IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I IM 11112.8 m m ~ »i^ IIIIM IM |40 M 2.2 2.0 1.8 1-25 1 1.4 1.6 ■* 6" ► * T f V ' t%»A«>t J i fll ' IH^U ' i., .vvrrr r^;«;;:cra::sv-;t---:r,r: -■a:.-in*_-3r'. r^mmm mm. ^ im-: ' VMmM ' '}mmumMAJ.'* ^ A N P Price List t*»»»»«»»««.#*«>« *t«t ««•..»• »*>^«4(»*«»«»»f»«»»^»#»»»,«< MOD .C • OeuCMMAM I LITM 4«iWATUN0 IT. C.C. iii w m a I.- r\ ^v o CD < DC O o LU ill rc ^- 5-- V«^.)^ Mu ./ '•^ f^' I. ,' London House. TURNER, BEETON AND TUNSTALL, WHARF 8T, AND GOVERNMENT 8T, VICTORIA, B.C. I L 'J- T. ^^Im;in;u!i niiti ^ist FOK 1874. :i & I IMPORTERS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF /•> J. p. TUNSTALL & Co., 8, BOW CHURCH YARD, LONDON, E.C c.>- ':^^l PROVINCIAL ARCHIVES OF 6. C. I' K 1 N T L II U\ K I 1? J I I. I A N l- C () I C. H M A .N . 4f(, WATl.lNC. MKr.I-.'l. C 1 1 S , I.t. ^'^lo^ ^^% ^- .^ ?FURNER, BeETON & f UNSTALL Have again tlie pleasure, '>vitii the acl\-cnt of the new year, 1874. of handin^^ their Almanack to their Friends. The interesting feature of the Moon's Changes and the Sun's Risings and Settings, for the Colony, specially calculated for their Calendar, is still continued. The Retail Stock at London House is regularly supplied by F.?a-)ress with the latest Novelties from Paris and London. Their Wholesale House in Wharf Street, under Mr. Rout Harvey's management, is also reguiarly supplied by Steam and sailing \'essels nith direct importations from the Marl^ct of Europe. A good supply of Alexandre's Gloves always on hand. T. B. & T. are the Sole Agents in British Columbia for tliis Glo\'c. -J—, ,S'' ■>' . /"^ 't^ y P '^^XS^^^'^'^.^^^^W^^-^^?^ D S^i J.P.TUNSTALL&Co.,\ 8, Bow CiirRCii Yard. LONDON. E.G. TURNER, BEETON AND TUNSTALL, Whari St., Victoria, BRITISH COLUMBIA. \\H()Li-:sAL[-: DRY GOODS A M > COMMISSION Ml-.RC HANTS. References in British Columbia and throughout the Dominion:-— BANK OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. .^■ 'v^ H* '^-:^M ^^ f^^' ^'--^ n ^/ >..■ A" c. c^i « TURXICR, I3I-:1':T()X AM) ]"). McInxi;s lv: Co., Hamilton. Canadian T\vei:ds. TU N STALL, WHARF ST. & GOYEENMBNr ST, VICTORIA, 13. C, SOI.K AGENTS VoU BoriiM-LEAU ^S: Co.'s Chami-acnk \'iNr,\Aixi) ^;J^ PKoi'KiH'r'jRs' Company's Cocnac Hkandi'. Hash's Ali:, Ijottlcd by M. IL l''osii;K »S; Sons. (jlinness's Stout do. do. l^v^\■C!;TT"s " Ro\'al Crown "" Iki:-.!! \\'insKi:v. W'liiriNG & Cowan, Oshawa, (3nl:irio, Canada, (jak!)i:n and .Vgkicl'ltukal Tools. 0.- -^ v. Bkai^.v c\: Co., Limiti:!), (jAi.WiXizi;!) Iron. /..; iMtzroy Works, London. W> J>-'»«^ lp"7 (t) ^A b Z fi r: •"& >^/ DOMINION OF CANADA. F^osiage Rates, 1S74. Kfgistcting Fee. I>ettcrs 6 CtS 64 >^^ -}^^' 8 cents; tvich England 2 ,, ,, Canada 16 ,, ,, C'ermanvj 10 / Franc>. 