IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 10 I.I 1.25 j50 "'"^^ M 1.8 U IIIIII.6 v] ts, fiips, Slioes ^ Glotliii^g GO TO Mcpherson & McWhinney^ # # # MANUFAOTURINd FUHRIEKS. # # # SM i'i'j()c,i'ja^f. f:.a. i^ t I . HSSEES5HESZSE FRED. ,1. SCARF Books. Staiion<4ry, A 1. 0. 0. f , Bl^iif^ ^^1 r>i|0(ii|ii A|. i^-A-i? a? II 1 Piano Solo " Recollections of Home." S. B. Mills. Mks. H. M. Blight, Violin Solo (a) Chanson Triste 'I'schaikoA-sky. (b) Slavonic Dance Dvorak. Miss Nora Clench. " At the Opera." 7 Miss Jessica Terwilliger. •' He was a Prince.". Lynes. Miss Belle Brown. Violin Solo Fantasia on Scotch Airs Haakmann. Miss Nora Clench. a Our space on this l^roommme is small, (jiir Store and Stock are the hiri»est for the lines carried west of Toionto '^' Oup Prices are the least for Reliable Goods. 3RD. T^Ot'i]^TO^^ c^ DOUQLAS. -AND- EMPIRE TEA STORE To hmid (|uui'li>i'M In Hlnitford for Chinn, f'ronkcry, (llitH^\vuri«, Kmicv (Joorts. KnivcH. Korku mill Hiiiiuns. 'IS'ih, ('oII'imih, Spicos. etc. Oiii-Kooil'^ui'iMUl new mill I'puhIi. Wo leml in all llio aliovo llni'M, oIIum-n only follow. Ciina Hall and Silvop Bazaar, McKkK WILSON. Tho only illroi'l Imiiui'lcr of the above goods In lliKCIIy. St^KGI^liiS. " Century Linen," and " Tlie liruiiswiek" writing Tablets. Tadella Zinc Pons. "The Broadway" Visiting Cards, (entirely new shape.) " The Collegiate" and " The Brunswick" Lead Pencils. 'I'hese are all our own goods and can't be had elsewhere. t[. Q, SLIllVEF^, BOOKSELI-ER \: STATIONER. RELIABLE MUSIC STOBE. Hyacir^tl^ ROGER W. ROBERTS l)KAr,KH IN- HEINTZMAN, and other llij^h Grade Pianos. — ALSO— ORGANS, MUSIC, AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. : WAHICUOOMS -:- onsn:-A.Kio ST., -west. -AND Lily B^ibs JUST RECEIVED. C. E. NASMYTH & CO., CITY DRUG STORE, Market Square. TELEFHOlSrE 142. ANOTHEU GOOD WEEK HOUSEKEEPERS. All who nvo in seHfch of articles of style, tiistu and ulogunce, for the coni- furt aiul ailorinuont of their homes bad bettor \ i.sit Hepburn & White's l.\r(;e furnitui^e house, T, J, and s Ontario Street. The House Furiiishtsris and Undertakers. Tcloithone, Day tn. Ni«ht 3. THE TAILOR. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE.