut I came from* tir | ho Ml a^amall farm, and had been in a better way of U|||«iid ippiiaucb thought of by all the n^igbboim i be 4ad ii 4ttl^of learning ftr a man like hia, and ho wot* ib»i|i firilow too; but young Tom wat a deal tb«rptr » t||fH|!hM father, and a wonderful acbolar the boy w«i tWOtidtrii^ all the tcbooling ho ever got. Tom Mar^ ^ hiffltolf wat a ttiff churchman^ ond yoonf To» ^^•t. n-obip of the old block in that nfty, and a belMf «bflMian than that lad h believe never walked- tho ^9fif^„^Io|lonaad often thought what a mini«ter ho would baveimad^if he had had but iho letmingt but tl|^ tir, you know he could not get, aod toho baA^to i(arllr«» on- tho; farm with hit fatlier, «nd b6.4i« ^pgra.rfid tiUilott tight of tbem^^^^^i^^t^S^i^f^ 9^1, 9ifl%«ft-lB4fid 1 dovbt Qoi >thet» .avt nnmbiritMj <9iil^^fl% whe«* f»any retpoctabloood eioelltnt fwlu^ men aj^jfajtttp^^ iliiuittjj/t^^^ thMte ir ..:\.-:i:-- t ': « ltMi lil oti^ttot^r<.i)orch Satiety i«aBiblt,I>wiyr Bo6k, and Tract Society. NlMrph bot oiBft be MDtible how gieat an objeot it ia to tend abroad through the diocese tlie frifif MMk ^*d rach other hooka and tracta aa are ealcnlbtea loaj^Maid the knowledge of the only true God/ and Jetua Chritt whom He hath qent, according to thoat views Which are held and taught by tMir own branch of the Catholic Church. ' r ' *r« >^ ^r ArArAb^^Ko one can deny that, I am sttre;Mnii^ sfaMiking«f books and tracts, I nee in the report aooMb IhiBg about their being ** circulated throoghvthe rMsz diwn of the Depository ;" now I don't understand what this** Depository" is. ^ v ; ..... 'f'Pdmr^li is*book-Rtom in King fi||^t, Toroa^ «IhcIi tias been set up by the Church sE^ty, fbrth* pnrpMe of famishing, at the lowest possible prirtH^ libleB,^ Testamentl, Prayer Books, and btherbMlkl mA traoti setting fimh the doctrine and diseipHni^W 4t»i^3|Hirch«f fingtand. Yon can get agobdBlblil llMre'far is. 8d., a Testament for 7^d., a |^e^Bi^ fbr tO^d., and other books remarkably cheap." 'In^tW ■Mi^biiMing^aatbe D»pDaitcn-y>, thongh Hot dwmbce^ «ifir Mi the printing office of 7Ae CftnrcA nowapupif; «^B»(|itteiit)jonhial fbr cburdipoople, eapedallyfaMftil eonatry, for it not only afibrda them rellgioovfnatttit^ tloiii«iat«Biafoininiloii cotaeotedi^h tlM^OhmtKbtft iMM — igiiii ^thoitam theintoresti^netlt «r «i^^^^ Bitfdaatttli De(k>sHofy lor the aalo of bdok!; itvotik^e bnnob Depoaiiorica, oetnbUahiidfbrtiitf B W |HH io te*wi* f»afi» of the eoimt^r ind'^i^ m^sh*mm endouragtag the ealablMifai«M^drf^ ^m^IkipotimyiamtiA diatrietof^lielPMitiM^ '>r9 3^ ^> •iiM* I ptUNkmUt tbeprict jroo BMOtfooed for Mmt fhiycr-Bookt for my bojt. «< > t Ar.— The latt d^ci wlilck tho Cbuioh flodity bM in Tiew it to atMtt in tho buii^iog, kocpiag am and endowing of chorcbet and paraonagea, and the aet* ting apart of tbnreh-yardt and barial-groanda. • >^ •' r P(arM.