IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) / o u. e m i.o I.I 1.25 1 50 ""^* Its ■u 140 1.4 6" 2.5 2.2 2.0 11.6 bleaux. etc. , peuvent Atre filmto A dee taux de rMuction diff*rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un saul cliche, il est fllmA k partir da I'angia supArieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en baa, en prenant le nombre d'>magea n^cassaira. Las diagremmea suivants iilustrent la m^thoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^, r^ xyj <^>^v4x^>i STATEMENT OF FACTS RRLATIVB TO CAPTAIN LE BRETON'S CLAIMS. w^^ ww^WfHPWiMpwin^Bpi TO THE PUBLIC. jl^^i' Tp> \ It aiajr be deemed unfair to publish the following letters after the de- parture of the Earl of Dalhousle from these Provinces. It was not mv intention to do so, i>ut in consequence of injuries to the amount of several thousand pounds naving been done to my property, (ti.e radical cause of which IS contained therein,) and having frequently submitted mv claim for Mdressto the proper authorities without hiiherta being able to obtain it- These documents are intended as an Appendix to a Representation to bo laid before His Majesty s Ministers, should it be found expedient, but which 1 trust will be obviated through the justice of His Excellency the Governor in Chief. J L B Quebec, 11th Jany. 1832- -rv. TV^ %-■ * f If..'-. i ' APPENDIX. ■ '..ft (U) ■.:.(?!;■ ^ [No. l.J . ■ - Copy of a Letter sent to Major Burke immediately on my return from Brockvile, after purchasing the Lot of Lapd commonly knownTvSS name of the Richmond Landing. ■ / "'"*"^" "f ^^^ Sw, Britannia^ ISth Dwjr. 1880. ^f ,h T ^V ^^^^^y purchased tii« Lot Ho. 40 in tke flrst eoo«essratt knouoI^'T^''"^ Nepean, tojfetherwith the broken fro»t, €omm«niy . tn^L^ *^^ -'^'' **^ *K ^•''J^n^ond La.dbg, 1 take the e^rikst oppoi KhL^.5'PP"""^ you thereof. The Govm,ment Store built theiSn* fim!r^^"„'7*""' ''"'a' J ^''^ *'', ^''V^ ^'^""'^ Store will stiU be required for Go ^rnmeqt u$e and rf eq», that I may be put in possession o?the key Se; buS ""*'/t'° or alteration of the bnifding. f Either that, or somJ fcntenT5h:Vr';2el''^"''"^ ''''' ^^"^^^ "^ ^«^^^' ''^ "^ ^ <^> I have the honor to be Sir, Gborce T. Burve, £^q. Your Most Obedient ,, , , „ '. ■•litX OH i. Huwbjft SeirvaQt. v •* J. LE BltETOK Sib, [No. 2.2 IliCHnomD, 17«ih JAjsy-. |8^u, ' I have the honor to acquaint you that youp Letter of the 18th nit has been submitted by the DeJ.ty Quarter Master Sral to the cZ; mander of the Forces, and I am directed to siffnifv to vou that His Lordfh^ considers the Broken Front, No. 40, ConcasWA xLnSiB nf N^l '^ ■HI Sir, Your very Obedient Servant, „ , « (Signed.) GEORGE T. BURKE. Capt. Lb Breton, &c. Ac. &c. a • . !^ f"' ' **" Supenntendant. (EXTRACT.) Deputy Quarter Master Generals Office. Quebec, January 5th, 182^. Le Bmon'^on tfe%S!,rcfand thTr"" *'"^ "^ «r"""'«'^«"^ ^-^h Capf but when thJt o£r Lln?ormed the^^^^^ ^ ^''"''' ^""""^ ''*'"^* purposes, he will ba wniwT^ 1 f /u^ '•" question is required for public pviSguph^puri;o2m rf^-^ V^'T ■''^ GovernWnt by Either therwf. '^ P"'^«'»8« to them, or taking hinds in some other place in lieu f (Signed,) GEORGE FOWLER, (Signed,) GEORGE T. BURKE. ^'*''*' ^' ^' ^''' ^'^' ^*°'- ty I The following letter was wriHi'n t^ vt;. r i i.- . having made use of lano-nnl^^ ? Lordship in consequence of his of 18l6,aridXh iscSiTJ?