IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) A i/ ^%^ ^ «5^ t/u f/> 1.0 I.I 1.25 — I 1^ 1.4 IIIIIM 12.2 20 1.6 v^ <^ /a /a "c^l ^^' e% o^ Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14S80 (716) 872-4503 .A.NY. ^879. \\ 2 MAGKINLAY. RICKEY & GO. 5 I5UEEDKHS OF Black Breasted Eed Game, BroTrn Leghorns, Black Hamlsiirgs, Light and Dark Brahmas, Hed File G-ame Bantams and Fekin Ducks, ALL FROM PRIZE STOCK, EGGS IIS^ SEASON. AGENTS FOR TODD'S TONIC EGG FOOD, WOODWARD'S SULPHUR MEDICATED NEST EGG, BURPEE'S IKFALLIBLE LICE POWDER. WEITB rOB WHAT TOfl WAKT. ADDRESS— HAMILTON'S SOU'J'Il WHARF, Upper Water Street, - - HALi"AX, N. S. HARD COAIaS, i^g-g-, Ntove a^nd. Cliestniit 5J »i:ees« rlfr- r f LARGE AND NTTT SIZES. The Best Coal for Cooking Purposes — Makes no Soot. For Sale WHOLESALE and RETAIL at NORTH STREET DEPOT AND HAMILTON'S SOUTH WHARF. 'ft ( (lay, 3. after hibito k :R. Rules and Prize List Fi'U riiK THIRD EXHIBITION OK THE tm M\i Mil] ari Flsriciural isscdatioii TO BE HELD IN THE NEW MASON/0 HALL. HAL/FAX, On* Tuesday, Wrdxesdav and Thuhsuay, 2.yrii, 2Gth and 27iii '>:>iUCAT{Y, LST'J. I >J 5S. jOt. iRF. The proiiiiuin.s of this Association arc ojiou to the ivorld,— (he host sitcciineiis to »iii. «« , mytliiii;,' entered llL't.K ]. The term "exliiMt" or pociiiicii " iiiiplios for competition, or exhibition, 2. All oxhiljitK must he enti.Tpd with the secretary, Ji. J. \Vil?on, P. 0, box fiOn, Halifii;:, or M'ith the treastu-er, A. Mackinlay, 137 Granville Street, Huli- tax, at leufjt one week previous to the {exhibition, namely, not later than Tues- day, IStli February, and exhibit(jrs fail- ing to forward their eritry papers by that date ■will not be allowed to compete for prizes. Entry papers will be supplied to intending oxhibitora by the secretary or t:'easuter. 3. In order to identify the coops, &c., after the prizes are awarded, an entry or coop ticket, with a number, but no ex- hibitor's name, will, on receipt of the entry paper properly filled np, be given by the secretary for each exhibit, which ticket ii/'ist be attached by the exhibitor to his coop or cage before delivery at the hall. Kxhibitors U)Ust be careful fo have specimens correctly name(l in their etilry papers, as any error in this respect will bo fatal to t^ucces.iful Cdiiiii'titioii. i. The plvniiu'us otfcred at this exhi- bition are of tw' — " regular," offered ny the Association ; and "si)ecial,'* offered by individuals. The entries for the rej^ular jiremiums for poultry mufst be in pairs, one male and one fenuile.-- Kutry fee, 50 cents. Pigeons, in pairs, " " 25 " Cage birils, as single birds. Entry fee 15 cents. Specimens enterc^ for the regular pre- miums compete also for the special pre- miums for pairs and single specimens, without special entry, or additional entry fee. Single specimens entered for the spe- cii^l premiums only, will be charged an entry fee of 25 cents. The coUpctiona of pmillry for wliidi Bjn'oml iirciiiiiiiiiH aiv. oll'iircil, must (.'uii Hi.'^l <>(' ii Cdck aii'l not \cm tliiiii I'uur hens. — Entry fco, .00 conts. A piiir in a collfction may ronipoto for the ri'i^' pair* ]iivniiuni, proviidid the <;ocU and hoiij ciniiiictin^' an a I'lilr, ho weparatod fruni thu uthci's hy a partitu)ii ill tho Humo coop, and an ndditionul L'litry it!"