RAILWAY GAUGES -♦»»■ SEYMOUR. A EEVIEW OF THE THEORY OF NARROW GAUGES AS APPLIED TO mm TRUNK LINES OF RAILWAY By SILAS SKYMOUR, - - C." GENKRAL CONSULTlNa ENOINKKH. NEW YORK: D. VAN NOSTRAND, PUBLISHER, 33 MURKAY AMD .7 WaRRKX SJTKKKT 1871. Entered according to Act of Congres*, in the year 1871, by SILAS SEYMOUR, io the office of the Librarian of CongreM at Wasbingtun. RAILWAY GAUGES. LETTER FBOU KB. HABSEALL 0. BOBEBTS. Texas Pacific Railroad Company, Office, corner "Warren and West Streets, New York, Sept. 23, 1871. Hon. Silas Seymour, 20 Nassau street^ Xeio York. My Dear Sir, — I have the honor to send you here- wi;.h, the report of our Chief Engineer, General Buell, on the subject of narrow gauges, which is of deep interest to me as the President of the Texas Pacific Railroad, a great trunk line. Before deciding so inoportant a matter as the adoption of a gauge for our road, I feel the necessity of obtaining all the information that can possibly be procured on this subject ; and knowing your great experience whilst acting as State Engineer of New York, as Chief Engineer of the N. Y. and Erie Ruilroad, and other prosperous enter- 4 RAILWAY GAUGES. prises, ami as Consulting Engineer of the Union Pacific llailroa«l, I am induced to solicit your written oi)inion, as to whether a first-class raih'oad, of equal speed, comfort to I)assengers, and capacity for freiglit, with tliose possessed hy the gauges now in general use, can be built upon a narrow gauge ; and if so, what gauge would you recom- mend ? J5y giving me your views, at your earliest convenience, yuu will confer a great favor on, Yours very truly, Marshall 0. Roberts. A REVIEW OF THE NARROW GAUGE THEORY ME. SEYMOUR'S REPLY. Xo. 20 Nass-vc Sthkkt. Nl-w York, Oct. IQth, 1871. Dear Sir. — ITav'uisr recoivetl vour coiiimunicati«>n of the 23d ultimo, and the a:eouipanying re}>urt of your Chief Engineer, during a somewhat protracted stay in Cana while in the similar train on the broad gauge road, the percentage of dead weight to load is about jVo*" I cannot concur with your Chief Engineer, either in the premises which he assumes, or in the conclusions at which he arrives. Although I will admit, that, assuming every- thing else to be only equal, if either one of the reasons which he gives can be satisfactorily proven true, he will have gained his case. The great difficulty, however, will be found to rest in obtaining this satisfactory proof. Take, for example, the construction of the road-bed. I should want to see two parallel lines of equal length, and running over precisely similar ground, constructed, one for the wide, and the other for the narrow gauge, having equal margins for right of way, drainage, slopes, bermes, etc.; and then the difference in cost could be correctly ascertained. But. in the absence of such a test, I cannot admit that there is anything like the difference claimed for this one item, in favor of the narrow gauge. But as this test never has, and probably never will be made, it only remains to show, by indirect or negative demonstration, that the proposition cannot be true. If I understand the proposition (which is stated some- what ingeniously), it is, that if thenarro>- gauge road-bed costs $10,000 per mile, the wide one will cost $13,000. the difference being -j^, or about 23 per cent. Perhaps I cannot illustrate my idea of the error better, li 8 A REVIEW OF THE XABBOW GAUGE THEOBY. than by assuming an average mile of grading, masonry, etc., to be fully completed, and ready for the superstruc- ture of the wide gauge ; and then, by assuming that a longitudinal section, extending the entire length, and one foot two and a half inches in width, be taken out of the centre, and the sides brought together so as to close up the vacant space. We should then have a perfect road-bed for the narrow gauge ; and the question to be determined would be the relation which the longitudinal section, so taken out, bears to the road-ljed as left complete for the narrow gauge. The side slopes of excavations and embankments, which often contain more material than the prism, would, of course, remain the same. The side drains, bermes, and the wings, end walls, and coping of culverts, would also remain the same. If truss-bridging occurs, the entire masonry and superstructure of this would remain the same for both gauges, for the reason that the width of bridges required for passing cars of the widest gauge, has been found none too great to allow of the requisite lateral bra- cing to keep the bridge in perfect line and adjustment. The road-bed for the wide gauge is generalh' fourteen feet in width at grade, but I assume that twelve feet, in good material, is quite ample. By taking out the longi- tudinal section referred to, there would remain 10 ft. 92 inches for the narrow gauge road-bed ; but reducing this width to ten feet, which, I presume, would be consid- ered as equally ample, and the actual saving in the prism would be only one-sixth, or about IG percent. When we add to this reduced prism, the cost of the A REVIEW OF THE NAKBOW GAUGE THEORY. 9 other dementi!, which remain the same in ioth cases : and consider that the shops, station-houses, platforms, etc., etc.. would also remain substantially the same, the actual percentage of saving in total cost would become so small, as compared with the amount claimed by your En- gineer, that his first reason for recommendii.g the adoption of the narrow gauge loses nearly its entire force. By the same process of reasoning, the second and fourth reasons given b\' him, in which he claims that 4-3 per cent, will be saved in cost of superstructure, and from 50 to 55 per cent, in cost of rolling stock, may be shown to be equally erroneous. The saving in cost of superstructure, the weight of rails remaining the same, will be oi.\v the value of a section, 1 ft. 22 in. in length, cut from the centre of each t"c. The requisite weiglit of iron rails is generally .