iMKxocdrY nsouiruN tbt chart (ANS» pnd IKJ TEST CHAUT No. 2) goti Main SIrMt '. N(» York 14609 USA' (82 - 0300 - Phoiw - }Mr-Satt»-f pt.18 pt.lfe Part 1. Con. 5 Occ*A,»^» Laborer 19 Con. 1, T,i..F» Farmer C n . 5 T. y<* ^. Fa rrco r Co r»* 4 ^. 04 {. . ?. Fa r«l?r Con* 4 0. t^ ^. Fara>or / Con. 2 X.i.',^. Cop. 1 T#:>*^. Laborer 12 Con. 3 F. 3.iv.."R'. ^rnier Con. 5 ^\ S. jy.. 17. ^arnjer Con. 5 O'vnor - ** ^ ^ ivl. .F. ClorLy-i5^n. Con. 2 /vuF# Coru 2 x^. F. . ■ « lto$ s to : ,l> ^ ' add «<1^ ■■■■.;';':,•; ^ , ..v,';'^'^- '., r t .-•*■.. Cac^lpbeii., David lva'fi>«,!p!olyeri';V ■■■^- ■/.■•PI •■..21V ;■'.,■/; / Jjl/2 tot Con. '■tb9by)Wlii:iaav.v,, ;i»'iji;ft,Bob.eriV-;-. P«^ity,Fr9di5rick RetdiWiiliaai ItyaniCJbarles WillSjWilliaw :>■■]: H 20 F^gftr^f^ilSell;-!^-' ■:■■■■'■■ j« :■ ■ .. ■ tots 11 ^ Pt*2t ■Part^i Con« Cpn. Con* Con. 12 ■ Con. 'S^o-n. ^^K:.i. ■'■',/■',. . .■ :\'\ . ''■'■■' ^Ivflget'Bd^ward Mntx>«*«Jo!inv |>t.lf ■- ' ^'i' '' '. ■jpt*;^V- '^<7ll* Con. *' Th« copy ^lm: ■": .-■■■'' 4 5 duo«dtliank« Mt quality Id legibility »ith th« h^ fnm«d^ ndlrtg on ■tad impraa- riata. All ining on tha Jimt^raa- cha pHntad rofieha ng "COn- mad at larga to lio fflmad «r. loft to*^ ittato tho n L'MampliiH'tt film4 fut raproduit grico k la g4n4roait* da: ArehivM of Ontario Toronto / Laa Imagaa suivantaa ont it4 raproduitaa avac to plua grand soin. tiompta tanu da la condition at ^ la nattat* da I'axamplaira film*, at an eonformitA avao laaxonditiona du contrat da filmaga. Laa axamplairaa originaux dont ta eouvartura an papiar aat imprimda aont film^a wt commanpant par la pranfiar plat at it tarmlnant soit par la- damlAra paga qui coiiiporta una amprainta dfmpraaaion ou dllluatration. aoit par la sacond plat, talon la eaa. Toua laa autraa axamplairaa originaux aont fiimAa an eommon^ant par la pramiira paga qui comporta una amprainta dimpraaaion ou d'llluatration at ^n tarmlnant par la dami^ra paga qui" comporta una taila ~ani9rainta« " Un daa aymbolaa cuiv«(nt^ apparahra sur la damlAra imaga da chaqua m{croficha. salon la eaa: la symbola — ^ signlfla "A SUIVRE", la aymbola ▼ algnifia "FM". iaa cartaa. pianchaa. tablaaux. atp., pauvant itri -|Rm4a * daa taux da rMuction diff «ranta. Loraquo la doeumant aat trap grand pour Atra raproduit an un aaul elicM, 11 aat film* i partir da I'angia aupMaur gaucha. da gauciif k droita, at da haut an baa. an pranant la nombra dtinagaa nAcaaaaira. Laa diagrammaa auivants muatrant la mMioda. \ i. ■ 1 . 2 / 3 .\^ / ■ 4 5 ^ 6 1 '.-.•■' .^.'■t. .>^%^AA-' l-" * )«'fHt foil Iff llif* ohafifM 909 #y B« f rorp t) K,'. ' ••« ••« •<•!*« ->i^aa.OTn««.a >:«*• imi.m #' ««*•« »'«'«» ■»■■ • • "i"» ■. ••• ••" •w ' r>- ■ , MAiB.:: \ ■. ■■ Follln* ?ub- Part of 1 •* «»• -» MT »- •• — ^ *• < |;,Wreu00:n, Nellie A - ■■;■ ■,,».. / -2 ..,• .