IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) i^ i 1.0 1.1 no 2.2 us IS u 1^ 14.0 125 i 1.4 I 2.0 1.8 1.6 V «$>> / 4: :> ■W^'' ^. y /y 150mm — 6' /^PPLIED_^' IM/1GE . Inc .aaa 1653 East Main Street .^s *- Rochester, NY 14609 USA -aag*^ Phone: 716/482-0300 -^=""^ Fax: 716/288-5989 © 1993, Applied Image, Inc., All Rights Reserved .^%. ^/^. >^^'; ii >. "."i m — 2 — i4 . *^T« * ,*° **>e nnwillingneBBof the men concerned to give any inforraaUon. it Is difficult to learn much about whereabouU in the building it was found nor whrt other articles may have accompaniort it, but aa fcr as can be ascer-' tained, this oval plate (about J of an inch in thickness) was rolled up and contained h few coins and some document ; thw first cannot bo' traced and are •pok,!n of as " quelques sous ;" the latter, they say, crumbled into dust at once. The inscription as well a." can be deciphered, is as follows :— I.H.S. M.I.A. LAN 1634 LE NTE 25 IVILET.IE.ETEPLA PREMIERE P.C.GIFART SEIGNEVR.DE.CE.LIEV This is rudely but deeply cut into the plate, and underneath may be seen in patches traces of a fainter etching, part of which may bo a coat of arms but this is uncertam ; underneath can lie seen a heart reverml, with flames spring- ing from it upwards. All these are enclosed in a larger heart, point downwards The enclosed rough simile may give an idea of the lettering at the top of the circle, the plate itself being about nine inches in diameter. (With Mrs. Gugy's compliments.) |\c-Qoc, 26th March, 1881. s < i THE BEAVPORT MANOR IK8CRIPTI0N. (To the Editor of the Morning Chronicle.) Whilst regretting the loss of the coins and dry-asdust document accom- panying the inscription of the Beauport Manor, on account of the light it might have thrown on this remote incident of Canadian history, let us examine the case as it stands. This rude inscription of 25th July, 1634, gives priority as to f'ate to the Beauport Manor over any ancient structure extant in Canada this dny. The erection of the Manor would seem to have preceded by three years tlie foumla- tion of the Jesuits' Sillery residence, now owned by Messrs. Dobell and Beckett, which dates of July, 1637. Who prepared the inscription? Who engraved the letters 7 Who cut on the lead the figure of the " flaming heart ?' The stars ? Are they heraldic ? What did they typify ? Did the plate come out, ready prepared from France? Had the Acadimie de.i Inscriptions, etc., or any other acad^ie, any hand in the business ? No, for obvious reasons. The lead-plate was imbedded in solid masonry. It is too rude to be the work of an engraver. Could it have been designed by Surgeon Gifart, the Laird of Beauport, and cut on the lead-plate by the scribe and savant of the settlement, Jean Guion (Dion?) whose penmanship in the wording of two marriage contracte, dating from 1636, has been brought to light by an inde- fktiyable searcher of the past— the Abbe Ferlami ? probably. .-U. ■mmMmiltm -m^. 1 — 8 — But If the lettered Beanport stone mason, who never l><>came a Hugh Miller, whaterer were bis abilities, did utilize his talents in 1634 to produce a durable record, in order to perpetuate the date of foundation of tliis manor, he ■nbaequently got at loftgerheads with his wortiiy stignior, probaiilv owing to the litigious tastes which his native Perche had iuMtiill. d in liim. Pcrchc, we all know, is not very distant from Norman.I/, ♦!