^, IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I ■^ II I" m " 25 2.2 1^ I ? -- IIIIIM 1.8 , pS 1 1.4 1.6 ^ 6" ► V] ^? * y Hiotographic Sciences Corporation V ^'^ ^^ :\ \ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. I4SW (716) •73-4503 k C^ ( vj,. ^'%iKiiP ^*V 4.1^*51 ■Iv^fi , ^Al 'o. ^v. f-. 4- -♦^^ "i 4« 4^^ • "■^'^ • • • • •••• • • • • •• • • • • • • • • •••• • •• • • • • ( -*-.*X*?- _i -i™!,i ^iJ.i^M^itkti»miAahi- V iiiiW!ii('n^toiytod%innri'^iii-ifi-ihaiiMi;j^^ EXTRACT FROM THE CHARTER OF THK CITY OFilONTREAL conCehn*imi MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. * MONTREAL 1874. luiliaaiilrliliHiMiSlllitMtaMrf • > • • • •• • ♦ •. • • • UH^76 From the Act to revise and consolidate the Charter of the City of Montreal and the several Acts amending the same. (37th Vic, cap. 51, passed on the 28th January 1874). MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. Jli5. (This section provides the time and manner in NominaUun which the nomination of 9^*(didates shall take place, ot ..anJiiaiesi the day fixed for such nemiaation being the fifteenth Fb nary. In all cases whcvi:*?, but ofie candidate is pro- posed, the party is at once prcclaimed by the alderman presiding to bo duly elected. If there be more than one candidate proposed, an election is held as herein after provided). '■ . ' . .* * 550. The board of revisors hereinbefore established, Board of ro- shall make the necessary arrangements for the election j^'*°'''* ^° '"||j of mayor and aldermen ; and for that purpose they shall ments for " meet betw^een the fifteenth «jid twentieth days of Fe- ''leciion. bruary, to fix and determirie the number of polls, and the places where the same are to be held in the several wards wherein the elet^ion is to take place; and in doing so the said board shall be regulated by the num- ber of qualified voters in each electoral district, the number of voters at each poll -to be as near three hun- dred as possible ; the said boara* shall select and, by a commission under the hand of its chairman, and coun- tersigned by the city clerk, appoint a returning officer and a poll clerk for each polling place to be held for the said election ; the said board shal also cause books to be prepared for each polling place |n which shall be taken and recorded the votes of the electors. 37. 1. When a poll is granted for the election of the EiecUon-how mayor, the Voting shall take place in all the wards of^^ei^l • / Mnijr (if !•'•• voles. As 10 '^ >woi-ii. hi'Uirniiifr »'jk jections, the words •' ol^cted to " only mentioning at the same time by which candidate, or on behalf of what candidate the objection has been made, by adding after the words " objected to " the name only of such can- didate. ^H, Upon the demand of any candidate, or his duly ouih inay bn authorized agent, or any duly qualified elector in the demand. d said city, the returning officer shall administer to any ^^ ^*^^'*' " voter the oath (in the form hereunto annexed) : if the voter refuse to take the said oath, the word " refused " shall be written opposite his name, and he shall not be allowed to vote ; if the voter take the oath, the word " sworn " shall be written opposite his name, and his vote shall be received and reafistered. in 99. In the event of the decease, or absence from what illness or otherwise, of any returning officer or poll '-a^^e of af»- clerk appointed as aforesaid, or his refusal to act, power Jurn[„^"* ofj-l is given to the city clerk to appoint a substitute to per-cer or poll form the duties of the returning officer or poll clerk so''''^^- absent. the the 40, As soon as a poll shall have been granted for any city i i-^rk lo ward in the said city, the city clerk shall prepare or P!«pa"; co- cause to be prepared copies of the voters' list last made fi'^is'^for' tip. and revised for each electoral district of such ward, leiurning oC- sub-dividing the same alphabetically according- to the ""' 'r.->. H numbor ol' polling; places, fixed and determined, and the number of voters assigned to each polling place, as aforesaid ; the city clerk shall certify each of the said copies as being a correct extract from the voters' list for such electoral district, and shall transmit the said copies to the respective returning officers appointed to preside at the election in such ward. Hi'liirniiig ul- lircii" Mill jlOll Cl'Tks Hriltcry a I OlcliOMfe. Wliiil cori(«li- uf brib»'rv. Idem. Id Pin. Idorn. 