IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /. /^^ %^4 V.x 1.0 I.I Ui 12.2 SB*"- 2.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 !'•* ■« 6" — ► V] > sup6rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n6cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. by errata led to snt jne pelure, agon d 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 8 6 VICTORIA iS^PrQuEEN 6c Empress -188?' * I ~ t '$r T\ 88? I ••»■:.■ ■A^v -,.- i';'.;.- ■ . .v^XS?^> ;-•;.' ' ff:"- " •' m W^~-: WIT ^1 N.. -■:^' jw /^■^^:;' ■^*,:i \ . 4^ 'It .1 ■ ,- V .■■/f.\ H^' "^'Vf ■■ ^-:3:^V5~.- ■v , . I ■■■i, & '^•^^ TORONTO "CALLED BACK," FROM IS 9 2 TO is 4;. ITS WONKKKFIL GROWTH AND PROGRESS. WITH 'I'HK DKVKI-OI'MKXT OF ITS .AlAN T FACTf IIINC; I Nl M S TIM KS. AM) KKMINISCKNCKS KXTKNDIXc; OVKI! THK .\1{(I\-K I'KRIOI), IXCU'DING TIIK IXTKODIC TlOX (»F THK HOXDIXfi SYSTK:\1 TIIKOUGH THK rxiTi:i) si'ATKs. WITH A BKAl'TllTl, I'OKTKAIT tiF lUiR MAJKSTY THK (jL'KIiX AM) I-MPKESS, AXl) KXGRAVrXG OF HIS KXC'ELl.KXCV I.OIM) S'1AX].KY OF I'UKSTOX, GOVKUXOU-GKXKKAL. TliE AVPLOI^K fKOKUHKl^ V II . 1^ U WTiiiik.TE D. BY CONYXGHAM CRAWFORD TAYLOR, {Of llcr Majesty's Ciistoiiis). THIRD THOUSAND. T()R(^XT() : WILLIAM B RI G G S. [PUBLISHER, \\i;.sLi:v lluii.niNci.s. 1892. fc ?^^1 dr? Entered, accorrlinff to the Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year one thousand eight liundred and ninety-two. hy Conyngiiam Chawford Tavloj{, Toronto, in the Office of the Minister of Agriculture, at Ottawa. :ar one thousand AYLOJi, Toronto, (SnN In Tl HON. JOHN BEVERLKV ROBINSON, Kx- IJetit.-Oovvrnor of Ontario w VvvKU Canada), TO Site Bon. ilohu $5ciicvlcij ?lobinsou, Kx.r.fKUTKyAST.w, VKnyon of oxtajuo i^'.s OP ™. Un: U.S. S,K .;„„. nKVK,a.Kv K..,...., ,,„„,, ,,„„^. .,.^J^^ WHO, As Pk,v..k CrnzKx, M.v.k, Mkmhkk ... P.Ku.^MK^.^ ,„. LaTK ItEPKE.SKXTATIVE OF HER MAfESTV 0,-EE.\ VICTORIA, THE ruKMIKH PkOVIXCE UK TMK DoMIMo.V, « VS -VrWAVS Fv„ -^^^ ^"-^T "■^•^ TKNDEi. TO l'i;oM„TK THE — THAM. 1>K„.:KKSSOkT0K0XTo, .. ,„,,., ^ In AUT., SCIKVCKS, Lrxi-RATUKK, HEJ.UMns, THAI "K MA.NTKACTrKKS, MMKRC'K, THK AUPROR. str m PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EOmON. Personal knowledge and observation constitute the most demon- strative form of information. During my visit to Great Britain, in 18S9, \ found that wherever " Toronto ' Called Back ' " had been read, it received the highest encomiums. If not for its literary merits, it was appreciated as tilling a want everywhere felt, as to the information about our beautiful and prosperous city. In public libraries, leading newspapers, hotels and public institu- tions, it was spoken of in the highest terms, and read with expres- sions of wonder as a revelation of the high position to which Toronto had attained in a comparatively short time. These flattering notices and the fact that whole chapters had been quoted by some of the leading newspapers, have induced me to publish a new edition, which, while retaining the essential history of Toronto for forty-tive years, will include full information of the progress of the city since 1S88, and many new features in the way of illustrations, which, I hope, will be found interesting as well as useful. The work in every particular will be confined to Toronto talent, which, I may say, I felt proud to find was highly spoken of in Great Britain. 0. C. TAYLOR. 35 Grosvenor Street, July, 1892. ■s. A rcid... i.ioulil sit down to a Ijook, especially of the miscel- laneous kind, as a well-behaved visitor does to a 'lanquet. The master of the feast exerts himself to satisfy all his guests, but if, after all his oare, there should be something or other put on the table that does net suit this or that person's taste, they politely pass it over without noticing the circumstance, and commend other dishes, t'. ^ they may not distress their host or throw any damp on his s^ — Ern-'nut-''. The boo .;; j;".: 'a learned work." I say this because my short ev "i^ , i writer convinces me that " originality " and " learr 'are . sidered indispensalile prerequisites to author- ship l^ *. ., critics, even if (especially if) the critics themselves are not original and learned. I never knew what an ignoramus I was until I wrote a book, and therefore, I humljly admit that I am not learned, and no production of mine can bear the stamp of erudition ; but as learning, no less than originality, is relative, as a man may be very " deeii " to shallow minds and very learned to the uneducated, perhaps I may get a hearing and a reading since the Solomons are decidedly in the minority in these degenerate days. —Howard McQcearv, in Topics 0/ thf. Tiims. I have remarked that the true delineation of the smallest man, and his pilgrimage through life, is capable A interesting the greatest man ; that all men are to an unspeakable dei^ree brothers, each man's life a strange emblem of every man's ; and that human portraits faithfully drawn are of all pictures the welcomest on human walls. — Car/yle. IntI Firs Ret£ First ( First J Railv I Rossi I Finaii S The I CONTiiNTS. the miscel- nquet. The guests, but r put on the hey politely id commend tr throw any because my inality " and 3S to author- 9 themselves 1 ignoramus limit that I he stamp of relative, as y learned to ading since degenerate liallest man, ^resting the le brothers, It hat hum Ml jlcomest on Introductory — Emigration — Departure for New York — First Impres- sions of New York — From New York to Toronto Page. 9-22 Ws 1847 to 1857. First Impressions of Toronto — Shopping — Toronto in 1847 — Gossip — Street Pavements — Toronto Post Office — Gas and Water Works —The Circulating Medium— Store I'.iy 23-43 Retail Importing — Wholesale Trade in 1847 — Prominent Men in 1847 — A. & S. Nordheimer — Lord Elgin — Toronto Police Force — First Strike Ir Toronto — Immigrant Fever — Bathing— Great Fire on King Street — Establishment of Celebration of Queen's Birthday. . 44-54 First Retail Dry Goods Store on Yonge Street — Selling on the Sterling Cost — Business Houses, 1847-1850 — Manufacturers — A Tour of Observation 55-61 First Return Visit to Europe — Windsor Castle — Commencement of Commercial Travelling in Canada — Toronto in 1850— Public Insti- tutions — Prominent Men in 1850 — Bonding System ria United States — First Great World's Fair — Turning the First Sod of the Northern Railway— Tariff in 1850-51 62-75 Railway Opening and Steamship Contracts— The Industrial Crystal Palace — Progress of the City— The Esplanade 76-91 Rossin House and Railroads — Mercantile Agencies— Erastus Wiman —The Close of the First Decade 91-97 1857 to 1867. Financial Crisis in 1857— The Desjardins Canal Accident— Royal Mail " Cunard " Steamer Perna— Decimal Currency and American Silver— Road to North-West Wanted— Current Events— Visit of the Prince of Wales to Canada, i860— The Death of Prince Albert —Buying in Europe— 1860 to 1865 98-111 The Fenian Raid— Close of the Second Decade 112-118 Vlll. Contents. 1867 to 1877. Page. Confederation — Tariffs of England, United States, and Canada, from 1869 to 1876— Metropolitan Church— Toronto in 1870 and 1871— Return of Rev. Dr. Punshon to England — St. James' Cathedral Clock 119-132 1877 to 1887. Protection versus a Revenue Tariff — Exhibition Buildir Coi Mer May ii; 1887 to 1892. Rebellion of 1837— The Queen's Jubilee — Fifty Years' Progress- Toronto's Loyalty — Celebration in the Dominion of Canada — Cele- bration in Toronto — Jubilee Praise and Thanksgiving Services — Jubilee Service in the Metropolitan Church — At the Synagogue — 185-196 Celebration in London — Jubilee Choral Concert — The Imperial Insti- tute — Governors-General of Canada since 1847 — Lieutenant-Gov- ernors of Ontario 196-203 Toronto a Musical City — F. H. Torrington — Toronto College of Music — Jenny Lind — ilrs. John Beverley Robinson and Mrs. Beard — The Musical Festival — Toronto a Literary City — The Globe — The Christian Ouardian and Methodist Publishing House 204-223 Free Library — The Manning Arcade— Toronto as a Place of Residence —Summer Resorts — Queen's Park — Exhibition Park- Lome Park — Street Traffic — Canadian Pacific Railway— Cathedral of St. Alban the Martyr 224-234 Toronto Street Railway Company— Commercial Union or Unrestricted Reciprocity — Arrival of the New Governor-General, Lord Stanley of Preston 235-242 Deat "^B The < I P T V P Contents. IX. lada, from ind 1871— Cathedral Page. 119-132 s — Current cesa Louise ronto— The Troops for -Arrival at se— Custom id by Cities 30th June, I — Toronto's -Toronto an l886— Open- libits— Hon. 133-141 142-148 149-154 159-184 Progress — lada — Cele« Services — i^nagogue — 185-196 perial Insti- benant-Gov- 196-203 t of Music — 3eard — The Iflolw— The Residence jorne Park |ral of St. Inrestricted Ud Stanley 204-223 224-234 Page- Imperial Federation— Right Hon. Sir John A. Macdonald— New Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario — Hon. Sir Oliver Mowat, K.C. M.G. —The New Parliament Buildings — Toronto in 1888— Central Posi- tion of Toronto— Winter of 1887-88 in Toronto 243-251 Trans-Pacific Steamers — New Bank of Montreal— Canadian Railways — The Grand Trunk Railway of Canada — Canadian Pacific Railway —The Mail 252-26C Wealthy People of Toronto — The Empire— C&ipit£]. Invested ^iji^orouto — Toronto a Manufacturing City — Manufactures in 1892 — The Marquis of Dufferin and Ava — Meeting in the Academy of Music —Death of Sir John A. Macdonald 261-27C Commercial Statistics — Purchases of British Products— Manufactured Exports from Great Britain — Canadian Imports and Exports, to 30th June, 1891 — Exports from Toronto, the Produce of Canada — Imports to Toronto, 1891 — Post Office Statistics — Comparative Increase of Population in Eight Canadian Cities in Twenty Years — How Canada has Prospered under the National Policy — Total Value of Canada's Exports to Great Britain and the Uniteo .30.5 306 .310 3I.S 314 317 31 S .320 w ■'I TORONTO "CALLED BACI \. "A mail's real possession is his lueiiKiry. In iinihiiiL; else is he rieh ; in nothing else is he [nxji'. — Alcxaii((<:i- Snnlli. The four decades embraced in the first edition of Toronto " Called Back," having now extended to the first half of the fifth, and consequently requiring additions to the history of the wonderful growth and progress of the City, many of the remarkable events recorded in that period, especially those connected with the reign of Her Majesty the Queen, of which I was an eye-witness, as well as the account of the Queen's Jubilee, must be omitted in the present and subsequent volumes; while, what is recorded, shall be entirely from per- sonal knowledge. The history of Toronto since 1847, with that of every individual mercantile and manufacturing firm is familiar to the writer; and the reminiscences, originally intended only for private reference, will be found to contain much which was never before printed, and only placed before the public at the solicitation of merchants of contemporary standing, who were aware of their correctness, and testified to their value as a commercial history. Should the ^nd of the fifth decade be reached by the reader, it will be seen whether the predictions of what Toronto will be in 1896 shall have been realized. For some reasons I regret to omit incidents outside of the history of Toronto, as everything connected with the British 2 li I I 10 ToKoNTo •' Called Back." Empire is becoming more and more a pai't of Canadian history, und interwoven with it ; and the astonishing progress of the Dominion and its increasingly close connection with all the sister colonies, and the prospect of commercial union amongst the whole with each other and the mother land, would form an interesting volume in itself, while reminiscences of travels, extending over many years, are also a tempting field to enter, but space will not permit. There are gifted individuals who, having made a trip across the Atlantic, and "run through" from Liverpool to Londoa, ther over the Continent, and perhaps gone round the v/orld in ninety days, have the faculty of writing so easily, that on their return home they write a book ; but the present writer makes no pre- tensions to such literary ability, although, from an average of travels of 10,000 miles a year, by sea and land, for many years, materials might be furnished for such a purpose. One could tell of passages made in nearly all the old Cunard Royal Mail steamers — the Asia, Africa, Arabia, America, Ewropa, Niagara and Persia, the last of the ocean paddle- wheel steamers crossing the Atlantic (the Scotia only excepted); with recollections of the celebrated Commanders, who had the proud boast of never having lost a life — Lott, Stone, Leitch, Harrison, Shannon, and Commodore Judkins; also of the splendid steamers of the Inman Line, then of our own Allan Line, and occasional trips in the " White Star; " of hairbreadth 'scapes from rocks and icebergs, of storms and winds, from the gentle zephyr through all the gradations of ships' "log" record — light and strong breezes, half gales and whole gales, thunder storms, hurricanes, and tremendous hurricanes, with an occasional cyclone, described by a writer as " a magnificent scene. The whole ocean, from the central speck on which he stood to the vast '^^anishing circle of the horizon, as one boundless, boiling cauldron. " Millions of waves simultaneously leaping in thunder from the abyss and rearing themselves into blue mountain peaks, capped with white foam and sparkling in the sunlight for a moment, to be .swallowed up in the darkness of the roaring b iNTRODUCrOliy. 11 ;!anadian history, progress of the on with all the I union amongst and, would form jences of travels, ig field to enter, ade a trip across )1 to London, ther e v/orld in ninety it on their return ter makes no pre- )m an average of I, for many years, ise. ,11 the old Cunard irabia, America, he ocean paddle- a only excepted); jers, who had the t. Stone, Leitch, Ins ; also of the our own Allan of hairbreadth ,nd winds, from of ships' " log " ,nd whole gales, rricanes, with an " a magnificent ipeck on which horizon, as one In thunder from pountain peaks, sunlight for a of the roaring deep the next. A lashing, tossing, heaving, falling, foaming, glancing rise and fall of li(juid mountain sand valleys, awful, but ravishing, to look upon." And then wiight turn to beautiful, calm weather, pleasant company, music, games, mock trials; .splendid bills of fare — four meals a day, with every delicacy that money could procure ; refined society, comprising distinguished statesmen, ambassadors with their suites, celebrated divines and historian.s, poets and men of leisure, merchant princes and buyers, representing all the large mercantile houses, some of the best patrons of the ocean steamers; also of peonle of all nationalities, English, Irish, Scotch, American, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Turks, Spaniards, Russians, and Japanese ; of the hard.ships of the steerage as well as the luxury of the saloon ; all of which might make a readable volume. In the hands of the distinguished novelist, Wilkie Collins, whom I have heard read from his own works in this city, the facts with which I could furnish him might be woven into a romance equal in interest to the " Woman in White." The inimitable Dickens, whom I have also heard, and by whose tombstone — which, amongst the numberless monuments in the Poets' Corner, Westminster Abbey, in memory of the great poets, essa3'ists, novelists and dramatists in past centuries, is most remarkable for its plainness, and without any epitaph but " Dickens " — I afterwards stood, could have produced out of the materials a book quite as true to life as " Martin Chuzzlewit." Or the lamented Hugh Conway might have given to the world another volume quite as popular as " Called Back ; " but simple facts and " a plain, unvarnished tale " are all that are offered in these pages. A residence for several years in Lancashire, with an oppor- tunity of seeing the working of the principle of Free Trade ; afterwards six years' travelling through the United States, and sending large orders to be .shipped from England to the prin- cipal cities, from Baltimore to St. Louis, in the face of a tariff which averaged 60 per cent., and watching the growth of the Ww ml 1 ill k r 11' II i I ! 12 Toronto "Called Back." manufacturing industries during that time; and, in adiliti(jn to all this, the exj^crience of an importer to Toronto, witli a tariff gradually increasing from 12^ to 25 per cent., ought to furnish some valuable information. But in writing on the growth and progress of Toronto, it is best to allow everj' person f '^-aw his own conclusions •as to whether our city has bee efited by the nmltiplication of manufacturing establishments, as v/ell as to the question of how far .she is indebted to the present policy for their succe.s,s. To go over the ground taken by those who so ably and beautifully described the progress of Toronto in its civic and political phases during the SEMI-CENTENNIAL from 1834 to 1884, would be quite .superfluous. The programme of the celebration it.self forms a splendid record of the events which transpired during that period. The grand tableaux in the daily proces.sions, illustrating the [•rogress of the city, from the rude and uncivilized to the high state of refinement at the present time, were most striking and impressive. If, however, the growth and progress of Toronto as an im- porting centre has been given, the writer has never seen it and yet, in this respect, there are distinct marks of contrast between the present and the past which are not only striking but marvellous. Perhaps, with the exception of London and Chicago, no other city in the world has made such rapid .strides in the march of progress, and this it will be my endeavor to show to the best of my ability. Passing over early experiences in Dublin, before recorded, and as the question of emigration shall be rather prominently discussed, it may not be out of place to state the causes which led to the writer's choice of Toronto as a place of residence, and of his C' ming to America in the first place, all of which wil' appear in the first chapter on Emigration. Ill m m Lntuodcctouy. 13 d, in adilitiim to nto, with a tariff ouf,'ht to furnish of Toronto, it is :onclusions «as to luultiplication of the question of for their success. vho so ably and in its civic and The programme 3rd of the event> s, illustrating the ilized to the high most striking and loronto as an im- las never seen it. Iiiarks of contrast lot onlv striking Chicago, no other Is in the march of I show to the best before recorded, ther prominently the causes whicli I of residence, and ill of w^hich will Emigration. Who should emigrate ? This is a question much more easily asked than answered. The best answer appears to be, " those who are obliged to do so." If this be so, and America has been peopled with those who have come from every country in Europe, how docs it happen that there is on every liand such an accunuilation of wealth ? Was all this acquired by people who came here, not from choice, but of necessity ? If so, the possession and use of brain and muscle must have stood in good stead in the absence of other capital. And yet the rule is that few, if any, do leave the Old Country from choice ; and none who are really doing well at home should emigrate with the expectation of doing better, no matter what their occupation or profession may be. But those who are not doing well, who find it difficult, with an increasing family, to keep up appearances, and find it neces- sary to make a change, may safely emigrate with a fair pros- pect of improving their condition. If these pages should meet the eye of any young man wish- ing to know about Canada, and Toronto in particular, he may be able to form a pretty correct opinion of the chances of success from the facts stated. No doubt that in proportion to the population the failures in business in America are more numerous than in Great Britain, especially if the figures of mercantile agencies can be relied on. But if a city can grow in wealth and prosperity like Toronto, in a comparatively short time, as no city in the Old Country (London always excepted) is doing, it is clear that some vutst become rich where, on the whole, so much has been accumulated. There are exceptions to the rule as to emigration. Some do leave home who are well to do, but have some ulterior object in the future as to the settlement of their families. The hope of doing better for one's self in a new country, the dreams of youth, and correspondence with friends, with the H Toronto "Cali.kd Ijack. '! I iiil !:ill:li; m love of novelty and, pcirhaps, adventure, inlliioncc many youiii:^ men. Havinu; gained an excellent position by reniaininfr in the house of Pim Bros. ^ Co., from it.s e.stabli.shment, while about 2,000 younj^ men had come and ^ono, and bein<,' one of the two who alone remained of the original founders, when we had decided to leave for America the heads of the firm were in- credulous at first, but finding our decision was made, the lead- ing partner used all his persuasion to induce us to remain, telling us we would "cry salt tears" when we found ourselves in America. But all to no purpose, we had determined to find out for ourselves what America was like. In the meantime addresses of regret and good wishes were prepared and .signed by hundreds of our companions in the business, and arrangements made for a presentation supper at considerable expense. The writer, having conscientious objections to these festive occasion.s, which generally ended in over-indulgence, with much regret at offending his friends, declined the intended honor, and all his subse([uent experience has confirmed his opinion that he a i,ed rightly in his decision. A volume could be written on this subject. Having heard all the celebrated temperance lecturers in England and America, including Mr. John B. Gough and Hon, Neal Dow, also Cardinal Manning, Sir Wilfred Lawson, Wm. Lloyd Garrison, Dr. Rees, and a host of others, I can say, I never heard a statement of the evil effects of intemperance exaggerated, but have seen instances as terrible as any they have related in actual life. Where are the 2,000 young men with whom I associated in one house alone ? The history of many I know, but cannot enter more fully into the .subject. When the question of temperance is growing to be of such intense interest in Canada and in Toronto, and the future merchants, manufacturers, and bankers of the city are to take part in the movement, the writer, who can safely saj' he has come into actual contact with more busi- '^B 4 Introductouv. 15 :c many younj^ iiainini' in the nt, while about one of the two , when we had e firm were in- made, the lead- e us to remain, found ourselves to tind out for ood wishes were npanions in the itation supper at i to these festive ence, with much intended honor, med his opinion [aving heard all id and America, [eal Dow, also Lloyd Garrison, never heard a jxaggerated, but I have related in I associated in )ut cannot enter ^n of temperance Canada and in |ers, and bankers the writer, who with more busi- ness younjr men in Groat Britain and America than any other man in Toronto, gives it as his deliberate opinion, that nothiny short of total abstinence is a safeguard against evil conse- quences, whether travelling or at home. The reception of various from societies and friemls, in a quiet way, wounil up my connection with the beautiful city, which I have never missed an opportunity of visiting, when time has permitted, on my business journeys to Britain. Departure for New York. "Isle of Beauty, fiuv tlieu well." On the 17th of March, 1N47, our party of five, and a iimn- servant who accompanied one of our friends, sailed from Liver- pool in the ship Shcridav, Captain Cornish, of the "Dramatic" Line — the other three being called respectively the Gar rick, RoscAiis and ShhJons. Not being pressed for time, we had decided to come by a sailing vessel, and, as far as the writer is concerned, it was the first and last experience in that line. When time becomes money it does not pay to roll on the deep from side to side, in the most beautiful weather, in a dead calm for days together. The voyage was devoid of interest and very unlike any of my after passages in steamers. The cabin passengers were few, and those of the steei-age had a hard time. The Captain, beinfj a man, thour-ht nothing of kickinfj them should they trespass on the aFter part of the deck, where they would sometimes lie down to get awa}- from the surroundings of the forecastle. Had we been in a hurrj- the passage would have been a terrible tax on our patience. Now terrific storms, with thun- der's roll and lightning's fiash — and so vivid was the li'ditninrr, that from pitch darkness the sea, as far as the eye could reach, was suddenly lit up so as to appear like an ocean of fiame. Again followed a dead calm, with a ground-swell so heavy that 1(J Toronto " Called Back." i iitiic li,. in ihe roll the nr)'nyarils would dip in the water; the rolling so violent that standing was impossible, and many a fearful pitch took place. When sea-sickness had done its work anioncfst the steerage passengers, the natural passion for a tight soon showed itself amongst our Hibernian friends. The Munster and Connaught men soon got up a good old- fashioned faction fight, perhaps to illustrate the beauties of " Home Rule" on the " rolling deep." So at it they went, hammer, tongs and shillelahs, pitching each other down the hatchways, head over heels. Matters having become serious, the sailors thought it time to spoil the sport. Handspikes, from " heaving " the capstan were heaved to some purpose, and the Irishmen soon beat a retreat. The most remarkable incident of the voyage was having spoken a vessel one hundreil days out from Ireland, short of provisions, which were liberally supplied from our ship. And so twenty-six days passed, and, the land appearing in sight, we soon arrived in New York. First ImpressioDs of New York. " Hiul : C.lumbia." Our youthful dreams of this city represented it metaphori- cally as having its streets lined with orange trees and paved with gold, but this illusion was soon dispelled. From Liverpool docks — six miles in length and having twenty-four miles of dockage, with massive gates set in ever- lasting granite — to the wooden wharves of New York, must strike the eye of every one arriving there as a wonderful con- trast. On reaching the dock over piles of merchandise and emi- grants' baggage, we found ourselves in a sea of mud. One of our party, on taking " soundings," reported a depth of twelve inches in the middle of the street. On our way to the hotel we were struck with the melancholy INTR0DUCT(^UY. 17 ;er ; the rolling; nanv a feavl'iil st the steerage [1 showed itself up a good old- the beauties of Uelahs, pitching heels. Matters ime to spoil the an were heaved retreat. icre was having Ireland, short of our ship. ind appearing in )rk. ^d it metaphori- :rees and paved tth and having ites set in ever- few York, must wonderful con- indise and enii- |f mud. One of lepth of twelve the melancholy appearance of the private streets — long lines of houses, havin^ o-reen outside shutters all closed, without the appearance uf a rtower-pot, or the face of a chambermaid airing curtains or lookinfT out, presented a striking contrast to scenes so tamiliar just left behind, when wall Howers and crocuses were blooming, and where windows were opened every morning all the year round. It being now^ the mid'Ue of April, wo expected s])riiig weather, and feeling hearty after the sea voysige, enjoyc^ the old Mechanics' Institute, where the nresent police court now stands — then a dirty lane, — where a subscriber could road books or papers. This, and the auction room of William Wakefield (now Oliver, Coate & Co.), who, by hi;^ genial humor and English physiognf>my, 'lid all in his power to entertain his customers, were abinit the only places of resort of an evening. And so ^^^nmer came on, and recollections of botanical and private gardens, parks, squares, delightful suburbs, musit lectures, literary entertainments, all crowded on one's memory to make the contrast painful. Suburbs there were none, except Yorkville, then an embryo village with a few scattered houses, the best being the residence of Mr. Bloor, which still remains. As no resident of Toronto went there except on business, the journey was not often undertaken. Toronto business men lived either over their stores, or on soro.e street south of Queen. Our first tour of exploration in the outskirts was along Carl- ton Street from Yonge, then a clay road without houses or sidewalks. Having got as far as the present Homewood Avenue, we found a small gate-house, and on entering the wicket discovered a natural pathway through a thick pine grove. Proceeding north we reached the house now occupied by Homer Dixon, Esq., and finding further progress that way, or egress, impossible, retraced our steps. Our next adventure was along Bloor Street east to the present cemetery fence, and thence backwards again; and the>e ai da) Toronto kkom ls47 to IS.")?. 29 re any deviation winy; that on no settle in Tor(jnto ioness anJ incon- or the wonderful n any especially ere scarcely any vhere the pi'esent »vhere a subscriber auction room of uo.), who, by his ill in his power to places of resort of ; of botanical and [ suburbs, music on one's memory 3, then an embryo leinir the residence lident of Torontfj ly was not often their stores, or on ts was along Carl- Ivithout houses or lesent Homewood on entering the igh a thick pine ise now occupied rogress that way, Ireet east to the again; and tliese for a time constituted our only recreation i;r«)unds, except the College Avenue. In takinnake fence, and for the evergreens of holly, laurel and ivy, the t'vei-lasting, monotonous pines, good for use but not very ornamental. The study of this class of " flora " no doubt might be inter- esting to those who studied the sul»ject from a utilitarian point ■ of view, and the smaller species nnght have been discovered by an adventurous descent down the ravine to where the river Don flowed in its native beauty ; and some ferns and beautiful - wdld flowers might have been discovered, very interesting to students in botany ; but to the casual observer these beautiful objects were at that time conspicuous by their absence. Along Church Street, any summer's afternoon, especially in a swamp at the north-east corner of the present beautiful Normal School grounds, could be heard the music of a frogs* Vconcert, accompanied at a short distance with the tintinabula- If^tion of the bells on the necks of the cows which roanied through the browny-green pastures and amongst the thick bush which prevailed east of Church and north of Queen /Streets. These sounds were further augmented by the cackling »of flocks of geese, which, in their amphibious character, had their choice of both native elements. The song of the lark, the thrush, the blackbird and goldfinch, «o familiar before, was no more heard ; the buzz of the bumble- bee, and the whirr of the numerous insects that abounded in the bush, being the only substitute. Apart from its political history, which has been given so m 30 Toronto " Called Back." repeatedly, Toronto possessed no points of interest beyond what any town on the shore of Lake Ontario possesses at the present time, except that she had made a step in advance and outgrown them in population and trade. The young- friends with whom we became acquainted, and whose ideas were circum.scribed by the visible horizon, would not admit of the superiority of any other place in any respect. If you spoke of London, Dublin, or New York as great places, you were immediately met with the question, " Was not Toronto also a city?" And the statement that she had one street fort)' miles long extinguished all your arguments and left them masters of the situation. When it is borne in mind that at that time Toronto, as far as intercourse with the outer world was concerned, was far more isolated than is Regina to-day, it will be admitted that these young people had a pretty good conceit of the place. Toronto in 1847. To give an idea of the general appearance of Toronto at that time, it may assist the imagination to conceive of all its present attractions being removed, and all the improvements that have taken place still unanticipated. To do this it will be necessarj', commencing with the Island, to remove every building there at present, leaving the light- house, Privat's Hotel, which then stood near the present gap, and two or three fishermen's huts at the West Point. Crossing the Bay, the whole Esplanade must be taken away, leavinjx two or three wharves with a racked edfje of staij^nant water between. The whole of the railway tracks, with all buildings and stations, must next disappear. Coming north, all the block, stone, wood and asphalt pave- ments ; all the street railway tracks ; all telegraph and tele- phone poles and wires, except a single line to Hamilton and Montreal ; all the gas lamps except about a hundred ; all the electric lights; all the water hydrants except about Toronto fhom IS-i? to l:^.")7. 31 • away, twelve ; all that are called " modern conveniences," which are now considered indispensable in every house ; the suburbs of Brockton, Parkdale, Seaton Villa^a', Riverside, Leslieville, Eglinton, Deer Park, Davisville and Toronto Junction; all the streets north of Queen and west of Joiin — leavinu' some scat- tered houses outside thesL> limits — except Yonge and Church Streets. As it is supposed there are at present 4().()()() houses in the city and suburbs, you must imagine .'i(J,oOO of these taken away, leaving 8,500 as composing the entire citv at that time. Fron> these 3,.')()0 you may deduct 2,500 of frame and rough-cast houses, leaving 1,000 of a better class ; from which again, if you take 500 two-storey resence of street railways the few travellers who had occasion to I'each the steand)oats in summer (in winter the stai^es called for passenfjers at their houses) were liudted for arcommoilation to a few old-fashi(»ned one-horse cabs, owned ly welbknown drivers, and the number of horses and vehicles of all kinds was so small as to make it an easy matter for any iiv|uisitive person to know the owner of every particular turn- iiut in town. The only city omnibus at this time was one that ran to Vorkville every hour, jumI a ride in this was not very exhilar- iitin;Lf at cei'tain seasons, especially when the frost was breakin*^ up. The jolting was territic, but as few or none of the Toronto people lived in Yorkville, there was not much travel up or down. An hourly omnibus started from the Market to Parliament Street, but it did not pay and was soon discontinued. The question of meat beini^ an important one, i^. may be ■stated, from actual experience, that after repeated endeavors to masticate the beefsteaks, my young friend and myself came to the conclusion that, having heard that oxen were employed in the country for ploughing and other purposes, the Toronto market was supplied with beef from their carcasses after their usefulness as living animals hai^ departed. The supply of vesietables was excellent. Gossip. The extent to which reganl for local boundaries, customs, and every-day chit-chat is sometimes carried, can only be realized in a small town. 34 ToUOiNTO " CaI,I-KI) liACK." At lioine, in tliis nook, all life is HvimI uiulcr iiiinuto inspec- tion of noi^li'iors, and perhaps the unavoi(hihlo supervision oi' parson ami s(jnir(>. The lieree li^jit tliat lients upon the throne is not dealer than that which exhihits tht' yuuiii; man "sowing' iiis wild oats." Ik' sins untlcr a microsco]H\ and the professional j^^OHsij) (inds rich material tor the nc.'xt social or tea-party by ])lacinti^ him under the instrument for tlie t^eneral entertainment of the compajiy, and so thc^ enL,'aijf(Mii('Mt of lovers is diseus.seil as earnestly as if each jiei'son were personally or directly inten^stcMJ in the i-esult of evei-y matrimonial arrani^emi^nt. In IS47 Toronto had not outgrown the haltits which charac- terize the country town. The <,'ossip which j)revails wdiere every person knows all ahout the business and social life of his neie^hhors, was still noticeable, and the absence of all foreign news, oftener than once a fortni«;ht, ^ave a local character to the ijfcneral toi)ics of conversation. Every birth, marriage and death furnished material for dis- cussion in every fanuly circle, and very nuich as it is on l)()ard ship, out at seii, the most trivial mattei's were invested with exatjjgerated importance. On Sundays, ijenerally, three carriages could be seen at St. James' Cathedral, and a good deal of rivalry existed between the owners of two out of three, in the style of tlie appoint- ments, the coachmen's livery, and horses and harness; their appearance on driving from cluirch was a standing topic at almost every dinner-table; the dresses of the ladies comino, and had the art attained its present state of perfection an in-^tantaneous photOL,a'aph could have been taken that would have been quite interesting. " A little imnsense now and then Is rulishftl by the wisest men." Mr. Win. Osborne — who had left Dublin, in consequence of the failure of the silk trade, wlien French goods were first admitted free of duty — was a goo'l specimen of a Dublin gen- tleman, and amongst other stories about the state of Toronto streets in former years, related the following, without in any wav vouching for its accuracy : A gentleman, walking on the loose planks forming a side- walk on King Street, espied a good-looking hat in the middle of the street. Curious to see and pick up the hat, he managed to reach it, and on removing it, discovered to his surprise the head of a living man underneath. This individual at once appealed for help and deliverance, urging, as a special plea, that if prompt assistance was not rendered, his horse, which was underneath, would certainly perish. The usual mode of extrication by the use of shovels and oxen was .soon applied, and man and horse excavated. This being the climax of exaggeration on this muddy ques- tion, it must now be dismissed. Apart from the social enjoyments among friend.s — and of those we had a full share — there was nothing, either in the business or surroundings, to lead to a preference of Toronto to any other place, when the world was before us where to choose. In business, the farmers were always complaining about some- thing. Prices of produce were too low or too high ; the former from too good crops, and consecjuent low prices, and the latter because they had not enough to sell. The roads were a constant source of complaint, which appeared to be natural from our little experience of mud and ruts, and when winter came on they generally had either t( o much snow or too little. :'! :i 38 Toronto "Called Back." Those leaving home in sleighs, fifty or sixty miles back, found bare streets, and had a hard time to get back to sleighing again. As my friend and myself had never heard complaints of roads before, this topic became terribly monotonous, and the same remark applies to the prices of produce, although in Toronto a trade of the greatest importance. There was the prospect of trade increasing Iry the growth of towns and villages outside, and the facilities for transport by water navigation in sunmier; but as railroads were not thought of, and there was neither steam nor water power, except what CDuld be got in the Don river for the latter, and by importing coal for the former, little was said of manufactures, and the prospect of their establishment was exceedingly dull. The prospect of the growth of Toronto — from the two facts of the great agricultural country at its back, and the harbor and water communication in the front — led to a decision, and within a few months of arriving in the country the writer was in communication with friends in England with a view to importing a stock of goods, which was successfully accomplished the next year. Information as to Toronto in England was not very flattering. A gentleman hatl a servant-maid whose brother had enlisted in a regiment which was subsequently ordered to Canada. While quartered in Toronto, the young man took to himself a help- mate, an Anglo-Canadian, who afterwards returned with him to England. On his arrival at home his sister paid him a visit. On her return her mistress asked her if she had seen her new sister; she replied in the affirmative, adding, "But Lor', mum, she's not very dark. I thought she'd be black." As an example of the accuracy of description, Mr. R. Mont- gomery Martin wrote about this time: — "The country bordering Lake Ontario is well wooded ; through the numerous openings the prospect is enlivened by flourishing settlements, the view being extremely picturesque along the White Cliffs of Toronto, (!) heightened on the north by the remarkably high land over Presque Isle, called the Devil's Nose." It Toronto from 1847 tu 1857. 