IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 ^ IIIIIM iAUFAX, N, & WIP."!' 00 O Z ^ *©«) *©s. O • O h-H 1 H (/} >^ o CO ft; g o J «/5 6- 00 i 5s> 1 1 •40 00 V COITSTITUTIOIT. PREAMBLS. For the purpose of securing uniformity in the administration of the privileges, honors, and benefits of Odd Fellowship within this jurisdiction, the Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows OF THE Lower Provinces of British North America, ordains the following Constitution for Subordinate Lodges under its jurisdiction : — ARTICLE L SE(moN 1. — This Lodge shall consist of at least five Third Degree members, including one qualified to preside at its meetings, to be hailed and entitled Mystic Lodge, No. 18, Independent Order of Odd Fellows of the Ijower Provinces of British North America, holding a legal, unreclaimed Charter, granted by the Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of the Lowei Provinces of British North America. It cannot voluntarily surrender its charter, nor dissolve, so long as five of the members in good standing object thereto. Sec. 2. — The objects of this Lodge shall be to raise from time to time a fund of fees, subscriptions, donations, or other payments as may be provided, for the purpose of relieving sick or distressed members or widoM's and orphans of deceased members ; assisting in defraying the expenses of funerals of deceased members, or their wives ; and for the necessary expenses for the general management of the Lodges of the Order. The place of meeting of this Lodge shall be Halifax, Nova Scotia. ARTICLE II. -^Of Membership. Sec. 1. — All candidates for initiation must be males, of the age of twenty-one years and upwards, of sound health, of good moral character, and industrious habits, having some respectable known means of support, and who heliovo in the existence of a Supreme. Being, the Creator and Preserver of the Universe. A person may be admitted to any Lodge in the county in which he resides ; but all candidates for initiation must reside in this jurisdiction. Sec. 2.— All candidates for membership, by deposit of card or as Ancient Odd Fallows, whose cards have been granted more than twelve months, shall deposit their cards with app ication, or furnish satisfactory evidence that such card has been lost. Sec. 3.— No suspended or expelled member of the Urtler can be received into memUrship in this Lodge, except on being reinstated and receiving a card of clearance from the Lodge which suspended or expelled him. Provided, however, that any Odd Fellow residing within the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, having no card of clearance, and who had not been connected with any Lodge in this jurisdiction, who ceased to be a mem- ber or who was suspended only for non-payment of nTf'T^T^ *'? admitted to membership as an Ancient uua i^ellow, m the same manner as is provided for the admission of Ancient Odd Fellows - ARTICLE III.— Of Propositions fob Membership. Sbc. 1.— The name oi a person oflFered for membership, with his age, place of birth, residence and occupation, must be proposed by a member, in writing, with the names of two persons as references attached, and entered u^n the records ; the application shall forthwith be referred to a committee of three members for investiga- tion, who shall report upon the application upon the next succeeding regular meeting (unless unavoidable circumstances prevent), when the candidate shall be balloted for with ball ballots ; and if not more than two black balls appear he shall be elected, but if three or more appear he shall be rejected. • ®^^,-.3"'~("A^^®^>'*PP^^^**'»<*n^o*' membership must, in addition to the provisions of Section 1 of this Article, contain the following clause :— '« In consideration of my admission, I promise and agree that if elected, I will !P«'-t, and ^«ig, the Tson may ^^"'ch he reside in eposit of »^'e been »t their of the Lodge, -ard of xpelled ;8iding 'ng no •J with ^ Elem- ent of ncient or the HIP, •ship, tjon, the ered > be iga- the ible be Wo or it, e. conform to the Constitution and By-laws of your Lodge, and those of the Orand Loduu of this jurisdiction, and that I will seek my remedy for all rights on account of said momlierHhip, or connection thei^iwith, in the tribunals of the Order only, without i-osorting for their enforcement in any event, or for any purpose, to the civil courts." Skc 2. — A favorable balloting can be reconsidered at any time, provided a nuijority of the mcinlwrs present agree thereto, but no reconsidoratioa of an unfavorable balloting can be ha«l. Sec. 3. — When a candidate lor initntion has been rejected notice thereof shall be sent without delay to all the Loy the By-laws, but shall not be at a less rate than seventy-five (75) cents per quarter ; and not less than 10 per cent, of such quarterly contributions to the funds shall be placed to the credit of the Widows' and Orphans' Fund, and the remainder to the credit of the Incidental and Benefit Fund. Sec. 5. — The Lodge shall have the power of exacting such fees for visiting and clearance cards (to be applied to the Incidental and Benefit Fund), and such fines for neglect of duty, &c. , (to be applied to the Widows' and Orphc.ns' Fund), as may be determined by the By-laws. Sec. 6. — Every member admitted by card, or by reinstatement, who has baen such for the space of three months ; and every membfer admitted by initiation as an Odd Fellow, who has been such for the space of six months, and not more than thirteen (13) weeks in arrears for dues, ahall, in case of being incapacitated by sickness or accident, from following his usual occu- pation, or otherwise earning a livelihood, be entitled to, and shall receive from the funds of the Lodge such sum as the By-laws may direct. Provided, such sickness or disability does not result from immoral conduct on his part. Sec. 7. — In case of the death of a member in good standing, there shall be allowed to the widow, orphans, or dependent relatives of the deceased, from the funds of the Lodge, not less than twenty or more than fifty dollars, as the By-laws may direct ; and in case of the > that in flisburse- 'r distinct * '>e paid *ndidate, at a Jess grees. to the bylaws, ^5) cents of such laced to . and the ^eneiit xacting apphed nes for vb' and aws. or by three as an of six fs in tated occu- d to, sum 88 or I his ood ms, nds 'he 9 death of the wife of a brother the hoilae may defray the expenses of the burial, to be paid by the Noble Grand as the By-Laws may direct. In the absence of relatives the Noble Grand shall take charge of the funeral, and render an account of the disbursements to the Lodge. Sec. 8. — Any brother absent from the city