.^f ■ ^ i *i- i. t:: eiHM Microfiche ^^^^^^^ Serips c (Monographs) r -^ .? 4 .'*&' microfiches ( ) ■^ \ .V . I ■ . 1 ' ( '/I I . A- .-' . •■; ■ ■- ' ■ -^ ■'•'■■ „■■■■', Cartadian Inatituta for Historical Microraproductions / Inatitut Canadian da nHcroraproductions Mstoriquas .■\-- ■■ ■ { ■ ■<..' ■A. tadinical ami Bibliofr«pMc NotM / NotM tachniquM at bibliogKapliiquM . A- \ iquM Th« Imtituti hM «mmpM^ to obtain tJha liait orififial copy availabia for filming. Faaturas of tiii* cofiy whkh may ba bibliograpliicaily uniqua. which may altar any of tlM imafat in ttM ra^roductibn, or which may tignificantiy changa tha usual mathod of filmint. art chaicfcail'balbw. . ./*..::■' " /• ■/ r~~| Colourad coirart/ / 1 I Couvartura da coulaur ■''■■' . ^ ■ ■-'. ■ ■ - •■ - ■■ ■• /■ " Coyart damagad/ Couvartura andommagia V.-^. '^ Covir* rattorad and/or laminatadA Couvartura rattauria at/6u palliculte Cbvar til la miisirig/ ' La titra da couvartura manqua □ Colourad mapi/ ' ;. '. "''" .' J^ '■■:;/../-:■ qartas giographiquas ari coulaur ; , □ Cofourad inkJli.a. othar than Mua or Maekl/ Encra da coulaur (i.a. aiitra qua IHaua ou noira) □ Colourad platas and/or illuitrationt/ . l Transparanca □ Quality of print varies/ Qualit* inigala da I'imprassion Cbntinuous fiagination/ Pagination continue . ■■ ■ • - Ificludbs iiHlex(as)/ Comprend un (des)lndex ifitle on header taken from:/ Le titre de I'en-tAte provjant: \t -■- " ■ ■ J. ' Title page of issue/ ' Page diKtitre de la livraison « Caption of iisuaA Titre diT depart ])a la livraison~ MastheMi/ Generniue (periodiques) de la livraison -s ry| Additional comments:/ ' JlJ Cpmmehtairas supplementaires: ITiere are some creases in the middle of pages. I , Pagination is unnumbered. ,; ^This item is filmed at the reduction ratio checked belovir/ Ce document est filmeautaifxde*rMuctionindiquici-desspus.:^, * «>- 10X fe '■•;■'; T^X. ' \ ' ■^ '. ' . tax V ' ;> .22x.;--:k 26X *)X • '.. r^ ■\ -: . /"t'- ■ -7.. r "■ r^ !*( *-:"■ s/ • ^n^^^ m^^ ^^^^tm '^^^m _^^ "i / • , ; , ■■ / .- Y ... ' ■ V 12X ■J :; ■ / 1 '■■ ■ i ' . 1 ■ 16X f 20X /' ■'. ' f W ' . * 28X -■ ■■.• -■ ■ . - '32 X Th« copy film«tf hmrm hM b««n r«produe«d tfianfui to th« gcnaro^ity of : ' ■ ' ■ ■■ ■ »' ■ ' ' V ■ V ArehiytsofQntairro ' Toronto' '■;'''■■' '/'■"'■. Tho imagos appooring horo aro tho boat quality bla eonaidaring tha condition and lagiliiiity or tlia original copy and In Icaaping with tha filming eontraot spacifieatlona. L'axampiaira flini4 tut raproduit griea i !