CIHM Microfiche Series (Mionograplis) iCMH Collection de microfiches (monographles) Canadian InMhuta for Hiaterical Mterorapraductiona / Institut Canadian da microraproductiona hiatoriquaa 1 T ii ifinlr i f 11111 l l tiMn pi pt ii ii •tMMiofraphiqiiM TIM Imtitutt has atttinpttd to obliin «M b«t orifliiMl eowf tmUt b h for f Hmig. fmimmt/lrktu 0ftfW inltM of fHniin^ MB CoMvwtura da r~~l Covan L'lnttitiit a ani ct o f ilwa la maWaiir luiaMpoariMa*M «i'il OM qui pamant axipri H niMioda I j I Calm D Celound paias/ □ Covan raitovad and/or laMlnatid/ Comarnm rattavrta at/M paNtaMMa □ CevartHlamMni/ Utittadat I Icanai □ Npi rartorad and/or laminaiad/ n«aai««taiir«aiat/oMi 02: di i co l oyiad. ttrtwad or lo«ad/ □ Coloorad kH (i.a. othar dian Miia or Maefc)/ Encradaao id aMrO^ □ Coloofad platM and/or Hlumationt/ nandM* at/oo iHiHtrations an coulaMr □ BoMiid wHh etlMr malarial/ RalM a«ae d'atrtras doeumanti □ Ti#it Wndini may cauta dMdom or diatortion aloni imarior marflin/ La raUora tarrte paut dbtonioiilaloiifldala n oudtia flunfif ntttofttiQii nioy wMiintlMtejct. Whanavar poadMa. ttiaw M«a oarinadfromfHmint/ III Ion d'una rasmiration apparainant mail, lonqua cala Mait poniMa. aai pat ttifilmias. latami, n'ont D Additional commantt:/ Conmianaira> suppMmantairaK HStwwd w o y gh/ Transparanea □ Oualhy of print variai/ Qualiti inAfala da rimprassion □ Continuoui pagination/ PSfination continua □ Indudai indax(ai)/ Comprand un (dat) indax Titia on baadar takan from:/ La titra da I'an-ttta proviant: □ Titia paiB of Ptfl* da titra I j Caption of itwa/ j j MatttMad/ ittua/ da la livraiton Titra da dipart da la livraiton MatttMad/ 0«n«riqwa (piriodiquat) da la livraiton This itam it f ilmad at tha r ad uct ion ratio rhacfcad baiow/ Ca doomMRt att f ilm4 a«i taux da ridttction indiqua ci^atiout. n tax 12X 1CX aox ax 2«X 30X 24X 2SX n 32X Th* eopy fllmad hm* hM baan raprodiicsd thanks to tha aanarosity of: National Library of Canada L'axamplaira film« fut raproduit griea i la g«n4roait« da: Bibilotliiqua nationala du Canada Tha Imagaa appaaring hara ara tha bant quality posalbia eonaidaring tha condition anc iagibility of tha original copy and in kaaping with tha fllmlng contract spaclfications. Original copiaa in printad papar covars ara filmad baginning with tha front covar and anding on tha last paga with a printad or lllustrstod impras- ston. or tits back eovor whan appropriata. All othar original copias ara filmad baginning on tha first paga with a printad or lllustratad Impras- sion, and anding on tha last paga with a printad or illustrstad imprasston. Tha last rocordad frama on aach microficha shall contain tha symbol -«> (moaning "CON- TINUED"), or tha symbol ▼ (moaning "END"), whichavar appliaa. Maps, platas, charts, ate. may ba fUmad at diffarant rsductlon ratios. Tlioaa too iarga to ba antirahr inciudad in ona axposura ara filmad baginning in tha uppar laft hand corner, laft to right and top to bottom, as many framas as raquirod. Tha foltowing diagrams lllustrata tha mathod: Las Imagas suhrantss ont «t« rsproduitas avac la plus grand soin, comota tanu da la condition ot da la nattat* da l'axamplaira fHm«, at an conformity avac las conditions du contrat da fUmaga. Laa axamplairaa originaux dont la couvartura an papiar ast imprimaa sont fiim«s an comman«ant par la pramiar plat at an tarmlnam salt par la damlAra paga qui comporta una amprainta dimpraasion ou d'lllustration, soit par la sacond plat, salon la cas. Tous las autras axamplairaa originaux sont filmte un comman^nt par la prami*ra paga qui comporta una amprainta dimpraasion ou d'lllustration ot an tarminant par la damlAra paga qui comporta una taila amprainta. Un das symbolos suivsnts apparattra sur la damMra Imaga da chaqua microficha. salon la cas: la symbola -^ signlf la "A 8UIVRE", la aymbola Y signifia "FIN". Las cartas, planchas, tablaaux, ate, pauvant Atra filmte i das taux da rMuction diff«rants. Lorsqua la documant ast trap grand pour Atro raproduH an un saul ciich«, II ast film* i partir da I'anglw supMaur gaucha, da gaucha « droito, at da haut an bas, an pranant la nombra d'imagas nteassaira. Las diagrammas suhrants illustrant la mMhoda. 12 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 *"»«ocopr HMumoN ran ouir (ANSI and BO TF'.r CHAKT No. 2) 1.1 lit |m2 ■ 25 120 1.8 ^ |ii |L6 A IS53 EoM Main StrMi (7t6) 2M - US9 - Fo> \^ ^: 1902 1902 CATALOGUE LAW BOOKS 9utHt6€iin Qanada, great SBritain, 7ranee and United States ' &aiiifiei atpBabrtkiOtif under t$e nam of aut6orf, foOowed wttB an alpBahHkal index of »ukfee$$ OOLD MCOAL. PARI* (XPOtlTIOM ItOO. C. THEORET y6r sale or imported Law PuUither, Law BookteUer. Importer and Binder II fi? 13 St. James St. Montreal, can. *^m0^m^t^^ NOTICE ^^*^^^^^^^^^**N^^^«M«V^A CTHEORBT. Uw BookMlKr and PuWIrtur. i. pi«p.i«d , to make arrangtniMits with Author* for th« Printing and PuMLhlnc ©I Naw Worit* on Ufal SuMKts. to •apply all NEW STANDARD and SECOND HAND LAW BOOKS and STATUTES on tha moat llharal Urma. and to undartaka tba Mia on commlsalon of Canadian and foralan Ufal Works on tha bast of conditions. ^^^^^^^^*^m^^^^^ ^^^^«[Mm^^^^ Bargains in Law Books, Reports and Statutes I E-. us know at onca what you want to complata your ■-# library. Always a larga stock of Naw and Sacond Hand Law Books, Reports and 5tatutas, on sala. (ESTIflATES ON APPLICATION.) ■ »•«■■■ * 0-, .. <,,, ., , . — . ■ _ ^ Binding ALL kinds of Binding promptly axacutad in tha Bast Style and at moderate prices. %.i>^-. ^ ,, ^^. . „ . , .... , , - , ^ . - , ,_ ,, Estimates Given LIBRARIES VALUED. PURCHASED or pXCHANQED. Telegraphic and Telephone Orders On receipt of message. Books will be sent off immediately. ^ j^^ — _ Postage or carriage will be extra. m ^ i>>.^-.»^^^ ■. — — - _ _ _ _ _ ■^I^^^B^^^ ' ^ * ' ' ■ ~- ■ »- - ■ lll _>-^J^B^U Mi Law Books PtJUr.ISHEO IN Canada. Oreaj- Britain, ^'RAxcI AND I7NITEr) HtaTES NAMI.: OK AtTTHORS.. KOIJX^WKI) wrxH AN- ALfHADi-rrrr'Ai. l?fI)KX OK 8tTB,TKt.TH 1 90 2 A FOR SAI.B OR IMPORTED HV C. THEORKT I.AW PCBUBHKR. BOOKSEU,EH. IMI^HT»« AND BINDER 11 * 13 ST. JAMKS STRK^rr MOIVTRKAL, CAN. K4i ITHM 'U. -^ H ./ ^ .*'^-'*X/*' .J The Code of Canada j^ «9 <$ Second EdWon AnnoUted by JAHES CRANKSHAW. B. C. L. Barrister, Montreal Bar. AXD TBI Canada Evidence Act With their Amendments, incibding the Amending Act of 1900 and 1901 AND EXTRA APPENDICES Containing' : The, Imperial Criminal Evidence Act, The Foreigf Enlistment Act, The Canadian Interpreta- tion Act Amendment Act, The Victoria Day Act, The Demise of the Crown Acts, The Alien Labor Act, The Yukon Territory Acts, The Canadian Fugitive Offenders^ Act and Extradition Acts, The Extradition Convention with the United States, and a List of Extradition Trea- ties, 6fc. I Lirga Vol., Royal 8vo of 1270 pigis, half oalf, 1901, $12.00 • » 638 \ CATALOGUE (» 1-A>V BOOKS CANADIAN, ENGLISH, FRENCH AND AMERICAN. FUBLISHID AND FOK SAU BY C. THEORET, 11 A 13 ST. JAMES ST.. MONT REAL, CANADA. ABBBVIATIOira Can. means published in Canada. Eng. means England. Pr. means French. V. 8. means UnUtd Statu. — A — ABBOTT-ATre«tlMontheluUwayL*wo«C«uda * *"■ Embracing Constitutional Law: The Law of /v»m«r.««.»- Ballway Securities; Htolnent Domatn- C^nteaS?S^°„"; of Dominion and Provincial Rallwav Acts efa- Pft««= ^# o7?^'^f '? BxproprlaUon. by hI^y'^MOTT Qc ^^^l^?tZ'l^i^'%oi;J^^^V''S^- 2. Organl«.o;n "and ' ^^ ^vTn^ut' SlS".ff^, .tS"""" •■ '^»''' ««»-^ /c'{rD^i.,Jo'iS5 tYJjj°r«^ribCV-r^X'^re%'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ""' --•> "- «-^ ^^ «? „^*»^'! " ^S*"* *° *''* profession and to the pSllc as a Slthfu^ ABBOTT'S Civil Trial Brief. V.8. 1900 5 oo ABBOTT'S Shipping. 1892. Eng. 1901. Half-caJf . . . . . le oO ABBOTT'S Trial Evidence. V.8. 1900 7 00 ADDISON -On Contract*. 9th edition, 1802. Eng. . . 10 oo - On Torts. Eng. 7th edition. 1883 • . 1 . ". 11 a -AG.VBW - On the Statutes of Frauds, ng. 1876. Half-calf 7 26 if J V*^r- 4 O. THBOBBT, Bditanr •& ZivTM da Droit, TT AUUB8SBA.U (D*) — CEuTres compldtea revue* par Pardes- aoa. 1819. 16 Tolumes ln-8. Fr — Edition 1788, 13 volumea la-4. Fr 10 00 AI4BA.NY ULW JOUaiVAX.- Weekly aubscriptlon. U.S. . SCO AljOmm Law of Promotera and the Promotion of Gorpora- tioiia. U.S. 1888 4 40 AXJiOU - Dlscours et plaldoyera. 2 vols gr. laS. 1884. Fr.. 7 60 AlilfOU et OHBNU — Oranda avocata du si^cle. 1 vol. gr. In-8. 1884. Fr 4 00 AllBRIGAN Century Dlgeat, vcrfs 1 to 22 ready; each vol. 6 60 AMBRICAN ESectrical Caaea, 6 volumea 1884-96 88 00 AiiBRIOAN and BNOLISH Corporation Caaea. N. S. U.S. vol. 1 to ready; each volume. . ' 6 00 — Railroad Gases. N. 8. U. 8. Vol. 1 to 18 ready ; each vol. 5 00 — Railroad Cases to 1896. 6 volumea AM£iRICAN Negligence Casea. Vol. 1 to 10 ready; each vol. 7 00 ANOLIN'S Limitation of Actions againat trustees and other relief. Can. 1900. 8 60 ARGHAHBAULT et SBNLY — Dlctionnalre pratique dea ac- tions possessoires et du homage. 2 vols gr. in-8. 1890. Fr. 7 60 ARCHBOIjD'S Pleading and Evidence in Criminal Casea. Eng. 1900. Half-calf 9 50 — Practice. 2 vols. New edition in press. Eng — Lunacy Laws. £111;. 1805. Half -calf 12 OO ARMOUR — Law of Real Property In Oanada. 1901. Half- calf 6 60 — On Titles. 2nd edition, 1884. Can. Half -calf 5 00 ARiMSTTRONG — Law of Gold Mining in Australia and New Zealand. 1901 12 OO ARNOLDI'S Guide to Practice. Can. Cloth 1 60 AiRNOLD'S Municipal Corporation in Bnglaud and Wales. Eng. 1884. Half-calf 10 00 ARNOULD — On the Law of Marine Insurance and Average. Eng. 7th edition. 2 vols. 1901 16 60 ASPINALL'S Maritime Cases, v(4. 8 current. Eng. Each part. 1 40 AUBRY et RAU — Cours de droit francais d'aprfis la m6- thode de Zacharie. 5e Edition consld6rabIement augments. 10 forts volumes ln-8. Fr 30 00 Let tomet 1, 2 et a tont parus Isn-OOO. Prix, chaqne 8 OD Le tome i est sou* preste. Lei autree parattront tueeetsivement. AUDEyiTE'S Exchequer Court of Canada Rules and Practice. Con 6 00 AUGER (J. C.) — Informations prfielaea et offidellea tou- chant I'enregiatrement et I'impet. Oontenant les Instructions aux r6gi8trateurs. lea noms et residences des rCglstrateurs, les cadastres actuellement pro- mulgu4s et I'analvse des interpretations offldelles sur I'im- p6t, 1886. Can 50 11 rt 18, tn* H-Jacqm,, UonttM. «ne experience danrfa tenu^ dn^K*"*"* '■^«"""t dune looT et d'une «tnde attentive itZ^L^T'' '* ^n^^g'strement pothficaJre. par " I'ABSoclaaon TS i^i®."***"^® ayatftine hy- nam one analyse ou nn «s.„^f *"'''® alpha Wtlque coutT- >?«». pour «" faclllter™ SS^chre "1^..''". '"'^ ''^^ Pagea. 1889. Demi-chagrin c^^'""^ * Mo,,trm. In-8. 416 work 5ron?'hypo?hecl!^'SvLt„"°"."«*' '•■« •'»^«»ced rteJt, 'of ro„; tntate y»aTp^7thlTrf^"t''m?ZrTU? l""" PO^Ho^wrt I congr.- An "•'"''' yon nndertwk ° "'"''"' '<»" "'^e accom^lshed pinions BUT I'liiterirttetuTSe noB Io?J«i'?."'''*^^« ** benSooop d't mlie en action de ceriol. mf rSn,i^i°' I'enreglrtrement et «nr to de» radiations d'enre|lrtrem?S?.'*'"*'^'*'*'°*°* *"» <»'0't8 reels et Igutri^s'SrJa^TsSSl^^^^ O' recherche, de rotre rtHs atenrs Indlqnent qn'll Mt le fm?t H'S^r. ""* '<""» '«'te» a dm «r.K?e rri?^t\u££e|-x^"tl '= laTjIf- ,, ,. 2eyrSI^-K-.rES5"---^^^ ?Jf,'»br«."esV.^fes.Tonl' ??^a'e? e^t'Vrl^^n.^S'*''''-'"''"''- » fn, le. «?•• » w'wn de lenrs fonrtlons dolveSt mi^t'*™*"*. "« notalres. cpnnattre le mecanlsme et lo f.U„„»i *" m'enx qae tout autre blen glstrement. les ,l"voi™ It rl^spoSw blll^irSL"" f",' '""'•« <«'''" ° 2?nr"«*/i"°* '«'f Mrto^t a ~ Mint !,„ il^ rtglstratenrs _ votre velller efflcacemeut & la nnTntu S2 "®. ^^^' — »' Stre en etat d« tres qpi s'en rapportent A^^nxln Lf^lfVl' "'"^ P^tenr, "t a* tor^Utes preserves ponr !a"cfnse1^'.°t,o1 % 'lllT^XV^tlt conWr"e^ 'Vl's^^r ^" r'^JniT nS '« 'ef,<""««'«n1er .pScIalement ft me. ■Iderablement lVnri^?raTanx " r^«il*°,* '?'^*" «* facllltera °S^ J 5 00 ._„„„ "".„,„:, a« la noTince de ATOTRAOAuN DIgert of Mining Case.. 1897. 12 00 i I 0- THIOMT, L»w look PubUihT, — 1 — BAOON-On Bonetit godetles. U.S. 18W. 2 volumeg. . law ^^iSfJe';;^. ^I o/^'«»^"-iInJur,e, relating to Master ^^ ^ BAILEY'S Conaict of Judicial Decltlons. U.S. 1888. . . . 8 oo "Ywo^*'^^®"^"^ °' ^"'*" "'><' MlueralB. Enff. 5th «llt. 12 OO BAIiDWIXS Bankruptcy. Eng. 1900 ^ j^ - Dlscoure et rtqulsltolres. i vol. gr! ln-8. 1888. Fr'. .' '. ', f'l^ BARBOUX-DlBcours et plaldoyers. 2 vols. gr. in-8. 18M. Fr. Ran BAiB- Private International Law. Eng. 2nd edit. 1882 13 no BARRISTER (The)-C««. 18W-96. $3; 1885W. |2 ; I8Q7. 2 00 BARRISTERS' Bags, blue stuff 3 g^^ BARRISTERS' Brief Bags. Leather, best quality. 6 {» BARRISTERS' Gowns, best quality 15 qq BAiRROX'S BlUs of Exchange Act of 1800. Can. .... 1 00 BARRON'S Conditional Sales. 1880. Can. ... 1 oO ^'SlK HalS^f'^^'^ ^'"!"*' ^°'^«"«««; ^»''- 1898. 3rd ^ ^ StS^S'iv-f t'"*'^'' °° ^^"^ ^"^ °' Negligence. I7.S 1900*. 4 Sft r^^/-^^ ^°^®* *** Incorporated Bodies and Private and ffiL^?^t,Vt'i«*''p2?r'°n? ""•* Manitoba, Onterlo^d ?m1S laSr^NKTor^ar*' ^^^-^'^^-t. from Supplement separately 1806-1901. . ' . ' .' ." / ; 4 S ®^^i^?' '^H-.,^'- P) -Table de concordance du Code de Ftocedure Civile de la province de Quebec I8O8 jtolle 200 BAUDRY - Code des cnr^s. margullllers et parolsslens. Can. 2 CO BAJUORY - LAOAXTINBRIE - Tralt6 theorlaue rt nr«Hn.« de droit clvU. Environ 25 forts vols in-8 /l-^"® ^* praUque ^1 volumes sont parus 1806-1901 ".'.'.' ^ 25 "^"^.^■^^"^^''^^^'^lE- Precis de droit civil francals 7e edition, 3 vols. gr. ln-8, 1898-1900. Fr . <='J» /™°5al8, ^^ ^ BAYLY -Succession Duty in Canada. Can. 1901. Half-calf. 4 00 BAZA.LGETTE and HUMPHREY'S Law relatlnir > Locm and Municipal Government, containing the StStutM rS^t R,fr.*„? ?"*"*' ^I?.'*"- Municipal Corpornttons hS^vs Burial Gas nnd Water. Public Loans. GompuUory TaS of Lands. Tramways. Electric Lighting, etc T«j7i^^ "* jg oo s 11 «ad 18 It KM ItTMt, Xontrwa. V.8. 8rd ed. 1800. ?^^r**" Oontrlbutory NegligtMe -On InJunctloM. XJ.8. 1806. ^y^T^ -On In»unuicefc V.a. ISOS. 2 vols Z^^^*^ Pleading Md P^cdw. rS" mm i — on the Modern Law of Oontracta /7S icur ir^i ^ -On BecelTwa. n.a. 1807. ' ** ^ ^°'* rolt. ,/ 18 00 T76 4 00 10 OO 8 OO BBAOffS Public Corporation., u's. 1808. 2 vol, ^^^iS.-"*" ."*'.« ':"^"«' <*« B..-Can.d«.'3voi. in-a B«ATOKA» - Cod. d^' a„„o« d. U prorlnc. d. U prette. Can. "»";»«. ^ ion. T ""e »•'»«• »« the «t6 pnbll«e.. av« X^*Sn, X.^?"S«*'5! "»"' ? 2°* partlw, la date du JuiremMt^ i».^^^' JS ^"?®' ®* ^e» qn'nne reference aw mSde f«nd „n?^.**l *="**»' «^'"'' vl d'une table Kfin6Mirrto-«-„fi" " qn« ■> tronvent. sul- contlennent que lea Jogementa de^*trf^„2**"''"5' ^«» pabllfiea ne tides, lea Jngements etwrnmr. ff ^SS.**''*'?"'''*- *« Mrte one les ar- trouTent. et |S| pen'enntre .1 ntn»i**» *' ""i'*" matie^s qnl 'y atasi dire Per^dns.'^clr? cim^eM twnrer li'lJfi'ilJ^S'"'"- «'"'*''* P»« fin'oVS'rtxte.S*^''''-* -•onnXd'e*„t'°'ot ^^arard'o„?o«S ^a^'dfi^^e^rTarf r^Kt.,''" ^f O"-" <*» »- ^?tr°^' "^"^''^ «»• I» Pw^-ce d. Qn«bec J?r.r.r^--rirco«-^^^ 7 0O f \. f 0- TBMOmn, Idlfar n Uttm d« Droit, IeM« «Mci«», relMlf. aux «Iect-?S5*'V® 1^"* ■* ^®°** 86par6ment comme ault : ' ' * -iT^ite du dpi et de la fraude, en mature civlto et commer- claie. 4e Edition. 4 forts Tolnmea In* 1887. Fr. . . 12 00 ~ J^ "® '*"^"**- ^**'*'*>'i *>^««- 2 vols gr. In-*. Fr ." ' 5 00 -Dea commercMta. dee llvrea de commerce, ln-8. 1872. Fr. 8 00 -Dea Socl6t*a. 3 vols ln-8, 1876. Fr. . . §76 -Oommentaire de la lol aur lea soci«te8 en commandite, par actlona. anonymea et coop«ratlvea. 2 vols ln-8. 1877. i»y . 5 25 -uea bou^ de commerce, agenta de change et courtiers, -Dee commlssalres. In-8, 1889. Fr. .'.'.'.'.'' ' aS — Dea achats et ventes. ln-£, 1884. Fr. ....'' »m ~ Jl*J*"^ de change, dea billets & ordre et de la pre*- crlptlon. 2 vola ln-8, isn. Fr a 00 -Commentalre de la lol snr les ch«qaee. In-8. 1874. Fr'. ' 2 BO -Commerce marltl- MItlon revue et mlse au courant de tJ5 , ^.!'°® **,.•** '■ Jurisprudence. 8 vols ln-8, 1876. Fr. 14 00 -Dea faUlltM et banqueroutes. 8 vols ln-8, 1874, J^r. . . 