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e* CONSTITUTION ANT) I .11 ACT OF INCORPORATION, 'fS OP THB ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY. ADOPTED FEBRUARY m, 1S65. MONTREAL: PRINTED BY J. C. BECKBT, 38 OBBAT ST. JAMBS STRKRT. 1865. r ti m €•■ (JONSTITUTION AS PASSEU FEBRUARY 6, 1865. ARTICLE I. Of the Name and Seal of the Society. The name of thia Society shall be " Thk St. Ax- DBEW'S SOCIKTY OF TBK CiTV OF MONTREAL," and Shall have a common Seal, with itg name engraved thereon, around the Arms of Scotland, and the National Motto ,^,Nemo me impunelacesut." % ARTICLE II. Of Resident Members. Xoue but Scotchmen and their descendants shall be admitted as Resident members of the Society, and all such can become Members by subscribing to the Con- stitution, registering his place of nativity, occupat on, and address, and paying an annual subscription of two dollars. ARTICLE in. Of Honorary Members. Natives of Scotland, or their descendants, who may be strangers to the city, may be proposed and admit- ted as Honorary Members, on the same evening- and they, as well as the Resident Members, shall bo entitled to a certificate of their admission, authenticat- ed withjhe Seal of the Society, and signed by the Se- i I I "'"" ••'' nrr |- i ii rii iiiii l i w » V^a n 4 ,i ij_^n cretaiy. None shall be admitted as Honorary Mem- bers who reside ia tb€ County of Montreal. ARTICLE IV. Of the Officers of the Sociclij. A President, two Vice-Presidents, seven Managers, two Chaplains, one or more Physicians, a Treasurer, a Secretary and an Assistant Secretary, shall bo chos- en from among the Resident Members at the Prepara- tory Meeting hereafter mentioned, who shall be in- stalled, and shall enter upon the duties <»l' their res- pective ( ffices, on the Festival of St. Andrew next en- ' suing. The election shall be by ballot ; and a plurality of votes shall decide. The President shall be first chosen and duly announced to the Meeting, and after- wards the rest of the Officers shall be by nomination or ballot, for their respective Offices separafcly. The Officers of the same description shall rank according to plurality of votes. ARTICLE V. 0/ the Staled Meetings of the Society. The Society shall hold four Quarterly Meetings every year, viz. : on the first Thursday in February, in May, August and November, the last of which shall be called "the Meeting preparatory to the Anniver- saj Assembly." The President, or in his absence the Officer highest in rank who may be present, shall ap- point the place of meeting, and the Secretary shall at his desire, give due notice thereof to the Resident members, and thirteen shall be necessary to constitute a quorum. At all meetings the names of the mem- bers present sh all hA yf^nr^yAt.A ,,^ *. ^u urn / norarj Mem- n Mauagcrs, a Treasurer, ball be cbos- the Prepara- shall be in- "1" their res- ew next en- ' laplurality ball be first , and after- nomination atclj'. The c accordinff v7 Y Meetings February, vhich shall 3 Anniver- ibsence the t, shall ap- 'y shall, at ! Resident constitute the mera- ram. ARTICLE v:. Of the Special Meetings of the Society. The President, or in his absence, tbo ( 'fficer highest in rank who may bo in the city, shall, when an emergency ccurs which in his opinion may render it expedient, or upon application made for that purpose by the Board of Managers, or by the Standing Committee hereafter mentioned, call a Special Meeting of the Society. The Secretary shall give due notice to the Resident Members, tweuty-one of whom shall be required toconstitut.; a' » quorum. Special Meetings shall be competent to the transaction of any busiuess that may come before them except when it is otherwis'^ prescribed in this Constitii ' tion. ARTICLE VIL Of the Anniversary Assembly. As the benevolent yiews of the Society will bo greatly promoted