IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) ///// /> Si J*^ (/. 2, 1.0 I.I 25 2.0 1.25 1.4 J4 ^— 6" — ► Photographic Sciences Corporation i\ M .4«*>Cm« :j {FromTiiK MvxiTon.*x) Th«jeiir 1871 hiis passed into tlie domuiii of hintoiy. It lias «vivnhere Iweii nil HUMitt'iil ypar. Wlm;. uhuiiirrs Iws it not wi-iiiighi, nn tlif face r,f the globf '. On the Continent c.f Europe, jfirni victories on the oiio h.inii, gri'nt diiias- tJTfi on the other, Imve veiiiljusted nHtinniil lioMiidftrii'K, iinil lolistrilinti'd niitii.iwl pr.-^ti^e. TIiLh I'untin.i.t has net Ill-en willnjiit itsHhaic of ini|«)rt«nt evenls. Who would liuvi- vuntured, lust Nin- Year's diiy, lo predii-t tlmt bft'ori! auothor yeai- eaini- rmiiiil, ar- rangi-ineuts would Im- iimde fir thi' peaceful siiluiioM of qui-stions which havi- kept thi- two;!ieat DninoiieB of the British i-hcis fur years on the very verge of war i The man who shall write the history of 18"I, will have the innter!!il f,n- a ma,'nili;eut record. Ifhi'I'v wouhl we n itic; the events of the year, if it were only to glance at theni--l)ut we are de terrod by thi' nuiltiplicity and variety of thetiipies which compete lor attention. Ue ours the taMk—an humhie.biit not ne- c'ssarily usel.'.^< task, to review the year so fir «■) our little Province is con- cerned. To the Ijulk of the outside world, our ntlairs may be of liiile moment. To us who have made Afani, toba our home— to those who purpose to mika it their home,— it cannot but 1)0 iuterosting to know what progress a year has made in laying the foundations [ of Civil Gjveriiment in the countrv, and puvin>: the way foi' the prosiierous future that awaits es. ' We shall begin with the time , when the Liinteimnt-GuvHinor land- ' ed at Fort (J.uiy. This will com. prise rather more than a year, | but 80 little more, that, up to the I present moment, we may assume i to be dealing with the fii-st year of i Manitoba. i Let us recall for a moment the ex- ' citement which existed at the period i when our review commences. Ii was a lime of nuivorsal uneusinosa. We shall not refer to the events of Ifiti!) and 1870, further than to sav that they had left behind rhem memories of the most piiiuful and irritating character, and that a large portion of the p-o[ile felt (hat the time had come to exact a return in kind for the utTer- ings of which their memories .supplied such vivid recollections. Till- excitement was still further in- : creased by the presence of bands of rov- ing I'llians «.;attered up and down through the seltlomeuts. The^^e savages, di-awn to th:; front by the pmspects of war, had been appealed to for support, and fiom t'lr or recklessness, hid re- ceive 1 proiiitses it was impossible to fiil- fil. They were hoeering round the sctth;. m-ms in a state of starvation, living on pilla.^e and m iking night hideouH with I bei, fri^l,(f„| orgies. The antasonisni between the E iglisi, and French races, divided the country iut.j two hostile camps— not only arrayed against each other, but subject to the danger of collis- ion Willi the hungry and disappointed saviig . who were prowling about theset- tlemcnls. This was not a state of things to be rashly de.ilt with. It required great t^lllll••os .if ihp iniiiiiuy |iriiiiitl.'