J» . r-^--"""X. CIHM Microfiche Series (lUlbnographs) *'■• ICMH Collection de microfiches (monographies) t. • —,"■ -» Canadian Instituta for Historical MicroraproductioAa / Institut Canadian' da microra^roductions historiquas ■f /'■ i). riques I'f '' Ttch'nical and Bibliographic Notat / Notas tadtniquas at bibli ■ ■ "■' ■ ''_ N .; ,1 : •2 ■ 1 4 5 i.. . • . : ■ ,■ ■ . »- <■ ^.^.- .._ ,:-; „ :;..;__„ ,...,^. „. • ■ liucad thanks L'M«mj)lair« film4 fut raproduit grica k la gAn(^roaiti da: / Archivts of Ontario Toronto Mt quality Id lagibility Mth tha rsai^ filmad tiding on •tad impras- riata. All ining on tha i infpraa* h a printad roficha ig "CON- I "END"). L^a Imagaa suivantap ont 4ti raproduitaa av^ la plua grand soin. compta tanu da la condition •% d4 la nattat* da I'axamplaira filmA. at an j ednformiti avac laa conditiona du oontrat da "* flimaga. ^ Lari axamplairaa originaux. dont la couvartura w papiar aat imprim^a aontfllmte an commdnpant par la prfiniar plat at an tarminant salt par la darniAra paga qui comporta una ampCainta d'lmpraaa'ion ou dlllustration. soit par la sacond plat; salorcia eaa. Tous laa autraa axamplalras originaux Mnt fiimia an comnrMn^ant par la pram^ira paga qui Oomporta una amprainta d'lmpfosaion o^ d'illustration at an tarmthant par la darniira paga qui comporta una taila amprajnta. Un daa symbolaa suivants apparaftrj|1iur la damiAra imaga da chaqua microficha. salon la caa: la symboia — ^ signifia "A SUIVRE". la symbol* V signifia TIN". nad at larga to b* filmad •r. laft to maa aa itf^tath* Laa cartaa, pianchaa. tablaaux. ate. pauvant Atra filmia A daa taux da rMuction diffirants. Lorsqu* la documant aat trap grand pour itrm raproduit an un saui cliche, ilaat fiimA i partir da I'angia sup4riour gaucha. da gauch* i droita. ' at da haut an baa, an pranant la nombro illmagas n4cassaira. Laa diagrammas suivants iilustrant la m^thoda. 1 -??,- »2 \ MICROCOPY RESOIUTION TEST CHART (ANSI and ISO JiST CHART No. 2) * ■%^- 1PPLIED IIVMGE ]65J East Main Street Rochester. New York 1*609 ^716) 482 - 0300 - Phone 716) 288-5989 -Fax USA ■\ n ; the Cle^-k of the Peace, upon receipt of hia oopi«i, •hall cause one of them to be potted in a donspiouous phice in hia office ; eyery Public or Separate School Head Blatter or Miitreaa, ahall, in like minner, post up one of hu or her oopi* on the dpor of the School House ; i^d. eveijr Postmaster a^U p^l up ona of his copies iini,"hia,.Pu«t Cffice. '.i-^iiif.'j'iv ' ■■.;..-<, i.-ri'-.r!.,;! '*^: ( " , ■'. < 1 -A ■' ' '' '■'•■.*■ m i ill * : •i V 5 ,,-^ • ■-S ■■%, - -■■■•■■ %S ■■. . \ 'n ■ SCHEDULE 1 1 .1. '^i ,:..