! paiil for tho pair — lift oontH, ^Vith tho exception of tho collectionfl ahovo ri'f'oiTod to, ouch pair must ho in a teji'irfitc. cuop. No ontry fee will bo chnrgod on speei- niena fntered for exhibition, but not fof compi'tition. 8uch (Mitrii-M ^vill bo marked " for exhibition only " on tho coop ticket. The entry fees must accompany tlio (jntry paper. Kxliibitors payin;^ entry IV'cs to the amount of will bo ontitlod to ii Hea^on ticket, not triin.sfi'ral/le. Members have tho privilege of exliibit- iii^' iVee. 5, All M[)eciiiienH must be entered in the name of the (ictnal owner. Any attempt to evade this rule, as in borrowing one or more speeimons of n coop, or in buying with tlie undorHtaml- ing that tlie speciinenH .shall be rfttirned after the exhibition, or that they shall be returned uidesssold-, or on any other con- dition, will exclude afl cuop.s entered by the olfending ]iarty if discovered in time, and if not, the premiuma bhall be withheld. 6. Specimen.^ must be exhibited in attractive and convenient coops or cage-s. Coops must be opeir only at the front, which must be of wire or of twine net- ting. They must be so constructed as to be easily opened by the judges, and must be furnished with proper appliances for food and water. For convenience and uniformity of arrangement, they must be of the following dimensions, outside measurement : — 2| ft. high, 2 ft. deep, 2| to 3J ft. long. For bantams and pigeons, 19 inches high, 12 inches deep, and IS to 2i^ inf;ho«i lonp. For turletitoi\s in the class. 17. In theov(;nt of receipts heing in- sufliciont to cover expenditure, the asso- ciatiou prizes will be paid ^>/v> yafa. 18. The revised " American Standard of Excfdlenee " will be the guide of tin' judges in all varieties described therein. 19. The judges will meet at 10 o'clock, a. 111., on Tuesday, and proceed with their work of determining prizes, after which they will hand their books to the Secretary, and obtain and jilace the prize tickets before the opening oi' the exhibi- tion to the [lublic at 2 o'clock. 20. Any pijrson interfering with, or attempting to inllueuco the decisiuii of the judges by his presence or remarks, shall forleit all right to any pre'iniuuis to which he might otherwise be entitled. LM. The treasurer will commence to pay tlie premiums on Thursday, the da}' of the exhibition, at lU o'clock, a. m., at th« hall. Prizes not drawn within one month will be forleited. 22. FAhiliitors having birds for sale at the exhibition, can obtain a price card from the .secretary to alfi.x to their coo]is, and no other cards than those issued by the association will be allowed on the coops. All Bales mniit lie maih' tlirouj,'li the secretary, who will deduet ,1 [icr Celil. I 'l the biMU'Ht of the association. 2.3. Kverything murtt be removed fr 'in till! hall as Hoon as possible mi Thur.viiy alter the. close of the u.\hibitiou at ."1 p. m. ^^T" Ili'lilfilfnrs n>'C jyitflriilnrhj /•"- UnrMiul to read ami cui\fiilhj H"/i fJic /'iri'fjdiiif/ rvhit, (lA I'rrni'H iiuiy he fiihil to SHCCt'Sxfitl CoiHixtilinii. ^^gr With ri'/ffi'iii't'. fo I'ufe. ;,', rn/iih'- iiiij 1 1) tries to III! iiKtili' iml latii' t'.'iii. JSf/i Fvtiviiarij, (Did rat'' (1, Vfijuifinij tin: li'iifjtJi, of f/ie moiin to fin tititted an t/i'i I'ufr;/ fhipers, tJif c 00 r.utf ('..oiiin ;< (H) riirtiiil(Ntic 83 00 Wild 3 00 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 