-■■■■I.-..:-. I CaKpb«il,D«vl< \ 1 1 ■ Slrlke foot, Franc! «; * \- X ■ .■:i' 1 '' LOoby.Wll^iajfl 1 •• T Iornahan,ThOiiia» ' 1 1 < r Purciiijjchft 2 J' ::'''■ 0. .^lison, I?) cue s 2 \ a. ^ivine, Robert ... 1 ■;:t^ ^Miller, Robert 1 ' 0* , tt »ir I r Hold, will lam 1 1 ' .-•<_, -"% lt3Bn»Cliarles 1 ' i F.- ^odiW.Ai. 2 - 1 O.J r« aril iitft in il>t |>r«9«riX a'| 3», Junior Jwlge of tho County Court of the anrf OtenvlllOjpursvant to Section 21 of The , df: heVeby eertify that the above and preoe- sole* o^y of the liat Votera, for the year th« Clerk of the Munioipaiity ^f the Townahip nc to ay revision and correction thereof, pur» Of the nald Act* sTO^kvlile thla /^Z day of lie thla /y /i^-t^>^ Junior Judge. \^' y milinr farmer . farmer farmer carpenter farmer.. farmer . farmer farmer farmer ,-''---^, KfibaoU 39 Barker, William j 30Blfuioher, Franklin j H IBiii i iilli tt Jmnu i 16 BtwneMy^AmJMiHB 31 Btanoher, Hiram 32 Blancher, Albert 30 Breen, Lawrence . 37 Bitten, Lawrence jr 36 Br^n, Edwahl 41 BiaonQi(£,JBe}emOA Biaonette, Alexander Biaonett, Charles farmer farmer '. tl'limil mil' |l. falrraflr fafimjr faj-iner ■. farmer farmer farmer farmer fanner ptlO w^26 pt 29 30 f 29 ptl9 ei22 pt 29 30 QR St. m f and t m f and f m f and f m f and t m f and t m f and t m f and f s m f and f m f aQdis m f and f a m i and f m f and f m^landf-r n^ f and f m f and f m f and f m f and f s m f and f a m f and f V""' * Uf f 'WKI T'l m t and f a m f and f I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 V 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■^.hp'i: ■ V ''.t «4-. Ion j]|8«ib'>$ffHi«) i.l aV of a1 it ratlin • by JUift* itMl oport flmi rtvttion pnd oorwotlcn . ,^ , ■ ,. ... ... . .^ ■ ... , ., . . , puw'tnl to IM ^wlsl^i^t of T^he Ontttlo Ipwinn obtngM wor» duly aadt ny a^ In \hc rceived 1>y jro from thO ,Clork of Iho lal d 1 y n^ porioi* Wi •ddt* to tti« ■aW list;-. Ida Part of Uft "T 'w* •« ■•*" -4^' ••*"* '««.«iM «• 5 1 1 ' •■T ** **.*<*' •««■* !*.»•• *<• ^ •*- ••' ttS..^ Property or other luilifl*- Oation* n -v^ M.F*. Vi 1 lagt, CiersyjMn It Owe* rii,Ut '••, CoruS, F. $. Ai. F» Faru* T, pt. 21. Con S Occ»NW.F«Uboror pt*2l con .5 T..M. F..Faraor, pt>f/Lotc d/i 9 Con.l F.3. iivF*F«rmr,R i/2 Lot 22 Con,4 T. i>k F. Faruier, pU.L^t 3, Con O.JbkF. Farmer ,//.R j/2 IM 9 Con.l. O.M.F. W 1/8 Xot 6,Coiul J ' Faimer T.i^i.F,. Far.-er,R 1/2 Lot 19 Co n. 1. 0. M F. ft 1/2 Lot 20 Coiv4 Faricer T. w, F. Laborer* Lot 17, Con '- ; 1 F'S.irV P.FairiEer,Lols 11 k 12 Coiv 3 ajii.T. F«rjiiof|pt.L»8Con.8 M NAMK 3'2H 320 329 321 326 32ft 319 324 322 323 315 814 309 330 SlftlWiKxl, Jouftlhiui W(hmI||A<)Iiii V , WiKKl^ftinwi WcmmI. JhiuM W.hhI, W, It. WiKxl, Williain W™)d. ArehilwH WikmJ, .lolin W(kmI, llolmrt Willis Patrick WillH, E«i>vfti«l WilliaiiiK, John WiUiAmH, Clinton Wood, AllMsrt E. Wo«k«H, John I, ^ ' . " i , " , ' i.ii ' i ' i ' ' I . ' ' ' . — '■ — ■ ■ —^ — "^ — ■* — ■ ■ " PART.II.