-i( ifH;:?. -f' 'u '.0'3,1'i;- » -i l.XOMBARDY, in tlie Township of South Elmsleyvti ^ 2. SMfTH'S FALLSi »n the Town of SimtJi^F^r' i ; 3. PERTH, in tljeTowiiiof Perth. '''''' '■'::'j- -A- •■:::■! 4.^=MQNTTlEAL,iiii| CUyy MontreaU:^^^ J, • ili ' » U < | « '' «ii 3iDl*.- * «MD«ntf">BNT fUlUT, BIHTH'S FALLS, ^■. I X"ii if.'-fm^ \. ,.A v+H' '>^, VOTERS' LIST. 1887. MUmiP/ILirr OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ELMSLEY. SOUTH. SCHEDULE OF POST OFFICES. 1. LoMBAKOY, in the Township of Elinaloy. 2. Smith's Faixh, in tho Town of Binf^i's Falls. 3. Pkrth, in tho Town of Perth. 4. Montreal, in the City of MontroHl. ".■■•■' Polling Sub-Divigion No. 1, compmlnfif from Lot No. 14 to Loi No. 30, (in- , elusive) in the lat and 2nd Ooncesaions, and from Lot No. 10 to Lot No. 30 (inclusive) in the 3rd. 4th and 6th Concessions. Polling Suh-Dmsibn M the Totm Hall in the nUa^'oflmHdrdjiZ PA^T jL— JParsonslentitlotl to vote ^ both Municipal Election*^ »hd Sleoktotts to the Legislative Assembly. f5 8 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 37 16 '■, Armour, John Adram, Saniuol Anderson, John } 1 Best, John ' ' ' Besit, Henry B>i8nett, Mipbael Bisnett, Joseph Bi^nett, Charles Banville, Terranoe Balf, Thomas Bisnett, Solomon jr V Bisnett, Charles j Bisnett, Felix Bisnett, Solomon, ar, Y Bisnett, William } BIbnohard, Hiram \ Blanchard, Byron / Bknch.ird, Franklin Breen, Laranoe Breen, Wrd, Thos. Balrker, William Barr, Allatrf^. Barford, William Banviller, Franeia Bisnell, Francis ) LOT. r half lot 15 w half lot 25 half 30 e half 14 pt'30 r half 17 t half 17 f half 18 e half 11 f half 15 r half 15 half 15 w-halfU w half. 16 i '. , ''>:'] . n ■■! e and W half 26 ^6 § •6* J w half 25 J22 J e half 20 , eand w half 28 29 pt21 Oo'vall, Nolaon H. vrt.-.. 3 3 1 5 5 4 4 4 3 2 4 4 3 2 3 2 3 5 HKHORIPTION. Owner do Tenant fc J r h»lf 18 ner do LandhVs Son Laj^dhl's Son Tenant Owner do Landhl's Son Landhl's Son Owner ^ / do do Landhl's Sorn Owner do LandM*s Son ' Owner do s do Wage Earneri^ . do " Owiier . O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ll s %t ^;». VOTERS' tiBT, SOUtB EtMRLEY, 1M7. 3 V NAMB. 4 LOT. ^ 4 << I>Mo (Juul«y, Tliouioa Oo|ieliuia, Hauiuol J r jit 10 J e half 25 2 Owner 1 51 3 do 1 52 0«)Voll, John J e half 24 3 • Tenant 1 63 Clare, Frwlerick A. pt 21 5 Owner 1 54 Clintiin, WilliauiB „ '• Wage Earner 60 Dolabaugh, Janios J % half 17 3 Owner 1 m DufHeld, (Joi^rgti J w half 15 . 