.l, ami wii limy 111) lit' till' I'lilii'', wliii li liiii 1111W tit'cii .'1 ,' iiiir-i"! Ii !■ •! \cai. that. Gist Vfiir ilioir^ii 11 III-, aiiit vviiji all iis sliorl.iniiiiiig'i, 11 may faii-ly '■li.iU.'iii^c i-iiin|iai'i-iiHi Willi tliiit nl' iilitiT ''laiiitj i<'^ Kiir the UhI llilll' llliillllii., Iilr Hal prujii'ity i'l this I*i'o\im*i*, have hrcti as B<'Oiiri>, at in am hiIhm- !'iii\iia t* tlir 1 hiinuiiiiii Tile lli'Xt lluilg til l-i ilull' imvaiils orgiiiiiziiig I'imI (nit'iiiini'iii, "..^ t'l ol'taiii an iifciintfo knnwh-il ;i' mI' till' himilii-r anil iliiti-ilaiiiiai ul' thr |M'o|ih*. Ai-nin>ri*iiiftil> vii'fi* iiiiiili.' tiif tliat |iiir[>i»sf'. 'I'lic riMisiiN liiiil III 1,1' tiil-j-a uiali-i- i-iriaimstatn'tih wliiin 11 wa.s all inii>i)riaMt ; nut only 'hat it shiiiihl III! 'I'liii' I'aii'lv. lull thai tli' ictiirus hIiiiuIiI III- aim VI' ilmilii iir su^|ii' - mil. TlitMtrran.ijrotnciitH nimlt; wim." w ii|j oiit jireiM-ili'iit, liTi tli« ri'Mill i.^ Lii'vninl nxjita-ienoii. j'lvery ri'inrii hn- rvvy District is crtitieii a.MJ niir.sti-il liy iiii'n cnjiHinj; llio I'oiHiil.'iii'i .if iln- most op|ii)iiii' M'Ptiiuis lit' ihi' pnjana lai.iiiii. All Kiijilislini ... aii'l a [''rcinli- man, a i'mtritiiiiL and a raiimlio. in> n of tli.i ir.'St opiiositc piilitifal ami rrligioiis seiitiiDPiits, liiiM' nniti-il in nignins; caoli (Vnsiis Hunk, ami swi-ai- in;i to its corroctness. At this iiinincnt ini man ilmiots the absnliiie ciiife.'itn'^s of tlio (Viisiis Kelurns ; that tin' ( '1 11 siis lias Ijt'un iniimi tially ami lima-.sil, takfii. After this came the lu'ccssii ly ]irr paraiioiis for the introiiiirtiun of r.-pre- Bentrttivo iiistinitiuns. 'I'here was in; I'llcoiion Law in the i;(iiinl.r\. A law liai'i leiice of a twelve-month under liicse laws, and it will he I'oiind when the Lifjisln- tore meets ai;aiii, that ainendnienis, if any are ceipiired. will Ik» in the way of ex- tension and development. The .simplici- ty of the original laws was iiileiiiivmal. Thoy were framed lo admit iidditions oienlari^emeiits without violence to the i.M'iijinal fabric, and to rccei\e such ad- dilions find enlar;^cment.iliciii-n, bill th'-ie \ le. ijo pow.-r to f oiivi lie a Oiaiid 'liiry, .iiai will. mil .1 'iraiiil .fury, there co.ilil be no iiiiiii-t- 11 1. 'lit. riieii' wasnoan'lioi ity loMiiiiiii..n a P. til .liny, and wiihoiit a retit.lniy 'her aild be no iiial. I'l-.m lie tiiiii', tlierebiic, uhi'ii .111' Ibiv.ri.oi anived, till ihi' iliiid .lay if .\piii, when thii I iw pa>'i.'il, onr tiibiin.ii.s had no p.>v. .'r I., pniir.h. (.'lleClh 1... I., be .snli , lllii;llt t'l' .on .Ml-. I : bill lle-y iiiii,>i havi' leniain. • •.I in oris.. 11 or be hi h.'ise .i;,'nin on the c.immiinilv 1 miv ieiioii or pnii- ishmeiii. I'li'ler the new law, ih..' machinery of Ih.' .'ourt 1 11 imIIciI ii.l...iiperaiii.n. Till' (iraiid TiupiesI liiix 1 11 coin'i.k- f'd ; . furies fmiiinion.'.I and impuiielled, oll'endc..', in.lici.'.l. I red, ci.nv icied, and eoii.lenined. The ll.