CIHM ICMH Microfiche Collection de Series microfiches (Monographs) (monographies) Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut Canadian de microreproductions historiques [ Technical and Bibliographic Notes / Notes techniques et bibd at ge to be med , left to )s as ate the Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent etre film^s d des taux de reduction diff^rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour etre reproduit en un seul clichd, il est film6 d partir de Tangle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n6cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART ^o. 2) 1.0 I.I Irav m [1 3.2 ■ 40 [ 2.5 2.2 ZO '8 ^ y^PPUEOJsMGE 165J Es-if Vclr Street (716) 482 - 0300 -Phone ('16) 288 - 59P? - Fa« •; Oi I \\v.\, (/m Maki II, i.SSj. MK. I l)L-g leave to siil)mit, for your intonnation, the ai (ompanving ( o|)V 1)1 a IVtition to the^islatiitv of ( Jniario from i )v \\\-.s.' <, V \\\\:\<^\\\ I'AiiowMiNT Association, and I wi^,!) to diivd Noiir |>arti(nlar attention lo tile fai ts therein brought out. 1 have the honor to be. sir, Ndiir obedient ser\aiit, S.\NI)FORI) FI,1-:\IIN(;, President Q. l^. E. Association. / f I i } ■ '/'(' tlic Ilt'iioiirdii/i' tlic l.i'i^is/atiiV .ls.u'iiil>/i of the Pivvincr of Ontario: 'I'lu' petition ot' (^)UI I N's L'nIVKRMIN IvMiOWMlAf ASSOCIATION Humbly shi"ucmi i.n.r th. Art.. S, u... r an.l rIassLS alike rank ar.i.mK tlu'ir students in attcndam e. .\nj;li( ans, R.mian ists. Mcthudists. liaptists. (ongrcKationnlists and I'r, sl.vlcrians; I'hat (^Ufcns University draws students everv pari ..I Oniarin l.iit more cspcially. owing to K-'OKraphi. al proxnuitv. Iron, th. following I'owns anrl from the several Counties in whi.h these Towns are sit.nte.l ■ Ottawa. Carleton l'!ail auriMK the. s..^,i„„ ,.t ,,S85<, ,!,.• uiMkr Kr.uln,,,, , ,,n.l .„Ikt sliMki.f, MtUn-liiiK Akis .lassc. in (.).KeM\ at.,l rnix.-iiv c ,lk.j,e, I'xronto. Were res|)i'i tivclv as fdllnus: Others attendinj' r, . ,. ,, ... L'nder-grailiiates. Arts (lasses. Totals. Queen's ColleKe, Kingston. .. ,60 ,oJ ^fl' I'na. vour pctitio.ur, huv I,.m, „,v,l,|e t.. ..I.tain the number uf students attending Tnmntu I'nivvrMtv duru,^ the present,„n; that the returns when mule oi:t will ni all proLahility slum an increase; that m the .ase .,r gueens the m, rease this session is marked; that the "iinilnr-.l undergraduates attending has risen Ir-.m 160 to ,Xi. and the una! niimlHr ot students enrolled is .^fij; Thatsi„,e the lirst estal.lishm.'ut nf Tniversit v ( 'ollege, Tunmlo the total number of students who have graduated in .\ni> (|!..\ ami M.A.) is yog, and that sin, e the tirst establishment of gucen's University the total mmiber of students who have graduated in Arts (I! \ and M.A.) is 498; That ar.ording to the ealendars for the present session, issued by the authorities of both institutions, the tot.d numbers of graduates of al kinds, from first to are ;is follows, viz; (iraduated at University College, Toronto, total ,,041 (Iraduated at {.)ueen's University. Kingston, total 887 That these statistics, obtained froai oftiiial sources in both cases, will convey to your Honourable House a correct idea of the important work being done for the community by the two Universities at 'I'oronto and Kingston : That, however, the two institutions are doing their work under entirely different cir.umstances; forasmuch as the University at Toronto is and has always been wholly supported by public funds, the University at Kingston had to dep.^nd on local aid and the generous support of its nuuK'rous friends ; That while your petitioners ftilly recognise the high value of Toronto University, they claim that Queen's University occupies a scarcely less important place in the intelle<:tual and moral development of the com- munity; that, therefore, while your petitioners would deeply regret to see Toronto University crippled in her noble work for want of sufficient revenue, they A„uld cpiallv deplore to see Queen's University left wholly unrecognized. In the .jpinion of your petitioners it is of the highest iinportan.e to the whole community that so marked an instance of local antl |)ri\ate effort should be fostered and recognized; ...-. llii .\ki i.a.luiiK ,il KiiiKMuii iMil.iili..,liin|,iua. kTuith ''" l''i'v^r>itvu;.rlun' .t T..r,min, ,i .v,,ul,| |„, „,„, r.;iM.Mal)K ,m,l JUM. vvIku inrtlMi |H,hl„ ,,-„.,, , .,,,,,,.,1 „,, Hi,- vswn.u.u mi Ton.ntu CnvrrMtN. in m,,,,. ,,„| „, ..v,,„.|,„. ,|,, ,,„,|,j„j, ,„ S..cT..v.,i.,l Arts ,u KiM^stnn. ..h,l S ; ,| ,■ ,„„„„„ „|- ,,,,1 ..,„„„.,| slu.uhl l,e:ir.s;,.hanc,|iiil,il>lf MrM|,n,;.,n ,„ ,1,.. .i.l.liti.maU n,,c,uIiIu.v ■' I'l.nmin .1, tho luiinbcr „f .\k i ■> ,U th,. (.ru- ^ni^.■rMlv I. ,,,.. Ill ilu' inniilin of .\u i sIikKhn ,i| ii,,. ,iiIut; \\nikii..Ki vnnr |,riui,Hui> lunnhlv |„.,yih,„ n. ,niv nKa>niv r. I.r - 111;; to tiR- l'.nvvr,nu.,. iustici ni;,v l.r ,|, „.. „, K;, ,,,.,„ , ,,„,,r„, .,,„| „, ,1,, !n;ni\ tlldus.uid^ ot' ini.lilr ulii c piK.iIi.' means t;() t,, iln. siip'M rt Vueci.'s UniNcrsity, and thai in th.^Nrnl nC il,e r.n.l.Avmnit .4 T,.rnnn, 1,'nivorsity beinK in-'ivaMd, a nru|„,rti.)nalc rsprn.liiurf ho nia.l,'. m ..i, ncctinn mill (Jncm', I'niNfis'U a! KiiigMwn: And as in duty Ixnind y.uv |a'tiii(HH'r uil! cwv praM On hclialt' of (^)iiccn's l'ni\trsit\ I'.nddwininl Assnciatam. •■^VM'; ■ \\ I.MiN,,. ■ 'rcsiden!. K. \'.\sllU\ KdOl |;s, llonorars' Sci ri lai M:nTh 1^1. iSS-.