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IKMiKRT I'ATKItSO.N lUTIIliT, l«,,,., .1 ,'. - P„|.:sm„nt IW.DKRICK FINLAYSON. Ks,,. .,. P. . V„.,,-1.,u.s„, KIKiARCROW ISAKIiR, Us,.,., M. 1>. - - . .Sk,„k-,a„v COUNCIL. (8) M. T. JOHNSTON, Esq. A. A. GREEN, Esq. THOS. EARLE, Esq. ROBT. WARD, Esq. J. H. TODD, Esq. M. W. T. DRAKE, Esq. E. G. PRIOR, Esq. H. F. HEISTERMAN, Esq. ARBITRATION BOARD. (12) M. T. JOHNSTON, Esq. A. A. GREEN, Esq. THOS. EARLE, Esq. ROBT. WARD, Esq. J. H. TODD, Esq. M. W. T. DRAKE, Esq. E. G. PRIOR, Esq. H. F. HEISTERMAN, Esq. E. C. NEUFELDER, Esq. W. J. JEFFREE, Esq. DAVID LENEVEU, Esq. THOMAS SHOTBOLT, Es(,. MEMBERS. NAME. Adair, John, Alexander, R. H. Baker, Edgar Crow Bales, James Chestney Bate, Mark, Burns, Robert, Charles, William Clarke, AVni. Raymon>i Coughlau, John, Drake, Montague W.T. Duusmuir, Robert, Davies, Joshua, Douglas, James, Earle, Thomas, EngUsh, M. M. Fellows, Alfred, Fell, James, Finlayson, Roderick, Foster, F. W. Green, Alex. Alfred, Gray, Alex. Blair, Green, David, Goodacre, Lawrence, Heisterman, Henry F. Higgins, David W. Heywood, Joseph Hibben, T. N. OCCUPATION. Salmon Canner, Manager Saw Mill, Conveyancer and Notary, Public Accountant, Manager Vancouver Coal Co Manager Bank B. N. A. Insp'g Chief Factor H.B. Co Harbor Master, Port Ward'n Brickmaker and Contractor, Barrister-at-Law, Prop'r Wellington Colliery, Auctioneer and Com. Merc't Gentleman, Merchant, Salmon Canner, Merchant, Grocer, Lloyd's Agent, Merchant. Banker, Draper, Clothier. Butcher, Fire Ins, and Land Agent, Editor "Daily Colonist," Bacon Factor, Stationer, RESIDENCK. New Westminster Hastings. Victoria. Victoria. Nanainio. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. Departure Bay. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. New Westminster, Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. Clinton. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. MEMBER S.--CONH.NUKD. NAMK. Huiiis, D. R. Irving, John, Juhuston, Miitthow T Jiickson, Hubert E. JelVriif, W. J. Jones, Hugh Lloyd, Kciist, Arthur, Liinghy, Alfred J. Lowcuberg, Li'cjpold, Lene\eu, David, Laidlaw, Jas. A. Marvin, Edgar, Marvin, Edward B. Mayereaii, J. B. Mason, Henry S. Mansell, Henry, Monteith, William, Mara, J. A. McQuade, Peter. Mctiuade, E. A. McAlister, John, Neuf elder, Edward C. Nelson, Hugh, Ofner, A. Onderdonk, Anchew, I'itts, Sidney, J. Pooley, Chas. Edward, Pollard, William, Prior, Edward G. OCCUPATION. Civil Engineer, Steamboat Owner, Merehant, Barrister-at-Luw, Clothier, Chemist and Druggist, Brewer, Chemist and Druggist, Keal Estate Agent, Corn Factor, Salmon Canner, Merchant, Ship Chandler, Merchant, Barrister-at-Law, Boot and Shoe-maker, Merchant, Merchant, Ship Chandler, Ship (Jhandler, Master Shipwright, Grocer, Senator, Grocer, Kail way Contractor, Merchant, Barrister-at-Law. Barrister-at-Law, Merchant. IlESIDENCE. Victoria. New Westminster. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. New Westminster. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. Kamloops. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria . Burrard Inlet. Victoria . Yale. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. MLMBERS.-CoNTiNL-Ki,. NAMR. OCCUPATION. Qiiapliotti, John, Rithot, Kohert V. Kt'dfern, Clius. E. lli'id, Jiinu'H, Spnitt, Joseph, Strouss, Curl, Huunders, Henry, Suyward, William P Shotbolt, Thomiis, Smith, Andrew J. Short, Henry, Shears, Walter, Sears, Josejjh, Springer, Benj. Tye, Thomas H, Todd, Jacob H. Turner, John H. VanVolkeuburgh, Benj Vovvell, A. W. Williams, Robert T. Ward, William C. Ward, Robert, Wilson, WilHam, Weiler, John, Warren, Jan. D. Young, Henry, ' Tra.ler, Merchant, Watchnuiki'r, &.c. Merchant, Iron Founder, Merchant, Grocer, Lumber Merchant, ("htmist and Druggist, Contractur and Builder, Gunsmith, Draper, Painter, »fec. Manager Saw Mill, Merchant, Merchant, Merchant, Butcher, Gold Commissioner, Book-binder, Banker, Merchant, Clothier, Furniture Dealer, Steamboat Owner, Drape ••, nESIDENCK, Yale. Victoria. Victoria. Quesuello. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. Moodyville. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. Cassiar. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. OTHER BOARDS OF TRADE. ETC. Dominion Boaud of Trade, QUEUEC lioAKl) OF TUADE, Montreal Board of 'J'rade, Portland Board of Thade, San Francisco Chamrer of Commerce, Astoria Chamheu of Com- merce, Halifax Chamheu of Com- merce, British Collmria Agriccl- TiRAL Association, ( Hon. James Skead, President ( Wni. J. Patterson, Esq., Secy ( Joseph Shelyn, Esq., Presid't '( F. H. Andrews, Esq., Sec'y j Andrew Kobtrt.son, Esq., Pre.s. I Wui. J. Patter.son, Es(j., Sec'y I David Macleay, Esq., Presid't ( F. K. Arnold, Esq., Secretary ( Win. F. Babcock, Esq., Pres. ( Morris Marcus, Esq., Sec'y I Jolin Q. Bowlby, Esq., Pres. ( John Gatsby, Esq., Secretary j W. J. Stairs, Esq., President. ( C. M. Creed, Esq., Secretary. I J. H. Turner, E.sq., President, i Thos. Russell, Esq., Secretary. J c (J b o I u o: a] n ol h( U k( h( bt av su pe •^TljlljD •:• liiniM^ '> WOH'&<> i)V TIIK- British Columbia Board of Trade (Snd July. T881 to 7th July. 1882.) Vicn.itiA, R C, 7tli .lulv, I.SS2. To THH MkMMKKS of TIIK B. C. J^iOAUD ol ThaDI:: (jIkntlkmeX: — Vour coiiiiiiittou apnointt'tl l.y tlic U.)iiiit'il to ilrat't u report of the traiisju'tioiis of tin- iJofird.for tlic year just t'Xpirt'd, for tlu' consideration of tl»e iiienil)eis in annual council nieetinn' assenildecl, \iv^^ to |)r<'srnt tin- following : .mi;.miu:ksiiii>. At the heuinninii' of tlie \'ear alioxc nfcri'etl to tlieic wej'c (Jf) ineiiiliers on tile list — on the l:2tli July, l.SMi , three mem- bers withdrew; on the J4th of Octoher, iSSl, two were a or TliADK. In reii'ard to affiliation with the Dominion Board of Trade nothing further has l)een done or attempted, nor is any such step contemplated until laced before you, as also the petition forwarded from the various .sections of the Province to the (Jttawa Government, since then nothing has been done by the government in the direction .sought, although we are pleased to state tliat we are indebted to the i 12 "Oregon Railway and Navigation Company" for their enter- prise in making the service tri-weekly in lieu of semi-weekly as heretofore, and judging from the fact that said service is maintain"(l without any addition to the mail subsidy it is in- ferential that this increased service is sufficiently lucrative to warrant its continuance, and thus enable many persons to visit the city of Victoria to the advantaije of all and the in- crease of trade. The Council is still in liopes that the Fed- eral Go\eriniient will grant the prayer of the petition and thus secure a daily mail service to Puget Sound. gl'AllANTINE MATTERS. The subject of (puirantine has engaged much time of the Council, from the .'Jrd June, bS.Si, up to the present moment, correspondence has been exchanged between the Minister of Agriculture and the Boaril; copies of Rules and Regulations have been received, and under date '2'2nd July last a letter was addressed to the minister calling attention to clause 5 of the "Terms of Tniim," ami asking to be informed if it is the intention of the departuu'nt to establish a (juarantine station at the port of Victoria with necessary Quarantine Hospital. "In rei)lv dated Kith Auuust last we were informed that there was no ])arliamentary grant which would enable him to estab- lish a (|uarantine in British Columbia but expressed an inten- tion to hriii!'- tlu' matter bi'forc His E.xcellencv the Governor- General in C'ouncil at an early date for consideration next ses- sion," (i. e., the session just passed) and which resulted in the trivial provision of .SoOOO; it is therefore highly desirable that this matter be persistently ])ressi'd until such time as we get an efficient Quarantine Hospital and station. ROCKS IX VKTOIMA HARBOR. Since last reporting upon this matter the Donunion Gov- ernment Auent, Hon. J. W. Trutch, actinu' under instructions from Ottawa, has continued the work of removing Beaver rock, and sufficient of the rock has been taken away to secure a de])th of ['2 feet six inclns at low water, ordinary springs, which was as much as couJil 1k> done by day's work vvith amount of xote for that purpose, and as chargeable against the contractor. Representaticm, however, has been made by the Board with t le object of inducino- the Government to let a further contv ct for increasing the depth to 14 feet (as called for in original contract) and also requesting that the removal of Tuzo and Dredger rocks be included in said contract. 13 "BRITISH AND COLONIAL rNION." Much corruspondenee luis taken place between the Board anns (on the whole) of it printed as you may consider necessary. The principal matters relative to the Trade and Commer- cial interests of British ('olumhia ascomiriii' within the control of the Federal Department (jf (Canada end^odied in said ad- dress are hrietly as follows, — 1. The Island Railway portion of Canada Pacific Railway 2. Tlie Graving J3ock at Esquimalt. ']. Dredging continuously Victoria harhor. 4. Complete removal of Beaver rock. 5. Removal of Tuzo and Dredger rocks. " (i. Matters in regard to Pilots and Pilotage. 