by social intercourse among the Members, the Society shall hold an Anniversary Assembly, and such Members, as may be thereunto disposed, shall celebrate the day by dining together or in any other way which the majority of those present at the preparatory meetin<- may deem advisable ; and the members shall on that day appear with a St. Andrew's Cross, or a Thistle dis- played on the left breaat. When St. Andrew's Day hap. peas on Sunday, the first day of December shall be ob . served as the Festival. ARTICLE VIII. Of the duty of the President. The President shnll. tchcn 1,0 ;a«^«-«^t n — •• meetings of the Society, preserve order, put the question ' ■■ ''T •Vgt T' ii flS»;**- I )-■ and declare the decision. He shall call a Special Meet- iog of the Society when ho shall judge it proper, or when applied to for that purpose by the Board of Managers, or the Standing Committee hereafter men- tinned, and he shall appoint the place ofall meetings. ARTICLE IX. 0/tfic Duty of the Vice-Presidents. The duties specified in the foregoing Article shall, in the absence of the President, devolve on the first Vice- President, and in tl.o absence of both, on the second Vice-President. ARTICLE X. Of the Duty of the Managers. The Managers shall constitute a Board for dispensing the Society's bounty, agreeably to the regulations and restrictions prescribed in this Constitution, or by the Laws and Resolves of the Society ; and for this purpose they shall meet at least once a month, and three shall bo neccFsary to form a quorum. ARTICLE XL Of the duty of the Chaplains. It shall be the duty of the Chaplains to perform the religious duties customary at the meetings of the Society ; by their council and advice to promote har- mony and good will among the Members, and to visit iuch sick and distressed persons as may be recom- mended to their attention by the Board of Managers, 5 Special Meet- t proper, or he Board of creafter men- all nieeting^s. tts. :icle shall, in he first Vice- n the second r dispensing Illations and a, or by the his purpose tireo shall bo perform the Dgs of the •omote har- ind to visit be recom- Managers, ARTICLE XII. Of the duly of the Physicians. It shall bo the duty of the Physicians to give their ad- vice and assistance to such sick or inaimcd persons as may bo recommended to their care by the Board of Managers. ARTICLE XIIL Of the duty of the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have the custody of the moiu-y and other property of the Society. He shall appoint a suitable person to collect the dues under his direction, and shall keep regular accounts, etc. of his receipts and expenditures, in suitable books provided for that purpose. He shall at each Quarterly xAIceting present an abstract of his accounts, stating the sum received and expended since the previous meeting, and like- wise the whole amount received and expended since the previous Anniversary Festival, and specifying the cash in hand, and what may be required be ,.3 the next meeting, that the Society may, if thvj think proper, take order for the disposition thereof. ARTICLE XIV. Of the duty of the Secretary The Secretary shall have the custody of all the records and journals of the Society, and shall make a regular entry of all the proceedings at each meeting. He shall keep a correct list of the Members of the Society. H( shall summon the Resident Members to all IB ,3„ «xrci;icu iu luio uonsiiiutiou, or called by the presiding Officer. He shall, on the order of the So- t «lrW n T-T'iT ») If cieiy, erase from the list of Memberd the names of all Buch persons as by the terms of this Constitution shall have forfeited their title to Membership, making report thereof at the next meeting. Ho shall appoint a Mes- senger to the Society for delivering notifications of the time and place of meetings. He shall also havo tue custody of