IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 4tf 1.0 !f:«^ ISi^ I.I 2.2 12.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 -< 6" - ► ^ >^. y perseverance, Iiowever, and at the expense of much personal fatigue, he arrived at the beautiful and interesting island of Boulai do Tree, situated in the Bras d'Or Lake. The south side of this island is almost entirely occupied by Roman Catholics^ but the north side presents one unbroken line of families, earnestly desirous of obtaining a minister from our mother church. They are chiefly from the districts of Gairloch, and the islands of Scotland, and almost all exhibit those features of industry, sobriety, and decoium which peculiarly distinguish emigrants from those districts. To them Mr. Frazer preached repeatedly, and was highly delighted, not only with tiio affectionate warmth which distinguished their recep- tion of himself, but more especially with the zeal they manifested in attending to his public ministry. Tliere are upwards of forty families, extending along a coast somewhat more than thirty miles "in length, and on every occasion on which he preached, he represents them as following him by families in their boats. They are not far from the settlement of Bradock, where he also preached, and where these affec- tionate beings followed him. The population of Bradock is nut exclu- sively Scottish ; but they all seemed willing to unite with the island's population in applying to your Society for a clergyman. " Mr. Frazer remained for ten days in their settlements, and found fre- quent occasion to exercise his ministerial functions. From thence he proceeded to Sydney, the capital of Cape Breton ; there he was also greeted with unequivocal cordiality, and preached twice to a respectable and highly attentive audience. Many persons have been awakened to a sense of a coming judgment in that place. It was here alone that Mr. Frazer encountered any but Roman Catholics or Presbyterians. " The Baptists have gained a few proselytes, and there is a clergyman of the Church of England settled there ; still tlie general feeling seemed leaning towards the simplicity of our forms, and Mr. Frazer himself lias been supplicated to reside amongst them. After a stay which was delightful in every thing but its shortness, Mr. Frazer returned again by the Boulai de Tree island ; and finally bidding adieu to his coun- trymen in this sequestered spot, who followed him with prayers and tears, he proceeded by water to the head of the N. VV. arm of tho Fras d'Or Lake, visiting in his progress the coasts and islands of tiiat •uperb expanse of water. Generally speaking, as far as he could ascer- tain, the inhabitants arc Roman Catholics or Presbyterians; and whilst ho found the former tolerably well supplied with priests of their own communion, the latter ere, alas 1 perishing in ignorance, and with few means of instruction. From the Bras d'Or In; pursued his journey to River Inhabitants, and onwards to the Straits of Causo, where, after many toils and many pleasures, he once more nu!t with his fellow-la- bourer Mr. Maclennan. It were, indeed, desirable that Missionary tours could more frequently be undertaken, not merely for tlu; exclu- sive purpose of preaching the gospel, but also to stir up and guide the. piiopic 10 such measures as would ensure the regular administration of ordinanocti. This, however, is what the brethren in the colonies can- not hope to accomplish to the extent which is indispensably necessary, because their own flocks would sufl'er severely thereby, and because, they themselvt'S receiving no pecuniary remuiu>ration, the expense's of their journey ikil insupportably heavy on tlicir limited means ; and it is hoped that your benevolent Society will consider the propriety of send- ing out Miflstunarics with no particular limits assigned to their labours. ' ..