REPOR O.N TIIK CANADIAN PHOSPHATES CON'.SIUEREU WITH HEKEnEXCE TO TIlEiU APPLICATION TO AGRICULTURE GORDON BROOMK, F.G.S. OF THE <;i:OI.<)liIiAI. SIRVCV OF lANADA. -!»»(< Aftociule '•/ the Royal School of Miitea, Lowlon, Enjlnnil. PART I. Rqvi'nktl /mm ih: Canadian Naturalist (TV. T'., Xo. :>.) - DAWSON BUO'I HKIIS, M ATIIEAL. IHTO 'm REPORT ON Tirn CANADIAN PHOSPHATES CONSIDERKD WITH nEFKREXCK TO TIIEII! APPLICATION TO AGRICULTURH vr GORDON BROOME, F.G.S. or THE GEOLOOIOAL SrRVEY Or CAN\DA. And Aatociale of the lioyal School OAKTT* BTIAM PRINTING HOUSB, 171 ST. JAMSS 8TRHT. PREFACE The present pamphlet is taken from the advance sheets of the Canadian Naturalist (vol. V.,) and the contents are, with a few trifling exceptions, identical with those of a Paper, bearing the same title, read before the Natural History Society of Montreal, on the occaeion of their November meeting (November 28th, 1870.) In commencing the publication of the present treatise, the Author especially desires to convey his best thanks to Dr. T. Sterry Hunt, F.R.S., for much kindness in facilitating the analytical work, which was wholly conducted in his Labora- tory ; and co many other gentlemen for valuable assistance in the field. The Author may venture to hope that, imperfect as the first part of this contribution to Applied Science must necessarily be, the results of his labours may be found useful in aiding, to some extent, at least, in the advance- ment of the agricultural industries of the New Dominion. Gordon Buooaie. Obolooical Survky OrriCKS, Montreal, DeccmlH;!- 7tli, 1870. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Paor Introduction ' Uses of the Mineral Apatite 1 Uelations of Phosphoric Acid to Animal Structures 2 (Comparison between the relations of Phosphoric Acid to Animal and VeRctable organisms 2 Phosphoric Acid in Plants 2 Table I ^ Table II. — Phosphorus in Animal Substances 3 Natural Circles of Changes -^ Liebih's Phinciplks or Aobiculturb "* RirniN OF Phosphates to tub Soil "* Necessity of Artificial Return "^ Calculations showing the Rate of Exhaustion of Arabic Lands "^ Table III.— Loss of Phosphoric Acid, due to Shipments from Montreal in the year 1869 5 Phosphoric Acid imported by Great Britain 5 Utility of Farmyard and Organic Manures 6 Insufticicncy of such Methods of Restoration 6 Loss of Phosphates due to Exportation 6 Table IV.— Analysis of average and good Soils by Dr. Hunt 7 History of Manuiies "i^ Knowledge of the Ancients 8 Present Practice in the Channel Islands 8 History of the Erajdoyment of Bones as Fertilizers 9 Present Sources of Supply of Bones 'J Mineral Sources of Manures 9 Statement of Liebig in 1840 ^ Patent of J. B. Lawcs in 1842 Phosphorite of Estramadura 9 Importations of " Snperphotphatei' of Lime into England in 1854 3 English Coprolites 10 Laurentian Apatites of Canada 10 Information contained in Reports of the Geological Survey. 10 Researches of Dr. Hunt 10 Work of the Author 11 ▼1 I'Ai.r. MoDii or Action or I'iiosphatic Maxl-reh 11 Ktmctions of PhoHphoiic Acid, aH a constituent of IMuntM. . . IJ Larger proportions present in growing parts 12 Modes by which Plants obtain their Mineral food 12 llesearches of Eiclihorn 13 Action of Organic Acids 13 Absorptive Powers or .Soils 13 Analysis of Clay, and Experiments made thereon 11 Researches of Way, Thomson, Hunt, Thenard, and others . . 11 EXPERIMKNTS ON THE SOLUBILITIES OF CANADIAN APATITES 15 ilcscarches of Eichhorn, Dehcrain, and others KJ Co»( LC8I0N8 or S. W. Johnson, 1.8 to the indirect uction of Mineral Manures 17 Manufactcub or iSepERPHOspHATB OP Lime 17 Work done at Brockville, Ontario 17 Analysis or Superphosphate from Brockville 17 Comparative Analyses of Apatites 18 Calculations showing the amounts of Sulphuric Acid, both Anhydrous and of Chamber Strength, required for the conversion of Minerals of varying percentage com- position 19 '1'able VII. — Tabulated Results 20 Use of the Table, No. vii 20 Employment of Hydrochloric Acid 20 Relative Amounts Required 21 Advantages of Chloride of Calcium over Sulphate of Lime. 21 Disiidvantages resulting from the deliquescent properties of Chloride of Calcium 21 Driers containing Ammoniacal or Potash Salts 21 Means of overcoming the objections to Hydrochloric Acid. . 22 Cases in which Hydrochloric Acid may be preferable 22 Formation of the Acid from Steam and Common Salt 22 Corrosion of the Vessels 22 Remarks upon Education in Applied Scknck 23 Dr. Dawson's RemarksJ 23 Good effects hoped for 23 Conclusion 23 CANADIAN PHOSPHATES CONSIDERED WITH llEFERENCE TO TIIEIU USE IN AGRICULTURE. By OOUDON BKOOME, F.G.8., Ok the flEOLOOICAL SiRVEV OF Oamada. (^Rtad be/ore the Natural Uutory Society ef Montreal, November, 1870.) Among the numerous sources of wealth included within the vast thickness of the Laurentian system, — those ancient mctamorphic rocks developed on such a grand scale in our Canadian geology, — few arc invested with a larger amount of scientific interest than the mineral apatite, a substance already ranking among our economics, and