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Iles diagrammes suivsnts Illustrent la méthode. %l 1 6 32 \ H^TÏ^-iV! ■t  6 . tjT-, ./ ""-./• ï OLI AN . . y ■■ B .H ■ i SlN( Teai .\#i^^ M,^ :#%j<-i MANUAL or " 7 PAROCHJAL PSALMODY; CÔMPRISIXO ■\" , 8ELECV PORT ION 8 >. FRitHvi THE OLD AND NEW VERSIONS PF THE PSALMîV ^^ TOÛÉTHËB WITU siTSEsrs» FOR THE PRIÏ7CIPAL FESTIVALS, CHURCH OF ENGl&ND BEYIâEH), AND ADAPTEC TO THE SERVICE OF EVSRT SVNDAT, ETC. THROVGHOU' BTTHE REVEREND HARTWËLL OF SAINT JOHN'S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. SiNG yé praises wiUi understandin^. Psal. x^ii. 7. Teaching and admQnidiing one andlher in Psalhs and Htmns, find spiritual Songi» Col» iii. 16. / ' '• Reprinieà from the eighteenth London Edition^ ^ BY THOMAS CART & Co. QVBBBO. a\ 1844. /. ./ / . ■V "li ./ *'. , ■ • * ■V . *r ' > ' ■ t « ■ • ' •- »* • ' .* i' Mê:,iu^ iB^SSKt ji î ^ i * 4' ARRANQEMENT ÔF PSALMS ANiET HYMJVS FOR EVERY SUNDaY, FF.STIVAL, ETC. OF THE CHURCM OF * ENGLAND THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. ;^ -. . Y- ADVENT. --^__ First Sunday. Mornino, Psalm 51. Part 1. (Tta. i. 16— 18.) Introït, P«. 1. tkfore Sermop, Hymn 1. or 99 EvBNiNC, PsHlm Itô. Part Si, (Matt. «i. 9) Bcforc Ser- . mon, Hyvan 1. Seœnd Sun. Morn. ps. 19, Part 1. (Collfct for tjie Dày). Introit, P«. 121. Before Serm. Hy. S.r-Ev. Hv. 2, (Çol- lect for tlie Day). Before Serm. Hy. 3. BS. or lOS. Third Sun. Morn. Ps. 96, or Hy. 115. (Collect for the Day). Introit, Ps. 4. Before Serm. Hy. 4,— Et. Pi. 63. (ha. xiv'u 8, 9.) Before Serm. Hy. 5. Fourih Sun.' Morn. Ps. 62. (Isa. m. 16.) Introft, P». 5. "Before Serm. Hy. 6 — E». Ps. 33. Part I. (Phil. i?, 5.) Before Serm. H y. 7. ( Chrislmas Day. Morn. Pi. 85. (one of tlie proper Psalms Introit, P«.' 98. Before Serm. Hy. 8. 81, or 91 Et. Ps. 89. Part t|:? (one of the proper l'salms). Before Serm. or Homily, H)mo 9. 10, or 103. First Sun. nfter Çhristmas. Morn. Ps. 43. (Isa. «xTii. 33 — 36, Introit, Ps. 121. Belore Serm. Pi. 130. Part 2. (Matt. i. 21-23, 2S.)-Et. Ps. 8. Before Serm, Pi. 36. Part 2 • Second Sun. afler Çhristmas Morn. Ps. 103 Pari 1. (Praiie for merci es receÏTed). Introit, Ps. 27. Part 1. Before Serm. Ps. 32. (Rom. iT. 8), or Hy 18. 101, 102. or 108 -^Et. Ps. 90 Part 2. Before Serm. Hy. 14.» . K «'i**y'J'*' *!î". '"*' Sunday in the vear, Hy. II. or verses 1,2. 5.b,7ofHy. 12.may be substituted for the Psalrai or Ilymos before Sermon. '- .*\ IV ARRANGEMENT OF EPIPRANY. Mmh. p.. 67. Introir. P.. 96 B.f«re S.rm. Hy. 16. (on tbe Cllect for the D«))_E». P«. 105. lie- fore Serm. Hy. 15. oiv 113. ^ ^ "* Fii^t Sun. afîer Epift^any, Morn. P». 103. P-rf 2 Introir ^conrfju». MoRM. p.. ll)4 Part I.<^,li. 15-17 In.roir, . ff" ?:.(''•;'"•• 10, 11.) Btfore Serm. P,. 1X9. P«.t 19. (im, lui. 6;) ^MràSun. Mo" m. P.. 1 03 Part 8. (Là. k. 7-9.) Introït. P*. 15. Bffore St-rni. Ps. ^7. Part 1, (Rom. xii. 19 )J Fotir/AiSun. Morh. P«. 149. Inlroît. Pi. 2 «erw« 1—4 R* Vu!*fTi?M*7- ('•/• '•"• ^^')-^^' P-. 119. l'-'rt H. î •■', S X *• '^-^ ««fofeSeiin. p*. mtii.ptt.ta Clw Wii. 1, 2.) V""' Fifth Sun. mUn. p.. 80. (Isa. li,.) IntrcMt, P., 20. Refore Serm. P.. 10S^(Col. ,ii. 16 >-Ef. Ps. Iixiii. (|«. i^jv. sj Before Serra. Pi. xixt. Part I. ^ Sixjh Sun. MoRK. P.. 103* Paît 2. iiitrolf. Ps. 20 Before Ser«i. P.. 105. (1.a h,..24)-£.. P.. 134. or 25. Zi\, Before eerm. Pk. 65. (l«a. l»»i. 24.) •»«'•. Septuagesima. Mork. P*. 8. (Geo. i. 26. 27.) Intr. P». 23. Pt. 1. Before^erm P,. 33 Part 1. (Gen. i.)or Hv 17 — 7r^nK'' ^^^^'"'^'^ ^^^'* ^"'»- *••• 66. PHft 1. (uen. VI. 17. lo.) »** « yuinçiiaârMiwMi. MoRM. Pt. 104. P4rt I. fGen. ir 9—11 'i Inirct P. 26. Before SWm. P.. 145.^ Pa . 2 (lVÙc Serm.Pt. 144. (Gen. xii. l-_3) «"oie LENT. '^ ^'LZ't"^,^' **^"*'r P»- ''*• P"t 1 Introït, P« 6 Before Serra. Hy. 18— Et. pg. 51. p.rt 2.* Fir«« Sun. in Lent. Mor». Ps. U. (Geii. xix. 12, ig 24 29 "i ruri 1. .Before Serin, Hy. 20. ^ k , . .!y ■ ^Rfe- ;■' ,. - ■-, - ■ •' . . ' ' ■■■' ■' • ■■■ - ■>■ ' ' ■ #■" Li ^ H i ^sjk' ^ M L.,"'.. - m g»ai? HÉi PSALM8 AND HYMNS ' y LENT— coB/inued. SecondSun. in Lrnt.MoRH. Ps. 80. Infrole. Pi. 180. P.rl 2. Before Serm. P.. 86 -Ef. Ps 91. |J,f„re Sera,. P^ Hs! Hium Sua. iit l.ml., Mo»». P,. 130 Piirl I CGni Tliii ^ 'Fl/làSan. InUal. Mo«h, P.. 22. (Elod. iii. 7, 8. l7 ) In. Sun. nfxt f^/ore^Easter Morm. P<. 29 f El 6d. «. 20-23 î srr:AT^^.^('i^fH.rrv^^'^^^^^ '"'■• '^^ ^^-'•^ iroit lî*. J2. Before Serm Hy. 92 «r 120- Et. Ps. 40. Ea"tkh;^^ ^ BefceSeim. lly.24.or25. ^ EatUr.Day. Mor«. P,. H8 Pt. 1. (propf r P,^).. loi 'p, !« Sf |«^" Hy- 26.-E.. p; 107. Pllît 1 rE,od. „•/; nt / ^-'"L "'• 27-0' 93. or P. lU. Pt. 2. (proper R) A/onrfaj,.» ^a,^er FF«*. Mohw. Introït. P.. 1 17. Part. 2 "^ 2«"rf«J/m£«/erFre^*. MoRw.lntroiNP,;113. " ^^rstSunday aftir EasUr. Mob v. P.. 89. Part 2. Ql Jo|,„ » -fiv. P.. 1 18. Purt 2 (Nun,b. i.ii.) Before Serm. P.* i^, 4»V'^î.%:r/„'?.-ï.'-7f.%jiîf;i A 3 ■; , M Vl ARI^NGEMENT OF Fm Sun. MoRK. Pf. 91 (Dfut. >iii. 2. S.) Introif P» fil ASCENSION.DA.Y. Mokm. P.. 24. P«ri. 2 (proper P.aîm) «, Inuoif P.. 47. Hf fore Srrm. Hy. 28 -eÎ. P?. C8 " ^' &ttM/j/ aflerJ4cen»itnDay. Morn. P». 84. ^i.r2." rOrut •n. 6-7. Injr. P.. 93. ,B.r. Serm. Hy. 28 _ p .f- p^ 84 Parts. Bel. Serm. Ph. 24. Part 2 or II» lio «îioî* WHHSUNDAY. MoRK. P,. ^^}^^,\'\,]\''^\^i' O^'^Tïînry. 32. 94. or W B.forc. Sern.. H>. 31. It ^mdayin Wlàtun. Weeky Morn. Introït, Ps. 100 Part 1 IIUMTÏSUNDAY. WoRN. Pg. 24. Paît I r^n î> ^v^r^y^'Z^^T^^slrf''"'' ^'"'- "'' '^*' '^' ^ ^^• f'rstSufi, MoRN. P*. 73. (Jcb. X ) Introït, p,. 119 p^^ 1 Before Serm P.. .35. P«r, 2. (Jo».,. «iii. 3.) Je,.* P. 28 Second Sun, Morn. P«. 27. J4S p«r» o t% \ ( — oj. % 10». (JUJ'g. ▼. 3.) Befnre Serm. P«.£7, PaltY' B^fcr?/" ^^i* ÎIJ''»- ^- 70 In'roît, Ps. 119. * 1^121 nï T' "^2: '?• ^1 S""» ••• 1-100-E^.. fi. 121. Before Serm. P», 89 Part 2 V *- '^ ''ft'îirp.îî 4 " ,1^/ ^^^- (* ^"'"- '"• 20-25 ) lotroit. i^! 21^ î- i ?S'^°«^"'"- ï*"-^!®- P"'t2. a Sam. icvî»l\' •^^'- ^••„^^; ^"^ '• K'''"'^» J*"™ P«.78. lâw/ P Âo ^/r»^'""- ^ • ^*- »*"» ^' (8 Sam. «ii KV«.V86f '""••"^•^ Before SerL P.. 39. Stoenth Sm, MoRK. Pi. 103. Part 2. Introït. Ps. Il9. Part7 ^forc^Serm P.. 118. Part 2.-E», Ps. 46. (2 S.m. « 7 J4) Before Serm. P.. 26, Part 2. (2 Sam. «ii. 10.^ \ y ■V / „ rSALMS AND HTMN8. vH SuvDAYii APTIR Trinity— conr/nucrf. Eiihth Sun, Morn. Pi, 37. Part 2. Introit, Pi. 119. P«r( ÔL Before Serm. Pi. 24. Part 1. (\latt. tm. 21.(— E». P». 119 Pan 4, (The Collect f.,r the D*y). Before Serin. P.. 87. (P«it2. 1 KinKiifii 9— 16) Kinth Sun. Monv. P*. 100. P«rt 1. (1 King» t^>ll 89 ) In- Iroil. Pi. 119. Pari 9. Brfore Serm. P*. 66, Part l.— E». Ps.28. Part 1. (» King«iix 1—8. Pialni 18. (l Kiogi XII I..T?8. ) Tenth Sun. Mon». P». 133. (Luke xif..46.) Introif, Pi. 119 Part 10. Befoie Serm. Pt. 99. (1 Kingi ixi.)-^E». Pi. 146." B.-fore Srrm. Ps. 103. l'art 4. (I KiiiKi xiii. 19.) Eleventh sun. Mo*m. Pi. 97. Introit. Pi. 119. Part 11. Bf- fore Seim. «t. 18. (L.ike xviii. 14.)— E». Pi. «1. Part 1. ^(Lukexviii. 14) BefrreSerm. Pi.86 Paii 1. C2KiiiMf.l5 ) Tuef/t/t Sun. Moni». Pu. 43 Introit. P». 119. Part 12 Be- f»'« Serm. P«. 127. (2 Cor. iii. 4. 6.)-.Ev. Pi. 27. Part 1. (2 Kniis iTiii ) Belore Serm. Pi. 8. (2 King* x»iii.) Thirteenth Sun, Morw. P«. 2..vrriea 1-4 Introit, Pi 119 P.II t 13 Before S.rm Pi. 48. (2 Kin^i xix. 82-34.)-! Et. P«. 143. (G«l. iii. 22.) Before Serm. Pi. 1 19 Part 8. Fourleenlh Sun. Mûri*. p«. 147 Iniroii. P». 119. Part 14 Befaie Serm. P«. 119. Part 1 — E». Pi. 25. Part 1. Bel fore Se^m. Ps. 97. . Fift^nth Sun. Morm. Pi. 142. Introit. Pi. 119. Part 15 Be- fore Serm. Pi. 121. (Jer. xxxf.)-Ef. Pi. 106. Part 1. Berore Serm. Ps. QS. Sixteenth Sun. Mo«n. Pi. 122. Introit, P«. 119. Part 16. Before Serm. Pt. ISO.-E». Pi. 132. (Collect, ûetterally). Before Serra. Pi. 188. J^^^ SevMteenlh Sm. Morm. Pi. 29. Jntr.it, Mfl9. Part 17. Before Serm. Pi. 34. Part 2 (Ezek. iSt. 6-8.)-Ei. Pi. 92. Before Serm. Ps. 106. Part l. (E«ek. xfiil. 5. 9.) Eighteenth Sun. Morn. Pi. 19. Part. 1. (Eiek. xx. IJ î lo. iroit Pi. 119. Part 18. Before Serm. V*. 102. Part 1 — E». Pi. 71. Part 1 Before Serm. Pi. 19. Part 2. ISineteenth Sun. .Morh. Pi.4S. Introit, Pi. 119. Part 19 JBeioreSerm. Pi. 34' Part 1. (Dan iii.) -E». P, 87! 20-Î.22 ^ ^"'^'^ '*•''** ^*"" ^•- 2*- P*f' 2. (Dan; tl. TwtnUethSun.Uo^H. P,. 81. pt. 2. (Joël ii.) Introit. Hf. 71. ^ T.^*\}^V ^•^'«••« Serm. P». 57. Part 2 (Épi,:;. 18 -20)-Et Pi.26. (Mic.fi. 6.) Bef. Serra. Pi:27.Pt.8. OV.PSAtJSlB AND HyMNS. Viii AURANGOfENT /lioiii I'.. iio\'ii. o r-H't 7. Iniroif, II», 73 (""«M j f. llO) «More Sirm. II*. S7 /j.'.,,, ,j m loC --K». IV2S. l'M.tS. Urfôre Senii. lly:S7. (Kph. vi. ''""''' '''"t^Z:^^-^- 1.!" ."•; .1 '■'*'.• H»,73,(r-.». J '«. ."/■);>'r. >* ■'.. 87 1.;: Ta-, :'"■(■ Zv^iisT S-rm. |\. 1 _:f- p, j, ,, , """•", 4». I-:*. Décore xii.28) *-"• P» 4. "*^ore Sert», p». 16. (p,„,, f^enty:fovrlh Sun. MohM? p.. 24, P^ 2 /-P.»,' .:- L x x'iiii. 5 ) • ''^*'' *• '^r'»'* ««^rni. P, 72 (J.r. ■ . . * ■ '■ ■ . -^ ' ^^f^^ZtZj^f,;""^^^^ ^'^^ent.the portions' . 1 *p ■ ix ARRANGEMENT OF j^ ■* PSALMS AND HYMNS ^ FOR ' , SPECIAL OCCASIONS. II. SACRA MENTAL. 1. /'or^eflrtp«jm o/iNFAWts, Hy. 35 . 2 For /A« Bop//*»« o/ Adults" Hy. 56. or 37, or 92. 3. ForaÇONKiiiMATiov. P*. II9;parl2. Hy 13 pr 38. Ill 11 ;0>>«NWTh4TIOM OF THlï LoRD»« SOPP.R. ont OT MoKM .f.er thc Third CoIIect. H. isT For the Introït, H . 4 . B.foTe Serra. Hy. 39or 40.-Ew after the Third }'• J"ANXsGlVlNGand FASTDAYS. ^. .h^/^ n""f'°^'* -<<^«""«'»- *I»RM. P«.20. (oneof Hy.ïS!^ '^•<'°"°''* P«. 108. Before Serin. 1^' M6L^^^ tr'T*""^/-^ ^ï^*^ l '-^ Martyrdom. HMS. "* """^ • ^' ^"'^ ^' ^'^•''' '^"•"• 3 Ma Y 29tb^iî«<<,,;^ôn o/^fn^ Charles H. \foRM. Ps! 124. & 1*1 *^7^'"'5' F«,l„.s): lairoit. P«. 118. Pari 2. Beforç I ^fl'h. Pi 37. Part t. or Hy. 48. 4. No». 5th, Anniversary oftlU Discovery of the GonfoWbr I ^eason. Mork. P.. 44. iiftroi,. pA25. .B^forr^^ I ^' alr.^*'' ° o ''";I''^ ^'"' *'»"»• P'- 20. lfltroit.P«. 10. 6 Ar« tI""™- "- • ^^'T^^'- ^' ^' BeTore Serm. Hy 47 114 or Î2i 18- '«iroH. p,. 97. >e.ore Serm. P^; I ^ if *"* ." TnANKSGiviKo /or Harvbbt. Hy. 14 or 49 ma« I /be«ub.,itui«d for the ftalo. before S^rmol,: ^ '' • >' psalMs and "hymns*. 1: ;> m. For Spécial Fsa.^ïk'irfeAL Oicasions, ' 'k 1. Tor theliuivcTios o/a CUrgyman to a Livingi or other Prtftfment. MùHH. Introiluclorv. IM-Tore the Comnirncrment of Divine Ser- »we, P«. lia Parts. Afl»T the Tliird Collect (if ih*re !»•• Hnv P*^lm) Ps 122 or 132. After ihe rf»dinK of the S9 Arlieirs, at tlie Coîiclusion of Murning Prayrr. aixl berore ; tli« Communion Servira, Hy' 15. Ètfoxa Si-rro. Hy 60. ► 2. Fora Visitation. Mokm. Afirr ibe Third Colltct, P« 132. Before Seim. Pt. 122. or Hy. 59. 3. For the £mbvr ^Vbbks.» Mokn. and E»bn. Before Serm. Hy. 59. 4. For Layino tiib Fodndation-Stonb o//i Church or Chapel. "y* 57. 5. For the Consécration of a Church or Chapel Mon y. After the IÇhtrd Collrct, Ps. 132. Introii, Ps 84. Part 1. Before Serm. H y. 58. ». 6. For the Ofbning of an Organ. Morn. Before Serm. Ps.150. 7. Before- Sermons in Aid of the Society For Propagating TH^ Gospel, or for ProMûting Christian Kvowlbdgb, or for the Charch-Missionary Society. Hy. 53. or 54. ; 4. 15. _ or 106. Forthe Ut^ioration ofthe Jrivs, Hy. 84 8. Before Sermons in Jidofthe Societif for Phomotino ihb' Emlargbmbn^ or Bdiluino of Chukchks and CHAPSts. Pi.^84 Pan 1. dT 2. or Hy. 58. IV. For Charity SBnMONS, or other spécial Benevolént Jn- niversaries. 1. jlrnioersary Sermons for CHArity, National or Sonda y ScHooLs. Morn. In lieu of the întroit, P*. 119. Part 2. Before Serm. Hy; 50. oir 51. ;— Ef. Before Serm. Hy. 52. or 121i *♦• Wherethere ii aiiannual sermon, addressed to the Cbil- dieno/ (;barily Schools, &c. eiiber of ihe ffllowing P».alm» or Hvmns mav be sung, tii. Ps. 19. Paît 2. P«. 119. • Part2. orHy. 13, 37.38 or52. 2. B'fore Sermons in Aid of HosviTAta, Infirmaribs, or Dik- PENSARiKs, otforSocietiesfor Rblibvxng thb Sick. P«. 41, or Hy. 55 or 5« 3. Before a Sermon for the Royal Humane Society, for the Recovjtr» of Persans apparenlly drovoned. H y 82. 4. M the Jnniversary Meeting of a Bbnbfit or Pbovidbnt So. ct«l^. Before Serm. H j. 56. Ni M; .. nM Before Serm. Before Serm. FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS. jji %^! .hT""'-. "J'- ^'* "^ 63 64. or 65 76 or79- For ihe Funeral of a Young Per.o.., Jj,. 82. ^ yi. MmcELLANEoOS PsiLMI Allrf flywNS ^ • /»» »io«j^ CAurcAM and Chapeh. a Psalm or rr«n,« t. 4L TlALMS.— 9. 15, 16. 22 24 Par» I 97 -D . A «« 43. 48. 67 84. ^..t 1 2. a„d 3 ^55 86 P ^.^^ ÏS'* ^ 97, Paru I avd 2 lOÔ loè. Pam lafi 2 ,n P^?? ^^• ?i^^^Î5^^'^^^'^^^''^--4-ï'^/i^^ Hyxn» — Morning Hymns 66. or 67. ■' ^ • E«eninir I h III ns, 68. 69. <\" / Praiie (o our Creator, 70. / On the Sunday. or Lord'R D«*, 75 7ç Rs Chrm worihy «I «Il Praîge. iso For ilie aid of tlie HoU SpMit.94 Intnation lo Oi»ii,e WorUiip, 96 Heavi-nlj J,n on Earlh. 97. Dtlighi in PuMic Worship. 93 Wonderi. of God in ProTidéoce tion, 99. Srtlvaiion Uy Cî+ace, 100, Supplifating lor a BI<'«Hi>ig^ 107 . DOXOLOGIES. |,.y» lés. 166 *• •od Redenp. ^i^kMMi^iat^- ,. A I ' -:.. ^«•+Ç1'" V . COPY ■^ or ADMONITION, Printéd by order of the Scciely for Promoting Christian Knowledge, jon the référence required in singing Psàlms. _■ ■ u. ■ .' I ■■,'■■■ ■ ■'_ ' ■-' '-■.,.;■/•-; In order to reform the custom, which bas pretailed, of sîltt^^ while p«alro« are sung in /the Public Service of God, it is neceuary to obaerre, that the Ghurch ha», in ail âges, appointed the rever«nt practice of standing, in singing praises to God.— | It Dlainlf appears from several passages of Scripture, that this J waï the practice of the Jewish Chiùfch* ; and, whene? er the \ngel8are said to sing praisea to God (as in the visions of Isaïah and St. John, f) they are represented as standing. _ One of the Fathers (St. Basil.) deacribmg the practice of the ChaitJh, in bis time, says,—" The people, rising from prayer, STAND UF to sing PsALMS." And as we stand ^^fith révér- ence, in conformity ïo the Rubric, to praise God whenthe Psalms are read, vie-ought to do the sam e when they are sung. * See 2 Chron. vii. 6. ; Neh. ix. 5. f See Isai. vi. 2, 3 j Rev. vii. 9, 10. xv.2-4. i^kiti^^iadff^î&Aif^îif ^jsÙiiMAi^^MilMh^niéi id&L ijilMiiL,Mit,ii'mM.SM^iil!.t J ■ ♦ ^SELECT PORTIONS or THE PSALMS O/F Ï>AVII> ■ ■■■■ ■- ! . -m My> o»» ,»,^<^, ^j ^ _^,_ | _ Psiijtf 1. (c: M.) , ^ The bles^dneu ofihe r^fttow». andthe mUery of theungodly. 1 How West is he Who ne'er consente By ill advîce to Wlk 5 Nor stands in sînnert^ways, norsils Where men profanèhr talk. 2 ffutmakestheperfectIàwofGod , ^ H!s business and deligM; — — ^ Devoutly reads thçrein by day, And méditâtes by night. 3 Lik^some fait tree, which fed by streams, With timely fruit dôes bend, \ He still sball flonrish, and success . AW his designs attend. 4. For God approves the just man's ways^ To happiness they tend ; But sinnera, and the paths they tead, Shall both în/uin end. ^ I 1 <-," \ '^ PSALMS. ^ PsÀLM 2. fc. Mi) TA« immecKoie oceanonof thU Paaim wu, David' $ ttta- «tMwieni tn Me kinçdm of Inraet ; t/t utterior object, 'ctrîia. iâ*, "^^^ '^ *^' «' 1 WiTH restless and ungoverh'd ragé Why do the Heathen storm î "Why in such rash attempts engage^ As they can jie'er perfoniî. Ô The great in counsel and in might, Their various forces bring, A^inst the Lord they ail unité, And his Anoint^ King. 3 But God, who sits en^hronM on high, And sees how they combine, Does their cônspiringstrength defy. And niocks their vain desigff. 4f I^am then, ye Princes, and giveear, Ye Judges of the earth ; Worship the Lordçith holy fear ; -- Rejoice with awliil mirth. 5 Approach the Son with due respect^ Yourtimely homage pay ; Lest he avenge the bold negjectj Inçens'd by your delay. 6 If but in part his anger rise, Who can endure the flame ? Then blest are they, whose hope relies On His most hbly nsMoae. PSALMS. ■ PSALM 3, (cm.) A Piolm ofJ)avid, when driven from hii thm^bit Jàta- Am», Al* $on;txpre9Hng hù arreat cot\fidence and tecurUu tntheproiutton of Gorf.-(S Saiù. xv*-xvUi.> 1 The Lord alone 18 my defence» On him my hopes rely ; ^ Heismyglory, and shall raise My drooping hfead on high.* 2 Since, whéhWerJin deep distt^sd^ To Him I made my prayer, He h6ard me from His holy hill, Why fihould I now despair t 3 Guarded by Him, I lay me down, Serene repose to take ; For I through Him securely sleep, Through Him in safety \nke, 4 Salvation to the Lord belongs, He onîy can défend ; His blessing He extends to ail, Whoon His pow*r dépend. PsALM 4. (C. M.) ■■^£ The PsalmUt repùseth xn fvM assurance of faith on the . loving kindneu^f ihe Lord. \ 1 LoRD, that art my rigliteous judge, To my complaint pve ear ; Thou stiil redeem'st me from diitress^; Hâve mercy, Lord, and hear. 2 While worldly minds impatient grow More prosp'rous times to see, Still let the glories of thy face, Shine brightl^. Lord, on me» ' ■ » 2 • ' ,V: -«imli^.^4jrtr^5PiiPjJr.-,^»™^.j ■ • k 4 ' PSALMâ. .-. i» 3 Sp shall my heart o'erflow with joy Moro! I.asting and more true, Than their's, who stores of corn and \rine Successively renew. 4 The^ down in peace Pli lay my head, Ahd tâke my needful rest ; No othèrguard, O Lohd, I crave, Of tny defence possest. ,*^i ■ h. ■'h PSALM 5. (C. M.^ Thepsdmu^havmg tuffereigreat calamUies, a/ter beinr God shaUddx^er htm, othera aln shaU be partakws of tne 8atm tnerctes. . . . 1 LottD, hearthevoiceofmycomplaint, Accept my secret pray'r : ^ To thee alone, my King, my God,^ Will I for help repair. -*^ 2 Thou in the morn my voitee shalt hear j And with the dawning day, To thee devoutly l'Il look up, . To thee devoutly pray. 3 Conduct me by thy righteous laws, For watchful is my foe : Therefore, O Lord, makeplain the way, Wherein I oiightlo go. 4 Let ail who truly trust in Thee With shouts their jdy proclaim ; Let them rejoice whom thou preserv*st, And ail that love Thy name. 5 To faithful men the righteous Lord, His blessing will extend'; ;Ajid with his favour ail His saints, , As with a shieid défend. 1^ fSpipWiiiiwMHiiWMpipWff^ / • PSAZ,MS. 3 PsALM C. Old Version, (c; m) Supplication for Divine Mercy, 1 Lord ! in thy wrath reprove me not,' 1^? ''hough I deaerve Thine ire ; ' 4' . ^^"^ yet correct me in Thy wrath, ^ O Lord, I Thee désire. 2 My s^ul is troubled very acre, And vex'd exceedingly : But, toRD, how long wilt Thou delay, To cure my misery, 3 Lord ! turn Thee to thy wonted grâce, Some pity on me lake : «t O ! sa ve me— not for my déserts, . But for Thy mercies' sake. . ♦ PSALM 8. (c. M.) This Pjolm,as appears from Heb. u. 6—9 , treaU on tho wond^rfulloveof God, sheum by theaxaltation of our nfureinMes8iak,orthe8ecomâ pemaàei by Saul, eneùarageth hinudfilflht oven rulingpowerandjuêticeo/Chd^ 1 In thee, O Lord, I put diy trust, Why thereibre should I flee î While hoste of enemiesconspire, . My refuge 18 in thee. 2 The Lord hath both a temple hcre, " And righteous throne above ; Where he surveys the sons of men, And how their cottnMi i9PY§« u^^ô ^(5^^^îés . - e'-^r •''■"■a i f-î^ ■,: r-fp^rns^w 8 PflAUiSi .<■ 3 If God the righteous, whom he loves, For trial does correct ; What muBt the sons of violence, _ Whom he abhors, expect ? 4. The righteouB Èord will rigiiteoiia deeds With signal ikvour grâce ; And to the upright map disclose, The brightness ofhjs face. "PSALM 13. (C. M.) ^ complaint o/dem-fion ; a prayer far divine assistance: andanacto/faithinGod. 1 How long wilt thou forget me, Lôrd ? 'Must I for eyenniourn ? How long wilt thou withdraw from me ; Oh ! nevertoreturn? ^ 2 How long shall anxiôus thoughts my soûl, 7 , And grief ilfiy heart oppress ? .. How long minlsenemies insuit, And I have<4io redres>s ? - W- 3 hear, and to my longing eyes Restore Thy wonted light. And suddenl y, or I shall sleep " , ^n everlasting night. 4f Sïihe I hâve always plac'd my trust, . , . Beneath Thy mercy's wiiigà* • thysavinghealth will conie,^jid ihen My heart with joy^ BhalfÇ)ring. 5 Then shall my song, with praisq ins^r'd, To thee^iy God ascend ; . Who to Thy servant in dist^gsr ^Such bounty dldst extend. <<• F8ALIIS. PsALM 15. Old Version, (c. »i.) The character offaUhful and acceptabliwwshipper$^ 1 WiTHiN Thy tabernacle, Lord, Whoshall inhabit stillî J Or whom wiltthou receive to dwell, In Thy most holy hill ? 2 Thé man, Whose life is uncorrupt ; Whose Works are jiist and straight ; Whose heart doth think the very truth ; Whose tongue speaks no deceit : 3 That to his neighbotir doth no il]. In body, goods, or name ; Nor wjllingly doth slandfflTS raise, Which might impair tWj same : i That in his heart regardeth not The man by God abhorr'tL Buteyermaketh rauch oftheV That love and fear the Lord 5 This is the man, who raîsM from Shall reach that hîgh abode ; And share in heav'n vvith ail the juè The presence of his God. PSALM 16. (c. M.) mbelùver rejoicing.in his privUegei, and especic., thehopeoftherewrrectùm. /n Acts H. 25, airf xiii.^ thuprophetical PstUm is applied to Jetas Chnst. 1 M Y lot is fall'n în this blest land, * Where God is truly known ; He fills.my cup with libéral hand» Him will I praise alone. .il ■ f ^ t Hi^reforè my soûl shaîl bien l^e Lord, Who«e précepte give me \i|ht, And-private counael atill afl^rdi In 9orrow*8 dlamal night. 3 III «tri ve each action to appi^ve To His all-seeing eye ; ' V . No danger shall my hopes r eitiove» Because He atill is nigh. 4 Therefore my heart ail grief dédes, .My glory does rej'oice \ My flesh shall reat in hope.to ripe, * VVakMby Hispowerful voice. * ' /■ • __ • ;*5 Thou dostthe paths of life display Which to Thy présence lead ;' Where pleasurea d\veH withoukâjlay, And loys that never fade. .^P^ . '"" ■■■■• I ,■> PSALM 18. (l. m.) Daniff» ' ' Song in the day that the Lord d^livered Htm from the hand àf ail hi» enemU».* (2 Sam, xiii. 1 « ) The dtd-^ iion$ ofU in the New Te$tament evinceihat the spiritual ' tri^mphof.Mes$iahisintended. * The-psalm ^hould now bgi^jjMHdered lu aglùrimu ttiumphal hymn tobe rang by thewurcht ritenand viçtoriouàin Christ her head.' — ^ (Bp. HORNÏ.) 1 No change of times shaU e\rër^|bock > "*%. My firm afiection,juLoiiD, to ihee ; ' For thôu hast always been a rock, foftress and defence to Dpe. tt?^fer art, my God ; i^^y mighty pdw Y ; ipd fif. .% i. " •■■■■ '*'' /-^ ^ M . M 4.. ■ . ■ ^ PSAUlt. ' ' -^fc. ,■(5*1» - ■ ■ - • " ^^^ 3 Who then deserves to be ador'd g But GoD, on whom our hopes dépend Or who, exceptthe mighty Lobd, Can jn4t|i4|e8i8Ue88 pow''r defi^nd T ' ^ ^Mn^S^ïpA''^^^ ^ praisM, «i^x (} ^cJ5*^ltoa whofle defence we rÈm. ém^est heav'n His hame be raia'd, Who Us with His salvatiou blesd'd. .,"■•■• l^herefore to celebrate His famé, My grateful voice to heay'n l'il raise j And nations, strangers to His nainiÇ~^v^_ ^ . Shall thus be taûght to sing His/praise. PsALM 19. Part 1. (c. Mr) .^ Tkê exeelUnce of the toord of Ood, ' ■ "*. 1 God's perfect law converts the soûl, Reclaims from false désires ; With sacred wisdom His sure word, The ignOrantJnspires. * 2 The statutes of the Lord are just/ And bring sincère delight ; 7 His pure commanda in search of truth» Assist the feeblest sight. ' / j^ut #É>oan count his nnmerous faults,. •^ Who can his heart explora î IiORD, keep me from presuntipluoiiB sini. Lest I offend Tbeemore. 4 So shall my prayer and praises be With thine acceptance blest ; And [ secure, on Thy defence. My strength and Saviour, rest» «\ ^<*. » rs V- U' «s. V « , e k .fi V r j ♦fil ■■*-. » » X' 12 *-;• •,/t PSALMS. PsALM 19. Part 2. Old Version, (cm.) The excellence andperf^Um of the Holy Scriptures. 1 How perfect is Thy iaw, O GoD ! Thy covenant, how sure ! Converting soûls, and ipaking wise .-: XKe simple and obscure. 2. Thy statutea ail, O Lord, Mfe just, And bring sincère delignt; . Thy pure commànds in séarch of truth Assist the feeblest sight.- 3 By therti Thy servant is forewarn'd Tohave Tuée in regard ; And in performance of the same, There shall be great reward. 4 Accept my mouth and heart also, My wo«is and ihoughts èach one : *! For m^Redeemer and my strength, O Lord, art thou alone. PSALM 20. (cm.) JÎ Prayerfor the King, but espectally of the church/or ■\ the ÈingMessiah.. ,} To thy salvation, XoRD, for aid We cheerfuUy repair, With banners in thy name displayed " The Lord accept thy prayer !'* 2 Our hopes are fix'd, that Thou, O Lord, Our Sovereign wilt défend ; . From heaven resistless aid afford. And to His prayer attend. * ->'- >'" P8ALMS. 3 Some trust in steeds for war designM^ On«hariot9 some rely j , Against them ail we call to mind \ Thy power, O Gbd most High. \ 4 Stillsaveus, Lord; and still proceed Our.rightful cause to bless ; Hear, King of Heaven, in time of need, The prayeiB that we addrèss. 13 PSALM 22. (C. M.) " He was heard in that He feared." -Heb. v. 7, Messiak's {or ChrisVs) kingdom after his sufferings. 1 YEworshippersof Jacob'sGod, Ail ye of Israel's Une, O praise the LoRD^>^|md to your praise Sincère obédience join. ^^f^ 2 He ne'er disdain'd on low distress To cast a gracions eye ; Nor turn'dfrom poverty His face, But heard its humble cry. ■ 3 Thus in Thy sacred courts will I My cheerfiil thanks express ; In présence of Thy saints perform The vows of my distress. 