IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // {/ V. « 1.0 I.I 1.25 1.4 la iiiiiM lU |||||22 |36 "^ 1.6 Va ^ n 'e). e. c). ^7/ ^% y ^^ /a V ^ # % o / Photographic Sciences Corporation ^ # 4^ ^9) •^ V \ \ a Ga: SIX ONTi! AND FIF POR JOIIX il , JOHN Vl ,{) ^-^ I LOVELL'S Gazetteer of British North America; COXTAI.VIXO THE LATEST AND MOST AUTriENTIC DKSCRIPTIO.VS OF OVER SIX TIIOUSAXD CITIES, TOWNS AXD VILLAGES IX THE pnovi.vcEs C ' \ ONTARIO, QUEBEC, NOVA SCOTIA, NEW BEUNSWICK, NEWFOUNDLAND, PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND, MANITOBA, BRITISH COLUMBIA, AND THE NORTH WEST TERRITORIES ; AND GEXEUAL IXFOHMATiny. DRAWN FHOM OFFICIAL SOmCES, A3 TO THE NAME3, LOCALITV, EXTENT, ETC., OF OVER FIFTEEN HUNDRED LAKES AND RIVERS, i '; WITH A TABLE OF ROUTES, SHOWING THE PROXIMITV OF THE RAILUOAD STATIONS, AND SEA, LAKE AND HIVEH PORTS, TO THE CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, ETC, IN THE SEVERAL PROVINCES. • EDITED BY I>. A. CROSSBy. i; , ittontreat: JOIIX LOVELL, PRLVTER AND PUBLISHER, ST. NICHOLAS STREET, JOHN LOVELL d. SOXS. PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS, LAKE SHORE PRESS. 1873. Entered according to Act of Parliament, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three, by John Lovell, in the office of the Minister of Agriculture and Statistics of the Dominion of Canada. Ircd and ure and BY KIXD PERMISSIOX, THIS GAZETTEER OF BEITISH NORTH AMERICA II Hdicatra TO ms EXCELLENCY THE RIGHT HOXORABLE EARL DUFFERIN AND CLANDEBOY; GOVERNOH OKXERAL AND VICE-ADMIRAL 0» THB DOMINION OK CANADA, BY HIS lordship's MOST Ur.VBLK AND OBEDIENT SERVANT, THE PUBLISHER. PREFACE. A Gazkttekr ok British Noutii Amkuica, contuiiiiiifr rclinMe iiifonnation tuucliiiig the climatic cuii'litioii.-' of the diHt-roiit Provinces, the rehifivc Ht- tility of their .«oils, the vant iinproveincntM iiiaile in apu;:raphical, statistical ami mercantile of every section of British North America, has Ix-comc an acknowleilged necessity; and such a work will doubtless be gladly welcomed by the i)eoitle oJ this continent, and by the commercial, manufacturing and emigrating classes in Great Britain and the continent of Europe, and recognized as an indispensable companion and guide by the crowils of tourists, travellers, sea-side excursionists and sjtorts- men who are temjtted in si-arch of health or pleasure, inlurniati^m or prolit, to visit the sea-side resorts fringing the line of the "Intercolonial;" the roinantic juountain-girt shores of Gaspe and Labrador; the celebrated gold fields and coal mines of Nova Scotia and JJritish Columbia ; the famed salmon rivers of the Lower St. Lawrence and New Brunswick ; the inex- haustible fisheries of Newfoundland and Cajte Breton ; the fair and fertile plains of Prince Edward Lshiud, the youngest daughter of the Domijiion ; the rich copper and silver mines of Lakes JJuron and Superior; and the great valley of the Saskatchewan. The utility of a work of this kind, drawing its facts from original and authen- tic sources, treating on a variety of topics, all of them of interest, many of them novel and lieretofore unnoticed, becomes the more evident when the increasing intercourse between the ditlerent provinces and the growing com- merce between the Dominion and other countries are taken into account. The nature and extent of the labor involved in the preparation of this Gazetteer may be inferred from the fact that there are 6,000 Cities, Towiis and Villages within the Dominion of Canada and Newfoundland; that each of tiie 6,000 had to be classed in alphabetical order ; the geographical jwsition described ; the railway or steamboat connections, postal or 'elegraphic facili- ties, distance from important centres; also the numufacturing, niining, agricultural, shipbuil/lng and fishery industries; and the population, as far as it could possibly be obtained. Also, that the locality and extent of over 1,500 Lakes and Rivers iiad to be described. Ti PREFACE. The Qazettker is clashed nmlcr throe \\owU : First, the Citio,'*, Towni«, Villaj^t'8, Si'ttloinciitf , Couiitii'.s ami Province." ; accomi, the Lake:} ami RiverH; and third, a Table of Kouten. The latter is of itnelf an intrinsic part of the work. It fhewn the proximity of the railway Htalions, and the Hea, lake and river iKjrts toevery city, town, villajrc and Heltlnnent, in Urilish North America, thn.s informing ihe reader how he may reacii any desired place without unneceHHary delay. The TninuteneHH of the details and the fnlnoHH of the inf(»nnation emhodied in the Gazetteer can best be illustrated l>y the loUowing extracts: — AMHERST, (formerly known as Fort liawrence,) a seaport town of Nova Scotia, the capital of Cumberland co., very pleasantly situated un an arm of Cumberland Hay, and on the Intercolonial railway, !) miles from Sackville, N.H., and l.'W milcH VV. by N. of Haliliix. It contains, besides the county and railway buildin<,'s, about IJO stores, several churcbes, hotels, mills and factories, an iron foundry, 2 tanneries, I printirii; office issuin;; a weekly newspaper, a teleirraph office, and a braiieli baid<. It is a port of entry, and has a larr IH72 was $80,(557 ; ex|)orts i^\ 11,^50. Sleamer.s run daily between Amherstburg and Detroit. Poj*. 1, 1)30. Amherst in Nova Scotia and AmherstburL' in Ontario, two towns of nearly ecpuil j)0|)uIation, rapidly rising in imi»ortance as shipj)in<^i>'ihition which constitute the true basis of national strength. There is one especial advantage enjoyed by those who relate events or transactions, or any incidents recorded in the earlier annals of this continent : because the chief actors are individualized, their deeds officially registered, and critical contem])oraries have depicted in lively colors those memorable events which form chronological landmarks in the history of Canada, whereas the earliest accounts of the oriirin and «rrowiii of the old world races are PREFACE. ▼tt involved in tho mists of antiquity, ami lUl>nIoufl logomls aspipi PUpor-hunmn qnaliticB to mythical ami prc-hiHtoric horot'8. The Sagas of Iceland, dating liack more than the centuries before Caspar Cortereal, in 1500, entered tho Gulf of St. Lawrence, recount how adventurous Northmen discovered thin continent, foundo~issii)pi to the Gulf of Mexico. Tho earliest settlement attempted at Quebec dates \{]0>^ ; only 205 years have therefore elapsod between the epoch when the first settler, undi-r manifold discouragements, |)l;.inted himself in Canada, and to-day when the Queen of England claims jurisdiction over tho most extensive colony in the world, inhabited by upwards of four millions of active, enter- prising", and self-reliant jM'ople, conl'edorated under the ambitious title of the Dominion of Canada, which consists of upwards of four millions of geogru- phieal square miles extending from the Atlantic on the east to the shores of the North Pacilic on the west. Its extreme breailth on the parallel of 49- north latitude is 3,0G0 geographical miles, and the greatest depth from the most southern point of the Province ol' Ontario to Smith's Sound in the Polar regions rather more than 2,150 miles. It was said of Canada, when the provinces of Upper and Lower Canada comprised her entire territory, that, with the exception of coal and a tew lA tho less important metals, she containeil within herself a supply of almost all the known useful minerals, not only amply suflicient for her domestic consumption, but, with few exceptions, for pernument, jirofitable and extensive commerce. Again, at the great Exhibition of bSol, at Lcjiidon, thejiiry were pleased to state, " that of all the British Colonies, Canada is that whose exhi- '• bition is the most interesting and complete, and one may even say that it *' is superior, as far as the mineral kingd'ruiits huve yd ruiltiil their «ay tit tlii< (himI.tii Iv.'vpt, luTaiiHc u voyn^o t'> Aii«tmlia or New Z<'alaii'l ran he |K'rti»riiifenctratcd hundred- of miles throiii^h re;rions i>\' mar- vellous fertility, rich in minerals and all the elenients t;)r a^'riiultiiral and manufactiirin;.' industry, which had Keen up to that date isolated and shut out fnim the occupations of the human rai-e. Vet, manitiiM as are the attractions of the American prairies, the Noiih West ot" the Dominion is more iMiunteuusly supplicil with lakes, rivers and rainlalls, and possesses an tqiially fruitlul soil. Let it he known at home that lands rich as the fens of Linoolnsliiro or the Mid-Lothians can Ik- acipiired at a nominal cost on the haidvs of theSaskat- I'hewan, a river naviirahle for a thousand miles, with a climate not more severe than that of (iermany, and that the journey can be performed within three weeks, at a cost of ten pounds, liunilreds c>t" thousands of the j>eoplo now .«i«riiinjr lor a comj)etence, and solicitijus to provi(h' a future indepen- dence fur their young I'amilies, will willin>rly seek their fortunes in this invitin;.; region. The tide of emigratittn is now turtied hack, unahle to spread over the many hundred thousand jreo<:ra|)hical sqmtre miles extend- ing from Fort Garry to the slopes of the Rocky Mountains, hecause between the western extremity of Lake Superior and I^ake Winnipeg, a distance of only four hurnlred miles, no railway has yet been built. 'J'he government of the Dominion have, however, as a condition Ibr the entrance of British Columbia into the Dominton, jdedged themselves to that province to build a railway from Lake Nipissing to the Pacific Ocean, which will con- nect the two oceans and traverse the whole length of the provinces forming the Dominion of Canada. It is almost superfluous to atlu<:h the fertile belt l»orderi.ig the River Saskatchewan until it reaches the Rocky Mountains, and then one of the seai)orts of the Alpine province. This raihvav, ineasurinj' two thousand seven liundred miles in one nninterrnj»ted line, will, when built, c()ini)lete the great Canadian Inter- 0(;eanic chain, and remain an emlurin^' monument uf the enterprise and ])atriutism of the people. It is impossiiile to over-estimate the benefits that must accrue tu buth the Mother Country and the Duniinion, when tliis imi)ortant railway route is completed. Heretul'ore Canada has been to llu' traveller little better than a cut de sac, as he could only journey as far as the extremity oi' liuke Superior; but when the entire Dominion can be traversed from the Atlantic tu the Pacific, lu' will be enabled with ease to take a rapid survey of these wide-spread inij ilominioiis belunginir to the JJritish Crown, and measure tiieir political and commercial imi)ortan('e. lie will tluii become ('(UiviiRed that the Dominion is rich in coal measures, slate (piarrics, l'oM, siiviT, copper, iron, and almost every mineral of commercial value; tiiat the climate is favorable to health; and that there are millions of aei'cs of LTaiti-raisiiiLr and pasture lands await- in>r C(jloni/.atioii in the fertile belt of the North West and British Colnmbia. The aggre,t^ale population of the Dominion, iiu'ludinj^ Rritish Columbia, Manitoba, Prince Edward Island, and the Xoi-th West Territories, is estimated at four millions; and the»i) •-'.•.'•.••.*,i;i7 1S71. Oiu;\rio 1.(T20.M1 gilclKr l.nil ,.")7.j N'livii Sootiiv l!87,!SOt Now Brunswick 'JS.".,777 3,-i8(!,i>i7 liicivaso (liirins-'l'i) j(.'iir>, alxiut .j'l^ per cent., l,2t;: I'M The census of England and Wales during the same period gives the follow- ing results : Censusof l.SOl 17.if.'7.(;():i | Consn-: of 1S71 22,704,108 Iiicr.Tiso during 20 joar?, about 21^ i)er cent., l,77fi,l!i!) The census returns of the United States are brought down to 1870, and make the following exhibit: CentfUB for 18.'0 2:!.liU.S7r, ( Consjus for 1870 38,.55.-),9t!3 Incrca'fMluring 20 year-:, about (iG per cent, lo,;!64, 107 The Provinces and Territcjries included within tlie Dominion are : Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, British Columbia, Manitoba, and the North West Territories; and in the Gazkttkkk will be founil, in alphabetical setiuence, carefully j)repared .summaries of their €8 Wl tJ hi t c PREFACE. XI earlier records; with descriptions of their gradual growtli in population and wealth, enriclied with statistics, drawn from authentic sources, embracing topics calculated to interest the reader. It is alike a duty and a pleasure on the part of the publisher to return his grateful thanks to the following gentlemen who were kind enough to revise and correct proofs descriptive of those Provinces of the Dominion with which they are familiar : Rilfht Rev. Robert Mochraj-, D.D.. Lonl Bishoji of Rnjiert's Laml. MoHt Rev. Alex. Tiicli", D.D., AnliliirthDi) uf tit. Honiface, Maiiildba. Tlie late Hon. Joseph, Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotiii. Herbt rt Crosskill, Eskj., Deputy rroviiicial Secretary of Nova Scotia. Hon. Thomas Glou, Receiver General of Newfonii(Uand. Jlon. Thomas Talbot. Member of the Executive Council. Newfoundland. Hon. B. R. .Stevenson, Surveyor General of New Brunswick. Hon. Joseph Royal, Provincial Secretary of Manitoba. ]lon. Geor^'e A. Walkem, Attorney (ienonil oi British Columbia. Lieutenant-Colonel Sydney Bellinj-'hain, M.P. for ArKenteuil. J. George Ilodgins, Esi]., LL.D., F.R.G.S.. Deputy Superintendent of T'>lucation, Ontario. Andrew Russell, Es) eliape the top(»Lri'aphiculiStiitistieal,and historic materials of flu- (iazkttkki!. It w(.)uld lie an act oi' presumption on the part ot' tlu' publisher to preti'nd to collect all the infbrnuition wliieli it is recpiisite to I'mbody in a Gazetteer, without availing himself of the cojiious and authentic stores of valual>le data collected and given to the worM by geological aii7:!. Montreal ami Ottawa. Reports of the Miiii-^tcrsof I'lihiic Works ami Agriculture of t!io Dominion, for the yoar.^ IS ;7, 'G^, 'f;;i. '70, '71 ami';:'. Ottawa. Rejjorts of tlio Commissioners of frown Lands of the several rrovinces of the Dominion, and of the Islands of Newfcmndlan.l and I'rinee Ivhvanl. for the years lsii7, 'us. 'i;;t. '7((. '71 and ■7-.'. Capt. Butler's Report on the North Wo-t Territories Ottawa. Is7'.'. The First Dominion Census, taken in I>71. Vol. I. Ottawa. 1>7::. Mapg of the rrovince= of Ontario, Qnehee, Xova .<-otia. Xew Brun-^v. i'k. Newfoundland. Prinee Edward Island. British Columhia. Manitohu and the N<.nh WestTen-iti n.'<. eomiiilel irom he mo.t recent surveys; Plans of T(-wn-hi|i< and Counties; Plans of various Rivers and Lakes; Government Maps of sections of the country. A;c, l ABBEEVIATIONS. Tlie following abbreviations arc upcil in this Gazetteer : 1, HI E. Eaet or Eastern, E.N.E. East North East. E.S.E, East South East. N. North or Northern. N.E. North East. N.N.E. North North East. N.N.W. North North West. N.W. North West. R. Sonth or Southern. S.E. South East. S.S.E. South South East. S.W. South West, W. "Weat or Western. ■W.N.W. West North West. W.S.W. West south West. Lat. Latitude. Lon. Longitude. Ont, Ontario. Que. Quebec. N.S. Nova Scotia. N.B. New Brunswick. B.C. British Columbia. P.I.I. Prince EtIwarJ idinnd. Kfld, Newfoundland, Man. Manitoba. Co. County. Pop. Population. G. T. R. Grand Trunk Rail- way G. W. R. Great Western Rail- way. I. R. Intercolonial Railway. St. L. & O. R. St. Lawrence and Ottawa Railway. C. C. R. Canada Central Rail- way. B. & O. R. Brockvillc and Ottawa Railway. M. R. Midland Railway. T. & N. R. Toronto and Nip- issing Railway. N. R. Northern Railway. T. G. & B. R. Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway. W. G. & B. R. Wellington, Grey & Bruce Railway. C. S. R. Canada Southern Railway, E. & K. R. Erie and Niagara Railway. W. & P. P. R. Whitby and Port Perry Railway. v. C. R. Vermont Central Railway. 3. S. & C. R. Stanstead, Shefford and Chanibly Railway. S. E. R. South Eastern Rail- way. M. V. R. Massawippi Valley Railway. N. B. & C. R. New Bruns- wick and Canada Rail- way. E. & N. A. R. European and North American Rail- way. W. & A. R. Windsor and An- napolis Railway, M. Si O. J. R. Montreal and Ottawa Junction Rail- way. C. P. & M. R. Cobourg, Pe- terborough Si Marmora Railway. C. & G. R. Carillon and Grenville Railway*. L. & P. S. It. London and Port Stanley Railway. W. R. Welland Railway. LOVELL'S Gazetteer of British North America. ACA ABBOTT'S CORXERS, a post vil- lago in Missisquoi co., Que., 7 mili's from Abcrcorn. It contiiins 2 churches. Pop. 100. ABBOTTSFORD, a village in Rouvillc CO., Que., t» miles from Gniiihy. It contains several stores and a saw mill. Pop. 2r)0. ABERARDEB, a post village in Liimbton co., Ont., on the G. T. R., 5 miles from Camlachie. Po]). 100. ABERCORN, a post village in Brome CO., Que., on the Mi-ssisquoi river, auii R., 72 on the S. E Montreal. It contains nfTice, 4 stores, 1 hotel, 1 church miles a tele from grapii atui 200. CO., several saw and erist mill:^. Pop ABERCROMBiG, Terrebonne Que. See Ste. Adule. ABERDEEN, Pontiac co.. Que. See Riipides des Joachims. ABERFOVLE, a post village in Wel- lington CO., Ont., 7 miles from Guelpli. It contains several stores and hotels, and a grist mill. Pop. I.jO. ABIXGDON, a post village in Monck CO., Ont., 12 miles from Winona. It contains 2saw mills, 1 shingle factory, and 2 stores. Pop. 150. ABOUSIIAGAN ROAD, a post set- tlouicnt in Westmorland co., N.B., 8 miles from Sackville. Pop. 100. AHOYif E, a post village in B«navcn- ture 00., Que. See Esaiminac. ABO YNE, a post village in Welling- ton co.,Ont.j 14 miles from Guelph. It contains grist, oat and flax mills, and a tannery. Pop. 70. ABRAM'S VILLAGE, a hamlet in Prince co., P.E.I. It contains a mill, a tannery and a store. ACACIA, a post village in Norfolk CO., Ont., iGk miles from Ingersoll. It contains 2 hotels, 1 store and a saw and grist mill. ^ ACADIA, the original name of Nova Scotia, which see. ADA ACADIA MIXES, a post village in Colchcri'ior CO., X.S., on the Cobequul Mountains, ;{ miles from Londonderry. The Cubequid Mountains are noted fur their rich deposits of iron ore. Here are situated t'.ic works of the Interco- lonial Iron and Steel Company (for- merly called the Acadia Iron works.) The annual production of these works is about :'.,0"0 tons of ore, which are manufactured into pig and bar iron, car wheels, and cast and spring steel, of tlie aggregate value of §120,000. The average number of men em[doyed is 3u0. The village contains several stores and a telegraph office. Pop. 500. ACADIAVILLE, a hamlet in Rich- mond CO., N.S. It contains 1 hotel and 3 stores. ACroX, York co., N.B. See Cork stati(m. ACTON VALE, or ST. ANDRE DAC T«.>X, fi village in Bagot co., (.Jue., on the G. T. R., 55 miles from Montreal. It contains a telegraph office. 3 churches, 15 stores, 3 hotels, several mills, and a brick field. Rich copper mines are W(nked in the vicinity. Traces of gold have also been found, but in too small quantities to repay the search. Pop. '>"''!. ACTOX WE.ST, a thriving post vil"^ lage in llalton co., Out., on tlie G. T. R , .'{jj miles fi'(mi Toronto. It ciiit.'iins 2 telegraph offices, and sevoral mills, factories, and stores. Pon. 7')0. ADA.VS, Pontiac co., <^u». See Allu- mette Island. ADAMS CORNERS, a small villape in Durham co., Ont., 1 mile from Campbell's Cros.sing. Pop. 100. ADAM'S COVE, a fishing settlement in Bay de Verds district, Xtld., 13 miles from Carbonear. Pop. 3tJ0. ADAM'S MILLS, Grenville co., Ont. See Vcntnor. AGI 16 Aij; . I i;« ADA.MSVILLE, a lliriviu.t; post vil- liij,^'' ill llroiiK' cu., ()nv.. 1 miles i'vma Iir!;i!ijuii. It contains a tcl(<,friiii!i ollicc, sevfial mill.-; and a taiUMMv. I'oj). linii. ADA.M.SVII.IJ-:, Laiiaik co., (Jut. See ( ilc:i Tav. ADA UK, u i.o.-t vilLi-ro in MLMle- PCX CO., Unl., 4 miles t'ruia Liicaii. l'o|>. IJi). ADDKRLKV, a ]\o>t .scttlcnu-nt in Jlcyantic CO., Qiic, M miles IVoiii iiccun- coiu- -ttation. \'n\^. l.'iu. AI>I)IX(;T()\, a county in I lie 8. E. jiart of Ontario, bordirin;;' on Lake Ontario, lia.sainin;a of l,!{lo,(;2;{ acre:^. It is ilraincd \>y llio Napanee river and otlier streams, and contains several ?iiiall lakes, tlie principal of wiiicli is IJeaver Lake, having an outlet through Salmon river. Tiie chief staples arc I'nniber, wool and the production- of the dairy. This county is traversed hy the (i. T. R. Chief town, Xai)anee. I'op. .iJ,:!12. ADDIXGTOX FORKi^, or RLAVER AlHAUOW', a post vilhifre in Antiiron- isli CO., N.S., i;{ miles from New (!las- gow. It contains a tannery, 2 stores, and several mills. Pop. lun. ADDISOX, a post villajiu in Leeds CO., Ont., 7^ miles from lieliamy's. It contains flour ami saw mills, and car- riage, iiotash. and other facluries. Pop. 'JOO. ADKLAIDE, a post village in Niiddle- sex CO., Ont., 7 miles from Stiatiiroy. It contains a saw and grist mill, and- Stores. Pop. IfiO. AD.MASTOX, a jiost village in Ren- frew CO., Out., <) miles from Renl'rew. It contains a woollen fiU'tory, a saw mill ;ind a store. Pop. ."i(». .\I).\II1UI;S I.!K.\( '[La small fishin.? tetlleineiit in the di-trict of St. Clary's nnd Placentia., Xlld., 7 miles from ^St. lll;trv>. IVp. ]'.l ADOLPIIU.STOWN, apost village in Lennox no., Ont.. on the Hay of <^iuinte, ',V1 mill's W. i\f Kingston, I'oj). 1,")U, ADVOCATE HARHOPR, atlourish- ;.ig seaport to\v» in Cumberland co., XS., on Minas 15asia. 'M miles from I'arrsborough The harbour is safe Mid coniniodioug. Shipbuilding is ex- tensively carried on. At Cape d'Or, near here, there arc valuable copiier mines. Pop. (300. AGI>'Cy:)URT. a post village in Ycv\ from Toronto. It h.- a t' legraph otjiee ail 1 a -aW mill. I'oji. ."I'l. AILSA CI;AI<;, a i:..i;k"t town in Middli'.xjx CO., OnU, on tlie (J. T. R., 24 miles W.of London. It contains several miUs and factories, 2 telegraph tiilicos, a ]'riiitiii<.'ollice, a. id a number of si"!'.--. Cattle fan's are held here monthly. Po)). 7.".ii. AIXLEVVILLK, ILiron co., Ont. ►See Diiiirle, AlX.SLiE CLEX, a hamlet in Inver- ne.-;.- o , X.h5. AIM), a post village in Missisqiioi CO., C^'ue., on Missisquoi Ikiy, l."> miles from St. Armand. It contains 2 stores. Pop. ,")U. A!i;i;V,EIgiaco., Ont. SeeAldboro'. AiliLlH, a po.-t otlice in tsimcoe Co., Out., 10 miles from Angus. ALI5AXEL, a township in Chicoutiini CO., (^ic., ill the beoiniful valley of the Tikouabi, a trilaitary ot' Lake .St. John, so named in memory of the zeahju.s missionary who was the lirst European to journey by this route to Lake Mis- tas-ini, and thence to Hudson's Hay, in 1072. It is bounded X. by Lake Mis- tassini. ALIIAXY, a jiost gettloment in Prince CO, P. El., 10 miles from Summerside. Po;). Ijii. ALi;AXV, XEW, a settlement in (.^Mieeiis CO., X.S., on Port Medway river, 40 miles l''ro' i Annapolis. Pop. ALHAN'T PLAIXS, a hamlet In Quti'ii." CO., P.E.I. It contains an hotel. ALl!EUT,apenin3ular county of X'ew Brunswick, liaviii<^ the Petitcodiac river for its \., and the Day of Fundy for its E. ami S. boundary. Area 429,- Oi'O acres. This county contains valu- able coal mines ami pyiisum lm. lie /A'.il'Hi- t Euroiieiiii Lake Mi>- )ii'.- Bay, m Luke Mi5- nt in Prince iiimmersidi.'. tUcuicnt in rt Medwiiy .ulis. Tui.. hamlet ^n iisun lioU-l. iityof N'W 'otitcodiar Y of Fup.'.ly ^ Area V-O,- :Ui\in5 valii- ni (luarries. 10,'m2. r;t village in a Mira river, II contains 1> op r)0. i!g village in jiuMoncton. sU'ttsive colli ,11 shales v,-iili ft slate, ami lid by a 3tra- shales, liUe;'- usofa beauti- Ati-ainvay. ALIIIOX MILLS, or CO., ALBION- Ont. See VILLE, Wcntworth Mount Albion. ALIUON MIXES, or COAL MIXES, or STELLAItTOX, a mining vili:i!je ii Pictoii co.jN.S., on the Ea-:t river, with a station on the I. R., (called Stellar- ton,) 101 miles N,E. of Halifax. Here are valuable coal mines, from which large quantitii'.-i of coal are annually raiscil. The Cieiural Mining As.*ociation own a fine railway 6 miles long, from the mines to the loading wharf at Pictou llarl. )i:r. The village contains a tulc- gra)ih othce, and about 15 stores. Pop. 2,UOO. A LniOXVILLE, Wcntworth CO., Ont. See Mount AlLiun. Aliili'I-tY, a post vlllagn in Prince Eihvard co., Out., 9 miles from JJelle- viilf. Pon. 100. ALDBukO', or NEW GLASGOW, or AlliEV, a post village in Elgin oo., Cut., on L;ike Erie, 11 miles from Nevv- [burv. Pop. 1,')0. AlDEILSIIOT, a post villa,' iWputworth CO., Ont., i a mile W;Uerilown. Po]). 150." ALDKUVILLE, an Indian [village in Northumberland co., [Tj uiilis from (Jobourg. Pop. 2(K). ALEXANDER'S POINT, a post vil- ige and lishiug settlement ia Gloa- m from post Ont., ALE 17 M miles long, connects the mines with Hillaboroiigh, a port of entry on the Petifcoiliac rivor. Pop. 200. ALLEUTltN, a post village in Went- worth CO , Out., 12 mih'S from Hamilton. It contains 2 saw mills and 2 stores. Pop. l"!t. AL15ERT0N, a flourishing seaport town in I'rinco co., P.E.I., on Ca.sfimipc one of the jirincipal depots of I lie gulf fi.ilier!c3. Pop. 150. ALFRED, a post village in Prescott CO., Out., 15 miles from L'Drignal. Pop. 70. ALGOMA, a district at tl:t^ W. ex- tremity of Ontario, oi the N. shores of Lakes Huron and Superior. It con- tains rich coii[!er and silver mine.s, and is watered by mauv streams. Area 27.(105,802 acres. I'op. 7,'»L-:!, chiefly Indians. ALGONQUIN, or WRIGHTS COR- NERS, a i)ost village in Grmvillc co., 0;it., 5 miles frnni .Maillaiid. IN -p. 100. ALINAVILLE, 0.\t\>rd co., 0;it. See Stratiiallen. ALLAXB,\NK, Northumberland co., Out. See Rylatone. ALLAXr.t'IiG, a post village in Wclland co., Ont., on the Welland cinal, with a station on the W. R., 7 miles from St. Catharine?. It telegraph office, a saw mill, and several stores. Poji. .'500. ALLANDALE, a settl-mont in York CO., N.B., 4.'} miles from Ficderieton. Pop. 50. ALLANDALE MILLS, or LANG, apost village in Peterborough co.,Out., on Indian river, 10 miles from Peterbo- rough. It contains saw and grist mills, a carding mill, and a hoop factory. Pop. 200. ALLAN PARK, a post village in Grey CO., Out., tj.j miles Iimmi Durham. It contains a mill. Pop. 70. ALLAN'S CORNERS, a po.^t village in ChateaugUiiy co., Que., 24 miles from ('auglumwaga. Pop. 80, ALLAN MILLS, IIa.niiigs co., Ont. See Marlbank. i ALM ALLANS MILLS, a post village in Lnnark cu., Orit., on Grant's Creuk, a Lmnch oftheTay, 7 miles from Perth. It contains 1 store, I saw mill, and 2 grist mills. Pofi. 50. ALLAN'S MILLS, Northumberland CO., Ont. Sec Rylstono. ALLANSVILLE, Wellington co., Ont. See Gloimlluu. ALLENDALE, a pretty post village in Siracoe co., Ont., on Kcnipcnfoklt Iky, nn firm of Lake Simcoo, with a station on the N. U., 03 miles from Toronto. It contains a telegrapli oilice, and sev- (nil stores and saw mills. Pop. 200. ALLENFORD, a post village in HrKCi; CO., Ont., I'^ih milt'S from Owen S jimd'. It contains a .^uw and jiist mill, a telegraph office, and several stores. Pop. 150. ALLEN SETTLEMExNT, Hastings CO., Ont. Sec Cooper. ALLENSVILLE, a post village in Victoria co., Ont.j IG miles from Brace- l)rjdge. It contains a store and a saw mill, ^ii^ ALLLSONVILLE, a post village in Prince Edward co., Out., 12 miles from Picton. Pop. 150. AXiLTSTON, a post village in Simcoo (^., Ont., 17 miles from Gilford. It contains a saw mill, f(;undrv, telegraph onirp,and several stores, i'op. 'J5iJ. ALI/UA, a por^t village in Peel co., Ont., 7 miles from Brampton. Pop. 50. ALLRIGHT ISLAND, one of tlic Kiag.rilcn Islands, in tlio Gnlf of St. Lii'.vrcnce. Area, s. ()('() acres. Pop. K38. AtlLtTMETTE ISLAND, or ADAMS, or CHAPEAU, a po.-t villag.,' in Pontiac CO.. Que., on an island in the Ottawa river, H miles from Pembroke. It is also c,:ilRyd Cliapean, from a rock resembling a* ha<» (cha[:o;iu) in tlic rai)ids at the liead of the Island. Pop. 250. ALMA, Bruce co , Ont. See Lurgan. ALMA, a po.-;t village in Pictou co., N.S., 5 from Stellarton. It con- tains Rn axe factory and store. Pop. 100. ALMA, a thriving post village in Weilingtoa co., Ont., on tlic W. G. & tt,"^.,' 23* miles from Gueli-h. It con- i-^xi'i SAW and planing mills, a shingle factory, a telegraph ollice, and several stores. Pop. 350. ALMIRA, a post village in York co., Ont., 12 miles from Aurora. It contain3 a woollen factory, a saw mill and a grist mill. Pop. 100. 18 ATa ALMONTE, or RAMSAY, a flourish- ing nost village in Lanark co., Ont ,on the Mississippi river, an afduent of tho Ottawa, with a station on the B. it O. R., 35 miles from Ottawa. It has Episcopal, Presbyterian. Methodist and Roman Catliolic churcnes, 2 telegraph offices, a branch bank, an iron fr -.mdrj', and a number of extensive woollen factories, saw and grist mills, &c. It possesses unlimited water ])ower. A weekly newspaper is published in Almonte. The township of Ramsay, in which this village is situated, is one of the most thickly settled in tlie district, and has a large trade in agricultural produce. Pop. 3,218; pop. of Almonte, 2,080. ALPORT, a river port in Victoria co., Ont., on Lake Muskoka, 4 miles from Bracebridge. ALTON, a post village in Cardwell CO., Ont., on the River Credit, with a station on the T. G. & B. R., 4U miles from Toronto. It has good water jower. and cont.'iins 3 saw mills, 3 Hour ana grist mills, an axe factory, a woollen factory, 2 cabinet factories, a steam shingle and lath factory,and a telegraph office. There is an abundance of limestone near the station. The Caledon Lakes, famed for their excellent trout, are in the neighborhood. Pop. 400. ALTONA, a post village in Ontario CO., Out., 4^ miles from Stouffville. Pop. 100. ALTONVILLE^ a hamlet in Huron CO., Ont. It contains an hotel and store. ALVANLEY, a post office in Grey CO., Out., 9; miles from Owen Sound. ALVINStON,apost village in Lamb- 1 ton CO., Ont., on Big Bear Creek, and on the C. S. R., (St. Clair division,) 35 miles from St. Thomas. It contains SJ stores and a saw mill. AMARANTH, a station on the T. G. & B. R., in Wellington co.. Out., 56| miles from Toronto. A large quantityl of timber is shipped from this station.) It has a telegraph office. AMBERLEY, a post village in Huronj CO., Ont., on Lake Huron, 22 miles fromj Goderich. It is surrounded by a fine] agricultural country, and is One of tliej best fishing stations on the lake. It| has a telegraph office. Pop. 100. AMBLESIDE, a post office in Bruce| CO., Ont.. 10 miles from Walkerton. AMELIASBURG, or R0BLIN'8| a flouriab- o., Out ,on iient of Ibo the B. & va. It ha3 thodist and '2 tclegmph on ff'-iudo'i ve woollen mills, &c. ater \)Ower. lublished in of Uan-.aay, situated, is f settled in rgc trade in ). 3,218 i pop. I Victoria CO., 4 miles from , in Card well Iredit, with a H.^ 44i miles iwaterrower. s, 3 Hour and )ry, a woollen ,rie3, a steam ml a telegraph ibundance of ThoCaledon xcelliut trout, Voy. 400. acre in Ontario ,m Siouffville. ulet in Huron otel anctia, the eajiital of Ciimbeilaud c)., very plea.sautly situated on an arm of CundjiTland Bay, and ou the Iiitereolouial railway, 9 miles from y^;ekville. X. 15., and 138 miles W. by N. of Halifax. It contains, besides the county and railway buildings, abtnit "0 stores, sevunil churche?", hotels, mills and factories, an iron foundry, 2 I tanneries, one printing otiico issuing la weekly newspaper, a telegraph ofiiee, laiiil a branch bank. It is a port of liu'.ry, and his a large trade especially lin lumber and shijibuildiug. The tota'l liiuiuber of arrivals for 1H72 was 100 |(tons 21,83G), and the clearances 20^^ (tons 24,]0G.) Total value of inii^orts 3 S1'>7,7G9. Pop. '-V'*^"'- ^.'KG, an incorpoiated kown in Essex co., Ont., on the Detroit river, 5 miles above its junction with .like Erie, and at the we.-^tern ter- piiuus of the Canada Southern railway, |8 niiles from Windsor. Il was at one lime a garrison town, and was called Likl'en, the name of a fortress in the iwn. It contains a court house, a mutic Qsylinn, 5 plucn of wor.shij), veial saw and grist mill-j, an iron iUinirj-, about 25 stores, f) hotels, and tilegraph ofVicc. Amherstburg i-^ .i irt of entry. Total value of imports ir 1872, S80,Gi:.7; exjiorts $114,350. learners run daily between Amherst- rj,'aud Detroit. Pop. l.'Xii). lAMIIERST _ COVE, (Ui-I'lr and - EK,) a fishing settlement in Bona- pta district, Nild., 12 miles from Bona- sta. Pop. 135. AIIHERST HILL, a post ofiiee in imberland co., N.S. ■ >'fTERST ISLAND, an island near entrance to the Bay of Quiute, W. of igetou, Ont. Its original French lewasthelsleofTanti. Area 10,830 •cs. Pop. 1,189. MOERST ISLAND, one of the Bt important of the Magdalen group, [he Gulf of St. Lajwrencc, 140 miles of Perce. On its S. point is a AND lighthouse exhibiting a powerful re- volving light. Lat. 47^ 13 N., Ion. 61- C^S W. Pop. 1,131. AMHERST POINT, a post settle- ment in ('umberland co., N.S., 4 milrt from Amherst. Pop. 200. AMHERST ROAD, a settlement iji Cunilierland co., N.S., ^ mile from River Philip. AMHERST SHORE. Cumberland CO., N.S. See Rockwell. A.MIENS, a jiost village in Middle- sex CO., Ont., G miles from Strathroy. Po].. 130. _ AMOFR POINT, a headland on tlie SE. side of Forteau Bay, Labrador. Lat. 51 27 35 N , Ion. 50- 50 53 W. On it is n lighthouse. AMQUI, Riraouski co.. Que. See Neigetto. A NO ASTER, a thriving post villappe in Wentworth co., Out., 7 miles W.S.W.. of Hamilton. It contains an exten- sive knitting factory, an iron foundi\:, carding auawooll&n mills, an agriciO- tin-al implement factory, a tolegrapli ofiiee, and several stores. Pop. GOO. ANCE SABLON, a cove on the Labrador coast, at the eai^jLern ext«e- mitv ('f the province of Quebec. ANCIENNE LORETTE, a thriviijg post village and parish in Quebec co., on the (Jusford railway, 9 miles from Quebec. It has a large lumber traBe. Pop. 2.233. ANDERSON, a post office in PoxUi CO., Out.. 17 miles from St. Marv's. ANDERSON, a post ofiiee in West- morland e(j., N.B. ANDERSONS CORNERS, B««4ii|g- don CO., Que. See Six Mile Cross. ANDER.^O-^'S CORNERS, Wcot- worth CO., Ont. See Blackheath. ANDERSON'S MILLS,' a small .vil- lage in Frontenac co., Ont.^n Bobis Lake, 41 miles from Kingstoi* It con- tain.' a saw mill and a gristmill. Pop.25. ANDERSON'S MOUNTAIN, « settle- ment in Pictou CO., N S., 4 miles from New Glasgow. It has extensTVcfre*- stono quarries. Pop. 100. ANDERSONS SETTLEMENT, in Gloucc.-^ter co , N.l)., 2G miles ^am Bathurst. Pop. 50. ***«" " ANDOVER, or TOBIQUE, a post village in Victoria co., N.B., pleasantly' situated on the River St. Jo'.:i,oppos'ibe the mouth of the Tobiqu >, river, Jh% miles W.N.W. of St. Jobn, ,• nd 50 m'iits \m i i, f ANN \tf I N. of V'oodfltock, A larffc trade is done here in luinbiT. Duriii\y LotAMon And'ivcr and Wotxlstock. Pop 400. A.VDUKWSVn.LK, a post v llapo in Jjnii;irlv (.•>'»., Ont., on ilw liidcjiu canal, 2A miles fV(jm Merrickvilli', lU miU'd from Ii-idi ('reck. Phil lit(». AMJK CJAIiDlKN, a llirivinj? j.ost village and parish in Montmorciioy fu., (MIC, on the north slmn.' of tliti .^t. Lawrence, 10 miles from Qiii'l)ec. Jt contaitis several storey. Pup. 1,041). A.\(JE GAUDIKX, Kouville co., Que. See (Janmberl. A\(;E (;AI;I)1EN, a pnri-^h in Ot- tawa (•«>., Que., 10 miles from Ottawa. Pop. 1,2:54. A\(.EL1N'K, formerly SOIXANTK, a iio.-t vill>ii.;o 111 Honville co , Que., on tbcS, S. it (;.ll., 'ilniilo.sfromSt. John.<. AVCRLS UOVK, a small setUement in I'laci'iiiia and St Mary's disirici, Nlld., 18 miles from Placentia. Pop. 7. AN(|P][{8, a i)o,st villa^'c in Ottawa CO., Que., on the Ottawa river, 14 milts from Ottawa. Pop. 250. ANi.rL'S, a flourishing post village in Simcoo co., Out , on the N. R., 73 niil'.'.s from Toronto. It cc/nlaiiis '1 telegraph ofTice.-s, 1 prinfincj (>nice, 7 .saw mills, ;i grist mills, and several stores and h'tels. l^op. 400. AXNAGAN'CE, a post village in Kiuirs CO., N.IJ., on the i. Pi., oU miles N. ufSt. John. Pop. 1 no. AXNANDALE, or (iKAXD RiVEPv WHARF, a jJOist village in Kings o, P. I'M., on the north side of CJraud riv- er, 10 miles from Georgetown. It con- tains several milL^ and stores. Pop. 150. ANNAPOLIS, formerly ralkd PORT ROV'AL, aseaport town of Nova Scotia, at the mouth of the River Annapolis, a fine inlet of the Bay of Fundy, 12;» jnih-s \V. of Halifax. It 'n the most ancienL settlement in this part of North Aine- rica, having been founded in lij'4 hy De Monts, a Fn'nehman. S.ihs'- quently, in the time of (.>ueen Anuc, it was occujiied by the Rrif i.dt, •whenc^' the name of Annapolis, or City of Anne. It wa.-5 the seat of Government until 174!>. Annapolis boasts of one of the prettiest sites in Nova Scotia. It is the western terminus of the W. & A. R., and has daily steam communication with St. John, N.B., distant (33 miles. It contains a telegraph office, a branch 80 ANT bank, ft Dominion savings banlc. a well furnisiu"! r-ading room aiv' 1 Nrary, a jirinting oflice issuing a wrekly news- ) ajiT, y liotels, and aboiit 25' stores. S! iphuilding is largely e ga^ total nund)er of arrival-. ed m. The total nund)er of arrival-, iit thii port f.r 1H72 wa.^ l.''..") (t.-u^ 1.5,351), and eharanees lOi; (tons 12, 557 • Total value of imf)ort9$42,lDl ; exports $108,- 7'j3 pop HoO. ANNAPOLIS, a county of Nova Scotia, having the H.iy (,f Fuiuiy fir its .V bi'iindary. It is travi rs "d by the Windsor and Annaiiolis niihvay. The land is of a very sup"rior q'laliiy, con- sisti ig of dike, salt iniirl, in'ervale and upland. Area 837,000 acres. Pop. 1M21. ANSE AFX GRIFFO.VS, Gaspoco., Que. See Griffon's Covi-. ANSTRUTllKR, a hamh-t in Peter- borough (.0., Out. It contain=» an hotel and a store. ANTPJOSTI, a large island of the province of Quebec, in the estuary of the St. Lawrence, bi'lween hit. 40 and 50 N, and Ion. (j2 and <;5 W. Area estimated at 2,«;00 square uulcs. Inte- rior mountainous and wooded, climate severe. The north, coast is high and without harbors, the south shore low and very dangerous. There are fo;ir liglithouses on the island. Anticosii Island is a valuable resort for seal and bear hunting, and for salmon, trout, cod, and herring fishing. Ou the low land?, on thi> south coast, there e.vists more i than IGO square miles of peat bog, of 2 to 3 f et thickness, a; id of excel- lent quality. .Marl is also found on the \ island. Pop. 102. ANTIGONISH, formerly called' SYDNEY, or SIDNEY, a tlourisliint! tow \ at tlie eastern extremity of Nov.i Scotia, in the co. f)f Antigonish, 4) miles E. of New Glasgow. It is th- county town, and the seat of tlie| Roiuan Catholic Rishop of Arichat. contains a large college, a cathedral. i| telegraph oHice, a printing oHice issuing a weekly newspaper, a branch bank, ar.| about 20 stores and 4 hotels. The toti number of arrivals for 1872 was ii (tons (J,380>,and the clearances 25 (toe 12,557.) Total value of imports ^^ 014; exports $87,470. The inhal^j tants are chiefly of Scotch descent. Sj George's Bay, a fine inlet of the Gulf tj St. Lawrence, is situated opposite ti ARC 21 ARK 'if) stores. lown. It is nnvij'ableforvPSftPl? dmw- ijr tfii f'ct of wnier. Poj). l,Ono. ANTHMtMSII HARHOH, a post oflifc i:i Aiitijr"iii-ih co,, N.S. ANTI.KIi ('1U;KK, a post office in 111.' (li'ri-'t (if Carihno, 1?.C. ANTIMM, II post villnj?'- in riirlcfan I, (>i!i , 4 uiik'S from I'likciiliam. AVTi;IM, n post villnpo in TT:;!"fax ;o, .V S.,TniiicsfnniMilf'ir«l. I'." I'":'. Ai'(>nA(iri, or MOUTH or mill- JTl'IiAM, a i)03t villnpc in Ivn.:.-* co., i i;., on tlio I. R., TO miles from St. ^olin. It contain.'' several stores I'.nd ]iiw mill;. I'op. :50n. Al'I'l.V, a po-it villacTP in MifUllesox 10, dnt , on the G. W. U., 'JJ niiles S W ofl.'indnn. It lias a telc|;riMli kflice, 'J stores and a saw and iiv'i-l mill. APl'LP:nY, St. John co., N.H. Sco liver.-iile. Al'I'LERY, a post villiffo in Halton Ic)., <'iit , ou tlie G. \V. R., 11 miles from lainilton. Pop. I'ln, APPLE (}ROVK, a post offieo in It.ui^'tead CO., Que, 3 miles from Smith's liils. APPLE RIVER, a post villape in vunilierland co., N.S., on the Apple pver, -Pi miles from Parr.sborongli, aud ■ miles from Athol. Pop. P'O." APPLETOX, a thriving post villnpe Lan:irk co., Ont., on tiie Mississippi Ivr, with a station on the CO. R., 'JH liles from Ottawa. It possesses ex- cllent water power, and contains jveral mills and woollen factories, id a tol,-jjrarih offico. Pop. 30o. , APM-:V Ct)VK, a small lishins? btM.mcnt in Twillintjate and Fojro Islriet, Xfld,, U miles from Fogo. foi>. \\ APSLEY, a post village in Petor- 5ro;i}rli CO., Ont., 45 miles from Petor- nrough. It contains a saw mill and a tore. Pop. 7."). APTO, a post villa fro in Simcoe co., )nr., 11 miles from B.irrie. It contains saw mills and 1 hotel. Pop loo AQPAFORTE, a fishinfr settlement Ind harbor in Ferryland district, Xfld., \S miles from St. John's. Pop. 213. ARCADIA, a pretty village in Yar- louth CO., X.S., OL the sea shore, 3 miles from Yarmouth. It contains 2 Stores, and several mills and factories. "»op. 500. ARrillBALD SETTLEMENT, in Restigouclio CO., N.R., 2'1 mi!' ^ • Dta Diilliousie, 3 miles from Lonism! b'lvcr it contains a post office. Pop. 'Jn '. AKDE.V, a jtosf villa'.'c in Fi"Mr!iiic CO., Ont, 40 miles from Nnpniec Ii con- tains 1 stores and saw aid gri.-t mills. Pop. If 10. ARDoCir, a po«t vilPige in Proiite- nac CO, Ont., 70 miles from Kiir,st<'n. Pop. r>'^. AKPTIJEA. a post village in Simrre CO., Ont., r> miles from Orillia Pop. r)0. ARDftl^E HILL, a small viPni'-o iu Hairs CO., X.S., ■I\ miles from Kllerii- hous". Pot) loi». AP(;ENTKI'IL, a county of Ouebec, on the nor! hern li.uiks of the Ottawa river. Area TiiiO. 700 acres. It i water- ed by the Poii'_'e and North riv>r-, anii several s'luiller streams. The li.wer part, bordn-ing on the Ottawa, i.-; tra- versed by the Carillon and Greiiville nilw.'iy. The jirojectetl Northern C(d'ini/.atio 1 railway will al>o pass through the ccnnJy. Chi(f town, Lachiite. Pop. ]'J,80'1. ARGYLE, a jiost village in Vicfnria CO., O It., on the T. k N. R., (J7 miles from Toronto. Pop. P'O. .\RGYLE, a post villacro and town- .-hip in Vannonth co., N.S.. on the sea co,i-;t, 19 miles from Yarmouth. Tlie village contains 4 stores and 2 hotels. Po]>. ad of the harb' r. The total number of arriv- alsforls72was Rnftons 10 22o.,iiiid the clcaranci s 2.") (tons 1.594.) Toial value of imports $134,229; exports Sl!t,r),'")a Pop. l.o.-,3. ARISAIG. a post village in Anti- gonish CO., N.S., romantically situated on the Gulf of St. Lawrence, '32^ miles from New (Hasgow. Pop. 150. ARKELL, a post village in Welling- 4 ^N if ! i ■'M I 1 1 ' '1 ! ARO ton CO., (Int., r» miles from fiuclph. It \i^i H \vu(u. Ai{MN»JT().\, iipo.-itvill.ijrciiiCar.I- \roll (•()., (Mit., li'J mil:'.-; froin (liUtprd. It coiitain.-! 2 .stores, - liott-ls, ami a saw Uiill i'(i|i. !)'). Ai;.MAl>ALE, a jogt villiiKO in York CO., Ont., 2\ miles from Marlvliam. Pop. :ii). A1{.MA(;II, or ST. CA.IKTAX, a post Tilla;(c in Ht'lli'clia.-iso vu., (,)in.'., Jl uilK's froin St. \alier. Il i'i>niain< sfv-ral suw iiiill.s, and lia.s a largo lumber trade. Top. ;{(i(i. Ai!.MAND, or ST. IIO.VORft, a i>ost Tilla).;u in Temiscouata t'0.,yue.,2»j ruiles from UivicTc dii Loup ( n l)iX!>. Pup. lOn. Ai{.MSTIU)N(rS JiKOOK, a ^ soltitmenl in Keritigouclie co , N.B., 24 miles K. of Dalhuusic. I'op. 200. AKMSTUONCl'S CORNKR, a post selileiiienl in (Queens co., N.H., G miles from W'elsford. Pop. 200. AI{.MSTRUNG'S FALLS, Victoria CO., Ont. See McKellar. ARNOLD'S, Oxford co., Out. Sco Collie's (yorncrs. ARNOLD'S COVE, a small fishing settlement in the district of I'laeintia and St. Mary'.s, Nfld.. on Long Island. Pop. 44. ARNOTT, or HOLLAND CORNERS, a l)ost village in Grey eo., Ont., 12 miles from Owen Sound. It has a tele- graph oflicc. Pop. ;jo. A RNPRIOR,a flourishing ])0St village ill Renfrew co., Ont., on the Madawaska river, near its contlueuco Avitb the OitaM"a, with a station on the B. k O. R., 40 miles from Ottawa. It con- tains several grist, saw and woollen mills, 2 telegraj)h ollice.s, a i)riutiug ofliee, a branch bank, and several stores »ud hotels, and has a large lumber trade. There arc marble quarries and iron mines in the ricinity. Pop. 1,714. AROOSTOOK, a post village and icttlement in Victoria co., N.B., on the Aroostook river, near its confluence with,4fthe St. John, G6 miles from Woodstock, It has a large woollen mill. Pop. 400. town, St. C^hristophe d'Arthu- 22 ASH Alios, a post village in Victoria co., Ont., r4 miles from Kirkfield. Pop. r)0. AR'i1%MKSIA, CJrey co., Onl. See Flesherlon. ARTIIAHASKA, u county in the S. Part of Quebio. Area 4:'.0,000 acres, It i.^ traversed by the (Jrand Trunk railway, and drained by the Nicol t rivt-r and its branches. It is altacl cd to F)rumni()nd for electoral purpu-cs. Chief bft.^ka. Pop. I7,';il ARTIIABASKA, Arthabaska co., Que. See Ka.-t Arthabaska. Ain'IlAl;ASKA STATION, or VIC- TOUIAVILLE, a thriving post village in Artliab.iska CO., Que., on the O.T. li., at its junction with the Three Rivers branch, 1|>. 1,Vj1. ASHClvOFT, Hl)o^!t onUciu Yrtlc co., liC, -ol ji.ilPH fr(.m N\\v Wt'SimiuHtcr. AbllHAl.K, Ilanta co., NS. See nawdin, poiitli. ASI![>0\VN, a postofiico in Victoria CO., Oiii , M mill's frouj pDrt. ("arliii^'. ASl.i.iKR'E, a post vill.iK*' in llnl- tou CO., Unt.,4 milf3froin(ii'orgt't«ij\vn. Pop. rnta'io co., Out., on tin' nnrrow-i of Lake Siincoe, w ilh a station on tiie S. U. (Muskuka bra'ich)^3n:ilesfp>in Oriliiu. It C( ntain.^ saw, gri.'^t, carding .i:;d fulling mills, 4 stores and 2 boirLs. Pop. lOO. ATllKRTOX, or TRENTONVILLE, a post village in Norft^lk fo., Ont miU:< from iJ.lhi. i'op. f^O. ATIILONE, a i>ost village in r:inl. well CO., Ont., 18 mib-s from BiHi]i'>ril. It contains a grist mill, saw mill and general store. ATliOL,a post village in Glengarry CO., Ont., 20 milfs fmm Ale.xaiMlria. It ccntnins saw ami grisl«nir..><, 2 pvarl- asli fx'torie.-;, and [\ stores. Pop. 150. ATIIOL, a village on the I. R., in Ciiml)orlrtnd co , N.S., 12 mib's from Amherst, ft has a telegraph office and several stores. ATTEKCLIFHE, a por-t village in .Monck CO., C)nt., on the Wellnnd river, and on the C. S, R., 8 miles from Canfield, Considerable quantities of lumber and railroad ties are shipped from this point. It contains 3 stores and i> saw mill. Al'IUGNY, a post village in Ottawa CO., Que., 45 miles from Ottawa. Pop. 50. AUBREY, or CALIFORNIA, a village in Ohateaugnay CO., Que., on the Engli.-h river, 4 miles from St. .Jean Chryso.-(). AV< )N',a post village in Middlesex co., Oat., 17 miles from liigersull. Pop. lnO. AVONBANK, a pi>.it office in Perth CO., Ont., '3 miles fi\)m St. Mary's. AVONDALE, a post office in Carle- ton CO , X B. AVOXDALE, a post village in Pictou CO., >' S. It has a saw mill. AVONDALE, Hants co., N.S. See New'titr Landing. AVOXMORE, a post village in Stor- CO., Ont., 18 miles from Cornwall. It contains several mills and stores. Pop. 100. m AVOXPORT, a pretty post village Kings CO., N.S., on the Avon river, with a station on the W. & A. R., 57 miles from Halifax. Pop. 200. AVONTON, a post office in Perth co., Ont., 5 miles from Sebringvillo. A VERS FLAT, a po:-^t village in Stanstead co., Que., on tlie M. V. R., 18 miles from Lennoxville. It has a telegraph office, and a good hotel. Pop. 200. AYLESFORD, a post village it Kings CO., X.S., on the W. &: A. R. 87 miles from Halifax. It contains ]< stores. Pop. 200. AYLMER (East), a thriving post town in Ottawa co.. Que., on tho Chaudi6re Lake, an expansion of tho Ottawa river, 8 miles ul)o">i; Ottawii city. It is tho chef lieu of tho district of Ottawa, and contains several largo lumbering establishments, 4 cluirches, a telegraph office, and a number of stores. The steamers runnii:g on tho Upper Ottawa start from Aylmer. Pop. 1,050. AYLMER (West), a flourishing post village in Elgin co.. Out., on Cattish Creek, with a station on the G. W. R., (Canada Air Line,) 64 miles from Can- field. It contains several woollen and carding mills, a grist millj a tannery, 2 telegraph offices, a printing office, a number of stores, and several hotels. Pop. 1,400. AYLWIN, a post village in Ottawa CO., Que., on the Gii'ineau river, 60 miles from Ottawa. Pojt. l")'). AYii, a thriving post viUage in Waterloo co., Ont., at the C(nilhienc« of Smith's Creek (or River Nitn) and Cedar Creek, 7 miles from Paris. It i« an important grain and Imnber market, jiossesses good water power, and con- tains a large iron foundry, woollen factory, extensive flouring iii'Ils, T St. Clair, 24 miles from Sarnia. It has a telegrapii office. Pop. 50. BACCARO POINT, a fishing settle- ment in Shelburne co., N.S , on the sea coll'-t. BACK SETTLE. ME XT OF WEST CO'INWALLIS, a post oflici- in Kings CO., .V.S., 4 m h'.^ from Berwick. BACK S LAND, in the North W^est Territories, is a name appl'ed to the regio:i uruiind the Arctic Circle, be- tween lull. !*5-" and 108' W., explored by Cai)tH:n B.ick, in 1831. BACO.V COVE, a fishing settlement In ifarbcr Main district, Nlid., at the head of Co;ic.-ption Bay, 42 miles from St. Jolli' Po'>. 104. BAODRCK. a p-aport town of Nova Scolia, ca;/.;al of Victoria co., on tiie north 8i it; of Big Bras d'Or Lake, 40 miles from Sydney, 43 miles from Mab m. It is a port of entry, and coiitiins a tiegraph office, a court house a.'id ganl, 3 churches, 12 or 15 stores, a;,d si'veral liotels. It h.-is a consiileral)!'! trade with Newfoundland in cattle and dairy produce. Stcamei's run bptwccn Haddeck and Sydney, The toti'.l number of arrivals for 1872 was (')i; ( tons 3,'>33),and the clearances 45 (f.i.'M l.iHt). Total value of im- ports $; 1,758.- exports 557,017. Pop. 400. P. \DD!:nK BAY, a post office in Viciori., ...X.S..'Ji milosffoin Baddeck. BADDECK BRIDGE, a pooint of the Ishuul of Antioosti. Lat. 49' 52 30 N., Ion. GC 22 44' W. On it is a lighthouse. BAGOTVILLE, or ST. ALPHONSE DE LA GRANDE BAIL, a post vi'.hige in Chicoutimi Co., Que., at the heail < BAN BALLSVILLE, a bamlet in ITaldi- maud CO., Out., on the Ilaniilton and Lake p]rie railway, 23 miles from Ha- milton. It has 1 store and 1 botei. BALLYCROY, a post village in Cardwell co., Ont., 9 niilosfrom Bolton. It contain.* a telegraph ol!ico,2 saw mill.-, agri.-;tm!ll,aud several stores. Pop. 100. BALLVDIIFF, or M ANVERS, a po.-^t village in Ouriiara co.. Out., (i miles fioiu Bethany. It contains 3 sawmills. Pop. 10 ). BALLYMOTE, a post village in Mid- dlesex CO., Out., 7 miles Iroiu Lou'iou-. Poj). 100. BALLYNAHINCII, Frontonac co., Ont. See (11 en vale. BALMERS ISLAND, orSTE WART- VILLE, a post, village ia R onfV'w eo., Ont., on the Mad.iwa.-ka river, 8 mik'S from Arnprior. Pop. 75. BALMORAL, a i)ost village in Hal- dimaud co., Ont, G miles from Cayuga. Poj). 50. BALMORAL, a settlement in Resti- gouche CO., N.B., 6 miles from Dal- housie. Pop. 50. BALSAM, a post villag(» in Ontario CO., Out., 13 miles from Whitby. It has a store BALSOVER, or BOLSOVER, a post village in Victoria co.. Out., on the Talbot river, 3 miles from Ebion. It contains a telegraph office, a woollen factory, and saw and gristmills. Pop. 300. BALTIMORE, Albert co., N.B. See Irving Sctllenieat. BALTIMORE, a ])03t village in Nor- thumberland CO., Ont., on the C. P. k M. R., 5 miles from Cobourg. It contains carding and grist mill.-, a woollen factory, a tannery, a ciiceso factory, a tele'-raph office, and several stores. Pop. 500. BAMBERG, or WEIMER, a post vil- lage in Waterloo co., Ont., 7 miles from Petersburg. Pop. 150. BANDA, a post village in Simcoe co., Out., 13 miles from St.ayner. Pop. 50. BANDON, or MEL LVILLES MILLS, a post village in Huron co., Out., 12 miles from Souforth. It contains a saw mill and a grist mill. Pop. 75. BANGOR, a post village in Ontario co.,(>nt., 13 miles fromWhilby. Pop. 100. BANK, THE, Albert co., N.B. See TheBnnk. BANKS ISLAND", NorlTi West Terrir BAR 27 BAR I torics, in the Pacific, in lat. 53' 20 N., loii. VM) W. BANK'S LAND, North West Territo- ries, in the Arctic Ocean, lat. 74 X., Ion. IIG W., 70 milcB S.W. of Mell- ville Isliind. BANXOl'KBURN, a post village in Hastings cm., Ont., on tlie Jtiver Moira, 40 miles fnini IJelleville. It contains a saw anil frrist mill. Pop. 100. BAPTISTE CKEEK, a station on the G. W. R., in Essex co., Ont., 79 miles from Lniulon BAPTIST POINT, a hamlet in Prince CO., P.E 1. BAlLVrriOIS, a post settlement in Westmurlaiid co., N.H., on Nnrtluim- lierlimd Strait, 5 miles from Shcdiac. Pop. :j(io. BAUACHOIS DE MALBAIE, a post village in ( liispt- co.. Que., with a safe and c(ii!iinodioii3 harbor on the Gulf of St. L:iwrenoe, 27 miles from Gaspe Basin. It is an important fishing sta- tion and has a telegraph office. Pop. ir.o. BARBER DAM, a station on the N. B. A: C. K , Charlotte co , N.B., 34 miles from St. Andrews. It has a saw mill and a lath factory. BARKERS MILLS, a hamlet in Nor- folk CO.. Ont. It has 1 saw mill. BARDSNILLE, a post office in the district of .Mnskoka, Ont. BAHEXEED, a largo fishing settle- ment in Brigus district, Niki., on the north shore of Conception Bay, 7 miles from Ih'i^nis. Pc)]). 4(,!0. BARKERVILLE. a post town in the district of Cariboo, B.C.. 44S miles from New Westminster. It contains 2 branch banks, a telegraph office, ur.d several churclirs and stores. HAliK LAKE, a post office and tele- graph station in Hastings co., Ont., on the O]ioongo Road, 57 miles from Renfrew. BARN.VBY ISLAND, on the S. shore of the St. Lawrence, below Qnebec, is 3k miles in length and very narrow. It is low and partly wooded. BARNAI5Y RIVER, a post settle- ment in Northumberland eo., N.I?., on a small tributary of the Miramichi, 7^ miles from Newcastle. Pop. oOO. BARNESVILLE, a post village in Kings CO., N.H., II miles from Osse- keag. Pop. 150. BARNETT, or ENNOTVILLE, or HEWGILL, a post village in Welling- ton CO., Ont., 4 miles from Fergus. Pop. r»o. BARNEY'S RIVER, or McKENZIE- VILLE, a post settlement in Pictou CO., N.S., 21 miles from New Glasgow. Poi>. L228. BARNSTON, a post village in Stan- stead CO., Que. ,4^ miles frcan Coaticouk. It contains saw and grist mills, several stores, a telegraph ollice, a mechanics' institute, an), and the clearances CA ("tong 2.714). Total value of ini]>orts $32,895; exiiort? S2n,aOG, Poi>. 800. BARRINCTON PASSAGE, a sea- port town in Shelburne co , N.S., 4 mile? from Barrington. Its inhaltitants are largely engaged in the fisheries. It coutaius 5 stores. Pop. 500. U.i \>t ii .'1 I ] lit! i ''i; iK ! Ml ! I: :'i. 1 ''i BAT 28 , N.B., 11 N.S. See BART^IO'S BEACH, a post settle- ment in Aiiiigouish CO., N.S., G miles fro'M TiuiMdif. Pop. 70. I5AK!:').\SFIELD, a post village in Cunihvrlan'l co., N.S., 12 miles from Maccau. It contains 1 church, 1 store, aad 2 sriw mills. Pop. 125. BAitU'.»\V, a small tishing settlo- miiit on the west side ofF>)rtune Buy, district of Fortune Bay, Nlld , G miles from Bi'lloorem. Pop. 45. BAiiRUW ri ARBOR, a small fishing settk'Uii nt ( n liie west side of ]'>■> a- vista L'ay, district of Bonavista, Nlld., lu niiliv-iVidni »»pen Hall. Pop. 50. BARTIi'.OG, a po,st settlement in Norlhumh Tland co,, N.B., 11 mlks from Chutliiira Po]'. 200 BARTLETTS, a stiition on the N. R & (j. ]{., in CharloUo co miles vp. BARTON VILLE, a post villape in Wentwoitli CO., Out., 3 miles from Ila- mil to 1. Pop. iri'NgUART, a post vil- lage and settlement in Carleton co , N.B., 29 miles N.B., on t'le St. John river, 30 miles l^)p. 500. from Wood.stock BATlil'RST, a jiort of entry, and capital of (Jloiicester co., N.B.. on Bathurst Bay, wliich opens if) to the Bain des ('iuilours, about 175 miles N. bv E. of St. Joh.i. Lat. 47^37 N., Ion. 65^ 45 W. Tlie bay is 3hing set- tlem.nit oil the north side or' F oi'tune Bay, district of Fortune Bay. NM., 33 miles from Harbor Briton. This bay is mncli frequented by United States vessels on account of its valuable her- ring fishery. Poji. 12. BAY DE L'EAIT EAST, a small fish- ing settlement in the districted' Fortune Bav, Nfld., 12 miles from Harbor Briton. Pop. 22. uy, I BAY 29 BEA ; village it' Fiui- «.). 150, ])ort orry- ore, 19 a fme Iter to U. ill!? set- of For- ;riuitage iufr set- ii'tuue X^M., 33 d bay is States ible her- inll fi!^h- Fortnne Britoa. BAY DE L'EAU ISLAND, a small island ill Buy de Eate, district of For- tune Bay, Xild . 14 miles from Harbor Briton, 'i'op. T)!). BA Y I)K N( IRTIT, a tck graph station in Buv Dt'Siiair. district of Fortiiiio Bav, Nflil., 17 miles from nfcrniitaf,^'! Cove. P'M'. l'^. BAY DE NORTH, a email fishing ecttletiiont on tluj north sid*' of Fortune Bav. dis'.iifV of Fortune Bay, Nild , 32 miit'S fr^rn Harbor Briton. It i^ much fr<(iueulod b;- American fishermen. Pop. 70. BAY DE VERDS, a large fislilng settliiiuMi;, on tiic north sidL- of Cv)ri- co])tiuu Bay, district of Bay de Verds, NHd. The fi.-:hing grounds liere are about the mo.>t valuable on the island. Every year over 200 boat.s and 200 seines an^ employed in the fishery. The harbor afford-J good shelter. Pop. 650. BAV Dl' VIS, a post .settlement in Northumberland co., N.B., 20 miles from (."iiiUham. Pop. 150. BAY DU YIN iMILLS. a post office in Northuniltcrland co., N.B. BAYFIELD, a post vllhige \n ITuron CO., Ont., on Lake Huron, at tiie niou^ii ofB.iyiii'M river, 17 miles from iScaforth. It contaiiis a woolkn factory and gri-t mill, an 1 a te!e;;rai)h ollice. Pop. 100. BAYFIELD, a post village in Antigo- nislio CO., N.S., on 8t. Oeorgo's I'.ay, 54 inilcs from .Vow Glasgow. It has u liglitl'ouse exhibiting a revolving liirl't every ^ mi n;te, 5i feet above high water. P(ei 250, B.VYFIi'lLD, a post B'^ttlemcnt in W( .-tiiiorland co, N.B, 18 miles from Baio V(>rte. Pov. 50. BAY FORTI'XE, a smalT villa^i? in Kiii'_'s CO., P.F.i., 42 miles from Char- lottetown. J'op. 50. P.AYIIAM, or RICHMOXD, a post villngo ill KIgin co., Oit., on Big Du'r Creek, 5 miles frofti Corintli. It con- tains griU, carding, saw and phingle mill-, mid peveral stores. Pop. .■^5(). BAY L'ARGl'.XT, a small fishing fiottleniont on the south-east Bide of Fortnnt- lUv. district of Fortune Bav NHd., 30 70. BAYDFISLAXD.= lai'g'.' b.iy on t!;- we.stern cojist of Xew- fouiMll;nid,foriningpart of wiiat is called the French shor",:.") miles from the north bend of St George's Bay. The herring miles from Garnish. Poji! aselllemonton a fishery forms the chief industry of tho people of this district, and it is jiroso- ciited with great success, about ;io,oiio barrels b'ing annually taken. The Imy i.s studded with isla ids, and th(> scenery remarkably fine. The Huniber river falls into the bay. Its banks are well timbered. Gypsum in e.xhaustles^ quan- titii'S, and limestone and marble are found in the vicinity. Pop. 017. BAY ROBFRTS, a thriving post vil- lage on the north shore of Conception Hay, district of Harbor Grac, Xlld., 8 miles from Harbor Grace. It is a port of entry, and contains 3 stores. Poj). 1,000. BAY SHORE, a settlement in Kent CO., N.B., 5 miles from Buctouche. Pop. 300. BAYSIDE, a post settlement in Char- lotte CO., N.B., on t!ie St. Croix river, 7 miles from St. Andrews. It contains 2 stores. Pop. .''-m. BAYSIDE, Westmorland CO., N.B. See Reed. BAY ST. LAWRENCE, a post set- tlement in Yictoria co., N.S., on the sea coast, 45 miles from IntJi-onish. IL 410. ue. contains 2 stores. Pop BAY ST. PAUL, Charlevoix co.,Q See St. Paul's Bay. BAYVIE\Y, a post village in Grey CO., Ont., 6 miles from Meaford. It con- tains 1 store, 1 hotel, and a carriage factoiv. Pop. 27. BEACHBUIIG, or SOUTH WEST- MEATil, a post village in Renfrew co., Oiit., 15 miles from Pembroke. It con- tains a telegraph oflice, saw and grist mills, and several stores and hotel.-3. Po[i. 200. BEACHVTLLE. a flonri.shing post vill.igo in O.xford co , Out., on the G. W. R , 22 miles from London. It contains 3 chiirche-!, s;iw, Ihnir and s^iiinglo niilN, a hii-ge foundry and macliine shop, and a telegraph oflice. Po]). 2nn. BFAl.TON,a post village in Norfolk CO., Out, 7 miles from Walerford. Pop. 100. liFAMSYILLE, a flourishing post vill.tge in Lincoln co., Out., on the G. W. R., 22 miles E.S.E. of Hamil- ton. It has an iron foundry, 3 saw mills, a distillery, a potash factory, several c.irriage factories, and a tele- graph office. Vop. 1,000. BEAR BROOK, a post village in if; \i ! 1 ' i .it 1 1 1 ' ' , 1 r.» i d II : »*' lit i:i|' ill BEA Russell CO., Ont., 10 miles from Cum- berland. Pop. 100. BEAR COVE, a settlement in Hali- fax CO., N.S., 12 mile.s from Halifax. Pop. BO. BEAR CREEK, Lambton co., Ont. Seo Birkliall. I5EA.K ISLAND, or McPTIERSOX'S FEUItY, a pdst settlciiieiit in iiich- m-nid CO., N.S., 4 miles from Port II:iwlvcsbiirv. Pop. 175. BEAR ISLAND, a p( st settlement in Yi.rk CO., N.B., nn tlio nortii !>lH>re of the St. John river, 24 miles Irora Fred- cricton. Pop. 2.'')0. BEAR POINT, a post Tiilajre in Shclbiiruo co., N S., 8 miles from Bar- rinpton. Pop 'JOO. BEAR RIVER(East SiDE).or HILLF- BURG, a ]toil vilhifjo iu AaniqjLlis CO., N.S., 14 miles from Annapolis. BEAU RIVER (Wkst Siue), a thriv- ing village in Di;?l)y co., N.S., at the head of navigation of Bear river, 9 miles from Digby It coalaiiis a telegraph office, an iron foundry, 2 tanneries, saw, lath and .^^hini^'lc niill.=J, and several .ship yards. It ]\u.<. an ex- tensive trade in lumber, cordwood and grain. Pop. fjnO. BEATON'S POINT, Kings co., P.E.I. See East Point. BEATtllGE, a post village in Victo- ria co., Out., 11 miles from liraicbridge. BEAU BOIS, a small fisliin;^ Hetile- mcnt on the nvest sidi' of Placotitia Bay, district of Burin, Ntid., 4 miles froia Burin. Pop. 90, BEAIJCE, a county of Quebec, bftuaded on the S.E. by tlie State of Maine. It is watered by the Chaudien; ri-vcr, (in whicli gold is found.) and several other streaniiJ, and by the Levis and Kennebec railway. Area, l,17.'),r)!)4 acres. Pop. 'n,'l')3. BEAU HARBOR, a small lishinir .set- tlement OM the west siiie of Placentia B.iy, district of Placentia, Nlld., 14 miles from Moi iier Bay. Pop. 88. I'.r..*'' ■ vRXOTS, a co'.iiity in tlio r- 'V, .