39 The Toronto Post Office. In 1847, and up till 1852, the whole business of the Toronto Post Office was transacted in a small building on Wellington Street, where the present Imperial Bank now stands. The delivery office was a room about 20 x 40 feet, and the distribu- ting room was an old cellar-kitchen some 20 feet sijuare. The staff up to 1850 consisted of a postmaster, three clerks, and a letter carrier. The postmaster was Mr. Charles Berczy, and the clerks, John Armstrong, Christopher Walsh and W, H. Pearson (now manager of the Consumers' Gas Co.), who suc- ceeded Geo. H. Wilson, the present accountant of the Bank of Montreal, in 1847. John McCloskey was letter carrier, and a charge of one " copper" was made on each letter delivered by him. At this time, and up till 1850, the English mails were only delivered fortnightly — by stage from Halifax in winter, and partly by steamboats in summer. The rate of postage on English letters was Is. 2kl. sterling, or Is. 4d. Halifax currency (about 27 cents); the postage to Halifax was 2s. l)d. ; Quebec, Is. 6d. ; Montreal, Is. 2d. ; Kingston, 9d. ; Windsor, lOM. ; the lowest rate being 4id. In 1850 there were only about 400 boxes in the Post Office. Postage stamps were at this time unknown, and the postage on paid letters was written in red ink, and on unpaid in black. In 1851 the uniform rate of postage was adopted, an- 1 postage stamps introduced. The only visible representative of Her Majesty on ordinary occasions was either Mr. Walsh or Mr. Armstrong;, who for the time being combined in themselves the offices of receiving, delivery and enquiry clerks ; and as every letter must be taken to the Post Office, these gentlemen were known to every man, woman and child in Toronto and Yorkville who ever pasted a letter. The arrival of the EnglLsh mail, once a fortnight, broke in on ■Ml, i ,. t'h'i' t lit ■ •} 40 Toronto "Called Back." tl Hj Usual inunotony, and brought a rush to the wicket, from which the delivery, Ix^th general and {)articular, took place. Up to 1.^51 tlie Post Oilice Department was under ihe control of the Imperial Government, which was represented by ^Ir. ytayner, but at this time, almost simultaneously with the intro- duction of the bonding system through the United States, the business was transterrt"' to the Canadian Government, and the mails began to arrive once a week, via Boston and New York alternately. These mails were conveyed in charge of conductors, of whom there were three — Messrs. McNamee, Malone and Magillivray — two taking the mails to above ports respectively, and o'.j extra to supply in case of need. The conductor taking the outgoing fuails, waited at his port for those coming in, and this system continued for many years. During Mr. Malone's time of conductiiiider that Mr. Malone would have had to pay his expenses at a hotel over Sunday, and so we had to pay the whole bill. T(jU()nto from 184-7 TO 1857. 41 Toronto Gas and Water Works. In 1S41 Mr. Jaiiies Cni[)pt'r had been brought out frfun London by Mr. Furness, and in the same ship were imported the gas and water pipes to commence the supplying of the city witli these two ^n-eat recpiisites. In 1847t]icre may have been altogetlier about 100 ;^as himps, and at this time the Consumers' Gas Co. was establisluMJ, on the principle that tlie consumers, by taking up the stock, would themselves get all the benefit. Mr. Henry Thompson sold all the shares, the writer being one of the first to subscribe. Since tliat time the success of the Company is well known. The water supply wiis very imperftct, especially in case of tire, and even up to 18.')0 n(j arrangement had been made to keep the city furnished with a constant and adeipiate supply. The licensed carters were compelleil under a penalty to attend all fires, for tho purpose of conveying water from the l)ay in casks. As the first who arrived was entitled to two dollars' reward, these men were in the habit of filling their casks at night, and carting them to tlieir own houses so as to be ready for a race at the sound of the fire alarm. It was very remarkable, that about this time scarcely a Siturday or Sunday night passed without a fire taking place. Some said they occurred opportunely on these nights, because everybody was at liberty, and the firemen being volunteers, their occupations were not interfered with ; while others went so far as to say that tlie very love for excitement, in some way to relieve the monotony that prevailed over everything, haences, sliil- lings, half-crowns, crowns, half-sovereigns and sovereigns Farthings were strictly charged on all amounts to 2s. Gd., and no salesman could omit them at 2s. 5|d. The desks have fre- quently been swept out to find a missing half-penny, as every- thing must balance. There being no Canadian Silver Currency at this time, the process of making change out of what was technically called " specie " was a perfect study. There were Mexican and United States dollars and half-dollars ; United States ()l, 12i and 2.5-cent pieces ; English sixpences, .shillings, half-crowns, with a miscellaneous assortment from every other country. Coin and bank note directors were used in every place to any a any j&a a ■ pro- b, one '.etley in by er the le tine m the estin- lantles water ■erased lesks, which jer of ;s, shil- ., and ve fre- everv- irrency lat was e were United lillings, other llace to TOUONTO FROM IS-i? TO 18')7. 43 ascertain the value of the coin and the sjfenuineness of hank note-*, especially those from the United Status. As each had to make his own chani^e in the absence of a cashier, this was found to be a work of great ditliculty, to know when a York shilling ceased to possess that value by reason of aV»rasion or defacement and became a 10-ccnt piece, and in- volved many a dispute; and the same with all the other coins. In payment of a debt the Mexican dollar would go for on. Id., or SI. 02, but in independent trading it was just !?1. Anyone visiting New York at this time, and buying a news- paper, if he gave a good 2')-cerit piece would generally lose in change, through the manipulation of the boys, from one to four cents, just as the boy happened to have more or less of the small coins. Toronto had no newsboys at this time. As fc^r coppers, I have no doubt a great many brass buttons found circulation just by flattening the shanks. This state of things continued more or less for years, till the' Decimal System was introduced by Act of Parliament, and the present silver coinage issued. Previous to this all whole? de or importing accounts were kept in sterling for French and English accounts; Halifax currency, or 84 to the pound, for Canadian, and in dollars and cents for the United States. Store Pay. This kind of business was on the whole more agreeable to salesmen than the sj'stem of cash sales. Every builder or contractor made an arrangement with the various trades and stores for a line of credit, by which they could pay their workmen as much of their wages as possible with the smallest amount of cash. Orders were given on the .stores, and mechanics' wives went to make their purchases, carefully concealing their written " orders " as long as the knowing salesman failed to draw out the fact of their existence ; the object of the caution on the part of the frugal housewives being to ascertain the " cash " price of !!■ ;i 1 ■ ' ;' lil: 1 ' V ^ III '4 ■ Mi i'^' ^ ii ' '1 ni ' 4-t Toronto "Called Back." the sfoods. If the "cat wns let out of the bag" the salesmen at once " stood at ease," knowing well that the customer had no alternative but to take out the value of the order. A few immigrants, in perfect innocence, would present these orders at once, much to the satisfaction of the salesman. Tlie block of buildings known as Ritchey's Terrace and other lar^e buildings, including churches, St. Lawrence build- ings, etc., were largely naid for in this way. The time of "strikes ' had not then arrived, the supply of lalx)r was always fully equal to the demand. Ik f •?i Retail Importinj^. The only retail importers of dry goods at this time were Mr. Pater Patterson, who occupied a portion of the present premises of Messrs. R. Walkor & Sons, and was .supplied direct hy Messrs. Heron & Dickson, of Glasgow, who had arrangements to supply not more than one house in each principal town in Canada; and Messrs. Walker dsi Hutchinson, who also had arrangements for getting their goods direct from Great Britain. Nearly every dry goods firm, as well as hardware and others, called themselves importers, and had the term on their signs. This importing, however, was not direct, but was carried on through the wholesale 'lOUses to whom they gave their orders, which were sometimes delivered in the original packages. In this way, in after years, we impoted almost every class of goods to order, including jewellery and fancy goods for one of the present leading jewellery houses on King Street, raw furs for manuFacturing, oil paintings, fire-arms, fancy stationery, ami, in fact, any class of goods for which an order was given. Wholesale Trade in 1847. In 1S47 the wholesale dry goods trade was entirely confined to Yonge Street, south of King. First came Mr. Wm. McMaster, where the Domini(jn Bank now stands ; next was Mr. John Robertson's warehouse. At the TOIIOXTO F110.M lS^j'7 TO 18o7. 45 corner of MelinJa Street, where the new Globe buiklin^ now stands, was the old red brick store of Messrs. Ross, Mitchell & Co. ; a door or two farther south Mr. W. L. Pcrriu occupied a plain brick buildini^f, antl below Wellington Street were Messrs. MolFat iki Murray, and Messrs. Bryce, Mc.Murrich iV Co. On the east side, north of Wellington, was the wai'ehouse of Messrs. Bowes & Hall, and these comprised the whole of the dry goods warehouses at that time. There being no houses exclusively in the millinery trade, that was done by the same houses. The wholesale grocery trade was represented by Messrs. F. & G. Perkins, Mr. A. V. Brown, and Whittemore, llutherford vs: Co. There were no exclusively wholesale houses in the; hardware trade, nor in earthenware, jewellery, hats, caps or fin-s. The oldest house in the latter trade is that of Mr. James H. llogers; the business having been established by his father in 1S15. The large block at the corner of King and Toronto Streets was, in 1847, the finest wholesale house in the city, and was occupied by Messrs. Whittemore, Hutlierford & Co. as a whole- sale grocery warehouse, and afterwards they added dry goods, being the only house in which both classes of goods were com- bined. This site is now occupied by the Quebec Bank, thereby removing one of the most prominent of the old landuuuks of the city. Prominent Men in 1847. Amongst the prominent men to be seen on King Street in 1847 was the Right Reverend John Strachan, Lord Bishop "1 Toronto. Although small in stature, his lordshij) was dignifiod in maniu'r, and conunanded universal respect. Mr. Peter Brown — father of Messrs. George and Gordon Brown — was a gentleman of venerable appearance and much respected. The Messrs. Ridout Ihothers, hardware merchants, l\lr. Bice Lewis Mr. John Harrington, and Mr. T. 1). Harris, all in the same business, occupied prominent positions as business men. I .'' I 46 T-OBONTO "Called Back,' m Mr. E. F. Whittemore, of the firm of Whittemore, Rutherford &i Co., took an active part in every benevolent and philan- thropic enterprise, and was distinguished for his temperance principles. Mr. Hugh Scobie, proprietor of the British Colonist, was a man of commanding presence and universally respected. A. & S. Nordheimer. In 18-i7 this firm occupied premises on the north side of King Street, nearly opposite their present establishment. The senior partner, Mr. Abraham Nordheimer, was an accom- plished musician, and it was quite a treat to witness the enthusiasm he displayed when exhibiting the fine points of the instruments to intending purchasers. Mr. Samuel Nordheimer undertook the outside work, travel- ling a great deal, and to this firm is due to a great extent the credit of having educated the taste of the people of Canada up to its present high musical standard. Prior to this time, if an Old Country family had brought out a piano, although not of the most modern style, they were supposed to have belonged to the becter class of society at home ; but even these instruments were few and far between. It was on Mr. S. Nordheimer's journeys, between Toronto and Montreal, that the writer first became acquainted with him, and soon found that by his universal courtesy, polished man- ners and pleasing address, he was winning golden opinions, not only in the towns and cities, but amongst the better class of farmers ; and the firm being sole agents for the Chickering &; Stodart, and Dunham pianos, soon succeeded in placing a large number of these instruments in the liands of the better class of people all over Canada. The fame of the firm is now as extensive as the Dominion, and their success has been as great as their highest ambition could have desired. In the chapter on "Toronto as a Musical City," reference will l»e made to their successful eflforts to induce the musicians and vocalists of the world to visit Toronto, when it ii." 1 him, man- ms, not ass of rinjT & a lari;e ass of ow as urence st-class hon it ili i m 48 ToiioNTo " Called Back." 4f ■•s: M HI was liltle known, and had few attractions t'or these great artists; but the intlucnce of Me.s^sr.s. Nordheimer — through their connections in Europe and the United States — overcame all dilHcult'cs, and to them is due, from the citizens of Toronto, a debt of gratitude for many a musical treat dui'ing the pa.'^t thirty -live years. Lord Elgin. In January, 1847, Lord Elgin — two months after his second mai-riage to Lady Mary Louise Lainbton. daugliter of Lord Durham — sailed for Americ.i in the Cunard steamer II. crnia, and encountered unusually rou^j^h weather, the vo\'a:ji;e bein*x most uncomfortalile. They arrived at Halifax on the 20th, intending to proceed to Montreal by way of Fredericton, but the C(;ndition of the roads was not suited to such an undertaking;, so they re-embarked for Boston, arriving on the i^oth. They set out for ^lontreal the following: morninrj, and reached their destination on the 20th, three days' journey, and took up their aliode at Monk lands. He was young and healthy, and could work eighteen hours a day ; ])0>sessed an amiable temjier, and always a |)leasant demeanor, and did not consider it derogatory to his dignity to walk t(^ church. In L'S49 the Rebellion Losses Bill was assented to, and riots occuried in consetjuence in Montreal. After this the seat of Uuvirnment was removed to Toronto, in LS5(). Lord Elgin was very popular in Tonmto, and his levees were always well attended. During the summer of that year he gave a file chamjtetre at his residence, near where the Central Presbyterian Church now stands, and as the view as far as (,^)ueeu Street was almost uninterrupted, the entertainnii'nt was as pleasant as the name was appropriate. The writer has a ]ileasant lecollection of a cordial greeting and a hea'"'y shake of his hand on that occasion. The garden paity given by Ex-Lieutenant-Govcrnor Robinson, on the occasion of the visit of the nuMubers of the Biitish K TOIIONTO FROM 1847 TO l«o7. 4i) Association, in 1885, showed by the surrouRtlings the iiuproveiuent that lias taken place since that time. The beauty of the irrounds which surround the present Government House, with its luxurious i'uiniture, and conserva- tory, frajjjrant with the perfume of rare exotics, contrasts in a strikinii manner with former tnnes. Toronto Police Force. There were about a (h)zon of policemen, having as a chief Mr. Samuel Sherwood. The chief, being a quiet, good-natured man, did not insist on any strict regulations as to the (hess or discipline of the men. They wore a sort of uniform, but without uniformity, except in one respect — they were uniformly slovenly. Day M .Martin's blacking and white gloves were not considered at all nccussary ; the latter had not come into fashion, and, as to the former, the men might say as to their boots what was generally said as to waggons and carriages, that if the mud was taken oil' they would l)e just as dirty in a short time again. It could not be wo.idered at, th=it in a city so celebrated tor mud as Toronto, the buggies were allowed to remain fur months in a dirty condition, when only a short time ag(j London Punch gives a conversaiion between a tourist in the Hiudilands of Scotland and his hostler. The tourist savs, "Why haven't you cleaned my carriage, as I told you nights" Hostler — " Hech, sir, what for would it need w^ashing f It will be just the same when you be using it again." There was not much improvement in the Police Forct- till tlif appointment of Captain Prince, who, by the introduction of a semi-nulitary st\-le of discipline, brought about a c;)mi)lete revolution in every resi)ect, not only in the dress and dis- cipline of the men, but in the selection of a superior class, both as regards physi(iue and intelligence, forming in a short time a body of police equal to that, of any city in the world. The best men selected were from the Ir'sh Constabulary, who had been drilled at the barracks in Phd-nix Park, Diiblin. I' J in Hli 11 :i .,i< [(■i| I-- ill 50 ToRo>'TO "Callkd Back." II f<«"'i V r First Strike in Toronto. In 1847 the first sewing machine was introduced by Messrs. ■Walker & Hutchinson. The tailors in their oinploymeut, regarding this innovation as contrary to all their time-honored ideas of the manufacture of clothing, at once rebelled. Had not the old needle been used by hand since the .fig-leaves wei'e made into garments in the Garden of Eden ? Then why should a new-fangled machine be invented to supersede the ancient system ? The machine was only in use a few days when Messrs. '.ralKer Si Hutchinson, finding it so objectionable, agreed to discontinue its use, and handed it over to their men to use it as they thought proper. A day was appointed for the display of their triumph over machinery, and the discarded machine v^'as exhibited on King Street, in the centre of a procession of the workmen, after which it was returned to the manufacturers in New York. The firm, in order to remove every trace of dissatisftiction, treated the men to a banquet, given the same evening. Immigrant Fever. The effects of the potato famine in Ireland were painfully visible in the appearance of the immigrants arriving by Que- bec during the summer. It was estimated that 24-0,000 had die! from starvation in Ireland. It was not that the people who had the tiieans failed to stretch out the hand of charity. Wonderful acts of liberality and self-denial occurred, but the whole means of Ireland were inadequate to support her desti- tute poor. The British ships were too few to carry over the provisions necessary to save human life. Then every English heart, while looking with terror at the future, throbbed with sympathy for their dying brethren, and the relief distributed was received with the liveliest gratitude — the writer's brother, l:)eing one of the "relief" agents appointed by the Government, related I - 'ii Toronto from 184-7 to 1837. 51 many instances of a most touching character in his district and towards himself personally. Enormous sums were subscribed to relieve the distressed. Noble and fearless men ventured into the haunts of famine and distress, and examined the evil before trying to remedy it. In the hour of calamity all ditferences of creed wore laid aside, and the Roman and English priests met at the bed of the dying, joining in administering temporal and si)iritual aid to the sufferers ; and, by a kind Providence, a tine summer and better crops gradually brought about a better state of things. The late Hon, W, E. Forstcr, when a young man, represented the Society of Friends in Ireland during the terrible famine, and his services as a distributer of relief earned for him the love and gratitude of many a suffering soul, though it was his strange fortune forty years later to be regarded as the worst enemy of Ireland. When the world was horrified by the Phcienix Park murders, it came out on the trial of the assassins that Mr. Forster had been selected as another victim, so that, notwithstanding the respect and veneration with which the young Quaker had been regarded by the peasantry while engaged in the merciful work of relieving hunger and soothing the pillow of death in 184G, yet the same peasantry held the kind-hearted, though firm and blufi' Chief Secretary in utter execration, and taught their children to curse him as the representative of blood-and-iron tyranny. As the result of imperfect nourishment and other causes, the emigrants who left for America were decimated by ship fever, and hundreds were buried at Grosse Isle, below Quebec, who died on board the ships or at the quarantine station. There were many cases in Toronto, and in attending these Uishop Power and Dr. Grasett contracted the disease, from which thej' both died, while faithfully and fearlessly discharg- ing their duties. 'Vl !'l • I, ! i i; i s: i. ! f 52 Toronto " Called Back." Bathing. Before the Esplanade was formed a favorite place foi ; swim was o(i" Ptees' wharf, nearly opposite the rarliainent Buildings, and other (juiet spots along the shore of the Bay. Here, on a fine simimer's morning, many of the leading mer- chants and clerks from King Street might be seen indulging in the healthy exercise. The only restriction was as to time, there being none as to dress. No person was allowed to bathe after seven o'clock, before which time it was perfectly legal. By those of us who had been accu-stomed to "disport beneath the crested wave" on the Atlantic Coast, i?i iiuria nataralihas, the privilege was highly appreciated and enjoyed. One morning the writer chose a spot in front of the Com- missariat Depot, which was always guarded by a sentry, who, with fixed bayonet, "walked his lonely rou.:id " in front uf his box. These sentries appeared to be authorized to enforce the rule as to time. Not knowing it was past seven o'clock, I had (juite prepared fur -i dip, when the sentry advanced a few paces, and^ in a very decided tone, said if I went into the water he " would do his duty." Not liking the look of the cold steel, and thinking that in this case discretion was the better part of valor, I cjuickly dressed, and apologizing for having mistaken the hour, beat a retreat. Great Fire on King Street in 1849. This fire originated eastward of the Cathedral, and sprea-l rapiilly as far us Jarvis Street, and northward to Adelaide, then across to the old City Hall and market, all of which M'ere speedil\' consumed. The Rectory of St. James escaped, but the Cathedral, taking fire from some sparks which lodged on the spire, was entirely consumed. One bucket of water would have extin^wished it when first discovered, but there was no way of reaching it, the fire hose being quite inadequate for the pur- pose. The writer distinctly recollects the falling of the spire. *9s ST. .TAMES CATHEDKAL, TOKONTO. i ,;M.'!;= i ':! il '.•4 * '1 i : •!■ 'v n ')! Toronto " Called Back." When the hre had done its work, and the crash became inevit- a))le, it was supposed the spire would fall outwards, and the spectators kept a long way otF, when, to the surprise of every one, it fell almost perpendicularly, top foremost, the vane on the top striking the Hag at the front door. The buildings on the opposite side were badly scorched, but escaped destruction. Establishment of Celebration of Queen's Birthday. To Toronto belongs the honor of having first inaugurated this celebration. In the year w^hen every throne in Europe was shaken, when Louis Philippe and his illustrious Queen were driven by the mob from the Tuilleries, and every vestige of royalty on which the latter could lay their ruthless hands was destroyed, and when in disguise the royal pair escaped to England as a haven Of refuge, never did our noble Queen sit more firnuly on her throne ; and the feeling of loyalty appeared to be intensified by the surrounding contrast. At that time it was proposed to celebrate her birthday in Toronto, but it was not till the follov/ing year that it was fully kept, and shortly afterwards it was made a legal holiday, other cities having taken the matter up and followed the example set by Toronto. In 1850 ^fonsieur Napheygi, Secretary to the celebrated Louis Kossuth, the Hungarian patriot and orator, who had visited Toronto, assisted in the celebration of Her M-njesty's birthday by a grand display of fire-works in front of the Par- liament Buili'ings. First Retail Dry Goods Store on Yonge Street. Up to 1849 the retail dry goods trade was confined to King Street, and to a very limited portion of that street. The on!}' dry goods sold on Yonge Street were in connection with groceries, in a store kept by Mr. James Leask, one door south of Queen Street. Mr. John Macdonald, having decided to start a store, with the Si Toronto from IHi? to 1S.')7. 00 enterprise ani- ne-ss, and in a short time was doiniif a thriving trade one do^r south of Richmond Street, then known as the " Lar^je !().*]," that beinj^ the number on the stieet at that time, and the figures conspicuously painted in front of the building. The result of this venture is referred to in the chaj)ter on the Model Wholesale Dry Goods Warehouse of the Dominion. SELLING ox TIIF. STEHLINO COST. The system of selling at an at Coulson. William NKMaster. Mollatt, Murray & Co. P. J. O'Neill. W. L IVrrin & Co. John Rolurtaon. Ross, Mitchell & Co. Taylor & Stevenson. Shaw, 'rurnl.ull & Co. Toppinj,' & Urown. R. Wiglitman & Co. RETAIL DUY ROODS. John Macdonald. P. Paterson. Tktley & Kay. J. Carniiehael. Edwu'-d Cooper. Wil iam Creighton. John Eastwood. Artluir Lepper. Walker & Hutchinson. Robert Sargant & Co. Ceorge liilton. Richard Hastings. Walter Macfarlane. Scott & Laidlaw. Hughes & Co. Thomas Lailey. Charles Robertson. John Ritchey, Jan. J. R. Mountjoy. G. B. Wylie. J. Charlesworth. WHOLESALE GROCERS. A. V. Brown. Thomas Brunskill. WHOLKSALK GROCERS — CotllUllli ■>, Fitch \- Matthews. B. 'J'orrance & Co. F. & (J. Perkins. George Munro. Whitlemore, Pwutherford i*v' Co. KliTAlL GnoCKKS. Alexander Ogilvy & Co. A. ^L .Smith. K. M. Sulherlind. Richard Yates. HARUWAKK MKUCIIANT.S. John Harrington. Rice Lewis T. Haworth. T. D. Harris. Ridout Bros. Darling Bros. Hayes Bros. P. Paterson & Co. DRUOGI.STS. Neil C. Love. Joseph Beckett & Co. Lyniiin Bros.& Co. W. H Doel. Huyh Miller. J. C. Bettridge. .TEWKLLERS. Rossin Bros. E. ^L Morphy. George Savage. J. G. Joseyih. Henry Jackson. KrURIKKS. Joseph Rogers. John Salt. J. G. Joseph. J. Bastedo. .^^M^'.'M-' Toronto fkom 1847 to 1857. CHINA AND HARTHENWARK. Patton & Co. H. F. Norris. HIDES AND LEATHER. Jiiiiies Beaty. MERCHANT TAILORS. G. & T. Bilton. Richard Score. C. & W. Walker. MUSICAL INSTRFMENTS. A. & S. Nordheiiner. BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. Brewer, McPhail & Co. Tliomaa Maelcar. Henry Itowsell. Hugh Scobie. A. H. Armour & Co. BOOTS AND SHOES. 67 Edward Daek. Brown & Childs. WATCHMAKERS. J. E. Ellis. William Bell. CLOTHIERS AND OCTFITTERS. Thomas Thomiison. Evans & Hamilton. FANCy Gt)OU3. James Skelton. .•^ADDLERY HAKliWARE. Alexander Dixon. . 1 ! lit' I MANUFACTURERS. .STOVES. .f. R. Armstrong. (i. H. Cheney & Co. PAPER. ■Tohn Taylor & Brother. fi-i;nitl'Ki,:. .JactiiiL'S & Hay. IRON FOUNDER. James Good. STEAM MILLS. Gooderham & Worts. SOAP AND CANDLES. P. & R. Cnate. Peter Freeland. STARCH. J. A. Cull. PIANOS. John Thomas. iJLUE. Peter R. Lamb. AXES. .Samui'l 8iiaw. It i.s worthy ot* note that the residences of all the leading men whose names are (riven were all south of Queen Street, except one or two who lived on that street. This will give a o;ood idea of the improvement that has taken place in this respect. 5 .i i.i 58 Toronto "Called Back." :r m The upper dtratum of society was decidedly refined and in- tellectual, and not by any means as exclusive as some have represented it. Nothing so invidious in class distinctions existed as was found in Montreal up to a late period, when the line was distinctly drawn between wholesale and retail mer- chants, and in other ways the " upper ten " principle strictly carried out. The number of churches in Toronto at this time was 21, divided as follows : — 4 Episcopal ; 1 Presbyterian Church of Scotland ; 4 Wesleyan ; 1 Presbyterian Church of Canada ; 2 Congregational ; 1 United Presbyterian ; 1 Methodist New Connexion ; 1 Catholic Apostolic ; 1 Primitive Methodist ; 2 Baptist ; 1 Disciples ; 2 Roman Catholic. A Tour of Observation. Before deciding on settling in Toronto, the writer took a trip to New York to consult with his friend and companion of the previous seven years, Mr. Edward Martin, who had preceded him, and had, like Mr. A, T. Stewart, brought out a stock of Irish embroideries, then giving employment to thousands of girls all over Ireland, and sold all over the world. My friend continued in the same trade, adding lace goods when the embroidery business fell off, and retired quite recently with a large fortune. It was thought best that I should make a tour of several of the states as far west as Ohio, then the most rising and pros- perous state in the west. Returning by the New York Central, all the large towns were visited up to Buffalo, and then Eric and Cleveland were reached by steamer. From the latter place, down to Cincinnati, the only mode of travelling was either by the stages or canal boats drawn by horses. There appeared to be nothing, eitlier in the manners of the people met with or the mode of doing business, to induce me to settle on that side of the line. Being invariably taken for an Englishman, and addressed as Toronto from 1847 to 1857. 59 "stranger," I found that an Englishman was more of a foreigner than one of any other nationality. There were whole villages in Ohio owned by Germans or Dutch, on the communistic principle, and no English spoken. Apro'pos of speaking languages I may mention that having an uncle, who was an elder in the Methodist Episcopal Church, stationed near Syracuse, on my way through I called to see him. Having two daughters at a large school in the centre of the state of New York, he wished me to go and see them. The distance to drive being about twenty miles, we stopped to rest with one of my uncle's parishioners, and in conversation with the lady of the house she asked me whether I had spoken the English language before I came to America. At once perceiving that her question was put on account of my being a native Irishman, I answered her accordingly. Having seen persons from ditlerent parts of Europe in that country, and all speaking their own language, she naturally thought I should know mine. We found my cousins boarding with the family of the sheriff of the county, and the lady herself busy with a broom, after using which to good purpose she was soon ready to entertain us in her drawing-room. " Helps " being hard to find, most of the ladies were obliged to help themselves. Being everywhere reminded that I was now in a free country, I have frequently regretted not having crossed the Ohio River * into Kentucky, where slavery was in full vigor, and human chattels were bought and sold every day ; and never having ex- perienced any particular oppression in the country from which I had recently come, I failed to appreciate the advantages of the freedom of which I was so constantly reminded as existing in the United States. Describing the gaiety going on in Washington while slavery existed there at this time, Whittier writes : Pitying (J(iuf< . AVcre it possible for a large proportion of tin- pei->ons leaving the British Islands to i)Ostpone their decision a> to their desti- nation till they had travelled through the ]irincipal State- of the Union, and over a portit commercial traveller in Canada, started from Toronto. ii.ii^ -'■i ' M iifl 1 n 111 int i i.u ,; !!i n i! ! I.I ) w- 'Mm » ■•; f!l'i .'■' .1 !'■ '■( «l 66 Toronto "Called Back." 9li'i* In these days of Pullman cars and commercial hotels, to hear travellers complain of the discomforts and annoyances is rather amusing to those who have ploughed through mud and slush, sometimes carrying rails off the fences to " pry " the wheels of the stages out of the ruts, and again, in snow, carrying shovels to dig out the horses when large drifts were encountered ; all which is known to the writer by actual experience. The accommodation for baggage for nine or ten passengers consisted of a " rack " at the back of the stage, so that baggage trunks and 300 lbs. weight of samples were never even thought of up to the time of the opening of the railroads. To meet this difficulty the writer had his samples sent out in miniature models, so small that samples representing thousands of dozens, for which he actually took orders, could all be carried in a small valise. The experiment was a great success; the goods were all packed in England to the various marks, and in the spring of 1852 were shipped in bulk to the various merchants, from Quebec to Windsor, or sent to Toronto for distribution. During that fall not a single traveller was met on the whole road, but the following season a gentleman appeared as a com- petitor from a New York house, and one or two others, amongst them Mr. Darling, of Montreal, in the hardware trade, and Mr. D. B. Macdonald, in fancy dry goods. The summer trips by steamers were very pleasant, but in the winter there was nothing but hardships, and in crossing the ice at different points very great danger. My rule was, that wherever the mail driver would venture I would go. On one occasion, in crossing from Belleville to Picton, the ice had melted, and in the whole distance across the Bay of Quinte no ice could be seen — the horses being almost knee deep in water. Again, in crossing from Kingston to Cape Vincent with four horses in the Mail Stage, and a heavy mail with a large number of passengers, where the ice was cracking, the horses had to "jump the cracks." Many rivers and canals were crossed in this way. One adventure on the road will give an idea of snow drifts. I ifmt m Toronto from 1847 to 1857. 67 Mr. The town of Brockville was always to me, whether in summer or winter, a delightful resting-place, a sort of oasis in my travels from east to west, or vice versa. Young men away from home in a new country will appreciate my feelings when I say, that to find a sort of Canadian home, when a young traveller, was indeed a delightful feeling. Here I always rested for a few days amongst my friends — the Hon. George and Messrs. John and James Crawford and their connections, and especially Mr. Sherift' Sherwood, and the late Hon. John Ross, whom I had the pleasure of meeting there frequently. In the winter of 1853 I arrived there from the East in a heavy snow storm ; it was the 23rd of December, and I wished to get to Toronto by Christmas Day. On the 24th the Mail Stage came along, and having supplied ourselves with wooden shovels, we started for Kingston. Having got on a few miles we found the drifts getting worse, and after repeated efforts in literally digging the horses out, we were compelled to put up at a small tavern on the road side, and here, with bitter regrets at my folly in not remaining at Brockville, where I might have spent a pleasant Christmas, we were com- pelled to remain all Christmas Day. In the meantime the pathnuisters had been notified bj' mes- sengers that the track must be opened at their peril to allow Her Majesty's Mails to proceed. On the 26th we again started, having much the same shovel- ling as before, when, having got on a few miles, we heard the sound of the down stage's horn, and knew the track had been broken, and arrived in Kingston in a reasonable time. The formation of the Commercial Travellers' Association followed soon after the opening of the railroads, and has grown to immense proportions, as the annual reports of the various associations now existing abundantly show. In the last year (1874) in which the writer travelled in con- nection with the Toronto Association, his orders taken, in the United States and Canada, with some assistance, represented on half-a-million dollars, and during the year scarcely a day was lost. With the comforts and facilities aflforded by the III I'M • III R 1 ! 1 ! 1 i r I I •ft ■tf III: K|l ■I 1 68 ToKoxTo "Callkd Back." b Pullinan and Wufjner cars, enabliri'^ travellers to work all day and travel at night, and the best hotels on the Continent cornpetinrj for the patronaj^'e of the coiimiercial travellers, the occupation has become, from being a drudgery, (luite a pleasant life. Having served a good apprenticeship, and then given a son to succeed me in the Association, anything connected with com- mercial travelling is still a matter of great interest. Toronto in 1850. FINANCIAL AI'l'AIUS. i. I m W >l K- f .'Ol m KKVKNrK. Assessment 8,r)40 Rental .S,417 Fees 1,:VJ5 Licenses 9'J I Drainage 150 Fees & Arrears of Tuses. 2,300 Cash on hand ^^'.iO d. 5 (1 ft 1) ,) 4 i) £17,322 14 or869,2'J0 80 EXPKXDITCKE. £ 6. fl Interest 4,800 Sahuies 2,875 lload.s l,.S").'i (ias 1,277 7 4 Fire I.GOO Redemption of City Notes 850 (I Use of County Jail 600 d Ward Appropriation. .. . 500 Incidental Police Ex- penditure 110 Printing and Stationery. 2S0 n Coroner's Expenses .... 115 Miscellaneous 2,994 d Estimated Revenue over Expenditure 16 8 £17,322 14 (I or §09,290 00 CITY DEBT. ASSETS, t: s c1. A a. d. Debentures 07,372 15 G < >utstandirg Rents, Fees, Corporation Notes ..... . '.7,340 35 Del>ts, Taxes and Sundries 2,41i 14 8 Cash on hand 2,4.36 9 Leaving to be paid 84,727 10 2 £87,154 5 2 or 5=348,737 04 £87,184 5 2 or §348,737 04 TOKU.NTO FKUM 1547 TO 1657. PUBLIC INSTITLTKJNS. 