1 ao 1 61 Dooh«r, John , r half 18 2 tfo 1 62 Deucon, Jameft r half 20 4 do 1 esDuffield, Johu/sr. n e quarter 17 2 do 1 64 Duffleld, J.Jhn ar. J ecpiarter 17 2 do I G5 Dooher, Patrick J f half 16 3 - do 1 m Dooher, William J f half 18 2 do 1 07 Dagg, ThoniRB 1 , ^ '' Frayne, Henry | - J w half 18 1 Tenant 1 (J8 .^, w half 18 1 Owner 3 61) DufKeld, Richard J w.half 17 ' ^l do I 70 Dooher, Edward J r half 19 m^,^ do 1 71 Duoher, Michael f part 19 3b° ^ do 1 72 Dolabau((h, Joseph w half 23 1 Tenant 1 73 Emeraon, Henry • J ,1 r half 10- 3 Owner 2 70 Frayne, Saunders f e half 10 : 1 Owiiei* i 80 Forgie, John 2 do 2 -4 1 84 Graham, James ' • J w half 14 & e half 15 1 do 86 Oilday, Thomas ^ ptlO . 2- do ' , i 86 Qifduy, Richard > pt. 10 7' 2 do ■ ' 87 Parker, Wm., M. D. J pfc. 1». }. 2 Tenant j 1 88 Gould, Able J r half 23 [^ 1 Owner ' 1 98 Hourigan, Francis J 10 . . V 4 , do 2 101 Hope, Johh J 13 3 ' Tenant 1 102 Hu&;hB, Thomas \ 19 '■- ■■•■/ 4 Owner 1 108 Hughs. James • J- liindhl's Son Owner 1 104 Hagerty, Patrick j 28 and 20 5 1 . 105 Hart;, Michael J w half 30 3 do 1 107 flughs, Andrew J e half 30 2 do 1 108 Hone, James \ Hone, Joabe / e half 24 : - , 5 do '; 1 109 ' ■ ■■ ' '1 Landhl's Soi^ 110 House, H^niy ./ '' rptlO 2 Owner 1 113'Ht)«g, Thomaa ^ House Hold'r 1 »■■• . .• ■ " ■ ■ ■ • ■ • '^jfj^'^ ^1„_.:,.-^ r' \ V0TKI18* LlkT, SOUTH ILM8LEY, 18«7. I lU 115 116 .117 119 12() 121 183 182 •134 186 NAME. JKokli*. Rhtfttile •Isoklin, Joseph ' Jaokliii, Riohard Jaukliii, J«)i«|)hiii« JAynt, Ilobort •loiioa, TtKiiiiaa \ Juiioa, Juhn / JohiMun, WilliAiii Klyiie, Joseph Kotiii, Williiniu M»hun» Jftuiet Keun, Ottorg* 142 Laughney, John 143 L^UKhiiuy, Mttrtin 144 IjAwwiii, AdHiii 145|Linat)y, Hiohard 140 Looby, John 147 Lynn, Juhn 148 Lu«>lt, Edward 149Lawaon, Andrew 169 Moorhouae, John tiO Mourhouae, William 161 Millar, Jamea 162 Millar, Thomas 167 MoLMn, Archibald 171 MoKenny, William 172MoKenny, Franklin 173 MoKenny, Theadore 174 McDonald, Alexander 176 MoTaviah, J>hn I 176 MoT«vi(lh, Duncan | 177 McNaughton, Malcolm 178 MoKvnny, Juhn 183 Nichola, George, jr. 186 Newman, WilliAnvK. 186 Nichols, Qeorge, tt. 187 Nichols, Okck ISSNoulan, Edwatd 194 O'Gilviet Archibald 196 O'GUvie, Archibald ' 196 0'Donell. Patrick, sr. LOT. Jlf «|uarter 23 and 24 J 26 Htid 27 J r half 26,27 27 . 21 f three-quarters 21 r e pt 19 r e pt 19 w r pt 19 4f rptl» Jt w pt 19 e half 29. e half 30 r half 26 r half 29 r half 24 r quarter 24 e half 18 ' w half 17 e quarter 22 ^ ept.22 e half 14 e half 21 w half 21 e half 22 f half 16 w half 23 r pt 19 r pt 19 w r pt 19 r half 23 r half 23 f half 13 f w half 12 e half 14 and 16 3 4A6 4ft 6 4 4 1 2 2 2 2 1 3 3 2 4 4 3 1 I 2 2 1 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 _2_ uuoftimoM. ■ >, Owner do do • tlu Tenant Own«r 1 Landhl's Hun Owner Owner Tenant Owner Tenant Owner (Jo do Wage Kanier do Tenant do do Owner do do do do do do do do do Landhl's Son Tenant do House Hold'r Owner do Limdhl's Son Owner do do _d(i: \ -\ ., 197'0D(.nell, Jerry Landhl'g? / ■ f- / \ \ . ^^ .. ■ ■ ^^ VOtlRll' LI8T, BOITTH ELMDLKT^ 1«*7. 