or residing at a distance from the location of his Lodge, claiming benefits under this article, must send to his Loe favorable, receive the 'J-f<^ until the t be rejected, n lour weeks the degrees .gi^'en to the Jvo -degrees, Jthorized to '»>er of this ne members "J ^nd the ?' on the nd degrees • ' *^he con- ' Lodge is J^^ consist reasurer, 'X Lodge Ji'manent to take 'ts mem- ified his office to for. Sec. 2. — The ippointed officers shall consist of a Warden, Condu^vor, Outside Guardian, Insiove desig- 'a^ both be Ihe Lodge one of its diem to be Y, immedi- 3 last pre- e elected duplicate 5n to the to receive 13 the mileage and per diem a certificate of sucli selection and forward a duplicate of the same to the Grand Secre- tary. ( Blanks for the above certificates will be furnished by the Grand Secretary.) The Secretary shall also, annually, before the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge, furnish to any member who is a Past Grand in good standing, on his request for the same, a certificate of his rank and standing in the Lodge. ARTICLE VIII.— On Penalties and Trials. Sec. L — Any member of this Lodge who is in arrears for dues for more than thirteen weeks is not entitled to the term password, or to vote in the Lodge, but is a contributing member until suspended or expelled, and shall be entitled to visit his own Lodge. He shall not, however, be entitled to benefits until he shall have paid in full all dues and fines that have accrued against him up to the date of payment. The Lodge shall not refuse to receive in full, or in part, the dues of a nienil)er prior to his suspension, and no member shall Vie suspended for non-payment of dues unless, at the time of his suspension, he shall be indebted to the Lodge for one year's dues ; but, when a member shall be liable to sus- pension by being in arrears for dues for the space of one year, he shall be notified at least four weeks previous to action being taken, of his indebtedness and the pendency of such action, and the Secretary shall, on the expiration of the notice, and the arrearages being still unpaid, report the same to the Noble (5rand, in open Lodge ; and unless the Lodge shall otherwise determine, such mem- ber shall be suspended by a majority ballot of all members present, and a record thereof shall be made upon the minutes. Sec. 2. — Any member who shall violate any of the principles of the Order, or offend against the Constitution, By-Laws, or Rules of Order of this Lodge, shall be fined, reprimanded, suspended or exi)elled, as the laws may direct, or the Lodge determine. Sec. 3. — Every member shall be entitled to a fair trial for any offence involving reprimand, suspension, or expulsion. No member shall be put upon trial unless mmmmmm 1 i I ' 14 charges duly specifying the offence so as fully to apprise him of the nature thereof, to ena])le him to prepare for his defence, shall have l)een submitted to the Lodge in writing, and signed by a member of his own or some other Lodge in this jurisdiction, and a copy thereof, under seal of the Lodge, shall have been served upon him at least one week previous to the trial being had. Sec. 4 — Such chargi shall be referred to a committee of five members of the Lodge to which the accused belongs, who shall, if possible, be chosen from the peers of the accused (in choosing thii^ committee only one name must be written on the paper) ; and si en committee shall, without unnecessary delay, summon the parties and try the case ; they shall keep full and accurate minutes of the evidence, and of their proceed- ings, and report the same in full to the Lodge, with their verdict. If a witness be a member of the Order, he shall give his evidence on the honor of an Odd Fellow ; if he be not a member, then on oath or affirmation ; and the proceedings must state that such obligation, oath, or affirmation was duly administered. No testimony shall be taken without notice or opportunity for cross-exami- nation by the opposing party. Upon the report being made to the Lodge, notice thereof shall forthwith be given by the Secretary to the party against whom the verdict is rendered ; and he shall have two weeks' time in which to file exceptions to the finding of the com- mittee. If no exceptions are tiled within two weeks the Lodge shall proceed to pronounce judgment upon the verdict, and fix the penalty, An appeal from the 'judgment of the Lodge may then be taken at any time within four weeks thereafter to the Grand Lodge ; and if no such appeal is taken within the time specified, the judgment of the Lodge shall be final. When a bill of exceptions to the report of the committee is filed, as above provided, the Lodge may determine upon its merits, and either sustain the report of the committee, or refer it back to the same, or another committee, or grant a new trial. If, however, the Lodge deems the exceptions not well taken, it shall proceed to pronounce its judgment and fix the penalty. ~1. r ^"J^y to apprise ' <^o prepare for to the Lodge in '8 own or sonje ^ copy thereof, «n served upon il being had. to a committee n the accused >sen from tlie ommittee only ?'•} ■' and ei ch ^f^y, summon keep full ami their procefHl- 'ge, with their ^!?^Prder, he Ofl'I Fellow; tmation ; and tJon, oath, or >8timony shall cross-exami- report being forthwith be 't whom the weeks' time of the com- two Weeks ?nient upon il from the at any time l^odge ; and 3 specified, Vhen a bill IS filed, as "Pon its committee, 'niittee, or fieems the pronounce 15 Sec. 5. — If the accused refuses or neglects to stand trial when duly summoned, the committee shall report him guilty of contempt of the Lodge ; which report shall be conclusive, anate on the merits of the case, in the absence of the accused, shall be allowed. In voting, paper ballots must be used, and the first ballot must be taken on expulsion ; and if two-thirds of the ballots are cast for expulsion, such shall be the penalty: but if two-thirds be not cast for expulsion, a second ballot shall be had on suspension ; and if two-thirds are cast for suspension, suspension shall be the penalty ; and the Lodge shall proceed to fix the duration of such suspension. If neither expulsion nor suspension be determined upon as the penalty, as above provided, ihen the penalty shall be either reprimand, fine or both ; if fine is determined upon then the Lodge shall fix the amount, not exceeding Jive dollars ; if reprimand is decided upon, then the accused shall be reprimanded in open lodge by the actint; Noble Grand. No ballot held under this section shall ))e reconsidered : all fines imposed under this section shall be charged in his account, and considered in deter- mining his standing in