^■«*.«* ^ish 'i 1 1 ^C^ It is howcjvdi' necessary to remember, that a knowledge of the (iaelie Janguage is indi^'pensable in Cape Breton, and the greater part of our adjacencies, Mr. Frazer represents Cape Breton as an object worthy of all Cliristian sympatliy, and of your most serious consideration. The ))resent generation still bear the impn^ssion of men who once heard the joyful sound of the Word of Life. Tiiey are all, perhaps, more or hjss alive to the destitution of their situation, anil many amongst tluMu are nu)urning in sorrow of soul over the rememl)rance of privileges once rujoyed, and the antieijjation of privations yvX to he endured. Hut if this I'eeling be not cherished, if tiiese our kinsmen according to the flesh, and members of our own church, are left to experience that sick- ness of the heart whieh is caused by hope deferred, it is to be feared that another race will spring up who will feel little of this d(!sire, and that a moral darkness will fall upon these poor people, which it will be far easier to prevent than to remove. '1 here is little doubt that if tiie vivid and living reality of Cape Breton were placcul before the eyes of the Seottisli jmblie, it would call forth a burst of benign sympathy which would enable your Society to dispel the gloom wluch "palls the hoj)es of our countrymen in these wilds." That the above atfecting picture was no exaggerated representation oi' the desolation of the portion of Cape Breton visit'al by Mr. Frazer, is I'ully proved by Mr. I*ar(|uharson's more minute i;; estigation ; as well as that the d(>scriptiou iu its utmost force applies to every portion of the island, which lie has now completely explored ; and from his Jour- nal we shall now proceed to give extracts. '• Middle Hirer, 17 (h Fehrmin/, Mm. ** I shall in the form of a journal give you a brief view of my labours here since my return on the litli September, from Newcastle, Mira- michi, where, as related in my last letter to you, 1 was ordaiiuid. On the forenoon of the Kith, I preached a (Jraelic sermon at the (Jut of Cause, and set off for St. George's Channel. Next morning, notice was sent round the end of the channel of my being to preach, and by ten o'clock a houseful of attentive hearers assembled, to whom I preached with pleasure and liberty. In the afternoon, two or three miles farther on, in the house of a respectable tarmer, I again preached to about thirty persons. Mere I gave intimation that I should preach again on Thursday, ten miles distant, in a neat church, built last sunnner, on the south-east end of the bay. On Wednesday, hai)tized some childien, (for the first time,) on iliy way thither. Found a good congregation on Thursday, to whom I preached in (laelic and Fnglish. IViday, a number of people assend)led, some having children to ba])tize, and some to heartht> word, whom I exhorted r«'garding the nature of the ordinance of baptism, the ends for which it was appointed, the responsibility of parents, A-c. Round this chamiel is a large settlement of IVesbyterians, all Highlanders with the exception of a few individuals, all attached to our cluirch, and have btten looking and waiting, and some, I hope, praying for a minister from tin; old country and church. About one hundred and seventy famili«'s, includ- ing (JrantauH's, four or five miles ofi', woidd be able to nuiintain a min- ister ; ami though sonm are poor, being ne>w settlers, I really think if a cl(>rgynuin came who would conduct himself suitably to his profession, and have their best interests at heart, that tlujy wouhl cheerfully and respectably maintain him. Two ehurolies, seven miles distant, would be recjuisite, and at either of these, on a good summer day, eacli of these families might assemble, the distance from either to the most M 1^ ruinoto settler not exceeding t\\(Iv(; milos. Many ■>{' t]io people ex- pressed their anxiety every tinii> 1 visited tliem, that I should settle amongst them. On Saturday, 1 crossed tlie channel northward for Matagawash, having previously sent notice that I shouhl, (iod willing, be there on the Sabbath.. This Settlement, including the basin of lliver Deiniy, contains eighty fanulies who can easily attend the sanir ]ilace of worship. In the middle of the Settlement they have erected a place of worship, now nearly finislied. They are Highlanders, con- nected with our churchy and would very willingly Join aiiothcu' Settle- ment to maintain a clergyman. On Sabbath the 22d, had a pretty lar"e meeting in the church, to whom 1 preached in both languages. Hen- 1 observed several individuals from the end of St. (ieorge's Channel, a distance of fifteen miles. iMonday, crossed the River lienny, a narrow arm of the Bras d'Or Lake, intending to preach to the })eople on tlu; opposite side, on my way to Ilogama. .Most of them being from liomtf, I remained till next day, when, (though very rainy,) a houseful at- tended, who listened with earnestness and attention. ' Next day, accom- panied by about twelve of those who were my hearers the preceding day, we travelled onward to Ilogama, where 1 preached to a small number; amongst whom were four men from Lake Ainslie, who, after sermon, insisted that I should go with them, and give them a sermon on Friday. J had not intended to visit this Settlement on my first course, as they had a minister among them, a young man, Mr. Maclean, from Uist, w ho came out two or three years ago, not sent by the Colonial Society, with whom the settlers on Lake Ainslie and the Aialdle Uiver {jgreed for three years, but who having proved a disgrace to his pro- fession, they dismissed a few months previous to my visit. Ho was ordained by the Presbytery of Pictou connected with'our church, but lias b(>en suspended and disavowed by them. On Thursday, having left notice that I should be at Ilogama on Sabbath, I accompanied the men, a distance of fourteen miles, ]nvached on Friday in Gaelic and luiglisii, and baptized fifteen children. Round this Lake are two Settlements of Presbyterian Highlanders, -with a few exceptions, from the western isles, Isla, Muck, c'v.c. ; in each of these they have a church well advanced. These, and Cape Mabo, a Settlement not far off, con- tain on(! hundred and fifty famili« ordered that the first man who met me was an aged godly man, originally from Lord Keay's country, Ken'ieth Macleod, whose wife RobinaMacdonald, a j)iouH woman, had died some time ago. Tiiey were amongst the first who settled on the river, procured two hundred acres of excellent land for each of a nssjMictablo fam" y, and two hundred as a glebe for a clergyman of our church. This Father in Israel kindly welcomed nie to the settlement, and as kindly con- .4jw# ., mtuh. ^wsuthk ,A .J .vi-UitA.its*. \ Mi & iku-.tcd iiu; to lii>', wlun'c I was iiospitably entertained till I K^t'i tin settlement the i'ollowin^- week. To the house of one of his sons, witliin two iiundred yards of the church, 1 returned on the 10th December, to winter quarters, and from thence now write to yon." Room will not ])er- mit our i'ollow inii' Mr. Farquharson in his daily Joui'nies, now becomin^^ n)ore laborious from the advanced season. He left iMiddle Jliver on tli(! 8th OetoVxjr, visited each settlement on the various arms of the Oi'eat ami Little Bras d'Or Lake. Bonlai do Tree Island, St. Ann's Ilar- Ijour, Sydney Harbour, Marguerite, Miray Bay, (iabaras Bay, Grand River, cK:c. tS;c. ])reaeliing daily, baptizing and visiting, everywhere wel- cometl cordially, repeatedly pressed to settle amongst them, and fol- io wcmI from one ])reaching station to another, ])arents Hocking to have their children ba))tized, " When approaching the ])lace aj)pointed, one might see the mother with the baby on her breast, the father with one on his back, auU one in his arms, and perhaps two more running after, all unbaptized; some having travelled eight miles that morning." 