> .apposed to be governed by the weight resting upon each driver of the engine: and as this weight creates the adhesion, and, therefore, governs the power, it follows that, with the same weight of train, it must be equal upon both gauges. If it is claimed that the same amount of tonnage can be hauled with greater economv. bv multiplvins trains, and usins: lighter engines, then I maintain that the same principle can be applied upon the wider gauge with equal economy : and, therefore, that no greater weight of rails is required. The savins in the cost of each car will be onlv the value * • of a longitudinal section of 1 ft. 22 in. taken from the centre of the car, embracing only the top. bottom, and two ends of the bodv, and the truck frames, and axles below — and. perhaps, a still further trifling deduction on 10 A RETIEW OF THE NARROW GAUGE THEORT. account of the value of materials and labor claimed to be saved in the construction of cars of the propose<^l diminu- tive width ; but I claim that the additional number of cars required to transport the same amount of tonnage, or number of passengers, will make the cost quite as much, if not more, for the narrow than for the wider gauge. I claim also that the cost of locomotives, provided the same amount of power is used, will be no greater for the wide than for the narrow gauge. If there is any diflTer- ence. it would certainly be in favor of the largest engine. If these statements are correct, and I have no doubt that they will be found substantially so, there can be no more force in the second and fourth propositions sub- mitted by your Chief Engineer, than there appears to be in the first. Having had some experience in the construction and equipment of roads, with both the G ft. and 4 ft. 81 in. gauges, the diflference in which is slightly greater than that of the two gauges now under discussion, 1 am not pre- pared to say, and do not claim that there is actually no difference whatever in their first cost ; but I do say most emphatically that this difference is very largely, although probably inadvertently, overstated by the advocates of this extreme narrow gauge theory. When, in 1847, this matter was under discussion before the Xew York & Erie Railroad Company, with reference to the proposed change of gauge from 6 ft to 4 ft 8i inches, I know that this item, of first cost of construction and equipment, did not enter very largly into the argument ; and my recollection is, that it was conceded by the respec- A REVIEW OF THE NARROW GAUGE THEORY. 11 tire advocates of each gauge, that it could not be less than five, nor more than ten, per cent, in favor of the narrow gauge. The third reason given by your Chief Enjrineer seems to have verv little, if any, application to his argument in favor of the narrow, as against the wide gauge. It ^eems rather to be introduced for the purpose of showing, or asserting, that a train upon the narrow gauge is capa- ble of attaining as high a rate of speed as is reached upon any first-class railroad. In putting this rate of speed at ** 35 to 4o miles per hour with perfect safety. " I believe him to be in error, because I do not think that such a rate of speed can be adopted with perfect safety upon any road, or with any gause. With the track in perfect adjustment, and cars of pro- portionate width and height, I see no reason why an engine of sufficient power will not haul a train with as great speed and safety upon a narrow, as upon a wide gauge. Although I believe it is generally conceded that, in the ordinary Condition of our roads and rolling stock, a wide gauge is the safest for high rates of speed. The fifth and last reason assi^jned by your Chief En- gineer. is really the great argument generally advanced by the advocates of the extreme narrow gauge theory. And yet I firmly beheve it to be the weakest, and. if proper tests could be applied, the most easily exploded, of any of the arguments yet advanced in its favor. But the great difficulty here, as in the other positions assumed in favor of this theory, is to apply the proper test. If we could have two parallel roads constructed, of equal , / 12 A RETIEW OF THE NARROW GXUdT THBOEI. l^Dgths, graiQt^ it, the problem could verv soon be solved beyond a «|»iiifJtrucled of the gauge reeommended by your Chief Eci^aj-e^er, upon which a mixed freight and passenger tratS«r h^d %>e^u carried on during a series of years, the results* of \irtak'licouldbe com- pared with those of any other simlLw line, having the ordinar}' gauge, and doing the same amoKjuuiat and kind of business, we might then be able to pr<>!T!une *4ome data upon whioh to base an argument. But as we have neither of these ex;Mflp]es before us, every one is allowed to form hi* cwtim <)»piiiions from his own stand-point; and to advocate thecsa isi ajjy manner, and for any purpose he pleases, appareatij without any fear of su:cessful contradiction. It will be observed, however, thikii iht f tiie narrow gauge. In another place he {lssume^i. tnat tlie percentage of dead to Uve weight upon the 4 tt. Si ki- gauge, is 100 ; A REVIEW OF THE NARROW GAUGE THEORY. 13 upon the 3 ft 6 in. gauge, 48; and upon the 3 ft. gauge, 5G. lie also says : "In the above calculation I have used for the 4 ft. 85 in. gauge, the box car now in uxe. For the 3 ft. 6 in. gauge, tho box car as presented in this i-e port. For the 3 ft. gauge, the box car as constructed at the AVihning- ton Car Works, /or the Denver and Uio Grande Railroad.'^ I have italicised the portions of the above quotation to which I wish to call particular attention; and will only add the remark, that ''the box car now in use'^ has been actually and thoroughly tested during many years, and has been found to answer the purpose admirably well ; ^^the box car as presented in this report," exists only in theory and upon paper ; and ''the box car as constructed for the Denver and Uio Grande Railroad," if really constructed, has never been used suiHciently to test either its strength or durability. The terminal stations of the New York Central, and the Erie railways, are within easy reach of your office. The difference between their respective gauges is greater than between the 3 ft. 6 in. and the 4 ft. 82 in. gauges. The general character of their jDusiness is the same ; and it is to be presumed that their rolling stock has been con- structed, as to weight and dimensions, with due regard to the width of their respective gauges. I would therefore respectfully ask, whether it would not have been as well for your Chief Engineer to have obtained from these sources, some reliable data upon which to base his argu- ments, instead of basing them so entirely upon mere as- sumptions. li A BEYIEW OF THE 17ABR0W GAUGE THEORY. But as he has not done so, and does not give any rea- sons, either satisfactory or otherwise, for this apparent discrepancy between dead and live weight upon the re- spective gauges, I would respectfully ask him, why this percentage is necessarily greater upon the 4 ft. 8* in. gauge, and less upon the 3 ft. gauge, than it is upon