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MSiO (716)m-4S01 '^ '^., CIHM Microfiche Series (i\/ionograplis) ICMH Collection do microfiches (monographies) r-t^ •$} Canadian Inatituta for Mlatorlcal MIcroraproductlona / Instltut Canadian da microraproductlona hiatoriquaa « / 1 TwiMiMi wMl MMtoflf t#lita M««M / Mo«M iMdn^iiM M fcl W l B gripHNMW TIM liH««Ml« hM anam#lMl to o*'a*« Hm hm% ortflnal may Im MMtoyaptitaaWy im««4m. «irtiM*i may altM •««« o( llM tfiMfBt Iti Km ra#rod«M«to«i. o« wMa(« may il«niM«Mit*v alumfi tha ummI maHtod of f llmint. *• (.liaahao •alow. r"TMCo ta ptoswfcr Lm d4tatl« da eal aMa««ip4a4«a qui lont paut 4tr« u«M4wm d«i po«nt da MM ybU o ^i p hiqua . qui pau wn nwdif iat una Imata raproduita. ou qui p«M«*n* •'•t^ •'^ modif loation dam la mAthoda normalo df Itliiiata lont ind«qu4i ai^Mout. □ Coloutad pafM/ Papi da aoulaur QfofN damagad/ NfM'andonMnatiM □ fafn raatorad and/or laminatad/ NfM rattaur4a« at/ou pallicul4a« [ ' CJt^W* diacolourad. itainad Of foxad/ 1 ^ Nta« dAcolor«at, tachalAai ou piquAa* □ Paga* dataehad/ Nflut dAtachWt Showthrough/ Tramparanca Q Quality of print variat/ Qualit* in«gala da I'imprasiton □ Continuou* pagination/ Pagination continua □ Includa* indaxta*)/ Comprand un (dat) Tndax Titia on baadar takan from: / • La titra da I'an-tAta proviant: □ TitIa paga of iiiua/ Paga da titra da la livraiton Caption of i««ua/ Titra da depart da la livraison j 1 Maithaad/ n?f Additional commanti:/ c^;|p.|. Commantairat »u p pl*maitl||w Qiniriqua (piriodiquat) da la livraiton Copy has manuscript annotations. % 1 « Thit itam it f ilmad at tha raduction ratio chackad balow/ Ca documant att tilmi «u taux da rMuetion indiquA ci-dattout. 10X i4X 18X 22X 26 X 30X r t. t.4 •^ . • ■ .: ■. ■: ^a* .■ : . ; -.^w 2QV 74X 7flV •mx . • ; ■ •. * ■\ ■« I i !• th« i«n«ro«llv •!: bMA r«^r«4w««4 ttMnlw Victoria Unlvtrtlty library TOROHTO Th« lm«f M appMrlnf h«r« ar* Itia baat (^MalHy poaaibia oantMaHnf th« oonditlan and laf Itolllty of tha oHfllnai oopy and In kaaplnf wltti tlia fllmlnf aanuaat apaeHlaatioAa. OHglnal ooptaa in printad papar oavaca ara fHmad ba«tnning with tha front eovar and and00O90O9:>O0 Wee Bloggoms .— *HBf?r^^ % MEN€B. - / ■ ''-. V ■■ **■ ■ •■ • ■ ■ ■■ '\. *:' V :'■■,''. . ■ ?* • ■ ■■.■..,'' . •>.: « —^- -^ '■ ■ K—^ '■ —^ ':»« * t -^■^■wt X/7 /Xr ' ' • / \ 1 1 • ,".v. 1 "1 . ■ 1 1 • \ 1 > ■ K' ) ' ■ H 1 ■HB y / 1 1 ■1 ' ' \ . '■ * ; 1 ^^^^^^Li' * V -* •» * " ;".at 1 ■Kf-^'^v ' « ^^^t;_ 1_ rfrE.' yy .^ .1" ' ** 'hi-jLimtJ^-^ r^TO^^^P I < •HcPHEPAnE.*-^ 'i>* AVhiii Ol<•u^h »<» «l«y TIh'm i m «< • "III nil (^ |ii<|t|l.>*»«iij; {•»« iim M.t U*, with iuliilhic wfitrh, \'i U u*i<^l !••• C>';«r« iii>frti»i>i"Ml til •JH'irtiiji' flk' |>!itiiw;i) ••! Mirn*; ^{•HiiitjF lifi> ; ill oiriiMjitiHiim^j !|u ia^U ..| •..me l.ilii>rin|; C hrin liiiM, (If tv«*»i {(^ Icmliiiy »*.iV» '.