^-R IS ^ ''-/,'// '^ SOUVENIR .t .4 DIAMOND JUBILEE GUIDE \tA»AV Sty SfAV > r- ^ '*RAT PORTAGE ^ otc^.*AND THEr •X' -t C— 4»'- • - -4 -♦-I, -}...>.- 't Lake - of - the -Woods I'i iti iMii.n ii\ 1;/. i"-i:....v:: i; ^; .martell^&^tilley. 1897- lid III Ml U. Ul>M llV. I.IMIII l>. I'KIMI KS \M> HlM'l k-. I'l'MlN U'. I I INTRODUCTION (V^f|\ this " /'//r hnni/y III //lis /.itii--ii/-//i, ■ li'innis />i ii'iiii s wr. ' /^. /■';.-;.■;(. /SV>. I iiln'Jin.'liiMi ;l is iiiM inu-iKlttl to .i^ixc- U^ iIuvm- iniii uliosc liaiiJs ii in.i\ v.tM)U' .in ..Joiiiialc. iM' aiiyllniii^ liUc an aJi-qualc, ijoa o( llu- tin\ii o\ Kal I'orlai^c or its oii\ iionnicnls. ' 11 lo space availalili- tor |MinU\l niallc-r is noi'i-ssari'v liniiu\l in a work ol this l\inJ, and llii>so anxious lo U-arn sonu-lhini^ oi' iIk- inuniiipaiilx and its snrroinKlin,i;s, o( iis pfopU-. its induslrii-s, iis Itnildini^s. and tin.- s».(.-ni*.' bo.iuiics of the lal eK'seh assoeiatod, will >.\o well to at onec eonsuli the really splendid plioto,i;ra\ invs ol" wliieli ihe Soiuenir is so laryelv eoniposed. 'I"he niunieip iliiy ol' Rat l'ortai,'-e ei>iisists ol' Kai I'ortai^e proper and \i>rnian, the latter l"oriiiiii,c what is known as the wesi ward of the town. Strictly speaking; it is a prettv little xilkii^e o( itsell, sirii.'.ted ou the hay alH>ui midway between Kat l'orta,t;e and Keewatin. The latter plaee is the third ol the triune towns located ou K.it I'lirtai^e \\n\ , which are destine^l a' no distant da\- lo lieciMiie one ,t,M-eal industrial centre. .\t present, however, it has a reeve and muni.'ipal ^xnernmenl oi its own. The dist mce between tiic lliree tow ns mav he placed at three and a halt" miles, and durini,^ the sum- mer months the well-known steamer Kennina operates a terry and makes communication between (>1018 AM/' /'oA'/.i'./-: vfU'ivw/.' (,///)/■;. llu- hn\ lis pliMsani \o tlu- piililit.- .iiul i-^rt'lii.iliU' u- ilsril. Mam proplv maUi' tin.- trip li,u'l<\\ aijs .iikI li>r\\ai\ls lH'lui.'t.'ii Kal i'lM'tai;*.', Niirmaii aiul Koi-w atin jiisl I\m ilic sakv i>l llu' sail. A lu'lIiT kUm o\ llu- conlour (>t llu- *.'tiiiiilr\ aiul tlu' posilion i>t" till' lliivi' liuuis wiili ivIoii'iki' In i/uli oiIkt will Ik' ol>taiiu\l tri>m llu- illiistraiioiis in iIk- hooU. Kal I'orlaL;*.' lias Ik-*.'!) so iniiv.'h wiilUMi up, o\- wiiiU'ii ol. llial ii is .m i'\i.i.'i\lin-^l\ Jiiru'iili inalliT to sa\ aii\ tiling lu-u abiMii ii, in larl, I shall iu>l (.-ssix llii- lask, Imu simpl\ si,-i lorili llu- lails uliiih haw diHK- Jiil\ hi'liM-i,' in iiuliiaiiiiL' llu- L;ri>\Mli anJ uimIiIi tW' iIu- lown. Kal I'iM-lai^*.' is ilii- hiisimvss c'cnt IV of I iu' ulh>it.'ol llu- l,aki-->>r-llu--WiHKls milling; Jisiiivi. ji is a division il poinl ol ilu- C'.l'. K., and lias Kiii!^ lu-i-n llu.- nu'si ini|-«i>ilaiil Iuiiihi-iin,i4 touii lvtu\-(.-n I .akv Snpi rior anJ iiiiiish C'l'lunibia. Tlu- alTairs o\ llu- ninni».-ipalil\ aiv al |iivsciil in llu- liaiuls o\ Mr. J. M . Sasai;!-. Maxor. aiul C'ouiuil- Idis C'unii.-. W-.uls, McI-i-ihI. Uiviulilx. l\-i-\ins and Si-iu-rinyioii. Tlu- pt>li(.-(.- \o\w is small hiil wi\ olVK-ioiU, and li.is laU-l\ hi-on clad in a iinil'.Min wiiiili adds miuli \o liu- lu-aliuss ol ils appraraiu-o. as U(.-ll as lo ils iisolnhu-ss in iK-half of law and oid>.-r. Mr. John K. r>r\don is low ii C krk and has JH-i-ii siiK-o the liCi^innin^ of liiin^^s. Tlu- oilii-r tilTu-ials ol llu- low n aiv : I'li.-asinir, D. I'. |-\-ri;nson ; Cliiot Conslabli-, A. NW^ods ; LonslahU-s Donkin, I'iiuli. |ohnsi>n and (.iIVc-iiuahhI. llu- lire hrii^adi- is fnllv (.-qiiippi-d and np-lo-dak- in rwrv |Mriiiiilar. oiu- ol .NKKt'hic's donhk- liiv (.-Niini^nislu-rs haviiii^ jusi lK-(.-n added lo llu- a|-»|-taraHis al llu- servi (.•>.- ol llu- hrij^adi-. As lo llu- i^io\Mli ol llu- low n and iiurease in wealih, ii will lu- sniru-i(.