# l« CIHM Microfiche Series (IMonographs) \,:^^-,f' ICIWIH Collection de microfiches (monbgraphies) lllj Commentaires supplementair»s: Addenda sheets are affixed to the Inside of the back cover^ / . / ■ ' " ■ This item is filmed at the reduction ratio checked below/ , Ce document est film* au taux de reduction indiqu* ci-dessous. 10X 14X 18X 22X 26 X 30X 12X 18X m 20X 24 X 28X 32 X .% \ Th« copy fllmad h«r« has bacn r«produc«d thanks to ths gsnsrqsity of: \ • ArchivM of Ontario Toronto Ths imsgss appssHng hsrs ars ths bsst qusllty posslbis considsring ths condition snd ^gibility of ths original copy and in icssping with ths filming contract spscifiesdons. . L'sxsmplairs fllmA Jut rsproduit grics A la ginArositi ds: " ' ■ " ' ' '/'*'■■' ArchivM df Ontario Toronto ¥ ' ■ Lss Imsgss tuh/sntss ont *t« rsproduitss avsc la plus grand soin. compts tsnu ds la condition tt <. ds la nsttst* ds I'sxsmpisirs film*, st sn oonformitA svsc lss conditions^u contrst ds filmsgs. Original eopiss In printsd papsr eovsra sra filmsd bsginning with ths front covsr and snding on ths laat pags with a printad or illustratsd imprss- slon. or ths bsck covsr whsn appropriato. All othsr orfginol eopiss ars filmsd bsginning on ths first psgS witlfs printsd or illustratsd imprss- sion. snd shding on ths laat pags with S printsd or illustrstsd imprsssion. Lss sxsmplsipos originsux dont Is couvsrturs sn pspisr sst imprimte sont film^s sn commsn^ant par Is prsmisr plat st sn tsrminsnt soit psr la dsrni^ pags qui comports uns smprsints d'Imprsssion ou dlllustration, soit psr Is sscond plat. MMjin Is CSS. Tous lss sutrss oxsimplsirss originsux aont filmte sn commsn^ant psr la prsmiAra pags qui comporta uns sfpprsihts d'Imprsssion oiii d'lilustrstion st sn'tsrminsnt par la dsmlAra psgs qui comports uns tsils smprsints. \ Ths last Fscordsd frams on ssch miorofichs shall contain ths symbol — »-(mssning "CON- TtNUEO"). or ths symbol ^(mssning "END"). whichsvsr sppliss. ' Msps, platss. charts, stc., msy bs filmsd st diffsram rsduction ratios. Thoss too Isrgs to bs sntirsly inciudsd In ons sxposura sro filmsd bsginning in ths uppsr Isft hand comsr, Isft to right snd top to bottom, ss many.framss ss rsqulrsd; Ths following diagrams illustrats ths msthod: f 1 2 3 Uft^dss symboiss suh^snta sppsraftra sur la dsmiAra imsgs ds chsqus n#crofichs, ssion Is caa: Is symbols — «^ signifis "A SUIVRE". Is symbols V signifis "RN". t4« cartas. planbHss'. tabissux. stc. psuvsnt 4tro film4s i dss taux ds nMuction diffArsnts. Lorsqus la documsnt sst trop grand pour Atrs rspro^it sn un ssul clich*. il sst film* k partir da I'angis sup4risur gpuchs. ds gsuchs h droits. at ds haut sn baa. sn prsnsnt Is nombrs / dimsgss n4csssaira. Las diagrammss suivsnts / lllustrsnt la methods. / t i 6 MICROCCrV RISOtUTION T^T CHART (ANSI and l$0 TEST CHARtT No. 2) ■'■.... I ?>«.:; .r l^|2-8 u I u I u u, ^' ■luu 14.0 1.25 ■ 1.4 1^ 2.0 1.8 1.6 ^ /APPLIED IN/MGE Ine Sr- 1653 East Main Streat S^S Rochester. New York 14609 USA, ^= (716) 482 - 0300 - Phone ^S (716) 588 - 5?89 - Fax I »• * J n ^ VOTERS' LIST FOR 1881, ■i)|- THE- f Ml NICIPALITY OF TOE TOWNSHII* OF EAST ZORRA. J The Sheriff shall immediately upon receipt ot Ins c. pies' c;.uise one of them to be posted up in a conspicuous pl;:ce iu the C urt House; the Clerk of the Peace upon tlie receipt of his c( \ ies shall cause one of them to be posted up in a conspictiuus placv nv his office; every Public or Separate School Ilea.l Master or Mistress shall in like manner ^put up oneol his or her copies cmi the door of the School House, and every Postmaster '^Jiall 'H)st ;:m one in his office. : ' " V skni4|||:l-kevikw i'hijjt, xNvooohiock. J"' tmaemtiaam^a^a ^nxr . -t ' a i ^ . -rsf.^ih;s^xi"riim.mmmSi^xiimjiamm: 'J ^ ^ -^ ■,'\ r '.^'* •♦5. ». , . 1 A. A \-. T '■ . / "' h • 'f*- '^;/ ^■■•' '. .» ,V;" •-, , .7. ' 'X A;. • • « , • ■ • '■ -^ , ■ 1. - - ' r * , ; .. ■-"•; ■ • •*, ■ ,-. X , ■*••■.','■ . ■ r*' '^ . ■■■^?!| ■ v ' ■; ■*■■;- ■ ' r; V 1 ^.i \ M ' I , , '♦ {. .,- , " \ f ■ A / ■",-; •»*' '".A y X AROHIjnsIirc VOTERS' LIST FOR ISSi. MUNICIPALITY OF EAST ZORRA. SCHEDULE OF I'Oi^T OFFICES. 1 HIIAKMA '.'. CaHHKL a. INNKKKH'. I. NKVV IIAMIII H(J. .'>. UATHO, ' «. MTUATHALhAN. JO. WALMAU. 7. HOIT'I'U ZOIIUA. H. TAVIBTOCK. II. VV'0()I)ST«J(5K. — , * . TOLLING SUIJ-DIVISION, MO. i. Comprisinf? ol that portion of the Township lyin^j woHt of the 14th line, and south of the sifh; jinr Ixtwoen lots 15 and 16. / .- ' n I'^virr i.r.,. List oi persons ontitlod to vote at iTTO^Municipal Elections an. 1 Elections to the; Legislative Assembly, •-) • Q : ifi 107 594 18 167 ion 220 230 411 481 493 NAMES. AWistrong, Thoinas AdaiiiB, John* Anduraon, .TiinrKM Bruce, William Hnico, John Bott, Joseph nurgeas, S. G. Burgoas, Eraatiys Blair, John T, Burgess, Horaj Bruce, (ireorg< LOT. pt whalf 12 . u half (i o half 15 O o 9 9 13 Owner Owner Owner w half 13 ; 9 Owner J 1 Ji w (juiirfor 9 ; 10 Owner 9 whalf 2 10 Owner 9 b f 3 11 Owner 9 bf3 11 Tenant J 9 n w (quarter 8 12 Owner 9 s e quarter 11 • 13 Owner 9 w p 15 13 Owner 9 00 a: o D O a! .'