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Lorsque le document eet trop grend pour 4tre reproduit en un soul elich4. ii eet fiimA i pertir do I'engle sup4rieur gauche, do gauche i droite. et do heut en bee. en prenent le nombre dimagea niceeaaire. Lee dlagrammas suivsnts illuetrent le m^thode. 32X t; 2 3 1 i 3 1 *- 5 6 T- r,'" :■■■ -^ H^efJ i n^ry^lw^rf JinuriJ ■^v^ i l k n„t:f , i»r^t,tf^m 4 I C'Pansies, that's for thmights,*') M •I ( ;i I M '\ & Gospel. Text FOR CHRISTIAN WORKE F. O. MACI>OISrAT.D. ' ^ 7 (it-'- HIS NEARNESS TO US. Close ^t ray side, by day and night, There walks a Friend, . strong, tender, true; Ilitve His anai %leah upon, i^fcrasfc Hid sight, He sees my ymj brfore, behind. And leads me on. Till death is lost in Life. Il i. '•^ ■■ '^ • > .^ ( . PREFACE. . • ■ ...» - ■ - ^W 1?!^^' ^**^ °' thi, little Text Book hag been for «^* ^kA^u* "**°''*^P* '^"**' «»^ *J»« writer having J^T^^ wntten and verbal tesiamony that it had ^ ^1 4p «6ni6. in having it printed hopee that it W^ l^t^_ H greater number of people ; and from the ittpftM^tanddasiification of the texts on the variona ?"^^'^f ** ">*y Pwve helpful in opening up, and ^^^f ^^^'^ •"^ P^*°^» the truths of the Gospel, af tH^ fifB owitained in that wonderful and divine Ifc L^!^^ ?^ *"^ oM, Qod's written Wordi ilia; ?^^ T^ of Hun iK) many enquiring ones, and m^ Nip U> show them the BWend of sinners in m p Ib^uty, as the Satiour, the Bedeemer, the Mediirtor ttie areat Physician, the tender, sympathizing Mend' w|»o Ion js to receive them; and the Chief among ten #^ii«d tothose that love Him. And may its name, ^h its sweet association, prove a happy omen of its HMfnlness. As it speaks of Him, may it enlighten, oheer, eomfori;, assure, and give ease of heart and soul to aU those enquiring the way of Life, who read its pages. OANANOQtjii, June I, li886. F. G. Iff. HBABTS-BASS. OUR STATE BY NATURE, OR THE SINNERS CONDITION IN THE SIGHT OF GOD. ■ — ^ — Shapen in iniqnity .,. .Psa. 51. 5 By nature the children of wrath Eph. 2, 3 7here is not a jaat man upon theearth . . •. Ecoles. 7, 20 For all have Binned and come short of the glory of Ood. And the wages of sin is death Bom. 6, 23 The soul that sinneth, it shall die Ezek. 18, 4 The natural man calinot inherit the kingdom of God. Ye mnst be born again . . John 3. 7 The heart is deceitful above all things, and des- perately wicked . . Jer. 17, 9 And ont of it are theissues of lifd .Prov. 4 23 The carnal mind is enmity against Ood Bom. %, 7 Their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity . , . Isaiah 69, 7 Whose month is filled with bitterness Bom. 3, 14 Who mocketh at his father. . ( p^^^ oq 117 And despiseth to obey his mother } Ck>nceiving and uttering words of falsehood . '. .Isaiah 59, 13 ^or out of the heart the mouth speaketh Matt. 12, 34 Who soweth discord among brethren Prov. 6, 19 There is no fear of God before their eyes .Bom. 3, 18 Shall he prosper, shall he escape, that doeth these things? As I liv«, saith the Lord God, surely he shall die. Ezek. 17, 16 For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Whoso despiseth the Word shall be' destroyed. .Prov. 13, 13 The unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdetn of God. Except a man be borne of the Spirit he cannot see God ■ Jn.3, 5 All the wicked will He destroy Psa. 145, 20 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment. To whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever. WThosoever offendeth in one point is guilty of all. . Jas. 2, 10 He that believeth not is condemned already John 3, 18 How long wilt thou sleep ? Escape for thy life. Make haste ! Flee from the wrath to come ........ Luke 3, 7 How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation ?. Heb.2,3 i QUISnOI Of UR OB BUTE. BY BISHOP J. 0. RYLE. Besder, allow me to ask yoti a vdrjr important quM^ tion: are jon alive spiritaally, or are yon dead ? Some are dead in trespasses and sins. They are careless^ ignorant, Oodless, and Ghristless. This is sonl-death» Some, I rejoice to say, are i^ive to God, in rigbteonsness and true holiness. l?hey believe in the Lord J jsns (Christ, and love Him- To which of these classes do yon belong ? Are yon alive or dead ? SnfEer me, as ad ambassador tot Christ, to press this enquiry on yonr conscience now, this very hour, or it may be too late. There are only the two ways, the narrow and the brOad. Two companies in the day of judgment : those on the- right hand, and those on the left, tn which company will you be? Are yon among the living or the dead ? J^sf^er, I intreat yon to begin at once the great woA of self examination. Best not until you know the lengtii and breadth of yonr own state in Gk>d*s sight. Bring everything to the measure of His word: A mistake about yonr soul, is a mistake for eternity. This very day, look this question fairly, fully, and honestly in the frjse. How does it affisctyou? . Are you among the living, or among the dead-^ ." HBABT'CHUaB. GOD'S REMEDY FOR SIN, IN SENDING HIS SON TO DIE FOR SINNERS ■s^ Ohrfait Jesiit oame into the world to save sinneni. ^ * He hath borne o«r ^efe . Iftaiah S3, 4 He hath made Him to be sin for ne 2 Oor. 5, 21 . He was wounded for our transgressions Isaiah 53, 5 Who His own self bare oar sins 1 Petor 2, 24 He was braised for oor ini<|aities. Isaiah 53, 5 Behold the Lamb of Ood John 1. 86 With His stripes we are healed Isaiah 53, 5 Believe on the Lord Jesas Ohrist, and thoa shalt be saved. The Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of as all . Isaiah 53, 6 Christ died for oar sins 1 Cor. 15, 3 It is the blood that maketh an atonement ...... Lev. 17, 11 I came to call sinners Matt. 9, 13 Jesas, who delivered ns from wrath . : 1 These. 1^ 10 None other name, whereby we mast be saved Acts 4, 12 Beoonoiled to God by the death of His son .... .Bom. 5, 10 No more offering for sin. Heb. 10, 18 By Him, all that believe are justified from all things. Who gave Himself a ransom for all 1 Tim. 2. 6 While we were yet sinners^ Christ died for us Bom. 5, 8 You hath He quiokened, who were dead Eph. 2, 1 The gift of Ood is etomal life Bom. 6, 23 A fountain opened for sin ..... Zeoh. 13, 1 He that hath tbe Son hath Life 1 John 5, 12 As by the offence of One judgment came upon all; so by the righteousness of One the free gift came . Bom. 5, 18 Made nigh by the blood of Christ £ph. 2. 13 He is able to save to the uttermost Heb. 7, 25 Where sin abounded, grace did more abound . . .Bom. 5, 20 He obtained eterns^ redemption for us Heb. 9, 12 I have finished the work Thou gavest me to do . .John 17, 4 Christ is the end of the law Bom. 10, 4 It is finished ......... .John 19, 30 H HSABT B-BA8B. H IB OW 900S. -4- BY THE REV. OCTAVIUS WIN8LOW. The Xtord Jeniis Christ is the Door set open by CMi for the salvatioii of lost sinners. " I am the Door ; by me if any man eater in, he shall be saved." What ]>re- oions words aore these ? They seem almost too great and too good, to be troe ! Our ooming'to Qod as sinners, totidly l^nkmpt of all righteousness of our own, can only be through a Mediator, who should so meet and harmonize all the claims of God's moral government, as to nutke it honourable in Him to receive and rove us. Come to God through Christ: He supplies all the merit you require, and aU the welcome you need. **For through Him, we both have access by one Spirit, unto the Father." This door is ever open to poor lost,, sin- ners, who wait not ** to do anything," or bring any works of their own. None enter but those who feel themselves lost through sin. Was it ever known that any were refused admission? NEVER! Sinners have knocked at this door for eighteen hundred centuries, and NOT ONE ever knocked in vain. Free grace invites you to enter, and entering, bids yon welcome. Over the portal of this door is written, in words of living light, '* Who- soever will, let him come.'" It is too narrow for any to seek to enter bearing the load of their own works ; but it ia wide enough for countless millions, who come poor, and naked, and bankrupt. No price is asked, no con- dition imposed, only to come now, just as you are. *^ Behold, I have set before yoti an open Door." Go in. Before you finish reading this page cJtoose Chriai. " The Spirit and the bride say. Come." a hbahtVbaiib. 