— All very good, V^ anre. Indeed It li hard to tay which it the beat or the noat haparlant anongat the objectt which you have mentioned; but where doea the Society get the money ta do all tiii«> it mutt take a large sum P \ ^ Pan-Xli would indeed take a large aumlp^im «BI fully all the olgectt which the Society haa in via^; ; ipd wa oakmot hope to do it for yean to come. 'Jlia Society baa only been in exittence five yeart, and though tha luccett which hat already attended lla aftrta la cWMideraUv yet it ia atill, comparatively tpeaking, with it tlieliiy of amall thingt. The oaly aoofce to wl^ich it can look for the fonda necefaary to carry out ita holy objecta ia, tlu frfwOl qffkriiKgt §f tk§ wumben of tke diircAj and to obuin and pAhtr thete together, and devote them to the ol^Jccta Ihate named, ia the pnrpoae for which the Chureh Saciety waa ibrmed. i :> JFWJiAr-Bat why ahonldft Society of thia kindlbr tlM aiipport of the deigy be formad at aUf Tba fttriitittiaat paya the gipateat part of all yonr atipeBd% dfaait DOI, JrirP iriiBfr.— Moat sartainly not That la ae idan wUab atainala be ingraioed into tha alnda of tharf aajpliy iprn moat dilBcolt thing il la to balilaH iti :ii# gifienHtent aflbtdaoomoraeoimtqiatioatotheGlMnwii Mh|aCo|o^y,lhan it doeato any of the diiiirth^ iii||i«iadeMB|nalioofe; and I don't knoi^aaiai^ ^rgymati in tba diaeeaa anppovtad kf tiia fOf«a^^ 'Wfm p«hapa A few who teeeiftt nn allof»«noit:ibr^ba intiiw t^ doliaMititiufy Chatdaioa. Whafi« "^ \ 7Bl»<**f*4p*^|MIM«to«-«..M >J^ 1 r' h.>' \ to gtt* tbem li«»m|lil^mUit I knew that ■cMr • •krfjnniii, ho i« called upon rviet, to visit ttie tidl in th^ hotfittl d for thM he b paid bj an allowtnot eUI I am lurprited at what jtnnf* u, sir, are not eupported by your e(Mi*» gregation, fuifther than hy the tmall loro aritiiig Ihuli tbepewrentl; and I al way a fancied that yon drtV ^ reat of your stipend from government. • WV^ : rifl^ifW-rN^ at ail. I have notbhig to do wilb tiia Governmentl and am neither appointed odr paid by Ibam*. I,ra^d the great bullc of the clergy in thrDio* otii^ inre. supported by the unfailing bottnty of onf.of tbri^aat Missionsry Societies of the Ghiirch of Bngr* liod-^Hhe Society for the Propagation of the Gosinsllbi '^ JoraigH Parts, which (with^ the other great Society. In £o«Vm4 the Society for Promoting Christiail Kii«lrr lodged has dberished the Church in these 12th$Am ffom Ibe mr beginning. There is scarcely it ainifo ' parish in t|^|hole Diocese which has not expe ri a a bw ^ , ^b« lilhte ality of theSe Societies, and many ate ia'tbe •i^.poaition as our own parish— that is, itha cini| ii» IQfilaa supported by one Society, and great. aasiatiMIl ^ is given by the other, and sometimes by both in ktSkk* / log the churches, furnishing them with books Ib^IMN isiqf^ libraries and Sunday-schools, r •^v^T^^.^l^.