probably destined to constitute, in the future, one of the most important of the raw materials of Caua95,3;« 108,018 576,984 103,372 330,738 I 2,340.0 24.3 115.4 29-4 65.5 $480,480.00 4,989.60 23,095.40 0,030.80 14,989.20* Totals 2,574.6 $530,191.00 Moreover, the exports of wheat from British North America are only about 7J per cent, of the total amount received by Britain : so that the phosphoric acid, exported by foreign countries for consumption in England, in the shape of wheat alone, amounts to no less than 31,200 tons, and repre- sents a tmney value of about $6,406,400 annually/. Adding to this the imports of mineral phosphates, we have a ffrand total of $15,156,400. From these figures it is at once evident that, wherever no restorative agents containing available phosphoric acid arc employed by agriculturalists, the exhaustion of lands by wheat crops is by no means a slow process ; even if the 6 utmost allowance be made for the action of springs, and of waters flowing from uncultivated lands, in bearing to the soil minute quantities of phosphates, which might retard, although they would be by no means sufficient to prevent a gradual impoverishment. It becomes, therefore, absolutely necessary to follow the principles laid down by Liebig,* and to restore to the soils the cinereal elements of which the// have been despoiled. Hence the utility of fannyard and vegetable manures, as well as of various products of the chemical manufactures applicable to this necessary work of restoration. In no country, however, can such a return of the valuable components of its soils be sufficient to counterbalance the constant drain required merely to furnish the elements of growth to its inhabitants : for, if the utilization of sewage-matter and of every other kind of organic residua Avcre effiicted to the uttermost pos- sible extent, — a condition very far from being realized, — there would still always be a great unavoidable waste, by which the essential constituents of the soils would, in process of time, be sensibly diminished ; and, since there are but few countries whose entire vegetable product is applied to the use of the inhabitants, but that, on the contrary, a certain pro- portion is almost always exported for the benefit of other lands, there is usually a ftir greater deficiency than that re- sulting from irrecoverable waste. This further loss is espe- cially great to those newly peopled lands, whose rich virgin soils have constituted them the granaries of the Old World. Thus a very large proportion of the vegetable produce of North America, in the shape of cotton, wheat, sugar, and tobacco, is employed in ministering to the necessities of European countries ; and the result is a stupendous annual withdrawal of their necessary constituents from all soils occupied in satisfying these ever-increasing demands, and this is especially true with r-^gard to their limited quantities of the salts of phosphoric acid. The annexed table (No. iv,), derived from the analyses * Agricultural Lectures, Letters, etc., by I3amn Liebig. of Dr. T. Sterry Hunt,* shows how small is the proportion of phosphoric acid usually existing in soils of even the best quality ; and hence it arises that there already exist so many partially, or even wholly exhausted soils in Canada, and more especially in the Province of Quebec, which might have been still yielding large returns of wheat crops had they been, from the first, subjected t'^ a rational system of tillage, coupled with the judicious and periodical use of phos. phatic manures. TABLE IV. Analyses of Canadian Soils, showinq the Pboportioxs or Phosphoric Acid Present. Character. Locality. POb per ceut. (l) Sandv Soil St. Charles .215 (2) Clavev Soil St. Ililaire .3yu (3) do. do St. Douiiuiquo St. llvacintho Chamblv .152 (4) Sandv Ciav .i«y (r») OlaTSoil .•i')^ (6) Clav .1-20 It is true that attempts have been made to utilize the residua of the Newfoundland fisheries, and that Dr. Hunt called attention to the subject in an Essay on Fish Manures in 1857 ;t but very little success has been met with in their employment in this country, chiefly owing to a want of the necessary knowledge or spirit of enterprise amongst the farmers themselves. On proceeding to inquire into the means adopted by various nations to prevent the impoverishment of their soils, it is somewhat surprising to find that the great principles of agri- culture, in respect to manures, were understood from the earliest times, and that the practice of some, apparently less civilized, communities was even far in advance of that exist- ing among European nations, — at least, until the beginning * Canada Geological Survey Reports, 1841) and 1851 ; also, in abridge- ment, Report of 1863, pp. 636-64'i. t Oeol. Survey Report, IH.'iT, pp. 218-229 ; am' Canadian Naturalist TOl. IV. 8 of the present century, when the more systematic research of modern agriculturists was soon rewarded by a correspond- ingly rapid improvement m the practice of farming. From the earliest dates in their history, the Chinese