^ ^ w^^^ ^ '^*<^. A' 4-4 IMA6E EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 ltt|18 M 1.1 S Itt g|2 2.0 1.25 HA ^ ^,,- ;di'ii I uk^ 1 1 CT ^T^ Carpcraloi U WIST IMAM STRKT WttSnR,N.Y. 145M (7li) •72-4503. 7 9 * ^ '- .^ CIHM Microfiche Series (Mpndgraphs) ICMH Collection de microfiches (monographies) Cinadian Institut* for Historical MIcroroproduction. / ln.tlftit cnadlon do microroproductlon. hittoriquM ^ w- Tfdmieal mnI WMiOtraptiif MbM / NolM iMtm^uw at Tte ImiityM liM fitMnptMl to okMin th* bitt orifiMl coyy a wMM for fHimm. FMtMTMof tfiit«opy wMoh «f tM JiiMtM> fh» r»»re'Showrthrou|ih/ [ I Tramparanea [—"UJuallty of Udoualitlin^ print irariat/ in •Ion. or tho book eovor whon approprlata. AH othor original ooploa ara fNmod boginkilng on tlio firat paga with a printad or iNuatratad Imprao- •hm, and anding on tho loot paga wlth - Tha laat raoordodframa on oach.mlorofleho •haN contain tha aymbol^^^^lmoanlng "CON- TINUED"), or tho aymboi ▼ (moaning "END"). wMcImvw sppHw* IMapa. plataa. eharta. ate., may ba fliihad at dHfororitToduction ratioa. Thooo too larga to bo ontlro|y includod In ono.oiipoouro aro fNmod boglnntng in tho uppor loft hand eorp|j.^ioft to right and top to bottom, aa many f|i|l |p a aa raquirad. Tha following diagrama llK|HrtiMa tho mothod: ":•'/■ ^- :y L'oxomplalra fUmA fut raprpduH grloo A la, g4n4roolt(l doi- AngUcM ChMrah of Canada Qanaral Synod ArvMvat Laa tanaga* aulMntii^ ont AM roprodultoo avao io pluo grand aoln, oom^M tonu do la oondMon ot da la nottoti do roKonHMMro fHmA, ot on oonformM ovoe loo eomH^ona du f^ontrat da fNmaga. ■•■ Laa a > amp l alraa orlglnaiix dofi$,la oouv^rturo on poplar aat Imprimda aont fHmte an oommo, pouyont otro fllmAa A daa taux da rAduetion dHffArohta. LoraquA la doeumont oat trap grand pour Atro rapraduH an un aaul ottohA. II oot fNmA A partir da rangia aupArlaur gauoho, do gauoho A drolto. ot do haut an baa. an pranant la nombra dimagaa nAoaaialra. Laa dlagram m a a auhranta muptrant la mAthodo. -<^ 1 2 3 C .#■ 32X 6 ' *. ■ •,'B5OT,""^ J- •^-•. j'Jt. > !•• SERVICE VOB THE OPENING or #. i^lin iairti!fiit*!ss fktttct, LAKBPIBLD, NORTH DOURO, CO. or PBTERBOBO', CAMiDA WEST, .. ' 1866 ■» ■ ^i f 4( Mine ia no solitwy choice, *^. See here tlfe seal of saints impressed ; The prayer of millions swells my vpice,^ The mind of ages fills my hi^HJ." »mtmtA n mw^ iWwir ■ . •; '■ \ • ■ ■ I. ■ ' i_- - - > •""; ■■■ 'i ";• = * S' ^ ' ,' r ' '- , « ' )\ ». ; ^ « ■4 1-^" ^ ^Adr f A« Praytr for the Queen, Almighty and everlosting God, we are taught hy Thy holy Word, &c., inetead of the Collect for the Day, ehall be read the Collect need in the Morning Prayer, Almighty God, who hast built Thy Church, &c. - For the JSpittU, 1 Kings, v. 18. AND King Solomon raised a levy out of all Israel; and the levy was thirt^ thousand men. And he sent them to Lebanon, ten thousand a m(|^ by courses : a month they were in Lebanon, and two months arfdme : an^ Adoniram was over the levy. And Solomon had three thousand and ten\thousand that bare burdens, and fourscore thousand hewers in t^ mountains ; beside the chief of Solomon's officers which were ov^r the work, three thousand and three hundred, which ruled over the people that wrought in the work. And the king commanded, and they> brought great stones, costly stones, and hewed stones, to lay the foundation of the house. And Solomon's builders and Hiram's builders did hew them, and the stone-squarers : so they prepared timber and stones to build the house. The