\> itj of the province of Que- CD the N.W. bv tln:^ Iiivor 30 BEA the county of Beauharnois, Que., situat- ed on Lake St. Louis, formed by the St. Lawrence, 33 miles S.W. of Mon- treal. It contains several factories, grist mills, flax mills, a pottery, a foundry, a brewery, a number of stores, 2 churches, several schools, a convent, telegrapli office, printing oflice, and a branch bank ; and has a largo trade in horses, grain, lumber and firewood. During season of navigation steamers ply daily between Montreal and Beauharnois, Poj). 1,423. BEAU LAC, a post settlement in Montcalm co., Que., lOj^ miles from I ac)\-, chief Ji i! .•" ,'^ vrro river has an area of 80,280 Ij dned by 100. BECllER, a post offio- in Bothwoll CO., Out , 5 miles from WHlliC''lji;rgh. BECKETT TOWN, Wtdhuid co.; Ont. See Effinghnm. BECKWITIl, ;i fital.'on on the B. k 0. R , in Lanark CO., Out., 41 miles from Brockvilie. BEDFQUE, or CENTREVTLLE, a thriv:.)'^ po.-'t town in Price co , P.E.I., on I5edfC]!;e or Flatilan 15aT, 10 miles ft-om Simimerville. It contains several stores and mills. Pop. 300. BEDFORD, a thriving post village in Missisquoi co , Quo , on Pike River, 2fi nides from Stanbridge. It contains 3 churches, 5 stores, 3 hotels, 2 saw mills, 1 grist mill, 2 sash, door and blind factories, 1 foundry, 1 tannery, 1 scythe factory, c, i^ewing machme fac- tories, 3 boot and shoe shops, 3 saddle and harness sho[is, 1 tailor's sliop, 4 bl:ick.', tri'al. Itcon- and fulliiiK ETXIVEAU) i from Digby. fflcpin Oarle- ri Woodstock. ,itul oftlio CO. d on the Bay of the River injjiton. It iiir,,nrtnnce, lio-Bi-'Ssi^s a in ted water if, for the .■hunts' Dank kill Canadian |ini>anie^, and -ice and assnr- \vn contains, le'" halls, good o!li'^'''S, from |w "I'kly news- t'hurches, a it., G common Jdistillories, 4 lis, 2 woollen Vid blind fac- Jtory, a chair laxe" factory, a I and several Hellevillcia I the a. T. R. |.r 1872, $215,- ^op. 7,305, hem-t: vors village, a ro^t villaj..>' III \\ ''slniorland Co., N !>., 7 luiies •roni Mi niranicook. I'op, 2ti^. liEl.Ii EWART, a llonri-shin.^^ i>o3t villiifj • ill S;mcoe co., Ont., on Lake Siiiicue. with a slation on tl.c X. !'., fi.'J uiiUs from Toronto. It cmta'n-i 3 cliur'-hes, several slors, a telej,'ra;ili oflice, saw uiilli, foundry, &c. Pop. COf>. r.HLLOWSTOX, Renfrew co., Out. Set' ^^ ■ .>M,ii .iiii. l;KLI. i;nfK, a postvill;ic:o in Fron- tciii'.c (w.. (Int.. 20 miles frt^ni Xaiiaii' e. It cuiiialussaw, griatund fidlin^j mills. Top. 2nO. i;KLhS, a Ptation on the R. Sc O. R., in lited-^ CO., Ont., l.'U miles from Bruck- vill.'. S. e Whiichiirst. l;KLi/S (-OliXKIkS, r. po=:t vHlnffo in Caijrtoii CO., Out., on the C. C. R.. •8.1 miles from Ottawa. It has a tele- ■giMiiii (.nico. rop. 100 BELL'S CORN'Kll.S, DMndasco., Ont. B>(' .Vor'li Willi;im. : rd:L<]:iL MOFNTAIN, a consider- able clivati'iii ill the co. of Rouville, j^^Qih'., 'Jl mik's from Montreal, 3 miles ;,lroin Bi'lceil station. At its southern %ase is a lake of singular formation, to |wliicli, tiioutrii there is an outlet, there lis no ])orcei)tiblc inlet. It is suppo.-ed |to be tin.' cr.iter of u'l e.xtinct volcano. '?riie lake abounds with lisli, especially prwir.' .-izi^ 1 ]icreli. The ascent to the ;|Biminiit of the mountain commences at ■■jthis lake. On the road tliere are, at ^|intervals, 14 Wi)oden crosses, each of ,>;wirHh br;ir- Jin i ascription having re- .Iference to our Siiviour's journey to the |ilace of His crucifixion, and on the very .B'uiiniit of tlie mountai 1 th^re are the ^juins of a small chapel erected some jearsarro (luring the visit to Canada of the Bishop of Xaucy. From the ruins, ibout 1 401) tcpt above the river, a splen- lid view of the country for CO miles rounil can bo had. The rich panoramic scene amply repays tho fatigue of the journey. BELrEIL STATIOX, a post village in Vercin'rcs co., Que., on thr Riclnlicu river, with a station on the (1. T. R., 21 miles N.E. of .Montreal. An elegant iron rirawbri(lf>;f3 here cms "S tho Richtdieu. It has u telegrapii ollice. Pop. ;"0. BELtEIL VILLACE, a po. BEXXIES CORXERS.a lost villaga in Lanark co., Ont., 4 miles from Alnnnite. It contains a woollea factory, a shingle factory, 2 saw mills and a grist mill. Pop. loo. BEXXIXC.TOX, a small village in Oxford CO., Out., 11 miles from Biach- ville. Pop ,')0. BEXSFORT, a post village in Nor- thumberland CO., Out., Lt miles from Millbrook. Poo. 150. Bli.XSVILLE, Brant co., Ont. Seo Falkle.n^l. BKXTINCK, Grey co., Ont. Sec Durham. BK.XTLEV, a post ollic^ in Kent CO.. O'lt , '12 m'b's frnin Oiin'haiii. i;!:XTLEV'SC(»RXEi:S,Untarioco., Our. S.'o Brougham. BEXTOX, or BAXKIX'S MILLS, a post village in CarhtcHi co., X.B., on K. ! river, and on the N. Ik ^t C R., 19 miles fr iiu Woodstock. It has 2 largo saw mills. Pop. 200. BEXTOXVlLLE.a post ollicc in Rus- sell CD.. Onr. BERKSFORD, or STE. AGATRR DES .MOXTS, a post viilnge i i Terre- bonne co . Que., 30 miles from St. Jerome. Pop. 225. BERGERVILLE, a po«t riHarre ia Quebec co., Que., 3 m'l :;, from Quebec. I It contains 5 hotels and"l store.. 3 •Hi m. i I iil •J I 111. ;i i iir , III Pi r BER 34 BERKKLKV, a post village in (Jroy CO., Ont., oil the T.G. ic li. 11,01^ luiles from Toronto. Pop. 150. BKIILIN, tlie cliii'f town of Waterloo CO., Out , is sitiiateJ on (jimikI river, with a .-station on tlie G. T. Ii..(J-i luiles from Toronto. It ha.s a bank agouey, n ti'h'grai)h oflice, 2 ajier ollici'S, 14 ehurchos, 1 button faclory, 2 bvew- rt-ies, several niill-i and factories, a num- ber of stores, and a large grain and iinMliice trade. I'o)". 2,7-i;j IJMUXFO, or DIIYHDALEVILLE, a pon vilhigc. in Huron co , Ont., lU mdes from Seaforlli, Pop. 100. HEiniYTON, a i)ost ollioe in Albert CO., N'.H., Klmilt*,^ from iSali:sl)iiry. lUCUSlMlS, or IJETSIAMITES, a post village in iSngaenay co., (^nc., *Jl) miles Iroin Tadoiisac. It is a Hudson Hay Cimipany's p()Ht,and inhabited cIiieHy by Indians of the Miemac tribe. Pop. r)")2. I)EHTIHER, a county in the western pari of the province of Quebec, border- ing on the St. Lawrence, has an area of 1,001,412 acres. It is drained by the li'Assomption river, and several pmi'.l'.er streams. Lake Maskinonge, in i!ie N.E. part of the county, is about 4 miles long and 3 miles wide, and is the .source of the Maskinonge river, an alTluent of the St. Lawrence. The chief products are woollen goods, linens, llax, oats, and tobacco. Chief town, Rerthier en haut. Pop. J9,[)D3 BEUTinHIl EX MAS, or BELLE- CHASSE DE BERTIHER, a village in Bellechasse co., Que., on the right bank of the River St. Lawrence, a' id onlhcG. T. R,, 40 miles S.E. of Quebec, nnd 2 miles from St. Franrois. It con- tains several stores and mills, and a telegraph office Poj). .'iOO. DKRTIIIER EX HAUT, a river port of Quebec, the chief town of the co. of Berthier, on the north shore ot the St. Lawrence, about 55 miles N.E of Montreal It has a telegraph office, a foundry, several tamu'ries, and a mnniier of stores. Pop 1.4;!3. BKRTIE, a station on tl;e G. T R. (Bull'alo and Goderich division), in AVelland co , Ont., 9 miles from Bulfalo. It has a telegraph office. BERVIE, a post village in Bruce CO, Ont., 22 miles from Walkerton, Pop. 100 BERWICK, or FIXCII, a nost village ia iStormont co, Ont., 18 miles from BIG Dickinson's Landing. It co itains a saw mill and a tHunery. Pop. so BERWICK, a jxist village in Kings CO., N.S., on the W. & A. K , :i7 miles from Windsor. It contains a lelegrajih oflice, 1 church, 2 stores. 2 hotels, 1 grist mill, 2 steam saw mills, i funuture fac- torv, &c. Pop. 500. BETH AXV, a iiost village in Durham CO., (.bit., on the M. R , 24 mih s from Port IIo|)C. It contains a trie-graph office, a iirinting office issuing a weekly newspaper, A churches, and several stores and hotels. Pop. 300. BETHEL, a post village in ShcfTord CO .ki co , Que., with a fine harbor on the St Lawrence (open the whole year round.) and a station on the I. R., IHI^ miles below Quebec, 9 miles W. of R inonski It contains a telegraph office and a number of stores. Pop. GOO. BIC, or L'lSLET AU MASSACRE, an island on the S. shore of the St. Lawrence, opposite the village of Bic, Que. It is about 3 miles long by ■^ of a mile broad. A deed of blood marks the spot, and history furnishes the th' tails of the scene. Some two centuries ago two hundred Micraac L^dians were camp- ing thero for the niglit ; their canoes had been beached, and a neigl.boniig cavern offered an apiiarcntly securo asylum to the warriors, their wives aid children. Wraj)i)ed in sleep, they quietly awaited tiie return of day to resume their journey. But during the still hours of night the Irocpiois lia'i compassed his slumbcrii:gfoe. Laden with birch bark faggots and other combustibles, the Iroquois silently sur- rounded the cave ; the faggots were pilcJ around it; the torch applied. The Micmacs, terror stricken, seize their arms and prepare to rush through tlie flames and sell their lives as dearly as possible, but a shower of poisoutd ar- rows mows them down, the toma* BIG 85 niR ; CO itiiina a L'op. ^<^) igi! in Kin{?9 11 , ;a iniU'3 ^ a tclt'tjruph liotfl.'. 1 f^rist furiiituro t'ac- rrciuDurliam a tc'.ffrnnili luul sovcrul ro in Slicfford ham Pop '"'^ ; ill Ar<,a'Uleu.l rcuvilit'. :o , Uuu See rilln^c- in Nor- tlt till' lu'iiil nf .•uiu MiUbruuk. [vf^p in Victoria k)l)Oconk. , Riinou^ki CO., 3or on the »^t ilcyciir round,) R., 1>^1V mill's LV. of FMnonski b otlico aiid a MASSACRE, urt* of the tSt. viUatro ofl'ic, , long by I of a ,l()od niiU'ks tlw 03 thcdi'Uvilriof Inturies ago two jns were camp- It ; their canoes a neigl.bonng larcntly sccurft Ttheir Nvives and fn sleep, they lirn of day to iut during the Iroquoiri lui'l liii^foe. Laden [old and other lis silently snr- tcotswerepded iipplied. Tho ion, seize tbeir Ml through tlie Is as dearly as If noisoucd af- vn, the toma- hawk complete? the srene. and history nieiiiinii-i hut five, out of tlie two liun- divd, wliocseapi'tl wi'h tlicir lives. Tlie bla iched houcs oftli. warriors 8tr('we(J tiic (Mvc, and were =:een by the Alibo jFerland a few vear^ ago It has b-en tlie sullied of an interesting legoml by I M.J. C. Taehi', in the Soirrci .Cuna- m'cQUKTTE ISLAXn.asmallislnnd 'N. t)f the al)uve, about .! a inde long by j nule wide. Lat. 48 ''i')' IS N., Ion. (is ,■),'{ Ju W Near it3 centre is a liilithouse e.xhiliitingarevolving white light. A gun is lin-d every half hour duripf fo'_' and snow storms. niI)!)KFOI!D, a small village in Prinei' ro.. P. EI., o i the Priire Edward Island railwav, 20 miles from Summer- fide. Poj). ll'f>. ' P.IENVIf.LE, a post village in Levis eo., Que ,1.'. ni'les from Levis. Pop. 50:?. ,, i;i('r l{.\Xi\, a post settlement in '.yietoria co., N.S , on the south .■^ide of k)uliirdi'rie Idand, 22 miles from Bad- leek. Pop. 40 ^ H\(i nUAS iron, a post settlement jpi Victoria cc, N.S., on the norih side tf B.v.iliirde-i'^ I?hind, 1:5 miles from vh harbor, 7 mileg from Pii'ton. Pop. 10). BIG LOBAINE, a post settlement in Cape Br -ton eo., N.S , on the sea coast, 31 miles from Svdnev. Pop. DO. BIG MKADOWS; Northumberland CO , N B. See .Meadows. BKr POND, a post .settlement in Cape Breton co., N.S., on St. Andrews (channel, 25 miles from Sydney. Pop. 1.50. BIG PORT IIEBERT, or HER- BERT, a |>o.>t settlement in Queens CO., N.S., on the sea coast, 22 miles from Liverpool. Pop. 150. BIG RUN, a hamlet in Kings co., P.E.I., 12 miles from Georgetown. It contains a. store and an hotel. BIG TAN(n)()K. Lunenburg co., N.S. See Tancook Islands. BIG TRACADIE. a post office in Antigo'iish co., N.S., 2} miles from Tracadie. BILLINGS BRIDGE, a ))ost village in Carleton co., Ont., on the Rideau canal, [i miles from Ottawa. Pop. 100. BILL TOW.N, a post village in Kings co , N.S., 9 miles from Kentvillo. Pop. 100. BINRRGOK, or HALL'S CORNERS, a ])ost village in Weutworth co., Out., 7^ miles from Stonev (.^rcek. Poj). loO. BINGHAM R(')AD, or GIFFORD, a post village in Ilaldimand co., Ont., 4l miles from (^anlielj. Rop. 50. BIRCH ISLAND, a sm.ill in the River St. .Maurice, a few miles above its moutii. BIRCHTON,apost village in Comp- tonco., Que., 10 miles from Lennoxville. Pop. 100. BIRCIIY COVE, a small fishing set- tlement in tho district of Bo;iavi3ta, Nttd. Pop. 50. BIRD ISLAND, a small island olTthe E. coast of Cape Breton Island. Lat. 40- 23 10 N., Ion. 00^ 22 30 W. Oa it is a light!iou,p. 72 r.lSllUl'S t'OVK, a large fisliinfc ?et- thMiicnt Ml Spaniards IJay, on tlie N 8i(l« of Conception iJay, Nlid., G miles from llarlii.r (irai'f T'o]). 4.M. 1;1S1IUPS (JATK, a. small village in Braut CO , Out., 7 miles from Draiittoid. It contains a foundry, a mill, 2 hotels and 2 stores. I'op. '2(iO HISIIOI'SMILLS, a post village in (irenvillc co.. Out., 5 miles from O.v- ford, It contains a grist mill, a shingle mill, and a tannery. I'op. l")0. lUSMAIlt'K, a olliee in Lincoln CO , O'.it., It miles from (Irimsi)y. IJISMAHCK, astationoiUlieU S. R., in Elgin co.,. Oni., JG miles \V. of St. •Tliomas. IJLACK P.ANK, a post office in S»m- coe CO., Diit.. 20 miles from Stnvner. • IJLACKIiKRRV' AlOUNTALV, a considerable, elevation on the right bank of Lake Mu'^sawipiii, in Stanstead CO., Que It 13 a great resort during the sea.^on for parties blackljorry jiick- ing, that fruit growing here very abun- dantly. I5LACK BROOK, a post settlement in Xarthiniiberland co., N.B., 8 miles from Glialham. Pop. :?00. BLAOK r.ROOK, (Sr Maiiy's,) a hamlet in Pictoii co., N.S It contains 2 stores. BLACK BrSII, a post village In Kings CO., I'.K.I.. 50 miles from Char- lottetown. Pop. 100. BLACK CAPE, a telegraph stati(*h in Bonaventure co., Que. See Caidin. BLACK CREEK, a post village in Welland co , Out., at the mouth of tlie Black Creek, with a station on the E.k K. R., 7 miles fromFort Erie. Pop. 13 '. BLA(MC CREEK, Perth co., Ont. Sec S-liringville, IJLACK HEAD, a fishing sottldncnt in th" district of St. .lohn'.s, .N'lld., 4 milus from St. .lohn'.s. Pop. 200. BLACK HEAD, a li lung seftloinent on the X. side of Conception IJay, MM., 14 miles fr son, IH niile.^frona ,'1 5 e post settleni>^: on the I. 1' Pop. 150. post setlleiK-" from ('liiiijiiim. 1' 100. Slhil Itll III' 1(1(1. r.l,ACi< l:l\'EI{, a post village in St. , i:LAM>r( »i;lJ, <.r ST. U'dl.^ DR |Jol!n CO., N ]>., on the I!;iy of Fuiidy, J!LA.NI)l(>i;i). a post village m .\riliiv- 17 niil'.s tV HI St. John. Siiiphuildiiig , li.iskn en , t lice II .Vortliumlieiland co.X.R., 12 liiil'S frim (Miuiliaiii. i'.LACK i;iVEI! STATIOX, or ST. AfiAi'ir i)E i;eai:i;iva(;i;, a po.i village in Loli)in:c're co., (,>ue , on llie '' C; T ii' , 21 nr.les from Qiieliec it coii- •Jt.iins a t'.degrapli utlice and several '*St(iirs, I'up', ;'.oo. ^ IlLACIv ROCK, a villnge in CMiiih'iland CO., .\.S, 7 miles from J*ait.-lioroiii_'h i'op l.'")0 I5EACKS HARBOR, a >-mall settle- lont ill Cleirlotte co,'X.15., tm Mace's Jay, !in ana of the i5;iy of Fuiidy, 12^, dies from St George Pop. 100. 1;LA('KVILLE, a i)ost settlement in rorthi;mlieil!in(l eo , X.B ,.11 miles from Jhatham. Pup 450. RLAIi!, a post vill.ige in Waterloo lo., Ont., 2 miles from Preston. It Sontaiii-^ a woollen faetory and a saw nill. Pop. Inn. k iJLAIRTOX, a post village in Peter- ;iboruiig!i CO., Out., on Marmora Lake, 'f^5 miles from Peterboruugli. Prudiic- 'liye iion mines are wjiked in the ^ :icinity. li contains a telegrapli oflice iiiiid (i st'ip's, I'up. ?,.•(). BLAXCIIARDS RUAD.apostsettle- ient in Picton CO., N.S., on Snther- liin I's river, 12 miles from Xew Glasgow ^op. 100. ° ■ ULAXCIIE, a village in Shclbnrue 11. MM 1 El. M, Kent CO., Out. See Rond can. lU.E.SSIXtrrdN, a villa-e in IIastiiii:s CO., Om., 7 miles from Shan- noiiville pu|i. U.")0. BLIND BAY, a small settlement in llalifa.x CO.. N.S.. on the sea cua. I, 21 miles Irum llalila.v. Pup. 50. BLISSEIl'LI), a post settlement in .Vurtiiiiiiiberliiiel eo , .V. B., (jo mihs from I'ndi'rietiii. I'op. l."0. BLI.-n'IELI), a ))ost village m Prince Eilwari^l co.. Out., on (Jreat Sandy Bay, 42 miles S.W. of King-'ton, and 5 miles from Picton. It has a tannery, a carding mill, several saw and grist mill-:, a telegraph oflice, and about 40')inlKd)itant3. BLOOMFIELD, a post settlement m 1 W! i|5 I'! I ,f til li ' i'( i i •!! ! III! I'm? lii \ \- i I ! ; ! If! f ' r 1 : ir'li ill i BLY 38 BOL Ciirloton CO., N.Fl., 1 5 miles from Wood- etock. Poj). .'{DO. HLOOMFIELD, a post villap:c in Kiiif,'rf co^ N.H., on tlio I. II., 27 miles from St. .loin. Pop. 200. BLOOMFIKliD, a small si^tlomont, in I)ip:by co., N.S., 7 miles from Digby. Pop. 50. HLOOMINGOALE, a po. miles from Simci^e, '20 miles from Brantfonl. Steamer.-! run hi }\\'een berc and Port Ryorsc, on Lake Eric. Pop. 100, BLOW ME DOW.V, a small fisliinj? Bettlomont on the north side of Con- ception Bay, Ndd., 3 miles from Pori de OrMve. Pop. GO. BLrElJKnur, a settlement in Queens CO., N.S., miles from Liverpool. Pop. 300. BLUEBERRY HILLS, in Cliicontimi CO., Que., are between Commissioners Lake and Boncliette Lake. BLUE MOUNTALV, a post settle- ment in Pictou CO., X.S., 14 miles from New Gla?j>;o\v. It contains a grist mill and 2 stores. Pop. l.'O. BLUE PlNIOX.asmal! fishing settle- ment on the west side of Fortune Bay, Ntld., .'Jmih>3 from Belleorem. Pop. 16. BLUE ROCKS, a settlement in Lnnenhnrg co., N.S.. on the sea coa^t, 4 miles t'vom Lunenburg. It derives its nunc from some remarkable rocks in the vicinity. Pop. 20rt. BLUE'S M'ILLS, a post in Inverness co., N.S., 25 miles from Port llastinas Pop. 70. BLUE VALE, a thriving post village in lliiruu CO , Out., on ilaitlaud river antl on tiieW. (J. & B. R., (south e.xten- f ion,) 34 miles from Palmerston,lC> miles from Luckuow. It contains several stores and hotels, 3 churches, a telegraph oflice, and saw, grist, carding and shi'igle mills. Pop. 300. BLYTII a flourishing post village in Huron CO, Ont,; 10] miles from Clinton. It contains a telegraph office, several stores and hotcls,grist, saw, shinglonnd planing mills, woollen, carding amj cabinet factories, and a brickfield. Pop. 700. ^ BLYTIIESWOOD, a post village in Esse.x CO., Out., 14 miles from Stoney Point. Pop. 50. BOBCA YC.EON, an incorporated vil, lago i 1 Victoria co., Ont., situated on an Island between Sturgeon aud Pigeon Lakes, 18 miles from Lhidsay. A canal passes tliroiigh the village connecting the above lakes, and ;.,Mviiig nulnterrui»ted water communieatiou for 75 miles. Boboaygeon is an im- po.-lant lumber depot, no less than 2r),i)ij0,000 feet passing througiiit annu- ally. It contains a number of stores, several hotels, saw and planing mills, a telegraph office, and a printing oflicj issuing a weekly newspap'T. St'-amers run regularly between here and Lind- say, Peterborough, Bridgenortli, Co- boconk and Fcnelon Falls. Pop. LOOO. BOCABEC, a post settlem-^nt in Charlotte co., N.B., on the Bocaliec river, 3 miles from Chamcook. Pop. 240. BOO.VllT, a post village in Ilasiings CO., Ont., on Clare river, near Lako Stoco, 28 miles from Belleville. Pop. 100. BOIESTOWN, a post village in Xor- thuinberland co., iV.B., on the S.W. branch of the Miramiciii river, 38 miles N. of Fredericton. It c juiains a flouring mill and a good hotel, and i.s a favorite resort of the angler, tlie river here being noted for its fine trunt and salmon fishiuij. Pop. 250. BOIS BLAXC ISLAXn, a long nar- row island in the Detroit river, opjtosite Amherstburgh, Ont. On its S. point is a lightliouse. BOISDALE, or BEAVER COVE, a ])ost village in (vape Brettui co,, N S., on Little Bras d'Or lake, 2(J niilo-i from Sydney. It contains 1 store, 3 saw mills and 1 gristmill. Poj). 500. I'.OISDALE CHAPEL, a post ofTice in Cape Bretim co., N.S. BOLIXGBROKE, a post oflice in Lanark co.. Out,, 20 miles from I'ertli. BOLSOVER, Victoria co., it. See Bal-^over. ROLTOy, a thriving post village in Cardwell co.. Out., o.i the Huinher river, with a station on the T, O, Sc. B. R., 25 miles from Toronto. It contain •, 2 tele- graph offices, a printing oflice, and CO., Iiinpjle and brickneld. AMllajrc in om Stoney loratod vil- sitiiiiu'd on Tooii ii'id n Lindsay, lie village and giving mnnii'atioa i^ an im- lo^-j than \^h it annn- r of of ores, iiinjc mills, ntinij on\ci kSt''am«'r3 anil Lind- Miortl), Co- Pop. 1. 000. tlem'^nt in lO BocaW.^c k. Vo\h 240. in II:is'in<:r3 near Lako t'ille. Pop. icre in Xor- tiu' S.W. river, 3S CMiitains a tel, and i:^ a the river trunt and lonjJT nar- T, opposite y. point is COVE, a 11 CO., N S., mile-! from Hv, 3 saw r.oo. post oflico t ofliec in Voni IV'ftli. , It. See t villap^c in iinher river, .^. 15. R.,2.-i ai'i:; 2 tele- cnice, and iSover.i BON 39 1 si. lies and niill.J, and has a con- Thc Pop. siilcraMt' trade in iioiir and {j;riiiii. pD.-^l ollicc 13 called Albion. 'lioLTOX CKNTRK, or KIMBOLTOX, pu-t village la IJiduio on., tjiie., on the .Mi.s.^isipioi river, 14 miles frnm Wa- terloo. It. contains 1 sawmill, I {^rist mill. J stores and 2 iiolels. Pop. 20;). DOLTD.N' COIlXEliS, Wellington CO., Out. Sec (%)ts\vold. litMiTON' FOiiKST, ai)ost villac^e in i,Bruine co., Qu'., 13 miles from Water- tloo. It eoiilains a store and a saw mill. Copper mines aro worked iu the vieinitv. Pop. 4:1. BG.MAXTO.V, or BOWMAXTOX, a ' villa;_'e '.n Noriliuiid)erland (o., O'.it., i:{ inile.^ from (Joboiir;:^. Pop. 40. BO.N'.Wi;. NIT !:!•;, a county of Qne- bee,lKi>an areaof 2,l0G,G81 acres. Chief town, N\'W Carli.-le. Pop. 15,923. iiO.VAVIvNTlIRE, Bonaventure co., Qii". See .Vew Richmond. iJOX.WEXTPRW IHLAXD, a small island in the Gulf of iSt. Lawrence, i.Op]tosite PiTce. It is 2^ miles Icnig hy 5| of n mile wide, and 13 well settled, ithere berii? a Roman Catholic church, ft school h luse, and about 60 honses. In winter this island has the appearance of a vast ic bertf. It forms a natural breakwater between Perce and the Gulf. HOX.VVEN'TrRE RIVER, a post Tillage in Bonaventure co., Que, on jBaie des (.'halenrs, 10 miles from ^iKew Cirhsle. It baa a telegraph otfice ■|»nd seviT;il stores. Pop. laO. ;;;' B()V.\VISTA,abay, caiieand station s,tn the ea-,t coa.-5t of Newfoiindlaml, tho Ijbav in lat. 4H ^2 N., Ion. 53' 8 W. IJ; iiOXA VISTA, the chief town of the ili-triet of Boiiavista, Nfld., is situated i>n the east coast of the province, 10 Iniles fre.m Catalina, lOO miles from Bt. John's. It is a i>ort of entry, and Contains several stores and churches Tl:is is one of the oldest settlements in :^ewf\>iiu.llaii(i. Pop. 2,000. A HON DESIR, a small settlement in ;;|Sagiieiiay CO., Que., on the north shore jf llie .St. Lawrence, 15 miles from Ta- loiisac Pop. 50. liOXD HEAD, a post Tillage in Sim- :oe CO., Ont., 6 miles from tBradford [t contains a telegraph office, a foundry ind a erist mdl. Pop 5nn. BOXI) HEAD IIAR15()R, Durham :o., Unt. See Newcastle. BOT BOXGARD'S CORNERS, a post vil- lage 111 1'mic.' hilwanl co., tJnt., on tlic Bay of tiuiiite, U miles from Pictoii. Pop. 200. BOXXE I!AY, a fislnng settlement a"id a bay on the French shore, Nlld., 2.3 miles from the north head of Bay of Islanils. It is much frecpieiited by Uni led States and Xova Scot iahsliernien on account of it^; great lierriug (i.-lury. The Eastriverfdl.siito the bay; its banks are well timbered. The surrounding scenery is most attractive Po|). 3.3('.. i;OX.XECllERE POINT, or CASTLE- FORD, or FERIIALL'S LAXDING, a jiost vdlage i 1 Renfrew co.. Out., at the month of Boiiiicdiere river, and on the B. k U. R., miles from Sand Point. Pop. loo. BOXSIIAW, a small village in Queens co., P EI., on the West river, 15 miles from Cliarlottetown. Pop. 75. BONSVILLE, Oxford co., Out. Seo Chesterht Id. Bt)OKTOX, a post village in Norfolk CO., Out., Guides from Wiudham. Pop. 81). BOO.M, a post settlement in Inverness CO., X.S., near the nioulli of River Den- nis, 15 miles from Whvcocomah. Pop. 150. BORD A PLOL'FFE, a thriving post village in Laval co., Que., situtited on lale Jesus, between Rivieres des Prairiea and Jesu.s. 10.} miles from Montreal It has a telegraph oilice, several stores and hotels, and a good trade in lumber and cattle. Pop. l,2i)0. Bf'RELIA, a post village in Ontario CO., Out., 15 miles froraOsliawa. Pop. 300. BORXIIOL.ME, a post village in Perth CO., Ont, 5 miles from .Mitchell It contains 2 hotels and 2 saw nulls. Pop. 100. BOSCOBEL, a post vdlage in Slief- ford CO., Que , 14 miles from Acton Po]). 80. BOSTOX, a post vdlage in Norfolk CO., Out., on Boston Creek, 11 miles from Bra!itfor(l,5 miles from Waterf ird. It contains a cheese factory, a i^.wv mill, and stave and pump factories. Pop. 500. BOSWORTU, a post village in Wei- lington CO., Ont., 13 miles from Elora, It contains a grist null. Pop. I.'O. BOT AX Y, a post office in Both well CO , Ont., 5^ mdcs from TLamesviUe. - rr ^f ; |;il 11 iii!!j/^^ t; ? I i! 'i'ii I ;■• .if •' '','( :'l; 1 !,;• ;:';) BOU BOTHWKLL, a county in the W. part of OiitJirio, boiMulcd on tlie S.K. ny Lake Eric and on tlio W. by Ijiiko {St. Clair. Area, 3~i'.),(m'> acres. It is traversed by the Great Western ami CanatlaSoutliorn rail\vnys,aiid is famed for its prcat oil springs. Chief town, Botlnvtirip3 of Ik'lleville. itMtion on tlie (1 (u.dcncli )iit... 43 iuiles nrJTAIinrS'H in AVc.Unior- II., lu milcd station on the CO., t^iiic, 'J beo Stan- ILE. n post I>., :>.■> miles inll IsIhikI op- cr L'Assoniii- )ffico in Kent st village in e nortli sliore miU>3 above smull villafre }in'., '21 miles A.nne Bout de 1., Ont. See , po.^t villafre 13 milc-i from s a saw mill . 30. imborland CO., incorporated I Durham co., iirbor on Lake the C. T. R., ). It contains tari) bank, an ladian bank, a -•ral astiiirauce 2 telegraph i, from which •3 arc issued, tels, a number ies of iron cas- IS, lioop-skii'ts, !)er, boots and ItM ))ort of the town, and BRA i; better known as I'ort Darlington. I'op. :i."ni^. HnW.MOltE, Simcoe co., Ont. See DuiitpH.n. IJOWOOD, a post village in Middle- Fc.x CO , Out., 7 milos from Ailsa Craig. i'dti. 170. W\ (JllOVE, a jio-it village in York CO., Out., :!.'. miles from Markhnm. It 111)..-; }:ood water powiT, and contains a wui lien factory, a sawmill, and cheese fai'torv p.)]'. I"'i». 1]').\V, a .t villa:4e in iSt.-in.-itcad co.. Que., 4.] miles from Avers Flat. It contains saw ami grist mill.s. Fo)!. 7o. Hi;AOi;i!KII)(JlE, a thriving post village in Victoria co.. Out., on the N. branch of the Mu.-koka river, 33 mile.s from Atherley, ]i:> miles from Tor.into. It contain.s a telegraph oflice, '2 printing offices, 1 sash factory, 1 mill, 4 saw mills, 1 woollen factory, 4 hotels, abo'it 2o stores, 4 churches, a court house and a registry oflice. The Lake .Muskoka steamer.-! call daily during the .-ca-on of navigation. There is good hunting and fi.-hiug in the neighborhood. IJracebridgi! is tin.) biisi'.ies-; centre of the free grant dis- tiict of Muskoka. Po|>. "oO. Hi{.\CKLEY P()I.\T,asmall village in Qucns co., P.l].f., on the E hvard Island raihvay. 13 miles from Charloitetowii. Pop. 150. 15ivAI)l''0UI),an incorpor'.ttod village in Himcoe co.. Out., on the Holland river, a stream flowing into Lake .Sim- coe, with a stali(Hi on the .\. II., 42 miles N..N'."\\'. of Toronto. It contains several churches, hotels and stores, a woollen mill, a grist mill, a saw mill, an iron foundry, i^c., 2 telegraph otlices, a branch bank, and a printing oflice issu- ing a wc'klv newspaper. Pop. 1,130. IJRADLE'VS COVE, a fishing settle- ment on the north shore of Conception Pay, .Vfid., 10 miles from Carbouear. Pop. 13.-,. Hi;.\E, a post village in Prince co., P.E.I., on the Prince Edward Island railway, 35 miles from Summerside. Pop. 3U0. 41 BRA BRAEMAR, a post village in O.xfoni CO., Ont., 8 miles from Woodstock. It CO itains a woi Hen factory, a cliecso factory, and a saw mill. Pop. loO. Bb'AESIDE, a post village in Renfrew CO., Ont., o) the 1!., to. li,, 3 miles from Arnprior. It has a t^de^f.aph oflice. BRAdd'S ISLAND, one of a group of islands on the we-t side ( f Bnnavista IJav, Xlld , 7 miles from Green's Pond. Pop. 30. PR.VII.V, a small fi-hing station on the French sliore, NIM., 27 miles from Croqiie. Seals are caugh' here. Pop. 40. Biv.VMLEY, a post villacre in Simcoo CO., Out., on the N. il., Tx; mile.s from Tiu'onto. It has a telegraph oflice. Pop. fjO. BliAMPTOX, the chief town of the CO. of Peel, Out., is situated on the O. T. R , 21 mile.j S.W. of Tonuito. It contai;i.s4 or 5 churches, a bank agency, several assurance and insurance agen- cies, a mechanics institu*", 2 tci'graph oUices, 2 ]iriniing ollics, an iron foundry, several factories, st(!res, butcds, itc. : and is an important grain a:id flour market. Po]). 2,'JoO. BI{ANCir,a fishing s'tilementon the west side of St. .Mary's Bay, Nlld., IG miles from St. Marv's. Pop. li'.O. BRANCH. Lunenburg co., N.S. See Upner branch. BUANCHTON, a post viUag." in Waterloo co., Oit., on the W. G. & I>. R.,0 niiies from llarri-liing. It coi- tal is a woollen factory ai\d a saw mill. Pop. 2r)0. IMIANDY CREEK, a post village in Norfolk CO., Out., 12 miles from Simcoe. It contains a saw mill and a mill. Pie,,. lOii. BRANDY POTS, several small islets in til'! KiverSt. Lawrem'e, lying oil" the N. E. end of Hare Island, beluw Que- bec. BliANT. a county in thi' S. i^art of the ])roviuce (jf Ontario, W. of Like Ontario, has an area of 2'1,'-11T aires. It is drained by the (iirand riv'.-r, a id Ira- versed by the (!:Mnd Trunk, Gr^at Wes- tern ami CaiKula Southern Railways. The chief staples are lunibi'r,w«.ol, liuiis, grain and the products of the dairy. Chief town, Branlford. P(»p. 32.2.".:>. BRANTFOIll), a cnmniTcial town and capital (jfthe co. of Brant, Out.. 24 miles S.W. of Hamilton, is silUiiU.^^' ou Grand River, whichis navigalde ii i i H I i i : i RUE within 2' miles of the town, for which distiuici' a canal has boon oiK'ncdjuHbrd- ing niiinterriii)ted water comtininica- tion with Lake Krie. It i.i an important station on the l^ifTalo and Godench branch of the G. T. 11. A hrancli of the G W. R. connects tlie town with the main luie at llarnsburjr, and a railway 45 miles lon^ is ]'ro- iocted, which will connect it with I'ort i>iirwell, on Lake Erie. Brant- ford has ap;eneies of the IJank of M(Mi- treal, Hank of Hritish North America, Canadian Hank of Commerce, iind seve- ral assurance and insurance companie.-', and contains churches of 10 denomina- tions, 2 prmiinj^ oflices, from which 2 daily and 2 weekly news[iaper3 uro issniMl, 2 telcfyrapii odices, about 80 stores, a Itandsome stone court house, a widows' and orphans' home, and other pul)lic l)uildings. The buildinj.'s erect- ed by the (Jrand Trunk are on a very extensive scale, occupyinsr 11 acres. They consist of a repair shop, cnj^jine house and round house, built of white brck. Anong the manufactures of the town may be mentioned brass and iron casi.npSj tin and japanned ware, gashes and blinds, engncs anil null ma- chinery, af^rienltural implements, and itonewarc produced nowhere else in the lUMvince Tlie Hrautford machine works and the Victoria foundr}- each employ over 100 men The streets of Hrantl'ord are lighted witli fras. The town derives its name from IJrant, tho great Ind.ian chief, who siirrendeied tho present ])lot to the Government m 1830. Brant 'ord is a port of entry The tot! ' value of imports lor LST2 was §345,182 ; exports $lw7,2 11. Pop. 8,107. IJRAZILS, a small lishing settlement in tlie district of liurgeo and La Poile, Nlld..5mdesfrom HoseHlanche. Pop.27. DKKADALHAXE, a post othee in Restipfouclie co., N B. BRECHIN, a post village in Ontario CO., Ont , 10 miles from Beiiverton. It contains 2 stores, a grist mill and a saw mill. Pop 100. BRENTS COVE, a small fisinng sta- tion on the FrcRch shore, Nfld , 7 miles from La Scie. Pop. 24. BRENTWOOD, a post village in Simct^ C()^ Ont., 1.] miles from New LowePi. it contaiirs 2 saw mills and I stores. Ilop. 20). 13RESLAU, a post village in Water- BRI loo CO., Ont., on tlie G. T. R., 4 miles E. of Berlin. It contains a telegraph ollice. Pop. 200. BRETON, CAPE See Cape Breton. BREWER'S MILLS, a post vilhige i-i Fro:itenae co.. Out., on the Rideau canal, 17 miles from Kingston. It con- tains a tcle,irraph olTice, and saw, grist and carding mills. Poi». 150. BREWSi'ER, a post village in Huron CO , Out., 28 miles from Goderich. Pop. 100. BRIDGEOALE, a i^ost village in Albert Co., N.H.,ou the Petitcoiliac river, opposite the town of .Mnncton A bridge connects the two places. Pop. .'"■7. BRIDGENORTII, a post village in Peterborough co., Ont, oi Lake Chemo'ig, 7 miles from Peterborough. It contains several stores and mills. Pop. 150. BRIDGEPORT, a thriving post vil- lage in Waterloo co.. Ont., on Grand river, 2 miles from Berlin. It has good water power, and contains a woollen factory, saw and grist mills, several stores and hotels, and a telegraph office. Pop. 700. BRIDGEPORT, a post village in Cape Breton co., N.S.,on the sea coast, 15 miles from Sydney. Here are exten- sive coal mines, which are worked by the Intercolonial Coal Mining Com- pany A railway built by thi.s com- ]ianv connect.s the mines with Sydney. Pop'. 300. BRIDGETOWN, a flourishing post village in Annapolis co., N.S., situated at the had of navigation of Annapolis river, with a station on the "W. v^c A. R., 14 miles from Annapolis. It jiossesses excellent water power, and cont.iins an iron foundry, a tannery, several stores and hotels, a telegraph odice, and a printing ofiice issuing a weekly news- jiaper. This section of the iirovinco is noted for its magnificent orchards, its line farms, and its excellent farm stock. Bridgetown is a port of entry. The total number of arrivals f t 1873 was 12 (ton^ 911,) and the clearances 13 (tons 1,07G). Total value of imports $14,055; exports $10,341. Pop. 800. BRIDGETOW^N, a thriving post vil- lage in Kings co., P.E I., situated at the head of navigation of Grand river, 30 miles from Charlottetown It con- tains several mills and stores. Pup. 400. BRI 43 BRI R., 4 miles a tcle^^raph ftpc Breton. 3t villiiLre i'l the iJidoau (Ml. It CUIl- il suw, grist JO. ^0 ill Huron lericli. Pop. villisfe in :-oiliiU' river, n A liridyo 'op. .^7. villu;;e in 01 Laiic terboroiijrh. and mills. \g po:?t vil- ., on Grand It lias pood i a woolltui dls, sc'vernl I telegraph village in 11' scii coast, •e arc oxten- ire worked iniiig Com- ,' til":-? cora- ith Sydney. ishing post S., situated f AiiiKipolis W. v>c A. R., t possesses contains an reral stores ice, and a kly uews- liMvince ia rciiard?, its Ikvit farm rt of entry. Is f T 1ST2 clearances of imports »op. 800. g post vil- sitii.'itcd at rand river, It con- ores. Pop. Br>TD(U:VILLE, a po-^t village in Pictuii CO., N.S,, on llie east liranch of Knst river, I'J niikvs from New Glasgow. Fop. Iiiii. I?i:il)(;EWATER,a flonri.sliing post .' vi!la<:f in Ha-tin-'s (•o.,()iit., pleasantly Jp Bitiia7"d on the Srootaniata river, a.tri- ■^ hntaiv of the Moirn, :;0 miles from f": Belleville. It possesses valualile water > 4^ power, and contains a large tlonring '^% mill, saw niill,woollenfiict(>ry, ta!inery, "'■ cliair and cabinet fiictory, an iron • fouiidrv, a scythe and edge tool factory, a te]euTai>li ollice, ft school house and , a Weslevan church built entirely of niRi'lile. a town hall, and several stores and hotels. Iron, co]iper. g(dd an clinrclies, &c. A largo trade i is done in the exportation of cord- . s wood, lumber, staves and bark. ^ 1,000. Pop. Ont. KKmaVILLE, Waterloo co., See Free port. BIMKi! ISLAND, an island in the Bav i'f Fnndv, at the R. W. extremity ofDigbv Neck. Lat. 44^ 14 .07 N., Ion litj'L'ii 2 W. On it is a light- house. The inhabitants are chiefly engacred in the fisheries. Pop. G43. ]5K1(J('.'S CORNERS, a post village in Queens CO.. N.l'.., situated at the head of navuation of Salmon river, ?»") miles fr(unSt. John. It contains grist and Baw mills, and several stores. There are extiii>ive beds of coal in the vici- nity. Pop. aOO. l{Rl(;iIAM,a post village in Bromc CO., Q!;e., on the S. E. R., H miles from AVest Farnham. It contains 2 saw mills, a tann-'iy, 2 store-s, a sash factory, nn hotel, and a telegraph oflice. Pop. 2O0. HRIOnAM'S CORXERS, a small village in Oxford eo.. Out., 14 miles from I'rri-r.soll. Pop. 70. Bb'IClIT, a post village in Oxford CO., Out., on the G. T. i{. (Ibiffalo and Godericli division), 18 miles from Strat- ford. It contains a telegraph otiice and several stores. Pop. 500. BRIOFITOX, an incorporated village in N'orthuinberland co., Ont., situated on Prescpi'ile harbor, on Lake Ontario, with a siation on the G. T. R., I»2n!ile3 E.N'.E. of Toronto. It is a port of entry, and has several saw mills, a jdastrr mill, 2 grist mills, a tannery, 2 telegrajdi ofiices, and several stores. The total value of imports for 1^72 was !»;.S,;'.ni ; exports S7."..4';.'^. Pop. ],?,:•!. RRKWrro.V, Digliv co., N.S. See Head of St. Mary's 15ay. BRIGTS, a fishing settlement in the district of Ferryland, Niid , .'M miles from St. J(din's. It is surrounded ly high hills,]iresenting a romantic ajipear- anc". Pop. 12"). B!;lGrs, the capital of the district of Brigus, Ntld., is situated in a rocky hollow between two high barren hills on the north side of Conception Ray, P.8 utiles from St. John's. It is a ]iort of entry, and has a telegraph offic' and several stores and hotels. Its harbor is small but safe. The inhabitants arc chiefly engaged in the cod fishery, which is prosecuted to a very large I extent. Pop. 2.000. BlULEYS BROOK, or CIIISIIOLM, a post village in Antigonish co.. N.S., 4 miles from .\ntigonish. Pop. 2.")'). BRINKWORTli, a post village in Ila-tings CO., Ont., 21 miles from Jkdle- ville. Pop. 100. BRINSLE V, a post village in MIddlex sex CO , Ont., 4 miles from Ailsa Craig. Po)i. ino. BRINSTON'S CORNERS, a post village i;i Dundaseo., Ont , Oniiles from Irorpiois. It contains a telegrajdi otiice, 1 church, 1 hotel, and 3 stores. Pop. 50. BRISBANE, or BRISTOL, a post village in Wellington co vicinity of Shane's Lake, stream', 10 miles from Pop. '<(). iU'ISTOL. a small village i'l Queens CO., N.S., opposite the town of LiviTpool. A bridge connects the two jjlaces. Pop. ir.o. P.RISTOL, or BRISTOL INllI-LS, sometimes called BRISTOL COR.VKRS and IXKF'UIMAN, a i)o-!t village in Pontiac CO., Q'ne., on the River Ottawa, 2 niilesfrom Sam! Poin',4") miles above Ottawa city. It lias a tidegraph oflice, 4 stores, 1 hotel, and a mill. Pop. 200. Ont., in the a fine trout Georjjetown. k 1:1 It ■ ATirr I" . .1:: 1, 4 •!^i ! ;•! I ill ill; W, ! il ^■m 1 01 ■!|!l I i ^ ! M! 1 .1 i :1" I! 'I ,| flit ,1 'riti iir DRI 44 BP.I WoUiufctou CO., Out. See Bri^'iiiiM'. I'.IMSTnr., Westmorliind co., N.C. See ( Jna: Slioinogue. r.RlSTOli, York co., N.B. See King.?- clciir. r.lMT.U.V I'ONI), almmlot in Kin of the country is extremely diversilied with rivers and lakes. The St. Lawrence, a river of immonso ro- Iiinu', over 'JuOU miles in length, tbrms the outlet of the great Canadian lakes. The Saskatchewan, rising in the llocky Mountains, traverses IS' of Ion., or u distance of at least 900 miles, and falls into tiie great Lake Winni'iig, iu fiii' N. lat. Tills lake is connecied with Hiidsoa's ]5ay by the Nds )a or Port N.'l ;on .river, about 500 miU'S in length. Lake Athabaska, situated about lat. 5,S' N., and Ion. 110' W., receives, f mong others, the Peace river and the ^ ihabaska, a large stream, li.ung iu the Rocky Mountains, near the source of the Columbia. The Mackenzie, oiiteripg the Arctic Ocean, is one of the largest rivers on the globe. It Hows through about It) of lat. E.of theMackeiizie,aad flowing into the Arctic ocean, are the Coppermine and Fish rivers. The basia oC the Winniiieg may be consiilered as . continuation of that of tl e St. Law- V iicc or asajiortionof one high plateau uiviu d into two parts. There can be but little doubt that a very great, if not the greater part of the vast region included under the name of British America, is doomed to everlasting sterility, on account of the severity of the climate. The most northern station in wliich vegetation has been discovered is! Melville Island, 74^ 50' N. lat., where the mean annual temperature is from 1 to 2 degrees below zero, and that of July, about 42\ Tiio sptcles that exist here consist chief)/ of saxi- frages, grasses, cruciform iilantg, mos.sc3 antl lichens ; not a tree or even a bush is able to rear its head ; nor, indeed, is there a single plant or woody structure except a little willow {SiHjc ar/ica) which ries six inches high. It is in these latitudes that the red snow i)lant, (I'rolorrocus nivu/is) that most simpli of cryptogamic vegetables, exists in all its beauty. As we advance south- ward, vast forests of spruce (ir.^ (Afjies a!!)ii and nigra) among which grow the reindeer raoss and other lichen.?, over- spread th? land. To those are added dillerent kinds of wild currants and berries, and a variety of papilitmaceous ]ilant.-<, which abound in the open plains. With these are combiiied, as we continue to advance, the majestic poplars of Canada, (Po/mhix h/dsonica, and others), birches, ( />V/»/(A f>'ip>/racea and jtopitl/folici), and many sorts of m- immonsc vo- leuf^lli, forms Uiiiliau hikL',s. in tlu.' Jlocky 3t" lot)., or u ilcs, iiiiil falls niiK'ir, in W iii'.'cloil with \^m or Port K'd ill length. 1 about lilt. V. roccivc's, river iiiul the , ri-iui^ ill tiie sourc.!of the zio, ciitoripg )f the ];irgest ow.s tlirough iickciizio, and coaii, are the I'rf. The basin consiik'rcj as tl;e St. Law- ihigh i)latenu There can be ■ery great, if a vast, region le of British I C'vorlasling 10 severity of •!hcrn station en discovered 5()' N. lat., Miiperature is jw zero, and Tiio sptcics iefl/ of sasi- hiuts, mosiics r cvt'a a bush or, indeed, is )dy stnicturo Sf/ix arlica) gli. It is in I snow plant, most siinplf », exists in vanee soiith- cc lirs (Afties ich grow the icliens, over- so are added iirrants and ipilionaceous n the open ;ombined, as the majestic Kn h'tilsonica, III />//p)/raccii ;vny sorts of RllI oaks and aslies, together witii butternuts (Ju'/lans Ceiicreti) and hickories (Curi/d a!hn uiid (i.nini.) The aniinsils luint^'d f .r fiM(d are di-'T, of four dill'cr.'nt kiiul:^, biillal .(•-!, rabbits, and porcii])iii( s. W.M fowl aroals ) numerous, especially grou>e, wild gre-se and ducks. 'The jirincip;:! obj cis of traHic, esi)ecialiy in tii;; m<)-t iiorilicrn parts, are tlie skins of fur-cbid animals, of which tlioiv are here a gicat varirty. The cliief tril)(?s itih.'iV/itiii'; the .N'orthcrn region-, are the (.'hi]i: "Was, the AssinibMins. tiie Cree<, the t>;;ivo Indiais, antl the Kqnimanx. Of all llu'so tribes the Crees 1kiv(! llio best clinracter, being active, honest and luxiiitable, kind to their women, a nl inndly attached to their children. For an nccount of tliat portion of Ilritish Anerica under cultivation see Ca.vada, Dominion ok. I^RITI.^II rOLUMRIA, formerlv Ni:W CAI.E OXIA, a iirovinco of the Domi'iion of (Canada, oound' d on the \. by the GOth parallel of latitude ; E. by the main chai i of the Rocky .Moun- tain's : IS. by the United States ; and W. by Alaska, the Pacific Ocean and Qneen Ciiarlotte's Sound. Length 1M\ miles ; breadth about 400 miles. Area :i")'t,()0 ) pquare miles. The coast lino i-; deeply indented. The northern part of the colony is diversilied with mountain, lake and river; is of extraordinary fv'r- tility, jiroducing i\\\ Canadian cenals and vi'getables, and fruits in larger measure than anv i)art of even Ontario, and witli i\ mining region (Omineca) at the head waters of the Peacs, Skeena, anil Fra, and also, with irrigation, for agrieiilture ; some parts, however, euch as the Chilcotin i)laiiis, and the great and beautiful vallej' of the Okan- agnn, require no artificial irrigation, nor does any part of the seaboaril. ThnHiglioiit tlie whole extent of the province there is an abundance of forest land, the timber on which is of tlr' most valuable descrii)tion. One kind c-pecinlly, the Douglas pine, vields :^pars from 90 to 100 feet in lengtll, and from 20 to 24 inches in diameter. The 45 BRi trf^o is very often f)ftcn from h'ft to 300 fret inlengtii, without knots orbraiich- e-!, and the diameter varies from six to ten feet, and in (piality is about twice a-> strong as ('anadian red i'ii>», and being more gummy, is more durable and tak-'S a b'tter ladd. At Riirrard Inlet, 9 miles from Xew Wcstiriinster, there are pine trees 27 to 30 feet in diameter. Tlie yearly exports of timber r.mount to alMUt S2."j(H)i)0, but tl-.e vait, f(;rest3 have hardly been touched. The mineral resources of Rrilish Columbia are very great. GoM is found all along the Frnser and Tlionin- son river>, and in great abundance in the Cariboo district, the yield iii that one locality exceeding, in 1S70, ouo million dollars, wiiile the yield of the entire province for the past ten yar-S has exceeded twenty-two mdldrk dol- lars. Silver ami copj'.er are als'> to ba hud in abund.iufe, but the mine-; have not as yet been wry largely worked. The true wenlth of the jirovince., ftow- ev< r, is its coal fields, which ai-o iue.x- han.nible, easy of access and <^asily worked. Rituminous coal is iViuiH'.oii tlie mainland aiidtui Vancouver l>laii(l ; find anthracite coal on Quee i Clunlotfo Island. The latter lias been sold in San Francisco for 920 per toiv Tht> fisheries, which will some day iiro*-(i a source of national wealth, an; amongst the most valu ible known. Theciimati* of Rritish Columbia is mild and favor^ al)le enough to allow animals to live in th'j open air tiiroughont the winter, and in many parts the ])lains and hills are covereil with a limb called bineh grass, which possesses highly nutritious qualities and keep-^ cattle in exc 'Ueut condition di'iing the whole winter. Winter lasts from Xovembor tdl Mar(di ; but snow seldom remauis lonir on tlio ground. The prevailiu'jr winds an" from the N. in summer, and from the S. and AV. in winter. ' The ana of the land fI^ for acrricultu- ral settlement is estimated at 2.")0,00') square mibs, diversified by bill and d lie, and w.Uered bv numerous streams and lakes. The soil varies from ii deep black vegetable loam to a liglit brown, loamy earth ; tlie hills sup])lying slate and building stone. Wheat, barley, potatoes, turi'.ips, anples, pears, itc, grow lux'iriatitly. Ti'.o country is rich in fur-bearing I \ 1 (« •t/''^ I!! I ■p ! I It ii'i M? ill 1"! if:; 11 nil! i i'ii ' ;Mi' ] il i!!^ I •' •( ! ii ii|!li 'il • I I ii 'i •.i BRI 46 BRI aninmls, of which the principal are the lihicli, Ijrown mid gii/.zly ijcarn, lynx, uiiU'U'U ami li? ij a branch of trade v.'iiicli ])romises to ussuino largo prupurtioua. ]\Iaii'ifactureFarcyetin tlieir infancy. Cliicfanion}!; Ihu rivers of the coun- try is the gnat Frascr river, which ])ursm'3 a rapid course between stec]) and rucky baniia, until, approacliing the sea, it pres^ents a fertile and finely woculed valley from '>0 to 00 miles in leiiff til. The "total length of tlie Fiaser river is about 700 miles. The Thompson river suri)ataiinslor I ncrfwrmt'd by the steamer Kiilnrin-iK,-^ befongiiii; to tlie Iliuisoii's Hay Com- vpaiiv. From Xew Westminstor to Yale, on the Fniser, the mails are conveyed, in summer, by tlie steamer LiUouct. From Vale to Barkcrville, the service i« ]M rformed by means of stages drawn ^v tour or six horses. V\o\\ li:e Cariboo r«">nte, between Soda Creek and tlio ijiiouili of the Quesnel, the Fra-ser is 'tiav;i::able, and tlie Virtoria make^ the tri|» proMiptly and safely, and ulforils 1o travellers every couit'ort tliat can be desired. A steambnat has redntly btrn placed on Lake Tatla, to provide miiici-.^ with f'cdities for reaching the mines of the District of Oiuinica mr)re •peedily, moio safely, tiud with less futjijiie. Telegraph lines extend from vSwIn- Omisli, in WashniLTton Territory, .(United States) to liaikerville, at the ♦xtreniity of the Cariboo road. There is, besiiles, a branch line from Matsqul to IJiirranl I:det vin New Westminster, ■in aildition to a right of way over the line belonging to the Western Union Telegraph Companj', from Swinomish to Victoria, which comprises two sub- inariiie cables. Tlii§ line of telegra] h, T-liicli by the act completing tho union of Columbia with Canada, oecamo the J>ro|iertyofthe Dominion, is .">i!0 miles I'liir, ill addition to the submarine jior- ti' u which is a mile and a quarter in le 'trth. The following is a list of the 1clcirr:iph stations and Words fiom Victoria : tariff for 10 eliome SO 50 ' ._il:it-(nii ,')i) K WH»fiiiiiister 75 BMinrd Inlet. 7."i Cliiliikweyuk . . T'* Jlol e . . .'. u 7') Yale 1 00 Lytton 1 no ."^pence's Bridge 1 20 Clinton 1 20 8.3-Milc House. 1 25 .Sodii Creek 1 55 t^uesiiel 1 55 iiurkerville 2 00 British Columbia is divided into 5 electoral districts for Dominion elec- tijuis, viz., New WestmiustT, Cariboo, Yije, Victoria, and Vancouver, each (if which, except Victoria, returns 1 iieniber to the House of Commons ; Victoria returas 2 members. It is fur- t'ler subdivided into 12 electoral dis- tricts for Provincial purposes. I'ritish Columbia occupies a com- ,r!;iii'liiig positiorf not only with retrard '=§t'j the trade of the western jtart of America and tho Pacific Islands, but also witti respect to China, Japan, and other Asiatic countries, and the Au.s- tralian colonies. Along the whole coast line of at least 10,000 miles, (fol- lowing indents,) a jicrfect labyrinth of islands exists, giving innumerable har- bors, inlets and channels, teemiiifr. as well as the rivers that empty into hen, with salmon, sturgeon, mackerel, cjd, herring, halibut, oulachans and wiiales. Excejit the whale tislier^', these vast lislierics are altogether nndcvidoped. This colony was first ostablislied in IR.'")!^, and has since made remarkable jirogress. The total population last vear was 10,.58C), exclusive of Indians. This total comprised 8,.57n whites, 4G2 negroes and l,r)4H Chinese. The num- ber of Indians is large, supposed to be about 50,000. Some tribes have gathered together in villages, and considerable progress has been made in the education of their children. The construction of the Canada Pacific railway cannot fail to develojie the untold resources of this irovince, "and add greatly to the wealth and ceiieral ])ro3{)erity of the Dominion. The dis- tance from Montreal to Victoria is 3,0'!0 miles, which can now be accom- plished in 11 or 12 days, by the San Francisco route; but by the luturc Canada Pacific railway, the distance will be reduced to 2,8(K) miles. We are indebted to M. McLeod, Esq., district magistrate, Aylmer, P. Q., (son of the late Chief Trader John McLeod, sen., of the Hudson's Hay Company, and author of "Peace River," &c.,) f'r the following information, as to the fertility of Nortlicr;i l>riti.-h Columbiu : '•At Fort St. Jame.s, about hit .11- .30' N., 2,(100 feet above the sea, the first barley (five quarts) sown produced five busliels, say about 84 bushels per acre. This was about 50 miles west of McLeod's Fort, which last is the highest Post on the Rocky Mountains. '• At Fort Fraser, still further west, on the slope of the Cascade, the first jiotatoes ])lanted, about a bushel, pro- duced forty-fold." Mr. McLeod estimates the total area of British Columbia at 3.50,000 square miles, and the wheat area at I5i),000 s(|uare miles, or 90,000^000 acres, being all south of lat. 5,5^ N., (although there are fine wheat valleys fur beyond, N.) M ■Ji • /-TfiT I ■II "S ' .;i:i !■ ■ i1 '!! !'} '1 ^i. lit!! .; iltHl; it; r : ''; I ,11 , u i- ir ' ■!. •: ■> h ti 1^ !• 'Ill t BRO islands included. Tlie grass, liarlcy iiiid vogeliiliK' mni injrlli ^4' llii' iil)(»V(.! — lliut is, troiu hit. fifj' to (iO' N., (ui'i'ilicrn l)oiiiidiny iiiu; of !{iiti-;li (Jnl:iiiiljiii) and (Vom Imi. lliO' VV. to Aiiicricati b utidarv, 141' W., Mr. Mcli(od cs'liiiali's at 1(jO,0()(» sipiare uiilf.-j, or, i)4,0ii(),n()() ac/es. A cmsidiT- alik! luirtioM. say o'u-.sixtli, of ila'sc areas, is covcnd wi'li lakes, iiiinier(ai;-i find, like all the nveis, aboundinK wiili wiioleswine lisli — lisii, m liict, is the native »;ta|de I'uod. Mr. McLeod fiirtlior ostinintog the coisl line ot I'.ritish Cidunibiii at 10,000 miles, a predicate on that of Norway; tljc latter, on actnal measurement, having' I)een found to iiave in itsindenl- ed line thirteen times tiie lenj^th of its coast in a straiijiit li le. In ])oint of fact, the iJritish Columbia coast is much more, and n;ore deeply ind'nt'Ml tlian that of Norway, pome of the iidets run- ning 111 uj)war(!3 of iifty miles. The ir.Iets are lull of ;almon and otiier fi^h. IJKITISII HAKiIOil, a fisliinu' Pet- tlement on the north sliorn of 'IVinitv Bay, Mid., 2i; miles from Hearts Con- tent. Pot>. 1(10. i!R()AD COVE (Hay dr Vnifo.p), a fishing settlement on the norih sin^re of Conceiition Hay, .Mid., 15 miles from Carlionear. Pop'. tilO. H[;OAl) COVK (i!o\.\visTA), n fi.shing pottlenient n the district of iJo'.avista" Nfld., 'ii! miles from Triuitv. Pop. 27.'.. nrU)AD COVK (IlAiinnR .Main), a fishing settlement at tl;e head Of Cone.^pt:on l>a\', Mid., 37 miles from St. Join's. Pop. 90. P,[!()AI) COVR (Inteiivai.k>, a po'^t v.llage in I'lverue-^s eo , N S., 10 miles from Mab .ii. It contains several stores. Pop. 'J.")0. BROAD COVE (Mar.shX a post vil- lage in Inverness c >., X.S, on the Gulf of St. Lawreice, 20 miles from M.ibou. It c iiitains several stores and mills. Pop. l.'.O. BROAD COVR (St. John's\ a fish- ing settlement in the district of St. John's, Xfld., 10.', miles from St. John's. Pop. :?!).'). BROAD COVR (Thinity), a Pmall fisliing sefilement in the district of Trinity, Mid l»op 21. BROAD COVR, a village in Digby CO., N.S., situated on Digby Neck, near 48 BRO St. .Marys Buy, G miles from Digby. it contains 2 stures. Poi>. 20 i. BROAD COVR, or CIIKitRV HILL, a post village in liUnonburg co., N.S., on the sea coast, 2 t miles from Bridge- water. I'op. ;!it(i. liROAl) COVR CHAPEL, a post settlement in Inverness co , N.S., on tiie (iidf of St. jjuwrence, 'M uiAa from Matiou. I'np. b">0 BROAD CI{RRK, Monck co., Ont. See I'ort Maitlaiid. i5l;0Al)IIAGEN, or BRODHACRN, a jiost Village in Pertli cu , Out., ,") miles frtm Carronbrook. It lias a saw mill, fia.K mill, rope factory, snaj) ami candle factory, and a pi inting oilice issuing a weekir newspaper. Pop. 200. BROADLAN'bS, a j.ost villagB in Bonaventnre co.. Que., 5 miles from Canr bvllt n. N.B. Po]). 50. BROAD lilVKR, a small village in Queens eo., N.S., 8 miles from Liver- jtool. Pop. i;!0. BROADVILLR, Hastings co., Ont. See Rutledgeville. BROCK, a post ofTicr» in Ontari) CO., O It., 10 mil s from Cauuington. JiHOCKAWAY, Vorkco., N.B. Sec Magiigiiaihivic. BIOCKTO.V, or LIPPIXCOTT, a post vdiage in York co , Out., .''. miles from Toronto, it Las a ro(»e factory and several stores. Pop. 250. BilOCKVILLE, an electoral district in the S. R. part of Ontario, comprise.^ lip' town of Brockville and township of Rli/.id)ethtown, having the St. Law- rence fur its S. boundary. Area 75,200 acres. It is traversed from K. to W. by the Grand Trunk railway, and from S. to N. by the Brockville and Ottawa railwav. 'Pop. 10,475. BROCKVILLE, thechief town of the united counties of Leeds and Grenvillc, Ontario, is situated at the f( ot of the Lake of a T.'iousand Islands, on tlio left bank of the St. Lawrence, 125 milos S.W. of Montreal. It is a jiort of entry, an unportaut station on the G. T. K., the southern terminus and head office of the B. & O. R., and a jiort of calling of all steamers plying on the St. Law- rence. The streets of the town are well laid out, lighted with gas, and ador.ied ' with nuinerotis handsome building.?, c Here are ag.^ncies of the Bank of .Mon- ' treal and Molson's Balik, two telegraph and several lire and life assurance com- fc- BRO 49 BRO frnm Digby. ). '20 '. KilUV HILL, iirtf CO., N.8., J from IJr'ulgi;- lPEL, a ro3t s cii , N.8,, •iici', 'M miles ick CO., Ont. RDDHAdEX, 1 Cm , Out., 5 It liiid a saw Dry, SiiVji uml jiiintiiij,' oilico ;)iT. l*o|i. 'MO. )At villiigB in 5 mile 3 from .. r.o. null villapfc in L'ri I'l'oiu Livt'f- ing3 CO., Ont. e in OntP.ii) Caiiuinn'tou. CO., M.U. tSee 'PTXCOTT, a , Out., :'. miles ro()c I'iiciory 2.")(). toral district irio, coiiipvist'S and township the 8l. Law- Area 7r>;20i) rom E. to W. way, .111(1 tVora and Ottawa cf town of the lud (I'-envillc, II' f'( ot of the laivls, on till) encc, 125 miles ])()rt ofoiitrv, tlu> (}. T. U, nd lii'iul ollico ort of calling 11 the St. Law- town arc well s, and adorned me b'lilding;, Hank of Mon- two tcdograph ssurancu com- pnnioa. Tho town contains a largn num- ^ idf sinri's, a foundry nnd inacliino Jill p, Inrilicjir id net ion I if steam engines and niaci mtr" of every dcHcriplion, a .'lur^'c .stove fo "idrv, a manufactory of '■htiid wai • itiid iilMir-riaving niacliines, a Mvtiiie lad 1 dory, buck and ki(l. rKOlKVILLK, 11 small s-filcinent in All'. I eo.. N I!, 7 miled from Hopewell Co HIT. I'op. 7."'. Di-.onilAtJEN, Perth co., Ont. See Br' ai!ha';va. IJIMI.MK, a c'innty of Qnohcc, boiindtd on the E. by Lake Meuniiuv- ¥ag ir, a id on the S. by tiie folate of eriiiuiit. Area ;>'iii.4,k") acres. Thi^< flounty i,^ draiiH'il by a number of ttreiiiiis, ai'd t;.iver.sed by the South las em r.i.lway. Capitai, Knowlton. ll.'M IM !•;, 'nr RROAIE COR\ER. a post lld'agi' in ilr'Hie eo . Que., on a branch . ^.-.i). : lU:t).Mi:.Mi;ui;, a po=!t village in R-onic CO., Que., J milesfrom Waterloo. l>0|i. l")i». .UiiM'.ME .MOrVTAIV, a bold elera- i^w of al.out 1.0 1 1 feet near West Shef- Mrd, Hrome co.. Que. jliUO.ME WUUDS, Bromo co., Que. See inn HiU. IBUOMPTOX. a post office in Rich- jiond CO., Que., 4 moes from Bromptou ^■BlVoMPTON' FALLS, or ST. FRAX- WS .MILLS, a thriving post village in Bichmond co.. Que , on the River St. Iraiicis, witli a station on theCr. T. R., •.miles Siieibrooke. Ithasatele- j|fraph ollice, several saw mills, a paper ■pill, and an extensive lumber trade. Pop. 500. lillO.NTE, a thriving post village in alton CO., Out., at tiie entrance of |welve .Mile Creek in LakeOntario,with |6tali()n on the G. W. R., 2G miles S. W. Toronto. It coutaina a telegraph office, irintingoffico, and several storoi and hotels. I'op. 550. liROOKiU'i'.V, a post village in Ciimpton CO., Que., 2(> miles from Len- no.will". I'op. 1(10. IiliOOKE, a hamlet in Lambton co., Ont. It has 1 store. BROOKKIELU, a post village in Coiciioter CO.. N.S., on the I. R., 5;i miles from llalifa.\. it contains a telej,^raph ollice, 3 stores, 2 hutc Is, and a tannery. There are dejiosits of iron ore ill till' vicinity. Pop. 150. BI'iOOKFIELD, a post village and district ill Quct-n's co , N.S., 27 miles from Liverpool. Pop. of distrn^t iMO. BROOKLAND, a small .settlement in Pictou CO., N.S., 8 miles from West River. Pop. 150. HROOKLLV, a thriving jjost village in (Jntario co., Ont., on liie W, & 1'. P. R., ti miles from Whitby. It contains 4 large tiouring mills, a tannery, au iron foundry, several furniture tiictories, a telegraph oflice, KLY.\, a village in Yarmouth CO., N S., 2 miles from Yarmouth. Pop. 250. BliUUKLYN, Hants co., N.S. 3e« Newport. Hl:Ot»KLYN, or HERRING COVE, a post village in Queens co., N.S., ou the eastern side of Liverpool harbor, 2^ miles from Liverpool. It contains 2"sore3, 1 saw mill, and several ship- yards. Pop. 300. BROOKLYN, or MUSGRAVE HAR- BOR, a Village or the west side of lionavista Bay, Nlhl., 10 miles from Indian Arm. It Las a good harbor. Pop. 203. BKOOKLYX STREET, a settlement in Kings co., N.S., 5 miles frwm Cold- brook. There are a number of small lakes in the vicinity. Po}i. 80. BROOKSDALE, a post village in Oxford CO., Ont., II miles from Beach- ville. Po|). GO. BROOKV'ALE, a post settlement in Queens co., .N.R., 20 miles from Apolia- qui. I'op. loo. BROOKVALE, or HIGGl.VS SET- TLE.\1EN1\ a jxjst ollice in Halifax co., X.S., 20 miles from Sluibenacadie. BROOK VILLAGE, Inverness co., N.S. See Shea's River. it' V .A' !• 11 1 1 '( ! !liji>! |ll»!! t ''I I !.' I H I i !!| i H"\ i 'it •!!'"! II !. If ^ I't 't ' : II!!' I 4't l|' 1^ ' ( t h; . I'i '^ I .,1 .1. , ii 4 !t!! i'ii' I V t BRU 50 nnOOKVILLE, a post settlement in Pictnii CO., N.S., 8 iiiilcs from New (ila^U'ow. I'o|). 120. JJUOOKVrMiE, i\ post, villfttre in Ciiiiihcrl.iiiil ro., jV.S.,f)ii ,Miiiii-i l!;(.siii,ir) inilcM fVnni I'firr boroiipli. i'op. Ind. iiUOOKVIIiM-:, ii sotllcmont in Ymp- moiith CO., N.S., IG luilc'S fr(jni Viir- moiitli. nUOOKVILLE, Compton co., Quo. Sen \l\ch\>v. HIJOOKVIMJC, Di^by co., X.S. Sec Boiivcr i.'ivcr. liROOKVlLLE, Ilnlton co.,0!it. Sec NasK!it!;awi'Vii. I5ll().'^SEA[rS, a station on the G. T. It. ((Mianiiilain division), in T.ii- prairif'co., ( iue.,l'J miles from .Montreal. HI!()i;(!JI A.M, or IJivVTMlVS {){)]{- NEH8, a post villat,^' in Ontario c >., Out., ]1 miles from Wliitl)V. I'oj". .M^n jjiiorciiToN, or ST. "I'lEf:!:!'; lij-: BROCCniTO.V, apo.stvillanrcin IJeaiico CO., Que., 54 miles IVom Quebec. I'op. 200. HROWX'S RROOK, a post omco in CumberliHid co., N.S. l!R()\VX.^[;i'R(J, a post villnpo in Argentouil co., Qui-., on a tribuiiiry of the Norlli IJiver, 4 mUes tVutii Laolni e. It contains 2 saw mil- nnl a cardins; and cloth fnctorv. V i). <'■'. BUOWNS CORNERS/UiUurio cj., Out. SeeAudlcv. iWlOW.X'S CORNERS, Simcoe co., Out. See Rosemont. HROWXS CORNERS, York co.,Ont. See Hullonville. BROW.N'S CREEK, a hamlet in Queens co., I'.E.I. li contains a store. l!ROWNSVIl.i>E, a post vi!b)'_r.! in Oxford c')., Ont., 13 milus fro'.n Inj^-or- soil. Pol). 100. rdJOWXSVlLLE, York co , Ont. See Schomberg. HRl'CE, a connty in tlie N.'W. part of Ontar'o, bordering on Like Huron, lias an area of 1,04^, !")(> acres. It is drained by the Saugoen riv<'r an 1 traversed by two railways, the T nio-.ito, Grey and Rruce, and Welliugtou, Gi'ey and Hrnce. Pop. 4^,51'). BlilK'KFIKLD, a ])ost village in Huron CO., 0:it., (i miles from Seaforth. It has a telegraph olllcc, 2 hotels, and 3 stores. Pi)p. :^50. BRUCE MIXKS, a post village in the district of Algoma, situated on the N. shore of Lake Huron, opposite the BRY cast end of tho Island of St. Joseph, on the location ot tin; liruce, \Vellington ami Huron Copper I!ay mines, .'isT miles (Voni Coilingwood, and 1.") jnih's ,S.E. of Sault Sie. Marie. It conlaiiis.'