„. iiot-b. d of fudx and litigation, and might have caught the infection from tin, n. iglilM.rliood. Governor Montmagny, in the H\mw of eij:lit short viars, hiwl been called on to adjudicate on six contioversius wliich had aiiHeii 'hitw.en Oifart and his vassals, touching boundaries and seignioriiil riulits, tiion»{h the l.arned liiMtorian Ferland, has fiilcd to particularize, whi^ther uniKM^: those contiovcried rights, was included tlie /)ro«M(; (;/ia;)nn4 and l)n,H ilr Sfhnnnr ; could the latter unchaste, but cherished right of some Scotch iin.l Orrnian feudal lords, by a misapprehension of our law, in the dark days of the eolonv, have been claimed by such an exacting seignior as M. de Gifart 7 One hoi-es' not. Be that Hs it may, the stone mason anci xniruii Jean Onion had refused to do feudal hoir-age to " Monsieur de Beauport,' and on the 3()th July, 1640, six years after the date of tlie inscription, under sentence rendered by Governor do Montmagny, he was made to do so Francis Parkman, on the authority of the historian Ferland, will tell us how Jean Union, vassal of Oifart, Seignior of Beunpoit, on tiiat memorable 30th July, 1640, performed the stately ceremony of t\,i ci iiommmii-, at this very manor to which the inscrii)tion refers : "In the presence of a notary. Onion presented himself at the principal door of the Manor House of Beauport. Having knocki'd, ont! Boull -, farmer of Gifart, opened the door, and in reply to Onion's qnestion if thi^ seignior was at home, replied that he was not, but that In, nonlle, was empowered to r.ceive acknowledgments of faiih and homage from the vassals in liis name. "After the which reply" proceeds the act, '• the said Onion, being at the principal door, placed himself on his knees on the ground, witli head Imre, and without sword or spurs, and said three times these wonts : '• Monsieur de Deauport, " Monsieur de Beauport, Monsieur de Beauport. I luin^ vou tint faith and homage " which I am Iwund to bring you on account of my tief L)u Biiisso'i, which 1 hold " as a man of faith of yoin- Seigniory of Ikanpoi t, def hiring that I oft'er to pay " my seigniorial and feudal dues in tliis season, ami diiiumding of vou to accept " me in faith and homage as aforesuid." (Ol.l /.•.■./hii, . p. l!46-7.) " Who will decipher the I H S.— M. I. A. letters at the toj. of thejjlate? Is there no descendant . Gifart, to give us his biography, and tell of Ids sporting days ; of tlie black and grey ducks, brant, widgeon, teal, snipe, and curlew, etc., whieh iiife-ted tlie marshy Ixml's of the stream on thi: /{„;ssfiui ,f ■ lOnrs, on wliieh lie had located, tirst his shooting l)ox, and afterwards his little fort or block-lumse, against Iroquois aggression ? In Gifart was a keen sportsman, tr.idition re|;eats. Did the lo<;ality get the name of ('tinin-ilif'ri' on account of the ( 'aiiiiri/.-i, the ducks he bad tagged in his time ? Who will enligliten us on all these points? Quebec, 8th April, 18H1. Enquirbr. Qu.ttv— Won d I. H. S. stand for ./.'.si/.* //, laUium S'llmtnr f and M. I. A. for Maria-Josfpfias-AuiMl—iiw Holy Family — asks Dr. W. Marsden. I ' . 11 ) 1 l [i » W WijWP#w — 4 — COUNT D'ORHONKENH' LETTER. A mk -ni'.ino |.l.i.|.io do plonil. «rBv6o nanH art, av-c nne inscription .»n» ..rlliograplio. .le Mm iillr. oon.nie l.ien d autre., vo.roe morceau d« plomb, qui oonlieut. autant (,uo riiupriiiierio pout le reprfsenter, I loscr.pti.m •uivanta : I.H.S. MIA. LAN Irt^t LB NTH 2:. IVILET-IE-ETE-l'LA PREMIEKK - 1' - C - (IIFART SBiaNEVR-DECK-IilEV L» nremiftr. ligne a 616, «an»doiito, sruv-.e i.vpc une, Pitici-ion pliic ind.'ciso •it ftas»i moius profonde, do indm« .lue les li-tt.u.-. ntk „j...u.o. a..-do..siiH d« PLA. ponr faire le mot plant-, (jue I'u.t du gravour uu la largour du o.seau 11 avait paa iU oontenir danH la troiKiouio ligno. . , , • Leg Icttreg den troig dorniCren li^noi. out cto c.ui .•«). uvec un c.seou do un demi- Doace do large, I'inoigion est nett., et l.ion .luHsineo ; on v.-il one-ore lo? h«..o.s qui ont ?t6 irao.