-ni lo poini oui ihal in iSij^ ihr popiilalion was _',()(>() and llu- assossiiK-nl $i . ier ol ehildren for so eoiiip;ir.ili\el\ small .i pl.iee is link- less ihan |Mu-nomenal. Ml -wo», h'.\t I'oKiAt.i: \(ifi-/:.\/A' (.r//)/-:. I lu'ii' arv ti\i' (.Iniivlii's in tliv Iduh, \\\o hI \\liit.li ilio l\i>in,iii C.illii>liv .iiiv.1 (. Iiiiivh I'l Im\^I.iiuI .iiv MTV li.iiiJsomt.- hiiikliiii^s, ;ii)J iKiiii-^v tiiu- sii».-^. .\i piisi-ni llu' Mi'lliiKlisls .iiv piiltin;^ up a iHu (.'clirK'c, uliiili, ulu-ii liiiislu\l, will t,»Mnin,iiul .ilmosl as liiu' a \ icw as thai ti> Iv i'l>laiiiv.\l lr»>Mi \kIiv Danu- dii I'lUlai^i'. Iln.' I 'ii'shs I*.Tiaiis .ui- alst^ iiuu iii:^ in llu' iliivilit'ii iiil)t anollKT ni'u liMtinv uill hi' slioiiK a».kl<.'i.l lo iho .ii\'liiu\'lur.il l)iMiili(.-s ol t'ur town. I lie JilU'ivnl di.'ni>niinalu>Ms arc icpii'scnloJ as li'llous: i, luiivh ol laij^laiul, Kcv. j. W . 15. I'atjf; Konian Latholk-, l\o\. I'alluT I'oitras ; l*ivsh\ tcrian, Kl-\ . K. \,iiin; .\k-llio».list, lsv.\. A. AnJivus; I.imIki- an, K».'\. Mr. IlillaiuUr. I Ik- Kaptists. im', liaxi' laiih sviimwI a rcpn-scntalion in llu- pcrsitii i>t iIk' l\i\. Mr. lapsioll, .iIkI, il in\ inliMinalion is convcl, ii will not he K'Hi^ hetitre ih.il hiwn in Kal i'orlai^i'. Ilu' Knal nuxlical trali'rnil\ consists ol |)i>cii>rs Scovil. MacJonakl, ( ■ nnn, I'Alinison, Cane. L h.ipman .iiiil I lans\>n. the l.ilier m'n I Ionian heini; one ol the oklesl ineJieal men ol ihe West, aiul the pioneer |->raetilioner i>l this porliiMi oT Aij^onia. Dr. I laiisini is now l)i>ininion Medieal SiiperintenJeni kir Trealv District No. .',. Ot lully i.|iialiliev.l dentists we h.i\e two l)r. Sehnarr ami l)r. Marshall. An illnslration ot Dr. Marshall's p.irloiirs appears in the hoiiy ol the hi'ols. Ihe Ici^al protessii'ii is well representeJ in Kat I'orlai^e, and one o\ the tlrst \0nnj4 men to rccoi^ni/e the i>pcnini4 which the district ollered to iiuhistrx and ahilitv is Mr. A. Mcl.ellan, who h.is won .1 llonrishinL; practice to himscl! diirini^ the two ov three \ears he h.is hcen locatei.1 in the low n. Ilnrr\ini4 alony, ue lunv come 10 the hotels, alwa\s a matter ol lirsl importance ti> a summer resort. It will not he iiecess.ir\, however, to sa\ mnch in this coniieciii>n, the \ieus oitered ot the various hostelries o\ the low n ainpK demonsiraliiij; that Kat I'orlaj^e is especially well .served in this A'// I'oh'i \(> \\w \yo\y\\\A\ \\ . li. C'.muTon, .ukI iIu- ckU'sl v.'si;il>lislK\l lunisc in llu- (own ; llu' lluh. a r.ivourilv.- smii4i^(.T\ willi llu' soiiiijl; MK'ii ; ukI I>i\-ui\"s. ulikli Ins (.miiu-J a i\'piil.itiiMi Iit ilsvH Im- i-\ itv lliini: llial siaiuK liij^h ill till- sliapi' I'l ri-rri'sliiiH-nls. Alioi^i'iJui . il in,i\ W siid uiilii>iil (.•sai^s^oralioii thai no low ii in Canada van ln> isi ol aiuihiii:^ likv lliv.' smu' lii'tvl aiiomnu'J itii>n. Il will in- iiUvivsiiiii; (»< 'lu- |iios- pi'ilivi.' \ isiiiM' lo als,. Kmim llial ».-\ vi\ iuililv is .iHorJrd .l iiiU-i\'sl »>n iIk" laU*.'. I'i'i lliis |Mir|->i>s(.' small sUmih lauiulK's k.an In- liiiwl at aii\ el llii- lioivls. Ol lliis v.l.iss iiik\ \ora, |t>si(.' aiul KainhUT aiv lair sampU-s. aiul a run i.-lliny a Ioiijl; wa\ lo slinv. \or is llu town Ivliiiul in lIu' inal- U-r ol li\ (.-rii'., ol wliivli llu'iv aiv K. V . Mnrpliy's. lU'ir llu,- sialion, aiul I )rlll)riJ!^(.''s. in llu- IkmiI fl llu- town. Ki.-1-pinu; llu- \isiiorsiill in iniiul aiul haviiii^ ivi:ai\l lor his loinlorl, il uill. jx-rliaps. iun\ lu' in orik-r lo iiuliiMU- lli.il two I'l ilu- K-aJiiijL; UMisorial (.■siahlislmu-nis an- KKak-d >.loso to.u\'llu'r. aiul llu'si.- ail- n:n li\ Mr. \\ . M. i. oau-s aiul Mr. j. I'anion, i\-sp(.'vii wly. V ov drui^s o\ all Uiiuls llu- .siranj4(.'r would <\o \\\:\\ lo ».'.ill upon Mr. \\ . I), loak-. \\lio lias hci'ii lo».'