Toronto, Old and New: - A MKMORIAl, VOLUME Historical, Descriptive and Pictorial, DKSICNKI) TO MAKK llll: HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE PASSING OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL ACT OF 1791, WHICH SET APART THE PROVINCE OF UPPER CANADA AND GAVE BIRTH TO YORK (now TORONTO) TO WHICH IS ADUK.I) A NAKKATIVK OF THK RISE AND PROGRESS OF THE PROFESSIONS. AND OF THE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY'S INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE, WITH SOMK SKETCHKS OK THE Men Who Have Made or are Making the Provixcial Capital G. Mkrcer Adavi, - WITH AN INTROnUCTION I)Y IHK RKV. HENRY SCADDINC, D.l). (Toronto : The Mail Pkinting Company. 1891. Tm; Mam, Hiu.dim.. 'rititnNrH KnliTL'd acionliliKl" llii' Acl of III I'lii-lianu'iit of Ih.' yrardlic tllnll^^ml .iKliI liiindivd hikI niiicMy-onc. by TiiK Mam. I'niiliiiK C-iiinimiiy l.iniiU'il), in thi'Dlllcoiif tin) Mililati'l- of A|,'rii\llliirr. Olliiwa. rHK>i« or Thk Mail Joh THrTlsu Ck. il.I'l.t PRKFACE 'IIIC KKCKNT phenonunal j,'rowlh ami tin.' marvellous dcVLlopiiKiU of the trade and industry of Toronto, together witli the increasing attraetions of the eity both as a place of residence and as the metropolis of the Province, have led the Proprietors of Tin-; Mail to prepare a work of a somewhat amhitious character which shall deal with the chief features of its local history and civic life. 'I'he work which now a|)|iears. it is hoi)ed, will prove in some measure worthy of the occasion which it is designed to commemorate, namely, the completion of the first century in the synchronous annals of the Province and its Capital, hough the scope of the volume, as its title indicates, is limited to Toronto, Old and New, the work eriy lays claim to more than local support. It does so for two valid reasons; hirst, because the annals ' citv. as we all know, begin, run parallel with. and. to a large eMent. are really those of Ontario ; and. llv, because Toronto, from its metropolitan character, has now become the focus of the Province, and people in all parts of il take a live interest in its affairs, look to it in the main for their intellectual ■nance, and feel a just pride in the status to which it has attainehe chroniile of the n.itional life of Pritish Canada iTid much of political, induslri.d. and so< ial interest udu'u be gone. What is true of the national is true also of the civic annals of the Provincial Capital. Let any old resident recall the successive aspect of things in the local ernironnient of his life, and how much will he have t<> tell in the city's praise. lUit Toronto is not only endeared to us by the history of the past, and by the associations which cluster round its social ai.d civic life. It has a real and practical |>resent day mtercst. which grows with every year of its corporate growth as well as with every stride in its industrial and commercial ilevelopment. Nor is the story, important as it is in its material aspects, without its human interest ; for behind the money are the toilers who have made it, and within the institutions, factories, and' warehouses are ihe forces of brain and muscle that make for its acli\ities. .\or ha\e these forces alone found development in the fields of industry and trade. Other and higher lields have enlisted their service, and to their beneficent operation the city owes much of its intellectual and moral advancement. Of these various matters. Toronto, Old niiJ Nfit: endeavours succinctly but graphically to treat, .\iming at being a thoroughly representative volimie, it deals with most of the various forces and activities that have made Toronto a vast com- nierci.d emporium, a great railway centre, the literar) "hub" of the Dominion, the Mecca of tourists, an l-^piscopal and .\rchie- piscopal See, and the ecclesiastical headcpiarlers of many denomiii.itions, the seat of the l.iw courts, the ProviiK ial l.egislatnri', the imiversilies. colleges, and great schools of learning. \\ hile it has given prominence to trade and commerce, and dealt with the banks and other monetary institutions, the loan and insurance companies, and the mamifactories and larger importing and tr.uling houses, it has devoted no little of its space to the v.nious professions, setting forth their rise and growth in the community and given some account of the men who have risen to eminence iii' them. Interest in this, as in the other biographical departments of the work, it is hoped, has been enhanced by the gallery of portraits; while the historical and descriptive sections have, it is believed, been enriched by the many views of the streets, churches, villas, residences and public buildings which the volume contains. The ilesign has been to make the book an important .uul pleasing exposition of the principal phases of Toronto's com- mercial and industrial as well as social and iiUellectn;d life, and, if possible, ;i worthy tribute to the genius ;md nation-building iiualities ol her toiling sons. In carrying out this purpose the present writer gratefully acknowledges his indebtedness to the Proprietors of Tin- M mi., to whose enter'iri .e ;nul public spirit any success the volume may meet with will be entirely due. 'To the Rev. Henry Scadding, I). I)., the vener, ble chronicler of Karly Toronto, he is particularly beholden for the introduction, tthi( h, coming from so interesting a source, will doubtless be specially valued by the reader. ToROMO, Dec, y, i8yo. CONTENTS. iNTROI.ri ,10N, IIY THi: RiA . HkNRV SCADIIINC, 1 ). 1 >. ...••■■ Ch.w. I. I'm- liKcMNSiNc;s oi Tokonto ..•••••• " II. THK U. K. I.OV.M.lsrs AND IMF. KcHNUlNi; OK IHK 1'kOVINCK . . • ■• " III. Events which I'reckdko the Foundim; ok York ..••■• '3 .. IV. The Future Cnv in Simcoes Day anu at the BwiiNNiN,; ok ihk C'en.urv . . . i6 22 " V. York I)urin(; the War ok 1812 ..•••••• " VI. The Reoimes ok CIovernoks (;ork, Makiianp, am. Couiorne . . • • 25 II Yll. iNi iiRi'ORAliON OK Toronto ..••■■' " \I11. The Reheei.ion, to the Union ok the 1'rovinies ...•■• " IS.. The Union, the Railway Era, and the Fenian Raiijs . . • • • " X. Confederation and Civk ICxpansion .••■••■ II XI. 'I'HE Toronto ok Today ..•■■■■■■ " XII. Some Asffxts ok the Modern City ..•••••■ " XIII. Toronto, Tofoouai-hicai, and Descrii-tivk ..••••• " Xl\'. The Public Men of the Pkovinciai. Caitiai. ..•■••• " X\'. The Denominaitons and Their I'astors ..•••■• " X\T. The Law t.OuRis and the Legal 1'rokf.ssion .•••■•• " XVII. The Healino Art: A Chapter Ahout Doctors . • ■ • • • " X\TII. Edulaiton and Its I'rokessors ,.••■■■ " XI.X. Art and Music " XX. liiK City's Homes; Those Who Own. I' or Hiii.d Thkm • ■ ■• " XXI. Real Est.\te, and Those Who Trakku in It . " XXII. Commercial Toronto, and the Chieks ok Commerce ..•■•• " XXIII. Industrial Toronto, and the Captains ok Industry . ■ • • ■ " XXIV. Financ lAL Toronto: Hanks, Stocks, and Insurance . • • • " XXV. West 'Toronto Junction and Its Activities .••■■• Index ok Suhjeits and Names ..••••'' 28 3« 35 39 4* 46 49 55 68 89 102 "5 i3» 140 '5° 160 180 ■93 203 208 ■■•jVv • ..■.fSB^i.fflS^- TORONTO, OLD AND NEW. INIkODUCl'ION IIV TFIK Ki;V. IIKNKV SCAIIIUM;, D.D. THIC \ OI.UMIC here presented siiiijilies the reader with a lively picture of the devclopiiient of a city from its first germ to lull eflloresceiice, a consiimiiiatioii reached in the comparatively brief space of less than ten decades, destined it is hoped to he maintained perennially by theconlimied "Iiuhistry, Intelligence and Integrity" of its inhabitants in all time to come. There is im,i a city, town or village of the Province of Ontario which might not, had the proper precautions been taken years ago, have a like record of itself. The fault has been the non-establishment at in early period, of a i)ioneer and historical society for every county of the Province, associations of intelligent |,crsons taking a real interest in the first foundations of settlements, zealous to collect and put on record minute particulars relative thereto. In the absence of such societies important document.s, plans and diagrams of much local interest arc continually lost, and characteristii' narratives and anccilotes of enterprising men wholly into oblivion. Something has been done in the direction of forming such societies In the Counties of V'ork, Peel, Wentworth, Welland, and Lincoln, but it is important that the practice should become general throughout the Province. ICvery city, town, and village would then have it in its power, from lime to time, to report progress in regard to itself in as (ileasing and satisfaitory a manner as the Capital of the Province is enabled to do in the present volume. It is singular to observe in the works which some years .ago were much in vogue, descriptive of ideal commonwealths and cities, that amidst all their arrangements, a provision for the maintenance of a standing record of the kind suggested is lacking. In a land like this, where in the future new communities are likely continually to be coming into existence, on more or less ideal principles, care should be taken to supply the omission. The .New World has been a field for making many expei.ments, having in view the material and moral advan<'emcnt of mankind, from the days of the Jesuits in Paraguay down to those of loseph .Smith, at Nauvoo, and Brigham N'oung, at .Salt Lake City. Unfortunately, extravagances characterize many of these efforts; fanatii ism, superstition and a subtle though unconscious selfishness have led to failures which it might be supposed every reasonable man would have foreseen. On the other hand, where the more moderate priniiples that usually guide ordinary mortals have been followed, as amongst ourselves and other off-shoots of the ISritish stock on this continent, many examples of a very fair degree of success arc to be met with. Ill this category, loronto may be cla.s.sed. 2 /x/Ao/xcr/ox. riiil.hic l|ilii.i, \\ .i^liiiif;lnii .iiiil mini |il.ii ^^ 111 llu- I iiilid Sl.ilr^ li.ivc lii'ili 1.11(1 iMil lioiii llii lK>;iniiiiin in .k i iM'd.iiii c «ilh i(lr.ili-.lii SI liciiii-.. I'lir sy^li'inatii- rrniil.irilv llir^r nlii ^ \miiiIiI iinrt willi ilir .i|i|ir.i\.il nl imii I.'.iiI ll.n mi iir Sir ' Mnir. Iiniii ;i iililit.iri III iiiiiiU III' \ii-w, till- ri'Mills li.ur lifill siiHiririilly i;ilisLni(iry. Ill)^l^ll, ;iiii| sniiir nl llir iilliiT iildrr liiwii^ (il till- I nil HI. r.iiiii' i I III I liciiii; I .isii.illv. lis il Hill-, .111(1 s| lie. 1(1 ..( ,i i r.iiii|ii'il, i i!( iiiiim rilicd inil dl .i u,i\, ■.(iincwliat alliT ;;i--r.II AcMIV I'.VKI.V l\ Mil I'Hl'.sKM C'r,siiir\. llic iM.iiiiiir (i| llir (ilil w.illiil IdUii-. ,11 niss llic .\ll,iiili( , ,iii(| till II l.ili'i iiiIimIhI.iiiN Ii.i\c Ihcii |iiii In iiiin li liniililr iiiiil (AptiiM- in iivcn oiiiiiin r()iisc(|iiuiU iiicomcnicnits, rnnii miiiu- iiI' wliii li tlu-y .ire mil c-iiliruly rncil lo lliis (l.i\. In ( '.iii.iila, lliiru lia\L- l)ccii c\|)friL-n(rs ( f a similar ijiaraclir. riinuijili llic i in iiiii>tancc^ of lluir nriniiial (li_vil(i|iini.iit, l,liiiln( , .Mnnlrial ami cM'ii Kinn^tdii art- all iikmc (M Ii>> allVdcd in tin- dirci limi .mil (lmll■ll^illll^ nl llicir itirtls, and asM-siiiniiK lor llic mcdiiil >tr,ii);lil ivniiigs ami iiilarjicniLiiti li.ivu licavy. Our inixlL-rii \\'iiini|ii-ns, r.r.iinldiis, KcjiiiKiN and ollnr liinuli^ dial an- In In- lifrcaftcr in nnr 'jriMl N'nrlli West, will dniiliilrss |irnl'il liv iliiir .i(i|iiaiiilamc with llic |),isl nl' llicir rider ( imi si^tl■r^, and lit- saved Irniii mmimI {iiililn im niueiiieiices in tlie lilliiri'. Ila|i|iily Inr rnrniitn, tlie town was Ironi llii- lirst l.iid mil. like riiil,idel|ilii,( and Wasliin^'lnn. in ae( nrdaiK 1- witli the tluoriis nl the i(le.lli^t■^, and II has s( ar( cly an)lllln^; In (direit in il-> i^emial j^rniind |il.iii. wliii h siiii|ily nl a |iai"allel(i ;;r.iiii divided iiiln |i.nts li\ straight streets, mnerally si\ly-si.\ (eel In widih. rimniliH cast ami west, traversed liv straiuhl strei-ts nl alimil tin- same width, ninninn iinrlli and sniilli. Its site .i « idely-iAteiided, giiitly s|n|iill>; |il.lill adillilled nl lllis. .111(1 llnlll the tillle nl its lirst |jrnicetlnll. III I ;(>.>. nil .1 very inndist s( .lie li.ird liy the niitlel nl iheKivir linn. In the |ireseiit, v^lieii. thrmij^h .i |in|iiilniis siiliiirli and a park, the liiiinirK lilt i;ilt nl the late .\Ir. Ilnw.ird, its liiirders all lull tniK h tin- lliiinlier. sniiie si\ miles weslw.ird (if the slartinn 'point, the nerni-idca nl tin pl.K e not lieeii materially departed Irmii. Om llinroii(.;lilare iinrlli and south was staked mil mi the rnrmitn |ilain, smile lillv vears ann, ol the e\( iplional width of oiii' Inindred and thirty two feet, Imt grave persons ol the ".Si.KK.iv Hollow," c:ollR(.k St.. Kksiukm k ni llns. J. Ii. k ssns. period shook ihcir licads aiir(//(>.\. \H\tU ^(1 .l|i.lll Inr .llllKlli s|liills ,111(1 H.lllU's, In lllf |i.irk^, lllc >;li>Ullil-. .lllnllrd In llli lllilu^ln.ll r.\lllliillnli |ilir|in-,(^, nr Inl lllf rin niir.ij,riiu 111 nl lint lii iiltiiii' ; ni (lrn|i III nil .1 ■.iiMiiy il.iv .mil llurr ,iri' ,i niiMl in.iiiy MM li in llll^ n.ulnii .ill llir Miir miiiiil at iho hanks. ,il tin- jiI.k t> nl" l)ll^j|K•^s iif llii' wlmlcsali' iniTili.iiils. ,n llu- nlliio nl thr l,iij;r l.iw liiins, .ii iln- i liaiiiln-is nl the jinlni's .11 • )sj;nnclr II, ill. nr al I 111' f;ri'.il print iii};, Is ilun.' nni .i I infill, .iir\, iilcil .is|i(i i .ilimii iluiii all, as suiii .il tin- prcsi'iit Imiir in llicir I luHiicss ? Aii' then- iii.inv |il,ii is wlurr llir iiinllirnrni ,ill.ins nl nun .irr iMirii-il nii iniiKr rnnililinlls innrr l,ivnlir,lllli', nil llu' wllnir. In ll,l|i|iillrss. IumIiIi, anil Ullnlll nl il.l\s? Tlu' L'\r(|ilinlls In tllr rule wllii ll « ill 111 iiir an- lriii|iniMry, anil till) arc riipijjinn tin- .ituntinii nl llu- |irn|i(r |ursniis. riinr i nint limisrs nn ililfrnnl silis h,uc llci'll set 11 111 I'nl'nllln illllill^ lis lirU'l' IlislnrV, IWn III' llliill .ll i.inilnllril ami llll' tllllil .llinlll In lit' .1 1 i,l III Inlll 1 1, lint nil .U innlll nl ilri av, Inn I mm Ii.imiih lici miK' ill ,iil,i|iliil In llii- »,iiits nl .i r,i|iiill\ jjinHin^; i nmnnmiu. \ Iniirlli, nl iliinmsiniis .mil rapai ilv snitcil In tlir I il\ anil rniiiil), is ,11 |insrni imilir rniistriuiinii. In likr m.miur, .11 Ir.isi ihrn- scis nl |i,irli.iiiuiii.ny Iniililinns liavi' liiiii sitii lurr. alsii on (lifrircail sites. A Ininlli will, ere Inni;. In- rculy Inr nn u|i.ilinii. .\ii iiU'.i III llll' lu'.nily .mil i|ii;nil\ nl tlusr i-ililii is iii.iy lir i;,illunil Irniii eii^iMvin^s In lii- sicii ilsiuluir in llic pam's 111" this \nhlinr. This silirrssinll 111 hllilllillUs Inr pilhlir plirpnsi s is , ill nlll»,iril , mil \ isihli' si^ll nC the niplll prn^rrss nl ihc roiinlrv. .\s In llic IcimiiIs vvlin Imni liiiiu In liiiR-' prnplcil llu- liiiililiiijjs thai have p,issiil nr are aliniil In pass aH,i\. ami lilleil llieir rh.imliers ^ .iml sin. ill uilh a liiisy lile, tlie jiiilnes, sluriHs. iii,ij;islr,ili's, |ile.iilers, jiimrs, ,illnrne\s nt tile niie, the iegislalnrs, exeeiilive 1 ninii illnrs, lii'iilcnant gnveriinrs. sl.ili'siiieii, riiiam iers, nrators, ami variiiiis nllii iai riinitinnaries nt llie (itlur nf these we h,i\e nn rnnlil here In speak. They ennu' within the purview rather nl snine Ini ,il assori,iiinn eslahlisluil Inr the piirpnse nl siu h in,ilUrs. I ,el llieii these reiii.iiks he 1 Inseil Willi ,1 reileMtinn nf ihe ilni trine llie\ si.irliil willi. there (illglit In he ill every i nilllly nf the I'nniiue. a I'inneer anil llislnrieal Smiety rnrineil Inr the piirpnse nl' enlleilint; and preseriiii); 1 haraeterislie sayinL;s. dnings, dress mil deineanniir nl' the first rDiinders nf setlleineiits and eniiiiniiiiilies aim must us. Slirh sneieties will nei Msinii.illy he Inimd 1 niivenieiit siippi, nielli s In ilie nriliiiary re};islry nlliee. While the l.ilUr preser\es Us minute reeord •>( the division and siih ilivisinn nl the soil, and nl the Ir.iiisrer nl' pnrlions of Us siirl'.iee Iroiii hami to hand, the former will often preserve the ineinnry .if nien who, hy ihe sweat nl their lirnw, earned the first implement of iu,irkel value for that soil, who snmelimes at an e,U"ly perind lier.ime nrn.iinenls nl ilie ai res whii li iliey tilled. f;r.ii iiij; their lespeeiive neii;liliiiur hnnds with I Iers nf high eMellem e and ;.;re,it usefulness, and .iiignieiitiiiL; the lair lame nf the 1 nuntry at l.irge. TORONIO, IN I(SJ4. lANAliA I.H K A'M'UAM K III' I l.l'l SC. KfM'. SiKKKI WkiiI. CHAPTER I. rui', iiianwiNcs oi' iokon ro. Four Kouii.i.f I'lii.AK. 'roKONio i\ Mkih.kvai, Timks. -Thk I'oimhm; oi ink \'i;\v UOui.n. Tm. I'rkn( h anii i'hkiu TsorAN Aii.iKS. — "I'liK I'ass iiv ToKONio." I'm; i;x i kkmisaikin ok tiii-. HiKdNs. Oihkr Tuaiis hi riii: W'km. ICaki.v 1'kknch A I >V KM IKK IN IIIK ONIAHIO I'KNINsI I.A. I'OK r Rolllll':, nil. I'uKM ll TKAIilNci-I'llM. I )l.SI KIC I ION OK TMK KrKX( II I'our AT ToKONKI. 1 1 IC\ (■i\ ili/alion first seriously invadL'd the sanctuaries of Nature in the region of what is now the fair City of 'roroiito, tlie startled onlookers were a floek of wild fowl and a (■nii|ile of families of ilie Cliildren of the Wood. At the time we speak of, in tli ■ lieaiiliful basin of Toronto Harbour, if we except thi' noiseless movements durinj; the hours of day of one or two Mississ;iga Indians, solitude reigned supreme. When the sun went down even Nature became still. .\s night fell upon the siene, the pines ceased their n.oaning, and nought was heard save the occasional splash of beaver or mus(|uash in the waters of the forest-screened harbour, or the cry of the wood-duck as it took (light for its evening haunt In the recesses of the wood.s. Hut the year 1793, whi( h we are aicustomed to speak of as that of the founding of the capital of Ontario, was what may be called the nie>!ia;val era in 'Toronto's annals, for the place had an earlier history. 'This history is spread over the fateful period of the dominion of f'rance in Canada, in connection with her commene with the Indians and with the thrilling story of the Jesuit Missions. Ilie early years of the seventeenth century were big with enterpriM' and M,;:'hil of results lor the American Continent. Maritime adventure then sought on the .\tlantic the field which had hitherto been monopolized by the .Meiliterranean ; the New World for the first time saw a fringe of colonies fa.sten upon its coasts. In 1(107, X'irginia was coloni/ed by Sir Walter Raleigh; in irio.S, Champl.iin foundeil (,)uebec. and in the following year New \'ork was settled by the Dutch. 'I'o these settlements, in i6jo, was added that of .Massachusetts, after the historic landing of the I'ilgrim I''alhers. from the I'reiich colM-(l l.:iki- Ni|ii-.>in,;; .mil |i.iil(lK-cl dnwii tlic livm h RiMr iiil.uiil ■-iii ol' tlu' W v.indijt^. wliirh lir Ma Di^iicc. I )i>(iiuliiii; the (' li.i\ 1k' i.iim- ii|inn the rmiiitry nf tlu- lliiniii,-.. .iinniiL; whnin tor \\ tiuiL' he taniod. Here, ill whiit is ikiw knnwii .i^ the M,ileheil.i-.h I'eniliMil.i. the lll.nk Rnlies. who \\m\ aeroiiipjiiiecl .iiul preredecl Chaniplaiii. liegaii their evaiiueli/iiii; wmk. and set up the nl" the Cliiireh in the wilderness. This iiitriisiiin of the " pale fai'es " intn the territory (iC the W'y.iiidots was repiriled I'lrst with curiosity. Iiut suliseciui'iitly weliuiued, in the hope that their new loiind I'riends wciiild lierdiiu' their allies in the Hiinm r.iid^ upon the Irmiiiiiis. In a weak limir to this ( 'haniplain I nn~enled. .ind I'lir ne.irlv a hundred .md lil'ty years the c-olmiy nl New I'r.inre w.i-. to p.iy the hitter pell.ilu. I'rnin rarryinj; the ( 'rnvs into the wilderness t 'hailipl.iiil .iiicl hw lollouers uiidertonk lo r.irry the .in|lleliil->e and the torch into the he.irt ol die lroi|uois eonl'ederaev ; and joinini,' his Hurnn friends he speedily appears aiuon}^ the .i|ipalled tribes of the " l-'ive Nations " in jilittering armour. This heedless foray eost him and his nation dear ; and to the lluroii trilie it brought ruin and desolation. What retriliulion fell upon the Hurons no pen ean in its full horrors portray: .md there is scarcely a chapter in history that oilers to it an adequate par.illel. l''or the space of a generation there arose an internecine strife so cruel that one's blood curdles to read the record, .\ '. it a cmillict not cnnfmcd to s.iv.iges ; its bloodiest wiirk was wre.ikcd upon the I'reiich. The poor Jesuit missioner made the sport of fiends, for no de.ilh seeiiud too terrible to glut Inniuois lust of blond. ( )n the errands of hell, season after se.ison. c.mie b.mds c.:' ilu- l'i\e N.itinn Indi.ins. .md in their path through llu' forest iii, irked "the pass l)V Toronto" with the scorchings of Iroiiuois h.ite. \ 1^11 MaNKI- 1. TnHciN lo, 1 Sj I . It seiius but a b.ileful dream lo stand today by the mouth oi'llic lliiiuber. now almost a suburb of the great i ily. and retlect by > |ilacid a waterway the Spirit of \-.\\\ then sent its emiss.iries lo Hork sui h li.iMic. It is iiearl> two hundred and fifty years slme these tragic days ill the histor) of ( '.iiiada, but how few are there of Toronto's holiday crowds on the llimiber who think lo what scenes the present safe and pleasant waters, which connei I Lake ( )nt,irio with Lakes Simcoe and Huron, then led. It was a time of fe.irful trial to the |)oor hreiich missioner, a time of uiiredei'ined barbarism ami savagery. \ ain and fruitless were the efforts he and his order put forth lo convert and civili/c the aborigines. The missions the Jesuit had come to plant among the Hurons were consecrated with tears and watered with his life-blood. Through years of unparalleled toil, and with great agony of soul, the hopes of the fathers were alternately raised and crushed. Despite their amazing fortitude and unquenchable zeal, the hopes of the mission were doomed to destruction, and the heart of Kaith was humbled in the dust. In a lime of such peril to both priest and convert there was sore need of a Comforter, 'The Comlorter came, but in the form /'///•; /1/U;/.V.\7XGS of /■i)h'0\TO. 7 111' llu' fiiiin Irc«iunis iMiriiiiiKilii)-, uilli lii^ nali\r loiiKili.nvk .mil iIil' iiijlili Iih k (il' llu' Miilcli. In i(i.(,S tlu' mk-h iliil likI ilrt'M lUMr, ;iiiil In ilic rlj;inirs ol' llu- lolldwiii}; wiiiu-r wi'iv .iililcil tli(»c ol llic .^laku aiiil.lln.' Imc li. It is ((iniinitiil ill. a wltliin tin- spaif (il tliirlv wars ihc wlmlc Huron iialiuii, iuniilii.Tinn about thirty thousaiul souU. s.ivf a small i()iiliiij;i'iit llial isc apLcl lor suiciiur to (^)iiil)cc, «as riilliicssly i'\t(.rmin,Util. .\ lull M'ori' of \oars passed by. I'roni tlir pi-riod of this N\u World " h.uryinj; ol' lhi_- North." till we a,t;aiii iR'.ir of KrL-iuh aihcutmv williiu |iro\:iiiiati.' raiific of Toroiilo. With what devastation the regions north and west of the Huniher had been sw|)i l>\ the Iroiiuois. the narratives of I'renih e\ploiatioii abun. ihUwii lir/niilv "tribes eMerminated " repe.itedly oeeur. and tell their sad of woe .mil desol.ition. l!ut l''reiiih enterprise w.i-i now t.iken up, not v\ith e.irryinj; into the wilderness the standard of the Cross, but with bearing aloft the Hciii-de lis of the ( rowii. The annexation ol territory and the e\tension of trade were now the aim of I'renih i hivalry. -id in pursuit of its objeil il met the jarring hostility and eeaseless rivalry of liritain. Keen and prolonged was the coiitesl for supremacy on the lontinent of the New World, and we know how it eiiiled. The story forms the brilliant episode in ('.inadi.m hislorv. and deeks the n.ition's Walh.illa with an aiueola of fame. -Jffij; ^m fi ." ..^z -^1^ I.vsoim; I'l.vei. AMI \\ II Mil . ToK.iN ro, i\ 1S41. lint, beside^ "tlu' pass by Toroiuo." .ind that by the w.itirs of the ( )tt.iw,i .ind Lake Nipissing. there were other a\enues lo the north ami west wlm h hrench e\plor,ition and the pursuit of tlu' fur trade soon opened up. |usl bevond l''ort I'rontenai- (now Kingston), at the e.isteni end ol \..\Vk- Ontario, the l!ay of (,)uinte gi\es aecess to the Trent Ki\er ,ind tlu- line of water and p^rt.ige eomiiiunii-.ition which connects Lake Ontario with Lake .Simcoe and llu- Cieorgi.m IJ.iv. 11\ this route Ch.impl.iin and his Huron raiders m.ide their h.ipless dc cent upon the lroi|uois. .md li\ the same route, the gre.U I unc, uoimdcd and ilispuiteil. w,i> lain to return for sympathy ,\iul succour to the missions of tlu' Huron I'eiiinsula. I!\ this w.iterway also, or by till' highw.iy of the Ottawa, the hrench trapper or missionary would lind his toilsome w,iv to the L'pper Lakes, and the rich mines of Lake Superior ; for alre.idy the wc.ilth of the region ilividcd with the mis-ion at S.iult Ste. M.irie the hopes and aims of hrench ev.mgeli/.ilion. .\s yet, liltleof the peninsula of Ontario was known lo the l''rench : in.iny ye.ivs were still to pass ere il began to be reclaimed from nature and the savage. In (626 Kaillon, a Reeollel friar, ventured from the mission torts of the Huron ilistricl as far inland as the be.uer me.idows of the Ciiand Kiver and the Thames. l'ourtce:i years aflerv.ards came C'haumonot from the same mission on ,in of love to tlu' tribe of t'e Neutr.ils. ,ind with him Urebieuf. "the .\ia\ of the Huron 8 Tin: i''i:ai\M.\i:s of 11)^0x10. I'hlNKi.K^' I'ollAi.l:, KMIIKUIon (iuoiMi ^li^^l()l1^.'■ wild ;i ItH vtMis hilcr wii.sto tliiill iIr- World with llic licniiMii iif his marlyr iliath. l!m a new iiiiim- was now to 1)1- finhla/oiicd cm thi' scnill ol' I'rcmh cxpliiralioii ; lor in the year i(i6y, the fa(,'cr-eyed I. a Salle was to descry for the lirsl time Nature's lovely solitudes at the /'W ol ic later province of L'pper ( '.iiiada. though it was ever and anon retardeil by the rivalry of the ICnglish of the seaboard. In pursuit of the fur trade, that great source of wealth to the people of both nations, these trails to the West became avenues of commerce which it was important for the French to hold and for the Knglish to obstruct or strive t ) obtain. 'I'o conserve the trade for the I-'rench crown, a number of forts were early established in the West, which hail 1-roiiteiiac (Kingston) as their base of supply. .\s trade expanded and rivalry grew keener, l-'orl Rouillc (Toronto) was erected in 17411 to guard the jiassage by the River Unniber. This stockade received its name from the I'rench Colonial Minister of the period, .\ntoine I.ouis RouiUe, Count de Jouy. It stood on the lake shore, about midway between the (iarrlson Creek, at tlie western entrance of tiie li.irbour, 'id the Humber, and m.ay practically be spoken of as the first germ of the City of Toronto. Through the iiistriimeiualily of the Rev. I )r. Scadding, the venerable historiographer of the city, a memorial column has been erected to mark the original site of the l-'ort. It stands at tlie south-west angle of the Kxhibition (irounds. near the exit to the wharf. On the south side of Lake Ontario the Trench had already a fort at Niagar.i. while the Knglish had established a rival post at Choueguen, now Oswego. The Mudson and the St. Lawrence were then. as now, in direct antagonism in the matter of trade. Com merce sought the most tageous market, and llu' re slrictive imposts of the Trem li at (^)uebec, and the high jiriics there of conimo(lities iilTend in exchange for the prodiu is of the chase, threw much of the tratflc of the Indians by the valley of the Moh.iwk. into the hands of the Ivnglish. 'This naturally embittered the feelings of the Treinli for their hereditary enemies of the sea- board, and gave local zest to the contest which was long ViKW ON IIIK IlUMllKR. THE ir. E. LOYALISTS A.XD 'HE FOVXDIXG OE THE /'/^017\CE. 9 Wiigod l)t'lwi.'i'ii ICiigland anil I'Vanrc lUit llif end of the ^tritV' lii'twci'ii tliu Iwd nations was at hand, and lhc)iii,'h the rival routes of trade were still to lie foiinht over, I'reiich doniinion in the New World was to pass into the hands of the l",n};lish, and the lilies ol I'lanee were to (;ive way to the Cross of St. Cieorjje. lint jusl liel'ore this ha)>|)ened, ealainity overtook the four trading posts on Lake Ontario. In I 756, Chouegiien fell liefore the darint; of .\lontiahn. ;Mid three yea.s afterwards Colonel liradstreet levelled lort KronteiKie with the dust. In the same year, after a short siege, I'ort Niagara surrendered ; while the l-'rench stockade at Toronto, to prevent its falling into the hands of the vietorious ICnglish, was riestroyed liy order of .M. de \'aiidrenil. the (iovernor. Of the iniportanee of the tradnig post which guarded " the pass by Toronto," and which now historically disappears, there is on record the statement of Sir William Jolinstm, enil)odie(l in a despatch on Indian afl'airs to the ICarl of Shelhnrne, that for the monoply of a season's traile with ine Indians at I'ort Roiiille, could the post be restored, traders would be willing to give as much as a thousand pounds I Such was the value attached in 1767 to the trade of "the pass by ToroiU.o. ' a value which its location and other advantages were increasingly to heighten, anil a quarter of a century afterw.irds was to be turned to fresh account. CHAPTER II. Tin-: c. K. i.ov.M.isrs .vnd ihk kolndino ok iiik i'I. Tin. I!kawn am> .Misii.i: Ob' THK NkW S|;| n rMIMS, ToKONK) KI'.CKIVKS thk U. I'^. l.OV.VI.ISl.S AND I)l.sllANl)i;i> SollllKKV. \'I'A rs were now about to bring into greater prominence, not only the historic "pass by Toronto," but the region through which the Indian trail led northwards to the waters of Lake Huron, the virgin .site of 'Toronto itself, and the beautiful harbour that lay near to the southern outlet of " the I'ass," the reeili'o\ered delta of the Ilumber. T'rom the Tall of (Quebec and the period of the ■/■///■: rorx/i/xn oi- the /•roijxck. kirlM.ll M. iv.i'N iMnifcl w.'> tlun l.l\L(l. Ullt .I-' lillK' U,l^ lhl^ ll'lisluil n-' tlu' |irn|iiiM(l lull r.iiici'lKil Sl.mip All, \\ Innk plari' ;il llif I'dii 111' ^lll^Ulll and caiiii.' ul' il. ail- tun well kiniwii iinw til lakt' up sp.uc In iMi|iiiii.' inlii. Willi lluir hirlliriuhl l!rili>li rnlniiisls li.ul in luTitcil lirilisli lilnTlu^. anil l'iili>li lilicrlii^ iniik ill wiili la\iil Ua-.. liul lulnli.' We- luin lhi^ pirlllli t ) llic wall. Icl iiN ioiik a lillli.' closir at till.- cnllapM.' Ill' llic ciilonial syslcin in Aiiiuiica. and m-c ilN ilVn 1> w\rc iipim Canada and Imw rornnln laiiu tllorcliy In 111' tlu- ;;ainir. A iiinlilli after llic lapilul.itiiin nl' .\l()iilri.'.il. Cicorgi.' llu' Sli'iiiuI was gatlKTrd to his fathers, as the historians niiniitil\ thronielu, in the seventy-seventh year (if his life and the tliirly-fniirth of his reifiii. Mis paue went nne ninriiin^'. as 'rh,irkera\ lells iis, in Like him his rnval C'nk.NKK 01 IjlUUi-ll AMI .Mil IKU .'-lUI.KTS, L.v MM, ehnenlale. and, behold ! the ninst relii;ioiis and graeiniis sovereit;n lay de.iil on the llnnr. The intraelaliU- h who suiceeiled him took the administration of affairs into his own hands, and thoiiu'h he made a mess of things on this continent he was not lai king in eourane. and. when liis mind was clear, wiiuld lirook little iiUerleiem e from his lounsellors. hut ( leorjje III. was iiiiskilled in diplomacy, and liaviii}; his own he.idslroiij; wav. he brought hiiiiiili.ilion on lirit.iin : and alter the l.ipse of some vears a pitil'ul malady tell upon him.self 'I'he periml of what is known as the " King's Minislrv." extending from i7'>,S to ij.Sj. coveis the eventful era of the War of Independence, in which the colonists of the New World, resenting interference in m.iltcrs of trade rrnm .idinmi'-tr.ition^ in London, .iiid leeling liberu imperilK'd bv tlie .lggres^ion^ of ilic ( 'rown. threw off allegiance to lirit.iin and founded the government of the United Stales. liiirke's magnificent plea for cnncili.iiinii bnre iin fruit, and the eliii|ueiit w.irnings of l'n\ .mil ( wire w.isicil on the insnleiil I.nrd Nnrth. I'or a time ISritish arms met with their wonled successes, and the hopes of the young n.ilinn were far from being el.ited, .Mnnlgniiicry fillen at (Juebec. and liurgnvne had iienetraled frnm the St. I.awrince to the Hudson. (■a|)turing the stronghold of 'riconderoga 1 V the w.iy. Hnint and his Indians wiae c,ur\ing terror through the \'.illi\ of the .Mohawk, while New \'ork and the lower IIiiiImiii were invested bv the lleet tA I.nrd Howe. I!ut while the we.nv \e.irs of the unnatural cniillict passed, fickle I'nrtiuie to ch.inge. .ind the I'.iles to smile on the .inns n\ the \'nuMg kipiiblic. '{'he Royalists met with reverse .ifter reverse, until the end i .line with the surrender .it Saratnga of (leiieial lliirgoMie, and at ^■orktown of Lord ( 'ornwallis. \i( torv linallv resting upon the ( 'nntineiital arms, .\merica achieved her independence and was formallv admitted into the category of nations. In this she w;is no little assi^lcd by lirilain's heredi l.iry mciny. I'laiue. whiih nation on the surrender of Kurgoyne. not only hastened to ackiic viedge the revolted colonies, but sent ,111 "v to aid them in their struggle with the 111111111) fne. Hut the capiliilalinn of the lir: s,i generals w,is not merely the capiliila ' it an .iriuy. it the Mirrcnder of hall of Ihitain's hold upon the New World and withdrawal from the best part of a inniinent. To the loyalist "the lost cause' was Inighteil with evil, for to him and his il brought woe autl desolation. \\ ilh the success of the col- onies came persecution and the lossof propertv. Then was accepted voluntary expatriation with its trials and privations, and the sad experiences I.MMAM'K.l. BaITISI CllCKI II, CORNKK JAUVIS AMI WM l.K.Sl.KV SiS. THE U E. I.OYAI.ISTS AXD THE FOVyDIXC OF THE PROVINCE. of i-\ili' in tlu' wildcrrK'ssi's oC ('an;iil.i. W'l- lucil lianlly |iiiini dui ilial llii^ (.Apalii; siciulI In the " iiKikiiij; (il I'Dronto." Much has Iicl-ii writtt'ii alxmt the L'liili'd ICinpirc l.nyalisis. cm \\w oiiu hand Inwards the- nfwlM)rn Ki'|uilihc, and nil lln' olhiT, in well I cmi'^si's iiidiiljji'd in li\ thr |i;nli> ,■.-. ol llu- Ri|iiilili(' ; ((nrliiiis eyes lai 1 im tlic possessions iii' true men nnd li>yal eiti/eils, and taunts ;>i)d jilies tlirnwn at tliose who were known to look eolilly upon the sureesses ol' the (dionists in revolt, and who lo\ed the land ol their birth and honoiired the home ol' iheir kindred? It wiiiild not lu' diriicult to prove that this was liut too cruelly the ease, llalilmrton, in his " Knie and .Misrule of the lainlisli in .\iuerir,i. " .il'liruis that "tarring and leatlu'rin^;. and other aits ol' personal oulragt. became so coiuuion in .\lassa( luiselts, thai all ^llspcl led p.irtis.nis of the Mother ( 'oiuUr\ were olili';cd to seek relujic with the lroop^. " .\nolher authority s.iys : " I could .idduce instances ol idudiicl in Loyalists that would do honour to hiuuan n.iture ; but there is one which I caiuiot pass over, bec.iuse It shows with lirmiiess men will act when tl'uy are conscious that lheyha\e taken the right side of a i|iiestion. .\ lort was reduced by the .Xmericans on the Kiver Savannah. an C'MUKc II. there can be little (piestion as to the hardships thev endured in abaniloning their e-.i.ites in com- parative civili/ation for a home in tin- inhospitable wilds of the trackless forest. I'ew of their •limber, it mav be. who, for the sake of a principle, had the c (iiirage to prefer instant de.ith rather than be untrue to their ion- victions : though many are known to have taken their I'hances of life or death with the liritish troops in the varying fortunes of the war. How many after the close of the ( onllict preferred expatriation to living in a country that had won inde))endence through rebellion, history is here to attest ; and these were the men who were to form the brawn and imisi le. the niinil and heart of the new settlements of .Vcadia and Canada. True, the Loyalists rei'eived large gifts of the soil in the new land to which they had come, as some compensation tor their losses ; but these grants were such as anv class of .., 1 1 1 Cl 1 . I 1.' lU.OOR SlRI K.r DAI'I 1st ClIlKCII. settlers would lie likely to receive unikr any politic system of inmiigration. And as to the money appropriation by the C'rown on their behalf, in view of what work lay before them as pioneers of a new and unopened country, ;uid deprived as they were of almost everything their previous toil had secure.lllk^ cil' tlif St. Chiir and tlu' 'riiaiiu-s. In llic \'„\s\. tlurc was aKii considrralili' scttKniiiit in (li^iral)li- loralions "i \c)\a Siotia am! Niw lirnnsHJck. Of iIuim' that I'ntiri'il Canada by llu' \ia^;aia Rivir, not a li» wrrr to find tliiir wav rinnid till- liiad of l.akr Ontario to Toronto, acconiiiain'iil liy contingrms of disliandcd soldiery from tlio town of Ni-wark, which, on thr di\isioii of tin- (oinilrv into the- I'rovinirs of Upper and l.owir Canada, was in lycji to licconio tlu' Ic'Miporarv rapit.d. This I .oyalisi immigration coniposi-d lor the main part of the m.dilli and upper classes in the eomnuinities lliev left ilasses that thoiinh well to-do were accustomed to hard lahoiir, aci|iiainled with Imsh life, familiar with the work of the farm, and possessed of a courage and endurance which, often put to the test, wen- to prove the best (|U.dities for a pioneering life and the gifts most needed for siilidiiing the wilderness. .\s has been said of them, no portion of the liritish possessions ever re( eived so noble an a/■ \()uk. FIcHVAKll >i KKI I lIlill.cK, Kll^KlP.M.K. iikhIkt l.iiiil. lli(Mij;li ll iii.u In- ^.ilil Iinin .1 |Ui^iiil (l,i\ {»>iMI ul \ iih. 11 iioi r oiiiiiliuird III till |iiii>|n lin. Iiiit r.illnr lu till- (', 111 l.iiHir (.111,1(1.1. .\^ Hv li.ur si id, llir imaMiri- ii.iUir.ilK jj.ivi' ^;riMl iiiriiic >■ In l!nli-,li Mlllirs m llir 1 (iiiMlr\. l!m (lisNili>l.irtiiili \\,is ^■^|ll^l.lll^ i\|iIi>mi1 H ith it. ill riiliMi|Uiiii ■■ nt' tin- iMrlliivf ;irr.l tliriiii)jliniil tthiili tlu' .\( t W(ii;lil li.iM' III lir ii>|iri hil. I'm In IK |iiiiMMiills till' ^n■^I^ rii Ipniiiiil.iiv nl ( '.hlhI,! wns til ilirlllilr .i ri->;ii.ll so rrllliilr .is llir x.illiv iil lllr (Ihlii. In lllli tllllr, lln«i M 1. till' ri|ir.lli-il |iliilrsls nl llu .\llL;ln ('.iii.kIkims .Igilillsl lllf illjllsliri' nf llli- (^liullii .\i 1 illillliril llu; l-Jljilisli Mililslrv In iii.iki .1 r.lili- I ll c'liiiiif^c ill till' .iiliiiiiiistr;ili\i' in.irliiiirry nl' ('niiiiil.i. sn 1.11. .It least, as llli- ursttrii |inrtinii III till- ( niiiitrv Has coiirrriiril. I lii' Mil nllUllU III ljli;l|sll s|n.lklim sillltrs Irnlll tin- II rrilnlv III till' 111 » linlll l\r|illlilli lIUM.isiil >llr Mlllllilt' III I illll|ll.lint lli'.llll .It till I ninlll.jl ( fllici', alxl tin (Inlllit ll.lslillril lllr jLls^lni; nl llir aiiulinr.itilin liiiMsiin . Ii> llu- ( ' .\l 1 nl i;i,l .IS till' Itlll l.llli'il lIu' I nlllltn ».ls ill\|i|ill mill l«n |i.irls. ilisij^i). Itlll rpjii r .mil Lnwir I '.111. 111. I. till' linllllil.llV llIU' llcill^ lllr ( )|l.l\\.l kiMi. I'^.ii ll I'l'iiuiiri' ».is In liavi- its nwn (liiMiiinr. .mil .1' I'.M 1 iitiM' ( 'niiiii'il, ajp- |iniiiU'il liy llu- ('rnwii, Iii^i'IIht willi a I'arlia iiH'lil. riilisisliii^ III' a l.i'^isl.itiM' ('niiMi'il anil .1 l/:/> mi: lorxnixc or Vi^KK 16 nrHlyiiiMti il I'll HUM . ul r|i|" i ( ' wrri' ; il .il. iiiiirliil in liiiiljrr, il ii ^dod soil, |iliMUy (if llsli jnil <^.\mv. ,1111 1 in i-vrrv (liio linn «.!> Hrll u.ili-nd \\\ slrcnns, Hrnri.ill\ ii.u iji.ibic Ini ;inil railoL-s, iinil |iiissL-i^ril of a cliinalv ;il onrc linirinjj anil hcililn, \\ li.ii .ilniir lu-nliil wirr tlir Mirvcvur, tlir ,i\ ami thi' scttliT. Kironl ul the aitpoaraniv of ilic lirst of thcM' «r linil ul in tlir nrinlilicpiirlinc)(l iif rdrontn, in tlir iktmui ul Surveyor ( li'iK-ral Collins, who. in 17.S.S. in a rtporl of the rcHiiiii lo l.ord I Ion liisdr, s|nak-. ol llu' llarlMnir ol I'liroiUo ,is " i .iparioiis, sali'. and will shi-lli-rt-d.' Thni' yi-ars hilrr, »f lind Mr. .\iij;iMiis joiu",, I'roviiiiial Land SiMVf\or. |nirMiin;; liis voi alion in (he >anK' land loiked wakrs, and pro^iiirtin^ K'H'i'ill^' ill •!"■ ii to he .ippointcd, Hilli tin- title of Lieutenant (iovenior. The ^governorship fell into the ahle hands of Lt. ( 'ol. John (Iraves Simcoe, whose .ippoiiitineiit, in 1 ;().'. led in his crossing the .\tlantic and t.ikinj; up resi dence at Newark, tlu' l'ro\in(i.i| i,i|)i|.i| With him c. line a st.iff nf ollici.ds lo admin ister the alf.iirsol iIk- iieu l'ro\ iiue, inchidiiij; Mr. I'cli r Kiissell. a niemlier of his IC\eciiti\e ('niiiii il. .mil llu- oliici-r who, some years later, suc-ceeded Simcoe ill the I .ieiiteiianl (Idveriiorship. The ( lovi-rnor and his siiiu- left l-'aiHland c.irly in .M.iy, 171,2, and arrived I'.Mll lAMI SI SrnKi-.i llAI-l ISI ClirKi 11. nt Niajjani on the .Slh of the following July. Here, in the centre of the hcaii moiide of the Province, as an early traveller through Canada fticetiously remarks. Coiernor Simcoe, in the month of Sepleniher, summoned the first I'arliament Of L'pper Canada. It i-oiisisted of an Upper House of seven members, appointed by the Crown for life, and a Lower of sixteen inemhers, to be elected by the peopk-. I'Ik- latter were chosen, in the main, from the fanning and trading classes, the profes- sions, as yit. not having had foothold in the I'roviiice. The legislation of this primitive I'arliament, though unambitious, sensibly met the re(|uireineiits of the coimiry. One of its earliest mea.sures was the introduction of the Civil Law of I-jigland ami trial by jury. ( Itlur measures made provision lor the erection of court-houses, jails, and such other public buildings as were re(|uired in the various districts into which the I'rovince was at the time divided. Ihese districts, which cancelled the divisions of the I'rovince made some years before by Lord Dorchester, .ind to which he had given ( a-rman names in compliment to I-jigland's Hanoverian King, were'as follows: the Kastern district, covering the le /■/// i-iiiKE I //■) /\ .\/V(ti'iii nr lli Itnil iliiliM I, rxlriiiliii^ lo till- SI, CLiir. riiisr (ll>.lrii Is Hirr Jt;.illi miImIimiIiiI lliln i nil ill Irs, .iiiil (.11 li nl llir l.illrt In li.ivr 1I-, ,11 11 1 1 unit liniisc, I I Ills »i Ir 1 1 II I II It 1.1 1 slr|is I.I km III npi II l||< IIm I'imV IIH r lul SI I III 11 II Ml, .11 II I iMilllllMli W.IS In ill) 1 1 II Ir ,1 .\l.l^;,IM .11 till-. Iirllnil. ll VM I M I |il Kllli^slnll. \\,i , I lir iiliK jil.ii i nl llii{ ml l.lln i ||i I ' 1 1| ii r ( ,1 I, I It I I.I I III. I IK lirljlllr llir I r.lillr nl tlir \\ i sli I li |<|iiMlii , . It Ii.hI. tliililnri', sniiir il In liiii llii |m I lii.illi HI i.i| IlilnrllllKllrlv Inr llir Inrtii, lis iir;irnrss In riiilril M.iirs tritllniy, .mil llir ilaiiKirmis |iin\iiiiit\ nl InrI \i.ij;;ir.i, il.islinl tlir lM)|irs m lliis rrspri I nl Its mli.ilill.iMIs, In ( liiMiiinr Slim nr's surjirisr, hr Iniiml llii lull .il tlir iiiniilli nl llir rurr slinrllv In lir ;;iirrlsniiril liy .\iiiirii.m sn|i|irr\, .mil it iliil iml IhIiuih in Km;; (Irninr. Itiit lliis 1111(1 tinl h.ivr siirprisrd Ihi^ (liivrriinr li.iil lir I nllslilrrnl Inr .1 InnliiiMl HItll » i);llnr.llli r tin 1 nljii r ll.lil liirli wnlll In ^'JM' rlTri I In Irr.lllrs ills|iiislll); nl rlinniinlls .III ,1 . Ill llli \rW Wnrlll. rtlllmilt tlir sll^'litr.l kllnwirilur n| ^;rn;;i.l| ili\ :ilii| Hllli sllliiiinr iihIiMi Irlli r li' 1 nil .ulrt.ltlonH. I 111- Inlly nl I lnwnm({ SllrrI III lii.illi In In .it\ lii.iklli;^ h:is lint nlll\ lll.lllllr .1 in tin' plni rrllllij^s wIlH II ^.m 1 l|i 1 I In tlir Trr.lly III' l';iris, I linririlllliti llir inili'|irtlllrni r nl tlir I llllill M.lli >. Iillt u.i^ .il ,11 In In slinwil. .il 11 1,'llrr ll.'llr, III llii I\ nl I ilirllt, «lli( Il trillim.llnl llir W.I I nl iKi.. |!\ llir Inniirr, lain I.I 1 11 1 mil nlllv InsI .1 l.irnr sin r nl Irrillnry, I "I I, 111 Us 1^' I ml. Hit I V pl.n nl .iliil llii|ir.ii til .ilili lim , ( '.iii.iil.i in I iillv IkhI In Krn|ir in tin il.irk m lixilin llir wrslrni linimil.irv nl ( liil.iiin, llniii llir linlaMr iinilli «rsl ;mji|r nl llir | .jkr nl llii: W'nnils. lU llir jir.ih nl I iliriil, Il is .'ilmnsl liniirccss.iry In rrliiiml tlir rrjiirr, ■ '•lit, nil !n,l llir wlinir n! lIn- St, Mr nl M.iiiir, wlm || liy ri>;lil nl iniii|iii ,t In Iniinnl In ( ';iii;i(la, ,'iMil at till' llliu: was niir:. with tlir ■' 1 niisi III .mil I mill III III II , |ii npji . .Mr.iiiuliili . till Ini.ilinii III ,1 ,ili I'll tlir r:i|iit.i| «.is lint Inn- in ilniilit. I'tniii l||, 1 lirniiii li , nl tlir prrind Wr Ir.irii ( linnnni Slim nr riiii nil I ninniii, vMlli III I nniin^ st.itr. Ill till I iili nl M.iv, i;i)(. ,iiii| at nmr srlriinl thr pl.n r nl l.imlinU a spnl tin- mnlllli nl llir linn .is llir si rllr nl Ills llltuir alllllllllstl.itur npri.ilinlls, .iml ni.nlr Ills . trill, pitilitil nil llir rivrr li.iiik, llir f;rriil nl he liaslillrd In 1 ,ill llir Inwii nl N'ntk. ( ii.Al'il'.k l\-. I III. M I IKI. (IIS IN sl\|( 01. s \)W .\Mi \ I I III, 111 (ilNMM, Ol I III. ( I.M IKV. St Ml III Mil 1 I M". I ■ M'l 1 I', I III I' IK • I ( )1 I |i I M • 01 I I'fl iM ■ \S M.\, I'll'i i\ In Sl.l I I I I II \ I III I Ml I \l , M \\, I 71)5, I III (,1111s K' \s<.i I's I ,iv.-i i,i I I \ i,M,l Slid I I. 'Imi (Mum im i i ivi s I is ,\ wm , \ hkk. .\Ii wim. ni i hi. \\ iiHii I 1 ii-'iN In. I iiins in I )i n.M n III 111. I III. (,iri III ( ni nil I.xki-. (Ii'H.inm liiwsl'ini m IniinNin. Si 1 1 111 ( \ 1 1 I I' !• \SK n\ 1 III I Ins. ( ,iA I USUI' ,M\lc nl I )| I'M- I 1 I'l . ( It M I' M I' f, .Nfl'l Mis ii\ I III .Si I M,. N'liKK .\1 llll ( III MM. Ill Till, ('IMIKV. MllllM. nl till. IlK^I I' Ml I I AMI N I IN rnnnNlii. \iillK IN 171)7 hi si Ktlll tp M'l \ ( n\ I I MfiiKAKV. .NuklVAl, 111 (ioVIKMiK (inkl.. .SiK lAI, I'kl Of N'okK. III. Iilslnrlial rrlrnsprri ur liaM , in llir prrvjnils rliaplrrs, pl.n nl lirrnrr llir rradrr, will iinw rii.ililr liiiii tn riitrr iipnii lln .11111. lis nf llir yrl riiiliryn I nrniitn Willi ,1 lirttrr iiira nl IniH till I'rnMmi, nl wimli it is tin- i,ipil.i|, h,is lallril ililn rxistrm r, ami 111. Ill tlir 111,1111, 1 ,11111 In tlir iiiakili^ nl tlir Intiirr 1 ity. In tlir van^ll,'l^ll nl llii' .iiiiiv nl piMiiliil inv,ii|rts wrrr, as Wf liavr srni, llir (', \;. I,ny,ilisls anil llir rnyalist snlillrry, will) ll,li| Inllnlil .mil InsI in llir KrMillltlnll. W Itli tlirlil li,lil 1 nlllr 1 nlllini^rlits nl ilmi|) yrninanry, wlin li,iil rillirr rntrrni llir I'lnMin r linni llir iiriji|iliniiiiii;( Krpiililn , nr iiin\ril wrstwaril Irniii llir hanks nf llir SI, 1,,'iwrrnir In lakr ,'iilv,inla^r nl llir I, mil l^r.inls nl llir nrwly Inriiinl I pjHT ( '.in;iil,i ailliiinistralinii, ami lirw hniiirs Inr ihniisrKrs III thr wililrriirss. In thr f>rr\onitil nl thr ailininislMlinii llirrr w,is linr Inr thr n-.iriii^' nl :i mw I nnnnnnwi .iltli. (nlnml Siliirnr, thr snlihrr ( inMinnr. hiiiisrll a nl nntr. .\^ ( 'nininandrr nl lln- (,)iii ni's Kangrrs, nnr nl llir innsl illn nni I'mvin- ( iai I nrps, p,irt iiil. miry and p.irt hnrsr, Iniinhi nn thr Inyal sjdr in llir KrMiliitiniiary, hr rniilrrnl dislinnuishnl srrvirr ihrniinh ihr 1 .mip.ijjins nf 1777 In 17X1, I'nw.irds tin- rlnsr nf llir hr fill iiiln llir hands nf the rnrmy, .mil hn niii inn invalnlrd, was sriil hnliu- nn parnir In rji(,'laiid. Mr was siiliscinirlllly rrlr.isrd Irnin his parnlr. rntrrni I'.irliaiiii lit, and as .1 nirlnlirr Inr a hnrnliKh in ''nrnwall. Innk pall in llir drh.iirs nn I'llt's llill, thr ( Innslilillinnal .\rl nf i;i>l, liy wllirli ihc TriAim r III (,iiirlin uas diMilnl iiiln I p|H r ,iml l.nwrr Canad.i. On llir p.issiii); nf llir Itill in llir i'arliainent, fnlnnrl Siiiii nr was .ippninli d 1. 11111,11. ml ( inv.rnnr n( thr Ippir I'n Aim r .mil, .n 1 niiip.inird liy his wil,-, hr prnirrdrd ,it nine: In thr srriir nf his hiliirr kiliniirs. With liliii i,iliir, nr nil his ,irrii.i! "irr iininnli.ilrly .ippninlrd In nllii r, tin InllnwIiiK nrnllrinrn, whnsr iianirs, rlllirr in thr prrsniis III tlinsf wlin ihrii hnrr thrill nr in nf ihrir drsrrnd.ints, arc familiar tn thr cars nl 'rnrnntn rilizilis, linn. Willi. mi Osnnndr, < liirf J iislii 1 . Mr, Kniirrt (iray, Snln itnr ( ; .Mr. Jnliii Wliilr, Allnriiry (Icniral ; D. W'. Smyth, .IX/i .1/ ■////■: AAY/M'A'AVr/ (>/■ nil I I Ml uy 17 ( IM I ' II 'il I III I'l I It t Ml I IAN'.I I' \-.), Ill ""It Mil 1.1 . Siirvryiir ( , ll"ii I'rii r Kii.scll, Krc i-jvcr ( iiiii-riil ; Tlioiiiiis Kiilniil iiml W illi.iiii (lii'will, Assisl.iiil KmiM f. ( ; Vljijnr l.illli'li.ilr-,, Mihi.iri Si i nl.irv ; U illi.iiii J.irvis, ( ivil Sc-i niiiry ; I'.ii.inn ^ilif Mv.iriU ' 'hIciihI) I liuiii i. I .illiol, AhIc ilr ( ■.iiM|' l'..irly ill July, i 71;,!, ( I'liiniMr Sinn oi «,i , .vioiii in ,il KiiiK'I"M, kiIIi I Ik- Iim hm iiiImi . "I lli< V.v rlli m y's ICxcriitivi- (iMiiHil. Tlic iiir'niliiT-. ol llii. Iir>l t'|i|Mi ( ,iii.ii|;i (himm il «■ n- Win ( (.(.mmhIi-, I'l i.r K11..1II. |.iinc . It.iliy, Ali-\. (Ir.iiil ;ini| U'lii. Kiiliirlviii. I..ili'riiii KhIm'II I l.iiiiill"n. KhIi.iiiI ( '.irlwri^lil .mil Inliii Miiiitu hi n '" iMiinin.ilril l,r^i'.l,ilur ( 'iiiiiii illur^ ; iinil siill liilir lilli'cii iiii'inliri'. »rii n liiiiii i| .1 > n |im M-llllllUCS III till- |HO|l|< III llll |'|"\ nil AsM'inlih, I )l llll . Ill ,1 I'.iili. liiiih, Mr. Jiilin M.imIuiicII cIci IciI .SpiMki 1, wliili' .Mr. Jiiliii Sin.ill »',is ;i|i|iiiinli'il (Ink III till' I'.VI I lltivr ( 'iilllll ll. ,' I III' In .1 I |i|ii I I '.in, III. I 1 .1 (.;i,l.iliiii , we lim- .ilrr.icly si-in, w:is 1 .illiil In tin rl 111 Niwjik ( nil llif 171I1 III .Sc'iilciiilirr, 1792, mill lis lirsi Mssidii liisliil lill ilic I sill ! Ill llll' liilliiwnin inmilli. Itnl (iuMiiiur Sun iiir iilliir l;i>k-. In |iii|iirin lli;iii lii ii|irii ' 1111(1 |iriiriiKiir I'lirli.iiiirnl. .\ i.i| In lie liiiinil liir llll- niwly I "ii.lilnli ll Sl.ilr. .\ , )i-\ Tiiriiiil" ,1 ini'liii|iiili . iiitU 111) |).ijiir. Ill till- '.|illll^' 111 I7l),j, jl|,l 111 Imr llir Ml "Mil session III Ilir l.r(^isl;iliirr mil, Siiiii m- mI mil uitli ,1 p.irly 111 ImmIs fur iin r\i iir.iiiii , nl llir l.lini 11', k.mnris In l.iki' |iiis-.i-,Miin nl llir Inwn, 111, I'.Milliin y, nil llir jijili insl., Irll S'.uy II. ill .mil iinl,nki-i|, ,1, ilii- Cr.illf lilK iis, "mi I lis M.ij,-,iy\ SI liiiniM 1 /l//u;iu;i.'(/ Inr \ ink, Willi llll- 11 iiMiliilir nl llir <,)iiri-ii s l<.iii('MK,N ^ .Ml hlCAl I 01,1 I .,1 , M\l \t II • " Tunmt.), Past and Presunl ; llisiiiricnl anil jiescriptive," pn^e ii). AX J) AT rilE HEGIXNINC, Or THE CEXTURV. 19 siimiiur limiM' (il'lngs. a briilK' |),uli led IVoiii llu' town, and coniiniiniiatioii wiili il was also availaMu liy the nicandLTing stream whirh liDundcd llu' lily on the last. As the I'aHiamcnt liiiildinns were not yet ireiill hut ;i littlf pl.uv. tlicm^h llu' ( IdVfiiKir. in kiiifilv |)liniM-. wns wont ti) spL-.ik ()(' it. in summoning liis laitlilul ( '(jnimons, ;is •• Mur royal town of York." Its popukition. I'xclusivi' of about two lumilri'il solilicrs. ili be thrown into all the streets of the town. \ essels of all sizes may be conveniently built here, and a kind of terraie or second in front of the town, afl'ords an excellent situation for a rope walk (1) The remains of lAH l~ Si Ul-l' I, I.OOKINO ^I'l lllll;\sl .s;ilill ,i.\/) AT THE nrAiixxixG of the cextvkv. 21 llu' old I'Vuiicli fori, 'r(iriiiiti), stnrul ;i lilllc to tin.' westward of tlic pri-soiit gnrrison. and tlic Kivcr Iliimbcr discharges into the l.akc Ontario al)Oiit two miles and a hall' west of that ; on this river and the Don are exeellent mills, and all the waters ahoinid in fish. In the winter the harbour is frozen, and affords excellent ice for the amusement of northern countries, driving en traiiieiiii. The climate of N'ork is temperate and well sheltered from the northerly winds hy the high lands iji the rear. I'he Yonge Street leads from hence to Lake Simcoe, and the Diindas Street crosses the rear of the town." Such is the picture preserved to us, hy a contemporary hand of tlie appearance of 'I'oronto at the close of the last century. Few, we may lie sure, of the rude forefathers of the then liamlel, ever dreamed of the potentialities that lay hid in the embryo city. Nor, to look at Captain ('.other .Mann's ])a|)er-plan of Toronto*, ideal as it is, would even the seer of the period be likely to predict what the city would become before a hundred years had elapsed. As yet the chroniclings of the Official (iazette do not in(lif York, ir tlii'SL- Horlliy i;i-iilli-iiK'n dltlit.' early L'ppor Canada liar had an cvc In fci's, it wmild sitiii that they nuist have had (lilticiilly ill I'oUectiiig till 111, lor iiirrciUT of all kinds was scarce, and imlv a sv-.teiii nf barter in the main prevailed. If they are tii lie looked iiji.'n ,is j;u,irdians of the piililic morals, there, it wonld appear, much neeil, however, lor their services, lor iiiteniiierance and street brawls, we le.irii, were then prev.ilent vices, liiordinale tippling was at the period dealt with alter a utilit.iriaii manner: .All persons, we reail, guil')' ol drunkenness, were m.ide to give a certain aiiioiint of lalionr in pulling out tree-stiimps in the public streets. Nor, des|)ite earlv legislation against slavery, was the holding and tninsler of liimian chattels wholly unknown at this period. While we hear of slaves being ni.iiuiiiiiltcd, we also hear of their being sold or ofl'ered for sale. In the Giizttli- of the time, .Mr. I'eler Kussell, then .idministrator of tlie affairs of the Province, advertises for sale "a black woman, named I'eggy, agetl forty years, and a black boy, lier son. named Jupiter, aged about fifteen years, both of them the property of the sub.scriher ! The woman," so sets forth the advertisement, "is a lolcr.ilile cook and washerwoman, and perfectly under- stands making .soap and candles." I'he price set upon I'eggy is $ijo, and upon juiiiler Junior, $.;oo, " payable in three years, with interest from the day of sale, and to be secured bv bond." His l-Acelleiicy is /ood enough to say, however, that "one- fourth less will be taken for ready money !" These are but a few glimpses of the social life of the time. ClIAI'TKR \. \i)\>t, was onlurcd to rciiilonv llu' ti(i(i|>s al AmlRisthiiin. With tlic ,;r(l Riginu'iU of N'oi'. Militia, limck liimscH' set out. on the 6th of August, for tlu- \\i>l. At Anihiistliiiii,' W was joiiud liy the Shawiae Chief Tecinnseh, with whom and his Indian lullowers, liroek concerted incisures Inr the ca|)luie of I'oit Detroit. Ilv this time Cieiieral Hull had uilhdrawn his army Irom Canada and retired upon the slionnhold on the Detroit Ki\er. I'roinptl) carrying out his project, Urock put liis .small force in lighting array and irossed the river into .Michigan, liefon- ass.uilling the fort, he summoned the garrison to surrender. The summons, to lirock's surprise, was coin|)lieil with, and J.500 .\merican soldiers g" _ up their arms. I'.lated at his unlooked for success, and enabled liy the capitul.ition of the fort to more efliciently arm I'.- Canadian militia, he resolved at once to relurn to \ork, thereafter to cross Lake Ontario anil sweep from the N'.igara frontier other detachments of the enemy, liy the iytli of .\ugust llrock and his troops were hack al the lapital. where they were received with the warmest acclaims of the populace. Unfortunately, when about to set out again, Hiock's design to prevent the enemy from massing on the Niagara Riser was for the time frustrated by an ill- timed armistice. This had been agreed to by .Sir Ceorge I'revost, who at the period held supreme conmiand in Lower Canada. The armistice delaved action till the following October, and gave the .\mericans time to concentrate a force of about f),ooo men. uniUr \'an Rensselaer, in the _ '-j"'!* neighbourhood of I.ewiston. .\t d.iybreak , •- on the i.^tli the advance guard of the .\meri can force effected a landing on the Canadian bank of the Niagara River, desjiite the heroism of its defenders. Cieiieral liroek, hearing at l-'ort ( ieorge the cannonading, gal- lopeil with his aides-de-camp to the scene of action, and at once Ibund himself in the thick of a desperate onset. The story is a brief one. Two companies of the 4i)th Regi- ment, «ilh about a hundred of the C.inadian militia, had lor some time been holding the eiiemv in check. hIuii the engagement slid deiil) became .\ portion ol the invading force, g.iiniiig the heights unol - served, from this vantage ground began to pour a destructive fire upon the defenders, liroek, with characteristic gallantry, inst.mth placed liimsell .11 the heail of the troops, wilh whom were two companies of the militia of \ (irk. and hastened to dislodge the enemy Irom the heights. Conspicuously leading the storming p.irty, and with the cry, " I'ush on, the Nork \dliinteers!" on his lips, Itrock struck bv a musket-ball and fell mortally wdiinded. .Maddened at the death of their heroic icider, the troops twice essayed to c lear llu' iinaders from the llame clad heights. Twice, however, were they driven back, and the gallant column of barely ,500 men was compelled to retire upon the village and w.iil reinl'orcemeiits. I'reseiilly these came 1111, and under Cieneral Sheaffe they now outllanked the .\niericans and drove them over llu precipice, or, on the brink tr lining the wantonness ol the enemy, in the lust of destruc- tion, and in saving from the torch not a little priv.ile propcrl). lie was also enabled to sec lire some inoclilic .itioiis in the articles of c.ipilul.ilicm, and toeffect the release on p.irole ol the ( 'an.idian militia and other volui leer dcfenclcrs of the tctwn. Unhappily the humili.ition of \c)rk not yet complete. I'hree months after w.irds, ( hauncey's Heel made another descent upon the capital to revenge the .lid it had given (lener.d Vincent in his defence of liiirliiigioM Heights. The lown had to siib- inil to .1 liirther scon liing and looting, though the .\niericaiis had soon to pay lor their w.intoiiiiess by severe Iosm's elsc-wherc- and by grim reprisals in the later history ol the war. To balance the account has 10 show to her credit the eng.igeiiieiits at lieaver Dam and Sloiiy Creek, the exploit at Ogdensbiirg, and the descent upon ill.n k Ucick. In these affairs, as well as in the Mc tories of the next year at Chryslers I'.iriii • ind Chate.iiiguay, the loss to her arms of the young Colony was hilly counterbalanced. On the lakes, fortune was capricious, now playing into the haiuls of Chauncey ancl I'erry, anon into those of Hire lay and ^'eo. I'lie iSi^, as we have e hronicled elsewhere, closed amid woe and desolation. The .American (leiieral .McCliire, in command of the c-,ipiured stronghold of Kort (leorge, being hard pressed by Vincents troop>, dec ided to winter in Kort .Niagara, on the other siele ol the river. I'liinking his safety even then endangered by the proximity cif Newark, he c-ommilted the inhuman ae t of turning out cif their homes, in the depth of winter, about 150 familii-s, including 400 women and children, ancl fired the town .it thirty minutes' notice. I'or this barbarous ae t the .\inericaiis were- held to a terrible: account, in the repris.ils wliie h instantly lollowecl. the surprise and capture of fort Niagara, and the consigning to the flames of all .American villages from Lake Ontario to Lake Ijie. The re is little, as wc have saiil elsewhere, to reccird in the events of 1S14, save the l.iilure of the liritish attac k on the strong position of the .Americans at Chippewa, ancl the crowning victory of the war, the liattle cil l.undy's Lane, with which the War of 1812 may he said to have practie^ally ended. The I'reaty of (ihent, which was signed cm the i4tli cjf December, 1S14, terminated the protMcted struggle, and left Canada in possession cif her own. The ccjuntry h.ul been dev.istated, innumerable homes made desolate, and thciisands of lives sac rificed, in an inglorious attempt by the .Ameriian people to subjugate Canada, ancl the L'nion k by the .St.irs and Stripes. I he eirdeal was a trying cmi- for the country; but her sons were ccpial to the (jcc:asion, and she accjuitted herself with hcjnour, and carried lo the credit of her national life that whit li has since strengthened and ennobled it. Veil.CM KKKs' .\IeiN; \lKNr, I,1CKK.N\ CaKK. IIIE laUil.MES Ol- aOlERXOKS (,0/kssio.\. Till I'aMII.V Co.MI'Al I AND lv\RI.\ KaDK SlKAM ON IIII. I.AKK^. RhI. OK I'l.lll.ll liUII.DINl.S. MANSIONS nl I III. ■• .\si IIS kl'i.lMI.." I'KI.Vd a I 'oii-.i(krnl)k. piriod I'orrmto, or as it was still rallid. York, siirtcrcd from tin- |i;\/iMn iITli ts o( tliL- war. Itoid the sword and torch of the invader it, howivcr, Mllicil witli the rrliirii of peaie. The ressiition of hostilities in luirope liroii^ht (on sidcralile accessions to the troops in (.'anada, and set free from the servi( e of Mars not a few who came to the I'rovince to cnj^agu in more pea( eful piirMiil>. Among other re( eiit ai i|iiisiti()ns of the younn capital was (jne who had already liecome a prominent ( iti/^eii, and who was destined to fill a large space in the annals hoth of the city and the I'roviiK e. In the first year of the war there had come to N'ork the Kev. John Strachan, a divine who was to he more to Upper (.'anada and its lusty metropolis than a repre- sentative of the ( 'hurch militant. i'Vom his first coining the town felt the stimulus, of his active and fori eliil mind. His earliest energies were tlireded to devising means for mitigating the horrors and alleviating the sufferings of the time, lie founded and took a large share in conducting the- affair-, of an association, (■ailed the " l.oyal and Patriotic Society of Upper Uanada, " the i hief objects of which were to make provision for the widows and orphans of the war, to tend the wounded, and give succour Kj those whose homes had been made de-^olate. Of this institution, the late liishop llethune, Straclian's biographer, observes, that " it ( (inlributed more towards the defence of the I'rovim e than h.ilf a dozen regi- ments, from the coiilidence and goiid will it inspired, and the encouragement it gave to the young men of the c(j|intry to leave their homes and take their share in its defence." There was other patriotic work which, while the went on, enlisted the energies, as well as the sympathies, of the resour(eful young e((lesiasti( . In the les of the lime, Strachan is seen to have taken an active, though rather aggressive, part in negoti.iting the terms of capitulation with the .\nieri(an inv.ulers of N'ork. To him, in the overtures with the enemy, the town owed wh.itever clemency was shown to it, though his curt spee( h and dour manner, luiilrali/ed only by the courteous address and genial ways of Att(jrne\ (ieneral (afterwards (hief jusliie) Kobinson, came near cancelling all that had been gained from York's rude captors. liefore jiassing on with the history, let us lake a (loser gl.ince at the town's sturdy ( hampion and shrewd, though liriis(|ue. mediator. Strachan was a young S( ()t( h school- master (born .It .\berdeen in 177S) who had come to Canada In his twenty-first year, with some e\pe( ta tion of receiving the priiu ipalship ot a college which designed to be founded by the (iovcriiment and en (lowed with a large grant of land from the public domain. On the last day of the century the young dominie arrived at Kingston, where he learned that, with Simcoe's de- ^'' '-*»'"'^''''- Makkkt, kkom tiik So. i 11 Kast. parture from the (olony, the project of founding a college under the auspiies of the Covernment. had for the time been abandoned. He, however, lud a friend in .Mr. kii hard ( 'artwright, an influential resident, who prev.iiled upon him to open a sdiool In the town and light the lamp of learning in the youllilul colony. In this work Strachan /eahmsly engaged, until having taken orders, he was appointed by Itishcjp Mountain to a charge at Cornwall. At Cornwall he combined ediK ^^(mal with clerical work, and there, in what l)e(^ime a famous prcccptory, he taught many who were ere long to go forth to till the highest |M)sitions in the I'rovince. In 181 1, owing to the death of the Rev. Dr. Okill Stuart, the first incumbent of St. James' 36 Tin: RiA.iMis Oh i:oi ii>/./i(>A'.\7:. ( 'linn h ,11 N nik .mil llu' luMdm.i^tir nl llu' I Imiii- I •l--tiiil ( S( hnnl, w.i', invili'il liy ( Ihmiium ( 'umi- In loiiU' t(i till' ia|) :iiiil l.ikf up Stiiart> work. In this tlii' yoiiiin i KtIi- (■ipii>iiiU(I, .m iliiliiN ill till' vi-ar iSij, Willi tin- nmliri-ak nl tin- war, lie ulfiUirK-d liiiiiMll' willi all llu' ('iiiurnis ol' the caiiilal, ( lonk |url in its ili'leiiii'. ami liicaiiu' llu- aninialiiii; spiril nf llu- 1. oval and I'alriolic I .la.uiic. til llu- rha|ilaiii('V n( the tnuips. and lae Inni; he ni>.e In a seal in llu' I .eni-lali\e ('iHineil. \'ll- W nN 1 III I ri I 1. llMt ul I \U\ 1^ M Kl I 1 . Ily (leiieral linn k he was a|ipiiiiili'd 111 this latter |Mi>t, Slraehan ••iili-.e i|lleiill\ liyure', a^ niu' nl llie iiiein lieis ol the " I'aiiiih ( 'niiiparl iilii;arih\, and the mark lor lli'- liarlied ancius nt diseiinuiil and M'diticin. Later liislnrv kmiH-, liiiii iinly. as it kiicnvs him liesi, as the lirst Ihshnp appointed liy the ( 'rown in rpper ( 'aiiada. With the elose ol the war, \cprk set ilsiir ilu' l.isk III Inmn anew the round, itions ol its in,iterial ,idvaneenienl. Iiiimigr.ilioii set in, ,ind the imriMse in popiilalion not only ^;ave a Insh impulse ',o the lAp.insion ol' tile eil\. lull led to till- lurllier opeiiilij; up ot the I'rov incc. With iiiipiiued lac ililits ol I'ommunieation, roads and canals were liuill, ,md at this period ranie steam tniiisii on ilu' lakes. The (iiivernnieiil .ilso ln^.m lo redeem llie.irnn hills, which ii is ucd duriiii; llu and lo p.iy the pensions. This sel nioiie) m circiil.itioii and m.ide a lall for li.inks, which were soon est,ihlislied ; whiU' the l.euisl.iture in.ule larj^e approprialioiis for the coiislrui tioii ol ro.ids and liridges, and I'orthe Iniindiiin (if ('omiiKin Schools. .\s the result of this activity, a new day dawned upon \'ork and the voting ( 'oloin. While the town and the country were thus making satisfactory material progriss. the situation of .iH'.iirs poliiicallv was deplorable. In liotli llie I'pper and the Lower Province, pulilic feelm.u was ,uoused over the irresponsilile ch,nacti'r of the Kxecutive Council, and found vent in many stormy scenes in I'arliaiiienI, as will as in angrv outhiirsls iii the R.idical press. In the L'pper I'roMiicc especially there was a |ilenlihil crop of grievances, .\iiiong these we (|uote from our words elsewhere were the scandalous svsteiii on which the pulilic lands were granted, and the partiality shown in the issue of land |i.itenis and other favours in the gift of the Crown. Immigrants from the L'nited States, heing tainted as il was stijiposod with kepulilicanisin. were the special olijects of official dislike anil the \ii tiiiis of legislative injustice and wrong. Oppressive laws were passed ag.iinst tlieiii. and an .Mien Act was rigorouslv enforced, whiih for a time deprived them of their poliliial rights. excluded them from the privilege of taking up land, and suhjected them to many iiidig nities, including arliitrary expulsion from the I'rovince. 'The chief authors of these aliuses were the inemliers of the llxecutive and Legislative Councils, who by their close alli,nices for mutual advantage, came to be known by the rather sinister designation of the I'amily Compact. L'or the most part thev were of I'. I-",. Loyalist or I'rovince not a few of them being connected by family ties and having at their disposal offices of emolument and other Crown ]iatronage, which secured for them a strongly attached, but not alwavsa scrii|iulously honest, following. In the reforming spirit that now set in, il iiiiisl in justice be said, that whatever good was in the administration of the time was but indiffereiilb acknowledged. We mav admit that, at the |ieriod, power was firmly centrali/ed in tin- haiKls of a dominant and exclusive i l,iss that all the public ottices were in llu-ir gih, and that the entire public domain, iiic hiding the ('rown and Clergy Land Keser\es. was also in their hanils. It is true also that, through the patronage at their disposal, the I'amily ( 'oiiipai t were enabled lo fill the Lower House with their supporters and ailhereiils, and, in largi' measure, to shape the I'rovincial legislation so as to niaintain their hold of oltice and perpetuate ,i monopoly of power. That they used their positions autocratically, and laid a heavy hand upon the turliulent am', disaffected, was also true ; but their respect for Hritisli institutions, and their staunch loyalty to the Crown, at a KkV. llu. SCAIIlil.MI. Tin: h!i:(;/.^r/:'< oi-aoKr., M.\rri.ANi\ A\n voihonxe. 37 NOKTMKRN CoS(^RIC,.\rlONAI, CillRC 11, (.'IIUKI 11 SlUKKr. tiliU' when Rt'piililicnn si'iiliiiunl^ wiii' il.iiininni^ly |priv.ik'nl, wirt' viilik's vvliicli iiiinlil will nffsit iiimiiiunlili' iiiisilfcds, iintl s(|iiari- lln' :iccoiml in :inv iinprijiKlicnl iirr.iinMiiiriit. Xii'wiiig \\\v ni;illrr jiiilirullv, .mil in tlu' caliii lif^lit nl ,i l.ilir Jiul licllcr (l.iy, this, wi' wiilurc tii think, is tin.' i)|iiiii(iii thai ininlit imw tn |iri\.iil. Ill till' |ui-i(iil hi-twi'i-n till' War and tlu- KclK-llion, the nominal ( hii is in llif riuvincial Aclministratioii, who rt|iiisiiil((l llif ( rowii in the Coloiiv, wiTo ( lovi-rnors ( lori', Mailland, and Colliornf. The rilk' of I thcM- nun iMrnds IVom the [ifriod whin I (lore rctiinuil, in 1.S15, from lainlanil to ( Toronto, ijown lo the uar i.S.i'i, whin Col horiic was Iranslirrcd to the ( 'ioMriiorshi|i ol Nova Scotia, and Sir h'ranris lioiiil Iliad rami- ii|ioii llir tidilliKil si riu'. \\ illiin ihrse twenty years the Town of Ndrk, as «e haw in part indicated, made gri-at strides. On the lake, ste.iinirs siippl.inleil the s,iiliiig- packet in the passaj^e to Niagara, and an era of lAlensivc liiiililiiig operations set in in ihi' town. New lloiiM's of I'.irli.mieiit were erected on the siti- of those which had lieiii hlirned by the .\mericans in 1S15. Here. in 1821, I'.irliament was comened, thoiigh three yeais afterwarils the new lniildiiigs fell a prey til the flames. .\ new ( 'ourt IIoiim- and (laol was also alioiit this time liiiilt, and the sipiare on which i( erected was lonn a place of reiide/voiis for the cit'/cns. Its location was a little way north of King, lie tween Church and Tiironto Streets. i'he market, which was now enclosed, l'e<:^'ii.. also a place of piililic resort ; while halls of modest dimensions, attached as yet to the hotels, were erec leil for mass iiieelings and occasionally u.sed for the play and the dance. Nor did the citi/eiis of the time neglect the need of pl.ices of worship. In iSi.S the first Methodist Church was liiiilt, and shortly afterwards the ICpi^copal Cluirch of St. James was enlarged and remodelled. Later still, came .111 eiitirclv new edifice, which, despite its lieing of stone, fire unhappily devoured in 1S51). In the "twenties" were also erected sacred edifices for the use of the Roman Catholic and I'resliy- terian comnuinions. Towards the close of this decade, the \drk citizen also saw erected a new (ieiieral Hos- pital, a Covernmeiit House, and ground cleared for the luiildings devoted to the use of Upper ( 'anada College and lor a home lor the Law Society of the I'rovii'cc, In iSjj, the Hank of L'ppir i 'anada founded, and four yeai ^ later the Canada Land Company liegaii its operations. Nor was th.- individual citi/eii slow to fashion a home for himself in "Muddy Little N'ork." .