^* i.j.,P^an*h.frnlt*B%q;teBt pitf all thit is not better kn«i!pi •OMng the country^ folks; for < this Tib .sure of,-.tbilt l^tai^^ipM in a hundred knows the right! #f thfl.)i|«iti a^y^llieyt say rthat you all dpm great saktica' Unm Jtt|rpobHe iBoBey, and I don*t kn^w what^stok ^^^ ftiam f|l««^-we/CI|«fob.people ought to be gKatlf ^ 1^ Societies in England which yon havff tHaodaiMd, Aiii^i».fbfioiie,>' little abouilhem Of ^Mt ||^#aM#iiig foriisirnBtil nttw* ? Bot fura% ^^fflfi |«^ #Hi^aivem«w^ inA|';i»nsii^vAl|% :>i<\'4*** .V*« I* I*** 'P ^j" ' ' T h MgiJgMil ■ibMiiwiicMioii ivith then ) but thougb tlMjr mmmrf ItilHog (m thdr dvedi show) to wpplj oot iiilittfnM Ar«a tboy ore obIt| yet there ore monj reooooi fvliieh |lMfeiit them from aatittingp «• to • greacor MMot dMM thojf alreodj do. i .r.n ) '^* ArM.-— What aro tlKMereotonf r« '^'^-^f^rTfi* ^^^inr.—- Tho flnt ie, that a larger tbara oC tMrtadi itfMr*lkom ^ fipee*will offerioga ol pMpla who are ^Mi^>«uoh po«jrar than onraelfea. I bat a heaiA It J^#aiidftliat ooaoT^MiMiooary Sodatiea io EnglMid ^wMli iub- HH(|llkMitr«r Che jaboor^pig poor. Now.tbtMla «• ' UMpatiiao betWn the wealth of an Engliab labouifwr ■M^tlMM of tha^bolk of the people in tbia oolony<— /lUta^aifto ftr Bonlble to help ooneltca than, thir|p «ra ^ Mfi uf : and I eoppoM you will admft it to ba •»- m p WiMb i u that tbe poor ibould help thaaa vbo aM --'>^^#aiparatif«ly richs;- r r;-v. • ■ •♦ ■ 'i.-v'>*»^,;^n-r .. # ' JWM^-^Theralt nil ditpating that; Sir, it^a Irva^f .^li|i|; mirtik,^Wfhj, now*-^We doB*t dewrfa thai vift^ ■ ^(Mlid lertd oa a helping bvid, if wa doo*4 f^^^ :"#iNliAMldlar to tbt' i#hael. -■••m^'i^wi*- v-**' ■.■3w>h'>,.^-c r bfoafiWwi i> Rmiiiyy Mr. Heyik ; aad it ia ii|,«fN|(|ti« 'pMMe/^^l^iior^ahoolder tprtha w^ atill' mora toflicient reaaon for tbdr not rande^T^r i^i~ r^ J' •If'*' ai *fi^th imlilda DIbeeM Church, port' of I iii.tlw« heup^ Church Bnglanc if their Mwerii qwurter , fNMMT own thiit wUl wit! that am aae^iha IK>mtb( laud, ci thaspir Parii ingle. Whatii that(iw Clergy] abare of Nattgii ■ii^lMrai :#9^hnv ahan^ ■~iS i<*- 'wmB^mmmi^' ••-.., \- ■ fiX^ .^'^ S i i Rt i iw thau tb«y do almcly, and that us— - thoogh wUHim; to do ao, they ara not ablo. k -vtfj'ioog aioce there wera ooly ail Utbopa in* iri|i|tfM aolonlta of Great BHtaio, and now, aa jpoo W9M — by the intereating and very valuabW liaC af Dlbaesea of the Ueformed branchea of the Catholic Church, at page 88 in the Appeudi^to the Anootfl Ee^ port'of the Church Society, there are twenty -one: and iii.tlia teorae of another year ot so there will probably Ha np^rda of twenty- Ave. Now, for the support of the Church and (*l«rgy in these Dioceses, the Sodetiaa in Bmgbnd are to a greater or Iesa*)extent looked tO| and if their income was double what it is, they coi({d not HMwer so many demands made upon them from aiary ^(Mfter of the globe. They therefore expect (and paet^nstly) that we should be 4ip and stirring on own behalf; for we should be preparing oonalvea that day, which cannot be far distant, whtu thagi^ wUl withdraw, at all events from the older settlama&ta, that assiatance which they at present raodar. Tim aaitviherefore, that neither from the GovefpaaaBl ao* Ikwm the Missionary Societies of the Church in Eng- land, can we look fur mnch further ud iii tuf^fi^ring tiM spiritual wants of this Diocese. PoriarA.