the 3 ft. 6 in. gauge ? And will he, or any other of the many advocates of this extreme narrow gauge theory, under- take to demonstrate why a platform ten feet square, and capable of upholding a given maximum weight, should necessarily be of more than twice the weight and strength of one, ten feet long and five feet wide, and capable of sus- taining just one half of the same maximum weight ? And, again, if an ordinary four-wheel truck, duly proportioned to the size and weight of the respective loaded platforms, were to be placed underneath each platform, why it should necessarily require more than twice the power to move the larger, that it does to move the smaller platform ? These may be regarded as very trifling and unimpor- tant questions. Yet, simple as they may appear, I am very much mistaken if they do not reach, and effectually undermine, the foundations of .this narrow gauge theory, so far at least as it rests upon the great dead weight argu- ment. In the absence of any actual test, or other demonstra- tion, I will venture the opinion that the larger platform, if constructed only of equal proportionate strength, will be found to be of less than twice the weight of the smaller one ; and also, that less than twice the power will move it. A BEVIEW OF THE NARBOW GAUGE THEORY. 15 If there be even a slight possibility that my opinion is correct, then why not try, at least, this very simple and cheap experiment at once, instead of expending millions of dollars upon what must, at best, be regarded as a very questionable theory? The trial may be made at almost any time, upon any road, and with any gauge, by merely making a proper allowance for the unnecessary length and size of the axles underneath the smaller platform; and the experimental platforms may be of any relative width required to furnish the superficial area, or bearing surface claimed for the respective gauges. This simple test would, in my opinion, decide the whole question, for the very simple reason, that these experi- I mental platforms and trucks are the foundations which sustain all the superincumbent weight, and transmit it di- rectly to Ihe track underneath — whether this weight be in the form of additional length of platform, or of the super- structure of the car; or whether it be in the shape of pay- ing freight and passengers. I maintain, that the double truck flat, or platform car, is only an extension of these end platforms, properly con- nected together, and supported under the centre by a ten- sion rod of iron ; and that the box car, and the passenger and saloon coaches, are only these very platforms and their extensions, sided up and covered over in a manner, and with a finish appropriate to * their respective uses. J And it is quite evident to my mind, that this superstruc- ture above the platform, which encloses the space required to protect the load, need be no heavier upon the wider gauge, than the proportion justly due to the increased ton- 16 A REVIEW OF THE NARROW GAUGE THEORY. nage,or number of passengers which it is designed to enclose and protect. If doubts exist upon this point, however, tlic matt or may be very easily settled by extending the scope of the proposed experiment with the platforms, so as to include fully completed box and passenger cars, of the length, width, and height proposed for the respective gauges. But admitting, for the moment, that all the advantages claimed for the 3 ft. 6 in. gauge are, or appear to be, justly due to that gauge, I should still hold, that, with the ex- ception of the slight percentage chargeable to the wider gauge for additional cost of construction, all these advan- tages can be realized with greater economy and safety, by using the same character of rolling stock upon the 4 ft. 85 in. gauge. And that these advantages, if realized upon the wider gauge, would far overbalance the additional cost of construction. It has been shown that the percentage chargeable to the additional cost of construction for the wider gauge, is very small, probably not exceeding 5 to 10 per cent. In order to adapt the rolling stock, which your Chief Engi- neer recommends, to the wider gauge, it would only require the lengthening of each axle 1 ft. 2 2 inches. And the weight of this extra length of axle, and its cost, I claim to be the only items which, under this arrangement, can justly be charged, either as extra dead weight, or extra cost. The advantages which I would claim for a road, thus constructed and equipped, over the one recommended by your Chief Engineer, would, in brief, be these : A REVIEW OF THE NARROW GAUGE THEORY. 17 1 . If commercial advantages are to be gained by ex- changing cars with connecting Hues, you would be hi a condition to secure them. 2. A train, Hke a wagon, may be hauled much easier with wlieels of large than small diameter. This width of gauge allows of considerably larger wheels, under its ordinary rolling stock, than are admissible upon the narrow gauge ; but with this proposed reduced height of cars upon the wider gauge, the wheels may be made so much larger, that a very material saving will be etlected in power. 3. Having a greater base of track in proportion to the height and width of your cars, the irregularities in the track would be less apparent ; and you could certainly make as fast time with greater safety, or faster time with equal safety than you could upon the narrower gauge. 4. The height and width of train being less than that in general use upon the wider gauge, the atmospheric resistance would also be proportionately less ; and you could make faster time with the tiame amount of power than is made upon the ordinary 4 ft. 82 in. railroads. 6. You would relieve the entire question, or at least the wider gauge portion of it, from the enormous load of extra dead weight which it has heretofore been com- pelled by its adversaries to carry, because under this ar- rangement it would evidentl}' be reduced to merely the weight due to the extra length of axles. 