*^^^ to my character i^ the autumn , wiucn IS coxoborated in his reply, dated 9th May, 1887. [No. 3.2 (COPY) TO HIS EXCELLENCY THE RIGHT HONORABLE GEORGE. EARL OF DALHOUSIE, &c. &c. &c. Mr Lord, I humbly be^ leave to address your Lordship on a subiect which h«<, been some years m agitation, and emanating from your UrSohT^W^Jl judicial to my character and must, with submission to jour fLshlp ^state" that your Lordship has been misinformed on the subject I flll.,^7m.'r t ^* to some land purchased by me in the year 1820, S'Jldc^i vour Sih" has been pleased to say « was purchase^d by me Ivith a S o^rmposnfoa "Government." And as your Lordshio annears finm r,.^„„* • ^ .^*° to be still of tlie same opinion. I deem it eSdIent to^lo f .""""Stances affair, in the hope that /our Lord^ «in be pSdVr'c^^^^^^^^^^^ aad to render me that Justice which the case requires '^**'*"*"*«'^ *"« '"''J*''* mt Servaat, r. BURKE, »riatendant. SERAIS Office. Y 5th, 1821. sating with Capt- ■ces cannot doubt Bquired for public nment by either ther place in lieu rt^LER, {r. Masr. Qenl. nsequence of his r in the autumn h May, 1827. E GEORGE, Some tune in the year 1880 I learnt that some lots of land in the Town- 8h,p of Nepean. where I reside, were to be sold at Sheriff's sale aZn^ which was one winch I considered as very valuable; I attended the sale wh3 was in the Court House at Brockville anJ made by the Sheriff of theDirtriS^ I purchased the lot in question, and part of whik I then sold to Levius P Sherwood Esq., (atpresent one of the Judges of the Court of Kinff'sTench i On my return, to my habitation in Nepein, limraediately Wi?e to Georfl^a Burke, Esq. superintendant of settlors* acauaintino- him V^ ft- Weorge stance, stating tW if a store house wS r^^rTS! oZZ^n^liZTSl one already built or another should be at their sprvio.. It tvl.' I? questing to\e put in possession of ttt^^Ttre^re^tl'dVbTiU broT vernment (it being on my land and unoccupied by them.) In Uw to which I received a letter from tlie Quarter Master General's Office, intfitiW that ediy urged me to name a nrice whui; tLJi- j j* ,V V^*''^""™ repeat- would llave it entirX to ?our LordsL ^^"''°*^. "P** ^^P^'^d as before that I Cockburn said he col nSe yoi LoV^^^^ ^''^^^ C*>'- a price. I then told him that I valupdl? «fVi.^ ^-tu «"^J««t ""^ess I named less than half its valueW waUedbS * ffef'^^^^^^ (^«"'» burn bad a conference witr our Loriii^^^ I w£ 7^ ^^'^^^ /o!. Cock- Drawing Room, but, what wlsmy sSS' when I was'^n-pT".! "5 ** 't adding «'that Doctor Tfiom of Perth C^rT.^j"*** ^"''''' "« *« ^P^a''' i ;; his fntention to have prhased it for GoveT"ment bTthafW '^^' K"""^ "man underhand manner and unknown to Wm^'YonrVJr^^ bought it same time pleased to say that von wm.lH ? a? Lordship was at the and althoug^h not in express e^^' I ^e^^^^^^ *" depfe „« tention to report my conduct ras it w^nr! * i . ^ ^'"^ lordship's in- CommanderPin Chfef wftR tfew o7 ^Sltt^^l^Vi^r !:?«?'> "« t^e Comm^ander in Ch% with a View of-d^'r'iVfir," ™Vo7my taTpa^!^ ^^^r Lordship was also pleased to im termed a nefarious transaction, Tf ' I i --— ;""w"'" ""'»' ^uur jLorasnip thatyourl^^dshi; m;7t^7t74ll,ULqlSrwUhS ^^r^""" *'. ^ te^nty are too well established tJbe inJurXby ^y a "eVlns^^^^^^^^ ^"" going nature, and which could only have been intimS" t^® A"".®' through malice. And I now pledgJmy word of hon^r ft^ T^''"'" ^^^'^'P communloations with him on the suSfct of thp I^n^ 'A I-^^'^f ''''^.