• «« 9t^ui%t>n, '11m"«€: hiivf j|,>M»M iiiiiff |iU»a-.»itn ti» Imt ihrriniiprh iKi: lovi* f»( « Srtvi Mir. Taiii nl ImwIv .miIv luoiighf tlw m,mjI, uiIh «l*«»«f ifb ni>(Mlii|> wiih Jt'Mc., ni.l m tiu^r. Iioiirit <^»y » dc«r chilti irf l»'i|w tliiii viini; r^taiirt may W hU-^stffi. Will yiH! kluili) MviCtiv ,'I'kI {MiiMl«>WIHJ fl»f|^l .Ami tfT thfw wlKiMiKt ^n^mriMih iliiii ii'%^ UVwf miire wwi hy nf I lujr M(;r|i(iiftc«. ." ^LOi^ftaici. Kiiher umii'. *mk,.ur llio o«»„ gift.. Wh,, !,«», U^r. hi* „„M y..Kv ih^y -crv« him Nnu, His hiAic i« kiiigl). Th.ni^,i,.U «, Hi. i«,M,rtg »,,e«l. mwl pew % % Ov» html An«i (icfrtn wiihuitt nmt j • th«y aiiu* ^^w ^hu only .tohil ami wan. • ' * Mll.TON. # WKi mxtimomu. tk • Iblr, ««««< nHirninf in May tfaM^ Hack ami ^th ih« lir»nch«« awli^ Whlkf IK* MinliMma at i^y tr* ttandim On tik iw yw , mtmtm dBm-tUvfrn cU^. TVw arc ImuicliM Mnttig ami oM^k, All laden with ptnltwlOta M«MMit, Whik ihc cl«ar, liaimy air gruw* h«avy, WUli the tidtUf awMt pmttwm, INl Hcrt b a tiny branch growing, Crowned firiih ItkiaaonM Rmall ami ftw, And th« Maieiy ■> '*^ .. % i-—-.' mm mmmm J^ In thti gMvttti tw Hw, ikwt fiwurt. Ant! iIm hiMfti Ml •imiU •nd iinwiMrth|r M b Uli ant «*• a»iw !*»•• h»» I«WMW<^^ * Tilt hf«ii«fc«» iImi •••> (m •»■*¥• iM. . ^ *^\,jt) Aft iKtiMt »ht>, tn ifnMfiMrM ■ml wiMl(Ui« 'yl ' WtUi ilialt |i*iM •ntl tU«i i^pMilf # An ihMtV g»WHt Mwi graiH tmd mf^^, %^ -^ l«i»lli«lff tiliwibiiMM fMl m4 (Wf " '•' J! Kiwiwn Ami rh«rtMh«il «%«fywli«f^ .->*• jiMt —y tw K tii birtly Mmnwrfw lla«« ctmw mmI fnnr aipin, j ^mw lwi)^ Mibi| ll^. Then crtildK fifinly iKe ftfc j i x^ , ' , ' r. Which •*«» In m4lniA«,*»«iF»k dt."" :\'/ ' UJuni on^ ciNilil NiHi||r;;^-t«r. ' ' v,-^ B I Imvc l«Mrm«(l to Icll «if C*4Mr» murcy, Ami ihe okl, wnrcvf tak reptnt. S(i ihew nineteen wee InmIn (umI likwiipMi 1 lay (town al |c«ii» 6m|. h\ - 1 qpH \ I * Win /JNUH' HAKE THmiI |#mw Imm wMiM! wntli Ihv MM ^ NfMi tnwk ht UUm, mmm cr«M^ Ann hitnrviy iMf fbr ;••«•' wki^ MflllllifM^ '** #^f in I am liMl ff,4».||li wMm* li iMy iiv. iMf I irri M TMiKfM sfv Ml frw «i. m Util« I n -^ m Hni« lilikiftMM lit oW . v^ Y J*" **"*^ '^''* *'*•*»•» «*»• •H'lw. "^ I rwch my ||«k)ie ai |««i. «■ # * r, 7 ni •««•» ttijr ti^ lMirt,iMf Mfd)* lhriHilK < iMTurr |h« 4(t0t, Abnvt ihf i9iii|MHM« mfin|{ high. Mytlivlof 4y--*I^.Jl Ml." O, nUully then iny work 111 ♦lo, .•!••« ltii|wV liHghi nun will MNin |)eep ihrodgh Tit »torm cbMuU i »n,\ I'll ihAnkful Iw, For fc**N rMK MMAi.i. riiiNitN IcA for om. U«lf» mc i« gvntl«, kind afMl true - ^«:^^,.,,-^Uvim fnt The* ih« wh«il« (iii«n( in Mulfering, M mm imkc* M y life Mmg |m|^i Un j« gentle, Filled wllh infinite »weetnc«i and love undeftled. O^thricc Moated Mary, whoM fond arm* coald enfold Him, • Who cottUl •mooth the nofl treiwe* and wipe ev'ry teaf7~r^ Guide the tottering feet nnd in love could ttphoJd Him Wh«n riiadows or dangera were hovering near. How little were you dreaming. O fond, gentle mother, A« you hushed your awcet Baby to ideep on your breast. That so soon He would wander despiwil and reJKted, Heart weary and (botsore, with no where to real'. That the brow you were kitaing 'neath thomn wiMild be hfeeding. The iiweet winning voice would grow weary so fast ; And the dear dimpled hands which your face were caressing. Some dtty yon would see to a cross nailed at last. Yet, Uttfa yo« dreaaned of the dark future before Him, .. As you, guided the huiocenl feet day by day ; So He **graw in grace daily" this sweet, gentle Jesus, . lite earth i»as Hia play'room, with dumb ctcatuica His play. The lamba gmnboM (iaify m Innocem gladiiess, Ak gently H« petted each soft woolly head ; The binls sai^ more sweet as they came at Hia bidding } The flowers bloomed the brighter at each word He said. Fqr He talked to them all in his wise, baby fiuhion. And