4 O ! may the glad converted world To God their homage pay, And scattered nations of the earth Qne sov'reign Lord obey. 4t lé P8ALMS. Psalm23. Part l.Old Version, (cm.) |. Thewatchful care af* The Good.Shephérd> (John x 1 1 ^ tn /Mding, restoring, and kading « the sheep ofhû vat. tury andgutding thmthrmgh the vanUiesand îcx- attons o/time to the blmful ^pes o/eternity. '"■-'.■ ■' ' 1 My î^hepherd is the living Lord, ' .What can I lack or need / pastures fair, near pleasant streams, He.setteth me tofeed. 2 He shall convert and glad my souI, And brin^ my mind in frame, To w^k in paths of righteousness, For His most holy name. 3 Yea, though I trcad the vale ofdeath. YetwilII fearnoill; • Thy rod and staff shall comfort me ; Thou, Lord, art with me still. 4 Through ali my life Thy love and grâce Dost Thou extend to me ; And in Thy house for evermore, My dwelling place shall be. . » Part 2. (c. m.; 1 Thb Lord himself, the mighty Lord,. Vouchsafes to be my guide ; The Sl^epherd, by whose constant care My wants are ail supplied. 2 In tendergrass He makes me feed, And gently there repose ; Then leads me to cool shades, and where ~r'~ Refreshing water flows. ■ \' ' i"J»»g»Si»BHI!t.-.''Jg fp i WfiWiJi PSALMS. . ^ ^ 15 3 He ûoes my wand'ring soûl reclaim, And, to His endless praise» -^ Instruct with humble zeal to walk In His most righicous ways. é.When, tbrough ihe vale of death r|)a88, My soûl shall fear no ill : His rod and staff shaUcomfort mé| And Heis with me still. 5 Since God doth thus His wond'rous love , j^ hrough ail- my life extend, ^ s^^Èt life to Him 1 will dévote i^My - 'lAnd In His temple spend. PsALM 24. Parti, (cm.) Tlie arkof God moving, in a grand and «otonn procesrion, tmvatids the place afUi future résidence in Mounl Sion (see 1 Chron. xv.) ; a type ofthè Christian Churchf and the ascensiùn ofour Lord into heaven victorUnu over sin, deathandheU, 1 This spacious earth is ail the Lord's, The Lord's her fulness is ; -'' The world, and they that dwell tberein» By sov'reign right are his. 2 He fram'd and fifx'd it on the seas, And his Almighty hand Upon inconstant floods has made The stable fabric stand. 3 But for himself this Lord of ail; One chosen seat design'd ; O ! who shall to that sacred hill> Desir^dadmittance find 1 4 The man,who8e handsandheart are pure, Whose thoughts from pndé are free } Who honest poverty préféra — z — ^ Togainful perjury. # -Î^^^S 16 PSAtBfS. . '^"n nghteousness to crown. ■Part 2. (cm.) 1 LiFT^up your heads, eternal gâtes ! *-»« up, to entertain With His celestial train. 2 WhoistheKingofglory? who? In battle mighty : o'er His foes Citernal victor crovirn'd. 3 Lift up yoiir heads, etemalgates ! _.:^'«"P. toentertain ^'ïî,Ç;"e ^^gïory : See ! he cornes With ail Bis shilling tram. * Who is the Kihg of glory ? who ? The Lord ofHosts renown'd! Th ascending Saviour He is King, Who is with gloiy crown'd. PsALM 25. Part 1. (s. m.) 9tns,andforhdptn affliction. ^ * 1 HY mercies and thy love, O LoiiD,recall to mind; And graciously continue still, As thou wer't ever kind. 2 Let ail my youthful crimss Be blotted out by Thee ; _ And, for Thy wond'rous goodness' sake. In mercy.think on me. WALMÔ. 3 His mercy and His truth, The righteoQ» Lord displays, - lii bringing wand'ring sinners home, And teaching them His way s , 4 He those injustice guides, Who His direction seek! And in His sacred paths ahall lead ïhe humble and the meek, 5 Thro' ail the ways of God Both truth and mercy shi ne, To such as with religions hearts Tô His blestwill incline. Part 2. (s. m.) 1 SiNCE metcy is the grâce That most exalts Thy famé, Forgive my heinous sin, O Lord, And so advance Tby name. 2 Whoe'er with humble fear To God his duty pays, Shall find the Lord a fàithful Guide In ail His righteous ways. 3 For God to ail His saints His secret will imparts, And doth His gracions cov'nant vvrite In their obedient hearts. Part 3. (s. m.) 1 TURN, and ail my griefs In mercy. Lord, redress ; For I am compassM round with woes. And plung'd in deep distresa 17 \-k / ■"i -^p*^^^^-. ¥. I A IS PSALMS, r i^2 Tire sorrowa of my hearfr To mighty 8uni« increaaej^ , Oiromtbisdarkanddisraafstate X My troubled soûl releaae. 3 Consider, Lord, my foes, Hbvv vast their'numbera grow ! Whatlawless force and rage they use; What boundless hâte they show ! * Protect and set my soûl From Iheîr fierce malice free, • TJ^' ™® "^^ aoham'd who place My steadfdst trust in Thee. ! PsALM 26. ;(c. M.) ^« appeùJto God, and delight in divine ordinancei. X JuDGE me, O Lord, for I the pathi^ Ul nghteousness have'trod ; I cannot fkil, who ail my trust * ' Repose on Thee, my God,. 9 I w^sh my hands in innocence» And round thine altar go ; s Pjur. f he glad hymn of tnumph thence. And thence Vhf wonder show, 3 My thanl^s l'Il publish there, and tell •ru '*'hy renown excels ; . J hat seat alfords me most delight, > ^ î" vyhiçhThinçhonourdwells, •• ■0 t^iytifif^^^r^m-0'm<^mw^m'9wm a^j^ ^^ y -t^^yi^^ ; ■^'•»| ■iyéX^âeMxISiMmiSSirjiiilt^ll PâÀI.Mf, 19 Psalm27. Part U (cm.) 4 déclaration oftruù andeonfidence in 600 amidsi danger^f tmthatriumphantaêiuranceoffinalinclorif. ' 1 Whom should I fear, nnce Godto me Is saving health and lightl 3in<ïé slrongly He my life supporta, What can my soûl affright ? 2 Witbin His heav'nly house to dvvell, ' ^ I earnestly désire ; . — - His wond'rous beauty there to vievv, \ And His bîest will inquire. 3 For th^ I shali with comfort rest, Froin ail my deep distress ; Andsafe as on a rock abide n , In thatsecurerecess.. / * ' 4 While God Q'er ail my baugbty fws, My humblè^ead shall raise ; And I my joyful ofièring bring, And sing glad sottffl of praise. \^ Part 2. \q. M.) 1 CoNTïNUB, I40RD, to'liéar my yoice, . Wheae'er to Thee I ciy ; \ In mercy^all my prayers receive, Nor my ïequest deny. 2 Whe» us to seek Thy glorious facç Thou kiqdly dost ad vise ; <* Thy glorious facef PU always seek,'* t My gratefui heart replies. 3 I trust, that ail my futuie life Shall with thy love be crown'd ; Or else my faintingsoul woul|^ sink With sofrow compass'd round, , % i i 20 P8ALMS, v/ 4. Waît étill on God, my soUl I From , Courage and strength dérive ; ^Z't^K^^ ^®*ay, He will at length Iny fainting heart revive. Htih V. PSALM28. Part L 014 Vèl-sion, (cm,) •ÂHym oftriumpkfarddiveranee, andan intercession for tnechurch, 1 To render thanké Unto the toRDi- How great a cause hâve I ! -^ My voice, my prayer, and my complaint, y That heard so willingly, / 2 He is my sWeld and fortitude, • ; My buckler in dîstress ; My heart rejoiceth grçàtly, and My songshall Him confess. 3 Thy peoplc and thine héritage, . Lord, bless, guide, and preserve ; Increase them, Lord, and rule their hearts, 1 hat they may ne^er swerve. ' Part 2. (€.m.) Ji prayerfor deliverancefrom afflictions, 1 O Lord, my Rock, tô Thee I cry, ' In sighs consume my breath ; ' Oh î answer, or I shali becomô - Like them who sieep in death. Regard my Supplications Lord, ^ 1 he cries that I repeat, i Khtearful eye and lifted hapd uèÇqve Thy mercy-seat." 21 rsAura, 3 Then I, with due acknowledgement, Thy praises will re^und, From whom my prayer in deep distress, A gracjous answer found. ro Thee-to Thee, ni raise ^fte^grateful tribute of my thanks, And >vef ang Thy praise. PsALM2a Old Version, (cm) Th€Prophet çidleih upM mio admire ihe greatness of 1 GiVE tothe Lord, ye sons ofmen, Give ye with one accord, ""teriwife"^^^^ 2 Give gloiy to His holy name, • _ AndhonourHimalone: Gi^ worship to flis Majesty, Withm His holy throne. ^ ''^'S /"?"? ^"^^ ^^* "Po« «he floods, _Theirfurytopestrainj Heofthe worid is Lord and Kinff, Andevermoreshallreign. ^ ^WK^'^^P^H^Peoplestrength, Whereby they shall increase : And He will bless His chosen flock, With €verlasting péace. ' * \ ■^\i. '•-^h... . t-» '»■*■ \ w â2. -*^V- •' '. • P8AX.M8. 'V, ■' Psal]>i3]^.Part 1. Old Version, (c^.) SftpplictUyfnfor éeliverance and gratiiudefor Divine ««r- a««, ihêjirtt vene ofthiê Psalm, (thefiûh oftkê Bible verrion,) wa$ pronmmced by Metetah when expiring on thecrose, (Luke, zxiii. 46.) 1' Into Thy hatidé, I,rbRD, I commit ^ My^soul, which is thy due, Because Thou hast redeemed it, V r O Lord, my God, most true. ~ V '^■"■ t To me thy servant, Lorjd,, express^ And shew Thy joyAil face } And save me, JjoRp, for thy goodness, " t Thy mefcyarid Thy grâce. ■ -^\ , ^ . . .. \' V 3 Y0 saints, love ye thë Lord always, wi^ The feithful He doth guide ; °W/ And to the proud He doth repay, • ^ • * Açcording to their pride. 4 Be ofgood courage, ail yéjust; . Oh God yourstrength dépend f JPor th^se in Him that put their trust) He éyer U7t// défend. . \ Part^. (si m.) 1 Thou great God oftruth,] Our livès and ail are Thine ; Since whaiwe are, is ail Thy gift, To Theeye'll ail resign. .2 How great Thy mercies are, - .^ Tb^Mch as\fear Thy name ! Which ^hou, fpr those that trust Thy care, Dost to the \^rld proclaim* .^ lii •:\ « \ * •■■ ^\- ..."V : ■ ' ■ ,. ■■■■■...■ ."^ ' *. m ■ ' \ 1 ' i nmusArskfs, ^^^^^ y;»;ffa«^«jfe.,,iJKW«sfe '^À& ^ ' "-^l^-I ,_1 mSÊV^M Sr^T l liAti'fl 'Ki^^'^Hi *.'■ i *; PsS rr/s^/^i^fâBSûfj iwijsi^^sffi^"?' *l ^ * P8ALM8. 3 p ail ye saints, the LaRo WitK eager love pursue j Who to the just will help afford, And give the proud tbeir due. 4 Ye, that on God |ely, Courageously proceed ; For He will stiil yourhearts supply With strength in time of need. 23 1 Uow bless'd, whose sins hâve pardoifg^n'd, ^ATu "^^ ^'" jugement to appear ! Whose gttiït remission has obtained. And whose repentance is sincère. 2 Whcn r the dreadful wound disclos'd — „. ^*»® gu»ït that tortur'd me within, J hen 1 hy forgiveness interposM, And nxercy's heàling balm pour'd in. 3 True pfînitents sBill thussucceed, Whô seek Thée whilst Thou may »st lie found And from the common déluge freed Shajl see remorseless sinners dro^n'd. *^T^y/avour, Lord, in ail distress, V My tow'rof refuge I must own ; Thou shalt my haughty foes suppress, And me withjsoiïgs of triumph crown. y- ■sl, 'I -i :-->■ / i«îKCvfe l ,!iWt'jf.« luit ' -..^^t^^' i ♦ * 2* ' PHALBtS. Psalm33. Pabt 1. (cm.) Jln exhortation to praità Ood/or hitinUk, ri^eousness, andmereu ifor hi$ power di$p^Mid in the toorkt ofcrea' tion i and for the care ht hatkWJkis pe<^. ^x . 1 Let ail thè just to. G6d with joy ' Their çheerful voices raise, For well thé righteous il becomés — To sing glad songs of praise. 2 For faithful is the Word of God, His Works with truth aboynd ; f)e justice loveS) and ail the earth Is with His goodHess* crown'd. 3 By His almighty word at first • Heav'n's glorious arch wasrear'd^ And ail the beauteous hosts of light At His command appeai'd. 4 Let earth, and aU that dwell theisein, Before Him trembling stand : For when He spake the word, 'twas made, T'was fix'd at His command. , . &' ' ■ ■ . 5 What'er the mighty Lord decpees, Shall stand for ever sure ; < The settled purpose of His hpart, To âges shall endure. ^> ■ . ■■ '■■■■■' •'■ "- ■"■■ ' :•■■ ■ ' : « Part 2. (cm.) 1 How happy are ail those to whom The LoBD for God is known ! Whom he from ail the wôrld besides, H«s cho^n ibr His dwa l ■•/ "'-^Iff- * . •) emuMsSf I ofcrea" ide, n . ■:■ PSAUtS. ' , ■ V. A l^he LoRp doth thoee, that trust in Him, 15ehold with graciou» eyes ; ' Hefrees théier 8oul8 from death, their want In timeoidearth supplies. ^ ' 3 Our soûls on God with patience wait, Our help and shield is He ; * Then, Lord, let still our hearts rejoice, Because we trust in Thee. ; 4 The riches ofthymercyi Lord, lia I hou to us extend ; Since we, for ail we want, or wish, _ Un rbee alone dépend. * PsALM 34. Faut 1. (ç.^m.) Prayer and praùe for minent deliverance. Tht PW«.iw '''^^J^Praises of my God shall still My hearl and tongue employ. 2 Ofhis dfeliverance I will boast, Till ail that are distress'd, From my example comfort take, And charmtheir griefs torest. . 3 O magnify the LoRi) with me, With me exalt Bis name : When in distress to Him I caU'd, He to my rescue cam«. ' ' 1 " s. ■ " . " • . '• . ■ " ■ \ -'' . * ' ■* ," • . „,, " . ■^' •■ . \ ^ % ' ■^; 1 ■ ... ■ v • . ■ • ' :.- > a ..t^ 1 ■ ^-■" ' • ' : '-X» ^'i^ ■ .^'..■:î .., "- : . >■ ^ ' ■" >• a ' * '^' r "a , ^ '■ 1' \ \ ' > .. ■■■ . f ■ • * ■■ - ■ ■ ^ 1- ' " »• . - M ' l ■ , ■ ■ . f . . "^ « " , . , ' » ' ; - ! %ù PSÀLM 41. (c*^M.) The blessedness ofthe man that conkdereth the poor - 1 HÀPPr the man, whose tender care «eheves the poor distress'd • When he's by trouble- compass'd round: _± ^ Ihe LoRD^hall give him rest, — 2 If he, in languishing estate, , ^ - ^PPress'd with sickness lie j \ h°^^ ^^" ^^^y "™»^e ïîis bed, And jnward strength suppiy. 3 The Lord, his liïe, with hjéssings crown'd, In safely shall prolong ; ■ And disappoint the will of those Who seek to do him wrong. « . . 4 Let, therefbre, Israel's Lord and God - t rom âge to âge be bless'd ; * '^"^,?" the people's glad applause With loud Amena expresb'd. '^ V PSALM 42. (C. M.) ment» hu abtence from the hom of God. Thù PsaL 1 As pants the hart for cooling streams, When heated in the Chase, / aF>, ""y ^"^' ^ ^°^? ^0' Thee, And, J hy refreshing grâce. 2 For Theë^nnirGoa, «he liviiig Go^^ • My thirsty soui doth pine ; ** , ' O when shall I beholdThy fnrCi I ÏVuMajestyidivinei M 32 P8ALHS/- m ■ ■"■-'■ \ * if 3 Why re8Ue88,-why cast dôwn, my soûl ? Hope still, and thou shalt sing * The praise of Him who is thy God, Thy healtl^'s eternal spring. V ^ Psalm''43. |(tw m.) ' The famé tuhject ccnlinued. 1 Let me with light and truth bebless'd, Be thèse my guides and fead the way ; Till on Thy holy hiU I.rest, M And in Thy sàcred temple pray. 2 Then will I there frçsh anthems raise To God, who^is my liÇs, my joy j . And well-tan'd harps, with.sK>ngs of praise, « Shall àll my grateful hours employ. 3 Why then càst down, my souI, and why So much oppress'd'With anxious jcare î * On God, thy God, for aid rely, Who will thy niin'd state repair. PSALM 44. (C, M.) . The churcht recounHng themerciei i^f God declared io Hit tervatUs ofo\d time, expreêK^her confidence in His mercy. 1 O Lord ! our fathers bft hâve told In our attentive ears, Thy wonders in their days perform'd, \ And elder times than theirs. ' 2 As Thee, their God, our fathers own'd, Thou art our sov'reign King ; • i O î therefore, as Thou didst to them. ■%. 'tô Us. dëlîv'fancelSnng, ». *• . ■.*"\; to HU merct/. PSALMS* 3 To Thee, the triumph we ascribç, 'prom whom the conquest came ; In 6oD we wilj rejoice all'dayÇ . ' * And ever bless His name. 33 PSALM 46. (p. M.) r/kj churchinlimeof troublé dedarei her trust and confi- dencetn God, andMtsinthepower and might of her vtctçrunu Lord. ^ '' / ■* ■ , ' '■"• ' ■ ■ ■ • \. 1 GoD is our refuge' in distress, A présent help when dangers press *, ' ^ In Him, undaunted, we'll confide : Though earth weré from her centré tods'd, And mountains in the océan lost, . Torn piece-meal by the roaring tide. 2 A gjentler stream, with gladness, still Thé City of our Lord shall fill, The royal seat of God moat high : - • ^ God dwells in Sion, whose fair tow'ra Shall raock th* assaults of earthly powVs, While His àlmighty aid 18 riigh. ■ * 3 SubmittoÛod's àlmighty sway, .- For Him, the heathen shall obey, Arid earth her sov'reign Lord confess : TheGodof Ho8t8 the uni versai King. 2 God isgone up, ouf Lonl and King, With shouts of joy and Irumpet^s aound ; To Him repeated praises sing, And let the cheerful song' go round. 3 Your utmÀbtskill in praise be shown, For Him who ail the world commande ; Who site upon His righteous throne, 4nd spreads His svvay o'er heathen lands. PsALM 48. (cm.) Thêglày.beaiUy, and strength of the church Christian, typ\fifa oy Mount Sion, on which $tood the cityand Umple of Go(2>— wtf thanksgiving Paaim forpeace- 1 The Lord, the only God, is great, \ And great!y to be prais'd In Sion, on w^ose happy mount \ V His sacred throne is rais'd. 2 According to His sacred name His praise through earth extenda ; His powerful arm, as justice guides, . Chastisesor défends. . 3 In Sion we hâve seen perfbrm*d ^^^^: ^ :^ A workthatwas foretold ; / V . In pled^ that God, for times to come, His eitv will uphold. ortest i]s. and -^ ■■{^V^KJM^, 35 4 Lt;t Sion' >■■ (loul^t with joy resound, lier daiighters àll be taught ' In songs H^ judgments to extol, Who this d^Vrance wroueht. ' ■^V; ^^\-. ^ 5 ThÎ8 Godiroure, àndwïlIbeourFj- Whilst we in Him confidè ; Who, as He has preserv'd us nowi * Till deaih will be our Guide. ■ ■., ■ ■-• ■■•■' ■ .' '" '•■ ". ■ ■ ,■ :-■ - ■ - • ^" "■^" PsALM 51. Part i^ (s. M.) Supplication Mmercy. JiPÛlm of David afterhe had bemreprwedbytheProphetNqthan. 2 SaM.xu. 1-13. i Hâve merçy, Lord, on me, As tfaou wert ever k|nd j ■ ^ Letme, oppress'd with loads of giiilt, 2 Blot ont my crying sins, Nor me jn anger vietur ; * Create in me a heart that's clean, , An upright mind renew. . ^ ■■■■ ^ ■ - -■,. 3 Withdraw not Thouf hy help, Nor cast me from thy sight ; Nor lètThy Holy Spirit take — Hiéeverlasting flight. 4 The joy Thy fevour gives- ^ j^ Let me again obtain ; And Thy free Spirit's firm support Myfainting^aoalwMtain. '^. l ./ 36 P8A£UB. > ' Psalm51.Part2. Old Version, (cm.) ■ SupplicatiMforpardoning grâce. 1 Make new mj heatt within my breast. And framo it to Thy will ; And let Thy Spîrit in me rest, / Which doth with comfortfilK 2 Caat me^not from Thy sight, nor take Thy Spirit quite awày j The comfort of Thy saving health, Give me again, i pray. »- 3 With Thy free Spirit me support ; Then shall transgressera be, Bymy instruction and advice, Converted, LoRD,to Thee. PsAtM 57. Parti; (l:m.) CmjH^ by Damon occMUm ofhU escapefram SatU in the cave at Engedi. ; (See 1 Sam. xxti/l, and xxir 3.) ^neChurch,byappùinttngU asùneoftheproper Psalms jor JLaxter Dqiy, instructeth us to tranfer the ideas to the résurrection of Christ from the grave, 1 Tnt mercjr, Lord, to me extend : . OnjThy protection I dépend, ^^^^î^o Thy wingsfor çhelter haste, Till this outrageous storoi is past. 2 To Thy tribunal, Lord, I fly, Thou sov'reign Judge and God most high ; Who wondera hast for me begun, And wih not leave Thy'work undone. ^ From heav'n protect me by Thine arm, And shame ail those who seek my harm ; Tomy relief Thy mercysendj > / And truth on which myhopcB dependl A 1 PSAU18. • j 4 Be Thou, O God, exalted high ; And as Thy glory fills the sky, So let it b© on earth display 'd, , Till TJiou art hère, as therfl, obey»d. Part 2. (l. m.) 1 OGoD, myheartisfix'd, 'tiabent, . Its thaîikful tribute to présent j And, with my"heart, my voice C'II raise To Thee, my God, in songa 6f praise. 2 Awake, myglory ;harpand lute, Nô longer let your strings be mute : And I, my tuneftil^art to take, WiH with the éaïly dawn awake. 3 Thy praises, LoRbj ï will resound To ail the list'ning nations round : j Thy mercy higheçt heav'n transcends, Thy truih beypnd the tlouds extends. * Be Thou, O Godi exalted high ; And as Thy glory fills the jsky, Soletitbeon earth displày^d, Till Thou art h^re, as there^ obey'd. . r 3t r^. FSALM 62. (l. M.) Hewlutioniotruttin God àhne. 1 My soûl, for help, on God relies, Prom Him alone my safety flows : Myrock, my health, thatstrength supplies To bear the shock of ail my foes. 2 God doth His saving health dispense, An4 flowing blessinge daily send ; He is my fortress and defence. On I linamy a o ul Aaji a t il tiagpgiHt; ■■:...K. /^;- •; y -« o 8B^ -*i*- FSALM8 'fe 3 In^od ye people, always trust, Before His throne pour out your heart», ' For God, the mereiful and just, His timaly aid to us imparts. [4> For God bas oft His will express'd, . And we this truth hâve fuUy known :-^ .y— To be of boundless poiv'r possess'd ^ ^ Belongsofrightto God alone.] 5 Though boundless merçy is the grâce In which He chiefly takes delight, Yet will He air the human race Accdrding to tbeir works équité. ^ PSALM 63. (cm.) David, in the wildemeas of Judak, expresseth his dente of the preaenceof Ood^ and the Divine pUasuree of the eaneUtaty. The whoU Psalm ie applicable to the circum- élance» of Christ in the flesh, and to thoee of His peoplm^ tnthenorld. v ^^ 1 O God, my gractous God, to Thée My dttiip pray're shall offer'd be, : For Thee my thirstyjiQuI does pant : My fainting flesh implores Thy grâce, ^ ^ As in a dry and barren place, ; Where I refreshing waters want: V 2 O to my longing eyes once more That view of glorious power restore, / ^ Whicti Thy majestic bouse displays } Becanse, to me, Thy wondVou» love " Than life itself does dearer prove, My lips ahall always gpeak Thy praise. '"^«» by thee reaem'd, . Shall in Thy streng^h rejoice. . Fsiûi t2; (c. m.d;) 1 FROM^sea t I / P8ÀLM8. 45 \-- PSALM 73. (k.. M.) The PsaittiMt expretsès hisfull trust ofkt amfidtmcé in tht .-/ V •; l)tmAe mercy and goodneM. \ ' ■/■' •'.'.,'■ ' ' ' ' r Whom, Lord, in heav*n, but Thee alone, ^, Hâve 1, wbose favour I require î 7 ^ Throughout the spacioys'earth, there's none That I besides Theè^can deisire.^ V 2^ Thy présenée doth my wanta suppïy,; ' And Thy rigbt han^ assistanciB give } ^ Me, LoRO, Thou guidest with Thine eye, , Andintogloiy wilt recéive. ., 3 My trembling flesh and aching^heart ' May'Qfteii fail te saccour me, '\ \ But Thou wilt ifiwàfil strength impart^; . . ,\ And my eternal portion be. - - . ^ ■ 4 For me, then, LoRp,'ti8 good ànd just / , r' ' That I should still to Tbee répair ; v .- ^ In Thee repose my cohBtaijLt traét^ - * ; - And ail Thy vvond'rous works déclare. ,'■"■• « ' ' , , » « - - * '■■■■■' "'■• " ' * ' V ■ * ' PsALM 80. (l. M.) ;.- Thf ckurch, in captivUy, prayethfor thé advent qfMmiah • * toqaiekmandcomfmrthtr'^i, v ,,, 1 GREATGod! OurShepherdatidour Guide, > Ôûr humble pray'rs vouohsafe tohes^r : '' Thou, who on cherub-wings didst ridé. In glorious majesty appear. : 2 Do Thou convert us. Lord, doThon /- ' The lustre of Thy face display ; ■• And «H t he i11« weauffer now Like scatter*d clouds shall pass away. .il^- * 1 Éki 'r 46 P8A1MS. 3 O Thou, Whom hea^i^ly hosts bbey, Let notjThy wrathagaiiist us burn 5 ^i"? '^"y waiting^èbplê.pray, a^And to tljpir pray'fs hâve no return. 4. Do Thouconvert uSj I^or», do Thou ^__ , The lustre of Thy face display ; 1 ^^ , I And ail the ills we suflfer now^ Like scatterM clouds shall pass away. Psalm84. Part l.Old Version, (c.m.d.) Underihe figure of a piout IsraelUe,deilHvedof ail ac~ ^l»»toJmjsalemandthe8anctuary;thûPMlmdetcribei the eamestlonnng ofadevout smd a/ter the house and présence of God, • 1 HowpleasantîsThydweiiing-place, O Lord of Hosts, to me ! The tabernacles of Thy grâce, How pleasant, Loid, they be. My soûl doth long full Bore to go Into Thy courts abroad; v My heart and flesh cry oui aiso For Thee, the living God. 2 O ! they be blessed that may dwell jl Within Thine house always ; For they ail times Thy works do tell,^ And evËrgive Theepraise. " 7 iTea, happy sure, likewise are they, Whose strength and stay Thou art, Who to Thy house do mind the way, And seek it in the heart. -■--;■■.■ • "^ • ■ ■ ^'- -A V.: 3 For God, the Lord, light and defence, Will grâce and glory give ; And no good thing will He withhold ■*ï. FrointhennEi^ atpurelyliye. PSALMS. 47 Lord of Hosts ! That man is blest, Âàd happy sure is he 4 That is persuaded in his brea& To'tru8t holy mount ' -— âefbre their God appear. 5 O God of Hosts, the mighty Lord, / How highly blest is he ! Whose hope and trust, securely plac^d, < Is still repos'd in Thee. ■* . > ^B © 481 \ PSÂLM8, PsALM 84. Part 3.( (c. |tf.) '..-■} " \ '~' ■■--""'■ i ^ 4n etUogif on the bleuedne$9 of Qod^t HrvanU. A : ,', ■ ' ■/■■•■'--■ \: -.•/,"_.-'■■ ^-^ ■ 10 Lord of Hosts, my %\ng and God, How highiy blest are they, - \iVho in Thy temple always dweli^^^^^^ And there Thy praise dieplay ! 2 For in Thy courts one singlç dajV 'Tis better to attend, Than Lord, in any place besides, " ^ ; A thousand days to spend;. 3 ForThou, who àrtour sun and shi'eld, / Wilt grâce and glo)^ give; And no good thing wilt Thou withhold ° Fromthemtha^justlyliye. 4> Thou, God, whom heav'nly hosts obey, Aow highiy blest is he, ^^ Whose hope and trust, sécurely plac'd, Is still repos'd on Thee ! V. ■ >: PSALM 85. (cm.) '"*" "'-^-y ' ■ '■'' A- . . ■■ Thi» Psaltn etMn-ates thé rédemption ofUu Israël of Ood from their tpiritual eapiivUy under rin and death, and the hlated^ecU of the advent of Cbriit. Ûitoneof theproperFsalnuforChrietmasday, To àll that fear God's holy name, IL, „ :^ Salvation isbrought near; That to His church, for evermore, Ris .'.iï V P8ÂLH0. 49 '♦> /Ae 2 l'or merey ïiow wîth tnith is jôinM ; ^ And righteousness wîth peace, \ Uke kind^çompanions absent long, With friëndly arma embraoe* ^ -'îî ?°™ ^^ ^^ '*'»«" sp^ng» Wbilst heav'n Dnali etreamaof jasticepoiir ; [ 7 And God,from whom ail goodnon flowi^ Shall endlesB plenty shower. . 4 Before Him rigbteousness shall march ; And His just paths ptepare ; Whilst we Uis holy steps punTue, With constant zeal^Mitfcare. PSALM SÔ/PaR-T L (c. m.) ^ praverofDavid undergreat diUresê, ealetOaied/or uie ofihe ehurckduring her iufferingt hen below, 1 To me v^ho daily Thee invoke, * _ Thy merqy, LôRD, extend, Kefresh my soûl, for ail my hopet On Thee alone dépend. * 2 Thou, Lord, art good ; noronly good, But prompt to pardon too : • Of plenteous mercy to ail tbose ' , Who for Thy mercy sue. 3 Among the gods there's none like Thee, . O Lord, alone divine ! To Thee, as much inferior they. As are their Works to Thine. 