appear to have been strict economists in respect to manures, the filth of the cities being most scrupulously collected for the enrichment of surrounding lands. Several passages in the Bible prove that Eastern nations were also aware of the importance of manures, and that the Romans were in the habit of employ- ing them, is evident from the writings of Virgil ; especially where, in his first Georgic,* he recommended the use of ordure, and of ashes, to fertilize the exhausted fields. In no place, probably, are natural manures more religiously farmed than in the Channel Islands, on the coast of Nor- mandy, celebrated for their rich pastures and excellent breed of cattle ; and on the Jersey coasts, the extensive flats, exist- ing between high and low water-mark, are actually portioned out into lots belonging to the different farmers, who, in the autumn season, — for the law only then permits its removal, — gather in the rank sea-week (tenned Vrjack) as scrupulously as they harvest the produce of their fields, which mainly owe then* fertility to the rich saline ashes resulting from the com- bustion of the sea-weed, itself a minute fragment of the enormous waste constantly poured into the sea from the rivers upon which London and other great cities are situated. f In- numerable have been the plans proposed by engineers and men of science for the utilization of this vast waste of animal products ; and the partial success already attained begins to be shown in the increased productiveness of many fields and gardens upon the confnes of London. '■ " Sed tamon alteris facilis labor, arida tantuin Ne saturare flmo pingui padeat sola, novo Effetos cinorom immaudum jactaro per agros," ' Georgicon, lib. i;. Hues 79-^31. f From Horace's epithet " vilior algii," it is probable that the Romans ■were not aware of the fertilizing properties of sea-weed. The stigma implied can no longer apply to the source of so many valuable salts, and of 90 much productiveness when used as a manure. With regard to bones, their employment as fertilizers cer- tainly dates as far back as 1770 ;* and the supplies at present required in England arc chiefly derived from Germany, Prussia, and the Baltic coasts.f The catacombs of Egypt have actually been ransacked for their supplies of bones ; and the mummies of her kings and warriors, scrupulously preserved for a thousand years, have at length been sold by their descendants, to aid in the nourishment of far off lands,:}: Of the enormous importations of guano, nothing need here be said, except that their annual amount is said to be 200,000 tons, with a value of about 812,500,000. The attention of English merchants was first turned to purely mineral sources of manures by the statement, made by Liebig, in 1840, that, by treatment with sulphuric acid in certain proportions, they could be converted into soluble com- pounds ;§ and, two years later, J. J3. Lawes obtained a patent for the preparation of superphosphates from the mineral apatite, instead of from bones, which had even then reached a high price. II The supply of mineral phosphates was at first drawn from the great deposits of Estramadura, in Spain, {Vide table vi., for analysis of the phosphates from that locality) ; but the better kinds of the mineral were soon, to a great extent, exhausted, and the attention of manufacturers was then directed to the coprolithic phosphates — or fossilized exuviae of the tertiary strata of Suffolk, and the older rocks of Cambridgeshire and North Wales, all of which are compara- tively poor in phosphates, containing only from 30 to 50 per cent, of phosphate of lime. In 1854, the value of the " super- phosphates^* manufactured from mineral sources ui England was as much as $8,750,000 ; and the demand for the cotton * See the works of Arthur Youug, published about 1770. t Tufc Richardson aud Watt's Chemical Techuology, vol. ii., article " Soluble Phosphates." X Had Shakespeare lived in the nineteenth century, there would have been an awful sipnificance in the words — " Cursed be he that moves my honet !' $ Vide Liebig's Lectures on Agricultural Chemistry. II Vide Specifications for British Patents, 1842. (No. 9,253, May 23rd.) 10 lands of the Southern States of the American Union is now probably fully one-third of that amount.* The coprolites are fast becoming dearer and poorer, and, consequently, owners of works iu England are becoming every year more eager to satisfy themselves from foreign scources ; of which those of Canada and South Carolina only are of any considerable magnitude. The South Carolina phosphates are very comparable in character to some of the phosphatic beds of Great Britain ; their quantity is apparently very great ; but they are by no means rich, and average from 25 to 60 per cent, of phos- phates. Large quantities, on the other hand, of the Lauren- tian apatites, on the shores of L. Rideau, in Canada, can be obtained, averaging from 60 to 85 per cent.; and the only wonder is that (they have not been utilized long since, com- prising, as they undoubtedly do, a