^"7 «_c%,_noj^cU^^ • Vide Letter NoTT ~ " ' (l SiU«, Knowing' U»»t I>o«tor Tbom ftod Mr. Morris were about to purchase it, not for GoverpHdent but for their owa private speculation^, (as Mr. Morri^ hits WQce piiJt>Uc}y declared,) and fearing that it would rise beyond my meana, I poinJ^ed out to bink it? greAt value and advinte^es, and a^ked tt^m to join me i^ tb,e puro^se, wbi(^ ho At fir^t deaUned but ultimately acceded to. With reelect to Dojctor Thorn's letter, I beg to say that the laqd wasnu'Wi liply A^fertised, V4S sold in the public Court hoasettt noon day. Doctor Tholu aiid^iUiani Morris, Eaa. of Perth employed Messrs. Alestander and Jkmef" lyjprrk, of Pcockville, to r>id for thein ; they did bid 9a far as they thoug;bt pro- per, when tiiey decWed publicly they would bid no further, the land was then knppli'd down, to me. Do(Ctor Hubble of Broc'^Tille did also bid for the land. ISday I beg to »ak your I«OFdship what part of this transaction was un-^ de/]»auded 0^ imposing/? If PoctOr Thora did write sucb a letter, wh!ch,t cfkQQoi doubt from J our Lordships assertion, he wilt of -course prove the charge;^ I St«nd ready my t*ord to answer to the ajpcusatioh, and I beg J'otir' l^OJTOslup will be ipicased to cause the enq[uiry to be publicly made. i^Wr the .interview with your Lordship bejbre mentioned, beins; convicted »9A co^dewned on the 'ipse dixit of my enemies without the privuege of trial or. defence, and unwilling to remain under the unfavourable Impressions en- tertained by your Lordshig, I waited op the Hoable. Mr. Hale, th^ Honble. Chjief Justice Sewell, andXieut. Colonel at present Sir John Harvey, Ire- presented the case to themi they unanimously agreed that your'Lordship's conduct in this instance w^ dinereot from its usual tenor, and that the cir-, cunistaoce had been inisi^presented to your Lordship, I'hey recommended me to address your Lordsiiip on t'le subject and to refer your Lofdship to tHein^ for their kno>vIedg4( »)f ine^, which I did accordingly^, but Without aby sa- tisiW:tory. result. , . . . •■ As a furihejT proof of iihe injustice of the accusation, as soon as I beard il^tlve land was to be sold, knowing its great value aqd fearing th^t my means would not allow nie to purchase it, I called on Charles Shirreff ^stj. Hwaj^et Pinhey ]Els(]^..a°r,~that 1 am not ^t^0)Ved to better my situation in life? What situation of honor or profit j^as your Lordship ever bestowed on me ? None, my Lord,^ whilst numbers of .Officers in this Province hold offices of hopor jind profit who cannot pro* ^nce such teatimoniajls of their service as I h^ve the honor herewith to Idy before your Lordship, besides the General Orders and Despatches of this Country during the War,' to which I beg leave to refer your Lordship. And will not your Lordship's generosity ailow me any credit for the £sta- blishroent whioh I have made in thjs Province at the expense of severiEU' thousand pountls i^ ■" »"« «<>' <"» Establishment, my Lord, where tlie Jrneri- appellati I hav« the honor to lay before your Lordflbip herewith copies of two letters, one from His late Roral i%hne68 the Duke of Keat, alludinr to services performed when aa Eosim not 18 years of ag»} the other from the late Major General Proctor at the close of the late War. I merelv hv these letters wish to prove to your Lordship that as a Soldier I did my doty and as a Civihan under a British Constitution I expect Jirttice, an'd the riirht to enioy my property unmolested ! the latter privilege I have been de- barred from. I allude to the, case of Andrew Berne and Isaac Perth who are trespassers on my property, and haTokept possession