7. The necessity of a seconnne in reference to the storage of petroleum, in keeping;' with circnlar dated Ottawa, ()th ( )etol)er. 1(S(SI, and statiniLi,- thfit reinnlations therein contained would he enforced on and after 1st Deeeniher, I(S,S|. "A committee was appointcil and reported to the eti'ect that the Civic Authori- ties had res(^]ved to take the necessary ste))s in the matter, and that so soon as they shall have had time to aseei'tain from other cities tiie measures usually adoi)ted in such cases thev will lose no time in ett'ecting- the passage of a By-Law which shall make every jirovision to meet the re<|uirements of the order in council referred to and thus render it unnecessary for the Inland Revenue I)e])artment to enforce any order under the Dominion Act." G. M. SI'ltOAT RE EAGLE I'ASS. In NovemV)er last Mr. Sproat addressed the Board on tlie suV)ject of "securino-^the construction of a short line of rail- way so as to connect Shuswap Lake with the Cohnuhia River, and also for construction to proceed continuously from th(; Columhia River end of Eai>'le Pass with a view to fostcn'ino; our trade." This matter has been placed in the hands of a committee to report. OFFICIAL MAP OF THE PROVINCE. In December last the matter of issuing a now map of the Province was discussed and deemed advisable. A committee was appointed to interview the Lo.?al Government, iind subse- (juently reported that the Government had the matter in hand and would give it the expedition its importance demanded. FISHERIES. It was considered by the council necessary, in view of the increasing number of canning establishments, to take steps to place them under proper license and supervision in keeping with the various clauses of the " Fishery Acts of Canada," under the Inspector for the Province (A. C. Anflerson, Es(|.,) with a view to reeulatino- the number of canneries on rivers, the licensing of them and precautionary measures for preserv- ing the fish, &c. A connuittee was appointed who drafted a very able report upon the subject which was printed in pamphlet form and issued to every member of the Board in Ifi January, so that it is needless to say much more upon this vahiable resource of our Province, except that it is gratifyinrr to know tliat tlie Dominion (iovernment liave so far reaarded tlie action of tlie Board as to place a sum upon the Estimates for the establishment of a hatchery on the Fraser, and which we trust will he of the m^cessary productive capacity ($4000.) STAMP ACT. Partly owing to the action of this Boarc agitation in th.' Eastern Provinces, the Act 42 assented to loth May, I, being ''an Act to solidate the laws respecting duties imposei' Notes and Bills of Exchange," connnonly "Stamp Act," has been repealed l)y an Act of of Canada, and dated 1st March, 1882, so that poorly remunerative tax has at last been done 1 and partly to Vic. chapter 17, amend and con- cm Promissory known as the the session a vexatious and away with. l)REDGlN(i Ol' VICTORIA HARBOR. During tlie past six months the Dredger has been kept pretty w(dl employed in deepening the harbor abreast of the wharves from the south end of the Hudson Bay wharf to the (.'xtreme of Spratt's wharf, as in the opinion of the Board (conveyed to Hon. J. W. Trutch) the services of the Dredger could in this manner most advantageously be used from a trade and conmierce point of view. The Dredger is now doing good service at Shoal Point, near the Entrance of the harbor, as we subsequently learn from Mr. Trutch that the cost per cubic yard, whilst dredging in the vicinity of the wharves, would be so much incrctised on account of the distance of the dumping ground from the scene of operation as to preclude the possibility of continuing the work originally suggested. DELAYED PAYMENTS, DRAWBACK ON TIN. At the instance of the British Columbia Packing Com- pany, dated 27th February, a committee was appointed to in- vestigate into and report upon the subject of customs delay at Ottawa in payments of drawback on tin-plate used in canning and exported foreign, and further to draft a resolution and memorial to be forwarded to the Customs Department at Ottawa. BEAVER ROCK, (INNER CHANNEL.) Under date of 17th March, 1882, we are in receipt of a report, furnished by Capt. Devereux to the Hon. J. W. Trutch, in ctt'cet us follows: A rocky i)Mt('li exists with only nine IVct on it at low water in a direction N. K. al)out 100 feet from tlu> Beaver rock. This matter v";: hron^ht to the notice of the Marine Department and a lar^c triangular hnoy, No. a, hits been )>lac'ed on it an X r*^ ff.> ,_, 5j C5 W-* hK a Ct <-s C i't 1> ' LC *f ^ p p X X X X N^. l-l. M. ^ C C B ts W 3: r' "^ P p «- S- B < B S". w X P P W o I*- I— I H > H I— I O io *- ic 4- wC CC 0( ^ o -sC o ii O Ol c ^ W C >■ w 02 x- I— I 1—1 K (^ c^ H-t I- X B C B t CO B ft CO o > 5h O 4-1 *:; p o a tc> *i:^ >- y > ■ n X t 2 C-=^ =? •' « ? § ^ S >^ W CO '/ >-• '•^ B H i^ r H ^ o. I c. ^^ r. ^ O' >,> ^ t^ O •> M ^* H-( ^^ ^ '^ ^ * o S^ ig X -V ' • • CO B ^ "^ 2 - ^ B M B H ^ ni ;; >o -^ ►:( n fi- X ^ X C X > g ffj t fjj > ••/.