once, while He wandered through the meadow wkk. sam nf Ht fbuml * new flower, «wect, with Icavet toft m velvtt, !So the flowcr'tt wee Fritnd ««t down by it's ■kku Then umilfatf^it littenecl to the stofy lie whispered. ilUitfit So fiiU Mfihtt innocence, glory and gr^ce i Till meekly it liowed to the King of all KingdonM, And a \tx)k almaat Iwinan stole into its bee. That look, BO expi^esslve of great wbdom and meekness, On the facf of our |)«nhy will linger alway | Ami the story once told by the Irtfant Kedeemtr jj^ ' It will whiapier to you if you'll liMca to-day. /; > , '1*83^ THE DAMT. Yerjt have flown and now we lee Hiin . • (irown from childhood into man, Eyes more sad and smiles more tender, Let us watch Him if we can. \V Thttt He stands, so grand, majestict ^ v; With disciples all around ; 1^ While the eager, waitii^ mother* V . Sit, ^ith children on the ground* " His disciples say— "O do not Trouble thus tlue Master, He Is weary." But sweet the answer-— "Let the children dome to me.*' ' One by one they bring them fo Him, "Master bless my baby too," ' So each child receives a hlesstn|^, In thqae arms so strong and true. See I this b&be a bud is holding. Now it opens crimson briji^t. But the Saviour watcbett smilii^, nil it turns frmn red tp iHiite. Sim saamam .^ h:'^'- p f" Hm U growing »nowy, Miowy, (All the rmt are walchiag t(Mi) Wily, twcetly, WU ibr blcMing-* "8c it cvM K\um with yuu. J4«rive to live pare •<« the «i»w'r«l>.. TnaM in mc whcr« «'ef yuu K» • Th^ liK>' )iiaf» be rwl litur criinso% They ithaD Ijc an ^tc m imow * So, ow sfwIkM; Kunny I>«wy SpcAk» in innocence and Invev "Loolt to Jew*, H« will tend th«» Peace and ixudtux fuuu oJkmii.'* . #-■' . •' .r: ■ V''^' ,g/'..,//^ •:.iv". ( K-%^, ^ii V, V-. ■1 \.. ,V ;. -,.«^''.f-. ■> - • %r^ II ••UNTO IflM," \ ■ ■ ^ JuBt one little thought for Jenut, Aniulit your nnxiouK carts, ■ :i OtMthought for the faithful Saviour, 'M Who all thy Hurrow thiktt* ; ' ''m 1 Who crowncth thy life with Idcuingi Aiui strengthenn all thy days ; ^ ■ ' Ttt llitn let thv thnuirhti lif^ uuwnrrf 1 ^T^ •** •■■••• t*% / *■""*«•■•■ Wt* MWWItflit 'i-a Ii^ ever grateful praiiie. 'i ■ " ' ■ . ■ ■ ^ ■.■...'■ Jui»t one little word for Jeiiua, '^'"^ Dro|i{)ed thro' the Inwy day, May strengthen Home pilgrim, struggling Along the weary way ; ''1 •J ■ ■.; May keep 4>ne weak heart from Minning, Brighten Home eye grown dim,- Thus hasten His coming glory / "i •i ^ By just a word for Hinri. ' ju«t on« little rang for Jirstii, ^ . \ . What good a tMn^{ may do ; , .J For the strain, though weak and falt'ring, -ji^MM^, m May help some more sing too ; '■ WSUKm -m And the echo of yrur singiog, 9IK ' ' M '^ ;i^ l-loating among the thrw^t V^Ky tnrn one^^fe^^ ' wk '^m Or rewue (me from wroi^;. Oh sing for the sitilc, the wand'ring, ji^Ib^H Ever thy glad note* Mice, Till many a heart kny silent, '^^^1 ' '^^H Join jrmi in ceaselesB praise *^ tHB '.■■-. ,,"■..:■.,'■'.■ ;", ", ■- 4iHnlfli^l ^omm^mmmmHim ►r. \/ I*' HJM I . I in. i |. n , ik f I' / x^ Joit on* Ihtlc life fer J««t I How MmiKKis life aiipMrt WhCQ wt wdfh h» jop and aiwrotw. Ami all in hop«i •nd fMM t : Th«tUfe«»re«dlMi Mhft O ! how can we kt«f» from J»u«, , One tiltle htMir of thi« > \ Comk, hi ui be up and dothj^ *^> Old Tine h «ying fa^ ; The fWd» Me ripe for the r HarvcM wtH toon be pMt t We'll take what HU neicy gives iiw And do it with oar aiight i Some wrve Hi» by waiting, watchi^gb Othen aMidm the fight. Then think, ipeak and idag hiapniaci. E^ to Hia aaB»e be true \ Be ONLY and all (for Jeaw* lie will be MX to yo«b. > ^ ^ »w' ^ ■ ■X*' lt"*»Kap«i ,.'