— PemonH entitled U) Vote at Municipal eleotlonn oitly Arnwtrong, JaniOH Allan, JamoH Breen, Mary Bisonett, Folix Balfe, Sarah Bent, Henry Berford, Mrs. 203 Challiea, Eariiie ChallioH, Frederick Clark, John CarsBj Ogle Frayn, Henry Frost, Jas. E. I^fayn, Saunders Graham, James jToyn^ Mary A w^ 4 si IKO POtLIKO BI7B.DIVI8I09 Ho; L rt*t- 51 i ^1 Htti-t, Mioha«l HiiKKttrty, Patrick Hannah, [hoaq Joynt, John M J()ynt, lionry )& Joniw, Juhn JontJH, ThomaM Joynt, Tlobt Joynt, John Joynt, Ktlward Jacklin, Shtttio Jaoklin, llicluird Jttcklin, Joseph 8r Jacklin, JoH«ph jr iiMlfi Imlgf r W > ^ 138 139 137 146 147 144 143 _102 163 154 148 149 150 151 Klyne, JoBoph Kelly, Eilward J Looby, John LAUHon, William Laughney, John tooby, Edward LauHon, Aiidrow .-..,w.;.>.s„_. Moorl^6uHe, John ■ MoorhouHe, William Millar, Jamor tit Millar, Thoma« Millar, William Millar, James |r ""•"•"*. fr''" — MoKenney, Franklin McKenney, Theodore McTavish, John McTavish, Duncan McLean, Archibald McLean, John Nichols, Oeorga— Nichols, Clark Noulan, Edward Newman, Wm K faMuer fo^rmer^ fafnAsr farmer farmer farmer laborer , farmer farmec . shoemaker 4 in\f and! m f and f mfaudf m f and f ■ ni f and f s ni f and f h ni f aiui f m { andi mtia-rrf ni f antl f R m f and f m f and f m f and f m f and.f m f and f m f and t m f and f m f and t PI f and f mfandf m f and t m f andi fancll! f and f ' f andf m f and f s fandf m f andf m f andf m f andf m f and f S m f andf m f and f m f arid t •. m f and I m f find f m f aitd f ,, 1 1 1 • 1 1 I I 1 1 r I I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4> 1 I t 2 \ I I 1 i...— tJrHM ! Microfiche Series ) ■7 ,■ de ■X (iiiibnograDhles) ./ t .\ . ■ ■ •.;.-: V.-- :•;>•■■. Canadian InstitMtip lorHistorical IMIcroraproductiona / Institut Canadian da micrbraproducticlna hif toriqtias -.,..:.^.-. .^■t:-. •■/■ -f ^ ^ .7- 10 70IXIN0 SUBDIVISION Na 3. t^- I'" >* ''if- 5d KAME. o s (kfOt)| Taggart, A M ^, Joneg, Jamea (1) widow widow M P butotiof' matpin bontraetor farmor ; lookmastei^ Con. OR 6>, .21 t1 ;2l 2^ ^ PABTlII-^Pen'oriB entitled to vote ot eleotionH to the liegialative AsMeiiibly only. 61 69 60 130 ISlj 166 196 182 201 C^hill, Johii Cahill, Michael , Cahill.Luke H -' .•■.■''-.'. .'■■ Holliday, John ':.,, Huddleston, William Jones, Henry V McOillivray, John McEwen, Non^an / Tweddy> Thomas Uborer laborer laborer laborer laborier laborer laborer laborer laborer r half 7 r half 7 r half 7 e pt 4 e pt 12 mi ml mi m f mf rit f mf ■■.« '■ 2 -2 m-' 2 2 * i« 2 !f4 > 2 Ayl Aggregate number of names qualified to serve on Juries-T-92. j^ ^-^.^.