4 Therefore, their great Creator, Thee Ail nations shall adore ; ^ The ir long misguidedprayers and p raiM Tq Thy blest Name restoie. 4% •«••«■«■ ia ^. P8ÀLM8. 5 AU shall confess Theé good, and great I The wondersThoii hast done ; Confess Thee God, the God suprome, Confess Thee God alone. PsALM se. Part 2. (c. m.) •#■ ,♦ 1 Tèach meThy t^y, LoRD^andl From truth shall ne'er départ ; In rev'rence to 7*hy sacred name Devoutly fix iny heart. 2 Thee Will I prâise, O Lord, my God, Fraise Theé with heart sincère, And to Thii^ everlasting name ; Eternal th>phie8 rear. 3 Thy mercy >^o#n to me, in vain . My t^gu^ essays to tell ; Redeern'd bjjr Thee from endiess pain, Redeem'd from dread of hell. 4 Dojrhoù, Thy constant |oodness^ Lord, To my assistance brirtg ; Qf patience, mercy, and of truth, ^ Thou everlasting spring ! _: PsALM 89. Part 1. (l. m.) This Pstdm célébrai the mercy q/ God in Christ ;Uisone ofthe Pàalnu appointedfor Çhristmas Day. _1_Thy mercies, Loiu), shall be my song, i _ My song on them shall ever dwell j To âges yet unborn my tongne ^ Thy npver«failing truth shall tpll , ' '. ^ ■'"k. *JL V P8ALM8* «1 2^For Thy stupendous tnith and love k Both heaveti and earth their praises owe : By cbQin of àngels sung above, And b|r assembled saints bçlow. 3 With rev'f«nbe and religious drèad 1,^ Thy. servants to Thy house should prese ; Thy fear thro' ail their hearts should spready Who Thy almighty Name conJTesi^. 4 In Theethe sbv'reîgn right remains Of e^rth and heav'n j Thee, LoRp, alone, The world and ail that it çontains, Their Maker and Préserver own, x Part 2. (l, m.) ,* 1 Thine arm is mighty, strong Thy hand, Yet, Lord, Thou dost with justice reigh ; Possess'd of absolute command, Thôu truth and mercy dostmlMain. 2 Happy, thrice happy, they who know Thy sacred trumpet's joyful sound ! Peaëe shall attend the paths they go, ^ And light shall alilheir steps surround. 3 Fulness of joy Thy saints shall bless, Who on Thy sacredName rely ; : Exalted in Thy righteousness, Shall they asçend and claim the sky. 4 Pôr in Thy strength they shall advance, Whose conquests from Thy faveur spring, The Lord of ftosts is <^r defence, And Israel's God our Isràel's kingr % PsALM 90. Pabï 1. Old Version, (cm.) The AortnesB oflifê, wUh a frayer for thê DimmfavÀr. 1 Instruct 118, toitD, to know and Xtf How long ourdays remain ; That 80 we may ourheails apply Xniè wisdom to attain.— t— -^^ '—tir , 2 Retuni, O Lord ! How long wiit Thou In Thy great wrath proceed ? Show favour to Thy servants no w, ~^ An4^help them in their need. 3 Met Thy work and power appear, • And on Thy servants light ; And shoW unto Thy chiidren dear, Thy glory and Thy might^ V ].4- LoRD, let Thy grâce and glory stand ^ On us Thy servants thus j ;* Confirm the works we take in hand, And prosper them to us. Part 2; (cm.) 1 Lord, the SavioUr and dèfence Of us Thy choBen race, From âge to âge Thou still hast beea O^t sure abiding place. 2 Thou tumest man,Q Lord, to dust, ^^^^ OfwhichhefiiBtwas made ; "'^^ And when Thou speak^at the word» < Retum,' 'TiainfftymlyftbgyMii "'^i-T'k? PSALMS. 5d 3 For in Thy sight a thoqiand yeari Are like a day that'a past ; Or, like a watch in dead of htght,, "'' Whose hours unheeded wa8te«,. 4 So teach us, Lord, th' uneertain ^uoi Of Dur short days to mind, That to true wisdom ail our hea May ever be inclin'd» f Psalm91. Old Version, (ç. m.) Tke securUy^the rightwui undtr ihe ean and protection ' qf-HeaventintitnMqfdangir, 'P . ^ . ' . 1 He that within the secret place /* Of G^D Most High doth dwell Under the shadow of His grâce, ,j \ HeshaUbesafeandweU. ^^ V 2 « Thou art my hope and my strong hold,* I to the Lord will say ; My God Re is, in Him wilI I 1,^ My whole affiance stay ! 3 No cvil sbalt thau need to fear, With thee itihallgo well : 1^ plague shall ever onice corne near The house where thou dost dwelU ■:A His ovén^ireacBog,wingBof love Shall sure protection yield f Whilefiisetemâltmth shall prove .^ Thine adamantine ahîeld. ^ 54 PSALMS. / PSALM 92. (c. M.) A PsalmofpraisefortKe Sabbath Day. ■'■■ ' ,' ■/ •'" '■ ■ ■' "■■ ■ ■ i i How pleasant and how good it is - To thaAk the Lord Most High ! Andwith repeeted hymnis of praise His Name to magnify. _4^^l \ 2 With every moming's early dawn * His goodness to relate ; . : And of His constant tnith eaçh night The glad efieçts repeat. 3 Forthrough Thy wondrous works, Lord, ; 'y Thou màk'st my heart rejoice ; The thoughts of them shall make me glad, And shout with cheerful voice. 4 To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The God whom we adore, Be glory ; as it was,; ià now, ^ And shall be evermore. PsALM 93. (l. m.). Tht majesty^ power^ and glary of the Et0nal King are , celebratea in this PscUtn, whfchthe Jews acknowledge tobe ^edictive ofthe kingdor» 1 SiNG to,the *LoRo à new-raade song, V ^' 'Who wondrpus things bas doné^; * With His right hand and boly arna, / ^ . The coMquestlIe hath won. 2 ^The Lord bas through the astonishM world Display'd Hi^Baving might,^ And Iliade His righteous actsappear In aill the beathens' sight. . 3 Of ^pGl's bouse His love and truth lïave everjmindful been ; Wide eartb's remotest parts the power Of Israers God bave seen; 4<,Let therefore earth*8 inhabitants ■^ Their cheerful voices raise, ~ * And ail, with universal joy, Resound their Maker's praise. PSALM 99. (C. M.) Under image* borrowed from the Old Diepentation, the Psalmist celd)ratea the hoKnesSf power, and justice of Il MeeskA'e spirUual kingdom, . -^ -X^l Jahovah reigns, letiherefore alL|^ _ _ The guilty nations quake ; ! ' On cherub's wings Hé sits enthronM ; f T^ t e a rth' fl fou n daVlf^ n *» «^h^ ke . jf»'*,^ ■M •■•»-v- i"-A.*' un?' ess. .0/ the reatioUf vorld ion, the Mtice of "m PSALMS. ; 2 On Sioh's hill hékéeps His court, ', Hia palace inakes ner tOTY'i:s ; Yet thence liis sov'reignty entends , ' Suprême .b*er earthly pow'rs. 3 ;I%t therefore ail with praise address His great and dtèadful name ,| And with His unresisted might ~ 1 His hôliness prdclaim. 1 ■ ■ ■ '.Ti , '. ' % 4 For truth an4 justice,'in His reign, Of sirength' and pow'r 'take place ; His judgments are with righteousness Dispçns'd to Jàcob*é race. 5 Thereforé'exalt the Lord our God, / fiefore His footstool fall ; . ' / . And with His unresisted might - His hôliness extçl. 59 i £sALM 100. Part 1; Old Veirsioh. (l. k.) Univeraal Praûe ascribed to God, 1 All people that on earth do dwèll, ;«' . Sing to the Lord with cheerful vbice ; ^ ' Him serve with fear, I^s'prais^^f^ tell 5 4^ ; Come ye beforé Him and rejoice. T- ^* 2 The Lord, ye know, |s Grod ii|deed.; Without our aid He did ûs^niake ; > We are His flock, He.doth us^feed. And for Hts sheep Ke d^th.us takë. %0 enter then His gâtes with praise, . Approach with joy His^courts unta ; Praise, laud, and bless His name alway^*, For It 18 aeemly eo to ia* M 60 V PBAl ♦■,;*■ .■/■\» -^ • ..■ ■; ■ ■ ■ ■]'■ 4" For wh^t The L(^ Oûîtaod is goocL „ ^ " Hisniercy.is for evers?-" • • ■s ^ His trutkat àll tnsies fir^n v And^^all fi^m agç tû a| v^ L'M QejiJ 'allltheifrth i!ul voiç^ raise ;*> ^à ofpraise. \ ■ • -, ^ ^loné, tth'^it^^iid altjprpcéed ; Ji^h(X)ee8 for His owfi, ' • k tfalt ^ youchsafi^s to feed. m HisIéÀiple gatp, ^ ^ ..T)içncWto His çoiirts devotitly press ; |;^ ^M still four grat^for Hymns repeat, * - .^fe: ^fid* still His natale WiÛ» praises bless,' >' IwHe^sihe LoRB.Rupremel)rgood, > ; M • ji'His mercy w for^ever ôuife i '^ %t Hig triïth j whiish always èrmly stood, * ^T ;^ ToendleçsàBesshaUèndto^. ; ^ : \ ; . ^salm' 1 03. Part 1. (l, m.) i^ Jn tài^ most excellent Psalm, the Prophet exhorts men and éSé^g^J^* ^"^ ^' crea$uresy topraise the Lotix) for His fjÊàtfûrly mereiù, an4 deliverance of Hispeople frtim ail Mihyfor Hia providence omraUthinfnMnd thepreserva-- ^\ ^^tionqfthejm/ul'l ' 1 Mt soûl) inspjr God's ho^y Nà .ÏS y i 'sacred love, ' j r ever bless ; * * Of ail His fpouiMi^ful prove, ■And still< Thy jgra&ful tlwnks express. *- ., ■ «♦ t *... » , P8ALHS. 61 [ethat ail thy suis forgives, * ad ailér BÎckne^raakes thee aound ; dangerâ.HethyJife retrie ves, >']^ Him with grâce and mércy crown'd. ,êM'"\ •■ . : ■■'■ -■.--- vOoi made of old Ris rigbleous ways * V f^To Moses ind our fathers l^novvn ; - ^9 wprks, to His eternal praiaé^ ^ ^ "*^ Wcre to the ipAs o( Jacôb shown. 4 |: .;■ i f .■ "■1 » ^ \ '■ ,.l ■•■V és 3 . Let every créature joi ntly bless The mighty Lord ; and thou my heart ^-^v ,. With grateful joy Thy thanks express, • *. ' And in this concert bear thy part. GloliaPatn, To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, _^ The God whom earth and, faeav'n adore, „- Beglory, a^it was ofôld, \ Is now, and shall be ëverniore. PsALM 104. Part 1 . Old Version. ( p. m .) A Psalm-ofpraise for création and providence. ^~ 1 Mt sûul, praise the Lord, Speak good of His « . ■ name; , . O Lord our great God, How dost Thou appear !*?' Surpaasing in gIory,.How great is Thy famé ! ^ Honour and Majesty, In Thee shihe most clear. s r,2 How various, O Lord, Are ail Thy works found ! With-wisdom so great, Théy are indeed wrought ; Thàt ail the création, Thy praise doth resound, , Thy grâce and Thy riches, surpass ail men's thought. ^ 3 While sinnérs, o Lord, Ôc^nsume in Thine ire,^ Or, growp more perverse, i|rsist in their shame "; To Thee may my soûl Now express her désire, , And say with the faithful,— < Praise ye the ' . ; LoRD^s name !* J^R* ^•^^- M,) . t'i 1 1 Bless God, my so m ftrhou^ Lord, aloné Possessest empira^thout bounds i; With^nor Thoù ail crown'di^ Thy throne I Eter na l ma jesty surr ound s^ L t -■,jr^ # V « ,-rtflW 64 ( : : 2 How varions, jppîppi^orks are found, . For whicftgpî^ wisdom we adore ! ' The earth ^with Thy trea^iiré crowh'd, Till nat'uireVhand can gràsp no , a In praia^Hg God, while- Ile péW^y^ ^ ^y l»"^**», I will that breath employ'r And j^^evotion to my songs, ' T^TT- Sii^^ as 18 in Ilimmyjdy. -^ ~- -^ ^ Wh^îninersfromearth'sfecearehurl'd, _. W^^^f Praise thou His hoU' name ; t, ^' ™ ^'*" ™y so"g *he listening world „;*^ 7ôin QoncejJ, and His praise prociaim. '#PsaIm 105. (c. jv^) ^ -4 .5"-Hl 1 ^1 H .'■ y :H -■^ £«Aor/a/Agto praL^/pr Jïi. works ofmercy and powcr. 1 fENDERthanl^ and bless the Lord j Invôke His sacred name ; ' Acquâint th^ nations wfth Hftfedeeds, ^ His matchless deeds'proWaSlL. ï' .< j f ■I: 1 n.» '^ m 2 Sing to His praiè |&)l^mn8ife " ' llis wond'rpus wma rehearse ; ^ Make them the ihifci^your discourse, r: 4td subject of ydiP^rse. Mi "V, ' '^' ' ' ' -^ •'^ ^ . ;ç %"•% ^* 3 R^joiceinHisAlmightynàme, ^^^r* ' %lonetobeadpr^|^ •" ^'W^"^: .'à Ar^i let their hearts o'erflow Jh W * \ ' ■^fet^^mblyseek^hiLoRfl^ 1 . ^ ftife ye the Lord, His saving stteiTgth ^|n)Qvoutly stîll implore^ ^ _l^nd, where He's eyer présent, seek ;, , His face for evermcM^. 4'. \ r iC ^ têf?" P8ALM8. 65 ï'feALiii 106. Part L (l. m.) ÈxhortatUmtoj^aiae Ood/crBUgoodneuandfMrey, 1 O REMDER thanks to God above, The fountain of etemal love ; / Whpse mercy firm thrdu^h âges past / «il stood, and shall for ever lasU j' ■«s^ i 2 Who can His mighfy deéds exprass, Not ohly vast but numberiess î Whàt mortal éloquence can raiie His tril^te of imouMlal praise 1 * % 3 fismpY are they, andlonly they, *Who fpom Tby jnc^nnents never stray ; Who l^w wh^t*s right, nor only so, But ways piractise what they know. é Extehd ^ji thatiavoi^r, Lord, Thoîi tojfe choeen dost affbnl ; When Thon riliu^st to set them free, Let Thy aalvai^ visU me. 5 O may I worthy prove to see . Thy saints in full pro^rity ! , That I the joyful cjhoir may Join, And count Thy people's triumph niine. \-Pamt 2. Old Version. (€. M. ©0 1 Fraue ye the Lord, for He it good, V His mercy last^sliieay : Who can express Hm noble acts, ^ . Or ail Hispi^ise&lay ? 1 They blessed are, that judgment keep : l__ And justly do always : l^th fRvour of thy people, Lord *' V y J^member me> I pray. ■^.. ■^0: ■.•jî-;!ii. 66 PSALMSi \ ■■■/ 2 And with Thy saving healthlOLoRO» Vouchtiafe to visH fne ! \ W That I the great felicity \ /f Of thine elect may see. i {./ Aiid wiih Thy peopIe*s joy 1 i^ây A joyiul mind possess j \ And may with Thine inheritanoe _ „ A cheerfiil heart express. d^L.J:.^ ¥. ■■■•■/■^•■, PsALM 107. Part i^ (l. m.) ~\ - , ,,, ' • . The redeemeà of the Lord are exhUrted to prake ffim for Hisgoodness, in redee,ming mid gathering themfrim the four guarters ofthe worUt. - 1 To God your gratefal voiceà raise, Who doth your mighty Saviour prove : And let your never ceasing praise Attend on His eteraal love* 2 Let us give thanks, whom He from bands Of proud bppressing foes releasM ; And brought us back (rom distant lands, From north and south, from east and west. 3 From crooked paths He; led us forth, And in the way of tnith did guide ; Which leads to His divine abode, Where ail our wants shall be supplied. ^ 4 thea that ail the earth, lyith me, Would God for this Hisgoodness praise, And^for the mighty work# which He Tiiroughout the wondVing world disphlys. •* IfJÉl- :r^- Pa&t 2. Oid Version. (CM.) ■'' ■ X ■"/''■ ' ■ " " 1 Givc thanke unlo the Lord our God,? For very kind is He ; : And that ll\$ mercy hath no end Ail mortal mon may seé. , - 2 S^h as l!he! Lord redeemed lim^i -- ♦v r With thanks shall praise Uis name ; And show how they from foes were freed. And how hé wroi^ht the same. 4 3 Let man, therefore,beforetheLoiiD Gonfess His goodness then ; And show the wondere that He doth Before the sons of men, 4 And Jet thein offef sacrifice ■ To H im most thankfully ; Andspeak qf ail His wondVous works ^ ; With gladness and with joy. ^ ■ ¥ (c. M.i Jpfûyerfùr the exaltaiwn o/ihe Divine ghry and the j redfiïïiptwnund^^e^ pf the church i^ 1 d GoD my heart is fuîly beiit ; To magnify Thy name | ;My tongiie with cheerful songs of^ . ShaU fpelebrate Thy feme. '».. '/.■'y. 2 To ail thelîstening tribes, Lord» Thy wonders I will tell ; /And to those nations sing Thy praise^ That round about us dwell. ■*«)!»■ *■ '"%. 3 Becaiise Thy mercy's lioundless lieight. The nighest heav'n iranscends ; ' ' And^far ^ieyqnd th' àspiring clouds , Thy faithful truth éxtends. ■4 BeThou, OGod,«xaltedhïgh r^ ' 'Abovethe'àtanyfraihe; '' , Qlettheworldwithone consent !* . . Confess Thy glorious name» ' jl ' * ' ' . , • , KK. .^ ~ .' ., ■ ■ -, « ', PsALBf 111. PAat 1; (i;.. ]^.V / *> . : '^ . . ^ ■ TAw^i» one qftlu ^êolm qppoinkd to be read 2 Hmvi^rks^fbrgreatnessthd^ •- , . H^ wond'A>us worics with ease are found ' Bv thpse^^o seek Ibr them arîght, .> ' *<] nd ia lH piops search delight./ r- :\ 3yHi8^i)rk8 are ail ûf matchléas famé, ./And aniversial glory c4aim.; ^*' llis truth, confirma through âges past,' Shall to eternal âges last. 4 By pmq|É|.herbath 08 ^oînM ^ Tq keei^Hip wond'rous woriçB inmmd .f And to posterity record, V Thot good aihd gracioua is the Lorj) - 1 -V. "■*•••% ' -7»7:;: ■ ''■ S • W' f^y^ Il ' 'PSALM8. ^\ It .M *< onEoMter 'Ption^and g )und I. > S 1 P-W 2. (L. M.) 1 eoï)'s bountyflike îi floating tide, ; Has ail His servantes wants aupplied :' ^ • And Ile will «ver keep in piHid His cbv'nant with our fathers sign'd. > 2 Just are tbe d^alings of Hirfhands, ImmutablQ aïe his commands 5 By trutb«and equityjsustain'd, Afld foreternal rules ordain'd. 3^ He set ÏHs saints from bondage free, . , > And then establish'd Uis dbcree,. '• ^ r '^oreyertc^remaiti-thesame: Hoiy and Rewrên*'i3 His name. . \ ' * Yi^^ wisdom'» 8aci$drize would winl ^Must^^ith ittie fe^ orCod begin ; . Immortalp^iseind&aWnlyskill Hav|^they who know and do fils lyill. '. «. ^V./ 69 f , The hleMte£Sffb/the mm vôhofeartlh the Lord. ^ J 5rî?''J^ *^ *"*"» that-stands in awe ?/ y*~> and *ovck: His sacred law : ^ And blessingstb bis. seed descend, f * A^ 2 Tfce soul^ that'^led with beav'nly ligf,t, ' . Chines bnghteatJte i^iction's night ; t / C -r Beset^th érea^niàg dihgereround; fv^ ,* I UnmtovM tibéll Ke maintain his ground. > v -^ ' -3 m tidings never cansurprise * ' '* ♦ ç '■m I  Hiô heart, that fix?d on God relies : •• ,«. ■' 11 . r : On safety'fl rt)ck he sits, and sees ^-|Thè shipwreek of His enemies. .^^^. P A; JT. ■,'ffi-J' Wi- '«■ «Ni ''1 iï»''i ."> . ' . ,- , ' — r \ ■ • ♦ ' iB ^ ..:-J-' .A ■'« / i%''^' ■ é! f *"■ . >. It* ' i ' y ^- :«*i I' '^i. » -f «™s^ ,^ ,' -T — r- r Iî70 ^âÀXMS. PS^ALM 113. (p. M.) ^ ' Ali exhortation to praise the Lord for HU providence, . 1 Yb saints and servants of the Lord» The triumphs ofHis name record : His sacred name for ever bless. Where'er the circling sun displays lis rising beams or setting rays, ', tue praise to His great name address. 2 God throtîgh the world extends His sway j The régions bf eternal day N. r • But shadows of His glory are : With Him, whosemajesty excels, Who niade the heav'p in which he dwells, Let no created pow'r compare. 3 Though 'tisbeneath His state to vievv In highest iieav'n what angels do, Yet He to eattlî vouchsafes His care . He takes the needy from his cell, Advancing him in courts to dweU, Companion to the greatest there. ^ PSALM 115. '5 (C. M.) ■•■.*■ „ ■ w'An exhortation to trust in the Lord. 1 Lord ! not to us, we daim no share, But to Thy sacred name, Give^lory for Thy mercy's sake, / • *- And truth's eternal famc 2 Le^ll, who truly fear the Lord, On Hiinthey fearrely ; Who them in danger will défend, " And,ali their wanta supply^- ' \ .. ..> •5 -n. ■■ \ 'ovidente. ess. ïway j N. iwells. ■■.\ V are \ l' .*> K, ■ psALMs. ;.>-V .'■■•■-■ 3 Of us Heldng hath mindful been, And ail His saints willliless j E'en air His chosen ransonaM church WhoHisgre^tnameconfess. • 4 they, whb in deatl^and silence sleep, To Him no praise afTord ;. , But we will bless forevermore Our ever4iving Lord. ti t»?- PUl m 116. (ç. M.) ; ^ Ifywrt (ifgratitudt for sdvutiànfrom sin and deathJ ' ^' «... - ï M Y soûl with grateful thoughts of love Entirely is posscst, Because the Lord vouchsafed to heàr The voice of my requîst. ^ Since He bas noW His ear inclin'd r I never will despair ; But still in ail the straits of life To Him address my pray'r. 3 tïow just and merciful is God ! How graciou^ is the Lord ! ,' r VVho saves the helpless, and to me \'/ ., Did timely aid afford. J: - ' 4 'Then, free from pensive ckres, my «oui, ' Résume Thy wontéd rest ; i : Fot God has wond'rously to thee • - -^ ,. (lis bounteous love express'd.. '*. '/ . •5 When death alarm'd me, he removM My darigert) aqd my feare : ' . * Rf y feet froin falling hé seeur'd, . . " . • And dried miné eyep from tearî. . 1» i ' 1 1 >. 1 y- ,- t:^ » .»! f * * 1 ■i • « \ 'i^ 4' ']W- n P8ALM8. ..^ -6 Since therefore God does on my side V-, ; ] So 1"^ _ j graçiousiy appear, l^hy should tlie vain atteimpts of men Po6se884|iy soul.with fesirl / #àiiï-M 117/Part 1. 01dVersion>(c. M.) 1/ jîn eiKortatim to praise God, hecaute HehathMCom" plished the promixe ofnerUuting l\fe 6y Jesiu Christ. I ALL ye nations oftheworld,:. .' ^ - * Praise ye the Lord alwayst; ^ And àll the people every where * Set forth Uis noble praire :, '2 For great His kindness is tous, -. Histruth doth not decay ; Wherefore praise ye -the Lord ouf God, Praise ye the Lord alway. . > ^' Part 2. fo^ m.) 1 WiTH ctjieerful notes let aîl Ihe earth To heaven their voiéés^taise ; Lot ail, ihspir'd with godl^ mirtb, ^ Sing solemn hymns of praise. 1 : 2 God's te^der mercy knows no bound, His truth shall ne'er decay ;. Then let the wiîlipg nations rdund .Thejr grateful tribute pay. , # (C. M.) (A accomr Christ. h •'» Ai r 1/ «( i*SAi.M 1 18. Part 1. Old Vereion. ic m.) ' Slîi lî? l'fJi " «^^*»/y «ppiied'm Mat. xxi. 42: iyianc xu. 10. Luke xx. 17. anrf Act» ir. 11. «■ I l^iLL give thatife to Thee, O Lord, * And evôr will praise Thee ; ' Who hast me heard, and art become A Sàyiour unto me. 2 The stbne, whichlbrmerly •among ■''■■■''' The bùildera^was i-efus'd, Is now become the Corner-itone, > ' ^nd chiefly to be us'd. " •3 This Was the mighty work of<5od,' Tt was .the Lord's pwn fact ,; And it is wondrous to beholdr— ; v That great and noble act. ^' "} . 4. This is the joyful day indeed, "" ' Which God himself hath wrought Let us be glad and jdy therein, -'J: '^ ;v In heart, in mind^ and thoûght. 1 ,^ PART2^(c:k.;D.) 1 O FçAiSE the Lord, forHe îs gc^d" Hïs raercies ne'er decay : • " That His kiiïd favours ever last, Lét His redeemed say. ' Their sensé of His eternal love • Let aîl His saints express ^ And that it never fails, let al! Th"at,iear thé Lord cônfçss. % ,- , "■ '■ .«^N. • ■f.-i. ■ .*>■•. l ■té .r . !, ., * /. 74 ^SAL^S. -j«».»t*nie to come may spend. 2 £nlighten bôth my eyés àiid mind^ , * Thàt so I mav discern 4. The wondrous things which they/beholdj Who Thy Just precepts learn./ %: fh., ,, V I ■ ■ '^ ■■ ■ l,' "'' ' PSÂLltS. 3 Por thy^commands havè always Tbeen My comfort and delight ; , ' - By them 1 learn with prudent caie , ' To guide my steps aright. PsALM 119. Part 4. (c. m.) » - For Divine instnuiion. . MifSTRUCTme in Thy statutes, Lord, , Thy righteoua paths display ; . Then I from thèm tbrough ail my life ^ Shall never go astray. ^ \ : •■ f... 3 If Ihou true wisdpm from above ; Wilt graûiouâly impart ; , , To keepThy p^ect laws I w^îl Devotamy g|ftateftil heart. 3 Direct me in Tny sacred ways, * ^ '^^ which Thy precepts lead ;, , , Fof' tis my chief delight diid joy ' ^ \ ^ Thy rightfeou^ paths^to tread. 'y ; 4 From those vain objects turn mine eyés, / -^ Which this false worid dispiays ; vAnd giveme lively power and strength, * To keep Thy rîghteoua^iviy s. ■$ . " ■ -■ ' ' '■ ■ ■ _ Part 5s f•::-.-■; I ■ ■ ■■.■■■ y- M.^^- -:>■;•.■',„. • PSALM 119. ÇaRT B. (c. m.) 1 ÂCCORDING Thy favou ^ Make goo Thy le BapeinGùd, prpmisM grâce, D, extend ; e v^rord, on which pes dépend. 2 Thy Word, my comfort iiidistresEt, ' Doth ail my griefs controul ; Thy Word, when troubles hem me round, , Revives my fainting soûl. " .■■■' ■■■■»■ 3 Lord, my God, my portipn Thou • And sure possession art ; % Thywordsl steadfastly resoh% ' To treasure in my heart. > Part 7. (cm.) 1 O lîoRD, my God, my portion Thou And sure possession art ;. Thy words I steadfastly résolve .' "*;, To treasure in my heart. ' -A ."^ /^*r''y .""M ' ' PSALM8. 2 WithaUthe strength ofwarm desii Thy grâce, Lord; I implore ; . Disclose according to Thy word, „ «I Thy mercy's boundless store. 3 0*er ail tlie earUi Thy mercy, LoUd, Abundantly ral^hed ; O makë me, then, ëxactIyJearn Thy sacred ps^ths to tread. / r \PsALBt 119. Part iS. (c.i^iy The benefU ofaffliêlion, 1 WiTH me, Thy servant, Thou hast dealt Most, graciously, O Lord ; Repeated benefits bestow'd Açcording4o Thy v/ord. ^ 2 fiefore affliction checji'd roy course, My footsteps wenî astray ; , But I hâve sincà^een disciplin'd, ' Thy precepts to oBey.. . 3 'Tis good for me that I have-felt V Affli($tiou'8 chast'ning rod ; • ' ^ That I inightduly learn to keep Xhe stàtutes of my God. V 4> TheJaw, that from Thy mouth proceeds, Of more es}teem I hold .. Than mines, which pour exhaustless heaps Of silver and of gold. , •s. 7 • : 'TTT,,; r,iî:. / ... ■'S- ¥• 'M^:;. M ^.-ri m~ S-: ■m / V \ > 'JL ■ -A . *.' f"'^~---ip ■^■\-; ïi^. , ^.. ■'"-' ■■'■.■ ■ >:'■ " ■' \. ■V ■ , ■■ '■ ■ . '" ''■■' --.fv-',. ■■■",' ^.^"■•■k-£ -,.;':\:- ti '■■:•• - ■■ , . *. . '.■'■'■ ■"'- ' .V •■■,■' .'*M-.\ /-., ■■ ' ■ ".-. i'-^.'; :..'^ » ». "'- \ .■■.-,:n-. ■.'■ J ■ ■' "„v ."■': 7 ..■ ." -" ■ /' ■ ■ n' ■ <>■-■■"■ ' J ■■'... ^»- ■ '■ -•* Û. -■' ' ■■ ■'- . .". ;■' ■ ." ■- " .■-"■•■.■ ■ i| Hi HHH IHH ■ ■ i H >^ .. ^ • V ;. ■^: ' l l -. -Mk:,^-^-^ - -r-^r - - ' ■ " ')• . -'■V--;---- - —^-- "-.-'. ♦ . ■ : ../■.w %■■■ . ■' ■ • * '' ,'■■,"■ ■"/* ■ '■■. ^ _ ■ : ■, Hj^ . ' ■■:'.■-, . ■ "'• /■ ■*■■■"■. • * ■ . --r V I^^^^^^^Hfti. _ * "■ ■ ■ ■ . ,- <) ■ ■ , / .--■'".. ^^^HBRr ''*' / : - •■ - ■• ■ ■ ^■.. ■■■ .*. ■ -7 . ;.' ■ >.■ - /■■-■■■ .. / ■ • » i.' r IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) ^J j' -«- * ••■■ ;5, ï^ \j«. ^ j^: ^ ' ^ 1.6 II 11.25 I m m |u " Ht ^ g la MZ-O .m • U IJ.6 ■ ■-'• >/- ^ \ 23\MISTMAlll|SfllHT «VIBSTM,N.Y. 14SI0 . '^ ■v. #y *----;■ ■ » " « ♦ ■ * ■ ■'' , . ;.',i: a'.'; , .'■■.. / ■* t ■ i ' ^- -^ ■ ■ '' <■■. ' ,, : . ■ ■' •. * ■ . -:. ^■.■' ^ ^"' • .■''.- • ■ ^- : ; ■ V . • . - '. # ~^ •/ .»• J& ,_ ..!_:.. .-4 ,f S^ ^ PSALM8. ■ PsALM 1 19. Part 9. (c. m.) ^' For DiviM guidance. 1 Tjtiou art, O Lord, supremely good, And ail Thou dost isso;" «». On me, Thy Btatutes to discern, Thy saving skill bestow. 2 To me, vvho am the workmanship OfThy Almightyhands, The heavenly understanding give ^^ To learn Thyjust commands. 3 In Thy blesa'd statutes let my heart Continue always Sound ; That guilt and shame, the 8ihner*s lot» ' May never me confound. < Part 10, (e.M.) The unchangeaÔleness of God^ 1 For ever and for ever, Lord, \ UnchangM Thou dost remain ; Thy Word establish'd in the heav'ns, Does ail their orbs sustain. " A, ... 2 Throu^irclingages, Lord, Thy Truth Immoveable shall stand, As doth the earth, which Thou uphold'st By Thy Almighty hand. -# ■ . ■ 3 AU things the course by Thee ordain'd Ev'n to this day fulfill : They are Thy faithful subjects ail, ^qd servants of Th^ wilU 4^ \ r '-ur^ TTt ^*. ^ M.) 4^ ■ ^. th Id'st ■ * PSALMS. „ ' Si ■' ' ° ' V 4- Pve seen an end of what we càll Perfection hëre below; But Thy commandments, like Thyself, /No change or period know.