8 TO — De la jundlctlon commerciale, ln-8, 1880. Fr. 3 an — Commentalre des lols sur les brevets d'lnventlon, aur les marques de fabrique et de commwce. 3 vola ln-8, 1860. -Commentalre de la lol' sur Vhjpotheque maritime! lii-s', ^ lorr, Fr. _ 8 00 — Questions de droit commercial et de droit dvU avee lenrii solutions, ln-8, 1883. Fr. . . . . . . . °" 2 76 BELL (a J.)--Oommentaries on the Law of Scotland, and ?Sta *• ®" °' Mercantile Jurisprudence. 7th ed. 2 vols. 1870 25 00 — Principles of the Law of Scotland. 9th ed. By b" Guthrie 2 vols. 1888 • 12 00 BBIiL'S Dictionary of Scotch Law. 7th ed. 1880. aoth. . . 10 00 BELL and DUNN'S Law of Real Estate Mortgages In Can- ada. Can. 1899. Half-calf V\ 6 50 Bmii and DUNN'S Practice Forms. In Proceedings of the Supreme Court of Ontario. Can. 1888. Half-calf. . . 6 50 BBNBDIOT'S Admiralty Practice. U.S. 8rd edition, 1884. '. 6 50 s '» t 18, r— t-J«oqn„, li«atrf>l. 9 BtmiAma- On 8«Im o« Penoma Pronerty with »«fr ' "' — On Sato. American editloo. 1898. "..'.*.*, J S _ ••.. 600 "^^S'i^W?"* •*" ""'* •dmlnlstratlf. ln.4. 1882«). *^ ISO 00 MW^ - lUnn«l d. droit totwiutlonia public ct gjrreou de to provliMe dc Qiitfteo. 4 jro»,,^. 'inTlWM 3 00 ™"fiH'~:.^°^ d« droit commorelal tli«orioa« ot prmtiqiM do la proTlnco do Qu«boc^^ M»««»nqHo ot Par M1A.THIBU A. BBRNAILD, oooeal att hamau a* i« 1 00 "^il!S?~"*""'^ *• *"" conatltutlonnol ot admlnl.. i«««JAt?P au Canada, les gouvememenU provlndaux ae rAmertque brltannique dn Nord 1887 " »t ■>. ..^.t.^ MOHtrM, autenr dn " Mann«t de Droit OwmnerpJiii •• t« 32 royal. 232 pages. 1901. Co«. Be«« tonT^ "***. •/°; i 00 BBRiRYEat-DJacoura et plaldoyera. vola, In* Fr. . . 22 60 BBHBYMAJf'S Dlgeat of Inanrance Oaaes. U.S. 1901. 4 vola. 27 80 ^^Ti^^A^^^"^^^}^ ^ BTldence. with Elementary Roles i?.SSS.%Sf 5^"°""«««». «»«' Ooss-Bx^lnatl^ ^ ^_^ ^^SSlS""" ^* ^~'* '^'^U '"">««'«• 3 ^«^» in-s' pawns'. 9 00 Bmtm-on Negligee. j„. aa ea,,^,^ ^gg^ j ,,^, ^^ ^lu "ss^^:,£*?sSo-:sa«""'» ■"«••■"■'■ ,«, \ if i2 0- TMOMT. I4iw Book >ttMl«hT. "?«S:*i«^;?^°" f "1^ ?^ "<« ^^^ V.f,. 2nd «1. • "• BIOJn/>W» index f OrirruW C..«." r.'^. 'iw. * " " « ^ BlOBLOWa Law on Tort.. iP»« iwi ! " -OnTort-.r.S.ethedJKn.lV'oioth: ; ?S -T«lt« de. actions poM*.»ire^ 180*.' i Vol! In-S-Vr" " ' S^ "c^rSlI" roT. lnT%' '* '''"" «"™" •" »*"*~ BMHOPg Criminal Law. PS 8th irf \ai^ o J , ' ' *""* -Direction, on Form. TcSnSfrs^i'*^°''' •WOO -New Criminal Procedure. rlsisi&^iVSi: ,2 g bJ;^'* ^"^ '""' ^^"^ '° ^"'^•"* *'^- ^•«- »«»«>'• ". 6 50 BLACK -On Tax Title.. r.S. 1900. . - ^ BLAgKSTO.Wfl C«ament.rie.. Hammond. ' r." «.' 1890. 4 - Commentarie.. ' with' note* .elected fmm ♦i.-"^!.." -WOO Archibald. Chrirtlan ColeridW^KSS ^SSJ*"**"* ®' *'''■••••••• 12 00 BLACKWULL-On Tax Title., rs Hfi. -h i«» « . ' to^? *^" '"**"'"*• '"°«*" «t "'tal.. ro«r fin du cau. "^.;s?'irT«nKn„^?rii£--f - «-«- «' , «, BLIGH-8 Index to Ontario SUtute.. Can. 1806. Half^alf 3 oo ^"''^2..'°^"/*.*'"**^°. »*"*"*«: ««PP'«nent. 1896-1900. BLWH'B Quebec Statute. Law Index. 11 MMi la tt ji ■tM«t, XOBtTMl. 11 Muamm Q««bM itatvtM pladMra unnMm tar la kM iient oa ■ HmaiT^ vJT L nlpbabMrnil order, with .■W^B„S.i^."7 *"■' *"! '••«"*»•* The - Mannal de droit commercial ln-8. 1887. Pr J g **S55fe7J'?."H *'l5iS5/""* 1'ownlMtion Jndiclalr* de ""S^cfvir'E'aitir'S.rT ^* '^r'^i™' -«•' P"-^-' en »«!^ Mition, par Lamaude. In-8. 1888: J^r. 4 rm BOOTH-On Street Railway. U.S. 1902. . Jm 2^nSJ3r^"'' '^"'"'*' " »»^*™«>' »«». cloth.' .' ; 1 00 ^H2SaT"c«^"— "^-"^ ^'~-'»«- »«2. doth. W.OO: nMf'W'"^ •* ^'>"<' Meeting.. 1894; dothiaiooi * "" BoT^Vdf r^^^ ^^^"^ WxSoo-rs. «> BOYD'S Admiraltj^ Practice. Bng. 186S Holf^.if .. ^ BOYS -On Coroners. c««. 3rd edition. 1888. . ' IS 7 80 r ill BBmw, OOLUIiBIA UmrUUBD WATUTtt. W 2 id. BROWNE - On P.rol BrldMce Tfi liM • 880 or in one ro" ni« ^ •***• ■"P»'«'»~t. 1886. |8.2b. vo£*«r*. Vo... J^" HiU,: CAlimirTT' """"^ ■'"^«>"~ W Til. ta part.; • ^ S c. L. fetch vol. dothTmoj^hSfHSSf °'**« **«»•• »• '^i^1S^^!Sf?„^£Jf-^^^^^^ 3 .o.;. now '~ OiNADIAN LAW UW. IKOi ciotl.'. " ^ aotb. . y^^/"y^^-^ JOURNAL. Can. 1801-02. 2 toI«. CANADIAN liAW TIMBW * . * **^ •«te from the k rtfcte. o'c^'l^c^' ^T*?r^ ^^- S««^ CANADIAN LAW TIMB8 - D.L ^f ^t,' To ' "^ ^^3?rS1i«^^C^Jj|-.^-tent LawH of the WoH.. ^:^; ' "^ CARRB et OHATTVinATT r . \. ^ ** Mtlque et analytJqne. parXtoS 18° v«??4Sa|- ~ ""slSSnT&i: 'Sr L'«-* ^ ^o.,;,n-S. et .se vend ^ ~ rr I ^ 0. THBOBET, Law B ook Pnbliahor, ^^^^^^^'^^ Constitutional Cases. A collection of re- ' *^' ported and unreported caaaa under the British North Amer- ica Act, decided In the Courts of all the Provinces of Can- ada and on AppMl to the Supreme Court of Canada. Com. Tola. 1882-90. Each vol. half-calf s oo CA^VBB'« Carriage of Goods by Sea. Eng. 3rd edit. 1900. **""■"»" 10 50 CASSELS- Assignments Acts of Ontario. 3rd ed. 1898. . . l 00 CASSBL'S Digest of Supreme Court Decision. A Digest of all cases reported and unreported, decided by the Supreme Lourt of Canada, from Its organization to Mav 1803 2nd ed. Half-calf i.i m Supplement by COUTLBE, 1893-1809.' Co«.' .".■.' .' .5 00 CASSBLS' Practice of Supreme Court of Canada. Embrac- ing the various Rules and Statutes. 2nd ed. Can. 1809. . 5 00 ^'^SS^ V ^,®^T •*„',*•** ?""«' 8t«*«« •"»« State Reports to 1900. Vols. 1 to 21 ready. Each volume. ..... o 50 0HAIX-d-E»T,AN.6E - Dlscours et plaldoyers. 3 volumes CHAX.ME(RS' Bills of Exchange. Eng. 5th ed. 1896. Half- /"" 5 75 CHASSAT-TraltC sur I'lnterprfitntlon des lols. ln-8. I»i5. Rare ^^^^^ des vices rCdhlbltolres. l vol. ln-18. 1 .h) ^^}I^f fn"*"*!? ",' ,^"*'"<^«' Utility, from the earliest tlmea to the end of 1894 ; alphabetically arranged under subject titles, with notes and Indexes. By J. M LBLY Royal m^ Eng. 1894-5. 13 vols. Cloth |68.W); Half-calf . .' 75 00 -^^JFlpt^A. Edition offlclelle, froncals et anglais en regard, gr. ln-8. 1866. , . . """^"'« ^ ^ T^: 5 00 50 Rare 5 75 Rare 1 50 1 Tome ler (article. 1 A 430>.i9i)2 i" •'• 12.00 COI^Y'S Govemment In Canada. Ca«. civli2e6dltl^7fo?/*S.T8^"a*!^r"*''"^ ''« •'^'''t COMMBROIAL CASES BBPtipo^ J '^ <><> vols; each volume . "®™»™- '^'•<'- 189« and 1901. 6 CONODON'S Digest of v«„„ o \. "50 gs?.aif~- -"- dJtT^orvn-"^ ^r i^i'- Supplement 1891-1961 in 'pre'u. ' " ' • •.■...' 15 00 COOK^Vlc^Admlralty Reports.' can.". ' " »« ^S~9n Taxation. t;.s. 2nd ed issn" ' "® -Blackstone's CommentarlM r/v iiiol^ g CORPUS JURIS omLS-Ei^ttnT,. "**''• • • • nS 116 avec onglets. Pr ^'"**° Gallsset, ln.4. 1850 re- X Wl. Otolt, «.(,o. iSl te iS'ff.Jf ,£»5,>8W to ISK. ^<"» '-.->. r. Royal 'as, tolle. 1897 *'??^'^»^^-»" corporation.. « 50 dro«. In-8. dei;^a^,„^^«''^\^U. avocat et licencuVn COCTLiESE'S Dlffest nf ♦!,» o 1 50 ports, imto^^^' c'an. ^"^"""^ <^"rt «' Canada R«. - Manual (Torrens System Of'ti.; t 6 00 and Justices of the Peac«" Can" ^ ^*"<» Magistrates excuse, and to the proee- IJ M : i III' I III! 16 C. THSOBET, Bdlteor «x Livrea de Droit, CBAKKSHAW — An Analytleal SynopBis of the Crlmiiua Code and of the Ouutda Bvidence Act. (Cont.). dare and forma are all aclentiflcally analyied and condenaed. The work la brougbt down to date. All the statutory amendmenta are Incorporated In their proper i acea. A great deal of Ubonr and care mait have been expended on the arrangement aud tabulation of the different klnd8, classea and degrees of crime. This analytical synop- •Is will doubtless be of great service to students and professors, and also to Judges, magistrates and practitioners, who will find It valua- ble as an auxllllary hand book to larger commentaries and treatises on our criminal law." — Jfaii and Empire, Toronto. CBANXSHAW'S Criminal Code of Canada, an .e Canada Evidence Act. (Second Edition). With their amendments. Including the amending acts of 1900 and 1901, and extra appendices containing: The Impe- rial Criminal Evidence Act, the Foreign Enlistment Act, the Canadian Interpretation Act Amendment Act, the Vic- toria Day Act, the Demise of the Crown Acts, the Allen Labor Act, the Yukon Territory Acts, the Canadian Fugi- tive Offenders' Act and Extradition Acts, the Extradition Oonvention with the United States, and a List of Extra- dition Treaties, etc., by JAMES ORANKSHAW, B. O.L., Barrister, Montreal Bar; second edition, royal ln-8, 1270 pages, 1902. Can 12 00 In this edition, the statutory amendmenta and additions made to the code since Its enactment (Incluaive of the Amending Act of 1901) are Incorporated ; the citations of cases — English, Canadian and American — have been brought down to date ; the comments and annotations of the first edition have been carefully revised, and many additional annotations have been giade — no section of any Im- portance being passed over without comment and citation of anthorlty. The penal clauses of the Customs Act and of the Inland Revenue Act are set out under the section, which makes It a criminal offence for any person to carry an offensive weapon while In possession of dntles or ezclseable goods liable to selinre (see pp. 101-106) ; and, under the section against selling or exposing for sale any article nnflt for human food, the Adulteration Act, with Ita amendments to date Is Introduced and fully annotated with appropriate references to the provisions of the English Sale of Food and Dmgs Act and decisions thereon (see pp. 175-198). Under the sections of the code relating to franda by directors, etc., of public companies, the penal clauses of the Bank Act, with cita- tions of cases thereon, are Inserted (tee pp. 417-42S) ; and, nnder uie sections against " Personation," the provisions of the Dominion Elections Act, 1900, relative to ballot box frauds and personation at elections, are Introduced, and annotated (see pp. BlO-523). In the second division of the code, the prooedare In criminal c.-rfl«.. EulU?- Includlng the Allen Labor Act and ff 7. „ " .""'"l^r of Canadluu actM Territory Acts, the FugUl^e UenderaXt"f.i:f."i '."."'"'•• "•^- ^"k.u tlon Act (annotated), the Extrli.llti„.f 7- *a""«tatedp, ihu Extra.lJ State., and a llxt of Imperial tr"atl«inS'""'^"."""' »'»" the Unu«l cea to and comments upon certiln ltL» '*"■** '" t-'anadu and refere!^ the Fugitive Offender. Tc? to"hl^oSn,on8'of^^^*4.''^P'°^»•»°« ^^ Jul' "'"'"'"• ^"'"^ "n't Slam """"n""'* of the Turkish Empire. ^^ipTo%i'^iLiTZl'o^^^^^^^^ Who dlscUM- ellmluuted from this adltion »hi .^» . '^^^ Passed Into aw, have been list Of cases cited, ^eintroductton?L'?„'^ including the p'^face! J 4tf.rocate,'j/o»tr J lir^Rj^S^o^^^KSHAW B.C. L., CONTEXTS • Tv^...^ ' ** P**f^- Hf-cf. Can. the'S*'^/,r«-i,'^^r"S-,„°'!?'°j "'.'•'^ °^« «" '""«• Of «^i-^?',^2iK-5'«^^^ Krtles to Crimes. 6 Extent of ?he?S™i'n'f% «««'»<' ^«>'<»to». I. sons and Place. 6. Soeclal h».»,T^.i ^'^'™'nal Law as to Time Perl able and Non-Indlctab^'^iffenc^?" j"„h«i.^h"'' ^'S**"""' ^ Indict- Sf ^'»»«««lon of Indictable Offlnce. 9 pi^J Summary Arrest, of Accused ; Preliminary Bnoulir ii'i s J^'***^".''^ o" Appearance Offences, u. Summary Trial Irf'lnrti,,.^??^^!""'^ of Indictable tte'^iP^I?"*" tor Indlaible iff1,ncS"* P/'T'- "• T'la? of tlons. 14. Recognliancea. 13 8mS?i«^ ; ,• Summary Convic- ^nS2?^^. The Exttadlctlon Act The Pn-m*"'"/?- *"« P«^- Youthful Offenders. *''® Fugitive Offenders Act the';Mce''!ff TuSW%"Sf the"'p?.Je°*'2Srth'r.r""=°,Sf' "' ""« origin of POJ:*". duties and responslbuftl^' the i»i™»-i °"^* *>' "PPolntment, parties to crimes, the extent of the lat m »« ?iill°'*""' "«"* '^'th the the prosecution of criminals in wh S^ ?f *? "."".*• Pe^ons and place Jurlwllctlon. summary pr^dtagl etc Sni^S""**^ *•>« question of large space to the analytlcaflndfi whi'nh i„ *r°!*? ^*''y usefully a digest of the code with nSil cltatloT^ nf n?. ''" '? » compresWd »ilj'r Jr^'fuK .rs-" VSS^tHf : •" V --. '-a m^me'-feZprprrtiruK'troiTrolft^"''' 'emaglstrat, Tavocat et la lol, la doctrine etUt procedure dJt.n «*P?««* » cflte du text' de CRIPP's Compensation. £„i,. 40, ed. 1900. half-calf ' " Oorponttlon^i^r^^'aSr? JSJgJ-t^^r^SS^ Annotated IT T c. 4 OO Rare 7 75 6S0 21 00 2 nrrr- i II li ; '1:1 jf C. THEOBET, Law Book Pn bllshT, OUBRAN'S Speeches by Whlttter. U.S. 1877. Cfloth. . . . % SO ^^^S^I^^N - Traltt dea actions possessoires et du bornage. 1842. in-«. Pr ^„„ OURMBR'S (J E. W.) Index to Railway LeglslaUon of the Dominion of Canada, from 1867 to 1897. 1898. Can. . . 1 50 OTOHING — Notarial Form Book for Lower Canada, 1897. ''*"» 2 3t CUSSOir -- Code des hulsslera et des shCrifs de la ppoylnce ae Quebec. ' Contenant les textes francals et anglaife; la Jurisprudence tJ?!? ^^^tt^^^?"'^ ce Jour, et des commentalres, par VIC- lUK OLS4SON, L.L..L., atocat au barreau de Montrial, 1899. *'*"* ' 2 00 ^HT^^'^ Reports of Patent, Design and Trade Mark Cases. >ol. 16 current ^'^.."'*' LEHMAN'S Digest of Overruled Cases in the ^llsb Courts from the year 1756 to 1886 inclusive. Eng. 1887. Half-calf 7 00 Supploment in prets. DAIiLOZ — Repertoire mfithodique et alphab«tlque de Lfigls- laUon, de doctrine et de Jurisprudence. 44 vols ln-4. Fr. i^^^' \ \r. ^''^ »«♦■ demande. -Suppifiment. 19 vol. in-4. Fr Priw ,ur demande. — Table. 1887 & 1897. 1 vol. in-4, i>'r. . . 9 OQ — Recuell pfiriodlque, 1897 ft 1901. 5 vols in-4. Fr. . " ' 45 00 — Abonnement annuel, brocb6. Fr " . ' ! 7 50 DAiLLOZ — Nouveau code civil annote. 4 vols in-4. 1900 Fr Brocbd. 30 00 1 vol. paru brocM 7 50 D.^iIX>Z — Code de procedure civile. 1 vol. ln-4. 1876. Bro. "f 7 50 Supplfiment 1 vol. in-4. 1898. Bro. ....'"' 5 OO — Code de commerce, 1 vol. ln-4. 1877. Bro. Fr 7 HO — Supplement, 1 vol. ln-4. 1896 '.".". 5 00 DANDURAND et LANCTOT - Trait* th6orique et pratique de droit criminel. ISOO, 1 vol. Can. . . 5 00 — Manuel du Juge de palx, in-8, 1891. Can. ..!!!! 2 00 DANIEL — On Negotiable Instruments. U.S. 4th ed. 1801 Bv Hon. J. W. DANIEL. 2 volumes, 2,100 pages '. 13 00 ^"^^^o^.^^^^^'Q^^'^ Statutes of Limitations. Bug. 1899. 2nd edition. Half -calf 7 00 DABBAU — Traite des Injures dans I'ordre Judldalre. In-12 2''o\B.Fr ^„ DART'S Vendors and Purchasers of Real Estate. Eng. 6th edition. 1888. 2 vols. Half-calf . 7 22 00 DAVIDSON and HENDERSON - On Partnership. 1880. ^^^ 2 50 2 00 7 00 7 50 5 00 700 500 5 00 2 00 DEBATES ON OOXFBDBR^TIOXimb"^ " ** bre de d^K 1udSr« "s?° ?" *•"*»"« " «"> grand nom- 1«B9. Can. ^ ^^'"'ruction publigue. Sillr^ fiijuot." -nlm?A..?3w":.;i?l« V'"* Partlcuu^remeni de, d«" i * ' ' '^ *» , Ce Code ^Vabi^ISa'f" •fe.^°*»°'* dtte »' ~«'*'" «« Ju- tlque du droit <^mSri^ol,^^!l\'^^nue et pra- ▼lac. d« QvaUc / rf^*"'"" **" code civil de l. »,«. comprenan": *~ ("^-ie^aat Bas-Caaada), oS m^^u pi)rt8 olfldels'drMVi/'""'^*'' ^ en anglais- o i^. ,„„ Sd^^i.7aS7Srd.„^n ii"' n^^™ ^^^^ dt ^JStT^ ~ -es ae«on. poasea^lr.. " 3 " .olun^es" InW. " " ^^Si?^n?J?d*l««-»ieuble.. " ' " '^ ^ Dyx.^_eo.„deeji':r.;::-.^-- ^'^ r^l^l.T"""* ^ '^-P'«« Paroiuiouird; w ;ola ,n-8.' '^ ^ 32 50 ao C. THZOBBT, Iditaor «& LIttm d« Droit, I-cT I>« XONTZONT — Droit erimlBol doa arrMtatlona. Oomprenant un index dfttallM den offences crlmlnellea et lenni claasiflcatlon par B. A. T. de Montlsujr. Reoorder de la eM 4e Montrial. Can . . 1 OO De UONTIONT — Hlstoire du droit canadien. In-8, 1870. . 3 00 — <3at6chiame politique, in-12. 1878. Can 76 — LanctOt, Le lavre du Maglatrat, 2e Mitlon. 1806, in-8. demi-veau. Can 5 00 DBMOSTHBNES - Plaldoyer dvil par R. DARESTB. 2 vola ln-18. 1875. Fr 3 50 DBNIS — Contracts of Pledge as governed by either the Common Law or tlic Civil Law. V.8. 1808 6 50 DBSGODBTS — Lois des bAtiments. Nouvelle Mition par Destrem. 1845. 1 vol. ln-8. Fr 2 50 DEVLIN — On Deeds. U.S. 2nd ed. 3 vols. 1807 18 00 DICEY — On the Conflict of Laws. A digest of the Law of England with reference to the Conflict of Laws. By A. V. DICEY, Q. C. with Notes of American Cases, by J. B. MOORE, Professor of International Law, Columbia Vniver- situ. Bng. 1806. Half-calf 6 50 — On Parties to Action. Enq. 1870 4 00 -On Parties to Action. With American Notw. U.S. 1886. 4 00 — On the Constitntion. i^njT. 5th edition. 1807 8 00 DIGEST of ENGLISH OAiSE LAW. Superseding and con- solidating all prevlons Dlijests of the Reports down to the end of 1807, including a selection of Irish cases. By John MEWS and others. Eng. 1808. 