~ — .Clorkofthe Municipality of tbe Townsklp of South SlinBldy. in the Oounty ^r ofljeedi^ do herebyoertlftr that parts ny■ % ■ ■". ' Y, ■ . ' '- 1 V pt 19 2 f - ■ ■'■■^ ' ■' 1 J 12 • 3 1 pti^2 7 ptl9 r,- *-v:::;'^ :•■■-■■' ■■,;;■ 1 ptl9 3''y: «■'■;'■ ■^: ■■■':■.' '■^■■ 6 PART III— Persons entitled to vote , »_ — . — at elections to the Legislative Assembly onl y. 228 Kelly, G(K>rge Killen, John - painter laborer ptl9 pt 15 2 •m# ■■■ ■ ■'- 23 mi mi 1 1 96 O'EeiUy, William laborer fil5 7 3 ml-:::--:' ■:■: i 10 Allan, John H; laborer m ml^-.\. -':-:■'': 1 fx ' «,-If?W-w, -,^iv--;?'j.:>3:. .< flS^'M^^il^JiS^i&ti ''"--•-'^''''^^m-m-^fww^w^mmfl^^^^^^ '% -\. ,r' IKJUJNO HUB-WViaiON No. I., dooo»»Atibii. D«lfo, ThumM Hnlf<^ John Halfu, Miclitol U«IUmy, BB Bahh, Uichurd Balfe, Patrick Bftlfe, MiohMl Covell, Albert OovoU, Willmm J Covell, Willittro Covell, John Covell, Edward Covell, Franklin Copeland, HamucI Cauley, Thoman Clark, RolMjrt Covell, NoUon H Clare, Frederick A Cairn, John. Dodd, Matthew ' Dooher, William Dooher, Patrick Dooher, Michael Dooher, fidward Duffield, George Doffield, Richard Diiffield, John sr DnfBeld, John jr Dillabough, James DilUbough, Daniel Errett, Edward vt Errett, Robert Errett, Edward jr llSdould, Abel 269 Qardiner, James 260Ori£Sn, Sin^on 140 141 Hughes, Jam<)s Houae, Henry farnior farinfli' farinfir dheoHO niftker farmer hotcUkce|)or h<)t«l-kn«'j»er pt 16 pt 15 \ pt 15 , pt 19 i 20 pt 19 pt 10 HousEe, Qeorge Uim»t farmer farmer farmer farmer farmer farmer merchant ■ blackHiitith farmer bee-keopor laborer farmer farmer fanner merchant farmer farmer farmer farmer farmer fanner laborer miller miller miller farmer farmer laborer - farmer blacksmith rflB W A 16 w i 18 f * 15 w^lB fi20 0V28 f^t 19 pt 19 pt 21 pt 27 2H 18 ■ fti 15 ptl8 il9 115 wi 17 n e i 17 seil7 wj 17 pt 18 m f and I \ m I and (•' m ^ and ( 1 m f and ( \ ro f and I m i and t m f and t I pt Id / ptl9 / pt 19 ri23 w ^22 14 19 pt 19 pt 19 mi Md fs m f and f m f and f m f anid f^w m f and i n m f and f ^ ui f iind f ni f and I m f and f ni f and t m f jind f tiifan^f [nt f and f |m f and f myfandf . m f and { m f and f m f and f , m f and f m f and f ■ m fand f m f and f m f and m f and t m f and f ra f and f m f and f m f and t m f and t m f and f m f and f 0) t and f •' ' 138 139 142 painter .^f ■wf^?^ •\ «. m e POLLING Hllll-IHVIHION No. I. ■4". i.' 'i d ^5 HjraafqRHrvoMB MAMIE. I •i37 230 292 233 234 247 248 .t238 240 249 2&t 242 244 246 239 245 262 Ir O'Donnoll, John J O'IKtiinnll, PRtrii* O'DonnHI, Uiclinnl O'Doiuiifll, Jiii«(ii»l«h (yOilvl**, AroliibAld O'Oilvie, Uoiwrt ' j O'Mara, Jutnrm O'MAra, F4Uw»r(l J O'Mara, Michiiel J 0'H«)illy, Thonift" O'drady, Patrick tr. J O'Orady, JoHoph O'Orady, Patrick jr J O'Mara, K.lwurd J O'Oriwrty, Michael O'lieilly, Usriiarci M OOCUPATIOIIU faiin»'f farnicr fanner