* - * . - PsALM 119. Part 11. (cm.) The Word of God delightfuL 1 What great désire and fervent love * Unto Thy law I bear l ^ ^ - In it my daily study is, That 80 1 may Thee fear. 2 ïlovv eweet are ail Thy words to me ! what Divine repast ! ' , How much more gr^teful to my soûl Than honey to my taste. 3 Taught by Tky sacred precepts, I With heavenly skill am blest ; Through which the treach'rous vvays ol'sin 1 utteriy détesté * 'Part 12. (c. m.) "* PraitetoGodforHisujord. :^" 1 Thy Word is to my feet a lamp, The way of truth to show, A cl^eering light to mark the path , Wherein I ought to go. 2 When I vnih griefsam so oppress'd, ' That I can bear na'more ; ^^' . According to Thy word, do Thou My fainting soûl restore. _j _, \ / sr PSALMS. -nAif 3 O lèt my sacrifice of praise, V With Thee acceptance find ; And in Thy righteous judgments, Lord^ Instruct my wiiling mind. ' ' . ■% -A Thy testimonies I hâve made • My héritage and choice ; For they, when other comforts faW, . My drooping heart rejoice. PsALM 1 19. Part 13. (c. m.) God the refuge o/Hii^peQpJe. 1 My hiding-place, my refuge, tow'r And shield art Thou, Lord ; I firmly anchor ail my hopes On Thy unerring Word. 2 Accordingto Thy gracious Word, From danger set me free ; Nor make me ofthose hopes ashamM, That I repose on Thee. ' A 3 In Thy bless'd statutes let my hQ^rt Continue always sound ; ^ • That guilt and shame, the sinner's lot, May never me confound. Part 14. (ic. m.) The excellence ofthe Word of God. 1 Tny woi-d, ex Lord, Thy holy word, Gelestial light displays; And knowledge of true happiness To. simple minda conveys. , , :;r - I ■ .,- 1.-. '-.fAM---.„ivi,.a- . !, .- _-! LD, M.) s ■ 1^ ' PSALM3. • ■ . ...... ■ ' '^ \ . 2 With faveur, Lord, look down on me, - Who Thy relief improre ; As Thou art wont to visit those Who Thy bleat nantie aâore. - 3 Directed by Thy heavenly word Let ail my footsteps be ; ' IN^or wickedness of any kind Dominion hâve o'er me. ■ v '^, ■\ *:,. PsAf Mfti 19. Part 15. (c. m.) ■•'' *" , '* ■ . ""^ Frayer for Divine tmdom. 1 On me, devoted to Thy fear," -1 Lord make Thy face to shine ; Thy jstatutes both to know and keep, . My heart with zeal incline. 2 Thy rjghteouôness shsUthen endure, When time itself is past ; * Thy lavv is truth itself, that truth * Which shall for ever last. >' 3 Eternal and unerri^glpules Thy testimonies givé : Teach me the wisdom that vvill make My soûl for ever H ve. Part 16. (cm.) *Thefaithfulnes$ qf God. 1 Thou art the righteous Judge in vvliom Wrong'd innocence may trust ; And, like Thyself, Thy judgments, Lord, 4 • V. ■■ ' • V,..<4^. '.:,' ' ' %% L ^^g S.- _.ik-l- VI 1 . „■ . ^j^^l ,^./ B^^^^FI j "lifcf. Jyfc . 84 PSALMS. ( : I i 'i ' i 2 Most just and true those statutes ivere, Which thou didst firet decree ; r And ail vvith faithfulness perform'd, Succeeding times shall see. 3 ïhy righteousness shall still endure, When time itself is past ; Thy lavv is truth itself, — ^that truth .> Which shall for ever last. i Eternal and unerring rules Thy testimonies give ; Teach me the wisdom (hat will make My soûl for ever Uye, ;- PsALM 119/ Part 17. (c. m.) The truth tSf th^Pivintpromises, .1 Eternal and unerring rules ^ < Thy testimonies give : Teach me the wisdon» that vyill make My soulforeyeiffive. ^ f:^ Lord, hear my supplicating voice, Thy vvon^d favour shew j O quicken me, and so appVove Thy judgments ever true. 3 Concerning Thy Divine CQinmands, My soûl has known of old, That they v«rere true, and shall their truth To endless âges hold. c. P8ALM8. PsAtM 119. PAftT 18. (C. M^y For Divine iupport inajffUction^ 1 To my request and eamest crjr Attend, O gracions Lord ; ^ ' With heav'nly wisdom fill my Heart, According tô Thy Word. ' 2 Letmy repeated pray'r at last . Before Thy throné appear ; ' According to Thy plighted word, For myTelief draw near. 3 Then shall my grateful lips return The tribute of their praise, When Thou Thy councils hast reveaf'd, And^ taught me Thy just Ways. Part 19. (c. m.) \ Trust in God, 1 Grj:at peace and rest shaîl alî such havè. As dAjhy statutes love ; No dangif shall their quiet state Impair, or once remove. ' 2 My tongue, the praises of Thy word, Shall thankfuUy resound ; Because Thy promises are ail With truth and justice crown'd^ 3 Like some lost sheep Pve 8tray»d,till I Despair my way to find ; Thou, therefore, Lord, Thy servant seek, , Who kçeps Thy laws in mind^ ]■ M' y ' I /* •î^l**' 86 P8ALMS. PSALM 121. (C. M.) Godour. Protector at aîl times. ^• -5'- 1 To Sion's hill t lift my eyes, From thence expecting aid ; From Sion's hill, and Sion's^ God, , Who heav'n and earth bas made. 2 Then tfiou, my soûl, insafety rest, Thy Guardian will nbt sleep ; His watchful care, that Israël guards, Will thee firom danger keep. 3 Shelter'd beneath tb*Aknigbty's wings, Thou sbalt securely rest ; Where neitber Sun nor moon shall thee / By day or. night molesi.' ^ . 4> At home, abroad, in peace, in war, Thy God shall thee défend ; Conduct thee through life's pilgrimage Safe to thy journey's end. ' PSALM 12C^;(C. M.) * ThU very beaiUifultind delightfnt Hymn, expressive of the^oy ofthe Israeliteain gthitherby divine command, The tribes of God repair, Before His Arkto celebrate His name with pÂiige and prayer. 3 pray we then for Salem's peace. For they Bhall prosp'rous be, (Thou hply city of our God Ij Who bear true love to Thee. 4 May peace within Thy sacred walis, A constant guest be fotfnd î With plentF âlid prosperity^ ; Thypalaèea be crown'd ! PSALM 124. (cm.) The righieous i-escued frm ihesnarea of the wicked. 1 Had not the Lord, may Israël say, "" \. Been pleasM to interpose ; Hàd not His grâce' espoused our cause, Agâinst our mighty ifoes ; 2 Their wrath had swallow'd uà alive And rag'd without control 4 < Sin, death, and helPs united floods Had quite o'erwhelm'd our soiiL 3 Bul^ praise to our etemal Lord Who did His pow'r display ; "'"'■" ' And sav'd us from their savage grasp, Nor gave us i^ a ppey#^ , 4. Secure in His Almigh^^ Our confidence remains II % Who, as He made both heàv»n and carth, Of both sole monarch reigns. 87 i 88 psalms. PsALM 125. Part l.Gld Version. (l. m.) The *afely ofthe righieotu under the protectingcaréo/thê lAlmighty^ ' 1 * - -^ * 1 Thoss that do place their confidence Upon the Lord our God only, ~ And flee to Him for their defenc« Tn ail theirneed and misery, 1 Their faith is sure, still to endure, Grounded on Ghristthe corner-stone ; Mov'd with no ill, but standeth still, Stedfast like to the mouAt Sion. 3 Ànd as about Jérusalem The mighty hills do it compass, So that no foes can corne to them To hurt that town in any case* 4 So God inde^, in every need,' His faithfui people doth défend. Standing them by, assuredly, Prom this time forthWorld without end . Part 2. (c. m.) 1 Who place in Sîon's God their trust, liike Sion's rock shall stand ; Like her immoveably be fix'd, By His Almighty hand. 2 Look ! how the hills on every side Jérusalem inclose ; So stands the Lord around His saintsr> To guard them from their foes. .'**f t* V -\ H. ■ :*■' f PSAUIS. «9 3 The wicked may afflict the jiisV But shall npt jpng oppreâs ; Nor forcé hirh by despair to seek Base means fôr Ih« redre^s. 4 Bë graciousi Lord, toihosè who trust In Thee witlfhearts sincère ; Thy faithfui servants stillprptect, From sin, and guilt, and fear. 5 Allthose who vyalk in crooked palhs, The Lord will soon destroy ; Cut oflf the unjust, but crown the saints With lasting peace and joy. PSALM 127. (C. M.) 1 The necessUy of dependence upon God^ and His 'blesting, in every toork ive undertake, l In vain we build, »r|lefis the Lord The fabric still susfain ; i Unies» the Lord the city keep, The watchmai| ^^akes in vain. 2 In vain we rise befôrellhè d And late to re^ repair ; AlIoviT no respite\to our toiU^ And eat the brèad of care. 3 Tis God that compétence and wealth, Upon liià saints bestows ; He crowns their labours with success, Their nights With sweet repose. \ •I S ■■■ ■' "• '■}■',... ' -\ ^, \ * 1,. , • '■ ■\ \ .0 \ ■ \ ■ ■■ \ '-■-■■,- ^'• ■ ' ." ■ , "^ ■ ■ f -'■ " -j-. \^ . . . 1 — r-^— ^ •' ■ . ^ eSiÈ^^MBè^^; ■ ' ■ : ^^^& ^ :r ?èS.._,„-,.„..„. ....,,. , .'■I ^«'^■ 90 P8ALMS. PsALM 130. Part 1. Old Version, (cm.) .^ con/emon o/man^i sin/ulnw ; and an ad offaith in tàeDunnenurcy and promiud rédemption, 1 Hearkbn, Lord ! to my renuest, -Unto my suit incline ; And I^t Thine être, O God l^ prest. - 1 hear this prayer of mine. ' ' , "^ " ^ i O Lord our God, if Thou survey ^ ' „,?"'^ ^'"^> «nd 'hem peruse, \ . Who shall escape ; Or who dare'say, * I can inyself excuse 1' 3 But Ihou art merciful and free, And bouiîdless is Thy grâce ; That we may always careful be, To fear before Thy face. 4 In GoD the Locd put I my trust, _My soûl waita on His will j ! His promise is for ever jûst^ . And I hope therein still, ; Pari^^v (s. m.) 1 Mysour with patience vvails _^ F^^ Thee, the living EoRD : Mr hppes^re oh Thy promise bûiït, Ahy tievernfailing Word, 2 My loriging eyes look out For Thy enliv'ning ray ?• More duly than tjie morning watch To spy the dawning day. •Thati8,rea '■■ ■ ■ '■■■■■ ' ■ ■'.;■■-■.••' / pSALMS. j jSfi 3 Jjei-Isreal trust in God: / ' • -No bounds His mercy ^nows ; / The plenteous spurce and spring, froin whence j Eternal succour flovvs. 4 Whose friendly str^ams to us, ^ • ' Supplies in want convey ; i A heaiipg spring, a spring to cleanso^ ; And wàstr our guilt avvay^ PSALM 131. -(C. mÔ J^ deséuttion o/true humUity ttàd ferigmtion tothe wiU of God, withan exhortation to$^ practice thereof. i Let me not, I^ord, be proud of heart, Nor haughty be mine eye ; Nor let me daring thoughtâ^çmploy, In things for me too high. \ 2 ViTith infaht-like simplicity, r ^" " 'My sp'fint be posaessH ; ° ' Composed tp quiet like a babe^ • When weàned from^e brcast. 3 With me let ail coirûde in Go4^ His aid aIonè)i#pJore j . / * Bofh now and éyerlrust in Him, Who lives for evermoU». PsALM 132. (cm.) Résolution ta ioùr^ipatthe place whiek God kath appoint' ed, together tvith prayerfor Hu miniitfirs, i WiTH holy révérence and joV We to God's house repàirf " And prostrate^ at his footstool fall'n ' • - yPour out our iiumblè prayçc* 92 PSALM9< M- / â Anse, O Lord, and nowposaess Thy constant place ofrest ; Be this not only with Thy name But with Thy présence blest. ' ^ ^^ïi^t*^?" '"liy P'^'^^*» w^th righteousnes.s • Make ihôu Thy saints rejoice ; And for oui- great Redeemer's sakej - Hear Ihou Tfey suppliant's voice. 4 For Siondothin God's esteem AU other seats excel : The place of everlasting rest, VVhere He delights to dwell. ' PSALM 134. (c. M.) Exhortation ta Mm the Lord, and an invocation of ihe • . ?^ Divine bkssing» 1 Bless God, ye servants that attend -^ Upon His solemn state j ^ • ThatinHis temple night by night, With humble rev'rence wait, 2 Within His house lift up your handa, And bless His holy name ; From Siôn bless Thine Israël, Lord, Who heàv'n and earth didst frame. Gloria Patri, to FatKèr, Son, and^oly Ghost, : f^he God whomwe adore, . ,fieglory; as it was, is now, ,7 And shall be evermore. " i>SALMS. f 93 PsALM 135, Part. 1. (cm.) *■ . Eakartation to praise God for Ht» goodneu and merqf. 1 O PRAISE the Lord with one consent, \ And magnify His name ; Let ail the servants ofthe Lokij^ His glorious praise proclaim. \' 2 Praise Him ail ye that in,His house^^ Attend with constant câre ; ^f- Whp to His courts with hçd^. joy X And htimble zeal repain "^ ^ 3 For this our truest int'rest is, Glad hymns of praise tQ sin^ ; And with loud èongs to bless His name, A most delightful thing. 4 For God His ôwn pëcuîîar choice His faithful servants makes : And Israers offspring for His own Most valu'd treasure takes. Part 2. (c. m.) 1 T|iAT God isgood, we often hâve By glad, expérience found ; And that He is with wond*rous power Above ail créatures crown'd. 2 For He, with unresisted strengthj Performa Hfs sovereign will ; And ail the pow'rs of hekv'n and earth His wise designs fulfil. -^p/*" "f^4A^à:^^ *««^. ^^ \'-^y-^'^-'-f A-f* 94 PSALMS. 3 Their sensé of His unbounded love Let ail His saints express ; And let ail thoseWho fear the Lord His name for ever blèss. 4 JJét ail with\thanks his wond'rous work^ In SionV court proclaim ; a Letthem in Salem, \yhere,He dwells, î Exalt His holy name. PSALM 138. (cm.) Renltaiontopraise GodforBùtnercies. 1 WiTH my whole heart, my God and King, Thy praise I will proclaiiA ; Before the world with joy l'il sing, ' And bless Thyiholy name. 2 The Lord, to me inclines His.ear, Whene'erto Him ï cry ; And vvhen my sours-oppressM with fear, Doth inward strength supply. 3 For God, although enthron'd on high, Does thence the poor respect : The protid,. far off, His scornfui eye Beholds with just neglect. 4 Tnough I with troubles am oppress'd, Heshall my foes disarm ; Relieve my soûl, when most distress'd, And keep me safe from harm. 5 The Lord, whose merciea ever last, Shall fix my happy state : And mindful of His favours past, Shall His own work complète. / *l V: >SALM 139. Part 1. (lv m.) Thé omnipreaence and omniscienee of God, ■ * - 1 Thou, Lord, by Etrictçst search hast known. My rising up and lying down ; My secret thoughts are known to Thee, - Known long before conceiv'd by me. - 2 Thine eye my bed and piàth surveyd, My public haunts and private ways ; ^ Thou know'st what 'tis my lips would vent, My yet unutter'd words' intent. 3 Surrounded by Thy power I stand, On every side I find Thy hand : "' *s O skill, for human reach too high ! . ToQ dazzling bright for human eye !, 4 0, could I so perfidious be, ' . :: _ ^ -^ To think of once deserting Thee ? • %.4 Where Lord, could I, Thy influence shun ? Qr, whitherfrom Thy présence run ? 5 Search, try, O God, my thoughts and heart, Ifmischief lurks in any part; Correct me, when I go astray, And guide me in Thy perfect way. Part 2. [(l. m.) Mmiration ofthe power ofGod in cteaiion ; and a pétition — . tobeprovedandpurifiedinthetDayofholiness. 1 I'll praise Thee, from ^hose hands I came, A work of such a curious frame : The wonders Thou in meHastshown, My soûl with grateful joy ^ûstown. 96 P8ALM8. 2 Let me acknowledge too, O God, That ôince this maze of Ufe ï trod, Thy thoughts of lové to tne surmount The pow'r of numbers to recount. 3 Far sooner could I reckoh o'er Thesandsupon theocean'8shore<: Bach morn revising what Pve done, I find ^i' account but new begun. 4 Search, try, O God, my thoughts and heart, If mischief lurks in any part : Correct me when I go altray, And guide me in Thy perfect way. PSALM 142. (s. M.) A prayer of David, when he was in the cave of^dul- lam, whither hejkdwhen in danger from Saul ànd the PhUisiiTies. (P Sam. xxii. 1.) It contains supplica- tion for deliverance, and an act of confidence in God. 1 T0.G0D, with mourhfql voice^ In deep distress I pray j ~ Make Him the umpire of my cause, My wrbngs before Him lay. «f 2 To God alone I look ; Thou, Lord, my refuge art ; > My portion in the land oflife, Till life itself départ. 3 Reduced to greatèst straits To Thee I make my moan ; ,_: .0 save me from n^y treach'rous foes, For me too pow'rful grovvn. -i*" . -J*^ '«^ ."«. P8ALMS. 4> That I may praise Thy nanie, My 80ul from pinson briiSg ; ^ Whiist of Thy kind re^rd to me \ Assembled saints shàlï sing. j97 PSALM 143. (C. M.) ■ ■ * ■ Jn eqmest prayerfor remistion of tin, aanctificatioHt^nd rédemption, 1 Lord, hear my pray'r, and to my cry Thy wonted audience lend ; In 'i hy accustom'd faith and truth A gracidus answer send. 2 Nor at Thy strict tribunal bring Thy servant to betried ; For in Thy sight no living man Gan e*çr be Justified. 3 Thy kindness eariy let me hear, Whose trust on Thee dépends ; Teach me the v»ay wnere I should go ; My soûl to Thee ascends. 4 Thou art my God, Thy righteous will Instruct me to obey ; , Let Thy good Spirit^ead and keep^ My soûl in Thy right ^fty. V ■ ■■m.tf'B 5 O! for the sake ofThy great name ' Revive my drooping heart ; And for Thy truth and righteousness, Thy promis'd aid impart. ■ • p .< w^ 98 ,t m ' ' PSALMS. V PSALM 144. (L* m.) This Psalm» " composedjprobably by David after his açces' sbn to thethrone, û an animated unUm ofextdtation and gratitxUefor pa$t tnercieé."—** If toe substUute ta o^tr minds, Meuiah for David, the churck for Israël^ and ' spiritual for temporal blessings,^ the Ptalm will présent itself to us as a nûbU evangelical hymn," <" 1 For cver blest be'God the Lord, Who dpth Hjs neédful aid impart ; , Strength tothe.feébleknee8 afford, , And courage to the fainting heart. - : ' ■ / .■ ■■ • ^ His goodness is my fort and towV, Hisgracemy refuge and my shield j In Him I trust, whose matchlees pow'r Makes ail mystrohg corruptions yield. 3 Lord, what is man, that thou should'st love Such tender care of him to take 1 Wh!A4^in his offspring could Thee move ^ch great account of him to make ? ~4 The lifé of Hï&n doesquielly fade ; . 5 ^ .^'^[lis thoughts but empty are and vaih^ His days are like a fly&g shade, Of whose short stay no signs remain. 5 Thrice happy is that people's case, Whom various blessings still surround ; Who God's true worship still embrace, And are with Ilis. protection crown^d. P8ALMB. 9^ PsALM 145. Part 1. (c. m.) Praiu io Godfot Hisjmtieeand merqf» but etpeciaUyfor Hi» hving-kindneu to thm whocallujHm Himifiar Him, and love Him, 1 Thee m extol, my God and Kîng^ V Thy endless praise proclaim : This tribute daily î will bring," And ever bless Thy name. 2\Thou Lord, beyorid compare art great, And faighly to be prais'd ; Thy majesty with.boundIes8 heistit, V Above our knowledge raieM. 1 ♦ . . . ' \ " ■--■■..' 3 BenownMfofmightyacts Thy famé * ' Tb future tîmès extends : Fcom âge to âge Thy glorious name Sucçessively 4escends. '~~ — ^ : Whilst I Thy glor]rand renown, And wondrousworka express ; The world with me Th^might shall own, ^nd Thy great power confess. 5 The praise that to Thy love oetpngs, ' Theyshall with joy proclaim Thy truth of ail their grateful souj Shall be the constant thème. Part 2. (c. m.) 1 The Lord is good, fresh acts of" grâce His pitystill supplies; His ang^r moves with slowest pace, His willing mercy flies, p2 © ^^KBite*u;ji!'»««k-isi.ï-^?' ■> 100 PSALM8. ■1 2 Thy love throigh earth extends itR famé, / To ail Tkj Works express'd : /Thèse shew Thy praise, whilst Thy great name f lâ byJThy servants bless'd. ^ .V ■- 3 They, wïth the glorious prospect fir'd, ShallofThy kingdôm speak j ^ And Thy great pow'r by alf admir'd, Their lofty subject make. 4. Thy Bteadfast throne from changes free, Shall stani for ever fast ; Thy boundless sway no end shall see, But tlme itself outlast. . Part 3. (c.Jf.) ^ 1 TiiE Lord doth them suppbrttîiÉtîall, ^ And makes the profetrate rise^ j For His kind aid ail créatures calJ, Who tiinely food supplies. 2 How holy is tl^ Lord, hovv just ! How righteous/all His ways ! How mgh to hjm, who with firm trust For iliâ assistance prays ! . 3 He grants thelfull désire ofthose Who Him With fear adore ; And will their trouble soon compose, When they His aid implore. ^ 4 My time to comè, in praises spent, Shall still advdnce His famé ; And ail mankind,|with one consent, ^ For ever bless His name. i PSALMS. 101 PSALM 146. (C. M.) Exhortation io praise Qod for hU goodneas and mercy, 1 O PRAIRE the ï^ord! And thou, my soûl, Forcer bless His name ; H ia wondrous love, whiïfe life shall last, My constant praise shall claim. 2 Happy the man, who God the Lord For his protector takes ; And Him with well-plac'd confidence His constant refuge makes. 3 The Lord, who made both heav'n and earth, Arid ail that they contain, Will never quit His stedfast tmth, Nor make His promise vain. 4 By Him the blind receive their sight, ___ The weak and fall'n He rears ; ^ With kind regard and tender love He for. the righteous cares. 5 The God that does in Sion dwell, > Isom*eternal King : From âge to âge Hîs reign endures : Lctali His praises sing. ' PSALM 147. (cm.) Praise to God for His goodnets and mercy. 1 O PK AISE the Lord with hymns ofjoy. And celebrate His famé ; For Pleasant, good, and comely 'tis To praise His holy name. ^_*. -i'*W.%V"7i'^Ti,_-;5' V^ 102 PSALM8. 2 He kindly heals the broken heairts, And till their wounds doth cloàe : ; He tells the number of the stars, Their sçv'ral naines He knows. 3 Great is the Lord, and great His pow'r, His wisdom has no iMuhd : The meek He raises, and throws dovvn The wicked to the ground. -. 4 The Lord, to him that fears His name, His tender love extends ; To him that on His boundles^ grâce With Btedfast hope dépends. . 5 To God the Lord, then, hymns of praise With grateful voices sjtig ; - To songs of triumph tune the harp, ; And strike each sounding string. ' yPsALM 149. (p. M.) -0 An xwMéiwa, to the chUdren of Sùm to Praise God^ on account of the salvaùm tohichhehat already wroughtfor them, and which toUl hereafter be compkted in them when they thall enter into Hiereet. 1 O Praisk ye the Lord, prépare your glad voice, His praise in the great assembly to sing : In our great Creator let Israël rejoice ; ^ And children of SÉpn be glâd in their King. * 2 Let them His great name extol in their songs, With well-tuned hearts His praises express ; . Who listens with pleasure to'hear their glad, tongues, , And waits with salvation the humble to bless. PSALMS. 103 3 With glory adornM His people shall eing, To God who their head^with aafety doth shield : ^ Such honour and triumph His favûur sliaU bring ; O therefore, for ever, ail praise to Himyield. * Gloria Patri, By ang3l8 in heaven-, of every degree, , And saints upon earth, ail praise be addrest To God in three persons, — One God ever blest, As it has been, now is, and ever shall be. PSALM 150. (l. m.) Exhortation to univertal praise, - %: (For the opening of an Orgaii ) 1 O PRAISE the Lord in that blest place, Fromwhence His goodness largely flows ; Praise Himin heav'n where He Ilis face ^ , ' Uhveil'd in perfect glory shows. 2 Praise Him for ail the mighty acte, , Which He in pur behalf hath done ; His kindness this return exactn, With which our praise should equal nin. '3 To praise awake your tuneful string, And to the solemn^ROAN sing j Harmonjous let the concert rise, And bear the rapture to thç skies. 4 Let ail thàt vital breath enjoy, T^e breath He dœs to them afford, Jn just returns of praise employ : Let èvery créature praise the Lord. ^ r "% '"'^^- 917 m PS) #0R THE PRINCIPAL FESTIVALS, FEASTS, ÀND OTHER SOLEMNITIES or ri The Cliurcli. ********* "**v*«^ «-*.»* I, ad\At. 1. First Sunday in Advent. -• Tfieadpent and office» of Chiisl, a groundo/joy. (0. M.) 1 Hark, the glad Sound ! tl^e Saviour cornes, The Saviour proinis*(l long ; Let:ev*ry heart exult in praise, And every Voice in song. 2 He cornes the prisoner^y release, In Satanés bondage held ; .The gâtes ofbrass beforeHim break; ^g^.ï The^ iron fettere yield* Tom ihickést films of vice' ihei^ental ray, ^ eye^gjppssM with jiight, » •ur celel^ day : ; .: ^ ■ y' -^ ■ ■ ■: ' '^ UTM1N0. ' ■ ^^ ■ • 4 He cornes the broken hei^tto bind, Thew^iinded aoùl to cure, • Any^^^%be riches of His grape IjdRthè humble poor. ad hosaniias, Prince of Peace, y welcome shall proelaim ; And heav^n's eternal arches ring . '^\?ith Thy most honour'd name. 2. Second, SuNDA Y m lAorh ThtexceUency of the Scriplurea. (CM.) 1 Father of Mércies ! in Thy word I What endlèss riches shine 1 For ever be ïhy name ador'd ^ For knowledge thus divine [ 13 Hère the Redeeher^s vy^Icome^ voice Spreads hêavenly peace around ; And life and everlasting joys > Attend the blissful sound^ 3 may those hearenly pages be ^ J^ first, my chief delight ! «iÉÉt At#8till new beauties may I see, ^^ And still mcrease in light. •■"■: '" -^ * --.-. - . 4 Divine Instructor f glorious Loi^dI Be Tltou for ever near : âr Teach mè to love Thy sacred word, And yieiE my Sayiour there. 105 € / The bîesnngs and extent ofManah?s kingdom, (L. M.) . 1 The Lord shall reign, where*er the sun : Doth His successive jourieys run ; His kingdom stretch from shore to shore, Till moons shall wax and wane no more. ''iPS .\. t: ■ ,. i HYMNSi 107 2 To H i m shall fervent pray'r be made, And princes throng tocrown Ilis head : His name like sweet perfume shall rise, , .With ev'ry moming sacrifice. 3 People, and realms of èv'ry tongue, Shail bail His Ipve with sweetestsong : And infant voices shall proclaim 1 heirearly blessings on (lis name. r - * — 4 Blessings abound where'er He reigns : The pris'ner ieaps, freed from his chai ns ; The \^^a^y find eternal rest, ; And ali the sons of want are blest. 5 Let ev'ry créature rise and bring / Peculiar honours to our King ; Angels descend with sqngs again, And earth repeat the loud Amen. . 5. Thir'd Sunday in Advent. The example of Christ, (L. M.)— John xiiî. 15. 1 Pet. H, 21. 1 And is the Gospel peace and love ? So let our conversation be : The serpent blended with the dove, Wisdom with meek humility. v 2 Whene'er the angry passions rise, » And tempt our thoughts or tongues to strife, On Jésus let us fix our eyes — Bright pattern of the Christian life ! 