^i;\> ^o^\^^^.^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // {•/ V. C^. fc ^ 1.0 I.I ■^ 1^ 12.2 m ^ ills It 1^ iio 1.8 11-25 1 1.4 i 1.6 p> y /^ PhotograpMc Scientes Corporation ^4^ (V \\ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 "% .V ^\ ' o ;\ «.^!!( ;l'. VNTIIoNV WAI.KKM. (i'l:iilltitil li-M".lli|rHl. ( '^/.sv oil .If^hCiil fi-oiii llic i'/'dcr /h'sr/idri^hii^ (lie Oi-iiir .\ isi for (1 \ cic 7 fid/. Tlli;nl)i)i;K UWIK, ilii-iiiii- I'ipt A|iiifllMiil . II |iAI,i, \S lli;i,M( KKN, Snlicitiil- r.il- Itc-pnll'li'llt. VICI'tHilA. r.. C. ■■riir. I (piMvisi- ' sii'.AM n;iMiNi. iim -.k. INDEX. Slwrl Sl.-ilrinrnl iM'n-f ■• •• ' l'lr.l.lill^;s : Xillciiunl "I I hum ;. ■ '3 M.U.-nuiil .'Mii-lcni-c • ?•*> juinili'i ''f I--U1' ... ■ " Kviiliiic.' (il \lc N;>iin,' I .il.rii lii'lrr Coinnii^sioii ol loili Jul) . iSSo. ii It Staloniiiil Ki -jn'rliiii; Ka icKiiif ul M. I-. |..lin>,lMii 11 KMr.ul from •• I'.K.- ,,f iSili \.n.. iSSs ll-M l-Alriirl rri.iii •■ l-'ii'i- I'lv-^" i.f lull N.A.. 18S5 I .! I i I'Alrm-l lioni ■■ l-iic I'l.,"' ■■! null 111. , iSSs i^i'' l-Alracl froni ■■ I'lloni-l' ol Jnlh Nuv.. 1SS5 H' lnlirro^;;itoiii's .uul .\n-«i--i- "' '" I '.irrr^|iunilrnif llruvi.ii W.r»|ioii,iiiit .\ii.l M Nninoc ... 10. "> l-lvlclcMi.f nf C. \V. Mil. h. 11 -.; -5 IMilfiiii' ul' .\li N.iiiui- I'nKrn I nil.-r Coinnii-^iiiii ur Sill June, 1SS7... 35 .7 IM.liiicr .il ''. I'.irUfi Tuck :7 J.S I 'llil'f luMi.r\ N'.iUs .11 Tii.il ^9-.i4 (.'li;ut;e til ilic Jury J4-.i7 Or.lcr fur Ju.ltJimiil .}7 I )rcl.r Nisi loi .1 Ni'» 'IVi.il i^-j9 Drilrr l>i>i li.Ui;iii[; I inlri \i-i I" KiMMiu-. I.ir I iisrli.,ii;iiii; 1 ir.lrr Ni->i : , Cr.iy. J •• 41-45 \l,rivii;lil, J ■ 45-5f' Nnlir.- .if .\|.|..,\l I., ihe SiiiirLim- Ciuil iif I iiiLi'ln 5' Hr.l.-r .Ml'iuliii; Aiipi-.i! : 52 t Irilcr Scllliiii; < ,1 -(■ '111 \|ifii-nl ...^ .vi-!>.> 199458 In the Siipremf; Court of Canada, llii A|i|ii'iil bill llir Sii|iiTiiii' ruiirl of Itriiyi roliiiiiliiii. i3 EIT^ \A/ E J=r; KI I»AV11» WILMAMS IlKKIINS. A Mil I )c'l'rl|.|tllll I .\|>|M'lhllll 'NIK ll(iM»i;.\lll.K (iKoKllK A^Tllt•^^ WAI.KKM. ( I'lailUill't i!i><|i(i|lilrllt. Simiir Statk.miai' hi- Casi. Tliiv is Mil ii|)|pf!il liy till' Dc'IViiiliiiil rruiii ilii' ju'l-niriii ,it' the lull i-.iun (if iIm- " Sii|irriin' ( 'iiiiit (lijlM'r. A.l>., Is-S". .liscliaruiii.u' till' iifli'i' '"•'-■' for a new trial iiia^lr in this ai'timi uii the iJliii'l ilay ol' .July. A.l»,. INST. 1= Ij E ^ ID I IN" O-S. statkmi;nt ok claim. I. 'I'lir I'laiiitilf was I'lvinicr, < 'lii,.f I 'uiiiiinssiniMT ..f l.ainls an I Works. At loriiry- ( li'iirral. and a nii'inlifi' uf tlic KxcciitiM' * 'oiincil »[' tlic I li.\ en 'iit <<( this I'lox iiici., IVnm the liiilii 111' Juiif, IST.S, until t\u' I2tli nt .Innr. iss-j, and was duly sworn tn liiithliilly fill- III ihc trusts iiiid discliaigf llic duties liy law and uai;r a))|i('rtiiiliiii;,' to tin- saiil otiiccs, s,.M.ially. ' : .20 •_', Kvn- sincr thr said I2lli of .lliiic, !ns-2. he lias Ihtii oin' of Ihr Majrsiy's .lu life-, of this lloiioi-ahji' ( "oiirt. :{. As Chirf Coiiiniissioiu'r of Laiuis and Works tin' Plaiiititi', hy Tndintiirc dated tin' •Ht]\ of Fi'hiiiar\, I. SSO, contracted, on liehalf of the ( loveriiiMeiit, witli Fiancis ISernard .Mc- Naniee. Anthoiiv (iilhert Nisli and .lames Wright, eoiistitiiliin:- the linn of -I'', I! .Me- Niuiiee and ( 'oin|iaiiy." contractors, for thi' construction l>y t!.. iii of a ( !rii\ iiii^- or Divlock at Ksiiiiiiiialt. in coiisideriitioii of the jmyiiieiit to ihein of J4:!.")«i.:)!l7.'J(). or such otiicr sum as iniylit he due to them under sjicciticatioiis referred to in the said Indenture. f III .hill,., |NS(I, lllr I'lilllMiir il- -llcll I 'llirl' ('u|ll||li-M..I|.T, 'lilv.hil lllr Nll'hl cull- lia.Moi-, !,,,■. imMri,,.. Ilir Mni.'lioi, ,,f ll„. 1)..,.L, l.iil Mr K l! McNain. ,■, ,,ii il„.ii l.rl,;Jl'. |V,|ll,-|r,l lllr I'lllillliirio Illl.W WnlK t , Ih. .I.lrnvl UUhl llir IMI-Uin- S|,|inu, Ulllrl, IV- i|ii.'s| till' I'liiii'liir rrru-cil. ,-,. ()„ ,^ I,, ,uclr rrrn.il iIm' -Mi.lK K, MrN;,:,,... ili ivui,m,i anaiiu.-l w iili tin iv.i.lrMi- n|- Ih,. I'r.i^iii.'.. iiaui..| I!..Imti,mm, 1 1 1 lilt i ii-l nil all. I N irliol -,, ,1 1 I'nr i 1 aim.' |,r,.>rrnliMii nf ill.. WMiU l,\ III. Ill a> ii.l.lirMHial an. I l.iii|...iMry ImiIikt^ oI' liir linn ^1' 1' • i;, M,.Na aii.l (•..ii.i.aiiy, l.ut lli. I'laintili' : n.^li ii.. nl.j.M.rm.^ |,, I i.is ,in'Mii.u.'iii.'iil a> li,.twcrii 111,, parties ll.,.|iisi.Kvv .lr(liii...l t.,i c.,-... Micli IL L lit L iiai |i,irl ii.'.> a- r. .Ill I ait . a- willl til.' ( i..\. '111111. •Ml ill IV. |.., 'I ..f ill.' l)..rk. I" (i Siil.s.M|i|,iiily, I'.a- uival.T -viirit ii.| v. / '. a \ i.'W I'l' |ilaciii.,' the siiliji.i-l iimltrr „\' till' (■niisiiiii'ti I' till' Kock wiiliin till' I. ■nil- 'f lli.' i'.aiiiiii'.n milI I'n.v imial l.-i-ln tiuii wliiili Iri.l tak.'ii phiiT ill ivlati..li Li it a furl li.r rniil ra.'t , .lali'.l tli.' Hli .'.f Oi-LiL.T, |ss(). wav niinv.l int.. 1.. i u .'.n ili.' I'l'iiiititl a- i 'liii'l' i '.iiiiiiii--'i..n.'i- ar..r.-^ai.l. aii.l lli" siiliir coiilnirt.iiN, M/.: I'Vaniis I'.rriiiir.l .MiAannv, .\iitli..n.\ liiH.i-rl M-li ami .l.a - \ViiL(lit. iisiMmslitiitin- til.' linn .il' ' I''. I!. McNuiih'.- uilI ( '..inpaiiy, wIhi. l.\ it \va> a-ivnl tlial^llir f..nii.T rolilnu-l ..r 'In' -Jhli uf Krl.ru.'iry. | V^K, >li..il|.l 1..' r.,li>iil.'ri'.l ralnvlli'.l. Mil. I thai, -nl.ji'i't ti. (vrtain li'-i-latiw ii.ii.lii inii-t im'iitii.iii'.l ili. !i."k -IlimM Iv i'..n slriirl.-.l l.y till' -aiil linn .u r.lin.j t . sii.M'iticaliniis ivI'iTivij In. ami in <•.insi.liTati.ai ..I' tln' lirrmv iiii.nlii.ii.'.l siiPi i.rs:!.-,il,:):t7.:;il, 1.1- Micli iilliiT -iiiii a- iniulit I..' .In.' t.' tli. in ini.l.'i -Jd siicli si„'i'iticati(ins; amll.i'-iii.'s iitlirv >,M-iirity I'm- tlu' rnllilin.'iil i.l' lli.' caiii-a.-t tin- Mini 1)1' Sl(),(K)() WHS ili'iiipsii.'.l I'm- timt |nir|insi. I.y lln' saiil linn witli llir ( li.v.'iniiii'iit. 7. I'riiiv ti. till' I'Xi'iiitinii nl' l!ii' l.-i-t nii'iili..m '1 .•.ailr.i.'l t In' v ai ii.u-> .-..nil.il it In '■ t.ii - ,|i.|s f.,i' til. r..iislincti..li I'l' llic ll'.rk, wliicii lia.Mv.n r.'.viM'.l ai lln' l.an.l' aii.l W.ak- l),'|,ai'lnii'nt, wnv Mil.niill.'.l fm I'uii.i.l.'ial i..n I., tlir l.iiiit.'iiaiit-t La .'ni..r in Conncil, aii'l til,, t.'inl.'i' .11 111.' -ai.l ■■ K i; M.'>„nii'i' .in. I ( ■..ni|.an\ ' l.i'in.^' iiinc-li tin' l.'W.'st . w.'is a.- ,.,.|,t,',l. ami llir .•..iilr.ict T..)' I'.i.' \\ .vis aw.'ii.U'.l t- I Iniii l.y I i,.' >ai.i ( ■..nn.-il. ami lln ,.,,iil,'a,'l ,,f till' llli 111' (•-•!. .;..!■ 1^1! ''Mis tlii-ri'n]ii.n .'MviiIi'.I, as Matnl in tin' l;i-l |iara'_;ra|ili. s. N.. cintr.'ict (ir ;yu-n'<'ini'iit, v.tIh;] nr vritt 'ii. .■xiav-.iMi ,,i' iiii.J|.|'.|i.,mI in ivlali'.n mild tlir liiii-k.i'Mviit till' saiil cunlrai-ts i,l' llir l' H li ..l' j-'rlmiai'y aii.l l li.' 4lli i.l' < Ii'IuImt. Ismi. was at aiiv lim.' iiia.l.' L.twrni tin' I'laiinili'. in liis ntlii'ial caiiacily, ..r ntlinwi-i'. ami ili.' tii'ii, ,,|' ■' I-', l;. .Mi'Nanii'i' ami ! ',,ii,'..'iii,\ . ' >rt..l.i r, ISM), v.'iiiain.'.lin t'linv until al..ail .\n'4U-t. |,S,s:!, wiii'ii till' D.ick, in an iintinisl,.' 1 '^tatr. wa- tralivtrnv,i liy tin' l'r..\ini'.' t-. tlir Ddiniiiion I'.-r ('..ini'l. timi l.y tli.' lattiT. that is to say, tlir saiil coiitiacl \\ a- in I'm . . I'.-r iii.arly nil.'., yrars, .I'lriii;/ wliicli tin. • !'i.' I'laiiititf .siK'ccssiM'iy till.'il tin- i.lliri.il ami ju.licial |)iisiti.iiis ntii.n.'.l in iiaraL;-ra|ili- .mr ami twn. 10. (In, in- ill,' r,.iiti-a.-t nl' tlir Hli ( irtolnT, I NM). lar-v miiii> ..I' iimiu'V vM'Iv. fi'.'in Ht time to till!.'. |iai.l t.i tlir cmirafturs lli.'iviii ini'iitiiini..l, for work -Ian' ,.n t li.' D.irk, tin' riainliir lirin,-' Cliifl' < '.auini-si,,iii.|- at llir tiinr. ami siicli payiucnts wnv niailr witii lli-' I'laiiilili's ollii-ial saiiftioii ami ;ipi.ro\ al. iii>on wlii.'li tli.'y wnv il.'iirml.'nt. till' ilatr .iT ihr r.ililllMilii III. ill of tlli> al'lioll lln' jirulirillol' atul liulili>!H'l- lA' r. llr\V>ji!l|'"l cilli'ij ilir ■ D.-.ily r.riti-li ('.iliiiii-l." |-_'. 'I'll.' I>.'rrii.l:iiil ill 111- -:ii'l 11. ■\v,| ill piT. .Iit<'i| ill'' L'fuli < <\' N . i\ . Ill i ..' I'. I^^•■^ i'al-.'ly iili.l iiialii'i.iil-i\' prliili'.l -111.! |ii|lili ^li.'.l nf aii.l c.iiici niiii_: lli.' I'laililiii', ali.i ..I alil coiii-.TiiiiiM- (||,. ,,ilii-ial 1- mill'' .'!' til.' riaiiiliti'. w liil.- a in.-iiil .. r ..i' l!i.- < i..\ . iiium ill . aii.l liiiMiii^' til. T. ■ill til.' ulti.-i's i.r ]iiiliil.- ini-i .,11.1 .•.iiili.Jciic.'. -lai.'l ill ji.ira-nil'li "H''- Hu' I'.ill.iwiii:; lil."i!..ii- all.! .L'Taiiialni'v u.inU: •nii: M. xAMMi'. Mri'iMiri.i, .-^l it. ■' ill ill.' -wiiiii .-si. It'll if Mr. .Mi'N.iiii.'.'," i iiK'aiiiii'.; l'"r;uiii-. ll.i iiar.i .McNai uIha. jh iii.'iiti.ai.'.j) ' l)>'iVii.i;iiit ill ill.' -nil .if .M.'K.'iiiia ''-. McNani".'. lal.'ly lii.-'l at . n-k r .iilr.'U'! ' " (iiManin-' ll iil ra.-l ..f lli.' 4tli ..f ( Irtnl'if. i-^.^C,) ■■ ■ iiiil ill |lrili
  • ■ In ii^fii'.' this i-liai''.;'.', " ( iiicaiiiiii.;- lli.' cliar-.' inijilii .1 ill ill.' .'iliiiM' ,ial."iirydi)id< cuntraci i:f iho I'tli nf ( )i't ilicf. isso, ami that as -ncli -.•cn't !..'irlir'r w itli tli.'iii h.' fran.liil.'iitly au.l mil.iw I idly nhtain.'d lafji' siiin- nf pnl.li.^ iii.niry, ai.'l iiia.h^ laf,;.' uaiiis nii.l )irntits at til.' r\p 'lisi' of ili.' I'r.ivinr ■ in v.'-.p.'i-t nf w nrk .Inii . .ir pr.li'ii.li'd tnhaxc lii'i'ii dnii... nil till' |)iick nndci' fhi- '-ai'l mn'r.'f* : aii'l thai !i.' pi.iciiri'.l tli" awar.l which was iiia.l.< nf tli.' '..'li'l cinti'.K I, an.l t la^r.'iipnii cx.'ciili.l llii' i-.iit i.ii't. and I h 'rcafi.^i iihtaiiicd the sail! piihlic mniicys. aiiil ina.l.' tli.' s.'u.l |.i-.iliis in iiiaiiii.r uu'M inii..!. iiihlcr clnak i>\' his ii.isitinii and inllti. m-c in th.' ' l.iv riiin.'nt aii.l c-p. .ially .'!' hi- nliici-aii'l antlmrity as ( 'hirf ( 'niiniiis-inn.'i' ..f km. I- ;iii.l W.irk-. aii.l li\-fal-ily and frandidciii ! v' 40 nrctnidin^ tlia' ln' \va- .-ii-liiix as siu-h i.!li.'.^r in tli.^ pri'iiiisrs. -nl.'ly nn li.'luilf n\' an.l in the iiitiTcst.s of the (io\ ciiiiiM'iif, an.l ii.it on liis own pi'i^-niial ht.'jialf, as was the fact: and tluit \ III I' II urtili-r I' 111' ( iMiri I'll III.' Miinli. !.'<> iiitii'i llll'llT II lit I lllll'l Aniil. I" lie liiul liy ri'Jisoii of tln' promises (■(uciinitteil criiniiial ntleiiees yninisliiilile li}' law wliicli sliiiuld "iiiit, lie treiiteil lightly iiiir allnweil to [lass unlu'eiled "; ami t'urtluT that tlie plaiiititl". ni'tiiati'il li\- ;lif corniiit ami iiiiwurtli y motives ami eoiisidcriitiniis aliovc iiieiitioiird. contiiiiiously li(dd Ills sairii, i-'ii. tions contained in para^i'aphs :! to 10 inchisi\"e of the .said Statement of Claim, and does not adndt them, :!, The defendant admits that he printed ^,1 pulilished the words set out in para- eraph 12 of the Statement of claim ; hut he denies that he ])i'inted sucli words m.aliciously, ;j(» or with the sense or meainuLj alleoeij, or with any other defamatory or .-ictionahle sense or lueai'-- ,, ... me Defendant denies that .such wor l.ini; trie. I ;i| the .\-,si/,es !'■ .r ihet'omitx 'if t 'arl.t'-ii, in the rr..\inei- .if ( hil.'iiiei. hoMeii al liie t'iiy of illtav\-a, in the --.lid l'ro\ iiire all' i i h;it Kran<-i> 11. Mi N.-oiee. thi' .lefeiiilant in the ^aid .-u-lioii. un ih.' -;i:d 7lli 'lav el' \..\ . hiIm"- e»\i' e\ idelice ;i-- a willies.-, hefore the aid CoUll () •k 'I'lic I >cl'i'nclaiit t'urtliiT Miy> lliiit, tluit |i(irtii)ii "f the ullcyi-il lilicl which imrpui'ts Id 1m: i\ rt'iiDi't "!' !i |i()rti(iii ol' tlic cviih^iicc,,! 1 1,,, ,,.,;,| I-', ,' im i . I; M( N.niii'. i" •'"' ~;ii.| •'"■■^'' of McKi'iiiiii ''s. McNanicc. was |iriiir in the |iiililicaiinii alh'Livd in saiii |iaraL;ra|ili I 2. |irititi'il Mini ptililishi'il ill a ccrtaiii iirw>|ia|ii r |iiiiilis]icil at N'icloria, lii'itisii ( 'uhnnliia. alnl known a.-- thi' •■ Daily |'',\ .iiiriL: I'ost," a< ami |iur]ioilin;;- to he a tnir a'nl corrccl account and I'ciiorl ol' |iait ol' (he cviilcncr taki'H in tlir said case of MrKmna ''s. McNann'c. al ill'- .,.,j,| -itlin^s of Assi/.c and Nisi I'riiis, in and for tl!c ( 'oiiiity of ( 'ailrioii. iu the I'luv incc of Ontario, lioldrn at the t'ity of ( Htawa aforesaid, ami tlic l>cl'riidaiil A.u/" ii proceed im^s ipf puhlic interest a in I concern, and in the n^iial eoiirsc of the Defenclaiit's l.iisiness and duty as a piiMic journalist, .'), The l»efendaiil dots not admit the allceatiniis contaiic il in paraei'a]ilis i:i and 14 of the Statement of Claim, ;,nd tl,.- 1 ).-f.iidant denie. thai .ilh. r th. personal or pidicial chaUK'ter ol ilu- I'Liiniilt' ha--, hy reason of tin- piinii-e-,, hren iiijiov.l or .'Vpov, d io eontempi aiel o.liuiii, as alle;^e.| in -;iid parau;raph If, aiiieiii|.'.| aii'l V u( livcri'il this PHP day of \pril .\,1),, iSSti. i'.y 'rilKODORK DAVIK, Corner of liastioii and Lan:^-le\ Strei^ts, Solicitor for the I »i'feiidaiil. .lolMiKi; OK iSSI'K. The I'lainlitr joins issue iijion the I tefendaiil'-- amended Stalemi'iit of difencc. Dclixered the I si (lay of May JSMl. I'.y .1. Ho LAND TIKTT, Of Lanuley Street. N'ictoria, i'lainlitr- Solicitor. 2(1 I'A iHKNcK iiK I". I!, >[cXami:k T.\ki:s rNHKii nii: Cmmmismon issikh on thi: Kiin D.w (i[- .Iri.v. is.sii. 'I'lie examination of i''raiicis lii'rnaid .McNainee nnilcr the ( 'onimissi,;n issued herein. Iiearii :;■ d.ale the Hllh day of .Inly, in the Year of ( )iir Loiiii:,' diilv swi.rii i|c- [iiiNi'il (IS follows : liy .Mr. Walk. •Ml. <,l. C. li>. I. W'liiit i-i your ii:i:]ic-. aihl >la'c your i-csiilctu ' \. l''rani'i-< iiri-iiaid .McNaiin !•, cmitrai-tm-. .Moutiral l,». •>. .Viv you ii iin'inlj.T of ilir tiriii of F. I!. .McNaiiu'c .v Co. of .Moniival. ( 'ontiactors. .•\. I was a iiiriiiliiT of that linn while it was in rxistciicr. (,'. ."!. Wh.'ii was tiic linn ■staMi-lir.j. ;ui.| -ivr fully the iiii s of the persons coiii- posillu it ' ' JQ -V 1 cannot ^ay rxactly without ivf,.|i.ncc to my li.ioks. hut I tliink it was in |s7(l. ''"!"■ "'l"'i' I'll' 1^ ^v.M-,. Ani'ioiiy dill,,. It .Nisli 'ind Captain .lames Wright. That was the C'olislituiioii of the linn in I sso, '»'■ + "i'l ill'' lii'm. a> s) (• .■i>iitu|e 1. Mt :iiiy tini ■ ill the \ e 11- I ^si) enter iniD auv contracts with the ahos e nanH^.l I'lainlili'. ( le ,iuv .\nth..n\- Walkem, a- re|,re^,.nl in^- the (ioviTiinieiit of l!riii>l, Coluinhia, to coii~tnicr a hryilnek or ( ira\ iiiuilock for the>aiil < lo\ ernincni at l^siniiniait ' A. Vcs. (). ."). Were Midi contract s niaih' in w riling', and, if -o, were tin- oiieinals tlifivuf left in the jiossessioii of your linn, or in that of t:ii' said ( lo\ ern meiit ' 20 .V. N es : I helieve that we had on • diiplie ite of the a^i- eiaiieiit. and the ( iovernnieiit liiid another. <,». (i. Iviok at [iriiiteil Kxhihits - A. luil I!,," now proiluc,.d and sh-wii to you, and rtvspccfividy heaiied '■ lietuni to aiiHrder of the I, -■idat i\e As.em My. dated ICtli Ajiril. ISN(t, for a cojiy of the coiitfact eiili'ivd into with Messrs. .McNaniee v ( 'o.. for the con- struction of the Ks,|uiiiialt draviiie' Dock." and ■Relurn to an < lid t of tlie Lc^islatixe Asseiiihly f(,r a copy of the coiitracl helw.>eii the ( iovernmeiil and .Mevsix NfcXainee for the coiisirurtion of the Ksi|uiiiiali Cravinu'- Dock ' ami purportiiiu- to I Iliia;il co]iies, and also notarial copies of two contracts res|ici-l ivi'ly ,lated !''i'lpniary I'ftli, I SSO, and < Ictoher 4tli. Isso and made l.etweii the iiieml,er> of your tinii of the one part and llicsai'lSO (ieor-e Anthony Walkem as ( 'hi.f ( 'ommi^Moner of Lands and Works of Hritisii Coluinhia of the other part, and -tale whether yon identify them as true copii's of contracts entered into hy ycair linn for thi' coii-t ruction of the (ha\ in- I lo(d< al l-",>ipiiiMalt : and if lither of thciii is not a IriH' copy of its ori:dnal please state in what re--pi'el it is incorrect / A, I look at the l-lNhihits ■■ A" aiiil ■ l'>,' now ]iroduced md shewn to me, and I liidieve them to l.|. true co|iies of t he colit r.acl - of which they respectiveh- purport to he L-(ipics. : ill I^M>. ill llir lllnlillis of .lllh . .\ll"llsl II Mt| Sr[ltr|||lMT. (,> H. W liiic ill \'ii-iiiriii ,li,| Mini' linn intrr inin n]\\ jmiviinriit n\' ii,irlih'r-lii|., m ■ illiciwi.M', will, |Mrs.,ii> ivsiilriii ill llriiish ( 'inck, iiimI. ir so. wlial wiv the iiaiiic^ nf Midi |mts(iiis ' A \'.s: with .loliii •luliii-,1,,11 l!,,lMit-(in. .I..I111 I IniiliiiMt.in. ami .lulm N icliulM.n. ,,r till' ( 'il,\ 111' N'ictiiriii, <,> !>. Wus siifli a^riciii 'lit mail.' in writinn', aii>l Imvr you it ' IT iint, wlio dicw u]i "'"■ ■i'-:i''''iii''iil .•mil lirfoiv wl I \va-> il cNcciit,.,! ' Wliat was its dalr, mi,! wjiji wlmiii was il li'l'l (ir i|c|io>itci| l,y you. or liy tiii' oilirr coiit ractiii^- ])iiriii's ' A Tlir a-Trnnriit wa- in wriliiiu'; ! jiad a copy of il and I tliiiik it i> tilrd as an 10 cxliiliit ill llic suit of McKcnna vs. M.^Xain,.,.. 1 ildnk it wa-. drawn l.y .Mr. llolnTtsoii, who afterwards ln'ciuiir a /|ildi;('. and is now dead. : tliat wa- the L^vnth'iiian 1 r.i'eiivd lo in my hisi aiiswcT.Mr. lIoKntsoii liad ciiar-e of one du|iheale and was |,rofe-sioiially en-a-ed in connection (fith its exirntion. <(>. I I. Look at till' document now |ad(hiccd and sliewii to yoii marked ■ ('" jiuriioriino to lie a notarial cojiy of an a-reeineiit of pai t ni'ishi|. dateij the 2stli dav of .\iil;ii-i. isso. i>l» and made at \'ictoria lictweeii the iii,.|iil,ci% of the iiiin i,f V. 1!. Mc.Naiin'e \- Co. of tin' one liart, and .lohn .lojinston lloliertsoii, .(ohn lliintineton and -lolm Nicholson of ih,. other part, and state whether or not micIi doi'innciit or a-ree nt wa> e.\eciit..d Kv your llrm and the parti. ■> who.-e names appe.ir thereio and in the presence of the witiie.-s whus,. name appear- thereto ^ A. I look at K.Nhil.it " ( ' " and i -ay that, a document of whii'h that ajipear- to he a mtarial copy wa- cxeeuti'd l,y myself and the other purtics whose names appear therein and was witnessed hy the said Mi'. Ivilicrtson. \». 1--'. Lo.k at the ■■ Daily I'.rili.h ( '.,loiii-.t" .laid Victoria, Mritish ( •olumhia, Friday. Xoveiiiher L'Oth. I ss.->. n,,w produced and shewn to y..n marked ■ D' and iiurticulail \- at :;o the article on the -econd pa-i' thereof li..ade,| ■ Tlu' McXamee Milch. '11 Suit." an.l -tat.' ■vhetliery.iu ..r y.air tirni w.'iv d..f,.n.l:iiii or def.'ii.lants in th.' ;i..ti..n ..f .Midxi'iiiia vs. .McXam...' iii..nti.iii...l in t Ic ar. i.'le. .aii.l wlci h.^r yoii e-av.' , \-i.|..nc.. ..11 oath as a witimss at Ih.. trial th.'iv.if at Ottawa, an.l if y.iii wr.. .lef.'ii.laut in sii,.h an acli.in slat.- th.. natn.'s .>f the p.arli..s ther.'t.i. ami th.' dat.' ..f th.. trial ther<...f. an.l tl... phi, f trial .' an.l the nam.' of th.. presi.line. jude,. at lh(. t rial ' A. I I....k at ..xhii.it mark.'.l ■ I).' l„.inoa cjiy .if the Daily Col.inist m.wspap,.r pnh- li-^li-'l "1 \ ii'tm-ia. I'.ritish ('oliiiiil,i,.|. containiic^' .111 tli.' secon.l pa^e thi.r.'of an jirtii.|c h.'a.i.'d ■ Th,. .M(.Xam,.e-.Mitcli,.|| Suit." .My ih'm wer.. th,' .l..f,.|i.lanls in th,. suit ..f M..- Kriina \>. .M( N.i lliriviti nimliiMir,!, Tlir ,|<.r,.|i,laii|s wnv iii\ ,i.|t', \i,|, an.l Wri-lit. Im'I'.iiv iiiriit,i,,ii,..|, uii.l MrKniiia aii.l Mu.'ImII uviv||m> |.lailil ill'>! Tlic ,lat.' ..l' tlir llial was tlir srv.'iiili ,i\' NdSriiihri. |v,s,-,, aii'l 111,' |,la(v lli( IV any 'iili>i Mr. Mi-Nainrc limn ymiiM-lf win. ;;a\c •■viili'iicc at th'' llial of llir .,aii| artidii, ,„■ ,,!' aii\ aclioii ai ilic ..niu- lime Lrtwi'i'ii pariirs with similar iiamr-,. and al the >ain.' placr, and as lo lli- >amr suliji'ct mallM-, \i/.,. ihr hiydock r.mlrai-i "lit in r.rifisli ( 'iilinnliia as indii-ali'il in llic^aid nc'\vs|,a|.rr arlicl.'^ ■^- I'li'iv was no ..ihcr |i,.|'.i,iM,r ill,- nam,' ol' MrNaiii'r iluui mysrlf wlio ifuvi' cvi- ''''"'■'• •''! ''"■ 'liiil "I' 'li'' 'ifli'Mi. i>r any nilur acliun oT il,,- same naiiif, or lidwocu liic same ID [larlics Iriril al tlir mhih' tiiin' ami |ilacr. <,>. 14. Look al till' |ioriion of thr arlii'lr in iIm' -„'iii| ni'Ws|,,',|i,.|'. wliicl, rrads as follows; ■ In till' sworn ,'\ idiiic,' of .Mr. .MrNaii , drr.'iidant in tlie suit ol' .McK.'nna vs. • McNaniri', lately tried at Ottawa, till- following iiassa'j;!' occurs: Six of tliem weiv in ■" l''i'lii''i'-''il' i" 'li'' hrydock conlract oiii in l!ril ish ( 'nl hi,.,., of whom \\a- llie I'reiiiier oi' ilie i'ro\ince.' " |)i,| y .\,.r make sucli a staleimnt on oalli as alk-u'd with respect to the I'reiiiier of the I'l'ovince.' A. i look al llieailiele referred to in this ipieslion and contained in >aid l-i.xhihii. and I say ih.al I ne\ I'r made I he stali'iiient on oath, eiiher there or at any other timi' therein ascrilied to iiie. an as follow- : The ■ l'i'''iiii''i' "f til" Province. ;il the lime referred to. was the Hon. .Mr. U'alkein. now a .Indue (if the Supreme Court.' and Mate whetlier Mr. Walkeiii as ahov dociihed. or any person of his name. I'Ver was interested with yon oi' your linn ith aiivof th,' im'iiiheis ih,'iv,,f in Kastern ('ana, la. o,- t,. your kicwk'.l..^,' with ,iny ,,f th.' iii,'ml„'rs th,'re,.f in l!ritisli Coliimhia. ,lii','i'tly ,,!' in,lii'ecily, or l,y jiny s,'er,'t arran-eiiH'Ut or nn,l,'rstan,linu- on his, your or tlnir pari, in any p.i'Uniary ad\ anta'^,' ari-in;;,ail ,,f ,ir coiin,'ct,',l with th,' (Jraviii:;- i)ock contract or eoni racts alr,';i,|\- i','lV'rr,',l lo ' A. 1 1" 'k at th,' suciTe.Jiiiu; porii,in .,f tic ,'irlii'l,' i','f,'rr,'d to in th,' ,pi,'stion, ami I -av that he nev,')' was. ' ;{|) '.'■ "'■ "i'l you ,'\,r ,111 any o,-c:isi,,ii sj.it,., ,,ii ,,.-|ili ,,i' ot li,.|'\\-;s,'. or su._;M-,.^t, ,„. 1,.^^,. any r,'as,,n lor sn--^"stin.;-, ih.ii thr pn'^'ut Plaintiirwas i,, ..,iiy way inl,'r,'st,',| with v,iu ,.r y,)iir lirm in th,' sai,l contract. An, I if th,' I'laintitl' was in any way iiit,r,'st,',l in ih,' ■-ai,l contract with y,,u ,ii' y,,iir tirm sta|,> what such inlei'esi was. an.l slu'w where and h,,w he aci|uire,l it. an,l how lone- he lieM it ' A. Certiiinly not: hut I lia\,' stati'.l that lu' f,,rce,l th,,.,' Ilritis], I ',,lunii,ians as part- '"'•'^ "" ' '■ -M^iitreal linn lor ili,' pur|ios,. of retainiiiL: political inllii.'Hi-,' in lirii j.sh C'oluinliia. '»>. 17. On eiviiio' eviileiioo on oiith at th,' trial ,if th,' sai,| action M(d\enn!i vs. .McNam,',' ,li,| y,,u state that si. \ ,,f y,,n w,'i',' in partn,'rshi|,. wln'ii i'ef,'i'rin,e- to the saiil+O Oravine' l>ock contract, an,l if so, ,li,| you state th,' names of such pi'rson,', .'' to A Vr> •>' 1'^ \\ lial iiiiiiir, ,n,| y.Mi iiii'iilidiMi-. r,,iii|M.sin- llic |iiiiiii.'islii|i iif ^ix ? A. M.\-'ll', Ni-li. Wri-lit KmIi.ti^oii, ||iiiuiii-t.,iMiii.l Niclidlsoii. '>'■ '" ''""'^ '" '!"■ ""ilN l^'iiiii- I'n-r i,.u,im|Mr .l.,lr,| Mt Virti.ria, W.mIi,. .,.la\ , N..vri„lM.r ImIl Iss.-,, mc.w |.iu,|ii,t,| „ii.I >Iicuii i,, vo.i i,iMrk.,| K, aii.l pMi-ti.Mil.irl v at ll'i.' ''"'"■''"•■''"""I"'' ll'" 'I'il'l |'"-v ll.r.vnr iH'M.lr.l ' K-„|in,nall Dry.lock. I|,r -ivat'cMM. uf McK'^Plia \-. MrNaiiMr, iiimI -lat.' uIhiIhI' ny nul _\,,ii air iIm • Ici'i'iiilanl. I^'^ll !■ Irliv.l |i> If A. M....L ai ibr .Ahil.ii |.; i|„. ,„||„.r ivrrnv.l tu I stv tli.' article tlirivin mu- I'lilicl li,.a,|,..| i;-„|niiiialt Dr; l»,Mk.T|„. (Iivat ('as,. ,,r .\l,.K,.,iiia -x McNa .' I am 10 lllr |MTs,,n ||„.|vi|l ivfrrivd I,, as lllr ,|rr,.iiilaiil McNanir,., '''• -'" ' 1^ "' '!"■ I'lint...! iiialirr \.ru,;n\^ il,,. ,,-,1,1 |i,,|,|i„^ i„ il,,. sai 'mIh,,,,, I'lirportiiiir t,. Ih. a iv|„„t mI' Hi,, i rial uf I la. sai. I , mm., an.] Mai, . will, iv,|„.,.| t,,tli,. ,ai,| lV|i,i7 ,.r lavtrM'Ir.l iv|Ma-|, liiM. wlirtli.T tli,. ,lat,.. y\y... Oiiawa. \n\ nnlM.r :it h, ,-,( llir li, a.| "'' '• '^ ''"■ '■'"•'■'■'•t 'l.'i' ■ ii"t (,r 111,, .ai.l irial. aiwl iT imt, what was lli.. .|al.> of ||„. .ai.l trial ^ s,.,..,M,|ly, \Va> a jury niipa'all,.,! f„r tlie trial as i, all,.i.,.,| j,, ,l„. sai.l rr|„al ,a' 1"';''"'"''"' '■'■I"'i'' ' tliii''ll,V, hi, I yoii iiiak,. tli,. stm,.,,,,. ,, ,,ail, all rilait,.,! |,, vuii i;i il„. sai. I iviMirl .,!• |a'rh.n.l,.l iv|iurl .,!' yuiir ,.\ i.|,.ii,v al ili,. Irial, vi/., • ihai .ix ,,|' ilL.ni w.'iv in i.arlM,.rslii|, in |!riii.l, «■,,!, ,ia, ,,n,. ,,!' w||,ai, was al ilial liiiir l'r..ini,.r ,,r il„ I'n.viiir,."' an. I if ,\ .ai ,li.