against my will. On my giving them notice to qmt the premises they applied to vour Urd- ship you were pleased to direct them to keep possession, and I am informed I beUeve from undoubted authority, that your Lordship has even employed a Lawyer at your own expence to defend their cause ! ! * From your Lo>d- ships authority and station, it is but fair to conclude that any i\f opinion of me formed by your Lordship may be attended with aggiivatioii and in- Ri'^lfl r**Tn "* ^'***' fT^^ ""^ *° "'^^ ' •^^«t« the conduct of the Lieuteaaat Governor of the Upper Provinee towards me. 1 shall refrain from further remarks mv Lord, and beg your Lordshio will be pleased to reconsider the suWect and to grait me th^tiif 3 the case requires. In fact the ,M-ejuaidal reportsVhich have s^adthrZh the Country~the privation of the friendsliip of sey*ral genUemenofX utmost respectability, the duty I owe to the three honoraaeSmw,^ fore mentioned, and the restof my friends, requires me to taG ey^MeS step towards a public justit^cation of my conduct, and to whfchTSimbry hope and trust your Lordship will be graciously pleased to accede. ^ ■ . 1 have the honor to be With all due submission. Your Lordship's Most Obedient Humble Servant, BaitANNiA. Ottawa Rivei^ ^' ^^ BRETON. 20th March, 1827. Copies of two Letters inclosed in the foregoing. (ENCLOSURE.) Kensington Palace, Slst Deer. 1815. letter^^F&ut^S^L^t^l^*:?^ closures, and to state to him that H^STyd ^^^1 T" ^Tn P'?''^"*: in- with the recollection of the rtrnn^ «. ^ Highness is so fully impressed General SkeUtrcoltdd 2 rWs'nV^^^^ duct at the time of the Mutinv «f *L T7^1 "ui ^' •' '''" distinguished con. that the Duke haS not frft the Ji^^f r^I^t- ^^^""•''t in TC«%ftH.ndtend. to Major Generaf sfr Henry To^enT Snd^dSrn'" f?"«»».tt.™?.the papers y ^orr ens, and adding his sohcitalion to the «he premise. /or the accixnolSn of i£^^^^ ""I "house built on 8 To Lieut, 1,e Breton, Royal Nfld. Reyt. I (ENCLOSURE.) Sir, MoNTBEAt, Augt. I6th, I8I5; flfhSnc* .^J**^«*''«J»ono/ to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of th« S E^l'"/*"™.'"? "^ **^y**." ^*^'»«^ »^**»''«'» le^ve of absence to pi^eed to lingland, and also conveying a request that I would Hp nuH^AT^ ^ you such a testimonial of ^r services as I migT Sink^yorentUleTto dunng the pencdyou were with the Division of the Arm/under mVlm mandin Upper-Canada, It is with much satisfaction I can state tL?! every occasion you were desirous of meeting the Se?vice-«niformlv evin. ««iUf!f***^"S^'"®''*"uf*yu*"'',^*^"5 volunteered and performed to mv satisfaction a disagreeable though important duty, soon aftef the u^successf^ affair at Sandusky, goin^ to that pkce with a P]kg of Truce at the Snf .mpnsonment in retaliation of our treatment of 7spy, and L apprehension of which caused the reluctance shewn by the Officer whose d.,tv'^[f-K^j have been but for your zeal, t ^ "®*® ""*^ " ^'*«'^<* Wishing you Promotion, I have the honor to be * Sir, Your faithful Humble Servant, (Signed,) HENRY PROCTOR, Major General. To LiEC T. Le Breton, Royal Nfld. Regt. »-^e?P,lt^i,^'roultt!lT^^^^^^^^^ '?:'f "P-'^y «f '•'^ '"an 300 men were killed and 630 madrprisonerr ^^ '*""'' °*^ "°° Americans, when 300 hind, which those Officers declined unH^.h!. n«f ^^ f«te of those who were left be. letter. LletitenantLe Brecon then vSnieer^ hi *''' '" *^""'' '" ^*""a' i''«c'<"'« -««.ys secret depot thereby disiomSX Sle'^f brsTlan..""' "''"''''''' '»''' "" [No. 4 J HIS LORDSHIPS' IlEt>LY. /id sJ » SIR, Military Secretary' a Cl0ci Quebec, 9th May, 1887 has received yotTe!LVto'^S^t^*''^ of the Force. fMorth while tCeturrany an wt "^^ ^**"''' ""^ ''«^« thouffht it Itement of the subject comS J^to' recld ' '""''**"'" "'^''^^'"^ « ^^"^ »ta- hclear^^ol.