6. If time and experience should happen to demonstrate jthat your Chief Engineer is wrong in his present convic- 1 / 18 A REVIEW OF THE NARBOW GAUGE THEORY. tions upon this subject, you could correct the mistake hereafter at much less expense than you could if the grading, masonry, superstructure, rolling stock, kc, were all adapted to the narrow gauge. If other reasons were wanting, I believe that those already given would fully justify the expenditure of the very small percentage of additional cost ; and also the hauling of the very small additional amount of dead iceight whicli would be fairly chargeable to this arrangement. I have not deemed it important to notice particularly that portion of your Chief Engineer's report in which he compares the 3 ft. G in. with the 3 ft. gauge ; neither have I paid any attention to his statements, figures, and illustrations, respecting the size, weight, and proportions of engines, cars, iron rails, &c., or to the centre of gravity, angle of stability', and laws of equilibrium, &c., &c.. for the reason that I prefer that the advooate?^ of all these extreme narrow gauge theories upon different gauges, should settle these details among themselves : and. also, for the further reason, that, if my conclusions are right, and theirs are wrong, in relation to the general principles which lie at the foundations of the entire narrow gauge theory, then these details are, comparatively speaking, of very little consequence. I will venture the remark, however, in passing, that, if the comparisons which your Chief Engineer institutes be- tween the 3 ft. 6 in. and the 3 ft. gauges are well founded, they would not only go very far towards weakeubig his argument against the 4 ft. 82 in. gauge ; but they would, if carried sufficiently far, be in great apparent A REVIEW or THE NAEEOW GAUGE THEORY. 19 danger of «lc.stroyiMji the prestige claimed for the little Festiniog road in Wales. Your Chief Engineer ha? omittee hauled over any railroad with a given amount of power, is. with the present ar- rangement of machinery, governed as much by the increased resistance upon its curves, as by the increased relati\ e resistance upon its grades. And. therefore, if this resist- ance upon curves is less upon the narrow than it is upon tlie wider jrauire. it certainlv is entitled to the full benefit of the argument. But I believe this argument, like most of the others advanced in support of the narrow gauge theory, to be entirely- fallacious. There are two kinds of resistances which a curve im- poses upon an engine and train while passing through it. that are not encountered upon a straight line. One of these is the impingement of the flange of the wheel upon I . I 20 A nEVIEW OF THE XAKROW GAUGE THEORY. tho oiitor rail, while overcoming the direct, or tangential tendency of the train : and the other, is the sliding of the wheels upon one rail, a distance equal to the difference in the lengths of the two rails throughout the curve. The resistance due to the impingement of the flange against the rail, is greatest upon curves of the smallest radii, and naturallv diminishes as the radius increases, for the reason that tlie angle of impingement becomes less. Now, with a centre line of given radius, it is evident that the farther the outer rail of the curve is removed from this centre line, the greater will be the radius of the curve of tlic rail upon wiiich this resistance occurs; and hence, the wider tiie gauge, the less will be the resistance. The amount of extra power required, at any one time, to overcome the resistance caused by the sliding of the wheels which sustain one half tlie load, may be regarded as the same upon one gauge as the other ; although the length of time during which, with a given rate of speed, this extra power must be exercised, is in proportion to the difference in length of the outer and inner rails of the curve ; and this difference will, of course, be slightly in favor of the narrower gauge. During the discussion of the gauge question beforo the Erie Company, the opinion of Mr. Robert Stephenson, as given before the Parliamentary Commission, was quoted by the advocates of the narrow gauge, to jn'ove that the resistance was greatest upon curves of the wide gauge. The following question was put to Mr. Stephenson by the Gauge Commissioners : " Is the lateral friction greater with one gauge than with the other ? " A REVIEW OF TUK NARHOW GAVGE THEOKY. 21 Answer, by Mr. R. Sloplieii.sou : " Any lateral friction that arises must be greater ; for it arises from tlie angle of the wheel ajrainst the line, aiul it must be greater with the wide than with the narrow gauge.*' This propositiiju was answered, and its error demon- strated so efVeetuallv, bv Mr. S. S. Tost, who was then acting as Engineer and Superintendent of the Eastern Division of tlie road, that I shall take the liberty of ap- pendivig his argument for your information. I have thus ^iven vou. at some lemrth. mv views in relation to the .'oeommendations of General Buell. your Chief Engineer, as contained in his report : and I fear that these views, in some instances, may have been ex- pressed more franklv, and with irreater candor, than mav prove to be entirely agreeable, either to yourself, or to him. I was educated, as you are aware, in the Broad Gauge I^chool. having spent the early portion of my professional life upon what is now the Erie Railway, and its branches and extensions, of which Comi)anv vou were at that lime an active and prominent Director. You can. therefore, make such allowances as you may think proper, for early prejudices, in what I have said or may say upon this sub- ject. I am not conscious, however, of entertaining a feeling either of prejudice or of interest in the matter, my only desire being, if possible, to arrive at the truth. You have done me the honor to ask for my written opinion: "as to whether a tirst-class railroad, of equal speed, comfort to passengers, and capacity for freight, with 22 A RETIEW OF THE NAREOW GAUGE THEORY. those possessed by the gauges now in general use, ean be built upon a narrow gauge ; and if so, what gauge would vou recommend ? " In discussing a question of this importance it should be borne in mind, that the general adoption of the 4 ft. 82 in. gauge, both in this country and in Europe, is not the re- sult of accident, or the want of careful study and investi- gation. Wlien Mr. George Stephenson first conceived the great idea of adapting locomotive steam power to purposes of railroad transportation, it is true that the controlling idea of his practical mind was. not so much the establishment of the most useful and economical gauge, as it was the substitution of steam for horse power ; but the roads, and the wagons upon and to which this new motive power was to be applied, had already been constructed of the 4 ft. 82 in. gauge ; and a long experience had shown them to be the best and most economical that could be devised for the use of horse power. Mr. Stephenson found no difficulty in adapting his machiuer\'^ and power to that gauge ; and he therefore adopted and advocated it during his long and eventful life. It therefore very soon became the ruling gauge of England ; and, as the first locomotives that were used in the United States, were manufactured in England, it very naturalh' became the ruUng gauge in this country. At a subsequent period, the subject of gauges un- derwent a most searching investigation in England, by a Parliamentary Commission, liefore which Mr. Brunei and other distinguished engineers advocated a gauge of much A RETIEW OF THE NARROW GAUGE THEORY. 