the Lodge as dues ; and when the fine thus imposed, added to his dues, brings him under the penalty of Section 1 of this Article, he shall be notified of the state of his account, and allowed the usual time to make i>aym«nt. In all cases, if he ceases to be a member, upon reinstatement he shall pay the whole amount of fines and dues. Sec. 7. — When a member shall be .subject to the penalty of a reprimand, he shall be summoned to attend at some regular meeting, to be fixed by the Noble Grand to be reprimanded from the chair of the Noble Grand I ' t ' (i i ' ' 16 and until he so attendH, and is reprimanded, ho shall bo 8U8pende«l from all benefits and privileges of mem- bership. Skc. 8. — Notice of all rejections, expulsions, suspen- sions for cause, and reinstatements of brothers who have been suspended for cause in accordance with Section 2 of this Article, shall forthwith bo forwarded to every Lodge in this jurisdiction, to the Subordinate Encampment of whicli Huch brother may be a member, anr all charges, ^odge, relating Master. J. be concerned ous, expelled, nor paint on fwise exhibit or engraved public place motion from 17 the Chair of the N. G., unless he be a present or past N. G.,.or V. (i. Sec. 2. — This Ltxlge shall not have a public procession, unless to attend the funeral of a brother, or have any public celebration of any kind, or get up any ball or public amusement in the name of the Order, without permission of the Oraml Lodge, the (irand Master, or a 1). D. (irand Master, first obtained for such purpose. Sec. 3. — No funeral, undei* the auspices of this Onler shall be held on Sunday, unless in cases of absolute necessity, and, when such is unavoi(lal)le, no marching music shall be allowed. ARTICLE X.— Of Tekms and Returns. Sec. L -All terms shall coinniencc on the first day of January and July of each year, and end on the day on which the succeeding one commences. Sec. 2. — The officers for the term about expiring, shall prepare and deliver to the officer who shall install their successors, the result of the elections, and a regular report of the work of the term, together with the whole number in menil)ership, and the amount of receipts and disbursements, in such form as the Grand Lodge may direct, accompanied by whatever amount may bo due to the Grand Lodge. Sec. 3. — In addition to the above, the officers for the term ending on the first meeting in January, shall annually make to the Grand Lodge a full return of the members of the Lodge (except such as are more than ttoelve months in arrears, or have been suspended or expelled), ranked according to the degrees attained. Sec. 4. — Should this Lodge fail to make any of its returns, as required, for one year, it shall thereby forfeit its charter, and become extinct ; and it shall he the duty of the (irand Master, or the I). D. Grand Master, to withhold the A. T. P. W. and semi-annual P. W. until such returns are made, and the amount due the Grand Lodge is paid. And it shall be the duty of the last installed officers to transmit or surrender to the (iranrd Master, or his Deputy, or installing officer, the charter, books, papers, furniture and funds of the Lodge. ^«n i I if 18 I ARTICLE XI. -Of Cakds. I Skc. 1.— Withdrawal Canls may bo granted .to niem-l bcFH who are clear on the books, according to law, by al majority vote, by ballot, of tl»o memlxjrs present! entitled to vote when application is made for the same. I Should the Lodge refuse to grant the card as above, the I applicant on tendering a written resignation of niember- | ship, and paying all dues, shall be entitled to leceive from the Secietary a certificate, under seal of the Lodge, to that effect ; and such certificate shall be sufficient evidence of good standing at the rime of such resignation. Sk(V 2. - Visiting (Jnrds shall bo granted to brothers in good standing, on a])plication to the Secretary, and on paying dues up to the time for which the card is to be granted, together with the price of the card. Sko 3. Withdrawal Cards may be recalled for good' cause by the Lodge, within one year from the time such^ cards were granted, provided the same have not already been deposited in some other Lodge ; but such action shall not have the effect of revoking such cards, or expelling the holdeis thereof from the Order, but will bring them back into the Lodge ; when, after due notice of the charges which induced the Lodge to recall such cards, the holders, after a fair and impartial trial may be expelled or acquitted. ARTICLE XII. -Of Amendmknts, Dispensation and Interpretation. Skc. L— When any doubt arises as to the true meaning of any part of these Articles, it shall be determined by the Grand Lodge, or Grand Master in recess of the Grand Lodge. Sec. 2.— The Grand Lodge, or, in its recess, the Grand Master, shall have power to grant dispensations to any Lodge to exempt it, in any particular case, from the operation of any oi the foregoing regulations, other than financial, whenever the Grand Lodge or Grand Master may deem it for the welfare and interest of the Order so to do. 19 '« A'mnted .to niem- '•'I'^K to law, by a momI>cr8 present ''^\ for tJ,o samo nation of nieinbor- '"titM to .eeeive S"^" »>« sufficient such rosignution. ^f ^;'' to brothers ^Secretary, and •^j tlie cani is to tlie card. ecalled for good' ?'" t'>o time s„o}, i»ave not already f"t such action fieh cards, or >tler but will wter due notice to recall such •t^al (rial may Skc. 3. — Such charge shall Ikj made for dispensations issued under this section as the (trand Lodge may from time to time direct. ARTICLP: XIII. —Of Bv-Laws. Sec. 1. — This Lodge may njake, alter, or rescind sucli Hy-Lawa, Rules and Tlegulations from time to time as may lie deemed expedient, Provided, that they do not in anywise contravene this Constitution, or the Constitution, By-Laws or Regulations of the (Jrand Lo. at his discretion. On the written request of five members in good standing, asking for a special meeting and specify- ing the ol)ject of it, it shall be the duty of the N. O. to call such meeting. FIvery special meeting and the object for which it is called shall be advertised in two of the city papers on the day preceding and the day appointed for the meeting, or notice thereof mailed or delivered, on the (lay preceding the meeting, to each member residing in the city, and no other business than that specified in the advertisement or notice shall bo transacted at such special meeting. Prv vidtd that special emergency meet- ings for initiating a candidate who has been elected at a regular meeting, or for conferring degrees, may be ordered at any regular meeting, and announcement from the chair shall be sufficient notice of such special meeting. 