/ ■ r %': : 1 •* . . «•:;. . ■ ■■■ J :.? I>; ^:W - ■ \. w^ ■ i CIHM Series (Mo i) ■ ▼ ■ iCMH Collection de microfiches (monograph ies) -^• Canadian Instituta for Hiatorical Microraproductiona /Inatitut Canadian da microraproductiona htatoriquM \ Tachnk^l and BUilioaraphie MotM / NotM tachniquM tt biMiofraiihiqun Th« Institutf has atttmpMd to obtain tha toit original copy-availabla for filming, Faaturas of tliis COfiy wftiich may ba biblio«raphically uniquk. wrhidi may altar any of tha imagat in tlia raproduction. oir virhidi may significantly change tha usual niMthod of fikning, art chackad baloiiv. r~~j Colourad covars/ I \<\ Couvtrtura da coulaur. ^1 CovarsdamagadA Couvtrtura andommagia L'Inttitut a microf ilm4 la maillaur axamplaira qu'il . lui a M possiMa da sa procurar. Las ditails da cat axamplaira qui soni paut-4tra untquas du point da «ua bibliographiqua. qui pauvant modifiar ilna imagt raproduita. ou qui paiuvant akigar uria modification dans la mithoda nonmila da f ilmaga sont indiqu^ ci-dassous. □ Coloured p a p s / Pagas da coulaur / Q Pagas damagad/ Pagas andpmmagias 'J □ Covars rastorad and/or laminatad/ Couvartura rastauria at/ou pajlicuite □ C9«ar titia mining/ La titra da cou wrtura manqua □ Pagas rastorad and/or laminatad/ Pagas rastaur4as at/ou paHicuUas H Pagas diycolourad. stainad or foxad/ Pagas dicolortas, tachatias ou piquias D Coloured mapi/ Cartas gtegraphiquas an coulaur □ Pagas datachad/ Pagas d^> (moaning "CON-* TINUEO"!. or tba symbol ▼ (moaning "END"). wMehavar appliaa. ■ ^ Mapa. plataa. charta. ate^. may ba fHmad at diffjsrant raductidn ri^tioa. Thoaa too largo to bo antirahr includod in ono aspoaura ara fHmad baginning In tha uppar laft hand comar. laft to right and top to bottom, aa many framaa aa raqulrad. Tha following diagrama illuatrata tha mathod: ' ^^\ ■ ■'■■ ''^.-..'.L ■' ■ ' *:;:■* -v'^'^ ■'■■''" '-^ '•' .'.■■ Las imagas suh/antaa ont it* raprodultas avac la plus grand soin. compta tanu da la condition at da la nattat* da I'axamplaira film*, at an conformM ayac 1^ conditions du contra fllmaga. du contrat: da Laa OKamplairaa originaux donfla eouvartura tt papiar aat imprim4a sont filmia an oomman^nt par la pramiar plat at art tarminant soit par la damMra paga qui compdrta una amprainta • •d'impraaalon ou d'iUustration. soit par la sacoiid plat, aalbn la eaa. Toua laaautras axamplairas originaux sont fHmis sn commandant paria pramMra psga qui comporta una amprainta dimpraaaidh ou d'iltuatration at an tarminant bar la darhlAra paga qui comporta una talla amprainta. ■ » - -■ - »■ . ". .. ■ Un daa aymbolaa suWanta spparaftra sur la y darnMfa imaga da chaqua mieroficha. salon-la cas: la iymbola -^ signMia "A SUIVRE". la . symbols ▼ signlfia "FIN", ;, Laa carto^. planchas. tablaaux. ate. pauvant *tra fllmte^A daa ttux da riduction diffiranta. iorsquo la documant ast trop grand pour Itra; raproduit an un aaul clich*. il ast film^i partir da I'angla.supAriour gaucha. da gaucha A droita. at da haul an baa. an pranant la nombra d'imagaa nAcassaira/LaS diagrammas suivants illustrant la mAthoda. ^'■■^f." : y:-^'^- ' : ,. 3 ■" ' ■■:'^'- \ H .■.^ ■ ■ ' - 1 ■'::'^.''V'-'--'^ ■: 1.- ' 3 W _■ " ' , ■ ", > ■ ■" - ■: ■■'•,"'.■■' ■^ , " •'..'..■'.- . '. . ■ "■ ■' '■: ■ ■■■'■^ '■. 6 / MKiocory rboiution/tkt chaiit (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART Nb. 2)V S APPUEH IIVMGE Ii nc 1653 Eost Main Street Rochester. New York 14609 USA (716) 482 - 0300 - Phone (716) 288 -5989 -Fax F •>« « - v5EH_ 1 t 'i •i tt 1CHOOLHCLP8" SCRIES* Ji ■ ■*■ ?■■"■ ARITHMETIC * EXERCISES FOR SECOND BOOK CLASSES BY 7 G. E. HENDERSON, ,£<^<^ «/ " T*/** Canadian Teacher " and «• TAe Entrance." AND ^A<. vC^^ E. W. BRUCE, B.A., Principal Huron Street PuNi(LSchooL Toronto. J UN 86 1901 Atii "51 ♦iH i :.t^ ■'ic: TH9 EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHING COMPANY, • / / TOXNOTO. 1897., ■ ■■•'^r^ e9.. a 'fif.i «* m-)'. ■^■P^ 1 .V iHI,..Mii,W|PlH'li'fJ > ^i^ ^g-t^* .' " V V ■ '■ ... : t J

''V is;. The authori of tbiflWlet of Arithmetic "School Helps" offer no apology to the school public for the placing of their Jbookt as candidates for popular favor. The several numbers ^,;v : of the 'series are preparei4 by teachers actively engaged in the busy work of the schoolroom, and as teachers they know the great difficulty that thc| average teacher encounters in the presentation of new and crisp problems for his Arithmetic ;, classes.. • - ■ -j ■ " " ^- \ The authors would most respect^lly request a consideration of the following points in connection with their series :•-- . I. Mechanical Work After pupils have passed the Second Reader the usua^ ^H^'^^ provide but very scanty practice in the mechailiiperat;ion8. Pupils instead of • t)^oming swifter and mpre accurate tur they advance in years frequently lose the speed and accuracy which they had acqujired ^n the lower forms. To meet this difficulty th'e present series provides over 5,000 operations in mechanical woik, which the teacher will find tested for him without^ the labor (and Iqss of time) of performing the work himself!. This feature alone should commend the present series to every teacher of the ' .subject. _..., /" : .' ;• / 1 II. No Answerg. jh the Pupils' Edition no answers are jprovided ; the Teacherif Edition alone contains the answers. IIL Saving in ^imc. ffee lime of the teacher is too valuable to be taken up in the dictation of problems to a class, when for a mere trifle each pupil may be provided with a set of exercises for himself. ■.- J.. .■■/■■/ ■ ♦ '1 V^d rte^ > V- V - .i ;,■■?. . -* i- ■ ' ■ ',4:.v.. ■■ >-.■. ^4' ' '«« ^\ IV. Writing. The pouetiion of these exerciiei by th« •cholari will tend to preserve hit handwriting— it prevents the mad rush in copying questions from dictation. V. Underiunding of Termt. Without giving formil definitions of terms, problems are specially constructed to fix in the pupil's mind a thorough UDderttanding of the technical terms of Arithmetic. VI. New Problem •. The great majority of the problem* 'of the series have been written specially for these '* School Helps." They are not simply a re-arrangement of old, stereotyped problems. I •**^ VII. Problems Grouped. The problems are n6\ arranged in the ordinary "hit and miss" fashion, but are grouped according to types, and carefully graduated in degree of difficulty. ^IH 1 Vni. Time Tests. The purely mechanical opeiiations of addition, subtraction, etc, are intended to be done at a pupil'* best speed, a specified time being allowed as the teacher'* experience finds suited to the ability of his das*. IX. Book of Exercises. This series is not In any senie designed to displace either the teacher or the authorised text. There is no attempt to show how to teach ; this is taken for granted. It merely lumishe* ready ^to the teacher's hand bright,- ^risp, new problems with which to enforce hb teaching. Thb AUTHOKfl. Toronto, August, 1897. .^:^''^ " Arithmetic for Second Book Classes NOTATION AND NUMERATION. BxerclAe I. .,' A. ■ # Express in Arabic notation : ^l) Three hundred and eijfht. nine. 2) Seven thousand and forty-five. , i^( F'pur thousand, eight hundred and seven. ^4) bix thousand and four. / ^5) Two thousand, five hundred. / ^6) Twenty-five thousand. / 7) Fifty-nine thousand, two Hundred find six. 8) Two hundredandseventy-six thoussind and seventy (9) Eleven millions, eleven thousand and eleven. . }^^^ Two hundred and thirty millions, seven hundred «nd four thousand and sixty. ^ """urcu C. Write in words : (i) 20705 ; (J) 61007 ; h) 70ooo- (a\ Express in figures: (ii)LXIV; (12) CXIX ; (13) ti ■'1 :*jsi%'.2j^is;?*i'2ffisre^sg«iff2ti*iv: 7 ARITHMETIC; T*! CLX ;. (14) CCXC ; (15) DCCXXXIX ; (16) XCVlIk; (17) XIX J (i8) MDCV ; (19) CCXLV ; (20) MMMDC- XXVII. . ■> ■■ ■ --"''^y-:'^ (21) Write ^,.:'':B,':,A-^:^^r<^^ . ^ ■ . — -. ^y(i>--i'i\B <^L <4o (4) I3§79 79468 24168 45073 /* TWWJ 35791 v" 94687 41682 50734 57913 46879 16824 17345 79135 68794 68241 73451 i 9J357 87946 82416 34517 'i 13579 79468 24168 45173 3579f .V 94687 ^41682 51734 -J (5) . / (6) V ^^ . (8) 48037 43724 ' 84383 92913 ^ 32724 54262 . 04132 J 43829 '\ J 65530 .; 37147 4^497 57164 89327 . ) 63410 64003 364*3 "« ^ 98716 27708 65238 16403 93036 35457 VI 3709 93684 1 , t 76454 61502 83678 20298 1. 32336 ; 43735 ' 24243 , 72016 :>:(9>'-^' ■:::;■ ;■■'■.■. (10) ' / (II) - m 65486 79138 63714 736 '5 7439 8234 34723 46894 5439 53471 9878 7867 ^ 26734 23612 36 124 ' i 10329* 479 V^ 912 ,. 69834 * 63471 "^ 5132 7368 2179 1 8238 12734 96734 35796 { 346 76 ' 1397 27084 Fiad the value of : (i) 3269+729+8368+3987+606+73+98375+415. (2) 6472 + 8733 + 4363 + 4854 + 2762 + 8756 + 9783. ^^ :» ? ' < ' .". ' ^:fw^^ V \^'\ / ARITHMETIC. 3) 1617+8743+72474-9621+265+406+8705. .>' 4) 47823 + 6842 1 + 70070 + 60504 + 68342 + 74289. $7687+$9684+$8479+$4793+$4694. 9164 cents+ 1649 cents +6491^ cents +49 16 cents. 637 acres + 8499 acres +7348 acres + ^267 acres. 3657 trees +4692 trees +865 trees +95384 trees. Find the sum of GLXXVL, CLVIIL, CLXII., CXLVIL, XXXIV., XIX., XXVIII. ^ (10) Add together CMLXXXVJI., CDLVII., DCC, DCCCLXXVL, DXCIII., DCCLXV., DCLIV. (11) Find the sum of $76.83, $39.27, $48.95, $68.23, $ia99, $64.30^ $59.83, $42.07. ^ ;6) 7} 8 95 (I) 64+94+87: 85.+83+69= 93+78 + 54' 78+69+83= 69+38 + 95 = 35 + 54+89= Exercise III. '-(2) 98 + 64 + 87** 75+85 + 54=* 86 + 99+76 = 45 +88 + 83 =a 93+76+99 =« 26+83+85 = (4) 38+37+48= 58 + 54+24= ,92+86+83= 67 + 75 + 58 85+67+67' 49+85 +99' 59+69+88' 93 + 57+66' + + = (5) 429+849+896= 368 + 763 + 935 rs 254 + 829 + 487 = 789 + 654+695 = 638 + 839+863=- 925+675+957 = (3) 73 + 67+92 = 89+83 + 73' 64 + 92+68 = 75 + 87 + 79- 86 + 79+58^ 39 + 86 + 63=^ 28+94 + 92 = 39+58 + 98=^ + + = (6) 9364 789+7i8« 839+659+645 = 354+382+369- 678f847+824= 547t698+738= 682+738+547* + + 9-*»V fTf"' 'M ' ■' ■ !•'. "'■': '' ADDItION« < } " (7) <«) ; ^ . 486 + 473 •♦• 639 - 246 + 789 •♦ 849 - ' 864 + 734 + 487 « . 