i 50 1 50 I 50 IVkin 3 00 Avh'^lmry 3 00 liouen 3 00 MiiHcnvy 3 00 Miindaiin 3 00 Wood 3 00 13. Ornamental. Oiiinca I'dwI 3 00 (loldrn I'licasant 3 00 .Silver i'lieasant 3 00 Liidy Ainhei'Bt I'heasant 3 00 14. Mlscollanoous. Kriniiiette Fiiz/les 3 00 Silkies 3 00 50 50 50 50 1 50 1 .'iO 1 50 I'rizf. n 50 1 50 15. PIGEONS-! I" I'^^irs.) I'DUters, Austrian 1 00 I'outulH, Colored 1 00 C.irriers. EiigliHli 1 00 '• Antweri) 1 00 Fantails, Wliite 1 00 Yellow 1 00 Tiirbits, White 1 00 I'dack Tail 1 00 " Itcd Shoulder 1 00 'i Hlaek Hlioiilder 1 00 '^ Klue Shoulder 1 00 Jaeo'iins, I'daek 1 00 Wliite 1 00 Ked 1 00 Truiiipeters, Russian 1 00 English 1 00 Archangels 1 00 Magiiies, I'due 1 00 Yellow 1 00 Kod , 1 00 Swiss Pigeons 1 00 Nuns 1 00 Tuinlders 1 00 Doves 1 00 1 50 1 .50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 .50 1 ,50 1 50 1 50 I 50 I .50 1 50 50 50 50 no 50 50 50 .50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 .50 50 < For ■Jinl Pn iP, 81 1 .'lO 10. OAOE SZXVSS — (siii;.'ii< ^iJicjinotiii, f\. i'<'l'( I. iu piiirH). Vriii-. /'ritf, U.IkIhii (' riiimry *1 "() $ .'(I ll.-n " 1 00 60 VoUdw t'ook CiinAry (not lii'lipi.ii 1 (10 ftf) Vclliiw lli-ri Catinry (nut iii'i.'iiiui 1 00 r.o (Irt'oii ('unury 1 00 M •' llvii " 1 00 ;,o Mottlf.i Cock " 1 00 r»o lli'ii " 1 00 Ml Mulo 1 00 f)0 Cock Hohin jf 1 00 f,(( Cook Liiiiift 1 t«) T)!) Clan. Pitxf. I'liit. flit riinl ^1 00 $ r.o llolH.liiik I 00 M) KoHx IxcikRti-il (iroiiltouk 1 (K) no Atiii'iiiaii (loliltliicli 1 00 50 Wliito lliiiiiituil .Soiit{ Spivr- row I . .'lO Ciinliiiiil I 00 M) Mockin/ IJInl 1 oo r.y Jiivil S|iiillo\V I ou 'M I'ariot I (M) r.o J'airoMiU'ttu MM) T.O j.oVH IlinU (|mlr) ., 1 <'0 Mi (iulilliuchei I 00 ,MI 17. aviaut ?■! 00 18. TAXIDEHMT :i 00 1 RO 1 no 1 :.() I r.o 1 r.o 1 50 SPECIAL PREMIUMS. 1 r,o I :.o 1 r.o i 50 Throiifjli tilt" lilxMiilHy of our frieiulH iiihI tlio moiiilicrs of tliu UHsociatioii, wo uro'il to otfiT tlio following' list of MiJi'cial.s to our cxIiiliitorH. All l.iiils tlnU huvu [laiil tliu rt'^uhtr entry fee will cuniiiete without furtlu-r entry. See Kulf 4. \ SO 1 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 50 60 60 60 60 60 I MiscolIaiMMMis. For tlio pair of fowlii, any vjuiety, scoring t'le liit;ln:Ht nunil.ur of i.oiutfi, A. DiiWNH, rrcHiilont, otferg 85 00 For the cock scoring the highest number of points, ritoK. l^AWHON, Vioe-l'res., cash 2 00 For tlie hen scoring the higliest number <>f point.t, TnK .Skcuktaky 2 00 For tlio hfiivirft J dozen chickens (either oockorelft, pullets or both together) of any pure breed, actually hatched and bred in tiie yards of the exhibitor himself, but not necessarily sIkjwu in one coop, Cham. 1). Jk'lioNAi.D, I'ic- toii, 3 sittings of eggs, viz. : 1 each of L. 15., D. 15., & IJrown Leghorn, value (3 00 For the largest and best variety of thoro'igli bred jioidtry, owned by e.\hibitor, A.K. 3 00 For tho best exhibition coop, X. S. made, with feeding and watering aj)|.aiatus, V. C. Stkvenh, a chaldron coal, value. 2 50 For the best Xova Scotia nia, . 1 00 )W11, .... 2 50 W. talue 3 00 N-s, 3 00 N & Sp. 3 00 iigh- Mac- .. 3 00 .. 