3. Five members of this Lodge, of the Third Degree, including one (qualified to preside, shall constitute a quorum. REOALIA. 4. All brothers and officers at the sesLiions of this Lodge shall wear the regalia and jewels prescribed by the Sovereign Grand Lodge. (See Bye- Laws of the Sov. Gr. Lodge, Art. 22, Digest 1895, p. 30, and Sec. 1484.) MEMBERSHIP. 5. Eligibility for membership, subject to ballot, is as prescribed by the Constitution. (See {lec. L, Art. 11.) 6. Each application for membership shall be accom- panied by the sum of two dollars ($2), which shall be a part of the initiation fee in case the candidate be initi- ated within 13 weeks from date of ballot, or returned to ■' I ^s. «" clock. ShouUl ^'- present. y the Jyf. f< „. , . five menihers in '^'"K and 8per,f '" y;ofthe/o To ,!,',/" ^^« of the or flelivered, on ;"«;»I>er residing t'>«t specified in "«»cted at such "lenrency „,eet- ^n efected at a s'ees, niav he "neernentVroni fecial meeting. 'Third Degree, institute a ^lons of this the Sov. Or 1484.) • Fallot, is as Art. It) he accom- shall be a ® he initi- 'turned to 21 lliiin in case ho )>o rejected. Should the candidate not [come forward for initiation within 13 weeks from the Itltite of the ballot, liis application hIwiII lapse and the HaierHhip siuiU bo in the fol- lowing or such other form aw may be piescribed by the (Jrand Lodge or Sovereign (Jranil Lodge : To the Officers and Members of Mystic Lodjfe. No 18, I. O. O. F.: I respectfully rc(|tiost adniissinn into this L(»d;;e, and in considera- tion '>f such admission I promise ai\d iiKruu that, if elected, I will conform tu the Constitution and i^y-l^aws of your l.od)fu, and those of the Grand Lodye of the Lower Pr«)vinco9 of Hrititih North America, and that I will seek my remedy for all rlKhtn on account of said inemhership or connection therewith in the. tribunals of the Order only, without resortini^ for their enforcement, in any event or for any purpose, to the civil courts. My aye is years ; my occupation is ; my residence my health is . Dated References for mem- Candidate's sijfnature The undersigned hereby proposes the above named — bership in Mystic Lodije, No. 18. Proposer's signature . 8. Every application .shall be immediately referied to an Investigating Committee of three members, to be appointed forthwith as provided by the Constitution. (Sec. 8, Art. VII.) The committee shall make diligent incpiiry as to the character, health, occupation and habits of the candidate, and shall report, if possible, at the next regular meeting, and in every case before the ballot is taken. The report shall be in the following form : Date, To the Officers and Members of Mystic Lodge, No. 18, I. O. O. F.: The Committee to whom was referred for investij^ation the appli- cacion of for admission into your Lodge, respectfully report that they have attended faithfully to the duty thus required of them, and from information received, which they believe to be reliable, recommend that the application of said be . Investigating Com, 22 p.a'"j,. L" ^??;ii:;« '"fM^tT "i'r'!"t-'.ox Shan .« has been ,leclare,I cIosLl ',p H-1,1 , ,]""" ""^ ''"""' it to the chair of tl ° V ( ■ wl,?; r'n"'"" P™""*-''' "'i"" The W^ shall .hen'^-lonVu ' rSA"T^t ^T" .nspecfon, shall .leolare the result to the Lo'.lt^' ^^"" FEES. an.l not o^c^Ullo'; ifTef ^^'.t.f .;(.;^. '>™'-'«'^-- ovllo year's ^rJU'^'^Sr''"" 'l?,'® f™' ™"''"'--'t- "<>' not ove/.o;^r:,1^,i ffr ::s;:;i":^:;rs',tr^^ or\'iisn'!;s:artet«™Ue"'^iM,; .'"""f;, ^'"7'"« ''V Ca«l or First IWee »> wi .'i/'MV'""'," ''"^ Initiatory y Card " n/tmtory or shall he si ;^"e,J ; if J^ J - initiatory %^^. ^^'giier ^nitiatorv ach higher V^ed and ^e VI. of ^'■t' siialj he dues, >hcation ^haJI he ^'e with 23 RE-ADMISSION. 15. Should any brother, ht>. ing received a Withdrawa Card from this Lodge, apply within twelve months there- after to be re-admitted a member, and be accepted, the Lodge may remit in his favor the entrance fee, or such portion thereof as it may determine. OFFICERS — ELECTION'S. 16. The elective officers of this Lodge shall be those enumerated in Section 1, Art. VIL of the Constitution, including a Financial Secretary. 17. The appointive officers sluill be those enumerated in Section 2, Art. VII. of the Constitution, including a Chaplain, who shall be appointed by the N. G. inmiedi- ately after his installation, except the R. and L. S. of the V. G. , who shall be appointed by the V. G. 18. Preliminary to the election of officers the N. G. shall appoint thi oe members as tellers, who shall receive the ballots 'rom the Warden, count the same, and make returns thfireof to the N. G., who shall declare the result to' the Lodge. Should there be l)ut one nominee for any office, no ballot need be cast, but the N. G. shall declare the brother elected by acclamation. 19 A majority of all legal votes cast shall be necessary to election, but no blank or illegible ballot shall be counted. ShouKl there be no choice of an officer at any l)allot, a new ballot shall forthwith be ordered, and after each ballot with no choice the name of the candidate receiving tlie smallest number of votes, as well as ..iiy receiving no votes, shall be withdrawn. DUTIES OF OFFICERS. 20. The N. G. shall preside at all meetings of this Lodge when present, preserve order and decorum during its deliberations, see that its Constitution and By-Laws are faithfully observed, and that respect is paid to the (irand Lodge of this jurisdiction. He shall a,>point all officers and committees not otherwise provided for, and see, to the best of his ability, that the duties of each are promptly and properly performed ; have the custody of the charter and ritual of the Lodge, and see that they it 1 i 24 are present at all its meetings ; draw on the Treaaurerl for such payments as may be ordered by the Lodge, con- vene special meetings at his own discretion, or when requested in accordance with Section 2 of these By- Laws, present a copy of the Constitution and By-Laws to every brother on his admission, exercise careful super- vision over the financial afiKirs of the Lodge, ascertain from tlie F, S. previous to closing the Lodge the amount of receipts since the last meeting and report the same to the R. S to be entered on the minutes, and also ascer- tain from the Treasurer Mhether he has received the same, instruct the .Secretary. to invite brothers lo attend the funeral of every deceased brothei-, have direction of funerals conducted by the Lodge, and receive account of and regulate disbursements for the same. Tie shall be a member e:r-officio of all standing anjl special committees, and chairman of the Visiting Committee. He shall have a casting vote only on all ordinary questions of Lodge business, but in elections of officers and balloting for candiilates for membership he may vote as other mem- bers. He shall not move, second or speak on any motion or resolution while in the chair, except that he shall have the piivilege r.i explaining on points of order or in case his ruling bo called in question. He shall, before he leaves the chair for the installation of his successor, see that the semi-annual report covering his term of office is completed, sign the same and have it delivt^red to the installing officer, or he may order it forwarded direct to the Grand Lodge. And generally he shall perform such other duties as are laid upon him by his charges of office or the usages of the Order. 