■ K CO CO ^ = = X ^ c; h- to CI IC O Oi o c sex CO Co z;^ ■?• ' - CO o • Ol C CT O O w-i o coo o CI o o •/J 1—1 1—1 O t^ CI X o o o o X J X oc ^ X lO ° H-l www K! Hi k; 5f W .^ j-j «H t-" >: V! :; 9 »: • S ^ ^ B !i> " j_i - S" ^Ti '^ * WW V '^ »- — ^ w W W wi^*-i N1 K! Ki i, B a ffi t) '-i ^ &^ ^ y oi ^ '^ a B H Bff:::iW-j£;^^:r e-^5 X '^ p ^■ X •/! X i=i S ?? 5 Ci C I— ' ?T' B ag-p /• B- e S B X o 3. B B M . P H . B 32 B. >-' B a:; 2, > B"^ y. -) — ' ■** „ o -2 >- r-. o d ■r ^ « K >: > 2 H o a X CO to -" Tl M B p o ic B 2.W 15 d K E; B X a: O B 2. B 2- 2 » CO 2 r «-^ ,^ (-1 o h- '^ ; (i) i-icootxcjioos-a CtlCOlOOOoiCO O 01 O O C O O CO cn 2 t*^ CO CI to »*»• CO O CT ci c 00 ^ O CO t-1 »*»■ CO o CO m CI o CI to cs X X Ct O O C5 ►-i to »3 O O to X CI c;i © O CI X '>< o c td 00 00 00 a Q 2(t V I (TO HI A, I J. (I. 7tli .)uly, l.S«S2. To tin; IMjksidkni' and Mk.miikns or tiik ('o'.'ncii,: — (1i:ntli:mi;n, We tlic uii«!('rsimif(| Amlit ('oiiimittcc u)»))(iiiit<'<()) he written oti' the books as "bad debts." We are, g-entlenien, your obedient servents, E. C. NEUFELDER, ) . ,., Connnittce. W. J. JEFFREH E. A. McQUADE, J 91 iilicr . . TI.H." XT .')!)7! n^' t\\v yrav . . ..'277M u\\\)vr . . I.")().()^ Ilillicl' 'M)'l '1', ill miiiilxT . . . .. 7I.N.^ iuiiiIh'V . . 140.') l4:).!»4T(.n> SHIPPING.- Ai'i'KNDix No. I. Annnul Ri.'tuni slicwiiii;' tlic dcscrijition, miinlM-v jmd ton- luiiit' of vessels liiiilt and rt';j,ist('rt'(l at tlic port of Nit-tori (iuriiij;- tlu' fiscal year (.'IkUiil;' tin- ^{Otli .Iiiih-, |S,S2: Screw steamers imilt, •'$ in imiiilter Stevnwheel .steainerH Imilt, I in nui Sailing' schooners liuilt, I in nunil) Total tonnaistere(l durinu' the year, !) in numl>er. Tlie foll(jwini>' are tlie names of \essels hiiilt dnrin}"' the year, viz. : Schooner " W. V. Say ward," ')J).7!) tons; screw schooner "(Jrace," 7 tons; screw steamer " b^va," 4.l;i tons; paddle steamer " Enter- prise," .'}02.22 tons; screw schooner " (Jrace," 70.iS7 tons; stern- wheel steamer "Pacific Slope," 7I.>S- the .SOth June, 1(S.S2: — DEPAHTKI). In Nnmher Tons. NnmherofCrew I 1 (S!) Ill 14S 4.SS m Screw steamers 1 28 I (),4()() Paddle steamers 271 I0!),4 Sternwheel steamers. . . 71 . Schooners 129 , Sloops )0, 184 :J!) 41 42 11 87 -J 70 k Total 783 18.3,038 7243 22 AUHIVEI). InNunil)or Tons. Screw stcanior.s 120 1(),:),.S2:) l!).")! Unite! Stat»'s -SOI •2!K),:)1S }).>4:) Frciicli 4 2,72.') :)l) C M-niian I iS24 '>() Nicaraifiiaii 1 441 10 Bolivian I HJO Ki Total 4H() .S!)0,70;{ ll,(i:{!) HKCAI'ITrF.A'lloX. Nniiiiicr. Tons. Cicw AnivLMl: — Hritish steamers. . iMJ .s:{,l24 I(i,s7 Britisli sailinj; vessels. ... 17 I 1, 4114. Koreij^fii steamers 27'> 2.'{4,417 . Korein-ii sailino- vessels. ... 100 (is,!)!)!) I24.S Total of British vessels. . . I |:{ !)4,«Jl.S. Foreign vessels. . . ..'{7'' •■}0.'),41(). " liritish and Foreign 4SS :}!)S,0:{4 1 l,7!'2 Departe.l: British steamers 100 .S7,l.Sl I7.S!) 2.") 2 .SOO.') 1 !):{!) !).s.",:{ Jiritish sailin g vessels. .. . 12 .S,I44 170 Foreign steamers 2!)0 2.')0,02:i S7:{0 Foreign sailing vessels. . . 7:}<) AlM'ENDIX No. IV. Port of Victoria, B. C. — *8tatement of ves.sels, British, Canadian and Foreign, entered inwards from sea, at this port durin-i.ster. United Kingdom 10 (),7!)<) tons, United States 40 o 1 , 1 oO " . China ') 5,407 " New Caledonia 1 461 " Freight. CVew 7().'i4t(ms. .i:)() 771) " . . H')4 1155 " . .142 8 " . . 12 24 From CANADIAN WITH CARGO. No. of Ves. Register. United Status 27 7,092 tons , FOREIGN WITH CARGOES. No (»t' Ves. Reo-ister. Freight. Crew 824 tons . . 285 From United States 2;{0 . China 8. New Caledonia 1 . Japan 1 Chili 1. Sandwich Isles 2. Freiglit. ir)o,<)Of) tons. .56,r)2G tons 8/J84 ()12 1,124 cS29 1081 RRITISH IN BALLAST. From No. of Ves. Register. United Kingdom. . . 1 411 tons. United States 12 16,816 " . Brazil 1 41^ " Japan 1 2ol " CANAIHAN IN BALLAST. From \o. of Ves. Register. Unitetl States 18 21)14 tons. Brazil ] 18(j0 " . . . Chili I 942 " . . . From United States 118. China 4. Brazil 1 . Japan 8. Chili 1. Sandwich Isles . . 2. Pern 8 . Mex'co 2 . Tahaiti 2. Cuatamala I . FOREIGN IN BALLAST. No. of \'es. Register. , .11 4,744 tons. . 5,585 1,745 4,201 687 1,077 8,197 1,797 1,518 726 8,102. 2 6 i) 70 Freioht. -tons , Freiu'ht. tons , Freight tons Crew 5669 204 18 15 12 25 Crew . . 12 ..297 . . 14 . . 12 Crew . 129 . 12 . 14 Crew 8578 85 18 {)') 14 28 52 85 84 16 as RECAPITULATION. No. Reg. Freiglit. Crew With carrroes, British ot) (J.'i-SU tons 0,o7l tonsl]04 Canadian . . '27 ... . 7,(192 " .S24 " 2JS.") Foreion.. . .24.S. . . . 