1 00 j;eons, i pair 7 00 , Jos. 1 00 :iCHD. 1 00 iLACK, 1 00 H, bag 1 40 Hak- iue 1 50 1 50 cash. 1 00 ash.... 1 00 Tobac- 2 M color), . TlLL- 2 00 [OOAN, 1 00 RS. T. 1 00 )()WN.S, Srience 1 oO 1 00 IDSOM, value 3 00 i HIGH-CLASS I shall breed next soiison, from imported stock, which have hetu successful iu carrying olF First Premiums at all the leading shows in Canada d\iring the past season, as the pri/" tickets in my pos.session will show. I'heso fowls will be on view at the .vhibition in Halifax, in February next, when parties desirous uf supplying themselves with what are acknowledgoil to bo the " HANDSOMEST AND BEST VARIETY OF THE COCHIN CLASS," can satisfy themselves by inspection. These fowls being solid black in color, are well adapted for city fanciers, who are confined to a liuiited space, EGGS FOR SALE IN SEASON AT $3.00 PER DOZEN, AND YOUNG STOCK IN AUTUMN AT REASONABLE PRICES. 97 CHoard Street, - - Halifax, N. S. t^utzn staAf^s * W. F. Black Spanish Fowls, GOXTDaE & aiSSOIT, - BREEDERS. The .subscribers having entered into a co-partnership from Nov. 1st, 1878, intend the coming season to breed together their celebrated stocks of the above variety, and believe thereby to produce bird:* whicli will .stand unrivalled. Both our stocks are already known to be first-class, having taken "FIRST" premiums wheicver exhibited, and have lately been strengthened by importations of some magHificent specimens from the most noteil breeders of thi.s variety, in England and the United States. Will sell Eggs for Hatching from the above couibination of First- Class Stock at $3.00 per dozen. Will also have young stock foi- sale in Autumn. A few young stock on hand now, will sell reasonable on application. All orders will receive prompt attention. Address to either mm mil, li; Smpt M, or 1 1 SlSSOn, 97 Cuarl street, HALIFAX, N. S. :\ 10 DAVIDSON & GHISHOLM, Merchant Tailors IMPORTERS OF «|est of guijlanb monti "f lolljs, g^oittm$s ^ ffiror serines, SCOTCH TWEED SUITINGS. 185 HoUis Street, - Halifax, N. S. C. KAIZER & SONS, Have the Largest Stock of Hats in the City. THE ONLY PLACE TO BUY FIRST-GLASS HATS FOR MODERATE PRICES. All the best makers represented. ESTABLISHED THIRTY YEARS. HALIFAX, N. S. '^ N l»*^i cmgs, . s. W Oity. ICES. I. ». •• II igoM BUCKLEY'S: EKGysil AMERICAN ISfi^NMliElirRii^ HiA L I FAX ; N . S Fashionable and Commercial STATIONERY. Books in ovcry Depart ineiit of Lilcratiire, Diltles, Prayers and ("liurcli Sor- vircs ; Books for tlie Poultry Fancier, tlie Florist, and the Fanner. ALSO IN STOCK — Illustmted liook uf I'oultiy, tjy Miirtiu Dojle, Colouieil Ilhistuitions in Oil ?<.'■!. "■"> AVriglit's I'lactiuiil J'oiiltry Jvei;i)er...Sl iV L.'^O (iiildfiiiiii; for Profit, by Hemlcrson ... . 1.00 Keet()irsIjoal<()f i'lirds, (.'olil. Illustrations 1.00 The liook of The Horse, liy S. Hiiluey, with fiiIl-i)ago (Joloured Illustrations I'J.TiO Kvery H orse-Owner's Cyclopei lia ;j. DO The Ooinplete American Farrier and Horse Doctor 0.,".0 The Trotting Horse of Anicricii $2. 'I'lie -Jersey, Alderney and (iiieriisej' ("ow 1. The Ox and his Diseases, by J. II. Dobsoii '_'. On Horse-Shoeinj; and'Lanioness, Oatui,'ee ;!. Veterinary Aiiatoni)', by (Jamyeeanu Law, '2 vols tl. The Horse's Moutli, iShowing age by tiie Teeth, &c 1. The Anatomy of tlie Horse's Foot 1. The Muscles of the Horse 1. .".0 ."lO BUCKLEY & ALLEi«, 124 GRANVILLE STREET. 