■1 9 «»> ^ A \ I' |»OU,INO SlIlt-I>IVI8ION NO. I. 4i)4{l)rio«, WiUiADi KW Bmt, Ilerlln, Edirard 4r»7 Cawker, S^muul 7 Dingwall, Alexander 8 DlnRwall, David , 108.Denny, David aiTiDonafdiion, Willianv 318 Donaldson. W. O./ 319iDonaldBon, John G. 320 Donaldson, John 321 Dimaldnon^ James :i35 Dunn, Thomas 33(VDnnn, James 390|Dunlop, 4241 Duncan, William 425 Duncan, William 470lDibble, James 482!Don«la»i■ 9)Farmer's8on 9 •9 9 J 9 r 7 7 9 9- 9 7 9 I • 9 9 9„ 7 7 7 7 9 9 rf I 9 9 9 9 9 9 '9 9 ►•oi.r.iNr, HUH-nivisioN no. ;. 429 471 foliar, Andrvw Kiill«r, John pi n • iiiiartcr ,P w hair (I 13 Owuer •il (Iraham, Datid (MH (}Qotl«ll, (itorao pnmth, J.J,,, IH.'l(JN NO. ». Karn, (UirUtoph^r md K»rn, VVUIilin ^ Ludlnjjtoti. JoMph liMijidon, Hiotiurd »nd ri«nKd«it», ThomM IrfUioMt«r, John LudinKton, Tr»c«y I If p» « m half nt w half in pt w half l(i w pt U pt.lt lUjOwnnr 10C)wn«r 11 ()wn«r 1'i r«nant I'iTvnant I'iiTanani liilOwiitti 1 MoLocmI, John 5 Molie«>d, William 10 Manlorii, J"hn 11 M«, John " U; McKenWP, J«'hn R. l\) McKHy, JohnK, IM) McKay, Donald Ul I McKay, William ai»l \V2 McKay, Donald KKJ Murray, Al«xan,der 104 Murray, Hobtrt anl 105 Murray,' George - 240 McKay, John , 140 McDonald, William \ 147 McDonald, Hugh and l4«McOo1nald, David 149 McKay, Jamea inoMcKny, Oiorge and 151 McKay, Altxandcr 102 Mulvin, John 103 104 105 108 181 J 84 '180 ,187 -235 230 237 238 315 403 404 Moon, Jftmei«ad-ai , Moon, J. F. Vluji, William Munro, John Murray, Robert McDonald, John Munro, Paul, McLeod, John McDonald, William McDonald, Hugh ami McDonald, Finlay Marshall, Adam McQueen, D. S. Moiaey, Richard and Mt-isey, Richard loontikipt I l» half H pt w half '5 w half U halfO w pt 10 n w «iuarti'r 11 [pt w naif 1 1 w half U . |«ihalf 15 « h"lf 15 o half 15 II o (juarter 8 I a t) quart«tr 8 ( H o quarti-r 8 w half 13 » half 13 w half 13 w half 13 n w quarter 12 H w ijuartvt 12 N w (iiiart»'r 12 w half 7 w half i) *,half * w half 3 pt 1 pt ti half 7 « half '.» n n (juiirler 11 ohalf 12 w half w half 10 w half 10 contve pt U e half 16' w half 12 w half 12 UDwuer T?*nwn«r O'Ownwr 9()wn« 5 1] If * 11 .> "s IK>LLINO tUH-DIVIKION WO. I. 474 430 443 144 un 4Hai 171 MoLur^, IIiikK H arrajr, (htonni MillniMi. RobWl M«ls4tn, Hmiiiiiil Miinr«>, Hugh mmI Munru Joha Murray, Jmum McK»y, John H. I«pl4 7 • half li « Hair U i« iMif 14 • l>lll ■ p( 1 ri{( )wnnr 13|T«aMit l'i'<)»n«r UTmumI iOjUwiwr lp{K»rm«r's8oii 13|llwii«r lOOwimr 4 J Nimiok, VVillUm tiobw, M«tlww jviiAirio |o pt 15 10()wn«i 1 1 TenMl 4fl8 P»t0f, WilHwn . 115 Park. ir, Robert '^'M IMtun, J»mM 1H2 PaktorMirii Immw .14 Piraoi, JoMph 540 Pdliititr, David 547 P«lli«ter, Witliam 518 PalluirtP, David aiid 549 PalluUir, Datiiol 487 Peaotttl»rt«rll 21 1> KM) 4'i:t 440 441 443 HQti 506 rwhafis'-^- )('«hafl3" pi w half 12 «1 ^ i3|oviMr 10 .0 >3 13 Rom, Rom. ROWH Ho 411, Rom, Rom, Rom, Rioe, Rice, Andrew William William Donald , Hugh John and Otton^a THoraM and John Oirasr Owner Parmnr'a 8on FartntM-'i Hon I^JDVriuer'a Hon 13 tewUklf \ Stephenson, Ueniy Sutherland, Alexander Sutherland, William Sutherland, Andreir and ) Sutherland, Oollin | 3 6 llOSutherIa 156 156 n w qnartor 15 w half 7 • e quarter 5 pt w half 4 o half 13 half 13 ;e half 13 e half 14 ehait 14 »«[<• %'■ l» II U 7 1 U u J> 1» » (i u u (I %*;* S'ifix " Oirner S.Oirner ^OjOwnor iSjOirner 12 Owner 18jFarin«r'i Son laFaroMr'i Squ ISOwnar n IS Farmef'i 1^ half 3 ir pt 5 eW 4 «rhdf]0 whiUf 10 OOwner OOirn^^ 9 Oirner 10 Owner lOFwrmer'iSon, 1 9 9 9 7 7 7 9 •^,: i>-i i.,. ** 'f»i 9 9 9 9 9 ^ liiiMSSM!-.. fi' . / POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. I. 178lSh»w, David 406 StMiley, Timothy 403 Smith, WUli»m '599SherrMi, Jmdcs and 600 Shemm, JaipM A. 603 Sawtell, John ,407 Sherrington, Albert 4 and 5 half 11 half 9 ehalf 12 e half 12 e qaarter 9 n half 10 lOlOwner 120wner 418 Tree, William 417 Tree, Daniel 416 Tree, Jowph. 431 Tree, Alexander 432 Tree, Edaon 433 Tree, Luther 434 Thomson, David 477 Thomson, Robert and 47BThomM>n, Franklin 324 Turner, Joieph 434 Thomson, Alfred and 435 Thomson, Frederick 437 Taggart, George halfC Ipt whalf4 |whalf7 B e quarter 8 s e quarter 8 pt w half 10 e half 9 n w quarter 9 n w quarter 9 eptll n e quarter 8 n e quarter 8 n e corner 10 192 Vandecar, S. W. 323Vatcher, David ehalf 15 eptll 95 Web, Archibald 96 Weir, Thomaa 97 Weir, WiUiwon «nd 98 Weir, Joaeph 111 Walker, John 175 Walton, Thomson 176 Walton, William and 177 Walton, Thomson 232 Walton. John 475 Wadland, John ie half |e half ehalf ehalf ehalf ehalf e half 3 ehalf 3 w half 7 w half 8 12 12 13 13 3 3 102tYoung, John 12 13 13 13 12 Owner Owner Farmer's Son Owner- Tenant J .9 J 9' J 9 J 9 9 J 9 9 12 12 12 12 12 13 12 13 13 11 12 12 12 Owner Owner Owner Owner Fsi^mer's Son Farmer's Son Owner Owner Farmer's Son Owner Owner Owner Owner 10 11 Owner Tenant 9 Owner 90wner Owner Owner Owner Owner Farmer's Son 9 9 9 10 10 Farmer's Sen e half 10 11 13 Owner Owner 10 Owner 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 7 9 9 9 7 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 F. El 4 C 69 69 102 86( 63! 63< 63] 82( 86^ m 861 86[ " • POLI^NG SUB-DIVISION NO. I. I'JLU'r u. r % List of persons entitled to vote at Municipal Elections only. NONE. PART III. AssimWy only'!"'''"*'*'''^ *° ''°*' '* ^^''*'°"' *° '^^ Legislative M NONE. • POLLING SUB-DIVISION, NO. 2. Comprising of that portion of the Township lying east of thr I4th line, and south of the side line between lots ^5^ and 16 to rio'/.TA*!