• ||in4roaiti da: .■',..■',■-.■':■'.:■, Ardjihrts of pntario ' ■■,■■■■■.■ ■■;.■ ' Toronto •.■■.': ■■•"■.' '■'"^.•^ ^ ''-■'.. '"^ .' ' Ijm imagaa auhrantaa ont 4ti raproduitaa avac la t \ plua grand aoin. eompto tanu da la condition at da la hattatA da I'aiiampilaiNi filmi. at wi oonformit* ayao laa cdndltiona du eontrat d» flknaga. \--,' ■:■...: -,^r\ ■ Original oopiaa in printad papar eovara ara filmad baginning with tha front eovarand anding on tha laat paga witii a printad or iiluatratad impraa- tion. or tho bacic covar wlian appropriata. All . othar original eopiaa ara filmad baginning on tha firat paga with a printaiii 0% iiluatratad impraa- tion, and ending on tha laat paga with a printad ' or Iiluatratad impraaaioh. Tha liSrt racordad frama on aach mieroficlia •hall contain ttta aymbol <-«»>'( moaning "CON* TINUEO"). or tha aymbol ▼ (maaning "END"), wrhichavar appUaa. iumgm, plataa. cHarta. ate., may ba filmad at diffarant raduction ratioa. Thoaa too larga to ba antiraly ineludad in ona a«poaura ara filmad ba^iinning in tha uppar laft hand comar. laft to right and top to bottom, aa many framaa aa raquira^. Thia foliowipg dlagrama illuatrata tha mathofelf - ■ tv ' Lao aRamplairaa.originaux dont la couvartura an paplar aat Jmprim4a tont fii'mte tn commandant par.ia pramiar plat at an tarminant soit par la dOmMra paga qui ctomporta uno amprainta dtmpraaalon ou dliluatration. aoitpar la sacond plat. Mion la oaa. Toua laa autraa axampiairaov briginaux aont filmia m eommantpant ^r la \ prami^ra paga qui eomporta una amprainta dimpraaalpn ou dllluatfation at-an-tacqiinant par : ,1a dMnlAra piga qui cofhpdrta una taila «|mprainta.' V . ■''%':: ■ • !" ■ ■• ^\^ '■':'--' tJn daa aymbolaa auhiranta apparaltra ti^r la dam l jiraimaga da chaqua micrqficha, talon la caa: la aymbola ^-^ signifia "A SUIVRE". la ^ ' aymbola ▼ slgnlfia rnpH" Laa eartaa. planchaa. tablaaux. ate., pauvant itra Mm4a i daa taux da rMiictioii diffiranta. / Loraqua la documant aat trap grand pour Iffra ra^rochilt ^ un saul ellchA. il aat film* i pfirtir da I'angia iupMaur gaueha. da gaucha k jdroita. iM da haut an baa. mi pranam |a nbmbra dfmagaa nAeaaaalra. Laa diagranrnn aa aiiivanta illuatrant la m^thoda. %. .•■v^' 1 2 3 J '■^ .