.iU'd lu-n- lor main \i-ars. aiul w.ts llu- lirs! lo opi-n up a driii^ store in tlu- muiii(.ipa!ii \ . rurniii:^ now lo llu- l^ciummI husiiu'ss ol tlu- town, tmc v.an liardiv iiuliiati- a siiii^U- line wliiili is iu>l looked alter in an up-to-date tasliion. llu- siore^ ol the lliulson's \\\\\ ^.'ompaiu are kiu'wn tliroui^lioul eivili/alion as suppl\ i.lepols. I,.iiierl\\ lu'wexer, llie >'id order ,>l lliinL;s, llie sltue, lias lu-eii eliaiii^ed u> the nu>re modern s|ii>p, ,iiul the Compain's plaee ol business in K.il Portai^t." is •in e\ i^leiue i>l I heir del erini nation lo li\ e u|"> lo the etMuli lions w hieh the \.le\ elopmeni ol the eountrv has <<■) h- \ r roh'TM.t: siH \i-\ih' (,rini:. Iiroiij^lil .iliKiil. Ill Ji\ J4i>njs iIkti- is II. I',. Il.illi'ii, who is .iNsisii-d h\ Mr. (k'o. KohiTls, a ui'll- Uiu'un .irlisi in u iiulitw-dri-ssiny. I'.iiion \- N'tMiiii^ is an ai^i^n-s'-ix (.• aiul piisliiiij^ linii. aiul .Nk'Kinniin's iJu' lirsi Jr\ j^dikIs sIimo i>ii Siiniul Siiwi. IIk-ii \U' liaxi- Mr. Schra^jni-'s suin.'. .1 \i'iini.; man ulin lainr Ikmi- alu>nl llin-i- wars ajL;i'. .iiul has piiui'J himsi-jl an arjrnl siipptiiU-r »lsi>ii, ulio lias W<^\\ in husin^ss Inn.' tor sisU'i'ii si-ars. aiul Mr. liriltillis. who lias si'i'iin-J a laii^i' p.ilronai^c Jiiriiii^ ilu'iiinr in.' lias Ik'i-ii in Kal i'lMMat;*.-. Tlu- C'*-''" >.K\ I'K'piiU'iils i.:i>in)n iMi 111 niiniii!^ rv.H|nii\'s thai lIu' looj snpplii-s sIumiIJ alu.ixs W \\\.-\\ alU'in.U\l Ik, anJ Ium\' u ».• nu'i't llu' i;i.'nial Mr. li. A. Ki)hoKI, lliv pioiK-fr hnulu'r ol ilu' lown, ,iiul Mr. Ili'llols, who inovi'J lip luMV si>nu' liiiu' a-^o lii'in ilu' SiaU-s. Oik- im iIk- linvsi hloiKs in lin\n. iMwu-d l)\ ilu' Messrs. (lihson iV t o'\ . hnulu'is aiul i^i'iii-ral pur\(.'\ors, is r(.'pivsi'nU'i.l on p.ij^c «>7. In j;r*i».\'ri(.'s anJ 44».'iu.-ral siipplii-s ilu-ii' is Mr. riikitl's !iaiulst>nu' slon- iiimi' iIk- slalioii, ami rarlinj^UMi. who Joi-s a hi,i4 hiisiiii-ss o\\ tlu- i.-oriK'i ot Si\-oikI .iikI Maihi-son Sin-ois. (.>! paink-rs ihoii- ari" L'raii^'s ,iikI l.on!4k'\ 's, (.•ail) ol ulu'in nionopoli/ivs a lair shan- kA ihis hr.iiKli ol husiiu'ss. Mr. I'niiianu's is our k'lJinj^ |ilasli.'r>.M- aiul lallu-r. aiul U»r n.'rrislinu'nis wi-v.an si-U'ii lioin ihri'i' llrsl-ilass sunvs : I lust.' ai\' Howard \- \\'ari\'n's, I 'alU'rson's, aiul Smith's Kivst.iuraiit. Onr KMiiiin..; ji-wclU-r is Mr. I >. I. l'(.-rjL;iison, u ho is conliiui ill\ opcniiii^ up lU'W di-parmionls to nu-t-l llu- i^rinvini^ Jcmaiuls ol hiisiiuvss. Till' Kal I'orlai^v.' I lardwan.- v.'ompaii\ . l.imiloJ, is a nutropolilan (.'siahlishnu'iil which h.iiulUvs all kinds ol tools, miiu-rs' sn|ipli(.'s ;iiul (.'Mmn liiii- o\ hardware ; as, also, docs Mr. Shipton, w lu\ .illlion:;li *.ompar,ili\ cl\ a lU'W conu-r, li.is woikcJ \\\^ a hij; ir.uU' in coiuu-clion with tin shippiiii.;. (7) A'.// /'Oh'/ At;/: s()!r/:\//: (;///)/■:. Ill \onn;iii the Ivst Uiunvn lunol in.in is Mr. I'liil I .'I kMircux. Kccwatiii is ivpivsontcd li\ KiK'luMi's llnicl. l)i.'lloti.'ulk''s I Kncl and I' "ra.ci's l.i\iM\. 'I'iic Kaiiiv l\i\or \a\ii;atiiMi L\Mnpaii\- haw jusi iaiiiK-hi.\l a inai^iiilK-oni ik'w stool stoaniship to ply Ix'twoon Kat I'ortai^o aiul l'\M-t l'"rain.'is, aiul to oaiT\ |iassoii>;ois aiul iVoii^ht to the SoiiiL' l\i\or s^uild iiolds. I lor (.!';iK'iisions aiv lcii,i;th, ij; tool d inoiios o\or all ; hoani v> k<-"l. huilt o\' stool, with rook oini botloin. l'!looirio lii^htod throui^lunit. with all tho latosl ii)ipro\ oir .vV.s iWitainahlo in the way o(" up-to-date appointments. I lor speed will ho about liltoon miles per hour, and will travel over one oi' the rinest tourist routes on the eontinoni, besides passing- some ol" the most famous mines ou the l.al;er of Co'y. Tri-weekly trips to l-"ort h' ranees will be m.ide. The i^reat lumberiui; industrv is represented b\ D. C. Cameron, Ivsc]., Mana;^er o\' the Rat Portai^e Limiber Co'v, and