69 AthenoBum and Comiuercial News Room. Mechanics' Institute. Post Oflice. Telegraph Otlice. University (old building). Upper Canada Col lege. Osgoodt3 Hall. Parliament Ijuildinjrs. The following newspapers were puV)lished : BritiKh Colonist, Christian Guardi,i>^. M. Barrett, First EiojlUhMa^ta-, U. C. Co!l''(fe. Charles Berczy, PonlmasUr. Hon. W. H. Blake, ChancUor. \V, H. Boulton, M.P.I'. Hon. Col. Bruce, Stc'y aiui A.D.C to Earl of Elijln. Hon. R. E. Burns, Jmhje. Jolin Cameron, Canhkr Commercial Bank, Hon. R. E. Caron, Speaker Leijinlalive ( 'ouncil. W. G. Cdi^^QWz, Manaijer Bank nf B. X. Aiixrica, H. H. Croft, Prof, oj Ohtmistry and Vice-Chancellor of Uiiivtrsity. R. G. Dilton, Barrister. Lieut. -Colonel DeSalaberry, Deputy AdJHtant-Oentrul. 1 Hon. \V. H. Draper, Jwliji' ijiufui'.H I Bpuch. J, C. r. Eaten, Vire-ChancfUor. (leorge Gurnutt, Cl^rk of t/w Pracf. Rev. Anson Green, Wtalcyan Book ■ Steicard. Hon. Franci.s Hinoks, Innpector-d mcrHl. J. G. Hoilgins, Secretary of Education Depart III en t. J. G. Howard, Architect. W. B. .Jar%-i3, Sherif. Hon. L. H. hixiontBkiQG, Attorniy-Oencral Hon. Jas. Leslie, Provincicd Secretary. Hon. J. B. Macauley, Chief Juntict. W. F. Mendell, Collirlor of Cmtom.'f. Rev. John McCaul, LL.D. , Preaident Unic'-r-tity. A. T. MuC'ord, Citii Chamfx rlain. 1 Hon. Archibalil McLean, J luhje. ' E. J. Palmer, JJaijtierrean Artist. I Hon. J. H. Price, Commi-isioner Crown I Lnnd-i. ) r:, li: 'I i: 70 Toronto "Called Back.' II 11 ■V '.I l'*ri :' «i Rev. Bishop Power. I Hon. and Right Rev. John Strachan, William Proiulfoot, Presiiiftit Batik of Lord Bishop of Toronto. Upper Canada. Hon. E. P. Tache, Jio-eiier-General. T. G. Ridout, Cashier Bank of Upper 1 John F. Taylor, Clerk and Master in Canada, Chancery. Hon. J. R. Robinson, Chief Justice. Kivas Tally, ArcliUrct and Cicil En- Dr. John Rolph. yineer. Rev. Egerton Ryerson, Chief Siipt. of ,Wm. Wedd, Third Classical Maslir Education. U. C. Cofl'r/i'. Rev. Henry Scadding, Firsit Classical ; Hon. C. Widniur, Su)f]fou. Af aster U. C. Collide. Hon. Henry Shv rwood, Barristir. J. G. Spragge, Vic-Chancdlor. G. W. Htrathy, Professor of Music. Rev. M. Willis, D.D., Prof. Divinity, Knox College. William ^Vilson, Cashier Bank of Mont- real. In 1850, the principal streets running east and west were Front, King, Richmond, Adehiide and Queen; running north and .south were Yonge, Churcli, Bay and York. These were the most thickly settled and best business portions of the city. The two principal thoroughfares, and the streets containing the largest number of shops, were King and Yonge. A little eastward of the centre of the city were situated the Market Building and Citv Hall. The old City Hall was a decent, old-fashioned pile of red brick, the front of which was on King Street. Beneath and behind was the Market, walled in, and enclosed with gates. After the tire the new City Hall, the present one, was erected of white brick, opposite the Market Square, and running dowi\ towards the Bay. This is a very strange looking l>uilding, and it was unfortun- ate for the reputation of the architect employed that he had rot left the Province before he comjileted the buiUling, instead of afterwanls. The old City Buildings liaving been destroyed in the great tire, a magnificent pile of Imildings were eivcted in their place, called the 8t. Lawrence Hall and St. Lawrence Buildini-s. At thi.s time the St. James' Cathedral was in the cou'^'o of erection ; Knox Church, Holy Trinity, and St. Michael's had been built. W. H. Smith says of Toronto in 1850 :— " Let a traveller, startinj till he fifty yl buildini an acre magiut TOUONTO FROM 1847 TO 1857. 71 starting from Montreal on a summer trip, proceed westward till he arrives at Toronto. He sees a city, which he is told fifty years ago was a swamp, with street beyond street and building after building. He sees town lots selling for £10,000 an acre where thirty or forty years ago flourished a garden ; a magnificent church being erected where an old settler told him he once shot wild ducks.'" In connection with the old Mechanics' Institute it should be recorded that Mr. Robert Edwards was the polite and obliging Secretary for many years, and it \s also due to the memory of Mr. John Harrii -ton to state that it was chiefiy through his exertions and the liberality of the citizens that the present Free Fjibrary building was erected. The Music Hall in the upper |-art was, for years, the principal place for concerts, lectures and various exhibitions, and many celebrated men appeared from time to time on its platform, including Wilkie Collins, Proctor, Pepper, Punshon and many others. Important public meetings were held, and public balls and banquets took place in this Hall, for any of which its capacity would be insufiicient at the present time. The office of the Express Company, styled the European, United States and Canadian Express Company, was on Front Street, and James Burns was agent. Bonding System via United States. In the spring of 1i ir' 1] r2 Toronto " Called Back. ' . > the opiiiiino; of the warehouses, and ready to j oil/ Albert to assemble a display of the industrial resources of the world. Subscriptions were raised, men of science were chosen to form a committee, and a colossal palace of glass was erecteublic meeting is being held in the St. Lawrence Hall, Torontt., for the purpose, as the requisition says, of addressing a petition to Her Most Gracious Majesty, Queen Victoria, and the British Legislature, for the purpose of obtaining a more favorable home market for the staple productions of the country than we at present enjoy, and for the adoption of such a course of commercial policy towards the Colonies generally a.M may prove beneficial to them and to the Mother Country. " Do not these gentlemen fear that the British Prime Minis- ter, in glancing over the Canadian tariff, will be apt to tell the signers of the petition that ' Jupiter helps those who help themselves.' " In our legislative wisdom we charge on suji^ar, tea and coffee, articles which we cannot produce ourselves, a duty of 12^ per cent. ; while on tobacco, which we can grow, we cliarge the same. " On winr . rum and brandy, which we do not make, we charge 25 per cent. ; while hemp, flax and tow, undressed lard, charcoal, broom corn anritain presides over the destiny of her off- spring. The glory of the empire enshrouds the prosperity of the colony, the noble courage and strength of the lion insjjires and protects the industry of the beaver. The oak and the maple unite in their shadows over the breasts that beat in unison for the common weal. " We boast not superior intelligence, we claim not greater or even an equal share of local advantages over the sister cities of our country ; but we assert, in sincerity of belief and injustice to ourselves, a rapidity of growth and a stability produced by wholesome enterprise as encouraging as it is remarkable. " The tine bay in front of the city is formed by the remarkable Toronto from 1847 to 1857. 81 peninsula (this was before the gap was fonncl) which, com- mencing at the river Don, stretches away westward, with a singuhir beml or curve at its western extremity, until it ap- proaches the mainland opposite the garrison. Here a very narrow channel, marked by buoys, admits vessels of almost any tonnage to shelter and safe anchoraije. " Over this extended sheet of water may be seen, in summer, many a graceful and tidy little craft, gliding along under the skilful management of the amateur crew — yachting being a favorite amusement and source of recreation to the inhabitants after the toils of the day and the confinement of their occu- l^ations. A considerable number of steamers, both British and American, arriving and departing ahnost hourly, and numerovis sailing vessels, laden with the produce of the back country (jr freighted with valuable imports from other lands, impart ani- mation and bustle to the scene, which truly indicates the com- mercial activity of a thriving population ; while the wharves which skirt the bay, with their large warehouses and busy throng of stevedores, purlers, carts and cabs, confirm tids impression." The assessed value of the property in the Corporation, in 1852, was 812,1-G.'),000. The value of dutiable and free goods imported was 82,778,388; the exports, SI,Go(j,824. In the past year the beauty of the principal streets had increased very greatly. St. James' Cathedral had been com- pleted, except the spire. This church, built of white l)rick (for which Toronto has become famous), in the restored style of architecture, was then decidedly the most beautiful and appro- priate religious structure to be found in Canada. In the order of civil architecture, the Court House, then in course of erection, was considered to be as fine a structure of its own kind as the church. But public buildings may sometimes proceed rapidly, while general distress prevents improvement in domestic archi- tecture. This, however, was not the case in Toronto. A correspondent of the Montreal Ilendd writes at this time : " Upon King Street we noticed the builders at work in five (jr fl 1-'^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) k /, {./ r^Ts A 1.0 .Ifi^ II I.I 1.25 2.5 I ^ Ilia - lis 120 1.8 U 111.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation V W ^9> V ^ o 4 6^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 82 Toronto "Called" i-! six places, besides observing several new and handsome brick houses, wlere a year ago wooden ones stood. Our readers who are acquainted with Toronto will remember the corner of Bay and King Streets, which used to be disfigured by some wooden shanties; these have been completely swept away, to make room for elegant brick houses. While the retailers have been improving their places of business, the wholesale houses have also continued to augment in number and beauty. During the time the Parliament remained in Toronto, between 1850 and 18.57, many men celebrated in history couM be heard to speak. Papineau, W. L. Mackenzie, Cauchon, Cartier, Prince, Merritt, Gugy, Drummond, Dorion, Hincks, D'Arcy McGee, Baldwin, John Sandfield Macdonald, and others. When Mr. McGee rose to speak, the most profound attention prevailed, all admitting the superior charm of his eloquence. No matter what the subject of debate might be, it was invested with new interest, and having at command art, science, poetry and history, his ideas were clothed in most beautiful language, and were full of originality, and given with such a sprinkling of wit and humor as never failed to delight his listeners. In 18.52 Mr. George Brown made his maiden Parliamentary speech, which occupied two hours. On the 28th of December, 1853. Lord Elgin left Toronto, and was succeeded by Sir Edmund Head, in 1854. tix ii In** If Ii The Esplanade. It is said that when the Grand Trunk Railway was being built, the Company offered to build stone wharves or quays along the front of the city, with iron bridges across the tracks at the principal crossings, and at less than the cost of the present Esplanade, but through the obstructiveness of some, and the squabbling and procrastination of others, of the Corpui'ation, the ofl'er was withdrawn. At present when so much public attention is directed to the proposed new street and general improvement of the city front, it may be interesting to refer to the various schemes proposed r: i- f^"-"' ;:.'"- t • • ■ < ! , , ,■ . "■. ■ * r-. • '« ■■ ^m: ' ■I.'. , ; . ; ■'"> ■ 1 * i^ X. A . . ■-j^^ X, , II o X o 1 i J ■ - i ; : i ■ ■ i\ i ' i > 1 ' . hi 1 i;i!!| ^ ] from from Th repre the " It infor Cana Otta^ Th re vie Th discu "B Espla suppc fuss t berlai from I that make Ma letter Jour authc Instil provi forth be hr of le\ probf and c Since Norf its ac La corre Toronto from 1847 to 1857. 80 from 1850 to 1854, and for this purpose we extract a few items from Maclear's Anglo-American Magazhie. The " Editor's Shanty " was supposed to be the resort of representative characters, then living under the Sobriquets of the " Doctor," the " Laird," and the " Major." It is only fair to state that Sandiord Fleminy another contractor, at £1,000 more per mile than the Grand Trunk. The writer travelled in the old leather-swuno; stage from Hamilton to London the night before the opening of the road, and in anticipation of their occupation being about to go the following day, the hotel-keepers at the different places where the hoi"ses were changed were especially grumpy. On the 9th of May, 1853, the first ocean-going steamer arrived at Quebec. Mercantile Agencies. The system of reporting the standing of business men bj- regular subscription rates was commenced in Toronto in 1855. Previous to that time there had been private correspondence with New York, but no regular agency had been opened, nor was the arrangement publicly known. A Mr. Hart was sent to Toronto by the firm of R. G. Dun & Co. at this time, to obtain subscribers, and the firm of Taylor & Stevenson M-as among the first to cfive their names. Havincr received a sufficient number to warrant them in opening an office, Mr. Kimball arrived shortly afterwards from New York, and commenced his agency in the Exchange Buildings, now the Imperial Bank, Wellington Street. : J Toronto from 18+7 to l8o7. 9t The principle of givin^,' int'oriuation as to every man in busi- ness was not well received by a portion of the press. Several severe articles appeared, dtnouncinj^ the introduction of such a -system of espionage. The agents w-^re called pimps, detectives, spies, informers, and eavts-droppcr-, and the business com- iiiuiiity was called upon to denounce the whole business, and stamp it out, as a blot upon the respeetal ility of the city. Lawsuits for defamation of character were threatened, and although the agent and his assistants were well received per- sonally, the system was looked upon as wholly disreputable. To think that a man's private business was to be exposed by strangers, who had no legitimate means of knowing the circum- stances, was said to be an outrage on public decency, and only a system of black-mail for the purpose of extorting money and compelling business houses to subscribe to the agency in self- ilefonce. Notwithstanding all this opposition, the business grew in strength from day to day, and merchants found that the infor- mation received was, on the whole, of a more reliable character, because more disinterested and independent, than could be obtaine02, and copper Sl,572,20G ; the three together amounting to .S49S,107,388. All the gold would not suffice to pay liack the capitalists, ■ I Ml .iltii Ml; ' I L' 11 i'i 9S ToiioNTO "Called Ba(;k." 4' and more than half of the silver would be required for the purpose. So depressed was trade in Toronto that hundreds of persons in the city who had heretofore enjoyed all the ordinar}' comforts of life, for the first time felt the sharp pinch of poverty. There was much .suffering and want amonijst the laboring classes, with a corresponding amount of drunkenness and crime. There is good reason to believe that several persons died of sheer starvation. For the first time in her liistorv her streets swarmed with mendicants. The British Colonist of August 4th says: "Pass when you will, you are beset with some sturd}' applicant for alms. They dodge you round corners, follow you into shops, they are to be found at the church steps, and at the door of the theatre. They infest the entrance to every bank. They crouch in the lobby of the post ofiice, assail you on every street, knock at your private residence, walk into your place of busines.s, and beard you with a pertinacity that takes no denial. " In this, our good city of Toronto, begging has assumed the dignity of a craft. Whole families sally forth and have their appointed round. Children are taught to dissemble, to tell a lying tale of misery and woe, and beg or steal as occasion otfer.s." This picture is far from attractive. The advent of brighter days, however, brought in a very perceptible change, and when trade assumed its normal condition, our streets ceased to be sugge.stive of poverty and mendicancy , but it was not till 1859 that business resumed its healthy appearance. The writer re- turned to Europe in May, 1857. The Desjardins Canal Accident. During the writer's stay in Toronto at this time the most terrible accident which had happened .since the opening of the railroads, occurred at seven o'clock of the evening of the 12th March, 1857, at the bridge over the Desjardins Canal, a mile east of Hamilton. The train from Toronto, consisting of a locomotive, tender, baggage car, and two passenger coaches, the the Toronto feom 1857 to 1867. 99 latter containing about ninety-three persons, left about five p.m. When this train reached the junction just above Hamil- ton, it was ascertained that the train from Detroit had not gone down to Hamilton, as it was entitled to do, before the Toronto train. After waiting twenty minutes the Toronto train came on. Just before reaching the bridge over the Dcsjardins Canal, the train left the track by the misplacement of a switch or some other cause, and ran upon the bridge. The force of the train knocked the bridge down, and engine, cars and all plunged into the canal thirty or forty feet below. The catastrophe wa?? sudden and awful, and the work of death was instantaneous and complete. The locomotive and tender were entirely sub- merged, and the baggage car partially so. The forward pas- senger coach turned bottom upwards, and sank so deep that the Hoor was but a few inches above the water. The rear passenger coach rested upon one end and was about half submerged. Most of the passengers in the rear of this coach escaped ; the remainder were drowned. The writer had a description of the scene inside this car, from one who escaped, by the wood-work being cut through with axes within a few inches of his head, and the scene described was terrible in the extreme. Every person in the first car perished except four — two men and two children. One of the children was thrown out of the window on to the ice ; the other was dragged out of a window, having been up to its neck in water for fifteen minutes. They were brother and sister ; their father, mother and uncle perished. Amonir those who were "..illed were Samuel Zimmerman, the great Railway King of Canada, and Captain Sutherland, owner of the well-known iron steamer Magnet, with other prominent men, both American and Canadian. Royal Mail Ounard Steamer "Persia." The voyage to New York by the Cunard steamer Persia in the winter of 1857-8 was unusually stormy, as may be judged from the report of the ship's " log " published in New York il' t ■: ;■ i m III 100 TonoNTo " ('ai,i,ki> Hack. ' I" \0 .1 ;, * : pn|i(M's oil (Mil' Ml riviil. 'Vho stutiMMciil. of havino; cnomnittM' --l " tron\(Mul»)us liuniomuvM." Mllliouoh jMrcIv vt^portcd. \v>m ]\y oxOiJororatioiK l"'(>r scvimmI iliiy^ wt- " Imv fo." niaUititr jvlioi't two knolx MU hour - just cuouoh i,o koo^y th<» oiiLjincs in umlifiu. (hie of the innucuso pMddlc-lxfXos, foi(,y fiM>t. \n (linniclrr, wfis CMrriiNl awav with otk* sea th au< I otl KM' (Itinuvsjo i|(»ll(V vtn-MO(> l)isl(>(l oviM" ,si\((MMi iltiys. nrjirly \(M-y iiii>m1 tit tlic (ahle id' tho saloon. As this inML;nilicont ship wms ihon iUc litio'^t nlloai, Jind was tho last, of (h(< paddlo stctuiKMs. cxocjit <.h«> Srofid, a notice of luT ni;iy n«)t ho out of placi\ This hniathan vt'ssol, tluM\ tho laro'cst sttMvmship in the world, hd't ljiv(M-p(Md on tlu^ 2()t;\in Judkins, tho I'oniniodort^ o[' tli(> (^mard Mfiil l')'.,ckct.^, on hov first across tlu^ Athintic. This (^\iinpany havinjr th<^ oNclusiv*^ conti'Mct for carrying' the mails, th(> position of C'lnnmandcr of oik* of thost^ stt'MiiKU's was a*, that t.iiut> oj\o of orcat iinporlanci\ and tho rank 0(iual to a ciinmandci' in the Koyal Navy. for the arrival of As the whole C\n\tiniMit was on the .// rt' these steamm's at i^oston or New York, when the signals wont u]"> l\v tirinu; i;uns by day or rockets rt night, a wdiole fleet of steamers .inil ln^ats of intM'v si/.o \V(M'(> s(HMi racing fin* the great object. riu-n the scramble up the ladders, tho rush for tho l'\test papers aiul despatches, and the rush back to tho city of news reporters for the daily papers, and the competiti(>n to publish the latest news, was a lively scone. The C^a}itain. in full naval uniform, giving orders through liis silver trumpet, before the days of electric bells, as he stood on the bridge, was the observed of all observer; If wo aro abort to start. I see liim on his elevated position, aiid it is interesting; to notice how tpiickl}^ and completely the inward though: and purpose alters tlie outward man. Ho gives a T()i«»N'ii> iiioM |.s.'»7 •!(» isiiy l(»l (|uicU «;Imik'o to ovi-ry purl ol' tJic ship. Ilf casis his cyf; over i\\o inulliiuflo cuiiiiiiLr on lioai'tl, niiKiii'r \vh(»in is the l'in^ilish Aiiil»aH.s(i»|i)r and suite. Mo sees the hMslniiKls nud vvivc-^, ini»thorn and cliildn>n, rntrust(Ml to his cair, tht- vahiitMi' cur^fo, tho carrfully comitfd tfiiiil ltfi<.;s, nil p nifiii;.: in, iiml his lonii, as he ^iv(\s oiih^'H r(»r our ih'pjii I ure, s(;('mih to ^row nine erect, nnd lirni. The nuiscles ol' his I'iiee swell, his (>yes ^f|o\v with a new lire, and his whoh- pei'son expands with tlie proud consciousness of his importatux' and respon->il)ility. In these (hiys of anks and wartshouses were; changed from pounds, shillings and pence to dollars and cents, thertdty assimilating the whole system to that of tlie United Stat(;s, gettiriLi rid of the con- fusion with sterling iiion<'y and facilitating exchanges generally. During, and subs(;(pient to the American War, American currency became (l(^j)ri'ciated, and the prcjmiuin on gold rose to a corresponding degree, at last reaching to 250 premium. The ellect of Miis Huctuation was t(j drive the silver and gold in the United States out of circulation, leaving it in the hands of brokers and speculators, and specie became an article only to he bought and sold in th(3 Oold Room in New York, where scenes 'i I '/2 (,(i *;:' ii i ' !i ,!|Jl 102 Toronto " Called Back." P HI ' of intense excitement might be witnessed every day. The effect ol this was to send it over to Canada in large quantities, where it passed freely in the purchase of cattle and produce, as well as of every kind of merchandise, at a discount of from four to five per cent. The " nuisance " commenced when the banks refused to take it, and the greatest inconvenience was experienced by merchants, when making deposits or paying duties at the Custom House, and messeno-ers were running round the city every day to get it changed into bankable funds. At the same time the want of a Canadiam silver and copper currency was sorely felt. At this juncture the Hon. Fjancis Hincks, Minister of Finance, undertook to grapple with the difficulty, his first act being to issue twenty five-cent paper "shin-plasters," and afterwards to get an Act passed for the issue of a silver and copper coinage, which was shortly after- wards shipped to Canada from the Royal mint. At the same time Mr. Hincks undertook, through the agency of Mr. Weir, of Montreal, to buy up all the American silver in Canada and ship it back to the United States. The value of the same was reduced by the Government, and every precaution taken to prevent its re-importation. This put an end to what was lone: kiiown as the " silver nuisance." In I808 the City of Ottawa was selected by the Queen as Capital of the Dominion and permanent seat of Government. of wef becomt nectin; Butfah Road to North- West Wanted. In November, 18.58, " Westward ! " was the cry. The more that was learned of the great countries to the North- West, the stronger grew the desire to establish uninterrupted com- munication therewith. The means of access to the Eastern seaboard were already numerous and easy. An open route to the banks of the Saskatchewan and to the shores of the Pacific was wanted. The feeling was that more would be gained in a single year by trading with the North- West than by ten years of the closest communication with the lower Provinces. The Mediterranean would not bear uf)on its bosom so great a burden Toronto fkom is.37 to 1867. 103 of wealth as would our lakes and rivers, should the country become the highvvay between the two great oceans — the con- necting link between China and Europe. In this year the Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway was opened. Current Events. The first Toronto City Directory was published by William Brown, the writer having lent him a copy of the London (England) Directory as a model. It was only copied in the classification of the names, the addition of the street direc- tory, as at present, not being adopted for several years after- wards. In July of this year the writer went to Quebec to meet his family coming out from England by the North American, Captain Grange, and had the pleasure of meeting Rev. John Maclean, now Bishop of Saskatchewan, Rev. Dr. Hellmuth, late Bishop of" Huron, and Rev. ^f.r. Fleury, Chaplain of the Moly- neux Blind Asylum iii DubliUy-to whom I frequently had the pleasure of listening in the chapel attached to the institution, as also the delightful music of the choir, the members of which, including the organist, were all inmates. These gentlemen had been exceedingly kind and attentive to my family during a long and stormy voyage, and on their arrival in Toronto all paid us a visit, expressing, at the same time, their surprise and delight at the fine appearance of the city. In this year the 100th Regiment, to which Toronto con- tributed a large quota, was enrolled in the Regular Army as the Prince of Wales' Royal Canadian Regiment of the line; Major- General Viscount Melville was appointed Colonel-in-Chief. The Regiment sailed in three detachments, the first from Quebec, by the Allan steamer Indian, nearly .500 strong; the second per NovaScotian, 435 .strong, and the third per Anglo-Saxon with remainder. m '•■ liir \4\ i i'l in . i' • III ill :! i 1 1 !, i ; i • [ ■b 104 Toronto " Called Back." Laying First Atlantic Cable. In July, 1859, the Afjameiniiort, in laying- the Atlantic cable betwen Valentia Bay, in Ireland, and Trinity Bay, Newfound- land, a distance of 1,(350 nautical miles, was in great danger; the coils broke adrift and the cable wns displaced, as she was nearly thrown on her beam ends ; . .otric instruments were all injured and the deck boats got adrift. On the successful accomplishment of the undertaking, on the 17th of August, messages were exchanged from the Queen to the President of the United States. Lord Napier was then British Minister at Washington. Fetes were given at New York, and a reception to the officers of the Agamemnon by the City Council. On that occasion, amongst the toasts proposed was the following: "The people of Great Britain and Ireland, joined to us in the Court of Neptune. May that nuptial tie never be put asunder." Visit of the Prince of Wales to Canada, 1860. On the 9th of July, the Prince, accompanied by the Queen and Prince Consort to Plymouth, embarked on board the line- of-battle ship Hero, ninety-one guns, Captain Seymour, having as an escort the ship Ariadne. The suite of His Royal Highness consisted of the Duke of Newcastle, Secretary of State for the Colonies ; the Lord- Steward of Her Majesty's Household, Earl of St. Germains ; His Royal Highness' Governor, Major-General Hon. R. Bruce ; equerries-in-Waiting, Major Teesdale, R.A., and Capt. Gray, Grenadier Guards ; Dr. Acland, His Royal Highness' physician. The Prince was commissioned to represent Her Majesty in the opening of the Victoria Bridge, and on all public occasions: to hold levees and receive addresses while in Canada; and in travelling through the United States he was to assume the title of Baron Renfrew. Tho squadron arrived at Halifax on the 29th of July, and,, after visiting Pi.jice Edward Island and New Brunswick, pro- TOUOMO FROM 18o7 TO 1S07. io:> ceeded to (^|UL'^>ec, where, leaving the men-of-war, they pro- ceeded to Montreal, arriving on the 2otli of Aiigu^^t. The Uoyal party remained there for several days, during which the Prince opened the Industrial Exhibition in the Crystal Palace, at- tended a magnificent ball given in his honor, laid the corner stone, being also the last stone, of the Victoria Briilge, and clinched the last bolt of the Bridge (a silver rivet) with stout and sturdy blows. After stopping at Ottawa, Brockville, and Kingston on the way up, the Prince arrived at Toronto on the 7th of September, and met with a niagnilicent reception, the preparations being on a scale far surpassing those of the other cities he had visited. The Prince disembarked at the western extremity of the Esplanade. Here a splendid pavilion was erected facing thi city ; the hangings were of crimson, blue and white, and tho building was adorned with green leaves and festopns of flowers. The whole was surmounted by a Royal crown, on all sides pro- tected by flags. The greatest charm was the entrance arch, which spanned the street and was really magnificent. It was of the Grecian order, but exceedingly rich in ornament, and stood sixty feet high. The pillars were massive, palmated at the top. The interior of the arch was adorned with beautiful fresco paintings, and tlu w^hole surmounted with a shield bearing the Royal Arms and a Royal crown supported on each side by a tine di.splay of fla^s. A semi-circular platform was erected, with tier upon tier of seats, and was ornamented with shields and banners, and more than 10,000 people were in position on it. In the open space was a troop of cavalry, and in the centre was a great level platform, with the dais and throne under a gorgeous canopy. Here the Prince was received by the Mayor, Corporation, Judges, Members of Parliament, Officers of the Army and Volunteers, etc. After the reading of the address the National Anthem was sung by 5,000 children, under the leadership of Mr. John Carter, the Cathedral organist. 8 'iii ittii iilc t i If ,i r ■ il!!.. ' I I "i ! ' 'hi ir \A li i I ; ■ 106 TouoNTo "Called Back." „ It is impossible to do justice to the imposinfj spectacle pre- sented when the vast assembly stood up and united in one tre- mendous burst of cheering, which lasted several minutes, the ladies waving their handkerchiefs and men nearly killing them- selves with shouting the loyal hurrahs, while several bands played the National Anthem. The Prince was intensely affected at this glorious welcome, which was so hearty and magnificent. A procession of militia, firemen and national societies filed past, drooping banners and cheering vociferously. The Prince's carriage followed the procession through the principal streets, cheered by the people, while flowers werQ strewed before him. Night having come on by this time the city was most brilliantly illuminated, and the whole formed a spectacle which, for magni- ricence, was never surpassed in Canada. The Prince and suite were entertained during their stay at Government House. On Sunday the party attended divine service in St. James' Cathedral, and were met at the door by Bishop Strachan, Rector Grasett, and other clergymen. The sermon was preached by the Bishop, from the text, " Give the King Thy judgments, God, and Thy riohteousness unto the Kinif's son." The de- meanor of the Prince during the service was what might have been expected, ie joined heartily in the responses, and his entire manner might be copied by some church-going young men with decided advantage. The Orangemen had erected a splendid arch at the intersec- tion of Church and King Streets, with a large painting of King William III. in a conspicuous position. Instead, however, of the party driving under the arch along King Street, the car- riage went down Church to Wellington, and so to the Govern- ment House. It transpired that this was done by the positive order of the Duke of Newcastle. During the week the Prince visited all the principal objects of interest, and planted a tree in the Horticultural Gardens, at the same time opening the rustic arbor then recently erected. He also planted an English silver oak in the Queen's Park, which stands to the east of the guns, and laid the foundation Toronto fuom 1857 to 1867. 107 stone of the statue to the Queen (which has never been erected), surrounded by civic, provincial and other dignitaries ; and in addition to all he turned the first sod of the Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway. He attended a public ball, given in his honor, in the Crystal Palace, wearintr a uniform of a colonel of the British Army, unattached, and led off' the dance by taking the hand of the accomplished wife of Mayor Wilson, one of the late Chief Justices of Ontario, and now Sir Adam Wilson. The ball was a brilliant scene, and wound up the entertainments given in honor of the Prince in Toronto. He next visited Hamilton, and then proceeded to New York, where the demonstrations were almost extravagant, and did the people of that city much credit. The squadron sailed from Portland in November, arriving in England in a short time. The Death of Prince Albert. On the 14th of December, 18G1, occurred the most mournful event in the reign of Queen Victoria, the death of the good and universally beloved Prince Consort, Prince Albert, a double calamity to the kingdom, since it also removed for a long period from public life and public usefulness the affectionate and inconsolable Queen. Not Britain alone, but all Europe, and distant India and America, felt this blow as the shock of an earthquake. In every place of worship throughout the land, on that fatal Sun- day morning, the congregations met in deep sorrow, and the tears of multitudes were shed in regret for the bitter loss, and compassion for the heart-broken widow. For even the distant homage due Her Majesty's high estate was swallowed up in the sympathy of woman for woman. Nor was she less revered as the mighty sovereign when recognized by all as the weeping widow, and true and earnest were the prayers raised for Her Majesty and her fatherless children. England never saw King or Consort who so greatly won the I III: ■ i: ' f'l !1- ■] ' il 1,1 (I iH's;*'' 108 Toronto " Called Back." m respect, the contidence and love of his people. Under his quiets unassuming and profoundly judicious influence the kingdom was blessed with prosperity and domestic tranquility, his chil- dren were trained in the paths of virtue, honor and religion, and the Royal Consort became not only an example to the country, but to all Europe. Thu blessings conferred on society bj' the good Prince Albert can never be forgotten, and posterity will regard with reverence the name of a Prince wh ), though early removed from earth, left behind him the glory of a holy and useful life. *' Only the actiuus of the just Smell sweet and blossom in the dust." Buying in Europe. Forty years ago there was no steam communication between Canada and Great Britain. The travel was confined exclusively to the Cunard line, every alternate week from Boston and New York. There was little or no travelling across the Athvntic for plea- suie, and was only indulged in by business men, and of those comparatively few. Indeed, half-a-dozen wholesale dry-goods buyers constituted the ocean travellers. The high rate of post- age, and the absence of express facilities rendered it quite an object to make use of these " buyers " for the conveyance of letters and parcels to friends on the " other side," or, as it was universally called, " at home." If you were " going home," aU'l your friends found it out, it would Ije just as well to provide an extra trunk, as you could not refuse to carry a letter or a parcel for a " friend," and having undertaken the friendly com- mission, you had to run the gauntlet of mail agents, and either drop the letters into the mail bag on board the steamer, and so break faith with your friends, or conceal the mail matter as best you could. There may be a few to whom a sea voj'age is a pleasure, but to most persons crossing the Atlantic becomes a weary and monotonous duty, alt(;gether apart from the dangers incurred. gfers Toronto from 1857 to 1867. 