462 + 897 + 498 - , y ^48 + 347 + 874 - v^ 624 + 978*+ 984 -• 1 365 + 862 4" 748 - : 257 + 345 + 365 - 653 +628 + 13s - 572 + 453 + 653 « - 536 + 286 + 351 = 987 + 396 + 513 * 879 + 963 + 898 - 725 + 534 + 536 - « Id 251 + 123 + 479 = - '''^ 836 + 444 + 794 - , ,, , , , ^ . ... ;■::.; +' + -/ n', S8.25 3r84 9.65 3.28 9.54 5-69 8.24 + + '-¥■ /^; /+ 'T $8.49 3.65 5.84 7.35 4.96 3.87 8.39 + + + + + + (9) $4.86 ■5.83 3.20 4.25 4.75 8.62 9.76 + + + + + + + $8.44» 3-59 4.19 9-37 7.43 8.56 9.63 'V^ ^1 +', ' $ $ «$ / + $[:'■: #, $ •f $ =$ ^ • ". "--i * .M ARITHMETIC. y../ ..«>. vertically and horizontally, also from comers to comers (ipposite, (48 operations in addition) : Exef«U«1V. ^^mm^mm-wm- my^m^mm 468 1764 684 1980 900 1998 1116 36 1332 252 1548 1566 486 1782 702 1800 918 2016 1134 54 1350 270 >288 1584 504 1602 720 1818 936 2034 1152 72 1368 1386 306 1404 522 1620 738 1836 954 2052 1 170 90 108. 1206 324 1422 1638 ^ 756 1854 972 2070 1 188 ' (i) By continued addition add 55555 *<> 76893 ten times. I (2) Add 66666 to 68937 ten times. (3) Add 77777 to 89376 ten tinges. 4 (4) Add 88888 to 9^768 ten times. (5) Add 999 99 to 37689 ten times. (6) Add 56789 to 46583 ten times. (7) Add 67895 to 65834 ten times. ^ (8) Add 78956 to 58346 ten times. (9) Add 89567 to 83465 ten times. (10) Add .956 78 to 34658 ten times. ^^7p^.f|f;rippw»? '^mi-^mkmH ADDITION PROBLEMS. />■■, ExerclMV. (i) John has 1279 cents, James 1683, Charles 6784, [and Thomas 7689. How many have they all ? (2) A man bought 986 bushels of wheat on Monday, J2436 on Tuesday, 777 on Wednesday, 846 on Thursday, 4683 on Friday, and 6749 ^^ Saturday. How many [bushels did he buy? (3) How many arc 683 horses, 396 horses, 425 horses, [783 horses, and 86 horses ? - (4) Sarah obtained 374 marks, Kate 389, Minnie 567, (ertha 629, and Flory 704. How many marks did ail together obtain ? (5) My mother is 43 years old. ttow old will she be |ln 39 years? (6) I am 37 years^ld, and my father was 49 years old ^heri I waa bom. How old is he now ? (7) Tom is 43 years old and John 29 years old. Find [the sum of their ages 18 years from now. (8) Aifian was bom m 181 7, and died at the age of \6s» Find in what year he died. (9) The sum of Fred and Frank*s ages is 57 years. [Find the sum of their ages 23 years from now. (16) The stun of the ages of Lizziis, Daisy and Ethel is 86 years. Find the sum of their ages in 17 years. (ii)' Atrwhat price must ^ sell a house which cost 53486 to gjun $943? (12) Hbwfarisitrounda field 137 yards wide and J29 yards long?-.. ■S-V:'>v;;; v:v;>vv;i - ,^ ■ - . ( i ) How far is it roimd a field 7684 feet square ? (2) How many times will a clock which strikes the half lours, strike between 11. 15 £^in> sind 10.20 p.m.? . -^^ ^ ii-^- .: :■ ,.U-- ■■■- ' - *'"t' i: 'M ft* 13 ARITHMETIC. ^';i^??-' .(3), How many years from the becinninir of 270^ B C until the begmning of 1897 A.D. ? ^ ^^^ ' •^• to 739. ^'""^ '^^ ^""^ of the numbers ending in 6 from 623 exDressS^wifh^th^fi "^^^^^^^ "umbers that can be expressed with the figures 4, 9 and 8. , ^ >, > A "^ ^35 acres of land, B has 37 acres more than ^s B and r r?."' ^5"' ^ togetL^'and D as'^nany as Rand C together How many acres have all ? ^ more than"!?;^''?''* ^537 for a span of horses, and 528 rhemaiJA/:^^ '^^ "'^^^ "^"" ^^ ^^» _ (8) A fanner raised 576 bushels of com, ^43 bushels bus'heU*;,^' ^^f^"^' r^*^ °^ 'y^ '^^^^ whe^at? ahd si uM v^YtJ^^^ month's expenditure ^s as follows • baker^s bill $523; butcher's bill $,4.87; groceries $n^^^ fruit $4.36; rent $17.50; servant's wag;s^S^7[^^^ $19.47. ^Required what I paid in all. ^ ^'7S^ sundries 8 bi^^lcm 7fi'^JZ;^^^^ the numbers ending in 2 and in^^i^fV^^'^^^'^ **" 4937, then their sum added Tnd^J^R.''^ l^? ^^fl^T ^^^^d '« 'he sum 0^73684 and 97681 ; what will be the total sum ? '•^"°? Vi u^ grocer lost $897, knd had S6534 left : how much rostX?uSri •"" had he gained W/lpsteilTh",^^ 547, the fourth^ear632, and the fifth ylaKVhS was the Dopulation at the end of the fifth year? ^^ and 180 '"" °^*" '^* °^** numbers between 1 50 ^^4XFind the sum of a ll ^e evenntimber s b c twero i^r ■ ■ ■■■■ :■ ■■.•^'^ ■-/:••■ i^ ADDITION PROBLEMS^ >1 (5) Eva has to com^ 3428 feet to sciiooL Meta has il^ w ^""S"""^' Alma has to dome 2835 feet, and Olive 3338 feet. How majiy feet have all to coie? How many feet do they all walk in the day in going to and from school to their homes ? 6 *« w »na ^' (6)^llan rode 208 miles on his bicycle in May, 1S3 in Tune, 96 in July, 219/in August, and 235 in September^ how far did he nde In the 5 months ? P^emoer , , ^ (7) A manufacturer made 4693 ploughs, 2836 reapers. cost price. How much did he get for them ? ' ^^ (9) A lives 3465 feet north of a village, and B lives brother to go to bring these to him ? (1 Charles bought 382 cows in January, 229 in Feb- rr'J^f'i" ^*^"*^» 925 in April, i362^n May and 4673 V Y^^T In .T f ^"ycows did he buy in the six months? <.irHc 1 a ^actoryjhey made 4693 yards of tweci, 1 234 fl^nn.1 f ^ «a""^^ than tweed, 92 ya/ds more cloth than flannel, and 86 more yards of blanketing than cloth. How many yards were made in all ? '^ ' .w ^'?u^ newsboy sold 2& papers on Monday, r^ more Tu^v ^^■^'^^^' "n wWsday 5 mJitT^ dTh^e^f,T,5?e°wJk"r^^'"''^^"-<^V.^/^^^^^^ ^^Uvowe a man $487, toa second man $369. to a t^^t^TJ^^'^^ fimriirdwarourthl^,^ than to the third. How much do 1 owe ? / * J"»"re M Mi. »4 ARITHMETIC e». . S*--. ■ ■ r (3) A man left his property to his nvife, three sons and four daugrhters. He left to each son $2175, to each daugrhter $1324, and to his wife as much as to a son and a daughter. Ho\V much did he leave to all ? (4) A merchant spent $4639 for dress goods, and $7563 for flannels. He sold the flannels at a gain of $329, and the dress goods at a profit of $279. How much did he sell the whole for ? (5) Washington was bom in 1732, and Napoleon 36 years later. Napoleon died at the age of 53. In what year did he die ? • (6) Three men enter into partnership ; the first man puts in $3729, the second $2175, and the third man puts m $89 more than the sums jiut in by the other two. What sum did they all put in ? v (7) Find the sum of all the different numbers of thr«e figures each you can make by using the figures 5, 6, aind 7. (8) A speculator bought 4 lots for $1325 each. He sold the first for $197 more thaathe cost,, the second for $234 more than cost, the third at a gain of $355, and the fourth at a gain of $287. How much didf he receive Jf>rall? ""' (9) A farm cost 54395. A house was erected thereon, the cost of which for carpenter's work was $1379, mason's work $545, painter's work $165, and for other work $284. What was the cost of the farm and house ? (10) A school has six class-rooms. Theire are 39 boys and 28 girls in the first roond ; these numbed are reversed in the second room ; in the third room there are 25 boys and 18 more girls than boys ; in the fourth room there are 27 girls and 8 more boys than girls ; in the fifth room there are 37^boys and 22 girls ; and in the sixth room there are 19 girls and 26 more boys than girls. How many boys and girls attend the school and how many in all? (11) How long a cord will it take to go twice round a field 4276 feet long by 2908 feet wide ? ( 12) Find the sum of all the numbers between 989 and 1009. ADDITION PROBLEMS. »$ (i) A man began business with 46 thousand dollars, and gained 225 hundred dollars. How much is he worth now? ■■,■■' (2) There are 31 days in January, 28 in February, 31 in March, 30 in April, 31 in May, 30 in June, 31 in July, 31 in August, 30 in September, 31 in October, 30 m November, and 31 in December. How many days are there in the year? (3) A house has a double-parlor requiring 53 yards of carpet, 5 bed rpoms requiring 24 yards each, a dining room requiring 38 yards, and 2 halls requiring the one 26 yards, and the other 33 yards'. How many yards are needed for the house ? > (4) The population of a city was 18350 in 1870; in the next ten years it had gained 13490; in the next ten it had gained 9643 ; and in the following six years thcJ gain was 7425. How many inhabitants had it then ? , (5) A man invested in trade $463 at one timet^ 51235 at another, at another $1327, and at another $1040-; How much must be added to these sums that the amount in- vested by him shall be increased three-fold ? (6) A man bought a Ipuse and lot for $5685. He spent $359 in improvements, paid $75 taxes, paid water rates $14, and sold so as to gam $1897. What did he sell the property for? (7) A man made a sale. He sold his house for $8570^ his piano for $285, his paintings for $367, his books for $287, his carpets for $284, his other furniture for $799, and his horse, carriages, and harness for $iooa What was the amount received from the sale? (8) A farm consists of nine fields, having respettively 39, 24, 68, 29, 35, 82, 95, 67 and 83 acres. The garden contams i i acres an||the orchard^4 acres. Find the size of the farm. . ^P -^Ps^ \ (9) A gains in one y^ar $764, B gains $236 more than A, C gains as much as A and B together, and D gains within $2 ofas much as B and C to gether. How much ^id they all gain? ~~~~~~~~~^ (10) A farmer has four flocks of sheep ; in the first X % '/'•«,■* ■\i VV tH^r t-}- ■Wmm 16 AJUTHIIBTiqt there arc 63 sheep and 35 lambs, in the second 194 sheep and 139 lambs, in the third 258 sheep and 237 lambs^ in the fourth 527 sheep and 186 lambs. How many are there altogether ? (11) 1 sold a house for $754 mnd three \qts for S462 each, and another house for as much as two lots. How much did I get ? (12) Find the sum of the twelve integers immediately^ following 1897. SUBTRACTIOll. (I) 396453 J69.878 ; (4) 548369786 21386479s 738^4289 28675493 (10) 975869248 369285: Exercise VI, A. (2) B3549676 26937869 (5) 896473958 24789623 (8) 528738657 38564279 (11) v 69789249s 593469578 "■^^ . ... < » •» ' "(3) './..Vft; 83765495 ;* 29498376 ",^ 91864732 ;oi' 2B67gs3 sS ' ' ■ ■ ■■'■., ■*' 803620154 , 129587636 ' /V (12) 739586295 736795836^ «i^ WSK^^^^fffSl^^^^fwWfl^^ suaiMAcwQii. •7 '■^ Find the value of : [t) 785901-394806. (2) 3395 i 70 -564508. (3) 72006599-3209589. (4) 100000 -• 1937. (5) 289501 - 188605. ' (6)85625^24319. (7) 87629^-1766458, (8) 54413 -28401. :.v- (9) 1 37042601 •- 8205 J 305. 