faiintu- fnrinnr fatiucr laboi-cr .ptyt Cow. OH '■^ 269 262 270 266 287 288 283 284 286 29 289 •294 293 2$6 297 Potty, Eflw»r(J , Pattewion, James Rabb, John ; Ryan, ?PM»I^ Heyniouir, John Stewart, Charles Sinnott, Hobert Biiinott, ThomaH Slnoott, Jameai ' Sionott, John Sherman, Franklin Toohey, JamoH Tennant, Robert J TomiliMm, Jonathan j Tomilson, Thomas j 298 Tomilson, J<»nnthan jr j 299 Tomilson, Norman i 79 tooh^, Timothy j 295 Tray nor, Michael j SOCUfcyAr, Henry j 292 Topping, Nassau B. -$n MI)e4!ulatnr huti-l-kni*)M>i' farmer fai'iiitM' farmer farmer fiinner laborer * fainier *^ farmer ;■ , 1.,- ' ■ achool-teachor farmer farn|ier fari^r fanner farmVr farmer farmer blackHini^ farmer .'»' farmer farmer farmer farmer farmer-;;,;;. ,: farmer farmer :2_^ farmer farmer 24 ■ • ■. pi 11 .. \ttM 14, 16 UiuhI 16 HkimI 16 pt 1$ w k It tl* ^^ pt 10 pt 19 ptM 28, 29 piK 28, 29 w ^28 pU20, 21 pi 26 ptJ0 ^ ■.■:-: ^x.' epl 16 ei 17 3 2 2 2 4 4- a 9- "T pt 18 pt*U,12 Wa r d, Richa r d f a nner ptfl 26> 27 ft half 23 pt 22 pt 22 pt 22 pt 22 pt2* w half 30 pt«18,.19 pt 18 ■ nhrif 16 m f indfii m f anil f n» f •lid f 1 m f and li in f and f R III f and f m f and f III f and f i»4^ i ind f 3 8 4 4 3 3 6 2 4 fi 3 3 !!».». V in f and f in f wndf in fund £ III f itrid f N III f and f m f and f in f and f h III { Hnd f , infatiidf in f uihH j iiwf and |. < m f and f mfandY tn f anand f i m fand i m fand f wdf m f Kod f » m fand f m f and f m f and f - m fandf m f and f a m f and f 8 m f and f ra f and f m f and f m f and f m f and f 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 65 61 119Goirid, Wm ^fl*."-if. (Aki. 3 Armstrong, Marion 106 Clark, J/M Corbc^t^ George Campbelli EUsabMh Snmv, )lfary J « Hunter, Jessie Kelly, John wridow merchant gentleman widow widow oianntaetarar widow farmer rhalf 1 68 e half 3 ptS half 3 7 . pt7 ^'^ji}^^'^.' M,,.'^- PART ^I — Persons entitled to vote at Municipal Elections only. 3 3 3 2 2 I 2 2 \ r fj^r^ lym^:;:- w-'y-'''^-'i--f''Vf''"f.'Wmms^f^ •,V,'W1 m^mm. 6 f^ 1 3 1 . ■' {'■ '■ • '' i 3 1 1 i 1 ':-'X ■'[■- ji ■ 9' _ 6 nblyonly. T POUJNO SUB-DIVISION No." i. M O NAME. OoeVPATioHi LOT. 343 Nicholson, Ja^ 282 286 laborer^ SitnmoAii, Michael Sinno^t, Peier pt 2R ^/» I^tip^ i»giiacUi!iek^:^^«^ iBboror**^**''^ pte^fH*»iw^^ liftbdrer laborer Co*. OB St. < ml ml POLUtNQ SUB-DIVISION No. 2. POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. S—Coinpriiiing all the remaiqing portions of the first, second, third, fourth and fifth Concessions not mentioned in Sub-Division No. I of the Township of Elmsley South. . , • ' I. — Persons entitled to vote at both Municipal ISleetions'and Elections to the 'Legislative Assdmbl^. Arnold, Henry farmer Arnold, Sheridan jfarmer Andrews, Stephen j ^farmer Andrews, Ethelmore 'farmer 