21. It shall be the duty of the V. G. to assist the N. G. according to his charge of office, and in the absence of the N. G. at Lodge meetings to occupy the chair and perform the duties of the N. (r. ; to appoint his own supporters and a minority of Investigating (Committees ; to examine the ballot box at elections for membership, and if requested by the N. G., to inform that officer of the state of the ballot ; to act as a member of the Visit- ing Committee, and to assume the duties of chairman thereof in the absence of the N. G., and perform such other duties as the laws and usages of the Order require of him. !i< T'"''T?T!l!SS?5B!P'"!'''?*' '^mmammmmfKnUKrssm'fmm '^^'-etion, of U ^» 2 of \u ^"^n "'ts rece ved fh of. '• «^^^J o^ order or in ,;^^^^' beC '■« successor '^''"^ of offi ' f ' rovided term be eut be eceive eceipts (1 deal or by ay all eal of lit of oning >f all nnds. f the and neto nak- 27 ing up the semi-annual report to the Grand Lodge. He shall have his books written up and placed, with his vouchers, in the hands of the Finance Committee within twenty-four hours after the last meeting in the term. 25. The Warden shall have charge of all properties connected with the working of the Lodge. He shall, at or near the close of the term, examine and take a careful inventory of the same, and present a written report on its condition, accompanied with the inventory, on the last meeting of his term of office. He shall have the regalia ready for officers and members before the Lodge is opened, and at its close collect and deposit the same in its proper place. He shall have charge of the ballot box and prepare it for use in the Lodge when required, and distribute and collect ballots for election of officers. He shall scrutinize and count the votes on motions and resolutions when requested to do so by the N. G., act as messenger of the Lodge while in session, and perform such other duties as are prescribed by the laws and usages of the Order. And for the faithful performance of his duties he shall be paid eight dollars (|8) per term. 26. The Chaplain shall assist in opening and closing the Lodge, according to his office. 27. This Lodge shall have three Trustees, one to be elected at the last regular meeting in Deceniber of each year, to serve three years, and to take the place of the Trustee then completing his third year of office, who shall retire. They shall be charged with the general supervision and care of the funds, investments, and other property of the Lodge ; shall invest said funds in such loans, stock, or other securities as the Lodge may direct ; shall receive all moneys ordered to be drawn fron. the Treasurer for the purpose of investment, and deposit the vouchers with the F S., who shall place them in the hands of the Treasurer for safe keeping. The Trustees are also charged with the duty of obtaining information and keeping the Lodge advised of the circumstances and necessities of the widows and orphans of deceased mem- bers, who, in the judgment of the Trustees, need the care and assistance of the Lodge. I 28 28. This Lodge shall annually elect by ballot, in the same manner as its elective officers, at its last meeting in January, an officer entitled the " Hall Trustee," who shall, in conjunction with similar Trustees from Orient Lodge, No. 10 ; Amity Lodge, No. 40 ; Halifax Encamp- ment, No. 3 ; and Mizpah Rebekah Lodge, No. 5, hold in trust all property in the hall owned in common by this and the above-mentioned Lodges and Encampment, and at the close of each term present a full report of the transactions of said term. 29. Should any Officer or Trustee fail to perform his duties to the satisfaction of the Lodge, his office may be declared vacant by vote of the Lodge, pravided notice of such motion Ire read at the two regular meetings next preceding that on which the vote is to be taken, and two-thirds of the members present and voting vote in favor of it. COMMITTEES AND THEIR DUTIES?. 30. The N. G., on the night of his installation, shall appoint, subject to the approval of the Lodge, the fol- lowing standing committees, viz. : A Visiting Committee and a Finance Committee. 31. The V^isiting Committee shall consist of seven members, including the N. G. and V. G., and the N. G. shall be chairman thereof. 32. It shall be the duty of the Visiting Committee to visit every sick brother of this Lodge within twenty-four hours after receiving information of his illness, provided he be in the City of Halifax or Dartmouth, and to ren- der such other aid as the laws of this Lodge provide and as his case may require and admit, and they shall report at each regular meetinj? the name and condition of any sick brother, and their action in the premises, as well as the amount of benefits, if any, to which he may be entitled. 33. It shall be the duty of the Chairman of the Visit- ing Committee to make arrangements so that sick brothers of this Lodge shall be visited at least once a day during their illness by one or more members of the Com- mittee ; to keep a correct roll of the names and residences 29 "ot, in the meeting in stee," who 'om Orient >>' Encamp- I^o. 5, hold ommon by sampment, >ort of the ii'form his ce may be notice of 'ings next tken, and g vote in on, shall the fol- )nimittee >f seven eN. G. ttee to ty-four rovided to ren- de and report of any veil as ay be Visit- sick a day Coni- encea of all the brothers of the Lodge for the use of the Com- mittee ; and whenever circumstances may require it, to call upon so many of the brothers, in the order in which their names stand upon said roll, as may be necessary to secure the attendance and services of tA'O brothers to Match nightly with any sick brother, when necessary, or to procure a nurse when deemed advisable. 34. In case of contagious or infectious disease, it shall not be incumbent on members of the Committee personally to visit the sick brother ; and should atten- dance be required, instead of calling upon brothers as above provided, the Conimittee shall employ a nurse to be paid from the funds of the Lodge. 