16 50 cents Australia ) per \ o/. NewZealand (china ) 16 cts. each Italv 16 ,, ,, • • Belgiuml 10 f Su itzerland) , • 10 " I via Belgium ) j , Austria! 16 ,, .... Denmark: 12 ^Sierra Leone 16 JBrit.W. Indies each ; Bermuda I Baden 16 cts. ^ Sweden and 1 each ♦ Norway ) 5 cts. each United States ' 1 '^ POSTAGB: rates (Contimwif). TO ALL PAKTo OF THE DOMINION : ■» J € '3' /^' /' ^^ 1 * «>, PARCEL POST. I2A cents per S o/. ; limited to 4 lbs. weigiu, BOOKS AND SAMPLl'S. I cent per ounce ; limii 24 oz. t by I in width. No Letters to be enclosed, >'^j>r,^, BOOKS AND SAMPLES TO ENGLAND. 6 cents per 40/.; limit 240/. The pa'Tkages must not exceed 2 feet in length \ft ^fK^ S^ srsss >i'' i^O 8 TURNER, BRETON cy TUNSTALL, SILKS. French Silks of all descriptions. ?i'Ioir(' Antic|ues. Satins. Black (iros (j rains and Glacis, from 2.1 to 40 in. Irish Poplins. Silk X'elvets, hlack and coloured. Black ditto, in extra widths. Mantle \'elvet. Patent ditto, black and coloured. Foulard Silks. Velours d'Orleans. (iros Grain Silks in all the newest shades and colours of the season, with 'rrimmin'_,fs in stock to match. SHAWLS. -»* ^ I'rench Broch''. Plaid and I'ancy Wool. Black i.ace. real and imitation. Plain Cashmere and Embroidered. 'l'ravellin<.i; Wraps and lUii^s. Scarf Palliums. IMP(U^f^ ^ #>' ^7 < _^^ r/croAv^i, /i.e., g FURS. .-1 ,^i:oi{ iissortincnt of (^'loicc Kiui! iiiui Imiliitioi: i'lm :ii I lie iii-u'fst shapis. Real I'ur Sets -Muff, CulTs, and Collar. Tlie new lumine, Sable, and Seal Ties, as now worn. i"^ealskin Paletots and 'J'urbans. Astrachan ditto. Fur Trininiings. Foot Muffs. Ele ....ui.^lAL ARC!iiV£S OF B. o- tur.\i:k. beetok c- tunstall, t. M ILLIN E RY. The new I'tlt Mats and Bonnets. Millinery and Straw Bonnets and liais. Ladies' Riding Hats. Boys' Hats ar.d Caps. Fancy Combs. C-liiLjnons and Hair Plails. French Mowers. Wreaths and Bouquet-. • )stricli I'eathers and Phmies. I'ridal \'eils. Wreaths and Bouquets. Opera Hoods and Fans. Bonnet and Sash Ribbons. \\\\. and I^onnet Shapes. L A vC E S . IMack and White Flonncin<:[s. [■leal and Imitation Laces li'.id F'-dLMtii^s. black and white. I'rimmed Handi;erchiefs. Lace Jackets snd 'I'unic,^. [.ace Mantles and Sliawls. i.ace and Mu.>lin Jjall Dresses. Lace Sets, boFn in real and imitation, [•"ashionable Lace Ruilles. Real Brussels Lace Sets. Clunv Laci , coloured and white. Danish Lace. r»lack Mohair I/aces. Real Crotchet Edgings. Collars, l)"Oyleys. &c. FM PORTERS OF DRY GOODS, % H , ^ V % ■•V 4:^:;^ f:rr^'->%^ .^Trr^'I^ NZ??^>^rO f^ ' **-*T.^' ^\; ^.4 H O 3 I E R Y l^i^ Balbrii/gan Hosiery. ?vlen's, Women's, and Children's. Hose and Half Hose, for summer or \\'inter, I'ancy dilto ditto. Scotch Knit Half Hose. ' Fleecy Hosiery. Knit (roods. Nubias and liJreakfast Shawls. 