— That's as plain as a pike-stafl| .aa tl^ any* iogia. Bat then, thercL are the Clergy ReaenM*— What ia baoome of ihem It can we get laothbg fiMm thMqurterf ;■" ^ -■.■...>:./■ ---' ' :■..■.■■ -'xi ^.v*^;*! " Ar>-It ianselesa to build our hopea upoA tha Clergy Rmtrvat. A targr portjou of the moat valii* Ma4if thani have been sold, aa you know, uut'tli^ ibure of the funds arising from the sale wfaidli||t% baaa ghreo to the Church, ia fartoo small tonseetueten ftiP pimtai mmta. Aa for thoae which remaiBsiiMAi' #ir^ hava^ terke petitioned the GovemaeDt, that iiH t lii iaiif fiiitngthekmd, they fronldgi»aiisUi||«gidl ahaf«(lit#rttiora than one*«quarteiuol the mhMy mkM \ •:■•-.. '^ t It- ./.,, ^ BMj UloDg to iM ik Imd, *ud l«t ut muMige i| the b^t w^ vflXQuld. This» however, they have i«f|Med to d^i^Mckihe mode in which nmohof it i* heng diepoied of, it such m to leave little hope of iu piovii^ «f mnch lervice towards the eateneion of the Chuich. ^Blr5M«.— .It does ^eem a hard case, that after ta* Uog away almost ihree-fourths of the most vsluable ^the Church's property, that the Goveroment shoul^ wAise to let her have the maoagemeot of the reinain- ioi Quarter. Ijt seems a strange way for the Church to be inated by the State. , ^^l?"^*-*^I^ «^<>«« indeed: however, we have nothiitt •o^d^ but to snbioit> -They know that with us it is a icUgioas principle, continually inculcated upon ua by „^ Chwch, to obey the powers that be, even toourpwu •iMrdisadvan^^e. The proper way forChurcbmeo t^'db BOW, is to act, with reference to the support and •pttesion of the Church, as if there was no such thing if iK^Slefgy, Reserve in ezifteace. It must now be «^^l toyoo, that we must depend neither upon {h0 imrtnMMnf, tb^ Missionary Societies of the Chureb ii|:£tighiad, nor the Clergy Reserve Fund, to suniflf '||«i||pfitualdertituti«)n of tbU Diocese. r j^ ' JWrt.— ItVa plain case, Sir. There are uo two wjyi^fr Hrt tha Act, that whstever ^s done for (he Obiiw iiaef , iprflie A)ne by the Church folks tbem«^ mkA^ r'Mt it i»ill be bard to convince a deal of Vtm fctti of the truth of this. They have been eo uied MibMMloHbaveaUthabfessingaof tbeCbiirob,^r(H fidM/or tbeflk inthoot Ipost^ that it »eB*t' ba^^easj.t^ fMjf^ tbem that here, t/l««y waiA^M^ they jbm ^^^mitymt>%m%9 mmmUk^ tdeonvioii tlM* ^ '•*■* iuA\\ for never, till the people nndnmtmd Mil|p||»v^eaitioii io irUeh tbe Church ^aods^njll^r ClliMi-floeiety which it ncceisary t«?