Qotpel John, i. 1. A IN the beginning was the Word, and the Word* was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with CU>d. All things wer? made by Him ; and without Him wa^ not anything made that was made. In Him was life ; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness ; and the v>- ifeaSjhSi^iiyaaaaa'iScsT ♦y^'^pr ' "'^^~*nT'*^ i 6 Communion Service. darkneM comprehended it n9t. There was it man sent from God, whose name was John. The same came for a witness, to bear wit- ness of the Light, that nil men through h^m might believe. He was not that Light, but^ was sent to boar witness of that Light. That was the true Light, which ligliteth every man that cometh into the world. He was in the world, and the world was mado bj Him, and the world knew Him not. He came unto His own, and His own received Him not. Bat as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of Qod, even to them that believe on His name : which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the-^ Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we behold H^s glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and trura. Tf Then thall follow the Nicene Creed, ^ Then ehall he »ung the following Hymn : — J DRDSALEM the golden ! With milk and honey blest ; Beneath thy contemplation Sink heart and voice opprest. /^ We know not, ah ! we know not ^ What joys await us there ; ^. What radiancy of glory, " What bliss beyond compare. .•■..' ' ■■- They stand, those halls of Sion,. / AH jubilant with song, * And bright with many an angel, ; And all the martyr throng : t \ ComQiunion Service. ' The Prince is erer in them, The dtylight is serene ; The pastoros of the blessed Are decked in glorious sheen. There is the throne of Dayid ; And there, from toil released, The shout of them that triumph^ The song of them that fenst ; ^ And they who with their. Leader Have conquered in the fight, ^ For ever and for ever Are clad in robes of white, Father, by Thy mercy. And by Thy Spirit's grace. May %e abide for ever Within Thy resting-place ; And pass from life's long battle, ^ To Thy dear home of love, Jerusalem the golden ! Jerusalem above. Amen." If ThemhaU follow the Sermon, % In the Offertory ehall theee Senteneee be read* I was glad when they said unto me : we will go into the house ot the Lord. 7*^. cxxii. 1. Except the Lord build the house: their labour is but lost that buildit. \P». cxxvii. 1. #" > ■ K'v *, (: it^ «a^ "-■''3C" '^"■^^*^*''"". V- v4f.:?.rg^'. _«^ ■r- -■'t' ' 8 Communion Service. The rwn deiceuded, and the floodi <»me, end the wind* blew, end beet open that hooee j end it fell not j for it wee founded upon e rook. Matt. tii. 26. ^ And they ceme. erery one whoso heett etlrre«l him up. end every one whom- his spirit mede willing, end they bwught the Lords ofTerina to the work of the tebernede of the congregation, and f«r .11 Hie eervioe, and for the holy germento. And they ceme, both men and women, ae many es were willing heertcd, end brought bracelets, end earrings, and rings, and tablets, all jewels of god : and every men that offered, offered an ofering of gold unto the . Lord. £xodui xwv. 21, 22. » V t f' ft , * H . '4 Ad Mcoon0m JOei Glorwnh ■■,» 1 1 Y ■ *!i'l ir J * •' ',;■' ' 1 • ''^Mm\ ■ f ! "iL »y #^"'' W '*! ' '■-1' J, . •l ■ ^1 . ' > « • ' 1 1 ■HH 1 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Bk.' ' ■ •.' -' ■:>.;•"'■ • >' - ■ '■■■^^^■^■■- V-V'^^'' ■- ':^^^^^^: :/';^''7;-''' ■ ■'- '"'."./ '': ■'. " . 'i'' » r P-i ^ fV'J