108,289 " r)9,711 " 5988 Total 82(J 289,745 ()9,()18 Vessels in ballast, British 15.... 17,ist<'r. Freiu'ht. United States 10 8448 22 1 , I-'OIJEION WITH C.MUJOES. Crew ..142 For Numl»er. Register. United Kingdom. . . 1 481. United States 142 1 58,O0f) . xMexico 4 8,289. China 1 824. Sandwich Islands. . 14 8,10(). Freiii'ht. 750 . Crew 14 107,074 4444 5,025 58 1,170 48 11,925 157 For BRITISH IN BALLAST. Number. Register. United States 4008 Freijrht. Crew ..110 26 m' CANADIAN IN BALLAST. For Niimbor. Rofrister. Freiifht. 7001 Uiiitt'tl States.. .U » Crew KOIIEKJN IN HALLAST. For N limber. Register. Freight. United Kingdom.. . 1 612 . . . United States 205 128,987 . . . JlECAI'lTULATION. Numlter. Register. Freiglit. With cargoes, Britisli (52 80,758... 90,970. " ' Canadian... 10 .S,448. . . 2,210. Foreign .... 102 .... 1 05,779 ... 1 25,544 . Crew . 14 . 4950 Crew. . l:i02 . 142 .4716 ''otal 284. In Ballast, Hritish (i. (■anadian 84. l^\)reioTi '2(H) . 'I'otal. 246 .249,980. . 4,068. . 7,0()1 . . 1 29,599 . . 140,728. 218,724 6220 110 845 .5419 (iran.l Total 480 890,708. . .218,724. . 11,689 EXPORTS-Ai'i'EXDix No. VI. E.N'ported foreign from the port of Victoria, B. C, fiscal year ending 80th Jmie, 1882: — IMIODIT'E OF THE MINE. Cold, in dust and l)ars $728,225 ) Coal, 210,55() tons 718,147 '$1,487,072 Iron ( )re, 700 tons 700 I PHODl (E OF THE FISHERIES. Salmo!) camied, 7,187,120 lbs $859,096 Salmon pickled, 1,582 liarrels 10,870 Otlier fish 695 Fish oil, 97,552 gallons 80,840 Marine furs ()5,184 Fish manure 20 - $966,6; M) a? PRODUCE OF ANIMALS, ETC. Furs undressed $222 827^ Bones, ten tons 1 ,50 ' Hides, &c ......' o I Ki9 i .. Horns an4 " sail'g vessls. 41 total nmnl)r. 275 tonnage - I 1 S,70 1 crew - - - .S,0()7 « The foregoing include Burrard Inlet, Osoyoos ami Kootenay, and although hrief, are sufficient to show the prin- cipal article of direct exportation, viz : hunher, $-}()4,0()0. rouohlv. PILOTAGE MATTERS.- Ai'PENDix No. IX. Victoria and Esquimalt, dues collected from vessels.!? 7,4(52 07 certificate fees - - 2J0 00 survey fees . _ - (iO 00 district expenses - - 80(5 98 paid to Pilots - - (5,715 ' " The Pilotage Act, IS7'3," or any amendment thereof (all which are hereinafter referred to as "the said Acts,") or under any other Act or law, have full power to examine any person appearing before them to give evidence in such case, on oath, and such oath may be administered by any mend)er of such pilotage authority present at such inquiry or investigation ; and any wilfully false evidence mven on such oath .shall be wilful and corrupt perjury, and punishable accordingly. 5. The pilotage authority for any district, except the pilotage districts of Quebec, Montreal and St. John, N, B., re- 31 spectivt'ly, may, if tlicy see tit, limit tlu' period (hiring- wliicli any liconsr to a ])i]ot granted hy tliciii after the ))assiiin; of tliis Act sliail 1)0 in force, to any term not less than two years from the date thereof, and may in their discretion after the end of such period, renew such license for a further limited term not less than two years; and may also in their dis- cretion cancel any license to a pilot granted hefore the passinic 01 this Act. and substitute for it a license limited and renew- able as aforesaid : and in such cases the form of the license shall he altered hy insertinu' after the word "capacity," in the first schedule of' the said "Pilotage Act, lS7-i," the words " until the day of A. 1)., , unless in the "meantime this license he cancelled." (). All pilots shall pay to the Pilotage Authority of the respective districts for which they are licensed, or as such Au- thority directs, such fees u]ion such renewals as may he, from time to time, fixed for that purj) hy such Authority with the consent of the Governor in (.\)iincil ; such fi'cs to he a])- plied in the manner prescril)ed hy the sixty-seventh secticm of the Act of one thousand ei<>ht hundred and seventv-three hereby amended. 7. No licensed pilot shall he hereafter appointe to i?40 per American ton — the operations so far have \men principally contined to herring, from which some 20,000 gallons of oil have been secured, but of the scraps only a small proportion is in marketable condi- tion. Outlay for preliminary measures about $25,000. Salm(jn River, on Vancouver Island, though a consider- able stream, does not apparently yield a large supply of the richer varieties of salmon, which are alone suitable for can- ning ; large quantities of tine trout, however, may be caught here. 11 , t '* ■ - (.' IV' 34 At Alkrt liAY, on Coniorant Islarxl, where a fi,shin casos ;j:),27.'J " l.s;2:i(> " l!),()7') " I!) 22!) " 2 1 !7()!) " Ki.OOO " I47,l')7 cast'H Slii))|)('(l to (Vmadaand Australia and sold in local market :«),!!!) Total 177,27(1 'i'lic total "salmon pack " on tlic Pacific ('oast in INS I is far in excess of any pn-cediny season, and is sunnned up as under :— (>olund)ia River Sacramento River Miscellaneous — outside rivers British Colundaa Total :)40,()00 cases 140,000 40,000 ;k),ooo 1 77,27() ()27,27() Comparative yield of the Colund)ia River and British Cohnuhia : — Cases. 