! clinrcli- cs and 5 stores. The copier mine:*, wliicii arc vry e.xt"i!sive, are worked by Jp'ssrs. Jo'hii Tayhir Sc Son.s. of London, Englaml. SlVamer.s from Col- li:ig\vo:)d and Sarnia touch at tiiis plaeft i;n roith- for Thunder llav, Fort Wi'liaui and Duluth. Pop ]:l'.ii HIM'DKXELL, a village in Renfrew co.. Out., 42 miles from Rc\i- f:'<\v. It has a telegraph oflico and 2 stores. Pop CO. P.ltlLfi, or PREWLEY. n small fish- i'lg .>--ettlenient on Lon;; l-innd. Phic n- ti.i Pay, Ntld., 11 imicd Irom Little Placeulia. Pop. (;7. BRULE HARI'.OI!, Colchester co., N.S. See Point PrnU'.. BRU.XET, a 1 isl.and at the entrance of Fortune Bay, NiM,, 4 miles from Har'"ir Briton. It has a lighthouse oxhii :ting a revolving wiiite light 408 feet above t!ie level of I he ;; :a. Pop. 80. BRi:XXErt.aiH)st village inPer^h CO.. Out., 14 miles fromStralford. Pop. r.o. BRUXS^VICK', a post village in Dur- ham, CO., Out., on the M. II., 21) mil'jj from Port IIo]>e. P.RUNSWICK, NEW. S:o New Brunswick. URU.SSKLS, an inmrporat'd village in Huron co., ():it., on ilie River .Mait- land, and on tho W. (}. ,i ]]. R. (South exien.^iou), 40niilesfroni Kiacardine. It contains G churches ( I Episco])al, 2 I'rediyterian and .'5 .Metliodist), G hotels, 2 ,. lOOO, BR VAX'S CROSS, a liami-t in Queens CO.. P.E.I. It contains an hotel. URVAXSTON, or COODWOOD, ft fo-t village in .\liddlese.\ co., C)nt., I'J mi'.os from Lo ulon. It contains 2 stores, and a saw niill, and has a good lumber trade. Pop. 100. BRYANTS COVE, a fishing settle- ment on the north side if Conception y>ay, Xfld., 9 miles from Harbor Grace. Pop. 2G3. 15 :. .To-pph, on ics, :J-<7inik'3 mill's S.K. of ill:!:*, cliiii'cli- )l»;i(r niiiK'r', lU'O workeil & S()llt«. of i'r.-< fn.-ni ('"I- iioli lit. \\\\^ IT r.ivv, Fort [) l.r.iV. t viUngo i'l 1 ■( fViiiii K"ii- [ill otlico and , 11 pmnll fisli- liuid. riiu" n- i Irom Little jlcliestor CO., tliP ontrnncc 4 lnil(•^^ from a lijrlitliousc ,-liite li;;lit .11)9 t:;il. Vo\K 80. tjo iiiPori.luo.; for.l. Pop. •'i'''- k-illnf;(> ill Our- 1. 1!,, 26 miK'3 S:o Nc\v inrnt'd village {ivT Miiit- Y 1'., II. (South |Ki:ic;irili;ie. It !V|ii.--('oi>iil, 2 l)(li-;l),(;liotL'l3, HI iron foiri- , 1 dour and let 'TV, a plfiu- fiiitrfiiraiturc nil, 2 drug, 6 ll ji wi'V.cry), a luvi iug oilico K«r. P.p. inOO. ii)i"t in Queens :i hotrl. ODWt^OD, a CO., Out., IJ X oontiiinS 2 [ul liu3 ll good Ifi-hing settle- ]-.f Conception lliirbor Grace. T3rL 'Jl TT^Y.^'ON, formerly n.vnr.nAVT:. n p,';.~l v:I!.i;,"' of <,'ii l)'<', c;ipit;il ot \\v CO of PiiM nc, on the ()ttiiu(i livrr. iit , tli" liiM'l of Ciilnmct F.i!l.>,H miles fif.m , I'(Ttii;.'c ilii Fort. CO miifM from OUnwii It . i.iiTiiJH I Fpiscoi>iil aiid I Pn-.-^liy- Jtcr ' :rcli. a tclcKriii'Ii oflicc, U 1 <)!i 1-*, 1 prist 1111(1 .«a\v milt, 111 pruilinc ('fliii' is.^uiiig a weekly w^fjip'r I'op 1.'.''0. i.ICKriF.I.O, a siiifill pettltinont in .1 1 11.; rn., N S , 'M inili'd from Alimi- ,.1 < pup. -to. I rrKIIoRN'. II post villnpo in Kent ro , (.>Mt 11 mik'sfrom ("Iiuthani. Pop. I5UR I T'CKINT.ITAM, an incori'oratod vil- la."- in Ohauii (■o.'.t^MK" .ontlic ThviiTC di Lirvre, iifiir its oiillct into the Otta- V.I, H nrlcj fiuni Ottawa. It lias 2 iiit'pririli olllrod ami ahoiil IS stores. A pliiiiiliiitrij niiiic IS worked in tliu tu'iiutv i'op 1 :!0I it ("KL.AND, ' or NOTRE DAME ,/r.v '..\TR1CE, a po.t viliaR!,' in B'H so CO , Que, 27 milci from St C'li: t contains ^, saw am! card-- |ii;,Miii.. , and 3 stores. Pop. li'iO. l;r('KIiA\V, a post olTice in Victoria to. \ S ■' !;i-('K[.rv ?, (T rviox RQFARE. a po-l i-rtiliiii 111 1 1 Kin^^ CO., N IS., 18 tn:\-H fr III Ke itvillo i'op loo ^ RITKSIIOT.MILLS, a small village Jn Frniitiuac co , Out., 4:5 miles from *fenii;l'.s F.ills |'o|, 35. '■ iU'riorclIP;, a tlmving post vil- l;:e in Kent co., Xl! , on Ductouclie or, 21 mil ',s from ,Slici!iac It con- iiisa li'Ui,a;ii.!i ofiice, 8stores.2 hotels, 'lk :- iw mill, and several shipyards. :fop ntio f FFLL COVE, a fishing sottleraent on fif ti'ir'.li sidcof ('oneeplion Hay. Nlid., nr.'cs from Hngiis pup 15t) '*l!i'LL()('KSC()!;XERS,a village in Went worth co., Out , }, mile from Diin- i;i-LSTi;ODE. or ST VALERIE DE JI'LSTRODE, a post village m Artha- ia.. a small fishing -ettliix'nt (Ul the west .sidi' (ifPlacentia Iliiy, Nlhl., 1:5 miles from Placeutia. Poji. :>:). RIIRGE.^SVILLE, a post vilhigo in O.xford CO., Out., 11 miles from WDod- stuck. It contains a woollen factoiy, and a cheese f.ictorv. Pop 2r!i). i;FR(U)VXE, of STARK'S Coll- NERS, aposl vilhigo in IJriice co , Out., 2:5 miles from U'iil';erton. Pop, RFRC.r.M'S COVE, a s-Mtli niMit on Ramhun Sound, nortli arm of Trinity Day, Nlid TIk' surroutidiag >0'U":y is very beaulifi.l. Slate CiUiiriies are W(uked here. Pop. 40. LFRIX, a pi-sL town and port of entry, on the west side of Plaeeiitia Hay, Xlld.. 102 iinles from St. Joiiu's. It has a line luirbur, wiili twoentnuices. The inhabifant? are cliielly eneMj^jed in tlic fi.-herles A steamer runs between St. John's and Burin once a. loriuight Pop ]..S,"0. RUIILEIGIT, a post village and river port ill PeteilMroiij^Ii co.. Out., on the Otonabee livi r, 26 miles from Lakeiidd. Pop 120. lilJRLlXGTOX, apostofTicc in Kings CO., N S., 2 miles from Ilarborville. BURLIXGTOX, a post village in Prince co., P.E.I., ?,'> miles from Ohar- lottetown. Pop. l.'"»0 BURLIXGTOX, Hants co., X.S. See Ken net cook i;[:RXnRAR. n post village in Nortli- imiberlaiid co.. Out, , 2.^ miles frum r.elleville Pop 200. lUTRX COVE, a small fishing settle- ment in the district of Ferryland, Nil 1,, on the strai* bhore, 2S miles south of St .John's Pep 7.3 BURNIIAMTHORPE, a post village in Peel co , Out , 7.', miles from Malton. Pop .50 iCRN ISLAXD, an island off the west coast of Placentia Ray, Nlid., 5 miles from Paradise. Pop. 53. liURNLEY, or GRIM SUA WE'S MILLS, a jiost village on Mill Crcekj in M ':>' iw Northuaiberland co., Ont., 14 miles I i ll! It ii i ! 111' ! •!:... nil .'ii i !!«•"' liji ; m i! •! !i';la ^tl I. • t ,,! ' 1 ,:i l! BUIl from Collioriio. It contuins jurist, saw ami s!; iij^lo iinll.^. I'op. '2")0. lU'li'NS, ft post vilIa;j;o ill IVrlli co., Out , 'j:: iii'l- tVuiii Slratlbrtl. l\)\). '>0. lU'R.N'SIUI':, ii post odicc in MiniMi-Uc CO., Muu , 1) luilua Iruui I'urliiyc la Prairie HU I iXSTOWX, n post villafru in nt'iitVi'w CO , I) It., oil till" Madawaska rivor, l.^i niiti's (Voiu Aniprior. It con- tains 1 sawmill and ;> slort'S. Pop. I'U). lil'UN'T CIU'liCH, a Most siMil.'in.-nl in N'orlluiinbi.'ilaii(l CO., N.l> ,on tin- W sitli; of the .Miraniiclii river, 20 miles from Oliiithain. Poi). 2i)(). lU'KNT COAL, a post .'Settlement in Hants CO, N.S., on Miiias IJasin, ;i() miles (Vom Slinlienacadie Pup. 70. UriiNT UKAI), a small (ishing.settlc- iiicnl ou tlie \ side of Coiie'-ption Bay, N'lld.,2 miles from Hrifjns l*oit. 77. lU l;\r ISLANM), one of a <,n(Hip of islands on the west side of Bo lavista Bav, N'dd., 7 nulea from CJreen's I'oiul. Pop. i:!0. Bl'KXT ISLAVD, one of a group of ishuids off the southern eoa miles from Bra.nU.rd I'o > no Bl'RTON, a \>>.n v.lla,'- in Durham co,('!it . \1 uiile-i from ILtiiaiiy. Bi'liroX, a po-! villa-' and in Sunbiiry co.. N B , on the St river, IS miles from Krederictou. I.O.IO BCUTO.N'S BOND, a mining .settle- nieiit on the uorli iaii.-:|i John Bop. !e miles above its junction vitli th" Tlioin; .-on.'ilO niile.=5 from Now We.stiiiinster. It contain.-! a black.>Hiith ehopot'ip' a 111 inn, anil .-ome luiliaii hut.s. CACOl'NA, a post village in Temi.s- coiiata CO . (,Mii'., on the south shore of the St. Lawreuc ', willi a station on the G. T. 11., 1.31 miles l).'h>w Quclx'c. This is tiie fa-hio'iable wateriui^ place of tiie I)i)miniou ; t!iouli odici", and churches of three denom'uatiu is, (,'liureh of Kngland, Ro- man Cath.ilic, iiiid Presbyterian. The Quebec and Sau'nenay sfi-amers call at Hiviere dn Loup, 5 miles from Cacouna, durinir t'n' summer CAD.MU: vost ■a-on. ofliee I'oi. <'4l. in Durham CO.. Out . I"i luili's from Kethiuiy Cil'SARl'].\, a iK)sl viihifre in Durluim CO., Out., IS m l<'s from H iwnianvilje. It eoii'aius a siw mill l\)\) 2iiO CAINS MOUNTAIN, a settlement in Vietoi'ia CD , N.S (IAIN'S RIV::R,a post villagein Nor- th unbeiland CO., N.H., 3U miles from Newcastle I'oi.. 100. CAIN.SVILLE, or CAYUGA IIEIGIITS, a post village in Brant co., Ont., on Grand river, with a station on the(; T R ,(i!'iiraloaiidGodcrichdivi. siou,) ■' iiiiles from Ihaiitford. I'op .'500. CAINTO\VN,a post villag- ;n Leeds CO , Out., 4 miles from Mallnrylown. It con'auis a saw null l*i»t' 'JJO. CAIRNGOR.M, or MOUNT IIOPK, also called K.\TESV'ILLE, a post vil- lage in Miihlli sex co , Out ,oi a bruMch of tlie Sydenham river, 9 mih.s from Stralhrov I'op. If.O CAISEYS POINT, a s-ttl'iuent in Kelt Co, N.I), on .Noriliniubcrlaiul strait, 10 miles from She(liac. Pop loo. CAISTORVILLE, a jiost village ia Lincoln co., C)ut., (ui (yhipjicwa Cieek, 8 miles from Caiifield Pop pio. CALAP>0(}IE,a j)ost village in Ren- frew CO., Out , on tiK'.Madawa ka river, L'O miles from Arnprior It contains 'i stores and 13 taverns CALDI:F{, a post village* in Middle- sex CO., Out., 8 miles from St Thomas. Pop. I'JO. CALDWELL, a post vill.ige in Card- well en , Ont., .'i miles from Charleston. Poi). 7"). C ALKDON, or CIIA RLESTON ST A- TIO.N, 11 post village in Cardwtdl CO, Ont., on the T G. & 15. U., 41 miles from Toronto. It i.s surrounded bv a good wheat count rv. Pop. ."^no. 'C.ALEDOX EAST, or PAISLHY, a post village in (vardw(dl co , Out., on the T. G Si li. R , 1.1 mile.s from Mono station Poi)."liOO. CALEDONIA, a post seltl'inent in Albert co., N !>., H miles from Hills- borough and 22 miles from Salisbury. Pop. 200. CALEDONIA, a post villacro in Caj.e r>ret()u CO., N.S., on tin' S'lUth side uf Little Glace Ray, Iti miles from Sydney. Extensive mines are worked here by the Caledouia ('()m;i!i'iy. Prp. 2"i'). CALKD(>NlA.or.^KNMCA,an iiicor- jiorated village in llaldim.ind co., Out., situated (ui the Grand river, at the junction of the Grand Trunk and Ham- ilton and Lake p]rie r.iilways, b; mib-s S.\V. of llamiltor, 17 miles ES.E of Rrantford. It posse-ses excelhnit w.aier j)Ower privilege-', ami contains saw and grist mills, a large foundry and inaehine sliop,a woollen fact()ry,a telegraph otliec, and a number of stores A weekly newspaper is published here. Pop 1,21(). CALEDONIA, a post village 'b ^ ^li' n ilie Ottawa river, 12 miles from I'ortago du Firt, and 72 miles from Oitawa Steamers call here during season of navigilion. I'op l.OSO CA.MRORXE, or^SPRlXG MILLS, a po;t village m Northmuberland co , Ont., () Hides from Cobourg. It cou- tiiins saw and grist mills. Pop 120 CA.MIJRIA, a pest, village' in Argen- tenil c)., i)\ic , 9 miles from St. Jer une, IH mil s from Lachute. It contains 2 churel;(>s, 2 stores, I saw mill and 1 grist uuil. Poi*. 700. CAM C AMRRAY, a post villau'e in Victori.t CO., Ont , on the M. R., i'.) mih'S from Port Ilnpc. It contains saw and grist nulls, and a telegrapli office Pop 2r)0, CAMHRlDOE,a post pettleiuent m Queens co , N.I'., 45 md'.'s from St John Po]) 1.50. CAMHRIDOE, a post, village in fhiiits CO . X.S., on .Mihiis I^!sin, 22 miles from Newport. Pep. ]i;0 CAMBIUDOE/orSlIARPSlSRinrrR, a village in Kiii'rs en., X..S., on Cornwall is river, 7 miles from Kent- ville. Poo. 180 CAMnniDCE STATIOX. a pest village in Kin:rs co , X S., mi the W. & A li, ?-2 m.lesfr^in WneL-nr. CAMOEX, a small villag> in Adding- ton CO , Ont , IM miles fri,m X i;iiiuee. CA^iDEX EAST, or CLARK'S Mlld^S.also called CL ARKE.-Vjl.LE, a thriving post vilho/e in Aildington CO , Ont., on the X'ajianoo river, 9 miles from Napani'e. It posse-ses un- limited water power, and conains a telegraph oirice, n caniiig mill, and grist and s;)w mills P >;' 5oO. CAMER()X. a postoflleoin Inverness CO , N S , 4 miles from Margiree Forks CAMEROX,a po>t villairein Victoria CO . Ont , 8 miles from Lindsav. Pon, (iO CAMEIiOXTOWN, a i^ost office m Glengarry co.. Out. cAMlIJiA, a post village in Card- well CO . Ont , on Xottawasnga rivn-, miles from (.)rangeville It coniains saw. grist and shingle mills. Pop. 100 CAMLACIIIE, a iiost village in Lanibton CO , (.>nt , near Lake Huron, Avilh a staiion on tlie G. T L' , 1:5 miles E. of Sarnia It has 2 tel'graph ollices, 5 stores, 1 hotel, and .'{saw mills. Pop 50 (J AMPnELLFORn,a nourishing post village in N'ortliuaiberKral co , Out , situated on the River Trent, 20 mih'S from Brigiiton. It ))ossess"s e.vcellent water power privileges, and has siytM-al grist mills, a tannery, 2 woollen and carding Midls, a telcLMaidi o'lic, and a numbiM" ( f stores Pop 1,00!) CAMPP.ELI/S, a station on tl;e MR., 10 ii:'.ie3 from Port Hope. It has a telegraph office. CAMPr.ELL'S CROS.-!, or OmLLV, a post vilhige in Peid ci , Out , 8 miles from Brampton. Pop 15u. CAN 55 CAN "" m Victoria luil'S from ■ Pop -JJO. ttlrllHMlt in js from St villa cro in 4 rus'in, 22 >., N.S., OR from Kent- X. a post 'II tlio W. k. ■or. 'in Adding- Ni;i;im'c. Ci-ARKS '>• CA.MPilELL SETTLEMENT, or BL}>n'S\V\l'.l'^, a post solilement m York CO., N.15., 48 miles from Frederic- ton. Pop- '-^"O- CAMl'llELLTOX, n seaport town of Resiiguucbe co., N.I5., siiuaied at the entrance of tlio llesliKonclie river in l!aiu (lis Clialeiir.^, with a station on tl.e I. R., 200 inilcs from Riviere dii Lonp, IG miles from Daliionsie. It is the uortlii'inniost town in the jirov- ince; it contains a telegraph oflice, 12 or 1:') stores, 3 liote).^, and several mills, and has a eunsiderable trade in Inmber and lisli, especially i-;aliiion. During eeason of iiavig.uion u steamer runs once a week li iwcen Camjibellton and bhediaiv Pop. i;"0. CA.\iPI]ELLT()X, a small •■illago in O.vfurd CO., Out., 14 miles from luger- Boll. Pop. loo. . CAMPl-KLLTOX, or CLIFTON, a post village in Prince co., P.E.I., 43 miles from Siininn'isale. Pop. liJO. CAMP1;KLLV1LLE, a post village in Ilalton co., Uut., 14 miles from Wel- ; linglon Scpiare. It contains a woidleu fjictory, 2 sav/ mills, and a Hour mill. ' Pop. 2"iiO. CA.MPDEX, a post village in Lineoln CO., (»:il., 4 miks from lieamsville. Pop. !i'J. CA.MPO r.ELLO, an Inland about 8 miles lo.ig, bulongi;ig to New IJruns- wiek, ill liie Lay of Fiiiuly, at the entrance of Pa.-s imaquoildy Lay. Le- t\\\eii the ii.ain ship elrinncl and the northern entrance into Head Ilaibcjr is ft lixi'd light, f.!0 f'cl above high water Diark. Lat. 44 57 40 N. ; Ion. GG= 54 lu W. Poo. I.uT:!. CAMPU liLLLO, or WELSH POOL, a jiost \\llagi' and porl of entry (lU CainpoLllo L!aud, oppo;ule Easijiurt and Lubi'C, tlu; two extreme eastern towns in ilij State of Maine. A good [ trade is ay ; but beyond the basin of the St La^rreuce it Is traversed by two alTluents of this bay, the Sai^katcU'wan and the Churchill, tiie former taking its source in the Rocky Mountains ; "While, still farther on, the range be- cnmes the Innit of Hudson's Bay rivers, dividiii'/ their sources and those of the Back river and other streams, for 8o0 miles, from the Mackenzie river In the valleys and lower parts of the Lau- rentian region there are consideralilc areas of g.)od land, having a deep, rich Boil, and bearing heavy timber. In the higher parts the rigor of the clinate scarcely permits tlie cultivation of the cereals. Tiie southern range (called Notre Dame Mountains) is a sj'ur of the Alleghanies, which, <'oninieticing at the Gulf of St. Lawn nee, forms a pro- longed chain of mountains tiu'ough tlie Stales as Uv as Virginia. In its course through Canada it runs nearly paralltl to the IlivorSt. Lawrence at, IVoni 20 to 50 miles distance ; and passes south of Lake Cliamplain Its greatest eleva- tion on tlie Canadian side (the Shiek- shock Mountains on tiie Gaspe jienia- sula,) 13 tt!)out 4,000 fet. Tlie Blue Muiintains on the S. Mde of G.'orgian Bay allain a lieiglit of l,9oO feet,abuve the level ofLake Huron, The country lying between Lake Superior and tlie Rocky Mountiiins i- inter-^ccted by nuuierons cliaius of moiaiiai is, witu extensive valhys of fertile lauds inter- vening. Tlie Rocky .Mountains, the dcauina-it ridge of the conlnent, stretch from Alaska to Califirnia. Some peaks on Cinadian territory attain a height of 13,000 feet. Beiweeii these moautains and the Pacific coast, are the Selkirk Mountuins, the Gold Range, the great central hill;- i)lutcau or table laud, and the Coast or ('.iscade Range. All these mountain chains as well as the central iilaleau have a general N.W. and S.E. course. The Cascade Range is the nort.iward extension of the Sierra Nevada; the central plateau bears a similar relation to i ^e great vol- canic arid and hilly table laud of the Slate of Nevada; and the Selkirk and Gold Ranges may be |)ar:illelled with the Bitter Root Mountains between Mou- taua and Idaho. Tiie highest points of the Cascade Mountains ilo not ex- ceed 7,0.10 feet. Tlie plateau has a 1 average elevation of from 1,000 to :!,000 feet. The Selkirk Mountains, towards the north, m the v'einity of Cariboo and about the sources of the I Ncrlh Thompson, have a somewhat i greater average elevuiion than the 1 Cascades. The highe.s, known summits of the Rockv Moiiut;;ius are Mount M'lrcliison, Mount lloo er and Mount I Brown, estimated a'- Irom 12,000 to 1J,()U0 feet. They have never been ascended. Of the jirincinal ])art of the ti'rriiory lying around Hudson's Bay little is yet known. Mmiu-iih. — The Dominion of Canada contains within its limits almost every variety of mineral w.alih. The golu deposits of British Col imbiaand Nova "M Srn| on Sco ten lod Pi.' ate '.'>n\ degree of latitude, and for a w'dlh of from 1 to 2i)i» miles, gold is f uiid ne Illy everywhere. Pro- fitable giild muies are worked in the county of IJea ice, Quebec. Gold is also found in the c(uinty of Hastings, Ontario; on the banks of the S'.iikte- hawk, a triiuit ry of tiie River St. John, (New Hrunswick) ; on the Athaliasca, McLeud and Pembina rivers, which liow into the Arctic ocean ; and oi t'lc .N'orth Sa-ikatchewan, Red J) 'CI' and 1! w rivers, tlowing into the Like Winnipeg. Tlie Rhickfeet Indians have been so hostile to miners m the Saskatchewan camtry that it Was only in the neighl)orhood of the Hudsun s l!ay Cnmpany's feats that continied washing for gold could be carried on In the neighborhood of Fort Jvhiiunton from S.'! to $12 worth of gold has frecpiently been washed in a dav bv one man. Miners who have Vjiiteil'the gold fi, Ids of the North "West Territories pri claim them to be onorniMusly rich. K\t!aordinary depo- sits of silver ore are found m several i-lands en tlie N'. shore of Lake Supe- ruT ; al- » m nuuiorcnis veins of argenti- ferous galena scaltered over that portion of Quebec to the south of the St. Law- rence. Sdver is also found in Nova Scotia, and in the Fra-er valley in British Culuinbia. Copper is abundant in every jinrtion of the Dominion— in British Columbia, the .N'ortli West Ter- ritories, Ontario, Qiieliec, New Brnn.s- wick and Nova Scotia. The copper mines of Ontario are very valuable. (>ii the shores of Lake Huron and Siqierior copper is found in large ro- duced from this ore for ujiwards of a century. At the mouth of the Moisic river, about 3uO miles be- low Quebec, there is a vast deposit of magnetite, estimated to contain aljout 20,000,01)0 tons of iron. It l:es on the Biirface in the shape of black sand, per- fectly free fromsul[)huror liho^pllorous, and the iron ma uif ictured is of su[ierior quality and peculiarly suited to the nKinumctnre of the linest steel, dlge tools, &c. Iron if, also found m Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and in the Saskatchewan valley In the former province it is melted and maniifictured on a large scale on the i leqnid Mountains. Chromic iron, a iiuneral which is highly prized for the man- ufacture of the chromates of potash and lead, and for the jiroibu'tion of many beautiful red, yellow, and green f m I '. f i m WW :1 ' li" fm rr m il !| ■4 ■< II 'I 'I 1!' •"I ■ ; ' .11 : r"||iM i ,'• » ,-. f' •'!' nit ii:;fc H!*''. '' I' i « ' -m ;HH CAN colors, is found ia considerable quanti- ties in tlie KubUu'ii Towusliips of C^ue- bec, and in liiu iSliiclvsliocli Mouutuias. Iron ochred aro (ii:-;tributod iu uiiuiy parts of Ciiuada, and ciiieliy iu asdociu- tion witli the \h)'^ iron ores. Some of tliBse beds liiivc been partially woil^ed and supijly an cxeidleut material, of a great varieiy of shades of color. The iron oc'ires of Canada are equal to those of FraucJ. Niekel and Cobalt are found iu several hjcalities iu Can- ada, but ciiielly on the N. shore of Lake liunui and Lake Superior. Piian- bugo or giaiiliite oeears iu workable quantities near O.tawa, in rear of Kingston, and near tit. John, X.H. Sul- phalu of barytL's, soa[)stone, lithogra- phic stone, lia, zinc, bismuth, auiimouy, niagui'sia, ami manganese arc found in sevural parts of liie Dominion. iMica is found in great abundance and of extreme puniy in Gronvilltf, on the Ottawa nvor, and in the township of North Uurges.s, near the Ilideau canal. Thure are very large deposits of i)bos- phate of liino bi'hind Brockville and at otlier i)laces in Ontario. Large quan- tities of iron pyrites aro found near these dei)Osits. Tlie conditions are therefore favorable for the manufac- ture of suii)huric acid, and for convert- ing tlie phosphate of Inne into super- phoS[iliate f.jr manure. Beautiful ser- pentine and verd antique marbles are found in dilfrcnt pans of Quebec, and in Cape Breton there is a niarblis mountain which contains some of the linest .siiecimcns of white and colored marble, Springs of petr(dei.m or mineral oil occur iu several locali- ties in the 8.\V. i)art of Ontario, and from the numerous wells already sunk mdlions of gallons have been taken. The od bearing rock (Lower Devonian Inneslone,) extends over a large porticm of the western peninsula; and though one I'art after another may be exhausted and abandoned, and the exhaustion of the whole region is but a matter of time, it will probably be long before oil boring has travelled over the whole productive district. On tne Gaspe pcuiiisula natural springs yield- ing small amounts of jjetroleum arc found over a considerable area. The oil in this region occurs in the u])per Silurian rooks. There arc no le.-^s than 60,000 acres of peat lands in Quebec, 58 CAN not including the great bed in the Island of Anlicosti, which contains ns man}'- more, and at least 30,000 acres in (•nturio. In many of tlic bogs the peat attains a depth of 10 and 'JO feet, anil even more. It is compressed and used for various puri)oses, with success, instead of coal. Of the other mineral.s coal is the most inii)ortant. It is f )unJ in Xova Scotia, in Xi'W Brunswick, in British Columbia, and in the North West Territories. The coal fields of Nova Scotia are of vast extent and value, and have been W(U-ked more or less since the first setil mi nt of the colony by the British. Tli'! most im- portant mines are at Bictou and Sytlncv, C.B. Tliey contain a sullicient q'.ia;:- tiiy to su])|)Iy the wi:ole .steam navy of Great Britain for many centuries to come, and also to meet amply the do- mauds of the other North Ainericau c donies bordering on the Atlantic. The coal mines of British Columbia aro even more v.aluable than the gold. Bitu- minous coal is found on Vancouver Island in several places, especially along tbe East coast. The coal is of fair quality, superior to the Scotch, but not equal to the Welsh. Veins of coal have been found in other parts of the Province. Anthracite coal, very ex- cellent in quality, is found on Queen (Charlotte's Island. The coal fields of New Brunswick cover an area of about lu,000 square miles. The Albert coal is one of the most beautiful of all car- l)oniferou3 products; it is jet black, brilliant and lustrous, with a conchoi- dul fracture, and is extremely brittle. It is chielly used in the manufacture of illuminating oils ('>f which it yields, by distillation, a large per centage, a id of the very best quality,) and gas The coal mined at Grand L ike is of an excellent quality, being bard, rather lustrous, giving out much lieat in burn- ing, and lasting longer than most other coal. The great coal bed of the North West Territories commences 1")0 miles Last of tbe Rocky iMountains. It is 300 miles in width, and extends over 10 degrees of latitude, to the Arctic Ocean. There are no coal mines in Ontario or Quebec. Salt springs, strongly saturat- ed, are numerous in New Brunswick, and salt wells of great richness are worked in the counties of Ontario bor- dering ou Lake Huron. Agates, jaspers, ■-J^ <>> *llide 'IVliie ■ lulf Da.-iu '.fttiar; ■'#'-''■' pn :lieai-i ,'• I"-'' .'the SI ■•'tjwei'i •the d $00 11 Lake; tui«er rie .fcav > ,$liles ,|he n 'lile: the: Icr c( Jtates ',000 »sten jrtioi He ri\ United 'the ' riuci| IW IV \ .Ma CAN 59 CAN bod in the contains as 30,000 acres tlic boj?3 the and 20 feet, ijiresscd and ,vitli success, lun* minerals . It U f')und {ruiiswick, in I tlio Norlli oal fields of extent and •kod more or nil nt of the '111! most ini- . and Sydney, lieient q;ui'.:- toam navy of centuries to inply tlic do- lli American die Atlantic. Didnmbiix ar^ legold. liitu- n Vauconvcr s, especially lie coal is of Scotch, but Veins of coal parts of the oal, very ex- id on Queen coal fields of irca of about ■ Albert coal il of all car- 3 jet black, a conchoi- inely brittle, nufacture of li it yields, r centan;e, y,) and gas L ike is of luu'd, rather leat in burn- n most other of tiie North OS 1")0 miles ins. It is 300 ids over IG rctic Ocean. . Ontario or igly saturat- Brunswick, riclmess are Ontario bor- ates, jaspers, iamond.i, rubies, pearls, feldspar, imelhy.siti, carnelians, ciialcedonics. lirnguruis, porphyrie;^, '.'.'/s Jiioers, Lalcpn, vhieli the river exi)ands— Juperii;!', il;!-'.!!, Miehijian, St. Clair, trie and (luiario,— willi its estuary, ivo an apja of about l.']o,OviO square ,|(ules, leaving for the lands drained by ""le river an area of 4JU,OoO square lili's. At I'ast ;!:ju.0')O square miles If thos'^ brio 1^ to Canada, the lemain- ler consiiiu'a'S a part of the United Itates. Willi the exception of about ),(H|i) sqiare miles (including the JfLole of the Gaspu peninsula) in the istcin jia; t of Quebec, the Canadian jrtiun lies wli(dly on the N. side of le river, while tlie only part of the fnitcd Slates wliich does so is situated - the west end of Lake Suiierior. Tiie riiici|al rivers flowing into the St. iwroMce arc the Oitawa, SOO miles 1^'', wiih many large tributaries; the .Maurice, 400 miles long ; the IJali.s- In, ihe ChauiJiere, the liijidielieu, the Francis, the llanulton, the .Moisic, nuina'ae, the Ste. Anne, and the |ir;hty S.igiienay. The other chief rers in the Dominion are the Saskat- iewan, whicii ris;'S in tlie Rocky Moun- lins, tn verses lo of longitude, or a Istance <'f at least 900 miles, and falls ito the (Ireat Luke Winni^ieg in lal. '" X. Tnis lake is connected with ludson's Day by the Nelson river, ^out 500 miles in length. Lake Lthalia-ea, siliiated about lat. ')'S L and lou. Ho W., receives, among Ihers, ihe I'eace lliver and the Atlia- ?ca, a large stream rising in tlio )cky .Mouutttias ucar the source of the Columbia. The Fraser river, the golden stream of British Coiumbia, rises in the Ivocky Mounta"ns and en- ters the Pacific after a course of about Too miles. The Columbia, I'J^iO miles long, also rises in the Docky .Mountains. The Mackenzie, eiitcing' the Arctic Ocean, is one of the largest rivers on the globe. East of it, ami also flowing into ihe Arctic, are the (Joppermiue and Fish rivers. Tiic Gatineau, llif Keepa- wa, the Matawan, the .Mista~siui, the Churchill, the Dumoine, the .Mirair.iclii, the llestigoiKdio, the St. J(diu, the Avon, the Clyde, the Grand, the Trent and the Nijugon are all important rivers, and the tireat Bear, Great Slave, Manitoba, Lake of the Wooils, Mistas- sini, St. John, Nipigfin and Nijiissing are all magniiicent lakes, but they are so fully described among the rivers nnd lakes that it is unnecessary to repeat them here. The rivers and lakes of the Dominion number several thousands. Of tlies^! descrijjtions of over 1.500, which include all the most imi)ortant, are given in another part of this woik. Clrnale. — The climate of Canada 13 nearly the same as that of Norway, Sweden, St. I'eter.sburg, a id the S. of Iceland. Both the heat of summer and the cold of winter are much greater than in the corresponding laiiiudes of Europe. The climate of Ni va Scotia is extremely temperate, considering its northern latitude. In Ilalif.ix and the eastern counties the mercury seldom rises in summer above 8o' in the shade, and in winter it is not often down to zero. In the interior the Avinter is about the same, but the sum- mer is Considerably^ wanner. The climate of New Brun.swick is subject to great extremes (d' lieal ai.d cidd ; the thermometer sonn'tinies ri.iiig to UtO' during the day and fidling in the fu'est during the night (jf the same day to 50 . Still the clinialf is ex- ceedingly healthy ami favoi-able tor agricultural operations. The climate of Prince Edward Island is much mild- er than that of Nova Sentia or New Brunswick, and is remark ib!y salubri- ous. The winter is long and cold, but the summer is cmine itly littyd fjr tlic growth of all ordinary cereals. The winters of Quebec are cold and the summers somewhat similar to those of !^¥ 111:' i III , ■'I ! :ri!l!l: i 1 ht! .' M '1 II If I; i.ll I . liiii '!«'■! ' ' .!»!'' i ,, ills. II ,iii .' ' I! ii h CAN Franco. There ure at times in winter snow-falls of 3 or 4 foot und the tliiT- nioiiujterriiiiks very low ; hut tlioatnins- pliere is pcMoniUv dry and exiiilaratinf?. Tiio Colli, tlieretbre, is not felt to be un]>leas!Ujt, in fact not netul}' so much so as the culd of the winters in England. The climate of tjucbcc is nltogethcr one of the healthiest under the sun, as well an one of the mosl }jlea:-;ant to live in. The winter of Ontario is much milder than tiiat of t^ueboc owing to it3 being near the lakes. Manitoba and tiie kSaskaiche- wan country have the same sumni'T temperature as the most favored parts of the St. Lawrence valley, as Central Pennsylvania ami 8outhern New Eng- land. The winter isothermal is that of Quebec. The climate of Britisli Columbia varies according to the lo- cality, owing ])rincipally to lour causes, greater or less distance from the sea and from the vicinity of the mountain regions, dilference in ihe nature and quantity of the vegetable growth, and dillVrence of level. The low portions near the sea and on Vancouver Island have a moderate climate with a gene- ral range of from 20 in winter, to 80' in summer. The temperature on the island is lower than on the mainland OAvingto the prevailing southern winds. Along the coast of 15ri;ish Columbia, for 150 miles inland, the climate is humid, the thermometer rarely falling below 10^ or rising above 'Ji . Rain is abumlant durmg the spring and during the summer and autumn. Snow neither falls heavily nor lies long, and the frosts are not severe, ice being seldom more than an inch thick. In the middle districts the summer heat is, and in winter mercury commonly freezes. Snl and rrodurdons. — By far the greater ])art of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, nnd the country lying between Lake Superior and tiie i'acilic Ocean and Vanco'.iver Island is admirably ada])ted for agricul- tural ])ursuils. The soil of Quebec is exceedingly fertile and capable of high cullivalion ; the cereals, hay, root crops and fruits g'-ow in abundance and i)er- fection. The great wealth of Ontario la the richness of its soil and the favo- rable nature of its climate for agri- cultural oporatioiis- The extreme S. W. CO CAN district of the province tn distinguished by its adaptability to tlie growth of many fruits, shrubs and llowois, which will not come to jterfection in any other part of Canada. Here the jii'dch rii)en3 in the open air, the finer kiiuhtif grapes grow well, the iidip tr"e bids.-.iins, the catal])a is not cut dnwn Iv/ fn^i, tlie chestnut tree b"ars, and I he finest kinds of atiph'S and fears are cuiiivated. Tiie valley of Ihe Thames, togetlicr Avith the rich alluvial Hats whicli extend from it northward to tiie north braiicli of Boar (.'reek, and souihward nrmly to tlie shore of Lake Krie, is rema kable for its great fertility, and bi.viriant forest growtli. The soil is geni'iallv clay, witii covering of rich vegetable mould, and is covered i:» the natural state with elm, oak, blackwaluut and wliitewood trees of large size, together with fine groves of sugar maple. Towards the mouth of the Thames,andon the borders of Lake St. Clair, is an area of natural praiiie of about 30,000 acres. It lies but little above the level of the lake, and is in large part overflowed in time of spring floods. The soil of this I)rairie is a deep unctuous mould, covered chiefly with grass, with here and there copses of maple, walnut, and elm, and with willows dotting the surface of the plain. Along the shores of Lake Huron and Lake Superior oats anil barley grow well, but northward, at the dividing ridge between the waters flowing into Hudson's Bay and into the lakes, it is diflicult to raise even potatoes. The natural vegetation in the Red River and Saskatchewan valleys is lu.vuriaut. The soil is an alluvial, black argillaceous mould, rich in or- ganic deposit and resting at a depth of 2 to 4 feet on a tcnacinus clay soil. Some fields at Red Fiiver have been known to produce 20 successive crops of wheat without fallow or manure, tlie yield being fre.'iuontly 30 to 40 bushels to the acre. Barley yields enor- mous returns, with a weiiiht of from 50 to .")") lbs. to the bushel. O.-its thrive well. Potatoes are particularly success- ful, unsurjjassed in quality, and the yield remarkably ])rolific. Turnips, carrots, cabbages and other root crops do nearly as well as i)otatoe3. Buffaloes winter on the prairie grasses up as high as Lake Athabasca, and the horses uf the settlers run at largo and istinguished gi(nvtli of \voi«;, which in any other ii'iich ripons ih of }f rapes, the )/ tro.^t,_the ( fiiivst, kimls ivaic.l. Tiie Iicr-vvith the tcn.l fioii) it !K'li of Boar Mily to the iia kable for :ri:uit fori'St ■rallv clay, able moiiiil, il state with ! wliit(!\vood 'I- with fine owai'ds the I the borders a of natural •03. It lies of the hike, wed iu time oil of this 0U3 mould, !, with here If, walnut, dotting the ? the shores ui)L'rior oats iiortiiward, twoeu the I's Hay and orai^eevcn gelation in w;in valleys in alluvial, rich in or- al a depth 13 clay soil. have been ssive crops or manure, 30 to 40 yields enor- : of from 50 >ats thrive ily success- y, and tlie Turnips, root crops potatoes. rie grasses ca, and the large and CAN jrrow fat on the grasses they pick up in the w(.ods ami bottoms. As an apri- culturnl country iJritish (^)lunil)ia bus been ni'di under-estimated, Tiie trai-ls of ariible lainl an; of very {.'realcKtriii. A portion of iiii'se, however, rery preat fertility, yiebliiip as ni'ich us 40 bushels of wheat to the acre. The tradsof landsuitablo to grazini^ p'ir))()Si>3 are of almost end- less extent. On the Cariboo road there is a plait ir)0 miles long atid (JO or 80 wide, and between the Tliomjison and Fr.isiT rivers ther* is nn immense tract of amble and praziispf lainl. The bills and plains are covered with bunch grass on wiiieh the cattle and horses live all winter, and its nutritive qualities arc said to exceed the celebrated blue grass and rlover of Virginia. In Nova Scotia ai)ples, pli;n-,.7 pears, quinces, cherries, etc., easily cultivated ; grains ami root crops do well, and Indian corn will ripen. Tlic cl'maic of New IJruns- wiek is exceedingly favorable for agri- cultural ojierations. Tlio average yield per acre is greater than in the tSiale of New York or Oliio. The Island of Prince Edward is emaiently agricultural and riast:)ral. The fir greater portion of the )oini!ii()n is still coverc(l with forests, ciiiefiy white and red pine, immense quantities of which are annually ex- ported. The prineioal trees of British Columbia are tiie Douglas pine, Men- zies tir, yellow fir, balsam, hemlock, wliit^' p'l"', cedar, yellow cypress, arbor vita?, yew, oak, white majjlc, arbutus, alder, dog wood, aspen, cherry, crab a]ipl(>, and Cottonwood ; of the North West Territories, poplar, and oak, ppruc, scrub pines, balsam, as])en and birch; of nntario and Quebec, liine, tamarac, balsam, cedar, maple, birch, I'oplar, asli, elm, cherry, alder, beech, willuw. hemlock, etc.; and of Nova Scotia and New ISrunswick, oak, beech, birch, mnple, ash, poplar, larch, spruce, pine, hemlock, etc. WiLl Animu's. — These comprise the black bear, grizzly bear, wolf, bulfalo, deer, panther, moose, cariboo, wild cat, antelope, prairie dog (a burrowing ani- mal), red fox, silver gray fox, black fox (rare), beaver, muskrat, marmot, squir- rel, rabbit, weasel, skunk, raccoon, wolverine, marten, mink, seal, lynx, 61 CAN ermine, porcu])ine, Rocky Mountain sheep, otter, fisher, ete. Among binls there are two sjiecies oi' the ea le, four 8|)ecie3 of the haw'; and four species of till" owl; also will swans, wild turkeys, woodcocks, snipes, pigeons, pheasants, docks of many varieties, grouse, ]>tarmigan, ■!', I ■ I' ■i:; .... ,, 1,57(5 additional miles were opeiu'd, making a total of 5,0:JO miles of railway in operation, under 32 eorixiralions. Tlie folluwing are the railways of the Dominion: hallways. milks Brockvillo and Ottawa, main line 87 " " •' bniiicli 12 Canada Centriil 2H C'iUiuUa Soutlioni, main litie 22i) " " brauclies i.t8 Carillon and (ireiivilie 12 Cobourj?, i'lterboro' and Marmora 25 K. and N. A (Consolidated 'Jl Ircderictoii IJrauch 22 Cila-fTow and <'!i|iu llieton 21 (jiiiudl'ninli, main line. 797 " '• bramli(>s 6i"3 Great Western, main line 21d " '• lirauclies 2(14 Hamilton and Lake Krio . 31 Inleicolotiial, main lino 5()2 " branches 152 Kingston and I'cmbioke 18 London ami I'nrt Stanley 25 iMassawipiii Val ey 34 Midland, niain 11. .0 87 " brancli. 22 Montreal and Vermont Junction '.;6 Montreal, C'liambly and .Sorol 35 New Urunsvvick and Canada, main line 94 '' " " branches.. 27 Northern, main lino J1.5 •• branch 237 G2 CAX 7?rt/?iPi7ys.— Continued. Miles rrincG Ldward Island, main lien I47 " " " brandies.... M Qui'Ix'C and (jlosford 27 iCivit icdu Loup 20 Hiiu'li Eastern C6 Staiistead, SliefTord and ChiunLly 42 .St. Lawrence and Ottawa 64 •SI. l.awieiici! and Industry 12 Toronto, Cirey and Uruco, mam lino. 113 branch... 71 Toronto and NIpissing 88 Welland 28 WolliDgtou.Orey aud lirucc, main line. I'i9 " " " suutli. vxt. G6 Wldlby and Port Terry 19 Wiudiiur and Anuapoiiii 113 Total 5,0.30 Besides the above, charters have bcea granted, since Confederation, to over iifly new railway companies, tlio most important of wiiicli are tlie Canada Tacilic, length 2,.")00 miles; Kingstoa and Pembroke, 1-10 miles; Xoriliern Colonization, 142 miles ; Nortii Slujre, 192 miles ; Satilt Ste. Marie and Brace- bridge, 280 miles; Ontario and Quebec: IJivieiv dii Loup, miles; Montreal and Ottawa Junction, 81 mdes ; Lou- don, Huron and Bruce, 105 miles; Levis k Kennebec, ^2 miles; St. Friincis and Lake Megantic, G5 miles ; Richelieu and Driinimondville, GO miles ; Ottawa and (lalincau, 120 miles; and IJrantford and Port Burwell, 45 miles. 7' Icr/rapliH. — There were six telegraph comjtanies in the Dominion in 187;]— the Montreal, the Dominion, the New York, Newfoundland and London, the New Brunswick, the Nova Scotia, and the Fredericton and St. John. The lines of the three latter are leased and worked by the Western Union Tele- graph Company. The Montreal is the leading telegraph company in the Do- mniiou. It was incorporated in 1847, three years after the lirst line was oji'-ned in the United States, and has now 19,000 mile.'« of line, and 1 '>;"jO oCTices, including branches. It connects with all pnrtsof the United States and Mari- time Provinces, and with cables to Cuba and Europe, and transmits messages to any of its stations at 25 cents for 10 words, or 15 cents between places not more than 12 miles apart. The Do- minion (Company extends from the city of (Quebec to Sarnia, and the New York, Newfoundland and London com- pany connects with the Atlantic cable at Heart's Content. 'Iff' CAN G3 CAN- MILES "0 147 ;lics. ... 53 27 20 C5 jiy 42 M 12 ai line, 113 uiich... 71 88 25 niiiliiip. liiO uili. fit. Gt) 19 118 c.orjo ■) liuvc been un, to (iver s, t!io most lie Canada ; Kinf;'stoa ; Norilicrn jith iSliore, uiul IJmce- nd Qiifbc'c; ; Montreal [I'k'ri ; Loii- i:lc3 ; Levis r;iiici3 and ;;ht'lieu and )tlawa and inttbrd and s tolc [great iulvaiita{,'e of clicM|) iioslajje ntid Ian ••.\f<-li('iit sv^tciu of pustal cDiniui.- nicatioii. In 1H"'1, H'C tirst great Btep towiinl-; rlit aj) jioslago wa.-! taken t/ llie inU-'iliH'iion of a nniCorni posiaj^i; Irate of live oiHa. I'.ut U wa^ not ur.lil IHi'.s ti)at tlic nearest aj>pn.acli to the. I!rit,sli iH'nny jiost that can beexiicrted v,-u-- niadi' b,' tlie Crtabii-linicnt of a nnifnnn rat'^ of three niUA. Tiie re iilt lias b'cn lii.u'hly saiislaeUiry niul en- courafriiiff "in'Dr lloil/iiis' "Srlioul History of Cana'<\) it i:i stated t!:at ''in 17ii'!, when the eeUl)ratcd Henja- min Franklin was Deputy IN.slniaster (ienerai^ f I5rit:.'h Nortli Ameriea, lliere \\-ore only three \)0i\ oflices ii <.'anada, and 1-0 iniU's of jiost nnite, from Mon- trc!;! to tjuehec. In IT'Jl tlicre were ten 1 olliecs and GOO miles of ])ost 'roijie; in b'^iiO there were IJO post ioC'cc..? and 2,:)00 miles -of post ronte ; ii : r-tO the number of ollici's ha 1 been [i;icr;ase.i to 403, and miles of jiost ironic to 5,7;!:.'' Since the year IS JO itlie jirofj^ressional growth of the depart- ment has continned until, by the [report of the Postmaster (iencral for |l872, we find that tli-re WTe i-i that lycar 4,1.").") post oflices, and P>3,115 iniles of po.-t route, including r.rili. !i |Columl):a and M;initoba. The estiniat- 'cd nunilier of let; rs liy post in th.^year 1S72 w;is r.O,<;00,''OO ; gross [lostal re- venue, Si, I'JJ.u-JJ; postal expenditure, M J\il'iiL\--A nrw Patent Act ^as '^passi'd by the Dij;ninio;i rariiai:.cnl in ;, 1^T2, whieh opened to all inventors, flV'iielher foreigai'is or residents of |tCa:«a(la, the privilege of taking out !|J:palents in Caniula, on condition that •fthe article-! jiaf nled sliall be manulac- tured in Canada. Tiie opeinng of the Canadian Patent Oilice to foreigners lias already led to many a;)plieations |for patents by them ; and it is believed fthat the result will prove to be highly |adva.itageous to the ]mblic, and jiar- |tic!ilarly to the manufacturing inter- lestsof the Dominion. The Act permits • jthe ])atent to be issued for periods of Ifive, ten or fifteen years at the option of [the inventor. About 7 per cent, of the [patents issued are for ten years; about 10 per cent, for fifteen years ; and 8.'i I per cent, tor live years. The following tabh> oxliil)lt3 tlio jiroceedinp^ of tlio Patent Olhei) of Can.idu since Confeder- ation, July 1, liHoi" : 1873 7r,3 070 184 327 17 103 Wu !8CS ISGO 1870 1871 coo' L? 7;^l 02'j' 2T'J 218 51'.; 5^0 to f)V); f)12 13:^: 151 193 337 470 431 44.-. f. C 12 24 2- W 32 50 f .. lOtJ 31 (12 f,() i:i, 11:- 87 G4 11 ISTo, 1^72, Applieatloii'; I lor I'liieiit.- ( Patents gnuitd r.iveats, . .. Trau^Iers l!e- 1 jXixtireil... . J De-iRiis He- I f^i-leicd . .. ) Trail(* .Marks I IJcjiNteied j Copyrifilits. . . . 'i'lu her .Marks. A.'^siirunieiit.s \ of I'nule Mark.s l-'ees rcocivid in l^'i7, .'S^'.llO; in ISOS, Sll.U.VJ-, ill 1S'J!», t-ll.'; in ,sl4,.'ilo.o7; in 1S71, .■•;U,irJ7; in !3l'J,.078 05. Fialurirs. — Tlie fisheries of the Do- minion are the finest in liij world ; they are almost illimit.ible, and they arc ine.\haust;ble. The greiit vari( ty and superior fpiality of the fi-h are as remarkable as the inulti lodes in which they are found, ai d supjly a wealth that makes full ani'inis for any rigor of climate or defects of seal on any of the coasts in their viciniiy. As res- pects salmon there is a li,-!iing line on the N. slioie of the S*. Lawicnce of over a iho-asand miles in leugtli, into which very numerous tributaries flow. On the iS. sliore, taking in tin; coasts of the MaritinvJ Provmres, it is of greater length. In IJiitlsii Columbia salmon are very abundant anil of ex- cellent quality. The aetual vali:e of the jiroduce of the tisheries of the Do- minnm for thu season of \><~1, Rjr puri)ose3 of trade, was S?, ■">"",! b', being an e.\cess over that of the preceding year of $11 1,80.'). About 1,.".0'J decked vessels a;id 17,000 op'eii bo.ils are en- gaged in the fislierirs (d' the Dominion, employing some 4:2, 0' men. Th'; esti- mated nuiiiher of ])eivons su!)pai-ted almost entn.'ly, by this industry, in tfco various lislrng cimimunities, exceeds 200,000 souls. The t.ol lections from Fish- ing iients, bicens(^ Fees, Fines, ilc, for the fiscal year of 187.:!, amounted to !i?10,49."^ and- the expenditure of Ihf! branch was $43,083. Under the Treaty of Wa.shingtoti, Art. IS, United States citizens have liberty of uslimg, except slicU fish, in common with British sub- '.:] 4 I t ' I I 'I 4\\ ,„l li II »' ill'I'i" i t - mill I .11 .'I'M I ii , ^^ i^ :: CAN 64 CAN (fcts, fi ■ I (if rlivlnp thoir tifts and I'liiiiij^ llii'ir li.sli oil the r(tii>tM, ito., of Qinli c, N'dvh Soutia, Xiw Mninswick iirid I'riiico Edwiird Islnnd, providi'd 'hoy do not iiitcrfciv witli |ti'iviito iiroricrty or witli Hrit'sh (ishod^ imported Into tlie Diminioti of (Janada, for the liseal vcar endint,' aOth June, 1H7'2. was #Ill,i:iO,r)27; tlio trood.'i catered for consinnptio'i during the f^ame period ^107,7 il),l! 70, 100 as tlie value of the trade of the Dominion with countries outside its boundaries. This increase in tho inward and out- Ward trade, as compared with previous years, is observable under all the various classifications of the Tariff, a certain indication of the corainercial pro- gross of Ca lada. Tiie following ligur(>3 show the imnu'Dse increase of the trade of the Dominion since Confederation: Yrnrn. Total Trade. lW).i-(;7 * 91.791.800 lS(J7-f;8 Ili>.7it7.870 18f)8-(i9 1,30.S8!»,946 18»!I)-?) 148 387,829 J87II-71 17 ■,'2!)0.r)8'J 1871-72 1U4,070,190 The increase alone of the last three years is almost as large as tho total trade in 18.".() (:5'-J9,7(i:!,497.) The chief items of exports for the la-:t fiscal V'ar, 1871-72, exclusive of British Columbia and Manitoba, were; JFI-oduceofthoMine $ 3 93(5.008 " " Fi>lieries 4.-48..M)8 Foiest 23.r.S:).3^2 Animals and their products 12,4in,tn3 >\!rriculturo 13.;{7S .Wi Jluuutuctuies 2.380,435 It thus appears that the product of the forest is the largest item of exports of the Dominion ; and it will jirobably be a growing one for many years to come. The values of tlie princli'al articles, the growth, produce and manufacture of tho Dominion, exported during the last two yeurd show u general iiicii use : 1870-71. 1871-73 Prodiwi^oftheMinp.. !«:!,'J*Jl,4i!l ,?3;»3i.ti(W F'-I.erlp.s 3'.i;tr-7') 1 .',48,r,o^ " Foiunt. . . 22,3J2,'2l I 23,0.80,38i AnftnnlH and their jiroduct.s. 12,.-«?.0'?:> 12, tl0.r,13 AirriiMiltnrnl product.'*., li, ■".:!. 1 1'< 1 1 :!7-< fj'U Manufactures 2,-0l,.yi 2,;«'J.4:i3 The value ofj/ood.i entered for co-i- sumptinii from (Ireat Britain increased frnin S4!t,li;8,17t> ill l,8-,()-7l, to$(jl,it00,. 702 in l.S71-72,atid the amount entered for consuinptiou from the United States during tho sain»? jteriods respectively was !i;j3,022,:{H7 (1S70-71), an I $.54,- 217,9i;9 (1H71-72.) The value of Cana- dian e\]n)rt3 to Great Hrilain iicrea.'^ed from S-'4,17:?,224 iul87u 71, to $2,".,(;;!7,- 99» in 1H71-72 ; and to tho United States from $.30,97.".,<;42 in H 70-71, toS:il,H9(;.Hl(i in h<71-72. The ship- ping returns exhibit a considerable in<;rease in the tonnage, b')th Hritish and Foreign, engaged in the cirrying trade witli cou itries ouiside of the Dominion, both by sea and upon it3 inland waters, the total aggregate ton- nage so employed being, for 18(;9-70, 11,41.^870; for 1870-71, 13,12(5,028; and for 1871-72, 12,54 !,()00, exclusive of British Columbia. The following is aa exliibit of tlie total number and ton- nage of vessels built in the Dominioa of Canada, and also of flio;o registered in Canada, for each fiscal year .sino-o Confederation : 18(58. 18H9. 1871). 1S71 1872. Built, No. ..3.>5 . .o3G . 329 , .3><,.vi< !:> i2.uo.n3 i'> ].!:;:■; r,';i ii •j,;i.s'J.4;i3 •il for co!i- , iiiri'CJiaed oSoi.noo,- iiit (Milereil Jtt'il States ,'S|l('(!tiVcl}' Hill $34,- e of Ciiiia- I i'irn>aso(l tlic United 3 H70-71, TIiL- jship- msiden'.lile til IJritiih r; Ciii'fying lie of' the I uiiun ita ejjate ton- r l8i;9-70, 3,rj(5,028; (ccliisive of winff 13 aa and ton- Dr>minioa rcrjistcred 'car sin(Jo mtered. Tons. 11^603 r2i,4 8 ll(»,7r)3 121,724 127.371 built during refLTreU to : tlio five yoars already 59^,047 that the 1 steadily of 1872 000 tons IH;s, and lS7it, each 1 the loa- the year niig table lago con- he vessels Ontnrlo Oui'bcc Isovil Si'iitiil New Hiiinswlck. isns . 5 . ;n •2>i 1W9 1S70 ISTl 1S73 6 '!■< oil 5 21 2t; 2i» 41 12 17 .■J2 The pfP ccntiigo of vessels re jjistorcii in eiicli I'roviiice, during the s-ume live, years, is ud follows : ISfiS 1809 1S70 1871 1S72 Ontario . (^iiit»pi' N()Vii Si'otiii. .., Ni'W IJnniswick. 82 42 13 31 35 28 23 40 31 8 23 3') 8 ;.) i> j thf» four Inrgest is<;0, wa3 a.i f)l- The tonnage of maritime power.-J, in lows : (Ireat P.ritain, r),r)lii,4;.4 to'id ; United Slate.-!. 4.:'.l«.:^0f) t.jns ; Fra lee, ),04J,^11 toi'.s : Doniinitjn of Canada, 89'J,oyG to;is Tne dominion of Can- ada is, thorel'oro, the /oi'ik vi'in!>'ne power in Iff world. B;it, in proiiortioii to iiopulatinn. she ga'iis more ton- nage than any country in the world. Kiluralion --Canada his no nat.onal system of education la Ontar.o the school sy.-tcmtH a partial ada;itatinn of thebest'featiires «)f llie systems of Xew York, Ma-i^achusetts, Ireland and (ler- many, blended and modilied to suit the nrcumstauces of the couutry, bat differing also in several p^jints of im- portance tVotn Hil n'.her school systems. Some of the ciiief ])o;nt3 of ditl^rence are: 1. Religious lusir ictionis provuh'd. 2. The chii-f executive is a nou-i)oli- tieal and pertnaucnt oflicer. 3. It prohibits the of foreig i books in the linglish brauciies of initruclion, except by special )lerlui^sio:l, thus pre- venting heterogenous text books and those inimical to our institutions, the supply of mai)S, , ]trize and library e seliocds, direct from and grants 100 per i'propriations for such I provides for the pen- sionp 4 of stiperannuated or worn out tea' hers. G. It provides for taking an' 'eeording meteorolop-ical observa- 14. It pr BCh' pun i\ i(i(M r loc; tious at ten selected co schools, results being | iodically. In 1S71 the Ontario made all cor that provmce free, to Provincial grants and 1 made the education of V crammar hed per- islature of schools in ipported by taxes, and Idren com- pulsorv on parents and gunrdians. The eJurational institutions of Ontario fomprise 4,;V.ty public schools, 102 grammar schools, 2U.S private schools and ncatlemies, 20 cidli-ges and iini- versiti s, a college of technology, and a provincial model farm, with a school or college of ugru'ulture. Thi' edu- cational instiliitio IS of QiK'bcn are divided into Superior, Secomlaiy. N'or- •iial. Special, utid Primary schoola. The first division coiuprises the univer- sities find schools of theology, law aud medicine The second < lassical colleges, industrial colleges and acade- mies. Under the head Special como the deafand dumb a.syliims,the agricul- tural colleges, and boards of arts and tjjiuufactures ; and under the I'riiiiary all the (dementary and model sciioofs The Protestant minor- ity 'vero m a very unfavorable position, as far as tlieir educational interests were concerned, until 18G8, wlieii A very satisfactory act was passed grant- :ng them separate schools In 1871 t lere were 4.')J.s Rcho(ds of all kinds in the Pruviii'e of Quebec. Education in Nova S'olia is not compulsory but it is fice to all clas.-ies. There is a Provnic;al Normal school for the tr.'iiniiig of tenebers, and there uro also academies, colleges and com- mon sdioois. The acadeuiies and common school.? are under the control of tiie Government ; the colleges are sectarian. There are nearly 1,000 public schools in the province having nearly 10),000 puj)ils in daily attend- ance. In New Brunswick, a new School Act was passed in 1871. By it school trustees of each district are bound to provide school accommodation for all persons therein, between the ages of 5 and 20, free of charge. In addition to tho provincial grant, a tax is levied in each county e(iual to 30 cents i)er head, and a local fund sufficient for the purpose of carrying out the law (including a poll-tax of §1 per head) is raised by th& localities. Serious objection has been raised to this act by the Roman Catho- lic population, who desire to use their own taxes for schools under their own management, aud not subject to the government inspection, examination of teachers, regulations respecting text books, &c. The educational institu- tions supported by law are a Provincial t ! Ii: ma mmm ''11 1 5?'t '■■ ,1 III' I * I i,.i'i %\i} : I'm ; ! tj!l' 'I'll 1 .' >. mmimmm CAN 6G Univorpity, a Trainin;: or Xnrmnl school for tciichers, uiid a sy;-.t('m of common hc!;oo1.s nuijfin;,' from liic [i;'- mary to tie gratnuiMr ( r hioli sciiool (lopartuiont. Ti)e commoa schools nro iion-scctai'ian and U\'viek ; ChiirchofEnjrland 404.019 « lunch of Kline l.l'.tli.ui;'.* Cliun ii of .Sootlaiid li '7, 'i.Vj J'i\;-byteriuiis ... i',ilA'o> l!iHili.,lh] CAN Pithhc Worl;:^. — The public works of the Dominion consist of a canal and railway system, together with c(!rtaia ]ribiie biulilings. The canal system devised to overcome tiie impedi- n)e its H) navigation found i i tl;e St. Lawrence, and coimect with the Great f.alcer, and Great We t. The canals of the Douiiniou are as follows . Name. St. Pelers ('li.Tnilil)- St. OlIlM Lacliine , l?eaaliariioi,-i Connva!! Wiliain.-burx- . .. Wcl'anil .... .. Hurlhigfon liay. . l^idi'ua Ottawa CunalM... Total MILF.a 111 I') 27i 120,1 2\n The Dominion Government works 712 mile., of railway in the provinces of Quebec, y.i;w j-Jrtiiiswick a id Nova Scotia, and -'jO mue 5 in Prince Edward Island, and h >s cuiitracied for the constriictioa of a ra iway finm Lake iN'ipi.-^sing to the P^. ■.a", 'th i.:,gti Bri- tish territory; leng ') J. ."00 in ies.t The Bablic buikhngs ni,i.iit;rii' 1 by the oniiiiion aretheH'-.. e;of Piv; .iraeut ai d Goveriio! .s re.-d nee at O awa; and all cii-^tnm Lou- s, post cliees, drill sheds, barraek.-, Lc , al.-oa g "jlo- gical museum, observalo;-;' s, and all ligluhoused in the Donsiu on. It maintains haibours of r', public roads, and slitU'S and boo. us. It has 3 sea-going aud 2 river sle;nii:'rs, and 6 marine police schooii-rs, employed hi protecting the ti. heries. Divisions —1!\)<^ Uoiuinion of Canada is composed of seven Pruvmets and the .North West Tern torus. Tiie area of the several province.-; with their jiopula- tion, in IHijl and 1871, is shown in the following table : Ana Population. Province. sq. nii/cs. 18(11 1S71 Ontai io 10T,7S > l,;59.;.(i!)l l,r,20,Sr)l guiiH'c i!);i ;j',-. 1,1 1 1 ry;>i i,i'.)i,fji6 IsOva Scotia .. 2l,7ol 00 t.S.')7 3S7,8'0 Aew UniTJswick 27 .'V;2 2")2,et7 2^5,591 l!ritii