7\fLcr much interesting intbrmation, Mr. Farcjuharson says, " From what I have written, you will learn a little of the desolate condition of many a precious soul here. I really believe, from w hat I have seen and learned, that there is «ot a place in the whole world professing Christianity, w here tliere arc so many families so near to each other, and so utterly des- titute as our poor countrymen iii this island are. Tiiere is labour enough for seven or eight faithful and laborious Ministers of our Church here. I have planned the Settlenienta out into Parishes as follows: — 1st, St. George's Channel, one hundred and seventy families, two churches seven wiles distant ; 2d, Ilogama, one hundred and sixty fanulies, two churclnis seven or eight miles distant; 3d, Lake Ainslie, and Broad Cove, one hundred and fifty familitis, two churches about ten miles distant ; 4th, Middle Hiver, Big Bradock, and Marguerite, about two humJred fami- lies, two churches eleven miles distant, and occasional visits to Mar- guerite ; i5th» Boulai tie Tree, north side of St. Ann's and Little lira- dock, upwartls of two hundred families, ihri.'e ])laees of worship at least? Cth, Myra, Catatone, ami dabaras, one hun twf) hundred acres glebe land, and L.laO as salary, one-half in cash, the other in produce, cattle, shec]), butter, grain, c^c. To this proposal I am a little inclined to agree, but one obstacle is the destitute state of the other Settlements, M-erc I to confine my attention solely to this, unless another Missionary came out to occupy niy place. Another is, thati considered it my duty to ac(piaint you my present supporters with the case, and require your advice concerning it. I have given my assent on the following conditions, retaining the liberty of withdrawing should 1 see occasion, and giving tliem the like power till we hear from you. . 1st, Should you not get another to succeed me at the end of my twelve months' service, I should be allowed to continue itinerating till Mar- tinmas, and could you get none next year, I should itinerate throuave this river, and attemnt a tour round the Bras d'Or Lake. The winter has been favourable, but son\e days exceedingly cold, snow two or three feet deep • an earlv spring IS expected. Cape Breton is not so cold as 1 anticipate J.—I have heard of little sickness. * " With regard to the want of Scriptures here, I have scarcely en- tcred a house in which I have not seen one or two co])ies, if any of the mmates could read. These have been supplied by gentlemen in Syd- ney ; many hundred copies of the sacred book have been given '^ratis or at small prices. The chief demand here at jiresent, is for (?aelic Isaliu Hooks, the people having had no supply since they came here. If two hundred or two hundred and fifty copies could he sent out next summer, it would be very d(>sirable ; also twenty dozen Shorter Cate- chisms, English, -uul twenty dozen (Jaelic, and the same of the Mother's Catechism for schools; likewise fifty small (Jaelic Testaments with 1 salms and l>araphras(>s, and the same in English. In the autumn I shall make a return of what I liav<> sold, to the 15ibh< Society." I\rr. l''arquharsoii mentions Harris, Lewis, Uist, Lochalsh, Islay, Muck, . &c. as the mother country of the S(!ttlers in Cai)e Breton generally, and describes them to be sober, industrious, kindly neighbours, and some pious persons who keep up the knowledge of the Scriptures and some measure of reverence for {\w. Sabbath, by readinsj and <>xpounding the Scriptures, eatechuiing. ."vc. a small library till kiiul Providence provides further for then.." In consequence of mot receiving the letters written