99 Granville Street, Halifax, Manufacturing Jeweller & Silversmith, AND IMl'ORTER OF FINE JEWELLERY. WATCHES, FRENCH, CARRIAGE & MARBLE CLOCKS, STERLING SILVER AND ELECTRO-PLATED TABLEWARE, CHINA, PARIAN AND OTHER STATUARY, SPECTACLES, FIELD AND OPERA GLASSES, THERMOMETERS, ETC., ETC., ETC. MR, CORNELIUS would direct particular attention to the larfi[e stock of WALTHAM WATCHES which he has constantly on hand. He is also prepared to supply all grades of these Watches in Gold and iSilver Cases, made to order in any style at short notice. A full line of SFEGT^CLES ^ND EYE-aLA.SSES to suit all sights. These Glasses are supplied to the leading Occulists in Halifax, and need no other guarantee m to their superiority. A quantity of American and Canadian CLOCKS to be sold off at cost to clear. The manufacture of Fine Jewellery a specialty of this establishment. Also— Jewblleby, Watche8, Music Bxes, Plate, &c., Cabefolly Repaired. 12 w. Watchmakers &. Jewellers, AND DEALERS IN wif •Sill, si®m, liwimi , Silverware^ Spectacles, &c. 159 HOLLIS STREET, - - HALIFAX, Opposite Westeru Uuiou Telejrraph Office and Ciub House. N. B. — A full line of American Watches ahvays on hand. SPRATT'S FIBRINE CAKES, FOTi. FEEIDIlSra- IDOO-S. EDITORIAL NOTICE IN THE IRISH SPORTSMAN. 5th August. 1871. page 5. Any one who owns a valual)le ilo);, sportinjf or otherwise, is wuU aware tnat theailministration of the (iniiiiary every day diet of thu animal is a matter of iio int'onsiderahlc inii)ortaiice, so mucli depending' nn tlio (|nality and quantity of the food and its a])i)ropriatinn to the class of dojf or the puriKwe for which he i» intended. Some dogs have dainty appetites, and are choice in the matter of food. Over-feeding is some- times worse than starvation ; improper food is the cause of most of the ills that dojr-fleih is " heir to." It it. therefore, incumbent on trainers and those having the care of dogs, to pay pMrti.ul;ii- nttention to this importiint subject. Numerous inquiries having been from time to time addressed to us, with reference to tlie Kil)rinc t'altes introduced liy Mr. Sjmitt, of London, for the purfmse of dog-feet'ing, we are induced to state briefly the results of our actual exi>erienee, as well as tliat of tlie friends who have kindly commut\i- ciited to us their opinions as to the value of these biscuits as food for dogs of every kind. The verdict 'n ivery case has beeu one of unqualified approval. We have ourselves used the cakes (the principal ingredient in which is buffalo oecf,) witli greyhounds ; and after a considerable trial we can say that we have not in any instance found unfavorable consequences, while we believe them to furnish an excellent, nutritious and not over-stinuilating food, convenient and inexpensive, requiring little or no prei)aration. The per- centage of nieiit« varies, so as to be suitable for every class of dog, those containing the largest quantity biing given to dogs requiring strength and endurance, those contiUning less being intended for more deli- cate canine-pets, (hvners of dugs of every class will find, on making use of this diet in their kennels, that tlie dogs will improve In every way — in skin, coat, general heaUh and condition. We esjiecially recom- mend it. Mr. Ciiaulrs I.incolx, Superintendent of the Centennial Bench Show, writes as follows : I was in a difficulty as to the cooking oi so large a quantity of meat as the dogs under my charge would require, and I was induced to give Spnitt's Uiscuits a trial. I um entirely