^eg dang touto la largour de la plaiiuo, au nioyon d iii.o pu.nte, pour gnider lo *"D*ng leoenlrede la plaque, on diHtingneavecpeino un .Vuc-'on pnrtnnt un CBur nDTerg6 et flammfi; au centre d« I oou. trois iHoilbx. Impose i.e do diro m olles sont pog ce genre, itre Dlao6e dans une cavitd commo fond. 011 on avait depose lo dojuinont tombe en pougaidre et ies " quolquos sous " quo cos hounetos ouvriors out gardes pour eux, ■Mi doute, sang en connattro la valour. Peu habltu6 a lire de telles inscriptions, raais eonnaissant la pi6te des premiers eolons du Canada, j'essayai de donnor un sous cuurant a I'iusuription et je trouvai qn'on pouvait lire cici : lau Hominum Sah'titoris, Marine Immarutatat Auipire. (Son* leg auapioes ou la protection de Jfisus Sauveur des hommos et de Marie- * ' L'an 1034, le 25 juillet— je — Ct6 plant6 premiere par (ou pour) C. lohirur.) Oifart, Seigneur de ce lien. Jmqa'A present la chose se lit bien, le sens en est raisonnable otpositif. Supposant !• ahirarKien un homme instruit ot lettrd, I'ingoription latine go complete d'elle-meme. Itato MlM I il y un maig,— U lettre C avant Qifart me trouble un peu. Comme *rr. -.T-z^^"^^- ■ Ja n'ai ioni U mftin aneun rulame, auoune tradition da tempi & eoniinlter.Ja rati oblig* de m'en tenir aux correspondanoei de journaux, et jo trouve dam tontei U pr^nom de RobeH—et qui no commence pai du tout par un C. I Le root ohirnrKien qui £tait la profe««ion de Oifard. ae pr6rinto naturBlloment, maia rartiolo manque Oh! lo C, ii c'(^tait un R, ? plu^ ue doute, rnfTaire neralt olaire. Malt le le malheureiix C, ne reralt-il pas I'initiale de Cl< utier, le charpentier ou rentrcDra' neur aveo leque! Gifiirt avait f»it un contrat i .lortaijcne, le 14 man 1634, quatr* moil ft peu prii avant la poie de la preraiJro fierre? Alori il faudrait lire: j'ai 6t6 plant<h<> Apottiilo- Le premUr Kroupe, tl coniiu d'ailluuri. Ctaiil latin, il eit uaturol de »u|.poi«r ^ue le vaeond II. La f«ts de iialnt J««que«-le-Miijour, qui tnmbiiit un mardl en 1rt:U. *t»it chflm66 : par ooni.•«•>»«• ^ Q««»>«o. • il ^tiilt roinplncA i Heauport par Hon flli Char et. Mal» la pone do la piorrw unRulaire d'uiie iiinple uiBiHim. un jour de grnndo Mte. me »emble diffloilo u oxpli-iuer. qu'op veulllo ou non y fuire intervenir loi oC'rfmoniei de la Kelision. . . . < r ■ i. L'oxproBslon : Je eit phiite offro nusKi uno difflcult^t. A cotte <s cetto date, soit qu'il ait rouoncd au Canada, soit qu'il ait peri prOmatun nicnt. Le pure roptis sa seigneurio do Boauport, qu'il fit agrandir lo uiieux qu'il pCkt. P a —En ^orivant co ([ui pri^ciide, j'^tnis un peu pregs(! ; j'aurais dfl remarquer oepe'nd'ant, quo goug la lettre C, log locteurg no pouvaiont dovinor lepri'iiom du jeune seigneur de Boauport II s'aj.pelait Charles, et devait fitre n6 en France comme sa •oeur Marit, qui downt Madame do la Fort§. Dans I'intfiret do vos lectours jo ferai remarquer quo le D/ciionnaire Gin*olog%qite renfermo, d, rarticle Gikkahd. cortaincg erreurs. Ainsi FrangoUe qui commence I'articlo est la m6me que Maric-Franooise qui lo tennino : ello so fit roligieune i, I'UAtel-Dieu. L'tpout^e do Jmn Judunan de la Fei-ti fut Mane, nie on France, puigque son contrat de nmringo, CD 1(146, la dite " ag6e do 17 ana environ," ce qui reporte la naigsance vorg 1628. Charles ossiste et eigne un contrat. Ce n est pas Moberl Oiffaixl ; maia son flls Joseph, dont lo corps fut transports i. la cath£drale, le SldSoembre 17U5. f mm ta p«ut-nB pat o- L« prainUr {ue le feoond •n tA.'U, tt»H Jour Ilk, Ihk* ii Qu^bao, nia Charl«f. la grnndo Mta. lot o6r{-Dionl«« oquo on faitait 9 mot propra. if pour I'uttroir it : planter lai tl randroit qua oet acta da fol tte lupponition, I lulennolla, ob icieux Je voia Uiflnrd, d'aprda tuel. I de Robert II lui que parle la •unce, tin 1(148, fait mllla piicaa au Canada, lolt lauport, qu'il fit is dd remarquer irriiom Ju joune riince comme sa ire Olntologique I qui cominenca fit religieuiia ik n6e en Franca, environ," ce qui t. Ce n'eat paa i oath^drale, la r .-/.r .1