to him l)y his con- stituents, Mr, Tarquharson was uninlbrnu'd of his siiggesti(")ii haviie- been adopted and acted on, till a " report reached me in September, tluat a missionary from the old country had arrived at the Gut of Cause. I proceeded thitherward, anxious to know wdio and w hence lu! was, and on my way through Hoganui met :\[r. Stewart, who informed me that he was appointed my successor, and that I was now at liberty to accept of a settled charge. Dear IMadam, I eamiot express in words the gra- titude and joy I experienced in meeting Mr. Stewart; not that I was anxious to be delivered from my itinerating labours : — no ; for 1 was 801'ry, after writing to you, that l did not state my willingness to con- tinue» shouhi my health permit, not only this year to itinerate, but till you could find another to succeed inc. iMy gratitude arose from seeing so able a man as Mr. Stewart come across the Atlantic to assist us. ] mentioned in my last, that real piety i;; the oiili/ qualification recpiisite in a minister intended for this island, the people being illiterate. [ liav(i since been led t> think, that piety and abilities are needful • to walk about the walls of our Zion* iu this place, as worthy Dr. Chalmers used beautifully to express it. I was therefore led to pray, that (Jod in his own time would s(.'ik1 such, and I hope my prayers have in this re- spect been answered in .Mr. Stewart's coming. I trust that he will l)e most useful, not only in the situation in which the Lord of the vineyard may be pleased to place him, but in the island in general, and particu- larly when a presbytery is formed. Continue and persevere in your resolutions respecting this islaiul, dear niadaiM, and mav the Lord (irown your endeavours with success. Look >ut for anotiier faithful minister, whom you will send out as .soon as possible ; for believe it, a .si)irit of emulation and thirst has been ex(!ited amongst the presbyterians, partly by my coming last year, and more than doubly excited by Mr. Sttswart's arrival, — the people of each settlement reasotiing, some because they ere the oldest settlers, some because they are the most po])ulous and Others because they petitioned long ago for a clergyman and have got none yet, that their eliiini is the strongest to be now provided. As no bond had he«>n drawn up relative to the agreement between the peo})lo of Middle Uiver and myself, each party wishing to delay till we should hear from you, not knowing but you might recpiire my continuing to itinerate, Mr. Stewait and myseii considered it best that he should go on to Middle Uiver next day, call a meeting of the people, pnjach to them, intimate the case, and present a bond for signature." (Mr. »Stewart relates in a letter the acconqilishment of this plan ) They parted, and met again at Uiver inhubilanis, when Mr. Stewart was sunmioned to l^ictou to underg(» tiials for ortlination. " I i-ctnrncd by St. George's Channel, where I pnached four times, taking my leave; with a sorrowful heart of a kind and alleetionate people, whom I always found very attentive, and to whom 1 preached with great i)Ieasure up- ^' '•^ I k' 8 '.'• ,.{' thirty fimes since niv uirival in tlir iJw,,l vj- ., ;--- Ht Mi.i.ii,, liivn,.. About tiu. : , ;,,i; ":" " ' "'"; ^epto.nbcr, hav.n^ pr.acJuHi tuonty times during a short to v > nd tIa^dIu.^■ on u.... between IGtii March an.l IGcirApril.) - T e i / m.,ts he,., nu.nt.uned, visited for the first tnne. are liHdgenon Mi ' H^ ' ''^/-T ''' ^ ••--"•-->'ts n..u-Cape North a.uit u.