  • iTi Lake ir(,;,gU Bi'i- lii I'.'d.* T!ie ii by the ■ 1' i: ; ;imeut Jit U :iwa; )o^t c liei'S, ;il.-oa p- 'olo- .-!, and all mil. It also i^e, public i>^'. Itb;i3 3 IniTs, and 6 luployed fn h of Canada liriri and the Viu! ari-a of jii'ir popula- liuwn iu the ''opulafion. [■;r.i 1S71 ,,()nn,r)20,8r)i r,ii;i,r.)i,6i6 Is Hi IbLil 3-i7,8i'0 285,501 &l),()00 9t.02l ii,!)o;J '2H,700 t:i),582 i;;;,so5 2(i,710 21,545 15,820 12,407 ■"..570 [l;28 3,Gj0,485 Ciiiex.—'VhQ following arc the cities of t!;c I), inlniou of Canada, and tbeir l)Oi>uUUion in 1S71 : Montreal 117.225 (mcbPC , .V,",i)!i9 ToDiito ■'■•""■» II;i!if.ix M. .John llMiiiiltun Ottawa I (inilon Kiir.K-fon ■J hive llivprs < !i:ir!iiitetown 7,500 Ircdcnctdn G.OOG Vi(? of the lOOth degree of west loiigi- "liule, to the base of the Kocky .Moun- tains. Canada, on the other hand, has kl an iinuiense extent of fertile terri- 3ry unsettled, whic'a can absorb many lillion.-i (if settlers. As regards the md system of tlie Dominion it may be Mated that in the provinces of Ontario, Qu' oec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick Sad iJritisb Columliia, with the exeeii- on of a tract in the last numed Pro- tince ceded to t'.ie Dominion lor the f urj.ose of the Pacific railwav, the lands «re held hy llie several Provincial gov- (riiments. In several of the lu-ovinces h'e grants are given to inmiigrants, |nd in almost all cases in which gov- rnment land is for sale, it is ollere.l at Irices Mdiicli are merely nominal. Tlic Hnds iu tiie province of Manitoba and 30 Nortli West Territories are held by Ihe Dominion Government, which at bresent gives free grants of KJO acres Manitoba on condition of settlement. )oniinioa lauds are also sold for $1 per acre. The total area of lands, the property of tlie Dominion, exclusive of Labrador and the Islands in the Arctic sea, is coniiaited to be 2,207,72,") square miles, or 1, I12,;!04,000 acres. Of this 32,000,000 acres are mostly unlit for cultivation, 7i;,8o(i,0()0 acres are prairie lands with occa r.nal groves or belts of timber, 2!JS,384,00U acres are timber lands with occasiotial prairies, all of it suitable for the growth of wheat an(l other cereals, G'J4,U48,000 acres suilal)lo for the cultivation of barley, potatoes and the grasses, and witii suilicienl timber, and 411,072,000 acres rock and swamp, iu which the timber growth disappears, and which may bo consid- ered as the fur-bearing region. Sur- veys of the Avhole of this immense tract are being prosecuted. The number oi' immigrants who arrived in ('unadu from 1851 to 1871 was 1,124,844, of whom ouly 44('),G88 settled in Canada, the rest going to the United Stales. The total number of arrivals in lb71 was G5,722, of whom ouly 27,773 r?- mained in Canada. During the first 9 mouths of 1872 there arrived C8,9,58 immigrants, 37,041 of whom settled iu this country. G'uvernmcnt. —Tht' system of Govern- ment of the Dominion of Canada is monarchical in its most popular form. Tiie K.xccutive consists of a Governor General (who represents the Queen), a Privy Council composed of 13 members, a Senate of 80 members, appointed fur life, and a House of Commons of 20G representatives, elected every 5 years. No bill can become law unless sanc- tioned by the three branches. The Governor General is Commander in Chief of the army an, leaving a surplus of 553,125,345. We subjoin a comparison of the items of Revenue for 3 years ; lS*ii)-TO. 1870-71. 1871-72. S'J,:!-'U.212 §11,841,104 ^I2.'?r,;s<: , 8,tU<),(J22 4,2ii5,044 4,7aVV! G12.030 Customs. Excise rostomce. I'ublic \ Works f ■ liillstaniiw 5Iisc'ollii-) neons ) C73,50o 1,006,844 131,047 848,035 1,140,240 183,311) 1,256,323 1,211,::^ 191,S1' i,"5,i:^ J Totals... 15,612,225 19,.'33j,5(!0 20,714,Si; An examination of these figure; shows the gratifying fact of progre-- sive increase nnd^u" every, with on? very trilling exception. The debt of the Dominion on the 1st of July, 1872, wa- $122,400,179 incurred in the constrnc-J tion of public works, canals, railwayS|ic f Total assets of the Dominion, $40^213,- 1 179, net debt, $82,187,072. There were 3.f ;il in England, liief juriticL's, 1 cs, 2 vice chan- Y judges; in and 2-1 puisni' )wick, 1 chief , and f) county 1 chief juslice md ill Prince justice and 3 nor General of , receives SlI,- provided with )itol also with np, clt.'rks and lant Governorj receive $10,000 f Nova Scotia, Edward Islani ilumbia, l?8,OO0 justices of the lO per annum, ,000; Senatun day or %\m of the Privy urn, except tlie ,000; j\djiitant W per annum. i of the Domin- irt.s on forci;;Q .)lie works (ill- offices and bill ' the Dominion ing June 30t!i, the expend!- •d ?l7,r)80,Iil>, i,r2:.,34r). w. f the items of 71 . 1871-72 tl,U>4S12.7'^7,',''-: i5,;)44 4,7.3:).'V! 2,G30 f),240 3,-311) 0,323 i,2ii,:> 191,«< 1/'5.1^' !j,o()0 20,714,81: tliese figun- ct of progrP" head, witlioiv: The debt oft!.-. Jul}', 1872, wi; I the construe- J.-^trailwayPii inion, $40,21 ■ :. There were 3 CAN 69 banks in operation in tlie Dominion on the :n<\ July, lST:!,with a jiaid up capi- tal of ,?">(;. 101, DoO. Tlio amount of rioter in circulation was $20,51(;,OtG, and discounts, $122,')77,7:.4. Tlic doposit.s of tiie ch:irt;Ted bunks showed an amount of .Si;.s,(;77.7ri7, and the Ofllce .Savings bank.;, §,3,41(1,9,^0.2."). There were of Dominion notc^i in circu-- lation on the WUl July, IHTii, .?11,0(;2,- 98H.2.'i. The cluirtcrcd batd<-i h.-ivc agencies and br-iiic!i<'S in every im[)or- tant placi^ in the Dominion. lnilitu^—T\w India IS in tlie D-imin- ionof Canada are under tliesupcrinien- denceoflho Miiiisti'r of the Interior, who is thi' Superintendent (Jenernl cf Ind'an Aflhir.^, and as such lias th(i control and niiiniiromont of the la hIs and pro|uTty of Indian.-^. Tiii'inTSoind'emed Indians are : 1. Ail persons of Inilian blood, re- jtnted to bi'lo ig to the particular trilu^, band or body of T'l.ii.-ins inlereslcd in fiucli IukIs (u- innuovabl(> iiropcrly. and tlieirde^cendant^. 2. A'l ikt-ous resid- ing among su'di Indian-!, wiiosc pfirents ■were, or are, or either of them w.'is or i>, desc(Midod on either side fVotn Indiiius or nn Iirli:in reputed to bidotig to tiio particular trbe-intcri'stedin such land-, and tlie descendants of all such pei'sons. 3. All women lawfully murried t') any of the ]ierson3 includ -d i-i tlie above classes, the children, issue cf stich mar- riag"s, and their de -ce-idants. None but persons deemed I:idian> are permit- ted to settle on liidinn lands. From the statement of pormlation contained in the lu>t oflic'iil r-vort (!.'^72'1 it ap- pears tjiat the Indian tribes of Ontario number 12,^<.- ; of Quebec, 8,057; of ^ Nova Scotia, l.S.I,") ; of New Brunswick, : 1,324: of I5ritish(';olumbia,28,.')2'): and of ' the North Wi-st Tei ritorie^, .^.0,000. The nH)st pMimlotis trilies in Ontar'o are the 8ix Nation Indian-^, who, in 1S70, were cstinia'ed at 2,8!-^; the Uhipncwas of Lake Huron, estimated at 1,840; the Chipjiewas of Lake S'ipc'-i(U', est;m- . nted at 1,002; a«tl the Manitoulin Island India is estim ited at LO'i I. The Iroijuois, or Si.x Nation Indians of Ontario, are ciiielly descendants of the Iro(|t;oi.-! who adh(>rel to the re,y;il e.-iuse during the America i R'-Vo- lution, and who settl;-d in Upper C.-in- ad;' when the America i Cf)lon:e-i e«tal>lidied their independence. Tli'-y obtained a lar^- grant of land on tii' CAN »■■-. Grand River. In the province of Que- bec, the largest bodies are tlie Nas(p:a- pees of the Lower iSt. Lawrence, nnm- iering 2,8G0, and the Iroquois of Saulft St. Louis, numbering LOoO. In New Brunswick, at Indian Villace, Indian Point, opposite Fredericton, is located a body numbering about 3C0. There are also about 400 in Northumberland and 2(;r) in Kent. In Nova Scotia, there are a f.'W in every county. Tlie aboriginal in- h:;t)itants of the cotrntry lyiufr between lied Iviver and the Rocky Mountains are divided into two great classes, the Prairie Indians and ThicKwood Indians — the first comprising tli(> I'.lack- feet with their kindred tribes of P.looiip, Lurcees, and P(\'ig'ns ; as also th<» Crees of the Saskatc!;cwan and tlie Assini- b.iiiies of the Qu'Ajipelle ; and the la-^t composed of the Rocky Mountain Stoiiies, the Swampy Orees, and tiie Saultcnnx of lb" country lying betwei-n .Manitoba and Fort Ellice. The Piaiiio Indians live on bulliilo, and in large camp, and are .warlike; the Thickwoutl Indians live on deer, &c., in snuill ]iar- ti"s, a id are pcacealile. The Blachfet occuity the iinni(uise tract of country belwc' n the Sa.-^katchewan and liie fronti(M', alargi! portion of wh'ch is arid and saiuly, being a true cxt(ui>ion of the great American desert, Avhich extends from the fertile belt, of the Saskatche- wa 1 to tlie bordeisof Texas. It thus ballpens that \\w most ai-tivc tnuluig relatio is oithe Bl!icl;ft\'t are more easily carried on with the Americans on the U;'p(u- Missouri, and the product ;f their r bes, kc, \i{;\\' rally finds its way diAv.i the waters of the Missouri. In Britisli Columbia Indians are found over the whole provii^^e. They are generally (| liet, peacealil", and very intelii^'e it, with great naniral powi-rof observation. A large number of them are instructed by Anglican and Roman Catholic, niissiona-ies Th"re are about fifty schools for Indian children establi bed in the Doniiiii ii. i rinciiially in tho Provinces of Ontario and (>ueb'e, S'Uic of the teacli rs are pa'd (;ut of- he Iti'Iian fund; others are r.upport(Ml by various soc-etics. The numb'-rof ])Up'f< is about two llruisand. Among tlio functions < f tlie Iii'lian Dep.irtnie it .-ire tiie distriliution of se(>d and agri ultural implements; the erection of school liouies ; the relief of the aged and infirm; <■ ? !,.'' 1.. m "■'Mil 4| w M iliillii^li! If! iiii •"I'll !!■ '^'il un -Sy:!-.. !' 1 i " : ' ■' •t,Mt- 11! ■ ii f'M 1 tl' f il i » i 1 i.,'-;' i s ,.. i: 11 1, il !'!' and other like acts of chanty and assis- taru'C. Jliatory. — CanaAa. has its name from the Iroquois word Kanatd, sigaifyi ig a collection of huts, and wliich the early European discoverers mistook for the 'uamcjof the country. It was first dis- icovcred, in 1497, by Sebastian Cabot, and partly explored by Jacques Cartier belweeu ir)3j and 15-13 ; but the first sottlcnieut made by Europeans was in I'JOa, at Port Royal, Acadia, (now Annapolis, Nova Scotia,) by dc Mouts, a Frenclniiau. In l'i08 a permanent settlemout was made by Oliamplain upon the present site of Quebec, Cana- da being tiien called New France. The mode of coloniz:ition was semi-reli- gious. Bands of Jesuit and Recollet uiisdionaries penetrated ,l elective princiiile was applied, a legislative assembly com[)osed of 130 meiubers, G5 from each sect. on of the Province, a cabinet res- ponsible to the legislature, a. id a G.iveruor (lencral appointed by the Queen. The fii-.-t united Parliament met at K'.'gston in June, 1H41. lu 1844, the •■overnment removed to Momreal. In 1819 the Parliament b'.iilding-i there were destn yed by a ra )b. Tiie seat of Government was at ouce removed to Ti)ronto, and it was arranged to hold the se-sions of the legislature for four years alternately in Toronto and Quebec. This .system being atteiitled wi;h much inconveni- ence Parliament resolved o;i a perniii- nent site, but being unable to agree un one left the selection in the hands of *-^. Bv ^2 f f CAN 71 CAN the Queen, who, in 1853, fixed on Ottawa. Party f^ovcrnmfnt about this time became well ni,t,^h impossible. 1 1 the successive elections which had been held during the preceding years it was found tliat tlie hostile majority from either Province in the Legi^^lature had increased ratlier tlian diminished. In . ISOUhe feeling of antagonism came to a crisis, but as the sequel will show it was only the tliick dariviieas Avhicli l)rcce(Ud the dawning of a brighter dav, for oui of tiiis crisis grew the Dominion of Canada. As a remedy for the existing ili!!ieulti:'s the Pieform leaders made overtures to Sir John A. Macilonald suggesting- the adoption of a federative system. These overtures were cordially received and a Coali- tion Govennent was formed pledged to the iutroluctiou of such a scheme. iI3y a fortunate coincidence, within ja month after the formation of th.e 1 ministry a Conference was being [arranged at Charlottetown for the ■purpose of diseissing the expediency :of a union of the Provinces of Nova 'Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island under one government one ami legishiture. Tiie Canadian ■ Government a-ked permission to send : delegates ; their recpiest was granted, and on the l>^th of September, IS'U, tiiey met the .Maritime delegates. The Conference had met to discuss a Lcgis- [lative Union, — a question with which I the Canadian delegates had no autho- [rity to deal. The proposal to unite the ; Maritime Provinces was looked upon as |inipraclical)le; but the delegates were I unanimously of oninion that a union [on a larger basis might be cfiectod. The .Canadian delegates i)roposed a further i Conference to consider the ])0S3ibility ;of a Federal Union, which was agreed to, and the Conference adjourtied to meet again at Quclji'c on tiie 10th of October. On the day appointed it met, and after a session of 18 days the sclieme of Jonfederatiim was placed before the public. Tliis sclieme was, after a lime, accepted by llr^ Legisla- tures of Xova Scotia, New Brunswick and Canada, but not by Newfoundland or Prince Isdward l-d"uul. Delegates were tlien sent to England, the Union Act wa5 submitted to the Imperial Parliament, passed that body on the 28th of March, 18G7, and on the 2_'ud day of May Her Majesty's proclamation was issued declaring tijat the Domin- ion of Canada should come into existence 1 the 1st of July, 1807. By this Act "old"' Canada was divided into tho two Provinces of Ontario and Quel)ec. In 1870 the Government ol tiie Dominion was extended over the Nortli West Territories, (out of which tlie Province of Manitoba was erected,) in 1871 over British Columbia, and in 187,'5 over Prince Edward Lsland. Tiio Island of Xewfoundland is still out in the cold, but only for a short time. Its il'.'stiny is inevitable: it must form part of the Dominion of Canada, "the bright- est jewel in the British crown." CANARD, or LOWER CANARD, a post village in Kings co., N.S., at the mouth of tlie Canard river, 4 miles from Port Williams Station Pop. .300. CANARD RIVER, i. post village in Essex CO., Out., 8 miles from Sandwich. It contains 2 saw mills. Pop. 80. CANBORO', a post village in Hal- dimand co.. Out., 3") miles S.E. of Ilamdton, t mile.s from Canfield. It has 3 stores and a saw mill. Po)). 200. CAXDASVILLE. a post oHicc in ■Wrlland CO., Out., IG miles fromBeams- ville. CANFIELD, a post village in Hal- dimand co.. Out., at tiie junction of the Grand Trunk, (Bull'alo and Godcrich branch.) Great Western. (Canada Air Line,) and Canada Southern railways, 2.» miles from Bra it ford, 40 miles from Bud'alo. It contains a telegraph office anil several stores. Pop. 400. CANIE, an island in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, near tlieSaguenav coast. CANN ISL.V.VDS, a group o'f small islands in tlie district of Twiliingate and Fogo, NUd., 10 miles from Fogo. Pop. 20. C ANVIFTON, a thriving post village in Ilisiings co., Ont., situat'd on the iliver Moira, 3 miles from Belleville. It iios.sesses excelhMit water power, and iias a woollen factory, 2 tanneriea, 2 saw mills, 2 llouring mills, a jiottory, cooperages, carriage and blacksmith shojK, Sec. Pop. COO. CANNLN'G, or MUDGE HOLLOW, .a thriving po-t village in Oxford co., O It , on the River Nith, 4 mih'S from Paris. It possesses excellent water power, and contains a woollen f ictory and 2 saw and grist mills. Pop. 130. }t» >hl .'t i|P::i !i ; , ij« i:i i ■. IHM ., . r 1 . I, •Ill' I li!"ii!!ii CAN 72 ^s n. ii CANNING, a post settlement in Quteus CO., N.B., on the River St. John, 62 miles from St. John. It contains a tannery, a carnage factory, and a store. Po]). 100. CANNING, a seaport town of Nova Scot la. Kings co., on Habitant river, a Btream falling into Minas Basin, t) miles from Port Williams Station. It con- tains about 20 stores, a telegraph ollice, and several shipyards Pop. UUO. CANNINGTON, a thriving post vil- lage in Ontario co ,Ont., on Beaver river, "With a station on the T. & N. R., 5'J miles from Toronto. It possesses ex- tensive manufacturing facilities, and coniains 12 or 15 stores, 1 brevpery, 1 woollen mill, 1 door and sash factory, 1 shingle mill, several saw and grist mills, 3 churclies agencies for several assurance and insurance companies, 2 telegrajih oflices, and 2 newspaper offi- ces. Pop. 800. CANNON VILLE, a post settlement in Cumberland co., N.S., near Half Wny river, IG miles from Ati;ol, 7 miles from Parisborough. Pop, 200. CANOE CREEK, a post office in the district of Cariboo, B.C. CANROBERT, or ANGE GARDIEN, a thriving post village in Rouville co., Que., 5 miles from West Farnham, It contains 1 grist mill, 3 saw mills, an ashery, a tan^iery, a id 3 stores, and has a good trade in lumber, graiutiud tiour. Pop. 255. CANSO, or CAPE CANSO, a seaport town in Guysborough co., N.S., i-ituated on Chcd'abucto bay, 32 miles from Guysborough town. It con- tains 8 stores, and several churches and hotels. A large trade is done here, espe- cially in lish. Gold is found in the vicin- ity. An Amoriciin consul resides here, and there is a lighthouse on I'carl Point, lat. 45^ 22' 47' N. Ion. Gl" 29 11' W. Pop. 1,13(3. CANTERBURY, a post village in Com])ton CO., Que., 30 miles from Lennoxville. It contains a saw mill. Pop. 150. CANTERBURY, or EEL RIVER, a pretty post vilhige in York co., N.Il., at the outlnt of Eel River into the St. John, H nnles from Canterbury Sta- tion. Poit. 150. CANTEh'BURY STATION, a post village and settlement in York co , N.B.jOU the N.B. & C.R., 28 miles from GAP Woodstock. There are several saw mills in the vicinitv. Pop. 1,000. CANTLEY, a post village in Ottawa CO., Que., 15 miles from Ottawa. It contains 4 stores. CANTON, a post village in Durham CO., Ont,, 5 miles from Port Hope. Pop 200. CANTON, Middlesex co., Ont. See Ca-hmore. CANTON, Ontario co., Ont. See Pickei'injr. C.\NTYRE, a hamlet in Queens co., P.E.I., 10 miles from Charlottetown. CAP A E'AIGLE, a po.5t office in Charlevoix co., Que,, 3 miles from Murray Bay. CAP CilAT, or CAPE CITATTE, a post village and parish in Gaspe co., Que., situated on the south shore of the St. Lawrence, 48 miles from Matane. It forms the extreme north west of the district of Gaspe, and has a revolving light. ^Lat. 49^ 5' 50" N., Ion. GG^ 45' 50' W. The inhabitants are chiefly engaged in the fishery. Pop. 930. CAP DE LA MAGDELEINE, a post village in Champlain co.. Que., situated on the north shore of the St. Lawrence, 81 miles above Quebec. It has a good lumber trade. The navigation is so diflictilt at this point as to necessitate foiu- lighthouses. Pop. 200. CAP DES ROSIEILS, a ])ost village and parish in Gasjjo co., Que., s^ituattd between Gaspe Bay and the St. Law- rence, 19 miles from Gaspe. Pop. 714. CAPE AIREY, the S.W. part of CornwallisLand, in the Arctic Ocean. Lat. 74-' 55 N., Inn. 90° 50' W. CAPE ALBERT, in the E. part of EUesmero Island, on Smith's Sound, Ballia's Bay. Lat. 79^ 20' N.,lon. 78^ W! CAl'E ALEXANDER, on the N. coast of British America, at the en- trance of Dease strait. Lat. 79^ 20' N., Ion. )fiGM5 W. CAPE ANCiUILLA, on the coast of Newfoundland. Lat. 47" 54' N., Ion. 59 17 W. CAPE AYLESBURY, Prince co., P.E.I. See Darnley. CAPE BALL, a settlement in West- morland CO., N.B., 13 miles from She- diac. Pop. 300. CAPE BARROW, in the N. part of British America, on the Arctic Ocean. Lat. 68^ 5' N., h.n. 11 r W. CAPE BATHURST, in British Ame- CAP m CAP British Ame- rica, on the Arctic Ocean. Lat. 70^ 30 N., hm. Vn SO W. CAPE HOXAVISTA, on the cnst coast of Newfoiiudland, forming the S.E. limit of a bay cf the same name. Lat. 48 42 N., lo'i. 53- 8 W. CAPE BRETOX, a county of Nova Scotiii, on the ishxnd of Cape Breton, bonnilod on the S. and E. by the Atlantic Ocean. Area 728,000 acre?, a large pnrt of which is covered with beds of coal. The coasts of this county Bwarni with cod and other fish. Capi- tal, Sydney. Pop. 20,4 j4. CAPE BRETON, an island at the eastern extremity of Nova Scotia, mostly between lat. 45'- and 47^ 5' N., and Ion. aP and Gl° 30' W. Extreme length from north to south 100 miles ; extreme brcadtli 85 miles ; area 3,r20 sqnare miles. The first settlement in this i.-land (which was united under the s.'une government with Nova Scotia in 181'J) was made in 1712 by the French. It had been discovered by Cabot in 1407. Previous to the year 1700 it had been frequented only by fur traders and fishermen. After the loss of Acadia the French turned their attention to this isia id, and began to build fortifications ut Louisburg, whicii continued to be the cai)ilal for many years, tlie government being modelled on that of Quebec. War having again been declared between France and England, Governor Shirley, of Massa- chusetts, formed the design of taking Louisburg, though the place was sup- posed to be almost inipregnable. The expedition sailed from Boston, and arrived at Canso on the 5th Ai)ril, 1745. The reinforcements despatched by the French were caj)tured by the English Admiral, and Loui-burg was finally forced to capitulate. The Acadians in great alarm sent to France for help and an expedition w.ts got up to recon- quer Acadia and Cape Breton. But the hostile fleet met wiih terrible dis- asters. Wrecked and dispersed by vio- lent storms, and the crews thinned by epidemic, the expedition accomi)lished nothing, and only a remnant returned to France. By 'the treaty of Aix-la- Chapelle in 174'^, Capo 'Breton was restor-jd to Franco, but it was soon after finally attached to the British posses- sions. The island i.-? very irregularly Bbapeti, being triangular, and is greatly indented with bays. An inlet, called Bras d'Or (i.e., arm of gold,) entering Cape Breton on the east nearly sepa- rates it into two islands, rendering every part of its interior accessible by water. The two nattiral divisions thus created are in striking contrast, the northern portion being high, bold and steep ; while that to the south is low, in- tersected b}' numerous inlets, diversified with moderate elevations, and rises gradually from its interior shore until it presents abrupt cliffs toward the Atlantic ocean. The highest land in this portion does not exceed 800 feet, while the northern division at its ter- mination in North Cape rises to the height of 1,800 feet. Between North Cape and Cape Ray on the opposite coast of Newfoundland, 48 miles dis- tant, is the main entrance to the Gluf of St. Lawrence. The Bras d'Or hike is 50 miles in length and 20 miles in breadth. Its depth of water varies from 12 to 60 fathoms, and it is very secure and navigable. In several of its large bays the timber ships from England receive their cargoes. There arc several fresh water lakes, and numerous rivers, but none navigable. Salt springs are found on the coast. The climate is varied, but not so rigorous as that on the adjoining conti- nent. Vegetation is very rai)id. !Maize and other grains are raised ; but the corn produced is insufficient for home consumption. Marble, granite, lime- stone and primitive slates prevail ; and gypsum, salt ,and coal are found, the latter in great abundance and of a superior quality. Tiiecoal deposits of Cajjc Breton occupy not less than 120 square miles. There are also rich depo- sits of the best iron ore and gold. Cape Breton has long been celebrated for its fishcr-es. During its occupancy by the Fren^'h it is said that the harbor of Louisburg exported no less than 500,000 quintals of cod annually, and GOO vessels were em[)loycd in its trade and fisheries. The products of the Cape Breton fisheries iu 1871 were as follows : — Dried Cod, cwt 12r,,275 Scalefish " 04,025 Pickled fish, Mackerel in barrels 49,226 " Herrings " ;59,260 " Salmon " .... 944 Other Pickled fish « .... 3,3G3 ;' 1 11 Til ■jip I '\mi 'I \ i * 'iii v .1.1 . n m^r^; 111 V ^]iM\M i"v; !'!!; 1^1 '■-■ 1 . '■ ilii 1^' i V ij ,1 CAP Oil of all kinds in gallons 74,625 Estimated value $1,283,050 5,780 racu were employed ia the above fisherios. Tlio forests of Cupe lireton fiirniali large qiiaiititics ofexcL'Ucutshii) timber, and sliiirouildiMg constiiulca an im- portant and lucnitive biisineds. Cape IJreton has ns yet no railway communication . witli Nova Scotia )ro]ier, but a lino is proj'-'ctud between S ow Glasgow and Loulriburg, one of tiic (iucst harbors in the world. Tliis would give the trade of the Dominion an outlet winter and summer. It id about 200 miles nearer Europe than Halifax, and asacoalingdejjotit would be unequalled on account of the cheap- ness of coal. A short railway of tea miles now con'iecls thecual mines with the port of Sydney, but the several companies are arranging to build a lino to Louisburg so as to ship at all sea- sous. As coal only costs $1.25 a ton at the pit mouth, it will only add 50 cents to the ton to be delivered at Louisburg. The estimated cost of a railway from New (Jlasgow to Louis- burg is live million dollars. Cape Bretou is divided into four counties, Richmond, Inverness, Victoria and Cape Jk'eton, and sends 8 members to the Provincial Legislature, and 5 to the House of Cmnmous. Pop. in 18G1, 63,083; in 1871, 7:),483. Cape BRETON, a headland ou the east coast of the above Island. CAPE lillOYLB, a large hshing set- tlement i.i the diitrict of Ferryland, NHil., on the strait shore, 38 miles south of St. John's. Pop. 435. CAPE CANriU, or CANSEAU, tho S.E. extremity of Nova Scotia, Lat, 45* 17 N., lou. OlMV. See Cuiso. CAPE CHAPE AU ROUGE, a head- land in Placentia Ray, Nfld. It is rugged and precipitous, rising to a heit^ht of about 8oo feet. CAPE CHARLES, on the northern coast of Labrador, at the entrance of the Strait of Belle Isle. Lat. 52-- 15' N., Ion. 0;) >0 W CAPE CHIGNECTO, written also ClHGNITO,a headland of Nova Scotia, attheheadoftlu'J!avofFundy. Lat. 45' 24 N., Ion. 64 37 W. CAPE CHUDLEICII, a headland on the north coast of Labrador, at the en- 74 CAP trance of Hudson's Strait. Lat. 60' 12 N., Ion. 05 25 W. CAPE CIIURCIIILL, a headland on the western shore of Hudson's Bay. Lat. 58'^ 48 N., Ion. 93 12 \V. CAPE COCKIiUR?^, a headland in the northern i)art of British Am;;rica, on D di)hi:i and Union Strait. Lat. (j3' 50' N., Ion. 115^ W. CAPE COMFORT, a headland of Southampton Island, on Hudson's Bay. Lat. 64' 55 N., Ion. 75 ' 45 W. CAPE COVE, a post village in Gasp.- CO., Que., situated on the Gulf shore, 9 miles from Perc6. It is an important fishing station and has atelegraph office, a grist mill and 3 stores Pop. 200. CAPE COVE, a small village iu Dig- by CO., N.S., situated on a beautiful headland near Cape St. Mary, 18 miles from Yarmouth. Pop. 120. CAPE DESESPOIR, a rugged, bold promontory, lashed by the full sweep of the Atlantic, at the north-cast en- trance of Bay Chaleurs, Gaspo co., Que. A powerfid sea light has rociutly b'jen er.-cted on this Cape. Hero it was that, iu 1811, eight English transports, with SSi ollicers, soldiers and seamen, belonging to Admiral Walker's squadron, were wrecked and every soul perislied ; the hull of aa old wreck is still pointed out as having belonged to that ill-fated expedition. CAPE DIAMOND, tho extremity of a promontory in the province of Que- bec, at the confluence of the St. Charles with the St. Lawrence, rises abruptly 333 feet above the river. On this pro- montory stands the citadel of Quebec. On the W., and nearly on a level with the ramparts,are the Plains of Abraham, whore, in 1755, the English, under Gen- eral Wolfe, gained a signal victory over the French, under Montcalm, iu which engagement both the command- ers were slain. It was in attempting to scale the eastern side of this cape that the American General Montgomery slain. CAPE DIGGS, in British America, on the channel leading from Hudson's Bay to Hudson's Strait. Lat. 62^ 45' N., Ion. 79' W. CAPE EGMONT, on the S.E. coast of Prince Edward Island, at the en- trance of Egmont Bay. Lat. 46^ 28' N., Ion. 04' 10 W. CAPE ENRAGfi,a headland on Chig- CAP 75 CAP ncclo R..y, N.B. Lat. 45' 35 N., Ion. 65' r^r) W . It has a light house, CAPE ETEIINITY, a stiipondons and imposing promontory, 1,890 feet hi^li, on the south slioro of the ►Siiguoiiiiy river, 22 N , Ion. G2^ 39 miles from its estniiry. It i.s a {^roat attraction to tourists. Tiie water is as deep 5 feet from its base as it is in the centre of the stream, and from actual meastire- ment nianv portions have been ascer- tained to be a thonsand feet deep, and in tiie .sliaHowest parts not less than a hundrod. Two fmo si)ecinu!ns of that rare cajole, the bird of Wa.shini.jton, were sliot here several years aj^o, and it is said that an Indian imnter having foliowd a moose to the brow of the chiff, after the deer had made a fatal spring far down into the deep water, lost liis foothold, and perished with his prev. GAFH FOGO, a small fi> east coast of [.abrador. Lat. 58-55 N., Ion. CAPE MAY, a headland of the North West Territories, on the Polar Sea, near Ion. w W. CAPH HEN'UIETTA MARIA, in the North West Territories, the dividing line on the W. between Hudson and James Bavs.. Lat. 5(r 10 N., Ion. ;!2 20 W. CAPE HOPE ADVANCE, a head- lainl of the North West Territories, on Hudson's Strait. Lat, Gl 4.') N., Ion. 72' 10 W. CAPE ISLAND, a small island off Capo Konavista, Nfld., 3 miles from Bonavista. Pop. 83. CAPE JACK, a settlement in An- tigonish co., N.S., on St. George's Bay, 2G uilcs from Antigonish. Pop. 200. CAPE JOHV, a headland of Nova Scotia, on Northumberland Strait. Lat. 45^ 40 N., Ion 04 10 W. CAPE JOHN, a ])ost village on the above headland, in Pietoii co., N.S., 15 mdes from Pictou. Pop. 3 )0. CAPE JOUit.MAIN, a headland of New Brunswick, on Northumber- land Strait. Lat. 4(5 10 N., Ion. G.P 49 30 W. On it is a lighthouse. CAPE KILDARE, Pnuce co., P.E.L See Kild ire River. CAPE LA HUNE, a prominent head land on the stxith cn;ist of .Vewlbund- lund, district of (5iirgeo and Lapoile, 23 miles from Burgeo. Its height and boldness is rem.irlial)le. Ii forms the l)oint of a line inlet called La Iluue Bay. Pop. 50. CAPE LOOKOUT, i i Hudson's Bay. Lat. 5.-) 31) N.. loii. 124' W. CAPE .MABOU, a post settlement in Inverness co, N.S., on a headland in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 11 miles from Malioii. Poj). l.")i). CAPE NEGRO, a post village in Shelburne co., N.S , on a headland in the Atlantic Ocean, 7 miles from Bar- lin^ton. A lighthouse has recently been erected on a .small inland opposite this Cape. Poj). :i,")ii. CAPE NE(;R0 ISLAND, a small island and liyht station at the entrance to Capft Negro ll.irbcr, Shelburno co., N.S., 12 miles from Harrington. It is i iliabited chieflvbv li i ennen. Pop 150. CAPE NAPILR, ii. the S.W. part of Prince Albert liaml, at the enlrince of Russell Gull, Nor:ii West Territories. La'. 70 30 N., Ion I'i 4 W. CAPE NORMAN, !■ COOK'S HAR- BOR, a lishingsetUeti. shore, Ntid., 1(J m,i Pnp. 43. 1 on the Fn'ncli from Quirpon. ■ ^■W ■^ CAPE NORMA V, . iie.idland on the N, extremity of Ne\^ I'ouiidland, in the I" ■li '1''^' "' ; *■ lit i (! ^'1! ; HI' !! 'iliiS^i'^^yi I 'M I '• ii . .J-.' m. 1 1 ; D ;fii V;: il .'ifiirijj: ill ll'l ii 1- if CAP 7G CAP Lat. nt^SR' N., On il is u light- Straiti f,f IJpllo I«;lc, Ion. br,' uA 40 \V. house. CAPE NORTH, the N.E. extremity of the isliuul of ("upo I>ri'ton. Lat. 47 2 N., Ion. r,A ■) W. CAl'K XOirril, 11 post Bettlement on tiic above, .'!.'» uiiliMfroni Iiif^nnish, Tlio submarine cable from Xewfouudland is landed in Ai^pey iJay, near this point. Pop. IM. CAl'E NOHTir, on the north coast of Prince lOdward Inland, in tiie Oulf of Si. Lawrence. Lat. 47' 5 N., Ion. GO' 2;-) W. (J A I'D PARRY, iu tlic North West Territories, on ihe Arclie Ocean, near lat. (il) N., Ion. 12;'. 35 W. It termi- nates a promontory, bounding Frank- lin liavon the east. CAi'I-: PINE, a headland with a li;^liliii)iise on tlio soutliem part of the Peninsula of Avalon, in tiie districl of Placcniia and St. Marys, Nlld., 15 miles from Trcpass(>v. CAPH PRiXCE OF WALES, a rem likable iiromontory, foimiii}^ the most N.W. point of North America, in IJehriiiif's Sv-a. Lat. (i5- 33 :iO N., Ion. 1U7 5!) 10 W. It terminates in a peaked mountain which presents a very bold fac ' to tlie sea. A very dangerous siioal strelches N.E. from the cape. CAPE RACE, the S.E. cxtiemity of Newlbiindland. Lat. 4(i' 40 N., loii. 52' 04' \V. It hasa lighthou-ccxliibiiing a revolving litrht IMO feet above the sea. CAPE RAY, the S.W. j)oint of New- foundland. riat.47 35 N., Ion. 59 15 W. CAPE RESOLUTION, a headland of the North West Territories, near the en- trance of Iludson'sStrait Lat. (U 20' N. CAPE J{[C1I, a post village in (!n>y CO., Ont., on tJeorgian Ihw, 2G miles from (%)lling\Tood. Pop. 80. CAPE ROSIER, a headland in the (xulf of St. Lawience, nine mil^s fniui Oaspe. Lat. 48' 51 57 ' N., Ion. (14 12 \V. An excellent lighthou-c ha-; been erected on this cape from which a gun is tired every half hour duriui? foggy weather and snow storms. It is a telegraph station. CAPE SAl'.LE ISLAND, the S.W. extremity of N^va Scotia. Lat. 43 2G' N., Ion. G5 38 W. It has a lighthouse exhibiting a powerful revolving li'ibt 53 ftet above the, level of the sea. Pop. 1,63G. CAPE SABLE ISLAND, a pest village on the above island, tivo miles from Harrington. Pop. OOO. CAPE ST. FRANCIS, on the coast of Newfoundland, (»n the eastsido of Conception Bay. Lat. 47 48' S., Ion. 52 51 W. CAPE ST. CEORCE. on the N.E. coast of Nova Scotia, at the west en- trance to a bay of its own name. Lat. 4i 52 N., Ion. 0^54 W. There is a on the iKjrth side ot the cape, exhibiting a revolving light 3;"J0 feet above the level of the sea. CAPE ST. GEOROE, on the west coast of Newfoundlanil, at tiie entrance of St. Cicorge's Bay. Lat. 48' 29 N., Ion. 59" IG W. CAPE ST. JAMES, the south ex- tremily of Queen Charlotte's Island, Lat. about 52 N., Ion. LU W. CAPE ST. LAWRENCE, the north- ern extremity of Cape Ihrton, e.>;tend- ing into the Culf of St. Lawrence. Lat. 47 5 N., Ion. GO 35 W. CAPE ST. MARY, a small village in Digby co.. Nova Scotia, 20 miles from Ya.nioutn, Pop. 80. CAPE ST. MARY, on the southern coast of Newfoimdiaiid, between Pla- CLMitia and St. .Marys Bay. Lat. 4G' 50 N.. Ion. 54' 15' \V. ' It has a liglithoiisi', e.\liit)iti ig a revolving red and wliito Iglit, wliich can be seen at a distance of 2G uiih's. CAPE ST. MARY, on the S.W. coast of Nova Scoiia, Ibiin'ng tlie southern enti'ance to a bay of the same name. Lat. 44 7 N., Ion. G ' 15 W. It has a liglithoiise exhibiting a revolving rod and white light, lu3 feet above tlie level of the sea CAPE SAMCRO, on theS.E. coast of Nova Scotia. Lat. 44 30 N., Ion. G3' 32 W. On it is a liglithousc. CAPE SOUTHAMPTON, the south- ern extremity of Southampton Island, in Hudson's Bay, near lat. G3 N., Ion. 84 \V. CAPE SPEAR, a post settlement Westmorland co., N.B., 32 miles frc Sackville. Pop. 100. C:yE SPLIT, a headland of Nova Scotia, extiniding into tiie Bay of Fundy. Lat. 45 22 40' N., loii. 64' 15 W. CAPE TORMENTINE, a headland of Ni'W J'runswick, in Norlhumb.rland Sirait, 22 miles from Sackville. A . - ■ ' \ii in from tl' CAR 11 CAR 1, tivo miles iiall village 13' N., Ion. submarine telegraph cable crosses the ritiiiit here to Ciipw Traverse, P.E.I. CAl'K TUA VERSE, a post villnge and lu'adlnml ofPrince Ethvftrd Island, in Northumberland Strait, miled from Cape Tormentiiie, N.B., :« miles from Charlottetown. In winter communi- catiou is had with Now iJrnnswick by meuiH of an ice boat which' from here to Cape Tormcntino tri- weekly. Pop. 2r)(). CAi' ROUGE, a post village in Que- bec CO., Qne., on the N. shore if the St. Lawrence, D miles above Quebec. It contains a tclcgrapli ollice, an exten- sive pottery, and several stores and hotels, and has a large trade in lumber, i'op. HOO. CAP ST. ICxNACR, a post village in Montmagny cu., Que., on tiie S. shore oftlie St. Lawrenee, and on the G. T. R., r)G miles below Quebec. It contains a telegraph oflice, several stores, and carding and flouring mills. Pop. 300. CAP SANTfi, formerly LA SAINTE FAMILLE, the chief town of the co. of I'ortucuf, Que., is situated on the N. shore of the St. Lawrence, 31 miles above Quebec. It contains a telegraph office, several stores and hotels, and aaw and grist mills. Pop. 4u0. CAPELTON, a i>ost village inComp- ton CO., Que., on the M. V. R., 4>i miles from Lenno.icville. Several imp'ortant copper mines are worked here. Pop. 200. CAPE WOLFE, a hamlet in Prince CO. P.E.I, It contains 2 stores. CAPLIN, or BLACK CAPE, a post office and telegraph station in Bona- venture co.. Que., 9 miles from New Richmond. CAPLIN COVE, a small fishing settlement on the north shore of Con- ception Bay, Nfld., 30 miles from Car- bonear. Pop. 80. CAPLIN COVE, a small fishing settlement in the district of Twillingate and Fogo, Nfld., 3 miles from Tilt Cove. Pop. 50. CAPLIN COVE and RIP RAPS, two small iishing settlements on the north shore of Conception Bay, Nfld., 5 miles rom Brigus. Pop. 66. CARAQUETTE, a seaport town and port of entry in Gloucester co., N.B., situated on an inlet of Bale des Cha- leurs, 48 miles from Bathurst. It is one of the most important fishery stations in the Dominion. It has a telegraph oflic:' and several stores. A lighthouse on (yaraciuette I.-iland, at the entrance to the harbor, exhibits a fixed white light !")'! feet above the level of the sea. The total number of arrivals in 1H72 was 8 (tons r>74), and the clear- ances 7 (tons 217.) Total value of imports §17,101 ; exports ^3,194. Pop. 1,000. CARBONEARj^'a post town and port of entry on the north shore of Conception Biy, NHd., 31 miles frpm St. John's. It has l.^) or 16 store.'', a tele- graph office, and about 2,000 inhabi- tants. GARDEN, a post office in Victoria CO., Ont., 26 miles from Lindsay. CARDIGAN, a jiost village in Kings CO., P.E.I., 22 miles from (.!harlotte- town. It contains several mills, stores and .shipyards. Pop. 150. * CARDIGAN SETTLEMENT, York CO., N.B. See Hamjjton. CARDWELL, a county in the cen- tral part of Ontario ; area 243, 62 1 acres. It is drained by the Credit river, and traversed by the Toronto, Grey and Bruce railway. Pop. 16,500. CARIBOO, a settlement in Pictou co., N.S., 4 miles from Pictou. Pt)p. 300. CARIBOO COVE, a post village in Richmond co., N.S., 7 miles from Port Ilawkesbury. It contains 2 stores. CARIBOO ISLAND, a fishing settle- ment on the north .shore of the St. Lawrence, co. of Saguenay, Que., 80 miles from Bersimis. Pop. 50. CARIBOO ISLAND, an island off the N.E. coast of Nova Scotia, near the entrance to Pictou harbor, 5 miles from Pictou. Lat. 45^ 44' N., Ion. 62 46' W. CARIBOO POINT, a prominent pen- insula on the N. shore of Lake Huron, famed on account of the hieroglyphics which have been painted up(;n its brow, in years gone by, by an Indian race now supposed to be extinct. In the vicinity are found large and beautiful agates. CARIBOO RIVER, a small settle- ment in Pictou CO., N.S., 6 miles from Piciou. Po]). 100. CARILLON, a pretty post village in Argenteuil co.. Que., situated ou the Ottawa river, at the mouth of the Grenville canal, 51 miles from Montreal. It is a port of landing of the Ottawa steamers and the S.E. terminus of the m .f. i; * .;ii^?, 3>' 'J- m ) ill ! 'fli I,, .!*•' II I I I 'i;i|K 1 !: i :|-, 1 \ f ' !' t I '-, ■ ' :i.- 3 i: ■f!4|i| CAR ft' CAR C. k G. R., nni] lias 2 telegraph agen- cies mid several stores. Pop. 500. CAiMiKTON, u county iu the eastern part of Ontario, hag an area of 4l5,91il acrea. It i.s traversed by a railroad ext;'nT0N, a village inShelburne CO., N.S., 9 miles from Shclburne. Pop. 1,044. CARLETON PLACE,an incorporated town in Lanark co., Out., situated on the Mississippi river,21 miles from Perth and 28 miles from Ottawa. It has un- limited water power ])rivileg(S, and con- tains several saw mill-;,a .shmgle mill, a woollen factory, a nui dier of stores, 4 churches, a telegraph ol]ice,a;id a print- ing office from which a wc k!y ucws- j)ai)er is issued. Carleton Place is the junction of the Broekvillo and Ottawa and Canada Central railways. Steam- ers ply between here and several places on the Mississippi river. Pop. 1,20;'). CARLETON POINT, a i)ost village in Prince co , P.E.I., 3.") miles N.W. of Cluirlottetown. Poii. 80. CAREINGFOKD, a post ville.gc iu Perth CO., Ont., 8 miles fV'.jni S. bring- ville. It contains saw and grist mills. Pop. 100. CARLISLE, a post village in Went- worth CO., Oiit., 13 miles fVom Jlaniil- ton. It contains an iron foundry. Pop. '*C ARLISLE, Middlesex cc, Ont. See Falkirk. CARLOW, a post settlement in Car- leton CO.. N.B., 40 miles from Wood- stock. Pop. 100. CARLOW, a post settlement in Sun- bury CO., N.B., 8 miles from Frederic- ton. Pop. ICO. CARLOW, or SMITH'S HILL, a post village ni Huron co., (tnt., 7 miles from O^oderich. Pop. 100. CAKLSRUIIE, or KARLSRUHE, ("Charles's Rest,") a post village iu Bruce co.,Ont., 10 miles from Walker- ton. Pop. 150. CARLTON, a 8i»all village in York CO., Ont., on Black Creek, with a station on the G. T. R., 5 miles from Toronto. It has a tcletjraph office. Pop. 150. CARLUKE, a post village in Went- worth CO., Ont., 14 miles from Hamil- ton. It contains a saw mill, a grist mill, and a store. CARMUNNOCK, a hnmlet in Perth CO., Ont. It contains 2 saw mills. CARNARVON, a post village in Peterborough co., Ont., 41 mile's from Bobcaygeon. Pop. 100. T' CAS •'J CAT CARXEniE, a post office in Truco CO., (Inf., 7 iiiikd frotu r;ii.>l(y. CAi;l', II post vi!l;','.r'> in ('arlotonco., Out., J- iiiili'-^ from Oitawa. It has n telorrraili oHicc. I'np. l-'O. CAi;l0. CAi;il()Ll/S COU.VERS a settleiiK'iit in Halifax CO., N.S., 3<| miles from Shi:l)ciiacaire. I'cp. 1-0. CAlU:oN'i;U<>OK,athrivin(ri'o.n vil- lage in IVrth c<).,Ont., on the G. T. R.. 1 7 mill's Sirall' nl. It ha.s saw iiikI lilaiii:;j,' mill.-:, 1 Siave factory, 1 soap ami candli' factory,! pottiTy,! sash fac- tory, a telgniph ollice. and several stu'io,-!. t^;ili wvWa in the vicinity are worked succcs.sf. lly. A w(el;ly news- pajicr is ])ul4'.slied here. Pop. 1,000. CACUVILLE, aiiostvil!ao-:'in York CO., Out., on a branch of the Don river, L! mili'd from Kichmond Illil. It has saw and prist mills. Pop. 100. (.lAiniYIXG Pi. ACE, a village in Prince Edward co.. Out., situated at tlic head of the Uay of Quinte, 5 miles from Trent. K'*e iMunr.y. CAII.SDAIL, a small village in Annapolis co., X.H., on the north side of Annapolis river, 10 miles from Annapolis. Pop. GO. CAi;S0XI5Y, a i".stvill.ige in Car- Ictou CO., Out., 8 Uiik's from Csgoode. Por. 17,"). CARSOXVIELE, a jiost village in Kings CO., N.B., 1^ miles from Apoha- qui. Pop. i5i). CARTHAGE, a postvillage inPerth CO., It., 2G miles i'aim Stratford. It contains a saw and 'a'ist mill. Pop. 70. CARTWRIGIIT, or TOOLEY'S CORXRRS, also called WILLIAMS- BURG, a i)ost vlll ;;o in Nortliuml)cr- laiid CO., Ont., 1") miles from Bowman- ville. Pop. 2i)0. CASCADE .MOUNTAINS, a range of mou itains on the coast of British Co- linnh'a, is the northward extension of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The high- est jiomts do not exced 7,000 feet. All the waters of tiiis range are received by the Eraser river. CASCADES, a office in Ottawa CO., (,iue., 17 miles from Ottawa. ^ CAS(;i:MPEQUi:, Prince co., P.E.I. Bee Ale.\andri;i. CASE SETTLEMENT, a post settlement in Kings co., N.I!., 4 mile.-< from Norton, i'op. loo. CASllEL, or CRO.^-|;Y'S CORNERS, a post viihi^e in York c >., Oiit.,H miles from Richmond liill. l'o]>. 100. (CASHMERE, or CANTON, a post village ii .Middlesex co., Ont., < n the River Thames, -1 miles from Eothv.ell. It contains 2 gi'i't mills, a saw mill, and a carding roi'.l. Poo. 100. C.'VS.SELL, a. <;:iall village in Oxford CO., Ont., 7 mile.j from Rriglit. It con- tains a saw mill. Pop. oO. CASSELMAN, a post village in Russell CO.,, 27 miles from Diekinson's Lamling. It contains a saw mill. Pop. 3o. CASTILE, a postvillage in Renfrew CO., Ont., 42 miles from Renfrev,-. Pop. 50. CASTLE13AR, or TINGWICK, a post village in Richmond co.. Que., 3^ miles from Danville. Rop. l.'iO. CA.STLE COYE, a small fishing set- tlement in the district of Bonavista, Nlld,7.i miles from King's Cove. Pop. 70. CASTLEEORD, a station ou the Brockville and Ottawa railway, iu Renfrew co., Out. Sec Bouucchorc Point. OASTLEMORE, a post village iu Peel CO., Out., U miles from Weston. Pop. 200. CASTLE PtAY, a hamlet in Colches- ter CO., N.S., 12 miles IVom Thomson. CASTLETOX,a thriving jiost village in Nortluimberlaid co.,, G miles from Colborne. It contains a carriage factory, a shingle fietory, a brickfield, several mills, a lelegiaph ullice, and a number of stores. Poj). 400. CASTOR, a:i island at the N.W. end of Lake St. Peter, at the mouth of the River Hivonne. Que. CASTOR, 'Russell co., Ont. See Russell. OATALINA, a post town and port of entry on the iMi'iii side of Trinity Bay, Nlld., GO miles from St. John's. It has a good harbor, with a lighthouse on an island at its e itra ice. The only noteworthy object in the town is a fine English church, built of wood. Pop. 1,3U0. ^-:,^ \i¥% CAU 80 CED l:h^^1::|| ^1 l^-i#. 1' k>^ 'III I ' ,ii IM^:^^ CATALOYR, a post settlencjont in Cape lir«"ton ro., N.S., on Mira ]?ay, 18 itiilos from Sydney. Pop. l.')0. (J.ATARACT, 01- CHlJUCri'S F.MifjS, a post villafio in (^ardwull co., Out., situ;t,t(!(l in a (Iccp valley on the S.W. side of (^iledon Hill, 3' miles from Alton. T!ie Rivet- Credit runs through the villauce a(rordin,f( pood water power. It contains 2 woollen mills, 1 saw mill, 1 trrist mill, 1 brewery, 1 fla.x mill, and a telegraph ollicc. Pop. 200. CATARAQUI, or WATERLOO, a post vlUacn' in Frontenae eo.. Out., 2 milcP! fiom Kingston. Poo. r.OO. CAT COVE,'a lisliing settlement on the i"'reneli sliore, Nlld., on the north sitlc of White Bay, 40 miles from La iScie. Pop. 9. CAT COVK, a small fushinfr scttle- meit o:'. tlie north siile of Trinity 15ay, Nlld., i.raile.5 from Trinity. Pop. 34. CAT nVRnOR, a s". "U fi.>l)ing sct- tlemeiil in the district of Twillingate and Fogo, Nlld., 15 miles from Green's Pond. Pop. liOO. CATIICART, or SYDEXILUf, a ftost village in Brant co., OnL, U miles rem Princ'ton. Pop. IGO. CAT ISLAN'O, a small Lsiand in Lake Huron, lyi ig between the Isle of Cove and florae I-land. CAT POINT, a fi.hing settlement in Bhelburne co., X.>S., on the sea, I'J miles from Barrington. Pop. 200. CAT'S COVE, or NEW CONCEP- TION, a large sclllcment at the head of Conception Bav, dii'trict of IIarI)or Main, Nlld., 39 m'iles from St. John's. The surrounding scenery is bold and beanliful. Pop. 019. CAl!a:^NA\VAC,A, or SAULT IT. LOUIS, a post village in Laiirairie co., Que., situated on the south shore (;f the St. Lawrence, o])posite the village of Lachine, with a station on the (i. T. R. (Province line division), 10 miles from Montreal, and 1,") miles from Boauliar- riois. It is entirely inhabited by Indians of the Iroquiiis tribe, and the civil laws of the locality are administered by a council of seven chiefs. Ithasaule- graith office. Pop. 1,050. CAITSAPSCUL, a post ofTicc in Ri- mouski CO., Que., on the I. R.. 01 miles from St. Flavie. It baa a telegraph office. CAVAN, a post vHlage in Dur- liam CO., Ont., 5 miles from Millbrook. It contains 1 church, I carding mill, 1 tan uer\-, and .several stores. Pop. 100. (LWENblMI, a post village in Queens co., P.E.L, 24 miles N.W. of Charli)ttetown. Pop. 200. (.WWDOR, a post village in Ad- ding'^on CO., Ont., 34 miles N.E. of Napanee. Pop. 100. CANTON, St Maurice co., Que. See St. Elie. CAYUGA, the chief town of the co. of Ilaldnnand, Ont., is situated on Grand river, and on the G. W. (('an- ada Air Line.) a id C. S. R's., miles from Canficld, 25 miles S. of Hamilton. It contains, besides the county buildings,a numb 'r of stores and hot(d.-!, a telegrajjh odiee, and two print- ing olFices from whicli weekly news- pi'.pcrs are i.-sncd. It bus a large ex- port trade in square aid roimd limber, sawn lumber an 1 gra'n Pop. 803. CAYUGA ITEIGIITS, Brant co., Ont. Sec Cainsville. CAZAVILLE, a post village in. Huntingdon co., Que., G miles from St. A licet.'^ Pop. 100. CEDAR DALE, a village in Ontario CO., Out., on the (J. T. R., 3 mUes from ().-3hawa. It contains a large scythe, hoe and fork fac'ory. Pop. '-'.")0. CEDAR GROVE, a )>ost vi'hige in York CO., Ont., on the Rouge river, 4 miles from Markham. It contains 3 sa\^- mill-;, 1 grist mill and 2 cheese factories. Pop. 150. CEDAR HALL, n post villago in Riinouski co.. Que., 35 miles from St. Flavie. CEDAR IHLL, a ofTiee in Lanark co., Oat., 4 miles from Paken- ham. CEDAR LAKE, a post village in Digl^y CO., N.S., 14 miles N. of Yar- mouth. Pop. 15;!. CEDAR LAKE, Addington co., Ont. See Deibiglv CEDAK'i, ^ •. 'Jilt village in Vamlreuil CO., Que., on inu River St. Ija\vr;>nce, with a station on the G. T. R., 29 miles S.W. of Montreal. It co itaios 5 stores and 2 hotels. The (ycdar rapids, the passing through which is very exciting, are nearly opposite the village. Pom. 3o0. CEDARVILLE, a post vil'agii m Grey co., Ont., 10 miles from Mount CEN 81 Forest. It contains 1 saw mill, and an asliory. Pop. 5ii. CEXTIiAL IIEDEQUE, a small vil- lage in I'riiice Co., I'.E.I., miles from Siimiiier.sidi". I'oj). I'.'S. GEXTUAL lUJSSVILLE, a post setlleinciit in Kunbury cc, N.B., 3 milts' fpiiii r.lissviUe. Po)). l."0. CE.VTIIAL OAMBIUDCE, a post vill.igo in aeons co., X.IJ., 20 miles iV.W. of .Vorton. Pop. SO. CE.NTUAri CITEI!()(';rR, a post villaj: • 111 Yitrmoulli co., N.S., 2^ miles from Viiriiioiitli. Poj). 100. CEXTFIAIJA, or DEVOX, a post villaj^-'iii Huron c\, Out., 10 miles from Liicun. Pop. loO. CKXTPAL KI.Vr.SCLEAR, a post settlement in Yoric co., X.l!, on the south side of tlin St. John rivi-r, 11 mile.s above Fii.:ii'rirton. Poo. l.")0. CEXTRAL NOT''()X, apost settle- ment ill Kines CO., N.13., 4 miles from Ossfkeaff. Pop. ]00. C E XT R A E XSL ( )W, a post villaj^e in Go]f;ii'^4t.'r co.. X.S., on Uol-ciiuid Bay, .3 mil,\s from Truro. Pn|). 2 '0. CEXTliE, a I'limh't in Cumberland CO., X'.S , h mile Alliol. CEXTRE Al'CUSTA, apostvillacre in Greiville co., Out., 12 miles firom Prescott. Pop. lOo. CEXTRE KILL, an isolated peak near Bay Hulls Arm, Trinity Bav, Nlld., viewinr^ it from whcuco it lia> a very imposing: a[i])caraiice. It has upwiird-; of l,0'iO feet elevation, and fvom the summit an extensive view is had of th«i whole of Placcnlia and Trinity Bay?, as well as some of the liighla'id-^ about Guiicfption, Bonavista and Fortune Bavs. CEXTRE RAX^IE, a aottlcment in Lniieuliuri,^ co , X..' . on tht; sea cuast, 5 rnilo.; from Lii n-nbarj.^. Pop. ;];)0. ^CEXTBETO.V, a post village in X'nrthumberland co., Ont.,8 miles from Grafton. Po;i. l.'iO. CEXTRE VILLAGE, a post village in Westmorland co., X.B., 13 mih-s from Sackville. Pop. 100. CEXTREVILLE, a hamlet in Nor- folk CO.. Out. It has 1 store. CEXTREVILLE, a post village in Addingfon co., Ont., on Whclan's Creek, 17 miles from Xapanee. It lias a telegraph oflBcc and several stores. Pop, .^(l^. CEXTREHLLE, a post village in CITA Albert CO., N.B., on the Petitcodiac river, 14^ miles l),'low .Moncton. Pop. 200. (CEXTREVILLE, a post village and settlement in Cirletou co., XM5., 20 miles from Woo'lstock. Pop. CiOO. CEXTREVILLE, a jiost village in Kings CO., X.S., 4 miles from Kcutville. Pop. 2."<0. CEXTREVILLE, a sm.all village in Cvford CO., Ont , on a bvancii of the RivL-r Tiiames, 2 miles from Iii'rer.-oil. It has good water powr privileges. Pop. l.'.o. CEXTREVILLE, a small villago m Peel CO., Out., 3 miles i'r:)m Ciiarie,,;()ii. It contains a carding mill and a grist luill. Po|). .")0. CEXTREVILLE, or TROUT COVE, a ])ost village in Dit^bv co., X S., on Di'j:bv Xeck, 14 miles S W, of Digby. Pop. '200. CEXTREVILLE, Elgin co., Ont. See Luton. CEXTREVILLE, Lnnenbnrg co., N.S. .See X'ew fijrmaiiv. CEXTREVILLE, Xorthnmberland CO., Out. See X'orliam CEXTREVILLE. P.terborough co., Ont. Sep SoMili M;p. ^0. ( rfAMBLY,.a county of the pro. inoe of QiieVicc, bou.ided on the- west by the St. Lawreiieo, and on tlio muth eaat by the Riehi lieu river, has an area of I'H, 029 acres. Ti.e rliief products are oats, hay, flax, wool and tobacco. Capital, Loiigueuil. Pop. 10.498. ClTA.MBLYBASlX.atlonrishingpo.-f- village in Claml)iy co.. ',tuc., pleasant- ly situated on the PicheHeii rivrM', between the west side of tiie St. Johns canal and Montreal ri'. r (a small si ream), and on the .Mom p il. Chamhly andSor(d railway. 1 mile from Chanibly Canton, ]'! mil'S fVoui St. Ililaifp, and l.'t miles from Montreal. It possesses ex- tensive wat^r power, and contains a Irrge hos])ital, nnd<'rthi' direction of the Grey X'uns. a good college, and a num- ber of .neral con- CHA CHARLESTON, a post village in Leeds CO., Out., on Clinrlcston Lake, 18 miles from Brockvillo. It contains a prist mill and 2 saw mills. Pop. 80. CHARLESTON, a small village in Queens co., N.S., on Port Medway river, 12 iiiiles from Liverpool. Pop. ir.o. CHARLESTOX, or CALEDON, a post village in Cardwpll co., Ont.,on the T. G. & l!. R., 41 miles from Toi-'onto. It contains 5 stores,;! lintels, 1 grist mill, 1 brewery, a telegraph oflBce, and 2 chnrclies. Pop. ?,()0. UHARLESTON,<,r DICKENS, a post settlement in Carleton co.,N.B., 15 miles from Woodstock. Pop. l.")0. CHARLESTON, Stanstead CO., Que. See Ilalley. CHARLES ISLAND, an island in Hudson's Strait; lat. (E. point) G2^ 44' N., Ion. 74 18' W. CHARLES ISLAND, an island in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, near its northern coast. Lat. 50' 12' N., Ion. C'] 15' W. It is 3 miles long and U miles broad. On its north side it Las a -^safe tho ._; <0!, fined harbor. CIIAIo-i:s\ ILLE,or AULTSVILLE, a post village m Stormont co., Ont., on the River St. Lawrence, 00 miles N.E. of Kingston. It contains 7 stores, 2 jiot- teries, a potash factory, and several saw and grist mills. Pop. 300. See Aultsvills. CHARLESVILLE, Durham-cc, Ont. See Eunifkillen CHARLESVILLE, Durham CO., Ont See llaydon. CHARLEVILLE, or AUGUSTA TOWN HALL, a jiost village in Gren- viUe CO., Ont., on the South Nation river, 7 miles from Prescott. Poj). 200. CHARLEVOIX, a county in the N.E. part of Quebec, having che St. Lawrence for its S. boundary. Area l,253,SG(f acres. Capital, St. Paul's Bay. Pop. 15,r,U. CHARLO'S COVE, a post village in Ciuysborough co., N.S., 40 miles S. of Giivsborough. Pop. 100. CHATBORO', a po-^t ofSce in Ar- genteuil co.. Que. ,3 miles from Gushing. Pop. 100. CHARLOTTE, a maritime county in the S.W. ])art of New Brunswick, bounded on the south bj the Bay of Fu'idy and Passamaquoddy Bay, and on tlie west and south-west by Slaine, 88 CHA from which it is separated by the St. Croix river. Numerous ii, dentations mark the coast, off which are the Grand Mananj CampoBello, and Doer Islands, belonging to this county. The soil is fertile, but the greater part of the coun- ty is still covered with forests. The chief industry of the inhabitants is directed to commerce, ship building, lumbering, and the fisheries. The county is traversed by the New Bruns- wick and Canada railway. Capital, St. Andrews. Area £47,000 acres. Pop. 25,8S2. CHARLOTTE ISLAND. See Queen Charlotte's Islands. CilARLOTTETOWN, the capital of Prince Edward Island, and of Queens CO., is well situated on the IJille- bcrrough river, near the southern coast. Lat. 4G^ 15 N., Ion. GIP 7 W. It is well built on a gently rising ground. The principal edifices are the government buildings, post oilice, court house, market, public hall, athenaeum, ex- change, drill shed, Prince of Wales, St. Dunstan's and Methodist colleges, Nor- mal school, convent, lunatic asylum, gaol, and 'J churches — Church of Eng- land (2), Roman Catholic Cathedral, C'luirch of Scotland, Presbyterian (2,) Wesleyan Methodist, Baptist and Bible (christian. 1 semi-monthly, 1 semi- weekly and 7 weekly newspapers are ])ublished in Charlottetown. The town contains, besides what is above enu- merated, 3 banks, a savings bank, a woollen factory, iron foundry, ship building yards, «c. The streets, which are lighted with gas, are wide and well laid out. A railway 13 in course of con- struction M'hich will connect the cap- ital with the i)rincipal towns and vil- lages on the Island. Pop. 7,;V>0. CIIARLOTTEVILLE CENTRE,Nor- folk CO., Out. See Walsh. CIIAIJLTON, an inland in James Bay. North West Territories. Lat. 52*^ N., Ion. 79^ 50 W. CHARRINGTON, a post village im C()m])ton CO., Que , on tlie Clil'ton river, 14 miles from Sherbrookc. It contaias '2 clmrches, 1 stor", 1 saw mill audi grist mill. Pop. 15. CIIATEAUGUAY, a county in the S.W. ])art of Quebec, rich in agricul- tural resources. Area l.'")9,H40 acres. It is watered by the Chatcauguay and English rivers, which also furnish no- U-l ' M Wm i mm :!1 ^^ • !;! I. '! If ,1 i|ii^ , ! i I! f OHA 84 surpassed water power privileges. Capital, Sto. Martine. Pop. IG,lGtJ. CrrATEAUGUAY, fonncily ST. J()A('III.M, a post village iu Chateau- giiay CO., Que, situated on Clmteau- guay river, 24 miles S. of Montreal, and 9 n'lile.^ from Beauharnois. It has 2 chiirclies, 1 convent, 4 stores, and several hotels. Pop. 000. CIIATEAUGUAY BASIN", a post village two miles fro'n the abuve. It contains 2 stores and 2 hotels. Pop. 200. CHATEAU PilCrTER, a flourishing post village and parish in iMontmo- rency co., Quo., on the north shor.iof tiie St. Lau-rencP, 1') miles below Quebec. It has a co:isis of feet of lumber and large quantities of fish are annually sliipped from here. The harbor is capable of accommodating vessels of the largest tonnage. A branch railway, G miles long, will connect the town with Hie " Intcrcnlouial.'' Tiie total number of arnvab for 1872 was 228 (tons G.j,l!)3), ami the clearances 210 (tons nT.D'ld;. Total value of imports, §-40,52"); exiKU-ts S4r.S,lG9. Pop. 3,000. CHATHAM, a townsliij) in Argon- teuil CO., Que., on the Ottawa river. 52 miles S. of Montreal. It contains several churches and stores, and grist, saw, shingle and carding mills. Pop. See dishing. * CHATHAM, the chief town of the CO. of Kent, Out., is situated on the River Thames, and on the G. W. R., G7 miles S.W. of London. It ha.s agencies of :5 banks and of a number of fire, life, and marine insurance compauies, aud 3,42^ CUE contains, besides the county buildings, 8 churches, 2 printing offlco;; 2 telegraph oiucos, .'! saw mills, ;") grist mills, 3 wool- len mill . ' foundries, 1 planing mill, pot and 1 asheries, machine shops, soap, cai. lQ, am' other factories, a brewery and distilLry, and numerous stores. A very ex^'^nsive export trade is done in grain, pork and other country produce, and in lumber, scpiare timber, railroad ties, staves and cord wood. Total value of imports for 1872, §131,319 : exports $440 184. Pop. 5,873. CHATILLON", a post villa gf^ in Yam- aska CO., Que., 12 miles fn^m St. Celes- tin. It has a saw mill. Pop. 200. CHATSWORTH, or J011NT0WN,a jiost village in Grey co.. Out., on th'j T. G. & B. R., 109 miles from Toronto, 12 miles from Owen Sound. It con- tains 3 churches, an iron foundry, a saw mill, a flouring mill, sever 1 stores aud macliine shops, and a telegraph oilico. A cattle fair is held here mo'.ithlv. Po]). 450. CHA'TTIS IIAUIIOR, a small fishing settlement on the west side of I'laccuilia P/av, Nlld., 10 miles from Merasheen. Pop. 40. CHATTDIERE CURVE, a station on the G. T. U., 8 miks from Quebec. CHAUDIERE JCNCTIDN. a station on the St. L. & Out., 7 miles from Ott.iwa (HIAUDIERE JUNCTION, or ST. ETIKNNE, a post village aud station on the G. T. R., in Levis co., Qw., 9 miles from Quebec. It has a telegraph ollifo. Pop. 77(5. CIIAUDIERE MILLS, a post village in Levis co.. Que. CHEAPSIDE, a i)ost vdlage in Hal- dimand co., Ont., 13 miles fi'om Cayu- ga. Pod. 100. CHEAPSTOW, Bruce, co., Ont. See Chepstow. CHEl'.OGUE, or JEnO(HTE, Yar- mo'ith CO., N.S. See Central Cheb'igue. CHEBOGUE (or.TKilOtHE) POINT, a small settlement in Y.'irmouth co., N.S., on the sea coast, 8 miles from Yar- mouth. Pop. CO. (HIEDDAR, a post office in Peter- borough CO., Out. CH'-iOOGGIN, a village in Yarmouth CO., N.S.. on the sea coast, 8 miles from Yarmouth. Pop. 300. CHELSEA, a post village in Lu- ll., in Carle ton co.. nenbur] water. CHEi co..niip 9 mile.-' f saw mil has a ■ Pop. 40f CHEl. Peel CO , miles fr tejegrapl mills. I CHEM isliiiig a ea.'5tornc( CG miles ; oflice (iM f.'oiu Vic week. OffEP? P.K.I, it ClfEJVS post viljai fnan Wall grist mill.- Cni'PU in York co ?'iitnotico(. Jlaine, 2 u 200. CIIERR Simc' Co. Pop. 100 CIIL'K'R CO., ]'.!•;. 1. CIIKRRi I^ake St. V. Que. Lat. W. On it CHf-Rir in Piiiice on East L Pop. .-Iflf) Ontario co man's I!av, iu? 11! ill an CflERT,^ ('HERTsr; '1 Montca: f-ac Oiian Til" village 'n-'Ils, a <■ Ci'ld-bcarii in Mie vicii: ClIESr.i; ^'■>., Out., „i river, 15 j :ft. 1 cnE 85 nenburg co.. N.S., 12 miles from Bridge- water. I'op. 2'";. CIlI-iLHKA, . postvillnge in Ottawa co..Q'ii-.,silUiitt'il on tlio IJiver Giitinean, 9 mile- from Ottawa. It contains suvltuI saw mills and a tele?:rai)li office, and lias a very extensive lumber trade. Pop. 400. CHELTENHAM, a post village in Peol CO.. Out., on llin llivor Oreilit, 12 miles from Bramjiton. It contains a ti'legraiih oflicc, and saw and flouring mills. Pop. 2."0. CHEMAINUS, a soaport and flour- ishing agrxnlli'.ral SL'ttlcnieiit on tlio ca.«tc'rn('o:i.^t of Vancouver I.slaiid, 15.('., GO miles from Victoria. It li;is a jiost olUce and several stores. Stc;iTnors f;om Victoria to Xanaimo call once a week. CHEPSTOW, a hamlet in Kings co., P.K.I. It CMiitains a stnre. CHEPSTOW, or CIIEAPSTOW, a post village in Bruce co., Ont., S tuil'';-; fn)in WaiiaTtrri. It contains saw and gn.^t mills. Pop. 100. CriEPlJTXETICOOK, a settlement in York co., N.B., situated near tlic Clie- putnetieook Lalce?, on the l)orders of Maine, 2 miles from St. Croix. Pop. 200. CHERRY CPtEEK, a post village iu Simc' e co.. Out., 2 miles from Lefroy. Pop. 100 C!Ii:i!RY HILL, a hamlet in Kings CO., P. E.I. It contains a gristmill. CHERRY ISLAxXD, an island in Lake St. F'rancis,near Coteau Landing, ('ue. Lat. 45= 7 N., Ion. 74^ 24' Id ' W. On it is a lighthouse. CHERRY VALLEY, a post viHaqre in Prince Edwanl co., Ont., situated on I"]ast Lake, 6 miles from Picton, Pop. .'!fin. CHERRY WOOD, a post village in Ontario co.,, 4 miles Irom French- man's l>ay. Itc'intains 1 store, 1 llour- iuj mill ami a brush factory. CHERTSEY, or St. TIIEOOORE DE CIIEIITSEV, a post village and parish i'1 -Montcalm co., Que., on the River Lac Ouareau, 12 miles from Rawdon. Til" village contains 1 gristmill, 4 saw laills, a church, and several stores. G 'Ul-bearing qunri/; has been fomid in !iii' vicinity, pop. of parish 1, .l!). CHESLEY, a post village in Bruce CO., Ont., on a branch of the Saugccn i miles from Walker ton. It river cm contains a grist and saw mill, pearlash factory, 3 stores and 2 hotels. Pop. 150. CHESLEYS CORNERS, a postvil- lnge in Liuu uburs: co., N.S., 4'J miles from Kentville. Poji. 100. (,' HESTER, a post settlement in AUiert CO., N.B., 40 miles from Salis- bury. Pop. 100. (J HESTER, a thriving post village in Lunenburg co., N.S., situated on a linsin of the same name at the head of •Mahone Bay, 45 miles from Halifa.v. It has a very extensive fishery traii':^. Chester Basin is studded with islatuls, of which there are said to be 305. The villai^e has several stores and a tele- graph office. Pop. 900. CHESTER, or CHESTER WEST, a post village in Artliabask.a Co., Que., on a branch of the River Nicolet, 8 miles from St. Cliristophe d'Artha- baska. It contains several saw mills, two mines very rich in copper ore, and a lead mine, and has a large trade in lumber and in pot and i)eail ashes. Po]). 2.-0. CHESTER BASIX, a post village 5 miles from th" above, roniaiUically situated. It contains 2 stores. Pop. 3U0. CHESTERFIELD, or BONSVILLE, a ])o-t village in Oxf(-rd co.. Out., 2 mil'^s from Uriclit. Pnp. 10(). CHESTERVILLE, Dundas co., Ont. See V.'iu Chester. CHETICA.MP, a post settlement in Inverness co., N.S., on the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 58 niihrf from Maboii. It has a large fishing j^'iblishnient. There is a lifhthouso iieo: the south end of tl'e island. Lat. 4(i .'it) .30 N.; Ion. •',] ;{ 10 W. Pop. l,Or). (LUETIC AMP, a settlement in Digby CO., N.S., 25 miles from Yarmouth. Pop. 150. CHEVERIE, a post village in Hants CO., X.S., ^it^latcd < n Minas Basin, 18 miles from Newjicrt. :iiy OO ton- of gypstnn are annually exported from here. Poii. 200. CHEVIOT, a post village in Bruce CO., Ont., 14 miles from W alkcrton. P«i]), InO. (MIEZZETCOOK, a post settlement in Halifax co., N.S., situated, on Chezzetcook Harbor, 24 miles from Halifax. Pop. 200. CHICHESTER, n post village and \n r I ♦ .i ! ^) If * i I PI I f fp'Miii':;''- i i'i ■ ''" :';'Mii 3t l;lfl|i^s :ii 1H'.' i 4 !«■' cm 86 parish in Pontiac co., Que., situated on the north shurc of the Ottiiwa, opposite Alluinette Island, 9 miles from Pembroke. It contains a telcgr!i])h office, 2 stores, and a saw mill, and has a larn;e lumber trade. Pop. 598. UIIICOUTIMI, a county in the N". E. part of Quebec, having the heiglit of laud dividing the waters of the St. Lawrence and Hudson's Bay as iis N. boundarvand the 48th parallel of lati- tude as Its S. Area 15,200,35.') acre^^. This county is drained bv Lake fSt. John and by a number of largo rivers, the most important of which are the Saguenay, the Aslniapraou'diouan, the Peribonea, the Mista?sini, and tlic Clii- coutimi. Capital, Chicoutimi. Pop. 17,493. CHICOFTIMI, the chief town of the CO. of Chicoutimi, Quo., situated on the south side of tlie River Sa,:;uenay, 75 milfs from its moutli, and 85 miles fromir^t. Paul's Bay. It contains, be- sides the county buildings, a cliurch and a convent, about a dozen store??, and several large mills. Ships load here with timber direct for foreign ports. Pop. 1,393. CHIUNECTO, a settlement in Cum- berland CO N.S., 3 miles from Maccau. Coal mines are worked here. CIIIGONAISE (or ISIIGONISH) RIVER, a post village and s.tiienient la Colchester co., N.S., situated the head of Cohi-quid Bay, ]3 nul-s from Truro, 4 miles from Debert. Pop. 450. CHIMXEY CORNER, a post village in Inverness co., N.S., 27 miles from Mabon. CIILMXEY ISLAND, an island in the lliver St. Lawrence, 5 miles below Prescott, Ont. On it are the ruins of an old Fr'Mich fort. CHII'MaN, a post settlem mt. in Queens co., N.B., situated on Salr,u>n river, -IGmiL'sfrom Uagetown. There are LXtensiv^ coal beds in this settle- ment. Pop. 150. ClIIPMANS BROOK, a post village ia Kings co., N.S., situated on the i3ay of Fuudy, 21 miles from Keutville. Pop. 150. CHIPPAWA, an incorporated village and port of entry in Welland co., Out., at the confluence of the Chippawa river with the Niagara, above the Falls, and 50 miles S. of Turoato. It con- CHU tains an extensive distillery, two large lau'.ieries, a woollen factory, sash and door factory, and ^rist, shingle and saw mills, besides a number of stores and a telegraph ofhce. Total value of ini- j)orts for 1872 $G0,832 ; exports 318,098. Chippawa is memorable as being the scene of a victory gained July 4, 1814, by the American.'?, 1900 in num- ber, commanded by General Brown, over the British, 2100 strong, command- edby Generals Biall find Drummond. It is a station on the Canada Southern railway, (Erie and Niagara branch). Pop. 922. CIllPPEWYAN FORT, a trading post of the Ilud-on's Buy Company at the \V. end of Laice Aiiiabasca. Lat. 58^ 40N., lon.lll 20 W. ClILORYDOR.