K. A. Mather. Ivsq.. of the Keowaiin 1. umber Mills. llu.i^h Armstron,^, Hst]., member i^f the Manitob.i l.e>;islaturo. presides over the destinies of the Norman i-'ish Co'\ . A view ol their line lleot of ste.imers will be found on pai^o ,V). Woodlov \- Lamp's ship \ard on pai^o So. The larrier and blaoksmithiui^ establishment ol' Mr. A. j. I.ani;siaff on p;i,oo 5S. I'ho wholesale liquor iirm o\' Messrs. .Me\'ei.i;h e\: Hroderiok on pai^e (14. Ihe rosidenoo of C. W. Chadwiek. hlsi].. on p.ioe 70. The interior of the AV^e.v printin- luuise A. j. OsIhm-uo. Man;i-er pa^e hh, and also h'AT /'Oh'TACK S(>l-l-/-:.\7A' Clini-. tlic pivss-riHMii i>f the /)(ii/v Miner, W. W'oidinan, puhlislK-r and ]"iioprictiir, pai;\- 107. I'lu' liiipciiai Iianl< pai^o 54 is 1I10 new eiuart s o'i tlie leadinj; linaneial institution ot the i^listriet, W. A. \\ eir, Manager. I'his line liloek, hui >i si^lid stone, has lieen reeenth ereeted h\ Messrs. Koliinson \: Hi-ydon. tieo. I'Aans, Msq., Keal Instate, Insufanee A^^ent an*.l Minini; Hroker, residenee, pai^e yf). A tine portrait of the pioneer prospector, Mr. Jaeol) lleiuh-ieks Ilenesy, with liis steamer, .S'/> W'i/fiiim I'd II Honie, pajL;e too. MaviiijL;' thus hastilv i^laneed o\er the dilterent business lunises oi the town, 1 sliall eoiiehide with a few remarks o\^ minin;L; matters, and tlie\ will neeessarih- Ix- \er\ erude ani.1 briet. (.'ikmee at our Reduction \\'i>rks. This is the propertx' of llie Dominion C'lold Minini; ani.! Keduetion Conipauy, incorporated in i.Sc)^. It is an l'",ni;iisli compan\' lormed to acquire [properties in this iHstrict. Ihey ha\ e ah-ead\' travelled liirtlier in tliat direction than am syndicate oper.itiin^ in Western Al^oma, and control more miniiii;' locations than the majoritv o{ people are aware ot'. Perhaps wo gentleman is better known in connection with local miniiii; matters tiian Mr. 1 la\ , who is president ot this powert'ul Compan\-. Mr. Ilaxis not demonstrative, nor does he court publicit\ in any way, but wlien ! point out that he was instrumental in ori^aui/iiii; the Mika*.Ui ani-l Cornucopia companies, tluise who are not .ilto^ether behint.1 the scenes will bei^in to realize what he has i.lone lor the i^listrict. Mis \isit to the countr\- occurred earlx' in iSc):;, and since that time the (.le\ elopniL-nt ot its mii.eral resources has occupied almost the whole o\ his attenlii>n. The Reduction Works was aci.iuirei.1 iiy the Companx' and put into workiui^' condition at j^ivat cost tor the purpose iM helping torward the local ini.liistr\-. It contains a twcntv-stamp mill with a capacitv ol tih\' tons |ier da\ , and beins^ at the head ot na\ ligation and o\\ the main line ol the L'.l'.R., the whole ttistricl is as it were tributary to it. AM/ /'OA'/. !(./■: SOI 17- y/A' (,///>/■:. At llic pivsoiil nuMiUMil ore is Ikmiil; hroii^lil in Ironi i\\ o Jirii.Mvnl K^'alions lor liwiinKMit at lla-woi-ks. 'I'lK-n, as an illustration of K>oal enterprise, I will jnsl sa\ a tVw \\tM\ls about the (.'oielcii.uh *-"'l^' Miniiij4 Conipain. 'I'lieiv .ire eertainh no lietler men in the whole distriel than those ulio eonijiose this Coni|-tan\ . The President ot' the t.\Mvpan\ is Mr. J. W. t.'oleleuij;ii ; Seeretarv , Mr. j. M. Sa\- ai;e ; deo. Drewrs. Treasuier ; anj the Diieetors are AlJernian Ailuithnot, Winnipei^; I>. 1.. Matiier. I\al l'oriai.;e ; A. L'. Arehihakl, Kat Portage ; and Sir KiiJeiiek i^'anieron, New ^ oik. Mr. Loleleii>.;h tills main responsible positions and has been Seeretarx -'I'reasnrer ol the l\at I'orlai^e kouin^ Club sinee it■^ ineeption se\en \ears a^^o. Mr. j. M . Saxai^e is Ma\or ot the town and President v>l' the Kaiin lsi\er lioard ol" Trade and is an e\-Presidem M the same bod\-. and perhaps the most enterprising and |irojL;ressi\ e eili/en ot our town. The Drewrxs ol \\ innipei.; are known t h roll i^ bout the \\ est . and the name is s\ noin nious with business inle^rit\ and abilitv . 