■ / I 1 ■ / /• Sj. ^ 6 "V 4 ,'1 ■' ■ ■•■; A. \- \uKe(l A88e*ioipalityk , • , ^, ,. „ ,\ Amt I httaby call noon ajl eleolora to examine the laid Uat, and if^ny oniiuions or other erron are precenred tl.erein, to make immediate proceeding tol^va the eaid error, corrected .ccord-ngtciaw, V^ JOSEPH COWAN. ., jf'*. ; ViUAOB Ct.nx %nxmR. Dated tbii 6th ^ay ol Aogtiat, IBM. ' « Jmlafe's Ceptiflo ate. -. JoeirH Cowan, Clerk of tile Vanieipality of. the ylilagff of Wrozeter, County oi Huron haTiiig certified under hie hand, that no complaint reinecting the |if t of voter* of the Mid Hunieipality for thi year 1894, bad been received by him nithin thirty daye after the firit poetlng up ihe aamr; and on application of theiafd Clnrk, I, I*aac FBAHcn Toiia,1Caq , Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, in pursuance oftheprovieioneof "The Ontario Votwe' Lilt Act, ISSO," certify that the within printed List of Voters, being one of the copiea received by me from the said Oleik, under aection 6 of the said Act it the Beviwd List of Votets for the said Municipality fortheyear 1898. Given under niy hand and seal, at God«rich, in tbesaiJ Count] , .day of. ••••*•■•• • •• • • • • • • • • •189 '•••••••• • ••#••• i-«,»,» • ••• J .' Jndgre's Certlfloate. I, Isji^Fbamois Tom, Bho., Judge of the County Court of the County of \Horon purl»> AlHmbly. , ai I '• 'i •? j*- . ■•■* .:-' 1 M ai 85 « S9 41 4S 47 48 49 (« 09 67 W w 69 m 08 W 68 70 n 78 ,74 76 76 79 J RAMI. AMM CmmIIIIVmm^** 'Lot. Bfowa A inm O.. B. A Rny Jtilku. Bra»a Fr«l«rlat.<. Iliown LteMrd Bnma Tkoaai BiMh Boktrt Brii«k Jnka < llnwa Win H B«kfr aiiul«»..<" OtfWM JoMpb... 0«niUh«d|Joka.. MekMB Ir. V....... Ooddt Al*»nd«r» 04«ldMa John.'.... Pi Hock 0..,. 1», 19...... ... ft »«»■••' 6, 6. 7.... ■tn«(hi r 16... ...... .«•■.»•. 81, iri5.. 16 I ■«.■ Oaalratt E- ' Oantra at E and otkar praa Howlak al B........i.....;... HowM It E and otkar prtaliai< Howlck It nortk........i„...« iaa*«aaa>piaBaai Part Bloeb B., Part Bioafc B. Oor 96 ., Oor 96..... Pait Bloak B. 46, 47 Part 9 ••.' 1 .. 8 Ba*M«ta**< Part'iis.'!! i»::.r::.': Part 96 . Put Bloak B... •• •••••••••• VM • • C OBeaM i on or Btreot. ^ ^ i l naaa l arAaa^l 'K .\ \ K^AIakMM,.' vAonnar... r * ovaar u. r * 6«nat ... ^ r*tanaai .. M V A Btnarm Mr* avaar... Mr* 0|raar.„ Mr* owaar... Mr* o^aar... ■ r * oaaar... Mr* oMnat. . Mr* onnar. . Mr* laawi>.