| n^i niak.' sii, li M.-.i,aii..ni. wlial >iatri,i,.nl 'li.! vai mak,., aiaMi.l -'d yuii -iv,. Ill,, na s uf ih,. sis |„.rM,ns, aii.l if s,,, what na s ,|i,| y,,ii iii..|iti,,ii ' •^- ' l""l^ ■■'' 'l"-|'i-iiil,.(l iiialt,'!' I.,.|i..alli th,. h,.a.liii-,,f I 1m- ^.ai.l art i,.],. purpurl in- 1., '"■ nn a,.,.ouiil of 11,,. trial ,'in,| I say : First ly. That I think that ih,. s,.v,.nlh ,,f N,,x,.„7l„r was ih.. ,lat,. , .fill., trial: ii.lly. That ,■! jury was ,.,i,|,an,.ll...| lait w.is ,liscliarL;-,.,| l,v UicJ;i-I.L(,.; thinlly, Th.at I .li.| n. .'ik,. tli,. staf..|ii..nt .al t rilait.'.l t.ini,.. nain,.l v. " six ,',»' ^'l \v..ivi„ |,artn..rsl,ip ,,ul in Ihitish ( •,,l,ni,l,ia, ,,n,. ,,f wl was al that lini',. iV.aiii,.r ';''""■ '''■'"'' ■" ' ''■'^'' ■ili-'M'l.v :^iv,'n Ih,. n:.iii,.s ,,f (h,. six wli., w..iv partn,.rs an.l that is thi. slat, .11, .1,1 I ilia. I.' al th,- tiiii,.. ''•• •'■ '- ''"' -''''I '•'•|'"i' "I' 'II'' s.ai.l iri.il a full, faithful an.l accural,. „nc, aii,l if ii,.t. in wh.al ivsp,.,.ts l„.si,|,.s th.,sf ahva.ly lu.nl iMli.,! l.y y.ai is it incaiipli.t,', iiiaccin'atc, „rM(l narlil,..| :" . ■^- ' '""'■> "' ""■ '''T"i'' rclVrr,.,! |,,. aid I say it is n.ith.-r full, tnilhf,,! n,,i' accurate. An a,-cur.at,. r..p,at ,-.ail.l n.it 1... ^i\..n wiih.ait pnMishin- tla- wh.,1,. ,,f ih,. ,.vi,|,.nc,.. (,>. i-l. Dill y,iu th,. I)..f,.n.|,.|nt wla-n Ic was h,.,-,' al.iait a ntli an'.i :' A. ^',.,s; I ni..t him at th,. \Vin.ls,,r ||,,i,.l Muni iv;,!. <,). L':'.. Mi, I y,ai hav,' any ,.,,nv,.rs,.|ti,,n with him with r.^-anl t.j th,. sul./pjct matter ,,f this actimi ' , A. V.s. It <). -Ik lliiu iIkI ii,. jti-tii'y his action in n.ntiiij:' the article coiiiphiiucd of in lii> A. lie said it was co|,ir,| from the Oiiaw;, Fivr IVrss,- and tlial ila- tirsi 1,,- iw of it was ill |)i-iiit ill iiis i)a|.cf, i uiidciMoinl hin, lo say llial it was |,iit, in !>y so ,,f his men, and tiiat if Mr. Walkem had s,.nt Idni my teleoram an.! h'tlm- he wunld have pide iished them willin-ly, ami that w.iuld he il nd of tlie iiiiitler. 1 told Mr. Ilin,,iiis that 1 had never stated as il nas in the -l-'ree I'ress:" that I lia.l heen to that paper and e.)t tliem to contnidiet il. I I.eli av h.. said that he had iievei' se.^n the contradiction ,,r that he would have t.ri\ en piihlieity ti, ihe cont.adiction. I tohl him tliat what I stated was that those three men in Ihiiisji Ciliimiiia Were forcecl npon me hy Mr. Walkem for his In own p<,litical ends. 1 told him thai Mr. Walhem had (eh-raph-d 'me and written i n the suhject. and that Ihad aiisweivd him. 1 fold my iiook-keeper to give Mr. ilig.;-ins access t,, the tele-ram and h'ttei- that I had wi'ittell. I.). •>:>. Theiv was an editorial article in I he ■■Colonist:" did he say how that came into his paper ' ■^ ' have no knowledge of anything hein-^ in his paper hut what was copied from the Flee i'ress" His jiistilicntion e.Nteiided to wdiat he had copied from the •■ Free l're.s.s.'' tli:'ainee. Mr. Dalton McCarlhv, (^('.. and Mr. K. Mahon appeared for the 1 'laintiHs. and Mi'. W. L.Hint, (^.C, and .Mr. .\I.\j'( iara • i.e. for the DefeiidMnfs. Mr. McCarthy. (^.C. iimde application for a jury. 12 Hi.- l-onlsliii, stati'il lliat lie li:i(l struck It iis ;i cji-.f witlidiit :i iiirv . Mr. I.uiiiit. <,),('.. (il.jtMtoil t(i :i jiiiT, iiimI tinallyil \va> dfcidi'il to lake it willioiu nuv^ and tlic jiirv was disiiii>.so(l Mr. Dalton McCarthv in (i|MMiiiiu- tlicrasc. |>nt Mi', liolicrt Mitiludl in ihr lui.v. Mr. Mitclioil .said lio was a .•(mtra,t..i'. s,, was Mr. MrKfiiiia : kiu^w tliivc of the I )ofon.la.it.s. Air. .Mr.Nanu'u. Mr. Wrio-ht an.l.NisI,. H,. rntcrc-l into a r,,ntra,t with Dt'l'on.Iant ill tlie city of Toronto. Tlic tt'rinsof the contract had Ihmmi auivcd on hch.rc u-oiii.u' to Toronto. .\or,H.iiiiMit |.ro.hiccd. and |,,it in. (hitco liHth .Inly. l.s-:^. Th,. contract was for tlic hiiildin- <,f the K.s,|iiii,ialt (iravin- 1h,, k in IJritish rohiiiilp'a. and hy the au-ivoincMit |M) |,or cent . of the work done was to h,. paid for on the niakin- of 10 I'cKodic;,! estimates, until tlie completion of the work. Witness left ( >ttawa on the'iid Angiist. When he y-ot there he did not do the work as he coiild not , detain possessi,,,,. The .u-overnnient was earryin- on the work throii-ii Mr. .M.Namee. He c.,niniunicate,l this l.y letter and tele;.-ram to Defendant. Tiie letter was prodn,-cd Witness readie : liritish Cdiimhia .somewhere a'^oiit the l.".tli (>f .Viiu-iist. lie wrote lw,i 1 iters before the ..lie produced, dated tiie :;rd of S,.piemher. In tids |,.tter witness informal Defeialant that he had experienced coiisiderahle dilliciiltv in ohtainin- work from Mi. Heaven, r'hief eomnnss-oner.and had liad -rave doiihts aswhether he sh/.iilddoso or not. Witne>s did not hearaiiytldno-of the.,^)veriiment Iieiii- in chari.-e of the work until he v.diiedihe place. Roliertson and Ilnntiiuton sai.l they were in p,,.sses.ion. hut Mr. ih^nnett. the ...,,veriim, lit -'O en-ineer denie.l tiiis. Mr. I!..aveii ,-ai,| they ^th.. -overnim.iit i were in p.i.ssessio ' tj,e work and earryin- it on for Mr. McXamee The l!riti.-h Cdumhia Government handed over the work to the !>,miiiiion -■"Vernmeiit, hy whom it was now heiuo- eompleted- Witne.ss would liave made .STo.diiii prolit had he olitaiiied the work, as it was he l.ist twenty-tw,, iimntlis and .s-.'.iMiii in moiuw. etc Witne.-s sent his hill t , \h-\amee .v f,,.. lillt never i;ot tlie money. .\fler a ciisideraMe ai-unieut Mr. I.oimt .-alle.! Mr. .M.'Naniee who testified as follows: The arrangement hetwe..n him-elf and the I'laintitr was for the latter to ';'.'■''•' '"" 'l"'ii''-"i'tracl and pay tluun Id p.. r cent. At thai time the sul.-coiiir,M't..rs had failed, and the llriti.sh Cdumhia -overninenl to,d< po.sse,~sion of the plant, material and --iO ovorylhin- in .June. Issii. Mitchell hoa^fd ,,f tlie intiueiicc he ha.l with the ..-overn- ""•'"■ =""' ■"=''•' !"■ ^^- 'I !"■ ^''1'' >" .^■•■l til'' '-nlract hack. Mit.hell lertook to^-,, out ■'' '"" "^'" "■M"'ii>'' ■'d'l ,-ei the conir.ict out of the I Is of the British Columhia .U-overnment. It wa.- a-ived that if tl„. contr.ict was not u-„t hack from the liritish (•ohiiiiliia ,i:-"veriimcni then the contract wa> to hill to the ^-r i.l. Cross-examined hy Mr. McCarthy: W hen Mitchell applied t,. him f,.r pavineiit of his elaun. witness tcd.l him lo -ive the ace, i pr,,perly drawn up. an .'lairn luil as a m .tter ,,f -■enerosity he w,,iil.| pay part if an a.'...nir w;is nia.le ..lit. At thai lime in .hilv. IS.SJ CJ witii.v-^ li.ul n.. inlliU'iHTwitl, 11,.. i;,iii.l, (■,,, 1,],; .nv rin.nuit inn a> ll,r l»ui„ini..ii ir-vvn,.,u.|,l l,a,l -ivc.,, s^.Vi. ,,nvanls tins n,iKv:,v. witness usr.l .11 his inlli,..„c.. will, flu'iM I.) ulMaiii iIrmt iiil.TlVivu,.,. tu ni.hir,. tl,,' linti^i, CnhnnlHa -nv.Tinnrni |,, iv>l,,ro |liu .•oiitnict. il,. Iiad niiiaiiuMJ tl„. as-iMan,-,. .,|- Mr. Sr|,,ili/ Yi,i, wa. iIk Iv lllllnclirr lie hail li>(.|| excel, I lii(i|ielar\ ililiilelire Mr. McCai'tliv •■ [U, ynt mean lo tel iiiiiiietar\- iiilliienee .-" liietliat iiiein'i er> of |,al'liaiiic'iil are,, pen U W itness •• ^ es. it lias t,, he iisevernn.ent. lie would 1... ,ontcnt if Ihey wouM yive him haek his deposit of Sjo (imi 10 i.iKl Ills phm. lie tlH.n-ht .Mi;,|,eir> inllnenre was o-reaterwith the Ottawa u'overnm.Mit tiiiu. ins own. Mit.h.dl sperially mentioned that Sir Ciiarle.-, Sir .l,,hn and Sir lienor wore i'onnd to help him. Had .Mifholl ha,l no intiiieuee, witness wonM not have deah with hnn Witness promised to use his inlliu'iiee too.'' Mr. N'aish and Senator ODonohoe liavin;.;- -iven their evideiiro. this .•,,nehided Defendant s ease and .•oiinsei on hoth shies iiavii.u- addressed 1 lis l.,,rdship. the eonrt said that lH,tii parlies l. .Mitelu'll with ivo.inl loll,,. t.ikin-,nvr, , fill,. ,..,nt,.a,.t, ami -iv,. DetVn.lant 10 p .,■ ,.,.ni. ,,f tl .,nlra,.t pHe, H,. was.satisti,.,l with th,.|,aroain an.l si^u,.d the a-iv, i,.,.,,! williie^lv. afK.r that 1„. had no ...or,, t,, ,lo with it. H,. left all the n-st to .Mitela.U as a pra-'tieal m.-m : h,. ha,l ..o r,.eoll,.e tion ol any eonversalion wliieh took plaee at the .solieitors otlice on th.. ,lav of sionin- th,. ai;Ti.|.|iu.nt. Mr. AreliihaM sai,l he was a c.nirai-l.a- with tw,.nty-tw,, v,.ars ,.xp,.|i,.ne,.. 11,. h,..,| never se,.n th.. .sp,.eiti,.alioii^ in this „,att,.r. Th,. witn,.s. was put ha,-k to -,, thnaiuh th,.,,,. :i() .Mr. i.ount eont,.n,l..,| that i( l„.i„o in,p,,ssil,l,. f,,,. th,. |),.f,.ndant t,. suh-l.-t ,.r tran.f,.r the eontract, there was n,( eontract . Hi.s Lordsiiip- •' What I shonM lin,l in tl„. ,.vi,l..n(^^Vdv,.n s.. far is tl,is: tliat it wasm.ee.s- .snry to u.se the nan,., of th.. D,.f,.n,lant t,) .s,.,-ur.. th,. eori^'aet hut wouM not int,.rf,.re with ti,.. te,.,us on whieh tl„. ..ontraet wa. tak..,,. Th,. p,,w.., of allo,n,.y ^ave tl„.„, pow.r to n,s.. the nami.s of th.' D..f,.n,laiits." Mr. r-,,uut ~ Tlie pow.T of attorn.'y was only inennt tr. ..nahl,. th.iu t., seeuiv the payments on the work. I eont.'n.l the contract was mer-'ly a eloak to o,.t tl„. contract liack." 1 1 1 ■ 1- i 1 t c s 1 1 a n 1 1 1 t c 1, II r 1 t M .1 L U u 14 lii.s liiiiiUI]i|i W'liir lia-- >iiiil Ml, so far ' Ml- Liiiini ■■ Mitclirll sjiiil s(i" His Lcii'lsliiji ■ \ .,11 liiii-t taki' all III' said it' yuu aiv fminiliiiLr nil liis r\ iilriii-r." Mr. Liiiilil ciiiilriiili'il iliai it was an aLirrrincnl |.. lak.' llir wnrk {<> pay I )ii'i'ii.laiit |(> jirr cciii fur takiiii:- it. lii.s |,,.rilslii|i I lliiiik tliis ciiiiliarl is a cinitracl lu ilu tin- work aii'l hr |)aii| for iloiiiU it.' Ml- I-"lllll \'rs. I,y till' ( iiAcnililclll. Miti'licll -.aiil hr iXprctril lllc HO |irr fi'llt. flolii till' ( !o\clilllirllt. ' His Lori!slii|, ' \rs, or iVoiii .Mi-Xainrr." K, .Mr. Loiiiil ilirii .siiliiiiitli''l that ilirrr was no work ri'iiiaiiiiiiL;" to lie clour, lait tlir Irariir'l jml^c niaiiitaiinil tlial tin- i tiju't iiia«lf it a|i|M'ai- tint tlicri- was, Aftrr coirsi.lri-alilr ar;;iiiiirlil .Mr. Louiit c-allr,| .Mr. .MrNaiiirc wlio trstilinl as follows; Till' ariaiimMiiciit. Iiclwcrn liim.si'lf an, I tl,.' I'laintitr w.is for ihr latti'i- to rarrv out tlirir coiitrart ami jiay thcni M) per cmt. Ai that tinir tlir siil.-c-ntraftors lia'l failcl an.i tin- llritisli ('oliiiiil.ia n(i\i'rnnicjit took |iossrs,sii,ii ul' tlic plant nialnial anil i'\ ri'\ tliii.j- in .luiir. INN:^ : iimlrr tiir terms of coiitiMi-t alioiit ?<7i»,(i()0 worth of work hail lircii iloiir ,;', that tinic Hr inrl Milchrll at thr liussrll hoilsr in .Inly. No ollr rlsr was jirrsi'llt, Milchrll canir lo him ami saiil that hr saw that !ir hail lost tlir iJrilish t 'olnmliia fiiiitrart. Witiirss .said ■ yrs, thr C. i\ rriniiriit hail lakm possrssiun of it." II. • said - What say ymi to L^iviiiu; 20 iiir that contrart. 1 .am sick of I'aniiiii- and want to l;o hark to r mtrarl inn' '" .Mr. .\|r( 'art li\- hrrr oliin-trd toll vidrlirr. .Mr. .McXaiilrr rolit iiuiiii^- said : Told .Mitrhidl it would lakr nil iinnirlisr ainmillt of illtri-rst to ^rt thr ronliarl hark 'I'hr i|llrstiiill ariisr as til lirirrs iiml rrfrrrril .Mr. Mitrhrllti. Naish at 1'omiI Fortniir. A srroiid intrrvirw orriirrrd at thr linssrll iioiisi' whrii Naish was prrsrnt and Mitrhidl toik away t hr sprrilicalion hook. 'I'lirs nirl a^ain nr\t day fiW .M itrhrll proposrd to ■.■ivr l hrm lOprrrmi. Ilr kiirw of thr riansr liy wdiirh il aitiart would not lir snh-irtor I rarisfrrrnl, Thri-r was no arranrv nt that tllry Wrrr I.. ]iay Mitrhrll thr flO prr rriit. WiMirss lijllisrlf dfrW .Milrhrll's attrlitioll to thr clalisr auaiiisi transfrrrin-', ( )n thr smind on-asion .MiirlirlM.,,.istrd of thr inlliiriirr hr had with thr rovnnmrin. and said hr simnld hr ahir to r.'t. ihr coiilrart iiark. .Mitrhrll ;}0 miilrrtook to uo liin at his own r\priis,. and -rt th" rontriu't out nf thr hands of thr IJritish ( 'ohimhi.i ro\i'i iiiiiriit. Il was aL:;r.d that it' thr rontrart was not rot liarkfi-oiii the Mrilish i 'olniiihia uovrrnnirnt ihrn thr mntrari r mVi t- fall to thr rround. ('ross-r.\ainiiird hy .\lr. .Mr('artliv -Wlim .Mitidirll a]ipliril to him for pavnirnt of his (daim witness told him to rivr ihr arroimt, |iio|,rily drawn up and siilmiit it to iiim as it Would hr hrttrr \'n\- him to pay^'thiii lo ha\c iaw suits Witness h.id a dml of dissolution of partnri-shi|i prrp.-irr I. Si \ ,,1' thmi wnv in p.artiirrship out in Drilish Coliinihia, oiir of wdiom was llir I'mnirr of ihr Pro\ iiirr Witiirss iir\rr h.id an\- rr.asoii to lidirvr thai hr had innirrrd any liahilily to p.iy .Mitrli.d! for thr timr. Wlirn Miirlirjl asUrd him for iiayiir'tii hr told him hr h.rl no idaim. hut as ;i m.attrr of i;-rnrrosit\- lir woidd 40 15 [«y i.mt If an ,i,-,.,.nnt was ina.l.' out. At tliis tiinr. i,, .hilv, IS.S:2, wilncss |,a,| im intlu- .-■Mu.. witl, tl„. |!nt,i>|, (•..IuiuImu- (loNvnunciit, ImiI us tlio DoiniMioM (l„vr,,>„ir„l l,a,| o-iv..„ Si':,(MMm tnwanls tliis railway, witi..ss usr,| all his intlur,uv witl, tlu'iM to okair. their mt-rlriviwc t.. mi.Iiut thr Ihitisl, (■.,lui,il.ia/,( iovrnmi..|it to ivs(,,iv the cnHlract tie h,al ohtaiiM.I tl,.. assislann. of Mr SHnilly. This was the „mIv intln,.,KT hr ha.l ..,,,1 I'Xfciit iiioiictaiv iiitliiciicc. .Mr. McCarthy ' Do ymi iii.-aii to tfjl uw that iiicinlMrs of I'ailiaiiHiit iiioiiftarv iiiHiiciici '.'" ari' opi'ii lo Witiirss \,.s; it has to !„• iisni o(Tasi,,iuilly. At the pivsciif time witness Iiad a law suit a-aiiist the DoiiiinioM (lovrrimient, hut he had none a-aiiist the IJritish ( 'oliii„l,ia Id *'"'■'■'"""■"•■ "'■ ^^""1'' •"•'■"Mtent iflhey WOUM eivel haek his , ie) .osi t of S I ()!)() anW Ins plan lie ti,on,r|,t Mitrhell's inlliienee was .^.reater with the Ottawa ( loNvrninent than his own. Miiehell spe-'ially ii.ontione,| that Sir Charles, Si, John an.j Sir lleet.a- we,e l'<'m,.l to hel|, hi,,,. Ihul .Mitel„.ll ha.l no inlh.enee witness wo„l,i not hav.. ,iealt with hi,,, \\ itness |)r()i,,i.seil to use his intliienee too. The Court a.ljourne.l at Ci.-JO f,,r ,linner. His [....•,|sl,i,, resumine' his seat at. N., 'clock. .Mr. Naish, sw(„„, said he was a pai-tner in th.' linn ot conti-actors in the Ks,|,iiinalt (iruVinir i),„.k. Knew m. .Mit.-hell and met, hi,,, at, the Russell llouseahout the ITlhJuJy. .McNa,i,ee had told him that, Mitcl„dl was desi.'ous of takin- the co„l,-act. Seve,-al c,,i,',- ninnications wviv held as to .Mitchells l,ei„^- lake,, iuto ,,a,-tne,'si,i,,. Atanieetine. ,,f2() •Mitchell, Mc.Nani.H. and witness final M,Tan-ements weiv ,i,adc on the teri„s deposed to'l.y McNaniee. Di.j not know of anytliin- heine- sai.l as to their liahilities for dama'.es if contract was n.,t ,e;nt hack. Tl,.> a,L;uii,ent was si-ned in .M,-. ( »|)onoh,ie ■^ ,,|iiee \t an interview witl, Mitchell, tlnve n,onlhs after, nothin- was said as to any claim f,,,' dama-e.s. Senator ODonohu,. wasthcne.Nt witness called, and he said he was a ,,iemhcr of the l,ar piactisinu- ai To,-onio. He d,vw up the ai-^nnnent li,'.st i„ (Ksliihit N„ | ) Hcvceived his instructions f,„m M,'. MeXamee and Mitchell. Mitchell was to caitinue the work nomin- Mlly ,vp,vsent,n- .McNamee \- Conipany. A len-thy dis,-us,si„n as to the no,, t.'ansfer clause took place,,,, that occasi,,,,. .Mitchell was ,|uite positive he Would n-ohtainthe c.mtract. The,v was consid.TaMe discus.i,,,, as to e.xti-a.s, hut McNan,ec woiUd i„ak,.no:i() allowa,,ce. This concluded defendant's cas,-, and Counsel ,„, hoth si.les havi,,..- add,vssed His l-"rdsl,ip, the Co.nl said that hoth pa,tie. knew at the ti,„e of the sio-niny of the c.,nt,-act that the n,'iti.sl. Colli,,, hia (iovei- ,.|,t had taken over the , ti'uct. and that the contract pro.iuced was good and solid. The ,|ue..tion ,.f ,lama-es must he ivserve.l. It wasmutuallv ar,-an,ged to give f„|l.,, ..^ i,|„„,,, ,„, Thuisday, and the Court adjourned at a ouarter to ten till !I:.S() thi.s morniiit.-. KXTliACT I'lllI.lSHKI) IN Tin; (»|T.\W,\ FliKK I'liKSs ,,|- Till-; KlTll I )K( KM l,i;(i, I SSo. In th.' rcjua'tof tl vidence in the ca-e of McKenrm vs. McNamee at the last assizes t'(,i-tl,c County of Ca,-lcton, ,„, Nov. !)th, \\r. McNamee is ivpo.tcd as saying t],at " he 40 16 Ini.I -ix p.iltMrl-.. ,,l|r ,,l' wllici, U;l- ||„. | 'r, •, , , „ .,■ nf Dlili^l, , ', ,1 uil 1 1 il/ Ml MrNaillM,. st.ilcs tliHt wliut, li.' siii.l W!!-,: I lia.l six pailiMTs, llnvr ,,f iIm'Ii, |;nli>li < ■MliiiiilHai,., wl„, Wi'ivluircl un MIC l,y tlic I'lvinirf ,,|- lliiii.l, Cnlniulaa. Tlirir iiainrs unv Nicl„,U,ai, lllllltil|u(|,,ii and ItiiNs. KxriJA. r IlioM Till-, D.MI.V I;i;ITI>II CiI.ipSIs:'. M |;||>|||;|, at VkTmIiIA. l; (', (,N Tin: -III II \>\\ 111' \(i\ i:,Mi:i:i(, |^^,">, TIIK MrXAMKK M ITCH KLL SI IT. Ill ilir s\M,rii rvidnicc ,,r Mr. M|.\aii , ii(friiiiit ..I' MrKmiia \ -. Me ^•' • '■"'■'> 'i'i''l •■'' Ollavva. ih.^ r,i||(,wiii- pii-sa.ii'.' ucciirs : "Six (J'tlinii u.t,. in pailiicr- siii|i(in llir Di-ydoi-k naitrarli mil in Miitisji ( 'nliiiiil.ia. mhp i.f wlmni wa,- llir invmirr n( 'O till' I'r.iv iniT.' Tlif |iiviiii.-f iif 111.' I'inviiM-r al ilii- liiii,. rrlViiv.j I,, was ||,,ii. Mr \Vall a-lniivalioii ,,f iiiaii\- ..f hi. '.M poiiti,-al rnrllli,.. I!, If h,. ,,w,.,s it 1,1 liiiii.rir fo ivl'in,. this clmi-v. \Vr tV,.| MIIV thai Mr, McNaiihriiMisi 1... lal...rii|M- iiii.lrr a iiiislakr. I lad ih.. .tat.Tiirnt Ihtii iiia.lr clK ih.^ stand it WMiild hav.. I.cii MMailr,| as iinlni,. : Ian ha\ in- h,-,!, iiia^lr iind-r the -aiictilv ..ran i.alli it caniKJl lir trratcd li-lii|y imr allcwnl |,, |,as> iiiiliridrd. Ivit:iiI!(i(;atoi;iks KMiiiiiri;i> i;v rm: I'i.aintmt whtiii: Dkikndast's Ans\\t:i;s Tiikiikto. I'C IntciTii-alni-i,.. (,ii l.rliali' tin- ai.M\ ,..|iaiiird plaiiil ill' fur the rxaiiiinat i.ai of thr alinv,. iianicd drl'mdaiil. and Thcansw,.!- of thr ah.iw-iiaiii.'d ,|,.t\.ndaiil I,, thr iiitiTr.i--at'iri,.s r,,r his ,.xaiiiinal i.ai 'IrliNiTid liy the ahiAc-naiiinl |ilaintitr. '• ^^'1'^" i- '!"• 'I'll'' "fill" ■Oiiawa Daily I'lvr l'i-,.ss" tn whirli y.ai ivf.-r in ynnr Stalrlllrlll of Drf, IM-r, and flulll wholll .alld wh.ll did y-Hl IVrrivr ll,.' -aid l.a|M.|-. ui' \vh.Tl '""' ^^■'"•'■'' ''i'' >"ii ^ 1- "•"'I it. "V Ih.' all. urd ivpnil ihciviii .,f ihr trial ..f MrKmna vs. Mf.Naiiii'i'. a- ivfriTrd Im Ii\' siai. •^- 'I''"' "tiawa Daily l''iv,. l'r,.s,," ivfoTrd to in my Sfat.'inrnt of D,.f,.ncr, i-, dal.'d thr lOlh day ..f N,,\rnihrr, Iss.",. Th.. liisi timr I >au- t h,' - ( )|la\va Kivr I'lv.. ■ ,.f thr iDlh X.ivriiil.rr, afnr, said, wa^ al my S,,lirii,a'v ,,llirr afirr thr r.,i,iiiirnrr,ii..nt of ihi- snit. -■ '"^ " ""' " ''■'"•' I'l'i' ■' nr\vs]ia|irr callrd thr •( )| lau a Daily Citi/m" ha- l.rrii |.nl,-:;(l li.sji.'d at (»li;iwa, in Onlarin. f „■ at lra>t \^^■.■\^,■ m,mt!i. Last past', and has it not hrn, uiir of yoin-rxrlianurs l,y mail rill, rr as a Daily. Smii-Wrrkly ,.,■ Wrrkly ]ia|iri- diiriiir that jirriod, and. if ,-o. stat.' which of thr slid rditioiis vou liaxc rrrrivrd as such cxL'luincc from (Htawa,' '" ^^ ^ A, ^ il is a fact, to thr hrst of i,iv kiio-.vlrdrc and hrlicf. that the -Ottawa Daily Citi/.cn " lor twrlw months last past ha. 1m. n laiMi.hcd at Ottawa. Ontario; hut il ha's I' h E I w til ir iimI .•ithri' 11^ ■! l>ail\,Srini W. .'klv III' Wi.kly | >;i1m r, al fiii) t iiiir iliirin- lliiil |icriiii| I n 'I'l'' n\' iii\ i\cliMlii,'t's liy ninil ur nthiTW i^', jiiiil I liinr lui'l no ( »l liiwii rsrlKiii .;v. I'm' a I l(■,•|^l l\Vrl\r Iltll> |lliiir 111 ill.' riiliiliii'lll'l'llh'lll u| lliis >||il •'. N il li'il a I'acl llial almiil ilir limi'. a^ \(iil wnillil liaM' il lilnli'l- lum I liy \iaii' f^liitriiiriil III' hi'l'mn- llial \iiii i-rail llir tiialliT ill llir ' ()lla\\ii haily I'ViT rii-^" yiiii rrccivril l,y mail, nr n| Ihtw j.r. :;iii| a> alirsclmn-r, or ,il Ihtw i„. a liilinltrl' ol' l h,' ■(H|a\\a |)ail\ I 'ili/rii.' or a iimiiln'r of «oiiir otiirr I'llitimi oF (lir -.aid joiinial of llir !i|li No\ inili.r ISS.'i. or ol' --ni itiiri aiiil of \\ lial ilali-, w liidi i-oiilaiin 'I wlial |iiir|ioririi lo lir a ri'|ioil of llir sail! I rial of McKi'liiia \ >. McNaiiici' ;' A III ali-wi'i- lo ||||. Iliiiil iiitia'ld'iatoiy . a-- lo wlial I woiiM liavr iiii.lrrstoo.l, | r.jVr 10 1(1 tile foiirlli |iaraurii|pli of my Statement of I )el'eii<>f. iiiiij I say tliat I ilid noi at any time liefoVe |il|lilieal ioll of llle mailer eiim| ilailleil of ill tins action, receise liy mail or otiiel wise. or a^ all esclian:;e or o| lirrwise. a numlier III' ilie ■■ ( tttawa I )aily I 'it i/eii, or a niimlier of some oilier eilitioii ol' till- >.aii| journal of ilie |i||i No\eiiilier, I N,s."), or of any other ijale contaiiiiie^ wlial |aii|iorleil to lie a re|ioi I of llie ,sai.| trial. Tlie ^.niiee from w liieli I e;allierei| tli" malter eo ii|ilainei| of was tlie ■ Victoria |)ail\- I'o-t " ill it-- i~>ne of No\eiiilier tile l.stii, Iss'i, wliifli e'ave '.\liat iini|iortei| lo lie an ai'coiint of ilie trial. After tlie - Mienceiiient of tilis Miit j asceri liiieil that the ■ I'o-t's" artii'le ha'l heeii taken fr.aii the ■■<)tia\\a i-'iee I'le^-,, ' ami I instriicteil my Solicitor to |(l'ocure the original rejioit in the la-'t -iiieiitioneil iiew v]ia|irr. 2tl 4, If yon cannot .-,iate in re|i|y to ihe last inteiroeatory- w Iniher y on iliij, or 'lid not. receive the .^ai'l ■•(iltawa l»aily ('iti/eii' or other eiliiioii of the saiil jonni.al at the time iiientioneil. iliil \oii, lufore \oii |iiilili^lie.| tlie article comi laimil of in I iii- .■ici ion, or at any other lime, ami, if ~o. when, -i.^m |,n"i or einleaMir to aseeitain, ami, if -o. \'\i'\\i whom or in w hat manner, whet her any nnmher nf ihr saiil ■(ittawa I 'ail\ ( 'iti/en ' oi of its other eilitiniis, coiiiaiiiiiiL: il lejiort uf till' -ai'l trial of .Mi-Keiina \s. .McNaniee had Keen reci'i\e(| li\ any |H'rson on voiir hehalf. or had hein rcciivnl ],y or at yoiir ollirr or plai'e of ImsiiiesN, or had I n reci i\id hy or at any of the .-MAeial iic\v-]ia| er oliiee-, in thi-~ eil\ . or in New \\'e-.| minuter, Nanaiino, or Kamloo|is, or had 1 n rec.iscd ii\' or at aii\of ih,' ]aiMie lihraries or readiiii;' room^ in thi-cit\, or in aii\ of the ]ilaces aho\ e-nicnl ioni'd, or :;() had lieeii recei\ei| l.\- ally |icr^oii ill this r;t\- as a siihsrriln r or otherwise ; ■'k hid yoii not |irint and pnlilisli in your iiPWs|ia|K'f. the " Haily iiritish Colonist." on several days iliiriiie- the month of March. I "^Sil. under the tit le of •• The l>r\- I)(ick Kli'inify." a re|iorl of evideiiee then taken hy and heforc a Select ( 'onnnittce of t he life'islativ c .\sseiiihly of this I'roxiiK'i' wit h fes]ii.<-l lotlie l''si|niniall (lra\inu' l»oek. and with res|ie. Mc.N'aiiM ■ and ( 'om- |iany as conti'aelois for the work: and did yoii not nnder the headiiiLi'- hefeiiiafler staled |iiiiit and |iiililis|i ill your said iK'Ws|ia|i('r. on the e'ex'ciitli day of .March. I^s^. icrtain eviileiico ei\,.|i (III oath hy the |ilaiiititl' (then hciiii;' ( 'hicf ( 'omiiiissioner of Lands and AN'ofks") wilh respeet to the said dock coiiiract. which headiiiii's and cxideiice were and Ml arc as follows; ]H •■ TIIK Dli^ UliCK K.Vgl IRV." •' SIXTH l^.\^ . " ••K\ lln;.\Ci: 01 [.iK illlKK CdM.MISSro.NKK." U'kK.SK.-Ii.W. .M;ii'