1 he propertv lo be opeiMled b\ this Compain is the lamous 1 .a MaseiMte Mine, upon whieh developments are now i;iMni4' on with nuvst satisl.ietoi', results. Ainone requirini^ inliMin.ition with reterenee to this eouiitrv will {.\i^ well to write ,in\ o\ the i^enllemen I li.ive named, and lhe\ ma\- rest .ibsoluteh .issureel that intormaiion eomin<; throiiL^h that ehannel will be perteelb reliable. W'w let us liastiK j^lanee at the general miniiii^ situation, and I onh wish 1 eoiild de\ote more sp.iee to tliis impiM'lant subjeet. The |iroperties under operation ;ire ,ilnu.' ol iho iwoi^ni/cd i^old producers ol tho district. The Mikado is lanious as ha\ in,u made the reeord pi-oduetioii ol hullion per ion of oiv oT the distriet. 'riiis \aluihle |M-opeii\ alsi> belong'- '*' ^m l'".n,L^iish eompan\ ol wiiieii Colonel hai^ledue is a leadin^^ spirit. Work has been .uoin.i^ on there steadilv under the nirnayement ol Mr. I'.riedenhaeh. and it is staled on i^ood aulhoril\ that there is now Irom lill\ to sixlv ihousind dollars worth ol" ore o\\ the dump. A ten-stamp mill is bein:.; installed on the propert\ , as well as a evanide plant. 'ihe Seramble is partiall\ owned b\ Ameriean eapital, and has been proved to be iMie ol the most promising; loeations in thedislriet. Camps and buiidun^s ol a ix-rm:inent kind ha\e been ereeted there, ,ind tiiis winter a full lUitlit o\ maehiners eapable ol tre.itinu one hundred tons per dav will be plaeed on the propertv. Il is situated onl\ live miles east ol the tmv II and a l.o\ernment road has latel\ been eonstrueled to the mine. Mr. I'lvd. iiemmin.i^s owns some \crv pi\>misin.i4- properties, amon^ them bein.i; loealion ,:;j,:; I' on Tine TorLii^e l>a\, also the Mark Antonv. Lleopalraand Pine Tree properties. Mr. Ilardiui^' Kideout is also associated wiih him in the C.oldeii 1 Iimii mine, ou Rush 1> i\-, w here the\ are aeliveh- pushing; de\ eloiiment work. Mr. William Martell is the eastern representative of the Western Canada Minini.;- and Dexeloi-mieni Co'\., Limited, oi Ke\elstoke. WX. I)esides operalin.u in Initish Ci^lumbia, thev are doini; a larj^e amount of work on some properties in this section under the suiX'r\ision o\ Mr. Mailell. I hen we ha\e such properties as the ^■um-^■um, Cornucopia, La .Mascotle, 'I'rojaii, Monarch, Master jack, (..olden Cate, (in /,'.!/■ rok'TMii-: s(>ir/:.\/A- crihi-.. HlacU Stiiri^con, \orua\ , Swodoii, Triimiph, liokl Coin, aiul a scoiv of otlicrs in llic Kat Poiiai;e di.slricl alon*. wliicli tiid fair to mako nainos for ihcm^oK os in ilic fuiuro history i>l tho couiitr\. With tlie Seine Kivcr and Manilou, .ilh tiio l'olc\ . I'cri^uson. Ohvt'r. KandoliMi, Sawhill, II. W ,^oi, or the llaninioiid-l-'oii^or d\ko this hook doos not j'lrofcss to dcah hut 1 doom it onl\ lair to mention liic names, so tiiat those who run nia\' read, and those who desire to idenlifx themselxes willi the future of ime of the j^reatest countries in the world ni;i\ reeoi^iii/e that such a place may ho loimi.1 in the Lake-ol-the-\\'oods district. Ani.! now let nie sa\ a feu wiirds kA those who hue heen most .ictixeh' identilied with the i^roulli o\ l\;it Porlai^e. Se\eral \.A them ha\c heen alread\ referred l*^ as heini; .issociatetl with iliMercni mining and husiness aflairs. Ma\or S.isa^e is one o\ the nu>si piipul.ir men in the municipalil\ . and, hesii.les the miniiii^, he l)as lonj^ heen connected uiih the local lumhcr iiKhislr\. l)r. Scovil ha'' heen here since iSSj, comiii;^' i^lirecl frtMii the v.