> ■■ \ Mr* 0*B8.. K r A ownai', Bonlok at Nand otkn iiMDiiai Con A Hnwisk.: ,.!7. aikaoB at W and oik^ praaiiiai... Oantra ft E... „ Bovrisk at D6rtb........... ., Sandaraoa at 8.,..w...M.k „„ Mill it aortb................. „... Mill It north...... .........: ... Oon B Bowlak and otkar praiili Ooo B Bowtek... „... Oaatrail W GiBtcail £.. Oahira It W and oikor praailaai. Onrria it N and otkar pra a laaa . Oantra at W „. Oantra at W Qnaan at jrarth ^.t.. Howiek ■■ aoath........... Bowiek it aonth*....^.'^....... Oon A Bnwiek Oibaoo at W and othat piaaiaw. Oihaon at W and othar piaalaaa., Oott O TBrabaiijM....t..M»....5«MMi '%.. ■■"\\ U9 tt ownar, Mr* ownar.. Mr* ownar. M r* ianaat.' Mr* tanant,. Mr* ownar. lir* ownar.. M r* oanar... Mr* tanant . Mr* tanant.. Mr A t«nanl,. Mr* tanant:. Mr* ownar. i Mr* owntr,., Mr* tanant, . OaalN al B aad otkar praabai^.. Howlak al Mdk.. Auataoalfc.. ■ a«aa**fl«tM • Mr* MrA MrA Mr* Mr* Mr* Mr* Mr* tanant. . ownar... trnant... ownar .. ownar... ownar.. ownar.. tan«nt... M#* owaar. K V A taoaal.. Mr* taoaat. m t|P > , . ■ • * -''•' Jjiwy' k 1 • . 1 . '" - • ■ . • ', '. \ 1 . l';-^: ■ ' ■■-■ , -1 :l ■■. .■■..'>:'. ■ •: ■ ■ ■ N; • 1 '■ ! ■ ■ >•, \ \ » I 3.' / -■' . ' t ■'-■■( .':.■ ■■' ■■-'■# ' r /■ ■. ■ * ■ ■ ' I ■. ■ ■ ^ .1 {'■ 1 ■■■.■. J. >. . ♦ ■ .- h .:;X;-;/ ■ , "' ■ . -V ■'■. ."■ .'; '-'.:: ^1 .." " ,/ ; k i ' ■f ',"*■■ 1 . - '■.■•: ■v::^:-' :''::■• * ■ ' *t 1 '"■■:\ ' ' 't - '..■ ' '■^y^/:'^" ■ :■:' ;■ ; . ■ • ' ■ '-■' ;. '■^-V ', v"- -^ '■■ ■ /:^^r:-/:>- • : A--' ■- . s^.'-^fi" ■*.'"■' \ 1 , "--^ .. ■ ■'■",■ ' ■■"' . ^ ■ •■• . .. ■ ■■■■-, "-■■" > ■-■/ \ ' ■ - ■■■' -:::-V* ;,.■:,- -!.^-.'' ::'5;^::'^ / -■ ■ -. . -■ . \ "• ;V;. ';;■■/■ "■'.,■■- - ( ./• '■•v.- ■■ ■■■■/■; ; •d ■■■ /■.'^ ■ ■ ■" ' '■ ■' 1 ' . " V. :■ '^:-. ■ ; ! ■' -yf ■ '. BtfM|> mKcmi OMlf*«t K...k...i.. Mr* aWMT... . Vtia it ll..,.,.,..M..i ..imiMMK ■* ' * Ooi|,B Uo»Mk>»..Ml.r,'>.M...k».. M r * Hn»lett» H '.J A..." " » * llnaiek M N ami iHhfr |iif«l«>... Mr* ll'iakk It N aiiil oibair |>r»Mil«»... H r * Waltr at W ■■•! ulkcr rtMBtM*. . m r* (jaMsit H I M... H r* iknn M N tad uilwr ^i««I«ot •• r 4 (tendtii W J Mr* Oalr* •> K ud mbw bitnh** Mr* QuMo •( N add o(h«r nitmUn Mr* Janira at K and olMtr brvwlMa, .. H t k llaril«lia>t K, \ ,... Mr* OMIrtat B n>... ■»•••..! m~ M r * FarguaoD at t....- MIU tl KMt«4*»M»MtMM«f.>J ■<•• Viln t%i9.%...,„. )iUI at H aod nibar |tramUa| Marrl*lUat Hand othar ityrmtur* Vlarrlalla at IS and Mhar p^tmlaaa Caotiaal W .,... Qiiaan at North ■••••• Qiaan ai 8^^ '• ADBatB ,.