#■ >'<•;"'' ■A*<. / IS naiai op I'ATIENCE* <^ in « thtte 5{irfrttbh ichnotfimtMr On the* brcM, amoni; the heatlier» ''C^v tiay sKmmI wee Utln and la»iiieii, ' ' rujczHni; thoughtfully ig|{tither { ' C3ravely wailing nitHxl the nuutter, ... Strange that none could i^ivc the answer 1^ thAti)ii«ttioii— "Whai ii Ihitience'* JU- Hark ! a tiny voice— "I can, «r.'*. / Tell UK laHHie, luiicl the tfacher, In'a voice once more grown cheery, . Soft the little law made an«wcr— • . if *Blde awcc and dinnu weary." ; ' ; <2uaint Bwet't anHwer, years have vanished Since those falt'rirtg words wcf« sfx^en, But they're living still and bringing Rest to many hearts nigh broken. So whene'er your heart grows restlMs, * Waiting for sorae sweet liUiUi»«« Of your fondest hopes ; or ending • Of your saddest hours, 1* willing Thus to wait ; So trust in J^us, And whene'er your Hll'ipeiiBUitdreary, Say unto your fainting s^lij^lu* ^ ./'Bide awce anil dinna w^llHp.** nfj^v «' ■.3;- ■KfBteaii wmmm M Looking unto je«u». For I. ih« Lord, ihy (Uh\, will hold thy rl«hi haml Mjftoi unio thee K«ir not , I wUJ h«H» thif. — Uaiah »U, XIIJ. I will not fttil thee luw ktimSLe tllii.— Jo«h«« »• tt My |.r«^nce ihiill «« with thw nwl I will give ihcv fwl — IuwkIum xxxiil, XIV. Umb of (1 Miu|{li( ni«, Irc than »eein|{ Thee ahry, , If Thy children true and tried, When I waken in Thy likunem, I Hhall then lie Ha(i»>fiC(U |||.. "^^m* asasaaiiliiiNaaiiaMa -/ ■ ;i -Sftf," m H ' CAUIME. Tit tven cm 0«Hlc«. f«l *^nkM x\m mn, Th4i wrfi •h»il.>w. kngthen, the long »Uy i. «ton«, All li» h««i •!»«» i»» caw* now Mt «*«r t Th« ii««py W»'l« twuter "b«kkI nighr in lh« inm% Th€ nMl'liiHi !«•*« •wfcy •^•^^ »^ wunmiflng Th« iwUii^i fnU» gently •* mint* fmih the ••—i ; . ■ ■ . ■. Awl the tinpling w^ven l*e»k uo ihi •hdff. Thu» the eventide fell in the life of our King, For, tho" h«l4l liy licl|{hi «ngcU, 'itii kM in the lifht Of King«liintt c«le»ti«l, wh«r« there fai n«t night, Ami whtft **tl»«ft •NUI he no aioif im." V V ll l» mmammmmtifnm mm *' J'' . It »„o«ilh III* cmttng nOaifc* • ^ m «•«»•, til w« who •» ••••lb' J| .' ■ Tlw limy h»» •wmwl ■«» >«•«•. O, iinf with the toft fcrning fottMAteii ** A (WWl lh«nk««*ving toiig. llt'k kcl u« all th* wmy, - :~r.r: And g*v«n u« • pUoc nf rttting, * After the h««i •»! day. GW« Him thuiikii for HU f«»tl«- IcMttiif, the Urns "which mtke* uft whol^ > Fof II l» pt^, •"*» »»»« precioui h««llni Fof «rtry-»lii-«icl« ^^^^ 'pTfiic Him with Joyftil Pwlmi, *WWI« wttlng nwhllt at KMn\ Ikndith the cnoUng r>*hnk /^ / f • '^" M ■a » If mmm •WHO HIIAU. HKI'AHATi VH PUOU THt LOV« or c'lmiPiT r Vt «ilill«n of jtMit, why •#• y« ••> (SMffWt f Why Ait'tf tml futni «kiy tiy lity ^ Why ((rt*rf M> the «i«irtn cbiutt* lh*l gith«ff ahlMrt you. And ih« ImiiIm In hfhi tm th« wny f Of th« wrmcMtr tif SalMi't •trrmg ham f Why f«iir Mmi ihywif ttt umw When forth to Ufr'n hit(tc . ynu go. He atrrnitthenv ihy h«rHi Utt thr strugKk ■pproachtt^, Be Ktrung in (h« I..ttrd | htir llim m^~> Ftar not, I am with thrr ; I'll Mrcngthcn thee, help thc« t ' Ym, IwU) ii|>h<>li- «lw«y. (lntUih XLi. la) If God, whom th« Anfcl-t, nrcluifigeU iirc prftMng, At whowrr voice itenv>iHi trrtnbl* mtMkflf^K If H« he fur tin, then who au>*b« afUnM »», (Rom. yiit, ji^ W)uM can harm ua if f aMM it near f itott believe that the Saviour died to MTt i^nnerR, That through Him arc yottr ilna washed away { So He'a promiaed that no believer thall peri«h, (St. John ill, 16). Then «^y arc you faatfttl tOMlay f * *«. iiunifiiipa «M H ^ ^ ,!»