'Merino and Cotton Vests and Dra'vers. Pantaloons de Chasse. ■ Crimean Shirts. Nagazaki Handkerchiefs. (ients' Ties and Scarfs. Cotton rind T inen Shirts. Collars and Cuffs. % IMPORTERS OF DRY GOODS, ':^m r .x^-sr^--^'^, •' TRIMMINGS. Fringes in the new Colours. Ribbon Velvets ditto Steel and Fanc}- Buttons, Oxydized. Rouches in SiTK and Satin Tulle. Cambric Frilling. Passementeries, and all the newest Paris styles of Trimmings. Br<'tonne Braid. FANCY GOODS. Steel & Jet Earrings, Brooches, Bracelets, Clasps, «S:c. Oxidized, Silver, Vulcanite, Tortoiseshell. and Pearl ditto, just purchased in Paris. Fancy Wool Needlework. A lUAlTlIlL STOCK JUST TO HANI) OI ;!t-iTuch uno other /"ancu ^l0vc.^;, (''^nritincut?:;. i^'c. Suitable Joy Cltristinas and A'tu' Year's Pi-Lsciit::. Ladies and Gentlemen's Travelling Bags, Umbrellas, Sunshades, and Parasols. Wcdd'uiiy Outfits & Moiirninor Orders uxEcuTnn upon thi- shortest noticl. LADIES' WHITE KID AND SATIN BOOTS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 9'1^^ H. G2z£ .>^'^: c3^M^ V^ • v-^^ . ^&p^^^ >1:S:^ ^^ ^^:'^ '• 7 14 TURNER. BEETON & TUNSTALL, - ^'l- i-B '^: vv T7 GLOVES. Alexandre's Gentlemen's and Ladies". Mousquetaire ,, „ Also, Kid Gloves in other makes. Gauntlet Kid. Calf, Cloth, Silk, and Thread Gloves. Cliildren's Gloves. Hiding Gloves. Kidd Mitts. CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS. SCOTCH AND MANCHESTER GOODS HORROCK8ES LONG CLOTH. CANTON FLANNELS, COTTON TICKS, WELSH AND OTHER ELANNELS, DiKHCT ! ROM THK ^MaNUIACJT RK KS. H ABERDASH E RY. MACHINE COTTON, SILK Sc NEEDLES. IMPORTERS OF DRY GOODS, ■» ■ 'ii\ "^^^iS^^^S^^;'^""^" ""■' ^ ^'"'"^^ y'^:. ^ '\^ fc VICTORIA, B.C.. FURNISHING DEPARTMENT Hancisorne Brocaded Silk and Wool Damasks. All Wool Rich Striped Peckinades. ,, Repps and Damasks. Tamboured Net Curtains. Lace and Muslin ,, Longstitch .Swiss ,, Cornice I'ringes. Curtain Jlolders. The latest styles in Furniture Tiiinniings. Chintz Furnitures. Velvet Pile Table Covers. The new Tapestry Covers. Cloth and Victoria Covers. Blankets. Fine Blankets, bound with Silk. Bed Ticks. Cotton and Linen Sheetings. Counterpanes. I'lider Down Quilts. Carpets. Best Brussels and Tapestry. Stair Carpets. x\merican Cloths. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 4 7».^.;.v ,"»' ,; ^l'-;^W7 r^'^.Ttr^^a-'^r^'^T-?'' 4. , h PRINTED BORDER, Ditto. COLOURED COTTON POCKETvS. CORAHS. BLACK DUCAPE HANDKERCHIEFS. UNION BANDANNAS. MEN'S TIES AND SCARFS. GLOVES— Cape Lined Lamb. MITTS— Ditto ditto WOOLLEN CLOTHS. TROUSERINGS AND VESTINGS. SHAWLS — Tasmania or Antola, Cashmere and Indiana, Queensland and all other varieties. MANTLES—Cloth and Silk. STRAW AND MILLINERY HATS AND BONNETS TRIMMED & UNTRIMMED. DRESS TRIxMMINGS SCRIPTION. EVERY DE- RIBBONS— Cord Edge, Satin and Grosgrain. RIBBON VELVETS. PHOVir: ^'^- Aau.iivcO 0.