  • l,..wii. !,v H.|,.;,-,a,n of S,.|,|,.,„l,..r. 'SI. will, Ih,. l,,s> , .( their .■.)iitract an.l 11,.. S|0,()„i, ,1,.,,,,,;,, ,, ,,„„ ^„ ,,„. ^.-_,,„„ ^,,_.,,,.,^. ,,, ^^.,^.^,|^ ii^^,^. ^^^,^, ^^^^^,^.^^ ^^.^1^ ""■ ''•""'-""■i' i ^'in -la.l ,.|- Hii. .,|,|,.,ii,ii,i,v ,,f an.w.Tiuu- ll.i.^ on ,,all,. a,- .laii,lc.r..ii. K- staUM.i.Mits iiiivrlv will i r,,„n.lati,„i hav- |.,...n n|„,i|v nia.l,. t., mumuIkms ,.f tlu' II.„.se. •'■■; '. •'"" "il'"i''i'<''l- ■""! I" in..|nl,..rs,,r ll,.. ,■,„ il \ lu'iv 1 liat 1 wa> intcivstci with M.'NaliH'c ,V (',,. 'n,,.M. slalfiiu'iit- I .1. to hclicNc, iiialii-idMs.' ir.' .Ill .>atli t.i Im )'al>c. an.!, as 1 have ivasin; A. 1 III,.! ii|,<,n ivIVivn.-.. t., the lilcs „f ,nv ,u.ws|,a|,.T that .,n mineral ,|a\> .luriii..- '•"• ""■""' "f Mi"vh. ISS-. ,1,,,... was,„il,lish,.,l lh,.|vin ,,.|,„rt>,,ni„. ^.vi,h.;„... ,ak..n l.0f.HV a S..I....1 C.inlnitl.,. ,,f ,1,,. la-iJaliv,. A-^rlnhlv ui ihi. I •,■■ ,vin,-,. with ,vs|„.,.t t.. Hi,. •.s,|„nnalt ( ir, viiiu. |),,,k. ;,„.l that ,„, the Uth .h,v ..I' Maivh. I -sj. , Ik- n,,,!,.,. ,|,int,.,l 111 th.. sanj iiit,.rn,p,i.,|.vap|...aiv.| in ih,. ,.,liii,,n ..f the •• Dailv (■,.l,i,i>i ■ ..fihat .lai,. a^ '■''!""■' "'■ I""''' 'th.'sii,! .■vi.h.i,,.,.. 1,111 h„n ii,,l .■,w.ii..ihal inv allrnthMi wa. .'vrr-'O ''""'''' '" "-" I""'''"" "'■ '!"■ '■>M,.|„-,. in Ih.. sai.l ,.|,,|,nrv „„til ll,.. int..,r,,..'ai,,rv 1 urn ii.HV aiiswru,.;-. aii.l at ih,. tin... ,,f t|,.. |,„l.rh.ati.,n ,.'• th.. nialt..|s in ,,M.>sti.,n in ihi^ suit It was n.,t |.,v.,.|,t t,, mv „,ii„l ii,at ihe .ai.l ..vi.k.iu-.. wa. vvrv u^ivcii l>v the ,,lain(ilf ,„• that it ha.l lie.-n |,,iMi~l,.',| in th.. n..w.-.|.a|.(.r. •I. Il'.x.ai have n.,t iirinie.l ,,r |,nl,li-l,...| theahuv,. niatt.-r .,i, th.- llth \h,ivh ISs-' ''"' >"" I"''"' ^""' l'"''''^l' '' I" :•""!■ >^'i'l new>|.a!.er un anv ,.ll,er .hiv. aii.l. if >,, ,„', what (lav'.' "• ^''"■'' ""■ l"il»li'"iti.,n,,rtlu..ai.|..vi,l..n,.e have v.. u ha.l anv -u.,.l up vali.l reason hH-.lish..li,.sin.|l„. sahl ,vi.h.|„.e, an.l i> it ii.-.t a fa.-t that v..il have l,..|i..ve.l an.l . I., hehev..that^tl,..s,i,l evi,!,.,,.... s,,hira.!.:, I tl„. 1 'laintilf n..v..r ha.l anv infivst :},) with K. !!. M,Xarn.... an.l CMnpanv in the .1,m|< ,•,,;, tract refei-ivil t... was an.l isstri.-llv true '.' ■^- '" i'ii>"<'i' I" |'.''ra-|.apli 7. I >av that I hav,. n,, rea-on t.. .hiiihf the .•<,rre..tliess "'' ""■ :•'''' ''vi'l''!!'-.. an.l I l„.|iev,. it I,, h,. Mrh'tlv true, aiel I further say tliat the article .■.)iii|,laini..l .,;■ an>w<.|'s ilii> iiit,.n.,|o-;ii,,r\ . ' : 'I'he ah., v.. inl..rr.,i;-ah-ri.'-- were .h.hv(.re.l th.. sixth .lav ..I' Mardi. iSSii. • I. !!'»:. \.Mi 1 1 KIT. I'laintitrs Si)lieit..r HI Am.1 the lullowin- is u ..n,,y ,,1' th,. jurat a|,i,.Mi.lo.l io \hv ansuxTs rluMvin : •• 1). W. Ill.i.il.NS.' •■ Sworn t.) iK'I'ore mo at tlio Citv of Xidoria. 1!. C | tliis :;i>l day of March. !\. D.. ISSii. ' | W. .1. 'I'ayi.iiu.'' A C<.iMinissi„M..r Cur takiiii: alH.lavit. to 1„, „...,! in il,.. Sniirvnic Cunrt ol' lirilisl, C'oliiiiiliia. CORRESPONDENCE. FSH'IUICKN Till-: I'LAINTll'l- AND MfXA.MKK. KXIilHIT ■• V. Mh: K'ami.ooi's. 1). C. Nov. li'.Rii. l.ss.",, 10 A copy of tl,.. '■ Daily Kvcnin- Post" of Xovrn.lHM- ISti, i„si.. wln.-l, has l,,...,! sont foMic. .-ontaiiisa report of a rcvnt trial hutwo.Mi Voii an,| ,,iic MrKcnna ■ I Ottawa in which y,,n ;,n. alh-cl lo havr sworn as :olKnvs:-" Mi, hdl applici to nic for p^vnicnt ■' •'' '"' '■'•'""• I '"I'l ''■'" '" --i^'' II" iiinoin.l properly .Irawn np ami siihinii il ',o nic. '■ as II wonl.l l,c 1„.||,.,. |-,,r nic to pay ii ihan lo have lav ^nil,. I had a .I.t,! >,f ,li.-,>olii- " f", '' l'"'""'i'>lii|' j'lvpaiv.l Six wuv in parlncrslnp onl in l!rili>h Odninhia. one of •• whom at ihc linif was the I'lvinier of the |'ro^■i||,.,..•• ^■owon,•of ihc |,,ral n..w>papers point, m.' ,H:t a>evi,lenllv ihe iVen.i.M' meant— wl V. 1 .■annot tell. I wi^h to know, lirsl. whether y ii,| make siiel, a statement on ■)() oath-, iind secondly, if you ,lid. who w ,- the Premier referred to. .\s \ on inu~( ' rememher. I was virulnlly atlackd. hciv. witl„,ut reas,.n. as hcin- a sih-nt parlnerof yours in the l>ock •■..nlract. and this. too. hy your own lo,-il partners and their unscru- pulous friends or assistant.. I emphati. -ally Mated hefore a Commilte.. of 1 1,,. House, ,f Ass<.mh|y on Dock mailer- that, heyond olli,-ial inteiv~l in th,' d,,. k work, as the then ^ (". C. of I.Miids : nd \V,,rks. I had no inteicr whatever in it. I s^ii,] specilicallv that [ ever was directly or indirctly -.nter.'sted with you ,,r your parlncrs in any pi'cnniarv r other ad\.anta-'e wlialsoeve connected in any \v.lricliy trui'. I hail, a-you are aw.iro, ■orrespondelicc with yon Ml Ihe suhje.!. :md never askeil yon to sup|'iort o; end..|',-.t* my statomeni m any way. Xor dhl I .on-ider il nece»ary I.) d,, so. as il was the truih ami iiicapaido of coni r.idiclh.n . \nuv teleLT.,m w.is wholly v.dunlary ,.n your part. ,imi "■='■'• ''^ ' i-iihavd a \rv\ ni.inly one. in \i.-A- ,.f the fad that I h::d heen.'aiid w.is then. throatenin-- lo .-am el your contrad and torfil your (h^posit of Sp.'.dui). |.',,|- tho^c- reasons | , annot .-oiiceix ( i hat the slalemcnt - all rihuted t,, you wore made (U' puttiiii;- il lu'ielly. thai y.Mi commllted yoiii-elf lo a wilful and ileiii.orato falsehood on oath us 20 iv|i(,rte(l. I si,;,l| Ik. o-1;i,| ,,f :,n inniH.liMtc unsw.T t., this letter, as 1 raniu.t |...nuit tl,.. matter to stund as it ,l,„.s. s.. far as I am ,-,,iic,.rnc,l. I remain, voiirs tnih', K. i>. MiXaMKK. Hs(^, MdNTKIwVI,. ("KO. A. W.M.KK.M. KXiniU'r "A." 7'c/iornii/ from (Jco. .1. Walkcm lo h\ />'. McXaiiuc. To F. 15. McXa.mki:, Iveceiveil at Mon'ii;i:ai,. -JSrn Xov., 188."). Knim Ivamido] t>_ (i^ oyf]. L.-eai newspapers report that in .Nf.'Kenna's action a-ainst vou at Ottawa, v..u swore 10 as follows : Six of us were in partners], ip in the I),,.k eonti^a.^t, in British Cohmihia, on<' ot whom was I'romier of the I'rovin.e, : III BIT '-B.' Trlco^nmi from l-\ A'. McXaiucc to Hon. (i.A. Walkcm. To l[0N-.<;. A. Wai.ko,, Mo-viKEAi,, Dkc. ](),,), 188.K Kamloops. 1). (J. Have Just relnrned i,, town t.Mlay. Deny most empiiatieallv sn.-ii as local papers report. C.nsider your innnuations .is to perjury most impertinent. Will answer vunr letter more fully. (Signed) K. B. McXamkk. 20 EXHIBIT ••('.■• TilCi^ram from If on. (loo. .1. Walkcm to /•". //. .]hXa,iicc. To F. B. McXAMin:, Received at MoNTiiKAi.. Dhc Htm. 188;-,. From \'icloria. B. ('. See Ottawa Free I'ress. ninlh and >emi-weekly twelllh Xov.. also reportinu-. voiiswon^ prenuer here was p.^irteer |),.ck c,,ntra,-t. yon now telegraph that repoH is imt'rue. w'lv ""', ''■''■'' "''"'''I II''- I'lildicly at the lim,' and protected me from unwarranlable defanialory attacks. I ha ve every rea>oii to indignantly .■omplain. (Signe-I) (Iko. .\. \Vm.ki.;m, ;{(, KMIII'.I'I' •• 1). ■ I clci^rtiiii Jroni /■'. /.'. .\L\\,iiuc lo I Ion. (,. .1. \\\i//a>h. '•'" •liii'ii': •'. A. Wai.kim. M(i\Tit::Ai,. Die. li^ni. IHsA. Viriuria. I!. C. Iliivc seen Free I'rc.-s t.i-il;iy. r('|K.i'l I';i1m'. Will write tliofi to HiiU clKtMt. Siic ( >tl;i\vu ('iliz('iM)f tfiitii. Will iii:iil vnii ,,110. |'"irs| iiitimiitiuii liiu) of tlic .-linriiT was tVniii yoiirx'lf li_v Vdiir U'lciri'iim c.i' Jstl, N,,vciulirr Vdiii- .\lt(inR'y-(ifiit'i'al lia.- a|i|>r:e(l fill' iiflicial i\'|iiii'i 1)1' cvidfiicf. (Sin-no,)) K. r.. M, X.vMKb;. KXIIir.lT ••!•:.•' 10 '/'v/fdiiii// /'/-on/ liCu. .1. \\ nl.L-oii ti> I-'. h\ .}/t.\':r///cr. To !■'. ]',. M( \.\Mi:i:, lu'ii'ivcil at Momkk.m,, Dvx. Itiiii. iss.",. Kii'in \'i(toria. I?. ''. i'lca.-c l('lc'L;-i'a|.li wlicii Altoi'iic ;-( Iciifi'al ap^ruMl for ,dlii-ial .■oj.v.and tliroiigli wliuin anil to wliDiii. lie |iailiciilar awaitiii;^- ].|-"nii.-i'il letter. (Si.U-lUMJ) (;|.;n. A. W.M.KKM. KXiiii'.rr ■■<;.■■ /r/'rr I'roni I'. It. .McXaniC to ll.-ii. (,'. 1. \\\u,W-)i!. ilov. (I. A. W.Al.KKM. .I( l>iii:. MUNIISKAI,. 1 )|:i'. Idlll. iss.", Kalii 1(1(1] i~, 1). ( '. lM:\i; S;i;: — I IieLf to ackiKiwIeiln-c yoiiis of the Jilrd Nov. drawiiin- iiiv attoiitimi to eeitaiii iv|mi|'N in > e (if tin local |.a|ier-. ,,- yoii say llie Daily Kveninu' l'o>t. in wldtdi I •■I'll :iceii-ed in Liivinu- my evidence at aviii(r 'nid( I (latli that yon wefi! a |iai-tnei' in the linn of K. 1). McXainee \ Co. in the contfact fof const I'liciioii of the ( M'av'inii- Dock at l';s(|niinalt, \c. I have 111 en away iv Montreal fimn thai time in tlie We-l. Imt (Hi inv fetnrn liere yoiif tele-falii of l^tll X.iv.. wa- laid liefme uie. when 1 io>t no lime to ivplv to it. w hiidi yon lia\e nudonlil duly leceivcd. in i-efci-ence tn the lii'st (|i:estiiin in \i\\w< of -I'-XyA nit. \(in ask •■ Whether yon did make siidi a >tatement on oath, and secondK, if \ on did. who ;;() was the pfemier alluded to."' II w ll < 1 w ill 11 \ ll :■■■ ll til gl ilC Ik III (•\ ox M ill I'l I'O til K - Ill :lll>VV('r 111 llic :ili(i\r (|lic .lion . \\lii, h ,-,]\, li|. iin-wcrt'il IhlvcI !icr. I '/\\v il ;i |ii(i>I <'iii|'li.,tic (lfni:il, vi/.: 'I'lial I Bi'vcr a--rrli'il oii (mIIi nr iii-.iiinal('il even I liiil vi.ii were I I 111' rot cd |ii'riiiiiai'ilv in I lie I ir.aiiiu' l''irl< a> l':ir a- I know nv aii_, dllicr •■nut i ad. liiil what I ilid ,-av wa.-.. llial I was indiwcd Uv \ dii lu riilfi' iiild i crlaiii airaii^:i'iiiciil- willi llircc u'chilciiicii (if Diilisli Ciiliiinliia, the ic,-iill c.j' wliidi lia- |i(ivcii In inr \ii\ di.si>triiii>. vuii a->iiiT(! iiifllial it' llir~c tlircc -thI Icinni li.id an inlnc-t in I lie a Ihi\ i- wnrk. il wiinld Kr df ^-iTat a --i-l.in.-c In \ niir InttiTiiiLi' seal. I did -11 at \niir nM|iic-t. anil lidW have I l.ri'ii repaid: In iM,-uri in-- Vdiii' ill-will. :i;;d iimI niic .^iiii^-lc i.ii (i| .ii'i'ii'iliidc nr rriciiddiii. liaM' 1 rcicAcd i'lniii vmi, Wlii'ii vnn iiivcd ii]iun me the iicrc>,-ii_\ 111' rc-lakin-' llic iinilract tViiin llic Incal nicii did urn a>--i>t n> ' Nd. W Inn 10 McXisli, my |iarlncr, went mit tn \'irliil'ia tn lr\ and scclii'c thai I'dinl. ynn weir llir lir>, III sUii'ii't'-t til hini lliat a ra|iia> was |ir(ilialily in (irdur. and in rd'crciirc i,i tlic MTiniU' nl' :-'l".Ol)il, what has Ihtiiiiic nt' i| ■; ' . ' , The Chirj' Cminii •■.innrr III' I/iiids aiil W'nrks ul' the 1 'ri>\ini'i' ^nlnnidy aurriM! Ii\ riiiilrail til ili|,ii,-it il in -uini' rhailiTcd liank in I!. ( '. 1 ha\r riii|iiiri'il al all ihr liank> tliiMT. and lind thai tliric is im siirli ilcimsit. and vnii wuvv. (he ('uuiini.-- iiiiirr at ih. linu' and |.iM'ha|iv ymi ran inrnnii inc. When next Mill wire i :\vy the |.iiMir wires. 1 wmili! ask ymi In l>e .i jinle nmre Li'iiarded in \ii[w lani^naLie. as. althuii^-h I iin iml verv thin-skinned. 1 di-jike heinii' aeeiised 111' in'ijnry. .^O .\nil as til yiiiir iin|ilied threat at the •■\nliedicnt Servant. (Signed) K. I!. McN a.mki:. KXiiinrr ■• ir." f.cllcr from lion. i.co. .1. ll'i///.-'-i>.^ /o I'. !',. McXannw \'i"r'i;ii.\. I!. ('., M;iy liHth. Ism;. lM:M;Sii,: I have had to |iroceei'i a^-aiiist the •' ( oli inisi " and ■■I'n-t" iicw-|ia|ier-. here, for the lihels tiie.\' in>crteil in No\cnihcr last in mi.~-re|iiii I iiiu' .\oiir cxiiU'ia c a- to liiyselt ill tlic McKeima trial al i)tlawa. I ha\-e l:i it out a ( 'oiiimi.-sioii to take noiii'.SO e\'ideiirO and also l he otiicial l'e|ioitcr's. 'I'lie llefeinlants have al-n taken olll one to examine' willie--es .11 ()ltawa. Theolije i nf this, as far as I ran see. i> to take U. 1' Mitchell s evideiire and |iii>^ilily the ■• l'"ri'e Tres^" re|,orter's, I ha\e lieeii |iri\-,itc|\ inforined. Iliat Mildiell intend- to >tate i.m o.ith tliat yon swore at ymirli'ial that ■■|iie ri'emier of the I 'niNince wa- oiii' of the ,-.i\- |.,i rtners in the dork roiiti'ari.' The oiKei.il r('|iii|'t of yoiir evidence which I have ';'.il .-eems |irelty coin|i|ete and ocrii|iies no le-s than Til ioiii;- |i.;L;'es of ly | le-w ri I tell matter. The c ideiice in the wliole case covits alioiil liifl paiiX's. so that the short account of it u'iMii in the '• VvA" is \'ery iiicoin jilete. and is. !'( th \v 111 h. Ill oil III ill III hi 1r he Jo lia lie \>v i;\ ot A. Sti Co rXt 2!J ''''■"I'l''-. Vir -Iv li'llllilrd in :c>pr. I ,,|' \,,||r -liilfliirlil - J- I \ .(iilhiiliuli Willi tlic 'oiiliNicl. 'I'lic ullicial ivjM.ii -Ihiw- iliiii ,\(Mi .-i.-.IimI V •lii'in \va> .•MaMi>liiM| alMnii IsTT illid r(iii-.|il illcil (iT \,.iiiM'ir. •• Ni-li A Wii-lil. in l':i,-.tcni CaliiMla.' and llial llir linn Mftcrwafd-. on iIm' J-^ih of Amh-mM. Issii. i,„,k in as |,arliicis ,,ni Iumv in llic h.irk (•()iitrar(, K'nliiTNiiii. Ni(ii(i|.(.ii ,v llnnlin^^tdii : Imi iImmv i- nu sno'o,.,ii,,n nn iln- i'i'liiirlcr> IK lie- that I w ,.> a |iariiit'r. Tl t itizfii wliirh vtinseiil inc. inakf- m ii ^lalf tliiil llic |iartiM'i> taki'ii ill licrc were ludicil-nn. N ir|,nl>nii and ICfL, ,-. w liirh i>. ciT ciiiiisr. wrnnu' : iicin-c ihr cvidciirf ,>r ilir iv|.iii icr nf i lial iniinialwlll lie (.r lillic or IMI \alnc riic rc|Mi|-|tTn|' tlic (Ittaua •• Kirc I'ff^s will also prdl.aldv >tand l.v lii- in.dir,., i ir|.(al. I lliiTcl'irc wis]] vdii to lit' as (k'cidcdiy (dfiir and posilixc in yniir an-wcis on llir rom- ki iiii-<"i' ~ Vdii ran .•onsci('iiiiuii>l\ lie. and t(. -late, if yoii will \ uliinlarily. >o llial it ina\ lie taken d.iwn liy tlir Coinmissidnci'. t liat yon lia\r liccii inforiiii'd. for I now irll \i,n so. lliiil Ii. I'. Mitcli(dlint 'lids swcariiii( that yon said oiioalli 'tlic ricniicr of II. ('.was one of till, six |iartlici-. -■ir..' and llial if lir (Mildirll) docs so. or lia> done so. Ids -lalc- 'iii'ii' '" liiiil fit'crl is a didilicralc falscliood. niadr willi a virw. as yon lirlicvc. of injiirino- oi' annoying- yoii and from fccdinn's of s|.itr ami ill-will loward- voii. I can ~rc iio other iiiolivc for Ids ilom^i- so, and it i . only Wvv and jii-t to yoii as w(dl a- iin-clf lliat ills comliirl slioiiM a|'{ • in its iiropcr li;;-lif wlicn Ins cvidciirc is phu't'd licforc ihc iiir\ liere. 'i'lif ollicial r('|iorl('r caii'l lie i'.\|i('ilcd to rfinfinlicr all llial wa> said at llic t rial and •_'(> lie can only >ay llial lie lia-^ no iiole of yoiir liaviii;;' nia le the stateiiu'iit iiltrihiitcd to vnn liy tlic iK'Wspaiier- here. Siicli cvidehce is weak. 'i'iic Xicdiol^oii. Koliertson and llnnlinLi'lon deeil of |iarlnerslii|i willi your linn was dcpositeil l.y liotli |,arlies willi tlie lale Mr. Koliertson. and i> in Mr j-ilierls lialid>. wlio lias e|iarii-e of his |ia|ier>. It was ai^-reed. I am lold, that it should not he |iarte(l with. Iicnee I can t ^-et it. I have, therefore, ^ent a notarial copy of it to the (■oininis>ioiicr to In- |iroved and ideiititied liy yon. The ih cd wa- drawn up and wiiiie>-.ed h\ Mr. liohcrtson, and ;.- dated tlic ^Stli of .\iiu;n-.t, ISSO. 'I'o ]•'. P.. McXamki:, Ks,;., Montre ^'onrs truly, (Signed) Gi;(). A. \\'.\i.ki:.m. :;0 lOviUKsri-: of CiiAHi.Ks Wim.iam Miniin.i, Takia ('NUKii tiii: ( 'oMMissmN Issii:i) Mi:iii;i\ hay ii|- May, Iss?. I''el"ic llic William hrninniond lioo-, ij,.. iMnmiis^ioiicr appoinicil li\- coiiiiiiissi.ai dale. I a I I he I 'ity of \'ic|oiia. in the l'ro\ iiicc of |;riii-,|i ( 'olniiiKla. on I he I'llrd (la\ ol' Ma v. A. I)., Inn",'. and IhmvIo ainicAcd. appeared i'licidore I )a\ieM';si|nirc. aforesaid, a^ ( 'oniisi-l ri'- presciiiiii- the iiefcndaiil. i»a\ id Williams 1 1 iv^in^. and .1. .1. ( inrinnlU-, of the said ( 'itv of < It I aw a l'.a!visicr-,.l-l.aw. a ^ ( 'oniNid repi-c-cni iie^- 1 he plain! iirhcnin on t he rird dav of .1 line, A. 1 1. IS'sJ, at ihe honr of fonr thirty o'c' -k in l!ie altcniooii at ley olliee. No. .s.",,'. ,S|,;ii|,:-, Sfrcris. in llic -ai'l i 'ity of ( Utawa. -iiid .,llei lia\ ini' lakcii lla oaih pic.-ci ihi d l.\ ihc said -K) ( 'oliimis-,i,.iicr. ihc -.,,iil iiaih l.cin^ i,crcio ;iiii!( .\cd. 1 piocceii.il ihcii and ihcic wiih the eXi.'CUtioli of ihr said colillili-sioli as follows: •J4 Clmilivs Williiiiii Mitclii'll, (,!' ihr I ily nT <>iiauii a uiliM^- iii> iil min in|i wild, I 1 ilin' illll\ >\Mini ll> |.IVMlil I c| ill llir -niil ('ii|liliii--iiMl (|i'|M.sr,| a^ t'ull.iWs; Diiiiir KxAMiwrms nv Mu hwir. ',>. Wlmt ir^ yciiir luiiin' ' A. Cliiirl.'s William Mildirll. 'i'. Ait yiMi llir |iro|i: iitcir (if the iicu>|.ii|.ri |iiil,li.s|ii ,1 ill the ( ii\ ,,| OituWii callnl till' ■ ( Ittuwn Kivc i'lcss:-" ' ' A. ] am. <>>. Ildw Inii^f liavi' yoii liici) ijrnjirirt.ir nl' -.iicji [uqirr ' A. Kill' a llUlillirr 111' yrais I iliii.'l kiiiiw |i|st ImW li'lln'. Id «,>. Mr. Mitclifll, you witc l\\v inoiiriildi- ni the Oiiawa Kivc: |'rr>> >iii ih.' !iili NdNTiiilirr, is.s.') ' A. I was. Q. Do Villi know .Mr. Francis lienianl .\1(_-Nniiit'i-' :" A. I ilo. 'i'. Was l''rancis llfriiMnl .MrXaini'c i'\aniiiic(| as a wiiin'ss at tlic Carliion .\ssizrs on or al)oiit the full of Novrialicr, |ss.'). in ih,. cnsv of .MeKcniia vs. McNuinci' r A. I liriicNC lir was. Cross-i'XMinincil l,y .Mr. (inriniilU-. kQ. Were you [iivsi'iit ai .Mr. .McVaiiirr's ti'ial ' -20 A. No, Sir, .X. Voii ilo not know wliat lie sworr to .' A. No, .Sir. .X. Iv\cc|it from hearsay ' A. Iv\('f|it from lirarsay. Xt,^. Wlii'ii yoii ha'l a coincrsal ion with Mr, McXanirc ami lie (li'siri"l to corri'ct liis I'viilciicc.you ri'fcrri'il liim to the rrjiortrr ' A. N fs, to tlic rrportor, X<.j', ill' ilid not stati> to you in wliat way lie wishnl it cori-rcti'il ' A. lie may liuNc iloiif so. 30 ■2'> \\l lint ymi ilun'i i-i'iiiriiiljcr ' A. I l;ui'>^ 111' iliil. \\y l)llth day < f ■liinc Is.sj. at tin' hour of I'dur iM-Juck :.(( ill till' afli'i'iioon. at my o!li •(-. \... s:\}^ Spark- Strn't. in tho said ( ity of ( iitawii. and afti-r hav-inn' taki'ii thi' oath prcscril'iil I'y thr said ( ■ommission. the said oath hi'iiiL; liori-to anni'M-d. 1 tn cdi'il fh. i; and iIu'It with thi' cX'rutioi' of tho said ( 'ipnimis^iun as follows: I lii'st appoinini .Mr. l''rrd.'ii('k ( i. Lrar. of thr -,aid City of dttaw;!. Sti iioL:'ra]ihri'. m\ I'l 'fk iindi'i' the ^aid < 'ommission. and tho oath tlu'iciii pi'cs.-rilicd. ami al>o hci'i'to anncNid. was adin;nist('n''l to him hy mr. I'"ranr('s Ilrrnai'd MrNanici', of the ' ,ty of Moiitri'aj. in the l'i'o\inci' of (jhirhcc, a witm'--s prodnri'd hy th ■ difondant. who hi'ing duly sworn, as [iri'.serilii'd in tlir said t'oiii- missioii, drjiosi'd as foliovvs: I> i'i:iT K.\ vMiNATiiiN liv Ml,'. .MiImvuk. ;W) (jt. N'oii wi'i'i' oui' of thr firm of i-oiit ractois I'm- tin' (/unstrmtioii of the I'lsouimalt (li-aviiiL; I>ork at I'li'ili^h t'ohimhia. A. N'i's.am! ha\i' hrcn alii'ad\' I'X.'iminod in this ca-r last fall in Toronto. . Who wi'ri- \oiir partners ' A. V. I! MrNaniri', X- " '■ ^'i^'i •>'"' ■''nm"- \\'riu;lit, of Montreal. 26 <^. Willi u.-is tlir I'lviiiiiT iuiil I ■.iiiiiiii>si(iii. r <.r l.iiii'is and WoiU- at tln' tiiiir you lunl till riiuti'ai.-t in l!iiti.--li < 'nliiniliiu ' A. Mr. (Inuuv A. W'alkiin. ',>■ I'i'i you r\i'r hi-ar aiiylirnig of an allrgcil liUrl on tln' I'lvnii.T of Dritisli ( 'oliniiliia f A. Vr-,. C,). W'lirn aini liiiw iliil ymi ln-ar it :' A. I!y ti'lc^i-aiii from Mr. W'allo'iii to im- <(>. Have you M-,,t lliat trlrurani ' A. ^ r^; l'\it I Wont [iroiluci; tlir oriLiinal. i'Ut will '_;'i'-i' vmi a coiiv. (Trli'Lirani fi'oui i(l WalkcMi to MrN.inic.' ilati'l llir •Jstli Nm\ .inl'i'r, |.^^.V iTail am! lian.icil in ami niaikiil Kxhil.it -A.' I 'i* \ on say you first lirai'il of tli.' alli';;-i'i| lilirl upiai Mi' Walkmi l.\' ti-lr^rani from liiiii to you ,' A. Vrs. <,'. Wli/il ilatr was tliat ^ : A. 'I'll.- -jMh Nov.'mlifl'. ISSa. Ij>. W'lirrc iliij you ri-ci'i\ (■ it .' A. In Monlrral. . 1^ Was tlii'i'i' any ik-lay in tlio rri'('i|it ! A. I raiinot trll. (Mr. (iormiilly lin-r oLji-rts -vn-rally l.i iIm' iiui'stioii-, ) 'i'. I'i'l yiiii ii'i'l). aihl \\liMt was your ri'|ily to tlial ti'|i'u:i'am ^ A. I rr|ili.'i| ami k tl u ii4 < fha^, tlial i- llio n'ply. rojiy of rrply |iiuihii'i'i| aini maikril l'',\liilrit ■ I!." Mr. ( i'lriiiully lii'ii' olijri't- ami says tlial tin' i'isliil.it ' I! " is not i'\ iilnici'. ( 'opy 111' 1,'lrMl'; latril lllll I Jrcrllllii'l'. I.S^o. I'lolll WaUsi'llI to McNanifc |iroi|llri'il aiiil iiiarki'il I'lxliiliit " ( '.' ;!() I)." All.'swi.'r to alioNi' li'li'L;i'aiii ilalcil litli I )rci'niln'r, IS.S."), prochnril ami marki'd lv\liiliit \v tel Hv Cnl ■' (' Mr. ( iiJnilMll\ lllijrct-, tu Ivxlliliil - | l ' h> nol licini;- r\ i.ll IICI . fiipv 111' trlr-rani I'lnm W.-ilkmi lo McNainiT .latril |r,tli I )i'(Tiiiliir. I ns.'>, |irii.liicc(| ,iii,| iiiarkcil l^sliiliit ■ iv" LcttiT tViiiii Walkciii tM McNaiiicc (|fiii-il i:\id Ndvciiilici-, is.s."), iirMilucnl ami iiiaikr.l Kxhil.it " K." Answer (II li'tlcr inaikcij Lxiiiliit ■■]•'" .latnl hitli I 'riTinhcr, tnun McNanin' u, Walkriri |ii'(ii|iic''il ami iiiarknl Mxliiliit " ( i." <,). Ami llial answer was mailed in Mi.ntreai wlien ' A. I eN]icci it ^\as niailed in Mnntnal en ilie ICtli UiiemI.ei. I>s.'i. (i>. W'liat was tliat letter ' 1() IjettiT reail ai'l put in. Mr. (Inrinnlly here (ilijects tn a eojiy n\' :< letter IVniii McNainee to Walkeni eiiin-- in, (,). Well yiiii wrote him, liiiwe\er, (111 th,' Mith Deeenilu'r, I.SS'), re]ilyine' U\\\y to his teleijraiM ' .\ Ves <,'. Well will) piisleil the letter of the Idtli iil' Deeeiilher. I .S^.'). VuU refer In:' A. My iiiiiik-keejier in ni\" pri'si'iu-e. <^. Where ' A. In .M.intivil. <.(). Dill ymi write any mher luder to Mi' Walkein .' 20 .\. N'lil on lliis siiliject that I kMowol' that i^ ■;!! the eorrespon.leiiee that I know of. Nil ( 'itiiss-i'lxAMlNAI'hiN. KvrDKN'i'i-; (If S, l'\i;Ki;ii 'I'ick. 'r,\Ki:\ ./- A- ,/■• , ,v.. r\ii;:i! nii: < )iii)i;i! M \m: IIkkkin on riiK IM'M M w. INS7. Hxaiiiination of Samuel Parker TiieL- miller order of jsih M.av. 1ns7. Friday. M.iy L'Oih. I ss7 S-iiiiiiel I'arker Tnek. Iieiiii; duly sworn --aith : I know |) W. Ilie-uins the Defeiifl.aiit in ihis aetion, 1 ^aw an artiele in the ■ llrili^h Colonist "lale in Iss.'i, said to lie the article eoiii|ilained of. I was in .Mr. Hin'u'ins' editorial room the niuhl |irei'ediiiM- the puMiealion of the artiele. Mr. Iliuein^.' the editor ol' ile'.'JO "( 'oloiiist," was present llieii. (he Uefeiidaiil ill I li i s act ioii. a lid .Mr, IJolierl 1 linisiniiir We •-It Hi fry; (•Ml an Hi "!' ill! In. mil w r tiii rci liii .In Co .M( inc ]H': (v\. I'll till. iirt Mr Do tlu Iiipl Im'1'11 cMiiscr-inL;- ; Mr. I li^L;in-< w a-- Mlliii;^- al hi-- 'l.'.-k : Mi. I )iiii>iii\iir ritlnr --ii tiiii;- nr •■liiliilili- iirar Iiiiii. aihl I si, m,. what t'liitln-r aw ay. Mr. I iiiii-ninii- ainl I witc riMiliii^, .Mi. HiL;;,'iii> a|i|iariiil,l y m ci'luokiim' iLi'\v>|ia|irr,s. .Mr. Drake Dlijrct- to any i'\ mIiii ■■■ \»-iw^ ^nvcii of any iMitiviTSation tliat tocik ]ilacc '"■twiM'ii ill,- parties tlial \v,'r,- |,|-,.-,,'iil at. that, ()C('a.-ii,|. sai,| : - l.isti-ii to this," iuid lie fcu,l tn ii.s tlic para- ;,n-apli tlial ii,'.\t iii,,riiiii;^' appear,',! m tli,> (.^,l,,lli>t iMinc'riiiii;;' !\fcNaiii,M''s r\i,|,'iii.' • •"iicTiiiii-- .Mr. .hi-ti,',' \Valk,'i!i. an, I as li,- lin,sli,.,| rca iiii- !,,■ ,ir,,pp,',l lli,- papi-r mi liis '^■sk. .saying;: "Wlial a lair-cl .slianir tiiis is.' | sai,| : Wliy. ymi .1,'irt ii,'li,'V,' it. .1,, vm'' fill,! tli,'ii 1 foiitiiiii,',! : " I kiiiiw iiiitliili:;- alniiit .Mr. Walk, 'in pnlitii'.-ill\ . i,iil sine,' li,- lias Id '"■•'11 "II ilic li,-ii,-|i ,.v,'ii liis p,iliti,',il ,'n,'iiii,'> .riiiiii thai li,' has iiia,h' a spl,'ii,li,| jii,1l;,-. Mr. lli,L;uiiis saiil; ■('.■riainly I ,i>, ii,)t l,^'li,'v,.' it,, hut ,,uuhl n,,l Mr. \\'alk,'in t., hav,' an oppDrliliiity ,,r ,l,ii\iii- it.'" Mr. Dillisniuir joiiu'l in lli,- ri,ii\ ,'rsati,iii, an,i s;ii,| that alth,iii^h h,' ami .\lr. Walk, 'in had n,'\-,'r hi'.-n piililically very IVi.n.lly, h,' ,li,l iimI l„'li,'\r he waihl ,1,, /iiiythiiin' i)f th,' kin. I, !!,• sai,l that .Mr. \\'alk>'iii was cntinly tn,i sl,i-,\v,l a man 1,1 ]iut hiinsi'lf t,i that (■.\|,'ni in any man's |,,iw,'i'. .\l,'an\vliili' .Mr. Iliu'^iiis was wriliii'4 at lii.s tahlc. aii,l th,- pr,)pri,'ly .,1' -ix in- .Mr. \\'aik,'iii an ■,pp,irtiinity ,■!' ,linyiiiu- this article was ,|isi'iiss,.,l. It was sii-L:i'st,',l, hy iiiy.-,,.lt' | think, that th,- ailich' ini-lil. he rea,! I,y many ,1!' .Mr. \V.ilk,nr.s t'ri,'n,|s airl 11,,! S','n l,y hims.-H'. ami I iIh'IIvIm iniLiht injur,' him if II, It ,',,ntra'li.i,',l .Mr. Iji^^in, s;ii,l y. s ; 1,,. ,,n._.l;t ti ii,' ,4i\','ii an .ipp,,riuiii! \ n\' ■>() ,li'iiyiiin' it. I s'li.l li,,\v ,-iiiiM it I,,' ,|, n,' ' iha, Mr. Walk, -in hciii^- a .in,lL;-,' ,)t' th, ;-''iipnnj,' (',)iirt ciiiM iMt ;i,ially (-lightly); iu'M'I' ha,l any l,iisin''-s iilaiinn- wilh him. I ha\,' l>,','n six y,'ar- ii: tin- Pi',>\inc,' ; 1 liaM' alwa\s lak,'ii m,,r,' m- 1,'ss iiii,'r,'-t in p,iliti,'s. I hax,' tak,'ii a shulit iiiteri'st in Hriti.sh ( 'ohimhia ;:0 ]„ilitii's. 1 was always i,pp.is,.,| t,i th,' Wa'i;,in an, I l;,'a\<'!i ( iii\ i-rnimnts. ',• lla\,' yiiii ,'V,'r written any iH'W^paji, r art.U'l,'- in upposiiidii 1,, th,' Walktiii ami r.i'a\i'ii ( i,i\,'i'niiii nts ^ A I ,1,1 II, it kihiw hilt what I in.iy hav,': in I'.ii't I lia\,'. I n,'\,'r \\r,il,' aii\- ai'tii'h's wilh ri't','r,'iii'i' t,i th,' hi'y,|,i,'k in any hn'in. I ,li.l ;i,,| s,',' th,' jiaju'r l'r,im uiiii'h Mr. Hi'.;'i;'iii.s rcail th,' ]iara'.^raph. 1 ,1,, m,t kmiw what p.i|„'r it was. l'-\amin,',l hy Nfr. !'>,i,h\'ll — 'i'he art i,-l,'.-- I m"iitii)iii',| .'is haviiin' hi','ii written hv iii,' against th,' Walk, 'in aii,l 11, -av,'!! ( 1 ,\ ,rnmeiil wi'Vi' principally writ ti'ii ijii'-inu' tin- lat,' lt,iiniiii,in aiiil l,i,'al I'li'i't i,iiis ami pi','\i,,ii--l v: th,,^,' \\rill,'ii pi,'vi,iiis i,, th,' pnl'licati'iii nl' till' artii'l,' in ,|ii,'>ti,iii w,'r,' l','W in iiuiiihi'i' aid w,'i',' pulitii'a! -iii,! n,'\,'r p,'rs Si-ii,M| 1,\ ill,. ,il„,v,.