35. Sick brothers, members of distant Lodges, plac- ing themselves under the care of this Lodge, shall receive from the Visiting Committee and from the mem- bers of this Lodge the same attentive benefits as sick members of this Lodge, and it shall be the duty of the Visiting Committee to ascertain the standing of any such brother in his own Lodge, and the amount of benefits to which he may be entitled, and this Lodge shall pay him such benefits, if he request it, and render account of the same to the brother's Lodge for settlement. (See Digest 1895, Division 12, page 76.) 36. The Finance Committee shall consist of three members, whose duty it shall be to superintend the financial affairs of this Lodge ; to inspect and report upon all accounts referred to them not later than at the regular meeting next following the reference of such accounts, provided always that accounts are presented in detail ; and to audit semi-annually the accounts of the F. S. and Treasurer for the previous term, and of all the officers or committees charged with the receipt or expenditure of money of the Lodge. 37. Special Committees shall consist of such members as the resolutions calling for them shall indicate ; and when the manner of appointment is not indicated, they shall be appointed by the N. G. 38. All Special Committees must report in writing to the Lodge upon the subject matter referred to them, and elO that, too, without unreasonable delay. The report of a majority shall be conaidored the report of the Com- mittee, but this shall not prevent the presentation of a minority report from tlie same committee, provided it is given to the Lodge on the same evening as the majority report is offered. 39. All brethren appointed on committees, whether standing or special, shall be required to serve on the same unless excused by the Lodge, (See Digest 1895, Sec. 1505.) 40. No committee shall be finally discharged until all debts contracted by it in pursuance of its appointment have been duly audited and paid. COMMIITEES NEOLKCTINC} DUTY. 41. Any member or members of committee failing to discharge their duties to the satisfaction of the Lodge may be discharged therefrom by a vote to that effect. But in case of a Standing Committee it shall be neces- sary to give one week's notice of motion. 42. Every committee, or member thereof, thus dis- charged, shall forthwith surrender, on demand, to the N. G., or to such brother or brothers as the Lodge may appoint, all books, papers, money and other property of the Lodge which may be in his or their possession. FUNDS. 43. All fees for Visiting and Withdrawal Cards, as well as all money received from initiations, degrees, rent, etc., and nine-tenths of all dues collected, shall belong to the Incidental and Benefit Fund ; and all fines col- lected for neglect of duty, together with one-tenth of all dues collected, shall belong to the Widows' and Orphans' Fund, and it shall be the duty of the Treasurer to credit to these funds, in the way and ratio named, all money received by him on account of the Lodge. (Const., Sec. 1, Art. IV.) DUES. 44. The regular dues to be paid by members of this Lodge into its funds shall be five dollars ($5) per year, payable quarterly in advance, viz. : At the first regular meetings in January, April, July and October. 31 rt of a Com- n of a 1 it is BENEFITS. 45. Every meinber of this Lodge, who is not dis- qualified by the Constitution of this Lodge or other laws of the Order (see Const., 8ec. G, Art. IV., and Sec. 1, Art. Vin. ; also Digest 1895, Sec. JJ2), if rendered incap- able .of following his usual occupation or otherwise earning a livelihood, shall receive from the I. aii«l B. Fund of this Lodge, while such disability continues, benefits as follows : If of the Third Degree, three dollars (.f3) per week for 26 weeks' continuous sickness, and two dollars ($2) per week thereafter. If not of the Third Degree, two dollars ($2) per week. Provided that after payment for 52 consecutive weeks as above, the Lodge may reduce the benefits to one dollar ($1) per week. Provided also that no benefits shall be paid for one week's sickness, but if the disability continue for two weeks, benefits shall be paid from the commence- ment of the sickness ; or in case the brother neglect to report his sickness to the Lodge, and in consequence of such neglect the Lodge fails to receive timely notice of his sickness, benefits shall date from one week prior to the case being reported. 46. Whenever any benefit shall accrue to a brother whose dues for the current quarter are unpaid, such quarter's dues and future dues, if not paid as they become due, shall be retained by the F. S. out of the accruing benefits. (Digest 1895, Sec. 24 ) 47. If a member of the Lodge become sick or disabled while away from Halifax, it shall be necessary that a statement of his case, setting forth the nature of his sickness or disability and the time of its commencement, be transmitted to this Lodge, certified by the Lodge nearest to the place where he may be for the time resi- dent or detained ; or if he be not near any Lodge, by a Justice of the Peace, clergyman or his medical attendant, and the Lodge, on being satisfied that the brother is entitled to benefits, shall pay the same. (Const., Sec. 8, Art. IV.) 48. On the death of a member qualified to receive benefits, fifty dollar.s ($50) shall be allowed as a funeral benefit, which shall be paid to his widow or other depen- 32 dent relatives out of the I. ami B. Fund ; provided that any expenses connected with the funeral, which may be paid by the Lodge, shall be repaid out of the said sum of $50, and in such case the balance only shall be paid to the benefisiaries. (Di^'eat 1805, Sees. *90, 91, 92.) 49 It is the duty of every member of this Lodge, on changing his residence, to notify the Lodge of such change, and generally to keep the Lodge informed as to his movements or lengtheneii sojourn out of its juris- diction. 50. When the widows or orphans of deceased mem- bers are left in 'rdigent circumstances it shall be the duty of the Trustees to ascti tain their actual condition from time to time and report the same to the Lodge, which n)ay then vote such sum or sums for their support as may appear expedient to a majority of the members present at a regular meeting ; provided, always, that such relief is drawn from the fund set apait therefor. 51. When the children of a deceased member are left without a proper guardian, it shall be the duty of the Trustees, under the direction of the Lodge, to see that they are educated and otherwise cared for until suitable situations can be provided for them. RELIEF IN SPECIAL CASES. 