|ia r ■^ \k\l^l :- )•■ with the nature and objects of the Chordi Boc|w|y t%'c^ wliic'h tlie SocietyTiahea to ^anj oif t, fnd h^f^ vinis^ n^ that it ia high time for na > e|^ aelvepin ita behalf, yet I must aak Uft^mf « tiona about it, for I should like to underata maoagement or working Qf it. Who awt^j iniiNiibera pf^h^ Society f ; ^ ^ , ,_^ ,^i Par.— .Eybbt PBBSoi^ betc^ngtopwri T^ Society ia lo. formed aa to be cupaUe f>f. -eing every baptiaed member of the^^rcfa, i they are young or old, rich or poor, male ^^ ai(4 we rouat neyer rbat aatisfied till the^ ,|i^p[|l th { ahall we gather together the oflMoKa of a pilf|pp» widely scattered aa the membert of our QhiinM,^?^ ^r? .j^^^^biamay be managed withottt mrii iMlM. > cttUy in thoarpariahea or townahipa 'a^r#4i«v#|i^4 dtr^man reaiding or atatedly nsitiagVflbR;^%r|||\ . Cimatitotioa of the Society, etery Pa«lfo»*«llh(lll4 Gbofehwardeoa^ and auch of the pfsiibbncra^fliitil/ ha^tppoii^ed, form what ia called ** a. P«iiidiUl54M!M| ciatton or Committee of the Church Socklil.'^Vj*^^ d|ii9^;of lUa committee U 1* call, wpoB»ffij>Ji>«^ii^^ oC)(y^-Chiaidi w^hia the pariah^ «n4AMt##i#!^> jillM)#99^etyH.^d w ■«^ '''"^**^f*«*^!^ hmpm a«ri»,cj!ialw^.|liei«^w«BR*^^ Tf' /■■■: w hpw it It dispoMd of f , ^ . ;,'! *J^*^;Tbe Paraon of fKe pwrith^ or th^ paroc^^ p^^ «>• KfPpointed, receives it, aqd iC'lh« Mp iHiere it Was coUiected is situated in ^he SSfff^^j"^** District, he sends it dirett to tH'^ ^gili^j^the Parent Society in Toronto, or if it ^rL^^ii^S"^^^^^** he sends it to*the Trewoisi «iW;tfc;«*^ ftratoch of the Church Sbciety,- ^!f»|^^ P*^° appointed in each District lo re- eM«l|.M(.^ funds received Within its boundt for the ,^liirgia toj^e oonsideped, a mooih^i pd» m^i^iMiMllrtiisi^ notice 18 giiriNi oMtriii 4P^«i^itt^il^'H»^ffi^^^ «o>that persons ii»^ pirtl •>fai»'iaity be awawi of whatf is going. fe|if»vi|: •jWr^y>|> w»iA dppoftuttity of attending and fetai^ mmfffgmm' ^ ' Beaii^i tiiia^'^a report of the podcted^iigii^ #flMf ifaMWy M«i»tiQg-^«f all th« liii«ne«|^|«Niy^ iHf|IXuiiU!^.lti«bii^rfiiaive{l«odexpcii4^i^ •l«;]rraitaibar of dtlie floeiei^; «My,# ii«if^^iie4H«l«i' pwfcaiy aware of all its proceedings. •r'^ipC'- -;^-^^' rr^T-— * ♦ "'^^■^^i^mS^^f^r'} i ^ir^S-r-'a Por&A.— I lee. Sir, that theiw m a Standiiig C««« inittee. I «lwa^« thought thai theic lort of Soeictiw wer« managed by a Coinmitt«e» .,: ; «• -^: >;i»ar.— The Standing Cdmniittec do not managt ika buti^f of th« Society ; their duty it limply to prepare jnatten for itt consideration: and the practice of the Society it to refer all applicationt for granta q( money to thit Committee, for it to rtport upon. The ' Standing Conmttttee alto examinee all the accomiia before they are tubmitted to the Society for payment^ PawA.— I am ture we could not trutt what we hate to giw in better handi; If there is so much coosi4«i*- ation ttted in expanding it, we ^lay be luroit will|f laid out to the best advantage. "^ i ^ par.