-ii, 1 S.iiiiiicl |';,ikrr Tuck ill my |iiv-riicc., ilir -.ani.' li;iv iiii. tir-it lii'iii iciiil lAii' to liiiii. -'Oil I May issj. (SioiiiMl) .Iamks r. I'lii.Vdsr, l^■^■i^n■il^. CIIIKI-' .IISTICIIS N(»Ti:s OF TIIK TUIAL. l)i:nii;K IIimski.k wn \ Si'K'Iai, .Iiiiv dn Tiiii!n|)av. :!()tii -Iini:. IssT. Mr. Drake, (,»,('.. Mini Mi'. Ilrlmckcn for I'L-iiniill. Mr. T, It.-nir. (^).('., and Mr. HimIwcII lor DrlVn.liiiit, K\ iih'iicc rend. Docii lllrlltiil-\- '■''■ I'll'' '^i'lciiiv of McNiiiiirc i.-ik.n 1)11 c. li.Nsiiiii, I iltli .inly, j.s.si;. Tliai in Is7ii)(i the linn (if McXaii.iv, Ni.sli >V W'ri-lit was ronniMl. and rMininnrd Ki rxist in hs.so. Tliai on the Kith A|.i-il. ISM), th,. tinn c.ntraclcd with th,. I'laiiitiir, llicii thr (.'iii.^f ( ',,ininisM..n,r oi' Lands and Works. I!, (', on l.rhalF of the Provincial -■oM-niiiicnr (,scc A. and I;, of |aiiilrd return to a n-olution to the i;. ('. I loiis,. of As.M.mMy. The,-,, wciv.sworn to hr true co|,ir,s). That .Mr. .Ml .Nauirc was in \'ictoria in .Inly, AuL;iist and Scptcnilicr. l.s.Sd, and then eiitercjinto snh-iiaitiiership with .lohnstoiie liohert.son, Huntingdon .v Nichol.-on, hv an a^iveincnt ilrawii hylht' late A.I! liol.i-rt.son. d.ated :2sth Aii-uM. IS-SI), etc., tnie'copx prodiie.'d, his attention hein- .Irawii to the artiide in the C./.nilsl of I'Oth N,,\,.inher. l,ss."i. witness said he was fhr , inly witness of that name in the t rial of .Midveiina \-. .MeNaniee. Ihal he never made :h,. ivported statemrnt as to i!ie l'remi,.r ,,f the I'l-oviiiee either tli,.ii oi-)(i at any other lime, thai I'laiiititi' ne\,T was his partner or ininvsted «iih him in aiiv contract, hut that h,' had slaie.l th.at I'luini ill' forced the ahove named I n-j\ .siili-|,arn,ershi'ii on his hriii with tlieoliject of ohlainiii-- politidil inllueiiee. II, ■ iii,.t the Det'eiidaiit al t one month ano, (in Xovemher, InsiI,') he said he knew uothiiiL;- ahiaii it. I told Del'eiidaiil I had iie\cr sMi,l what was ivported, hut tliat I'Liintitl' had for,v,| the snh- partnership upon iiie for jioliticil purposes. Next ivads iiiterroMatories di'liwrcl Hth Mai-cli, Issii. I,y I'lainlitl' t,. I lefemlant and l)ef,.nd;iiit'.s jinswer. vix,. thai he lii-s* saw the Ottawa /■'/•-•,' J'l;:-:^ of Mih N,.\ciiiher. I s.s.V "/■///■ the conimencement of this action, etc. He. ,,;'/,,• //,, ,;,i,iiiiri,rrni>iil of this action disc,i\,.re,| that the /',W had taken the lihel from the /•'/•'■-■ I'rrs.-^. Referred to e\ idellc,' .SO |iiihlislied in the Cnlniilsl ill ISS:!, with denial hy I'Laintitf, -saw no r.-as,,ii to ,|,,ul,t." etc. \'i\\ \'nci; IOn'idk.ni'i;. \\ illiaiii Sinclair Oor,. sworn. Siir\,>yor-( General for liritish ( 'olumhia. in i liarLTe of documents in hand Ollice. I produce orieinal docnm.'nt. vi/: ilu' Drv I )o(d< coiur.ai.t. lifth Kehriiary, I.SSO, ainl another ( (ctoher, l.sso. <',.!.: Why wrw not e.xaniined i,)]iies oj' llu^se documelits, il' they are iiecessa.rv, procured ainl aereed to he admitted '. m Mr. Diakr >,li'l llir dtlirrsiilr ivt'll^nl. I) M. I'IImtIs swuiri. I liliMlilCf ri(i y ollicc tl linilllll siili-cnlitnict I.ctWrcii •^'''^illl 'V <'('.. 1111(1 I{t aii'l iiiys.'ll'. Ii was t(i ( stiiin a diydnck at Ks,|uiiii.ill I'm- S:i.")(),li:t7.-J(). Tlicy were ilic lowest tfndcicr.s, SIOOOOO l.rldw any .piic in tlii> I'n.v im-r, and JiiwiT tliaii aiiyln)dy idsc, |!y ii iiiiimtf i<\' ( '(.iiiiiiitirr ,,{ ('(.iincil I he ('liirl' ( '(iiii {() iiii^'^i !■ "f Lands and Wnrks iviiorls as i,, ihr dili'.ivnt tcndiTs. Tlic i.iImts wciv .IdliiisiDii,., KdluTtsiPii \- NicliDJsdii for !547li.").S!l, ctr. iScr miinitr,) Sinnr d.lav took placr ill oi.|tiiiu- lo work. I i,'a\i' tlir coiitractois notirr in iMniiiiriii'i' in .limi', Is.so. I liad ot'trii rciiionsiratc'il aliout liic dcjav . and in .Inly or .\ii;.;i|sl .Mi-Naiih'c ~au in' in iii\' oilier aiiil askeil t'di' fiirllier lime. Al'ler MeNaiiiee ciiiiie here tliere was aiiotlier eoiitrai't enter, 'd inio II.' had arraimed •" '■■'1<'' i" ■^ local jmrtiiers lieiv, Ian 1 ivriiscd to recognize them, as it mieht have dis- (■liari;ed the hoiidsmeii in Monirral. 'riierefore li.r 'Jiid eontraet wa- ilrawii up in the form ailopted hecallse I reiuM'd to ivi'oeni/e thi- th've others. .Mi'Namei' sill. mill,., I til,. nialter to A. I!. l!,il„rt>,,ii. wh,. aiiprovi.l ih,. .Iral't an, I ili.ii Nh-Nam,.,. e\,.ciit...l it. .hit, ,1 in 4tli Oi't., I.SSO. Thi. l)omiiii,in Li.-islatiire ha,] |ia-s,..| ,iii .aet ami tli,. Ih.iis.. ,if As- .seiiilily liere a similar act aee.,rdinr|y. I iie\|.r ha. I ,aiiy iiiter.st. in l lii' 1...11I raet. .M,.- Naiiie,. iic\,.|. siire,.ste,| sii(.h a ihill"-. We hav,. he,. 11 .h , i|i]i,is,.,| 1,1 |.a,h ,>th,r, l.iit I hi.|ie\,. him to ln.alioM' makiiie- sii,.|| a sii'j^'i.stiiai. Th,' Culnit'ist ,,|' thi. •.'(till N,iv.. IN.S."i, I lirst saw at K.ainlo.ps. I ail..r\\ ar.U e.^t iiiiolher copy. I c.mparcd it with a eo|i\ ,,|' ih,. /',,.-/ whieli s,,m,. iVh.n.l ha.l sent m,' anonym, aisly. {''imliiiL;' the two slat,. iiieiits slinhliy ditlerinu'. 1 lhoiie|it that it was pr,.- halily a siilist.aiitially true rep,)rt of wli;i' McXaniee had sai,l at th,' lri..|l. 'I'lu'iv aiv s,im,. wonis in thi. I'lJnitisI whic'li ar,. not in th,. I'ns/, aiitl s,)mi,. wa-ils in th,- l'n. ollie,.. 'I'h.-il was al'li.r f ha,,l s,. en th, ./•'/,/ 40 Pi-i'st. it was ,late,l th,. Mill l)i.c. I r..i...i\,.! an answ,.r llith I ),.|.. -I have ".seen the /I'r/i.o'/ -it is falsi, th,' lirsl inl im.r iwii I ha.l ol' it \\a-.from \.Mirs,.lf s,',. Ihil/ij Citiztui." [Kxliiliil.s e'. 1)J »1 Mr. Tllci. |)|isir liciv iliM>|,.,l (||;i| ll„ /■',.,, /',v.,,« ,,r t.lir !tt|| \ u\ villi mT s|i,,u|,| ^„ j,, 111 I lie jury. .Mr. Ilriiki'i.liiicti'il ii> iiiai|iiii-,silili'. • '• •' I (■.■imiiit c.iiirciM' ;iiiy;liinj ihmiv iinrrl\ iriv|r\ imt || wa- ii.il -.ivii l.\ llir • li'tViiiljiliI f'lr iiioiiil,, lifter !„■ Iia.l |,iil.lisli,.,| ihi- all.uv.l liLrl I nv|,.\ am m.alt.r .IkhiM not l,f alliiwcl 1(1 -(i 111, lui- ii iiia\ rMiiliiM. II jury. Hm I iliink this i.s m, clraily iiniiial. 'rial il call M'arcrly dn any lianii, ami (.> icI'iim' it may |H'rlin[iH I'linii .sonu' nT,,iii„| |',,r ultciicir iiti-ati'iir W itiii'-s cciiitimi. .1. I ua- not awaiv that MrNaiiMv liml miulc any ivhati iuli. [Tlir /■'/V7 /'/v.v.v ,,r Idili ]),,,.,. I, ||„.|. |,ss,-,, was |,.ii,||.|,.,l in ulijili McNaiiMi- r\|ilanal i..ii ua-IO L'Diititiiii'il. I Mr. Drake (iliirctnl. ' •'• I ''i-- i-. il |iii-.s|lilr, mmv nttevly iimiKitcrial I'ur iIm' .Id'eiice in ilii-, aclidii llian llic niher |ia|ier. Hill it may |ierliii|is e.i in fur tlial \cr\ rea-.m. .Mr. hrakr a-keil fliat Ills iilijeciidii le ii,,|e,l. < 'l!(ISS-lv\.\\l|\.\l |n\ ( 'ii\ I |Nri:ii. I ua\'' ill'' i lereii.laiit no noiiljeai i,,n oj' thi-, imeiiile,| aclion, diallell'ie III -ille. iri irle was a li ii rctriictiiili, «^-c.. with the order on il. Mr. Drake olijeci,-, a,s i|iiile irie\e|ant and inailiiiissilile. The I'oiiimciil i- not |iro\ed *'■•'• 'I he hue 11111-1 he (haw n -oiiiew here. Thi- i- as iriidi vaiit a-lhela-.l; hiu il |i(is-^il,|\- mljhl coiirii-e the jury. 'I'he Dereiid.-iiil iiiis jiaii cN efy i mhilevi icc a lid iiioi-c than lie would have hecii allowed ill an aclion hy any other riaintilt! | I oH'cred to read iii\ oh-er- Viitioiwoii nraiitiiiL:- I >el'eii(laiit's a|ii)liealiiiii ot'.lmie 7ih. de.: hut .Mr. Di,\ ie declined, | Theiv wa- in facl in I he -iiiiiinoii- a doiihle a|i)ili( at ion to tin' .Indec at Chaiiioer-. I''ir-r. lo make certain amendments to the Stat(iiienl ol' DelVnce, which the .liid-e .leeined im|.ro|ier. and ivl'iised. That rel'usal miulit ha\c heeii i.\-ei-ed oil a|i|ieal; hill It \\a- never apiiealed ;;(» ll,e'aillst, and S.I the Det'ell l.-inl llin-l lie tlkell to ha\e -eell, on relieclioll, that hi- |iro|io-ed aiiieiidiiiciils Were iniiiro|)er. As to the -econd hi-aiieh of the summons, c.-illiiii;- on the I'lainiilf to show cause why Defeiidiint should not he al liln-rty to imhli-h somethiiio ii, Ih^ own new-|iaper, the Det'ciidaiit iiiieht as well have taken oiK a siimi is calliiiu- on the I'laiiiliir to -how cause why the Defendniu sliouhl iio( he al liheity t., a-k iiim to dinner, lie mieiit i.iihl!-h what he liked, of coiir-e, ,,ii lii< „wii iv-poiisiliilii v. And lliis pari of the .siimiiioiis s.'ciiis never to lia\e he,.ii notiie.j in ('hamhcrs at all. All ihis in!eilociiior\ priK Iiii;4 I reject Ms iri'e|e\ant now. ■ ( 'lidSS-KXAMIN A riiiN ( 'iiNIIM i:i). I ilisui^iTc willi wliat McNainiT say^ al«iu( my M'cklim t" '"■iH'til in\ |iiili(ii-al |iii->iliiiii. Ill' al'tci'wai'ils wislicil Id clialiL;!' tlic ^.tdiir with wliii-li tlir ilnck was tn lir cdns! nictid. 1 i^'t'iisi'ii |)ri-iiiis--ioii unless the •■iiLiinrri' a|i|)i-()\ril tlir cliaii^c. Ill' tlirii ii'.ti'ii(luci'il iMjliiic.-,. I ■Iriiiiifd fii alldW liiiii til hiaki' lln' rliali'^r. As smm as 1 out ii\it 111' .MrXaiiii'i' tlii'raci that lir lia.l nut stali-ii wlial hi'T'-nilahi 11 'port I'll liiiii til liavi' sail I, I iii'ii|i|ii'i| unr r.irri's|Hini|cnci' (/./-. in ISs.)) I ij.i imi think I liaM any ciinununicatiiin with liini at'trrwa.'ils. I intrmlcil to wi'itr lnit I i'ui'ni't whi'thi'i- 1 iliij 111- nut. Tiiis is Miv li'ttiT (|iru'lnci'ii hy Mr. Thniiiin'r na\ii'), I'iaintill' to McNaiiiri' .lah"! -'I'lh May. JNMi. W'hi'ii I wmli' this h'ttiT I haij ln'.'ii '/iv\[ tu ini'h'istanil lliat a m.'in Id nanii'il .Miti'lirll was |iii'|iari'ii In swrar that McVaini'i' hail sai'l so al thi- ti'ial ui' MrK-'iiiia \. McNanii'c. (,>. It was tu warn .\lcNanii'i' ut' iliat rx iili'iicr that vmi wi'nti' this Irtti'i-;' A. ^• I's. aii'i to ■H'tenil lii\si'li uisii I hi'liltlii' Lvttiin As.-iz.'s ill |s,s+aii.| Ins.',. In |.s.s+ tl ic uri'iitiit jiiry pi'i'-i'iiti'il an i|ili-is->. It was lii^iily i'.)iii|ilinirntary. It was piililishi'il in the C'tilimis/, iCilmiist iniiluei'il, •lin\\ ( )('tiihi'r, ISMi, Mr. 'I'lieiMJiU'e l)a\ie. - I -hall ti'inlri' this I., shuw that the I )i'i'enilant was nut aeluatiil li\- malic. ('iiui'l llu\\ ran that ni',ativ tli" nialici' in .-i liliilluii^ pul'liratiun a year afteiwanls ? 'it* .\li-. I)a\i.' |iiuei'i'i|i'.| tu I'luss- 'x.niiini' u;i a ' lur.'il ili'iii" rri'i'i'iiii'^ lu I'iaintill' anil his aniil\- in ruiiiplninnlarx' tiriiis, nn the Mil (IrfulnT. i S.s.'). anil anuthi-i' I'linipl iminlai v iii-i'si'iitnii'nt hy thr L;i-an. r..]. T ii's • ai'i' mall. 'IS i if lui'.il iiiten -t ill' inruniritiuii smt tu thr 1 Jrl'i'ielant h l)i' ii'i'es| |i-nts ,,r the euiinlry. perhan- \t nihil uiit. I t'liiniall \" reii'eteil It. Ml'. Thi' iilul.' |)a\ ir then a-knl llir whether the Wul'ils ul' the alli".:Mil lihel were eapaiili 111' lieariii:;' thr nieaiiinr' srt uiil in thr imiiieiiilu. Cuiirt. I certainly think th.it llie I'l.-iin lihrl, I \ iz, | ihc allernl i'r|iurt ui' .McNamrr's tcstimmiy may hear thr t'lill ihraniiiu- atlriliiitnl tu it. Wheth-'r thr aihlnl remarks in tin Met'i'inlanl's ciliturial iieei ssar;l\- imply (he I'lill niraninr' as e.sprrssnl in ihe suli-ri|iirnt imiucii^io, is ,11) ith ■!• |u 'Mi (11 I t'liiik ili -y uiay li-ar that iiu' iiiiii--, tli.ni-li they niay aUo li.'ar a inraiiiiii;- lr», than that ihi' I'hiiiitiH' actually |)ockrtnl iiimiry : thry inav iiii'aii tliat h.' hiipril to ]»>vkr{ iiKMh'y. Hilt I i-alilHit (■(iiiccivc thai ihr whole, i Iw allf^.;tM| I'Mrart IVolii •^'''^i"- ''•■* Irstiiiioiiy, ami the i >cli'n'lam>' coiiiuiriits tiii'icnii, hears a neutral iiiraliili;^' or Other than a ileroeatorv ini'atiiiiL;'. Mr. Theo.lore |)a\ie then (jjiene rak-'ii on the |'> niiiis-i,,n of -J;; May. iss(i, .\h-Nan , ,S May. an^ Tuek. i .S .May. I s.Sj. Ih- eiie.l o.leer ,,11 .Slaii.ler liol , -JO.-, ; :i.M,„,.v W rrl'J : :, Maim .v < ir. 7 I !» ; Dayl.- v. lioherts lilC, I I I A.l. \- Kll. !IL'0) on a eoniest whieh arf.se hetweeii hiin an, I .Mr. Dr.ake a- I,. !(» the aihnissihility of Tiiek's ,vM,-ii,.e. Mr, |)rake coiiteii'liii-- that the i|U,,sti,„i of iniention is not i'or the jury s,i\e s,, far as ii e.an 1,.- (jolltrtuil from the iihel itself. Colin.- I Jul what oecunvd ,lurin-- tho very coniiiositioii of thealleevcl Ijj.el is suiely adniissiMe. ii is true ihe I'laiiitiH is siiin-- for the imhlication on the -ioth. Nov, Tuek • li'|>o-es to WM.at lo,,k nlae,, evi.leiiee relati's to coiiversali'ais with I (.'feiidaiit iicfor. he ha-i even seen poll, or cmciv,',! the i,L ,i of eoaiposin^ (,,■ pphlisliin.; the matter (.tomplaiiu'ii til., al|,-u,' of. i hel.l his e\ i.leUee i lla, I 111 i s^i M, ■ I'oiiriiT DiNSMnii. swciP.v I have hear,| 'I'liek's (lep,)sitioii. 1 A .as |iiv.,nt that iiiehi in d i;i,,rs ,,iliee. 1 aii,i Tuck were there ail, 1 ilefeii, hint. Tin '■ ■ miy hive lie.si a reiM riei. 1 lor-vt. Tuck wa.s •'ca.liiiu- to himself .a, I, I ,lef,,M.l,-int also. All ai ,,nc,, , I, -fen, hint sai.l - Lisieii to this." *' ''"I 1''"" -'■'■ "hat h,' was ivadiii-- ,miI ,,f. hut I aiti,rwar,|s foiiicl lait it w.i- f,om i h,, ;j() /',«/.) I .ai,l. ■■ 'I'.ai are not -'oiiie' to piihlish that ;' Y\- .s;ii,l, - I ,l,m i know whv 1 sh,,iil,l """I- hii- if I '1,1 not. Walkem will have no clianc to r,,fiite ii. lie will iii'\,'r i,rol,aiil\- "sec thi' /'o.v/. ' lie then l,.,;::iii {n v.rile. .\fter a -.hort lim,, hi' r.scl oiu what hi- h;i,| written. He sai,| 1,,' ilid not l„;i,,\e a wor,l ,,f it; i,ul that if Ic ilc! not put it in tlie f'o/o/i/'.sV Walkem woiihl iie\,,r see it. ami lh"t he ouu'it to h.ave the op|Ma'tuiiit \ to r, i'litc it 1 !c\er iva,| it afl.'rw;ir,'s 1 i.-fen! nil's part in i he convers.alion was ipiit,, fri,ai,|l v to \\ alkeiii ( 'r,,ss-e\aminc,|. I recoil, -et a coiivcrs.il ion with Walkem; I ,lo imt say that I iie\,,,r hav,' s,ai, I the pill, lic:ilion w.iuM n, CSS, iiily injure W.alki'iii, l',iit I ,lon,,t think I coul,| have said -.o, for I ,lon't ihink il would iiijure him, 4,0 m : C. W. Mitclu.ll, puMi>lHT .,!■ /■•,-' /',-». nttawa, i>art -I Mr. TIiimmIciv.' Davif siinnnrd up. \\\> i'\iilif,ii-f it'au ,„ tl,r far, tliat tl,.' .I.'rn.'lant ha.l not put hims,.ll' n. til ■il lilCM'lUM' alisolutrly rut'\lSL:il ul Mr. Urakr rcplii''!. iM.nniMUtin- "ii Ml,' witii-ss l„,x, au.l tliat hr lia.l l.v hi- mnv-r] in apulnny iir cxpn'ssioii of iTj;n't. i cliai'-vil 111" jury as follows : (IFNTLKMKN of th. .huv : 1 Im^p- to 1 ,• v.ry sl.ort in what 1 havo to say, an,i will ,.,.^,,, ^„ \.„„ ,^ „,ti,.„ „,• ,„.. ..liar,,. uf n.>..n lla,l,li,.st„n in a vorv cvl,. hrat..! .a.. . o.h ..„u pia,;., - ti,It of iwn. vs. i^.,i,.n. as .i. v.w „f ,i,c law .i..!, I ='!''"/;;;; ,ui,l an..... nut 1 wish. .i,.>. of all. to s,..ak f vou al,out a .alla.y app..ann. on ,h ph ,0 • .„.s with n.sp..,.t ,o wha, ,h.. a,.f,.n.lan. ..-.IN n,. ,lu,> as a puM... joun.a ,st V o,:npation of a,ioun,alist is a ..lf-in,p.s,.,l ,.,„., an,! a ,,onvnahs, has no ,lu , ' '- „„. ,„,,,i,.^ ,,„, H' ,1,,.,.,. i. any.hin. tha, .an l.. ..nstn,,.,! as h. .ln,y ,t ,s to 1- '> '^^ . tvl.. .^ p,.hli..-h,.,.s,.-l<,.,.p,.,. - 1 not k,...p ..-. ..II 1,.,.-,-. no,- a .,-...■. s U . .X p,.,,li.h,.,. 'an stop his pap..,- o.- a pnl.li..a„ ,.lo.. hi. .,!.,..-,. t ,s no pa .,t h > , , „,,,„.-l,o„s,. k,.,.p,.,- ... k,...p ..v,.ry ,l,.s,.,.,p,i.,n ..f li.,n..r. an.! „.. pa,1 yl h ■ ,lu, ,|,,P.,„., „, , ,„„,;„., ,.p,.,. to puMish all .... ..f a,-ti,.l,.. : hn. ,t ,s ....„■ .lutv^ to p.. 1 .,i, l,o„,.M. „na,lnl...,-at...l a,.,i.-l..s wh..th..,- .h.-y 1- ^I'l.it^ -■ n.-wspap.-,- .--.i- .'- ,„„:,1„., l„l,..,-a„-.l.,an-..:an.lit,s,l„.,ln,y..f..v,.,.y j.an.nahstjo al,sta,n l,o,„ puK- li.liin |i\,lili(.aiion i-Mi. ...ill' '■ 1" .-■'■ 1 ' ■ ,- ■ • \\-.,^ ;, (1-11, La lih-i Tl... law in .ha, .-a..- inf.-.-s ,nai...... Tl,..,, .1... n.-.x, .,„..s„.... ,., W - - t. u S, f ,. as ,hat ..„,.s it is a,l,„i.....llv an.l wh.,lly nn.vn.. f,-.„„ K,-.innn,. ... .-:.■.. •> .."-".- I i . U alk",,, ..V,.,. was in pa,-,.n...-ship with M,.Na, ^ an,l ,, -""-;'' ^';;'- „,,t M,.N.„n... ,.v,.,- sai.l so. .\n.l .h- n,a„..,. puMisl,...! is ,h>s: -In ,1... -v .^uU.n< of MN ':.f-n,,an,in.h,.sni. ofM.-K... ^. M-N • '-'^ ' -'i' i",' 'r" ^Z of ,•,„„.,„..- pas...- -.-.n-. ■ Six of .h.-n. w.-n- n. pa,.tn..,-ship .a.t ,n n,-,.,sh olu,„!„a. „, I V ,:.; th..P.-,-n,i,..-.,f.h.-lV..vi„..,..- Nowtha,-f,.l!.,wi,„passa„. ,l,.l n..t ,..■..„,: n;. IV. IS III.. -Jd „„. ,i,.. Tl,.. .„,lv .,„..Mion is ,o .l....i.l.. ,f .h.s was a lil...|. Tha, i. ... say. ,s ,,i.^ i.;,ion ..al..nlat..,l-..,,iv.. pan, „..an.linni,.tini,n-y upon .h..pla,.i.ili; /''; ' ''^ w loiii was III.. I .......■■I "■ ■■I. 1 , (.,1 ., ■n,.ii i> .,.1, .vi.l,..,..,. was ,iv..n a, .1... -i-ial: a,,.l if i. ha,l ,....,. U wouia .,av,. l..,..,ial.^ ^ all a.lu,i.....i. Th.. snl ,,...„. ,.a,-. ..f .h.- a,..,..|.. wlo.-h ,. ,.o, ,.o,npla„,...l ... ; ;>" n..t th.. pa,.ti,.,.la,. lihi.l f. whi..li any n,n„..n,l.i..s a., uia.l... .-■ - ...,.l, an a , ,,,„„„.,„'„„. .„l,.,.,u..., a,.„..l,. 1. a,. a,.!,...! ... i- ..vL-u-ly to,. . h.. pm-p..- . > > l, o it.l.iwn. ;. is ... 1 n., ..,■...! .ha, th.. pain and in.,u..y ... .h.. plain,, ,s !,„,;.vh.,llv.li,.. t.. .h.. ,...pul.li..a.i u ..f tl." H'-l 1- lfso„,..uu„ownpap..,-,i.. 1, ,. 1,;.,-,.. lo,- ins,a,„..., .1,.. S..i:.l .U../,/ puhlish..,! 1 .hink ,n < ■..l..,-a.l... .-..n.an.".l ::,n,.'.hin:.-:.llin.voua,„u.-.l.-.-.-.-,swin,.l..,. 1 t,,i..i^ v..u w,,ul.. n... ..a.-,-. p,.,-liap. y..u . .,^.. ...■vH i-.-p ,,,.,., ■, , . , ,,,, ,.„„,„. .u,l wl„.n h.. savs 1 l,..n,.v.. i. t. 1... fals... l.u. 1 p,.l,l,.lM. '..-.-au.- n ,. so . ... „.,w,-..a.lt..x..uson„.,.f .^..,. ,ks.,fi:a,..nllu.l.ll..M..n>nt,„...a.s,. Ini.-n.-.-i.-.l. M, Iiil^.lcii was till' iiiuiic ol' till' .li-rrinl.ihl, ali'l tlic ]ilaiiitiil\^"t L''),(l()() (laliiMi;<'> Al'li tcimii pliiiii-ntiii:,' till' Irariicil cdiiiim-' U|Min ilii' luaiiin'r in wliicli iliry liail ilralt wiili llir \ iiliiiiiiiii)U> i\ii|ciic'iv Mr. ilaiuii I lii'lMlr^inii pidiMTilc'l III ilii'iTt till' jiiiy ii|iiin tin' law i.f liliels, M-. i'liliiiws : ■■ l!y lil"'l was mruiit an ytliiiiL;- wliicli was written or ilraw ii nl' a iirin wliicli ' was i-alciiiatril In Imlil liiiii il|) tu |iMliiii' riiliciilr ami cnntriu]!! aiiinii',' liis I'rlliiw im ik Many " tilings nii'^lit lir s;iiii ..r s|iiikrn nf a uini w liicL wrri' nut artimialil'', w liii'li it' writ t'^n :/n'l '■ an I |uilili->lu'i| wTiT artiiiiiaiilr. llrl'Drc wliat is kn'iwn a^ l''i>\'s Act tlir law w.i-: tlir " jmlLri' \vliii !rir'l an arlinn I'nr liln'l tnM llif jnry wlirtlirr nr imt tin' iiiattrr in i|ni'^lMin '• was a lilirl. That Act. Imw i \i'r. altrvnl tlii- airl if •iiarti'i! lliat tlir jmluv -ImnM nun ly " ilifcft till' Jlliy as tu wliat I i.i' law sail I was lilM'iliiiis, jiml |ra\ r tlinii In >ay in tin li'_;lii "f |(l '■ slid I ilii'i'ctinn wlii't'irr ur in it t In' writ in J- Iri'lnri' Hiriii wa-. a lilni. Tliat Art mily api'lii'il '■ to rrirninal iiro-^i'i'iitions I'nr lilir' ai'il iliil iinl 'Iral will) ri\il actiniis. Its |.rn\ isiii.s, •■ lliiWl \ rr, sunn |irnM'i| tn In' ninst wllnlisniui' ill t lli'i I' I'li'i'l'l s. alli 1 t ilr j 11' l^i s wlln aillllillis •'tri-i'il till' law a.lnpti'il aii'l a;i|)li.'J tlniii tn ri\il ar'imis, ._.|a'l tn I.,' irlirv nl •<[ tin " ri's|innsiliilit \' lit' il"i-i'l!!lL;' i'nr I lli'lll^i'iv i'> till' I nil 'St inn nl' li'ii'l. Tlial tllrrrt'nrr i^ tiir statr ''III' till' law linw, alnl it wmilil In' I'nr tlii'iii In say wlini llirN' liaii liranl His |,nii|slii|i s ' i-X|iianat inn ni' wliat wa-- ami wliat wa> imt a liin'l in law. wIh'IIu'I' tin |'a----aL'i' in iiiii'-linii ■'canii' witiiili His I, i|i| -iiili's niliir^. 'l'iinnL;li nil llii - ^niijrrt Hi-- l,nri!--lii|i iian im ili.'--ilr ■■ nr wish III iiil'rinu'' iipnn tln'ir s]ii'i'ial ]ii'n\iiirr. yrt in tliis r:i>r hr tlinii'jht tliry iiii'_;lil ■' sal'i'l V tai-ii' it t'l-niii him that In th thnsc pass.'i'^vs wn.' cli'ariy lihiUnii-" ami in tlii'2(i ]irrsi'iii i-asr thi. llrriiniant liiiii--i'll'. in tin- Cilnmsl (■.-ills ihr stali'iiiml ri's]ii'i'l iin.^ tin' I'laint ill' ■■ a rliarui'- '' \n saiH' |ii'rsnii ri';ii|iiiL; lin-iii i-niiM cniiti'inl that in t lii-iiisil\ I's " tlinsr |iassa'4r'S Wrrr lint lihrK' Tin' i|lli"-linn hnwi'\iT ri'liiailli'ii Wi'l'i' tiny ai'tiill '"alile lilicls ' Till' lii'f.'nrrs whirli Wi-li' srt ll|i Wi'l'i' thri'i'. I''i|st il is s;ii,| III,' " ])a>saL;i's ai'r trui' in --iili-.tam'r ami in I'.ai-t " - Tli;it is imt tin' i-asi' In-vi' I'm- thr eliai'Lii'. naini'iy I In' ai-msatinn. is a'luiil h"! tn !«' nttrrly t'alsr. ■ Tiir ^ii-ninl urniimi nl' " ili'l'i'iici' was niir whirli hail liii II liill\- I'lrn^ni/.i'il iiy ail till' ii'ual anthniitics. ami |.aitirn "laily tlniM' nj' rn-i'iil ilati'. I' wa-- that i lir |ia^sa'.:i's ('nni|ilaiiiii I nl' w nr I'air ami /'mr' " liili (■niiiiiirnt wriltrii a'lnin a jiiililir man > arts in mnnrrlinn with a inatlrr nl' piihlir '■ inti'l'i'st ami th;> mlirri'ii-, thr |il|hlii' rninlllrt III' a jilinlir man. Tin' ihini iliti'lirr ;,() "was that it wa< wiittni in ihr hniir~t ami lunm I'iili liriirl' that it was iiiciti --nl-taiirr "ami in t'arl ami wilhniit niaiirr. .\s rruaiilni tiiat ilrl'mrr Mi-- Lnr.lshiii hail iinl tin' " siiv;hti'st lirviiatinn in at niirr riilin'.:' tiiat in | mill I t^t law , it wa-- liail ami tin aiisw n' In tin' ■■ thr art inn " -.Ml I his apiilir-^ " /in/'m'' in tlii^ rasr whni il wa- imt rlaimni tiiat tin I)rri'l|iiailt hail till' hnln'sl li.'lirf ill thr tl'llth III' ihr allruril liliriinlls lallrllaL;.'. .\s \ulini,,i j'idi^: what till' Iraninl jiid.^r ,--,i\-> i^ as t'ipllnws: ■ Tai'Cr t'nr iiistani'i' tiir a-r nl' a '■ i^i'iiiirman rm_;a'.^f'i in r inimrrc;' ah mt wlmin sum 'tiiiii'^' whnlly iintriir ami whirli " .'ilii'('t> ]iis charartri' iris 1 n writtni, ami in rnnsi'i|iirnri' iir is iiiiiir.l ami hrr nin-- " haiikrii]it lintii ill rhar.iri.r an 1 rapital wli.i! an>w rr is it I'nr tin |irr-,-,n w Im has can-.nl '■all that misrhirl' tn say tiiat ii- hnm-st ly hrlirvr- 1 at thrtimi' Im hail writtrii what hr+f) "liili that it was triir, ami that hr In-ni writlm it sn hrlirviiiu" ami witimiil iiialin- ' "If siirh ilrl'i'liri' Wrrr laW iinw rnlll'l rha I'lrl rr ail'l Imlinr hr iiiai lit aim'' I in this "(■niinlr\ ' Thr law nl' l'',n'.;himl jralnii-ly ]irn!''rti'l thr rlrirarli'l' nl' liriti'-ii snhjirts. "ami |iin|,ri'iy sn I'nr il' a man'- rliarartrr is altarkr.l ami niinr'l In- is -^hiinnnl hy "ills t'rllnW aim. .Vll\' lll.in W Im rhn^r I n ri Irllla t r skaln Irl'i m-, ami-atinlls lllll^l hr I'll'- " p'lri'ii In .'iliswrr I'nr ilnill'4 -II. V.\'\\ Wrlr tills -,i|l,irrt llrw law hr Wrr''l ha\r lin hi si- " tiitiiiii ill liiiil liowii in tlic cii-ii'' df ( 'iiiii|ilicll v>. " Siiottiswddilo .') li. mill S. 7ll!l) liy Ijuni ( 'iiid' .liisiicr ( 'i)ckliuni, in lli^ jininMii'iil tlial in " tlic iiitcri'sl (if '-ocic'ly till' |aililic coinhict nf piiMic nirii >li(iiilil Im' rritii'iznl williuiit an_\ "iitlii'r limit tliiin liiai ilir wrilci- sliuiili! Iia\r an liniii'st liriirf tliat what ln' writes is tnir, ■■ Hut it siTiMs til inr tiiat till' ]iiil)lic ha\i' an cinial intrrrst in tin' niaintclianci' ot' tlir '• pnlilif cliaiautrr nl jiiiMir nirii, anil |iiililic ulliiirs coiijil nut lir I'DniluriiMJ liy mm ul' • lidiiiif witli a xii'W to till' urit'air of llir CDiintiy if we wcri' tn sanction attaiks ilcsiinc- " ti\i' of tlirir honor aiiii cliaractrr mailr witliont fminiiation^ I lliink tin' fair ]iiisitioii of ' ihi' law is this That whrrr the |iiililic coniliii'l of a ]iuiilic man i^ ojicn to aniiiiaiU rr- "siiiii. ami tlir writrr who is ciiinmi'iitini;' thi'mm niakrs ini]iiitatioiis whirh aii-' fail 1\ Id "out of his ,• iiiiliii't, sii that a jury shall say thr criticism i-- not only hoinst hul wrll '■ fotniili'ij. an action is not maintaiiialilc lint it i- not hccansc a imhlic wriu r fancies " that the ciiiiiliict of a |iiililic man i> o|icn to the s'is|iicioii of ilishoiiesiy he is therefore ■' jlistiticil in a-'^ailiiiLj his character as ilishonol ," ami I' /o;'/ /'or* if he thinks his charai-tei is not ii|ien til the ini|iiitatii'n of ilishonesty how can lie he jiistilieil in cii'culatinu a ve|iorl that is scallilalolls in the extreme' Now liaroll liuililleston say-. : "Were thesr ]ia'-sa'_:es "written hy Mr. 