£ B.C. mi wm ,; ', WHOLESALE LIST Continued. BELT RIBBON. LADIES' BELTS. HABERDASHERY OF EVERY DESCRIP- TION. MACHINE SILK AND COTTON. BRACES. LACES OF EVERY DESCF .^TION. LACE FALLS. GOSSAMER AND WOVE BAREGE. MADEIRA AND SCOTCH EMBROIDERIES. OIL CLOTHS. MEN'S CLOTHING— Brown Linen Sack Coats. Blue Serge ditto Black Alpaca ditto Tweed ditto Blue Serge Suits. V^hite & Drab Moleskin Trousers, White and Drab Cord Trousers, Fancy Cotton Trousers. Rastrick Tweed ditto Blue Pilot ditto Fancy Tweed ditto Cotton Canvas ditto . with fly fronts and American pockets. i -r ^ ^, ;^ i:_j^ 3; \i TURNER, BEETON & TU N8TALL, January. M D w 1) Remarkable ICveiits, &c. T Th 1 ■ Union of Cit. Britain tS: Ireland, i8oi -> !•■ (ieneral W'l'lfe h. 17^7 3 4 vS l)-.ittle of Martini(iiie, 1S07 S liattle of Nancy, 1477 5 M Duke of \ ork d. 1X17 Til I-.l^ij'iuiiiy. Twelfth Day «T W Calais re-taken, 135S 8 Th Lieut. \\'af;lu)rn d. 1S50 () !■ .Napoleon III. d. 1S73 To S Lavater d. i.Soi If S I Sunday after l-'piphany I,- Orsini Plot, 1851 Fnaltle of Corunna Swan River Settlement, i.')2;/ z Sunday after Epiphany Address to the Queen, prayin<,' for Confederation, passed Lef^islative Council, 1871 Royal J-..\chant;c opened. 1571 (Opening of First Lef^'islative Coun- cil after receiving the Colonies' Act at New Westminster, by Gov. Seymour, iSo- Baitle of AHwal, 1840 Napolef'U III. m. 1S53 Charles 1. beh. iG.(9 Marquis of Lansdowne d. 1863 Phases of the Full moon 2d i-ast quarter 10 .\ew moon 17 First quarter z\ In apogee, yd. 7h. aftn. In perigee, 2od. ih SOLE AGENT.S FOR ALEXANDRE'S GLOVES }^loon. . I oh II 1 1 4 :> r-^ ^:P^^M^-r^:;,^:^ ^-^^^ IP ; ^ r' V TURNER, BEETON & TUN8TALL, M D 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo II 12 \ '5 I i^ I 18 I 19 20 zi zz ^3 ^4 ^5 z6 ^7 z8 W I) M Tu W Th F S S M Tu Til I'' S s M Tu W Th F S S M Tu \V Th F r eoruary. ■Kemark:\ble Events, ike. Scptuagcsima Sunday Stbastdpol Ducks dcstr(i\-ed, 1^56 lliitlle of IMassey, 1757 Chailts II. (1. 11)85 Charles Uiekens b. 1S12 S f X a !;c ;•, i m a .S u n d ay Qucen \'ict(iria mar. i8.|0 Assembly at PnJideaux, 1H71 Insurrection in Vienna, 1848 St. I 'cilciituic's Day Openinj^ of I,e.i:;islative Council on Confed'jration Debate, by Governor Musgrave, 1870. First Proxincial Parlt. after Confederation, opened by Lieut. Ciov. Trutch, 1X71. Peace Xegociations opened, 1871 First Sunday in Lent St.Mallhias vSir Christopher ^^'rcn d. 1723 Alfred Waddington d. 1872 Corn Laws repealed, 1849 Sun Sun rises sets h li. h 111 7 3« 4 57 7 10 4 58 7 28 5 7 2-7 5 i 7 i? 5 l 7 ^4 5 5 7 2-i 5 6 7 ZI 5 8 7 '9 .5 10 7 18 5 li 7 16 5 n 7 14 5 15 7 >i 5 16 7 II 5 18 7 9 5 20 7 7 5 ZI 7 5 5 i3 7 4 5 Z4 7 2 S 26 7 5 i7 6 58 5 29 657 5 30 6 55 5 V~ ^' 5J 5 34 6 51 5 3 5 b 49 5 37 647 5 38 645 5 40 P liases of the Moon. O F'ull moon id. ( Last quarter n 9 New moon if) 11 }) hirst quarter j.t, In apogee, sd. 8h. aftn. In perigee, I7d. sh. aftn. .;b. 2zm. morning •s M morning 1 1 morning ? ;,i morning !'0K BEAVERS, DOESKINS, BROADCLOTH * ' ' • &c., &c. S, st^'*"^^r^' T^^^m^ :t^ fi ■s ■V €^?