11. The returning ollicers and poll clerks appointed ^as aforesaid shall take and subscribe, before the mayor or any alderman of the said city, the oath according to schedule annexed to tiie said Act; and of their having taken such oath there shall be delivered to them respec- tively by the city clerk a certificate in the form i>res- cribed in the said Act. •42. 1, The following persons shall be held to be guilty of bribery, and liable to the penalty hereinafter imposed for such offence : 2. Any elector who will at any time before, during, or after any municipal election in the said city, ask or take any money or reward, by way of gift, loan or other device, or agree or contract lor any money, gift or ofl&ce, employment or other reward whatsoever, to give or forbear to give his vote at any such election ; or any candidate at such election, or any other person who, by himself or by any one employed by him, shall, by any gift, reward, promise, agreement or security, corrupt or offer to corrupt any elector to give or forbear to give his vote at any such election ; 3. Any elector who, by way of gift, loan, reward, pro- mise or other device, shall procure or undertake or en- deavour to procure the return of any candidate at any municipal election in the 3aid city ; 4. Any person who shall receive any money, gift, reward or promise, by way of carriage hire or for loss of time, in giving his vote, or who shall accept an exor- bitant price for any merchantable article as considera- tion for his vote or for abstaining to vote at any muni- cipal election in the said city ; 5. Any candidate or other person who shall engage or hire any licensed carter lor the purpose of carrying voters to the polls ; or any licensed carter who, for money, or for any gift, reward, promise or other device, shall let his carriage, sleigh, or other vehicle, to any candidate or other person, for the purpose of carrying voters to the polls at any such election. 48. Any jiorson offending against f.:yof the provi- I'.'iiniiy. sions of the next preceding section, shall, for every such offence incur a fine of fifty dollars to be recovered, with full costs of suit, by any one who shall sue for the same in the recorder's court ; and any parson offending in any of the cases aforesaid, being lawfully con^ncted thereof, shall forever forfeit his rig'ht to vote at any municipal election in the said city, or to i>o elected mayor or alderman of the said city for a term of three years. 44. \V votes given in violation of any of '^he fore-Vot.s imiii- going provisions shall be null and void. "'''• 45. On Oi before the last day of December, every ci.rk ot Ueij. year, the clerk of the recorder's court shall transmit lo ' *'"'''^ '" '*;■ the city clerk a list of the names of all parties who may Jt^pui-n.'^con- have been convicted before the said court during the viot.'d. year, under the foregoing provisions ; and it shall be the duty of the city clerk to submit the said list to the board of revisers when they meet to revise the voters' list as herein before provided. 40. Every inn oi tavern licensed for the sale of spi-Ta veins i ) rituous or fermented liquors, in the ward or wards of '"^";'"j^'''|.^"" the said city, in which an election is held as aforesaid, ' '"" ' ' shall be closed during the time the polls are kept open- ed, under a penalty of one hundred dollars against the keeper of such tavern if he neglects to close it, and un- der a like penalty if he sells or gives any spirituous or fermented liquors or drinks as aforesaid, pending such election. / 47. The said returning officers shall, during the elec- Heiuining of- tion at which they are appointed to preside, be conser- "of^sprvatora vators of the peace, and invested for the maintenance of iii<' p'aco. of the peace, for the arrest, detention or admission to bail, trial and conviction of any person who breaks the mF^msi^ 8 At llio closo of tho poll, VOtPS to 1)0 couiilod. 