3 To do His heavenly Father's will Was His employment and delight : ~ Humanity and holy zeal, 77 - ^hone through His life divinely bright. <• 108 ' ^y'îfjww^j'wv»*' . H7MN8. 4 Dis[)en8Îng good where'er He came, The labours of His life were love ; ir then we love our Saviour's name, Let us His brieh^ample move. 5 But ah ! how blind, how weak we are ! How frail, how apt to turn asiâe ! Lord, we dépend upon Thy care, \\^ ■ And ask Thy Spirit for our Guide. 6. FOURT^ SUNDAY IN AdVENT. Pramfor rédemption. Uni our conséquent obligations. (C. M.) 1 WiTH one consent let ail the earth The praise of God proclaim, Who sent the Saviour, by whose bîrth • To man Salvation came. 2 Let nations join to magnify The great, the wondrous love Of Hiin, who left for us the sky, And ail the joys above. 3 But vainly thus in songs of praise, We bear a joyful part ; If, while our voice aloud we raise, ' ,We lifl not up the heart. 4 We, by a holy liffe alone, , Our Sa viour's laws fnlfill ; By them His glory best is shown Who best perfbrm His will. ^ 5 May we to ail His words attend, m With humble pious care ! ~ Then shall our songs to heav'^n ascendj^ And find acceptance Uiere* 7^ ^^~Vx ..^tt^lU - ^Vi E^U ""^s^fTy^'^ ' \ HTMNS. 109 ^>. 7. FOURTH SUNDAT IN AdVENT. GratefulpraUe forihe veracU^ of the Divine promises. (P.M.> 1 Praise the Lord ! ye heav'nsi^ adone Him, Praise Him, angels, in the height f Sun and moon, rçjoice before Him, Praise Him, ail ye stars andiight. Praise the Lord l for He hath spoken, Worlds His mighty voice obey'd ; Laws whi'ch never shaill be broken ; " For thëir guidancehath Hemade, Praise the Lord ! for îe is glbrious, Never shall His proi nise fail ; God hath^made His saints victorious, * Sin anddeath shall iiot prevail. Praise the God of our g lai vation, Hosts on high, His ] >ow*r proclaim ; Heav'n and earth, and àll création, Laud and magnify His name* ^^^MM#%««rw nt^**0^^0^f^^^ U. CHRISTMAS 8. MORNINO DAY. Seéyice. nebirthofChr]st. (P. M.) 1 HhRK \jhe herald angsls sing " Glory to the new-boi^ Kingi Peace on earth, and me^xîy mild» God and sinners reconcilM."— <■ 2 Joyful, ail ye nations, rise, Join the triumphs of the skies } With th* angelic host proclaim (^ Christ la bom in Bethlehem.'* ^ . -/ ^^v^,^^^^^^^^^ . \ 110 HYMNS. ■VsV" 3 Véird in fle^h, the Godhead see ; Hail the incarnate Deity ! Pieas'd as'man vi\\\i men to dwell, JesuSji our Immanuel. 4> Lo ! He lays His glories by, Born that man no more may die ; Bom to raise the sons of earth, Boni to give them second birth. 5 Bis'n with healing in His wings, Light and liie to aH He brings, Hail the heav'n-bom ** Prince of Peace !'' Hail the Sun of Righteousness ! , 6 Let us then with angels sing, ** Glory to the nevv-born King ! Peace on earth, and mercy mild, God and sinners reconcil'd !" 9. EvENiNO Service. ' Praisefor the birth of Christ (C. M) 1 HiGH let us swell bur tuneful notes, And join th' angelic throng, For angels no such love hâve known, To awake a cheerful song. 2 Good-will to sinful men is shown. And peace on» earth is given ; For, lo ! the incarnate Saviour cornes „ ; Wîth messages from heaven. 3 Justice and grâce, with sweet accord, ' His risingbeams adorn ; Let heav*n and earth in concert join, To us a Child is born. 4 Glory to God in highest strains, In highest worlds be paid ; Tîis glory by our lips proclaim'd, • And by our lives displayM. • . . -* / EACE !'^ VI.) nés „ HYMNS. 111 5 ! may wereach those blissful realms Where Christ exalted reigns ; And learn of the celestial choir Their own immortal stirains. 10. For A Third Service. Sfl/îja/to» 6y CAmf.— P«al. Ixxxv. (L. M.) 1 S ALVATïON is for ever nigh To those who fear and trust )the Lord : And grâce, descending from on high, * Fresh hopes of glory shall afford. 2 Mercy aiid truth on earth are met, Since Christ the Lord came down from heav'n : *' By His obédience fuU, complète, ^ ,; _ Justice is pleas'd, and peace is giv n, - 3 Novv truth and honour shall abound. Religion dwell on earth again ; And hesLv'nly influence bless the ground, / In our Redéemer's gentle reign. / 4 Pure righteousness shall spread her vyîng, And to thislower earth descend ; Prépare Thy way, Eternal ÏÇing ! And ail Thy children's Steps àtter\d. ïll. END OF THE YEAR. 11. Jle/ïecitoA(rf«fteen' il2 HYMNS, H'" ; 2 JMuch of thy dubious life is gone, Nor will return again ; And swift thy passing moments run,— . The few that yet remain. 3 Awake, my souljj with utmost care, Thy trtie condition leam ; ^^^^ *■* ^^y ^f>P09, how sure, how fair, "^ And what thy greaî. concern ? , i Now a néw scène of time begins, ' Kehew thy course for heav'n ; Seek pardon for thy former sins, In Christ so freely given. 5 Devoutly yield thyself to God, And on His grâce dépend,. • WUh zeal pursiw the heav'nî) road, X Nor doubt a happy end. *^ 12, Seviewofli/e,er ^ Where days an4ryeara revolve no ïnore. .. 1 (L. M.) 3y; i^hole : • .. de. Dre. •» .V-' V. EPIPHANY ; lis oa, THE MABOFESTATION OF CHRIST TO THE QENTILES. 15. IsAïAH lii. 7.--I0. (S. M.) 1 How beauteous are their feet Who stand on Sioh^s hill ; Who bring salvation on their longues, And words of peace reveal ! 2 _How charming is tl«iç vi&ice ! How sweet the tidin^ are ! *« Sion ! behold the Sayiour-King, He reigns and triumphs hère. * ''./■■ 3 How happy are our earsj » That hear the joyful Sound, Which kings and prophets waited for, ^nd sought, but never found ! ■** ■ < / • ■ 4 How btesseîare our eyes, That see this he^v'nly light! Prophets and kings desir'd it long, Butdied without the sight. 5 The Lord makes known his name Through ail the earth abroad ; , , Let every nation now behold Their Saviour and^their God. 16. On the coîkct for the Epiphanvr (L. M.) 1 O God, who by Thy star didst lead THfe adonng gentiles on their way To HiM, whose wondrous birth has freed . Mankind from deatK, wherein thëy lay r y y Ti ••' 116 HTMNS. ^ m 2, teaçh m, Lord, to know and feel* The good which from-Ttïy morcy flows ; That we to others may i^vefil The taie, and ail Thy love disclose. . * 3 Lord ! w^at is man, that in Thy niin'd His humbler lot should hâve a share 1 Or, what his sons, that thusthey find Their wants the object of Thy care ? 4 Ail that a greatful heart can give, Is poor to what Thy love demande ! Yet, Lord, accept us while we strive T'obey, in fear, Thy blest commands. " , ■ . .. _ .^ . ■ 17. TÂe heavens déclare the glory of Gûrf/^BJ^. xix. 1—6. 1 The spacious firmament on high, " " With ail the blue ethei-eal sky, " And spanglèd heav'ns, a shining frame, \. -^Their great original proclaîm. " 2 The unwearied sun from day to day Does his Creator's powV display, And publishes to ev'ry lând The workof an Almighty hand. 3 Soon as the ev'ning shàdes prevail, The moon takes up.the wondrous taie, And nightly, to the list'ning earth, Kepeats the story of her birth ; 4 While ail the stars that round her burn^ And ail the planets in their turn, Confirm the tidings as they roll, ,And spread the truth from pôle to pôle. 6 "T.jMi^^ r'i. i». t3tf\£n^eéiMèid 1^ flows; * î. . " m 1* rel- 'r ■> .0 l •eî , 5! • ids. •« ^. xix. 1—6. le. n, e. HTMNS. 117 5 Whatthough in Bolemn silence ail Move round this dark terrestrial bail ; What though no real voice nor sound Amid their radiant orbs be found j 6 In reason's earthey ail rejoice, And utter forth a glorious voice ; For ever singing as they shine, — ^^^ _ " Theliaijid.that made U8 is divine." VI. ASH-WEDNESDAY.— UiNT. 18. Th» lamentation of a nniury^^. C. M ) 1 O Lord ! turn not thy face away From them that lowly lie, * Lamenting sore their sinful life With tears and bitter cry. Thy mercy gâtes are open wide To them that mourn their sin ; O ! shut them not against us LoaD, But let us enter in. 2 Lord ! Thou know*st what things be past, Also the things that be ; Thou knaw'st also what is to corne, Nothingishid (romThee. fe Lord, we corne to Thy mercy-gate, Whére mercy ^dothabound» Desiring mercy for our sins To heal our soula' deep wound. 3 Lord ! we need not to repeàt What we do beg and crove : For thou dost know before we ask, The thing that we would hâve. 1 ^ fc^^^-^f^-'-' ^ fT'-y^'-^i^-fW'^ '^S' ^Bfgc^sT efi^y' * y |.Tj-j.™-_ t^n-K^aij" ^y e y-a magg 118 HTMNS; / f . Mercy,iO LottD, mercy we peek, Tbis is the total ^um; " For mercy, LopijQi', 18 ail «^urprayer, ! let Thy mlèrèy corne. ^ ^ 19. jSnticipation ofthe JudgmentDay^ (C. M.) 1 WHENriBing.from the bed of death, % O'erwhelm'd with guill andjear, ~' I see my Maker fece to face, ^ O ! how shall I appear ? 2 If yet, while pardon may be found, J,,l_^ And mercy may be sought, My heart with inward hprror sbrinks - A nd trembles at the thoùght ; ■ v , ' 3 Wben l'hou, O Lobd! shall stand disclosM In majesty severe, . And sit fn judgment on my soulj O ! how shall I appear 1 4 Lord ! see the sorrows of my heart £re yet it'be too late ; And hear my Sa^iour's dying groans To givethose sorrows. weight ! ► 5 For never shâll my souI despair Her pardon to psocure ; ^^ Who knows Thine only Son has died To make her pardon sure. 20. Supplication qf Mercy, (8. M.) 1 Fatber of Mercies, hear I Thy pardon we implore ; While daily thibu^ this sacred fast, Ouir prayerS) our teare, we pour» ^ 4. .. ^- --. C. M.) ïcloB'd .. HTMKS. 2 ^ Searcher of hearts ! To Thee ; Our helplesenees is known ; Be then to those who eeek Thy fac^ Thy free forgiveness sbowQ. 3 Dur sins hâve numerous been^ Wé own it. Lord, with shame ; Yet spare ànd heal the broken hearts, - Spare for l'hy glorious name»^^ ■',•>■■ • ° * Thus, to Thy contrite ones "Thy mercy shall be shown ; Weaskit, Blessed One in Three^. We ask it, Three in On e. / 119 ^^^'^AAAMlWMMt^WVWMMWvMtb ià ' i VR. PASSION WÊÊK. "' . . . ■ ■ ■ 21, SuNDAf BfiFORE EiT^TÈR. On the Gospel for the - darkness once, by God's coramand, Envelop'd haughty Egypfs land, Throughout that long and fearful night ■ - In Israel's dwellings ail was light. 2 So to the righteous light shall rise, Though clouds and tempests wrap the skies, And faith triumphant mook the gloom That gathèrs rpund the sîlent tomb. p Thengrantus, Lobd, while hère we rove, * Thy will to know, Thy waysto love, To prove the riches of Thy grâce, ^^^^^ And share the brightness of Thy face. 4 Till, guidedthusin allourwày, And cheerd by Tby celestial ray, We reach at last that heavenly height _ 7" Where ail is peace, an^ joy, and light. ■ s'-'--. -■ -'—à-' -^ '■■'■■■■' '"'f-'M' ' ■ y ■'' ' '^' ' ' 7 a «i ^R GaoD Friday. **liûfiniihedr* John xix. 30. (P. M.) 1 Hark ! The voice oflove and mercy Sounds aloud from Calvary ! — See' ! It rends the rocks asunder, - ,g^ Shakes the earth, and veils the sky ! "Itisfinished!" ) Hear the dying SA v iO OTt-^ ^ * ,*> chain, X. (L.M mand, t '■:■■■■ i skies, rove. ) .) 2 FinishM, ail the types and shadowa Of the cérémonial law j Finish'd now is man's redemption j 'Death and hell no more shall awe. « It is finishy !»» Saints from hence your comfort dràvv. 3 Tune your harps anew, ye seraphs ! JEoin to sing the pleasin^ thème j Ail (1^ earth, and ail in heav'n, Join tp praise Immanuel's name ! IJallelujah! Join to praise Immanuel's nàme. .MessitétheLambofCfod, JohnJ. 29. fS.M.) 1 Behqld the Lamb of God, . Who takes our sins away ! See and adore His heav'nly love. And praise him day by day. 2 Be every valley high,; | Be every mountain low ; The proud mnst stoop, the huèble souI 1^ Shall His salvation know. , * j^ ■'■.*«' 3^ iThe heathen realms abroad ^ :■; Shall join in sweet accoi^ ; * And ail the sons of men shall see The gloryof the Lord. sH 4 Behold the âay-spring risé, Ye thatin darkness dwell ! '2^ 'K- He marks the path which leads to He burati ihè gâtes of hâTT peace^ ;3 pfës ^ o ^ -c^ ÏHÇ. 322 — ? HTMKS. 2% Oirift, ihe Shepherdof^ouh. IsAïAH. liu. 6. I Pet. u. 24, 26. (C. M.) S?° J ^^ P"^*?® '^^y wondrous love, >Ve bless our Saviour's name ; Who, man's salvation to procure, H I>espi8'd reproach and shame ISfThromtprrùw ana*o«^death he passM, Thy pleasure to fulfill ; He magnified Thy holy law, And finished ail Thy will, 3 Ail Ve, ungrateful to Thy love, Like sheep had gone aetray ; ^ From vlrtue's happy path wetwm'd, And chose the sfnner's way. 4 Butby our Shepherd now brought back. And with Hîs favour blest, We»re taught^he safe, the happy road, - ThatleadBtojoyanUnsôt. 5 To God the everlàstîng King, Be endless praises given ! Who sent His Son on earth to die. And make our peaoe with heaven. VIII. THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST. 26. «ForJSastbr dat« %. Chriit*striumphover'dÊathandthegrav (P. M.) 1 Christ the Lord is risen to-day î HallelHfoA. Ourtriumphantholiday— HaL Who endur'd the cross and grave, ffah .'S inn fim i ^ nipoiu auJ uave . Mai N \, ,\ M.) )ass'd, lESUS M.) Hal. Mal. \ ^ HtUNS* 123 Hymns of praisés lét us sîng / HaL IhAo Christ o«r héav'nly King ; HaL Fdr the pains which Ile endur'd, - - Hal. Our salvation hâve procur'd. HaL Lôn[Ie rises,*MightyKîng; ' Hal, IVhere, O death ! is now thy sting ? HaL y - L9! He claims His native sky, Hal. Grave ! ^here is thjr victory ? HaL 4 Christ the LoteD is risen to-day ! HaL Our triumphant holiday : Mal, ^ Loud the song of triumph raise, Mal, — SingyourgreatREDEEMER*spraiâe. HaL 27. ChritVs Vîctofy overihe grave, ,J[L. M.) -1 He dies ! èiie J'riend of sinnera dies ! Lo ! Salem's daughters^weep around.; A solemn darkness veils the skies-.; A sudden tr^blingshakes the grouA'd. 2 Corne, sinners! trace in sacl review His grief, who bôwM beneath.-your ioad ; 4 He gave His aqguish'cÙife Cor you, ' i PourM (bnh in streams of richest blood. Yety see ! the Lord forsakes the tomb ; In vain His foes forbid His rise : Angelic levons guard llim home, ^ And shout His Wéicome to the skies. 4 Cease, ceàse your tears, ye saints, and tell How high yôur great Deliv'rer reigns : S i ng y how ftft BpoilM the hoat a nf h ell^ And lead the captive Death in cfaains. G 2 124 HTMNS. ; *.* 5 Sing— «Liveforever, Wondrous King ! " Born to redfeem and strong to save ; *' Thine arm bas torn from death its sting, ^^ «Andsnatch'd the Vict'ry from the grave." t^^^^m^^t^ ^^'V^A^^^A^^^^^^y^w» IX. ASCENSION DAY; OR THE FOLLOWINO SUNDAY, 28. The ascension and intercession of Christ! (P M.) 1 H AtL ! the day that sees Him ïm,Hallelujah, Glorious to His native skies ! Haj, Christ, awhile to mortais giv'n, Hal, r Jînters now the highest heav'n. HaL: 2 There the glorious triumph waits— Lift your heads, eternal gâtes ! Christ, bas vanquish'd death and sîn, Take the King of glory in. 3 Lo! the heav*n its Lord receives! Ye^he loves the earth He leaves j Though returning to His throne, ' Still He calls taankind His own. ' , ,, -. :■, .Sjj,^ -■; ■ .■ ^..■■-. *^ , ■■'■•, :'a.; ■ ■»!,,*' » .... /. A Still for us He intercèdes, \, His prevaifing death He pleads : NearHimself prépares our place» Harbingèrof hunian race. 5 0! tboughpartedfromoursight ^^ Far above yon azuré height, , Grant our hearts may thither rise, "^ ' * Theg • ^ - ^ > .Sc^àiiig. a bovo the sfciesi Haï. mi. Hal, Mal. Hal. Hal. HaL Hal. Hal. Hal. Hal. Hal. Hal. ~ Halt^. Hal. / ^sm 4^- _1. - X. WHITSUNDAY. 29. VeniCnator, (C. M.) T 1 CoMEj IIoLT Ghost ; Creator ! corne. Inspire the. soûls of Thîne, - Till ey'ry heart which Thou hastmade ^ la fiU'd with grâce divine. Iâ5 2 Thôu artthe Comporter, thegift OfGod, and fire of love : . The everlasting spring of jby, And unctioQ from above. ^ ^ 3 Enlighten our^dafk soûls till they ' - ^ Thy sacred love embrace ; , Assist our minds (by nature frail) Wilh thy celestiaJ grâce. * - 4> prive far froni us the mçrtal foe, %, • And give us peacèwithin ; That, by Thy guidancç blest we may f ^scapethe snaresofsin. T^r" 5 Teach us the father to confess, And son from death reviv'd ; And with them both,:Thee, Boly Ghost, Who art from both deriv'd. Ç To Father, Son, and Holt Ghost, The God whom vire adore, Be glory as it wàs, is now, And shall be evermore. ^ dO.Veni Creator. (L.M.) 1 CoME, HoLT Ghost, creator ! côme,^^^^ And visit ail the soûls ofThine : Thou hast jnspirM our hearte with life, , Inspire them now Witb lîfé divine. •» ,*' «*-. A-' ï<26 2 Enlighten our dark soûls, till they^ Thy loVe— thy heav*nly love embrace f. And, since we are 4}y Aature frail, V ^ ' * Assist-tis- with Thy sàving grâce. • ' ■ ' !;• ■ - ■ • 3 Drive farfromnis the mortal îbe, . . And grant us to havé peace within ; That, with Thy light and guidance blest, Wë may êscape Uie shares of sin. 4 Teach us the Father to confess, Aiid Son, who from the. grave reviv'd : And, with the Father and the Son, X Thee,,Hoi,Y-GHCBST, irom both deriv'd. /'-:'■■ --.■•' ■ ' ' . " ■ ~. . •'.'■..■.» < . 5 Wlt^Thee, O Fat^erj thereiTore, may-s Thp Son, who was from death lestôrM, And Sacred Comporteb, One God, ^" To endless âges be adorM. ' * 31. .Hymn from iU Ordination Service^ (P. M.) ' , 1 CoMË, HoLY Ghost ! our soûls inspire^ '' And lighten with celestial fire ! Thou the Anôinting Spirit art) W^lo dost Thy sevenfold gifts impart. . Thy blessed unètion from above Is comfort, life, and fire' of love. , : C- . '■ • ■■■ • ■'■'■" ■ ■' ■■ 2 Enablé with perpétuai Kght The darkness of our bounded sight ; Anoint our heart, and cheer our face^ j With the abundance of thy grâce'; .• Keep far our foes ; give peace at honw^-r.^ Whftm thon art Guid e * no jlll cnn come. -t— ■^ HTMNS. 1^7- "3 Teach us toknow^ the Fàther, Son, And Thee of both, to Be but one ; . That thfaugh the âges ail along TRis théine may'form our etidless song : — Praise be to Thine eternal merit, ^ O Fathbr, Son, and Holy Spirit ! ^ ^ 32»yeniGreator. ()U M.) V 1 Creator Spirit ! by whose aid Thy world's foundations firat were laid ! ." Corne vfsitèvVy pions mind; Corne, pour TUy joys on human kind !" 2 Thricèholy fount! thrice holy fice ! ' Ouf hearts with heàv'nly love Inspire :- .Corne, and Thy sacred unction bring, \ To sahcUfy us while we sing. 3 Chase from our minds th* infernal foe, And peace, the fruit of love, bestovv ; And, lest our feet should step astray, Protect and guldb us in the way. 4j Make us etemal truihs receive, ' And practise ail that we believe ; Give us Thyself, that we may see The Fathçr and the Son by Thee ! . 5 lAdmortal honours, endle^sfame. Attend th' Almighty Father's namô" ;•* The SAViouR Son be glorified, Who for lost man*s rédemption died. 6 And equal adoration be, --^^--.-^ - \ Etbrnal Spirit, paidtoThee; -'^ '^ Corne, visit every pious mind, 128 HTMNS. J>s- . XI. TRINITy SUNDAY. 33. Hymnfrom the Litany. (L. M.) 1 Father of heav'n l who.se love profound A ransom for our souIs hath found, Before Thy throne we sinnersbend ; ■■ . V To us Tby pardoniDglove extend. "^^ 2 Almighty Son ! Incarnate Word, Our Pfophet, Priest, Redeemer, Lord I Before Thy throne we sinners bend ; To usThy saving grâce extend. , 3 Eternal Spirit! By whose breath The soûl is rais'd from sin and death, Before Thy throne we sinners bend ; l'o us Thy quick'ning power extend. 4 Jehovah ! Fathèr ! Spirit ! Son ! Mysterious Godhead ! Three in one ! Before thy throne we sinners bend ; Grâce, pardon, life, tous extend.* " 34. Prttû»toihe Triniiy. (P.M.) V 1 Glort be t GoD on high ! God, whose glory fiUs the sky ! Peace on earth to man forgiv'n ! Mân^ the wdl beIov*d of heav'n. 2 SovBREiGN Father ! heav*nly King t Thee we Aow présume to sing ! Glad thine attributes confess, n Glorious ail and numberless. 3 Ilail r by ail Thy works ador»d t -^^ ^ Hail the everlasting Lord 1 • Thee with thankful hearts we prove, LoRu o f po wer , a nd ll fe , a nd lave. -*f-- — . ■s ;. «i# <^' ^^:riî ,'•■.■•4 -■■V-r HtHNS. 4 HoLT $^iiiit! Thee we oirn, Theé, O C|iiii8T, the only Son.! Lamb oi^Qod ! the victimsiaia lilan to!ss^e from endless pain. 5 Fraise the name of God most High ! Fraise Him, ail below the fky^ : Fraise Him^all ye heav'nly hoit, FatheR) Son, and Holt Ghost. XIL SAGRiàlENTAL. ^ ^ ■■ i. . , -_..* 35. BapHmcfJdultt. (S. M.) 1 The g^ntle Sayiour calls . Our chiîdfen to His breast ; I^efôldatheai in His gracions arods, themblei * 4v. ■Va 2 << Let ihem approach," He cries,' . Nor scoirn their humble claim : « The heiris of heav'n are auch as tfaiese, 5< For 8ucb( as thèse I came.'* ^ 3 pladly w&bring them, "{«ord, J>év9tin^them to Thee ; ^ ' . Imploring ihat, as we are Thine," Thine iniay onr offâpring be. . 36. BaptUmof Infants,'-'ErH» M. 10—13. (S-M.) 1 SoLDiERS of Christ ! arise, : And put your armour on ; Strong in th e str e ngth which God suppliegu Thrdugh His eternal Son. 63 i- I 130 < ^ HYMNS. 2 Strpng in the Lord of Hosts, And iiîhis inighty povv'r : Who in the strength of Jésus trusts, Is nriOF^ than conqueror. 3 Stand then in Hisgreat might, With ail hia strength endu'd ; ^ And take toarm yoti for the fight, The.panoply of God. 4 That, havingallthingsdone, And ail your conflicts past ; -^ Yemaybehold your victory won, ■ And stand corïiplete ai last. r ' . " 37. Baptismofàduîis^ (CM.) Phil. iiLl3, 14. Hkb. sii. 1. Eph. vi 19— 20. 1 A^AKE, my soûl ! stretch every nerve, And press with vigour on ; A heay'nly race demanda thy zeal, And an immortal crown. ' 2 A cloud of witnessea around Hold Thee in full survey ; Forget the stéps already trod, And onward urge thy way. 3 'Tis God's ail animating voice, That calla.thee from on high ; 'Tis Uis own hand présents the prize Tô thinô uplifted eye. ' 4f Thei\ wake, my àoul r^htfetôh every nerve, And. press with vigour on ; A heRV*nly racedemandsthy gfifll^ * .. And an immortal crown. T'^jr-f^^^rm^i-M HTMN8. CONFIRMATION. 38. The benefit» qf heavçnly wisdom, (CM.) 1 Ô Happy is the man, who hears Instruction's sacred voice ; r^\ A nd who celestial witidom makes , ' H;s early, pnly choice : - ..,■ ^ ; \ 2 For she has treasures greater far Than East or West unfold ; And her reward is moré secure Than is the gain ofgold. 3 In her righâ hand she holds to view A lengtir of happy years ; And in her lefienduring wealth And honour bright appears. . 4) She guides the young with innocence , True pleasuré's path to tread j A crown of glory she bestows f tJpon the hoary head. « 5 And as her holy labours rise» So her rewards increase ;, Her ways are ways of pleasantness, And ail her paths are peace, ^ - 131 39. For a SACEAMiart Dat. (L. Mi> / 1 My God, and ia Thy table spread, And both Thy cup with loveo'erflow 1 . Thitherbe ail Tty children led, Andlet them ail Thy sweetness know. 2 Hail, sacred feast, whiçh Jésus makes - Rich banquet of His fiesh and blood î Thrice happy he who hère partakes T hatfl&Cfedstrea n i, th àfheaynly fooé^ A^ HYM58. "^■i. 3 a ! let Thy table honour'd be, And furnish'd well with joyful guests ! And may eaçh sonl salvation see, That hère its aacred pledges tastes, * ^î crowda approach ; wilh hearts prepar'd, _ With hearts inflam^d, let ail attend ; ^ Nojywhen we leave our Fathbr's board, 1 ne pleasure or the profit end. V 5 Revive Thy dyingchurches,LoHD,^' Bid 9^11 our drooping grâces live ; An<| more, that ener^ afibrd, A Saviour's blool alone can give. 40. Before the Sacramera.* (P. M.) 1 Bread of the world, in mercy broken î _ Wme ofthe soûl, in mercy shed » By whom the words of life were spoken, And In whose death our slns are dead f 2 Look dn the heart by «oriw^ broken, ^' Look^n the tears % sinners shed ; - And be Thy feast toSw the token, ^ That by Thy grace>çir souIs are fed f 41. Gratifulpraim-Rtv, xix, 6, 7, 8. (C. M.) ï All ye who faithful servants are "^ ^ Of our Almighty King, V BoA high and low, and small and great, His praise devoutly sing. m 2 Let us rejoice and render thanks _ To His most holy name ; Tl^» fejojce f for n JspiUHâfilMffiBBit W-^--: acratnent : [I. ^- (P.M.) 2 Thon our sacrifice receive, llumbly ofiFer'd through ThySoN : , May vve ever in Thee live, 'May Thy will în us be ddne ! . 3 Meetitis^andjustandrighl, .. ' That we shôuld be wholly Thine ; In Tiiy sacred Word delight, " In Thy blesaed service join. 4 O that ev'ry deed and Word May proclaim how good Thou art I ** Uoliness unto the LoR0f'' Still be written oneachheart. 135 •M^M^AM^^^S^^^«^^WWW^^#W XUI. FAST AND THANKS#VING , DAYS. 1 M Y GoD ! the step of pious mi^ Are order'd by Thy will j Though they should fall, they riae again j ' Thy hand supports them still. <. ■ ■- ». ■ '^' ^ ' '■» ■ 2 The Lord delights to see their waf? Their virtue He approves j y He'Il ne'erldeprive them ofHis grâce, Norleave ^e men He loves. 3 The heav*nîy héritage ili theirs, i Their poçtion and their home ; He feed a theni now^jind makes them heir» ^'W Of blessings h>ng to corne. n ^ HrMNfl* 136 4 Wait on the Lord, ye sons of men, Nor fear when tyrants frown ; Te shall confess their pride was vain,» When justice casts Uiem doWn. 46. For a Fast Day during War. (C. M.) 1 Almiohtt ITjiord ! Before Thy throne . Thy mourning people bend ; *Tis on Thy pardoning grâce alone Our prostrate hopes dépend. 2 Dark judgments, from Thy heavy hand, Thy dreadfui power display j Yet mercy spares our guilty land, iind still we live to pray. 3 O ! tum us, tum us, mighty Lord, ,^ Convert us by Thy grâce ; 1 hen shall our hearts obey Thy wor4, , * And humbly seek Thy face. 4 Then, should insulting foes invade, We shall not sink in fear ; Secure of never-failing aid. If G od, our ^pd, be near. ■ ; ; , J |- " ; ■ " ; ". ; ' fif^'"; ■ ^._. .'