23 frreater wMth. while Mr. Stephenson and others adhered to the original gaiige of 4 ft. 85 in. : and this gauge was finally approved by the Commission. At a still later day the question of gauges was thorough- ly dis^jussed hv some of the best enjrineerinfr talent in this country, before the Xew York and Erie Railroad Com- pany : and that Company, being composed of som? of the most practical and enlightened men in this city, after hear- ing the most exhaustive reports and arguments upon the subject, decided to adhere to the gauge of ft., which hal previously been adopted. At another time the Legislatures of New Jersey and Ohio passee sliowu to result tVoiH it. Iiiasuuich. however. a.s tlie opinion of a practical railway manager of high reputation. an«l of a much larger cxjuTi- ence in such matters than my own. should have n)uch greater weight than any that I wouM venture to advance, I will append an extract from a veryal»le and comprehen- sive report made in 1856, to the Xew York and Erie Kail- road Coni])anv. bv General D. C ^[cCallunl. then (leneral Superintendent of that road, and afterwards, during the late re hellion, the General Manager of all the military railroads in the United States : and as the same rei)ort contains, in the same connection, important facts and argu- ments hearing upon the subject now under consideration, relative to the application of pov.er : the comi)arative economy of transportation upon dillerent gauges, and the relation which the width of gauge she done. I will also take the hltertv of embodying these in the extract, for your information. Having expressed an opinion so decidedly against wJ. gauges of a width less than 4 ft. 82 inches, it will probably be regarded as supererogatory for me to furnish an answer to the concluding part of your question, to wit. " and if so. what jraujie would vou recommend ?"' I trust, however, that I may be permilLed to state the reasons which influenced me in recommending the gauge of the Union Pacific Railroad and its branches, to be established at five feet. I believed then, and new Ijelieve, that experience has demonstrated that the width of rolling stock in general use upon the 4ft. 82 in. gauge, is none too wide to afford 84 A REVIEW or THE XARROW GACGE THEOIIY. the iiores^ary arnl proper comfort to passeiij:^ors, an«l stowjit^c capacity for the average ruling chisses of IVeiglit that are generally otTcrel for transportation on the main trunk lines of railroa«l in tliis country. I also believe that the gauge of 4 ft, 82 in. has been fotuul somewhat too narrow to allord the requisite base for this wico. to the great commercial ports upon the Atlantic sea- board. The Xorthern Pacific Railway is now uinler construc- tion, from Puget Sound, upon the Pacific, to our great inland Lakes, and thence by numerous connecting lines to the Atlantic coast. And it will therefore very soon be- come another formidable comi»etitor for this immense trafiic. The Canada Pacific Railroad will also, in all probabiUty, very soon be constructed, and tV)rm a continuous line from Puget Sound, to the head of deep ocean steam navigation upon the St. Lawrence River at Quebec; thus forming an- other competitor for the traffic across the continent. These great competing lines will all have an unbroken gauge of 4 ft. 82 in. throughout their entire length, from Ocean to Ocean. I would, therefore, regard the commercial argument in favor of an unbrokeu gauge, of at least equal width, for the Texas Pacific Railroad, extending as it will from San Diego on the Pacific, to the Mississippi River, and thence 36 A REVIEW OF THE SABBOW GAUGE THEORY. with its connections, eastward to the Athmtic Ocean, as lieing entirely unanswerable — not upon the ground that it can be defended upon strictly scientific and abstract prin- ciples : but for the more practical reason, that this theory of fundirig gauges, as well as stocks, has become the popular and settled policy of the country, with reference tu our great competing lines of railway ; and as such, is looked upon with f^ivor. not only by those who furnish capital to construct these lines, but by those who provide business for them after construction. If. therefore, the construction of your road should be imdertaken ujion an inferior gauge: and one that would necessarily form a break with all its railroad connections eait of the Mississippi River. I should very much fear that capitalists would hesitate to furnish the means required for its construction: and that, if constructed, the travelling public, as well as the heavy freighting interests of the countrv. would discriminate larjrelv asfainst it. Thankinix vou for the confidence which vou have mani- tested in my opinion, upon a subject of this magnitude : and hoping that the views herein expressed may aid you to some extent, in arriving at a correct conclusion upon a matter so important to the ultimate success of the great enterprise which you have in hand, I have the honor to remain. Yours, very respectfully, Silas Seymour. To Marshall 0. Roberts. Esq., P reside Jit of the Texus Pacific Riilroad Company, New York. APPENDIX. ^1 Paper contrihufed hj Mr. S. S. Post. Ciril Eagiiu^r. 