source of much prosperity. It is not the object of the present paper to describe the mineralogical characters of the Canadian apatites : much in- formation upon the subject will be found in xha Reports of the Geological Survey of Canada, for 1863 and 1866 f; and as, since those dates, many new localities have been discovered, subsequent Reports will probably complete the description. In this connection, the author would desire, in an especial manner, to acknowledge his indebtedness to Dr. T. Sterry Hunt, F.R.S., who has for many years past been periodically making public, in a readily available form, the results of his systematic and admirable researches in this branch of Chemi- cal Geology, and, more particularly, in his valuable Reports issued by the Geological Survey of Canada. Reference may especially be made to the Reports of 1848, 1863, and 1866 ; to an Essay written for the Exposition (Paris) of 1867, and to the Report of 184 7-48 J where he mentions the first " Richardson and "Watt's Cliomical Techuologj, vol, ii., Article " Soluble Phosphates." t Vide Geol. of Canada, 18C3, and Report of Dr. T. S. Hunt, for 1866. t Reports of Dr. T, S. Hunt 1848, pape ; 18G3, page ; 18GC, page References to other labours in this subject will be found in tbe above- 11 discovery hy himself, in 1847, of the Apatite of Ljiuark Co., (Ontario, ami moreover, remarks on the j)robable vahie of tlic dcposiis,aud their application to the manufacture of mineral manures, — a bnuich of industry then but in its infancy. A few remarks upon the geological portion of the subject will be found in a ])aper read by the author at the Troy meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science,* in August last ; as well as in a note, shortly to be laid before the Geological Society of Londonf : but the history of these interesting deposits is by no means complete ; and it is hoped to return to the subject in a future communi- cation to this Society. Facts upon the modus operandi of the j)hosphatic and other mineral manures are more especially desirable ; and it may be well here to briefly to discuss a few points connected with their action upon arable lands. With regard to the relation of phosphorus to plant-life, we have, first of all, tlio well established fact that a deficiency of that clement in the parent soils produces a corresponding diminution in the weight of the crop, and renders it, more- over, very liable to various diseases ; and that the addition of phosphorus compounds, in a state fit for the nourishment of the plant, always effects a great increase of fertility. But, with regard to this increase, it has been found to be out of all proportion to the actual requirements of the growing plant with respect to phosphoric acid. The waters in contact with mentioned Reports, but it will be desirable to quote from that of 1817-4'j, now, unfortunately, almost inaccessiblo : — " The p.iosphate of lime is largely contained in wheat, and the cx- hiutstion of this ingredient is one great cause of the sterility of our worn . out wheat lands. In a grain-growing country like Canada, therefore, the existence of such deposits as these will prove of great importance.'' *• Under these circumstances, the limestone just described, which con tains throughout it a large supply of this important substance, is cer- tainly well worthy of the attention of our agriculturalists." * Ou Apatites of Lanark Co., Ont., by Gordon Broome, F.G.S., Proc. Amer. Assoc, 1870. t Laurentian Apatites of Canada, by the same. Qaar. Jour. Geol. Soc. circ. February, 1870. 2 • 12 the roots may, and often do, contain a sufficiency of phos- phates for maintaining unchanged tlic composition of the plant, and yet the addition of phosphatic manures produce a vastly increased yield. The only rational explanation of these facts, and that which the researches of agricultural chemists appear to corroborate, is that the phosphates, besides forming important elements in the actual material of the plant, are also able to act as carriers of the requisite nourish- ment to the growing parts; and that, just as, in the animal economy, certain substances, as, for example, the salts of iron, give a tone to the system by aiding the powers of secretion and cell-formation ; so, in the vegetable world, and, more especially, in the important families of Gramiuaceaj and Leguminoc, phosphoric acid stimulates the assimilative powers, cxches an increase of vitality, and, in consequence, augments the fecundity of the germ, and enlarges the proportional rate of increase. The consideration of certain analyses of Woods, published in the first volume of Dr. Percy's Metallurgy, and also of a series in Emmons' Report on the Geology of South Carolina for 1858, pp. 59-78, (and also the second series of Table I., ante p. 8) has led me to this conclusion; for such analysis shew that the twigs and leaves arc richer in phosphates, and other mineral elements, than the bark or the solid wood ; whilst, in the cotton-plant, Orace-Calvert has shown that more soluble acid-phosphate of magnesia exists in the pod, than in the husk or stalk.