16 vols. Cloth, $84; Hf-cf. . 96 00 DILLON — On Municipal Corporations. TJ.S. 2 vols. 4th edit. 1800 18 00 DIXON — Law, Practice and Procedure in Divorce and Matrimonial Causes. Eng. 1900. 3rd edition. Half-calf. . 6 40 DOCKETS for Superior Court and Circuit Court, or, the two combined, largtt assortment always on hand or made to order PrUxs on appHooffon. DOMAT — Les lols dviles dans leur ordre naturel, etc. 2 vols in-fol. rellds en un seul. 1777. Fr 4 00 — Les loi« dviles, mises en rapport avec le code civil, par REML 4 vols in-8. 1830. Fr 12 00 — Revues par OARRE. vols in-8. 1823. Fr 18 00 DOMINION LBGiAL OHAItT. Can. 1901 1 25 DONOVAN'S Tact in Court. U.S. 1880 1 00 — Skill In Trials. U.S. 2nd edition. 1800 1 00 DOBAIS et DOBAIS — Code civil de la province de Quebec. Mis au courant de la legislation jusqu'au ler julllet 1902. Oomprenant la mention des dlfffrentes lols qui Tout modi- fl6, une comparalson ou conference de ses articles entre eux et avec ceux du Code de Procedure, des renvois aux Statuts qui s*y rapportent. I'acte federal des lettres de change. 1800. tel qu'amende, et un Index alphab^tlque par O. P. et X. P. DORAIS. atocats au barreau de la province de Quibec, d Itontrial. Can 2 00 11 rt 18, ni« ■t-Jacqat, Montrfal. 3 00 Mires cl.arg'eH de la J^vSio^^^^^^^^^ des *mnl.. procedure c-lvlle du fiii^lXla un^li^hi- '^ *'" '^'^^ -J* des articles entre lanclen^mde ^t^S J^"® *'* concordant autorltes qui ont m iTbaneduo^J^* ",*''"*''• '«» "ol" et wn ou conference .les anWes dT^^-S'; ""* comparal- ceux du code civil, et dw rem*ol« «.f^.» t*"/® **" «* «^w de pratique, avec un^.^n^ii^i *"* ■*"*"^» «t aux rf^jfles en rapport avectec^e^f";^'^„^«'»P^^^^ '«« ""atllies et les regies de pratloiie et t^i/^ T?k '" '"' ^^ conciliation, et des offlclers d" dlWren s'iwbunnr'*','"*:? "^^ «*«^n'« vlnce de Quebec, et «ne taWe a nh?S2« ''*''"* ''« '«^ P'" des matieres. par O. P. EK>b1m £''5'^i'*'S5vS* ^nalytlque au barreau deMontriai. InS telle flirl' ,^K-"S. ''<^oc\,tH '^"5S,VSSS-'»™'-*i" «i. ProoMur. d. ,a pro- ST"p"rU"d"un^.„r'S!;-r&/"T"'^« -"^"-« - code civil, contenant au«i nii t^^^ .*'® Pr«tlque. et au du barreau et aii" stS ^/ ^e'-mules relatives ft la o| rable BHX ftudlants pour lenr m.rmLf^'ll*'''' ™«'» " «Pr« Indlsne^ des r^Kleg de la prot^dnre n ™ ?.»"!* «ce avant on i I ! 1 ilil 'fj^ 0. THaOBTO, Law l«ok Tttblto hT, OOSAZS tt SOSAZS-BolM of PrMtle*^ ^^ Of the Superior Court, the Circuit Court and the Court of BjTlew (In force May 11th 1898). Royal 32, 1808; paper, oOc; clotl^ Can 1 00 OOBZOW Court of Quatn'a Baneh Beporta. Appeal ilde, 4 vols, 1881-18M, half -calf. Can. . . . . 20 00 SOBZON — Oe radmiaaibUit« da U preuya par t«nioiiu on droit oiTll. Oraiftje iwur le doctorat, prfisentee et soutenue par Ch» B. DORION. Ia L. D., aif}cat au barrean de Quihcc ; ln-8, 180 pages, 1!®4. Van 1 qq DOS PASS08 — On Collateral Inheritance Tax. V.8. 1896. . 6 80 DOUTRB- Code de procedure civile. 18C0. 2 vols in-12. Coa, 4 00 DOUTllE'S Constitutional Law, 1880. half-calf. Can. . . 2 50 DOUTRB et liARBAU — Le droit civil canadlen, hulf-calf. . 2 00 DROIT INTBRXATIONAL PRIVE (Journal du) et de la JuriHprudeuce compart, public par M. E. Olunet etc.. 1874-1901, Ia-8. 98 vols bro. Fr 7 . . W 00 Abonneuient annuel . 4 80 DUBBEUIL'8 Beforence Book. (2nd Edition) being a detailed Index of all Public and Private Statutes and Orders-in-Council contained therein passed by the Canadian Parliament and by the Legislatures of several Canadian Provinces since Confederation. In-8 half-sheep, 1888, Can i 5© DUOROCQ — Cours de droit administratlf. 2e edition. 6 vols in-8, 1897-08. 3 volumes paru». Fr g OO DUPIX — Plaidoyers et discours, 3 vols ln-8. 1868. Fr. . . 8 80 DURAXD de NANCY — Le droit usuel ou I'avocat de soi- mCme. Nouveau guide en afTalres. 1 vol. ln-18. 1800. Fr. . 2 00 DURANTON— Cours de droit francais suivant le code clvU. 4e edition, 1W4. 1'2 vols ln-8 avec table. Fr. . . . . 44 00 DUVBRGIBR — Collection des lols, 1788-1901. 101 vols in-8. Table j;«n< "^-f^b^'^s-iKa? "'' "' ^""'^•"'-- "«» ^— • ' "^ ENGLISH L.iW RBPORTO, annual ' snbserlpUon . '. ' " aZ '^'ln5'Sr?S;?^^,«U^o"'» ««' ^"""e. .n Ancient 23 to/«We«Tadr/m • *^"^- ^»"-*^*" w "heep. each 6 00 ^f^r^J*^''**- Speeches of Lord Ersklne white at S4 aith.'"'. ".■°«'°«"-' notes and port^ rVS' vols! ERWIX'S Cases on Torts. U.a. 1900 * " ^Sn.-l^or,nTl%T'?r'''"**°'^« "" d;„,t" franca.s.' 3e ''T^TiflSr .^** *'* «^*"^« «>' <^-^- "^O. and L.C. ' "" J QQ BWARTS Manual of Costs. Can. 1888. Half-cnlf. . .' ." 150 EWART-On Estoppel. Can. 1901. Half-calf 5 qo "^A^n^SScTS^ °' '''^°'''"- « ^**^- H""-"' •' • 30 00 -Court Practice. Audetfe. Can. '. * 9S. 6 00 >' y^AADAY-On BaUog. 188T. £n0. Olotb. 's » *14D^« de ST.MAURICE - ProoMur* (Mriemratnire. MBS. Cloth 1 5Q rAV&B (J.) — DlMonri et plaldorera. 8 toIii In-S. 180S. Fr. B 00 FAWOBTT'S Law of Landlord and Tenant. Bug, 2nd edition, lUOa. Half-calf 50 J,•.' .' ' " " o ^ ^^'w^S^r^'"''**"" ** Plaldoyer. politique., mi. ln-8. ' OABBEnrrs .Nulganceg. i?„j,. 1887. 2nd edition. Hf-cf r. 7n iM S pnmteri votumtt tont panu imt4t. • 26 00 ''IS.^d.ns'l^ ;'eme.'*JI"^S'ir ^.'«« >«">'«<''«• .ontegleu. '" m^. "^ 7r. . , . **'*''°»*" <1 «nlmaux domestlqSe. j TrSSS tr d^dE^SlTla^l^^^^^^^^^^^ <>« ,u.. ' 2 ''IS''/?." ''^^''' <'°>-*^ «'» »«»"•''*• Abonnement ~ ?2^' iSrs^T^r '" '~'*' ''^''^■«'-' p" ^- i^»-ri-. " "" <'""'-™»«ll>e« a'« » «» UUUJtD — TnU 6t droit romaiu annotA. 'm AdtUon 1 rol. in-ia. 1«IB. /'r ^ *' ULiAIMMJiN — UUtoire da droit M dta iMtltntions d* I* France. 7 Tola lo-lt, ItHfl-Vl. ». . . . • ■ ••„••**•* — Hlatolrc du droit tt dm Inatltutlooa poUtlquaa. clrllea ot JudlclaIrM do TAnglotorre. 6 voh lii-». 1883. Fr. . . • JO 00 — Pr«cla tb«orique et pratique de procMure civile. 2 toI* In-d 1901. t'r « ** GIiBN'8 Law relating to Ulgbwayn. The Expiration of Turn- pike Truata. BrldRva, Interrereiice of Rnllwiiya with Illgb- wajra. LocomoOvea uaed on Uigbwaya and Tramwayii. But- 1«»7. 2nd ed. Ht-ct «> 00 OLUOK and BUUKBK — On Becelrera of Oorporatlona. U.S. 1800. 2nd edition ^^ UNKlMTi' - Hlatorjr of tbe Bngllab ConatltuUon. Tranalated by A. P. Aabworth. Kng. 1880. 2nd ed. 2 vola. hf-cf . . . 10 00 OOUBFHOl— The Law of Truat and Truateea. Eity. 1801. 2nd edition. Hf-cf 30 UOODEVB'H Modoia Law of Peraonol Property. Eny. 8rd ed 1860. hf-cf 6 00 — Abatract of Reported Catea relating to Lettera-Patont for InvenUona. Eng. 18H4. Hf-cf • * "' — Patent Practice. Patent Practice before the Comptroller and the Law Ofllcera, with an Abatract of Reported Uaaea. Eng. 1868 * o® OOODXOW — Comparative Admlnlatratlve Law. Eng. 1803. half-calf » w* GORiMAN'8 County Court Practice In Ontario. Can. 1802. . 1 00 OORJdiULLY and 81NOLAlR-On Banking. Can. 1802. Cloth. 2 30 GOULD - On Law of Waters. U.S. 3rd ed. lOOO 00 GOWXS — BarrlHters' Beat QuaHty ]^ 00 — K. C. '8 Silk, from |C0 to 75 00 GRAY — On Communication by Telegraph. U.S. 1885. . . 3 00 GRUiAT OplnlonM by Great Judges. U.S •* 00 GftE.\T Speeches by Great Lawyers. U.S 4 00 OBEBLBY'S Foreign I'atent and Trade Mark Laws. I'. S. 1869 " ^ GRBBN BAG (Monthly). U. 8. reprint edition, 1 to 12 vols. 30 00 Annual subscription ■* 00 GREXIEiE — Tralte Ues donations et des testaments. 4o ed. 1847. 4 vols ln-8. Fr 12 00 -2e Mltlon. 1812. 2 vols ln-4. Pr 3 00 — Des hypoth&nues. 2 vols ln-4. 1829. Fr o 00 GIBOVARD — Ou BUls of E.\change. 1891. Hf-cf. Can. . . 5 00 GRANT'S Anecdotes ami Tales. Cloth, 50o; paper. ... 25 OBBEXLEAF- On Brklwct. V.fl. MUi .d. 1800. 8 Til.. . l« w "^SiSf. ^'*!".'^."' **■*"' ^'•^ ****• **• »"7 ~ SJlif 5" .**"*"* •*• '<'»■«•■ 2 »«»"" »>•«• "l»l. Vr. ". ■ ■ *J S -Trolt# d* la TMito et de rAchangt.. 2 rola InS. 1800 /V s m - Prt>t. d«prtt et i^quMtre, ln-8. 1S02. >r.* .' o m -M«Dd«t. ln-8. 1808. /V. . ... ?2 - NantlawniHit. ln-«. 18W. Fr. . . aw -PrtvllftgM et hypothOquen. 4 vols ln-8. 1806'. Fr. ' . ' ' 11 00 -CanOonnement. Jn-8. 1807. /'r. , . '^- "^ " "" - Prwcrlptlon.. a roU ln^. lOOl. Fr. r S Voir DBMOLOMBE. •* ** ^^Jj^^-^P^'^olre de Jori«pruilonc-e clrlle. etc. 17»*. IT '^"'"- '^'■- 12 OO — H — HAOE^UN'g Privileced CommnDlcation. V.8. 1880. ... 3 88 TllegM of the Subjeci «. the <^a «borea of the Realm. 2nd f^Vh^Jn"''!® ^nnotn^'on". and Referencefi to the latS ssifrs'..';8S"«.^*!"'!''.^"''-"'« .""' ':'*.^'^*^„ oo °^J^*5k^ Treatise on International Law. or Rule. Rea- 3^r';5f ^voK^" Vc;."*."'^ '" ^"'?'* r '"'■ ""' 12 oo "f!*«!^2^5..'1o(».'''': ^*' .^•'.-"y"'*"' «' LeK«^' Medicine'. • 13 00 ^IH^^ 'f-l- The Law and Practice of Banking In Australia and New Zealand. 2nd ed. 1000. . . ""'"I'"* - go HAMIi;rON'« Law of Negligence. U.S. 1900. 8 voli. . . i bo ^^n^^^ ^*^ Brunswick Ueports. 2 vols. (N.B.R.. 12-1.1). "tJ^WS?"'*^'.^ ^'""^ ""*' ^"''"••^ «' Elections. JJwj. 3rd -On Constnictlonof Statutes". ^«j,.' 3rd ed. lOOl. Hflcf ' ' | w "IS'S^g.i:'^;'^.^'.' »'/:'nnlng Cases, or Modem ^^ HAJIB-On American Constitutional Law. r.s. 1809. 2 vols 12 00 "tJ!!l^M T^'"*'"* Trial. How to Prepare your Case What shouM^e done by Client. Solicitor, and Oouns^ ^W 4th HARRIS -Illustrations In Advocacy. Eng. 1888. 3rd edition! 1 50 ^ Ki'^'fnf?'°/V A^J^ocaf-y- Bng. 11th. ed. 1897. doth 2 00 — Elements of Roman Law. Ena 3rd ed 1«m '-""to. . ^ ou -ftinclplesof Criminal LaW. 8th ed 1^5 S?i " • ' ^^ -Writs of Certiorari. £,\S. 1S93 *^- ^^* " S2 5 50 '4 : M i !i^ 28 C. THEOBST, Edltaur an Llvrea de Droit, « c. JIARRISON'S Municipal Manual. Can. tJtli ed. By C. R. W. Blggar, K.O. 1900 1-' 50 UASrriNOS-On Fraud. Eng. 1893. Ooth a 25 IIBAX.BY'8 Joint Stock Companies. Eng. A Treatise relating to Joint Companies under the Acts of 1802-1890 ; with Forms and Precedents. 3rd ed. 1894. Hf-cf 8 00 Hl!}NUE)R»ON'S (G. P.) — LMtches and Water-courses Act of Ontario. Can. 1895. Leather 1 00 HERTIiET'S Commercial Treaties. Vol. I, |3 ; II, $3 ; III, *4.50; V, $5; VI, *6.25; VII, *7.50; VIII, *7.50; IX $7.50; X. *7.50; XI, »7.50; XII, $10.00; XIII, $10.50; XIV, $10.50; XV, $10.50; XVI, $6.25; XVII, $10.50; XVIII, $10.50; XIX, 1896 10 50 HIGMJIXS — Digest of the Law of Patents. Eng. 2nd ed. By C. Hlggins and G. E. Jones. 1800. Hf-cf. 7 65 — Analysis of Leake on Contracts. 3rd ed. 1892, and Benja- min on Sales. 3rd American ed. 1888, with notes and refer- ences to "le Revised Statutes of Ontario. Can. 1893. . . 1 00 — Division Court Law. Can. 1808. Hf-cf. 5 00 HIGH — On Extraordinary Legal Remedies. U.S. 3rd edit. 1896 6 30 — On Injunctions. U.S. 2 vols. 3rd ed 13 00 — On Receivers. U.S. 1894 "00 HILLIAR.D — On Taxation. U.S. 1875 5 00 — On the Law of Torts. U.S. 1875. 4th ed. 2 vols 5 00 HODGIN'S' Bills of Exchange Act Can. 1890. Hf-cf. . . 4 00 — Dominion Franchise Act and Supplement. Con 2 00 — Election Reports. Can. 1871 to 1879. 1883. Hf-cf. ... 6 00 — Franchise. The Dominion and Ontario Franchise. Can. 1889 1 50 — Voters' Lists. A Manual of the Law afTecting the Electoral Franchise and Voters' List for Legislative and Municipal Elections In Ontario, 2nd ed. 1886 3 00 « HODGINS (W. E.)— Dominion and Provincial Legislation. Can. 1897 3 0« — On Joint Stock Companies. Con. 1888. Cloth 1 00 HOLT, (C. M.) L. L. L. — Principles of Canadian Bailway X -Surrogate Court Rules. Can. 1892. Leather. . .' .' .' ." .' i 50 " vSrinTT^'i^S'V'^?*^'"''*"'' ^* pratique du code civil. 15 _ ' 45 00 En ventt teg tomes t-n. -Tralte thgorique et pratique de la cession et de la trans- mission des crSances. 2 vols in-8. 1891. Fr e 00 HUl>SON'S Bay Tenures. Martin. Eng. 1808. Cloth. . . . 3 75 HUME-WILLLUIS and MACKLIX'S Taking of Evidence ?^tt^r^f *?,'*'° = 'r'."^'°i *''^^«'" Special Examination^ ^txr^fTt^C^r'S.^^cf^^C'"""''"^ "^""'^ 4 40 " A^s^a-«.^foJ.^T^.%-J,':"-^ ^■>«'. •'."'* '^-'"''*%ooo HUNTER'S (A. T.) Foreclosure. Can. 1899. Hf-cf . 5 00 - Real Property Statutes of Ontario. Can. 1804. Hf-cf " " 7 00 - Power of Sale. Can. 1892. Hf-cf. . . ^ ' ' 6 oO it 30 C. THEOBET, Law Book Fubliaher, r-^ HUNTBR'S (W. A.) Roman Law. A Systematic and Histor- ical Eixposition of Roman Law In the Order of a Code. Em- bodying tbe Institutes of Oalus and the Institutes of Just- inian, translated into English. 3rd ed. Eng. 1897. Hf-cf . . 9 00 HUNTER'S Dominion Conveyancer. Can 4 00 — Insurance Law in Ontario. Can. With supplement to Aug. 1893. Hf-cf 6 80 HURD — On Habeas Corpus. U.S. 2nd ed. 1876 6 00 HUTCHISON — On Law and Practice of Banking. Eng. 1881- 1891. 4 Tols. Hf-cf 22 00 — Public Corporations. U.S. 1893. 2 vols 13 00 — I — INDBBMAUR — Principles of the Common Law. Eng. 1898. 8th ed. Hf-cf 6 00 — Manual of tbe Principles of Equity. Eng. 1897. 4tb edition. 4 8S INDEB-MAUR'S Principles and Practice of Conveyancing. Eng. 1900. Cloth 5 40 INGHAM'S Law of Animals. U.S. 1900 6 50 IRISH LAW TIMES. 1901. Vol. 35 current 7 60 IRISH LAW TIMES REPORO^. Digest of 26 vols. 1895. Hf- calf 11 00 — J — JACOBS- On the Law of Domicile. i;.S. 1887. 6 00 JAGOARD — Handbook of the Law of Torts. U.S. 1806. 2 volumes 7 50 JAMES' Reports of Cases decided in the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia. Can. 1863 to 1865. Half -calf 8 00 JARMAN — On Wills. Eng. 6th ed. 1892. 2 vols. Hf-cf. . . 12 00 JBLF'S Index to Statute Law. Can. 1892. Hf-cf. .... 4 00 — Offences under the Ontario Liquor License Act Can. 1898. 1 00 JERVIS — On the Office and Duties of Coroners; with Appen- dix of Forms and Precedants. Eng. 6th ed. 1896. doth. . 2 76 JOHN90N — Joint Stock Companies Bookkeeping. Can. 1890. 1 25 — Bills of Costs. Eng. 2nd ad. 1900. Hf-cf 10 50 JQNBS — On Easements. V.8. 1808 6 50 JONES' County Constables' Manual. Can. 1893. Leather. . 1 00 JONES — Forms in Conveyancing. U. 8. 1809, 6th ed. . . 6 50 JONES — Index to Legal Periodicals. U. S. 1887. Vol, 1, |10 ; 1890. Vol. 2 11 00 JONES' Law of Evidence. U.S. 1897. 3 vols 7 60 — Negligence of Municipal Corporations. U.S. 1892. ... 6 60 JONES' (H. O.) Torrens System of Laid Transfer. Treatise on the Land Titles Act, Ontario, and the Real Property Act, 1886, Manitoba; embracing the decisions in England, .\ustralia and Canada. Can. Uf-cf. 6 00 — Preeorlptlous and Easements. A treatise on Real Property Limitation. Can. Hf-cf 5 00 00 11 »nd 13 St. James Street, Mont real. 31 JOURNAL du PA,L.MS. 1701-1001 Indus. 132 vols t comnri. ' "' IM tables compiementnlres (1857-1890^. |y '" ^ *'**°P''" -Repertoire general (1701-1857). 15 vols, in-4 Fr " " " ' -TaMes compiementalres (1857-00) . «■ In^ 4 vols" ' ' - Abonnement annuel, broche. Pr. . , . , ' ' , g oo .lOYOB-On Electric Law. tr.s. 1900. . . 7 n^ -On Insurance. U.S. 1807. 4 vols. . ...■."; ' " ' J JJ '"^IS'fsS^'Sott.'''^ '"'■"'"'P'"' "' ">« ^"^^ «' injunctions. ~^'^Z.^? ^.'^t!^^ °' injiinctlons. embriiclnir all' the kuh ^ ^ JUDGES -Lives of the (Ontario) Read. 1888 g oo r\m r v'ol?MSI^j?''„,f,t,l^ legislature de Quebec. 1663 S" ^^f W^V" Sueb^eTriVa^r^ vols. 1880-81. En tout, six volumes. Can. . . 7 48 0« — K — ^b^^'i^^^Safkrc?;" ^« »' the Province of Que- ^ ^ '^J.''l^r;irt»^e??'S'i?r^ -" «— ^"^^ ^^ ,3 ^ ''^d^^'iloo'""*^*''' "^'^^ •" ^t"^** ''"'' Highways, r./.". .,^ 4 40 ^STvol?''*^""' "' *""« *»" ^'''t^ corporations. U.S. ___ 13 00 KEHOE — f)n Choses In Action. The law rel««n,r t« th» *. 'nfi'r.?*,T'','^"«'«'- «' Securities ca^'"""«^ *° "»* ^'- , ^ -The Municipal and Assessment Guide. Can. 190o'. ' ' " 2 S ^^4%oir°*°*'"'*' ''" ^°*"''''^«" I^^- ^S- 189«- 14th 25 50 cedents. Bna. 1901. Hf-cf. "orms ana pre- ''IS^e^K^iSf- ^^i. ^^ -injunctions. En,. ISSS. '^ ^ - I^w and Practice as to Receivers. Eng. iboo! 4th ed. doth' 2 68 KERR -Magistrate Acts. 1871. ... ^^ ™. f^oir^""^ "" ^•'^ ^- "' «-' Property. r.S. 17 50 H)* a ?sr*^'' ^"^^ «'*p^^- 3 ^«"»- '^- B- R- 3. - student's Blaekstone. Eng. 1886. '. *o S '** 2 00 - i(| Ml il 82 0. THEOBBT, Edltoar en LIttm da Droit, KEY and ElyPHIMSnONiirS Precedents of Conveyancing. Etiff. 1800. eth ed. 2 vota. Hf-cf 20 00 KINGSFOBD'S Commentaries on the Law of Ontailo. Vol. 1, Rights of Persons. Can. 1890. Hf-cf 6 W — Evidence. Can. 2nd ed. Cloth 2 (lO — On Executors. Can. 1900. Hf-cf 5 (tO KINGSFORD'S Handbook of the Law of Landlord and Tenant. 