>ti:iua \alle\ to spen^l the summer lor the henelit ot his health. lie is health ollicer of the town, and has heen for \e;irs. lie h.is al\\a\s enjo\ei.l if such a word is applicahle w^ a pivsition which entailed so much hard work a \er\ lari^e pr.acticc, beinj4 C.l*. I\. medical ollicer tor ihe division. Ihc docliM- was ime \A the lirsl in the district to put his monex into miniui; ; .iiid in conjuncliiMi with Mr. h'rank Moore, the \eleran prospecliM", h.is ne.uoti- atei.1 sales ol mining amounlini^ in the ai;cre,<4.ite lo no less than si\t\-sc\en thousand iloUars. These include svmuc well-known propositions, amoni; them heiui; the Sult.ina, Caribou, h'.l I)i\ir Treasure, Mikado, jemi\ l.ce, ,iiid a number kA withers. Di'. Sco\ il st.mds hi^h in the eslim.ition oi his lellows, both ;is re>;,irds his iirofessional ,ibilii\ ;ind ,<;enial personal cpialities. l'".\-Ma\or n.irnes has twice Idled the mayor.illy ch.iir, and an\ one who h.is ever visited Kat I'orlai^e, either in a (i-'i A'./y I'ORTACF. SOfVF.MK CC/IU'.. privaiL'or |iulilic cap.icitv, will suroK' ivmoinher the- lall ii^mv ot Mr. rn.'oi;;v IVirnos, aiui tlio on- tluisiaslii.- iiiannor in which ho riishos in lo help ror\\ai\l tin.' inloivsts ol ihc town anJ JistriL't. Mr. I). L. Mather is another i^onllenian w iio has been lor nian\ years eonneeieJ with Inniherim^ business here. lie is loeal director itf the Ciokl Mill l""x]-)loratit>n and I )e\ elopnienl Company, a slriinj; eastern svndieate whieh lateK purchased a water power at Keeuatin, whereon a lari^e slanij^ mill is to he placed. Mr. [ohn W. Coleleuj^h is one of our j^rcuest pronuMers ol' amateui- sport, and his been the Secretar\ -'{"reasurer o{ the Kat Portage Rowing Clu!) since its organization some se\en years a'^o. lie is a leading spirit in se\end local miniui; companies, as aheads' inLlicalcvl. Mr. (.ieorj^e l)rewr\ , ex-president o\ the l\ain\- River Hoard o\ Trade, is always to the front, botii with purse and brains, when he considers the interests o'i the counlrv Llemand it. lie is presii.lenl o\ the Minini; l^xchaii'^c, which has alread\- K.\on^' so much in the wa\- ol adxcrtisinj^ our mining indusir\, and which, under .Mr. l)rewr\"s management, is Inumd to ^\o a i^real deal more. Next comes the well known prospec- tor, " l)illv " Caldwell. Mi". Caldwell has probahls- the keener nose lor a successl'nl mine than any other man in the district. Mis reci'rd is a i^ood k^\\<^. Me it was who. in spite ol e\cr\- opposition, uri,'ed Mr. \o\\\\ V . Caldwell to continue operations on the Sultana, thoui^h everyone else prophesied failure and disaster. The result is kiunvn, anil further comment is unnecessary. IJesiiles the Sul- tana, Hill\- opened up the Ke.^ina, the I'.mpress 11. P. ,V)i in the Manitou, and is now hard at work upon a new proposition known as Cameron's Iskuul. Me sa\s this is a sure winner also. A lew e\enin,iL;s ai^o Mi'. Caklwell was presented with a ,i;old watch and an illuminaied a.ildress, in recoj^ni- tion of his services in promotini^ the interests cif our .i^old industry. These ;ire a lew \ery last ru'i- niui;- remarks in reference to some of mn- best known citizens. There are man\ iMlicis, ot course, who should a.ppear here, but the limits of the book pie\cnt it. II I CM iii\iiii:s. v'Jl AM/' /'oA'/'icr \p/T/-\7A' r.rmi-. Jllill.l.l, Pw I'KiH I s--li>\ r\--s|S(, |);i\\S .\l\l\ MKIM. M4I A'.// roKI !(./■ silt l-/\/A' <,///)/. MiUKi'i; |;i;iiu.i, i'.r.U.. U \ i IV'Kivi.i \'' \\ . AM/' roA-ru:/-: vuia.wa' ciini-:. Su.iANA Mini.. 7 Mil. is I'luni K\i roiMAiiK. h' //• i'(>h'/.\(./- si)r\j:\/h' i.tini:. \ii.\\ IaH'kini. Tinv \i\ \ii(> I'lOi I) MiMNi. I I'., l.iMiiin I. \|. swM.i. I'm ^-iin n i . ( iij) /.' 1/ I'ltk' I }<./■ siii \ / \/,v i.r/ni . AM/ I'tiK'i \(:i soil/ \//.' i.iini- Maomi Hkiih.i. C.I'.K., Kai ri>i, K.\l l\i|k.mi;ki.\ ll.liA'. Tuaii., WiNNiri.c. I\I\i;k. (■=7) AM/' I'oh'iM:/-: si>r\-/:\/h' cf/n/-. In i i-.K l.KU'K ('<. \\. Smiiii;, SlAIIOM-.ln SlOKi:, M\|N SlKK i;r. A'.//' I'Ok'IACI: S()l-\- i:\lk' cc/ /)/■:. Pin II. s t'lAi' SiiAM lnv\r L iianm.i.i. i\> 1.\ki:-oi -nii \\ ciMin. AM/' /'our.u,/-: socr/'X/A' ci//)/-: J /.'