\lioiit this period were erected a niimlier of family mansions, some of which to-day retain their old-time glory, while others have gone into ll.wK 01. .Mom KKAi., CouNEu OF VoNc.K.^AND^fKOM s r K K K IS . decline with the passing years. Of the former ,ire 'The (Jrange, Beverley House, and Moss I'ark ; of the latter "The I'alace, " on T'ront Street, is a type. 'The decide is also memorable as that of the coming to York of Williain Lyon Mackenzie and the increased troubling of the political waters. /A(CA7'<)/>'.//7('.\' ('/• /(M'C.WV). ( iiAi'ii-.k \ii. INCOKI'OKA I ION (II lOKdNIl). PkciNh) R|sl\ll-~ llsOlh Al'I'l I I \l IM . I'lilTI \K I ll'-M I I 1 I h>S \M. rullMcM rNHlsl. I'lll llli.H I'm l-i ii . \ I l\ !■ I',K\. I'm I'wiin ('(iMI'MI \Nli \l> ()l'l'ciM.M>. I III AlM-^ III Mil KllnUMlNi. Si'IKII ul llll I'lMI. Ivinl; ruKMIoS OK llll. ('ir\ AMI (tKi.ANl/MlilN (IK I I > MlNUIl'M S\-,ll\l. llll lllc-l MwiiU \N|i (in ('.HMII. SlMlMUS OK 1'kO(;KKS>. a I.AIi^'s Ski- K II ok ToKoN id is lS_j(). , yijr iS^l i'' iiiiiiiur.ilili' .is llial whiili saw tin- I'luvii nf \iirk i\ti iid it> limits .uid risi' III llu' ilinnity cif an liH(ir|niraU'il Citx, iimlir itsnlil liislmn- iiaiiu- ul ruriinln. It Has a happy iilia that Migmsltd ilsrlf to tlii' iiiiiuU iil' thi.' "riidr liui rather.-, ol' the haiiilit " that with the honours of incorporation as a city the plare should ri'siiiiK- its luaiitiliil Indian appillatur. Nor i-onid anythini; hi' iiiore appropriate tli.m that the ureal iiietropolis that was to lie. which luit lortv years lielore opened as a mere lori-st pathway lietween the 1 Ion Ki\er and tlu' inoiitli of the harlioiir. slioiiM hear the naiiu- assiiciatea-/'(>a:i/7(>\ ()/■ roh'OXTO. 2!l Inrii Ill's fonts (if ly|K' into llu l!;iy. Iliiiin Rliinicd :i iiuinlirr (il I'arliaiiuiil, ;is( rrickd 'roryisiii piirsiuil liiiii li> the liK's liiliirr anil livi' liiiu-s ixpclird liiiii rniin llu' liiiiisc. lint nut thus roiilil thr slnrcK spirit iif llii' patriiit lie liriikiii, lur Mai kiii/ii' had ntiw a lar(;i' and svinpatlutii lulldwinn, anil as iilliii as lie was ijcrlrd rruin his sial, pnlilir Miilnnrnt and tlir lalirial lUnn'iit in his ronstitniriry iitiirnrd him as a ri'prrsi'iMatiM'. In this hi^li priTDnalivi- ria, rnrydiini, tlii)iit;h it was ol'tiii iiittlcd and snim'tiims aliaslnd, was hdI yrl worsti'd in thr (inhl. It had Inng lirrii i-ntiinrhid in ol'tirc, and possi'ssi'd nut a IVw dimnhly rhanipiiins whiisi> skill in thr art iil' piilitiral warlaic was nival, and wlinsr snnrris iif striiinlli w'tTu the Crown and the loyalist iriis il kni-w will how to rally to its snpport. or thrsc rliainpioiis, the most rcdoiihtalilr wrrc thr |iiililiri) i-irlfsiastir, the AnhdiMron of \ork, and his rhii'f licm-nian, the voiithfnl Atlorni'V CifiuTal of till' I'rovimv. Iti'siiK's Sirarhan and Kohinsoii, tlu: li'adinn spirits of thr hamily Coinparl, thr pri\ilinril ordir loiild rail to its aid a nnmrrons liaiiil of supporters, whosi' nami's have liccoinc hisiorir in tlu- annals of the lily and hch' then handied alioiil in the roiinh tiimnll of the time. I!ul if lossil 'roryisni had its shining lin'i'S ><". I'"', '''id yiiiilhfiil l.ilieralisin. If the one could point to the Str,ii hans, Koliinsons, lioiiltons, I lajjer mans, Slurwoods, |)ra|urs, .\llans, and Mae Nails, the other i onlil pit anainst them the Maekeii/ies, Kolphs, lliihvells, lialdwins, I'errys, and I )iinns. Nor were the differences slinhl ones that siparated tlie two hands of combatants. Ivaeh side, iiodoiiht, considered itself finhlinn lelinionsly for a principle. In the politics of the yoiiiif; colony, it was the first sharp contest lictwecn privilege and non privilege. 'The one side sought to conserve what it deemed its sailed trust and was jealous of its own rights and privileges ; the other had lilllc respect for ( 'row n nominations if its nominees aliiiseil their trust and would pay no deference to the voice of the parlia luentary majority. In the strugfilc that ensiled, we sh.ill licltcr see what the reform inn spirit ol the lime sought to remedy. In tile meantime the field of parl\ strife ch. lilted Iniin ihe I .enislatlire to the Civic Chainlier. With the year 1X54, the eiti/ens of WnV had come to feel the civic administration would he more satis fictory were the affiirs of the countv scjia r.ilcil from those of the town and the l.ittir Hiven a municipal system of its own. I'his idea, at once progressive and reasonahle, nut, however, with opiiosition, the Reformers, stiannely enough, opposing, while the Con ser\atives were in favour of, the measure. I'olitical feeling, which had long heeii at fever heat, took sides in the civic contest ; and though Keforni, perhaps fearing the evils of increased ccntrali/ation, had at first scouted the innovation, it filially accepted it, and in the eleitions carried with it a majoritv of the party as representatives on the Council. I'lm.MKKs' I'RK.SIIVIKKIAN CllUHCII, I lltN HAS S 1 UKK I'. .\s the event is of some importance in the aiuials of the city, it may he worth while to note the successive incidents in the affiir of incorpor.ition. In l''eliruary, 1.S34, .Mr. Jarvis, luemher for York, introduced into the Legislature a liill emliodying Ihe proposed measure. On the 6lh of .March it received the Royal assent and heiaine law. Ihe main features of the liill coiistitiiled the town a city, under the name of the City of 'I'oroiito, and divided il into five wards, with two aldermen and two coimiilmen lor each ward. The eiti/ens were to elect the ward representatives, while the latter were to elect from themselves a mayor. The combined body was to have the management of the city's alTairs, and power was given to il to levy such taxes as should be found necessary fi)r the proper maintenance of the city's goveniinent and the requisite puiilic iinprovciiients. On 30 /xcoKPo HAT/OX or roKo.xro. ll>c Ijtb ol M.irch :i pnu l;iiii;ilii>ii was isMud j|i|MimtiMn tlio jytli ol lliu s,iiiu- moiilli iis llu- ilalf of the rli( linns. 'I'lu' liillDwiiin wlTi' riiiinuil as llii' ri|)rrsii)tallvi's dI' tlic Narloiis wards ; « \Klis. AI.DI'UMF N. (Ul'MIIMIN. Si. .\Miki w's |»r. T. I). Mciirisiin Jnliii Ainislninn Jiilin llarpir J"!'" I'"i'l Si. 11a\ Ill's Will. I. vim Maikiii/ir I'ranklin Jac kcs James Li'sslir ('i)lin Driiininond Si. Cii iiKdi.'s 'riidiiias ( 'arl'rat-, |r |i>liii ( 'raij; I'.dward Wright Cucirno (iiirm-tl Si. 1 \w Ki NCI ('norm' Mmird Wm. .\rtliiirs (iciirm' I liin^.m, Sr I .ardrur lldsUvii k Si. I'm i; UK s I )r. Joliii Kolpli Joscpli Tiirliiii diiirm.' T. l>inison, Sr Jaiiu's 'I'rolUT ( )m llic ,(rd 111 .\|Mil, llu' ('(iiincil iml and ilr k'd, as llii' lirsi Mayor nf 'rnrniiii), Wm. I. von Maikrn/ii'. Tlu' inslal lation ot .Mackrii/'ii' into tlu' iImc iliair was natuiallv looked ii|ion .is |iossrssin^ soint' |n>liti('al signirKanii' : it was a Iriiiinph, at Irasl, for tlu' cause of Kcfonn. Mackcn/ic licid ol'licc only for the year, Iml williin llie period iinich was done in the way of piilihi- iinproMinents. Tlie first thinn In whii h the Coiimil addressed itself was the niendint; ami e\ tending of the city's siiUwalks and mails. To meet this necessary e\penilitiire, an ai>plication was made to the Hank of L'pper Canada for the loan of a thonsand pounds, l)Ut as the city was alre.idy a delitor to the evtent of nine limes this sum. the loan was timidly refiisid. .\ conleinporary docii nieiit shows, howiver, an application lo the I'ariners' liank was more siiceissfiil, llumuli the monev was had only mi the personal security of the .\lavor and City Council. The city then mended its ways. In these days of liberal and sulistantial street pavements, it is not a little curious to con irast with them the meanre and parsimonious sidewalks of the \car of Toronto'^ incorporation. .\ll thai was then allowed of .1 pronuMading area, were two Iweheinch pl.mks. I.iid longitudinally on the chief streets. The statistiis of the period, in other direc- lions, show similar sharp contrasts lietweell then and now. Into these we h.ive not space here to enter, though it may lie noted thai the po|iulation, in i.'^.vi. w.i-. under 10. coo. and that the \.due of the I .>M K..I .SI i.Ki 1 i;.Mi 1^1 I HI HI M. ratable propertv within the city limits did not evceed three i|u.irters of a million of dollars. The " leaps and bounds " b\ wliicli the city has attained its present proportions, the reader may reali/e when it is recalled th.U the then area of I'orimto was compressed between the I ion and I'eter Street, and between Lot (or (,)ueen) Street and the ll.iv. Outside of these bounds was an unkempt, if not impenetrable, wilderness. Nor must we forget one at least, and the iimst dread, of the local causes of the time that retarded the city's advancement. In the year of incorporation, Toronio suffered from a visitation of .Asiatic cholera. ICvery twentieth inhabitant, it is recorded, bei ante a vii tim lo the fell scourge. In spite of this calamitous ilis|)ensation and the increasing political turbulence, the youthful city, impelled by an internal force of its own. continued lo make projiress. Stores, blocks, churches, and public buildings were built ; new streets and avenues were opened up; and manv fair funilv residences rose solitarv among the thick set pines, upon are now old city sites. Net, in appearance, much of the town was still rude and uncouth. This we learn from a picture lim.ied for us, in iX_^f), by .Mrs. lanieson. wife of the then I'rovincial N'iceChancelliir, though its lugubrious tone was doubtless (he product of the artist's depressed spirits. Says .Mrs. Jameson (viJf "Winter .Studies and Summer Rambles '")," What Toronto may be in summer. I cannot tell; they say it is a prettv place. .\l present its appearance to nie, a slrangir, is most stningely mean and mekmcholy. .\ little ill biiill town, on low kind, at the bottom of a fro/^en bay, with one very ugly church, without tower or steeple; some (lovermnent oftices, built of staring p 1 brick, in the most tasteless, vulgar style im;iginable ; three feet of snow all around ; and the grey, sullen, wintry lake, and the dark gloom of the |)ine forest bounding the prospect ; such seems Toronto to me now." I'liis ill-used, unhappy lady, we are glad to remember, has left us a later and brighter picture of Toronto. nil: il'( IN>IIU I ( lii\ I UNMI \ I. Km.IMI III SlU I'HWII-- IWiNIi lIlMi. M \l k I N/ 1 1.'-- Sll i| I l( II S .\|iIpK|:ss id Ills I'I I I .i,\- I'.MKIdls. 1m HUMS 111 Nil ki^iM,. K\ii\ 111 nil 1\mi Twiks. riiKuMn TiiKi Ai i- Ni n wii TiiniiMii DiiiMiiii, ( »r 1 1 AVMU 111 IIII. I\i 11 I 1.1 Mil U-. I'lii KiiiiiiiiiN Sill wiiiiiiri I'mnn. N I l|;SI'.\ I k 111 illVitilifi liriiriii lliliiU};h rnii^>. Jliil r\,i--|i,T;il((l In llir :illiliiili' iilMirii'ssivf ( iiiMTiiiii-., wild llircw llu' |)n-.lij;i.' .iiiil inlliH'iiri' nl llu' ('iiiwii iiiln till' r:iiii|i 111' irri.'.s|MiiiNiliilily and |)ii\ilij;i', M.ii kiii/ii' and tlii' Kadical M'llidn ol' his .illiis wiTf driviii td till' drsiniatf allcrnativi- iil' rrlullidii. Only liy siiili a Cdiirsc, it wmild Mvin. riiiild llu- |iriiii i|ili"> I'lir wliii h llii' KiripniKi-. rimtcnilnl triiiiiipli, and the lUrianl lArriili\r lir in.iilc aiiunalilf td tlic |Hi|iiilar will. Only lliiis was it possililc "to lirc.ik lip llu' laiiiiK ( 'luiip.ii i : tn inakc llu' .\(lininislratidn nspimsilili' tii the ropro- si'ntaliMs ill ilif priipli' ; Id -.Hiip away llic iinidiiiii-. pii\ iK'His ilaimrd liy iIk' Cliiirili of ICnj;laiiil ; tn pniiiidtf a lnllir systtiii nl ( 'rnwn Land inaiia^i-incnt. iinininralidii and scttli'iiuiil ; Id lAiiMil I'diicatiiin Id tlii' iliildri'ii dl'tlu' piiiinr rlassi's ; and, ncnrrally, lii cslalilinli a liss (n.stl) and nmn' ( IdMrniiuiit, wmild -.pcnd li's> innncv mi liij;li sal.iriis. pt-nsiiins and ^iiUTiiris, and iiiiiri dii riiails. laiials, and dilur wiirks III' piililii' utility. " ( 'niislinilidnal iiirasiiri's iil' ivdnss liail liirii lung triid. and had sij^n.ill) lailnl. I'lif ( 'li.iinlur loiild do nutliiiin, I'lir its li.uislatiiiii was iKit iiiily hiirkfd liy llif I'ppiT Iliiiisi', Imt the l'!\iTnti\c ( 'imnc illnis siiappid lluir liiigiTs at llir .\ssrnililviiuii and disitrardcd ifiisiiri' and lIu' appeals In llii.' I.ifiitcnant- (liiviiiidr and llu' ('nnvii. .Niir was this dune Irdin nurf H.iiiliiiiiiiss. ( »n tin- iimtniry. llu- ruling; pnwiTs ilriiiiiil it a palridtir duty thus td deal with disafCiTtidn, and to resist to the iitnidst what was tirnied the eiiirdailiniints iit' the'. The integrity lioth dl' the C'riiwn and the Constitntidn, it was thiiiinht, depended iipim this iiiiirse lieinj,' piirsiieil. .Miiredver, the ediitiiinaiy iil'the eleeliirs in repeatedly returning llie piipnlar iiliil, .\laiken/ie, as a representative tii I'arli.iinent, had tii lie repriived ; and this iiuist lie dime sii Tdrydiiin re.isimed thiiiigh the lireaih yawned between the ('riiwii and the ( 'anadian peciple. I'.Mii ill the Miither Ciinnlr), Kespniisilile (iovernnieiit at the time lar Irdiii the gs 111 tlK'ir urii'V.iiicis, Tiiiu' soon nIkihicI that tliii was a misciiiicfplidii. Not iiiilv iliil tln' (Idvcrnor oppuM- tlio ixipiilar (li'iiiaml lor ail ilciliw l.i'j;islalivo CoiMK il and a ri'sii(iiisil)li.' lAiciitiM', iint, I'ailint; in liis altcin|)t to l)ril)i' three Kclornicrs with seats in the Kxeciitive, he threw liiinself, with foolish partisaiishij). into tile arms of the l''aniily Compact. In the popular Chainher the natural results followeil the Reform element denomneil the Ciovernor, anil for the Ihsl time the House refuseil to vote the siip|)lies. Sir l-'ranoel, (iibson, (;rah;nii. .\nder.son, Ketchuni, Idetcher, l.loyd. with other Toronto citizens and yeomen of the county. ( )lher inlluential sympathi/ers there were, such as Robert Halilwin and .Marshall .Spring liidwell, who stopjied short, however, at actual and overt rebellion, .\nother name, that of Dr. John Rolph, is to be added to the black list, though he belonged to the number of astute rebels, in more or less open disguise. The chief leaders of the revolt in Lower Canada, it is iKirilly necess;iry now to say, were I'aiiineau, Dr. Wolfred Nelson, and IClienne ("artier. With the incidents of "the rising, " we have space only to deal brielh. 'The seditious movement seems to have drawn iiuo its vorte\ the ycom;'nry chielly of N'onge Sireel. e\tendiiig from the northern boundary of the city northw;ird to \'eHui;irkel and Holland Landing. The rallying ))lace of the insurgents we naturally fmd, therefore, was .Montgiimery's T;ivern. on \ onge Street, situate about a mile beyond Deer Park, the northern suburb of 'Toronto. Here, in the opening days of December, g;Uhered .M;u-- kiii/ie's rank and file, including the Toronto contingent, which used to meet clandeslinel) ,U I )oeTs brewery, on l>ay Street, with a sprinkling of moderate Reformers from other parts of the Province, now goaded into active rebellion. .Arms and accou tremeiits h;ul ;dready been quietly passeil .diout, anil there was mui-h le.ideii stir in the melting-pot to provide the reciuisite bullets. So l;ir, Torydom in the city li.ul not taken mn( h ;il.nin. W'h.U regular troops were in garrison had been ilespatched to Lower C;uiada bv the (iovernor, to the ;issistance of men.iied l.iw and order in that Province, liy the prevailing indifference and limpness of ol'tiii.d .nithorin. Toronto invited Us doom. Hut its doom, however sternly rebcldom hail decreed it, not yet. The date li\iil for the descent upon Toronto was origin.dly the 7th of I )eiember. On Sunday, the ,5rd, when M,icken/ie re.iclied the :ippointed reiule/voHs, he learned with surprise th;it Dr. Rolph h.ul n'KNCK 01 Mli. ('. W. HCMIM., IMKKnV I'AliK. .14 /■///; Ki: HE 1 1, low ro riii: r.x/o.v ()/■ iiir. i'koi'ini'Es. up till' I nil .iiilliiirill("> .Mill siiintiioiu'cl riuniiiii III .inns. Mid i l;iii)iiMii nl lulls, nius iil llir jiii|i<'ii(liii^ ilaiil^cr ivns s|Hr(iil)' linillril .lliiilll. MillllltriTs lllllsk'l'cil ill till' I ll\ ll.lll .mil «rlr iniliril, .lllll .1 slliilin |iliki'l \\;is ilrs|i.'llrlll'llll\ ( 'ill. I''it/t;illll(lll, |ti'|MII\ ViljIlLlMl ( H'Mcr.ll. Id nllMlil till' I lis nil llli' Mnrlll. .Si i ri'.ll lliiw till' Inj'Jll, tlllll till I li'lllrllilll ( ii.M'lliiii's Ijliiilv Wire sciil oil liiijKJ ;i stt'jiiirr in tile li.irliniii' Inr s.ili' ki'i'piii^. I'lii' ncM ;ililiiili, with ( olonel .M.ieNali at llie lie.iil ol " ihe Men ol ( lore. ' I .oyal 1 nnliiigeiils weie also under the dire' lion of ( oloiiels ( 'hisliolui and |.ir\is, assisted liy .Mr. Jusln e Mi I .e.iii. Iletween one and two o'l loek in the (lay, the two forees ennlronled eai h ollur. Iluy iiinfroiiled e.ieli other. Iiut there no i nuaneineiil. Hardly there i'\en ,1 I .isiiallv. I'wo lield pin es, l.iliorioiisly dranged liy the loyalisls lo the ground, were liroU({hl into rei|uisili(iii, lull the insur(;elils did not si.iy lo see the sullen fun. .\l| there was III the li^ht was .1 couple of random volUys of musketry, and .1 piomiseuoiis rtlieal li\ the lllll Is In their onee deli. ml headi|iiarlers, the Tavern. Of emirse, there was .1 speedy dispersion of Ihe whole nliel army. Mn krn/n .mil Kolph look lo llij^hl, Ihe former, Ihounh nutlawi'd and with a reward of _/(, 1,000 upon his head, eon linuiiiK lor .1 tune le Hive trnulile nn the Ironlier. (''or Iwii others ol llie insiirneiils llieie .111 imli.ipp\ sii|iiel. < »ulraned loyally, wlu n il had i.ipiurid .Samuel l.oiint and I'eter Matthews, hanged thein. riiiis ended, ill ,1 fiasco, the rising of '57. lliil 111 other w.iys rclielhon was not without pmlit. || liroiighl its reforms, though al the liiiu II was freiglilcd with estranging p.issioiis and soi iai disordir. Uilhoul it, politii .il aliiises might not have ll.lll so speedy a redress, and more would li,i\i liei 11 tin morrow liioiighl In llie ( oloiiy the Imoii ol sell governuRiil. '/■///•; rN/ox, THE KAii.wAV r.NA, A.\n '/•///■: rr.MAS kaids. ^^x^ CIIAI'II'R I\. nil'; t'NTioN, iKi'; kaii.uav i;k,\, ami iiiI', ii;m\n kaids. CiAINs nl Kl.lll.l.l KIN. I.dldi l)rHIIAM's MasIKKI.V RlI'DHI. l' NION I il I III I Wi ) < AN Mi As. I'dII 1 1( Al. (,)Il:s I KiNS OH III! liMi : IlisrosAi. Ill I'di.iiKAi. I'kimini.ks, Ki;hi.i,i.i(iN l.ossi'S Uii i., anh Kki'KI.skn i aiihn iiv I'iiitia i ion. I.UKli MkK AMI AMI I'llKV Kri.K. I.(l«li I'J.lilN ANIl Cli.MI'l.l. I 1, Sl.l I ( ioVIK N M IN 1. TdKONKl \'lsll 111 IIV I' IKI-, ANIi I'lslll I.N( 1,. I III. Kaii.W.W IvKA ami IIIK Kh M'RIK 1 1 V Tkl \IV. holNlilM, III ('(iMMliN SlIIOlll. lUill AIION. Till. .Mink ii'ai. ,Sv>ii.m. \imi m iiii. I'i(IN( i, hi Wail^. Tmi. \\ ak hi Sw i.sskin anii nil. I'Inian Kaiils. KiriSII inlinrity iiiid Mi|iry tlii' srililidiis ilistiirluni rs in llic t\sii iild I'riiviiii is. Rrlirllliiii, wliilr it ■.y Villi liir llir ilisriiiilriil ^nil ilis.ilTurtiiili nl llic liiiii', \v;is, in ils ii.iliiiiinl riinsi'i|iiriii I's, nil niiirr lli.iii lliis ; llioii);li il liii aiiic llir ini'.'ins iil siii i:il :inil polilii ;il niiii'lior.'ilinn, anil i;avi' liirlli In A new rDiislilnliiinal era anil a iniirr |iriis|>rriiiis piriiiil iil iniliislrial ilrvrlo|i iiirtil. It won for tlir |iiilitii:al aliiisrs, iiniirr wliirli tin- iniipli- hail lun^ sniarliil, tlir attrntinn nl tlir lni|K'rial niltliiiritirs : ami tlmiii^li llir nlirl wlmli was ^ranlnl »,is at liist an iiii|i(ilrii a|i|iliiatiiin iif llir |iiiiii i|ili\ tin- iilliiiiatr ninnssiiin was tin- Ihmiii, in lull iniasiin-, nf Ki-spiiiisilili' ( iiivi-iiinirlil. Iftsiili-s tlir i|ilrstiiin nl niinistrrial ai rniiiit aliilily, llirrr wire ntlur i nniplii aliiins nf a iiinrr nr liss riiiharrassinj^ kinil, wliii li inn liiM siiins tn a riilniiy liail sian rl\ yi'l I niiii', wliilc iMii in lainlanil tlirrc was nim li still tn ai liii AC' rn- Uirnrni iniilil lif saiil tn liavi.' till rr ilnnr its ttnrk. Il sniiii' tiliii' alter llir iviiits rilaliil in iiiir List I li.ipirr iri' llir frvir nl pnliliial ilisiniiUnl aliatnl in Inrnnln. Tlir Irnilliirs liriill).;lit in lliiir train twn tnpiis wliiili I'nr a wliili- krpi tlir pnlitu al pnl siiiiniiriii);. Tlusr wcTi' tllf (lispiisal iit tlir pnli Ural prisniirr, anil rninpriisalinn, rspnially ill tlir l.iittir I'mmiir, Im llir nliillinn Inssrs. Nnr wiru iiiallrrs i|iiii't nil tlir Irniiliir. ( 'anailian rrlii^ci's, |^ insiinati'il liy Aiiirrn an .hIm ntiinrs, llirn- ^avr Irniililr ' In till' ( liiMrniiii'iil. I liniii^li llir aitiM' spirit nl rr 111 llinii was riiisliril, ilisalfrc linn still siiiniililirril. Nnr W.IS llir Iriliiin 111 iiisn iirily anil iinrrst allayril until liiiMrimr I trail li.iil rrsigiinl. ami Ins ininiriliatr slirrrssiir, Sir ( Irnrnr Arlliiit, liail I iinir ami umir. \\\\\\ llir appraraiirr nl l.nril I llirlialii iiii llirsiriir. all.iirs lii^.m In niriiil. 'Iliis nnlilnnan hail lirrii appnintril (Invrrmir ( iriirral liy llir i.ilirral .\iliiiin isliatinn nl I .nnls ( Irry anil Mi lliniirnr, anil was tn art as lliuli ( iiniinissinnrr Im tlir ailjiistniriil nl ilir iinpnrlatil pnlitiial i|iirstiniis llial ilisliirliril llir Ivtn (.'aiindas ; anil Inr (Ihh duly lir was i Intlird with spri ial pnwrrs liy till- llrilisli ( Invrriinirlit. I'nr tin pcrlurniani f nf Ins lii^li task hr was adiiiiralily lillnl, Si. 1'aui, » Mkiiioiusi Ciii'ih ii, Avi.niik. Koah. 36 THE IXIOX. THE KM I. WAY ERA, AMI THE EESIAX K AIDS. and his drlcnatod powers ho fxcrciscd (in tlio side hotli of iiu-ri y and (if justico. Unlortuiiatrlv, in tin- ruKllinont of his duties, he was not able to satisfy his Imperial masters, aiul, iiieeiiscil at tlie opposition some ol his aets met with in I'.n.uland, lie ahniptly resigned his office and withdrew from his mission. The Durham Administration, however, brought important results. It was tlie turning-poiiU in tlie poHtieal liistory of the ( '.ui.idas ; for while in the country his Lordship had prepared an elaborate report on the situation of affairs, and this states- manlike document he submitted to the Home Cioveriuneiu, and, in the main, his views were acted upon. In a clear, bold, and dispassionate manner. Lord 1 )urh.un set forth the dil'ficulties besetting governnieiu in the Canadas, and, with rare prescience, suggested a confederation of .dl the liritish North .\merican I'rovinces. .Admitting that this project was too great for immediate fulfilment, he coiUented lumself with pressing upon the Imperial ("povermuent anil I'arliament a mollification of his siheme, in the Legislative L'nion of L'pper and Lower Canada. This idea presented itself as a more feasible one ; and to give it effect, the Hritish ('io\erninent sent out to the colony the Hon. .Mr. I'oulett 'I'homson (afterwards Lord .Sydenham), who undertook, at a special council convened in Lower C'anada, to draft a bill uniting the two I'rovinces. and to obtain the acce|>tance of the measure by the two political parties in both sections of the country. The distinctive provisions of the .\ct (of 1840) were that the two I'rovinces should be united under one (lovernment : that there should be one Legislative Council anil one .Vssembly, with equal representation in both branches ; and that the I-Aecutive Council should hold oltice oiilv so long as it, as a body, commanilcd the siip|)i.>rt of a majority in the popular Chamber, 'riuis was gained what Reform had long and wearily contended for government by the people, the essential principle of responsible political rule. The Ciiioii Mill was (lasseil in the Imperial I'arliament on the 2.?ril of July, 1840, and it came into force in Canada in I'eb- ruary of the following year. In the new political older of things, Toronto for a time lost the nominal honours of the capital. ■['lie first L'nion I'arliament met at Kingston, that city being deemed more central for conducting tlic ad minisirative affairs of the Liiilecl l'ro\iiiies. I'lUt rnrolito> piislige was not now depeiidenl ii|ion the retention or the removal of the I.egisl.itiirc. Despite the troubles and dislraclions of the period, the cilv had grown apace. Ten \ears after its incorporation the popiil.ition doubled, while its tr.ide and commerce had greatly increased. Manv of its lirst men were proii>I to sit in the civic chair, and the names of those it sent to I'arliament became ■' household words." In 1840, loronto for the first time lit its streets with gas, and four years later, Keform founded its long-time chief organ of journalism, The Glohe, Cinteniporary with the latter, there were issued In the rapidly-developing city, eight or ten other news|)apers, whose names the /'tilriot. Mirror, lianner. Colonist, E.xniiiimr, and C/irisliun Uiiaidiaii will be familiar to the old-time citizen. I'd these evidences of progress has to be added those connected with im|>roveiI facilities of coimiiunic.ition by laiul and water, besides the building of churches and founding of schools. This period is also known as that whiih saw the ereition of the Provincial L'niversily. Occasionally, iirogress had its set-backs, such as the great fire in 1S41;, which destroyed half a million of (iroperty, including the Cathedral Church of St. James. This calamity was followed by the second outbreak of .XsLitic cholera, which cirried off over five hundred of the city's inhabitants, most of whom were lately-arrived immigrants. On the whole, however, 'I'oronto during this |)eriod made great strides. It generated the energies and amassed the resources which found further .mil higher development in the next decade, known as that ol the Railway lira. Karly in the " I-'ilties, " I'oronto and the Province began to re.ip the lienefits of m.ichinery and steam, which for the previous twenty years had done so much for the develoimient of the .Mother kind. Hitherto they had Lc^n the servants of man in the workshop, the mine and the manufactory ; now they were to be brought into play to carry him and his goods over the wide stretches of C'anada and the Continent. Railway enterprise had its inceiUion in Canada in a project for connecting Toronto first with I«ike Simcoo and the (leorgian Hay, and afterwards, in the more gigantic undertaking, of connecting Montreal with Toronto and the towns of the Western peninsula. The lirst of these enterprises was known as the Ontario, Simcoc & ViK.w iiN Jakvis Si hh.i. THE rxiox, Tiir kmi.uay eka. .\xn the eemax kaihs. 37 Huron R:iil\v,iy, afti-nvnnls and for long called " tiic N'orlhcrii." 'I'liis road was " coniiilftcd and oiiciicd to Aurora in May, iSjj, and to ( 'ollingwood in i!<55. in winili year also Toronto obtained direit railway cornninniealion with Hamilton, hy the 'roronio \" Hamilton (or more familiarly, the ' (ireat Western '), and with Montreal by llie (Irand Tnnik. The latter line was later on extended westward to (liielph, and soon after to Sarnia." Tlie " ( Ireat Western " road was also carried tliroiii;li to the Niagara River, in the ICast, and to Windsor and the St. Clair River, in the West. (Ireat was the lienelit to Tororuo of these roads, for they laid deep the foundations of the commercial fabric wl\i( h now arose in the capital, and fiifnished to the towns of the I'roxince a central emporinm for trade. To the I'ommercial development of the city. Reciprocity with the United Sl.ites. which had been secured during Lord l'',lnin's re-gime, was very helphil : and Toronto and the I'rovince were also to gain nnich by the Civil War which broke out in iS()i in the neighbouring Republic, c.ilannlous as was that event to those iinhai>pily engaged in the strife. With the political ilevelopnients in Upper Canada, from the period of the Rebellion, the annalist of I'oronto has not mu( h lo do. save to record something of the general movements in the then I'nited Provinces, in which the city took part, or by which it was in .some degree aided. Of these movements, two were to be distin their Parliamentary representatives, ami to guide himself by the counsels of those only who enjoyed their conlideii. e. His regime was unfortunately marred by factious opposition in I'arli.iment, which then met at .Montreal, and was the si cue of frenzied riots and incemliarism, and by much wild agitation in both Trovimes. 'This arose over the passing, bv a Reform .\dministralion then in power, of the Rebellion Losses liill. a measure which anllioriml the ( loverniiien't to raise to iiideinnify Lower Canadians lor their losses in tS.57, but which was op|iosed by the Tories, on the ground the claims were preferred by ami the compensatiim was to be paid to "rebels." Notwithstanding this contention, the Itill passed, though it cost the country the loss of the Parliament liuildiiigs, which the .Montreal malcontents gave to the ll.imes, and for a time subjected Lord KIgin, though unfairly, to public odium. Time, however, allaved the cx( iteiiieiit, .iiid Toronto once Sl. I AMK^' .S..iC,MiK TliKMlVIKUl \S tUCUi 11 AMi IIIK Col.l.Ki.l. Ol I'll AUMAl ' n« I III. ( xiox iiii: A'. Ill II I y r.K.i. .i\i> iiii: ii.xi.ix KAins. mure III r.iriic tin- mm I nl ( iiniiiiimiil, tliiiii^^li iirilil ( )ll;m.i w.i^ n.iniril In II ir M.ijr^ly ii-. llii- |irtiii,irn iil i .i|, llir i il\ li;iil III sli.iri' with (,)ucli('i' tlir lionniir iit liiiiisiii^ llic I'liilril i',irli;iiii(iil. Uilliii) il'i li.ills, llii- Ijsl ^riiil i|iirslinii uhii li .i^iImIiiI iIiu (oiliilry, |iri viiiii-. to tin- iIi'IkiIt-. wliirli lnr.ililiil ( 'iiiiriilrr.iliuii, h;is ul Ki|irisrnl.iliiiii liy l'ii|iiiLilliiii. This iinnsiiir «;is (illf «lii( li sniij;lii 111 nil Ti'.iM- llii- niMiilii r nl I '|i|ii t ( ;iii, nil. Ills in ilii ,\,si iiilih -.11 ,is Id I urn ^pnnil uilli llic im n ,i-.i d |in|iiil.i til n in llii- rpiirr I'riiMni r. I In- Ki Inrin inili.iliil ,niil jrriiin|ilisliril liy tin- piTMsiiiil i-diirls nl Mi. (iriir;^!- I'rmMi, in ;i I'.irli.iinint whose rlni I now w.i-, Mr. jolin ,\. M.iri|iin;ilil, ;i M.iiiir luni rlnrlli In lie ilislinmiisliril in llir liinlur |inlilii,il lilr iif till' Miiiii^ n.ilinn. In 1K56. il is wnrlln nl nnlr. llir I'lri inr |>rinri|ilr wjs ;i{i{iliri| In ilii' l.r^isl.iliM' ( 'mini il, .1 rdiirni »liii li ill. infill Intnii rh ( 'rii»ii iioiinniitril Imilv iiiln ,in tlriliM' mir, mi iIh ilnilli nl ilu ilun ( inwn ;i|i|iniii|i'i| niriiilirrs. Two \r.irs pnAimi^K, .iiinlliir disliirlmij; iiiu-slimi li.iil liii 11 sri .il risl. In Ilu sn iil:iri/.ilinn nl ilu ( '|i-r(;y Kcsrrvrs, In iS^.j, l.nrd IJ^jiii riM^niil llir ( iiAirnnr ( liiirnilsliip. ;iiiil »,is siii 1 1 riliil 111 ilu- Inllimiii^.' In .Sii l.ilnnini! \\';ilki-r lli:iil. Si\ ye;irs l.ilir. Sir Im Inn mil surnnilrn il llir n-iiis nl I ln\i rniiiiiil In liis sm 1 isMir, I .nnl Mnm k. Iliinnn Sir l.illirinil IIimiIs im iipaliry nl nUiir, I nriinln li;iil tlic linnniir nl iiilirl. lining llir I'rini r nl \\:ilrs, tliiii iin a tmir llirniiL'li ( '.in:iil.i Tins rinl;ilili- rvrnl in rnrri'il in llir iS^o, «hrn Ills lli^linrss hjs in Ins ninrlmitli yiMr. •^^»T .^mr'^^^^^ ^^^m M iiiiij ^^ ■■! ji ■ .. .\i I niMp.iiiiril liy llic |)iikr I ^\^ '■f ' ':'-,^ . ' III .\rui .isllr, ( 'nliiliul .Srr- ri i.iiN. .mil M liiilli.inl siillr, llir I'rilli r lll.lilr Ills SlJlr I iilrv iiiln llir I liy, wliii 11 ll.ld del kill llsrir ill unr fiinils :irr.iy In do liniiniir In llir III 1 .isinll. .\r\rr dill llir '.)lll I 11 ( 111 nl llir West |ilrsrlil ,1 lirinllli'r spri l;li If nr slinu .1 iiinrr Irrvid Inyally. Inr (im- iI.i\s, j n inliln ^.i\r llsril lip to tlu.' ill liriiiiii nl riilliiisijsin, and llir I Ill/IMS Mrll Hllll fai'll nllii 1 111 ilri kllin llir Inwil uilli ImiiiIiii>^ .mil. .Il u\\i\\\ I. ill, 111 lii.lklll^ llir sirrrls ilihi/r witli illilliiiii.'ilidiis. I'rw wlin saw llir jjrrrlinn III llir landing pi. 11 r, 111 tin- lIlllllliMi .1111 plill III .1 I I r, II inpni.irily rrn Inl .il ihr I' nl jnlin Slliil, Hill lnr(;rl llir t;ay sirlic. Nnr, Uksiiiim K nr M K . \Vi 1 1 1 \ M ( II k 1 ■. 1 1 1 , I' r s', I'.M) K. 1,1 ,||| ,'nipraraiii r, tlit' rriiii r hiiiisrll ilidilfrrriil tn tlir passiniialr riilliiisi.isin wliii li j.!.ivi' wrii oliir In llrilain s lirir .ipparriil and \ii Inria's rldrsl son. Ill sli.irp I milrasl. iiiili.ippily. In I Ills si riir nl j;l,ii|iirss and IrsliMly. was aiinllur K.illirrin^ nl llir |iiipiilai r nil rninnln'K W.llrrlrnlll six Vr.irs .lllrr«.irds. (In lll.ll mr.islnn llir SI rllr nllr III Wiipili;; alld W.lllinj,'. llir iMIllllj^ ».ls lll.ll of Sunday, llir .{rd ol Jiiiir, I X'l'i. hIhii llir slr.mirr, llir {'il\ "f I'lucnln, liriiii);;lit liai k to llinr limiirs llir and wniindrd (roni the lirld o( Kidufway, whu li wiliu-ssrd llir l.r.m- dc i d nl .1 li.iiidliil iti ( '.iiiadiaii V'oliinlrrrs drlrndiiin their (niinlrv's snil frniii tlie desei r.ilinn inv.isimi nl .1 li.ind nf leiiiali Twn days l)e((ire, these voiithriil patriots, nirniliers ol ihe gallant lily (orps, the (_tiieen's Own Killes, had nolle forth in the joy anilliisliness of life, .N'ow thry wire lieinn reieived liy their anxious nr lirrr.'ivrd rel.ilives and a whole lilvhil nl pinplr, who, with a roinninn alinnsl .1 diMiie iiiipiih< , had gathered to do hoiiniir In the iiieinory of the fallen, and Willi a Inm liin|{ sympathy, raf^erly soii;;lil to lend the sirirkrii and the wounded. Searrely less impressive was tlie iiioiirnflll pageant, a lew davs afiewards, wliirh wound its w.u ihroii^jli Ihr sirrels of the eity, tniil the sorrow strii ken and rrvrrnil iniilliliidr. to llir Imiili. Thr siilijei t is Ion painful In linger over ; lull it has its liri'.dil side, ill the iMilrni I' il furnishes siirrrrd .11 is srnliiinnl and palriolistii may In, ilir\ .ire nevertheless ai live pri'.i' iples ill tlir lire.ists of I oroiilos sons and in the ■ oinnioil heart of the youlh of Canada, iinpellinn llinn, 111 llir hour of ncft 1.0 )e true to their liiaiihnod, and loyal ami liliseHisli in the scrvii e they offer and render to their ( oiiiilry. C(>.\//:/>/:u.r/7i>.\ .i.\7> ( /r/c /■x/'.tx.s/o.v. 39 ( llAI'TI.k X, <l I U I ', n N IM' . I III ( I U , MI'lhl -, IS I'lllM 1 \ IIOS \SI. Kl MIV. Si MIMH , Ol ll , ('(iMMI.IU I,\|, 1)1. VI, I.I iI' ''ll'-l- l'llll^■Pl nil < Ill/is. \SI. 1)1 I'l SI.ISi. Kl,lll,l,| ClIMMIIIK IN llsrilll.ll .\Il.v. TllKllNlll'-, ( IIII.K M M.i>ii' \ll.^ -isi I nil ( I n \ Isi iiiii'iiiMiHis. .\ rill-, isl il.iv III July. iHr.j, ,1 (fi.iu^^c tniik |il.irc IM till' |Mililii;il syslnii ntinli liillicrto r\Klril ;iiiiiiii)4 ilic- SL-viT.)l rriiviiiir^ 1 .1 lirilisli Norlli .\iiiirii.i. Iliis laiiir iiliout, |iriiM:irily, .1^ Ihf ri'siill of ;i (li-.Kllnrk in tin- um (';iii.iil,is, in the l',irli,iliii-nl of which liHisbtuiii h.iil Ion;; liciii hiii(li.Ti;il by the .strife of |),irliis, nciltitr of whom roiilil now I oiiiim.iimI ;i siillii lint ni.ijority to cikiIiIl- it rftii jciilly to aihninislcr jlTjirs. lint union .ilrr.iily in ihr air ; for at Ihr prriod the M.iritinie I'rovini cs i onti-inplatcil ,i iloser alliani f aiiioiiK llnnisclvcs, whilr reason, as well as cxpeilieney, siiHK''steil that in the liro.nlir li^'lil 111 a new ilay. ami in view of roinplicaljons that rninht possihly arise liilweeii the .Motlur ( 'oiintry ami tin- neij^hhoiirmg Repillilii , as llie r, income of the War 111 .Sei cion, there shoiilil lie a union of a more r-oinprehensive kinri aiming all tin- lirilish I oinnmnilie^ ol the ( ontinent. This eminenlly sane ami patriolii projei t, whii h, It «ill lie reineiiiliereil, w.i^ niooteil liy I.oril l>nrliain, hail lor ^miie \ears lieen liefore the minds of the leailm^ ( anailiari piililH laiis. ami liv a (ew ol iheiii h.iil lieeii ilisciissei! with Itrilish stalesiiien. I'rom the first, the Mother ( 'oiinlry lookod lavoiir.ililv on the si heme, lor she saw hi r possi ^sioiis in the Neiv W orld lieeoinin;; more hopelessly distracted hy party "onlln ts and olhei intern. il dissensions, and wilhoiit ,iny liri;;ht oiitlnok or liomi ol union, s.ive whii'h ICnj;lisli soverei^;iity in i oniiiion supplied. W isel), llierefore, shi' deeim-d the measure one «hii h she i oiild heartily encoiira(,'e, ihoiinh the proposal, she properly coiuliided, must ori^in.ite with the Colonie, .md mil wilh the CroHii. [m re.isin^' differeiiees of rare ami interest in the Parliament of the old ( '.inadas at List prei ipilalcd ;i ( risis, .■iiid hroiiKht what had heretofore been Imt ;i va^iie ide.i into the .ireii.i of pr.ieiieal polilii s, ,\t thi' perioil there were seven diiliiiet Colonies in liritish .America, owning alle;^i.intc to llrit.iin, 111 h ll we except the two (an.iilas li.ivmv; its own politicil system and separate ( iovernment. 'riiese were ihi- I'rininces 111 N.n.i Si otia, .New lirunswii k, rriiice lalw.ird Isl.iml, the iwo .md the ( rown ( 'olonies of Newfoiimll.ind .md jiritish ( 'oliimlii.i. The to led crate thi-.e, iiiidi r .i ;^i ( )o\eriimeiit. with ;i Miliordin.ite I .e^i^l.iliiie in e.ii h j'rin imc, h.niiiH jiirisdii lion over its own loial all.iirs. The projei t lontimiinK to eny.i;^!- the attention ol Canadian statesmen. .1 i on venlion of represeiit.ilives from the v.iiioin rrosinii-, nil I in iSrij, llrst .it Cli.irlnlle town. I'. I, I., .md lln 11 .11 (,)iieliei, to disi 11,, till- le.lsllilllK 111 ihe sehelilc, .ind (iliallv In^e the terms ol the 1 oniempl.ited iimoii. In the followinu year, the l.e^i>l.i tiire adopted thi' L'nion Kesohitioiis, wlin h iiy tills time, ,is He have said, ll.ld reieued the hearty support nl the .inthoritu s: and the next iiiom H.l^ .1 meetin;.; ol I'ro Mm dele^.iie. 111 1 .1 iiidon to arr.iii^ie w II ll the Home (ioMrnment a basis ol nniiiii. The deleKates from N'ewfoimdl.ind withdrew from the si heme. The I'lnal result was the passing in the Imperial I'arliamc iit of the British North .\merie.i .\c i. .md ihe r.ilifvinnof theConfedeiaiion propos.ils. 'riie u, ,, „, . . i, ,• ^ i. ' ' K^^iniiM ► or Ini. (1. S. KVKIISIIN, Coli.Ki.l' SlKKfl. 40 C(>.\7/:/)/:A'.I77().\ ./.\/J C/I7C AX/'.IXS/OX. I'liicin tnilir.icid. ;\^ ;ill mir iiddirs kimw, tlii.' luiir I'ruviiicis (if N'iiv,i Si oli.i. New liruiiswii k, .mil l'|i|nr .iiiil Lower ('.imiiiI.i, iiiuliT till- (li'^inn.itiiii) iif till' 1 )oiiiiniiin ul' { 'aii;ul;i. 'I'lic iianu' nf rpiHT Caiiaila was cliaiijjcil lo ( )nlari(i. ami that nl' l.uwrr Canaila 111 (Jik-lii'C. I'rovision at llu' saiiu' time made I'ur llie adiiiissimi of iitlur rrnvinces. wliieli miKliI desire to (ome into llie L'liion. Arrannemcnls Were Milisei|uently made lor the aiiiuirenieiil liy piiriliase ol' tlie lliid>oii's Itay Coiiipaiiy's interests ill llie \asl region of the North West, anil for the constriielioii of an Intereoloiiial Railway, loiiiiei lin(; the Maritime l'ro\inli it to have liri'li, hut thi- |ir(igri'ss has hern ii|i«ar(l : and llir asic-nl has mil hivii that iil'a class, lint (il' the pciipli' as a wIkiIc. In (iiir iialiiiiial (ililliidk, thiTc is not a little slill lo |nr|ili'\ ami lirwiliUr ; hut there is also much to encourage anil ins|iire. Only o|itiMiistie ean lii' the ohserver of the reeent urowlh (if 'I'oronto. Since Confeileralion, its strides in i)o|iulation and realty outvie escn the nuishriioni growlli ol the typical Western ( ity. In 1SO7, the population was under 50,000, and the realty jo niilliun ; today the population is in the neinhliourhocid ol.!00,ooo, while the realty evceeds a 1 .^5 millions ! It is said that on one of .\n, i.Mkks'-- Tauk. It marks out not onlv the n'^n who have had the distinction ■M.WOkS OK ToKdNlll SIN( 1; Us IS( (IKI'OK AridN. 1S34. Wm. I. yon M,icken/ie. 18.55. """■ l^- '■'• Sullivan, !,).('. iS,'/i. Thus. D. .Morrison, M.I). iS,i7. (ieorge ( 'lUrnelt. I'^.i^ ,;') 4°. John I'lnvell. TS4 1. (Ieorge Monro. |X.(2 4,5 ^.\. Hon. Henry Sherwciod, (J.C'. 1845 46 47. Wm. Henry lioulton. 1848 41) 50. (Ieorge (airnett, 1851 52 53. John Cieo. Mowes. 1854. Joshua (1. Heard. 1S55. Hon. Ceo. W. .Mian, D.C.I,. 185^1. Hon. Jno. lieverley Robinson. 1857. John Hutchison. 1858. Wm. Henry Houlton. 1858. I), lireckenridge Read, Q.C. 1851) (10. Hon. (Sir) .\dam Wilson. (,).('. Jno. Carr, President of Council. 1861 (1; '« I \l I A ' III I IMS. K \ I'l I r \ I n \ \i I I \ I '. iM I \ I II iN, kl M I \ \Mi ( MNnll |.-( I \l I Ml'. H' I \M I \ I 1 I' \l I |. .S> V . \ I'l \l I ' .1 Kl l|.| \l I . ( II M\l I .1 llll I I \\|. \Ml ll\l llir i .isr m liiriMili .mil iiiiiIm\.iI iutiiiiI i.I llicijly's r.iiiii, wlnii lln- rimmir u.i, linnn iiuiuli liiAMi mil 111 llir Hilili-iiirss .mil lU .iH.iii , .nliiimisii ml lis .111 Ksiiiilur ulii.^r uliuli' 111.11 liiiirry nil lovcrniiuiil ■ . iitn i| m I uriiiiln, imd wliosi- -,ii\,mu wm- mil .ihv.iys llir scr\,lllls of till- plllllir, hlll llmsr nl .1 jlinlii Jl the ('.i|ij|;il. \ it riiliilltn Iwis ;IM illUT- rslill^ lilCll history ol its own, nut. Il h true, llkr tll.ll nl (,)llrliri III .MnntliMl, lull 111 llll- S^ slllkni;; :illll |lll llllrsi|lli- llrlilrllls »ll|i II In lull;.. In llll I liln 11 l.';;lllir nl nil! ( ', Ullll tlir solilii r .mil llll' {iiiisi uilliiiiils ». ills, .mil ii.iiuir .iml n.iliiir^ s,iv.ij;t' witlioiil. || kiiru no li'iuLiI St. Ill', lliiiii;;li It li.ul .111 .iiiliii r.ii \ ulm li Inr .1 liiiii nili il 11. .iml lilli nil its iIim ln| nl, .is lliinijjli il«, novtTii- iiii 111 uirr tliJt ol tlu' .Miililk' .N^i-'s. liiM rtliilr '1111011111 nritlnr llir liistory .ilUii Ins, sjy, to f.lilrliri. iim llic |iiisllioii li.i . );ivt-ii llinl cily its l.-iini-, liiT past is liy no nii-ans lai kiiiH in im iilc-nl, llioiit;li Iht annals, siih r tin stirrinn cia ol' i.Sii .ind tin; Iroilliloiis liini-s of 1X57, arc ni.iini) iIiosl' of pi.-iii-. 'llir rise nl Toronlo, linuiAi r, llioii;;li rlmlly, li,is mil lircn W'liolly, cliii' In llic cnlvrprisr nl 1 ivilj.iiis, nr to ilic iinillstiirlii'il pnisiiils ol a linir of pi.n r. I lir rmlr nursings of wai, as we li.ivr sitii, ii.iiIIi i| tin- iily s liiiilis mln lusty lilr. In Us iarl\ i|a\s, its pnpiil.ilion h.iil a l.ii;.,r iiiilil.m mlnsinn, «liilr, I.I 1 11 nil, mil .1 lit III III Ms growth sin it up iliirin;; .1 Irnj^tliiiii i| pi rim I ol 1 ml ciiilirniliiiinl. \\ i- m m .il .n. ili.ii .it tin liiiii' nl ils im III jini.ilinii ,1s a I il\', '!'nronto's iLinirwuik sh.tki n in il > sm kil li\ pnliln .il sli ilr, w Inli it-, iinmn i|].i1 s\ .Iriii lolimlril .inml tin- mUsi' ol l.irllnll ami Hlllllllr Inllilms, nlp.i|l\ i ollli lllloll. \il\vll.ll U,ls ilolli' linn, llir proplr illjiiV tnil.r,. In I onlr.isl to llir lilirs on llir Si. I.;i\vrriirr. Toronto is ,i lirilisli ami, in llir main, .1 1 lU. "I low I'jiglisli is Toriiiiln ■ Is tlir rninninn rnnark nf llir visitor, wlirlhrr lir 1 onus from llir .Motlirrl.iml itsi It or Ironi lln- Rrpiililir to llir sniitli of lis, I'jij^llsli spin li .Hill I'ainlish till- I liarai Irrisiii ■. nl niu pi'iplr. In fn r .lllil li^lin. Ion, nlir pnpul.lllnll 1 nlllrss kill ship uiih tin- .Mnlhrrl.iml .ii'ro-.s tlir si.i, ami III If. IS I ii>toms, haliils, .iiul insliliitioiis hrrr laithliillv rrproiluml. I'.vrll Ihr lloiiirin la liirr of onr stirrts, thoiit;h not ihr rn lan)^ iiiillinil in wlinli ihry arr l.iiil nut, speaks rloi|llinlly ill Ihr ()li| I..1II1I. uhrinr I. mil' thr sliirily lilr ill. It n I l.iiiiiril till 111 Irniii ihr wilili rinss. Thr .mil sm rvnliition ol 'I'liiniilo. rspri iaily svilliin llir l.i^l tun ili lailrs. Is sn rnnark. ililr as In lir aliniiNi wilhnut a p.iralli I in llir lii-.lnry nf ihr 1 oin liilinilirs of thr Nru W'nrlil. It N so ;;rali fyinn a fin iiiiia.mi I ili.ii its proplr iiia\ will point to it with priili . Whin il msr in ihr (linnily of a 1 ily, its .11 )iopiilatioii prri isriy 9,354 souls ; tin yr.irs l.itrr, thr population hail iloiililnl ; in .inothrr Irii vr.irs, that again 11. Ill ilniililnl. In iS.So, thr popn lalion, iii<'luilin}{ thr sniiiirlis, liail risrii In a 100,000: to (l.iy, as wr know, it is 200,000! Thr \alnr of assrssalilr prnprrty, within thr vikw M "( iioki.kv I'.vhk," .Summik |;i Km \Ik. .Imis II.m i.a.m. 75 I III. i<>hui\i() Oh loi'.n i.i I (M I Jill. 1 1 1. Ill, li.i , ,il,n. Ml II I I Ml M .11 . r.|ii I i.ill\. ri-.i II li\ li .1)1. .mil I ml 1 1 II I .. In i.S;i), I In n .ili\ u,i . 50 miiIImmi .: l.i .|inil .. IIikIi iilsn is llii- sljliis In wliic II TninMln risiii ;is ilw nn Ml iiKiii .inil cll^liilinliiin i iiiln- nl iiiiliislry ;iiiil i fiiiiiiirn r. In il, tlic riili l'ni\iiii c n|( hil.inn, with nnl ,1 hull' nl lln- unit Nnrlli West, is liilinl.iry. Il Imi miii' ,i vjsl i ninmcn i'ni|inriilin, ;i unjl r:iil«;iy Jiiil slii))|iilin renin-, llir lilc-ivirv ' linl) ' III till- I) iiiinn. llir \li i i .1 nl IniirisK. .111 l':|iisrn|ij| jiid ,\n:liic|iisin| Sir, .111(1 the cci lisi^ lic,u|i|iijrliis nf lllnlll'lnu^ ill I .limn,, ilir n| ili, I.ih (nnil.. lln I'lnvirii-illl l.i.'nis|jllilr, lln- riiiMi^ilii s, ( nllini, .111(1 (jriMl s( linnU nl l( .iiiini^. In .idililmn In .ill llii.i 11 li.i. In 1 niiir .1 nm.i .illi.n live |il.i(r nf n'.,i(lrii( r, ■|lic 1 li.iiin nrrnrniiln. Ill lln, l.ilirr ii-|ii 1 I, i, (iiiMl, ;iii(| en li m .11 ;ii|i|-, in il , .illr.n linn .. Ilir il -.Inil-,, llic parks, lln- driii s ; die 1 nnl lin(V( s limn lln- l.ikc, Willi ;i piill In die llnnilicr ; lln- Icrry p.iss.ini In lln- Isl.ind, ni In die iiiiiiiy iicccssililc n'snils nil die w.ilcr Irniil cxlciidili;.' (Msl .1 nil west nl lliciily: y;ii lilin^' nn die Likr, jii .illiTiinnn trip In \i;i;^.ir.i, 1 nl.n:, I'. I \1. Il.i-l i I \l . ( .1 I 1 :,\l I' s I (. I I I 1 \ ( iriiiisliy, 1 l.nnillnn nr Si. ( '.idi. nines ; or :i inn up n\er Sinidiu In lln' Miisknk.i I ..ikes ;iiid die { lenrnijii lliis, iiKike .1 siniiiinr rcsideiiee in die I'limin in. Impnlis :i jny ■.\\\i\ deli^lil. Nni .iie die nn .iiis nl^inj; die uiiilei .njnv.ililv and iiislim In. i\ willi ,\( ( ess In lilitaries, innseiiins and arl g.illeries. Iiesides die alliai liniis nl lei Inns, ( hik crls, nperas, etc. Uss ple.isin^; nr alinndaiil, .\nr slinnld the altr.ietinns nl die "hair" lime, Inr a Inrliiinlil ea( h ,'inliiinii, lie fnrnnlleii, diiriiin w'ikIi die liidiislrial I'Aliiliilinii .Assni iaiinii lays every aeli\ily inider Irilmle, nnl niih In pi. s. nl di.- \ isilnr willi a pleasing and mslriK d\c spei I.K le, lint In Insler die aurienUnral and niaiinl.K Inrni); indnslries nl lli, I'nuinie, t.i afliinl evideiiee nl llieir inarvfllniis t;ni«lli, and In displ.iy die 111. .il a. lii.Minenls nr die pin.lni Is nl die year. Nellller die Inrnllln nl lln p.lsl nnr die Inrnllln nl Ind.lV nHes .niylllin^; tc its IKIlliral pnsilini). Ill llli. nspeel it is iiiilik. ,\|, l.iii.lie. , ni in. 11 ( lltaH.i ; II is nn I ily s. I np.iii .1 liill. Its one ^Inry is its li.irlinnr, «lin li i-. iini niiU ns.liil Inn lie.inlihil. This spai inns liasiii is s( reeiied Iniin llie lake liy a line island lender, a delinlillnl smniner resnri nl the ( ili/eiis, nn wliM 11 may lie seen niiinlierless pieliiresiine enltanes, while nn the li.iy (lispnrl every spc'cies nl s.iiliii)^, sieaininn and rnwinn crall. 'I'he (ily itsell lies nil a pl.nn, wilh a risiiif^ im lin.ilinii In die imilliw.ird. It ( nvers an are.i live miles in lire.idtli 44 ////. /oA'o \ /(> (>/■ /(> /> I \: {i.r. |I.IM|I< I VMlll till l.lki I lis lllll I' llllll. Ill llijllll ll.r. \. Hill S.. Ill llllllllll^ li.ll k lllilll III!' »,llrl lliillt). r.i Millll ihr »I|.I|M'S, ri^lii^; ii|i Itniii llii li.u,.irr llitir liiiiiilrrd iiiili's iil lir.ini liiii^; •-Inrl-,, wliic li imIitmi I r.ii li cilliit, nriiit;ilK ,il ii^lil .Miniis, .Mill in »IimIi "Iim. iihim jiiiI li.ivr lliiir liriii);" tun liiiiiiltiil tlMiii'..iiii| snilis. I'lii' i liiil slriili iliMiliil In rit.iti lillslliiss ;iM' Kiiij; .mil ','111 Til. niiiiiiiij; |i.ii,ill(l uitli llii' li.iy .iiid .1 U\\ lilmks iinrlli nl it, .iiid \iiiij;c Sitirt, ' Ic.iMii^; llif i itv 111 Itt.iiii iiiiil I Ali'tlilltl^ til lis llnrtlli III llMllls .mil Im'ViiihI till III I III .lli'.l III till' lillsllii'^s |iiirlliill i>l lllr I Itv iM I ll|ilril In till' l;lt^i|' uIiiiIi'sjIi' llr>. Mil' li.lllk-., tlM.llMl.ll llisllllll i| III .III. nil I' I nlii|i.uilrs, llir ( •nM'lllllllIlt .llli I M IIIIK I|>.|| I lllii < .. rli ., in.lV lie iiidiiMtril ;is liitHii n limit .nid llir I, |il.iii,idi' .mil Adi l.mlr Mn it, .mil lirtHiin \i.ik sinri ;iiid tin M.nkit. I In- rrsldl lltl.ll | nl tlir 1 Itv III . I 1 1 II IK tn till- linllli ,illi| \M 1 nl tlii' lillHI^ 11 \l\.\\ nl nlil r.HKil~|Mri'lil in tin iii.ninnnlli .Inns .ind H.iti'liniisi.s nl i niii lllrlir. till' li.illk .. III. III. nnr Mini lllLi I ii l.i I r.l.llllldllni Ills. »llli|| ll.lM llllll rli'iliil HI ii'i ml M.irs jiid «liiili li.iM- Imtii I.iI).;i'K lilnll)^llt Kltlini till' s|illrrr nl ;ilt. W i li.iM' Imu Irss llinisy .lirt t ilnli ii| w i ind niH.HHi II l.illnll. .hi! Illnri' nl dri iiMlIM' uiilk III stniii . Induiilll.illlv is .1 .sriliipn list It, ;ilsn. in tin' di .l;.'lis nl lii,in\ nl lln ^tllll llnli|.,, »linll. tl k'i dn > .illnid llllll iinini Ini ll >ri' .nnliitinn^ i ninliiii.itinii.. nl tin- ;iri liiti i I. |ili'^rnl siiirniiiil Mippc Inr llir dls|il.i\ nl l.isir .mil llii' avnjihiiK (' nl wc.iry ri|irtitinii. < ninlir, I'spri Lilly ill sinllc, is lirllin I'fli'i lively inlindini'd ;md iidds iinn li In tln'^Mii'.md I In I rlnliii'ss nl tin in » i xiiiinis, I Ins is |i.irtn iil.nly In III' rinlnidnilln iii.iiis li,iiid snlnr n ( rill i liiiii Ins. ,\l( hiH I Illl.ilK s[H';lk lllji. I nrnlitn nl ri'irlll \i.ns |iHl nil ;i III w l.n r. .mil it Is tin- l;n r nl inlinlllnss Mild liialiU. I 111' .n In ilns nl lln |i.isi li'« yi .ir'. .Ill li.i{>|n ,'iii^iiis nl llir .iiliMlns III tin' lllllllr. I rnlll ull.ll 'Inlnllln Is, Ui lii.iy Jlld;{(' TninHln uill lii'iniin, .\t |iirsi'nl linn' lllr v.lst lilllllllH^ rllli'l|illsi.s lllldlT Hiiy, ttlllrll snnll will .lllii lllllllrllsily III tllr jrtlstn lirjillv 1-. mil ,1, III till' wi'.iltli nl till i|t\. \\r llJVr jllsl SI I'll inni|ili'liil till' Ili'U lind ini|insill){ IllVn'I'S nl tlir ( '.illjd.l I ,llr .\ssllMi|i I' ( 11., till' li.iiikiii/; liiiiisc nl llii' ( '.ih.'kIi.iii nl CniHiiiirri', mid llir ;irtistir liniin nl tin jiniird nl 'I'r.idr. Ilcsidcs lliisr, is in ( nurse nl ereilinii the s|ileiiiliil |iile nl the ( niiledeMliiill I .ile liisnr:inie ( n., willi nihil liHt;e lin:ini .Hid iiiiTe:iiilile edirnis. .\niillier ^reiil hntel liiiildin^ we iiilievi' is sunn In no ii|i, ,'iiiil ere Inlij; Hi' iii.iy liink Inr the risiii;; (il the new City ll.ill Jiid ( nnrl llniise. riir liiii' rjrh.'Hiieni iliiildiii^s ,ire iinw t.'ikiiin hiriii ,'iiid sh;i|ie, imd the new hnliie nl I pliir ( ■ ( nlle);!. IS .iliniit 1 nHijili ll d. With these iiiid oilier in w .in liilec tnral iieliieveinelils, ini liidilin :t rcMirrei led I'niMrsily. nnd :i new linine Inr the deiiniiiiiwilinn.'il uses nl \'ii lnri:i ( nlle^e, 'I nrnntn's niitlnnk is hritjlil Inr the inerc.'ised derkinn nl hersell in die e.irly i niiiuin ve.irs. 'I'lie |irns|ii'i I is eiili.Hii id III jitnii Ineinss liy the iirniiiise nl jddillnns an/:a'\ en v. ClIAl'll'R XII. SDMI-; Asi'i-crs oi iiih; modi-rn cirv. A Ri.i Kll^l■l;l I. I'm. ('ii\ (II In ii,\\ ( '(IN I K.\M III Willi nil. Cm (H .\ ( i;.\i kin .\(.(i. 'I'nudN id's 1..\nii\i.\uk.--, Oiii .\Nii Niw. Hi.R Ivvuiv Cm K( II I'.hii u I.N .\nii iiiiiu Mhiiikn Ciinik.\ms. 'I'm. N'l.u .\i;i iin i-.i i ru \i. V.V.\. iMI'KdN I'riil.K Kill HIM. > .\N|i 1N( Kl .\Nl.|i S(llll(i|. .\( ( ( l\l Ml l| lA IK IN. Till, Cin's .\ I K Hi N \l I N I . 1'KI)(;UI.--n IN Hi K Sdll.M. I'mi .\N I IIUdTK , .\N|i iNlil.NlUI.M. I. 111.. Till. C|\K .\ I IM 1 N Is 1 K.\ I |(IN .\N|i llll: .MiNKir.M l)i.i;i. II;RI'. cm li(.' W\\ W\W\ w.iNsdl' illiiNlniliiij; the pni^ifss (if 'I'dniiUd nr (if m.irkiiii; tlu' cli.iMjit's whi( li ilic ii.issiiig y(.Mis h.iv(.' wTdiiglu, lli.ui to liiiii llii.' i.)i.' ol ini'mory liackwaid (111 sdiiu- .is|ic( Is (if the lity a gL'iicr.uidii ago. Mosl of us live nowadays so hurried a tj,»jj>*v't jj3gJK« iflLUSB'S!**'? lif(.' lliat wc have little leisure for retros[ie(ls. Heme the viviil impressions of,i;e f^ BtlL a ' ^4^ "tfSf IIm'SJi"^^ ■ '""' ^"i''i^silu(le. to which cities as well as luiiiian existence are subject, are in the ni.iin lost u|i(in Us. Hut it is Well now and then to t.ike .1 look backward, that we ni.iy 1 direcl any teiideiu \ to des])dn(l or lie inllueiiced liy the lui^uhrious pessiniisin of the .ige, either with re^.ird to our or our intellectual ,uul social adv.mceuu'nt. The old resident who recollects the ( ily of "the hfties" and knows the city of today will, if his heart he riyht, .ippreciate what the years have done lor Toronto during the interxal. 'I'he present writer can well reiuenilier his own impressions of the plaie when he first came, a youtli of nineteen, to the city in the autumn of 1S58. The street railway not \et in operation : nor had we those usehil adjuncts of our inoderii civilization telephones, coupt's, ami the electric light. I'he opera houses and art galleries, which we h.ive to d.iy, were mil then linill ; nor h.idwe dl the pulilu resorts, p.nks .ind drives, or the isl.ind ferriiv. whi. h the l.iter- dav resident revels in. ( 'oncerts .iiid puhlic imetings then no paxilidii or ui.nnnidth rink lor the con' |i housing ol niglulv multitudes. I'he liesl edil'K cs we then lor piililic lectures .ind eiiterl.iiniiR lits were the .Si. I,.iwrei5v Hi. I. on King Street I'^ast, and the Music Hall, on Chur(h, o\er the present I'uhlic library. In the loriner. we first he.ird 1 1 1'.Xrcy .Mcdee, Canada's silver tongued or.itor, who bv the w.iy on occ.ision could not get beyond the eNordiuni of his exteinpor- izeil address, having dined that evening "not wisely but too well." Our memories of the latter are connected with X'.indenhoff, the elocutionist. Ch.irles Kiiigsley, the Rev. Dr. .Met '.uil, his snulTbox ami red pocket handkerchief, and Mrs. lohn I'leverley Rdliin--on ,111(1 her closing function, the singing, with ihiillmg fervour, ol the .\nlhem. I'or sin.dler g.itherings, there w.i-, ,1 H.ill oil reinper.iiu c Street, in whi( h ue remember to h,i\e he.ird I'.iiierNOii le( ture. and .ilso the lyieiiin on King Street West, 111 the immedi.ite proximity of the Rdin.iin lUiildings, but a little south of the street. Here we used frei|uently to spend an evening enjoying the lyric drama, as rendered by the Holinan Sisters, or delighliug ourselves with the personations in light comedy of ( 'harlotte Nickinsoii. belter known to a Liter generation as Mrs. Mmrison. The p.isNcnger st.ition ,it which we l.imled was .111 open, and somewh.u str.iggling, one, of verv modest pretensions; for the (inmd I'runk had not long been in operation .iml that road and the ( Ireat Western h.(d, inerlooking the bay, a sort of w.iNside terminus in common. Two landmarks there were on the I'.splan.ide. at eillur end of the town, whiih were ,imong the first olij((ts lo >irik( our e\e (111 .irrixing. These were the old \\ indniill .md ('ountv l.iil, on the llasi, and on the West, the • new ' ( rvstal I'alace, or I' ICxhibition Ihiildmg. a glittering edifice built on the lines and .ift(.r the stvie of its great London prototype in ll\(le I'.nk. I'he ding\ old I'.uli.iiiK lit lluildmgs, we reiiuiiiber, were ,111 altr.K lion to us, more how ixer lor historic lor iCNthelii re.isoiis. The g.ivesl thing we 1 an recall about them seeing the Rdval Standard, on the occasion of the visit of ihe I'rince of W ,iles, Ihitlermg over tlu' pile, llidugh the wlidlc was ( loin 111,1 ted bv the loltv and sjiacious drill shed adjoining. .\s .111 old ollii er of the militia force, we h.ive proud memories ol great ilrill shed, in conne(tion with our volimteeriug d,ivs, during the exciting ei,i of the I'eiiian Raids. It has long since been demolished, its immense fool h.iviiig f,ill(ii in with the ,i( i uuuil.iled burden of ,1 long winler's snows. I III V 1 HI I'V SlUKh I II.VIIIsl ( nil;( II. so.\//-: Asj'Ecrs or riii: moderx city. 47 OtluT laiiiliiKirks. to lis In ciur i-arly niinliK'> ihimigli tin- cily, li:uu .ilso (li^a|i|n.aiV(l. Of llicsc wc rtiall llic old (/Vy/'c < X'tiiv, on Kiii^ SirlI W'l-:-!. and tin; /.iw^/iT and (('/<)««/ oliicrs, on King Strci-t I'lasl. 'Then tlicrc were the Registry Ol'fice, on 'rcironto Streel. and, a Hide north of it. the Adelaide Street Methodist ( 'luncli, and round the corner, eastward, the rlun( h known as ( )ld St. .\ndrew's. Three other saered edllices luNe also |i.issed out (if sluht, namely, /.Ion Chiireh, at llie eorner of Hay and .\delaide, the liay Street L'nited I'reshyteriaii (luireli, anil the old l.ishloned striietiire, with its (neelan alTeclations, long used hy the .Methodist body, on Richmond Street. 'I'he modern liniUlings that occii|iy the sites of these oUl landmarks are emphatic reminders ol' the real and siilistantl.d progress of Toronto. The " then and now " present many curious contrasts, which one could pursue for |>ages without stint ol'matter. I'erha|is the most striking of these is that which might he drawn hetween the Imposing w.nehouse of .Messrs. \\ yid, (ir.isett \' D.ulliig. on ll.i\ Strict, and the old .Miner (cittage which it displ.K 1(1. IhU not .ill of the old landm.irks luixe lieen swept aw.iy : manv \et remain and hold their he.uls high. In "the nities," a numlier of tastelul ,ind siilislantial liuildings were erected, which iiiinent puhlic liuildings, which were the " show- places" of the period, and which to il.iy maintain their attractions, despite accident and the tooth of lime. These are the rnlvcrsli\, the Normal School and T'.dtication ( )l'lice, ( )sgoodc 11. ill. Tniilt\ ('ollcgc, fppcr ( ' ( 'ollege. ,ind St. Times' .md St. Mich. lei's ( Vilhedrals. 'I'o these, the city has adiled in recent ye.irs an .ilmosi coiintliss numlier ol arc hltectuial .ittr.iclions, chielly in the w,i\ ol cliliri lies. In the, the sH Ic ol liuililing has r.icllc.ilK cli.inged. Of the old orthodox type ol expensive church edil: e with its laperlng spue, winch has gone out ol l.ishion, Kno\ ( I'reslivterian), ( iould Street (( 'atholic .\postolic), St. Cicorge's (.\nglii an), and a lew others, remain. The recent stnictiires il not more solid, are more oriiale and imposing. 'The numlier of them (now upwards of 150) is a wcmderhil showing lor a eitv like Toronto. 'Their lieauty is in many instances remark. ilile, the denominations seeiiiingly vicing will, each other , is to which of them shall adorn the city with the most costly and attractive edilicc. ol the old ones are dear to iis, m ha\lng siummcI decav. ,incl resisted innovation and the march of improvement, .\mong T.piscopal churches, we recall a lew in tin one c outlviiig parishes which lime has vcneraled, while they ret,iin iheir old lineaments. ( »l the mnnlier are Si. lohn's. Si. Slephen's, St. I'aul's, St. l'eler'.s, 48 .S('.i//-; .is/'/:c/s o/- ////■; .i/o/j/.aw i/rv. niid l.ittK' Tiiiiity. lliciui;h in iIk- Ik, ill ol tlu' rit\. llic ('liiirch (il llu- lliil\ Tiinilv Iki> also (.-Maind c};c, \Uiilr il lia> aililtil to ils assoii ilions Willi age aiul goml works. Tlic otIuT (UiKiiiiiiialidiis can also rininl llirir early iiiit-|in>l cIuiicIk's in 'I'droiUo. MiiiK' (if whirli liiiwcvi-r have liccii imiiliTni/L'il or ri'liiiill, nr liavc passed into the possissiun iilntlKr e. ik'siaslical lidilifs. In OIK' or two inslaiucs, in llu- cliangc of liaiuls, till' cluiiili Imildinys havi' lioioiiu' si'Au>.vy(). Toi'oaKAi'iiicM. .i.\n lu.scRirrn E. 49 ciiai'Ti:k XIII. lOKON I'O. lOI'dCKAI'lllCAl, AND 1 1|>( KI T I 1\ P.. A l\\\ii;i.i. KiiiMi rnwN, IciuciNni iKi>\i III! ll\ui;iiiR. Till, ('lis \M' lii'w III si I li. I'l \( I s III I'riiiic l\ II m.^i. Till Sii i;^ 1 1 iM K \KN. I'm Cm, wn ii> Cm ki m ^ \- ;■ I'.iii i m ms \i wn mmu In^iiii- IMIN^. I l> |l|;l\l>. (iMdilN^, I'VKk'- AMI ( 'l \l 1 I I.U M ~. TliKiiNlii ( K 1 k I 1 \ I'l Ni . II-- N'oHimkN l.l\iri>. ( It ( I- ni.NiM. TuoiNiii. I'm. (^Iri i.n'^ l'\kk .wn ii> (»i;n.( i> m Iniiki^i. I hi .sikiii^ i.i\i.\ ri' m ( 'ii\imi.i.;i i . Tm. .\\\i \i ii Wi^ii.uN Snu KiiN. Iln.ii I'akk, iiii. I'.miihi i n i\ ( Ikm Mi^. vnh iiii ( i vuhi^i i\ Cummos. 1 . 11 1( )L ('ill Mill ;i |ii(iinv.M|iH' (it). I'lininln i'- lint l.n'kiiifi in ii.itiinil ;uiil jrti^tir liLMiits. Its ( liiif addrMinciit is its wnlcr-l'rom, :is sicn I'rnin tlit- harliimr and islaiul, nr thi- lake !ii-\un(l. The a|i|ir()a('l) liy watrr. (.'iljicr liy tlu- j;a|i or liy the western intiaini.' to tliu hiiliDiir. is sinniil.irly I'liU'. 'I'lii.- spin-s. tinvers ami iii| nf its < JuirclK-s and |iulilii' liirldiiiLis. with llic iiiipnsiiin array nl' siilistanti.d w.iri-liiiusi.'s tliat jiiu- tlu- shori.' rmnt, .iCl'ci.'d ail agrii-alili- ((iiitr.isi tn thi.' rcmriisfd iii.iss of tin.- rii\. sInpiiiL; up in tin.- disl.nui-. and iiiark it as a plaie of wi-ajtli and i.iitcrpriso. Tlic iiiiprcssiDii is liciglitcncd when the v:..;; r j;a:~is frmn the steamer and is instantly riinlrnnted with tlie Iral'tie of the streets and the noise and ninvenient wliiih are its eeaseless aecoinpaninieiits. It is coinpiited that tliere are ,^oo miles of streets within the roiiipass of the eity. The names of many of them, as we alreadv observed, bespeak our I'.nnhsh origin, to wit King, tjiieen. .Vdil.iide. Nelson, Wellington. Kic hiiiond. N'irtori.i. .Nllierl and Louisa Streets, besides iliiise tliat eommemorate an earlier I l.innveri.m ei.i. Those in our immedi.ite \iiinity. it will .it one e lie seen, .ire given up to eoniiuen r. I'he residential portion of the town lies to die iiorthw.inl, lir.incliing off \'i>nge .Street, its main a.\is, to the east and west. To see Toronto in its aspects, let the visitor take ,i e.nri.ige at landing and make two tours, starting, sav. from the intersection of \oiige and T'roiit Streets one embracing some of the sights of the lity to the and north, the other .ill that is important to the west ami north. In these tours, the following itinerary may prove of interest. .\t the st.uting point named, three hue buildings, fairly typical of the city's wealth and enterprise, will be sure to .illr.ict the tourist's .itteiltion. These are the Custom I louse, the Toronto liranch of the of and the new Iv erected home of the locil lio.ird of Tr.ide. The interior as well as the exterior beaut\ of tlle^e threi' buildings is a matter of just pride to the I iti/eus. Trom this point r.idi.ite the business streets, whose massivi- ware houses may be seen on every hand, each house or linn seeming to vie with it-- neighbour in the eiei tion of .iml commodious premises, with the best fii ill ties for doing business. To the westward. a block and a half is the well known hostelry of "The (,tiiecn's." .\ little beyond the latter, on the T'.spl.iii.idc. is the L'nioii Station, the joint teriiiiiiu- of the two i;ri'.it rail". IV i orpoi.uioiis of the I loiiiinion, ihedr.ind Trunk .mil tlu' t'.in.idi.m T.icilic. Near b\. are the old T.irli.iiiKiit Itiiildings. with which Time deals gently, pending the erection in the (Jiieeii's Tark of more imposing halls for the I'rovincial Legislature. Proceeding northward, on N'onge Street, we pass sue cessi\el\ the li.iiik of liritish North America, the Tr.iders, llii ol'lii es of the Toronto Ciencial Trusts ( o., the new home of The lilohe new>p.iper the chief organ of the p.irty in C.inada .111(1. , It the nitersc( ti'iii of King ,i ml \dnge, Iakn is .Stkkii (W Ksr Sinn. Nkak Hiooh. 50 TOh'o.\/(i TorouKAriiicM .t.\/) nr.sciarrn i:. tlu' lilK' huildill;; (il the Dnininimi ( )ii Willinmoii Slncl, uluih «r li.iM- iii--l linw |i,i>m.i1, an' llu' luMililliailcis . tiinilhir vmiIi llu' ciliiiis. siirrnimdi-d hy ci)nm.'rifs or wiiv>. nl tin.- (luat Ncntli \\\ ^tiTii ami tlic Caiiailian IMiific IVlL't^raiili ( 'oni|iaMii>. At tlir iiitcrMction ol N'migi' and Kinj; Streets, wc ivacli tlic <-oniiiU'i( Iml) of the city, round and .dioul wliicli nvolve Toronto's cliief tradini; an nati\e maniif.iclininL; .ind im])orting houses. Proceeding eastw.ird on King Street, we pa--^ ininv of the fniest retail stores in the city, incliidmg the h.mdsonie ( 'redit \'alley brown ^lone buildings o( ( u|iie(l by the I ppi r (' I'luniliue ( ' .ind llie Carjiet Warehouse. I'resently we re.ich Toronto Street, at the northern end of "WiJaSBBwii which is the Toronto ( I'ost ( )l'tici'. a h.nidsonie edifice, built of richly wrought ( >hio stone, with a linely carved /(/(•<;r, Anhilialil M.icMiirchy, .\I..\. Occupying a sipi.ire .ilioiit ten acres in extent, (Linked liy Cierrard, Carlton and Sherlioiirne Streets, are the heaulifiil Hortiiiiltiiral (lardens and l'a\ilion, ,i shrnie of flora imich l'rei|iiented liy the citizens and the wheeled cheriilis of the home, '('he j;rounds are laid out with grcit t.iste. and with an artist's eye for lloral adornment. In the north eas* corner of the town overlookini; the lieaiitiftil vale ol the I )on, are the city cemeteries, where sleep " the nide forefathers of the hamlet " the old time " Little \'ork " with their offsprinji ol a later generation. .Across is known as the Rosedale Ravine, which is connected with the city liy two ornamental bridges, cMends to the northward a new and pictiiiVMine siiliiirh of Toroiito. This section of the city should lie seen liy the visitor who an eye lor du' lie.iiitifiil. There are pleas,int drives in ti.e neighlioiirhood, and the uhole region is taken in liy the new scheme of a licit Railway round the city, and liy a lordon of pulilic drives and p,irks. We sh.ill now turn westward along llloor Street and take a glance at Occidental Toronto, for nearly a couple ol generations, liloor Street was the northern limit ,.^,,- of the city, and for long more than one-half of the .irea to the south of it w,is covered with virgin woods. I'oilay, not only has the city lieen Imilt ii|i to the erstwhile Iiounds, hut il exlemls far lieyond iind is now cliinliing the ridge, the ani'ienl marge of the lake, and on this high elevation is lir.inching out into vast evtensioiis its outer walls, and particularly its nolile front, were saved Irom ilestructioii, and the lieneli.ence which the i alamity called forth may lie expeited soon to restore the liuilding to its uses. Though in p.irtial ruin, the lieauty of the structure and the harmony of Its design are not concealed Irom the admiring spectator, .\cross the lawn from the University will he found a group of huildings, auxiliaries of the College, \\i. : the new liiological Institute, the School of Tractical Science and the Ohservatory of the Province. In rear of these are W'ycliffe College, the theological hall of the evangelical section of the .\ngliian Church, and the fine auililoriiim of the l'niversity Noung Men's Chrisli,ni .Association. Tlu- parent home of the N'. M.C. A. is in Vonge Street, a little to the south of the College .\venue. In the (,)ueen's Park are in course of er.-ction the new Parliament Ituildiiigs, ,1 pile HJiich is now lieginniiig to lake noMe form and shape, (hough a c|uestionalil' intrusion on tliL' reireation grounds of the people. In the vicinity will he fouiul a line bron/e statue of the late Hon. (leorge Drown, and .1 momiuieiil in memory of the volunteers of the city who fell at Ridgeway, on the Jiid of June, iS()6, in repelling invasion. "OAKIAMis," UKsIIH.NCK. 01 lilt lAll- SKNAIOK pllIN \l Aci lON Al 0. .'.2 7()Uij\/(), lorodK.M'iin Ai .i.\i> i>i.A lari n I. < (n llir 1.1 -,11 Til II. ink 1.1 lljr r.crk iii.iy In ,ii n M .Mii li.ii I, ( l< ( '.( ( iillinr, ului ii i, iii .'jIIiIi.iIikm hiiIi I In .S' l'nurr-.ily. A lillli.' I« iIk- wrim.inl ul tin- I'.irk, lonkiiiK l:ikiw;iri| mi S|i;iilin.i .Avriiiir, is Kiinx ( ulli j.'r. ilii Ir.iiiiinn iMsliliilnin irtMlcd (',illii;dral (liiin li nl St. .Mhans. I Ins liraiilifiil cdlfii c atti si •, llic a|i(isliilii /i al and laithfillluss >i( l»r. SHralni.iin llio Aiijjiiian liislinii nl T'lriintn. iirnli r hIi'mi- loslirilij! (arc tin- ratliidral lias sn lar liirii rcand. On ( nlli ;.'i- Strn I will also III- fiiiind an aliiiii-l i iiiitiiiunii^ Iiim nl i Imn lirs, all nl wliii li |iiissrss ){(>(id < laiiiis Id an liitri tiiral lir.iiil;t . Till- nliirn In tin- Imi-iih ss |i(irtniiis of tin: ( ily may lie iiiadi- rilliir liy the llirdiif; u\ Ynnnc .Stmi, nii tin- (.a^l, nr liy till- sfiai iniis liinlmay (if .S[iadiiia .\viniii-, (in tin- Wist. It may lie iiKirc i (iIimiikiiI, lidttinr, ti) dtiM- (lown llic inlirincdialr cxil Irnm llic I'.irk liy way of f ollc^c Avi.iiiii.', with its ddiililu Inn- nl Inn i In siniil trtcs, id (^uccii Siriit, and lliirr t.ikc a Iddk mill Oi^-ddili- Hall, till- siat of tin- ^n-at law ( (iiirts of tin- I'rdViin i . I li n- tin- Liw Sni ii-ly of I 'iiiii-r ( an id i its Iniiiit-. Id tlidsi- wild kiidw tin; ni;ij(.-Hty of tin- l.iw, nnK in tin- |ii-rsdii nl tin ( dnslalilr. wr wniild ri< iiiniin ml ,i M,il In niii- nr dtlnr M'.r-.l |-11AA-,I ( I Ml I n--., Ill 1 I I'.M-k III till' 1 diirl ., Mlliii^' III Hall' , nr .i r.iiiilili- llirdii^'h I In- l.ilir.irv, ( diiMn .ilinii ll.ill .iinl I In "iiriddr ,. .iinl ii|i and (Inftii lln ;;ri at stain iisi-s, ii|Kjn wlinli .nnl ii|idn tin vialur llii- >.'ravi- and jiainrd jiid>;i s I'luk Imtli Irnm llnir Ir.nin , .miIi .iii^;ii .1 .ind jtnprcssivr nin n. I iirniiiK lastwanl, on '.tin-cn, Id n'Kaiii Vonur Stn-i-l, wr r(-a( h tin- siti-, at tin- ln-;id nl liay .Stn-t-t, df tlic fiitiin- .Mimn i|ial ami ( (iiiniy Itinl'liiiKs, now in ( diirsi- nf ini lion. TIk- siti- is a ( (-niral and i (invrnn-nl din-, .iiid winii it is i Ir.ind dl tin- " nid rdokerii-H " and ntln-r (|il,i|iidalrd n In s df a liyKdin- day, wIik Ii .it |in'.int d( ( iipy and siirrdiind it, tin in-w .md li.iiidsniin- |iili- 1(1 Ik- d(-voli-d In the uses df tin- ( dnnly and ( ity will liavi- .in im|idsiii;; .i|i|iraraii( •-. Tin- slrikin« iL-aliirL- of iIil- IiiiiIiIihk will lie tin; tiiassivi- and lofty ( Idi k towi r, wlin li, m tin- |ilan, forms tin- Iront fai.adr, and |)n-si-ntsa ((rai i-liil and syinmi-lrn .il ,i|i|ii .ir am r. Tin- wlidli- sirii' tun. wliK II is iiiddrrn Kdmam-sijiic iti stylr, will In- a t^n-at (irnannnt Id tin- i ity, .ind, Willi tin- Niw I'arliami-nt llinldiims, will vastly im nasi- Ms atlr.K tioiis. ( llnsi- liy is Kndii riitin h, dm- of tin- (-arln-st plans of wiirsliip iii the rity (nnniilid with tin: I'ri <|iliniiiiii.itinn, and .it lln- Inad nl Jalins Siri-cl, li.n k Imm Nnii;.'i , is (In ii>h-(>\'i(i /('/'(K, /:!/■///( .1/ \\n iti..i lari III. "..'1 Anjjli'iiii J'liiKi li 'il ill. Mill;, I riMily I rum I In- l»;i(l of li.iy Slrix-t, the visitor ■\>-<\ .ill In i 'niii r ol K n liiiiniiil. llii- ^iil< iilifi' I . n 1 1. 1| ri I > iiilv lis ll'i ( I HI MM I ol llii- f 'olltyr of I'liysj' i.'itis ,'iM(l SllrK^orl^. lioin \ r Im'I oI " I Ih' ( ir.inil .iii'l loroiilo ())irr,i Hoii.isj rtliili- ,1 litt slr|)i oiiw.imN will liriii;..; Ill oiii r iiiori- to llii- iiiIitmm lion ol Voii^c ;iii'l Km;;. l'ro< ii(liii« west- wanl on tin- l;il|ir sln-il, lln- visitor «ill In- siriii k »illi llii- liiir ;is|ir( l wliiili tlir li;iiif|soiiic oftii is ;iiiM rs liy on tlir .tn il, .Xiiollirr viry liaiidsoiniad dilion to this |iorlioii of Kin^ Slnil, .nid ,i (.'ri at orn.'iliiriil to I oroiilo, is llir nrw liaiikiii^ li /i|.ii of llir ( liank ol ( oiiiiiiirn', siliiair .il tin- • oriirr of Jordan. ( )|)|io*^ilc to II i . llir .Manning' An .idc, .iinl al lln- < oriirr of liay. iIm- |iriiilin^' lion i- ol lln- I ofoiito /ill inns; I'llr^^roiii. Ill ol llir lalkr, is lln N' f lull ; wlnlc, on Urlliii^loii Mn-i't, .irr lln krforni I Inli and lln |o roiilo ( lull. ( 111 ( ollioriii Sirrri 1, till liunir ol .inollicr SOI lal ;iiid 'iimsi jiolitii al orL'aiii/.'il ion, known as "Tlir .Mluiiy. ' ')ii KiiiK .Sln'it \\ ..antlir Canadian l',i( ilii l< y Olti ' IS. .iiid. Iiryond \ ork. tin I oroiilo .\il < i.illi r-, ,iiid .\r adrlliv ol .\Illsli . .\l 111. ,-. w. I .'. ■.'. I -.f-,.. i.. I;.\ , il S'ork, it.inds om- ol tin- i Iml iiotrls of Ihr < ity, ilic •• | our of lln (jr.iiid oin.iiiiriils of llir i lly. .\i|joiiiiii;i II, on llir south wisl ' orii. r ol Miiii or Sir. . I. i> llir rli'^ant rrsidrni .-, in .1 < h, inning sriliiiK of irrr.irrs ,iiid spai loii-. • lawns, of llic l.ifulin.ini 'iov. rnor ol ilir I'rovim r. Ihr stylr of ar' hiln tiirr \-. lln nioilrrii Inni h In Ihr ^'r.iiid h.'ill, dining' mom and hall ni.iin iii.r. I..