1890 1 iiO KINNEY'S Law Dictionary and Glossary. U.S. 1883. ... B 00 li J ill' 41!:' — L — LABORI — Repertoire encydop^dlque du droit frangals. 12 volumes ln-4, 1888-97. Fr 100 00 LACEY'S Digest of Railway Decisions. U.S. 2 vols. 1875-84. 10 00 LACH.VUD — Plaldoyers. 2 vols ln-8. 1886. Fr 5 50 L.VPLAMMB I'hon. R.) — R6forme Judlcialre; brochure ln-8. Can 25 TiAFIiEUB — On the Conflict of Laws, In the Province of Quebec, by B. LAFLBDR, of the Montreal Bar, Professor of International Law in McGUl Vnlveraity. In-8, cloth, $a50 ; half-morrocco or balf-calf, 1888. Can. 3 00 Extract from Preface. — This book owes it» origin to a conrge of lectures delivered In McGtll Cnlveraity. In the preparation of these lectures I have frequently realised the dlfflcalttes which must be experienced by the student of this branch of our law. The fact that no attempt has yet been made to collect and aystematlze the rules for solving conflicts of laws derlvals from our codes, statutes and jurisprudence, notwithstanding the ever Increasing frequency and Importance of these conflicts In actual practice, encourages ine to hope that that work will prove useful to my confreres at the bar as well as to my students. CONTENTS : — iMTBODCCTioir. CHAPras 1. Foreign Law and Its Proof. 2. Status. S. Domicile. 4. Marriage. B. Divorce and Separa- tion, fl. Minority and Tutorship. 7. Corporations. 8. Property. Ownership and Its Modifications. 9. Abintestate Successions. 10. Wills and Gifts. 11. Contracts. 12. Marriage Covenants. 13. Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes. 14. Merchant Shipping, ASrelghtment. 15. Delicts and Quasi Delicts. 16. Prescription. 17. Procedure. 18. Bankrupcy and Insolvency. 19. Foreign Judg- ments. APPBKDix A. Imperial Statute for the ascertainment of the taw in British Dominions. B. Imperial Statute to provide for taking evidence by commission. C. Imperial Statute amending the law for taking evidence by commission. D. Canadian Statnte for taking of evidence nnder foreign commissions. B. Note on Crimi- nal Jurisdiction. " Mr. Laflenr has not only selected a subject of peculiar interest for the present treatise, but has treated it In a very clear and forcible manner, and he seems to have kept in view the special needs of the Rtndent as well as the requirements of his professional brethren. It Is certain that the preitent work will attord both Bench and Bar most valuable aid in the examination of the perplexing questions which frequently present themselves. The conciseness with which the sub- ject is treated Is In Itself an admirable feature which cannot be over- looked. It may be anticipated with some confidence that this work will form a fresh starting point as It were, and that In the actual " rt 13, ni« 8t-Jacqu««, Montrtal. S3 12 50 200 LAPLEUE-On the Conflict of Law. - r<>«^ ?^'5Slder.b?e'i'n&o2.'* "' "*"' '=»""' <" »"'• P~'"'-ce It will have co»rt;-l^i*v".'i"f^the"nrmK''' *°«"««1 «» coan«l before our "^ySiw Ju^eT ^„at '.f '•«"'°-«n«^ ' »- le« ' bureaux LAOBAWOB- Manuel de droit romain, con..e?.'^Te?Bel|Seme21'"iu' » '^0^^ h""""""'""* '« t^'-P- Mlvl les cour.. Mudie Ub teite. «t ^n.^..*!'",' ""^ FacnltS.. out ■entent le besoln de ■•assurer delpnrE ^n,JL^"l L*" commentateurs. memes, avant d'affronter 1m «nr«, t^!' '*"^'** .'?' "l® ■ 'nterroger eux- runlverslte les^„mette„ J-en"p7rle w^r'Si^Jf '«?'«?>' «» de mon propre IntSret one f«iTiii.^„E,„ «Pf J??'*''^'"'^' et c'est dans 2 00 LAMBB- Duties on Succession In Quebec. Can. 1896. Paper 50 Royal ''tnrSl.'^^aU-'''^ ^'•""•"" ^'^''^ «' ^«-<'« liAKCroT-Le llTre du magistral. 2e 6dlt. 1886. Cm. ^^nS^a*^''*'^*!!!""' "'"^""^ ^^ Government of the United States. Revtoed edition. r.S. 1900. "r toe Avec un index alphabfitlque et analytlaue de toin- !•«., STSr ''car^"''^ ^ !"^ ^"'■^ ** I'tnZrsTuLavZ rer^.renr«uV*^Fi^^ sstT-d^xrpr^^fSB/rHS^^^ dieune que cel£ ,«??o„tle'n? Tea' h^l^' g^Z' t^Vrt^V^^^^- 800 5 00 3 30 5 00 »t!«^ 8 p |!f| ^ C. THBOBgT, L>w Book Publlshtr, I,AKOXLXSB- Trait* d« la vtm.T9. — Oont. ^~^ ~™™Juf?""* •"* ~f "*"••.«•' •••nclen droit francaU. Bn matlAre TOmmeretale, an contralre. c'est le droit anglais aul leur tart da baw Notre droit anr la preove neat done nl le droit (riiialTS li d?Su anflato, paa pi- • en matltre commerclale qn'en mat.cra drUe. C'eat S^„^i° ' P»'"«n"e'" ^ notro proTlnce, dana leqael on a tonda, dune ff droTt Siflali "° b.urenae, lea r»gles du droit francaU et cellea LAPBHRIEiRE'S Speaker-M Decisions. Can. doth. ... 1 00 LABJBAU (E.) — Code civil du Bas-Ouwda, Contenant sous cliaque article les amendements et autres dlsptwltlons leglslaUves qui affectent le texte jusquau ler Janvier 1888. I'lndlcatlon des autorlt6s cltfies par les codlfl- cateurs et J'autres plus rficentes; la citation des arrets des trlbunaux de la province de Quebec. In-18. 1888. Can. . 2 00 XABEAU (E.) — Histolre da droit canadien. Depuis les orlglnes de la colonic Jusqu'a nos Jours. 2 vols ln-8, !S89. Vol. 1, Domination frangalse. Vol. 2, Domina- tion anglalse. Can 6 00 LAROiiBIBRB-Thtori,; et pratique des obligations. Nou- velV fidlOou. 1885. 7 vols ln-8. Fr. . . . . . ... 21 00 LAROUSSB — Grand dictionnaire du XlXe siecle, 1866-90 15 vols in-4 — Supplement. 2 vcriumes ln-4. Fr. , ' " ' -NouveUe edition, 10 vols ln-4. Bn coura' de mMioation.' '. 4 tolmmet panu. Fr. *^ XA THEMIS — BflTue critique de Mgialation de droit et de jurisprudence, 1879-83; 5 vols In-*, deml-veau. Can 20 00 ''^tSSE::^'*,*^"*,^'' ^'^^ ^"^ «^°» et «Je» relations In- ternationales. 18 vols gr. ln-8. Fr. . 4S 00 — Le droit civil International. 8 vols ln-8, 1882. '. '. '. S 00 L-AUilBNT-Prlndpes de droit civil francals. 5e Sdltion. 33 volumes ln-8. 1893. Fr . . . ouiutm. ^ — Supplement, 8 vols ln.«. Fr. . . '. 2? Jcjc Lea tome* ler et 2e lont panu. ■«* «w — Cours aementaire de droit dvll, 4 vols ln-8. Fr. . . 12 00 XAVALIiEE — Befonte de la loi Aug«, Sur les privileges sur les Immeubles, quant a ce aul con cerne specla^ement I'archltecte, le ^Sstructeur: ?ou^ct tJ^ I^Ta^^^^t"^^ formules, par LAVAIiLBB, liAVAI, ^J*^VALLBE3, avocau au barmaudeMon^real, ISffT 26 LAVEINAS- Manuel des vices rfidhlbltolres. In-12. 1888. Fr. 2 00 LAW JOUKNAIj Quinquennial Digest. Eng. 1800-96. Hf-cf. 3 00 LA^ JOURNAL Reports. 1808-99 Inclusive, In 102 vols. New. "^ 240 00 LAW JOURNAL Reports Digest Bng. 1846*6. 10 vote. Hf-cf. 30 00 LAW Magazine and Review, qnarteriy. Eng. Annual. . . . 4 OO - _" «°d 13 St. Jamw ■tr«,t. Montr.1. gg Annual «nb«crlption KvXe '^**"'- ^"^ *» oo 'iKl£'''^U?'r;"'«"^«' ^«^- »' »t»tutes „nd in "''"ed^lC ^'"°'«" Evld/n^c^i^teS TrjrS'l.ud =" '^' ~'lJarKct^l&.%t 3^*Ti^«'«-" -''>™<'e « ••^' LAW Times and Law Reporu. One year Eno ,! l" '^vtE^?7.lS'rp°Ir„?^^* '^ ^•-"^ '- I-"«'- 1874. 2 — Law of Contracts. A Dlirest of' Prtn/i.viJ^ ' s \x. ' • • ■ 3 75 Contracts. 4th edition. Inprw. ^"'"^'^ «' t^e Law of LBDRU-La clef du notarlat, ln-8. Pr I^ROV-U,i«,«.,e Power In Canada.' Can.' l8«8.Hf-ef I Ik^ LBOAl. HBWS and BBPOBTS, 20 vols. 187&«7. Con. -^STch"^er"l?S?e^'K'Y^^'« '^^' ^^ ^'^f- ^ " LBCKSO'S Clancery Fonna. Can. IWtJ Hf^f ' " • « ^^ '^^i^^^ir.^j^i^ < «""«"" <>« 'a «-i.;. de ;. * ^Sn^K^C^^eT^^ a«^rK« ^— anes. By K D. ' " LBITH'S Williams' Real Property. C«ni881. '.'.■.■ 5^ LEMlBTrX-D. 1« contrainte par oorp* srpr^!,5?rp'^^*-ffls^x^LrD*^-iiv«' -«' He begins by Bketchth. tfce leBliiSH^ »»^ »nbject rery thoronghlT. of Greece, and even of tii Je^Uh i^nfe Sfi^- J*k <^*"°»- "' «^Pt man legl.latU a under paganism m^iV«';L2!1'1L'2 J'. °°"~ "'Bo- after a rapid rerlew of the wiSS. „J """*? Christianity. Then brings the'^reader gradnalW dSwn to7h^*S".,"^ *•"* Middle Ages" he closes bis examination of Uiean^^nS.°'"^.tr' *"^^ »' '•^. «nd Phases of onr CanadUn leii.Vt?ot^ '^Jn \'he ^^L'**"^ '.^^ .^"'"■* Mr. Lemleux examine, thj w-"" .«%wS. SljJ^^."' ^^JUT'.'r ii 86 0. THXOUBT, Zdltaor n Um% d« Droit, TcT OO XMUZKUX — Da U eoatnlato par eorpa. — Com. woicatM tbe mod* of Mecatlon. The two atter part* of the work SS?r*' Tl.?."u'Jh^SS?S'.*'7 °' "»/ ^"""^ ""* of the cSdl of Pro- !^?J1* .... '" M Pwctlcal part of the work, the reader flada thare- In the aolutlon of the difflcultlea which pi^wnt themselvea The Jnrlapmdence on the .object la accnrately atSted. and whro ft aJmS i2o'5d",?;eU^.'^";r(^Wo°ntJS:,.'*'*'"'^''''"' -"'"•' "« -2^- IiXXIEirz — Los orlfiBoo du droit fnmco-canadlon. Comprenant: 1. L'histoire du droit fran<^|g depuls l'^ fl«"»n- tel «" le l>ut que seat propSsfrautenr fait rhiItn?in.ff-?"'i'*.!"/^".P""'«'- O""' Upreml^. Vanteur VLiil^ ° i""? •*" '"■"'U fransttla aaz quatre p^rlodea aulvantes : Tol^t?MMlr°f "" S-wnqne. F*odalIt6, Mouarchle al.aolue. ere M- La deuzieme partle eat conaacr«e A Thlatolre du droit Franco-Cana. tlon rn2fau2'.''° *°'" " '»»«"■'•"<"' 'rangnlae et wu. la dWi" LBPBLIiBTlER - Manuel des vices r^dhlbltolres des anl- maux domestlques. 1 vol. ln-18. 1881 Rare LBROUX de BRBTAGNB-Tralte de la prescription, en ma- tlfire civile. 2 vols ln-8. 1868. Fr. . . . . . . g 50 L^y-BBAULIBU (Paul) - Traltfi thfiorlque et pratique d'ficonomle politique. 2e Mlt. 5 vols ln-8. 1896. Fr. . . 13 00 liBTOURNBUX. LBLIBVRB et ANGERS -Revue de Wgls- totlon et de Jurisprudence. 3 vols In-S, 1845 ft 1*47. Can. . ^^^^^^1^ ^^ Student. By Burke. Containing Letters of Introduction to those who have entered or are about to eater upon the study of Law. giving sets of Bxamlnatlon Papers as submitted at Osgoode Hall. Can. 188J. Cloth. . 1 00 ^'^-c^~^° Trusts. Eng. 1808. 10th ed. By C. C. M. Dale. American reprint. 'l888." 2 vols. Hf-cf.' .' ." .' '. '. " oO LBWIS' Eminent Domain. U.S. 1900. 2nd ed. 2 vols. . . 13 00 "~ «^H°L?W"/^1'* Mercantile Interests of the Inland and Sea Coast Waters of Canada. Hf-cf. or sheep. - rt^^Hnl'l. f^^''i'*.*^^ Statutes of the Pit»vlnce of Onta- rio down to and Inclusive of the year 1884. Can 6 00 1 00 8 00 MNDUBY-On Companies. Eng. 6th ed. 1888. Hf-cf * 3 25 11 •t 18, ret Bt-Jacqui, Mon trtal. 37 LLOYD'S Ck)mpenMtion. Eng. 1806. Hf-cf « ^5 ^S^ 2?i!liK.' 5?'* Municipal Oazette. Cau. 8 volg. Hf-tf 32 oo (Now combined wltli Cauuda Law Journal). " "* ^iSTiv.^**'"" **" ''***'* *** procf'dure dvUe. 18W. 5 vols LODe - De la veute u reiiiOr^, gr. ln-8. 1878. Fr. 1 75 Art. 1 a 88, vol. 1, |„-8, relic demUchagrlu. 1873. Cau. l 30 ^ Du manage. 1880. 1 vol. In^. rell6 Ueml-chagrlu. Can. 2 00 TMse pour le doctoral, prfisentee et wutenTle " j ulii n?n^SX„tel et du ball emDbvttiniii. d'aprCs le code civil, la docWne des auteurs et^iafuriLnrn dence des tribunaux de la province de^illLc sumX formulea de baux et autres actes sous 1. ng w^^g ?e atif« au louage; rellC deml-chagrln. Can. ^ reimu ^ ^ droit et celles de lanelen droJ?. Ce fhrre e« Am-n?"' •*" °°"* Uton ^urrSnt%' p"lJer avrtigei JSiTut"* ma?/?^ '„"„hir *' '" P™" LOBBAIN (L.)_ Precis de la procedure sonunaire, Sp^clale dans les causes entre locateurs et locatalres sulvl de formules d'actlons; broch*. 1884. Can. . 25 XOBBAXN (L.) — Les codes de la province de Quebec. m?^*i''i^Q'.^^ municipal, avec tous les amendements Jus- Zttt f^S^it^^'n^^rr*'.'^ "^^"^ '»"«« ensemble; un Joll petit format, deml-ph.-jgrln. Can. $2.50. Chaque code se c£l Tm ' '*"^ *"""= code^vll. $I.OO^^de munl- 1 00 c. tmrnomn, i»w mqqu >obn,h,r. 2nrt eflltlon IMR "* ^"^ •>' ""'«>» Insuranw. i?«;. ** --Oenernl Arerage. ifB^.'iaBs/Hf^f 3 jg *^ ^rt^oJ" l%of ^J-t^i^-jj«'"'"«' «»« droit comn^erolal. 1889-09. JV. a'o«w«pe«««wSJS:)? ^"*' ""*• P»™" 2fl 0© MACKENZIE and HA^Ln','!"'*'' '"'' *»'^«"*- '» P'""' MAOKBNZIE'S Studies In B„T t » 7» Half-calf ._"';' °' ^e«»>ant cropping, jp,,. ,g^ MAOLAHBJN-Law of fl»vfi.lj '. " "* ISlKi. Half calf ."'-"""•^'iK Act of 1891. (vf„. -^i X Can. 1901. . . ^: ' "''^ ^'"^' "id Banking. 2nd ed. -On Interpleade?"J».'U"r""'^- '""'■ ^"^ 1 50 MAOMASTBR_TUe Seal Arbitration. 1883 Can ' ' ' l^ MAOMORRAN-Th. T^.i r, "• ^««. Can q 35 ed. Ile^''an7^nlS.^^™'^7^/^*- ^"^^ ^««« ^^^ MAOMURBICH and ROBPnnvo" o 1 \ " ^'^ Half-calf. " ROBERT'S School Law. Can. im "^^"^^ir^^^^'^ I-w Of H.nes-,n- Canada'. ' "^ MAINE Ancient Law. En,. Hth ed. ifies. Half-ca.f .' .^ ' ^ ^ ^ MAJOR'S Legal Sketche., • • 3 35 M^VI^f^.''''; ^''"^"•^'■' ""«"•-' ^-. '"-S. Cloth. . . 1 00 "^IS^nTo ^Tt: ]l ^^?i3«'-' = «-h "volume. Ca„. 8 ^ -i^"?i%o^ISS^iM^^^'^S """ IWl. Can. . ^^' *^"*; 18^> 1800. 1900. $1.2.-: 1 » 11 M>d la it. Jam— Itr— t, Montr»>l. SD PrepiiW lutMcrlptlon for 1901. . , *2 !2 Publl.h«d in four arts anniwlly. each. . ," J -S MANSON'g Law of Trading Companies. Bng. 1803. Ilf-cf iio Cm . . ^ * '" *'^'** '^'"^ «*»• Caiwda. 1891'. de Iblstoire de cette profeMlon^M d.loSS ^n'TJ"?'" *"" P"""")!^ ""^^Stssb^t;? '^"*"- ***« **> ^*^- »^ «" ^- Bo- f- ^^- ^°'*'"dlngr Admiralty. Averaire Bills otV^A ^'tSf^** ^'**o''' «' ♦»>» Court of Chancery and of the m» HalfSir""""""' '•^ '•'^ ^^^^^ of B^ufty^ C<^ K 2 (to Ii.L.B.. atocait au barrtnu de MmtrM. 1809. Can ''"**•• j^ oo torit*. qal rSpllaaent "'°'* * '" J"«-'»P"««ence et aaz aS- ( ! 1 i 4 no Oe ce genre... ^ " ''"''^'•« de mieni faire an ourrage doctrine dn.-oie«ur on Dolntnnlf^infiJL-""*' "i? ■»"• »"»»• '* •<« iiaro/. gn«b«A "• "*'•••••»• <<• <■><»« rtrll d lTn".""°°» '" P">« •'• ellea lnt»reawnt encore inrrtri LMii*""'"", "'"' J»ri»Pon»nlte : en qnol bre dont eU^M n? le Jrme H^i'*^' P?' '** '""'"tatlon. Mn«nom- jne 10pdonn:nrde,%*S™m„,fo;7a?t «Trtdl'^*e" T^^^ "['"'•"«' marqoer let motlfi e" le fondemeSt.*' ^ '* °* •^'*" '»''*' P""" •» i'nl^iiS^™* ^'•**°- "•' <^^" C'x'*- 1898. Ca«. , no ''vS?Vf!S.'^''^^'^^«^"'S»"P"'»»- B""- 1881. 2 Ig 00 MAXWELL'S Inta^rpretatlon of Statutes. Eng. isoc. Hf-cf. . 6 25 XUTXEB TrMtiM on the Law of Damafw. Kng. Otb edition oy J. V. Mayiic and JiMlft> Lumlejr Bmttb. mm. Hf-cf. . 8 OO ^*!:}~ ^ ?"•!•!• o» »•»• '-«'^- I'rivllegea. ProcMdlDga and Umk« of Paritamrat. JVfir nfOton in preporatUm. ~^'i.i!l*^r"'".''*' '■*''*• ^"«' "»«• Accldant. i;.«. 4tb •dItloD. 1WH». 2 volumea 18 00 MAY'S Conitltutlonal Ill«toi7 of England. Eng. 3 rola. imi 3 00 ^'ILr ?.'*'"«'••■ ••• «'«»lt romnln. Oe «ditlon, 2 Tolumw ln-8. 19m. rr g gg McANDRim' - Om Coata. Con. 1808. Hf^f 2 30 *^3^T!mi'.Hr/«" "'* ^'oatract of Marine Insurance. £«(,. McCLAlX — Criminal Law. t/'.«. 1807. 2 Tola iB oo McCIiAlXS Oiiwg on Conntltutloniil Law. V. a. 1900. . . 5 M MfCt>BD"8 Civil Code, 1880. Coa 3 00 *'^ii?»""/*V."' ^ -The Law of Aanlgnjuent and abandon- I^„!i #^,™ '■'VI^^," *•'* Province of Quebec, with note* and formn, l«(j6. Can 5^ Mc(HBBON"« Grent Pew Case. 1877. Can 1 00 McOUIBB'8 Magistrate's Manual, 1800, Uf-cf. Cm. . . . 1 .-,0 MiBc^llKM-Oii ilie I^ws of Sales. t/.-S. 1900. 2 vols. . . 13 (lO MEHMKVBW Coniimiiy Reiwrts. Reports of Cases unle«'tlon of Irish Cases. HI vols. 18U8. Hf-cf. b'na. ... oti 00 -Quarterly Digest. Including the Annual Digest. 10oL>. Eiig. 4 oo ^^FwtHn^T?"HH^'*HP' ^"^ ^"'"nK t° G"«- Water and Electric Lighting. Eng. 4th ed. 1001. Hf-cf 9 30 MICHIE'S Banking Cases Annotated. U.S. 1900. Vol. 1. . 5 50 MIGXAFLT. P. B.. O. R. - Code de procedure civile. annotC. deml-veau. gr. ln-8. 1802. Can. ... -uuoie. ^^ -Le droit parolsslal. etant nne Ctude his'.orique et ICgale de la parolasc- eatholiqne. de m irtation. ,e son gouvernement et de ses blens, 1803. Can , u>*Tiiement ^ ^ 4U THBOBET, law Book PttbUrfi«r, MIOHAU1.T-L. droit eiTU c«ii»dlon, buMu" SS7 P. B mSjnIum-* JoriBprudence de no, trl- rff droit parlenUnia{re^\^t?i»»^-^' "•"**'' "« "J^onwrf paras. 1M6.m!^«„ . *"! "" ^"•" Paroisstal". 5 vols ce et de la pHratlon deg drolU rlrii. ii.* le« titre. de la jonlsaan- domicile, de. .b«,nt» « du mwlage '"tomb nF^rvl^.iii'" "=''"• "» des titm de la aeparatlon de corMrtA 1. «iT..V*'"?'?*'^' contenant ternelle. de la ml£?r"rrte la ffile .f nf ra'™ ?* '■} P«'««nee pa- Jorlt«, de rinterdlctlon.' dl la cnratelle tt d,?*„°„';''*.V°5- "»• '» 'na- tions, de U dUtinctlon ?■"»«>• entre »lfs et tes- CINQUIEME. contenant danS le ?S~ rt-.*^^*'..**"*""*'""- TOJf E tamentalres. lea chapltres 3?' s5bstih,ti™.*°Jr' '"Jf.*"?"