^JES, a post settle- meat in Gaspe co.. Que., 27 miles from Fox River, Pop. 203. CIlOCKFISll, a post settlement in Kent CO., N.B., 27 miles W. of Shediac. Pop. 200. CHRISTIAN ISLAND, an island in Lake Huron. Lat. -l-l' 47' N., Ion. 79 57' 30- VV. On it is a lio-h(!iouse. ^ CHRISTIEVILLE, Iberville co., Que. See St. Athanase. CHRISTMAS ISLAND, an island in the Little Bras d'Or, Cape Breton, near Barra Siniit. CHRISTMAS ISLAND, a post village and settlement on the above island, 3 miles from Grand Narrows, and 3:! miles from Sydncv. Pop. 1,315. CHURCH HILL, a post ."Settlement in Albert co., N.B., 15 miles from Petitcodiac. Pop. 100. CHURCH HILL, a po^t village in Simcos CO., Oat., 2 miles from Lefroy. Poi>. l.'/O, CHL RCH OVER, a .^mall village in Slielburne co., N.S., on t'-.,> sea coast, 7 miles from Shelbi.rne. Pop. IllO. CHURCH POINT, a village in Northumberland co.. N.B. CHURCH'S FAT LS, Cardwell co., Cat. See Cataract. CHU'.CH STREET, a post village in Kiiigs 00^ N.S , 2 miles from Port Williams Station. Pop. 200. CHURCHVILLE, a post village i" Peel CO., Ont., on the River Credit, 9 niilos from Malton. It contains a tannery and flour and saw mills. Pop. 200. CHURCHVILLE, a post village ia CLA SI CLA Pictou CO., N.S., on the east branch of East river, 5 miles from New Glasgow. Pop. 150. CnUTE A BLONDEAU, a post village in Prescott co.,Ont., G miles irom Carillon, 73 miles from Ottawa. It contains .3 stores and 3 hotels. CHUTE'S COVE, or HAMPTON, a post village in Annapolis CO., N. 8., on theBav of Fuudy, 5 miles from Bridge- town.' Pop. 100. CINQUE CERF, a small fishing settlenu nt in tlie district of Eurgeo and La Poile, Nfld., 21 miles from Hose Blanche. Pop. 30. CLACIIAN, a post village in Elgin CO., Ont., miles from Bothwell. Pop. 100. CLAIRMONT, or CLEARMONT, Brant cu., Out. See Burford. CLAIR MOUNT, a post village in Cumberland co., N.S., 4 miles from River Philip. Pop. 100. CLAIRVAUX, or ST. PLACIDE, a post villiige in Charlevoix co.. Que. 9 miles from St. Paul's Bay. Pop. 400. CLAIRVIEW, a post office in Ad- dingtou CO., Ont., 30 miles from Nap- anee. CLAIRVILLE, Glengarry co., Ont. See Nortli Luncaster. C AIRVILLE, York co., Ont. See Humocr. CLAM HARBOR, a settlement in Guysborough co., N. S., on the Gut of Canso, 10 miles from Guysborough. Pop. 100. CLANDEBOYE, a post office in Car- leton CO., Ont., on the Mississippi river, 6 miles from Almonte. CLAPIIAM, a post village in Megan- tic CO., Que., 22 miles from Becancour Stiition. Pop. 100. CLARE, a post village and parish in Digby co., N.S., on St. Mary's Buy, 33 miles from Digby. Pop. 1,877. CLAREMONT, a thriving post village in Ontario co., Ont., G miles from Sloufl- ville. It contains 3 churches, 4 stores, 1 hotel, 1 grist mill, and 1 saw mill. Pop. 500. CLARENCE, a hamlet in Annapolis ci) , N.S. It contains 2 stores. CLARENCE, a i-ost village in Rus- sell CO., Ont., 2milesfiom Thurso. Por. 150. CLARE>:CE CREEK, a post village in R' =>sell co., Ont., 7 miles from Thiu-so. Pop. 150. CLARENCEVILLE, a post village and portof entry in Missisquoi co.,Que., between the Richelieu river and Miisis- quoi Bay, 3 miles from Lacolle. It contains 2 churches, 1 Jiotel, 3 stores and a cheese factory. Total value of imports for 1872 $8,207 : exports $65- 898. Pop. 300. CLARENDON, a, post township in Charlotte co.,N.B., loi miles from Wels- ford. Pop. 204. CLARENDON, a station on the E. & N.A.R., in Queens co., N.B., 29 miles from St. Joiin. CLARENDON CENTRE, a thriving post village inPoutiacco., Que., 8 miles from Bristol. It contains a telegraph oflice, saw, grist and carding mills, 2 churches, and 7 stores. Pop. 250. CLARENDON FRONT, a post vil- lac'e in Pontiac co., Que., 5 miles from Bristol. Pop. 100. CLARlNA,a post village in Shefford CO., Que., on Granby river, 4 miles from Granby. It contains 1 store, 1 hotel, 1 saw mill and 1 grist mill. Pop. 400. CLARKE or NEWTON, a j)ost vil- l«ge in Durham co., Ont., 3 miles from Newtonville. It contains several stores and hotels, and 3 churches. Pop. 350. CLARKE'S HARBOR, a post village on Cape Sable Island, Shelburne co., N.S., 14 miles from Barrington. Pop. 400. CLARK'S, a station on the B. & 0. R., 7 miles from Brockville. CLARK'S BEACH, a large fishing settlement in the district of Brigus, Nfld., on the north side of Conception Bay, 4 miles from Brigus. Pop. 444. CLARKSBURG, a post village in Grey co., Ont., sitnated'near the mouth of Beaver river, with a station on the N. R, 16 miles from Colling wood. It contains a church, 6 stores, 2 hotel?, a telegraph oflice, 2 woollen mills, and a saw mill. Poo. 300. CLARK'S HKAD, a small fisliicg setilemeiU in the Uvd River, and on t)ie W. G. & B. R., KVJ miles from Hamilton, S;! miles from Ouel])h. It contains 2 cliurches, 3 liotoh, saw and grist mills, wooUea and cabiir't factorie.^, an iron foundry, a telegrnph ofTice, ami several stores. Pop. OaO. CLlFTOy, a post village in Glouces- ter CO., N.H., on Baie des Chalours, 17 mdes from Bathurst. It contains 3 store-! and a telegraph ofBce. Grind- stones are made h'TC. Pop. 200. CLIFTON, a post village in Kings co., CLI N.B., on Kennebaccnsis Bay, 5 miles from Rothsay. It has a telegrapli ollico and several shipyards. Pop. 2rtO. CLIFTO.V, a settlement in Cumber- land CO., N.S., 3;J miles from River Philip. CLIFTON", a small village in Col- Chester co., N.S., situated on the norih bank of the Shub'Miacadio river, 11 miles from Truro. Il has a good ship- building trade. Pop. l.'')'l. C L 1 F T ON, or S U S P fl N S T N B R I D G E, an incorpni.ued town in Welland co.. Out., "situat'd on the west bank of Nia'^'ara river, 43 mile,^ from Hamilton, and about two miles below the great cataraet, of* which it commands a most 1ma;;nitiecnt view. At this point the International Rail- road Su3i)ension Bridge has been throvrn across the river, to connect tho Great Western Railway of Canadawith the several railways ofNew York. The bridge is a single span of 800 feet in length, raised 230 feet above the water, and supported by 4 wire cables, 9J inches in diameter, which are calcu- lated to sustain 10,000 tons ; the bridge has two floors, the upper for tho railroad track and the lower for wag- gons, and the cast end commands a very fine view of tho falls and of the rapids under and below tho bridge for f of a mile to the whirlpool, Ttie water of tli(!se rapids runs at the rate of 25 miles per hour, with breakers dash- ing from 10 to 20 feet in height. View- ed from the shore they present one of tho grandest sights of the kind in the world, and the tourist has not seen Niagara until he has stood on the shore 150 yards below the bridge. Clifton is a jiort of entry. It contains a mus- eum, several churches, hotels and stores, and 2 telegraph offices, and has an ex- tensive g'Mieral trade. Total value of imnorts for 1872 S2, 197,810 ; exports §3,''J09,9R8. Pop. 1,()10. CLIFTON, Queens co., P.E.I. See Campbelltown. CLINCH S MILLS, a post village in St. Joiin CO., N.B. CLINESVILLE, a hamlet in Went- worth CO., Out. CIJXTON, an incorporated village in Huron CO., Ont., with a station on the G. T. R. (Buffalo and Godorich division), 13 miles from (roderich. It has alargfi grain and produce trade, and contains 4 COA 89 COB churches, 7 hotels, a branch bank, sever- al iiidiiniiice iv^eiicicH, 1 ])ri!it'!ig ulliet', 2 tek'^jnipli otlifi's, a uuiiiber of Btoic-i. and Sfvoral iar;.n> saw, grist and otliCT Uiiil-', fouiulries and W()(;lleii fac- turifd. tSalt w H.s are worked in the vlll:l^'e. Top. Ii,"li3. CLINK >.\.ii post town in tbe district of Lill'ict, li.U., 2;!(J miles from Xew WcsUiiinsUT. It liiis a toli'grapli ollico. CL(.'\i'l'.S, a post .si'tlli'incnt in Queens CO., N.i> , IT) miles from tJagotowu. Coal is found iii'i-e. Pop. 200. CLONTAUF, a jjost village in Ren- frew Ci>., Out., situated on tlie south siiore of Clear Lake, on the Opcougo Koad, 30 niilos from Renfrew. It Las a telcgrapli oflice. I'up. I11y exported. The town, which is lit with gas, i.-, very prettily laid out, the broad and spacious streets for the most jjart intersecting each other at right angles and being adorned with numerous ele- gant r.'sidences and several line j)ublic b'lildings, incli;ding a town hall and a We.deyan university. The latter is allili,it(d with factdties of law and medicine in Toronto and Montreal. The manufacturing interests of Co- bourg are represented by woollen mills, a car factory, and several foun- dries, mills and breweries. The town also contains 3 branch banks, agencies of 10 or 12 assurance and insurance companies, 2 telegraph agencies, about 70 stores, 3 news])aper olliees, and churches for the Episcopalians, Wcs- leyan and Episcopal Methodists, l>ible Christians, Presbyterians, Congrcga- tionalistsand R ' (Jatholics. Total value of imports for 1872 ii?100,3G3; »„>*:■ li'J^fi' ■■ i'l >■ .• ..1 ' .».. 'I ^ rr ,( r i '■' III If ; 'I i <■!. ■' ^ COL 90 COL river, 3 miles exports $383,r)T9. Tlio fnr fumed Rico Luke, aboiiiuliiig in iiiaskiuunge und black buss, is only 14 miles by mil from Cobourg. Pop. 4,142. COCAKJ.NE, a post village in Kent CO., N.I5., situated on tlic south sitlo of tliO Cocaigne river, 11 miles from Shc- diac. A line bridffo bere sj)an3 the river. The district is well settled by Acadian fjiri'iera. Pop. 000. COCAICJNK RIVER, n post settle ment on the Cocii.'pno above Cocuif^ne viila{.re l'oi>. 200 COCAKINE SHORE, a settlement on the Cocaigno river, 4 miles below Cocaigae village. Pop. 200. CUDIUNGTON, a post village in Nortliumberlund co., Ont., D miles from Brighton. It contains grist, saw and carding mills. Pop. 150. COD ROY AND RIVERS, two set- tlements on the l-'ronch shore, Nfld., 22 miles froni Channel. Pop. 445. CODY'S, ft post office in Queens co., N.B. See Watc rville. COFFINS ISLAND, one of the Mag- dalen Islands, in the Gulf of St. Law- rence, lat. 44^ 3 N , Ion. G4' SiV "VV. It is the largest of the group, and is 25 miles long, and in some places 3 miles wide. COGMAGUN RIVER, a post settle- ment in Hants co., N.S., 8 miles from Newport. Pop. 150. COLBECK, ft post village in Wel- lington CO., Ont., IG miles from Luther. Pop. 50. COLBORNE, a small village in Nor- folk CO., Ont., 1 mile from Simcoe. Pop. 80. COLBORNE, or CRAMATTE, an in- corporated village in Nortliumberland CO., Ont,, on Lake Ontario, and on the G. T. R., IG miles from Cobourg, 85 miles £. of Toronto. It contains several stores, grist, saw and i)laning mills, 2 tanneries, an iron foundry, 3 cal.i let factories, 2 telegraph agencies, a print- ing office, several hotels, and a number of stores. Colborne is a port of entry (called Craniftbe.) Total value of imports for 1872 $34,337; exports $37,050. Pop. 823. COLCHESTER, a county in the cen- tral part of Nova Scoiift, bordering on the Minasand Cobequid Bays, with a narrow strip extending W. along Minas Channel to tlie Bay of Fundy. A rugged ridge bounds its shores. Tbe ' interior is mostly level, and is crossed by the Intercolonial railway. Area 837,000 acres. Capital, Truro. Pop, "COLCIIESTER, or SACKVILLE, a p( st village in Essex co., Ont., situated on Lake Erie, and on the ('. S. R., 8 miles from Aiidierstburg. It contain.^ a telegrajth office, 3 stores, and has a good lumber trade. Pop, 200. COl.DBROOK, or JACKSON'S MILLS, a post village in Kin^rj CO., N.S., on Cornwaliis rivor, witli a station on the W. k A. R., 30 miles W, of Windsor, It cont.'iins several stores and mills. Pop. 150. COLD SPRINGS, a j.ost village in Northumberland co., Ont,, 7 miles from Cobourg. Pop. 200, COLDSTREAM, a post village and settlement in Carleton co., N.B., beautifully situated in a valley at the confluence of the rivers Coldstream and Becaguimec, 17 miles fn ni Woodstock. It contains 2 stores, 1 tannery and several mills. Pop. 4n0. COLDSTREA.M, a i>ost village in jriiUIIosex CO., Out., 11 miles froui Strathroy. It contains a saw and grist mill. Pop. 100. COLD WATER, a post village in Simcoe co., Ont., situated near Glouces- ter Bay, 14 miles from Orilli.i. It con- tains saw and gri.-^t mills, 3 hotels, 4 stores I'.nd a telegraph office. Poi).250. COLRIIROOK, a post village in Ad- diiigton CO , Out., on the Napahco river, 23 miles W, of Kingston. It contains a telegraph office, several stores and hotels, saw and grist mills, and a pot- ash factory. Pop. 300. COLEBROOK, St. Johns co., Que. See Grande Lipne. COLEBROOK, Victoria co,, N.B. See Grand Falls. COLE HARBOUR, a post village in Guy?borough co., N.S., on Tor Baj', 35 miles from Guysborough. Pop. 100. COLERAINE, a post village in Peel 2 miksfrom Klineburg. It several stores and hotels. CO., Out., contains Pop. 200. COLERIDGE, a post village in Wel- lington CO., Out., 13 miles from Orange- ville. It contains a saw mill and 1 hotel. Pop. 200. COLE'S CREEK, Hastings co., Oat See Frankford. COL n CON COLE'S CORNERS, a smftll village in Lambton co., Ont., 4 milcH from Sar- nia. I'op. 7">. COLIC'S ISLAND, a post settlement in Queens co., N.H., on an island in Wftslmilemouk river, 20 miles from Apo- haqui. Top. 200. COLE'S ISLAND, Westmorland co., N.H. See Au Lac. COLEV'S POINT, a larpo fishing settlomcnt in the district of Harbor Grace, Nfld., on the north side of ('on- ception IJay, 10 miles from Harbor Grace. Vuy. GCA. COLINVILLE, a post village in Lnmhton co., Out., on the River St. Clair, 9 miles from Sarnia. Pup. 100. COLLFIELD, a jiost village In Pon- tiac CO., Que., 11 miles from Portage du Fort. It contains a saw mill, and has a podd lumber trade. Pop. 90. COLLI El'tS, a large fishing settle- ment in the district of Harbor Main, Nlld., at the head of Conception Bay, 6 miles from Brigus. Pop. 480. COLLINA, a post village and settle- ment in Kings co., N.B., 9 miles from Apohiiqui. Pop. 3")0. COLLINA, St. John co., N.B. See Quaco. COLLINET, a fishing settlement at the head of St. Marys Bay, Ntld., 5G miles from St. John's. COLLINGWOOD, an incorporated town in Simcoe co., Ont., situated on Nottawasaga Bay, on the south shore of Georgian Bay, and on the Northern railway, 9r> miles N.N.W. of Toronto. It contains 1 large tannery, 1 brewery, 1 steam flour mill, sasti, door, blind, pump and other factories, several notels and churches, a number of stores, 2 printing offices, 2 telegraph agencies, ft branch bank, and several shipyards and grain elevators. It has a large lumber, grain and produce trade, and is tho starting point of steamers for Owen Sound. Sault Ste. Mario, Fort William and Duluth. Pop. 2,829. COLLIN'S BAY, a post village in Fronteiiac co., Ont., situated on the River St. Lawrence, with a station on the G.T. R., 8 miles from Kingston. It contains a telegraph ofTice, hotel, store, church and gristmill. Pop. 130. COLLIN'S INLET, a post office in the district of Algoma, Ont., 1.5 miles from Killarney, Manitoulin Island. COLPOY'S BAY, a post village on cimrclu'-, hotels an inlet of Georgian Bay, in Bruce co., Out., 25 miles from Owen Sound. It contains grist and Si^w mills, and 2 stores. Pop. .^0. COLUMBIA, Peel co., Ont. See Coventrv. COLUMBUS, a post villngo in Ontario CO., Ont., G niiles from Osiii li slore.s nnd 1 lioiil. CONDON SHTTLi:MKNT, a post seltlciMtiit in Kings co., X.S. CONHSTOOO, a tiiriving jtost villagt^ in Waterloo co., Onl., at the coii- tluoHce of the ComcsIo^o and Clrand rivers, H miles from IJerlin. It conta'ns a distillery, flax and mills, a telegn'ph uliice, '.i hotels, and several stores. Pop. 4."jO. CONKV ARM, a small fishing station and harbor on the Fn'nch yhore, N'dd., 30 miles from Great Harbor Deep. Pop. •_'.■>. CONINGSHY, a post village in Wel- lington co. Oiit., 4;l miles from Hills- burgh, 2- mill 3 "from Georgetown. Pop 50. (JONN, a small fishing settlement in the district of Fortune 15ay, Nlld., 48 miles from Harbor Briton. Pop. 20. CONN.M'dllT, a p-st village in Dundas co.. Out., near tlie Nation riv- er, 2;{ miles from .Matilda. It contains 1 store, I hot( 1, 1 saw mill, and 1 grist mill. Pop. nito. CONNOR, a post village in Card- well co., Out., 11 miles from Bolton. It coiitains a woollen factory and u taiinerv. Poj). ir)0. C0NX0R8VILLE, a post settlement in Kings co., N.B., 15 miles from Roth- say. Pop. 100. COX<>UKRALL, a settlement in Lu- nenburg CO , N.S., near the La Hive river, 8 miles from Bridgewater. Pop. 3U0. COXQFERALL BANK, a post vil- lage ill Lunenburg co., N.8., on the west bank of the La Have river, 4 miles from Bridgewater. Poj). 150. CONRO V, H post settlement in Perth CO., Ont., U miles from Stratford. Pop. 150. CONSECON, a thriving post village inPriuce Kd\vardco.,Ont.,at the mouth of the Consecon river in Weller's Bay, 14 miles from Brighton. It is a noted lishing station, lias good water power, and cuutaius a telegraph otlice, 92 COO and several m\]\<*, stores, churches, and hotels. Poji. 500. CONSTANCE, or KINBURN, a post village in Huron eo., Ont., 6 miles from Seaforth. It contains 2 stores. Pon. 100. CONTRECCEUR, a post village and parish inVerchcre3co.,Que ,on the south shore of the St. Lawrence,:?) miles from Montreal. The village contains 1 tJiurcli, 4ston'8 anil 1 hotel. Iischicf trade isin country produce and in maple sugar, about 2ii,O00 lbs. of wliivh is manufac- tured ;innually. Pon. of pari-li 1, «!.'{. CONWAY, or FREDEIHCKSBURG, a riv'>k- port in Lennox co., Ont., Fituated near the entra ice uf the Bay of (Juinte, 28 miles from Kngstou, Poj). 80. COOK'S, a station on the G. T. R., (Bulfalo divisiou),24 miles from Brant- ford. COOK'S BROOK, a station on the I. R., 05 miles N.E. of St. John. COOK'S BROOK, or GAYS RIVER RO \n, a 1 ost .'Settlement in ('olcliester cr)., N.S., 10 miles from Shubeuacadie. Pop. 150. COOKS CORNERS, Kent co., Ont. See ('liaring Cross. COOKS MILLS, Wellandco., Ont. See Crowlandville. COOKSHIRE, the chief town of the CO. of (\)nipton, Que, on the Eaton river, 13 miles from Lennoxvilh'. It con- tains, besides the county buildings, a starch factory, a sash and door factory, 3 saw mills, a canlin-r mill, T! churches, 1 hotel, and several storus. Pop. 400. C()OKSTOV\N, or PERRY'S COR- NERS, a thriving post village in Simcoe CO., (*nt., 8 miles from Gilford. It con- tains several stores, churches and ho- tels, and a telegraph oflice. Poi>. . COOPER, or ALLE.V SETTLE- MENT, a post villajro in Hastings co.. Out., on Black Creek, 43 miles from 1 •! 1/ COR 93 Belleville. It has a saw mill and a store. Pop. 100. COPENHAGEN, a post village in El<,'in CO., Ont., 2^ luilcs from Port Bruce, on Luko Erie, itcontiiins 2 saw mills, 1 iioU'iiinu : store. Pop. 300. COPETOWN, a village in Went- worth CO., Out., with a station on the G. W. R., 11 niilr.s from Hamilton. It has a teligrapii ollici' several bote Is and Store,-:, and a .'?aw :.',•(■, Pop. 2'i0. COPLESTON, or OIL CREEK, a po3t village in Lambton co., , oi Wortii Crock, 4 miles from Petroliu. It bus several oil wellj. Pof). 100. COPPETT, a small li.shing settle- ment in the district of Burgeu and La Poile, Xdil, w;'8t of Cape La Hune, IG niile.^ from Bnrgeo. Pop. 15. COUliETT, a post village in Middle- sex CO., Ont., t) miles from Park Hill. It contains 2 churches, 2 stores, I hotel. 4 8aw mills, 1 grist mill, and 2 shinglu mills. Pop. i:a). CUR15IX,a post village in Huntingdon CO., Que., on the Englisii river, 4 miles from Ilemmingford. It contains 1 store, 1 saw and grist mill, and a furnituro factory. Pop. 100. COHHIN, asmall fi.shing settlement in the district of Fortune Day, Nlld., 3 miles from Beileorem. Pop. 45. C( IRIJI'RV, a French Acadian settle- ment in Digby co., N.S., 20 miles from Digbv. Pop. 150. CORINTH, or JONES' CORNERS, a post village in Elgin co., Ont., on t!ie G.W.R., (Canada Air line,) 18 miles frui » St. Thomas. It contains a tele- graph office, a store, an ashery, and a saw mill. Pop. 7o. CORK (late ACTON), a post villag(> and settlement in York co., N.B., witiia station on the E. & N. A. R., 01 miles W. of St. John. Pop. 350. CORNABUSS, Grey co., Ont. See Markdale. COIJXHLLVILLE, or FARMERS- VILLK, a small village in O.xford co., Ont., on the C. S. R., 17 miles from Til- sonbing. Pop. 100. CORN HILL, a post settlement in Kings co^ N.B., G miles from Anna- ganee. Pop. 300. CORNWALL, an electoral district in the E. part of Ontario, comprises the town and township of Cornwall. It is traver.-;ed by the Grand Trunk railway, and has the Cornwall canal and the COT River St. Lxwrcnce as its southern bonndary. Area C5,G50 acres. Pup. 7,114. CORNWALL, the chief town of the United Connties of Storuion' and (!lt;n- garr}\ Ont., situated ai lli" nuuilh of tiie Cornwall canal, on the li iver St. ,. T. R., f Lawrence,withastation oi>. \] G7 miles S.W. of .Monireal, ;ind 10.') miles from Kingston. It is a port of entry. The Cornwall canal gives it excellent water i)rivile;:cs. Several large mills and fa'-tories are erected on its bauk.s, among theai ot e of the line-t woollen factories in the Dnniiiiion, and a cotton factory. The town c( nlaiiis a number of stores, eh'ir(dies and hotels, an agency of tile Hank of Mon- treal, 2 telegraph oHiees, and 2 printing offices from whicii weekly new.;- papers are issued. Total value of iiii- jiorts for 1S72 $57,320; cxpi)rts v?55,- 400. Pop. 2o:?3. COKNWALL, or PYE'S (^ORXERS, a ])ost village in (Queens co., P.E. I., 7 miles from Ciiarluttetown. It coiitain.s a gristmill and a shingle mill. Poj). 275. CORN\VALLIS,a seaport town of No- vai^colia, KillL,^s co.jon an arm of .^Iina3, 70 miles N.W. of Halifax. The total number of arrivals for 1S72 was 203 (tons 20,2.'!5), and the clearance-i 221 (tons 2!,94S). Total value of imports SG5,572: exiiorts :i?Sl,425. Sec WolfviUe. CORXWALLIS EAST, a I'ost set- tlement in Kings CO.. N.."> . 2;{ miles from Port Williams StatioN. ' Pop- 1"0. CORNWALLIS \\EST, King^ co , N.S. See Back Settlement of West Cornwall is. CORNWALL ISLAND, in the North West TerriUjries, in the Arctic Ocean, east of lialhurst Island. Lat. G5 N., Ion. 05 W. (OliOXATION GULF, in the North West Territories, i \ the Arctic Ocian, west of Victoria Ljiud and Kent Penin- sula. Lat. (18 :!0 N., Ion. lio W. COUrXXA, a post village in Lamb- ton CO., Ont., siiaated on the Rivir St. Clair, 7 miles from Sarnia. It lus 4 stores, 2 hotels, a telegraph office, and a good trade in cordwood and country produce. Pop. 2'i0. COTEAU DU LAC, or St. IGNACE, a thriving jio-t village in Suulauges co., Que., situated ou tho w a* if m f V* IH COT 94 COW ..! 'j: I 'f ■' ' i 1: il ,1 i ■■ 1: J: 'I J |1 ' River St. Lawrence, 3 miles from Coteau Landing, 3GJ miles S.W. of Montreal. It contains several stores and hotels, and grist and saw mills. Pop. 300. COTEAU LANDING, the chief town of the CO. of 8oulanges^ situated on the lliveriSt.Lawrencc,2 miles from Coteau station. It contiiins a telegraph office. stores and 3 hotels^ and is the chiei grain shipping j)ortot tiie county. Dur- ing summer it liiis communication with Montreal by steunier. Pop. 600. COTEAU STATION, a post village in Soulaugcs co., Que., on tiie G. T. It., 37 miles S.W. of Montreal. It contains a telegraph office, 4 stores and 6 hotels. Pop. 200. COTEAU ST. AUGUSTIN, a thriving village on llie outskirts west of Mon treal, lloclielaga co., Que. It contains several im})ortant factories, amongst others a rolling mill, a glass factory and a large tannery. Pop. 5,000. See Tannery VV'est. COTEAU ST. LOUIS, Ilochelaga CO., Que. See Mile End. COTEAU ST. PIERRE, a village at the westcndof Mount Royal, Ilochelaga CO., Que., 4 miles from Montreal post office. Pop. 2,000. COTEAUX, RIVIERE OUELLE, a post office in Kaniouraska co., Que. COTE DES XiCIGES, a post village in rear of Mount Royal, Ilociuluga co.. Que., situated on tlic " road round the Mountain," 3 miles from Montreal post office. Pop. H 12. COTE ST. ANTOINE, a pleasantly situated district outside the western limits of Montreal. It contains tlie residences of a number of Montreal merchants, and Monklands, once the residence of tlie Governors of Canada, now knowi as Villa Alaria, one of the largest and most ]ioi)uIar convents in tiie Dominion. Poj). GOO. COTE ST. CATHERINE, a village on the "road round tlie Mountain," Ilochelaga co., Que., 2 miles from Mon- treal post office. Pop. 100. COTE ST. LUC, a concession in the f)ar!sh of Notre Dame de Grace, Iloche- aga, CO., Que.» 2 miles from Montreal. Pop. 300. COTE ST. PAUL, a thriving village in Hochelaga co.. Que., situated on the south side of the Lachine canal, 4 mfles from Montreal. It coutaios a telegraph office, an axe and edge tool factory, file works, bell factory, nail factory,an(l several mills. Pop. 1,.'500. COTSWOLD, or BOLTON'S COR- NERS, a post village in Wellingtoa CO., Ont., 3 miles from Harriston. It has a saw mill. Pop. 175. COUDRES, (l.'flc aux Comhes, " Hazel Island,") an island in the St. Lawrence, 55 miles N.E. of Quebec. Length 6 miles. COULSON, a post village in Simcoe CO., Ont., 15 miles from OriUia. Pop. 100. COULSON'S CORNERS, a small vil- lagc i:i Simcoe co , Ont, 3^ miles from Bradford. Pop. 70. COUNTRY HARBOR, a post village and gold district in Guy.'^borongh co., N.S.,()n Country Harbor river, 30 miles from Gnysborough. The mines are on excellent ground, the quartz veins numerous, and the yield of gold, from sundry tests, has averaged 1 oz. 17dwts. 8 grs., and given a maximum of 5 oz. 10 dwts. 13 grs. to the ton British. The lodes vary in thickness from three inches to 2\ feet, and become wider as they descend. Pop. 300. COURTLAND or MIDDLETON CENTRE, a post village in Norfolk co., Ont., on the G.W.R. (Canada Air line), 8 miles from Delhi. It contains a tele- graph office, 4 stores, 2 cheese factories, and 2 saw mills. Pop. 150. COVE HEAD, a post village in Queens co., P.E.I. , 12 miles from Charlottetown. Pop. 300. COVE HEAD ROAD, a post village in Queen's co., P.E.I., 9 miles from Charlottetown. Pop. 250. COVENTRY, or COLUMBIA, a post village in Cardwell co., Ont., situated on a branch of the Ilumbcr, 3 miles from Bolton. Pop. 250. COVERDALE, a post settlement in Albert co., N.B., 10 miles from Salis- bury. Pop. 250. COVERLEY, a post settlement in Grey co.. Out., IG miles from Durham. Pop. 200. COVEY IHLL, a post village in Huntingdon co., Que., 10 miles from Hemmingford. It contains saw and gristmills, Pop. 150. COWAL,a post village in Elgin CO., Ont., 9 miles from Longwood. Pop. 30. COWANSVILLE, or NELSON- VILLE,atl quoi CO., Q the Yanias R., 55 mi contains 6 1 printing brunch ba workshops, CoWBi^ in Cape Br Cow Bay, coa.-;t, 22 n tains 5 st( wliich lire cniifloyiug wiiter in ti lior in stor between C vessels loa( treiil and o (MtWlL the FreiK'h lionne Bav COWlOl OH Vancou of the sami ria. It pos vent at wh teacli trade girl.'^, and t imivincc. very rich. tiuns of ( Chemainus, Pup. 221. coxnE. Ilri'ton CO., (M{AB S] in York co. riclon. Po CRAB'S French .«lio St. (leorpc'i Point. Po CRAIGU coo CO., Ont. \i!\\\* a tel stores and 1 CRAIGL CO., Out., si the foot of the highest! \;m feet a with a sta from Collin I'liarries. ] CRAIGS Wellington gus. Pop. CRA 95 CRA VILLE,a tliriving post village in Missig- quoi CO., CJue., on the south branch of \\w Yaniaska river, and on the S. E. II., 55 miles S.E. oi Montreal. It contains 6 store?, 2 hotels, 2 chiirchcB, 1 printing ollice, a tel'-graph oflice, a hruiicli banii, and several mills and workshojis. Pop. 000. (/'()W HAY, a populous post village in (.'ape Breton co., N.S., situated on Cow Hay, an inlet on the Allantic coast, 22 Tiiilcs from Sydney. It con- tains 5 stores, and rich coal mines wiiich are worked by two coniianics, eniployiug about GOO hands. A break- water in the bay makes it a siife har- b(ir in stormy weather, i^^tenmers ]>\y between Cow Hay and Sydney, ami vessels load with coal direct for Mon- treal and other ports. Pop. l,r>S(;. COW IIAKHun, a fishing st,:tion on the French shore, Xlld., 18 miles from lionne Hav. Pop 23. COWlCIIAX.aflourisliingposttown OH Vancouver Island, 1>.(>., on a river of the same name, 35 miles from Victo- ria. It possesses good schools, a con- vent at which French Canadian Nuns tench trades to Indian and half breed girls, and the only stone church in tlie lirovince. The soil in this district is very rich. The Indian names for sec- tions of Cowiciian are Souienoes, Ciiemainus, Comiaken, Quamichan, &c. Pop. 221. ('OXllEATIT, a post oflRce in Cape Dreton co., X.S., .'{ miles from Sydney. (^{AH SETTLEMENT, a settlement in Vork co., N.H., 2G miles from Frede- ricion. Pop. 100. CRAB'S BROOK, a settlement on the French shore. Mid., on tiie south side ot St. (ieorpe's Hav, 20 miles from Sandy Point. Poj). 00. CRAIGIirRST,a post village in Sim- ooe co.,0nt.,13 miles from Harrie. It con- tiins a telegraj)h ollice, 3 saw mills, 3 stores and I hotel. Pop. l.'iO. CRAIGLEITII, a post village in Grey CO., Ont., situated on Craigley Hay, at liie font of the Blue Mountain, (one of the liighest mountains in Ontario, being 1,">00 feet above the level of the sea,) It has good stone with a station on the N. R., 6 miles from Collingwood. eiiarries. Pop. 80. CRAIGSIIUL.M, a post village in Wellington co., Out., 8 miles from Fer- gua. Pop. 300. CRAIG'S ROAD, a post village in Levis CO., Que., on the G. T. li., 15 miles W. of Quebec. It has a telegraph oflice. Pop. 50. CRAIGVALE, a post village in Simcoc CO., Out., 4 miles from Hramley. It contains (> stores, 2 hotels and a saw mill. Pol). 100. CRA.MAllE, a port of entry in Northumberland co., Ont. See Col- borne. CRANBERRY, a station on the N. H. & C R., in York to., N.H., 49 miles fnmi St. Ar.drews. CRANBERRY liKAD, a settlement in Yarmouth co., N.S., 8 miles from Yarmouth. CRANBOURNE, a post village in Dorchester co.. Que., 45 miles from Quel)ec. It contains 3 grist mills, ?, saw mills, and 3 stores, ami has a good trade in lumber and country produce. Pop. 300. CRANBROOK, or GREY, a village in Huron co.. Out., situated near the Maitland river, 1 miles from Ainleyville. It contains gooil limestone (piarries, 4 churches, 1 shingle mill, li hotels, and 3 stores, and has good water power. Pop. 250. CRANE ISLAND, or ISLE AUX GRL'ES, an island in the St. Lawrence, opposite Cap St. Iguace. Que. Lat. 47 3 N., Ion. 70' 33' W. It has a legend attached to it. More, than a century ago a French ollicer left Old for Now France, as Can;ula was then called. He obtained the grant of a seigniory comprising a groupOt islands, including Crane Ll.ind, on wh ch Le built a plain, massive stone house, — a prison as it proved subsecpiently for himself or for his son ; tradition has failed to elucidate the p'lint. His keeper Avas Mad; me de (iranville, a woman of rank and wealth. The prisoner, it was said, was her broll;er, \\ho was insane. Till recently tlie ruins of the grim old house were standing, but now on its site a modern structure has been erected. The ishind covers an area of 7,873 acres, and is well sctHled. Pop. G39. CRANWORTIT, a post village in Leeds CO , Out., 15 miles from Smith's Falls. Pon. 50. CRAPAUI), a post village in Queens CO., P.E.I., 24 miles from Charlotte- town. It contaias carding and grist :!i r m ;i If ..; I'UkflH ■•■.. I' ^^^■*i t !' i -I m '!i ^' I , ,, II' I 'I' , Ill * ''■ ' il' ^ ,5 t I » . .1 GRO mills, several carriage factories, stores, &c. P()|i. :)(){). (MlAi'AUniERR MOIINTAIX, a high hill ill the seifrniory of Frampton, CO. (if Dor'-lif-itrr, Que. CI!A\VI'(HII), a pdHt villnpn in Grey CO., (>nt., 11 miles from Durhani. Pop. 80. CRAWFORD, Huron co.. Out. See Offi, (MIKDIT, or SPRINGFIELD, a iiost villa,'*' in Peel co.. Out., 4 inilo.- from Port Credit. It rontaiiH several .stnrci and hotels, and a knitting mill. Pop. 250. CREDITOX, a post village in Huron CO., Out., 1 [ milc.s from Lucau. It con- tains ;i telefj;ra])h > flic". several store-! and hotels, a llax mill, and a grist mill. Pop. I'.'O. 0REI;K BAXK, a post village in Wclliugtdu CO., Ont., 7^ miics fiom Elora. Vnp. .?0. CRKE.MOIiE, a flourishing post vil- lage iu Simc'ie eo., Out., situated on Mad river, f) milen from New Lowell. It contain'^ a telegrajih office, a woollen factory, and 4 .stores, and has a large trade in liuiih'r and tlour. Poj). 3n0. CREIGXISH, asettlemput in Inver- ness CO., N.S., situated on the Strait of Canso, 9 miles from Port Hastings. Pop. HO. CREKUTTON, a po.^t village in Sim- coe CO., Out., 11 luih's frim Orillia. It contai'is a carding mill and two saw mills. Pop. 70. CRESS V, a post village in Prince Edward co., Out., 15 miles from Pic- ton. Pop. 200. CRIEFF, or FRASERVILLE, a post village in Wellin.Liton co., Out., II miles from Gait. Poji. 5(). CRINAN, a jiost village in Elgin co., Ont., on the River Thames, 8 miles from New1)nrv. Pop. 80. CnoCKEirS cove, a fishing set- tlement in the district of Carboni'ar, Nfid., on thi' north shore of Conception Bay, I mile from Carlumear. Pop. 4r)l, CROFTON, a village iu Prince Edwartl co., Out., G miles from Picton. Pop. 80. CROMARTY, a post village in Perth CO., Ont., G miles from Carronbrook. Pop. 100. CRO.MWIiLL, a post settlement in Things CO., N.B., 14 milea from Norton. Pqu. 100 CRO CROOK'S R\PIDS, Peterborough CO., Out. See Hastings. CROgUE,a lisliing settlementon the French shore, Ntld., Gf) miles from I-a Scie. It has a line harhor, safe in any weather. It is the headiiuarfers of tlio French during tiie (idling season, and the coaling depot of the French steamers stationed on the coast. Pop. 'j."). CROSKYS CORNERS, i'ork co., Ont. See Caslvl. CR0S15Y'S MILLS, a telegraph stn- tion iu Li'cds co.. Out., near Newboro', :j.S miles from Brockville. CROSSHILL, a post village in "Waterloo co., Ont , 10 miles from Ber- lin. It has a telegraph oflice, 2 stores, and 2 hotels. Pop. 150. CROSS POINT, a post village in Bonavenlure co.. Que., beautifully situated at the head of the Baie des Ciialeurs, on the north shoro of the Restigouche river, opposite the town of Camiihellton, N.IJ., and ](YJ.\ miles from SU'. Flavie. It is the licadi|Uiirters of the .MicMac Indians. Salmon abound iu the waters here, ami the surrounding coun- try is very fertile, yielding large crops of wheat and other grain. Sliips load liere Avith square and sawn timber for the English market. Tiie Intercolonial railway crosses the Restigouche near Cross Point. Pott. 150. CROSS RIVERS, a hamlet in Prince CO., P.E.T. It contains 2 stores and a gri-^t mill. CROSS nOADSfCorxTRV nAUBon), a post settlement in (Huy-borougb co , N.S., 18 miles from 'Guysboiough. Po]i. 200. CROSS ROADS ("Lake Ainplik), a post settlement iu Inve;ues3 co.,N.S., IG miles from .Maliou. Po|). 1.50. CROSS ROADS (Minni.K Mkufoud), a post settlement in (iiiysborough co , N.S., situated on Clieihibucto Bay, 12 miles from I'( rt Mulgrave. Pop. 100. CROSS ROADS ((iiiio\ a post set- tlement in Autigoiiish co., N.S., 12.) miles from AntiLTouish. Pop. 150. CROSS ROADS rRiVKit Dknxis), Inverness co., N.S. See Upper Settle- ment of River D< nnis. CROSS ROADS (St. Gkoroe's Channki-), a ])03t settlement in Inver- ness CO., N.S., ;'.o miles from Port Ilawkesburv. Pop. 1 o. CROSS ROADS, Lincoln co., Ont. See Virgil. CROTO CO., Oiit., 1 CKOTU CO., Out., 2 tains 1 stc mill. Poll CROi:s in Liiiunb Bridgewal CkOWl iuGuy.-^bui Ijav, IG mi 150. CROWI. MILLS, a Out., :i mil* 1 saw am 2 stores. CRUXO Out. See CROVD diugion ct miles froi woollen fa( Pop. 100. CRUIKfc Grey co., yoiind. P CIIL'.ML NEuS, a I Out., 5 mii CRVSL niout CO., river, 22 n iug. It c( a grist a.K CUCKO ment in th the norths from Triui CULLO ford CO., O It COUt-.ilb cheese fic stores and CL'.MUK Russell Co IG miles gi..;.h ofiit good Iiiinli CL'.MIIE part of No tlitimberla ated from Bay. The nffurding 1 face is bru by the Co land count CUM 97 CUR CROTON, a post village In Bothwell CO., <'iit., lit mik'S from Kuthwell. CKOTUN, a siuali village in Norfolk CO., Out., 2 miles from Delhi. It con- tains 1 alore, 1 grist mill, and 1 saw niill. I'oj'- ^i^- (.'ROl>K TOWN, a small settlement in Liiiunburg co., N S., U> uiiles from BriilK^cwaliT. Pop. loO. CliOW llAi{lJOUR,a post settlement iiidu^^lxTougli c().,N.H.,i;olia, and rri;m thei.'i lar:.,'e quan- tities of excellent bituminous coal are obtained. The underlying rock of tliia coal foimation also furni.shcs immense (piantitiesofbi'iiutifuland compact gray a;id butl'rolnri'd griiidstoius, which aro exported to all paii.>of the UuiUnlStatoe. The county also abownds witii gyp,;{ miles from Montreal. It possesses jrod water power piivilcges and contains s.iw, Hour and oatmeal mills. Pop. 100. DALIIOUSIE, a hamlet in Aunapolis CO., .V S. It lias 2 saw nulls. DALllortSlK, the rh;ef town of the CO. of Resligouelie, N.U., is sUiialed on the riglit hank of the Restigouelie river, at its entrance into the Day of Clialeurs, 2H4 miles X. of St. John, and r2(> miles 8.1'i. of St. Flavie, on tlie St. Lawrence, in front of tiie town is a wi 11 sheltered, crescent shaped cove, with good holding ground for ships in 9 fathoms water. Fine wlairvos and excellent tiin' er ponds have been co istnieted here adoi (ling every convenience for loading the largest ships The Restigouelie and its hraiiehes drain at least 4,0(iO square miles ('f feriile country, abonnding in timber and other valuable resources, the whole of which must lind its way to the sea by tlie port of Dalhousie. A large trade is done in Dalhousie in pre- served salmon and lobsters. It has a telegraph oftico and several churches and stores. The Intercolonial railway passes 4 miles bacit of the town, engin- eering diiliciilties previ-nting a nwirer ai)i-niach. Dalhousie is a port of entry. The number of arrivals for 1872 was n.-? (tons !>,G21), and the clear- ances Iti (tons Kj.'iGO.) Total value of imports $171,254 j exports $08,269. Pop. GOO. DAN DALIIOrSIK EAST, a po- 1 village in Kings CO., \ S , 2G miles from Kentville. It contains 1 church, 1 hotel, 2 sawmills and 1 grist mill. Pop. 218, DAL1U)USIE MILLS, a post village in (Uen^arry Co., (>nt.,tMi Deliale river, 11 miles fioiii ('oteau Station. It con- tains 2 stores and 2 saw and gristmills. Pop. i:)0. DALIlorSIE ROAD, a p-JSt settle- ment in Lnnei.lHirg co , N.S., 'M miles from Kentville. Pop. loO. DALilUUSIK SETTLE.MENT, apost settlement in i'ielou co., .\.S., 10 miles from West River. Po|.. ;!0n, PALI HA I RE, or MIXMIIX, a post village in Rimouski co.,Qiie., 127 miles Irom Riviere dn Loup en Ixtx. Pop. 400. DALKEITH, or ROHEIITSONS .MILLS, a post village in (Jlengarry CO., Ont., 28 miles from Lancaster. It contains grist, saw and carding mills. Pop. 100. DALRYMPLE, a post Tillage in Victoria co.. Out., 2:^ miles from Wood- ville. P.. p. 100. DALSTOX, a jiost village in Simcoe CO., Ont., 9 miles frmi P.arrie. It con- a store, au hotel, and a saw mill. Pop. 80. DAXilY, formerly OLD DURHAM, a jiost village in Druniiuond co., Que., on the (r. T. R., 14 miles W. of Pieli- nioiid. It contains a telegraidi office, 2 stores, a*ul .'5 sawmills. Pop. 117. DAXFOKD LAKE, a post office in P(uitiac CO., Quebec, 50 miles from Ottawa. DAXFORTH, a post village in York CO., Out., 3 miles from Scarborough. Pop. no. DAXIELS COVE, a fishing settle- ment on the S. side of Trinity Hay, Nfld., 4 miles from Old Perlican. Pop. 28. DAXIEL'S HAR150R, a fishing sta- tion on the French shore, Xfld., 4 miles from Honne Hay. Poj). 'S'>. DAXVILLE, a flourishing post vil- iMiXe in Ricliniontl co.. Que., on the (•". T. R., 8t; miles S.W. of Quebec, and 87 miles X. E. of Montreal. It contains 2 hotels, churches of four dencmina- tioiis, 5 or G stores, 1 printing office, a match factory, a foundry, a carriage factory, a cabinet factory, a grist mill, and a telegraph office. Pop. G21. DANZICK COVE, a small fishing settlement in the district of Burin, Nfld., at the entrance to Fortune Bay, DAV 99 DEE post village in Unt., IS miles (cftst sltle), or) miles from Burin. Pop. 23. DAIIK Tlt^KLES, a small fi.-^liiiiR sellleiii III in tlic district of Twiiliii- patt' and ¥^>go, Nlld., Uf) miles (ro:u Tilt Cov... Pop. 25. DAULING'S LAKE, or SHOUT HKACH, a post village in Yaiinoiitlj CD., N' S., situated on a small lake near the sea sliore, 10 miles from Yarmouth. Toj). It'll. DAIILINGTON, a post village in OiH'Ciis CO., P.E.I., I'i miles from Chariot t"town. I'op. '2Iiing settlement in the district of Twillin^'ate and Fogo, Nlld., 18 miles from (Irecn's Pond. Pop. 30. DEADMANS HARBOR, a fishing settlemenr on the Bay of Fmidy, ('liar- lotteco.,N.B., 12 miles from St. George. Pop. GO, DEALTOWN, a post village in Kent CO., Out., 7;l miles fr'in RDiidcaii, 1^ miles froTii Chatham. It contains si'veral stores and hotels, and two saw mills, and has a good trade in grain atid lumlter. Pop. 150. DEBECK, a jtosl village in Carletoa CO., N.B., ontiie N. B. k C. R, 11 miles from Woodstock, and 8k miles from ILiiilton, .Me. Pop. 50. DIOlJEirr, asmail village in Colches- ter CO., N.S., near the head of Cobcquid Bay, on the 1. R., 12 miles from Truro. Pop. no DEBKRT RIVER, Colchester co., N.S. Set- River I)>bert. DE CEWSVILLE, a post village ia Ilahlimaiid co.. Out., 3 miles from Cayuga. It contains 2 hotels, 1 store, 1 saw mill and 3 grist mills. Pop. 100. DEEP BROOK, or CLEME.NTS WEST, a post village in Annapolis co., N.S., 12 miles from Annapolis. Pop. 100. DEEP COVE, a small village in Lunenburg co., .VS., on the sea coast, 34 niib'S from Halifax. Pop. 30. DEEIIDOCK, a |)o.-;t village ib Addiiigton co., Ont., 33 miles from Perth. Pop. 25 DEERFIELD, a post settlement iu Yarmouth co., N.S, on the sea coast,!! miles from Yarmouth. Pop. 500. DEER HARBOR, a small fishing settlement in the district of Trinity B«y, NHd., on Random Island, 10 miles frooi New Bonaventure. Pop. 53. t» w. » V*..| ■>: tlljl! ii I* m '"!•'%/' ' '\W ' 'iJ-'' ,liij, / «•! 'I > jl •» 1 ' 1 1 I' I 'j r iliFt i^ ■ill j DF.M 100 DRS DEERIFI'nST, a post villapo in SiiiiCdi- CO., Out., f) iiiilost'riiin liradfurd. Poj» Tfi. l)Ki:il ISI.ANI). an LsIhikI <,f New Rriiiiswick, in ]'iiH8iinia(|ii(.<1(l,v Jdiv, nciir its culrnncf, «»ii tin- .s W. .miI', al)out 7 inilr.s lnnjr, iiiid .'< inil«'.s ImiMil. It \» HcttU'd Ity fiunit'i!) luid iialivniii'ii. Pop. I,(i(i(). S(i> Fairlmvcn. DKEIt ISLAND, a snuill island in tlu! distrirt (if Unrgpo and La I'o.ii', NHd.. 12 mill's from Hiirgco. I'cp. ;".'.•. DKBIl ISLAM), OIK! of a jrron|i of iHlniids in tlif disinrt of 15i)iiuvistii, NHd., 7 miles from Green's I'oiid. I'op. 77. DEER LAKE, a station on the N. 15 k C. II , in York co., N.H.,r)9 miles from St. Andrews. LarKeh olliee Po|>. 4UU. DELHV'S COVi;, a smaU fishing station in tla; di.^trict of Tr.nity, Nlld., at the entrance to Siniii's Sound, »; miles from New H naviiilure. I'op. 27. DELHI, or PKEDEUICKSHl KU. a flouriohing post village in Norfolk co , Ont , on the Rowan river atul on the G. W. R., (Canada Air line,) 8(1 miles from Bniialo. It has a hir^re trade in sawn Inniber, and contanis several churches, hotels and stores, a elo h factory, an iron foundry, a saw ni;ll, a grist mill, and a telegraph otlice. Pop. 300. DELTA, or BEVERLEY, a thriving post vdlage in Leeds < o., Ont., on a small stream called Mill Creek, which connects upper ;ind lower Beverley Lakes, 24 miles from Brockville. It has several stores, hotels and mills, an iron foundry and a telegraph office. Pop. 300. DEMOISELLE CREEK, a settlement in Alhert ro., N.l'.., on the haiiks of n SIiimII iT'I U Itill. ;,' iiilo till I'l lileiidiae n\i r, (i miles from liillshoroiigh. i'op. l.-)0. DK.MORFvSTVlLLE, formerlv called S^;iriiS MILLS, a iliii\iiig vilhige in I'inicc Edward <'o , Ont, miles .\.\V. of I'i( ti.n, IJ n.ile:< fum r.elleville, and 4 miles from N'c rlli Port. It has a good trade in I o| >:, yY^.w ai:i| luui'ier, and eoiii;ii is wo< 1!( n. (I 'iirnig a id saw mill-, ainl 4 stores, i'op. .''.lo. DMMl'SKVS COLNKl!, a p' st v 1- lap" in Kinps co,. N.S., 2 miles from A\le. stores, 2 ho- t< Is, 1 tannery and a hark extract fac- tory. Pol'. -<•". DERBY, Brant co., Ont. See Ilnr- ley. DEREHAM, 0.\ford co., Ont. See Tils:.iihi:!i:. DKKKYVILLE, a jiost village in Ontario co., < nt.. 4 miles from Cau- uiiigion. I'op. loO, DKIIRY AVEST, a post village in Peel CO., Ont., 5 miles from Malton. Pop. P'O. DEUWENT, a post village in Middle- sex eo , Ont., 10 miles from London Pop. I no. DE SABLE, a post village inQueenJ CO., P.E.L, 20 miles from Charlotte- town. Pop. 100. DESBOROUGH, a post office in Grey CO., Oat., 18 miles from Oweu Sound. T)i:S(^H River Rich giie. DESCH. villa^'e In , sImmc (fill of «^IiicImt cliiircli an FCVenil .'.(IV lii!;re trade er |ilv K'nii pop. 1,4.M!. DI'S CI Riv r Sf. V i>i;>'('<)( nil i.Midiid 1 Ic M.i.lan pop. .'"lOO. DKSERT Adiji i^itim Kingston. DliSMON diiiRtcn CO still. Pop. I'KS i.'IV, jii'M village I'ike river, V. C. R., 4( lin.s a teleui mill, ai DETOIR I)A.MI-: 1)1; I i.'couaia c.i .j 47.1 miles fn] I'o|i. IKo. . I>EIX Rll in the disdj nil lo8 from i( 87. DEVIZESI Jlilldle.s. X cf h'fi. Poji. M DKVON, tnii'a. I'KU'ITTL V'K'-.on the J 'r"ni CangliJ Montreal. \ pfiwer jirivilj st'Tos, and mills. p(,p . 1>K WoLl] 'Ji ''liarloitc Stephen. Vi ^ I)EXTER,l ^iit.,r.;< niileJ iJiA'MONlf niA 101 DIG DKSCH.MM.ONS nn islnnd in the RivfT Kicliilini, 1 inilc »S,K. tf 8l. Ours, giic. I>ES('lIAMI{Al'I.T,ufl«)iirishinpi>ost villn).M' ill I'nrliK'iif (•(!., (.^'uc, on tlicN. hIi'mc I f tlu'St. LiiM nnrc,4l tnili-s S W. (if niiclMT. It rorMiiins H Htorcs, a cliiircli niid ciiiivciit, n nmlinp' mill, F( vi'Mil mwiiiKJ prist inill. mid Ims a liii jrc triidc ill flour 1111(1 InniJicr. Stfiuu- (I- I'lv f^iic. I»i:S('(i(»Sl.;^ a post sfttlnuont in nil i.'iiMiiid CO., N.S.. on tln' tast end of I Ic .M.iiliinu', 7 niili'3 from ^Xricliat. Top. r,m. DK.^KHT LAKE, a post oflico in Ai co., Qm'., o:i rikc river, with a .station on the V. ('. \l.,4() miles from Montreal. It hn.s a telejrraph oITkc, a saw mill, a grisi mill, and a store. Top. KU). DKTorii DU LAC, or NOTIIK DA-MK 1)1: LAC, a post villano in T« ni- i.<(ouaiii CO .l^Mie., on Lake Tinii.icoir'ta, 471 miles from Kiviero Uu Loup eri bat. I'lip. I HO. DLIX IJIVIi:nES,apoPt8ottkmont in tlie district of Nii)i.«sinir, Out., 30 miit'Bfrom Jiapidcs des JoacTiims. Pop. HI. DKVIZES, a post spttlrmont in Mint.,7 miles from (Iran- ton. Toj). 100. DKVUN, Huron co., Ont. See Cen- tra Pa. DKWITTVILLK, or PORTAGE, a fhriv: '^r posi vilhiffc in lliintitiplun co., Que, on the CliateitU{,'iin.v river, .'!.{ mil' .s fniiii ("anglinawafrn, ami 4.''. miles S. of Mtiiitreal. It po.sses. or C, stores, several factories ami mills, and 'J telegrai h agencies. A ferry cios.sea the river from here to Akssina, N.Y. The (Iraiid 'I'ri'iik hn.s a station one mile hack of the town. It is culled Wal's. P< |i. :{()(». DK'KSONS CORNERS, Peter- hor'iiph :{,,')00 acres. Capital, Digky. Pop. 1 : orl of entry. The number of arrivals for 1.-i7l' was I'Jl (tons It. -91 ). and the clearances 100 (tons I'J. :!■-'!).) Total value of imports S0'J,1&7 ; oxporta $80,249. Pop. l,''.')I. DK.IlV OCT, a post office in Digby co.N.S.. IC miles from Grauvill" Ferry. DIGDEGUASII, a post Bettkment 1 '^ 31* M-iiti ^- ^ '■■\ m\i i il.L II • ■1 i:i|'^.1 s' I fr 11' l'^- ^'■'. 'I^ i * I DOQ 102 :n Charlotte cc, N.H., 10 milos from Cliuiiicook. I'ol). ir>i). UILUO COVK, II Miiug HMttlcmRtit in the district ot'Tritiity, Ntlil.,:>r> uiilcd from Iloiiri'd (Jonti-nt. I'd)). \hh. DILKiKNT iClVKU, li sflticiiicnt in Cuiubcrluiid co , N.S., niilrs troiii Pftrrdhuroiigii, liO milcd t'rum Athol. Po|». 300. DILLON, or lirXTINGTON MLN'KS, A thriviii^; post viiltijrc in Itroiiiu co., Qiif., U iiiile.s frDiii Fro:il V'illii^rc, 13 miles iroin Wait'iloo. It is ulinorit wholly iiihiibiU'il by! (•in|)loye(l iit op. I tiie exUMisivu uo|)pur minus here. 1' 400 DI L LONTON, a post village in Bromc ijI.NGLE, or AINLKVVILLE, or DUTTU.N, a nourishing post village in Huron co., Onl., on the south branch of the Mailland river, and on llw \V. G. it U. K., (Smith extension,) 27^ milej from PalnRTSton. It contains 2 gTiAi mills, 2 saw mills, 1 wooUi n mill^ 1 door and sash factory, I cheese &ctory an iron foundry. (> chnrclies, a telegraph oliice, a |>rinting olUci^ issinng a Weekly news|)aper, U hotels and lu stores. I'op. 1,000. DU'rElt llAliBOlIR, apost settle- ment on the liny of Fnndy, tSt. Julin CO., Nil, 20 miles from 8t. John. Pop. 200. DISTUESS, a Bshing settlement in the district ot >St. .Marys and IMacentia, NHd., 2G miles from IMacentia. Pop. 127. DITTON, Compton co., Que. See West Uitioii. DIXIE, or SYDENHAM, n post vil- lage in i'eel co., Out., 4 miles from Port Credit. Pop. 150. DIXON'S CORNERS, a post village in Dnndas co., Ont , 7 miles from Iro- quois (.Matilda.) Pop. lUO. DOAKTOWN, a post settlement in Norihumbprland co., N.H., 53 miles from Newcastle, 54 miles from Freder- icton. Pop. 250. DOHIUNTON. a post village in Bruce CO., Ont., lo miles from Paisley Pop. 40. DOCTORS HARBOR, a small farm- iog settlument ifi the district of For- tune Bay, NHd , 15 miles from Bel- leorem. Pop. Iti. DOG BAY, !i small fishing settlement un the district of Placentia and St. DOR Marys, Nfld., on the west side of St. .Marys Bay, 9 miles from Salmoiiier. P.)|i. :u). DOG COVE, a small tiihing s.ittle. ment in the district of Bonavisut, Nlld., on (Jottcrell's Isia id, 8 miles from Barrow Harbor. Pop. 57. 1)0(( CUEEK, a post oHice in the dislricl of ('ariboo, B ('. DOG'S NESr, a small village in Norfolk CO., O It., 2 mites from Port Dover I'op, m. DOlIEltTVS .MILLS, a post 9«ttlo- iiicnt in Kent CO , .V IS, on the south west branch of Nicholas river, 5 miles from Buciouchc. Pop. 200. DOLL.MR, a settlement in Ki.'iit co., N B., :i miles from Upper Buctoucho. Pop 150. DOLL.VR, a post village in York co., Ont., 4 mil' -i from Tii )rnTiill. Pop. 35. D i.MAlXE I)E (JENTILLY, a po.,t settlement in .Vicolet co., t^iie., jo miles from Doucel's L.mding Pop j5t). DO.V, a|>ost villiige in York co., Ont., on the G T.R., and at the mouth ot the River Do 1, I J mile.'^ from Torouto. It has a telegraph oflice. I'op. 150. DO.VALDSDN ESTATE, a settle- ment in Queins co., P FM., 13 miles from Charlotlelown Pop. 250. DO.NIIOIR, ISLES, thr.-e small isk'ts in the RivcrSt. Lawrfiici'.lx'tween St. Augustine and Poiute aux Trembles, gue. DOXCASTER, or TODMORDEN, a post village in York co , Out., 2 miles from Toro.ito. It has 3 or 4 stores and a paper mill. Pop. 150. DONEGAL, a post settlement in Kings CO., N.B., 13 miles from Sussex. Pop. 150. DO.VEGAL, a post village in Perth CO., Ont., 3 miles from Newry. Pop. 100. DONNYBROOK, "Wentworth co., Out. See Westover. DOO.V, a post village in Waterloo CO., Out., on a branch of the G. T. R., 7 niiies from Berlin Pop. 150. DORAN. a post village in Lan.ark co , Out., It; miles from Perth. It contains 1 hotel, 2 stores and a gristmill. Po(). 30. DORCHESTER, a county in the east- ern jiart of the provi.ioe of Qu' bjc, ex- tending from the co. of Levis on the N.W., to the State of Maine on the S.E. The Chaudi^re and Etchemin I rivrrg ri 5«;i,30O a Pop. I7,< DORl" capital oi a ted on t river, ncii Bay, 12 iriile-i .V vigable f:>t. IIcDudiue. l\>u. 17,776. DUiallKSTER, a river nort au«l taiiiiiil of Wt-'sliiinrliiinl co., N.IJ , silii- atril un the left bunk uf the I'ctitcmliac river, near its cntrunci' into Siic|io(i}' liny, 12 miles fmni Hiickville and llti niiie-i .V K. of St. Juliii. The river i.^ na- vi|^iil)le fur .-liipd of ftiiy m/.v, and Dctr- elieyter is hecominjf a place of injpor- taiiee. It contain.'*, he.side.s the et)unly l)iiil(lin(iC'St <^ niinilter of stores and hotei.s, ihree chiinlie.s and a telegrapli oltiee. It i.s an ini|iortant titaliori ou ihe'lnterenloiual railway. A viiliuible mineral, whi
  • j; exports $J7,l»:t9. Pop. HOO. DtHiCIIK.vrKU, Middlesex co., Oat. See I' DUItCllKSTER, Oxford co., Ont. See l^ilnamvilic. DOUCUKSTKR, St. Johns co., Que. See .St. Joiii.s. DtHKMIKSTER ROAD, a station on tlu! 1. U., in Westmorland co., N.B., lu2 miles .\'.E. of St. John. DliiMUlKSTER STATION, or ED- WAliDSBL'lKHl, a post village in Mid- dlesex co.. Onl., on ihe (J.^W. R., 10 miles from London. It has a ielegra;ih oflice, u liouring mill, and 2 stores. Top. DDIIKIXG, a post village in Wei- ll i;(ii'ii CO., Out., 12 miK'S from Li.s- tuWrl. h coiitaius 2 stoics, 2 hotels, aii'l ;i steam saw mill. I'op. 50. Doll.VtH'H, a post villa.^re in O.xford CO., Out., 'J miles frou) IngercuU. I'op 50. DORVAL, ISLE, an islaid at the niJiilli ot the River Recancour, 1 mile •N. of iJi-caneour vilage, ()n<\ DOIiVAL, orCOUKCKLLES.ISLES, in Lake St. Ivouis, on the S, W. s d.' of llie isiiiud of .Mu(>. DOWNEYVILLK, a i)()st villape in Victoriiv CO., Unt., G miles from Ome- mee. Pop, 8(i DOW.WSVIKW, apost villapcin York CO., Ont., 3 miles from Weston. Pop. 200. DOYLE SETTLE.MENT, a i.ost set- tleojent in Kc^^tiiC'inclie co., S.H . :? miles from Uiver Louison, 25 miles from Dallioiisic. Pop. |i;0. DOYLE'S COPNERS, Hastings co., Ont. Hi'e .Mavnootli. DRA(J()N ILAY, a fishing station in the district of Pnrgr-o and La I'oile, Nfld., at tlie entrance cf llrrmitMge Bay, IG miles from Hermitage Cove. Pop. 7. DH.AYTON, a tliriving jtost village in \Vellin;;ton co., Ont , on tiie W. 0. & U. P., iind on tlie Conestogo river, 32 miles from Giielph It contains a telegrajili oflice, a printing oflice issu- ing a weekly news])aiier, 2 grist and saw mills, 9 stores, and 15 liotels. Pop. 500. DREANEY'S (M)R.VERS, Middlesex CO., Ont. See Crnmlin. DRESDEN, a flonri.^liing post village iniJotlnveli co.,Ont.,on the RiverSyden- ham, It miles from Thamesvilh'. It "Contains saw and grist mills, sevenil factories, a nnmher of stores, and 2 tele- graph otlices, antl lias a large trade in lumber and country produce. Pop. 1,000. DREW, a post village in Wellington CO., Out., 3i miles from Ulilford. Pop. 60. DREW'S MILLS, or BALDWIN'S MILLS, a post village in Staiistcad co., Que., on the Coaticook r>er. and on the (i. T. R., .") miles from ("oaticook. Oooil water power is available, ami is made use of by several saw mills. It has a tele- grai>h ollice. Poj). 300. DROdllEDA. a small fishing settle- ment on the north side of Conception Ikiy, Ntld., 3 miles from iJrigus. Pop. 84. DROMORE,a post office in r.rey co., Ont., I,") miles from Mount Forest. DRI'M^a j)o Ont., 9 niih's from Bethany. DKUMBO,a flourishing post village in O.Tford CO., Ont., on the fi.T. R., 23 miles from Stratford. It contains 4 stores, several < hurches and hotel-!, a foundry, a telegrapli oflice, and some mills and factt ries. Poj). (). DRl MMO.M), a county (-f the pro. vince of Quela-c, in the interior, com- prising an area of 3;t.^,l ID acres. Tl e St. Francis river jia-se-; through this county. Chief town, Driimmondville East. Pop. 1 J.2S1. DRFM.MO.N'D, a hamlet in Victoria CO., N 1>. It has a iiv.-\ \n.'.\. DRl'MMO.NDS 1SL.\.\I>. is the far- thest west of the .Maiiiiii;diii Llaiids. in Lake Huron, 30 miles E of .Mack'naw; 20 miles in length frcjm E. to W., by 10 mill's in its greatest bicailth. Here is a liritish fort and trading I'o^t. DKUM.MONDVILl.E EAST, the cliief town of the co. of Druminoini.Qne., on the St. Francis river, 24 miles from Melbourne. The ilistrict court of the county is held here. It has a telegraiih othce,'2 hotels and 8 stores. Pop. 400. DRCMMONDVILLE WEST, a thriv- ing post village in Wellainl co.,Ont.,on Niagara river, near the Falls, where the Ci. W. R. conimuiiicates with the ra'lway system of New York; 4h miles SE. of Hamilton, and 24 miles N.N.W. of ]{iif- falo. It has cliurches of four denomin- ations, two observatories, a telegrapli oflice, about a dozen stores and 2 holels. Pop. 1,000. DKUMQUIX, a post offi-e in Ilalton CO., Out., H miles from Oakville. DIUniY, a post ofhce in Simcoe co., Ont , 9 miles from Barrie. DRVDEN, or I'ALMERSTON, a post village in Weilingt(ai co.. Out, on the W. G. & li. R., 43 miles fnan Cuelph. It contains churches of three denomin- ations, a tfdegraph oflice, and several stores and hotels. Pop. TiO. 1)RVSD.\LE, a ])ost village in Hurnn CO., Ont., on Lake Huron, IH miles from Scaforth. It contains 2 churclies, 1 store, a'ld a brush factorv. pop. 7f). DP ART, a post village in Bothwoll CO , Out , 14 miles from Hothwi 11. It has a good trade in liimlnT, staves and coutitrv i»rodiice. I'op. 200. DlltLIN, Peel CO., Ont. Sec Camp- bell's Cross. DUr.LIN CORNERS, Leeds co., Ont. See .New Dublin. Dl'MLIN RANGE, Megantic co., Que. See Irvine. DFRr.TN' in Liinenbn • lie Lallav water. Po DL'BLIN Gill. See : DFCK A ill the disii mile- t'rom ] DFCK I! See I'oi-ite DIDSWI CO. of WoIA bniiike. It stores. Po' DIFFEf; maud CO,, () It has 1 s'oi DFFFIN' the (I.T R lias a telegr DI'MRAI Cliarlotte c n., 24 miles 200. DI'MBLA CO., Out., Jl contains sa 100. DrMFRIli CO., SI!,, o be; Weill Fr Pop, 2(10, DFMOIN in j'oiitiac (I tribiitaiy Kapide-! (P Hl'MSTA Qiiiens CO stores DIN-AN^I CO,. (,'l,e, DI'XIJAI; CO, Out., It has 3 s'( DCXBAI: tario c(t.. Oi from Freuc stores, 1 Iio' DI'NC.V.N Out . 12 mi dcnca: burg CO , N DVN'CAV See Kiissll DrXPIH (lie ex CO. Craig. It factory and DFN 105 DUN DURr.TV PTTOHE.apopt sotllcment ill Luticiihur;.' ci).,N.S., at llic iiinutli of ♦ 111' f.ullavc river, 13 mil. l.'Ki. I)L'J5L1.\ VILL ACE, Wellington co., On', f^ee Miiiio a DL'CK AM) PniXfJI.K a post ofTice ill the (lislricl of Kootfiiay. JJ.C, 2~'.i mili> friini N'<\v Westminster. DTCK inVKK, S:ipuena)r co., Que. .Sec l'()i!ite aii I'.ouleaii. DIOSWKLL, tlie chief town of the CO. (if WolA', Que., 21 miles fr^m f^lier- bmiike. It contains an hotel and '2 stores. Po)!- H7,'>. nriTKIilN', apost village in ITaldi- niiiiid CO., Out., 25 miles from Hamilton. It li.H -' s'oreg. Dfi'FiXS CREKK, a station on tin- C. T R., 2:5 miUs from Toronto. It lia.-^ a tclegraiili oflice. Si'e Pickering. prMMAIJTON, a ])ost village in riiariolte co . X.H.. on tlie X, ]J. & V,. Ti., 24 miles from St. Andrews. Pop. 200. DrMIiTiAXE, a jiost village in Bruce CO.. Out., Ji) miles from Waik(>rton. It ccniains saw and grist mills. Pop. 100. DrMFRIES, a post village in York CO., N 1!., nil tlie post road, half-way bfiwotii Fredericton and Woodstock. Pop. 200. I)r.M()IXE DEPOT, a small village in I'oiiiiac co., Qi'e., on Diimoine river, II trlhutaiy of the Ottawa. 20 miles from Rapi'lcs dc.- J'-aeliiiiis. Pop. 50. Dr.MSTAFrXAtiO, a hamlet in Qmens co., P.IM. It contains 2 stores Dl'VAXV. a post office in .\rgentcuil CO.. (h.c. s mile.-; fniii i,aehute. DrXKAK, a p.ost village in Dundas CO, Out., U mil'-! from Morrisburg. It lia> .'i .';'oies. Pop. ir>0. DrXIJAlJTOX, a j.ost village in On- tario eo.. Out., on the <1. T. H.,.^, a mile fr"iii Freiieliman's Hay. It contains .'{ store.^, 1 lio'el, and a tannery. Pop. IfiO. Dr.VtWX. a jHist ofliee in Grey co., 0;it , 12 milfs fn^iii Meaford. DI.\'('AX, a post oflice in Lunen- biirir eo , X S. DVXCAX.SVILLE, Russell co., Ont. See Kns.-!'!]. DrxnilFFF, a post village in Mid- dle ex CO., Out., H miles from Ail.^a <'raig. It eonta'ns 2 stores, n cheese factory aud a grist mill. Pop. 75. DT'XDALK, a post village in T.rey CO , Out., on the T. G & H. R., 20 miles from Orangeville. It has 2 telegraph offices. Po]) ;]0. Dl'XDAS, a countv in the eastern part of Ontario, liorAering on the St. Lawrence river. Ana. 2-14.744 acres. ("aiiital.rornwall. Pop. IK.777. DF.NDAS, an iiccrporated town in Wentworth co., Ont., at the head of Rurliugton I'ay, formid at the western extremitv of Lake Ontario, and on the G. W. IL, 5 miles W. of Hamilton. It has agencies of several iiHurance compa- nies, an agency of the Canadian Hank of Commerce, a printing oflice issu- ing a weekly newsjiajier. 2 telegraph agi'ucies, ab )Ut 40 stores, l<'tliodists, and Presbyterians. It possesses unlimited water power, and has nianufactorieg of iron castings, machinery of every description, v<]^(^ tools, combs, paper, soap and candles, leather, woollen and cotton goods, wooden wnp', Sec. The I)e-«jardins canal gives it w.iter com- munication with Hamilton and other jiorts. Pop. :{,i;!5. DrXD.\S, a jtost village in Kings CO., P.E.I. , 34 miles east of Cliarlotte- town. It has carding, grist, saw, and shingle mills. Pop. 200. DrXDASLSLAND.cftheXorth West Territories, is in the Pacific, 10 miles X.E. of Queen Charlotte's Inlands. DCNDKE, a post scttUnient in Resti- gouclie CO., X IL, on the I. R., 2 miles from Shaw's Cove. Pop. 2oo. DUXDRE, a jiost village in Hunting- don CO.. Que., on Salmon river. 7''i Tiiiles S. W. of .Montreal. The village is situa- ted on the W. side of the river, alioiit 5 miles from its (nif ranee into the St. Law- rence, and partly in the Slate of Xew Vork, the boundary line running throngli it. (hi the njiposite sid'' is Fort Covington, in tlie State of Xew York. Steamboats ascmid to this ])oint. An Aniin'ican consul resides in Dundee. It is a port of (>ntry, and has a telegraph oflice and 4 stores. Total valise of im-" ]iortsfor IS72 $li!..">.'^4 ; exjiorts ?sn^092. Poo. l.")0. DUXDEE, X'orthumberland co., Ont. See Smiilitiidd. DCXDKE CEXTRF. a post villag« in Huntingdon co., Que., 4 miles from Dundee. Pop. ;iOO. ■iff) ! ) f Df-t. |*f -^•^1 -■■•r .^!lj; h li; i SI' rr 4i 'li f '1; J' .llifniir't liiriit' ''ii! >|IIU|, 'IS ' Hi: DUN 106 DUT DUNDELAj'apost village in Dundas CO., Out., 'J inilcd from Iroquois (Mutil- da). Pop. 'JUO. DUNDON.VLD, a pori it village m Norllmuiberliud co., Uul., 7 miles from BriKJiton. Pop. 5u. DLTNEDI.V, a jkjsI office m Simcoe CO., Out., 9 iiuIl'S tiom N'lw LowoU. DUNGANXUX, a j)ost villaj,'e in Huron co , U:il , ou Nine Mile Creek, 13 miled from GoJerioli. It coulains IJ stores, 2 liotcls, a oardiug mill, a saw mill, and a grist mill. Pop. 2 0. DUN(;AitVA.\, a selllemfut in Nor- thumberland oo., N.IJ.,32 miles from Newea.stle. Pop. 7(J. DUNGIVEN, a post settlement in Westmorland co , N.15, 4 miles from Memrameook. Pop. 50. DUNHAM, or DUNHAM FLATS, an incorporaied village in Missisqiioi CO., t^iie , 13 miles from Slanbridge, 5G nules 8.1']. of Monlreal. it contains a number of stores and hotels, several mills and factories, anil a telegraj)!! office, and has a large trade in country produce. Po}). 