the Seal and the Badge of the Society iMhc absence of the Secretary, the duties above speci* ned shall devolve on the Assistant Secretary. t ARTICLE XV. Of the Death, Resignation or Removal of Offuen. In case of the death, resignation or removal of any of the Officers during the year for which they were elected, ho Society shall at the next meeting, choose others in their room, to servo for the remaining part of the year. ARTICLE XVL Of the Standing Commit t fie. The Chaplains, the Physicians, the Treasurer and the Secretary, together with four other Resident Members of the Society, not being Officers, who shall be appointed in the same manner as the Committee of Accounts here- aftermentioned, shall constitute a Standing Committee whose duty, jointly or severally, it shall be to pay atten ' ion to Emigrants from Scotland, to enquire into their reatment during the passage, making report thereof to the Society, and into their circumstances and views, to assist tnOTVi xnUV, *U^i J_« . . ' ^"" "^^^'^^ «uvice, ana to recommend such of Q names of all Btitution shall unking report )point a Mes- cations of the II also havo tho Society. above apeci- irv. f OJicers. ral of any of vere elected, 330 others in of the year. irer and the Members of ippointed in :ounts here- Committee, 3 pay atten- B into their t thereof to d viewa, to end such of them as they may think proper to the Board of ManaKerg for pecuniary relief. They shall likewise execute such business ns may from time to time be committed to them by any law or resolve of the Society. They shall meet M often as tho nature of their duties may require ; and shall make report of their proceedings to the Society. ARTICLE XVII. 0/ihe Committee of .Accounts and the Committee of Instalment. A Committee of Accounts, consisting of live Jlem- ber, not Officers, shall be appointed annually at tho Preparatory Meeting, whoso duty it shall be to assist m making out tho accounts, ejamino the books and ac- counts of the Treasurerand Secretary, and to make re- port to the Society on St. Andrew's Day ensuing. At the same mecfng a Committee of two Members shall be ap- pointed, who shall on the Anniversary Festival, present TwT *"•' ""'"" ''""''^ '"' «•■« ""'--S roar. These Committees, and all Special Committees shall be :r:?;re^c-r'''''"^°'="''-^''^^<''-"^ ARTICLE XVIII. Of the Fmutt of the Society. The funds of the Society shall be improved to tho best advantage ; therefore, if at any time there shal be more money in the hands of the Treasurer than the « of the poor require, the same shall be loaned out at interest, or otherwise disnosed of .,„.„!,..,.,.. mined on by the Board of Managers with the "concur- ; i- I t ) I'-. 8 reuce of the President and Vice-Presidents. It shall not be competent for any meeting to direct the disposition or appropriation of any part of the Society's Stock pre- viously loaned out or vested in public securities, or in real property, unless the President or one of the Vice- Presidents, and at least fifty of the Resident Members be present. ARTICLE XIX. Of Life Members. On tho- payment by any Member of a sum not less than five pounds, the same shall be accepted in lien Of the annual Subscription of two dollars per annum. ARTICLE XX. Of delinquency in paying dues. Although the title of membership of the St. Andiew'? Society is simply to subscribe the Constitution and pay the annual Subscription of two dollars, it is nevertheless understood that if auy member, unless he be in indigent circumstances, of which the Society shall judge, shall refuse or neglect to pay his dues for one year after they have accrued, provided he has been called upon by the Secretary or Collector, he shall bo conbidered as having withdrawn himself from the Society, and the Secretary shall erase his name from the list of Members. ARTICLE XXI. Of Members absent from the