1 2 4 5 17 Ballantyne, Matthew j 18 Ballantyne^ Russel j 19 Bolton, Hurii j 27 Ballantyne, Trancis j .24 Bums William " j 64 Corbett, James j 58 Cahill, Terrance j 56 Carroll, James j 54 Condie, Alexander j 52Ca!npbell, James 53 Campbell, Matthew^ 66 Campbell, Geoi^e ' j 55 Condie, John 57 Carroll,- Georjpe 107 Clark, Alexander 81 Dodd, William 82 Dodd, Charles 98 Edmonds, Solomon j .farmer farmer farmer jfarmer farmer 10 10 11 11 wi5' e^5 w^S :pt2 6^13 farmer ptes farnier fi7 farmer ' pt8 9 farmer 9 fanner ei3 farmer e|3 farmer *H farmer 9 farmer ' * pt8 9 farmer ril farmer pt7 farmer pt7 farmer 6^3 2 2 2 2^ 1 4 5 3 3 2 1 1 1 - 2 3 2 1 1 m f and f m f and f s m f and f m f and f s m f and f s m f and f m f and f - m f and f m f and f m f and f m f and f m f and f m f and f m. f and f a m % and^f « m f and { m f and f ^ m f and f s m f and f s m f and f m f and f s m f and t 2 2 2 2 .5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 h2 itoLUNG BUB-DIViaflON No. 2. 1* |5 NAMB. if o g 111 102 103 110 100 104||'| Fronoh, Dayid Fergttion, Robert I'ergttion, John Fio^lftyi Joseph Fost^, ThORtAH ''jaater, JohnlH lldOrmham. Robert 276 Gardiner, George 119 Ooald. William U^Oould, JS 108[Hog«boone, William 125Hope^ John vl2SHanter, Peter 128 Hunter, Hugh 126 Hunter, Roher«; nr 124 Hunter, Hugh 129 Hunter. William 127 Hunter, Peter 183 Hughes, Thomas 134 Hughes, John 132 Hyslop, Walter 135 donrigan, Francis 136Houri^ui, Michael i 60 Kellj, James ' 163 Kelly, Thomas 161 EeUy, Luke 162 KMly, John 164 Keegan, Robert .173 Lundy, John l74 Lundy, Hugh l72 Latrace^ Isaac 168 Levingston, Alex sr 169 LBvingstK>n, Robert 170 Levingston, Alex jr 171 Levingston, William 192 MAdden, John 189 Moorhouse, Joseph 187 Martin, George i OoOUPATiOM. srsc IX)T. farmer farmer farmer- farmer farmer farmer farmer farmer farmer farmer farmer farmer farmcfr farmer farmer student farmer farmer farmer farmer former farmer farmer fanner farmer farmer farmer farmer farmer farmer farmer farmer farmef* farmer fanner farmer farmer famier Ft OOH. OB St. 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 3 4 m' ( and f m f and f m.f and f m f and f m f and f m f and f m f and f m f and ,t m f and i^ s m f and f a m f and t m f and f ra f and f m f and f h m f and f m f and f s m f and f s m f and f s m f,andf m f and f s m f KTid f m f and f m f and f m f and f ' m f and f ' m f and f s m ^and f s 'm f and f ' m t and i 'm f and f s m f and f , m f and f m f and f ' m t and f s m f and f s m f and f m f apd f ni f and f 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 t 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 9d t 200 tl86 176 !!183 185 '201 223 266 *1 264 i» 263 273 274 • 275 L 278 L V 279 r 280 f Sh ^ • 302 A *^ 903 POLLIN; *»viii.'»».-va>.a£ii**"«ij