6ucce^s^LIl candidates declnred. law or troubles tiae peace, with the same powers with which justices of the peace are invested in this pro- vince ; and for the maintenance of the peace aud of good order at such election, each such rei.irning officer may require the assistance of any justice of the peace, constable and other persons present at the election, to aid him in so doing ; and each such returning officer, may arrest or cause to be arrested by verbal order, and may place in the custody of one or more constables, or other persons, for such time as in his discretion he deems expedient, any person disturbing the peace and good order, or may cause such person to be imprisoned for any such offence, under an order signed by him, until the close of the poll ; which order, whether given verbally or in writing, all persons shall obey without delay, under a penalty, for any refusal or neglect so to do, of twenty dollars ; no such arrest, detention or im- prisonment shall in any manner exempt the person so arrested, detained, confined or imprisoned, from any pains or penalty to which he has become liable by reason of anything by him done contrary to the true intent and meaning of this Act. 48. Immediately after the close of the polls in each ward, as aforesaid, the returning officers shall respec- tively count and add up in the poll books the number of votes taken and recorded in favor of each candidate voted for at such polls, and shall make and subscribe before the mayor or any alderman of the said city, the oath in the form prescribed in the said Act ; which oath shall be annexed to the said poll books respectively ; and immediately thereafter the said returning officers shall return the said poll books to the city clerk. 40. After the closing of the polls, on the first day of March, as aforesaid, the board of revisors shall meet in the City Hall, at the hour appointed by the notice for its assembling, to be previously given by the city clerk, and shall have all the said poll books brought before them ; the said board shall then and there ascertain the total number of votes given to, and recorded in the whole of the said books, for each»candidate for the office of mayor or alderman (as the case may be, (and shall report the same to the said council at its next monthly- meeting ; and the said council shall, at such meeting declare the person having the greatest number of votes for the ofELce of mayor, to be elected mayor of the city of Montreal, and the person having the greatest number of votes for the office of alderman in each ward, to be elected alderman of the said city ; and in case of equa- lity of votes in respect of either of the said offices of mayor or alderman, the said council shall determine and decide which of the said persons having the said eqnahty shall be elected ; the said poll books shall re- di^ioiv of main in the office and custody of the city clerk, where P^" ^'^"''** they shall be open to inspection by any elector upon the payment of twenty-five cents. 50. The fees hereinafter mentioned, and no other, f,.,.?,. shall be allowed to each returning officer and poll clerk, for his services at any election as aforesaid, that is to - say : to the returning officer, four dollars ; to the poll clerk, two dollars. 51. If any person, after having received a commis- 1' Miaiiy. sion as returning officer or poll clerk as aforesaid, shall neglect or refuse to perform any official act or duty required of him, for carrying out ihe foregoing provi- ? sions, or if any person appointed returning officer or poll clerk as aforesaid, shall fail in the performance of any of the iu+ies hereinbefore assigned to him, or shall not fulfil the said duties in a faithful and impartial man- ner, such person shall be liable to a fine or penalty of five hundred dollars to be recovered before the recor- der's court. •■ 52. Whensoever it may happen that from any cause whatsoever an election for a member of the council of the said city shall not take place for any ward of the said city at the iime fixed therefor by law, or appointed therefor by the mayor of the said city, it shall be lawful for the said mayor, as soon thereafter as expedient, to appoint a day for the nomination a.id another for hold- ing such election, and the said election shall be held in the manner hereinbefore prescribed. Mayor \< a day ♦'lection certain r I liic 'or in ^ wise.*!. io SCHEDULE. Giif/i of Voters. , You swear (or solemnly affirm) that you are {name, residence and occupation of votcr^ as entered on the list) whose name is entered on the list of voters now shown to you {showing the list to the voter), that you are of the full age of twenty-one years- -that you have not before voted at this election, and that you have not received anything, nor has anything been promised to you, either directly or indirectly, in order to induce you to vote at c^ this election. !So help you Gpd. f ou Gjpi -^:^^ I ■; me, isl) wu the ore red her 3 at ^^