.. j. !" . ..,_J . , ' y ' , ,".,'■■ ^ ' ,."'. '-'ï .■."'" ■■ '.ï'' :•:■'''' ■ .' . . , ' 47. Prayer,andHopeofVictory, (L.M.) 1 New may the God of grâce and powV Attend His people's humble cry ; Défend them in the needfui hour. And send deliv'rance from on high. In His salvation is our hope ; And in the name of Israel's Goo, Our troopsahall lift their banners up, ffc ■ I ■ * - -■ :..:" .Vf: „ ~-^~~~^ %. \ .. s Onr navies spreaf th«r tiaga abfoal^ A- \ \ HTMNS. 137 .■i'^^. ^- 3 Some trii^tirï horses trâinM for war, — ~^^ And some of chariots ma^ their boasts ; Our surest expectations are^\,^ From Thee, tho Lobd of heav*nly hoats ! 4 Then gave us, Lord, from slavish fear, * And let mir trust be firm and strong y» Till Thy saivatibn shall appeary " 7—^ And hymns of peace conclude our song. For the Ki, ^égiorit Jan, 20; of ihe 29/A of May, o/November. (C. M.) .SoVEREÎBWWall ! whose will ordains The pow'rs on earth that be ; By whom our rightful Monarch reigns, Subject»to nône but Thee. 2 Lo ! jn the arms of faith and pray'r, We bear HiM to Thy ihrone ; Receive Thine own peculiar caré, ^ The Lord's anointed one. 3 Guard Him from ail who dàre oppose Thy delegate and Thee ; . From open and from secret foes, Fron) force and perfidy. 4> In health and wealth may ÎIe increase, HiM from ail harm défend ; 'Stablish his throne in righteousness, And save IIiM V> the end. 5 IIis people bound in unity ^ With ev'ry mercy bless ; ' Make us a nation fearingThee, And-workingrightcousncs»*— .4# ,#■■ ■.P: ■«\4 _a.- ■ja im HtMIÎS; w 49. Thanhtgivirtg for Harvest. (C M.) - r FouNTAiN ofniQrcy j God of love ! ^Uovvrich T]^y bountiesare! ^ . ïhy rolling seasons, as they move, • ^ ; Pfoclaim Thy constant care. 2 When in.the bosom of the éarth '/ • _ • The sower hid the grain, ' : i 1» T|iy gooidness markM its, secret birth, V V ÀncI sent the earl/Vain. ' : 3 Th^e spring'é sweet in^uence, LorD, was thine,: t i i'he plgints in beauty grew i ; 'f ïjou gav'st the'suramers suns to shine, ; ^ The mild refreshing dôw. 4 Thèse varions nierciesfrom*^aboi^e Maturtd the swelling grain ; A kindry^ARVEST crôvvns Thy love, r. And plenty fillsthe plain. . . 5 We ovj^n and bless Thy gracions sway j • Thy feaiîd ail nature hails j . Seed-time toor harvest, nightnorday, Summer nor winter fails. v ^^^^^*^fc^^»^^i^%<#i «A^»«>^^«^^«M,tf^^«%r XIY. CHARITY S^ERMONS AND OTHER SPECIAL .OCCASIONS. 50. Annimsary Sermons for National, Sunday, orother ^ - Charity Schodts. (L. M.) . » BY THE CONCiREGATION. 1 In sacred songs your voices raise, il __^ V To sing the Great redeemer^a praise ; & ' V, Yetwho, but saints in heav*n above, Can tell the riches of his love î HitMm, im^ 73^8 ihïi^ey THER or olher T CHILPREN. > a That love in gentle àccèiîte shed ' . A blessing upon childhood's head ; ./. Bàde e'en the young to hope for grâce, % And seëk the glories of His face*^ . 3 Blest Sh«phei?d of the sheep ! he leads The wand'rers and the hungiy feeds ;. Dëigns in his àrmâ the young to bear And ifiakes them His peculiar care. congrégation; ' ; * 4. ,Saviour ! , to Thy pàternal side « Thèse helpless innocents we guide ; >> J ,' And seeJL for grâce and strength, that they ^ And we mày keep Our he.ay*n-ward way.' * " . -, ' ■ • i ' "... 5 1 . Annivmary Sermon for, a ÇkarUy àcHooU (L. M.^ ^ CHILDRÉN. . ' . r, 10 THou, thatfroiA the moiith of "babes, - And infant-tongue», didst perfuct praise, Almighty Father, hearthesong . Which,we, Thy helpless servants^ raise. . M'. \\J> ■M ' 4 CONGREGATION». 2 Hbw blesl we they I who èariy tàught: ' ToknovJlind love the- word of.truth, •Far Ccôm the hauqts of sinners spend , ' "._ The tranquil morning of theiryouth. . " ''^''' '"^' ''"''' ': ' ■ CHILDREN.- ' ' '''' ' *' 3 And blest are they whose cnre forbU^ xJL_-f, The youthful Ghristian's feet to stray> / ' Unfolds the Book of Truth, arid there i- Tff liff ptprnnl pnintg thft wny^ ' m 1* • f * i j^ "^ 1- -fer"- *■ ■■', ^^^î.',J^(luBUAi>. ( -\. '■' r » ■^ 140 HYMNS. i# -4 X WHOLE ^'ONGREOATION. Hear, Lord, Thy children's prayer ; and still ^el the full tide 6î bounty flow ; ^hat thpusand^yet unborn may learn f . V Thy will, and ail Thy merdes knowV - ^ m<^ Thanks for religmé éducation. (C. M.) - 1 HeaIi, Lord, the songe df praise and pray'ç, ' In heav'n, Thy dwelling-place, From ehiidren mâde the public care, ^ And taiight to seek Thy face. 2 Thanks for Thy word and for Thy day. And grant us, we imploré, Never in sin to waste away . Thy holy sabbàth morCé 3 Thanks that we hear : But O f impart To each desires sincère ; That we may listen with the heart, And leam as well as hear. 4> Wisdom and bliss thy words bestows, A Sun that ne'er déclines :•« Obe Thy mercy shower'd on those Who plac'd m where it shînes. 53. Before a Sermon in aid of the Society for Propagating the Gospel in Forewt Parte, or the Society for Promot- tng Christian Knowledge, or the Church-Musionary Society, bb. \ For the diffusion ofthe Gospel (L. M.) ! Spirit ofthe living God ! - In ail Thy'plenitude of grâce, Where'er the foot of man hath trod Dpfirfftn d iip on our fall e n race ! . S- HTMNS. 141 ; and stilt » : . ow. >«,. ;.M.) - d pray 'ï, krt s. - 'Propagating for Promot' ch'iRsnonary 2 Give longues of fire and hearts of love , To preach th.e reconciling word ; V .G^ve pow'r and unctipn from above }^ Where'er the joyful sound is heard. 3 QSpiRiTofthe Lord ! prépare ' - r The wide-spread eaith her God to meet ; - Brèathe Thou abrpad, like morning air, ^ill hearts of stone begin to beat. 4 Baptize the nations ; -Far and nigh .^ The^umpbs of the cross record ; , The name of Jésus glorify, Till éverv kindred call Him Lctrd* I .,/ S4. For the, same occasion. (D. L. M.) . 1 From ail thàtdwell:bel6w the skies, Let the Crbàtor's praise arise ; Let th&REDEEMÉR*s name be sung, v Through ev'ry land, by ev'ry tonguô. ^ Eternal are Thy mercies, Lord ; >, ï H And truth etérnal is Thy Word : Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore, Tiil suns shall rîse to set no n\ore. ' ■,-*-l..--i ;/:;:■ ■■'■.- ■':■■■. :.■^^r■■:"^■ ''• r'^^: 55. ^mivertary Sermn fora Hospital, Infirnmy. or Dii- peruary. (L. M.) , -' ^■^■■■f ■•■ -. ■ -r ■ ■ • ■:*■•; "■ .'■ 1 When, Jesu, Thou Thy potent hand Didst wave o'er ailing J udah'sland, Offfroni his codch the leper sprang ; i '; The dead arose ; the speechless sang ; 2 The blind the glorious hght survey'd ; Disease was vànquishM ; pain was stay'd ; Jordan rejoic'd on either shore ; Wl*l • ■ ■ ■ ^ — . . — _ x_ '.-H ^ il -,.^^. HTMNS. U: ! 3. For Thee, the impoteAt, the làttie, And they of wa&ted mind and frame, From distant homes their journeys took, And fam'd Béthesda^s pool forsook. 4 O Jesu, Lord of pow'rand might, 7 Parent of good, and life, and lightî " ;This Koùsb op Merct deign.tobless': The cause is Tbiîte,— îf send success { r ■ ^'' ■■■::::■'' -.\ ; ■■.[- -^ ::,--: ^;^-: - ■.■■■■> 56. iât the Jlnniveraary meeting ofaBenefit or Providenl Society. — Gal. vi. 2. (L. M,). 1 OuB soûls shall magnify Ihe Lord^ ^ In Him'iôbrspirit shall rejoicei Assembledbere with one accord, V OurbeartsshaltpraiseHim with ourvoiceA • "2 God of our hope., tô Thee we bow ; Thou art our refuge in dîstress j The husband bfthe widotv, Thou,. The fathet of the fatherless. •• - " - ■ . ■ '. .■■-„•.■ 3 May we the law of love fui fil, , Lighten each other's burthen hère ^ . ^ ^ùflfer and do Thy*righteou8 will, * And walk in ail Thy feUhand fetfr. 4 Then grant'our union, hère begun, ; . Mây laôt for ever 'firm;^nd free ; Around Thy throne may we be one, One with each otherànd with Thee. 57. '4 »6 ok, ♦♦«■>• s! ir Providenl 57, On Uying ihe FpuMation-aone ^a ÇhirçhorParo^ ' r 1 Ghkôn. Ti. 33— ^.slS." ^>< r This stoné^to. Thee in iaith we lay, MVe build this temple, Lord, tè Thee : - Ihine eye be open night and day ^ : To guard this house and sanâuary. 2 Hère, when Thy peopleseék Tby face, ^ And dying sinn^psTpray to live ; ^ Hear Thon, ip^h^v'n Thy dwelling-place. And wIjikThou hearest, O forève ! 3 Here, when Thy messengere pTOclàim The blessed Gospel of Thy Son, . §tin by the pow'r of His great name ,. Be mighty signs and wondèrs d<îne. "> '4 Ilosanna ! to their heav'nly King, '»* " ^ ^ Whenchiidren'svoicesraisethatsong, Hosanna ! lèt the angels sing, Andheav»n.withearththeelminprolpng. ' 5 Butwill,indeed,jEH0VAHdelgn / Here to abide,~no transient re^ ? V Here will the world's Reoeemer reign, ^ And here the Nolt-Spirit rest ? »6 Thatglorynevtirhence départ! ^ Yet choose not, Loro, thrâ house alone ; Thy kmgdom corne toévèryheart, In ev'jy bo8<^m fix Thy throae. ur voice* r. ee« ,^;.. -, . Â' » » / 1 i i ir . T,*"«'!iç^"j*«:*';BPf«"?»?!Ç9n N V 144 HTMN8. '#' ■"■ -^ 58. For the Cotuecration or opening ofaChurch or Chaptl. M:' ■■'* ' ' ' / "'•'■'■-•«■ ■ ■-■■•' ■ -..■• ^ • i And wilt Thou, O Etemal God, - On earth establish Thine abode ? Then Içok proJ[)ltiou8 from Thy throne^ _^ And take this teâ)ple_|ir Ihine own. §' - _ ' - 2 Thèse walls we to Thine honour raise, " Long may'they écho, to Thy praise ! And Thou, descending, fin the place With the rich tokens of Thy grâce. 3 lleré may our great Rkdeemer reignj With ail the grâces of His train ; * W hilepow'r divinp His word attends, To conquer foes and cheer tiisfriends. 4 And in thè last decifi|ive day, When God the, nations shall survèy, ^ g May it before the world appear, Thousands Were train*d for glory hère. 59. For the Etnber Weeka, or a Vititation. (L. M. ) 1 Father of niercies ! bow Thine ej|r, Attentive to our earnestpray'r ; We plead for those who plead for Thee, ' Successiul pleaders may they be. 2 EW great^heir work ! how vast their charge ! E>o^hou their anxious^ soûls enlarg^ ; . To them 'I hy sacred truth reveal ; "Suppress their fear, inflame their zeaU 3 1 eaeh them to sow the precious seed, Teach them Thy chosen flbck to feed ; Teach them immortal soûls to gain, — i ê _[L s \ ch or Chapel. ïe. ■ :ii:: Is. (L. M > [lee, »r charge ! sd; n.— HTltNS. ÙÎK 5 Lei t^ironging multitudes around Hear from their lips the joy fut sound ; In humble strainsThy grâce implore, • And feel Thy renovating pow'r ! * , \ ■ ' ' ' '"■■■■;'■■.•■■ ^ 6 Let sinners Break iheir massy chains, _ And sorrowing hearts forget their pains ; /.■■.;' Let light through distant realms b0 spread, And Zion rear her drooping headr 60. For the Inducliamofu CUrgyman ioa Living, Lee- -^ turethiptorrrtadmikip, r(h^M,) " We exbort you in tlieyame of oi{r Lord JeiiM Chriit, that, ye hare in remembiwice into how high a dignity^ and tohow weighty an offiée and ebane ye are called : That il to eay> to be MxàsxNOBKS, Watchmxn, and .° STEWAKD8 of the Lord ; w teach and to premonish j to FKED and provide for ibe Lord's Family ; to seelc for Chriafs Shx.ep that are dispersed abroad, ..... that they'may be aavéd throùgh Ckuriat for ever.'':— Ordi- nation SERyiCE. ■} . 1 We bldthee welcome in the name Of Jbsus, x>ur exalted head : Corne as a Servant, so He came. And we receive thee in His stead. 2 Come àh a Shepherd : — Watch, and keep This fold from error and from sin : ., Noùrish the lambs and feed the sbbep ; The wounded heal, the lost bring in 3 Come as a Teacher sent by God ; Charg^d His whole c^unsel to déclare ; ~ Lift o'er our ranks the prophet*s rod, - ^^ While we uphold thy hands with prayV.* • Bee E»od. »fii. 1 1, 12. Sf 146 >ak. HTMlfS^ 4 Corne as a Méssenoeu ofpeace^ " - Fill'd with the Spirit, fir'd wilh love, Live lo behold our large increase, Ami, dying, meet us ail above. «^MmmM^w i^: .. - . ,. . »^^^^»V^^rfW^^^WWi^^^»W% • XV. FOR FUNERALS. 6 1* TÀe shortneta of tirnSf and thefraiity ofman.r' PsAL. xzxix. (L. M») ' lyALMiGHTY Maker of my franie, Tèach me the measure of my days ; Teach me t0 know how frail I am j And spend the remnant to Thy praiseii - 2 My days are shorter than a ^an, ^ A little point my life appears ; How frail at best is dying man ! How vain are ail bis hopes and fears ! 3 Vain his ambition, noise, and show ! Vain are the cares which rack his mind ; • He heaps up treasures mix'd with woe. And dies and leaves them ail behind. 4 O be a. nobler portion mine ! Saviour ! I bow before Thy throne ; Earth'â fleeting treasures I resign. And fix my hope on Thee alone. -!#»■/ B^- W. il-: '■■ > ■i HTIilNS. 147 62. For the Funeral of à young Pêréw**^ Isa. xl. 7^ 8. (C..M.) ^ ^^ 1 The morning flowers display their sweets, ., And gay thejr yaried leaves unfold ; ^ Unfaded by the noon -day h< %:: Nor wither'd by the ev^'i ^ î^. Nipp'd by the wihd*8un1 Or broke by tempeals * Their momentary glories Their short-liv'd beautieé jfade away. 3>lAbloom8thehuinan fafeedfvine, \Vheii youth its pride of beauty showâ ; . Fairer than spring the GÔlours shine, _ 1 Apd brighter than the Qp'ning rose : ■^ fiât, worn by sIowly'FolIing years. Or bro^e by sickness in a day, Its fading gloiry disappears, N tts shprt-liv'dbeauties fade away* Pet thèse» new rising frora the tomb, Through Jesus's grâce shall brightèr shine ; Revive with ever-during bloomv ^ Safe frjom disea^s and décline. 6 Let sickness blastj^et death devour, V Since heav*n shall récompense our pains : Perish the grass ! and fade the fiower ! Since firm thé word of God remains. H â / 14-8 HlfMNÔ. ,; 63, 7%e Chri8tian*9 prospect in life and death.-" PsALM xvii. (L. M.) / - 1 Gos ofour life ! our soûls défend, On Thee our stedfast hopes dépend ; Thee^oRD, we bless, our faithful guidç, ^^ Whose coufiseis o'er our life preside. 2 Tbis life's a drearo, an empty show ; L ; But the bright world to wbich we go Hatb joys substantial and sincère : When shall we wake and find Thee there I 3 Our flesh shall slumber in the ground, Till the last trumpet'a joyful sound ; Then burstits chains'with sweet surprise, And in our Saviour's image rise. 4 glorious hour ! Oblest^bode! We shall be near and like our God ! And flesh and sin no moré control The sacred pleasures of the soûl. 64. Anticipation ofjudgment. (L. M.) *, " In the hour of dealh, and in the day of judgm^nt. Cfood Lordfdeliver u»."— Litany. \) 1 Mt God ! whën naturels framé shall sink Vjn^ And totter on destruction's brink, "^ . -^ § Be Thou my portion and my cup, , \^- \{. And bear my fainting spirit up. "^ 2 'Tvvas Ti^ou, that form'd'st me first from clay , _ . ' And led'st me through life's devions wiy ; W Then take, O God ! my parting breath, Support me in the hour of death. hVmns. 149 3 And when before Thy throne I Btand, And wait Thy judgmenf s dread command, Do Thou my strong supporterbe. And savç the soûl that trusts in Thee. 4 Thou Sayiour, for my sins hàsl^died, Thy grâce alone my strength supplied f Then cast nie not, O Lord, àway— But gave pe in the Judgment Dat. »V^ \) 65. Heaven seen by faith. (L. M.) 1 As when the weary traveller gains The height of some commanding hill, His heart revives, if o'er the plains f|e sees his home, though distant still ; 2 So, when the Christian pilgrim vievvs By faith his mansion in the skies, The sight Iff& fainting streiigth renews, And wings his speed to reach the prize. r 3 The hope of heav'n his spiirit cheers, No more he grieves for âorrow^f past ; Nor any futurjB trial fearw, -^ So he may safe arrive atiast. , *^^ 4< 0^ Lord ! on Thee our hopes we stay ,^. Tolead us on to Thineabode ; /Assur'd Thy love will far o'erpay '. : A Our utmost toil upon the ro^d. 160 HYMNS. X XVI. MISCELLANEOUS. • . - . ■■ ■ ■ :" . ' I ■ \ 66. Moming Hymn. (L. M.) , 1 AwAKE, my soûl, and with the sun Thy dàily stage of duty run j , Shake offdull sloth, and early rise, To pay thy morning sacrifice. 2 Redeem thy mispent moments past, And live this day as if thy last ; Thy talents to improve take care, For thé great day thyself prépare. 3 Letall thy converse be sincère, r^ Thy conscience as the noon-day clear ^ For God's ali-seeing eye sUrveys ' Thy secret thoughts, thy works, and ways, * AU prfiise to Thee, whose arm has kept, Whose care refresh'd me while I slept ; When from the sieep of death I wake, May I of endless life partake. ^ 5 Direct, cc^ul, suggest this day, ^AIl I design, or do, or say ; I rhat ail my powers with ail their might In Thy sole glory may unité. ■^6 Fraise God, from whom ail blessings flow ; Fraise Him, ail créatures hère below ; _^ Fraise Him above, yè heav'nly host, ' Fraise Fathçr, Son, and Holy Gho^t. .^ I HTMNS. ,v- 151 67. A moi'ning Hymru (D. C. M.) " My voice shattthou hear in the morning." — Psal. v. 3. 1 To Thee, O Lobd, with dawning light € My thankful voice PU raise, Thy mighty power to celebiate, Thy holy naine to praise : ^; For Thou, in helpless hour of night, '^ — -^ Hast compassed my bed, * And now, refresh'd with peaceful sleep Thou liftest up my lije^. 2 Grant me, O God, Thy quick'ning grâce, Through this and every^ttay ; TlAt, guided and upheld by "^e, My feet may never stray. Increase my faith, mcrease my hope, Increaee my zeal and love j And fix my heart's affections ail 4 On Christ and things above. .. ■ * . 3l Ànd vvhen, life's labours o'er, I sink ' To slum|)er in the grave, î? - In death's dark valè bô Thour my trust, ^ > To succour and to sàve k, That so throtigh Him, wbo bledf and died, ^ And rose again for me, « " The grave and gâte of death" may proye A passage home to 1rhee«# C w 68. Êvening ffytnn. (L. M.) . 1 Glory to Thee, my God, this night, y _„ For aU the blessings of the light t f- Keep me, Ô keep me, Kirig of kings, UnderThineown Almig h ty wings. \ S: } ^iwi Od^^.^f^sfer Ut .DiMAJà^' î^.^- 152 HTMNà. ^ \ 2 Forgive me, Lord, for Thy dear Son, • ^ , ^ The ills that I this day bave ddne ; ïhat with the world, myself, and Thee, ' I, ère I sleep, at peace may be. 3 Teach me to live, thcat I may dread The grave as little as my bfed : r:^=-^rea©h me to die, thàt so I may^ H ^^^^.^^ Witb j<^ behold the'judgment day. W 4 Lord ! let rtiy souI for ever share . \, The blisà of Thy patemal carè ; TiTheav'n on earth, 'tis heav?n. above, -*- To see Thy face, and singThy love. *5 Fraise Gt>D,from whom ail blessings flow: Fraise Him, ail creatures hère belo\v ; Fraise Him ^bove, ye heav*nly host, m Praise^FATHER, Son, and Holy Ghost. 69, Evening Eymn, (L. M.) C REATOR of the starry frame, Light of the soûls who Trust in Thee, Jésus ! Redeemer of mankind, To Thee we call on bended knee, 2 Thou, when the tempter's arts prevail'd, ^ Didst hasten down on wings of love, To shield and save a niin'd world ^ . With heaith and peaee from heav'n above. 3 Exalted now, Thy glorious powV Extends throqgh ail immensity ; * ' Ai^ saints in heav'n and fiends in hell, • Bow at Thy name with trembling kriee. •. # .1 '*i._ ^) U,«^.„^^ •V -.r-.A«.._ . -*- *'■ HTMN8. > 153^ 4< To Thee, O Jupoe qf ail, we look, Gpitit us Tby heav'hly help we pray ; " Guiue^us in life, and guard in death, ; 'And shield us in the judgmënt day.. 5 For thine ihe glory îs aiid powV, ; ^ Eternal: Sire, Èternal Son ; 5^ Eternal Sn bit, Thine the pftiiset— i ^The One in Three, the Three iîi^nc. Me. -^ "^^ Sraise to ld;agaiin. 't 3 We'U crowd Hi« gâtes with thankful songs, Highastheheav'nsourvoicésraise ; . And earth, witbher ten thousand tofigues, ' Shall fill His cpurts.^tb sounding praise.' - ^ ^^4> Wideas theworldis fliscommand ;.,"•' #- ■ . Vast as etemity His.love ;^ ^ Firm as a rock His troth shall |^d, WhenroUingyears' shall çease^tamôve. "* 7ï. For Divwie^lttidan^.'V6JLLVi.cxix.i,C. M.)j 1 O THAT the LcBD would guide my^ways^ % To keep His statutes still I that my God would grànt Xo knoW and do His will "¥ n^ . A^' "' * 4. » ■ .' J> • » ' ^ ■* « / « • ' * ■'(■** , '. i y .. ■•.Il-» idasénbed ù> ,G<4^Vbalu cxiv. (C. M v;|| Tu Y inerciesjLoRp, ail forais display ; 1^ '" ' I witness.thenîabove, beneath ; . I see them ia the light «f 4ay, I f©ej theitt iii tlje qSr I breathe. ' ""'^ ■^. '■■.■'■; - •''■■■ /' '•. ■ „ " ^■ -^ y 2 Thy làying-kiiidne^sappear , • , iV ; " > ;Alike,'whèreWI , ' . 'j^ * '^ ^*®^ ^hém m the rollÎQg year, - . ' >^^5é L '^^^ Pp'ning j^awn^ closing night. ^ \3 No benefitwas ever minè^ . WhichTliou, O God ! didstnot supply In al 1 my pàths Thy hand divine \ Is mànifest as heav'n i^ higbé' - 4 thee nuay i^Hliteful heart adctte ; / Let rae rêP|^ my .vows to pay ; . And itiay my spirit nèver morè ___ ^ Be jurn'd to any evil wgy t \ ■.:"■*■■'• 1 *■■-..• ■• ■'■ •■■ V ,, • ■ ■ "i' % ' ■■■>,*.' ■'. ,- 1' V*' ' ;^^ \ "»':i' Pv' '■ «• .■ ' ■ ■ . *■ * • \'- ' '^ r ^V. - ' ' jh ^ ' HTMN8. 7^. Ëor Divine direction.— Psai./ cxix. (L. M.) j^^ XiORD ! let my cry Thy favojàr find, ^:- Fuïfil Thy word ; lllume rçiy mind ; Lord I; lèt my cry acceptftiice hâve ; , Fulfil Thy word, TKy suppliant save. 2 Taûght bjpThy grâce toltread Thy ways, My lipsl ahall â{)eak the note of praiee ^ Inform'd Thy lighteous laws to know, Thy word my grateful tongûe shal] show., 3 Reach Thou thine arm ! Thine aid bestow ! Thy précepte prompt my eamest vowi , My hèart's d$«ure Thy saving might, / Thy guiding wotd my heart's delight. 4» Thoughlike a 8heep>>e8trahgM' I sjEray,, ~ et hâve I not renounc'd Thy way ; Thîneibaii4^tend, Thine bwn reclaim ; Grant me toUve and praisê Thy hame. 74. FqrSmdSst ol^Ae Lmri?s Day. (L. M) ' 1 Another six day*8 toil is done,.* Another Sahbath is begun ; Return, my soûl, ènjoy thy rest, Improve tae day that God has blesté ^ Asgratêll^lncënse toi|6£p^; And hiàv'n that |weei repose bestow». Whicirnone but thêy who feel it,;«ïow./^„ ^ |r,â*j^hi8 holy caim witimi Xl^è hreBà:i,^-'yy^yr':\ ^ • ' Prépares for that etemiil rest, ^.y. / ' ^ Whjch for thé Bons of God reitto^ns, 155 *% •)' ^i * - , -Vv; * ' « --¥ ■ ^ « "a».. > f he 6ftd ôf fiMe, the eudôf palns; # i ^ ■jfliSi ■a ■■%V >j ** «î^'-:- :\> \' llTMNSd A' ■ ■ •* . 4 In holy duties tet the day, ' . / In holy pleasures, pass away 5 ' ' How sweet a Sahbath thus to spend/ In hopes of one that ne*er shall end ! 75. For the Lord*8 Day. Prai^. (p. C. M.). t The Lord of Sabbatfa let us pràise fn concert with thebleât; " -4^— Who,^oyftil in harmonious làys, Employ an endlçss resn Thuè, LpRi>, wkW& wè remember Thee, . . "We blest and pious grôw ; By fiyinns of praise we learn to be Triumphant hère below» 2 On this glad day a brighter scène \. Of glory was diéplay'd By GoD, the ETER^fAL Word, thah wh^n ,^ This uiiiverse was made. He rises, who mankind haâ bought ^ With grief aWpain.extreme :> I 'Twas great to speak a worfd firom nought, 3^ 'Twas grëater to cedeem. 76. JÎ prospect à/ heaven muke$ death easy.' (C I Thbrr is a land ôf pure deiight, \ ' Where çaînts immorlal reign ; ; Infinité day excludes the Jiight, r :^ff^ ur^ And pleasuieabanisK pain. ~ ^ [Sweet fields bey ond the swelling flood' Stand dres^M in living green : So to the Jews fair Canaan stood, Whtle Jordan roll'd between .} '^ JThere everlasting spring abides^H- -':'!, And never-fading^ flowers ; ^ Peath,I)ke>anarrow 8ea,divide& =*r M. S'v-f'ai-ft-î' HYMNS. a 57 4. But tim'rous mortals 'start and ghrinfe, > To cross thip naerow sea, And linger shiv'rii)g on the brink,. S AndieartQ laufichaway. . '^ .-,/ V ; , ' :- ■%!:, 5 O could WQ nàake our doubts removei Those ^oorny doubts that rise, " Ji| And seQ the Canaan that we love • WijK feith's enlightenMeyes ! d we but climb where Moses sto«■ ■«• > imlÈtr-i^. t» ^ • m H7MNS. 78. Saltation. \ (C. MJ 1 SalVatïon ! O thé joyful souml' What pleasure to oucj|i|i|PP^ A^ëoyereign balm for ev^^ound, 't A cordial for our fears. .«^ 2 Inilvation ! let the etoho fly "Thejspaciout^arth^ aroundT 7 V.V ^ lile ail the armies of the sky 4^V Gônspîre^toHFaisetbe ^und. *;^ Saivfttiwi ! thou bleeding Lamb, ;i To tpiee the praise beloipœ ; '' ^' Salvatul>n shall inspire our nearts, And dwell upon our tongues ! f^ / CHORUS. . . f ( , Glory, hp^Ér, praise, and power, f^. ' Be unto tlje Lamb % ever ! ' * . ' N Jésus GâiRisf is'our BÉieemer, . * Halleliqah ! praisflblliaD. *, m il%« l||b>riSÇr J'iï)^ (C. M.> 1 Goû m6v^j|i a mysterious way . * Jl His/yvondeg^érform ; «. ,.^ ^ ^ He plaijits lïis footsteps in.tllè'^a^; ^ And rides 4ipon the storm^^jfev . • ^#• i^ Deep in unfathtÉiàble^É||es ~ & /" (f * î Of never-failing skilSP « I ' ''%' jâf^reaàures i^ ^is greM. ÇhrUtv^hyoftaipraUe. (CM.) Elétusjoinoprcheerfulsongs A J* angels round the thrène î nul all^eir joys are one. ^ " "^.f^^^^^^^^ died r tiiey cry, " To be exalted thus : - " !ySr*^?***® ^^?"^ •" our hearts reply, « For H^, was slain for us." , v 3 Jésus is worthy to revive ^ Honour and pow'r divine ; And praises, more than vire can «ive Be, Lord, for ever Thine. - ' 4. Let ail th^4well above the skr, And air, and earth, and seas, v Conspire to m Thy glorres high, ' . And speak Thine endless praise. 5 J^t ail creation join in one — ^-^- To bless the sacred name , Of Him that sits upon the throne, And to adnrft the Lamb. •r ^ V jm^ „ A $iBxrmss£« 'yw^^#»^MWMM^^^<^^^^i^^^^^3<>^<^i* 81,^ The JngeV» Song, at tk» Birth of Christ — . LuKEih 8—15, (CM.) 1 While shepherds watch theîr flocks by AU seated on the epouiod, ' The angel ofthe Lord came down^.- And glory shone arôund. ■ . ■ ■.'"■'..' 