6 •■'•-• 4 m VAMM. i 19d O'Donoll, John liMI O'Donell, Hioh«rd 200 O'Doutill, P»triok, jr. 90lO<)r«M|dy, David 803u'M»rm Bdward 805 OMm*, Patrick 80UO'>fMiw Mich««l 907 Bitn«)it, Fnuioia SOB O'ReiUy, Thoinu SOOOMata, ThoniM 910 O'MAra. Miohaet 911 O'lUn, Uwia 913 OMftn. Miohsel 91dit)'0f«tdjr, pAiriok 917 918 219 220 221 222 229 920 233 234 Pftttaipon, Jftinfls PMttcfion, John' Petty, Edward Petty, Frodwriok Pfttt«non, Rohert Polk, William J. Ryan, Paul Rabbi John Reid, Patrick Keid, Charles 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 259 -20© 238 Betoley, A. B. 939 geynoQur, John 941 Sttinott, Robert 942 8in«ott, Thofnat 243 Sinnott, John 245 Stepleton, \John 246gteirart, Charles 247 Sherman, William 948 Sherman, Franois Tweedy, Robert Toyhy, timothy Tuohy, James Tweedy, William ~ Treanur, Michael Tomlinsen, Jonathan Vickery', William illiams, Timoth illiams, Jonathan Williams, Timothy \ LOT. f w half 19 \ 91 ^ ^ 30 e half 18 f pt la if'". 24 \ rpt24 a l.20tli 28 and 29 e half 1? e hair 14 e half 16 r half 24 19 r half 20 « half 12 rptl8 w half 22 w quarter 25 e half ae 11 and 12 e^Mf 26 f ptl9 wpt 19 ptl6 26 \ 26 \ r I-20th 27 and 28 w half 30 , 22 ■ • \ w hall 20 w (half 12 3 3 4 3 2 3 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 2 2 3 2 1 5 1 4 2 3 9 2 2 3 2 5 8 MacatPTioif. 6 .t OwnMT do • 40 do do do do do do Landhl's Son Ovnor do do do T«»i>»«>t Owner do dd do do LAndhl's Son Ownor ., do-,.- do lUnikl'alfoii do ' ^opse Hotd'r Owner do Tenant Owner , do do do do do do do Landhl's Son' 1 1 1 1 1 1 -J» _' i -S -a.i. .tti^' voTSiUi' u«T, mirru HiMiuy, iitr. %■■ II SOI 2(Kt| 2(i5l L.JJ— NAMS. W«rcl. nioh«rd Ward, .loliii WimkI, Jmiiim WulK P»triok Willi«, lU.lmrt »(Mi W«Mii(s, J6hn \ 24t7 Mom, Jaiiiw / 2«H We«k««, WlllUni V iHW W«H>kM, (Jflor^o j 271 Willi., ItidmnI \ 272 Wilson, Aluiuiidelt 874Wilt«i«, Kiohard I 87&,Wood,Ilob«rt V LOT. \ \ 876 277 278 879 178 Wood, John WilUie, J«inM, Wood, Robert Wood, John Wood, J»maa H. 3 half 10 4»nd6 21 16 «i Iwir 17 tih«lf 17 r pi 18 r pt 19 pt 10 r w pC 10 hftlf96 f hnlf 86 w l-20th 20 and 27 20 half 83 e half 29 ^ 27 83A24 6 1 1 1 8 8 8, 2 1 8 3 2 3 ^ 1 DBm-Hinrtoit. Owner Undhl's Bon Oirn«r do do Tenant ' Owner do do do do *r 1 do Tenant Owner , do d(^ 6 ns= PART n.