* From Table I., it will be seen that, whilst the ashes of solid oak contain 4*5 per cent, of phosphoric acid, the quantity present in those of the young twigs amounts to 12*7 per cent., or more than 2-75 times the proportion present in the wood. Those parts, therefore, wliich are pre-eminently in a state of rapid development, are the most abundantly furnished with phosphates, doubtless, having their own peculiar functions to perform in assisting the developmental process. Ab to the manner in which plants derive their saline con- * Brit. As-soc. Rep. 1869. i:5 stitucuts from the soil, there is still some degree of uncer- tainty ; whether they imbibe those salts already existing in a state of solution, and thus obtain the mattei- required for their ^^rowth ; or whether they dissolve out certain elements from the soil, l)y the solvent action of their own juices. Eichhoni's results demonstrate that pure distilled tvater can duisolve from the soil much more of mineral matter than would be requisite for the supply of an ordinary crop.* The solvent powers of waters are also in almost every case, nmch augmented by the presence of carbonic acid, and occasion- ally, doubtless, by the existence in them of dissolved organic acids, t These acids do not, in all probability, exert any very important influence in dissolving food for the plant, so long as they exist in growing vegetation, but only on their being eliminated by processes of I'atural decay. When thus released, they arc probably very active in dissolving com- pounds of sesc^uioxide of iron, and alumina ; as is, indeed, abundantly proved by the occurrence in nature of such minerals as beauxite, mellitc, pigotite and oxalite, com- pounds in which scsquioxidc of iron or alumina, exist, com- bined with Avater and an organic acid, J The utility of decaying vegetable matters as a manure, may, conseciuently, be due as well to the solvent action of certain products of their decomposition, as to the fertilizing properties of their several mineral constituents. The absorptive powers of soils tend, moreover, to con- centrate within their mass certain mineral constituents, derived from small proportional (juantities of them existing in infiltrating Avaters ; and this absorption is very marked between phosphoric-acid compounds and soils of a clayey character, which seem especially adapted for their retention. For the sake of demonstrating this fact, an experiment * Poggoudorf Annalen, No. 9, 1858, etc. ; also Johnson, in Sillimnu'ti Journal, [vJ] xxviii., 1869. t Vide Chemistry of Natural "Watertf, by Dr. T. Storrj Hunt, in Sillinians Journal, 1865. X Ibid. 14 was made upon a gray, infusible i ire-clay, which proved, upon analysis, to possess the following percentage com- position : — Q-i- • *«:i S combined silica 157 -y.) I SihcicAc.d J iveo.ancl 20-50 ( ^'^ "^'^ Alumina (Uy difforeuce) 'iG'7J Iedh Cprotox.) triK'Of< liiino 0- J2 Miipnesift truces Soda 1 '•'!>} Potassa 1 W Olilorino, Ammonia, and Phosphoric Acid traces Orfjanie matter (l-Od Water (llygroscopic 1-3H) 11'47 lUOOO One hundred grammes of this clay were washed upon a largo filter, until the filtrate was quite free from solid matter, and a solution (containing 10 grm. to 1 litre) of phosphate of soda was then caused to filter slowly through the mass, by a syphon arrangement, in about 2-1 hours. The solution extracted a quantity of humic acid, dissolved out by the action of the alkaline salt, and contained only 8'ol2 grammes of phosphate of soda, with a little alumina, lime, and sesquioxide of iron. Such a clay being, practi- cally a pure silicate of alumina and water, the large absorp- tion is in a great measure due to a reaction between the hydrated silicate of aliunina, or clay, and the phosphate of soda, resulting in the formation of a phosphate of alumina, and the fixmg of a portion of soda at the same time by the aluminous silicate. This power of clay was first explained by Way and Thom- son ; * though it was, remarked by the Dean of Westminster in 1849,t who suggests that it is shown by the concentration of phosphates occurring in certain clayey nodules, termed Septaria, common in the Lias of England. It is probable, that the formation of many great phosphatic deposits, of marine origin, including perhaps the Canadian apatites, is most reasonably explicable by referring to these R, AgrJc. Soc. Journ. Eng. (xi. 68-74 ; xii. 317-380 ; xiii. 123-140.) t Brit. Assoc. Keport, 1849. 15 absoii)tivc powers ; and this is rondcred the more likely by the fact that all of the mineral Tvaters occurring in the Paloeozoic rocks of Canada, which Dr. Hunt beautifully designates as fos.^il sea-waters, * contain traces of phosphoric acid, resembling in this respect the waters of modern seas. The absorptive powers of soils are due to a combined chemical and molecular action, the completeness of which is, to a very great extent, dependont upon the mechanical condition of the mass. Soluble pho.