1878 Columbia 149,000 1879 " 440,000 1880 " 525,000 1881 " 540,000 Cases. 1878 British Colnmbiii .... 113,000 1870 " 01,000 1880 " 02,000 1881 " 177,000 The followinn: table shows the iiradual extension of the business on the " Colundna/' with the varying prices after- wards obtained : Year. 180(5. 1807 . 1808 . 1869. Total Product. (Cases 4 dcz 1-lb eans.) Price per case. 4,000 $16 00 18,000 13 00 28,000 12 00 100,000 10 00 1870 150,000 9 00 1871 200,000 9 50 1872 250,000 8 00 1873 250,000 7 00 1874 350,000 6 50 1875 375,000 5 60 87 Y«mr. (CnHCH 4 doz 1-lb cuuh.) Price piT ciisf. i87«; 4ri(),()oo 4 no 1877 4f:(),()()n 5 20 1H7H It;), (»()(» , . r> 00 1870 4 10,000 4 »iO . 180 "I'in.OOO 4 80 1881 r>40,000 5 250/'!") 50 Till' vahu' of tin* propt'ity iiiM'sti'«l in ilif sulmon Itiisi- iK'Ms (85 cannerit's) on tlie C'oluiiiltia Kivi-r, is fstiiimtcW ut S^2,()00,000. us a^ruiiist 8244,000 in IJiitisli Coluuihiu (12 cun- ncrii's). Niunlx'V uiul vuluu oi vessels and nets enuHiit'il in the different tislieries of tlii' province ol" l»ritisl» C'oiuniliiu durin;; the year IH.SI :- \7''i Fisliini;- lioats . . . . . .S') Fhit hoats . . - - 140 C4'(hir canoes, with sailing- Meet 4}),') Sahnon nets, 141, !)00 yards - - - .',2,1.')!) 00 1 Herrini4' seine ----- |()0 00 :j Herrhiu- m-ts, 700 yards - - - 1,400 00 1 2 Oolachaii nets '- 400 00 ')0 Fish seines - - . - 4 OOO 00 ::i^24,000 00 17,42.", 00 10..')J).'> 00 .S,!»40 00 12 Sahnon canneries, estimated value 1 Oil factory, Queen Charlotte Island 1 Oil and scrap factory, Burrard Inlet SI 20,019 00 8244,000 00 8,000 00 2.') ,000 00 8277,000 00 02 1,.-).S0 1,251 Total value of yield of seas and rivers (1(St Canoe Pass Jolm Adair 10 and up to 20 '• 40 ORDERS RAY A On (^rder,' up to ( >ver $10 and up to z.) :\: 20.00 i .SO 00 fc_ 40.00 -J .')0 00 iLE IN lUUTISII INDIA. 10.00 LIMIT $50 • 2 a.OO ( .S5 00 . ... f 50.00 1 i 10 cent," 20 " :^0 " 40 " .0 " ]0 cent> 00 " )0 " 20 " i' I-' ■ ill' !■• 1?' !?; % I n J i' + i !* '1' 1' 1; !« I: 11 1 J Hi (U'STOMS TAPJFR- Ai'REXDix iXo. XIII. The followini;' Acts relatinii' to Customs have been amended and consolidated, vi>: : - 42 Vic, (Vip. 15, (" iVn Act to alter the duties of Custom ; and Excisi'," in force from 15th March, 1ES: — Bookhinders' tools, implejiients, etc., from ]') per cent, to 10 per cent. Iron, old and scrap, from S2 00 to i?l 00 per ton. Posters, and advertising on pictorial show car O o made shall apply to their vessels: — Austria-Hungary. Netherland.s. Bel<>ium. Norway. Chili. Portujial. Denmark. Russia. France. Spain. Cfermany. Sweden. (Jreat Britain. United States of America. (Jreece. Italy. In this Act provision is made that steamsliips when under wav shall carry the usual bright white litjht "on or in front of the foremast at a height, above the hull, of not less V, 48 than 20 feet, and if the breadth of the sliip exceeht at tlu' masthead, visible all round the horizon, and shall also exhibit a Hare-up light or tlare-up lights at short intervals; which shall never exceed fifteen minutes. A pilot vessel when not engaged on her station or on pilotage duty, shall carry lights similar to those of other ship.s." Fishing vessels and open boats may also use the Hare-uj), in addition to other recpiirements, if they desire to do so. Vessels when at anchor, sliall carry, where it can bes-t be seen, at aheight not exceeding 20 feet abo\e the hull, a white light in globular lantern, visible at a distance of at least one mile. Fishing vessels, when employed in drift net tisliing, shall carry, on one of their masts, two red lights in a vertical line, one over the other, not less than three feet apart, A trawler, at work, shall carry on one of lier masts two lights in a vertical line, one over the other, not less than three feet apart, the upi)er light red and the lower green, and shall also either carry the side ligltts required for other vessels, or use the portable lights described in Article 7 of the Act. 44 Fisliing voss(;]s and open boats wlion at anchor shall exhibit !i Id'ioht white liL,dit. A ship which is bein^'o\'ertukenby another shall show I'roiii the stern, to such last iiie)itione<| ship, a whitt,' linht or tlare-up li,i;ht. V*n- -nals (which are o])tional) duties of Masters, and liabilities of owners, read the various clauses of the last (pioted Act. CENSUS, ETC., BRITISH COLUMBIA.