--^ ^^ z> % z^ ^v ■p 74 ^- TURNER, BEETON & TUN8TALL, March. M D I 2 3 4 3 6 7 8 9 lo II 12 I.) 1. 1 15 I6 17 i8 19 20 21 22 I i3 i 24 i i5 I 2(3 : 27 28 I 2C) I 30 I 31 ' o c D Ren^ukable Invents, iS:c. s M Tu \y Th F .S s M Tu \V Th V S s M Tu W th 1< S s M Tu \V Th 1' S M Tu Hon. ^r, Rudolph, M.I..C Xo\a vScotia, d. 1M72 ]\Ienai Bridj^t- opened, iS^o Dr. Arnr d.'i7;8 1S63 F.ntry PrincessAle\andra into Cit\- 3rd Sunday in Lent Prince of Wales mar. 1863 Win. Ihiskisson b. T770 Sheftield Reservoir burst, 1864 vSir T. M. Tallourd d. 1X5 ^ 4th Sunday in Lent Duchess of Kent d. iSi'ir St.rdtrick Princess Louise born i8|8 Sir L Newton d. 1726 Piincess Louise mar. 1871 5th Sunday in Lent Queen l-'lizabeth d. 1603 Lady I)i!v Sir j. Vanbruf^^h d. 172') (len. Abercrombie d. 1801 Les^islative Council, the last pro- ro{^ued by Ciov. Musgruve, I'iyo Beethoven d. xH^y Phase's of the Moon. Sun rises h ni 6 45 6 41 6 19 6 37 '■> 5 5 6 U 6 ?i 6 K) 6 27 6 zj 6 2^ 6 21 6 19 6 17 6 .5 6 I? 6 II 6 9 6 7 ^> 5 ^> J 6 I 5 59 ? 57 5 S + 5 5i 5 5'J 5 +« 5 4^> 5 44 5 42. Sun sets h m 5 4- 5 4; 5 45 5 4'* 5 4« 5 5 J 5 5' 5 N? 5 54 5 5^'> 5 57 5 5S 6 o 6 I (> I 6 4 6 6 6 - 6 9 6 10 6 fi 6 1} 6 is- 6 16 6 IS 6 19 6 21 6 22 6 24 6 25 6 27 Full moon 2d. Last quarter 11 New moon 17 First quarter 24 I S om 20 iS In apoiijce, [d. I2h. mid. In perigee, i8d. . afternoon, morning, afternocui. .afternoon , 5h. morn. T.AKC.EST ASSORTMENT nv Dress Goods in British Columbia. \V :/^ :r> c IJ '"^>;?^ mi C ^'^s^-'i^ ^>^ir<^ t^^^-f^ <^> 3 r: ^Vl ^ turner; BEETON & TUNSTALL, ^1 April. M I) D I W 2 Th 3 I- 4 S 5 S 6 M 7 Tu 8 W Th 10 1- 11 S 12 S 13 M 14 Tu I,") \V lO Th t; I- iH S i() s 20 IM 21 Ti; 22 W 23 Tl) 24 !• 25 vS 26 S 27 M 28 Tu 2q W 30 Th Remarkable Events, *&c. W iliiam Harvey b. 1578 At is. \\ estminster, Vict., vnled the Capita, by 34 to 5, ihtS I'l.blic ^it■LlinL; i n libtil\' ot the J'ia.sitr Suiu.av. ; Press, Vict., 1859 I'lii.ce Lecjpc'ld b. i5 Ivauiei.'l 'loult.use, IlSi4 O} cna,^ (1 htssit.n (it 1 ailiament ai Ottawa, 1872 l.a\ II. g ctancr stoi.e of St. Jc hn"s LliLiicli, iM.o ])Uttle of CuHoden, i~4G hcnj. I'lanUlin d. 1790 UiG{;e jefleries d. lOt'Cj 2I-.U v^uiu.a\ alter Easter Napole(• atM 'T^r^ ft 1 '• J 7> ^^u ^ h TURNER^ BEETON & TUNSTALL, .May. M D 5 6 7 S 9 Id II 12 13 1 1 15 1 6 17 iS H) 20 21 22 23 •24 25 2f) 2*^ 28 2Q 30 31 Rem;irl)5 Ro<,'ation Sunday Dublin H\hihition opened, 1S53 Dep.of 1?,C. delegates to Ottawa, '70 Layinij found, stone Holy 'I'rinitv Church, N.Westminster, iSnS. Launch of steamer " Col. Moody," iS'^f) Anne Holcvn executed, 1536 Duke of Cambridi^e b. iHu) Farthquake in Kent, 