--.Wc have every reason to cxpf ct so :^ and tl^- Society it most jealoutly careful that all its doingt^anii particularly aU its money matters, should be f»P«» tj>^ 'the world.; ^■:'-' ''-■'': ■ -:-::■:''■':'■ '\ * '■::"■'; ''■■'■] V'/ ^;"';^''- Pom*.— But, Sir, tome of the townshipa m^ be so badly off themtelvet, for means tobnild orjiidsli their own churches, that l*m afraid they woift like to send much money out of their o^n neighbourhood.-^ The Church Society wbtft get much in soch pkceMS^ 'Par.— By subscribingtothe Church SocietyiMiefifi^ fishes itot only do good to others, but they btnefti th«p selves. The people wo«ld Bot, as a gtoewd nili##Nr tliemoiiey whWftheyfubscHbetotlw piiufchSorii^ M a^ mher charitiible olQect ; thejr wMdd QQt tfaii^ fti^drthv^lle to gWe a quarter, <^ half, erefe«i# #h^ dollitf towards building or fioisbiai a ehofdlit; bM th#y Woold often give auch a small Mua to th»^<^ QletVi ^M* **'**'^ *"**^ *^°^^ when coUecied fion n«tiy^pe|^ e<>me til fomethiag; 4nd whei it i^^ grithe^ed^gether^ and sen€ to the Treasurerf ^MfT hi»Ibi titi4eritMia> tiimt ITft itf 06 |bod nib thlihiia^Im at wdl •• to otheV^iKlijr Wi'Cmhr^h Soefetyii t floe tfalfnp. • : k .a j )f..;« ^1j JL^ . ^^^?^«J»"« »>IW« af our coiiflmaiad; „ „^ |i»« in so eiitf, In ftct; it w oiily bn^^urth tHS 'e iQflirit does so much good to buwelvee, it WiU i^t b^ gtHIHSJ ^aW IP otlj^rs? Qn?-^Qurth of the fuiid^ re^^Jivid MffiWiJ^I'^ ^I^PP?^* tweliiii^MiMio/ifiiMs. siiiA m!Wl^*?Mi! 9«PW of the clergy, «pi tbo|e^? r-.PS^^^*^''^^'**^^^ 1»o^ out in tfi^ ieryjcg. l^gliSms^^ects you ^emi^De^. ; : , " f^ -mfltovs^Cfc*^ j^ ?eiy josi reoiarW iUi4 jf all l^i^d i|Piiltii|iJi^llMVfwn« HghtiJt would Miia«r4))m (i9«ir ^^lw»rii»>tenei^;^hj«liMitHt t«MMBbi 18 * ^^\tfii*.— AM I win wy >St»thM Inwy fO««JL ^^^^ •tUotliBft pf Jtt kind ; Midyon , m*j eoont on mttcfliv tl)4 JlH my fcniilyt doing everything Uiourpowetpt^ Afluii4 it. You eaid^llhink, ja»t now, thitt th» $m e^y h|M been in exii»tence f«»r five yeere: wUat eoill^ port Has it met i^itb, and what baa H effeoted ^ -*— -^|?ji.i^.Jrhe degi^ of aucceas which baa «Uen4|td it«>ffbrtaiaof the ^oat encouraging nature, ^"t an incorpomted Society, it ia (^aeqn«ntly cap^Uf cf bolding r«al ettate ; and donationa in land to tlM «»* ^ t«it,I believe, of about ip.dOO acrea,have beeBiBadi by private individnal^. It nowalao anpporta t^n MUt; aioaariea, $nd baa aent abroid, through tbo lenglb «ii breadth of theDioceae about 8,000 Bibl^; S^4y jelohig te^^^^ "wiidlat*^..-' ' ■ ■^■' :' ''-^^^^r---^»'^ JW^-^Yea, Mr. Heyric, that H what «• i«^pM^\ w^ watif 'EvftttT one fo JcAn if , we have ttow IMK 4^ »iM^^Mb«ei4bBrai but tlieVi^ftrffe in th#'Bei?»iV«irta»i thvt tfhc^average amount of our cttngrcgationa tiHMr ikbiimi ^AMbbt titbgMher m u|^afda««r ftMpi^ tiip|JlPii^iN*i(fed»iii* wli« Wl^hiW^ aerlbeif, wUtllil^^w* iKictof»6ito "dl^^ -i—mm.. V • rv^'^^* \\ ft wImIw* M^srM toon have, vis , 90,000 P RuMttlv tHri^«ii»ion md prosperity of tKi €liuroti'0bdMyx^ ^^'iVi*i^.