248. DUXKELD, a post village m Bruce CO., Out., on ilie W. Cir. .!v K. It., 5 mdea from W'alkcrton. Pop. 00. DUNNVILLE, an incorporated vil- lage and river port, in Monck co., Out., on Grand river, wliich is here navigable for steamboats, and on the G.'l. 11., (Biilfalo an I Godericli division), 40 miles S.S.E. of Hamilton, and 50 miles by water W. i)y N. of Bulfalo. It has Epise()i)alian and Metliodist churches, a telegraph ollice, a branch bank, a number of stores and hotels, a print- ing ollice issuing a weekly newspaper, woollen, grist, saw and other mills, a foundry, and a large lumber and grain trade. Duunville is a port of entry. Total value of imports tor 1872 $18,281 exports $4r),7iil. Pop. 1,452. DU.VPHV, a post settlement in Nor- thumberland CO., N.B.. 30 miles from Newcastle. Poi». liM). DUNllAVEX, a jiosl office m Pontiac CO., Que., .") miles from Calumet Island. DU .\' llOBl .\, or TOllBOIiTON, a post settlement in Carleton co., Gut., 14 miles from Stittsville. Pop. lUO. DUN'SFOUD, a post village in Vic- toria CO., Out., 10 miles fr«m Lindsay. Fop. 80. DUNSINXANE, a post village ki Bruce co., Oat., 5 miles from Luckaow. Pop. loo. DU.VSINNAXE, a settlement in Kings CO., N.l}., 4 miles from Pe.iobsquia. Pop. 50. DUNTROO.X, or BOWMORE, or SCOTCH COUNEIIS, a po-t village in S'lncoe Co., Out., 8 miles tVoiu Col- liugwood. It contains 2 telegraidi office.^, an hotel and 2 stores. Pop. 150. I)i:XVECrAX, or KEXVO.X, a i.osL village in (Jleugarry co , Out., 31 uiihs from (vornwall. It contains 1 hotel and 3 stores. Pop. 250. I)UXVE(JAN EOilT, in the North West Territories, on Peace river. At. 5G 14 N Ion. 117 30 W. DUPAS, ISLE, a long narrow island in the St. Lawrence, ou tiie N. siiore below Berthier. It is G miles long by 1(J acres broad. DUIMTAM,a county of Ontario,on the X. coast of Lake Ontario, area of 411,2)5 acres. It is inter- sected l)y the Grand Trunk and .Midland railways. Capital, Port Hope. Pop. 37.;iso. DiJilHAM CORMSTOWN),atlirivingpost village ill (Jhateaugiay c().,Que., pic- turesquely situated on the Chateauguay river, 2G miles trom ('aughnawaga, itnd 3tJ miles S.W. of Montreal. It contains several stores, hotels, and saw and grist mills, Episcopalian, Roman Catholic, Presbyterian, and Wesley m Method- ist churches, a printing ollice issum* a weekly newspaper, and a telegraph office. Pop. 500. DURHAM (St. Francls). See New Durham. DURHAM, a post village in Pictou CO., N.S., 8 miles from I'ictoa. Pop. 180. DURHAM, or BENTINCK, a flourish- ing i)ost village i 1 Grey co.. Oht., oa the Saugeen river, 12 miles from Flesherton, 17 miles from Walkertou. It possesses good water power, and contains a nimiber of stores, several hotels, a printing office issuing a weekly news- paper, a telegra|)h > ffice, and saw and flouring mills, ami has manufactories of iron castings, leatiier, woollens, wooden ware, &c. Pop. 1,200. DURICLE, a small fishing settle- ment in the district of Burin, Nfld., on tiic west side of Placcntia May, 3 miles from Burin. Pop. 15. DUTCH VILLAGE, a settlement in llalifa.x CO I'op. 100. DUTTO Klgin CO., I Si'c W't'st DUTTOj Dingle. ln\ VEi loll CO., On DWVEii la Peel co. lioad. Po EAGLK, Oat., 18 111 tains a sa\ iiud 2 hotel ka(;le Queens co., puol. Pop EAGLE 1 district of River, 30 m EARDLh CO., Que., oi from AvliiK EARLTO trict \i Co hum Truro. EAST All HERf, a p. CO., Que., li has a large iiud jiearl t Huur aiid ca EAST HA .settlement i; the iiorlh sh drews Chan Poj). 100. EAST B. village in Ci soutli side ol Cliannel, 12 ;i telegrapli t BO Bi'oine CO., C^ Uuy, Lake fnnii W'alerl EAST Bl Cuiiiberlnud of River Ph Fliilip JStatic EAS TBRt ilciur e CO., t, E.vsr cii ArtJMbaska Aitimbaska. trad •, and co lUiils. Pop. KAS 107 EAS IKilif'ax CO., X.S., Similes from Halifax. |'u|i. ln((. DUTTOM, a station on the C S. R., in Klginco.,,iy miles from St. Thomas. See Wfst Loriie. ULTTUN, lluroa co., Ont. See Uiiigk'. DWVEii HILL, a post office in Carle- loii CO., Out. UW VERS CORNERS, asmall vill.ige ill i'l'ul CO., O It., 2 miled from Mono Koiid. Pop. 50. EAGLE, a i»ost village in Elgin co,. Out., Ls miles Irom Ni wbury. it cou- t;un.s a .saw and pluni/ig mill, 1 store aud 2 liutels. I'o,). 130. EACiLE HEAD, a small village in Qiiei'us CO., N.8., 7 miles from Liver- jiool. I'op. I.") I. EAGLE ri \EST, a post office in the ilisiricl of, Man., on liie Rod liivcr, ;Jo miles from Eorl Gany. EAiiDLEV, a poit village in Ottawa CO., earl ashes, and contains saw, tioiir aiid carding mi. Is. Pop. 4."j0. EAST liAV (XoiiTU Side), a post .si'tileinent i.i Ca[)e IJretou co., N.S., on the north side of East Bay, or St. An- drews Chaauel, 23 miles trom Sydney. Poi). 100. EAST BAY (SocTH S;de)^ a post village in Cape Breton co., X.S., on the south .side of East Bay, or St. Andrews (Jliaiuu'l, 12 m li s from Sydney. It has a tL'k'i^rapli oUice. Pop. 12.'). EAST BOLTOX, a post village in lirome co., Que., at ih.' head ol Powell's liuy, Lake Memplacmagog, lb miles horn Wiiterloo. Pop. 25. EAST BKAXCil, a settlement in CuiiiberlHtul co., X.S., o.i the E. branch of Uiver Philip, !) miles from River Pliilil) Station. EAS rBROL'GHTON, a post office in IJeaU' e co., Que., 59 miles from Quebec. K.\ST CllESfER, a post village in Anliibaska co., Que., 17 miles from Aitiiubaska. It has a good lumber trail ', and contains several saw and Hour uuils. Poi>. 150. EAST CLIFTON, a post village in Compton CO., Que., 15 miles from Coinpton. Pop. loo. EAST Cl'L UE SAC, a small fishing setiL-ment in the disiriet of Burguo ami La Poile, XUd., 20 miles from llermilago Cove. P.»p. 30. EAST I^L'BLIN, Lunenburg co., N.S. See La Have River. EAST DUXHaM, a jmst yiUag.' in .Mi-si.3(iuoi CO., Que., 4 miles from Dun- ham Flats. Pop. 150. EAST FLwREXCEVlLLE, Carletou CO., X'.B. See Florencevillc EAST FRAMPTON, Dorchester co.. Que. See St. .Malachie. EAST GLASSVILLE, a post settle- ment i.i Carletonco., X.B., 17 miles from Fl'U'eucJville. Pop. 75. EAST GLEXELG, Grey co.. Out. ScL' .\I irkdal.-. EASTERN HARBOR, a post settle- ment in I iveraess CO., .\.S.,on Like i^aree, 19 miles from Margaree. Pop. 'loo. EASTERN TICKLE, a small fishing settlcm.'.it ill the district of Twilluigalo and Fogo, X'lid., on an island at the en- trance to Fogo harbor. Pop. 7 '. EAST FARXHA.M, a post village in Brome co., Quo., on the H. E. R., 24 miles from Richford, Vt., and 51 miles from .Montreal. It contauis a tel(.'gra[)h office, several mills and fac- tories, and G stores. Po|). 2n>. EAST llATLEY.Stansteadco., Que. See Hatley. EAST HAWKESBURY, a jmst vil- lage in Prescott c )., Out., 12 miles from Point Fortune. It has 2 churche.j, 1 store, 1 hotel, and a saw mill. Pop, loo. EAST HEREFORD, a post village in Com|»ton co.. Que., on the borders of Maine, U.S., 21 miles trom Coatieook. It coulains 2 stores and several mills. Pop. 150. EAST JEDDORE, or LAKEVILLE, a post village in llalit'a.\ co., X.S., 3d miles from Halifax. Poi". loi». EAST MAGDALA, a post village i:i Megantic co., Que., 8 miles from Lysler. Poj). do. EAST MARSH, a small village in Hants CO., X.S., on the St. Croi.v river, 5 miles from Windsor. Larg.'(piantities of gypsum are annually exported from here. Pop. 50. EASTUN'S CORNERS, a post viU 1^' ;f .'Mi^ h *' ' t'l', J 'Id .■CT :ii \W^:'^-'l 1. SiT POINT, a small ILshiirrstttle- mi'til in the (Jisirict ot' IJnrgt o and La PoiU', Nlid., ill thL't'iUiMUcc to La Puile Bay, 3 mile-; I'min L.i I'uile. I'op. (JG. l-JAST l'OI.\T,Mr nKATON'S POI.N'T, a p St setth'iiionl in Kinfjs co., I'.E.l., on the cM.-^lffn o.vtivniit}' of the island, 0') iiiil'j.s t'roin Charh)tk'lowu. It has a li^'ht li(iu.>e. I'op. l,")i). EAST POUT .MEUVVAY,apost set- tlement ill Qiieen.s co., N.S., on Poi t Medway rivoi'; IJ miles from Liverpool Pop. 2i(() EA.ST QUACO. St. John co., N.B. See Qiiiico. EA.ST IIIVER (St. Maky's), a post setllenieiit in (.i;iy.>boruu^h eo., N.S., 35 miles Iriiin .New (;ia.-D,apo;t village in Oxford CO , Out., on the G W 11. , 43 in:le.s tmin ll.iinihon. It contains a t'i'ji'raph o'lici>, and several stores aud mills. Poj). 200 EAST ZORRA, a hamlet in O.xford CO.. Ont. It In- a cheese factoiv. EATON C0RN1;R.S, a post village in Compton CO. Ci:!e , 20 mil's from Coinpton. It contains ;{ or 1 stores, 1 taii;ie;-v, aid a tj^ri^i m.ll. Pop. 200! Ei'>OULE.\i I:nS, Charlevoix CO., Que. Se" li '' K I ) ll 'inMis. ECCLESVILI.E, asmaU village in Esse.x CO., Ont., C miles from Stony Point. It has a po.)d tr.ule in lumber, railroad ties, and staves, and contains a lelegiMjili oflice, a saw ami grist mill, an hotel, and 2 stores. Pop 80. ECONO.M V, a post settlement i i Col- chester CO., N.S., on Minas IJasin, 32 mih's from Londonderry. Pop. 350. E(niIM':riLS, Ponneuf CO., Que. See Ijcs iOeiireuils. EI)I)V,-TOXE,a post village in Nor- tlminberliuid co., Ont., 11 miles from Grafto 1. It contains 2 saw mills. Pop. 70. EDDY'S COVE, a fishing station on the French shore, Nfld., 37 miles from Cane .N'lirman. EDK.V, a post village in Elgin CO., Ont., 20 miles from Ingei'soU. It has a lel graijli otlice, Poji. 15 ). EDKN Mills, a post village in Wel- lingto 1 CO., Out., on a branch of the River Speed, !) miles from (Jiuluh. ll contains a telegraph oUic^', and ami oatni"al mills, and has a large trade in li )iiraiid grain. Pop .'i )0. EDGAR, or RUMIARD.SONS COR- NFRS, a post v'lla::e in Sinn-oe cd., O It, ]i> m les from Bariie, 10 miles from Hawkst. 10'>. EDG ELY, a post village in York co., Ont., 2 mi tains elm store, am 150. EDGE! in Albert river, 21 n ed(;e\\ CO., Out., 50. edixa CO., Que. ED.MO.N CO., Out. Pop. 150. ED,\K)M Nortli \Vi N., loa. 1 earth, em entered b\ vicinity is olli'r mill. ED.MIJN or MAD.i Viclo;'ia c 23J mil.'S miles from Gra id Fa of 40 mih river are chiefly eng raisi:ig cri of Eldmuni EDWAI (also call thriving F Out., on th on the G. 104 miles : grai»h otli( saw mills, stores, am: EDWAI See EDWAI Que. See EEL l!l mouth CO mouth. I EEL L mouth CO. EEL R Restigonc small stre leurs, am] Dalliousie EEL Rl ton CO., N miles fron EEL 109 ELD Ont., 2 mileH from ThornhiU. It con- tains ciiiirclies (if ;J ., oil tiie I'eli'CDiliiic riv(;r, 21 miles from rialislmrv. I'ojt. 2r)i). EUIIKWOIITH, 11 iiost village ill Ivuiit CO., Uut., 25 miles Irom Chatham. Pop. 50. KDIXA, a post office in Argenteuil CO.. Que. ElJ.MO.VTON, u post village in Peel CO., Uiit., 5 milcd from Hrumptoii. Pop. 150. EU.Ml )XTON, a fortified village in the Ni) West Terriiories, in lat. ."),{'' 4") N., loa. IIJ^'J.) W. It is built of red earth, enclosed by hi;;h pickets, a id entered by buttlemented .!j;.iU'ways. Its vicinity is rich in coal and gold, and olii-r miu'.Tals. ED.MIJXD.^TOX, or LITTLE FALLS, or M.VD.VW'A.SK.X, a \u,.^l vili.i^j in Victoria CO., N.U., on tli ; iiiverrft. John, 23J mil's from St. John city, ami I'J miles from Riviere dii L M[u-n (ni.s. From Gra id Falls to Little Falls, adista ice of 40 miles, both sides of tlie St. John river are settled, by Freneli, who are chiefly engaged in the field and forest, raisiig cro; s and cutting timber. Pop. of Kdmun'lston 400. ED\VARDSBURi},or PORT ELGLV (also called POLNT CARDINAL), a tlu'iving post village in GrenviUe co., Out., on the Gallops e.mal, with astation on llie G. T. R., 8 miles from Preseolt, 104 miles from Montreal. It has a tele- graph olHce, a starch factory. Hour and .saw mills, a box and stave factory, G stores, ami 2 hotels. Pop. ' 00. EDWARDSRURG, Middlesex co., See Dorchester stalio i. E DW A RDSTOWX, C liateauguay co., Que. See St. Jean Chrysostome. EEL BROOK, a post village in Yar- mouth CO., X.S., 12 miles from Yar- mouth. Pop. 150. EEL LAKE, a post office in Yar- mouth CO , X.S'. EEL RIVER, a post settlement in Resligouehe co., X.IJ , on Eel river, a small stream rnnning into Raie des Clia- leurs, and on the I. Dalhousie. Pop. 400 EEL RIVER, a post village in Carle- ton co.,N.B.. on the N. B. & C. 11., 19 miles from Woodstock. Pop. 100. R., 5 miles from renee, h. EEL RIVER, York co., X.B. See Can- terl)iay. EFFIXGIIAM, or BECKETT TOWN, a post villaj'i' in .M.Miek co., Ont., 8 miles from Welland. It (.oiiiaind a wooUe!! faetory, a eh-csL' fieiory, a saw mill and 2 grist mi, Is. l'o|i. 5o. EGA.VVILLE, athnv,iig iiost viUago in Renfrew co., Ont.. on tic 11 uiii'eht'ro river, 27 miles from Ri'iil.'W. It a telegra[)h oH'ce, 4 ImIl-Is, about 2i) stores, aid several mills, i'op 4 '0. EGBERT, a post villag' in Siiiicoe CO., Out., 12 miles from Lefioy. Pop. 50 EGERTOX,a post village in Welling- ton CO., Out., IG miles from Mount For- est. Pop. 45. EGG ISLAXD, a low narrow island off the X. shore of the Guit of St. Law- )\v Point d'S .Mollis. EtiLlXri).N', a pou village in York CO., Out., 4 iii!les from Toronto. It contains several stores and lioiels. Pop. 300. EGMOXDVILLE, a thriving post vill.ig,' in llurui eo., On!., 2 iiiilesfroin Soafortli. It eontains a loii.Klry, wool- len factory, pottery, potash factory, brew^'ry, tannery, flour a id saw mills, an i a telegraph olliee. Po|). 5 '(). EtJREMOXT, a village in Grey CO., Out. 3 miles from Mount Forest. Pop. :>'). EG Vi'T, York co., Ont. See Vachell. EGVi'TE, a post v.llage in Slidfird CO., Que., 'J miles from I'liion, Po[i. T(). ElvJlIT MILE BliitOK, a small set- tlement in Pictoii CO., X.S., 8 miles from V/est River. Pop. so. EIG MOUXTAI.X, a po.n sf^t»lemont in Antigonish co., .V.S., IS miles from X< w Glasgow. Pop. luo. ELB.V, a post village in "arlwell co., Ont., 10 miles from OraiigeviUe. Po[». 100. ELBE, Leeds co., Or.t. S'- Difk n^s. ELDl-^iJ, a post v,,l,i^-.^ 1,1 (J.iruwcU CO., Out., 18 miles from Slielburiie. i'op. 70. ELDOX, a .''mall settlement in Res- tigoueli," CO., X.i;.,oitlie l'|i-al(iuUoil river, astr.'am ru uiiriu' iut i tii- It'sli- gouclic, 18 miles from Cam[>bi'llton. Po|>. 30. ELDO.X, a small village in Victoria CO., Out., on the T. k X. R., 71 miles from Toronto. It contains 2 stores and a telegraph office. ' s:?tJ V\ '■: , ^ J I I rm " Ill M' K'' H • <»li • I l|i i ■ f It-; I ft. H ^15' ^ ii - i ' V YAA. 110 ELP I-:LT)()N, Qucons co., P.K.I. Sco Kclfi I. K i. 1 »(»K ADO ("t lie fjDltlcri country,") JipKl Villa;; • in llasli ijjs cd,, Out., 7 niil.>! tViiin .\l:iilu(', aii'l .'i- miles Croin Jtrllt'ville. (JoUl i.s foiiiui here. l\>[). loit. KI-rR(I).\, 11 post villiijro in \y.Mi(- wtirli (•u.. (Ml!., 4 lulled fruiu Siuny Credv. I'op. l.VJ. KLdIN, 11 county in the western purl (irOiiliii io, situated ii|i()n tlie iii»rih Khnrc ot' l^ake Krie, coiiiiirise.-; a i area i>r4 ill, j:!,"> aere.s. (Mter Cn'eU traverses Iho iMsi pari, iiiid liit! Thames I'urms ii j)art of tht^ l)i)im(liuy between Klj^in uml Ml(Mleh olhce. Po;.. 'J')!). lOiidl.V, lliintiugdon co., Quo. Seo Kelso. KL(JIN (n)!lNI':RS, a imst vilhige in Ail)ert oo.,N.i>., 12 miles from I'elilco- diac. Pop. 'J.')!). KL(U.\l'.lIii(}, or S(:OTT'S COR- NKKS, a post village in Kroiileiiae eo., Ont.,T miles from Kin<;sto:i. Pop. 150. Kl.ClNFIMlil), 11 i)osl villupe l;i .Mid- dlese.v CO., Out., 10 miles from Loudon. Pop. I'M). KLtJi:^ ROAD, a station on tlie 0. T. K., in h'Ulet co., Que., 75 miles east of Qiiehec. Elil.MVlI.LK, a post villa. 100. KIJZAIJKTHVILLE, a post vill'ifro in l).irliam o , Out., 1.') miles from Poi't llo|ie. It couUiius a saw mill and 2 cheese factories. I'o[). I'lO. ELI.K.VHOWAN, a viUapfc in Rruce CO., Out., 10 miles from Walker- ton. I'.)p. 1 '0. KLLERSHAUSEN", a post villarre in IIaii;s CO., .\.S., on the I. R., :5o miles from llalifa.K. It contains an hotel, [ stores, and a furniture factory. Pop. 300. ELT/ERSLIE, a post village in Prince CO., P.E.I. ,41 miles from Alber'on. It has saw, eanlitig and shingle mills, and shiovards. Pop. 150. ELLE*8.MERE, a post village in York CO., Out., 2.1 miles from Agiacourt. It has 2 stores and 1 saw mill. Pop. 40. ELLIOTT, a post settlemcntin Lanark CO., (hit., 10 miles from Perth. Pop. HO. ELLIOTTS MILLS, a small village in Durham eo.. Out., IS miles from Port Hope. i'op. r»0. ELMM.\.\'K, a post villiiLM' in Peel CO., () it., 2\ miles from Mallon. it (•otitaius 2 (Tiiirclies, 1 store, I waggon and 1 hlaeksmith shop. Pop. 70. EL.M (lRO\'K.a post village in Sim- coe eojOnl., on the Noltawasaga river, l(j miles from (Jilford. i'op. lot). EL.MlRA.orWK.ST WOOLWIOfI, a thrivi ig |)ost village in Waterloo co., Out, 12 miles from Merlin, ll contains several stores, hotels, mills, and faeto- ries, iiu iron foundry, a printing ollice from which a weekly (Jerina i news- paper i.s issued, and u telegraph oflicc. Pop. HOO. ELMSDALE, a vilhge in Hants CO., .VS., near the eo.iliuen<'e ofNina .Mile river with the Sliub"nacadie, and on the 1. R., 30 miles from Halifax. It contains a carriage factoiy and 2 stores. The river here is noleil for its line salmon and trout lislu-rv. Pop. 200. ELMSVILLE, or ST. PACLS apogt village in Pictou co., .\.S , on tlie east branch of East r /er, 20 miles from New (rlasgow. P p. 120. ELM TREE, a settlement in (Ilouces- ter CO., N.R., o from Matlmrst. Pop. L^O ELMVALE, Pictou co., N.S. See Middle River. ELMV.\LE. a post village in Simcoe CO., Ont., 20 miles from Barrio. Pop. Ijo. ELMWOOD, a post olfice in Bruce Co.,(*iit., 14 miles from Walkerton ELOR.\, an incorporaled village in Wellington co., (>iit., at the conlliienee of the (}".ind and lrvii:e rivers, and on the W. (}. tt 15. R., 14 miles from (Juelph. It iiossestes unlimited water power, and contains a branch bank, 2 telegraph the I. R., 14 miles oilic' res, several insurance agencies, elmrchea, and hotels, grist and jilaning mills, two distilleries, a bmvery, au extensive foundry, a brickfield, woollen, cliair, sash, door and bariel factories, a number of stores, and a large trade in cattle, grain and Hour. Two weekly newspapers are published in Elora. The surrounding scenery is very beautiful, giving the village a romantic appear- ance. Pop. 1,498. ELPIIIN, a post village in Lanark >t1 CO , Ont., .'t' KLSl.NO CO., Out., 1 I'oit ."lO. E.\|IJK(>, an ineorjioi Out., on IJM K uiile-i Iron ol' Toroiit I. two grist 111 11 woollen printing ol [laMers, aiii 4S.I. EMI'.Rd.V CO., (Iiil., Ol from ( >ltaw, EMKRAL ro.. On'., 2;J f'niin Kingst H.\IERS().' CO., Que., on Riehfiird, Vt 1 1 con ains iiikI an hotel KM1(JR.\.N iiu'ul in \\ miles from I! lv\ll(;R.V.^ gcttli'iiie it i id miles IVoii E.MMELI), CO., Out., 12 HNFIELD CD., N.S., Oil llaliri.>c. Th tive gold mil niicration 3 I'op 1,")0. KN'OLISH seltleinent on tiun Hay, N I'op. H'l. K.VOLISH PL.MN, a p cu., .\.S., Om E.XOLlSli tion on the F I'lit ranee of C La Seie. Po E.VtJLISH mont on the i Ntll., 7 miles KXtHJSH spttlement in -Vfi!., on Ore Irom (ircen's ENOLJiSH Eva 111 FAU en , Ont., MO miles from Porth. Pop. 30. HI.SIN(H{K, a [Kt-il, vilhi^rc in \u-nvv, CO, Out., 17 mil(!S from Owcii Soiiail. »'o|t ;".0. K.\I|{KO,or I'AF.MKRSTOV DKPOT, all iii('ni|i()i;iI(Ml vill.i;^.' i 1 (Kt'di'd co,, Out., nil lilt! biiiilv of tin- llivcr Tli.iiii'' , Ci niiliM iVnin Ht'ii -li vill'-, ;»s iii'Iim S.W. (if ToriMil ». 1 1 (;()||lilill.^ scvcpiil .sidrc^, two trii-il mills, II saw mill, u ll.ix mill, II wiMtllcii f.ictory, ii clicf.-;*' fiK ton, '.* priiiliii;^ olliccs isiMi of a lir;;i' herring a;id Cud fidierv Pup. Jl'i. KXillJ.SIl .SKrTlJvMK.NT, a post seltlemi'iit in Queens I'd., .\.|;., l,t miles from .\ ,)iiliaiiui. Poji. Jou. KXCihlSII TOUX, or ST. AX\, a scajiort of \'icluria co., X.S., u:i St. Ann's Bay, 1'.) mlU-i fran IJadd-'ck. Pop. .")_'t. KN'XI.SKILLKX, Grey co., Ont. Sco Varii'V. IvNslSK'ILLKX, or Gil.\ IlLF-lS- \'IIJii;, a pi)-t village in 1) noaui co., Out., H miles N.W. of Buwiiianville. It (•)iitaiii-> stors ami hotels, and a teli'.rraph nlli^'i'. Poji. 2't'K K.\.VISKI!iLlv\', a po>t village in Queens CO., X B.. oil the K, .t. X. A. R., 31 miles from St. Juhii. It e iiitaiiis a te|egra|)li oflic,,', and siiveral sa w inilN, ami lia> a I irg" lumlcr trade. Pop. lo(>. IvN'XlS.MOtiK, a post village in l',.ier- li I'll 'gh CO., Out., 10 mih'S from Peter- li iiM :gli. It contains shiiiiile and stuvo faetirie-', and a saw mill. Pup. 100, KX.XISVILLIO, Liiiiark co.,Out. See Iniii-A'ille. KXXO rVILLE, Wellington co., Ont. See Bariiett. HX I'LRPRrSE, a post village in Ad- diiigton Co., Ont., on JacKsuii s (Jreek, 10 miles from (.'i;iitrev,l|e It contains u telegraph oflii'e, a saw mill, a cheese factory, and S('veral stores, i'up. 2'>{). EPPI.X(«, a jiost ollice in (irey co., Ont., lo miles from .\leaf ad. KI'S(.>.M, a post villagi' ill Ontario CO., Out., 7 miles from I'.xliriilge. Pop. Hi). KRA.MOSA,a post village in Wel- lington CO., Ont., n miles from (jruelph. Pop. loo. KRB SETTLEMEXT. a small settle- ment in Kings eu., .\.B., 1 miles from ApoliMipii. Pop. oO. ERBSVILLE^, a post ofTice in Water- loo CO., Out., 7 miles from Berlin. ERIE, a [lost village in Ilaldimaud CO., Ont., 5 miles from Jarvis. Pop. 80. ERIX, a flourishing post village in Wellington CO., Out., on a hranch of the River Credit, 20 miles from Guelph. it contains a woollen factory, saw, grist '•:'|:i;'l -, •;*-i t4 .. ■ ;■''( " -« • ' .'■>] \m^ i.t> If 1..4 •rill t i ;'!-• |». ?•■■.;' ■ f ■ '11. :i:i KSCJ 112 EVK and lutli mills, stave iind potash fiicto- rii's tiiiiiii'i'y, liiiK' a id tVfrstoiic (|iiai- rii'S !i d.ill rilicd, a tcdi'^frujili otlici', and Bt'Vt ral slnris and lioltdri. Poj), (Uxt. KIMXSVII.LK, u post villagf in A(ldin;^'i.)ii <•()., (Int., (Ill Salmon livor, 24 ml •■< IV >\.\ N.ijiancf. [\>\). 7f». KUi.\VILLK,a po.-t. vdlaj,';- in (Jnys- boronj^li CO., \.S., It) miles from Guys- lioroiiLcli. I'.ip. loo. KK'NK.STOWX STATION, a juist villa^'c i.i Lennox ro., Ont., on the (J. T.ll., l."i miles from Kingston. It cun.aiiis a woollen factcjry uud a tele- griipli otVice. i'oit. l.")!). KiiUOli, a post vdlage in Lambton CO., Out., li mik'^i from Ciunlacliie. Pop. loO. ESCOTT, a post village In Leeds CO., (hit., 5 miles from Mallorvtown. Copper ore is found in the vicinity. It contains 2 saw mills and 2 cheese facto- ries. Pop. 200. KSCL'.MIX.VC, a post office in Nortli- uinlierlaiid co., N.B., 36 miles from (Jhatiiam. ESCL'.MIXAC, or AHOYXK, a post villagu in iionavenline i .i.,(.ine., on the Bale des ('lialenr.s, 5 miles from Ual- hoiisie, X.M. Pop. .f)0. ESKASUXl, ("aiie Breton co., N.S., See (Jiiaiinel I>latHls. ESP KilAXCE, Wolfe CO., Qne. See Nortli Hum. ESQ I • KSI XG.or STEW A RT TO WX, a ]iost village in llalton co., (>nt , 1.] miles from Georgetown. It contains flonriiig, baw and shingle mills. I'op. 250 ESQUIMALT, a seaport of British Columtiia, on Vancouver Island, o:i the Strait of San Juai de Fiu.'a, (I.'i miles from its enirance, and 3 miles from Victoria. The harlior of Esipiiiiialt is very extensive, capable of receiving vessels of the larg(*[ ,'!j X.; Inn. "x; 21 W. The i.-land is 2,, miles long, and 1, miles broad, and about 2.")0 feel in height o i liie X. side. The liari)or is lnHwei'ii the X. side of the island and the m. inland. E.Sgi:i.\IAL;X I'Ol.NT, a post vilhigo in Sagiienay co., Que., on the nonh shore of the St Lawrence, h'>'.i milei from (Jaspe, Hasin A large trade is done here m the fisheries. Pop. 8(J2. ESSEX, a fUMiinsiilar county of Uni.i- rio, is .silnated Ijetween Lakes St. Clair and lInro;i, comprising an urea of ir)0,;u>4 acres. .It is traversed by the (ireal Western and ("aiiada Soiithera railwaj's, which have their terini lus res- pectively at Windsor a id Amhersibuijf, in this county. Capital, Sandwich. Pop. ;52,()1»7. ESSEX CENTRE a post village in Es-ic.x CO., Ont. ETANG DU XORD, a thriving pest village at the western extremity of (Jrindstonc Island, one of the Ma;?- daleii group, in the (Julf of St. Law- rence, 120 miles from Gasiie Hasin. ETHEL, a iio.>t village in Huron co., Out., on the W. G. ix, \>. R., (South ex- tension,) 22 miUs from Paluierston. It contains a grist null, a saw mill, and a pottery. Pop. 80. ETUBICOKE, or LAMBTON, a post village in York co., Out., 7^ miles from Toronto. Pop. 50. EL'GEXIA, a i ost viUago in Grry CO., Ont., romaniically s.tnatcd ou Beaver river, 5 miles .N. of Eleshertoii. In the course of a mile the Beaver river falls 334 feet, culminating at this village in amagniticent fall .of 70 feet. it gives unlimited water power. Euge- nia contains a woollen factory, a grist mill, and 2 .*aw mills. Pop. loO. ETPIIKASIA, Grey co.. Ont. See Heathcote, EVAXGELIXE, or St. IIERMEXE- GELUE, a post villagii in StansteaJ CO., Que., 6 miles from Coaticook. Pop. 200. EVELYN, a post village in Middle- sex P CO., Ont., 5 miles from Thorndale. 0]). i:)0. EVERETT, a post village in Simcoe 00., Ont., luo. KVERSI Xi'M;S, a \i 3 iiiilrs t'v, KVEKK ^\ ellili^ti/U the Grand ll cuiiiaiii.' iiery, pota.> a teh ^iia, ! K\hfi:i; thriving p (111 the iiivt Clinton, a ehei , ami a trlcL;raiili oflicf, ami lia.s a lai;:!' irado in gra.n, Hour uud coimtrv luiiduce. \\>\t. 1,000. KXl'MtlTS IiriINT ISLAM), a large falling selilcnK'nt in tlic di.suicl of TwiUnigaU' and Fogo, Nlld., 12 miles IVuui llie mouth of Kxphjiid river, ll mile.-* from T\\ illingatf. I'op. f/l>o. KXI'LUITS l'A\ KK, a li.-;liing ^ctlle- mc'til on the River Kxi)loit.s, Nlld., 2-i luilvs from Twillingate. I'oj). (>0. l-'ACTOUV DALE, a jio.-t village in Kings CO., N.k>., on the ISoulh livcr, 4 niilis from Avlc.>furd. It has good water jiowcr privilege.^, and contains a carding mill, a grist null, a s^aw mill, an agricultural imidemeni factoiy, 3 ciiurche.-:, 1 store, iVc. J'op. 1TL». FAFAIM). a post village in Lolbinlere co..yue., oli miles from Craig's Jioad. Poji. KiO. FAliU'IKLD, a post .^cttloment in St. Jolu! CO., X.l>., on Ten Mile Creek, 'JO miles frcm St. .lohu. I'op. To. FAlKFllfl.D, a po,>;t village in Kings CO., I'.K.l., 57 miles E of Charlotte- town. I'oj). liou. FAIRFIELD, or TROY, a post village iu Kent co., Ont., IS miles from Cliailiam. it contains 2 stores, 1 hotel ami a saw mill. l*ylum, ai.d of mills and factniics. l'(i| F.\LDlNti,a po.>l village in Ihedi.strict of .Mi.skiika, Out , 8 miles I'roni Parry Sound. It contains 1 church, 1 store and 1 saw mill. FALKEXiirRO, a post olTiee in Viet. Ilia CO., Out., miles from IJrace- bridge. FALKIRK, or CARLISLE, a post village i;i Auddh-se.x co., Out., on Sid- d> lis Cretk, 4 miles fnun Ailsa Craig. It possesses good water jower, and contains a saw and grist mill, and a cloth faet(jry. I'oj). 2oo. FALKLAND, or P.ENSVILLE, a post village in IJraiit Co., Ont., 4 miles from Paris. Pop. (io. FALKLAND, Lunenburg co., N.S. See I'osters. FALL BROOK, a post village iu Lanark co.. Out., 10.^ nules from Perth. It contains several nulls. Pop. HO. FALL BlUtoK, a .Mnall village in Plctou CO., N S., 9 miles from New Glasgow, i'op. 50. FAL.MOUTIl, a thriving i)OSt village iuilantsco., N.S., on the River Avon, 5 miles from Falmouth Station, 7 miles from Wiiulsor. It contains G saw and 2 grist mills. INip. 2oo. FAL.MOl'TII, (WiNoson Biudoe), a seaport town of Nova Scotia, co. ul Hants, on the Avon river, an arm of Jlinas Basin, opposite Newport, and on the W. iNi A. R., 2 miles from Windsor, and 47 miles N. N. W. of llalifa.v. It is a place of some importance, iu conse- quence of the coal, plaster, lime- stone and other valuable minerals found iu the vicinity, i'op. 400, FALSE BAY BEA(ni, a post office in (Jape Breton co., N.S., miles from Cow Bay. 8 ll ., "J I miles Iruni AVoodstock. I'op. t>{). F.\i;>.lI'ii!.S'i'( i\. II post seltlcnu'iit in Ciirletoii CO., N.i>., 10 miles from Wood- Btoo!i. I'op. ■''I>". FAi:.Ml.l{.SVIl>LK, a tliriving post vlllil^^■ in liecd.s co.,(>nl., IhniKs iVnui IJroe'kvilli'. it contains several stores null lutici -, f:;rist, saw inul carilin;,' mills, iJ elieesi' I'lictorie:^, iint villajj; • in liicuie co., (.^tne., -U miles from West Sli<-lt'ii-.t. Pop. O). F.VILNHA.M ('FN ritH, a post v!Ilap,o in Hronio co., Que., 2 miles from Jjrig- liam. Pop. 11)0. FAUX!I.\.M FAST. Bronie co., Que. See Fast Faniliam. FAKNIIA.M WFST, Missisquoi co.- Quo. See West Farnliam. F.VllXDON, a jiosl village in Missis- qu(n CO., 'I'ue., on the S. Iv I!., 5 miles from Wi'st Faruham. Pop. P^o FAUQUllAR, a post viilairi-n.lluron CO., Out., lo miles from ^Uiicliell ^^)p l.'jo. FARRAXS POIXt a post villajre in Stormout co., Ont., on tlie River St. Lawre ic', a ul ontii"(t. T. ii.. .si miles W. of .Montr, al. 'fliero is a canal here of three-f'oiirlhs of a mile to oveicome Farran'.s Point R.ipids. The vill;if,n' conlai IS several stores hotels and mills, and a teleirraph of?ie'> Poj). Hoo. F.ATilFR P01Xi;.,or FARTHER POIXT, a ]iost villa'fje in tlie co. of Rimouski. (Juc on the S. shore of the St. Lawrence, near the mouth of the IlimousUi river, hit. about 4'J FFR N'.lon. r)8-4,'^W., i:»r, miles fromQue- Ikc liy lantl, lii'J ijy water. (( Is leave their ])il()t at this, and | assiag steamers land and take on pas.jeugers. l'o]i. loo. FKIiDER, a .station on tlie C. T. R. (liiillalo division;, -13 niihs from I5;ai.ti. rd. FFLTdX, a post village in Russell CO., Ont., 30 m.les from Morrioburg. Poji. .^o. ^ FFXAnirVALE. or TALEDt^XIA Ffi.VTS, a pi):t village in P.e-eoil co., Out.. :;i miles from Lanca.-t^'r. I'op. "JO. FFNKFLA, a po>t village in Xorth- nniherland co., (int., IG miles from Colioiirg. I'oji. (io, FKXKLOX FAM.S,aflonri hing pest village in Victoria co., Ont., on the River Fiiielon, between Cameron and ."^turgeou I.,akes, pt miles frimi Li ul-ay, and 11 mdes frc:m (.'oboconk. It contains a tel. 'graph ortiee, several stores, and a niimlier of saw and grist mills, and has a large lumlier trade. The mills are er cted on Fen» Ion Falls, which aro about 'JO feet hiirh and '.'<'") feet wide. They atlbrd unlimited water jiower. l>i:ly steamers ply bvtwceii Fenel'i i l.ills and Jiiiulsay, calling at Cobocouk and other ])laees. JPop. ToO. FK.NXELLS, orC!;OX(»X'S COR- Xl-ORS,a post village in Simcoe CO., Out., 2 mile-; li-om Clilford. Po]). so. Flv\\Vi(M\,apost settlement in Kings en , X.15., 11 miles from Aialbaqui. Pop. 200. FEXWICK, a post village in Cum- beilaiid CO., N.S.,. 200. FKX WICK, a post village in Monck CO , (.)nt., y miles irom Wellaud. Pop liM. FIlRCiUS, an incorporated village in Wi llington CO., Out., oi the River Orand.and on the W. G. & M. R., lGmile3 X. of (;uel]di. 1' posse.-ses good water jiower, ami contains flour, oatmeal and platiiig mills, 2 distilleries, woollen, cabinet, fanningmill, stave and sewing njachine fictories, tanneries, brewerie?, ami an iron foundry. Also, 2 branch banks, several insurance agencies, a number of stores, hotels and charcheSj 2 telegraph agencies, and a printing otiice issuing a wf FFiltiC.^ (». i;., :!2.; n Fi:ia;r.s village in II. sii.aled oil ;. .. the sea, iKRcrs ia Lanark < river, I."! ni; FKl:(ir.< ill ."-illit'iL' Ci Pep. iJ.-,. KKI.'.MFF Iliciil iu the ea the strai .-;. John's, This is one < lli.' island. ai.d commoi .u;a,.e in ag iLr cod n id FFi:.^!OX' .1 viil.igo ir !::;!l'S from ' ;i iarge fbui iixa and i ii.;.inifacti;re i^ < btaint d .'. hi'llt 20o t( ' ueil at the .J FERMOY, ''II CO.. Ont., '11 ll.e Ridei Juii!;'.slon. 1' FiiKXillLl s^'A CO., Unt., i'op. r.o. ' FFR'.'ALL CO., Cut. See ii:i;f;is.a| fn-, X.R., 8 a lllO. FERRYT^A of en try of JS tliedisirict ol 'li'- eastern ct Avalon. 40 n it is one of t i-^I^'iid, haviii (icerge Calve f"ore, in 1G2;{ t'!^ve him i)oss '■}' Avalon. J *''"' seme time, -1 eated troul '^■'•'at to Mar^ nil lij FIT issniiipa weekly ncwspHpcr, Pop. 1,000. i " 1 KilCiU.SON'fS, a siiiiiuii (111 tlieli.& (».U., ■'!'-•) iiiilcs truin llroi'kvilli'. l"Ku(U'.sit.\ S l"(t\K, a niiiritimc j si.i.aliil on a sl('(|i InlLsitlf dvt tIimiU- i ii,;. ihc sea, 5 miUs fiuin Halifax. l'i)}>. I •ji'ii. I n:!:nrsnN"S FALLS, almost viliajre ;a L..iiaiiv it>., Oiil., oil llic .Mi^.^iri.-il'lii ilvi r, i;5 miles fVinii PitUi. Toji ITiO. FKiail'SO.WAi.K. a \n)-t viilii'_n>, ill .-Mii.i'ix' CO., (Jul., U miles Iruiu Uuriie. r,.].. 12:.. IKK.MKrSE, a inrrro fi.-^liiiij; scttli- nu'Ut ill the ili.-iriel 1 1 Kerrvluiid, Mlcl., (Ill llie strait slidrc, fil miles sniilii of .-!. John's, 7 miles from Feirvhrul. TI1I.S id one of the oldest .si ttK ments (hi llii' ishuul. It has u line haiLi/r. .-al'e t'ommotlions. The inliatjiiaiits en- L;;i,e in ii^iicnlturo as well us in ilir cod and salmon fishery. I'oi'. "mS. rKU.MUNT, orJ{AI).\UU roKCLS, a village in Chamidaiu eo., C^'ue., li !:;;!es from Three Jlivers. It contains a larg'' foundry, where superior )' ,1^ iixu and railway ear wheels iiro ii,;,uufact!;red. Tlie ore nnil ehareoul i- ( lilainid in the neigl.boui hood. .'•iMiit 200 tons of east iron are pro- ceed at Ibe " Forges" aununlly. 1\>[k .j FERMOY, a post village in Adding- t ;. eu., Ont., 8 niile.s Westpuit, 'U lie Kideau canal, 4U miles iVom l\ii)(;ston. i'op. 3u. 1 1;K.\1!ILL, a post village in Middle- sex CO., Uut., 8 miles from feiratliroj. I'op. r.o. li:U'!ALL'S LAND1X(;, Renf.ew CO., ("lit. See I'oniuchi're I'oint. I'KliKIS.a post ^ettUniont ii Queens en., X.l}., 8 miles from Welsford. Pop. liid. FEnRYT.AND, a post town and port ofoKliy of Newfoundland, capiti.1 of the district of Ferryland, situateil on 'hi' eastern coast of the {leninsida of Avidon. 40 miles south of JSt. John's. It is one of the oldest towns on the idaiid, having been founded liy t^ir (!( crge Calvert, afterwards Lord Balti- nuu'e, in 1G2:5, under a patent which gave hira possession oA'er the jieninsula 'if Avalon. His Lordship ret?ided here f""f some time, but left it on account of ripeiited troubles with the French, and ^vtnt to Maryland, where be founded the present city of Rnltimorp. The town of i'erryland is vriy prettily situated, and Itears evidence o( its pu.t hist ry in its ruined batteries. It has a line (I'ld safe harbur. The laml sur- rounding the town is low and undulat- ing, and most of it under eiiltivatio!). The rial ri>hfry is exleii-ivrly engaged in b\ the iidialiifa it.J. I'ojp. Osii. Ki;i»i;V I'OLNT, ft small village in Hastings CO., Unt., on the Lay of Q:iinte, i mile from lielleviUe. *l*.ip. lion. FKKRVVILLK. a post sottlenicnt in fa;-. I urn co., N.H, 6 mdes Inni W(M ii.>t.i«k. Pop. IJO. FKVKl.'SITAM, a post villagcin (Ury CO., Out., on Deaxnr iiv( r, II mile- tr. in Fiesherton, 21 miles from CoUingw. i.d. It C''iitaiiis a woollen mill. I'dH. .'"j 1. FIFTKKN PdlNT, a post village in Prince CO., I'.K.L, 12 miles from Siim- merside. Pop. oO. FlC.HTl.Vt; l.^LAXD,, an island iu the Kiver iJitroit, tiii-ee miles below i''\uidwie!i, Out. This island wa.*^ seized by a jiarty (f insurgents in Ih';:?-''.'^, but the appearance of troops soon cia- pelled them to make a hasty retreat. It is now useil mostly f'T grazing, from griiwtli of natural hay found on it. I FI.\("Ii, Stormont co, Out. fece ' IJerv M-k. I FIN(iAL, a tliriving post village iu K'.giu CO., Out., 7 miles fiom St. 'fhoiuas. It contains saw, grist, and I cardinjj mills, an iron found ly, i several fietories and stores, uud a teleuraph ollice. Pop. ^W. FIN K >.\ A, a post oflici' in Card well CO., (Inf., 1; miles from Shelburne. F!>--;il CliKKK, a sn;all village in Perth CO., Ont.jlH miles from Siratt'ord, Fi.-^HFIFS GllAXT, a vill.igr in Pietou CO.. X.S.. on the south shore of Pictou harbor, and on the I. ii'., 2 miles from Pictou. A steam ferry plies between here a'ld Pictou. i*op. luiO. FlSiiKirs .MILLS, a small vilbM-o- in Waterloo co., (,)nt., 1 mile from llcjpe- ler. It contains an iron foundry and a grist mill. Pop. 100. FISIILKA'ILLK, a post village in Haldimand co., Ont., G miles from Cayuga. Pop. 59. FISll POOL, a small village in Pictou co.,N.S., 3 miles from Hopewell. Poj). Lit). FITCH BAY, a post village in Stan- ' ^!: . *u mi i ^ ' V 1 J:'< |: ; , t'v ' 3 , 1 fi' i:'j , }'f 1 ^1 ', i. •ill" fc ■I *^ il }, H'^ .' il f: FLA IIG FLO Bti'inl c().,Qin!.,()ii Liiki! Mcniplinmnjjoj;, 5 mill's frnm Smiili > Mills. l'..|i. 'jiin. FIT/UOV llAUKOli, II |Mi,,l \.lbiK>' in Ciriiloii ci)., Oiii., uii tlu' liivfi* Oll.iWii, 12 Jiiih'S fiDiii Ariiprior. It cmilaiiis sovfial stonn, IkiIi'Ih an. I nulls, ami lias ilaily <'iiiiiiiiiitiicaiioii witii Ottawa liv sloai'iicr. roji. ilui. FlVI'lil ir.sKS, liiimiiliiiig CO., N.S. Si' liOWiT liii Ilavi'. FIV1«; ISLANDS, a gnMij. of stiiiill isl;imh in Minus Uasiii, N.S., oil" llio N.W. lAiii'iiiity (if'( 'olchc-^t I r cm. l''l\L ISL.\".NI)S, a \u)ii villa;j(? in ColclicstiT I'o., N.S.. on Miiias liasin, I'J niil(';< I'l'i'in rppiT Kt'oiKiiuy, -.; iiiik'4 fVoin AiJKtl. 'riio Last river niiis rito Miiias liasin, mar tlio villaj;i'. .Marlili', iron, Cdiiiicr iiiul plnnili.i^o is fnniid in proiluctivcipiantitji's in tlic viciiiily. A coiiipatiy is cnj^aj^cd nia'iiitactiiriiig ■white lead iVoiii Ip:ii\ trs. I'np. (lilO. FIVE MILL i:i\ Li;, a p.-t villagn in llaiit-* CO., .N..">., on Nine Mih' river, {• miles tVom .Maillaml. 17 miles from fcSiiulienaeadie. I'op. ]."»0. ^ I'lVL STALLS, a .small villaj^e in Eljfin CO., Ont., ;} miles iVom St. Thomas. It cuiilains a s i\v mill, mill, and rake faetnrv. l'i>p. Vo. KLAMIiGUordir WLST, Went- worth CO., Out. See West Fhiiii- boroiitj;h. LLANKIAX'S, Midaiesex co., Out. Sec .Met Jillivray. FLAT r.AV, a settlement on the French shore, XIIJ., at the li^ad of St. George's Lay, S miles from S.indy Point. To)). "l.">0. FLAT L^LANl), a small island in the (Jiilf of St. Lawreuci', olf point Peter, district of Gaspe. FLAT ISLANDS, iijifoup of islands on the west sid.' of ]5i>nu\isla Lay, Nlid.,7 miles from Harrow Harbor. They are settled chieily by fisherman. I'op. 2J0. FLAT ISLANDS, a group of islands on the west side of Placentia 15 ly, Nfid., 15 miles from Burin. Settled by fishermen. Pup. 30l5. FLATLAXD.S, a jujst settlement in Restigouche co., X.B., ou the L R., 10 miles from Campbellton. Pop. L"iO. FLAT lilVLIl, or GASCOiGXE COV'Fj, a post village iu Queens CO., P.E.I., 30 miles from Cbar- lottetowu. Pop. 250. FLAT ROCK, a lislilug settlement in the di-itrict of Day de VenU, Xlld, oil the north .^lioiv ol Concepiion llay, j mi''-* frniii ( ' I'i)|i. 1 Ji). FLA r LOi'K.ii IhIuii;,' s ilieinrat in llu' district of SI .1 hiM, Xlld, o;i the strait shore, 12 miles norihof .Si. Julia's, pop ;i'Mi. FLLi; rWOOl). a post viMa;.--' ill Dur- ham rti, ( tat., - iiiiles from FruiiLliu. It lias a savv mil. FLLSIILIiTON, or AUTEMESIA, a iiosi village in (Ley cii., Out., on' a lir.ineli uf ilie I'.enver river, and ui the T. G. ."c K. li., sii.l m Irs from Toiontu, 'M\ mih'sfroin (hveii Sound, it coiiUiiiis a teieir.i|»li ulliee. .s-veral stores, 1 hntii, a .Miw mill, and u LM'iol a c.irdiii'.; m mill. I'c>i>. :i."it>. FLLrciILi;, a station on tho 0. S ( Int., 10 mil '.s fiiwii It has u telegrupU R , in Kent co., Cliaiing Cross, ullice. FLETCHER'S STATION, a viL la;^fe in iialila.v co., X.S., o.i the Siiii- benacadie canal, and on the I. H., 20 miles trom llalifa.x. It contains seve- ral s.iw mills. Pop. HO. FLLL'RAXT,ii po-l ollicoin Bonaven- tiire CO., Que., on Laie des Ohaleurs, 'J miles friiin Ciirlelnn. FLEUR DE LVS. a lishin-j: station and fme harbor ou the French shore, XllJ., ;>H miles from Tilt ('ove. Pop. 25. FLI.N r(J.N,a j)ost villaj;e i,i Addingtoii CO., (.)iit., ou the Scootamalta river, 42 miles fnau Leileville. Po[). 100. FLINTS. MILLS, Addiiigtouco.,Ont. See Kaladar. FLORA, a post village in Waterloo CO.. Out., IG miles tiom Berlin. It has u grist and saw mill. Pop. 100. FLOREXCE, or VICTORIA, (also called ZtJXE MILLS.) a thriving post village in Lamblun Co., Ont., on the east br.uu'ii of Sydenham river, l(j miles from Newbiiry. It contains a telegraph ollicc, several stores and hotels, grist, shingle, and carding mills, audjiotasb, soap auu other factories. Pop. ;i."i(). FLORENCE VI LLE, a post village in Carletou CO., N.B. on the River St. John, 24 miles from Andover, and 20 miles from Woodstock. V^}\^. 350. FLORENCEVILLE, EAST, a post village iu Carletou co., N.B , 1^ miles from Floreucevilie. Pop. 180. FLOWER COVE, a lisbing settle- ment ou the French shore, Ntld., on the south west coast. 40 miles from Cape Xiiriiian. 127. FL(>\VKI Ri'bbK Mil li>liiiigsititi (leh'Vleve, irnerile, II 1 ''r'lich slio land iilo ig il'li'laiiet' o l'..|'. II". FLoWEr the liorili .-.j mile-: from ( ed liv li .!ier: FURi;V sii'ttlriiieiit i and V'l^x, uiiii's from I FitLKV, > village in ( fmiii ()-:|i,iw FOLLV I. Culelr'ster niil"s from 'I mill. A lai slii|ip'',| (V,„, JM»LLV .M (^>l«'lu•stor D.lhTt. FOLLV I Coie'ii s|(.rj .' FoLLV V of Nova Se Colieijiiid |;, Cmisiileial on here. , Fo(;o, an land, ill l;it. FOiJo. a try of Xi'wl iiiiiive islam I'v steamer w iiiile.s, and i.- trule. The eiigaircd in tl FONTL.Nd moiid e J., (Jii f'r"ia Richnu .''ive w.iler ] pri.>t iiiKl w t' ipiier mine; FONTIIIL <*'»•, Out., 5 111 It lias a niiiii ruiice agencii sive nursery, mills, anda t( II., Ont. F<|\ 117 roil ju the Cape Niiriimn. It Inis u line liarHor. Pop. ir,. IM-0\Vi:i{ CnVK to IMHVT KKil- Ki)MJviiiiliiii;;-(iiiti. FiiLKY, or WII.LI.VMSOV, a j.o.t viilii^'c ill Ontario ro , Out., (i nnle.s fmiii O^h.iWii Top. ITiO. KtiLI.V JiAKIO, a po^t villajro in Colcli-stcr CO., X S.,oii till- I. It., ir, iiiil'vs from Truro, il cniitiiiiH a saw null. A liiT'^i' oiianiltv of luniher is slu|i|iiii from tliK statiMii. l'(»M.V MOU.\"l'AiN,a po^t ollin" in riilflu'Stor CO., N.S., 4 inili.'S from DMn.rt. i'oi.lT PvIVER, a si'ttlomont in Coii'liisicr, \,S,, •_'.'> milc.^ from Dcln-ri. F(»I>liV Vli.LA'OK, a si'apiwl town of Nova Scotia, ('oli'lav^tcr co , on ('i)lii'(|iii(l i'>ay, 4 iniic-i Irom Dihi'rt. Cmisiik'i'altU! .sli i>lMiililiiiij is carrii-d oil lu'ii'. I'op. 4iiO. F()(iO, an i.-i'anii N.K. of Nowfoinul- liiinl, in lat. 4;> 40 S., ion. 54 W. FtXiO. a ii(»st town am! port of en- try of NewfouiKliami. capital of flie iiliiivc islauil. it lias commnnicution l>y sicanuT with .St. Jolin's, (li.staiii I. 'J niiK'S, ami is a place of consiil raiil" tr.ule. The iiihahilants are chieily enj^Mi,'oil ill the lislu-rv. J'op. 74'). FO.VTK.VOV, a i) vilia-r.- ii Ilich- moiul 1., (,|ne., on Illack river, t> iniie-i from Riehmonil. It possesses e.vten- .^ive water power, unil contains saw, prist ami \\h)o11i u mills. There are c '[iper mines near tlie village. Pop. FOXTIIILL. a post village in Monck CO., Out., ") inii;"s from i'o.i lioSi i>on. It has a nuinliT of stcjtvs, sevenil iii.-ai- raace aii CO, (t,,t , on ihe O.T. I{ , I li". m.lis \V. of Toronto. It ha.s a ^oo.l ti.ii|i> in grail iiml ooniitry pnnlnce, ami con- tains 2 tell gr.ipli ollices, aliont IJ stores, 'J h'llel-i, ;! uri^l niill-i. \c. i»op .".no. F()Ki;sr ("ITV, a post village in York <•... F()l:i;sri;i!'S F.\LLS,a j.ost villagii in U • ifriw co., Onl., on .MiV:i'ii;!i- tniH ('ret'k, 10 miled from ilenfrew. l'oi>. .^o. Ft»UKST MII.LS, II post villacre in Leiiiii \ I >, dill., lo miles from .Wtpii- nee. it cont.iiiH a woollen fictmy and a store. I'up. 00. FniM'lSi'O.V, a post Rcttlenient in (' irli'tnii C.I., NM'.., 14 miles from Flo- relici'Ville. I'op. 100. FOitJCSTVILlJ'), a post village i:i N'orf)lk CO. Out, 14 miles from .>!mcoe. It contains a (Mniir.g mill, a saw mill, anil 2 siori's. i'o|). lot). FOIIFAI!, a post village in CO., Out., 32 miles from Drockville. I'op. loo. FOKKFD II RAD, a lieailland of Cape Ih'ei'in, on the S.K. l)"tweeu Foiirciin ll.irliorand Portland Cove. FOitKS, a post settlement in neen8 CO., .\.I5 , 2.") miles from Petiteodiuc. Pop. 100. F0.;KS (R.vddkok), a post oifice in Victoria CO., .VS.. H miles from 15, ol leek. FOiJKS, ((^vi.s's KiVKiO, a small set- tleimnl in N'orllinmherhuid c >.. .V.B., 3i) mil'vs from Newcastle. Pop. .'lo. F()IM\S (.MiDDM-: HivK'M, (riiys- borougli CO., .V..S. See (rlim-lg. FOil.MOSA,a post village in Rnice CO., Out., H mill's from Walkerton. It contains a woollen factory, a liri-wery, saw au'l grist mill,3 hottils and 2. stores. I'op. 1.-/I. FOi MM. ST ALL'S, or AULD'S COVE, a post settlement in Ciiiyshorough c >., X.S., on the Strait of Canso, 4 inile.=j from I'orl .Mnlgrave, and opposite Port Hastings. I'op. l.")0. FORT AUGUSTUS, a post village in : fe I ': I I .^'».' '•M''!H MM III* t' I J 'I! 'It i 11, 'I' If ^11 lit' M * 1 T' ' * ■1*1 b^: I'M I ll'-'i;; , "]■ FOR 118 FOR HI* I Qiicoiig CO., P.E.I., IG inilc3 from (Jliarldttctown. It contiiiiis a canliuj^ mill, gnsl uiid siiw tuill, 2 stores and ii sliipvanl. I'op. l.'iO. FuiiT ClIIi'PEWYAX and FORT WKDDKRiMliX, two fi.rls vt' tijn >.'()rl!i West TcrriloriC'.-?, at tlio W. ex- trt'iiiitv of fiukc Atliabasca. F()i;r CONFIUlvNCI-:, afort in tlio Noi'ili West 'J\'rrit(ii-ius, at the N. cx- treinilv uf the (Jirat Hear Lake. FOiiT COULONGK, a i«>t villajro in I'lmliac co., Que., at the coiillnrucc of the l;iv('i' C()ul()n;ie with the Oi !a\va, 2'.', miles from I'ortu^^c dii Fort. Itfoii- tains a saw mill, a store, a teleiira'h ollice, and 4 taverns, and has a large lumber trade. P<>|). 10. FUirr EX rERPUI.-t. KORT LEXXOX, St. Johns co., Que. Se ' Kor; l>le n'lx Xi'ix. FORT .MA(.;ARA, an anti rev(du- tionary f )rlressat ilie moulh of tiic Xia- gar.i river (Caiuula sidi'), built by the Freni'h in 1727. See Xlagara. FORTOKoXAtJOX, a fort belonging to the Hudson Ray Oompan}*, in liritijh (Joliimbia, on llie E. bank of the Oko- nagon rivrr, a few miles above its junc- tion with tlie Columl)ia. FORT PITT, a fo;iilication on the Sa-katchewan river, Xo";li West Ter- ritori'S. Lat. 5P 30 N., h)n. lOS W. FORTSdREL, on the present silo of the town of Sorel, Que. In July, IMC), iM. S irel, who commanded five eourpauies of the Carignan regiment, foruyng i)a;-t of a great mili'ary expe- ditioii undertaken by the Manpiis do Tracey, Vicemy of Oanada, to invade the Irocpiois country, bailt a fort at tlie mouth of the Rielielieu river, then known as the Iro(piois river, lie name 1 the fort St. Louis, wliirh was subso- ([uently cliangal to Sorel, and after- wards to William llonry. See Sorel. FORTL'XK, a lidiing settlement on the l'i'eiichshor!>, X'ld , ll.'i miles from Tilt Cove. It lius a lino harbor. Pop. 51. FORTUXE BAY, a post town and jiort^of entrv of X'ewfoundland, at the eiitra ICC to FortuuL- Bay, 57 miles from Burin. It has a considerable trade with tho Mi(iuelon Islaids. Pop. 8:l5. FO ! ITi: XE I r A R !;0 R, a fishing settle- ment in the district of Twillingate and Fogo, Xtld., on Bay of E.\-ploits, 28 mil s from Twillinga'te. Pop. 230. FORT WEDDERBURN. See Fort Chippewvau. FOliT' WILLIAM, a post village in Potitiac CO., Que., on the River Ottawa, 20 nules above Renfrew, chietly inhabit- ed by Indians. It was formerly a fort of the lludso'i's Bay Company. L'pper Ottawa steamers call regularly. Pop. 125. FORT TVILLIAM, or PRIXCE ARTHFR'S LAXDIXG, a post village in the district o' Thunder Bay, ' nt , on the Kaniinistiqtua river, aljout a milo from its discharge Into Thunder Bay at the head of Lake Superior, 750 uiilcs from N. CO.. Oit. ^^^ FOX 119 FRA 3, 28 Fort (age in lUiiwa, liluibit- ii i'ort |Ui)i>L'r Poi). tlXCE ,- ill age lilt., (Ill mile I'.iiy iit miles from Collinffwood. Laf. 48" 23 33" N, Ion. IS'j' 20' "W. The coimtiy nroiiii'l it, to a consiiioraljle (listirioc, is level, risiiipr gr.i'limlly from the lake sliore till it uiiiiKlt'S with the liij,fhl.iiuls, at a distance of 4 or") miles fro.m t'le ike. fort was ert'ctod !)>' tli;^ lliitl-^on's r.iiy Coniiiany in 1803. The vilhii,'' coutaiiis 8 stores, 2 }iotel3 and 1 church. It is a landing of the Lake Superior steamers, and at the beginni^ig of tlie route through Canadian territory to the Red Kiver country. Rich silver mines pre worked in the vicinity. Pop. 5(»;;. FOXLOW, a small fishing settlement on I'lacentia ]>.\y, Mid. Pop. .'!;). FO.STKirS, or FALKLAND, a po.?t sctth'inent in ]-uiienburg co., N.S., -11 miles from KentviUe. Pop. 10;). FOSTER'S COVE, a post settlement in Victoria co., N.B., 27 miles from Andover. Pop. l."JO. For R(^ IIP, a seaport on the S.E. coast of Nova Scotia, co. of Riclnnond, 40 mile.^from St. Peters, ICO miles frcjiu New (llasgow. It contains 2 stores. Pop. 200. FOUR MILE BROOK, a small setlle- mcnt in Pictoii co., X.S., 12 miles from West River. Pop. ''.0. FOUR MILE HOUSE, a station on the I. R , 4 miles from Halifax. FOURMER, a post village in Pres- cott CO., Out., on Paxton's Creek, IS miles from L'tMigial. It stores and a flouring mill. FOXBORO, a]iost village in .Mastiags miles from Belleville It contai IS CO., Ont., 7 contains 2 stores, 2 hotel?, 1 saw mHl, 1 grist mi!:, and a cheese factory. Pop. IjI). FOX COVE, a small fishing sottle- nion': in the district of Burin, \fld., ou the west side of Placeutia Bay, 2 miles frmii Bur'.n. Pod. lo,"), FOX CitVE, a small fishing .settle- ment in tlie district of Fort'ine Vmy, Kill., 44 miles from Burin. Pop. 4(t,' Fox CREEK, a post settlement in Wesliiiorlaiul .'o., N.B., on tlie Petit- codiac river, C^i miles from Moiictt)ii. Pop. r.oo. UOX HARBOR, a juist village in Cumberland co., N.S., on Xorthumber- liind Strait," 30 miles from Thomson, lOtnilesfrom Wallace. I'op. ]'>0. FOX HARBOR, asmalllishiiigsettle- mcut on the east side of Placeutia Bay, Nfld., miles from Placentia. Pop. 00. FOX ISLAXD, a small island in Bay of Despair, Nlid., 17 miles from Harbor Briton. FOX ISLAND, a small island in tho Gil'.'' of St. Lawrence, near the X.E. c.vtreniity of the Saguenay coast. FOX ISLAND HARlfoR, a small fishing settlemeut in the district of Burgeo and La Poile, Nlld., 14 miles from lUirgeo. Pop. (J7. FOX RIVER, a fh urishing post vil- lage in (JaVOX, Huron CO., Ont. Ont. See Hav. FRANCISTOWN, Huron co.. See Exeiir. FRANCOIS, a email fishing settle- ment in the district of ]!ur;;eo and La Poile, > Ud., o'J miles fiom Burgeo. Po].. 70. FRANKFORD, or COLE'S CREEK, a nourishing po~t village in H;istings CO., Out., on the lliver Trent, 8 miles •»f ■^ m4 FRE 120 FKE 't \>' T ill! ' ■ * 'Mr:-; > ^r Out., 1(5 miles from PotiT- from Trenton. It lias {rood walrr power privileges from CoU-'rf Crook, which at tlii.'^ ciiiptiea into the Trent, and contain.-, 2 saw mills, 1 flouring mill, 1 distill(>ry, 3 (•liurclics. 8 or 9 stores, and a telof^raph oniee, a'ld has mannfuctories of iron eastings, mill niachinory, wool- lens, leather, paper, wooden ware, &c. Pop. 900. FIJANK HILL, a posit office in Victoria co. borough. ^ FUA.VKLAND, Arthabaska co., Que. See Warv/ick. FKANKLIX, a post village in Dur- ham CO., Out., on the JI.R., 2H miles from Port Hope It contains a lele- grai)h oflice, 2 stores, 1 saw mill, and 1 shin!,''le mill. Pt)p. loO. FliANKLIX, or FRAXKLIX CEX- TRE, (also called JIAXXIXGVILLE,) a post village in Huntingdon Co., Que., IG miles from Ileniniingford. It con- tains 4 stores. I'op. 300. FRANKTOWN, a post village in Lanark co., Ont., on Goodwood Creek, and on the B. & 0. R , :;7 miles from RrockvlUe. It contains 2 hotels and .'5 stores. The station is I4 miles from t!ie village. Pop. 200. FRAXKVILLE, a post village in Leeds co., Ont., '11 miles from Irisli Creek. It contains 2 hotels and 3 stores. Po]). 200. FRASER'S GRAXT, a post settle- ment ill Antigo.iish co., N.S., 15 miles from Antigonish P(>[). 50. FRASER'H .MILLIS, a post village in Pictou CO., X.S., on the east bi'anch of East river, 17 miles from Pictou. It contains a grist mill and a tannery. Pop. 250. ERASER'S MILLS, Antigonish co., N.S. See Middle Settlement of South Iliver. FRASERVILLE, a station on the M. R., iu Duiham Co., Out., 2-lr miles from Port lIoi)e. FRASERVILLE, Temiscouata co., Que. See Riviere du Loup tii /kis. FRASERVILLE, Wellington co., Ont. See Cried'. FREDERICKSBURG, Lennox Ont. See Cmiwav. FREDERICKSBURG, Norfolk Ont. See Delhi. FREDERlT'TOX, a city and port of entry of New Brunswick, capital of the province and of the co. of York, is COm CO. beautifully situated on a point < f land on the west side c-f the Iliv( r St. John, 00 miles in a direct line N XAV. of St. John. Lat. 45\55 X., Ion. -15 31 ;•/. W. It has live streets, nearly a mile in length, prettily lined with trees, nm- ning ];aral](d withth • liver. These are crossed by about a dozen others at right angles. The public building.q comprise the Parliament Buildings, the Government Hcjuse, City Hall, Court House, E.\lii- bition Building and Rink, I5arr;ieks. and diversity. The Parliament Buildings arc built of wood, and are siiuated at the lower end of the town. They con- tain the House of Asseml)ly and Legis- lative Council rooms; the Lcgishitivo Library with over 10,0()0 volumes, com- jirisiug many rare and valualde Imoks; the room in which the Supreme Cou'-t (in banc) hold their sittings, and the Law Library. The Government House, at the ujjpcr extremity of the town, is a large stone mansion facing the river, surrounded by tastefully laid off grounds and stnMibberies. The Univer- sity is a(hniral)ly situated upon the rising ground at the rear of tlie city. As a se;it of learning it ranks high iu the province. Fredericton is the scat of a Church of England Bishop. Tl'e Cathedral, a handsoHieoditice, is situated at the lower cud of the town. The other eiiurches belong to tlie Roman Catho- lics, Presbyterians, Wesleyan Metho- dists and Ba])tists. The St. J'uiin river, which is here ^ of a mile wide, is navigiible to tliis point, Ft miles from the Bay of Futuly, for .^oa- gi)ing vessels of 120 tons. Snndl sti-ani- ers ascend 05 miles further to Wood- stock, and during high water to the Grand Falls,75 indesai)ove Woodstock. Fredericton is an incorporated city. Its affairs are managed liy a .Mayor and Corpcu'ation. Its streets are lighted with gas. It has one baiik and a bank ag' ncy, one semi-weekly and four week- ly newspapers, a reading room, a tele- graiih oilice, sevcal life assurance and fire insurance agencies, and hotels, n, number of first class stores, and man- ufactories of iron castings, mill niaciiin- ery, leather, boots and slioes, wooden ware, &e. • It is tiie chief terminus of the Freder- icton and the New Brunswick railways. The forme and Nuri cricton Ji course of Loup. The nu 130 (tons (tons 9,7t !?218,054; Frederii Ann's. 1 Carleton tien of Ni province. FREDE viM.i:,) a X.B., iit th and Euro railways, miles fr(.i Lutel and FREDE tieniont ii Uiiles fron FREDK of 'i\i)\A t the head < cstiiarv, 4 WallaVe. FRE EL' worili 00., It coutaiur mills. Po FREEPI CO , Que. FREEP( loo., Out., frciin I) rl: FRFEP Lung I.-la FREETt co,,P.E.I., railw.iv, 1 Pop. laO. FREIliU loo CO., Oij contains 1 100. F RELIC village of < of Missi.-qii miles fn.m ttiegraph printing mills and 1 jiort of ent for 1872, § 021. FREXC] 5 of FRE 121 FRE Tlio former connects with tlie Eurnpenn ami Norlli American railway at Fred- erictou Junction, and tjje latter is in course of cunstructioa to Rivit;re du Loup. The nunibor of arrivnb for 1873 was 13IJ (tOiis l(),7Uj),iuid the clearances 120 (tons 9,701.) Total value of imports i?LM8,0r)4 ; exports trOG,447. Fredericlou was ori;iinally called St. Ann's. It was fouhded liy Sir Guy Carleton in 178(1, sliortly after the erec- tion of New I'ninwiek into a separate , province. Pop. f>st settlement in Sunbury CO., N.B., on French Lake, 3 miles from UpiKT Sheffield. It contains 1 church, 3 stores, 1 saw mill, 1 grist mill, 1 tan- nery. 1 shoo factory, kc. Pop. l.'")0. FRENCH b'lVFR, a post village in Pictou CO , N.S., 1"> miles from New Glasgow. It contains saw and grist mills. Pop. 200. FREXCH V.ALE, a post office in Cape Breton co., N.S., Lj miles from Sydney. "FRENCH VILLAGE, a post office in Drummond co., Que., 13 miles from Richmond East. FREXCH VILLAGE, a post settle- ment in Kings co., N.B., 8 miles from FInmi>ton. Pop. 200. FRENCH VILLAGE, Northumber- land CO., N B. See llardwicke. FREXCH VILLAGE, Prince co., P.E.I. See Alexandria. FRIEDSBURG, Huron co., Ont. See Sarepta. FRIZELL'S MILLS, Hastings co., Ont. See Water Mills. FROGMORE, a ].ost village in Peel CO., Ont., on the River Credit, 7 miles from Port Credit. Pop. 150. FROAIE, a post village in Elgin co., Out., 7 miles from St. Thomas. Pop. 30. FROOMFTELD. a hamlet in Lambton CO., (>nt., on the River St. Clair, 5 miles from Sarnia. It las a store and saw mill. FRESHWATER, a fishing settlemenx on the north side of Concejttioii Bay, Nfid., 2 miles from Carlionear. Pop. 300. FRESHWATER BAY, a fishing set- tlement on avei'v pieturescpie inlet on the west side of Bonavista Bay, Nfld , 23 miles from Salvace. Pop. 5c. FRESHWATER BAY, a small fishing ■1 i'^^' i8»^ »),r ' t* ill** ll m IjhJ'I' l^^l'n •\ hi H iS .; il li'l'f' 1 .1 ' i: jl'f "''' I If if • ;■ iurt tfll iM !tlft :; i'^ t 1 li Y Jl '1 1 tjii^ •4 : ill.l 1 1 1 ?•• I' ; .!fi I'll »=! .^I? 'iff GAG 122 GAX settlement in the district of St. John's, Nliil., T) niih's fVoiii til. John's. Poi). -IG. FRESlIWATEll, 11 sniuU H-shing set- tlement in tile district ot'Placentiii iiiid St. Mary's, Nlld., 1 mile from I'lacenlia. Pop. 22. FROXTEXAC, a county of Ontario, bordering npon Lake Ontario, near its outlet. Area 2uG,7l() acres. It is traversed from E. t(j \V. by the Grand Trunk railway, and irmn .S. to X. by the Kingston and J'euibroke railway, and interspersed by numeruiis small lakes and rivers. Tiio liideau Canal connects Kingston, the capital of this county, with Ot awa. Top. 28,717. FROST VlLLAdK, a post village in Sheiiord co.. One., 2 mik'S from Water- loo. It contains 2 stores, a tannery and a grist mill. Pop. laO. FRY'S COilNlOIfS, Haldimaud co., Ont. See South Cayuga. FULFOIfU, a post village in Brome CO., Que., 4 miles from Waterloo. It contains a tannery, saw and grist mill, and 1 store. Pop. 2,')0. FULLARTOX, a post villagem Perth CO., Ont., on the River Thames, (J miles from .Miteliell. It ciintaius a chee.->e factorv, I iiotcl and 2 stores. Pop. ]'><). FULLARTOXS MAPSII, a post village in Ouceus Co., P E.I,, 7 miles from Charlotte town. Pop. 150. FUIiTO.V, a post vdhiire in Lincoln CO., Ont., 7 miles from Winona. Pop. 150 FURBEYS COVE, a s-nall fishing settlement on tlie E. side of ilermitage Bay, Xlld , 3 mdes from Hermitage Cove. Pop. r)0. FURY POi.N'T, in the North West Territories, Priuct' Regent's Inlet, on the W. side of Xortli Sonier.set, in lat. 72^40 ;;0 X., Ion. 'Jl 5:> W. Here Sir James Ross wintered in lS22-2.'$. GAIJARUS, or GABEROUSE, settlement in Cape Rretou co., X.S., on Gabarus Ray, an i'llet on tiie Atlantic coast, 25 iudes S. of Sydney. Pop. 1,747. GAD'S niLL, a post village in Pertli CO., C>iit., 5 miles from Stratford. It conhiuis 2 hotels and 3 saw mills. Pop, «0 GAGE TO WX, a post town of Xew Brunswick, capiral ot the co. of t^ueens, lituated on tiie W. side of the River St. John, 28 miles S.E. of Fredericton. It ooutains a tannery, a telegraph ol&uc, 1 hotel and 4 stores. On the border.? of Grand Lake, a short distance on tia; other sideof tlie river, are extensive coul mines, from wliich large q lantities of coal are annually raised. A', the niouih of the Jemseg, the outlet of tii'.' above lake, immediately opposite th*' town, a fort was built liy the Enuli :h, but, wliilc ii possession of tlie French, was captured by pirates, in li;7(). Si.x iiiile-j aliove G.igetowii is Ujjper Oaretuw!i, the oldest English seiileinenl in thij province. IN)]), of Gagetown (town and parislO 1.282 GAILEY, a post offico in Kent co., xVB. GAIRLOCII, Pictou co., N.S. Sec Xew Gairl'ch. GALLOWAY, a settlpment in Kent CO , X.B., 3 miles from Kingston. Pop. 150. GALT, an incorporated town of Onlaiio, CO. of Waierloo, on Grand river, and on the W. G. & B. R., 25 miles X.X.W. of Hamilton. It has extensive water power jirivileges, and cuuiains cliurchos of G denoniinaiions, 3 bia.icli banks, several a.<-;;iranceand insurance agencies, 2 i)rniting odiccs issuing weekly newspapers, 2 telegraph ollices, 12 hotels, abont 30 stores, a brewery, several large llouringriii!ls,anil manufactories of a.xes, iron castings, niichinery, paper, soap and candles, lasN, ])ail3, Avoolhnis, wooden ware, leatlier, &c. A l)ranch of the G. T. R. connects Gfi^t and Berlin, Pt K 3,S27. GAL WAY, or SILVER L.\KE, a villau'e ill Victoria co., Ont., 9 post village 111 miles from IJobcaygeon. Pop. 30. GA.MEliRIDOE, a post villago in Oiiiaiio CO., Out,, on Lake Simcue, 5 mlk'-i from I'eaverton. Pop. 90. GAXAXOt^'UE, an incorporated vil- lage of Ontario, co. of Leeds, on llie X. shore of i!ie St. Lawrence, at the mouth of the Gananoqne river, and on the G. T. R., 18 miles X.E. of Kingston, 30 miles W. ofBrockville. It has unlimited water power, and contains churches of 4 denominations, 1 branch liank, several asauiance and insuruico aeen- cies, 2 telegraph ollices, 1 piinting office, 4 hotels, a number of stores, saw and (;rist mills, and manufactories of •woollen?, iron castings, edge tools, machinery, agricultural implements, nail.-, leather, wooden ware, boots and shoes, &c., &c. The railway statioa is 2;^^ miles from the post ofTio( entry. To $54,41;^; c GANXF Labrador. GAX\!< miles fror Manan. I W. On it a revolviii water niai sie'nals du extend 4 house GAR.VF post viUai on Graiid It contains and grist t GARDE Durham c( Hope. It 2 grist mil GARDE in Fronte: the St L; It contaiu,s mill, and regular co: by ferrv. GARDE in Picton ( Ghisffow. gai;de SEEl'.E, a of Algomn Ste. Alarie extending river, and the interio a stream soutlierlv St. Mary engaged ii Garden of the chui It con tail Collingwo Pop. 4'iO. GARDi in Cape Ri national r; portt(n"!iii bor. It CO n'T mines Coal Com Montreal,; of residen Allan is GAR 123 GAS post offif^o. Gan.innquo is a port of cutry. Total vfiliH; of imports or 1872, ^54,4(;«: exports !?-}:).Rr)8. Pop. 2,020. GANXET ISLAND, on the coast of Labr.Tlor. Lat. 54^ N'., Ion. n^r 34 W. GAN.VET ROCK, a small i.^land Gi miles from tlio S.W. head of Grand Jlanun. Lat. 4G'' 32' N., Ion. GC,' 52 "\V. On it is a lif^lithonse cxhiljitinrj a revolving lif^ht (U) feet above liij^li water mark. A gun is fired to answer sijiiuils (luring a fog. Dangerous rocks extend 4 niilos eastward of the light- house GARAFRAXA, or DOTGLAS, a post village in Wellinglon co., Ont.. on Grand river, 8 miles from Fergii.