1382 Sir J. I'ranklin sailed 1.S34 Fnd "f II.P..C.'ssole ri^ht to trade X'ancouver Island, 1850 i & 63 others, 1871 Communist mur. Archb. of Paris I'aris Insurrection supp., i8-:i Restoration ot Charles II. iGoo Popt^ cl. i7(t Trinity Sunday Phases of tin- Moon. I'ull moon id. 7h, 56:11. Last (juarter , S 10 51J New moon 15 2 3 P'irst quarter ii 7 5 Full moon 30 10 t,] perif^ee, 13d. loh. aftn. In apogee, 25d. FOR m 44 4i 40 ?« ;7 35 l-i >' i^ Z<) i? 26 2.4 2J 22 20 '9 iS 16 •5 12 1 1 10 <; X 7 6 5 4 m 7 '^ 7 20 7 ^7 I mornmpf. afternoon, afternoon, afternoon, afternoon. I ih. afln. '^ 13 A LBRI G G A N IJ O S I E R Y. Z* rr,\-> y^; ?V^.-(m^-'^'T ri I''. rt "•A V ^^ •. *g>4^7()S Phases of the Moon. Last quarter *h1, nh. 48111. morninj,'. New mo(ni . F'irst quarter Full moon . 6 In peri!;ee. 6t oh. ft^ IIOIIEOCKSES U)^{\ '^yi 13 8 ^1 -;i 5 >« 28 8 2<) aftn. In apo^L-e, I9d loh. morn FOR ro TURNER, BEETON & TUN8TALL, -z,m August. w D I s o s M 4 Tu 5 ^v 6 Th 7 F 8 S s lo M II Tu 1^ W M Th >4 F 1.5 S iG s 17 IM i8 Tu 10 W 20 Th 21 F Z2 S 23 S 2[ u 25 Tu 26 W ^7 Th 28 F 20 S 30 s 31 M Remarkable Events, &c. Liniiiiuis Day 9th Sunday after Trinity Admiral Duncan d. 1804 Lord I Iiuve d. 171)9 Anno Shakespeare d. 1C23 (^ucen Caroline d. 1821 Cannin;,' d. 1827 loth vSundav alter Trinity Rt. Hon. J.Wilson d. i860 Rev. Rouiand Hill h. 1714 Fiattle of Jilenhcim, 174.1. Lieut. -Gov. Trutcharr. ,1871. Exp. on board "Emily Harris," j lives lost, 187 I 15th — Layint; found, st. Wesleyan Chap., Vic, by Geo. Douglas, '59 Hon. H. L. Lanijeviii arr. Victoria, Robert Herrick d. 1591 [1871 James Crichti)n b. 1561 Gov. Musgrave arr. 9 a.m.. iSGg Public meeting to discuss San Juan Question, 1859 W. India Docks opened, 1S02 Divorce liill passed, 1S57 Queen visited Ireland, 1853 13th Sunday after Trinity Sun , Sun rises [ sets m ! 36 ! 39 ' 40 I 42 ; 4J 44 46 48 50 5' 5i I 55 54 55 S<^ , Sd 59 o i 4 6 , 7 i 9 5 10 i 5 li 5 13 5 15 5 16 5 »7 h 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 h m 7 J6 7 J5 33 31 30 2.8 ^7 25 24 zz zo 19 «7 15 13 IZ 10 8 T / 5 3 I 59 57 55 53 51 49 47 45- 43 Phases of the Moon. C Last quarter }d. ih. 33m. # New moon 11 7 46 }) First quarter 19 10 39 O Tull moon zy 5 15 In perigee, id. izh. mid. In apogee, i7d. 5 In perigee, zgd. 4h. morn. roR LACE AND MUSLIN CURTAINS. afternoon, afternoon, afternoon, morning, h. morn. ^^-^ ir ^,.e; If \ r: ^^ £ TURNER, BEETON & TUNSTALL, September. M w D D M Rcmark:il)'e Invents, (S:c. Hirtrid^'c slifxilint; commences Siincndf r ,)f Napolt'on at Sfdan, '70 Treaty of Peace bet. (ireat I'.ritain and America, 1783 French Republic proclaimed, 1870 i-lth Sunday after Trinity " Captain" foundered 1870 Sebastopol taken, J855 Sheritlan d. 1738 'I'hompson b. \-joo Prince I.ouis of Hesse b. lS-,7 1,5th Sunday after Trinity r^Ii.ssion school-house for Indians opened, 1800 lM^t?o Im m CollcLiie scho(d,^'ictoria, re-opened under \alaclava taken, 185 1 17th Sunda\- after Trinity Michaelmas Dav Phases of the Moon. C Last quarter Zi\. Sh. 40m. afternoon. • New moon lo 3 57 morniuf,'. 