--->Indeed wo ought «ll to do no, dr^M^^ tiiid'Mbrr, yon majr eount upon »• ghiti|^ib i^^^i^ d|^g^r it «ll in our pov^ ' : > .\.i ^laa^ ^J^W.«— I WM iuro I woijld gain your •uppoHif^ it^ ^rooon as you thoroughly understood its ifiittti«S«ni, I^JeMsi they are such as must commeDd difemiclvis to( ^IjHrts* By the bye, I see your mis B«^rfiib JtoijiTeikof it. You did «iot become* iiieiBl^% ^mitt^^hen, bur I mtfst hfive ydurmim^ lig^ 1 jmigtr,-^mif tHr, Vm but • laboaiiog iii4tf,'«il >^ don*t expect anytliiDg from me, surely* n-tfta^ ^ 'fUri-MBt. I^itjl expected men i» yodriliHiition ^fii?te'iii9fft«ble, ftr be siqrt that if if»biif6'Q^f»il^ ^^^Mtrifiii^iN^ifh our liand* tbo thing itetteiftii^ |rail^4btK we may Aose f» give t^^ £ H^»^Iv4oD*t blioir that, yoQip wgfik -'iut^'-fin ^^i iMbtifb, Mtd if yon hid lived iif ibe im^ of Hfit^HW^enmimiU yo» would at^fao^ireiry leiiali %ik«0 .^Ij^I^ five to 6od*« service twelse MlM»^^'y«itf>. ^WWttA# ibreet ponndt • year from yon^ iNM^Hr ^^il%i»^— »Wby; sir, would yott mifi mo ntiNf^tfi^ «*- -' Vt dliad f^ving^^a trille,-ybiit l«clv« dti|fi|ji% ^iBjs.-^H, Bog«^ if yw worff tifO lii^ ', •-: 1 ' '.*. ■■\. ■ 1 , j^i^»TO«f »j»«OT !,'?*^Tr'> ■ ' \* * ' IT 1* ^«!-W«ml4 it not? tot.jn* •«, T««Mrt.M» taS*^ "d Bfty which ,pu ™d»->ou .'JUJWW S5|iS«4 «fttoh p«t «f ywtah«ta«^^ W?S Uotb fM't. Jmt it iriU come » wnwrt^ • -■ . ■ '■.■■: -^f-p- ^ -■•■ -rV I- "'*"'' '^-y^to few thttKngi Md t»o^fft rf IL^Iwdfed .himQp ,o» »itt«iiD ,o.A« .WWgT XrM»r..if God should cpw* yoo »o4 #»»» Sp«t . m™y.--f<»r daii|«.«»l «P|«^ T*».r,3rWell. »« -out »y «PJ BW-'^WM* »^ hot I'Jl be »d^thU year, end peihipe flW^MMT .«wi4j*i b«w «ictM M w«ll« >«!^^ doUart a momh, to gif«il^4«dl« »^f«l^^ Sdog which i^llw them >PPy ^ ciwnfortabte, .v-afc-t*-;.^- ^i^ifctf^ . .I I » i n i» ■* '■». i. . : ■ *4%-- 11 •Y^tTM, and when, |n addltilMi '^'''^^ ^ t BiHUt^Tei,^, andjbidd*i Ihafe whin> «bre IliaM irttfa *«the meiitna of GtiMC^,*^ nnd 1^ « ^p^ up or them may enjoy •*tbe hope of Glory/**— eoielf #1^ kMn Md^htieiti Mif^'dft ioMitMotto to- hi^iiwiitoMiHth^^i^ diH|ltt««(Jl0^ef4|^fe«ow<2hi^ diHik'fle«i<^th»«bl#6t^ IttI f miit «# '«eHdinrniy^#iq^«b^^ r ■ /- / r ':w. \ ^ , ngti^^-ittt M r mmm •r .A *Pf.' .. ;■/ ■p^ . lU. [/'■ iff ♦ •» -k- -« « 1-^.1 r . ♦ ■y. # % i ■:m: L^^i afc P^Si^- -> 1. 'J..-.. .J. / «»/ii^ »f ' > «' V / * / ■ ■':< ,7 .; ' ? *-\' r'.\- ■-■$: <$ - ■. -J- ■ / ' - ,.- S' - •. K * M a ■" 1. • 4i ■ « . J f *. *!*. k' *• r' f ) *-' ^u. -i&!(pi^ii^4«* fte«S%,\^'Ji^'i-^_ " ^pfill^-, '-J^-* ^'f .'jf^T^"^^^ H, *' «?< ^ *1«i / .■» :.. --Ti :'^. 7 « '•m «- -Hi— '«' 1 ^ f . *• '^' ' ^ 1 •^-. i--^ ?■"' ^y M^, .* * . ^ ' /ll J." '"'^B sbi * i ■ 1*1 ^M ^ ■ p ' *ini