^ "S iiar^o^,l. Bridgeport ,AI,nes is ten miles from Sychu v wlier< J. ,^ aj^ upwards of twenty families of Scotch Preshvti:ia.;; 'n m in ^ good character amongst Irish and Scotch Roman Catholics So e "n H ghlauders from Tyrco, Mull, S:c., othc-s, miners from near Gl tm IJ ere :s amongst them a respectable schoolmaster. lii er A abo^nl* bet een Lake Anshe and the Gut of Causo. A good many o the settle , on this river are Jioman Catholics, others Protestants from e St and in easy circumstances, l^rom twenty to tld^ f JXs of H d" 1 nde,s].ave lately settled on two branches at the hea f t Is riw ' A pious man reads to them on the Sabbath. The En-di h ,eo I hVv * r^^ Hoo". TT^r'^" r^^"^' '-''' ^^'^^^'^^ alternSlelyC n hi' usefulne^ ' 'H ''""'.''^ ^^"pported ; he has no Ciaelie. which lini ills usctulne.... Ihe people say they would most uillinoly join .not] /,- itn;;ri.:r";;:-/'--;;-'-"-;; -,'f£ S^ i-owed me a distance of nine nuhv. to their fVth ' "m, I^ , ^ i'l -^tler fhnn Skye, at Cape J^ay, within nine ni o 'th ol i;:'' Z T la gest settlement in this northernmost point of the ishn ( 8 ii I preached in English and (laelie, baptizing tL^chhvn of f H.g.Iande.. ()n Sabbath, the lOth, preached agai n Fn I s ■ :, Oaelic, an( baj.t./ed the children of the EnHisirpeor le 'n ,' ' »i_t't;;,rrs;:;tj,^ as 1 Ma. leaving the settlement. They were never before vd ft. cd by any clergyman. The Komisl, p.'iest visits White 'intn ua y to hear confession, and receive fi«h fVom tin 1- I '"[ hov child ' s'nmlJV '^'''~"- ''^ '"^^^'"'^''-^ the mother and a in le;rnt t nt H ^r^^'r^'.^^ "'-^^I't be expected, ignorant; but a mg l.aii led tlia they had nuiintain.d a respectable character and o^c"L.u;;^.n f " '":V'"'^^"' ^'^ solicitations if their pa'^^"^ ccnc, LaptiMu from the p-.ests, never expecting to sec a Protestant .iF>^.. .^.,V ^-Jiu^ 9 n,m..>ur I rnn.i,l..,v,l i, ,^^ ,lnty t. iMpM/c thorn, woll :..rare thlt ,l„f applv to th. pn..r tl,. li,.t .pportunltv. I an [u t , ,, T " ''''T of Highlanders, .unth-u'elt thirty^oi.h, n ^;i 1 ; j ^/^ ' f ^ '? v,s,r ,h,:nK 1 proco.,lv alisenee. k' ,' t ''''\''7'"^ «onie h,r Cape North. On the Ji)th left Grandta ne. / • ^'" '''I "^' of those lannlies, who, with tears, earnest^: 2". u^M ;^^o^ "^ f"^ Dext season. Two of tlnm. conducted ine bv hon f iv "m ^'""' Chetican, a large F.ench settlen.ent. Spe t Z P ^ 1 !^T" ""'"^' ^/^ I.ouse. a respectable n.erehant, who cou^l taH." it I ^'V^:;-!;];'^' 'T I morning- proceeded on foot, fifteen miles, toMar-nerite Roh "" .> ?^' following day preached in English and (^cU^C'Z^ rT' /''•,•''" ^■Inelly Highlanders, from tlli Island of J un 'xh e F ";'''m' iug a small church, and express their wilP„. n L i ' , '"'''• HKuntenanee of a minister Iho would vis! 1^^ ^ e^s" l" il v''tI '" '" surrounded on all sides by Homan Catholic^ D '• ^ ''7' T coast from IJig Uradockto Marguerite llarl n' one " ■"""."' *'"^ ty-two miles." Mr. Farquha^son -.ft '^^^'"' ^>"<:' J'undred and twen- ]Lbs,occasi.>nedbyweU^tmd on:;tdZr"f T''^'^ ^'' '- Hays-^' There are nmny ineoru'enien^c" at ^^ 'f ' f'';^''''^,!:' ^''^'^^^^ Ml.ieh peoi^e in «coth„Jl have no idea i; • ^^ Z^H ''"T^ and uncomfortable lodgings, though the ,eo . /7i , ''"' '"'^''' (•"■'imodate me. It is hn.rossible to t L^ n ' ^'""" "^"^°^^ t" '^^- jnen^s here, they are so i;!;:::'^^!:;: w.^e "^'I^cfln t,T^^^^ T"'^' last spring and snnuner, 1 could not ha e ken I i , .P \ ' " -''^^ «carce and no grass till the n.onth of Jnne T e n nl " "^' '^"'.'1- a moral, ten.perate, and industrious race A f w' v^ "''' -^^"-'''^^"y iUiiyc>rsally u.sed in th,^ island; when aT-m, w.s u' '^" 'T ''''' to fell and burn, the neighboul.s colleci^Ho a^. t ^nT ™M t-/"^^ trolic be ore parting-dancing and drhd^in- rum be ''. '' ^"^■"♦; 1 J'- practice is, 1 an^ happy ,o say ' ,. , .^ ^""t''''^'^^'"- l-)ple; and, wPh the exception of one or n^. "£.'"{ ^""'I^^ T <|Uors are little used. The poor Ronnn V '^.^^'^ '"f'"t;S spn-.tuou.. li- '<• it and consequently th^aree^^^^^^^^ f^'^-" l^av.^ to sell their little propeities ^ ^ '" '""'• '•"^' '"'-^''-V "''tl'on, shi; i 'iorit;;:^ j:;?.