* ^"« «* tcs- meat des blens appartenant A ant™? il ?1 "IfJ" 5""*'* «* <•" Pl'^*"- qu'an chapltre de la nrpnvi « rossaat'U* m;* "e'reTeVnd"ae^'„?/^'*. °»Sr"'«'"»«"' »'*« '"t^" mals d'nne g^ande Silt* ^Jn? I'lnternrtt^t^on' df"'::^'?"*'' "'" ""•"• regies les pins difnclles II ne ttnt rSll^l^ °® ,quelqueg-nnes de« tent« de r^prodnlre leg <• R«SltlMnn.'^?'H*'Si'* V ' ""t^ur »*« con- tra. «ivan,£eS? a^otre syrte^e'lues a InnZeS" ni " '*'" " "I'P""" sont propres et de nombrJ"4s citation. Se. ha .^"'"'f"?*"*' ""' '"' noux. M. Mlgnanlt sW a^lmni le. ^.m*^" d«cI»long de nog trlbn- de. •• ROpltltl^s'"' la ronc'Sri? et la clart«*T'„,?.!l"i',"'' "" ':•""""■• de M. Mlgnanlt, lorson'H ge™ terrnin/i ^. 1 . •""'I ^'"^ 1"^ •» "Tre et le Plnsntlle qnl at «e ecArLnr ^"hJ^.*™"".!" P'."" ""nt'l-t Je P.^e^e'c"'Sni!n?res^K^t''Vt^i*IrS "^^ '" -'• n«- en "i: publiant etlurt^t en en faUnt nn ?r,T.n'"' * '." P™'-'-'"" nnsgl gflr (reliable). En mettnnt inn nnJl^JL™^"" ■"."*' «•"»?'»« et Monrlon. M. Mlgnanlt " ^1 nar gcmnn?i^^5i*^ "i""".. '* IwlronoTe de dent quil « «f oblhrf de ?etraSchS?^?Sl..™ jnodestle car II est^vl- Mourlon pour Vadapter ft n^tr? drol? ^^^.^.T t""'.'*" •^""'mentalre de de tout reTnlre! I^ffi,? d W%^tTrl*rfrjr'^"i "J,* Z^ t */""„•" ?"'' wbo I'e"no^ ?«m"mar*"'^.,t'h"F°r"en?h'' w^'o°T «-P<'^'«ra^'>ng thogo dlsoonraged hv the dtffloultv of rtr«f?;=^i.h.J'"'*..°'" """netlmes felt under such different cfrcumstancesThe^^ princlpleg eommentatorg of thi Pod" VanoTl^n ISiT „r„"h"''"'''..".P"f'' "' *•>»■ without modlflcatlon /TJt'l^Jt'lZ^VaVte'r! '^S^lVoZt'^f^: 2S 00 11 «nd 18 Bt Jam— tr— t, XontrtAl. 43 KIOVAULT — L* droit «1tU oanadln.. (Oont) ' ''' In fact, witboat • truitwortbr gnide, It has bMn • hentnfoM ««•« dangeron. than o«.ft.. to «.e t'he^lch matertal th?^ wtt'hto'Scr'* «„, i.-'1°Jh if "J'S'? ■•"• orWnal : It is based upon the hlrtorr of & duSctld'''Mr*'MT.2l„'{?.'.''°''"?- ."'"««' •«> clearly and^^ j.i«cv uw»eciea. Mr. Hlgnanlt s conclnslons are almnat invariahir babied apon the code and apon pre«„lent.XB'^th wmmentS niSIS H-J""**w»'''"* •*"••? *•** ''»''' '^'H ""lin't that Mr. Mlgnanlt bas In- deed written a complete treatise and In which there Is nothing t« bu?Tm.r VS,*iS?l "PP^Ji'V" »' ♦"»* wwk woSS be too lenX? nS^i!,* f'.."* "ent'oned that certain chopters are particularly Im portant and well presented. The second part of the Introduction In cireTit 'l."'thr5.^i"t ".^ "* ^r""" "'• ""»"'<» ^ "ad wUh greit iMlsDradence «rt r fh^**"* ^""'■' ''•™"«'. »»« Bronndwork of our jurisprnaence, and lu those cases where nrenxlnnt fail nt »ha n.. sonal opinion of the author." - r»e/"roM?SlS^f"al' ' •"" C.n.dle^J'n'ifii.fS* ""?"*.'■' '° "■■• P- °- Mlgna^ilts- Droit Civil i-_ ♦•,. posses* Terr great merit Indeed. We have no work i>nv»r. AVelt^b^JlrA"^ J' ••. therefore h.?l%S'J?e? eSumate t"; Taiue or the work nndertaken by Mr Mlmanlf Ho h** h>X^Xh» "'dewble portion of his undertaklSs " - Ewtraet of tetter from F. P. Walton, Dean. MeOttl VMvtnttu.iiant- moiTAULT — Hanuel de droit parlementalre, o^conrs 6I6nientaire de droit constltutlonnel. prficCde d'unp esqulsse hlstorlque du rPfflrae parlementalre en Angleterr.' rif"w*^'"^f'.P.'^.^;i?- MIGX-VULT. O.R., avocat\u bar- reau de Montrial, ln-12. 1880. Can. . 1 50 «.Td^e^7^o,rlcT.;ora^^^^^^^^ MITCHELL. V. -Oode of Olvll Procedure of the Province of Quebec. Royal 32. 1807. Can . ^™^'"^^ ^ ^ MONOBIEPF-On Fraud and Misrepresentation. Eng. 1801. "'■*^'- 6 00 MONTESQUIEU -Esprit des lols. ln-12. broche. 1883 Fr 1 60 6 00 XOKTBBAI. Law Beporta. STr^r^sis (.v'fs^r A's: sa„S",',; ** C. THJOBBT, Bdltwir m UvfB d« Pr ott. MOBAWErra-On Corporatlona. I7.S. 2nd edit 1886. 2 roh. Ill w * 45 00 MORiEIU. - On City NegUgence. a.8. 1887. 3 75 w^JS!^^'® ^*°'°« ^'"•- ^•«- Wtb ed. 1900. . " ' 3 30 The 16 volumes. ** 00 S iSHfcf .^"'«';*«"<>'»« <^'> the law and practlw ^^^^LT.®" Arbitration and Award. U.S. 1872 ' n ^ 12 QQ •••••0 50 ''^X^?^SlaS*rd%^Ln^^°4*^|,S.'^^ •*' ^'^'^ 50 ^'o^';^;.^^^-*^^'' ^—^'' P'aWoirle dan, la langne fran- calBe. Conrs Ubre profess* a la Sorbonne. 3 vols ?nV^ c 50 MU>RO'S Constitution of Canada. 1898. Cloth. o 50 — IT — NASMITH'S Institutes of English Law. 1873. . , qo '^'^s.^S^SS."?^^^""^ ^^'-^^^ «^ ^- «• '^"-an. 2 -Probate Practice. Steeves. 1891. Can , ^a - Reports. 34 vols. 1825-1896. Can * ^ Annual subscription. 6 00 11 t 13> nw ■t-Jaeqnw, M ontrtol. 45. ''To^'caf ^'^ ^"P""" ^'^^ «"'«•• By J- O- Stevens. ' '^ -Statutes. Consolidated. 'l877. 'C'«« 2 5? Bach session, 75c In paper. or|1.25' In" hiilf-'sh^eii. ' ' ^^ ""Tr ^S.'^'''^ "i*^ """^^^^ (^'ontblyl Subscription - Weekly Notes. Sutacription* per volume. *. ! .' .' '. [ " JJ x\BWBLL-On Defamation. Slander and Libel. U.H. 2nd ed. ,, Q JJA. ''1?a«'?™i^4''^8^t^r4«"' V"!/^"*"' ^•^"'".^ 'or the rXf_ ■'oow, I8UU, 1891, 1882, at S4.50 eanh vmip- isoa lOfLi -Consolidated Statutes of Newfoundland (second Jert^ { , , ^ Olr N^rro^S Digest of Patent Office Trade^Mark Decisions. 000 NEW YORK -Annotations of the Constitution and General Laws. By W. H. Sllvemall. U.S. 1900. Vol. 1. f^°®™' jj ^ MBLAOK - On Voluntary Societies. U.S. 2nd ed. 1865. . . G 50 NISI PKIUS Evidence. Eoscoe. Bag. 1900. 2 v- Mlse au^uranrSr un s^ piement. 23 tomes en 24 beaux volumes gr. li\, igrlSe! ae cMd ifpartment. 95 00' Suppiemput, 2 vols gr. In-8. 1898. Fr g qO ^ D^^ SP^^ County Courts Manual. 1891. Hf-cf Ca» 2 00 ~^w'- ^ ""ft.^^^- ^'"»'«'» subscription. Ca.. ! 4 W — Statutes. Revised. 1900. Can. . Inn Annuals, half-sheep 7 ."jr -Judicature Act. 1900. Hf-,heep. Can. '. ." ." .'. " .' ." .' i oo — — ^nll^^^'AK^Vr^''"''*^*"**''- ^<"'- 1884. Hf-cf. . ... 3 00 ~^iS^^^\u^^r,°'^°^ *°** ^'■'»'°« 1*^« of Ontario. 4th ed. UHW. oiotn. CdJi n Kft ODOBR'S Ubel and SUnder. Eng. 3rd ed. 1886 Hf-cf 9 60 — Principles of Pleading. Bug. 4th ed. 1900. Hf-cf. ." .' 4 8& ' 1 ^ C. THBOBOT, Law Book PubMs htr, **^**. Wf*!,"*' romwIlBt Bng. 18M. Hf-cf. . T^ -Magisterial SynopBls. E,h,. 2 7oia. Ht-ct . . . ' .' .' w S OLDBIOHT-S Reports. Xova Scotia. 2 vols. Cun. . . ! 12 00 ^^^^'^^.^'^ of Horse., Including the Lew of Inn- ' keepers, Veterinary Surgeons, Hunting. Raclna Waa«™ and Oamlng. Eng. 5tli ed. 1886. Hf-cf . ""'^»' ^■««" ^ .^ ^^r^^M " °""".* de. contrats. Th&M, pour dortorat. im b^ ' " "" bfiTTeau de QufibecVln* papier. ^"''^I.'SSbi''* *• ~" '•- «'-^»"^- *• 1» Pro- fn^.i'* dfidalon sommalre des peUtes causes, avec teztes anglais et francals. par ARTHUR OLIVIER. C R aeol Twi^os^'^t' ^«'<-«*'''«r". conipietfi par OTAR^ toUriSOa Co^ ' ^ "" *^~'* •*" Montreal. In-32; O-mUiBY and HARDOASTLB - Reoorts of the DeolnlonL li,?Ind"?r 'r ''" ^•^ *»' eKu Petlt?ons'^'SSg' T?* iBfl^e ^'^r''^"^,' P"""ant to the Parliamentary ElecUons ^*^?1hrPr%5^ro"nffi.??I"^"-'r-" ''' ^-"^ Annual snbscr^tlons in numbers as Jssuwl. Can 12 on Half-calf, 8 vota. each year. . . . " ' Jf xS -Aw)eal Reports. 27 vols. Ca».. . . ,}^^ -Practice Reports. 19 vols. Can. . ^S S - Beporta. 82 vota. Can. .... im 00 «^l*52U"Sw1[M. "*'""■ '" -^-■p-i'»*«o''n the "^^rss'^^Se ^^."^^ ^'"'^•' -'"^ -^- , - Legal Chart Oo». 1901. . f ^ -Statutes. Revised Statutes of Ontario.* 1897.' 2 vols Can ' I S Annual. 1808, fl; 1809, »1.5C; 1800, |1. ' * ** ORATIONS -The Worid's Best. U.S. 1809. 10 vois. . 40 00 "^T^i-^-'^'f History of the Roman Law, tanslated br Prit- gaxd and^Nasmlth. En„. 2nd ed. 189e.' OmST ' ^\ 3 75 OB OStJLUVAN'S Conveyancing, 1882, "Hf-cf. Can 9 an - How to Draw a Simple Will. Paper. Can. 7 S2 - Manual of Ooveroment in Canada; or the Prln<>'ini^ 1„^ 4 00 OSWALD -On Contempt of Court. Bng. 2nd ed. Cloth. . 3 50 -I* rtforme JadJclalrt wS Oa« • ®^ ^"""^ *«"«■ ^'"^ 1 00 PAgNON- Eloquence et improvisation: 2e ...t.Vvo'l. in^'. " " PAUOY-S Summary Convictions. '^n^ 1882 Hf.f" " * ' *"" PALS£HB'8 Company Law WMh * • • . 6 00 Companies Act 1^ tri^q^„"5 Appendix containing the -Company Preolde^ Pa JtTrtt e/^'^^ ^r^' ^^- H'"*''- 4 88 Half-calf. Eng ' "" ^- ***• Company Forms. ^"tl^e.^nXW'!''- ''^- ■^'■•'•"n'^^V Firms and P^ac- '' '" Part 3. Debentures. i:n» looo' h.i;^',, 9 75 -Sha^holders. „„d DiAorT^Santn. ' En,/ i^^' ^. « ^» gislatlon. de d^^ ~t Je'TnHi^„S°*^'='<»P*<"l"^ "« I*- parus. m-l. Pr. BrwThe Jafsprudence beiges. 71 vols - PKRIODIQUES - Rec'ueil L "iLri-,: .,' 3W <» tlon beiges (fondcW m IMsVIS "*'1°"'? ** •*« '««'»•«- brochfi. Pr. . *'**^' ^^ ^o's ln-4. 1888-1901. Abonnement annuel. . '. '. lOS 00 PANDBCTES FRAXOAIAFM w*^-. " '* gislatlon et del^rlspSj; %"**"* *"« «'°^*^"'e ^e 16- 47 vols ln-4 paras T^fS^'. i,^'^<'0« «• touwrtpHon). in-4. BrochC. Fr •'°"«P™r ^S^.^d''Sran7i«c^rnt^;'^^» <>'" ^'-fon U. Bngland and WaL"",^'^ eJ'ST^JlS^ ®««'o» '''^^L'u^^oninWe'SoSnroVo^r'^^r ""^ ^^^ and directions forall t^-nsSn- 1.5*°f^"' ^"*» ^o™" lAw. t/.S. iggg/ "" ^ -'^sactlons and abstracts of the 7 50 6 25 Rare Rare 9 50 75 2 TO ''^7i^-;JK,rS^^^!'(a^'^•°*--'« compensation conmerclale ciimineii^^J ^T^.?®'*J*'°«- «» matitfre civUe tlf. Cbmp^iant £lwr^*i~'^iijy''*"^«'<^«' « adminl^: 1880. 10 vols ln-8 "^P*"^'™ Sf^^^"^ depnis 1814 Jusqu'll ^S^,^^l/ 1901. tt3 vols In-a Bepertoire d«cennal 1881 A inri* « _ i . „ En«nnble 76 voluii^Tni. bSS-^s'*;! '°* Abonnement courant. s volumCckaTne ann«e: ! ! .'"S g « 0. THB0M8T, gdiU ur an Umt da Droit, ' ~ f~c" FAiSSIORISIB FRANOAiME - Revue tnenauelle de la Jurla- prudeuce frangalae. Atmnnenieiit annuel A parttr du 15 ■eptembre. Fr. 5 OO PATBRSON — Commentarlea on the Liberty of the Subject and tbfl Law* of England relating to the Securttjr of the Peraon. Euff. 1877. 2 vola, Hf-cf. 6 OO PATRICK'S Digest of Precedenta of Decislona In Upper Canada Contested Electlona. 1824-40. Can 3 OO PLCIMITIFS pour la Cour Sup«rieure et la Oour de Circuit, ou lea deux enaemble combinCa, grand assortlment tou- joura en Ubrairle et falta aur commande. Prtx »ur demande. PROVBXCHEK-BOISCLAIR - Procfea. in-8. broch«, 1867. Can 60 PSU88XEB — Code dea hniaaiars, ah«rlf a et eoronera, Contenant toutes lea lols de la province de Qufibec relatives ft chacun de ces offlders Juaqu'ft ce Jour avec formule et table alphab^tique, par L. B. PiEIilSSIER, avocat au bar- reau dp MontrM, rell6 telle. Can l OO PELISSIES — Tralt« thterlque at pratique da la xaaponaa- bilitt dea archltaetaa et dea entraprananrs, Contenant i'espos^ raiaonne dea D^gtes g6n6ralea et ap6cla- lea ayant rapport au louage d'ouvrage et auxquellea aont assujettia lea architectes, les entrepreneura et lea ing6- nieurg clvlla. sulvi d'un appendice comprenant lea r6^e- menta relatifs ft la construction dea maiaona, ft 'Montreal, par L. B. PELISSIER. avocat au barreau de MontrM, 1800, in-8, relie, deml-chagrin. Can 2 BO PBMBERTON'.S Judgmenta. Eng. 1889. Hf-cf 11 76. PBBRIX — Tralte dea nuliitCa en matiere civile, 1816, in-8. Fr- Rare PERRIX. RENDU et SIRBY-Code Perrin ou dictlonnaire dea constructions et de la contiguity. 9e Mltion. 1 fort vol. ln-8, 1886-09. Fr. 3 25. PEBBOir at XXTCHEIX — ICanual daa faillites. Comprenant le texte francais et anglais des articles du Code de procedure civile sur la cession de biens, le capias ad respondendum, la aaiaie-arrCt avant Jugement, la aal- sle revendicatlon, la aalsle-conservatoire, et la liquidation des soci^t^R, ainsi qu'un exposA des changements apportfis ft I'anclenne loi par la revision du Code de procedure civile. Et les dteisions des Tribunanx pouvant s'adopter & la loi nouvelle, par J. L. PERRON. L. I/. B., et VICTOB E. MIT- CHBLL, B. C.L., avocatB au barreau de Montrial. Ccntient aussi la veralon anglalse en regard, 1898. Can. . . . . 2 OO " This mantwl contains In a brief and concise form the law of tlie Province of Qnebee lelating to Insolvency, capias ad retpondmimn and attachments before jndsment. We have also added the provi- sions of the law In regard to the dissolotlon and llqnidatlon of part- nerships, and the examination of Judgment debtors. The leading anthoritles. which are still applicable nnder the present Code, and the remarks of the Commissioners for the Ba- Tlsion of the Code, hare been placed under the artielea to which they relate. We believe this plan will be foond convenient and aatle- factory. ■ — Prtfatt. " 't 18, nw »t.JMqa-, MoBtr4al. 40 **^7J'"""* fiWmentaIre de droit romiUn. 8e Mltlon. In^. ' ' _„„ 8 00 "S^y^/P^f 'I"" *''^"* "^^ tribunaux de France.^ iolg -Prortdur^ duciiatelkn78.'2 voU In-I.Vr: r«ar;;." / ." ? JJ PINARD - Oeuvres Judldalres, requlsitolres conclnalon. dlaconn Jurtdlqueg, plaldoyers. 2 vols InT 18M /r ' e 50 ^^lS7^Fr~^*''"°°°*'" "'"*' *•* •*'«>" '^'^"- 2 volg gr. ln-8. 650 POLIOHINEL - Notes sur le droit romaln. Ca« 050 ^SSS^'* H-^ -B'Us of Lading ExcepUons. Eng. 1886. 2nd 2 73 -*f£?r^T^T'.'" J"^«Pr«dence and Ethics. Eng. 1882^ 2 50 hl^Eng m^'T^^''^'^: '«' St"***"*" Of the ComZn — On Land Laws. Eng. 1896 * ^ -On Leading Cases and other Diversions! £,„,." iW. .' .' ? S POLLOCK'S Digest of p'artnershlps. Lng. 7th ed 1900 2 .« -Law of Torts. Eng. 7th ed. 1901 . "^^ * ' « ^ — Principles of Contracts. Eng. 6th ed. 189*. Hf-cf . ".".■,■ s 00 ^^J^^.f"'* MMTLA.ND'8 History of English Law be^ fore the time of Edward I. Eng. 2 vols. 189a Hf-cf!^ 10 23 ^^«^i"'^** ^^' Jugements. 2 vols ln-8. 1822. Fr. Rare — TraltC des actions. 1817, ln-8 Fr 'r. . . xare —^^ Bare POOR'S Manual of the Railroads of the United States 33rd ed. Annual Number. 1 vol. U.S. 1900. Cloth. . n 00 POPE'S Confederation, a series of unnubllshed «i™.iim*nt= bearing on the British North AmeSca Act Can "*"*' 2 50 PORTER'S Law of Insurance. Fire, Life, Accident and Onn rantee. Eng. 3rd ed. 1888. Hf-cf A*-ciaent and Qua- 00 ^ri;^f;7vnT'i®^' ''""ot^^f et mises en correlation avec ;?,ir^® cIvU et les autres dispositions de la legislation ac- ^H-^VP*"" ¥\ ^5P®*- ^'oavelle edition confo^ a to pre v1?sT-8.%tl&"°|.r'^ '""'"^^ «* a.pha^M$u'^.'''A — Pandectes de Justlnien. 26 vote Ini Fr £ -Traite des obligations par Masson.l vol. in.l2.' 1888.' Fr. ." 1?^ 4 80 O. TrntOBOT, L>w look Publtoh w, ~ TT" PUUILLBT — TralM dem marqaea de fabrique et de la con- cnrrenoe dAloyaOe en tona genrea, ln-8, 1882. Fr. ... 3 SO — TralM tbfori«ae et pratique dea deaaioa et mod^Iea de fa- brtqw, m^. 1884. Fr 2 25 POUJOL — TrnJte dea donatlona entre Tife et dea teatamentt. 2 Tola ln-8. 1840. Fr. . 4 OO — Trait* dea obllgatlona. 8 vola I11-8. 1846. Fr. 7 SO — Trait* dea auecesslona. 2 vola ln-8. 184Z Fr. 4 50 PRADIBR-FODBRB - Traltfi de droit International public, europ«en et amCrlcaln. 8 Tola ln-8, 1884-1801. Fr. . . . 32 00 PHATT'e Law of HIgbwaya, Main Boada and Brldgea. Ena. 14tb ed. 1887. Hf-cf. . . n »X» PRBBLiE'S Patent Caaea Index. 2nd ed. U.S. 1884. ... it 00 PRBSrrON'S Privy Council Appeala. Eng. 1800 5 25 PRIDEU.UX'8 Precedenta In Conveyancing, with Dlaaertn- tlona on Ita Law and Practice. Eng. 2 vola. 18tb ed. 1900. Hf-cf. 20 00 PRIDMORB'S Costa. Eng. 10th ed. 1888. Hf-cf 12 25 PRINCE BDWABD ISLAJfO Reports. 1860-1882. 2 vola. Hf- cf. Can 15 00 PRINCE BDWA.RD ISLAND iStatutea. Revlaed 1868. 3 vols. Scarce Annuals Scarce about fl.OO. PRITCHABD Digest of the Law and Practice of the High Court of Admiralty of England. Eng. 8rd ed. 2 vola. 1887. Hf-cf. 12 00 PROCES CBLEBRiBS (Lea) — Abonnement annuel. Fr. . . 5 00 PROUDHON — Tralte du domaine public. 5 vcris ln-& 1854. Fr. 10 00 PUOfi^LEY and BURBIDOB'8 N. B. R^wrts. 4 vols. Can. . 28 00 PUGflLEY'S N. B. Reports. 8 vols. Can 21 00 PULLINO'S Order of the Oolf. Eng. 1887 2 26 PTXB'S Baporta, Being Cases argued and determined in the Court of King'fi Bench for the District of Quebec, In the Province of Lower Canada in Hilary term, in the fiftieth year of the reign of George III. by HON. JUSTICE PYKE, J. C. K. B. Half- calf, 1811. Can 5 00 — a— Q. C. Silk Gowns from $60 to 75 00 Q. C. Bags 4 00 QUEBEC Cooaolidated Digest. 1726 to 1884. Can. Boyal ln-8. 2 vols 25 00 Vol 1, 1888. ready. QUEBEC Law Reports. 1876 to 1881. 17 vols. Hf-cf. Can. . 70 00 H«Bdl8 It. Umn ttnct, Moatr«a. 01 QVXBBO OnxOZAZ. miMBT, • ''' iPuWlihed by the General Council of the Bar of the Pro- vince of Qnebec ; 30 T'- • • • Q. B. R. IRSl^ Cook's Lower Can. Adm. Ct. Cases. Ctook V. A. 1885 Montreal Law Reports, „ ®"P«'JOf<^1rt M. L.R.. 8. C. 1885-91 Monthly Law Digest and Reporter. . . 