— Aitenj)IX No. XIV. Population. Victoria 7,oOl | Vancouver !),!)!)] j New Westminster. . . . l.'),417 Val( !),:2()0 S;'>0 Total jxipulation of British Cohnnbia 4J),459 Total No. S(|uare iV.iles .'U1,.S0."'> Total No. of Acres 2l.S,4:j"),200 (From ,]. \V. McKay's Statistics, LSSl.) ADDRESS TO HON. SIR CHARLES TUPPER.- Appendix No. XVL To THE Hon. Siij C'iiahles Tuppeu, C. B. K. C. M. G., Minister OF Railways and Canals fok the Dominion of Canada: Sir,- - 1. The British Colund»ia Board of Trade beg to express to yourself and Lady Tui)ner the uratitication they fetd at your presence in this Province, and trust that your tour through the Interior has been a ])leasant one, and that the knoAvleclge nained may be of \alue to vou, and the (iroveriniient you so ably re])resent, in arriving at a propter understanding of any and all (|Uestioiis wliich may arise in futun^ atleeting the material welfare and ])rogress of this section of the Dominion. 2. As the only Board of Trade at present constituted in this Province, we have the honor to lay before you the following matters relative to tlie interests of the Trade and ConnuLice of British Cohnnbia comino- within the control of the Federal Departments of the Dominion. 45 •S. Tlie first matter of iniportiiiifM', in wliicli tlic wliole of the Province is deeply interestet licenses shall extenf some fjoiioral ])r()visi()ii liciiit;,- iiiudr in rdntion to l)Hnkrn|it('y. Tliis sul>j(3C't lifis Item t'rtMjncntly urucil. Mnrre(l to the ])roper quarter and will i-eceive every consideration, and we trust tliat we mav look forward in future to the ainniid presence of some Mend)er of the Dominion Cahinet in this Province, as the more its vast resources are examine(l and its advantages noted, the more chance there will he of an influx of population to develop the hidden wealth of our seas, lands, and rivers. We rejj'ret that d to a til •h your stay has been so hrief, hut look forward to a tniie when you can make a more lengthened sojourn anions us, and, in conclusion, we trust that hoth you and Lady Tu})per will look back to this vist as one of the pleasant memories of your lives. For the B. C. Boar.l of Traoard woul<'re the lahorinn' man was able to sustain his family in comfort. He was entirely unprepared to meet such a body of gentlemen as he saw^ about the1)oardt(»-night, and he should carry abouthim the deep- seated conviction that in doing their duty )>y British Columbia the Government would be doing its duty to tlie restof Canada. (Cheers.) He was delighted to kncnv through the means of the address the views of the mendjcrs on the various subjects touched upon. He would lay those views before his colleagues, and discuss them at length, and all that they could do in the interest of the whole country to advance the interests of the Province would be done, willingly and satisfactorily. (Cheers.) The absence of one subject in the address touched him more deeply than anything that it contained. That was the absence of complaint of the fiscal policy of the Dominion. The generous sentiment that prompted them to refrain from com- plaint was all the more appreciated because that policy pressed more heavily on British Columbia tlian upon any other Province. (Hear, hear.) He believetl that in that policy lay the germ of future prosperity for British Columlna. In arranging their fiscal policy the Government had had no choice. Under the former policy Canada sank day by (iay and without a change it would have been impossible for the Government to even consider the question of a transcontinental railway. The country had either to retrograde or progress. The opposition had prophesied the failure of the fiscal policy, 4{) her lay In no iay the ntal ess. icy, hut every inchistry haune(' a surplus of froui .S2,()()(),()()() to ^.S,0()0,0()(). ((.^lift-rs.) One of the first (luti.'s of tlie (;oveni- inent would he to ^ive hack to the peo[)le tliat sur])lus in the rcuiission of taxes. (C'li«'er,s.) Tlu' (foverinneiit were toM that if they earricil this fiseal poliev tlu-v wouhl he uuahle to money in Kn^lauil ; hut Sir Charles showe(l that they liad raised the credit of (-anada and that to-day honds tliat Sir Richard C'artwrinht had .sold at !U) were held at 10') in the London market. (Clieers.) Tlicy were told that they would exasperate the Fnited States hy the imposition of a hi^h tariff and tliat .some tine morniuL;' the Americans would cross tht; line and o()|)],l,> u}) (/'anaolicy and for ])ayin<4 off their i;reattleht hy the adoi)tion of that policy. 