^tllll' law-yrs wli.. AIT.. in^a;;e.l in the .lelei.'c.' faile.i to till. I a ^inv'le lliov ill the nnii'hinery eon- .^iiiicie.l to cariv 01.1 the laws of the laml. The only aa.'i i-xisiiie,' m the conniiy al the time of the l.niitinant ' iovcr- nor'.s he f.. 1111. 1 . e. iipi.-d by till, military as a hospiiil ISiiihs tlii», the old ifoal had an .iiaiispicioiis liiii- tory---its .lours had mi ofli'ii yi. Iiled to pressure Irian within, lluit it conhl haiilly be looke.l upon as a place of safe custody, it was therefore necces.saiy lo [irovide ^.tiur prisons. -V Police ytaiii.n was bnilt at Win. nipei; and a suitable si. >ne Iniiiiiuy al the Lower I'oit, hired from llni lliul- soii l)a\ i.'.mipany. was repaire.l and reiiiodellcl to a.hipt it to the purpu.sus "faliaal and P.'nileniiary. .\l the last iiH'.'tiii;; of the (.leneiiil ('. lint the (jiraiid.liiry visiti-.l this prison anil iiroiuiiinced ifie lii;.die.-t eiilo';iiiin on its eoiiilitiua and iitaiia;i''iinMl. -N'.'Xt came the ipn-Mion of ihe In .Mans. We have seen th" ,'tate ol 'I .1 feelings when Ihev l.'ft to.' .'^etlleinont. i'he l.ieiileiiaiit tiovtriior had promised they slioiiid be M'nt for when the ^prin..; caine round, and dealt with Ibr tli.'ir lands TIh'V weicMiinmo.icltonii c.t at ilio Lower Vftern foi Iniuhl « tedious (lis.'ussion, after the palieneo i.f evcrytiody wasexiiaiisted. a solution was at li'iigtli r.'achc.l, and a treaiy nittde w!ii li. whil.' doiiit; lull ju-.ticc to tlie Indians, at the same time piovid.s for the cesaioii of their rijrh's upon terms wliioheimtrnst very favorably with ilmsn contained in tie' treaties ihe .-Vmericaiis have made witli the tribes across the Irotitier. It is something to have conducted this opemtion with two thousanil savae, s, i-ncanip ed for a l'orlnii;ht in Ihe miiLst ..f onr population, and all this withem distiirbani'.'|oi .li.soiilei iif any kind, with out, a blow beiin,; struck, or I'xen a ..^lass ofinioxicalinu liipior a peopb' who.seciavinj{furdrinkauiountsi to insiLiiii V. It m«T 1.0 po.%il,I« thnt the polioo nn.ihii.'iii.'iilswliji»|i,.,|H r.,,,-,!,,,, oil IV. -I- i...i,|, ,ii„l |Hiiin(i(.|| iiu inu.x- KMt:,,i^. li((ii„iH I,, |„n,, nei,, I, |||,|„ l.'yi.n.l llicmriit IcttPi- i.f ilu. |.i«-, l„it 11 WiU. W.lllli Willi,. 1.1 itilliil .'I |.|.1M1, I . !»■ .I'.Ii' I., |,1,||.,. UhChi.. till, wuil.l til,. »|» IMllcIl? ut II Mist linld.. of Hin.lj:is, i|('llh.lllilll< tlll'llHl-lvc!! I'oiil l'.,itiiii;|,t, Willi II ijiTiMicy iiiiil iirii|iri<-tv, wliii'li miv'lit »pll put oiii ,-iviliziiti.jii to tlii. Iilimli. 'I'll.' Iti.|i,iii< ii'iiiiin'il lo'l Iiciiii,., «itli..iit oimiiiiiiiiii:; III,. ,iiiiilli'^i (|c|„i, il«ii.,ii. .-v.'ii til tl... .xf.Mil III' tiiliiin; 11 |"ilu Injiii 11 runners ffiuv, oc n p.ilit.v fiiitn lii, (jpiii A simiiiir Tiiiiiry was ii> ;tal s\Hl;.'iii in opi-nitiDii. I In... 11 vv.vk .I'ni- mails wen- PMiiii'.l t., I'.. II, I, inn. W,. |,a,| fi pa> ,1 Cs. .,11 ,.»,.,v ||. ,,,.,. j,„„| tli.-in, \V.. 1,, I, ais.., ,„ „„„k nnr L'tlivH Willi Am. ricmi stamps, an. I t<. hanHiiiit tln-m. siil.j,.|.-t t., in-ip,.,.ti,iii. a' ill,. A.ii,Ti,.;,n l„jr,|..