1882-03 Rapports Judldaires offldels pu- blics par le conseil du barreau de la province de Quebec. . . . R. j. o 1802-1902 Souscrlptlon annnelle, 3 vols. Canada iSxchequer Court Reports. Annual subscription, 22 7 17 20 5 31 4 I 7 7 1 .30 35 00 35 00 5 00 EX.C.R. 1805-1901 Canadian Criminal Cases * 1808^1900 9 00 35 00 4 00 -<»au vviiuiiuou leases I808.1fln0 ^ 'M) itn Annual subscription i»w»-i»w 3 J2 50 Revne de Juriq>rudence, (La). . R.deX 1886-19012 6 50 ionscri^tion^'.inueia;.'"''- •««'«''• 1*5-1802 7 36 00 "*«^.?p^lS"IS4ue. : • • Q-PH-l^l*^! ■ 3 18 00 Revised Reports. Province of ^^^^^- 1726-1882 25 150 00 08 0. THXOl^, BdltMur an Uttm d« Droit, QUaUM BqporU ud DlgMto — (Oomplat* Uat of). (Cout.j 9 e RobertBou's Digest ot Lower Oanada Rmorts. . . . 1864 Btepbeni, Quebec Law Digeat. . . . Vol. 1. 172B to 18T7 10 00 Vol. 2. 18T7 to 1880 10 00 Vol. 3. 1881 to 1884 S 00 , ^ Vol. 4. 188S to 1880 5 00 Lalleur and MacDougall Conaolldated ^ Dlge«t 1726-1804 Vol. 1 ready. 1880 13 BO Gaaael'a Digest, Bopreme Court Reports. . . .CD. 1803 10 00 OouUfe's Digest. Supreme Court Reports. . . . 1803-1800 8 00 Beancl^mp — Jurisprudence of the Privy Council, to 1801 10 00 QUEBEC Revised Statutes. 8 vols. 1888. Can 7 50 Annuals, English or French, each i 00 QUEENSLAND Law Journal. 1806-90. Cturent vol. 9. . . 10 80 — Supreme Court Reports. 18(11-1881. 4 vols. Hf-cf. Bach. . 10 00 — Torrens Title Digest. Vol. 1. Hf -of 8 00 QUBBN'M BBNOH. RtDortB of Upper Canada. 0.8. 6 vols. ^an- 36 00 — upper Canada Reports, 46 voki. Con 386 00 QUEEN'S COUNSEL'S Bags 4 00 — E — RAILWA X and Canal Gases. £119. AIro a Digest of Cases on Railway and Canal Trafflc. by Ralph Neville. J. H. B. Browne and W. H. MacNamara. 10 vote. Royal ta-S. 1874- 1900. Cloth 79 60 RAM — On Facts. V.8. 1800. 4 00 RAMBAUD — Code dvU par demandes et rfiponses. 7e 6dlt 8 vols. in-8. 1882-97. Fr 9 Oo — Des placements des capitanz en valeur de bourse. 2 vols. ln-8. 18&4. Fr OQ KAICBAT — AppMd Oaaaa, With Notes and Deflaition of the Civil and Criminal Law of the Province of Quebec, Including a large number of Decisions In Appeal otherwise Unr^>orted and brought down to the b^lnnlng of the year 1887, by THOS£AS K. RAMSAY, Judge of the Court of Queen'* Bench. To which is Appended a list of all the Cases Carried to the Supreme Court and Privy Council with the text of the Judgments In the Privy Council, by C. H. STE3PHENS ; in-8, 1064 pages, 1887, half law calf. Can S 00 " The number of nnreported e«sM Is nnexpectedir Isrce, eom'-ria- jng nearlT, Jf not qalte, one half of tbe total number of Judgments In AppesI during the tart thirteen years. It need scarcely he pointed out that, deaUng only with the decisions of the Conrt In which he Mt. und during the time he aat in It, all the Jndgmenta and references cannot but be regarded as emanating from the moat raltable sonr- cea." — Preface. BAMSAY — Coutume de Paris, 1864. Can 1 00 11 t 18, nw Bt-jMa^um, MontH tl. m BAJOAT and XOmnr - XoatrMl Ooad«u»d B«p«rt, Mcli dM d«cltlong dM trlbnnaax da dlitrlct «• Moatr«al, 1854: 2nd ed. lii-«»: balf-calf, 18M. Can 5 00^i. *"• •*«»"■ «a»t«lB»«iKery. 20 voU. Per vol. ". 5 " Error and Appeal. 8 vol.. Per vol. f.^. Ohancery Chamber.. 4 voU. Per vol. . « oft OommonUw Chamber., a vol* P« v^. ..•.•.' ' 5 M Ontario Uw Report.. 3 vol.. ikt annum. 1002 Muh^ri..' tlon. in part.. 112.00; or bound In hf-cf. 7 f"'**'^"- j^ ^^ obtalawl npoB .pplloltloii. Prwent tlm*. prlcM mar bo K^^^"*^'^ Report.. ««, Quebec Reporto and Dlceat BrltUh Columbia Report.. Hf^f. 6 voL^Bach vol. "^ h oo «ub.crlptlou to current vol. 7. In part. nan Manitoba Report.. 12 vol.. HM. Bfch vol 2 m Hubwrtptlon to current vol. 13, in part..* '. '. ' ' t m Manitoba ReporU (rmpo Wood. C. J. l vol. Hf^-f ' ' ItSi «". Ritchie'. Bqulty Case, of Nova BcotlaVl vol Hf' »" ♦•»» Report, ever pubffid in Bnff and from the Year Book.. 1307 down to 18^ One volume per month I. iuued and the work 1. to b^ completed In 150 vol.. Price, hf-cf.. per voTume. . 75 tt" ^7 ^'^P**"'- 1885-1901- lnclu«lve. New or second- hand. Price upon applieatton. ^^um m™?.*??' *"*»»"'P"on 1902. In part. a. published. . . . 21 OO Morrell'8 Bankruptcy Report.. 10 vol. Eng. 1884-1894. *-«otn * .- _^ OoitNnued »y JfoiMon. 40 OO Manson'g Bankruptcy Ca«>«. 1804-1809. 6 vols. Hf-cf. 37 oo Annual .ubscrlptlon. In parts. . . ' k rji Oommerdnl Case.. 1806-1807. 2 vol. Hf-cf ? S» ^id'ca^.*'^'^"*'- ^^^^- 10 '"'L'^ JW Railway Revised Reports 1785-1866. 47 vol.. ready. Hf-cf. each vol. 6 OO } n Mid IS it Jimm itmt, Mmttmi. u REIH>RT«. DXOUBH. (CtiH.) RullDf CasM. 2S vola. Pnll ahMp. aach rol S ao lAtcm Standi R«>porta. (Saundera and Anatln). Vol. 1 ciir> tfttf. prlca each part 8 00 Lavr Journal Reporta. 1838-1901. Hf-cf. Prkr upon appl.ra- tlon. Annual anbacripHon IWtt, In moothljr part* )0 00 or bound In 8 Tola. 18 00 Low Tlm«a Reporta. IS-W-IOOO. Hf-cf. Prkt MpoN appliea- tlnn. Annual aubacHptlon in adraaoa. ib OO TIniCd Low Report*. 17 void. Price upon appllcaUoH. Hub- •criptlon to vol. 18, current, hi pnrt« n no Weekly Raporter (with Soilcltora' Journal). Prier nbon on- pUntlon. Subscription to Weekly Reporter and Sollcltom' Journal. 13 .TO MntMcrlptlon to Weekly Reporter alone 7 BO O'Malkw and Hardraatle'a Btoctloa Otaea. 186S-1MS. Vola. 1-4. Hf-cf. PrU>« upon apptieatton. Cox's CrIuilnnI Casea. Vola. 1-18. Hf-cf. Priet- upon applies- tion. Subscription In parta, each namber 1 40 South Australian Law Reports. 1809. Hf-cf lo 00 BIVUJS do JUBZBPBUDBVOS (La) — Baooail da d«olaiona daa dlTara tHbonaaz da U prorlnoa da OtUbac. RMIgte par nne r6nnlon de Jngea et de Jnrisconsultes. sous la direction da CRARI/ES CHAMILLT de LORIUIDR, L. I.. D.. luge de la Cour tuptrieure et pmfetaeur de droit d riniver$M LatolA M ontrtel, paraft par Urtaiaona mensiiel- lea de 48 na«ea In-S. 7 rolapams, 189ft-1902. deml-rean. Can. 85 OO Souscrlption annuelle (yeariy subscription) 5 go NOTA : — Caira arc reported In Engllata or French. '• Cette reroe a *t« fondee an commencement de l'ann«e 18M ai>«- clalemcnt dan* 1 lnt«r#t dea dlatrlct* rnracx et rapporte lea d#clilona lea pina Importantea concemant le Code cItII, ProcMnre clrlle, mnnlcl- pale et toat ce qnl pent Inttreaaer le public de la campagne. Le nrolt cItII et la Procedure civile, le Droit mnnlclpal foamlt. dam chaque dlatrlct. d'abondantea dCclalona. — dtclaiona qui. al ellpa (talpnt pIna connnea. rendralent n»ceaaairement radmlniatratlon do no« nir.nlre» mnnlcipalea pIna facile et pIna naiforme. Enfln, le Droit criminal pr^i-ente #aalement dea lnt«r»ta de la pIna hante Importance et qii II cat de 1 lnt«r»t public de rolr recuellltr avec aoln dana une rerue iIp jnrlaprudence. Ajontons que al lea d^lalona nouTellea ren- dnen alnxl chaque Jour, offrent nn grand lnt«r«t. II exlate dana tone lea dUtrlcta de la Province de nombrenaea et rcmarquablea d6claiona, qnl »ont aojonrd'hul dea documenta prAclenx, et qui aeront blentOt completement onbll^a, al noua ne nona batons de lea collectionner et ""«>▼•"• tiri* - Publication do tout, do l«claUtioii, do eritiano ot imi^^JL,^ d«i cour. do pra«^. do la ^SSrint "do ^5SS^*«^ Kealg^ par J. J. BBAUOH\:MP rot no- Sooacriptlon annueUe-Yearty BobocriptJoD. . 1 .' ." " ^ S NOTA : - cases are reported In Ensllsh or French "^'^^ta 2Sl 'i?o£**"^"**" "•*" ^«- «^ teotamentalreo. 189ftt.sfl900 . ' *®^*««»: and A. S. Beach. 1880: 5 KQ "'£X'^S^. SSf :« .'-- -«' ^'^"ee of Compeusa'. RIDOUT - On Patents. Can. 1894. Hf-cf 6 00 '''^^S-^^vrA9s:'^^r^^^r'"^^•^"V ^^"^"^ loo BOBBINS' Devolution of Real Estate. Eng. 3rd ed. 1900. . 4 00 ROBERTS' Criminal Law. Con ^^ BOBEmTB-On Wills. Can. 1892. -100 "^i^S^S^^'* MOBST of Lower Canada. 1720-1864, Can. rfiffrr; ^^ . j^ (^ "'1^'^*'*'*' ^*'""'^*" ^"°"*^ *" Manitoba and N. W." T.'. 100 ^^S? ~ '^^ *" ^''''""•^ ^""^ '» 0»^«rto. C«». 200 R0B80N-Law of Bankruptcy. Eng. 1894. Hf-cf. . . . u 50 RODGERS - Domestic Relations. U.S. 1899. e 00 11 t 18, rnt St -Jacqaw, XontrteL 57 t ft" ROBINSON and JOSEPH'S Ontario DlgeM. 2 Toto. 1823 to 1880. Hf-cf 44 00 Supplement. 1880-1880. Hf-cf. $8.50. 1891-95, Hf-cf. Can. '. S 00 ROBINSON'S Income Tax. Enp. 1895. Hf-cf. 6 50 ROGER -Traits de la salgle-nrret. 3e Mitlon. 1860, ln-8 Fr. Rare ROOEIR et SOREL-Code civil, CJode de procedure cIvHe. Criiaque code ln-3a. cartonne. 1000. Fr. 1 oo ROOEtRf)'. R. V. Law of the Road, or the Wronjfs and Rights of a Traveller by Rail. Stage and Boat. Cow. Cloth. . 1 00 — I^aw and Medical Men. Can. 188*. Hf-cf. 1 50 ROGRON — Code de commerce. 14e ed. 1881. Fr Bro •> .% — Code dvll expUque. 20e Mltlon, 2 vols In-18. 1884. Fr. '. 8 00 — Code de procrtri^7.WV/ ar ^°"^'"*^ •« ^ub -stand. '"" SAUVALLB-Xa lol da conciliation. 10 mal 1889. par SAn'Slfe. To^^^S^/M*?-^ '* o 60 *^i5!Tf^~*"'''* "•• "^W*- daiMrant... 1900. Can. . . . . . **" S^UVALLB, foumaliate, lenr tacbe et de lenr faclllter l> m^™!?"^*"**?**- ** '•» «Mer dans de. question. ,nl ./. fffii'^'i^? 'iXiS'.iTubUc ••! P*^iSe° ^■*' SAUVALMJ, M.-Dl8Courstout falts. Ca». ..." o 30 SAVIONY-Le droit dea obligations. 2 vols. ln-8. 1872 Fr 4 m SAVIGNT'S Conlllcta of Law. En,. 1880. Hf-cf . ' e Z ^'W76.'^°"^. •*'««;°«'"'« Po""q«e. 8e Mltlon. 1 fort vol. In^'. 2 50 "^Sr^? Sl*"'^ •»' ^''^ ^- «• Conatltutlon. rev.^ ed. - Treatise on the Law on the Law of" wiiu: U.S. 3rd" ed". lho6 " S Divided Into separate aeries as follows : -v ■ . o w 1. Hoase of Lords. 1707-1865. toIs. t ^T.^T'.^t'***"' <8«sslon Cases). 1821-38. 2 toIs. 2" S^?.'"** ? Reports (Session Cases). 18M^ lo vol. 4. M^oHson-s Dictionary. Pacnity 'beouTl^i.'^etcf 1540-1825. 4 6. Justiciary Cases. 1821-00, 2 vols. £&-" - o-oS?ro'? =pn"aWo1?LHo- or„^^rd..^^.oU.. SOOT-g Law Times. Vol. 7 current. B„<,. . . „ ^ SOOTTISH Law Reporter. Vol. 36 current. . . * ' ' r «, - Law Review, monthly. Vol. 15 current. . . . ,* .* ; . 4 ^ SCRUTIXJN-On Copyright Eng. 8rd ed. 1806. Hf-cf. . . 4 60 ) " *nd 18 nt. Jwaw Str-t, Hontwal. 6» '^s^TS^.'St^r^''^ ""' »"'^ «' ^'"°»- ^»''' "■ - Merchant Shipping Act. JSwjr. 1885. Hf-cf.' ." .* '. .' g 00 SEAOKK- Magistrate Manual 1901. Can. ...... 5 50 9 0^ SBDawIOK-On Damages. U.S. 3 vols. 8th ed. 1887. . . 19 50 SBDOWKMC'S Leading Cases on Damages : a selection of the most valuable English and American CaL. Ts. 1878 00 SBIiOVEB'8 Law of Negotiable Instruments. V.8. 1900. 4 50 SHABP — Annotate OlvU Cods of Lower Oaiuula, Comprising : The dvll Code as originally promulgated n^^''t,''„7'*^K"" ''*"*"*'"^ amendments up toTte.*^*,^: noted under the appropriate articles, a summary of lUl the ^'^^ T.^r""?."" "'. *'•"' Province, the Supreme cJZ and the Privy Council affecting the same. iS addition to J^^o^J""*"" S^horitles from which the articles of the Code were compiled, are cited at the end of each artlde S^'^fJlnt"* ""^ consolidated Supplement No T^nS^ all statutonr enactmer^s and n digest of all reported casM tSS^'^^ii^* ^'^'i*^*«a'.^^^^ Canada from the yllr 1889 to 1888. by W.P. SHARP, Adrocate, Montreal Bar^ vols, royal in-a 1710«8. bound half-caif. Ca» T 20 00 Separately 2 voU. 1889. ... Ti tH Consolidated Supplement 1898. . .'.'.'.■.'.■.■ 9 oo '^"?h^S'l898"°*! ®^^I^D-On Negligence. U.S. 2 vols. SHELDON -On Subrogation. U.S. 2nd ed. 1883. . . 5 50 ^""meft'S* ^"^^^is^^. "' ^«-<^''«"«it and Gamlsh- ^*190a^Hffcf^"***°* ^"'^ '^ Common Law. Eng. 0th edit. 6 ^ **°S*^'^^°'^ **' Railway Bonds and Mortgages In the U. 7 00 SHORTT's Informations (Criminal and Quo Warranto) p.r.Srintri^^!'"'!"""- .^':^/^^- ^'•''- !^\' m ^ ^^^\m^ Sm^^^'^" '°t*"^«atories*and Discovery. *""••■•• ••• •••4 00 SIOHBLL- witnesses. Eng. 1887 1 -5. SICOTTE — Cadastre official r^Jf-J^^'^^ Montreal, de la parolsse de Montreal et des oomte^ d Hochelaga el Jacques-Cartier, par L W s7 CO-Pm aix>cat. employi d la C^ -Important Judlcl.l Opinions by Eminen7judges jr.lwks; t m aOHM'S Institutes of Roman Law. 2ad ed. 1901. Hf-cf. Bng. 6 00 ) ll«tl3, rue St-JacquM, Xontrtel. 61 2 00 ^LfPi"*^*™'* *° inaUfire civile 1S36. 2 vols. Jn-S. Pr Rare -TralW dw servitudes ln-8. 1837. . . . . ... ." '. ^ **°^sf* "<'*'o°*'y 0' English Synonyms. 1888. Ootb. ^^J^o^t'^Hl'^'"''"* ?^?f"^ "« "^ responsabllltfi ou de I'ac- «on en dornnjages-lnWrCts en dehors des contrats etc ^ MIt revue augmentfie. 2 vols In-S. 1887. /V . ." o 00 SOUTH AUSTBAUAN Law lU^orts for 1889. Hf cf. . . 10 00 SPELXJNO'S Extraordinary Relief. 2 vols. U.^. 1901. . . 13 00 **^S^m1j?-J?°**"' *'^"' ^"*^ "<* Liia>mues. *iv. and 4 26 11 75 7 50 3 30 STAaKIES (Folkard8)-LlbeJ and Slander. Eng. 6lh ed. 1897. STATE TRIALS. A Selection of Cases, from: 2 vols -Lloyd's famous. 1890. U.S. ' ' "p^^lnu'/vni/p'*"',^"!** ^y^- Macdonaid and J. E. f. wallls. 8 vols. Royal ln-8. Bng. 188&88 20 00 STATE TBZAIiS, ?®i5°'"l**»,**'® ^****' ^'■'*'*'- »>«*ore a General Court Martial ^ft^K^^^'J^"^ '" 1«38^ : exhlbltlns a complete hSv * ' • • *5 00 STATUTES. CANADIAN. ""T'lrSItf.^^::. !«?«• 2 \-''>- «5. Supptement. ,2.50: British Columbia Statutes. Revised. 1807. 2 Vols in nn Annuals 1897. 1808. 1899. 1900. 1901 each. * " '^2^ .Manitoba Statutes. Consolidated. 1892. 2 vols. " ' ' k no *i5ss:'uri«rs,.r- «"- "^^ ■««■ "^^ »«: H! y^^^r£zrxs:^r^'^- ■•■■■■■■ ;i Newfoundland Statutes. Consolidated. 1896. Hf-cf 'ant ^A^^ntSPeS'*"'"" ^''*'°"°'''- *^"^'^' *«»«• • • • ^S Nova Scotia Statutes. 'Revised.' 1900.' l^ Annuals, HMeather, each. . , x2 Ontario Statutes. Revised. 1897. 2 vols'. ! ! ' ' « on Annuals 1898. fl.25: 1809. $1.50; IMO, 1901. .' .' " ' ? w ^S^.^^^l!^ ^"''iP'' Statutes. Revised. 1868. 3 vols' Quebec Statutes. Revised. 1888. 8 vol's. '. 7 2X Annuals. French or English, each. . . .' .' 1 qq «8 JI 0. THaOMT. low Book Pnbllriior, SO 1 00 4 (10 4 50 25 00 "'^t2iS'^;.^*.;:u®"'""°"*^ R«J-««. capitulation et ex ' -P«bate Practice; applleabK; N?JB?;i,S*e««. ,W. ^ "''S.e-?&"V«'; '^ «VS'^»'nn,' P;oo«,„re ,„ J^"?89S'Vo'f.*'" Criminal- Law Jf Bngland.- £«,. and -Digest of Evidence. A?»i^. 5th ed 1809 ?^ "'''rvrci^*'^ «™"'"'^'' R^HsaS- to l^T.- 3rd edit-. ' "^ -History of Criminal La'w.-^ isss. 8 vols ?? 15 BTXPHXH8 — QnobM Law I)lB«»t, .n?hrP^vK'^ofTnK''*°f.^'m"'\r*lk^ ^TiSl ^-""- with a taiBe numbw^ toniSin* i^L!** ^**- *<»Kether reported ; tbeTh^e kn^^S^R,* n'T'^'^f °°* otherwiw with conitant refe?encfM» ^'"**!:*:J.' ""*^ '"-ranKed tlon thereof. brc.HSTBPH^o°r ^VlJ"*** '" '*'«- reaJ Bar. 4 vol^ hf-cf 17^i^rfl«^- ^^ -*«'*»™"-- "«'"- Separately : Vol. l. 1720 toll^' tm- v^ o ;c,V • • • SR 00 l^iTrsS! SS^ *' «•"«« •"><» «>«•' Cargoes. ^„„. ^'"i^t'^ll^'Tcr .*••* ^«-.-'a""« to Mines, etc.". In STOCKTON -On the Monroe Doctrine. Can ises ' on Admiralty JuriidlXn f}!,J lIS' Hf cf"° '°*"^»<^"on l^^Zl '""""'*' ""•"""'■ '•■"'• s^d ed. i9oo: : : ■ - ^ 54''h"T"""'^ "" ^^^-'^^ J"rl8pmd..„ce. i?«,. 2nd -Equity Pleading, 'r./?. lOtheci 1892 ^2 25 - Promissory Notes. V.8. 1878 « 00 ST-KBBM _ Affair, d. W. A." Oraai.r, ' "^ Wies. Plaldoyer de mJJTh^st P 'SS1S"T«t«ux P'^ Poursulte. sulvl du rtsum'e rt«, ^/i.^®- ^- »• P»nr !« Con. . . • . . •; ^- «)-Pl»Moyiers aff.nlre ShOTtte. brochft 60 5 00 00 9 00 1 26 8 00 6 75 -Lower Cana.Ia K. B. RiportB! >r/cf o,, •„pp/,co«<;,. ' • ^0 «) STUBBS- ConstltutlonaJ History of England. 3 toIh. 1801 8 OC •'*''iSf H?c1^' ""•! TOOGOODS Bills of Co«,«. £«,. 7th etl. SUTHKBLAXD-On Damages. r.S.'ia>3.'3iolg. ". ". ' " ,9 „ SWBET- Complete Law Dictionary. Eng. 1882. Hf-morocco. 8 00 — T — TAOHB'S Legal Hand-Book. Can ^ ^ TARRING -On the Colonlea. Ung. 1883. Hf-cf. . « qO ^6m P**"l.!e <*oS*o™t. Prtsentee et soutenue le B octobre ». ?n"!8.^?S^,^^^j;.^^'.--; -^fA"''- ^ ^ """S^S-fSf ^'^ ^'■""""" ^* "" <^'"'«*«- «'««- 18W. Hf-cf. 10 00 '^'hS^^^^'*^®'^^'® Constitutional History. Eng. 1886. 4 75 TAYLOR - On Poisons. Eng. 3rd ed. 1885. Hf-cf. ... 5 05 '^^S^mi^4:- «>7""'"^ <»« MedloU JnrtipnKlence. 12th — American Edition. 186(2. V.S. ^52 -Prto^l^^and Practice of MedktU Jari«i>^dOToe. 2 toI.: -Edition tradulte par' in-S. 1881. >r.' * ' ^4 M TAYLOR'S K. B. Reports. Can ' « nn "^J" '*" relation to Physicians. U.S. 1800. '. ". " * 2 25 " ^X °k' r vnT«^®^i^*"^- ^'^- ^^ «»• By o" Pitt"- tf n 1^ V>S* n?