satisfied with them -they were in e\ery way suiicessful. I have never sent dogs away from the bench show in such good and lively condition. .Many of them looked better than when they came. Spratt's Patent Great Cballenge Poultry Food, of Oround Filbrine Cakes, l.upin and Sunflower .Meal, spiced with Sinajjsis Kigra, wild mustard, a rich and nitrogenous feed. It is the greatest egg producing food and fattener of Ducks and Poultry known, unequalled for raising young Pheasants, Chicks .ind Duoklings. Being in itself a complete diet, without the need uf grit and ^reen vegetables, it es|)ecially recommends itself to Ship Owners, and is largely used for the feathered live stock in passenger 8liiii.-<, and is also found of great value in feeding, during the voyage small birds exported for acclimitizatiun. M. F. EAQ-AE, Chemist, A^ent for IT. S. 157 HOLLIS STREET, HALIFAX, N. S. ^ su Prii E.vq 1! 13 jhes wiiiM4ii i^mm^, ^. VVirOLESALf: AND RETAIL DKALER IN mm m #4%. $ 44>^jiN'44^< *'' ^T 4 ARTISTS' MATERIALS Of every tloscription, from tlio licst liou.'.cs in tlie ■world. ROOM PAPER ^m BORDERI^GS. SURVEYORS' CHAINS, METALLIC MEASURING TAPES, MATHE- MATICAL INSTRUMENTS. A conipk'to stock of Eiigiiiecr.-i' Stationery kept cuiistanlly on Imml. r)onks importcil from England tuid the riiitcd States with pininptness. i'riiitiiif; uud I'ookbiiidiiig dune to order ami witli despatcli. I'erio'licals and other works on the breeding of Poultry kejit in stock EXQUIUE PAUTtCULARLY FOR W8LLBAIV9 GOSSIP, UNITED SERVICE BOOK AND STATIONERY WAREHOUSE, 103 Granville Street, Halifax. & GRIGHTI 3 IMPORTERS OF BRITISH AND FOREIGN Hats, Caps and Furnishing Goods, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 153 and 155 HoUis Street, - Halifax. 14 BEE HI\ /T7 Ready-Made Clothing", CENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, &c. ^fy ■ ^ U i I. 1l^ JJ No. ] 14 Upper AYater Street, OoriKU' Jacob, HALIFAX, N. S. GElSr T L'E M E IST ' S W 3imwe 'mm ?f! m 105 Granville Street, Halifax, N. S. ESTABLISHED 1836. 5 BJ B «1 First Class Easlish Furaislame Goods AND- READY-MADE CLOTHING . 1 1.5 I J. D. PEAKES & GO. GROCERS, Corner George and Harrington S(s.j HALIFAX, N. S. Ws make Green and Dried Fruits a specialty, Ar.d nve goiiorally in a po.Mtinii, fnnii hmix i-\\)cv\vn('(' ami (.lisccniiiu'iit in haiiilliiig "J)UME.STIC," and a sniiu'wiiat fXtciuUd knuwlcdgu of tl.e iiirou- TATiON DIRECT of all kinds "FOIiEKIX," — to di) better l)y you tlian any other H(juse in our City, for ordinary (luantitics of the following, in their respective seasons, Wholesale xVND Ketail : — AppleSj Pears, Peaches, Plums, Grapes, Figs, Tomatoes, Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Cranberries, Quince, Cocoanuts, Rasins, Currants, Prunes, Dates, Citron, Dried Apples, Orange and Lemon Peel, &c. —ALSO— NUTS, GONFEGTIOHERY AND CANNED GOODS, IN FULL VARIETY AND STOCK. 10 ^©P©pBi FOR HATCHING. ]i©p©pg| $2.00 per sitting of 13, two or more sittings $1.50 each sitting, of FLYMOiniT ROGIvS, :l:>Al^K: BI^AIIMAS, I3LACIV SPANISH, WHITE LEailORNS. PEKIISr DUCKS. From Preiniiim Stock that Iiiive won prizes wherever exiiibited. At the lioivd of my riymoiith Kooks stan !■>♦*> ■ < - "• ' ' " iriOF WMB '"^'^^ esS CBS f&Q CSRS ^^fflffl r.**.2*!"'