109 Not a few of the buyers with whom the writer was acquainted met with a watery f^rave. Wilson, of Toronto, Silver, of Halifax, and Cameron, of Montreal, are amongst the number. The rule is, that the pleasure of the trip is confined to terra Jirma, and to combine business with a reasonable amount of pleasure is both desirable and profitable. As one of the mas:nificent ocean steamers floats at anchor in the Mersey, or the St. Lawrence, or her dock in New York, she appears to the beholder a " thing of beauty," and on going on board, how often the exclamation is heard f .om untried passen- gers and their friends when they enter the main saloon, and gaze on the elegant carpets, luxurious sofas and arm chairs, mirrors, panels and gilding, the racks of shining glasses, satin damask curtains, handsome piano, etc., " How beautiful every- thing is, and how nice it must be to cross the ocean in such a vessel ! " Their admiration increases as they view the steward's pantry adjoining, with its glittering electro-plate and piles of earthen- ware, all fitted in so as to weather every storm, with a place for everything and everything in its place. Then the houses on deck for butcher, baker, pastry cook, ice, vegetables and meat, and the perfection of ranges in the cook's galley, are all in- spected with pleasure. The bedrooms are next visited, with the purest of Vied linen, toilet utensils, marble basins, damask curtains, electric bells, and so on to the engine room, and from stem to stern, the size of a pin's head of anything cannot be found out of place; all that art and skill, combined with wealth, can do to make a voyage pleasant and comfortable has been done. And now the hour of sailing has arrived, and under a full head of steam the noble vessel moves out seaward, a thing of life as well as a thing of beauty. If sailing from New York, the decks are crowded with passengers as they pass Staten Island and view the charming villas and merchants' mansions so thickly studded all over that beautiful suburb. Soon out- side of Sandy Hook, now for the first lime the heavy swell and roll of the Atlantic is felt, and presently the scene chnnges. The ill .1 ,!l \\ t I'l ' I I Ml ; ii ^1f Hi rw^ 110 Toronto "Called Back." indefatigable stewards are already at work. The elegant crim- son silk-embroidered table-covers give j)iace to the plain "Tur- key red," and the satin damask to worsted. The linen covers are soon doing duty on sofas, where wet boots would prove fatal to rich plush covering, and the ominous guards arc attached to the dining-tables, something which all sea-goers understand. A certain ladj' writer has said that in naming the Cunard steamers, in some of which she crossed, while there was a Persia, Oaliia, Etruria, etc., it was a wonder that none had been named the Nausea ; and Dickens said on his tirst trip to America he counted twenty distinct smells ; but that was long before the late improvements in ventilation and other matters, and must have included the smell of beautiful flowers in the saloon, and the fragrant odors of the cuisine ; and yet there is something on board every .ship to justify the lady's remark as to the feelings that are experienced when once on the " rolling, foaming billow^s." At the worst at the present time, the voyage is short, and enjoyed greatly by most after the first desagre- ments are over, and England is soon reached. The buyers who go to Europe from Toronto are chiefly confined to the dry goods and millinery trades ; while a few visit the markets for fancy goods and toys, a few more for china and earthenware, and one or two for jewelry, watches and watch materials ; in these branches of business a visit twice a year, or once at least, is indispensable; and while a good share of pleasure may be enjoyed, in the variety of scene, the attentions of business men, and the delightful scenery through which the journeys lie, yet the responsibility is very great. The cheapness of machinery has swept away a crowd of prejudices and flooded us with comforts and luxuries unknown to past generations. As Lancashire is the central point for buyers, the writer is taken back to his former residence at Brandlesholme Hall, near Bury, just nine miles from Manchester. From my hall door one could look out on a forest of factory chimneys, extending for miles in every direction. Yonder is the old seat of the Peel family, in which the late Sir Robert Peel TORON'IO FKOM 1857 TO J 867. Ill was born, and here the calico printing', from the hand block. work to the copper cylinder productions, has been cairicd on from its commenceniont. Just behind is the Peel monument on Holcomb Hill ; on the other side is the Grant monument, erected in lionor of the family of that name who, cominj,' here from Scotland, by wonderful skill and industry in this trade, accunm- lated an immense fortune. In London he will complete his purchases, as here, in the great market of the woild, he will find every manufacture represented, whether British or foreion. It will be admitted that the j^osition of a buyer for Toronto is no sinecure, and few requiie such a combination of qualifica- tions. To be a successful buyer, taste, judc^ment, tact, prompt- ness of decision, and self-reliance are Fall necessary ; and while there are many pleasures connected with the travels of a regular buyer, there is much responsibility. In London, buyers are paid from £.')00 to £.'),000 sterling a year, according to their experience, £1,000 being a common salary. Buyers from Toronto for fancy goods, watch materials, electro-plate, toys and such goods do not go over as much ground as dry goods and millinery buyers, j'et have to visit France, Switzerland and Germany, as well as London, Birming- ham, Sheffield, and other places in England. The grocery and hardware trades do not necessitate a regular system of visiting their sources of supply, the bulk of these trades being done by samples or through agents. I. ' 1860 to 1865. Outside of general events, the local history of Toronto from 1860 to 18G5 was that of the proverbially happy country that has no history. The close of the decade of ihe fifties had witnessed commercial depression, stagnation in trade and manu- factures, starvation and miser}'. The first half of the decade of the sixties brought commercial vigor, activity in trade and manufdctures, abundance and prosperity. It was the story of Pharaoh's kine reversed. The American ^ «^ -1:11- r«M;()N l<) " ( 'AI,I,II> r.ACK. 111 'm war caused the coiimIi y In !'•( ovcnMiu with cttimiiisHariut MijontH, purcluisin'^ stonvs I'or |Ih> mimiiv. Auipricaii ,i;<>mI |ii»urr(l in in steady streams, atid produce ol' all kinds could not l>e suiiplied to nict't the deniiind. I'')inni'i"s and merclianls reaped a tnildi-n luirvest, and many a t'lulnne was accunnilaleil liy Iradei'and speculator. Toronto had it> sh;u(< in thcLjeneral prospciil y, nnd the condition ol' tlu^ city was ouo hilh(>rto un(>\amplrd, Purinn' this period the speculation in l;<)I<1 icached it.s climax. l<'ort Unes W( re made and lost in exehaiiLres Ix'tween N«nv York and Tfironto. (JimxIs hou'-ht. in American currc ncy ami i)Ui I fo)' in !4(ild at a hii^h prennnm, correspondimj; with the depre- ciation in American currency, ^ave the importtMvs of American •foods room to reali/e in.mense profits. .\s an iMustrMtion ol' th(> tlillexMice in the values of the cur- renc\- .at one time, the wi'ifer at\d tlu! Iat(» Mr. A. \V. Lauder MdM'. when starlimjjto New York to meet oui' i'ami lies, who haij IxMMi visiting- iii Mn^lanil. took ^^ll)t>nch Id a, hroker or» Kim,'^ Street, t'oi- which we nceived SI 00 in American currency, and as the ]>rice ol' <'\ cryt hiuL,' on the American side had r*;- maiutxl unchani;eil — theii' ar^unxMit, heini;' thai, a. dollar was .still a dollar. whi(di they soon found to he rather a. delusion — the r.are to N(>w \'ork. which from th(> Su-ptn; ion P)i'id^o was $10, was to us oidN- >^4, while a charoi^ ol' $4 a, day at the St Xicl\«)las' llottd. N(M" ^"ork, was to tis just 81. (»0. Travidiers to (.'anada soon Toinid lUit the real value of their currency, com- pan^il with ours, when comiuix oil' the boats to nuike their purchas(\s. 10 Ouo c'lMitleman, on purchasini;- an artich* oji KiiiL;; Street, tl pric(> o{ which was 'J') cents, and ecttiuL; I •"> cents chanj,:fe out of his doll ir ill, wiis so chaeritu'd that he vowed h(> never aifain 1 h would juit his foot on Tanadian soil. Till" return t(^ specie paynitMts was much more rapid than • iiiy one had anticipateil. Ml (i. r.ow who hud tilleil thi> civic chair in 18iS-4n- ■)(). and liatl hc(>n dt>scrihed as the iihlest man who over lilleil the olhci> of Chief Ma<^istrate up to that time, wa.s aj^ain honored \VI TOIIONIM I l!<»M iSr.y TO |H<17. 1 1.''. til Uh« C'liiliilffncr lit' liJM rcll<)w-(riti/''ns hy lniriL,' (tlcotr-'l ill »li.> yciirs |.S(;i-(i2-(i.'{. Mr. \] oV/MiM Hpnrcil ncitlirr iinn; nor cxjirii;!} in kccpinif tip {])>'■ dif^nity of liin oMico un was licM vv(i,s most rnarl<<', aiwl tlic, alino'-t nnivcisd,! r('Co,u;iiition nccoiilrrl hiin wai proof of his L,'i'<"fit popularity. Ot n pinilic o('casi(»r>s Mr. r.owcs always fijipcfirco in ollicmi costiuni', which, althoii^'h not ornaiiicntffl with tlw ^'old chdin, s the lioril Mii\()rs in MiilHiiimI, was most appropriate and licroiiiinL;. n Dr. I ilissc (.f th. homlon 7' I III <''^, writfH T) Hi CI ty i s so very sui|iiisin,i.( in the t'xtcnt of its puhlin ('(Jifif^fis that I was fain to write! to an American fricriil in New York to cornc! up at I'l (ulmiri' what had hccn doru) in Mrc.hitectui'o under n, rri onar- chy, if he wished to appi'ccjati! the horrihh; state of that l»ranch )f th marki ine arts un, Mud tluMi son! (Ituvn 1\\ the 1j\K(> to Mon(r(>nl, und w l\t>n <»II Ixil ro<<»'(l oii(. Mot', (o Itp \is(vl in old c.'ipilid." Tins is soii\(nv1i!\< liMid m^m ly^iiclnH', li\i< is highly il(\H»M-infr to Toi\M\ IxMlcr tliMii tho^o ol' odicr (owjim, |1u> ronds niiMind it ;\\o wovso. " 1 hiui il\(^ honor." h(^ writi^^, " of nicotinu; two distin^\iish('d n\o;nhni n< diinior sonio few inih's o\i|. of town. Mnd r.Muvnino haolv n sliori (in\(> !\\'iov i\\o\ hi\d KM'l (h»> host s honso. \v;is olad io hi^ of \is(> in pirUino ih(>ni up fron\ m dilch intv> >vhioh thoir can i;\i;o hnd hocn vipsot." ■* J 'VUo Fonian lift iMl In MiUt^h. 1S()(\ tl\(^ l-'iMUMus hiui fornx^d an (^I.-iliorMtc n\ilil uv pl;\n for thp o;\|> i^i i"\\v.;u\;\. inohidinii;- tlu> s.-izinc of the tivand Trunk K.ulwjw b\ S\\o(>n\. with ,'U),()l)0 nion. A s. was h(>l(l Mt mns.s lontvss mootinii. MtttMioo.i by 10(V(^(H) porson Wood. Now VvM'k. ;\nd drilling- wiM\t on o\m'u]\ nil ov(>r Ihr Northorn Statos. Tlio most vio-iM'iHis olVorts W(M"(» n\!\dt^ io j*('p(»l nnv invasion l>0(iios ot' xoiuntoors w«m'(^ dospntt'hiMJ io tho pi'inoipMl jioints aloni^- tho fvt^ntior. Kislu'ip liVtioh issumi i\ cwcnhw vltM\ounoino l«\M\iMnisni. and oallino- upon tho poi>plo to ropol tho throatonod itwnsion. A mootini^: of tho St. Trttriok's Sooiotv was l\oKl and V lOunc oniMniNui w\. A l>ofonco (.'iMnniitt 00 was t\>rniod foi- tlioprotcoti on of tho oity. and lihoral suhsoripti(>ns W(M'o i;ivon amid groat tMithusiasni. tho hito Mr. Williain Cawtiira lu\'»ding the with ?1.000 At this timo tho Canadian forcos oonsj.sfod of 10,000 roiruhir triX'>ps ; 1 1 .000 volnntoors on frontior sorvioo : 1 r>.000 vohmt o«>rs roftdy for imniodiato sorvico. aiui Si),000 militia ballotod for and roadv to bo oallod out. 'PI 'I'miONIu I UdM iS.iT lO I'^dT. i.mI r. |i> t'XCIIi'llH'Ml. 'U|lm(>(|Uf'IM IV MnllMUh'M lit) II t,|||M till, nil III ni^lit. Ill' |.|ii> 2!UJi III' Mn V. til'' 'Iriiii'Mlcfl ciciiliin'M iiiiidc it iIm'^iIi firnmM, Niniriini llivcr rmiM I'.iiiriiln, iini|(>r (Juloiii'l ONi-ill. iiiiil ('(Hiluii'il jf'iiri lOfic. '!'!m> miimiIii'I wmm viuiouHly pfltinmifd n(. ri(»in fidO III y.OOO. VVIii'M jiti' ni'WM n'Mclii'il 'rnroiliu l.lir ^mciiI st. rxril.t'iiicnl. pn- vailiMl.MH it \\i\^ Hii|i|iiiHi<(| li\- (Ti'tiiiiir n. rniiMiulil l)ir^r« rrinl'irci' IIMMiIh wnlllil HiiiiM rnlliiw. mill Mini, llii-v wniil'l |ii iiIdiIiI y icnrli 'rurnnlo lirl'itii' 1 lii>ir jiidt^ri'^H cniilil Im> clH'cki'il Tim iii'iini'iit l.lll" lll'WM WMM ITCriviMJ liy Ml'' ( InVITIllIHIlt, h(iri|is, liotll rilj^ll- \n\ mill inililin, wimi' ili"-i|ifil<'lM>i| mh ni|ii — ci!'iisisil,iiin piiii('i|i!ill V "I I'v^iiIium, n lidM.fry ol' lii>l(| nrlill"i'y. niiKMinliiiLj (f» (iImhiI, l.."i(l(> ini'ii. iiri'lfr f,li(> t'oimmunl nl' (IiiIumpI I'l-iirock, MiMi I'l-MiiM'iit. pi()C('((|((| Ly way III' Nininini, I'mIIm niiij < liippi>\vii. , ilif iitlifi {•(irnposfil nlln^^rrlJioi' ol' tniJiliM, iiImiiiI •'>'"> in miiiiti'T, i!ii'li>r I. lie c'liriiriHn'l of Onlniiol DniiiiH Weill liy tlic Wfliiui'l l',ii.ilwn,y t/lirovi^li \'itr{. (.lolliiinii'. Tlio l'\'ninns n>iiiii,iiii'il in possi'^sion ol' l''orl. I'^rif (,ill Ui«; nimnin;; ul' tlu^ 2nil nl' iFiiih'. wImii lln>y ad vnricfl towards fori ('ollionir. ( 'oloiiid rioiilsi>|-, (111 wlmiii tlic (■.riiniriand of" tlic niililia di'volvcd, roiiii'l llwiii Htroniriy pickled ni l!id;^ imiiicdiaicly aita. kcd Miriii, at, fiiHl. wiMi siK'f.dHs, liiif. firid- inir liiiiisidl' oppoH(>i| in snpnrior iinmliorH and IiIh anirniiniiiorii failin;^. lio rctunicl iowar,'.s. The procession from the drill ,shed to St. .lames' Cemetery was led by the band of the 47th Regiment. The Mayor and Corporation, with an immense concourse of citiz(>ns, accomj>anied the funeral. The bui'ial service was read by the llev. II. J. Grasett. Several (jther members of the Queen's Own died from the effects of wounds and exposure, amon^'st whom were Mew burn. Mat he- son, Lcckie and McKenzie. A handsome monument in the Queen's Park connnemorates their bravery. To prevent further attempts nine steamers on the lakes were temporarily turned into i^unboats, and 20, 000 troops stationc('r, lS(i(!, to .Immiuy, IMIS. tiic wrilfi- crosscil tlu' Atlantic six tiiiics, keeping \i|i ji constant coi rrsjioniicncc with Toronto, as fur as cii-owinstanccs would |n'rniit, a lai'^c |«oition ol" tltc time I'cin*; spent t>n tlic water. W liiK' 'I'oronto was rccoveritiL; i'rom the reaction caused liy the cessation of the American \^'ar, witli tl\e consei|nent los'^ ol (UMnaiid lor Canadian proihicts, and th(> alarm ol' I'lnMhei- l"'enian invasions was suhsidine, inn)ortant events were transpiring^ in Europi', some oi' which are mcmoraMo as matters of history. 'I'he m()st remaikiilih' tiial of modern times, that of the'lieli- borne claimant, was j^oine- on in W'estminstiM' Hall, liondon. Lvindon and Paj-is were visited liy the Sultan of 'I'urkey and the Vic(>roy of l\:;y]>t. The spU>ndid I'^xhihition in Paris was the j^reat centre of attraction for visitors friun all parts of the woi'ld, nmon churches, and also the celebrated cemetery of IVre la Chais(\ where repo-;e the ashes of Iciuijjs, ([ueens, emperoi's, statesmen, ])oi>ts. philosophers, musicians, painters and all ranks of Parisians down to the humble woikman, and here crowds of people visit on Suuthiys to decorate tlie tombs. 'I'lie followinu' Thursthiy, the 1 1th of .Inly, may lie rei^arded as the t'lrnim;' point in the history of Xa])oleon 111. lie had seen Paris arise under his direction as with a mai;ician's wand, to a point of unparalleled spleuxur. Mile after mile of maijniticent U^ulevards had sprung ijito existence. The Exhi- bition had eclipsed all those which ])receded. Paris had been visited bv Kin<:;s and Emperors, and on the dav named a sjraml military review of tiie troojvs took place in the presence of Abtlul Aziz, then Sultan of Turkey, Ismael Pasha, G.C.B., Viceroy of Egypt, being there the same week. This was the last peaceful military display ever witnessed by the Emperor. Not very long after the Franco-Prussian War broke out, terminating in the surrender at Sedan. P !' !lll' ToiKiMO MIOM I.S(J7 TO IS77. 121 Tariffd of England, United States and Canada from 1869 to 1876. Maviii;^ rctirctl from tlu! direct iinportin;^ trjult^ in l 5 cctitM. The cllict, ol' this hiijh ra,t(i ol" (luty wmh to hrini^' sdinc I'liti^h maiHiriu'tiict'rs to cstfildish thnir \vo)-I{\ so f^rfeat (on the lattcrr (Jie duty, lieini^ specilic, nached io ail averai^e of 72 per cent, nil, uti/orciii), opened hir;^-e esta,l'lishiiie?its in New .leisey, wh('i-(! now tlniir tl eud is all spoolefl, viviii'f employment to hundnMis of operatives, and hy so niiicli deprjvjtiL,^ I'aislcy of the |)ayin(!nt oi" thcso people's wanes, Mild all the corresitondiii'' advantaLies. All this time Aniericari <;(»ods were heiii;^ shipped to IOn^la,nd free of duty, and the cliiiiax was reacliefl when, on my last trip, I was asked to lake samples of American cottons, thes(i hein^ '"''■o'''y ■'^"''' close Ity the warehouse in Maticliester, and olier them for salt; ill Canada (!j while not a yard of similar ;(oods nnule in lOni^darid was sold in the whole of the United Slates. This proj)osal I at once lH'ifnr(.(l to decline; it would have liocsn too humiliating. The 'foods referre(| <<), admitted fre(' into Mri'daiid, wen* lialile at th(^ time in the States to a (hity of five; cents a. t. od ral.ort' 'I'his did not s(|uare y)irP ' |:|f!e ' 1,' »■ ■;' . 126 Toronto "Called Back." style, in looking around for a site, fixed their attention on McGill Square, then about to be sold. The late Rev. Dr. Taylor and Dr. Pmishon, with other members and trustees, soon secured the property, relying to a great extent on the services and influence of Dr. Punshon to raise funds for the erection of a church in the centre of the square. The corner stone was laid in 1870, and soon the present magniticent structure appeared in its grand and beautiful proportions. The building has so often been described, and is so familiar to both citizens and visitors, that any present description is quite unnecessary ; besides, any attempt to describe the churches of Toronto, would involve a larger amount of space, from the vast number that have sprung up of late years, than these pages could afford. The Metropolitan Church with its beautiful grounds, so splen- didly ornamented with trees and flowering shrubs, as well as flower beds, belongs not only to the Methodist body, but to the whole city of Toronto, forming, as it does, an open square, which is at once a boon and ornament to Toronto, and remains a lasting monument to the memory of Dr. Punshon, and also to Drs. Taylor, Ryerson and Green, as well as laymen who contributed liberally towards its erection. While some churches in Methodism are more elegant and vastly more expensive, there is not one in the world — take it altogether, internally and externally, the grounds included — which, in all its appointments, is so complete as the Metro- politan Church of Toronto. Messrs. Langley & Burke were the architects. A beautiful stained glass window, in memory of Mrs. Punshon, who died at their residence on Bond Street, was placed by Dr. Punshon in the south-west gallery. In 1870 and 1871 Toronto had become a very important commercial centre. The principal streets wore an aspect of staid, unpretentious pros- Toronto fiiom 1867 to 1877. 127 perity. They had ben;un to spread out indefinitely ; the area of the population had been widely and rapidly extended. From the Provincial Lunatic Asylum on the west, to far eastward beyond the Don, stretched mile upon mile of densely popu- lated thorou_£(li fares. To the northward, Bloor Street had long since ceased to be anything more than a nominal boundary between Toronto and Yorkviile. The Esplanade on the City front had become a hive of railway and general industry. Jarvis Street had been beautified with elegant and stately resi- dences. King and Yonge Streets continued to monopolize the lion's share of the retail business; but Front and Wellington had developed into the centre of the wholesale trade, and many large and wealthy establishments had headcjnarters there. A writer in the Canadian Illustrated 2\'ews (Montreal), at this time indulges in some rather severe strictures on the aspect of our streets, which he describes to be, generally speaking, either dirty or narrow, with the light of heaven almost shut out ; or broad, wretchedly paved, certainly with a number of sufficiently handsome houses, but at the same time with an undue preponderance of common, and generally having the appearance of being laid out on the sand-fiat. He admits, how- ever, that Toronto possesses two principal streets, sufficiently broad, well lit, and well paved, and lined with handsome shops. Some of this gentleman's comments on the social aspect of the streets are suggestive and entertaining. "Between the two principal streets of the Western Capital is a great gulf, made by the inflexible laws of society and fashion — a gulf as great as separates the Bowery from Broadway, the Rue de Rivoli from Hue Mont Parnasse, or Rogcnt Street and Rotten Row from the humble thoroughfares of Pentonville and the City Road. " The buildings on King Street are greater and j'randor than their neighbors on Yonge ; the shops are larger and dearer ; and last, but not least, King Street is honored by the daily presence of the aristocracy, while Yonge is given over to the business of the middle-class and the beggar. Amid the upper classes there is a performance that goes on daily, that is known. 'il Im m fi if II :ii' i 128 Toronto "Called Back." among hahitues as 'doing King.* It consists principally of marching up and down a certain part of that street at a certain hour, povforming, as it were, ' Kotow ' to the goddess of fashion, and sacrificing to her sister divinity of fashion. " At three o'clock in the afternoon the first stragglers appear on the scene, which extends perhaps a quarter of a mile. Thuse consist principally of young ladies, whose proper place shouLi be at school, and young men attired in the height of fashion. By the time these ardent devotees have paraded a few times, the regular Itahitues make their appearance, and till six o'clock in the evening one side — for one side only is patronized — is crowded to excess. " It is rather considered 'the thing ' to patrol King Street in this manner ; and of a fine evening every one who belongs to the elite, as well as many who do not, may be seen persever- ingly trudging up and down, no doubt to their great comfort, and to the intense di .comfort and dismay of others less smiled upon by nature or less favored by their tailors or their dress- makers. King Street is, in a ivay, a great social ' Change,' where everybody meets everybody and his wife ; where the latest fashions are exhibited, and the last quotations of the matrimonial market are exchanged. " Would you see the newest style in hats or panniers ? They are to be seen on King Street. And would you know how many vouno; swells are doing nothing for a living ? You are sure to find them on King Street. Would you wish to hear the last imprudence of young Harura Scarum, or the progress of Miss Slowcome's engagement ? You may be sure before you take half-a-dozen turns some conversant, intelligent busy-body of your acquaintance will have whispered the facts of the case in your ear, all of which he has 'on the best authority, sir.' It is on King Street that Clelius makes his appointment with Clelia fur their afternoon walk ; that Thersites, jealousy stricken, scowls at Adonis; and that Pomponia depreciates the value ot her dear friend Amaltheus' new silk and trimmings. There Cornelia, the careful mother, brings out her treasures and exhibits to the public gaze those desirable lots of which she is so all, thai ni)ti stai tiv1^ ili i'^';!*; Wkm Toronto fhom 1867 to 1S77. 129 so anxious to dispose on advantageous terms. While far above all, Diogenes, in his garret, little more roomy or conunodious than the ancient ' tub,' looks down upon the motley throng, notices their petty follies and foibles, and thanks his lucky stars that he is not as other men." In 1871 the population was 50,000, an increase in ten years of 11,000. During the next three years, Toronto, in common with the Province, enjoyed an unexampled epoch of prosperity. A remarkable impetus was given to all the usual branches of trade; and the commerce, both wholesale and retail, assumed such proportions as not even the most sanguine had hoped for. More than 18,000 were added to the population, and both public and private enterprise kept pace with this rapid increase. The streets were full of bustle and activity. Mercantile palaces were built by some of the leading houses, and many of the finest mansions and most beautiful churches in the city were erected. The progress made since Confederation had been amazing. Not only had its area and population largely increased, but it had been greatly beautified by the erection of huge business establishments, and palatial private residences; and it had developed a commercial enterprise and energy which seriously endangered the pretensions of Montreal to the mercantile supremacy of the Dominion. It was during 1872-7-i that Toronto began to make the ra]nd strides in commercial enterprise that placed her in the proud position she nov/ occupies. They were years of unusual pros- perity, and trade of all kinds received a remarkable impetus. Happily the foundations then laid of the city's mercantile greatness was sufficiently solid to resist the shock of the reaction that followed. In July, 1873, a delightful passage was made to England in the Allan steamer Polynesian from Quebec. After passing through the btraits of Belle Isle large icebergs were seen, while the weather was that of summer. Amongst the passengers were Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Aikins, of Toronto, and the family of Mr. and Mrs. Gammon, of Chicago, visiting Europe for the first I ! 1 i .1 I i: 1 ! h ' 130 Toronto "Called Back." time. The fine weather gave an opportunity for games of various kinds on deck, those of shuffle-board and quoits being the favorites. A very pleasant time was spent in London in siffht-seeinsf. Return of Rev. Dr. Punshon to England. During my stay in Manchester, in 1873, the late Rev. Dr. Punshon — who, had he lived, would have done as much to recomuiend Canada, and Toronto in particular, to the attention of the English people as any other man, having frequently stated he was bound to the country by the dead and the living — re- t'^rned to England. In company with Dr. Gervase Smith and other friends, we met him at the railway station on his arrival from Liverpool. The Weslevan Conference being then in session in the Fiee Trade Hall, the Doctor was expected to attend one of the even- ing meetings. The Conference, numbering about six hundred ministers, occupied the great platform, while the audience was fully six thousand in number. Dr. James occupied the presidential chair, and all were on the qui-vive for the appearance of Dr. Punshon, who was known to have arrived. Soon he entered quietly at the back of the platform and took a seat, but was instantly recognized, when the immense audience stood up, and between clapping of hands and waving of handkerchiefs, round after round, the scene baffles description. For the time all the Doctor could do was to stand with head bent down and eyes streaming v/ith tears, until an opportunity was given afterwards for giving expres- sion to his feelings in words. It was a scene never to be for- gotten. In 1874 a voyage from England was made in company with several Toronto gentlemen, including the late Rev. Dr. Jennings. One of the passengers was the now celebrated Mr. Joseph Arch, M.P., who, it is reported, took the oath in the House of Com.- mons dressed in a suit of corduroy, and appeared at a banquet Toronto fiiom 1867 to 1877. Ul giveu in his honor, amongst a number of noblemen and gentle- men, dressed in a tweed suit. Mr. Arch was accompanied by a secretary, and represented the Laborers' Trade Union of England ; himself a working-man. Their object was to get information as to the desirability of emigration on a large scale. After travelling extensively through Canada and the United States they returned to England, but no practical results followed. On the passage many lively discussions on politics took place, in which Mr. Arch showed himself to be a man of good common sense and of moderate views, with a decided tendency to the democratic side. He is a Methodist local preacher. St. James' Cathedral Clock. Nearly twenty years ago the citizens of every denomination united to purchase the world's prize timekeeper from Benson & Sons, of London, and succeeded in placing it in the tower on Christmas Eve, 1875. This clock possesses a threefold movement, viz., keeping time, chiming, and striking the hours and quarter-hours. The com- bined weights to keep it going are over three thousand pounds ; the pendulum is over sixteen feet in length, the end weight being two hundred and fifty pounds. The quarter-hour chimes are a copy of the famous Cambridge chimes in England, com- posed by Handel one hundred years ago, and may become in time, to citizens of Toronto, what Bow Bells are to inhabitants of London. The year 1875 had been marked by a very perceptible reaction in the commercial world of Toronto. The year 187G came in gloomily, and with murmurs against the trade policy, and yet improvements went steadily on. New streets were being opened up in all directions, and the popula- tion went on increasing. At the close of 187C the imports to Toronto had reached Sll,231,54.3 ; the value of taxable propeiLV was 8-47,150,302, and the population had grown to 71,0!.'8. It will be seen from r H I I i; t ii 132 Toronto "Called Back." lip! 'I it i the above that the value oP the imports had nearly doubled in ten years ; the f^reatest increase having taken place between 1871-72. After a period of prosperity a time of depression set in that continued till 1878, when the city began slowly to recover from the ofi'ects of evil times. Several new and additional manufactures had been intro- duced, amongst wl. ^h were Hne jewellery, steam gauges, engines and general machinery, watch cases, elevators, rubber stamps, cork cattinnr and varnishes. The highest p )int the duty had reached up to this time was twenty per ci77 to IS87. 145 Departure of Toroato Troops for the North- West. When the rebellion, led by Louis Riel, had assumed such pro- portions as to demand a call to arms, the Government order to prepare for immediate departure reached the commanding otficers in Toronto on the 27th of March. During Friday night and the early hours of Saturday, the 28th, orderly sergeants were busily engaged in scouring the city informing the men of the startling news. At an early hour the drill shed presented an animated appearance, the men having flocked to their answer to the roll call. Such was the enthusiasm manifested that great disappointment was felt that only two hundred and fifty men of each reu'iment could be sent to the front. As the seiiti- inent displayed w'as one of cheerful alacrity in responding to the call to arms in the country's defence, there was no holding- back or hesitation, and the number required was soon made up. On the 30th March tens of thousands gathered at the Union Station to see the gallant volunteers depart for the scene of action, and all through their dreary route their progress was looked for with the deepest anxiety and most heart-felt sym- pathy. The march over the ice, and the heroic fortitude dis- played through intense cold and fatigue throughout the entire journey, as well as the bravery displayed in the different en- gagements with the enemy, have all become a matter of history. Thousands of hearts in Toronto throbbed in sympathy with her citizen soldiers during those memorable months, and prayers were constantly ottered in all the churches for the success of our arms and the safe return of our sons, when victory had crowned their efforts. Return of the Toronto Contingent. WELCOME HOME— .JULY, 18a5. War-worn, sun-scorched, stainocl with the dust of toil. And battle-scarred, they come victorious. Exultantly we greet them, cleave tiie sky With cheers, and tlint{ our banners to the wiiid : if!. : 1 ''!«! 146 Toronto "Called Back." We raise triumphant songs and stnnv their path To do tlieni homage. Welcome Home I We laid our country's honor in their hards And sent them forth : undoubting, said farewell, With hearts too proud, too jealous of tht?ir fame, To own our pain. To-day glad tears may flow ; To-day they come again and bring the gifts, Of all earth's gifts most precious — trust redeemed. We stretch our hands, we lift a joyful cry, Words of ail words the sweetest, " Welcome home ! " Oh brave, true hearts ! oh steadfast, loyal hearts I They come, and lay their trophies at our feet ; They show us work accomplislied, hardships borne, Courageous deeds, and patience under pain, The country's name upheld and glorified. And peace, dear purchased by their l)lood and toil. What guerdon have we for such service done ? Our thanks, our pride, our praises and our prayers, Our countrj''s s'.nile, and her most just rewards ; The victor's laurel laid upon the brows. And all the love that speaks in " Welcome home ; " Bays for the heroes, for the martyrs palms ; To those who come not, and though dead yet sjjeak, A le.oson to bo guarded in our souls While the land lives f-ir Avhose dear sake they died ; Whose lives, thrice sacred, are the price of peace ; Whose memory, thrice beloved, thrice revered, Shall be their counti'y's heritage. To hold eternal pattern t( > her living sons. What dare we bring ? They, dying, have won all ; A drooping flag, the flowers upon their graves, Are all the tribute left : already theirs A nation's safety, gratitude and tears, Imperishable honor, endless rest. — Annie Botliwell. Should some Rip Van Winkle have fallen asleep in 1850, waiting for the hourly omnibus tor Yorkville, at the corner of King and Yonge Streets, and awakened on tiie 23rd July, 1885, he would not have been surprised at the sight of a " Union Hotel, by Jonathan Doolittle ; " nor would he have mistaken any other face on a sign-board in place of Her Majesty, Queen Victoria, as did that mystic individual mistake the sign of r :;'■:! I Toronto from 1877 to 1887. 147 George Washington for the riuldy face of good King George. The evidences all around would soon undeceive him, and he would quickly discover that Queen Victoria still reigned over a happy and contented people. The return of the Queen's Own, Royal Grenadiers and Gover- nor-General's Body Guards, amidst the spontaneous display of welcome by the tens of thousands of Toronto's citizens, was a sight seldom equalled, and one to be remembered by the present generation, and to be recorded in Canadian history and per- petuated by the well-earned tokens of the appreciation of Her Majesty and the English people, by the medals worn on the breasts of the heroes, these having: been struck in the Roval mint and with the immediate sanction of Royalty. On this day, amid a blaze of bunting, under triumphal arches from north to south and east to west, the return of the citizen soldiers was greeted with an ovation only equalled by that given to the Guards in London on their return from the Crimean War covered with blood stains and martial glory. ARRIVAL AT NORTH TORONTO. The movement of the Governor-General's Body Guards to- wards the ground indicated the arrival of the train and the commencement of the cheering. The troops disembarked amid the strains of " Johnny comes Marching Home," and *' Home, Sweet Home," by the bands of the regiments. The cheers were taken up by the spectators along the streets as the column came into view. On Yonge Street the sight which met the eye was one which had never before been presented. Looking southward the view was beautiful. Arches, flags, banners, festoons of flowers and evergreens, with multitudes of spectators in windows and on housetops, as well as on the crowded thoroughfares, as street after street was passed, under arch after arch, formed a scene which could only again be repepted under like circumstances, and which will in all probability never occur. It was joyful, enthusiastic and loyal, and will live in the memory of all who witnessed it while life shall last. n I'!! I 'I I'* llll \ 148 Toronto "Called Back. Under any circumstances the return of volunteers to their homes and friends would l>e a cause of rejoicinj^ ; but when they come having bravery, victory and peace inscribed on their ban- ners, their march is a triumphal procession. Our gallant defenders, under the command of Colonels Miller, Grasett, Otter and Denison, with General Middleton as Com- mander-in-Chief, will have their names and deeds recorded on the page of history as examples of heroic endurance and bravery. The distance travelled, hardships endured, battles fought and won, thorough discipline without a single act of insubordination, cool courage, steadiness under fire, and the crowning result in the capture of the leaders and the entire suppression of the rebellion — all distinguished this short cam- paign of less than four months as one of the most remarkable of ancient or modern times. Toronto the Centre of the Dominion. A few years ago a book was written to prove that St. Louis was geographically the central city of the world, and that eventually it must become the commercial centre, and very plausible reasons were given to prove the statement. The immense resources of the country of which it was the centre, in iron, coal, gold, silver and cotton, and its growing manufactures, were used to show its probable destiny. Toronto puts forward no such claim, and yet, while Winnipeg may more properly be considered the geographical centre of the Dominion, a glance at the map will show the splendid position of Toronto as a commercial centre, and as a resort for tourists ; and it is safe to say that, in the near future, no city on the continent will be more celebrated for general attractive- ness, and that the present hotel accommodation will soon be altogether inadequate for the crowds who will flock here in the summer. The contiguity to the Falls, with the fact of a Free Park on the Canada side, will attract travellers from Hud- son Bay to the Gulf of Mexico, and from Halifax to Vancouver. As a central ^^oint of arrival and departure, either east, TOKOXTO FROM 1.S77 To l-SN?. J4'J west, north or south, her advantageous position cannot be exaggerated. The chain of lakes north and west, the Canadian Pacific and Grand Trunk Railways, and the navigation through to the Atlantic Ocean, via the St. Lawrence, all promise a future for Toronto such as has never been dreamed of before. Who would have predicted twenty years ago that a traveller could tal'e a car at the Union Station, or at the foot of Yongo Street, and by going to North Toronto Station, purchase n ticket, and perhaps even check his baggage, for China or Japan? And yet all this can now be accomplished. The completion of the connection at Callander, making the route from New York to Winnipeg via Toronto the most direct, gives her all-rail communication with the great North-West and the Pacific, equally good in winter as in summer. Toronto is fast becoming the wholesale centre of the Do- minion. Once Quebec enjoyed the good luck, but for some reason or other a blight fell upon the ancient capital, and the business houses that flourished on St. Peter Street forty years ago are there no longer. Montreal for years back did the bulk of the business, but for the past fifteen years Toronto has been gradually taking it away from her. At the present rate of progress Toronto will lead Montreal in ten years, perhaps in five. Toronto possesses one advantage which alone is sufficient to account for her success. We have a choice of seaports, and the competition in freight and charges which such an advan- tage confers. We can receive our importations either by the St. Lawrence or by New York, and have the same advantage with regard to our exports. If Toronto becomes the wholesale centre many other things must follow. The headquarters of the Grand Trunk Railway must come here before long. M.any Montreal, Hamilton and London houses are now opening branches, or removing their whole business to Toronto, and there are certain indications besides that Toronto is now the wholesale centre of the Dominion, and is going to march at the head of the procession. 150 ToRo>jTO "Called Back." Toronto Custom House. I: In any country or city where the revenue is raised by in- direct taxation, the history of the Custom House is, to a great extent, the history of its growth in trade and manufactures. There was a time in the history of the importing trade of Toronto when the duty was five per cent, ad valorem, and the Oovernment of the day, with great liberality, took the im- porters' note at six months in payment. No doubt this gave a stimulus to the trade, which has re- sulted in placing Toronto at the head of all American and Canadian cities of its population in the extent of its imports. About the same time that the importations commenced in this way to Toronto, th-^ non-importing merchants got their supplies in. what is now called " Niagara by the Lake," where merchants went regularly to make thiir purchases up to the time when the seat of Government was changed to Toronto, in 1821. Others got their goods in ^[ontreal, and these were broufjht up the St Lawrence and along the shore of Lake Ontario in batteaux ; while over the portages they did the best they could in the way of transport My first entry at the Custom House was made in the fall of 12.207 $.S02, 175 1 (> v Chiou^o i5,r)a!),(i:j:i r),7ao,(;75 r]7 % C'incinatti 2,171..'?!t2 I,n01.;r)7 40% :5,4r)8,')r)l (;i7,(il!> 18% Milwiuikee I,;i'.t4,148 .S!)(),084 .'50% Cleveknd i)42,01!) ;U2,70S 30% St. Loiii.s 4,817,.T)r> 1,(H2.228 .'U v Toronto .... 19,353,136 4,076,926 21 % Ports bordering on Canada sliow low average of duty, being largely free imports and natural produce of Canada, and small foreign business. I f refusinnf )r should ppointetl acted as on, Q.C., Douglas traent of cashier, )praiser,s, ker, one iree tide packers, ker and sekeeper, liter, one >us ports jrnished: OF THE ERAOE liDfT. .10% 40 '< 18 < •'50, < 21/ y, beinor da, and ff I' ;. I' ■i I i f ^ 'i:t'. I » TOEONTO IN 188G. Fair Toroxto ! Queen City of the West, Of Jill thy sister cities thou art best ; As far as eye can reach, from Don to Huniber, Rise towering spires in goodly number ; Cathedr.ils, churches, schools, and numsions rise In stately grandeur towering to the skies. A noble harbor fronts thy scnithern boun ■ And gentle hills encircle thee around ; From north to south, from east to west xnai. d Streets, avenues and roads, so wisely j lani/d, That strangers visit thee with ease, and f d In thee a home at once just to their mind ; Long live Toronto I loud her praisei veil, Here Commerce, Art, and Nature love to dwell. — Imrie. 