• •..•Imt .rf .-»• »-«ir J« J««^ <*"•*"* ^ .. . ^ w. I1W.AMMI mlftf lifcit «<^ **•• "• ••>• If H« m\h m by (»•«•. ^ •'JW^ ••• "^ QM «• pM^ Hk* tha^F lii txray f r^ ,H*. ,-.H«i- b «... -T. Mln. '-" « »-^«*7" ^. A« Hit i»«y^ '«- »♦♦• '^^''^ '*' "•^" ' "^ t. Ilfai |»wff i« «"»*»•«<. »»»••*« •" "••'^ yf . who wHh lUw •»• •«' '^Nj n ? ;,„ I If y««'ft Tmtir »-kmflnii «.. J«««. <« ^'"•' •»•• •*> h*vr f.aWm«l »h* |»IH. Ht tm* tr«l. d l'«««' •«. »»» Ifih.j-rthw«yfww«n«gh, H»i««r^h.<^y** . To irtrgifhirn .ml wnoolh H c«:h 4«y ; l"^h X«-^. ••> Utto him who l^ faUhful. Hit mwcy h*i F««*«** Actownlh.l«.*erAuklh.w.y. .P««V.4. H... H. la) Why do ymi l*He^t only ilAl.r tUt Hf Itik ywi > O. him «« you frtt^ t»» t^ •*» I , ** gtl^iwwf OM<» Wkilln • wofd ol Hit pfomtae J tt>, f 1 4.f •■* N i«P «R m ••ftfc )iiylblt|r ndmMvlt _^ iily M Mb Tmili Mitl lll« W««•! • RT ■(■nsaa^ ettnnllHaaaMaaMi iMfiiip BUHBLES. Hitting on t «tone by the wo«wl»h«n the floor, Dimplet] handu holding a bowl on hi« knfe, ^_:__ With pi|>c and Monp-Kuilii he had )ieggce of Prayer, firm in cv'ry |)ort, ^^Thfat caittle of Peace you build in your heart, . 'While Chartty'H flag floatn free over all. If such is your castle it never can fall. The bubble so bright which surrounds the whole Will l)c the sunshine of joy froni your soul, And if Chri«t, in love, your work wrill defifpd, Castle and all will endure to the en soon. ■*^^r^_u,i-^^ ^• BBBataaaBB A PRAYER. 4 WMh ON «nd I dMll be whiter than mUm. O U*d, optn Thou my Up. that my nwmh thM -httw forth thy pfiiiM.^Ma f u, 7. >$• Ahi*i F«h«r. t*kc mt, y~/\^^"\ Siniul though I be. . Waih me, ctewwe ami imke me ; ^4 Pwre and white for Thee^ All my sin» confemihg. Low I bow the knet", Cravii« for Thy bletning* ' ' Blew mci ej'en mc ^^::- ■^ Take away allj«M!ne«, Sweetly let me »ing Songs of joy and gladncM For my Saviout^King. Help me tell the irtory Of Thy wondrous lovei^ Of thy croM and gkiry In that Home above. AU in Thee confiding, AU to thee I bring. Keep me Lord abiding _ v-r:iA1 J^ t$ NEW VEAkS BELLS. Pealing m> weArily^ Tolling so drearily, Hear the liells ringing the olil year away; Turned are itH p«ge» o'er, ' j^^^^ CIoimkI now for evermore. No more revealed till the last judgment day. Much we are grieving now^ Humbly iryptayet ami liow, Saviour forgiv»-ttie dark pages ofiiin, ^ • Wash in the crimson flow, Wash white as the driven snrw, \^ Then sealed for aye. A new |)age wc Itegin. , Write there thy holy name, "?