'liisilcn fair aul linini /Vr/i ciiiiinirnt iqion Mr. Hrvee in hi^ onhlie caiiaeity " alioiit a matter of puhlic interest' We may take it I think lliaf the mallei- in i|ne>tiun •' were uf ]iulilic inter. -1. Was the comiii'Mit. fair' ' Now, as to its hein^ a fair cnmiiieiit. it is a mere utter niisstalemeiit ; it is not a tnii-' statement of whal occiirieil. MnnoM.r. it i(l iliio not ]iretenil to he a full repiiil of what occui'i'i'iL A rc]iMrt of what take- place to ilay in this ( 'iiiirt, for instance, is |ierl'ect!y pi'i\ileu'i. 1 ah hoiinh it may contain lihrlloiis pas- sages, pruviileil if he a fair, full ainl Iiuku I'iilr recoril of what took place, ihit no man has a rin'ht to lay hoM ol' ii partii-ul.ir expression which has fallen from jnilue. counsel or witness. That is not a hnini /V,/,. aiiil f.iir repoi't of what louk place. Here ymi h.-n... the whole thiiiu' in a nni-shell, Xo\\-. is this |inhlicaiion a lihel juilein^ hy what 1 have riail' Is it true' is it jiistilie.l^ If you Hml those thines in favor of the |iliiintilf then a ipies lion voii ha\(' eipially to coiisiilei' is the amount of ilamaL.;es. Then as to what was sai'l ahoiit its hein;j; ]iroper anil necessary to tiinl malice the law itself implies malice, if a man utters or circulates sliiiiileis coucerninn' another man the law is not so tliick-wittcil as,",(i to helie\e that he cilculateil thelihel wilil hene\uleiit miiti\es. ami will not jjerniil him III sav that he iliil. if you linl h>i' the plainliirit is for yon to say what is the amuiint of ilamaL:es. Theie are no special ilama^'cs Icre. luit ymi have to take into account the amount of mental anxiety, worry aiul annoy.inces that has I. ecu '.^ixeii \ yu iii.-iy. if vnii choose, liml general ilania'4es -ueh as you think lit ; imt if you timl that this puhlicatiun on the whole is a lihrl. ami that the lihel was urt'^rly without foumlat ion, .ami that want of caiitiiiu was shewn in its puhlieation, then you m;iy timl, i think, .-i -iim I'or -uhstanti.il ilamages. iIk amount of which entirely rests with you. Mr. 'I'll CO. i)a\ie askeil me to charge the jury. I. if the |)ulilicatiiiii Were not m.-ilicious, tlieii. althoimh injurious, that it coiilil only 40 he visitdl with nominal ilamau'es. •J. if the alle-'cil liiiil was "fairly" copieil from another newspajier. ami no malico, then ai;aiii, nominal ilamages. .'!. If neither malicious nor iniuiioiis, then Nenlict I'or ilefeiiilant. I- Was tlir iilijfct Im injure llif plaiiil ill"- cluii'ai-tiT, nr to \iiiilicatc> liiiii f I refused to eliai'Lfe tlie .jury in tleil runn; I siiM I slmuld leii\e it siiii]ily In tlieni to sa\' wlietller llie lilllilislieil Wdrils Were n liliel, /'. / , were tlli'V ilis|i,ir)lL'ili^;-. (ir ciilciiliileil ti) iiilliel nieiiial jiaiii and injury, a|iarl I'lnm |ii'euniary luss. It' mi tiav were a liliel, ami il' a liliel, llleu tlie law ilil|)lied nialiee, mid lliere was nu neee.ssily in ;ri\-e any furllur e\ iden( I malice llian tlie liliel il^e||'. lo |il nV !■, in nllier Wnnk, e\|iress malice, wllieli is mily necessary wIlU'U the necasion is |iri\ile;;eil, uliicll is iml allelij|ited tu lie set U|i here. (,•, Is it a liliel' N it trill' \\ hat i> a i'aii nieasuie ni' diima^c.s' The ,jiiiy relii'ed ; and Mr. Tli'iidnie ha'i.'e handed nie in a written ..hject inii " Thai 10 " the jury shiiuld lia\e lieen charged thai it' tiie whole ]iidilical inn taken toMctlier was ii,,t • injurious to [ilaiutili then in tlic Hh.sciiCf of cxjues.s inalici' (lefcndaiit was entitled to a " Verdict." .M'ter :!l) or K) iiiiiiiiles jury reiuriied with Midiet : ■ We lind llial il is a lihel Daiiiaees, .>^:J,.')()0." In order to exjiedite (in appeal |udL,'uient was L;i\en for the ahoNc amount and parties pill under miiliial terms to move tiic I'lill ('ourt on the I lili July. M.viT, r>, liMaui;, (IliiiKi; nui .Il |n;Mi;\| id { 7>',Vi' (1/ CiUlif ,li:,i I '(IK r. ) Tiiriisii.w, th.' :{()th day of June, .\. I),, |s.s7. Tliis aetiiiii coniiiiL;' on for trial this day liel'ore ih, jldiioralile Sir Matthew llaillie lie^liie, KniL;lit, I 'hief J iistice, and a special jury, in the |iresenee of Mr. I 'rake. (,i. ( '.. and .Mr. Ileliiicken. of Counsel for the I'laiutitl'. and Mr T. Davie. (,). (',. .■uni Mr llodwell. of ('iiiinsi-l fur I lel'indant. upiiii openiii;.; Ill' the mallei upon he.iriiiLi' read the l'leMdiiiL;s. llie (■\ ideiiee of l-'raiieis l!ernard .McNamee and .Mr. M. !■". .Inliiiston taken on eomniissiou liefore ( M-or^e .\|ountain l']\ans, Ivsipiirr, at Tia'onlo. i'rovinee of ( Intario. nii the I'Oth liay of [tiieliilier, IXMI. and ihe .'lOlh day of i )eci mliel', ISMl. and the exhihits theleUUlo fiuiiexed, the intiii le'aloi ies e.xhiliited on Ihe (itii day of .March. ISMl. and tin answers nf ;{{i the Delelldalll thereto, daled :ilsr day nf March, I.SSd, the evidence v.i (diaries William .Miti'hell taken I'll ciimiiiissioii liefon \\'illiam Mruinniond llo^i;, flsipiire. at the (iiy of ()ltawa, and Province aforesaid, oil thi> ."ird d-iy of June, .\. I). I Sn7, the further evideiici' of Krancis liernard McNamee also taken liefore the said Widlam |)ruiiiiiiond llou;e- l'",si|uire, on the l!(i|li d.-iy of June, .\. I). I^^7, and the evidence of witness, s mi lidthsiihs and what was alleged liy ( 'miuiscI afiuv.said, and the Special Jury h.-iviiin' found .a verdict in faxor .i|' the I'laintiir with d;iiiia,:.;es assessed at S2,.'iOO. and the said The llmioralile Sir M:itlliew I'laillii I'li-'jl.ie. Klliuhl. ( 'hief Justice. h;l\illLi ordered that judnlliellf lie elltereil for the ri,-iinliir i'or SL'."iOI) and cists i,f suit. This Court d,.ih order and adjiiduv that the I'laintilt' do rec'i\ei against the Del'eiidanf 82, -MX) d.am.-iues .-ind his costs ,if suit to he taxed. 40 I'.v the L'ourt, etc. nniiiiii Ntsi ruij A Niw 'ritiAi,. IN IIIK sri'llKMK <'(M irr n\- |;|;ITIS|1 ('( M,!' \l l;l A TlIK iri.l, col |;t i'lllCSKVr: TIm' li'ii„,nilpli- Mr. .Iii-.ticc ( 'rnixc. Till I IuihumI'Ic Mr. .lustier ( li'iiv. 'I'hc ilnliMiMlil.' Ml .Inkier MrCivJL'Iit, X3 Kl T" AA/ E 3^ isr rilK ll(»N(i|!,\lil,K (IKOKCK .WllhiNV W.M.K ll.M A .V I ) I'hiiiiuir. |).\VII> UllJJ.Wi.S JIICCI.NS, l>i IViiilniii. Fi;ihAv Till. -J-Jmi Dav nr .Iri.v, A.l>.. Is.s?. I'juiti iiiiition llii.sila\- niii'lc miln llii-^ ( 'mirt lpy .\l r. 'I'lii'inldrr 1 )a\ii', I,',' '.. ol' cumi-.c! for till' i >i'tViiiliint ; ii|ii)m ri'iii|iim' tin; ]ili'ailiii:4s, i|iii'iiiiii'iit,iii'y I'viili'iicr. I'l'm't ciliii^s ,il tin trilll, till' llnti"i 1)1' tlir ('liirf .1 list iiT,*t. t lir tli.ll 1 1|' tills iirti'ill of tlir :!()tli i|ay nf .lllllr. .\.l ». 1.S.S7, ami ilimli lirariiiL;' w liat was allru'''''! Iiy ivniiisrl jiir llir I li'tVii'lanl it is i.ril.Tnl that till' I'laiiitill 'lo, upon 'I urs.lay, tlir -JCtli ilay ol' .Inly, IssT.at tli.' Iioiir ul' rlisni o'clock, in tlir fori '110011, ^lii'W caiisr why llir liiic|in',^> of tlu' 'jiiiy aii'l I li.' jnil'^im nl ilincl'il to 111' I'lili'l'.'il in this action shniilil not l.c s.t a-i'lc aid why ,i mw trial -hoiilil not he I'O ilircclnl of this act ioii ii|iiiii the follow iii'^' ;_''niniiils. that is to ■-ay : — 1. That at th.' trial of tin' -ai' I action I he ( 'hi.!' -I ii-t ice '-hoiiM have chareeil I h. jnry that the ]iiil.licariiin in i|iiesiion wa- not a lihel unless ealculatcil lo injure the I'laintilK aini that in ileci'liic^- wliethei' ihc |iiililicatioii was calciilateil to injure or not they iiiii-.| take it as a. whole ailil not rel\- ii|mii isul.iteil pas.^aees : that allhoicjli one ]i.'is,-,a;.';i' nii.;lit of it-elf he injurious vet they niii^t consiiler wliethev other parts o|' the wriliic^ iliil not iiciitrali/.e the injiir\-, that the haiie ;in'l the antiilote mn^l lie lakeii toevther ami if, JhIl;'!;!,!.' hy this test, the imlilicat ion was imt injiirioii-. the Defcmlaiit was eiititleil to a \er'liet. •J. That they inil-.t coii^iiler whether the ohjeet of the puhlicat ii ai wa- to ih fame or (o \ iuilii'.-ite the riaiiitiirs character: if the latter then the Defenilaiit wa- eiititle.l (o a ;!() verilict. ."!. Thai as-niiiin.fj the pulilie.'itinii to he lihellnti-, t!i" report ha\inu' '"'cn taken from another paper in l;ooi| f.iith, anil withiiiit any esiili'nce uf express malice, the I'laintiti' luis'iiig .shewn no special ilniiia;j;i', the jury ^liouM '.^ive only nominal ilama_L;-es. ■I-. Tli;it lllr ( liirt' .lustier llli-^.lil. •(•!,■,! ill, > jlliy III I. Mill- tllrll, ll;|l lllr | 1 1 1 i| i s! |. ■, i words wiTi' a lil.i'l i!' \\,ry w.'iv .|i-|i;ira-iii'4- n|- calriilatrd (.1 inllict iiimtal pain and injury apart. Cniiii prciiniary Ins^, •"'. 'I'liaf tlir ( 'hirl' ,liisiii-c lui-diivti'd thr jury in IrllitiL: tin in t" liiid wIhiIlt llic piil>licaliMii wa- tiiii' ur ii'pI. ur iiistiiird '.r -I"!, as iiriiInT trutii 111,1- i'Klilii'alioii \va- plrad. d. •' . 'I'liat llir ( 'liii'T .liistic.. m-id in I'i'adiii- t.. 1 lir jury .; case i.t' l'.r\ c-r \ s. Ku^di n siiicr ilial r:\-r was an inipiopia- -iiidr willi rrt'cr.iicr lu tin- law appliiaM,' l.i tliis aclinn, 7. 'I'iiat tlir ( 'luri' .liisiicr ^liiiiild li:|\n ii,|m ih,- jiiiy lliat wliiUi if fins I'Miind tin- |iiiMicatiiin lilirlliius t!i.' law iiiiplird malii-i'. yil, l.y sm-l' implird nialin- was im ant im r.|\ till' alis.'iicr (if li'Lial t'xciisc. and tliat tli-y \vi. ild iml i.<- jasi ilj.d in visiilnu' larrndant willi IC Mil sianliai, iMinplary n\- \ indirii\r daiha^i- iinlrs.s ,ali-lird tliat In was ■^nilty <•[ rxpirss liialii'i'. ill' wliirli llirrr was nn I'sidiiicc. ■^ That till' ( 'liirl' .hisi jcr laid luwii iii. prnprr riilr as a ijiiidi' to iIh' Jiir\- in assr-^in- diiniuui's, oiit allowed llh'iii to iiiidirstand tlial tln-y wi-iv a; lilirrU to •_<;':\,. siij.staiii iai dania^i's witlioiir lakiii^ into considoiai i.in ilir i|iiisliiiii of r\pi-rs, inalicr. !•. 'I'lial til" Cliirf .liisfic- >li,,iild haM'diri'rti' 1 tlir jnry that in tlir al.smro of i.-xprrss inalici' the riaiiit ■!!' w as nit itird 1,1 iioiiiii.al daiua^i-s oiil\-. ID. 'I'liat till' olisiTValiolls 111' till' I'lli.f .lllslir,. ,,|, ihr snli),r! nf 1 1 lo pii I illcat ion o|' reports uf judicial proeeidiiius were eal'-iilated lo mislead tin- jury, sinee tlie i|iie-tioii of die i-orreetiie>s of a report of a judicial proc'cd inu "II ! \ arises \v liei-.- wliat piirpoils to lie sueh :0 a report ispliMisiied witlioiit eoininelil . and there is raised a~ a defence tlie Jilea of ]i|i\ilr;^i I I. That ill direetiiiLi the alteiiti 'ii of the jury to Hie law respect iii:^- eriiiei^ f ili, niililie acts i,f piililic men ihe ( Tie!' .Iii^lii rred. in ihat he assuiiici us pru\ ed that tin articde in i|Uestioii iuipiited a cliarue ol' corrupl ion to the plainliii'; whereas lie diould have left it to the jury to say whether tiie artiule ci uld he mi e.instriied, I::. That lie Chief .li|s|iie en-eil in iiisti iiii ii.^ the jury that I he iiiteiil ioii of the artiide was noi malei iai. 1-1 Till! the ( 'hief Jii^iie.. ■,hMiild have ruled iiiid ehai.:eil the jury thai lliepiihliea- tioii w.is iiieapahh' ol' Ihi iiiniieii !■,. and llni ii wisir'ta liiiel. 1 k That the I 'liief lllslice llllplopelly rejeeleij the e\ idelle.^ nf a slllliniolls to alllelid :;() the p|e;ii|in;;s l.'iideied .i|| In liad' of the |)ef, iidaiit. I ■"' 'Idiat the ('iiief .liisiic impropi-rly rejee|e,| ihe iiewsjiapei ^ eoiitaiiiiii'^ favoralili I'Ollinielll tellilel'i d as e\ idellee oil I lee oil liehall III tile Defeliilant. hi That the ( 'hi, .f .Ill-lice ii|lpr,lp,'rl\ rejei'tcl till' 1 \ i iellce of the willle-^i.'s l!ol.s,in lloolh t, '11, level ,,ii i,, li.iil ,,f til" hifi'irl.int. HV the I'Mlirt. (Siu'iieih II \i;\ i.v I'KoMiii:, I'eMilv-lleuistr; K) OiMMk l)rM-i:.\i;i;iN'i <>!;ipm! Ni,-i i-ni; ,\ N'i,\\ Ti;rAi.. liKKolii: •I'll!', M'LL cnrin'. l'i;i:si;.\T: The llcUh'nililc M i . .Iii.-tirc Crcn.-c ■['lie il(il|('l;ili|i- Ml'. .Ill>l!rr ( •Vii\ . IIIkI 'I'Iic ll'il|nr,;li|r Ml'. .Ill-lire Mc( rfii;iit. jE^ -P-.T' VST" HJ E OST ■I'lJK ii(»N()i;.\i;i.i: cKoUdi'. A^■'^i^'^■^■ W'.XLKK \Mi |>.\\ll> WILLIAMS I1|(:<;1NS, iiH'.w iin: 1 ' 111 I )i'i'ciiilaiit l>..\V nr ()i'loi,i;i;, A.I > . \' Kin rcailiii liliU' lilt' ni'il.r iii-i i'.ir:i ihu iiial nnnir in tlii- '•;iii>c nh llii ■Jliiiil .lav i<\ i1m' -J-irn, 27lli and :^Sli di'.vs ..f .Inly. l^sT. Mr. il\-. .\ . 1 >.. 1^^^7. n|iiiii lu-ariiiu on lliriiMit. am; .vli'. 1 Iraki' ■riiciiilorc jiavif. ^».('.. u|' cunnsfl I'nr tlic I »i'l'i'iiihinl in >nipii<)ri (J.C. of roiiiwel. I'.ir I'hiintill-'. This ruiirl ilid ..nlci' tliat llic >;ti'l inatl-'i' -Im.iiM Mam; fi.rjii(l",'ini'ni. ami tlii- niatti'i' i'(iiiiin;;' "ii tlii> >\:\y I'nr imlti'incni in prc-i'in',' of .•nnn-c! lorc-aiil. I In- <■! nrt tlotli iinlcr thai lli«' said unlr!' nisi \n 111' ilisi-liai'ii'i'il wii li i-iisl- til ii taxed and l.aid Kv Defendant to I'laiiilitl' i'nrtliwitli al'tcr taxatmii tl )V the Full Ciiiirt. II Mivicv Com I; n- ,i,., tMcit,. Im.vm.i.I thn-,r 'ivl'rrr-l tu. Tl,.. I'laiiititr i^ nur nf tl„. JM.luvsuflhr Supivnu. Caut. Tli.'l),.|',.|..laiit lia.l \n-ru r..r many y,.ar>, an.l \va- at tli.' liin- nf tli.- puMicatioii ,.,Mni,laiur,l ,,|-. tl,r ),n,|airl.a-ai.l ,.lil..r nl' tli,- Daily llritisl, ( 'nluinM . a n.'W.paiHV puh- lisli.MJ in Viclnria. In .lunr, 1SS2. thr I'laintitf w.,- rai-..,! to tlir IVni'li. \-'"V im years avvinn>tutl,al -lale 1„. lia^l 1 u nw uf tl,. Ira^linu politirians oHhr Provincr. an.j u a^ 1" i-Niiincr (iT Lanils 10 t,,„,i .liuir. iMs. .. .Innr. M), I'nnn.T :,r tl,r ii,.v,rnnwnl, fliirf Cnnnni-Monrr an.l \V,a-ks, Attnrn, y-< Im-ial, an.l a uwuA'rv .if tl.r Kxcciliv.. (\,nn.-il ..f ll..- I'n.vin.-.-. Ani.Mi"' ll..' vari.ins.luli.s i..Ttainin- t.. lii~ ]..,.ili.,n. in l-.^laaiavy. I s^O !..■ lia.j nn L.^lialf ofd,.. (mv.TinMnit .■nt.av.l int.. a r.a.lra.-t uill, ..n.^ M.^Nan,.- an.l ,.i1,.ts f,,r tl,.. .M.nstriH- ,i,„, ,.ra dravin^' ..v Prv l)...-k at i;^.,ninialt r..r a sum in r..nn.l nnniL.T-^ ..f ^.-i.-.l OOO, an.l in (lrl..l..'r. l.sMl'a >.•.-.,.! .-.aiti-a.-t in li.-u (li.T.'..f f.a- tl- >an,.. work, an.l in th.^ saiif ,i„„,„nt. In th.' i.r..-i-.'-.>f llial u-..rk .■..ntlirts at .liir-ivni tiin.- ar..>.' l..'lN\v,-n tli.' c.n- tra-t..r^ an.l tlu- I'laintiirin tl,.' .liM'haruv .if Ins ..! i-ial .Ir.ti. -, an.l w.t,- Mill nna.ljnM.Ml at ,]„, ti, ,f l,is ..|,.vati..n t.. tl... H.'n,-1,. <»n th.^ -Jatl, N.,v..n,li..r, I^n:., the IMVlKUuit pul- lisJHMl in hi- ]ia])er tho fnUowin:^' n rtii-l.' Tin: M. N.\Mi;r.-Mi i< iii;i !■ >^iii'- 20 In th N\v.ini cviilenci' oi Mr. M ■ Nan , .l.f-n.lant in ili.' s\nt ..f M.'K.aina \s. M. lat.lv tri."l at • )lta\va. lli.' f.n..\vni- na- ■.hip (in th.' I)ry.l...-k (-..ntva.-ti .mt in Uriti -1, C.l .-.['U' i.i-i'urs: ■■ Six ..f thein \vciv in i.artn.r- iinil.ia. ..n.' "f wii.'ni was ili.' I'r.-niief .it til.' rr,i\inc. 'I'll.' I'r.nii.'V i.f th.' rr.ivin.'.' at i!'..' tun.' r.'l-rr. .| t.. w: ll.m. Mr. Walk. '11 jmlpi' I'f th.' Snpri'iii.' * '.>nil Mr. Walk ■111 - .-ar.'. r ...i t he Iteiii-h has I II al" reiii'.)ai h. II Is I'.ini's. l,a~ l.eeii sn.'h ■•,> t.. win I'.iv h'lii lli-' a.lniirali..n .if ni.atiy "f nis ixilitu-al cneiiii.'. M.N iniee lulls lUt h.' .iw.'s It III llllll- t I'.' lali'iiiiiL'.' nn.h'i- a mist I.I r.'fiit.' thi- I'har W. ■■iir.' I hat Mr. ik.'. lla.i th.. -I.'il. It 1 iiieiit I". '11 mail.' .tl ih.' --tan. It w. .11 1,1 l„iM' l...n .M'.iiil.'.l as nnirn.'; Iml ha\ in- h.'.'n ma.l.' uii.l.r th.' -aiic. n ilh it eanii.'t lie treat. '.1 liuhtlv Imr all.iw.-.i t.i ]■ is- anli.'.'.l.'.l ;{(» l'",,!' th.' i.nlili.ati.'ii .if ihi- arliel lii.el on hi-- I'li.-iraet.'i'. Th.' lil„.l, ,,r was -.. int n.le.l. .\ft. the I'lainiiiriii'.iii-ht an iictinti illh-uin.^ it t.. he a n.'f.'ii.lant a liiiitled th.' luiMic it i.m. hu t ileiii.'.l ;liaf it \v: 1' \ ail. Ml-- '.. a\ . th.' I'jfi.' earn he :!()ih .la\ ..f .Inn.' Ills, h.i.ir. ih.'thi.f .In-ti.-.' iiinl a sii.'eial .|iiry t that it was n lih.'l. aiel a--se,^ iinler for imli^iU'iH th.reiiii. K 111 l.ir I i'lal a I \'iet( he |iii'y liiiin ll ll.,' ,l:i iii-2')0(i, mill the Chi.'f .lilsliee eralite.i an Th.' (' ■I f,,r th.' Defeiiilanf ii 's for .'1 11 'Nv tnal .m lie -.'\era 1 er.ani.K j.aiti h. iii,|..iiM'iits of m\ tw.i l.'arii" 1 hi'ethr.ii. Iail\ ■-'■I f.iiih ni III. ,1 l'„i'(,re a.lv.'rtine t., th,--. |..,ints it is w,ll t.. \ails that a .^r.'at.'i' l.-iiilil'le is all.iw,.| to i.tlMis'. ik. a f,.\v ..lis.'rvatiolis. .\n i.l,";l |>r.- . ami |,r..|irii t 'I's of lU'W-spaj. vs than to Mt 42 (illiir n|Hiii ;i ]ii''^illiMi| Mrminii III' |iiiMic |i(ilii'y, I liaf in I lii'oi'y liny Mir lln' iri-.|Hii-,ci'-i- ipf khiiwli'il'^i' Mini 'hii'.i^ I '--^i '11 1 i. -I I Id ilii' |iiiMir WfHair, ;iii'l. I lifiiI'Mi'i'. lu lir Ic-,^ ii-l raiiicil lliaii ciIh'C^. I'liis i^ II ^lavi' iiii-iaki-. Tlic |prM|iiir|iir anil |piilili-lii r dI' a iicw ~.|i;(|H'r l;i"s ililc) till' lai^iiii-,-, |.] make iiiniMy I'm' liiiii-' IT anil I'ainily. jil-l a-. I'Miy ctlicf llll-^illl■-,s mall ilii.v. I|r -lia|»'- lii^ ciiiir-.i'. ihii IVuiii ali\- jiart n-iihir Im\-.' of i lir |m'(i|i1c, liiil I'lraii^c it siiils lii^ iika>, i>r li-' lliiiik^ it will iiiinu liim in iiioir -iil.-i-iilu i'^. i.r in -Liiir uay in tin' i'ImI 1ii"-| jii'iiiiiuM' lii~ I" ciiniar) >'V |m-i -inal iiil'i. -I--. It i> a matt.r n|' trailr nv liii-ilir-s jn-^i a-- iiiiicli a- "-.llin'^ 'Iry uiii,.i> nr ^mcciirs nr liijiiiii-,. aipl a- a in-w -|ii|" r |iiii|iiifliir he i^ iim| lin tlial caparilx al i I'lilitli.! In cii'lit f.a- li'ii ■i-'tn nr pliiiant lii'ipv iimi .■ t liaii (It 1 1' a- IIMikl--. W lin llrM !■ |a'. I.lhl lliat tln-y -11 llirir -nn.U I'. 11- tin- k.\,' (if tlic I )ilc. I hi 1(1 .stlch a |iiu|aii'liir llicfc i^ im |iiililii' liutx' iiii|iii^i d nllnf than i^ iiii|i(i^(i| (Hi cscry (dlicr man. na ly, to do wliat i^ liijlit and lidiic-t and I'air. nr take tlic (■iiii>((|iiciic-(>. His t'lli'ilitic.-' t'(ir diiiliL;' ijiind aic uicatcl-. liccaiisc lie can •j'wi' a -rcalc( lai'cniat inn t(( lii^ iilcas wliciiunnd tliaii pel .>nn-^ lint ~i 1 1 1 i I a I'l s' ^i 1 1 la t (■( I : ciinally ai'i' lii-- pnw cr- I'm' dniii'^' liarm nr injiiiN' ui'calcf, lii'can>c lii< |inisnii i-. ninii' widily di-t! li'iM d. With tlii- (li-lincl iiii(|(i-.tanilitiii rlicii that U'W^pajicr prnpi'icl(ir> lia\ c tint, in law. one iota lA' pri\ilc^rc nmr. than anv ntlicr ma;i.\\( nalilially a^k wliat is t'li- Licncial rule willi n't'crcncc In lil((d. it ■liii\cs its nriuin IVmn ,■ nni-cc lii^lici- than human Ian'. "'riinti shall imt licar t'a.l-c \vitiic-s a-aiiist tliy nciLiidmi-, .. Mud is thai w hiidi. when wiilhii and pulijishrd i.. calciihitcd In injurn a iiiiin in the fslini.ali' I'nvmcd ni' him h) his f'(dlii\v im n ; id nni n.cc^-,arilv tliat ha^ iiiiuic.l. Imt is calciilatcil Ik ii-ijinc. tn hiiiii; him intn cniitcmpt. In hnl(| him up In ridicule. In c\pnsc hliii In cDiitumi'ly make decent |)enp|e dntn him. and In wnund his rc(dii|es and iiurl him hy tic f,ar n|' such cnnsiM|iience^ ; and still lunic is it a lili( I when the alleiX'ili'in d' i'ael i~ inilvue. .\ man wlm ;'(is ri^hliy and Imiie^lly i- entitle(l tn the fc-pect ami ( ^teeiii nf li i - l'( d Inw ( i 1 i/.elis - i t i- a li^lil wliich is \alllaMl', which can he ncasiu'cd, and ni peisnii hy t'al-e npi c-ental hdis is justified in dejiriv ine- liini nf ili.ai liuht. Ii ihe r.iprescufitinn he 1' i' the law .as the uuaidian nf sncial and pei-niial iiL,dits. i. 1 1 plies malice and dues \mt V'oi|iiii'e prnnl' nl' aciiial iiiarn ■' : if actual malice i-, jiiiinimI It iia''r i\ .lies the iilt'eiice aii(l increase the d.1 II I- niilv iiecessarv tn nd'ef tn sn niu(h nf tlic law (if lil id as hcar.s upnil ffijs case, ;?0 "n(|iie^li(.iialiiv the I>(d'ciidniit iscntillcd tn have the v, hnle arti(de he piihlislicd lakdi ilit( pa>sae-e iherc s(d,'clei| and ilweli upnii. i.ut the whnlj Cdllsidel'at inn lint a p,i->>aL;e helC nv a fi'niii its lir^t Id its lasi . and tn h ■ c 'nda ailed nr ac(|U iltcil acini(litiel\'. .\eain. the iniciitinii wdtli wliiidi lie pii!,|i-heil it. in the ahsiract \ iew, whether the |iuhlicati(iii h(i Ic^al (ir nnt mii~t he jiidcid f'nin iheaiii(de. Tile p iihli-her maysax, in fact may p( rsiiade hims. If thai hi- n'lj cl w 1- a l;i I nlm l.iil an ni|i ininrx" tn aiintlier i- iml e\ci;sai.ie ln.-ause vnii allee( hie In lleer d in I cut inn-. .\ m 111 nf n;-.|i liar \- - II- ■ ,|. I 1 im Ui -cue i and it i- not cniitei) tented that the !)■ II |;l'ir WIS n! !i ■!' .vise I Mill -t he jii 1 ; 1 h,- !ii-; a •!-. II ■ mu-i h • pi'e-unie I In know- I Ik if what he -:i\-, aid the c in-eiiUen -•- ((f wdiat he di i- ah-nrd ti ) SMV Vnll died 1 man. w ! i \ nu led ic • rea-nii I, din;a-t. a I ue| 111 Ciller In all'iKl hini 40 f i.r(i\ ill" t hat lie vva- linin -I. la- In knn(d< :i ni.an'-. !ee| h nil I w hn liad e|\ cil an nppnit llllil \ ni I lin nH'ellCe. In -a \ c hilll flnlll a p(i--ili|e Ini ih'che !■ leMl'ter It i . lint wllct MMl inlelldeil. nl' (ilh ue vmi mien led hut the lin--ili|.- etfecl whildl te-ts the leealilN alld lliak I! an nitellci MailV pel-nil-, . )f e\C( llelll illtcnlinlls (in llllil cnllimnll -I Use alld iellnfc nllicr penpl s riu'ht- h Icirm when llie\ e(, hevdlid t he hnUllds nf Auaiii, dial (111- lil.rlloii^ iiiliclc Wiis |iiiiJislic.| \y mi-iiikc. is iim .•xciim' : mic man lia> im li-lit Id ihjmx' aiiutlirr iliniiinli cai-i'lcsMirs- ; cMiy man i> lionii'l In rcMnlalc lii^ n.nilncl an^l niaiia,:^r liis liiisiiicss in sucli a way a'^ n'lt lo injuri' annlju'r in tin' ex. r(i-.c m- i'nj(.\- m• in\-,ili'l in' I n;- stripp ■ I .il' ils eH'.i-t 1,\- i h'. e.irt nhsirv/it imis lie may m;ik'._in answer In p;iiticular i|nes|i ms sul'initte'l hy tic enm scl al'ier flic charge has heel/l u L 'l ll l illl ' ll ^r . Il is tn he iHilUe in illiu'l tluil l'.fn|.e th.- j IH I ^■e ch;n'_i 's, the C.'Unsel {•an always call his at tent inn \" any pai-ticulai- ilirectinii in l-iw he ma\ wish him In L:i\e, nr 40 tlie cniisl riictinii he may cnnteml Wiv as in an\' ilncunieni nr |ini-tinn nf the e\;i|'.iice : he can prntecl himself aii'l I he inieiests ni' hisclieul i.'nst timr.iuelily in thai !-es|iect liiit raisiii^f 44 tlicM' |iniiil~ al'lcr llic rliai'Lir, ti'liiU (iiimI is >unii'liiiii'-- ilililr!' ^Il Im 'li^liacl tin' altfiilinn 'il' l!lr JUI V I'l'ilH I 'ir Ciill^i.li'laliiill of lllr U lliili' ^lllijicl , alpl I I !•■ j II. I ^c llli'illl \M'I1 lll'll^'' til |irniiit l!r'i:i to Im' lirai'il lltilil al'irr tlir jiliv li;i'l iTliri'il, IT linn, alnr ||l■^^ll--i..||, llir |hiiiii^ air (iT siilliciriii iiii|iiirlanri' 111 rri|iiiir it-im-I i iirl inii In ilii' ,inr\. iIh' jiiis ran In' iv I'alliil. It' llli' Jll'luv i> ill ilT'ir ill IMi! ilii'lllill^ |l|ini nf -nllilirlll illl|Mi| t llirr In irrall tlir .jiii'v, llir I'liiiiiM'l will lia\c ]iri s.i\ ri| lii», ri^lii i i liiin- ilirni lufnir iIh- [■'nil ( ■uiirl. Th" i|l|<-.liiill. lIliTrl'i'lr lliTf i-. ildrs tllr ( 'Il id' .1 ll^l ici • - clia I'-i ■ c i\ i T all lllr urnlllnl lllilt WM-- ii''ci-'.ai\ ill law I'l 11.' jiiil lirl'iiri' ll,.' jnrs in ihi^ ra^.'. iTiin'inl.i'iiii.^ llml in lil.i'l >ilils lllr jlllV air jlllji^c.s lit' lllr law as well a> of I llr I'acI s. It' il llnr> lli\rr;lll lllr ui-.iini'l. il i> 111' nil niliM-i|iiriii.i w lial .■in.-.w ri'> lir ina\ ._i\ r i .i r.ain-rl in i|i|r-l i. .ii-. lai-nl in l In- iH.i.jr III al"i\ r ilhliralril. il' llinsr ah-\\r|N linWrVi r illrnlii|i|. |r aiviml c. il ll I'm I id nr \ 111. ny !||r.,n- >i-.|riit \villi lllr Law lir lia.l a'l.'a.lv laiil ilnwn. ('nilli-rl lalilinl a-k Inr in.iir lliali is Sllllicirlll, I lllillk I hr I 'llirf .hlstirr'- cliar^r wllrll raill\ rNaillillr.l .|i.| rnS .'T all t lir ■U'loll 1 M 1 all' I uillimil cnnilllrlll ilr^ ill ilrlail ll|i..ll Mr. |)a\i.'-- nl.irrtinn-, wllirll liaVr lirrll al|s\\rl..| liy in\ Irani. il lii'.'l lii'rii as Tar .is was iiri'rssai'\ . it il. is ii ii sr..ni In iiir Jril Ms iiliji-rl inns an- 111 sll||i|.i,.||t W..i._;llt tn nvrrri.lr lllr llllill'^s a 11' I rlial'^v 111' ill.' I ran in I I 'lli.'l' .lllslirr al I 111' trial. Ii'iilr -J.sJ nl' iiiir Sii|ii('iii.' ('.iiiil lull's, s.ivs r\|irrss|y: A iirw irial sliall iml 1..' ■'r'l'antrll nil lllr "1.11111.1 'A' 1 1 1 i si 1 i Trr t inll , n I' i A' ill.' 1 1 1 1 ] irn| II ■ 1' a i 1 1 1 1 i s • 1 n| I nr li'jl el i.rll nt'lO •■ rN'iilriicr iiiiirss in tlir n|iiniiiii nf tllr I'lill cDiirt sniiir siil isi aiit i;i I N\ inii" nr iiiisfariiaur ha.s ■• liri'll llli'l-rli\' orciisinnrij ill lllr ll'i.ll nf I lir art ion," a 11. 1 .-iftrr I li.' Iii.isl, I'MI'rflll rnllsiilrni- linii. wrranimt sa\ llial .'iiiv siilistaiil iai w im |.'' Hi' lillsca rria.'i' lias lirrn nccasinliril li\ llii niliii''s nr 1 liai-rr n\' llir ( 'liirf .lllslirr at tlir llial. Willi I'rfi rnirr In till .laiiia..^rs fniili'l I aiii li..iinil In say llirv s.'riii tn liir fn 'ic severe. iinnrers-anlN' sr\ n i III' euiisi I'liii i\ ,' iiialirr 111 law \\,'isani| .