^^^^^^^ Kisitit ase^rtensJvely "stheiS^fT/ '^^^ •°.t''« Province, to H the Ottawa and crosid ttt cCtytom ^1?"^^:?^ ?*•• -,•' P««««^ "P 1 ment then just begmn. At RichmondfMarr Se ^Sh « ' "V''^^:' ««"le. I pay officors there (as many as thp h«..';^ 7^ Y\,^ P"''*^ «f the half- f The chief subject of coSaUon w^T *"'** ^^^^^ '''"«^ ^ith me. I; prosperity of tL newfy settled t"a^^^^^ I 'nent Depot for stores L.d supplies wUhrhiv-*'"!*" "" *''"* * ««vern. \ landing;, so called, on the (^^taC;restl,teP^r^"* ^' »>>« R-'^hmond r munication, and a certainty of suppl es fS^ l„ ," "'^««ssible point of com- I assemble in that new country 7he llnTlIf H« P«P»'ation likely to absentee and.who could not WbeCd ,?""•*» ^ njade ou it, and it .wasprobable Vat he nur^Jl ""^'^r?*"* ^"^^ I>e«a nlhug sum. I gave instruction to Ma or E«^' T^^''- ^? T^^ ^r a the presence and hearing of all at table %« 7^1.1 s"Perintendant. and in aud to watch any adTertisement of the slfo n{?t r ^A**" ^^'''^ *'»« purchase, ho concluded." ^"® **'® *>* '*» ''"t to report to nie before P^^^^^'tV^:^:^^^' ^^ ™^ -°*--t«. heard il; bound to give his assistance, he d?d notTso "hT"*^'!?.^"^ ^° ^^^ information, and set about a specujfre nurSL.r"'"? ^'""^'''^ «**''« bargain and then offer it to goveVnment ' '' **• "^''^ » Profitaole Ued'rthTtt^rmS Col C,„,,„,„ ,„,^^. dia/r.r^\'° t^"^''«« t^^ff^"- i tSSteZeS""!^ t"at Captain Le I that he had bought it for ^400 and offered i?S?^nnn* ,'''*". *°'*' *<> ™«. Ibihty might yeild it at ^2000. I Sd to «L p' ?^? but in all proba- sonnally, and he came with Col Cockli^-, 1'^^ ^''P^"' f « Breton per. Jasked him if he seriously proposed snl a T ^ !,° ',"^' ^»'"ting room I [ti^ed himself, I forget^in^Xttms /^ ."'' ' ^^'"•'* ^'« ^''l «^^^^ Ihira ; I would not permit so «Pn„Zr ^. **"*'* «" saction. " Ido not believe one word of Mr, Le Breton's assertion, that he could have obtained of Mr. Fraser at £15 the lot for which that gentleman ob- tained ^£730 from government, " With regard to the family of Firth, I did say I would support that fa- mily if illtreated by these illegal ij)roprietor8, and I will do so still at my own private cost. I know nothing of Dr. Tbom, Mr. Sherwood or any af those people named. " No further answer will be made on this subject if continued." 7th May, 1897. To Mr, Le Breton. (Signed) "DAtHOUSiE." I am, Sir, your most obedien*, humble servant, H ■Oarmno, . Mily. Secy. [No. 5.] Britannia, 6th June, 1827. Si.t, From tha lapse of time I atx: not certain if you dined with 6s at Hills in Richmond, at the dinner piveu by Hib Lorship the Governor-in-| Chief in the year i920. If so, I will esteem it a favc. to be informed if His| Lordship at thtAt tinja gave you instructions to purchase the lot of land com-! moniy known by the name of tne Riclimoud Landing, and oblige SIR, Your most obedient. Humble servant, J, L. B. Georgft T. Burke, Esqr. [No. G.] r.iciiM0ND, 12th June, 1827. Sir, In replv to your letter of the 6th instant, I be^f to siftto thai I hiivv no recollection of the circumstance which you mention, but I believe some * iriiir Lordship concaivad my title '*..', v^hy liidhe autborii* Lt. Col. Dj, Ro7«l £ng. ♦!. i "li""* ''^?"-0"« y "!« Excellency the OoveJuor i^fcbif in' u:!Li!tt T ' ^.