\ Bright may thy spirits flame Ever illumine thi« |>age of our lives { i).! . .' Till all its brightness see, . Know thaf'tis blessed of thee, King of all grace who each faint heart revivet. Peal now so merrily, - i.' King out so glad and free ^ j Bells of the New A'ear. For Christ gives us peace ; Ring out all sorrow, sin, ■ f All peace and love ring in, From Saten's Ixindage our soul finds released; WeMl pour (Au* prai es sweet, , " Down at thpse pierct^l foi^ Bkedii^ for ys. Hear Him tenderly say, . ' I have redeemed thee Blood bought, roy own to oe, Lo, I have blessed thee thJ5 glad New Year's day. ThMii Locd, owr Uvm accept. May tlity for «y« iM kept Only for Jam l»liat«v«r batkU. O oMiy each pi«e ba blaat, Ai aaemeth to t h a *wt . Era tvnad far ayk Chrkt In Thee well abkbk Tm ia thai Glory land. We with the ranMwied band, WekKwie with rapture the endlew New Vear. Lord we will follow Thee, Whaie'er oar lot may he, It it enoi%(h if oar Mailer it near. .»# tmemm ■>'■ » .,1. **.': wmm . 1 .jjniij„|Nji«i|ii|^j||,i.| A: i^WMM^ A I'KEP IN THK FUTUR*. 4 Take therefore no thought for the morrow. -^Matthtw vi, 34. At thy tUy» ao Bhall thy Ntrength he.—Dcut. XXXlll, M$, Lo, I am with you alwayt even unto the end.— Mitt. xxviii,ja How I wonder what my future wIU he» Will my life's journey be nhort or long ? O, will it he happy. Joyous and free, Filled with bright suDithine and merry song I Will the light of my Hie but dimly throw A Aick'ring ray where the ■|iAo weary and worn, / Fighting alone with a rot^{h, cold woirldi ^ My little barque t(M4>ng (while madly torit By tempcKt -tossed waves) with sails clo«e furled ? Ch shall I sail on the Keas calm and Mue, ' With sails unfurletl to the gentle breexe ? Be strengthenecl by friendi^ips lasting «nd ime. The same in quiet or stormy seas ? And ahall I He helpii^f aome one etch day, Easing a burden or brigjbt'nfaig gloom 7 Tho^wMd^ng 'midst ioailiine and fknreit gfty, OrUying atone in a di!>lwi»^ ' mmmmmmBmmmmtlm^ But what tt« In w«K>«ri»Hl. *'«^ <*• ' . If viUlty» b« cold, Of too bright the twi ? The King <*r th« Univtrte alU U th«fe. If the heat l» ■corchtog the wcm/ heed. Then it^ 'neath the ehwUm of HI. wing* i In •unkee valley. Hte«etcyhw shed ^ ^-Hl. Liw-iight. lAinIng 'midM f«eA A^ mm^ He knom what U bet for lib erring child. My little barque he will .afely rteer ; HI. iweel voice will quiet the warn » wM,^ In cloud Of wnrtiine He will be near. Then how can I doubt Him or .adly long For plewttire. pat or beyond my gra.p ? He .ay. "Tin not good for thee, » be ttrong In the path I .«nd." Hi. hand I'll cla.p And gladly will follow Hi. bleeding feet, Ti. enough if He bid. me onward go j Though wind, drown Hi. voice, the echo i. .weet. lib grace b wfficient for all, I know. 1^- T mm HE CARETH FOR YOU. ■ / H», King tif the Univeriw. wh«i-« glofk« extend Ffom pUnet to pUnet ; the Bsginning awl End, The Prince of Peace, CounneUor, Rey name i Love, jrerterday, to-day, and forerer the lamc. He CAtETH for y raign^ tiMky i And with mpittrv wc cmi i«U. ^'Jomii dcMth nU thii^ w^** Hnllekijnii. Frinot m QUwUnu 1 Hnil the nighty Kk^ oT Kii«» ! UwA til H «Mtl^ He cmBM vtctorkjitK, let mr nMtle 'ncnth hk wh^t Tnuting in our Roynl ITriend, let u* mvft Wm to the end. O the bvightneae of Hie Gk^. dmwii^ n«M«r l*»»» UlALM BK KIND TO MOTHtR. Yw girlt, hM fM» it wHnkM, Krr form U IiowmI with eUm^. ' Htr il«|M gmw alow aimI r«chl«| ff ^ And lilvAf. white he* htAt^^-^ The ]rc^r» i>f paiMnt tiiiltfi|{ -; Hive nuMlc h«r Mcp* m wcdt. Her (nir», perhaps fiw ynu girlii, Have paled the tmy cheek. I^mg nighiR i»f weary watching, ^^ And dayii «»f anxiouii care, » jHave bowed the form, ami whitened The t>nce fair, nunny hair. ^;^ V 'yThen giriN he kind to «i glad and sweet. And tell W