*^.?.' ^lu'"'' 'y»"e offthe 17th line, better known as R t. lots 16, in the 17th concession. ^ ■i:»AitT I. '■■■■■■'•: List of persons entitled to vote at both Municipal Elections and Elections to the Legislative Assembly. 'iiecuons and gs O 692 693 1021 NAMES. Anderson, Jamea Ande^voQ, Willum AUison, Adam BriKhVWilliMn Barr, Henry Badden, WUliam Sadden, Franou Brown, R. M. 0. Brown, Jol^n.L. and Brown, Nelaon Brown, NoImmi ^id 860 632 630 631 828 864 866 862 863|Brown; Adam LOT. e half 16 ehalf 16 Innerkip n wpt 9 14 w half 16 w half 16 ehalf 10 n wpt 13 n w pt 13 ■ w pt 13 ■ w pll3 13 13 17 14 14 14 16 17 17 17 Owner Farmer's Son Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner ao h § •-9 J 17lOwner o flu 9 9 3 3 9 9 9 3 3 3 3 3 MHHHi - >■ 8 POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. 2. |}979|Brown, John lUlO Bowmui, John ,' 914 Brown, Abmm ' 687 Burgew, WiUlam ' 867 Ball, John P. ; 706 %rib7> WUlUun / 604 Breokenridge, WillUm / 761 Blftokie, James ; 953 BurgeM, Jamoi 634 815 831 832 860 676 1018 1019 1020 910 911 912 913 994 1017 918 919 Oullen, John Oowing, WillUm Cowing, J. W. and Cowing, W. R. Cowing, William Clement, W. D. Oallen, Patrick Oallen, Michael Oallen, John Cowing, William and Oozing, David Cowing, Jonathan Cowing, Robert M. Oallan, James Callan, Thomas Cawker, Nath^ Cawker, Nathan Davis, James and Davis, J. B. Dooherty, Daniel Donaldson, William Davidson, William Day, James 765 Emersonl John 961 Emerson J Andrew 986 EdwArdB,^|»ijaat 915lBIlis, Thomas Innerkip Innerkip ehalf 14 bf5 pt ehalf 14 n e Quarter 8 w half 9 e half 13 1 Innerkip sw quarter 10 s w quarter 10 s half 12 s half 12 ut s w quarter 9 Innerkip Innerkip Innerkip Innerkip n half 16 n half 15 half 15 a half 15 Innerkip Innerkip pt s half 11 pt s half 11 half 7 w half 7 half 11 n wpt7 Innerkip Innerkip lOwner iTeu/uit 17 Owner Owner - Owner Owner Tenant 15 Tenant Owner 15 16 15 U i s e quarter 11 Innerkip Innerkip e half 13 14 Owner 16!0wner 16 Owner 160wner 17 Owner Owner [Owner Owner Owner 17 Owner 17 1 Farmer's Son 17|0wner 17 [Farmer's Son < iTenant I Owner 171 Owner 17 Farmer's Sou 15 15 16 16 Owner Farmer's Son Owner Tenant Owner Owner 16 17 3 3 3 9 3 9 9 10 3 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Owner 3 Owner 3 Owner : t,. 3 Owner [^ 3 9 9 3 3 3 3 t POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. 2. 3 3 3 9 3 9 9 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 63aiFuIIook, OharlM 097 Funnel, Htary 643 Greives, John 027 Qilea, Isaao and 038 Gilos, Daniel 043 Gneiveg, John 048 Gould,- William » 049 Gould, Hiram 08^ Gould, Jethro 036 Grioe, Jonah 096 Grioe, Samuel JOI Gfoodger, Jamei and 702 Goodger, Thomaa 770Green, William 941 Gilleipie, Aqdrev 973 Gilleipte, William 668 Hubble, William .669 Hufohinson, Arohii)ald 060 Hutahinm>n, WHHam 833 Hill, James 869 Hart, Thomaa 948Hagan, Ezekiel 978 Hotson, George 960 Hagan, Ebenezer ,1004 Heath, Frederick 1002 Hislop, John 642 771 772 Jaokion, John Jackson, Joseph Jackson, John 971 Knight, Ebenezer 995 King, James 639|L'ndMiy, D. M. lOlOJLook, Arsoott jsirfv s pt 11. n wi 10 ill w I 10 |Wpt6 ptehalf 6 pt e half 6 b f 5 w half 10 n e quavter 10 pt w half 14 pt wh«lf 14 e half 7 whalfW ' pt b f 13 in e quarter 12 B e qjmrter 13 8 e quarter. 13 n half 12 bf7and8 pt 11 Innerkip Inner kip Innerkip Innerkip n KrqaavterO e half 6 ehalf 6 Innerkip Innerkip n wqoarlerS Innerkip 16 16 Owner Oiraar M: 14lOirner 14 Owner 14 Farmer's Son, HTenapt 4 Owner I 4 Fanner's 8on| 16Tenaal 16 Owner j Id Owner 16 Owner 16 Farmer's Son 16 Owner 17 Owner - 18 Owner 'J J J 14,0wner 14 Owner • 14|Owner lO'Owner 17 18 Owner Owner J J 14 16 16 Owner Owner Farmer's Son 14 Owner Owner Owner jOwnar 9 3 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 •9 9 9 9 3 9 9 9 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 9 9 3 3 9, 3 X ■«i9M!IW X, \ 10 POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. 2. G40 641 650 in, ThomM Maadowi, Alfrad lleAclo^prt, ThomM 639 Meftdows, Henry 769 Mitohell, Robert 762 Matheeon, .Toeeph 763 Mfttheson, Jaofie* 773 MoDonald, An^ibftld 809Maloolm,.JafiiM« 810 MAloolm, Fntncis . 813 Blaloolm, Dvrid 818 BfoOoll, Hugh mmI 819 McOoll, DunoMi 821 Millt, ThomM 822 Milli, Patefield 982 Mfttheeon, JoMph 916 MoLeui, OoUin 943 MoLeM, Robert 965 Mitohel, T. F. 942 Moore, William 949 Blather, Royrn 1013 Matheaon, Adam 908 909 910 689 Niohot, Robert and Niohol, JamM Niohol,' Andrew Niohol, John 645 8^ 836 952 951 9f7 969 Page, John Pelton, Stephen Pelton, Jaroea Perry, ThomM Perry, Abaotem Pelton, Gibwm Pedigrew, Robert 644 698 700 757 768 81J Ruth, Richard Riddle, Oliver / Rowel, Abram/ Rom, WiUianpf Rom, Reub^ Riddle, Oh^lM ■ w quarter 8 half 7 e half 7 half 6 n e quarter 14 n e quarter 12 « e quarter 12 ptbf 6 «r half 15 •r half 15 w half 13 «r haU 8 trhalf 8 b*7 bf7 Innerkip H pt 12 eptl2 Innerkip hf 13 Innerkip Innerkip ■ bflC 8 bf 16 nbf Ifi w half 6 ebf 4 8 e quarter 13 n e quarter 13 Inniffkip Innerkip n ept 11 pt e half 10 wbf 4 n w g 11 w halt 13 e half 16 e half 15 pt w half 14 Owner 14'Oirner 14 15 15 15 15 16 10 16 16 16 16 16 16 Ownisr Owner Owner Owner Owner Ojrner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Farmer's Bon J J 17 17 18 Owner Owner Owner Ownev Owner Owner Owner J J 17 17 17 Owner Owner Owner ISTeuant .1- .14 16 16 Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner n'OwQer 17 Owner 1-^ 9 9 9 3 3 3 3 9 3 3 3 3 3 9 9 3 3 3 3 8 3 3 J J 14Tenant 16!Tenant 14 15 16 15 16 Owner Owner Farmer's Son Tenant 3 3 3 3 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 9 9 9 9 9 u 9 9 3 3 3 3 9 3 3 3 3 3 9 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 9 9 9 9 9 ' 817 824 826 82G 827 sao 837 957 miH 1014 (m 968 >x»B«fer led frS'Row, Alexan Row, Jatnc R«y, WillUm Rom, John uad Rou, Robort Rom, Alexander Riohardaon, John Roth, John Rom, Jiimea R*)nald, James Ronald, Ge«trge Rowe, Oharltiiii Richardson, Joseph POI^LING SUBfUIVISION NO. 3. 