- ■Ml in.iny lifr %i/i' |iortr.iils ol llir old (ionrn'irs .1 I |i|irr ( and lliosr of a n-yiiir. \'r..sN In/Ill ill. I iiil.i rii.itori.'il rrsidrm r, ,i lilllr l.iik Iroin kiiin Mmi, i> ihr olil hisloiii hoinr ol I |>|irr ( aliada Collr^r. This favoiiritr nliii atloii,il insliliilioii ol tin- I'rovim.-, wlin h w.i-. niod.llrd afirr Ihr '/L\',\\ I'tllilu .Si liools of l.ii^ mil \\.\-, a faiiioiis rn ord, is, as wr h.ivr s,iid. aliont to lir ninovrd to a lirw and s[iai Ions silr in tin- norlhrrii siilmrlis ol lln- > \\\. I iiriiinn northward Inilii KiliK. on John Slrirl, .iml skirling Ihr ( olliKi rrii kit KfU'ids on llir onr sidr .iml • I In- .\rlin«toii ' llolrl on ih. .iih.r, wr pass IdMrlcv lloiisr, ihr ol.l iiin. n'sl(|i.-lirt: of tin; laic (liit-f Jllslirc, Sir jolin liiMrli y Kohiiison. .\l tin- ol ihr sln-n, jiisi lirvond St. (irorKc s ( hiinh, w«- srr " 'Ibf (iraiiKc, " aiiollu r hislorii n sidriirr ihr oldrsl and most altr.ii li\r in Ihr nly. I his laiiioiis manor lioiisr was liiilll a litllr ovi-r si'M-nly yrar\ .'i(!o liy thr lair |iid;;r lioiill'iii. .iiid H ^llll 111 llir possr-ision ol a iiiriiilirr of Ills l.iinily liy liiarriaKr thr wifr ol j'roli^ (iolilwin Smith. In lln- li.Miiiiliilly krpi grounds, anipl.' and will trininird lawns, with anrinil iltiis plar idly l.»ikiiig down upon the srcnc, " I hi; (il.lllg. ' rri ,dls a l.ll ol 'lid iMIgl.lIld \irH I p..\i I HI' Al'... IS Ml Cirii II.ii;sr. r.i IdKnXlo l(irn<,i; \llllt M .\.\l> IH:\< l< 1 11 1 \ I: U< Ji.ill I Miiijili ii ill! I ii> ml <>t till I ih il \w I iiiiiiiiiH' iiiir iliHi »> III ilii llniiti .Inn;.' .ulniili.. nms iiii|iii|ii| in ( i>r|iiitalinii ImiiiIs, >it I'.itkil.ili- .iml llrm kldii, Willi llirii liiisy i vli ii-.iiiii nl \\t ,\ I urniilo Jiiiii liuii. A'l ttr |iriii i ■ l:i'>l < oiiiiiik iimlii tin ilnriiiiiinn ul i niiiiiirri i, .iiiil uill mihii Iniiii .mntlirr ){ Ir.iilr jrli'r\ likr S'lii^r Siriil I'asiilix ilill ttrslw.inl, «r i unii tu I mills I nivrriily. w liiir n i lisi.i' InnkiiiK cdilii r. ui III ;i p.iik ul Iwnily ,11 ri-., uitli .1 li.ii k^riiiinil III Kiiii.iiilii III , I Illy. 'I In- ( olli'iji' »js IuiiiiiIiiI, hi 1H5J, In llislio|i Slr.x li.iii, in > iiiiM'<|iirn> i- oi tin al mill inn III till till I ill 1^ II .1 1 I li.iir III Tun ml II I iiivirsils, at llir tiiiir kiinwn .is Kind's ( nlli^fi', ami witli iIh- \iru ul sii|i|ilyiMK tin' I'mMin r uitli .III iiMlilntinn ulifi ll sliMiilil III \iiii lU ( liiiri h ul l.n^'l.iinl in il-. i li.ii.n tir I In ( uWi-^y liiillilin|.' . hi n ili'M^'in il liv Mr. 1 nil), .mil .III in till' |iiilllti'il ^t\ ll III I'.n^'ll .ll .III lull I tllli'. I lir 1 hiimh .llinn h.ill .iml i ll.ijn I air l.ili 1 .nlillllun > In llir Ciillr^i' i.'i|ili|iiiiiiit In t III '.uml Innil'. I nlli'^r. in .1 pint nl lainl origin. illy lilty .11 ns 111 ixli nl, liinl . lln I'rnMni l.iili.ilii .\s\liilii. sunn Ul' lii'lii'M' III III ti tiiuM'il uill nl tnvin. In llir sniilli ul tin \s\liiiii .ii< llir ( I'risuii ami lln- \|t ti rr l. I III Si liunl, uliii h IS nmli 1 till I niiiin.iinl ul I .n nl. < ul, I llli I. I ll |int\ Ail|iit.inl I iiin, Is llnll^rll III tin NrW I nit I In ()|i| Inrt, wim li is III sinni .ills nl. niilinl uiili lln- lii'^innin^^s ul I uiuntn ,1 nil uitli llir im nlriil < nl tlir \\ .ir ? Ill iSi .', lias Innji sun r Inst its .11 tiM' iiiililaiy I li.iiai Irr I 11 tiu'lili ti liiass ami wn il'> nnw ' 'Aii lln nlij |i,ir.iili' (.'inimil, iml I in 111 Ir vMlli llir ssiiiliuls nl |ii',iii' llir Kiissiaii I .miimi, llir Huniji'ii liarrai ks, ami llir ' mill. I . uml I l.'iy |i,ii.i|ii't sslm li < niiiin.iml . till' l.ikr a|i|iiuai li in tin li.iiliniir. Irniii tills |iullll an ixi I'llrlit Mrvs nl tlir I'l.iml 1. In III hail, .1^ i.isl .is tin 1 Inl, linii ,r ul tlir ( '.inaili.iii S .n lit ( liili .iinl lln W iin.'iii It.illis, With lln lliiliii|:. sinninri li.illn ul I uiniitu i«/*f/ )nii/r \ littir ilii.inii Ul ilHanl, wilhin .|i.ninii., wi 11 ki |il >;tniiinls, mrrlnukin^' tin l.iki . 1. .1 s.r.l •nnj^rnr III liiii|i|iii){s iliAutril In Ihr iiliji 1 I , nl lln | mliisl 1 l',\liiliitinn .\ > ni latinii, I Inr (.'.illn i lur .1 lurliii(;,|il rsrrs aiiliinin .in ;i((«rrKatc ul iiviT YjO.vjo prujih'. Ill virw tlir <|ispl,iys ul Ihr I'lUMin .mil .Mi tiupnlitaii Itianiilai Inn is. tin ait rxliiliils, I .m.iila's liiirsi liinils III hnrsrs anil lalllr, .mil Ihr hmiiitiliil .irras nl Inr linitn anil a^m iilliiral piuilin I .. Wist .iml nnilli ul tlir {.khiliiliuii I'.irk III' Ihr rri rnily aiiiirxnl hiiliiirliaii vtlLn-rs ol I'.irkil.ilr anil llrm kimi, .mil llir liirllnr 1 ily mrrllutt. W r.l I urmilu Jiim linn. llir risr ul ihisr iirw ami pupiilmii I nri)iiliis, wilhlii rcrriil yr.irs, has miiihiI iii,i;;iial, lur ulirri' Iml yrsliril.ij wis ,111 ahiiuil iinlirukrti (urrsl uf uak ami sillnu |iiiir, tin n 1, inns a vast nrlwiirk nl slrnts .iml .nciiiirs, willi liaiiiKuiiir ur iuhs ul e llllll^;l|lllls limisrs. Hrlurr rrliirilllij^ In till' I lis pinpi r. Ihr nsjtur, ll lir ssislir, 111 sir siinirlhiiij.^ ul Ihr sylv.iii liraiity nl I 111 uill n , nil inn hair .Ut I niimliiins, sliuulil i niiiinin In . iliisi .ilniiji thr laki '.hurr In tin lliiiiiln r Kisn lln l.iini i| " I'.i ., ' In I nrnntu Mm hr iiii).dil lirain h linrllivs.iril, In l.ik< in flmU I'ark, llir liraiitilnlly vsumlril rrsnrt nl llir ■ ill/nis, .mil thr lllliniln I 111 ^lll ul lln l.ltr .Mr. J. (1. Iluwaril, .111 nlil h nlriil. II llirrr is Inslirr, llir llrisr llll({lll lir rxtrmlnl, ttilh '|lllrl (.'iijiiyiiiilil, liy w.i) III till' Inst .iviriiics or llir iilil 1 nm 1 ssimi mails, so Ihal iiiuri' ul llir riiy's pii liirisi|iir riivirmis iii.iy In' Mill, Or shniilil llirn mil lie liiiir (ur this ami Ihr Hsilor rrliirii al ■^utm' hllitrr ilas, hr in.iy ihni, ssi- Inipc, iinrlakc Ihr ' in uinn.isii^atiun nf tin- 1 ils linin tin pir.i ,anl uiilluuk ul .1 1 .11 »iinlnss nn lln ' uiiipli'lril I niniilu Itrll U.nlssay. I ( I ' . I ' . 1 1 1 I 1 I I s\ 1 , 1 ll 11.1 ' I 111 M || ,\l..» I \ I M 1 1 //// /■//://< Ml \ III I III ri'di I \( I II < in I II :^- i^um ( II.M' I 1. 1; X W. I III. ri HI, II MIA Ml I III. ri'M'. iN( I \i ( \i'i I \i. I'l'OVIIM M < I n/l \ ( io\. I ('■.'.n •. I \J , .\|.MIM II' MH I,, |l I.IM il , 1,1 I I I \\ III M , \ll hic \l , I. Ill I MILS M , .Mil I I M/\, ' lAiMi.iii i.M , AMI mini' Hi iM'i iMMni I w'l I II. Il II rxl^irlll ir, III ,|i,iii li.m iii|ii{,.||iil ihi |ili,jii li,r , .mil iilllnl III till . '.iilllIlM- til lltllll tin lr|iti".i'|iiM III ihr |i>llll|i INI II »l|ii ll.iM III. nil III .III lil.iklll|.i Inlnlltii, III till' iii.iiii, 111 I i)iiiriii|iiii.iiii ,, I III ,|i.ii I i.iki II ii|i Hiili \\rv,> illii ilr.iliM III till- I iiy, |iii till i'M|lir ;ilii| lij'ilnrii .il, III! Iii(llli).^ till' I liiin lii'<, {iiililii liiiililiii)/'.. iiliii ;ilii| r|i rliioiy ii.ii\ III illli|l|iiiii, villi'. .Mill |iii\.ili' II <^lll^lll I't, Willi Miliir iiiilli ;il|iiii iii I iiii>iiliriiii .ilinli. ..nliir |ii'ii .Hill 11111. '^ki'li lii'i III till' I Ill/Ill III III i|:i\, |j;;illii iril Iriiiii IIk' priili ".Miilii 'ilnl lli.lii liii Nil . .iinll.r. I III li , in tin- i nillllllllllt ;, lll^ llillllr^, jlldni",, ilmlnl,, l.mur'., |ililll|i Mll'i, rillli .llliilllsl-i, Inn I., .iinl II IN III I I. iiiiini. 1 111 .1 MiNiij: iniiiiln lik.i- ( ',iii,ii|:i, w Inri- iiiilu illnit ',ri|ii. In till iinnnili.ilih in llii' liuililiii^i ii|i III tin iinln .mil m li:iiiii-«nrk nl .i i.iiiiinl Inn In ini|inil:ml , nun m nnl Jinnlil In- |iii .I'lMil nl tin- 1 .11. 1 I 111 |iinninn nl i ill/, n . .iinl In .run i|, fnr il^ In .tniii .il i.ilin nn li . . lli.m Ini it . in .|iiiin>.' i lli ■ I ii|inn tin yniiliU, ,11111111^^ lln- .iliiiiil. nl lln- |irn|ili', Willi tin-. )ii|r|iii'i iii Mi-u.lln |ii. ,. nl inll.ilinii nl liin;;,i.i(iliii'>, )i;i^ Iniii lii;ii|i' ; .mil iIihiikIi, ill snlin- liii-.i>.lir<', It iii.iy. .il lln- prisiiil rr.i. In nl i Im I inli n ,t in tin .iilijii I nl lln- skili In-, lliriiiM-ln-s. HI In tin II iiiiiiiiili:ili' ri'Inlivi". .iiiil Iririirl-., Il iiiii^l i ithiiiilv. Ill lllr i niiiiiin liiiM , |irnw nl nun li widit :iiiil iiinii- Kiiii-nil liislniii llltilr.t ll.lll »r (|l'l;illii| riiiil(K nl lllr '>iil 111 111. nl lln -In.ill i nnilnlllill \ nl ■l.lltli \'nl k llnlii hIiii II tin- (iri'iilll i llv ■i|iriii)n, liinv uliiilly, li'iw iiitiii .ti'illy. sliniilil VM- iiniv 1111114 liiln llnin. vm ini>;lil kiin.'. ;'ii' " nnii nl tin- linn' In in i, .mil .i i nini' I li'.ifly wlial u;i., llnir il.iily Inil .mil »li.ii iiKiiiiiir III |jvi"i till y llii'ii li'il. Ill likr iii.'in Ilir, liy Ki'liir.iliniii In inliir .illcr ili, llir . |iii^i-i lii.'iy Im- -ii jiiin-il. In ^li-.iii ''.niiir rnniil III lln llli'N »lin;ili nlrnllfU'il Ullll till' |i|i Mill II. 1 nl Inlnnti/', .i(ii;il llli;iNil Ji|ii;.ffi-. Jlnl |.ilili.iliii In innll.i'l lln' i l.i .nnl II Iniiiiaii ly|iri vmiIi llin^r uf ;i l.ili r .mil ilniilil li'ii lil).'lii'r s\A)>t- nl .nnl iiilillii (|i'V('|ii|iiiii III. \\ li;il I li.iii^ii' I'.Miliilinii II In liiiii(| III llii' |iliy>ii ,il '.Irni lull", jiiil ^-—^ I .i|i.ii ilii-t nl .'i^,rs III nnlinin i iti/i-ni. nvi . ^^^ Inlliji lln '.riT, li:ui' it nnl in i".ir |iii»ii In s.n. .Ml II ;. ^'Ui II II. In .illi iii|il. is In Willi lln- (iri-MIII, :iilil In n|irti, «itli lln |i;iri|nii.ilili' I iiiivn linii lli;il lln i-xliiliil, |iii liirl;il ;iinl liiii(ira|ilili ;il, i*. nnl iiimnrlliy nl iritiinl III. |iri linn, lln f^ ji.illirv nl JJ** sninr nl tin- iiii-si lit il.n iinliln linn nl tin- ,. .... " I ill 1,1 '. ...1 , I'l Ml .. I "1 I'l ..I 1 ,■ I . >- u . II I'mMni l.ll I .i|> 'I In- linn. Sir .Mi-y.nnlii ( '.mi|iln II. K.( \| I , . i.i ( . I' < ., I,;,', i|. M-milK umi tin- lii;;li |in.iliiin In ln,|i|> in llir • nin ininnly, III I .niili ii.iiil ( Invrrtinr nl lln rnniini' nl Onl.nni. Ills iiKiiiy Vf.iri' iiiinlilr'.i-,nc' y.l iiii|inM.iiii jiiililn ,rr'.ii('>, .is :i .Miinilii nl tin- CriiHii In, M\t\ Inr Iniii! llic Ir.idir i.l llic rniiMrv.iliu' I'.iru in tin l'|j|,ii nl ilir iwn llniisi'.nl r;irliaiiii'nl, lii'lnrr anil siiiM- ( 'nnlrilir.ilinti, li.ivc i-.iriii'(l liiiii tin iis|Hit .nil .i|,|, nl tin i miiiiry as well ,is Ihr ri'j;ari| ami atl.irliiiinil nl his many iiirsniial IrinnK. Sir .Mrxamlir is nl Smlili ilisuni, llinn^li .in;lishiiiaii In liirlh. no THE I'lKi n MES oi- I in: ri<(U i\i.iM c\/'//.i/. His lallu-r llu' \.\U- Mr. |.mir-% ( '.iiniilifll, ol ilu' \ nl llnlnii. KiiiK^lim ii|iiiii Hull, iii lln' riding nl NUiksliiiv. riuri' Sir AliA.iriiUr liorii ill llii- iSji. W'luii .ilioiil I»i> \imi^ nld lli^ imiviiN i1mi);imUcI lo ( '.MKida ;iii(l scllli'd iK;ir l,.MliiiU', wlurr llif rmiiiv I'mviiK ijl ('in\rrii(ir spiiil his MHidi, ni liviiif; liis idm .ilinii lIuTr .iliu .a tlir U. ( '. Siinill;ii\ (i| Si. Hv.iiiiulu'. Hi'. r.imilvMili-.ii|iiciill\ iiiiiii\iMj; 1(1 Kiii(;>li>n, L'.( ',. his cdiiintidii iDiiiplfticI ;u ilu- ( SiIumiI 111 ili.ii iiiwn. In i.S,!.S, dcUrmmiiif; In InllnH l.iu .is m |iriiks>iiMi, \li. ( ',iin|ilK'll |i.isscd his |iriliniln.ii\ lA.iiiiiM.iliini. .mil in ihc riilliiHin;; \c.n inUn-d ilu- nUii <■ ol \li. now ihr M.iii. Sir I. A. \l.i. i|..n,ild. wlinc he rcin.niucl .i-, ,i sliidrnl nnlll liis .idinissiim .IS .III ,illiiiiu\ in iS.jj. \\v iluii riiniuil .1 |i.irliiirshi|i »ilh his |ii'iiii'i|ij| whiih hiskd liii iii.niv vi'iirs, Mr. ('.iin|ilirll h.iMii^ nii'.niliiiU' lict'ii i .illrd In ihi' I'.ir. In i.S^d, lu- w.isi ri'.ilc-d .1 l.limn's ( 'iiihimI. r«ii vc.irs I. Hit. he iTiUnil |iiililii Ilk' ,is ri|iri'si'iii,iti\i' 111 tlu' ( ',ii|iii I 'i\ isi 111 ill du- l.r);ishili\r ( 'nun I il iildif rnili'd ('.iii; Irnin iS^S 111 < 'iinli'di'riit inn. .\lr. ( ',iiii|iIkII III ihc I.inisl.iiiM' ( 'mini il .iiiil liir l«n \r,irs S|ii-,iko III ili.ii lindy. Hiirinn iIh' M.ii dniKilil T.irlu- :idiiiiiiis- lIMlinn. Ill- luld llir iinrHnlin nl' ( ninniissiniKr 111 ('mun l.inuls. In llu' ( 'nnri-diiMlinii niii\riiuiit hi- tnnk ,111 .iilUr ji.irl, .lidilin it li> his ,id\ i(i.';iiid (iiinsinii:illv liv .1 Hiinhly ;ind clTiT|i\f spiccli. W lun ( 'nnrcdiT.ilinn was mil sllllllllJIcd. lu- IIKIlll- J IIUTIl llir 111 llu I'm\ \ ( nlllli ll. ,111(1 1111111 I .Sri; In i.S; ; luld siii ixs si\il\ ihc linrHnliiis (ll ihc I'nsl iii.isii r ( .111(1 .\liiiisU-r nl llu- InUTinr. I luriiij; this |nriii(l \lr. ( '.iiii|ilull tlu- ( liiM rii iiuiil h.idrr III the .'scii.iic. .iiid thniii.uhniil llu- M;irk(-n/ir ri-iiiiiK- led the ( )|i|i(is|iinii in llu- sjiiu- ('h.iinliir. I'pon ihc ai- I i-ssinii (ll llu- ( '(inst-r\ .11 ivf l'.irl\ In |inwi.-r. lu- a(-i-i-|ilL-d tlu- jlnrtlnlin nl Kii ci\(-r < li-lural, .111(1 .1 \( .ilti-ru.irds c\( li.inji(.-d il Inr (ll tlu- I'nstlliastlT ( l-nim i.SSo In iSS;, wlu-ii lu- n-liri-d Irniii tin- Si-nati' ln.i(r<-|it tlu- I .it-iiti-naiit ( 'iOM-r linrshi|i nl ( llit.i rin, lu- was sii(-i't-ssi\i-ly I'nstni.isti-r ( Minisli-r (-il .\lililia. MinisU-r nl lusiiii, and aji.iin I'nsliii.isti-r (i(-ni-r,il. Ill .May, 1X71;, lu.- was ri'L-.ilcd a K. ( '. M. ( i., and in Juiu.-, I1SS7, was apiioiiitL-d l,i(.-utc-iiaiit-(iovcrnor. l-'or soiiil- lime Sir .\lc.\andi.-r ( '.iiii|il)i.-ll l)(-an nl tlu- l-'aciilty nl' Law in (^)iK-i-n's ('i)lk-ji(-. Kingslnii. and has always taken a Harm iiiten-sl in (^)iu-i-iis I'nivi-rsitv, IK- is. n ////ivc. a liiiulu-r nl llu.- I .aw S(i(-i(.-ty . In iiSHj, Sir .\K-\an(k-r alteii(k-(l the Iin|ii-rial l-'edcratinii ('(iiiri.-ri.-iui- in l.niidnn as tin- i-i-pri-si-iitati\L- nl Canada, and is iiiuk-rstond 1(1 take a lu-arty iiiti-rL'st III tlu- I'l'dcratinn nl llu- l-aiipiu-. His piililic i .iu(-r. lliniinh iiiu-M-iitriil. has hccn liDth honmiralili- and useful. Though 1)\ nn means einiiueiil, Sir .Mex.mdir is .1 gnnd, and nii ii((.isinii lie .111 I \Mi ~' (' M 111 UK M , Cm. vKii Kim; wu (.111 ki 11 .si i;n. 1^ .//' I// \7A7/,' /////■ .l\/> /•r/l//C 0//7(F.f!S. ETC. 87 I IImn. 1 )i n I i; \|ci\\ \i. I 1,1 ,, 1.1. 1 1. i'fTi'rli\c, spcikiT. Ill I'iirli.iliuPil, lir U.I-. .il«,i\', kliiiVMi ,im ,i Iruiid. .i lri:r mMillrin.iii .111(1 ;iii liiiiiuiiiiilili' ii|p|>!iiiiiil. In liis |ircM'ii| lA.illfil ii'tici'. llimiuli In- liiis not ciHirlril |iii|piil.iril\, Ik' li.i^ imi ili^il.iiiiiil ji. ;iiii{ In- wim ihr ic>|ii i i :ill(l j!(HP(lwill 111' the |)in|ili'. riu-rr ;ii'c li-w hum in llic | ,iicii;i. |i.irlii iil.irK fil ilii^ rnniiiir. wlm llJM' Willi, .mil clisriMilK uiiii. ,1 liinlui ii.iiiir Ih.iii li.i^ llir AllniiiiA ( .mil rii'iiiui III (iMi.iriii. I'lii- 1 l.iim 111 lii^ IruiiiU lni limi 111 Ik iiij; ■' ,i ( 'liristi^m |miIi liii.m " ll.l^ ill siiiiK' i|ii.irli'i>, il l^ ^.iiil, liiiii >iurnil .ii. Iliii ilii> ^iin-K i- iiinirrfit. lias liivii ili'i'im il .i •-iiccr iiiiisl. hi- ilmik, lu-iii imsl.iki n I'lir H -null' 111 Incrt'iliilily. for im rtiliiliius nillu-r tli.m ('(iiiti'iii|iliinii-. iniist Ik- iIm reeling Willi wllilll iillc llmk-. In lillll ,1 lolly l-lllil.ll illi-;ll Jllloll;; llu- illlllU-IK 111^ iiloli\i-> iiiiil iilc ;;oMriiiiin |iiiiirl|ilc^ ol .i moili-rn jiiiliiii i.iii. llowi-\liiiii :is lo llu- liijjii rlianu li-r lioinr In llu- hiuioiir.ilili Henlli'inan. Iiiilli in lii-. olTu ami in lii-. |iri\alu n-kilioiis. llu- wiliu-.-. lo llu- i- llio all lull asM'lit of llie |iiililii iiiinil ami jiiilnmriil. I'lii-. rstiiiiaU- has lii'iT. forincil, mil upon a few year- of ile\leroiis yet iiii-.rni|iiiloM-, partv rule, lull ll|ion llie inure irilieal ami --everer U -I nl Iweiily lonj; u-.n- of ,ilile, (riimiinir.ij ami |ialriiilii ailiiiini-lration. llu- linn. ()li\i-r .Mowal wa- Imrn. ol ji.iienl.i.ue. .11 Kiiin-ton in iS.-o. .\t mIiooI. il i- s.iiil. lie liad for In- fellow |Mi|iil the pi"e-.enl I'reinii-r of the lloininion. wlio-e l.iw ol'liee he alterwariK eiitenil ami -.liulieil for his priile--.iiin. ('.illeil In the m iS jj. he eoiiinieneeil prai lice in Kingston, lull soon allerw.irds reimi\eil perniaiieiitly to roronlo. Here he lorineil .i p.irtiiership, first will) .\lr. (afurwariN jiisliee) lUirns, anil seeondly with Mr. (.iflerwards ( 'li.inei-llor) \'.inkoii,L;hiiel. During the t-\isteiii-e of lluse and later ji.irlner ships, lie ruse ra|)idly in his profession and hi'iaine one ol the hest known men at the ('h.ineery In 1S56, he ercated a (.liieeii's ( 'oiinsel and aeled ,is .1 eoiniiiissiomr lor eoiisoliikiliiii; the I'lililie ( ' St.itiiu-- of ( '.iiiad.i and Ijipi-r Canada. In the follow iiij; he enured I'arli.inuiit .1- ineiiilier lor Soiilh ( )\fiiril, whieh eon-lilueiiey he n-preseiUed until I, Sfi4, when, after the fill of the S.indlield .M.iediiii.ild CiLililion ( iovernnieill. in whieh he held the portfolio of rostinaster (leneral, he aeeepled a \'ii e ( 'I'.im ellorship and withdrew for a lime from political hie. lielori his ele\.itioii to tlu- lieiieh, Mr. look part in the I'liioii Conferenie at IJlleliee, at which the ( 'onfedeialion scheme was fr.imetl. In Oelolier, 1.S7J, he resigned the \'iei- ( 'haiicellorship to forma new adininislr.itioii in ( )i)tario on the retirelnenl of .Messrs. lilake and Mai keii/ie 111 the (lli.iH.i I Iniisi', owing In the provision of ihe l\epre-.enl,itiiiii .\cl, which prevented memliers silting .11 the -.,11111- tiiiie ill the l.oi.d .mil l-'ederal Asseinlilles. lie look his in ihe I Int.irin 1 egiskitnre fur North ( )\lord, .mil liei ,llne .\llorlley { 'u-iicnil .mil .1 liieinlier 111 the l'Aeiiili\e ( 'ouiicil for the rrnMiice. Since i.S;^. he cniiliminiisK rejireseiitcd North ( )\ford and held ihe I'reiiiieiship in the l.ocd .\sseiiililv. .\s the head of the I',iliiin, .Mr. .Mowal has won the full conl'idence of the ciumtrv. In his wise and e.-nmimical managemeiil of its affairs. In his industry and great capaiitv lor luisiness. by his jiidieioiis sellleinent 111 many Iroiililesome ami complex i|iies- liiiiis, and liy instituting many reforms and iiiili,iting iiuieli and lienelieial legislation. Ill- has inoreovi-r signali/ed his career in the House by m.iny acts which Ill-long to the higher re.ilm of statesiiian- -.liip, ,ind by his intimate knowledge of iiidici,il matters ami eoii.^titiitiiinal law. I!\ ihi-se he been en.iblcd on ini port, ml i|iiesiioiis In win hnnours for tlie I'ri'vincc as wt-ll as in ■ -ndii ,ite its right-. riinugh a staunch uplinlder of p.irtv gin eminent and an unciiinpiomising Liberal. Mr. Mowal s political views are broad and ciimprelieiisive, and his actions, for the iiiost p.ut. .ire re.ison.ible .111(1 jiist, ( )f the bright roll of the native judiii.irv there is no one who ha- iiinri- wnrthilv helped to give character to the ('.mailiaii lleiich, and at the same time lo shed lustre on the profession of law in this I'rovince, ihan has the present Chief IioiuiWAY Of ToKONio (.■siviai-nv. jiislii e of ()nt,iri(i. It is now liltv vears /■///•; /•i/ii/c \//:\ (>/■ /■///■: /A'ii/vwv ;/ (•//v/w/. Mill r I hi I loll. 1 1 ill II I l.l\^l^ln^ 1;.lll\. !>.('. I ,., «.l^ r.illiil In l]\f i p| I piul ( '.lll.lcl.i. ,illi| Icir I lie >|i.lri' IliiH cil .1 mMlilMlh ill li.i> III' ".It ii{iiiii ilu' Hi'Mi li. Ill ilic I1.1I1 i't'ii(iiry\ inii'iwil, ilic niikI im tlu' JKiiir ^la^s iiI alimist ^iII his pi'iiri.'ssi(iiKil iiinlt'iii |"ii.iiu-. Ii.i^ run niii ; «liiK- iii.iiu i\rii n| ilmsr wlm mmIs nil llu- lliiu li wlirii lu- lirsl clcxalfil In ll Iiiim' |irr;.irlv. likf iii.iny nf Ills iiniiunl iiilliMf;ius (Ml tl;.- ( ,iii.i(|iaii llfiiih. is .111 Insliinan. He linrii III huliliii 111 i.Sid, Ills l.itlicr iicinn Ki' in His M.iiistv's ('cMMt 111 riiinj,',itiM liM Inl, 111(1. .M'icr riMvivinn his cirly ciliicitiiiii .11 .1 pn\,iic siliiMil 111 I tiililin, the Intiirc Cliicl' jiisticc ciilcrcd Trinity ('(illc^ic in liis siMcciitli ; liiit Hliilc still .in iiiiil(i),'r.iilii.itc he alianilonrd his .iia(kniic i(iiirsc and caiiu' tn (' He, liinv(A(r. ri(i'i\cd ,in cxnllciit tr.iiiiiiin in Cl.issiis .iiid I'.nnlish sliliji'cts, .111(1 hIu 11 lie Ikimiiic .1 rcsidciii nl rnniiiln 111 |S^5, .111(1 prdici-dcd til the study .>| the l,i«, his liilniv iiiiiiuiii ( 111 priilVssion at niKc .issiind. W ithiii liw vcars hi' was (.ilKil 111 the and in the k-gal circk's ol tlii' time he Inrthwith tnok ,1 lii';li pi. lie. I'lcldrc he was live and-twcnly, hi' had lnniiii t(i make .1 mark aiiKinn his ciintcmpnrariis, and the lasc with which, cviii .it ill, It c.irly a>;c. he won distinctinn is an evidence of the nilts, ii, .111(1 a(innre(l. with which he w 's endciwed. Itesides a will stdred t i^'SV^BFKtiraK-' l^W^^^iChk "^"^^^^ mind, he had attractive social i|iialities, line literary tastes, .1 lirif^ht » *4MP HM «! .tiKT'-^fw^^Ba^Kj^Bi '.s.J mother wit and the liearmj; and manners ol' a nentlem.iii. Id this e.irh period in Mr. Han.irty's c.ireer. .itlai lies his lame .is .1 poet, I'nr while ai tuily piirsiiinj; l.iw, in the parlnersliip wliii h he had rnrnieil with the lion, jiilin ( 'iMwInnl. l.ilc I .leiiten.iiit ( lovi rimr ol I Int.irio. he l.iiii to d.ilh with the \Iiim'^. 1 11 i.Sqo, In Ml. lied .1- IJ.C. .mil III i.S^d .ippoiiited to a jiidgcsliip in the ( oiirt of Common I'leas. ( Mk e on the lit iicli, preleriiieiit r.ipid, lor he had in .111 iimisiial degree the i|ii.ilities that well lilted him P~. ^H|| nra I 'W^ ttSiii31tVWtSA to IhHiI us In^^h dmies. in i.sru. Jnd^ze ll.i^anv w.istr.mslcrrcd m Pi ^>~~^^^^2J^^^^^^^^Wj*G[»*J«2^mS^^B vears later Ik r.ii^ecl to j b" •jlfe' ^^^f^glf M Wmm ^M^BM llu' Chief JuslKcsliipol Ills -lH I ^^ SU MTf ^JinHp^ '''^' * '"^'' .'>'^i"<-' ship of ihe (,)lleen's llelii h, .111(1 in 1SS4 was elevated to the ( 'hief justiceship of (Int.irio. The Ic.inied L;ciilleiii.m, in Ins priwite ,111(1 professional 1 .ip.ii ity. Is deservedly held ill the hi,t;liesi esteem, lie is ,1 man of m.iin p.irt^ .1, .1 poet, .1 wit, and .111 .1110111 plished iiirisi. lie is at the s.iiiie lime a of sterliii); cliaraeler, of liinil principle ,111(1 inllexilile hoiiotir. On the liencli, while he is imilorinlv eonrteoiis and eonsider.ile. he is .ilsii eniinentl\ just, and iinflinehiii'; in the disi li.irge ol his (hit\. In 1S55. the L'ni\ersity of Trinity College. ■ToniiUo, ((inferred on Chief jiisliee llagarty llie lion orary degree of Doctor of Knighlhond, it is understood, tT.e Chief Jiislice has declined. It will hardly, we think, lie s.iid that we have re.iched in Tnionto the of municipal government. The strings of the ( i\ii .idniinistration In many of the depart- ments, unhappily, .still "hang loose." Nor do we alway.s make sure that wc shall get either as chief magistrate or as aldermen, men rigidly selected on the ground onh of high personal i|u.ililii alimis or of moral lilness, 'The municipal administration, too often, has lieen enveloped in an almosplieie of morals neither clean nor wholesome. Matters, it is true, might he worse : we inight, as in some other cities, have not only incapacity, ignorance, and dereliclion of duty. Inn gross lire.iclies (jf trust and a nuinii ipal reign of lieel/eluil). .\pallielii.' .iiid indiffereiil as our people, for Ihe most I 1 Mill ■ Nl W ^1 .\ll K ia 11 M\. M xvoit K. V. (1 .\KKr, M.IM'. unNX/siR.trnr. .iv/> /•/'/!//(■ iV/-/cr./'!s. etc. no |i,irl. ,irr. il is ,i \kiii(Ut thill tlif civic- .icliiiirii-.|i.iliciM i> ,i> piiMl ,is it is, .irid »r li.iM' iml Ici cciiii|il.iiii of unmr imiiiii i|i,il riic tiiisl iiciH :i clavs is a virv iiii|iimI.ii)I .iiicI ri's|ii)Msililf (iiu'. Icir »r Ikim' niiiili' nri\it siriilis since llif iTii ol iiu nr |Hir.iliiiii. Ill iM.U. I'lc p il>iil,iti 111 nil iiiiirli civit cj.ood ; and ill.' value of tln' city's asscssalik' |)ni|i.Tly. williiii ils then luc wards, was under Ihric' c|iiailiTs of a inilhciii ! ICvcn Iweiitv years later, the city chrcctory clues iKil a \er\ iiiarMlluiis advaiic-e. In 1X5(1, ilu iiiiMiliir nl li.ikus 111 ilu- c in noi iikiii ih,iii .(-, nl liiitehcrs fifi, cil' phiniliers id, !■! iLinkirs 1 1, nt elernyiiien 57, ol ductcirs 5(1. ,iiiil cil I.iwmis lo.S. I'^mii llie luiinlur ol c lerks, iiMi,illy ,1 niiinerciils arr.iy, w,is otiK 1 n) ' Mode si as are these lii'iires. the soi londilion tin n ol lln' lown iioi ,iin,iiui lo Ijo.isi ol', lor iln; I'dln c si,iiislii > ol llie |Hriod show ol ihe |iopiil,itlon, in 1X57, om in i-yrr nine .ippe.irs on the c riiiiiiial leeords. ( »n the score ol iiior,ils ilure luis in.iniresllv lieen iiiipro\eiiienl, wh,ileMT need there iii,iy lie lor ilher relorms, iniliiclinij sanitary renovation. The clemands, loo, .irc now ^ upon llu' l'.\eiuli\e ( llliiers, Cliairinen and the practical he.ids of cUparlnielils. Il we w.nit ellic ieni achniiiislni lion He must soon c ome to a p.ild l'.\ec ulive, and eecuioiin here will lie laluous and ine\c iis.ilile. With the cilvs lar^e and iM-r );rowinj; inlen-sis, honesi ,iiid c-llii ieiil ,idiuinisnalion can only In- serurecl liv piriii.ineiic c in ollic c .md n'on. \o in.iii III sense who ,inv notion ol wli,il is now di lu.iiided ol the .\I.i\or ,ind l',\i 1 utue he.ids ol dep.ininelils «ill lorlh withhold either. In .\l,ivor Clarke, justice requin s u to !»■ that ln' proM-c| ,111 lioiust ,uiil i Ilic iiiu ,idiiiinistr,Uor. His Worship, I'.clward l-recUriek Clarke, M. I'. I'.. .M.iyor ol the City ol Toronto, liorn in the County ol C,n,iii, liel.ind. ,\pril J |th. 1.S50. While ipiite a youth he cMiiie lo C.inad.i, and lor a lime resided in Michinan, U.S.. though "the sixties " loiind hull ,1 resident ol loroiilo. pursuing; his .nocition ,is .1 printer. I'or some ye,irs, he was en^.i^ed on /'//<• (i/nh and '/'/h /i/'iiiil iH'Wsp,ipers, and was also on ///,' .!/.;// stall' as cum posilor ,incl prool reader. In 1S77. a cdiup.iny was roriiied. lor the pur chase of 7'/if Siii/iii,/, the or;;an ol the Orange liody. and Mr. Cl.irke W.IS chosen niananint; c'dilor. Ih' allerw.irds llou^;llt up the' sloe k .uid liei.iiue sole proprietor. Mr, (l.irke .ilw.iys taken ,111 ,ictive lliteresi in secret societies, i-speci,ill\, we lielieve, in the I'nitecl Workmen. I'reemasons, and l.oval ( )ranne .\s SOI i.ilioiis. In the Inter orj;ani/a lion, he' was in iS.Sy elicieil, at the- aiinu,il nu'etiiij; helil .it llell'Mlle-, I lepiity (Ir.incI Nhisier ot lliellrder in Uritish .\iiierie,i. In i.SSli, he first entered politie,il life as the- noiuinee of the lend ( 'onser\,iti\e parlv in Toidnlo in ihe tint, mo I .inislallire'. .\t the };eller,ll e Ivciiolls in the pre-eiit \e,ir, he was aj;,iiii returned one of the three eily mem hers. In the House, he is an aetixe and usehil represent, Hive, lieing well inforinecl on the politicil c|uestions of the cl,i\, and ,1 lliienl ,ind le.idv speaker. In i.SS.S he- w,is fust re'lurned lor the- M,i\or,ihy of Toronto, ,iuil has siihseilueiilK lieeli twice' re e'lectecl. for this hinh oftiee he li,is the cpuililicMlions ol indiislry, eneri;\. .md .m inliiii.ite ac'e|uaintanc'e with the' citv's affiirs. Mr. ( larke enhances these c|ualilic'.itioiis liy honesty, diseretion, and ,i nood address. ( 'oloiiel Sir Casimir Slaniskius Cc^owski, K.C.M.d.. .\.l ).('., etc., is de'seencled from .111 ,uie lent I'olisli funiK, which was ennoliled in the sixteenth century, and whose representative's held hinh positions in the Stale. He is the son of Count Slanisl.iiis (I/owski. who was an oflieer in the ( '/ar's Iinperi.d Ciiiard. Sir Casimir was horn at St. I'etersliiirn on the 5th day of .March. i.Si 5, and as ,1 youth was destiiieil lor .1 milu.ny c.iree-r. In his niiuh Near he enleie'd the Mllil.iry T'.ngincerillg Colle'ge al Krcmeiict/, and in i,S,;o he giachi.ite'd and p,issed at once' into ihe army. .\t this period .111 insurrection hroko out in Poland, in which iiohle and serf, civilian and soldier, rose to overlhrow the tuannical rule cif ( 'onslantine. Throiighont the fulile rising, the young oflieer of T'.ngiiie'ers took ,1 prominent p,irt with his compatriots 111 Ihe struggle for freeclom. He was in many eng.igeineiils and was several times wciundecl, and present at the e\|iulsic)n of Constanline from Warsaw at the close of the year 1S50. .M'ter the li.itlle of lioveniel. the divisi'ii of the army lo which he was allached retreated inlo .\iistrian lerri lory, where the ticiops surrendered. Tlu' rank ,inil file were permitted to depart, Init the cifTicers, to the luunlier of aliout (100, were imprisoned and afterwards exiled lo the L'nited Slates, \dung (l/owski. with his fellow exiles, arrived at New \drk in sis lIoC^l,, CoKNI U 01 KlM. \\1' \ cMO, 60 Tin: /Y/.'/A' Mi:\ oi- iiii: /'/uu/w/.u capitai. iS;^. ,in,l Uiiir \ alurw.iiiK | Ici ai i|unv il. Ho air.wdm rnr.auo in i.S)i.anil at uno' lonk ii;i his iii^iiuirinn |inirissiiin. I'nr scimk' m ,iis hr was atlat lu'd In ihf I'lilihc Wnrks I )iviarliiunt ul the IniUil <'aiiailas ami s|Hi(hly shdwnl his ahihl\ in liis ol'liiial n.'|Mirls 7'tin/s and litliroleuis of lioth hemispheres, for both hemispheres h.ive prolUei! Iiy his services lolitera tiire and science. Nor is it the le.isi of his honours to say. that he 1- known to and ImIomiI hv the To rontn street arali and llewsliov, for whose welfare he has toiled longand speiii himself in much ( 'hristian .iml phil.inthropic work. Sir I laniil \\ il son horn .it T'.dinlHirgh. .Scot l.iiid, in i.Sifi, .111(1 from .111 earh age he ileMiled his life to hterar\ and scieiililic iiiirsiiits. \\ hile Iml a young man, he earned ,1 ICuropean repiii.iiion lor his rese.irches into the .iiclKeolog\ of Sditliml. .iml lor his le.niied contriliiilioiis on that and Ihe kindred siihjei l of ellmolog\. .\t the age ol lhirt> seven, while ardently pursuing his special stu l.iliniiis .uid ri:il lii-. inli-itsi in I'lininlii l'ni\rr>ilv, willi uhiit / hi' li;i> ind liinv ins|iiring iiiid ciL-vating has hc-cn Niir is iIr'iv need lo sav a word, to any mk Damu W h- I.I., |i. divoird InniM-ir to dv.' Milijicls Ik- lias so ahly and lovingly taught in tlu' ( 'iilkjif, liis inllm-nii' upon llir sHickiU lilV under his cari', llicri' is no iicud Iutc to rclatr. Uradiiati' ot llir Collin.- :it any rati-, ol hi> i-vor-rcady cointrsv. ol" his kinihu--,-, ol Ill-art, 111 his sinijiliiity ol c har.ntrr. or ol his liigh moral worth. Ti-slinioiu lo ihi-si' i|ii.ditii-s is as .!•. Ii-stiiiiimv is i-ni|ihatii' to llu- li-arniny .ind ni-nitis of tlit'ir gilli-d |iossi-ssiir. .Xnioiij; Sir I )anirl Wilson's |iiilihslii-d works, lii-sidi-s a wholi- library oi ronlriliiitiiins to thi- |irori-i-din{;s and transactions of k-arm-d soiirlii-s, an- thi- lolloHinn: ".Mi-imirials ol l-'.dinliiirgli in tin- ( )ldi-ii linii.-," (1.S47); " I'ri-histiirii- .\niials ol' Siiitland." ( 1.S5 I and iSdj); " I'n-histon:' .Man: Kcsi-an-liL-s into till- ( )ri};iii of Civili/atiiiii in tin- ( )ld and the Ni-w \\ orlds. ' ( i.Sd;); -'( 'liallorton : a liioijraiihiial Study," ( iS(ii)); "< 'alilian: llu- .Missinj; Link, " ( i,S;^5): '-Sjirinj; Wild llowi-rs." (.1 voliinu- ol' \i-rsi-); " Ki-niinisii-nn-s ol' Old l-'.dinliiiryh, " (i.S7,S) ; and ■- .\li-niiiir ol Win. Nelson." I'lililislur, ( i.Siio). liesides this mass ol' liierarv and seieiUilir work. Sir I ).iniel eontriliiileil ini|iortaiit |ia|iers to the Tinii^acthins !>/ i/ii' A'l'Vii/ Soiiety <'/ Ciiinuin. ol which he has lieen President, to other Canailian |ieriodieals, and to the new (ninth) edition of the Eiic\ch.('. I., In ,1 Liter visit lo ihe L'niled Stales, his staunch advocacy of the Northern cause throughout the war, anil his great repiilation as a sciiol.u', led to the offer of a professorship in ( 'ornell l'niversilv. llu- chair, which Mr. (loldwin Smith .ucepted wilhout pav, of Lnglish and ( ' llisiorv. This posi In- siill holds, though since 1.S7J the learned has made his aliode in I'oronto. Here lu- given prestige lo Canadian letters liv his connection with inaliv literary imder- lakings, ,ind at the ^,ime linu- h,is done much to elevate llu- lone of, and hring into l,ivour independent, journalism, and win full freedom for speech. His industrv is ,is m.irked ,is .in- his .ilulilv ,ind Indepeiuleiice as ,1 ihinkir ,inil wrili r. This is shown, nol onlv in the work he ilone for (' pi riodic ,ils. Inn for the I'.iiglish .mil .\meri(.in press, ('.in.idi.m. ,is he now loves lo c.ill hiiuself. Professor (lolilwm Smith is slill ,111 I'.nghshman. and he rel.iins in his he.irl an ardent al'fec lion for the ( lid L.ind. .ind ,1 re,il, il iestr,iiiu-d, enlhusi.ism lor all that touches the pride and rouses the spirit of a liriton. Lipiallv he.irlv is his inleresi in the will heing of humamly on this conlinenl. liesides the gri-,11 volume of his jonrnalislic and ni,iga/iiie work, Mr. Smith has issued at various limes llu- following piililicilions : "Three l-'.nglish Sl,ili-smen I'ym, (rouiwell and Pitt ;" "Lectures on llu- Siiidv of llisiorv ; " "The T.mpire" : Letters .ulilressed lo the London /^i;/'/i- AV«M ; "Irish I lisiorv Tk 11 l-U IN SMI III, n.c.i,. till, ri'iiiic MIX oi nil riiii> IfiJii llii' I..1I111 l'M< I : In {' lih . Mr. I i'll .>< :i< • >iiii|ili' iiiiMili'iil.iliiiii-< ill llir ilisjil.iy III It. Ill llii' liliijry ul iIk- >iIiI I.iii^IisIi iii:iiiiiii .|iiiMili III I . kii|iiii}' liim .1 II III .iiiiM .mil -\iii|i.itlii 111 liiiii II uiiliilii »iiili|. Ih. II. ,n l.i|«.,iil lll.iki-, l'( , (,M ., \l I'.. Ill,, I-, a ( .m.iih.ii, liy liillh .iikI I ilili.'iliiiii, ,mi| liv all iIh In. ih.M 1 hiiih 1 1 .1 {mlili 1 .1 .iinl 111. 111 nl .ill.iirs with Ihi' llir III Ih. iiiiinli\. II iiin ui n I.. I.ik. Ml, lll.ikr ■ ii.mii .mil I iMi 1 , mil nl llir |iiilini al, lln lr;{al, , mil llir ai .iilriiiii wnrlil nl ( .III. III. I. Ihi II '.Milijil III lilnllrll mil mill II tll.ii li.l , ihril lu^lrr ll|inM Ihr h.ilinii. h.i .11 M.ilrMii.m. |iiii.l, .mil .ihnl.ii hr li.i , iinl niiK vtnn ill . hill li. Ill .mil Iinl ml ir Iiiimm li, I a 11 1 ntih in il iji Inn i.nii .mil hniiniii i,{inii Ih. 1 nil 1 ill,. Nni h.i . Ill II 111. .1. h i'hl. In .ill llii III i;'lil , ulmh Win- v.illiiii his ..ll.mimi nl .1, llir iiirnl nl li.iul »niklii;^ iinlil ,lry, ili vnlinii In lln |iiili|ii 1 iMii. .mil 1. ill Ills unrlliily iisnl in ilir liirllirrain 1 nl a l.iii.l.ilili ainlniinii . Inr Mr. lil.lkr his rrlllsril klll^'llllinml, |illl llnlil, Il IS llllili I I'.nil, til. Ilnlii minli I'll liiirlihl|i. ami iln lilinl till lll).'lir .1 iilliir, hIihIi .in lln iiiMliil |,ll/i . Ill till 1. t'.il |ilnlr-.Miill. Ml lil.ik. I. ihrilili .1 nil I.I lln l.ilr linn. Will Ilium |!|.iki . .1 ill llll^'lll .III i| {IHI .1 nl I jijii'l ( .iml .Il nil.' Illllr lli.iini'llni nl ihi I'luMuii', III U.I liniii III lln I ..'.Mi .hi{. .il .\.li l.mli , ( nlllll\ nl Mlil.'i il hiin tn n hisr ih. ( h.iin 1 llni lii|. nl f Inl.iini .mil llir ( hnl |iistii 1 s|ii|i nf llir .Siipn iin ( unit nl till I Ininiiiinn, will! Il wi Ir ',i|i i i .IM l\ nlli ii i| In llllll. Ill 1X7^1 hi mmIiiI Lii^'Liinl nil |iiilih' I11111111S.. .Iinl Ihrir m.ii, lain n- riiirriit tin I liiiniiiinii I'.iiliaiin nl .i> iiiiinliii Inr W r .1 I tiirli.iin, wIikIi hr < nnliniir., in rrprrMiit .Mr. lll.ikr 1^ an Imli |irmli III l.ilii' III |inlilii s. .iml was until l.ilrlv Ir.nlrr nl tlir ( )|i|iiisilinii in lln |)nlniiiinii r.iflialin III. .\iiinii){ llir |iiilil|i iiirn nl tlir I )iilnlliliili hr linlils tin Inn inn. t { |il.ii r, hnin; ;ilikr (listini^insliiil (nr Ins aliilily anil Ins lii^li 1 h.n n in ' Ml Uilli.iin li.(o. Ills r.lllict, a ii.ilur nl lliililinainl (.'i.nlu.ili nl liiiiih ( nlln.'!', was Inr many yrars ( Irrk i/l llir I )ivisinti < niitt Inr ( n. .Mnlillrav Mi W K. Mrriililli U.I . iilin ilnl ,'it Ihr I.iiikIiiII ( il,iiiiliiar S> linni ami I iilniiln I iiiMiiU. In tin I, It In In ^railii.ilnl in l.iw, with Ihr ili ^^rn nl I.I,. II., ami was i.illnl In tin li.n III lln riiiMiii r in iKOl. S ' tin 11. In h.i- |ii.ii ti .1 I his |iri)fcssinn 111 I nmlnii. ( Inl . thnii^li In IS .1 i\\!W, ■.i[\i\ rr nlriii ihiiiii^' llir Srs'.lnli, m tin I' Cainlal. In Ins |ir<)lrss|i>ii Mi Minilnl ii|iii . .1 |iinniiin nl pl.n 1 .iinnn^' iminln rs III llir ( h.imny, wliilr Ins kiinwlnl^i nl ( niniiinn l.;iw is alsn rstnisivr ami siiiind. In 1H71 III' was rlrriril ;i ||i m liir nl till l.;iw Sniirly, :iml in 1K76 (rr.ilril a ',)''. In x'^l ! Iir liisl nilni'il |inlitlial liir, as iin iiihi 1 Ini l.ninlnii 111 lln rrnMin l.r;.'is|.ihiii'. ,iml ■ iiiiliniiiiiisly sa! Inr 111111111111111 \ .\ .1 ni.m nl niarki'd .iliiiiiy .iml .1 a. nun h ( nnscrvalivc, In- naliirally , tin 1 ipini iimii in iln llnii.i Ills kiinwliil^r is !ar)(r ami iiillln.'itr nl thr |inlil|i allaii . nl tin I'lnMini Ilnl I Ininininn, ami U\n\\ olln r, Il may s.'ilr|y hr |irri|ii Inl, will snnir il.iy In Willi II Ills 11,11 h III Ihr |iiililiial arrna, iIioukIi lie is iii.islrr nl llir siliialinii, Iir laii li.inlh I" s,iiil In In an ailrnil nr sur I rssliil, liri .iiisr III 11 mil a 1 nrrii|il .iml ,111 iiiisi ril|iillnils, li .nlrr. < )M tin • iiiilrar\. In is a ^'rnllniiaii , ■^9P^I ^^K' ^ ^M ^^Et'; ^ h ^H Bk'':' i. ^^^^^^^^^^ L- 1^*. Ilo'. Si '.aihii I'lMsi. ssiriii |i'ililii ;il i^iiliii-, Ills liinus .in .lU.iy i .il'nvc lnwril, ;inil In. ii|))iii,iliiiM i, ihm i I.jiIi.,ii, In llii- I Ihiim, In-, Inllnwiii^' Ion nin n l<;ivr liiiii In {il.'is ,1 IniM li.iiid. Mr, Mrnililli r. ;i iiuiiilirr nl llir Srii.ili nl Ir.n.nln ('iiiirrsiU: in nli^nnn, In i, .in l'.|il .1 n{i.ill:ili III illiilir'ilnnil lli;il llir linllnlinilllr .Mrlllljrr Inl I .nllllnil I . .ihnill In Ixm nlii< .i n >l niiitiii.Mnii .i , .i i j|il;iiii .Miri llir iirriiMJ nl llir I'.i lirllinii, \lr Siniili I ii),;.ij.'i i| III I niiiiiM n • .iinl «.i , sriy in i r . ,|ii| in i|i:ii k.iII., nl 111' liniii i.H(i) In iH'i;, III i.iiinil nii .i |;ii(.n liii,iMr,-, .il I .niiilnn, ( Mil,, lull .illi ni.iiil', nninM i| 'n I ninnln, uln n- In ' mil in in- , In . i xirn .im rtlinir ,.i|r ^nni i n li.iilr. W liilr .1 n ■,ii|riii nl I .nllllnil, .Mr. Miiilli mtmiI llinl r ilv ;i'> .Miliriii.iii, ;ini| III iXn'iH.i, M.ivni 111 ntliir w.iys Mr. Siiiilli lijs In rii ;i iisriiil i ili/rii iiinl jii .iiliM .mil /r.ilnii, nlln I I in in. my liii'iini-ii iiilrr(iri ir . Ilii-. I'ir.iilriil nl till llnlin l.n.ill ( n . nl lln I .nlnlnli iV Olll.itin llHrsllnnil ( n , \'li r I'irMil. nl nl tin I Ininilllnn It.ilil . .iimI .i I lin i Inl nl lln I Inliilliinn I r|. .n.i|ili ( n . nl lln Inlnliln I nil ,111111 I , ( ,.i , I n , .ilnl nl 111. Nnllln in ,-> I'.n ill. |iiii. linn l< l< , .il ... ,i I III. . Inl nl lln- ( .iii.kIi.iii Un.inlnl lln t.l.ini! Illllik, II. wn, l'|.- .nlrlil, In.., lllll lll^.' Il rxi-ihin .■. nl tin \nrllniii I .yl.iiiinii l< l< ( n., .iinl li;is .lill ;i l/it^r iiilm-.l, il i lirlirvril, in lln- I nrniiln SirrrI k;illnay ' n. I lir I Inn. |{riil|i'iii:in, ulin ii ;i ( nn M'tMilnr III |inlitii -, .mil a l In llir SriMir in 1X71, ,in.l 111 (i'.X.' H.i . ittniii nl llir I'inv (ninnil In iX^.f. .Srn.ilni Sinilli 111:1111. . I ill.^'lii. 1 nl Ml Inliii ' ) l|i(/(.'iii ,, |.|',. .,1 -ili.nlniil, ( (111 III, ()ll,itt;i .i.|.|i. I I'nl. .Ill ( lull. Ill . Iinnn . .11 I ninnl.i, 1. " Ku.i .M..iinl. Illnni ^li. .1 l',.i",l, I In Inn nn 11 III lln ' llil,illn |,r^.l ,l,lli|l. H|i.>iii,r. In 1. ^..i|i|. i| .1 Mi, li^'lil .111. 1 j. Il In, .mi. .11. lln II..I1 Ml l'r:iM'i .mil lln ll'iii ,Mi. Ilnnh Itnlli .11. |miIiIii .illy will r.|iii|i|ii i|, :inil linlli ;iir kiinun In In null 'il ^ Inr. r nl > liiir.n Irr liilrlln lii.illy s|irnl llir l|. in. llir ( 'iilMliil'lil,ili|.';ililr unrkri in Ins ixiirliii^' ilriiirlliirnl, ,iii'l 1 i|..ii;'lily .inl.i^'niii I ..n llir liiisliii){s, in I nininiil. . , '.I ..11 lln ll'ini n' llnllnns.'. In llir I'lnMin i.ill ,x. • iiln. . .Ml I' 1 1 . lln 1. |iir'.. nl.ilu. nl In, I II ri-|j({i(iiiisl-i nl III. I'.nin.m ( .illinin ( ninniiiiiinii. Mi li.i ,.i n.i . Iiniii ;il I'.in. !■ 1 ill. . < nniil v I .. . i| .. in lln' •,. ;.i 1 :^ V). ninl is nl ''.lln nriniii lik. inn.l iinn v\lin li.n. iln 11 «.r. in lln nnil.l. .Mi Im .. 1 , \niilliliil .|.i\ . '.mi. .|.i\ ..I .niv.i ily. hIi.iI In ^'. nil.. Inl . .lin ,il inn In lli^' 1 In nilllnl In, nM n Inil. ,\l ,111 r.illy .1^'.-, In- «.n .111 . lli|iln\. . Ill I In |il ml III;' linn,, nl I lir llr.K kvillr Kiiiiiili I . I I'll 11 111. I. . Ill IKSV' |kissi il iiiln llir l.iw iilln r nl llir linn. .\. \ Kn li.inl ., I n iil.' < )..m iiinr .il lirili'.li ( nliiniliii II. I. In |.ni in .1 Ins liyal sliiilirs Willi r;iriirsl assiiliiilv, ;iiiil, in iH6i^, I .ill. i| i.i lln li.n. II. In;.'. in ill. |.i.iili. . ,'.l Ills |irn|r,,inn .it llrn< kvillr, .iimI u.r, s.inii iijinii .r, ,1 11 111^' ! III. Ill III li.i.l (.'mill .1, lilirs, ami tln-.r In /r.ilniisly 1 In. in I lln liisl. In |..nk .1 iii.iik. iilili. .1 In 1H71, a v.ii am y .... Ill I in;' 111 'snnlli < .i. ir. ill. , Mi I 1.1 . 1 . .1111. a . .1 1 .iml W.'is Irlillnril a llirnili. 1 Inl III. It > nli'illlll. m \ I In laklll^^ Ins si ,il in llir l.r^ls laliM' .\ssrnilily, Ik' ».i . nnl Inii^^ in ilisjil.r. iiij.; lll.l^r i|ii.ililii s ulm li liavr iii.nlr linn nntril in llir jlniisr, ami wlm li sunn )iaiiiri| Inr Iniii tin- |inil|nlin ..I I'muin Sri irlary ami Krulsltal. In 1X7,1. Iir rxi liall^'nl llils |inlllnlln l.n lli,il .,1 lln ( nm lilissiiili<'rslii|i 111 I'lililn Wnik. In. In 11^7^ I'l iK;i; In iniiliiiiM'l In ii|i|.'srii| Miiilli (Inrmllr in lln- 1 .1 ^^isl.iinr. , Iml in tin l.iti. 1 ■,. .11 In- w.n i.linn.'l I..1 llrnikvillr, .mil li.i, sun r sal as im iiiln 1 Ini lli.ii ill'. I Innni,' ri).'liti. 11 vi.iis nl .11 llir | llir. III li.issiMiil lln I'mMin. Willi > m 1 |iti.iii,il /i .il ,iiii| .iliilil\ .mil liirii llir lianl uiirkiii){ .nnl iii.mI . lln n nl • Iml nl In, i|>{i.iiiniriil. In llir llniisr lir IS .1 i..ii|v .nnl |in«iiliil sii. .iki r. i M 1 .nnl .niin liiiirs aKurrssur, (larln iil.iih hIhii tin- .iilinini sliatinii 1 s . Ii.ill. 11;'. i|, ni »li. n In. Iinnsrll, nr Ins 1 nl I. ..(.'Ill' li.n. In III' .|. I. mil .1 ||< inili.ili il inn. Ii n .. Inl I. j^n l.ilinii. .nnl in tills lias lirrii Iriir In llir u.ili linnril, as »rll as |.i lln |itim i|ilrs, '.I Ki Inini .Mr I lasrr IS a i.ivniirilr uilli Ins |iiilil|i al iiiiinls, ami llinii^'li .1 li.inl liilli r ni ili liair, lir rrijnys llir rslrrtll ami ^nml Alll nl llir llnllsr In |iliv.ili, lir is klinH n In lir ;i siinrrr, Marin lirartnl, ^v'liiil .iinl In. ml Mr. Ir.i rr is a llirntnr nl llir f llil.illn 11,111k, .iml lilt lliaiiy yiiir-i ll.■|^ lltlll .1 lli n- In 1 nl tin l.a« S..1 II t\ Inr .i.liniiiislralisc aliility, |iiilltli':il sa^.M ily. ami traily 1 . r.+ /■///; /•!/ idiii atid. 'rakiiif; up l.nv .i> ,1 |ir(iK->>-inii, lu' iv.ul Im ;l .il liiMiurnnl. siil)sri|iK'iUlv coniplrtinn hi-. Ki;.il -.linlir^ ,il rurniiin in llu' (plint- nl Mr. (;l^ll■r^v,l|•|l^ ( 'liii.1 Jii^liri) 1 l.iniMin ;iiul Thoiii.i^ 1 Kulj;iiis, (,).( '. In iSd;, lu' ».i> r.illid iii tin.' liar, ;inil Ikj^.iii pniitiif in Ills lioiiK. al I'raiitloril. lun uars later, ho «a> .ip|iiiintiil Mijiritcir lur thai (it\..inil In tho foriv ul' hi^ n.itiiral talents ^iinii ni.uli.' his Hay to thr luad of the prufessiiiii in his cmiiity. In iS;,, lu- ».i> iKiliil a lUnrhir ol the l,.iw Sue ii'ly. and in the riilliiwni); vear cnated ,1 ','.('. In 1S7;. Mr. Il.irds first entered I'.irlianienl. sm 1 eedinj; the Lite linn. I'.. 11. (.ilteru.iriU ( 'liiel Insliee) Winul 111 tlu- n present. ilion nl Scmih Ihis idn ^titiiene\ he li.i^ sinee inniinuid tn represent in the ()nl.irici I e^isjaliire. In 1S77. hi' .ippointed I'riiMneial Seeretary and Ke^istrar. and nil the resign. ilicui, in i.SS,), 111 the Lite lion. Mr. Tardee, he succeeded that ,i;enlleinan as ( (inniiissinner 111 ( 'rnwii Lands. .\s ,1 legislator. Mr, Hardy has taken his lull ol work, rile ( )ntarin St.itiili' Honk owns his hand in mam incisure-, « hile the Party in the I'roMnce liiid in him a si.aineh eh,niipion and ,1 /e.ilous ,ind .Ktive workir. In 1.S70. Mr. ll.irdy in.nried.i d.iughler ol ihe l.ile lion. IusIkc M.irn-(ai. In reli,L;ioii he is ,1 meinlier ol' the (luirch ol l.nj;l.ind, Ihe 11(111. (leii. \\ 111. Ross, l.L.l!., .M.l'.l'., ,\linister (it I'.diK .itiiiii lor ( )iit,ino, is ,1 man of ill. my parts, and in a dislineti\e sense lieeii the un, tided architect of his own tortiines. rhou,i;h not yet lilly yens ol .ijie, he .1 uiile ,ilid v.nied ,11 i|uamt.mce with men .ind tliili,^s. h,i\in;; lieeii a school le.ii her .iiid ,1 ioiirn.ihsl, and now is .1 l.i»\er. .1 politiei.m, a ciliinet minister ,md .111 .11 tue and h.inl Horkiii,i; .idniiiiistrator nl the I'lovmcial I'.diicatiiinal system. In those \aried spheres no little is re(|iiired of a man in these days, and it is not little that .Mi. Ross yiveii to the public service in the I'liirilmeiit of the duties ih,ii helon^ to them. Mr. Ross sjis In the Ont.irio l.c.uisl.iiuri' .is inemlier lor Wist Middlesi. s, in uhieh I omit \ he H,!-- I lorn ill 1 .S.| 1 . IK- iieii\ed his i,nl\ i-iliii .itioii in Ins ii,iti\e comitv, .111(1. Liter on. eoinpleted his suidii-s ,n tlu- School, roronto, , it uhieli lu- seiured .1 lirsi el.iss l'ro\ iiui.d c-i-rtilic ,ite. Iroin .\llierl riiuersit\, m i.S.S;, In- rei eiviil the de,;:ri-i- of 1. 1.. I!. In i.S7i,lie v\.is .ippointi-d liispeitorol I'nlilh .School- for tile Countv of l..iiiilit(iii. .ind sulisei|iieiitly a(-te(l in .1 sJiiiiLir e.ipa( ity lor the tovMis ol I'elroha .nid .Strathrov. While a resident of Str.ithroy, Mr. Ross was interesied in Ihe editorial niaiiagemeiil of the Ontario Tfaclur ,\\v\ the Strathrov ./i.v. and at a Liter period ».is p.irt proprietor of the Reform journ.d. the Huron l'.\poiit, rrni ic oii-hf.ks. etc. ijir.lnimrMt.ll ill llii- tc.iiii^ winniiig tliL- Kiil.ipoR' Ciili Iwr llir \Lar. ( cil. (lili>nii li:is lulil liij;li iin^iliiHi^ ill llii- niiik> dl' M:i>iiiirv. lie i^ .1 \'.\-\ Hi^lnil |)i|iiil> CiMiul M.i^liT. .111(1 ,1 I'.i^t (li.iiid Sii|Kriiittii(li'nl nl Ko\,il Arch NLimiihv in tin- ll.iiilillnil Di^lrirl. Ill' w .lUo ,111 .irlivi- iiuiiilKTnr tin- Su|iiriiir ('(Hiiiriliir ih.' Scnttisli kill- r>M ( '.iii.iil.i. CiilcMU'l CiliMPii lii-^l iiiliiid |iiililir,il lilt- in 1S7C1, wjii-ii 111' ^v,l^ niinnril iiuniljir liir ll.iiiiiltim In llu' ( )iil,iriii I .i';;i--liliiiv. AlU-r s|iirili'(l (iinli^t'. 111 c.n li < mm- Ik- was re lUilcil in iSS,; ami in iSSd. lli(iiif;li iin I'lirliinatcly ilil'i-.itcil in llu' giiural iKi limi cii iScjo. Tliniinh triiiporaril) wiihoiil ■\ MMt. tluTi.' is liuK- ildiilit tlial ( 'dl. (nlisdii uill spi'i'dily liiul inu-, lur lu' lias many warm |u'rs(iiial .\\\i.\ |ii)|niial IViriiils. In llu- nKanliinr lu' rciiuiiuks In holil llu- liDrllnliii df ila- I'l-dviiirial Si-i-n.-laiysliip, tn wliirli Ik- ap|idinlr(l in i.S.S<). \\ liiK- iii tin- lldiisi-, ( dldiu-l (lilisim lias ai-ti-d as ( 'liaimian dl' llu- I'ruah- llilk ('din millrr, and ln-i-n a strdnj; siippdi'tt-r and a(-tiv<.- (■dlk-af;in- ul' Mr. Mdwal'.. .idininis iratidii. Ill rrlif^idM, tlu- lldii. Mr. Ciilison is a I'n-sliyli-rian. I.ii-m.('(.l. llu- lldii. .\k-\. W. Kd^^. lau- M.l'.i'. lor \\,-sl lliinMi and i'\ I' rri-,i-.nri r, w.l^ luirii al I liindi.-i-, S(i>ll.ind. in iSji). \\ lu-n dn!\ Inc wars did. In- r.inu- wnli lii^ lainiK Id ( 'aiiada. si-ltlinj^ in llu- Tdwn dr ( iddi-ricli. lU-rc lu-, was i-diii aud. and in liis iwi-iuiotli yi-ar ciitL-n-d llu.- .scr.ii-c dl llu- did liank dl I'ppi-r (aii.ida. In i.S^d 7, lu- ai-lt'd as paymaster on the MiilTald \ l.ike lliirdii R.K.,aiid in 1.S5S was appdinli-d ll'iN 1. \I. i;in-nN, \l PI'. Tri-asm-i-r dl tlu- ('dinl\ (pI Iliirdii. a pd^i lu- lu-ld Idr livi- ind iHi-nly war^, I nun iSdti id iSini, ( 'uldiu I Kns^ dl llu- (idili-riih liraiuh dl llu- lak- Kd\al ( '.in.idi.iii Hank, and ln^litlllidn windinj; up u^ .iMair>, lu- n-i eiM-d llu- .ippdintnu ,it d| in llu- -^.iiiu- tdwii. dl' tlu- ( ' II. ink nl ( 'diiinu-n >-. llu- l.nti-r pd^ilinn lu- lu-ld till iS.Sj, wlu-ii lu- appdiiucd \t\ tlu- ()iil.irid ( ld\i.-riinu lit I' rrt-.i^iin-r, li.iMiii; ^.11 Idr Wrsl llnriiii in llu- I .eyislatiirr sinn- 1.S75. In the present year ( 1.^1)01, lu- re^i,L;lud llu- rreasiirership dl'()iitarid cm .irediinl dl' lailini; health, and as tlu- hdiu-^l n-H.ird lur his Iciiij; service in piililic hie he .ippiiinted li\ the I'm- Miu iai ( 'idM-rnnu-nt Clerk df the ('diiiiu ( 'durt. I'drdiitd. S nee i.Sdi. ( 'oldiiel Kd^^ h.i^ heeii .iili\eK icKiililied with tlu- (' M ihli.i, li,i\ in:; dr^.ini/ed .iiid ediimi.iiiih-d .111 .irliller) ((imp.uiv .it (Idderieh. .ind. Idr sdine iiidnths in i.Sfiri. dn I'rdiitier service Willi it diirin;,' the e\eilin.i; periiid iil' the |-'eniaii K.iicIs, 111 the l.nur \, the i.iridii-- \ cilunU-c r ( 'dni|i,iinc -- in 1 'oiinU Iliirdii were dru.uii-'ed inlci .1 Ip.ilt.iliccii (tlu- ,!,>icll. .iiul ( 'cildiu-l Kd---. w.i^ .ippdintiil Ici it-> c cumn.ind. I'lu-ii- .ire lew (' pulitic i.iii... .nul we^llc>lll(l ^.ly still Ic-wi-r (i'iiii:/ii iii the Innc-rsiu. wlui do luil kimw llu- I nuiiilier. in the llciiise dl ('dinindii--, Icir Ndrlli NUrk. .ind tlu Icirned and \ ic c- ( 'lianc-elldr iil the I'niversitv cil Tciromd. Willi. im Miilciek was licirii .11 Hcind ( 'cmniv cil Simeiie. iniS.j^. I lis r.illu r w,i> the l.iti- Tlidinas II. IN. .\ \l. Kd". 1 \. M.l'.r. II. Muldc k. M.I).. r.C.H., .1 nalne cl hillil.n; .incl lii> iiidllur. ,1 cl,iiiL;liter cil jdhn ( .iwlhr.i. Idriiu-iK cd \ drk^hire. i;n.L:l.incl, who ^ellli-d .11 \ewni.irki-l, .md in iSjci Ki-lcirm iiu-mlur Icir tlu- ('diiiit\ ot Simicu-, in the I.eLtisl.itue .\ssi-mlp|\ dl I.e. \ii-e ( 'h.iiu-elldr Miiluck educated al the Newmarki-t llii;h .Sluiol ,iiul I'droiild l'niwrsH\, wlurt- he );railiiati-d, winiiiii^; the j;dld medal in iiupilern km^^, in i.Sfi,;. .\llir j;radiiatinj;. he tdcpk up l.iw as a prcpressicpii. and was c-allc-d tcp llu- 111 i.S'p.S. li.iMiiu p.i- .ed .1 lii:;lil\ credii.ilile i-\.iinin.itidn. Ills alt.iimneiits U-d tci his appdinlnu'il as .111 l'.\.imiiu-r lor Icpiir \i.irs in llu- l..iw Scieiely cpI ['.{'. .ind .is cine cpI tlu- l.c-i liners iipdii |-;c|nii\. l-ri>m 1.S7,; Id i,S7.S. Iu- si-r\i-cl his I'liivi-rsilv .is a Senalcir. and in i.SSi, elec led Vic e ( 'h.inci-lldr. Tlie l.iller dltiee he still hcilds and .idmir.ilih perldriiis its hinh diilies. In i.S.Sj lu- enlered piililicil lih-. Icii uliuh lu much .ipliliidi-. Ip\ aci-i-pliiii; the iidmin.ilidn. in llu- Ki-fiirm inlc-ii-st, dl Ncirlli \ .crk. .md c cpniimus id ,ii Icpr c cpiisiitiieiu \ in tlu- hcciimiupn r.irli.inu-m. In the llipiisc- cil ( cpinnidiis he- I prints id tin- serMc i- cil his p.iru ld\.il .iclhc re nc c- ici Ki-liprm prim ipU-s. mm h sa^.i-il). .ilidmid llii; iiu r^v. .iml n-.idv pciwcrs in dcli.iic-. lie- is .1 c Ic ,11. ld.;i(-al anil coin iiuiii;; ri-asciner. .iml while lie delinlils those ol his own political \iews, he alw.ivs i-oiiipi-ls the allelil'oii, .mil not imrrei|iieiitly wins the appl.mse. ol his oppiPiieiils. In relijiioii. Mi;. \Vm. Mr , \l..\ . M.p. r,c, /■///•; rriu.ic .\ii:.\ oi- ////■: /■a'oi/.w/.i/ c:i/7/:i/.. Ilr C. A. lM;rk\, lAM.P.I'. Mr. Miilnrk I-. ,1 HHiiilnr ol {\w Clumii cf l-.nul.uul. llis rmii i-, M.■^M^. Miil.Kk. Millui, Cn.utlur \ MmiljiiniuTv, IK' 1. liRMnilRruly (■(iiiiuvlid HUh >cvit;i1 nn.Hl.iiil ,iikI mlur i.-miT|.iiM-.. luinn ;i I luvrh.r nl ihr Inniiiln ( '.ciH-nil Trusts ( ',,111- pain, and I'rcsidciit cil llu' I'arimrs' and .S.uinns ('anv cil this city. - - I'lu' Iliin. Charles .Ml'ivd lirur\, l'.\ .M.T.I'., l.iti' .MinisU r ol X^riciiluir.' an'l Kinistiar Ciiiural Tor llv I'mviiui.' oTOniarid, was Ixirn Si|ikniln.-r 4, 1S44, at CriuMi Hill, ('(lunty (]| Siincdi-. Out. I k- was I'diicatiil ,it tlu TiililiV SiIkhiI ami •11 ill"' llarric Hif{li Schiiol. 1 las Inlluwi-d larininj; siiccissliilK as a liiisiiuss. and Virv n,iliiral!\ was callrd to a sial in tin- Ontario (ahiiul, as a iv|iri'si.iitati\i' laniur, on tlu- iriatinn iil'a .Ministi-rsliip of .\};ri(iiltiiri' in llii' iSSS. Mr. I)riir\. in 1.S77, was L'k-ctid Kixvc of llit' Township of Oro, and hclil that olTici' contiiui- oiisly for twi'lvi' years. He lias been a iiunilier of the Council of the .\j;ri( iiltiire ,md .\rts .\ssociation of Ontario from 187(1 to the present Iiiik, .oiw .il.^o i..i,- 'v'H for four years a Director of the Ontario T'riiit (Mdwers' .\ssoiiation. In Oclolier, iSSj. Mr. I Irury was elected to represent .siiiiKne in the I .e};islali\e .\ssenililv of Ontario, .md on .M.iy isi. i.S.S.S, entered the Ontario ( loveriimeiit as .Minister of \i;n( iiltiire. He has since retired from pulilic life. In reli,t;ion, Mr. I )nirv is .1 .Melhodisl. ,1 Trohiliitionist and a iiieinher of the Order of Cmod The execnlue .iliihty of Ta I )eptity .\ttornev ( leiural Johnston, in recent \e,irs. at, coiilriluit.'d in no small measure \,i the success of the Mowal adinm istration. Horn at Old Cainhiis, Scotl.ind, m 1.S50, l-'.licne/er T'orsMh TLukic Johnston recei\ef ( hief of the ( 'aledonlan Society ; Secretary of .Masonic 1 .oilne. No. 25,S ; Secretary of llu' .South Wellington Reform .\ssociation, ,ind Tresident of the Liberal .'lull. In i.SSjhe .ippointed I lepiity .\ttorney Cicncral lor ( Intario. Kesigiiing this important ottice in iSSi), he re-entered his profession and also acce()ted the position of Inspector of Registry Olliies. Mr. Johnston has sui'cessfully londiicled a niimlnT of im|)ortaiit criminal cases. He represented the Crown in the prosecution of IIar\ey r ,.^-r-- — ■ v.-j '. . ri — I — • — rrt in tile celebrated triple murder case at 1 liuilph. lor personal ri.isons, .Mr. Join - ston dcilincil the l.iber.d noinin.ition lor South Welliiigfin. wliicli was olVerid him in I S.S(). He las appointcil (JiieeiTst 'oiii - scl III i.S.Si). .Mr. Johnston is a I'resbx- and prior to his apiioinlment ,is a (ioveriimeiit olTicer was an aiK.inced liberal. .Mr. .Vrchibald Tlue. |leput\ Minis- ter of .\griculture and the elliciiiu ,ind mihisinous (hief of the Oiit.irio lliireaii of Statistics, born of HighKind Scotch p.ircnts on a farm in the Township of ( )rlord. Coimlv KcnI. ()|U., I'eliruary ,5rd, 1.S40. He receiveil a good elemeiilary edmalion in .1 si hool in his n.iii\e \ill.igc, and afliTwards for some time a teaiher in the s,imc seminar). Tor lourtieii ye.irs he pursued the prolession of .1 jonrn.ilist .it St. ,ind Toronto, during ele\cii yells of which he edited the St. Thomas /I'lii/hi/. In' was ap- pointed Secretary of the liiireau of Industries, which he ably organi/ed, and in iSS4 succeeded the late I'roT liiii kland as deputy head of the Department of .\gri I ulliire. and still holds aii■ llu' (loviTTiiiiciit (iC ( Jiilario to iiiiiuiri- into llu- .Miiural KiMJiirccs (if tlic rnivincc In iSSS. Hi' is a I'VIIdw i)f tlif .\nicri, .Mr. I.indsey piihlished ihc " Tile .iiid Tinu's of Win. I. yon Macken/ie. with an .\eeoiint of the Kelicllioii of iX.i;. .1 work wliii h is recogni/cd as liie chief .md .iiitlientic repositorv of f.icls i-oiiiiectc.l uilli that distr.icted er,i. .\iiolher \.ilnalilc and well known work from M'' lliidsey's |;cn Is entitled "Rome in Canada: the I'llr.imonl.nie Struggle for .Supreniai \ >^■l■r the Civil Tower." This, too, is .1 reposilorv of facts respecting the .iggressioii of ''"• Roniisli Church in (,Uieliee and Its nieii:ice lo civil lilierlv. ( )lher piililished writings if Mr. I.iiulsey's ,ire. a '■Statement of the ( 'Kig\ Reserves (^Inestion ;" "The Ti liries :iiiil lia Western Slates;" :mi| .1 historical review of m.illers 1 onnecled ivitli the long disputed "Northern ,inil Western lloiinil.iries ol (Inl.nio." .Mr. Tindsev is umlerslood to he one of the chief writers on our gre:it journal of coiiinieree, the Mi'iitfaiy Times, :ind his alile pen is reciigni/ed In other innueiitial jourii:illstic i|iiarlers. ehlelly de.iling with liiKincial and Canadian liistorie;il topics, on which he is .1 high :nithorlty. .Mr. I.indsey is :i memlier of the Royal Society of (aii.uTi. .\mong the chiefs of commerce in Toronto no one h:is si I higher in piililic esleeni ill. in the kile Seii.ilor John .\l:ic- iloii;ilil. T'or forty ve.irs his ii.inu' lici'ii :i sviioiivin lor liusims^ iiUegritv :iiid high persoiKil worth. IT>ljmeiiUil death removed from the l";inks ol indiistrv one of the most hononr.ilile and upright men who h.ive lieiii coiinecteil with the coiimieri e of (' He one ol the lew enlerprlslilg and suiccsshil nun who. if llieir moileslv would permit, could cl.iiui with the hest right to the appellation the lionotiralile ilesign:itioii of iiiercli:inl |irinie. .\inoiig his many henei'aetions, one of the latest, licfore he was t.iken hence, was the donation of .$40,000 tow:irds the erection of a new city lios|iit:il, :is a meinorial of a deceased ikiughter. .Mr. M:icl NOMINA I l(i\^ AND Illl-IK I'VSI'OKS, lii;n I Sisi II II cii I III I II, \i Ki^i \Mi ( ii;iiu 1 II III nil ki n;i -I M \ 1 1\ I ( iii ui iii ^. I'm l'.!'!--! ur u i \s. Rum w CmIIuI l< . I'm ^I:N I I HI \N. \ll I l|ii|i|-l. llM'l 1>I, \S|i ( iiNi.lil i.\l liiNM llliHII ^. I'KcA 1N( lAI I'll iM .1 U^ I II Rl.l ll.luN. I'.i I I I ~l v-i 11 M Ann \i - \\ii Si M i~i i( >. Til A r lluii' Is nil Sl.Hi' ('liiinh iii ( ' .iinj nn Sl.iU' .ml ^Uiii In aii\ ilriiniiiin.illciM i^, it vm- i\ii|il llir |iiriili.H |iri\ ilr^o .uii.inmtifil In Rom.m ( '.itlmlii ■• in (Jmlu-c. li.irilU llu- l.uil; nl llu- iMrU Iti mh niK is nl ihr i niinli\. ni i\rn 111 tlinsi'. l.n .mil iKiir. nl Dniisli niii;iii whn l.iiil thi. tnunil.ilinn-. nl tin- l'rn\inri-. It w uiiiui iss.ii\ lure In uk|- In ihu liniu- III' rnnlcnlinn. lllr ( Irlf;) Rtsrrws. .mil In tlu .illiluil.- nl llu- 1.M1K I' lAcrmi\f. hIui Minj;lu to cmUkIc .ill ikniiiniiiatHms liut tlic C 'lunch nl ICn};l;m(l Irnin |).nli( i|):ilin^ in tlic |)rii\l>inii iiiailc by llu' Sl;ilr Ini tlic ni^nn tciiaiKV in L'|i|itr Caiiaila nl' the I'rotcslaiU rflij;iiin. This aitinii, it i> will known, ^va^ Inni; .ind liittrrly cnnli.'slfd In the nlhir I'lilinNIn I NIVI Ks|l V. limlk-s. who weiv arlivi-ly |iursinng. in the laiv nl -iiiMUis iilist.irKs. llu ir i\.mi;; work in what was then a wilder^ lUss. .mil h.iil iiiilis|nit.ilili' I laiins tn share in the I. mil iii'.mts nl the Criiwn. I'he matter was, in 1S40. ha|)|iily l.iiil at rest li> admitting the elainis nl' the ( 'luireh nf the Methndist liiiily, .md one 111- twn nlher denniiiinatiniis. .md by the later seeiilari/atiiin nl the bulk nr the Kinds, ihiillv Inr the |iiiri.iis,s nl eihie.Uinii. Ii> rit;lu nl' lirst 111 ( li|i.m. V m the field, there was. hnweM-r. sniiie juMiliLitinli Inr ill. .idv.mied liv the Aniiliran (luireh in the I'lnMiii e, Inr ihe denominalinli .1 1 luireh in \'nrk d'ornntiil as early a. iSo.^. wlii, h by prneess nl evnhllinn. siibjeet In the set barks nl hre. has e.inie In lie the Cathedral Chunhnl'St. lames of tn-dav, ( M' this eluirih.''ie Rev. Cen, Okill Smart was the 1111 iimlienl. and .11.11111^ l'.|iisi ii|i.ili,ms he is know a.s first Reetor of 'I'oronlo, as well as .\ii hde.i.nn nl Kmnsinii. Mr. Stuart was shortly afterwards siieeeeded In that doiinhtv ehami>ion of the lonn dimiinant ehiireh. the Rev. Jnhn Straehan. I).l>.. who in i.S,,.) beeame lirst liishn|. of the Dineese of •I'ornnlo. When this Diocese was ennstitiited, its area was the wlinle I'rovinee of l'|,|)er ( 'aiiad.i. I'ortioiis of the terrilnr\ wore subsei|uentlv broken nff intn nther Dioeesan orKani/atinns. vi/. ; Huron in 1S57. Ontario in iSdj. .\lgoiiia in lS;.?. ami Nianar.i in i.S;^. Indav. the five bishn|is nf these several dim eses administer the affairs of what was originally one See. In l,S(>7. the \ ene'r.ilile. til. fust llishnp nf I'n.niiln die.l. and Was si„-, .vded by llishii|i lU'thuiie. and h.-. in turn, was follnw.l, m ////■ />/ \()\//.\ I77(>\S .1 \7> 1111:1 1< PASrORS. ••,!» iSyi), liy l)r. S\m;iIiii;iii. llif |iHMrU IIi-,Ii(i|m>I ilu- Dukim-. Tdiliiv, llic |i(isiti(>ii (jI llir i;))i-.<()| Cliiin h williiii tlu' lioiiiul^ iil thr Siv U mll^l f;r.ilir\iiit;. In roidiiln. llirii' .ire now inuic cluin lu--, and ( iinj;ri'n;ili, iil tlu' (l.-iiniiiinali(FH lliMii \\wtv wiTi' |i.irisli<-. .It lIu- rru.ili.iM nl ilu- liislin|irir. Win 11 hi. Sir.irli.m lir-,1 Ih'c.iihu Ucvtnr nl \ dik. llun- \mti- lint live l-^piM (i|ial 1 Irrgyin.m ill lln- »linlc nl r|i|nr Canada. Wlnii lie lii'ianic lll^ll'l|l, tlu'ir lUiiiilHf riM'ii to srvciilydiH'. I'uday lliiiugh I'lM- didCL'scs have liecii carved out (iC the I'roviiiee, theri'are (uu- luiiidredaiid si.\ty I'liTnyiiuil laliiiliriiii; in tlu- Idnuitd Diocese .iliiiie; and nl this luiinlpcr nearly one hall hiilil p.istiir.ilesdr college iirdlessdrships, etc., in the I it\. rile iiidther church iil' the ICcele- siastical I'riivince is the Cathedral Chun h dl' .~il. James, it has had an uiuisnally eventrul lii^lcir). hrdinthe iin(iiitriisi\i wdddeii Imild- iiii;, erei ted as .1 I'arish Cluirch in \ iirk at the iipeiiinn dl the lenliir). it uitli inaiiv vicissitudes (U'velnped inld the stately linild- iiij; He kiidw td(la>. In a crypt, under the rh.inccl. is the diist dl' him ulid tlii(Hij;h a Idiij; .ind stdrmy life watched d\er its every interest, .is well .is ilic inlere^t ol nnlile .idjiinct dt (he ('IuikIi, the l'iii\er.sity of I nil It \ ( 'dlle^e. which he Idtmded and tended with Idviii); care. I'd dther lailhlul hands in ihi' l-^pisccip.ite has been handed ddwii the trust Id which he ilid justice, with the iiu'eii- ii\es dl I'criem zeal and Iciyal devotinn to liitv. l)AK SilUKKl I'KI SIIVII-UI \\ I 11111(11. rile kdiii.iii ('.illidlic ('liiin h. tlidii^h iidi .1 l.irj;e or \er\ limU in I'drdiild. possesses a nciod dT wealth, .11 id Willi in the spluTc dl iis dpcMlidiis dcics iiuk h Idr rcliL;idM .uid nut less lor ch.iritv. In .iiidihcr I'rov im e il a iiuich larger hold, and its ecclesi.islical dper.itidiis ixieiiil d\er the wlidle lldminioii. N'earK' two imllidiis ol the ('anadi.m peiiple are dl this I'dld, and the Cluirch Cdiuits among ils i lerical winkers a ( ', eightien l!ishd|is. .md abdut twelve hundred clergy. In I'drdiUd It owns till cliurilic-- .iiid tlirci- ch.ipels, besides the mother church, llie of Si. .Michael, a college, and .1 iiiimlier ol' sihools. ( li.irilies and lonveiits. .\ loiirth ol' the centur\ passed away lielorc the ( 'alholics po^>i>M-d ,1 church in the cil\. I'luir lirst s.icred eililice St. I'.uil's. on Power Street, which liuill in i.Sjd. Ihc stn-el on which it is eni ii-il recalls the lirst prel.ite ol' the diocese. Ilisliop I'owcr. who in i.S); till a Mciiiii to the 1 hdlcr.i. when St. .Michaels ( ' ne.iring ( diupliiidii. Ills slice tssdrs in the See have been llishop ( harbonnel, .Vrchbishop l.Miih, ,iiid the present W(irtli\ piel.iti'. Archbishop Walsh, .\s an mdicatidii dl the phenomenal gidwlh dl' 'i'oronto. it is wcirth riiuinding ihe reader thai when St, Michael's Cathedral was being erected, liishop Power w,is i,ikeii lo l,isk tor pi, lilting ,1 church in what w,is then a ileiise bush Cir Irom the ceiilre nC the cilv. lillx \e.irs, .ilter. we have seen a liishop ol another ( iiniinunion re.n .1 ( '.illiedral liillv three miles rurtlier into the bush, .mil e\en then within the ( 'orporalion limits. Iroiii an c.nK period Presbvleri.inisui obt. lined a loothold in loroiilo, and grown marvellouslv with the march dl' the years. I'he first minister of this bodv lo settle permanently in the cilv. the Kev. jaiues ll.irris. who i.uiu- to ('.in.ul.i froiii lull.isi .is .i Minisiir of the Church in Irel.iiid. I!\ tlu' muniliceiice of the l.ile Mr. less' Ki-lchuui, die site was ddiiated, in i.S.m, fur llu' " \'drk Presbyterian Cliiirch,' which w,is irec led in the following and did dutv for the ilenoiuination iinlil i,S47, when KnoNChurdi was reared in its pl.u , . Uelore this h,ippeneil, however, those who (lung to the tr.idilioiis of the S.dtch I'.stabhshnienl had sep.irale(l ^'- '"'''^'^ '"'''' ^■""""' HkO(K,on. themselves from those who suiip.ithi/ed with the I )isriiplidn, and formed the old Church of St. .\ndrews, with Dr. Man lay as their pastor. I'roin i,S44 lo 1S5.S, Kno\'s had the benefit of the niinistnilions of ihe kev. Dr. lUiriis. I'roni the latter period 71) /■///•; />/:.\(>\//\.i //(i.x.s .i.\/) /■///•;//,■ /'./.s/()/i'.v lo iS- llu Kt v. |)|. I, mill iiiiinii iiiidir' tlir > A / St _jL^^2 :ll' ... ♦•,- ■ T -• t f [ \ II ;1. ■ ti.' ■ W'MMhK HoMp llAlil^l ( 111 lii II. ''• "" '"^"^- '"■ l"l'l' iiiiiiislnvil lo ilu' m,m;^i,h,iIi,,ii in s.irivd lllm^;^. In iSSo, ., ii, « nuniu «,is lir^iin Hilli tlu> inihi.lioM iiiln ihr |MMni,ii,-,.l llu' K,v. 1 Ir. I'.UM.Mv With ilu' v.•,lrsll,nl■^;nn^M llu- ( '11111.1, - iiunil., i,l,i|i. Sm.v iH-^K llir mil li,i> llln,■.i^^■(l lliivildM. Iiilolli.' iidiriU ..I llu' iMIut rilv cluinli ,ii(;,iiii/.ili,iii-,. win, h li.n,. ri.iii.' niiiipnlu iiMM Idlil III riisliyUTiiiniMii. Mr li.iM' iiol s|i,i(c luu' hi iiiu r. Iln- idilin' limit ill iS_{i on Cliiinli StriTl, iic;ir the cnriitr iil Ailil.iiik', jiul liiiij; kmiwii ,is ■■ \\w Kirk " nt luromo, lia>. |ia>M'(l rriiiii liu' kill ol llu' iiuhUtii rili/iii. hs iniililidii^ .in, hii«i\ir. Irci siiiid liy IvMi >lr()iin :iiiil (■niinriK.ilinii>, knnuii .is ••( )1(1" .unl ■■\r» si. .\iiiIhh\. Iliilli 1 lum lu'. ^irr iini.ililc .iilnriinuiils ul tlu' cilv. .iiul iluir |).l■.lol,^ k,\. C. M. \|l|||^.|||. \l..\,. .111.1 Ki\. 1>. 1. \l.i. .l.iiiiull. It. 1 1, .in- iii.-M rm(l\ .•.iiii|.pi-.l liir lluii w.irk.'- ( lull. h. 1.11 (Jiiirii Stn-i'; i:.isl. ri|iUMiilN tr.idili.m.illy .il lfa>l. Iri'^li I'rrsliyUTiaiiiMii. || ^^.l^ .n.Uil in iS5,s, .m.l h,,, 1.,mj. uiukT the |usliiral cliarnr .it t lie Ki-\. Win. 'Innj;. |).|i., till- Ic.iriud lii>iiiii.iii (il rn>li\ti.ri.inism in C.mad.i. Ill i.S.Sfi, ilu' Ki\. Win. I'.iitir A son, a native of ('diinty 1 )irry. sue i lediil til the |Mstorate. I'resliylerianiMii is ixiw well-gniwii ill ( '.inada. Tlie has liver 1)00 iler.ny.iie.irly i.ijoo ijnirclies and st.iti.iiis, with rinse ii|>(in 1(10.000 iciniiiuinicaiits. In Tdroiito, there .ire iiinv twenty fne .luirches i.iniie. te.l with the liiidy, and l».i well ist.ililislied weekK new.spapers. Metll.Mllsiil lail |i.illlt t.i sll. - cesses ill the ein, where it has thirty liiiir eongrefjatiDns. and.arehiteetiirally, siiine iil the most heaiitiliil churehes. l-'.irdown in its Canadian historv, .Methodism in the I'rovinee was an oiit|iiist of the Methodist I',liisco|i,il Churili in the United Slates, hroin the earliest period its iliiur.iiit preaehers travelled over the munh and sparsely settled eireuits in Upper (,'anad.i. Nui till alioiit iSi.S. however, then- .ui\ . Iiiir. li nr^.ini/.iiioii in \ .irk. In year a I'r.ime hiiildint; was erected on Kiii.u Street, where the of Coininene n.iw st.iiids. 11. lore this, ^.lrk s.rveil liy pn.i. hers and evh.irters, who were assij;neil t.i iluty 111 th.' Il.iiiie llistri. 1. ..r \.in^e Strict ('ir.iiil. .\t llie < 'oliterclin- ol' iSj;, Sdrk was made a separate "station, " ami six years later, when a union li.iil lieeii . .insumm.itc.l wilh the Ihilisli Conrereiiie and the main Metho.list liody, the den.iinination t.iok the n.imeof the Meth.i.list ( 'hur. h. S.nne twenty years Liter, were ere. te.l llie .\.lel.iiile Street, Kiihmond Street, ,111. 1 (Jiieeli Street cluirclies, and the New ( 'onnectioii Mellioilists also loiindecl a . on Temperance Street. The I'rimitive Methodists als.i liej^an alioiit tills peri. 1.1 their I, ilioius 111 the lity. I'nion in time lolliiweil, .md the pmnriss ol llie ( luir. Il W.IS heiiielorth gr.itil'yinn anil rapid. With llie .■.lining ol' IM. M.irlev riuishoii, Methiiilism ill Toronto started into in w lile, .mil the n.ilile edilice, the Melr. ipolitan Cluirch, with m,my other sirm tines, were pari of the Criiit. Today, the cluirclies ol the deiii)miii,ilion overspread and lieautily the c!;v, and testily to the devotion of liotli pastors anil people. Ill the denominational orpin, the t'/i>l|i,irc in iiiijiiu r.ilr llu ( linnln'^. (ir iip>|n-.ik (il lln- n rli-.i.isiic,il Moik. mI' uiIkt ri'linimiM liodifs whip li.Uf ll(lllu■^ .111(1 . 1 s|ilHrr (il\i(ti\il\ in I iirmilo. I„m li nf llii' rnllnniiin li.ivi- ciru- cirinuri' i liiin liis. cIwihIs iir iiui'liiin liniiMs 111 llii' I il\ : I'ImikmhIi Untliriri. kirnrnnd l'!|iiMci|iiil, ( 'iilliulii- .\|Mi^lcilh, (iiiiiijii I iiiIk mm. liiil.iri.iii. .\i» Kiii^.iliiii. I )i^c ipli>. Sill k l\ 111 IiuikN. Itililc ( linsli.iiis, « 'lirisla(kl|>.. ,inil Jrtts. liiMiks iIkm', iIrtl' l^ llif 'l'Liii|ik', will) iiiiiiu-Kiii-. Iir.iiiili l);irr,iik>. nl ilu- Sjlviitiim .\riny. Ilic imiiiliiTs jnd ailluTi'nt> iif llu-si' rr.iniiunt.iry IkhIu^. mc iii.iy well l)ilii\f. riMM)!) lor llic r.iilli i.s in llicm, ami. (Iiiiililli^>, In llicir ^ I w ^-r- 1(11111111111 .niiniif; .ill riiiti-st.inl ( llllllnnnl^ll^ ; ilun- l-- the ^.iliu elieliiv In lij;lit and the mfj^^ A ^r s.niii- lie.iwn to lie »(in. liut l(ie> h.i\e lieen i niiiiliered « itli .1 \.nieH d we.ijimi--. and ^H^BW the alidde (if the lilest has in.iiiy in.insinns. ^^^^ ^^^L ' '"^' l^'Jil'l Ki'^- .\rlluir .Swi-atni.iii, .\1..\., I).l)., tli()iij;h -^lill 111 the |iriiiie df lilc. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .ilre.idy s|ieiil .1 iiidst .ictlve and zealous career in many s|ihere'< ol ii^cridncss. iiorn j^fl^^Hn^^^^^^^^^ in London, l-ai^land. in iS,;4. we find him c.irly hi-. >i\teenlli te.ichin,:; the ^ ^^V ^^^Ffij^^^^^^^Hk. (Ini^t ( 'luircli Sunday Si hool. Mar\ K-lioiu-. Seven u.irs Liter he w.i-^ Siipcrintendeiit ol ' li^r ^^^f^^W^ Je-.iis lane Sinid.u Scliiinl in the Uriti^li mclrii|iolis. In i.S5(;. he ordained de.K on, ' ^^W^ ■ f in the lollowinj,', prii-st. .Me.inwhile he l.iken his dej^rec at Cainliridjje. with honours in matheiii.itics. and nained a scholarshiii (hiring hi> course. He w.i:. entered at ( 'lirists College, .\lter ordination as priest, he accepted tin- po--ition of Klin^ton liisnoi- Sui VI MAS, M..\., I). 1 1. (iillene, being connected at the s.imetime as curate, first, at Holy Trinity. Islinntun. then at St. Stephen's, ('.iniinliiny. In i.Sfi5, through the in^trninenlalily of the then Ui^hnpof Huron, he w.i-- induced to cross the .\tlamic and accept the lu-.idni.i^lership of llellmiitli Colli-gi-. London. .1 post he Ik Id for seven ye.n>. .\l die end of this period, the m tiir-.hip of ( < 'luiri h, Itrantford. offered hiiii. This he took, luit .it the \;\m\ of two \ears left it for tin- position of mathematical master ,it Upper Canada ColU-ge. loroiilo. hut soon resigned to t.ike once again the charge of I lellmiith College. 'Ihe year 1875 saw him Canon of the Cathedral at London. < )ntario. lie was .ippiiinled .\rchileacon of liniiil. .md snhsei|iienlly acting re.l)., the present oi ciipaiit of the koinaii Catholic archi episcopal chair in Toronto, was horn in iS,^o in the I'arish nl Moon coin, Couiitv Kilkenny, Ireland. He received his ediKalion first at St. Johns College, W.iterford. then .it the Seniinarv of the Siil|)icians .it .Moiitn-al. He ordained .it twenty four years of agi-. S 1 .iller this i eremony tlu- young priest was ap|)ointe(l to a mission known as the liidck Mission, His iie\l sU p in has heen a singularh successful and hrilliant path nf life, tn the I'.irish of Si. Marv's in the Tnrontn Diocese. His iie\l charge was perhaps ei|ually as grt-al an .idv.ince upon the preceding, that, namely, of rector of St. .Michael's C.ithedral. Toronto. Here he remained two years. .\t the (lose of this period, his (IraK relumed to St, M.irv's, heing at Ilu- same time vicar-general of the diocese. In i.Sd;, when in his lliirlveighth vear. 1 )r. W.ilsh was uiiaminoiisly iininin.ited hy the hierarchy nf tlu- l-;c( lesiastical Trovime of (,)uehe(- to the Hisliopri(- of S.indwicli. his coiisecr.ition taking place in St. Michael's, 'Toronto. In this Si-e. tin- newly- appointed hisho|i had full si-ope for the utmost activity. With the (o-operation ol his llo( k, he snc(-eede(l in m.iking his episiopale memor.ihle. not a few things testifv. Not only were large and pressing dehts entirely removed, hut the ( 'athedral of London. ( )nt., hegun in i.S.^oand opened for service in i.S,S5, hecanie a snh .111(1 lasting iiioniiment of progress made. It was during his epis(-iip.ite in London that his (ira(-e attended the I'lcnary Council held at lialtimore. L'pon the death of .Xnlihisliop I.v nch. in 1.SS8 the iiishnp (jf London was called to the .