« is tationcn), ^tljool i^oob, k. Flat Piipors, Card Boards, Writing* Papers, Blank Book Papers, Blank Books in great variety. MEMO. BOOKS, POCKET BOOKS, ENVELOPES, PENS, Faber's Pencila, Gold Pens, Sohool Slates, Globes, DRAWING i300[<3, SCHOOL BOOKS, 'WE0L'EBAL7. Cz EI3TAIL AT LOW RATES. Hn«^w*^nvwiwn mMMmnmmwmiiimmmKm^imammcwKatMtm The Best Place in the City to get a Good Cut of *)J '■J Jl ' Ml 5' IS AT )J w%)j II m ii^cPHEE'S, 62 and 64 Sackville St., Corner Argyle St., KAUFA^, Me 8 e» Where nothing but ilie BEST is kept. mm I raraiuliis ii skm, PARKER & McPHEE. S 10 m. 10 rs, '» • ^53 J 176 Granville Street, HALIFAX, N, S. Importers and Dealers in - CHINA, CiCKERYWARE. FANCY GOODS, CUTLERY, $(C., $cc. "^(^^M^A 20 HAUFAX STEAM LAUNMY, (to. t? Starr Str«©t, HaliCax, M. S. Laundry Work of all description promptly done. ROSE-COMBED BLACK BANTAMS. 'J'lic sui)v«(',ribor liaviiifj iiiinortiMl souk! nplondid liir^li of tiin nhivo. Im'ocmI, is l.r.'iKuva tn riinu«h EGfiS KOU IIA'r(JlIIiN(; at FOUJl DUI.LAH.S PKR box. Ilii I1118 iiiiw !i lit of iiici' Cliickoiifl, IJlack ilfl tint " AOLISH. FANCY PIGEONS. A few cxtra-fiiiC COCHINS— Pullets and Cockerels— FOR SALE now. C^* EfTfTS I'OR HATCHING, after March 1.5tli, 1878, at reasonable rates, from Stock that have always won lat Premiums— ^whon judged honestly. ANDREW DOWNS, 200 Agricola St., Halifax, Importer and Breeder of every known variety of FANCY FOWLS, PlCn AND GAGE BIRDS. H6 is how breeding some of the finest Golden Spangled Hamburgs that can be found in the World ; and in the Pigeon Line has tlie following varieties : Austrian Pouters, English Carriers, Antwerp Carriers, all kinds of Fan Tails, Turbits, Jacobins, Kussiau Trumpeters, English Trumpeters, Archangels, Magtiies, and Swiss Pigeons. Eggs for Hatching from all kinds of Thoroughbred Fowls at $,'?.00 per sitting. Tiie price of Pigeons can be obtained on application to Mr. Downs, who Will be happy tff nee any of his friends who may favor him with a call, at his residence, 200 Agricola Street, i OE' © 1 i*^.^^- ;Y, H. done. :s. K'.S VVM Spailns," 1 1 Kon'ijj;!! t. •? ■ TIIK IN(I SOUTH . lANTAMS, 'NS. from Sto<'l« alifaz, IDS. fouml in the lish Carriers, ters, English be Iiappy tff I K>tr«eti 'Af fill A V MffDCIIt^DV mUiii HA Pi U lluijll I y CORNER ROBIE AND NORTH STREETS. OEHAMEKTAL i OrHEH JLAHTS Bridal Bouquets, f '1 FLORAL DESIGNS, $(C. AT SHORT NOTICE. Hants and Flowers Seat by ?osi , HARRI BLACK-RED GAMEl Eggs $3.00 per doz. From Liids that liave taken lirst prizes wherever shown. ^ ] am also bi-eoding from an imjiorted trio of Juh Mason's strai and soiiio Eno'lisli liens. Will ha\e tStui'k for sale at Sliow. Address : GEOFFREY MORROW, BIRCHAM, HALIFAX! J uii now hreeding GOIJ)fc:N-SPA^'GLEJ) POLISH, (Englislj and American Strains;) AMERICAN J)0M1N!(|ITES, (From (}. LJ Foskett's Strains ;J llEJ) PILE UAME BAN'JWMSand MUSC(JVY| DTTOKS. I shall he prepared in tlie spring to oifei' Eggs from these varieties at the following pi'iccs : POLISH Per 13. $4.00 DOMINIQUES " 3.00 BANTAMS Per 13, $5.00 DUCKS " 2.00 E. Or. KEISTNY, YARDS— TUOUNVALE, - HALIFAX, N. S. PllOFESSOR LAWSON, tlrcsibcnt : Andrew Downs, 13icc-}Jrcoibcnt0 : F. C. Elliott, C. Willoughby Anderson. 11. J. Wilson. ^ssistaiii (Secrctarj) : Geoffrey Morrow. "treasurer : Andrew .MacKinlay. (E.vccutiUc Committee : The above officers, and £homas Goudge, F. 0. Stevens, iP;. Gibson, Herbert Harris, Geo. W. RitciiiE. Geo. P^ Don