^phatea of lime, when thrown over the surface of the land, arc quickly converted into the insoluble tribasic salt, by the action of carbonates and basic compounds ; but the product, being in a state of extreme division, is readily dissolved by water charged ^ith carbonic acid, and also, as shown ])y Licbig, by solutions of ammoniacal salts, or of the chlorides and nitrates of the alkalies. • These modes of solution are exceedingly important from an agricultural point of view, since they shew the advantage of compound manures, formed by the addition of ammonia or pot- ash salts to the ordinary "super-phosphates " In an experi- ment, recently made by me, for the purpose of ascertaining the solubility of apatite in carbonic-acid water, it was found that, by digestion of the finely pulverized mineral for twenty-four hours, at a temperature of CO"^ F., agitating frequently, a saturated solution of carbonic acid is capable of dis- solvmg if"-'.fT parts of the mineral. Similarly conducted ex- periments ■with solutions of sal ammoniac, and of potassic chloride, gave respectively, the proportions t>V- and nSi.j Alkaline carbonates also dissolve apatite, with the forma- tion of carbonate of lime and a phosphate of the alkali ; and these reactions explain the existence of phosphate of lime in sea-water, a fact long smce demonstrated by Clemm and Forchhammcr. $ t Tide Geology of Canada, 1863, pp. 561-564. • Portions of a lino sca-grocu prismatic crystal of the iJurjrops apatite wero used ia those trials. For its composition, kcc Analysis on p. 18. t J. fur Prakt. Chim. xxxiv.,185; also Berzclias, Jahresb, xi\v., HO:?. 10 By means of sulphurous acid, also, in a state of ac^ueuus solution, apatite may be dissolved to the extent of ahout tAs parts, under tl e above conditions ; but this last reaction has not such an important bearing upon the theory of agri- culture as those already described. The researches of Thon the solubility of chabazite and natrolite in various saline solutions: and, on the whole, it would seem that the numerous known instances of departure from a regular order of affinities in such reactions tend to show that the relations of many bodies, with regard to their mutual affinities, arc disjwscd to vary in " Conipt. Rond. de I'Acdd. den Scieiipos, FcIk 1, ISfi^. + Qnutod by .IuIiuhou, iu the paper previously cited. 17 obedience to changes in the physical conditions under which they may be brought together. Finally, in concluding this branch of our enquiries, it may be stated that, reasoning from the researches of Th^nard, Eichhorn, Way, and others, Johnson was led to conclude that the efficiency of mineral manures is, in most cases, to be abscribed to their indirect action, and not, as had been previously supposed, to their direct influence as sources of food to the growing plant. We may now pass on to consider the manufacture of *' superphosphates" from the mineral apatite, which is at present in progress at but one factory in the Dominion of Canada, namely, at the Brockville Chemical Works, under the management of Mr. A. Cowan, to whose kindness I am indebted for the sample of " superphosphate," the analysis of which will be found below, as well as for valuable information with regard to the process employed. An engine of about fifteen-horse power suffices for grinding the mineral, for turning the agitator during the digestion of the apatite with crude oil of vitriol, and for supplying steam to the sulphuric- acid chambers, which are adjacent to the mills. Tlie (juantity of superphosphate of lime obtained does not, at present, exceed six tons per diem, owing to the insufficient yield of the acid chambers. The quality of the product will be seen from the fol- lowing complete analysis recently made upon a frcbh sample TABLE V. ANALYBia OF " ScPERPHOSPnATE,'' OK LiME, (From Brockville Chemical Works, November, 1870.) Per cent. Superphosphate of Lime 20 . 'M = CaO,2HO. PO.,. Tribnsic Phosphate of Lime 2 . 39 = sCaO, P0«. Phosphate of Iron (Pe, O3) 2.23 AlniniDH . 43 Magnesia tr. Dihyilrated Sulphate of Lime G3 . 81 (iyp8um=Ca 0. S O3 + 2 H 0. Insoluble in Hydrochloric Acid, (principal!}' Mica) 3..'-.;) Chloride of Sodium . 4r. Vater T) . fw) Alkaline SalphatCR and loss 1.24 Total 100 . (M) •V • 18 Soluble Phosphoric Acid (P Os) 12 . 33 Insoable (anhydrous) 2.12 14.45 To produce this fertilizer equal weights of crude sulphuric acid (of chamber strength,) and of the finely divided mineral, are thoroughly mixed in a suitable vat, or tub, until the conversion is deemed complete, when a trap h raised at the bottom of the vessel, and the thick, j)asty mass allowed to flow over the floor, where it soon becomes sufficiently con- solidated to be packed in barrels. * English manufacturers are in the habic of storing their " superphosphates" in pits or cellars built for the purpose, and they thus obtain a fertilizer contahiing a comparatively small quantity of water. They also employ somewhat stronger acid, and agitato the mixture in covered vessels. Table III shows the composition of six apatites, represent- ing the pure mineral of different districts ; the first analysis being one made upon a crystal of pure translucent sea-green apatite, from the " crystal vein," on lot 5, of the fifth concession of N. Burgess, which had a specific gravity of 3.20y. TABLE VI. Comparative Analysis of Apatites and Phosphorite. Phosphoric Acid. Liinu Almniiiii C:ilcium Iron (I'«, 0,,) Silicic Acid Chlorine Fiuoriuo "VV'utor (Air dried) . T«.tals. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. 41.31) 41>.7U 4i.y5 53.84 0.38 43.01 ^5.24 41.1)!* 5ri.i).-> 37. U« 54.0 42.31 55.0H 4.18 tr. tr. 38 3.58 ■ Alks 0.17 .T.I 0.H2 4.1U und. 0.42 O.Oi) ■ 'l 1 '. lint 1.70' 0.20 o.:m 2.1()i nud. O.O.") und. 0.01 4.20 ... 1 It 1U1.8J yd.tju iu2.i;. y8.47 y7 80 1. lUn-fjios.^, C:uiudii.--IJn>onie. II. Krafruroc. Norway.- -Volckler. III. FaldiKi, Tyrol.— joy. I.. II., III., find IV.. " iuor-Aiio- tites. IV. Tokovaia, Ural. — Pusircvski. V. Kstramadura, Spain.-Daubcny. VI. IIurdHtowi), N«\v Jersey, U.S. — Jackson. II. Cblor- Apatite. V. Phosphorite * Eai'h ofwhicl- untains 2(-> lbs. • ; 19 jkpart from all associated matters, the apatite employed at the Brockville works may be said to contain 92 per cent, of phosphate of lime, and 7.2 per cent, of fluoride of calcium. When such a mineral, commingled with its gangue of calcitc, is digested with a proper proportion of sulphuric acid, three separate reactions result : — (a.) The tribasic phosphate yields up two- thirds of its lime to the free acid, the remaining atom forming, with the whole of the phosphoric acid present, the super-phosphate of lime (acid phosphate of lime). (J).') The calcite is wholly converted into gypsum, with evolution of carbonic acid. (<;.) The fluoride is decomposed, with foraiation of hydro- fluoric acid and gypsum,* These reactions may be represented as follows : — (rt.) n Ca 0, PO, 1 2 no, S0,=2 Ca 0, SO, : Ca O, HO, PO,. (i.) Ca 0, CO^ + IIO, SO,=Ca 0, SO3 + 110 i CO/. (c.) Ca F ! no, SO,=Ca 0, SO^ ; IIF\ From the consideration of the atomic weights of these substances, it will appear that 100*00 parts of phosphate of lime (tribasic) will require r)l'01 parts of anhydrous acid (SO3), to convert it completely into the acid phosphate ; that lOO'OO i)art3 of iluoride of calcium requires OD'OO parts of the same anhydrous acid (or, in round immbers, an ccjual amount) to produce the reaction shewn in equation (c); and that lOO'OO parts of calcspar will rc(iuire GG'OO parts of acid for its complete decomposition. One part of apatite, of the percentage indicated as repre- senting the pure mineral of iJrockville works, will require •92 + (•51()lX*07.)^-r)45 parts of anhydrous sulphuric acid exactly to effect the desired changes. The following table (Table No. vii.), compiled from thcso • This irritates tho workmen'^ lunpa so preatly that they tro in the habit of usinj? rudo reHpirat«)r8, formed of 8iM>iigc. It in much more obnoxious in foppy, still wciitlior, than wlion any broczo is l»Iowinp> which 800U frees tho worlds from tiio nuist ponutratinp and disagrceabio odour. 20 data, e.xliibits the amounts of anhydrous acid, and also of acid, of specific gravity 1.712 (i.e., of the usual chamber strength), necessary for the complete conversion of one hun- dred parts, by weight, of mineral containing various percent- ages of apatite, of the above composition, with a wholly calcareous matrix : — TABLE VII. Acid iieqcired to chaxgg Apatites to " Sn>ERpnosPHATES." lUO parts of Mineral Acid I Acid composed of i Specific Gravity Anhydrous. 1.712=134>^T. Apatite. Calcite 100 ... 54.5 . .... 90-8 .... 98 ... . 2 . . 55.0 . • • • . 91.7 ... UG . . . . 4 . . . 55.5 . < • • . 92.5 . . . 94 ... . G . . . .56.0 . i ... . 93.3 . . . 92 ... . « . . . 5(5.5 . . 94.2 . . . 90 10 ... 57.0 . . 95.0 . . . 8S .... 12 . . . 57.5 . . 95.8 . . . 86 .... 14 . . .58.0 . . 96.7 . . . 84 .... 10 ... 58.5 . . 97.5 . . . 82 .... 18 . . . .59.0 . . 9S.3 . . . HO 20 . . . r.9..'-. . . i)9.l . . . 78 .... 22 . . . 60.0 . . 100.0 ... 70 .... 24 . . . 00.5 . . 100.9 ... 74 .... 20 ... 01.0 . . 101.7 ... 72 .... 2S ... 01.5 . . 102.5 . . . 70 .... 30 . . . 02.0 . . 103.3 . . . 08 .... a2 ... 02.5 . . 104.2 . . . 00 .... 34 ... 63.0 . . 105-0 . . . 04 .... TO . . . 03.5 . . 105.9 . . . 02 38 ... 04.0 . . 106.7 . . . CO 40 ... 64-5 . . 107-5 . . . The use of this table is that it ought to prevent any danger of having free sulphuric acid in the product, or of proceeding further than the complete conversion of apatite into soluble phosphate. By means of a table of specific gravities, the quantity of acid, of any required strength, may be easily estimated for treatment of a given mmeral. The conversion of apatite into acid phosphate of lime may may also be effected by the use of hydrochloric acid, and, under certain circumstances, this method may be preferable to the use of the oil of vitriol. For 36*5 parts of hydro- 21 chloric acid (HCl.) will convert the same amount of phos.. phatc into a soluble form as 40' parts of sulphuric acid (SO3) ; whilst in the case of an apatite, a farther amount of vitriol 18 employed in the decomposition of fluoride of calcium. By the employment of oil of vitriol to form hydrochloric acid, by acting on common salt, and using the product for the conversion of apatite, one part of vitriol may be made to answer to 1*14 parts of vitriol applied by a direct method ; and, in the decomposition of calcite, one part of hydrochloric acid will answer to 1*096 parts of sulphuric acid.