— Lilt of penoni entiUed to V«»ie at Munioipal lleoiions only. »xi 81 41 89 870 Dre«n, Mary Ohallia. Satmh Fergtuon, Margaret Willie, Franoie "\ 16 3 Ofuer 1 16 * ^ " 1 do • ' * 1 - pt 19 . 2 do 1 ptl» 8 do 1 PART JUL— List of persons entitled to Vote at the Election of the Legis- lative Assembly only. NONE. # 4 :.. '--*.. ^-'if}-,'"^^ "^ 6 jr. vKi igis- ^VOTE|^S' LIST; 1887. ^ MUm/PAUTr OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ELU^LEY, SOUTH, ' ^ ' A X SCHEDULE OF POST OFFICES. 1. Ldmbaboy, in th« Township of KImslty 2. Mmith'n Falm, in th« Town of Hmllh' 3. I'HpiTM.Jn tha Town of Perth. 4. MoNTRiAL, in th« City of MontroAl. •7- \ '• rah*. Ptillinu Hub T>iviai(jii' No. 2, o^tniprininu all th« mmnining part of lh« aaid Township <'f Kiiiiality, Httuth, not alnmiljr inmitiooml in PollinK HyjjjPivia- " "' at aim Polling VIao* ion No< 1. rolling Sohoul Houac, on tn Falla ku Bntolcvillfl. for MMiond P(»Uing 8ub-l)iviaioM at CIw»on'a Yiotoria Macadcmisod Roa,' '■ \ ■ t ■ ♦■ • '• %♦ V. 2 ,-^-i■S^-MK■^V' ■ ~~%^ ■ ' V • ■■■-,--- "■ .A, ■ ■ M,. . ' .>s.v' A , rt -' ' --— 1 ^^ i>^'^ f 8 U 83 96 m VOTERS' LIST. S0C7TH BUfBUBY, 1887. * * * I - =3c: f ' ■ *'' '-'—- m — ^aMI) Oraham, Hubert Ooodfellow, Hubert Qould, James H .«■ . . HUKhi, Tbonuw eoayalois Walter 03 Holiday, John 94HoUday« OeorpTb 97 Hulbert, Ova 99Hourigan, Michael 111 Hunter, Robert 1 112 HujQter, Hugh / US Jones, James - 126 Kelly, James 126 Kenuey, Martin 129 KeMy. John 131 Ke0f{an, Rbbert 136 Landy, John \ 136 Landy, Robert / 137 Livinitstone, Alexander 138 Livingstone, James 139 Iihrhigitdm», Edwin 140 LfttiMd, Isa«c - 160 Murphy,' 0(*neliuB . 161 mm^l Riehanl 162 Martin. Jobn 163 Martin, Charles^ 1$4 ModtkouBet Jos^h 166 MairtAti, James 166Maitito, Oetirge' 167 BfiidilBn, John ' 168 Madden, Fktrioir , 183 Moorhoiise, Eusebius MidB«^W, Peter MiEfun, Jsiiies |(^P@ilM,#ohri MeKte, David William 16^ lep 166 1^ *e9, -_,^^ i^ #70|Mcgi^iV5|y, Oebwe " ina« li^ Alexander liOT. J J J J r half 1 and 2 ef half 13 3 r hair 7 • h»M3 r quarter 4 r quarter 5 6 9 hatf6 vr Qupirter 4 f half 9 three-quartan 7 half 7 pt 6 and 6 halfB if/ 1 ■ '■ f e qaaitUt I e quarter 4 f quarter 5 e half 6 ^li- I .-■. r half 7 f 1uilf0 w quarter {IT fpl'7 f half 9 quarti^r 6 ' fhWI9 r half 12 .-^! fptl f half 8 i- half 2 10 pt7 ■^"^ 2 1 3 2 2 .-* 3 4 4 1 6 4 6 6 2 i 2 2 2 1 1 ? 2 2 2 1 DMOUmOM. Owner do do do dl I NONE. I I 1 I •j ■ .' ( ii ; vt\; \.<'A •■■;■>/ , ,. .,,, ;.,. i,. •!r.,i.,n - • - " ■. ■ .•» ■;.-', i"''»«-' .. •■• . ■ . ■'"-'-. : . ■ ' -' '' ' :'. " •, "-.. -A:'.'' -:"v^t :■.