5 First quarter 8 2 51 afternoon. O Full moon 25 i 53 afternoon. In apogee, 13d. loh. aftn. In perigee, aful. loh. morn. roR CURTAIN DAMASKS AND REPS. 5. ?r^?5?£3i?^5l*^ ! Wl^ r: r^ ^' t.^ yT^\ TURNER, BEETON & TUN8TALL, . October. ^iS •4 ! - i s i.;; I 11 I 1.5 !i^ I 10 i '9 I 21 1 ;:.: I '^•'■ i.5 26 27 2.9 W 1> Th F S s M Tu W 'Ih !• S S M Tu W Th S M Tu \\ Th F S S M Tu W Th F S Kemavkablc H\cnts, (S:c. Dcslructiori ol" Christ Cluirch Cathedral by Fire, i8i)0' r>ish()p lleber d. 183;, iSth Sunday alter Trinit} Peace with America, 178^ lul.Uar Allen Toe d. 1849 \'ictur\- at Aj^ra, 1857 Micliaei Cer\ antes b. 15 |- 19th Sunday after Trinitv (iold dincpv.dn (iermansen Creek, Omiu a, 1870 Latimer t-arnt, 1555 Soissiins surrendered. 1870 Houses of Parliament burnt. i8;,.<. 2olh Sunday after Trinitv r>attle of Xa\arino, 1827 Ikutlc of Trafali^ar, ibu';. Coleridge born, 1772 Departure of Gov. Kennedy, 1860 Part expK-.siun of st. "Caledonia," one person killed, 1859 Capt. Cook b., 1728 b)i. Simon rjui Si. Jiuic Sir \V. KaleiK.h beheaded, ir,i8 Fire at Tower of l.ondori, 1841 A lilt allots' Eve Sun Sun rises seta PJtascs of the Moon. C Last quarter 2d. 5h. ® New moon lo 2 First quarter iS Full moon 24 Last quarter ^i II 24m. 4S If) o ^ . , C Last quarter t,i 5 46 In apogee, lid. oh. morn. In perigee, 24d. h 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 morning. morning. morning. afternoon, afternoon. fih. aftn. m h m I 5 ^8 3 5 36 4 5 34 6 5 31 8 5 2<; 9 5 ^^ U 5 ^'i 12 5 24 H 5 22 »5 5 20 '7 5 iX 18 5 10 ^9 C 14 21 5 12 22 5 10 H 5 8 2- 5 6 27 5 4 28 S 2 30 5 31 4 5« 33 4 57 34 4 55 36 4 53 37 4 51 39 4 50 40 4 4X 41 4 47 42 4 45 44 4 44 45 4 43 FOR LADIES' & CHILDREN'S UNDERCLOTHING s € rl ^V-^^^ r-*: 5.^0 cJ). \M^ '^;j^^^k ^3^' 'm ^i ->r ^■ ft- TURNER, BEETON & TUN8TALL, November. M w ; D D I 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 II li 13 14 15 If) 1/ i8 19 20 21 23 23 24 25 26 >*? 28 iO s M Tu ^V Th !•' S s M Tu W Th 1.' S s M Ta \V Til F S S M Tu \V Th I- S s RcmarI;al)Ic I"\'t;nts, «!y:c 22nd Sunday after Trinilv Fall of Acre, 1840 George Pcabody d. iSGq K. S. Evans, Treas. Clerk, drowned Princess Charlotte d. 1817 , iSfjo (iov. Seymour arr. \'ictoria. iS()6 23rd Sunda\ uft«er Trinity U. H. oi: I.. Companv' or.cani/:ed against tires, 1859 Lord Fairfax d. 1671 Colonies (d' 1'. Columbia and \'an- cou\er lirst proclaimed, 1^58 \'ict(n'ia proclaimed capita I'niled Colonies, iSoN Sir D. Wilkic b. 1783 Proclamation of Union of Colonics at N. Westminster, by Ciow Seymour, i8t)() First Newspaper pub!, in \"ictoria, " N'icloria da/i Lord Lyons d. 1858 Sir F. Chantrey ci. 184 1 J, L. Macadam" d. 183O Kars surrendered. 