1 1 M :^ It will be no exaggeration to say that no city on the con- tinent is making greater progress than the City of Toronto. Within ten years the population has doubled. Not only has this increase occurred within the limits, but the city has thrown off shoots east, west and north, which are now rapidly assuming the proportions of towns. Indeed, one suburb, which a decade ago was a series of farms, with cottages scattered here and there, has been recently incor- {lurated, and its large population, its populous streets, its hand- some stores and private residences well entitle it to the dignity of a town, — and this is Parkdale. The population within the limits now reached 111,000. Ten years before Toronto extended from the Don to Bathurst Street, \ I I i 1 IGO Toronto "Called Back." and from the Bay to College Avenue. Spadina Avenue north of St. Patrick Street was a fiekl, where the troops were reviewed, and Sherbourne Street above Carlton resembled the " forest primeval." It is possible now to walk from half a mile east of the Grand Trunk crossing on the Kin!e can such a sight be wit- nessed on a line Sunday evening, within tlie same limits, as in Toronto, when the churches are emptied of the crowds of wor- ;f * Toronto in 188G. 1G3 shippers and the sidewalks are blocked with the thronj^s re- turning to their homes. The writer having spent Sundays in every large church- going city on both sides of the Atlantic, can make this state- ment without fear of successful contradiction ; nor is there any- where to be seen better dressed or more respectable looking congregations than worship in Toronto churches. What the feelings must be of those who absent themselves from Toronto churches on Sunday I cannot imagine, nev( r having such an experience, but it seems as if that very absence wouUl preach a sermon which, to every freethinker or agnostic, would be as powerful in favor of Christianity us if a sermon were listened to inside the walls of a church. The ringing of the bells is at an end, the ruml)lin<; of the carriage has ceased, the pattering of the feet is heaid no more, the flocks are folded in the numerous churches. For a time everything is hushed, but soon is heard the deep pervading sound of the organ, rolling and vibrating through the buildings and out into the streets, and the sweet chanting of the choirs makes them resound with melody and praise, while it is poured forth like a river of joy through the recesses of the city, elevat- ing and bearing the soul on a tide of triumphant harmony to heaven. The wanderer about the streets at such a time is not a proper subject for envy. In writing of Toronto as a city of churches, the men who, by their faithful discharge of duty and their advocacy and in- fluence, have been to a great extent instrumental in educating the religious element up to the present high standard of church- going in Toronto, ought not to be forgotten. Tlie following are amongst those to whom much of the credit is due, and as the names are given entirely from memory, and none given whom the writer has not heard preach since 1817, any omission will be overlooked : — BAPTIST. Rev Messrs. Piper, Fyfe, Caldecott, Castle and Thomas. IBrin ■Hfi ^^I^B i 4 f 1j i ■ B' 164 T(^uoNTo " Called Back." lONGilEdATIONAL. Rev. AFossrs. lloaf, Ellerby, Marling, Lillie, Burton, Powis, Wild and Stuidluuu. PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. Messrs. Burns, Topp, Barclay, Gref]jg, Taylor, Parsons, King, McLeod, Macdonnell, Kirkpatrick, Milligan, Robb, Kel- logg and Patterson. EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Bishops Strachan, Bethune, McLean and Sweatnian ; Rev. Ilossrs. (jnisett, Baldwin, Lett, Givens, Sanson, Williams, Dar- ling, Pearson, Scadding, Lewis, Jones, Rainsford, Du Moulin. Langtry, McCoUum, McCarrol, Bilkey, Boddy, Henry G. Bald- win and Morgan Baldwin. METHODIST. On account of the itinerant system of the Methodist Church, the array of names will necessarily be much greater than of the others. Rev, ^^essrfl. Ilotherington, Coonoy, Harvard, Richey, Evans, Wood, Rice, Stinson, Wilkinson, Stpiire, Bishop, Douse, l^ouglas, Elliott, Ryerson, Rose, Taylor, Green, Spencer, Sanderson, Bor- land, Howard, Williams, Hall, Lavcll, Stevenson, Punshon, Cochrane, McClure, Savage, Potts, Briggs, Dewart, Dorey, J. hnston, Antliir, S. J. Hunter, W. J. Hunter, Clarkson, W. W. Ross, Jellrey, Jefl'ers, Hannan, Learoyd, McRitchie, Statlbrd, Poole, Ih'idgep.Min, Harjjcr, Laird, Starr, Blackstock, S. P. Rose, Shorey, Hendei ^.m, Maxwell, J. \^ Smith, Philp and Ockley. THE SALVATION TEMPLE. The Salvation Temple just com]>leted is (juite an imposing structure with its castellated bastions, combining in appearance the castle, the barracks and the temple. The fnmtage is lOG feet, with a depth of 100. It is built of red bric.v with stone facings. A space of 22 feet has been divided off in front to be used as otlices. Through this portion three entrances reach the Temple; the central one being broad and lofty. The height of the ceiling inside is '.VI feet, and the wi,()()(), heinj; an increase over the previous year of 70,012. The auioinit of money received and expended weekly on the local Cor|>s was S'i.nOo. The Temple was formally opi'ned on the arrival of Marshal BalliuLjton Mooth, who came this way from Australia (on his r(>turn to Eui^land) to dedicate the huildin;^. The "('Ouncil (jf War" eontinut>d from the 1st to the Hth of May, and was the oeeiksion of enthusiastic demonstrations. The daily processions, aecompaniiMl hy hands of music, were witnessed hy iuuiieiise crowds of people, and at ni^ht the vast au.litorium of the Temple was crowded to excess. < )u Sunday, the 2nd, the formal dedication took place, and each succeeding; ddinLj and Infant Heilication. On the niijht of the latter (;eremony a numher of officers and sol. tiers who had been imi)risoned for noisy demonstrations appeared in prison costume ami related Hunt experience. In connection with the presentation of the infant the Marshal 8tateil that twenty-eii^ht years ajjfo he was taken by his parents sixty miles in l']nL;Iand to be baptized by the Rev. Jas. ('auy;hey, so well known in Toronto, who is still livinj;, and commeiicinj* a'»ain to ]ireach as an evan^i'list. The Marshal gave a strikini; account of his ojienini,' cam- pai«;n in Manchester, — the extraordinary lan<;uairect on the vast audience. lie left for Kn.;land the following week, accompanidl by Commissioner Coombs antl William tJotiderham, Escj., of thi.s city. i f*: ToUoNTO IX ISSO. I(i7 Toronto an Educational Centre. This position claiiiKMl for Toronto will bn ailinittod \>y all. From tlu) lowest step in tlits ladder to tho hi^lu^^t, no city (viti boast of (.|ual aflvantaL,'es in tlio shape of cchication. The Common School syst(!m, a lastini^ monument to the ability, wis- dom, and indefatigable exertions of tho late Dr. Ryerson, has I ■ '1 inencnit' REV. KfiKUTON HYEKSON, I).I». been brouj^ht to a state of perfection perhaps unequal le I r^ ! 168 Toronto "Called Back." Risinf]r in the scale, it will be found that no eJucational -vant has been left unsupplied ; whatever the pur.oM ut pL icssion the stu 'ont niav intend to follow through life, he will tind a school, academy, college or university in which ^le will have full scope for his ambition. From the Public Schools, tlierc is a step upwards to the Model Schools, then to the Collegiate Insti- tute, Upper Canada College, and to the University of Toronto. Then there are technical schools, includint; the School of Prao- tical Science and the Ontario School of Art. A city possessing so many advantage;-' for students nust afford increasing attractions from year to year, the high stand- ing of its professors, and the honors to be obtained, whether as medals, scholarships, fellowships or other degrees, offer induce- ments superior to those of any other city in the Dominion, and must lead ultimately to the federation of other colleges with the University of Toronto. In addition to the colleges named are Knox College, Trinity College, the Baptist College, and St. Michael's. There are also the College of Pharmacy, Toronto School of Medicine, Trinity Medical School, Veterinary College, Canadian Instituf", School of Divinity, or Wycliffe College, and Methodist University. The Normal School, for the training of teachers, was estab- lished in 1847. The present buildings were erecte'l in 1851, the corner stone being laid by the Earl of Elgin, aad in the month of November, 18.5^, the buildings were opened. They were then described as being elegant in architectural appear- ance, commodious in their ao " "lodations, and healthy in their situation. They aro at present jir\ ornament to St. James' Square, the grounds surrounding the building being beautiiully laid out with trees and flower beds, and in addition there is a hand- some conservatory. The Educational Museum is a source of attraction to visitors, as well as valuable to the students, and contains paintings, stat- uary, and curiosities of various kinds, plaster casts of Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian, Grecian and Roman antiquities. It also contains philosophical apparatus, being representative, on a small scale, of the South Kensington Museum. nal -Tanb 11 tiiivi a /ill have :horc is a ite Insti- Toronto. of Pra .;- its rrmst jh stand - letlier as r induce- lion, and ^es with , Trinity are also , Trinity ', School ity. IS estab- in 1851, in the They appear- in their Scjuare, lily laid a hand- visitors, gs, stat- :yptian, iquities. ntative, ^.f ' m li II III y< III III "I ;;' hi til nf V, lit I re Hi '•> iUI ar nv ch Ir wl is w; lie ^J I ToKONH) IN I'SHO. 17 Indian and Colonial Exhibition, South Kensington, London, 1886. Wlwri Allx'rt " iln> (\\ indi^itry in h'lndon, tlm project wim ftitt^tuiiMvi with HoiiH' y Iht ;^M<'at ministers of state, and aniltassadors from all Toreifrri natioriH, amid tlu; strains (»!' music a?iil tlie lM»(Mn ol' artillery, proclaimerj tlie Kxliildtion iipcn, find win'ri lor six months the millions of visitors liad ^a/,ed with wonder and aw«; »i.t the vjiHtness n\' the hnildin^, so hij^h as to enclose larj^'o dm tre«.s, and then had f(!H,sted their eyes on all that was rare and lieimtifiil, the f^rand result .shf»wed the wisdom of tlie undertukiii<4 This was followed liy another in New Y(nl< in |S.'»H, then came Paris in IS.'..'), liondon aj^oi,in in \H(')2, then Paris in ISfiT, after that Vinnna, and the (Centennial in Philadel[)hia, next Paris in I-STS, then came Antwerp, and tlie " Fisheries ' and "Inventories" in Ijondon and Paris ajjjain in IS.SO. In mII of tliese (Jreat liritain and her colonies were larj^fdy repres(!ntod, hut it remained for the year ISSG to sec the Piiitish Kmpini alone in her dii^nity find i,'rand«;ur, represented hy her Indifin and (Colonial Huhjects, and the productions, vari«'d find exhaustlesH, of tiieir mines, tish(!ries, forests, fi;,'ri culture, jiniuuils and mannfficturc'j, tit th« ^rcsat centre of the lOmffire ov«'r vvhicdi Her Mfijesty rei^'ns m tin; ha[)py and appropriate chanicter of Empress of India and Queen of Cirf!>it liritain and Irelfind and all lu^r ('olonies This l^jHipire, on which the sun never sets, find the roll of whose drum l)eat never ceases round the hahitahle glol)e as it is taken U]) every hour while tine earth revolves on her axis, witli a p<»{)ulation numl)erin|L( one-fifth of that of the whole world, has undoubtedly matie such a display as the world has never seen as l»elon;,'in;,' to one Kmpire. h t ■ In !• ! V 172 Toronto "Called Back." From the continent of India, including the newly annexed Kingdom of Burmah, have poured in countless treasures of gold, silver, jewels, diamonds, ivory, silk and gold embroideries, shawls, tapestries, and other tine manufactures of fabulous value. From '' Ceylon's Isle," where the spicy breezes blow so softly, have come coffee and spices, and from the land "Where the feathery palm trees rise, And the date grows ripe under sunny skies; And midst tlie green islands of glittering seas, Where fragrant forests perfume the breeze ; And Rtrange, bright birds, on their starry wings, Bear the rich hues of all glorious things; And from far away, in this region old, Where rivers wander o'er seas of gold, Where the burning rays of the ruby shine. And the diamond lights up the golden mine, And the pearl gleams forth from the coral strand." Came all that the imagination can conceive of, or the Arabian Nights have pictured of richness, grandeur, magnificence and luxury. From Australia, embracing New South Wales, Van Dieman'a Land and New Zealand, have been sent the great natural pro- ductions of these vast countries — animals and their produce, in the shape ol: wool, meats and cheese, and the celebrated woollen ma-mfactures of Nelson, with a vari-^ty of other speci- me«3 worthy of a great nation. The gold fields of Australia, already represented in the Crystal Palace at Sydenham by a pyramid showing the bulk of gold shipped to England, I'rom its first discovery up to a comparatively recent period, exhibit much that is still more majjnificent. From Africa have been sent ostrich feathers, coffee and ivory, and men of every shade, from the dark Hottentot to the Euro- pean colonist, unite to make their very best display. And so the isles of the sea, Newfoundland, Bermuda and the West Indian Islands, and some in the Pacific Ocean, Toronto in 1886. 173 have vied with each other in this great peaceful and l)rotherly rivalry. The representation of the great Dominion of Canada, the brightest jewel in ihe Imperial Crown, has been accomplished in a manner worthy of her greatness, and from the Atlantic to the Pacific the varied productions of her mines, fisheries, forests, agriculture, animals and manufactures is already displayed, to show to the world the vast stritles made by this young giant in tlie march of civilization, arts, sciences, trade, commerce and manufactures; and Canada, undoubtedly, has given a good account of herself, even when side by side with the rich pro- ductions of her sister colonies, and the great continent of India itself. No one city excelled Toronto in the exhibition of what is both useful and beautiful. Who can predict the result of tliis union of tho great British family, brought together in this way lor the first time ^ The Hindoo of India has shaken hands with his brother, the red man of the Canadian forest; and the New Zealander, described by Macaulay as one day sitting on London Bridge sketching the ruins of St. Paul's, was there to falsify the prediction on behalf of his future countrymen, and has seen in the wonders exhibited but the beginning of the extension of the brotlierlv inter-connnunication of trade and commerce, when Canada, with Toronto as its commercial centre, will be the great hijih- way between India, Australia, and the central heart of the Empire, and as Sir George Stephen, quoting the words of the late Sir John A. Macdonald, has just expres.-^ed it, the termini of this great highway will be Hong Kong and Liverpool. Then will soon arrive the time when those vast regions, traversed by the iron road, will be peopled by untold millions of happy and contented settlers, all true in their allegiance to the great Empire of which Canadians are now amongst the most loyal subjects. The writer who, in 180G, describes Toronto with a population of 250,000, will assuredly lefer to the present time as the most remarkable period in her history. ! I . I r ; \ :Hf 17+ Toronto " Called Back." The completion of the Canadian Pacific Railway, the last rail on Callender Junction spiked down on the 18th of January, making the distance from Toronto to Winnipeg shorter by two hundred and thirteen miles; the commencement of shipments to Australia, New Zealand, China an«l Japan ; the coincidence of the Indian and Colonial Exhibition and the jubilee of Her Majesty's coronation, all combining as happy omens of the great future, augur well for the great future that lies before her. The completion of the Canadian Pacific Railway, and, what is sure to follow, a line of ocean steamers from Vancouver to Hong Kong, and thence through British territory to Calcutta, together with the formation of the Dominion of Australia, point to the near approach of what must happen in the closer union of all British countries. Every thinking mind must look back with wonder and admiration on the past years of the now waning century. These have been years of miraculous progress, of vast revolu- tions in surrounding empires, of startling discoveries in science, of beneficial changes in .social life. Time and spact; have become the servants of science. The telegraph enables us to converse with absent friends instanta- neously, or by the railway we fly to see them on the wings of swiftness; and England, in the midst of the changes of other nations, rears her prouil head, great and glorious, powerful and peaceful, rejoicing in that precious liberty of mind and body which constitutes her the Queen of Nations. OPENING CEREMONIES. "Th.-it thoy all m.-vy ])e one I "' Tliiit mother and daughters, Tenderly linked like the fi races in lov*', fiirdliiig tlio gl')l>o, over lands, over waters, M.iy 1)0 iniited lieneath and al)()ve. Here on this orb's upper huuiisphere olden, There on that younger half-circle beneath, Everj'whero shall one sweet union unfolden England's fair scions in olive-twined wreath. All to be one I What a blest federation I I last rail January, r by two hipments incipience } of Her s of the 38 before nd, what Oliver to Calcutta, lustralia, he closer ifler and century, t revolu- 1 science, ce. The nstanta- vin^s of of other rful and nd body ^Ti t> i.'Vj IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /. <<.. r i< & ^ 1.0 I.I l^|28 Hi lu 11:25 ■ 1.4 — 6" 2.5 122 1.8 L6 Hiotographic Sciences Corporation iV , : 11 i!l •m\ .; I I HIS ROVAL mcilXliSS TIIK I'RIXCK oK WALES. Toronto in 188b, 177 Britain, Imperial Queen of the World, Sealed as one heart, one life, and one nation, Under one cross, one standard unfurled ; Owning one law of religion and reason. Speaking one language, and rich in its wealth. Proud of the past, and the bright present season, And the grand future of hope and of health. So may the whole world's glorious communion. Nature, and Science, and Commerce, rejoice ; Growing together in one happy union. Filling the welkin with gratitude's voice. Canada, Africa, Zealand, Australia, India, continents, isles of the sea, -Adding your jewels to Britain's regalia, One with Old England the home of the free ! — M((rtin Farii'ih(tr T^ippcr. The Exhibition was formally opened by Her Majesty on the 4th of May, and was characterized by the impressive, peaceful pomp and pageantry of a Royal progress, and was one of the most remarkable the world has ever seen. The weather was beautiful. Crowds gathered alons: the route taken by Her Maiosty from Buckingham Palace, and greeted her with enthusiastic cheers. The main hall in which the opening ceremonies were con- ducted was crowded with the dife of London. The larriti'iis, hold your own ! iSliarers of our gioiious past, iJi'others, must u'e pai't at last ! Shall not we, through good and ill, Cleave to one another still ? Uritiin's myriad voiees cdl : Soils be weddeil, eaeli and all, Into one Imperial whole — One with liritain, heart and soul. One life, one flag, one fleet, one throne. liritains, hold your own ! And (lod guard ail. 179 1 1 All the parts were suiio- in KuoHsh but the .second. This had been translated into Sanscrit, by Professor Max Muller, as a mark of courtesy to the large nuniljer of Orientals attending tlie Exhibition. A noteworthy incident in the ceremony was the presentation to Her Majesty, Viy Sir George H. Chubb, of a master key of the most elaborate workmanshij), which could open any of the "lOO Chubb locks in the Exhiliition. This choice and costly specimen of the locksmith's art is adorned with jewels of all kinds, and docked with many a rlainty and symbolic device. m^ti .■%f « i i 'i I 180 Toronto "Cai.led Back." It is well worth a luiimto description. Imagine it, half u foot lontj^, made of l)urnish«»d gold, set oft' with enamel and a variety of jewels, the bow being liexagonal in shape. In the centre of the hexagon, as .seen from one side, is a golden representation of the head of a lion in higli relief, langued with ruby, crowned and set in red enamel surrounded with a band of white enuniel, with the inscription, "The Colonial ajid Indian Exhibition." From this central circle radiate to the angles of the hexagon six shields in raised blue enamel, j>ach. bearing a symbol in gold of the colony or dependency — the animals chosen being the sheep, elephant, tiger, opossum, beaver and bull'alo. At the bow end of the key, and surmounting the bow, is the Imperial crown, the band of which is jewelled with rubies ami emeralds. The pin of the key as it leaves the hexagon starts from a centre of four elephants' heads, whose trunks form a socket on either side of the bow. The radiating shields are of yellow gold, and bear the names of several of the Co'onies, whose symbols fins of tht^ obvei'se, and in the C(M\tre of a small nugget of gold. This key rejiresented .symbolieally the opening of the Ivxhi- bition by Her Majesty, after which she hanile(l it to the l*rince of Wales. In addition to the distiiio'ui.s;]iod per.sonaixes nanuMl above, Her Maiestv was accompanied by sevei-al young Princes and Princesses, including iri all thirteen of ]\vr children and grand- children ; all the former being present except the Duke of Etlinbtirgh, win) commanded the Heet in Greek waters. When the Prince of Wales had read the address on behalf of the Commissioners of the Exhibition, ami the Queer had read her reply, he kissed the hand of Her Majesty, but she drew him towards her and kissed him on the cheek. Thus ended a most signiricant ami appropriate celebration, which, as the tir.>^t strictly Imperial pageant, attests the strength aLd unit}' of the British Empire, and emphasizes that desire for still closer union which has become almost a passion of patriotic hearts, whether they beat in the j'ounger Britain beyond the seas ox in the old Island Home. Toronto in 1880. THE CANADIAN EX II I HITS 181 Created a profound impression on the British inind. The people of England had never before Ijeen able to realize the extent and variety of Canadian rcsourcos, and it may V)e said with confidence, that tins country never stood in anything like as high estimation amongst the British people as she does to-day. The magnitude of her public works, the healthfulness of her climate, and the immensity of her territorial extent, were made apparent through the Exhibition as no other means could have accomplished. Commemorative diplomas and medals have been awarded to every exhibitor at the Indian and Colonial Exhibition, number- ini; about three thousand of each. The medals are of bronze, and are very handsome in design and finish. They are about double the size of an ordinary penny. On the olwerse side is a profile portrait of the Prince of Wales, while on the reverse are the words, " Colonial and Indian Exhibition, 1880," surrounded by a cluster of oak leaves. The diplomas are large-sized and of exquisite design and finish, being artistically colored. Britannia is represented, trideri in hand, seated on a throne guarded by the British lion. Behind her stand two figures, one with torch in hand, the other spinning cotton, both representing, according to the interpreta- tion, the march of progress and the speed of enlightenment in the British Empire, Directly in front of Britannia, who extends her right hand in friendly welcome, are groups of individuals attired in characteristic costumes of the various Colonies. Here the noble red man, with uplifted head, presents his contribution to the wealth of the Empire ; while there his more thinly-clad fellow-subject from the burning plains of India, the lordly Zulu, or under-sized Negro, laden with the product of his clime, seemingly vie with one another in their amiable glances in the direction of welcoming Britannia. Without an open window is seen a purple sea, on which is calmly floating a British man-of-war, reminding the Colonists of their securitv at all times. 't! ^1 I ' \ ' " 11 f^ I f! 1N2 ToK(»NTi> " ('ai,m;i) P>ack." 'r()i?(>N'i'(» Kximins. No city conid coinpiiro with Toronto in tlio nunilter and vnrirty ol" her <.'xhil)its. as shown hy th(> hifj^'o nninlicr ol tnothils nn»l diphtniMs distrilinti'il. Thi* nntMh(>r prcscTitcd thro\i_i^h tho bjdnoiition DcpMitnicnt alone was i;^", ftnd ;idvan tan>s»>tice in Toronto ol" the (JoNernor (i(>neral and I^aily liansiicnvne to make Ihe presentation. This interesting; event took |dae(> on th»> 4th of May, at a conver saziono ^iven in the Normal School laiildini^s; tl\e proeiu^iinLjs Indni; ii\terspersiMl with vocal ami ii\strnniental selections The recipiiMJts of nuMJals wer(> connecteii with the Normal juid MoiUd Schools, the Art School, ruhlic and Separate SchooN. Collce;iato lnstitnt«> and \arions Colles;es. School of Practical Science and Toronto Iniversily, ai»d exhihitors of school snpplios, books and musical instruments, and ])roved a most intorcstiui; (occasion ; the principal feature heinij^ the adtlress (if His Excellency on tine arts, which was r<>]ili»te with informa- tion. and both compliuientary and encoiu'au^inij to the students. An int(M'estinu; description of the arranefemcnt of the educa- tional exhibits and the sieneral elVect was ijfivon hv Dr. S Passuiore Mav. who was tlie Comnussioner in charije, under the direction of Hon. U. \V. Koss. Minister of l*]diication. l>r. May has published a . oniplete report, and also a cataioi^ue of the whole educational exhibits, which axe veiy valuable and interesting. r HON. SIK CHAIU.KS TIITEK, (J.C.M.Q., V.W. All the exhibitors from Toronto s]>eak in the hij^ terms of the indefatigable exertions, inexhaustible patience, and uniform courtesy disjdayed by Sir Charles Tupper during the exhibition. Dominion Day, 1886. The nineteenth birthday of Confederation, amidst the usual celebration that took place, was especially remarkable at Win- nipeg by the arrival there of the first through passenger train for Vancouver, which left Montreal on June 28th. Its arrival I iQfer train HON'. SIR ciiAki.r,^ '>ri'i'Kk, I!,\K( i.\i;r ///(//( < n, II III i^siimi I iir ( 'ii iiiiihi . \ « « f '•? 1S + ToHoNlo " ( ' M i,i:i» \\\i h WHS ^rcoto*! \vitl\ i\ ^iimhI inilitmy diMplny. Ilio hriti|r .d' iv fiii ih }o\<\ iluuulor nf n,ilill»>rv, nini (In' oIhmmm oI' l,ln» nNMcnildi'd iniil\jl<(> HM io (Iw inlluiMin* lIiiM sinprniltms wmU will liiiv(< upon tin* ooiiMnort'inl pn\i;r(>sM ol' ih(> ^rntiil oM (Mnpiroor wliicli >V(' nv(» pro»» coM'-innnuilion of jliis work will nniic nnli(l.'\(o mu pxtcM'^ivc Hnlish ('olonial Mmpin* in AnwM-ii'iv, und (h.-il l>y pluciuir onr own ^irill(> nronml I.1m> Con tin(MU. i(MTis now lyin;'; wmjIc mihI tlcMolulc will Ih' Itronj^dil. undtM" «'n(»iir»Mit. inlliiciirt^ of oivili/!i(io>\ nnvo of (ho Anvio S.-ivon {\nd ('t>l(i(' imccs." Tliis was (ho 1irs(, (r.Min rini on (h(> ( wcnty-l'onr hour iiinn sys(*>n\ in(rodur»Ml hy (ho (', l'. Iv. ('o. Tho (.rain (.o <'onn<'c(, lo1'( roron(o ot\ (lu^ 'JMh, m( sex (mHciii (^livo p ni.) o'cloclv. Tho train nrriviMl a( Tort on (ho U[\\ .Inly, and was ivHnMvt^l wi(h ^voat (Miduisiasni. (h(> Vicioria hnjul phiyin^j; " Soo tho CvMupnM'inu; Hovo Tonu^s." Tho town of Vanoonvor was cntin'ly dcstroyod hy (iro on the l.Sth Jnno. NTAOARA inVKK. rr.l.OW THK KM. I.S. TOlidM'O I'lIOM issl TO iHlii will imilt' l''.Mi|iir(< ill .1 l.lio Con- !»(> I»roii;.0il. comnicrn*. iiM n|tii(Mir hour tiiii(< to coniu'ct V, Mild WllM playing' Rol.ollioii of 1H:j7. In (lif HCMsioii (if I'm liiiiiK'tit 111. '\'<)tiii\\i>, ill \K',li'.',7, hi |{i»l|ili iiMi'd l,li(! I'dllowiii^^' lnii;;n(i(/«! : " i U[t u{uirrii\i\\\<'i\\ H]t\in.- li(»M is Hiiiu^iiliir. To ili(< hoiiIIi wr nti' l.dcrifl from the Atlantic (•nasi, liy tin- Aiiicrican llfpulilic' ; |,(»llic noitJi nii'l noitli west you pasM lliioiii^di Itarrcii luii'l i l<» nioiiiitaiiiM f;ov(rf'l with rvrrlaMtin^^ MMci"M. iiikI niiioiiL; linlian trihiis nnknown , urid to ("list wo art" iiit,crrii|tt<'(| hy (ho .sister I'rovincc, tlio vcrv J'roviiKM" with which it is |iro|iosc(| to lijiito ns " Tho .state of political alHurs may Ix- jiiy an I'.n^^lish oi/^'an of tho Opposition: " ilciKH-rorth there must 1 • no ficacc to the Province (luurter for the pliiiiderer,s stroy the ito I a^dtate ! ! a;^dtate no De- revenue; (lenou 'le oppressf^rs. lawful wdieii the fundamental iihertic.s Ul(; in (J 'tl veryttiirifr ih a.nt'er. 'Ill Quur (Is (lie tl lev never .surrender. At puhlic meetin;4,s the Imperial resolutions were denounced fts a hreach of faith and a violation of ri;^dit. Itesolutions were adojited to use as little as [lossihle of impf^rted articles pavinf/ duty, and to a i'apineau trihut<: in imitation of O'f.'onnell'.s Kepeal Ilont. Such wa.s the Ktate of all'uirs in ^Janarla while yot His Majesty William IV., sat on the throne of (jreat Britain. On the 15th of June;, IH:{7, five; days before the accession of Hor Majesty Queen Victoria, L(jrd (Josford tried the effect of a proclamation on the a^dtation which was convul.sinL' societv- 13 ) it Ml ING TouoNTo "Callkd Hack." He assured the people that the Imperial Parliament had neither violated nor was about to violate the just rij^hts and privileges of His Majesty's Canadian subjects. This j)roclamation was torn in pieces by the /i((l>ih(uts in Lower Canada, amid cries of "A bas la proclamation!" The Krcnoh-Canadians rallied to the popular cries " Vive Pa})ineau ! Vive la libert(^! Point du despotisme ! " In Upper Canada, William Lyon ^lacken/ie in liis journal declaimed on the condition of public atliiirs with scathing bitterness. He thus wrote: " Canadians ! Brother Colonists ! Your mock Parliament lias done its duty ; bills and badgerings have I'oilowed each other in (juick succession. " Ye false Canadians ! Tories ! Pensioners ! Placemen ! Prof- ligates I Orangemen ! Churchmen ! Spies ! Informers ! Brokers! Gamblers ! Parasites and knaves of every caste and description, allow me to congratulate vou ! Never was a vagabond race more prosperous! Never did successful villainy rejoice in brighter visions of the future than ye may indulge. Ye may plunder and rob with impunity ; your feet are on the people's necks ; they are transformed into tame, crouching slaves, ready to be trampled on. Erect your Juggernaut; the people are ready to be sacriticed under the wheels of the idol. " The four-pound loaf is at a Halifax shilling (20 cents) ; the barrel of Hour brings twelve dollars. Woe and wailing and pauperism and crime meet us at every corner of the streets. The settlers and their families on the Ottawa, in Siracoe, in the rear of the Lomlon district, and many new settlements, seldom taste a morsel of breatl, and are glad to gnaw the bark off the trees, or sell their improvements for a morse) to keep away starvation. " The settlers are leaving the country in thousands for lands less favored by nature, but blessed with free institutions and just government. The merchants are going to ruin one after another ; even sycophancy and degrading scurrility have failed to save them this time. They cry out, Why is it so ? I pity them not. Money, wealth, power, was their god, the Dagon of Toronto tkom Ins? n 1H!)2. 1,S7 tlioir idolatry. Jjot tlicm cry iiloiid uinl spai'i! not; pcrhiips oven now lu! will help thoin. "But wliv are want and nnserv come amonij us? Ah' ? rebels to Christianity, ye detest tl.i> trntli, ye shut your ears n<^ainst that which is rij^^ht. Your country is taxed, priest- ridden, sold to stran<,'ers and ruined. What then! Ye share the plunders! Ijike the Lazarroni of Italy, ye d(;li<;ht in cruelty and distress, and hinientation and woe." Mr. Mackenzie died in ISOl, and even at that time he irnist have been himself astonished at the wonderful clian^es which had taken place in the condition of the country during' the ])revious twenty-four years of the reiLjn of (^ueen Victoria; and had he lived during tlu^ following,' twenty-six years anur hearts be in harmony, All your voices in unison, Singing " Hail to the glorious Golden year of her Jubilee 1 " 189 i: i n i II '■' i \ li' a I I 190 • Toronto "Called Back." XI. Are there thunders moaning in the distance ? Are there spectres moving in the darkness ? Trust the Lord of Light to guide her people, Till the thunders pass, the spectres vanish, And the Light is Victor, and the darkness Dawns into the Jul)ilee of the Ages. Only six sovereigns of England since the Norman Conquest attained an age equal to or beyond that which the Queen attained on the 24th of May, 1887. These were: Queen Elizabeth, who reached 69 years; James II, 68 yeais; George II., 77 years ; George III., 82 years; George IV., 68 years, and William IV., 72 years. Her Majesty's reign has only been twice exceeded in length, namely, by Henry III., who reigned for 56 years, and by George III., who reigned for 60 years; but the reign of one other sovereign, Edward III., equalled it by extending to 50 years. Queen Victoria is only eighth in descent from James I., a long stretch of history being covered by the seven intervening lives. She is fourteenth in descent from Edward VI., twenty- eighth in descent from Henry I., thirty-fifth in descent from Alfred the Great, and thirty-seventh in descent from Egbert, the first sole monarch of England. The ramifications of her pedigree connect her with many other illustrious personages in addition to those already named. Fifty Years' Progress. No equal period in the history of the world has witnessed such advances in science and speed, such rapid development in the useful arts, such an increase of comfort, liberty and enlight- enment. Since Queen Victoria ascended the British Throne the population of Great Britain and Ireland has increased from 26,000,000 to 37,000,000. The acquisition of foreign territory by Great Britain is without a parallel in the history of the human family. She bears rule over one-third of the surface of the globe, and over nearly one-fourth of its population. Her Toronto from 1887 to 1892. 191 possessions abroad are in area sixty times lari^er than the parent state. She owns three millions and a half of square miles in America, one million each in Africa and Asia, and two and a half millions in Australia. At the Indian and Colonial Exhibi- tion in London, in 1886, sixty-eight colonies and dependencies were represented, varying in extent from Gibraltar, with its two square miles, to Canada with her three millions and a half. In the fifty years her aggregate wealth has more than trebled, her foreign commerce has increased five-fold ; the imports of the United Kingdom have increased from £06,000,000 to £.S74,- 000,000. During the same period the imports of the British Possessions have increased from £26,000,000 to £218,000,000. The public revenues of the United Kingdom have grown since the Queen's accession from £55,000,000 to £03,000.000, anil of the British Possessions from £23,000,000 to £115,000,000. In 1837, the shipping of the United Kingdom was 9.000,000 tons ; in 1887 it reached 64,000,000 tons. In the fifty years the average entered and cleared at ports in the Biitish Possessions had increased from 7,000,000 to 7^,000,000 tons. The penny postage was introduced soon after the Queen came to the throne, and in 1839 the total number of letters delivered in the United Kingdom was 82,471,000. In 1885 what was their number ? The total was 1,403,000,000 letters, 496,000,000 newspapers and books, and 172,000,000 post-cards, making a total of 2,071,000,000. The increase of wealth in the United Kingdom in the fifty years has been enormous, the taxable income having risen in thirty years from £308,000,000 to £031,000,000, or in the pro- portion of 105 per cent. When Queen Victoria ascended the throne, Australia was only a convict settlement, British India belonged to a commer' cial company, the South African Colony was little more than a barren rock, and the Dominion of Canada was shorn of an immense territory by the Hud.'son's Bay Company. These are marvellous facts and figures of material progress within one reign, but what is quite as important is the fact that the en- lightenment, enfranchisement and bettered condition of ihe i.v\ If 1 :! I . I ; * ; t ', ( * 1 102 ToHoNTo "Called Hack.' masses, tlie sjfrowth of civil liberty, of art and culture, have kept pace witli the vast strides in population, trade and wealth. NewspapiM's, schools, churches and benevolent societies have grown as never hefore, and accomplished practical results as they ;j^re\v. Laws have improved, Inunanifcy ar clothed, and l."() per cent. better educated, than he was in the reign of William IV. • I Toronto's Loyalty. Toronto, always foremost in her allegiance to Great Britain, manifestcMl Ium' loyalty to the young Queen on the occasion of her Coroniitioii. on the '?Sth of dune, 1S.S8. The citizens of Toronto, in their expression of joy, joined heartily in the celebration. Bublie rejoicings, dinners, speeches, and lireworks, were the order of the day and evening. A grand procession of firemen was tlie principal public ftviture, and formed a tine display, being headed by the bands of the (^)ueen's Rangers and of the Ivoyal Foresters. 'I he tlio erection oi' a now hoHpital for sick cliiidren, for wiiich tlie citizens liave voted tlio .sum of S2(),()()(). Tlie Jul)ilee celel)rations \V"'r(! inaugurated l)y a Military Church Parade, on the l!)th of flune, vvlien a 'I'hanicsgiving service was held in St. James' Cathedral. The iJisliop of Toronto and several leading clergymen otliciated. The tro(,pM, which marched to tlie church hrade*! l»y their liands, consisted of the Govcrnor-Cjeneral's Body Cuaid, 'I'oronto Garrison Artil- lery, members and ex-memhers of the (^U(!en's Own IMHe.s, Tenth Royal (ii'enadiers, and Army and Navy lVnsion(;rs. The service, which was most ap]))"oj)riate, was rendered uiuisu- ally attractive hy the addition of the serviccis of tlu; hand f>f the "(Queen's Own " to the nuisical prograumie. Major-Cieiusral Sir Fre\ ! 196 Toronto "Called Back." Upon our Queen, o"r Country, Flag, God's blessing ever rest,, With peace and plenty everywhere, Her people's homes be blest. God save the Queen, her i)eoplo pray, From hearts sincere and free ; God save ourlov'd Victoria, And crown her Jubilee. AT THE SYNAGOGUE. The services held by the Jewish residents were remarkable for their intense devotion to the person and character ci: Queen Victoria. The beautiful and appropriate prayers, the music and eloquent sermon by Rabbi Phillips, were all expressive of the reverence in which Her Majesty is held by the Jewish people throughout the world. He alluded in thrilling tones to the flag of England, w- hich lent its protection to the Jew as well as the Gentile. The Jewish merchant kings have found guar- dianship beneath its folds, and Jewnsh legislators had found honored places in the Imperial courts. God had been gracious unto His chosen people and provided them with a protectress in their well-beloved Queen. At the conclusion of the discourse the ark was opened and prayers were offered for Her Majesty. The choir sang a number of Psalms in the original tongue, and the service cunclu hearts and willing hands, Wide is tiioir Hag unfurled ! Hark, their stentorian cheer, Heard once in deadly tight, Once when for cause held dear lirave souls that know no fear Struck home for Britain's might. And India's dusky sons pass on In glittering array, Tho last and greatest tribute laid Before the throne this day. More than crown of monarch precious That which now thy people give thee, Flower-entwined, made of blossoms Gather'd in the beauteous garden Where forever bloom scent-laden Words and deeds of purest nature. Loving daughter, wife devoted, Tender par^-nt, friend so faithful, Ever with the stricken grieving. Ever with the glad rejoicing, •Lo, on this great day we crown thee. Queen of all our hearts, Victoria ! Lord of life and light and glory, God of our world-empire's story, Low we bow before Thy throne. Praise is Thine, and Thine alone. King of kings, protect this nation. Lord of lords, be our sabation In the stress of trouble's day. Toronto fkom 1887 to' 181)2. 