^*^^' *•* American and Canadian Cases by C. F. Chamberiayne. 2 vote. 1886-86, Hf-cf ^^" 12 50 ''^J^S'lf'Jr^'"' ^^'PP*°« ^'^*- ^»''- ISW. With **'*"'*'•• •••••7 T^S TERRELL - On Letters Patent tor Inventions with examples of specifications and precedents for the ti-anTfer of interests m letters patent. 1885. doth B^ '' f g 26 "^^f.^W***" ^"'"^ Principles of Anglo-American Law. ^^J^-^ioS?**"^ *^"^ <»° Evidence. Common Law. U. 8. -ma ea. iwo. ^ 5^, ^ 0' THBOmw, Idlfar « Uwtm i» Ptolt. TBESOBALD-On WIIU. Bng. Sth ed. 1900. Hf^. . . . '9 » Jtore THOMAS -The Law of Negiigeace. v. 8. 1890. .... 8 » TIM)MaON'8 Nova Scotia Dectalon.. Ccn. . . a M -Nora ScotJa Report.. 18B(W». Hf-cf. :. fS -Compendium of Modern Equity. JSTiv. 1900. HfW. '. '. .* 8 76 ^^Sm.'^!' "** HOEBIGAN-g Ca«i-Se!f Defence. U.S. •• BBO THOaiPSON-Law of Building Associations. U.S. 2nd ed. 8 50 ~2° Negligence. V.8. 6 vols. Vol. 1 now ready. 1901 6 50 -On Trials. Civil and Criminal. U.S. 2 vouT 1880 . .' ." 12 00 ^'S^Z*'??'? <3ominentarlee on Private Corporations, with Oeneral Index to the entire work. U.S. 7 vols. 1806-90. . 42 00 - PrtncJpteH of EquUy nnd the Equity Practlw of the County court. Entf. 1886. Hf-cf. .860 '^'i25^f * C""*"*"*'®""' History of the United States. U.S. IVW. S vols 8 25 ''TsS?ns"'g..^i^^'r^^«r!^° r'":» •"^ ^" e 6o THWARTB-S Studwit's Guide to Criminal Law. ErH>. 1900. 2 10 TIDY -On Legal Medicine. Eng. 2 voto. 1883. Cloth. . . 11 M TUSDMAN'S Municipal Corporatiras. U.S. 1900. . . B 50 ~®*?^"1? Federai Control of Persons and Preperty. U. 8. 1900. 2 vol* /. ... 18 00 TIFFANY'S RegistraUon of Titles In Ontario. Con. ... 2 00 times; Law Reports. 16 vols. Hf-cf. Eng 115 00 Yearly subscription . . . . .' ! 6 60 TISSIER DARRAS et LOUIOHB-DBBFON-PAINIS - Code de procedure civile annote. 2 vols gr. in-a Fr. . . . . 12 00 Le tome 1 «$t paru OOl. '''**^?'®t.S?"i?!°!?**^ Government in the British Colonies. Eng. 1884. Hf-cf g OQ — Parllamentaiy Government in England. Eng. 1889. 2 vols. 17 SO TOMKIN and LEMON'S Commentaries of Gains on Roman LAW, With translations and annotations. Eng. 1888. Hf-cf. 7 26 '^'"^'AIT'"~^*~" <=*^" «"">««"> ■"•▼ant '-ardre du Code. 8e Sdltlon. avee notes par Dnvergler. 1844-18. 14 v ■t-J«oqB<», ltoitr«*L 05 ''''*i»XJ!*^~f^S Maxlmi and Phraaefi. GoUerted from the Inatitntional Writen on the Law of Sc-otlaod. With tran- Mlatioua and lilnstnitiona. E»g. 4tli od. 18M. Oloth. . . » eo TRHHaaA^- Conditional galea and Chattel Uen.. Can. IWB. Hf-cf. 5 jj(j mmiBKAB'S Canadian Criminal Case*. Annotated. 3 voIk. Hf-cf., each -j m^ Annual anbacription In parta. . ." « 5© TRICKBrrrs Law of Ouardiana. U.S. 1900 5 50 '^'^"?* T:.^"^* •^''^" ** C<»de <>« prot-fidure civile. Ohnque code In-:C4. cartonn«. 1000. Pr. . . 1 0© '"*,SIP^L'""' COOTETS Probate Practice. Eng. 13th ed. IWW. Hf-cf. . 9 30 TBOPLONO - Le droit dvll expllqu6 suivant I'ordre dea arts dn code. 27 voia ln-8. Pr. — Notea aur le dnrtt romaln, 'broch«. t'oa. ...!.. 30 TUpOR'S Leading Caaea on Mercantile and Maritime Law. ang. 1884. Hf-cf. 11 00 -Leading Caaea on Real Property, Conveyancing, and the ^"iSJ^'Sl »' W""* «"»<> »««>«. ''•th Notea Eng. 4th ©fl. I8B8. at'Cf, JO KA ^^i^J~ 5**^*'°°"y "' Payehologlcal Medicine. 2 vola. 18B3. Cloth, £fv jj jjQ ^TiSf'^PS '^'^ "' Nationa In Time of War. Eng. 2nd ed. isn. Hf-cf. g 25 — U — UNM«HILL'« Uiw of Torta. Eng. 7th ed. 1900. With Can- adian Caaea. Hf-cf. 5 5^^ UXDBBHU.L-On Truata and Tmateee. £;»v. 5th ed. . . 4 75 ^^'^*?wn."''*5S*^H^^'* Prindpiea of the inteipreta- tlon of WUIa and Settlementa. Eng. 1900. ...... 3 26 UNramHILL-On WlUg. D.8. 1900. 2 vola 13 OO UNITED arPAfTBe Federal Declalona. Myers. In 30 vola. Kor 100 00 ^'S® «^'^^T^ Courts of Appeal Reports, by 8. A. Blach- ford. Official Rc^mrter for all nine Circuits cited as U 8. Appe. 63 vols, now ready. FoU ahe^, each 3 oo CNITBD STATES Revised Statutes. 2nd ed. 1878. with snp- plemrat to 1901 ^ yj QQ DNITBID STATES Supreme Court Reports, consisting of the following sertes: DaUaa, 1790-1800, 4 vols.: Cranch, 1801- 15. 9 vols.: Wheaton, 1816-27, 12 vols.; Peturs, 1828-42 10 vola. ; Howard, 1843-60. 24 vola. ; BUck, 18W-62, 2;ol8. ; 6 !1 0. THKomar. uw look yabitohw. Ooo Inu-tlon.. fun hI.^.. .'."h ■«» "» W?o7."' ■"" '^"'""^ ^"''•- *« •« "^ IW vol.'"SeT& wrr Coniuln Uw JnurnnI for ConHnuutlon. — V — 9 n* VATTBL-l^ ,lrolt do,. gen». 3 yol.. m-s. isoB. . ' ' »„„ VATTBL-a Lnw of Nation^. *.««,. 1«34. . . . " " ' " W ^ Clou"''^"''. '"*";* '" '*"'"^"-^ A.t of cnnda. c«-. I'm. With Act and Ann ndmenU. ...'..''''' I'* 13 2» — w— "i.^^T.n%\«nnSJt„-r^"Sr.-^^^^^^ "• -■ „ ^ "^3 JSl.'^l'^'"'™! ^^^-yan^, and Credltom'. Bin.' /;. «. WAI^KEM -On Wills. C«». HfK-f J** ""^^iSC' a^^S^^Sr'-'^fe.V^^"""''- and\d..n|. ^ ^ WALKBR'S History of the Law of Vntlnn. v^i i « earliest tinie to Peace of W^tph'„£*i. 1^.^^^"! , ;, ^1S&^'^'^, Introduction to American Law. U. 8. loth od. WALKER'S Science of International Law. Eng'. 1803." doth. I Z ''stS^rYFr^-^SSS^*'- ^»-t Uws Of the United " — J la gt Jmum Mttmt, Montwl. fj WAtmw ~ o Bmployen LlabllltlM. Com. IMia | L - I.nw of IIiMlNinft and Wife in 8ooUand. Kng. iwe. .' ' n m - Ht-otih Marriage*. Rectilor and Irregular. Kh^- Imki. . , o 7B WARIH-rK Joint Htook ComimnUii ManuaL flth ed. vnn. 1900. 3 0* WAItDB.N'H ChoMM In Action. Kng. 18Q9. Hf-.f n M WA'I'WJN'H Powpm of >Ptlc.l .nd analrtl.-.! .nd 1° "ry rirapMe" WMB (Or.) — Coda of Civil Procoduro of the ProTlnce of Qnahoe. Proronlgat»d Ist Rejricmbea- 1897. with statutory amend- roonti* rerlfled. collated, fontalnlng a oonconfcuicp nt the Olfferant artlcieB to the same code, and the aottaorttles aa 5!I!l!!lr' -•'iX. 'll" <'"i"">''«"onerK. R)mt In iippenrtlx the B^jwt of the Oomm!«sloiior». the RnlM of Prartlces. the i^r B **!; *°^ * JWneraJ Index. By R H. WBIR.. ri^t^'" ^'^^**^ "^ **e C-ify of Montreal. 1 royal 82. 1900. viioin. Con, A M ^t^^^ FEATITRER : — Thl« work Ik to mpplr the Upk of an arpn- rate and ronvenlPnt working <^odP of Proeednri.. In ienprni apSJS?. ?l^^^"'Jh'/7!rfrTJi* " "'" 'T .'»"""' '" 'e»Pmh|P t^ anthor', edi- tion of the Civil Code, so pordlally recelTPd by thp uar. The teit nil 1.';'?'' T'"*?' L° ^'"'*'''' '''''""""' without rommentarv. Aft" eaph article la placed the correapondlnR article In the fornior Cmle In thp i'^i?" ? Jl'^ referencM are ronflned to all the rplernnt artlclP* l^tSr S"*"? of Procedure Itaelf. and thoae In the Civil Code. The practical advantages of a concordance of this kind will he at once 'apparent. inrtl?''.li"'.7„** ♦''!►"'"'* ."I'J ** '•'"J*'' '» ""• appendix, and a coplona Index are also features of the work. . » ft tmaoawT, ■«n,„ « li^ ^ p^^ W»n^^.) - Th. BdttMU9ii Act of tb« ProTto.. .f wBfRl'MuI^'Si^St !.n:sS„S. K^tS. «;r\>'^ , ^ WMl^) - Th. Ad«latot«tt«. of th. Old «.,Un. ,« W», Tk« Bills of Bnh««o Aet. 1800. '^K^^- ^.- * ~ ^"^ **• o* *k« »roTtooo of OuobM * ** WHh Amendmente to 18M, oloth. Con^V^. *"_• , („ W4»h AmendnMato to 18M. cloth. Can. T . . .7^' i oo ^SS5~52Jil ^'^2^ "* •*»*^2L ••• «»">♦* ii»ten»tfc«al •^TLJ"**" 1. 2 et 3 panui 18B2.W. Fr. . """■" .^ -^ ~ !!!*°" *• '"^* *n»«™«*»^ PriT*. 3p «lt. ID^. 18Q8. Fr. 3 W WBOTBRM l*w Time* Con. 6 voto jB 00 ^iSr^SS.^ m^''^ ** "* *'**^'« »' int^roationia _ ••.•»2 SO ''''F?ta&i5*'R*J;J2lI!r."^!?^'^ mtematloDiU Law. with - I>wUM.xlm«. with Observation, and o;J^.'ijilr2nd- ed". " "* -International liaW 6lgi»t.' D.'s. h vol.' 2nd ed iMfi ' " " i^ S - Law Lexlooa. Kng. 10th ed. IWW. Hf!cf. \ " ' " n JJ '^hK?'^^*'* *"^''""'«»"»' I »w. «»«;. By A. C. Boyd. 18W. g QQ WHBBLBR'S Confederation l4,w of Canada. En„. iStw! ! 11 00 '^SS^^rSl^y Council I^w. Eng. 1801. Hf-cf a no - Practice of Private Bllte. Kni,. 1900. . . .' ' « ^ WHTTE — On Corporations, t.s. 1900. g ^^ w»n« ■ i!otnpl»t«> work on tbw law »>«.ni._ •wpomtwl umUr ll» Domini..^ T-JTS!?'?* •■«Hnp«nl«w In. Mmtrtmt Bar. On« Imtw. ».j..iL » . ; **• * • ''•• «»' ihe tompanlM- Art«. u, t'«pU«| miocIi « mi. ^ !']^* AbiiBni .rf /j,.. •?•'«•» "d wWiTpoA'51'SiB,^- "I'r""/''!, »•■•«.•:" ia%u-'. the pollution ami reforMic* tn Iii ,k- ,"' ?.">pr cmntrlM. n, , ,i,n! pobllmlloB .t thf. priwot time niK - ^•''iV''"''"'''* «" •- n- rnae. The »a.l. otttTxLli^tlT-'illlJT^'^ Jn«tl«o.tlon . r ., thi. arraDKrinriit of that Act ha« lH»n ^-i"n ' "•"Wn'" Act,' nml IS! ^.^'""'•'•I A-t. are not In "ff^" tf, «i'/""?r1. ""' "'• '^' the difference. .,» ,hown and expliJI^e.! ^""^ " **" ""•"•' *<••• tioo^ th'^,*s:/e*,;:::.t,^i4?;!:;°»,:„.'a- **.'„•, *"^ '.?•«-"••" n»r.. the teit and la the noteiT •^"■Mfred. and are fully dlnmnwd In n«n,ti:n".?d "n«"n.7emen\"S?'Xta"'T^lrr:.V*''''' ""' "' ""- '"-' and d iM-nMed In one or more Sf the »h^£?r"l"""- •"" •" ••■nin«ed work I. dlTlde.1. The«. ch«ter.T*n,^rTJ'..'"^iI,R'-"* """ '"•l-h i^- -7nX77yJe- '--•" ""'^ p'^•^.?^^'h„To„'-.rach^t.Vi; V-TOh'X; tTe"*'.^.!?„U'"an'3'Trdil!i;?,'.» ^^'^ = 'pr""'* Fhlllpott.. 2 vol.. l^-J- ?»}'%';;.?• «• «"''^"' ««"« « B^^ , '''K2irK„-^S"o.^.-t«gi"'„%^ '" "- «w' <^-t o, "" ■''" WmBAM-j^tloe-. Note Book. 7th «1. /. prr,, "* ^=';s2^n;tSs^.-.-r-^^ _„_ n .%• WZIiHSUK — L« droit romaln. MrlliL — Clrcumatantial Kvidencc vn i«iim '"'S^'hS?"^'' "'"' '*""""' '" B^^^mPt^v/js,,. 7th' ed'. 8 no 32 0. THaOBBT, Law Book Pn bU«hw, WILLIAiMS' TnatiM ou tbe Law of Bxecutora and Admlni.- ' *"' tiaton. eng. oth ed. 18tt3. 2 vote. Hf-S . Aam""!*- ~ 5^ u »•""»'•?"' KeporU. !!;«(,. 2 voUi. 1871. Hf-cf 14 So - lfK»l K«'pre«entatlve8. 1806. Emg. ... a S ~ S" Hf^cV^ ''"'^ "' **"**•"' Property." iff;v.l6to ed." *^ « 25 W1LUA.5I8' Real Property. Eng. 10th ed. 1901. Hf-tf 6 00 ''"j^'^H^^cf""*' ^^'^^-On the Law of Faectment ^«^'. 5 00 WII.LSC)X'« Cx)llwtlon of Municipal By-Laws. Can 1880 i na - Munkipai Journal. Van. 2 vols. Clot^ ' ' r S? W18H.\HT-OnBehrlngSeaQue«0on.£»(,. Paper. ... o 25 Wom.\Mrs American Law of Admlnlatratlon. U.S. 2nd ed. 13 00 ^^ V.i~"y^"r.'.'"*''''^"° ^^ »' Ouardlanghlp of Minors and I'ersolw of liiHound Mind. U.H. imi. . . . "'"^" ""^ ^^ WLLl.iN-s Trial I'roc-edure. U.S. 1800. 2 vote 13 oo , ^^ Hf-cfr ""♦'•^"''"'"'o" «f Alercantlle Agreements, fia,/. 188a -On XulNJuuW l/.Vani ed. 1803. 2 vils.' .' .' .' .' .' ." 12 ^ ^^ Ki.'ilui/'.ln'ri'"'^."' ^i""""™'* 'rom Ancient and Modern. KiiKllHh .mil lorelKH Sources. A'lnr. 1883. Hf-nissla 2 2K - rrentlse ou the I^w of Railroads. U.S. 2nd ed. 3 vote. W 18 W AV(K>I) -On Limitation. 3rd ed. 1901. t/.s 7 qq ^^?Miw"*H}i*f* ^''"^ **' Landlord and IMsnant. Eng. loth. ed. "^ 10 30 ^^' r "'K'*'"*' *^''*''"°" "' *^"^ **" **'•' ^''^ «»' Insurance. 4 no S IiO \\-0«)lJ.'H Winding-up of Companies by the Court. Eng. 1891. 2 75 ^"T^hJ'"*""" Dl'^tionary. Ancient and Modem Law. 7 00 — T — ^*^liV,^w^ Admiralty Decisions. The Admiralty Dectelons of fh»^;.i?""""; i"""^ "' th« C«»rt of VIce-Adralralty for the I'rovln.e of Nova «cotla. 1805 to 1880. Hf-cf. OoJ. U 00 — z— ZANB -Banks and Banking. C/.S. 190J) „ 3^ U Mid 18 «t Jm— Btxmt, XoiitrwU. 71 BLAVCS DE PBOCEDITBE CBSHOEOVLT) n>Mri*re 4 oonoorder av«o la Nouvmu Code de ProoMure WTlle, entr* en rigaeut le ler Mptembra 1887. •t * pouToir wrrur dans toiu 1m dlatriota. c^. leuiUez ijuiUfuer dauB vo» commander U> nunOr o Ooor Supteicnn at Coor d« (Ureolt Par 100 copies. i~Dfci^& '^'"" S'^'«'''^"«K«rte par droit de gulfe. . '2 TO 4-AcUowi«iir comptpsA' mMwlM. " 7 nn g — ActtoiM 8ur c<«nptee de iiotalres. 1 2i B- Actions pour fraJs davocnJs. . , ^ 7-Acttoi«t Ror billets ppoteatAs. ' ^ «-.\cMons «nr bllletH non proteHieH. . ^ 10 - DgJ^lon. ,H>ur 8«toh^An«t arant Ja«^ment. en nuilM I* — Actlwm TOT ofeltgatlonR. . - "" 1 1 — pAfHues de pal«ment. ... " S IS-AffldarHnpourJuirenient . . . . ; *^ aO-InveDtalrB del* pieces. ". , 5x a-Motlo«M«taTl. («, hteno) . . * «J 23-MotlonN iMuir snlwrltmion pt nviT^. 2? ^-lMcrlptJoMpoorprenveetniMlltloii(nreeavls>. . m ^- Unts poor exArntlon. ■'.... w «-Flatii pour brur« d« BntaleArrft npr^, JuR^K^t! ' l 00 J»-IniK-r»ntlonH rmnr Jnsrenietit de maln-lev<»e de la ralale et aTis »'— ne«.-ui« de nowriern. ...'.', ^ al — Avk itnur certiorari . ■■•■•... tM 2 0- raaommr, MIUbt m Urxta d« Droit. COUB MUrMMIMUmM. P«r 100 coplM. 82-Piato pour mmmatlon. . . * £l 83 — ComtwrDtions. . «* oovb dx ontoxriT. 41 — CompMutlotM. ji-^^pf^tiamgtoenlPH.' S *» — BonpwiuM. 26 44 — M< 46-Avl. duJ«>urfliCp»«- "'»- * »t.25. 15 00 OOVB DBS COXXZaaAIBBI. BIA»C8 POUE V0TAIBE8. Cea Fonnules oat AW n>mM et m«.4»«~ . H. P. PIpH). N. P. de mS2j! Chambre dea notalrw. et VBBVOR. Arte d'Adre««H., Rir lOO ooni,*.. Banx • • • . 1 00 OWIwtlona. 2 Of) ^wuratloiw. 2 00 "o«t« de Blll«t« et aVi». 2 00 •••••. 1 «0 n t 18, rm It-Jaoqa-, Itoitrtl. 73 Bl4AiI*aB POLB NOTAIRBS. rcont). Quttanc-w. . '"'^f^" IVomportR. . 1 00 Toteile. . 2 00 Vcntes. . . 2 HO ymte MobU!«re. 2 00 Oesrton volontalre. 1 00 Banx aons aelnv prlv«i 2 00 200 XVOLXSR. NoHees of Addresw. •'♦'nw 1 00 ObUgatiotw aDd siortBaies 2 no Pow«»r« of AttornwH. 200 Aoqulttnorvg. 2 00 TrniMif«>8. t 00 Sole* 2 00 Protest of Notes and Notlt«ii 2 00 1 SO >xuverjrier, Fr. Conunarelal Law. Bernard, Can. Boistel, Fr. Commercial Cases, V.8. ' De I^imarre et Lepoi tevin, Fr. Mathew. Eng. Vide Code de Com- merce, Droit Commercial, Mercantile Law. 0(«iBa>«Ul Traatlaa. Hertlet, Eng. Common Lav. Blaclcstone, U.B. Broom, Knp. Cooley & Blaclcstone. V.S. Tndermaur, Eng. Kerr, Eng. Kingsford. Can. Pollock, Eng. Leith & Smith, Can. Shirley, Eng. Smith, Eng. Vide English Laws. Communication. Uageman, U.S. Companlea Law. Alger, U.8. Am. and Eng. Cases. U.S. Buckley, Eng. Cumming, Gilbert & Woodward, U.8. Elliot, V.ii. Uealey, Eng. Uodgin, Can. Lindley, Eng. Manson, Eng. Masten, Cnn. Megone, Eng. Palmer. Eng. Ruegg and Moshod. Eng. Smith, Eng. Stephens, Con. Wardc, Can. White. Can. Vide Corporations. CompMiaatlon. Beven, Eng. Cripp, Eng. Holmested, Con. Lloyd, Eng. Parson and Bertram. Eng. Richard and Soper, Eng. Ruegg, Eng. Saunders, Eng. Woolf «t Middleton. Eng. Vide Damages, Torts. ConellUtlon. Sauvalle, Can. Intema- GmfMaratioa. Bclwtw. Pope 19. Conflict of Laws. Bailey, U.8. Dicejr, Eng. Lafleur, Cam. Kkvigny, Eng. Vide Droit ] tional. Int«niiitioiiaI Law. Constebl*. Jones, Can. CoiutitQtloii. Dicey, Bag. Foster, Can. tineidt, Eng. ijtiibbs, Eng. Ccnstltiitioiua Iaw. Bernard, Can. Bourinot, Can. Cartwright (Caaes), Can. Clfiment, Can. Uoutre, Can. Hare, r.S. Hodgins. Can. Houston, Can. Lefroy, Can. London, V.H. Loranger, Can. Mlgnault, Can. MacMorran. Eng. May. Eng. Mcaain, V.8. Munro, Can. New- York. Am. CSullivan, Can. Pope, Can. !*?houler. Am. Silvernail, Am. Taswell ft T^andmead. Eng. Thorpe. Am. Todd. Eng. Travis, Can. Trudel, Can. Von Hoist. Am. Watson. Can. Wheeler. Eng. Vide Droit Parle- mentalre. Parliamentary I^w. Oonatmetlon. IVrrin. Rendu et Sirey, Fr. Ravon, Pr. Mlteur n Utw d» Droit. Ooatompt. Oswald. Eng. Coatnota. Addison, Eng. Beach, «/.«. Fry, Eng. Leoke, Eng. Pollock, Eng. Smith, Eng. and Am. Contnlato par eorpa. l-«nieux, Coa. Control of Proportr. Tiedman, Am. Conrayancar. O'Brien, Can. O'Hullivan, Can. Wait, Am. ConTayandnt. Hump, V.8. Hunter. Can. Indermaur, Eng. Key and Elphinstone. Eng. IVideaux. Eng. 