2 «.Fear not," said he^-rfor mighty dread^ ~f: . Had seiz'd their troubled mind — •* SwEET is the work, O Goo our King ! To praise Thy name, give thanks and sing ; To shew Thy love by morning light. And talk nf tfj Thy tmth Btnight ^1^^ '■» 16^' APPENDIXi 2^weet is the day of sacred rest ! f^o mortal care shall seize our breast. ^ O ! may oui^bearts m tune be found _i^ LUte* David's harp of solemii Sound. V* ,3 Ourhearts shail triumph in the Lg^d, - A nd bless H is vrorks, and bless His vvdrcï. Hisworlrapf grâce, how brigfct.tHey shJné \ 1 1 ow deep his coiinsels, how divine ! '^' 4 O mj3Ly we see, anjj hear, and know,* ' , W'hatmortalscanhotreach beloW-; }/ May ail our j)owers find sweet employ, * ■ "^ - In CfiiuàT'seternal world of joy ! • -^ y^ 84. For the Restorqtion ofthe Jem.— -^^ PSALM IXXZT. (L. M.) • J\Kisp, O GoD ! and let Thy grâce «, Diffuse its beams in Jacob's race ; , , " Restore the wand'ning scatter'd l?and, ,\ \cali them to their native land^ .^ JiowJlong^shall JacoVs oRspring prove ' Tbeiad ëùspenaion of Thy love l> Fow ver jghall thine anger Jiurpi'? j Relurn, O Goi> of Uosts, returri; . ' '^%4 % . '■ K ' .A'~ ^:x: .« ■■'a 3 In pity, ail their errors heal, ' . . ,'>^ Their trespass bide, theîr pardon seàl i; ,^ i^ ^ Check ih'mid-courséThy dreadful irë> ' •' * ^nd bid ifs kin* -ir » •» ■i, %■ "^^ M ^4 1 y APPENDIX. 163 ' 8^ ai ^e bay o/Jud^'ent. ( L. M?) îhiné \ ..*'- ^:x: .« - IJ'iiAT day of wratli ! that dreadfulday, * . VVhenheav'n and èarth; shall pass away,- - Whatpovyer shali be the sinner'ô stay ? - ' .i VVIiom shâll he trust that dreadful day t •2 *Vhen, shrivelling llké a parcheii scroll,. < < The flaming heav'ns together roll ; •^'hen, londer yet and yet more dreàd, , Swell& tjtie high tn^np that wakes the dead ; 3 O f on "that!|fay; that ilreadful day, ' ' ,- * When man to judgment wakeg from day, Be thou, 43 Christ, the sinner's s]tay, * ' u '%<^i^ghiteav*ji, and earth sliall pass away .-/,<. s, .<■ « ^ ? ' CONCLUDING HYMNS. ' ;;" < .. "•' ■ •.■, ' ' '. ' " ' . \' ' :'^y H'^SlB]fmn\(ifier Sermon. (L. M.) * ' •' 1 toHD, ijovv we part in Thy blést tàtiie: "", > In.vvhijH' vv^ her^ together came ,5 • «^ (oââtù&^ouir.fe#remainiiigdays • '. ' To Woà l'hv will and spread Thy praîse. y ., 2 leàch ùs in life and death tô bless \^ * ^ ^' , V ' 'I hee^ Lord, our.strength and righteojisries4;> - j^>: ^ndgrantiiàalMomeet.above, , < -.-V-">* '«V éThen slmll.vvebettersingTh^ovô^;- "i '^ .? A- >f <, <*' A m i' - ,-'-/ 164^ APPENDIX. 87. Hymn after Sermon. (CM,.) 1 Lord, help us on THy word to feed, • _ ^n peace dismiss us hence j f BeThôuin every time of need Our refuge and defence. ' 2 We now désire toblessThyhame; . And in our hearts record, \^nd with our thankfui tongues proclainu^ - X^e GOODNE88 of the Lord. ^ : 88. Hymn after Sermon. (L.^.) 1 Almighty Father,blesstheword Wtiich through Thy graee we novv hâve heard. U may the precious seed take root, Spnng up, and bear abundant fruit! ^ S We praise Thee for the means of grâce 'l'hus in Thy courts to seek Thy face ; ' Grant, Lonft, that we who worship hère May ail, at length, in heàv*n appear. ' 89. Hymn after Sermon. (P. M.) ' ^ 1 Lord ! dismiss us with Thy blessing ' Fill aurhearts with joy and peace • ' " - Letuseach, Thylovepossessing, ' Triumph in redeerning grâce.- - Orefreshûs, Travelling throùgh this wilderness. / .^ ' ' ^ Thanks we giVe and adpratipn ' , ' For the Gospel's jo^fulsotMid • ^ay the fruits of Thy salvatioSv'* ^ In our hearts' and lives abounc *^. May Thy présence * With us evermore be foundj a •y / ''^'^3'0 :''' ■ir\ ■*f. V -, .' -'-. Vf;) I, iira^ a ve heard. ce, liere, . ^' :'\ ■■■^^' .■ >',.'■ ■■ Ai»PElà)ÎX. \' " ^'- '■ 90. Bénédiction.— Z Cob. xui. 14. (P. M ^ 1 Ma Y tbe grâce of Chbist our Saviour, vvl"l?® ,f ^^«^*'» boundiess love, "' VV Uh 1 he HoLY Sp^RiT's favor, Best ùpon us from above ! 165 i^ 2 Thus may we abide in union A Y'*'* each other and the Lord, - And possess, in sweef communion, Joys which earth can not afford. * <*% DOXOLOGIES. 1. Common Meaaure. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The Çod whom we adore, Be glory as it wâs, is now, And shall be evermore. • ^*.>&.. u- ■■/., ' 4 2. Double^ Çomtnon Measure, To God ourÔeiiëfàctor bring Thé tribute ofour praise j ' ^Too3'(naIl for an Almighty Itîng, ' rBut ail that we can raise. 'Glory toJhee^blessMThree iç Ône, ? The G od whom we adore, ''' As was, and is, and shàll bé done, :When ti(ne; «hall be no more. . ^ Cin ■ /r i' ■<- .{•r-v-ii-. ■;/»^ ^ffi^^ ■i i 166 APPENDIX. 3. Jsthe lOAth Pialm. By angels in Keàv*ii, of every degree, »And saints upon earth,^ll praise be address'd ► , To God in three persons, one God ever blest, - ^ A8 it bas been, now is, and always shall be. ' ' 4. Long Measure, "■■' -C •> • . ■-:•■ -■ ..- ■. ;/;■:-;-.■■■>.■■■;: ^ T To Father, Son, aiûf Holy Ghost, ^^r— ^^— ^ The Gpd whom çarth and heav'n adore, i Be glory, as it was of pM, .. [ ,Is now, and shall be evermoré. 1 ' ' ■' ■ • /'.■•.■■' ■ \. '^ • , 5. Jtnother Long' Measure. : # Praisî: God from whom ail blessîngs flow, Praise Him ail créatures hère bèlow ; Fraise Hiiti above, ye heav'nly host, Praise^î'ather, Son, âiid Holy Ghost. 6» Pecùliar Mtésure, as Psalm CXIII. ^ 1o Father, 80^^ and Holy Ghost, ^ /The God, whbiÉ hcav'n^s triumphant hoS^ j And suffering saints on earth adore^ . 1 Be glory, as in âges past, • ', 'As now it is^ and so shall last', When time itself shall be no' more. ^ "w \l » -■• - ^ " '> ,-:^^i^y : ■SÇft?" T^^ e address*d ^er blest, y sshallbe. ^'n adore, ngs flow, w; »st. lani hol Drei y • ce. /' .> , ■'^ « -, t> r .'^ 1 ^%f ^ \ 167' ' ^^ ' SUPPLÉMENT. ,1-, (MDCCCXXicVI.) »I . Pr«we for the Nalivity of the Saviour, (C . M.) jl AwAKE, awake the sacred song : . To our iucarnate Lqrd j \ C Let every^heart and every tongue, Adore the Eternal Word. . ' . ^2 That awful Word, that Sov^reig^ Pow'r, ' ^ /r^ whom|f^e worlds werç made î^ / ^Ohai^y morn! illustritous hour !) ♦ Was once in flesh arr^yed. '^ ^ . ' "■ f^':. 3 Then shone almighty pow^ and love Jn âll their glorious fôrms 5" '*< ■ When Jésus left his ihronô abôve' - k To dwell with sinful worih^»^ 4- To dwell with ^misery.belowj'V The Saviour, Teft the skies; .- And sank to v^tchedness^and woe,'^ / ^ Tharworthless pan might i^. _ 'l ' , - - ,: 5 Whatglory^^RD, to tïiée is duel - '.i.. f With won^er vfe adoré y/ ">*%.*''' » Bat could we sing as aiigels And never; shall deciay. ' 4* ; . 4 Saints ty the power of God are kep!, Till the salvation corne We walk by faith— as strangers hear-r Till Christ shalf call us hpme. -s n ■ "\ ] . . 3 95, 1 3 m. rér irs y; ngttf die. ■^-«i» -i-aSv 1. iemrreclioH bon. SUPFtEMENT. 169 ' •4. Rom. ?iU. 14. Forthe Jiidofthe Uoly Spirit. (L, M.) 1 CoME, Gracioùs Spirit from above, Aùtfaôr Qf light;and Source of love ; ^ - Be Thou our Guardian, Thou our Guide, / O'er every t^ought and step préside. 2 The ligl^t of truÛi (o us display, Atid make ub £now and chopse Thy wa\ T~ Plant holy féar in every^eart,. • That we froip Gpd may^ne'er départ* ^ 3 Lead us to holiness — ^Ihe road ^N. ^ That we must take, to dwell with God^ Lead us to Christ — The Living Way ; Nor let us from His pastures stray. ,4- Lead us to God— *our final-rest. ' To be with him for everîlest ; ,„ Lead us to HEAVEN,^tâ bliss to "share-- « , -. - ,1. t>^- Fulness of joy for eyerthere ^ ■ r^ 0- ' . • 95. Frayer for the Influence of the Holy Spirit. (C. Mi) 1 CoME, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove, * With ail Thy quickening powers, Kindle a flâitie of sacred love In thèse cold hearts of ours. 2 Lool^ ! how we grovel hère below, Fond.ofthese trifling toys ! Our soûls can neither fly nor go, To reach eternal joys. 8^ In vain we tune our lifeless spngs, In vain we strive to rise ; Hosannas languish on our tongues, . And our dévotion dies. 1 / 7 / ,n / . «•' s V * -..^ X ..f ^^^ ^ ^^^i'^ '^fp^W !^ SÙPJPXEHENT/ Î70 ; . 4. Corne, Holy Spirit; Heavenly Dove, With ail Thy quickening powers, . Corne shed abroad a Saviour's love, Apd that shall kindle ours. V ' V ■ ) . . .'„' ' '■,;; ■■ • /■ - 96. Psal. xcv. Invitation to Divine tVorship. *(S. M 1 Come! Sound His praise abroad, Aiid hymns of glory sing ; _ Jehovah is the soverêign God, - ^-^~^ . The universal King. , 2 He formed the deeps unknovvn ; * He gave the seas their bound ; The wfitery worlds are ail His own. And ail the solid ground. 3 Come, worsliip at His throne ; \ Come, bow before the Lord î ' ./' We are His work, and not our own^j ' He formed us by His word. ) Z. 4 To-day attend His voîce, Nor dare provoke His rod ; • Corne like thé people of His choice, . Atid own your gracious God. ; *9^*È[eavenlyJoyonEarth. (S. M.) 1 Come ! Ye that love the Lord, And let ybur joys be known ; Join in a song with sweet accord, . And thus surround the throne. ^ * '^ "3 Let those refuse to sing -^ Who never ktiew oiir God ; ^But servants of thè heavenly King May Bpeak their jpys abroad. r l J \h'' \ '-' 0. *(S. M.) i • l '& ■-f , ■ •" * ■ ■ „ ' SUPPLEMENT. * 3 The men of grâce hâve fo\md Glory begùh below ! ^ Celestial fruits on earthly grQund, From faith and hope may gro w; > The hill of Sion yields . A thousand sacred sweets, ^ Before we reaçh îthe heavenly fields, __^ Qt walk the golden streets. ^^^^ - • \ •:.^ ■'. "t^ '" - -'O- 5 Then let oiîr songs àboiind. And every tearbe dry, ' • _ !^ ■ -^ We're marching through Immanuet's gro#nil To fairer worlds oû high« . ■^-.•v..:,;- vvv: 98. J^Uht ixiVMcWwtlwg, (L.M.) 1 Far from jay thoughts, Vain world, beg Let my réligiouàhouré ^one ;/> .' Fain would njy soûl m^ éavidor see^ V I wait a Visit, ïiORD, froih thèé.: . 2 Oh I* warm my hêart with holy fire. And kindle there a pure désire : Corne,, E»cred Spirit,- frpm àbove And fiil my sopl wlth h^venly love. 1 , -« 3 Blest Jésus, vi^hat delicious fare ! . , ^^ How sweet Thine entertaînmënts aris ! Ai NèVer did angels tasyte aboyé '; V . ^^deemirig grâce and dying love, ," ' : é Hail, great Immanuel, ail divine ! ^ \ In Thee thy Father's glories shine ^ÊÊj^ : j Thy glorîous name shall be adored,^»^^ AncNj^ry tongue confess* théé Ldit^^H^ ■ '' ,..",". . i2 ' ^■ ^' ■>?> ,.f m èpptEMEirr. 99. 1^on4«rspf Chd in Providence and liedmptiùn, 1 Giyte to our God iémortal praisé ; ^ <^ ' Mé<:cy and truth am ail His ways î ^- Wonders of grâce té <3od belorig ; %. ^fp&^tJL}ii Mercieà |n your -song. 2 IIIb built (he earth, Me spread thé sky, " ' Ind fixed the starry\lîghts oti hi^ : ' fis raercies ever shall endure^' ^hen sun and moon ihall shine no more. 3 He sent his Son vvith ^ower to, saye r*'onyjË!t> and darknèsa, and the grave : WomÊÊkiCgtace to Gcd belongr, fis ihercies in pursong.} * TfflPKhis vain wprld He guides ouf feet, > And leads us to His heavehly seat : His roercies ever shalfendure, When this vain worid shall be no more. ■/. .'■ ■ ■ / " •■ .' V 100. Eph. 11,6. Salotiionby Grâce, (S. M.) * 1 Grâce !~>tiB iÈ^^hantâing soiind ! ■;: Harmonious tapuB ear ! ••Ai Heaven with the étho shall resouad, ■ And ail the earth ^hâll hear. * 2 Grâce first contrived a way Tosave rebèlHous man ';. ■'. ^ , / A nd ail its stéps that grace^display Which drev^ the jyond^ows planr i 3 Grâce taught our wand'ring feet % TotreadtheheavéBlyroad: . ^x^i^A"^"®^ supplies each hour we meet AVhile on to God. . •^-- ve : feet, M.) '' -f* i SUPPLEMENT. 4 Grâce ail the work shall crown Through çverlasting days ^ It lays in heaven the topmost ston And well deserves the praise. 101. ActBxxvi.2^, mip ohUtinad ûf Chd. ^ (J? Great God, we sing Thy inightji.hand, By which supported ^ill we stania'tn ^ The opening year Thy meroy shows j" "^ Let mercy crown it till it close. 2 By day, by night, at home, abroad, StiU we are guardèd by our God ; By His incessant bounty fed, \ ' By His unerring counsels led. \ a VVith gr^teful hearts the past we own ; The future, ail to us unknown, Vfè to Thy guardian- care commit, ^ And peacef^Heave before Thy feet. , ^ In scènes exalted or 4eprç|gsed, BeThouourjoy,andT,houoiSrcst; • Tby goodness ail our hopes shsàl raige, Adored through ail our changing day s. 5.- When death shall close o\ir earthly songs, ' Andseal in silence mortal tongues, \ V Our helper, God, in whom we trust In brighter worlds our sduls shall boast l 102. G^thePUgnm^^^id^andStringth. (P. M.)* 1 Guide us. O thpu great Jehovah ; PilgrimâUhrough this barren land ; We are weak, but Thou art mighty ; i iC liE^ Hold us with Thy poweriulhan^ ^ '■<■-' '-*■:. /., Cfr " X ' -■ " ,.4,-.. « V ?■ ,' ' .■ , ;■ A' ' . ' ». ■iW ■. 'V. ■- - ■ ■» '; / . ■ ■ V . " , 1 ■ ■ >■ . : ; ' , a # * - ... - :^- <*■ . ■ L^, . . . - « ^ \ ' - ■ •*; «Kl .>i^. ' . -: '^ '■^. ■ ■ - ê . Ti f ■ ■ V . . : ■ V . « .-i» .^ ; , /^ ' » ■ t ^.-4. ■ • '■■ -■W-rj-*r^'^ >•/ 'J^\ » &! .. 3CJ î^r -W.rj.*r^ ^^>1M >, 1 -.-,! V .■ <^. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 II S Ht Iti ■ 40 IL25 1 1.4 |2.0 11.6 6" t /' ^ ^/ '\^^ // 7 ^ _,SciaiDes ^xbrporaËon WBT MAM STRIIT \|^BSTIR,N.Y. MSM (7l*)t7a-4S03 « z -'^ % ««î» ^,-^ ^ \ ;. ^ t \ . ¥ '^"- ■-t 't'-,: m SUPPLEMENT. 2 Open ïhou thja^jCiystarfbunt^iin, ' Whence th'e liying waters flow ; " Let the fiery cloudy pillar I^ad us ail our jouraey through : jl9« 3 Feed us with the heavenly majina, ' In this barren tvilderness ; Be our sword, and shield, and banner ; Be THE Lord our Righteousne^s. 4. When we tread the verge of Jordan Bid our anxious feàrs subside : Death of death^and hell's destruction, Land us safe on Canaan's side. y ^' 'OB'. Christ loekomed as a Savîour. (P. M.) ■ ; 1 Hail, Thou long-expected Jésus, Born.to set Thy people free ! From our sins and fears release us, Let us find our rest in Thée. 2 Israel's Strength and Consolation Hope of ail the saints Thou art ; Long desired pfevery nation, >r Joy ofevery waitingheart. 3 Born Thy people to deliver, ^ Bôm a child, yet God our King ! ^ Born to reign in us for ever, Now Thy gracious kingdom bring. ^ 4 By Thine own etemal Spirit, Rule in ail our hearts ^lone ; ByT^ij^e all^sufficient merit, ' ~ ^ taise us to Thy glorious throne. ^ \y :!>.*■ n.y ^ I.) ^>v* SUPPLEMENT. -S, 175 104. Pro^iii. ISK— n.'^jreavenZy Tf^tiom. (Le M.) ,1 Happ^ the man whq find» the gréice— * The/blessingof God's choseârace; '^ ThiE^-wistiom coming from above, . TKe faith that sweetry worfes by love, Hfippy— beyond description -^he, Wlio knovvs « the Saviouk died for me !" The gift unspeakable obtains. And hea.veniy understanding gains. * Wisdom to silver we prefer, And gold is dross comparcd to her ; Her ways are ways of pleasantness, And ail her flowery paths are pçace. ~ llappy tlie man, who wisdom gains, In vvhose obedient heart she reigns ; He owns, and shall for ever own, Wisdom and Christ and Heaven are one. 105. 1 Th£ Second Mvent of ChrUt to Judgm0A (P. M. ) Hark !— that shout of rapttirous jfy, Bursting forth from yonder cloud ! Jésus cornes! and tbrough the sky Angels tell their joy aloud. /Hark !— the trumpet's kwful voice ^ Soimds abroad through sea and land ; Let His people now rejoice ! Tljeir rédemption is at hand. • -4- ^^ < • < /3 See ! The Lord appears in vievv j * . / Heaven and earth before him fly ! T Rise, ye saints, he comes for you—p i,. . / Rise t6 meet him in the sky. " t' ^ Asjig^^^^s^^^gçg^iaaèfi 176 ^ SUPPLEMENT. 4. Go, and dwell with him abovfe, V i^^herenofoecane'ertnolest; > Ha^ in your Saviour's love !? , Everble88ing,everble8t. 106. TheunivenalÉingdômofChrUt. (P. M.) 1 Hark !— the song of jubilee, Loud— as migbtljr thundere roar ; Or the fulness of the sea, When it breaks upon the shore, ^ ■_ . ,.'..,,'.■•"■ 2 See Jehovah's ba|iners furied ! ^ Sheath'd his s^ord :— he speaks— tis done » JVow the kingdpm^ of this world Are the kingdonli of his Son. 3 He ^all reign froni pôle to.flP , _ With' suprême, linboundédsway : . He shall reign when, hTt^ a scroll, / Yonder heavens hâve passed away ! ^ Halleiujah ! for the^Lord God omnipotent shall reign : .Halleiujah l let the word Echo ro^^d the earth and main. 107. Supplication for a SleiHng. (L. M.) 4 HosANNA to thè living Lord ! Hosanna to th' Incarnate Word! , Tô Christ, Creator, Saviour, Ki4, 4^t earth, Içt heaveo, Hosanna sing. 2 ( 4f i -. 108. : 1 1 \ 2 1 1 ^3 1 1 4 1 I f- Ê,k,49v<.,t .,-'*■ M.) ffOPPLEHEïnhi 2 O Saviour ! withprotecting care Return to this Thine House of Frayer : ^ Assembled in Thy sacred name, \Here we Thy parting promise èlaim. t ^ \. ■ ■ ' • ' B But, èhipfest, in our cleansec^breast, EternaJ ! fiid Thy Spîrit rest ; And make ot» secret soûl to be A temple pure, ân^d wotthy Thee ! 177 *^ donc! 4 Se, in the last and di^dful When heaven and eartÈ Thy flock, redeemed froi_ _^ Shall swefl the sound of prai day, (hall melt away iful stain, \again. .. 1 08. Psal. xxxu. Th£ Ble9$edness of Pardonb/^Sin. (S. M) 1 Howhappy isthemah , Whose guilt ii^found no more! Whose sins forgiving mercy gain, By mercy cpvered o'er. 2 How happy whom the Loxu) Absolves from every sin ! Whose heart by grâce divinely stored Conceals no guile within. ^3 Thou art my hiding place, My Saviour an4 my Lord ; Though troubles rise, Thy^ boundlese grâce Shall Bongs ofjoy afibrd. ^ \ ' ■ ■ " ' ■'■»• '*-• '* n' 4 Ye whj^ the Lord révère, O triùfnph in His liàme ; - *' His praises with a heart sincère In shouts of joy proc1aim> _^ % TT fx ^. _^ .;-..|V 178 supplément; 1 1 09. pgalm cxWi. PraUe to God for Hit Gooéness and T^i-uth, (P. M.) J I'll praise my Maker with my breath ;i And when my voice is lost in death> v Praise shall employ my nobler powers : My^ays of praise shall ne'er be past, Whilelife and thought and beinglast, Il y- Or immortality endures. * 2 Happy the man whose hopes rely - . On Israel's God !— He made the sky, And earth and seas, with ail their train His truth for ever stands secure, He saves the oppress'd, He feeds the pW, . And none shall find His promise vain. ■ x3 He loves His saints, He knowsthem wèll - But turns the wicked down to h^ell : Thy God, O Sion, everlteignftl « Let every tongue, let eveiy «ge— ^ - Iti this exalted work engage ; Praise Hiqti in everlasting strains. * A^^rt® ttim while he lends me breath, And when my voice is lost in death Praise shall employ my nobler powere : MydaysWpraise shall ne'er be past, - While life and thought and being last, Or immortality endures. 110. Markriu. 33. Not athamed of ChrUt, (L. M.) 1 Jésus! ahd shall it ever be— Amortal man ashamedofThee? • Ashamed of Thee, whom angels pmise ? Whose glones shine through' endless days ? s" i^HÊtâMh^j. i -thÀ^ Msand ■ . SUPPLEMENT. ■'*? ' '■ ■ Ashamed of Jésus ? That dear friend On whom my hopes of heàven dépend ? No ! when I blush > be this my shame That I no more révère His name. 179 3 Ashàméd of J^sus^? yes, 4 mayy When Pvè no guilt lo vva/àh avvay, No tear to wipe, no good No fears to quell, ijo soûl 'to'crave, to save ! 4 Till then, nor is my boasting t^ain, ' Till then I boast a SAViouft slain ! And oh r may this my glofy be, '^ t^hat Christ is not ashamëd of me. 111. Phil. ii. ^11 . 5é Christ a Pàttem for his Followers ' (CM.) U, \ 1 Jésus îexalted far on highJ To ^hom a name is givei ; A naiiie surpassingevery naine, - That's knôwainearth oràeaven ! 2 Before Thy throne shall every knee Bow dowii with one accord ; . ^ Before Thy throne shallnevéry tongue Gonfess that Thou art Lord. 3 Jésus! thou, in the form of God, Didst equsï honour claim ; ' Yet to redeem our guilty soûls, ' , Didst stoop to death and shame. 4 Oh ! may that mind in us be formed, Which shone so bright in Thee ; A humble, meek, and holy mind, From pride and envy free^ -^ €,:- •«^ ,1 k: 180 ^pPi 5 To others we WQuld 8toop,ind learn To emiilate Th^ love 5 . Sp shall we bear/Thine imaé hère, And share Thjr throne aboVe. 112. ChritttheZÀghtoftheWbrtd. C?,M.y 1 LiGHT of those whose dreary dwelling V Bordera on the shades oj death I - Rise on U8, thyself revealiiig, - Rise and chase the clouds beneath . ii 2 Thou oflife and light Creator ! In our deepest darkness rise ; Scatterallthenightofnatur0, / _ Pour the. day upon our eyes. 3 Still \vé vvaitforThine'app^ring; / Life and joy Thy beams impart ; < Ghasing ail our féara, and cheedng Every meek and contrite hèart. 4 Save us, in Thy great compassion, Oh. Thou Prince of pça(ie and lové ! Give the knowledgeof salvation, ^ Fix our heartrSii fta^ aboVe; 5 By thineall-sufficientmerit, Evéry burdened soûl release ; Every weary, wandering spirit, Guide unto Thy perfect peace. Far tht Bktnng 0/ ihê Fatlur, Sariy and Holy SptrU, (L.M.) 113. 1 O 8END Thy blessingfrom above, -m. ^^^^ ^^^ ^ ^'^ ^^ assembled hère ; ^ Behold us with a Fatqer's love, While we look up wIth filial fear. i ^i^^S.A ^-éX^U^V^t^SI,!,, Jt^'» b/y SUPPLEIfCliT. 2 O send Thy l;)le88ing, Jésus, Lord ! May we Thy trae disciples be : Speak to each heart the mighty word ; Say tô the weakest— « Çollow me !** 3 O send Thy blessing in this hour, Spirit op Truth ! and fill this place With humbling and exalting power, With quickening and confirming grâce. 181 BR, * G Thou, oùr Maker, Saviour, Guide, ^ One True etbRnal God confest : May nought in life or\death divide^ 1 The saints in thy ci^mmuniùn blest ! U4. iZedeenttng ZoM. (P. M.) . 1 Now begin the heavenl]^ thème, Sing of Mercy's healing stream : Ye who Jésus' kindness prove, Sing of His redeeming love. 2 Welcome^ ail, by sin oppressedj Welcome ail to Jésus' i;es!t : Nothing^ught Hîm from above^ • Nothing buttedeemÎDg love. ' J 3 He subdiied the iriiemal powera, His invetei^t^lpes and ours : Thèse He ftoàii their empire drove, Mighty in ledeiBining love. 4 Hithér, then, your tribute bring, Stnke alood each joyful striog ; Saints below and saints above^ Join to praise Ridbbmcto Love 8 ^r/?. à^ V- 1^2 , SUPPLEMENT, 1 15. Pial. xcri. C^mi^sfirst and seçonéV^ming. (C. M, .1 SiNG^theIj,ORD,ye distant lande, ' Ye tribep of every tpngue ; Hiô new-discovered grâce demands A new ând noble song. 2 Opublish, thatMESSiAHieigns '^^ Unrivalled and alone : His power the sinking world sustains, / And grâce surrounds His throne. < " ' 3 Let heaven rejoice and earth be glad, And nature smile serene 5 The fields in loveliest flower» be clad, >- The groves in richest green. 4 [Thou océan, lo the listening skies The joyful thème convey ! Ye mountains, sink ! ye valleys, rise ! Prepay«rMEssiAH*s'way !] 5 Behold He çôàies î He cornes to bless • The nations fs their GoD ; To shew the wddd Uis righteousness, And send His truth abroad. 116. Prayerfor the Influence oftheHoly Spirit. (L. M.) 1 SpmiT of Mercy, truth, and Love ! O shedThine influence from above ; And still fi-om âge to âge convéy The wonders of this sacred day. » ."*'■■, 2 In every clime, by every tongue» Be God's amazing glory siing : ^ *r :;^ ' i ' _ Let ail the listening earth be taught, The wonders by tifee SavioOr wrought. 1 •* \ ■ » i /K .,.'. «; '■■\' '■■ . '/%-. ■<-àfCÀ ^.jè^i^-jui'^fkb^J^ , \. ■ ■ \ \ M, z^- M.) SUPPLEMENT. V . Jgg 3 Unfailing Comfort ! Heavenly Guide î Still o*er Thy favoured church présidé • ' Still let mankind Thy blessings prpve, ' Spirit ôf Mercy, Truth, and Love ! / 117. Psal. cxWii. A Psalm of Praiu M- the Lord^s Day. (CM.) X 1 This is the day the Lord hath raàdç, He calls the houre Uis ôwn j Let heaven rejoice, let earth be glad, And praise surround the tbrone» 2 To-day He rose, and left the dead : And Sataii's empire fell : To-day the saints His triumph spread, And ail His wonders tell. • 3 Hosanna to the anointed King, To Davîd's holy Son ; Help us, O Lord, descend ând bring Salvatîon from Thy thrbne. ^ ^^lÉI^® ^^^» ^*»o cornes to men * VViïli^lnessages* of grâce j Who cornes in God^s Father's naine, To save our sinfui race. 5 Hosanna in the hîghest strains The church on earth can raise ! ^ ^ The hîghest heavens in which He reigns Shall give Him nobler praise. ■"■»,. ~ ' . ■ • - 118. PsaKxc. CfàdiheBefugeofhisPeopU. (UM.> i Thou, LdRD, through every changing scène. Hast to Thy saints a refuge been ; Through every âge, etemiil God, ' Their pleasing home, their safe abodc. t.- , -..f ]8é SUPPLEMENT. 2 In Thee our fathers eought their rest, \' And wère with Thy p^'otection blest ; . Behold their sons ! a feeble race, We corne to fiU our fathere» place* 3 Through ail the thorny paths wfrtread, £re \ve are numbered with4he^dead, Whén friends désert, and îoea, invade, fie Thou our all-sufficient ahîk^ ,4 And when thrs pilgrimage is o'er, . And we ihust dwell on earth no more, ^. To Thee, great God,^ may we ascend, . And find an everlasting Priend. 5 To Thee our infant race we'll leave ; Them may their fathers' God receive ; That voices yet unformed, may raise Succeeding hymne of humble praise. 119. The Offices ofChrût. (C-M) ' 1 We blees the Prophbt of the llord, Who çomes with truth and grâce ; Jésus! t!hy Spiril and Thy word . Shall lead U9 in Thy ways. 2 We révérence oûr HioH Priert above . WhdofferedupHisBlood; . ^ And lives to carry on His love, By pleading with our Goâ. 3 We honour oureialted KiNG ; > How just are:His commanda ! He guards our soulsïrom hell and sin, : ^By his Almighty hands. 4 Hosanna to His glorious Name, Who saves us by His grâce ; His mercieslay a sovereign daim To our Immortâl praise/ A •**" / / v-r* ..^ffiÉS ■,h -V^firtlJ» *• ^ SUPPLEMENT. / / 185 12^* Gà^TL 14; GloryingtntheCroiMofChHit. (l!m.) 1 VYhenJ siirvejr the vvondroiis cro«s On which ihe Prince ofglory died, My richest gainai count but loss, , *. And pour coîîtempt en ail my pride. 