that yuit Jove tiw, And love to help her loo, Be kind to dear old molher. ■■ — She'd live and die tiy yon. iMp ■mm |) ll»giiv« btf to Mdtlltr (Jmn m Hb mmk mm Aam} TImi iImi thflNikl tw HI* it%oih«ff Aai Mi ilMiM Iw )»r MM. Y mmlMNr %'(iii1l help mil tnmy tW^.' And KNMtioM if H« ail* y*m Home oilMt mnk to do, Mctl My— *Hhe loved her mnthif, t know ■Im wUl Iw tni«.' i V ■■VHiBWiPHPBBl ♦% KAItTKH, il TNI UMON or A ubAAMIVM I.IA9. TH« Mffth MMnik to wtl» flmm tt*! tong wliitar ilM|»» . Bui wmrjf m4 aldi 1 1^ To brlgb4«ii rily VMmm ^f' Thtfm Mdi tokl • ifnry |M»eulbtHy MvtMl, But otti frtMn (he hutich th«« M\ A Kwcct little leaf with iu colon lo brlgite, . Which mure ihun the rtM okn tell. lU ^Mrfume 1« lireatliiiig of Sharon'* vuHH Roat, It »pcakii of a Savtaur'i pofirat, Whoae tmite tpeedt the dawnii^ ami voke qoeth the ivaw* Whoat hreath wakea each httdding tktwm. Oit ill face I can la a flwi a otMrt green, L4ke vcrtture all fr«ih arouml, While three deep cut vein* from that centre extend, Like croMe* iiunk in the ground. ^ AroMml them la itpreading a circle of rf4, . (Sad >ymlK>l of crotM and grave,) It speak* of the iiacrifice lovingly made, Thia loat world to ble • ai\d Mve. My heart ache* with grief aa thie Mory I tftoe, ^ But aee t More th^||iia it talla. For encircling them aifit a hand of gold, Th«i pad out y« Eaatar Bella I * #1 «• #' mmm ««»'«*' **H^ Uv«lli MHi rvMlil**, Ikt l»^ m^i Unit M|, •*Aiwl UUvfcvilttfi luf IN**** Aw tht efJMI I faV M III hMt, Ite aoiiM to iIm fny, |WK lfc«l ti^ty Iwjfuwl. UMHMt4 Iqr • •aw©* ** •"•^ 0»Hit|liifyfci«miit . A«4 tki iMMium ftl tin tMfth And »lii»» TW i*v« Mn rm hAfifky thl* fsmm t^ » mmm mmmm wMimu. ftir iN«c«i«Ni«ig (tlllb Ami. fuf lib vriliM Mi ^m mHi lf«<(«f| A» Ht fiiilljr NtU «M '«fM«f ' III (Hir H<«A« IwyiNidl (h« »k^ WlMN wt'U ■•• him In hti iMMNiy, )4«v him with ImimMrtttl try**. M«n<»ilcft, Back (br you I'll Mtrely ctini«"; Ho with eager hearta we're waiting fm His a>ming ami for Home. m %-^^' *-■%_. '(/I'f . P" mmtnmmamJi . 1dm uaclMagiiif, piiiiit knowledge TImi irfMll Ud our iorrowt oww, Fill tM with- thy hdy radianoai With th«t Hctven'i perfect Ptmem. So with WMiy Amdm turning To thftt hMvtnly ttMlit doint, We are pr»yiflg~^**8«vk>ur imUu: m Worthy or th»t Hop^ tti^t Home." «»v ■ J' \ T ^"^ .Mi,, .«-ji„ ,*i' ^.,,„.„,^-,.,-,, ,^^ , .,^„j,^^^^g^^_..,,.,pj. r^ A lA ^.■: t € ■'»-l ■ " t ' t . . I •'I'^r. ■' \ .ms\ ^ - .,, 37 ■4 "<. ii It a iMHig un*ung, that we may »iiig Thy praiM, O huul mcMt dear ? I«|i bell unrung, that we may ring So all the world shall hear } Is there a key-note left unstrack To sUrt the gladsome strain ? 'Till busy nations- stop tc hear And chant its sweet refirdn ? Chorus— O Canada, dear Canada, fond love we give to ttfee, In joyous lays .we sing thy praiw,twect land of Liberty. The richest gems of lowest depths, Thf snow -cappetl moonuini high t The flow'r decked prail^foretU grand ; Pure rivers rushii^ by i Clear, matchless lakes and valleys deep. Sweet birds and brightest flowers, All. all are thine, ot»r native land, '*Fair Canada of ours." ' Choiius— :, And rodcv cavero», torrenu fierpe. Cool fourits and babbnii^ brooks, y The busy city*! roar and ^, Green fiekb aiMlalM^ nooka t ^ The winter^s mantle, aoA and wWte, " ;; The sleigh bella^idhig taifihi ]IU1 taMiitieft hright ui^mfiA. in thee, Tbptf