'i'udor. Eng. Vidr Notaries. Notarlat. Copyright. EdmundM. Eng. St-rutton. Eng. Slater. Eng. yMe Patents, Trade Marks. Coronara. Boys. Com. Cusson, Can. Jer^'is, Eng. Pclissler, Can. Corporation (PnbUe). Beaeh, T'.S. Corporatlona. Cousineau, Can. Hutchison. U.S. Keener, (Cases) F.S. Morawetz, Am. Thompson. .4 m. White. .4»«. Vide Company Law. Corpna Jnria OtVlUa Page ir,. Coata. Cameron. Can. Ewart, Can. Johnson. Eng. McAndrew, Can. | Morgan * Wurtiburg, Eng, Pridmore, Eng. Summerhay A Too- Rood, Eng. Widdiflald, Com. Vide Taxations. Cour daa Conunlaaalraa Oliirier, Coa. Conra (fXau. Oaviel. Tide Water-courses. County Court Robertson. C«a. Oontnaia da Varla. Ramsay, Caa. Cradltor. Smith. Am. Criminal Law. Archbold, Eng. Bishop, U.8. Burbidge, Caa. Clarke, Can. Cox Cases, Eng. Crfimaaie, Can. CYankshaw's Srnopsis. Can. Crankshaw's Code, 2e edit. Can. Uandurand ft Lanctot Caa. t39 Montigny, Caa. Foran Digest, Coa. Harris, Etig. TAnctot, Can. Lawson, U.8. McOain, V.fl. Mews, Eng. Paley. Eng. Robert, Can.. Russell, Eng. Snow, Coa. Stephens, Eng. Tasohereau, Can. Thompson ft Harrigaa Am. Thwarte. Eng. Tremear, Can. Wharton, .4»i. Damagoa. Bailey. U.S. Buswells, U.S. Dareau, Pr. Mayne. Eng. Sedgwick, iiai. 11 •t la, ram St-JaoqoM, ]lmitr«ia. Sutherland, Am. Watson. Am. Vide Torts, Compensation, LibeK SMth datiw. Norman, Eng. IMbAts rar la Oonf«. dtoktloii, Paf>e 19. DabratUN. Palmer, Eng. •Simonson, Bng. Vide Municipal Law. Otbtor. Sinclair, Can. Oacds. Oevlin, U.S. Todor, £119. Oietloiiarj. i-lemming & Tibbins, Fr. (Eng. * Fr., ft Fr. * Bng). Dietloaaaln. LaroUMt, Fr. IHetlonwIf d« droit aiTil. EnoydopMie du No- tarial, Fr. I'oidvin, Fr. Bolland de VilUrguM, Fr. Vide Lsw Dictionary IMgMta. American Century. Beauohamp (Priry Couneil), Can. ' Beauchamp (Revue I'Cgale), Can. Century, V.8. l^gtiah Case Law, Bna. Irish Law Time, Eng Law Journal, Bng. I^w Reports, Eng. Master and Morse. Con. Mews, Eng. Ontario, Can. Pollock, Bng. (juebae Reports and Digests, Can. Queensland Torrens Title, Eng. Railway and Canal bases, Eng. Robertson, Van. Robinson and Joseph. Can. Russell and Winslow, (syllabus). Am. iStephen, Eng. Stephens, N. Jj. van. Stephens, ()ae, Can. Victoria, Eng. Vide Reports, Jurisprudence. Dlaooon. Gambetta, Fr. Paignon, Fr. ilnard, Fr. Sauvalle, Can. St-Plerre, Con. Vide Speeches. Plaidoyers. DlToie*. Dixon, Bng. Leemont, Can. Oemmill, Can. Boekats (for) Sup. Courts, Cir. Courts. OoauUno VnbUe. ProudhoB, Fr. BomMtte. Rodger*, Am. Vide Master and Servants. OoaatioBa. Urenier, Fr. Poujol, Fr. Ricard, Fr. Oowor. Cameron, Caw. Oonlello. Jacob, U.8. Wcey, U.8. Drainage. Clarke & Scully, Can. Droit CivU, (Oommon tairaa). Aubry et Rau, Fr. Uaudry-lAcantinerie, Fr. Keaubien, Can. Beaudry, Can. Beudant, Fr. Colmet de Santerre, Fr. Delrincourt, Fr. \ J>emolombe, Fr. Demers, Can. JVmiat, Fr. Ihntre et Uremi, Can. Uuranton, Fr. (iuillouard, Fr Uuc, Fr. i-Aurent. Fr. •granger. Van. Marcades et Pont, Fr Mignault, Van. Planiol, Fr. Poidvin, Fr. Pothier, Fr. Rarabaud, Fr. Rolland de Villargues, Fr. Thiry, Fr. TouUier, Fr. Troplong, Fr. Vide Civil Code. Droit Coaunoroial. Bfldaride, Fr. LyonCaen et Renault,. Maas«, Fr. Pardeasus, Fr. Vaiabr«che. Fr. Vide Code de Com- meree. Commercial Law Mercantile Law. Droit Oriminai. Vide Criminal Law. Droit d'Atttmin. Vide Copyright, PatenU. Droit doa Ooaa. Vattel, Fr. Droit Xntomatioaal Clunet, Fr. Koelix, Fr. IVadier-Fodere, Fr. Vincent et Perraud Fr. Weiss, Fr. Vide Conflict of Laws, International Law. Droit Parlamantaizv. liemard. Can. Mignault, Can. Vide Parliamentary- Law. Constitutional Law. 7* 0. TH»Om»T, L>w Book VabUahor, 0>^t VuoiMtaL Betudnr, Con. If ngevin, Can. Minuult, Con. FMe BcdMiuticftl L*w. 3>n>it Bonuda. OJrard, Fr. LagnuiM, jPr. May, iV, Petit, Fr. rolichinel, Can. Rubens de Couder. Fr, TMaird, JCr. Trudel. Can. WUhelm, Fr. TMe Roman Uw, Ancient Law, Inatitutea of Jnati- nien. '^ti" (■oeoauioiis). i«ftibe. Can. IlMomaat*. Jones, V.8. £eclMliwtle«l Law. MignaiUt, Cow. Pliillimore, Bng. Vide Dr. Paroiasial. Awnomlo PoUtlaiio. Gide, Fr. Leroy-Beaulieu, Fr Say, Fr. Education Act. Oe Cases, Can. MacMurrich and Ro- berts, Can. Weir, Can. BJectment WUliams and Yates. Eng. Election. Uardcastle, Eng. Hodgin, Can. O'Malley and Hard- castle, Eng. Ontario Election Re- ports, Can. ParJcer, Eng. Patricic, Can. Election Law. Ermatinger, Can. Electricity. American Cases, 0.8. Crosswell, UM. Joyce, V.8. Keasby, V.S. Michael and WUIs. Bmg. WUl, Eng. Elerator. Webb, Eng. Emlaoat Domain. Lewis, Eng. EmploTws' UablUttoA Reno, Am. Walton, Can. EnvUsh Dictionary. Modem Law, U.8. Page 23. English Languafo. Kncydopedic Diction- ary of, UM. Enfflish Law. Encyclopedia of, Eng. I^rimer, Eng. Mews, Eng. Nasmith, EHg. Paterson, Kng. Russell, Eng. Stephens, Eng. vide Common Engliah Bollnc Oas«L Page i3. Ennglatromont. Auger, Can. KncydopMie du No tariat, Fr. Lafontaine, Can. Vide Torrens Sys- tem. Law. Entroprononr. Pelissier, Can. Eqoitjr. Meach, r.8. Indermuur, Eng. Marsii, Can. Snell, Eng. Story, Eng. Thompson, Eng. Thomson, Eng. White & Tudor, Eng. Esprit dea Lois. Montesquieu, Fr. Estopel. Kwart, Can. Evidence. Abbott, U.8. Best. Eng. Bonier, Fr, Browne, U.S. Dorion, Co». Oroenleaf, U.a. Hnme-Williama ft Macklin, Bng. Jones, V,8, Kingsford, Can, Langelier, Can. Lawson, V,8. Ro*coe, Eng. Starkie, U.8. Stephens. Eng. Taylor, Eng. Thayer, Am. Underhill, U.a. Will. Am, Williams ft Maoklin, Eng. Examination. Browne and Chadwick. Can. Webb, Can. Execution. Freeman, V.8. Exocnton. Bennett, Eng. Kingsford, Can. Walker ft Elgood. Eng. Williams, Eng. Vide Administrators. Ezportlao. Ravon, Fr. Bxtradltlon. Clarke, Eng. Moore, Am. Extraordinary Bollof. High, V.8. Spelling, Am. Eacts. Ram, Am. EaiUitea. Perron et Mitchell, Can. Vide Bankruptcy. Insolvency. F«nmo mari«o. Loranger, Can. Vimbing Laws. O^rien, Can. Eoroa majonre. Taseheraau, Com. 'orMlomr*. Uunter, Can. roHM (TrwtlM). Bell and Dun. Can. Bor«i» et Doraii, Can Tnud. lUttiBfr, Enp. Moncrleff, Khi/. 0*M*tU da PKiaii. Patre tS. Oowxifl. K. C. Barriater. OrMt OplBloBc by Or. JndrM. Page 29. OOMdlABBhlp. Trickrtt, Am. Woerner, Am. Bnin«t, Can. Hard, r.«'. Olen, Kng. Pratt, £»9. Hiatoir* dn OaiuuU. Bibaud, Can. HUtoira du Droit Ue Montignjr, Can. Eamien, /r. Olaaaon, Fr. lAraau, Can. Lcmienx, Can. Nouvelle Revue Hiato rlque de droit, Fr. Pollock andMaltland. Bng. Horwi (l4iw of). Oliphant, Eng. yUe Animals. Vice Rfidhibitoires. Ettdaon Bay Taanro. Page 89. HniMiar. Cuason, Can. Peliaaier, Can. Hm*^* Mid Wifo. Walton, Bng. HypothtquM. Orenier, Pr. Lafotttaine, Can. Vide Mortgagfea. Injonetloii. Bawli, n.8. High, VM. I lillllard. r.«. Joyce, Eng. Kerr. r.S. Hpelling, V.8. ZaJwiw. Wataon, ^w. ZnaolTtney. Ca»»el«, Can. McOibbon, Can. P*rron and Mitchell, yttle Bankruptcy. titiitM of Oalns. Muirhead, Eng. Moyle, Eng. ^andara. Eng. y(de Roman Law. Brolt Romain. ZnaaraBco. Amould, Eng. Aapinalla, Eng. Beach. V.B. iterryman'a Digeat. V.8. BunyoD, Eng. Clement, V.8. •loyce, U.8. Holt, Can. Hunter, Can. Lowndes, Bng. MacLennan, Can. May, Am. McArthur, Eng. Porter, Bng. Woodruff, Am. Zatanutloiul Iiaw. Bar, Bng. Bernard, Can. Cmlvo, Fr. Poelix, Fr. Ualleck, Eng. Laurent, Pr. Phillimore, Bng. Twiss, Bng. Walker, Eng. Westlake, Eng. Wharton, Am. V lieaton, Bng. ytde Confl. of Uws. Droit International. J Laws of SUtions. Intnrplaadar. MacLennan, Can. Zatarpretation. Chasaat, Dwaria, n.8. I^phinstone, Bng. I Endlich. U.8. 5»«l«wtla, Eng. Maxwell, Eng. Underhill 4 Strahan. JSHff, XntMrrofatorioa. Stehel ft Chanoa Eng. 'ndfaa (Xaraa of). Raad, Can. 'ocamoBta. Poneet, Fr. 'nrtapnidaaea. Uallox, Fr. Kugier-Herman, />. Uuyot, Fr. Journal du Palais, Fr. Jugements et d6lil)«ra- tions. Can, Laborie, Fr. Merlin, Fr. i^ndectes Beiges, Fr Pandectes Francaises, Fr. Pasaicrisie Beige, Fr. Major, Can. Sirey, Fr. Vide Digest, Reports. I«ad X«wa. Pollock, Eng. landlord aod Tenant. Clarke, Coa. l<'awcett, Kng. Kingsford, Can. I«rrain, Can. iSinclair, Can. Snow, Can. Woodfall, Eng. Land Tonoraa. Martin, Eng. Latin w»-><^ g Xrayner, Eng. Law Dictionary. Bouvier, U.S. De Ferri^re, Fr. Kinney, U.S. t^troud, Eng. Sweet, Enff. Wharton, Eng. Wood, Eng. Words, Am. Vide Dictionnaira de Droit Civil. 80 Vsttal, Mnt. Walker. £119. Pollock, Pollock, Snt. Smith, Bng. ^"WX Kudaa. woom, Enff. Wharton, &'ng. l«fiU Kadletaa. HamUton, {/.«. TMv, Ung. I Me Medical Juria- prudence, 3l«decin« Ligale. Ugal Oplatoa. Cameron, Cam. ^^Vd BapnMBtettTaa. WUliams, Bn0. X«fal Wntoh— . Major Cm. X«ttar Vatmte. Vlroat, J?iv. ytde PatraU. Kolkard, PJf. NewaU, Am. Odgtr, Eng. Starkie, Bmg. FMe DamagM, Sinclair, Cam. Uaa. Uolmeated, Can. Ualtetlon. Anglin, Com. Darbjr ft Boaanquet, E»g. Wood. Am. Z«i« 4lM UUmanta. Uegodeta, Fr. X^Mtaon. LoeaUliM. Vide Landlord and Tenants. LniuMj. Archbold, Eng. Benton, Eng. Xariatrataa. Clark, Can. Oankahaw, Can. Uandurand et Lanetot Con. De Montignjr, Can. »**<*ttr «B Unaa da Droit. Kerr, Caa. Lanetot, Caa. McQuire, Caa. Uke, Eng. Header, Can. Stone, £a(r. WIgram. *»''ilamna ^^hort, A'ay. 4 ^a». Mariagaa, Walton, Eng. Karitlna Law. ■Marsden, Bng. Lowndea, Eng. Tudor, A'aff. «M*«f •ad ■arrant Macdonnell, Eng. Smith, Eng. VUe Domeatioa. lUdaetaa Z4fala. Taylor, Fr. ^*ibert. Fr. K«Ucal IMetiaaarT. Tuke, Eng. Xadloal Yarlq^radaBoa. Briand et ChawW, Fr. Tajrior, «N9 and Am. Komra, Can. rUe Legal Medieine. VareutUa Xiav. Smith, Eng. Tudor, JTay. Wood, J?tv. ytde Code de Com- merce, i^oit Commercial, Commercial Law. Wewart, Seolcft. main* x^yf, Maephenon ft dark. Coa. Morriaaon, Am. Armatrons, Ant. d V. Z. Auatralian Oigeat. Bainbridge, Eng. Barringer ft Adam*, D.S. £agleaon, Am. Vlarapreaantatloii. MoncrieflT, Ent KltoyeiuiaM. Maaaelin, Fr. Ravon, Fr, Mntmmgaa. itelfand Dun, Coa. Auger. Cea. Short, Am. Vtde Chattel Mort- ..«•«"■• HypothAqnea. KuBielpal Coda. Vide Munio{|Ml Law. Dillon, U.S. Jones, U.H. Tiedman, U.S. Willaon, Coa. Xnaleipal Law. Arnold, Eng. Baaalgette and Hum- Wdard,'coa.* Coda Annote. lU^uet, Fr. Bernard, Caa. Coupal (Forma), Caa. IHicroq, Fr. I>ymond (Index). Caa. Woodnow, Eng. Harriaaon, Can. Keener, Coa. lorrain, Coa. Tiedman, Am. WUlaon, Coa. Weir, Coa. Vide Droit Admi- niatntif. Vnnroa Dootrlaa. Stockton, Coa. VatnnUlaation. Howell, Coa. Webater, Aai. VoffUfftBoa. American Caaea, U.S. Barrow'a Eng. Beach, UM. lleven, i?a^. Hamilton, I7.iSf. Morrill, Am. Kaundera, Eng. Shearman and Red- fleld. Am. Thomas, Am. rhompaon, Aai. WoffoeUbla ZnatromaBt Daniel, UJi. Randolph, Am. Morir, Am. Vide BUU of £s«-h. BilU of JMiat. Htwwpmptir. Ifairbitr, *'r. Wlai Mu. Koncov, Eng. lloUrUt KnoydopMie du. Fr. Oemwno, Cm. MarchiiiMl, ran. M»iu*, Fr. Mottlon et Jeannet di- HtHilaire, Fr. Itevufl du Notariat, Can. Hoy, C(i»». Vidt Convey a nt'inir, NotaricH. VotarlM. lirooks, Ehp. ('iMhing (Forma), Cnii. Vide NotarUt, Conveyanring. VoIUM. Blret, Fr. Olivier, Can. Vtnin, Fr. 80I011, Fr. 11 •! 18, rw St-jMqaw, XwMiU. •I Garrttt, Eng. Wood, Am. Oblifatloaa. Foran, Can. Larombi^re, Fr. Pothier, Fr. Poujol. Fr. S*vtany, Fr. Taaehereau, Can. Old Btfflm*. Weir, Can. Opinloaa. Snyder. Am. OTwrnlad Oum. Dale ft Lehman, A'ao. Bigelow, V.S. 3PuidMtM d« 7 utliiian Pothier, Fr. ParUMMntarj Pro- OMdlags. Kourinot, Con. May. ITn^. Paiicher de St-Mau- rioe. Can. Todd, Eng. VWtlM. Meay, ('.«f. IMeay, Eng. P«rta«nhlp. Davidaon ami Hander- aon, Cam. Ucrvaia (Index), Can. lindlev, Eng. Pollock, Eng. PMtMta. Uraiun, Fr. Hrice. Eng. Hrowne, UM. Carpmael, Eng. (Mlera, U.8. KdmundN, /?»«/. Fulton, Eng. Uoodrve, Eng. , Greeley, f.w. OrlfHn. Eng. Jiiminn, Eng. Kerly, Eng. Jx)wery, f'.S. Lawmni, r'.M. Mem-in. Am. Morria, Eng. Newton, Am. Pouillet, Fr. Prebel. .4im. Kice, .4w. Ridout, Can. Terrell, Eng. Walker, Am. Wallace and Williain- aon, Eng. Kecueil g«n^al de \fi- ffialation, Fr. ride Copyright, Trade Marka. Penoaal P roptr ty . Uoodeve, Eng. Ptnona. Smith, Am. PwtodlmL Albany Law .Journal. V.8. Canada Law Journal. Canadian Law Time. Oreen Bag. V.8. Iriah Law Time, Eng. JonAi, (Index). Law Magasine and ReTiew, Bng. Iaw (Quarterly Re- view, Eng. Law Timea and Taw Reports. Eng. f>W>latinn CompaWS», Fr. Keviie Legale, Can, itevue de Juriapru- Uemw, Van. MtHittiab Law Reporlur, Eng. Siiittlah Ijiw Review. Eng. >^'»l'» Ijiw Timea. 'I'iineit Law Reporta, Ung. Plaidojtr. I'inard, Fr. Vtde Diacoiira. Spee4-hea. PlMtdlag. .\dger, Eng. Slory, .4m. KncyHopedia of U.S. Vide Code de PrortS- dure civile, l*ractl«-e, l*r(M-Mure tivile. ricdff*. Oenia, U.S. PotMUia. Taylor, Eng. PoUtieAl Appointmnita Cot*, Can. Politlwl loonomy. Vide Economic Poli- tique. PnMtiM. Archbold, Eng. .Vrnoldi. Can. Keach, U.S. nickncll and Seagcr, Can. Caaaela, Con. County Court, X. S. Con. Uonnan, Can. Holniatead and ^Mng- ton. Can. Lawaon, U.S. Martineau et Del- fauaae. Can. l*rideaux, Eng. Pritchard, Eng. Roaooe, Eng. Snow, Eng. Supreme Court, X. K. Can. Triatram and Coote. Eng. (ANSI and ISO TEST CHAUT No. 2) A ^jppyegjvMBE inc 1«M EoM Main Strad ai») 462 - 0300 - PtwnT^ (716) 28e-S9M-Fa 83 "°OMT, Ulw Book Publtahor Wheeler, Eitg. Vide Code de Proce- dure civile, Pleadinff, Procedure civile. rreuve. Vide Evidence. Prescription. LeRoux de Bretagne, PrivUiges. Lavallfie, Can. Priyy Council. Beauchamp, Can. Master, Can. ft'eston, Enp. Satford and Wheeler, Eng. Wheeler, Eng. Frobata. Howell, Can. Steeve, Can. Proc«dnr« civile. Bioche, Pr. Boitard, Pr. Boncenne et Bourbeau. Pr. ' •Bonflls, Pr. Camuzet, Pr. Carre et Chauveau, Pr. Garconnet, Pr. (JIasson, Pr. Locre, Pr. Lorrain, Can. Martineau et Del- fausse. Can. Pigeau, Pr. RouMeau & Laisnev, Pr. " Vide Code de Proc6 dure civile. Pleadings, Practice. Procodnrt — ParlU- mentary. Bourinot, Can. Procedtxre — Public Keetlngs. Bourinot, Con. Sauvalle, Can. Procodura. Chitty. Enff. Uiggbu, Can. Judicature Act. N. S., Can. Woollen, .Im. Propri«t« bttia. Ravon, Collet, Corbi- niere, Pr. Ouo Warranto. Shortt, Enff d Am. Ballwaj Law. Abbott, Can. Am. and Eng. Case., U.S. Browne and Theobald. Eng. Currier (Index), Can. Elliot, V.8. Holt, Can. I^cey, V.S. I'oor, Am. ^tapalje ft Mack, Am. Vaughan, Can. Wood, V.8. »«Uway Mortgagee * Short, Am. Bating. Ryde, Eng. Vide TaxaUon. *«H Property. Armour, Can. Darts, Eng. Ewart, Can. Hunter, Can. Kerr, VS. I«alces, Eng. Leith, Can. Robbins, Eng. Tudor, Eng. Williams, Eng. Beceivera. Beach, V.8. Gluck ft Becker, n.8. High, V.8. Kerr, Eng. Smith, Am. Beglatration. Auger, Con. Tiffany, Can. Bamedlea. I*W8on, V.8. BCpertolre. Revue L«gale, Can. Repertoire, Con. Boports. British Columbia, Con. Canada Exchequer, Canada Law Journal. Can. Supreme Court, Canadian. Page SS. Can. Annual IMgest, Can. Criminal Ca-es, Canaaian i^iw 'limes. Can. Law Times Dig't. Cassell Digest, S. C.. Can. Cochran, N. S., Co#». Congdons Digest. NS Con. Cook (Admiralty), Can. "' Coutl^e (Digi'Ht Sp. C.) Com. Dorion, Q.B., Con. English Law. Page 54. Equity Reports, N. B.. Can. Hannay, N. B., Con. James, N. 8., Con. Kerr, N. B., Con. Lafleur ft MacDoumll (Digest). Con. La Themis, Can. Law Journal, Eng. Legal News, Con. Letourneux, Ldievre et Angers, Con. Manitoba, Con. Massachusetts, V.8. Mathieu, Con. Monthly Law Digest and Reporter, Con. Montreal Law Re- ports, Con. Xew-Foundland Supreme Court, Con. New South Wales. Eng. North-West Territo- ries, Con. Nova Scotia, Con. Oldright, N. a. Con. Ontario, Can. Ontario Appeal, Con. Ontario Boundaries Case, Con. Ontario Election, Con. Ontario Practice, Can. Prince Edward Island, Con. Probate Practice N.B., Can. Provencher et Bois- dair. Can. Pugsley and Burbidge, N. B., Can. '^ Pyke, Can. Quebec Law Reports. Can. Quebec Official, Can. Quebec Reports, (com- plete list of) Can. urt. Donovan, U.8. Taxation. Boyle & Davies, Eng. Cooley, V.S. Faraday, Eng. HUliard, V.8. Robinson, Eng. Short, Eng. Vi^€ Costs, Rating. 0. THEOBBT, E Tax Ti Blacli Blacli Telegn Gray Teatan Pouj« Ricar Vifl Titles. Anne Tiffai Torren ('outl Hunt Jonee rid Torts. Addis Bigcli — U. Erwii IlUlia Jaggt Polloi I^nde; T'M Dai Lib Trade-: Newt iSebaa iSlatei na F Transe Hour! Travel] Ropfei Trial. Abbot Thorn Trusts. Eddy, God'ef TiCwiB Reid. Undei >BBT, Edlteur an LIttm da Droit, Tax Tltlaa. Black, U.8. Blackwell, U.S. Talagnph. Gray, t.S . Teatamant. Poujol, Fr. Kicard, Fr. Vide Wills. Titlaa. Armour, Can. Tiffany, Can. Torrana Syatem. Coutlfie, Can. Hunter, Can. Jones, Can. Tide Enregistrement. Torta. Addison, Eng. Bigelow, Enff. — U. S. Edition. Erwin, J7.8. Ililliard. V.S. Jaftgard, V.S. Pollock. Entf. I'^nderhill, Eng. Tide Compensation, Damages. Libel. Trade-Xarka. Xewton, Am. •Sebastian, Eng. (Slater, Eng. Tide Copyright Patents. Tranacription Mourlon, Fr. Travallar. Rogern. Can. Trial. Abbott, V.8. Thompson, U.S. Truata. Eddy, V.S. Godefroi. Eng. I,ewin, Eng. Reid. r.R. Underbill, Eng. Ultra Vlraa. Brice, Eng. Unfair Trada. Hopkin, U.H. Vlcea BMhlbltolraa. Carles, Fr. Chene-Varin, Fr. De .Tean, Fr. Gallier, Fr. Gaure, Fr. I^veiias, Fr. l«pelletier, Fr. Tide Animals. Venta ft rar P. B. MIGNAULT, C. R. r^rMil^"^ ^"'•'•r^o"?"*'" "ne introduction doctritale et h-itorinue, Ic titr* prt iminaire ,Iu Code Cv.l et les litres de la jouissance et de la privatioS