.//■ roRTAc.E s()r\-i:\iR crinr. ' Si NsKi," Kai roKiAui-; Bay. (3>) AM/ /'OKI \(.l- S()r\-I \l.\' (.riDF. 1 Mil. 1. 1 \i;i> 1 loi si^ AM/' r()h'/.\(,i: .\(>ci'/:.\7A' ci'ini-. |1imm;-I\oom IIii.i.iahi. I1oi.sk, AM/' rok'i \i:r si)i\-i-\ih' crini'. I Isiikioi; 1. A. l'\uiiM,ioss IiKihius Sioki-. J A'.// roKiwcF. .siir\-/:.\/h' (,i //>/■:. |-'|a\\1 I.Nl. HkllUii-. IKi^l'ilAI IN l'>l>IANU. k'AT roKTACF. SO/'f/IX/ A' C.riDE. ^ Oll.l N s lion I. -W. C. (.AMI.KON, I'koi'kii.um; I kWT nok'T. [(!/■: s()ri7-:.\7A' (Uiim-:. I'.Asn K\ t'i.\ii;s oi I^AM, \\ iNMi'ia; Ki\i u. AM/' roh'TACF. S()!T/-:\/A' ^77/)/•.'. 1 I A'.;/' I'Ok'IWCE S()C\-F.\/h' Ci'lDF. N'OKIII AM) I'lAsI r.AIISvM IV\M, W'iNMIMl. I\I\IK Oni Ol I 1 1 1 I. '. K 1 \ I I M WaIIK l\nVIK>0\ i 1 1 1. C'OM I M: M . (.I'll AM/ /■(>/:/■. k;/- sd/T/'X/A' <:/■//>/■:. '^1' Kl'^i; II. K. llMI.M IS Slolil -« AM/' f'oh'/wc/-: sorrrx/A' r.v ■//)/■;. KAI I\M0\ A.Nt.llNi.. A'. I /■ poRTMU-: st>r\-/-:\/A' crini-:. \. N. I'U Kl.l I, III M KM. Ml l;i MAN I, (441 AM/' roA'T.]/:/-: sori-Fx//: crinr. l.M'l.M IlKIKl ^ON. I-. I. \n"iiv. M \ 1 1 K oi lulls. ;. II. I li i.iii ~. l'i>i;i;i si'i'MiK-. ! W i.\ -.in i, ' I i i i I M ss. .). .\. |;i .lOV, C.P.K. \l.INI. -. \. \\ Ol>P~. tllll I Ol- r.HKl.. U5 ,1/ /•t).\'/:it:/-: .s7^'■l7•.■.^7.v <,i'//>/-:. Sii\\iii; "XoKN (.M'lMN I.. Hi;i.l.riui.M , M\'-iii;. 1 A'.// /(>/s/.\<;/: .S()tl/:\/A- <:/7/)/\ 4 I'INIKAI. SrlK>OI., (47) AM/ I'Dh-i \i.i- \(ir\i:\ik' (.I'inh. J.MIN *,'\NII\> SlIWINc. TnKIi'K. AM/ rnk-TACh S(iri7\7A' (.('inh'. In m-.iuok k. C . e 111 Kill. A'. I /• I'itk'TM ;/•: \( )l'l 'AAV A' r ,7 7 />/■:. AM/' rDKiAci-. S()ci'/-:\/A' cr//)/'. ^%^ mif' SiAMi' .Mil I . iV, i«3 ■■■■ A'.;/' I'oh'/ .](,/■: s(ii-\-i:\/R cr/Di-: MlM-.KAl, I-AlillUI, PkIUUN- HIaHIn (.S7> AM/- rORIACI: S()l-\-l\lh' firiDE I .ANl.M Al I , Hi \l Ks\|l I II. AM/' rok'TAci- s()r\-/-:\ih' cc/ni:. I'iKoi :■ oi St \\oo\. I. iiiiDKi \, h mi I I \">\s. RAT /•oh'TAcr- s(H-\-r\ih' ccinr. / OM I'l 1 III 1 1 lill.l.l IVW I'linis I\ll)IOII ,\ Mwis^'N, I'lKMIIKI I'tlMIK-'. I I >l I I AM/' noRiM.i: sorvi-MR (,rii)i-:. '.jjii^i-: ' '**fSra»»:v..i^-" -.~:'^';-- -■■ ^-i**-' .s*-:. ,li:.\.\II.K "JOMI," KIUIaU I v\ lilMMIM. 1(11 I AM/ i'()K/.\(ii-: S()r\'i:\iK cc/ni-:. I ■mi \MIK KllN>iK\ I'IMN,, lil IWIIN U\l l\>K|\,,| AM. I'OU I |-|;A\Us. I AM/ roh-/- \i:f. s()r\-i-\ik ci/nr. < I •J. ^ 2 '^ i<',v AM/- I'dh'TAC/-: S()/-r/-y/A' r.riiu-:. 1 I ) ^1' ^ I l''li .\ HKiMH KU K s \\ HOI I v\ I I I. lot OK l'',si .\i;m>iimi.\ I . AM/- PORTACE SorVRMR (.r/D/r. Q ^^txj g- 7 '^^ %^ J. M. S\\\,,|.;. i:so., Manok. On hi: K,iv|) ui Kiiwiin. liio. |;\kms, liso., i:\-.\l wok. 5 ((. = 1 RAT PORT AGE SOl'VKMR (U'/Z^E. Pki -.SS UOOM. •• Till, WllKlA XlAV^. lOMI'OMNC l\i>OM. A. .1 1. Omh u;ni , M \s.\i.i \i. (W.) r. t'llAI'MAN, I'.Di un< * • -■^I^ AM 7' roinwcF. sor\-i-:.\ih' ccinr.. '"^i>** TiNMi. l?i:r\vi;i:N Km I'okiai.i- \m' Nokman, ((>7l AM/- POL' FACE SOI -rZ-X/A' CrillE. I Mi:i)U.\i Hai.i \\ . \">. Cowl. Vrovkwvok AM/' roKTACF. vri7;\"/A' crini:'^ (<»)) RAT roRTAdE .S()cr/:.\7A' crini-:. K \ I ri>KI.\l,l I IaKHW AKI to. i.' (70) ■;. xiAi.s, M. I. liKi; Hun, AIM M. Nil iioi SON, (.Mil I . J. K AT l\ik r.\i;i H\\. ;,. Ikom c'.I'.U. Tkai k. 4. C. I'.R. Staki , 17" AM/- roh'TAcr. s()r\-/-:\//c criDi-:. AMi, r.\ Si iiooi *. iiii.i'Ki s, Jiisii.i-i: IVw. I7.S' ^ I. 1\ I- SI UK Ml-; oi t'.Ko. I'AANs, l-;so. -'. I^U. MaKsIIAI l.s DiMAl, I'aki.ous, ;,. Oiiki OI *. . \\ . iiiAinviiK, Kso. 'T*^) 4- I'aiton \ \\n \i,, Dkv Hoods. Jk'AT /Y.'A'/'.ir;/-; soiM-.xih' criDi-.. Till " Kl.NNlNA. ;kvi)(,i:s Link oi Si kami-ks. J. •• MONAIUII. (77) ;,. " I'.I'NA l>H\ IHii-.S. AM/- POKTACF. S()fl7-\/A' CCiniv: I. Ill DsoN liw S ii>il-\-l:Xlk' criDE. ■'Stfi."' (Si) AM/- roh'TAcr. so I A- EX I h' crinK. K. l"l UNITIUI-: 4."('. I'lKO. lv\KM-.S, MXNMilK. hw'i rok'TACE sorvhMR <;r;nF.. ~'i^ '€' I. Asii Um'ims, Sih\.Mi;o.