10) I97OOI - I 50077. ; ") 87734-987. J 2 ) 600Q00 - 9999b' 13) 176000- I. ^14) 400500-70973, ; ,15)967123-234567. (16) 6?53op7- 1400248. .■■ c. .■ - . ^ ,/ . ■ ■ .;: 75693 and how many are 93395 ? 783662 and how many are a milliort? 583524 and how many are 3826992 ? 755483 and how many are 4839258 ? CMXLVIII and how many are 47386 ? 48 less than 786+ 1 57 = how many ? 839 less than 96j?+ 1481 » how many? 7546 less than 4839 + 8644= how many ? 86937A less than M + DXC •» how many ? > 54836 less than 93348 +5 7389 « how many? ^i) $14.29- $3. 17. ;2) Si5.3o-$2.83. [3) $16.25 -$9.84. [4) Sl0.I2-$7.26. [5) $20.01 -$2.85. (6) $5 -$1.85. (7) $i-S .46. (8) $2 -$1.30. (9) $2 -$1.07. (lo) $7 -$6.25. Byercise VIIV A. Jll) $40 -i $23. 17. ji?) $25-$i5.45. .13) $20-$i3.4i. M) $15 -$12.15. ,15) $50 --$29.06. ^I^WhatniwiberwiU leave 863^ 7554 is tai«?> ' t.l. ■ ■ : aA ^% '■ ARlTUMICTia (3) What number will leave 960099 when taken from it? i* * (4) What number will leave 53477 when ^5 from it? From MMDLXVIII take MCDLVn. From MMMDCCLXXXIV subtract MMDC- (7) Take MMDCCXLVII from MM MCMLXlV/ (8) Find difference l^twecn LXXX DCXXXV and ^JLXXU DCCXLVII. , / 9) How mu«A^ater is 496874 than 285987 ? / 10) How mtf?h smaller is 35706 than 50793 ? / . I II How muchlnust be taken from 4593 to leave 497? m How much must be added to 21076 to niakc 53904^ Find'the value of: (i) 496+763 + 891-201-295. 2) 12543+679+2374-3948. 3) 93o8-975 + 2376+846-< 4) i64oo+(7l|6-4592)-i2: 18368-9476+7429-87 76849 - 9736) - (7685 + 1924) 52+ 1667.45 -($15.87 + $247.69)- 7925 - $12764+17237 - $187^9. $89763' - $4927 - $5864 - $7^86. 876^84 + 7999 + 8870 - 96i^- 6388 - 8975 + 897 + 7851^289+73-94- A Exercise VIII. (i) A liian had $387.(^5 deposited in a bank at the beginning of the montly He paid bills as follows by ch eques during the month : S^"^^ %$.^^ %lo ; $ 8 .ijV and 149.15. How rnudi was there to the man's credit m the bank at the end 01 the month ? 'if . :^-'*^j^:«^; yaj^j,; '"^W. SUBTRACTION, 19 S4 /t:;^^^;^?^^'^ ^^^-^^ ' ^^*9; 137.64; t. /|: ?.T%\JS~'c^*'*^c^' '' ^139.25; $14.98; $17.65; (6) Deposit $1364. eg. Checks: $43.65; Sbasi. $83.67; $37.1? ; $245. sS ; $24.68. ^ ^ ' ^ *^* (7) Deposit S2875.96. Checks: $249.84: $117. ^'3;95 ; $267.54 ; $306.27 ; $17.42. ^? ^ ' ^^ ^' (8) Deposit $3960.75. Checks : $134 ; $25.73 ; S70 86- 5'«)o; $297.46 ; .f4.25 ; $3io.i8. "^ * ^^ ' *^^*^' (9) Deposit $100. Cht/cks: $3.05; $217 f^og, $4.55 ; $13.72 ; $847 ; $9.^ ; $S ; I4.79. ^ ' t^ f $29i"28^l8; ; '.5r?« . .^?-A^ -.5.3435.87 ; i.43 ; ■/v .1999^88; $15.89; $I200." I (i) Subtract 555555 ten times in succession beirinminir to subtract from 6913536. <=»»'"" Deginainff •113^5^^!^'^' .'^- '*" '™" in .uccession i.m 136742^"''"'"'' ^^^"^ '*" "'"'' '" succession from ij^ia^"*'"^"' f ***^* ?'" ""^ >» succession fjn ,,,^55^''*™'' 999999 ten tiiiie? in succession fro« J34«6f*'''"^' i^f *"*'■*«» '" succession from ta885i='3^"'""'^' J46J24 ten times in succession from ten times in succession from 288SW3. (8) Subtract 987654 i ^ (9) Subtr a c t 345678 f 5690225. ^ 5^ in 9uccessLon from \'2S73y;t^"^' 'Sr^tef ten times in succession from ■..■> A,- \>>. ?<■ r K ;•*• SUBTRACTION EROBLEMS: fixercfse IX. A. 0) By how much does 346795 exceed 235468? ) ( I -!— - .,^-iv Jr>ll«» Kill in naniTlff- a,n acc( f I) By now mucn OOC3 j^w/vj ^-vx^v.^'- -jj-T-^^ ^ (2) I give a lOO-dollar bill in paping aij accowt 9t $86.57. How much change should! get? ^ v ;. (») I bought a horse for $187 ; a cow for $39^aJ>d ^ sheep for $8. I paid $59-35 ^^"^^ »<>^ much have I ^'^^4)^Mt. Tones and Mr. Smith live, respectively, 1246 miles and 498 miles west of the same city. How far apart ° (5) Vawhat ntmibernHi8t3i42i7 be added threethnes ^^^ 76) T^^sum of two numbers is 869; one is the differ- ence between 738 and 1096 ; find the other. ^ ^^^ ._ <7) From the sum of 876472 and 98349 take the 4iffer- ence between these numbers. ^ , m Find the sum of the ages m 1897 of thjee men who were bom in 1828, 1849 and i853jespectiv^ly. ^-^ ^«" ^'TS V (12) A boy fhrew his ball 73 feet against a bam and ?t f«bouiid«dto wkhin 38 feet from him. Hew fiwr 4id it rebound? \--\-j-.:^'':l-\':\. .-:' :r^■ .;:i;. :,;.' I*x SUBTRACTION PROBLEMS. 21 (i) I paid $75 for a horse and $27 for a harness and gav6 both for a bogfi^ worth S150. Find niy gain. - (2) I paid Si 29 for a lot and $634 for a house, and traded both for a place worth $25oa How much d^ifer- «nce did I give ? (3) A man paid $7334 for a farm and $236 for repairs. He rented it for one year for $734 and then sold it for S8500. Find his gain. v (4) A father and his two sons earned $2783. The father earned $1735 and the elder son $640. How much did the younger son earn ? (5). In a city there are 733864 people; There are 342576 females. ||ow many more males than females are'there?..- ■ '^li^r- ■■'- . :■.'''''..■■■'■''■/':■■-■''''■■ (6) Find the iiumber from which if 82239 be taken the remamder will be 73546 less 32298. (7) Glass was invented in England in 664, yet it only began to be used in windows in 1 1 80. How many years were thefe from its discovery till its use ? , (8) Coals were first brought to London in 1357. How many years is it since ? (9) How many years h^ve elapsed since the discovery of America in 1492 ? ■ * (10) A merchant sold a quantity of goods for $29768, Which was $979 more than thfey cost. Find the cost ? (11) A man owns property to the amount of S56792, and owes S26084. How much is he worth ? ( 12) I bought a knife for 47 cents. How much change should I receive out pf a $2-bill ? '*■ ',*?, C (i) A man died in 1895, aged 87 years. In what year washebom? r:: y^'-:-\:'-' :■:■■■/: y ::'■:■'-...:--■■ '. y (2) A^man owning $41937, paid at one tim* $7254, and at aiiother time $19568 ; how much does he still owe? (3) What number increased by the difference between " 2967^ will make the sum^of326r4, 784 and 8017? . ! ; ■..'■ '.'■ 22 ARITHMETIC. (4) The sum oCfour numbers is 936278 ; the first is 24839, the secondTs 12835 less than the first, the third is 32 146 more than the second. Find the fourth. (5) At an election the whole number of votes was 3968 ; thfe defeated candidate received 1387. What was themajority? ;'■ -; -, ■ - '':^'^/: ■.''?■;.. . /■ . "'■:■" .;;";"■■■-.■;■ (6) Find the final remainder in subtracting '58324 als ,^ many times as possible from 247609, Jil (7) From the difference between 479 arid S725 tj^^^ the difference between 29203 and 28345. ^ - v ^f##^^ (8) A\nbiat is the final remainder on taking 2 dozen tbiql^ seven as often as possible from 9 dozen ? (9) A merchant having $16327.75 gave $5394 for ar store and $8275.25 for goods. .How tnucKhas he left ? (10) A man has $9785. How niuch more would he need to buy a farm for $12427. (11) A and B began business worth $423^ each. A gained $ 1 345 s^nd B lost $387. How much is A worth more than'Biiow? - ■ :> ; ■?::' ' --^^ '•/'^v'-;:^-' ;/■;'' (12) How many years haive passed sittce each of the following events : (a.) Queen Victoria was bom in 1 8 19. , ^b) Vaccination commenced in 1799. fc) Ottawa was selected Capital of Canada in 1858. (d) Washington was bom in 1732. (e) First photographs were produced in England in 1802. (f) Atlantic cable was laid in 1866^ (g) Printing, was invented in 1437/ ($) AVire was invented in 1410. '! "■'■/a -''-'-■■■■• D. : ' (i) Three piersbns, A, B, and C, agree to buy a summer hotel. A agrees to pay $9470, B to pay $10468, knd C the balance. If the hotel is valued at $27940, how much is C to pay? (2) A grocer deposited in a bank qn Monday $129, on Tuesday $234, on Wednesday $354, on- Thursday $329, on Friday $475. He drew out during the five da>^ $1368. X How niuch has he still in the bank? j j;:n--:»5K'^si(f^^ ■•^Ii'i^f! ^ V-v»; SUBTRACtlON PROBLEMS. 23 (3) A merchant paid $13467 for sugar, paid $928 for freight, paid $34 for cartage, and then solcf at a loss of $1000. How much did he get for it ? (4) On Monday morning a bank had on hand Si 500 Dunng the day $2500 was deposited and $3275 withdrawn. On Tuesday $5950 was deposited and $2685 withdrawn. How much was in the bank for Wednesday morning? (5) A ship dealer bought a vessel for $29575, and gave ad part payment a farm worth $13968 and the balance in cash. How much cash was paid ? . (6) A man left $87500 to his wife, a son and a daughter. To the son he left $33725, to his daughter $24680, and the rest to his wife. How much did he leave his wife f u-^V^i?*" ^^^^ owning property valued at $75000, of which $36800 was in real estate, $27985 on mortgaged security, and the remainder in the bank. How much had hem the bank? ^ (8) To what number must you add 769 four times to ixiake 3596? (9) I bought a horse for $285 and a buggy for $140. I sold the horse for $347 and the buggy for $207 ; how much did I gain ? : ^ ^ (10) Amerchant had $573.29 cash on hand at the be- ginning of the day, he received during the day $405.0? and paid out $169.84. What is his cash balance at die end of the day ^ (11) The sum of three numbers is 4864. The first is 1732 and the second 389 less than the first. What is the third number? .«/'m\^*1^' four different numbers each greater than I06 will make 754 ? '^mi-'i / -t^l 1. r-: ■; ■■;.':. ■■':.' %r^.!..^-- -• .- _ , . . ' ■ . ^1 ' -.'■,;<. >:^A-.'jjp^*"^ i^is^T^l^r^^" '''ii^ ;/; :■■.■■"'■'■ '^' !"«•;>' ■" ,. '■ . ;•■■ lUI MECHANICAL WORK. ' ';V'_ ;. Exercise X. « • .■■■-•■ ■■•■:.■■• " * ■''■'''>■■■. ■■'• ■ ■ ■ ■ " ■ '-. ' '' ' ^«. • A— ADDITION. 1 -,.■■■■■-■-., ■. f'-: (I) (2) -,(3). (4L <5>^ 76894 68947 89476 94768 47689 1,. ', 1 ■ . ;? 