^^"^'^ "'* Excellency instruct Major turke to take « n fh« T'"'-'i"*'"?i*" «'atchi,ny advertisement of the ot oNand No. 40 •• Tnd kndh":H'.P fNepean commonly kno«n by the name of the R ct2 mond Janding. I have to state that I d d not hear His ExcpIIphcv o-u'« « arl^ ha wonld'^r'''" "* the same period any conversation or discmsio« arose that M'ould have prevented me from becoming a purchaser " To tXZ • ''7" '" '''^'' ♦^'.* «"y conversation that thie pSTould no? have prejudiced me afi:a,n8t being a purchaser, had I felt disposed 80 to u vest money ; neither would it per contra have tempted me to it. would «iit«r On 13 I am to be understood as a matter of <.Ai.r.- ^ .nstructions were not given, but that I didTt Tea, themT"* '""^ **'*"'''' lam, SIR, Your most obedient ser^nt, To Capt. Le Breton, &c. &c. &c. (SiVned,) HAMNETT PINHEY. [No. II.] Sift, March, 5th June, 1827. tion while dS?atRrrmo;dwiS.''r"^^ -y -nversa. and Major B„rk\res;eSg?h:^'Jto?th^^^ ¥' ^«'-^«'"l' beg to state Tdid not'hear fny Lnve^S on ?hf T"^^ P'"^«. ' Burkepresent during the dinne;,"uTbrrsUrtt?mVati^^^^^^^^^^ To Capt. I.e Breton &c. &c, &c. lam, Sir, Your most obedient servant, (Signed,) JAMES KE AD, [No. 12.] S.R. B«nANxu, Ottam-a R.ver, ^oth J«Jy. J827. mand of His Urthi^ ciriXfe^^''^^-''^* of your letter by com- 1.1 you are pleased to state that " hL T.rf^t^'''^',''/^^''' ^^^ ^"J'. "here- " worth wh'ile to return any answo^'ro'v f'' ''"" ""V;^'^'« *'>«"»''* '* poso of having a true statement committ.dL™"'^""''] '^"' '"«'' *''« P"--- is pleased to «iy, « that nofSlr T.^ "^V^.'^^^'"''.'-. «»*' «« "« Lordlhip " conlinued," I of oourL H,! «^r 1 ''^ ^'i *'"« ^''''Jec* will be made if being thereby ell^r^Jdt me "C/ thT^'^ /""*?• ''"« '»-'• "^" "^ice to leave it to the opinitn of ari, 31 *^ ,':'"'""«'. ™y only recourse is the whole correspoSden "e o pub fc nrL T ["'• */""'"('''"^ ^•^^"'^ ' '^on^'nit ship's information, copies of lofters from M • % *"«"^'»it '"<»'•"« Wd- who dined with His Lordslh at i«^^^^ H'^'l andfour gentlemen Lordship'H statement, ^""""'l* ''^ «'«hmond on the day alluded to, in His b^lnall?^^^^^^^ ;;- faSlhltS T ''''''' '? ''<^^^ ^^"^^ «" «taid a few minutes. ^*^ *'"^' ''*' <^"'»«' '" afterwards and only 14 His Lord«hip was also plea&ed to state that Mr. Randall " was an absentee, " and who could not then be found ;" I fear His Lordship was also misinfor- med on this subject ; Mr. Randall was at that time a member of the House of Assembly of Upper Canada and residing' near Niagara at his usual place of residence. I should have sent copies ot those letters earlier, but that 1 have been waiting for other documents of equal importance. I have the honor to be ' SIR, Your most obedient. Humble servant. To Majou General Darling, Military Secretary. J. LE BRETON. fNo. 13.] (EXTRACT) Marche, 14th January, 1830. Sir, I was present ^t a conversation that took place at Hull in the latter |>art of the year 1826, between Col. By and yourself, on the subject of the land called Nepean Point, among other matter you told Col. By that you were willing that the Government officers should take as much of that land GRATIS as was necessary for making the intended canal, or words to that effect.* I am. Sir, Your obedient servant, (Signed,) THOMAS READ. To Capt. Lk Breton, &c. &c. Nepean. . A ^°V J^y ?"