\i c'liANMi. .V Mini K- I'M. IN- (■ Ki'^in^ ^lni. ,v Siixi, llooi:, I AMIS, I'lso. ;,. Hi i.i.iiKiiH.i.s l.ui.KN. 4. v'. 1'.. I-'mi.iami s, I'i.\siii;ik iI.imi Hiroii. hwT i'i)Rr.\(,i-: sol \' /A Ik' cfinr.. (>,S' A'.;/' roRiACK sorM'.MR crini'.. \\. .M. LOAII.S, l/ii;liis/ \(il(tiii(/ /liiiliri III Ciiiiiiilii. *>i n 1 1, I!, Ik All.. (SO) I V ' V 4-^""^ -^ N> »•»■■>■ . ■^" '* t! 1* 1 1 x^^^l ^•|,l i; |L>i M K, II \-i \^i. rn''i'■ ■■ K.\r IH)R'I .\(>l: sol /7A/A' (HinK I. SAIi.INc, K \U' . _•. Imi|\N I\i\\ -\\ I'W . ;, JlKIIII' l^HAMOS? |. ln'\l l\\ll.>, isl Jll\. S- JmWI.II I'NOI I>>Ki.S. (SS) 7 /.'.)/ I'-tRiACh s(ir]-/:\/h- i:r//)/\ (Sill \ AM 7 foA'/.K;/-: s()fr/-:.\7A- <:r//)/-:. Si m\1(- K Ki sii)|;n\ i Whim. A, I'.sij., c'onkn Island. _•. I). 1. I'l Kt.i;st>N, Mam i m 1 1 kim, |i;u i;i i.i k. ,?. I""KI/•;. (M-M A'.// /'OA'T.'j;/- S(l/f/- \7A' f.rihF. \l u III k ^ .Mil I ^, Ki I u \i IN. A RAT roRTACK soiAi-.x/R cnpi-:. RiHiiiVNs llori;i., Kii.u mis I>. Roi iio.s, I'koi'kii rou. (94) /.'.I/ I'oRi Af.h sorvisiK i,rii>i- I. Is I I.UIOU 1>1 Ol'l U A I li'l M . 4. 0\ rsini- oi- On K \ I Km si\ (.'llN\ IM ION IN SisslON. ;. SlIIANA MiM (()5) s- ^111 I ''!< Nl \\ Mill, "SlI.IANA.' /,'.'/• I'oirrACh: \(>rt7-:x/A- crim-:. I. Sw 1 I ni I'owN. J, I.ADM s c\iN\iM. ^: Snu'oi. IKmm:, Nou.ma.n. .4. KlIWAIIN lli'lll. I'. Hl-.l I I M III 1;, I'UOI'KII ION. ('Il'l h\\ r I'Ok'TM.i: siil\l\lk' (.{IDE, \ hwr /'oA'Tjar vonv-WA' cr/Di-. (c)H) /.'.I/ l'(>h-/.\I.J- SiH\/- \//,' i.l in I:. I.C')' V kWT /•oath;/': .s()cr/-:.\7/: c.r//)/-:. Sti:.\.mi;i! "Sik \\r..i.,.\M \ W 'ioKN'-:." lAIM \l\ lll.M,«<\, I'lKOl I' ON •• I III. \' AS IIOKM. AKI !> l'".\SUiN. Asm I\AI'IIis. .>. Ami H\\. 5. Ha\ and Sii-.amik "U \mi!i.ik.' (101) ;. In nil-: l\\i'ii>s. (1. 1''isiii;k\. AM7" poa'T.k;/: sof\-/:.\/h' emu-:. Miss M. MiiiiiiAN, rm>rKii:iKi;ss. (iiij) SlIOWINl, C'ONlAl r, I'livAMI l:, Sl.AII. AM) \|IN MaIIIH, \\|\MI'1(. Ki\ik. A'.// /ORTACF SOI r/:\7A' CrinK. I IKK li \l.l.. \ h'A7 roKTAC,!-: sorvEXiR c.rini-:. B.D.GRIFFITH. M. I'l. I'lUIIIIIII, .Ml-.Klll\M lAIHm. (I'M) R.\r roh'T.ic/-: s;ori-F..\7R nrfDE. KA'. *.'in Kill. SwKDisii !,rni:-.u\N *.'in kui. P<\S) \ AM/ r()Rr\t'.i- s(ic\i-.\ik' r.cini: I. II. l'viiiK-M>N, C.I'. '. lAiM'. liK\iii,is' l\i Sim Ni I . ; \'ii\\ I N'.ni r.l'.K. ru\u<. ). IVi\|lSn>.\ iVw I'S l!\N. iiiiiM ,. |)\\| \i Wiiiiiiisii Kai'ii)^. />'.!/■ I'ok'iACh: snc\-i-:\iR ci'ini-. l"t.\ii.N MiMi;' Tuiss Uoo.M W. Wiidman. 1'koi'i;ii; ioi; \ A'.// iH^Kr.\i;h: soi'vkmr ciini-: 1. l,.\Ki:-OK-riiK-\\ooiis. -(. In'AI l\.\t INl.. _'. Skii I K\ti:. ;„ Tin; I"inisii. (loSi 5 SwiMMiNi; K.\i i:. /^A7 roRTACK sorvExiR crini'i U;sii)i;Nt.t; oi S. S. Siovii.i., l-lso., M.U. (UHJ) /v'.;-/' roRTAc.h: si)r\-h:\iK criDh (no) AM/' /'oh'TAci: s<)fi-/:x/A- crinh'.. -•^^^^ •.\ Mineral Lands of the Crown ^ ^ ■^^^% ^M N the X'allev o\ Seine River, in the regions around Manitou, Wabiooon and \hn- netakie Lakes, in the iskinds and aU^no- the shores oi l.ake-ot-the-Woods, promising discoveries of .i^okl-bearin- ore have been made upon many Kvat.ons, and ordv the shores oi the ea.ioeable waters have been expkMed. Thousands ot square miles in the interior remain to be prospected, and the Government offers to the hrst discoverer a free grant calion o{ forty acres where tlie ore or mmeral is not less than ten miles from the nearest known mine, vein or deposit o{ the same ore or mineral. The ooUl ores are mostly free-mi Uino;, and water and timber are plentitul everywhere throus^hout the Kain>- River District. Applications for mininir lands may be made to the Crown Lands Oifiok at Rat PoKTAOK, and Reports and Maps ma\ be had free on application to the undersi^tjned at the DKPAKTMKNr of Crown Lanps, Toronto. ■^^^m i8 A. BLUE. Director Bureau of Mines. '■V lO%Y\-:lfiiG>ISi. J. M. GIBSON. Commissioner of Crown Lanas.