201 O M()«t Hij^'h, on 'I'lieu relying, Now anil «vt'r ill defying, Wo Hecurcly rest tor aye ! Now, in onu lieaitfi'lt liond nf l High and iiigher to the sUiuH. As a climax, the autlior's now verse, which was added to the National Anthem, was oiven with all the force of choii-, oi'<,'an, orchestra, and the distant hooiuin;^' of cannon, which were tired by electricity from the conductor's desk. The composer succeeded in infusi •vl • 1 1 iE L m '20-1 InHoMO ' { AM.Kl) liAiK." fit t I ? I tlli> yr:\\ with wllirli In^ (>|^^l|•|^ Il!ni' Imm'II Mf'OOlltloil, till' I III |hmim1 Instihilc Iim^ Ikmmi iMnnrlird in ;\ mniun'r wliicli will .^o i\ joni; \\!\v lin|i(>ri!ii liisli- tn<«> i-; inl(>nili''| jo ilhi«iini(> iln' mnlcriivl juIvhimm's (if lln' riMpiit', (n -illovtl iwcnns ul' i'.Mn|i!\risiMi with wluil. is iliiiic liy olhor cinmirics, jo rsJnliJi'^l) nicntiM of oliiivininjr (•niniiM'nMivl inlonnaHiti, to I'lntlitM- {li(> mix Mnfcnu'Mt ul' tiMilcM mihI linii'li- iTiit'ts, liv ■^jitH'ial i>\hil'it ions miiiI ot litTwisr. ntnl in pr<)tiit>t,i> ii'chnioal (>V( sriijnt i\ (>, luij tiicrcly ol' wliiit. Iuim Imcii • lono i1ir(Mii_;l\oii( th<* cmpniv l>iit s !in\(M-\- t'xliihits iiiiiy lii> ohanood from time t(> (inu\ tli<> jiroiinct ions of ( '.'umilii will l>t' oon^t-mtlv uii'liM'tlio in'-prct ion of vi'-itor-^ from cvrry piut. of tilt' world, ;uid it niMV oonlid(>nlly In* cNjuH'tcd iliivt. in tlic futuro, as in tht- p.i^t, Tovonlv) will hold iv coiiMiiicudtiH pliicp, and that I;(M' « xlul'its will altvaot tlio attontion and oxoitc the admiration o\' millii^n^ o\' p<'opl(\ Vho (' Mi!Hst(M"s lia\t' Iummi ('\pvi'Nsinu[ t.luMr opinion a>^ tii tlu^ w isdom o|' (>\t(M\dini4' tlu> ^^notMi's titl«» so as t,o covrv th«M^^l«MU(-s. rii(> Mai-ijiiis of l,(M'nt> approxcs of llir of ' (^)iioon l, nl thf |iiiliiuit, rn<)d, Till ilii'i»< wnn Mill, a hi^ii ni' n I'-hF, iii'IciI, I'm piii\t' it I'tiHli tiMiii till' rivf'i'. Uncut il '^lii.rt. 'li'lllr tjrcdt, i/'.d I'ati, - llmv liill il bImikI in llu» rivff ! 'riu'li il|<'\V lIlM jiilli |ili>. I lie ilPUll, 'if I. (riari, Wti'iiijily ficitii the (piiIri'Im till!/, Tlusii niitcJKMl llic jHinr, dry, tM(i|»ty llimt{, 111 liiiles, (18 liM nnU> hy flit! rivHr. " 'riiis i« Mm- w,\.< , " liiiii^liiid tlio yrr/ih (^nd I'ari, — I/!1II!^Ium| wliilo lio Bat.H liy IIih rwur, — " Tlio "idy wiiy, siiico yodn lict/iui '!''» mnitn ^wnnt milRir, tlify roiild succeed. ' riieii cir cp[i|iiim; Iiim MMiiitli i>p M, hnle m the reed, lie lilew, III |ii)vver', liy I lie river. Sweel, HWeet, (me>>t, O I'lin ! I'ieiciii:; sweet liy llie i iver, llliiidm'4 Hweet, (> i/reat i/od J'uri I Tile sun I'll tlie lull f/<>t Ut i\n', And llie lilie.s revivod, iviid llie drai^ori (ly • '(line 1p;h;I< In dreiiiii nii llie river. — Eliyjihitlh liarrfAt /irmj)ii.iiifi. Vr'ior to the prridil wluii tlio prfHont rorniniscc.rices cornirifinco (licrt) wftM littlt! in m)(,i; of tin; iiiiisioal fiistrjry oF Torout't. The writer is iiKN^Ittdl to tin; TorDiito Mrill tor soiue uccount pre- vious to iH \-7. It ;i|»|)ours liy tin- rarlicst rt'corils, that aw far hack as 1818 the Hok) instruiiKiiital ai'tist of Toiorito was a Mr. Maxwell • listin^uishetl " for his <(Uit't iniuirMir, for the shade over one eye, and for his liotii(!ly skill on the violin." With military music the townsj)eople were familiarized hy the occasional |jerf Hnivrrsity JIall, J'arliatntint iWiildin^H. On tlie j)ro;j;ratnni<' was aHvinphony of jieetiioven's, the " Manchijah Chorus" from the "Mount of Olives," a cornet NoV) from Mr. IFarknesH (handmaster), llui overtuni to " li'JtnJi- nna," and a, violin Holo, "'I'lie dyin^ Hcene," from " Jjueia," hy Herr (jlriebel. At the third nje«!tin<4, Herr (Jrirlicj played J)e Keriot'.s first cone-n'to for violin, and one of Pajj^aninis concert solos. The (JhoruH .sanji IlaiMU'l'.s " Fixed in his ev(;rla,stin'r scat." The Society n«!xt li<^nre(l at a, concert in aid of tin- patriotic fund of tlie Orimean War snllerers, in the St. Lawrenc(> Had, February, 1855. The proi^rammc inehid(Ml the " FiiruM-ai March,'" by Beethoven; piano solo, Mr. fbiycraft ; sonir, "()h, ihni, pnvsorve tlio mourners," Davis ; solo and cliorus, "(^>ui tollis," Mr. riecht ; fantasia, on the "Cujiis animam," Mr. Hay- ttT; fsong, " Ruth," Mrs. Heverley llobinsori ; son^, " I wouM be a soldier," Mr. L. W. Smith ; piano and violin rt excite,h," and wa.s ^dvcn on I. he I7t,li \>>cc\\i\,tr, l-S'i?. T\[v work wa.H acconiplishcd in fAvi'Kc weeks, imd siu-h was the t'.ntlmsiaHrn crcukMJ, that, the concert rootn wn> liliid to tin doors. Mr. (Jai'ter wa,sassis(,(Ml hy lierr ( «rie)pel, and ,^Ies•^rs. Noverre, Maul, Schmidt, and Martin Ln/.are, nnion;^rst the; instrntnental ists, and hy Mi.s.s Davis, Miss Keir)|) (fi.l'terward.s Mr-, rohhnii), Miss li,o))in,son, Mrs. l*oett(!r, and Mr;. Scott. Anion;^ the vocalists were Messrs. .la,cot) VVri;/ht,, Sui^ den, Harrf)Ti, C. (irasott, lii'i.scoe, IJan/^^ .lanies l5a.Nte,i\ a.nd I''. Hoche. ".ludas Alaccaheus " was po'lornied in l.S.'jH, iinder the direc- tion of KeN'. Mr, ()nions, who started an ()|ij)Osition schenie whidi divided ninsical socicfty into two parti's, knowii n- the ()nionit(!M and the Cartcritcs. 1'he j'eiid, liowever, was of ratli •!• an aniicalih) nature. 'I'lie llcv. Mr. Onirtns Viad Mr. Novorre as leader of tlie hand, and Mr. (i. V. (;iraliaiii as organist. His vocalists were Mr. and Mrs. Ilickok, Mr. Lindsay, Mrs. ])urdevi, ('. J. Martin, Mr lluniphn^ys, Mr. .John liaxtei-, the Misses Iloidnson, .Mfidaine Wookey, Mrs. Hastin^^.s, Miss Searle, Mrs. Knierson, and Messrs. Hriscoo, Su}.,fdon, and V^ial. The hand ;*nd chorus v/er(' adver- tised as numbering' two liundrod. At one of tlie oratorios, the write)' and hi.- part}- sat neai a f/ontlenian of the K^^al firofossion, recentl}' out from Ijondon, who criticised tlie performance of (sach vocalist, arid duriiif,' tlio performance of one ten(»r sin^'ei', not appreciatinf^^ his efio'tw, lie made liimscdf consj)icuous l)y shru^'^/int,' his shoulders and Bcrewin*,' up Ids countenance at the same time exclaindji;: loudly enou'fh to he heard, " <)h, Sims |{ee\'(!s!" |lt !■ dmi IIP- « 4 i ^ t. ■ 1 208 Toronto "Called Back." Having lately heard that celebrated tenor, in Exeter Hall, we could partly sympathize with his feelings, but not so far as to lose the enjoyment of the Toronto performance, which was highly creditable to all concerned. The rivalry resulted in each party giving the "Creation." In 18G1 Mr. Carter formed the " Toronto Musical Union," and Mr. Onions the " Metropolitan Choral Society," under the direction of Mr. Martin Lazare, a most able musician. Some of the per- formances of this gentleman on the piano were truly mar- vellous, especially "medleys " and " fantasia" with one hand. In 1863-4 Mr. Carter, as director of the Musical Union, in connection with the Mechanics' Institute, in the Music Hall over the present Free Library, gave occasional concerts ; and among the works produced were the " Messiah," " Judas Mac- cabeus," the " Creation," the " Lay of the Bell," the " Stabat Mater," and the operas " II Trovatore," and " Martha." In 1872 Mr. Robert Marshall, in connection with Mr. Alex. Mills, undertook to reorganize the Philharmonic Society, and succeeded in inducing a sufficient number of instrumentalists and vocalists to combine for this purpose. Dr. McCaul was appointed President; the veteran Dr. Clarke, Conductor; Mr. Robert Marshall, Vice-President ; and Mr. John Hague, Secretary. The tirst concert of this new society was given in October, 1872, when the " Messiah " was given in Shaftesbury Hall. The chorus consisted of twenty-eight sopranos, twenty-six altos, forty-eight tenors, fifty basses, and eight principals — in all one hundred and tifty. The orchestra, under the direction of Mr. Marshall, consisted of twelve violins, three violas, three basses, two double basses, two flutes, two clarionets, one bassoon, one horn, two trumpets, and two drums — total thirty. The solo vocalists were Messrs. J. G. Sheriff, Marriott, Martin, and Pearson, and Mrs. Grassick, Mrs. Cuthbert, Miss Hillary, Miss Clarke, and Miss Thomas. The pianist was Mr. H. G. Collins. This was the last occa- sion on which Dr. Clarke conducted at an oratorio. : Hall, we I far as to rhich was ition." In " and Mr. direction [ the per- •uly mar- e hand. Union, in usic Hall erts ; and das Mac- " Stabat Mr. Alex, jiety, and Qentalists r. Clarke, Mr. John October, all. The ix altos, 1 all one onsisted basses, rumpets. Martin, Hillary, :if st occa- ; I'h I F. II. TORRINGTON, ESQ. Toronto from 1SS7 to 1892. 209 Mr. Marshall wielded the baton until the arrival of Mr. Torrington in 1873. This event marked a new epoch in the musical history of Toronto. F. H. TORRIXGTON. Mr. Torrington first saw the light in October, 1837, the place of his birth being Dudley, Worcestershire, England. He com- menced playing the violin when seven years of age, and evinc- ing marked ability was placed by his parents under the care of competent musical instructors at Birmingham, who taught him the piano, violin, organ, and harmony. He afterwards received his musical training as Cathedral organist, choir- master, pianist, etc., under James Fitzgerald, of Kidderminster (pupil of Dr. Gorge, Bristol), under whom he was articled for four years. As violinist he was a pupil of Geo. Hayward, Birmingham. In 1853, he became orgaiiist and choirmaster of St. Ann's Church, Bewdley. In ISo-i, Mr. Torrington was elected a member of the London Society of Sciences, Literature and Arts, for which he has a diploma. After a successful career in England he came to Canada, and was engaged in Montreal as organist of Great St. James' Street Methodist Church, a post he held for twelve years. During this period he developed his musical talent, and worked hard to cultivate public taste for the best class of music. For a considerable portion .f this time Mr. Torrington was bandmaster of the 2.5th Regiment, and as founder and director of various vocal and instrumental societies, his services as solo organist and violinist were in constant demand. During a visit to Boston, to take part in the first great Peace Jubilee, Mr. Torrington was asked by Mr. Gilmore to take up his residence there, and a short time afterwards was offered and accepted the position of organist and musical director at King's Chapel, which position he left for the one he now holds at the Metropolitan Church, Toronto. During the period of his residence in Toronto his work speaks for itself, as, in addition to the palpable improvement in church and choir music which he has effected, he has produced with large chorus and orchestra, through the medium of the Toronto llt< M :i ToHONTo IliMV ISS7 'III l«:i!^ ]'llilllMrm()tlic SncictA'. I lie Inllnwitl" \vni if IJm' ' it'fdt MM.4tr"r: iiiiiiiy of llicm Ih'huI fur flic first film in (iHiimlii, nrni Hdiiic for fln< fii'sf. f.iiiK" on fliisi siilc of tlic Atlnnf.if': Mrssinli, I'ilijnli. ( 'ri-ntidii, \,ti\ nf f,tic |;i.||, |''i iildlm. St, I'iml, SUliivf. Maicr, Mm\' Uiicrii, llvnui Sjili(i), Miifcli ninl ('linriis (l/iff of iln' ( zmc) MJHcn'ri' Scnif {Tnnatorc), Mors ct, Vifji, \hvi\.i'\ in l'.L'>)»t' S)>riii<^''H McssHLrr, r.ridc of I>iiril<('iTon. l{.(iHf' of Slinron, .liiilas Miu'caltiMiM, ( !y|iMy l,ifi', TIh' IjJisf, .Iiiilj^iiicnf., Acis ami (JiilMtcn ri-('cioMji, H»'(|('iii|tf ion, liosc Mai'lcn, ( JnisatlfT ; 'riiat- Mr. 'I'orrin^tfiti's f)nin', mo f:)\oi'oii;4lily rHfiiJili-.lic'l in AJiicrica, liatl rcacluMJ liack (,o l'lind|it' was sliown (lnrinir liis recent, visit, to liis fiati\f Inml, Dnriri'' Mr. 'rorriii''- Um'H visit to iMHdjir lie atteiidcd t.ln' i'myrentli fcHtival, and at I;<'ij)sic he wa.s lionpitaMy <'nf,('rtM,iiird ]>y .ladasHfjlin and Martiti Krnuse. While in liunddn he was invitf^d \>y I)r. Mackenzie to attend tlie H.oyal Academy of Minic at St. .latiies' Mall. H< was also invit»^liH}i rnuHij'ians at th(! (Iolle<^n' of Or^'anists. In concluding' thi.s HUetch we may .say that Mr. 'I'orrin'^ton'.'^ entire c/ireer has hccn a lonj.r record of iirdirok(!n success, as noteworthy as it is deserving. At present Mr. Torririj^fton o(;cu})ies the followiriL; ini|ioit,)irit jxisitions: Organist of Metiojiolitan Church ; Conductor of Phil- harmonic Society; I )irector Toronto ColleL'; of Music; Pn^si- dent Colle^t^ of OrjL^'finists ; I'l-e.sident Society of Musicians. 1 1 i. TOUON'nt (ni,LK(;h oi- .misic In Septeniher, IS-SS, the Toronto Colle,f,'e of Music, \vit.h Mr Torrin^ton as musical director, and a hu;;e staff of teachers selected from the most prominent professional musician.s, opened its door.s to the j)uhlic. Instantaneous success attended the opening, and very soon hundreds of pupils were enrolled. In order to place the institution on a permanent hasis, an ciation (rf gentlemen of great prominence was formed into a PM I Irr 1' w tin Hi? : I \.. 212 TouoNTo "Cai.lkd 1>A(;k." joint stock company, liavinNTO eOLLKtiK OF MUSIC. possessing powers of granting degrees in music (Mus. Bac. and Mus. Doc). This step placed the college in the most complete point of organization possible. Bj' virtue of the strength of its faculty, the possession of a building with music halls, organ and all other necessary appli- ances, ample capital, a vigorous and influential board of directors, a large orchestra (sixty members), and facilities for ^securing the highest degrees in music, the Toronto College of (MM ;|| ToUoNTo FlUtM l.S,S7 TO 1H02. 21 » Munic .stands out a Icadin;^' I'actor of musical education in. Canada, and may \>t\ ranked vvitli tlio most important institu- tions of n similar kind in the I'nitod States and Kuropo. Mr. Torrin^ton made an (ixtonded tour thrrni^li lMiro[)e in tlie interests of the; Toronto C/oIle^e of Music, visitin;^ the lioipsic (Jonservntor}' and (Jevvardiaus ; th(! Hoch (Joachim) Seliool of Music, I5erlin; the Waj^'uer Festival at iJayreuth ; the Ko3'al Academy of Music, Ijondon ; the Royal (jollej^e of Music, London; l)ein^' most cordially received hy J)i-. Staint.r, ()xforr}'d<^e, Westminster Ahlxiy, and Dr. Turpin, (Jc^lle^^'e of Orffardsts. It was v(!ry satisfactory to find that the stronijest featurt^s of these various scIhjoIs of music are incorporated in the scheme adopted as the basis of the work of the Toronto College of Music. lit .{%. .IK.NNY I.I Nit. The arrival of Jenny Lind, tin; "Swedish Ni^ditini^ale," ir^ America, in 1868, created such a sensation as was never known in the musical worhl. The sale of tickets for lier first concert in New York was a f^reat event. The first choice of a seat being set up for competition, was ])urchased Ijy Genin, t-he Broadway hatter, for five hundred dollars. On lier first appearanoe she carried all hearts by storm, not for her great Iteauty, eithci- of face or figure, but the irresistible charm of her simple and natural manner. Once heard, Jenny Lind could never be forgotten. Nor was her wonderful ffift as a songstress the only cause of the royal ovations she received wliercver she made her appearance. Everywhere she was fairly worshipped for her goodness and })enevolence. Although she had hundreds of letters every day asking her for help from all sorts of applicants, no worthy cause was overlooked. Her purse was always open to afford relief, and no request to give her services towards any charitable object was denied. The foundation of the Protestant Orphans' Home in this city is due to her kind-hearted benevolence. In New Vork, espe- cially, the Jenny Lind mania became so .strong that fabulous I :■ 'II 1;^ h mI'' & . i J. * m ih' lu P 1 m?. H I mm 1 214 ToiioxTO •' Called Back." prices were paid for anything- that might be preserved as a memento of her visit. It was said that chambermaids at the hotel sold the combines, and even stray hairs from her hair-brushes, at large prices, and so of every article of which she had made use at the table. Jenny Lind was the first and greatest star artiste Toronto has ever seen. Her one concert was given in the St. Lawrence Hall, in the fall of Ls.33. Before the time announced, on the sale of tickets at Nord- heimer's, the window shutters were put up, and the door strongly barricaded to keep back the crowd and allow appli- cants to enter in batches. So great was the scramble that coats were literally torn off men's backs ; and to the great amusement of the crowd, one gentleman, determined to secure his prize, hoisted a small boy over the heads of the people, and in this way the boy procured a ticket. The price of admission was ten shillings, or two dollars. Those who were present at the concert will remember her rendering of the simplest and most familiar songs. " Comin' through the rye,"' and " John Anderson, my Jo," were given, although with a slightly foreign accent, with great beauty and simplicity of expression ; but while the air was so familiar, the variations, from the lowest to the highest range of the voice, were such as were never heard in Toronto, and were perfectly indescribable ; and so of all the other numbers on the pro- gram me. The following star artists have appeared in Toronto, chiefly through the intlueuce of Messrs. A. ic S. Nordheimer : — Piccolomini, Mario, Santley, Carlotta Patti, Rudersdorff, Parepa Rosa, Catharine Hayes, Car}-, Lucca, Canissa, Madame Anna Bishop, Di Murska, Kellogg, Thalberg, Rubinstein, Vieux- temps (the king of violinists), Arabella Goddard, Wieniawski, Sauret, H. C. Cooper, Lichtenberg, Theresa Liebe, Alfred Jaell, Camilla Urso, Prinne, Listerman, Remenyi, Joseffy, Teresa Carreno, Brignoli, Nillson, Lehmann, Musin, Rummell, Wilhelmj, Fabre, Leopold D'Meyer, Paul Julien, Brega, D'Albert, Sarasate, Adelina Patti, Albani, Freidhem, and Paderewski. Toronto fkum 1^5.^7 to 1S02. 215 Among the clul>s, the Mendels.sohn and Beethoven Quintette, the Damio.sch and Thomas Orchestras, and Gilmore's Band, have appeared from time to time in Toronto. MRS. JOHN BEVERLEY ROBINSON AND MRS. J. O. BEARD. Any account of the progress of vocal music in Toronto would be incomplete without the name of the late Mrs. John Beverley Robinson, wife of the ex-Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario. This gifted and accomplished lady, po.ssessing a tine appear- ance and exquisite voice, was ever ready to respond to the call of the citizens on every occasion, on behalf of any charitable or benevolent enterprise, and her singing always elicited the most hearty applause. The amounts raised by Mrs. Robinson's services for these noble ol»jects were very large, amounting to many thousands of dollars ; one excellent institution here, " The Home for Incurables," haviuLT, in 1674, received the sum of .^2,000, the result of one of her charitable concerts. Only a comparatively small number of citizens know how nmch they are indebted to this hitly for the existence of some of the insti- tutions of our city. Mrs. J. G. Beard also contributed largely to the same objects, especially the Girls' Home. Her services as leading soprano in the choir of St. James' Cathedral, as well a.s at all such concerts as have been alluded to, are well known to many in Toronto. As amateurs these ladies have never been surpassed, and, even by the crreat artists who have visited the city, seldom excelled. THE MUSICAL FESTIVAL. To Mr. Torrington is due the conception of establishing a series of musical festivals in Toronto, after the model of those given in England and the Unitetl States, and the first of these, which took place on the loth, IGth antl I7th of June, 1886, will be memorable in the musical history of Toronto. The tirst concert consisted of the opening chorus of God Save the Queen, followed by Gounod's sacred trilogy, " Mors et Vita; " the second was a miscellaneous concert; the third was Handel's 216 Toronto "Called Back." sublime oratorio of " Israel in Egypt," and the fourth the Children's Jubilee and miscellaneous concert, in which 1,200 children took part. The solo performers were as follows : Soprano, Fraulein Lilli Lehmann, Mrs. E. Aline Osgood, Mrs. Gertrude Luther ; con- tralto. Miss Agnes Huntington ; tenor, Mr. Albert L. King ; baritone, Mr. Max Heinrich ; bass, Mr. D. M. Babcock ; organ, Mr. Frederic Archer ; piano, Mr. Otto Bendix ; harp, Mme. Josephine Chatterton ; violin, Herr Henri Jacobsen. The festival chorus comprised 1,000 voices, and the orchestra 100 performers. Mr. F. H. Torrington was the musical director. Whatever Mr. Torrington's ambition may be in the future, unless some grander compositions appear than Gounod's " Mors et Vita," and Handel's " Israel in Egypt," he can expect no greater success than he has already achieved in the perform- ance of these great works. The interpretation of the conception of these great composers^ and the thorough execution of their great works, is only second to the compositions themselves, and in the Toronto festival, the masterly manner in which, in every part of light and sliade, whether of vocalization or instrumentation, Mr. Torrington ren- dered every word and note in the programme, has placed him in the front rank of musicians. To sum up in one word, the whole festival was perfect in all its parts, and the delighted audiences who had the opportunity of listening will look forward to a repetition of the musical feast with confident anticipation. The best building the city afibrded, having been utilized, proved to be most adequate to the occasion. While it would be most desirable that a music hall built to accommodate double the number which attentled the festival concerts, yet, as there is a limit to the powers of the human voice and ear, the whole advantage was on the side of the building used for these concerts, and of both performers and listeners who were present. It is well known that at the Crystal Palace and other large places, no matter what the number of the performers may be, the outside rim of the 20,000 people who attend do not Toronto from 1887 to 1892. 217 enjoy the music, from the fact that it is impossible to hear at such a distance, Toronto could afford to have a hall sufficient to accommodate six thousand people, and at prices within the reach of all ; and chorus and orchestra might then be increased in a correspond- ing degree, without loss of the general etiect so delightful on the late occasion. The officers of the Musical Festival Association, who so ably carried out the arrangements, were as fodows : Geo. Gooderham, Honorary President; S. Nordheimer, President; J. B. Boiistead, J. Herbert Mason, P. Jacobi, Vice-Presidents ; James McGec, Treasurer ; Jas. C. McGee, Assistant Treasurer ; John Earls, Honorary Secretary ; Edmond L. Roberts, Secretary ; A. L. Ebbels, Recording Secretary ; Charles Reiddy, Librarian. The festival was successful financially as well as artistically, and reflects the highest credit on all concerned. The musical festival orchestra comprised twenty first violins, fourteen second violins, ten violas, ten cellos, ten double basses, two flutes, one piccolo, two clarionets, two oboes, two bassoons, four horns, six cornets, three trombones, two tubas, kettle drums, big drums, side-drums, cymbals, triangle and gong. At the Children's Jubilee a most interesting programme was successfully carried out, several of the celel >rated soloists taking part. ^ The children, however, were the chief attraction. When their youthful voices, with pleasing freshness and simplicity, struck the chorus " Hark to the Rolling Drum," the vast assem- blage listened with marked attention, and many a father and mother looked with pride upon their children, whose appear- ance and behavior reflected much credit on the city. Mr. Torrington, taking the place of Mr. Schuch, next con- ducted them in singing the national song of his own composition, entitled " Canada," the first verse of which runs : — 16 O Canada, fair Canada ! Name ever dear to nio ; A home for all who leave the shores Heyond the brij^ht, blue sea. We love our land, though young it be, I :,• i; ! I 218 Toronto "Called Back." Its sunshine and its st<5rm3, Its faces fair, and lieatts sir core, Afiections strong and w.arm. We love our land, We love our flag, Beyond all others seen ; God prosper our Dominion fair, Our country and our Queen. At a particular part in the closing verse each child suddenly produced a small Union Jack and waved it in the air. The beautiful sight of 1,200 flags, together with the patriotic senti- raeut and excellent singing of the ."song, created the greatest enthusiasm, and the last verse had to be repeated. It was a pretty sight to see 2,400 little hands waving in the air in the action songs, led by Mrs. J. L. Hughes, in illustration of the words beino- sunij at the same time. At the close of the concert the entire chorus joined in God Save the Queen. Toronto a Literary City. Were Toronto to be judged by the number of people who read the party political articles in the daily papers, it would rank high in the sctile of literature, and if the demand for works of fiction were a proof of literary taste, then our Public Library and its branches would bear testimony that the citizens of Toronto were a truly intellectual people ; but while these tests may be applied to indicate the taste of the majority, and would certainly show the tendency to be in the line of both of these habits, it is i pleasing fact that a large number culti- vate a taste for literature for its own sake, and for the improvement of their minds. The number of non-political newspapers, and of those repre- senting the various religious denominations, is as great as in any other city of its population. The number of book stores and publishing houses, together with the large amount of books imported throughout the year, is a good indication of the extent of the private libraries which exist in the city and of the num- ber of their readers. V The Mail Building, King St. West, Toronto J H I ^^'M 'Hi! ]: t "•■•■■ 11 f ' 1: ] 1 ! i \' i 1 1 1 ' A V w H i 1 Mi H'iii mi . if 'Ijlll The Globe Building, Yonge St., Toronto Toronto froai 1887 to 1892. 219 ^ It cannot be said that, in proportion to the population, there is a greater taste for literature than in previous years. Although there was no literary institution of a popular char- acter, except the Mechanics' Institute, that was always well patronized, and the average intellii,'ence of the people of Toronto was quite equal to what it is at the present time, at least in book literature. While efforts were made to encourage a taste for reading generally, especial attention was given by the man- agers of the Mechanics' Institute to impart technical knowledge. Nor was the cultivation of the faculties for appreciating the beautiful in art, thought and feeling, as well as for enjoying the truths of physical science, neglected. That elegant and reHective literature which tends to moralize, to soften ami adorn the life and soul of man, and the belles lettres, which operate for the advancement of the mental condition of the middle and humbler classes of society, might now as well as then hold a higher place in public estima- tion, and with advantage be more generally called into practical requisition. The Canadian Institute, which now ranks so high as a literary and scientific institution, did not come into existence till 1849, since which time it has done much in the higher sphere of literature, and takes the highest rank amongst Canadian literary societies. Amongst the literati of Toronto may be named Sir Daniel Wilson, Drs. Scadding, Loudon, Hodgins, and Withrow. and Professor Goldwin Smith. The Week newspaper holds a place between the ordinary newspaper and the magazine ; the latter being represented by only one. The Methodist Magazine, which is alike creditable to the publishers, the contributors, to Toronto and the Dominion. It is an interesting question, whether the taste for solid read- ing is more cultivated amongst the young men of 1892 than tl jse of 184)7 and whether their general intelligence is greater. The number of amusements and attractions of various kinds which Toronto now affords may have a tendency to reduce the hours spent in study, and thereby prevent the acquisition of knowledge which, in the absence of these surroundings, made ■I 220 Toronto "Called Back." H 'If'J' the old Mechanics' Institute itself the leading attraction for younc^ men. It cannot be denied that the newspaper is the great educator of the nineteenth century, and that no literary power can com- pare with it. Rev. Dr. Talmage says : " The newspaper is the " flying roll " of the Apocalypse. It It. book, pulpit and platform, all in one. And there is not an interest, religious, literary, commercial, scientifical, agricultural or mechanical, that is not within its grasp. All our churches, schools, colleges, asylums, and art galleries feel the quaking of the printing press. The vast majority of citizens do not read books. " How many treatises on constitutional law, or political economy, or works of science are read ? How many elaborate poems or books of travels ? How much of Boyle or De Tocqueville, Xenophon, Herodotus, or Percevil ? Whence, then, this intelligence and the capacity to talk about themes, secular and religious — the ac([uaintance with science and art — the power to appreciate the beautiful and the grand ? " Next to the Bible, the newspaper — swift-winged, and every- where present. Hying over fences, shoved under the door, tossed into counting-houses, laid on the work bench, read by all — white and black, German, Irishman, Spaniard, American, old and young, good and bad, sick and well, before breakfast and after tea, Monday morning, Saturday night, Sunday and week- day. The man who neither reads nor takes a newspaper is a curiosity." The "Globe." The Globe is the organ of the present Opposition, and is con- ducted with great literary ability and business enterprise. It contains its own history of half a century. From 1847 to the time of his death, the writer had a good opportunity of observing the career of the late Hon. George Brown. While the principle of de mortuis, nil nisi bonuriiw&s not adhered to in his paper, it is only just to say of himself, when he is gone, that, apart from politics, he was a man highly ,ction for M' educator can coui- ying roll " ill in one. mmercial, Arithin its iiras, and The vast : political ■ elaborate rle or De Whence, lit themes, le and art id? and every- oor, tossed i by all— erican, old dcfast and and week- spaper is a and is eon- rprise. It ad a good ;on. George bonum was oi himself, an highly Toronto from 1887 to 1892. 223 respected for every generou>j and noble quality. He was genial and pleasant in manner, honorable in his dealinj^s, kind and benevolent in disposition. In the days when business men were thrown together in the Montreal steamers for a couple of days at a time, the writer has spent pleasant hours in his company, in conversation and chess playing, a game in which he excelled. The glory of his career culminated in his coalescence with Hon. John A. Macdonald and the other gentlemen who founded the Confederacy, and the painting now opposite the main en- trance to the Parliament Buildings, in commemoration of the great event, and in which the Hon. George Brown is one of the most prominent figures, will perpetuate his name even more than the monument to his memory in the Queen's Park in Toronto. The extension of Victoria Street into King necessitated the removal to the corner of Yonge and Melu. la Streets. The present building is splendidly appointed and fitted up with all modern improvements as to heating and lighting, with elevators and every convenience for business. ' ' I The "Christian Guardian" and Methodist Book and Publishing House. The Christian Guardian, the chief paper of the Methodist Church in Canada for many years, and now the sole organ of United Methodism in Ontario, Quebec, the Northwest, and British Columbia, was .started in the fall of 1829. Its first editor was the late Dr. Egerton Ryerson. In 1879 the present editor. Dr. Dewart, issued a jubilee number, for which Dr. Ryerson wrote an article, giving an account of the origin of the paper. He took the long and toilful journey to New York to obtain printing material, spending six days and nights betw^een Lewiston and New York. The first number of the paper was published on November 22nd, 1829. During theso early years the Guardian did valiant battle for equal religious rights and privileges. Dr. Ryerson was editor for nearly nine years with .some breaks, which were filled by Revs. James Richardson, Franklin Metcalf, and Ephraim Evans. I i. % n T"^T' 224 Toronto " Called Back." In the earlier years of the Guardian, before the establishment of the political papers that have since become famous, it was a leading or<,'an of public opinion in a greater degree than since it has become a diore strictly religious paper. During its whole course it has vigorously contended for all moral and social reforms, as well as defended the doctrines and usafjes of Methodism. Of the editors which succeeded those already named the Rev. Jonathan Scott was in office four years ; the Rev. Geo. F. Playter, two years ; the Rev. G. R. Sanderson, five years ; the Rev. James Spencer, nine years ; the Rev. Dr. Jeffers, nine years ; the Rev. Dr. Dewart, at the present date (1892), has been in office twenty-three years. The Methodist Book Room was begun at the same time as the publication of the Guardian. The publication office was on " March Street, north of the new court-house." It now occupies the site and part of tlie building of Old Richmond Street Methodist Church, 29 to )38 Richmond Street West, and also 80 to o6 Temperance Street, forming a splendid establish- ment known as Wesley Buildings. At first it was a small book- store doing a limited business. But it has steadily grown, till it has become an extensive publishing-house. It probably publishes a larger number of books and other publications than any other house in Canada. It gives employment to over one hundred and fifty hands ; and does a great deal to supply both Methodists and others with wholesome religious literature. The present Book Steward, Rev. William Briggs, D.D., has done much to extend the business. Free Library. The good the Free Library is accomplishing in informing and brightening the lives of large masses of people should make its operations welcome. The growth of the Toronto Library, owing to its efficient management, has been steady and onward, and its future seems bright and assured. The increasing rate of its book circulation is very marked, and the interest taken by its promoters is manifested in a practical way by a hand- some addition to the reference department in the shape of a I ' blishment , it was a n since it its whole ,nd social isages of 3 already ears ; the irson, five 'r. Jeffers, e (1892). e time as )ffice was It now lichmond iVest, and establish- lall book- rown, till probably ions than over one o supply iterature. has done Mini{ and make its Library, onward, sing rate st taken a hand- tape of a Y, I. •J v. ■A .J r: ■A I d( of w ti( in ta vo ill on o,( lai tw da Nt Te ev( we l.S ( car lifji bet r aiK ha> stii in\ Toronto from 1887 to 1892. •227 donation of some 2,000 volumes, the valuable private collection of Mr. John Hallam, of this city. It ma}' be hoped that other.>^ will follow his example, and multiply the resources and attrac- tions of the Public Library until it become •; the pride of Toronto. The largest private library in the city is that of Professor Goldwin Smith. The Ontario Parliament Library ranks first in importance amongst those of a public character, and con- tains 25,000 volumes. Next comes Osgoode Hall with 20,000 volumes, chietly on legal .subjects. The University Lilirary is in every way worthy of that splendid in.stitution, and occupies one of its handsomest rooms. The Canadian Institute has 4,000 volumes ; Normal School, 5,000 ; Free Library, 38,000 ; Trinity College also pos.sesses a large library which is steadily increa.sing. There are seventy- two newspapers and periodicals publishe evening papers. The three first publish evening editions, also weeklies. The Manning Arcade is of the Italian Renaissance style, ornamented with polished granite pillars, and sculptured emblematic figures, two being caryatides supporting entai^latures on each side, and one male figure in the centre representing Labor, which add much to the beauty of the design. To form a perfect arcade, it will be extended to the north, and is an ornament to King Street. Toronto as a Place of Residence. If the city po.ssesses all the advantages to which reference has been made, it will be admitted that no element in the con- stitution of a great city is wanting. The capitalist who would invest money to advantage can here find a promising field for Ifflffi 1 I 1 1 228 Toronto "Called Back." enterprise. There is also plenty of room for more manufactur- ing industries. The man of leisure, with fixed income, may find in Toronto a delightful home, and live just as his means may allow, even to the enjoyment of luxury. The mechanic and tradesman can, by industry and economy, secure a comfortable home on easy terms, and in Toronto every reasonable wish may be gratified, and the new settler find a welcome to any class of society which may be congenial to his taste. !tl >! li I . ■ I, 4 m Summer Resorts. queen's park. Just west of the Osgoode Hall on Queen Street West will be found a beautiful avenue of nearly a mile in length. Chestnut and maple trees flank the carriage drive and pathway, which in the vista open out upon the Queen's Park. Going north the intersection of the Yonge Street Avenue is reached, and we pass from the grateful shade of the long line of chestnuts into the verduous sunlight of the open Park, one hundred acres in all, including the University grounds, which have been fenced off from the city property. The Park is a favorite resort dur- ing the hot weather, and contains the University Buildings and Library, School of Biolo^jy, School of Practical Science, Victoria Methodist University, Observatory (Meteorological Office), Wyclifi'e College, Volunteers' and Hon. George Brown's monuments, and a score of beautiful villas ; it is also the site selected for the erection of the New Provincial Parliament Buildings, which are rapidly approaching completion. EXHIBITION PARK. These grounds, originally used exclusively by the Industrial Exhibition Association, have for some time been thrown open to the public all the year round, except for two weeks in Sep- tember, during the Exhibition. Under the superintendence of Mr. Chambers, the Commis- sioner of Parks, these grounds have assumed a most beautiful anufactur- TORONTO FROM S87 TO 1892. 