|-, l.v i||., j,,.,,.,],. who till. in,' tl lli.-rat P.'mliiiu my .)f will, III liail li,.i!n iMiiiiHcti'.l wifl, oiiV tnml.lps lifi-,. ill a ,v„y t,, niake tlii.-. in. s tvli-.n must nil. I(;si:'al,l('. in n y.Mi all tiiisliHs,..|ian..',.i|, Onr mails iii-i'. tnin.^*- mittisl ami riT.-iicil tlir..« tinii.!i ,1 week iii.sli.«,l oC on.v. Tli,.v aic eariiwl in'.i UiL's, M.alfii IH'ure fliov l.^avii tlip t(M-ritoiy..t'llmD"i„ini.nan.rk..pis.s,l,.,| ("ill tlii>y reach it a'.'ain. Tlicv aip cav- ri.'.l, nut as t'.,fni"rly. in a H',,.i l!iv.>i- i-ait. Imt invi.|ii|.|,.s,irawn liylVim |„ms,-s .Tin! driven at tins rate .if '7 mili's an li'.iir. All over tlie e.iniitrv, post iilliiitg have Ijeeii i-slahiisheil „i, a Mniple ■i?eii put "in p.'rfoet .jrdcr. Whrn hn arrived the aiiihontT of the Dominion .•lli-riK-ocllect dtilipn "■a,, A ' iia-lrr horn Monneal, itrively all.Kinv timl he |,,,.| ihehesl .iilvicethe i,ai of that eitv CTmId tniiiifth, delii„.ial,.|y r.'fii., ,| to pav ihiliiK an. I,.ne,| lesistiiiioe if any altPinpl w.'ie cade 10 collect fh.'lii, Mr. SpciHs'r iK'l. ,1 «,il, V ig,,|.. Siip|„,rt. e.l l.y the p.,li..-e amin.rili, s, \.e»;ir,i i|,„ Ko.idiiof the .ll'.nd.'r. ami pr.rfinsied to il.'ul with iheni ai-coiiliiiij to law, Dno examph- was iiultici..nt, Fioiii tjiat li.iiir to this, no mun has venmred t.i iid'ine, mill Mr. .Sponccra arrangeineniH leave n.) .■hail..!., to . vmle, the pnymoi t ol duties. Uii.ler a tarilfof t ,,ei c.-iu. glO.Orii) havi. ponieil, .liiriiii; the pr.s..iu year, into iho tip.isuiy of ih,' I).. mini, ,11! With the taiilf ivliiir 11 will |«. on kh.I alter iliB l:>th of .M.n. |«T:), iho dmics of thin vear would ha\e mom ihaii ,|oii. hleil tie; .sum ulloited liy llie Act of Manitol.a tolle- nsos of 'hi< r'i..vincc, A yi'iii au-o Ih.'.e was not a lino nm .).■ a l.'rowi, Lin.j Hnrvexorl.i he foind ill the Pnuin.c The" Maps of iho Coiintiy w..r ul.i litan the . iii'ormali..ii. lt.s physiciij f.'iiluies wer, distorted- llie LakeH mid liiveiB ini.-place.l Now (he whole Pnivinco has he.-n miipp si oil' into hlocks cm- tainiiin lour t.,wir.liips ea.'h ; ih.. site of liners th- ami Lik.'s ascernun.d, the oror.sin th,' top.,j.oM| hv ailjiia'ed, and iirraiiK.'menlH, for th. f mil s.i;.,|ivisioii into sections so r.niplcte, ns to make the c.ninlry for any amount of iiiimi;;ralion in lliecmiiiii; year. The hical mamii^ement of tim Crown (loina n has heeii |..l.i,.pd in ehaifie of -Mr. .\r.Mi.-keii and tint i.' has eiiiHi-, d npnn th.' luisiness ,.f his otlice with an ein'riiy and spirit, wlii guarantee liia litm-ss tor ih..- ,|iUici. iiml lalioiioiis duties incident 10 th,. position. The vast int.'rior lyinsj to onr west, has hitli.'ito i.ei.n open oiilv to the L)02 Tiain or the J!ed Hiver Cart. At fill's nium.