\r(-I)i episcopate of Toronto, the high position which he still occupies. .Xichhishop . iii;Hiiij|- \\ VI. -.11. li.l 1 //// /'/ \(i\//\ I / /O.W .l\/i nil IK fWliiKS III \ IM'.' IIMI I ,M I 'I. It ll. V\ .iMi IS .1 III in III liiH I iliii ilHiii .mil .1 liiil.iil. .iii.iiiiiiH III . Inllii.i ^ilt , III ,iili|>llii illMi iHiM'i III .1 VI 1) ^ hi II ,i'i ti ipi ■ Inl li\ lin |irii|ili rill \i>\ \N III ( '.ivi n, 1 1 1 1 . mm for innn ihi niv m Mt< I'tini i| l.i. .illlin); in .N'utili ImiiiiIih <. Oiil , lull iilli'rn.inb i< iniiMn^Mu till' \iiniil) iii Si.\ •>. Tiir miIi)ii| nl lln. iki'li ll rrii'ivril III. Ill ,t I iliiialinii iimirr In. f;itlii i . Ii;imli, ;nii| MiliM'i|iirnll\ slmliril Inr lln'> in tin Si'> nl iIm- I mini ( liim li il Lull ■ Inn. Out. In iHi;.-. Ill ».i In . n i li, .nnl in llir ijim )r.ii Innl. mi i tin ||.l(l^ll nl Si, . Hill l)n«iiM In iH;',, lln I'llln l|i,iMil|i nl Klnn < nlli ^'^ Ini .11111' v.'ii Jill liv lln ri'.i(.'ii:illnii nl In Uilli.iinl In ( '.imh h.i. .i|i|ininli i| In lill till' lil)(li nlln I' I'niir y Jf. |iirunii'i In lln. In m;i . .i|i|innilii| li) tin S^iinil, i'lnli'Sunr III l'.«i m in .il I ln'nln^.n .iml I nlni.ln Hi w.i-. Mmli (jinl nl llir ( .niiiijj I'ri "ilivli ii;in ( linn li .il llir liinr nl IH iiiiinM hiiIi iIm I'n tli^ ( liiiri ll 111 ( ' I jii i nnm i linn uilli llir ( liiin li nl Si nll.iml I n I ,im n lut .iIhh III 111 I'll I'll III nl III. (nil.ilin I I ji lirf)' Alwn l.lllnli I nl'. Ill' ll.l . In i 11 117.'. mil i| .1 mil III lln Inn inn. I 1 >|iniirnls .mil »r.i li.nlii-. nl llir I'n- .Inn ii;m < linn ll III lln I imiiinimi, ;mi| lln niiniln 1 nl Minii^' iiiiiii .li 1 . »lin, iliiiin;.' lln l.i I ■.inriiil >i'.ii%, n.iM I niiir ninli I lln- inlliii'in ■' nl lii> .11 .nli Inn .il .iml llii'nln(,'.|i .il tr;iiniii|/. ;is lii';ii| nl Knn« ( '>i\W^\-, imisl lir \i'i)'. Mi n'Inii mll^l .ilvi In iii;ii|r nl lln |iiniiimi III {i.iil l,ik>tili\ I'liiii i|i il ( '.ivi 11 in lln- ri 1 1 lit ;iKil'ili'i>> .'i^'.imil lln ji.i <'.in^' nl llir |i 'ri'lmiiii.iry 1 (im-k IVsLiininl |iii/i'iii,iii ,iinl 111 i^lyH Ihi-iiih lyiwlnii ll.lirrw Si linl;ir, Allir lliiti liiilli.iiit iinmisitv i.mii. I'mwii I:. niv wiis ilninl I 1 llnvt Iinl I.I < tun 1 in I lirnln^'y nl lili ( iillr).',!', jml .il.n I nuiiil', I 1 < lui. 1 in I', inlmil . I nlli').',i', ' .iiiiliinl(.'r 111 lin-ii iin'iitinin tin ri'M Mini ;.V mil iii.iii ilnl .Kiniii.iiili t'.mt .nnl tt.i ili'MlMilK |Hi)iiil.n. H11 inllinnii' nsii , yniini^ llirn ;il inllr«r w:ii Mry «ri';il, iinil, | • nii'ilililin^ till' IIm liialinii'. nl Inlli'l Jliinli;.' ilii' yniilli nl tin liinr, < \lii iin ! , 'nni'ln mi. n>i|ini| tin l'rnMr,l|inii-.llil< |ni>l In li.i, ilnin inn'.l iisiliil wnik Ini lln .\n^ iiiilinni r ami liiiniin' .111 llii|iniiiiil iinin nl li'.iiiiini.' I)r. Hn'ly lirinns In III', work ^rniil /j'jI, iiilrnv rjrm iIiU'm., 11 linl.irly atl.iniiinnli ami tlii' |inui-rs nf .1 lii;;lily 1 iilliv.iliil iiiiml I In' Ki'MMIkI, lln I'invn.l 11 ramiii ami ( 'luiiii'llnr nl lln- ( itln nl ijn I inn • m ihr Ki'V. I't.ifi'-,vir Uilli.ini ( laik, .\1.A , ll.l)., wlm lill. lln . Ii.m nl Ml anil l'liilnsii|iliy, in lln I nivrrnily' of I riiiily ( 'ollr){i', I ninnin. 1 mn ol Itir alili'st ;iml lliosi ai < niii|ill*ilii il nl (aliaila'i ai|n|ili'il v/lis, a li aim il ilivim . '^"jIBiPIR^^ I all t'lnijittnt jinai llrr, ami a Illicitly i'i|iii|i|iri| initrm Ini ol yoillli. lln- son nl till' li .11 |irn ".I, liy iln lii Imp nl Unn 1 '.li 1, 1 li lia'. In lil .1 w |i.inn 1 li.iini', in l',ni,',l.iinl, .'iml li.n In i|iii nil'. In rn si'li'ili'il In |in;nli 111 Si I'.iiil ., W'l ',tininilrr .Milns. nnl nlln r 1 .illnilr.iK ilrsiili's |iiil)lisliiii(^ uilinin i nl ',1 iinniis. I'l '. I'l", n 1 Ini... I.I I, III lilKi, |)r. ISoilv wa'^ olliriil nnl ■HL. Kk. . I'lnl. W. (.I.AkK, 1,1, 1 1 //// hi \ii\ii.\ \ I iii\ . i\/i I III II- rr.ioK',. ;.i l'i'>l < I'li^ li.[. fMii J.ilwl lr>>iii iIm ).< rin.iii. I|. Ii I< . "(|i,|.>|', i.MIm ( ihimuI., .ii.'I li.n .iI.ii tr.iri' >I .iimI . i (nt .1 Imil linn ;r,ii>,i;irii .il SI (ii'Mi^i "., I iitiililii, .ill'l vtliilr hiliiii^ (lilt ililU w,ii MiiiiillaiH ■lll^l^ iliMli >l In Hint with lln Kit III K.iiinliifil, ;il N'rw Vnrk, :iimI In Lit . llii 1 li.iit III l'lilliiMi|illv .11 rtllilly ( 'i)lli«r, I iiiiiMln. I »i. < l.irk 1 In liil lo ;ii ' 1 |il lln l.illir |iii',l ;iiii| ».ii lliifi ,illi r .iliilM. llll.illnl Sliii I (III II. Ill |i;i<. Il.lll III.IIIV > all. In llllilrll.ikr I |i III ;il ,ll|l| |iri)(i- 1 .IDII.ll wnll. Ill llli llillnl Sl.ili ,, all III will' Il III- ha . ill I hill i|. Ihiiin.'li III I, ii'i ■.llaii(.'i r III Aim Mi .111 |iiil|iil , ami al iiiiiiiy i;( lln iiiiivi filllin aliil ■ Inin li 1 iiii(/fi .'U ■^ in ihi- 111 iKhliiiiliiiii' l'i|iiililii III |H«7, I'lnt ( laik ua'. a|i|i'iiiili i|, In lii'.lii.|i llariii, HaliUiii Liiliiril al lln ( iilvirilly iil Mil hiKaii, Ann Ailini II.. Inllilin. nl nl ihi.ihiU a|i|ii an i| in lln Inini nl an ami llimn/Jilhll hirii". nl |i 1 liilri, 1 lilllliil, ■'\NlllU'HiM-s In ( liii-.l , a < I.. I liii aiaii \|.n|ni^ In ,. |iiilili In i| al ( lin a(.in in lln Inllimiiiif, u ai In \'M-i',. lln riHTiilil Ki'lilli mill «a. 1 In. . 1. ()i.i..i II II..I1.1I (nil. .. (i. in va. \S , nn «hnh n... inn In hail lln nl II |i 1 niii. II i| iiji III liini ami Ha II III. .iin linn a|i|ininli i| In an linnniai y |i 1 linr .hl|i ami (iiM n a |iiriil|iiii nil lln 1 nllipii- sl.ill Ili'Mili 1 |ii tlniinin^; lln a|i|iinii> Mnik nl Ins 1 hall al I niilh I'niuiMly, |lr. ( laik Innl I. I am In . .Iil lln ( niniiliiiii (liiinllHiiiii. in nn 1 I lln man il. iiiamlH ii|inii liiiii Ini |i'.|iiil II II I hill , nn lili lais ami nhinnns ln{.n . nl lln Inm , ami In laki' |iiil|ill I ilnl\ III riiaiiv I ninnln, am! iinl a lin mil nli, < liim In . in lln ilnn . ..InrtlniM- 1 nii^ii (/.iliniis hi' I . alHavi a nin.l ».|i.iini' walaiil In .nlililinn In ihii. lln- I'm li'.vir It mil iiihi i|iii iilly in In- iinl »illi nn lln |ilalinini in innmilinn Hilh ■ liarilalili' nr nihil jiiililii ami |ialinilii wnik liiln hi 1 |inl|iil iiinii'lralinni ami wii k lias III Inn >. I'inl < laik iin|inil an aiiinnnl nl lll^llll• linn ami inlirisl uhn h ^'iialh |i|iihl a. »i II as ■li'lli.'hl 1.1 ...nil. m . < In lln |il.illniiii. hIiiIi In 1. .'ilwayn lln alnilai, In 1, ni Ml lln {1. .laiii. Inil liina.l iininl. i|, ali it mil 1 nli ilaniiii).' : in ill. |nil{iil In |.n 01 111 I ,1 ;.'■ inn . Ini |in ai hin^' I li- lia . 11 ai| Hulrlv ami ,lirilii i| i|ri|il\. i lasiii|.; vi'ii mm II nl nn n ami lln- ».iilil, In 1 . .1 1 harnnn;.; iniiMt.alniii ah .1 ami has llir iiianinrs .iinl hi^^li ■ liai.n li ti'ln i|iiahlirh nl a ;iriill< man III. \i>\. jnlin l< |i. ly, HA, lallni Mi|ii nnr nl Si. Mnliail'. 0<< ] < ..11.;'. |..iniiln, liniii ,il I'.nhinnnil Hill. ( nniily Vnrk, Out, .\ii);iril ,11.1. I y, \'i', 1 1. «as I ilin ,il. il .11 III. I iiivi'inlly nl I nrnliln, Irniii wlin h In ^'Milnilnl in 1/.; I \!li hnnis nl tin I'invim 1 Ini .1 |i. iiml nl llin 1 ',1 .11 . I|. III! n 1 nil inl lln diainl .Siinin.iry .il .Mniiln ,il, »lirli' In tinln i| lln nln;^' , In Inm. I'li^y^, III' was iinhniii'il ,1 |irirsl, ami tinimih.ili I) tin n ill. 1 illnlnil In SI. .Slnh.iiis ' nllrxi', I ninnln. ,is rmlissnl nl .Matlntn.iln . I'inl Irrly s V hnl.iih .ill.iimin m , Inn li .n Inn^', ,iliilil\, .iml ^1 in lal hi(i|i 1 h.irai li 1 I. i|. in iXKi;, In Ins .'i|i|ininlniiiil .1^ l.illn 1 Sii|H'tini nl Si ,VI|i hai-l - ' nlli ) ' nll.'Ki . Mni'li.n. 'aIhii hi Innk Ins SI .\ ih >;ii .-. .\l|ii lakiliii hlH lllnnlnyiial roiirsi-, hr In 1 nsi i| In |iii ai li hy tin- I'n iliyti ly nl Inrilw i', nl III!' ( 'liiinh nl Si nllalnl, in iK {7. 'ml slinrll) lln'rralti 1 h ft Ini I iimlcr .111 a|i|iiinil ini'iil as inissinn.iiy Ini lln- I^nu ( Sninls. I'.arly in 1)1. |n he was nr>l,'nin >l ;iml iinlin tiil In lln' |iastni,il 1 liar|.n' nl (itallnn ami < nllintni', ,il ihal |ii'iinil allai lull In tin I'll- .Iclirs nl Knil/stnii. In iH.(i; In »,is 1 .ilh i| In I'n Inn, I'tlin i' I'.ihvaiil ( n. wlni. Ill' ii'iii inn i| imlil |H=;), «liin In n inn. .1 In I ninnl.i. In In rnnii- (.ifni' .li... nl nl ll.. Si 111 till s nl ihr I'ri'sljyli' < linn h .nnl l.iliini nl tin l:filr\iii\lifiil iiiiil MnMnmin h'rfiitil. Ill iXi;u, l)t. Ui'lil was .MmliTalni .il tin Ssinnl nl tin I'lisliyliii.m < hiin li in iHy.t In- Mmli'talni nl tin ( i. in .AssiiiiliK nl tin' ( anail.i I'lisliyli fi.iii ( linn h llir ili'siKil.'illnii nl lln- h.nh all. 1 niiinii fin \Wt\) with thn I'liltnl I'n'sliyliii.iii ( 'liiin I. .nnl III 1M77 hi- was Vlnilii.ilnr nl ihr (irinial .Assriiilily nl lln- rnsliyti nan (IniKh in ( aiiaila, ihr iiiiinii nl ihc v.iiinils lii.nnlii's nl tin- I'lisliy li ( hnii h h.iMii^ l.ikrii |il.n 1 in 1K75. llliriliK liiin l"ll|{ iiiti.-rval. tin imw vi in lahli- iliMtn h.i , l.ilinnn i| i.iriK'Stly Int his ik'lioiiilil.'iiinli, ami lin-ti a irnliil ami l.iiihlnl si isaiil in .nlinnnsli iiii^ thr lin.'iinial .tml i/i'inial .ill.iirs nl tin- I'lisliyli'ri.'in ( lllirih III (aiiaila. lln- li'iinml (.n nlli ha. al,n In .11 ... Iiyrly ■ niinii tiil. Ini a lnn(' am nl yi ais, with ihr l'|i|ii'i (an.'iil.i lillili' Sill Illy, ami llli' Ki ll^inils Itnnk anil I lai t Sn.nls nl tin I'lnvim . In i''.;'i. In I', nl |. 1 1 is. i| lln linnni.ny /:.\c' u/.\.r/7(>.vs .L\7) iiieir r.isioKs. Ukv. |i.ii\ l'.)n~, I>.|i 'riic Kr\. I>|. I'.'H>, ihr ^t,ll^^.ul ('.ciui.ll SririLii) ol llu' I ■ S(icnt> mI ihr Mrlliodwt Cluiiili in C.iii.icl.i. was licpin in ('niint\ I i;h, IrcLmd. iS;S, ;iiiil w,i> nnlv M-vcnli-iii wlirii lu- Kll tlu' l.inil dl his liirlli Inr \W- N\u World. <)rii;iiijll\ :iii l',|'i'.( n|Mli,in, hr .ilu r«.inK joined tlu' Mclliodisl ( ■oiiinumion. ,ind, al'irr a slmri |uriod |>, m imnanlilr |iiirMiil> in Kinjistoii and Hamilton, idiiiiiR'ni i-d lo stud\ lor \W- inini>li\, .lUindinj; \'i(iori.i ( 'olli-fH', ( 'ohmirj;. .\l the aj;i- ol twiiitv ihue. \\y ».i> onl.iiiu-d. ha\iii(; |>rior to this iinik'rtaki'ii miiiistiTial work in .M.irkh.iin. .\nroi,i. N'L\vin.irki.'t. and Thorold. .Mlcr ordination, lu' assisted iIk- Ri\. Ricli.ird Joiu's, at London, Irom which place lie reino\e.l to \'ork\ ille. His next^e was the |i.istoi.ite of the new Ccnleiiary ( hull li .11 I l.iiiiilloii. .ind m il he eliiineiuly slice esslnl. Iroiii ILunillon I )r. I'olls |i.i^si'd to the St. lames' Street ( 'huri h., « here he .iddcd sui cess to slice is^. Toronto ,iL;.iin (l.nnied him. .md he took I'ust the \leiro| ( luin h, tlicii the \-.\m Sireel, then .ii;.iiii the Metro|iolit,iii, .liter which he onceag.nn visited, taking the St. J.imes' Sireet Church, lor a second lerm. 'This concliiiled. we I'md him once more at the I'.hii Street ( hiinh. I'oroiUo. These c h.n^es .ire noteworthy, sliowinj;. as the\ do. In llie le-pon-ililc posilions the siilijecl ol ihis skiteh siiceessiveK Tilled, m how hii^h ,in I'stim.ition lu «.is .iiul Is held liy the liodv lo whic h he liclongs. since his t«ent\ eij;hlh, I Ir. I'otts has lieeii called to uiidert.ike the omii)ioii. Nor is it in the p.istorate .ilone that I )r. I'otts has shone. In 1.SS7, he I'resideiit oT the Methodi-t ( 'on lereiu e. .mil he now holds the ( Seen- t.irv^hip ol the Societ\ ol llu ( hiircli. 1 le Is ,1 meinlier ol llu' Siimlav School ( 'ommittee, ol the Ito.ird .ind Senate ol \iitoria ( 'ollege. anil also ol the Moard of the Theological College. On the pl.itTorm, Dr. I'otts' Tervid eloi|iience attr.u ts kirge .niiliences and delights them. The Ri'\. Ileiirv \l. I'.irsoiis. It.l).. I'.istor 01 kno\ ( linn h. liorn in 1.S2S ,it H.idil.iiil. ( oimectK lit. I . .■>.. when- I'lM Tilt\ u.irs his lather (tlu- Ki \ , Is.i.ii- I'.irsoiis) T.istor ol' the 1 ^t ( ' ( 'hiin h. He receued his pre liminars ediic.ilion .it W illlstoii Semmarv. ll.miplon. .M.t^,.. .mil ihereal'ter proieeded to \ .lie College, New H.iveii. Conn., where he gr.uliiated in iS4.'<. .Viler teaching for some years, he entered the ( 'onnecticiit Theological Institute. \-,.\-\ \\ ilul-or. lo Like .1 1 oiirsc in 1 11 Mil it \. .ind then .iciepled the p.isior.ite of the 1 s| ( ' ('liiirc 1 .it Springlield. _ M.iss. He'^e ')|, I'.irsoiis l.ilioiircd for siMccii u-.Us. .liter which we I'i'icl hiiii in c li.irge siiccessi\el\ of the L'liion ('hiinli. .mil ()li\el Chtireh, lloston, and of tin- ( 'luin h. Kiiff.ilo. N. \. W hile 111 c li.ngi ol the latter, he tec ii\ed. in 1 S.So, a c.ill to the p.istoralc ol Knci\ ('lunch. Toronto, which had liecome \, owing to the l.iini nied dealh, 111 the preceding of till' Ke\ . I Ir. Topp, This 1 .ill 1 Ir. I'.irsoiis .11 c epucl. .mil has siiue lalionred laitlifiillv in this old historic I'resliyteri. in charge. I'nder Ins alik- ministrations Knov ( 'luinh grown rapiilK in wialth and memlurship. Dr. I'.irsoiis rec eiMil his honor.iry degree of D.D. in iS.S.H from Knox ( 'ollege. Toronto. I he reverend gentleiii.iii is a devoted and learned llilile stiideiil, and is an etilluisi .istic worker at the l!elie\ers' Meeting lor liilile SliiiK held .iimii.ilK .il lie .ilso t.ikes .1 keen iiiteresi m iii.iiu of the religions movemenls of the d.i\. and 111 llu pill pi I .mil on the form is. in iiistriic lue .is » ell , is a fervent .md iiiiprcssi\i' spe.ikiT. 'The Re\. D.iniel j. lines M.ic cloniull. M..\.. il.D.. I'.islor o' Si. Amhiu's (I'resl-ueri.m) Cluin h, was horn .it liathiirst. New llnmsHic k, in 1X4). He is the son of the Lite Rev. ( leorge M.iciloniiell. some lime minister of St. l.nke's (Kirk of Sccitland). Il.iiluirst, lull later of I'ergiis .ind Milton, ( )iit. The siiliicit of this sketch educated ,it ll.ilhmst. \.|i., .it ( l.dt. ( Int., and .it T'.dinluirgh, Scoiland. I le gi.idii.ited in .\rls at (,)iieen's College, Kin^'ston, taking ihere.ific 1 .1 course- .it the Di\imtyHall in that city, and linishing his sttidies for the ministrv at Cd. isgow, |-",i|inlinrgli .mil lierlm. In i.Hrifi. he ord.iined in the .Scolih l-'.st.ihlishnieiit liy tin- I'reshytery of I'.dnihiirgli, and. ri-tiiriiing to Cin.icla, was called lo St. .\ndrew's Cliiirc 11. I'eleilioroiigh. Tour years all rwards, he aicepteil the p.istorate of Si. NndrcHs Chtirch, Toronto, in which charge he has since l.ilioiireil with great zeal and dcMitioii, Here, his siieeess lis a pn her inc ited his cimgreg.ilion lo trecl the very handsimie edil'ii e which adorns King Street \\ est, ,ind which losl, ii> all, over l-.M II. M. T.VKSONs. D.D. Ki-\. D.J. M\c i.oNsKii. \l. A., It D. Tirr. nr.xoMixATioxs Axn their i'astoks. Rev. S. II. Kki i.o,:.i, D.I). .$100,000. His (iiCis as a invacluT aiv inu'iisr I'arrustru'ss, cmiiiK'i! willi i.;rual nurvoiis Inrci'. an impressive maiinLT, and a telling piiwer iif intirestinj^ liisaiidicncc. .Vnollicr injirciliinl in his |iii|)nlarily is his known liln'iah'sni in theolcjiy, tiimthcr witli a lihnil liul a<-iv|)lalilo way of saviiii; IV ;rli.ssly he thinks. Thi' avc-rend ncntli-inan was (iiH- of tho nidst cordial adviuaUs of INisliyltrian miicm in ('ai\ada, and ciintrihuti'd in no lilllr lUj^nr in iis c onsiiinnialion in 1.S75. .\lr. .Macdonncll lakes a large interest in the cilNs ch.uuiis ,ui(l (itlii'r picid wnrks. lie is .1 nieinlier of the Senate nf 'I'drnnln I'niversity. and, we lieli(\e, one nl the I'nistees iil (Jueen's ( 'dlleiie, Kinjistcin. The Re\. Saniiirl II. Kelliigg, l).|)., I'astor ul St. James' Si|nare I'reshvteri.m < hiin h. w.\s licirn in i.s ;i) .11 (Jiiinnne. Sussex ('(iiinty, l.ciiig Island, his lallier lieing then in the minislr. ol the I'reshvterian ( 'hiirih (if the L'niled States. I le graduated at the College 111 New |ei>ey, I'rini eton, in iSfii,anil three years later completed his di\initv coin^e .n the I'rincelon I'heologii jl Si'inm.nv, of which he ,dso tutor in mathematics. In iS(i.|, he «,is ord. lined liy the (lid Si hool I'resliUcry of Hudson, ,nid ,it the close ot M'.ir s.iiled lor Indi.i, to undertake mission.irv work in the North West provin<-es o' llindoslan. h'or ten years the revircnd gentleman de\oled himself to ev,ingelistic work first at l-nttehpur, and afterwards at .Ml.ih.iliail, when the de.ith of his wife, in 1S76, compelled him to return to .\merica for the education and care of his children. I'or a time he .icce|ited a charge at I'ittsliurgh, I'a., Inil in iSj.S was appointed successor to the late l\i\. I Ir. .\. .\. llodgc. a-- I'rofessor of Syslein.itic Theology in the Western Theological Seminary. .MIegh.iiu. In this important chair he l.ilioured for the next eight years, at the ■-anie time doing much in the w.i\ ol hler.iry work. In 1 ,S,S6. Dr. Kellogg .iccepted a call to the St. |,imes' Si|u.ire I'lesbyterian ( 'hiireh, Toronto, the pulpit of which had iieen rendered vacant hy the appointment of the Rev. Dr. John .\1. King to the Trincip.ilship of .\l,imtolu ( ollege. I'nder Dr. Kellogg's pastorate, the membership of the ehurih has almost doiiMed. Dr. Killogg has been an inilustrioiis, lifelong student and a learned contributor to tlx' literary magazines and re\iews. He is the author of a of the Hindu Language and Di.ilects. tlu' lext-1 k for the lndi,in ('i\il Service. .\ revised ,ind enl.irged edition of this work is shortly to be brought out in London, T'.ng., under the patronage of Her .Majesty's Council for India. Dr. Kellogg's other works are "'The Jews ; or I'redietion and l-'iilfilmeiu ; ' " The Light of .\sia and the Light of tile W'orlil," a lomparison of liuddhisin and Christianity; " T'rom Death to Kesiirrectioii,' ,1 scriptiir.d study of the iiiteriiKdi,ite state : and a critii al .md work on the Hook of Leviticus, mm passing through the press, to form one of the issues of "The L',xpo-.itor's liilile. " Thi' reverend gentlem.m. in 1H77. received the degree of D.D. Iroin I'rincetoii ( 'ollege. New jersey ; he is a member of the Sen. lie of Kno\ (ollege. loronlo. .mil of llie T'oicign Missions ( 'oinmittee of ihe ( .\ssenibly ; ,ilso ,111 ,issoci.ite of the \'ictori,i liisiituli'. or I'hilosophii .d Socielv of ( liril.iin; ,ind member of ilu' .\mericaii ( )rienlal Society. Ill i S.Sii. I Ir. Kellogg present as a member iif the ( 'ongress of i' ■lU.ilisIs. which met at Sloi kliolm, Swideli, under the presidency of King ( ) 1 1. The well known' Methodist divine, the Rev. Hugh Johnston, M..\., D.D., was born in the Township of Soiithwold, ()iit., in the vear 1S40. liefoie his eighteenth birthdav, he had obl,iincd a lirst class leaiher's certilicate, a license to teach, and a position ill the .\rkoii.i High School, in the ( 'ounlv of l.,imbton. He soon abandoned school leaching, howevn', for the ministrv. .iiid witli lliis object entered Victoria ('ollege, graduating in iSri4, ,iiid receiving ordin.ilion m the following ye,ir. His first ininislerial charge was in Toronto, his next at Montrcd, where he ,issisted the vener.ible I >r. 1 )oiiglas. T roll! thence lu' was sent to Windsor, reluming from th,il town to 'Toronto. .\t the end of three vears in this citv, he spent six in Hamilton, fust at the Centenary (hunli, then .11 the W'eslev, this latter undergoing notable ,irchitectnral improvements while under his p.isior.iic. In 1.S7S, Dr. lohiiston m iei|iiisition bv the St. Janus' Street ( 'liureli, Moiilrc.d. Reliirning to Tor city. He was born near the old historic town of T'.lgin, Morayshire, Scotl,ind, in 1S15, and was educated ,11 the IJgin ,\eadeiiiy, and at King's College, .Mivrdien, winning at the latter a high schol.irslnp, which In- held lliroiighoiit his imdergraduale coursi'. In iXfii, he was licensed to preach, and ,it ooce called to a charge in Klgin, Ins ii,ilive town. Here he laliiiurcd till the era of the Disrii|.lion, when the reverend gentleman leeeded, Ki V. II loussi.iv, M,.\ . II I //// /'/ Ml\.\llu.\:> ASJj Jill lli /-./.■,/(//.',',, int. ij»«r t»fc» (/«■ ii>^i>. !• (i Lij^i nuiijl/t»5 tA |ji5 iliM'jl l;iWl)H*l|, (folil «!>■- ti«4»U'li |';;Ii.>l.iinii«, iari)iii;4 '(( hiin n«:rf(1y l)i» wti<4« » lu-w iiU < tiwc li III lln- l.iiiu-i) Illy III l^ijl'', l»l r-'I'li i<-':«ivi/l a <:iH li'/iii Kiiun ' liiJI' li, r K';l«ii liiiriis Mils )>( ')t-'J Hi '( i iii tin aiilniiiij <>t i>>5>t. )'/f imiil) /ri;jtii limiif^-. umil 't<-^i(li '/»■ i yk liiiii ;tiui wiUuilt.'W liilii IHMii tiw. siglil, I|U( IIM to^lli llli' hrjirls, ol lli» |Ki/{ik . il> > it viiw, laitiiful tliil tiKwJIy tHlilikU-r ik i)>i- (J/ ok In- w^rvw), iiiml !*-» |faV'/rs liuvi- l^tii ,U lli-wfKlll) llVIIOIIIr'l Jllil l>fli;»ir, 'I i/|<|< lllt'll r«j llu: Mil <)l O' l'»l< In «j((, .1 iialivi' ol ll|i- ( oi<;i') <;l <\ivaii, Jirlaiul, ' till' lamt '/I 111:- l/iilli ai llw- lailt ajei >y| sjt uai», Ills (lanrliU M'tiliiij< in iln- < 'i/uiilt I'l (jLrli!/fiiU((li, (;iil., in lKj4. Wlial iillU wlu/nling In- Ma> al;li- (i< •iti)jjii in lili» ifM I, III thi/wr i-arly yrani, via* »U|*|A'i, »lui wtiiih )u- lor a !>lu>rl tiiiu- aluiiM(A-l) (auj^il ami MuiliciJ. In 1K51, iiavin|< j';iiii-il ilw W i-bl<-)an Mi'tlu^iiiM ( .'hofWi, Uv i:»«iMm-iii tii Ills If u.<- lilt.- *iwk as jti/m/f )>fi':u ln-f ';n till- .S». TliiMiua < ill uii. I'lvin ilii-ii" i- lu.' »i ni in (In- I li'«^<;li| ami I'l/n H'>\»:- < in «u», .i)(i-l wIikIi 111- u-i*-|Villf^ hav<- inli ()ii>-il mt-r ;i »(iji' aiiai>l llii Oijiiiiltum. ^^t- fiiiil liiiii, allii I1av111j4lx1.11 iaiiM-ij, lirM al lni/iij»», Ijiin ae »u|K-iiiili-iiiit III < lli-'l l/j ri-lni')iii»li Ills i1i)lM-> I'/ i-»(al*1<- dim Ui r« iij«-raii ^fiit, lii*»i;vi-r, Iw n < '/nMiK-ni «-<) lii> talui>, ltr>i ai St. jolm », Ou-ii al 4 °>illni|(MijiiiJ, iIu-m' Ix'inif |i/ll<>vic-it I/. I liar{(r-4 al liifmui ami liiiii-r-vill. itgi |/r l/i-vtaii i> aa wi-llkii««n t)ir<;jj|{)i tlii- iiillu • III!,- i.»l \iti liu-faiy /<-ji as iIiiiaAii;ral. \t i-arly a* l)»- yi-a» ih'ny, In »a» (111 III) I/) llii I'ltili/iial rliail i>l llir ( lltisllntl liuiiniimi. a |ii«l lit lias M'jMIiiI) lillii' anil MllHilU al |iii. (»-iH limi-, Hi- tia» rvi lli 111 Im-fa;) ij»lt>, aiwl liat |;uI;I|!>!m '! . ' •in'\vAtyf,f lA i-MVui^an seat-, l>i.-!>iilfi> iHiiiarll uMiirilMlinK many fiiu' ^mfwa, 10 it" •A 'lur yniit^ iiiiiivf liii-miuri'. Hi.- lias alw) Ui-n thifxt'ii (tit nuns n»\»>n!>itnt ■' ■ ill li' all |>i»ilionD III llu- {fill i>l Ills ( liiiri li, anil in 1K7.J itas a|f|>'iiiiU'i| iMi-Kiili- I'l )li' itiiiiUi ' oiili-niiK' iluiin(( l)ii- iliM u»«ii/n •;( (In- iinic/ilanl |>riLaUni ll Mjnililllil III li>' nil i"l>lt ;il tl.t lit M. til' ^i.illu lirt;'^ ..liii irli I iir liiJi;. Irni ■| III- K' 1 H'lii) '».•<;';.'.>' Il.ll.i .mi.r/ . im w m cji.n i)iMi>n>/'^;i.jjiii>-i 'il I '(Hdi'- .mil III! mall) lliirly yi-aHi Xnlur ■<) i\w < huri li '/I H'lly 1(11111) ami ilai>'Hal iiiy»ti-l '■ l'|/)»ii ( aiiaila *>A\ip ii. in 1 il l;i.. ►• na.^ Iji;in ill i li-Vi/ll^lllli I'.iijclaiul. Ill iKi J. ( ixniiiif at an c^rly ayf- In* aiiaiila. In- niaili I iDifiitii liih lii/iiu'. ami III lluf lirtl yi.-ar (iK.(o; i/f iln t-xinu-tui- '/l I t>|K'' < u^iu'la ( i/ll>i$r, Iwf Mas lit-ail l>i<) i>l dial iui* n li'lMlinl w |||<|^I. Hi- lllrli \H'l»"'W'i Lli l!ll)flal|i| am) lllli li il Si. JoIiii ^ < iilli-iti-, < aiiil/iiiljii , In/iii »liii)i In (jrailuad 1) id l>i.j;. anil llim y^•ar^ lali^r liji/k (iii> M.A, ilij;"'' AHu Vi.iiluaHii|f hi i-nli-ii-'l Hoi) (/iili-i», ami III |i${K. mii.<» iMiLiimil |frii-'>l. Ill itic kMiiu' )i'ur III rcluriliil Ui lori/iilo ami Ik- < < latMial iiia»U-( in 1.'|<|k'I < aiiailu I i^lti |1a . \'>n a •)iiaru-r •>f a K'liiur) iIk- rfvt-rrml Ki'iiili-iiiaii »ai> m}«-i)IiIm!i1 villi tlw ( i/lli )(<, ami lui ov>-r liall a niiiurt li;i» Im kiiii«ii iKfiiiiKi ami Ut'ii i/m <>l II.1 ini»l Hi>rlli) ami lii>al v/ii-^ I Iiiiiu((Imii>i iIiik liiiijt IM'iiml III |ia.<- Id 111 an iiiliiiuti ami lii'iiiij^ Minlitil i/l lt^ tibial liiMi/f), ami III liiD 'I'litu--'- ' /(/ lia» galhi-riil a iMiii •>t llu- rn Ik'.iI ittiiu-fial rrluliiix lo il» civir Ijli- Tltf valm >>< lliin ttiaMiii(i )i.'ark, ajul aj(i » \tt I unii alti-i Aill inaMin «iiii imria.Miip> ri«|jiil (Ik lalnjui >A \i> l'iviti)i< liiNli/iiaii 111 (Ik Si-iiiM riiliiiiilai Mi lii'irial Vijliiliii III Tori/iilii (i^V,,\). Ill Si aiMiiiji lla.^ iiiliamnl lii.s (iill lo (In > > III iIh I Kill till ..iji- III 'tnili li Ainii* t M»imililri l.uvtJ i< //// /// .nu/y.i//i).\\ .\,\ii nil II- ri:,iiiir, 77 lli. )ll<'((|/. iillj*-;!!.*!!! n.yr,> i >l -,.i..,r.^; ■,...- |,-,l,llsl.i1» .ll "/I •W^a-iJmg))' m«>'a-!>(lllg //^(W.///o, I liii rtv icli)i(i)(4 ii, liisl'rti'al aii<) l>i>;j(ia|4)i/ j! iiLi'iUs <))i!>Ulll i)l'« lo 111'' /uiivi- )>«-(i»<'J)< j)» '/ii <'>j(«i;il' »ij(/j<-< u. l-i'):> '>i|/i:llii;y» aiuj <<)ltiu»ia»(i' v>n lliali Toi'/MU^ lui* ill IIk' JKtcffsUdx }h»M»< fl^uri- Vi4»llllllK- J Ik Kjl-v. \ii: StiiWijftJ i«ui» ix^i) II) Wifiii <>Mi.4 All' r i;iiiii»l< rial wi«k in W<»t Oiitait'j, (/r S(aW'«il »J> miH f<;r llifi' )«»/» Ci; ill' ))c,ii)mn«i !yj(ja/<(l)ufr)i, MiMlfi^al. I'l'jiii lluo'i- In »i(ii \'i <) i<< M'/iiif«-»l, li/s iiiii)iMfaii/ii> .11 ' IIWMa Iciii^ ii>raiiviliik- vt z,\itn-v>&v\ lllal all Mt:n\\A »a!> llia'if ('< vt lilc Iiid n-liiM. I'/ llial ■ II). I lii!> U'ill|/ iiia'iiiiiMiliLi', iiiA lu-kt iii«vi »a» \ti M iiiii)|>' y.. llifiix' Kj lli' M«-i.''>|>'')iUii, ') i>ri(iii/>, a/«J ll«ti I'y Sld-i^wiiriH- hilrc'l l/r. hia/f'/Ki lias Iwii |;la< '-'i al l)u- li<) \u>^ Ix'-ii '-li:< Ir'l ('r'-suViii »( iKf) ' ';ii(ti.<-i»"P I'l will" li Im- lia> Ik-1 lh«? t'«il>-',Mf'J), aiuJ was liij^ily iiis> fin;iiiiiii'iii |/ail III I'/iiiiulalliiK ailfj (»i1i' lilij< ill'- l/at)» 'I (,')il'/ii, l>r. riiiiiiia!), I'atAJti lA tllr Jai- Mri'<-1 l$a|/li>l < liijfi li, »3j l)i>f(i luai N.iHj. 1 |liliji<'6 »< •«• ')iM-< I'll I'l Dial III') Hi^ra/jijal'-'J al JJan r)y«iili WaU-s. ( i>imiig ii< ilu; t.'iiib'l Mau-s 111 i>i'i>S, lie Utnk 'l»af|4' iil iIm,- i HW )4a(/li.! ( iiu" li . 111 l*«7(. In- w;'S ' allrii \)i lyiU' iffOu lU'^M iiti|ionam |iul];ilh ill I'triMiftlrfiUi, ami thti> lu (iMitiiiuvd I'l fill till lu aii'iU'ili')) l/r Caslli- III |J|»- Ja/vi* !Mi':tl |Ki»l'iial', 111 July, i>i>ii. J*r 'ni'>iiiaa' M-IIIM1I19 ll'-'jU'-lilJ) ajij>t-ar III llic Ira/liliji; ')'-ii'/ifiiii»IU)fial itruAns -jtui ttt% liiiltlixlicil «rlllll)4^ '/II rtiijtuma !Jjl/ji-» t» liavv luui cklvi -isi • II' ulali'li I 111 ll'ir '/( Cailiiiiii btrnl M'-llnxli' ( liuri li, via» l>lll^ 'iniKral'-'l •'; <'aiia'' CcyMii"- I li'/Dj/li Imlii li-iiii III l.'la.'l'). Ill'* »'-r< )«';U') I'l '/wn lli' ir lU-w ni (ifu ' 'ilUgt vtiDi a mw i»i tin- iiiiiiinry, ami jwroiK-'l it 'j/ufsf 111 < bi>»»< ami iiu ta|>li\M'> Allli'iiiiili |>i''»r.>iM ff'iiii "iiii|»t'-iiii(( 111* t'liivrroily iar«j-r, li< iia> i-vi • l«'-ii a ijiliit'iii !.iii'liiii. am) lia» lak' 11 ')l(ll'/llla^ I'/i »)»-' lal 'oiiim-x hi lil'iary aii' .V u-iililii Mil;^-' l^ I »' iin ti\' '111! •/( iliiin I'/ur y'■a^^ »t lii» iiiiiiisi' rial ' aii-'-i liav lit' ■ .>(<«iil 111 l//ii')';ii, Haiiiill'rt), Ottawa, all') I <»r'iiil«i. Hi-- l;li llin 11 liav- li'iii'Hii") Inn Willi mall) |l'l»lll''''!>, Im-i.ii ( Imiitiiaii tM IliMiui, Si'T'-lary. aii') J'rtsuliiil '>! « ly mi. Ill liuiiUr. Ih'»i<1i-4 l>'-iiiK all a'll'' aii'l |><>|>ular |>r<'a< tu-r, i> a Mi'Mit; U-tii|«riaii<<' iiiai all') all 'aril' !>l a.ii I'arifw ailvi'aU i»l k.' Ivjijal lii itf'Aitrt. hIii<>k an Arts "iuim' in M' ( 'ilk't;''. I'lfiHtUj. Wink at M'<f iitt Kr* tiu. », U.HitiMta. -f nil: HI \(i\ii\,i I i(h\:, iMi iiii ii< iw.ihks ,1 |i'Miii >iri llir iiii.isiiiM III III!' VI il III II r II ilii rniiii 111 U.ili'. Imif y ;n'. I.ilir, lir vi.\ . iiril.iiin ■! Ii> llir I'ti l/ylii' ul r.rii' Imlli-, .iiiil sii. (. ■1^j^(•|^ liijil < li.irHcH in l/.n. I'n .i'iII.umI llilliullr. In 1H77. In- «.i. i li i i. ij liv tin I'frshyliti.iii < A '.iiiilily .1 'jrli"' I'l IJM (irsi l';iri l'ri''nliri.'ii ' nuii' il «liiili iiirt 111 ImIiiiIhii^'Ii in \ I «<■ -.imts'l'i, Mr I'liiiiiiii ,ii 1 1 jili'ii .1 I ill to III!' N'liillii rii < iiii;.Mi ^ ( liiiri li ul llii , 1 ii\, ul hIim li Im' i. till ilir i.irm.l .iiiij li.iril wuiliiiiv; |i. lui ll< Ij.c 1.1 I n I III llii- ' iiii^;ii-^.iiiii! I iiiuii, jiiil I'lr-inliiii ul tin li.tDiiiii Mini II A .sill i.iliiiii. \\ lijlr < DiiiH' li'l Willi itii- fiiriiiir li'iijy, Mr lliiiiuii .illi iiili-ij. ,1^ ,1 r|ili-n;i|r, ilir Jiiliilii- iif llir ( 'iin);riK:il| I IIIUII III l,Mi.'l.iiMl. nlin II mil III III sli-t 111 iXX^. i.ikiiii! .Ill .!■ Im- jiiitl linn III llli liiiliiiii . .'iiiil Willi iIh si IiiiiiI ami |iii'sliy li-rv, ;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil.iti'iii iif lliiisi' liviii)/ in tin ttr.lrni limit . Ill M M.iry'i. I'arinli. In iK;r,, h In i imi tin- iinlii ul a ,1 |i.if.ilr |iaii,li. v^itli tin- I'l \ I .itlii r Slira a . lit .1 |i.i',tur. I In pri Miit iin nniln iil, tin- \ iiv V.' \ . I )i .111 \|i ( .iiiii ,? 'ink 1 li.ii(.;i- 111 M llrliii'. Ill lii.Si I In I iiii;'ii ;',iliiiii li.i . Mini In 1 11 .li .nlilv in ' ii-.i .1111^, .iml III I'SHX. lliiuiicli till- .11 luitv III r.itlii I \|i f ,11111, tin- I .illli;' 1 .i|iai ilv ul llif ' lull' Il u,iH ilulllilril. Tin I. ill I'rul ll.inirl .\iiliiir M< ( .ni/iir, l; A.. ".X rriini| ul Ml Ma.lir(ll,i|iti-,i, 1(1 V. lull', I'.i |.-ru'i \!.,\ . ruiilu, w.ik Inun ul Si utiisli ii.irriil,i;^i in O.^'uu'li, I ,ir.\' r ( Ill tin Mil I ■''. 1 7 I Ir iiili n i| t li. t.'iuvi-rsily III I uruniu. |i.i) IIV liiitn nln .itii nliun lu iln iili|iii ul Minlal ami \ S< niii I , ami luiik ;' • <\'%\tt i,\ IJ.n In lui uf .\rls 111 iXiSi. Ilr ,iln» luuk Iln- lliri(lu(in al iiHirsi ,il till- ll,i|iiHi ( ,illi-(.'r. \\ innlsliK k, '(III. Iruiii iKyi) to iXKi In- w,ii |i,mli)r ul W'liilli', l!,i|ili .1 ( liiiri 11, ,iinl III tin l.illi i m .11 !■ It \\ hitli;, lui ■^lr.ll|llrll, wlnrr In- Inlil ,1 [i.iHluriii iiiilil iKHfi I rum MMtdml. In A.i , i.illiil lu lln ■ li.iir ul lluiiiili-ln s m \||\l.i III ll.ill, luiuiiiu, .iinl uii llii ri i^'n.iliun u| tin \'^\. I Ir ( '., ,t|,' m \'M>,. I'lul Mi<>ii),;ur UMs a|i|iiiiiili'il rriin ipal .iml .iKu lilli'l tin 1 li,iir ul llnulu^;. \\ liili- Inililm;.! tin II .|iuiiHtlili' |iu-.iliuii ul In 111 ul llin ' ullr;(i-, illlnaltli tn,ii|r inru,i>K un In*, Mtalit\, .111(1 lailiiiif 1(1 rK'ivcf -ilriliylli In- '.mii^lil .idvni-, Iml ll|c ^11111 i in in (mf|(nik liiiii al New S'lirk. .iml lie 'IikI hi St. I.iik' ■. Ilusjiilal un tin- f^\\\ 'i\ .\|iijI iH()u. .il lln- cirly a(.'c ul luit. tlircc. III! Kii llniiii.i. \\i ,1 , J.fliry. .11 , )iii ,iiit I'.i tur 111 111 rki l( •• Sliict MciIkmIi.i ( liiiK li, Imrii (III lln Isliml of Si j ^^ i^,, ri,.,i I) A 'I. (.i.n.ui. Il A tin ,. \S isl Iniliiv. .iinl cilin ali (I ,il U oddliuii.c (.luvc .\(a.i ul 'vliidv lln ri . Iif ciilircrl difd nut iiiitiliiliun ., •.( Inil.isin and ruiiiiiicri lu u.iiri llir 1 11111(11111 iii m-(cssary lur Ir.n liiii)' In i.Hr,;,.ii ilir rii|iii >.l ul tin \' 1 \ \)\ ,\ii,iiii I iicili 'till- ' .iiiadi.iii ri'|iri lilt. ilr.i ill. il var tu tin- I'.iili-li ' uiili u in 1 1, In i.iiin till lu I'lilir tin mini Ir'. ul lln- MiIIkkIi il ( liiin li lui .1 tiiin In l.iliuiiri d III r.iri'i, and in 1H61. »ai Kirnid iniu lull 1 (iiim ( liuii .iml (ird.iini'd liv lln Kiv. Mr jun |ili Slinviii .il llranlluril Mr. I'Mi rs li.i . lalMiiind .il r.iri'., .il Mi llniiiiiif : 111 lln r.aslirn TovMisliiin. (Iwiic;. it Kn lilnund St I iii ml (Iwni); K in;.; .Inn \.i|iaini I, Iiii Sin li, I uruiilo Own r; , l.tiiri 11 Mriit (tlin 1 iiiiii •.) , Siiiiliuiirin -.tri I t , llrani|il(iii , I'.luur Slni 1 Wisl i\\iiti iii|iiiii pi.ikii iH (-.-my, Kr:i< rdil iiiiil km|>Ii>' Krv. Jdliii Kills LiiiKlcy, I'aslur dl the .S'i'W Kldmidiid .Milliddisl f liiiri li, ,Mi ' .ml Stri'i't, was liurii al lliiki nln .nl, ( In slnrc, {.riulaml, January lolli, |K.|H. f lis fallirr was a loi al |iria( licr ul vi^inir dl iiiiiid, .nnl lln sdii srim, lu li.m iiiln iiti d tin im nt.d •ircriKili ul tins nnut ( <( iii|ilary ( lirislian in. in I lir kn T W Inn i.». //// /'/ \ii\i/\ I / /i)\\ i\/i nil ih' r.wiitK v.\ I I- r.Asi 1 1 Kv. (.iiii)l><, ■ li; ( .iii.iil.i III l«s'i "I'l .illliiliii ( ',1(1.111^;. will 11- yoiiiiii 1,1111 ill y .iv.iiliil liiiii .■ II ol lln .nlv.iiilJKi-. 'il \ H liiri;i I 'iiivcrsily .fikI l.iiil tin foiiiiil.ilinii . i.f ;i i I.ism<,iI .iimI lijit.ity rijili iili'iii. l.riiviliK roHi'^i-, In I" mi .i li w V';irs in r.iilw.iy .iliil li.ilikiii^' Hork III i«7',. Ill- 1 nil 11 i| llii \|i iliorli-,! iniiii'.li), jihI mtvuI.iI Aiinir.i, ' li.iil i. I iiiinl.i s ' .m l|ili iinl l.'iiiitni., nil III 1X7X 111' «,i, iiiiiliil III iiiiiTi.i^'i I'l Miis \mi\i- \\,iri|, i(( N'i.i>.'.it.i ImIIi, hImh In «;i, riiil I'l \i.ii.',ii.i ( iiiidriiiir III iCKH. .il llii rti|iii-.l oj tin (_)ii;irli rl', Ollii I't'Liftl oi 1^ 11 liiiiiiiiil f liiiD li. Ill' W.I-. 11 iiiovril to I i(iiiiili) ' iiiifi fi Ml 1-. :iiiil .I'.'.iiiiii i| III . 1 |iM 1 Hi 1 li.iii.'! Ml I ..nil clcy w,r, .\ iiii lulu t nl iln ( n in iil ( mili n 111 ■ nl 1 X.^ir,, .iiid mil 'il iIh' >(iiiii^ir .t .■iiiiii'.lif'. :i|>|i'iiiili'i| In .illrinl lli.ii vimi.ililr imiri, I |i « n |i| . tin |ii 11 111 .1 ii'.uly wtilir, itid IS \>\\ |iii|){|!;ir .is .1 In liin f I In- Hiv. W rii;itii M, ill. ill 11. I)|l. I'riili i.l -.', .Ii iii.ilii I In nln^.". mi Kiih-, ( illli V'l . M'lS 111 It 11 111 Si (llii .1 1 jilfi llt.l^'r III till I liVVII .lil|l 111 I ,ir I till 1 1)1 1. ( Olllll\ f .If ll-lifll, I X .!>'.. ill' w.r, nliH .111 i| .It 1 1 11 ( Si Iniul, (, .unl .ii Id. 1 1 it nut d ,\< ;Mliiiiy, iMil liiiik III, tliriiln^Mi .ll 1 mil ,1 .It Ktl'X ( ((111 ;^i', ,it|i'li(|||i^' i|;)s,i', ,il',ii ,il liili.tiln ' Ml'.. 1 II', III iHvi, I'ti'f \l 11 l.inii w.iH (/KJ.iiiiiil ;i iiiiiiiHlrr ul llic l'rriliyliii;iii ' Iimk Ii 1/1 ( .iii.iil.i. :ii|(| runi ii'lllcd .it ,\iiilicts)l)iir;i riiircidi r, liif :i while. In- liiidi ilimk .1 1 li;iri<(' .11 llo'iloti, VIjisi, Imt ■.linrlh iilitriiid In ' ;iii;id;i, win t( Ik ;i((i'|iIi(I .1 iill in iIm Jdliti Sircrl ( ■|iiir( II, liclliMllc. iinl in i>'.7', n iiinvi i| In fltt.i.^.i n, imd. ii.iki iln |i.ittnriili' (if Kiin« ( liiiri h, iti lli;i|iii\ In 1K7.?. In- lni .iim |i 1 liiri r nii \(in|ii^'ilii . Ill llii I'll livlriMM ( nlli),.!',, .iiid in tin InllnwitiK \i-,\x llic ( A','.'liilily nl 111. ' liiiri II J|i|i(iliili'd liltii In llii' (li.iir nl Sy> l.iii.iln Till (iln;.'y in Kllnx ( nlli'Ki', I ninMln. « li|i I. Iinlllnli In .till ^il,|y |il|.,. In |XC,(, (.tltcctl's ' nil. ;'• . h. iM;.'ilnM. 1 nnlitnd nti liini tin di'ttrcc .,1 III) I 1,1 .nli'i'M yi'.ii . In \l.i. l.inM hi . Ill . M ' i.iu. Ill I nl tin I nn i;ni \li.,inn ( 'iMiiiiill.i 111 Iln r.iii;i(|.i l'11-.liyli il.iti ( liiin II, .iinl in \M\ «.i • . |. 1 li (I In llic lii(.'li nlln 1 nl Slnili I.iint nl I In ( ■cllir.ll .\ssilltlil; . 111. K.'v. I l'liili|. liiiMniiliti, .MA., !).( 1... Kiiini nl St. J.nni . (Villi. i|i:il. ,il n ( .Ml. Ill KrMil.'tili.irv .itiil Sitli Item nl St.'> ( '.illiiilr;)!. 'Inrnnln, i^.i ' Iniin in ^f '^ ,& liiililin, nl .III iild lliiKii'iinl t.itiiily, .ind i;itiii' In ( ;iii,id;i in iX'm. 'I Ik ri v. ti ikI )|il.iin In Iti'.lniji ( In iili.iiii .iinl llcri', in til. Intniiln I Itm . >. , Ik- Iiii li;id ii'itinr.'iiy |it( f. ttintil in Iln- ( lint. Ii. lii'Mili'i liiHilliiiK III. d'tll. , nl llt^ nun III. lorn . Ii.itiji' ('.itinti ItiiMnitlin 1. ntn nl III. till |iiil|iil nr.ilni'.. Iinl |ii ill, i|i tin nni'l iiii|iii ..n.' .1. H.'ll :is iti'.ltii' iiM nl |iti .11 In I .. Ill 111.'li-,li I linn II III ( lli- y, ^|i|. tnli'llv .'i|iii|>|ii d Ini In. tMiil,., Inr 111' t, nnl nnl\ .1 Inn lint, 11 v lsl. 1 |iii liii.'>i{iii .111.1 Ills iniititiir .'iint.Hl Mltd nllin llirilllii)^ (In tin |il.ii|iitin In is .iIh.ivs jii ;ii 11111,1111111, Inr lie I'l iiiv:iri.'ilily itili'iisliti^ ;is Hill IS insliiKln., ,111.1 llii .,iii<< 1, Inrlnii.ili ili.ii . nlisis tit.- hkI nl iln- 1. viti'iiil K' illl.' 'III. \>.<\ In \^llll.lln Inin . It. Ill nl limit) (iil|l')(i' jlnl l'r.|ll".s..l 111 Mill ill. . Ill III. it inslitiilintt, IS .1 1 ill. I nl .. H.'ll kn.iHii (.'. V,. I.nv.iltsl f.innl'. Ill I ni.iiitn, ,111.1 ',i'\. mil suit nf lit. I,il. Mr, Jiisti.i J. litis. Mi- li.itn OiinlHt I (ill, iHjS,:ind w;is 1 .lit. .il.-.l .il I |i|i(r ( ( '.illiK.', linn .il I tinil) ( iillc((i-, wln-rc 111- »,is \\ . lliiiKl.iti S. Iinl;it I't... . . .|iti« |.i l',itKl;iii.|, In . lit. t. .1 ■>! jiilill's ('iillr({i-, C'littliiidK. , .il «IikIi In- 1, .1 . Iinlit ; In.ik Ills II, .\ dijir. i' in iK'ii (lii'ilil/. twciilit'lli wr.iitKlir;, ,iii.l In. M .\ m iHf.5. In iH^u'it, hi- WitH.-isHisliiitl t in |. illiiit; ( .t,iiniii,.i Si Imnl, Nnrkslnn, lull til 111.' fnllnwiiiK >•■" r.linn.'l l.i ( ninl,., ;iti.| Innk llnly Onlils III iH^.J, att'l nt.l.ini' (| |nii'M Iniir y. sirs l.y llic lllslnip nl l.itntiln In iKO), |tc WiiH ,'i|i(i.iiiilc.l I'l.ilcssnr nl .M.illiilititlli s in 'rilliily < 'nlli'«"' rnrnliln, .1 jinsl lie liiis held J.if I'i'V. ('ANns licM.nniH i.i 1, ■WM I 111 I AIK. IV'il , Al '.Kl I;. w , \l.,\ I'll nil ni \ii\ii\ t/fow i.\7> //////.• rwidKs. iKciilv M'vc-ji yi-:ir> In rHjr, Im ».,. iii.nli |i..,n ,,) Mm- < '.Hi ^m I'm/Ii i/i Inn. ■ i...i\.0. in l«Xi), lllc li'moriirv dryrci' of III I Id/Ill I nnil'.. .mpI iIh' iiUmoiI'. ycMr, i>n lln n iinin.iiii/ri nl .i i|ii,iili t ol .1 i ni.nii' I In: fi'> l|iH'lil 1 >i).'iiiti>/n ol I In '. .iliii ul liii Inn;.' .iinl ilcVDliij -.irM' !■-> In ill'' ('iilli;;i- III. I<.i Alv'itii'ili lin>s, M.A., (hissi...l l'i.,li 1,1 in liinil\ ( ollii^i-, |..i'.iii., .111.1 I'lilili. () III I'liivi iMlv, «.ii li.iiii .il SiimI.i. Iii'Ii.i. wIhtc- Ins I..1I11 r In |.| .1 I ,i.M iniiii III . Ii;i|il.iin. \. in 1H17, In iK'i^, .ill.i miiimii;.' Iir. n. IhmiI ..III. .iiiDM ;il SliiiH.lidiy, 111 iiiu till Ji ( i/llrnf, < jiiilirnlur, |-.iii;l.inil. "ilii.iinin^; .1 l..niii|.iiiiiii V liiil;irslii|i, ;iiiil ;;iaiiii;ili'i| ill xWii), v.iVm^ \\\i. Iir.l |il;ii< in iIm .i.iii.I . 1.11, .il III. ( l.isMi .il I ri|)ii'< I'l III. IdIIdviiiij,' Ill- Willi sn oihI 1 I.m-. lliinln};!' .il Imiiniii-. ,itii| I 111- ( )II.-i I III mil-. |.M/. Ill iH7n. In- rt;ii nfihiiiii i| (li-;i< ln.|i ..I U 111. I.. I. I. .mil III iH;.'. |irii-sl, l/V llir .\|i lil)l-.l|i>|) nl ( ^inii il.iii\ In lln l.ilh-r '.I. II. In l.n/k ilnl'. .1- 1 lit. Ill- 111 |-;ni-rili.-iiii. Ki-nl, lull li-sl(iiii-i| il liiiniin l.i ( .iii.ii|;i, •aIiii. In li.iil I. . 1 n. i| III. .i|.|iiiiiiiiii. Ill III rr.ili-sviir nl ( l.i-.-.n , ..nil I'nl.ln OmLhiii llii I iiiuiiiUnI Itiiiily ( "III Xi'. I lii'i |in ilinn In In-M iinlil In Ijlin nli 'I ili-.illi III \|iiil. iKi;o. .Il lln i-;itly ;ij;r n( Inrtv Inili 11' ■•*■'■ .i m-ni nl Inn- 1 iilliiri-, M1U1. kiiKlly lii-.irl, .-iinl iI.-m iM-ilh iinpiilii »iliiiii ami uiiliniil lln- M.ilh nf rritiiiy. In lln- |iiil|iit, as will a-i in lln- |iinli ■>M)ri.-il 1 liaii, Im |ifi li ■ linn-. «i n- lliniij;lilliil. . .iitn -.1 .iinl V linlarly. jlis M'tHalilily was ^trat. \nl nilly ».i- In .1 ii|ii ami n . niii|ili In il 1 l.i'<^|i .il V linlar, .iinl a lirilllalil |ii|lil|i nralnr in lln- I aim lnii;.'ii. .il riiiuiMl) < nii \ni.iiniii, 111- Mai.iKna 1 li-HT ami -■|iriiililly «iilrr nl |-.ii^'li'.li Mi-ni. Ill^ lln-iii' -^ iiinMii^' III. 1. 111. 1 nr llii- li>ti-iu-r .il 1III1I-1 In l.nnilili 1 .iinl .11 linn 'i In li-ar-.. I )i %|)lli- inim- lyiiiil^iii nl ^|ii-i I II ami all n< < a 11 1 ililrn lly nl in-r. tinm- ktirw liitn lull In ri -sjiri t anil Inv. Iiini I'inl. M.i l)ny>' liiih In I ntiily |., a- tral .in iI v4||| In- l.i^liii^' 111. Kl I lli-rl)c-rl .SyiiininK, M..\.. l' nl I lismil-. , I imiU ( nil. j/. . Inmnln, «.!■. I.nin 111 lln (iiiiiity nl Sliffnik, l-Jujlaml, I )i-i i-inl,, i ../,||,. ihn., II. \s.i , . .|ii. a|. .1 al ,\lli. rl M. iiinrial ( nlli-i.;!-, lT.-iitiliii^'lnii. |-.iij;laml, .iml al I ritiil;, It.vrtiily, 111 llii 'lly III- (iradii.ili-'l al lln- lalli-r iii-,lilijlinii in iHXi:. miji lli^l 1 l.n-. lln-nlnni'al liniiniii , K.-is |iti/i' i->siyi»l III i>'.Xi.iml iXHi;. .-mil wrnir lln |.ii/. . ininii |.ii lln- lalli-i -....i .\lli-f v;r.i'lii.iliii«. Mt. SMii'iinK was a|i|,niiili-'l |-i-||.,« nl I iiinl;, ami l.ii liin I in I tiMini-. On III. r. Iiii-tliclil nl I'inl, l<.i|). i. In l.ik'- tin- im iiinlii-ii' \ nl M, I Iniiii.!-, . I nt'iiii.- I'rnl. .S)iiinn'N his a|i|innii.'l liii ,ii"i>-,nr m iln l'inli-sMirslii|i 'il IlivnnI) ; In- was ..■ till- s,-iiili- linn .i|i)«.IIil> ( 'illi-j/i . < .nnliinlK' I. Ill iiii^ralm^ In I'llrtlnni.'-. ».ii i-li-i liil si linlar 111 tS7.> nnl lillnw ami lli-.iii'il I'. 1> iliniisr ill 1H7S. .\l I'. I. il ..11-. . In- Kta'lilaliil I! ,\ in 1^.7.), ami Innk Ins W .\ 111 i'<77 (|-irsl ' I.IS-. ' I ii|in->. .-mil yt/-./i//H. .(.n.n/lntl liain . Il'it > im''-) III H.'i 1 niilaitn 'I il. a' nil in 1^;^ .nnl jirn A in \'A-fU.\i\ lln lii.>\ \li I I'lyl Ki'i I'll nf .Nntlnti, Snrrnlli, ami linin \'i\'i\\ In iHK.), \ n .11 nl llimslnn. Ill lln- lalli-f Mar In wi-iil mil In |,i|iaii .-is inissiniiarN Inr lln S I' (, lli t. In I'ink ii|i . ilin .ilinii il 'A>.ik .il nil. .il lln l.-.nliii;,' ii.iliM m Imnls in I nk \n. In 111;^ Inr nun- liini' I'tnli-ssnt nl Ilriinn .il"l l.iliii in lln t niii-rsily ili {i.iiliin lit ..I lln Li-inXiJikil. t|.- .ils'i lii'I'l valiniis nlliir |insls iimlir llic |a|iaiirs>' < .dm iiinn hI. nnl Iniiml"! a iialiM- > liiin li .il I nkyi. In 1 Si;o tin- n-vrri ml (.iriillriiian 1 aim- tn ( an I'l.i. liaMiiji 11' in "I till' .i|)|>niiit until 'il I't'ilrssnr of ( lassn s al TriiiiU I'triM-rsily. I 111- K'-v. Jnliti I'larsnti, KciinrnI Ilnl) rntilly < Imti li. is a ii.-ilm nl Notlitinli.itti, MiikI.iii'I, ami was iclii' ati-il al Si. .Vii^nislitii's ( nlliir, ( anil rlmry. ( .niiiiiiK In Nnva Si nlui. lii' was Inr llirLr uars 1 urate nl .SI. .M.irjiarit's ll.iy. Ill |H<;7. Iii' .i|i|inmli-il ; n nl Si Inlin s (alliclral, St. Jnlin s, .S'l wlniimll.iml Si-vni yr.irs l.ilir, Mr. I'l-atsnn In 1 inn siili '|i .111 nl I'l - III I'l.l I' I ^» Mi.M.-. M.A. I'. I 1 -11 \ la..i nil: III \i>\ii\ \i ii>\-' / \'/' //////■ rr-/(>u\ )'i I<1'.\. Ji/ii . I'l M'i'Jh, lli> ..,il„ .rl It. i|, III Ion, \i « KniiMHi. k. .iii'.ir iH-l'. I,. .1 I... I'. Ill I^iikI.iii'I. *Ii" :.i.'>iiMii"ii''ly .I'll.:.!. 'I J ■.■,■,■, I. riiiit; lnwi.r.N il-i .i. 'i|.iii ..ii'l . ii.l..» III. Ill I ..iNi.rly 111. ■ ll'.lv I iiiiil> w'aili"li' 'M"' lii.l.i 111.- pf -" III .'^'iiii'l''' m^^ V I, . ti;r li.i«.'-vi r, .. iii'in- iii./(l<-r,-il<- nliial |ir. '..ill H' . •/liM.lialil Willi ill' K.-lltTiiJ vi.-w > ..I ( ..ll.iill.M- ^h| %. ' ,\ii;i.ii':iliii.iii. I'll iii.iiiv >'ir. K.v, Mr. I'. ..i-^./i . ^^■^^ ,>' iiiir.l III'- '.ii'-r..ii:, «Hi'- 'il ll.;ii'.r.-iry S.ri i.-i,-iry nl ^^BM I .iiiiiiOi |||.i. rsjii :i;. ii'i'I ^^^ j Tli.- K.v. .\rlliiii ll.iir. lial.lAiu. M .\ ^^B ^ I I',, I,, I ,,| All .Saiiili, wa% Imiii '/ii ' linitiiiiii .l;.>. .^^^^^ J^^fi! i.',.|'.., Ill Iht fir I liri. k Ikiii" 'H'ti.l m I iir.jlil'i, 7^1^^^^ ^^W |,„tt ilu ..III'.- '.I 111' Cjii,,.!.. ( .,i)i|):iny, ritual.- «ii llii- .V. I. ".iii. i '.I Kin;; ni'l I r.'l'-ri'l' ^^Hp* ■ ' ||i>lalli.-r. Mi |..liii '^pr.-a.l lial. r rana.l.i < .,11. j/.-, ami ad.rwai.K w.iii l».i v li..l..r>.lii|)s al liinil) Ciiiv.r-.ily. Siili'«'|iii-iiily 11. ».-iii i.< ()xl.;r.l. ami ili. f- .-iii. r.-'l (.ni.-.-ii ^ ( '.ll.^. . Imm wlii'li III- (;ra.liial. in,n li"l>. «li.i.- a m.-lii'ilial wiml... in ( III,,! < till.' Il 1. -.111..-. I" 111. iiiiiiiMlJ \'-' ' ■• "" ^ '■' ' ■•"'■"I-'- '" ■" ■ • !"■ ''- '" "■'"'•■ "" • '"■" >■ "' ^'^ ■""■"'•'-■' li-il-ull.. «li.n l»- r.inaim-.l l.nir mm,,, ^^l..•ll In l.".k II..- |.aM'.Ml . Iiar^.. .,1 All -,.iiil-. , I >miIi win. Il |.ari,.. In- lias Mil.,. l,.-.ii i.|.-nlili.!.,. k II'- was li'iin .Il KinKst.iii, li.r I'-lli. Mi-', Ills (atli.i iHiiii-' Ml lliij.'li ( . I li.ii.i-.i,ii, I'liin. rK M I' I' I., I I ...111. ii.i. . an.l |,iil,li-li. I .,1 111. f '/■/'ir ('(lllili/u llrlillil Ml I li..i,n.,ii s ^^raii.llalli. I '.n ili. ni.. I. -.l.l.- was \\ Kiiltan. wn.. laii.l.d at .\.l.,l|,li.istiiwn in i;-; allii ill.- K.-uiliili.iiiary War IIm Mil,).'. I oi lliis sk.'l. Il was . .III. ..1. .1 l,\ piKal. liiiti'iii an.l all. ..I ill. I Pill r < anaila ( .ill.-j!.- ami I nil It \ I niM isil>. r. . . niiiK ili. .1.- (.■1. . .,1 M .\ In, in ill'- I.. II. I 111 iH!;; II. W.I . ..l.l.illl.'.l ., .1. .1. nil 111 |.St,ri ami 111. loll.,wiii)£ was .,r.l..iii. .1 -I prii'st 111 III.' ( ,'iiia.liaii liran. li .,) llii- AiHiliian ( hiir. li. I'nr twi-iil; Mats. V.<\. Mr I li.iiii'.iiii was r.-i I'lr .It l.l'.ia. I Int. 111.,. .111.1 III. I.isl I. II v.ats I,. .11 .1. iiM-h rti^a^.-.l 111 111.- iiitir.-sliiiK liil.l 1,1 M Maik ^ (larisli III \\. -'. tn l.,i..iin, "iami.h-, I;i -ii.t ■ * "i .m li ' ////; />/:\(>.]//.\.i//(>\s .i\/> iiir.iK iwsroRs. ■J^S^i' KK\. \V. k. I'AKKI K, IXl). Ul \ . M \M \ 111 \-ON. I he l\<'\. W illi.iiii k. r.irkir. \1..\,. I ).l )., svlin li.i^ roTiill> ^^■^l^^■ll lii^ nl.illnll^ hiiIi lln I'lin.idw.a I'.ilnrii.n K- in llii-- cil>, t(i .idcpt .1 ch.irm 111 li.iiTH-. licirn in \\ (.■■-l ('iwilliinliiir\, Cduiin SiiiKor. in iS,;i, Ills l.illur mu- u\ tlu' stunU haiiil (il |iiiiiurrs ulm h.iM- diuu' mi iiuirli l.i ri'riaiin tlu' I'rnMnn' llic uilcU iiu-.,. Ilu- ■-iiliiril cif lhi\ -.kill li H,\s filiir.iti-il at X'icloria riii\irsii\. Co •• ' l"Hii\i;, wlu'iv Ik- i^iadiiati'il in i.S5,S. l-idiii lliis iii>tiliiti(in In-. liM' viars laliT. rni'iMd his M.A. (Kj;ni.'. ,111(1 In 1SS5 ilk (i(i;ii'- ol hiKim nl |)i\iiiily. In iS5(i. 1)|-. I'aikiT was ,111 iplnl ,1s a |)lllll.lll(ilHT \i\ \W Milhnillsl linilN, ,i|i(l Inllr M'ai> alkTHanU «as rniiM.'(l imo lujl iuiiiut- lidii and unlaiiU'd. Ik- Ilis lnm ^tali^lK•d >n('irssivily at Tcprontii, Monlu'.ij, Odilltnwn, Staiistcatl. linuitrord. St. ( alliarino, l.dnddii. WiKidstdck, Thniiild. ( 'li,ith.nn. Si. I' ,in(l until lati'ly lia> |Mslipr,il i li.irui- nl ilu' S|i,idiii.i .Vm'iuii- Milhodisl ( luin 11 (iinw tin- r.riiadw.n Talu-rnai k). He lias liccn 1 nl many iinpDrtant districts of l)i> Cluircli. .iiid ,1 nu-niluT nl' tln' (iiiicral ('(inlrruiuis luld in roriintn. .Mnntlial. Hainillnn and HrlliMlk! Ik' I- a iiKinlii-r nl llu- lin.ird ol KigiMlt> nl' X'lctnna L'iiivi-rMl\. and is in laMiiii nl iinivir -.ity lidcratinii. IK' is .1 I'mliiliiliniiisi, .ind 111 IMililiis. ,1 l.ibiral. Dr. I'arkcr has travi'llcd widiU, ,iiid is ,1 111.111 nl l.iryi.' and iimad \ifHs, .111 ciiiiiRiilly prartiral and Inrrfl'iil pii-ai liur. and ,1 lii>M ,ind /iMlmis ad\nc ,ili- nl all iiinral rul'nniis. riu' KfV. M.iiiK liLiisnii. I'.istnr nlllii' (\' NKllindisi ('hiiirli, lilnm Sum. «.is limn n| T. i:. l.n\.ilisi paivnla'^i'. in I'rincf lahvard Cniintv. (Int.. In i,S.(j. II, • RcilM-d liis i.irly i-diicitinii at Ni«liiiij;li. .iiid lluii.ilur l.iu-hl Imiiscll. and iDuk duty as ,1 Incil piv.K luT. In i.Sn; he nnl.iiiK-d liy tlu- ll.iiiiillnn ( 'niiliiTiin- .iiid Innk paslnrati-s sun i-ssn,-l\ .11 Haniiltnii. Sti-.nlnrd. St. I' and llianllnrd. In i,S,S5. Ik- 1h-..iiik- I'.istnr nl tin- M.llindisI Cluircli. ■Inrniitn. and ha.s alsn had cliarKi.- nllh^- lU-rkch-y Strci-t .Nk-thndist Church. .Mr. Hciisnn has travelled l.irncly thrniinliniit iIk- Dniiiinmn .mil in forci.nii i-ntiiitrics, and has a large repertory of popular lectures illustrative nl' his travels. His career liecii .111 active and iisel'ul one and I'lill of earnest zeal. The reverend genlleinan is one ol llu- I )ircciors ol llic ( niiiislu I'.iik ( onip.nn, and for the jiast lour or live years has charge of the religions services in f.nouriie siiiniiicr resort. In i.Sd;, .\li. liciison in.irried lulia. ilangliter of liidge .\lcCrea. of .Mgnina ( 'n.. ( )iitano. IIk- Kev. smart S. Kates. li..\.. I'aslor of (he College Street llaplisi Cliiirch. was horn in Iowa, L'. S., In 1S51 anil rciiKivcd to 111 i.S(i4. Choosing the ministry as a profession. .Mr. li.itcs entered Woodstoi k College, and then- prepared ^ ^ himself for m.iirii illation .it I'oronto Cm- y veisity. 1-rom this iiisiiuition lie { i gr.idiiated in i.S;,S, taking honours in CI. is- sics and Mathcniatics. Ik- llien pro ceeded with his 1 oiirse .11 Wnodslock. .mdat the li.iptist Thenlogii .il Seiiiiii.iry, Kncliester. .\'. \'., from which he gradii.iteil in fSSi. His first p.isioi-,iir at (lollies, County Oxford, within .1 few miles of Ills old hniiK-, and here he l.iliniiied fnr live vc.irs. |-',.irlv 111 1 .S.Sd. .Mr. M.iles was linitedtn liecoine p.isloi nl the Cnllege Street li.iptist Church, In rniitn. This he aicepted, llioiigh the outlook was at the time rather iliscoiir.ig iiig. Soon, however, a hrighlerd.iv dawned, riiei-ongregatioii iiiircisid until 11 liei .iiii< lu-iessary to erect ,1 new home. Iliis was done, on tin- line site at the (-oriier of ( ollege Street and r.ilmerston Avenue. ,iiiil, two years ago. the Lirgeand iieaiitiliil edifice was opened lor puhlii worship. Under .Mr. Kales' pastorate the chinch ((intmiies to grow .iiid thrive, .ind the deiiomiii.ition has on ( 'olhge Street an .11 tive and lieneliceni lentre of ihiirih work. .Mr. Kales is a menilier of the Senate of M' M.isier I'nivcrsiiv. .md In- is .iKo ,m ,ictu,- worker n?i the l-'oreign .Mission Ito.ird. Kkv. S. S. Ilvii-s, H .\ Ki \ 1. I'.nw vni' Si viii;. THE lii:.\OMI.\AriO\S AMI III I.IK I'ASTOKS. 8:5 KKV. Dli. IdllN I.AM.l KV. riu' Kc\'. |. I'. Sl;irr I-. iIh' |ii(m nl ^,l^ln|■ cj \.\\\\ Siicil Miiliculi-,! ( liiiirh. I \y \-, .1 ii.ilivr of N'()\a Srnli.i. liaviii^; ln'i'ii ('.iiii' Krcldii III iS,(i. Ill' v\,is i(lii( .iliii ,11 llir (illlll^ll^ ( Si IhhpI, .mil lii^ I'lrsl inliiitinM w;is lii ciiUT liu- |ir(lll'!>^illM 111 till' I.Jtt. ill Hllirll lir.inrll lU' Inl' ^ulllc lillU- pniM'l lltl'll lll^ ■.ludic-.. ( )n ;lllnillin;4 lll^ llLljuliu. llnwrM r. lu' rllh Itil llu' rdioiiln ( 'omIVti'IK r as a Mclliudist niinlslrr. Iiciiin slaliniicd al ScarlKiin', ami al l'iuili(iriiii);li. Iraviiij; ilic latlri |ilari'. Iir »a^ miu In ( Iraiv Cluirili, Wiiiiii pi'H. as an assmialr nl tin- lair I )r. S. I), kii r. I Un' Ml. Starr n-iiiaiiii'd Inr IHn vi'ars, al llir riid nl ulmli iuthhI lif iLiiislirnil In \irinn.i, 11. ( '.. .mil m \l,i\. iSijo, was iiralli'd In ( )Ml.irii> and assij;iHil In llu' «rll kiiiiwii .mil rliiin li llu' |iiil|iit III' wliicli 111' iinw alily lills. riu' Ki.-\. Caiinii I,aiij;try, M..\., II. |l., ki'iinr nl St. Liikis, is ,i Canaili.m li\ liirlli, tliimuli nl Irish tAlnirtimi. .Mu-r ivrciviiij; liis |)riliniiiiar\ iiliir.ilinii, and liavinn a dcsiri- tn iiiui ilu- niinislry, In.' Iirranu' a ^lllll^lll nl Iriniu ( nlli ,l;i'. I'nr nllln. and «a> llu- lir^l j;r.idil,iU' nl' iiistiliilinii adniilUil In lliil\ ( )nlirs. .Mli r Ills nnlin.ilinii In- |i.issril -.nnif nil a ir.ui'llini; inissinii in Wist Sum nr and l-'„isl Ciny. llu- niissinii -.Liiiiins Ik-Iiih apart .iiid llic inuntry aliniit .i wildiTiRss. \lr. 1 ,.iii^tr\ llini sitllid in ,i rli.irnf al ( 'nlliii)4wnnd, win iv lio ivniainrd till yr.irs. ttliiii 111' ivinnwil to Nnrk .Mills, tliun in St. rani's, N'nrkvilli', at llii.' tinu iinilcT tlir imniiilirnrv nl' the l.ilc l I III: I A' /'.•/.S/VVv'.S. Kl.\ . 1 I M'lUK llAICKi-. II. A. riu- Ki \. l.liiKiif ll,lI■|■l^. I!. A., I-. .1 I '.iM.uli.m \i\ liirlli .umI .1 j;r.iilii.ili- ul llic t mimimiv nl I nruiiiu. In ilu- vfjr lS7fi. In- Miciiediil l>i. Iliiid 111 ilu- p.isiiH.iu- III till- l'ii>.| llj|)iist Cliiircl) (il St. Thcunas, Out. Ilcri' lu' rnii.iiiird mhiu' nIn yen-, .iiid iliiiiiii; |irnnil In- lIu' ^.ili^l.ulinri nf •Mriiij; tin- iiiiim1h-i>1ii|i ot' llir 1 luin li imiri' lli.iii liililcil .uul in |Mi^>t-,si(m nf .1 lu-w .mil li.mclMiiiu- liiiililiiin. .Nil. ll.irn-< lluii Ull Si. riiciiii.i> to t.ikc rh:irm' of ilu- \'(irk\ illi' j l!.i|ilisl ( luin h, Inriiiilii. iiciw kniiwii .1^ the ISImir Sinil (11111111. Iliir iii^ |n-iiipil nl liuiii>lr\ lAUiuli'il (HIT iij;lil viMi>, » illiili uiurli iinu ilu riiiij^ni;,iliipii 1111 h.imiI 1111111 _^ .iliolll MM m\ 111 niMilv li\r hiliiiliiil. Ill llu' >|iniiL; 111 i.S.Sij, ilir Uliiiir Slnrl p.i'.lDr.ili- w.i> HM^iuil .mil .Mr. ll.irris »:i> |il.iri'il in 1 liarj;c nl llic W.iliiur kn.iil li.i|>lisl ( luiri li, llu' pusiliiin lu' iinii|iii's Id (lay. Tlif W.ilnirr Kii.iil ll.ipli'.l ('liincli i>iis\i.'l ymiiij;. li.i\ Mi^ lircii iiiij.ini/iil In .1 1 ( ly ik» ilivlrirl as late a> (liinlKr. iSSij; Iml liiipi"~ .lie c iiUrl.Miird nf il> r.ipiil j;r.nMli. nl hIhiIi iiiilciil il has alriaih t;i\iii iviiliin 0. riu' Ki>. jnliii I-. (aim. III. \l..\.. Ill llu- r.irkil.ili Mrllinili^l Cliinrh, linrii 111 llu'('nllMI\ n\ llr.llll, ( Int.. Ill iS).'. I li Is .1 .m.lilu.lU' III \ Il liin.l ( 'nllri;!-. ll.lMllj; l.lkill 111-. I!..\, ili;;nr Ml i.Sd.). .mil ilim-, l.Uii ilic iK;^rn- nl \l,.\. \\ Ink- piiisiiiiit; 111-- ('iillri;i' (i)iiisi-, .\lr. ( i(.Tiii.m rnUToil llir iiiiiii>lr\ .i-. ,1 pinli.iliniur. .mil in i.Sfid Has ■iilniilli-il into full mniu-i linn willi ilu- .Miihmlisi limU. (In Ihihj; nnl.miiil. 1k' ■'I ilinnal lor a tinu' at Napaiur, but, in 1X7(1, lie Iraiisliiiiil In ( ir.n i- ( 'liiinli. Win iiipfj;. .111(1 Ini Iniir yi'ars lalmiiivd in llial 1 li.ii;i:f. While in Winnipeg, lu- (-Kru-d ( 'h.iii'iii.m nl llu- llisli'irl. wliirli .11 liiiir iiu liidrd .ill nl M.inilnli.i .mil llu Iiidi.iii Ini^Mnlls nil. ,1^ well ,1, llnllll 111. I .lk( W 111 iiipiu. hiiiiiii; Ills rcsidcni (■ 111 llu- I'l.iiiic (ity, lie was a nicinlu-r nl llu- Si linnl lln.inl and Inr tlinv yi-.irs an iiispci tor nf tlu- pulilu SI linnls. Ill iSSo. .Ml. CiL-rnian n-tiirncil In Onl.irin. .md Inr a li-w \cars was st.i imiR-d ,11 I'll Inn. and .ilti-rw.irds ,it jir.iiiiptnn. W Ink- .11 Draniplnn lie was (-Ucu-d >irr(\ nl llu- rnlnllln ( 'nMr(-|-<.llr(-, .mil 111 I ,SS(i in.llli- 1 'resu kill 111 111, II linil>. Ill liiiu- III llu- l.iiu-r \( Ik- lalli-d in llu- rli,irj;c nl llu- luw I'.irkd.iK- ( liiirrli. 111' whuli lu- Is ,11 pri-si-ni ilu- rcspi i ud p.i^inr. In ilu- I11-.1 sciisr ni llu- wnrd, Mr. ( K-riiLiii is a ripi-(-si-nl.ili\(- niinisU-r nf his (k-nnniin.iliiin, liavini; liicii r.ilk-il 111 I'lll llu- pnsiiinii 111 ('hairin,in nl' the Innr dislriels in ( Intarin I'iiliin. ! Itniinplnii. Ikirrie and Wliilln. It m.\\ he added Mr. Ciennan is llu- smi nl the l\ev. l'(-U-r (lernian. nl I'.r.inll'nrd. niu- nf the pimu-er ministers nl' the Mi-llin (list ( '111111 h. whn did sn mm h i-\i (Ill-Ill ser\ ue Inr llu- M.isu-r's 1 aiisi- in llu- e.irK days 111' the l'rii\ iiii 1 . I . K(\. .\. M. I'hilhps, 11.1).. is .1 Cm,, dian, the son of a L'nited |-aiipire l.n\,ilisl, am! was linrn in I'rinie I'.dw.ird ( 'ninity, ( )nl.. Ill i.S4(i. He began life as a sihool leailier. , siilisei|iientlv i-nterii'.g \'ii-|nria ('nllene, where lu- ,i;railiialeil il I liMiiiU in iS7,S, in whiili he was oiikiined. Ills work h.w liii-n spr(-.iil nw-r .1 wiik- .ir(-.i. iiiehidmn Snnihra. S.irni.i, (111 Springs, ('halliain. Si. Ci.ili. St.\'s, and ,11 present roronlo. His ,iiti\it\ in v.irimis spheres has lueii in, irked. Hi- w,is llu- liist Se( retarv nf llu- Tlieologii al liiinii (nnw in .iriili.itinn with the .Vnierii.m Instimie nl .S.icred l.iter.ilUK-) Irniii wliuli h.i^ spriliii; the Cii/injiiiii Mfllu'di^l Qiiilit:ii\. iinik-r llu- iii.mai;(-rsliip nl .Mr. I'liillip^. In li-inperame wnrk .ilsn Mr. I'liillips i> m\|| kiinwii as hniiiminii I'.isi ( 'nuni illnr ,ind ,is lillinj; nlliei pnsU 111 I eiiipi r.iiu i- nrg,ini/.i 11 111^. .\l the ( liielph ( niik-rem c. .Mr. I'hilhps ( 'h.iiiin.iii ^^i llu- Si. M.h\ s I lisirii I .md Sei\ nl the ( 'niilereiu (- Ikiard nl' l-'.\ainiiu-rs. He is ,il-,ii ( nlli re I A.iiiimer in llilirew .iiid Old ■|'est,uiiellt l-Aegesi^. Hispn-seiil p-istnial 1 li.irge is St. I '.111 Is, .\\ -luu- Knad. llu- Kev, Daniel .Mi T.ivish. .M..\.. D.Sr.. I',is|i,r nl the ('iiilral l'risliMen,iii ( liiiii 11. W.IS linrn .11 ('.irklnii I'Lu e. ( )iil.. .\pril jjiid. 1.S5.S. He 1 dill .lied .11 llu- (i.ill ( nllegiate liisliliile. 111 \>^~~. lu- enured (Jiucii's I'liiversiU, kiiii;sinii. Iinin which he graduated .is 11. .\. 111 i.sSi, .M..\. in |S.S», ,mil .is D.Si. in i.S,S5. In i.S.Si. .Mr .M( Tavisli tnnk the iheiilngii al eniirse ill (Jiieeiis College and graihi.iled ill Divinity in iS,H4. In the \ear he h,is lueiised to preach, .md was called to the pastorate nl St. .Vndrew's ( luin h, Lindsay. j'oiir years alterw.inls. on the removal to lirilish ('ohimliia ol ihe Rev. Dr. .Maclend, .Mr. .M( Tavisli a((-eple(l the call ol' the inngregalinii nl llu- ( 'eiitral I'resliyterian ( luiri 11. 'Toronto. .IS his successor. Here llu reverend geiitLiiian .i(-(-(-plalil\ riilfils the respmisilik- duties ol' the pastnrale. L'nder his nniiisir\ llu- ( liini h 1 oiitiniu-s to grow ,ind, within its splu-n-. In iiicreas(- its inllueiu e. Ul v Imis !•■. (IKUM vs. M..\. Kk\. .\. M. I'liii Mis, 1;. 11. /■///,' />/:\(n//.\.i//<>\.s .i.\/> iiii.iK /'./.s/v'/i'.v «« Ukv. C. M. Sanuv Kl Kn. |i. \|. I \\ i-M. \|. \,, I).: rilr Kiv. (i((JI;;r II. S,ili(l»rll. ^.l^t(lr ul' /hill ( 'llllli ll, Cnllrm- .\\ rllllf. WM>liiilll ill I .ll^;l.llli I III 1S50, I li' \v,ls ci llli ,iticl ,\\ ( liHiiii ( '(illigf. iiiiil liMik ,1 llirnl(ij;iiMl fiiiirM' .It llii' l'.l^llll■,■ ( iilJcM,', 1.1111(1(111, (liirint; llic vimts 1S70 7,5. .\lur 1 (iiii|ililiii;; his -.IikIk ^ Idi- llu- llllIli^lr^, lie Imik ( h,n;m' iiC 1 iiii};i(j;.iliiiMs .it l|l^^vl(ll, I .iniildii. .iiid Sdiilliscj. ('(iiiiiiij> tip ( '.iii^hI.i hi i.SHi), lie u.l^ 1 .llliil til lllc |i.l^|(ilMlc (it /lull ('lllllill. — 7, riiniiitii, III idiiinclKiii «itli till' ( 'iiiij;iif;,ili( T^ ' liiiily. :iiiil li;iN sini'c l.iliiiiircd l.iitliriiily .mil >w I (.-.^liilh in this iiii|Hirl;iiil 1 ily cli irj;c. Ki'v. \V. C. W.ill.KT. I'.istiir 111 I'.liKir SiiiTl I'll ^li\ti ii.iM ( Iniii li. ' lidiii ill 1.S5S, .11 (l.ill. riic i\\ii( 11(1 uiiilk'iii.iii I-. Ill Sidlili li.iniit.ijjr. .\lli 1 liriiij; iiiidti- tlic tilt(i.ij;<' (if tin- l.itc I Ir. r.i»ic l(ii- ■.diiK M-,iis. liiTiitrifd Tdrdiitn rMiM'\. uliirc he iiiiitriciil.iti'd ill iH;.). r«d yr.ii> hitrr he j;rndiinlL-d and di-viili'd liiiii ^(■H Id till' sliidv (if llu'dldny ;ii Kii(i\ ( 'dlli'Uf. Ill iS.S^ Mr. W.ill.Kc 1 (iiii|il<-icd hi> diMiiity (diiiM-, .Hill the Idlldwinj; \ nicivcd tile di i;r(C nl I'l.ll. lldlii Kllds ( 'dIK lic He «.!■■ iird.iiiuil 111) \l.i\ ,;i^l. iSS;, it ( K(iij;itd\vii. »luTc Ik- .i>^iiiiird hi'. Iil^t ii.i'.tdl.d ill.iri;L'. Ill .'^I'pti'iiiln.r, iSS.S, III) tin.' rdiiiiiitidn dl lllddr I Street l'iesliUeri:iil Cluircli. Tdrdiild. lie "* e;ille(l In Like eli,irj;e dl' tile ((iMiirei.Mlidii, ,iiul li.i^ >iiiei- lime lieeii |l;l^t(lr. Here he ll;i> .1 line lielil dl' U>eriillle.-^, dl whii h Mr. e i^ ^llle td t.ike ;ldv.llllai;e. The Ke\. I'liil. I ). .\l. Welldii, I'IlD.. |).1i.. nl M. M.i^lir 1 iii\er>ity, ^v:l^ liorii ;il .Vvlesl'ord, Niiv.i S(iiti;i. in lS;,i, and graduated in .\rts. in 1S55, at .\eadi.i ( Ullene, ll.dil.ix, N,>. Ili MiliM'i|iienlly •.tiidied tlie(>liij;v at N'ewtiin. Ma^-s., and alter heiii^; urd. lined w.l^ indiieted iiitu the |l.l^td|■.lle (il the ll.iiiti'.l ( ■|iureli. \\'ind^(ir. N. S. In thi.s charjie lie laboured for seventeen years. In iSy.ihe .i|i|idinle(l td the ( li.iir nl' |li\iiiil\ in the tlieiild.uieal ile|i,irtineiil of .\eadia ( 'dllei;e, and here he rcinailie-d lor seven \ears. In i.S.Si and i.S.Sj. In vi.iled (ienii.iny and divoled these \ears tii Siiiiitie studies at the I'liiv er-.ity of l.ei|isie, I'idiii which he rei(.'i\((l the decree ol Ddctor ol' l'liildsd|ihy. Ill i.SS^^lie was called to the chair of ( )rieiital Languages and ( )ld resi.iineiil liiter|irel.itidn in the tlieoldnical de|i.irtiiieiil nl \|i .Master L'niversitv. a position he imw tills. I )r. \\'( lion, ill iS.S^, reiii\cd Iniin his ii!iiiit iihitcr, .\cadia College, the honorary degree of Docidr of Divinitv. The Rev. Calvin (Idodspeed, .M..\. I '.I'., I'nifessdr dl .Xpcildgetii s and System ,iti( I licdldgv. i'l McM.ister I'liiMTsilv, was liiirii ill 1S4.' ,it .N'.isliH.iai k. N.H.. and in i.Soii giaihiatiil in .\rls .it the I'niversilv 111 New r.ruilswiik. for ,1 nine he t. infill in the llaptist Smiinary, I'ri'dericldii, N.l!.. ■iiid .iflerwards studied thenldgy at Kegeiit's I'.irk Cdlleue, l.dlidiin. Ijig. In 1 Sd.S he j w,i- (ird. lined, .ind .liter devdling .1 tn ; iiiissionarv work, he acieplid the I'riiK I ship of the l-rcderictoii Seiiiinary and filled I the position for three years. He then pur sued a fuller theological course at Newton. • .M.iss., on the 1 oiiipletion of which he was i.dKii Id \\ (lodstdi k, ( )nl., as pastor of the llaptist ('hunh. In iSy.S he .iccepted the .'. Professorship of ('lunch History, etc., at tlie Woodstock liaptisl College, resigning this to Ki \. W. (,. W,m i .v k, M..\., B,I). study for ,1 year in (iertnatiy, after which he KiA. I'Kiir. 1). M. \Vn i.i\. I'li.D., li.D. filled the pastorate of the first llaptist Cluirc h, N'aniiouth, N.S. four years later, he eondiK ted for a time the tlenominalioiial newspaper of the Maritime Provinces, the A/tSse)ixfr aiiJ rin'/cr. ,iiid while serving the Chiirih in jdiirn.ihsm cdled to the cli.iir of Syslematie 'I'lieology and .Xjiologetics in .Mc.Master Hall, loronto. I )r. ( 'loodspeed took 1 he degree of .\I..\. in coinse Irdiii liis ,i/mii wrt/.'r, and received an hoiidr.irv M..\. and the degree nf I >(i( lur of Divinity from Acadia College, Nova Sidii.i. I'he Rev. John Mutch, .\l..\.. Pastor of Cli,ilniers' Preshyterian Church in this cily, born at Montrose, Scotland, December i6tli, 1852. Coming at , in early age to Canada, he was etlueated at Hamilton Collegiate Institute, from wliicli he 86 THE y:\o.uj\A77oys A. \n tiif.ik pastors. passed to Toronto UiiivcrMly. Milisii|in.iuly t:ikiiij; a ll\colo|;i(al course at Kiiox Colk'Hr. Alter liciiif; ordained, lie was - r the whole Dominion, superintending missionary work and stimul.iting Ihe /eal of his denomination, and at the same time doing much for the cuise of temperance and other moral reforms. He has been a mighty worker for union in the Conferences of his Church, in which he has held the highest positions, and repe.itedly been its delcgateil representative •ibroad. He is a man of immense energy and unllagging /eal, and done much to mould the thought and guide the work of his (,'liurch. In 1871^, \i(loria L'niversily conferred upon Dr. Sutherland the degree of Doctor in Divinity. The Rev. Ira Smith, I'astnr of lieverley Street liaptist Church, was I irri in the Township ol Saltlleit. ( )nt., June 71I1. iS((). Mr. Smith i-omes of siurdv lintish stoik, and inherits from both father and mother the memories of the War of 181 j, and from their forebears the memories of the Revolutionary War and of loyal service on the siile oflhet'rown. .Mr. Ira Siiiilh was educated at Wdoostoi k College, and at Toronto L'niversily, of which he is an tin lergraduate. Like his fuller, the Rev. 'Thos. Holland Smith, he studied for the ministrv of the liaptist denomination, and in 1877 was ordained ,ind inducied into the pastorate of the liaptist Church in Dundas. In 1880 he acce|)ted a pastorale in Itarrie, and two years later one in Waterlord ; and in 1885 came to Toronto to lake the pastoral oversight of his (iresenl charge. His labours here have been instrumental in building up a large and still growing congregation, which erected, three years ago, a very comnuidiiius house of worship. Mr. Smith has held the Secretaryship of the Home Mission Hoard of the Baptist Convention of Ontario and (,)uebec since 1888, k. \y\. .\1FX. .ScillKKl AMI, ll.l). Kkv. Ira .Smiiii. THE DEXOMIXMIOXS AXn TIIEIR /'.LSTOh'S. 87 KKV. I'KOI. A. II. \K\V\I\N. D.I) , I.I, I) riu' Ki'v. .\llj(.rl IKiirv Niwniaii, l).l)., I, I.. I)., I'rol'tssor of Histdiy in tlif .Arts (lL|);irlinfnl of Mc.MasUr University, was born in ICcigclklil {'oinily. .Soiilh Caroliiiii, in 1S5;!. lie uraihiakd IVoin .Mercer University, .Macon, ('ieor(;ia, in 1S71; and also I'roni the Rochester (SX.) Theologiial Seminary in i,S75 ; and stiidiei l.ilcralKre. .New ^■ork ; to Calhcart's Haptist ICncyclop;i;dia, Philadelphia , and to Jenkins' llaplist Doctrines. St. I.oiiis. Pro- fessor Newman is the translator (from the (ierman) and editor of I miner's •• Hermenentics of the New 'Testament " (.\ndover, 1877), and translator and editor of the " .\iiti-Maiii ch;ean 'Treatises," of St. .\iigiistin. for tin Nice and Post-Nicene T'athers, under the general editorshi|i of Dr. P. SchafI". Rev. Cicorge .M. .Milligan. I>..\., I'.islor of ( )ld St. .Xnilrew's Presbyterian Church, was born at Wick, < 'aithness-shire, Scotland, in 1S41, and came with his parents at an early age to Canada, where they made their home at Kingston, Ontario. Intending todevote himself to the work of the ministry, he entered (Queen's L'ni\ersity and at once took a high place in the ('ollcge class list. In 18C12, he took his 1!..\. degree, graduating with honours. Six years afterwards he was ordained, and laboured for a year in the County of Middlesex. Here ho received a call to Detroit, and in a pastoral charge in that < iiy he remained for nearly seven years, meeting with a large measure of sik cess. In i,S76. Mr. .Milligan was invited liy the congregation known as Old St. .Xndrew's, Toronto, to fill the pul|)it of this hi toric church, and, accepting the call, he was at once inducted to the charge. 'The success of his work soon appeared in the erection, in 1878, of the line building at the corner of Jarvis and Carlton Streets, and in the gratifying extension of the church's membership. During the past twelve ye.irs. the church has continued to grow and has become a sphere of influential and usel'ul work. It has now a membership of over five hundred, with a large annual revenue. I'ntiring as well as able. Mr. Milligan is a forte in Presbyterianism, and is to be found serving every good and useful cause. He is President of the Mii.isterial .\ssociation of the city, and has taken an active interest in educational ,md leniper- ance work, as well as much labour on the lAcculive of the Foreign Mission Hoard of his Church, .\gainst the incorporation of the Jesuits and their endowment by the Stale, he entered a vigourous protest, and last year look a prominent part in platform discussion of the subject. I'or some years he was one of ll e ex.imincrs in the Departmental Intermediate I'.xami- nations at the T'.ilucation OI''ice : has been a Icciurer on ( 'hurch History at (,)ueen's College, Kingston ; and is a member of the Senate and an ixamilier in Knox Col- lege. .Mr. .Milligan has tra\elled widely ind read much, and is a graphic and instructive Icilurer. He has been ,1 coiisider.iblc iniitributor to the religious ,ind secular jiress. Tl-c R(\. Jol.ii M. ('.micron, P.istor of the new T'„ist Presbyteri.m Church, was liorii ill Sirathmorc, Perthshire, Scotland. He received his early education in ''is n.'!'',< e country, V, here for a while he served in the Royal ICngineers and was ij^ed in Ordnanci' Survey work. He came to Canada in 1854, and after t,iking ii first class certiTicate at tlu' Normal S( liool. Toronto, he taught school for several years. He then took an .\rts course at Toronto Ciiiversity, ami studied for the ministry, first at the L'niteil Presbyterian Divinity Hall, under the late Rev. Dr. John Taylor, and subsei|ueiitly at Knox College. Tor a time .Mr. Cameron received lciii|)ting olTers to enter mercantile life, and, on one occasion, .liter taking active work oil the public platform in the advocacy of temperance, he was otTereil the nomination to a seat in Parliament. 'I'hcse inducc- iiieiils, though thev might naturally l.ave led him to wai\er in the choice of a calling, were rejected, and Mr. ( '.imeron proceeded with his mission work .it I'.ist I'oronlo. The mission in time grew into a chunh, and in the meantime Mr. Cameron was licensed to preacn liy the Presbytery ol I'oronto. In 1871, he received a call iVoiii the congregation of his present charge, and, accepting Kkv, (i. M. Mini. .AN, HA. Ui V, J. M. Camkkon. 8» /'///•; /)f:\o\r/.\.ino\s lyp their r.tsroRS. TllK I.AIK, KK\. JclllS ll NNl.NC.-, D.D. it, was indiK lol Nov. J.inl iil'tlic saiiU' Soon, increased ac rimiiiKiil.Kion was iiLvdcd, and i?i the sprinj; iif iSSc) the |)ri'si'iil inninicidiiHis cluircli was erected. I'nder his pastoral care, the success of tlie l''.ast I'resbyteriaii Church has heeii remarkable, and I'reslntcrianisni in the citv has no incire /ealiius and devoted worker tliaii Mr. Cameron. The reverend j;entle- niai) I'llled lor sixteen years the position of Secretary to the I'pper Canada liihle Society, and has also been Mission Secretary of the i'rcsliyterian Church. .Xuion;; the rif;ures of well known clergymen of the city, once familiar to the citizens, was that of the Kev. Dr. John Jenniiins, for many years pastor of the Hay Street I'nited I'reshyterian Church. Thi.i e\ccllent minister has lon^ since gone to Ills rest, thouf;h his memory survives to-day in many breasts, and his laithful work ill the ministry has, we are sure, borne no small fruit. The Hay Street U. !'. Church, which was erected in 1,^48, has, in the march of improvements, also passed from the scene, and its connregation has become merged in other gatherings of the I'res- byteri.m ( 'Inirch. We are glad to preserve in these pages the likeness of an old and worthy pioneer in the Cliristian ministry in this city, who in his ard. ,Mr, Hroiigh.ill i^ l^x.uiniiing Chapl.iin to the Lord Hishop of the Diocese and an active member of the l'",xeculive Committee of the Diocesan Svnod. IU,v. IiH, (looiisri-.Ki). THE LAW COIHTS AM) THE I.ECAf. I'ROEESSIOX. 89 CHAPTER X\I. IHI'. LAW COLRl'S AND THK I.KdAI. rkOIESSION. 'I'm; l-IRM AliMIMMU.MlllN l)|- nil, I, AW IN L'|'1'|;K CaNAIiA. ICaKI V I.KCISI.ATOKS ANI> TllKIK KNAirMKNTS. -ESTAIII.ISHINC. (11 nil. Col Kis. Tim I'ikm Chiki-- Ji'siu k and I'l ism': Jl l>i;i;s. KouMnxi: oh ihk Law Socikty. — Oscoodk Hai.i. AMI nil. CoriMs. I..\w Dkaws into It thk Drain of thk Col'NTKy.- -Hkjh Charaitkk and Indki-kndknck ok ITU. JlliR 1AI<\. Rol I. UK INK ChIKK JlSIU K> AND ( 'llANCKI.I.OK.S. 'I'hK I!aI< AND lis ICmiNKNI Rr.l'KKSKNTAITVKS. TWV, iinli(iii-liiiil(k-is III' till' I'rovinci', :U the laying of its fouiulatiun, made provision lor tliu administration of law, and, following liritish tradition, cnaclcd that in all matters of rontrovcrsy relative to property anti eivil rights in Upper Canada resort should be had to the I,aws of ICngland as the rule for the decision of the same. These early legislators, imhued with the spirit of the liritish Constitution, which they desired as freemen to follow as a model, then jiassed an Act to establish trial by jury; and in the second session of the First Parliament of Upper Canada (held at Newark [Niagara] in the summer of i 79_^), they abolished sla\ cry in the Province. Other measures of the time made provision for the erection of court-houses, jails, and such other publii buildings, with the necessary machinery, as were re(iuired in the various districts into which the Pnjviiice was then divided. Prior to the constituting of the Province, the government of any settlements there were in the West partook of the military i haracter which was introduced at the Conquest. If offences were committed, the military commandant went through regular forms of law, and tried, and sometimes himself e.\e( uted, those whom he deemed deserving of the death jienalty. 'I'he law pro( eedings were usually summary, and not infreiiuenlly irregular, the oflicer, as it more than once happened, being judge, gaoler, sheriff and executioner. .\t the founding of the Province, there seems to have been a Court in existence, designated the Court of Common Pleas, being part, no doubt, of the legal machinery of Lower Canada. This Court, however, was abolished in 1794, and was not reestablished in Upper Canada until 1849. What took its place was the (,'ourt of King's Hench. which was created by an .\ct of the Provincial Assembly (34 (ieo. III., ch. 2); and to preside over the Court a Chief Justice and two Puisne judges were appointed. Hy the same .\ct a Court of .