055 (ir>r. 7fi4 984 975 703 970 087 091 Strong, John^oHl Strong, Abram Sheltzer, Oonrarl Soutt, John Saunby, John Snarey, Richard Smith, Anthony Sabin, Frederick Sohnler, Prank 080 Thomson,. O. B. 036 Thomson, William 046 Taylor, George 647 Tree, Stratford 057 Thomson, Peter 063 Tree, Biekiel ZSJto'»'0°» John and 1008 Taylor, ^ohn 997 Traohel, Samael 998 Towip, Edward 646 TreeT John B. ?SJ Thomson, Robert 9^ Thomson, John 967 Thomson, Alexander * X I w hair 9 e half 9 ept8 pt e half 9 , pt e half 9 • e quartur 8 centre pt 11 e half 15 Innerkip [nnerkip Innerkip V half 13 Innerkip \ 'e half 11 ) 6 half 11 n e quarter 11 Tnnerkip Innerkip w half 16 Innerkip Innerkip Innerkip i005|Vinoent, Charles Innerkip w half 11 9 pt b f 4 nef5 e quarter 12 half 9 n e quarter 8 n e quarter 8 Innerkip Innerkip '< Innerkip pt6 Innerkip Innerkip Innerkip .1- ■ Innerkip lOiOwner 15pimeri 16 Owner lOOwnar 16 Fanner's Son KSOirner lOOwner lOlTenant Owner Owner Owner 14 Owner Tenant 14 14 16 15 Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Tenant Tenant Tenant 14 14 14 Owner Owner Tenant Tenant 140wner 15 Owner ISTenant 16 14 Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner r t lOimer XI 3 3 .3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 9 9 9 9 3 3 9 3 3 3 3 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 3 3 3 9 3 3 3 ■A I 12 POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. «. 661|We»t, Edw«rrf'M»d 662 W«it, John 866 Wtlton, I»*M 946 WilMD, Williwn 996W«Uh, ThomM 999 White, WiUiwn ! ipt e hiklf 8 pt e half 8 w half 14 pt e half 11 Innerkip Innerkip UjOwner 14Fannef*t 17 Owner I70imer Owner Owner Bon J 9 9 J 3 3 J 3 3 920'Yeo, James ptlO iTlOwner ^ List of persons entitled to vote at Municipal Elections only. 829i8hilling», John 984lTaylor, ThomM 955)Yeo, John List of persons entitled to vote AssemUy only. -;-:"'' NONE. 1PA.WT 111* at Elections to the Legislative . ^ 9 9 3 3 3 3 POLLIf a; 1 1 6 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 10 10 10 10 6 -3 /• RHM \ .r 14 209lOh»mbeM 303 Oh»dwiok, U - 35>4 Chadwiok, Jtt' 19f>0h*d.wlpk, 497|Orool», O' 741 Owter, H«^ 742 Carter, O^jvf 793 Oaitter, Thebdoro POLLING ^UB-UIVISION NO. 3. ,• half 25 26 w half 17 . w half 17 half 16 half IB w half 24 „ half 17 lehalf d2 6 half 22 „t half 24 lOlOwner 120wner 12()wner 12 Owner 11 Owner llil^euant 13 Owner 13 Tenant ir)()wner ir>()wner ISOwner n A i\ 4V B K\ 10 10 2 378 Dunn, I|^»el 609 Deible, Dariua 692 Deible, John |rt w (luarter 19 ig e quarter 17 'n e (nmrter 25 12 Owner 130wner 14 Owner 2 739 Everett, l^vi H o fpiarter 2*i 14 Owner 4 » 27 Ferguson, George 380 Fox, Tliomas 82 Gaiahar, John 29 Gordon, W. A. 3«')5 Glavos, Henry ami 300 GlaveK, John 446 Glavea, Ahaolem 620 Gile>, William an.1 627 GileB. John^ 670 Gingvrioh, Philip and 071 806 Ginjierich, Joi«f' Gabel, Soloroen |e pt 10 rptl8 9 Owner 12 Owner e half ^21 9 w pt 10 , ) pt ■ w quarter23 \ w half 21 ' Me half 17 ) n w quarter 17 ^ 'n w quarter 17 ) In e quarter 26 \ n equ r. r 25 b f 19 glTenant OJpwner 12lbwnor lllOwner 12 Owner 14 Owner 14TenHnt 140wner J J J 14 10 Farmer'a Tenant Son I 1 9 9 2 2 10 23 rtnmniason 299' Ira Harrwood, AU< ft a 9 2 2 10 1 \ FOLUNG SUB-DIVISIO;^ NO. J. H6 Ilarringionl, WaIImm 35.'J Hsrrwood,/ Alfred 1,T) HarrinKton, John 24H Hun(ah»ra«r, A|«z*ndnr 2{M) HarriiiutWii, UirMO 251 MMThngtdn, R«ub«n 252 HturiiiKt^n, L«wia 310 ilawkuaJ Jauiea 204 Uarr^odd, Henry and 2!)5 Harrwodd, Wellington 300 Hutohinson, Joeeph 370 H»rrw(ibd, R, 0. 452 Holiufi, Martin and 453 If oliijiea, Henry 441) HoUoway, James 705 Hiitcliiinaon, George m 311 313 314 380 300 44U 447 501 587 5 58! 5! Jncffueff, Job Kikift, Chnrloa, Kennedy, Calvin and Kwnnody, Phillip "ennfady^ Andrew ennedy, Geoi'ge ing, Samuel ing, John ing, Jamea H. Kin(t, James and King, Malcolm King, OeorgA and King, George 803 tSht, Robert La'ppin, James Leisler, Ohristian Lowe, Ohriatian and Ijowe, Otto Lovell, Thomas Lockhart, Thomas # 3 • «marter 18 • pt2l V pt 20 a w (iiiarter 22 w half 23 w half 23 w half 24 . »pt 18 e half 25 e half 25 Hpl21 n w corner 20 pt e half '24 pt • half 24 pt net) liar (or22 w half JO e half 21 ehalf 17 pt 10 \ o pt 10 > pM8 pt 18 e half 10 e hnlf 21 w half 10 a e quarter 21 asp quarter 21 centru pt 21 centro pt 21 a w quarter 10 ptlS half 25 n w ({uarter 22 n vr quarter 22 22 wbf 20 32jMoKay, Wm. B. 24 McKay, Andrew s w quarter 17 p s w quarter 16 11 '10 11 u 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 15 Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Farmer's Son Owner Tenant 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 J3 11 11 14 14 14 14 16 Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner ■ ,, Owner ^ Owner ' ,/'^ Owner Owner Owner Farmer's Son Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owiier ywmr '>wner Owner Owner '5 J 1 J J 6 J J 6 6 6 J 6 6 8 8 H J ({ t> 6 6 U 6 6 6 (> 8 8 8 10 10 7 -■.