dear iMld ol flttt^ CHOftt}8— ' leii^Mkli^Xl H Of ridbw g«wt«ff iw, Mnillin tkt liatMWf bm ' Mavt.dbMdy ptopltd Iwida iluiii thiib OfgfMMr line Mid powvfs But we deff foii att to Ami A rVMMM. WnmI tflM OHI*. IV in ilw ytmtli. a gkiritNM ytjuih, KiiUghleMd, Iwnvc ami irac ; Thi kiMMrMtt tiw gfowt Awe firw olU ThefeVlMidi lot Jilt lo do t Tlie din of Indiiiiliir *Bd uii rgll tip tilt hnqrdny, Tfl( kMt in SiMatlli** hiMh, when gens SienI ■flawrty ntmy. CHOftO»— God fovea the lahoiir we kaonk And tilciida honiit toil* With piMefel fOK to iMfilir iKMMiii And tiddi ffeidiiif 800. WelljAn ihr fteor Man'a wiaiy hnnd, Aiffiodt tlie lie%M* *bov W MI a ty t f iw n aiar i» e i li dw M>ng or Unity and love. Tlie iwi|te Itaf, onr tni f ihw dmr, Qio«Ni giMi in ifKhj it tfiw fair. ' Nf.. '*. fiii Antaain diya lilMW it chanfeed - 1^ .MUhM eoicw iK 'ijM^^^ ^^^^^^k 1^ ^LJte art il«^ Bnt llM iMfpont ! Blit.lMMldil J Ui m mmifmm RY HHINE8 BEFORE Mt. / ^«»,HU (ilory iihine* before me.ftlls with Ught Iht pft|hw«y dnwrt All iu hrightncM guthen o'er me und I know that H* is near. Softly through |he ra«liAnce uteiiUng oxmm the Heftv'nljr miwk iweet, Till my heart givcM hack the echo ami the joyoiM rfNItlMtepcats Tisthe oumlofangtlH HinRtng, where with "nandaU looMS' iheyrcNt, All their duaty |0be« forgotten and in ipotleM raiment dresicd. Ther«— the fieW* of emer^kl glory hy their happy iMt^e trod. While their voice* join the river.'flowing from the thronral God/ An it lings and ripples sweetly, making melodies oC love, Whik its crystal waves are gleaming 'neaih the Glory from above. There— (he seas of Jasper brightness fai their glas«y waves rellect All the robes of snowy whiteneai and the crowns of God's •elect', Crojiras of goW inlaid with jewels, tear-drop jewels Mghtand '^^dear,. • ■ s^ Tears they've wept while hearts were grieving o'er their Savioolr's sorrows here* Tear* of pain and deep contrition, a* they straggled on their iWJf, Sinning oft, yet always striving Him to folU>w day by day y PrQps of grief from clouds of angnidi rlshtg darkly ovethead, (NoSfcy will but Thine, my fftther, was theialt'ring ptaycr th^ said^) , , All thej)ain,6ach word ofkindoess,feeble prayer and smile to checrf Tearftil sorrow, ielf-detti«l, gently giv«n or mSettA bait. Found they added to thek Glory in that Laad ■© vonAtoui tdt^ Turned log«ms their ccowfia adorning, jtwalt lovely, Miwl rare. And their praise*, gran* nlw N a> t^y twaii the golim atiatt^ Grow Iwt purer. rieMt awtetw, M lli»y kMel at Jfwa* fast » ' Bending bw in ad««Mioiii \im k m^fU% kMif ihir mm Miimt»» Ami they gruw like Him in heuityt Air they 'tier liim an He ia' ; O our Kic^ is M the lunshinc^ All the Rest nml J»y and I.ove, Alt the a«t0e(ncaa and the beauty ot that (jiory land almve, And tkie brightimH of His Glory ahinenhefore me all the way ; All the richness of His blessings itprewU artTund me clay by (hiy : Oh His fullest love and mercy fallM <>n me, so full of sin, And the pearly (jates are open that I, too, may enter hfi. Make me pure as driven snow-Aakev, ftlni; of Kings aHde Wfth me ; , . Let me spend my years for Ji'sus. All them, Lord of prabe, for -JThee } . Keep me wordiy of my MaMer, tilt Uft't shadows fade tway ; Till,^ i» Gkiry's sweet fnlftllment, darkness wakes to Endless Day; Till I lee Thy Gkiries dawning in those Kingdom