'm relation to the comparafice resistance ujjon raihray curves of different gauges : On a railroad having two tracks, it is presumed tnat the centre line lietween the tracks is the centre of location: and that the centre line will remain the same, whether a wide or a narrow gauge of track he adopted. It is supposed, also, that the width necessary between tracks will in either case be the same : then one line of rails in each trac/v will be connnon to both gauges: and. upon a curve, one will be the inner rail of one track, and the other the outer rait of the other track. The tendenc}* of a locomotive, upon entering a curve, is to pursue a direct, or tangential course: and this ten- dencv is overcome bv the resistance of the outer rail nci'mg against the flange of the leadinir wheel. This impinging upon the rail does not take place on a straight road, where the line of motion is parallel with the lines of the rails. In passing through a curve, there- fore, it must be caused by the line of motion forming an angle with the hue of the outer rail, the resistance of 38 APPENDIX. which, to the flange of the wheel, constantly changes the direction of the line of motion. It is evident that this resistance will be more or lecs«. as the angle is greater or smaller; and that the angle Ls greater as the radius of curvature of the outer rail is less. It is also evident that the radius of the outer rail of th2 inner tracic will be the same, let the width of that track be what it mav: and that anv difterent resistance of the curves, in consequence of the difference of gauges, can take place only at the outer rails of the outer tracks. Let it be supposed that the radius of the centre line of a railwav curve is 1.000 feet, and that the tracks are 6 feet apart: and let it be required to determine the resist- ance of the outer rail to the flange of the leading wheel of a locomotive engine, upon a track 6 feet wide, and also upon a track 4 ft. 8i inches wide. Then the radius of the curve of the outer rail of the Cft. track will be 1.009 ft., and of the 4 ft. 8^ inch track 1.007 ft. 8 J inches, or 1.007^^ ^t. very nearly. The gauge of the wheels, or distance between the flanges, where they touch the rails, is usually about \ of an inch, say j-f.^y of a foot, less than the gauge of the rails, and the average distance at which the flanges run from either rail, when upon a straight line, will not difler much from y^^ of a foot. Let. therefore, the flange of the wheel enter the curve at the distance of j^ of a foot from the rail, and continue in the same direction, until it touches the curve, then this point of contact will be at the extremity of an arc, of which .03 will be the versed sine ; and the distance moved APPENDIX. 30 bv the wheel, after entering the curve, will be the sin^ of the same arc. C { low X 2 - .03) X .03 )^ = TiVtr-oV feet will be the distance moved on the wide jraujie: and 1U07.7X2 — .03) .03 ) - = 1^^^ feet the distance moved on the narrow gauge, after entering the curve, before the impinging action will conmience. yow. 'i[,\,%' = .0077113 is the natimd sine of the angle of resistance upon the outer rail of the ickhr track; and tTTV-^- = .0077156 is the natural sine of the ande of resistance upon the outer rail of the narrow track, at the points where the flanges begin to impinge. The first angle is therefore 0^^ 20' 30U4" : and the Other is 0^ 26" 311? •!" : makincr tlie angle of resistance 4i4 of a second less, upon the wide tlian upon the narrow track. Assuming the adhesion of the wheels to the iron rails to l»e equal to i of the whole weight of and upon the truck of an engine or car, then the force of 3.y\^^W^ ^'^'^- P^^ ton (2.0001bs.), will be required to overcome the resistance on the wide track; and 3. j*>/^,^~\,V lbs. per ton on the nar- row track : making a difference of jj^f f o ^^^- P^^ ^^^"• which, although scarcely appreciable, is in tavor of the wide gauge. The above calculation does not, of course, take into ac- count the cenlrifugid force of the engine or train ; but the fiower required to resist or overcome this force is inversely 05 the radius of curvature, the weight and velocity being the 40 APPENDIS. same. For F = '" X-^^ represents the ccntiiliigal force, when ir is put for tlie weight, g the gruvLtjr, k d*e v-elocity, R the radius, and F tlie force. It will be seen at once, on inspection *>tr lh^ f<»ruiula, that Z' i> diminished as It is increased. A^Min^liijjg. Ijow- ever. that the centrifugal force is as niu<-:h m l3ie i^a^e of the idle as the narroiu gauge, still this tV>i:<,Te i*^ ret^isted and overcome by the same means ; and tfcje jx^wer re- quired L? in focor of the wide trad', in pre<:iLr*^'ll5 iLe same proportion, as for overcoming the other rvi;*irXaijce, as above stated. Hen«:-e it appears that Mr. Stephea^oa'* amrsver to Question 241 is entirely erroneous. Extrad from a report made hj General D, C Mk.Callum, General Superintendent, to the Xe^c Y'^rk tiud Erie Roilroad Company, dated March 25, 1>-St5 : — EXPETtlMENTS FOR DETERMINING EFFECT OF G^iMiTS AND CURVATURE. Experiments were made in September lat*tt. with the view of determining the relative power refjatm^i upon the several Divisions of the road for the trark*|i»o»niitjon of heavy freight, by ascertaining the maximu.rjjj ]f*a.d any given engine can haul over those portions of eac^ Division which limit the load. For this purpose, a single locomotive en^sM; was run APPENDIX. 41 the entire distance from Dunkirk to Piormont, witli trains varying to suit the ruling grades of the respective Divisions. As these experiments were not intended to set at rest questions of a purely scientific character, the accuracy ne- cessary to that end was not observed. It is believed, liow- ever, that they have been made with sufficient care to de- termine the practical objects more immediately in view; and show the capacity of the road and its machinery to be adequate to the movement of an immense tonnage, and at a less cost per ton, for a large traffic, than can be attained on any road of less gauge, and of equal grades and cur- vature. The engine selected for this purpose was of the follow- ing proportions : — Total weight, 66,050 lbs. ; "Wciglit on driving wdieels, 40,050 lbs. : Cylinders, 17 in. diameter ; Length of stroke, 24 in. : Driving wheels, 5 ft. diameter; Maximum pressure of steam on cylinders without slipping the wheels, 140 lbs. ; or, deducting the atmospheric pres- sure, 125y\j-lbs. effective pressure per square inch. The traction of the engine, that is its power applied at the circumference of the wheels and by which it is impelled, neglecting its friction, may be stated thus : 125A X 17 X 17 X 2-1 _ j,^^ This is tlie total resistance, consisting, principally, of the friction of the engine and tender, of the cars, the gravity of the train on ascending grades, and the resistance of curves, which this engine, under an effective pressure of 125yV lbs. per square inch upon its pistons, can overcome. The engine and teud-r were moved with slightly accele- 42 APPENDIX. rated motion, on a level, under an effective pressure of 3 lbs. Their friction, therefore, without any load attached, is : 3XiIX 11X1^ = 347 lbs. 60 It has been customary