68947 89476 94768 47689 76894 ■ ■ ■ 1 , 23456 34567 45678 56789 67891 , j'- 78912 ■ 89123 91234 12345 23456 1 . 34567 ^ 45678 56789 67891 78912 . 89123 9i?34 12345': 23456 34567 1 ,'■ 1 • ' 45678 56789 67891 78912 89123 -. 1 1 •v.. . 91234 12345 23456 34567 45678 ll % - 56789 67891 78912 89123 91234 II , - 12345 23456 34567 45678 56789 • w 67891 78912 v 89123 91234 12345 - 1 23456 34567 45678 56789 67891 ^^M^MHM^V ^M^^HBBSit^ ^HBHWai^Bfli^ M^^^M^B^^^ ^H^^i^^^n ■ 1 ' (6) (7) • (8) (9) Xio) .[ ' 13579 24682 35791 24568 35679 35791 46822 . 57913 45682 5679? r. 57913 68224 79135 56824 67935 » 1 79135 82246 91357 68245 79356 •L . 91375 . 22468: 13579 82456 93567 . , 13579 24682 35791 24568 35679 . f 35791 46822 57913 45682 56793 ft ' • 57913 68224 79135 56824 67935 y 79135 82246 91357 68245 79356 i . 91357 22468 13579 82456 93567 13579 24682 ^], 35791 24568 35679 ^ 1 35791 ; 46822 57913 45682 56793 , 11 (1 1 J Add 478932 ten times in succession to 239874. , |,4 (12; Add 976845 ten times in succession to 548679. 1 J ■■■' ■':;''-:-'.-''--^. ■- u ■T ■''■"-' :. V^'^---'-/'" '^" '■' 'r'^'-y'. .■■.•■■"■•;•■■■ ■■.:.:''';.'-:vK ■■:': ,..^ liJ. '■ — ■■ ■ /^^ ■'■ ^'- •■■■"■v; ■■";-/■ ■'■■>^/--^ ' SUfiTRACTIOH. B.-rSAIBTflACTlbN. as (i) Subtract 76843 ten times in successfon beginnin|||' with 847903. (2) Subtract 84376 ten tknes in succession from 890142.- ,■•■■-:'•.'■;■■■ -.■ '-'.^ ■:•;■;■.. (3) Subtract 35692 ten times in succession from400ooo. (4) Subtract 333444 ten times in succession from 5123472. (5) Subtract 555666 ten times in succession from 6492731. *' (6) Subtract 777888 ten times in succession from 9103507. (7) Subtract 292929 ten times in succession from 3I417741. (8) Subtract 393939 teti times in succession from 4713987. (9) Subtract 440055 ten times in succession from 5903309* (10) Subtract 789987 ten times in succession from ten millions. ^ »m3t Cfi MULTIPLICATION. Exercise XI. (i) Write the multiplication table of 2 tiines. Re-write the table with i &dded to eaclli multiple. (2) Write the table of i times. Ke-write with i and 2 added, respectively. (3) Write the table of 4 times. Re-write with i, 2, and 3 added, respectively. (4) Write the t a bl e of 5 tim e s. R e "write with i, 2, 3 and 4 added, respectively. £?m;»'' Jni^fTYjr^T- ' #* -*«S^1&^' ^4^rr^^*rj^T-" •^^' 26 - 12453 (IP) 24719 3 -(15) 41768 4 (20) 51763 5 '1 T . (25) 79846 23 (30) 69427 45 -#■• (6> 21768 ■■.■.a , (M) 18673 ■■■;■. 3- (16) 93572 4 (21) 67895 ■ 5 (26); 51937 32 (3*) 94268 53 ARITHMETIC;. 71459 * -■ (12) r 45927 ; : , 3 , ■ ' 07) , 51473 ■.-■■,. 4; 14637 5 (27) 24682 ,24 (32) 31794 25 , (8) 37896 (13) 84769 3 (18) 61425 4 y (23) 24864 (28) 15379 42 (33) 58376 43 B. W 13579 ■ :*■ (14) 24685 ;: ■ .3 :: (19)* 98756 (24) ^ 79356 y (34); 91238 124 \ ( I ) Write the'multiplication table of 6 times. Re-write the table withi, 2, 3, 4 and 5 added, resBfectively. ' (2) Write tffe table of 7 times. Re-Write wiA i, 4, 5 iand 6 added, Respectively. • (3) Write the table of 8 times. *4, 5, 6 and 7 added, respectively, (4) Write the table of 9 times. /Re-write with i, 2, 3, 4, 5> 6, 7 and 8 added, respectivel % > o^^ <7) 7 (8) (9) 12976 / 84637 29415./ 51789 37462 2» 3» -write with I, 2, 3^ (lO) 319^, ■-■ ■ ^ (IS) 3*472 • 8 / ,,16) M689 8 MUlMpiJCATlON* 58472 45687 7 .7 (17) (18) 51733 48562 8 8 37 587(4 7 (19) 95768 8 (25) 21345 67 #624 9 (26) 34982 68 (22) 67391 9 (27) 74163 69 (23) 78762 - 9 (28) 28876 78 -, <^4--' G. (24) 94278 9- (29) 92943 79 ; ^'Ay?*® *^® **H® ^^ 10 times ; and re-write with t to 9 kdded, respectively. * ^P li^^ *^® table df II times ; and re>write with i to ip added, respectively. ,r.W li^^A^^^^ table of 12 times ; and re-write with i ton added, respectively. (4> (5) ; (6) V (7) (8) 41^23. 34176 81920 71304 50892 ■ te) 519S2 II (14) 20724 II (10)' 24687 * " • (15) K 37291 (II) 37912 II (12) 40876 II II (16) 56778 -\ II (17) 4 339 2 II (13) 21936 II (18) ^8676^ II .v»? -^^^ .^ i- '\> '/ " ' ■■■■-<: (19) '3579 12 (24) 93571 12 (20) 24668 12 (2«) 46882 12 AllfTmMVFlcr. W764 12 / (22) 11227 la (26) (27) 37692 * 42478 12 12 68693 69894 J2 Exerclie XII. (1) What two numbers m following : 24 ; 25 ; 30 ; 36 ; (2) What al-e the factors 64 ; 66 ; 70 ; 72 ; 80; 81 ; 84 Multiply, using factors : <3) (4) (5) 357 by 27. 8654 by 35. 5432 by 48. .(6) 17834 by 33. 76892 by 4a 12476 by 42. (9) 20462 10) 81739 48067 82430 85917 26485 II 12 ['4 ultiplied^ 40; 42 ; of: 50; J 90; 96 by 66. by 18. by $4. by 20. by 56. by 64. together give the 45 ; 49? 54; 56; 60; 63; ; ]oo|i2i $ 144? 15) 104748 16) 327017 .17) 050304 [i8> 616936 19) 418317 L2o) 768947 by 36. by 81, by 44. by 27. by 45. byl4« B. /■■ i) 84790632x32^ 2) 60975843 x^i. (3) 75400967 XH47. 4) 9485379x59. [5) 3478596x68.. r6 ),287 59 43X76. _. (9) 8594863x406. {io> 4785932x610. (11) 4893546x726. (12) 6004379x9430. (13) 548593x5423. ^14)640795x9307 . m 5463759x87, <8) 3459376x100. (15) 91463897x4875. (16) 948627x12345. "■■'" '-'l M^LTIPUCATION, idxtrclM Xlllt > 19 Perform the following multiplications : (0 <2) 1234X27- -2345x93- 3456x27'- 5905x93-1 5678x27* 2631 X93- X27 = (3) , 76142x84: 14273x84. 91326 x84« III 1 I.J I I ■ I i I »i w X93- (4) * ■ - ' 51706 X 203 = 32654 X 203 = 44376 X 203- ^Multiply from left to right and by columns, ^nd prove by multiplying the products. --:• ■ ■ (5). ■■ •■ :'^,.. ■■:■--' -m. :'-■■■:'■:■'■: 3x$x7xjK4« 2x3x8x9x7^ ,X5X3X9X7=:= 3X5X3X4<6» »X5X7X2x6= 4X2XIX3X5W i ;■ jm viim III J. II tv I. 1 XXX X XX X X ■-t'. (7) Multiply 16789 by 999L (8) Find product of 123456 and 9999. (9) Muitiipiv 213579 by 32164. (ip) Find the product of 246846 and 96248. Muhiply each of the following tiumbcra by itself : (i i > |6j2 ;(12) «4I 8 ; (13) 4836 ; (14)^ 7254> (IS) H^kifly 59731 by 6 ten ^e» ii|, wcpcs jion. Find thfs value «f the following : (1) *36^x 73^x^x4 x7x6. m ^24x0x67x193. /\ (3) (i« X 13)+ i6x i4)+(23X 27JH-(35 X35). '' *";f 'i^ ■i-J ^•3 p|m»?.'^j?r '"^y."" , pijuniHiiyi II 30 m,-uiiiii iii/•;-'■■'■■'■■ (i) How much will 749 lbs. of sugar cost at 8 cents per pound? • (2) What will 238 barrels of flour cost at $6 per barrel? ^ (3) How much will it cost to have 456 loads of sand hauled at 85 cents per load ? ^(4) Find the cost of 2463 barrels of pork at $13 a'barrel. ■:■■■■■;•■.■- ^ :-■;■/■•■■,■■■.■■•■ '- ;..": (5) Fiod the cost of 109 building lots at $364 a lot (6) AVhat will it cosit to build 1 1 houses at $5439 each ? (7) Find the value of 2637 bushels of wheat at 93 centsabushel C • (8) A farmer went to Manitoba and bought a farm of racres ar^7 an acre. "What did the farm cost ? (9) A drover bought 387 horses at $109 each. What did all cost? ^ . . ■ "4' r?' J Vt&j f- f "* wm f'"iwi" *'^.r%w ■p(ppp fPifff^^^P^^^^^PWiliip ja ▲EITMMVTIC* (lo) What will it cost tp build a telcigimph line kom London to Toronto, a 4»«l*ncc of 145 miles, at 11337 |l mile ? I 1'*^ '^ **^* hands 6f a factory turn out 987 yards of doth on the average every day, and there are 312 workinjf days in the year, how many yards are manufactured in the year? (12) A company of soldiers contains 12 Unes. How many men are there in the company if each lioc has 84t men? ^^ . r '• Tt^"*^ ^""^ ^^° ^^^^ '" * "^''^- Wo^ '"any rods U It from Toronto to Hamilton, a distance of 40 miles ? (2) A clerk's salary is $72 a month. He spends $27 a month. How much does he save in a year? / ^ (3) Find the cost of building 904 miles of railway at 125347 a mile. ' (4) A man sold 39 barrels of vinegar, each containing 31 gallons, at 39c. a gallon. ^What did he receive ? , (5) A man working ii^bursa day at 29c. an hour, will earn how much in a week ? (6) What is the value of 45 tons of hay at $1^.45 a »on ♦■•■■.,/ (7) What is the cost of 222 bales of cotton at nc * pound, if each bale contains 444 lbs? (8) What is the difference in cost between 164 head jif ^ / A*4?^^4S each, and 970 sheep at $6.27 a heakl ? (9) The distance from Brantford to Harrisburg it S miles. There are 1760 yards in a mile, and 3 feet in a yard. How many feet are the two places distant? (10) An army consists of 8 divisions, each division of t^^'T* ^^ If^*" battaJwo of-6iaiiM»j^d the Qumoerofmeninthearmy* - . ' (11) How much would i23horsfes at $J 37 each, and 36 cows at $34 each, all coat f ^ (12) A man had 4oo yarda4)f^dotb^ Jiasold> 24yds. to me man and 19 yds. to another. How ^nch ia thd remainder worth at B6c. a yd. ? MULTIPLICATION PRQBLjMiS* 53 A (l) Out of a salary of $133? a year, a teacher spends $200 for board, $55 for clothing, and $335 for other expenses. How much does he save in 1 1 years ? (2) A person bouKht 7 cows for $23.45 each. Hepaid $75 down ; how much has he yet to pay ? *^ ' (i) A farmer sold a load of wheat containing 41 bags of 2 bushels in each bag at 93c. a bushel. How much did he get for the load ? (4) A travels 36 miles a day, and B 45 miles. If they are gomg m opoosite directions, how far will thcv be apart in 14 days> How far apart would they have been had they gone in the same direction ? (5) If 1 2 boys can do a piece of work ii) 36 days» how long will u take one boy i* v, ,. (6) Multiply the difference between 70410 and 64014 by the sum of 17 and 5. (7) A farmer owed a debt of $2837. He paid it by giving 138 sheep at $7 eJ^ch, 58 cows at $27 each, and the balance in money. How much money did he pay ? (8) A grain merchant bought 3575 b'ushejs of grain at 76c. a bushel, and sold it for 88c. a bushel. Find hi» gain. ..■:■■..