'I'he future of the two countries would l»e one of friendly connner- cial rivalry. The day would never come when an unfriendly shot would he fired hetween the Unite*! States anssiltle woiiM earrv tliem out. Mr. Ivitliet returned tlianks for Sir C'luirles' remarks con' L*ernin|>ro))riati()ii wliicli lias IxM'ii iiiny tho^r who arc tliorou-^hly ac(|uaintc ities of connii'rce and cixllization renis existing system of Electoral Pilotage Districts is at variance with the requirement)'' of trade and commerce, is unnecessarily expensive to a small number of pilots, enhances very materially the port charges of Merchant vessels and has a tendency to influence them to prefer Puget Sound to British Columbia. We would res])ectfully submit, therefore, that some steps should be taken not only to amalgamate the three B. C. Districts but also to make the licenses held by all Pilots effective for the whole of the navigable waters of British Columbia, and a maximum rate established that may be fairly chargeable to vessels loading at the several ports, iirespective of the number they may happen to call at during their sta}' in British Columbia waters. at is ,'es las to le, the of lay [•ts, 53 9. The telegraph system is still defective and unsuited to the wauts of the Province, as there is always some conflict between the American ar.d Canadian connections whi^h could be considerably lessened and the system very much improved by the laying of a second cable from Vancouver Island to Washington Territory, more especially as the Puget Sound Company are now extending their land lines to Cape Flattery (with which the same would connect i and supply us with much useful information regarding shipping, and ensure a second means of communication during the winter months more particularly, which would prove of incalculable benefit to our merchants in the event of anything happening to the other cable. An extension of the office hours so as to correspond with those of the connecting American lines would also appear to be highly desirable. 10. AVe would also respectfully call Your Excellency's attention to Clause 9 in the Terms of Union with British (>olumbia, in which the influence of your Government is to be used "to secure the continued maintenance of the Naval Station at Esquimalt." The maintenance of a war vessel on this station has hitherto been attended with veiy desirable advantages, not the least among them being the preservation cf order among the numerous tribes of Indians on our coast, and it is to be sincerely ho])ed that your Government will make such representations in the j)roper quarter as will ensure the ])ermanent station of at least one of Her Majesty's vessels in these waters. 11. The announcement made bv Your Excellency, on opening the Agricultral Exhibition, that the Canada Pacific Railway will probably be completed by 1887, is highly gratifying, as it indicates that construction will soon be as vigorously prosijcuted Eastward from Kam loops Lake as Westward from Manitoba. The ])ioposed change of route through the Rocky Mountains, from Yellow Head Pass to Kicking Horse Pass considerably shortens the Railway in the interests of the Railway Company, and reduces the length of line to be constructed in this Province by some 75 miles, thus affording your Government a favorable opportunity of stipulating for the construction of the Esquimalt-Nanaimo portion of the trans-continental railway, the omission of which, in the original contract with the Syndicate has always been regarded by us as unfortunate. We need hardly, at this period, refer to the loss which the Province has sus- 54 tained by liaviug the lands on Vancouver Island locked up for so mjiny years by your Government, and by which the settlement and progress of the whole of Vancouver Island, and the development of its great resources of coal and iron have been most disastrously affected; this subject must have been fully impressed upon Your Excellency by the remon- strances addressed to your Government from time to time; further reference, therefore, on our part would be obtrusive. In concluding this Address we beg to assure Your Excellency and Her Royal Highness, the Princess Louise, that your visit to this Province is universally .appreciated, and trust that the re])ort which Your Excellency will be able to give of our resoure(;s and climate will be conducive to a large and rapid increase of settlers, and that your visit has been a pleasure to yourself and Her lioyal Highness. Signed on behalf of the 13. C. Board of Trade at the (Mty of Victoria, IGth ot October, 1S82. [L. S] R. P. RITHET, E. CROW BAKER, President. Secretary. 'I'lif lollowing was rcceiv cmI in rt'[)Iy: — (J«»Vi;iLNMENT llol SE, Victoria, 2:hd Oct., 1S.S2. Silt: - With rclVreiici' to your letter of the Kith inst., trans- mitting copy of an Address which the Members of the British C'