\ppeal was estab- lished. The hrst Chief Justice of Upper Canada was the lion. Win. ( )sgoode, after whom Osgoode Hall is nameil, and his appointment dates from 171)2, though he seems to have served in the newly ((instituted Province for only a little over a year. The fust Puisne judges WTe the Hon. Wm. Dummer Powell and the Hon. John ICImslev, both of whom were appointed in 1794, the latter sncceedinu to the Chief Justiceship two years later. Judge Powell did not reach the Chief Justiceship until iSiO. The Hon. John While, the first .Xtlorney (ieneral of Upper Canada, who, by the way, was killed In a duel, was appointed when the Puisne' judges received their patents from the Crown. I'he Law .Society was first established in 17(^7 by the .Vet 37 (ieo. III., ch. 1,5. which enabled the then legal practitioners in the Pro\ince to form themselves inio a siuiely and make rules for its government. In 1S22, this .\ct was in part repealed .md amended by 1 Ceo. 1\'.. 1 h. 5, by which it was ena( ted that "the treasurer and benchers of the Law So( iety, for the lime being, and iheir su( lessors, are declared to be a body corpor.ite and politic by ihe name of the Law Societv of Upper Canada." Under the by-laws and regulations of the Society, its affairs are goxerned by a lioard of IUtk h ers, of which there are at present thirty elective members (exclusive of c.v i'jffiiio members), consisting for the most part of gentlemen of high legal attainments and long standing in the profession. The lienchers sit in Con- vocation every term for the call of barristers, the admission of altorneys and xilicitors to practice, and of students to enter the Society, the fees paid by whom form part of its revenue. When, by the .\ct of i8j2, Ihe l,iw Society was formally incorporated, a site was sought in the city for Ihe Canadian "Inns of Court." In i,S2,S the present site of ( )sgoode H.ill purchased from Sir John lieverley Kobiiison, and the .Society proceedeil to the erection and occupancy of its new nuartcrs. As yet (1832), however, only the east wing was completeil, and not till 1S45 was the west wing erected, having a connecting hall or corridor between the two, with a large Kksh imk ok .Mk. IIknrv o'Hkikn, i^).C'., Siieruoukne SiKKgr, ItO /■///•; /.;/; auA'/s .i.\/> the /.eh.u rh-i^/Ess/ox. surmoimliny tlome. Some twelve years later, tlie ( eiilral structure was remoilelled, ami in the idiirse (H a lew years the whole was completed, with a hamlsome/iiiv/i/c of cut stone. Of recent years, consideralile additions ha\e been made to the liiiildiiigs, includinj; a fine Convocation Hall and a series of new Court rooms. Within and Hithnul, ()sj;o(iile Hall is now, architecturally, an ornament to the ci'v. Here law has its chiel' home, .uid justice is doled out to the suitor in the various High Courts of the Province. These now consist ol' the Supreme ( 'oiirt of Judicature, composed ot tlu' Chief Justice of Ontario and three Justices of .\ppeal, and the High Court of Justice, of which tlure are three branches or divisions, having i oncurrent jurisdiction. The latter are known as the (Queen's liench and Connnon I'leas Divisions, each presided over liy a Chief Justice and two jmlges, and the Cham cry Division, presided over liy a Chancellor and three judges.' It mav he said of law, not only in the Province hut in the Dominion as a whole, that il has drawn into the |irofession more of tlie hrain and energies of the coiuUry than ha\e gone into any other pursuit or c.illing. h'rom this source, mainly, have tlu- I'arli.unents and Legislatures of the country drawn to a |ireponderaling extent. This is partly accounted for hy the ne< es sity for lawyers for ex|)ounding the Con- stitution, for drafting Hills, and for giving form and shape to the national and pro vincial legislation, .\nother reason may l)e found in the fact that the iircfession are generally good and ready speakers. Above all, they are usually practical men. not theori/ers, and know how to econo nu/e time ami e\peeen spe( ially distinguished for their judi- cial .mil dis|)assionate character. High, particularly, has been the reputation, alike for honour .ind ability, of the Chief Justices and Ch.incellors of the L'pper Canada and Ontario liench. Their names shed lustre on a noble profession. Here is the roll of the later ones, who have been personally known to many of the < iti/eiis of to-il.iy : Kobinson, .\Iacaulay, .NM.ean, Richards, Draiier, Harrison, Moss, Cameron, and Hagarty, C/iief fusticfs : Hume Mlake, Spragge, N'ankoughnel, and liovd, Chtincdlor^. High, also, has been the repute and the juridical status of their brethren on tlu' liench who have not attained to the chief pri/.es of the judiciary. •There is hardly a name in the roll of the Provincial liem h that will fail to be remembered not only in the legal records, but in the general annals, of the coualry. The liar, also, has known many eminent men, whose gifts would do honour lo the l-iw in the .Motherland or imked to the highest professional circles of any (duntry. These pages preserve the reconi of a lew of them. THE LAW COVKTS AM) TIIF. I.IUiAl. fKOIESSIOX. ill Mk. ClIKlMOIMl K KolilNsiiS, 1,1. t'. or llidsc k-.iiiR(l in tia- law in ('aii:ul:i lIuTr is |ktIi.i|)s iki higher iiaini-, nr (im- mure wiirlliily liclil in rcNpul liy licncli :ui(l l!,ir aliki', than that (if Mr. ( 'hrisldpliir Robinson, (,).('. .Mr. Roliinson admittedly stands at the head of his profession in Ontario, 11, indee- preliminary studies for that arduous profession ami was duly called to the liar, hor a number of years .Mr Osier pr.ictised at Duiukis, Out., and from 1.S76 to 18S1 was County Crown .\ttorney for Wentworth. Of recent years he has maile Tcironto his home, and is at present one of the chief partners in the legal lirm of .Messrs. .McCarthy, Osier. Iloskin \- Creelman. .Mi. Osier is a liendierof the Law Society and a (^)ueen's Counsel. In his profession the learned gentleman is one of the ablest and best known of counsel and has condueteil many important cases for the Crown. He took part with Mr. Christopher Robinson, (,).('., in the North-West prosecutions in i,S,S5, in coimection with the second Riel Rebellion, and has just added to his laurels liv con- ducting with great abilit> the Crowns i-.iseat Woodstock /// /r the (^)ueen f. liirchall. Mr. Charles .Moss, (,).('., brother of the lamented Chief Justice .Mo.s.s, and him- self one of the ablest and best known men at the l'ro\ incial liar, w,is born at ( 'oliourg. Out., .March Sth. 1840. While (|uite a youth he removed with his father to Toronto, and here re<-eived hii preliminary education, resohing, like his eminent brother, to take to law as a profession. Mr. Moss articled himself to his brother's lirm and entered the l,aw Society. During his student career, he won a scholarship, and gave promise of the talents which have since raised him to his hi;;h position in the pro- fession. IK- was called to the liar in iSfx). Upon his admission to practice, he Joined the legal lirm of Messrs. Osier \ .Moss, of which the present .Mr. Justice ( )sler was the senior member. This firm was sulisei|uently strengthened by the admission Mkkkt. In iSSi. the Dominion (iovernnient created Mr. Moss, howi'ver, eschews political life, for on the elevation of Chief Justice Cameron to the liench, Mr. .Moss was offered hut declined the nomination for f.ast I'oronto in the Local Lej;islalure. During his professional career, Mr. .Moss has lieen engai;ed in many im- porlant suits liefore the Canatlian and ICnglish t'ciurts. .\nioiigsl other c.ises, he has heeii interested as counsel in the contested l^scheat case of .\ltorney-Cieiieral v. .Mercer; in the notorious Streams' case, .McLaren v. Cald- well ; and in the vexed St. James' Rectory case. Langtry v. DuMoulin. In 1871, .Mr. Moss married limily, second daughter of the late Mr. Justice Sullivan. .Mr. John Ho^kill, (J.C., LL.D., ol the firm of Messrs. .McCarthy, Osier, Hoskiii \: Creelman, was born in Devonshiri, iMig- land, in 1K36. He studieil in Canaila for u;e profession in which he has risen to eminence umier the late .Mr. Robert .\rmour, of Bow- manville, and the present Mr. Justice Strong and Mr. Justice Ikirton. He was called to the liar of L'pfier Canada in iSo^, and created a (,)ueen's Counsel ten years later. In 1H74, he was appointed by the Court of Chancery, (inardian nd tilcm of Infants, and subse- ipiently made ( )l'ticial (liiardiaii by statute. I'his im|)orlant trust he fulfils with ability and rare discretion. He has been a liencher of the Law Society of Ujiper Canada for fifteen years, and enjoys in a large measure the confidence of the community and the estetm of the members of his profession. In iSyo, he was elected President of the County of Vork Law .Association ; is President of the National Investment Company ; Vice-President of the Toronto (leneral ^Trusts Company, and a I )irector of the ( 'anadian Hank of Commerce. He is one of the Trustees of the University of I'oronto, and in 1889 had the honorary degree of LL.I). conferred upon him bv that national institution. In iS6f) he married the eldest daughter of the late Mr. Walter McKenzie, of Castle Lrank, near by which, in the picturesque region of Rosedale, he has his beautil'ul home. " 'I'he Dale." l-'or beauty of situation, no less than for its line sylvan setting and the rare attractions of its conservatories. "The Dale " is Hell-nigh unsurpassed among Toronto homes. Mr. William Lount, (J.C., of the law firm of Messrs. I.ouiil iv Marsh, was born at Newmarket, \'ork County, Ontario, on the ,V'I of .March. 1S40. He was educated at the liarrie (Irammar School, and then devoted himself to the pursuit of lav. He was called to the liar in iSfii, and shortly alter began to practice his profession in liarrie, removing later on to Toronto, where he and his firm have for many years been engaged in a large and important practice. .Mr. Lount was returned in 1867 Reform member for the North Riding of Simcoe, in the Ontario Legislature. ICngrossed with his proles sion, .Mr. Lount, however, did not pursue political life. In 1876, he was created t,).C. by the Provincial Ciovernment, and live years later rei eived the like honour from the Dominion (iovernment. He has ailed as ( 'rown Counsel for the ( )ntario (iovernment on several important iMses. Dk.Joiin IIoskin, i,|.C. In religion, Mr. Lount is an I'.piscopalian. Mu, \Viii,iam I.oim, (j,c. Tlir. /..Ill' COCA'V.S .IX/> THE l.r.CM. I'KOr-F.SSlON. 93 Mu. I. K. Kh;k, ().C. Mk. LIko. T. Bi A< KSTOl k, c^i.C. 'I'lu' clrvvr ilcfi-Mix' of Ri');iiKilil llinhall wlaii (in I'lir imirili'iiiii; iMvilfriik ( '. liunwL'll lias iiiaili- tin- name of Mr. Cit'Drgc- 'I'ak' lilackstock, (^).( '.. known in two iK-niispluiis. IirCIVi tiuil a-, was llir effort inaik' to cxtriiali.' the rriiuinal from the lio|icles-, cntaMnkiiient of evidcnie with wliicli he was siirroimdeil liy the Crown, the address of the loiinsel for the defence was of siicli imporlanie tliat It was ial)led acioss the Allantic and puhhshed verliatim in the London 7'iiiiis. Mr, likiikstoik comes from the County of l)iirham. wlien lie was horn April 7lh, iS5f), Like many other prominent Canadians, he is an Upper ( 'anada ( 'ollege hov. Ii imediately upon comiiiencing the jiraclice of l.iw he took a leading place. His special iiiialifi- cations as a public speaker caused many of his friends to iirj^e him to seek the field of |iolitics. Mr. ItlackstDck, lieiiig a strong ( 'onservative, deteriiiiiied to attack the lion in his lair and made his first political cam- paign in West Durham, where he was defeated liy the Hon. I'.dward lilake. .\t the following election he made a. good run in Lennox in the (!on.scr\ alive interest. hut was also unsuccessful. .Mr. lilackstock in iHSi) was made a (Jueen's Counsel hy the Dominion Ciovenimeiit. The learned gentleman is an adherent of the .Methodist Church. Mr. James Kirkpatrick Kerr, (j.C., of the firm of Messrs. Kerr, Maedonald, Davidson \' I'alerson, and well known for his active and enthusiastic interest in Ficemasonry, was liorn near Ciuelph, in the 'rownship of I'li^lmch, in iS.)i. His father, a civil engineer liy iirofession, came to Canada from Ire'.ind in iS.V. 'nx' "''"^ f'"' maiiv years Chamlierlain of the City of Hamilton. The subject of this sketch received his early ecUication at Hamilton, and later on at Calt, under the able eilucationist, the late Dr. lassie. He afterwards studied law, and in iS^j was called to the Ontario I'or tweiitv vears, .Mr. Kerr was a partner in the well known firm of .Messrs. Mlake, Kerr iV Wells, retiring from it, in 1SS5, to his present firm, of wliiih he is the heail. In 1871) i.SSi, and iSSd, he was successively elected a Hencher ot the Law Societv. In 1S76 he was created (,>.('. by the Ontario llovernmeiit. and in iSSt had the s.ime honour conferred on him bv the Dominion Ooverniuent. Mr. Kerr nas been retained in many important cases, civil and criminal, and argued the great Ii -ense '-.ise, the ( )iieen f. Ilodge, for the respondent belore the I'rivy Council in laiglaud. In 1S61, he was initiated a h'reemason in the Ionic Lodge. 'I'oronlo, and has served the craft in all the important offices up to the (iraiid .Mast'Tship of the Cirand Loilge of Canada. Me has held the rank of I'ast Craiid I'rincipal J. in the (■rand Chapter of Canada, and in the Cirand Chapter of .Scotland. He has also held the rank of I'ast Provincial Prior of the .Sovereign ( ireal Priory of Knights I'emplars of ( anada. and, in 1885, received at the haiuls of ll.R.H. the Prince of Wales, C.rand Master of Knights Templars, the distinguished order of the (irand Cross of the I'emple. In politics, .Mr. Kerr is a Liberal; in religion, he is a member of the Church of ICngland. I'cir many years he has been a member of the hiocx'san and Provincial Synod, and for fifteen years Churchwarden of St. James' Mr. Alfred Henry .Marsh, (J.C.,I.L.P... was born at Smithfield, Nortluimberlaiid County, .May ,50tli, 1851. Ik was educated at llrightcm High School and the University of Poroiito, receiving from the latter the degree of H.A. in 1874, and I.L.H in 1882. He was called to the Ontario liar in 1877, • Tin Dai.k," Kfsiipk.sck, 01 Ur. Ho^kin, ti.C. '.M /■///■; /,.;/»■ coi'A'rs .inp the i pkoi-essiox. Mk. a. 11. Mak>ii, (I.e. ami ii|)pi)iiilr(l (Jinrn's ('(hiiimI liy lliu I )()iiiini(iii ( loMriiiiKiit in iSScj. Mr. .Mar^li iiiurrd in 1M77 tin lirni nl .Messrs. .Matrat of Toronto L'niversity, and on his resignation was a|)pointed a mcmher of the Senate liy the Ciovernor-Ceneral, which position he held till 187,^ The first summer residence on Toronto Island was built l>y Mr. .Morris in 187 1. He serveil the city as aldermanic representative of St. .Vndrew's W ard in 1880, and sulise (piently as a meinliiT and ihairman of the Collegiate Institute Hoard. .Mr. Morris, who has always taken an intelligent and patrioti( interest in Canadian affairs, was a niemher of the Advisory Hoard which distributed relief to the sufferers by the Humber railway calamity in 1884. He was appointed Queen's Counsel in 1885, and in i8Hf> was elected a Hencher of the Law Society of Upper Canada. He is a member of the Royal Canadian N'acht Club, .\lbany Club, and St. Andrew's Society. .Mr. .Morris in his |)rofessional practice has a wealthy and inlUiential cliaitelf. His present law partner is Mr. .Mian McNab. formerly of Owen Sound. In religion, Mr. Morris is an K|)iscopalian ; in politics he is a Conservative of the ideal type and at the same time an ardent and public- spirited ( 'anadiaii. Mr. John liain, (,).('., is a native of Scotland, where he was born in the vear i.S,vj, being the youngest son of Rev. James Hain. His education, commenced in Scotland, was continued at (,)ueen's College, Kingston. .Mr. Main studied law in the ofhce of Messrs. I'aterson ct Harrison, composed of the late James I'aterson and the late Chief Justice Harrison. Subsecpiently he was received into the linn and the name was changed to I'aterson, Harrison \- Hain. In 187 1, .Mr. Harrison withdrew from the finn and it became I'aterson, Hain \- I'aterson. 'The .senior partner, .Mr. James I'aterson, died in 187,5. The firm was in 1874 then reorganized under the name of T'erguson, liain \ .Myers. On the elevation of Mr. Justice T'ergu.son to the liench, .Mr. Hain became the head of the firm, and the name changed to Hain, Laidlaw \- Co. Few men have had as.sociated with them in the practice of law so many partners who have been elevated to the liench. Mr. Hain was created a ().V. in 1883. His firm carries on a large and general legal business. !-«;,^®cr'- imm'i:.^-sv^l^KK...H^ia f'l^m jBm .-^1^^'^'^ 1 j^^^^H mfK/^Kf^T'- "mmmj.. Mk. Ias. II. MoKKls. (,i.f. .Mk. Joun lUi.s, i,l.C. THE LAW COl'KTS AM) HIE I.EGAI. I'KOERSSIOX. CKOWS Al TilKNF.Y, Mk. G. \V. liAlilM ROW . Mr. (k'cirj;r Wasliiiinloii ll.iilnirnw, ll.inislfr, Crown Altnniry lor llii' Cnunly nl N'ork, is a native (if this idinit;-, having ln'on liorn al Markhain, May jSili, 1S41. AlUr sludyinn in the Markhani High Siliool, Ik- tntircd ihi' iilCui' (if the lair Chief Jllstici' IlarrisDii, and was shortly afterwards called to the liar. .Mr. lladnerow is the head of the legal linn of .Messrs. d. W. Itadgerow iV Co., and enjoys a high reputation in the eoninuMiity. Mc has lieen < losely associated with the l.ilieral party in Ontario, to support which he was elected a nieniher of the Local Legislature by the Kast Riding of \'ork in iSyc). This constiliiency re-elected him until he resigned in 18H7 to aciiirsc K. OK Mk. J. K. Kkhr, (,i.C. II I .\lK, GEORiiK. 11. Watson, (J.C. his i)arty in Toronto; in religion, he is .Mu. Wii I lA.Ni N. .Mii.i.RR, I I.e. /•///; /,./;;■ cocA'-rs .i\/> riir. ieuai. rnohEssioN. 07 Mk. J.^^. J. l-'uv, I^I.C. MK. N. GORIiON liKIKI.OW, (J.C. ;i Konian ('atli()li<', and a liading m(.iiili(.r 111 the ((innrf^atioii of St. MicliaiTs < ■.illiiilral. Mr. Ni'Isdii (iiirddn Hind iw, (,).('., I.I..H., of till' Well known Kj,'al lirni of Messrs. Iti^ilow, .\Iorson\ Sniytli, and one of llii' leading prai titiontrs at the Provincial liar, was horn in the ('ounty of Siincoo, .April 2i\v\, 1840. Atl' r receiving his preliminary edlKation, he entered Vic- toria L'niversity, ('olioiirn, where he look a lii^h standinj; and in due course, gradu- ated with honours. He has taken a lead- ing part in the discussions with reference to the {•'ederation (piestion. In i8fi6, he proceeded to his M..\. tle^ree, anil in the following year look the degree of l.l,.l!. Mr. liigelow pinsiie.('., a partner in the well-known legal finn of Robinson, O'lirien iV (libson, is a son of the late Col. 1'^ Ci. ( J'lhieii, of "The \\ oods," Shanty Hay, Lake .Simcoe, and was born in 1836. Having chosen law as a profession, he took up its study and was duly called to the Har in iSfii. .Mr. < )'Hrien is the author of several legal works of high repute in the profession. He has also, for upw;,rds of twenty years, ably edited the CaiiaJa l.ifii' Journal, which was originated in 1.S55, by Mr. Justice (now Senator) (iowan and the Hon. James I'atton, (,).('., and sulise(|uently conducted for a time by the late Chief Justice Harrison. This was the pioneer legal periodical of the Dominion, and is the organ of the Law Society of L'pjier Canada. .Mr. O'lirien was also law reporter at Osgoode Hall from 1S66 to 1 876. He is noted for his interest in athletic sports. He founded the .\rgonaiU Rowing Club in 187J and was its lirst President. He was also lirst President of the Canadian A.ssociatiim of .Vmateur Oarsmen. In politics, also, Mr. O'lirien has shown great activity, taking a pronii nent i)arl, with his brother Col. O'Hrien, .M.P., and others, in the movement against the passing of the Jesuits ICslate.s' Hill. 1 ! j '-'fflr'^MR Bk' ! K ,., i - i i ^^B^i.7*' ;" ^10**'*- ' E^'ffif , Mr. Ai.l-REn lIosKi.N, Q.C, Mr, IIenrVjO'Brif.n, <,).C. 98 THE LAW COL'KTS ./.V/> THE /.Ed. I/. PKiV-ESS/OX. Mk. lilNKV I. Mr. Uamki. K. Thomson, n.V . 'I'lioiiuli riiriiuTly a Cimstivalivc in politics, liu lias lallirly (lisi'iiga^od liimsi'ir iVoin parly alliaiici-s, ami coiiructi'd liinisflC with till' l''.i|iial Rinlits advoiaUs. Ili'is a iiKMilnr of tin- lActiitivc ('r the city niayorallv, and was a /caloiis ally of lliat j;cntlcinan in his (.iTorts on licliair of imiiiicipal rclorin. Mr. ( )'l'iricn belongs to the Church of laig- laiid coinnninion, inouj^h he takes an active part in all iindeiioniinational Christian work, and has done much practical good amongst the poor and sick, chiefly ol' the eastern por tion of the city. To his philanthropliic work he has made many sacriflces and gives it a large amount ol his time. Mr. Henry James Scott, (J.< '., was liorn at Port Hope, August J^th, 1.S5J. He is the second son of the late Mr. James Scott, barrister. He was educated at I'ort Ho|)e (Irainmar .School, I'rinity College School, and Toronto L'niversity. He graduated in .\rts in 1S7J, ol' which year he was gold medalist in met.iphysics. In 187(^1 he entered upon the pr.ictice ol" law, and his ability was recognized Uy his appointment as (Jueen's Counsel in |8,S,5. Mr. Scott is a meiuher of the Church of Knglniid. Mi. Oaiiiel lalinimd I'hoinson, (^>.C., of the firm of .Messrs. 'rhomson, Hen- derson \ liell, and a member of the Hoard of Ciovernors of .McMaster University, was born in the N'illage of l!rin. ( 'ounty Wellington, Ontario, January jotli, 1H51. Having recei\ed his preliminary education, he was subseiiuently instructed by private tutors, and in 187:;, began at (Juelpli the study of the law. Two years later he removed to Toroiilo, where he entered the office of .Messrs. lieatty, Cliadwick iv I. ash, and pursued his studies at the 1 Haw- School, cirrying olT in succession first, second and fourth year scholarships his third year course having been allowed him in consideration of his high standing in the class lists. In 1876, he was called to th ■ liar, and in 1889 was created a (J.C. by the Ontario (iovernmeiit. In his profession, Mr. Thomson has made a s|iecially of commercial law and had a large practice in iiisolveiK-y cases prior to the re|ieal of the Insolvent .\ct. He was counsel in the celebrated stock-broking case of Sutherland Z'. Cox, which arose out of the complications of the I'ederal liaiik stock. The ease was carried through all the courts and resulted in a judgment for the pl.iintil'f. .Mr. I'liomson was also counsel for the defendants in the case of Macdonald 7'. ( 'rombie, ^^^^ which was carried to the Supreme ^Ji^^H Court and decided in favour of the defendants. This case is a ruling one on <|ueslions of preferential security. .Mr. Thomson for the past four years has been President of the baptist Convention for ( )ntario anV .Ma(ken/ie. Mr. 1 lowland is also a patent agent, a solicitor to the Supreme Court, and a foreign mem- ber of the ICnglish Institute. In connec- tion with various numicipal and national movements he has evinced a deep interest in public affairs. Since 18.S1 ' ,■ has been one of the Churchwardens of St. James' Cathedral. He is chairman of the On- tario Public Places .Vssoiiation and a member of the York Pioneers and of St. Cieorge's Society. In the case of Smith 7'. (loldie, which he successfully contested in the highest Courts of the realm, Mr. I Howland obtained the first judgment of the Commissioner of Patents on the ap- plication of the famous forfeiture clause which is still tlie governing deiision or that subject. In the long and involved case arising out of the St. James' Cathen, L'n{iihart \' liovd. ^^L i He was horn in N'orkshire, lOiglanil, in t^^B 4MW i!^4<). and was eduiated up to the age of ^^1 ^^ ^ j sivteen at ordinary day schools and then Vi ^M I hy |irivate tuition. He thoroughly nias- ^ ttm I tercd the duties of ai idiuuant and held ^ t/^ ' responsilile posts till, in 1S77, his he.dlh ^^^ 7^^^^ f.iiling. Mr. Heighinglon was advised to tr\ a drier ( liuiate. He /■///■: //■:<;. 1/ /'k'OHCss/ox. 101 Mil>M'inifrnly III ( .iiiK''iii;mafiiiij; clerk in llu' (ilticr ol N. I'. Ilancl, !,•.('.. ikuv (iI \\iMiii|iLi;. In iS;() Mr. Schiill' \v:i-, calii'd to till' liar, having taken linnmns in tlu- Law SiIukiI tlnvr yl•a|■^ in ^iiiiis>iiin. ami lninL; mccmuI cm a Iniii; li^t of lianisliTs. Wu lias twice i" i.SSS and iSSi) liccii elected a-. I'lililic ScIkmiI Trustee Inr St. \l.iltlu«'s Ward. .\lr. .ScIkiII' i> a cli.irts};iiiide Hall was estalilished liy the Law Society iil Upper Canada, iiiuler the sii|iervisi(m iil' a l.eijal I'.diicatidii ('oiiiinitlei', with tlie desii;ii 111' alTordiiii; iiistriictiiin in law and legal siili jects til all stiulents entering the I ..nv Society, and 111 holdinj; e\aiiiinatioiis which shall entitle the student to lie calKd to the liar or adiiiilted to |iraclii'eas a solicitor. 'The Law .Schiiiil course, which is three years in extent, is eiiinpiilMirv on all stndents-al l.iw anil articU-d clerks, siiliiect also to llu' |i.iMnent ol certain lees, unless they liavi' lieen admit led prior to Hilary Term, iSSij. HoiuHirs, schol.irships, and medals are awarded In the Siieiety in connection with the examinations .it the Law School. Privileges are granted to graduates in .\rts of the universities rei-ogni/ced by the Law Society, and attendance at the School is allowed as part of the term ol' attendance in a liarrister's ihamliersor service under articles. The Law .School course embraces lecliires, iicitaliiins, discussions, and other oral methods of inslriictiim, and the holding 111 inoiit courts under the supervision of the Trincipal and the Lecturers. 'The Trincipal of the School is Mr. W'. .\. l\ee\e, .\I..\.. <,•.('.. and the Lecturers, lour in mimlier, are Messrs. \'.. I). .\riniiur, (,).('., .\. 11. .Marsh, 1!..\.. l.L.l!., (,).(•., K. i;. Kingsford, .\l..\., LL.l!.,and T. II. Drayton. The Legal I'.ilnc.ilion ( 'omuiittee ol the Law So cietv, miller whose auspicis the Law Schoiil iseoiuluctetl, is composed of the lolloping llenchers : Messrs. Charles Moss, (^).C. (Chairman), Christopher Kobmson, (J.C.. Iiiliii Hoskiii, LL.D., (,1.C„ 1'. MacKelcan, (,).('., W'. k. Meredith, (J.C., /.. \. Lash, (^).C., |. II. Morris, (J. C, I. 11. I'ergusim, (J.C., ■ind Niiol kiiigsmill, (^).C". It is .siiid the Law Siiciely intend at an early d.iy to erect a separate building lor the Uses 111' the Law School. Kk.-.iijK.\ck 111- Mu. Kij.i.s Scmu 1 , \'ici.iu .\\i.sii.:. Kksiuknck. 01 .Mk. \Vm. T. ArKiNsoN, | amkson A\i,me, 102 THE HEAI.IXC AKT: A CIIAI'TF.K AliOUT /WCTOh'S. CHAPTER X\II. ■iHi; }ii:.\i.iN'(; ari': a ciiai'ikr Ai'.oL'r doctors. Tin Ciiv's ICakiv I'mysrians. Rkiiui.h Akmv Sl ki.kons. Tin; Mkduai. Hoauh ok L'ri'i.k Canada. IIisioric NaMKS A\I0N(, IIIK T'iKSI I'KAl nilOXlRS. .\l l.dl'Arils AMI HdMI.Ol'Alll.s. Till. .\1kIiKAI. Sniool.S, l.KKNSINi; l!i)i)ii;s AMI 'Ti:aiiiin(. Taiim.i ii;s. Dimi.sikv am> Di.misis. Thk Ciiv's Mosi'IIais a.mi Chaki i ik.s. JL'IX'ilNCi I'roiii till' luimliiT :iii(l tlic jiLiii-nil opiilLiicx' of iIk' iiKilical |)i(iri'ssi(iii in TdniiUd, tlio city woulil si'ciii to lie a paradise dl' l'liy>iiians. H'tlK-rc is a vaiaiU cdiiiiT on any df tin- Tine ri'sidcntial stivcls cil" fhi' lity, the real estate ajjeiit anil the hoiise-lmikler sei-(e upon it lor the erei tion (if a (Iditor's liandsome resiilem e. ICven the apotlieiary shops, whirh are lifjion, denote a thriving trade in the heahnu or the kilhng art. In the did days there was no siieh activity or enterprise in the dni.u trade, imr was the medical pnilession thronged not to say glutted as it appears to he now. Vet men lived then to a good old age, and barring periods ol pestilence, few were wont to lie gathered to their fathers until they were full ripe for the sickle. 'The good people of the time did not live in such a whirl as we do, and they took more al enjoyment out of mundane existence. There was therefore nut sn mu( h need of the health officer, or of heneliciary .societies and mortality statistics. 'The doctor was hut rarely in re(|uisition, for the domestic pharmacopn;ia w,is usually at hand and the old wife could he depended upon with her luiteiU restoratives, drawn from ihe primitive herbs and simples. \\ hat pimpernel, liverwort, rue and rosemary cduld not cure, must have been smitten of the ICvil One and was past the chirurgeon's art. Kven for the most persistent ailments, a posset brewed by the family herbalist was counted a more sovereign remedy than the (|iiassia of a while faculty of physiiians. Troin an early period in the l'ro\iiicial history we find mention made, however, of doctors and licensed practi- tioners. Commonly these were old armv sur- geons who had emigrated to the colony, or hail come to it on the staff of the first governors. These early physicians, we read, carried medi- ( ines and a pair of tiny scales, weighing out their prescriptions at the houses of their patients, and their long(|ueues, powdered hair, and ruffleil shirt fronts eiifoned the respect which their professidii cdimnanded. In the aliseiKc of any wurk, of an historical or liiographical character, dealing with the Medical Trdfession in the early days of the Province, we have I'ounil it diltii ult to say much as an introduction to this chapter. ( )f a few of the first practitioners, Dr. Scadding, in his 'I'oronto of Old. gives us some .account, and this we have been able to supplement through the courtesy of Dr. CannilT, late City Health Otticer, and like the venerable historian of 'Toronto, an enthusiastic student of the civic and Trovincial annals. 'This gentleman is at present, we are glad to know, preparing for the press an historical account, with interesting original documents, of the Mediial Profession in Upper Canada, from the founding of the Trovince to the year 1S50. Its appearanie, we venture to think, will be eagerly looked for. Chielly from this source we learn some facts with referenie to the pioneers df the profession and of the establishing of the Medical Schools. We are also indebted to Dr. I'yne for some statistic al inlormation regarding the College of Physicians and Surgeons. 'The three most notable of the first practitioners in the city, were Drs. Win. Warren Haldwin, James Macaulay, and (.;hristo|)her Widmer. I )r. Italdwin came to York (Toronto) towards the close of the last century, and was the first civilian in the embryo capital to practice mediiine. He also entered upon the study of law and was duly legalized to |)ractice that pro- fession as well as that of a doctor. Mis name is well know 1 in early Canadian history, and our readers need hardly be told that .\n .\ici mmfi nuAr llii o\ Ckkkakii siKfKr. THE lir.AI.lXa AKT. A CIIAl'TEK AliOCT nOCTORS. 1(.3 lie the latlii'i iif llial p;Uii()l-|ioliliiiaii. tlic lldii. KiilaTl IJaldwiii. I Ir. lialilwin was llic loiindcr ol Spadiiia House, (in llif hill over-looking Davenport Road and the spaeious avenue that hears the name of his residence. Drs. Maeaiilay and Widnier were originally surgec/ns in the army. Dr. Mar. ( ieikie, I )r. ( 'annil'f, I )r. lierryman, 1 )r. .\ikins, and Dr. Wright. 'The two latter gentlemen are still on the faculty, with some sixteen other medical men anil over a do/eii lecturers, demonstrators and instructors. Dr. W. 'T. .\ikiiis is at present Dean of the T'ac nlty. In 1.S50 Trinity .Medical .School was founded by Drs. Hodder, Hovell, Kadgley, and Uethune, and then became a Kaculty of Trinity University. In 1855 ft it however cea.sed to be a Kaculty of the University, though in 1871 it was reorganized under a Kaculty differently constituted but with many of the original professors. In 1877 the School was alVilialed with 'Trinity University and to-day has a teaching Kaculty, with Dr. (Ieikie as Dean, composed of ten doctors of the city and twelve lecturers and demonstrators. In 1883, the Women's Medical College was founded, and is doing good work under Dr. Xevitt, Dean of the I'aculty, and a leaching staff of over twenty professional men of the city. Toronto has also the following schools : the ( )ntario College KK^IPKNCK 0|- Dr. <;. U. McI)oNAc;il, ClICKCIl SlUKII. 1U4 rUE HEM. ISC, IHT: A CIlArVEK AIHH'T POCTOkS. (if l'liarm;u y, (lcMi;nc(l lor tin- aliicitioii of ('liiniisls ami I )riinniMs and iiiriii|u.iati-(l by Ail i>l' I'ailiaiiiiMit : a Schonl of Iliiili-.lrv oIiIk- Koyal CdlKgi' iil Di'iilal Siirgnin.s lor Ontario, iiiinriioratcd since iSfiS ; and tho Ontaiio NctiTiiiary ( 'i)lli't;o, piisscssing iIk- |i(i\vi.r liv Ait of Parliament to j;ram diplomas to W-terinary Siirj^ci ns. llcsidL-s tlKse iLailiinH schools in medicine and its allied luanclies. the medical iinilession in the Province have a College ol l'!i\si( ians and Surgeons of Ontario, whose headiiiiarters are in I'oronto, I'liis is n Provincial Lieensin;,' Ix^h , nd was lirsl incorporated by an Act of Parliament in |S66. It is governed liy a Coimcil composed ot territorial representativ s, aniuiaH) elected, with representatives from the various Medical Schools and Universities, Alloi)alhic and llonieopathlc and a Hoard of well i|iialilled l%\anuners, The pro- fession has also in the city two inedic.d journals. 'J'/h' Ciiiiada Liin- cil. ,nid T/i,' Cdiuidiiiii Praititioiier, under alile management, besides the periodic issues of The Oiiliiiin M,.ii,;i/ A'.xis/,/: W. r. Aikni-,. M.l)., I.I..I)., w.i> born in the ('oiinly of Peel. < Intario. in 1.S27. His preliminary ediic.ition was received at \'ictoria College, Coboiirg. and his education at the I'oronto School ol Medicine and Jefferson Medical College. Philadelphia. Alkr prac ticing in Toronto lor a lime, I Ir. .\ikins became le.icher of An.itomy in kolph's School ol Medicine in 1S50, now aftiliated with 'I'rinity Liiiversity. Si\ years later he aiipoi.-.led lecturer and surgeon in the 'roronlo School ol Medicine, which position he has held with m.nked success nnlil the present time. I)r. Aikins was largely iiistru ill forming the Ontario .Medical College, .ind has been 'I'lvasurer of that body since its inception in iSoo. prcmi iSjotill iS.So he was surgeon tothe Toronlo (ieneral Hospital, and is now on the consulting staff. I'or many years Dr. .\ikins was President c)!' the Toronlo Sc liocil of Medicine. He has been l>ean of the Institution since 1SS7. The degree of I.L.I), was conferred upon him in iSSi by the University of \ictoria College, and in iSc;o the University of Tor onto similarly honoured him. I Ir. .\ikins is regarded as one of the most careful antiseptic ists in the world. Walter li. ( ieikie, .M.l I.. C..\I., I ).C.I,., I )ean of 'Trinity .Medical College, was born in ICdinbiirgh, Scotland, in May, i.Sjo. Coming to this country in 184,5 "i''' ''i^ father he studied in the .Medical School founded by the Hon. Dr. kolph,and in i,S5i, after examination by the .Medical Hoard of Upper Canada, was licensed to practice medicine. He went lo Philadelphia and took the degree of .\1.|). at Jefferson College in the following year. .After (iractising a few years at Pond Head and .\urora he accepted in 1850 a prcjfessorship in the medical department of \ictoria College. In 1867 Dr. (Ieikie revisited his native land and passed the examinations of the Royal College of Surgeons of iMlinburgh and of the Royal ('ollege of Physicians, l.on(U)ii. In 1871 he, with the aid of friends, induced Trinity University to reorganize the medical department, which had been instituted in 1850 and discontinued. He was appointed to the Professorship of Medicine and Clinical Medicine, and on the death of Dr. Hodder he became the Dean of the College. Dr. (Ieikie represents 'i'rinity College in the Medical Council ot Ontario, and last year rec eived the honorary degree of I) (,'.I.. from Trinity University. i Kc^K 111 l'iiv>iei.vx-, .\Mi Sckc;kuxs, ll.w .Sikkkt THE IIEAI.IMl ART: .1 CIlAI'Tl-.K .{/HUT /HX/OA'S. |(i.-> Uk. \V. r. AiKiss l)K. \V. li. Cl fKIK. 'I'lio I'lv^iiU'iil 1)1 iIk' ('(ilk'fic (jI' ^lly^il■hllls anil Siirmim^ of <)nl,iriii, lur iS.SS, ,ii> |.iiiii.> ll(|iliiini Hiini-., M.I),, n native iilOsliaHa, Ontariu. liiirn in I )ciiiiilii_'r, rS-js, Dr. liiinis. al'UT laying iIil- rnimilaliiiii iif his iduialidn at l'|i|nr Ciiiada _ ( 'olk'Hi-, urailiialiil iiniudii iiual TnidiUii I'nivfrsily in fS6fi, at tin- aj^i' of tvviiit\ ni\c. Wlii'M till- I'l'tiiaii ilisliiilianci' hiokc nut, I Ir. Iluni'- Ha^ at Saginaw, .Michigan, wliitlur 111- liail nimi: tii join I )r. Kiymilds in lli^ |]ra('li( (.'. Ilr iinnudiatily ivtuimd to 'I'dronlii and attailu'd hiinM.'!!' tiiintcd .\s>islant Snrm'im ol ('iil. l)fnis |ir(i- visional iij;inicnt, and at St. ( 'atliarini-s iindt-r irralnniu a laif,'r ninnliiT (if till- wiiiniik-d. .\lur tlir ri'liillidn, Dr. liiM'ns pr.ii'tisi'd iniilicini.' at ( 'iillinywdod till icSjfi, wlK'n ho rciniivcd In Tdrontn. In iSSoandin 1SS5 Ik- «as t-liitt-d tn the Mt-iliral ('diincil dl' ()ntarid. ol wliiili Ik- Has \i(-i--l'risiik-iit in 1S.S7 and I'residi-nt in iSSS. Dr. lUirns is .senior idiisultinn |iliysii-ian at tlie Infants' lldnie. a meinlier cif the coiisullint; staff nf St. Jdhn's I lospi- tal, Olisletritian at the 'I'Dronto Cieiu-ral Hospital, Ontario Referee fur the New \'drl< Life Iiisiirance ( 'oinpaiiv, and mediral examiner for several otlier proMiinent Life Insurance Companies. Me is a I'ast Master of .\shlar Lod{;e, .\. I-'. \- .\. M., No. J47, Toronlo. l-rederi(-k \\ 111. Strange, .M.I)., M.R.C.S., Surgeon of "(!" ( 'ompaiiy, Infantry S(-hool, and I-a-M.T. for North \(jrk, is one of the most distinguished physieians in the eity. He is an able pathologist and a (-lever and siu-i-essful surgeon. .\s a consulting jihysician few men in his profession have risen to greater eminence. Dr. Strange, who is the son of the late .Mr. Thomas Strange, of Stilhamskead Abbotts, Hcrkshire, l-aigland, was educated at llatli and Winchester, studied medii inc in Liverpcidl, and at University College, London, and is a l-'ellow of the Obstetrical Society of the Hritish metropolis. Krom 1.S66 to iHfu), he was .\ssistant-Surgeon of the Lon- don Siirgi(-al Home and the Hospital for Women, resigning these posts in the latter year to come to Caii-ida. Dr. Strange has a large and lucrative practice in 'I'oronto, is a Cdroner for the County of N'ork, was at one time I'residenl of the North \'ork , .___„_,. ., Liberal-Conservative .\ssociation, and from i.Sy.S to iSSj sat for North York in the Domiiu'on Parliament. He has been i'or manv vears identilied with the Canadian Militia, is an l''.\-Ca|itain of the 1 2th (N'ork ) liattalion and of the (^)ueen's Own Killes, and is now Surgeon of ••('" Conipany, Infantry S(-hool, 'I'droiito. In that ca|)a- citv he served with his corps in the North- West I-Apeditionary l-'orce, during the second Kiel Rebellion, and was a favourite as well as a skilled and humane surgeon on the lirigade Staff Dr. James Ross, a well-known city practitioner and member of the College of I'hvsicians and Surgeons of Ontario. was born in 1S32 in the Township of L- i .? '. . , ,. ., »■, --a N'ork, N'ork Co., L'p|u-r Canada. A piib- ■; ,; . • _, ■ ".- -j li(- school in his native county supplied him with the rudiments of education, which he afterwards continued at Toronto, entering the Toronto School of Meditine and obtaining a license to practice in 1851. liefore settling down, however, Dr. Ros:s proceeded to Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, where further study was rewarded by the degree of M.I). In the spring of iSsj he ((mimenced the practi(-e of mediiine, surgery and midwifery in Tor(mto, .ind here he has held various positions. 1 1)K. lAMls II. lil'K>S. 1)K. J.\MKs Ross. lOli THE llF.AIIXi, ART .1 CHArTF.K l/iOCr nOCtVKS. Rks11iK\< K 111 liu. |. 1-. \V. Kii>,-, (■ . MM Kli'il KNh. ASH WH.l.l -iLKV S|KI.I.I>. s\icli ns I'll .i<'i;iii to St. AiulriwS. Sdrirh liir ruirl) llinl) \iMrs; I' In tin- (iirU' lloiiir .md I'lililic NiirMiy for Iwi'iitv vi'jirs ; and ;\1m> ri'iiri'scmcil Si. Liiwrcnri' Ward •i'- I'lililir ScIkkiI I'nisU'i' Irotn iSfidiip 1S7.V I 'r. K of Ollt.irio IVoiii iS;.}!!) 1 SSo. Ill i.SSij ju' W.I-, iliciid {'ri'sidont of llu' ('.iiiadian Midicil .VsMicialioii, wliicli lii'ld its animal i-oiui-nlion at li.inff. In |iolilirs, I Ir. Kos> is .1 I .iliunil : ill rilij;ioii. a I'lrsliy- tcri.iii. Jainis K. W. Koss, M.D., CM., I.K.C.r., London. I'aij;laiid, is a ii.itiM- of Toronio ,iiid an nut .uiil oiii C.iiiadian. Ik' was liorn on .\iij;iist 161I1. ICS5S, and riicivcd liis early training at the County Model Scliool, lIu' ('olk-.t;iati- Iiislinili-. and L'pper ( 'anada ( 'ollege. Ill 1S75 he Miatriciilaled ill medi- cine at TorolUo University, and three years .ifterwards look the degree of .M.l>. The studies tlllls eoiiiiiieiired ill this eoiiiitry were for three vears eontiiiiied abroad at London, lierliii, l.ei|i/ie, and \ienna. When in iSiSj I Ir. Koss liegan the |iraetiie of niedieine in Tomnlo lie had in addition to his college ediieation the benefit of three years' e\|ieri- eiK'e as resident assistant at Toronto (ieneral II('S|iital, and had aeiiiiired a knowledge of his profession which shortly eii.ibled liiin to take a front rank. Dr. Koss is of sturdy Scotch descent. His great graiidlather came to('ana(H/()A:S. 107 Hi:, i;. llAKKh K. Mrllindi-.!, li;is liiki'ii ;i warm inliicst in llii' (Iriiuniiiialion. Iia-. In'i'ii ,i iiuinluT nl all ihc (li'iuial ( 'niiriirrn'o. and Inr hmv tliirlv yi'ars has liccn a /(.'aloiis liailcr in the Chiinli. lie is a nKinlur ul' the Miililli--c\ I.(j(I;,c, Sons nl i;nt;lanil liiiuAdltnl Sixicly, and is its iiiL'chcal rvaniiiK-r in the licncliriary ilL'parlnunl. ICH jaiiit's Harrick, M.ll., was horn on I li ; l,.l<.( '.I'., London, I'ainland, iSf.f. ; .M.K.C.S., lainland,;; L.K.C.I'. and L.R.C.S., Kdin hiirgh, i.S()7, and !■'.( ).S., London, l',nj;land, 1.S70. lie practised in Toronto con tirnioiisl) since 1S67. p'rom iSf)7 to 1S70 he was 1 )einonsirator of .Anatomv in N'icloria .Medical School and Professor of Midwifery from 1.S70 till 1S75. I )r. Il.nrick is 'Treasurer of he Ontario .Medical .Xssik iation for iSSijijo. He is a memlier of the .Methodist Cluircli. Oeorge Slerling Ryerson, M.I)., CM., L.K.C.T.. L.R.C.S. lalin.. Surgeon of the Koyal (Irenadiers, was horn in Toronto, January jist, 1X54. H,' is the son of Rev. (icorge Ryerson, and the nephew of our great educitionisi. Dr. ICgerlon Ryerson. 'The Ryersons are of Dutch Huguenot descent, their progenitors having come from Holland in 164^. Descended from I'. \'.. Loyalists on his f.ither's side, Dr. ('■. S. Rverson's an( estors on the maternal side were Conliniiitalists. He was educated at the (lall (iranmiar Scjuiol and Trinilv Medical S( hool, and from the l.Uter he gra lite was spent on a farm in the County Die. |oii\ S. KiNii I ,1 iiuiiilirr 111 llir ( )(lilU lliiHs ; ,111(1 «.i^ llu- rii--l l IkkI) lit' li;i^ liild till' |i(isl (if SiMHi'dii. ii\(ii\liir (il ( 'iiiiimitti'c, lliiid .mil si((in(l \ ii r I'rrsi (Ifiil. Miul Sli-ward. In pnliliiN 1 >r. Kiii^ is ;i l.iliiTal nl :i nilluM' iMili'|Knik'iil l\|ii- ; ill nlijiiiiii. lu' is .\ I'lrsliMiTi.m. ( li.iilis Slir.iril, M.I),. CM.. M.I\.('.S.. I'ji};.. Imiim in TdKinld. I'llniKirv I ;lli. I S57. I'd I I'l'i r < '.in.iilii ( (ilji :;i' lir is inilrlilrd Idi llir c.iilv diillinj; in iiilil Ik 11 1.1 1 |Miisiiiis wliii'li li.iM' iii.idt' liiiii .111(1 111. my ullu r ( '.m.idi.iiis ('iils In llu- |iiiili'^siiin dl iiU(li( inc. ruiiij; .1 ihonilluli goilii; l'.|iis( ii|i,ili.m. Mr. Shc.ird Iddkcd Id llu- IniMisiu nl Irinily ( 'dlk'jii-- I'or his hij;lii-r rdiicilidii. l-rniii iiisliui linn lie nr:i(lii.ili-d u nil tin- ik'nri-i- nl' M.I>.,('.M. Sniisi-iiiiiiil stud)- in llii- I Ins- |iil.iN dl I .nnddn. I'.iij;!. 111(1. .11 'riinily ('dlli-j;i-, ( '.iiiiliridm'. ;il \ii-iiiiii, I'.iris and r.iiiiii. rill. n.Uid lii-' iiii-di(-al kIik .ilmn. Ki-liiiniiii; In rnnniln. 1 li. Slu-.iril prac- lisi'd .!> .1 |ili\si(-iaii H illi ni.irki'd siii-i-i-ss. I lis spi-cial iiilini.ii \ «illi llu- (li-|iailiiii-iil nl rinsinln;.;\ I'll ( ifiiii/i-d li\ liis a|i|idinlnR-iil In dial ( ' in Trinilv ( 'nllrj;i-. In (."^Si). I )i-. Sluaid iiri-il|iii.-il tlu' piisilinn dl' \'irr I'ri'siik-Ml nl llu- ( ' Mt-(li(-.d .\s.-,d( i.ilidii. and Inr the yt-ar iSijo lif is N'ici' I'rrsiik-iU nl' dii- OiUariii Mi-ilical As-.di-i.ilidn. Ik- is also a iiii-iiilicr (il'du' acting slarinr llic 'rniiinln (Iclicral llns- |, .mil an i-\lcnsi\c ih.k li( (.-. I'cli-i I Icndcisnn llruc. M.I >., _^^^ __ Si-( iclaiv nl die I'rnviiicial llnard nl L^r^" J I Ic.iltli. lidiii at .Mdiiiit I'lcasaiit. . -^ lirant Cniinly, .\iii;iist i7tli, 185,^ \\s cdiii atidiial tiainiii}; was received at .Mdiint Pleasant Cirainmar Scliddl. L'liper Cnllc^e. riii\ersily dl' ■|'drniiln. l-;dinliiii-,i;li University, and /uvh dl- A/i'./iriiic. Paris. l-'miii tlu- 'rdrdiitd l'iii\ersity he i-eeei\eil the decrees dl .\I..\. anil M.H.. e.irryinj^ dll'the .i^dlil in Scienceand tlu- .Mi-Miirricli silver nie.lal I'lir a Practical .Science essay. Dr. P.ryce entered iipiin the study dl' divinity in KiidV Cnllege, liiit owinj; to tenipnrary ill-health he gave it up in iS;!). and took a lectureship in C.uelph .\gricultural Cnllege. In iSSo he graduated in mcdieine at Tornnto L'niversitv. spending snnie lime al'terwards at l-'.dinliurgh and Paris. Returning td Canada, he practised successfully at C.uelph till appointed to the lidsitiiin dl' Secretary of the liiiaril nf Health in 1SS2, when he removed to ___, 'I'nrdiitd. His el'rnrts ill fdriiiing local Fun iiiMWglliil iimiBUi— IPBMBBBBBI 1 1 1 , ,1 ■•-"S." ,■;■■.■■ . ,; hoards have coiitnhuted largely to the presenl efliciency nf the Provincial •• #' ^^^ Hoard. Dr. P.ryce is a meniher of the .Xiuericm Pulilii- Health Assnciatinn and Ch.iinnan nf the impdrtant cdiu- iiiittee nf the Internatidiial Cdiiferenie 'A State Hoards dealing with interstate iidlirK.ilinn df diseases. During the small- pox epidemic of i,S.S5, he rendered valuahle ser\ices to Ontario in iireventing a spread nf the disease in the Province. Dr. liryce, who is a Licentiate nf the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, ICdinliurgh, is the son of (leorge liryie. who (-ame from Stirlingshire, Scotland, lift) years ago and settled at Mount I'lea.sant. He was lirought up as a Presbyterian, and is still a niemher of that deiioniinalion. " lieiisfort." the residence nf Dr. I.esslie M. Sweetnam. is situated on ihe north east corner of Chunh and Shiiter Streets. It was erected in i.S.Si; under the supervision of Mr. .Matthew Shearil. Dr. Sweetnam was horn at Kingston, Out., .\ugust 1st, 1851). He was educated at L'|)per Canada College, and took the medical degree at 'roronto L'niversity. in 1881. He began the practice of his pro- fession in a general way in 1882, and since 1887 has made the diseases of women aspecialt\. Dr. Sweetnam is a member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, .\ of loronto University, and M.D., CM., of the University of Nictoria College, Cobourg. Horatio Charles Burritt, M.D.,CM., comes of United l-'aiipire Loyalist stock. He is the grandson of Col. Daniel liurritt, a U. K. Loyalist, and the first settler on the Rideau River, and the son of the late Dr. W. H. liurritt of Smith's l''alls. The subject of this sketch was born September 2nd, 1840, at Smiths I'alls, where he attended the (irammar School. At liishop's Hi!. ( IIAUI.Es SUI ,\U11. Dr. I'. II. 1!rv(-r. /■///•; ///:.!/ JXd ,;/.'/• .; i iiai'Ii.k aihu r ihhtoks. iii'.i IsKSlUKNlK. OF IlK. I.. M. SWKKIXAM, (OHSKU ClIlKI Fl ANnSllllKK SlIlKETS. Si liiiiil ( l.iiiiiiiwillr. r.l,l.l, 111' ».is hnllHi- iiislriHlid. SiilisniuriilU Ik' iiilind \|i ( lill I immimI),, liinii Hliiih lii' ri-rrivi(l the ilrnrii' (it \l,l>., ('.M., In M.iy, iS'i,;. AlU i ;;t.iilii.ilmn lie VM Ml Ici liiKnln ll^^|Ml,ll. \\ ,i^1iiiij;Iimi. in llii- i .i|i.i< ily cil' Aciini; A^si^tjiit Siiipdii. ( )ii rc'lliniinu In ( '.iiLicIa lir |ir,irlis('il .it Miiriwliiirj; ami IVtcrliuiu' iiiilil In- IVMIiiM'll to rnliilllll. ill I.SS.'. I ir. liunill IS ,1 iiuiiilici- III ilii' ( luin li 111 l''.M);l,iiiil. I'liiksMir I'.iIh.iiiI i;. Sliiiltji- wmlli, till' .lll.llvlir rlinilist. «.ls liiMii III i.Sjj, ;il Sluriiilil, I'.iin l.lllil. Ill' RTi'ivi'll Ills rillM'Mtiull. liiiui'MT. Ill li'i'l.iiiil, rliti'i'ili),' till' ( iini'iniiii'lit Srlidiil lit Si ii'iH'i' :il llllliliii, wliiTi' 111' iilit.iiiH'il ,1 ri'iti- ln'Mti' III iiiiilii ii'iiry ill his liuoiiiiti' MilpjiTt ('luiiiisH"). Sjini'lly :illi'r. Ill' r.iiiir will) Ills r.itlu'i' to ( 'nii.KJ.i .111(1 ii.iHir.illy cli'llli'd iiili) |)li;imKi( y. siitlinn ill iSfi; in rnrmitn .is M;in:i};cr nl tlir rnniiitn ('lu'iiiii'.il Wiiiks iiiiiKr till' Missis, l.vinaii. In iS^id, I'ml'. Sliiittli'wiirlli with ,\ few Dtlii'is iiitcri'sli'd in srifiitilir |iharmai y loiiiKkil tlif society that al'tiTwards hciaini' iIk' Ontario Cnl lego of I'harinacy. In i.Sd;, he I'stalilishi'd the CtiKiJimi l^luirma Cdilidil Ji'iintal, A inrindical of whiili In- is still the iditnr. In i.S,S:>, the ( 'nlli-ije of riianiiarv asstimed li.iihinn piiwi-rs with I'lnl. Sluitlk'woilh as Dean nl' the I'.iiiilty and I'mlessor of Cheniistiy. The I'mlessiir has also for a luniilier of years been lecHirer on I'liarniae) in 'Trinity Medical College, and in the old ilays held a a|ipointiiient in the Medical Depart- ment ol X'iiioria College. He is also 'orrespoiiding and honorary incmlier of the I'hiladelphia, (^)iieliec, and other pharmaceutical cnllcges. I'rnr. Shiittlewnrth has taken a deep interest ill .\rt, and in iiSSo occupied the \'ice-l'resident's chair of the Ontario Society of .Artists. Professor Sliii'tleworth is noted as a volunteer, having served in the reciiniseh killes and in the Montreal .\rlillerv, as well as in the .Xiiurican army during the ( 'ivil War. Saiiuiel (I. T. Ilarton, .M.D., is • ■ of Irish parentage. He was liorn in i.srn at .\tliliine. ( )nl,irin. When his primary ediiiation was eonipleted he came to Toronto and matriculated .it the Trinincial University, from whence lie graduated in .\rts. 'Turning his attention then to medicine, he received from X'ictori.i University the degree of M.D. Dr. Ilarton t.ikes an active interest in cliaritalile work. He is one of the medical attendants of the West- ern Dispensary, which does much to allevi.ite the ilistress'of the poor in times of sickness. He is a meiiiher of the College of Physicians and Sur- geons of Ontario. Jerrold liall, M.D., resides at the corner of Sherhoiirne and Sliuter Streets, where he carries on a large general practice. He was born in the County of Sinicoe in 1848 and educated in the Toronto University, graduating in medicire in 1874. He began practice in 'Toronto immediately upon graduating, and is now a well-known physician. Dr. lialTs re'igiotis connection is with the Metho- dist Church. An illustration of his residence will be found in these pages. I)u. II. I'. HcKRirr. Tkofkssok v.. li. Sniini.RWOKrii. /■///■; HEM i\\: .u.l rniKili- pracliiioiur iii Ciii.itl.i liil(iiin> In I'.inllv llnwaid liiiniiifjs Slowi', M.I). Il.irn .ind rdiii.iud in iliis I'rovirui', ^lir lullowiil (ur iii.iiiy viMri tlir |iriirts-.ji)ii ol IimcIhiih. Ii was not unlll slu' «.is in.irricd ^_ . .nid h.iil a r.Miiily, lli.U .Mr'i. Stnwr dilirniiniMl tn carry nut Ikt lon^ rhirislu'd |iin|i(iM' nl t'lilt'rin^ llit' I'lild (il nicdiiini'. She Miidii'il the hiiiliiin art in Niw \(jrk City. .XfliT i(l)taiiiiiin the dinri'L' of M.l>. she reliniud to Timintoand inaiiKiiriitcd a MincssfHl c .imr. Thronnh the i-lTorts of .Mrs. Stowe the pnifi-ssion.d st.inihnu of fiinalf physicians in Ontario has liccn cstabhshcd, and the way has heen opened up lor women in other depart Muiils. 'The existence of two medical colleges in this I'rnviiKe for women toilay attest the progress tliat has been m.ule. Twd of Dr. Stowe's chihlren have entered |irofessional hie. Ihe eldest, I )r. .\unusta Stowe ( lulleri, was the first wDman to obtain the medical decree from an Ontario University, and is one of the f.K ult\ iif the Women's .Medical College. Dr. Mniily Stowe is an ardent anil effective adMnale of female eiifrani hiseincnt on the platform and elsewhere. She has amply deserved ihe siic(>C7(>A:s. Kisii>i:mi; 111' I)u. \V. 1, 111 Niiu |:mi)uv, Caki.ion SikKKi. iikI ill iSSi i\ iiK'nilitr mI' tlu' l!ii;iril iit I'AJiiiiiK'r^ iil the ( 'iilli'^i'. I )r. MM was nut ll>ll^ in rstnlilisliiii); a lar^t- and ln> rallvf practiiT ill TiirDMld, and lur many years was wurlliily iilintiCicd with lloirirdpatliy, its schcicil, liiispital, and ullur inuli ssimi il iilliTi'sts. \\ liiK' a risiiUnt of llic tily, lie ^ __^ ---^.„— was I'ri'sidint nl' ilir llahnrinannian Cliil), ^W'Mtt^m ami is still an liiiiinrar\ iiu'inlnr. llf is also ' _•■■■• an liniiiirar\ nuMiliir ol llu- lappi Smii'ly nl' l'liilad('l|iliia, and III llir InltTii.itinnal llaliiU' mamiiaii Assm iaiion. Dr. Ilall's lualtli, ol rti rut yrars, liaviiin siilTrrtil Ironi llir stvtrity ol till' Canadian winter, lie lie in luri'ssi- tak'il to ri'linijiiish liis practiir in this i-ily to Dr. W. J. llunttr ICmory and to make his home in Xictoria, llritish Cohimhia. 'The wiirthy gentleman lias many sincere and attached friends in the rroviniial Capital who, socially as well as prolessionally, hold him in hi^h esteem. W. I. Ilimlcr lanory. .M.D., M.C.l'.S., was liorii al jSurlinnlon, Out., in 1861. His piilimiiiars ediicalion was reieiveilal Water- down lli^h Sihool and Hamilton ('olleniale Institille. He pursued his professional studies in Cleveland Homeopathic Hospital College, where he received the degrees of M.D. and .M. U.S. in .March, iS.Sj. The followin(.' year he passed the examinations of the Council of the College of i'hysicians of ()ntario. lluis liecoming .1 liieiisid and registered practitioner in Ontario. He was elected in tin same year a meinlur of the Canadian Institute of Homeopath), of which he liecame Secretary 'rreasiirer in iScSc, \'ice I're.sident in iSSS, and President in i.SSc;. Dr. laiior\' entered into partmrshiii with Dr. |ohn Hall, Sr., in 1HS5, and succeeded to his practice in iS.SS. He is Ivvaminer in Medical Jurispnideiice aiul Sanitary Science for the Ontario College of I'hysicians and Surgeons, .Attending I'hysician and Surgeon of the Toronto Homeopathic Hospital and a meinherof the Hahneniannian .Association. Dr. laimry, though still young, has attained a high posi- tion as a practitioner, is well read in his i.-ofession, and has a successful future lielore him. He is a niemlier of the .Methodist Church. "Hahnemann \'illa," the residence of John li. Hall, M.D., .M.C.l'.S., situa'e on Jarvis Street, lorner Carlton, is one of those siili^ianlial and comforl.'.hle, though unpretentious, hoines so miiiierous on that lieaiitiful thoroughfare. The picture was taken just as the I Im tor was alioul to enter his hroughain. Dr. Hall is a native of Lincoln, Kng. He received his education al ()l)erlin L'niversity, Ohio, Homeopathic Hospital College, Cleveland, and .Missouri llomeopalhic College, St. l.onis. In i,S6j he estalilished practice in Cleveland and afterw.irds in .St. I'aul. Minnesol.i, v.liere he remained until 1X75, when he accepted a position with his father. Dr. John Hall, late of kichmiind .Street. In iSSo heestaliii,.!- d himself al the above residence. Dr. Hall is well known throughiint the Dominion as an able and skilful physician, and although his practice is chiefly among the more aflluenl, the ))oor are never neglected. Dr. Hall is very liberal in his views, and although a firm believer in the Homeopathic law. does not recogni/e it as the only one governing the remedial action of medicine. Dr. William II. Howitt is the eldest son of the late Henry Howitt, of Long Eaton •' ll.msKM.vsx Vii.i.A," Ukmiiim K Ol. l)u. Jons 11. Il.\ii. Iliill, Derbyshire, where his ancestors have been landowners since 1485. To a branch of the family belonged the late William Howitt, writer and poet. Dr. Howitt was educated at /.ion House Ac.ndemy, in the Island of Jersey, and subseiiuently at King William's College, Isle of Man. He IK' THE ///■:. I /./Aa ART. A CIIAPTI-.K AliOVT DOCTORS. rcccivcJ his proCiMsioiKil Iniiiiiiij,' nl Midill L'liivcrsily, Montreal, ;md St. Tlioiiias' Hospital, I.oiulon, ICiifjlaiul. In 187J he began the practice of medicine at Menonionie, Wisconsin, u'.S. In 1H7S, liecoming convinced of the truth of Hahnemann's law of cure he came to 'I'oronto, and, having obtained re registration as a Ibmieopathic member of the College of I'hysicians and Surgeons of Ontario, thenceforth practised according to the doitrines of the New School. I'he Homeopathic Hospital, Jarvis Street (.see page j.S), had its inception in a small free dispen.sary which the friends of Homeopathy opened in 1887, on Ri
  • r. Adams is a i.ilieral kefornier, aheliever in IC(|ual Rights, and a nienilier of the Sons of Temperance, (lood Tern plars. Royal 'l'em|)lars. United Workmen, and Select Knights of Canada. Probably there is no dentist who has been so long established in this city as William Case .\ilanis. He was born at l.nndy's l«uie, near Niagara I'alU. October i8th, 182,5, his father being :i Methodist minister. .After receiving a liberal education at \'ict()ria I'niversit). I>r. .\dains canie to r both capable and experienced in his profession. I)K. W. C. AHAMS. 1. 1;. .Vli.VM-,. The care of the sick has not been left in Toronto entiiely to the good (iriice-. of mcdiial n\cn. Willi the cue .ilso of the destitute, provision has been made for the sick by the philanthropy of the citizens, aiiUd to some extent b\ both the Corporation and the Provincial Legislature. The Toronto (leneral Hospital is a nobk' example of the city's luimanitv, and largo is the provision it has made, and annu- ^^t^my - jti /jfci'ri^-ir ally makes, for the and eipiip meiit of the institution. As early as 1817. the (iovernnient of Upper Canada granteil 400 acres towards the fimndation of a (leneral Hospital in the city. With this land appro and /.'4,ooo i^^^^^^B^^I^^^Bk!-'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^fe^^l^^^ ^ and Patriotic Society of the Province, being unexpended moneys collected for the relic' of sufferers in the War of 1812. an hospital building was erected, in 1817, at the corner of King and John Streets, near where the .\rlinglon Hotel now stands. It was, how- ever, not devoted to its purposes until i8.-!y, the (iovernnient having appropriateil it five years before for the housing of the Legisla- ture, fire having destroyed the Parliament Muildings. In 1854, the present Hospital site, occupying four acres, on (lerrard Street Kast, between .Sackville anil Sumach Streets, was selected and buildings were erected. Kksm.k.nck oi Dk. s. (. T. llvMos, h,„..k v.kik, v.. 'rhoso have since been added to, and the noble pile, of which we have given an illustration on page 4,5, admirably fulfils its purpose. .\n Hospital Trust was incorporated in 1847, vhich manages its affairs, aided by the beneficent elTorts of a number of medical practitioners who form a <-onsulting, an acting, and an Ivxecutive staff The Hoard of 'Trustees consi. fs of five gentlemen, one of whom is the Mayor, with three members appointed by the Ontario Ciovernment, the fifth being the appointee of the subscribers to the Hospital fund. The capacity of the Hospital is _55o beds. .Ntlached to the institution ar • the Knrnside Lying in Hospital, with over thirty beds ; the lit THE 1 1 HA 1. 1 \C, ART: A CHAI'TEK A/lorV /HKTOKS. Rk^iufnte ok Du. \V. \V. Ochkn, Siaiuna Avf.nik. Merrcr ICyo ami Ivir liifiniiaiv, with li)rty l)t'(ls ; and a N'lirsos' lloiiu-, lor llic pii|)il.s of tlic 'rrainiiig School, with accommo- ilalion for fifty nurses. Tin.' Hospital rcrcivrs an animal grant from the I'rovincial ( lovermneiit of nearly $25,000, ami from tiie Citv ('orporatir Dis- charged female I'risoners; the Industrial Refiige ; the Sunnysiile Children's Home ; ;ind the Inilustri;d Refuge fi)r(iirls, a section of the 'nslitulion known as the .Men er Keform;ilory lor (•'emales, which is supported by the I'rovincial (iovernmeiU. I'o ;ill these i h;irities the city devotes about $30,000 yearly. To these institutions h.ive to be ;uMed the Hoys' Home, on (leorge .Street ; the Ciirls' Home, on ( lerrard Street L;ist ; and the ( )rph.ins' Home, on Dovercourt Road all worthy objects of public beneficence. I'or the e\cellent man:igement of these charities, the city is indebted to many philanthropic lailies of Toronto, who find in them a worthy field fiir their activities. The Hoys' Home is designed fi>r the training and maintenance of destitute boys not convicted of crime, from the ages of (wi: to fi)urteen. 'The institution, which was opened in 1R59, afliirds ai commodation for over 150 boys. Since its fiiimdation, it has afforded a home fi)r nearly i.fioo boys. The dirls' Home was established as a public nursery in the year 1857. Some three ye;irs huer, the institution was enlarged to admit girls up to the age of fifteen, and to train them for household work. The Orphans' Home was founded in 1851 for the relief and support of all friendless orphans of members of all Protestant denominations. Ilesides these charities, the city's destitute or distressed are materially helped by the various n;itiiinal societies and benevolent organizations, ecclesiastical and industrial. Dk. Fuedkkick \Vm. Sikamu:. EDUCATIOX AXD ITS morESSOKS. 115 CHAPTER Win. KDUC.VI'ION AN!) IIS I'KOl'KSSORS. 'I'lIK ICnitAllONAI, SVSIKM OK OmaKIO. I'.AKI.V I'KdVISIllN FOK COMMON' ScllOOl.s. CiKAMMAK St lloor.S, ANI> Coi,I.F'.<;KS. — I'm; ToKoNio Siiiooi, Hoard and its Tkist. Thk Cnv Sliiooi.s, ifik Coij.w^iaik Inshhtis, ('oi.i.i:i;ks AND L'n.VKRSHIKS. StaTISIIL'S op rilK COSI' OK Ol'R SfHOOI.S AND SlIIOOI.MASIKKS. EDUCATION, from :iii iwrly period in the liisiory of L'pptr Cannila, lias had a large sliarc in tlu- iiitiTi'sts of tin- juoplc, and few conuniinitics have more heavily and uncomplainingly taxed themselves for its support than have the piil>lie of the City and the Province. The C'ity's annial assessment for I'lihlic Schools alone amoimts now to ahoiit $fioo,ooo ; while it disburses nearly another himdred thousand in support of the Collegiate Institutes and Separate Schools. These two sums exceed in amoimt the whole Legislative grant of the Provincial tlovernmeiit for the yearly mainten- ance of all grades of the schools in Ontario, including the ilishurseineiit for inspection and general adininistration. Though Separate Schools continue to he recognized and aided holh liy the City and the Province, the ICducational System of Ontario is, in the main, unse(( .ij/o.v .i.y/) i rs rh'o//:ssoh's. «ilh nnuKrii l,iii^ii:l;;us, to iii.ililc |iU|iiK U> |i,i--s thr lii.itiii iil;ili(in lA.iiiiili.ilicin in tlu' l'iiiv(i>ilir>, llu- UMrluT'-. iuin-|ir(>rcs- sional i-\aiiiiM.iliiiii, or to [W^ (iiici' inlo tliL' l)ii>irK>N cil lik'. In rDnnUn. llu- IH(i ( 'ulli-i.ili- lM^litllll■s li;i\r hmt :i timiisniul pupils on their rolls, ;in(l L'ppiT Caiiadi Colkj^c li.ul, in iSS<). an altindam r nl' 401), ol wlmh 1 74 wcro lioarilirs. TIk' Iracliinn staff is largi' and highly trained in lioth the ('olK\;;i' .\\\i\ ihr liisliluli--. I'hr cdinalionj', ^^-.l^■ln nl llu- rrmincc is, as onr readers know, pri'sil lie gr.itify inn to e.iry cili/cn. Toronto doe^ nolily for edm.ilion. and the t.ixp.iver. ihoiiLih he m. IV L;rnmlile .11 ihi' l,u>;c .Old increasing; .mniMl o',il,iy, h.i'- the silisfulion ol knowing his p.irental V lilac e'.vNAiiA Coia.i-'iK. respon-.iliililie-. are . idv, int. l4l.■o^l^ly assumed liv the State, The (law in his ointment will doiiliiles> he the dilfen m e lielween the aelnal and the enrolled .iltend.inee, in which there is .1 great and imlortim.ite disc repancv. In iS.Sc). ilu- regislered attend, nice at all the schools- of the city was j,H,i,S-. while the aver.ige clailv altenclance was only iS.cjjd. Of the lattir, almost 5,000 attended sc hool for le>.s 150 d.iy> in the school year. In these figures there is an admonition lor tlie school aiilliorilies and the triunii y oflic er. I'hoiigh the lac t to vvhieli we have called attention is siillicieiitly depressing, and calculated to restrain our jtiliilalion ovit the slice ess of the school system, there is imic h at the same time on which the solier citi/eii may rejoice. When the yearly t.i\ hill comes in, if this is not always thought of, let the sight, on any important thoroughfare in the early morning or early afternoon, of the glad troops of yoiiths going to or from one or other of the sc liools, to liei oiiie in time useful and worthy citizens, lianish lioth impatience and misgiving. The cost of maint. lining the schools, of which there are now nearly liltv in operation in the city, with over 400 teachers, amounted in iKHcj to $'67,442. 'Ihis gives a cost per child for die year of $cj.45 on the basis of registered attendance, or of $14. i,^ on the hasis of average daily attendance. In addition to the expenditure of $2fi7,44» year liy the city for the mainten.ince of the schools, there w,is an appropri.ition of ne.irlv $joo,ooo for new sc hool /■:/)n:r//()x .i.\7) /y.s /• a' <> /■/■:. as. l>llil(lillJ;^, Mir-., rc|i:MV. niid iiiipnivciiuiit^. Tin- L^lim.iUil li)t:il \;iliif iil' llii.- rily's siIkioI sili's, liiiil(liiij;s anil ci|iii|inu'iU is ( li)M' upon !<]]{.■ ;ni(l ;i ([n.ntir millinn^, Tlic fiovirnMRnt nf tlu' siIkmiIs is vtslcd in ,i licinril (if IwiiUv six nicnihiTs. ii'|iivscntin^ till' tliirli-i'n Warils ut ilu- ( ii\. 'I'Ih' lAi'iutiM' < )tfiicr> (il llir l!(i,ir(l .Ml- till- (,'li,i irni.i n. Inspir idi-.Stcnt.ii) I'liasuiii. SiiliciUir, SnpiTinlrndcnl iil l!MiMinj;s. I )nll I nsiiuclcir anil linanl ( tlliiur. In il-< uiMJlli (if iiUiia lnslili:'.;.ins. Tiironlcj juslly I l.iun^ pre i ininrm c anxm^; liu- i iius nl tlu- I )iiMiininn. Al tlir luad (if llir (.■diicational syslcni of llu' I'ri'-.inii' suinds tin' luiliiinal in^litntinn, knciw n as llu- L M \ KUsI l\ (II TiiUDN In. It ua^ originally L'staMisliid liy knyal Chailrr in 1SJ7, uniU-r the iK'sinnaiiiin (il King's Ciillfnc piililii- laiuls liaxin}; lii'in sit aside lor its eiidoHinenl Iriini the lirst settlenieiil nl the l'in\ iiiee. The in>litiitiiin was lornialK opened in 1K4;. and si\ years later its name uas c-hani;elatnre u.i^ passed, under wliieh the l'ni xersily eon^titllted with two eorporalion-,. the I'niver^ilx of Toronlo. anil rni\er>itv ( 'olleue. the linii'tioiis ol' the loriner lieiiii; liiiiiled to the evaminatior i>r landidates lor degrees in the se\er.d larultie>. or lor the 1 onlerrini; ol -^i holarships and hiinoiirs ; those ol the latter lieing eonlined to llu' teaihinn of siilijeets in the I'aiiilty ol' .\rts. In 1.S50, it lost its donoini- natioiial eliaraiter, and lieeame lor the rutiiro a purely'ctariai) and Stale institution, thotigh with it are federated and atiiliated a innnlier ol' denoininatiimal L'niversilies and Colleges, and in 1SS7 it hail restored to il its ori.ginal haitilties of Law and .\ledieine. Ily the provisions ol' the .\et ol' 1SS7. a reorgani/ation in the teaehing departnienls ol' the L'niversity took plaee, and in addition to the old ehairs in Arts, distinct ehairs of Matliemalii's, I'liysies, (Ireek Language and Literaliire, the ( >rienlal Languages, and I'oli- tieal Si ienre ha\e been estalilislied, along with lectureships in the llrcck l.;inguage and Literaliire. in the Latin Language ami l.iliTa tine, in .\neient (Ireek and koinan History, in the Italian and Spanish Languages, and in I'hysiology. 'I'heCily ol' Toronto has also reeently endowed il willi a chair ol' (Icology, and one of T'aiglish Literature and Langii.ige. .\lioiii a year ago, the beautiful L'liiversily buildings, which were among the finest on the continent, the inisl'ortime lo be burned, and with them the well-ei|uippeil libr.irv and mnseiim. Tluse. howi'xer. are now being replaced, and there has lately been erected new and separate acconimoilation for the Deparlmenis of lliology and I'liysiology. in addilion to the building known as the .School of I'ractical .Science, founded Kl .llii N( 1 u Mu. \V. I IicM .,1 .v-.. Si . .\i iian's Mill t I. lis /■:/)( C.I 7VO.y yix/) /rs /'A'(>//:.ssoa's. ill 1S7S. .Hill ariili.itrii Milh tile I'liiM r>il\ . Tin- piMiniiuiU nl rnniiiln l.'iii\>.T>ily i^ wstcil in .\ I'loaid (if ■rni>tL'cs, of ti'ii iiuiulur-. ■. :i I'niMTsiiy ( 'dum il ot twiiil) Idiii iiuiiiliii>. ; :i Siii.iti'. ^^>ll^islill(^ iil a Ch.iiKvllnr, \'ii i- ( 'haiicilliir. and lilly iiuiii- ln^^ iwilvi' ikik'd liv ( 'niivdcalion Hp.?^^"?^i , . ami iiiiK' liniiiiiiatrd by llu' l.ii-lll. CioMiiuir ill Coiiiii il, ciTlaiii ex (ijlido lilrlllhi'ls, till' Milli^l^.■|• III' ICillliatioll, the l'rc»iii>knci- 01 Mk. TiidMA> W. Ii\A-., W iiiMH; mi;iii. tiirers in .Arts; three professors and nine hdiidiarv lecturers in Law ; and eii;htecn professdrs, fdintccn Ici Hirers, dcin^instratdrs. assistant-deiiidiistratdrs. and instruitors in .Medicine. liesides the faculty of I'drdiild riii\e:sit>, I'niversity College has a l''aciill\ Cdiisisting dl the President, three professors, seven leettirers. and two —- — — -,^ fellows; with a separate Corporation, consistin,.; of the .^ ' '-^ ^ ~" ^ President and five professors. The present Chan cellor is the Hon. Kihvard lilake, (,).('.. 1,1 .11.. MP.. ;iiid the Xice-Presideiit is Mr. \\'illiain Muloik. M..\., IJ.C. M.P. The President of the L'niversity is Sir Daniel Wilson, 1.1..1)., who. in iSSi. siicieeded its long-time head, the l;ite Rev. Dr. joliii Mc(';iul. Mr. H. H. Langton, 1!..\., is Kegistnir, ;ind Prof, .\lfied Haker, M..\., is l)e;in of Residence. " No place in (';inada so fonilily reminds \\w of Oxford as Trinity," observes Professor (ioldwin Smith, in spe.-iking of I'RiNirv CMViksirv, foui'ded in 1X51, under a Provincial .Act by the late liishop Strach;in, as a Clum h L'niversily and College, liy the provisions of the Royal (Charter (.July i.^ilh, 1S52) the government of the L'niversity is vested in a i or poratioii, composed of ( 1 ) the liishops of the live Dioceses of the Province (Toronto, Huron, Ontario. .\lgoma and Niagara) (2), the 'I'rustees (three in luiin- ber), and (},) the ( 'ouniil, consisting of the ( 'hancellor and ex-ChaiK ellors of the L Diversity, the Provost and Professors in .Arts and 1 )ivinity in Trinity (,'ollege ; ( er- tain members, nominated by the live Bishops and by each .Medical School or College aftiliated to the L'lii versily ;and certain members elected by the (Iraduate members and .\ssociate members of Convocation. ("onvocalion consists of the Chancellor (Hon. (ieo. Will. Allan, D.C.I..), the Provost (Rev. C. W. K. liody, M.A., D.C.I,.), the Professors, all iVL.A.'s, and all (Iraduates in Divinity, Law and Medicine in all, at present, about 500 members and associate-members. 'The Degrees of ihe L'niversity are open to all [lersons wilhoiit any religious test, except in -vo ril#fs5! IlA/.KI.ld.N A\KNIJK C0Nc;RK(iA110NAI. CHCRCH, EDUc.iriox jxn /rs />/io/-/;ssoA's. no llic cnsc iif Drjiivis in Divinity, caiulidatLS for whiili liavi' to sul)s(ril)i.' to curtain dtclarations. T.-inity lias icccivcd, from its inii-ption, many gi-niToiis huni'tactions, in the shape ol' kgacics, scliolarships and pri/c liinds, and since- 1SS2 it has largely friends of the institution. Of iiill, and a new wijig is now rinily has been lortlinate in and in the Chancellors an(: intion. Trinity has attracted siihsidiary institutions, such as I'ollege for Women, Trinity ,01(1 repute of the University, and Divinity subjects, besides the e\ti-nsi\e faculty of I'ro- I'acullv of .Music. The Dean increased its endowment by the praiseworthy efforts of the authorities and late years, a (Convocation Hall and a beautiful College Cha|)el have been being completed for the eMeiided uses of the now nourishing University. its headships, the I'rovosts Whitakerand Mody, as well as in its zealous founder, Vice Chancellors, who have taken an active part in the governing of the insti- to it, and in some instanc es has called into existence, a number of aflilialeilor Trinity Medical College, Women's .Medical College, St. Hilda's Residentia College School for lioys, at I'ort Hope, etc., .dl of which add to the lame In the University there are now twelve professors and lecturers in the .