|\ siillicirnl In sustain II M'liliri, liiil iin i'\|ir.'ss nialii-r was |irn\ I'll ; ii.i ariiial ilamaur was sIhwii. imiir ..'Hl.i,' .1 lir ilainarrs w rl'r errtallils r.\ l\ r.\rliililai'\'. tlinii'l I II eaiiiml In' sail theV Weir \ inniein e. Tlir l.'iw. Imwrser. riii| ilial ira ! 1 \ liiakrs llir ) my ill liL.'l rasrs llir snlr jiiilr.s . .f I In aliiDllIit, ainl III lin rasr i 1 ii's I lir ( '..iirl iiilri f.'i'r iiiik'-s |lir aiiiniml is ,i i 1 1 1 1 n 'a si ijia 1 .1 r I lial nil ilmilit '.W si ii\' iin|ii'iiprr inlhlriirrs 11 ixiie^ ii|i .1 (111 ll. ■ llllll.ls nf llir .h In I Ills e 1 -^1 nnriii|.4' if that kiinl lias lirrii s| irwil nl' sii._.'M|.>,tri| ln;'\ w a ■ a .pi •ial .hll'V. :lii| i; ia\ lir llial I'm' iiiaii\ rrasniis I lli'V rnllsi.lrrrii il r-srlll Ial I" lllr 1 h s| ll illfrrrSis nf iM- I'l silirr llial lili'llnps ,',;|.l'ks llpi'll I Ip is|' | .1'. .ill i 11. 1 1 1 ly ri .1 1 1 irrl i ' I Willi till' a.liiiiiiisira' I'.ii n: iiislirr slimilil nnl lir |i"rinii |r,|, aiel tli:il in lliis |. n i i, iilav cisr the Dri'rililani liail Wnliill llisrwll Iraril |ll'ni if t 111! t til. ' el la I'Li'i' .'I'J a i I Isl till' Iraiiinl jinl.^.'. wliicli he |nil.l!s|i,'i|. v'las rntii'i'U williniit fniiin lii I inii . a ;ii 1 iinlrril was iiiil sn |.iiinti'i| at liiiii as t(,» 111- apiiliralilr wil 'iniit sn._;'.irstii)n, nv 1)11 Ills l.rlialf In ll 'I pi ill' run I rail in inn. II fai t 1 1;: t his pni lir ii imi if till' I'Xtraet I'-:/!, I, I ,s' rn III lit' II /s was llir |il illllllral inll nf a sta trniriil li\ liiiiisrit .'in rli'.l al llir Plain' ilk ra Iriilaln I In ilania'jr lie I'lailil ilk, w liirli 4(| fill' l>i'frl|i|alll !lai| tlir inrallS nf kllnwinr' in k,- lintlUe, .'iml wllirll lir rnlllil frnlll liir li! Ill hi- i.Wll IlrWSliaiirr ll.ivr ilellieil wlirll lir | ll' '1 iskri 1 1 1 ir a ll ill ". 1 HI. 1 1 r ' rl i 11 s.i I, Alsn liis niiiis~inii to r.i ii|iiili till' si.'mhI as a wiiiirss, ami lii-; irliisal iluiiii'^ llir liial in IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) V. / // '<' C<'x ^ 1.0 Iri^ii^ I.I it lis, 12.0 1.8 1125 i 1.4 ill 1.6 V] <^ -c*l '>iiiiii''l in law as nciw ln-M willi !■ rrniicc tn iilcl.llial llic jury I'l'ili^ jiiiluif.s l.iilli nt' llir law aiMl llir I'acI s, ci ii>iil.i( d llic ir tiiiiliii_u a> no n >IiaiMt !i|iun till' lil.city (if tlic |irt->s: l«iit siiii|ily tlic vimlicatioii cf a |iiinci]'al i— -cntial In - 1 yiA.'iniiirnt, iianiily. lliat ill.' aiimiiii^tratiuii of the law mi^lii in he and -Imiild Im', )iiiic mill iiii|iarlial ami tlial tlm-.i' i'iit,'ai;i'i| in tin' iliM-li-ii'^c nf otlii'ial iluty nnnrciiil ilirirw iili siiniiM iKit, lir uiiti'iily as->ailc'il in tlidi' prrsciiial cliai at-tt'is so as t,olute. His first jioini was : I. "That at the trial of the -,;iid action the ( 'hief .lusiic,' -.IkjuM have charL:ed the " dnry that th" piihlicatioii in i|iie-,tion was not a lilnl unless calculated to injure the ■• I'laintiir, and that in decidiiii; whether the iiu'olication was calculiiteil to injure cu' not. ■ ihey must take it as a whole, and not rely u|>ou isolated iijissa^-es ; thai althou:;h one ■passage iniehl of itself h,' injurious, yet tliey iuu--t con^iiler w lieihi'i- othir parts of t he liO " \.ritiii.i,' did not iieiitrali/.i' the injury; that the haiie ami the aiitidcjte mu'-t he ,akeii " toei'iher. and if jiidL^iiiu' h.v this t,'st tlie puhlicatioii was not injurious, the defendant wa^ " entitled to a \erdict. •The alle-ed lihel i. as follows: "Tin: Mr\.\Mi:i:-.\ln('iii:i 1. Sin' '■ In the sworn evidence of .Mr. McN'ainee. I lef, ndaiil in I he suit of MeKeniia \. Mc. " Naiiiee. Iatel\ trii'd at ( Mtawa. the I'ollowiii^ p.is^a^.' occurs : " Si\ of iheiii Were in pailner-hip in the I )ry I lock coniract on I in l!i ili^li ( 'olunihia, "one of whom was the Premier of tlie l'ro\iiice. "'{'he j'l'emii'i' ,ii the Province at the time nfernd to was Hon. .Mr. W.ilkem. now ;i 3J " jlldu'e of the Sllpre'iC' <'iurt. .Mr. W.-llki'lus career on the IJellch has heeli ahov (' re- '■ proacli. IIi> eoiii>e h.a-, 1 c 'II ■,i!ch as to v\ in f'li him thi' admirati.pii of iiuiiiy of hi-- old " Jiolilical enclilies Hut hi owes it to hilll'-elf to refute this char;^e. We feel >lll'.- that .Mr. • .McNaniee must he l,ihoriii'4' iniiler a mistake, jh-id ihe slati-meiit heen made oil' the stand "it Would h.'iv e heell .~i oil ted as llllt I'lle : hut ha vill^' I leell lllilde Ulli |i r the -:|||liil V" o|' all oath ■ it cannot he tnaled li'.:htly nor allovveil to p,'i-s imheeded." .Mr Tlicidor,' |)avie ai-'jiie.l at !en'_;th vvilli ,i view |.i show lli.it theleariieil ('hief .lustici' in his charge h,'id treat, d of the liist |iart ij' tic pul'licatioii. v i/.. : 4(1 ■ Si V ..r Ilicii, uc If ill |iarini i>lii|. ill till' I ii\ I lurk i liiii-lMiil in I'.iit i-li ( '..|ii:iil.i;i. '■ Olll' lit' wll WHS tllr I'ri llliiT ,il' <\\<' l'lii\illi-r ' ;is l.filli;- )|lii| t' illl 1 11 irlllllcr ill lllr i|,i(stinii 111' iilii'i (ir iiii lil.cl. iumI wi'iil, tliinn-li thr ■-iiiiiiiiiii^- Uji for that |iiiiiiir,f, NH ilmilil tliri-c arc n-niarlo m|m'|i t.i Mirli iTiliri>iii, llmu-li I il,i iiui tliiiik lli. jury 'muM lia\i' sii iiiiiirlvtniiil iIhiii: lor tlial |ias>a;ir takni jn r si i-, nliiiii-.t liaiiiiirs, in iIh' llaiiil ill' r.'i'i rriii'f ;;> ii <[n,-. iiiiiitl'i-ifiilly !•> lUiy ><\ ili,. s^vrral ^vnl kMiim wlm lia.l rill.'M ilir ii.i.,ii ii.n <'!' I'li'iiiirr. 'I'll.' t'circr aipl |Miiiit uf thr alh'-r I lilul rmi-i-t-, in lln' ^iii.~iM|ii.nl ininniriiu il|i|ily.lii; ill.' |ia-.~a-v In llir I'kiiniitr i|i>l iml |\ liy liainr, ah. I lalliliL; U|mpii iiim ' tn r. illli' tins cliar^i'" r|i-., rli-,, " in llir -,\viiiii i-\ i.lin,-,- ,,1' MiNaiiif ' ami aiMin-- • tlial lia\ in^' Imtii iiiaili' iiliilrr till- >aiii-tity nf an nalli il caniini lir Irrali'l li^lilU' imr aUnw^.l |.i pa^^ 10 milirrijiil," an iilisfrvatimi wliicli nii-iit ri'iulily !"■ iiii.|rr-.t I a- a i-lialli'ii^v. rs|i,.,iall\ as till' sUL;L;i--li.in tliat " McNaiiirc iiiii>t lie la I Hiring uipIi r a nii^tak.' a- to u li.i w nr lii^ own liarliH'iN. cDiiliI imt liaVr I ii inimili'il to kr takni as triii'. Mr. Tlii'oijori- |)a\ii' iiiailr no ^urli oliirction. as lir now luakc-^, ilurinu l'"' li-ial.on ^lii' contrary lir nrunl llir < 'hii-t' .Jiisi irr to i-liar-v ilir Jury tlial 'it' ilir alli'^v.! lil.rj was fairly "(•o|iii-.| from aiiotjifr iirwsjiapfr miil no iiialii-r. tli^n tlirii' shoiilo kr iioiniiial ilainaurs " tli^riky ail(i|itiiiir tlir virw that tln' tir-i two or lliii'r liii-^ of tln' artirlr alom' constitiitril till- liki'l, if any. No (jmitit this coiusr \\ a~ ]iiiiilint for liim ainl in ai'l of liis in-vnious contention that in tln' liist fiw linr- tlirrr w i> ■ tlir kaiH' ' anJ fk.' coiiniirnt on it was tin- '■ an til lot r 'I'll nil' il smn- I kal llir rxait o|i|io^iii- is tlir triitli. \ i/: tliat tliosr linis takrii :?0 uloiir arr iiraily liarmli-s aii'l tin' i-onmii'iit on tkriii liki iloii^ ami liaini'iil. .\ii\liiiw. lir caiimit I jilaiii ol an iiiiilii.' a'Uaiilauv k.-iiii;' ■;i\rii to ki^ i-li.'ut v\ ilk w kirli, of imii; ^.v lir wa.s wrll satistii il at tlir trial. I'Imii lirforr tkr Su|irriiir ( '.ill It I! lllr-, of l^s,l) ( Knlr -JsTt. wll irk -ay tlial ■ a iirw trial ■' .sliall not lir i^raiilrd on tlir ^roiiiiil of iiiisijiirrtioii iiii'.r>s m tin- o[ anion of t lir i''iill ( 'oiirt •■ soiiir sulistantial wrmi^;' Ol- iiii.M-aniaur l::,s lirrn tlirrrl.y orrusionnl," I tliiiik tkr ( 'oiirr wiiuk! lia\r liksii'Marilnl tliis lU'^iniiriii for a nrw trial. •_'. His -^ron.l |i liiil w.a-: ■ 'I'liil lliry irilst roiisiilrr wlirlkrv llir olij.'rl of tkr |ii|iili- "catioii was li .Irfa'ii- or |o vinlir'!' t'lr iihiirill's rli iractrr ; if tlir kit Irr iImh ilir " ilrfrllilanl was riltil Inl to a \r|iiiit." }}() In llaiir \ s. W il-oii. !t I'., ainl ' '., |i. (i+:{, tlir Jilili,'i' nnpoirs to liavr ilirrrt''il tin- .liiry ill this way, aiiil tkr ('.iiirl of <,iii'-rn",s jini k lirM ilrit lir ili'l wroni;' 'I'll.' artiial intriil ion ol ill" I •.•friiil.int i> inini ilrii.il, airl tlirr,- i-, ni iiistaiu-r of a vrnlirl lor tkr Drtrllilanl on llir L;roi|iii| of want of nialirr. | Srr ().k;rrs. |i. ^li I-, anl ra .r- ritnl.] :!, Mr. T. I>a\ ir s tkinl piiini was; ' Thai a-,iliiiiii- tk • ''.liratiou to Kr lili.'llou-. tkr rr|iort ka\in'4 krrn l.akrii from aiiol iirr |ia]iri' in i;ofii| faitk, ainl witlr-iil any r\iii,-ni f (.•\|irr-s malirr. tkr [ilaint ill' lia\ iii^ -lirwii no sjirrial ikiaianr. tkr jury slioiikl i^ixc only ilomiiial ikiman'i'.s. I llrnl not l-rjiral lliy ol isrr\ al iollS on tlir I ),'frml.int's !iixt |r li>lt lo ikr rli'rrl ikal tkr rr)iort as lakrii from aiiotlin- iirw-jia jirr w;is iirirlv liani'lr-s. aii.l ikal in ik" a|i|ilir.il ioii 40 lit' it a 111 I roll I turn I on il aloiir r,iiisi-.tr,| tkr likrl. airl I ik- not tiiink tkr ( 'kiri' .lii-lirr wa-- kouinl to asMiiiir llial llir 1 >i fniilanl arlnlin --.....l f litli, coiwi.lrrinu' tliiit kr .Ic-liiinl to roiiir fiirwanl a.s a witin-s. ■1-7 4, The t'ourtli |Miiiit Wii-. . '■ TliMt till' ( 'liid' .lii-.tici' ini-MlirrcliMl tlif jury in hHiiiL; lli< iit tliiit tlic piililislicil wonis were ji Ijiid. it' iIk y wcii' ilis[i:ira:;in^ nr calciiliiticl U> iiillict iiiriiliil |iaiii and injury, apart tVoin prcuniary loss." lint ijiis is nearly tlic cxni't i\|irrssi(Pii usnl liy Krlly, ( '. l!„ in Ccx \ s. I , L.lt., ) K\. -JsJ.. ami cirarly falls wiiliin tin .lilini- tiun 1)1' IIIm'I eivtii liy hiaf iticil nv nut . as mil lier truth nor justiticiitiiiii was p| ■ailiil." Ic .Mr. T. Davie never olijei-teil to the,!' olp>ervat,i()iis at the trial : .'im! no doiiht he aeti'd prildeiitly, for they Werecalclllaled to ;;i\c the Det'elidailt the lielletil of a plea of jll-t itieal ioll without the peril inrideiitai to pleadine il. In f,u-t th" e.\pressioii "Is it true 'r Is it justitieil :"" seems to lia\e Keen nil inad\'ertence, unehalleneed Ly I )efendaiii's (•oun^el, and without any ell'ect on the jury who. in their \-erdict, only say : " We tind that it i- a lihid.' Kvell hefol-e our Sii/irfiiir (.'mi rl liiilr .'S,' was in force, this ohji'ction Would JU'oliaMy ha\c heeii unteiialili' : and certainly is so now. Points li and 7 may he coinenientiv clealt with toe-ether. They arc : (i. " That till' < 'hief .lustice erred in ri-adin- to the jury tln'casi^ of I'.ryee \ s. Kusileii " since {hat case was an improper euid,- w ith refereuei' to the l.iw applic-ahle to this action. " "20 7. "The ("hi. 'f Jnsti<-e should have told tlie.lury that whilst if they found the puh- '• licatioii liljclloiis, the law imjilieil nialice, yet hy sueh implieil malice was merely meant an " ahsence of lee-al excuse, aid they would Hot he justilied in visitiiin' l>efendani with >-nli- ".stantial, exemplary or \indicti\-e ilama^-es. nnlis-, ^utislied that he was guilty of expi-ess " malice, of which there was no c\ideiice." ThiMpicstion is whether the Jury were misdirectei', so that "some siilisiaiitial wroii;,^ or miscari'iae'c has heeii oci-asioned in thc> trial of the a.'tion'" llryc" \ s. Uiisdeii doe- not seem to have hi'cn c|iiestioned. .M r. 'I'll eo. lore 1 >as ie tniitiiil (laiUii,i;-os witluiiit takin;; into cniisidtTatiini tlii' (|iii'>li(iii ol' •' oxprrss malice." and !>. "Thai tilt' Cliief .[nstirc sliuuld liavc din-ctt-d tin- jiirv lliat in the aliscnci' of "oxpresH nndii'c tin- I'laiiitiiK was cnlitliMl to nimiinal dainaui's ((ni,\ ." .Ml'. '!'. l>a\ii' discussed tliese |i(iiiils tui^etlier, and artrned tliat tiieCiiief Justice should have tiilil tiie jnr,- tiiat niaiic(^ was oniv tlie want ot leifai excuse, and tlialtlH' Jury must iiave timu'riit from the ciiafii-e liiat malice was to l)e Uv'cessarily ini|ilied witiiout any proof. The oltjection as it ainioars uu fiie iKitos of tlio Chief Justice, with whidi alone 1 Ut •• iuivo to deal, is stated thus: "That if tiio puhiicalion was malicious then, althouiih "injurious, it coidd he visited with nominal damaires:" and that I have desci'iiied under |ioints ilniid 7, hut I cannot do hetti'i' than repeat wind liaion lludilleston said in [>i'yi'u vs. liusdi'n. i e. 'Take for instance tlie case of a tfentleman cnijaLrod in commerce iihont whom something wliolly untrue, and wliich alt'ects ids character, has heen written, and in consci|Uence lie is ruined, and itecoines hankrupt liolli in character and capital. What answer is it for thi' person who has caused all that misclnef to say that he lione-tly holioved at the time ho had written wliat he did. that it was true and tlnithc liad written it so helievinii; an 1 witiiout malice '! If siicli a defence wei'e law, how could character ami honor he maintained in tliis country, etc., etc. .'" Suruly tiiis affords a common sense 20 anil leifid answer to points H and !•. 10. Point 10. '■ That the ohscrvations of tlic Chief Justice on the suhjcct of the " puhlication of reports of Juilieial procccdinirs wcri' oiieulated to niisjffid the Jury, since tlic " question of the eorrectness of a report of a judicial iinicccdim; oidy arises wlieii what jair- " ports to he such a rejjort is puliiislied without coimiient. .'ind there is raised as a defence the '' plea of privilege." '{"his sccins to he only a dillrrent way of puttinj,' the ohjcction raised as point I, ancj I need not repeal my oiiservation on it : imt 1 may say tliat if tlie report liad heen imiilished witluait conmient tlu! plaintirt' would have very littlt; or no reason to {■oniplain. 11. Points II \' l-Jarc: "That in directiu'^- the attention of the jury to tiie law :) I '■ respci'tiuo; criticism of the jadilic acts of n |inl)lic in in the Chief .histici' erred, in that lie '■ assiuiicd, as proved, that theai'ticle in ipcsi ion imputed a charLTc of coirnpti.in to the " PlnintiH', whereas lie should h.'ivc left it i.i ihr .Imy lo s.iy whctlier the article the l>efe;idanl I he does not seem to have assumed as proved "tiiat the article, etr . i,,ipnte I a cli ire of corruption to tlie Plaintiff'" forlie loft40 it to tlie jury to say " wiiether ' tlie piiMMicd words were a lihel, i.e. 'Mvere tliey ♦!» lispiiriittini^ or (•alciilulcd V, inllict ini'iital ,t (liil.cl.' Mr. T. Daviu ilid nut raise tliis nliji ction to tlic cliarui' at tlic pnipcr time and caniiDt avail liiniMclf uf it now [Sec Airhlmliln' I'riii'l'nr, jiiK/r /.'/.', A'./. /,s;!l, and cuncs cited, and t'onipari' y»'c ,(ic. in (iininl Trti id- Jinilirni/ ('ihii/ihiiij rs. Rdxi'iiliiiyi'i: t> Sn/). CI. ('a iimlii, "" , 3"J">.| Indeed it Hccnis to lias e liecn taken |"i>r ;,'rantcd at tlu; (dnse of tlie I'lainliHV ca-c, !<» '"- and certuinly at tlic end ot'tlie trial, tliat llie inniieiidues were to lie disreyardeil. 'i'lie Cliief ^ Justice lait once refers to tlicin in liis cliarj,'e, and tlien only casimlly [See p. •j(i printed notes], and on tlic Jury retiring lie told tlicin tliey iniiilit disre^'ard tliem. No allii-ii)ii \aK\:^ made to tliein in tlie i|ue,ti(ais siilnnitted to tlic Jury. The ipie-tion put to tlieiii was: ■■ Is , ■ -^ it a lilieli'" and tlieir answer was 'We find it is a liliel." It is agreed lliat tliev look tlio •' Col(aiist" newspaper with tliciii on retirinif, ami I have no ilouht they found their ver- dict upon a jmrusal of it; and it is very unlikely that tln'y troiihled the;iisidves wi(h pleadines and innuendoes wlicn no laie invited them to do so. .Mr. T. Davie relied upon the (!liicf Baron's ol.servations \u Cu- r. A,v at p.p. 2.S7. •Jxs, I,. K, 4 K.\., Imt those „( l.ush J. in Walkin v.s. Hall. L. H. :{, (). H., p. 4(i:{ (when u judjie of ihc (,)ueen's r.eneh)2<) are more applicahie to this case. 14. Point 14 wa.s : "That the Ciiief Justice inijiropcrly rejected the evidence of a ■'summons to aiiicinl the pleadin^rs tenderi'd on hehalfof the Defendant." Jf tho Chief .lustice refused an order to aineml tiie pleadings, sp- 'i refusal miL,dit haM- been appealed from; and the Defendant iiy omittiny; to do so, nuist of course he taken to have aci|uie.sced in the decisicai of the Chief Justice. No autliority was jiroduced to shew that such proceeilin;rs miirht lie proved at the trial ; and such a course iiiioht confuse a jurv tiy inducing,' tlieni to suppose they had some jurisdiction in the matter. If the sumnion.s wa.s admissihle, the proposed amendments of the plea Vic. c. 7i>, s. 2, which are in birce here, he seems to ha\e adopted the wrontr course (()di,'ers p. 4H7.) Ai,'ain, there was no notice in the statement of defence that e\ idcneo woidd be otfereil, the rejection of wliicli is ikiw com|ilained of, and on this nronnd alone the rejection may be supported, i.e. fur non-compliance with the order .\i.\, ride 4 (of our rules) which is the same a.s the Ku-iisJi rule, as to ph^adiii},' facts if they are material, see Scott vs. Sampson, ,S (^.H.D. 4!K;, ,^)()7. I'lirsiey vs. Peiniett, II (hit. IVac Hep. (14 and jier Tirett, L. J., in I'hillipps vs. l'liilli]iN. 4 (.^.ll.D., J.'W C.A„and Lord Selboriie in Alillinj;ton v.s. Lorinjf G g.H.D., I!>4, C.A. "40 I.'). Mr. 'J'heedoie Diuies ]-,i|i p, ii,t wiis ■Tl.jit the Cb'.i' Jll.stice improperly njected ''newspapers containing lavorable comments teiidcreii >.s evidence on behalf of tlio " Defendant.'' ■■'''•"•"'''"•'" '■ ">'lli-v, tlinil^rl, it ,„;,y ,„,t I,. „l,u,. t,, ll,,. MClinll, vet IMMvlinvra • iiialiTial .•tr.rt ill ivlurin- llh'.l.un.i,-,.,, .(.•...iii.l llir |),.r,.,„|..iil ii,m\ in iiiitiyiiti f ■• ii, Nov..,,,!,,.,', IHS.V l!,it llir .|U.'.sliun i. |.s,.,. rule 2.S7 of our .-.up,-..,,,,. Co,,,, ,„i'. ,| whrth..,- ■• MM,,.. s„l,>ta„tiMl u ,• , o,- K) iniscairiaj;.., l.ns 1 : occaM I ' l,y thr ,vi....tioi, of tl,is ..vicli-nc.., an.i I .!,. „o| tl.ink tncn has. If thr ' !,• .•n.hmt had .'oin.' forwani as u vv'm.'ss to ..xpjaiii his motives, |,r woiil.l no .ioiiht l,av,. lM...n < lo^s-rxaniincj with a \i, w to sh.w nialin- : ami !,.• miuht thn,, ill iv-,.xai„inalion an.||M!l,aps piwioiisly, havr put foiwar.l tl,rsr an.i other facts, If any, to ii.-ativr inali,',., and in initi-aticM, of daniagt-s. ( 'ohsi,j,.iii,;,r tl,.' conis,. !,.• has ailopLMfaml no .I.Mil.t it was w-jl .•.a.si.l..,,.,!, | ,h, „„t think l„. .an sav that he has Mistaim'.l any ■suhstantial wimiik" ..r that ih.' a.|,„issio„ ,,f this ..vi.l,.,,..,' wo„|,| i,a\,' ha.l any ,.|HM't rompaiv.l with that wliii-h ii.> ,|..:il,i was pio.in,-...! .„, thr j,„.y hy his al,s,„,.,. as a witii.'ss, ami l,y a prriisal of tli.' lilp.;lloiis aitlrlc in tl,.. i,i.w.spap.'r. 1 must also r.'p.-at that H,.,-.. was no noti.-.. in thr stul.i„..nt of ,|..f..|i,... that any s,icl, 20 fvi.l.'iuv W..UI.1 l,r otfrre.l, ami lai this jr,-„n,„| ,h,. r.'j,.ti.,n may !»• support...! a.T.,r.iii,u t.) thr ras...s p,cvio,isly rcf.-rrcl t.i. I<). I'.pint |(! was: 'That tl,.' Chi.'f .Instic' in,pn.p..|'ly r,.j..rtr.| tli.' r\ i.l.n.'.- of th.- " witiicssrs K.dis'... ..;■,! hii.,tl,, t.'i,il.'rril .)n hrhalf ..f th.' I ».'fi'i„lant." Thrre s.'.'„,s t.) I,.' ),., n.it.' .,f tl,.' r.J.'cti.in .)f K..hson's .'\ i.lrnrr, h.it with i-rs|i.'('t t.) thr evi.lciir.' .,f IJo.ith it s....„is to havr lu'rii rii^litly r.-j.'rti'.l its h.'jn^r no part .if the /v.s r/™^^, ami as havin;t no r.imi..rti<,M with th.' priiirijial fart ini.l.'r inv.'sti^'atioii, vi/., thr writin.. un.l pul.lishin,- .,f th.' Iil,.'l. 1 1 Tayl.ir, Kv. .Vi.S, K.I. I,s71| Tin- .'vi.h'nr.. of Turk an.i Diiiisinuir, who w.'iv pr.'s.'nt wh..n th.. |).'f..,i,|,int wr..t.' thr artirl.', was p.'rhaps ri^htlv rrrrivr.l ; Imt .'vi.|ri,tly ilooth was n.it s.. pr.'s.'iit, an.| 1 think tin- Ohirf Jjistirr rirrlitTv ;{|) rnl.'.l that "as i,is .'vi.l.'ii.'r i-.'lat.'.l to r.invrrsati. ins with D.'f.'mlant li.'f.irr !,.■ "hii.r.'v.'i, ' I'.s.'.'n thr all.'-:.-.| rr|.,„-t .ir .'.m.'riv.'d th.' idra ,d' .•.inip.isin^r ,„■ p„l,iisl,injr Uir „,ait.'r mm- " |>lainr(l DAVID \VI 1,1,1 A.MS flKKilNS. Pliiintifi: D..tVii(l!int. Takf iKiticr tliat tlic DclVnilaiit a|i)ica1^ tn tlic Siiin'ciiif ( 'oiirt of ( 'aiiada IVmii tlw iuiluiiiriit of rlir Full Ciiiirt nf tlif Sii|av Com t nl' Hiitish ( 'oluTnliia n^nilcird in this '** caiisr (.11 tlic l-Hli. ijay of OctoliiT, INS", iliMiiissino; tin- DclViidaiits apjical from tin' jiid^'- iMcn; of tile Cliit'f .Ill-tier iciidi'ivd licvciii on tlii' .'{Otli. day of .liiiic. IS.ST. and discliai\nnu till- ordi T nisi for iii.u trial, and atHniiiiiLr tlic judiTiiii'iif . Dated lliis-_»:>tli, ilay (if (tctol.ci. A. I). |SS7. THKODOHK DAVIIv Solicitor for I)a\id Williams Hiii^iiis. the aliovc named Dcfendiint. T(( \] D HKLMCKKN, Ksi^hihk, Solicitor of Hecoril for tlie alnivc nniiiod Plaintitt'. I <»|(|)|.;({ Al.l.iiWINi; Al'1'I.AI.. In thh S!;:-i>{bmb C^oui^ip oh BI'^iitish (solumbia. i^ETWEEOSr THK llAVII) WIIJJAMS HI(i(;i.\.S I'lfiiiiiiH; DctVii.laiii. I p..Ml,..ann- Mr. Tl lutr DnvU: (}. C.asoF i\,nu.r\ f,,,- tl,,. I hr.n.lunt ,mA Mr M,.l,MH<..nus,,t l-„uns,l |-,,r-l„. I'laintiH; „n.lu,,on .vu.lin- (lu' Notin. „f App-al to tl„ |0 Supivn,,. rnmi ,,r Canada fm,,, tl„. Ju.lirin.i.t of tli.. Knll C.u.t inuU'vrA h.ivin ,m tin- I4tl, ,layot(»,.tolM.r. AD. I^.s?. .lisu.is.sinn- (!„■ I )..frn.lant,s a,>,„.al IV.m, tl„. ju,!..,„.nt ot tli. Lhu-i .lusti.v r,.,„|,,v,i ,„, tl„. ;.,„|, .lay „. .(un-, AD.. ISS?. aii,l .liMl,»r..in.. th,. „nlor ins, t.ir a new trial .latrd the I'-ind. ,|ay of Jiilv, INM?. I 'lo onl.T that tlir Hon.l of tlir I'lainliH: with K,.lH.rt Dun.s.nuir as su.vt v in tlir IX'.ml sun, .,1 lorn- ti.oi.su.i.i live l„i,„l.v,l (S+..-,()()) ,io|iarv ,M,n,liti..n..l as to liv. 'hun.livd (S..()()). tlmt ri... D,.f,.n.!aMt. will .■(flrtually pros..c-nt,. his appeal to tl,. Sn,„v,u. Court of ( .ina,la Iron, il,,- ,s,„,l ju.lynR.i.t of tl.. Im.II ( ourt .lis,.l,a,nin- th.. sai.l onhr nisi for a new trial. MH.I w,ll pay such rosts an,l ,lan,a-...s as n,ay !,<■ awanl..-! aijainst him hv tl,.. Snpn.n.- ( ...lit; an.l as to th,. sun, of four tl,oUsai„l .lollais (S4.()00) up..n ..on.lit'h,,, that if tl,.- 2(i .|n.|ui,„.„t.or any part th.-n-of, i.s afHrn,...l, th.. sai.l Davi.l Williams lli..„iu,s will pav th. '..nount th..r..oy ,lir,.. t..,l t.. I„. pai.l, ..r tl„- pa.^t tl„.r....f as t., whi,^, th.. jn.h.-„i..„r i. Mlhrm,..! (,t ,t .s atlirm.-.l only as to part), an.l all .lan,ai;,.s awar.1,.,1 a.-ainst thi. .l.'.f..i„lant on su,.l, app,.al. h.. af<...pt...l as o„o,| an.l sutli,.i,.nt .s.-.-u.-itv as w.ll f.,r th.. app..al a.-ains, Ih.. sai.l j„.|un„.nt .lischartjino- th.. sai.l rul.. nisi for a i,..w trial, as f..r .siavii,..- i.x..c"uti..n 'ip.Mi th.. iu,lyi„..nt in th.. Supi-..ii„. C.Mirt of J5ritisl, ( ',,lui„hia. , " "" An.l I .lo furth.T o,-,h.r that th.. sai.l Davi.l Williams Uiuuins ,|o also furnish his own ^''I'l'ii.'MMl l,.m.l. with tl„. sai.l noh..rt Duns,„„i,. as sun-tv. in th,- s,m„ of (S.-.oo, tiv.. hun^ 'l'v.l .l..llars, ,.on.lit!.m...l that he, the sai.l J)avi,l Williams lliu-ins. will ..fh-.-tuallv pros., '■nt,. l„s appeal an-a.nst th.. sai.l ,ju.li.-n...nt .)f th.. Full Court .lisinissin^. his ap,„.al' against S. thcsai.l .,r.h.r of th..Chi.-f Justice, .lat.'.l tl,..:i()tl, .lay. ,f.lun....V, 1)..'|,S,S7. Ami I .lo lastly or.h.r that upon th.. Hlii.e- I,,- th... sai.l !)..f,.n.lant ..f the sai.l msp,.ctiv.. '.on.ls t,,r S4,50() an.l S^OO, in f,„„, to 1... appr..v,.,l hy a .ImlKo ..f tl,i. CV.m-t, ^Lt the app.-al ot th.. sai.l Davi.l Williams Hiu-ins to the Suprem.. Court of Cana.la hettl].,we,l H1-:\'RV I'. I'KLLKW CHEASK. Dat.-.l the I'Stl, .lay .if Oct.ihi.r, A. D. !,S,S7. 5a • •uiPKii Skiti.im: ('am; on Ai'I'Km. Tlii; l|(iN(il!Altl.K Ml) .hslK I. CllKAsi;. -BBTATV-BEJOSr '1"HK ll(>\()|;Alil,K (UloRCK WriloNV WA M\'K\I. I'liiintilK. AND l>A\ll) W 11,1,1 AMs lii<;(;i.\s. iK't'c'iidant. Tii;>iiAV. Tin: Mii hav ni Ni,\ kmuki;. A. 1 1. Inn?. I |inll till' aiilllicnlidll (if (lie hcrrlicliuil Id -ctllc I In' I a^r ( .11 a] i| irjl I 1 1 1 t llr Su| .| villi- Cuiirt 111' ('ami. la. aii'l u]iiiii liciiriiiu My 'I'l Ln-i. D.-uic (,). ( '. .,f Ciuiii-rl r.ir ili.- Iict'.n- iJaiit. ai\il Mr. Diakr, (^. ( '. dl' ( 'mnisij I'.ir tlir I'laiiitiir. 1 .jd di-.i.r that two casr.s sjiali l.c |iriiilci! ol' the a|)]ii.al in tlii^ actiiiii Id tlif Siiiiri'iin' ('diirl df ('ana. la; tlic (ir-i td i-dnlaiii till- cax' .111 a|i|iral I'loiii tin- inliT df tl.r Killl Cdiiil dflji,. Siij.iviii. ( 'mill df I ,riti>]i ( 'iiliiiiiliia ili,-cliai',uiii:,Mlii' diiliT /(/.-.•; him. h- in liiiNactidii on llic l''2iiiI. dav df .Iniv .\ j) IS,S7; jin.l ilir sccdiii! to (Miitaiii till' case dti a|i|ifai t.i tiic Sii|iiciii.. Cdurt df (ana. la fniiii ilic jinluni.'nt iif ill.' Full ( 'diii-i ..f ili,. Sii|.r.'iiii. ( niiri cif I'.iiti-li ( '.iluiiiliia .li-iiii-.iiiL: lla- hcfcmlanl - ;i|i|i.';il fr.iiii ill.' dr.