-;. It coutiiins a telegrai)h office and saw and grist mills. Pop. 250. GARDEN JIILL, a jiost village in Durham co , Ont., 12 miles from Port Hope. It contains a wocdlen factory, 2 grist mnN,and 3 saw mills. _ GARDEN ISLAND, a j^ost village in Fronlenac co., Ont., on a i island in the St Lawrence, o[)po3ite Kingston. It contains several shipyards, a flouring mill, and a telegraph office, and has regular cunimunication with Kingston by feri'v. Pori. l'<2. GARDEN OF EDEN, a post village in Pictou CO., N.S., 24 miles from New Gla>ffow. Pon. 100. GARDEN RlVEIf, or KETEGAUNE- SEEHE, a po-;t village in the distri t of Algoma, Ont., 12 mibs from Sault Ste. Marie. This is an ladian reservr-^ extending 9 miles along St. Jlary's river, and about the same distance into the interior, and derives its name from a stream which runs throiicrh it in a southerly direction and falls into tlic St. Mary. The Indian.s are chiefly engaged in the fishery and the cliase. Garden River is a missionary station of the cliurches of England and Rome. It contains 2 stores. Steamers from Collingwood to Fort William call here. Pop. 4'U). _ GARDINER MINES, a post village in Cape Rret )n co., N.S., on the Inter- national railway, 4 m'les from I'ridgo- portterniinus, 3 miles from Lingan Ilar- Ijor. It contains 2 stores. The Gardi- ner mines are owned by the Gardiner Coal Com])any, whose chief office is in Montreal, and which is composed cliieflv of residents of Montreal. Sir ll'igli Allan is President, and Wm. Millar, Esq , Secretary. The seam of coal is 4-9 thick, reached by a sliaft p;o fee*. deep. The coal is ]>rincipally used for steam pnri)ose3. The mines are c<.n» iiectcd with the International Com- pany's railway by a branch line, and '.he coal is shipped from Sydney Ilarhor. Pop 300. (JARDNER'S CREEK, a po-^t softie, ment in St. Jolm co., N.i! . on the Ray of Fnndv, 20 miles from St. John. Pop l.VX GARIA, a fishing settlement Ln the district of J')in-geo and La Poile, .NHd., on Garia Bay, 8 miles from Rose Blanche. Po]). 195. GARNEAU, a post office in L'Islet CO., Qne., 19 miles from St. Jean Port Joli. GaRNISII. a post town and fisldng set'leimmt on tlie W. side oR For! Bay, Nfld., 20 miles from Burin. Pop. 210. GARTIIBV, a post village in Wolfe CO., Que., 4G miles from Slierbrouke. Pop. 30. GARRY ISLAND, in the Arctic Ocean, North West Territories, off the month of Macke izie river, in hit. (]9' 30' N., Ion. 135- W GASCOIGNE COVE, Queens co., P.E.I. See Flat River. GASKIN, (i'oixT LA Il.wR,) a fishi g settlement in the district of Piacentia and St. Marys, NHL, on the east side of St. Marvs Bav, 4 miles from St. Marys. Pop. 189. GASPE, a district of Quebec, com- prising the counties of (ilaspe and Bonaventure, is surro\nided from Cap Chat to (,'ap des Rosiers by the waters of the River St. Lawrence; thence to Pointo aux Macjueran by the waters of the (xuif, this point be'ng the boundary between the two counties; llvnce to Point Magouaclia by the Baie des Cha- letirs, and thence W'\stward to the nppermost end of the District by River Resligonche : the wliole extent b 'ing about 375 miles of coa-t, intiM'-;ecfed by numerous si^albu- river-, liays, and bors. and bi'ing tlirouglioin a most valu- ablf^ and inexliaustible fi-iiiug coast, — ■ more imrli'-ularly sn the t.'ounty of Gaspe, and the M.tgdalen Islands, situate in the centre of the Gulf. The cliief re- sources of the District, with respect to ex- portation?, are the cod, salmon, macker- el, herring, and whale fisheries, and \i' ,r ' a,ii- !i !,. ' Km ■i Ji-:. u .:ti ' 1 §:.-^{^i >■ ii .■'.'. 'i ^n .4 itii I ! • If ^•' I 'I i ■ ■ >\\ GAS 124 lumber ; the former principally in the county of Gaspu, and the latter princi- pjilly in the county of Iionaveuture, The imports, consisting of the necessa- ries of lifi; in tiie way of provision and clothing for the total supply of nearly two tliirds of the population (not being producers or manufacturers), make of this District an extensive market for the products of other parts of tlie Province, contributing largely to tlie public revenue. Tiie trade carried on hitlierto has been retained by a comjjaratively small number of houses (who have realized large fortunes), leaving yet room for miiny coinijetitors. The pop- ulation of the District, ])er last census, was ;!4,<;r)L', mostly settled along the coast, leaving immense tracts of wild lands fit for cultivation, GASl'E, a maritime county of Que- bec, occupying tiic E. ])ortion of tlie Gaspc Peninsula, has an area of 2,9i)9,- 940 acres. Chief town, Perce. Pop. 18,729. GASPfi, or GASPfi BASIN, a post town and port of entry in the co of Gasjjc, Que., situated on the S. side of the entrance to tiie harbor formed by Gaspc Bay, 450 miles (by sea) from Quebec. It is tlie seat of extensive fisheries of salmon, cod, mackerel, herring, whales, &;c., and is distinguished in history as being the place where Jacques Cartier landed on 24th July, 15r)4. It contains a branch bank, "a telegraph ofhce, several churches, and 6 stores. On the high ground to the rear of the town is Fort IlauL^ay, u])on which are mounted several gnus. The total number of arrivals at tliis port for 1872 was 58 (tons 8,;522), and the clearances 50 (tons 7,S3l.) Total value of imports !i?131,8U3 ; exiiorts 31^4 1:' HP? Pop. 726. ' I'EFIEAUX, a post village in C i-:' Aj, '0., N B,, at tiie confluence of .' e ^i- oreaix and Salmon rivers, 81 1 blefi TiumSt. John, 3 miles from Brigg's Uor!io,"s- .'op. 150. GASiE;:l:]AUX, a post village in Kings CO., N.S., on Gaspereaux river, 2^ miles from Wolfville. " It contains a grist mill and 2 stores. Tins district was first settled by the French in 1G04. The village of Grand Pre, the scene of Longfellow's " Evangeline," is only a few miles from (iaspereaux. Pop. 200. GASPEREAUX STATION, a post GEO E. &. village in Queens co.. N.B , on the N. A. R.. 32 miles W. of St. John. GASTUS, a fi.siiing settlement in the district of Harbor Main, Nlid , at tlie head of Conception Bay, 3G miles from St. John's. Pop. 150 GATINEAU POINT, Ottawa co., Que. See Templetou. GAULTOIS, a fiouri.shing settlement and port of entry on Long Island, ou the W. side of Hermitage Bay, Nlld., i;} miles from Harbor Briton, ft has a good harbor with a narrow entraiic- and almost surrounded by high hills. Pop. 200. GAY'S RIVER, a post village in Halifax CO., N.S., situated on Cold- stream Brnok, a tributary of (Jay's river, 6 miles from Shubenacadie. Gold is fouml here. Pop. 350. GAY'S KlVEIl ROAU, a post settle- ment in Halifax co.., N.S., 13^ miles from SliubenacaiJie. Pop. 180. GAYS RIVER ROAD, Colchester CO., N.S. See Cook's Brook. GEARY, a post settlement in Sun- burv CO., N B., 7 miles from Oromocto, Pop. 200. GE.MLEY, or PLAYFAIR'S COR- NERS, a post village in Addi.igton co., Ont^ 5G miles from Perth. Poj) 50. (JENEVA, a iiost village in Argcn- touil co^ Que., 3 miles from Lachute. Pop. 150. GENOA, a post office in Argenteuil CO., Que., 5 miles from Lachute. GENTILLY, a post village in Nico- let CO., Que , on the S. shore of the St. Lawrence, 11 miles from Doucel's Landing, 75 miles S.W. of Quebec. It contains 10 stores, and has a large lumber trade. Pop. GOO. GE()RGEFIELD,.a village in Hants CO., X.S., 12 miles from Shubenacadie. Po)) 70. GEORGE S BROOK, a small fishing settlement in the district of Trinity, Nfld. Pop. 10. GEORGE'S COVE, a small fushing settlement in the district of Trinity, Nlld., at the western extremity of Ran- dom Sound, 25 miles from New Bona- venture. Pop. 27. GEORGETOWN, an incorporated village in Halton co.,Ont,, on the River Credit, and ou the G. T. R., 2',) miles N.W. of Toronto. It has valuable water power privileges, and contains a telegraph office, paper mills, brewery, tannery, marblewoi a weekly about 20 I in lumber. Pop. 1,282 GEORG capital of peninsula Cardigan Cardigan ] Island, 30 Lat, 4G' possessea the Island, rouiul, and of the lar^ trade in cc 3 churches lie and I're and a larg Eaper is \>\ as telegi tion with n United St: cation wit Island. P GEORG Hastings c at the he from Belle GEORG Que. See georg: See River- GEORti Stanstead Lake Mei Knowlton, 2 hotels ai ^ GEORC N.S. See GEORG lage in Y^ Kewmarkc and bote Pop. ;ioo. GEIIM-' in Brant c burg. Po GKRM-^ in Waterl Berlin. Il a grist mi ger.m; in Albert Shepody Corner. GETSO GET 125 GLA tannery, irou foundry, grist mill, marblcworks, a printing office issuing a weeldy newspaper, 3 lu)tcl.s, ana about 20 stores, and has a large trade in lumber, grain and country pro'duce. Pop. l,28:i. GEORGETOWN, a seaport town, capital of Kings co., I'.E.I., on the peuiusula between the 'Jrudcnell and Cardigan rivers, at the entrance into Cardigan 13ay, on the S.E. side of the Island, 30 miles E. of Cliarlottetown. Lat. 40' 12 N., Ion. G2- 3:5 W. It possesses one or the best harbors on the Island, open nearly the whole year round, and capable of receiving vess(!ls of the largest tonnage. It has a gi>od trade m country produce, a id contains 3 churches, (Episcojuil, Roman Catho- lic and I'resbytcrian,) 8 hotels, 15 stores and a large foundry. A weekly news- paper is published in Georgetown. It has telegraph and steam communica- tion with all parts of Cr.nada and the L'nited States, and railway communi- cation with the chief places on the Island. Pop. 1,100. GEORGETOWN, a small village in Hastings co.. Out., on tlie River Moira, at the head of Lake Stoco, 2iJ miles from Belleville. Rop. 180. GEORGETOWN, IJeauharnois cc. Que. Bee St. Louis do Gonzague. GEORGETO\\'N,_Colchester co., N.S. See Rivcrsdalo. GEORGEVILLE, a post village in Stanstead co., Que., on the E. side of Lake Memphremagog, 2 miles from Knowlton. It has a telegraph otHce, 2 hotels and 1 store. Pop. 250. GEORGEVILLE, Antigonish co., N.S. See Cape George (north side.) GEORGINA, or SUTTON, a post vil- lage ni York co., Ont., 2G miles from Newmarket. It contains several stores and hotels, and a telegraph office. Pop. ,'500. GERMAN MILLS, a small village in iJrant co , Ont., 4 miles from Harris- burg. Pop. 30. GERMAN MILLS, a small village in Berlin a grist mill. Pop 100. GERMANTOWN, a post settlement in Albert co., N.B., at the head of Shejjody river, 9 miles from Hopewell Corner. Pop. 150. GETSON'S POINT, a post office in Waterloo co.. Out., 3 miles from It contams iwo saw mills and Lunenburg co., N.S., 11 miles from Bridgewater. GIANT'S LAKE, a post settlement in Guysliorough co., N.S., 23 miles from Guysborough. Pop. 30n. GIBRALT.XR. a i>ost village in Grey CO., Ont., on Silver ('reek, D.\ miles from Collingwood. The sc-ue'ry sur- rounding this place is exceedingly pic- turesque. Pop. 40. GIFFORI), Haldimand co., Ont. See Bingham Road. GILBERT COVE, a post village in Digby CO., N.S., on St. .Marys Bay, 15 miles from Digbv. Pop. 200. GILBERTS .M'lLLS, a post village in Prince Edward co., Out., 7.1 miles from Picton. I'op. CO. GILBEKTVILLE, Beauce co., Que. See Rivor Gilbert. GILFORD, a post village in Simcoe CO., Out., on the N. R., 4'J miles from Toronto. It has a telegrajih office, 2 saw mills and 1 store. Pop. 200. GIRVAN, a post Si ttleiiicnt in Kent CO., N.B., (J miles from Richibucto. GLADSTONE, a village in Middle.-icxco., Out., G miles from Dor- chester Station. It contains 2 stores; Pop. 200. GLA.MMIS, a post village in Bruce CO., Out., on Lake Huron, Ismile.s from Walkerton. It contains a saw mill and a store. Pop. 80. GLANFORD, a post office in Went- worth CO., Out., 82 miles from Hamil- ton. GLAN.MIRE, a post office in Hastings CO., Out., 23 miles from Madoc. GLANWORTH, a jiost vdlago in Middlesex co., Out., on the L. &: P S. R., 8 miles friiiii London. Pop. lOO. GLASCOTT, a i)ost oilice in Grey CO., Out., 14 miles from Diirhaiu GLASGOW, a village in Waterloo CO., Out-., separatiMl from Bridgejiort by the Grand river, over winch there is a bridge, 2 miles X. of B^tHu. Pop. IDO. GLASGOW, a pc..ndon. It has a large trade in grain, lumber, and coun- try produce, and contains about a dozen stores, several mills and factories, 2 telegraph oiiic^'s, and a printing ollico issuMig a weeklv newspajjcr. Pop. 700. GLEXDOWER, a post village in Addington co., Ont., 30 miles from Kingston. Pop. 50. GLEXEDALK, a post office in Inver- ness eo., X.!S., 12 miles from Port Hast- ings. GLEXELG, or FORKS MIDDLE •RIVER, a i)osl settlement in Guysbor- from Xew ough CO., X^S. 47 miles Glasgow. Pop. 150. GLEN'FIXXAX, a hamlet in Queens CO., P.E.I. It has 1 store. GLEXGARRY, a county in the east- ern part of Ontario, having the St. Lawrence for its S.E. boundary. Area 295,804 acres. It is traversed hy the Grand Trunkand Montreal andOttawa Junciion railways. Chief town, Corn- wall. Pop. 20,524. GLEXGARRY, a post village in Pio tou cu., N.S., on Middle river, and on tiie I. R., 80 miles X.E. of Halifax. Pop. 150. GLEX IIUROX, a post village ia Simcoe CO., Ont., 10 miles from Col- lingWDod. It contains 1 store and a lluuring mill. Pop. luo. GLEXLEVIT, a small settlement in R'Stigouche co., X.B., 12 miles fi'om Cami)bellton. Pop. 100. GLEXLOYD, a post settlement in Jlegautic co., Que, 11 miles from Lyster. Poj). 125. GLEXLYOX, or BALAKLAVA, a post village in Bruce co., Ont., on the W. G. & B. R., 42 miles from Flora. Pop. 150. GLEX MAJOR, a post village in Ontario co.. Out., on the east branch of Duffin's Creek, 5 miles from Uxbridge. It contains 2 cliurches, 1 holel, 1 store, 2 large saw mills, 1 flouring mill, and a sash and door factory, and has un- surpassed water power privileges, Pop. 123. GLEXMEYER, a post village in X'orfolk CO., Ont., 15 miles from Tilsoa- burg. Pop. SO. GLEX .MORRIS, a post village in Brant co., Ont., on Grand River, 6 miles from Gait. It contains a woollen mill, a grist mill, and a distillery. Pop. 250. GLEX MURRAY, a post settlement in Meganticco., Que., 12 nules from Becaneitur Station. Pop. 300. GLEX NEVIS, a post village in Glentrarry co., Ont., hV, miles from 1 saw Coteau Station. It contains mill and 1 store. Pop. 100. GLLX ROAD, a post settlement in Antigonish co., N.S., 42 miles from Xew Glasgow. Pop. 150. GLEX SUTTOX. a post village in Brome co.. Que., on the S. E. R., 9 miles from Richford. It contains a grist mill, a store and an hotel. Pop. 200. GLI-:N TAY, or ADAMSVILLE, a l)ost village in Lanark co., Ont., on the River Tay, 4 miles from Perth. It con- tains several grist and saw mills, a large woollen factory, a tannery, ana 2 stores. Pop. 250. GLENVALE, or BALLYNAHINOH, a po-t villan 7 miles from (ILE.WIL Wrst;uiirl;ini rciilCMiliiic. (.LF.V WI r.riHi, a jn Ont., on t!ie I (I('nr;.'rti)\Vll. ;in I w ) il! ■ 1 fic'ory, n sliii and lii.!e!s, I'op. 3 ■■:\ of X''\v lliMin tiiilf (if St. (Ivs Clia'eurs diversified w'l ui'.d on iis 0(1 —the pi'iiiei[i ft:ul MiscDU. coiiiprising 11 and Little {■ harii'.rs arc liiiter flijw 1 baildiug is C; extent, and t in luiiiie.', dc colniiiul niih Areal,^ 77,!)G Pop. IS.'-' in. CLOL'CK;- n.\.MS; ST. ("arl"tnn eo , R., 11 ni;!cs telef;-ra|:u dd' GOAT IS See i.i.v.'er ( i;oi;l!:si a post vi!';i(i the G. W. Ii It eonlaii s I 50. GODCOL" Hav Coll pan tl.J X. .'-l,oi-c miles K. ( f 1 GODEiaC chief town c pleasantly si 1 at the N. te- Uodericli br miles X.W. ( ^'t' London. Episcopalian 'yterians, a 'j.inks, severf •icrencies, 2 iiotels, and njtt.,;';i I i GOD 127 GOL a pO't rillapro in Frontenac en., Out , 7 iiiilc-^ fii'Jii K'ngst(jti. I'dp. 150. (ILKN'VILLM, IV small sctllcnionl in ■WistninrliiMil c I., X.JJ., '3 miles fVidu IV'litC'.iliiic. Pop. 70. (.LKX WILLIAM, or WILLIAMS- HrKlr, a po-^t vill.'ipcp in Hulton co., Out., on till' Kivcr ('r/dit, 1^ mili'S Uo.n (\vi>v:rr{ii\\n. II. cdntain.s ;.r!i>t) s;i\\' iin I w I )1! ' 1 niilh, a woalleji hatliiipf I'lc'ory, a shiu.'Jfli' factory, .-•(;\" ral storus niid lit-lcl.'^, mill a toloyraiili ollico. Pop. :". ■:>. (i[in"('KSTER, a maritime comity nf .V''\v lirmisw'.ck, bordcriuf^ on tli;; ilulf of St. Lawrence and the IJaie (ivs Clia'eui'S. The psirfaco is extremely diversified with n .d rivi-r.-!, iu:d on lis coast-* are numerous islands —the jirincipai of wliich are HIiippcLrau a;ul Miscou. Great Ship; cL'an llari)i,r, coiiipi'isii:;^ tlirvi^ coiiiniodioiis li.ulxirs, iiud Little Ship e;4a':i mid llatluir-t are in this county. Into the l;i:tt'r flow lh:ee large rivers. Slii: - baildin^f is cai'iied on to a considerabh' cxteit, and thf'rois alarpe exoort trade in luin' e.', deal-!, fi-!-, kv. The Futer- c;ilnn!al railway tr:iv ts'^s the county. Areal, 77, 1'iiu acres. Capital, ]!aihur.-:.t. Pop. IS.'' 10. C.LOL'CESTKR (or CUXXrXG- II.\.MS; STA'ilOX, a p.ost vllat,^- in Carl'tt^n co , Out., on the St. L, it O. R., 11 miles from Ottawa. It has a telca'rai h olTice. Pop. oO. GOAT ISLAND, Annapolis co.,X.S. See L(.v,-er GranvHle. GOl;Li:"SCOr:XKRS,orAPvXOLD"S, fi post vii'age in Oxford co., ()nt., on the G. V,'. R., r.H miles from Hamilton. Iteonlaiis 1 hotel and 2 stores. Pop. 50. _^ GODDOUT, a post of the Hudson's Bay Ciiii [lai.y, inSaguenay co., Que., on the N. .-hore of the St. Lawrence, 180 miles ]■:. ( f Tadousac. Pop 100. GOOKIilCIL a lake port of Ontario, chief town of the county of Goderich, I'leasantly situated on Lake Huron, ami ;it the N. termini s of tlio lUiffalo and Godi.Tieh hraii.h of the G.T. R . ico miles N.W. of'alo, 78 miles >^X.\V. '|t' London. It has chin-ches for the Episeopalians, Roman Catholics, Pres- tyterians, and Methodists, 2 branch banks, several assurance and insurance •iwncies, 2 telegraph offices, several iiotels, and a number of stores ; also manufactories of woidlcn-, iron cast- ings, mach'iii'iy, Katlu'r, boots and si ()>^-i, wood'Mi ware, kc; .«aw and grist mills, mid K salt -wtdls. Tlr? latter are of great va.lnr, and a source (if considiTabk' -weallh to the town. Tl.c iisli Ties are alsij valnable; their ]irolucts are ciiielly exported to the Unit d States. Goilerieh hasdnily communication l>y steamers with Sa - Ilia and Detroit, and ports on tlie S. .^hore of Lake Union. It is a port of eii!ry, and the only shipjiing point for many miles on tlie Lake. It has a gooil hnrbor, j^rotected by a pier witli a rghthoii.-e at the mouth of the .Mait- land river. Total value of imports foi" IN72, SO J, to"; exports S7!,r.:i. Two ■weekly new.-])aper3 are j)ublished m Godei-ich. Poll. :\,u:>\. GOLDLN P.A^^ a small fishing set'.lement in the district of St. Mary's ivid Placentia, Xlld , 24 mil'i from St. Maws. OV'LDEX CRMEK, 'or PORT FRANKS, a post village in LiUibton CO., in St. John co., X.I»., lo miles from St. John. GOLDEXVILLE,or SHFRLROOKE GOLD MIXES, a po.-t village in Guys- borough CO., N.S., on llie X.W. side of St. Mary's river, 3 mdes from Sherbrooke. Here are ricli grl I ni'ncs. TweL«j quartz mills are in operation, 9 worked by steam and [i 1 y water. Vi(dd of gold for 1 1 years ep.; i;>^- with ls:7J 1)4, (^:»0 07.., valueil at .I'JMt, l-u) stg. Tlie village contains I liotid and ('.stores. A fine bridge connects Goldenville -with Sheibi-roke. Poi). 900. GO]!T) FIELDS, a post vllago in Colchester co., X.S., 9 miles from Stewiacke. GOLD MIXES (MorxT Uniacke), a post village in Hams co., N S., 4 miles, from .Mount Uniiicke. Four (piariz mills are at -work liere. Tiio yield of gold from the opening of tliese mines to 187.". was 2,500 oz., value Jt,"10,240 stg. Pop. >50. GOLD RIVER, a post village in Lunenburg eo., N.S., 5.'^ miles W. of Halifax. Gold is found here in quartz, and in the sands on the iver shanks. Pop. 150. GOLDSTONE, a post village in Ifr-'' 'il f .1 • I ^«i;"' /:■' ^ip , :(• f-t ..: f ' !. < ' i ■[ ILI ,. ■■!:t.i!i|in;' h.V- -h-\ mm I'l • '*' .'I.. ■ . ! ; I j 'f :I5i GOR 128 GOU Wi'llinrrton co., Ont., on tlic W. C. & B. R., l-'H miles fmin Guolpli. Po]!. 00. (i(K)I) COIJNKI:, a l)(-st vil!ii;rc ill Carleluu co., N.l!., IG miles from Wood- stock. l'o|). I'JO. (1001) IIOIM'], a fort of the North "West Territories on Miiokeiizi<^ river. Lilt. G7' 30 N., Ion. i;;0' -Ui W. ( tM Fort Good Hope la on tlic same river Id.") miles N.W. GOODWOOD, a post village in On- tario CO., Ont., on tlie T. k N. R., i!.") mile.? from Tijroiito. It contains 2 saw Ti-'l!-. ; stores and a telegraidi olliee. Pop. 100. GOODWOOD, Middlesex co., Ont. See r.i'vaustnn. OOd-JKUKIMlY, a small fishing setMciiK'iil in the district oi St. Mar_)s and Placeiitia, Nlld., 17 miles from Placentia. Pop. 12. OOOSEDKRitV ISLANDS, a group of islands on tlie E. coast of I5onavisla IJay, Nlld., 12 miles from Green's Poml. They are inhabited by tishernien. Poj). 31G. GOOSE COYE,a iishing station and harbor on tiio French shore, Nlld., 18 miles from Cro(pie. Po[i. 03. GOOSE OliEEK, a post village in St. John CO., N.B., on the Bay of Fundy, ;)3 miles from Sussex. Pop. 50. GOOSE HARHOR. Guysborough CO., N.S. See Ov.-tiT Ponds. GOOSE ISLAND, in the Ottawa river, 'A.\ miles below the mouth of the liideau. GOOSE ISLAND, in the St. Law- rence, 13 miles N.E. of the Island of Orleans. GOOSE POINT, a small settlement in Sagut'uay co., Que., on the N. shore of the St. 'Lawrence, ti miles i'rom Bersiniis. Poi> r->() GOOSE i;i\ EPi. a post village in Cumberlaul co., N.S., 9 miles from River Philip. 1 1 contains 2 stores. GOOSE lUVER, a i»ost village in Kings CO., P E.I.. 40 miles from Cliar- lottetown. ft has 2 cloth factories, and 2 grist mills. Pop. 200. GORDO.NSVILLE, a post settlement in Carleton co., N''15., 28 miles from Woodstock. Pop. 50. GORE, a district of Ontario, compri- sing the counties of Wentworth and Hal ton, bounded east by Lake Ontario. GORE, a post village in Hants co., N.S., 22 niile.=? from Shubenaradie. It lia (jiarries of ;;-;'aiii;e and slate. Goitl hai been iound in small (quantities. Po '. 20:). G )iJE, a township in the co. of Ar'.X '":"U!l, (^>ue. See Lakelield. GOME'S LANDING, a p(,st village i;i .\ irlhiiialK rlaiid co., Out., on Rice Lake, 12 miles IVuui ('obourg. Pop. 100. GORMLEV, a ].ost village in York CO., ():it., 7.] miles fr(mi Aurora. It co'itains '.\ stores and s.'iw and grist mills, i'oit. 100. GORIME, orllOWICK, (also calkd LKKCIl V'ILLE),a thriving jiost village in Huron co., Ont.,i)ii the T. G. k WAl., iindon the .Maitland river, 2.'! miles from I^Iount Forest. Ii contains a large saw mill, a iiouring mill, a shiuglo mill, 2 tanneries, an iron foundi'v, carriageaiul cheese factories, a drill slied, churches of 3 di'iioniinaiions, a telegraph oirice, 2 hotels, and several stnres. Po]).400. GOSFIELD, or ALDEItTYILLE, a post village in E-se.x co.. Out., 31 miles from Wiiuisor. Pop. GO. GOSHEN, a post settlement in Albert CO., N.B., 8 miles from Annagauce. Pop. 100. GOSHEN, a post settlement in Guy.?- borough CO., N.S., n(ar St. Mary's river, 28 miles from Guysborough. It con- tains a saw mill. Pop. ITiO. GOSHEN, a settlement in Colchester CO., N.S., 21 miles from Truro. It con- tains a grist mill Pop ](!<>. GOSHE.V, a seitlenient in Queens CO., N.l?., 14 miles from Apohaqui. Pop. 100. GOSPORT, a post village in Lennox CO., Out., on Hay B.iy, 13 miles from Napa nee. Poj). .^0. GOULD, a post village in Compton CO., Que, 12 miles from !ioi)inson. It contains 2 churches, 2 stores and a saw and grist mill. Pop. 2oO. GOULD'S, a ,«ettl''nient in the dis- trict of Ferrvland, Nlldj, 15 miles from St. John's. "Pop. 12!). GOULDS LANDING, or HORTON COIJNERS. a small village in Renfrew CO., Out., oil the Ottawa river, 9 miles from Renfrew. It is a telegraph station, and the port at which the Ottawa steamers disembark their ])assengcr3 for the portage of 12 miles to Cobden, where they resume water communica- tion. Pop. 30. GOTTL the disii from IJri'j (JOUK( lingtiMi ( R., 4 i.iih (loVFi the G W from Han GOWA Simeoe C( GOWA Perth CO. (South ( Gurlph. GO WE I RenfiH w c 23 miles fi Ottawa st( gowl; tlcment in from Pet it ( GRAFT CO., NS., Pop. Jf^o. gijaftc ing post vi Out., on Toronto, woolle 1 fi and gri. fiO. GOWKR POiXT, a post vill»jre in Renfrew co., Ont., on the Ottawa river, 2:{ miles from Sand Point. The Upper Ottawa steamers call hero. Pop. 40. GOWLAND MOUNTAIN, a post set- tlement in Albert co., N.B., 15 miles from Pcfitcoiliac Pop. 100. GRAFTON, a settlement in Qneen's CO., N S., 40 miles from Liverpool For. Uo. GRAFTON, or IIALDIMAND,a thriv- jnffpost viilagoin Northumberland co., Ont., on the G. T. R., 77 miles E. of Toronto. It contains a d:stiUery, a woo'.U' 1 factory, an iron foundry, saw nnd pri^f mills, ana 2 telfgiaph offices, and has a large trade in lumber and grain. P(ip. GOO. GRAFTON CORNER, a village in Kings CO., N S., 2^ miles from Water- ville. It contains 3 stores. Pop. 2(.;0. GR.MIAM\S ROAD, a post village in Queens co., P.E.I., 28 miles from Charhittetown. Pop. 150. GRAIIAMSVlLLEj a p"st village in Peel CO., Ont., 2 miks from Malton. It contains a tannery, an hotel and a store. Pn|). 100, GRAND ANSE, a post settlement in Richmond co , N S., in Lenno.x Passage, 21 miles from Port IIawkesbur\'. Pop. 250. GRAND ANSE, Inverness co., N.S. See Pleasant Ha v. GRAND AUNCE, a post settlement in Gloucester co., N.B., on Haie de-; Chaleurs, 29 miles from Rathnrst. It Las a tclegrajih office. Pop. 700. GRAND BANK, a post town and port of entry in the district of Burin, Klld., on the ronth side of Fortune Bay, 4 miles from Fortune. It has a consi- derable tr.ide with St. Pierre andiuthe fishery. Pop. 740. GRANRORO', or NEIL'S CORNERS, a l)ost village ill Shcfroid co., C^uc, 5 mil s from (irauby. i'op. lOU. GRAND BA^ ,api>st viihigc in King.i CO.. N.I!., on the E. k N. A. R., 11 miles fr' ni St. John. Pop. loo. (J i; A.M) BEND, a post oCicc in L;:»T,b. ton CO., Ont., 11 miles from I'arK 11,11. (JKANliV, an incorponiled viilii^c in Shiflbrd CO., Que., on the Yinna.-ka river, and on the S. S. & V. I!., 2'J miles fiim St J(din. It has good water power privileges, ai:d contai'is 5 saw mills, 1 grist mill, 1 tan wry, 1 brewery, a t( legrajih office, chuicl.cs of four deni niinaticjiis, 2 hoti 1,-^, It! .stores, a;id a ])rinting office i.ssu'iig 2 we( lily newspapers — one English and one French. Pop. 870. GRAND BRULE, Chicontimi co., Que. S( (• Laterriere. GRAND RRUIT, a small fi-hing set- tlement in the district of Burgeu and La Poile, Nlld., 15 miles from Rose Blanche. Pop. 80. GRAND CALUMET, an island in the RiverOtlawa, 7miles above Portage dii Fort. Area :!0,200 acres. At the foot of the island lies Cadieux's tomb, siuTounded to this day by a Wooden railing. Cadieux was a roving inter- ]ireter who had married a youiig Al- gonqiiin girl and purchased at this portage furs for the traders. Aft'-r a winter thus passed he ascertained that a party of Iroquois were waiting to pounce upon the canoes. To prevent this he and a young brave endeavored to inveigle the Iroquois into the woods, while the canoes descended the rapid.s, and 1)}- a circuitous route himself rejoin the voyageiirs. lie succeeded in tl:e first i)art of his design; but when l.'l days had elapsed and Cadieux was not heard from, a party was sent to scour the woods, who found a .-niiiU hut of boughs ar.d the corpse vt' the interpreter h.'ilf covered with gn en branches His hands were clasped over a large sheet of birch bark, on which was scribbled his tale of ex- haustif n, hunger and dea;li. The piece of bark on which hi.s death song was written (for Cadieux was a jujet) was brought to the jjost of the Lake of Two Mountains a«d the voyagcnrs set it to a jilaintive melody, which is much in the style of the old Norman ballads. Pop. of island 1,080. !ii GRA 130 ! I' ■ 'i I '' ti I ' 'III J-0: 1^^'^ 1 1 I ■I ^' ii ... Hi: 1 i 1 , 1 t . t;^ ' 1 r. {• ■ ' '<':' . GRAND CAPrCI>f, n villiif,'o in G:is|ic' (;()., (.)\n>., '.'>'.> iiiilrs from Mutiiiu'. (;i{AXI) COUDKKS, II post ollicc in fJoiiiici' CO., Quu., lii miles from {St. FiMii'/ois lie Kciiucc (}ilA.Vi)i:i{Ali;. or HA! IfA ! ! HAY, a |) villii^^c in Ciiicoiitimi co., (^Wi-., lit tlio lu;ii(I of thu iiuvi^iitioa of tiie fS.i^iii'n.'iy rivi'r, G')nul(;.s from its moiilii. TIk; ])i\y lien- is ovor a mile widi', n'ni ul)i)iil 100 f;lt!lom^ (loop. It is fulled lla !lla ! ! iJay, a nanu! jfivou to it \>y it-i early discDv.Ter.-*, and is a groat .soiirci; of altraclioii to tourists during tin- sunnner months. Tin village (jf (Jrando I5aie contains several .stores and mills, suid liiis a largo trade in Inm- l)or. Ve.isels load here direct for Eng- lanil. Pop. :M() ; of paridi l,:i()l. (lliAN'DK liKUr.MItO.V.N'K, a settle- ment in .Sagneiiay co., Que., on the iV. sliore of the St. Lawrence, 11 miles from Tadonsac. The river is fanii' I for its innit lisliing and is much frerinentcd by the visitors to Tadousac. Poji. ,")0 (ill ANUR GREV E, a post village in Gaspo CO., Qnc, beautifully situated on thenorth siile of Gasjjo ]5ay, ]8 miles from Gaspe Jiasin. It contains a saw mill, 2 stores and a telegraph odice. This i)laee is a large fishery station, and was originally settled about 1770. Pop. 100. GRAXDE ISLE, an island in the River .S(. Lawrence, between liukes St. Louis and St. Francis, 4.} miles long by l\ miles broad. It divides the ■stream of the St. Lawrence into two channels: tliat on the S. side is calleil the IJeaiiharnois channel, in the course of wKieh are the rapids Croche, les FauciUes and de liouleau, t!ie latter both intricate ami dinicult to i)ass. GllAXDE LKIXE or COLEHROOK, p, post village in St. Johns co., Que., on the G. T. II., (Champlain division,) 33 miles from Montreal, and near t!iu River Richelieu. It contains 2 stores, 1 hotel and a French Protestant college. Pop. 400. GRAND ETANG, a village in Gaspe CO., Que , 81) miles from Ste. Anne dcs Monts. GRAND ETANG, or LOCIIIEL, a post office in Inverness co., N.S., 8 nwles from Margarce. GRANDE VAL L EE, a post village in Gaspe CO., Que., 68 miles from Ste. Anne GRA It contains 2 storca. de< .MonH. Po]). .'US. GKA.N'DF.VLLS.orCOLEKROOKE, a i)Ost town of .N'ew liriinswick, capiiul of tliL' CO. of Victoria, phasanlly situ, ated at th(! head of navigation of tli(! St. John river, and o i the route of the Fredericton and i{iviere du Loup railway (in course of construction), L'OJ luilos from St. John, 1 !<; miles from R'.viere dn Lnup. It contains, besides the county buildings, several lioteh, H stores, )i tanni'ry, anil saw iiiiil grist mills. la the immediate vieinily the River St. John falls preci"itous!y a lieiu'ht of IHO h'ct. Over this fill is a handsome suspension bridge. The sur- rounding scenery is exceedingly beau- tiful. Pop. 700. GRAND FALLS PORTAGE, a post settlement in Victoria co., X H., 7 miles from Grand Fall-!. Poii. ioi). GitANDFATlIER'S COVE, a small fishing station on the French sliore, Xlld., 10 miles from Great Harbour D 'cp. Pop. 3."). GUAXI) HARBOUR, a post village in Charlotte co., N.R., on the island of Graid Manan, rd miles from St. An- drews. Pop. 300. GRANDlcrE, a post .settlement in Kent CO., X.B., 7 miles from Shediac. Pop. 4')0. GRAXDIGrE FERRY, a post settle- ment in liichmond co., N.S., on the N. side of Lenno.^c Passage, 21 miles from Port Ilawkesbury. GRAND LAKE, a station on the f. R., -i:', inikM from Halifax, N.S. GRAXD MAXAN, or AlEXAN, an island off the N.E. part of Maine, in the CO. of Ciiarlolte, N.B, Length 20 miles, average breadth about 5 miles; coast deeply indented^^illbnling numer- ous fine harbors. It abounds with valuable timber, has e.KceUeiit facilities for shipbuilding, and has various fishing stations around the coast. There is a lighthouse on the Island, lat. 44^ 45 52 N., Ion. GtP 44 4 W. Pop. 1,8G7. GRAXD MANAN, a post office on the above island, 42 miles from St. Andrews. GRAXD MIRA NORTH, a post vil- lage in Cape Breton co., N.S., on Mira river, 24 miles from Sydney. It con- tains 1 church, 1 store, I saw mill, and 1 grist mill. Pop. l^O. GRAND MIRA SOUTH, a post office in Cape Bnton co., N.S. GR.V 131 c;uA GRAND NARKOWS, a post Rcttlc- moiit it) Viciuriii <•()., N.S., oil J{iiT;i i> 12 the an 111 ill's fruiu JJudikck. Pop, strait, lOD. (IRAXD PABOS, a post villago in (iiiqii' CO., (J lie., 30 milrs frofii Tcrct'. I'cip. I")!!. (iRA.ND PRfi, or LOWER IIORTON, u tliriviti}^ ]n)At viUap' in Kiii^s co., N. ,S., l»i'autil'iilly sitiijitcnl on Minus liiisin, ai'u! on tlie W. \ A. Jl., IT) miles fiom Windsor. The land lierriiltoutH i.s very ricli, mostly reelainvd by dyice.s from the IJayof Kiindy. Tills i.s tiie .scene of Ti"ii:i''iu (if MiiiHS, Distil. it, !-cilii(l(il, still, the little village tit't irniid I're Lay ill tlie liiiitliil vnlley. Vast mcadowH ■•^tri' clicil to tlieeii«twHrd, GiN in;; the \ illume its iiariie and i)asture to lliK'ks without number." And again ; " htiU ntuiids t ho forest primeval ; but under tlie shade of its branehes Dwells aiiolher race, with other custonis uudlaiiguage. Only along the ih('rinairs cot, tho wheehand the loviii are ^tiil bii.-y ; Maidens still wi'iir their Tsorman caps and their kinh's ol honie^pun, And liy thi! evening liio lei-cul Evange- line's story; While from its rocky cavern?, tho deep- vuiced neighbouring (icean Speaks, and in accents disconsolate answers the wail of tho forest.'- The scenery around Grand I're 13 very grand, piirticuhirly that off Cape illomidon on the .sliorerf of the l?iiy of Finnly. A jmeket sails weekly between hire and Par:'sljur and j.a I'oile, Nlld., i> miles from Rose Rlanehe. Pop. 24. G1{ANDV'S POINT, asmnll fishing settlement on the W. sideof Placeiitia R.iv, Nlld., U miles from Placeutia. Pop. Gl (Int., 40. GR.\NT, Liineibnrg Clicster. Poll. 50, GRANTLEY, 11 post village in Dun- das CO., Unt,, 17 miles from Morrlsburg. Pop. 100 ( 1 R ANTON, a thriving post village in Middlesex co., Ont., on the G. T. R., 108 miles W. of Toronto. It contains a telegraph oCice, carding and gristmills, and 4 stores, and has a large trade ia grain. A weekly newspaper is pub- lished here. Pop. 3,-iO, GRANT'S MILLS, a small village in Gronville co., Ont., 7 miles froiu Spen- cerville. Pop. 50. GRANVILLE, a post village *in Queens co., P.K. I., 24 miles from Char- flottetown. Pop. 330. GRANVILLE CENTRE, a postofTipe in Annapolis co,, N.S., 5 miles from Granville Ferry. GRANVILLE FERRV, a thriving post villi) go in Annapolis co., N.S., (jn the W. side of Annapolis Ray, oppo- site the town of Annapolis. It contains several stores, churches, hotels and shipvards. Pop. 300. GRAPE ISLAND, a small island in the B;iv of Qiiinte, Ont. GRASS POND, or ST, ETIENNE DE ROULTON, a post village in Broroe CO., Que., 11 miles from "Waterloo. It contains saw and grist mills, aud 1 store. Pop. 125. . »» » I ' 'I ;';i'r»'' M- 1 tl i't' h ^ i GRE 132 GRE GRATE'S COVE, a large fishing settlcmont ivt llic entrance to Trinity Bay, NHd., G miles from Buy do Verds. Pi.I». 550. GRAVEL HILL, a post ofTice in Stormout CO., Out., 18 miles from Corn- •wall. GRAVELOTTE, a post ofTice in Nor- folk CO., Orit., 3 miles from Delhi. GUAVENIIUUST, a tlirivmg post village in Victoria co., Out., on Lake M isl\oka, 2.'> mil s fronj Orillia. It coniaiiis 4 st )re3, 2 hoti'ls, a telrgrafil' oliice, and saw, sasli, iloor and I'laning mills, and lias an e.\tens;ve liiniber trade. Sleami'is plying on llie Lake and. River Muskoka slart from here. I'op. 400. GRAYSTOCK, a post settlement in Peterborough co.. Oat , G miles from Peterborough. Pop. 100. GRAY'S WOOD, a small settlement in Annapolis co., N.S., 7 miles from Annapolis. Pop. 120. GREAT AND LITTLE BARA- CllOIri, two small fisliing settlements on thoE. siileut St. Marys Bay, Ntld., 8 miles from Plaientia. Pop. 44. GREAT HAiiACHOIS, a small fishing settleiaeut in the district if Buigeo and La Poile, NHd., 10 miles from Burgeo. Pop. 12. GiiEAT BONAII, a small fishing settli'uieut ou i.lie W. side of i'laceutia Bav, MM. Pop. 50. GREAT BRIDGE, a post office m Cuuiberlaad co., N.S., 4 miles from Pugwasli. Sf'o I'ort Philip. GREAT HARBOR, a small fishing setileuient in llie district of Fortune Bay, Nlld , on Conna.gro Bay, 3 miles from ilarl)or Briion. Poj). 45. GREAT IIARl'.OR DI^EP, a fishing station o i tlie Fivncli snore, NHd , N. of \. Lite Bay, 33 miles fiom La iScie. Pop. 51). GREAT HILL, a settlement in Queens co., N b., 2 miles trom Liver- pool. Pop. TO. GREAT JARVIS, a small fishing settk'Ui' nt ill till! district of FurtuiiC Bay, Ntld.,ou Bay Despair, Smiles from Gaultoi?. I'op. 83. GREAT PARADISE, a fishingsettle- meut oil the \V. side of Placeutia Bay, Nfld., 25 miles from Placeutia. Pop. 147. GREAT SHEMOGUE, or BRISTOL, a post Tillage ia Westmorland co., N.B., 19 miles from Shediac. Pop. 300. GREAT ST. LAWRENCE, a post town and port of entry in the district of Burin, Nlld., on the VV. side of Pla- ceutia Bay, IG miles from Burin. It has a fine liarbor, and extensive trade in tlie lislierv. Pop. 270. GREAT Village, a seaport town of Nova Scotia, co. of Colciie.^ter, near tlie head of Cobetpiid Bay, 3 miles from Londonderry, 18 miles from Truro. It contains a telegi-ai)h ottice, 10 stores, a hotel, tannery, &c., and has a good slopping trade. The number of arrivals for 1872 was 28 (tons 2,802), and tlio clearances i:5 (ions 1,244.) Tulnl val'ie of imports 5>84,3y2; exports ii^21,570. Poj). (ii)0. GREENRAXK, a post village in Ontario co.. Out., G miles from Wick. It contains a saw mill, a grist mill, 2 stores, 2 churches, aud an hotel. Pop. 100. GREENBUSn, a post village in Leeds co., Out., '3\ miles from Bellamy's. It contains a saw mill, a store, and a cheese factory. I'op, 50. GREEN COVE, a fishing station on tlie French shore, Nlld., 7 miles from Bonne Bav. Pop. 21. GREEiXFIELD, a post settlement in Carlelon co., N.B., 28 miles from Wood- stock. Pop. 100. GREENFIELD, a post viUage in Glengarry co.. Out., ou the M. & 0. J. R., aud on the Dolisle river, 20 miles from Lancaster. It contains 2 stores and 1 hotel. Pop. GO. GREENFIELD, a settlement in Kings CO., N.S., 21 miles from Windsor. Pop. 100. GREENFIELD, or PONHOOK, a post selllement in Queens co., N.S., 20 miles from Bridgcwater. Pop. 100. GREE.V GROVE, York co., Ont. See Thistletown. GILEEN HARB 'R, a large fishing pettlemcnt in the district of Trinity, Ntld., on the S. side of Trinity Bay, 23 miles from Ikart's Content. Ship- building is also engaged in. Pop. 210. GREEN HARBOR, a settlement in Sliolburne co., N.S., on the sea coast, 17 miles from Sholburne. Pop. 200. GREEN HEAD, a small village ia St. John CO., N.B., adjacent to Fairville. Pop. 75. GREEN HILL, a post vUlage in GRE 133 GRI |K, a |S., 20 Out. ra m Pictou CO., N.S., on the E. side of West river, 7 miles fiuin L'lCtou. Pop. 200. (JilEEN ISLAND, a lishing station on the Frencli slioie, Ntid., 30 miles from Ciipe Norimiu, Pop. H. • GREt:N ISLAND CUVE, a small cove o 1 Green l-l:ind, near Catalina, Nllil. It lias a liglithonso e.Kliil)it ng a IiX'-'J white lii^ht i)'2, leet uhove iugh water. GREEN ISLAND, Temiicouata co., Que. See Isle Verie. GREEN LAKE SETTLEMENT, Renfrew co., O it. See Raiikiu. GliEENUOK, a ]u).-;t olfice in Bruce CO., Out., 8 nule^^ from Walkerton. GREEN POINl", a j) village in Prince Edward uo., Cut., U miles from Pict )ii. Poj). 40. GREEN POINT, a Bcttlemcnt in Glouce.sier CO., N 15., on Raie dcs Olialeurs, 15 miles frumBathurst. Pop. 300. GREEN RIVER, a post village in Ontario co.. Out., lU miles from Wuitbj'. Poj). 50. GRKEN RIVER, a post village in Tcmiscouata co , Que. 7 m.les from Riviere du Loup en Las. GREEN RIVER, a post village !n Victoria CO., N.IJ., 'l^ niihs abuve Grai.d Falls. It contains a gristiuill, 2 sloros, 3 tanneries, and 5 I'verns. Puj). Tuo. GUEEn'S CREEK, a post office in Colche-sler Co., M.S., 12 miles from Stewiacke. GltEEX'S MILLS, a smnll village in tlie di.stnot of Algoma, Out., 7 miles from P.irry r oiiud. GREENS POND, a post town, port of entry and island on the N side of Bouavista Bay, Nfid., loo miles from St. John's by water, 183 by land. U is a barren islund, but has a good ihoujli small harbor, and is an e.KC> llent fishing station. Groat numbers of seals are sometimes wa^ihed on the shoie here during tlie sjiring soul fij;liery. Stoaniir from St. John's calls every fortnight Pop. l,o7;-{. GREENSVILLE, or BULLOCK'S CORNERS, a village in Wcnl- worth CO., Out., 2i miles liom Dundas. It couta:n-3 4 store.-J, 1 hotel, 1 wonUeu mill, 1 saw mill, and 1 distillery. Pop. 200. GREENVALE, a post village in Queens co., P.E.I., 13 miles from Charlottetown. Pop. 130. GREENVILLE,a post village in Cum- berland CO., N.S., on the I. li., 9G miles from Halifax. GicELNVILLE, a station on the N. B. iV C. li., ill Carlcton cu., N. B. Gi:EEN\V1C1I, Kings co., N.S. See Port W.lliini.s Station. GREENWICH HILL, a post village in K.ngs CO., N.P>, on the St. John river, ly miles from St. Jolm. It ^'ou- laius 2 stores and 1 saw mil. St. J lin iuid Fredericton steamers call li§rc. Pop. 150. G .EENWOOD, a post village in Ontario co., O it., 9 miles from W itby. It, contains 2 gri.-t m 1L-, I jxjtuah fact(jry, 1 st>ive factory, 2 hole!-!, 1 cliurcli, 1 store, aud a telegraph olUce. Pop. 5 )o. GUENVILLE, a county of Ontario, bonlvriiig on the St. Lawrence, com- ju'ses an area of 2'Ji),74J acres. Tiiis county is traversed by the St. Lawr* nee a 111 (>ttawa and Grand railways. Capital, Prescmt. Pop 22, lilt). GI'EN VILLE, a thriving |.ost village in Argentenil co , Que., on the Kiver Ottawa, and on the C. & G. R , 07 m'les fmra Montreal It has iigencies of 2 t ■le_''ra[)h aud several insurance com- panies, iin8 acres. It is diuhied by several stream^, and the land is excel- K'lit for atrricultural purpi.sps. The Toronto, Grey and Bruce railway tra- verses this county. Capital Owea Sound, pop. fjii.:'.:'."). G1:KY, (u- (MI.WimOOR, a post vil- :age in Huron co , Out , m ur a branch of'thc Maitland river, Umilvsfrom Ain- ieyville. It possesses good w.ater power, and contains 4 ciuirehes, 1 siiiiigie iniH, 2 hotels, 2 stores, and exeelleut Lme- stone (puirries. Pop. 250. GRIEIiSVILLE, a p-^-^t, viUago In Grey co., Out.. 5 miles Irom.Meaford. Pop. GO. GRIFFIN'S CORNERS, a small vil- lage in Elgin c >., Out., 2^ miles from Vienna. Pop. 30. 'i-'^.N S'^*'^ li'i I >i> liv .^ |:iM? I ' ■ I' ■ • l' i t^^>f' ifiii: i » i:'!'*!'! I i 'III': 'hi lit!; |! ' 5 \l\h\ GRO GRIFFIN'S CORNERS, a small vil- lago ill Giey co., (Jut., 19 miles from Owoii Suuiid. Pop. 40. GRIFFIN S CORNERS, a small vil- lage iu Staustead, co., (^ue., 5 miles from Stansliad Plain. Pop. 50. GRIFFIN'S COVE, or ANSE AUX GRIFFON, a j)ust village in Gaspe co., Quu., 8 miles J'rora Fox River. A good trade is done liere iu the lisherios. It coafains a telecrraph ollice. Pop. G79. uRlFFlTli, a post oilice in Renfrew CO., Ont.. :;57 miles from Renfrew. GUIgL'ET, a tisiiing station on the Frcncli sh'.;:o,Nfld.,at tlie extreme uurlL- eust L'liJ of the inland, 37 miles fruin Crocpie. The seal lishery is very produc- tive iiere. Pop. i)'J. GRIMSBY, a thriving post village in Lincoln co., Unt., on Lake Ontario, and oa the G. W. li., 17 miles from Hamil- ton. It contains 2 telegrajdi otlices, 1 flouring mill, 4 saw mills, an iron fouu- tiry, several stores, hotels, chnrches and clieese factories, and has a large trade in fruit and country produce. Fruits of all kinds grow iu abundance. Pop. 8C0. GRIMSIIAWE'S mills, Northum- land CO., Oiit. See liuniley. GRINDSTONE ISLAND, an island near the head of the Bay of Fundy, Albert co., N.B. On it is a lighthouse. Lat. 45^ 4J 1.3' N., Ion. G4 ,37 25 W. Grindstones are manufactured here during the summer months. GRINDSTONE ISLAND, one of the most important of tlie Magdak u grouji, iu the Gulf of St Lawitncc, has an area of" 13,700 acres. At its western limit is the thriving little village of Etang du Nord. I\)p. 1,052. GROATS ISLAND, an island on the N. side of Bona vista Bay, Nlkl, h a mile from Green's Pond. It is a hshiiig station. Pop. 45. GROLP], a small fishing settlement in the district of Fortune Bay, Mid., on the E Side of Hermitage Bay, IG miles from Harbor iJriton. Pop. 120. GRONDINES,a post village in Port- ncuf co.,liue., on the N. shore of the St. Lawrence, 48 miles above Quebec. It has two lighihoiises, and co iiaius (J stores, a grist mill and a teleg'.aph ollice. A steamboat from Quebec calls twice a week. Pop. 400; of parish 1,503. GKOSSE COQUES, a settlement in 134 GUE Digby CO., N.S., on St. Mary's Bay, 2') miles from Digby. Pop. -iuO, GROSSE ISLE, an islet in Lake St. John, Chicouiani co.. Que. GROSSE laLE, an ishmd in the River St. Lawrence, 29 miles below Quebec, and op[)osite the village of St. Thomas, a station on che G. T. R. It 13 2.\ miles long by I mile wide and used wholly as a Quarantine station. GiiUS.^E ISLE, one of the Kamoiir- a.ska Islands, on the S. shore of the St. Lawrence, Que. GROSSE ROCHES, a village i;i Rimouski CO., Que., 18 miles from Matane. GROSS POINT, a settlement in Vic- toria CO., N.S., on the south side of Bou- larderie Island, 2(3 miles from Sydney Pop. 100. GROSVEXOR, a post office in Guys- borough CO., N.S., 7 miles from Tra- cadie. GROUSE CREEK, a post office in the district of Cariuoo, B.C. GROVESKNU, a jiost oilice in Elgin co , ("nt., 10 miles from Aylmer. (jrUEGEN, a post village in Kcntco., N.B., on the north side of the Cocagne river, 14 miles from Sliediac. It con- tains 2 stores, 2 saw mills, and 1 flouring mill. Pop. 320. GL'LLPH, a [lost town of Ontario, capital of tlieco. of Wellington, on the River Si)ced, and on the G T. and W. G. & B. railways, 48^ miles W. of Toronto. The town is built on a num- ber (.'f hills, which fciive it a picturesque apji'jarance. It co.itains, besidce tlie county buildings, churches of 7 deuora- inaiions, 3 branch banks, si^veral as- surance and insuraice agencies, a lii.'rafy and reading room, 2 daily and 3 weekly newspaper oliices, 2 tel graph offices, several hotels, and about CO stores. The Speeil here falls about 30 feet furnishing abundant water jiower to 3 or 4 large flouring iiills, 1 sawmill, 2 planing mills, and 2 woollen factories. The town has also manufactories of iron casting.^, machinery of every descrip- tion, sewing machinos, musical instru- ments, leather, agricultural inrdenients, soap and candles, boots and shoos, wo(jden ware, itc. ) and 2 breweries. The Court House and several other buildings are built of limestone quarne'd in the vicinity. Guelpli is an i.iland port of entry. Total value ot imports for .8: Pop. G, GUL Cumbe St. L&y Pop. 20 GUL ment oi Nild., 1.- GULF CO. Sec GULI in the d on the N miles fro GULL Digby miles froi GULi: .the disiri Brigiis. ^ GUNN Slielburn d miles fr GUYS I e.vlends ti Halifax V bounded e Ocean. J ihe coast i but in the lent tilhij iucccssfull places in t also a grt' iuhal}i;aiif GUYSlJi Norfolk ct suU. It c( mill, Po| ^GUYSBi Nova Sco Giiysboroi of Chedal cliester, a Glasgow, dious ha!'b( a battery, ■ to he seen, by lishing sbiiibuildin settled by Pop. 1,KS7. GUYSBt post settle N'.S., 10 mil 1,205. ^^-\" mt GUY 135 HAL 21 in 15 in for .872, $3G1,006; exports 5399,588, Pop. o5. GUVriROROUGlI, a po!>t vdlage in Norfolk CO., Out., 23 mil' s from Inger- sull. It contains 2 stcres and a saw mill. Pop. ir-0. GUVSUOROUGII, a seaport town of Nova Scotia, capital of the co. of Guysborongli, situated near the head of Chedabiicto Ray, opposite Man- chester, and G7 miles S. of New Glasgow. It has a safe and commo- dious harbor, and was once protected by a battery, the ruins of which are stdl to be seen. The inhabitants live chietly bv fishing; there is also considerable shipbuilding. Guysborough was first settled by disbanded soldiers in 17>'-'3. Pop. 1,HS7. GUYSROROUGII INTERVALE, a post settlemrnt in Guv.-borough co., N.S., 10 miles from Gnysborough. Pop. l,20o. HACKETT'S COVE, a post office in Ilalifa.K CO., N.S., 2 mUes from the head of St. Margaret's Bay. IIADLOW, a small village in Levis CO., Que., on the G. T. li., 2 miles from South Quebec. It contains a telegraph office, and locomotive works and fitt- ing shops belonging to the Grand Trunk railway. Pop. 150. IIAGEILMAN'S CORNERS, a let in York co., Out. It has an hotel. IIAGERSVILLE, a post village hi Ilaldimand cu., Out., at the junetio.i of the Canada Southern and llamilton and Lake Erie railw.iy.-:, 11 miles from Hamilton, 10 miles from Cayuga. It eon- tains an iron foundry, a grist mill, a telegraph olfice, and 7 or 8 stores. Pop. 150. IIAGLE'S CORNERS, a small village in Oxfm-d co.,Out , 3 miles from luger- ^oll. Pop. 50. ilA! UAI BAY, Chicoutimi co., Que. See Gramle Bale. HAI.DIMAND, a county of Ontario, situated near the E. end of Lake ( )iilario. Area 22^,840 acres. It is drained by l:'ie (iraml Rivor, and traversed by ifij (irand Trunk,( 1 real Westi'ru ( AiiL iie), Canada Sou li •rn, and Il.iniilton and Lake Erie railways. Pop. 1!),U42. IIALDIMAND,' Ilaldimand co., Ont. See Mviig. IIALDIMAND, Northumberland co., Ont. S>e Giafion. HALF ISLAND COVE, a post oflTicc in Giiysboroiigli co., N.S., on Clidla- biicto Bav, lii miles from Guy.-borough. HALF' WAY BROOK, a j.o.n olti.J in Colchester, N.S., l.'J miles from Brouk- fidd. HALFWAY RIVER, a post seflo- meiil 111 Ci.nibcrl.ind co., N.S, on Half Wav river, 11 nules fruin Atiiol. Pop. 150' H.VLIBURTON, a post village in Pcierborough eo., O it , at the Ihiid of Lake Kasliagiiwiganiog, H) ni;les iV 'in Mmdcu. It contains a telrgraph ollice and ',* stores, Sleamers ply lutweeu here a id Peterboroiigli. Pop. 150. HALIFAX,;! city andseaiiort, e.ipital of the iiroviiice of Nova Scotia, on tiie S. coast of that ]H'ninsu!a, nearly e(iui- di-;tant from its N.E. and S.W. extiem- ities, in lat. (dockyard tabU't) 44 .50' 42 N., Ion. g:! l;5 30 W. It is situ- ated on the W. side of Chcbucto Bay, (• '!^i %■ ■i, I *J&7 m J:H HAL 136 HAL '? 1 ■ i 1 now called Ilalifux Harbor, a deep inlet of the sea. The streets arc spacious and cross each other at right angles. Many of tlie houses are of wood, plas- tcred and stuccoed, but mauy also are handsuinely built of stone. There are 24 churciios (including a Cliurch of Eu^'IiUid Caliiednil and a Roman Catholic Catlicdral), a large number of school housi-s, some of wli.cii a.e eloganlly builttitruc- tures, G banks, 2 branch banks, and a savings bank, 1 cily court housie, I county court house, 1 gaol, 1 peniten- tiary, I tish market, 1 green do., and several private markets for the sale of meat and general country produce, 2 or three public halls, 2 huge and Laud- some provincial buildings for public oflices, 3 club houses, 3 colleg, s, 2 bar- racks, 3 hosiiital.s(l city, 1 miliiaryund 1 naval,) I poor's iisvliiin, 1 asyliini for ihe blind, about 2i) hotels, a large num- ber of .-itores (some of ihein fine siieei- naens of arehiteciure), a id manufacto- ries of iron casting.-!, machinery of every desciiption, agricultural iinplement.s, nails, pails, fuse, gunpowder, cordage, boots and shoes, soap antl candles, leather, tobacco, paper, cotton and woollen goods, wooden ware, Ac., also a sugar rdiiu'ry, distilleries of nun, gin and whisky, and breweries of porter and ale. At the north end of the city is a large dockyard for the uccommodation of ller. Majesty's ships of .var. ll covers 14 acres, and is one of tlie finest dock- yards in the British colonies. The harbor ofllal i fax is one of the best, perhaps the very best in the world. It 15 (3 miles long, by, on an a vera go, a mile wide ; the water is very clear and capable of floating alongside tiio wharves vessels of the largest size. There is exceilent anchorage in every Iiartofit. At the north end, the liar- )or is Connected by a narrow arm, called the Narrows, with Bedford Basin, a sheet of water six miles by four in eize, callable of containing all the navies of tlie world. The cily and harbor of ITalifax are protected by 11 dilfereut fortifications, and in every way the port is consid- ered one of the sat'est and best on the ghibo. Halifax is the chief naval station of British North America, and the only station now occupied by troops. There are 2 regiments of the line, besides artillery and engineers, stationed in the city. They have a large handsome and comfortable brick barrack at the north end overlooking the harbor. Opposite the city stands the pretty little town of Darimouth. The scenery around Halifax and Dart- mouth is charming. The North West Arm, a narrow arm of the sea, about 2 miles W. of the city, is very pretty ; this arm is about 3 miles long and about ^ of a mile in width. Homo pretty villas along its shores add considerably to the natural beauty of the locality. The city of Halifax is governed by a mayor and alderman, assisted by a slip iidiary ma,"istrate and about 40 policeman. The streets are lighted with gas, and the houses supplied with gas and water. Tlie city has extensive steam communicaiion with various parts of the Dominion of Canada, Prince Edward bsland, Newfoundland, the United Stales, the West Indies, and Great Britain. Railway lines connect it on the E. with Pictuu and on the W. with Annapolis, and with ISt. John, N.B., the United States and the pro- vinces of Quebec and Ontario. Halifax is the south eastern terminus of the Intercolonial railway. There are ov :ied here over 100 square rigged vessels, as many schooners, and a host of small craft. Halifax sends 2 members to the House of Commons and 2 to the Pro- vincial Legislature. It is the seat of the Sees of the Angli- can Bishop of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island ; and of the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Halifax. 15 uewsiiaperi are issued in the city, 4 of wliicii are daily, fj sectarian, 1 the advocate of temperance, and the rest political and general. Halifax was originally called " Cho- dabuclo'' or " Chebucto," but iu 174!>, when it was jiroclaimed the capital of Acadia, which then com- prised Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, it was called Halifax, in honor of the Earl of Halifax, an active jiromoter of the enterprise which resulted in found- ing the ci houses ai 1, j80 hous in 1H71, 4, tan 1 3. Tl iu 1870 wi The nui 1,387 ( ton ^ I.t)J4(tonb ports ;r;iO,'' HAL!1<\ NovaSc.'ti Ocean It Ciidie Miis( fliid over gevcra' co dentu lions ns G or 7 h ships of the visited by i art* thickly belt o^'liigl 20 to GO mil Atlantic, ti of the conn moderately found near gold veins r county. SI of Halifax, iiilialiitaiits fliip buildin is the most Scotia. Ca 032 acres. I city of llalif'j ji.m.ifa; St. Fenlina' IIAUJ']!! niuiiiiigdiiri Ifemmiugfoi Pop. ITiO. . IIALLO^^ ings CO., Oii It contains factories. I HALL'S Peterboroiig Labfuld HALL'S ( Ont. See B , HALL'S I Kia:^-! CO., I 12 miles fro: stores. Por HALL'S Territories, i Frohisher i: Hi .; HAL 137 HAM ing the cltv. In 1790 it contained 700 liuuscd aim 4,0(0 inhabitiuita . in '828 l,r);-iO houses and lt,4J<) inhabitants, nnd in 1871, '),:!20,5-'7.) Total valuo of im- ports ,"r;iO/rj-> 079- ex])orts $l,G78/;84 IlAIilTAX, an extensive county of NovaSc'tiu, bordering? ou the Atlantic Ocean It is draried bv the Shnbena- c.'idie MiLsquodoboit, and other rivers, and over us siirfac*-' are scattered several considorablo lakes. The in dentations of its coast furnish as many ns G or 7 liiiibors ciijiabh; of receiving sliips of the line,l)e3ideH numerous others visited by inerohaiit ^-essels ; 'ts shores art* thickly studded with i.slands. A belt o*" iiigh broken land, varying from 20 totiOniilesin breadth, bonier? on the Athintic, tlirouglioiit tiie entire extent of the counlv, beyond 'his the surface is moderately li'vel Ores of lead are found near the Slinbeuacadie river, and gold veins run throngii nearly the whole county. Slate abounds in the vicinity of Ilalifix. The chief industry of the inliabitaiits is directed to commerce, eliil) building, and the fisheries. Jlal'.fux is the most j»o)>uloiis county in Nova Scotia. Capital, Halifax. Areal,34'2,- 032 acres Pop. 1 7,'',"):{, or, including the city of Halifax. r.O,!t;:!. II.VLIFAX, Megantic CO., Que. See St. Fenlinaid. 1I.V[JJ:i;T()N. a post village in nimiiiigildu CO., Que., r> miles from Hemniiiigford. It contains 2 stores. Pop. ir-o. IIALLOWAY, a post village in Hast- ings co., Out., 11 miles from Belleville. It contains several mills and cheese factories. Pop. 100. HALL'S lilHDGl'], a post office in Poteiborough co., Ont., 12 miles from Lalofudd HALL'S CORNERS, Wentworth co., Ont. See IJiiibrook, HALL'S HARliOR, a post village in Kiuiis CO., N.S., on the 13ay of Fundy, 12 ii.iles from K"ntviile. It contains 2 stores. Pop. ino. HALL'S ISLANDS, North West Territories, are at the W. entrance of Frohisher Strait, in lat. 63' N., Ion. 5(P W. II ALTON, a county of Ontario, on Lake Ontario. Area 2.37,98;{ acres I^ is traversed by the Grand Tnink an4 Great Western railways. Capital, MUr ton Pop 22,(;0(> HA LTONVILLK.n village in Halton CO., Ont. 8 miles from Hockwood. Pop. 100 HAM, or SOUTH HAM, a post village in Wolte co , Que . 1:4 miles from Danville. Pup 2'j:i HAMBURG or HA.M'S CORNERS, a post village in Lennox co , Out, i miles from Napanee. Pop Elgin CO f,0. Out See HAMIURG Mount Salem. riA.MILTON, city of Ontario, capi- tal of the CO. of ■\Veniworth, is situated on Burlington Hay, at the western ex- tremity of Luke Ontario, 372 miles W.S.W of Montreal, li-Gmile,-. E.N E of Detroit, and 7n miles N W of Lulhilo. It was laid out and settled iii iHl3 by a person of the name of Hamilton It is biillt on a jilateau of slightly elevated groirid, winding around tiie foot of a hilly range, wliich extends from Niagara Palls, and which here receives tiie namo of " the mountain.' The streets are wide, and for the most p:irt cross each oilier at right angles, extending back frrincipal thorouglifare. runs E. and W. throughout the entire bread ih of the town. Near the centre of the street is a large open space, and a little north is Market square, on which stands a sfiacious building, occupied in tiie lower part as a market, wiiile its upper s'oreys are appropriated to the various ])iir- poscs of the city government. Court House s(|tiaie, an an a cmtai ling iho county buildings, lies between King street and the mountain. The banks and many of the churches and stores are handsome structures. On the rising grountl approaching the mountain are iiiaiiy elegant residences. The city contains 2.'! ciiurclies, viz : 5 Episct)])al, 1 Roman Cailinhc (ciitlie- dral), 4 Presbyterian, 2 ilajilist 4 WeS- leyan Me'hodist, 2 Metliodi.-t Episcojial, 1 New Connexion Metiiodist. I Congre- gational,! German Lutheran,] Prinutivo Methodist, 1 Plymouth Hn.Mhren, and a Jewish Synagogue, and also tiie head office of the Lank of Hamilton, 5 branch banks, a number uf assurance and iuso- ''• 'Li" rU < ■r 1 i' •>. I ' : .l-!t ) ^U ■lit'* ' \m> i . m ] km ^-i III I'll ;: I ' » I ia I , I-.' J, " r.ivii: HAM 138 II AN rancc agencies, a nicclianics institute, a rcuiliii^ room, 2 telcgrapli aguucn'S, a Wi'slcyan Female College, au'l several academies and scliool-!. several saw and gi'ist niills, aiul lu.i iiifacU)- ries of iron casting.-!, machinery of every dcdcription, a^^ricultiiral imple- ments, sewing machines, musical instrimienis, glasswav, wooden waie, woollen and col Ion gooils, soaj) and candles, hoots and slioos,lealiier,br()ou s, brusiies, SiC. \n itiuc piibli;lied 2daiiy and ,'i weekly new.-ipapers. Hamilton U the .-^'at of Iho Great Westi'i'ii Uailwav '.i)i.;iy, eliarteieil in is:;i ; and of' J! lUton, Grey and IJrneo liailway '^ • "". The latter co meets the •. j .h Lako Ilnron, and tiio forn\ r with all parts of the Doniiniun and V !ted Statc>\ Ti'c head olliees of the Hi. ; itoi: and L i.o Erie railway are also hero U IS also the seat of the Sees of the Anglican Itishoi" of Western Toron- to, and of Iho Roman UaUiolio Bishop of Hamilton. The city was first lighted with gas in Jannary, isril. It possesses superior commercial adva itages, being at the head of navigation on the lake, and m the centre of llie mostiiopulous and best cultivated regions of the province. Its trade was greatly facililati d by the constrnetion of the Dejjai'dins canal in 18123-21; but the crowning triumph of its comnu'rcial ]u-osjii'rity was the oi)ening uf t!ie Great Wesi^ern railway. llauult.ui sends 2 members to the House of Commons and 2 to the Provincial Legi.-latarc. It is a port of entry. To'.al valiio of imports for 1872, tvj,'5i;.">,-J0 ; expt)rts ;?S0:),.J2G, Pop. ISJiJ, 2,S4G; IS4(i, (;,S22; 1850, 10,2 IS ; ISGl, l'J,ii9t); 1X71, 2(;,71(3. HA.Mll/f 'X, an i.^land in the Ottawa river, oif tiie townshii) ofLochaber, co. of Oltawa, *^ie. It is 1 mile in length. IIAMIL rO\, a post village in Peter- borough CO.. (int. II contains 1 store. IIAMIL TO NS MOl'NTAlX, a settle- ment, m Queens co., X.B., 2U miles from {St. John. Pop. DO. HAMLET, a jtost office in Lanark CO. (> it., ',) miles from Perth. HAMMKTT.-llOLM, a post ofTico m York eo , Ont., 11 inile.s from Aurora. HA.MMOXD, a post village in Perth CO., Ont., 0.^ miles from Newry. Pop. 100. :s CO., .v.i;.. IIAM.MOXn PL.MX, Halifax CO., N.S. See \\ lu'lisli Comer. IIAM.MOXI) 111 Vi:R,a post settlement in Kings co., .NMJ., on the I. II., 17 miles from iSr. Join It has 2 saw and 2 grist mills. The station is called Nau- wig'-waiik. Pop. .".oo. il.VM.MOXD VALE, or UPIIA.M VALI'], a pi St village i.i Kiii_ U! miles from Siisse.\'. Pop. 200. JIAM S COllXEIJS, Lennox co., Out. See ll iiiil)urt vilhige in Quf-ens CO., .V.i5., on tlie iliver iSt. John, :5ii miles troni Si John. It contains o store.:, a fniiing null, saw and gust mills, And an exetdlent stone (|iiarry. iSteaniers |ilying on the JSl, Joiin eall Here. J'oj). 250. ilA.MPTO.\,a small village iii Queens CO, P E.I., 22 miles from Charlotte- town Pop, oO. HA.MPTOX, a thriving posi village in Durham CO., Ont., .'j miles from Ijow- manviiie It contains 'A stores, several mills, a taunery,and a telegraph olHce Pop. 400. HA.MPTOX, the chief town of the county of Kings, N 15., is siluated on the Kennebaecasis river, and on the I. R., 22 miles from St. John. It con- tains the county buildings, and several mills, stores and hotels. Pop. 2i.O. HA.MPTOX, or CARDIGAN .^KT- TLEMEXT, a post settlement m VorK CO., X.R., 12 miles from Frederictuu. Pop. 1,50. ^ HA.MPTOX, Annapolis co., N.S. See Chute's Cove. ilAXFORD RROOK, a i>ost office m Kinsrsco.,, 19 miles iroia Hanipum. HAXXOX, a jiost vilhi,i!e in Went- worth CO., Ont., (Jj miles from Hamil- ton. Pop. 50. H AXO VER, a thriving post village in Grey co., Out., on the iSaugeen river, (J miles from Walkerttni. It has excel- lent water power, and contains saw and grist mills, a woollen faeUuy, cai'diiig mill, an iron foundry, 4 stor-'s, a tan- nery, and a telegrajili office. Pop. 700. HAXT.