-nt, within a few miles of where we writ,,, m.iy I,., seen tie- hulls of two Ktcaineis— .11 f which, in the early part of ni'Xt s.'asou will startle wiili lis nhrill whislle the wamleriin,' savages of Lake .Maiiilolia ; while the echoes of the other, will I'everlienite from the winding,' hanks of the Haskiilchewnn. Th,. iiifirioi will heieat'ler iw access- ible withonl exposniii ami without toil, and the shrieks of th,, si,..iin ship nionjj Ili0);r.4.t liver. .f the West will herald a population ihal will Kpiead itself lllon^ its hanks an.l carry the arts of civiliza- tion and rclinemcnt to our western wihls. A year ago we were riv.'n liv intes- tine dissensions and angry leelingfi son.e of our jicople, few "in lumiher, hut noi3> in demonstr.ition —with little to loso aii.l overything to gain from civil coamliiiuub— did tboir bes; to inflain* ll)eii«lniiB''f'ii" po'si'iin. A KruiI (if IllwicHU llJI'li l<|K'c(|l;lll"l ll|Hlll tliin stulc of tliink'o iiiil iiiviuli'il Diir (I'liituiv, lic)iin^ tliul ill Itii" t«i'iu ment oi' iniimiun oiif liiilf (iiir in-niilH w.iul.l lliuk til llii-ii HluiiJaril. Tlio iii'lii^iiaiii u|M'iHiii|; "f n llhfiiiwiii'l KngliHliiiii'ii, rcnilv tn ih't- ml tliiT roiintiN mill lliiir (lux.- tin- mnii''! plmlunx uf till' Krniih .l/'7i/i <■! all iln- )^l^il^ho^, ;HuHlll)i ll ili'lrrlllllllltllUl tn iiilly tu tlie (Tiiwii. WHS till- ii'«|»ilmr thi'iie iniitamliTii r«;iiivi'il. \Vi' «iivi' (iiuof til till' iiivmli'iB himI til till' wiirlil, that, ilitTw 11^ we iniirlit iiiiiiniK mi! selvi's uii tinittiTH ol" iiiiii'triiii'ini'iit.uui' liciirts wi'iu ii>:lil,aiiil "Hi- liiiinU nw'.y wlii'ii iliilv I'Hlli'tl ii» ll' till' •li'fiiiri' 'if uiir ci.miiioii diiiiitrv. A vi'rti- ll^llit iiHik .'iOiltivs tu ii-ci'i\i- finni I Ktiiwa II n'l'ly tu ii Tilt'jrMliliii' MfSKii^e i iii>« 111* liiiiii . Iiiini" mirtici'. A yi'KiH),'!! tlii'iiHaii'Ht i'iiiiiniiiiilniti"ii witli till! iiiitHiili' wnilil WHS li\ way uf 8l. t.'liiuil. A ilreary jniunov uf 4UII iiiiU'K sii|iaralMl Knit •Imiv fniin 'ln' li'i'iiiimit' iif tlir Kailwa\ [ii mil! yiai- tlic Iriiii loiul liaHiili-nl gill tlmt iliiluni'c liv liiill', anil wi' mi' now within 2i"l mili-s nf lli« Noitli I'licilic (.'roHning at Minvliia'l. in iln' iieighbourlioiMl uf Ijeuixrtouii. A littli' iivpi- a yi at- aji" tlif MiliHiiy KxiH'ditioii, Hfiit IVoni CiilliiiiiWDi"! 'jv tliP Lakes, iifti'i- iirmliai.h uf iiiul I'liilumiiCH, sui'i-ii'ili'il ill i-ai'liiuj; Ki it Gany by tin; rireiiitoiis i-imti' uf tin \Vilillilii)i liivi r, ol'ti'i- a liiairli of till' -i' iiiiiiitlis. 'Miiii yi'ar. su iiiin'li is tl c liiiP imin-oM'il, thai .'tlO mi!ii. at astam ii wlion Hiiow anil frust liail iiioirasi .1 iMiormoiinly tlm harilsliilis '>f tlif ruuli , ri'aclipJ Kurt Gairy in iipiii'i't lii'altli, ami withuiit an aeciileiit, ui -I* ilay ^ fi'.im thi' ilay llii'y li-fi Tliiiiulii- Uay. A \i»4ir a^ii. tin: niu'.stinn oi' a Kail wav to till- I'ai'ilir wasatliini! iifth.'Oi'y Its |inii'tii'aliility was biiM-il ii|hiii I'un ji'i'tun'. Till' «li"li' rmintry ln'ti>i'i!ii lliis anil till' wojiti'iii iVuiitii'r uf I 'niai'io was iinkiiuwn, I)iiring tlin itast si'asun thti int«rvi'iiiiis siiiii'f has \nvn iliviileil lilt" Ncptions. All i'ttii.'i"iit Mirvi'vini; part*- has liei'U ilespatuiieil into rni;\t, whili' lii'twi'i'n Koi't (iarry anil thi'Wisl II party has lK't'iuii'L'aiii/.ril to rri'oininiiic tlii> aroiiiul mill imrsiii' iln'ir r'xj.luia- tioiis, till tlicy kIuiH nii'.'t, in ilii! jrurgi'S ')f the Roi'ky .Muiintiiins, iitliiT