|,>r I'.ii- ;ii,|M,||,.||t Ilia,!,. |,, ivin i.n th,. ;i()tli. ,|,-iv df .Inn.' A. 1). ISN7. Ami I lid fnitli.T di-il.'i' iliat llir ca.sc .m a|iiM.;il from tli.' jmluini'iil ..f tli.. Full Cunt df till' Sii|ii-ciii.. Cdiiit df ISritish ('.ilniiiliiri ilLscliai-uiii;;- the .'^aiil dnlcr „;,s; f,,r „ nt-w trial III' srillc.l iiillir IdlidwiiiM' I'liriii. jiii.l .■diilaiii ill.' Idll.,\vinu' matt. rs. naini'h- : 1 Sliort >talt'im'nt df I'aM'. ■_'. I'li'a.lin..:s in lli.' actidii. •' '' viili'iicc .if Francis lii'iiiar.l McNainn' takm iiiidt'L- I'.inimissidii jf iht.. Iiiili. . I Illy. A. I). I.ssii. 4. .\ -laii'iiii'Mt tlial till' i'\ i.lnici' .,f .\1. F, .l.iliiistdii taken iiii.Irr tlic (•.imiiiis-.i.in I.vsii.mI lici-fin dii the Kitli. .lay .if .Inly. AD. ISMl. was .sn taken fur the |mriid.se ..f pi-dviiiu the cdi'i-ectness of his slidit-han.l iidt.'^.if tl \ i.lem-e uivi'ii liy the sai.l Francis liiTiianl : McNaiiie.' at ill.' ttial df th.' ai'ti.m .if .MeK.'iina vs. .MrNaiiiee at the ('it\ df ( Ittawa. dii th. Till. .la\- .if \.i\iiiil...r. .\.I), Is.s.'i. ■M IvMrael jiiililishe.l in the Daily Fv.niii',^ I'.isf df Ndveml.er iMl, .\.|) I s,s,-) lieji.leil •■ Fs.|nimall Dry-.ldck. The '^ri'at eas i'\ icli-nee at the trial nf tlii.s iii'tiuii. MeK, McN line.' ami put in tl. l-istraci iVuhi llif < itfiw.'i l''i,(. |'ii>, .,r ill,. :itli, ..r NuMMulici-, Iss;., uikI |iiii rlicc 111 till' ll'iill of tlli> liclinli. •\ lilcll Till' c.striict Iriiiii ilir (itiMWii l'"iri' |'rc. actinii. I. put III ■s. Tlif I'StracI IVoiii till' |)iiily lirili-li ( 'ojuiiisi oi' tli- :.'(t|li \..\ .•mliri-, Iss.'), [lut ■viiirlicr at llii liial ni'tliis ai-tinll. Ill IlitclToijaliirii'^ I'Xiilliltrij li\ llii' j'iaililiir (111 tin' fiti 1. i!mv 1)1 Ala I Marrii, ISSi llir I'xaiiiiiiatiiiii III tlir I >i-ri'iiii!iiit. iiml i!ir 1 )i'tVii(lHiit' ila\- of Miiicli, ISHCi. answer^ tlnii'tn. ^w urn tlic ."ilsi 10. ( 'iirr('s|M)iiili'ik-i' aiiil ii'lr^^raiii.-. Ih-mm m iln' --aiij l''iaiici> I>. McNaiiirr ami tin'* Plaiiilill' |iiit ill i'\ idi iici- iit tlic trial nf tlii-^ action aiil |irintri| in tin' I'laititill' ■- .msc iisrd in till' i'lill coiirl at jiaui-- IS to 'J I iiii-liisi\ r. 11. So iiiucli of tl \ii|cn"i' of ( 'liaili'^ W. Miicliijl takm iin.l,i- the ro i-^ion i-ii a|i|iral to tin- full cour of till' Siipl'i'iiic Couil of IJriti-ili I 'oliiiiilii,". \'2 Tlir i'\iil"lici' of I'Vaiici-, Hrriiaiil MfNaiiiiT taken lllnliT llii' niniiiii-sion i-sii..,! lii'i'i'iii on till' Mil. ila\ of .luii'- |ss7 |:{. Till' i'\ iilniir of Saiiiiii 1 i'ai ki-i Tuck, takni iiinlii- tlir onlrr inadi linciii on tin- jstli. ila\ of .Ma\ . |.ss7 , -( I 4. Till' noti'- of tlir ( 'liii'f .liitir,' at till' trial of this action on tile ••lOth. ,|;;\- .,f .liinc |ss7. I .'>. Till' oi'ilcr I'ov ju,|;;;ii,'n' iiia.li' lu'rcin on i li^ .'{(itli. ila\- of ,)unc. Is.s?. 1(1. Till' o'.-ilcr //(■.-■'■ for a ii'W trial iii.-clc Icrcin on tlic 2*2i'il. ila\' of .liiK |,s,s7. a^ anicniidl 'ly tin- full court. 17. Till' oi'ili'i- of till' l''ull t'oiirf ilischar-inu' tin- .saiil oiilcr ((/.■.■/ mailr ln'i-cin mi tin H-lli liny of ( >clol„r. i S.s7. j.s. I'ca-on-- for tlii' >aii| orocr. I'". Till' l»i'fi'iiilant'.'^ notice of a|i|ii'al to llir Su|iri' ( 'oiirt of Canada, dali'ii the -i-'tli • lay of dcfolii'i'. .\ I)., |,ss7. .'{(; :^ll. Tlie oi'iler allow-iie- (lie -,,ii,l ,i|,jieal ilatcil the -iMli. day of dctolier jSS". -I I'h'' oi'di'i' si'tilin.;- the ca-.e on aiipeal to the Sii|ireiiie (.'oiirt of ( 'aiiada. And I I'll Ki i!iiii:i! ()i(iii:ii that the case on a|ipi'al to tic Su|M'iiie Court of ('Miiada from the judeiiieiit of the Full Court of the Siiprcnii' Court of I5i'itish C.'liiinliiii disinis'^iiiM- the Dffuinlaiit's aiipeai from the order i'or Judi,' lit niado in this action mi the .')Oth. ila\- of .llllR", l,S,S7, lir sfttlcl ill till, xiiiic t'l.riii lllld colltiiill tllr .iillii' liiiintr> as llir casr ,,m appc'iil from rli.' Jii,lirin,.iit of tlw saiM Kull C.iirt .if tin' Siipivnif ('(imt of ^l•iti^ll Coluiiil-ia 'li.scliur;riiiir till' onl.r iiis: for a new trial miikIi' licniin on tiir I'iii.l. day of .Inly. IH.S7, with llif followiiiif i'xcit|)tii)iis, iiaiiirly : I. Iiislrad of tlir oiilrr iil-'i for a ii.'w trial that tii.-iv l.c priiiti'd, tlir iiotier of ,\]>]u'n\. UN aiiiciicliMl liy iliivctioii of tl oiirt. .s,.r\v(l l,y tln^ Dcfciidaiit on tiir 4tli, .lay ..f ■ Inly, ls,s7. fr.an iu.l^rin.'iit nia.l.- Ii.'rcin on tli.' .'lOtli. .lay .if .riinc ls,s7. ■2. In.^tea.l .if the or.lcr .liNcliar;,'ing til.' ^aid .ir.lcr /(/>■ tli.' or.l.'r of tiic KnII Court iiia.lf in this uctioii .m tW I4tli. .lay of ()ct..i...r, I.S.S7, .lismissiiiK tin- D.'f.'n.lant's aini.-a! fniiii tlif Or.liT for jii.|;,'iii.iii nia.l.' lu'ivin on tli.> :!Otli. .lay of .liine. A. I). ISS7, 10 :i. Iii>tfa.l .if th.M-.'as.iii-^ for .|is(!har<,nii<;' tlic sai'l ord.'r //'>■;, tii.' r.as.iiis for di.Mini.ssinj; till' >aiii a|i|ii'al (Siirn,.,!) HKNIiV I' I'RIJ.KAV CHKASK .1 Staiii|i>. (!() cts. .1(1 CltKASK, .1 Tl lis WHS II iiioiidii l,y Mr. 'I'lico.loic l)n\ ic, ( '(miiimI I'.jr llir ilrt'i'iinMiii, t' on till' si'MTuI i^riMimls licT.iiiiirtcr Npecitiitil. tir n iii'W trial, rcnilm'il I'c.r |il.iintill" Tor tliat ai nt An up|MMl, wliicli wa^ lakm l.y liclVriilant fniiii tln' Ciii.'f .1 C)ni|ilian(v with dur ]irafliiT, lirM lii'anl .si'paralrly. It, lias, tiirrrl'nrr, I n .jralt, .sr|iaiati'ly in a jninl jnilL^iiniit of 'Jic Court. 'I'lii' nintion now undrr ilisciissioii i|ui'sli()ns thr verdict. usticr's iuil;;iiii'nt wa-, in witl 10 'I'lir lililiciplf wliicli is to H||i,|,. ,„|i. decision, wlli't MT a new trial slmlt lie I'rantid, or not, IS sei lortli m our .* cull .iliilnl til iiijiiri' llir iiliiiiiliU'; iiml tliiil in ih ciililiy wlnlliir IIh' ' |iiiMiciitiuii was nilciiliili ■! tu injiiiv ur imi tliry iiiii-l liikr it iimi wliul., nii'l iini nly U|"iii " isiijalr.i |ias^iiMV>, Tliiil lililMiu-li niir |lll^,a-l■ iiii-lil III' il- IT l.c iiijiiricii^' \'\ \\\.y mil, I ' CnlisiiliT wIli'flliT ullliT |ij|lls (if ill,. Wlitill- iljil l|ii| 111 lit HI I i/.i' till' ill/|lir\. Tlial (111 luillC " nml till' aiitjiliiti' mil, I lif lakm ti,oit Iht. iiikI if Jinl-iii;;- ly tli: ■ ti,,| lln' |iiililicalinu wu.s ' imi iiiiuiiiiii. III,' ,|,IVii,|,'iiii wa- , iilitli'il I,, ,1 M'liJict. " lli'^ti'ail ill' niii,triiiii- lli,' i liar--r as ii ulmlr j >, IVii.linii -. ( 'oiiii-,| jiirki .1 .nil a IVu ,,11- tnici's liiT,' ami lli.'iv an, I I'lnl.'.v ..i,',| will, ...nn' iiiLriimii \ , Id >1ii'\\ iliat ih- ( 'liii'l -lii liir iiail, ai'iMinliii'^' |.i < MiiiiM Is \ i,'u III' il.,. -raiiiiimtii-al ciiisiriicii,!!! ,,1' ilir S^y.ic\. wlmlly 10 f'lliliii.'.l ll;i' alli'iili.iii (if ill Jiiiy In lliat imrl >>\' tin' i:,'|'rii,iaiit's |iiililicali,.ii wiiirli (•(Hilaiii-, tlic iilli -I'll I'Mi-act. \i/.: •• Sis nf lln m wnv in |iailii. 1 .lii|i liii the I )i\ ilnck I mil in r.rili,li " <'i'lnml.ia. (. f \\!i(,iii wa, the I'l.inii r nf iIk I'ih\ incc, iis licinn- tlii' Ijlu'l ,11, ,1 u|i(iiiaiiii \\ liit'li li''. ill" Icaiiicl I '(iiiiisi 1. iciiiii ,| llic ■ Lane " nf tlir ailicli' : and tliiit in x, (Ininy the Cliicf .liislii-c IiikI .l,'|,iiM',| ill,' ,|,'l',-ii.laiil 'if i!i( l.c;i,lil ,if lli, cm Ill n|i"ii il, wliirli ill- (Milling- t,, ( ■,iii||„.r, \i,.\v was III,' " iiiiii I,, t,. ■■ Thi. n.iistiiicliKii is iiK'urrcct a-- a c'.isi.r I'Naiiiinali.in |ii'n\, ,, If tl,,' ,\irac| liad a|.|"iir,(| uiilicnt any c nicnMlic plainlill' iiiiiilit iPn-siMv IKil lia\i' IVll lliil|,clf lllllcll il/pll'i'd, II . ih.T. \\r\-f iillicl' I'r.'iiliiT-; li,'.si,ii'^ hinisrlf, iluiinn ilic cNisti 111',- ,if ill, I tiydnck ciiilraci. lint tic di'fi'ii laiii u I'lii, fuillicr, and in Ids «■ ii'i" l"iintrd mil Mr. Walkciii as Im'iiio- i],,. ],„|'ii,.|,|„|' i'l-i'inicr i,, wliom tlic four lini'l^O i-Miart a 1 1|. lied. TIk' ( lii,!' .1 ii,i i, ,■ nni-l lia\. I.a 1 ilii-. in \ i,\v il r, i;i!d ik ! w ell lia\ ( l-ccii ' ( tiuiwiM' wlii'ii lir nd'circd |,i Mr. Walki 111 at all in the lic-iiinili-; nf his iliarn',' wlicic lir -"\-: ■ Il is iiiitiiir tliat .\!r. W'alkciii t\ it was u |,,iiiii('i- wiili Mr Mi Naiiu'c, and it is ■ adiiiillcdiy iinliiic ilial .McNaiiM-c ,'\ ,'i' sai,| „,."' ( If .niii'sc iir was Iktc dcMliii'^ with ih" cnllilllcnt and evidence tlcH li.'fnie llie jlll'V. illellldilli,' the defendant's lleWs|ia|M r the ■( 'nlii- iii^i. ' w hieli had Keen |ait in as aii|M'ars lpy hi, note,. If nuist also l,e iidrnc in mind that the |il,ii.|iiiL;,, cniiijirisin-' ihc pl.iiM.il"- urmind- nf ('niii|,laint wii'e ii. cev.iU'ily li,'fore flu- JIIIT hi fore tlie\- were l-liaiL;i'd. It Was. thei'elire, iisle,s to re], cat In llrlii wh;il lliev already knew, namely that the lilnl cniii|ili it iniulii li.-n f/vril trii, ■^ll])- piisiiio- tlir ilcl'rinliilit liail In rii tiirrc 1 1 i Him 1 1', aii'l liranl what .Mi-Niiin'f swi.it. Tlir CiiifF .histice aL;iiiH iIi'hIs witlilin- ciiiiinii'iit. wlini lie |lllilll^ mit to ' ' ■ jury tin' fact tliat ilrrriiiliiiit ilrsiL;-Matcs Mi'N;iiiiri-'s allrL;vi| rsiilciicr a-, a ■■ < 'liai'ur " ,.-a!ii>t Mr. Walkciii. ami III' (■.iur>r ^I'lir a pniiiicr tn iir a |iartiii-r in a ( lii\ rriiiuiiil ( 'niitra.-t liick Would have Iktii, hai! it I ii triir imlcril a chai'L;!' nl' ilu' L;ra\r>l chaiai-tri/'ur to use the CJiii'l' .lusticf's laiii^ua^'i' " Sraiiilalou^ in thr i-\tri'iiir ". iiav iiiurr it wmilil have liccll u'ldss CDVnilJtloli. Such a chai'i;!' thi'rrt'orr was (■alciiiatrii to injure in llir worst, kinil of way, the plain- tills juilirial ri']iutation. Ml To my niinil tin- -o callcil ■ aiitiilote " rcail as the law rei|uire, \ ix., like oriliiiarv Kli^lisli. liriiie-s i,nt in stroiieer relief the '•Charge" to which il so eiiijihatically relate-- 'the allceeij rcnieily is worse than the ilisrase. Ill short We are all of o]iinioii that the -tiiii: of llie article is in ;lie ilefeinlant-- coiiinienis, A,e;ain. When (|Uoliiie' to the Jury llai-on ilnilillestoirs ol.^erxai imis in l!r\ce v. l!us- (jell, with reference to the c iiiinients on tic- a';t - of jiiililie iii 'ii the ( "hiel' .lusl ice ile.ils with the article in i|Uestion as a coinineni on a jui! lie man, airl .in alleueil r nort of soi leihine' sworn of hiiii as a imlilic man in o|ien ('oun in a jirlici.il |iro: lin^. lie aiijilies the Huron's oliservatioiis to the |ircsenl CISC, for instance, -Was (he comment (.Mr. Iliunins') fair ^ Now as to ils hriiie- a fair c iiiimen; " it i.s a mere ■'utia- misst.itemint " cle.irls'-0 nic;niiiie- ihereliy if ■■ we are to t.ike wi,r Is in their natural s, use " ami in se.ch as the '■ in-.ar- " crs (here r.'aihrsi were eiveii liy the inte|-er-< to iimi. r-titiil them, " ( i''olkar.|, p. (ilh. that thi' statciiieiil al iriliuteil to .M''X,imee aid i he alle^j'ai ion hy ild'endant in iii . coiniiieiit th,-il. it Ii.'hI heeii "taken from tiie sworn i'\i'ieiicc of .McNainee " weie n'Jerli- untrue, i-'iirther on the Chief .Ins! ice puts this iiMe~iion |.i till jury, '■ Now is ihis pu Mi eat ion " (he .Iocs nol say extract ) a lihel" juil^inn' hy whal i l.a\e re,;ii ;■ What was read r. fern il to a ]iulilisliei| commeiit on a puhlic man. The Chief .Ills! ice linally chiirued the jury in i]n--f .vords : " If ymi lin.hh.al ihe puh- •' licatioii \>. on tiie wliolr ,-i liliehand that the lihel w.as utlerl\ without foini lation .oid that ■■ want of caution \\,•|^ shi^-. ;, in il , jinhlication/yoii may tiiid. I think, a --inii for siili^tanti.al ."lO ■■ daiiiaees, the aiaoimt of which rests entirely with you. ' Did'emlants Counsel had some dilliciiity in dealine- with this piiss.ai^c iiml lalmreil to coin-iiicc the (.'ourl tiiiit the extract alone w.'is meant I'l-cause the Chief du--tice u^ed the Wolds ■• piihlicaiion on l!ie wiiiile " instead of ■ piihlieati.in "■< ti n-lmli." Su]ipo>iii^' the Chief •iiistice was slijhlly inacciiraie in his mode o|' expres-iuii we consider that in \iew of the diti'erellt passae-es rcferr -d to an I ih" f.iet that ihe ■ ( 'ololiist " was handed to the jiil A' on rctiriiieyhe whole piililicalion w.is placed l.rfore I hem, and to re|'e,it Loiil IliamweH's Words 'it Would not lie ri^lit to set aside the verdict of a jury liecause In the course of "a loiii; and elahoraie summing up the jiide'c hits usimI inaecnratc languaec.' The Chief .lllstiee thus placed I he whole puhlicatioll liefore the jurv pointed ou( in his 40 • I 60 cliaruc ll;;it if tlic |inMicali«iii wa> calrulatr.l to -Im' pain ar.^! iiillict injniv it was a WV.rl^ lli'ii ua\c llai-on I linliili'StDn's ilrliniti.'ii ol' a lilirl as ai)|ilii(l to inililisli.il cnimiirnl- on a pilMii- man, and linally left it to iln-ni to say. wlirlln'i- jnd^in-- IV what In' liail read of i'.aron lluddlcston s i'lial';;i', the piiiilicalioii was a liKc! or not. and tin- \ mlict was ' we lind •■ it is a lilii'l." I lldrl' all tlliM' circllMislani-es tin' defendant's (ilijeetion a p] Meat's to nie to l.e -l-oimdless. Mlleli of wlial I have saiil will apjily to ollief of tiie defendants ohjeetiolls. the points ill some of wlii"h yverhip eaeli otiuT. I miulil add. that e\cli had ihe Cliii f .)u-.tiee eonlinrd his eharu'e to the four liii.' ex- tract, the ]ilainti'l^an>l cei'tainly not the defendant: .would have had uood i^roiind for com- !" plainiiiu' of misdirection. ■2. The .sri'(,,(,/ ground is. " That the jiirv .sliinild have heeii told to consider whetlier • the ol.jei-t of the | 111 I il icat loll Was to defame or to vindicate the plaii.tiH"s charucteiy if the '■ lalter then the deleliilallt was eii'itled to a \erdict."' This ^roii'.iil is iiiiteiialiieM'or it is the eli'eet. not the ol.jeet. of the laililiealioii which coiislilnles the hhel. 'l!ie (.'.airts f.ir tliis piirpo-.' look at the tend.'iicy of the pul.lieation, not the intention of tie' piililisher. liaiv v Wilson. :> I!. vV ('. li !•:! : Kishei- v. Clement, 10 i'.. \-('. 1-7:2 ; W'eiiman \. Ash, !:!('. 11. M--"> ; and other easrs thrrein t.-ited. :!. The //,;,■// ^rouml foi- a ivw trial is as fi.ll.i\',-: ■■ .\ssui dnu the puhlicatioii to hr ■' lilielloiis. the ivport haviii'j- iieen taken from another paper in -o.id faith ami without any 'lO ■■ evidence tif express malici', (Ic plaintiti' havin;; shewn no spocial dam.aur. the jury should ■' uivc oiil\- nominal damauv,-.." This caiiijot Im; sustained. In tic lirsi ]dace. this -round of ohjectioil is foinch d oM a hyp itle'lical state n\' /o(l faith, if he 'lioicjit he caild suc-r-sfully h.ave done s,, ; hut ihoii-h present in Court throiiuliout the Iri.il le- a\oi.i.d the v.itues,-- hox. .Nor was it pro\ed. tlioii-h i,s,.'i'ted th.at tlio reiiorl ■ six of them, etc.." was taken from an\- oiliir iM'W>paper. ( In the e ^n' rary the extract i ;■ report in tic- •( 'oloiiist didei'- troiii the re|iort in the ■■ j'ust." Tin clcfei.iiant hy not appearing' as a witnes-, must ln' t.akeu lo.'iil have ad\ isedly left this ditfeiu ice in ex plailie.l. The Couii has a riidit to expect that a suitor will place hefore it all his facts, and tluMW :iirthe lieht p.issi'iili' in hi, ca^e, and if hr ]iur|ioM'iy avoids doiii.;- so, a, in this case he milst take the coiisi'i|Uenees, and |iresiini;dily -id, mils to |o s.i. in the next plai-e. a^ a matter of huv. no iiew-^paper ha-- the ri'^hi ' t-i t;ike and ]iiili- lish, whether in -ood faith or .ilherwise, and without expre-s malii-e, an .-.rticie dero-atory to, iir caleiilat.d to inllict injury on.any man, mer.'ly hei-ause it is f,.u!id in another pa)»T. in fact the pajier sn ccpyiii'^' inenases ,he misi'hiei' l>y a/ldiiiL;- its own circulation to tlu^ fur'thei- jiropauation of the llliel, in (piarters whieh it mi;^ht not otherwise h.ave reach.eil. The alisi-iiee of proof of s]iecial ilama:;e. in no way hetters the lihellei's p(i-,ilioii, s.i as 40 to exculpate him fnaii liahility to dama-e-,. The pl.-iintiir need '/nr no e\idence of actual 60 iliilaa^c, uliiTf as liciv. llir imlilii-atioii i^ il.'i'aiiiatoiy, li" will, iir\(Tilii. !,-;>, 1m- ciititli'il to .sill.-IanliaMainaui-., 'I'npii \ . Tli ana-. :; |i. .v ( '., lL'7 : Inurani \. l^awsMH. il lliii-'. N. ('., •112 ; Oil-i-r- (111 lalicl, \k lili:!. 1. Tlir i',Hirll, -KiuiKJ III' iiliii'ctfoii, vi/,: -'I'lial tlic Cliirf Justici' iiiisdircctcl tlir jury • ill Icllin-' tliciii that till' laililislii'il woi-ds wn'c a liln 1, IF tln-y wiTf disiiani-iiiL;- tii- i-alcu '■ latril III iiiliict uiriilal |iiin aii'l injury anart IVimi |ii'iaiiiiary lii>s " is iiiaiiifi.'stly UMsiiiiiiil. 'I'll!' Cliirf .lii.Nlicf ill M) cliar^iii'^- nin-i'ly ai|o|)tLMl alimist tin' \i'i-y laii^iia-r um.mI liy llir I'liicI' Ilaruii ill ("ox V, l,.r. L. I!. 4. ilw. :2.Si, l.onl liraiiiwrll an I ('lianiull, II., niinri.liiiL'-. I'l-lial.ly (lir Clii.f .hislin. Iiail this casi'. ami Clnni'iit v. ( J'Ui-irii,. 1 4 M. \- T. 4:!.'), ; (rilnl ill inaliiiL^' dl' nKjiTtinn Nn. \-2) in lii- iniinl. wliiii lir mi cliai'Livil. I" ■"'■ Till' ///'/A iil.jrctiiiii : •■'i'liat till riiirl' .lii->tic.' niis.liiTrt 'il ilir jiii-y in trllin^ tlinii '■ to fiuij w lii'tlirr till' ]aililicatiiiii was Iiii.' or not, or jiistiticil or not, wlu-ii iiiitlirr truili imr " jilslifii'alion was jilrailnl. " T!ii, oliji'ction ilofs not, aiipi'iir of iiny v/iliir It conM mil li.-ivr y'^i'i-ti''! tlic iiiimls of till- jury aiKcr.si'ly to till' (li'lVnilant. I'u'.'illy, sin-li a i|iii'siiuii wouM 'only lir in his ravor liy ,L;i\ iiij liiiii a iirw looii-lmli' for i'sra|i". Althou^ii justitii' itimi was not jilrailnl ilcfniil- aiit's conti'litioii tin'ou,^liout lias I n, I'l.it wli.-it li.' .li.l w.is jiistiliaMo. ami (in tlic roiinnoii Use of tin- Won!) justitii'il. If till- iliai'u.' lia.l lirii trill', tliis i|ni'stioii wouM iia',.' liri'ii in • li'fi'iiilaiit's lavor. altliom^li jiistiiii-alioi,, in its 1,-al snisi'. was not ]ili'aili'.l. Tli.' Cliirf .lustii-.' was IhiiiiiiI to mitiii' it, \\() umlrrtook to iirovi. ;mi.| tl.iivlorr liail lo ]iio\,- as lir iliil at lli.' tri;il that the - rhar^i' " in ihi' ili'lrmlanis arti.li' was ■ .t ti'iii' ami iln'ri'lon- mn jiistilinl : ami that tliciv was no ■■sworn i'\ iili'iiri' as alli'^vil in tlir aiticlr to sn|i]ii.rt that ciiar^i'. Till' ( 'hii'f .hisiiri's [ihrasr ■ Is it iriir '■■ ■■ Is it jiistill,'.! '■■ must rlrarly rcfrr to tliesi ciri-iinisiam'."., Itwoiilil 1"' ahsunl to siij.|ios, h,' was s|)i'akin,;;' tci-iiiiicaliy iiistrail of col- li>(|iiially lo till- jury, 'j'lial i|ii.'.lion ininlit ha\i' s.-rioiisly afi'-'rli'ij tlir |ilaiiititK an. I was, as I lia\i' saiii, in iIm' ilrri-mlaiit's l','i\or, ami is ihri'ifoiv no oroiiml of coniiilaiiit on his jiart. •i- With I 111' .-•/■..■•/// '^roiiml alli'^vil ■■ That tin- I 'hirf .lust ic' m r I in rra^liiiL;' tn tin' jiirv '■ a ("is,- III ilryri' \. Kiis.lrn. sinn that rasr was an iiii]iroiii'i' i^iiiil" with ri'l'i'irnrn to tin' " law aii|ilii-aMi' to this artioii ' wr cinimt foi- a niiiin'iit coiiiui'. ;{() What 111' iti'i- ili'liiiitiiii of lih.'l ciu tlmr,' li.' than lliiu thi'rc l.'iid ijowii/ ■ \>v liiiol •• was in "lilt anylhiiin- wliirli w,is writti'ii or ilr.iwn of a iii.iii cali'illad'il to hold hiiii iiji to •■ |i'i!ilir ri.limii" an I c ait 'iiiiit anion.;- his fi'llowinrii." .Vml a-aiii. " Tln' jml.n'i' siniiilil '■ iiinr.'ly .liiv;',' til ' jury as i i wh,ii tli" Law s,ii,l was liii.'lloiis ; ami K'av.' it to thi'in to s.iv " ill till' Ul^IiI of siirli iliri'i-iioii. Ahi'th -r or not tli" -.vritiir^ li'fon' tliriii w,is ,a lili.'l," an i so for thr rrst of hi-. rharL;i', I I' -'i tin Chinf .liist in s iliar-v. |i -IT. liin' 10. rl .•<,(;.) 7. 'i'hi' .s' /■<,,// oLirctioii is this: ' Thai ih" Chirf .lusii,-e slioiil.Mia\ o toM tin' jury '■ that wliilst, if tiny fotiml ihi' |iiililiralion lilirlloiis, thnlaw iiiijilii'.l inalin', \-.'t l.\- sucli " iiii|ilii'il iiiai'ni' w.is iiM'.iiit nnrr!\ tin' alisriiiT t>\' In-iil r.xriis.. : ,'iml ihal thoy woiilil not l.n •■ juslili.'.l in visitiii:;' tin' if 'I'.'mlaiit with sulistinli.il, I'.xniiplary, or \imlirti\.' ilaim-n^i's, 40 "unless salislinl that Im wa-- niiilty o!' i'.'\|in'ss iiialiri'" of which tlnrc • was no ex iilniici.'," a/' «^ 81 ll will Diily 111' iicrrssary. al'l.'i' my |ii-.'vi(iiH ol.s,-r\ ;i( imis ,!!i.| ca-,..^ rltrA, t< siv with n-aiM to lliis ,,l,i,.iTi(,ii, it i- l,,i,l law, A lilMJ mlulil l'.' uivl- willioiit any ill t'.rlin-, ^r I'vrii kiiowli'iJM^-,. ,,f liic piinirs which iiii-lit niiii llir iiri'Miiis lihi'licl, sa\- a lar-v liim in l,nli.l,,ii. 'rhi'JiKJ-v w.)ilM Ih. ill iilMTty ill slluli uflse Lo U;ll tiir jury ih.^y >huiihl liinl Mlli- slaiit iai ilaiiiaL;rs. ^l'. M " I '"i^'' iii 'a'-t. wi'iinurnily injiiiv.l aimihrr's n-|iiitati'in 1 nni^l cuiiip-ii-atr him; ■ althmiuh I may havr ad,., I I'mm t\v ii ililr,t nT m.ptivrs, jii-t a> it' I lnvak a wiii'h.w a^ci- M'liiyy ill an ul,lciii|it fo sav.. a chihirr.im ralliiiu' .|■''"'"■'■■--•'• ■■ I! '-Idrs it i> an a-.Miiiiplion Mil cams. 'Is part, to say, or inqily, that (In- •■ ilama^vs aiv - vimlii't i\ r^^ suh>i,nii iai, " no- ■ \ indidivr " ilama--.'s wd'.' alln.).'.! to in the C'hirl' .lnsiic<''s chafii'i'. Thi' jui-y, wiio !ii-c the jn I-- ■- of th.> pr.ipia- am ainh of il;un!i..;vs, must, he [n-i'siimcd to Jiavr vivcai siil,sr,ai'tial (lam !-■ s only ; for it i^ not ri-ht to assnini' as an acknowli.,h;-.'(l fact, tliat which i-, n,.i pi-,ivc 1 : an I ihi'ii ai-L;ii.. fi-om it, tiiat ih,. jil l-'c (ai-ht to li.avc (•hav;,;c(l, ,as if it h.id i n so acknnwh i|n-,.,k S. ( »n the,',//,//, ohjcciion, vix,. that. The Icaiaic-l ( 'hicf .Iii-,ticc Lai.Mown i}o propi'v 20 •• rule a- a nuidrto t!ic jury in a-^'^iun' dama-vs ; l,nt allowed ihr;a to under^taiid, that tiiey ■ wei'c.at liiiciiy lo ^ive siih>iantial dain.igcs witlioiit taking- Into coiisMefiitiuii tin.' (iiiestion '■ of express malice. ' I wonld ohsei've, lint the jiil^-.. wis n ot eh ilh'iiLl' ■ I, as Ic mi.r'it have he ii to do so. Il'i I lie h ..Ml s ) c!i lihai-- ■ I .aniiheii overu\^ie I ih • p liat . 1 ) ■feiiilanl - ( "oiinsrl would liavu '"■'ll eiitith'd I 1 I'liiio il lip. hut h i\in4' omilt 'd t i rais.^ th'- p liiil. he i-aniiol, iiceonline to well known i-iile^, raise il now? hai. it wa> (|iiii,. cn-n-ct. for tie- ( 'hi.f .In-liee. to say. as lie did. that till- Jury w. re ,ir lih -rty to lin 1 siihst mtial dama-e-, without express malice if thev Were >,-i:isi|(.d that the pill ilieal ioli V.a-. a lioel c,-| li-ul;itcd to injure t he pl,-|ini i 11' ill ch.-ir- acter, and reputat ion. •.(, '1 he /luihorities are too iiuiiiei-ous and loo cle-ir, to admit (.a fuither discussion on liie- Uedd.vs wh.-it c mid he 111,, re calculate,! t'l injui-,' .Mr Walk. an in charact,!- and impu- tation than th,' ■ chare,- hen-, that he. w li,n I'r, uiier of a ( io\ i-i iimeiit. wa- .-i partii,-r in a Very l.ii-e,. -,,\,aii lit c );t r.icl such as tie- I h y,|,., k . umhr hi ^ ,,wii ,lei,arl iiciit a- ( 'liief ('iminii---.ioiier of i>aii,|s and W ak.-. il. Tile ,-/',//// ohi,-eli,iii: ■■'i'hal th,- I 'lii'f .111 ti--.- shouhl h;i\,. ,lir,-ct,-,! the Jnrv. that ■■ in the alKcnc of I'xpros malic- th,- ]il,iii:ilir w.is ,-ntitl,-d t,i ii,aiiin,il ,[aiiiai;-es only ' has no toiinilalion in law, wh,'n .ipplici to the circuiiist.-incs of this c.ise. " Implicl nialic cani,'s suhst.uitial ilama^-,-s wh,-r<- (as in this cas.-) tin- occasion is not 40 (12 '■ p,l\ilc;;r'l, t'lr ■!■ IViii Uiil - i]iiiti\(' <, ill t'aci imiiiMt Tinl ; lie " iiiii-t III- (a!;i'ii 111 li,i\r iiii''iii!iN| ill iiisfi|iii'iic!'-, iiidiiiiilly i-r>iilliii^- rr.iin wurils ]iiilili>li- "I'll liy liiiii williiiiii hiut'iil cNciix'." 'I'lii' jui-v li;i\i' cxiclriitly I'dini j tliiit all injury was ij.iiic warraiitiii:;- ill llnir Jinli^'iiii'lit siilistaiilial claiiia-vs. Wrimiaii \. Asli, 2:i I- .1,, ( '. 1*. i:)i), |1,i-,|kt \, Scdli. Aiwi wliilt- nil llic i|iic-,tiuii of (Liiiia-v^ I \v,aiM iilisiT\r, llial iIm' r\ iiliMicc, siirli as it was, oT ]iiT\i'ais j,'.ii)il will, if ailiiiitli'il In tlir riillc: rxi'iit, cintciiilcl lor, is, in tli- la'.'sciit st.if ol' tli • law, no answer to tlic action. It may, nr may imt, liavc opiTutiMl to an ap|irccialil(' I'xtrnt. in iiii,i;itatioii of tlic daiii- a^vs, tlic injury to tlic IVi'liiius ami rc|iiitatioii of ijir |ilaiiitill', l>y micIi a cliarnf, ha-. Imcii i" nmlr aiipaiviit. Mipivovcr tlif ilrlVinlaiit acl.'il most can'lrssly : for il apiiravs from tlu.