•• Hoalok at 8 •a..., Oaalraat K tana**,,, iionar,, uwnar,, i^.... MF A owner Oaatrt «( G aad athar prcmiacal U KAfanul Howlflk at W and othar pramlart ,Kowlok at N and otbat pran>la« Obartk at W ......; ' Oaatraat R.......,..: Saadrrann at N and olbar pranii Sandarann at Hand olhar prrmH 0>a B Hor.Ick Oon R Hnviek. ,■■-.•• ^"'^ 0«a A Howiek..,. „ ., Oiin A I'owiek .- ; , 4owlck at W Quaan at 8 and nthar pramiwf.. U'laan at 8 and olhrr premlaar... aim J»ka WlUin Wm H ' I n I Im Ji ' I II J r* lB..W.»»r".>r. QU l.t. $....; r. CntK'HMUm f>r WllllU llMff I I. ♦ '/t "• tiiwH at N ikiB ••« •< I Wi ft I'ait nhxik n. !9t M .; I'M in «,»».. ru 3(1. /I. IH... t'M.'M. . MeKu Itau.t... McRoMrti John.. Montiomary Wa.. milar Robrrt Maatnooiarv Miry lloairoTf TbomM. Molln; Thoai*....., ll6nt|o,in"7 Wn... Iforrjw Adaip Karlla Oatharlat... Hlln* Bi|fbMa ■ \ \ - ■ . \ -■ V - Pootno A D.... Pattoa Aodrtp Rtebardioni J«ii«(. ■■■■-•■, ■ "\: ^ '.-■'■ Btoka loaballm.. ...<.;... i ,., BrDdcfaOD Elinbilb ... BaodciioB D D.... Bmitb llHgaNt ...;.... Tbontoo Eitfabclli'. TbOBMOD WaiR....M, lloaltk U wnrlb ...... Ohi T«inb«r>y»M.. ITtrRiHQa at M. ..,.;..„ CiMra «i C..... r»4lr» •! W...;.*... Iluwick •« a..«.....• - KPari20 .... K I'arl 27 H Part 2,1. ..,.. F, Part 3N..,.'. W Pari M... NIB I. 3, il. I'arl B i 29.... 2 Part liloak 0.. nowick 4 aouth „ iil VVi-nt , Con II Tiirnlifrry k otb'ar prrnlaa- UonU Tiirnhrrrj...r. ,.....■., Oon A Hoxick .....■,..„,„,...;....,.., OlinO Turnbifry.. ..,..../..., llin A Mowlrk. . V ■.„.., KarKamn *l N... ..„ ()»n Tiitnba.rr;.. V..a.iM....>i Sanderi'in 'I H..,.,,..,,.;,.. ;„.^ Caatra at E '•••■•....;„,...»... 11: Id.- 9i9 .. „..iAna al N and nthi>r frrmUf ;..,|Caat ».. 8 VIoMBtRobtO.... Voaburg AoDla...... WalkarJaiM .,,—, n»n»r . • ••«.•• nwnrr . • >•>». nmnrr. • •«••• owoar . nwnar . •••••a oantr . ...' .. o»n»r . nwnar .;.».., n.«nrr , ownar . taoant*. ••*•••>* iiwnrr , ow.niT , •tnnnf . Hnwick-t N.. liowlek m N.. MIHkI S Mill at H .;. Mowick at B .. OrntraM W Malnal 8..',..,,.'.. . iimflar ........ .. . nwuiT ....< ,. . nwnvr . ownar .»,... .;. .'lanaat......... '.. • tenant............ ■ owuer ..i 'Sandetioa at 9.. .iQuecnat N..... l.Qocan ttN ■ owner . . lonatit ;....,. . oi^nar •*«•••••••• -A :\-': .i:-'':- ■:'-i .: T,.;. :'{.#. >".v •L- t, '.;- . 1. •'.1 '"•''■'•■'^';r>'-'^mti,} ■it - -*»;«ir. ■»»-* .**-«iii»iii?'r- .-■■■V ■ 'V': *] .1 M PART 8-P«noM wStUd tWyoU *t m> tht LtUUUf AHinjy only. I NAME. :"-^*«*w> Mli H l H. ' I f e II IS 00 AUm Jamir' mii LOT. BanMiBebl BkktrTlHNUi.