1 < ■ filK GOD'S loviih; invitations to sinners TO ACCEPT HIS SON. How long hnlt ye between two dpio ions? — 1 King» 18, 21 Behold, nmo in the accepted time 2 Gor. 6, 2 Choose ye this dity whom ye will serve. Jonh. 24, 15 8ee that ye refuse not Him thnt speAketh Heb. 12, 25 I came to call sinners. ... Luke 6, 32 Repent ye therefore, and be converted .... ..... Acts 3, 19 Look unto me, and be ye saveti .......... Isaiah 45, 22 Draw nigh to Ood, and He will draw nigh tayou. .James 4, 8 Behold! I now set before yon, life and death. I ry^^i on ig Therefore choose life I The Master is come, and calleth for thee John 11, 28 For it is time to seek the Lord .Hosea 10, 12 Gome thou apd all thy house into the ark. ^ Oen. 7, 1 Come unto me, all ye that labour Matt. 11, 28 Come ye to the waters Isaiah 55, 1 Come unto me, end drink John 7, 37 Come NOW, and let us reason together Isaiah 1, 18 Come, for all things are now ready .Luke 14, 17 Come unto me, and your soul shall live... Isaiah 55, 3 Come thou, for there is peace to thee 1 Sam. 20, 21 Come near before the Lord Ex, 16, 9 All things are ready; come. Matt. 22, 4 Let us come boldly Heb. 4, 16 Whosoever will, let him come .Rev. 22, 17 Then call thou, and I will answer Job 13, 22 The Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy. .James 5, 11 Thy sins and iniquities will I remember no more. Heb. 8, 12 Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Acts 16, 31 Acquaint now thyself with Him, and be at peace. Job 22, 21 Behold the Lamb of God .John 1^ 36 Thou wilt oast their sins into the depths of the sea. . Mi. 7, 1^ Christ Jesus came into the \irorld to save sinners . 1 Tim. 1, 15 Seek ye the Lord while He may be found ..... Isaiah 55, 6 If thou seek Him, He will be found of thee . .1 Chron. 28,'9 i HBAHrVSASi. >^ Bev. 7, 14 Able to succour them that are tempted. . . . i . . .. .Heb. 2, 18 Able to do above all that we ask or think. ; . . .Eph. 3, 20 Able also to save to the uttermost. , . . Heb. 7, 25 Able to make all grace abound toward yon 2 Cor. 9, 8 Able to present you faultLess . . . Jude 1, 24 m ■J -4^5. HB4BT8-EASK. 9 .. K>ooD or M:I:H: IT. BY THE REV. DH. BONAR /■■;;•: m The mood of ^^ Cross of Christ, is that which has tnadi) pe(M>e and atonement for v», and to share this peace, Ood freely calls WHOSOEYEB WILL TAKE IT. ^10 ]blood of the Cross, is that by which we are justified, (ind to this justification by faith, all are invited, freely. Thiji' IHreeions blood, is that by which we, who were afar 0y are brought nigh to God ; and to this blessed near- "^ss ALL are called to come. This blood* of Christ, is i It by which we have redemption, even the forgiveness Of lips, according to the riches of His graee; Mid Ibis for- g enewis fully, and freely, OFFERED TO ALI^. :^t is c ly through this precious blood, that we have ^trance 7 to the Holiest; and Qod*s voice to each siniieir tordny ib) Enter in." It is by this blood of the Cross^ that wfe are washed and cleansed from sin; and this fountain is F^EE TO ALL; as jb;eei» any of earth's flowing streams, free as the mighty, boundless ocean, in which countless multitudes may wash and be clean. This is good news iponceming the blood of Christ; news which should make every sinner feel that it is just what he needs; nothing less than this, yet nothing more. In Him there is sal- vation fiill and free, for the most thoroughly lost, that this earth contains. GO AND RECEIVE IT. Seek the Lord while ^^ may be found, and you will see that He is found of you. Call upon Him while He is near, and you will find how near ,He is. " Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. " 10 fiSABt S-EAiSIE. THE KNOWLEDGE OF SALVATION. .». Hear the words of the Lord Josh. 3, 9 He thnt believeth on the Son, hath overlosting life. Jno. 3, 36 [ know thftt jny Bedeeiner liveth Job 19, 25 Yonr sins are forgiven yon, for His name's sake. .1 Jno. 2, 12 Ye are justified in His name . . ... 