^^^^^^^^^ ^.1.. wor. not n.ore than one-fifth of the lu>ads of f ;:;i; "' ^ f''"''' '^^'"'"' those who were advanced in I e U^n^ U '" 7\ 'T^' ^^"^^ "^' tuted cannot read ; but tlu. -n vatcu^ t ,?^^^^ ^^'"''""'^^ "'"''^^ '"^^i- years of aoe r.,M r--i ' .,-7 ',f J"/' * '^ ' " fo"'^ out now under thirty «ol.l but resv oftho Kdinbur . 'socX'^H . ?" ''""?" ''"* ^^"^""' ^ ^'^^^i tl.o people enoug to lo" to ;. , d : 1 "'' ;'^"' "'""^' •'^<>ttlenu>nts Ifsjlared, Imwever, I Icl to nr J ' ^ ''"^ necessar-'es oflile. I l.ayo spoken to the peJjile^r^ ' ^^'^ ^^'^^l^;^^;' ^" ^'- f-i-y- 10 cordially agreed, by the funds of which, in the course of time, along M'ith the prices of Bibles sold, we may be enabled to pay our debt, and then give our mite to the Society. 1 received the box from the Lou- don Society, in April, with a parcel of excellent Tracts, a good number of which I have since disseminated. I disposed of several Bibles at Bridge Port Mines, and brought a number to Myra, to be disposed of by Captain Maeniul as he sees necessary; the renuiinder Mill be re- quired in the neighbourhood of Sydney. Your box of medicines I have found very useful, and return my sincere thanks for them. One may travel one hundred miles here, and not be able to find a medicine. I intend to carry some of your books, tracts, c^-c. with mo for the people of Boulai de Tree, IMyra, &c. Mhen J go to meet Mr. Stewart, particularly tlic Tracts on the Roman Catholic errors, as our people are more connected with Romanists there than hereabout." We have here a concise account of the moral, spiritual, and temporal condition of these poor islanders; and assuredly the picture powerfully enforces Mr. Fanjuharson's earnest recommendation that we should persevere strenuously in an effort which a gracious Providence has pros- pered so far. In pursuance of Mr. Farquharson's suggestion, as to the desirable- ness and practicability of establishing the parochial system in Cape Breton, anxious inquiry was made after a suitable missionary, and, with the Marm approval of many of the clergymen of Edinburgh, tho Rev. John Stewart, of St. George's Sessional School, was nominated by the (Glasgow Colonial Society. Mr. Stewart sailed in July, carryiu"- with him, at his own expensi i well-educated and pious young maii^ from whose services as schoolmaster and catechist, he anticipated much aid, — while this demonstration of his missionary spirit, his having maintained the worship of God daily on l)oard ship, attended by Roman Catholic passengers as well as by the crew, the energy with Mhich he entered on the labours of his mission instantly on his arrival, to'-'other with Mr. Farquharson's cordial approval of the assistant sent to him, give to his constituents sanguine hopes that their choice was guided by that Wisdom which cannot err. Mr. Stewart's })eculiar fitness ibr training schoolmasters, and or- ganizing schools on the best system, is, in a new country, a happy coincidence, ami should stimulate the friends of the mission to extend their bounty in supplying school books. Mr. Stewart had been but three Meeks in Cape r)reton before going to Pictou for ordination. All he saw confirmed entirely the faithful- ness of Mr. Fanjuharson's report, as to the eagerness of the people to hear the word ])reache(l, their deep attention, and fervent desire to secure to their settlements the regular ministration of the gospel ordi- nances. Mr. St. wart had already been invited to accept the pastoral charge of some of the settlements, but wished to sec more of the Island before, fixing'?, and was very doubtful of the ability of those he visited to maintain a clergyman, i'rom their poverty. Mr. Stewart wrote; from Pictou, on the (Jlh October, when about to sail on his return to (,'ape Breton an ordained minister, the Moderator having i)rescribed to him the duty of inductiiig Mr. Funudiarson into his })astoral churfc-. Edlnbur^Jt, Jan, 22, 1835. tjm .