- ivi'lriici', that u liltlr rrscar.'li Ipy till' lii'fi'nilaiit in his oaii iirws|ia|irr olHcc, would liavi; KMiiimlfil him that tlir cliaii^-.' had ln'in .ijr.'a'ly |iiililicly rrfiitrd iiinl.'r oath, hid'oro a i-oiii- iiiitlrc o| ilir lloiisc of AsM-iiilily : or assuiiiiiiL; him to have foiijotton all that, yrt lliat a pri- vati> ivfcr.'iicc hy til .' (ictVniJuiit to the |ilaiiititl' a|i|irisinL;- liiiii of the article in the ' Post" from which it |irofcssci| to liavc liccii co|iicil, or, of tlic " i''rcc Press" at Ottawa in wliich it was th()ii'4iit to ha\e takiii its rise, iiiiu'lit ha\f hreii made, if ^iood fiM'lin-- on the defeii- (laiits part had e.\i.sted, or he desire(l to act cautioiislv^liis would ha\-e o'lviated the iieces- '1 sity of that recourse to a ciairt of law, to wliicli tlie article in iiuesiioii was a ilircct pro- s'oeatioii, under pain ol' a ruined lepiiialion. -0 Then a^aii: wh. n the n-il f,-,cts were ascertained liy defendant from .McNaiiii>e (m-i' the hitters e\ideiiei') a siiilidile apology, e\i n after the aclioii had ]iro^re.ss(.il miMht ha\e heeii uiveii ; and there hy oli\iated the necessily (jf further lili^alioii. There was therefore: such a lihrl nliee pro\eil, no reasonalile or leuj'nl ]jretext for iiii|iosin._;- merely iiomiiiai damaui'es. 1". 'I'll'' Imli olij. ■.•;;. ,H is: That the ohsriN atioiis of the Chief diistice upon tlic, "siiliiiclof the puhlie.itioii of the reports of judicial ]iroci'edilies were calculated to iilis- ■' lead the jury, since liir i|Ue-~liou of ihe .■orreclness of a report ,.f a judicial jiioc Mum' " only arises, '.vhere, what ]iuipia-ls to he such a rep(U't. is pulilished withoia comuienl, .-ind • there is laised ,-is a defence, the |ilea of pri\ ilen-,'. ;!() This i- ,dl very \a-ne .md ohseiire. It could scarcely he iiKjre so. [r does not say how the jury c(ail,l have li.'eii misled, or s|iecify wh.it the alleeed ohservatioiis were. If this ohjertioii i-el'ers to till cxiracts di'livered t.) the jury from Hai.ai 1 1 i-.ddlesion's : charue in jiryce v. Kiisden, 1 can only say these appear to me to have Keen well timi'd and useful. The "diare-e" was liaseil on an alle^'cd report of " vlie sworn evidence of McXanicc '• in a Judicial proceeding- at (Ottawa, the (^lii.'f .liistiee was liound, thi^red'ore, to explain to the jury, the law of lihel as airectilli;- judicial |il ot eedings, itisipiitein order for a -lud^vto ipi.ite a case which deals with tlie i^eiieral siihject he has under consiih'ration, and lead upwards or ilownwanls, as the facts licfore him may 40 .'■'|Mir''. iiU'l a|ipl\ '111- ivpiirl uu.lir .|Uiii.-ii iun, (,r |,|-,iimt pnii i.ni-, nf ii, luilic pari iciil.n' ''■I-'' li'' lia-^ ill liaiul, ir this Hull .ilijivrKiii hoUcviT, ;ip|ily In lln' ( 'liicl" .lllslicc's (iI.m'Ivii- liuii^ uliirli I'lill.ivvil lii> .pi.ihiiiuii, riMiii liryi-r \. Ilii-,.l.'ii, I can only say lluil such ulisci'- vati(iii'< \\r,\' apt a' II I I . iIm' |i linl Tiir wim'.N ii>.'i| ami applii^l I:. I lie ■ Colniii^l " ailicic, as lia\ iii^ liri'ii ■ wriiii'ii aliniil a pnlilic man in jii^ piiLlii' capa.-ily alujiil a iiiuttrr nl' pnl.- lic iiilciv.sl "were as I'nliuws : [ Tin' ciiit.rliuiis ui'e so fraiiicil llial I am iiiilij;t.M| ucia iii.t a true stal.-ninil nl' what iircuiirij, Mnivnx it. il ''l"''s IMl pll'tclnl tii lir a I'llll lipurl 111' Wlial iircllll'cil. A n-piirt nl' wlial iakr^ place tn- Id ilay in tliiscuurt, fur in^iaiice, i^ peiTeetly privilcevij, altlioiieji it may eaniain liliellmis '■ |iaN-a^e;is, pro\ iijeil it I ■■■ a i'air, I'liil ami A.///.1 inir ive.inl dl' \vli;il tmik Jilaee ; liiil i an ■' lias a riL;lit tn lay ImM nl' a |i;irl icular e\pres>iiin wliicli lias I'alleii riniii .linl^c, cmnisel nr • witness. That is imi ;i /,,i„.( ii,l, \'-t\r report nl' what tm-k ]il,icr. Here ynii have the '■ whnle thiir^ in a niitsliell. Xnw, is this piil. Heal inn a lihel jinleinu hy v\ h;il I h.ave leailf" I i'ail tn see hnw the jury cniijil h;n, e heels nii-i 'il liy nl i. .er\ .it i ■ '11 ■ sueh as liicse, rej'errille, Ms they iliil, tn ;i pill. lie mall, wiinse piihlie cnliduct is iliic^'eil hy the i li t'cMilallt tn llllVi' ht.ell spoken III' in npell cnuit. ami is ihen cnllllnellli i| nil l.\ ihe liet'ell.kalll, allil |i I'el're'l In as heille- n|ien to' achar'^e" whieh 'colllil not he llealeil liehllv.' Ill nriiei to ill) it j list ice. a .liiilees charge, as 1 li,'i\c already said, iiiiist he taken as a 20 whole, lint ill ileiached pieces, picked niii, here and there, urainiiial ically aiialy/cd and criti- cally esaiiiiiH d. as if it wi'ie ;i treatise, '{'he tisL is -- was \i Cdi'ly considered c'llcnlaleil III iiiisle.iil the jury' I think not. In t his case it was t.lii' duty of the .lud'^^e m explain I'l '111' ,iiir.\'. as he did. t he L;'eiieral principles n-iAcrnine- the diU'ereni- kinds of lihel, and, amnliL;' tll'lll. th.se cnlin.ete.l vV i I h 1 1 1" report • nl' jUi 1 icia I pl'oceei li I 1l;s. A spc-ial jury is not e.isjly iiii-,liii, ii,'ni iculaily in -\icli pl.iiii iii;iltei-s. I lie I I ill ohjeetinll is: 'I'li.-il ill 1 1 i reel il i;.' t i.e a t i ent ;, ,i i of j liry t o | he l.'iw lespi .el i || e' ■■ the critieisin of the pi I !. lie .-lels of |iuh!ie iiieii. tile I 'id. f.iusii, '■ n-simi, ,| as proved that the '■ ,'irtii-le in ipi'siinii imputed a elur-e nl' corrii|:lioii to ilie riaintill'. whercis 1,,' should have ■' lel't it In the jury to sjiy whi'ihri- the ariich' eonkl |i,. >,, construed." :io 'I'll is is not correctly staled. The t 'hii'l' .lllslicr left it to the jlliy to say will t her I he piihlicalinii was iihellnii-, or not. 'lie aelii.d words vrere : 'I ,.l;.ill li-a' • it sin, ply to t hem" (the Jury) ■ tn .say whctlier the pulilislied wnrds weie a lihel, /'. r : W, t\- tlcv dispara'^'iiie- '■ or calculated to inHict nieiilal pain aid ii.jury a]iart i'mm peciiniarv in,-,." (\'i.le tiie Chiel' •lllslicc's printed note-. p.iM-e 'IS. lasl three lilies.) So Iniii;- as a dud-e doe- that, and leaves the decision as to the lihel to the juiv, there is ni.'tliing to pre\ cut liis^ixin^- his own opinion upon it, which they, as sole jiid^vs of the fact, iii.'iy disregard or imt as they chi:ose. l;i foie l'"i,.\'-, ,'ici the .liid-e was nhlii^ed tn -ivc this npiiiioii ; sine.- then lie may do so or not as he likes, sn Ion--, .-IS in this case, he leaves it entirely to the jury to tiliciil lull iir t'M'iwc, i> u li l.rl. nlmhr, ,■ tin , i)l< ulinu ,,<'ii/ " fiiHt III r It . < hi I 111'- |H.iiii rnlliii'k iiiTiiiN |i I lili, Miy.' ; - Till' jii'l iminlili' or iniioiTiii. cliiiriii'trr 111' ' Wiil'il^ il('|H'||cU Itiil mt III I nil III inn with wllicll tlirV Wi'lT |illl ili'^linl, lilll mi tlirir iillllll! '' iiii'iiiiiiiu' mill ti'inlnicy wlini |inlili.>li"il." CitiiiL;' ( 'mI'IIjiI iiinl ( 'niiiii ii's' Haiik \. ilriily, 7 A|l|i , ( ' A,, ill wllicll lllr law ut' lilicl i> rljllinlatrly lli--rllssi'i|, |i. |i. 7'i^, 7'^(l. 7''"'-, Mini |i. 7'^7. Till' l-'illi cilijiTiimi whii'li i-. |iiit >ii laii'»^liiiuM liavr i ir lii'-t — t'.a' uiirc i'-~ialili^lii'il I" all 111 111 T'^ w iiilM lin\ r liiMdiiir iiiiiii'i-i"^Nary. il i-^ : ''I'liat I lir ( 'liii'i' .lii^licr >li(iiili| lia\r " I nil 1 1 Mill I I llal ;;i'i| lllr }ni\' I lull llir | illMiral ii Ml \\a> ill('M|i;:l'l'' ul' I llr illllllrllilu : ail' I was ' ii'il a HImI." in iiiliir wiiiils. .slmulil liii\i' williilrawii the arlicic rroin ilir jury, ainl ili- iri till a limi Mlil. Siili-laiil iaily, it i'^ M ri'|icl iliiii willi \aiialliiii> ul' llic lii'>l ulijri'tiiai, alul ^ch'mim r \'ci'y lllllrll mI' t 111' >ailir ''I'lilliul. Till' ar^iiiiii'iit III' lii'l'i'iiilaiit''' i lUll•^l■l in '^ii]i|iiii I. i> lia--i''l mi tin' ^iiuu' iimi'I'hw a^^iiiiiii- tiiililliMl ]ii'i'\ a(l''> iiliii'cti'iii Nil. 1: liaiiii'ly, tlial uraiiinialii'Mlly cmisiilrrcil, Mcrmiliii^' In (•milisfr.s \ ii'W, tlir t'mir lilir rXtiai-l i^ tlir lilll I 111' !lir ( 'l.ii'l' .IllNticr's cIimI'l;'!'. SlU'll isiiliili'il (.'X|ii'i's>iiiii'^ as aiijirari'il III haniiniiizc' with lliis ciiiistriiit imi wri'c [lickcil uiil li\ Irl'i'ii- -" ihllil's cuiliiscl, .siii'li as' llii' li'ii'l, ' till' |ias-a'.:i'." " till' |iulili->lii'il wunls," " tlir eliar^''. ' uini tllf like. 'i'lir lii'iiaili'i' (■mirlii--imis III' lliiiil \. A1u;mi'. 'i • '. i-V I'. 2 I'.') ; ( 'iialiiiri's \ . I'ayiir, 2 ('aiii|i. \: Kiis., !.'); C.ix \. I , :;s L. .1.. hXc. :i I 1 ; ( (.I-.t. 27, •"i-''l : t'.'iiiiial ami Cuiuiii'-' I'.aiik V lli'iify, •") I'. 1'. I)., wriT iiMri'iiwcil (li)wn liy liiin tn suil liis assiiiM|ii inn. With thrsr wn'i- iii'j,i'niiii|s|y llmili'il iiii|ii'(i\'ri| i-laims nl' t;(MMl I'l'i'liiiM' ainl I'livmaliK' nntirr ; anil the (•(Uii't. \vii> liulillv M>ki'il 1(1 ciinciinli' iipmi siirh wiak inatnials as tlirs,'. Iliat tlii' arliili' wa-~ not a lilirl ; liilt I'alriilalril In 111' liriH'lii'ial lallni' than iiijiiiiiiiis In lllr I 'lailit i 11'. This nlijiTt inn SI I l|l''_;ril M] i[iral'i'i I M' *ir>t si^'ht In In' | ila 11^1 1 ill', lillt its \ alllr ilisa|i|irar''il cnlircly ii|inn rxaininarinii. -'iO I'lnmi^ii has ulrraily hccu saiil tn >linw that Imikinn' into tho iiuMislinl wm-ils, ami tak- ing' thr ( 'hict .liisiifc's chai'L;'!', Jis 11 whole, it is ini|iossiliii' that lir coiilil liavr cnntiiii'il his oliMTSatinliS tn tll-iM' I'mii' linrs, nl' tlir .JUI'.N' li l\i' Ulnli'l'sl 1 liilll In lia\i' iliilli' >n ; alul tll.'lt mii'i' jiiovcii all till' aruuiiH'iil lia>i'i| ;'|ion ili'l'ciiilant's Mssiiiii|itinii i'alls \aliii'lis> in tlu' ^roiiiiil. Tlir |ilrMiliii;;s I hiiiisci vrs -shnv, that iimrc than the iiii'Vr " extract " was dialt with. Till' slatiiinnt ol' claim covci'.s lli.' w hi L artii Ir ; a in I it was ailiiiittcil in Mr;^iiiiicnt. ainl shewn l.y the Re;.;istrar, in answer tn any i'ni|iiii'y ny ihe cmirt. tliMt tin: news|)a)ii'i' cnntaiii- iiiii' the wlmle avlicle, was i;'i\'en In the .jury alnii'j,' wiih the iileailiiiu's, which alieaily hail lieeii |iarticnlariy ex|ilaiiii'(| to thein. 40 ife' 6S ltiilcc irily cak-uhiteil to injure the phiintiti', and especially so as a judu'e, hy dam- agin'^ so altered to the jury, _^ Vith the "Colonist " and " I'ost " as thev were retirim: to con.sider their vm'dict. There is no uieiiioranilum o iTHi tered, was i)iace< the Re'dstrar, when thev ga\ innuendo. lint )f this on the Chief Justice's notes; hut the .statement of claim .so_al- 80 hefoi" ',:-' on the argument »»tpart of tlie papers returned hy the jury to' their venliet. This ought to settle the (juestion ahimt the (X 1st he held that if the innuen-io had from ;! legal point of \ iew, it mi gone to the jury, ai id wa~: too extensive the defect was covered hy tlie ver.liet. V ihat I h ive sai( I, one thing I think :■!. the t'liief Justice would never have heen justiHed in •raying that the article wa> not capa a lihel. hk tl le innuellilo and therefore lot Then was, 111 my opinion, a double lihel, "the extract" (which first introduced the Drvdock contract) admitteil to he one; and the "eomiiient" (which nailtil " the charge " to the l> aintiti ) another m fl{) Tlie iifcussiiry mid imturiil iiifunncc to lir ilcilufcil i'lDiii tlic woiils ol' llif iiiticlc, of its flft'aiiKitory clmractcr, wiin iiTL'sistililo. Indued, no otlici' illfi'l'clicc coldd Iji' dl'MWIl Fl'olli tliclii, it' tlic lest lir iqiplicd to tllclil, whicli is j^ivtii in tlio Capital and Counties' Hank v. Ilenty, •") C. i*. I)., 'rl't. liy Cinve, ,]., viz.: "What inference would Ke ilrawn liyapeison icasonaMy n adini,' tlie I'ulilisluMi " words ; wliat is tlie result likely to lie produceil on liis mind .' " The iJefendant assumes to himsulf unasked, the ri^dit to take eliur^^e f)f the Plaintiti"s eliaiaeter ; and, forthwith, spreads the statement liy j^dvini:- it the full circulation of his paper — without any word of conunent to sa}' it could not he lielieveil. On the contrary he proclaimed that it liail to he met liy Plaintitt'and disproved, if possilile. 10 The Jury, no douot, as they were fully entitled to do, natu)'all ' .tl V lookeil to the relation, past and jirest'Ut, of the parties to each other; and. indeecl, all the surrounding' circum- stances whicli could throw aii}" lii;lit on the iiieanin;^' of the woi'ds. They shared, of course, in the kiiowleilge the comiiiuiiity would have of a puhlic work of that iiiaenitude, carried on under a puhlic act, with wliieli everyhody was familiar. With that kiiowledire they could not exclude from their consideration the coniiectioi; of the I'laiiitiH" with it: that he, ith his colleaiTUes, as a ■r of the e.secuti\ e. had the lettiuL;- .f the contract for li in" the l)ock ; that he, as At .oi-ne\-( ieneral, had the fraii if it: Chief Comm .sioner o f La Works, the supervision < ver tho execution of it, and the issuinj.;' of the certificates on which alone the payments under the contract had to lie made. With 20 these coilsider;itions liefore thelll, it is not reasoualile to su|ipe tllev could draw aiiv other inference' than a liliellou> one from the puMished words. So — with l.,ord ISraiiiwell's dictum lief( If II liliellous interence nin lie drawn from written words, as a neci'ssarv an " natural inference, it is a lihel." the Chief .lustice would not ha\e heeii warranted in with- drawiiiLT the article from the iurv. In connection with this olijection \o, I:{, a point referrin;;' to the innuend o was raisei Def eiidant's counsel - that, as the old iiie^ 111 a liliel suit, must lie understi coiisistiii;;' of two counts I. ( )f lihi'l upon the article complained of iritlmul the iniiuei;do, and <1 it I < »f a Count upon the lihel ('/'//( the innuendo, and that the \erdict heing i,feneral,;iO en:"- iiiiiM.ss ■iilile to distiiiijui.sh u.s to which count it refeiiuil to, an arrest of ,1'"1 •ni would have heeii had. iiut, on reference tothet'hief .Justice's ellMlne, and tiie docuillellts thellisi'lves ill the | possession of the Court which were sent in to the jury, iiicludine- the " Colonist " iicwspaper \ and the 'I'.i.st, iliserve that the Chief .lust ice (Iocs n ot refer much to the innuendo, he- yond assuniini; that the puhlislii'd words are of a defamatory iiati Wall. Ilk III \ Ifall, :! (,». H , :\'M\ is an aiilhoritv that. ■IS- IlllllllL De iiilaiit s II ypothesis tl be correct, and e\-eii that the iiiiiunido went too far. that would not make tin- count with til le inilllenilo had. ll the oilier count were SI iistaiiii'iL l''or that case sa\s : emlo wi lit to" f,ir it dill not make the count had. If the I'l.iintiM' iirovi ' If the innu- ■ither count," 40 which was done here, ' it is .siitlieieiit.' ll would ha\e heeii unneec.ss;ir\' to dwell on tl I, I 67 |iniiit liiiil lint I'Diinsol advanced it ; U>v nur .rudicaturi' Act and Iliilis, wliicli arc IioithwimI t'riiin tlioso dl' iMii^laiid, make tliat liy]t()tlicsis as ti) counts no loiij;'! rot \iiliic. Tlic verdict is an I'tl'.'ctivc cnie. In Hlauj,' v. Siurt, Ki I,. .1. g. I!., :{!), tlie Court of Queen's Delicli, altjiolluli tlie innuendo was not sll]i|iorted liy evidence, leftlseil to set the verdict aside, (and see Muliii^an v. Cole, L. IJ,., I (). ]',. |)., .Uii.) .luri.'s ilo not care nnicl for innuendoes at any tinn^; and lieve tliey had the article in tlie " Cn], mist " itself, whic tliey had no diliiculty in understandini;'. 'I'he afore-dinu- remarks, after all, )K>rha|is seem (|uite suiierHiions, for the Chief .Insi ice directeil the jury toilisre-ard the iiiiiueiid(jes, handiiii;- tiieni the I'hiintiff's statement of claim, with the innuendoes struck out hy himself in their presence, 1||. also eave diivclions that the ori-inal articles in the ' Colonist " and " Post " 10,' shoiiid lie L,dven to them, and these which wei'e all shewn tons duriiii;- tin.' ari'-unieiit were tak M liy the jurv with them on retiring-, and on them, no douht, the jurv came to their NL'ldl. , n ich The itth olijection, viz:— -'riiat the Chief .liistict' improjierly rejected tlie evidence of " a summons to amend the iilcadines tendered on helialf of ilefeiidant, " must, in mv opinion fttil. . 1 . I here has never heen a case that 1 know of, and no |)n cedent was (niotcd uf one where such a summons has lieeii hroiiL;ht in as evidence of readiness to give an apologv ; or what appeared inteiidcl merely to hear the air of one, without actually heiiiu one. The j)roposed aniendiiMnt was, in suhstance, that (l^feiitlant would make anv e.\plana-2() tion in the " Colonist " that might he .satisfactory to the I'lainlitr, provided it was rea.siai- aole (i. e., of course in Defendant's opinion.) No explanation or offer of one had hern L;iven, How could such a ]ile,i he allowed .' Ijow could it lie pleaded ' As Mr. Drake, I'laiii- titi s counsi'l observed : ■ \im cannot plead an intention : you caniKtt take issue upon it ; '■ you can only plead a iact." it is also impossihle to see what statement in a iiewspajier could have ueulfali/.ed the etfeel of what the cl,.f,.|i,|„iit himself puhlicly desiniiated as a " charge " liuide " under the sandfly of an oath wh ich could not lie lightly treated nor al- " lowed to pass unheeiled," 'J'his was a ilii'ect piihlic challenge in the I'laintitf to dispi'uve the charge in a Court of •lustice. The summons could, therefore, have no eti'ect on the jury, if it had lieeli admitteil. An explanation or apology, if really intended, could very easily hax'e lieeii made at an_/time hy the Defendant without a summons. Hefore us his counsel repudiated the idea of making an apology. He claimed to lie justilied in writing the article ; and at the trial, hefoie tiie ease went to the Jury, positivelv refused all apology or explanation. 'I he dismissal of the summons on ihr ground tli;il it was couirar\to the rules of pleading, really seems to have l.reii anticipated hy Defendants counsel, if one may judge from his aci|uiesceiice in the result. .'JO 7 OH lie i|li>tllilli'cl rnilli a]i|icillill;;' ilU'ilill^t the (li^missiil, iw lir Ini^lit llM\r iluiir ill i iiicc, to iiiir iicw 1 lixisiuiiiil Couit. r.st.-ililislii'il I'm' tin' (■\|irc's> |iuriiiisi' nt' ^isiii'^ ininiciiiiilr rdii'l' in iiitfi'ldcutiiry jii'ocuciiiiijfs. ( N'idc I!. ( '. A|i))cll.'!tc .lui-isilictioii Act, ISN-V) Nu autliority was fitcil, niir can I Mini aiiy.wlicrc a rcjcctcil Miiniiinns or otlirr intcilocntory lirucccdiiiM- df (lie kinil lias liii'ii ailniittcd a-, ex iilciicc at, a trial. Were tin' iiracticc ntlcrw isc it wmilil lir \ ii tiially crcatinn' an a]i|M'al li> tlic jury instead cit' tlir I )nisi(inal CdUrt. ISn^lcau \. liiitlin, 'I V.w.. (1(!">, tliciuuli not exactly in point may lie usefully rel'iTied to. 'I'll!' I.")tll ol'jection, \iz:-' '■ 'I'liat tlie Cliiid' .lustier ini]ilo|ii'rly rejected tlie ne\\s|]a[iers ' contiiiniu;;- t'avoralile coiiiiuents tendered as e\ idence on lieliall' of the 1 )et'endMiit." Like tlie reji'cted suuiiiioiis tliese jiulilislied re|iii;'ts, containing' presentments or i'e]iorts JO made ill courteous terms liy L;raud jurors to the I'laiiititl' as |ii-esidiiiL;' judLje, were teii- dei'ed as i'\ idence of '^ood I'eeliii;;' on the I )et'eiiilant's part, with a \iew ol' mil iuatin;^' the daniaei's. Ilow they could lia\ e had that etleet. had they lieeli admitled, 1 fail to se.-. 'l"he conipliiiientary allusions, which tlioy contained, were those of tlii' j^rand Jiu'v — ■ certainly not those of l)efendant. \'et liis counsel says he oul;1iI to ha\e credit for theni, as if tlie\- had heeii his own ; although, in fact, tliev were not so. 'I'll!' mere fact of Ids havinn' ]iuMi'h..| lie ri'jiorts. c mid not. to my mind, ha\e intlu- enced the jury in his f,i\or. fur, apart from hrief allusions made in them to the I'laintitf and his family, they refer to iii,-i Iters of puhlic eoneei'ii, aini. as such, it is only reasouahle to 20 heliexe, they Wi-yr pulilished hy Defendant from a mere newsp.iper point ol \iew, as an\' other current news of the day. 'I'lie .MeNamee exiilenci- had not then ciiiue to !iL;ht. The l)efeudant made no editorial commeiil-- on tlu-e re|iiirts I'avuraMe to jhe I'lainlifi' if he had.they liliLiht ha\e lieell of soilli value. It is not. |iro\ed that I 'ei'eiidant e\er e\en saw them. lM--ides the 1 >efrudant. liy ahstainiii'^' from i^oiuL; into the witip-ss liox tn e~.talili>li. if j_ he could, his ailei;ation ni ^ood faith in respect of his defamatory ariiide. delilu'ratelv / threw away tl pportunity which would lane arisen in the course ol' hi-. e\idince of ^iv- iuu' point, if he could, to the iiieie fa( I of ] lul i isliilie such pill lie di .euii.euls. T:ike a par- allel case hy way of illustration. Would the pulilicatioii of thi' ropoit of ;i \ote of ihanksIJO to some one at a puhlic liieetinL;, eNeU-.e all editor, who happened to see il, for a lihel which he afterwards pulili-.hed oil the same man. I'lo,,, linn's of piililie iuiiT,. .t. il' pnl'lished at all. are puMished for the lienetit of ihe pip.i' likv ntlier y'eiieral news, ;iiiil there is m thiiiu' to shew that these newspajier re|.oi'ts were any e\ce|ilion to the rule. This hrinu's me to The I lith ohjectioll : ' That the ( 'iiicf .Inst ice impropei'ly rejected the exidi'liee of the '■ witnesses. Messrs. l!oli-,oil and Pioolh, tendered on liehalf of the l)efelldant. Mr I'lohson'-. name is not on the .lii.i^e's notes: s,i that tic i|Ue-~tiiin of admitting; his e\i(leu(e was not I'a: 'd as it oiiu'lit to h.'i\e lii'eii, hy swe.iriiiu' tliiit witness, and tleu, if his e\i(le|icc was ohjiM'ted to. ^cttiliL;' a di'l'isiou ou the oiijection. and the ohjeeliou on the notes. y. (II) The oviileiic'c was stutcil in nr;,niinciit, l>iit I fiml tin- stntciin'iit nowlio-c else, to liiivi' lji;on a ciinvLTstition, like Mr. lindtli's, witli tlic |)i rciKluiit licl'drc lln- !illi';fiil li'id wuh printed, or I'vcr tliou^lit of or coniposcil. Mr. IJootli, wi; know, was sworn, liuf liis cn idcnce ohjc'cti'd to lis relating' to ('oiivfrsations witli tlic Dfl'undant liriorc he even tlion;^lit oi' niak- ini; tliu )Mililication i'oni[ilniiiod oi'. Jf tlicse convursations rcl'urroil to the " dialer, " tlio\' would at lic'st ifo to prove; aj^^ainst tliu Defendant tliat tlie puKlication cdiiiplained of wa.s not i|uite tliu impromptu article wliieli tlie Defendant, in the e\idetiee of MeNsis. Dunsnuiir and Tuck, souj;ht to make us helieve it was. It is sineular that on the ari^qnneiit for a new trial, no imiiortance was attached to tlu^ non-appearance of the l)efenm, were some points which invite remark. Ohjections Nos. :i, 7, ''^, !' all imply that the Del'i'ndant c(Mnplains that the damagi'S were excessive. It was so mooti'(l hy him during the argument, and, therefore, claims |iass- ing notice. These damages wi're tixed hy the jury. " In lihel cases the amount to whicli "damages are .as.sessed lies entirely in the discretion of the jury," and they were so eliarged. " The courts will never interferi' with their verdict, mi-rely hccause the amount " is I'Xcessive " ()dgers2!M and cases. A new trial will o.dy he granted when it ap[)ears to the coui't that there is some in- 40 tentional and marked injustice on the p.irt of the jury, or their verdict is the result of 70 sun,,. ^n.ss ..rrnr i„ n niMltcr of ,,n,„.i,.l... Non,. s„,.|, „,,,„.ars ,„• is s„.,.vst,.,l I,,.,,. Th. ''""'""'" ';:>"•'""' "rtic.M u.v not limit,.,| t, inrmmuv loss tl,.. I'laihtitr is Mr U, I'i-v- " It rs no ,T„nn,l lor n n.sv trial tlwtt th. jmy nmy "imv,. " (as in this nis,.) •• (,.!<,.„ 'nto,.ons„l.nmon,l„.r,.|HHonof th. parti-.s, th. n.o.l,. of ,,ul,li..ation, ti,.. .xt.nt of ,1,.. ••n.'i.lation nivcn to tl„. wonis nanpiain.,.,! of, tl,.. iWl that tl„. atta..k was ..n.i.vlv ..n- _ i""-"-'!. "'• ( 1 '"M-n,|,.,| l,y th,. lions,, of Lonis on appeal) whi,-h is as follows:- ' ' '' Th,.,-.. nn,st h,. a ^r..at p,.,.pon,l,.,.an,.,. of ,.vi,|,.n.-,. „n th,. ,.th,.,. si,l,. l„.rore such a ver 'iH't -an lu. s,.t as„|o on th,. ,ronn,l of l.ing against tl„. w..!,]., of .,vi,|„„..,.." ..> It -s not ,.n„ugh that th.. .I„,|j.,. who tn..,| th,. ..as,. n,ij,ht hav,. .-on,,, to a ,im,.r,.nt -.K'Ius,on on th,. ,.v.,K.nc,. t],at th,. Jury, or the .h.,l„.s, where the now trial i, "1 "M'!;'..-,., assunun,,- there rs ,.vi,|,.n,.,. on hoth .si,|,.s to .o to th,. iurv as to ne.l,. i :'-'"r"""''^"":' "'^i'--^""' ""-• "^ '-'"i^ -u,.n,in,..n;^..that t , •; '1 ;:, 'i"in-- int,, th,. witnc.ss hox. With sueh f,u.ls as these h,.f„r.. them, an,l the pr,.pon,l..r,.UM-,. of ,.vM,.ne.. so l.„.,„.|v |.g.nst the .,., n„ant, w^hat other ver-liet eonl.l a July I.f r,.as„nahl.. n„ ^ /" \ , ;;;;z:ar ■';;•::,:"■ *'"■ --"" •"■ *"■■ -'-' '-- "-- ••"■ -^^^^ - -,ien.... .: T J ^ <''i ■-Ifi-'S was liiiil nil the riMlii ,,|' |ii|l,liiioiin'ly lioinc in iiiiii