City, Any Member being absent more than a year at one . time may if he think fit, decline paying his sr.bscrip- tion for the time he has been absent, and on his stat-j lag in hhe chi bouks £ At ee )fiicer s Jrevioui The 'special! special residen han tw< ientoftv |Ln amen fubmitte lious me its. It shall noi :he disposition or cty's Stock pre- securities, or in one of the Vice- ient Members be ' a sum nol less cepted in lieu Of per annum. ics. leSt. Andiew'5 institution and dollars, it is lember, unless lich the Society 1 paj liis dues provided he has •Hector, he shall imself from the his name from Jae in writing to the Treasurer the time of his absence the charge standing against him iTii! r^ ?' books shall be annulled ^^" Treasurer'. ARTICLE X5II. . Of the order to he observed in Meetings ' ARTICLE XXriI. Ofthe mode of altering the Constitution The Constitution (excepting article XVIIf aa specially provided) shall not be altered ispecial meeting called for +h«f ^* ''* * President, or one of till yl^ ^^''^^^ ^^^ I uc VI me Vice-Presidents and not Tp«a ihan twenty-one resident Members are present ^h! on sent of two-thirds of n-hnm qHoIi k '^^^^^^^' *^e con- City. I a year at one | ighis sr,lscrip-| udon his Stat- 1 ''■'-'^'**|^tt*w»*ff-*' ii : ,rr^.d^.- 1 ■ 1 , I* ' ^ An A Mc 1 L !i n W that tl Societ; formed peouni tires from { distres the ne( riral ii opened Montre which 'i^lliMWMMlM*. ""VEur '^p % CAP. OXXXVIII. SO* Of THB TXJ OF THB ^K©^jKi©i m (^mms\. An Act to incorporate the St. Andrew's Society of Montreal. I Assented to I6th Augiut, 1858.] XIT^HBREAS Alexander Morris hath, by Pe- P»«»nWe. *f tition to the Legislature, represented that the Association known as the St. Andrew's Society of Montreal, has for many years been formed for the benerolent purposes of aflFording pecuniary, medical and other relief, to such na- tives of Scotland and their descendants, as mej from sickness or other caoses have fallen into distress, and of aiding, directing and relieving « the necessities of Scottish emigrants on their ar- rival in Canada, and have, for the said purposes opened and maintained a building in the City of Montreal, known aa thA »r Ar>A^m.u xr^ ^ which 18 used for the said pnrpoiej and hatk -msji i p r , ,t^,^.,^,„ -^-^-^.^:•^,-^v,. ^^^^^ ,-.^^. , ...^.^p^y^_-. ■■..., '■^=m J * 1 1 ZncorpoTA- tion. Cor- porate name and general poweri. May hold real estate for certUin purposes ; and other real estate on condition of parting with it in thte« ytajn. 12 prayed that forth© better attainment of the ob-,^e.a jects of the said Association, it may be inreated |aire , with corporate powers ; and by reason of the ^at th good effected by the AsBociatioo, it is expedient ^al esi to grant the prayer of the said petition : There- q^ beqi fore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and |eath c consent of the Legislative Coancil and Assembly lorpors of Canada, enacts as follows j |ot ma 1- The said Alexander Morris, and William f*"^^ ^'^ Edmonstone, David Brown, William Murray, f*^°" Bwen McLennan, J. 0. Becket, and George ^*®*^ *° Templeton, and such other persons as are noTvf ^'^ ^' members of tho said Asiociation, or shall hereafter t'"®"^ ' become members thereof, under the provisions olF® P'°< this Act, and the By-laws made under thef ^P°^®' authority thereof, and their successors, shall be r ^^ *^ and they are hereby constituted a body politic £ °^*'* and corporate by the name of the " St. Andrew's f*^'''^*" Society of Montreal," and may by that name sue ^ and be sued, implead and be impleaded, answer ,' a. T and be answered, defend and be defended, in alV|)iratioi Courts of Law and places whatsoever ; and bj,|fauage that name they and their successors shall have fnd se< perpetual snccessiou, and may have a commoE ^ssiatac seal, and may break, change, alter or renew the #ne or n same at pl^isure, and shall have power to purSe a Oh: ©base, take, receive, lease or let, hold and enjo) i-ccouoi such real estate as may be required for the act- ie Aud ual occupation of the said corporation, and tc compose alienate, sell, convey, lease, orotherwiae disposcAt a Gei of^hewme, or any pai:t tbtreof, from time t{|oration, 13 linment of the ob- 4^^ ^j,^ „ ooeaaipnt.