paitiiM bciit out from tlip Pncilic I'oast. By the time Parliament shall have mot, the Goveninient uf the I>uiiiiiiiuii will l* in a position tojiulujeof the whole line of conntry intervening between the Ottawa anil the lioiilei-s of the Faoilit Ocean. May we iiul fairly say, then, iha; this Provinee has made great stiidis during the year that is, just oloiiing J Out if lie I' III which ilin nr iiMil uf the l.ieiiieiiaiil lii»*'-riuir fuuiiil Iln, uriler iiiii! [M'fti'e have ''e.'ii pvuKeil. The exeiii'iii"iita uf tliiien uf tiu-.ii.lo huve passed tt«iiy .\ |"'lie" has U'eii iirgaiKZed — an eiinnii ratiuri ut tin- in haliiiaiitn made theiuiiiiti\ has Ihiu paiueili'l oil' iii'o elei'tiriil ilivisii ni — i-hs'tiulis liM^e lii't II lielil ill Ans< lllbl^ ri'iiiiiied and i"ii\"ii.'l , a i-'spuiiiible .Mlnisiry I'unslitiiti'd: a code of laws eiiaeleil ; l.'ulllts ut tiiihtiee orgillliu-tl, ami pill ill u|K>ratiiiii ; jiisli'P ailiiiinis' len'ii ; eiiniiiiHl" turd e'liivieted. and seiiteni'id; the Indiaii title tu half n I 'unlineiit releiuwil ; the pnblie duiiiain uf the Piiiviiipi' durvi'yed, laid olf in liliH-ks, and 111 uh' leadi for iiiiiiitgia- tii'ii ; lines of eoiiiiiiiiiiinitiun with 'riuiiiiler Hay b\ tin I akes, and wilh Oiiliith and SI. I'aiil by the I'niti-d Mates, iinpiuved ; Steanislniis fur euni niiinieatiiig with the iiiti liui in ruiiise uf I'unstrielion, and railway exploia- tions acriws the ( 'ontinenl, alnvist eom pli'te ; Mail routes aad I'ust Ullirns estiiblisheil all "ver tlii' J'nivince , Ciistulll Ilullses mstltllli'd iiinl dlltirs eullieted , Priduiis and Penitentiaries biiilt; and, last uf all, a Tele;; aph Line established, niakm;^ us puit and piirci-l of the living world We iiiay well ask whether the crowding uf all these events into the eompiiss uf a single M'.ir, is iiui a iheiiie open whieh we ni.n 1 ungniiiiliiiu uiii.vUef. and the Doniiniuli tu Hnieli «!• bi-lullg. We challenge the world to piodiiie an in siiince « iiere siieh an aiiioiint of woik in any eoiintrx, or iibuiil any eotintrv, has eiowdi'd the animl.i of a single year. Some of tins work has lieen dune uiit-.iile of the authorities of the Lloiii'iiiun, but it is fair to say evi-n of what has su dun.-, that iiiin li of it IS 'Ine to ilie 1 rgy with which I lie Doniinion antl orities ami llie I^cal authorities liavi applied themselves to the task of opening and developin;; llir \ast i».soui-ees uf thei-uiiutry i-uiiiniii|eil to^their eliarge. Of the rest of ill ■ work we are not poneerne 1 toappirli'iii to eael: of the paiiies "iiga.'e I ill it thei Xiiot misaiui' of |ivaise wliieli niiy be due. Wlieii! all have worked well, it would be invidious to distiiiiiniMli, but this W" may say, that the (iu\eriimeiii of the Dominion, and the ollieials they have sent here, the Lieutenant Gover nor of the Provinee and the gentlemen with whuiii liu has been siirruunded, as his eunstitiitiunal advisers, have acted with but one aiiu--tli;it uf faithfully diseharging the responsible fiinelions whieh the possession of this noble herilagi- imposes upon those who have in then hands public ali'aiis. the administiatiuii of