•'' ^'^ *"' """'oi-'Md by the Earl of Dalhnusie to offer (he sum that 1 Iiad paid for the properly, what I had sold 1 might keep ns a bomis j at this limo 1 hod sold one let at ihe rale ot aboni £500 per acre, and was in treaty Cor other Iota, u hen a Vi?f T "'•» '"''"«'f"'"''y citculaied, that I bad no title, and thot it was the intention of JtJis Lordship to take the land fiom me. The water was (nrncd from the front of my lot ruining my Mill Sites, under the ri- du»Idinglots thereby injuring claLtlJT^^ts'JoltVrolT:; •" Upper-Canada directing all be decided by ^myTthe RinZ t.t / r-'^'-' ^'^'^«" Canal slfould not for the use of t&e Canal a^a<^^^' "* *'"" "''"."^s complained of were >y emigrants from Ireland ZVw P"-««°« <=«™P08 ng our Juries are chief- pray tlmt His Excelencv^^iM^^ "" «"«»» «»«««. I competent and disinterested w/fh "^f P'^T'^ to nominate one or two persons sons^as they ma "uZ e,' SSit^Z^^^^ mill-wrights or oth'er per- lency's approbation, t1,e Snrulnm I 1 '. ™''1"'^ ""''* ^^' ^^^«^ T^ar/^vitf/piisExcdlencvrnermkl^r n"''^ T/'' t« nominate oa »,t, Pinhey, Esquires the Sp.Pnl'n? ^'*'*""^^ Hamilton, and Hamnett the country^ n genSl is a man ofTd' ^,?"'" '^ ^}'- Excellency and to equally l^oLrablo :^ ^t^/E^-^SS^^ I have the honor to be Sir, Your most Obedient &c. &c. &c. (Signed,) J. LE BRETON. Making the aggressor the Judge of his own cause ! !] ' spring ^^tssttThlch HuTxoE 'T ^T"* «" ^'^ ^"^<-^ '" «- have a personal iSffation of" n,v^ •'"' P'f'l"*^ *.^ ''^P'^' *''«* ^o would Rideau Canal. Hb SSrncv aSefr^h "^'•' f "''T^''} "''''' *« t^e tember following, he arrived rtireXrnoonaboHj'rp S""^"" "T ^1" about six miles from thence did not l.n^ Tif !i *, ?m ""'^ "' ' '"'"'''Je mediately went to vvait Th s Fvce Scv uTu *''f f«"«r''«5dav. I im- the line of the Canal with CoL Bv thnM^i i ^ '^f f that he had gone up shore, and that he in?en7ed to reliL tJ„ f M"^*'*^''". ''"^ "i"'^'^''^ ol I therefore .vaited onboard L SamX ,mtinSf :? '^'' TT^ ''^&- m the croning-I addressed him oTtho ^kV 1 V • r^"ni which was Tate seemed offend'ed at my add^ss™rr him on ^^ of h.s letter, His Excellency could give me no rJdress aud'haJi^.^n! '"V"^ ""'^ '''P^'^^ that he room otthe boat wlereTcoS htve "i? Sv\"foL'"' •i""':*^'^ '» the nnblic to Withdraw. On the followin^g^S^KS,---^^^ Copy of a Letter to Z. Mudge, Esq., Private Secretary to His Excelleucy the Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada. (EXTRACT.) Sir, York, 27th Feby. 1830. At a late interview with which I was honorpil H;« p^«„ii plea.sed to say that he would cause an imPiarsu^ef^o b^m^^^^^^^^ Timber Channel, &c. at the Chaudiere Falls To IZ^fL 1 1 ] ^^ *°® and a j^reat deal of time, as Civil En.?aeers are mreTbrrS ^"'^^ «?^P^°«« vince I humbly be. to submit to H?s ExcellencTthat L^J rol bJ^ Royal Ennrineers, lately from England and Cant f-nll n i V,* ^P^^^^' who can be noway interested. b"Sra?preS*on the rT. ^"^fmeers should be most hajpy to refer the c^se tftheirilmenf I? ^^"! ' ' with His Excellenc/s permission that I may biauSio trnW™' ^T them the route, which I propose to«-ethor -.viM, " ,,„"?^^^" *"> .P<»nt out to i"ff the other Channel, aCtC rouT o^a SL frorT/'^^^^ ""^°*- to the Lake Chaudiere. And al«o that Hk P vLii .^^haudiere Falls authorise these ffentlemen to esHmte tho^amief d^^^^ T" ^' ^^'^^'^ *<> the Chaudiere Falls, which decision. I am peSly t^Ll^Sirr'f "* my part with Government. penecuy wuUng shall be final on •■e. vijj a*...!; ■wj., T have the honor to be &c. &c. &c. (Sigqed,) J. LE BRETON, Job JSri1K;„r„|:^^^^^ TrnTS^at^'^'- "^^^-"-y Sir as soon as the Parliament then sitt ng waTclosTd h. ll^f ,*""" ^'P^^^^hat invostijration of my claims. In th" afternoon nf!i?