1 Cor. 6, 11 I have blotted ont thy transgressions . . . Isaiah f^; J2'2 We know that we have paes':: *^>, HBABT-S-XASB. 11 TSI iSSUSAVCI or S&LV&TXOI. BY F. G. MACDONALD. It seems strange tbot so many Ckristians, fail to realize the high and bleifled vocation to which they are called ; i^nd that they are willing to do without the happiness and peace they might enjoy, by simply believing that Ood nMons what He says in His word, in regard to this great subject. Hundreds of people, who believe in and love Him, and whose sins are washed away in the blqod of Christ, their Surety, and Substitute, have not the peace and joy of KNOWING that tbey are saved, simply because they refuse to take Christ at His word. Let all these, take a firm grasp of the plain, clear, and decided ^ussurances from His word, that they ABE saved, that Christ has died in their stead, and that His precious blood has cleansed them, from the crimson stain of sin. Many declare "that it is great presumption to say we krnyw we are saved; that no one can be certain of that, in this life." I would say in reply, that their-s is. the "presumption," in daring to deny, what God has made so plain. It is just in this life, that we so greatly need the confident assurance of forgiveness and acceptance, through His Son ; and we have it. Hear how strongly God condemns, those who refuse to believe in the know- ledge of this Salvation. " He that believeth not God, hath made Him a liar." St. Taul says, "The Spfrit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God." Si Jt>hn says, " These things have I written unto you that believe on the Son of God, that ye may KNOW that ye have Eternal Life, " St. Peter says, f'The woi?d of the Lord liveth, and abideth for ever." 12 BKoarB-BhSm, t THE COMING GLORY FOR THE BELIEVER. — ^ — . I go to prepare a place for yon John 14, 2 And I will oome Again, and receiye yon nnto inyself. 3 The coming of the Lord draweth nigh James 5, 8 This same Jesus stiall so come as ye have seen Him go . Ac. 1, 11 We look for the Savionr, the Lord Jesus Christ. .Phil. 3. 20 Behold, He cometh With ten thousand of His saints. Jade 14 Looking for that blessed hope Titns 2, 13 Waiting for the coming of oar Lord .1 Cor. 1, 7 The glorioas appearing of oar Savioar Titas 2, 13 Looking for, and hasting tlte coming of that day. 2 Pet. 3, 12 When the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from Heaven. Behold He cometh with cloads, and every eye shall see,Him. When He shall appear, we shall be like Him .... 1 John 3, 2 Whom He jastifted, them He also glorified .... . .Bom. 8, 30 I shall be satisfied when I awake with Thy likeness Ps. 17, 15 The dead in Christ shall rise first .1 Thes, 4. 16 We shall not all sleep, bat shall all be changed . . 1 Cor. 15, 61 That whether we wake or sleep, we shoald live together with Him . . .i, * ^^...^^ 1 Thes. 5, 10 For oar conversation (citizensh^) is in Heaven. .Phil. 3, 20 That ye may be withoat offenoet^ the 4Ay of Christ. And befoandof Him, withoat spot, sitdhtoieless. 2 Pet.3, 14 The last enemy that shall be destroyed fedii«lli.lX3or. 15, 26 When thoa passest throagh the waters, I wlH 1»e"#itli litee. Though I walk throagh the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear, no evil; for Thoa art with me.Psa. 23, 4 He will not fail thee, nor forsake thee Dent. 31, 6 To depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better. Death is swallowed ap in victory 1 Cor. 15, 64 I will ransom them from the power of the grave. Hos. 13, 14 And deliver them who throagh fear of death, were subject to bondage Heb. 2, 15 Thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory .1 Cor. 16, 57 Them which sleep in Jesus, vri\\ God bring with Him. Wherefore comfort one another with these words . 1 Thes. 4, 18 «9» 18 H-.t lOl BY THE REV. J. D. SMITH. ■♦• — All trne GhristiftDs implicitly believe that JfWiB Christ will come again, to judge the quick and der, 15, 49 Thine eyes shall see the King, in His beanty . .Isaiah 33, 17 Then face to face .•••••. ^ Gor 13, 12 And we shall be satisfied. Pila. 65, 4 He that sitteth onlhe throne shall dwell' among them. We shall walk With Him, in white. .....' .Bot. 3, 4 With open face, beholding the glory . . *.'. . . .,.;. . .2Gor. 3, 18 A new song in my month . ...... Paa. 40, 3 We shall also reign with Him 2 Tim. 2, 12 And in that day, shall the deaf hear ........ | Tgi^kih 29 18 And the eyes of the blind shall see ) They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more.Bev. 7 Then shall the laine man leap as an hart ( Isaiah 35 6 And the tongue of the dumb shall sing i And they worship Him that liveth forever and ever. .Bev. 4 The city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon. There shall be no night there Rev. 21, 25. the inhabitant shall not say, '* I am sick" Isaiah 33, 24 There shall be no more pain, and no more death. Bev. 21, 4 The voice of weeping and of crying shall no more be heard. For God will wipe alvay tears, from all faces . . . .Isai. 25, 8 The street of the city was of pure gold, as it were clear glass. And the redeemed shall walk there Isaiah 35, 9 Whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life. Bev. 21 The foundations of the city were of precious stones. And the twelve gates were twelve pearls Bev. 21, 21 Blessed are they that enter in, through the gates into the city. Bev. 22, 14 They shall go no more out .Bev. 8, 12 And so shall we ever be with the Lord ... 1 These. 4, 17 1^^ HEABT S-EASB. 15 A BLIMPSI or TBK nDBQIlD H t^LOBT. BY THE REV. JAMES HAMILTON, NATIOMAIi SCOTCH CHX7RCH, LONDON. «.! FOITNDED ON XtBVELATION, OHAfTER SEVENTH. There can be no question that this description unveils a state of glory. It is a glimpse of Hieaven,— one of the Inllest and most satisfactory, which the Bible gives . It will do us good to dwell on it; and will also give us more lifelike, and more homelike thoughts regarding our dear ones who have already gone there. All that neec[ now be said, may be summed up, in answer to two questions: Who are there ? And what are they doing there ? "A mighty multitude, which no man can num- ber." For many ages, one nation supplied most of thiB inhabitants. The greater number of those who passed through the gates of pearl, had spoken on earth the Hebrew tongue. But Jesus broke down the partition wall, and since His gospel went into all the world, every nation^ has contributed its citizens to the new Jerusalem. .The Latin tongue has sent its Cornelius, and its Clement ; the.Greek tongue has sent its ApoUos, and Stephen, its Lydia, and Phebe. The Philippian gaoler is there, and the fishermen of Oalilee. David has not laid aside his harp, Peter's step may still spring elastic on the sapphire floor, while Paul still triumphs in some lofty theme. Blended, and overborne, by the prevailing likeness to the 16 HKAtlT 8-BA8B. elder Brother, each may yet retain his mental attributes, and moral features, jnst as the stars of glory may diffeor from one another. ** They celebrate a victory.'* They have palms in their httnds. Tney are what the second and third chapters describe, as Uiose who have " over- come. " They celebrate the victory which the Captain of their salvation has won for them. They are clothed in white robes, the only garb which a child of Adam can wear before the throne of Gk>d. It is the uniform of glory, the spotless righteousness of Immanuel. " They serve God. " Adoration at the throne, the worship of the heart, and voice, and hands; the whole being devoted and consecrated to Gk>d. " They see Qod. " Where the natural enmity is destroyed, and the soul is brought really to love Gk>d, and delight in flim, it can sympathize with the exclamation of Augustine, ** Xiord, Thou hast said. There shall be no man see me and live: then let me die, that I may see Thee." If any of your friends sleep in Jesus, is it not blissful to know how they are engaged? The Lord has opened a crevice in the en- closing wall, and bids you look, and see the difference between you and them. Tou often find it hard to pre- vail on yourself to pray; they never leave the throne qt Qod. It is only by faith, that you can walk with Jesus^ they see Him, and follow Him, night and day, Ton suffer from sickness and in other ways; they hunp^er no more, neither thirst any more. Your best frpmej and most blessed services are very brief; their palm? 'iiever wither, their songs never cease, their congregation never breaks up, their Sabbath knows no end. *'Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which Gk>d hath prepared for them that love Him: but God hath revealed' them unto us, by His Spirit."— 1 Cor. 2, 9-10. Ub Ui >; >■ Precious, precious, blood of Jesus, Let it make thee whole. Let it flow in mighty cleansing O'er thy soul. *<** Though thy sins are red like crimson, '. Di^ep in scarlet glow, Jesu's precious blood can make them White as snow. F. R. H.