to estimate the friction of cars, with wheels of 30 in. and journals of 3 in. diameter, at about 7 lbs. per ton , or, 8 lbs. per ton for wheels 33 in. and journals '61 in. diameter — the dimensions of those in use on this road ; but the experiments made, show con- clusively that the friction of the loaded cars did not exceed 43 to 5 lbs. per ton. It has also been usual to estimate the additional fric- tion of the engine, in consequence of its load, at one pound per ton of its load on a level. This item will of course be reduced as the friction of the cars is reduced. After a careful examination and comparison of the loads niov^ed upon the ruling grades and curves of various sections of the road, it is assumed that the friction of the cars is 4^ lbs. per ton of 2,000 lbs.; the resistance of curves I lb. per ton per degree of curvature per 100 ft. ; and the additional friction of the engine 3 lb. per ton of load on a level and straight line, or its equivalent. The weight of the engine on its drivers being 40,050 lbs., and the traction 14,485 lbs., the adhesion was, there- fore, fJJI J ^^^/ij^, or not less than 36 per cent, of the insistant weight. This has heretofore been variously es- timated at from 122 to 25 per cent. The tender, with its complement of wood and water, weighed 40,240 lbs. APPENDIX. 43 A train consisting of 100 loaded cars, weighing 3,423,- 150 lbs., making the total weight of engine, tender and cars, 3,529,440 lbs., or 1,765 tons, very nearly, was taken over a mile of road, on an ascent of 6.14 ft., and a curve of l^or 5,730 ft. radius, in Hi minutes. The preceding mile being on an uniform grade of 6 ft., ascending also, no advantage could have been taken of momentum pre- viously acquired by the train. The resistances overcome in this case are estimated as follows : 347 lbs. 7,702 " 4,104 " 882 " 1,410 " Friction of engine and tender, - . . - " cars l,711xVijV tons at 4i lbs., - ^ .. , . , , . 3,529,440 X 6.14 (jravity of engine and train __ Resistance of curve 1,7G5 X | lb., - - - Additional friction, i ("^^t— + l,711vWu) 1.^ Total resistances, 14,445 lbs. or 40 lbs. less than the estimated traction. A train of 22 cars, weighing 753,082 lbs. or 376^Vi7 tons, and with engine and tender weighing 859,372 lbs,, or 429-jyy^^ tons, was taken up a mile of GO5 feet ascend- ing grade, through a curve of 5° or 1,146 feet radius, in Ga minutes. Friction of engine and tender, 347 lbs. " cars 376^ tons at 4^ lbs. - - - 1,094 " n -i t • J i • 859,372 X 60-5 ,, Gravity of engine and train, . — — - y,o47 Resistance of curve 429/5^^ X 2^, - - - - 1.074 " Additional friction, i (^^^-^i^* _|. 376^ ) I.40I " Total resistance, • 14,363 lbs. 44 ATPENDIX. or 122 11).^. less than the maximum traction, or power of the engine under an ellective steam pressure of 125fybs. per square inch. On a mile of 52 feet ascending grade and a curve of 5" per 100 i'eat, or 1,140 feet radius, a train of 25 loaded cars, weighing 870,250 lbs. or 435| tons, and with engine and tender 976,540 lbs. or 488jyy tons, was taken up in 9 minutes. Friction of engine and tender, 347 lbs. cars 4351 at 4^ lbs., 1,958 " 97fi 540 V 52 Gravity of engine and train, — ' 7 -^ - - 9,618 " 5,280 Resistance of curve 488f^V X 2|, - - - - 1,220 " (9 fil8 _1_ I 090 \ '- ' '"" -j- 4351 1 1,422 " Total, 14,505 lbs. being an over estimate of resistances, or an under esti- mate of traction of 80 lbs. On a mile of 60 feet ascending grade, through 2,900 feet of curve oh^ or 1,037 feet radius, a train of 23 loaded cars, weighing 800,330 lbs. or 400yV-V tons, and, inclu- ding engine and tender, a total weight of 906,620 lb- or "^^^fVo tons, was taken up in 5 minutes. Friction of engine and tender, 347 lbs. " cars, 400^ tons at 4| lbs., - - - 1,800 " (jiavity of engine and train, — —:^~ — - - 10 302 " 5,2oU Resistance of curve, 453yV?r X 1^ . _ . . 793 « Additional friction, | ^^-^±1^ ^ 4OO, ) - 1,433 " Total, - 14,675 lbs. or 190 lbs. over estimate of resistance. ArrENDix. 46 A train of 24 cars, wcigliiug 821.544 lbs. or 41 O^',;,,^, tons, total weight, ineliuliiig engine, 927,834 lbs. or •IG^iViuT tons, was taken up a mile of GO feet grade, ^vithout curvature, in bh minutes. Friction of engine and tender, 347 lbs. cars, 410/^ X ^^ 1,848 " ^ ., 927.834 X CO Gravity, —^^- 10,543 " Additional friction, 4^ I ■; -4-410/^1 - - 1,377 " Total, ~14,G75 lbs. Resistance less than traction 370 lbs. Tiie same train was taken the liext mile on a grade of 58 feet, through a curve of 05= per 100 feet, for 1,500 feet, in Sh minutes. Friction of engine and tender, . - - _ _ 34.7 Ujg. cars, 410/a X ^^. 'i-MS " Gravity, »?^||p 10.132 " Resistance of curve, 4G3^^^y X If. - - - - 812 " -'—- — 410t\,U 1,428" Total, ~i4,l327nibs. or over estimates of resistances of 142 lbs. The average of these six experiments shows an esti- mated resistance of 14,465 lbs., or 20 lbs. less than the traction or computed maximum power of the engine witli the steam gauge indicating 140 lbs. pressure. The ultimate power of a well proportioned engine, may be most easily and correctly determined from the weight on its driving wheels. From the experiments made, we are able to deduce practical rules for ascertaining the 46 APPENDIX. gross weight of ears and useful load whieh an engine should take behind its tender. COMPARISON OF GAUGES. Inasmuch as the results of these experiments are some- what extraordinary in ♦Iieir character, it may be claimed that the resistances assumed are too small ; but then it must also be admitted that the adhesion was greater than has been stated, and it must be conceded that practically, an additional adhesion of not less than ten to fifteen per cent, has been attained on this road by the skill of engi- neers in applying the steam and managing their engines with heavy loads. On the other hand, if it be denied that the adhesion was as great as stated, then it must follow that the friction of the cars and other resistances have been over estimated. Whilst these experiments furnish valuable data for the }»urposes for which they were more j^articularly made, they have already shown the great ad- vantages which are derived from the six feet gauge in the transaction of a h^.aiy freight traffic, particularly upon roads having unfavorable grades and curvature. Porniit me to state here, that it is not my purpose at present to provoke a discussion as to the relative merits of the broad and narrow gauge, as that question, so far as this road is concerned, has been fully settled. I may be excused, however, for alluding to the subject in connection with these experiments, as a large number of our promi- nent ^^tockholders, and others whose opinions are entitled to consideration, still believe that the adoption of the wide gauge has proved seriously detrimental to the inter- APPENDIX 47 estsof tlie Company. It is gratifying thercroro to be able to ilispel these cloiibt!