^"'^ ^'"I*" "" impartial the following lette/in reply to "he fore|ibg " ""^ '^' ^"""^ ^^^ ^ received Sir. ^™°"»«°t House. York, 27th Feby. 1830 18 - channel wUl be coniidfcred and fiaally' decided on, after the present Settion, and that with respect to yoiir claims on account of the injnry which you have sustained from the works earned on near Bytown, you must refer them to the Ordnance Diepartment, or to the Arbitrators who will boaiJ- pomted by Act of Parlianieot after the Canal is finished. John Le Breton, Esq. I have the honor to be, &c. &c. &c. Z. MUDGE. My claims had already been referred to the Ordnance Department who referred them to Col. By as before stated in pj^e 16, and had they come within the jurisdiction of the Canal Act T should have had no occasion to apply to His Excellency f6r redress. >inrr' (CdPY.) 'iS. Bytown, 1st Novr. 1831. Si4^ H4vio^ in^ffechitlla^ ipa^e ^ieVeral applicatjions to the He Governor . in.Chii;f, as elso t9 the Ljeutenant Governor of the Province, to redress grievances which I hav^ sustained from the public works carrying on in this qdartt^r, under the direction of Liept. Col. By, which application hay« hitherto not been satisfactorily, replied to, I beg to state ior the iuformation of Lieut. Col. By tq^t t am now about to represent the case to the £[oi|ora« bis the liords Commissioners of His Majesty's Trieasury. It i^ not, however,, my wish so to do, provided Lieut. Col. By will be pleased to name any tWo or three gentlemen to meet those whom I shall name and by whose decision I am willing to abidor , * I have the honor to be &c. &c. &c. J. LE BRETOK. To Joseph N. Hagerman, Esq. Solicitor Rideau Canal. (COi*Y.) Sir, Bytown, 1st Novr. 1831. In reply to your letter of this day's date, I beg to infonn you that I have laid the same before CbL By, wlio has ddiiired me to inform you that 19 be has no objection to appoint two Officers to meet those gentlemen you may name to take into consideration any chum for damages that you may have sustained from the public works at this place now under his superin- tendance. The Officers named by him, are Capt. Boulton and Capt. Yule, of the Royal En^neers. He also desires me to request you to name the day on which you will be prepared to meet the aforesaid gentlemen. I hare the honor to be &c. &c. &c. „ , , , (Signed,) J. A. HAGERMAN. To John Le Breton, Esq. The undersigned, having at Chittj 's Tavern and at the instance of Capt. Le Breton met Capt. Boulton and Lieut. Frome for the purpose as they were given fo understand of arbitrating Capt. Le Breton's claim on Government, find that Capt. Boulton and Lieut. Frome's instructions empower them only to exainin.i into Capt. Le Breton's claim for damage done in consequence of the Rideau Canal — not to arbitrate and award— moreover Capt. Boulton and Lieut. Frome having declined to submit to the nomination of an umpire under any consideration whatever. The undersigned are under the neces- sity of withdtawing. By town, 30th Novr. 1831. Signed, 5 JOHN BUCHANAN. i HAMNET PINHEY. Mr. Hagorman was called into the room and in presence of the above gentlemen was asked what wa3 his impression when he received instructions from Lieut. Col. By to answer Capt. Le Breton's letter; his answer was— my impression was that Cajjt. Le Breton's claims on Government were to be finally settled by arbitration. Qtt«»y.— Can it be settled without an umpire?— Am. In my opinion it