- Bfa«k tkoaa* —••••< I ••«••• i PI I ~..~/. OuirMi Atn ••;•««•< 4 .... SI N 68 «l 78 «7 9T 107 i09 lie la DMbMPrtw ...... D**idMa Waltw DiiBbM BobMt ••• VHfiiMr'WwIff.. Olbb 7MMt .. QlbMW Bob«(. QlbigoDiifM . inceaaion or Btieot. OtXvSMll' ijiifA iMMix ^IH It 8 ...J. BMdWMWMNx OmO Ho«Mt. Araitir. i«««»aM**'*< M r.... M. M F»**4M>..... M r~..< II V Howiek It v.. u w< ■hv vi ih''!^'- BPlUt & t S ... 8 M.,~... » 141 148 108 tS9 1«6 in 1<7 SlOlw Wm OoB A Hovldi M I HMdtrtOM a Dorib v t ••••Mta*«*(*a*A> Oiatrail ■. 00 •••••••••■* I " ...• 1 ••••■••••■•'■•■*••• PI Blush B...,; l,^, ........ M'llfrlUchanlB... MoOalebMli Wm.... .Nnlr Ji&B....^ VlDf O^Wty ••••••••• •••MtHa KtUlM JOM ,.^...» ••«••••• •«•••• t****^******* Qtwm tl Mrtli Mill It a Oaatr* il W^.^ M ••••*•• M*Mr It v.. OMtiw'itW...... Omin (t,E II Fm.^ t Mala Its... OprM...,. 4 ••••••*0****Ma< Om B BAwi«lr. .^.a-ftM OtBtr#rt W.. .«••••••>••• .•«••••••••••••• OMtra tt W... OtOtra It W vfaairtaa.Mcaa***' Aaa It v.. SiidDafM •«•••• ••■ia««M OsrM... •aaaMaaaaaaaaai Siadan 3i Saobani Babca Saabani Jodn *.^4!»~ 8«tlk Oaaiva^......UM. . BagaAiimt ... Ilaa4a««aaaaaii»«8a«< 3 ....-, 8 ................ 8Uaaaaa«***tiaa •••••< 9 ...w..; 11 *a»aM«4n**.<... Saadtnonat 3 Ana it 8 Faqnnoait S SaDMiaoB It Nm.< WilUiQaaig* ...m..,,...,.. I. ...»»»«..■». Faitaioa it V MF.. It*.. M F.... MF.... M F.... M F.... M F.... M F... . H F.. ^ *► .-: ■■ TWalB«abarofpwioBaqiuIiaad.loiar*aiikiaionlallieHiiD--'^ jfljfj^^^^'' . "... ' . . - ^ *■ ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ■ ' . *" ■ ':*■ ' .'v.' ^^^^^^^^L '; "■'■. ■ ■ ;. .. ♦■ ^^^^^^^w ■ -^ ■ . " *■' - • ■■ : . ■ ■ .■•';■ :..'..■,■■ W "..."'■ -v: ''^- ' ■ . .-";■,.,.- . .*■ .t'- ^^^W • ^■' ; ■■;;/^'../v;!-;v:.;-^.:...::^^ ..• * . '■ ■■ ' JM ^^^^r ■'.'', '■ "." ■ " ,. . , -i^' ^^^^^^^^^H ^^^^k ■ ■ .. '- '^^^^H ^^^^r ■ r : ■'■■■'.' ' " ^^^^^^^L ^^^^^^r ■■■■'■'■• 1 '■■ - '■■ ■ ■'■ ■ ■•. ■ ■ . ^H ^^^^^^^^ '^'.'-j^^^^H ^^W ^^H ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^k '■^^^^^^^^M ^^w >'^:-" ■■ '■ . ■ _:■ A " ^^^^^^^^^^^ . ' • ' ■' ,^^^^^^^^H ^r ■.■:'%'■ :;■"..-■ .' /■ ■- ■' ■--■ I..' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^F f , % ■ ^^■/M'':,- ■ '■'■ ' . : --'^ ;\ ■ ; T. -^^^^^^^^^^^^^k- ■'/■'■ -.'^^^^^^^r- ' 1 :;\:,;v;;:v;\: '•-■ ■-■.■'■■■* ■■- - ■'•A' -. 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