^aay cequiw, and to ac t may be invested gaire other instead thereof,- proTided always by rcaDon of the tf^at the said corpmtiou may acquire any other an, It IS expedient ^ipal estate or any interest therein bv gift, devise petition : There- y bequest if made at least six months before the ^h the advice and |eath of the party making the same, and the aciland Assembly Corporation may hold such estate for a period of |ot more than three years, and thQ same, or any rris, and William f*"^' ^^ portion thereof, or interest therein, which William Murray, f^^ ^^^ ^^'^^'^ t^e same period have been alien- et, and George J®*^ *°*^ disposed of, shall revert to the party Bisons as are no^f ""^ ^^""^ *^® s*™® was acquired, his heirs or pjoyigo- « , or shall hereafter T°®'^ Representatives; and provided also that *« 'i^'«'' " r the provisions olf ® P^^eeds of such property aasball have been ^Itf"' made under theF^P^^®^ of during the said period may ba invest- ccessors, shall be IJ ^^ *^« P^^"o securities of the Province, stocks Jd a body politic f ^^a^^tered banks, mortgage, or other approved be " St. Andrew's li*°°"*'es for the use of the said Corporation, by that name sue ,^ T^r^V a. The affairs and hnainese of the said Cor- co^^ute.. Ln^J 'T.'^i "'''''"^ be managed by a Co^pmittee ofL^Kf!" itsoever ; and bj, Management, consisting of a President, a first essors shall have |nd second Yice-Presidents, a Secretary and have a commor -Assistant Secretary, a Treasurer, two Ohaplaiaa Iter or renew the Jne or more Physicians, five Managers, who shall ve power to pur- »e a Charitable Committee, and a Committee of t, hold and enjojfccouats, composed of five members, who^hall uired for the act. le Auditor., and a Committee of lastalment poration, and tc eomposed of two members, to be elected annually otherwise disposeAt a General Meetin.:. of tfa. Members of Vr Cor! Annual !0f, from time t(foration, held in conforeaitv to the «--''•—*'-«, *^"*"<'»«' ;' II! ^ sc /■ / <)«orwB. D««di of th« Corpor»> tioa. ; ProTiio. Power to make Byo- l*Wf. AmeHdment of By-lawB. Annual Gonoral Meetings. Preient By- tmmim ' 14 of ; and any Are Members of the Oommlttfrj|^g ^f shall be a quorum for the dispatch of busiaees.^ (j^jp, 3. All deeds sealed with the common sealli^ll be i the Oorporation, and signed by the President iied all Vice-Presidents, and by some other Member li^ftltj c the Oommittee of Management, and counttg^i- _ signed by the Treasurer, and none other, shall ^' " held to be Deeds of the Oorporation ; proridS ^" ' always, that the Treasurer, for the time beiS^^If ° may receire all moneys payable to the Oorpow^ . °2 tion, and grant yalid receipts therefor. Jth ^*fi 4. It shall be lawful for the said Corpora tijinstone to make By-laws, for the admission and expum gaid T ion of members and for the proper admioistrat^ said E of the property and aflTairs of the Oorporatiigaid G and to repeal or amend the same, from timete Rever time and such By-laws and amendments shall||exande] proposed and seconded at a previous Quarte% W. Ca Meeting. No number of Members less than thir|i| presei ■iz Members of the Corporation (including Imi Charit presiding Officer) shall form a meeting for f ^ccoui purpose of altering such By-laws, nor shall a," alteration be made therein, unless two thirds A. No the Members present agree to it. mness ii 5. The Annual and General Meetings of 1^,^^^^ *^® said Corporation shall be held in such manr ■ after such notice, upon such requisition, and*''' "^^^^ Bach times, in the city of Montreal, as shall "®®°®' * directed by the By-laws of the Corporation. 