^^^mtmm^Hf 'ji:f:SA ■■ v^l i6 IK^LING aUB'DIVlSION HO. 3. 36 MoK«y, Jumm 36 Morri*)n, (Jaorge 37 Morriaon, John 44 Molntoth. Dftvld 83 Mamy, John v S4 MoDoniOd D»T|d 128MaiT»7, AU»»nd«r 128 Mumy, Petar 129 M v*y> '^^^^ 130 Harr»y, Jmum 131 Murrmy, Oeorg* 199 Maohel, iWwanl •iOO MoLeviil, Donald 201 MoLsvin, Airohibftld 2U2M9LeTin, John 207 Murray, Oeorg* 208 Murray, Pet«r 206 Meadows/ JoMph 382 McKay, 0. W. 602 Marki. Alexander and 503 Marks, Samuel 064 Mitohel, John H^ 738 Meadows, Charier W, 748 Miller, John and 749 Miller, Anthony 371 Murray, Jamee 379 MoKaohan, John 761 MoKenwe, Thoroaa 583 Mianer, Jacob / 408 NanoekevillCi John 137 206 Oebome, William Osborne, William 377 707 742 743 Parktir, R. W. Plaskett, Joseph Pearson, John Pearson, William Pearson, Edger pt 16 w (|uartor 20 n w quarter 20 n*f» npt20 eptl9 half 21 half 26 w half 26 -half 26 half 26 epll9 ehalf 20 a half 20 e half 24 ' 24 24 e half 24 w pt 18 20 20 t h^f 18 pt e half 24 19 19 n wp20 wptl8 eptl8 e half 24 wha^l7 s w quarter e hair 22 18 307 Pavey, Henry Ff. iHOwner 9 Owner 9 Owner 9 Owner 9 Owner J 9 Owner J 10 Owner 16 Owner 1 10 Parmer's Hon 10 Fanner's Hun 10 Farmer's Hon 10 Owner 10 Owner 10 Owner 9 Owner 10 Ownei 10 Farmer's Son 11 Owner 12 Owner 13 Owner 13 Farmer's Son 14 Tenant 16 Owner 16 Owner 16 Owner 12 Owner 1? Owner 16 Owner 13 Owner w half 18 wpt20 w Mf 22 n e quarter 21 n e uuarter 21 e pt 18 J J J 13 Owner 10 10 Owner Owner 9 12 15 16 15 11 Owner Owner Owner Owner Farmer's Son Tenant 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 8 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 6 3 2 10 10 1 10 R J J 9 1 ^ ' \ 1 10 10 10 6 1 1 2 .') 2 5 5 (t <> (i 7< 71 3; 21 2{ 4{ 5C &2 69 o ■/ rOLLiNO tUHUIVIftlON NO. 3. ^ •J2 lUm, Al«iMMiw .'t3 HoM, D»ni«l 'M Rom, Hnotor :(A HoM, WiliiM HI Rom, AUiMMlar 4<) Rom, OmirM nOI H«iM, ThAiDM H. 862 86a 364 663 WW RiuMll, RoUri il 247 ma 254 585 58<{ (\±i ((24 (iOb 709 750 ■ w <|UArUr 17 • * 4u«rt«r 19 n # «ituu-t«r If) • half 21 hikif22 M liAlf 20 hair 20 • h«ir IV • hdf 10 wp«23 ir pt23 • half 17 bri8 Siitherlana, A. L. . Rutherland, ItoUrt Sutherland, Donald Hiitherlaod, Andrew Screli, Samuel Hkalton, JoMph Hutherland, Jametand Sutherland, Paul ' Htawart, WilUiUb Sm^th, Dunoan ' Sleep, Williain ^^f Smith, Werner Smith, Lewie ^mith, Grafton and Smith, JamM Smith, Robert Shrook, Daniel *> Stephenson, John 373 Tree. John B. 297 Tomlinaon, James 298 Tomlinaon, Jacob 499 Teet/Je, Minard BOOThomaon, William 628 Tree, John 591 Volmerhonsen, OhriBtian' nw quarter 16 w half 22 e half 22 • e quarter 19 • half 17 w quarter 17 ■ w quarter 19 • w quarter 19 w hair 20 w half 21 npt 25 • • quarter 23 « e quarter 23 hair 20 w half 21 e hair 20 pt a" w quarter24 e hair 18 npt 20 n e quarter 22 ■ e quarter 22 w quarter 18 n hair 18 ■ w quarter 17 • e quarter 18 9 1» 9 11 11 II 11 12 12 12 14 16 Owner Tenant (>«n«r Owner Ownw Owner Owntr Famtr'a Hon Owner < >wner Owner Karmer'a Hon Karmer'a Boo Owner Owner J J J 9 9 11 10 to 11 19 11 13 13 14 13 14 15 15 Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner 'Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner 13 Own r J J J J J J 17 1 1 1 1 9 9 6 fl 6 6 9 10 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 6 8 8 6 6 10 8 10 6 6 6 6 6 9 8 _Si~ ', ■ : t % i» fOLLINO tOtPP^^ltOH MO. y 141 143 187 43tW4ri Jo**" . ^ UOJWlUiUMon. Jokm WUkiiMoo, HmbuaI Wilktiuwa. Afthttf _ W«bil, WlllUm iOirl WooW Sdwwd ess WiMo. Movrktm 704 WILm«, WllU«» 746 W»lM«i. R«*ntMl 747 Walton. Aatou W«Mn. Juha M. WIlMii, WUIbn WiWo, AUiM»J«r W«l«pn. J(M»eH ! 'VrV. 807 •9A 75C 7MI 706 W«14i. AU«oU. W«t|»uf«r. flsnrj hdf 16 half Ul halflfl • • half 17 half Ti w half 19 n « uiiar««r 33 half Ift » half 16 • half 10 • half 10 half lA w half 10 • half le h^f 10 it 18 . all 93 n: fl07lZ«hr, Pettr ^ )• Wf 93 P^^T II. ^t of persons entitled to vote at Municipal Elections only NONE. fwp"; PA.wriii. 'I,i«t 01 per«onB entitled to vote at Elections to Assimbljf 6nly. . , >4 .egfslativi; a/ 'J NONE. B -ii,-lt-UL - ni- -B i ■a ■■ ^Ilun|^ub.division, NO. 4. ComtorisiJK^l that portion of the Townshiplying west of the ,4th^Hn^e^^^^^ List oi persons entitled to vote at both Municipal Elpctjons and Elertions to the Legislative AssemWy. — y„ 4k ^- w »« NAIUtS. ▲rmatroiig, ArtJiur ^rin«truiig, ltob«it - Ann«tmiiir, John tlVI! the \ and IKMfiifflMni, JamM Mid liiKtMun, Licwi« J. ^7«nt, Jokfi BighAtai. JoMph Bradrieht, Jacob aftOlBiokJ*, Edward »(I0 liiokl». WilUaa, '27'i Ball, WilliMti 27:1 Bell, WillUai U. 2HflB»k»r,John aH7 Bala, Riohard aud ^«, Martin B«»walt, q,vlM Bigkani, Edward 354 Uw«M, William M4 Britc. Ahnm 6ai|Bag«n, Adolph Cfamfiem, Henry l26jOwiipbi.U. Donald 22»Omial«r. Jr»tin arOOaialer^Hteffbw 271 niinniii|A.ia. Bngh ^01 Uaaatn, Jolui -SJ S*°?'*' M«thew "13! Dunn, Henry *.«7 Dwyer, ThoniM '»79 Dunn, Frederick • p4 w half 38 M/Ul TaviaU4k I • half 90 • half 2(1 • •uuartar 27 • half 38 • piae «pt2fl ■ V quarter H.