\rts its lecturers and examiners in l«iw ami other special subjects, together with lessors and Lecturers in .Medicine and its allied ..Indies. It has also a and Registrar of the University is the Rev. Professor Win. Jones, D.C.I,. Kmix C(ji i.kci;, the metropolitan theological ir.iining-hall ol the Canada I'resbyterian Church, was founded in i.S,iO, a fi'W years after the Scottish Disruption. 'The |)resent handsome building on .Spadina .\venue (see page ,;2), was erected in 1S75, ami is of the (iolhic order of architecture, the material being white brick, with dressings of cut stone. It has a frontage of 230 feet, each of the wings running norlhw.ird about 150 feet. Tlu' main entranie is surmounted by .1 massive tower 130 feel high. The Col- lege has numerous lecture rooms and the residenci' has acconunod.ition forsevent) live students. 'There is also .1 fme libr.iry and Convocation Hall. It is governed bv a ISo.ud of .Management (appointed, we believe, annually by the Ceneral .\ssembly of the Church), composed of 34 members, of which .Mr. W'm. Mortimer Clark, M..\., isChairman. The Senate consists of the Principal, the Rev. W m. Caven, D.I)., the Professors and Lecturers of the College, and a number of gentlemen, clerical and lay, appointed by the (ieiieral Assembly. 'The 'Theo- logical course extends over three sessions, ; — and there is at the disposal of the authori- ties a number of valuable prizes and scholar- ^ ships. Knox College is affiliated with 'Tivinity School) is the theological training- hall of the T'.vangelical section of the Church of Kngland in Canada. It was founded in iSyy, and is affiliated with 'Toronto Univer- sity. It has for its aim the imparting of sound and comprehensive theologi(■(■. i/7(>x .i.\/> /IS /•Ko/r.ssoh's. till' ll.iptiNl ('(iiUL-miiiii (il Oiil.itid ;uul (,)mliic. TIk' UiilMi^ily iilil;iiiuil ihc liillcsl |mihiis linm llu- l.cnishiliiiv in 1SK5, Mini was iiaiiK'd in lioiidiir nl' llii' lali' Suiialur M(M.istiT, nl rcirniilo, wlm 1 uninliuliil lUMrly .1 luillicui nl^ tn il^ liimU. riuiv .irc luiir (l^•l),lrlllK■lll^ 111 (iptnitiim : W oikIsKk k Ccillim' (rnundtd liv lIu' laic Kt\. I)i. l'\li' at WiMidslnck ill 1S57 a^ '\'W ( aii.iiliaii l.iurarv lii'.litiili', Inr llir ]iiii|)(iM^ cil' lictlir lili'iaiy and tluolnnic al iii-.lni(liiiii) ; llic Aiaikniii' 1 lt|ianiiK'iU, lor li(i\s aad xoiini; nun; MimlKni ( 'i)lli};i', .111 I'dimr Street l-;a>t, loniiito, mgaii i/id ill iS.SS a^ an aiailiiiiic (Kpartiiieiit Inr tlie cdiii atiiiii of yuiiiin ladies; I'liniiilo liaptist ( 'iillene. iirnaiii/ed in iSHi, lor die piir|Hi-.e^ uf llieiilnnical ediieatiiin ; and the Arts' Ciillege. iirgani/ed in iSyo. I'iie'-i' tw(i latter departments an' at present (diidiieted in MeMaster Hall. liliMir Street West, rnrk in all its dc|)artnients, all the professors, iii.istirs and teaehers lieiiig nieinliers in good standinn of ev.mnelieal eliiin lies. 'There is a principal and six masters at Woddsluek. The ecpiip ment fur I'ainlish, Classieal, Seientifie and Mcidern iiistnietion isetlieieiil, and .1 Manual Tiainiiif; deparlineiil has recently lieeii i/ed in iipimeciiiiii with llu- ( 'iillene the lirst in C.inada. Mniiltoii 1 .adies' ( 'ollege a st.ilf 111 seven te.ii hers, liesides iiisti ac- tors ill music .ind painting, .md provides resi deuce also for those of its niatriiiilanls who 111. i\ enter the MeMaster .Arts' Department. Wkmkrn CovciKK^.MhiNAi I 101 M v M N \ .\MNrK. Tunpiilo l!a|.list ('^e has the largest staff of any theolonical dep.irlnieiu in the I loininioii nf Cin.Hl.i. and die fee eiilly opened .\rt>' Dep.ntment isadoiiMUly eMiiippi--il for its work. The staff of the kitter deparlmeiil will shortly lie increased, iiiitil ample provision is iii.ide for the work of the University in its regular and honour courses. McMastir University is a self siiflicienl and independent institution. It has enlereil the field of the higher ediKatioii under the stimulus of the highest Christian aims, with the avowed purpose of promot- ing exact and liroad scholarship and sound discipline with a view to character and servile. It will, we doulit not. comniand from the pulilic at large, as well as from the liaptist deiioiiiination, the fullest opportnnites for the development of its ideals. Si. .\li( ii.\i:i.'.s Coi.i.i.i.K was established in 1S52, under the patronage of the .Most Rev. I )r. 1 )e( 'harbonnel, then Roman ('atholic Ijishop of loronto, by the liasilian 1-atliers, of .\niioiiay. h'rance. The college buildings were erecte(■(■. I r/o.v .i.v/) /rs r,\'o/r.ssons. 121 Priivin(i:il (iovcrnmi'nl for its ii>f, jiid il iii.i) silrly Ik- |iri(liiiiil tli:it it wi til lt> well udii liiiiKiiirs ;\m\ trjilltiiiiKil l.niu'. Ilir I'rdvinii', iiiiim llu' inoilil (if thr gn-.n I'lihlic ScIkmiIs of l'',ii;l.iiiil. It li.i> liiid .1 l(iii;;.iiiil iiitiiM. I If 11)11111(1 inn » il h tin- iijtioiKil iiiiiMoity. :mil Inrii niiinliir dl' mmi>. wiis imdiT its iiclministnition. Il i^ now nov- iTMi'il liy .1 (if Tnistn's (df whicli iIk' lldii. Jdliii iiiMTlcy KdliiiiMiii. V,\ l.iriil. ( idVLi'iior iil ( )iilarid. is rliMinii,iM|, a|i|idintt'il liv till' I'rds iiK 1,1 1 I'.mi ut i\ f. Ri'ci'ntK its iiiiidwiiunt Millin-cl M llir hiilids dl" the OiU.irid I .ruishiuirc, :iM .lit dl spoliation as pirildiis as it was witlimit war- rant. Siirtiiifiil, hdWiMT, lias hucii scciirrd Id it to iiisiiif its cdiiliiiiud lifr and ai tnily. Tin- I'liKliN hi \iiU\l M Si lliiiil . liiiiKr thr rriiiii|i,dslii|i nl Mr. Kirkland, M..\., is an instiuitiiin disi^mil for the trainiii}' of tiarlirrs, as a part of llu' rniviniial system df idiiralinn. It was riiiindfd in ICS4; at the instaiiie dl" the late Rev. Dr. Ryerson, Cliiel SiiperiiUeiideiit nl I'aliieatidii, and at I'lrst held its sessiiiiis in the I' lOihir.itidii I )ep.uliiieiil, liiit in icS5,S was ir.iiisl'erred In its present luiine. iiiitiniie Id ^d ddwii the a^es, adding year tiy year riie ( 'dilep' was riiinided in iSjij hy Sir Jdliii Cdllidriie, l.ieliteiianl-t IdVeriidr of IT"" UfsIIIKM K 01 .\IK. W.V. M ASsI V, jAkVI . SlKIKI. The work perldrined 1)\ the sihoiil is lar^ieK pnilessinnal. the I'mirse nl sliidies ednsislin;; nl the llisldry and Seieiire dl I'.diiea- tidi), the I'riiiriples and I'raetiee df I'earliinj;, SehiiiiM )riianiAilidii aiiil .Management, lii^ether with instniitidn in lOn^lish. Hygiene. (Iiemistry, I'hvsies, Drawing, Xiieal .Miisir, ( 'alistlieiiies. I )rill, ete. Its students have the advantage iil' study and pr.ii tire ill the elass-work (if the adjdininj; .Model Sehnnl. Dr. Thenddre II. kaiid. I'mlessdr iif l-'.duealinn .mil laliiis in MeM.ister lni\ersity, was hum at {Jiirnwallis, N'liva Scdtia, in 1X55. .Mter .1 prepaialiirv 1 iiiirse in the piililir si hnnls ,md ,it Hurtdii ( 'dlle},'iate .\eadciiiy, he cnlercd .Vcadia {!ollenf, iVdin wliii h he jiradiiated in .\rts in iSdo. .M'ter leaching fur ,1 time he was appiiinted tii the ehair iil" ICnglish and ('lassies in the I'rnviiieial N'iirm,il Seliool, at 'rniri). Here he g.ive himself In the work with the zeal and enthusiasm wliiih Ikvc marked his siihseqiienl 1 areer. lie tnok an active part in the preiiaratiiin nf the l-'ree Schiiol .\i I df 1.S64, which wTdiight a great reform in the I'lihlic School system of Nova Sciitia, and was siiliseiiuently 111, ide I' Siipirintendeiit of Education, His task was for a time an arduous one, for at first die .\et was misunderstdoil and consei|uently unpopular. Sulisequently, however, all diffi- (ulties were overcome, and Mr. Rand, in iiSji, felt free to take up similar work in New Hrunsttick, where he hail accepted the ottice of Su|ieriiitendent of I'.ducalion for the I'rovii. 'e. Here again he was eminently suc- cessful. Vriif. Rand whi) had in 1.S64 received his .M..\. in course, and in 1874 the degree of D.C.I... causa //o/wm resigned his Provincial office in 1883 to accept the chair of lalucation and History in .\catlia College. Here he remained till 1885, when he removed to 'rorontd, to take the chair of Apologetics and I )idacli( s in .Mc.Master Hall. After a year spent in this work he consented, at the .solicitation of (he late Senator .Mc.Master and others, to assume the Priiicipalship of the llaptist C^ollege at Woodstock. He dis< harged the duties of this [losition until 18S8, when he returned to the work in McMaster Hall, which had been reorganized. Uksiiikm K 111 .Mr A. W. Doiin, Iunn .\vkmf.. /:/)(\\tiio\ .i.\7> /rs /'A'(U/:s.S(>A\s. 1,SS() 1)0. »lii( li iiikT I'Uol. I. II. [>A l. I'KOl . lAMl^ I.iHliwiS, \I.A. i\iul,l)\ All III r.irli.iMu III. iMiMii In llir ol .1 iiMlMisilv. iinilcr llu- IiIhimI iMilnuiiuiii Ihi|Ik.iiIu'iI Ii\ Scn.iioi M. M.i^icr. Tlir Tdniiitd and WuikNiik k ('(ilKt;i> lnr.uiu' 1 (inslitikiii p.iil-- nl llu- lnnui>ity. Tlu' Cdlli-gc, _ MlU'd luldlr lllr ii|nMini; nl lllc .\rl> I (li'|i.irtiiiiiil cilllic L'\, in «liiili In- [ li.ul lii'in ili">igii,ilt(l as I'rotVswir of I'.dii r' iMlidii and IClliics, l)r. Rami spriit in I'.nnland, wliilluT ho had ^(1111- lor |nir|"iMs nl sUidv and (ili>oi\aliiiii in cciniurlidn "ilh iiniviisilv wnik. Ili' has 111 iw ii'tiiriU'd, hiiHiMi-, anil is .HtiMJy iiif^a.ui'd in tin- diilu's 111 liii rniri-ssiirshiji in lIu' Ails' I lr|iailininl in llit' nrwiy (i|iiiU(l ('cilli.ui' and as Cliainnan i>( the haiullv. I'riilVssiir Jaiiu-s Ldiidciii, M.A., I'. K.S.C, lIu' UariK'd I'mlissdrdl I'hysiis in rnninld IniMisiiv, is a naliM' ol Tdi' diUd and «as linrn luiv in ihr )nar i.S.|i. lie was idiicauil al IjiiKT Canada Cnl K(;c. and at ihc I'niwrsily nl' Tdrdnld. nf uhicii III- is a dislinnuishi'd hdiidiir man in M.ithLinaliis, and f;radiiaU'. Ik-isalsn .111 M..\.. and I'lir a tinu' Dciii of n.iliiin.d iiisiiuilidii : a iiuanluT nf tlu' Si'iiaU- ; .md I'mlisMir nl I'livsits in tlu- liiiMrsily. llu is a nu-inl)i.-i- nl' st-M-ral li.inu-d Imdii-s, an tiiiiiu-nt s|iL-iialisl in his di.-|urtim-nt. .md .m i-\|ii-ri ami lucid demonstrator, rrolossoi- LoiidoM is a l-'i-llow nl' llu- Royal Siniily dl' and an cnllnisi.istic ( ■ In i(lif;ioii. lu- i- a iiu-iiiIkt of Iho 1'ri.sliyUrian Cluinh. rriili-sMir ( 'h.irlis ( '.ir|iiii.u I. M.A.. T. R.S.C, l)iri-(-lor of ihc .\lai;iu-lir ( )list-rvatory, Toroiilo. and ol" llu- Mi.-U'orolo};i(al ."siTMi I- of tlu- liominion. was horn 111 1.S46, at Sin-alli.iin Hill. Siirrt-y. |-aii,'l.inil. lU- was cdiiialcd al ( 'l.i|)hain ('■raminar School, and at St. Job I ■ ( djli-gi-, t'ainliridj;i-. .\l tlu- lalk-r iiislilution his sliidics were (hiclly those coniuctcd with Natural ami K\|XTiiiU'iital Scji-m-c. incliidiH); ihemislry, |)hvsi<-s .mil in.illunialics. While at ( 'ollcgc he won a miiidr si-holarship and a foundation scholarship, and graduated si\!li wrangler. In iS;o. he was elected a l-'ellow of his ('ollej;e. In llu- s.inu- \ear he was attached to the l>rili-h |-'.cli|ise K\|K-ditioii to Spain, and al l-",stepoiia, thirty live miles from ( iihiallar. look a spei tro S(-opi<- oliserx.ition of the ( 'orona. ( (wing, howe\er, to uiifavouralile weather, ihe observation was not successful. Comiu}; thereafter Id ( 'anada. I'rolessdr < 'arpmael was in 1X72 appointed Deputy SuperinleiuleiU of the .Mete iroliijjical Ser\ici.- of the Dominion, ami. eij^hl years later. Director ol the Maj;iietic Oliservatory and Superinlendent of the .Meteorological Ser\ice. Iioth of whi( h posts he still al>ly tills. He is also I'residenl of the Canadian Institute, loronto, and was, in iSSri, I'lesideiit of the Science Seilion nf the Rinal Suciety df (' Mr. Ceorj^e Dickson. M..\., I'rim ipal of I'pper Canada College, was liorn of Scotch extraction in .Markham Township, Co. Nork, in 1.S46. l-or nearly a i|uarler of a century he has been identified with educational luirsiiits and has had n'eal experience as a teacher. He was himsell educated at the Richmond Hill, M.irk- ham, and W'hitliy Ciraniiiiar Sihools, and at 'I'oronlo and \'ictoria Universities. .\t the former I'niversity he inalricnl.iled with honours, and ,it the latter lu- graduated with honours. In iHfid he began his career as a teacher in the Township of King. where we first recogni/e .Mr. Dickson's special aptitude for educational w-ork, for. as the result of tw-o years' labours in King Township, twelve of his pupils obtained first-class certificates. In iSri.S, Mr. Dick- son was appointed mathematical master in ihe (h.itliam Cirammar School, and from there passed, for a year, to the Woodstock Literary Institute, where he had charge of the University class in Knglish, mathe- matics, classics and history. In 1872, he acaepted the assistant-mastership of the Collegiate Institute, Hamilton, and in the 1'kincii-ai. Gkoki^k. Du .m.a. /■/>/■(■. ir/<>\ ix/) /r.s /'A'(>//:s.S()A's. 12.1 follcpwiiiH yiiir, (111 llic j|>|Mpinliiuiil ol Mr, J. M. Ilm liiri (Hif llcidiiKiMn ) Id .1 llij^li S( Ikj.iI In-<|H. i'\|KTiciiiiil ailiiiiiiistraliir, llial llu- atlind am !■ niM' williiii his ri'^iiui- froni 2,^^o |iii|>iU to cliiM- ii|iiiii six liiindrid. Williiii Uii years cil Mr. Iliiksim's a|i|iiiiiiliiKril, im kss than 175 (if his |iii|iils passed ihc I'liiversiiy f\aiiiiiKiliiiiis and niiiiUcn schiiliirships Hell- awarded thelii. The I )e| I'.vaniiiiatiiins show like UralilV. -(^ resnlls. hnini iSSo lo i.SS^. m aildiliiiii Id liis onerous duties as rrinri pal of the ( 'olleniate liislilnle, .Mr. I )i( kson had ( harge of the ornani/alion and man aneiiunt of the sehool system ol the Citv III' Hamilton, lie also organi/eil and was I'residenl of the Hamilton Teai hers' As.socialion. In iSSq. .Mr. Diikson appoinlid li\ till- ( )nl.irio ( loverniiuiu to the I'rineipalsliip ol I'pper Canada Col le(;e, whieh position he eontiiuies to lill with iiuieli stieeess. In this new sphere I'riniipal Hiekson's powers ol' ornani/a- tion, piod diseipline. and thoroiii;h lilisiiiess like administralion, eoinliiiied with his all round seliolarship, line leai h inn aliilily, and the laeiilty of iniluiing students with love of their work, soon llianil'ested themselves and ,i;a\e a new impetus to the old historic school ol the I'rminee. I'lider his man,ij;enicnl. not only has the ( 'ollene continued to lloiirish, lint it has done im reasiiii;ly j^ood work, as yearly University honours prove, and passed tliroii^;li a crisis in its history which under a vijiorous administration would |irolialily have lieeii its doom. I' I )iekson is a iiiemlier ol' the Senate of Kno\ College, and was also on die Senate of Toronto I'niversitv. In politics, he is a Kel'ormer; in relij;ion. a Presbyterian. Mr. .Xrchihald MacMnnhy, M..\., Rector of the Collegiate Institute, and I'.ditor of the CiiihuUi Editctitional Monthly, was liorn of Highland Sidltish parentage al Stewart field, .\rgyleshire, and when quite young came with his parents to Canada. Here he ( ontinued his eduiation and at the same time taught school, until 1.S54, when he look a course al the Normal School, Toronto, .\lier receiving his certiliiMte, he engaged as a master in the I'rovineial .Model School, while taking his undergraduale course at the University of 'Toronto. Throughout ihe latter course, Mr. Mac.Murciiy was a lirst-elass honour man in inathematics, ICnglish, Trench, and the Sciences, and graduated with honours and a medal. ( )n graduating, he devoted himself lo his life-work as an educator, his high academic standing, ability as a teacher, and sterling character, serving him in good stead. In iiSjS, he w..s appointed mathematical master at the 'Toronto (Irammar Sehool (now the Collegiate Institute), and in 1872 succeeded lo the Rectorship. .\s the head, for now nearly twenty years, of this excellent institution, Mr. MacMunhy has not only earned for it a high and honouralile repute, hut has lieeii able to turn out thousands of young men who, in numberless walks of life, have made or are making their mark in the Dominion. ' lis enthusiastic interest in his profession is shown also in his able editorshio of the Canada Ediuaiioiial Moiillily : and as the author, in his own department of mathematics, he has won deserved fame. .Mr. Mae.Murchy was for years a member of the Senate of Toronto Universilv, an active worker and sometiine President of the Ontario Teachers' .\sso- cialion. In religion, he is a I'resbyterian, loyal to the traditions of the Old Kirk section of that bodv ; in politics, he is a slatmch Conservative. The life of the |)rofessional man, whatever may be his spe( iaily, does not offer, as a rule, any great variely of incident. Particularly is this the case with the College Don or the more humble educator. His habits as a student and scholar Kksihi nck 01 Mil. \. \. .\, Siikuiuichnk SruiKr. I'KINC II'AI. .MAiMUKi IIV, M..\. I'.' I /:/>/ 1 .i//(>\ .i.\7> //'.s /•AV'//;.v.S(»/v'.v. M K. [ollN \1 \k 1 I \M lllii;l III-' I'li'lil III .i< iinii. ihiiii^li. Ill l,l^lllllllln^ till' iiiU'lIn I .Hill i li.ii.irUi nl \iiiilli. .i:i>'.il iii.iv lir llit I'lrlil nl Ills iiilliii In r. In c iHiiiii luiii Hiili idiir.iiioii Ml llif 1 in, tiiiif M'.irciiy luvli ;i liilliT kniinii lii.iii, m niu' hIhi Inr a liiinlliriKii iiriiod liii-- la-iil a iiiiiiv iin|iiirlniit pnsilidii, lli.iii Mr Inhii M.iiiLiinl, M. A., iiiie nl llii' tiidcst iiiiisli rs iil I'lUK-r ( '.iii.icj.i Cnllim'. Inr ,1 .|ii.irlir nf .i niiiiir\ lu' li.i>. Ikim Ki'siilcntv MisUr in liisliirlr iioliuilinii, and Imlli in llic linardiii); llntist' and in llu' Ciillip ilass riHini-< has luin linmi^ht inio InllMiali' and daily riin'.ail »illia giiirratiiin i>l i anadlan yiinlli. Ills inlliirnri.' lias cvrr liivn luiit lii ml and many iiwi' In liiin a lilt- Imi); iltlil. Ilaviii^ liiniM'H luvii i-diicatfil at an Iji^lisli I'lililii Srliiml and an I'.nnlish I'niMrsily, tlu' tradiiiiiMs III liiilii naliirally clini^ tn him. and liccaini' his inniU'K, as ti> M'hiil,irshi|i ,!■ "ill .IS 111 |H'rsiiii,il haliils and diliii'.iiiiiiir. Inr tlw training; (il'dinsr imdir him. In till' Mii-ii'ss nl his iiulhiids tluir .in m.iny In tislih . » liilr .iiiiniif; iild ( 'nlli^r hn\ s tisiiiiiniiy is as warm .iiid riii|ih.ili( in [iraisr nl tin- i|nalitii's nl ihf in. in. \lr. was linrn at lil.irkliiini, I .ancashiri, .\ii,i;iist .-(ilh, i.'ijS. (lis latlur. wlin .1 iiiidiral in.iii and a Maj;istr.ili' nl' llu- niimly, siMil him Inr his iihii-.ilinn lirst in Ihi' lllai kliiirn ( Silmnl, and .illiTw.irds tnawrllknnwii N'nrtli nl' laij^land sihnni Si'dlicrnh. in \\ I'stmnrrl.iiid. Irniii llu- l.aur lu- p.issrd, as luad linv, tn ( )\lnrd I'niMTsity, Hluri' hi' ii.iiiu'd .i ,{.70 sihnl.irshi|), Itiialilr Inr li\i- vrars, .it (Jniin's ( 'nlli-ni-, Ills lulnrs linn^ ilic pn-Miii Airhliishnp of N'nrk, and .Mr a rarr and an I'.ditnr ol' I )i'mnsthiiii's. Ill 1S52, hi' uradii.i- li'd with a Pass di'j.;ri-c, ilhii-ss havilij; pri'M'iiiid Ilim frnm taking Imnnnrs. .Mkr li'.niiii; ( Ixlnid, Mr. Martl.iiul travi-lli'd cnnsidi'ralil), .iiid while in I'.iinl.ind mailud pupils Inr llir rnivi'isiiiis and till' .\rmy. Tlirniigh thi' inlhii'iui' nl tin- rainilx nl niu- nl his pupils, hi' was given k'Ui-rs nf iiilmdiKiinn to Sir iMlnuind Ik-ad. then ('mvirnnrC li'iural (if Canada, and rami' tn .Mnnlrcal in 1.S60. l-'nr Iwn years he acted as Keitnr's assistant in the High Selinol. .Mnnlreal, and r<:ir/<>\ iv/> /rs /■/,•( v/;.s.svv.'.v. 'rnniiitii ^llj\<'r^il\, winning a ilmililr s( licil.iiiliip in ihissirs ami ^iinial |>ri) I'll ii'iiry. At liii Mriitid vcar's i'\ainiiMli(iM lir wmi llii- \,\\\w Iwii m li(ilarshj|is, aililiii^ III his liiiiiiiiirs tin i lavsiral |irl/(' nl llir \r.ii. In |S;; lu hi'iainr assistant iii.isirr in tlir rornnlii ( 'iillfniato liisliliili'. Imt icmlimnil llu' lanKiia(,'r rmirsi' in llii' I'iiimimU. anil );railiial('(l as a iniilallist in niuilrrn lan^iiaj^is in 1K75. Tlir lulliiHinn uar lif was a|>|Hiintril I'rini iiC llir ^■annnlltll Scniinarv. in \ii\,i Siiiiia, ami ri'inaini'd in lliat pusiliiin Inr liiur yrars, wlim lie nturmd lo (tntarin, ami Ironi iSSo In iSSS was sin icssivrlv lifailinasUr nl' llii' Stratlimy llii;li Srlinui ami llir Wliitliy ( 'nlli'j;iatc' rnstitlltc. Inn years a^ii. Iir iniiMil llii .i|i|ininlniint III riinri|ial III tilt' I'arkil.ik' ( 'iillc^iatc Instituir, wliirli nmlrr liis ailniinistratiiin has lakiMi liinh rank ainimn Ihf si'i unilary srhnuls nl ihr I'mvinci', ,\m\ attainid a siiiciss that is ahmist |)lun(innnal. In |HS.(. Mr. lanlirii was oiir nl a rninniiltii- 111 thriT a|i|iiiiiitril liy the laliir.ilinn I >i|iarlniinl nl' iln' I'rnvimi.' In |iri|iari' tin |irisiiit srrii's III Otitarin Srhnnl Kiailcrs. a work Inr wliiih I'rini i|ial lanlircr hail high lili-rary ami prnlVssinnal i|iiahniatiiin>. He Imlils advanrcd vii-ws in i-diira tiniial inattrrs and lakrs an inthiisiaslir interest in all that pertains to ihe well lieini; and advaneeiiieiil nl his priil'essinn. Mr. ICliihree is .in .letive nienilier nl the Senate (if the L'niversilv nl' riininln. In I'KIM ll'AI KlKKI AMI, M..\. wliiih he has lieen three times eleited. as the representative nil that lindy nl the lliuli .Sihnnl .Masters nf tile I'rnv- inie. Mr. I'aiihree lielnii(;s tn the Melhndist iliiinniinatinn. Mr. Thnnias Kirkl.iml, .M..\.. I' nt'llu' Si linnl. Tniniitn, was linrn in the ( 'nimtv nl' .\niia^;li, liel.ind. .\ii|iiisl i.;tli. iS,i5. .M'ler reieiving his e.irlv edlii.itinn ill his native parish, and ,it the Selinnl, lliihlin, he toiik a eniirse ill aurietdtiire at the .\lliert .\nrii iilliiral Trainiii}; liistitiuinii, at ('ilasiuvin. and then entered (.Uieen's ( 'nlle};e, liell'.ist, as a student nl ei\il en^;ineer- ing. W liile in I liili''n, desij;iiinn tn gn alirnad Inr his health, .Mr. Kirklanil allrai ted the notice ol .Vrchliishnp Whatoly, then ( 'hairman nl the ( 'oiniiiissioners nf National I'.diieatinn in Ireland, who gave him a letter nl intrndiirtinn tn the Rev. Dr. K\ersnn. In i,S54, Mr. Kirklaml prnneded tn I lere he devnted himself tn edlii.itinn as his life's wnrk. and t.iiinht sehnnl suieessively at ( )shawa, Whithy .mil liarrie. He then spent three years at the University of I'orontn, winning a SI hnl.irship in .M.ilheinatii s and Imnnnrs in all siilijeits. 1-rnm T,Sf),^ till 1.S71, he was I'nni ipal nf the High Sihnnl al Whilliv, and in the latter year was selected liy Mr. Kvirsnii tn hll the pnsitinii nf Science master in the Normal School, 'i'oronlo. This chair he held until i,S,S4. when nn the rosignatinii of the Kev. Dr. Davies, he became i'rincipal. Mr. Kirkland is an eminent mathematician and a successful educatiniiisl. lie was nne nf the hrsi elei tive niemliers of the Senate nf 'I ni niitn I'liiversity, and is alsn a meinlier of the Senate of Knox < 'ntlege. I'nr ten years he ni cupied the chair nf ' 'hemistry and Physics in Trinity Medical Sihnnl and was a lecturer nn .Mr. Kirkland is the author of a luimlier nf well- knnwn mathematical wnrks and nf a wnrk on Statics, authori/ed hythe Department of ICihicatinn Inr ( )iUario. In religinn, I'rincipal Kirkland is a I'resliyterian, and a Directnr nf the I'pper ( 'anada Itilile Snciety. Mr. lames .\, .Mi l.ellan, .M..\., I.1..D., Director nf Teachers' Institutes in Ontarin, was linrn in Nnva .Scniia in 1S5;. His p.ireiits remnved tn this I'rnvince in 1S57, and his linylinnd was spent al 'riiornhiil. In that village, at X'iclnria Cnllege, Cnliourg, and at Tiironto L'niversity he was educated, the while devoting him.self, in the intervals of his study, to teaching. During his L'niversity career, he was the wiiuier of first-class honours, chielly in mathematics and metaphysics, the recipient of two medals, ami a general-prol'iciencv schnlarship. In I.S;,;, he wrote for his M..\. degree, and snniewhal later ohtained from 'I'oronlo Universitv the degree of 1. 1.. I). In his Normal School professional course ho also stood high, anA completed it liy nhtainiiig a first-class ((Iraile .\) certificate. I'nr a time Dr. Mcl.ellan taught in the Whitliy High .ScIkmI, in L'pper Canada College, and in 1864 was rrincijwl of the Yarmouth Seminary, Nnva Scotia. In 1S71, he was Dk. T. -M. MACLNrVKE. 1 -jc, /■:/nc.iT/o.\' .ixn /rs /•auu/c.ssoa's. 'MAII Kin KN." KKSIUKNCI ill Ml;. A. M. Cosiiv. a|ipniiUi.(l liy the Oiitaiio l'Alii<;itioii:il Di'iurlnicul, l1l^|n.■(i()|■ nl lliuli Si IhkiIs. ;im(I lor lonj^ lias served mi llu' (i' Com- iiiitUr, (ir Advisory Hoard of llic Miiiistir of ICilucaiioii lor llic I'roviin i-. In these posts. Dr. Mrlx^'llan |ierlormed a lai;;o aiiioiinl of hard work and, .is the alilesi of I de|)artiiieiital experts, (lla:s. 127 111!. [AMKr. f Mil Yl.K. M(h1l1 S( licinl I'd?- I'dVN TipidMlii, ;is |iiin( 'I'liis position lie filkd Inr lliirttiii \r irs. iliiiiiig wliii li liiiK' In- stiiilicd medicine iMul t;iailiiaUil rniin \icl(iri;i Mrdiial ('i)lle{;e. In 1871, Dr. Cailyle was iiroiiuiuil lo llie MalluMiali( al nia^tersliip of the Normal Silinul and sinie it lia-. lieeii relieved of its academical training (tiix-tinns lie lias actenlario Teachers' .\ssocia- tion. He is I-A-President of the 'Toronto Teachers' .Xssciciation. and a Past Master of St. .\ndrew's Lodge, .\.I'. iV .\.NL .Mr. Doan is a .Methodist and a member of Sherbourne Street Methodist Cluirch. Mr. Levi I. Cl,\rk, Principal of the City Nbidel School (X'ictoria Street), was born in the Township of Hawkesbury, ()ntario, in 1S42, His ancestors were amoiigsi the earliest settlers in the Ottawa X'alley, his great grandparents having come Iriim Massachusetts in the latter part of p,ire himself for the teac liiiig profession, Mr. Clark spent some time al .i school ten miles north of 'Toronto under the i.llion of his brother, the late .\, II. Clark. Having ol)taine(l a first-class cerlilicatc from the( 'ounly lioard, he began teaching in iH6,^ at Clover Hill, Simc-oe County. Two years later, he came to the County of N'cirk, and in 1X71, having obtained a first-class provincial certificate, he received an appoinlmeni in ToroiUo, where he has sine e remained. His interest in public (|iicstions led Mr. Clark recently to prepare a valuable |mper on the disposal of Toronto's sewage, which attracted public attention and much favourable comment. He has also /ealoiisly .ind inlclligcntly advocated Mk. Uoi.i. \V. Dm Mk. I. km 1. EDUCATION AND ITS PKOFESHORS. 129 Mk. John CamI'Iikii Mk. \V. |. IIkm.uv. md i> \'iic I'ri'sidiiit of sanitary reform in the cily in tlif |)iililic press. He is an activu nicnilar of tlu' (lanailian Inslitutu, anil St. .XndrLVv's l.odnc .\. l''.\' .\. M. .Altlioiijjli not lakini,' a prominent part in politics. Ik- has lurii a lifc-lonj,' Reformer, and, like his parents liefore him, he is a member of the .Metho- dist (Ihtirch. Mr. John Campliell, Principal of liollon Avenue .School, was horn in the ("oimty of \'ictoria, Ont.. .\pril iStli, 1S34. He graduated from the I'rovincial Normal .School, Toronto, as a teacher in iSOo, taught for si\ years in Markham and \',U]ghan, and two years in Weston. In 1.S6.S he came to 'I'oronto, and was en- j;a(;ed as a teacher in the pul)li<- schools. I'or the last twenty-two years he has been in the employment of the Public Sihool Hoard, and is now the second oldest in the service. Mr. C'anipbell was appointed to his pnsent position in .Mav, i,S,S6. He was Vice-President of the Society two ye.n the (laclic Society. .Mr. Campbell is a member of the Presbyterian Church and tlu' .Masonic fraternity. .Mr. \\ in. John Hendry, Prim ipal of the Jesse Kelclunn School, was born in Toronlo in 1.S45. and re(ei\ed his primary education in the Common Sihool at Minuco. L'ntil he was eighteen, he I'Ugaged in farm work, when heiletertnined to enter the teaching profession, and with that end in view entered the Toronto Normal School, from which he graduated in i.S6,S. the holder of a first i-lass certilicate. In 1S7 ;, he was appointed Headmaster of the N'orkville Public School. Here lu' was \erv success- ful, for when the systi'in of ( 'ounty .Mixlel Schools for the training of third-class teachers introduced, his school was selected as the Model School for the Co. of N'ork. This conlinueil for live years until \'ork\ille brought Hithin the Toronto School system, when the village was absorbed in tlu I itv. In i.S.Sd, .Mr. Hendry was chosen by the Toidiilo Public School lioarCi, after reieiving a good grounding in elementary education in one the T'.tobicoke Public- .Schools. In the Normal School he won a sei-ond-ilass certilicate, and subsecpicntly a first class certificate. .Mr. Hendry has taught in rural, village and city sc hools in the ('ounties of Ndrk and W'entworth, and in the City of Toronto. l-'or the last fifteen years he been in the ser\ic-e of the Toronto Public School Hoard, having had i-harge of some of the l.iigi-st public- schools in the city. Mr. Hendry has been Sec retary- Treasurer ol ihe Toronto 'i'eacher's .\sso(-iation for se\er,il years, and takes a warm in- terest in everything that pertains to educa tion. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church, and actively c-onnected with onc of the western i-ongreg.itions in the city. Mr. Connor O'Dea, proprietor of Ihe P.ritish .\ineric-an lUisiiu-ss College, was born at Kilrush, Clare Co., Ireland, ]\\n\; 25, 1.S44. Coming to this c-ountry at the age of eight with his parents, lu- resided in llolton X'illage, Cardwell Comity, until in i8'>4 he entered and graduated from the British .-Vnieriiaii Husi .Mk. .\Ni>khw IlKNiikv. iiess College in this city. He was then .Mu. Co.snou c 1 iika l:tO EDUCATION AXn IT:, PROFESSORS. 'Tirr IlAI r," Kiisi iiM.F. Asoiiiii; \ik«'. iiipitii'd liy tlio jiriiii-ipals, Messrs. ^tllsgr(>Vl■ iV W'riglu, ;\s toaclur nl' pciuiiansliip, book-kirpiiin, anil arillinu'lic. 'I'bis position Ik' Ik'IiI I'oi litk<.ri years, until lie was appointed Seeretary and Manaj;er, wliieli lie held till 1SS5. when he heiame proprietor. I'lirough his elTorts a weak aid liiianeially involved iiislilution was built i.p (o what is now one ol the most flourishing ol its kind in Canada. Mr. O'Dea is the author ol two text books ii'.ed extensively in business eol- leges tliroiinhout Canada and the L'nited Slates "The I'railieal liook-keeper." and the ".M.uiiial ot'Correspondenee." The latter is in its tenth edition, and nearly eopies have been sold sine e its lirst piililica tion in 1SS7. .\lr. Thonias l!en,noUj;h. a well known journalist and expert stenographer, was born in Toronto in 1S51. He befian his career as a printer's appreiitiee in the ot'tiee of the \\ hitbv Ctif^ettf. and sub.sei|iiently in that of' the Toronto li/oh. Meanwhile he mastered sliorth.nid. He was lor some time on the staff of the ('iiiel|)h Miiciny and, later on. eitv editor of the I'lironto I.ihcral; after this for a short time he f'llled the editorial iliair of the Whitby Giizetle. His llioroii^'h know- ledge of shorthand wrilini;. however, gave Mr. liengoligh openings otlu r thosi- afforded by joiirn.ili^ni, pure .nid simple, lie w.i> for t»o \i-.n-. I'ri\,ite Seerel.iry to the Hon. Oliver .\low.\t ; .11 one time also shorthand correspondent for .\lr. W liite, now Ifalfic Manager of the .Midland Division of the (irand 'I'runk Ry. : and he now holds the post of of'lii i.d shorthand reporter to the \'ork Counlv Courts, to which he was ap|)ointed seven years ago. .\lr. I'.engoiigh. who. by the way, is a brother of the popular i-artoonisi of Chip, originated the Cana- dian Shorthand Society, and in 1SS5 w.i-, elecfiil President of the International Association of Shorthand Writers of the I niled States and ( 'anadi. The ( '.inadian College of ( 'ommerci-, whose home is in the College .\rcade, on the iiirner of \'onge an \i 1 i\ li-~ 1\;\N(V IN ('\N\ip\. A Nmim: S(Mikii ihi. I >i --iim.kah \i. Canmhan Srnjwis Ai'.diNn. .\v.\ AcAiiiMii— \M) l.cHM Aur AsMii lAi iiiN^. Aki Ikmninlin i mi. S( ihhii.^. Mr>i( in I'liKoxro. Thk I'iiii.iiak- MONll ANIi tJliiKM, SiHII.III^. Mr>u Al. ( !(IN( ,Kl.>.sl,>. I.DIAI. I 'l. I'lll. ( 'l ll.l.Kl .i; Oh Ml >l( AND IHI ( (iN^I k\ A lOKV (i| .\!l>ll. AKI', like litiralUR-, is still in its iiifniu v in ('aii.ula. Our artists, liowcvir, have made a beginning, anil no little of their wnrk is (Teililal)le tiillieni, parliciilarly in the less .imbitimis field of waterioldur painting. There is, naturally as yet, a ^ iiianifesi lack of originality and ol' ell'ort to fdiiiid a distinclively ( 'anailian School ol .\rl. W ork in oils is lor the must part \/r.s/c. M K. IM'W \\A' I 1-.I1I K. conciTls givfii liy till' Tonintn SynipliDin Orilu'stni. wliicli ili\il()|iiil lalir iiiln tlif Tdrriiigldii ( (rcliisiia, ;iiul llii- 'I'droiitd ()r(•lll'^lnll AsMici.itioM, which lia^ lui.-ii ^;i\iiin ;i mtIcs ol' ^'^llu■l■rl^ .iiiiui.illy lor hmr mmsiuis |);\sl. I'liiliT Mr, I'liriiiintini iii.iiiy of tlidsr iidw ;i( ting ;is on lii'slial llul^i^'ialls at all thi' sixifty ('(imcltIs. Hln.ri'drrlustra> ari' cin|ildyi'(l, haw liL'cimif i oiniictiril id do m) thrdiigh llic d|ipdrluiiilics which he lia^ prdvidcil lluiii. In iSSS, Mr. Tdrrinntdii rduinlcd ihc 'I'drdnld CdlJcgi' nl' Mii.sic, whiili has l)ccii rcinarkalily Miccc^^riil ; in iSijo. this institnlidn lici anu' a chartLTi'd jdiiitsldck I'onipany, with a capital ol' $50,000. Mr. (icurgc (luddcrhani is President, and .Mr. |. K. Kerr, (^t.C, and Prdlessor I. W . Liuulon are \'iie Presidents of the Cdllege, which is ndw ,il'tihaled with the L'ni\ersitv dC Tdrdnld, Mr. 'I'orringtdn lieing appdinleil its re|iresent,itive on the Seii.ite. 'I'lie name of Mr. ICdward I'islur, Musical Direcldr of the I'drdntd Cdiiservatdry dl' Music, is I'.nniharly kndwn not unlv to the ( iti/ens dl' I'drdntd, iiiil to the musical public thrdughdiit Canada. .Mr. I'isher's early lile was passed in the I'nited Slates, lioslon, Mass., ha\ing been his home for sever,d years prior td his leaving that cdnntry. In city he received his musical ediicalidn. mainly at llu' Hoston CdHservaldry dl .\lusic ; here alsd he occupied at dilVerent times several important church positions as drganist and practised his prolessidii as teacher ol the pianoforte. In 1.S7.) he went to lierlin to study under the famous masters Haupt and l.oesch.irn. ( )n his return to .\nieri( a he offereil llie direcldrshi|i of music at the Ott.iwa Ladies' College, which position he accepted and liUcd successfully for several years. In 1S71), he removed to Toronto in order to ac< iiiti(l (pr(;;misl oi' larvis Stavt ll.i|iii>l ( liiii. li. I iiroMid. Ilr siirrrnilind \\\\^ posl to Uikc cli.irni- "• •'»■ 'lioir "I 'I'l' "i" rluin li ol .S|. Simon's. an Ml S/C *r-' ill ( '.iiiaila. Ill' in.iiii iituriuil Ici I'.iigl.iiul. wlurt- lif riiii.iiiuil nil iH,S5. wluii In i .imr tn rnrnnln ami louk pari in llu' imi^iral iVslival luld 111 Ihi riillowiiin \\\\t. Ili> work sine f lluii i> will kiinwii In all lll^^■t^ nl iiui-.i( . Mr. Arliil^r i> a nuiiilicr nl llii' li'acllill); MalT III lIu- ( nllij;! nl Mii^m .mil Im llit ji.isl llirci- uar-. has lirrn ' (ir^;aMist anil ilioiim.iNlrr 111 ( '.irllnii .Sin rl Mi iIhmIisI I liunli. Mr ('lariiiii' liiias, ul tin roriinlii ('iilli'iie nl Mumi, .iml mui nl llic Ut \ 1 1. \ I 111 a> 111' tills iilN, was liiirii .il SiiiitliMlJr. (uiiiily iil l.iiiriilii, ()iitariii. 1111 till- mill 1)1 (htnliir. iK'Ki. \\ Inn a iiuir i liilil lio pin' iviiliini' ul tlir |iiisMssiiin 111 iiuiMial tall lit. anil altrr -.iiiiU' iiriliiiiiii,ir\ instnii linn lir, .it tin- ,1^1- 111 lillirii. stuiluil li.iriiiiiii\ iiiulir .1 ilistinniiisluil |irii|isMir .iinl .iKii timk Iismmis nil till' |ii.iiiii iiiiili 1 till iniisi priirii'it'iil in.istrr>. In iy this .Socifly. L'lidi'r llii' iiislrtirtinii nl' .Mrs. Orassirk and .Mr. rnrriiiglnii I niisidiralili' advain'c was iiiadi- and .Mr. W arringtnn's Nnicc was fiirlhi-r ili-M-lnpi'd liy study with the iiinst c-inincnl ti'ai hiis nl Hnstnn and Niw N'ork. .M'li'r licin(j; leader nl the ehnirnf liliinr Si reel Melhndist ('liiirch I'nr twn vi.irs. .Mr. Warriiiglonaciepled llie direelorsliip 1)1' Kim Street I'linir in iSSo. wliirh lie sunn iiiade nne nl' the liesi in llie rity. Six ye.irs Liter he reninved tn Sherlinurne Street .Mellindist ( 'liiinli. the i linir nl whii li is iinvv under his le.idership. Mr. W .irniii;tiin has slinwii reiii.irk.ilile versatility, heinj; ahiinst ei|u.illy .il liniiie in iii.issive nratnrin. in li.ilLid, and in light npir.i. lie been assni i.ited with such einiiieiit artists as .Mrs, .\. I'.. ( )s};nnd. .Miss .Xfjnes lliintinj;iliin. Mrs. C.ildwell, Mrs. (arlnide l.ullier, Niw N'nrk. \\ . H. Cniirtenay. haii .Mnrawski. Mrs. \\ . W im h. Ilnstnn. I). \|. ILilienik. ( '.irl /.eliraii. linsimi. .mil iii.iiu nthers. wlinse iiillueiiee ill iiiusie is an inspir.itimi. .Miss S.irali M.uid .M.iry I l.irris. nne linrn in the "(^liieeii City." .\ut;ust ist. i.S(i4. Mu. Ikkp. W \i;uisi.|i if the il I nrnntn's iniisl i-^perl piaiiisl.s, was .\t an e.irly age, she liegan Ihe study liannliirte, thmigli her luilinn was un.ivoidahly interrupled until a later perind when il was resuined aili\ely under iiiiteil masters in l-'raiice and I'-ngLiml. Ill her si'Veiileenth year she went tn ( lermany, w here she studied under I'rofessnr O.siar Paul, of l.eipsic, and I )r. 'riiendor Kullak, of lierlin, reeeiv ing iiunh eiuouragement under these eminent |irnfessors. Sulisei|ueiilly. Miss Harris pursued her studies in I'll istnii. under the late Ur. I.iiuis ^ ^^^— and in New N'nrk, under .Mr. Seliastian ^i ^^^K liaih Mills. I'roin Ihe tuition of these *fc— ^B masters she reeeived inui h lienefit, and for the last three years she has Ih "l^ ^77 been teaehing her art suciessfully in uW\ ^ y . Toronto. In 1H83, .Miss Harris was lor a time pianiste to the Toronto I'horal Society, and since then has given evidence of enhanced musical talent. Miss Harris is a ineiiilicr of Miss S. Mai n M. Hakuis. die Nc« Jerusalem Church. Mi'^s 1:. S. .\lKi.i i^ii. ,//.'/ iM) \n'.s/(\ \.\; : 1 ^^1 ^^^^^RJr * A ^P ;' imim li'i^iit^rti^i' ^MiikA iiahii iidm \IUs. S. I^. ltUM)l.l.\. Miss I'jiiniJ Sl.iMliin \lillisli. Mm-.. Itar., Iriiiily riilMiMly. .irnl lia( lur of I laniioiiy at tlu' Toroiili) ('(mM'r\al(iry nf Music siiHi' llial insliuiliiiii uas rmiMilcil, is iinc (il llic " swcci ^irl n^'Ul'i'ilcs " nl hIiuim. nr ralluT of llic type ol' wliiih, llir I'dcl l.aiiriaU' s|uaks. It cuir ( aiiadiaii L'liivrrsiliis arr U> o|nii lluir ddors lur llu' liinluT (.■cliicaliipii III woimri. iiDiiiU' will say tluin na\ wliiri the lirld (if lluir study is till' I'ssiiUially fviiiiiilMc im\- nl nuisir. Miss Millisli is a nuisical uraduati' (iSSfi) (if (lUr Canadian I'riiul). and was (iiii- (if the lirst ladies in Canada upoii hIkimi tlif (li'urii' (if 11.11 luliir (if Musk was ( (inferred. S)ie was f(ir some time a pupil of Mr. .\rlhm V,. I'islier, of Toronto, and is a( ( (impllslied in her art. ( )n the i,!lli Novemlier. iSip, .\liss .Mellisli, who Is a daiiKlHer of die Kev. Kiiral I lean Mellish, of Caledonia, marriid Mr. A. .M. Uvuiond, l.iw\ ui the olli( i' ol the lion, the .\tt(irney-( leneral of the I'rovuKe. .\monn the resident nuisl( laJis ol I'oronto. there are peril. ips few wlio liave taken a more aetl\e p.irt in Its life during the past twenty- live years than .Mrs. S. K. Ilr.idley. Her early studlis in sinjiin^; .ind pl.nioforle playiiiK were dire( ted by .Mr. \anKoerlier, of I'orl Hope. .s;nlisei|uently .Mrs. Hradlev reeeUed instruction from Mr. John Carter and .Mrs. (Irasslck. Her voice is a lirilliant soprano mid lis striking i|ualitles, ( (imlilned with an attractive styk. have won for her fivoin. .\t the age of seventeen she entrusted with one of the principal solos at .i pulillc performance of " The .Messl.ih " In Toidiito. Since that time she has l.ikin ,i proinlneiil p.irt in most of inusleal e\enls •issiK iated with theiiiy. .Mrs. liradlev has lieeii for seven years directress of llie ( lioir of Merkeley Streit .MetliodisI t'luinh. She has charge of the vocal dep.nliiieill of the Whitliy Ladies' ( 'ol- Icge, .111(1 Is iiistruclor in voice enlture .it Si. |oMph\ Coiivenl. .Mrs. lir.idley's ti-f'crloin- extends over a wide range of music, hoili operatic and sacred. .Miss l.i/'/ie Higgins, an accomplished pianist, is a native Canadian. She studied music in this i (lunlrv with the liest available masters, and finished her professional educ.itlon at the Royal Conservatorv of .Music, I.eipsic, (lermany, where she was a pupil of /wintscher, /eiclniuiller, I )rs. I'.uil .iiid (^lu.isdorf. .\fter her return to Toronto, Miss Higgins was attached to the College of Music as a teacher of the pianolorte. In i.S.Sij, upon her marriage vvith Mr. (leorge Mel'herson, of Hamilton, she became a resident of Mr. \'incent Perry Hunt was born at W'hiibv. ' )nt,. .\ugust ulh. 1.S51). .\i die age of seventeen he decided to adojit nuisii „ his profession, and ardently set out to I'lpiip himself for his hfe-wdrk. .\ller six ve.irs' study he went to Ciermain ill i.S.Si. and entered the , ( 'onservalory at I.eipsic under the tuition of such disiingulshed masters as Dr. Carl Reinecke, liruno /wintscher, I'rof. Dr. I'ai)perlt/, and Diploma In i.S,S5, he returned to Canada in the same year and became a resident of Toidnto. Mr. Hunt has been connected vvith the Toronto ( 'oiiserv.itory of .Music siiw e its iiK iption. I le has been I )irect(ir of .Music in Demill Ladies' College, Osliawa, for the past live years. .\s is recorded on his Directorial Diploma, "Mr. Hunt possesses a very line and correct execution, conibined with an intelligent conception, and refined musical ability.' His rapid sticcess as a teacher in Toronto speaks well for his future prospects. .Mr. Hunt is a .Methodist and the son of a Methodist minister. Tile leader of the choir of tin- Central I'resbyterian Chur( li, .Mr. .Mexander 'T. Cringan, was born at Carluke, Lanarkshire, Siotland, October i.^th, i.Sfio. Receiving his early training at the local (Irammar School, lie got his nuisical education at the Tonic Sol T'a College, London. Taig., where he took the s|iecial subjects of harmony and voice training and the art of teaching music. Mr. Cringan is a graduate and licentiate of the Tonic .Sol Ka College, having the degree of (i. I.. T.S.C. In 1HS7 he was appointed Superintendeiit of .Music for the 'Toronto I'ublic Schools. He was conductor of the Tonic Sol Ka Society during 18867. ^i'K'c '■'^f^? he has been identified with the Scottish Select Choir and the Summer School of Music of the .\niericaii Ndcal Music .Association. .Mr. Cringan is the author of the Canadian Miss Ia//.iK IIkicixs. Jadassohn. Receiving the MK. V. r. llCNT. 13« .Ik/ .l.\7i MCS/C. MH. A r, I 1IN..VN. Mk. Ill UllKK I I,. (I AkKK. Music Ccmrsr ;ii\il I'c.n licr^' ILimlliiHik. llr i niiilinlid willi iM.iikiil .ilnliu tin -iIumiI < liiMnn^ nMnirl In tin I'.iMlidii Music Mall. March :\-{. iSijo, ami the Carnival Cum rrl ni ihc Cr\s|al ^ I'alacc ill llic -..nnc Mar. SiiK c iSH; he lia> licm i hnll,na^tcr al ihcCiiitral . '\ I'rcslivtcrian Chun li. ii Mr. Ilcrlicrl I. . Clarke, iiirnct sohiisl, i> a son oi Mr. Win. llciraliu Clarke. Inrincrly erj;.inisl ol' jirvis Sircil ll.iplisl Chnr( h. I Ic lidrii it lldstun. Mass.. Sijilcinlicr ijlli. iSd;. Il.uiiin del hIciI iliiisii .il .,y^j.,- I.ishs. he IcHik U|i the sluil\ ul llic cornet in i.S.Si.ancI lieconiinn ■111 elliclenl |ieri'ornier on il. he ir.iMlleil I iiiisiiler.ilily throunh tile Cnitiil St. lies .111(1 ('.inada ni\inj; sdln |ierlnrniaiiees. In i.SSd, lie \Min the chani|iiolishi|) III Inili.iii.i .Is a cornel soloist, .111(1 111 the lollowiiin siiininer nas I'lij;, 1^1(1 .IS a iierlornier on his l.ivourite iiislrutnenl .il ( 'h.nlotle, Kochesler's siiiiinier resort. In iSS;, he scltK d in roronio .mil liii'ii a ineinlier ol tlu' (Jiieeii s ( twii II. mil. and acoriiet spei ialisl. Mr. ( larke. «ho is now leadi r if lleiiil/in.iirs Itand, is also .iii arranger ol iiui^ii lor or( lle^tr.l and military hands. Mr. j'ercx \'. Cireeiiwood i> .1 ii.itive ol llalstead. I',sse\. I'.n;;l,md. He ».is iiliK.iled .it the Schonl ol liis native town. ,iiid ,iii| .i thoroujili knowledge ol nuisic helore ((iniiiij; lo .i yoimn '"■'" ol iwciity, in iS.Sj. Shortly alter takiiij; iiji his residence in this rrovince. he acce|ite(l the position of ornanisl in the .\nnlic.iii Churcli at I'aris. Out., whii h he lilled ai lejit.ihlv lor s.mie tiiilc. .Mler lii^ reiiio\.d to loronto. he was orgaiiisl ol .\ll Sainls' Chuicli. and .i nieniher ol the teaching st.ilT ol the ColU'ge of Miisi' . In |S,S(). he surrendered liolh of his positions in Idronlo. in order to .n cept that of organist in the ('liiirch of St. |olin tin' c, ..iiigelist. at lioslon. .Mass.. where he rciii.iiiicd one, rciiiosing theme l.isl f.ill to Houuhton. Mich., when lie now presides , it the org.m in the i-'.pisi ( ( 'luin h in that plai c ,_, .Mr. (1. .\rtliiir Mepew was liorn at CliiUon. |iil\ -'.|lli, iSim). ,iiid .it the age of four exhiliited iniisical laleiils. He coininenced studying the piano .it si\. and when only nine years old was organist of Park Street Mithodist Church Siiml.iy Si hool. (■liatli.un. ('dining Id this i ity .it the age of thirteen, he was |)l.iied iimler the tuition of .Mr. .\rlluir V.. I'isher. and made good progress with the piano, llic \idliii. the organ, and the study df liarnidiiy. .\t the age of rdiirleen he presided al the iirgan of Sherliouriie ■street .Methodist Church two nionths, iiid from that lime has supplied iiiain "I the Toronto cliun lies. When hut M veiiteeii he was appointed organist of ()l(l St. .\iidrews, whi( h position lu now holds. I'or the last three years lie liieii (ondiKtor of the Chaiilauipia < In lustra, al Niagara, writing and arranging many songs and clioruses. Mr. Depew has already passed two examinalioiis lor the degree of Musical liaclielor, al 'I'rinilv Univer .\Iii. i< in Mil. Tkuiv V. Ckkenwooh. sily, and is now writing lor ihe final. I le is an evcellenl accompanist, and has the |mispecls of a lirilliant future in the musical wiirkl. ,ikr ix/) Mcs/c. I3!» '\ -fr'*«^**^' Mr. Snmiirl Kirli:inlvm, wlici is kiKiwii Id tlir iiui>ii .il worlil ,is Suns kiili.inls, Wii.sliiprii in I.iiikIihi, I'.iinl.iiid, May J.uil, i.S.(7. A-. .1 I liilil 111' a I'iMi' Vdicr, and al llu- a^f nl' l■l^lll wasa |i.ii(l c lioii'itiT in St. Sli'|ilii'n'> ( 'liiin li, \\i-.lniinsiiT. I'Vciin niiii' till ik'Vcn years nf ajic he kil the sinniiiK "f i/ioo cliildrin in llic Sunday S( linol (il till' Iv 'li'sliin S(iii,irf Ciiiinrrt-aliiinal Clnirrh. .\t tlii.' a^i' of twilvc his \u\i\- w.isalliiwid.i limn nsi ,ind siilisii|iuiidy it (lfvclii|ii'd into a (mv tenor. Coniinn to Canad.i in tH(m), Iu' siltlid in Miiskoka, takin^'li^irni' "I' tlir choirof St. TlKiinas' Clninli, Itraciliridnc. llr siihsic|iu'ntly riinovi'd to Kossciu, when hr ha.ii k lo( '.inada and made a siieeesshd lour with a ( 'oneerl ( oiM|ian\, after which li>' «ciii to \iw Ndr' lor hirther siiidy. While there he in < eplid a position in l\e\. Ilrnr\ W.ird lilralia. New Zealand, Tasmania, the Inited States, India, and South .M'rica. for some yea:s he liei-ri represeiili-il in 'I'oronto by his son, Mr. Sydiu) .\slidowii, who is also M.inagi-r of the .\iiglo Canad'.m Music I'ulilishers' .\ssoiiatioii (Limited). I'rok'ssor I. V. Davis was liorn at Oakville, in the year iS^^s. Alter having received a lilieial education he removed to Toronto, in i luii.n riir.M. CIIAI'Ti: K XX. 11 1 1; (lis ^ ii(i\n> I iiii-i. w 111 I (i\\ N. ri AN. \ni> I'.rii n i iii.m. ■I'lll ( 'l I l/l \ lull ~ \. II l;l Ml \ K\ii" lll> (MX. r.l|;.l\ lii\ \ cilM, W .i\l Wll mil NhHil. IWIIIIM; Willi I I ■^ I'ld IM I- N.\ I ll> IH\N Ullll llN I'.w lUiiN-. \l~lhik> I'U\I~I^. Cm I/I \~llll' Nil I.hNi.II; \ SmlM UnNh. Iin \l WIK KlM |||,M I \i Si Ki I I- I'.vi III I II M I \ ( CI \ ^11 II Kill. I- I 111 Ki \ i\ M III ( )i II I.M.I I ^11 Alii III 1 1 ( 1 1 HI .Sri 1 1 II III iiri; ClIMMI ?" I 111 lloMl III l'\>ll \IU\N- llll lliiMI III SlMl- \, KlM>. WH llll l.W if \Mi I'lNWI i,iri>ii.iN. I'm Siiiiik- l.iii.ljiii^i \\ii llll Ciii/inS .Mw^iun. .\|:^IMI hi IIi>IiiKIc. I.lllli\m Wli SiiiiM iMiiii-i in riiiiiiMiis IliiMi^. Sir.iiirw \ ii i n- wn iiiiiii (liim I'muv Siii-. .\ .\l i i liiipni 1 1 \\ lliiiii. LI I K I ' M.\('.\l I .\N h:iil till- i-i|m;I. 1111)11 ol li,i\ iii>; n.iikiii llirmii;!! i\it\ stirrl in I .uiiiliiii. I'liniii;!! miK ,i iiiiiii.ililii- co|iy III tlif iiulin|i;ili^, wc iloiilil il' il i Mil In- s.iiil .my rili/.cn li:i'' w.ilkril tliinuf;li iwr) >lrril in roninlo. _jl I'll I'vcii till- iililol n^iiliiu siH'li ;i iii.'r,iiiiliiil.iliiiii umiiil In- .i smiiriso ^iinl iKIinlit. ( )! tlm^L' wlio livr in llu' rily. k'H rm1I\ knnw it. Ilim ol'till ili> \M- iiwc to till' visitor .i kiiiuvloilj;!' of placi'S in I'liriiiitn uf wliirli wr li.iil iir\iT kiiovMi, '11111 an ari|ii:iiiit:iiic !.• with strivls nl' wliiili \vi' lind ih-xlt lu.iril. Nil wr til ink wc livo with niir cyis ii|ii.'ii. anil iniiili .ito in niir rhililriii ihi' h.iliit 111 nli-.i.rMnf,' tliiiii;>, wliiih liiings with it pli-.i-iin- .is will .is iiistiiirti:iii. Thf liiitli is few iil' lis assiduously riiltivati' tlu- lialiit, iiinl wc miss imirh. rvrii in our own town, woulil .u Ir.isl ailil to our siori' ol ivniinisi I'liri-. In the newer parts. parti<'lllarly. of Toronto, tluii' .ire lioiius so heaulirul th.a il we h.iil seen them .iliro.iil He woulil h.ive eoine haek anil r.iveil .ilioiit them. W ith e\eii the existence ol the streets or .iveiuies on whiih they are situate we have lieen _ .. _ , -__ , .,-jw/. i^'iiorant. (''or all that we knew the streets .iiiil the homes, ami those who live in them. iiiij;ht li.ive been part ol' another ei;-.. We are all. more or less, ereatures ol" lialiil. ami as .1 rule we are sinL;iil,irly loeal in our eiuiromiieiil. The liusiness in. in kiioHs little of the town lint his own haliital ami the route whiih he daily traverses between his houii' and his olliee. I'.viii to the Miunj; vMimanhood ol the household, much ol roronio. tliciu^h it Is their iil.iee of birth. is an iinknowii litv ; llie\ are i oimnonh more uith its puhlii proiueii.ides than with its deserted environs. To a I lianee drive, or a rare stray walk, are tlie\ mclebled lor revealini; .i Torciiilo of uhiih they lia\e not even ilreanied. Hut we il asked. "Where is this Ton into of whic li its eili/eiis know liltle. and 111 wli.n eiiiisists its be.iiily?" Il lies all .iliout east, north, and west and varied .He the elements in the eompiisition of the pillule. The modern homes ol Toronlo are. hir the mosl p.irt. to be louiiil ui'st of I'linily liiiv ersily. east ol the I )oii. and north of College .iiid ( '.irlloii Streets. To l.iki' .1 drive ihrou^h eai h ol lliese I'.isi ;^rin\iii}; seilioils ol' the eity is. soii.ilh .iiiil .irlislic .illv. to miloc k the door on a multitude 111 pleasinj; pereeptions. To the lover of his kind, not the least oC the pleasure Hill be diTived Iriim iii.ikinn aei|iiainl.mie with the city's ilomestii shrines and the human assoeiations that attaeli to Iheiii. I'o know the eitv is to know the people, .ind very luimani/iiv.; .mil tending to patriotism is il to know and eoiiie into eont.ii t with one's own townsmen. In this modern .ijie, i ities .ire more and more losing their old eharaeter, .incl eiti/eiiship is no lonner a bond. W hal is true ol the I'ity is in pari true cil the n.itioii. .nid heme the clii.u. or the arrested urowtli. ol n.itional sentinieiil. Il He do not know our fell(i»-eiti/ens how shall we knon our i omp.itriots ? I.el us return, then, to the olil siieial w.Us .iiid m.ike real the lie of eiti/enship. .\side Irom the prevailiiin isolalion and the absence of anytliinn like lellowship. the aspects ol' cily lile, in its domestic phases, are in the preseiil day very gnitilyinn. In the newer residential streets of Toronto, not only is there the manifestation of ure.iter plenty, but an ei|iially in.milest provision for the comfort and health of the |(eople. .Kslheticallv. there is also a wonderful showing. .\ new era in house biiihlinn has dawned ami street arehilecttire is no longer eominonpkue and feallireless. \ II hiui V (11 1;. Ililiiiv SI l;H I. TIIF. CITY S HOMES. THOSE WHO OWN. PI. AS. AXD /U//./) THEM. Ill In Toroiild. wi' li^ivc gone a long way in Iiousl' Mciiinunixialliin rmni tlif lug-In in>f nl tlu' lmiIv mIiKt. laking '" Russell Alilifv " as a typL- ollln- liunu' of opulence at llie lieginning oltlie i itiiry, we liave also vastly ini|ini\e(l upon that. ( >iir homes, however, have not the literary anil social inlerist whii h lielong to those in Old World comnumities. I'^ven the oldest city homes, compared with the historii- mansions ol' the Motherland, are lint ol" yesterday. S'ou can ( oiml upon llu- fingers ol" one hand t'.use lo d.iy have am pretensions to anlii|iiilv. Had primogenitnre and entail lieen allowed to take root in the early days ol" the I'rovinci'. it wdiild lieen dil"t"iciill to have handed down the Cimily rool". Hitherto, it has not lieen the riiK' lo liiiild lor posleritv, I'.vell this lieen otherwise, lire and lamilv \icissinide wciuld h.ive m.idi' sad h.ncic ol hereditary designs. .Ml we have, therelore, to cherish Is the laniily pedigree, ////e, in some rortmiate iiislaiKes, the laniily portraits and the remains of the laniily plate. lint the moknck ol .Mu. I,. .\. .Mokkison. HfVKKi EV Sr. if the arcliitect's and the owner's taste. Nor are these .ire an ever recurring picture. ( lur pages'give many e\aiiiples at once ol the architect s and the owners taste. Nor are these coiifmed to any single sei lion of the city. Thev are to lie found in all directions, giving iharacter to and adorning the streets. W nil the growth of wealth will i-oiiie the country residence, within measureable dist.iiice of the town. .\,ieaiiv, opulence is limlding homes for itself in the outskirts, and even going several miles drive Ironi the city. I'„ist and west, on the Like front, are many picturescpie sites for ,i suliiirlian villa, as well as north, along the ridge (i\erlookiiig the Haveiiport Ro.ul. and on commanding elevations on the L'pper I ton and the Hinnlier. .Vs the i ity continues to grow, the real estate agent may lie trusted to find these eligible spots out, and in lime lo bring them into the m.irket. In hotels, we have as yet nothing verv elaborate to boast of, though when the Kossin House was built it was deemed, no doubt, a coiisiderabk' enterprise. Some d.iv, presumablv not dislaiit, Toronto will erect a hostelry in keeping with its wants and its metropolitan character. I'lie (onditioiis ol life in a new country, with ikinocratic .isci'iid.iiicy. ,ire iinfuounible to am li.ird ,ind l.isi line of class distill! lion , mil to till- org.ini/.ilion of clubs with any pretension lo cvelihiveness. The trades and the piolessioiis mingle together, the dil'fereiitiation, where it ociiirs, not licing between the two, still less behveeii dilTerent orders ol professional men, 142 THE CITY S HOMES. THOSE WHO OWS. I'l AX, AXn nVIID THEM. HNkViI I A." Kl^liiKXi K 111 Mu. Cko. a. CdX, SllK.UI:OCKNK SruiKi liiit r.itluT liitwooii till' cliil) wluTi' \W iijiik .iiul ll'i' ctllar .nv Imtli c\(rll>.'iu niul llu' ( luh wliirc (.itlur or Ixitli ari' bad or 'ndinVri'iil. I"s|k'cially is this the case ainiini; social (irgaiii/atiinis wliicli have hail llicir oriiiin in devotion to sports or games to \ ichlini;, cricket, curling, tennis and liowls.or to in-door amusements, siicli as whist, euchre and liilliards. In this rralernity of common interest the doctor will jostle the merchant, and c\cn the hank-wicket will nili dhows with the hank parlour. If there is .it .ill a gulf of social separa- tion, it is between all these and the stnij;j;lin); lilcr.iry man or journalist, or It ni.iN be. the oiil-or-elbows painter, who has j;eiiiiis but lacks the patron to give hiin bread. The fatill, of course, is nobody's, and nobody c.ires or compl.iins. 1 1' there is ever a breath ol repining, it m.iy I ome from a man of ediic.ition and brains, who has been misguided enough to take to intellectual pur- suits for a living, instead of going into the liquor tralVic. keeping an hotel or beidining a sugar broker's 1 lerk. Il.ipp\ is the mall and more h.ippx the country that knows no distinctions of class. If the country must h.ue .m aristocracy, let us ,i!l pr.iy that il be not of we.ilth only, but of we.illh .md intellect. W'e have elsewhere, in these pages, spoken of the habitat, at least, of Toronto's i lulls. Of those connected with recrea- tion or .imusement. two are specially to be noted, namely, the Koxal Canadian Vacht Club, and the Victoria Club, liolh are lloiirishing institutions, the one having special attr.ictions lor the summer, the other lor the winter, .\nolher succes^ful organi/.i lion is the (Iranite Club, on Cluircli Street. I'm-; \'l( loKiv (i \ v-. though hardly more th.iii three years old, is alrea^'y slrong- aiid lusty, and gives promise of a long and prosperous career. Il has ahead) a niembersliip of 400. hIiIi a centrally situated, artistic buililing, tastefully furnished rooms, and spaiious covered and open rinks for curling, bowls and tennis. I'lie Club is governed by . I President. \'ice President, Secretarv and 'Ircisurer, and a I'loard of sivcn Hireetors. There aii' associations within the Club, each with its own e\eciitive, devoled to the dill'erent g.imes. of uhich the following .ire the chief; ('urling (President, .Mr. 'Thomas Mr(iatt), I. awn Tenuis j (President, Dr. I'.. W . ' Spragge). Powling (Piesideiu. Mr. I,. II., and Whist (President, .Mr. j. IC. Robertson). 'The Club was organized ill iS.S;. under charter, by a joint slock companv, with an authorized capi tal of $50,000. 'The building h.i^ forni.illv opened. Jaiiu .iry 4th. i.S.Si,. by Lord Stanley, the (loveruor Cieiieral, and the ( liib is admirably man.iged under its pojiular Prcsi dent, Mr. .\. \l. Co>l,\. The suites of rooms. ini hiding the ret epiion. Till SlK.AMKR "CoiOl \" I.KWIN. H1R Nl,\i.ARA. THE CITY S HOMES: TffOSE II /fO OII'A', I'l.AX, AM) nU//J) THEM. 143 ri'ading, sinokiiij;, liillianl niiil diiiiiin rooms, arc bright and atlraclivc, and dii- whole i> pirvadcd by an atniosphiTc of (|liii.t (.'Ii.-j,'an •' Mr. jolin ( '. lili'h, oni' of Toronto's M \j ''aIV" worthiest and most ivs|)i((ed sons, and lor 'T '• ■ fi/ y ' lil'ty years a resident of tile rity, was born in the I'roviiK'e of (^)iiel)ec, in iSjo. }le came to Toronto when iniitea lad, and commenced business in 1S51. in partnership with .Sir Win. I'. Ilowland, as wholesale grocer and commissiiin merchant. This partnership ol recent years was well known under the style of .Messrs. I'itch \' Davidson, the latter member of the linn beinj; the present I'resi dent of tlu' Toronto ISoard ol Tr.idc. I )iirinji the past lew ye.irs. .Mr. Titch has rctireil Irom aiiive lite, having sold his business inlcresi to Mr. Davidson, ii's late partner. 'Throughout his i-areer, .Mr. T'i'ch has been held in high esteem lor those i|i ilities of personal honour and business inlcgiil) whicli distinguished the old time merchaiii in il.ivs when specula tion .iild sharp dealing were less rile, and when men were more punctilious about then dealings with one another. Mr. T'itch took .1 warm inleres!, some years ago, in the Toronto Ui K K Mk. I. C. Tircii, JAkVis SiUFi 1. \- Nipissing Railway and in other public spirited projects, tending to the development of the city's trade. In i.SS,. Mr. litcli's patriotism as a citi/en was put to a melancholy test by having to submit to the loss of his son. Lieutenant I itch, ol the (ireiiadiers. in the storming of T.atoche during the Kiel Rebellion. On that o( c.i^ion. he and his f.nnilv reciived the profound and heartfelt sympathy of every citi/eii. In religion. .Mr. T'ilch is a member ol the Cluirch of Taigland. .\ \ iew of his conmuidioiis residence, ^UU |,irvis Street, appears on this page. Mr. .MI'rcd .Morgan Cosby, manager of the London \' ( )nt,irio liui'^tment ('ompanv, .mil one of the most will known and popular of Toronto's citi/ens. was born in the County of W'elland, September 1 ith, 1.S40. His ancestors were L'nitetl I-'.mpiie Loy.ilists. .iiiil he owes to them the line r.icial qualities which distinguish best of all unions, the .Scoto Irish stock. Mr. ( 'o^ln 11 ceixed his education in Toronto, and took ,iwa\ from the schools sue h knowledge as was deemed .impK' .is well as most pr.ictical I'.ir a business life. .\t llu' outset of his career he chose b.inking lor a calling, and in i.Sfii entered the ser\ i( e of the bank of Toronto. In the employment of this institution his e\f ( ollege and St. ( leoige Stieets. In politics. .Mr. Cosby is a l.iber.d : in religion, he is a I'ri'sbyterian Kkmijisck 01 Mk. v.. \V. ( o\, IsAiiKji A MKKi I. .uid a member of St. .\iidrew's (lunch. Ill Tiir. cirv s HOMES: those who owx. ri..\x. .\\n nrii n them. Ml!. S. II. Ianks. .\Ii. Siiinuii IKiiian l.iiKs, .M..\., oni' ol Tonimd's hUrcLs^liil iiu'ii ol Iiumiio-., wa> horn in tlif 'rowiisliip iil WrsI Oxliird, JViiriiaiv 51!). 1^4,5. The I'amilv is of old liiif^iiriiol stock, its carlii'si iv|irisiiiiativi' on this continent haxing sillied in Mas^ai hli^^■ll^ ■.hmtlv at'li-r tlu- inniiii}; of tin' I'iliirnn I'atlu'is to Ww |-;iij;laiid. Mr. |aiH-s rccoivcd his early (.■ducal ion at the ln^;crsoll (Iramniar ,S( hool, and in i.S()i cntcrcil \ ictoria L'nivcrsity, Ironi wliich lie graduated I!. A. in iS6fia> the valedictorian of his class. Six years later, he was admitted to the degree ol M..\. in the same L'niversily. Mr. janes had sliidied with till' \ icw of devoting liimsell' to the proles>ion ol law. Imt he Iku. a strong |iredili'ction lor lommercial |iurMiils, and for a niinilier of years engaged In trade, as the head of a large dry goods house in Toroiito. .\lioul ten \ears ago. when real property in the city hegan to hecome active, .Mr. janes with idusiileralile discernment tiir.ied his attention to real estate, and has ln'come one of ihe largest, shrewdest and successful operators on the market. His spei ula tions have been on a large scale, and their results have amply jiistilicd the sound jul|iH\i K 01 \\\i I m 1 ^, jAta I-- .s I KKi.i. 146 TIIF. CITY'S HOMES: THOSE WHO OWX, Pr.AS\ ANT) IHIID THEM. ki ,11 In 1 866 he oiitcrcd as a clork tlic ot'liii' of his lalhir, :iii ixlriisivc gr.iiii iikt< haul, and in iS;; was achnittcd as a partiii-r. L'pon the (li-adi of his |>aicnt, in iSSS, Mr. .\hillluws iiinliiuk-d tlic Imsini'ss alum- nndir ihc orij^inal nanif iif the liousi W. I). Nhittluws \- Co. Ik' was I'asiditil ol' Uk' Corn l'',x(liangc and for two years I'residciU of the rorhn T'ov is sitii.ited at .(o I iloor Street West. It was ereetehaw Collej;e, Taij;l.ind. Tor in. my ye.irs he has lieen eonneeled witlt the Niaj;,ira Na\ii;ation Conip.ntv, of wliiih he is ,it ., S.I ..I MK. JciiN I-ov, i;loor .SrKMi w. present the nianaKer. He has been Dirertor of the lliiine S.ivinu^ .ind Co.. the Niaj^ara N.ivigation Co.. and Tri'sideiU of the Niagara River ( ompaii). .Mr. Toy is a ineiiilur ol thi' ('.ithohi ( 'oinnuinioii, and is conneeted with St. llasiTs ('hiireh. " The Tdnis" is tlie name of the line residenee, on lieverley Slreit, of .Mr. Llewellyn .\. Morrison. 'This gentleman was liorn in Teterlioro' ( 'oiinty, and until i,S66 was (x-eupied on his father's farm, and in the lumlier woods, .\fter passing a year at Norwood Ciraminar Sehool, and two years in school teaching, he spent some time ill the I'nited States, engaging in meehanieal industries. Returning to Toronto, he opened a maehmery wareroom. the beginning of the present .Soho .Maehine Hrokerage, and sinee that time has heeii elosely identified with the growth of mailiiiiery business in ('anada. .Mr. .Morrison i> .1 regular contributor of ;;r;ieles on meehanies 10 and sciiiitilir |ieriodic.ils. His literary gifts hil him also to eompiise a lumiber of sacred poems and Ininiis. lli^ p.ilriotic "Tocsin " Songs are alre,i(l\ finding a pl.n e in ( ' homes. " ll.iildon N'illa, " the residence of Mr. Robert Simpson, is situated on the north side of liloor Street, at the head of Cluinli Street. Its owner is one of the most e.vtensive merchants in Toronto. Horn in Morayshire ( T'.lgiiishire), Scotland, September I 7th. iS 54. .Mr. Simpson received a good idiimiercial training before coining to Canada. In 1S72. he began his successful mercantile c.ireer in Toronto. His present m.immoth premises at thi' corner of N'onge and (Jueen Streets a jiartial view onlv ol wliii h is given elsewhere consist of four connected buildings, three and four Hats high, having a Iloor are.i of ne.irly three acres. .Mr. Siiiipson, who is a cap.ible as well as .111 honourable business ni.m, is ,1 member ol St. .Xndrew's Society, and of Old Si, .\ndrew's Tresbyteriaii Church. .\ representation ill these p.iges is j^ given of the lesideni c of Mr. John R. liailey. It is a brown stone building ol very neat appearance on St. (leorge Street. Mr. liailev lor the fifteen years lieeii one of the leading coal mere bants of 'Toronto, a useful and worthy citi/eii, and a suciessful man of business. Mr. Sanderson I'earcy, whoKs.ile dealer in paints, oils, glass, etc., is a n.itive of Toronto and was born .\pril J4th, 1.S41. His education was aciiuircd in the public schools and city night schools. In \'^Ui he went to Ilritish Columbia .md engaged in gold mining in the ( ariboo District, where he remained ten )ears, meeting with great success, kelii'iilng to Toronto in 1S72. he founded the cominenlal enterprise of winch he is at present proprietor. He is a l.irge owner of real MK. I,. \ MOKUIsON. Mk. kcilllCKI SiMI'snN. THE CITY'S HOMES: THOSE WHO 0\\\\\ PLAN, AND IWIl.D THEM. ii; Kl.>ll>fM I ol Mk. SaNM.KMIN rK.M;i\, lll-HHK SlUKKI W. I'iilili( ScliodI 'rrustcc. Ho was ScciL-larv of llic West N'mk Rircirni cshili' in till' criUnil |ian (if tlic i ily ami irsidfs at i;i lilmir Slivil \\ I'st. Mr. I'rarcy's rtsidciici', ofwliiili a |)i' . ! ■ VIP/-/" an attendant (if tlie Centr.d Metlmdist ('lunch, "(den /epliyr " is tile residence (if Mr. Stiirgcdn Stevv.irt, .Mananing-l )irect(ir (if the laid Steam Cieiieratdr ('()m|iany. Il is sitti.ited (in Ddwling Avenue. Mr. Stewart was lidrii in the ('(Uinly of Siiiiioe, May loth, 1S55. .\lter a primary ediK atidii he todk a three years' cdinsc in thedldgy at \ ictdria L iiiversity. |iassing the e\aniiiiati(>ns with hdiidtirs. iMir three years after leaving tiillcge Mr. Stew.irt was actively engaged in ministerial wiirk, lint was ((impelled Id retire (in accdimt (if ill health. He piililished the /./'/v/vf/ newspaper at RieliiiKind Hill for the next si\ years, and in 1SS7 he (irgani/ed the I'lryaii Maniif.ii tming ( 'diiip.iri) fir the prndiic tidri df liardwddd specialties. He was .Man.iging- |)ire(tdr (if this Cdinpany till iSS(), when he retired aiiirectdr. lie is a Ideal pie.icher and one of the founders ol I'.uk dale .Methodist Church. .Mr. Stewart a meinlier of the I'arkd.ile Town Coimcil several years .iiK .\ss(iciatioii, and although a Liberal is in syiiipalhy with Canada's New I'.irty. In a coinfort.ible home at SS Charles Street resides .Mr. .\lfred Harris. He is a native of Toronlo and was born on the .(til of julv, i.Sd;. His kUk atidii 1.1s ac(|iiired at Upper Caii.ida College, at a private school in I'jiglaiid, at the l.yix'c de Mont- pellier, I'rance. and m Suit/crl.nid, Mr. Harris has retired from active Inisiness, and has never sought publicity or promineiu'e. lie is a I lirccldr df the Shepp.nd 'ulilishiug CdUip.iny, and a member (if the I'resbuerian Clun( n. ■Mr. Kicliard I'hdrne's resi, .iice on Jameson .\\euue, in St. .Mban's Ward, is a splendid specimen of Tdrdutd's c(im- Idrtalile homes. Horn .it 'I'lidriihi ', (in .\ugust .;2ii(l,, Mr. Tlioriio came to 'roronto for his education, and was I'dr sdine years a student at Cpper ( '.mad.i ( 'dllege. .\fter his ( 'dllege career, he spent several years in cdnimercial pursuits, and in 1 SHo est.iblislied the factdry of .Messrs. R. 'riiorne \- Co.. I'e.irl Street, lor tile niamil'actiire of lolding beds, woven Hue mattresses, niouldiiig ,ui(l picliue flames. Since til. 11 lime he has built up one df the niiisi e\tensive industries of the kind in Western Ontario. .Mr.l'horne is a niember of the Church of lOngland. "Don \illa." liniadview .\venue, is one ol the (ildest nf the residences in h)asl rdronld. It was liiiill in iS^.;, by the Lite Rdliert I )elries. then pn'.tiii.ister in the HdUse (if .\ssemlily. .1 piisitiiin he filled fur thirty si\ ye.irs. " I liiii \illa " is ikiw owned and occupied by Mr. Samuel H I lefries. one of the oldest passenger conductors on ihctir.ind rriink Railwav. Mr. Heiriesis an L.\ I'resiiU lit of the "Old Reliable' Rail Cdiidiictdr's Lite Insur.iiice .\ssoci.itioii of the L'nited Slates and Canada. He is :. I'lember of the ( )r(ler of Railway Conductors. Tdrdiitd Divisidii, \d. 17. .Mr. lidrn in I'drdiild, in iS^M, .ind is ,1 man of UrMllKNCK 01 Ml(. lolIN U. llAII.KV, Si. llKdKCK SlKKKI'. Wdrlli .Is Well as dl Wealth, l»s /•///; c/T) s //o\/F.s /7/('s/: ;;//() (;;/-.\'. /'/.i.\. .i.y/> /•■(// /> ///am/. mk. !•;. 1. i.fs\..\. \|H. Ill Ml\ l.\M.I I \ . I'lu' luaiililul roidiiii f n\ Mr. Nnii ^l,ll•^h,lll, silti.ikil ,il i)S Sinilli Sinil. i-- •.iinoiiiuliij In lAlrii-.lvc ^irniiinN. Li^lilullv 1,1 ill mil. .mil |il.iiiU'il Willi lti.\> .mil llmvi r>. 11 ir hi him-, wliiih i^ liiiill nl Tvil liriik with ( 'mill \.illi\ slmu- l.n m,u>. H.l^ rnilril III I S.Si). 1111111 ilcsinii-, iiKKJc hy llic MoM^. M.illiH) liiiiN. Mr. .Mai>luill i> .1 iialivi- 111 ,' I niiiluii, I'.Mi;.. wlnTi' 111' W.I-- liiirn iin tlu' _;olli 111 1 1< Tiiiiliif. 1.S5J. Ill' i.iiiu' 111 I I ('.iii.iil.i .11 .III I'.iily .i^;i'. .iiiil .illi'iiili'il silliiul in Inliilltn Illllll Ills HU'llth \i.'.ir. wIrm 111' ink'ii'il till' I'liipliiy ol .\li'sM>. 1.. Colll'i' \' Cii.. grain irn'rcliaiils, Willi wlidiii 111' ninaini'il tliiit' \rars. (Irvnling llis I'Miiiiigs In sillily .11 nitilil mIumiIs. I Ii' \\.is .irti'iw.iriis ing.igiil li\ .Mi'ssi's. (iiii. l'li,iMi'\ \ l!rn., null liaiils, wliiili liiisiiu'ss III' rolliiwi'il iiniiili'rrii|)ti.'ill\ iMTsinrr. In i.Sj.S III' liic.iinr riiniii'i liil Willi '111- linn ol Mi'ssrs. ('. J. Sniitli iV ( 'nin|i.iny. \\ licii, in i.S.Si), tlic Siuilli ( ' ( iiniiiany rorini'il, hi' liriaiiit' its \ u r rii'siiknt ami .\!anaj;iim- Director. This roinp.iny is to lio the largest ilcalirs in wnoil 111 ilii' I lominioii, lianilliiig alioiii '10.000 iiirils M.irlv. riii'ir roal trade is in.iinly Im .il. wholes.ile .is well .is rel.iil. .Mr. M.Ushall is .i .\ri h M.isoii. .1 liienilier ol llu Kia.iI .\rr.iniiiii. .mil .1 Son ol I'jigl.inil. Ill is W.inlen olSl. .MallheWs ( ( 'linrrh, .1 nunilirr of llie I'lilihi Srlionl lio.inl. .iiul \ 1. i ■rrisiileiil of llie I'mpertv ()Hiiers' .\ssiirialion. In tlie 1 (iliilorl.ilile resiileiire slimvn in inir illiisiralinn iisiiles Mr. rieiii.iniin 1 .,iiij;le). ,il ).| 1 Uro.uhiew .\\eiiiii'. .Mr. l.angle\ is .1 n.ilue of ioroiito. ami has ahv.iys lell a ilee|) interest in this 1 ity, lie liorn on llie .'slh ol liil\. 1X55. .mil aei|iiireil .is .1 youth 111 Toronlo the edtliation to fit him lor alter lile. lor ni.iin \ ears, .Mr. l.angley has lueii .1 rierk m the posl ol'tiee. His integrin, diligeme and larel'nl alteiition to diitv have olilained lor him a ri'|iiitalion lor triislworlhimss. wlm li is so lor the work in wliieh he is engaged. .Mr. l.angley is an aetive memlier of the Itaplist ( 'luirili. Mr. 1;. I. l,i'iiiio\. arehiteet, !;iirii ol Irish parents, in Toronto, m the i''''.s5. W illi .m education aciitiired at Ihe old ( ,iml .Model Schools, hi' ,ilti'ndi'd tlii' archilecliiral drawing chisses in tlie old Mecli.inics' Instiliile in 1S7.), ,md carried olT the lirsi ]iri/e and diplom.i m a class nf si\i\, of wliii h lie w,\s the youngest pupil. I'ur the iic\t li\e Mars lie studied archilectiire in the ol'tiee of the Lite W illiam Irving. .Mler iravellmg Tor a time, another li\e years were spent as a member of the linn ol l.eniio\ \' Mcti.iw. Since then, .Mr, l,enno\ has lieeii in liusiness alone and has liuilt up one of the largest practices in t'anada. The high reputation lor heauu iif design and executive ability, which .Mr. l.enno\ has aci|uired. causes him to lie freiiuently employed as .1 consulting architect, .