229 appearance, being laid out in the most artistic manner as land- scape gardens, and having a profusion of shrubs and flower- beds, which increase in beauty from season to season. Further improvements are in progress this season — new roads are being made, new sidewalks laid down, a number of new flower-beds have been formed, and the whole of the grounds will this year present a more beautiful and attractive appearance than they have at any previous Exhibition. I-OKNE I'AUK. This favorite resort is beautifully situated on the north shore of Lake (Jntario, fourteen miles from Toronto, and can be reached in twenty-five minutes by rail, or forty-five minutes by water. It commands a splendid view of the lake. It has recently been laid out in cottage and camp lots, of which there are two hundred, with main avenue of one hundred feet, and streets of sixty-six feet, leaving fifty acres for recreation grounds. The grounds are lighted by electricity, a proper water supply and system of drainage arranged for, and everything has been done to make this the most pleasant summer resort in Ontario. No intoxicating liquor is allowed to be sold on the grounds, or on the steamer plying to the park. Street Traffic. There is no city of the size of Toronto, in Great Britain or America, which shows so extensive street traffic, as the writer knows from personal observation. Having said this, the rest of the world might be included. This arises chiefly from the position Toronto occupies as the great distributing centre of the Dominion. The receiving and shipping of imported and manufactured goods, which are sent to every point from Hali- fax to Vancouver — the representatives of Toronto housos now regularly visiting the whole of this immense field — have created this wonderful amount of business traffic on our streets, evi- 230 Toronto "Called Back." n'l a. dencing the solid and substantial progress the city has made in a comparatively short time. Had our Rip Van Winkle, instead of coming from Holland, been acquainted with the topography of London, and in some day during the week of the Industrial Exhibition " waked up " from his long sleep, at the Dominion Bank (leaving out the powdered wigs, plush breeches, silk stockings, and gold-headed sticks of the footmen, and throwing in continuous lines of street cars), he might naturally fancy himself at Oxford Circus, with Oxford Street stretching away at one side, and the Kegent Street Quadrant at the other ; or should a " block " cccur, as in the case of some procession, <. -ght imagine he was standing somewhere between the Bank of England, the Royal Exchange and the Mansion House ; and as to the wholesale trade, if at the corner of Scott and Front Streets, might imagine himself in St. Paul's Churchyard, with a view from Ludgate Hill on the west, to New Cannon Street on the east, where are to be seen the finest specimens of warehouse architecture in London. Returnino- to Yonge and King Streets, he would find carriages of every style, private and public, including phaitons, broug- hams, waggons, coupes, market carts, dog carts, rockaways, pony carriages and hansoms in endless variety, also drays, lorries, merchants', manufacturers' express and tradesmen's delivery wagons, — all producing a scene of bustle and activity only to be witnessed in a great and prosperous city, and showing a marvellous contrast with the appearance of the streets in 1847. Canadian Pacific Railway. On the first of November a message was received by the Governor-General at Ottawa from Her Majesty, congratulating the Dominion Government on the accomplishment of the great work ; and on the ninth of the same month. Sir John A. Mac- donald received a telegram f] m Mr. Van Home, and the Pre- mier of British Columbia, congratulating him on the completion of the C.P.R. Mr. Sandford Fleming also telegraphed, stating that the first through train ha 1 I f v * THE LATE RIGHT HON. SH< JOHN A. MACDONALD, I'.c, ecu. (J^muu'. iif Ihi Ihnniniun of Vtimuhi.i WS ' '~iijyX i\ f Toronto from 18S7 to 1892. 245 LD, It is no flattery to say that in Toronto Sir Jolin A. Mac- donald has enshrined himself in the hearts of all the loyal, unprejudiced and influential citizens as a public benefactor. Space will not admit of any enumeration of the benefits Torcjnto luvs derived directly and indirectly iiom the policy inauguratt'd bj- the present Government, which has become firmly estab- lished as that which is most conducive to the interests not only of the manufacturing classes, but by creatinf^ a home market, extends its influence to the agricultural and laborini; classes as well, all of which are enjoying a measure of |)rosperity not surpassed in any country on the face of the globe. . The visits of the Premier of Canada to Toronto were always welcome, and while he continued to guide the aflairs of stJile with the same judicious hand, he retained the unbouiidtd confidence of all who have the interests of Toronto at lieart, and who are willing to place these interests above all party politics and desire to maintain the integrity of the gloiious empire, which has, by conferring especial distinction on our Canadian Premier, thereby honored the whole people of Canatla. From the time the writer, while yet a youth, arrived in this country, and taking no interest in Canadian politics, but observ- ing and listening to the parliamentary debates and wjitching the careers of the greatest men in the country, from the days of Papineau, Baldwin, D'Arcy Magee, and others, whose nanus are already referred to in these pages, down to the ])rt's(nt, he soon singled out John A. Macdonald as tiie patriot states- man who was destined to raise his country above all party strife, and by his tact, judgment and great ability, was alone capable of fusing the conflicting" elements of religion and nationality into one homogeneous confederacy, and this, with the aid of his able cordjutors, he successfully accomplislu'd. The opinion flrst formed has never changed. Whether in opposition or power, overwhelmed with slander by his oppo- nents or itlolized by his friends, the writer always maintaintil that he, as the Disraeli of Canada, would raise her to the prouil position she now occupies as a country enjoying the greatest i i:: 1! 24G ToiioNTO "Called Back." possible freedom in connection with the greatest monarchy the world has ever seen. Like the immortal Beaconsfield, whom Sir John resembled in more than one respect, he never condescended to reply to the language of vituperation so often heaped upon him, and, beyond the use of good-natured and witty repartee and the honhoriimle of gentlemanly courtesy, allowed all the slander of his oppo- nents to pass unheeded by. One great characteristic of Sir John A. Macdonald was his disinterestedness, which is essential to true patriotis^m. Lord Bolingbroke has said, " Neither Montaigne in writing his essays, nor Descartes in building new worlds, nor Burnet in framing an antediluvian earth, no, nor Newton, in discovering and establishing the true laws of nature on experiment, and a sub- limer geometry, felt more intellectual joys than he feels who is a real patriot, who bends all the force of his understanding and directs all his thoughts and actions to the good of his country. When such a man foniis a political scheme, and adjusts various and seemingly independent parts in it to one great and good design, he is transported by imagination or absorbed in meditation as much and agreeably as they ; and the sjitisfaction that arises from the different importance of these objects in every step of the work is vastly in his favor. " But he who speculates in order to act, goes on and carries his scheme into execution. The execution, indeed, is often traversed by unforseen and untoward circumstances, by the perverst'uess or treachery of friends, and by the power or malice of enemies. " If the event is successful, such a man enjoys pleasure pro- portionable to the good he has done — a pleasure like to that which is attributed to the Supreme Being in a survey of His Works." This pleasure was, perhaps, except the gratitude of his country, Sir. John A. Macdonald's sole reward. I .i> New Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario. Sir Alexander Campbell, K.C.M.G., was sworn in as Lieu- tenant-Governor on the 1st of June, 1887. Ili! Toronto from 1887 to 1892. 247 Honorable Oliver Mowat, Q.C, LL.D., Attorney- General and Premier of Ontario. Rarely has it occurred that the leader of any Government has held office for a period of twenty years without a hreak, and yet so great has been the popularity of the Premier of the Province of Ontario that such is his record, and it would seem that his continuance in power depended entirely on his own will in the matter. Having been Provincial Secretary in 1858, he became Post- master-General in 18G3 ; was a member of the Union ContVr- ence for the Confederation of the British Provinces in 18(14, and was appointed Vice-Chancellor of Upper Canada the same year. He resigned this office in 1872, on being called upon to form a new Administration in the government of Ontario, and was sworn in as a member of the Executive Council and Attorney-General. His unswerving loyalty to British institutions, and his advo- cacy of the integrity of the Empire, have marked his pul)lic career, and been expressed on all public and official occasions, especially during the late Jubilee celebrations and on his late visit to Britain. His patronage of all religious and benevolent enterprises has gained him the reputation of being emphatically " The Christian politician." His manner is both courteous and dignified. As a debater he is concise, argumentative, and convincing. His language is well chosen, and, without anj^ special claim to oratory, he has the faculty of holding the attention of his listeners, whether on the side of the Govern- ment or in Opposition. The subjects of debate being more provincial than national, and more local than general, limit, to a certain extent, his scope for eloquence, and it may be safely asserted that had he a wider field he would show himself equal to every occasion as a statesman of great ability. The name of Oliver Mowat will be identified with the history of Toronto for all time to come, if only in connection with the erection of THE NEW PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS commenced during his administration, and now rising in their ■■I i i ■I \' \i' Toronto from lb87 to 1892. 249 nanrnificent proportions in the Queen's Park, and will, when 'jompleted, be a fitting Capitol to aecomnioJate the assenibleii wisdom of the premier Province of this great Dominion. The buildings are of great architectural beauty, of the style known as the Neo-Greek. The outside walls have absorbed 200,000 cubic feet of cut stone, and there have been used irteen millions of brick. The building is 512 feet long, ^y depth of 270 feet, and 190 feet in height. The legislative chamber will be 112 feet by 80 feet, with a ceiling 52 feet high. To the Mowat Government is due the credit of having decidec on Credit Valley stone — so near our doors — and also having contracted for the whole building on terms combining economy with grandeur and solidity. The cost will be about SI, 250,000. The building is rapidly nearing completion. ItT i'l''' Toronto in }^38. Perhaps never in the history of the world did a new year dawn on a young city more ausp* uously than 1888 has dawned on our young and prospero -s city of Toronto. Her citizens may appropriately say, "1 .e lines have fallen unto us in plea.sant places, and we have a goodly heritage." Beautiful for situation, the central point of attraction for the whole Dominion, Toronto is also fast becoming a centre of everything that constitutes a great city — manufactures, com- merce, education, fine arts, all have a home here, and extend their influence from ocean to ocean, while as a " city sot on a hill," the name of Toronto has become the synonym of order, morality, temperance and religion. Benevolent and charitable institutions abound on every hand, and are rapidly increasing, so that to-day there is no class of Sick, poor, helpless or unfortunate unprovided for, and it may literally be said there is " no complaining in our streets." Allowing for the average changes in business, and a few fail- ures, the position of Toronto to-day is one of prosperity, con- tentment and enjoyment, while the prospects are of the most hopeful and cheerful character. i ' I ll V 2:)0 Toronto "Called Back." B\- the suppression, or total extinction of the liquor traffic, everj^ source of misery and of crime would be abolished, and many of those places at i)resent provided for the unfortunate and criminal classes would cease to exist, making our fair city a model for the world. The Fleming By-law, by which over ninety saloons and places for the sale of liquor have been closed, was a step in the direction intimated, and although not followed up by a further reduction the present year, there is no reason why the move- ment towards total prohibition should not still advance towards complete accomplishment. The establishment of a dipsomaniac institution then contemplated has been realized by the insti- tution of a Sanitarium in Deer Park for the same object. Central Position of Toronto. Having already claimed for Toronto its position as the Com- mercial Centre of the Dominion, both as a distributing and shipping point, the constantly increasing number of new pro- jects, of railway extension and of mining experiments, add additional weight and importance to her claims. The com- pletion of a railway to James' Bay will shortly add another to her connections with Europe by the shortest of all routes, and what with being already the centre of literature, manufactures, trade, science, and education; the central point where tourists may choose their destination either cast, west, north, or south, and visit all the grandest scenery on the American continent in the most convenient and inexpensive manner, where the disci- ples of Ximrod and Izaak Walton may indulge their passion or love of adventure with certain success amongst the thousands of islands and lakes, all within easy distance, Toronto can " hold her own " against all competitors. And to sum up, it is not too much to say, that not only does she occupy the centre of the Dominion of Canada, but the centre of the Empire on the Western Hemisphere, as truly as London does in the Eastern, as her contiguity to India, Australia, the West Indies, and all other British possessions, fully shows. Toronto from KS87 to 1802. 251 Winter of 1887-88 in Toronto Will be remembered as perhaps the most delightful and enjoy- able in the memory of the oldest inhabitant. If anything were necessary to be added to what has already been said in favor of the climate of Toronto, the experience ol" the past winter would be suthcient to prove its salubrity and healthfulness. There has been suthcient snow to make excellent sleisfhinfi for several months, and frost to afford the lovers of winter amusements every facility for skating and tobogganing, wiohout a single day of what may be called extremely cold weather. In this respect Toronto seems to be especially favored, and without anything like depreciation of the position of our neigh- bors across the line, may be allowed to congratulate herself on being free from the extremes which have been reported from many States of the Union. From one of their own papers, published in Cincinnati, we give a rather humorous poem, after the style of Longfellow, which aptly describes the weather there the late winter, while it may be stated as a fact, that in one week, one hundred and fifty persons perished from cold under the most terrible circum- stances, in the Dakota territory alone ; children having been frozen to death on their way home from school, and men and women attending to their ordinary duties within reach of their own homes, so terribly and rapidly were they stricken with the fatal blast, the thermometer indicating front forty to fifty below zero. SONG OF THE 15LIZZ.\RD. Mr. Blizzard, from the iiorth-wost, From tho land of tlie Dakotahs, From the land of tlie Missouri, From the wild and liowling jyrairies, Where the snow is piled like mountains, And the lakes are frozen solid — Now and then comes strolling southward ; Comes across the Mississippi, Makes a bee line for Chicago, J.? I, 'i n Miittil 252 Toronto "Called Back." Par.ilyzi's uM lie finds there ; Then he scixits for Indinnti — Mr. IJli/.zanl, of tlic north-west — , Scoots across tlio Floosier counties, Fillins^ all the air with snowilakes, Freezinff every ear lie touches Till he strikes our Cincinnati — Strikes her hard and strikes her often, Says the town is to his likini,', And he'd like to make a visit. So he blusters ui) our thorou;:;hfjire3, Whistles shrilly down our alleys, And he has no kind of mannens, For he ^'oes where he's not wanted, Pushes into private places, Pinching ears and slappin^r faces. Blowing skirts with impoliteness, Takint,' liberties unheanl of, Does this saucy Mr. Blizzard. He should go back to the north-west, To the land of the Dakotahs, To the land of the Missouri, We don't like him and dcm't want him And request him to skedaddle. Another fact is worthy of being recorded for the information of those at a distance, who have «upposf.'d that the Dominion of Canada is a region of ice and snow, w here travel in winter is impossible except in dog-trains on the snow, the Canadian Pacific Railway from end to end, or from the Atlantic to the Pacific, has not been interrupted in its trallic during the whole winter, while its competitor, the Northern Pacific, has been blocked with snow, and has encountered the most terrific blizzards. This is the more remarkable and incredible, as the former runs much farther north, and the isothermal lines run parallel with the latter, althou.'. i I i!: -;< This splendid work has been executed by Messrs. Holbrook & Mollington, architectural sculptors, who also performed the fine work on the Custom House. Messrs. Darling Sm Currie \\ ere the architects. The interior has been superbly finished in stucco, and V)eing one complete room, with dome light, presents a magniticent appearance. The fitii:::,L^s of the various offices are of the most elegant description, all Canadian work. Canadian Railways. In 1840, when the writer made his first journey to Montreal and Queliec, the only raih'oads in Canada were a few miles between Lachiiie and Moiitreal, and from Laprairie to St. Jnhn's, and were of the most primitive charactei-, tlie rails being piain plates of iron fastened with iron spikes. The carriages were of make and fashion, having doors at the sides only, and the compartments, consisting of six seats in each, were on the vis-a-vls principle. The Laehine road was utilized for the conveyance of the Upper Crnada mails, and those passengers who pi'eferreur3, uiy triumph then will l>e cimipletu. Buri'AXNiA — Across your continent from sea to si. All is our own, my child, and all is free. No jealous rivals spy around our path With watchfulness not far remote from wrath. The sea-ways are my own, free from of old, To keels adventurous and bosi as bold. Now, from my western elitis that front the deep To where the warm Pacific waters sweep Around Cathay and old Zipangu's shore, My course is clear. What can 1 wish for more ? To your young enterprise i»e praise is due. Canada — The praise and protit 1 would share with y^u. Canadian energy has felt the .spur Of British capital; the tlvish and stir n 258 Toronto "Called Back." y u (Jf Firitish patriot blood is in our heart ; IStill I am glad you think I have done my part. Britannia — Bravely. Yon Arctic wastes no more need slay My gallant sons. Had Franklin seen this day Hi' liad not slcftt his last long lonely sleep Where the chill ice-pack lades the frozen deep. " It can be done; England should do it." Yes, That is the thought which urges to success Our struggling, sore-tried heroes. Waghorn knew Such inspiration. Many a jialsiod crew Painfully cieoi)ing through tlie Arctic night Have felt it till their souls with lire and light. ^Vull, it is done by men of English strain, Thougli in sucli sliajjc as they wlio strove in vain With Boreal cold and darkness never dreamed Wlien o'er the Pole the pale aurora gleamed Perpetual challenge. Canada — Here's your empire route. A right of way whose value to compute Will tax the prophets. BuiTANNiA — Links me closer still Witli all my wandering sons who tame and till Tile world s wild wastes, and throng each paradise In tropic seas or under southern skies. See Halifax Vancouver, Sydney, set Fresh steps upon a i)ath whose promise yet J'^ven ourselves have liaiuly measured. Lo, Far China brouglit within a moon or so, Of tea-devouring London. Here it lies. The way for men, and mails, and merchandise. Striking athwart y()ur sea-dividiiig sweep ()i laixl — iron road from deep to deep. Well thought, well done. Canai>a — No more need you depend On furtive enemy or doubtful friend, Y'our htime is i; >-iki;i:i' \\i-i\ If 'I ' ■f TOUONTO FUOM Ibbl TO 18!l2. 261 ^^ Senator Macdonald, j\Iessrs. John Kay, Fieilerick Perkins, John EastwooU, Joseph Cawthra, and John Leys. Such ha.s been the rapid increase in the vahie of property within the last tvventv-tive years, and the development ot" trade and manufactures, that the list of livinu' men who enj(jy not only competence, but positive and real wealth, would be both remarkable and surprisinj^. "The Empire." The Mail havinf; ceased to represent the [irineiples of the Liberal-Conservative p.arty in the Dominion, a Joint stock com- pany was formed to publisli a paper which, as itw name implies, advocates the inte;^'rity of the lU'ltish empire, and at the same time the policy of the Liberal-Conservative Govern- ment of Canada, known as the National Policy. It must be a matter of congratulation to all loyal Canadians that a paper has been established which will, to a larf]fe extent, counteract the injurious intluence of those who, for ulterior objects, have for some time been engaged in representing the United States as oti'ering advantages superior to those enjoyed in Canada, and extolling evervthiiii; on the other side of the lines, the effect of which is to depreciate Canadian interests and her attractions. To those in Europe into whose hands the Empire njay fall, the information it will disseminate must prove invalual)le, because it will be reliable, and it is to bo hoped that its wide circulation, which is assured, will tend to promote the best class of emigration to the IJominion, anil that Toronto will have a large share, as our city and country only recjuire the plain truth to be told to have their great attractions appreciated ; and this will be adhered to in the columns of the Euipire, which i> published daily and weekly. Capital Invested in Toronto. According to the enumerators' returns for the city of Toronto the capital invested in manufacturing industries in the (^)ueen City last year reached the extraordinary total of 832,000,000 : ;i r 'I \ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 UiUT^ H2.J ^ lis IIM ■^ nil =^=s I.I lllll» 1.25 |..4 11= 1.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation :sh 23 WEST MAIN STREFT WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 <;' ^ \^/^ '^.%? u.. e % \ :\ \ I ii 262 Toronto "Called Back." •1 ■ 1 1 V. ^ j 1 r: \ ll'l..:. i 11 i \ iHw mm ■"'B r the total number of employees 26,400, and the wages amounted to 89,400,000, the average being S3o5 for each employee an- nually. The value of the products from the factories and work- shops of Toronto was no less than 845,000,000. Within the past few months Mr. McGuire, of the United Brotherhood of Car- penters and Joiners, stated that wages in the United Sta+^^es had gone down considerably in the last twenty years. In 1880 the average in the United States was 8346 per employee. In 1890 the average dropped to 8309. The position, therefore, that Toronto occupies in this respect is most gratifying, and is a signal proof of her stability and progress. In 1881, as near as can be ascertained by careful scrutiny of the census returns of that year, the average rate of wages paid was 870 less per em- ployee than in the year just closed. The farmers of Ontario have a deep interest in this matter, inasmuch as if the artisans of Toronto obtain better wajjes than in the leading cities of the United States, it represents a higher purchasing power, and, therefore, they have more to spend on what the farmer pro- duces. Toronto a Manufacturing City. A Sheffield teacher gave a school girl, for a home lesson, a composition on the question of trade. Next morning she brought an excuse for not having done her task, and also handed to the teacher a note which her brother had sent, and which contained the following : — " ' Trade is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen.' It will come ' in the sweet by-and-by.' Trade ! Trade ! where art thou ? Come forth and show thyself." This is the problem which the greatest political economists in the world are trying to solve to-day. An Imperial Commis- sion has been appointed in England to find out where her trade has disappeared to, and the cause of its decline ; with this only result so far, that new markets must be found to supply the place of those that have been lost. It is probable the youth knew nothing of the theories of Free Trade and Protection, and did not know that Sheffield Toronto from 1887 to 1892. •2{j:] where art goods were excluded by a hostile tariff from what had t'oriuerly been the largest market for these goods ; nor that the manufac- turers of Connecticut and Rhode Island were sending in similar goods to England entirely free ; he only knew the sad fact of poverty and all its attending evils. The McKinley tariff, which came into operation in the Ignited States on October Gth, 18!)0, has further aggravated the evil in Shefheld by the great falling off of exports to the United States. It must be gratifying to the citizens of Toronto that happily no such state of things exists here; trade is a visible and tan- gible reality, and there appears every prospect of steady pro- gress in the future, as tliere has been in the past. While no class is oppressed, all are benefited. When it is remembered that at the commencement of our sketch there was just one stove foundry, one soap and candle factory, and one or two other unimportant kinds of goods manufactured in Toronto, the list speaks for itself. It must be borne in mind, however, that this does not by any means in- clude all the branches of manufactures, as new industries are starting up continually. It would be impossible to over-estimate the importance of these manufactures to the city, not only giving employment to thousands of the population, but forming a large market for the agricultural productions in the surrounding country, and also attracting buyers of every class of good.s ; all tending to the circulation of money, and contributing to the general prosperity. No thoughtful person can walk down any of the leailing thorouijhfares in the morning, or at six o'clock in the evenin-jr, without being struck with the crowds of well-dressed men and women, all tending toward or returning? from the centre of these industries; and he must, indeed, be void of patriotism, whose feelings are not thrilled by the sight of so much t!nter{)rise and industry, making our streets vie with those of Manchester or Nottingham. Nor is there any reason to doubt that, before long, we may see the numbers greatly increased. While the exten.*+ion of manufactures may embrace those not so cleanly, no one would object to see even the linen overalls and the. It 264 Toronto " Called Back." wooden clogs which, in other cities, although corresponding with the work of the operatives during the week, are often replaced by silk and patent leather on Sundays and holidays. Toronto Manufactures in 1891. Account Books (5 Agricultural Implements 4 Ammonia 1 Architectural Iron Work 2 " Furniture 7 Artificial Limbs 2 Stone 1 Asphalt 2 Awnings 6 Bal)y Carriages 4 Bags 8 Baggage Checks 2 Baking Powder 10 Bamboo Goods 2 liand Instrumento 2 Barb Wire 2 Baskets 3 Bedding 2 Bellows 1 Belting S Bicycles 10 Billiard Tables 2 Bird Cages 2 Biscuits 2 Blacklead 2 Blacking 1 Bolts anil Nuts 2 Bonnet Shapes 2 Boots and Shoes 19 Boot Uppers 2 Boxes 9 Brass Fixtures 16 Bricks 44 Bricks (Pressed) 1 Bridges 2 Broom Handles 1 Brushes 14 Carpets .... 3 Carriages and Waggons 37 Cattle Food 3 Cements , 14 Cereal Food 2 Chains I Chemicals 9 Chewing Gum 3 Church and School Furniture .... 2 Cigars 13 Coffee and Spices 7 CotTins 4 Collars and CufFs 2 Combs 1 Copj-er Works 5 Corks 2 Cornices 2 Corsets 7 Check I5o(iks 2 Dies 6 Drop Forging ... 1 Drugs 4 Dry Plates 1 Electric Bells 2 Belts 3 " Burglar and Fire Alarms. . 2 " Apparatus 4 f^levators 2 Embroideries 3 Engines 8 Envelopes 4 Essuntial Oils 3 Excelsior 1 F'ences 2 Files 2 Fire Extinguishers 1 Fringes and Tassels 2 Furs 4 Furnaces 15 Furniture 13 (ialvanic Batteries 4 Galvanized Iron. 12 Gas Appliances 1 ft.: I, i»^ Toronto from ISl ' to IS92. 265 rvesponding c, are often holidays. 14 ' .' * 2 ' 1 9 " " 3 niture 2 13 7 4 2 [,\ 1 ' " 2 ],', 7 2 6 1 4 2 3 ire Alarms . . 2 4 3 8 4 3 1 2 1 2 4 15 13 4 12 1 Oas Fixtures 7 Ghiss Signs I Glass ('Stainedi i Gloves "2 GoM Lf It 1 Haniniocks 1 Hardware "2 H-irness 37 llnrps I Hats and Caps 7 Hat I'docks 1 Heating Apparatus 11 Horse and Waggon C')\ ■ is 4 Hose (Rubber) 3 Hosiery 3 Ink 4 Ice Cream Freeze n 2 Iron Fencing 5 Iron Founders !•") Jewellery Cases -z Knit (ioods 4 Knitting Machines 1 Laces (Corset and Shcn 1 Lad Twines . . . Trunks . . Tinware Umbrellas Varnish . . . Vinegar . . . Violins Wall Paper. 3 3 4 2 / 6 1 1 Watch Cases 2 Windmills 1 Whips 1 1 Window Sliades 9 Wire Mattrasses 2 W ire Fencing 2 ^^'ire Works 7 Wool Mats 1 Woollens 2 Yarns 1 Veaat 3 The Marquis of Dufferin and Ava. In April, 1872, Lord Dufi'erin was appointed Governor- General or Canada, and, with Lady Dufferin and .suite, took up their residence at Rideau Hall, Ottawa. Lady Dufferin quickly secured the good-will and affection of the Canadian people, dis- charging all the social duties which fell to her, presiding over the vice-regal household with grace and dignity. The Noble the Marquis of Dufferin and Ava, lately appointed Warden of the Cinque Ports, has had extraordinary honors conferred upon him during the past thirty j^ears. He now bears the following titles, besides the second highest rank in the peerage: P.C, K.R, G.C.B., G.C.S.L, G.C.M.G., G.C.LE., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S. The following is a list of the different important positions he has filled : British Commissioner in Svria, 1860 ; Under Secre- tary of State for India, 1864-66 ; Under Secretary of State for War, 1866-67 ; Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, 1868-72 ; Governor-Gei eral of Canada, 1872-78 ; Ambas.sador at St. Petersburg, 1879-81; Special Commis.sioner to Egypt, 1882-83; Viceroy of India, 1884-88 ; Ambassador at Rome, 1888-91 ; Ambassador at Paris, 1891. The following is a copy of a letter lately received from the Marquis, with his photograph : Bkitish Embassy, Rome, Nov. 17th, 1891. My Dear Mr. Taylor, — I am glad to learn that you are 1 1 1 9 2 2 7 1 2 1 3 rnor-General ok up their erin quickly 1 people, dis- ■esiding over Ava, lately xtraordinary years, cond highest ., G,C.M.G., positions he Jnder Secre- of State for er, 1868-72 ; ador at St. ^pt, 1882-83 ; ne, 1888-91 ; THE MAR(^)UIS OK DL'FFERIX AND AW-V, •ed from the 17th, 1891. ^hat you are I ■■ :'4 ill ir. ft f f' IM'' ' ! ll i ,1 (:; i i 1 TuuoNTo FuuM lh«7 ro KsU2. 2G7 about to publish a new edition of your interestinj^ book on Toronto, and I liave much pleasure in enclo.sinj,^ the photo^a-aph you are good enough to ask for. Yours \ery truly, (Signed) Di'fe-kuin and Ava Meeting in the Academy of Music. "A British subject I was Ixmi, and a liritish sulijuct 1 will diu.' — lil'jllt Unit. .SIr.lnlin A. Mi,;lnn. consideration of its being his last reception of a jiublic character in Toronto, can never be forgotten b}' those who had the pleasure of being present. Death of Sir John A. Macdonald. TO THE MIftHTY DEAD. Iff ^^ Know ye not that there i'.s '( juincc and a ijrrat man fallen ihi-i daij in, Israel ? "—2 Samukl iii. 38. Lay tlowers uixm that biur — Flowers — white their sheen j Tho' w(irn with ai,'e and .sear, '■ Tliose hands are clean.' t ft 268 Toronto "Called Back." I'old tliein upon his breast ■ As if in sleep. The Chieftain sinks to rest, ': And millions weep. I Bravely the tight was fought, Fr(Jin y(juth to age ; ; < Nobly the palm was sought, With stainless gage. t '' Gold ! what were gold to him, i Of men a King 1 ■ Earth's baubles were but aim ; — J Their glare unseen. \ No more that hand shall guide ; ; His country's barijue ; No more with kindly tide 1 Shall throb that heart. Sealed are those lips that told To tingling ears, ■ i Our country's " Fort to h.oicl " 1 ;! Throughout the years. ' ; From us a limb is torn, — ' ; Our noblest shred ; 1 1 And friend and foeman mourn ,, '1 The mighty dead. , ;. But yel, such is not death , ' Laid in the tomb, \vi-.;i,^ ;,, <.i,„ i;..; i ii. Fresh praises bloom. When homes, from sea to sea, Vast throngs shall claim, Their sweetest song shall be MacdonaLl's name. And while that flag floats free, In taintless sky, His mem'ry still must be Our battle cry ! — Duncan Anderson, in Quehcc Chronicle. Toronto from 1887 to 1892. 269 At 10.15 on Saturday, 6th of June, 1891, the bells tolled out the mournful news that Canada's greatest statesman had passed away for ever. Only a few days before, he filled his accustomed place in Par- liament, and discharfred the important d'icies pertaininj^ to his position. From the Atlantic to the Pacific all Canada was plunged into the deepest grief, and with the lightning's Hash, to the very heart of the British Empire and to Britain's Queen, went the sad tidings that one of the greatest men that ever lived, having accomplished his life's great mission, had been called to his reward. The funeral of Sir John A. Macdonald was conducted with great and solemn state. The procession from Earnsclitfe to the Senate Chamber of the Parliament Buildings was on a grand scale, every class of the people being representee] from all parts of the Dominion. Whilst the body lay in state, the crowds who pressed to take a last look at the face of the illustrious dead, moved ceaselessly from morning till 10.30 at night. Shortly before the Senate chamber was closed to the general public an incident occurrcl which inust be regarded as the most significant since the ^odv of the Premier was brouiiht from Earnsclifie. At that n at Sir Casimir Gzowski walked slowly forward and placed ■. ■> casket a beautiful wreath of white and yellow roses from Hei Majesty the Queen. Attached to the wreath was a card bearing this inscription : From Hur Majesty Queen Victoria. In Memory of Her Faithful and Devoted Servant. c Chronicle. It is not remembered that Her Majesty has ever before sent any such tribute of affectionate regard to Canada or any other place. At the request of himself he was buried in Kingston beside his relatives, and the funeral was a most imposing spectacle. The state ceremonial of the two days closed the page of natural !r jii i 1^ fti u 270 Toronto "Cali.ed Back." history wliich Sir John A Macdonald umde, illustrated, and adorned, and, ainid the tears of a sorrowing people, the great Chieftain was laid to rest in his native city. All through his illness. Her Majesty the Queen evinced the deepest interest in his condition, and, when the crisis was past, the most intense sympathy with the stricken and bereaved widow. Addresses and letters of condolence poured in from all orders, conferences, municipalities, societies, and prominent individuals. COMIVIERCIAL STATISTICS. Purchases of British Products. Foreign Countries- Russia Italy Germany France United States . , British Countries -- Australasia . . . . British America Cape Colony . . . . Per head. £ s. u. 1 3 (t 5 o 8 3 8 « 10 3 ,1 19 8 1 8 9 4 11 9 Manufactured Exports from Great Britain. To Fiii-elqn To Britinh Countries. Countries. Cotton JNlanufactures £.34,4<)(»,80(» £27,598,642 Iron and steel manufactures 15,665,899 9,064,711 Woollen manufactures 15,701,001 4,717,480 Machinery, etc., manufactures 12,815,819 4,094,842 Linen and jute manufactures 7,219,618 1,157,790 Apparel, etc 1,532,433 5,616,155 Alkali and chemicals 4,217,776 578,144 Carriages, etc 2,001,515 1,028,050 Hardware and cutlery 1,599,263 1,165,183 Boots and shoes 565,545 1,682,491 Earthen and china ware 1,547,886 692,624 Silk goods 1,548,674 680,692 Miscellaneous, under £2,000,000 17,887,776 14,873,488 £116,294,045 £72,948,292 ToKONTO FllO.M IS57 To \.^'i)'2. 271 rated, and the great ^•inced the 3 was past, 1 l>L'reaved all orders, ndividuals. Pe7 head. £ s. u. 1 :^ 5 5 8 S 8 S 10 s f) 19 8 1 8 9 4 11 9 [tain. To Brituh Countries. 1:27,598,642 9,064,711 4,717,480 4,094,842 1,157,790 5,616,155 578,144 1,028,050 1,165,183 1,682,491 692,624 680,692 14,873,488 (2,948,292 Canadian Imports and Exports, to 30th June, 1891, From other parts of tlie ISritisli Empire to 3Utli June, ISiH .S44,43S,0S'j From forfii,'!! countries 68,8(12,1 '36 Exports to otlier piirta of tlie British Knipire 53,357, S65 Exports to forcigu couutries 44, 198,510 Exports from Toronto— the Produce of Canada. ISS-K Produce of the mine Produce of tlie tisheries .S'-U4 Produce of the fnrcHt ll()S,4t».'i Animiils and their pro(luce !KtKS74 Agricultural pr(jduct8 l,284.tir)7 ^[aiiufactures 28^,270 ^Miscellaneous 10.573 isni. 81,050 L'.O-JO 50 4. '.(40 S2r),250 l,*J2i',77!» .... 7ot;,L':;4 440,058 1,758 .... 81,050 i.iot; IOC, 477 Di'.creuxe, 8 1 00. 515 01,878 u.sia 82,801,757 83,204,040 Imports to Toronto for Year Ending June 30th, 1891. Free S4,37s. 728 Dutiable 14,974,408 Total .^19,353,136 Dut,y $4,076,926 Toronto Post-Ofifice Statistics. ' J-'nr II, iu- • inlinij olst Lecanh'.r, IdUV.) A.s the post-ofhce i.s the most popular of our Government departments, the t'ulluwing li^ures will be read with interest: — Amount of niduey-order.s issued 8585,008 70 Amount of uiouey-iirdns paid _ .81,854,08;! 14 Numljer of onlers jiaid 150,31'.) Amount dep(. sited in Post-dtlice Savings Hank. §583,008 00 Number of letters delivered by carriers, exclu- sive of box-Ill ilders and t^eueral delivery . . 14,004,043 Xumber of newspapers delivered 3,440,803 Number of letters posted : . . 13,273,828 Number of cards posted . 3,520,094 Amount of postai^e-stamps sold 8305,152 02 Number of letter carriers 112 Number of street letter boxes iol Number of branch post-othces 10 Number of street letter-box collectors 12 '^^\ ■\n i . • i '[ ; i ; 1 Jf ,■11 :| [III 1 272 Toronto "Cam.ed Back." Comparative Increase of Population in Eight Oanadian Cities in Twenty Years. /.V7/. /.S',S7. ISni. Incrcnsr. Montreal 107,225 140,747 210,050 10{>,425 Toront,, 56,092 86,415 181,220 125,128 (^iKilMu; 5!»,0'»!> 00,440 0;{,0<>0 l',,'.','.)] HHiiiilton 20,710 ;{5,«»01 4H,!)H() 22,204 Ot.fawa 21,545 27,412 44,154 22,0O!