0. All 6. The By-laws of the said Association, iA'POi^atic far m they may not be repugnant to this Act or W^ u^< I 15 of the Oommltt^ji^g ^,f jyg ProTlnce, shall be the Bj-lawi of'r*?»«" •patch of basmess.,^^ Corporation hereby constituted, until thej *''"'*• the common Beal^l be repeahd or altered as aforesaid ; pro- by the Presidentlled always, that no By-law sball impose a Provieo. le other Member ii^alty or forfeiture exceeding two dollars, oent, and count* ^l« rr *« *i. «... none other, shall F'^?*^^ ^*^"' ^^*" ^ ^^^^^^'^^ according to Pre.ontoffl rporation; proridS ^^'^Zl 'f ^^'. ^^'P^'^**^^"' '^' Present ,«i-^e°d"^u-nti for the time beiS°®I' ""^ *^® Association shall be those of the .to'uT' .ble to the Oorpoff .^°r'*f °' *^* " *" ^^^^ Alexander 3 therefor T"^' ^"^*^®^*' *^® s*^^ I>avid Brown shall k .J n* 4*^e first Vice-President; the said William Ed- he said Oorporatijgnstone shall be the second Vice-President: nission and expuH said William Murray shall be the Treasurer- roper admmistratiii said E wen McLennan shall be the Secretary t)f the Oorporatl|| gald George Templeton, Assistant Secretary same, from timehi Reverend William Snodgrass and the Rer mendments shallk|Bxander Ferrie Kemp, shall be the Chaplains * previous Quartefe W. Campbell shall be the Physician ; and »ersless than thirlii present Officers thereof sball be Members of ;ion (including U Charitable Committee, and of the Committee a a meeting for f^coountg respectively, laws, nor shall a,^ inless two thirds Jp. No person otherwise competent to be a Witnewe* it. rHness in any suit, action or prosecution in wVrX Jral Meeting, offf *^® «*'^ Corporation may be e -ged, PATSJ^ d in such manr^®*^®*™®*^'°°®™P®*«°**o be such witness, requisition, aud*^ 1**'®'' °^^^ ^^'""S or having been a member ontreal, as shall * ^'^^'^ °^ '^« «"^ Corporation. le Corporation. 9. All subacriptiona of members due to the a^ore^f id Association, ij|{rpoi-ation under any By-law, ail penalties in- l^^'^L inttothisActori|r«^ wader any By-law by anyperBon bound "' " .- Jfe8lL^aiaii.a^a.,: .^.liv:,-,^:,-^;^., ^ ProTiao. 16 thdrrtjyf Md.tll otter wrtna^f money doe to tht Oorporatlon, flhall be paid to the TreasareT thereof, ftod in default of payment may be re- covered in:atty action brought by him in the name of the Corporation, in any Court of com- petent ciTil jurisdiction; Prorided always, that nothing herein contained shall be construed t( preyent any member from withdrawing at anj time from the said Corporation, after payment o: aU arrears due to the funds thereof, fnoludiog the apnnal subscription for the year then current and giving notice in writing of such wihtdrawal XOo ThesaM Committee of management shall yearly, in the month of December, insert In some newspaper published in the city of Montreal^ a stfttement^of the>mount of the funds and pro- perty, debts and liabilitietof tho Corporation, certified by the Treasurer and two or more of the Attdi4oiar«]ected at any Qeneral Meetfaig of the Corpbratfon; 11. Nothing in; this Act shall affect any rights of Her Majesty, or Hehrs or Successers, or any pa^j or person whomsoerer, such- rights only excepted ^ : as are herein expressly inentioued and alfect9d PabUtt M, ia# f Thi9> Aot^baU.. b^deanid ^^^l^iiUlo^t statement of oooountfl to bo pub-* lithed; BftTinc'ofH. M's. rightfl. a" dfiiiKMAiiji^- money dtw to th« to the TreasareT ment may be re- It by him in the ny Ooart of com* ided always, that be constraed t( bdrawiog at anj I after payment o: eof, incladiog the aar then current sncfa wihtdrawal aanagementahall er, insert in some y of Montreal^ a 9 fands and pro* bho Oorporation, ro or more of the 1 Meeting of the affsot any rights ier8,oranypa?tj tits only excepted sd and affected. id •..K«^o^t