*- . " . . " ':■■.♦ " . . i t ■''\ ■'^ n .J! •■(' j:-" , ': • - • ;■ i : y f ■ .> .Wv :..tiu.:li^''- "... ■■''■■' ,■ . ■ ■ ■'- / '< 'W>1.'.', ! ,v' ■'" 1''^ I' ■■-" 1, Thomas O'Rkilly, Clerk of the Municipality of the To^tnship of Elm Jey Sf)Uth, wthe County of Leeds, do here certify that parts one amd thte« Of «i« wjthin list constitute a correct lilt for the year 1887, of aU P«Mot^^ ^IP?"**^ Z the kst revised Assesmnent Roll of the lud M«kiicipalityt to tw«$ti*led ^W^ at election* for membeni of the Legislative Aaembly ; and that pfcrt* otm »nd two coo«lbit(>te a correct list for said year of all persons apooirHng'by'thfe toid rbll to be entitled to yote at Municipal Elections in said Municipality ; and 1 hereby call upon all electors to examine the said list, and if any o«»>»«9»»P^ other ewronHre perceived therein, (td..ta*e' immediate prooetedijto to*«T» ttye siSd errom corrected Mcofding to Uw. ! V . ! nA,xir.nn,.,.i ... . : Dated this Twenty-ninUi day of Jaly.^J^2^,^^j^^^ ^ | ■'>»'/ Wfw*> '"*■ "■- ir^r-:'U Clerkof saiidvM»ini«jSjaHttj_ / / ' . ■ EleotioM only. DBSORIPTIOH. 0^ Owner do do 12 2 2 on of the L*£* ■ »i j i' """ ^iOXi. I... I,. •(i'.,i.,n ^ > ,i;v :..>tiu.-:i W-'. pi.'.-, ! ,,' ■'* U^ t-'""' nrnship of Elm Jey ) Mad thtM of ^he iotti appmritafjtiy M>«itMmd to ^ i)te liat' p&rtitmelhd curring'by'tltfeisid unicipality ; and I [f any omiuions or fedUte>' to Imtd^^ LLY, MiinklMRt; Lotft I vr „.-l •. / u ■■ ■ :^^ ' i. ■^ UNITED COUNTIES OF LEI \ the C/H'^^^^^^^t^^^t^ of in the said his hand that no complaint respecting "the List of Vo i88j7 • -h?^ be(^" received h^ him wit^n thirty days £ and^ on apphcation of the Clerk. I, ^^ '" of the United Counties of Leeds and Gr^nvill Voters' J.ists Act." certify that the annexed printed I / received by me from the said Clerk, under Sections List of Voters for the said Municipality /or the year x\ Given under my hand and Seal, at /the Town of I this /^Zi^ a^y^ day olf c^;^;^ A? e. m ? •. .. s ■^ ES OV" LEEDS and GRENVILLE. ^^i^/ Clerk of the Municipality of in the said United Counties, having certified under :tin^- "the List of Voters' for said. MunicipaHty. for the year wi^thirtydays after the first posting up of the same ; *' ^^^^^^'^^^^'^p^^ df the County Court and Granville, in J pursuance of the provisions of ." The . ■ anneyid printed List of Voters, being one of the copies 2rk. under Sections three of the said Act. is the Revised lality for the year fSS'p; • .J at /the Town of Brockville, in the said United Counties, lav olf ^-^^^^:f>?^.t..^l^ A. D. 188 Judge. \ \ r«P* ■r^ ^ .y* f.. {■- ,^ w^