* The saving of the acid employed, by the adoption of this method, would more than counterbalance the extra expense, and the chance of further loss by a multiplication of the operations ; and another advantage over the ordinary power would result from the lime salt produced being the soluble chloride, and not insoluble (comparatively) gypsum, which, by mechanically protecting a portion of the apatite from complete conversion, doubtless accounts for the presence of 2-39 per cent, of unmodified lime-phosphate in the product analysed.! The deliquescent properties of chloride of calcium have, however, becr« found, by many English manufacturers, to constitute a serious objection to the employment of hydro- chloric acid : the product being apt to remain in a moist unsaleable condition. It will not, however, be diflBcult to understand, from the remarks already made, that combined ammoniacal, or potassic, and phosphatic manures possess many advantages over simple " superphosphates," and that such composts are likely more and more to replace the ordinary soluble phosphates. English and German manufacturers are, indeed, fast learning to pro- duce such compounds ; and numerous nitrogenous substances have been utilized for this purpose, including products • 40 parts of SOj will produce from Na. CI. 365 parts of U. CI. t Corrosion of chambers or ressels, aod accessibility of tbo acid must iu all cases bo tokeu into account. obtained from blood, or animal refuse, (as for example, the •waste of the enormous butcheries at Chicago) ; others from the refuse of tan-yards ; from the ammoniacal products of gas-works ; and a number of the residua resulting from various chemical manufactories. " Superphosphates," pro- duced by the action of muriatic acid upon apatites, might reaeily be dried up by these materials ; thus overcoming the objections arising from the pastey condition of the product, and, at the same time nearly doubling the value of the fertilizer.* Sulphurous acid, also, produced directly from the roasting of pyrites, has been applied successfully for the formation of " suphcrphosphates " from animal sources ; but further ex- periments on the subject are necessary, to shew whether it would, or would not, be appUcable for the conversion of apatites or other mineral phosphates. Before concluding the subject, one very ingenious process, patented by MM. M. L. Henrionnct and L. C. Boblique, in Nov. 18G0, t (see Patent Abridgements, in Appendix to Richardson and Watt's Chemical Technology) may be noticed, in which hydrochloric acid, generated during the process itself, by the reaction taking place between steam, silicic acid, and common salt, is employed in the manufacture of soluble phosphates. The finely pulverized apatite, mixed with 2-3rd3 parts of common salt, and about 18 per cent, of silica, is heated, in a current of steam, upon the bed of a reverberatory furnace ; when the following reactions arc produced : (a) Si 0, ! Na CI ;- li 0=H CI + Na 0, Si 0, (b) 3 Ca 0, PO, ! 2 II Cl=Ca 0, 2 HO, PO5 + 2 Ca CI. • Sawdust, previousl}' Batnrated with sulphuric acid, has boon patented, by Messrs. Sugden aud Maryatt, for the absorption of am- monia from coal-}:as. "When exhausted, it contains from 40 to CO per cent, of sulphate of ammonia, and is valued at from ^^f) to $30 per ton of 2,240 lbs. — Vide Report on Industrial Chemistry ("Paris Exposi lion) 18(>7, by J. Lawrence Smith, U. S. Commissioner. ♦ IJorzclius Jrthrcfjbcricbt, 1801. 23 The process possesses considerable theoretical interest, and tvould be, if practically cdectivc, exceedingly economical. And here my remarks must, for the present, be drawn to a close ; much that remains to bo said upon this comprehen- sive subject being proposed for a future opportunity : but I cannot conclude without giving expression to one thought, strongly impressed upon my mind by the consideration of these topics ; namely, that the comparatively doi mant state of this, and many equally obvious sources of industry in Canada, arizes from a gi-eat deficiency in a most important division of our national education ; and that nothing, save a liberal augmentation of the ordinary courses of instruction in modern subjects, can ever prove cHcctual in dispelling the immense existing cloud of ignorance and prejudice. It is, therefore, sincerely to be hoped that the very able remarks, recently made by Principal Dawson upon this question, may have their desired effect ; and that Canada may speedily obtain a share in the improvements that have, of late, almost revolutionized the systems of education prevailing in the universities of the mother country.