*} n w qunrtor :«{ 30 I • • (^Qartar 28 . • • tjuarter 28*^ opt 30 half 31 r half 37 Tairiatook . Tairistnok e half 32 w half 27 34 • V quarter 32 n m quarter 32 ptthalfsa ^ half 33 .T«vJitook " "• quarter 30 Taviatook n e quarter 30 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 Owner Owner — Owner Tenant Owner Owner ITarmer'i iHt Panner'a Om lIlOwnM- n Owner 11 11 11 12 TenanI Owner Owner Ownw 19 Tenant 12 Tenant Tenant Owner 10 10 10 Owner Owner Owner 11 Owner 11 11 Owner Tenant 9 18 Owner Owner Tenant Owner 13|0wner I N v.»*^^S^ f ao 458 464 546 POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. 4- Bydt, Jacob Bdutine, Benry Bdutine, John n. 362 Fi»h«ey. William 884 Fwey, Robert 637 Falk, Adam 674 FohT Henry .50 Gruber, John 220 Go"*<^» •^"**H^ 52 Gould, Mathew 63 Gould, Dun<»n ^ 63Gimble,Fredenok 269 Gould, JMoes 276 G«Mhardt, Henry 288 Gould, WUlum 66 GouW, Jamee 347 Greason, J«hn loitt 348 Greaeon, Tiujothy ^ 459 Gingerich, Christian 573 Geiwl, LewU 116 H-nroia, Conrad and 117 Hanauld, Kenry 122 Haniuld, Conrad 125 Holmes, Hector 345 HetMroot. Adam 608 Hohner, John 11. mi* 509 Hohner, Henry Wl- 514 Helmuth, Jwob •»* Its Helmuth, Christian 576 Hanrold, Casper wd 676 Hansuld, Deitenoh 581 H»mngt«n, H»ram 526 Herlan, Francis 356 Hartwood, Richard ipt e half 31 H pt 36 Tavistock w half 28 e half 32 Tavistock e(>t30 12 Owner 12 Owner Owner 8 8 8 12Tenatit 130«rner Owner ISOwner J J 8 8 8 8 1: jiw quarter 29 U w q«»rter 29 w qut^ter 30 le quanter 30 L e quarter 33 ' half 31 hall 35 D eqUMterSO 8 e quarter 30 w pt 30 w pt 30 I pt « e quarter331 Tavis •'' gOwner 11 Owner 9()wner 90wner 9lOwner ' llOwner llOwner 9pwner 90wner 12 12 12 Owner Owner Owner ok 561 532 550 551 Hembly, Levn« Hankf , Christiaii Harrick, Christian Hanki, August 349|Hobb8, George w bnlf 35 « half 35 ipt w half 31 w half 28 n w quarter w hftlf 27 w half 27 iw half 32 w half 32 ptehalf 34 ^elftlf34 pt e half 27 Tavistock w pt 26 Tavistock Tavistoijk Tavistoi^k ITavistock Iw half 29 34 10 Owner 10 Farmer's Son 10 Owner lOOwner 120wner ISOwner 13 0i»ne' 13 Owner 13 Owner 13 Owner 13 Farmer's Son ISOwner Owner 12 Tenant jOwner Owner # Owner l< »wner 12lTpnant J 1^ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ,8 8 8 , 8 8 8 8 8 8 •■ "■ 8 8 8 ' i 8 8 9 '» . t 8- E S G S 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 2 POLUNG RUB-DIVISION NO. 4. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ,8 8 8 . 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 8- s » 8 8 8 8 322 61 51 Irwin, John Innia, OharlM IqkIc*) Ueorj 460 Krug^, Frederiok 69 Krugg, Raiuhardt 66 Krugg, Henry 263 Knott, Charles 466 Kam, Daniel 510 Kirk, William B. 611 539 652 553 540 872 Kirk, Riohard 0. Klein, John Kaufman, John Krantz, Henry Klein, Oharlds Kalbfleiioh, Heniy 118 121 261 262 350 556 215 '•^'- ■ 'iff ■ Luokhard, Oonirad Lee, John LoveyB, Thonuwand Loveya, John Luke, Daniel Langfield, Christiui Legrice, William 47 Melville, John 48 Melville, Leslie 49 Melville, Robert 55 Miller, John 68 Murray, Kenneth 256 McKay, Dioffwall 266 McKay, John 267 McK^y, AlewMder 2*9 Mogk, Henrr 618 Mohr, Adanr 510 Murrny, Robert 629 Mettis, William 634 Murray, Alexander 638Morlock, William ■ 568 Miller, John 616 Murray, Neil 283Millman, WiHiam e half 33 centre pt 30 n w quarter 29 Tavistock pt w hftlf 36 e half 31 p n w quarter27 e half 27 w half 28 half 28 Tavistock Tavistock Tavistock Tavistock Tavistock w quarter 33 w half 32 wpt27 wpt37 w half 29 Tavistock e half 29 n w f^uarter 27 w half 28 ehalf 28 w half 34 e half 29 ■ pt26 n w quarter 28 n w quarter 28 pt e half 36 pt w half 36 n hair 29 " Tavistock / * Tavistock. X' Tavistock ' Tavistock . 1 ha'f 29 ehalf 31 lOfOwner lOOwner 9 Owner 9 9 11 12 13 13 Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner 10 Owner 10 Tenant 11 Owner 11 Owner 12 Owner Owner 10 Owner 9 9 11 11 11 11 13 13 13 11 Owner Owner Ov^ner Owner Owner Ovfper Ojvper Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant J J 2V 8 8 8 a 8 8 8 9 8 8 8 8 B 8 8 8 8 6 6 8 8 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 3 a 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 \!^SS3BBS&39SBS^5'T'*'^"^!V? ^tSbm^ aa POtLINO SUB-DIVISION NO. 4. 690 664 Merner, Samuel' 1^71 I7eib«igAU, Oonrad 549 Offord, Richard 62 569 217 Prize, Oharles Phuluuoi, ThomM Pattenon, George 216 342 Quehl, Oonrad Qnehl, John 127 Rom. John 69 Rom, Alexander 70 Rom, WiUiwn 60 Reibling, Henry 274 RoMell, Thomas 276 RoMell, Thpmaa 291 Rookett, Henry 292 Rockett, Thomaa 621 RuMeCWiUiam 457 Reynolds. James '611 Roth, John N. 682 Roe, Lewis 644Reid, Robert 666 Reidt, Adam 677 Ramseyer, Joel 63ShaYer, Joh.n Tavistock TaTistook Tavistoek Tavistock, n e quarter 33 Tavistock ept29 epta9 pt34 w half 26 " ehalf 26 ehalf 26 pt ehalf 36 n w quarter 34 n w quarter 34 ept26 ept26 Tavutbck ehalf 30 e half 30 e half 26 Tavistock Tavistock e half 33 wpt36 Owver Owner Owner 8 8 8 Owner 9 16 8 Owner Owner Tenant / 8 . 8 • 8 10 Owner 12 Owner 10 9 9 9 11 11 11 11 12 13 13 13 Owner Owner Farmer's Son Owner Owner Owner Owner Own«r Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner O'wner Owner 9 Owner 8 8 8 8 8 g( 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 \ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 \ •POLUNG SUB-DIVisiON NQ. 4. 