«, by pointing to the experiments referred to as proof of the fact, that what was originally claimeil for the G ft. gauge, has been fully confirmed by practical experience. Soon after the completion of th? road to Otisville, the question of location having been disposed of, tlie Company were in a condition to i)laoe a large portion, west of that point, under contract ; but about that time grave doubts were entertained and suggested, as to whether the broad gauge preWously adoptcl. or the narrow gauge in common use in other parts of the State, was the best adapted to the business of the road. Before determining this question, the Board of Directors deemed it expedient to examine the arguments of the advocates of each: and with this view passed a resolution calling upon their Chief Engineer, Con- sulting Engineer, and Superintendent, for re[>orts, giving their opinions in regard to ihe relative merits of the G ft., and 4 ft. 8.V in. gauges. A diversity of oi)inion on this subject existing amongst these gentlemen, a lively discus- sion was provoked, and each, in his zeal to fortify himself in the position assumed, strengthened it by appending to his report the arguments and opinions of individuals of the most eminent practical and scientific attainments in this coimtry and in England. The evidence given before the Commissioners appointed by the British Parliament to investigate the subject of gauges, was freely used in this discussion, and such a mass of information elicited as to place the Board in possession of all the prominent argu- ments for and agamst both. 48 AITEXLEt. Aftor iiKituro dt'libcration, ainl a full ami impartial in- vestiu^jitioii of the subject, the Boanl of Directors passed a resolution a»loi)ting tlie rt. gauge: ami. after i)ractically tesliiiij: its iricrits, it cannot fail to be gratifying to itsarlvo- cates to find tlieir jurlgnient confirmed by a demonstration of its decided superiority, for the business of this road, over the narrow jrau^ire that was recommended in its stead. It may not be improper in this place to allude to argu- ments that were prominently used in opposition to the intro luf'tion of the broad gauge, the fallacy of which I tliink tho exi)orience of this road has fully proved. Whilst admitting that a gauge of G ft. woi:M enable the introduction of engines of much greater capacity than could be obtained by the adoption of a gauge of 4 ft. 8V in., it was claimeil that the latter would admit the use of engines of a capacity sufficient to haul as many ears as were considered profitable to connect in a single train; as mucli greater strength would be requirerlin the drawheads and couplings in order to make the additional power avail.ible. It has been found by experience that there is no dilliculty in giving all the strength required, and that a load e(^ual to the most powerful engine upon the road, rarely produces the result apprehended. It was also said tliat umfonaibj of gauges was necessary to the economical transportation of freight; and that a departure from the unifomii^v hitherto preserved would involve additional expenditure in loading and uuloadin<^ freight, between all connecting roads having different gauges, as they would, from this cause, be precluded from ArPENDlX. 49 interohanpn^ oars ; the «lisj)arity limit iiif; tlioir use to the particiihir road to which earli was adapted. Plausible as this argimieut may at first sight appear, it is, nevertheless, iii point of fact, not true as to the ecouom{'''tl eflects claimed: as the cost of transferrinir freight from the cars of one roasq., N'o. 20 yassau Street, New York. DiiAii Sir, — Yoiii- i'avor of the 10th ni.st. is duly received and noted, askhig certain questions which I will endeavor to answer. The road engines most in use by us are of two kinds : lirsl. the ordinary 10-wheel engine, weighing from 76,400 Ihs. to 78.000 lbs., with lire and steam, of which from 01,- 600 to 63,000 lbs. weight is on the drivers, and the re- mainder upon the leading truck. Some of these engines havT drivers 4 ft. in diameter, and cylinders 17 X 24: ; others, drivers 4^ ft., and cylinders IS X '2-- The other kind of engines, called '' Consolidation,'' and built by ourselves, and by M. Baird Si, Co. from our origi- nal design, weigh 86,000 lbs. with fire and steam, of which 76,000 lbs. on drivers ; 8 drivers, 4 ft. diameter ; cylin- ders 20 X '^4. That portion of our road over which our heaviest traf- fic passes is between Mauch Chunk and Easton, a distance of 46 miles. APPENDIX. 55 On this the grade descends in f^xvor of the trade, vary- ing from to 20. ft. per mile, with many. curves of 0° or 955 ft. radius. The grade on this portion of the road is such that an engine can haul down with tlie same ease the numher of loaded coal cars, woigliing an average of 8,*^,, tons, that the same engine can haul up empty, weighing an average of 3 j*y- tons. In summer, and in good weather, we haul with one of the 10-wheel engines 150 cars down, weighing 1,320 tons, and the same number up empty, weighing 510 tons. We do not consider this the ultimate capacity of the engines, but as nearly so as it is safe, prudent, and econo- mical to go. We have at times, by chance or design, taken as many as 200 cars both up and down. We do not run the "Consolidation" engines on this part of the road, or if we do, we do not give them more than 200 cars, and seldom so many, althougli we have taken with them as many as 250, and could probably ex- ceed 300 before reaching the engine's capacity. We have at one place 12 miles of grade, averaging 96 ft. per mile against the trade, with curves of 6". Up this grade we haul with 10-wheel engines 22 loaded cars, weighing 8.8x22=194 tons, and with "Consolidations," 33 loaded cars, weighing 8.8X33=290 tons. On a grade of 14G ft. per mile for 2 miles, we haul with 10-wheel engines 37 empty cars = 122 tons, and with " Consolidations " 55 cars = 182. tons. We have also grades of 40, 60, and 132 ft. per mile, but perhaps the above instances will be sufficient for your purpose. 56 ArrFNDTX. Wo sliaJl he .ijla.l to j^ivo you any further information you