\inong the many buildings erected imiler his supervision in 'roroiiln are lloml Street ( ' ( 'liiirch. liloor Slreel li.iptist ( hurcli. .iml r'.rskinc I'resln leriaii ( 'liun h. lie is now J. superinlending llie erei lion ol the ('it\ ... ,iml ('oimi\ buildings of Tor 1 onto, the I'reehold 1, 0,111 iV S.i\iiigs ('ompany building, and the new .\lhlelic ('lull building. .Mthoiigh a young ni.iii. Mr. Lennox is .ilready in ihe front rank of Ills pidfessiun in ( 'anada. The linn of Messrs. l.angli'y iV llurke, ,iicliitecls. ha\e erecied 111, in\ ol ihe finest buildings in I'oronto, .ind have pi, iced ihroiighoul the Province Listing moiiimients of their profession. il skill. In siK h buildings as McMaster II. ill. Old St. .\ndrew's Church. J.irvis Slreel ILiplisl (JIuirch, Si, lames' Cithedral. .iiid ni.iny a business house and priv.ite residence. lliis linn lia\e executed designs wliicli biaiiljfy and bring credit to 'roronto. J llciir\ l..iiigli'>. senior member of the lirm. Is ,1 native of this (il\. .mil W.IS burn .Mk. Kiimu.mi III icKt. Mli, \V. 1. ItNSIN. kl ^II THE criY S HOMES: THOSE WHO OWX. El. AX. ./.\7) /!(///) THEM. II!) in iS;0. Ill' ^lll(lil■ll ,111 liiiK lure in ll\c ciHi(i' ol Willi. mi ll.iy, .iikI in iSru liunii'il .1 |iarliHr'.lii|i willi Mr. ■rh" (lundv, iil I.(inil(in, i;n).;lan(l. Iroin i,S()() till iS;,;, .\lr. l,.n\;;l<-\ |ira(liM'il al(inc, anci ,11 iIr' l.itli'r il.ilf lailrrid into |i.irlntr>lii|) with his liri>llur, \lr. lalttard l.annlrv, and hi'. ni.'|ihi». .Mr. lahnnnd Ihirkf. On ihr ri'liri'inrnl <>l Mr. laJH.uil l,ninl<\. in iSS^j, the linn liecaliu';lc\ iV Hiirki'. and cDnlinni's under that name. .Mr. Iliirke is a riinmloiiian liy birth, .iiid is ilciw III hi> Inrtielli year. He w.iseihiealeil III I |i|ier Cmad.i l!c)ilet;e, and entered Mr. I,.mnliy's iiliiee as a student, in i.Sfi5. I'mlli ,ire meniliers ol the ripninici .\ri hi teitiinil (iiiild and ()nl,iriii .\ss(ii i,itii>n <>l .\rlisls. .Mr. Ihirke is a iiuiiilier of the Ciimiell 111' the Litter, ,md Mr. l„mnley is .1 iiieinlier of the Hoard of Tr.idi. rile (ily laij;ineer iil rnmiito, .Mr. W illiain T. |emiin,i,'s, w.i-. Imrn in ihi-- eit\, .M.iy li|lh, I.S|(i. .Mur lieill^ edll ealed .it the .MixUI (Ir.iininar Sihniil ,iiid L'|i|ier Caii.ida ('(illej^e, he eiimineixed his prdressiiiiial 1 areer as ,m engineer in i.Sfii), under the l.ile .Mr. .Mdleswiirlh, siirveyiii); the s\v,iin|i l.iiids iil' ( irey and Ihiiee liir iiii|irini'meiils. I'ldiii icSjo till 1.S75, he on the eii.yineerinn st.ilT of the ( Western R.iilway, which he left in 1S75. til enter the service (il the lliiininion ( Invernmint. Several iiiipdr taut surveys im the Can.idi.m I'acilic K.uhvay ueiv made li\ .Mr (,'iinstructiiiii ('(iiii|ian\. and the ('. I'. K. ('(imp.iny. In i.S.Sd, he tiuik cil" the siirve\s and c.Naiiiinations for the C. P. K in Ontario, and in 1.S90 was apiioinled to his present |i()sitiiin. .Mr. jenninjis is a iiieiiilier ot" the Canadian .Societv of Civil I'aijjineers, the Insiitiition of Civil ICngineers, the .\inerie,in Society of Civil hjigineers, and the Ameri e.irh^ he ,1 stii more, land surveyor, liornin .Selln, \orkshire, ICnglanil, |,iiiii,iry i;,tli, 1.SJ4. He was ediicited ,U llu' Si hool, llidelonl, DeMiii shire. He came to t'anada in his e.irly manhood and was admitted as ,1 land Surveyor, () luii i> them. ■^^0!;S^. . -■' -.-ir.*.. Kh>lllKNC K 111 Mk. a. IIAKRIS, CIIAUIKS SlKKKl. I ihc capacitv of ( cintr.idnr liniii |il.iiis riirnislu'il liy ll^ nwiur, wliili' its riiiislriic lidii »,iN Mi|)rr\i'.ril liv H.iviil Kiilurls, arfhiti'it. Tlu' umiI h.i>.i rniiiliiiKillnri lit' Cii'dit \',illi-\ sliillf, Sriili li liirsldiir. rid liiii k. lur.i iMtta and lilc. I lie inliiKu is linishiil in iialllial wnml-., i|ii,irtir int. Tlic );innnil», »hii h arc laid i>nt in lawiisand trrracts, and ornanniititl with t'lirist tries, slopr syni nirtriially to tin- soinli. t'rin(;f(l \>\ ai\ I'splanadf aloiii; the laki- triini. Mr. M.igann is a nativi' 111 liiiblin. Irrland. Iiiil calm- to Canada in iarl> rinldliood. and cdiiiatrd at I laniillon. ( )nt. I Ir i". drsri-ndcil Imtli on his lallur-. and his iniitln'r's side I'roin well known I'ainilirs, wliosi' in, ill' In. Ills \Mrr |ironiiiicnt in llii' li-j;al pru.i'S- sion. lor ni.iiu yoars Mr. .\l.i^;,iini has htrn a railw.i\ (diitr.irtor .ind a dialir in railway sii|)|iliis. Ill' Is a largi'owiiir (it iiiill and \L'ssi'l |iro|pirly, as will as of rral I'stalc in Caiiad.i and till- L'nili'd .Slates. Mr. John .Mcllean, a wrllknown rity I oiilrai tor, is discfiidcd from a staunch and sturdy taniily of I'nitcd I'Jiipirc Loyalists, lie liiirn ni the County of (llcimarry, < )ntario, on the Jijth of March, i.S,^4. .\fter aniiiiring .1 lonmion school, ami the rudiments of a com menial, education, he was sei/ed with the nold le\er and when hut little more ihait I'll'lecn M'.iis of a^;e set out for ( '.diforni.i, where he .irrived early in 1X50, lie suliseiiiieiitly visited .\uslr,dia, Colorado and liritish Colnmliia, and spent seventeen years of his eventfcl life in uolilminin^ in various parts of the world, lor "■^ three years he resided in ( 'hicago, and in con iunctioii with his father .mil lirothers, inlroduced tile Nichiilsim p.ivement in that cil\. In 1S7J, he returned to ( )nlario. settling; in Toronto, upon made his in. irk. Mr. Mcliean is a member of the 'Toronto the streets of which he has sinci Hoard of Trade. 'The eneri;etir lirm of Messrs. Ilrown iV Love, luiildinn conlr.iclors ,ind de.ilcrs in siiiiu', or^iani/cd in 1S75 liy I'rederick I). Ilrown and II. (I. I.ove. liefore settling in Caiuda both of these gentlemen had the .iihanlage of practical training .md evperiiiice as builders in haigland. 'Their handiwork adorns many of the chief business streets of the city. 'The first structures . ■' import. nice erected liv the I'lrni in Toronto, were the Itritish .\merica .\ssurance Company's buildings, and the das Company's offices, Toronto .Street. 'These were followed by such edifices as 7'/i,- Mill/ building, Maiik of Commerce, Canada Life building, .Maiming .\rcade. Western Assurance Company's building, W yld. C.raselt iV I ).irliiig's w.ire- house, and St. James' S(|iiare I'resbyterian Church. .\l Hamilton, the firm erected the head otfice of the Can.ida Life Insurance Com|iany, the Tost Oltice, and the Caistom House. 'This lirm have now in hand the erection of the Confederation Life Insurance Company's building and the magniriceiU residence of Mr. Cicorge C.ooderham. liloor Street. .Many of the above are illustrated in this volume. .Mr. Adam .Vrnistrong's residence on St. Cieorge Street (see page 54), is a fine specimen of Cineco-Roman architecture. It was erected of Credit \alley stone .and red brick, in 1887-8, from plans .adapted by its owner, who was also its builder. Mr. .\rmstrong, who is of Scotch descent, was born in the I'^ast Riding of York, Ont., on the 21st of June, 1K47. He received a common school education, supplemented by a lommercial idurse. When quite young he was employed as an assisUint by his father, who was a masler-earpenter and joiner, but upon attaining Mk. |ohn .McDean. /•///•; (//■) A //('.I//.S riiosi: who own. i' and hi ///> ////■ i/. IM Ills in.ijiirily lir .I'l.iMdniicil lli^ tijili', .mil I'li^.ip'd II) iiK'ri'.inlik' lilt- as ,i >:ili' .mil I iiiniiKnial Ir.uillrr. In 1S71) iu' ln^.m liiiililiii^ ii|i<'r.iiiiiMs in 'riinintu, lU'Vnliii); liiiiiM'll tii.iinly III till' crniiiiii iil' icsiilciilial slniiiiirrs, liiilliling priiicip.illy iipoii rmI rslali' wliirli III' iiwiiril iiidu iilii.illy, iir DMT vtlilili III' li.iil luiiii'iil. Mr Im a largi' |irii{i('rl\ i>\MU'i', ami iml iiiiii^ii.illy uwns at uiic tiiiK' Iroin lil'ly In (nu- IhuhIiimI llllUM•^ liir ri'iil iir >alr. .\li. .\riiislrnii); is a Ui'l'iiniU'i' ill pnlilii s .iiid .1 I'nsbyliriaii in ll'lininll. '• I IrMiiii.i," llii' rrsiik'iHi' nl .\lr. ( '. U. S. I liiiiiiilv, nil St. I'uiir.ui' Sirccl. was iriTti'il Ml iS.S; Iriiin plan* iiiadi- by tlu> iiwiur. .\lr. hinniik is a native nf Davcn )iiiit. DrvciMsliirc. I', wlurr la- was liiini nil till' .'jiid nf .\iiniisi. i.S.|(. lie was appri'iiliifil at ,111 laily .ine In .1 cirpiiili r and jnimr willi uhmii lie served seven ye.irs. Slinrtly .ilur ihr i\pii.itinii nt liis apprentiii' sliip he eaine In ( 'anada, Ine.itinn in rnrniiln aliniit the year 1.S70, and Inllnrted his ir.ide as a jniirneyiii.iii several years, when he ennaned in liiisiiiess nil his nwn aeeniilit as a eniilraelnr and Iniildei. lie pays atlenlinn tnihe er.ill nl .1 linilder, and eiijnys the iipiil.illnn III li.ivinj; erei'ted ninre linllses Inr ih.m .my nther niie builder in the lilv. It is niilv twenty years sinee .Mr. I liiinii k eaiile In Tniniitn einpl\ handed, but b> nieinber nf Trinily Methndisl Cluireli, a .Masnii, . I'lie Lite Mr. I iniiel \'nrke was, in his 1 ('aiiiliiid;^i.s|iiie. l'.nt;laiid, Maieh 171I1. iS;.), Iu Rksmiknii- nl Mk. Non Mak^imi "111 I \ /kI'IIM ," Ul^lhlMl 111 Mu. .SrUlux. /7..i.y. .i.y/> /n///> ////:.)/. TllK l.All. \ll;. I.i'lNKI. VOKl.K. uiuil jliciut till' \ iS;.). «lu n lu- iiiiinMil In ■roriintn lie r.iiiK' tci Ciiiail^i HI 1S71. h.iMiij; |iivvi(iu--ly will ina'-U'rvil liis Um\c. mikI has sinco licvii I'ully occiipii'il. lie was first High Chief Raiimr of ihe Aiirienl Order nf I'oresler^ in ihe 1 Idiniiiidii, and was lar,i;ely iiislniniemal in oluainiiig the charter from I'ainlind fur tile Mihsidiary 1 Ii:^h ( 'mil 1 Inr Canada. Mr. laii-as is a liaptist, and a ineinher of Uorir l.cid^e, .\. I . .V A. \l. .Ur. John Malonev, dealer in stone and huildin}; iiialerial, was l)orn of Irish parenls in 'I'droiilo, Aii;.;iist 15th, 1S4S. After receiving a primary ediieation in the Separate Selioofs, Mr. .Malonev bef;an Inisiness life as a teamster and Iwii years altcr- wards hecaine a dealer in hiiildini; stone. Siihseinieiitly he was appointed afjeiit for the Credit l-ork-. Stone l.liiarries. In 1SS5 li.- pun h.ised a quarry at Shaw Station on the C.I'.K. and shorth afterwards opened a liriek yard at the lliiniher, from \\\m\\ he now lurns out a larj;e ainoiiiu of hiiildin,:; material. .Mr. Maloney lives on liroek .\\eiuie, and a \ iiw of his eosy home is ^iven in this work. He is a inemlier ol the .\neient Order of I'oresters and Treasurer of the Calholie Mutual lienelu Association. The neat and sulisiantial stihiirhan home of Mr. James Clarkson. on I'arkdale .\veniie, is sitiiati' on e\tensive [grounds ii\ a desirable section of the city now liein^; laid out in liihUlin;^ --iu^. The iisidence is of red liric k, with a western outlook, and i^ modern in st\le and piclure-.i|ue in appear.mce. Mr. Clarkson, who is of .\meri< deMcnl, w 1-. Iiorn in the ( 'oiinty of N'ork, in iS;S. his lather, .Mr. Miliary Cl.nkson, li.n inj; manv ve.ns agii emii;r.ited Irom New \'ork, of which .State he was a native, and sittleil in the Township of .M.irkh. un. where he lonj; resided and was intich .vspecled I IV all who knew him. 'The sulijecl of this sketch was eiiganeil in aj;ricultural pursuits Tn-viou^ to hi^ coming here, Mr. Clarkson |lurcha^ed the valualile property on which he now resides, and for vi.irs had it under cultivation a^ a in.irketi;arden. l.,itterl\, some portions of the propertv have been l.iid out in lots siiit.ilile for suburban residences, .\bout ele\en years ago, Mr. Clark-.on m.uricil Miss Catherine lloultcn, of Toronto. He is .1 Relormer in p.ilitics. The (,luccns Hotel has Ion;; luld a leadinj; pi, ice .imonn the resorts of the Iravellini; |iublic in Toronlo. The pro- prietors, .Messrs. .Mi'Ciaw \' W'innett, besides possessini.! great personal popular ilv, are experts in catering to the wants ol their guests. Suuke .\le\is of Russia, Trince Leopold. Trinix' ( Icoige. the 1 )uke and Duchess of Connatight, the .Manpiis ol l.orne, the T'.arl and Countess of Hufferin. the M.inpiis of l.ansdowne. Lord and l.,idv St.inlcs, and Sir John Maiilonain, ha\e lii.ide the (Jiiecii s their home wliile in Toronto. The liotel, which for more than a geiier.itioii has In en ideiilliied with the growth and deselopmen'. of the 1 ilv, couun.inils a splendid view of Toronlo ll.n andl.ake( Int. 1 no. It is elegantly furnished throughout, .Hid IS surra\id l.i\ingston has been familiar for the past twelve years, while .Mr. John (Jrimes, formerly of the Cir.ind Union, Ottavv.i. .mcl Mr. I.iiucs I'. II. I'indl.iy, are more recent though .scarcely less popular attaches. The l.akeview Hotel, ol uhiih Mr. John \\\k: is proprietor, occupies a commanding site at the corner of I'.irli.iment and Winchester Streets. It is .111 ex< client uptown hotil and is r.ipidly growing in fa\(nir as ,1 resort for the tr.ivelling public and families. ICIei trie bells and bath-room^ are pro\ ided 011 c\ci\ Hit. 'I'liere is a gooil lawn, telelihone communication and , convenient access to cars for all parts of the lily. Iron and patent rope lire es<-,ipes are placed in every apartment, so that guests are sei lire from danger of fire. This hotel is not far from the Horticultural Ciardens and Kiverdale I'.irk. It is kepi scrupulously neat and inviting throughoiii. The I",lliott House is siluateil ,it the corner of Chi'if h and Sluiler Streets, in a loc.ilily whiih affords a pleasing view from every window. It is ,1 comfortable family hotel aiul has recciitb been entirely rclittcd. I'he proprietors, Mr. Jiplin Hirst ,ind Mr. J. W. I lirst, who is also m.mager.are experienced hotelkcepirs. The former has been thirty \ears in the business, and the latter has travelled eleven ye.irs through the Hominion. Adjoining the hole! is a l.irge l.ivvn sh.ided b\ some line Irees. The illisine is one of the best eipiipped in roronto. Tlu' I'.llioit House sixlv sleeping ap.irlinenls, besides .imple parlours and re.iding rooms, .\ltliough near the 1 eiilrc of the lity it possesses all the of an uptown liotel. W.VIKIIi llol -I , ( OUNH! OK H I.ONl AMI \i'l;K SlUVMs. xm KEAf. ESTATE. A\D THOSE WHO TRAFEIC IN IT. I'cilTI MliiN, I I ^ I'm -1 N I CMAPIER XXI. ki:ai i:si\ ii:, .\m« riiosi-. wiio ikai iic in ii', ■l'iiKl .in iir.ik'lv (kiKilis thr surci'ssivf sl.ii;c> in ihc iiMiii; mmU' cif v.ilui-. ill i1k- .is>v>' prdpiTlv (if rorciiiti) within llio \\\^\ twci iKi'.uli-'. I'lu' iiidv.iM.' ivtii in the l.i^l till \c,ir> lias lict-n V In 1871), tliL- value nf tlic city's assL'ssalilc pri>|KTly a tnlk' nvi.1- lil'ty iiiillidus, (if wliicli alioiit a sixth rLpr(si.iUL(l p(.Ts( priipi.Tty ami iiicdiiu'. tin- aiiiaiiiiicr ln-iiii; realty. Last year (iSSi))tlic assossiiu'iit values had risen to over one liiindred and thirty si\ millions! Than these ligiires, with those which mark the ei|ually (:raiifyini; increase of pupiilalinn within the s.une period. nothinn loiild lietler indicate lhei;reat stride the citv has taken in the p.isi ten ye.irs, The alisorption liy the city of the siihurlian \ill.i,L;is to some e\tent, of course, ai counts for this astounding; increase and the creation of four new wards. The less sanguine citi/en. we know, tells Us we are fori;ini; ahead too fisi, we .ire lirowiiii; at the expense of the smaller lowiis of the rrovince. and wi- cannot expect, ill the near future at any rate, to maintain anything like the ratio of this rapid expansion. I'ossilily he is right. On the other hand, it is unlikely thai the city, having readied such a position as it now .itlained ,iiid established itself in all the elements of wealth and consoi|Ufnce. will in .my degree liackslide or lose its present metropolitan eminence. .Nevertheless, in recent vcirs. I'oronto has taken int Ki^iniM \ Mi;. liKMAMix LaN'Iikv, HkoM'Vikw .Aiisri. .MK 1- KA.M 1> (-AVl.KV. its iiirporate a verv large and out sjiiead .uea. whi( h we ni.iy for a time find it diliii iilt prolital)l> to utili/e. the more so ,is specul.ition. r.ither than actual need, has r.ither exir.iv.ig.i nth run up its \,iliie. Hut we .ire not '.iss.indra, ,111(1 have faith in the luture. Iielieving llie enterprise ol investors in i itv properly will m due time meet with its reward, .mil in the estate men of loronto •ind their ventures, Wisdom «ill lie jiisiilied of her children. When one ri'alls fidiii what the city has grown, no liounds seem in reason possible to set lor its luture. What (iovernor Simcoe's feelings would be were his shade now to rcvisii the s( ene of his once embryo capital, it would take a romalici ,t to describe. I.mii Toronto's first mayor would be at a loss to recogni/e the city, still less its modern water-front, into which llie youthful idolators of the iMiiiilv ( 'oiiipai t threw thegrcit Radical's fonts of type and printing press. .\t e\ery point sli,irp contrasts present themselves, the extreme being that whii h puts the value of the assessable property of the city to-day .against the sum (ten shillings:) for which, tradition has it. the whole tract on which Toronto is now built origin. illy purchased Iroiii the Mississaga Inili.ins. Mr. T'ranc is ( 'a vie), soii of the l.itc I Ion. W illi.iiii < '.i\le\. was born at T^liiisli'y \ ilia. Toronio. I'ebruary 7th, 1S45. lie ediic .iiecl at I'pper (',iii,i(i,i College, and was for more than fifteen years (cmnected with the Hank of ioronlci. Since iSHi, when he entered the real estate business, .Mr. ('a> ley has been closely icientilied with the growth and developiiieiit of Toronto. His inlimate knowledge of the \alue of properties, and his liiyh reputation as a man of business have caused his advice REAL ESTATE, AND THOSE IVHO TRAFFIC IX IT. IBS to W widi'lv sdu;;!!!. Tvaiing his lirn-at;f liaik Id one of tlit- oldi'st l'aiiiili<> nl' l".iit;lnn(l, Mr, ( 'a) ley is naturally inclined t(i (Dnserv.iti'-in in |iciliii(s. 'I'n ac livi- and inc!n-.trinus lialiils lie owes lus siinrss in liiisines-.. and these and other exeelleiU .\IU. II. II. Will IAM-. Mil. i;. .A. \l.\i I'MNAIh, .MK. <;. \V. liASKS. i|iialities have earned lor liiin eiiiiiieiliv in his walk of lile. as well as the respert and CDnridenee (if the eninimiiiity. In religion, Mr. Cayley is a nieinluT of the Church of l-jigland. His brother i> the worthy Rector ol St. ( leorge's. Mr. Ilerlierl Hale Williams, real estate and linancial liroker. was liorn Sepleniher ;isl, \f.hz. While a pupil at Louisa Street School, he was awarded a scholarship. In which he was enaliled to become a student at the I'Droiilo Collegi.ite Institute. Since opeiiiiii; his present ■olVnes, .it s.) Cliinh Sired. Mr. W illi.iiiis est.iblished a reputation as an exceptionally expert broker, .md one who .itteiids to the interests ol his diiiits in the w.iv most piolit.ible to them. His ollices are handsomely lurii^^iiOd .111(1 have a lireprool \.iult wlure doc umentsor ilieiits are s.ilely filed ,iw,i\. .\lr. Willi. mis is a member of the Masonic frateVnitv, the Soils of laigl.ind. and tin- I'resbyteri.m ('lunch. .Mr. Hugh .MacM.ilh was born in the Township of (ioderich, ( ouiity of Huron, July .^otli, i.S4i. .After receiving a training in the London College, he entered the liusiness of accounlaiit, estate and insurance agent. His present office is in St. .\lbaiis W.ird, formerly known as I'arkdale. .Mr. Ma 1 //OS/-: i\//o ik.miic i\ it. \v;is licirii IKMV ihi- I own nl Unukvillc. (Inl.. NiiMiiilpcr l^l. |S5(). lie ic-rriMcl .1 41iur.1l t(lui',ilii)ii ;U ruiiiiiln. ;inil ;i iiiiliuirv lraiiiiii;4 it Kinji^liui. Mr. \l,ii ihin.ilil cinir'. cm an < Ali-nsi\r liu-.iiu'ss as ;i luiiliKi .nul (k-.ilir In i\mI isl.ilr. In iS.Sd lie was i-lccli-il liy till- vclll•^^ dl' St. M.nks W.ncI, In ri|HiMnl lluan in iIk- Cily Cdiiniil. Ilr h.i-- ^mri.' riin.iiiuil .111 .ulur iiuinlm- (if that l)(«lv, liL-iiii; new ilu- .ildtrinanir rr|irc^iiU.iliM' of Si. Janu^' W'.nd. .Mr. M.iiilnn.ilil 1 llnl^^u■ll I'.ast I urnnlii .11 llu- l.isl ('■ I >nMiiniiin l.Krtiiui. as all IniK|Hnilinl ca nil ii laic. Thniiiili si ill .1 uiimn man, his naiiu' i-< a well kniiwn ihk- in rnronln. In polilic s, Mr. .M.u (Inn.iM is .1 l.iln'ral ( 'iinsirvalivi-. and in rrlijiinn. a I'lvsli) uri.iii. IK' In .1 iiK'inliir III' ilic MaMiiiir. Oildklinu .ind (iond Iriniilar Orders. Mr (ii(iii;i- WiUnn Hanks, c^'.aU-, iiisuranrr ,ind s^ciuaal aginl, rnriur nl' (,iikin .mil \ic-t(iria .Strivts, w.i^ Imm mi .March I4di. i.S^i.iii l.ivcr|)iHil, |-.iii;laiul. lie c.unc 111 riiriinlo in iS6j, .mil .illcr rci'cixin,;; .1 ^iniil Lirniindinj; in lliis I it\ .issiii i.ilcil Inl ili-\cn \cars Willi -Mr. \\ . r. M.isiin in liii^'ino^. Since 1X7(1, .Mr. Hanks lollowcd his prcNciu iicciipalion with incrcasiiis; siicccs. The I'lcvlisii li.iii lindy receives his snjijHin. Mr. |. |. Threlkeld «.is linrn in lipriinlii in ilie \ iSd:. .iiid >ini 1 resided in llii-. 1 il\ lie .ilkndid. as .1 yimlli, ihe I'lililic .mil .Mmlcl Si hmiK. Sinci.' entering the real eslale liiisiness .is head 111' the llrni 111' |. |. 'I'hrelkeld iV ( 11., \|| |,,„ ij-,n,,x. he has had a wide lAj.ericnce in li.milliiij^ |irii|ierlie-. I'lie ollice .il the lirni is ,11 ici .\ilelaiile Street Mr. 1 lirclkeld iileiitilii'd Willi llu- e.irU i;rii\vlh ol ihe 'I'liwii III I'arkdale, nl' which lie .1 ('niiiicillnr m 1.H.S6 and 1.S.S7. lie is ,1 ill pnlilii s. and ,1 rrisliMcri.m in religinli. -Mr. William ISell linrii .11 Wnnlwic h, I'.n^, Se|iUinlicr ()lh, i.'^.V'. ISeiiiu lirniij;hl tn ('.iii.ida at .1 \cry e,irl\ .i.^e he le.irned the trade nl machinist in .\t the .i,i;e iif iij;hteen he iniiied the ()ran^;e SmicU in .md since occupied llie ch.iirs up to that nl Cmmu .M.isUr. which he tills at present. He .i incmlicr nl' tin- I'lililic Si hnnl lln.ird nl Mk. Will lAM llu 1 . ^V^ k^^H ^■^^ r^^^H J M K. t. I. 1 II l^h I kt I 1'. Ml., lit ..II \l V. \I.M1I. ■Iiirnnin Inr einlil ve.irs, lieummiin with 1.S7S, I'rciin iSHi In i,S,S4 he a ineinlier ol' llie ('it\ Cniincil. rcsi^miiL; in i.ike the positinii nl i,i\ cnllecior. Ill iHS.S he w,is ri' .lected and is still the represeiil.ilive nl St. Sleplun's Ward. In pnhlics Mr. Ilcll was a staunch ( 'opiservalive until the pass.ig,' nl the Jesuit Install s' Hill caused him In sever himsell Iroiii p,iru pnhlics. ||c since been a supporter of ihc l'.i|iial Kighls .\ssoci,itjon, in Ihe inleresl oC which he madi' .1 unnd run in rnrniiln Inr llie l.cgiskilure at the list elect inn, .Mr. Hell I lie lirsi In jnin the Trim c nl \\ .il< s' kcjjiment in .Mnntrcil ,md enicied Inr ser\ ne REM. ESIA'I E. .l.\/> THOSE WHO IK A El- 10 l.\ II'. 1''" will, ilu' OiuiM., ()«n Kill.- .imiiii; llu- Tiviu .ilhnr. IK' i- a nuinlar ..I' llu' \l,i-„,nH- lialcniily, Sens „r ICimlaml, K.iyal, Si. (IcMV^Sucktv, A.O.L'.W.. ()r.k-r..rcim«n I'rR', Sclm KninlUs ..I A.O.T.U.. ami tlu- I nr„Ml.. lioaril ..I IracK'. Mr. I!l1I is a NK'tliiuliM and Imperial iVdrralioiiisl. He is senior (if the linn nl Win. IVll \ Son. , and «.k..1 iiRTrliants. ami real estate and insurance agents. Mr. I'.rnesi W . 1 >. I'.ut ler. was horn in lliililin, Ireland, June i'>tli. 1X55. lieing liroiif^lit to ( anaila at an early age lie reeeiMcl his ediieation in Toronto. His present enterprise, established liy his father in 1.S60, and carried on liy Mr. I'.iitlcr since i.S.So. is that of selling, juir- chasiiig and managing projier ties, investing money, valuing, arliitrating..inddoinga life and fire insurance liiisiness. Mr. liutler is ['resident of the ( ' S,i\iiigs. ,nid liuilding .\ssociation, and N.iluator for several loan coinp.inies. lie is (ir.tnd Secretary for the Sovereign Sanctiiarv of Canada and and ( ) I leeliiasonrv. .;,i . ^(i . i|o . anil is .1 nieinlier ol lU II.KN. K,,l Ml. 1,1.0. lAI I KMU, loKMU 01 KlM.MKKK.I AM . llOVVMNC, .\\ IM 1 . ,|„. !.().( ). l., the 1 . (). I'.. Roval,.\rc,iiiiini, ( Irange .\ssociatioii. \oiing Men's l.ilieral-Coiiserv.iiive .\s^^,i,ltion. .mil I'.nard of I'rade. .Mr. lluller is a rreslivleri.m and a ( 'onserv.itive, lielieving ill the laiiLil Right- niovemenl ,irid supporting it. .Mr. l,oiii-,(). 1'. Celiereiiv. of the linn of l'.eiKivii\ \ 1 .lovd. est.iie lirokers. v\a> liorn at lierthier. I'.n ll.uil. July >'isi. iS:;i. II, received .1 •4oo,l edlic.ition .it Si. \intciir ( 'ollege. liertllier. I luring his Kiimection with the \li;. I.. II I'. (ifNruFi'N. Mk. j. I. tlllAII VM. .\1k. I. I. .\|. ISIVKK. estate linsiness Mr. Ceiiereilv has charge of tlu' \aiiglian est.ite, the .Miles estate, the Wakefield estate, the Wyckvvood I'errace estati', and many others, lie is M.inaging-I >livctor of the Cilv and Mistricl Land and Loan ( 'onip.iny of Toronto. .\s a real estate liroker he is well ,ind fiviiur.ililv known iii llie < ilv. I lis liiisincss career has been a very successful one. Ills careful aileiition to the ini.iesi of ( lienls .iiul lilienil use ol .iilv.riising mediums enable him almost invariably to elTect speedy sales. 158 REAL ESTATE. A.\'/i THOSE WHO TKAEEIC I .\ IT. Mr. Ciooa'c I'.uilkiuT, real I'slak' hnikir, wa?. Imrn in ••■■■■npiVtPt^l'pniSIOT i' ''l'*!^^. nPW'^' Wl;'' . I'jiniskillcn, Iri'land. Angus! iitli, 1.S4J, and (.(liiiati'd at tlio Rnyal S( liool. I'Drtora. Irclaiul. Mr. I'aiilkiicr was fur live years assiH'ialcd with Mr. ICrastiis W'iman in tlic news piihlisliing Imsiiicss and afterwards eiintiiiiied in the same line on his own ai'iMlMit. He was eiig.iged for scinie lime in the bout andshni' trade, till in iS;; lu- entered the real estate liiisiness. His present ul'tiee i> at z\ .\delaide Street I'.ast. Mr. I'aiilkner heen one of the City .\ssessiirs and ICmigranI .\j;ent inOiitarin lor liritisl) ('oliiml)ia. His line residenee is at the rorner ol King .Street and Howling .\vemie. anil is sunuwlial in the .Moorish style of arihiteetiiii'. Mr. John I. Melntvre, e^l.ile .igeiil .mil v.ilu.ilor, is liy birth a Canadian, having iieen born Manh 1st, iS.);. in the Township of North Ciore. Coiinty of Carleton. Ontario. I'he public schools in the locality where lie born e'lmpped hini with the educ.ition with whiih he started on his business career. \\ tweUe^ of .ige he went into the lumber business at ( ttt.iu.i. He came lo Toronio and for seven \e.irs was fore man of the I'oronto I'olt and Iron Wiprk-. I'or se\ir,i! \e.irs past he devoted his attention to estate. .Mr. Mi Intyre is .1 I'resbyteri.m anil an active member of the IndepeiiiKnl ( )rder of I'oresters. .\inong the ititerprising younger real estate agents in Toronto, is the firm of Messrs. Murdoch ,V Wilson, composed of Kenneth Murdoch anil Thomas Wilson. The former is ,1 n.iiive of Kingston, although luosi of his life wa^ spent in I'oronto, and the latter, "to the manner born." lioth gentle men had a practical business experience before joining in their present enterprise. .\t the time of their advent as estate agents there were not more than twenty agencies of that ilk in Toronto, and the young linn soon a pros|ieri)Us and profitable business. Their oltices were originally on Wellington Street ; nine years ago they located on \'ictoria Street, where they remain. In adililion to ihc business iisu.ilK ir.ins.icud m an estate agency, they make a specially of lending money on first diss ciu .iiid l.irni propcrl\ and .ivoicj .ill ,peciilali\e ventures, preferring to guide their ilients in safe investments. Mr. Donald ( 'auipbell, real estate broker, born near liarrie, July ijth, i.S.);, c onus of Scotch parents. His education olitained at the liarrie (iraminar School, from which he came to Toronto, and iiitered the employnieiit of Hughes liros.. wholi'-.ile drv-goods merchap'^. Siib--eiiuenlly he served three years in the Hank of 'Toronto, when he was .ippointcd of the liarrie brani h. He afterwards for four years associated with the liispec tor's department of the Hank. lieing compelled by ill health to relax attention to busine-s he took an eMendeil ocean \oy.ige. m\k\ on reluming spent some ye.irs III the luiiibrniig business, .issociated with \\ . K. hurt \- Co. In i.SS;, he enlered Ills present business, building .in imposing block at West Toronto junction, which he sold for $fio,ooo. .\Ir. C.inipbell is a Presbyterian. 'Through his efforts St. .'iiidrew's Societv at I'.irrie org.ini/ed in i.S; 1, .mil he is now .111 honoured hic iiiiiiilicr o' the .Sociel\. Mr. Irederiik (leorge, of the firm of I'. (;. iV Co., real estate. I'mancia' inil insurance brokers, was born al Souih.s iipton, H.impshire, {•'aiglaiid. His l.itlier \\.. killed tthile allem|iting to run the bloi .ade during; llii' Kfsidi \ \ h 1 N A .\ \ K N r I . -Mk. Thomas Wilson. Mil. Ki wi- 1 11 Mciiiiocii. KEAt. ESTATE, AXD THOSE WHO TRAFFIC IN IT. 169 MiffSKSfi '"•"." '-^^^'f^' war of secession, licing Icll ;in orplian :il ;ii) r;irly ;i^i>, yoiiiif,' I.ce started Inisiru'ss (in his own account before he was seventeen years old. Coming to Toronto in 1.S72 he made his (irst veriliire asan upholsterer, and carried on a successl'ul liusiness, leavinji it six years aj^o to devote liis attention to real estate, in which line he is ei|iiallv successful. Mr. is a ineinlicr of the l.( ).( ).l'., the Sons of l'',U|.;laiul, and the Kiiy.d Templars of Temperance, lie owis his success entirely to liritish pluck. .Mr. Rufus Orinond Uhilhy, of the firm of (iraliain \- Whitliy. real estate and fMiani i.d brokers, w\;s born in the County of Leeds, ( )jitario, in the year iSfii. lie resided for some lime at M.ukd.ile, where he took an active interest in the \oiinfi .Men's Liberal Club, of which he became President. Coming to Toronto he Inrnicd hi> present business relations, which have proved successful. The firm, besides transaclinn business connected with real estate, have fire and life insurance agencies, furnish valuations, loan money and manage estates. .Mr. W'hitbv is a worthv member of the Methodist Church. .Mr. John |. (mmIkuu, binlder, estate broker and valuator, is a na;i\e of ( 'auada, lia\in}; been born in tlu' Countv nl \cirk. N'ovember the .;nd. I.S5J. He received a good public schodl educ.itioii at .\urora, Ont., and coming to Toronto in i.S,S5, started his present liusiness, which has already shown .dl the elements of ^^^^^ success. Mr. Crah.ini i> cdniieiiid with .\It{. DoN.^Mi Cwniiiii. ^^^^H ^^^^» two henelu socniu^, tlu- Ari.miiin and the ()nlei ol Toreslers. lie is .1 Melhndi^t and a .Steward of Duudas Street ChuK h. liiilh as a mechanic and as a merch.uU. Mr. ( Ir.di. un h,i^ .1 wide evpcrienc e. Mr. W . 1 1. N.i^h. esl.itc ,uid insuranie agent, was born in the ('ount\ of Lincoln, on the Kth of .Mar( li. iN.;;. .M'ter receiving a good education in tlu- ptiblic sihools, he worked .rs a mech.niic till hi-- twenty filth \e.n-. when lu- obiaiiu'd a Tro\iiui,i! c.rtilii .cic. Tor eiL;hl \ears he taught school, a pan of the Imu- in the ( 'oil- giate Institute at St. ( 'alharines. Mr. N'.ish was agent for the ( '(Miledera lion Life Insurance Company for si\ xcu--. till in 1887 he establisheil Iv'^, pre^enl business. lb' is a working member ol the ^l^■lhoch^t ('lunch, and Superintendent of the Suiid.n Sihool of Iterean .Methodist Church, Toronto West \li-.sion. In ( '.inad.i theri- ,iie, in ihc l-aiglish sense, not in, my houses ,iiul no great territorial families. In the .New World democracy reigns, and its I'ommunitics are little accustomed to l)e dominated by the inlhieiiies of a landed gentry or of a single ruling house. .\s wt-.ilth increase-, there will no doubt coine into the siM-ial svsteili lords of many acres .iiid holders of cMcusive landed estate^. In time we may also look for large addition-- to the i.iiiks of iiu-n of (oinpeti-ncc and liisiire, and see arise the great city mansion ,iiul, here and there in the kind, the line property of the country gentleman. In ih ■ city's suburbs we have, already, not ,1 few handsome residences, and no lack of eligible sites on which to build more. Some of the old family homesteads are also (u-casionally coming into the m.irket, within tolerablv easv reach ofthecitv, and these, with their often pictiiresiiue sites, are desirable acciuisilioiis for moderni/ing and making into an eiijov.ible 1 iiimlr\ home. " T.iilloiiwood," on ilu I lumber, the village of Weston, is one of these. It has rei entl\ been purchased. with its f.irin of eighty acres, by Mr. Charles I.indsey, of lieverley Street, as a summer residence. It is charmingly situated, on a high point of land, from whi( h beautiful views up and down the Tl limber arc had, with a fine stretch of meadow, at the foot of the wooded bluff, whii h recalls manv ,1 lo\el\ bit of ( )ld T.nnl.ind. I-. (). I.I K Mu. K. II. Winriiv. .1 '■' '\ I.l-^I IK. 160 i(\u.u/:A'(7.i/. roh'OMO. ./.w ////•; i////:is oi- co.\/.\/i:h'iE. ciiAi' i'i:r XXII, COMMI.KCIAI lOKliN l(), AMI I 1 1 1 . ( 1 1 1 i;l > I H COM \l i:k( T;, (iKiiMo \-. \ ru \|i|\i. I'm^i ( 'i>\ I i; \~i I ii \\nt\ IciucNici mi M 1 I i;i iImi n \N lI'Aii .11 ( 'iivnii K( I,. Tin Ciiv's I'.Nrnki^ \Mi l\iriiuix, \M, 1,11 |)i 111^ l.i\iiii ii\ iHi l.Miii;, Si\ii-iii^ hi nil r,.i\Kii i>i Iumh. rii^iM>--(ii III! lipKiiNKi |'ii.,| ( )i I 1. ( . SciMi Ki ii;i ^1 N I \ I n I MiKcllwi^ wn ihiik I.s i'U|>i s. A I KAI i| N( i !'( IS r in ilu- lumli ii'niiiu-. rDiniiiu lii^l i.iiiu- iiiln luiu-. ami it Is ii.uii al .IS wi'll as yr.ililyinu In I'lnil llu' iil> nlindav iiiaintaliimn willi cn'dil In itsi-lT anil its toilrrs its I'miiK'Mir in i niiiiiuiii-. \\\' liavf already |MilMti.(l mil that at tlii' |)i-rlii(l n( till' ('niniiirsl tluri- was a laii^i' InisJiKss dniu' .it I'lUt rcnoiitii \vltl\ tlic Indiaiis, and tliat nadirs wdiild li.ivi' liriii willing, tlii' |ic>sl liii'ii inaiiilaiiicil, to (jiw as iiuK li as a thiiiisiiid |iniiiids l(ir tlic niiiiiopoly iil' tlu' si\is(in's trade. Siixc then we have haul in li^iin s iIk' sum uhii h wnnlil liny at .i l.iir v.dii.itinn the innn(i|i(ily nf a si'asnn's tr.ule nl tlu' inndern cMpital, \\ tn (l.i\ are the ai;i;ri'nate prnrits nf 'I'drnntn's enmineree «e h.i\e nn means nl knnHini,', ami it is even diliieiilt tn asierl.iin with certainty wliat is the aijiireii.ile Xdhiine of her tr.icle. The diliii iilly arises rrnin the fact that not all nl tlu' ( it\ s im|inrts. and lull .1 tithe nl the (it) s i\|inrts, pass through the Toronto ( 'iislom House. I'mlialily He sliould nnt lie far astray in niir estimate il' we i|iioled the fiiiiires whic h represint the sum oT the exports .nul impnrts nl the wlmle I'rnvinii'. and el,iiiiu'A'().Y/t>. .I\7> /■///•; CIIIEIS D I COMMERCE. ir,i Mr. l-ndiiii k U \ler J4ll), iH^j, and was edmaled at Irvine Aeailenn. .Mr. \\ \ Id had .1 ihonmnh Inisines-- Iraininj; in I'alinlnirnh and {ilas);o\\ lielore einninj; to ( anada al the a^e of twenty two. lie loeatid in Hamilton, where he remained till 1.S72, when he removed tol'oronto. I lere his linn have reeenlly ereeled one ol' the linest w.irehoiises in Toronlo. Sinre 1S7.!. he has lieen |ironimently ideiitilied with the eoimnereial interests ol this eiiy. and is known as one of the eliiels of its trade and eoni nierie. .Mr. \\\ld is a llire'lor ol the Standard, the l.oiiilnn ,v ( )iitario ln\estiiuiil ( 'o.. .iiifl the I'oionio I ,.uid Investment ( d. He is also rresidenl of the I'ire InsiiraiKi' lAehan,i;e. .\s a Si oic hnian, he is a member of the St. .Vndrew's Soeietv, thoiif^h in matters of national well lieiii}; and senliment he is essentially a Canadian. He is a memlier of the ( liiireh of lamland. \'iews of his linn's line warehouse will lie found on this page. The view ol the extensive w.irehoii^e of Messrs. John .Mai'donald >V ('o., whii li we :.;ive in tluse p.i.ues. i^ of the Wellmi^lon Sireit front. The liuildings eMeiiil thidiii;h to l-'ront Street, and cont.iin tlu' most eMeii^ivi- stork of dr\ 1; K in ( ' This most repiitalile linn was eslalilished in |S4(;, liy the late Senator John .M.iedonald, and it^ career has been one of unbroken success. In 1SH7 .Mr. Macdon.ild ailmittrd into Is merchants, Wvid >V Co. Sm \i I \V\i;i> In I \Vm;kiioim ol Mk>m;^. \\ \ i o, i;kvskii S; Daui.ino. WllOl.KSAI.K l)KV(iOO|IS WaKKIIOISF. OK .MKsSRS. Wvi.ll, liK.VsEI I \ DaKI.I.NCi. Ml;. l-'KKDKKh K Wvi n. |i.irtnership his eldest son. John Kidston .Maccbinald. and I'aiil (',im|ibell, both of whom had Ioiij; been ideiitilied with tlu' business. In I'ebruary, iSi^o, .Mr. NLiidonald. senior, died, and sinci' then the second son of the Lite Senator become . I nieinber of the linn. The three members of the house are active, energetic and Ihoroiighly (|iialilied business men, and having a large established business, with ample ca|)ital, they are able to buy to tin; best ailvantage The house is generally believed to do the largest turnover in the Hominion. I'heir 1 6 'J i o.\r\ii:i^ lln- ir.ulr Imiii (Pic.iii lo oiwiii. KimiU-s iIu''. llll^iM^•^.^ iii (lr\ '^^ntiX-^ .mil Wd.ilKiis dniir li\ ihr I'liiii, 111! \ iii.iki .1 ^pri i.ilt\ .>l c ,ii|iiN, mil l.iths ,ii\il liiiiiliiiiii,. riH\ ui ii- ihi- liist luTc III mlrnilui r till.' ili'| s\-.liiii ul ilmnn liilsilK^s, ;iiul 111 M'Mil 1(1 ll|■ili^ll .mil i;iirii|ir;m ^^ iii.irkiis a luiviT iwirc a vi'.ir rriiiii i-.uli ilcparl iiuril, 1'. ^|l^ak ul llu- ruinim-rii' nf rnriinln l> 111 r.lll 111 millil, llllv. lillr III II-. I IlKl lll■|llll^, I'hi iilil .mil liiii(; i--l.ilili-.liril »l'ii|i'Mk' ilr\ ^iiiPiU ImiiM' nl Mr-.'-rs, ('hihIiim. M.irkay i.V (ii.. liiiiiiiliil in ll.iimliiiM III if>55. Iiv lln' I. Ill- Mr. Jiilm (iiirilnii ami Mr. hmialil .Maik.iy. In 1.S51). llu- slii|i|iiiin advaiilagus (if 'rdriinlo .illr.irlril llu- I'lrni In ihi". lily. 'I'wi) yi'ars later, I|h'\ Iniill tlir l,)lisU-r ( '11111111 .Mills .11 Mirnt Inn. ,111 iiiiliisir\ uluili 111! > --nil invii .iiul ii|iii.ili-. Ihr liiiii liuill ill I.S71 llir lAUiisUC wari'liiiiiM.' .11 llii.' 1 iiriHT ul' li.iy and W'l llinnlim StiviN Hhii'li lluy iiinv (irrn|iy. a |iirUiiv ul wliiili will 111' riiiMid in (iiir p.iuo. \'\w senior iiunilur 111' ihr linn. Mr. Jiiliii Ciiirilun, wliii «.is .1 \M'llknii»n and niiuli isU't'iiud rili/en, died in r.uis in i.S.Sj, whillK-r In had guni- llirce |in\iuiisly in |iiirMnl ul IumIiIi. j'hu ul his uld .mil iriisUd riii|iliiyc'L-s wl'IV llicn adniillcd liv .Mr. \lai k.i\ inlii ihc liiisiiuss. Thi.- linn iMu rniisisis 111 lliinald (imiliin. ( '. ( '. Kulil), .mil I. \\ . \\ nulls. This hiiiisi- iMinrd.i rc|iiit.i Hull in ils iarl\ liislurv hir s\sli-iii.ilir liiisiiu'ss nulhuds. and sifadily in.niilaiiKil lis i;iiiid n.iiiH' liir ihi' liiiif; piriud nl thirly livi' M.ns. Mr. Idm.ild Mark.iv, nl Ihe linn nl \Kssis, (Mirilnn. .Mai'kay \' ( 'u., whnlfsak' dry ,i;n ills in.'rrhaiils. liurn in l.\listcr. Siutlaiid, m ilk' yiar i.Si;. CuininL; In Can. id, 1 in iho r.irly ihiriiis. Mr. M.irka\ srr\ril m Ihr Krlul Imn nl i.S_57, on llu.' I.uyalisl sidr. Ili' nsiili'd .1 luiinlitr 111 vi ars in Mnntri'.il. wlurc hr iiikrcil .MessKs. IuIin .Mai iinNAin \' Co's WAKriiorsf. \Vhiimuo\ Stkkf.t. inlii niiiraniilt.- life with his iHii lUkr limilurs. In i,S4.S ho ri-innvcd to Hamillon. and with his iKplii-w. lormt'd Ihe nnw I'Nttnsivc whnk'salr drygnuils hnusc orCiordnn. | .Markay \- ('u.. 4.S I'mnt Slivct W'csl. .Mr. M.irka\ is a I lirninr of the ( )nlario of whirh he «.is lurnierly N'iie I'residenl. lie is alsn a I hrei lur of the l.undiin\ < '.inadi.m l.nan and .\j;enry ( ninpany. and is iileiililied with several other lillsiiiess enterprises. Mr. M.irkav. who is nne ol' the iiiosi respeiled nl'cnir ihiel's nrniinnierre. is a inenilier nl Kiin\ I'resliyleriaii Chiinh, and of .St. .\ndrew's Smiety. .\inong tlie lintises of emineiiie in the dry (ionds liiisiness in Can.ula. that ul Messrs. W'yid. Cirasett .V l>.arlingis one that takes first rank. In the mannilirenl premises erected hy the firm nil the rnrner of liay and Wellington Streets, it possesses unusual facilities for doinj,' business. It has lomniand of lart;e capital, varied e\peri eine in all departments of the trade, and its partners are men of excellent liusiness aliilily and high personal wnrlli. The success it has met wiih. .mil its hiiili standing in ciimniercial circles in 'I'nrnntn. manifest the favnr with which il is regarded m all p.nls nl ihc huaiimmi. Mr. .\. \. Allan, seniur memlier nf the firm iif Messrs. .\. \. .Mian .V ( 'n„ whulcsale ,mil Uir men hauls, was Imni March i.(lli. i,S,j2. in the Islaml of South Rnnaldshny. of the Orkney Islands, Scotland, llis family came to Canada, m i.S.(j, and settled at I'urt Rowan, .\t twelve years of age .Mr, .Mian went lo Cnlinurg, where he resided six years, when he laine lo Mil. llO\ M 11 \l \. K V\. 'I'lproiilo. mill .ifur loii^ i\|Kririi. ^ .in .i < mn iii(rii;il ir.ucllir.riiiiMilicI ilic |ircM'nl I>ii-mh-> III i'>77. Ml. .\ll.iiii>.i I'rc^lnti ri. 111. ;Mi(l cine III llir lii.iii;ij;iis 111' Si. hiim-^ Si|ii.irr I'rrsli) ( 'hiin h. Ilf in .i iiuiiilirr nl llir (iMiiiril 111 ilu' llii.iril 111 Trailf, .St. \iiilrr« - SiiiiiH,;i llliiTliir 111' llu' TmiUin' II.Mik, .Hid 111 lIlc N.lllnll.ll ( lull. Ill I.S.S.S. \|r. All. HI ».i> Llnlril I'liNiiliiil (il llu- (111111111111.11 ri.Ui-lliiN .\^Mi( i.iiinii. Mr. j.iiiuN 1 1. Ml. 111. who JNiiUii ;i iiH'iiilii.T III lilt' linn. In;! Iiriillur 111 .Mr. .\. .\. .\llaii, anil was Imrn at I'm' Kiiwan, .\iiniiNt .(isi, 1S50. IK- w.iM-.irK ,is Niiiiati'il with llic lirin nl' Mcssin. .\. .\. .\l|.iii i\ ( 'ii., i; lllrlrll.UIlN nl lll.ll | r, .lllil r.lllk- tn rnlnlltn ill l.S;; In licrnllk' .1 limn liiT 111 llir |ilisrlll rsl.liilisllliuill. I.ikr Ills liinilici. Ml. .Ml, 111 In .1 rri.'NlnliTi.iii. .Mr. 11 .i» Ml I. ran, rhii I i Ink nl I lir .M.iJi'nU'n ( ■iiNliiiiiN, I'lirt 111' riirniiln, linrn at I'lirln. CniiMly .Ma\n, Irfl.iiiil. nl |i.iirnls 111 Sinlrh lU-MTiil. J,\ .■jml. (■<).!/. I//. A'('/.// rox(>\/(). .ix/) /■///.■ (7///:/:s oh commerce. ... I I ri.'i '\,M;l l|i.r,l. .11 .\Il.,,u>. linliUnN, MaiK.W \ Co., I'OUN 1 U nl Ik Wakkhoi.nk 111 Mksnrs. a. .\. All vN \ Co., B.xv Sikkki. Mu. .1 amkn n. .-Vl I AN. iS;i. .Vl'tir liiiiin I'lhirati'tl in tlif l^l|ihin .Vraik'iiiy. lu' w,in cniiijoyt'il as a iltTk in tlu- I'lililii' Works I )i.-|i,irtniL'iit of tho Iiii|n.rial I lovirniiuiil. Ill i,S5o, lir translorrod ti. llio l>raiiia};i.' ( 'niiiniisNinii of iho Hoard iil Works, anil al'tiT sjiLiuliii},' sonu' time in tlic head otiiiv in the Mayo Distrirt, he resinned his I'linner oltiie with a widened sphere. In I .S5.(, he e.iine to ( ' and served in .i law ol'lire in I'lironto, till, in 1S57, during the I. mil linnni, he went into the real estate husi lu-ss. 'I'hree years afterwards, he liegan pulilishin}; a weekly newsp.i|ier. 11. lined the /liilis/i //till/,/, whiih siiiiiinilied when the olhie was destroyed by lire in 186.!. Hnriii}; the lollowing Mr. Mel.can published a mnnilily inaj,'a/ine, the Jiriliih Amcriaiii, whiih. however, only lived one year. In 1S70, he was temporarily appointed elerk in 164 CO wu /■:/,■( 7.1/ /(>/.'(). \7v). ./.\7> /■///■■ (////i/s (>/■ (O.u.u/CAu /■:. Mu. A. A. All AN. ilk' I'lirollto ('lN|illM-> illlll-'t'. \\llllll IKiMIIIIII «.is inacU- |Kriii,imiil llif rdlldwinn m.ii. Hi \v;is iiriPllluliil 111 llu' iMisllinii of ( liiif I Ink in i.S;!), mill li,i> >liii\Mi .iil.i|i|.iliilit\ In ihr Mllii I'. I ll>. Hiilc kliiiHli'il(;i' 111 ( llstuin-. 111,1 1 1 rrs Jiiil lll^ nlilinliij; ili>|iii',iliiiii .Mill iirli.iiill\ 111 iii.iiiinr li.iM'' him ury LimuimIiIv kiumii In all »llll ll.Uc illlMlk^s ,lt llu' ('II-.I11II1 llnl^t'. Mr. MrLcan i> alsi) Ailing Kinislrar nf sliiiiiuiij; Ini tlii> purl. lIlN rrsiik'iirc. •• CiaiiuMlla, ■ nil SniMiirrli .\M'iuir. is .1 piiltv |iii liiirsqiH- liniiu'. li.iMiij; a liiu' svUaii M'lliiin. .\lr. .\li-\anilir M. Smilli. nl ihr liim ,,1 .\li>MS. Siiiitll \- Krif;lili'>, whnloali' uniri'i-.. Has linril III' unnil nlil Si nlllsll aiiil rri'slivliriaii slnrk, al Mnnviuu-.k. .Micrdii'lisliirr, in iSiS. .\llir iiri'iMiin ilir iiliii-alinii i-oniiiii in in Ills wniihy rniinnynun in Srnllaml. In-, likr iiiaiu nilur iiiiluisi.islir youths nl Nnrlh liiilain, was allrai III! In llii' MTvirc nl' .Mars, anil s]nnl Iniir l,)IIKKS SiKKKI IROST nl Mk. K. .SIMI'sOn'S DkY-I Inillis SiORK. \li;. Tii.iMv- M. 1,1 \s. II. M.I . \iar> nl' his early lil'i- in llu' .\('III. Iliuli landers. Tliminh Iniul nl' llir .si-r\ irr. .mil Hiioil as wciv his prnspci'ls, hf wilhilivw rrniii il, .11 ihf r.iriK'sl snlii il.itinn nl his laniilv : .ind ilu- p.issini; u-.irs s.iw 'iii;i .1 Irsidrlll .nil! .Ill .lilnpU-d snil nl ( '.Uiad.i. I lire- III' Iniik In riiiiinuHial lik' Inr a ralliii};, and Inr over fnrly viars has lin-ii wnrlhilv idiiiliricd Willi llir ri\ii-, inililary, p.irliaiiu-n l.ny, and iiuTranlik' iiiU'ri'sls nl llu- ('iiv.ind I'rnvinrc. I'lic linn nl \Kssrs. SnuUi \' Kii^hk-y has iiiinycd a hi};h ivpiilalinii I'nr rinse llpnii tliirly \r.irs, and Mr. Siiiilh, liilii siir, hasllirniij;hniil dial period led a lil.niieless Ilk and possessed llie esleeiii and iniirKknie of the 1 (inimunily. lor some years, in 'ihe fifties," he was a iiieliilKr of tlie('il\ ( niiiuil, .mil I'rnin i.Sd^ dnwii In ( 'niileik r.ilinii he represeiitnl l„isl rnrniilii in the I'.irh.inunl nl ihr I'liilid ( ' Ill 1.S5.S Mr. Siiiuli raised Ihe llinhl.ind ('niiip.iiu of ('ii\ N'nhmleers, .-mil m rninm.ind nl n uiiiil il liec.mie an iiilej;ral pari ol llu' (Jiieeii's (Iwn Killes, nl" which rorps .Mr. Smilli wasal one lime .M.ijnr. lie .ilsii held Inr .1 perind ihe (nlniuliy nl ihe 1 si l'rn\isiniial Re);i lllelll, wllic 11 w.cs . .lIKd nul nil .IcIlM servile illiriii),' Ihe e\iileiiieiil ineideiil In die I'eiiian Kaids. ( )n llie reliirn In tluir homes ol lliis e\Uiiipnri/eil enr|.s, l.ieiitenaiit-C 'olonel Smilli was ih.iiiked for his piililic services liv die (lelieral ill eomin.nid nl' die iMstriil. .Mr. Smilli has lieen I'resideiil nl the Si. .Xndrew's Soeicly, and of llie Toroiilo Hoard of Trade. He is at present a nieiiiher of the Couneil of the latter, and is I'residriii of Ihe Western .Vssiirance Co., and of die ( '.iii.ida Lake Superior 'I'raiisit ('n. ; a liieiii lier of the Dn.itd of the ( I .aliniir ,md Savinns Sneiety, and of the ( )iilarin jiank Hoard. He also represents the rmard of COMMI-KCIM TOKOMO. .\.\l> I III. i IIIF.IS Ol COM MI'.HCE. ir.r) ll'lllt' nil lilt' ll.irlinlll ( 'iilMIIII'NSlilll. Ill pdlilK s. Ml. Sinilli is .1 ; III nliniiin, III' is :i sl.iimil) I'n-sliyli liaii. Mr. ll.iiMy I'ri'iilirc I Iwinlil, \ici- rriMiliiil .Mill ( .\I.ilLij;ri (il llir ( N'nrlli W istiiii ri'lr^;r;i|ili ( ■|iiii|i,in\ dl ClM.ld.l, linril .11 Ili'llcMJk', liCliTSdll Ciiiiiitv. \<» \nik, Mrnniliur i\n\, iSjS. Al till- .l^f 111 liltlill he kit lldllU' to MTM- ;iM ii|)|iri.'iitiiislii|i dl' thnv yr.irs in ii idiiiiirv sidif. Ill iS.(7, ilicii in his iiiiKliiiitli \i-.ii, 111' k-.iriiril li'liLTiiiiliy III ()s«iL:d, \.^■., .mil LjiMii fiii|iln\nuiil liy iju- MdiiiiiMl ■rrUnr.i|ili ( diiiiMiiy, wliiili d|K'iic(l a liiu' in till' .inliiiiin ol lliiit, lii'lttci'ii (.(ni-lui- .Mill Tdi-dnid. .\litr sirvinn ai lliiVf yc.irs. Ill' Has |ilacril in i harm' dl' tin- drtici' al rnidiiid. Sddii .iHriH.iiils In- H.IS ,ip|)diiiircl Su|K iiiittiiijiiii Idi \\ isti'in ( '.iii.icl.i, .nil! liir liiisiiuss ikirld|ni| (ill 111' li.iil uiuliT Ills rhargf a iRtwiuk dl «iri's ri-ailiinn all tlii' iin|idrlanl pdiiits in llu- rroviiici'. In iSSi.dnllio cdiisdlid.iiidii iil the Canailian riiin|>,init's, lir a|i|idiiil('il (ictii-ral .M.inancr nl ihr s\siiiii lAUiidiiii: ihriiiijilidiil Onlarid. (,iii.lni . \i h KiiiiisHKk anil .M.iiiildlia. .mil alsd m i upMii.:; |Mirlidii'. dl' till' .'sl.Ucs dl .NfW \i\\V. Vrlllldlll, \iH ll.mi|isliiri, .Hid M.iiiir. Mr. |iHi};lii clritid \'irr rrcsiiknl ul llic ('iiinpans .1 vi-ar at;d. lakinn tlir pl.iiL' ol' llic i.ili- Win. (iddiliTli.mi. Ill- Is .1 I )iii rlnr dl llu- Kailway Cdinpany and llu- TdidiUd Im.m lU'si-L-nl l-;ii-rtrii- l.inlil Cdinpiin. rmil llu alisdipiinn 111' till- I'liriintd .V Nipissin}; Kail way and tin- \'ii-(dri.-i Kailway liv llu- ('ii-.iml Trunk. In- «.is .1 I )iri-c idi- 111 Imih 1 i>inpaiiii.-s. I'ri-xidiis Id llu tLmsli-r 111 llu- (l.irdrils Id llu- ( 'iiy ul Idrdiild. Mr. |)Hi-lit. hIiii lias liL-i-n always a /i-almis Irii-nd ul llu- in'iiplc in llu- inalU-r of ri'ircalidii liroiinds in Mk.JA.:.M. SMirii. l-'.\-l MI'I dl llA^ .SIKKKl. MIIUlN,. TuhMI^I lluiilv. iddk an .u iIm- mk-ri-si in ilu- Sdiit-ly, ami was iiiii.- (if the I liri-iliirs. Mr. Kwiglu is a man dl' firiL- luisiiu-ss h.iliils. skrliiij; hdiidiir. Iiigli i-xiriilivo aliilily, .mil in llu- inipurlaiil Irusi lu- holds fiillils wilh i;ri-al rn-ilil id liiiiiscll' and wilh advanla.uc I" llu- piilhii- ilio \ (\.. In iSS„. Mr. HI.MMkll ivluvd .111(1 Mr. .1. I'un.-.iii lioamr ,i nuiiil.rr nl llu' linu umlcr Ihc pivsciu nanu'. 1 )urin.i; ^.■s>•.,ll nioiuhs iactv ^.■a^ ih.- linn has a hiisvv m the CLniiaii, Au^lrian an.l 1 ivii.h niakiiiL; sclLVti,,ns lu siipi.K Ihc Rlail Ian. s :^.«,.l-. H.hK'. I mrs ol a,v kcin on han.l l.i lULrt the ininircnKiu^ ol ,lrui;i;ists. lol,,io„niM-. l,„„kscllL-is. nuisir .kak-rs, jowclKas. cl,'. -riu' lirm also han,il>- lai-li.h rmliTv, and ihi- pnulii, Is ol macimI .Nnuriran niaTUilac tuivi- c\t[^iisivclv. .-^ix li^nclKis iv.civu or.Krs lor .M.-,sr-.. lli.kson. I >r,n \ Co.. Ironi oiu' in.l of ih.-' Doinn.ion to llu- other. I'.oih MRinlarsol tli.- I'lrni have a Inisnu-ss exia-ruine ol ,i\,r lhirl\ ve.n-. Mr. John ll.illam, the acd.e representatue mi ihe ( 'il\ Connnl ,,l Si. l..iur'en.e Uar.l. and a nuisl iiseliil anil piilili.- spirited ( ili/en. Has horn al Ch.irleN. I.aneasliire, Kni^land. O.toher i.^li, 'S.'vV "e is essenliallv a seHiu.ide .nid ihe un.uded arehile. t ol his o«n I'orlnnes. Lnlil he ".is •T^ lueiily years iif aj:e. his npporluiiities oC oiitainin,L; ,in edlieation uere \ c r\ slender, his early lile h.niii;: Ween passeil, like that ol Ills li.uellts. ill .1 (Olloll *i l.ii lor\. where the holii s «ere long .ind the loll!. l'.\en wlieii Ik . Iilel;.:i(l Iroin his teens, .ill the SI hooliiijj; he had i;.iiiied al a ninhl si hool, siippleiiienled liy his ohii private i\ailiiig, spurred on hy ,1 l.iiiilalile thirst lor kninvledm and a desire to ^ .iih.ini ehiinseir ill hie. In i.S^'i. he eininrali' 1 to ( '.III, 111. I .iild setlled in Ali.Ki-MAS JMiis II.MIAM. '10101110. wliele lor some sioek lonip.iny, with Mi. John K. Il.irher ol ihe lieornetown Tajier ( 'oiii|uiiy wholieeaiiie llu- principal sloi kholder. as rresideiit; John I'. I'.llis, M.ina.uin.u Direi lor ; J. T. Clark, I're.isiner; I'. T. I'errot and J. U . \laiii;h.iii. Duel tors. riie line w.irehouse shown in the ilhistration stands on II. i\ Street I'roiit Slreel, and was eieeted in iS.S;, lor the urowiii- lueessities of this iisel'iil indiislry. ll Is si\ slo-e\s in lieii;lu, and eovers aiiave.i ol 7.000 s.piare leel. The H.iilier \ I'.llis Colii|>,iin .ire well known ,is wholesale st.ilioiiei s. Iiookliinders ,iiid p.iper lio\ in.ikeis. They lia\e ihe l.ii.nesl .iiid most eoinplele envelope l.irlorv in Iieili;; .ililr to turn out 750,000 eiivilopes d.iily. rin- goods ol this holts, lind iheir w.i\ to e\erv p.irt ol the 1 loininioii, anil llie linn deser\edlv eiiioi,s ,1 high repulalion lor liiisiness .iliiliu .iiiil inlegrit\. The enter prise of this house is as well known to the trade as is ils iiuliislry. \V MlKllol >!■. or Mr.sSKS. lIleKtON, lHM.\N .'i C". co.MMi:i lie ciriiT u;i, ciu: nl >li\iiiiiuis liihniir, 'lisiiiiliiuil li\ acKi r--ily. In i.Sdfi. Iu- In-.iii 1im^iik->^ (in hi-, ijwm .u .1 iKitalilf i'\,nn|ili' iif sli^adv |H'rM.'M.'nin(L' cin ai ( (ini|ill^li, ivlkii it i.i allied with liij;h and lifmliiviit aims. With a short lirtak, Mr. llallani has alnidst iininli.'rni|iti-dly ir|iivsL'ntoil a ward (if iIk- city in llic ('niincil which is disiinctivclv 1 iininicr(, lor a |icri(id nl iic.uiy t»int\ )c.irs. In tlii^ i,i|i,iiily, he has i.\(.t liccn /c.ildUs Inr iildiiii. and has inlcllii;cnll\ and iiscliilly served the city in the ini|Kiii.inl trusts committed to him. .\s .1 Icuiisl.itor at the Council I'.oard, he hi. larried nianv measures of ini|iorlancc. Iici n ,111 iiiiidiu ludiiiisinj,' Toe to t,i\ e\eni|ilioiis. and an e.inu-st .i(U(M.ite ol' |nililic [i.iiks ,md oilu r means ol" lecre.ilinn lor tlu |ieo|ili. In \lr., ( hielly, the < iti/ens owe the I lie I'niilic l.ilirary, and to its interests he (leMited much of his time ami administrativi' aliilily, with siilislaiitial ijifls from his |imse. 'rill- kelereiice l.ilir.n), in ilistiliition, is .1 111. Ilk at oiki- of his Ui-immi (.1 .Mu. IIknisv l.r. ,\~. i...iii.,i, mkhi. t;enerosity and ol his devolion lo the liesi inteiesls ol the cily. Mr. Il.illam l.ikes an active interest in all pnlilic (luestioiis. is an entliusi.islic Cinadian. In politics, as in religion, he is a I ilieral, and, ecoiiomicalh'. a Iree Tniiler. .Mr. Iliij;h N. IJ.iird. j;r.iin merchant, was liorn .n ( 'olioiirj;, .Scptemlier J4th, iS;(i. He is .1 Mill ol the late Mr. N. II. li.iini, ( l'... who was ideiuil'ied witli Icadinj,' ^ piiI'Mi niipro\emeiits in rpper.nid I ,ower ( ' diirini; the lirsl li.ill Uf theieiltnr\. rile ..iiliii(t ol llii, skel( li ediii.itcd .it .1 private si hool in .Montreal. lie is .1 inemlier of the lirm of .\lessrs. Crane \ li.iird. .Moiureal and Toronto, which w.|., eslalilished twenty-live years ago and does .1 \er\ kirne j^rain e\port trade. The lirm is larj;ely interested in inaimfacMirin^ and commercial enterprises .11 Tans. ()iii. Mr. Ilaird was \ice Tresident of the old Corn T',\ch nue, and is now N'ln- Tresideiit of as a His pw^' KrMiirsci- 01 Mk. ||, N. II mko, ( iKo^MiSou .Siioii. Mi: I i I \s Kocn:-. ilic Toronio Hoard of Tr.ide. \\i- is a I lirei tiirof the Western .\ssiirance ( 'oinpanv, Millers and Mannfactiiriis' Insnrance Coni- p.iny, the ( )nlario ,\ S.uiii Ste. M.nie K.iiKv.iv, .111(1 till' Miill.ind Division of the (i. T. K. In religions ni.itlirs. Mr. Il.iird is innneclcd «ith the Northern Chiircli. Ml. Kogers, one of the liest known .111(1 most worthy of coal dc.ilers in I ,111.1(1.1, .\.is l.irn near Newni.irket, Jiine j.iiil, 1.S30. 'he pnlilic si liool cilneation he received was siip|ilemcnted liy twii terms, 168 COUMF.KC/JI rOA'0\rO..IX/> THE CHiriS OF COMMERCE lU.ui On h K 'ii \li"it-. \-.\\\> Koc;kr> ,\ Cn., KiNi. SiKin Wk-i. \alli'> kmI. Tluii ilcuk. .W till loiil (jrciiunh Slinl, i-- -• i .^ iVcl wide iiiiil 50(1 lilt IdiiH. riicrr ;iri' l«(i ^U■.llll tkA.ituis cm thr iniiii iscs, iiiul aiilimialic a|i|ili.iiii i-. r,i|ialilc nl unliKiilinn Hoo liiii'- m <1:i>. At till,' cliisc (il n.ivination l.isl tlicrr wcil- (10,000 tuns of (oal on the (luck. I'lii' CnmpaDy is (iltic.iecl liy Mr. M. I', liiown, I'lvsi litiil an. I i'n.wiiui ; Mr. 1 1, K. \\\\y\. I l.iinill(in. \ h f I'rcMcK nl. anil Mr. I . \'. Ill, n km. in, Sn rit.H\. Tlir Conmr Ciul Cuniiiany is thr (Hitj^niHth nf a sMi.ill ami iinprttriitiiiiis icial .mil \M"mI Ini^niiss whirh rst.ih lishuil li> till- l.itc Mr. r. I>. ( nii-ir, in Inrnntu, twint\ niu VL'ars ano. liv h.inl wiirk .iiul ir,i-.<'k'ss vigil.iiiii' Mr. < 'on};ir liiiilt lip an imnunsf trade, which was still im reasinj; .11 the lime li hi^ Lniienlid diMlli, in iS.S;. I he ('.inner t'niii p.iiiy, III »liiili Mr. K.ilph (nli^mi 1- the I'resideiit and In a surer, .Hid ,\lr. j.inies !•'. Cl.irk, Sei rel.iry, sime lime carried cm the liusiness. The h. indies llu' licsi \ m,i Cicllei^e 111 New Soik. Ills lirsi liii^iness venture in llu IihiiIh r Ir.icle ,11 twenty years ul a^e. .\ le« \ear-- Liter he liec.iine interested in mines al Key n.ililsMlK-. I'a.. and turned liis .itlenlicin eiitireh tci llu' ecial linsiness. In iSyd, he iipcned .111 ciliici- in Tcncmlci tci do .1 wholc- s.ile .Hid ret. Ill llll^illes■^ in p.nlner^liip v\ ilh Mr. I. ( '. Ihiiiiiiiv. ,1 ue.illln uper.ilcir ill anthrieile coal. Snlisei|iienlly .Mr, Rci}.'.vs lieeame scile ciwnercirthe Reyncildsville liitii- 111111.111-, iiiiiH. .\lthiiiij;h still a ymiiiL; man lu- liiiiit up cine cil' the must e\lensi\e l.usinesses 111 the' kind 111 ('.inacla. In |S."<7, .iller cine year's servKC in llic' ( ily ( 'uiineil, he was iirmight promiiieiuK lielc.r. ilic peuplc ..I rurimti) as a candidate I'cir the M.iyciralty, in respcmse tci a recitiisiticm signed liy live ih.iusan.l Milers. llisdeleal \\,i^ c :iii-m d liy ihe prcMii.e cl .1 third e.indidale in llie lie 1.1. Mr. KciL;crs ha^ lieeii ,1 ineinlier cil the I'ciniuil cil the llciard cif Trade lor s.mie \ears, and is well known in cdniiection with reli:;i.iiis and philanlhrupie institutions. 11 il is an iron ai;e, it is also ,1 coal .lUe, and the incliislries are m.iny .Hid e\tcn -ive to wliic h llie ininin'; cil 1 L^iveli liiilli. (II liitiimiiious cecal. Cm, id, I has kiijic deposits in No\a Scoti,i, and or.mllii,i c ite c-oal she is imderstood to h.ive plenty III l'irili--h ('i)liiinliia, Ihil ihe^e I'rovnues ,11,' lioth III' them (list, ml hcmi Onlarioand her I eople h,iMto lie 1 .mli nl 111 tin- main » illi the Iroiii nc-,Hcr iiKiikcl-, ol dom eslii' hiel. llie ( lilt, 111.1 ('o,il ( ■.imp.iin was loriii.'.l oiiK iw.i vears .ii;o, and is now cloiiii; line ol llic' l,iri;es( liiisinesses in the ccial 11,1.1,- in ( lnl,Hiii. The liiel li,inclled last year repre^c-nlccl ,1 \,iliie ol ,iliciiil .$1,000,000, Durini; llie rir-,t season's oper,itioii-, ol the ( 'ompaiiv ,t(p|i .mil S( i.iiiliiii .inlliiMiiu-, ^lii|i|iiii(; dlirc 1 rniiii llu' iiiiiii-. tn iluir i iiiiiiiiiiilinUN ilm k> .it tin- Imil cif ( luii. Ii Strict, wlkiv it 1^ h.irulKcl »illi iIk' l.ili--.t iiii|iiiivi-(l iii.irhim r\. \W\ iln >iii t\li.iiNivc iLi.iil Ir.iilr. Ill.■^i(ll■^ sii|i|iK iiiu iii.inv rdiiiury \aI!1i^ II Mt--K-.. i;i :a, koiii.u . A- Co., INii \saiii . inkai! Ukukm i.v .S i uf-k i i, ami IIai ihk^i Si ki i. r. ili'.ilii^. In .iililitiiiii III ihr I.iil;<.' .inilir.irili- rnal tr.iiK', ihi-v lli^lrlllutl.■ Mill i ;iiiil rnkc Inr iliiiiK--llr. ^ .iiiil liLirk^iiiilhiiij; |iiii|iiiM ^. .iiiil riiril\Miiiil. |iuir anil i l!t--iili.-> tin- uiiu iilTnr .il d Kiiii; Stmt \'..\~.\. lln- ( 'iiiii|i.iin li.i^ iii.iin h nlliri-. thriiimliiiul ihc I il\. Tlu' linn h.i> .in iMillinl Inisinrss rrml.ilinn. ■*^ ONTARIO J \iiNi:ns .s. simM>i:H'i ni \ ANTHHACITE t~! f~l A T . BITUMINOUS ^^t^^^,, \ \l 1 AMI Hill I. Ill I IIK I In I M;|il I'liAl I ii\n AN\, I'NrlAVAIH Ilm 'I HI < HI Ki II > I . ) \li. .MiA.milri N.iiin, nl llir linn ul Mcs^irM. .\. iV S. Nairn, HliarrniniT>. and nu'nli.iiils, was liorn in (ilasf;i)\v. Srnll.inil. HI ;N,;'. Iluu In nliir.iiiil .uicl traiiit'il Id liiisiiioss lilc in llu- ol'tin' nl liis I'allii'r, a l.irm- mill owner and nr.iin nun lianl. Mr. N'.iini cniii' to ( '.iiiada in 1S57, .md lor ,i iiiinilK-r of viars in liiisini's> in Korkwiind, ('onnl\ \\ illinnlon, as a i.iillcr ami grain c(iiiimi>>r,ioii ininlianl, and was largily idrnlilii'd with llir iiidiiMlriis ol' tlu' jilari'. In iSy.j lu' niiiovcil tii 170 (•('.i/.i//;a'(/.;/. ■jo/^()\ro. .i.\/^ the ciiieis of commerce. rorniUci. .mil ill llu' lolldwiii:; war i-iiUKil iiilo p,irliu'ish||i with hl^ lirnllur SU|ilu'ii. iiiuli-i' li.' (inn ii.iiiu' ul' A. \ S. Nairn, ^till ciiiviiii^ nil 111 hi- own aiiiuiiu m-vlimI l.iiiii' (iinlrarl^ with lh< railway-. I'cir tin- Mipiily nl tiinlKr and lii^. and liuiUling one ClirUrl, MliKKI WllAlil. SlhiWlM; Till CoN'IKK CoAI. Co.'> VaRH. of lliL- fiiii'^l dm k^ ill ilu' lily I'nr tlu' llM■^ nl' hi^ I'lriii. IK- wa^ also iiitL-n.-.k-d in llu- lakr Iradr, a -.Iik klmhU-r in i1k- W i-^trrn 'Iran-'iiiirlaliiin Ccial ( 'i . .iiid in iSyc) wa^ (iii llu.- ! Jirninrali.- nl' ilu- 'rnrniiln, (Ircv \ I'lriiri- Rv. In itSSo, Mr. Nairn n-lircd I'rniii .irti\i.- Iiiisiia-Ns. ihniigli he is slill ,1 nuiiiliir 111' du.- Hoard nC 'I'ladi.', and die nwiur nl llniii-. -,.iw and wnullL-ii mills al ll.iniULr. (niiiiiy linici.- : a I )iri,-rl(ir nl' the l.nndnii ,V Onlarin Inveslnu-nt Cn., of the l.iiius' ll.i\ k. K. Cii., nl' the liiiaiidesreiit I iglit Cn., nl the I liuiiiliinli Sale I )e|)nsit and Waiehniisin;; ( n.. etc. Ill pnlities, .Mr. Nairn K a Kernriiier ; ill religinii, a I'resliyleriali. Mr. I!. Westttdiid was l)(irn in Ked- ilileh. l-aij;laiid. |iil\ 1 51I1. 1S45, w iuri- lu- was eillir.lted, .mil when still a vniith Liiveii .1 llininiii;ll tr.iiiiin;,' ill die IliaiUl- I, II tun- nl' needles and I'lshinn taekle, (nr whii h Reddili li Iniin liein eelelirated. In iSd; he I aine In riimnln and assi-,ted in m.iii.igiiif; the liianeh liniise nl llu- linn oC Allenek, l.ait;lit \ Cn. Ill iS;,;. Mr. West- wiind adinitied to .111 t-i|iial sliaii- in the liiisiiiiss .i> resident |i.irliier, and the liriii liee.mie .\lleni k. l,ai);lltiV Westwnnd. Ihe •-eiiiiir |iarlners have always lived in haigkiiid. where they .any mi mie nl' the largest lisli- iiij; l.ii'kle eslalilisliinents in the world. .Mr. RksIIiK.m i: nl Ml!. A. Naiun, [arvis SiiU'.K'f. We^nvnnd is alsn interested in nllier liiisiness COMMl'.RCIAI. /Oh'0.\TO. .l.\/> ////■: i IHEIS Ol- COM M I.KCi:. 171 « «*. iMli.i|iiiMi anil 111 I'dniiUii tstati-. lie i^ ^^^^lll^lll ul llir I'.Mii Slijiii ( iiiur.itur Cn. ( I liiiilcil 1. .iiici .1 I >iiii inr iil llif Mainiractiirinn C". ( l.imiU'il). ( 'iiiiiimiu iny at i-i^iiltiii M-ai^ ul' a-r a-^ a I.h a! |injc lui, Mr. W 1 -.iw I lla^ aluay. lakcii interest ill MetliiKlisiii, and lias _ o( iMpieil aliiicist exeiv lav |iiisiliiiii in llie I liiiirli. The ( 'eiilial Melliii now llie \cirle\ ol eomineri e. Ills f.ilher. I'ly.iiii 1 deep \K-lhENeK 01 Mu. 11. \V| .1 .V0..I1, J \M| ^,-i.N AVIMK. Rkmiu'M r Ml Mu. Juiis M.m.oniv, Ituoi k A\k.\iie. \1k. Ci .'Li. I. la -111. .si:. Mr. I leori,e Leslie, w. is horn ill Sutherland- shin, Seoil. mil, in i,So.4, ,ind ( .line to Caiiad.i ill 1SJ5 ; sinre then his name as an Ontario Nurseryman has loiij; heen in all p.irts of the I )oiiiinion. The suhjeet of our iiotiee was edilealed primarily at the piihlie seiioids, siihsec|iieiil I V at the ColKi;i,ite 17: COMMEKCfAI. rOKOMW AM) IllE Cll lEIS OF COMM l-.Ri P.. l\K-lii|.\i l; I'l Mu. Ia,, ( IAKK-HN, TakkIiAIK \\ f . Master of OiiiiU l.ijdL;^ Nn. _;3.), \. \- . ,v A. M.. C. K ('.. I',i>t /.. of Oiii'iU (' InMitiili-, (;ror-i'l,.wM. ( )nl.. :uiil lln.ilK .it llu- Mu.KI ( S, h,M,l. IninMln. I K- ilu-n iiiu iv.l llu- lijiikint; jiid lArlwiiKL' cilliiv (if .\li.->srx i;. Cli.iriVv ,V C.i., uluiv he r.iii;iiriMl l.ii t«(iu-.ii>, diniML; llu' lhiriii,iii,iMs dl Aiiui iciii rumn. v ,U the liiiH' dl' the Aiiieric.iii rehelhdii. Ii-aviii^ litis liiiitkiiig liotise til take a |iiiMticiii in the Canada I'eiiiiaiieiit I'liildiiij^ ami l.daii Smiitw of this city, iieiiii; (iri'eicd a sitiiatiun in the Knval Canadian Hank, hr ar(<|iliil it, ami in this in-.lilntiiin lu- icniauied Im three veais. I If alleruard-. ( nndnrii.(l llu- liti>ini>s alVairs ot' the Leslie NiH-Miiis ; and in i SSo, aeiirinj; this lime his liusiness irainini; and knciuledue cil linance niadr his sirvic I's uf ineal( iilalile \alue t(i this |ireniii'r iin\nsln|i. In 1.SS7. al llu' sniii ilalinn i>l his l:iilui, In- rrsij,'iied ihe tnun ship elerkshi|i to |itinianently assume the maiiageinent cil the eiMnineicial and linaiK ial de|iailment (il (u-iirj^r l.tslir \ Suns 1 \trnsiM- mirsiijts and real est.itc- inlin-sls. Aide iinan l.e--lii- has Inr man) \e.ns takiii a dec-p inteicst Ml piililie alTaiis, espeeiall\ in the improvement (il the eastern porticin ol the cit\. lie is 1st \'iii-l'risidint 111 llu- lAielsiur l.ile Irismanee Co. Ill rnrunlii, a Hireetiir nC ihe Imperial riiiduce ('iimpaii\. nl l.iindnn. lai^land. and liiriilite., and a liiemlier nl llie Industrial ICxhiliitinn Assmiatinn. IK- is .lUn ,1 V.\^\ Chaplir Nil. 71), a member ol' ( nnUViA ilr Si. Aldemar I'reeepmry nl' Kni.yhts Templar. I'.ist Chiil;er Cnurt liasl Tiirunln. 1. I)., No. 450. I'. M. W . Cr\s|,il No. I 1 ^. .\. ( ». C. W .. a niemher nl' the Sons nf Canada, and The Cardeiiers and Idnrists' Cliih of Inrnntn. .\|r. |. k. Leslie, whn is .111 esUemed and ptililie-spirited lownsman. is an e\ niemlier nf the (Jiieen's ( )«n kilk-s. and .it pre^i in ( '.ipiain 111' \n. .',\. iJih n.ill.ihnn " \nrk K,ini;irs.' .\lr. .Mil. |. K. i.islie sL-rved with ilir " N nrk Siinrm.- ' IkitMlimi diirin- the trnnljlis in ihr NnrileWisi in i.S.S^, l'.i|uity { '11. millers ( enrner .\delaide .mil \ utiiri.i Streets) was liiiilt l.'y .Mr. Knlierl Carswell, the Will-known law |)iiidisher. as a eenlrally situated lilnek siiii.iliK- Inr l.iw nllii IS, and lluis .iplly riei.iM'il it n.inie. llu- linildinj; (lesij;ned with niLreiiiv tn niviiif; almndanei.- nl' li^jhl and good ventilation, and was Ihe Tirst liiisi ness liloek in the eity to intrndiiee theelevator for the enineinenee ol lis liii.uits .mil their rlieiits. ( In it^ 1 iiiiiphtinn It hilK nnird. .mil li.i-. rnnlinikd In lie will lillcd. several ol' the leiianis ha\ ini;oe( 11 pied their premises enntinunusK since the election ol' Ihe liuildinj;. It is heated liy hot water, and its elevator i> run liy li\draiilie power. The Imildinj; ennsisis nf six Hats, inehiding the li.isiiin-iit, wliieli l^ used as a priming nl'liee, and tlu top Moor as artists' sliidios, one portion hniig oeenpiul liy law "I!avvikw.- lumiisi; Avk., Kk^iiu'm k or \lu. K. Causwi 1 1,, CO.\/\fj:/t p.isseni;ei train thai w.i^ run in Ipper ( ' the dale lieing .\l.iy i()lh, 1X5,1. In 1S67, .Mr. H.irvie assumed Ihe 111.111 a,t;einent of the tralVie departiiieni ol ■'The Northern," which he held till ilhhe.ilth compelled him In retire in i.S.Si. Since then he lieeii iileiitilied with the I'pper ( ' liilile Sncielv, of which he is now rermaneiil Secretary. HehasserM'd the citv in an aldermanic capaeil\ three^. and iinsiiccessl'iilly con Icsled ('eiilre Toninto .11 the 1. 1^1 I'lelieral I'.leclinii. in ihe iiitert'st. Ml. Il.livie is .1 dileclnl III' the Ontario Loan \ Inveslinent (nmpaiiy, the I'oronlo (ieiieral jitiryinn ('iioiimN Triisi, ihe Newsliovs' l.nd.uinj;, and the I'nr niilot'itv .Mission. He is a trustee the neat appe.irance ol I'litt'rprise as a l.iw linnk- relatiniis with the emlira<'e a luimlier ol the CaiiiiJiiin /■(i7(i \\.\.). besides many niinn law piililishers. Iiy those wliii know him. i;i,iriiv Ciiwiia us, cornki; or .\iii lAini ami Vk iouia Sruiicis, nl the Niuiiil; Women's Christian (liiilil and a lile-nu-ml ir of St. .\iiilrew's Society, Calei'nnian Society, and the N.M.('..\. Mr. William .Mien Shepard, Maiiat;er of T/ic Mil// Joli I'rinlinj; Company, was horn in r>rowiiville, N.S.. July mh. i.Sfo, , mil W.IS liroiij;ht to Canad.i when lint si\ months old. After hein^ trained in the I'lililic and ( Sehnols at lirockville, he t.uif^hl schooll'or Slime time near lielleville. In 1S47, lie apprenticed at the l',i/iii,/ii C//>/>//,iii .IJrvoj/c ollice, Hamilton, In le.irn printing;. I k' liecnne editor of the /I'l-AVf/Z/c /n./tpcndftil m 1S5.S, and the followini; year .■■cepteil ,1 position on the staff of the /n/,///xiiiCfr, nf the s,ime place. Siihseqilenlly the cniilrol of the |iaper ilexolved upon him, and on the orgaili/ation of the /iilf/lii;eiife>- I'rinlinn iV I'ulilishing Company, he liecanie M.magiiig-I )irector. In 1.SS4, Mr. Shepard tnnk chart^L of /'//(■ Afii// Joli Department, now /'//i' J/ij// Job I'rinlini; Company, and siiue time has built i.p one of the finest businesses in Canada. He knows well his art, and besides an intimate and practical knowledge nf printing, has e\cellen! taste and guild judgment. The present volume is a specimen of the work of his Company. Mr. Shepard is a I'resbyteriaii and a manager and elder of St. .Viujrew's ( 'luircli. He is also I'resiilenI of the I'oroiito Typothelae, and \'ice President of the I ypolhelae nf .\inerii a. 171 (•('.l/.l/A7i'(7.//, TOk'OXnK .l\J> rilE Cnir.lS OF COMMERCE. Ml. liMiik \\,«,uii H.i, lioni in W lll^lli^(■. Ijicliiiil.-iii tln' xt-.n iS^jS. Cniiiiii^; In C.iii.iila Ml i,S5ri, lie spent fmir yrars lilliiii; iIk- Mill ,111(1 luuiii'^ (Hit .1 lidiiu- III tlu- li.ic kHiMxl-,. Ill' iluii liiiiKis- niel l)epnly (hand Ntaster nl' the Sons of r.iiul.ind l!elie\nlint Sniielv. lie is a Mk, \V, \. Siiia.Miii. L MK.hniN IIakmk, nieinlier nl' the Chuivli of l.ngland. Si. (leorge's .Society, and the l!ii,nil nf Inicle. ■Mr. |nsi,ih llriKe, the will klinwii ,^.. King ,Street phntngra]iher, who was linrn at (iiielph, Ontario, on ih.- lOth nf June, 1S40, is a nr.indsnii nt John laylnr, the hero, who, while serving under Nelson on lin.inl the ".\1( nieiie " in 1 71).^, disliiiguished hiniseU' liy leaping I'roni the y,ir,nj, i;,;, , p " I.e ledger,' when sorely pressed by the llrilisli lleet. Kor this act of braverv lie was awarded a lite pension by the City of l.nndnii, and was hon nired by having his portrait painted for the N,itional (lallery. .Mr, Taylor came to Canada in 1X54, and was followed three years later by his son in-law, (ieorge liruce, the father of our subject. Josi.ih Uruce echic,(ted at ihc IVnMcy lllnc k School, In W illi,im ( 'ow.m, a lamous master in his day, .\fter leaving schniil, .Mr. liriiee studied archiiecliire inCnielph fnr about four In i.Sdi, he winl to IJue- bec, where he practiseil Ills profession for a twelvemonth, removing thence to .Montreal. Here, having previously had some evperieme as an amateur in phntogniphy, he engaged with the tlu'ii cilibr.ited photographer, W'm. Not 111,111, uilh whom he remained for some years, when he remcned to ToroiUo, ,uid took charge, ,1^, of the business of .Messrs. Nolman iV Ir.iser. .\t the expiration of seven years he -iMied his connection with this lirni and es- l.iblisheil himself in business on his own account, ,11 I i-' King Slrcel West. There are few houses of rifiiieinciii III I'oroiito, or for in.itltr. in < liit.uio, ill. It do not contain one or more pliotn- Lir.iph-. e\ecutiil in Mr. linice's i-\cellciU studio. .Mr. I'.lilridge St.mloii, photographer, is a native ol Cobourg, where he was born March 71I1, iS;4. lie was educated at \ic loria I'ni- M r^ily, ,ind having a decided fiiiu/ioiil for pliolo- grapliy, made it afterwards a .-.pecial stud). ^\ liile in \irginia, lie was the first to mIrodiH e the pliotognipli on paper, and became i elebrated ia?t- , ^jm *J .:5*C ^:rX:M "mm^. 'j"^ " l'AUKVIK\V, 11 ) M 1. (Jl Ml. 1 li,\M, WiiiM 1>, Ml, \W Sl 111.1. r. COMMEKCIM. TOkO\n\ .l.\7> THE CIIIEIS OE iMMMEKiE. i;."! lor llic rxcL'lliricc nf lii^ |ir(Mliiili(iii^. Kiluiiiiiii; lo ('aii.i(l;i lie nin.iiiHil luir lill 1^(14, wIkm lie »iiil In ll.illiiiKin-, Mil., iiiul ()|icin.'(l :i studin. Ili' p.iruil willi liis sIkih- dl llu- l)U>iiH'^.s in 1.S71, and 1 li(i.,r rninnlo Icir .1 |iiiniantnt hnnu-. Iliwas (■(iniiciti'd with tin- I'nni nl Mt^^Ms. Slanlim \- S'icar^ until t^'ii years a;;(i, since which time 111' lias Inllnurd lii,. prdlissidn Hillimit a luisiness (larlner. Mr. St, niton has twice been elected I'resii.eiil of the riioto^ia|iliif .\ssucialioii of ( 'aiiaila. lie 1 is an l''.|>is( niiali.iii, and a iiienilier of the .Masonic fciteniily. l''or thirty live ve.ns Mr. Stanton has succissl'iilly |iiai tised his .\rl, and is ,ihv,iys to lie loiind .11 his studio, {>,uin^ |>ersoiial atlenlii n to the jiosirij; ol .ill sntcrs. .\lr. Ilerlierl V,. Siniiison, liholonr.ipher, successor to the well- Mk. Mi Ui.i ki v.. Mk. I. 1. I. v".'.'»