64 69 Sipple, Adam Shftver, Henry ISO^tinaore, Ad»m 264 SutherlMid, Donald 266 Sutherland, Alexander 277 Stinaore. Peter 280 Smith, Henry 642 Seigner, Frederiok 282 Skelton. George 341 Stein, Wjjrner 113 Sneider, William 616 Stine, Valentine 619 Shaver, William 633 Stock. Oonrad 663 Shultz, William " 666 Smith, Anthony ' 646 Semler, Charles 547 Shrag, Joseph 648 Shosenberg, John 667 Shraa, Michael 624 Smith, Thom«« • 224 540 527 Thom, James Trow, James Turner, Harry 214 527 286 Veale, George Vright, Ferdinand Varey, Richard Weitrie, Henry Windholdt, Ohrlatopher Windholdt, Gasper Webber, Robert Webber, William Wetlaufer, Oonrad Woon, Richard Wilker, Henry W. Webber, John Webber, AiNibur / Wildfaag, I«4vi 66 •123 124 289 290 339 343 344 368 366 461 5I7|Wetlaufef,"j^ 32 irpt36 s w quarter 33 > wqttarter28 IB w quarter 28 pt36 Tavistock iTavislooli ehalf 32 sir pt34 w half 31 w half 33 Tavistock Tavistock Tavistock Tavistock Tavistock Tavistock Tavistock Tavistock Tavistock 34 n w corner 36 Tavistock n e quarter 27 Tavfatock n H quarter 28 pt w half 36 w half 30 w half 29 apt 37 ept27 pt w half 35 w half 33 w half 32 B half 2a n half 26 pt e half 34 fir half 34 10 11 11 11 11 12 13 13 Oirner Owner Oirner Owner Owner Oirner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owi^r Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner 10 13 10 Tenant Owner Owner Tenant Owner 11 Owner 9 10 10 U Owner Owner Owner Owner ll)Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner wner 12 1^ 12 12 12 12 Mo J J J J J 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 8 8 8 6 6 8 8 ^ i V \ H 678 628 669 670 049 POLLING SUB-UIVISION NO. 4. Wegler, Joseph WetUufer, Jacob Wagner, Jacob Wagner, William Weaver, John ,■ e quarter 81 Tavutoek ^anatook Tatittook Tariitook 466 Youngblnt, Werner 580|Zehr, JoReph 620 Zimmerman, Henry 13 Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner pt half 28 B e quarter 28 Tavistock 12 Owner 8 8 8 8 8 8 13 Owner Ownfer 8 8 PAJRT II. List of personp entitled to vote_atJiftttlicipal Electiolis only. ^J - • ■- I ■ NAMlfiS. LOT. « 1 9 ■ r A- > OQ cn 6 iz; ' 1 ■ ■ ^ • a. 67 Murray, William 8 e pt 29 Owner 8 58 Stewart, John Tavistock * Owner 8 .) I»A.RT III. List of persons entitled to vote at Elections to the Legislative Assembly oniy. 'i-.;'t'Ji ■ NONE. fSSS mLLING SUB-Di;VISIdN, NO., 5. Cornprising of that portion of the Township lying east of the 14th line> and north of side line/ttetween 25 and 26, together with that portion lyin^ east of the i6t|i fine, and north of the side line between lots 20 and 21. i ■<^" ■kY- 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 O 8 tive the nth ine r f^LtmHi SVI^-fllVltlON no; a . • ■ •■■■ % ■■ .. ''/- .::'■"' PARI? I. K-V- ■ . NAMES. Amntoher, VVjflliMn 618 Bmh, Joseph 683 Beoke;. JosJJh 684 Beck*r, OhriJtUttr JiSBenler, SpIoinMi 723 Btfnier, Jacob 1 727 Bender, John 1 784Brulrioht, Jwdb * 786 B«Mtft, John 848 B^lSrt, WiBtom 849^^1krt; HirtJT . 860^B«inberi^er, John 854iBaokle, Joiin "■'■ Buoltle, John Bnolcle, JoMph Bruoe, WiUian, Binder, Ohfi«t&n It. Bonber, Johil ' Breiineman, John 856 856 871 892 906 946 872 BeahlMll, John 796purt»h, Johr 797 Ourtah, Joaeph 798C«rtrfi.Th6ro« 932 0«i»pbelU ItoH*^ 933^0noipbeII, RbbttHl 845 Crwide, John 868 Carter, Harvey 679 Erb, Jacobs. 799l^liot, Benjamlii ! LOT. e h«df 32 bf2IS ehalf 34 e half 34 Pt w half 32 e half 36 • half 32 pt w half 29 pt W b«lf 2» «rlmlfS8 e hair 28 eh4lf 38 ehalf 29 e half 32 e half 32 ehalf 32 bf24 ehatf 3ft • e qnartoii 27 bf35 lb f 26 ptnhidf28 |>t n half 83 ptnhalf^S bfao bfSftf bf3«^ bt22 \ r h te 2» Faririti^ Sort • ,^ Owner J5 Owner I }o Owner 16 Owner 16 0wiM» IjOw^gW 16 OwDW J J J*n*i^« Son 160wneir 160,,ner 160wner J6k)wner J70wiier 17 Owner J7 0wtlr 19 Owner 17 Owner 16 Ownir' 16rar»«-'e8o|»i ^Wttor'aSon 16 18 Owner Otrittr 0*tiM' Tenant Ownaf/ Owner/ 96 870 880 881 882 883 POLLING SUB- DIVISION NO. 3, Forman. WUUmb Faoejj, Jobo FtMfr, John jr. Faoty, Hmuj 0. FMwy, JaniM O. 615Qing«rloh, JoMxth 8780rinMbMk, ValenUne 8790riuMbaoli, WUlum 037 OMutoh, JohD 734 Hawei, BcaJMnlo m Hw«t, BenJMpiB 847 Haift, . Jodlkk 71? 713 801 802 874 Intcie, Samiio) Intiie, Miohaal Intzie, JoMph s "f. JMrris, John Junker, Henif '-606 Kalbfleisoh, Frederick 680KMifniM), Oonmd 731 Kennel, John 7d8 Keufoian, Wermv 787 KenfBiMi, UwJe 896 Kennel, Johi[i 791 Kwifnun, Nieholaa 729 Kennel, Ohri^lwn ♦ 857 Lemmel, NiohoUe 877 Ltnglebeok, Adam 886LatB, Honi7 025 Loth, John _ bfas 31 •1 81 31 w quarter 30 IT half 80 *r half 30 ■ elquartee 33 ' 27 27 pt2C V half 28 w half 29 half 22 rhelf21 ept38 ■ p Oiirner 26 pt w half 36 ptehalf j32 e half 28 pt e half 26 ptiK^f26 * e 001^ 33 nw quarter 26 neoomer30 • e corner 34 In w quarter 29 n w quarter 32 In w pt 34 17 17 17 7|0irner 7F«rmer'|Son Fanaer'tfion Farmer's Bon Farmer'i Son 14 Oirner 17 17 18 Owner - Farmef '• Son Owner"" 16 16 Ifi Owner Owner Farmei''e Son 16 15 16 16 Owner Owner Owner Owner ' 14 14 Owner Owner 14 14 Owner .15 16 16 17 Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner 16)0wner 15 Owner 16 17 17 18 Owner Owner Owner Owner 6 5 8, 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 "2 10 8 2 8 8 8 2 2 2 2 2 8 5 4 4 >Y. 6 6 8, 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 "2 10 8 2 8 8 8 2 2 2 2 2 8 5 4 4 .V fOLUNO SUB.DIVISION NO, <. 876(M»utz, John 841 UaJoolm, WiUUa 842 aiortin, b»»id Hortin, David Afortin, Robarl Mead, David Mogk, Henrj 643 844 U38 UIO 876 027 Nioholaa, John Ifftcholaa, O«orge 710 Pleloh, Lrwis 006 Roth, Hfltiry 012 Roth, Ohrwtmn, 670 Roth, Nicholaa L. 677 Roth, Daniel 685 Roth, Jacob 711 Ruby, Ohmtian 873RQMeU, Joha 726 Ruby, Daniel 726 Ruby, David 792 Ropp, John 902 Roaenberg, P. 0. 