■■ '■■■'::■]- ■■_■ \:-:'. '\ (9} If 15 men work 15 d^s at a job, and each man gets $1.35 a dav, how much Will they all receive ? (10) Find th« cost of 728 cords of wood at I4.65 'a cord.. . > ■ ■ \ '. ; ■ "^ ^ (i iV What is the value of 314 geest at $1.45 a paif? ^ (12) A drover bought 147 cattle ^t $43 a head. He sold 42 of them at $56 each, 25 at $39 each, and the remamder at $61 each. Find his gain, . D. ••"^ (i) How much must be paid for 215 boxes of starch, each weighing 5 lbs., at 8c. per lb. ? V -^ ^ (2) At the rate of $1.75 a day, how nluch will 16 men ear n in 4 weeks ? « (3) How much should a party of 6 ^rson^i^ay for their board for a year at 65c. a day for each ? /*■ '# •■>:■•'. u AftlTRMSXUS! ■f: (4) What will a boy earn in 5 months, of 26 workinir days each, at 65c. a day ? ^ (5) An army is madfe ui> of 33 rtgirtlettts" o/^nfarttry, «iCft cbntammg 800 men ; 14 of cavalry, each containing 000 men ;and 2 of artillery, each containing 300 men; The enemy has{>6 more regiments of infantry, each con- tammg 100 more men ; 3 more regiments of^^valry, eacht contaimtig 100 men less ; and 4 corps of ^ X'o) How many nails will be required to ihde 87 span of horses if it takes nine nails for each shoe ? r— .. (11) How many more cents are there in dit^ times $16 than m 4 times S4.29 ? (12) If an orchard contains 17 rows Of trees with 17 trees m each row, and each ttee yields 13 bushels^ of apples, how many bushels does t^e whole orchard produce? .. 9 ■s^^ • * ri / , V % • • \ t • ' / 1 ■ '/ / /;-. • ' t* • 1 • .'* - / , - t " - > ^^'^^W^^'^S*9'^^^&'**^ ■ i MECHANICAL work: V.H3 i^'. 71468 14687 46871 68714 ^7146 71468 14687 46871 98714 87146 71468 14687 <6) 23456 45173 34563 5 '734 45623 17345 56234 73451 62345 345^7 23456 45173 % (2) 14687 46871 68714 87146 71468 14687 46871 68714 87146 71468 14687 ' 46871 Exercise XVI. A— AOOITIQN. (3) (4) 46871 68714 68714 87146 87146 71468 71468 14687 14687 ^ 46871 046871 68714 68714 87146 87146 71468 71468. 14687 14687 ' 46871 46871 68714 68714 87146 (8) : 4567S - 62843 56784 ' 28436 67845 84362 78456 \ 43628 '' 84567 36284 ,. 45678 62843 : 35 (9> 56789 '32684 67895 26843 78956 68432 89567 84326' 95678 43268 56789 32684 (5) '87146 71468 14687 46871 68714 87146 71468 14687 46871 68714 87146. 71468 'H V; 41. , . (10) ^m. 91357 I 24683 A 13579 46832 \^ 35791 68324 57913 83246 79135 32468 -1 91357 ■'in 24683 M / 36 ARITHMETIC. m ■-Vi- ;■'.''. •-■■:■ B.-^8UBTRACTION.^ ''l--^:^ - ■•'■"■' Subtract 768349215 five times in succession from eacht of the following: (1)38429806421 (2)3844091753; (3) 3846313966; (4)3848535198; (s) 385^8455^ -"^^" ■ ^uhtract 35764 ten times in succession frdm each of the following : (6) 466782 ; (7) 3S9827 ; (8) 479533 ; (9> 625743 ; (IQ) 698877. ^ ■*■'.'■'- ' ' ■ • ' .'.".■■ ■■.•■.■•■ C -MULTIPLICATION. Multiply each of the following by 4, ten times in succession : (i) 21769 ; (2) 43538 ; ^3) 87076. Multiply by 6 ten times in succession : (4) 11652 ; (5> 15536; (6) 34956; (7) 46608. V ^. ■ '^^1 Multiply each of the following consecutively by 2, 4, 7, 8, and 9: (8)12582; (9)25164; (10) 29358 ; (ii> .37746; (12) 50328; (13) 58716; (14) 75492; (15)88074^ DIVISION. »^ - V Work ctivision : ♦(I) 2)26904( (6) 2)4997S( 3)634o8( (16) 3'93373( 4)i36&Ji( (26) Exercise XVII. the following by long division, then by short (2) 2)491 58( ,(7) 2)73749( ■(12) 3)40425( 3(83o69( ;(22) 4)ii9404( (27) ,(3) 2)72436( 2)9i207( i'3) 3)69447( ,(23) 4)3073S6( (28) V<4) 2)83i94( , (9) 2)59727( (14) 3)94i28( 2)70386^ (Id) 2)685570 Xis) 3)6S69I( ;(2o) - 3)9447«K ";(2S) 4)543i6C i3oL |> 4)i7i653(- 4)i259o6( 4)27259o( 4)85879( \4)i2S?i3C •f ■ «'V ^^^M^mym DIVISION, 37 *>*• Exercise XVIII. Divide : (0 413579 by 2. (2) 538694 by 2. (3) 768147 by 3. (4' 679680 by 3. (5) 951476 by 4. (6) 389135 by 4. (7) 298765 by 5. (8) 783472 by 5. A. (9) 532147 by 5. (10) 689427 by 6. ( 11) 978663 by 6. (121 519800 by 6. O3) 123456 by 7. (mX 234567 by 7. (15) 345678 by 7. (16) 456789 by 7. (17) 314151 by 8. (18) 467893 by 8. (19) 598304 by 8. (20) 678003 by 8. (21) 79432 by 9. (22) 80397 by 9. (23) 56894 by 9. (24) 79983 by 9. ■■..■•' ■■■'■■s: ' . ' B.- ■■■■■■•. . Find the quotient and remainder : (1)2814873-^^ (8) 12345674-9. (2)-54i 17244-7. (9) 2345678-r8. {3} 5465037-^8. (10) 3456789^7. Ik C6) 21765034-11. Y13) 7)37400874-12. (14)2762152-11. 6706056-5-9. (11) 67702194-10. 19732484-10. (12J 57019834-10. 13) 12705894- 1 1. (15) 52364434-12. >6) 1365687 4- 12. 17) 67338424-12. ^18) 91821834-9. 19) 92466054-8. [20) 62468624-7. (21) 45802534-7. C. (6 Divide by factors and find true remainder : 456217 by 14. (7) 703679 l^y 36. (13) 362408 by 35. 967352 by 18. (S) 897952 %y 33- (H) 2790J3 by 42. 890036 by 24. (9) 190864 by 77. (i ^) 552637 by 1 32. 715^29 by 27. 10) 372060 by 72. (16) 847039 by 81. 834503 by 49. (11) 620314W 108. (17; 258497 ^64. 594000 by 48. (12) 508375 by 56. (18) 993877 -^ lt44. ^*4 '^ FK. I'V 3« ARiyiHMETIC. Exercise XIX. ■/ Divide : A; (I) 123456 by 13. W 234567 by 17, 345678 by 19. 456789 by 23. 249893 by 29. 486932 by 31. 869324, by 37^ , ,693248 by 41. (9) 932486 by 43. '^ (0 241768^94. .(2) 5118862-^127. (3) I7902976-^2o8. fi. (7) 1 5704325 -f 507.; (8), 14988456-414. (9) 29784450^435. (10) 15920205-^2345. •I" , (10) 6475839 by 47. (11)4758396 by 53 (12) 7583964 by 59, (13) ^839647 by 123. 14) 8396475* by 247. l»5) 396475^ by 358. (16) 9647583 by 476. (17) 36326^99 by 1342. Vl8> 14002564: by 1871. (11) 600236-J-97. • (12) 765870-5-98. (» 3) 38214-7-99. ,i (14) 386734984-998. V^|5> 728I7II-^999. (16) 7036293-^669. A^ If f '^*?^759. . ) ( 1236142084-3456. (19) 148644288-2036. ^ (20) 318124I74-8463. in ^iSr?^ ?l)'SS£i'"'f « br 7 in time, sio.^t^ "t$X^^''^ « ««« times in succes- - -"" '"* '5SJ9^tS4; (it) ; *'" BxiirciAe XXI. 10 'Perform each operation in order : (i) 6x3-2-r4X7 + 5^3X7-5-5-6x8-6-7-ioy7 + i *^8 + 2XIO. : (2) 16+3x2+24-5x6+3^-3+ J ><2 + 4-5-4><7-f'«^l :..-2+ri.x25.^ - "^ (3) 19+6+5x12^-4x8+1 + 11x12+3+5 + 1+2x6 +7+IX3TI+*. ' f4> 5^^13x3+9x119+7x13. ( 5 ) 76 1 X 8 - 80 X 600+ 32 + 5+3525^-9. (6)4522x99+119. * (7) 31349 X3»S56+282-s-39i. -^ . (8) (98945+69497+8599+38765 + 34567 + 42947) X » (9)j45 X 38 x.76)+(357i58+43). * ijo) 1 5 +.20+ 20+ X 5 - 40+ 33 - 20+ 47 + 1 1 - 60. ■ (n) 347+253+89-234+7 X 8-132 X 37 - 10+9. (12V 748964+85679+856748 + 1 896343+179. ' (i3)^8o9ki4)+(S9i9i22+43). A . .»;■ i.-' DlVtSlON PRObLEMsJ ^>i."' •I- J, Exercise XXII, ■r— ' A. (1) When flour is 58 a barrel, how inany barrels can be bought for 34560 dollars ? (2) #man has 4 equal lots of land, cohtaming m all 5528 acres. . How many acres are there in each 4ot l ( 3> If 484 sheep, cost S4356,what>wi li/^ne sheiep costZ " (4)' If 326 barrels of flour wfeigh 63896 pounds, whs^t is the weight-o( a barrel ? ' ' ' . ■ <;\ '. .i^i \' r \^ ■■■::. 'V^i^; k"'" • » 40 ARITHMETIC ■"V ,. ** 'l" Wis. Ho* n^ B. .-■( were there? . '5552 eggs ; how man/ dozen ho^tUy%"ys"^i?ir;£Xfi'„*'~^'V»«*» <^. J^V r^ pounds did K^p^^'^'^^^y '^ ^«"^s a pound. >4ei^^^butfe were on the last tn-pT"^^^ Ho^ many passengers the value J^fa sheep? ^^^^ 28 sheep^; what was didhe buy? V^**"""^ tftereby $2^ How many tons . ' V > ■\ i ('. . DIVISION I^ROBLEMS. ' 41 . (9) When horses aiilSi^iling at $135 each, how many .cows at $27 .each, must I receive in exchange for 47, horses ? (10) Ten flocks of sheep, each flock havingv 50 head, VB^re sold for S4000. Find tiie price per head. ' . * . (11) If 5 barrels of cider are worth $20, how many tons of hay, at $12 a ton will 9 barrels of cider buy ? (12) How many times is XIX contained in the differ* ence between 121304 and one million one thousand and' ten?';. ■ . ■■ . -..- ... :.,■•■ . "■>■ .■ . "■..;. -:':. .•,. ■■:.■■',■■ '■" ■■ '*■':■. ' '■ *■'.".. /~i ■■ ' •■. -'■,."' '. .'.■■' . '• ■ ' • '-^ • ■ ; V *^* ' '■ ■'-■■.■ (i) A drover bought 29 cattle at $34.48 each ; he sold 1 8 of them at $38. 50 each. For how much each must he • sell the rest to gain S>]85.66 on the whole ? (2) How much must be addied to eight thQUsand and ninety-six dollars to pay for an exact number of acres of land at $17 an acre, and hav|e no money left ? . (3) A man walked 45 miles on Monday and 52 on Tuesday ; how f4r must he go on each of the other four days to go 305 miles in the week? • , (4) A farmer goes to market with 60 bags df oatsiuid sells at 35 cents a bushel,Veceiving therefpi:$47.25. How ^ many pounds of o^ts tp the bag? (5) .Divide $35Q between two persons, giving mie $2$ more than the oth^l*. 16) If 264 ac^S cost $12408, how many .acres can be bought for $57575 ? V ^ • ^ _ (7'X Divide $760 between A and B, giving B $24 less than A- ^ (S) If 3 pears cost 9 cents, how many pears should be given in exchange for 12 hens worth 23 tents each ? , (9) A wealthy merchant distributed- to 965 jpoor people, in ah equal proportion, 876432 pounds of flour ; now many pounds had he oVer? I X'o) J^A yard of satin coist $1.75, how 'many yards can' be bought for $315? * 7,9,8,5,6. ( (2) 8, IS, 19, lo. . (3) 31, 34, 40, 8 1, 104. <4) 3, 7, 5, 8, I, 4, 6, 7, 2, 7, I, 9. )ll !^' '9, 25, 29, 37, 43, 49, 46. (6) 16,0, 28, 30, 71,99, 26, 9, 18.' ;. ^?( i'^' 34'' 559, 784,319,842. , (8) 82, 79, 78, 74, 73, 71, 69, 66. (9) 574, 664, 587, 419, 626, 604. (10) Five pupils obtained the following marks at an examination, 6i 35, 73, 23, 83 respectively. What was the average mark ? OO It there were 42 pupils in a class on Monday, 4,6 on Tuesday, 4S^on Wednesday, 46 on Thursday, and 41 wiek? what was the average attendaricfe for th^ ;', ^'2) The ajggregate weight of9 oxen was 13617 pouncR^^^ what was their average weight ? ■ < f?^*^ . (13) Aman earns $1428 in a year. How much Is tnat on an average a month ? , , (14) A paper boy^ sold papers during the week as 1^^^' ^^' ^-' ^5'. 49, 53 on each day respectively, How mMy papers IS this on an average per day? ;« Aii^^ i?V^^^ number of pupiU attending 17 schools ^h\ J > *ne average number of pupils to each school «,i ^u *^^' sold 4 cows for $46 each and 5 cows for 937 each. What was the average seUing price of each (17) Agp)cermixes4lbs. oftea worth 30 cents a lb.. ,1%: ^^^'v ^^ ^«°?,^Dd^t^-ivortr3S cents. What 18 the mixture Worth per pound ? '**''*'^l :v, AVERAGES. r\\ 43 1 •■■■■,■.