2 Forbid it, LoRp, that I should boast, Save4n the death of Chhtist my God ; Ail the vain things that eharm me most, I-sacrifice themto llisblood. ^L JÊk- 3 See from f lis head,. îlja hands, His feet, Sorrow and love flojy mingled down ! ' ^"^^ ^ Did e'er such love and sorrow meet, " Or thorns compose so rich a crown ?> / 4 Were the whole realm of nature mine, 7 ^ Tiiat were a prtçent far too small ; Love so a'mazing— 80 divine, Demands my soul-T-my life—my ail. . —^ , ^ ' ■ ■ I2l^j^inimsary Mrifionfar^ CharUy School. (P. M.) Who from Satan?» dark dbminion, From a sinful feart's control, From the thrali offalse opinion, Who shall free'the helpless sôul ? Bliifd and wandering, Clouds ofdarkness round it roll. CONGREGATION. Loi a s$r of light and heaiing ' . Shines athwnrt the dismal gloom, . Scènes ofUfe and joy revealing. Scènes of joy be^nd thé tomb 'Tis the Saviour, . _ _ i ^ ^ Offapring of the Virgin's womb ! - i^-*- .186 ^ SUPPLEMENT. CHILDRiJNé , Tothat Sa viovR guide, oh guidé ùs, Through the paths of trutli divine ! Let ail earthly ills betide us, JESUS/if we be but thinè. Holy Jésus, Ort our erring Ibotsteps shine j .. .CONGREGATION» Let net Thy command be broken, "^ . '^SufTerthemto corne tome ; For efsuch (the word is spoken) Mustmy Father's kingdom be." Lo, we bring them, ' — Sa viouR, to be blessed by Thee ! * 122.:. Heb. iv. 14 - 16. Christ a merciful Higk Priest . ' (C. M.) ', 1* With joy we meditate the grâce Of our Hjgh Priest above ; 2 His heart is made of tenderness, . His bowels melt with love. 2 Touched with a sympathy within, ' He knows our feeble frame ; Heknows what sore temptatîons mean, : Forhe bas felt ihe same. 3 He, in the days of feeble flesh, . Poured out strong cries and' tears, ^ And, in His measure, feels afresh r What every member bears. 4 Then let our humble, faith address ^ ^ His mercy and his power ; - V We shall obtain delivering grâce In each distressing hour. •j 4, ■■■ X ■ "5,-ç''^S\7^'^"T^T^ ommuQ'smi^^uW)Â^^Q Sélection before the Commnnioii Service. RKeiT.— « Behold ! a Virgin shàll conceive and- bcar a Son, and shall çaîll his. name £m« manuel ; God wilh us.*» > . la. VII, 14 -Mat. 1, 23. Chorus.—" ffj^ the Glory ofthe Lord shall be reveded, and ail flesh shall see it together. For thè^mouth of th^ Lord hath spokenii." » Is. XL, 6. Air & Chorus.—" O ! thou that tellest good tiJings to Zion, get thee up into the high moun- tain. 1 thou tliat tellest good tidings i^jjn^' Jérusalem * lift up thy voice wilh strength : lift itup, be not afraid to say unto the clties of ^ Judah — ^Behold your God." la. XL, 9. SeiecHon before the Sermotà* Récit. — ^^ There were Shepherds àbiding in the field, keeping watch over their flocks by night. " Marginal- translation. <*. "And.Io! the Angel of the Lord came upon. tbem, and the Glory of the Lord shone round about them, and they were sore afraid." ^ '< And the Angel said unto them, fear not, forbehold I bring you good tidings of great joy,; which shall'beto ail people, for unto you is horn thifl dây, in the city of Davidj^ a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord»" « And suddenfy there was with the Angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God, and saying— CHORUS. — Olory to God in the highest, and on earth peace^» good will towards men." Luke II, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14. S I. I. ËTeningr Service, before Sermon. FuLL Cborûs.-^" Hallelujah ! for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth. The Kingdoms of this worid are become the Kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ, and he shall reign for ever and ever ^îng of Kings, and Lord of Lords." Hallelujah. Rerelations XIX, 6, 16.— Ch. XI, 16. Hii Tui arn by Chi * Saii Itna the ->:. .■■«%.-■ >oa. 187 ^ ^ OBSERVATIONS -, ON THE SELECTION ptî" TUNES. I. C. M. dénotes Common M^ïasÙre, the verses of which con« sist bf four Unes ; the fifst and third containing eight sylla^les.; the second and fourth, six syllables, I. Cheerfdl and Lively Tunes — *Abingdon, Ashley \.. Bellefietd, Cambridge, Devizes, Gainsborough, Harrin^ ton, If oward, London New, Magdalen, Manchester,^ew York, Oxford, St. Anne's, St- George's, St. Stejihen's, , Warnick, Westminster New, Weston Farel, and Wilt- shire ; which Tunes may be sung to any of tfie following Fsalms or Hymns„as b^g generally in unison with their subjects : viz. ^ 27.Pt.5. 28,Pt. 1. 28i Pt. 2. 29.\ Ps. 1 3. 4. 5. 8. 9. II. . 16. Pt. 1. 20. . 22. 23. Pt. 1. 23. PL 2. 24. Pt. 1. 24.Pt.2, 27. Pt. 1. HymNs 1. 9. 2. i;^. 6. 37. 117. Pt; 1. 117. Pt. 2. 118. 122. 124. 195, Pt. 2. 127. 132, 135. Pt. I. 135. Pt. 2. 138. 145, Pt. I. 145. Pt. 3. • 146. 147. 111. 119. 115, 122. 7. Ist Dox. "— .-^-^— ^— .. - -- y.- ... ^ ** Thèse Tunes refer to the " Sélection or Psaui and Hymn Tunes by the best Masters Anclent and Modem, harmonised and arraneed expressly /or this Manual of Parochial Psalmodt, by Mr, Thomasl Henshaw, Oreanist of Saint Paneras New Church, and lat^e Sub-Organist of His Majesty's Chapei Royal, Saint James.*' t This Tune(il|||^) was originally composed for Hymn 78. It may be sungtp^if other cheerfal Psalm or Hymn, omitting t h e Chôm a . ^^ * 3I.Pt.l. wl. Pt. /i» 33.Pt\l. 33. Pt.^ 34. Pu 34. Pt. 2. 41. 48. 66. Pt. 66. Pt 71. Pt, 38. 52. 41. 75. 49^. 77. 71. Pt,^. 84 Pt. 2. 84. Pt. 3. 86. Pt. 1. 86. Pt. 2é 91. 92r 98. 99. 103. PU 2. .105. Pt^2. IÔ7. PU 2. 101 I ,^:- y 188 OBSERVATIONS ON^ THE ^' ^At'^l t^^ SoLEMN TuNE3.-Aliridgc, Bedford, Beiley, , o ' . o^''*î2r***^8^» ^®"«n î «^Wch iriay be sung to P«. 2. 13. 39. 4. 16. A2i 10. 26. 90. Pt. HymnsS. j3. 11. 19. 97. r 131. 119. Pta. 1. 14 19. 143. 2. 130. PLI. 1 145. Pt 2. 21. 29, 46. 71. 79. 23. 45, 48. 76. 95. .<.t 3. Plaintivx or Penitektial Tunes — Burfoitl, Wind. ^- M.D. orD.C. M. dénotes Double Common Mka- _ J^*^— goxology, Grcat Milton, Su Matlhew^s :—For P84LMS 72. 84. Pt. 1. 94. 118. Pt. 2. Hymns 18. 43. • Greal Milton Tune i$ parUcularly appropriated to Psalm 84. Part 1. and Hymn 18. ' ff i- Double Common Measare Tunet may aUo be sung to rjaims and Hymn» in the ordinary Common Mêiisure, -j.^'l®''* Wie Térses are in «yen numbcri. lU. L. -M. dénotes Long Measuhe, the verses of which con- swt of four Unesb cach containing eight syllàblcs. . 1. CHEERFUL AND LiVELY TuNES.— Aclon, Eaton, Evett- ing Hymn, Islington, Portugal, Portuguese Hymn, St. Olare's, Savoy or Old Hundredth Proper, Surrey, Truro: — For Ps. 18. 47. 62. 65. Hy. 3. 10. 14. 100. Pt. 2. 103. Pt. 1. 103 Pi. 3. 103. Pt^l. o2r 106 Pt 1. 107. PUl. m. Pt. 1. 112. 125. 144. 150. 89. Pt 1. 89.Pt.2. 95. 100. Pt.1. 61. 66 70. 72. 50.^ 56 68. 74. 88. 92. It^l. 104. 107. 4th and 5th Doiol. 2. Gbav^, Solemn, AND Majestic Tunes.— Angcls' i> oo^"!?A^"?®'** "y*"" *» St. PhiUp's, Wareham. Ps. 32. 40. &7.Pt.l. 73. 93. 111. Pt. 2. 80. 104. Pt. 2. 139 Pts. 1 & 2. 47. 57. 60. 64. 84. 53. 58. 62. 55. 59 63. 113. 116. 118 36. 43, 68. Ht. 16. 27. 17. ^ 30. 22. 31. 94. 32. 33. 39 110. 65. 85. 86. 120. ^ LutheHs Hymn is particularly appropriated to Psalm 93. and ïï^"?.? • ' ^??S**' ^y™» •"<* Wareham, to Hymns 3U. 32, 33. 39. 113. 116 and 118. -_].. — Xfi^--**-'» IV V. ., VI Ps ••• a 1 1 1 SELECTION OF TUNES. 189 125. 144. 150. 1 & 2. 84. ; 86. . ., IV. L. M D^ or D. TU' M. dénotes Double Long Meaiure, in wbich Uïè yerii» consist of eight Unes, each containiné eight sjUableb. * TiTNis —Rcdeiription, Psalm.96. This tune may be sung ito any Psalms or Hymns in the ordinary Long Measure, ir o ia^wg «»» «▼«» number of Terses. Denbigb, Hymn 54. V. S. M. dénotes Short Measure, in wbich the Terses con- sist of four lines j the first, second, and fourth of wbich . contain six syllables ; and the Ihird Une bas eight syllables. 1. CHEERPtXL Tunes— Mount Ephraim, Peckliam. Shir- -. land :— For — ^r~. — — --/_- -^ — ---: — -^--,-__— rz:? — .o^-- Ps 25 Pt. 1. 25 Pt 2 31. Pt. 2^67 130 Pt. 2 * Htmns 15 24 35, 36. 96, 97. 100. 108. 2 Grave^and Penitehtial Tunes.— Ayiesbury. hsie, St. Bride's :— For. '* Car. Psalms 25. Pt 3 51 VI. Peculiar Measures. Pt 1.142— HYMN20. 1.-^», Tunes for rerses containing six lineb of eleht syllables each — Anniyorsary, China, Saint MarUn's. New-court, Surrey :— For * PSALMS 37 Pt. 1. 37 Pt 2. 46. 63. 113.-Hymn 42. 109. Sizth Doxology. V Of thetoeceding lunes. China and Surrey may aiso be' sung to Psalms and Hymns of Praise in^the ordinary Lonir Measure, the Uut twq Unes in each verse being sunz viano and repeated forte. Saint Martin's and New-court may Kke* wise be accopmddated lo Lohg Measure, the second and fourtà ho^ m each Terse being sung piano, and repeated forte 2. Tune for Stanzas of four Unes of ten syllables. Han- ovcr, olr 104th Proper. Psalms 104. and 149. Third Doxology.^ : .^ 3. Four lines 7*8. perses of fout Unes, and seren syllables in each line. Tunes, Oerman Hymn, SaUsbury for ^^lJ^V^^> SicUiaiu-^pr Hymns 26. 287 H. 44, 106. 106. 107. I12>^^ Esher, for Hymns 40. Eight Unes Te. Verses of eight Unes and seren syllables A**^*î- T^*»"» Helmsley or Adrent, for Hymns 3. !?• ^^^Ï:? L^*- Vienna/^Hymn 7.' 102. 103. alw ^. and 90. if sung as a«ngle rerse of eight Unes. Paris, Hymn 8 (or 44 X as an eight-lined yeiw of 4. i*fe^- .^kS^ii,aJuu ■#■ 190 i 'r FIHSi; LINES OF THE PsiLMS Psalm 119 Pt.6. 100. Pt. 1. 42. 119. 104. 134. 94. 112. â?7. Pt. ^ccoBDiRo to thy promis'd gr»ce - Ail people that on earth do dtrell Aspantsjthe h art for coollng streams Be GRAcious to Thy seryaiit, Iiord - BlesB God, my soal 1 Thàik Lord alone - Bless God, ye servants that attend • Bless'd is the man, whom ThoU| O Lord Blest is the man that Mands fi awe - 2. Continue, Lord to hear my voîce Pt.^. Pt.^2. 1 19. Pt. 17. E TEBNAL and unerrltig rules 119 144. 65. ». Pi 17. . pJ. 10. ' Page - - 69 - 31 .. . 76 -- 63 - 92 - - 65 69 - - 19 - 84 107. Pi. 2. 29. 46. 111 '«A. l|t« 2. 19. Ptl 1. 119. Pt. 19. î. 124. 41. 51. Pt 91. 130. I»t. f. 119. Pt. 1. 1. 32. 33.Pt 2. 13. 19. . 92. I 84. Pt. 1. 119. Pt. 2. For e ver and for ever^- Lord • . - . go For e ver blest be God the Lord - J^ _ 93 F9it4iiee', O God, our constant praise -^ ' - - 39 V*'*" .^., ._ ,. >■'■'■ ^ ' •- GivE thanks onto the Lord oor God - - - 67|^ Givetothe Lord, ye sons ofmen - - - 21 God is 01» refpge in distress - - . - 33 God's bonnty, like a flowing tide - ' «^>^ . ' . 69 God's perfect law couverts the soul^- - - il Great peace and rest shall ail such hâve - - 86 \ Hao not the Lord, may Israël say - • . S7 Happy the man, whbse tender care - • 31 Hâve mercy. Lord on me - » . . 35 He that within the secret place • - - 63 Hearken, O Lord ! to my request - - t 90 How blest are they, whose hearts sincère - -\ 75 Hf>w blest is he who ne'er consents - - - 1 How bless'd, whose sins hâve pardon, gain'd - j 83 ' How happy are ail those to whom - - • \ 24 . How long wilt thon forget me. Lord . . g HowperfectisThy Law,0 God - ^^ - 12 How pleasant and how good it is - - - • 64 How pleasant is thy dwelliog place - . . 46 How shall the young préserve theirways - . 76 ' Page - - 69 - 31 .. - 76 -- 63 - 92 . - 65 69 - - 19 - 84 80 98 39 e?r 21 33 69 11 86 87 31 35 63 90 75 J 23' 24 8 12 64 46 76 1 Ï'IRST Llf^ES ï*8alm ' 139. Pt. 2 ' 118. Pt. 1. 119. Pt. 4. , 90. Pt. 1. 11. 71. Pt. 1. 31. Pt 1. 127. 97. 99, 26. 33.Pt 1. 66.Pt. 1. " 131.* • 43. 24.Pt. 2. 143. 5. 6LPt2. 119. Pt. 13. 16 23. Pt. 1. 62. 103. Pt. 1. •104. Pt.l. 116. 130. Pt. 2é 18. 117,Pt.l. 47. 66.Pti2. 96. '63. ^7. Pt. 2. 108 84. Pt2 119, Pt. 7. 2S Rt. 2 S4. Pt3. ?■ / SALM?. I^LL praise Thee, from whosé hânds I came I «rill give thanks to l'hëe^ O Lord / Instinct me in thy «tatut^. Lord - -^ /Instrnct us, Lord, tài; know and try - *'^ In Thee, O Lord, r^tiby trust - i - In Thee we put pur stèadfast trust Into Thy handsy Lord, I commit - - In vain we build, uniessthe Lord Jehovah reigns, let ail the earth - - Jehovah rewis, let therefore Ml . Judge me, O Lord, for I the paths • Let ail the iust to God with joyvs - Let ail the lands with shouts ofjoy Let me «ot.. Lord, be proud of heart Let me with light and truth be l>lest L^(t up your heads, etemal gates^ - iiord, near my prayer, and to my cry Lord, hear thé voice of my complaint Lord ! in Thy wrath reprore me not Ijord, let me knotv my termofdaya Lord I not to us, we claim no share My shepherd is the living Lord - My soûl for help on God relies ;My soûl, ins(>ir'd with sacred love My souU praise the Lord - - My soûl, with grateful thoughts of love . My soûl with patience waits - 191 Page - 96 - 73 - 77 - 52 - 7 - - 43 - 22 - - 89 - 67 - - 68 - ^^ - - '40 - 91 - - 32 - 16 * - 97 - 4 - - 6 . 29 - - 70 36 82 9 14 37 60 63 71 90 - t - No change of time shall ever shock ■- - - lô O Aix ye nations of the world O ail ye people. clap your hands come, dlye th^ fear the Lord ;. Ô cômei loud antnèms let us «ing - O God, my gracions God, to Thee O God, my heart is fix'd, His bent - O Goil. my heart is fnlly bent - O God of Hosts, the migh^r Lord - O Lord, my God my portion Thon O Lord, my Rock, to Thee I crv - O Lord of Hosts. tàyJSiiuff and God 72 34 40 66 38 37 67 47 78 20 K ^àitÛAaî&i Piabn ld6. Pt. 2. lU. Pt. 1. 25. Pt. 2. 96. 98. 86.Pt.2. 37. Pt. 2. 103. Pt 3. 3. 145. Pt. 3. 34. Pt. 2. 23. Pt. 2. 143. Pt 2. 103. Pi. 2. 48. 103. Pt. 3. 145. Pt. 1. 89. Pt. 2. 118.Pt.3. 24. Pt. 1. 125. Pt. 1. 119. Pt. 9. 25. Pt. 1. 40. 139. Pt. 1. 37. Pt. 1. 34,Pt. 1. FIRST LINES. OF THE PSALMS. PWfe O Lord, onr fathers oft tiave told - - •.> 32 O Lord, thou ut my righteous Judge - ■•*■•— 3 O Lord^the Saviour aod Defence , - - - 52 O Lor^ Thy mercy, my sure hope - - _ 27 O render thanks, and bless the Lord - - 64 O render thanks to God above ~ -> > - 65 O praise the Lord, for he is ^^ - - - 73 O praise the Lord with one consent - - - S3 O praise the Lord ! and thon, my souI - - lOl O praise the Lord with hymns ofjoy - - - 101 O praise ye the Lord, prépare your £^ad voiçe - 102 O praise the Lord in that blest place - -1(^3 O Thou grent God oftruth - - ~ . 22 O Thou to.whom ail créatures bow -> - 5 .'O tum, and ail my griefs - - - - - 17 OHwasaJoyfulsoundto hear .- - '•86 On me deyoted to Thy fear - - - - 83 Praise j^ the liord, for He is good - - _ 65 Praise ]r&' the Lqrd, our God to'praise - - 68 SiNCE mércy is the grace . - - - - 17 Sing 1o thé Lord a new-made song ^ - 56 Sing to the Lord a new-made song >- - - Ô8 Teach me thy ways. O Lord, and I The good man's way is God's dielight The Lord abonnds wifh tender love The l.iOrd alpne is my defence - « - The Lord doth them support that fall The Lord from heaven beholds the just The Lord himself, the mighty Lord 'i'he Lord is good. fresh acts of grace - The Lord is Rind and merciful The Lord, the only God, is great - The Lord, the oniversal Kii% « - - Thee PU extol, my God and King Thine arm is mighty, strong thy nand This day is God*s, l«t ail the land - This spaciotts earth is ail the Lord's - Thosft that do place their confidence Thon tat,Q Lord, supremely good - - Thon art the righteous Jitdge, in whom - Thou, gracions liord, hast not desir'd Thou, Lord, by nHçtest «earch hast known Thonrh wicked men grow rich or great triif e ^ 50 28 62 3 100 26 14 99 61 34 62 99 51 74 15 88 80 83 30 95 28 FIRST LINES OF ^HE PSALMSi 193 7% ^^ - 3 - 62 - - 37 - 64 - - 66 - 73 - - 93 - 101 - - 101 ice - 102 - 1(«3 - - 22 - 5 - - 17 - 86 - 83 - - 66 - 68 - - 17 - 66 - - 68 - 50 - - 28 - 62 - - 3 - 100 - - 26 - 14 - - 99 - 61 - 34 - - 62 - 99 - - 61 - 74 - - 16 - 88 ^ - 80 - 83 - - 30 t - 96 28 =26 Psalm . 119. Pt. 5. 25. Pt. 1. 891. Pt.l. 67. Pt. I. 10. 71.Pt.2. < 119.Pt.I2. 119. Pt. 14. 85. ^ 67. 9. 107. Pt. 1. 68. 142. 86.Pt. 1. I19.Pt.l8. 28. Pt. 1.: 20. 121* 119. Pt. 11. 125. Pt. 2. 27. Pt. 1. 117. Pt 2. 93. 132. • 100. Pt. 2. 38. 2. 119, Pt. 8. 16. 113. 2i. Thy constant blesaing. Lord, béttow - Thf merciei and Thy love - Thy mercies, Lord« shall be my song Thy mercy. Lord, to me extend - - Thy présence why withdraw'st thou^ Lord Thy righteotts acts and saving health l^y wordJs to my feet a lamp - Thy Word) O Lora ! thy holy word To ail that fear God*s holy name To bless thy chose n race - - > To celebrate thy praise, O Lord To 6od your gratefol voices raise - To God the L^rd new anthems raise To God with mournful voice - To me, who daily Thee invoke - -' To my réqnest and eamest cry - To render thanks nnto the Lord Tp thj' sàlvaf ion. Lord» for aid - - To Sjion's hill I lift mine eye« - - 16 - 60 r 36 -7 ^ 43 - 81 - 82 - 48 - 41 - 6 - 66 - 42 - 96 - 49 - 85 - 20 - 12 - 86 What great désire and ferrent lore > - 81 Who place on Sion's God their tn)st - - - 88 Whom should I fear, since God to Àe,. - - 19 With cheerful notes let aU the earth - ., - - 72 Withelory clad, with stiength array*d a^ <- 64 With holy révérence and joy ,- - .*>. 91 With one consent Ict ail iM earth > -^ - 60 With my whole heart, my God and King -% .^ 94 With restless and ungovem'd n^e - ^ „ l*. 2 With me, thy servant. Thon hast dealt - ^- 79 Within thy tabernacle. Lord > . . 9 Ye saints and servants of the Lord Ye worshippers of Jacob's God -» - 70 - 13 FIRST LINES OF THE HYMNS. Hvmn &, Almiohtt Father ! bless the word Alraighty Lord ! before Thy throne Almigh^ Maker of my frame - AU^e, who faithful servants are - And is the Gospel peace and love 46. 61. 41. 6. 11. 68. And now, my sodikiother year - ' wiltThoa,VternaI ~ Page - 164 - 136 - 146 - 132 - 107 - 111 - 144 TTS.' f:r^'; «f-Vv-^^^Sfro m ,-/ FIRSÏ LINES OP THE HTMKS. ' 74. Another six days» toiî û donc ^ ^<. Arise, O God, and let 'l'hy grâce As when the weary trav'lier gaios Awake, roy soûl, and with the «un Awake ! my soûl, stretch every nerve - Awake ! oiir soûls, away our fears Awake, awake, the sacred soog - 84. 65. 66. 37. 92. 91. 70. 24. 21. 93. 40. 26. 94. 29. 30. 31. 95. 80. 46. 97. 69. 32. 98. 33. 59. 20. 2. 49. 54. 99. 34. 6â, 79. 44. 63. }00. 101. H)2< 38. 3d3« Fase -156 - 162 - 149 - 150 - 130 - 1^7 - 167 BEroBE Jehovah's aw/ul throne Behold the Lambof God — - fiehold the Saviour of mankind Blest be the everlastiog God -, Bread of the world, in mercy broken - CHitisTtheLoi^]*8ri8'nto.day! - ^- Come ! gracious Spiirit, from above -« Cotne. Holy Ghost, Creator tcome , - Come, Holy .Ghost, Creator ! come - Corne, HoiyGhostl our soûls inspire - Come, Holy 8pirit, Heavenly Dove * Come! let us loin our cheerful songs ComeJ Sound His praise abroad - Come ! ye that love the Lord Creator of the starry frame - . - Creator Spirit ! by whose aid - - 163 121 119 168 132 122 169 125 125 126 169 159 170 170 152 127 M. Eternal Source ofev'ryjoy _ _ _ - -> 114 Far from my thoughts, vain world, begone Father of Heav'n ! whose love profound Father of mercies ! bow Thine ear - " - Father ofmerciesjhear! - - - Father of mercies, in Thy word Fo\mt^n of mercy ! God of love From ail that dwell below the skies - ^rvE 1o our God immortal praise - Gloryl^toGodonhigh - - '- Glory to Th^e> my God, this night GqiI moves io a mysterious way God ôf all-redeeming gracë - - God of our life ! our soûls défend - Grâce! 'tis a charminc sound Great God, we sing Thy mighty- h'and Guide us, O Thou Great Jehovidi H A il! the day that sees Him rise Hail) Thou loiig-ezpectea Jésus - 171 128 144 lis .106 138 141 172 128 151 168 134 148 172 173 173 124 l'H \ ^^"'iç^'^smuir '^?s:^t^^i'^^pm^-'^jg^^^^m-'^^vw'iT''^^w^,f^!fws^ Faee - - 156 - 162 - - 149 -150 - - 130 - 1^7 - - 167 - 153 - - 121 - 119 168 - 132 - - 122 ■* 169 - - 125 - 126 - - 126 - 169 - 169 - - 170 - 170 - - 152 - 127 - - 114 - 171 - - 128 - 144 - - 118 -.105 -138 - 141 À' 172 - 123 - - 151 - 158 - - 134 - 148 - - 172 -173 - - 173 r 124 - ^i-w Hymn 104. 105. 1. 8. 106. 23. 62. 27. 9. 107. 15. 108. 109. 50. 110. 111. 112. 3. 89. 87. 73. 66. PIRST LINES OP THE HITMNS. y the man who finds the grâce Hark ! tha( 80ud4. of rapturous joy - Hark, the glad souod I the tiaviour cornes Hark I the nerald angels siog Hark ! the aong of jubilee - - - Hark ! the voice of love and mercy Hear, Lord ! the son;; of praise and pray'r He dies ! the friend of âiDners.dies High Jet us swellourtuneful notes - Hosanna to the living Lord - - How beauteous are their feet ... How happy is the man 195 Page - 175 - 175 - 104 - 1U9 - 176 -120 - 14U - 123 - 110 -176 -115 - 177 Pu. praise my Maker with my breath In sttçred songs your voices raise Jésus! and shall itérer be - Jésus ! exalted far on high - - - LiOHT of those whose dreary dwelling , Lo ! He cornes with clouds descending Lord i dismiss uè with Thy blessing Lord) help us on Thy word to feed Lord, let my cry Thy favour lind Lord ! now we part in Thy biest name - 176 - - 133 60 Mat the grâce of Christ our Sariour 39. My God! and is Thy table spread 45. My God ! the steps of pious men 64* My God, when naturels frame shall sink 114. Now begin the heavenly thème - ^ 47. Now may the God of grâce iind pow'r 13. OGôDofBethelf Bywhoiehand 25. O God I we praise Thy wondrbns love 16. O God ! who by Thy star didst iead - 38. O ! happ3|r is the man who hears 18. O Lord! 'tum not Thv face away 113. O send thy blessing fromiûboTe - 53. OSpiritoftheliringGod - 71. O ! that the Lord would gnlde my ways SU- O Thon I that from the month of babes ^•; Oar •ouïs shall magnify the Lord %*' Praise the Loir^! ye heav'ni adore him k2 181 136 113 122 115 131 117 180 140 J53 139 142 - *lQft i ». 19(5 "iT i 78. ' 116. - 36. j '48. 16. »3. S6. 36. 42.1 • 75. • 4. j .62. 17. 76. 117. 57. . 77. 43. 118. 72. 67. , ^ 60. 119. 12. 22. J20. • 55. . ^;:.' :^. ■ 82. P 19. ^ 81. 121.. 122. ,i.. ' 6i % >i. FIRST. LINES OF THE HTMNS* ';^î ir: -;v . Salvation il foï erer iil|;h Saivation! Otbejoyful Sound - - Sing to the Lord, ye distant lands - Soldiers of Christ I arise • - i Sovereira of all'l whose wiJi ordaifii - Spirit of Mercy, Truth, and Love bweet is the work> O Ood Sur King . That dav of wrath ! that drcadful day The ffentle Saviour calls * , »' <• ° The Lord mv pasture shall prépare The Lord orsabbath let ni praise The Lord shall reign, where'er the sun^ The moming flow'rs display their sweets The spaoious fimoament op high •• Thereitalandofpuredelight - ■■ This Is the da|f the Lord hath tnade •» This stone to Thee in faith we lay - Thou art^kWay, . to Thee alone Thou, Gr^BrM giorj, Iiononr, pow'r Theu, Loto, throuçh every changing scène Thy mercies, Lord, alFforms display %o thee, O Lord, with dawning'light ^ Wc bid Thee welcome in the name We bless the Prbphetof the Lord When ail thy inereies, O my God When darkiiess once, by God's comipand When 1 snnrey the wondroiis cross When, Jesu 1 Thou thy poient hand . W hen Israël, press'd by Ph When lisifflr Irom the bed of ^ While shclPrdiwatchMthei Who from Satan's darkdoi ^ith joy we meditatethegi With one consent let airthe earth THE END, m -M ■ th< bu an 4 , ^' H" '1 On£ OF THB THREfi FOLLOWING SeLECTIOKS !■ ,Bung between thè Litany and ihe Communion* '■ service every Sundayjin ihe Caihedral of QuebêCi 1 ,' (i§anctus, uBed on Sacrament Sunday .) Holy, holy, holy Lord Qod of Hosts ; H^ven and Earth are full of thy glory i^otyhe to thee, O Lord most hJgV~~^\ ^ ^"y ^. . >«§. . Glory, hohour, praise and powep Ce unto the Lamb for ever, Jésus Christ is our Redeemerj^ _ Hàllelujah, Hailelujah^ |ial]elujah, praise the Lord. III. (Introlff by the late Bish^j^ Hebi^r.) Oh most meircifùl ! Oh most bountiful ! * GoD the Fathe^, Almigbty l By the Redeemer's n % ' #'• Sweet Intercession, . É Hear us, help us^^hen we cry. '1 \ - It ntay not be wholly mipeffluoQs infortnation to staté^âat wken jSnthems are sung» oomposed of verses frm the Ptâlmt^ they are almosl inVariably taken, notfromihe mettical vertionÀ ïmitrom ihe Psalter in prose, , ' _^ The Ânthems, however, which are usually sufig on Chriitmaa day and Easter Sunday, are selected from Handèl's Messiah, which is composed o( sdecUons from Torioiî^ parttypf (he Qld and New Testament» . 1. .,., ■ 1 Jt ■ X ^'>'■ ^^' -■ ' . HYMN • . Tobê sung byike Children ofihe Québec Natio- v^AL ScHooLs, in iàe Cathédrale upon occasion ofihe annual SerMt and Collection in aid of ihe Schools, ^ ■ %■ ■ ^a^i^^^i^li^^^Êm^t^t^^^^^^^^F^r^ My God, how blest are those That early read thy wilï ! It3 promises are theif tepose^ " Whate'er betide of m. .V Poor-r-pQor, indeed my casé, But for tifte heav'nly lore, jWhich shows the riches of thy grâce, Surpassingearthly store. Ye rich ! whose gifts renew'd, Kelp me in wisdom's way ; - ïo you the debt of gratitude, Zs ail I can repay. But thou ! Great friend above ! Their charity record ; * And thèse their pious gifts of love, Withten fold gifts reward. So trained on earth to^raise My heart and soûl on high ; May I be meet with them topr^ise Thy glories in the sky. -, To God .ihe Father, Son, And Spirit, Glory be ; As was, dhd is, and shall be so Toallçtemity. Ifraise ye the Lord, Hallelujah, &c. &c. '? ^ iSigi p l ff ^f^^^ If ÎATIO- xasion aid of #*. "_-i^ ■ m' .:>S^- ■mù'"!* Y _ ; .♦ ' • ' / . • ' ■ * ' ^ •* ,. 1 >;^' 1 \ ■-'«■ tf " » - . ■ V ■' 'i . « ■ ■.. j 3. , - ' * ■' " - ". ,-1 ■ J ^ ', ■ .'X ; • , S . . ■ ■ .. ,-fc. — — ^. „_„_._, ■ .* .SJT...... .«j^oBifllU ■ • "■ , - ■ ■ . .| . - * . , ,.' ' " ' 9 ■ - "t- r Ttsni^^^^H ■ ,'".■ ■■ ■ ■■;, ■ ., ■ -é' :'■-',/ ', /•. •^^ " . • . ' "'. • 6> ■ : " .'■ ■—':■■'■"' \/ . \ ■1 • 4 . :2^»^^^Ei^ ^. ."^ '#. 'ii. ■r^ X. ..^ :-\w. X