> Halifax 29,5.S2 30, 100 .'{8,500 K,!»H4 Winnipou 211 7,!'H5 25,042 25,401 Viincouver 1:5,086 , 1:5,085 f .f i f i 1 iMi i p i^^^i ' ' ' i m ' ' 1 tM ' •1 ■ ^ "™" Comparative Dominion Statistics for and 1890. j{. MiK! .i^i:{,087,;t28 E. litMini ^i:{,48(;,0!»2 i. i)!i '.VH :{,o;i8 ..■U,>rK I8,1(K»,(K)0 , •, .IH'.VH l8,H Saviii^H Hanks - Niniibor 81 DuiMmitors 2,102 IJalancu $204,588 the Years 1868 I.H'.in. .5:!0,87!t,025 $:55,!»'.M,o:u 7,01 :', 94,100,000 70,'»h:5,I2I 15,722 15,402 * 12 1,858, 24 1 !»0,74!>, 110 2.54, «)28, 004 404 112,:i21 .«<21,!>00,05:{ How Canada has proHptM-cd under tlie National Policy of prelection to native industries may be learncid from tin; fol- lowinf^ comparison between tlie years l(S78 and I8!)(): — y57,V. JS'JO. Inn-dt.v'. Miles of railway 0,14:5 1:5,088 7,845 Tons of Hluppiiii,' 2:5,102,.55l . 4. ,24:5,251 18,140,7,4I7 5,707,083 Value exports of Canadian sheep.. 099,:5:57 1,2:54,:547 5:58,010 Value exports of manufactured wood i:5,!»08,029 20,059,:548 0,750,710 Value exports of home umnufactures 18,182,047 25,5:50,00:5 7,:547,350 ToKONTO FROM I SS7 To 1.S02. 27.'i Oanadian ■".rofVic, 5,128 '2'2, <')();) 8,'.IH4 2r.,401 i:;,u8r) Total Value of Canada's Exports to Great Britain and the United States. From 1873 to 18S1), inclnsivo, tho total valiK; of {^'oofls (ex- ported from ('unada to tlit; Ignited States was SritiHh market took, therefore, i5n{.S,lH',()00 more (jf Canadian exports than did tliat of the United States. ears 1868 sua. s7't,!»2r) ;V,)4,():U 7,'.n:{ 1()(>,()(M) [)h:>,,\-2\ 15,722 ir,,402 Hr.K,2n 74'.»,ll'.» «i2H,,7 J 7,:547,35(i Members of the Dominion Cabinet, 1892. Premier (iml, I'rrHklrnl nf (\,iii, Posliiiasler-Gi)!' ml, Minister of tin' I nh rior > Minister of Finanrr Minister of AlariiK oinl FisJn < us Minister of Jiislii'e i Witfwut i'ortfolio t lion. Sir.l..I.(,',Al.l>oit, K.(".M.(i. n .). A. ( )uiiiii't. II .loliii (J. Hat(t,'!irt. fi Ma(^k(!ii/.ic liiiwi'll. .1. <'. rjiitc.Hoii. .Inllll (-'.IfiillJ^. .loliii H4 Norwoj^iaii Aintirican Froncli . . . Uuteli . . . Ttalian . . . tSpaniHh . . )H4 .S«7,0!»2 r» 4,K14 20 ;;4.40!» 11 (;,44r» 1 !»()() 2 2,h:{4 1 872 1 1,2I»1 Total 4 'Ji» .*/»M,l>i)| I! I Of the above, (J.'H were steamers ajid 94 sailing vessels. H ■ I 1 N hy ( f[ ■■ '■'. t ^ hi " If'' ill :!i I'P' 274 Toronto "Called Back." Shipping of the World. Niiiiihi.T and toiina^^ci (t\' all steam vosscls of one liun(lro'r, Toitnai/f. I'.ritish 5,7r>() 8,107,7<;2 Tho (JMloiiicH «:!!• 4Hr»,7.Sl r,j,'x, H,( ;:).■;, 51.". I'nitiMl StiitcH Kreiich ( ici'miui Itiiliaii NorwuLciaii 400 542 80(! 217 47a SpaiiisI) .'J!»0 r)H7,4'12 .S»H,.")L'2 1,0.-) »,«;)•» :i():i,!)24 :',{):>, 2:',r, 42:5,254 2.SHH 3,52:J,277 l'l\(.'i!s.s (if Ih'ilisli >>v(!r all dIIht cniniirioH ooiiihiiiril .'»,707 s.\iiJN(; vi«:ssKi.s. I'.ritisli ,. Cnlonii'.s 5,i;;o,2<)ii . . . :{.:{42 ... 1, '.••;;> 5,:5| I rnitc.l States 2,S!)7 Kiviicl. HIKi (ii'Miiaii 1,058 Italian l.o57 Norwi'L^i.'Ui 2, '.121 S|>aiii.sli 478 Aii.strii-lliin^'ariaii 218 Daiii.sli 587 Diiicli :i52 HusHian i'.'M Sw.iish nni le liuiulrt-Ml itrie.s of tho i(;T,7t;2 tHr,,7Hi i;:>:!,r>t:{ r)H7,44'J ,S4K,r)'J'2 ( ).->!, «'.)!» :',(»: !,'.»'J4 :;()r»,'2:5») 4ii:{,254 ,52:5,277 ,ir,(),2(it; yumlifir. :i.:u2 l,'.ni'.> r.,;;i i 2,K'.>7 so: 5 l,(»r>H l.:jr.7 2,; 121 47H 21 « r),s7 '.\:>2 ',i:i4 •)i;i T(jK()NT<> fko.m 1.s^7 to l>St)2. ■j.t-> Comparative Population and Finances of Toronto in 1879 and 1889. l'(>[)iiliiti()U in ISS!) (cslimntid) I S7!) {,8i:} '•». Increase in ti;n years, 171 p'T (;i;iit. 2(i, ! S7 N'aliii' of AHscHKat)^! I'roiicity, as per AHSoasintnit taken in IMS'). . . .§l.'i(»,r)2(i,<>17 IS?!). .. ijO, l(i(;,(>:;!J IncreaHO in ten years, 172 per cent. SNd.lfniMJTS Kate of Taxation for tiu; y-ar I'^'^K. ... 1 I', iniils on the (loll;ii of AHHesHirieiit. " iy-' S7!)....l7i 1 H' Kevenuo, other than Ta-satioii, 1^^'.) IS niiihs. is::) .■■».")7,0.">(j 2(i7..S()0 In lieveniie from Taxation, 1 SSS is:;) ..■?.2,()0I,0!»'2 •too, li S2M»,2.')0 .«1.10:{,7M7 (Iros.s iiierciiHu in ten years, Oie.uly) I'JO per cent. ■I,:i!»2 '>S1 KstiMiateil Viiliic of property ounecl Wy the (ity Corporation, ISS't. SI 1 ,000,0()(), ()()(» I l,170,!)»() ,7!)l i?r),.{!(r,,i4!) Total As.- 10. Smith, S. li. Harman, CieovLje D'Arcv Uoulton, .losciiji SJieaid, Ah'xander Manninir, Animus Morrison, .lamis hi-aty. .jun., \V. P.. .McMui-iich, Arthur 11. l>us\vell, Ale.xundci- .M;iii(iiii.;', ^\'. II. I low land, Iv V. (JIarke, and II. .J. Fleinin'^f. .'! ■■T-i 1 '^ , f :l I -■' ' !{ 11 ■i't vt» ,, y^| l;t I I 276 Toronto "Called Back." Value of Buildings Erected during the Years 1882 $1,757,630 1883 1,506,740 1884 2,033,235 1885 3,449,375 1886 1,198,220 1887 $1,276,600 1888 2,063,795 1889 2,356,174 1890 2,364,750 1891 4,388,900 Of the buildings erected in 1891, the proportion is: — 1,010 dwellings $2,689,300 37 rough-cast 29,800 121 stores and factories 440,900 16 warehouses 168,500 6 churches, schools and missions 117,500 Hotels and stables 56,300 Miscellaneous alterations and additions 258,600 AthentBuni Club Rooms 32,000 Dominion Lank, Spadina Avenue 20,000 Temperance Coffee House 19,000 Gooderham & Worts' building 66,000 Aged Women's Home 18,000 Youn'jj Women's Christian Guild 25,000 St. George's Society Hall 18,000 I.O.O.F. Hall and stores 30,000 Victoria University 200,000 Toronto University 200,000 Parliament Buildings, and Court House and Citj- Hall, estimated at 3.000,000 Foreign Consuls in Toronto. Germany Samuel Nordheimer. United States Chavles R. Pope. " " (Vice) C. A. Hirschfelder. France A. T. Fulton. Netherlands B. Homer Dixon. " (Vice'* Albert Nordheimer. Spain (Vice) Enoch Thompson. Brazil (Vice) George Musson. Italy (Hon.) A. M. F. GianeLU. Norway and Sweden (Vice) Saurin McMurray. Argentine Republic Nicol Kingsmill. (Vice) Frederic Nicholls. Liberia (Vice) Enoch Thompson. Hawaii Enoch Thompson. " (Vice) Lieut.-Col. Geo. A. Shaw. *;i-i Toronto from 1887 to 1892. 2V7 Toronto Weather Statistics. ISSo. 1SS6. 1S87. 1S8S. 1SS9. 1S90. Mean temperature 41.57 43.71 44.14 45.70 45.44 45.02 Highest temperature 88.6 89.5 97.2 92 88.7 S9.4 Lowest temperature — 16.1 —22.8 —16.6 —16.1 —11.3 —2.7 Amount of snow in inches . . 65.6 73.5 77.9 34.6 66.5 52.6 Number of days of snow 73 66 78 83 60 81 Total amount of rain 26.351 27.726 17.909 22.819 24.575 32.110 Number of days of rain .... 103 112 106 1.33 127 145 Number of fair days 203 196 203 175 187 159 Number of days completely clouded 65 74 76 58 79 68 Number of hours of bright sunshine 2,018 2,034 2,063 2 048 1,909 1,977 Number of hours of possible sunshine 4,463 4,463 4,463 4,474 4,403 4,463 Minimum and maximum temperature at different points in Canada on December 13th, 1891 :— Edmonton, 20'— 30°; Qu'Appelle, 22"— 28"; Winnipeg, 11°— 28°; Port Arthur, 26"— 48" ; Toronto, 36°— 48'; Kingston, 3S'-^6°; Mon- treal, 36°— 46°; Quebec, 18°— 38°; Halifax, 16°— 42°. ir Churches in Toronto, 1892. Episcopal 42 Methodist 30 Presbyterian 34 Baptist 18 Congregational 12 Roman Catholic 11 Hebrew 2 Plyniou' 1 Brethren 2 Disciples 2 Reformed Episcopal 1 Unitarian 2 Lutheran 1 Catholic Apostolic 1 Miscellaneous 20 Total 187 InlSSC 110 Increase 77 i 278 ToiioNTO " Called Back." Toronto Water Works. Toronto is supplied with water from Lake On*-ario by lueana of puiiipinjT engines, manufactured by ^^essrs. Ingli.i & rlunter, of this city, havin^: a capacity of 12,000,000 gallons per twenty- four hours ; also two Worthington Duplex Engines of a capacity of 12 000,000, making a total of 24,000,000 gallons. The Vmild- ing of the Water Works in which they are placf ' 's a handsome structure at the edge of the bay. The reservoi) at Piose Hill, from which the water is dis- tributed, is beautifully situated to the north of the cit^-. The wonderful growch of the city will be seen by a comparison of the following statistics with the system in 1847: WATER SUPPLY FOR 1890. Population supplied from Water Works (I'.stimated) .... 200,000 Average daily consuniptiou 17,S.S3,(iiiO Number of gallons consumed for j-ear 6,'277,G05,9'20 (Jallons, per day, to each inhabitant To Xuml)er of hydrants 2,708 Number of horse-troughs 57 Number of drinking fountains 84 Number of hoists .' 229 Number of water meters 1 ,r)98 Number of services 30,205 Miles of Mains 2;i7;i Revenue |!409,78S 26 E.xpenditure 344,906 84 It is interesting to notice that in 1847 there was no hoist of any kind in any building in Toronto. All goods and furniture were carried to the dflerent floors, while passengers had to walk up stairs. The f'irst two hoists were of the old wheel and rope pattern, and one was placed in the present General Trusts Company's building by Messrs. Ross, Mitchell & Co., and the other in the warehouse at present occupied by Mr. P. Jacobi by Taylor ^V: Stevenson in 18.5.S. Toronto Gas Works. The Gas Works of Toronto were originated and built by the late Albert Furniss, in 1842, who was also the builder of the Water Works. The present Consumers' Gas Company origin- ated in LS47, and the tirst meeting of the subscribers for stock I iV Toronto from Lss7 to 1892. 279 by means & Hunter, er twenty- a capacity Tiio build- handsome ,tcr is uil ■ 1 pi I: 292 Toronto " Called Back.' Iik4\ Appointment of the New Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario. Lieutenaut-Colonel Honorable Georrre A. Kirkpatrick was appointed Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario by Order-in-Council. at Ottawa, on tlie 80th May, and was sworn in by the Governor- General, the same day. The Founders of Toronto's Greatness. It is asserted by some that the land is the source of all wealth, and again that labor alone creates capital, while other;^ argue that capital is that which creates capital. Neither of these propositions, however, is true in the abstract. The soil would be unproductive without labor, and labor equally so without skill, and both ineffectual to promote prosperity in a community without capital, to set in motion the forces of the other elements. All allied harmoniously together are necessary to secure greatness. In this application of industry and enter- prise to the mercantile and manufacturing interests of Toronto, capital has been created, employment has been given to labor, and all classes have, in their own spheres, contributed to the general prosperity. There is no city in the world of its size that can boast of more .self-made men. The employees of yesterday have become the employers of to-day, and even those who have never engaged in industrial pursuits have, by the indastry of others, indirectly reaped the benefit in the enhancement of the value of their property. To " rise in the world " is a proper ambition. \' oung men, as well as old, are tempted to think this the chief thing to be aimed at, and toil in the belief that no one can be fairly said to have " risen " unless his pockets are well filled. Among these devotees a mighty fuss is made about the man who has got to the " top of the tree," in forgetfulness of the alternative that possibly the ground at its foot is the best place for security, to say nothing of the fruit which may be picked up there., the man who can fill his purse is looked Toronto ii'.o.m 1S.S7 to Ls92. 'IW up to with honor and regard. He lives respected, and he Ili1 NEW lioAKl) OF TKAUE r.L'ILDIMi, TOKONTO. Toronto from 1SS7 to 1S92. 2JJ5 amongst the best judges in Great Britain, and are now being used in the highest circles of musical society, including Windsor Castle and other abodes of Royalty. i The Nordheimer Manufacturing Oo. (Limited). (L.vTE Lansdownk Piano Co.) Messrs. A. & S. Nordheimer having acfiuircd such high repu- tation for American pianos of the most celebrated makers, for whom thev have been the exclusive agents, amongst which are the Chickering, Stodart & Dunham, the Steinway, Haines Si Gabler, they, notwithstanding the high rate of duty, their cus- tomers being willing to pay the higher prices so as to secure an instrument of first-class (juality and excellence (some of these pianos having been in use for forty years), still continue to supply these instruments. Nevertheless, to meet the demand for instruments less expen sive, and yet such as they could recommend, they established the present firm for the purpose. Their capital being practically unlimited, and their facilities unsurpassed, a bright future is in prospect for the company, and another star is added to the galaxy of Toronto's manu- facturing establi-shments. In addition to other advantages possessed by this firm, with its great manufacturing facilities, they have secured several important additions to their staff, including one of New York's best tune and action regulators. Hitherto the success of the Nordheimer Manufacturing Co. has far exceeded their expectations, and, according to the judg- ment of competent connoisseurs, they seem destined to play a prominent role in the manufacture of pianos in Toronto. The name of Nordheimer being associated with the highest class of musical instruments from the Atlantic to the Pacific, is itself a guarantee that nothing inferior will be shipped from their establishments. With branches in Montreal, Ottawa, Hamilton and London, all orders can be promptly executed. Those wishing to .secure a first-class instrument can do so by li »'^ t ■ m »' i. i 1 ill ! I'i 29 G ToiioNTo 'Cali.ed Back." visitirif^ any of their v'arerooms, or ordering direct, as the fullest reliance may bo placed on the hi^h and long-established repu- tation of the firm. Samuel Nordiieimer, Esq., the surviving partner of the firm of A. »te S. Nordheimer, is at present the only living representative of the prominent men who, half a century ago, were the loading business men of King Street. His personal influence had much to do with the build- ing up of this extensive business, and the impetus given to the musical taste of the people not only of Toronto but of the Dominion. The first-class artists and musical stars who have visited Toronto since the time of Jenny Lind have been brought here chiefly through Messrs. Nordheimers' unwearied attention in inducing them to come to Toronto, and when here in making their performances successful. Nor have Mr. Nordheimers enterprise and influence been confined to the promotion of a musical taste of a high order, but in public and private his eflforts have been directed to pro- mote the prosperity of the city. The building owned by the Canada Permanent Building Society on Toronto Street is a monument to his enterprise, having been built when the sur- roundings were most unpromising, and it is owing greatly to the start then given that the street owes much of its present beauty and magnificent buildings. Mr. Nordhekner has occupied a large number of prominent positions in the city, having been for many years President of the Federal Bank, Vice-Preside'^t and Director of the Canada Permanent Building and Loan Company, Director of the Con- federation Life Association, and for a length of time President of the Philharmonic Society. Glenedyth, The seat of Samuel Nordheimer, Esc|., is undoubtedly the finest private mansion in Toronto or vicinity. The situation is unequalled, except by the residence of the late Senator Mac- donald on the same elevation. The grounds of both are extensive and picturesque ; those of 'I eimer, is at linent men len of King I the build- liven to the but of the 5 who have jen brought id attention 3 in making : prominent President of the Canada f the Con- e President SAMUEL NORDIIEIMER, ESQ., Consul Oennan Empire. iiV :*! [r ToRON'lO FROM 1887 TO lb92. 297 Mr. Nordheimer comprise forty acres, beautifully wooded, and with winding drives and grassy terraces remind the visitor of the finest of English demesnes and ancestral halls. The house is superbly furnished, and the entrance hall, lighted from a dome, is strikingly beautiful in its finish and arrangement, while drawing rooms, dining room, and boudoirs are gems of artistic decoration. The view from the front extends over the whole city and across tlie lake to the Falls of Niagara. f Mr. Albert Nordheimer, son of Mr. Abraham Nordheimer, the senior partner of the original firm, has succeeded liis father in the general busines.s, including the Nordheimer Manufacturing Company. He is an accomplished musician, having been highly educated in England and on the Continent. He promises to be quite as popular and successful as his late father, and to attain to a high position in Toronto. Octavius Newcombe & Co. While it is the glory of Toronto that her wealthy citiztjns are chiefiy those who have attained to their independent posi- tion by their own industry or that of their parents, there are a few who have contributed to her progress by bringing with their families the means possessed in the old land, for the purpose of investment here to better advantage. Amongst these, that of the Newcombe family may be men- tioned. From a home in Devonshire, surrounded with every comfort, and even luxury, they removed to this city, and here have always occupied an honorable position, not deriving all the advantages from their investments, which they had a right to expect, l)Ut invariably rising above circumstances. Brain and muscle are perhaps the most important elements in building up a new colonization, but when to these are f1 '"■ 298 Toronto "Called PJack." [i added substantial capital, with the concomitants of skill and enterprise, giving employment to labor and circulating money amongst all classes, then the highest advantages accrue to the community. The history of Toronto would not be complete without some reference to the late Mrs. Newcombe, the mother of the family — a lady combining the highest culture with shrewd foresight and decision of character. On the death of Mr. Newcombe, considering that the pros- pects for a large family would be better in a new country, Mrs. Newcombe having to choose between Australia, where her sons Henry and Doctor William Newcombe were then in good positions, and Canada, decided in favor of the latter, and on Toronto as their future home. Besides the benefits the city derives from the business enter- prise of the Newcombe brothers, the connections of the family with ])r. Barrick and Mr. Alfred Mason have still further extended their advantages, by investments in elegant resi- dences, and in every way contributing to the wealth and prosperity of the city. The other brothers. Doctor James Newcombe and Doctor William Newcombe, were well known in the medical profes- sion, the former for many years as Professor of Surgery in Victoria College, and as having a very extensive practice in Toronto, subsequently returning to England to reside, though still having a large investment in real estate in this city. The benefits to accrue to Toronto bj'' inducing more of the wealthy families of the old world to make Toronto their home are incalculable, and cannot be enjoyed without special efforts. Toronto has for some time been recognized as the musical and educational centre of Canada, and associated with its development in this respect has been the rapid extension of pianoforte manufacture, so that the trade of the Dominion may be said to l»e controlled from this city. One of the most exten- sive establishments of this kind is that of Octavius Newcombe & Co., who, commencing with ample capital, thorough financial training, and a desire to produce instruments of exceptional iiness enter- ; the family ^till further levant resi- wealth and OCTAVIUS NEWCOMBK, ES(,). \r ' f\ : ■I II s * t e I t; TOIIOXTO FROM 18S7 TO 1H92. 299 artistic merit, have acquired lari^e interests in this city in extensive warerooms, and a splendid factory — a model in its arrangement and application of the latest and best modern machinery and appliances. As a result of these advantages o as /^, the reputation and sale of the ' Nevvconihe " pianos have been extended not only throughout the Dominion of Canada, but to England, the United States, Australia, and Japan. In interna- tional awards, the " Newcombe " pianos secured First Silver i"* 1' ' ' i > \4p ^u 300 Toronto 'Called Back." Medal at the World's Exposition, New Orleans, IJ.S.A., 1884-85, in competition with the pianos of Europe and America. At ihe London (Eng.) Exhibition, in 18S6, they received Medal and Diploma, and a " Newcombe " Grand, selected for Her Majesty the Queen by Sir Arthur Sullivan, was pronounced " The Gem of the Exhibition." They have received numerous first prizes at exhibitions in Canada, and the most emphatic endorsation from artists and purchasers for superiority in tone and durability. To the efforts of the two brothers, Henry and Octavius Newcombe, who constitute the firm, assisted by a superior stafi' of artisans in the various departments, is the uniform success of this enterprise attributable since its first inception in 1871. Mr. Henry Newcombe's thorough business education in England, and wide experience in commercial life in Canada, no doubt fitted him to assist in the conduct of this enterprise which has developed with rapid strides since he joined his brother in 1879. At that time the pianofortes sold in Canada were chiefly imported from the United States, but within a decade the t ie was revolutionized, so that to-day few instruments are imported into Canada either from Europe or the United States, while an increasing export trade is being done from Canada to other countries. It lias been stated that a manufacturer of plan -fortes has no clpmi to first rank who has not made a success of his Grand pianos. This maj' be understood from the fact that the difficulties to be met wit4i in the construction of a satisfactory square or upright are not to be compared with the exacting demands which a first-class Grand is required to meet. It is in this highest type — the prince of instruments — that the Newcombes have attained* their greatest success. The " Newcombe " Grand pianos are therefore found not only in many of the richest homes in Canada, but in the chief palace of the Queen — Windsor Castle — and have been used in public and private by the greatest artists in the old and new world. The subjoined letter, selected from a large number, is inter- esting, as evidencing the great durability of the " Newcombe " pianos under the most adverse circumstances, and as showing I.H .., 1884-85, erica. At 'ed Medal 1 for Her renounced numerous , emphatic ity in tone Benry and sted by a nts, is the 3e its first h business [lercial life net of this i since he )fortes sold States, but hat to-day om Europe ,de is being stated that t rank who lis may be e met witii ght are not I first-class type — the ^e attained* pianos are homes in ,dsor Castle he greatest • ■ , y .1 ' -, ■ _. ' • A. ^HHk 'mHIV ' ■ ^ H ^ ' '1 J, ■• n |j l| ,^ ' ' ' . ■ 1 ■' ■'', ' ■ ■■'),! f * HENKV NKWCOMHK, ES(,). er, is inter- *^ewcombe " as showing { I 1 B V C a C Toronto from 1887 to i^92. .SOI that their superior musical qualities are recognized wherever the pianos may go : — Yanxuivkk. .hmuiiiy 12tli, 18".»2. Messrs. OcTAVius Nkwcombe t^: Co., Gentlemen, — You will remember the i)luasuru I expressed un the arrival, now nearly four years ago, oi the Newcombe u|)rif^ht i»iano that I ordered from you for my residence in Sydney, Australia. For tlie second time it has made its journey acnjss the Pacific, having travelled a distance of over 30,000 miles since it has left your factory. Its appearance and tone are both perfectly pauserved, and the excel- lence of the latter particularly admired by everyone who has tried it both in Australia and in Canada, for its richness and sustained or singing quality. Notwithstanding the vicissitudes of its tremendous journeys by sea and land, and being subjected to the extreme changes of climate and the rigors of the Northern Hemisphere, to exposure for years in the Southern Hemisphere, it returns again to the former witluiut a single mishap or fault. Under such circumstances you will understanil how well satisfied 1 have been in my choice of a " Newcombe" upright piano, and that as the selection was left with you 1 deem it only my duty to place in your hands what I believe to be the very best possible evidence of the exceptional durability and sterling excellence d£ your instruments. Yours truly, M. M. Fkasek. Though their factory and head office are in Toronto, they have branch establishments in Montreal and Ottawa, and their success at the Capital in recent years has been phenomenal, attributable in part to the acknowledged superiority of their Grand pianos. I n' : t i i 1. Hi' I 302 Toronto " Called Back." The Queen's Hotel, founded by Captain Thomas Dick in 1SG2, received its name, no doubt, from the well-known loyalty of its founder, and while a " rose by any other name would smell as sweet," there is an appropriateness in this being applied to the leading hotel in the Queen City of the West that will always strike a traveller, especially from Britain. This attachment to every- thing appertaining to royalty was further evidenced by Capt. Dick in the name uiven to the steamer built for him on the Clyde, which he called Her Majesty. QUEEN'S HOTEL, TORONTO. The writer crossed to England with place the contract, and when all had steamer was on her way out, she was was regarded as a matter of great Captain, but by all Toronto citizens. From the commencement the aim provide a comfortable home for his him when, going over to been completed, and the unfortunately lost. This regret, not only by the of Captain Dick was to guests, as distinguished I ! Toronto from 18.S7 to 1802. .so;? its name, nder, and eet," there dinj;- hotel 5 strike a to every- l by Capt. lim on the )ing over to ;ed, and the T lost. This Dnly by the )iek was to istinguished from the "caravansary" style of most hotels in America, ami in this he was most successful, even to the minutest detail. The present proprietors, Messrs. McGaw \: Winnett, have followed up the original design, making constant improvements in every department. This popular hotel has recently been renovated and changed in many respects from the Hrst to the third story A year ago its elegant and commodious ilining-room was very handsomely frescoed. During the last three months many of the parlors, corridors, and halls ha\'e lieen tastefully decorated and painted. New private staircases have been fitted up in the Queen Anne style. Each landing has a magnificent stained glass window, and as one ascends these uni(|ue windings the idea must Hash upon him that he has mistaken the Queen's Hotel, and is ensconced in some baronial hall. The halls and corridors have all been relaid with costly and luxurious carpets. When all these changes arc added to the previous conniiodious and handsomely furnished drawing-rooms and bcdrooir.s, witli bathrooms, to say nothing of the fine suites of rooms which were fitted up for the Princess Louise and the Marquis of Lome on the occasion of their first visit to Toronto, as well as other .suites that were prepare2,0()0 members in those who administer its affairs. Dr. Oronhyatekha is not only the head of the Foresters but he is also the head of the Order of Good Templars throughout the world, having been elected in July, IS'Jl, at the meeting of the Right \V(^rthy Grand Lodge in Edinburgh, to the position of Right Worthy Grand Templar. The high position he occupies in each body i.s found to be advantageous to both. No one could wish to enjoy in a fuller degree the esteem of those he represents, and no one deserves it better than Dr. Oronhvatekha. The Late Honorable John Macdonald, Senator. " In Mfmor. am." " He was a man, take him fur /ill in all, I shall not look upon his like airani. He gave his honors to the wcrKl .again, hia blessed pfirt to Heaven, and slept in peace." — Shakespeare. The history of the late Senator Macdonald would comprise the history of the wholesale dry goods trade of Toronto for and beae- ied as the the prime hday. He ian of the 1 that con- id a liberal ,nd Oxford, le was the lysieian he on to Inde- And now -ests of the )ut the able Dhenomenal in the past 3 soundness its manayie- I those who ,ly the head er of Good ,ed in July, Lodge in id Templar, ound to be in a fuller ne deserves snator. upon his like rt to Heaven, liukespeare. d comprise Toronto for THK LAT1-: HON. JOHN MACDOXALD Nvnator. n h P Ik-; le t( th si fii ur in ph tic of rel as5 in om his kir hai Hi. his abl tal( ing in exp and the h Par ren( the Toronto from 1887 to 1892. 315 nearly half a century. In 1847, when the writer first formed his acquaintance, Mr. Macdonald was a young man holding the position of salesman in the large dry goods establishment of Walter Macfarlane & Co., corner of King Street and West Market Square. He was at that time studying for the Wes- leyan ministry, but on account of delicate health was ordered to the West Indies, as well as to discontinue his studies. He then proceeded to Kingston, Jamaica, where he remained in a situation till 1849. Having made up his mind to go into business he started the first exclusively dry goods store on Yonge Street, and by unwearied diligence, and great shrewdness as a buyer, succeeded in establishing a successful business. His generosity and philanthropy always kept pace with his prosperity, conscien- tiously devoting a large portion of his profits, on the principle of systemntiy beneficence, to benevolent, philanthropic, and religious purposes. In this respect his name will be for ever associated with the great enterprises of the city, in every thing in which liberality and philanthropy have been displayed. As a patron of literature his scholarships and prizes in vari- ous colleges and the University will remain as a monument to his memory, while his munificent donations to hospitals and kindred institutions for the relief of suffering humanity will hand his name down to posterity as a public benefactor. Highly gifted by nature, he excelled in poetry as well as prose, his productions in both being sach as would be highly credit- able to a man of leisure, while Mr. Macdonald cultivated his talents in the midst of an engrossing and rapidly extend- ing business all through his life. Whether on the platform or in the pulpit he exhibited ability of a high order, always expressing his views in the clearest and most emphatic' mannei, and ever on the side of truth and virtue, never swerving from the highest principles towards expediency. His distinguished services to the country as member of Parliament, and subsequently as a member of the Senate, were rendered still more valuable through the information given as the result of his successive visits to Newfoundland, the West f^D 316 TopoNTO " Called Back." Indies, and Alaska, all of which was published for the benefit of the Dominion, and was undoubtedly most valuable and is already bearinor good fruit. Having,' been in the House of Commons at Ottawa when Sir John A. Macdonald arose in his place to refer to the death of Mr. Thomas White, Minister of the Interior, whose vacant chair immediately in the rear of Sir John's bore a beautiful white wreath, and witnessing his vain attempt to speak, over- come as he was by emotion, and Sir Hector Langevin's taking his place with an imnromptu eulogy, I think it not out of place to reproduce the following lines, which were composed by Senator Macdonald '\nd printed anonymously in the Ottawa Journal of that lay : — "HE FLAG AT HALF MAST. W !, , '^ies the flag at half mast, Whioli was mast liead yesterday ? Has DUe of the mighty fallen, Has 8ume great une passed away ? Has tlie rider on the pale horse — The rider with icy wand — Touched l)eating heart and stilled it. Of some leader of the land ? The flag which flies at half mast, Which flutters high in the air, But tells to man the story Which is taught him everywhere : That man being here abideth not, Is cut down like a flower, Is like the grass which sjtringeth up And withers in an hour ; And so the flag at half mast, Which was yesterday at mast head, Tells in its mournful floating Of a gifted statesman dead, And reads to all the lesson — To the grave and to the gay — It may wave for them to-morrow, As it waves for him to-day. Ottawa, April 23rd, ISSS. le benefit le and is when Sir death of e vacant beautiful ak, over- 's taking of place osed by Ottawa m m ■JM f mat ■3 1 1 fl • M •!'' J 'u.Jll 1 J. KIDSTOX MACDONALD, ESQ. Toronto from LSS? to 1892. 317 The Model Dry Goods Warehouse of the Dominion. Ifc is no disparagement of other large wholesale importing houses of which Toronto is so justly prouil, and to which much of the description given may apply, to select one as par etcccl- lence the model house of tlie Dominion, and if a knowledge of Messks. John Machonam) \- Co. s Waukhoise. (M'llh'nfifon Sfirrf rior.) , 818 Toronto "Called Back." its history from the commencement furnishes a qualitication for the work, the writer can safely undertake it. Having known the late Senator Macdonald before he com- menced business, I had an opportunity of witnessing the success of his first venture in the retail dry goods trade. His rare judgment as a buyer, and carefulness as a financier, gave him from the first a sound position, resulting in a decision to seek a wider field for his enterprise. The pent-up confines of a retail store did not afford scope for his ambition, and in two years from his start in 1849 he had acquired sufficient capital to embark in the wholesale importing trade. On his first visit to Britain his arrangements were made on such a solid basis as to be a guarantee of the success which followed. The system of buying from large general houses had prevailed almost entirely in Canada and the Maritime Provinces, and this Mr. Macdonald from the outset avoided. He saw no reason why he should not go to the fountain head of supply, and give his customers the benefit of the interme- diate profits previously enjoyed by these large houses in London, Glasgow and Manchester, and v/hatever commission he paid for his ^introduction to manufacturers was more than made up by cash discounts. The saying that "goods well bought are half sold" was, in this instance, soon verified, and with goods purchased on such advantageous terms the firm had no occasion to " push trade," but it seemed to flow naturally and increase steadily from the commencement. The facilities aflforded by the bonding system — commenced about this time — through the United States, led Messrs. Mac- donald &D Co. to introduce the system of having a resident buyer in Europe, and by weekly shipments aflEbrd merchants an opportunity of assorting their stocks from time to time, thereby precluding the necessity of laying in a stock for the whole season, as had hitherto been the rule, and also saving a large amount of interest and the accumulation of bad stock. This formed another element in the rapid growth and exten- sion of th*^ business, as buyers were attracted from all parts to select t'roiu the weekly arrivals. From that time to the tlitication e he com- be success financier, Ek decision 3 confines n, and in sufficient i made on Bss which al houses Maritime I avoided, tain head interme- tiouses in aission he han made II bought and with m had no ally and mmenced srs. Mac- resident merchants to time, a for the saving a id stock. id exten- all parts e to the PAUL CAM I 'BELL, KSQ, Toronto fkom 1887 to 1892. 319 present the business has been marked with uninterrupted pros- perity, and has attained to a magnitude unequalled in the Dominion, and a fame co-extensive with the great ititer-oceanic highway now successfully completed from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The business is thoroughly systematized, being divided intc five principal departments, which, with their subdivisions, are as follows : — Silks and Dress Goods — Black and colored silks, satins, ribbons. Dress goods — the latest productions from the looms of Britain, France and Germany always in stock ; velveteens. laces, embroideries, veilings, hosiery, gloves, muslins, parasols, etc., etc. Linens and Staples — Tablings, Towellings, Hollands, novel- ties in linen sets, D'Oylies, diapers, embroidery and fronting linens, Dowla.s, Hessians, canvas and Burlaps ; Canadian manu- factured staple goods of all kinds. Carpets — Brussels, tapestry, wool, union and hemp carpet's, mats, rugs, floor and oil cloths, lace, Chenille and tapestry curtains, piano and table covers, piano felts, bed quilts, etc., etc. Woollens — English, Scotch, Irish and Canadian suitings and trouserings, coatings and overcoatings, mantlings ; also tailors' trimmings, corduroys and moleskins shown in this department. Gents' Furnishings and Haberdashery — Neckwear, under- wear, top shirts, braces, handkerchiefs, umbrellas, rubber goods, dress trimmings, button.^ and braids, corsets, wools, tapes, threads, elastics, smallwares and fancy goods. These departments are managed by experienced buyers, whc visit Jie markets periodically, making the honie othce in Man- chester their rendezvous, and where orders are sent lietween seasons to the resident buyers. The house is represented hy fourteen travellers from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The warehouse itself has a position quite unique, fronting on two :itreets (on Wellington Street, Nos. 21 to 27, and Front Street, Nos. 80 to 80), both equally easy of access to every part of the house, and equally imposing in appearance. The 320 Toronto "Called Back." most modern appliances have been introduced for the despatch of business. A special feature in the shipping department is the adoption of "travelling" desks for the entry clerks, by which they pass from one lot of goods to another as cjuickly as they are entered, thereby superseding the old system of bringing the goods up to the desks and having to wait for the removal of one lot before entering another, thus ensuring perfect accuracy. With the foresight which characterized all Mr. Macdonald's business arrangements, he brought his two eldest sons into the warehouse at a very early age, and by a thorough training in every detail has fitted them to succeed him in the business. Mil. John Kidston Macdonald. In 1887 Mr. John Kidston Macdonald, eldest son of the late Hon. John Macdonald, was admitted a member of the firm, at which time he assumed the entire management of the ware- house ; and at his father's death became the principal partner. He is a young man of inherent business ability, integrity and popularity, being a worthy successor to his late father. Mr. Paul Ca^[i*bell. In 1869 Mr. Paul Campbell, on account of the absence from home of Mr. Macdonald, on parliamentary ami other duties, assumed the manao:ement of the business, both of the couiitingf house and warehouse, and from that time has displayed a high order of business talent, reaching every detail of tho business ; and by untiring assiduity has had a large share in the exten- sion and consolidation of its successful progress, up to the time and since his admission to a partnership in 1887, the same time as Mr, J. Kidston Macdonald. Mk, James Fraser Macdonald. Mr. James Fraser Macdonald, second son of the late Hon. John Macdonald, was admitted a partner of the firm in bs*)0, immediately after the death of his father. Truth and justice are the prominent traits of his character ; these with his inde- fatigableness in business thoroughly fit him to be a member of the firm. 3usmes3. J. KRAS'lk MACDONALI) ES(^). I IMlCSSKs. .IdllN MAClMtNAM. iV Td.s \\'\l(|;H(il SK. 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