-■>>•■■ ■• - ' . ■ , ■ . (i8) A man has a salary .of $ipoo ;for the first S months he spends on. the average $75 amonth, andfor the remamder of the year he spends on the average $85 a month. How much does he save in the year ? .:^^ QANCELLATIPN. Exercise XXIV,' (l) Find the quotient in each of the foliowing cases, and notice the results : 78624^-6048 : 131044-1008 ; 1872-1-144; 234 -M8; 264-2. ' ' What is the quotient of : (2) 2 1 X 1 1 X 3" X 26 divided by 1 3 x 6x7. (3) 1 5 X 25 X 49 X 64 divided by 5 x 24 x 35. U) 5 X 7 X 1 1 X 24 X 42 divided by ^ x 9 x 20 x 22. (5) i9,x 36x35 X 15 divided by4x 19x25. (6) 21 X 18 X 10 X 65 divided by 13 x 45 x 35. (8) .. 54 X 56 X 57 X 60 ■■;:- J8 48 X (7) 49 X 50 X 51 34 x 28 /X 70 X 35 X (9) 32 X 36 X 24. 45 •/ 81 X X 20 20 X 56 X (II) X 21 X 22 16. X 24 •■ 221 63 X X 32 60 X 44 X X 33 X 34 12. X 35 42 X 72 X 30 X 38. 10 X 12 Oo) X 14 X 16 X 18 21 17 X 14 X 40 X 44 X 5. 42 X 20 X 4 X 72, (li) X 22 X 2 4 X 25 X 27 45 X 15 X 16 X 77. -;■■■;■■ ■^■■•(i4)/ :^--v-v 50 X 54iX 56 X 63 X 60 35 X 45 X 72 X 42 X 24. ('5> 30 X 33 X 33 X 35 X 36 X 38X 39 x^ X 42 X 44 X 45 50 X 44 X 24 X 84 X 15 X iQ X 13K60X 24X 11 Xf4. ,^ • ** • (0 >^-. 98432 V 13768 •' ^^^H' 23456 v^B 78912 -^B" • / -' 34567 89123 > ■ 45678 91234 r ■ 56789 M^^^B . 67891 t^^^B > '. . '* ' 23456 ^"H- V" ■ ■ . ■ ■ ., »-■:■.„>-. ''^^M;- (6) ^^B ^^ ■ 35798 I^B '■ ':' 47633^ A 57983 • 76324 79835 F^^^^Bit^ ^ ■ ^ ;'■' .' 63247 ^^^■L;' 98357 ' / . -■ 32476 83579 K: •■ - ■ 24763 35798 ^K^ t-'"- 47612 T' J7 • ^■m^^ %■ > ■■-,..' * MECHANICAL WORK, ExerciM XXV. A.— AUDITION. 84926 71826 45678 91234 56789 67891 23456 78912 34567 89123 45678 (7) 57983 76324 79835 6^247 98357 32476 83579 .24763 35798 47632 57983 76324 (3) 66447 59381 67891 23456 78912 34567 89123 45678 91234 56789 12345 67891 ■■■ I 111 jM 7^835 63247 98357 32476 83579 24763 35798 47632 ^7983 76324 798i5 632 47 44 (4) 23344 57686 89123 45678 91234 56789 '2345 67891 23456 78912 34567 89123 (9); 93»57 32476 38579 24763 85793 47632 57938 76324 79385 63247 93857 \:. ..~\. (5) 91027 O63C8 '2345 67891 23456 78912 34567 89123 45678 91234 56789 12345 N ;^9365 584215 93657 84265 36579 42658 65793 26584 5793^ 65842 79365 MECHANICAL WORK. 45 ;/ ,^ B.-SUBTRACTION. Subtract 357698 ten times in succession from each of the following : (i) 4518748 ; (2) 4034873 ; (3) 3794768 ; (4) 3994673 ; (5) 4355879. . Subtract 44^0762 ten times in succession from each : (6)45530406 ; (7) 51485511 ; (8) 53221196; (9) 57097254; (10)6609675?. . V C.-MULTIPLICATION. -H Multiply each of the following by 357 : (i) 17838 ; (2) 36757 ; (3) 35676 ; (4) 53514 ; (5) 71352 ; (6) 80271. Multiply each of the followmg by 648 : (7) 11402; (8) 17238; (9) 22984; (10)25857; {II) 34476; (12) 5i7if . Multiply each of the following by 9 ten times in succession: (13) 1 1892; (14) 1^838 ; (15)35676; (16) vm V -,/:./-•.■/:.:>■:,.,•■..- •■..-■: ■.-..■ ■...-■•.; ^'^^'^.vv^'^■^^•'■v^" !>.-. DIVISION/:, V>j ■'\';; :;. :'.,•/■• Divide ieaicli of the Vollowing % 7 six times in succession: (i) 2098622862; (2) 2798163816; (3) 4I9724§724 ; (4) 8394491448. ' : Divide each of the following by 8 six times in succession: (5) 4463788032; (6) 1487929344; (?) 09758,58688 ; (8) 8927576064. Divide each qf the following by 2, 3, 4, 6, 9 in succes- ion : (9) 22709808 ;( 10) 30279744 ; (11) 45419616 ; (12) 68129424; (13) 90839232 ; (14) 136258848. Divide each of the following by 723 : (15) 19052496 ; (16) 25403328; (17) 28578744; (18) 38104992; (19) 57157488.; (20) 76209984. Divide each of the follow^ by 654 : (21) 17416674 ; <22) 34833348 ; (23) 52250^^2 ; (24) 69666696. , ''>/ V ''" t K' '- "'' f, " '-T* ■ I I € > iff-'' ■:'f ANALYSIS, : \ MMlik BxerelM XXVI, ',p •""•'■■i-«iS;ihi<*iiiifii . ,ll !.. *!<■■»,. : cost'?' '' V'^"**^*^°*V 'V**"%*'*' '^U ? *>^ i^J wk °.'*''!fi' ''"f* "^•' **"' *'" ' 3 »PPle» cMt ? ' (3) What will 27 lemons cost if 1 lemons cost 6 cents ? dozi'n^oJ.Jb^Sr'^"'' ""* -4 cents, find the cos, of . muii;ir,'3Vo»n''c^r '^ "" * *^" °f ««•' "«** centi '^'"'* **" '*"' °' " '"^ P*""'' " '"^ 'o' *"« .ho?^t'?i'X'«V«t^>^?"' ^-5 cents; hyn»„, maijtt i^lJonhVcTw's'?^ •""'" -^ ' "^'' "^ rf^l" ^ l^ '^ *"*" *?*™ ^3456 in 12 weeks, how much does each man earn in the week ? * ^^ T^ How mnl^J^!!; *^"8rht7o8 eggs at i8 cents a dozen, now much did they cost him ? CO: V. it) James had 75 cents. He bought 2 dozen oianirM Id luid^ cents left Find th^ cost^f an or^ge,^*^ >rdsco^t^ cords of wood cost $ 20^ how m uch wiH 193 R; » ■ :X AlfALYSrS. ,. &lr- /!> ( a) a faniMr coebhanged 28 tons of hay, for 21 pigs ; what was the value of each i ■ / - worth l9ift ton for 21 pigs ; what was the value of each pig ? I (4) A boy who has 70 apples gives 8 apples to each one m his class, and keeps the smallest share for himself. How many are there in the class ? (5) Ifa horse eats 2 gallons of oats in a day; how many bushels will he eat m 19 weeks, there being 8 gallons ma bushel? ^ ' / (6) How muf:h will 7 doztn of bananas cost at thr^ for ten cents ? V (7) A man receives a salary of $650. Out of this, he saves $234 a year. How much does he spend per week^ (8) How many days would t take a man to walk 288 miles, at the rat^ of 4 miles an hour, and walking 9 hours a day? ■^^•.;^•^^ . ■.'.;'-.•■' (9) Divide 40 naaibles between Bert and Warric in such a way that as often as Bert gets 2 marbles, Warrie shall get 3 marbks. (10) If four-fifths of a pou^id of tea coft 60 cents, what will a pound cost ? '^ \ \ e^ / (11) If 18 men will build a' wall in 4 days, how many men will build it in 6 days f (12) Find the total cost of 40 apples at 5 30 peaches at 3 for 4 cents, and 21 oranges cents. ./ .«. - ^' for^ cents, at % for 10 :■'¥»": \.-' ON THE TERMS OF THE SiMPLfe RULES. ' ■ ' M> ' -h-^m fixetclM XXvn. ^x <'- jft (i) The addends of an example are, 4763, 7634, 6347, 347^^4763* 7^34, 63471 3476, and 4763 : find tht sum. (3) Thesumoffour addends% 164918. l|f th<» ituiL fipt three addends is 8 find the ; acidend; ind IS 5438 imdthe fiftfis 66, If the sum of the second, ^third and fonrth addends is the sum of all the addends. 18406, find .y. \ • . f . '^MsS V f' . 'VI ■11 .K - ■■ W m © ARITKMSTiC £ iil The minuend is 734271, the subttahend is 24114a.. find the remainder. - ^ ^^^ £ PI "Tj^e su*>trahend is 349806, the minuend is 758001. find the diiference. /3«y"«, -.^i? ^'"Aj^® .*"*'*?^®"^ when the remainder is 274550 and the mmuend 329500. PI ^V}i^^^ minuend when the subtrahend is 567456^ and the difference 689822b. , ^^^ (S) Half, the difference between the minuend and remainder 73509 ; find the subtrahend. ^ (9) 'J^^^ tevAainder is 19542 and the subtrahend is I82ui. How much must be added to the minuend to make one hundred thousand ? ^(iq) How much greater is the sum of 46095 and 28716 than their difference? ^^*^- T^ (u) The subtrahend is the sum of the addends, 17. 794, «769ii, 32347, 63741, and 12734 1 and the minuend is (i2» Find the difference between the sum and differ- ^"'^^ ,!?'t39^86and^86945. - (i) The multiplipand is 37942^ the multiplier 386 j find tne product - . : xinir-^?*"^***?*®^^^ 584 and the multipKc^d 274<>3. What is their product ? ; "^ (3) Find the product when the multiplicand is 2067 larger than the multiplier which is 179. \ ^ (A)'P^^ifkrtnce between themultipKc^Rdand thfe mv^pher IS 37 s8y Th^ multipUcaiid is 37642T&^d t^^^^^ fi i?i '^*',R'^"c* is 661344 and the multitrfiw 216; nna the multiplicand. . ■ t , ,^ P**.:"!!^^"^ :? 47672 and the iwbduct i^ 1 1 U5248 ; find the multiplier. (7) The divisor is 612, the dividend 475524 ; find the thedL^* ^«o*>ent is 4372, the dividend 3156584; find ' 'S ^ !^^. ANALYSIS. 49 (9) The divisor is 643, the dividend'5926431 : find the quotient and the remainder. ■ 4i i\Z^^V^ quotient is S679» the dividend is 3214664; find the divisor and the remainder. ^ -r t» ,. .(j') J^® rwnainder is 499, the divisor 675, and the dividend 1429^624 ;< find the quotient. " . (12) The^ividend is 56243 121, the remainder 39, and the quotient 81987 ; find the divisor. ^ (1) T^ dividend id 786935846 and the remainder is 2534 ; find the product of the quotient and the divisor. (2; When the divisor is 1047, the quotient 474536, and the remainder 523 ; find the dividend? '*''*?^'^ (3) The product of the quotient and divisor is 508144 and the remainder 398 ; find the dividend. /» *t*t ^y 5? i^^^^°^ *"d quotient axe equal ; their sum is '^T\ T^• '" ^ ® (5)lHow many yards are there in one-eleventh of 391,776 ^rds? (6\ How many dozen are there in 221340 pins ? (7) Find the number of 5-cent pieces m $768.95. C8) How many feet ate there in 45768 inches? (9) How niany minutes are there m 341760 seconds ? I'Ol J'nd the numbe r of d a ys inT4 o o 2oo hou^ - [I i)^rite in words 700600 and MDCIX. GENERAL REVIEW PROBLEMS. 51 ■ * ■ ■ ■■■ . . ■ . K« ^'^A'^ ^^ 96 cents. How many marbles xan he uTJonS'sJ'JSr? " ^ '^''°^' cents, and an alley daVWhatnumber must be added to 954308 to make' a number exactly equal to the product of>>7o and WKill^ .-yte^J ^"?^J 78 horses at $I4& each. At WW pn^HHyie sell them to gain $234 ? (15) I Wf^ can do a piece of work in 9 days, in howmany^ days would 12 men do thre? times as mich 1«1'^ ^f S»i7 bejakeij ft^ times, how many dollars would be left? . (17) Find^the cost of 1809 bushels of wheat if 48 bushels cost $44.64. ^ . OlB) Findthe amount of ^Ibs. of butter at 22c.w 67 lbs. of cheese at oc., 87 lbs. of flour at $2 per cwt., and 3000 lbs. of coal at $5 a ton. . " _^(I9) A farmer exchanges 2040 lbs. of oats at 30c. a bushel, for wheat at 50c. a bushel. How many bushels of wheat does he receive ? (20) If a^wagon cost $47, and seUs for $66, how many must be sold to gain $3591? .V 1; , (21) Find the cost of 1404 oranges at 17 cents per dozen. ■/■' '^ -J (22) The total cost oi 59 sheep and 89 hore^ was $7000. The sheep co?t $4 each. Find the price of a horse. '^ (23) What number contains 490 as often as K7AZa& contains 576 ? oi'^'v^ . (24) How much do all these things come to: A dozen" lead-pencils at 3c. each, 16 slate-pencils at 2c each, 9 bottles of ink at 4c. each, 13 work-books at 4c. each, and a 15-centschoolbag? . (25). How much does it cost a year to heat a school house, if there are 87 tons of coal burned, worth $6.25 a 'ton?