1S55 Cardinal W'olsey d. 153(1 1st Sunday in Advent St. AnJu'.j 9 6 c In apogee, 7d. 7h. morn. In perigee, 22d. loh. morn roR FLANNELS AND PJiasc.^ of tlic Moon. Xew moon 8(,1. tih. 20m. afternoon. First quarter ih Full moon 2j Last quarter 30 TROVif'^IA! h\ OF ^•■i ^i^K: ^^^•"' ^ r:: TURNER, BEETQN & TUNSTALL, December. Remarkable Invents, &c. Princess of Wales b. 1S44 Openin/^ of 3t. Ann's Sisters School, Jolin l'"la\h' .m d. i8zG [ibOo Mozart d. 1701 : and Sunday in Advent ' Marshal Xey shot, 1815 ; Miss /oe Mus!>;rave, 1S70 Joseph l>ramaii d. i^i.[ I Sir D. I^rewster 1). 17.S1 { Cromwell declared Protector, 1653 3rd Sunday in Advent Prince Consort d., iS'Jl P»olinj;broke d. 175I First Lef^islative Council opened in Victoria, under Gov. Seymour, Twofold l^ay disc. 1707 [186S 4th Sunday in Advent St. TIionuis. Shortest day Battle of Isinael, i7()0 Ciencral Root d. 1S4O Peace with America, 1814 Col. Moody, Lieut. -(lov., arr. iR'^q i Christmas Da}'. 1st Sunday after Christmas Innocents Day Fire at Crystal Palace, 1866 l^attle of Wakefie! 1, 1400 Phases of the Moon. I New moon 8d. 3h. 5Zm I First quarter 16 4 11 > Full moon zz 8 43 Last quarter 30 6 In apoi^ee, 4d. 5h. attn. In perigee, Zod. 4h. aftn FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. .1 I II VII 9^^^ ■^^ 'MS :§iS22!:;5 «ilX »r':aj-^' *. u. r. 29 GALVANIZED CORRUGATED IRON. "CASTLE BRAND." IRON HOUSES, CHURCHES, q; ANH Railway Buildings OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Wrought Iron Tanks, Galvanized and Painted lUicivets, and Galvanized Vessels of every kind. Sheet and Perforated Zinc. Cralvanized Machine-made Wire Netting. \ p n MANUFACTURED BY . BRABY ^ ^ t % LIMITED, Fitzroy Works, Euston Road, I^ O N I ) () N. 6stimatcr^ anb |llu^tratcb (!*'ala(o£uc.^ FORWARDED ON APPLICATION. r^ TURNER, BEETON & TUNSTALL, \ AGENTS. i/ k/ O fe \J«^ ^y 50 BRANDY. THE CHAMPAGNE VINEYARD PROPRIETORS' COMPANY, or COGNAC. Established 184 9. Samples and Prices of this Company's cclcbralcd C )GNAC BRANDI]':S, in bulk or in case, c;iii t)e obtained of the undersigned, \\ho are in receipt of regular consignments. TURNER, BEETON & TUN8TALL, Soli: Agents for BRITISH COLUMBIA. If:. ■^ Q. -t^ l«-«»^>~ Jil l III i n i rm y ,Jli# i J > -?; |a|] iiy n i' — ■ ■ ■ ' mmi^l:m^mimi,,im^mm^fm'migm ^mt- t, i\U v < i. I I h j . i II - M \ ri ■ w J M 31 B E K R. MESSRS. r\ ^r\ R& fiottlct) IWcr Bcrtb;vnts, n§ ■ iK)xn sTREirr, LONDON. TURWEE, BEETON & TUNSTALL, Soi.K Agents for I^RITISH COLUMBIA. ^ .^j I f/' » '-yv '^. * # - Mi,:. "■'\:: t ) - ■'^^ .#' ,u«^ '.#■ ^ '.* :^' % ♦'• ♦ •* #"♦ liTi {' 4 » • ♦ '4' ♦ « * » "I 4 ♦ « • « » e ' 4( k- « a « ^ •->. niDDll * ceuCMMANillTn 4t.«fATUNC ST t.C