52. Whenever it may become known that any brother of tliis Lodge has been reduced to a state of pecuniary distress by any sudden or unlooked for misfortune, his case shall be referred to the Visiting Committee, whose duty it shall be to examine into the same, and report to the Lodge whether any and what sum in their opinion should be granted for relief, and it shall be competent for the Lodge to grant him such relief as it may deem expedient. ASSESSMENTS. 53. Whenever any benefit or benefits may become due and payable from either fund of this Lodge, if the amount to the credit of such fund be not sufficient to meet such benefit or benefits, the N. G. shall cause the F. S. to make an assessment equally upon all members 33 uf the Lodge to make up the deficiency and pay the claim. 8uch assessment shall be charged up against each member, and default in promptly paying the 8ame by any member shall subject him to suspension from all the rights and privileges of membership, except atten- dance at Lodge meetings to the end of the then current term, until the same be paid. RfilNSTATKMENT. 54. Whenever a brother suspended for non-payment of dues complies with the law (see Digest, 1895, Division 11, p. 216) and applies for reinstatement, the application shall be treated in every respect as an original petition for membership, except when the application is for reinstatement and a Withdrawal Card, in which case the application may be giuntnd by a majority vote by ballot. (Digest, 1896, Sec. 188, Const. Sec. 1, Art. XI.) OFPENCE.S AND PENALTIES. 55. Every member agreeing to serve on a Committee, and afterwards refusing or neglecting to do so, shall be •fined fifty cents. 56. Every member when duly notified to ap)>enr before any Committee appointed to try any matter between the Lodge and any of its members refusing or neglecting to do so, or appearing and refusing to give true evidence therein shall be fined, reprimanded, sus- pended or expelled, as the Lod>fe, No. 18, ^vith conduct unbecoraiiii; an Odd Fellow as more fullj' set forth in the following Bf KOIWCAT40N8 : Virst : Second : , Third: terother Fo^m 2-—NoUce to tht Accuse.d. Mystic Lodxe, N«. 18, I. O. O. F. i)ate Inclosed in this notice \ transmit a copy of obar{fe and specifica- tions preferred against you by .'of Mystic Lodge, No. 18. The same Were referred to a Committee of trial liimsistinjf of (y;ive names)' The officers of said Oomniittee will notify you of the tiiuj «nd place to appear lor answer. I«KAi.J Fraternally, iRecordJny Secretary 86 Form S— Notice to accaner and accused to attend meetln>f of Committee. Place and date' Brother The Committee of trial on the char«:e and specifications preferred by asrainst will meet (give the time and place) to hear land decide the case, YouV^re hereljy notified to be present and (sustain or defend) the same. Fraternally. Secretary of Com. Mystic Lofftfe, No IS, I O. O. F. Form 4 — Suhi-oeita. Date T<» You are hereby notified and required to ajipeat before the Com* mittee appointed to try the chiugoa preferred by Ilnither . n^ainst. lirother at on the day oC (month and year) at .... o'clock ni to testify as a witnes-i. " By order of the C'oniraitlfec. Secretary of Com, Form 5 — Report of Committee. To Mystic L..d;jre. No. 18, 1. O. O. F. : Your Cotniiuttce appointed to try the viiargo preferred ajTHiiistv Brother by Brother reports that the accompanying documents contain the prcceedings of, and the cviclwice tal, \. O, O. P. Date Tlie unJersigtied hereby presents the following bill of exceptions to the report of the Comniittee, heretofore made herein, relative ia the charges preferred against him by Brother ■■' also, to the proceedings of and the testimony taken before said Comniittee ; also, to the action and proceedings of said liodge, relative to said charges First : Said charges and specifications are insufflaient to show the commission of the offence charged by the accused herein ; in this : Form 8 — Notice and Groumls of Appeal. To Mystic Lodge, No. 13, I. O. O. F. : Take notice, that the under:»igned hereby appeals from the action and judyrment of this Lodge, in the matter of charges preferred against him by lirothar — — on the following grounds : First: The fvidaiice wis insufilcient to sustain said charges of the TBport of the (Jommittee, herein in this (here insert where the evidence was insult! .lent, ) 8kc(JXI) ; Krrois committed at the trial, and by the trial Committee as follows : (Here insert tha errors (•ouiplalned of.) Dited at - - the day of (year.) ' '38 Forni 9. — Noticti of Appeal to Grand Lod()e. (Date). To MyBtlc Lodge, No. 18» I. O. O. t. The undersigned hereby gives notice that he appeals to the Grand Lodge from the action of the Lodge in the matter of tharge and specifications preferred by against This appeul is tal Fraternally, (Signed) Form 10. — Appeal to the Of and Lodyf. to the Gfattd Lodge, ftu., I. 0. 0. F. i The undersigned, a mtember of Lodge. No i'espectf\illy appeals to your Grand Body fVom the action of »aid Lodge. (State the action from which the appeal is taken and the grounds of the appeal.) Your appellant asks that you will Ireverse said action, or grant such oth er relief as you tnay deem the merits of the case demand. Fraternally, (Signature) » [Place and date.] Form 11 — Certijicate Atcompanying tieturn of Lodge. Mystic Lodge, No. 18, \. O^ 0. F.» Vill receive the return of this Lodge in the matter of Ihe appeal of > to your Grand Body, required by Sec. 10, ArU Vill Const. 1 hereby certify that the same embraces correct copies, of all the minutes and papers relating to the case, in my possession, or in possession of tb« Lodge, and also the original testimony tak«n at the trial, [flEAL] Fraternally, Recording Sfeci-etary. FotDi 12 -^OhUgation to Witness lo be Administered hy the Chairman of the Committee,, You do sincerely declat-e upon your honor as an Odd FelFow, that Ihe evidence you shall j^ive in the matter of charge preferred by against now pending, shall be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Thus you do Uifirm. the fr of h oit aid rill 3d 66. All By-Laws of this Lodge in force before the passing of these By-Laws are hereby repealed ; and no motion to repeal, alter, or amend these By-Laws, or any part thereof, shall be put to vote unless two weeks' notice of the same shall have been given in open Lodge, (the reading of the notice from the minutes one week before action to be received as the second notice), or adopted, unless two'thirds of the brothers present and voting vote therefor. Provided that any alteration or amendment necessary to brikig them in conformity with the laws of the Sovereign Grand Lodge or the Grand Lodge of this jarisdiction may be ordered at any regular meeting. 