- ~~: ■ ,- ■ . , ;■-• ^ -. ' . ;, :•- .. ^ (26) A man worth S19000 lost at one time $3427, and at another time $1946. . How much has he remaining? '"^-.i ^f 53 ARITBllETIC. ^^ S: ■. ««■ (27. A marchant deposited in a bank on Monday fcSi. on Tuesday $75% 4jp Wednesday $463. He-2hhd5cw dijm^ that time $i3§8. How muchU he stiH in VhJ (28) ilow much would 83 horses at^ $87 each, and ko cows atSu eacJi cost? ■ ^ «»« 5^ . (?S0 iWinuchhiWlieftouiofSio^^^ « pairs pf«ffeese at 58 cents each? ^ *^'^* 'fr».^^ ^^i^ *^» *^^ "**« thaii this. . faim 9nd h^ together. Fmd Jiow Aiuch aU cost. ^J^l^l^J^l '^^ marbles; John had 5 times as SSSJfc^^ fi^^^^ 7 times a4 many as John Snd James together . How many marW^ad Dick ? * -^ . ** ^.W)^wd the total value,of: 180 lambs at $5. 50 each. 56 cows at $37 each, W5 calves at $5.75 each, and 25 horses at $117 each. . - (33) Aman bought 120 cords of wood at 13,1?.- He sold 35 cords at $3.75, 28 cords at $4.25, and the remamder at S3.5a Find his gdin." ?' ' fhJ^^^^'^^''^«**^7^"%^5^^^'8-36. He sold' them at a gdm j>f 7 centsS^i each. Find the price received for one. . 1^- * M*cprn.c 'uJ^f^^^f^^f^^ 3 dozen sfifeep at $6.75 each. .He kept them at an expense of $11.85, and th2n stfld tbem at $7 25 each. What did he gain? Of ii?^ ^■f*""S*^'?'^'^y**5- «^°"onat i3c.,24lbs. tea ^^^» and 13 lbs. butter at I2C What does her bill V. Jf l^^*^^^96i ^y 180, using the fctors 9, 4, and 5, and find the trute remainder. ^^ <38) A farmer, bought 32 cows at $45 each, and^, ioM?!^'^''' ^ ^*^*^^- ^^^^^' 8 cows andlhS, aSd ' soWtheremamingco^s at $60 each and horses at $120 each^ How much did iie gain or lose altogether? ^ Of M^ ^.°^"o?J/ '^ turkeys at 75 cents each, 12 geese fciLT^^'i^i^'iJ'"*^^" ^* ^5 centsi 36 ll^che4 at, 2 ^^ ^^^ gallons syrup at >f.2o a gall on . How^^ rtra^ sugar at 6 cents a lb. can he buy.wiA all Ae money he .receives? V^ . «*"."«? HH^. ^ i^HI^^HIP^'^^"' "if-".' GENERAL jREVIBW PROBLEMS. 53 ' (4Py Fiiid tbe cost of 8964 caiis of corn at 90 cents'per dozen caiis. . ^ # (41) Find the °diffetience between the product of 87 and 75 and twelve times th$t^ium. '■ ^.,M^ )^M^ ch*»^« should you get out of a ten-dollar bill after paying for 27 lbs. of tea at 35 cents per poXind ? . (43) Oats weigh 344bs. and barley 481bs. to th^ bushel. How many bushels of barley will weigh as much ^s 168 bushels of pats? ^ , , ■ (44) If 86 horses cost $4816. W^t wiU 37 hor«>s cosx at the same rate ? . '- . ?»•. (45) Firtdtheiotalcostdf i7lbs\ofbutter ati8c.,2^' lbs.j:heese at 13c., 78 lbs. rice at 7c., 19 lbs. tea at 45c.,' 2i5lbs. ^ug^ar at 4c., an^ 13 lbs. (52) ^Ua had 200 pears. . She ate 12 of them and gave away 6 times as many as sheate^ How many had , _ 453) A tnan^old his^hous& for $7520, and his fumittiiFe for I2155. They cosj hinj $12560; how much did hef^ Ibse? • '. ' . */ « A- ^ \ » -v^'? M .:M. l'.C '^1 iK '"#* >* ■" 1 r4 -sMft; >- 54 ARITHMETIC. r" a- . f. H^. " •■• i*^ 1 liaS^^th:?^ 907266oc,.V and «|d \r.}\^ "^IJ*""^*^^"' '7 firkins Of butten each, wei^h^ V.^NPi^TJ^'^iS?* *^ '3 cents per pound ?V ^ (56) Add 709640,-20931, 681, 2<>6iL 18 2oofii f i« /^ ' 25674, GXIX, LXXlV^CLXXyut ■ ^^ * ^* o^ il^''^ ?"^ ***® *^°*' ^^ ^3 chests of tea, each weiehinir 37 lbs., at 49 cents per jpound weignmg ' i7 cows at'S!2^^r^¥j^ bought^,9 sheep at $18 each, 17 cows at J46 each, and 89 acrps of land at S46 an arr« How much money had he left ? ^ aV*40 an acre. A>. i5?^ Fmd the total cost : 39 yds. cotton at 7c. a vd' /^; ^ *' Mc, and 53 yds. muslin at i^ .^ «V tffLT^ ^ mechanic earns $90 a month ; his expenses are & J/fii'w "'^'" *""" house be worth $720, and the fana and bams be worth J400 less than fiv» »;»«. „. ' "|"i^»». (69) if 24 dozen of eggs at IOC. a dozen are given in exchange for 16 lbs. of,butter, find the value of 108 lbs of butter.r - ''■.',' "■.■\-' ■■■'■■.■■'.: ■ '"' ," '"' ^ ' (70) If a basket holds four dozen apples ^nd a barrel holds 576 a|)ples, how many basketfuls of apples will fill 29 barrels? : ' s. . . (71) A person takes $1263 vftth him, and after travel- ling 17 week? has $956. 32 left. How much did he spend oh an average^jich week ? v^ ■'■ ' , (72) What is the least number, which, added tp 873240^ will make a sum which will contain- 9327 exactly ? (73) if the d'ivispr is 97, the quotient 2368J and the re- mainder the largest possible, what is the qfvidend ? (74) If the dividend be48783, the quotiei^t 27 and the remainder 23^ , what is-th^ divisor? ' , 1 v^ (75) A farmer wishes to fence a field 2772 feet longV and 1524 feet wide, with rails 12 feet long, thelfencetobe 6 rails higl y^ dw manv rails will be required? ' ^ (76) How many bushel? of oats worth 29 cents a bus* mu§t be given in exchange for 145 bus. of wheat at 87 cents a bus. ?.^> :.;. ^^ \ -^v'' '■ ■.,-,■•■'-;■■ ■— '" ■■ "f. ''■ (77) Jane: bought a bag of apples fqi* 57 cents, a^X^ Mary bought a larger bag. holding 8 apples .inorip than , Jane's fbr 81 cents. How many apples were in Mary's bag? '-'."' .*♦ . . ■ < " ',. '^^A (78)tSimplify 1 8368 -9476-+ 7429 -807 +41 9-^68 + 7694+6947»--9476. ^ :' . .' *- (79) If a train on the C.P.R. takes 3 hours'to go from Toronto to Peterborough, a distance of 87 miles, b^w. long should it take it ta go from Toronto to Montreal, 'a distance of 324 miles ? \sf ' . ' ' . (80) At a Fall Fair there W6re 18 horses, and each horse ran 23 times round the ring. The ring was ,1326 ft. around. Find the |otal number of yards run by the 18^ , horses.; /■ "^ '^j- ■ - ' ; "."- ■: ; vy ^- '.'- ;■/ Oi) A person "worked 73 days at $2.45 a day j his eicpenses during thi^ time were $1.27 a day. How much r :M had he saved at the en'd of the time ? il^^.' -4, shclp'^w^rth "^^J'J'u^f^'^o ^ be given for 66 wortE 132^?^ ^ each,>hen 8 coJS of wood a,* urJ^J^ **""? ^^3 forms, the fifBt cdntamlnir 248 acres, the second 327, and the third 42 1 . He^Ses to divide them ampnghls 5 boys so as to ^ ve the eTdest h^v twice ^^yac«s as.Ly ^f the rest^^ F^^ IS^^^l a,J^ AJ"*" bought 56 acres of land at liq an act* IS ac^ "^^U^l ^'•^" ""T ' ^^ ^^^^ the whol^at Sm ?RIY•A^''hi^-^^'"^^'^'*^'*«dbowmuch? ^ ^^ \o^A building contains 74 windows, earh yi^t^A^», o«i^^L^ merchant bought 24bbarrels of flour for Siaao. and sod It at $,0.50 a barrel. Find his garn-?*'^'"^ W ^2? ^^^^'^ bought 4 lbs. tea at 45c, 7 lbs. butter ^L !S' '•^^*'^- -"^^ 5* 7c.' and 4 dozen eggs at iic ||- ^e ™nent a five-dollar bill ; how i^^^aL^ lii^^ ^<;^^''^;!^^ bought goods ta the valu6 of 5^&n4ny/tH>unds of butter did she give? 7^ ^ c«^ Si^* ^""^ -^T ^^^ 3 times as much all ceijts. Alice has as much money as both twrether luch money have the three girlsl ^^^^^'^er. ^^«^^?— soas to «ai„ $^ *V^?^&"- „S^ Aj^'ir-L"''^''*'''"*^''''' inches of 6 telejrraohi Doles. ^ » a ^* ^ '-^/'i4 U.e^ft A .$§^A'"'v*^'*5' ^ '■as Ji5«8J, e has $858 less thm ' Vv: ■ -,v*r GENERAL REVIEW PROBLEkfS. 57 I' • ■ ■ ' \ (94) A man has a pail contaiiting 18000 btoiu. How many drills, each loo ft. long, will they plant if set.j inches ' apart?' ' * ',. ' ". , \ (95) Two boys ran a race. Oi^e starts 100 yards ahead of the other. The first goes 10 ^ards and the second la yards in a minute. How'long will the second boy be in overtaking the first ? ^ ^ (96) A msin bought an equal number of apples and oranges for $11.25. He paid 3c, each for th«. oranges,"^ and 2c. each for the apples. How many of eadi did he'^ ■'■buy? :," . : ■■■ '' ;■ . ■ V (97) Whaf profit ^is made on. the Sale of 60 apples which cost 25c." a dozen, if they are sold at 21 cents for ^? (98) Wh^t is the total cost of 49 ^eese at $1.90 a pair, and 2868 eggs at i3c.adozen? ,^ (99) A. man. bought a span of horsefk for $275. He hired them out |it $12 a week, but paid $; a week for \ their keep, v At the end of 7 weeks he so|d them for $250. How mut to ? (loi) A farmer's wife sold to a grocer 15 doz. eggs at 14c. a doz., ahd 27 lbs. butter at^22c. a lb She received inpayment 12 lbs. sugar at iic. a llx, and cash for the , (^ balance. How mi^ok cash did:4»he get ? ' ^'f \ I V .^•tl ■"■■ •;^|? t *> t \ Ti( t'^r<. s> . %V/. :■'■ ■ *K m'.-s Arithmetic for Second Book Classes^ ■* *" I ... i.i ANSWERS. ili^' ^^4. (5)2500. (6)2SO(i>. 8; 276079. (9) iioiioii. (ip) 230704060, ; B--(0 IX. (i) XXI. (3) XXXIV (a) XI^VI Drryr /'"^^ S?.^^^'^'. (nyDXXXVIl r 5^ xcyiL (16) IX. (17) :^xi. (iS) yi cdviii. /^\ ^-l^'^ ^^^?*y thousand seven hundred and five (2| bixty-one thousand and seven. (3) Seventv-nin*^ ShSv "^^i'^Kf ?*TT '>^^^^' ^««^ h;und«d aia ' Sil!^' n ^'^^^ hundred and one thousand and twenty- wne. (7) One miHion, two hundred, and thirty-four thousana five^ hundred and sixty-seven. (8) ^h?^ f«& one^hdndred^and fifty thousand, two hund^ A^ ^y,J?^I'''^ miUipns, -sixty thousalid, seven hun- si^iw ^'.V ^^5"t^n '"iHions, one Jiundred «ui seventeen tliousand. one hundred and seVen. (n) 64 1^ ^r.gl'^L'c^- /'f^'^- 95) 739. (16) 98.v(,7) ^?S^:J ) ^i* ^'9)o245. ^(20) 3627. (21) 4096, 4196, etc (22) 8430 ; 348.. (23) 597, 579, 975, giy^* OTea»^i tnousand,^id thousand"^ ten-thousand, 16 ten- ?SS^'"' hundred-thousand, 10 huhdied-thSiswi^ 58 ANSWERS. 59 EXERCISE II.~-(Page 6).~A.-(i) 25084. (2) 21037. (3) 25280. (4) -26746. (5) 24889. (6) 21 104. (7)20667. (8)16665. (9)22220. (10) 26664. (II) 32703. (12)44154. (13)31482. (14)38148. (15) 31713. B.~(i) 327145. W 55*929. (3) 299181. (4) 318027. (5) 51024^ (6) 367538. (7) 419293. (8) 485634. (9) 187482. (10) 182876. (11) 214762. (I2),i905i4. C.~(i) 115823. (2) 45723. (3) 36604. (4) 389449. (5) *35337. (6) 22220 cents. (7) 25751 acres. (8) 104598 trees. (9) 724. (10) 5032. (11) J410.47. EXERCISE ni.~(Page 8).-l:(i) 1317. (2) 1402. (3) 1762. (4) 1604. (5) 13845. (6) 1 1990. (7) 14752. (8) 13694. (9) $183.52. (110) $2022.35, (11) 12078. EXERCISE* IV. -(Page 10).— (1)623443. (2)735597. (3)867146. (4)982648. (5)1037679. (6)614473. (7) 744784. (8)847906. (9)979135. (10) 99»438. EXERCISE V.-KPage I!).— A.