-'-y>" Ml.. 1:1 iiuihi.K Sun ion. known linn ol' .Messrs. NoliiKin \ I'raser. is a n.itive ol Ontario, haviiij; lain liorii at Riclinioinl Hill, in the year iSdd. He ^'^" "'^- came to Toronti) aiuiut ten years a^o, and lia\inn ac(|iiired a proressional iihii.ition under some of the liesi Canadian artists, he |iiiri hased the liiisiiic.s ol .Messrs. iV I'raser, proli.ilily the lari^est and best ,ip|iointed house in ( 'aiiada. .Mr. Simpson's gallery contains nearly 100,000 negatives ol' the most |iroininent men and best known society women, not only of t '.inada, liut of I'.urope. His iirolessional skill and reputation have fully ei|ualled that of the hrni of which he is the successor. Himself an artist of merit, .Mr. Simpson has kept fully abreast of the times, and has added to his est.iblishmeiit .ill the ini|iroveiiieiits .nid .idv.uit. lues 111 the pliotogr.iphii art suggested by science. He is a member of the (lunch ol Ijigland and of .St. (ieorgc's .Societ\. Mr. J. I'raser liryce, photographer, was born ill 1S52, in Diindas, ()nl,irio, where he received a primary and mechanical educ.i tion. Coming to Toronto. Mr. Ihyce studied photography with .Mr. Thonias lliniler. after which he s|ieiil some liiiie in perfecting him self in the Art with C. ( '. K.indell. of I )etroit, and J. !•'. Ryder, of Cleveland, both of whom are proficient artists with repulations. Ill 1884, Mr. liryce located pcrmaiieiilly ,it 'I'oroiito. purchasing tin- establishment of his first einploxci. .Mr. Iliniter. The unilonii excellence of his wcirk has ni.ide .Mr. Mrycc's studio the resort of many of the best people of 'I'oroiito. Mr. W . Mi. kiclliw.iile, photo graplur, was born at .\shlon tinder I. ync, Lancashire, ICngland, h i^tli. 1H4C). He was educated at Hay's .Viad'-my, In his native town, and served a year in an architect's oflic'c. Turning his attention to photogr.ipliy. he spent si\ years in the study of the .Art. after wliich he pracli.setl lill 1875 in Ireland. Ui-siinNcr, or .Mic Iionaim lA.Miia i i . Hkci i\ 176 CO.UM/:/a/.U /'I'A'CA /•(', .l.\J) THE CUIEIS Oh COMMKKCE. I'.l-iril MaNII Al .OliY 01 Ml— .K'.. ClIKIMM , IlliOU N >\ Ccl.. lUKl SlUKI T. lsr>iiirAci, oi Ml:. CiriK'^i (li'itn, III i:Nh HIE Cll I EIS Or COM MEKCE. u ('nliiliij; hi ('.iii.mI.i ,iI iIi.iI Iiiiu', lir »,is;iii ;ill,ii 111' of The .lA/// iirHs|i,i|>( i Im liner U'.irs. ir>ij;iiiiij; tii ii|uii .1 ■.liidiii ,il )0 jjrvis Slivcl. Sun (■ lluii 111- t.ikrii ,1 liif^li ijnk ill llif linilr^siDii, and lliiii' a|i|ilillliri.d In a di ii,l;j;i>1. .uid mi arri\iiii;al iiianliiind laiiu' tci Canada. . lie c iiniiiiriii 111 linsiiH>s ,11 Wliiiliv, wluif 111.' w.i^ iiiiliiiliin.ili l\ liiiiiit mil. Ill' llii'ii iriiiiiM'd 111 Tiirnnln. .mil ni.iii.iHi'd lIu' dni" --Imi' ul Mr. Kulurl .Ml, i . W. Mil Ki.Ki iiwAiir.. Tiii- I, All Ml;. W. .s. IvoiaN-^oN. Ml:. JU^''^^^^^ lliaiii|iliin. whiili 111' ari|iiirrd in iSnj.and -^ ^^ -^^^^^^ aflLTwaiiK I ariiid mi in lii> nwn iiaiiii', at S,!J Niinjic .Sucil. Ml'. RnliiiiMin war^ mil' III till.- rmmdi.r> nl iln.' ()nt.ii'iii Cnl lific III' I'liarinaiy, and served in \ariiuis ia|iarilies as an iilVirir nl ill. it linily. lie was a I'asi Master nl' .\slilar I .ndj;e. .\. I'. iV .\. .M.. .mil .111 artiM' iiHinliiT ul' die Swedenliornian Cliunli. lie died Irmii a suildeii sirnke nl [i.u.iKsis, nil l'\ -'51I1, I SSi), and was iiunh re.urilled liv iiiaiiv |iiiimiiienl I ili/eiis .mil dniunists nl' 'rnrnnln. .Mr. lames Uiivall. nl' tile I'al.iee Sinve Slnre, Kill;; .Street I' and a wnrtliv eiti/en, linrii in nl hainlish |i.ireiil,ini', nn tile Stli nC I'eliriiar). 1S41). He was edili ,ited |iriiiiaril\' at a private selinni in the eity nl' (^tiieliee, and alter his reinu\al In Tnrnnln. in iS5ri, attended the Mndel SehnnI lure. I le llieii a|i|)rentii'ed 1(1 his elder liriilher, Mr. Jnlin l!n\all. In learn the Ir.iile nl a tinsmith, and kindred eallinus. ll.iMiii; lailhliilU served his a|i|ir(.nlieeshi|i, lie wmked iiiidir instriii liniis ,11 until iSiu). ulieii he remmed In ()h.ih,i. Twehe mnntlis l.lti-r lie estalilished and Innk i harj.'e nl a lir.ini h nl his lirnlher Inlm's luisiiiess .it Slr.iHnrd, (Int. In 1.S7.;, he settled ,il ('IuIm.i. .\I.iss.. where he in liiisiness liilir ye.irs ; relnrniiiL; ,il the e\|iil'.itinn nl that liiiie In (Inl.irin. he Ini.iUd ,it I'nrl I'erry, where lu' .is^m i.iied in Inisiness Inr eight years with Mr. \\ . I'. I'arrish. In iS.So, Mr. Ilnxall eiiiliarki'd ill linsiness nil his nwn acenimt and met with nr.itil'ying success. In the silimiier nl' the iSijo. he (le(idiil In return In 'rnrnnln. and lnn|ieii his |iresiiil |il.ii e nl' linsiness .it iS; King Streel I'iasl. Itiiriiii; his residence at I'nrt I'erry, .Mr. Iii)\all served two terms as I )e|iiity Keeve nl that town, having been elected on Imth nccasiniis l>y large niajori lies. When leaviim In take ii|i his residence in 'rnrmiln, he was |iiesi'iileil with an address liy the nllii i.ils nl' the Melhndist I'luirch, and also tile reci|iient nl .111 .iddress I'mni the nieiii liers 111' the Old l'',nL;l,iiiil l.iidge. N'n. i|, Sniis nl' ICngl.illd. .Mr. |n|iii M.ilinn was linrii near Middle town, ('niiiil\ .\rin.igli. Irel.ind, Se|ilenilier jjnd, iX^d. His |i,ii'eiits lirmight him in Canada in iS4;,aiid settled in 'rnrnnln. .Mier receiving a piililic sclioni education he was KKsiiiKM'i, 01 Mi;. loiLS .M.MI.ON, Uiinhas S 1 kki- r. 178 COMMERCIAL TORONTO, AND THE CIIIEl-S OF COMJI'ERCE. Mk. M. J. WoOlis' (ill lACRS o\ niK I>l \Sh. ai)prcnti(xd lo the UiiUliLring liiisiiicss, and in 1861 opened a stall on liis own account in St. l.awreiKe Market. In iSr.j his business had so eMended that it occupied three stalls, and Mr. .Mallou received as a nartner his l)rother-iM-la\v, Mr. .M. J. .. Woods. The firm has since then liecn known as John Mallon \- (,'0. I'Voni 1X66 till 1876, Mr. .Mallon was a Separate School Trustee ii; West N'ork, and during the years 187^^ and 1874 he was a niendier of the Toronto ('ily Council. Mr. Mallon was appointed a Justice of the I'eace in 187^. He was Treasurer of iirockton from its incorporation in 1S80 till its annexation to Toronto in 1884. .Mr. Mallon has taken an active interest in the shipping of live stock and cured meats to ICngland. In politics he is a l.ilieral, and in religion he is a memlicr of the Roman Catholic (,'ommunion. Mr. Michael Joseph Woods, one of the most enterprising shippers of Canadian live stock to the cattle markets of Creat I'lritain, and until recentlv the aldermanic representative of St. Mark's Ward in the City Council, was horn near the town of liallymahon, County Longford, Ireland, in 1847. At an early age he I ,ime to ("anada with his [larents, who settled in Torouto, and here the subject of our sketch received his education. In the sixties, he entered into part- nership with Mr. John Mallon. in the St. Lawrence Market, and has long been actively interested in exporting live cattle and cured meats to the Old Country, where he had estahlished agencies lioth at Liverpool and at (llasgow. In the spring of i8i)o, Mr. Woods was elected President of the Union Stock \ ards and .\liatloir Company, of which he was one of the enterprising originators. from 1881 till 1884, he was one of the C^ouncillors of the village of Itrockton, and when that suburl) was incorporated with Toronto, he was chosen to represent the new ward in the City Council. He <-ontinucd as .Mderman until last winter, when his manv business enterprises compelled him lo retire, and the city lost a zealous and faithful representative. .Mr. Woods is interested in athletic sports ; is a member of the Sunnysiile boating Club, and was an active as well as an honorary member of tlie Ontario Lacrosse Club. In politics, lie is a Liberal; in religion, a Roman Catholic. Among Mr. Woods public spirited undertakings, was the erection of a number of pleasant as well as picturesfpie summer cottages on the Island, an illustration of which appears in these pages, Mr. Joseph Norwich was born in London, ICiiglanil, I'ebruary 51I1, 1849, and came to Canaila with his parents in 1S55. He was educated chielly at night school. His first business venture was as a l)utcher, in 1870, on \onge Street. Starting with very .small capital, he was enabled by close attention to business to purchase a block of land, part of which he sold to advantage and reinvested in West I'oronto Junction, I'arkdale and the city. Mr. Norwich was instrumental in organizing the i'arkdale I'rcsbyterian Church, of which he was Chairman of the Hoi:rd for ten years, and was elected elder in 1888. Mr. Norwich was a member of the first Council of I'ark- dale, in iS7(), and held office till i88i. He was \'ice-l'iesident of the Conservative .\sso ciation of West N'ork. ii'signing ol'lice when it was not permitted independent action but still |)ersonally holding (■onser\ative views. He is a I'ast (irand of City of Toronto Lodge, C.O.O.K., a member of Alpha Lodge, \. V. Ik A. M., the Orange Association and St. (ieorgc's Society. Thk Mai.i.on Ui.ock, Dundas StRitr IM ION. CO.yrMERCIA/. TORONTO, AND THE CHIEFS OF COMMERCE. 179 Mr. Joliii JoMpli Ward, mcrthant tailor, of 1247 (^)UL'cn Slrcoi West, was l)orn at London, Ontario, May 18th, iSf)f). He has ac(iuirL'd a tlioroiigli knowledge of his Imsincss, to which is to be attributed the large degree of siiceess he enjoys. .Mr. Ward is a believer in organized labour, and has held positions of trust in numerous organizations. He has several times been a delegate to the Dominion Trades anil Labour Congress, and is a prominent Knight of Labour in this city. At the age of ' twenty-two he was elected a member of I'arkdale Town C'oUM'il, and remained one till the numicipality was annexed to Toronto. Mr. .McN. Millard, undertaker, 547 Vonge .Street, is the descendant of a MK, JOUN I. W,\K[I, Mk. IlkNkV LCCAS. Welsh family, who in the year 1620 emi- grated with the '• Pilgrim lathers " to the L'nileil .States. Mr. Millard was born at Newmarket, Onl., on the ytli .March, 1S52. He is the second son of Joseph .Millard, ]. 1'., of that town, who has been in the furniture and undertaking business there for many years. He received his education partly at Newmarket and partly at the Toronto Husiness C^ollege. .\t the age of iS years he took a position in his father's warerooms, and in the year 1S7,? was admitted into partnership. In Decem- ber, 18S0, he retired from the firm of |. .Millard \- Co., and connnenced business in Newmarket on his own accoimt. There he remained imtil January, 1SS4, when he removed to Toronto, to assume the position of assistant to the late John N'oung, and reniaineil with him mitil his death in December, S.S85. He then |)urchased the business of his late employer, and carries it on still under the name of John N'oung. Mr. Millard has made a special study of the subject of embalming, and is thoroughly posted in all the most approved methods for the care and preservation Mk. Ai,k\. Mill aki) Tint Isi.\Nii's I'oiNr i.\ i,Sf.7. of the dead. At the same time he has not lost sight of the importance of having all work done on thorough sanitary principles. Since the organization of the Undertaker's Association of Ontario, .Mr. Millard has always taken an active part, and in i88c) was elected one of three members of the first Legislative Committee of the Association. In iXyo lie was elected President of the City Undertaker's .Association. 180 INDUSTRIAL TORONTO, AND THE CAPTAINS OF INDUSTRY. CHAPTI'R XXm. INDLSI'KIAl. TOKON TO, AM) IlllC fAl'IAlNS ()!• INDUS 1'R^■. Malniudk oi I'liKoNKi's I^■|)^■^lKIl s. Aki; Oik Wants ioo Akiiik iai. ? -Usi-: vik Mkiai.s in Mohikn Manikai- ii'KKs. Inihsikv Kmi'i.ovi-.d in Tin. Akis ok 1'i:a(i;. Xaiivk Iniiisikii-.s vs. Imi'okiaiion. ("anaha Mkcomi-.s Si;i.K-sfHK iNi;. Till. l.otAi. I'diiKK, His (ainikn I mkn r and I.A\v-Aiiii>lN<: CiiARAcrKK. 'I'okonio Indisikii-.s I'lKsllJ) UnIHK ('iO(ll) AlSPR l:s So\ll kl rKKSK.NIAITVK MANrKAiroKli;- ANIi IIIKIK ICNIKkl'KlSINc. lolNHI-.Ks. Till) 1.x TIC NT ami fjrowinn nia};iii- liidc of the industries of Toronto ram it honour, aiul mark with ilistinciivc cmpliasis the transformation wliicli luis come over the lity from the savagery of its early wilds. It lias been often said, that we of this generation live in an ago of artilieial wants ; hut this is h.irdly true of the people of Toronto, if our wants are wholly met liy the mamifaitures of the native market. In the main, it is utility rather than ornament that employs the labour of the loial artisan and craftsman. Our want.s, of course, have gone beyond those of the savage, .iiul even beyond the wants of the early settler. Hut this is merely to say that we, as a people, have advaiiceil with the civili/alion of the lime, and have sought to share the comforts and to utilize the machinery with which science and invention have endoweil our modern age. At an eariier period, wood and the products of wood used to be sufiii'ient for our needs. If we have gone beyond that era of simplicity, it does not follow that we have become artilieial. It means merelv that we are economizing the , 111' 1 1 LaKKVIEH HorEl, I'ARLIA.MF.NT STRRF.r. materials which are now becoming scarce, and making use (>f those which are more durable and better adapted for our wants. It is marvellous the extent to which the metals are now fade use of in almost every branch of manufacture ; and Science is daily placing its triumphs at the service of man, to enlarge the range of his achievement, as well as adding to the hum of industrv. Here toil and skill are happily put to beneficent uses. It is not in the making of rilles, can- non, ironclads, or other agents of destruc- tion, that industry is here employed ; but rather in the useful arts and the lile.ssed servii .-„.,.-* ... — ■■ Steei STi'AMsiiir " Skouin," Buii.i liv iiiK Toi SON Iron VVokks Comianv. 182 INDUSTRIAL TOKOXTO, ,\\/) THE C.U'TALVS 0/'IM)l'ST/ire(i()r, V. li. I'olson ; W. !•;. Saiilord, A. li., D. dra- hani, Thomas West, James W orlhinglon, W. ('. Matdiews, J. 1!. Miller, T. I'. Chainherlain, 1 Erectors. The plied with orders. The 'Totoiito .Safe Works were estab- Hshed in 1855, bv Messrs. JaniL'^ and b)hii Tavlor. On the withdr.iwal of ,Mr. John Tavlor the business devolved upon Mr. lames Taylor, who carried it on till his death in 1S75. Tor a short time the works were situated on Trincess Street, but the raiiiilK growing business compelled removal to the |)resent site, at the corner of T'ront and Trederick .Streets. 'I'he present pro- prietors are Messrs. Thomas West and Robert MeClain, both thoroughly posted in this business, and they have done much to make the name of J. \- J. 'Taylor famous through- out Canada for safes, those indispensable adjuncts and sureties of commerce. 'The premises occupy a lilock of land, seventy feet by four hundred feet in si/e. T'rom one hundred and fifty to two hundred men are kept constantly emiiloyed. Notwithslaiiding .Soho Maciiink Works 01 Mk. A. U. Williams. INDUSTKIAl. TOKONTO, AXD THE CAPTAINS Or JMWSTRY. 1S3 Sai i; \Vi>KK!- Ill Miis*Ks. I . & J. Taviuk, !■ kont Sikeet East. thai Ihc linn has l)tcii distrihiitiiig salts tliroughout Canada for (lie pasl thirty live years, tlit-y arc still taxed lo their utmost capacily, and the husiiiess is yearly iiureasing. The safes they turn out rank among the liest made in the world, and are in the highest repute among hankers and the varied sections of the linaniial and commercial community. 'I'lie Ontario Holt Company, established many years ago, took possession of their present extensive premises at Swansea, near the Hiini- her, in 1.S84. The buildings com- prise a large factory, warerooms, iflices and outbuil IaMI- Uol:Klcl^(lN .V ( ci., KiNciSlKKKl W. and 'IVciiMiriT; and T. S. Itavlc^, Sii|)crintciuli.-iU of Wdrks. I'lic liiisincss lias ilcvcltipcd aiul cvkridLil jjrcatly iiikIit its present mananiimiil. Tin- Company now mamifaclurcs Irad |)i|K, Irad paints, piitly, lead shot, lead traps (Du Hois patent), hahbi" metal, steel harU lelicinn wire, steel plain twist t'eneinj;, steel fencing staples, steel wire nails, and liraeating by steam and warm air, was invented by Mr. ]. V. I'ease, of this Company, and his I' was the first of thai kind anywhere put on the market. » )f this Company's heaters there are over ,50,000 now in use in the United Stales ; they find their way, also, OMARIO I,F..\I) AM) IURII WlRK WOKKS, KlCHMOMl SlKFKr K. WnuSTRtAI. TORONTO, AND THE CU'TA/XS OF INDUSTRY. \ti-> as wi' liavi- said, iiili) cwry |)arl of Canada and iiilo many plaics in tlii' Old World. In nccnt years llie ■jnal advantam' of li /naci.' lirating nvcr thai iif old healing nii'lhdds liy slows, has so coini' home lo iieople llial liiiildint;s and residences are now occupied or left empty as furnace heating methods are or are not adopted iiy owners or liuildcrs. 'I'lie conse(|iienie has lieeii an enormous prodnc lion of steam, hot water, and w.irm air healers, the chief demand being supplied liy the maiuifacliires of the Tease ('ompany. 1 lu' business of the ('om|>any is under the direction of the President and 'Treasurer, Messrs. John T. and Joseph H. .Sheridan, men of enterprise and al)ility, who have recently eMended their manufacturing operations by the erei'lion. at .\Iiinico, of a large foundry and machine shop, to enable the linn lo meet the increasing demand for their I'.conomy healers, as well as to elialile them lo lake ti|> the manufacture of all manner of regiskrs, for domestic use, which the firm have hitherto largely imported. Mr. II. .\. .Massey, President and Cieiieral Manager of the Massey Manufaclur- 'ng ("ompany. was Ixirn in ihe Coimly of llalilimand, .\pril iyth, 1.S25. .\lthough the son of a farmer he early began lo exhibit souikI business inslincls. His early training was received at UalerUnvn, \.\'. When but seventeen years of age his desire lo taste the sweets of independence led him lo work two winters In the lumber camps. In his nine- leenlh year he began a course at \ictoria University, and by his own indu.slry ac(|uired an education. When he turned his allenlion to the manufacturing business. Mr. Massey found ample sco|)e for his skill and energy. Mis name today is familiar throughout the Uominion, and the agricultural niachiners made by Ihe Massey .ManuliUluring Company is extensively used in every grain growing section of the world. 'I'he Company has turned out 140,000 machines and implements, and their annual output is The works give employment lo from 650 to 750 men in the twenty dei)arl- meiits, and 150 h.uuls areemployeil in outside branches, liesides these there arc Soo to 1,000 agents who earn the greater part of their living from the sale of the Massey machines. .\Ir. .Massey has been a life-long member of the .Methodist Church. He is President of the Sawyer \- .Massey Co., Hamilton, builders of threshers and engines, and of Massey iV Co., Wimiipeg, general dealers in farm implements and settlers' effects. .Associated with him in the Massey Manufacturing Co. are his two sons, Mr. C. I). Mas- sey, \'ice President, and .\Ir. W. V.. H. Massey, Secretary anil Treasurer. .\ portrait of ,\Ir. Massey, Sr., will be found in these ]>ages, as well as an illustration of his residence on Jarvis Kesii.eni K oi- Mr. C. I). Massey, Jarvis .Strket, Street, known as " luicliil Hall. " Mokkison's ISuass WokKS, Ahei mI'K Srui.i t W. ISO INDUSTRIAL TORONTO, AND THE CAPTAINS O/' INDUSTRY. Mr. John .\l)cll. inniiU' :mi(1 mailiiiif manufailurcr, whosi^ ii;aiiinu)tli cslaMishiiR'nt is sitiiati'd on (,)iiocn Sired West mar tlic subway, was liorn at Cliarlton Kinj;s, (iloiaoslorsliirc, Knulanil, Scplcinhir jjihI, 1.S23, ami was cilucatcd at Clicltin- liani. (doming to ('anada a young man, he cstalilislied the Woodhridge Agricultural Works '1 fS4f;, hut the misfortune to he hurnt out, with a loss of $200,000, in Marcli, 1M74. Such was his energy, however, that two months afterwards the Mk. II. A. MA^■.I:v. estahlisliment was (lu|ilicaled on the same site. In iSSf), Mr. Aliell moved to his present location in Toronto. Among the many medals awarded him, one is of special note, inasnnich as it was |)resented in 1871; to .Mr. Aliell hy II. R. II. the rrinecss Louise, at the Senate Chamber, Ott.iwa. As the S( ripiure saith : " Seest thou a man liili- gent in business? he shall stand before kings." Mr. .\bell has been a Justice of the Peace since 1S70, and ['resident of the \'aughan Koadt'ompany since 1875. I'rom iSf),5 till 187ft, he was President of the X'aughan Agricultural Society, and from 1874 till i88f). President of the West York Agri- Sncietv. He was the first Reeve of Tur; J. I'. Pkase Fuknace Co., Quekn Strekt East. Woodbridge at its incorporation iji 1883, and held the otifice till 1886, wh-n he removed to Toronto. Mr. .Abell built the first steam engine in the Township of Vaughan, and in 1880, built the first compound portable engine. He is a member of the (Muirrh of I'jigland. Mr. William Christie, of the firm of Messrs. Christie, Hrown it Co., the most extensive biscuit manufacturers in Canada, commenced business in Toronto in the early fifties, on a very small scale. The present firm was formed in 1868, when Mk. Juhs AhKi 1.. INDUSTRIAL TORONTO, AND THE CAPTAINS Ol- INDUSTRY. 1H7 Mr. ClirUlit' fiiUTiMl into p.irliuTsliip with Mr. .\U\aii(lir llrowii, uridir llic naiiK' ul .Messrs. Cliristic, Itrowii iV Co. TlR-y llu'ii oi(ii|in 111' tlir l.irgi- pi.inci nKmiifa('tiirin({ liiiNinos iimri' liilly (Usiiilicd lulnw. In <(iniK'('li(iii willi iliis liii^iiuss, Mr. Nrwciiuilii' Mk. J. ('. iNiip. Mil. KliW VKU I I. Ilnnhl Itll \M. Wakeroom ot THE Nf.wcombk Piano Company, Church SrREKT. Mu. T. A. IIkint/.man. has visited all tlic cliicf towns and citios of the I )(miini(in, the important cities of the I'liited States and (Ireat llritain, and the art I eiilres of luirope. The de\elopment of musical art in iiiir midst lias necessarily stinuilateil the Jiianoforte industry, so that Toronto has become the New \'ork of Canada in the luimher, variety, and excelleiu e of the musi- cal instruments inanufacliired here. Among these, the Newcoinlie (Iraiid, S(|iiare, and Upright I'ianos are conspicuous as having attained that artistic excellence that has secured for them the highest recognition in i;uro|)e, as well as in the United .States and Canada. The Newcomhe I'iano I'acrory was foundey the recommendation and patronane of the profession and the pi:l)lic. 'I'liis has inc reased the demand for them, and stimulated the firm to make their factory a model in the perfection of its arrangements and adaptation of modern appliances, so that in its fi|iiipmeiit and appointments it is (|uite on a par with the most complete factories in the United Stales. With these facilities this firm is extending their re|>utalion, and the Newi omhe I'ianos are to he met with in most of the ICnulish- speakinj; comnumities of the world tliroli|;hout the Dominion, Newfi)Undlantl, laigland, the United States, Australia, and even in Asia. Mr. T. .\. Heintzman, founder of the well- known piano firm of .Messrs. Heintzman vV Co., was horn in Merlin, Prussia, May ijth, 1S17. At the age of fourteen he engaj^ed in the manufacture of piano keys and actions, and fi)ur years later, in i8,?5, he entered the famous liruno manufactory to learn piano-making in all its branches. In 1840, he began business in lierlin as a piano nianufac- tiirer. Coming to .\nierica in 1850. he spent two years in New ^■ork, and eight years in liiilfalo, hxating in Toronto, and fianiding the present enterprise in 1860. He has now assisting him in the business his four sons, Hermann, William, Chailes, and (ieorge, all of whom are piano experts. 'I'he immense factory of the ( lompany, at West Toronto Junction, emi)loys 150 hands, and turns out some 800 pianos anmially. .Messrs. Ileint/man V Co.'s |)ianos are all of the highest class, and have secured fi)r the house an exceedingly good reputation. These instruments have met with the approval of the musical world, and besides supplying a large part of the Canadian market, have been very successful in ICngland. Mr. Heintzman is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and of the Lutheran Church. 'The first company in Canada to manufacture silver-plat'-d ware from the crude metal was the 'Toronto Silver I'late Company. Incorporated in 1882, this (Company beg;'ii busi- 19 ness with a subscribed cajiital of $100,000. 'The founding of a new indus- try like this in Canada w.'is not done without overcoming many ditVi- culties. 'The large establishment which the (,'ompany now owns, at 570 King Street West, testifies to the energy and skill that have been displayed in jiutting it .Mr. a. J. Takkkr. RKsn)EXCE OK Mr. Joun C. toil', .SrRKir. Kactorv of tmk Acme Smver Comi'Anv. 190 INDUSTRIAL TORONTO, AND THE CAPTAINS O I' INDUSTRY. TOKOMO Sll.\KK I'l.AlK CuMl'ANV, KlM. SlRKKl \V. (Ill its tVot. Oxvr (UK' luiiiilrtil of the lust iiialianii's art' omployt'd in tlic variciiis dcpartnicnts, and travellers scilicit <; Co., of Sheffield, to the I'nited States, as their representa- tive, and afterwards became connected with the firm of Messrs. Rogers iV- Hro., 1 Waterbury, Conn., manufacturers of plated-ware. In 1878, he became Canadian Manager fiir the .Meriden Silver Plate Co., and on their retiring from the Canadian market he was for a year associated with the Meriden Hritannia C(j., of Hamilton. In 1885. he purchased the ((introlling interest in the .\cnie Silver Co., of which he has been President since that date. The goods of this Company, besides being well-known in Canada, find markets in the West Indies, Australia, and New Zealand. Mr. Parker is a Freemason, an hoiioiirary member of the Junior Ciiited Civil Service Club of ICngland, and in religion, is an ICpisc cipalian. The (jueen City Oil W orks, of which ..lessrs. Samuel Rogers & (Co. are the proprietors, were founded in 1877 by Mr. Saiiuie' Rogers. 'The firm is now ( (imposed of Mr. Rogers and his two .sons, Joseph and Albert KksiiiknceoI' .Mk. a. Jamks Takkek, Sciiii.i.ek AvKtiUK. Mk. JiiiiS M. Taviiik. Mr. Sami'f.i, Rockrs. INDUSTRIAL TORONTO, AND THE CAPTAINS OF INDUSTRY. 191 Rogers. 'I hey are tlie owners of a large estahlishment, iiiamifaeturing plant, anil nunilierloss railroad ears ; and the oils they ship are widely and favourably known. I'ine cylinder and engine oils have heen made a specialty of by the firm. Through ,,^,. their enterprise and energy Toronto has been made the heailipiarters for machin- ery oils in the l)on)inion, and Canadian oils have found a market in Kngland and .\ustralia. Mr. Samuel Rogers is a son of lllias Rogers who located in the Town- ship of West (iwillimbury in 1828, and grandson of Asa Rogers who came to Canada from X'ermont in 1800. He was a resident of the United States for some years, representing the (irover & Baker Sewing Machine Company in Kentucky and parts of Indiana and Illinois, but diil not become a naturalized titi/en, and returning to Canada joined his younger brother, Klias Rogers, in the coal business for a time, retiring in 1877 to found the (Jueen City Oil Works. In this industry he has found an engrossing yet profitable field of work. Mr. John Mcl'herson Taylor, Manager of the Toronto Radiator Manufacturing C'onipany (Limited), was born at Helfast, Ireland, on the 24th of May, 1865. Coming to Canada with his parents, who settled in Toronto, he attended the Vork- ville Public School until he was twelve years of age, when he entered the office of Mr. James Morrison, brass-founder, and at eighteen had attained the position of head salesman and purchasing agent. Upon the organization of the Toronto Radiator Maiuifaciuring Coni|)any, Mr. 'Taylor became Manager of the Company, and in January, iSyo, was made Secretary -'Treasurer, and now fills all these positions. The Toronto Radiator Manufacturing Company is a joint stock association, composed of several local manufacturers, and was formed for the purpose of making the .Safford Radiators, for hot water and steam heating. 'The house is one of the largest establishments of the kind in the Dominion ; the factory, on Dufferin Street, having a floor space of nearly five acres, and employing over one hundred hands. Mr. 'Taylor is a young mai to be at the head of such an im|)ortant manufacturing industry. That his services have been appreciated by his employers and associates, however, is attested by numerous valuable testimonials, accompanied by various illuminated addresses. Among the testimonials which he chiefly prizes are a gold watch, presented him by a former employer, Mr. James Morrison, and an illuminated address presented bv steamfitters and dealers in steamfitters' supi)lies in Canada and the United .States. The business carried on at the extensive premises, 24 Front Street West, of which we give interior and e.xterior views, was started by Mr. (ieorge I'". Hostwick in 1884, Opening an otifice in that year on 'Toronto .Street for the sale of Messrs. (loldie & McCulloch's safes, Mr. Hostwi( k was compelled by the rapid extension ol his business to remove to a warehouse on ( 'luirch Street, thence to the large building on King Street, adjoining Tlic Mail Olifice, and two years ago, to his jiresent premises. 'The business now embraces, besides the famous sales of theCalt firm, ajl kiiuls of commercial furniture ; bank and ollicc fittings : chunh, hall and opera seating ; school furniture, and various kinds of heavy iron work, Hy a careful .selection Mr. Hostwick has been able to guarantee that every article in his ware- house is the best of its kind, and certain to win approval for everything offered to his patrons. 'The Cosgrave Hrewing Company is owned and managed by .\Ir. Lawrence t'os- grave. 'Tin- founder, the late Mr. I*, l.'o.sgrave, was born in Wexford, Ireland, in i8t4. He came to Canada in 1850, and in iSfii started, with Mr. Eugene O'Keefe, the N'ictoria Mk. GEOKiit K. BosrwicK's Ukkicu Kukniture Showroom, Fkoni' STRBtT W. 192 INDUSTRIAL TORONTO, AND THE CAPTAINS OF INDUSTRY. m^^r '» Via Mr. 1. F. Mai Rii !•; M,\t fari.ank. Mr. M.J. \VoolP^ ItrcwiTV. When 1k' Rtired from tli:it hiisinoss, Mr. Cosj^ravc piircliasod llio Wist ToroiUo lircwi'ry. Altera useful lilo. Mr. Cosjirave (lied .Se|)teinl)er 6tli, i,S8i. The business sul)se(iueutly passed into the hands of his son, the present owner, under whose niauanenient the reputation his father founded has been sustained and extended. Mr. J. !•'. Maurice .Maefarlane, of Messrs. .Maefarlane, .MeKinlay vV Co., niamifactiirers of window shades, is the grandson of the late Hon. James I'Vrrier, member of the Dominion .Senate, and for many years Chairman of the Canadian Hoard of Directors of the (irand 'I'rimk Railway, and other public olViees. Mr. Maefarlane was born in Montreal, on the iSth of Se|)t., 1.S49, and was educated at the .Mcdill High .School. .After leaving school he entered commercial life in Montreal, and later on in Chicago. Returning to Montreal, he took a position in a prominent wholesale dry -goods house. In 1875, Mr. Maefarlane located in Wood- stock, Ontario, anil engaged in business on his own account, in which he continued five years. When the N. 1'. was inaugurated he decided to en;'ai';e in manufacturing, and in 1880, settled in Toronto, and entered upon his present undertaking. The firm of Maefarlane, AlcRinlay & Co. now turn out .ibotit 10,000 yards per week t)f painted shade cloth, which leave the factory in three several styles either in pairs artistically decorated, finished with fringes or laces, or in plain tints. Mr. Mai farlane is a Royal .\rch Mason, and a member of the Royal Canadian \acht (,'lub. Mr. .\. Keid .MeKinlay, who is associated with Mr. Maefarlane in business, is a native of Toronto, and was eilucated at Cpper Canada College. He was fi)r many years a member of the (,)iieen's Own Rilles; is a promi neiit Ma.son, and a member of the Koyal Arcanum. He is a successful man of business, and was connected with some of our largest wholesale dry-goods houses, and at one time interested with his father in the lumber trade. Only in recent years has the attempt )cen made in Canada to utilize photography, in what is called a process-picture, for book illustration. In 1888, The (^inadian I'hoto- ICngraving liureau wasestabli.shed, at 20,5 \'onge Street, in this city, for that purpose, and began to supply the local demand which already existed for artistic halftone engravings. In addition to halftones for books and magazines, ine engravings are here made for newsp.iper and advertising purposes. .\ large proportion of the illustrations for "Toronto Old and New" were made at The Canadian I'hoto iMigraving liureau, and tell their own story. Mr. I. I'. .Moore, the senior proprietor, is a native of l.oiulon, lang- uid, where he was born in 1863. In 1871, he came to Canada. In 1879, he removed to the United States, and after experimenting in Art methods, he returned to Ontario, where he was attached to the CiH/> Printing and Publishing rh, Jr. Road Haptist Church, and was born in Montreal, in 1865. .After five years praitical e<|K'rience he joined Mr. Moore in 1881), and took charge of the business department of the llureuu. Both men are energetic, capable, and thoroughly alive to the requirements of this artistic age. -^M^^ FINANCIAL TORONTO: HANKS, LOAN, AND INSURANCE COMPANIES. 193 CHAP IE R XXIV. KINANCI.M, lORONTO: HANKS, LOAN, INVI'STMICN 1', AN'D INSURAXCK COMI'ANIliS. 'I'lii-; I.iii: iii.noii oi ('(immi.hii, and Inui'sikv. 'I'dUONio, thk Skai and Nkkvi; Ckni rk or I''inanik. 'I'hk Ctrv's liANKiNc; hAciiiiD'S. Till. Ki.MnKfKs OF Hkr Loan, Inve;st.mknt and Samnos Socikties. i.iiK Assi-kanck ('oMI'ANM:s, and IIIKIK MiNdKkMI'VINC I'lNC IIONS. TOkON rO'S (inancial resourc's, in urcat measure, account lor the city's eniincnie in Iraile and coniinerie. 'I'liey are, as it were, llie life lilood of her industry, and impart liealtli as well as vigour to her frame. It is uixin llie hanks and monetary institutions of a town, with the organization of creiht which they control, as well as upon the enterprise and energy of its commeriial and industrial ■ charter dales back to the year 1H55 ; but its authorized capital, of two millions, was not wholly issued or paid up until twenty years afterwards. Hesides this capital, the liank has by uniforndy good management accumu- lated a rest of seventy-live per cent, of its paid-up stock. .\t its last general meeting, the Hank added $100,000 to its total rest of $1,500,000, besides paying a half-yearly dividend of five per cent, and carrying a substantial sum to the credit of its profit and loss account. The net profits of the last financial year were not far from $500,000; and its tcit;il assets were in the neighbourhood of eleven and one-half millions. Its stock is now cpioted at izi. Hesides its Mead Offices in Toronto, the Hank has Hranches at .Montreal, London, Out., Harrie, Hroc k- ville, Cobourg, Collingwood, Cianaiioc|iie, Peterborough, Petrolia, Port Hope, and St. Catharines. It has also agencies in New N'ork, and in London, Kngland. The fine |)remises of the Hank in I'oronto (see illustration on i)age 47), were erected in 1H62. Its management has fo. a long series of years been exceptionally good, and it naturally enjoys a most excellent financial reputa- tion. Its administration has always been wi.sel; conservative, though it is an institution which has extended to the exjianding commerce of the city such facilities as legitimate expansion seemed to need and its large resources could well supply. In its cashier, .Mr. Duncan Coiilsc.c, the Hank of Toronto has had fi)r many years an ofiicer of acknowledged ability, experience and sagacity ; and it |) a Directorate composed of men of sound judgment and large wealth. 'The Directors for the present year are .Mr. ( Ieorge Cooderham, President ; Mr. Wm. H. Heatty, Vice-President; and Messrs. A. 'T. Inilton, Henry Covert, John Leys, Henry Cawthra, and W. (i. (iooderham. Mr. Hugh Leach is .A.ssistant Cashier, and Mr. J. Henderson, Inspector. 'The Imperial Hank of Canada was incor|)orated by an Act of the Dominion Parliament, in 1874, and opened its doors for business on the ist of .March, 1875. Its first Hoard of Directors were Messrs. H. S. Howland (late \'ice- President Canadian Hank of Commerce), W'm. Ramsay, John Smith, Patrick Hughes, Robert Carrie, 'T. R. Wadsworth, and John I'isken. Mr. I). R. Wilkie, formerly Manager of the Hranch of the (Jucbec Hank in Toronto, was apiioiiited Cashier. In 1S75, authority was obtained from Pariiament fiir the amalgamation of the Niagara District Hank with the Imperial, which was c-onsummated in the same year. Hy this arrangement the Hoard was strengthened by the accpiisition of Mr. 'T. R. Merritt and the late Hon. Senator Henson, the former being the President, and the latter the Vice-President, of the well-known St. Catharines' institution. Since then, the Hunk has succeeded beyond the expectations of its founders, and, from a comparative!) >.iiall institution, has I'KillKMASl UKl'llASs' lloMK, I lOVF.RClUI R I RilA:i. lOfi FINANCIAL TORONTO: /LINKS, LOAN. ANI^ INSURANCE COMPANIES. risen to a lii^li position in tln' t'stimalion of ihc piililic, A coiniiarisoii of limiius, takiii from a slatuncnl of its rsstls and]ililios on },\s\ Marih, 1S7S, and ,^olli Scpiinilii'r, iS()o, which has hccii pn-parcd li\ the liaiik, is not unintinslin),', and is evidence that the institution has not only the loiifidence of the pul)li<', lull lias yielded a good return lo its shareholders. Dividends upon the stock have lieen regularly paid from the first day of the opening of the llank, and have aggregated $1,423,7(17, or an average of seven and ihree-iiuarters per cent, per annum during a period that has witnessed at least three severe financial crises. The Head OlVice is conveniently situated in the large and commodious liuilding, the property of the, in the corner of Wellington .Street and Leader I.anc. ("ity liranches of the !!ank are open for the conveniem e of its customers in Toronto on the corner of N'onge and ()ueen .Streets, and on the <()rner of Vonge and liloor Streets. Manilolia branches of the Hank were opened in Winnipeg and lirandon in iSSj, and the liank has ever since t..ken a prominent part in the tlevelopmeiit of that Province and of the North-West generally, liranches were suhseipienlly opened in Portage la Prairie and ('algary. The liiiperi.i! are the bankers for the (iovernmeiit of the Province of Manitoba and make a specialty of all Manitoba and North West business, having good facilities for transferring moneys depo.siled with any of its ollices in Ontario, or with its agents in (ireat liritain (Lloyd's liank. Limited, 72 Lombard Street,- London, I'aiglaiul, and branches), from those points lo any point in Manitob.i, the North-West Provinces and liritish Columbia. Country branches ari' also open at the following points in Ontario; St. Cath.irines, Welk'iid, Niagarr I'alls, Port Colborne. Ingersoll, Woodstock, Cialt, I'ergiis, St. Thomas, l^ssev, Sault Ste. .Marie, at all of which a general banking business is transai ted. .\ Savings Dep.irtmenI is attached to the Head Oflice and to 1 ach branch, and every facility is afforded for the deposit, at interest, of large and small sums. 'The liank also makes a specialty of Ciovermneiit and municipal debentures ; it has successfully floated more than one issue of debentures of the City of Toronto on the l.omlon market, and has been a large purchaser of those and other high-i lass securities. Insurance coni|)anies and investors usually conmumicate with this liank whenever good, solid ( 'anadian securities are needed lor deposit with the I )oininion ( lovernmenl at ( )tlawa, or for other purposes. The present lioard of the Imperial consists of Mr. II. S. How- l.ind. President ; Mr. 'T. k. .Merrilt. \i( e- 1 'resident ; .Messrs. W illiain Ramsay, T. R. Wadsworth, Robert JalTiay, Hugh Ryan, and T. Sutherland Stayner. The chief ol'ticers of the liank are .Mr. I). R. Wilkie, the able and energetic Cashier of the institnlion : Mr. li. Jennings, .\ssistant Cashier ; and Mr. IaI. Hay, Inspector. The liank is agent in Canada for the Cheiine Rank of London, l-aigland, and issues checiiies upon that Hank available in every city and town of any iccount in every part of the world, thus affording travellers the same facilities which t'^j(jy yBiai SJ|rXT»^55£^Sa^^^^P^^^B^fa"My^^H^^^BJII^Ki could otherwise be obtained only through a SbI^' 'i^^^ t^J^-J^'''4j1-Sia'~'^^^~?J|^^^^^K '"'sIH^ ^ ?^i B^BI letter of credit, but without the annoyances as to identifK atioii, etc., which mij,lit be and often are inllicteil upon the holders of such dociinients. The Home Savings\- Loan Company (Limited), of which the Hon. Senator Trank Smith is President, and .Mr. James Mason (.Major of the Roval (ircnadiers) is Manager, grew out of the 'Toronto Savings liank, which was established in 1S54, under the authority of .Acts 4 and 5 \'w. This institution proved a most usei'iil one to the farmers, and to the working classes of the 1 at a time when savings banks were either unknown or few in number, for it gave an incentive to thrift and led the wageeat r to make provident provision for ill-health or old age. 'The .Act under which savings banks were originally established in C.' ..da having been repealed, it was considered desirable lo continue the business of the 'Toronto Savings liank, and to a(T /x.scA'.ixcr: covz-ix/rs. Ill ihf iiiii^l |iii| Mil. II.I.. IhMK. Ii.iiikinn ami inni llirciiij;liuiii tlu' cily. lie is imw M.ijur cil llu- Kii\.il I IitilkIuis, .mil i^ mu' DMiciTs m llif Kiniiiniit. He i-. an .iillurriil of tlu' Ki'iuan Callidlic' Cliiiiih, Mr. Iliini|iliri'y Mind llinu', rrisiilriil <<\ lIu rurunlii Slmk 1ai liaii;;f. was liorii .11 Mn\. Co. .Xnnauli, Iri'laiul. Si-|)lriiilKi 171I1. iS,^,v .\l tlic a^r iil rilUfii he irnssL'd III h'.nglanil to iililain a Imsiiuss tiUiialioM .mil Irani Uxlilr liianiitai luring;. C'oiniiin 111 ( 'anaila ill 1S54 lu' s|h.'mI miiiu' vrars witli suimmm^ mi ilir I'liiin ~ Mlla, nil llu' islaiiils of the (ioiirniai) l!ay anil 1 ..ikc Siiinin', .mil 111 llir lluiUciii ll.iy rnriliirii-.. In iSdi In- luTaiiU' mu- nl' llir ImmiKis ol llu rutiiiiln Slmk l'Arlianj;c, iilwliiili lu- ".Is X'lrc I'li'sidi-iil ill iH'15. and riisidiiil in iS /X.SCA'.l.yCJC COMI'.IX/F.S. llu' (iiiunil Sii|KriiiUii(lilil, Ml. W . T. I<.iiii>.\y. \U 'rnruiilci in,iii^i(;irM arr Ml>^r^. (Irurm' A. ,ill(l !■'.. W. ('(i\ ; :iiiil llic iiK'IrdiuilJt.m c>rii( <■ li.i> liir ils advisors llu- liillnwint; lldiKir.iry hilicliiis : l.iclil. (iovrrniir Sir AliAaiidiT ( amphrll. Sir Casiiiiir S. (i/owski. Sir |). 1„ Mac plirrMPii, tlu' lloii. Mr. Jiislii c lliirlDH. and .Mr. ('. W. Iliinliiin. .\n iiisuraiirr i iiiii|iaiiy, ddiiin liiisi ncss in every province (if tlie DoniiniDii, in I.mulon, l-jijiland, and in at kast one slate of the Melnlihoiirinn Kipiilillc , and liavinj; fiflv Tnillinns of assurances in force, with over eleven millions of capital and other assets, and an aininal inidnu' of (wo millions, is in need of no coiinnendation in these pa^es. The volume and constant increase of its business, the number of its policy- hohlers, and the amount insured in the Company, are its own panenyric. Not only the Compan), liul Canada also, may lie leliiil.ite; ,\|r. Ml Miirriil M. Smilh. . and the rrcsiiKnl Mk. |. I. Kpnnv. I.ile .S.imuel llaldan, is composed now as Mr. (leorge \. Cox, \'iee-l'resi> with its |i.iii(iii--. Ill ilif ( 'iiiili(lii.ilinii I. ill', |ii)li(iis arc Int- rnmi all rcstriilions as tii ri'siilciui' ami Iravil allL-r ihriT years ; llii^y are alsii iioii liirlVilaliiL' alter llu' paviiaiit ol iwu riill annual prcniinnis. Its iPoJiciL's, iiinrccivor, which havt.' lifi'ii in force for three years are free subject only to proof of a^e from any ohjei tlon in regard to any niis-stalenient or omission which may have heeii inaile in llie application lor the issue thereof. Actuated and noverned liy these liheriil and enli(,'hlened provisions, success has \ery naliirally waili'd on the career of the Assoiiation. A new and iniposiiiji Imildinj; is now imder coiisiriKtion for the ( 'ompaiiy on the north east corner or \'onne and kichinoiid Sirens, a lull pa;;e illustration of which will lie found in this volume. '\'\w follow inj; are the dircitors and ofliicrs of the ( 'ompanv : Sir W. I', I low land. K.( '.M.( 1., ( '.It., President ; Win. I'.lliot and lalw.ird Hooper, \i(i- I'residenls ; W. II. Itc.illv, lion. Janies ^■olnln, M. I'. Kyan, S. Nordheimer, U. II. Cililis, A. .\l( Lean llow.ird, J. I ). ICd^ar, \l.l'., \V. S., .\. I,. ( ;ooderliani, \\ . I >. .M.itlliews, and (leorne Mitchell, hirectors; W. ( '. .\l,i( ilon.ild, .\ctuirv, and |. K. Macdonald, Managinn I lirci tor. .Mr. S. ('. Duncan-Clark, neiier.d a^eiit of the Lancashire Insur.nice Conip.inv. is a Scotchni.Mi liy birth, and received his educ.ition in I'.dinhurnh anK vear I'residentof the Canadian '«ii?S''» \Iu. K. Wh KF.xs. Ml;. Am. \V. Smiiii. Lire L'lulerwriters .\ssoeiaiioii. In religion, Mr. Duncan-Clark is a mem- ber of the Presbyterian Church of Canada. .Mr. .Maleolm (libbs, Ixirn in (ilasgow, Scotland, .May i8th, 1^,57, was educated at (ilasgow University. Coming to Canada a young man, his interest in his adopted country did not make him forget his native land. .Mr. (libbs has been ideiitilied with all the Scotch societies in Toronto, and was Presi- dent of St. Andrew's Society, of which he is now the popular Manager. His name lias been intimately connected with the insurance and real estate business in I'oronto for man; years past. He has taken a dee)) interest in moral reforms, and ".IS formerly President of the Temperance Reformation Society, and District Chief of the Independent Order of (iood Templars. He is a Master of Rehoboam I odge, A. I''. \- .\. M., .\iiditor of Capital Lodge, A.O.U.W'., and an lixecutive Com- mitteeman of the hiw and Order League. Mr. Ciibbs has been Seiretary of the ( 'aledonian Society. He is an active member of Lirvis .Street liaptist Church. Mr. Riihard W'ickins, insurance agent, is an laiglishnian, and was born .\ugiisl i.?lh, 1826. Coming to Canada while (piite young, animated by a desire to remain under the old Hag of the lam' of his birth, he received in this country an education specially designed to fit him for com- mercial life. His connection with the C'ommereial Union .\ssurance Company, of London, ICngland, for some years past has caused a large amount of Canadian insurance to go to that reliable Company. Mr. Wiekens takes an active interest in his fellow-countrymen whr) come to Canaccii a imnihcr of the Toronto Board of Underwriters, of wliieh he has heen President since i.SSy. He is a inejniier of the ('hur<:h of iMv-land. Mr. Kyre Thuresson. J. I'., was horn of United Knii)ire Loyalist stock, at Picton, Prince Kdward County, .Xpril 17th, 1831;. His education was imparted bv private tuition. During the SandfieldMacclonald adnn'nislration, Mr. 'Tluiresson was appointed one of the justices of the Peace for the South Riding of Wentworlh. I'rom 1850 till iSfio he operated extensive agricultural implements works at .\ncasler, which he relinquished to enter upon in c maiuifaiture of knitteil goods. The lirsl Canadian factory for the production of card clothing for wool and cotton carding machinery was established by Mr. Thurcsson, in 1866. After carrying this enterprise on for thirteen years, the worthy gentleman retired from active business. Since locating in 'Toronto he has invested largely and profitably in business and private property. He is a T'reemason, and a member of Macnab Lodge, Port Colborne. Mr. 'Thuresson, in politics, is a Liberal, and in religion, an I'^piscopalian. Tor the security of T'inancial Toronto, as well as for the maintenance of good order, the city is possessed of two organizations, of which it may well be proud, the Police T'orce and the Tire Urigade. The Police T'orce is composed of a very fine body of men, three hundred strong, well drilled, well set-up, and serviceably iniiformcd. Many of the men have served in the I!riti-.h .\riny, or in the Royal Irish Con slabulary, and in addition to being amenable to discipline have military instincts and possess a soldier's sense of diUy. 'Tlu'ir fme [jhysiipie and soldierly bearing are the subject of comment with visitors to the city, as well as among towns- people who see them as a body at drill or, occasionally, in some pageant on the street. Tliev are excellently commanded by l.t.-(!ol. IL J. (irasett. Chief Constable, a.i ex-arniy otHicer, and a singularly good administrator. ( III. Cirasetl is erticienily aided by Deputy ( 'liiel Stuart, and by four Inspectors, .Messrs. .Stephen, Ward, lohnston and llreckenreid. besides the ordinary force, there is a small .Mounted Police Patrol, and an .Ambulance and Detective Corps, the latter inider Inspeitor Win. Stark. The government of the City Poli, Toronto, in 1817, had .scarcely one improved Camihki.i.'s Ili.ocK, Wi'.si ToKo.sio Junction, KKMIiKMK 01 Mu.JosKl'll NclUWll li, rAKKDAl.K .\VKMK. was written, and every urchin in the street knows what progress within the city proper, no marvellous has change has seemed magical. True to the general law, the chief progress has been westward. . ' .; No sooner do I'arkdale and lirocklon bloss\er \- J.ickson. real estate agents, money loan br.)kers, and appraisers. West 'Tor- onto lim.tion, is a ( 'anadian by birth. 1 le was born al X'aiighan. N'oik ( 'ininiv. |,niii.H\ ph. iHCu. 1 le attenilcd \\ est. 111 High S '.ool and took a second-class certificate in 18S0. .M'ter teaching school for a year and a half at Willowdale, .Mr. Jai-ks.)n matriiu lated at Toronto University, and in 1S87. gratluated in .\rts. Since commencing busi iiess, the linn .if Ho.iver .V J.i.ks.m ha\e been singularly successful. Thev are the publishers of the D.iily Tril'iiiif, whi. Ii was louniled as a weekly in 1S88, developed into a biweekly in i88i;, and a daily in r8(|0. .Mr. Jaikson is ,1 member of the .Methodist Church, and a Kefornier in politics. .Mr. Daniel Webster Clen.len.ui. b.n- rister, is a grailuate in .\rls of lege. West \'irginia. I'orinerly he was a member .if the firm of lleaty. Hamilton iV Cassels, but lor the seven years he has withdrawn from a< live practice. .Mr. Clen- denan has been closely iilentilied with the growth and development of West 'Toronto Juncti.m. He was the first Reeve and first Ui.siii|.;sci mMu. Tiiom \s Cii 111 u 1, Wrs: Touo.s 10 J.'m 1 ion, \ • ^ ■ A'- y?? ■ 3&^'^I^SR^ i^??^aB '> '■-*; MMC-: ^^^ K3 m ,i^^ '' •-■ 7mm ^ " '^"w S^'" ■ ■•,,si4W^ §QMBft- ^' ■' f'\ *' .^Wn^'^ ' 'k \ --^-^■'^ m € «:<) 4 -:'^'.>: M \ ^/.^ ,♦>-.'.' A 1 !l i > iy£Sr TORONTO JUNCTION AND ITS ACTIiniES. 20r> Mayer of the Junction, :iii(l took a liMdiiig part in mapping it out. Mr. ( 'Icndi'nan has hii'ii 1 )i-puty Kccvl- of \'(irk 'Powiisliip. During til.- recent I'roviiuial (anipaign .Mr. (llcndcn.m carried the Ivpial Kij^lit.s lianner in \\ e>t N'ork and made an exceedingly good run tlie old party nominee. l)oiil)tless we shall yet hear of him in piililii life. .Mr. James .\. ICIlis, architect, is a native of Ojitario, having heen horn at .Meaford, .March 2nd. iK5f). He received a good primary education, and a tlioronghly practi •' Mu. TUOMAS liM-llKKT. .Mn. D.vMi;. W. Ci.KxnKNAN. "llomewood Hall," the residence of John .McConnell, .M.D., 625 Dundas Street, is one of the finest houses in St. Mark's Ward, where he is a large property owner. It stands on an acre of groinul, surroimded by trees, vines and llowering plants, and from the bel- vedere lomm.mds a view of the city and lake. Dr. McCoimell was born in the 'Township of Scarboro,' .March 4th, 1H46, and when about ten years old removed with his parents to Markham. TIere, and at the Richmond Hill (irafimiar School he was educated, and he also matriculated at Toronto University, and obtained from the Kduiation Department a first class certificate as a teacher. Kor a time he taught school and also studied for the medical profession. Tie became a student of the Toronto School of Medicine, and in i.Sfii) he graduated, .\fler reieiving his diploma, he commenced practice at Thornhill, .nu' fifteen years later remove.l 1 orcinlci Jiiiii tion, \v;is horn :il Kawnl I' He was ciliicatrd lor the Uritisli Army, and decideil to adopt tlie i)role.-.sioii or('i\il I'.iifiiiieer. I eoiirse at Newton College, So'uli Devoji, ICnglaiid. In iS,Sj he came to ( 'anada, and for two llominion (lovernment surveying in the Nortli-W'est, and in the Miiskoka and I'arry Somiil Districts. Siilisenuently he was eniployed for some time on the Wel- land Canal. In the spring of 18S9, he hxated at West Toronto Junction, and a few weeks thereafter was appointed to his present position of town engineer. \\ est I'oronto Junction owes not a Httic to Mr. John l)nnn Spears, of .Messrs. Spears iV (lilnionr, real estate brokers, a gentleman who has for many years heen prominently identified with the rise am |)rogress of that enterprising suliurlian indi, Indi.i, 'o that end Vears was .\pril I itl he took a employed 1, i.S(i4. special liy the Mu. G1.0K1.K (iiim. MU. Ill Mil I ~ C, liiilSi.. town. Mr. Spears was horn in 1S44 in the Tow nship of W hitliy. ( )iitario ( 'otmty, where he was long actively engaged in the milling business. In i(SS4, .Mr. Spcais mo\cd to the Junction, and has since then di'voted himself to contracting and to real estate. He is the only person in West Toronto Junction who has continuously occupied a seat at the Council Hoard since the inauguration, first of the village and then ol the town. .Mr. Spears has lieen chairman of tlii' lioard of Water-works at the Junction since their first estalilishmeiit. He is also a 1 )irector of the Hess .Manula. ' /:i^^ tH^^T^" \ . 'f [ jLL 1 I.-' ^, Jl im.m- - 1A« »■- ■ Kesiuknce ok Mr I'urRK Lai:i;iiion, Wksi ToKONto Jiinciion. iy£:sr TORONTO JUNCTION AND ITS ACTIVITIES. •207 ccivrd a liiisiiic'^s t'lliicatidii at RaiKlaj;li ( 'olk-gc, Alhlonc, and at tlic agu of riftccn, WfiU to 1 )iil)liM, wlierc hi- spciil five- years in one ol ll\c- laigtst islal.'.i.>nnRiits dI' thai cily. The next ten years were spent in his native town, wliere he carried on business and was ( lerk of a l)islri<'t ('i)iirt. __ 'awqamgMp i i mn.j- 'pii ii n imii . i i i n i j i mw i i , ( oM'.nin to this country Ml i.Sf)y, he was in •«-'- "• ■ I • ^■•5- . t s^.' the agency and comniissioii husiness till iKSf>, when he liecanie a real estate agent. Mr. (ilird has taken a deep interest in West Toronto Jiinclion. ami was a nieniher of the first (!oun A Kaniblo roxiiul Toronto Ill A Hotrosiicct of the last Thirty Years 46 Academy of Music 53 Atlministralivo and Public OIHcers of thi' Province and Capital M Advancti in Population and Realty IM AdvnntaKCOUN IjOcation of Toronto 15 Adventure in Ontario Peninsula, curly French 8 Aims of tl)e early Iteforniers In the slruKKlo with AbsoiullHUi 20 Algonquins ur llurons, Home of 5 Annexed Western Suburbs W Architecture and Climate Ill Architectural Keauty of City 48 Are our WanlH loo Artillciul 180 Arironaut ItowinK Club, View from M Arlington Hotel ,53,113 Art and Music 131 — Academies 131 — Training In the SchoolK 1,12 — Yet in its Infancy in Canada 131 Artists, Ontario Society of 131 Attitude of Uuling Powers towards Uespon- slble Government 31 Attractions of Torontoas a Place of Uesidence 43 Banks of the City :— Commerce .t3, 10), 1!14 Imperial SO, 193, 11)6 Montreal 27, 4», ISO Toronto 47,195 Upper Canada 27, SI, 116, 120, 122, 124 York County 193 Various others .jO, 193 Battle of Vucenston Heights 23 — Lundy's Lane 24 — Kidgcway 38 Bay Street, Kant side 104. 161, 163, 165 Bay View, Parkdalo 172 Beauty of Toronto's recent Architecture 44 Beginnings of Political Dissension 26 — of Toronto. 5 *• Hensiiort," corner Church and Shuter 108-9 Beverley House 27, 53 Biological Inst itute 51 Board of Trade 49, 161) Brawn and Muscle of the New Settlenu'UiH. . 12 Britain Loses the American Colonies 10 Breboeuf 's Martyrdom 8 Brock lllcneral) Appears on the Scene 19, 22 - Uealhof 23 Burnside Lying-in Hospital 113 "Buitonwood," Weston 13.1, 1,59 " Gamble," West Toronto 81 Canada beeotnes Seif-Snlflclng 180 Canada l,and Co 27 Canada Life Assurance Co 197 Canailian Institute . 77 Canadian Pharmaceutical Journal 109 Canal Kxtension 37 CaatleKrank 18 Cemeteries of the City 61, 52 Champlain's Itaid upon the Iroquois 6 Chief .lustices and Chancellors 90 Cholera Year in Toronto 30 "Chorley Park" 12 ChriJilianOuartHaH 76 ("hurch Street Wharf 16B, 170 Churches of the City ;— AIISalntatKplB.) 81 Bay St. (Prcsb.) 88 Berkeley St, (Meth.l 78 Beverley Rt. (Baptist) 46,86 I'AdlC. BloorSt. (I'resb.) 23,85 (Baplisll 12 BondSI. (Cong.l 41 Broadway Tabernacle (Meth 1 82, 119 Carlton HI. (Meth.) 77 Central i Presb.) 60, 84 — (Meth.l 82 Chalmers' (Presb.) 29, 85 College St. (Baptist) Ml. 82 ( 'ooke's I Presb.) iO, 8:1 I lovorcourt (Baptist) 88 Kasl Presbyterian 87 Kim SC. (Meth.) PS, 88 llrace Church (Kpls.) 95 Qould.-^t. (Cath. Apost.l 17 llazloton Ave. (Cong.) 118 Holy Trinity (Epis.) 48, 53, 76, 80 Inimanuci (Baptist) 10 Jarvls St. (Baptist) 77 — (I'nitarian) 83 Knox (Presb.) 47, .52, 69, 74, 711 Metropoiilan (Meth.) 10. SO, 62, 70 New llichinond, MoCnul .St. (Meth.) 78 Northern (Cong.) 27,70,78 Oak St. (Prcsb.) 69 Parkdale (Meth. 1 84 Parliainint St. (Baptist 1 13 Ucdeenicr, Church of ( Kpls. ) 17 St. Alban'aCathedntKKpis.l .52 - (Meth.) 76 St, Andrew's, New (Presb.) 70, 74 - Old (Presb.) 12, B9, TO, 87 St. Qoorge'9 (Kpls.) 47, 53 St. Helen's (ll.C.) 69, 78 St. James' Cathedral (Gpis.) 17. 30, S6, 69, 79 - S(|uare (Presb.) 37, 73 St. John's (Kpls.) 47 St. Luke's iKpis.) 83 St. Marks (Kpls.) 81 SI. Michael's (Cathedral (B.C. ) 47, SO, 69, 70 SI. Paul's (Kpls.) 17,47 - IR.C.) 60 - (Meth.) .15,84 SI. Pc(ers (Kpis.) 17 St. Stephen's (Kpia.) 47, 88 Sherbourne .St. (Meth.l 9,77 Trinity, The Loss (Kpls.) 48 — (.Meth.l 75 — College Chapel (Kpis.) 54 Walmor Road (Baptist) 70, 84 Western (Cung.) 120 /.ion, Old (Cong.) 70 — N'WlCong.) 85 " Cibola •• Steamship 142 CKy, The, and how to see it 49 'I'1h> Fut ure, in SImcoe's Day 16 — Hall,New 42,62 City's Adornment, The 48 — Homes, The 140 — Hospitals 114 " Charities 114 — Schools and their Cost 116 — ImporU and Rxportn 160 Citixen does not know his City, Tlie 110 CltlKenship no longer a Bond 140 Clergy Reserves (Question, The 26, 31, 35 Clubs of the City 110. 142 Colborne, Sir John, Regime of 27, 31 Coilegeof Music, The 131 — Pharmacy 37 Physicians and Surgeons 104 — Kimx (Presb.) 32.110 — MoMaater (Baptlstl Hall 54, 110 — SI. Hilda's 119 t 'ollege, St. .Michael's (R. C.) 52, 73, 120 — Trinity (Kpis.) 51, 7'2, 115,118 - I'pper Canada 27,61, 116, 120. 1'22, 124 ~ Wycliire (Kpls.) 31, 119 College St., Hcsldenee on 119 Collegiate Institute, Jarvls St 61,123 - Parkdalo 121 Colonial Advocate, The 2J Commercial Toronto 160 Confederation and Civic Kxpansion ,10 — Life Association 107 — Scheme, The 39 Congress declares War (1KI2I ti Conslltutional Act 11791) 14 Contentment of the Local Toiler 181 Cornwall, Fiirly FJIucalional Work at 25 Creation of I'pper Canada 11 ' Dale, 'I'hc," Roscdale 92, 9,1, 131 Denominations and their Pastors, The 68 Dentists and Dentistry 112 Dotuinion Day 39 DonRixcr 16,20 "Don Villa" 132 Dorchester, Lord (Sir (Juy CarletonI 13, 13 Durham, I.,ord, Iteportof 3.5,35 Kurly Church Kdiflces 47, 60 Karly Legislators and their Knaetnients 89 Karly Physicians 102 Kcelesiasticai Annals 68 Kducalion aiul i(s Professors US — Beginnings of 37, 116 — Syslcni of Ontario 115 Kngllsh Law Ini roduced Into U . C 14, 89 Kxhibilion Buildings 49, .51 Family Compact, Tlio 26 Fenian Raids 38 — Battle of Rldgoway 38 — Monument to Volunteers 3, 21, 61 Financial Toronto 193 Fire Brigade 48, SO, '202 Fish Market (1811) « Founding of the New World S French Canadian Problem, Origin of 13 Fort Roullle Pillar 5 Founded (1740) 8 — Destroyed 117571 » Oarrlstm Creek 18 l5honl. Treaty of 16 « (libraltar Point 18 (lore, Lieut. -Uovernor. Regime of 19,22,2.5,27 Address to Legislature (18091 22 Government House 20, 27, 53, 193 Grange, The 27, 6.1, .56. 62 Hahnemann Villa HI HnnglngofLount and Matthews (18371 34 Harbour, The 5, 13, 16, 63 Healing Art, The, etc 102 Holland River 17 IlortleuUural Gardens 6, 40, 51 Home DIstrlol Qranimar School 20, 28 — Savings #: loan Co ll» for Incurables ,54, 114 — Protestant Orphans' 54, 195, 207 — Boys' 114 — Oirls' 114 — Newsboys' 114 Hospital for Sick Children 114 — General 43,113 — Homeopathlo 28 Humber River 6,16,21,43,64 — View on 8 Hurons, Gxtermtnation of 8 INDEX. 209 INDEX OF SUBJFXTS— Continued. VMiV.. IiiiliistrliU Toronlo mi Ii-(h|iioIr, Itiiitlaor, upon lliiroiifl 6 IsabcUiv Slrei'l, View un ■ - ■ - 10 JnrvlH Streol. Vii'WB on 20, 21, M. 30. Ill KlnnSlruot (18311 22 Ijimllnul'laci., Toronto (IMl) 7 La Sftlle'H KxpcdiHon H IjUW CoiirtH, uiul t lio Legal ProfosBion, Tl)e. . . 8!l Luiuly'a l,nno, Haltleof 2:1 Miickonzln'K Scilltlous Address (18371 32 Mull Diillrtlng. Tho .Vl, rW Malllnnd, Sir IVrogrlnr 2.) Mann, Uothcr, Map of 21 Mayor, Kii-Mt, and Ci(y Corporation ?0 Medieval Toronto 6 Men of Uore, The M MonlKoinery's Tavern. AlFray at 33 Mooclle, Col., Death of 34 Monetiirif Timt-n 67 Montreal, IlnriiinKof Parliament ItnildiiiKH.. 37 Moss Park 27 Mount Plear>ant Cemetery 52 Navy Hall, Niagara 17,111 New World, KonndinKof 'i Siaitara IS. l(i, 2ii Normal Sehool JO, 121, 12.i Opera ilousea of the City 53 Osjtn.xle Hall 3. 27, 52, «) Parliament BulldlnKn 1», 27, 18 Pioneer)^' '. 'ottago, Kxliibillon (irounds 8 Pitt's Hill, (ConHtlitttional Act, 1701) 16 Poliee Force 18, 50, 202 Prineo of ^^'ales' Vialt 38 Public Men of tho Provineinl Capital 55 (jnccnston lieiKhts, Ilattle of 23 Queen's Hotel «l, (10. 152 Queen's itangcrs 10, 17 Kadicals, Knrly, of York 28, ,'11 Railwny Kra, The 37 Real Kstate. and those v^'ho trattio In it ISO Rebellion, Tho. of 18,17 31 - Losses Hill 37 — Ciains of 33 fAClK. Ueclprooity Treaty 37 Reform resorts to Rehelllon 31 Itegimesof (lore, Mitltland and Colborno — 25 Rt^sponsible (iovornmunt, RfTuf In at 31, 35 Revolutionary War 1(1,14 Rosain House 53, ,10, 1.V2, \!a Russell .\bbey ■ 2 Slincoe, Governor 15, ItJ — Hospitalities of IB — Erects Castle Frank 18 — Constructs Yonge Street 17 — I.,eaves for Han I lomlngo Ill — Lake 15 Sleepy Hollow 2 Strachan, Hlshop, Cuming of 2,5 St. George Street, Fast Side 31 Telfpram, Ecciiinv 53 Toronto In 1803, 1813; in 1811 : in 6, 7, 13, 45 — in Slmcoe's Day 1(> in Medieval Times 5 Holtllailway 51 — Court House.. 27 — Dilndas St. opened 17 — KarlyMapof 21 — Farly Seitlementof 10 Karly Defences of 18 Kmbryo 16 — Denotes " Place of Meeting " 15, 28 — Fort 21. .'.I Founded (17113) 5 — General Trusts Co 40 Harbour 5, 13, 10, .t3 — Hospital 27,43, 113 — Incorporated 28 — Island 51,170 — Junctlonof Frontand WcllingtonSt. 11 — Occidental 51 — ofToday,Tlio 42 — Pass of 7 Palace, Tho 27 — Public Library ,'iO — Queen City of West 18 — Raided and Sacked 23 — Roscdale, Views in 11, 14 — St, Lawrence Market 25 — Street 10 fAnic. Toronto Street Nomenclature 18 ~ Topographical and Descriptive 40 — Toronto Street 19 — Volunteers' Monument 3, '24, 51 — Yonge St . opened 17 Torydom and tho High Piorogallvo Kra '.iO Upper Canada Kstabltshod 13, 15 First OtHcials of 1(1 — Ix)gls1ature 17,10,20 — Karly Postal Facilities of 21 — Invaded 1181'.')... tl — Slaveryln 22 — College 27,51,116,120,122,121 U. K. I.oyali8ta enter Canada 11, 12 — SacriUces for t lie Flag 11,12 — andthoFoundingof the Province University of Toronto 3, 51, ,57, (». 68, 117 — Trinity ,' I, 72, 1 15, 1 18 — Victoria 44 Union, Tho, tho Railway Kra, etc 35 Victoria Club, Tho 140 Volunteers' Monument 3, '24, 51 Wnlkor House 6.3. 153 Warof Independence 10, 14 — 1812 16, 22 — Inequalities of tho Struggle 22 — Closed 24 Week, The 90 West Toronto Junction 203 Wlnian Baths 51 Women's Medical College 18 Yacht Club, Royal Canadian M York, at the Close of tho War 25 — described in 1707 20 — During the Warof 1812 22 — hjirly Growth of 18 — Kvcnts which preceded the founding of 13 — First Churches at 21, 27, 68 — Material Advancement of 26 — Muddy Little 27 — Pioneers' Cottage 8 — Royal Town of 20 — Situation of 20 — Social Progress of 22 INDEX OF NAMES. t'ACIK. Aboil, ,Iohn I8« Acme Silver Co 180, 190 Adams, Dr J. O 112,113 - Ur. W. C 113 Alkons, Dr. W. T 103, 101, 105 Alexander, Rev. John 86 - J., Jr 102 Allan, A. A 12S, 102, 1«1, 101 - & Co 102, 163 - Jas. D 163 - Senator Geo. W 41.114, 118.134 Ardagh. RIehard 802 Arlldge, J. Churohlll Ul, 136 Armour, K. D 101,173 Arinslrong, Adam 51, ISO Arnoldi, Frank 09 TAOK Arthur, Sir Geo 35 Ashdown, Kdwin 130 ■Sydney 130 AsbOeld, The lato Jas 202 Atkinson, William P 101 Aylesworth, A. B 95 Ayre, John 153, 180 Oadgerow, G. W 95 Bagot, Sir Chos 37 Bailey. John R 147 Bain, Jas., Jr 50 — John 94 Balrd, Hugh N 167,200 Baker, Prof. Alfred 118 Baldwin, Dr. W. W 21 t'AtlK. Baldwin, Hon. Robert 22, ,34, 81 — Rev. A. H 81 Ball, Dr. Jerrold 109, 110 Bank of Toronto 47, 195 Banks, O. W 15,5,156 Barber* Ellis Co 165,166 — James lOS — JohnR 166 Barclay. The late Rev. Dr 60 Barrett. Dr. (the late) 110 Barrick, Dr. Kll 107 Barton, Dr. S. O. T 109, 113 Bates, Rov. 8. S 82 Beaty, Dr. Jos 41, 110 — Robert iOO Beatty.W. H igs 210 INDEX. INDEX OF NAMKS.— CoNTiNiii). r*OK. IMI, 157 1,10 . . 1311 . . va ... at Hei', Will llon^oiiKh, .1. W Tholiios Hnnnoti, Hcnator Uuv. Mnnly llvlhuno. Up <» Tlip Ifttii Jami'8 91 Hlnelow. N. G . . 97 lllnki', fhiincullor (10 - Hon. Wwnrd IB, 93, lift illai'kmnn, F. Y 1118 BlackBlock. (i. T in nieiudcll, \V. II IM nine, Archibiilil t» llody, Uev. I'rovojt 7J, 118 Hoatwiok, Uoo. K 101,198 BoBwoll.A.K 41 Bowsoi', Itev. A. T 83 Houchelto, Siirvcyor-UonorBl I i Boiiltoii, W. II « - D'Arcy 82 Boiistead, Jan. II 202 Bowes, John *i 41 Boyil, Chancellor »J, 134 Boys, The Into Rev, Hrof 80 BoxnII, Janioa 177 Bradley, M ra. 8. 11 1.17 Brock, .Sir Isaac 1», 22, 23 - W.Il 201) BroiiKhall, Rov. A. J 88 Brown, Hon. Ooo .18, .il - K.B 173 - M,F 168 - r. V i.w Brown & Love 13« Bruce, Josiah 174 Bryce, J, Fraaor 17S - Dr. P. H 108 Bunting, C. W- 33,200 Burke, fMniund 148 Burns, Capt 143 - Ilr. J. H lOS - Rcv.Dr.K 69 Burrltt, I)r. H. f in«, 109 Burton, Judge 92,200 - Rev. John 70, 77. 78 BuUer, K. W, U 1«, 157 Cameron, The late Chierjustice HIr .M. C. 90 - Rev. J. M 87 Campbell, Chief Justice - Ueul.-Oovernor 45 - Donald 158,150, 175 - John 129 Campbell's Block 203 Canada Life Assurance Co .W, 198 - Pholo-Kngravitig Bureau IK Canadian Bank of Commerce 53. 193, 191, 195 - I'ollcgc of Commerce 130 Cannlff, I)r. W 102, 103 Carlylo, Dr. Ja» 126.127 Carpmael, I'rof IM Carruthers. James 14* CanweU, Bobt 172. 173 - R. &Co 173 Carter, John 132, 137 Cartwrlght, Richard 17,25 Cavon, Principal 72,119 Cawthra, John 05 Cs-'-iy, Frank l.M - Rov.J.U 1.55 Chauncey, Commodore 23 Chisholm, Col 34 ChrlsUo, Wm 38, 166, 187 - Brown Cowan, Mrs. ILL 207 Cox, Geo. A 142, 145, 200 - K. W 143,ll.'> Crane & Haird 167 Crawfonl. The late LI. Gov .>« Cringan, A. T 137, 138 ('rooks, Hon. Adam *ll Davidxon, John 1 143, 19,> Davis, Prof. J. F i;i» Dearborn, General 23 DeCharbonnel, Bishop 120 Defrlos, Samuol H 147, l.i2 Deninon. Ll.-Col. U. T 202 - G.T.,.Hr M Dennis. Col. J. 13 140 Depew.G. A 1.18 Dewart, Ilev. Dr. E. H 70 Dowcy. I). R 108 Dickson, Principal 120, 12J - W 22 - Cnsimir 143 Dinnick, C. 11. 8 151, 160 DIninny, F, C 168 Doan, R. W 128 liodd. A. W 121 Dominion Saw and I,ead Works 183 Douglas, W.J 117 Draper. Chief Justice 37, 03 Drayton, P.H 101 Drury, Hon. ('.A 66 Duggan.K.H 142 DuMouUn. Rev. Canon 70 Duncan, J 1™' DuncanCiurk, S. C 200, 201 Durham. Ixird ••• ;r>, ,19,54 Dwight.H. P 1115 Dyas.T.W 118 Dymond. Mrs. A. M. (MIsa E. 8. Meiiish/ . . .136, 137 Kdgar, J.D 201 KIgin, Ixinl ' 35, 38 Kiicrby, Rev. T. 8 70 Kliiott.Wm 201 - House 1.53.180 EIiN,Jas.A 205 - JohnF 166 Elmsley, Chief-Justice 80 Kinbree. L. E 124, 12i Emory. Dr. \\-. J, H Ill Equity Chambers 173 Faloonhridge, Judge 91 Faulkner. George 147. 158 Forguson.J.H 101 Fisher. Edward i:«4 Fitch. JohnC »3 - JcDavidson 143 Fitsglbbon. Col 31 Foy.J. J 96.97.196 - John 116 Fraser, Hon. C. F 03 Fulton, A. T 194.200 Fyfe, The late Rev. Dr 70. 120 Gr.lkio, Dr. W. B 103,104.105 Gonereux, L. O. P 167, 1.58 George. James IM German, Rev. J. F 81 I'AIIK. Gililw, Mnl.oliii 200.201 Gllison, lluii, J. .M m,C5 lliilpli 168 Gllticrl.TlHw 204,2(15 (iiiiiKiiir, Dr. Jiio. T 204 Giilng, Chiw. (; 206 Goliilcii; Mcculloch 191 Oooderhuni, Geo I.'M, 106 E. H 188 - W.(i ll» (ioci'ispocii, 1I,!V. Dr 8,5,88 Gordon, Muikay ftCo 102, 16,1 - John (thclnte) 102 (lore, Lieut. -(iovcmor... 10,21,26 (iourlny, lliibt • 28 Gowiiii, Henator Iff (irahum, J. J 157, 1.59 Oriwctl, the Into Dean 50 - Licul. -Colonel II. J •JOi Griisslck. Mrs 137 (iray, Soilcitor-Generai 16 Greene, Columbus II 99 Grecnw(KMl, Percy V 138 Gregg, Rev. I »r 70 Oiird.Oeo 176,206 U;io«'8ki,8ir('. .4 ,59,200 llagarty. Chief Justice t8, 00 lliibneinann Villa HI Hall, Dr. John 110,112 Dr.JuhnB H' Hallaiii. .lolin 42 ll«. 167 Hardy, lion. A. 8 03,61 Harnmn, .s. 11 41 HarriK, Alfred 1 17, l.iO - Rev. Jus 69 - Rev. Klnuire .. 81 - MissS.M.M 136 Harrison, Chief Justice 64, «l, 91, 117 .- .I.W.F 131,13.' - Mrs. (SoranuHl 135 llarvic, John 173,174 Hay. Robert, «c I'o 100 - Edward 198 Head.SirF.B 27,31,35 Sir Kdniund .18 IloigblnKlon, Joseph 100 Heintr.nian, T. A 188, 189 jtCo 180 Henderson, Elnica 134 J 195 llenilry. Andrew 1C9 - W.J 1» lllckson, K 166 Muncan & Co 166 HigginM. Miss Lliiie 137 IW HImc.ll.L IW - &Co 198 llincks. .Sir Francis 200 Hir8(,.Tolm 163 _ J.W 143 Hwlglns, TiiOH 21. 64 Homeopathic Himpilal 112 Hoiiio Savings and l.oan Co 196 lloop(.r. Kdwanl 201 Hoover, Jacob 11 204 & Jackson *04 Hoskin, Dr. John 92,93.191,130 - Alfred W Howard, the late J 64 Howltt,Dr. W. II 111,112 Howland. Sir W. P 148.200 H.S 19.5.196 _ O. A 98,99 W.H 41.1)8,114 Iloyles, N. W 91 Hilghes.J. L 127 Hunt, V. P 137 Hunter, lion. Peter 19 - Rev. Dr. W.J 77 Imperial Bank of Canada 195. 196 INDEX. INDEX OF NAM i:.S.— Continued. 811 I'AOK. Ircliilul, A. II 1»> Jiu;kMuii, .1. T 5i04 Jiiicim^H fC Hiiy ino •liiirniy, Itciliorl. IM Janii^Hon, Mm. . ■ < ■ ■ 30 Jiiiica, H. II 131, 111 Jnrvin.Col 31 Win li JollVuy, llcv. T. W 78 Ji'iiiiliiK". the lull) l!ev. I)r »<8 II imi W. T lid, 14IP JohiiHtun. Ilov. I>r. II 75 K. F. II 88 Jonra, Kor. I'nir 70,80,110 AtlKil8tU3 li» Kvllogg, Kcv. l)r 7.1 Kenny, .1. J 20" Kunl, Diiko of 21 Korr.,1. K IH, IK), i;U Krichinn, .IcHBO IMI Kicly. W. T 190 King, Dr 107,108 Kingsfonl, UK 101 KinKKniill, NIcol 101 KirklumI, I'clm'ipiil 121. l-'.) Ijiktvii'w Ilolul l.Vl, 180 l,iincoloy. Itcv. J. V. 78, 7» Limgloy, Hun.) 118. IM Henry 118 Ijington. H. II 118 Lnngtry, Itiiv. I»i' 8.1 Lush,/. A 101 Laughlon, Polor 20.1.200 IjChoIi, Hugh 105 LecW.S 201 _ F. O 1*8,150 Lennox, Ifwuc I5,», l."iO K..1 Its Lesllo, Oco.,Sr 171 — Geo., & Son 172 — Aid. J. K l.iO, 171 172 Loya, Joliii l!*.i Ullle, llm liilo liuv. Dr 70 Mndmiy, Clmrles 07, 133 l.i!l Lloyd, Uev, I'luf 80 Lonilon, I'luf. .Ins 122 131 Lount. \Vm 02 Lovo, 11.0 liO LncnH, Henry Ml. 107. 17'.t — Cmronee i:*.',, KW — Mmo 13 J, i:«i Lynch, Archbishop 00 McAllister, Samuel 127, 128 Mcllean, John 150 Mct'ann, Father — 78 McCarthy, DAIton 01,02 Muc( arthy. Hamilton 132, 133 McCnul, Uov. Dr. John <«, 118 McClaln, Uobert 182 Mcf'onncll, Dr 205,207 MoDonugh, Dr. «. It 103 Mcdaw. 'rhomns 142, l.">2 McGco, Th08. DArcy 40 McQregor.tho late Prof 7H Molntyre. .1. J I.i7, 158 MoKenulo, Waller 02 Mclxun, Chief Jnsttoe 34,00 - Thomas 183,104 MoLollan, Dr. J. A K'5, 120 McMastor, the late Senator 70, 120 MeMnrray, Mrs. J. S 807 MoMurrich, the Intc Hon. John 200 - W. B 41,111,134 - (loorgo 200 McTavIsh. Ilev. Daniel 81,85 Mncanlny, Chief Jilallco 00, 103 - Dr 102,103 Macdonald, .sir J. A 38, 30, 40, 5 .Starr, Itov. ,1. K 82 Stownrt,SturKPnn 147, l.'il St. John, ,1. W 10« HIOHO. Mm. llr. Kmlly H IIU Htrni'liiin, lliahop 34. 2.i, 28, .W, IM. 69 StmnKD, I)r. F. W lai. Ill Stuart, llcpuly Chief 202 — Itev. J.Oklll 21, «H SulliTiin, linn. K. B 41,02 Suthorliind, llev. Dr. Alex Wi - Uev. Dr. D. G 88 Swentman, Bishop ■ 52, 71 I'AdK. .Hwinlnnni, I ir. I. M IIW, ll«l Hydiinhiini, l/inl ..;ii;,37 Syinonda, Kev. Prof HO Taylor. , I. «: .1 IM, is:i .Inii. McP III! Tm'Uinm'h, Chliif. 23 Ti'pfy, Kciv. Kiilhcr 73 Thonmt*. Ucv. llr 77 ThiMiiNon. 1t