40 ORDER OF BUSIITESS. After the Lodge has been opened the following shall be in order of business t 1. Calling roll of officers. 2. Reading the records of last meeting. 3. Report of Visiting Committee 4. Brothers sick to be reported. 5. Applications for Degrees. 6. Report of Investigating Committee and ballotinj{ for membership or degrees. 7. Initiation or conferring degrees. 8. Propositions for membership. 9. Bills presented. 10. Reports of Standing Committees^ 11. Reports of Special Committees. 12. Unfinished business. 13. Communications read. 14. Applications for Cards. 15. New business. 16. Good of the Order. 1 7. Report of receipts of the evening. 18. Closing. I hereby certify that the foregoing By*Laws of Mystie Lodge, No. 18, I. 0. O. F., were submitted to thd Committee on Laws of Subordinates, and by said Com* initte« indorsed "approved September 24th, 1898." J. Cv P. Frazbe, Oravd Secretary^ RULES OF ORDER. T>^,yX -When the Noble Oan.Uakes the the f rLt-beTTpTain Ihe-^i^lrwith M„, in Naye.-. The I^lfc'e shall then proceed to open in due form. RrAs -2 -The Noble nrand shall preserve order, ami Kim i- ,f ,, , ■ . of the Lodae on all subjects , ''rrSem.est^oTof order without debate subject shall ''°'^™*.'l"ftu° "Lodae by any three brothers ; on the Lodge V" which question shall be taKen vy r^rNobt Grind ;r^ when a question is before the Lodge no motion nhall be received, unless, Ist. To lay upon the table." 2nd The previous question. • 3iMi. To pospone to a particular time. 4th. To pospone indefinitely. 5th. To re-commit. 6th. To refer. 7th To amend. without debate. T^mr 4 -No motion shall be made ^y /'^^ .^^""^^Z (irand. 42 Rule 5 — Any brother making a motion shall reduce the same to writing at the request of the Noble Grand or any brother ; in which case it shall not be before the Lodge until it be so written, and read frpni the Secretary's desk Rule 6 — No resolution shall be offered to the Lodge except in writing, and signed by the brother offering the same. interrupted while to order or for the Rule 7 No brother shall be speaking, except it be to call him purpose of explanation. Rule 8. — If a brother, while speaking, be called to order, he shall, at the request of the Noble (irand, take his seat until the question of order is decided, when, if permitted, he may proceed again. Rule 9. — No brother shall speak without rising in his place, respectfully addressing the Noble Grand by his title, and have his name announced by the Chair ; brothers shall confine themselves to the question under debate, and avoid all personalties and indecorous or sarcastic language. Rule 10. — If two or more brothers rise to speak at the same time, the Noble Grand shall decide which is entitled to the floor, and no brother shall speak more than once on the same subject or question, until all who wish to speak have an opportunity to do so, nor more than twice without permission from the Noble (^rand. Each brother while speaking shall designate the brother spoken of, by his proper rank and title, according to his standing in the Order. • Rule 11. — When a blank is to be filled, the question shall be first taken on the highest sum or number, and the longest time proposed. Rule 12 — Any brother may call for the division of a question, when the sense will admit of it, and any rive brothers calling for the yeas and nays, thfey shall be ordered by the Noble Grand to be recorded. Rule 13. — Before putting the question, the Noble Grand shall ask, " Is the Lodge ready for the question ?" i i \\ V --j-KTA-'Tmr'T 43 i If no brother rises to speak, he shall rise and put ; and after he has risen to put the question, no brother shall be permitted to speak upon it. While the Noble Grand is addreseing or putting the question, silence shall be observed in the Jjodge room. Rule 14. — ^ After any question (except one of indefinite postponement) has been decided, any brother who voted in the majority may, at the same time or next regular meeting, move for a reconsideration thereof ; but no discussion of the main question shall be allowed unless reconsidered. Rule 15. — When a brother has been called to order for the manifestation of temper or improper feeling, he shall not be allowed to speak again in the Lodge at that meeting, unless by special permission of the Lodge. Rule 16. — No brother shall vote on any question in which ho is immediately interested. Rule 17. — Kverv brother present (not incapacitated) shall vote, unless for special reasons ; provided, this rule does not interfere with the provisions of the By-Laws, regarding new members, etc. Rule 18. — In speaking of points of order, the Noble Grand shall have precedence, but he cannot speak on any other subject, except to state facts within his own knowledge, without previously vacating his Chair, and filling it by a qualified brother. Rule 19. — No brother shall retire without leave of the Noble Grand and during opening, closing, initiation, recess, or taking the yeas and nays, the doors shall be kept closed. Rule 20. — On the call of three members for the previous question the Noble Grand shall put the question in this form : '* Shall the main question be now put?" If the motion is carried, the vote shall first be upon all pending amendments, after which upon the main ques- tion. If decided in the negative the question shall lie over until the next regular meeting. 'i,\ ■•^ViaiK' !*-TlT^lW 44 RoLK 21. — Any brother may excuse himself from serving on a committee, if, at the time of his appoint- ment, he is a member of two other committees. No l)rother can be appointed on a committee when t^bsent from the Lodge. Rule 22. — The first brother named on a Committee shall act as Chairman, until another is chosen by the members of the committee. The mover of a resolution referred to a special committee is usually the first named thereon. Rule 23. — No committee can be finally discharged until all the debts contracted by it have been paid. Rule 24. — A motion to close is always in order after the regular ])usiness is concluded, which motion shall be decided without debate. Rule 25. — These Rule's of Order may be altered or amended after one week's notice in writing being given, specifying the proposed alteration or amendment, but any one of them, or any clause thereof, may be suspended for the time being by a vote of two-thirds of all present. Rule 26 — Brothers, not members of this Lodge, may adilress the Lodge on receiving permission to that effect from the presiding officer. Public Archives of Nova Scotia HALIFAX.. N* S. . I I f I