-(i) 17435 cents. (2) 16477 bushels. (3) 2373 horses. (4) 2663 marks: (5) 82 years. (6) 86 years. (7) 108 years. (8) 1882. ♦ (9) 103 years. (10) 137 years. (11) $4429. (12) 932 yds. B.~(i) 30736 "feet. (2) 77 times. (3) 4689 years. (4) 8172. (5) 5MS. (6) 1793 acres. (?) $1281. (8) 3166 bushels. (9) $83,63. (10) 7750. (i i) 87 cents. ( 1 2) .;^74453.:: [ ;„.:; ■:..:.:,^;. ,::•.■■:,: ;;, V C.-(i) $8328. (2) 6042. (3) 2475. (4) 259a (5) 13897 ft. ; 55588 ft. (6) 941 miles. (7) 13159- (8) $590. (9) 15817 ft- (10) 844 ft. (n; 8433. (12) 22744 yds. D.~(i)322. (2)$i«73. (3) $15320. (4) $12810. (5) 1821. (6) $11897. .(7) 3996. (8) $6373. (9) $676$. 4lo) 209; 176 ;^87^ (11)28736 ft. (12)18981. E.— (i) $685oa (2) 365 4ays (3) 270 yds. (4) 48908. 5) $6130. (6) $8030: (7) $11592. (8) 567 acres. (9) (5) 16 :n •i 29a (10)1639* (n)J3o64. (12) 22842 ^^^y^Tv^^^^^mr^ WTr'' '™^»Kj 60 AN8WB118. EXERCISE VI.- '3«94o674'^ (.V *^2%%': (}li I 3790459 98063. (S) 100806. (6) 613^(7) (^^:^^^^^ <9) 54991396. To) 46924 (II) 8^ (,2) 5?o^f 03) 175999. (.4) 329527. (I5) 732f?6. 0^4^^ C.--(l) 17702. (2) 216338. (3) 3243468. (a) AtAiTye .*.^"~%'*5* W ."648. (3) 10798. (4) 1806a fc^ ^,^ ?i^?5F'^? X Vnt-OPage ig).-A.- (8) 540 yn. .(9) 12) Si.53- \ C.-(i) 1808. (2)'$i5ii5. 15^*46. (4) 855»8$» 5)1194. (6)14313. (7)7388^^(8)15. (9) 13658.5a 10). $2643. (11) $1733. i»3) 78yr».,ctc. .'-■■■.■■... • D.-(i) S8002. (2) $153. (3) S13429. ^ (4) S3990 (5)115607. (6> $29095. (7) $10215. (8)520. (9) $129. (10)8809.40. (11)1789' (>2) !|7 i «88 J 189 i '90. ., ,. '■■"'! -■"•'":■• ''■'■'-'' EXERCISE X.HPaffe 24),-A.— (0 669292. C 692985. (3) 729917. (4) 69924*. (5)^692469. (< 60492a (7)560388. (8)649254. (9)625800. (10) 759132. (u) 5029194. (12) 103 17 129. B.-(i) 79473. (2) 46382. (3) 43080. (:|^89oi2. (5) 936071. (6) 1324627. (7) 48845». (8) 774597- (9) 1502759. (10)2100130. , # EXERCISE XI.-(P»ge 25).— A.— (5) 24906. (6) 3536. (7)142918. (8) 75792. (9) 27158. (10)74157. 5 56019. (12) I3778I. (13) 254307. (I 167072. (16} 374288. (17) 205892. 395024. (20) 258815. (21) 339475- 12432a (24) 396780. (25) 1836458. 592368. (28) 645918. (29) 1422084. [14) 74055. (18) 245700. (22) 73185. (26) 1661984. (30) 3124215; 4996204: (32) 794850. (33) 2510168. (34) Ii3>35i2.,..:;: v. •,:■..;. . B.-<5) 77856. (6) 507822 (7) 176490. 9) 224772. (10) 153902. (11) 432551. 13)319809. (14)411383. (15)251776. 17) 413864^ XX8L38 8 4 96 . (19) 766144. [31) 527616. (22) 6o6|i9. (23) 708858. (25) 14301 1 5- (26) 2378776. (27) 5 1 1 7247. (29) 7342497. (8) 310734. (12) 409304* (16) 1975". (20) 412164. (24X848503*^ (28)2252328. . ,^K! ■ ■'■■ , J' »•; 'fjti.t Jkiioit^:::^!'.: m-- v'' 62 ANSWERS, C.-^4) 417230. (5) 341760. (6) 8i9?oa^(7) 713040. fix^^^'^x ^9) 571802 r,p) 271557. (10417032. -^449636. (13) 241296. ]i4) 227964. (15) 4I020I. ^!^55- ('7) 4773ii- (18) 1085436. (19)162948. 296016. (21) 1 1 25 168. Y22V 614724. (23) 8243/6. U22852. 25) 562584. 26) 452304. 27)™-" 838728. 509736- (13) 06) EXERCISE XII ^(Page 28).-A._(3) 9639 30289a (5) 260736. (6) 588522. (7) 3075680. (8) ?P2??l^?^'x35P492. (10)1471302. (11)2595618. (12) J648600. (13)481^52. (14)1695040. (15) 3770928. (16) 26488377r (17) 28613376. 68) 16657272 O9 18824265.. (20) 10765258. ^ . ' ^ ,, ^B.—(i) 2713300224. (2) 2073178662. (3) 3543845449. (4) ,559637361. (5> 236544528. (6) 258571668 (7) 475347033. (8) 345937600. (9) 3489514378. (10) 29i94i8|2o. (i|)/ §55271^396. (12) 566?i29397o. ^??^?SS2X^^ 04) :^3879o65, (15)445886497875. /"71P0OQ315, > f 825933^, (3) 15266244. (4) 26133408. (5) 12002256000: <6)^39i9io4oo (7) 56732211.^(8) 1234436544. (9) 6869554956. (ip) 23758433808. \i,) 25915^^- (S 5846724. (13) 23386896. (14) 5262051V (,5)*36ii7o?- 150050. -.,,, ^ (_ ■::/:■■.- "''^ B.--(i) 35025984. (2) o. (3) 2226. (4) 38844. U) .^457. (6) 460183. (7) 19369. X8r9966. ^ ^7^ v M^r^^^^^-"^^T^^-~<'^ (2)$^a4l.^ (5) 537.43. (4) $10.56. (5) $19.32. (6) $87.8i (7) $13.60. (8) $79.88. (9)^57: (ic^ $14.^ ^ 7^ EXERCISE XV.--(Pagfe 31).- A.~ B.^i) 12800 rods. 2) $540. (3) 1^29 368. $471.5^ (5) $19.14. (6) $596.25. (7) $^2813.32 $i3S.o2. ■v'.-'.';:, -,.... . .■■•■;■/■' ■■ ^-^ :■ :-;■: Z^'' C.-~(i) $83^. (2) 5»9.i5.; (3)^ 126 miles. (5) 432 days- (6) I599«>. y; »3«5- A / $429. (9) $303.75- (io),$3385.2o. $1886. ,^.. '■-:■;:,■;■:.■■%.;>-: -;■ ,. .;,.#..,....>;•.,■. D— (I) $86.- (2) $672. (3) $i4^.5o. <^^ \l) 38400 cubie feet. (10) 6264 nails, (n) 3054 cems. (i 2V 31^57 bushels. ■:/-; v^s»- EXERCISE XVI.-(P^ 35>-A--K«),?|3W- (|); , tfpi;; M»; /^^S.^- (^''— • ^» 649368. ;iflS6. (6) [7) 7i3^-' ^6^*^ ^ 7339M. . 10354-18: ' (14) 6643.7. (15)4186-85. Vi6)io457r2?. (17) 4046-3. (18) 6936^3. EXERCISE XIXiHPlge 38).--A.--(iX9496-8 oven (2) 13798-1. (3) 18193-iif (4) 19860-9. h) 8575.18. (6) 15707-15. (7) 23495-9. (8) 16908-20. (9) 21685-31. (10) 137783-38. ,(11)89781-3. (12) 128541-45. (13) 47476-99. (14) 33993-204. (15) 11074-266.^^^6)20268- 15. (17) 27069-1. (18) 7484. ^ B-Ci) (5)6408. ( ,._ ,, (10) 6789. ^ (II) 6^88. (12) 7815. (13) 386. (14) 38751. (15!) 7289. (i6) 8097. (17) 3759. (18) 35768. (19) 73068. (20) 3759. 12572. (2) 40306. (3) 86072. (4) 48746. (6) 703475. (7) 30975. (8) 36204. (9) 684^. 0- EXERCISE XX.-~(Page38).~(i) 11652. (2) 17478^ (1)34956. (4)52434. (5)1^672. (6)19008. (7)38016. (8)57024. (9) 7612. (10) 15224. (11)22836. (12) 45672. (13) 18711. (14) 2K384. (15) 24948. (16) 37422. . (17)74844. (18)149688. A_i• ^' ^ (3)5. (4)4^^841. (5)^895. (6)3762. m^' J^ 1530737-7. (9) 15 and 5370 remainder. (lo) 41. C"> 1594. (12) 20043-37. (13) 148980. ^EXERCISE XXIL-(Page. 39).-A;--0). ^ W^- (2) 1382 acres. (3) S9. (4) 196 lbs. (5)29 bushel. (6) $6226. (7) $8. (8) J6i#. (9) J87.50, (10) its yards, ^«»v . ^5^?ox <^ davs. (O S48 lbs. (6) 55 persons. (7) $20. (8) 18 tons. te)^^5. (lo) $8. (ii)^3tmis. (12) 46300^ over. > C.-(i) $44.78. (2) $13. (3) 52 miles. W 76>|1bs.^ (5) $187 50 ; 4162.50. (6) 1225 acres. (7) $392 ; $368. (8)92. (9) 2.12 lbs. (10) 180 yds. (II) $95.06. (12) 3B4. L f '(I/)l'^I2y/5'3 iS %) $n^ (U) 47. (15)41. (^6)$4i. (17) ^3 cents. (i8) $60. EXERCISi; XXIV.^Page 43).-(0 JS- (2) 33- (3) 280 (4)49. (5^189. (6)12. (7)3.^ (8)3. (9) ,1' (10) 2:^\u) 2.^^. (12) 9. ii5) 18. (14) 5. • (^5) 2. EXERCIS5;XXVMPage44).7A^P 635651^^^^ 702425. <3) 693714. (4) 670148. ^ (5) 669735. ^^^^> f?3424. (7) 7M30I. X8) 743076. (9) 726327. 4<;78q3. (3^217788. (4)417693. (S)i^^'t}\^%^'^^ 7i7789i. (8) 8913576. (9) 12789634. (1^)21789135. C.^(i) 6J68166. (2) 9552249.- (3) "736332^ (4) lor^oS. (5) 25472664. (6) 28656747. (7)' 74468»6 (l> nM.' '(9). 14893632. <]^'^m^; i 23340448. (12) 33510672. (13) 41464840096692. JJ4) |2?9Pfoi45038. (15) 1^4391520290076, (16) 248789- 040580152. ''I .V'^ K F\ ■ ''• 66 ANSWERS. t 'A' D -(I) 17838. (2)23784. (3)3565^. (4)7I3S«: (5) ; J7028. \t) 5676. (7) 11352. (8) 34056. (9) I75a3» ^^ (10)23364. (11)35046. (12) 52569. (13) 70092. (14) 105138. (15)26352. (16)35136. (17)39528. (18V 52704./ (19)79056. (20)105408. (21) 26631. (22) 53262. (13) 79893. (24) 106524. V EXERCISE XXVi.— (Page 46).— A.— (i) 21c (2) 26c. (3) 54c. (4)$f 21. (5) 36c. (6) 20 lbs. (7) $1^9. (8) i8c. (9) 30. (10) 27. (11) $16. (12) $ia62. ^ B.— (i) 3C. (2) $965. (3) $12. (4) 9 boys. (5) 33 bus., 2 gal/ (6) $2.80: (7) $8. (8) 8 days. (9) 16 r 24. (10) 75c. (11^ 12 men. (12) $1.34. >. EXERCIsi XXVlI.--(Page 47).-A.— (i) 49»>3. ^' (2) 79549. (3) 23940. (4i, 492929. (5) 409095. (6) J4650. (7)7465676. (8)147018. (9)62177. (10) 5747a. (ii> 274888. 1(12)794172. . B.-^j^ 14645612. • (2) 16003352. (3) 402034, {/^^^ 2145594. (5) 2784. (6) 234. (7) 777. (8) 722. (9) 9216; 543. (10) 566; 350. (ii) 21175. (12) 686. : , G.^i) 7«69333i2. (2) 496839715. (3) 508542.^ (4) 961 18823. (5) 1647-144. (6) 406. (7) 4728. (8) 3532. (9| 5566502881. (10) 9258. (11) 3926. v ^ ANSWERS. 67 I6.t5. (36) $10.58. (37) 4? 1 849-141 over, (58) Nothingr. (39) iM2>i lbs. (l^y $672.3a (41) 4S8i. X42) J5C; m ri5. (44) S2^. (45) f32.95. W 6577^1 (47)S7. (48)lk (49)5i6acres^J(5o)lo2c. (SOS^w. P 116. T53) V^T (54) W6U4- (§5) $yo-39. (56)781956. (S7)S235.69. (58) JI796. A59) 52}76. 60) io^. (61) 7Soltos. (62> $6205. (63) 67 lbs. J ivigo. >S 175347. (65) *4794yx (66) $543 i $394- ?67)%25.67. (68)4043961., (69T Si6.2a (70) 348. ') $325.07. \w). 404'3y"»' y^f •.«.--. x/T-/ ^-- 5 $18.04. (72>3498. (73)229792. (74> 1798. (75) 4^06. (;«&) 435. (77)27 appl«»- X78) 20730. (79)12. hoi^. 7&>) I82&S. (5i)$^*i4. (j2)ffi,*^SS-' (83) 332 aci4s. (^ $120 loss. (85*^ $47.36j^ (86) $600. (87) 31C. (88) 59lbs. (89) $11.10. ^ (90) 62c. (91) r2^L (92)V3748. (93) 11721a ^^^^^ miBUtes.T96)22j. (97)i5cejts. (98) $77.62- (99) $24 gain. (100) $6.48. (ioi)$6.72. ^ -^ , "/" . # .If? '#^. •' ^ IJEf >? * i^. I ' -'\' •■V f.s / .*V .':** u jiivk'- Pi, "^ "tUNAOIAM TpACHBK ami! ^i THt Eii:t;*ik«CB'(|^i6L.^:'Fw««r, -Attbtant Master in'jWail>^^,'.,|;' iITnHBm<^T'N01W,rop9iftft4tli,aiiasUiClasM» t ^ I If«^«rtoi^nd C Q. Fraicr!, 'Price, is cents. . (iSO^P^^^ilS. fbi^Sfil, W|uid itll^^^ »y qjmendertflta* and G. A.'rraMi\'|)MMvillet Out Prioi* i, :^ kenderson, ^yv.t. drov«i, Princi|>al Church Street \,, forfel ^))«o.r> Toronto." Price, 15 cents. Teachers' Editi9ik,'con>^ -^ *' 1 B»' BX8RCISBS V^AlMtHKEncioR T^D CLASSES >. By ^. ^end^n, wd E.„W. Bruce, M.A.,, Prindipl Huroa " . ^ . Stren and C. G. Fraser. Price, zs cents.. %'.'' if "t ! ■ "1 » 1 ^1 tW LKSS01I8 IN BHQLISH COMPOSITIOM By H. Hiatoiu. Pric«, 15 ««""• KimiAL OF PUNCTUATION • By Taylor. Ptioi, la c«nt^ T;;" / SOnURT OF CAHADliH BISTORT I« V"""/ nmMCRRXAIIWATIOKPiPBRSFORTHBPAST SIXTMR8 PTOUC SCHOOL LEAVING PAPEBS Arranged Mune M En^nce, at tame price. IT .A ^A^ W, CAHAOIAH TBACHBR BIimRK AM. THR »«IR*HC« BIND^B. Price,^o4«*each. tnce. Price, loceiltl. . »'* " ,^ ** ■*».< EDUGATIONRL^JJ \; [UlSHlNQGa ,^' MOHQ St. W* iM .t* *(^C '9ST. ^. -w^ £« tfv) •#^ ^:ii' / ■*it- '■|8^ ^w ''^. A "V 'i-^^t V' «». I W :\yM- * • r * ; -%• ^ ' '\ • ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^r - , r-'K « '■*'^^ ■/ ■' ♦ 1 « '#■ ■# . ■ / ■ ■ : t . ^ ■|^^^S^^i| '^ ™ ■' . •-/- •