928 Roth, Nichohui 936 Roth, Peter 790 Robertaon, 8imoo 612 014 717 718 778 779 780 788 781 845 Sohwartzentruber, John Sohwartzentruber, Joel Summer, Peter "'nmmer, John * Shannon, ThonAui Shannon, John Shannon. Ohunber* Stock, Oonrad Stock, Henry Stabler, Gtearg^ p u NT uuarter27l a half 91 ' pt24 pt 24 ; pt34 • e quarter 34 pi e half .33 n half 28 «r half 33 ir half 20 pt36 I*/ quarter 32 ^te half 28 ptehalf28 e half 36 Pt w half 27 b f 26 ehalf 33 ehalf 33 e half 25 Qept 29 w half 32 bf28 |w comer 36 J n w quarter 32 n w quarter 30 half 33 l« half 34 « k half 32 w half 32 w half 32 w half 31 ▼ pt26 in w comer 24 17 Owner 10 Oirner 1(> Owner 10 Owner lOOwner IHOwoer 14<)wner J J J i •7 Owner IHOwner J J Owner l^Owner 14 Owner 14 Owner 14 Parmer'a Son 14 Owner 16 Owner 17 Tewtot ISOwner JS y*nner'a Son lOOwner I 17pwner | ISOfner 18 0#ii«r 1« 0#ner \ V :f^1 14 14 16 15 16 16 16 Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner 16:0wner 16 Owner IBOwnef *^ 8 I« 2 S 9 4 8 2 H 2 8 8 8 8 8 2 2^^ 2 2 2 4 5 5 . 2 2 8 S 8 8 8 8 ■ 2 2 2 \. -\ U. A > - 4k -^- ,^_„^a-.._ liiit** . ^sl^Vn i^Hi^/Am ' ' ■ rf^K? a8 o LINO SUB-DIVllfON MO. ^ 9U5{814mjiier. Juhn — $im^, w. 0. " Mtb. JftPlM oliuplinff, OiuUir i«iw, Henry mith, ThomM mitli, Ohriatian tire, JoMph The«l, Jacob The«l, Henry 923 924 Vanee, Joeeph Van^e, ThomM 007 076 078 708 721 730 732 853 889 893 894 901 903 921 789 Willjer, Oonmd W&itKel, John iWetiaufer, Oonrftd iWetfaufer, Henry Weieker, Oharle* jWeU^ufer, Henry |Wet)«Qf*r, Joiit Wa^ater, John Weipker, Ldwia Weipker, Geo. 1^, jWeipker, Juhn ^eipker, William Wile, Peter W(M|d,. William Wiafim'an, T. J. 724 728 609 616 617 719 686 Yanizie, John« Youngblat, Jacob Yoang, Henry Yake, Lewis Yake, fldwfrd . Yantzie, Mfphi^l R. Yantzie, Joi^ph n e qutfter 97 irbiai peeonMrM ept26 e pt b r 31 ebf82 pt e half 33 n e (|uarter 93 whaH32 w half 32 n w pt36 • w (piarteriSO whalfSn e half 27 e M^ 30 half 23 n e corner 36 ptehplfSO eh«|f 27 ehalf 31 w half 34 e half 34 pt n half 33 e half 30 sept 29 bf 29 pt w half 26i ; e half 34 ptSl ptwhAlf 33 8 w quarter 29 s w quarter 28 w pt 36 n eoomer 86 17 18 15 16 18 19 14 18 Owner Owner OwnOT Owner Owner Owner Owner 18 18 14 H 14 15 II) 15 15 16 .17 17 J7 17 17 18 16 17 Oi 17 Owner Owner Owner 16 16 14 14 14 16 14 Owner. Owner Owner Owper Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Ownwr J J J J / / J 4 4 t t 4 4 • 4 8 4 4 i 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 / "I ,iWM#ii 4 t t 4 4 • 4 8 4 4 J 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 '/ / ^ por.l.INO SOB-DIVISION NO. 5. 77AJBHhr, GhrU-.iin.U 77^ehr, Aiulrow 789'Z«hr, JoMph R. B08 Zflhr, Jnieph L. \H0 Zinimernikn, Ohriitian w h«lf 90 pt w half 34 pt w half 30 « hiilf m ' • halt 3& 1« 10 10 10 18 Oim«r Owner Owner Ownar Owncf 8 9 2 2 4 PART Ilj Vst of persons entitled to vote at MMtticipal Elections only. J 55 as Q (572 NAMES. LOT. Oroll. Lewis Sohnatz, Oertrt^e o Q • e corner 20 n e corner 28 yP 14 14 d a: Owner Owner I»A.Ra? III. ;Ii»^ of persons entitled to vote at Elections to the Legislative Assd|hbly only. e. ^ *.V . N©NE. , '» P^v.^- McKay, Clerk of the Municipality of East Zorra, in the tptWty of Oxford, do hereby certify that parts one and three ofthealxove list contain a correct list, for the year 1881, of all persons appearing by Ihe last Revised -Assessment Roll of said Municipality to be entitled to vote at elections for members of the Legislative Assembly, and that parts one and two constitute a cor- rect list, for said year, of all persons appearing by the said Roll to bjjftntitled to vote at municipal elections in said Municipality, and th^t a copy of such list was first posted up in my office at Strath- allan on the 21st day of July, and I hereby call upon all electors to examine the said list and if any omissions or other errors are perceived therein to take immediate proceedings to have the said - errors corrected according to law. x VMA'^i<^ . ^- ^V. McKAY, Sec. and Treas. East Zorra, V - / Strathallan P. O. Dated at Strathallan, this 21st day July, A. D. 1881. I certify that the above voters' list contains the names persons who are fit and proper persons to serve as Jurors. -, I / ^ ^- ^- McKAY, Sec. and Treas. East Zorra /■• of 2807 - \ • ( ..n i i FOBI OP OBRTIFICATiUNDER SBCTM ^ OF V0TER8'-'L18T8 WHEN NO COl of dif^C J^^ under his-hund that no coSipfiiintTeBpectiiiB tlic List of 1 year wfi^ has been received by him within the thirtv same, rtnd on application of the Baid clerk, I, DAVID 5 County Court of the County of Oxf(|rd •in pursuance of t gertify the annexed printed List of Voters being one o Clerk under section three of the said Act, is the revised : of ^>^ ^^ ^/f^ ^ ^''' ^^^ y^^^ ^ \ ^iven under my hand and senl.at WZ< j'v.^ ^ ./ / ♦«' *• / /"«'/- / *»,,,,„./ /f/ f/,^f^ )/4s., ''tttff/t'Ms/u' ^ ••/ytr* A<' #./» ii, A i*0>^-i/t t4- tH tiu /:./ '^ ^ ^f/ i f^iif i f .... ^Vu/^ ^ *M # «| '• >•■»• /^ A./ /''•/ V: i « r*. #»J,-f /^ ^U^ < < • ' /»/1 ^/ ^ ■/ ir'i \> * t ^ ! // ^i/ /' « A44^ >>< / 'H44IJ,, />^ ',,'Uh('m< '. ^ //■ ^,-/ ■/ / t J ,. . ^» J Ao «> . ts* ' •» Vi /' V J* /, /l.tf/zi. /'"' b' ^*. » A 1^4 4.4 94 f 4 « A «•#< / A. **^ r **«»4 1^ i/,«/.v. 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