-^, a coiinty in the interior of Nova Scotia, bordering on Minas a«il Cobcquid Rays. The sarfaee is umcU diversified with mountains and v.alhys. The underlying rock is the Permean eandstone of the coal measures,, and whole hills Capital, Wii Pop. 21, .".01. HAXTS iinrt of entr klld., 12 mi" The inhabit huildmg a'l tishorv. P« IlAXTSPt in Hants co and on the Wiiiiisor. ami sliipyar( excellent graph oflice, 7U0. IIAXWEL York CO., N ton. Pop. .'i IIAPl'Y A ing settlenie side of Rom frorii lliUTow HAKi;OR tlement in A 0' nrge s Rfi gjiiLsli. Ves witlis.ifety in chiefly engfif 700. HARBOR! port of entrv Ntlil., 240 m'i whuli city I stoanier. It; trade, and ha cuit court sit: 3C0. H.\RnOR] SCttleiiient in and St. Marys miles from L HARBOR station on tl miles from C HARIJOR settlement in B;iv, Nlld,17 Pop. 1.-,. HAi;l!OR the nioit impc lam!.) the ci ILirhor Grac si'le (if Conci Pertiigal Cov ancp from tin buddings of a Roma. 1 Cat ..'■'' HAR 139 nAR whole hills are filled with pypsiim. Ciipitul, Windsor. Area 7r);j,0W() ucrcs. Poll. •Jl,:!01. HANTS HARBOR, a i>oRt town and port of entrviin the district of Trinity, Xil(l., ]'l miles from Heart's ('ontent. The iniiabitants are enfjatred in ship- huilding a' id fiirniing, us wcdl as in the tislicrv. V(>\). I'M. II A'XTSPORT, a thrivincr post villatre in Hants co., N.S., on thi; Avon river, and on tlie W. & A. R., 7 miles from Wmiisor. It contains several fnctoi-'es and plnityanls, carding and gristmills, excellent freestone (iiiarries, a tele- griipli otlice, and 8 or 9 stores. Pop. 7U0. HANWEl.L, a post setfleiront in York CO., N H., 10 miles from Frederic- ton. I'un. ;K)(). HAl'PV" ADVENTURK, a small fish- inn; settlement and harbor on tlie west side of lionavista Bay, Ndd., 2 miles from iliuTow Harbor. Po)). 50. HAKBOIl AL' J50UCnK, a post sot- tlemont in Auligonish co.j N.S., on Ht. G orges Biiy, 3<» miles from Anti- gjni,sli. Vessels of 200 tons can anchor withs.ifety in this harbor. Pt.puliition, cliietiy engaged in the fisheries, about 7011 HARBOR BRITON', a post town and port of entry, cajdtal of Fortune Bay, Ntlil., 240 miles from .St. Joliu'.s, wild which city it has conununication by steamer. Itisajdace of considerable trade, and has a line harbor. The cir- cuit court sits here every autumn. Pop. 30O, HARCOR BUFFETT, a large fishing sottlciiieiit in the district of Placentia and St. Marys, Nfld.,on Long Island, IG miles from 'Little Placentia. Pu]i. ;;,";,'!. HARBOR DE VEAl X, a tislnng station on the French shore, Nfld., 10 miles from Crcxpie. Pop. KJ. HARROR GALLEY, a small fishmg settkiie lit in tlie district (d" Fortune Bav, Nlld , 17 miles from Harbor Britou. Pop. 1,^.. HAIIROR GRACE, (after St. John s the most imj)ortaiit town of Newfound- lam!,) the cai)it!il of the district of Harbor Grace, is situated on the N. si'lc of (,'onception Bay, 20 miles from Portugal Cove. It nas'a pretty appc ar- aiico from tlio harbor, but lacks jiiiidic buddings of any consequence ('.\ec])t aKoinu.i Catholic cathedral, the dome of which forms a prominent objert in (Mitering the ])on. The harbor is al)(;ut .') miles incxteiit but its irregular shape leaves it exposed to the sea with the exception of the site where the wharves are biidt. The wharves are sli'ltero I by a beach, allowing vessels lo lie in jcr- fect security in nil weallK rs. On tho beach is a liglilhoiise exhibiting u powerful revidviiig light. Ibiibor Grace is a town of considerable trade, nearly one fourth of the business miles from Anti- gonisli. pop. 2"iO. HARROR RtJUND, a small fidiincf statum on the French shore, Ntld., 8 miles from La Scie. Pop 3. IIARRORNILLE, a post villaw in Kings CO , N.S., on the Ray of Fundy, 10 miles from Berwick. It has a good ex]iort trade in conlwood and jHitutoes, and coiit.tms 1 stores and several .^liip- yanls. Pop. 250. HARCOl'RT, a post office in Ren- frew CO., (hit., 8 miles froia Renfrew. HARCOrPT, a towii^hip in Kent CO., N 15. It IS iiiterseeted by tlie I itvr- eii|on:al railway, and abiuiuls v.ith well tinibiTcd, well watered ami good faiiniu'/ lands. Po|) 2.!.i HARDINGF, a [lost village in Ad- dnigti n (().. Oiit., G'J nules from Nap.inee Pon. 4 ). IIARDWICKE, or FRENCH VIL- LA( IE, a post sett!em<'nt in berl.rid CO.. N.B., 28 miles from Chatham. Pop. 73. I.. 1 1 •b t ■ « ' ■» it] I M ^Niid, ij "■; j; ir! .^,; ir ■ nai '0$ "\ .- -.M ..^;^' It. i'. T "'I,,,, JW'' I Im tM<" :M " ft'll! |!1 ■I! I ' -t ,r ■. jii.;.;, I I' < ■I"ti' * ! )#•■ '•;■' Ji- ',.)' » ■t !t ll ' ' 1 1 ; 1 1 i 1 mi 1^ ;li iii If 11 t : (i- 1 '\ t i 1 i 1. (, HAR 140 UAR HARDWICKE ISLAND, British Coliiinbia. it) Queen Chailotte Sound. lIAIiUWOOI) HILL, a settlement in Pictou CO., N.S., 5 miles from Pictou Pop. 200. HARDWOOD LANDS, a post vil- lage in Coldiester CO., N.S., (J^ miles from Slini)eiuicadie. HAHH P.AY, a small fishing settle- ment in the district of IJouavista, Ntid , at the entrance ot Freshwater IJay, 23 miles from (Jieens Pond Hop 23 HARK IJAY, a small fishing settle- ment in the district ofTwillingate and Fogi), Nild ,.''. niik'slrom Fogo I'op 110 11 AIM-: hSLAND, an island in the St. Lawrence, 9(J miles N.E. of Que- bec, H uiilcs long l)y half a mile broad lIARi:\V()()D, a post settlement in Weslinorlaud co , N' B , 13 miles from Salijhiirr. I'op 50 HAlalUAVE, or HAVELOCK or BllVSU.X, an incorjiorated village in Pontiac co , Que., oi the RiverOltawa; 8 iiiiles from Portage du Fort It con- tains a telegrai)h oflicc, 2 churches. a saw and grist null, 9 stores. 4 hotels and a pri.iting oilice issuing a weekly newsp.'ipor. Pop 2iiO HAPJiEM, a post village in Leeds CO., Out., 2(j miles from Brockville It contains 2 stores, 1 hotel, a grist mill and a snath factory. Po[), 1."jO HAULEV, or DERBY, a post village fn Brant co., Unt., 11 miles from Brant- ford. It contains 2 stores and 1 hotel. Pop. 100. HARLOCK, a post office in Huron CO., Ont., 11 miles from Seaforth. IiARLOWE,a i)ost olhce in Adding- ton CO., O t., 7 mik'S from Cloyne. HAR.MONY, a post village in Perth CO., Ont., 4 miles from Stratford. It contains a woollen mill and a grist mill. Pop. 80. HARMONY, a small village in Queens co., N.S., 40 miles from Anna- polis. Poj). 150. HAROLD, a post village in Hastings CO., Out., 22 miles from Belleville. It contains 2 saw mills. Pop. 150. HARPER, a ))ost village in Lanark CO., Ont., 7 miles from Perth. Pop. 100. IIARPLEY, a post office in Huron CO., Out., 7 miles from Park Hill. HARPURHE Y, a post office in Huron CO., Ont., 1^ miles from Seaforth. HARRIETSVILLE, a post village in Middlese.t co.. Ont., 8 miles from Dor- chester Station It contains a large cheese factory. Po]). 120 HARRIGAN COVE, a post settle- ment in Il.ilifax co., N.S., 91 miles N.E. of Halifax. Pop 250. HABRINGTON EAST, a post village in Argenteuil co.. Que., hi miles from Gienvdle. F-. possesses gooil water powci, and has a grist mdl Pop. 100 HARRINliTON WEST a post vii- lage m Oxfoiil co. Ont on a braucb of the Thames. 7 miles from Sinutord. it contains ^ stores, a saw mill, a grist mill, and a cabinet taclory Pop 130 HARRISBIJRG a post viUage ia Brant co , Out., on the G. W R ntit3 ninction with the W. G & B R., 19 miles from Hamilton D contains several stores and hotels, and a tele graph office Pop 200. HAIUHSONS. a village in Simcoe CO. Ont , on the N R. 08 niil'S from Toronto It contai-.isasaw mill. Pop (JO. HAUinSONS CORNERS, a post office in Cornwall co . Ont F* miles from .Mille Roches HARRISTO.V, a flourishing post vil- lage in Wellington co . Ont., on a branch of the Mai > land river, and on the W G. & B andT G & B R's., 3J miles from Flora, 198 miles from To- ronto It contains a telegraiih ofKce, a newspaper oflice. 3 churches, 4 hotels, about 20 .stores, 2 saw mills, 2 shingle mills 2 planing mills. 2 woollen mills, 2 cabinet facto'-ies, 2 foundries and agri- cultural works- 1 flouring mill, &c. Pop. J.OOO. HARROW, or MONGER'S, a pest village in Essex co.. Ont., 13 miles from Amhorstburg It contains a tele- grajih olfice, a saw and grist mill, 3 stores and an hotel. Pop. 150. HARROvv SMITH, or PIKES COR- NER'S, a post village in Frontenac co., Ont., o'.i the Kingston and Pembroke railway, 18 miles from Kingston. It contains a telegraph offir-e, 3 stores, 2 hotels and 2 shingle mills. Pop. 300. HARTFORD, a post village in Nor- folk CO., Out., 9 miles from Waterford. Pop. 100. HARTFORD, a village in Yarmouth CO., N.S., on the sea coast, G miles from Yarmouth. Pop. 150. It coutaius a grist mill. HARTll Addinglo^ Kingston, saw mill. HAIITI^ postvillaj: CO., N.B., IJUL»K, ii i'<>:'t vill;ii.'t' in lluiiiiii^nlon <'utiiJH'iI:ni(l CO., N.S.. 4 niiU'3 from c >., C^^iio., (in T:(iut river, li> iiiilos I'mni Pi;KW:i>!i. Pop. 120. Uimt III ;4(ii 11. It. ('Oiit:iin,-i saw anil ^'list I1I]A!)\'ILLE, I)ri;ninion(l co.,'Quc. iii'll-, sivtTal sldrcs and liod Is, aiul^n Sc'P St. (Icniiaiu (lt> (Irjwiiliani. IIMAIITS (:0NTJ:.\T, a t^fajort of y wroiimllaiKl, at, tl-.c liiadof TiiiiKv i;;;y. Lat. 47' r,0 N., I..u. liO W. T':ot\vo Atlantif rabies land Iicre, and tlicro iiro overland ■\viro.~i to Ht. Juliirrf, (]ri at ri.U't'ntiaand almij^f the soi'theni slioroto Ca.]>i>Ray. Tii^re i.-i a good liar- l) r lure, iind llio siirroiindinp: .■'cenery i-; vrry li^ autj'iil. The inhabitants arc GnL'aLa'd in shiiil)iiiM'ng and I'arniiig, aii'i in the fishery. Top. .S-^'n. l!KAi:T'SI)KLI(-iri',aiisliingPotllc- mcnt in tlif di.-trict of Trinity, Nfld.. !) niilos frdiii Ileart':^ ('imteiit. Pop. ;i:.'0. lIH.Mri'S pIvSIRE, a fishing setile- me'it in the district of Trinity, \(ld., G niilf'S from Heart's Conteat. Pop. 100. Hi': ART'S EASE, a settlement in the (V.:';iet of Trinity, Xfld, at tlie entrance 10 Jlandom Sound, 1") miles from Heart's C'int;'nt. Pnp. KJO. IIKATIICUTE, or KITIIRASIA, a postvillr.go in Grey co., Out., on IJeavor river, LS miles fr. in ("oUingwood. It (n;itai:i> 2store,=! and 1 liotel. Pop. TO. Ii::ni;8 CPvOSS, a post settlement i'l Lunenburg CO., N.S., Smiles from Jh'i(l;?e\vatcr. It contains saw and grist niilhs. Pop. 80. lIEnEtrrVILLE, Chicoutimi co., Que, See Labarre. Ili:HUOX,a post settlement in Albert CO.. X.i;.,!").', milesfroiu Harvey. Pop. CX llElll^ON', a post village in Perth CO.. C)nt., 7.] miles from Listowel. 11E!]R()N, a post village in Yarmouth CO., N.S., on tlio sea coast, 4 miles from Viirmouth. Pop. 500. _ llEC K.MAN'S ISLAND, a settlement in Lunenlairg co., X.S., on an island utr Lunenburg liarbor. Pop. 12."). HECKS COILXEIIS, Grenville co., Ont. See Roebuck. IIECKST()X,a post village in Gren- ville CO., Ont., on a branch of the South Xation river, 8 miles S. of Kcmptv.llo. Itoontaias 2 saAv mills, 1 store, and 1 hotel. Pop. 100. IIEIDELBURG, a post village in Waterloo CO., Ont., 9 miles from Berlin. It contains 2 stores, 1 hotel, a saw mill and a tannery. Ppp. 150. teb'giaph cilice. PoJ). 400. Hli-MlSOX, a post utliee in r Dor- chester CO., Que., 24 miles from St Henri. llEM.^fI^TiFORD,athrivingpostviI- liire in Huntingdon co., Que., nn the G. T. R., (Lachiiie and Provinci- Line division,) 'M miles from Montreal. It contains a telegraph olliee, 2 hotels, 8 stores, and .'^aw grist and carding liiills. It is a port of entry. Totd value of imports for l.S72,.';J12,u87 ; e.Kports $RtO,- ?>:iL P.i)). GOO. IIE.MMIN-CFORD MOUNTAIN, or COVKVS HILL, in Huntingdon co ('lie., (KXMipies a spaci^ of- about .'!| miles in length bv 2 miles in breadth"; and rises by giaifation about 1,1()0 feet above the St. liawreiice. At the top of this mountain there is a rcniarkablo huge rent or clelt i i a flat roelv called "tlie Gulf." This chasm is about 100 feet deep and 100 yards wide ; at the bottom of it fhnvs a river, whose water has an inky blackness in ajipearance as y.iii look at It over the i)recipice. There is also a small lake on the hill. From the top of Covey Hill there is a beautiful panoramic view of the sur- rounding country, the siiires of Mon- treal being visible with a good glass oa a clear da v. HE.MPSTEAD, a post village in Perth CO., Out. It has 1 store. HEN AND CHICKENS, a group of islands at the W. e.xtremily of Lake I'h'ie, about miles "\V. of Point Pelce Island. The Ilea is about 5 acres in superficies ; the Chickens are mere rocks. HENRY, a post village in Prescott CO., Out., 4.V miles from L'Urignal. Pop. 200. HENRYSBURG a post village inSL John's CO., Que., 5.( miles from Lacolle. Pop. 00. HENIIYVILLE, or ST. GEORGE DE HENRYVILLE, Oilso called RI- VIERE DU SUD.) a thriving post vil- lage in Iberville co.. Que., oa Riviere da Slid, mile-; from Des Rivieres. It contains 2 stores, 4 hotels, a convent, 2 churches, &c. Pop. 700. Si'Uj ■"11; Ivm i ) .ili' Ik ' ''-m r* I) iii (, -' '.) ■ it"' ('i' 'i'^it ■ 11!'^' f ; I Ml :^! ' 'If- ! i 1 !■ mil 144 niL IIKPWOIITII, iipostofTiro in Pontine CO., (,>ii('.,s 111 1( ■: f'rum Ayiiiicr Kust. , lIi':i'\V()i:i'll, a post v,ll:i|,'i! ill flrt'V CO., Out., iU iiiilt'd from Uwc'ii Sound. Vo]>. 100. JIIllllU'lIiT, a ])03t villi\j,'c in Hromo CO., t^iu'., on liiiki! Mcniiilircina;?!);:, f)] miles from Maiisoiiviilc. It conluiau n i^tow. a III a saw mill. Pop. HO. lIEIiD.MAN'S COilNKILS, a jiost vil- ln;.^'f ill llii iliii<^il((i CO., (.^iio., 8 miicd fnnu I'raiiivliii Dcntro. n!'));EF( »!{!>, a post villagein (^onip- ton CO., Que, 1(J milos from Coaticoolv. Pop HO. IIKiUnVAPJ), a i>ost villajro in Wd- liiitiioii CO.,!.);!!..-!.] miles from Lutlicr. IIi'.UIjOT, a small solllomfut in York CO , N.H., 11 miles from Freileric- tou. l'ii|i. 40. JIKIi.MlTACE COVE, a small lish- injif s 'ttl'meut in tlic district of Fortune Bay, Xiid., U miles from Harbor Briton. Pom. I'.i0. inOIlOXS ISLAND, a post vlllaK-- in Kcstigouciio co., N.B., on an island in Haie des Clialeurs, 4 miles from New Mill.S 10 miles E of Dalhousio. Pop. (JO. HERIUNC} COVE, a maritime settle- ment in Halifax co., N.S., o.i the sea coast, at the cut raiic.p to Halifax Har- bor, ii miles from Halifax. Pop. 300. HEPtl{IX(; NECK, a large fishing scltU'inent in tl;e district of Twillingate and Eogo, NHd., on New World Island, 4 miles from Twillingate. A limestone quarry is worked hen.. Pop. 870. lil'iSPELEli, an incorporated village in AV'aterloo co., Ont., on the River Speed, and on the W. G. & H. R., 19 miles from Ilarrisbnrg. It has good water jiower jn-ivi leges, and contains an extensive worsted and hosiery fac- tory, woolen, s.iw and grist mill.^, a distillery, an iro \ foundry-, 2 telegraph agcnie.^, 5 Imtcl.s 8 stores, and several churches. Poji. 797. HEW(5ILL, Wellington co.. Ont. See r)arnett. H! AWATFl A, apopt village in Pcter- boroughco.. O it.,o 1 lliec Lake, 18 miles from Peterborough Pop., chieily In- dians, 1.;.'). HI15B8 HOLE, a fishing settlement in the district of Brigus, NHd., on Ihe north side of Conception Bay, 3 miles from Bngus Pop. 183. HIBE RNl A, a post office in Hants co., K.S., 16 miles Irom Haatsport. nillRRNIA, office in Queens CO., .\.I5., f) mile.s from HIBE UNI A, a .Mna'l setlleimmt in Queens co., N.S., 127 miLs from Anna- polis. Pop. 'iO. HIC.OIN'H ROAD, a jmst pottlomo it in Prince co., P.E.I., 21 miles from Sum- mer^iiL'. Poit, Edward CO , Oat., 18 mile.s from nellcvillc. It contains a carding mill and 2 stores. Pop. 1.10. HILLSBORO', a post village in Lambton co.,Ont., 5 miles from Forrest. Pop. 50. HILLSBORO', Cumberland CO., N.S. See Six Mile Road. niLL5 S.E. pan CO., bonl It contai bed is underlyii coal is d of highly the reniai order. HILLS in 1 11 ver: Malioii. HILLS of New situated miles fn tclegrnpl churches mill. Va sum quari Ilillsboroi It is a poi arrivals f( ftnd the c Total vail ports .?l(i.T . HILLSI: lington CO 17J miles tains two g a foundry, stores, 3'h Pop. 400. IITLLSB See Bear R HILLSI5I Annapolis Pundy, 5 ni 50. HILLSD. Kings CO., John. Pop HILLSD. coe CO., Itcontains hotels, and IIILLSDi Hants CO., Uniacke. r HILL'S G Hiiron CO., Pop. 50. HILLSIDI Alliert CO., > 'iiac. Pop. ^ HILTOK, Mrland co.,C Pop. 11*0. niL 145 DOL York small MiniU J11. 100. NERS, niLLSnOROUOn, a parish in the S.K. part (if Now hninswick, in Albert CO., border! ij; on tlio i'otitcoiliiic river. It contaiin the Albert Coal .Mine.i. Tiie bed is inelniled in shales with an umlerlyiiij^ nia.-^s of soft slato, ami the coal id y n stratum of hij^lily Ijili.niinoiis shales (illed wiih the ri'niaiiiH of fo.ssil lishea of the ganoid order. Pop. 'J, fin."). IIIF.LSl;t)rU)l(;n, a post settlement in liiver:as.s co., N.B., 4 luilea from Uahoii. I'op. 2(10. llILLSlJOitOrdIT, a seaport town of New liriiiiswiek, co of Albert, situated on the Peiitcodiac river, '22 miles from iSalishury. It contains a telegraph oflice, hotel, several stores, churches and schools, and a plaster mill. Valuable coal mines and gyp- sum quarries arc worked in the vicinity. Hillsborough was first settled in 17()3. It is a port of entry. Tlie number of arrivals for 1872 was 102 (tons n,ar!S,) and the clearances 136 (ton.s 1S,07H). Total value of imports, $11,957; ex- ports ? 1(13,10?,. Pop. 000. IlILLSliURG, a post village in Wel- lington CO.. Ont., on the Iliver Credit, 17i miles from Georgetown. It coi- tains two grist mills, a woollen factory, a foundry, a tannery, 4 churches. 4 stores, 3 hotels, and a telegraph ofhce. Pop. 400. IIILLSRURG, Annapolis co., N.S. See Rear River. HILLSnURN, a small settlement in Annapolis co., N.S., on the Ray of Fundy, 5 miles from Annapolis. Pop. 50. HILLSDALE, a post village in Kings CO., N.R., 30 miles from St. John. Pop. 200. HILLSDALE, a post village in Sim- coe CO., Ont., It3 miles from Rarrie. Itcontains 2 saw mills, 2 stores, 2 hotels, and a telegraph oflice. Pop. 80. HILLSDALE, a small settlement in Hants CO., N.S., 7 miles from Mount Uniacke. Pop. 80. HILL'S GREEN, a post viHage in Hiu'on CO., Ont., 11 miles from Seaforth. Pop. 50. HILLSIDE, a post settlement in Al!)ert co., N.R., 17 miles from Petitco- •iiac. Pop. 50. HILTON, a post village in Northnra- b«rland co.,Ont., 5 miles from Brighton. Pop. 130. niNCFT, a post village in Addington CO., Out., 10 mil.d from Napaneo. Pop. 1.50. HIPPA, a ."mall inland in the North Paeitlc Ocean, W. of i^Micen Charlotte's Islanils, Uritish Columbia. IMSCOCK'S POI.XT, a fishing settle- ment in the distriet of Ihirgeo and La Poile, Nlld. miles from Rose 10 Rlaiiche. Pop. 54. IIO.VMC, a post village in Dundaa CO., Out., 8 miles from Morrisburg. Poi). 100. HOATII HEAD, a post village in Grey co.. Out., 8 miles from Owen Sound. Pop. .50. IKXMIKLAGA, a county of Quebec, in the district of Jiontreal, comprises an area of 48,(;59 acres. Capital, Loiipiu' Pointe. Pop. 25,()40. HOCIIELAGA, ;i post village in the above county, on liie River St. Law- rence, 2 miles from Montreal post office. It is the terminus of the Montreal City Passenger railway, and will be the ter- minus of the Montreal Northern Colo- nization railway. It contains a fine convent, several stoirs, a cotton fac- tory, gas works, military prison, and manv tine residences. Pop. 1,001. HOCKLEY, a post village in Card- well CO., Out., on the Nottawasaga .Mono Road, it 2 hotels and a saw river CO., Out., on th( 14 miles from 10 contains 2 stores mill. Pop. GO. nODCJIvS CORNERS, Grcnville co., Ont. SecM.aynarfl. HOGG'S RACK, Simcoe co., Ont. See Glencairn. IIOLRROOK, a post village in Ox- ford CO., Ont., 10 miles fKra Wood- stock. Pop. 150. HOLLAND CORNERS, Grey co., Ont. See Arnott. HOLLAND LANDING, a thriving post village in York co., Out., on the Holland river, and on the N. R., 3H miles from Toronto. It contains saw, grist and woollen mills, a tannery, a brewery, several stores and hotels, and teh'graph and insurance agencies. Poi\ TOO. IIOLLIN, a post village in Welling- ton CO., Ont., on the Conestogo river, 5 miles from Drayton. It contains card- ing, grist and saw mills, shingle and cheese factories, a tannery, a brickfield, 4 stores, 2 hotels, and a telegraph office. Pop. 400. ill ill- I' t Ml .1 ) i-'M? '^\ iil'H mi 11' I ' Sf jiisf i#''''i ifei i I HOP 146 HOR HOLLOWELL GRANT, a village in Aiiti{?()uirfh co., N.S., on St. Georgia's Hay, 10 miles from Antigo- nish. Pop. 150. IIOLMESVILLE, a post settlement in Ciirjeton co., N.Ii., G miles from iiiilh, 35 mile.s Woodstock. Poj). 300. IIOLMESVILLE, a post viiluge in Huron co., Out., on the River Mfiitlan, 4 miles from Clinton. Pop. 50. d HOLSTEl.V, a post villii,<;e in Grey CO., Out., 5 miles from Mount Forest. Fop. KiO. HOLT, or EASTVILLE, a post village in Yor]< co., Out., G miles from Newmarket. Pop. GO. HOLTS ISLE, a little island in Lake Mumpliremagog, near the village of M.'igoer, ut the outlet of tlie Lalvc. HOLVRt)OI), a fisliing settlement in the district of Plucentia and St. .Marys, Nfld., 10 miles from St. Mary.s. Here is a fresh water pond, 14 miles in length, ahounding with a large species of front. HOLVROOD, a post village in Bruce CO., Out., 4 miles from Lucknow. It contains 2 liotels, 1 store and 1 saw mill. Pop. 50. HOLVROOD, a post town and large fisliing settlement in tlie district of Harbor Main, Ntld., on the S. side of Conception Bay, 28 miles from St. John's. Copper ore is found in the vicinity. Poj). 405. HOLYROOD (North Ar.m), a fish- ing setlleinent in tliedistricit of lIarl)or Jlai'i, Nfld., 2 miles from Holyrood. Pop. 2(;(). IIO.MER, a post village in Lincoln CO., Out., 4 miles from St. Catharines. It contains 1 store and 2 hotels. Pop. 150. HONEYWOOD, a post village in Simcoe co.. Out., 9 miles from Shel- burne. Pop. UO. HOOKING HARBOR, a fishing sta- tion on tlie French bhore, Nlld., on the N. side of White Bay, 50 miles from Tilt Cove. It has a line harbor, and in the vicinity there are indications of copper ore. Pop. 21. HOPE, a post oflice in Yale district, B.C., 85 miles from New ^yestminster. HOPE, a township in the cr. of Bonaventnre, Que., on the north shore of the Bale des Chaleurs, 9 miles from Paspebiac. It contains several mills. The inhabitants are chiefly engaged in the fi.shcrics, which on this coast are extensive. Pop. 1,459. HOPE, York co., Out. See Sharon. HOPE ALL, a fishing settlement in tlie district of Trinity, Nfld., 28 miles from Heart's Cimtent. Pop. 44. HOPEFIELD, a post village in Ren- frew CO., Out., 47 miles from Renfrew. It contains I store aid 2 hotels. HOPE RIVER, a post village in Queens co., P. EI., 21 miles from Chariot tetown. Pop. 130. HOPETOWN, a post village in Lanark co.. Out., 7 miles from Lanark. It contains 1 store and a mill. Pop. 50. HOPEVILLE, Norfolk co., Ont. See Tyrrell. HOPEWELL, a post village in Albert co., N.B., oa Sliepody Bay, 35 miles from Salisbury. Pop. 150. HOPEWELL, a post village in Picton CO., N.S., on the 1. R.. 17 miles from Pictou. It contains 4 stores, a telegraph office, saw mill, spool factory, and wo'illon f:ictorv. Pop 200. HOPEWELL CAPE, the chief town saw mill, a brewery, stores and 2 hotels. of Albert co., N i^, is situated on the S. side of the Petitcodiac river, at the head of Sliepo()y Bay, 2l» miles from Salisbury, li containij several shiityards and stores, and the countv buildings. Pop. 500. HOPEWELL CORN E [I, a post vil- lagc in Albc't co., N.B., on Shepody Bay, 41 miles from Salisbury. Pop. 250. HOPEWELL HILL, a post village in Albert co., N.B., on Shepody Bay, 37 miles from Salisbury. Pop. 500. HORNBY, a post village in Ilalton CO., Ont., 10 miles from Georgetown. It contains a a pottery, 2 Poit 85. HORNING'S MILLS, a post village in Grey co., Ont., on a Ijranch of the Nottawasaga river, and on the T. G. A B. R., 20 n Ues from Orangeville. It has extensive water power privileges, and contains 2 saw mil's, 2 grist mills, 1 woollen factory and 3 stores. Pop. 150. HORXSEV, post office in Cumber- land CO., N.S., G miles from Wallace. HORSE COVE, a fishing settlement in the district of Harbor Main, Nfld., 14 miles from St. John's. Pop. 105. HORSE ISLAND, an island in Lake Huron, S.E. of Great Manitonlin Island, so named from the discovery on it some years ago of a wild horse. ^ nORTC Scutia, c( arm of A waiiis, G3 .Mines of valuable viciniiy. noirro Lanark co HORTO Ont. See HORTO in Kings river, and ( 111 an Hal if here and P IIOSPIT tlie River Island. ROUGH' l.'itre in Nor ;i2 miles 1 a saw mill ^ HOL'SE J Gaspu CO., Islands, in t HOWE I ISLAND, a CO., Ont., on reuce, 9 mi fains a snip vi.sited by tc Pop. ino. HOWE'S Ont. See A flOWlCK teaiigiiay co. miles from C •Istores. 1 ho "lent factorv Poll. 300. HOWICK Gorrie. HOVT, a J ^ , in York St. John. nUHBARE mont in Halif Halifa.x. Po iiriUlELL CORNERS, ; CO., Ont., 7 contains a te •^nd cardim Pop. 100. ^ HUDSON, G.VOL, a pos Q"e., on the from Vaudre HUD 14-7 HUM nORTON, a seaport town of Nova Scutiii, ct). of Kings, situated on an arm of Minus Basin, opposite Corn- wiillis, G3 uiilos N.X.W. of Ualifix. Mines of coal, plaster, and other valuable miu(;r:il9 are found ill its vicinity. See Grand I're. liOHTON CORNERS, a banilct in Lanark co., Ont. JIORTON CORNERS, Renfrfcw co., Out. See Gould's Landing. IIORTON LANDING, a post village in Kings co., N.S., on Gaspere;uix river, and on the W. & A. R., 59 mili'S IVum Halifax. Steamers run between here and Parrsborongh. Pop. 200. HOSPITAL ISLAND, an island in the River Richelieu, Que., below Ash Island. HOUGHTON CENTRE, a post vil- Intje in Norfolk co.. Out., on Lake Erie, I'll miles from Simcoe. It contaius a saw mill and 2 .stores. Pop. 200. HOUSE HARBOR, a post oflice in Gaspe CO., Que., on the Magdalen Islands, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. HOWE ISLAND, or SIR JOHN'S ISLAND, a post village in Fiontenac CO., Ont., on an island in the St. Law- reuce, 9 miles from Kingston. It con- tains a stilphur spring which is largely vKsited by tourists and health seekers. Pop. 100. HOWE'S CORNERS, Hastings co., Ont. See Myrehall. IIOWICK, a post village in Cha- teauguay CO., Que., on English river, 19 miles from Caughnawaga. It contains 4stores. I hotel, an agricultural imple- ment factorv, and grist and saw mills. Poji. 300. HOWICK, Huron co., Ont. See Gorrie. HOVT, a station on the E. & N. A. R , in York co., N.B., 34 miles from St. .lohn. IIUi!BARD'S COVE, a post settle- ment in Halifax co., N.S., 32 miles from Halifax. Pop. 350 HUBBELL'S FALLS, or MOOR'S CORNERS, a post village in Carleton CO., ()nt., j miles from Arnprior. It contains a telegraidi oflice, saw, grist ind carding mills, and 2 stores. Pop. 100. HUDSON, or POLNTE A CAVA- GN'OL, a post village in Vaudreuil co., 9'ie., on the River Ottawa, 7 miles from Vaudreuil. It contains a glaas factory, a telegraph office, 4 stores and 1 hotel, and is a landing of the Ottawa steamers. Pop. 150. HUDSON'S BAY TERRITORY. Soo North West Territories. HUGHES, a station on the G. T. R., (Lachine and Province Line division), in Napierville CO., Que., 28 miles from .Montreal. HULL, the chief town of the co. of Ottawa, Que., situated on the Ottawa river, 2 miles from Otta- wa city. It possesses unrivalled water power jtrivilegcs, and contains a number of large saw mills, manufac- turing millions of feet of hunber annually: an extensive match factory, where pails and wooden ware are also manufactured ; an axe factory, and a carding and woollen mill. Valuable iron mines are worked in the vicinity. A liandsomo suspension bridge coiv nccting Hull and Ottawa spans the Chaudierc Falls, a magnificent catar- act. Hull alst) contains about 40 stores, several fine private residences, and 2 telegraph agencies. Pop. 5,000. IIULLET, a township in the county of Huron, Ont. it contains 7 churehea, 5 stores, 4 hotels, 7 saw mills, 3 grist mills and 2 cheese factories. Pop. '' HULLSVILLE, or ST. JUST, ajmst village in Ilaldimand co., Ont., on the Hamilton and Lake Erie railway, 28 miles from Hamilton. It contains 2 stores and 2 hotels. Pop. 200. HUMBEii, or CLAIRVILLE, a post village in York co., Ont., (m the Ilumber river, o a mile from Hnniber Summit. It contains 1 flouring miH anil 2 stores. Pop. 200. HUMBEII SUM.MIT, a station on the T. G. .fe B. R., in York co., Ont.. 14:j miles from Toronto. The Iluniber is here crossed by a bridge of considerable length and elevation, having 5 spans of 50 feet each and one span of 83 feet ♦) inches, with stone piers. HUMBERST( )NE,or PETERSBURG, (also called STONEBRIDGE), a port village in Welland co., Ont., on the Welland canal, 1 mile from Port Col- borne. It contains an iron foundry, a saw mill and several stores. Pop. 400. HUMPHREYS MILLS, a station on the I. R., in Westmorland co., N.B., 91 miles from St. John. 1, • y: m IS'tIh I ' iri; . 'K~^.. '\ |,pM h: i^i M^i.' ,1,1, »K'ni. , I I'll) ■^'•'f . in ) i ? i r pi i.i: j 1 1 1 I, 1 1 1 HUR 148 nUNGERFORD MILLS, Hastings 0., Out. H('(! Tweed. liUNSDON, 11 post vWUiffc. ill Curd L\D well CO., Out., 10 miles Irum lioltoir iMOUNTAIX, a podt Victoria co., .\ S. Pop. 50, HUNTER'S settlement i i IHJNTERSTOWN, a poU village in Ma.skinongt'; co., Que., 17 niile.s troin Riviere du Loup, en iiuul. 1 1, contains u tclei^rapli ollioe, nnd several large saw mills. I'op. IfOO. ilUNTlN(l!)ON',a county of Quebec, bounded on tlie S. by the »Siate (if New York, on tile N.W. by tlie jfiver St. Lawrence, mid on tlie U. and E. by tiie counties of Bi'anliarnoi.-*, Ciiaieau- guay and H'. Johns. It is drained by the (Jhateaugiiay river and several otluir streaniH, and traversed at ita easlern exiremity by the (Jlrand Tru!ik Railway, (Province Line . HUSTON, a post village in Wcllipg- toii CO., Out., on Uh'. ('onestogo river, H miles from M'lorefield. It contains 4 stores, a mill and a grist mill. Pop. IJO. HUTTONSVILLE, a post village in Peel CO., Ont., on the River Croilit, 4 miles from Ijrainpton. It contains I store, I hotel, 1 saw mill and 1 shingle factory. Pop. 70. IIVUE PARK CORNER, a village in co., Out., G miles from London. J'op. 50. IHERN'ILLE, a county in the S. part of Quebec, bounded on tiie W. by the Riejielieii river, comiiiises an area of ]'J0,!)(jO acres. It is traversed by the Vermont Central, and Stanstcad, ShelVa,IU. ^ IIJKItVILLE, Iberville co., Que. Bee Ste. Allianase. IDA, or SHARP'S CORNERS, apost village in Durham co., Ont., G miles from Millbrook. Pop. 70. ILDERTON, a iiost village in Middle- sex CO., Ont., 4 miles from Arva, 10 miles from London. Pop. 20''. INDIANA, a post villag' in Ilaldi- mand co., Ont., on Gran• ot" stdit'S. l'()|i. ,'{50 L\I>IAN COVE, a 8ma1l fishiiifr Sfttli'ii.ont in tlKMiistricI ()t'T\villiiii,'ai^7 ; exports $H,r)00. 1NDL\N ISLANDS, two small Lslauiis in the district of T\v!llin^:aie uiid Pnf^o., Nlld., 14 mill s from Fdj^o. Tiiey are inhabited by liaherm(;n. Pop. 211). INDIAN MISSION, a post ( nice in the district of Lisjriif, Man., on ited river, 2J ludcs fn )ni Foil Ciarry. INDIAN PA'lII, a settlement in Luuenbtirpf co., N.S., 5 miles from Luneid)urg. Oold-bcaring qiuirlz is fun :d in ihe vicinity. P(t|i. fji). INDIAN POINT, a maritime village in Lunenburg co., N.S., on the sea coast, 7 miles from Chester. Pop. GO. INDIAN POINT, a post settlement ia Lunenburg co., N.S., on the N. shore (it'.Mahone Kay, 11 miles from Lunen- burg. I'd]). 2,"jO. INDIAN LIVER, a post viHage in Pelerltnrough co.. Oat., 9 mih'S from Peterborough. I'.'p. 1(30. INDIAN RIVER, a i)ost village in Prince co., P.E.I., 10 miles from tMunmersido. 250. INDIAN ROAD, a post settlement in Hunts CO., N.S., 7 miles from Shube.i- iicadie. Pop. 2(10. INDIANTOWN, a settlement in Northumberland co., N.IL, 18 miles from Newcastle. Pop. 75. INDIANTOWN, a flourishing post town in St. Johii co,, N.M., at the out- let of the River St. John into the harbor of St. John, 2 miles from the ciiy, of whicli it may almost be cotisidered a s'.biub. It contains several large mills and factories, and is the landing place cf th(! St. John, (irand liake, Sal- mon River, and Kemiebaccasis steamers, wliieli are prevented from reaching the city by a rocky gorge HO yards wide and 'lOo yards long. When the wat(TS (jf the harb"'r and river are on a level, vess(d.s can pass the gorge, but this can only l)e effected f(jr a |ieriod of 15 or 20 minutes, during the time of high tide. A handsome sus|iension bridge spans this gorge. Street cars run bi'tween Indiantown and St. Joiin. Pop. 2„500. LVDl'STRY, a post village in Joli- ette CO., Que., 42 miles N.N.E. of Montreal. See Joliette. INdLRSOLL, an incorporated town in ( (xford co.,Ont.,o'i the River Thames and on the (L W. II., 19 miles N.N.H. of London. It contains churches, of seven denominations, 2 branch banks, several insurance agencies, 2 telegraph agencies, a number of sto''es and hotels, 2 printing ottices issuing weekly new-pajiers, and manufactories of iron castings, machinery, woollens, wooden wan', cheese, Sic, also saw and gristmills. Ingi'rsoll has a large export trade in lunil>er, grain and country produce. P(ip. 4,022. IN<;(>LDS1JV, a jiost settlement in Peterborough Co., Out., 35 miles from Robc.aygeon. I'o]), .'50. IN(;ONISH, a jiost settlement in Victoria co.. N.S., on the sea coast, 32 miles from Eiglishtowii. It cntains 2 s'ores and a saw mill. Pop. 20i). INI>T|i)(;K, (jr PROTON, a j)ost village in drey co., Out., on the T. ({. iV' il R., 35 miles from Orangeville. It contains a store and a saw mill. Pop. 1(10. INKERMAN, a jiost village in Dun- das CO., Out, on tile n(;rtli bra'icli of tilt! Petite .Nation river, 21 mleslroin lro(piois. It contains a telegraph olliee, 5 stores ami a saw mill. Po]). 25(j. INKER.MAN, Pontiac co., Que. See i;rist. I.'jO. INVERMAY, a post village in Bruce CO., Ont., 18 miles from Owcii youiid. It contains a telegraph office, 2 saw mills, 1 grist mill, 1 tannery, 4 stores, and 2 hotels. Pop. 150 INVERNESS, a county of Nova Scotia, occupying the W N W. portion of the Island of Cape Breton Area 880,800 acres. Tiiere is excellent land in the county, and agriculture is the general occupation of tlie peojile, who are also largely engaged in the lisheries. Coal and petroleum is obtained in Inverness. Capital, Port Hood. Pop. 23.415. INVERNESS, a hamlet in Prince co., P.E.I. It contains 1 saw mill, 1 store, 1 hotel and a shipyard. INVF.RNESS_, a tiiriving po.^t village in Megantic co. Que, 11 milos from Becancour Station. It coitainsS stores, a tannery, several grist, saw, card- ing and fulling mills, and a print- ing oflice issuing a weekly newsi>aper. The township is rich in minerals. Pop. 2,741. lONA, a post village in Elgin co.. Out., ou the C. S. R., 13 miles from St. Thomas. It contains (5 stores and 2 hotels. Pop. 500. IRELAND, Middlesex co., Ont. See McGillivrav. IRELAND'S EYE, a small island in the district of Trinity, Nild., 17 mik-s from Heart's Content. It is settled by lisiiernien Pop. 05. IRISH COVE, a post settlement in Riclnno )il co., N.S.,on Bras d'OrLake, •it miles iVoin Port Hawkesbury, 33 miles from Svdney. Pop. 300. IRISH CREEK, or JASPER, a post village in Grenville co.. Out., on the B. & 0. R., 21 miles from Brockvilie. It contains a telegraph office and G stores. Pop. 750. IRISHTOWN, a post settlement in Westmorland co., N.B., IG miles from Moncton. Pop. 800. IRON HILL, or BROME WOODS a post village in Brome co.. Que., 8 miie.s friiiu Swectsbiirgh It contains 1 store and a saw and grist mill. Pop. 150. IRONSIDE, a jmst village in Ottawa CO., Que., on the Gatinean river, .".'• miles from Ottawa. It has valuable iron mines. Pop. 90. IROQUOrS, or MATILDA, an incorporated village in Dundas co., Out. on the Point Iroquois Canal, and on the G. T. R., 13 miles N.N. E. of Prescott, and DO miles W. of It contains several large mills and factories, 2 telegraph offices, 2 churches, about 20 stores, and 3 hotels, and has an extensive export traile in flour and country produce. Po]). 781 IROQUOIS, or SIX NATIONS, the name given by ihe Frjiicli to the Indian confed'-raey of the Mohawks, Oneidas, St'n"ca.s and Cayutras, afterwards joined by the Tuscarora^, on the latter being driven from North Carolina. This once powerful confederacy is now nearly extinguished, but the remains of it are still scattered through the State of New York and provinces of Qu'diec and Ontario. Cauglinawaga, Lor- ette, St R'\gis, Lake of Two Moun- tains and other reserves in the prov- ince of Quebec belong to the Iroquois Indians. IRVIVE, or DUBLIN RANGE,apo.^t village in .Megantic co., Que., 14 miles from Becancour Station. Pop. 200. IRVING SETTLEMENT, or BALTI- MORE, a post settlement in Albert co., N.B.,8mi 150. ISAAC a post vill; vn the A New Glas mines are ing scener 400. ISHGO: See Chigc I8LANI farming se (le Verds, Conceptioi bonear I ISLAND tlement in Nfld., 9 mil 970. ISLAND tlement in 11 miles ft 49. ISLAND settlement and Fogo, ISLAND Oompton c uhire. Poi ISLAY, I CO., Ont, 1 300. ISLE Al St. Lawren Quebec. I ISLE Al mouth of I sion of the S.W. angle ISLE A I Lachine ra nawaga. ISLE Al entrance of Pierre and side of the rence. ISLE AT] the River Portage dc from h;ivin 2 per>on3 \\ _ ISLE A I In .\rgentei river, 11 mi nected "wit name, cent len mills. I : ISL 151 ISL N.B., 8 miles from Hillsborough. Pop. 150. ISAAC'S HARBOR, or STORMONT, npost villapfe in Guysborough co., N.S., on tlic Atlantic coast, 90 miles from New Glasgow. Several valuable gold mines are worked here. The surround- in.^if scenery is very picturesque. Pop. 4'JO. ISriGOMSH, Colcbester co., N. S. See Chigonaise River. ISLAND COVE, a large fishing and farming settlement in the district of Bay (le Voids, Nfld., on the north shore of Conception Bay, 27 miles from Car- bonear Pop S.'^O ISLAND COVE, a large fishing set- tlement in the district of Harbor Grace, Nlld., 9 miles from Harbor Grace. Pop. 970. ISLAND COVE, a small fishing set- tlement in the district of Trinity, Nfld., 11 miles from Heart's Content. Pop. 49. ISLAND HARBOR, a small fishing settlement in the district of Twillingate and Fogo, Nfld. Pop. 40. ISLAND BROOK, a post village in Compton CO., Que., 9 miles from Cook- ihire. Pop. 100. ISL AY, a post settlement in Victoria CO., Ont , 10^ miles from Lindsay. Pop. 300. ISLE AU CARROT, an island in the St. Lawrence, N. of Crane Island, below Quebec. It is about 1.^ miles long. ISLE AU CHAT, an island in the mouth of Lake St. Francis, an expan- sion of the River St Lawrence, off the S.W. angle of Grande Isle. ISLE AU HERON, an island in the Lachine rapids, a little below Caugh- nawaga. ISLE AU RAISIN, an island at the entrance of Lake St Peter, between La Piorre and Dumoine Islands, on the S. side of the S. channel of the St. Law- rence. fSLE AU SEPULCRE, an island in the River Chieoutimi, 4 miles above Portage del'Elnfant; derive,s its name from having been the burying place of 2 persons M'lio were drowned near it. _ ISLE AFX CHATS, a settlement in Argontoiiil, co., Que., on the North river, 1.} miles from Carillon. It is con- nected "with an island of the same name, containing saw, grist and wool- len mills. ISLE AUX COUDRES, (Hazbl lsLAND,)a post village in Charlevoix co.. Que., on an island in the St. Lawrence, 12 miles from St. Paul's Bay. Pop. 718. ISLE AUX GRUES, a post village in Montmagny co.. Que., on an island in the St. Lawrence, G miles from St. Thomas. Pop. (i.19. ISLE AUX NOIX, a military post in St. Johns CO., Que., on the Richelieu river, 4 miles from Stottsville. See Fort Isle aux Noix. ISLE AUX POMMES, an island in the River St. Lawrence, off Green Island. ISLE AUX REAUX,an island in the St. Lawrence, off the N.E. end of the Island of Orleans, Que It is about 1^ mdes long i)v f^ arj)i'nt3 broad. ISLE AUX Ti:TES,or ASIIISLAND, an island in the Rielielieii river, near the month of the LaeoUe. This little spot and the flotilla moored between it and Lacolle, in 1814, formed the advance naval position towards Lake Cham- plain. 0;i it is a redoubt eonunanding the whole breadth of the Richelieu. ISLE BELLHRIVE, the largest islet in the mouth of the St. Maurice, Que. ISLE BIZARD, a parish in Jacques C.irtier co., (^)uc., on an island in the Lake of Two Mountaiis, (3 miles from St. Eustache. Poi). 835. ISLE BOUQUET, an island in the River St. Lawrence, opposite Laprairie, Que. ISLE BRULEE, an island in tlie St. Lawrence, nearly oppusite the mouth of the Karaouraska river. It is one of the Kamouraska group. ISLE CARILLON, an island in the Ottawa, at the entra ice of th" Lake of Two Mountains. See Isle aux ('hats. ISLE DUPAS, a post village in Ber- thier co.,Que., on an island in th:' River St. Lawreuc, 2\ miles from Berthiercn haiit. Pop. 150" ISLE DU PORTAGE, a small island at the N.R. end of tiie island of Mon- treal, below Ste. Therese. ISLE JESf'S, ail island in the ]»ro- vince of Quebec, coi rising tlie co. of Laval, 8 miles N. ■ of Montreal, bounded by the Jesus and Prairie rivers, branches of the Ottawa before it joins the St. Lawrence. Length 2.3 miles; greatest breadth 6 miles. Area 54,202 acres. Pop. 9,472. ^rM II ,i ; ■ j . 'j - mi ''.'1 I :. ■ i mmf f 1 I f ■ '■•: .i.r ,i, n ■■A ..•■■V s € ,'1 i'! m i,,'i ; ;"!;.■€! i *'• % "i A k >• A I Vl' ^'M 1'.' Aim Pliil ISL 152 IVY ISLE LA PECHE, an island in the River St. Maurice, at tlie N.E. extremity of tlie rear of IJiitiscun, Que. It is much frtqueutcu. "JEI^SEY, a small village in Vurk co., Out., 14 miles from Newmarket. Pop. 50. JERSEY, (River Chacdieue), a post village in Beauce co.. Que., on tlie River Chaudiere, 13 miles from St. Franeois. It contains an hotel, a store and several mills. Pop. 150. JERSEYVILLE, a post village in Wentworth co., Ont., 4 miles from Lyn- den. It contains a planing mill and 2 stores. Pop. 150. JESTICO, Inverness co., N.S. See Port Hood. JESUS ISLAND, province of Quebec, 8 miles X.W. of Montreal, bnmded by the Jesus and Prairie rivers, the brandies of the Ottawa befoi'e it joins the St. Lawrence. Length 23 miles ; greatest breadth G miles. JIGGING HOLE, a small fishing sta- tion in the district of Trinity, NUd., 5 miles from Trinity. Pop. 8. JOB'S COVE, a fishing settlement in the district of Bay de Vi nl~, Ntld., on the north shore ot Conception Bay, 25 miles from Ca' honear. Pop. 290. JOE BATT'SAU.M, a fishing settle- ment in the district of Twillinsrate and Fogo, Ntld. ,5 miles from Fogo. Pop. 480. m\, . i -"fNi?i V i.fii-i" At ■■'It: ■L-it '"fT U) I ^llt' I UK '«iV'..:,ir"(j ■I ' ■iij- f.ffi :' I :• I rfr t"i I if '^' '.■■' u ■ " M i V 1 ■ JOII 154 JOR JOGGIN ML\ES, a post Tillage in Cumbcrliiiul co., N.S., 4 milos from River Herbert. It has extensive beds of coal. A company has been working them for over 'Jd years. Po|). '250. JOHN GILL'S IIAULOUIl, a fishing station in tiie district of l)wrgeo and La Poilc, Xlld., 'J miles from Channel. Pop. 10. JOHNSON, a post office in Grey co., Ont., 12 miU'S from Owen Sound. JOHNSON'S, a post village in Hun- tingdon CO., Que., on tlie G. T. R. (Lacldne and Province Lino division), 32 miles from Montreal. Pop. 50. JOHNSON'S .MILLS, aiKist office in Westmorland eo., N.iJ., 1 miles from Dorchester. JOHNSON'S MILLS, or LAKP]- VIEW, ai)ost village in Iluronco., Out., 19 miles from Park Hill. Pop. 100. JOHNSON'S POINT, Annapolis co., N.S. See Webber's. JOHN'S POINT, a fishing settlement «t the head of St. Marys Bay, Xfid., G miles from Salmonier. JOHN.-iTON, a post settlement in Queens co., N.l!.. on the Washademoak river, 22 miles from Gag'etowu. 100. JOHNSTON'S, Colchester co., Pop. a small village L R., in 4 . N.S., on the miles from Truro. Pop. oO JOHNSTON'S IHVEIi, a post village in Queens ci>., P.E.I., lo miles E. of Charlotfi>town, Pop. 2ii0. JOHNSTOWN, a district of Ontario, Grcnville co., havi'ig S.E. the River St. Lawrence and travor.-ed by tlieRideau River and Canal, and by the Grand Trunk and St. Lawrence and Ottawa railwavs. JOIINSTOWN, a village of the above district, in tlie S. !■]., on the St. Lawrence, 3 miles from Prescott. It contains a saw and grist mill, a carding and full- ing mill, a sliingle factory, and about 200inlialiitunts. JOHNTOWN, Chatsworth. JOHNVILLE, a post settlement in Carleton co., N.I>., on Mumiuart river, 7^ miles from l?ath. Pop, 50 '. "JOHNVILLE, a post village in Comi)ton CO., C>ue., on Trout river, a small tributary of the St. Francis, 11 miles from Compton. It contains a store and saw a?ad grist miU. Pop. 150. Grey co., Ont. See JOLICURE, a post settlement in Westmorland go., N.B., 11 miles from Sackville. Pop. 250. JOLIETTE, a county in the W. l)art of Quebec, bordering on the St. Lawrence, has an area of 1,708,1(;,-! acres. It is drained by the River L'Assomption and several sinali'r streams. A railway of 12 miles comiect:^ its chief town, Joliette, witii a linrbor on the St. Lawrence. Pop. 2'>,075. JOLIKTTI-:, or INDUSTiiV VIL- LAtJE, a flourishing town in Joliette CO., Que., on the River L'Assomiitioii, near a waterfall of considerable height, 19 miles from L'Assomption, and on the St. Lawrence and Industry railway, 12 miles from Lanoraie. It contains larjre grist, saw, carding and fulling mills, an extensive foundry, a tannery, two telegraph and several assurance agencies, a number of stores, a college, cmivent, hospital and mechanics' insti- tute, and large quarries of liiaestonc. It is the business centre of 30 ])arislKS, and has a market every Saturday which is largely attended. An e.xtcn- sive trade is done in grain and country l)roduce, and in iiine and spriico timber. A French weekly newspaper is ])ubli3lied in Jcdiette. Po] Ol). 3,0 17. JONES' CORNERS, Elgin co., Ont. See Corinth JONES' CO., Ont. It has a store. JONQUIERES, a post FALLS, a hamlet in Leeds tore. village in Chicoulimi co.. Que., 12 miles from Chicoutiini. It contains 2 saw aid 2 grist mills, and has a large lumber trade. Pop. 200. JORDAN, a small village in Lincoln CO., Out., I5 miles from Jordan station. Pop. 200. JORDAN, or ST. MARY'S, a post villatre in Lincoln co., Out., on tlie G. W. R., 2G miles from Hamilton. It contains 1 hotel, 1 tannery, and 5 stores. Pop. ir,o. JORDAN, Hastings co., Ont. See Millbridge. JORDAN PAY, a post settlement in Shelburne co., N.S., on a bay at the mouth of Jordan river. Poi>. 150. JORDAN FERRY, a settlement in Shelburne co., N.S., on Jordan Day, 4 miles from Shelbtirne. Pop. 200. JORDAN RIVER, a post settlement in Shelburne co., N.S., 8 miles from Bhelburae. Pop. 200. JOSE PI Waterloo ( bluer. P<) jrniQU Inverness ( Lawrence, Pop. 300. JPDSON in tlie CO. o Sound and jrJIiA,a Ont., 7 mile JUVKNll office in Siii KAHLE, CO., Out., ui Black Creel KALADJ post village niiles from oiuv and 2 g KA.'\ILOtl triet of Yale Westminstei t^ie Ilnd.-^on '. «l)oul Kamic extending fu north, inclu^ Lake, to the "iouth, and tc tain. ■J on the KAMOUR rocky islets Ojiposito the river. Que. KAMOUR. province of the St. LaAvr Walloostook Francis rive Cai'ital, Kan KAMOUR. Quebec, capii aska, on the fence, i.\ mi railc: N.E. o qiiented dur: for its flue sc tolograph olTii KARS, a T CO., N.B., 18 1 150. KARS, or T lageinCarlet i'i\"er, 3 mil(>s t'->legrai,Ii offi( Pop. 150. KASTNER Pertly CO., On KAS 155 KEM ,. See Jay, 4 emcnt from JOSEPnnURG, a small village in Wati'iloo CO., Ont., 4 miles from Peters- burg. I'lip. V"). jroIQUE, a post settlement in Inverness co., N.S., on the Ciulf of St. Liiwrenee, 8 miles from Port Hood. Po]!. :!oo. JI'DSOXVILLE, a telegraph station ill the CO. of Oivy, Out., between Owen Sound and Prcsqu'isle. JURA, a post villMiic in Lambton co., Ont., 7 niile:^ from WiiMcr. Pop. fiO. JPVKXILESETTLK.MENT, a i-ost offirt' in Sunbury co., X.l'.., near Traicy. KAIJLE, a small village in Wdlaiid CO., Ont., on Niagara river, 1 milu from Black Creok. Pop. 40. K'ALADAR, or FLINT'S MILLS, a post village in Addington co., Ont., 5(> miles from Napanee. It contains 3 j;i\v ami '2 grist mills. Pop. 50. KA.MLOOPS, a post oflice in the dis- trict of Yale, B.C., 23?> miles from New Westminster. It is a trading jiost of t'le Iliubon Hay Company. The country ilioiil Kamloops comprises a great ))lain extending fully ;? degrees east, 1 degree north, including t ae great Shu.^whap Lake, to the Okonagon country on the »oath, and to the Snow range of moun- tains on the west. KAMOUUASKA, a group of small rocky islets in the St. Lawrence, opliosito the mouth of the Kamouraska river, Que. KAMOURASKA, a county of the province of Quebec, bounded north by the St. Lawrence, and watered bj' IIk' Walloostook, Kamouraska and St. Francis rivers. Area Guintal, Kamouraska. Pop KAMOURASKA, a post village of Quebec, capital of the co. of Kamour- aska, on the S. shore of the St. Law- rence, 4.\ miles from St. Paschal, OO railed N.E. of Quobec. Itisnmch fre- quented during the summer months tor its fine sea bathing. It contains a telegraph otlice and 9 stores. Pop. Tl)7. KARS, a post settlement in Kings CO., X.B., 18 miles from Norton. Put). 150. KARS, or WELLINGTON, a post vil- lage in Carletonco., Ont.. on the Rideau river, 3 miles from Osgoode. It has a tolegrapli oflice, 1 hotel and 2 stores. Pop. l.")0. KASTNERVILLE, a small village iu Pertl^co., Out., 1^ miles from Sebriug- G."')l,23r) acres. '! 1.254. ville. It contains a large brewery, a cheese factory and an hotel. Pop. M. ^ KATESVILLE, Middlesex co., Ont. See ('airngorm. KATEVILLE, a post oflice in Stan- stead CO., Que., 4h miles from North llatlev. KxVZUHAZUA, (English: "Under- ground,") a jiost village iu Oitawa CO., Que., on the Gatiiieau river, 50 miles from Ottawa. It contains a telegraph office, a store and a saw and grist mill. Poj). 80 KAY SETTi-E.MMXT, a i.ost settle- ment in Westmorland en., N.B., 8 miles from Salisbury. Pop. 100. KEADY, a i)0st village in Grey CO., Out., 12 miles from Owen Sound. It contains 1 store ami an hotel. KEELS, a large lisliiug settlement in the district of Ponavista, Xlld., 19 miles from Trinitv. Pop. olO. KEKXAXSVILLE, a post village in Simcoe co., Out., IH miles fruin IJrad- fonl. It contains a telegrapli oflice, a woollen mill, and 2 stores. Pop. 150. KEEXE, a post village in Peter- borough CO.. Ont., on Rice Lake, 12 miles from Peterborough. It contains a telegraph oflice, 2 hotels, 5 stores, a tannery, and saw and grist mills. Steamers run between here and Ilar- wood. Pop. 400. KEEPAWA, a post oflice in Pontiac CO., Que., 240 miles above Ottawa. KEITII, a post ollice in Kent co., Ont., 20 miles t'vom Cliatliain. KEITIILLY CREEK, a post oflice in the district of Cariboo, ?>.(•. KELLEiiUY, a post ollice in Elgin CO., Out., 5 miles from Glanworth. KELLEY'S, a station on tlie M. R., in Victoria co., Out., ;iS miles from Port Ifoi^o. KELLEY'S COVE, amarit'me set- tlement in Yarmouth co., X.S., 4 miles from Yarmouth. Pop. 300. KKLHO, or ELGIX, a post .settle- ment iu Huntingdon co., (.""ue., S._i mile3 from lliiutiuu,-dou. Pop. 12,"i. KELVIX,\'i i)ost village in CO., Ont , on Wliite Man's Crck.lS miles from Lyneduch. It L#)ntaius 1 hotel, 4 stores, and 2 shingle mil's. Po]). 200. KE.MRLE, ajiost villag' in Cr(>y co., Ont., K! miles from Owen Sound. Pop 50. KEMPT, a post settlement in Queens CO., N.S., 33 miles frum Annapolis. Pop. 150. 1 !i Itii--' iwi^ ^mI ' ■I" J 1 .)AAr^ **fm 1 ilk tJL "Mi ;: w \ !- «i' : ■ .V'-l >; i vn ^14 o -.^ I rail 11, 1 < ■1 ■ f ' ft ;!lfcj« iM r ; ml \ i ! ■) ■l!'i-! 1 ij i ij "him , li q [, •fill , ! ,) ■ i -Mil'. I ■' • f' ,11 :l .; If. ! 3 KEN 156 KER a , .. |10St CO., N.H, 'Jt sottlomcnt in Yar- iiiiles from Yar- KEMPT moiitli mouth. I'oi). ;{i)(). KEMI'T HIMDC.E, ii settlement in Yiiniioiitli co., N.S., 2;i miles from Yan.iontii. I'(ii>. 200. KE.Ml'T lli;.\l),a ])o.-;t settlement in Victoria co., \.!S., on the N. side of Bouliiulcrie Islmid, 30 miles from Sydiu'V. Pop. 100. KK.Ml'T PvOAI), a settlement in BouavcMiuro co., Que., on Little River, 4 miles fro* • Ovxri Point. Pop. 180. KK.-IPT ROAD, a settlement in RiclmiDiid CD., X.S., 12.V miles from Portlfiiwkr-hiiry. Pop." 200. KE.MPTOWX, a post village in Coleliester co., X.S., 5 miles from Riversdiile. It cnnliiius an hotel and a saw mill. Pop. "ioO. KK.MPTVILI.E, an incorporated vil- lage in (Jrcuville eo., Out., on a branch of the Ritlciiii river, {)>> miles N.E. of Kinj^-iton, and on the St. Lawrence and Ottawa railway, 22^ miles from Prescott, :!1^, niile.s from Ottawa. It lias good Avater jiower, and contains 5 churches, 2 telef^raph offices, about 20 stores, 3 niill.s, 3 saw mills, 3 caidinjj and fulling iiiilLs, 1 brewery and (^stilk'iy, 1 taiun-ry, 1 asher^', 2 iron foundries, <.tc. l*oi». 872. KEXDAL, a jiost village in Durham CO., Ont., '') miles from Newtonville. It contains 1 st(jre, 2 hotels, and 2 saw mills, and has a good trade in lumber, grain and eountry p-oduce. Pop. 2r)0. KE.WEHECJ LINE, a post village in Beauce co., Que., on the Levis and Kennebec ra!lway,Hr) miles from Quebec, It contains 2 saw mills, 3 stores, and 4 hotels. KEXfLWORTIT, a post village in Wellington eo., Out., on the T. Cx. & B. 11., 80 miles from Toronto. It con- tain.s 1 hotel and 2 stores. Pop. 50. KEXMORE, a post village in Russell CO., Ont., 10 miles from Ottawa. It contains a telegraph oflice, 4 store", 1 taiUHTv, and 1 gristmill. Pop. 124. KENNETCOOK, or BURLIXGTOX, a post village in Ilanfs co., N.S., on Kennetcook rivCT, 8 miles from New- port. It contains a grist and saw mill, and several stores. Pop. 3")0. KENNETCOOK CORNER, a post village in Hants co., N.S., on the Ken- netcook river, 16 miles from Maitlaud. Pop 50. KENOGAMI, a post village in Chicoulimi co., Que., on Lake Keno- ganii, 20 miles from Chicoutimi. It Las a saw mill. Pop. dO. KENSINGTON, a station on the Prince Edward Island railway, in Prince co., P. EI. See Barrett's Cross. KEXT, a county otOntario, bordering on Lakes St. ('Ian- and Erie, comprises an area of 412. 019 acres. It is intersect- ed by the Thames river, and traversed by the Gicat Western and . 50. KEXT ISLAND, a post settlement in Ilalifa.x CO., N.S., on an L-land in Jeddore Harbor, 40 miles from Halifax. Pop. 50. KENT VILLAGE, a small village in Wellington co.. Out., 13 miles from Goldstone. Pop. 20. KE.NTVILLE, a post town of Nova Scotia, capital of the co. of Kings, jileasantly situated on the Cornwallis river, and on the W. & A. R., 70 miles from Halifax. It contains a te!egra[)li oflice, a branch bank, several mills, a printing oflice issuing a weekly newspaper, and iibout 20 stores. It is the seat of the Windsor and Annapolis railway. Pop. 1,779. KEXVT»N, Glengarry co., Ont. See Dunvogan. KEPLER, a post village inFrontenac CO., Ont., o'l Loiighbi. rough Lake, and on the Kingston a id Pembroke rail- way, 10 miles from Kingston. It cou- taiiis 1 store and a saw mill. KEPPOCII, a settlement in Antigo- ish CO., N.S , on West River, 10 miles from Antign-iish. Pop. 200. KERLEVS (or CARELESS) HAR- BOR, a small fishing settlement in the district oj liaw Bout KlM{RV Middlesex miles fron gra]di otii grist mill. KERRV ajiost vilj miles from KERTC CO., Ont., ' 75. KESWK lage in W Newmarke and 2 store , KESWit in York co wick railvvi ton. Pop. KESWIC Koaeh's Po KETCH 1 in Halifax c lifax. Pop, KETEG.^ Algoina, Or KETTLE CO., Out., 7i tains a tele^ and 2 plani KETTLE Ottawa rive mouth of th KEWSTO ness CO., N t KEVSER, CO., Ont.,U r 200. KILBRID CO., Ont., 17 contains a ■ tannery and kildar: CO., P.E.I. Pop. 150 kildar KILDARE, liette CO., It contains steam saw n trade. Pop_ KILDONi trictofSelk 3^ miles fror KlLKENi> KILKENNY CO., Que., 32 (, KIL 157 KIN allis R, lins a okly II is ipolis Sec tcnac oml niil- cou- district of Trinity, Nfld , 1 mile from Now Bouavonture. Pup. 30. KhilIiWOUD, a post villai;e in Middk'.sex Co., ()nt., ontlio G. VV. 11., 20 niihvs from London. It contains a tele- griiph ollici^ 2 slorea, and a saw and grist niiii. Pop. 150. KEUUV, or SCUTCH RIVER MILLS, ajiost viUiifre in Pro.-cuit co., Ont., 23 miles from Aic.vandrin. Pop. 80. KERTCII, a jtost villajre inLumbtou CO., Unt., 4 miles from Wanstead. Pop. 75. KESWICK, or MEDINA, a post vil- lage in York co., Unt., IG miles from Newmarket. It contains a saw mill and 2 stores. Pop. 125. KESWICK IllDGE, a post village in York co., N.I!., oa the New Bruns- wick railway, 12 miles Irom Frederic- ton. Pop. 150. KESWICK, York co., Ont. See ftouefi's Point. KETCH HARBOR, a post settlement in Halifax co., N.S., 16 miles from Ha- lifax. Pop. 80. KETEGAUNE SEEBE, district of Algoma, Ont. See Garden River. KETTLEBY, a post village in York CO. Out., 7 miles from Aurora It con- tains a tc'lejrrapli oflice, 1 hotel, 1 store and 2 plani ig mills. Pop. 150. KETTLE ISLAND, an island in the Ottawa river, about 2 miles below the mouth of the Rideau. KEWSTOKE, a post office in Inver- ness CO., N.S. KEYSEIl, a post village in Middlesex CO., Ont., G miles from Kerrwood. Pop. 200. KILBRIDE, a post village in Halton CO., Ont., 17 miles from Hamilton. It contains a woollen mill, a saw mill, a tannery and 2 stores. Pop. 250. KILDARE, a post villatre in Prince CO., P.E.I., 9 miles from Alberton. Poj). 150 KILDARE, or ST AMBROISE DE KILDARE, a thriving pusl village in Jo- liette CO., Que., 4 miles from Joliette. It contains 4 stores, a tannery, and a steam saw mill, and has a good lumber trade. Pop. 400. KILDONAN, a post officR in the dis- trict of Selkirk, Man., on the Red River, 3^ miles from Fort Garry. KILKENNY, orST. CALIXTE DE KIL KENNY,|a post village in Montcalm CO., Que., 32 uulea from L'Assomption. It contains a saw mill and 2 stores. Pop. 125. KILLARNEY, a jiost village in the district of Algunm, Uul., 15 niile.-^ irom Collins Inlet. It contains 5 stores and a saw mill. Pop. 2oo. KILLEAN,aiH.h' village in Welling- ton CO., Out., un .Mill Cnek, 7 miles fn^ni Gait. Pop. 200 KILLIGKEWS, u (Lulling S' alemcnt in the district of Hirbnr Mi, in, Mid., on the south S''liMjf Conception IJay, 18 miles from St. Jnhn's. Po|i. 200. KILMANAGH, a post village in Peel CO., Out, 13 miles from Branipiun. Pop. ^10. KILMARNOCK, or MAITLAND RA- PIDS, a post village iii (Jrenvillc co., Rideau Canal, H<\ miles Falls. Pop. 50. KILMARTIN, a post village ia Middlesex co.,Out., 4\ miles from Glen- coe. Pop. 150. KILMAURS, a post village in Car- leton CO., Ont., 17 miles from Arnprior. Pop. 100. KILSYTIT, a post village in Grey co., Ont., 7.' miles Iroin Owen Sound. It liulel and 2 Ont., on the contains a i)uttery, an stores. Po]). SO. KILWOIITH, asmall village in Mid- dlesex eo., 3 miles from Koninka. It contains 2 woollen mills, 2 gristmills, and 1 store. Pop 50. KIMBERLEY, or ROCKYIEW, a post office in Grey co., Ont., 15 miles from Mcaford. KIMBOLTON, Brome co.. Que. See Bolton Centre. KINHURN, a ])OHt village in Carleton CO., O it., 7 miles from I'akenliam. It contains a telegraph ullice and a ,}/yre. Pop. 100. KINHURN, Huron co., Ont. See Constance. KIXBURN, Lunenburg CO., N.S. See Mahonc Bay. KLN'CARDIXE, nr PENKTAXGORE, an incorp(n-ated village in lUiice co.. Out., on Lake Huron, at the nortiiern terminus of the soutliein extension of the W. G. k B. R., and at the norlliern terminus of the T. 0. tV I>. R., 'J:; miles from Teeswater, 35 miles from Goderich. It contains a telegraph office, u biuneh bank, 2 printing oflices issuing weekly newsfiapers, 7 hotels, about 3o stores, large salt works, 2 iron foundries, a number of mills and workshops of . I Sim, I k •-'1 t«i| ituJ h ^ 'mh i , *idt i : '' f H*5 I " >^*il , , i . .It.'' I 1 1|. It f I ■; "% ' If ■1! ft i '1; ^i 'H 1 * 4'^ ' KI.V 158 KLV m vnrloim IcIikIh, nn'l lias alarpe trade in Kraiii lui'l CKiiiitrv produce. Pop. 1,007. KIN(;AIII)INE, a post office in Vic- toria CO., N.H. KING, or HPRINrxnrLL,a post vil- \np ill Vork co., Out., on llic N. R., 22 miles from Toronto. It contiiinM a tclc- Rrapli ollici.', an hold, and 7 or 8 stores. Pop. ;!()0 KrN(KJUKE[\,a post villiipoin York CO., Out., on tiie River Hiiniticr, t mili'S from Kii;;. It coiituins 1 store, 1 saw mill, iuid a, flonrinpf mill. Pop. IdO. KIN. HORN, asmiill villa.r«' in Vork CO., Out., I } lilies rnmi King. It had an hotel and I .>;tc>ri'. Pop. ;");). KINGLAKK, a post vJllii0 mile.s through the county. The railway from St. John to the United Stated? nljo pas.'^e.s through the western part of it. Capital, llanijiton. Pop. 24,.'')0.% clKefly engaged in farming. KINGS, a county occupying the east part of Prince Kdward Island. Area 412,000 aci'es. Capital, Georgetown. KINGS, a county of Nova Scoliii, borderi ig on the I'.ay of Fnndy and on Minis l!a>iu. Area 510,000 acres. It is watere i l)y p<'veral rivers, and tra- versed by the Windsor and Annapolis railway. The agricultural Capabilities of its soil IS second to none in the Dominion of ('aiida The scene of Longftdlow's *"' l']vangelme" is laid in this county. The scenery is charming and the view of tlie Grand Pre, lilomi- don, and Minus IJasin from the top of Ilorton mountain is remarkably i)ictur- csque. S:)me shipbuilding and lumber business is curried on, but the chief oc- cupation of tlie people of the county is farming. Kings contains quarries of slate and rich deposits of iron ore ; copper and silver are also found. Cajii- tal, Kentville. Pop. 21 5l'0. KINGSBRIDGE, a post village in Huron co., Ont 13 miles from Gode- rich. Pop. 100. KINGSr.URY, a post settlement in Lunenburg co., N.S., 12 miles from Lunenburg. Pop. 200, KINGSBURY, a post village in Ilichinoud co., Que., on Salmon (L'reek, (i miles from Mtdbourne. It contains 2 stores, 1 tannery, and a carding mill. Po|i. 100. KINGSCI.EAR, or BRISTOL, a post village in York co., N.R , on the River St. John, 17 miles from Fredericton. Po[t. 200. KlNtJS (JOVE, a large settlement in the district of Rouavista, .Ntld., 13 miles from Trinity. Po|). f>^>0. Kl.VGS C()VE, asmall fishing settle- ment in the district of Twillingate and Fogo, Nlld. 12 miles from Tilt Cove. Pop. ;;o. KINGSEY, a post village in Rich- mond CO., Que., 9 miles from Rich- mond. KINGSEY FALLS, a post village in Riohuiond co.. Que., on the Nico- let river. 7 miles from Danville It has good water power, and contains 3 saw mills, 1 grist mill. 1 pa])er mill, and T) stores. Pop. 1(>0. KING SI:TTLE.MEN'T, in York co. N.B. 8 miles from Fredericton Pop 100. KINGSTON a city of Ontario, at one time Capital of Upper Canada, situated at the outlet of Lake Ontario, 172 miles W. of Montreal. Lat. 44" 12 N, Ion. 7(P 41 W. The city occni)ies the site of old Fort Fron- tenac, on the N.E. shore of the river. o]4)osite Wolfe Lsland, having the har- bour jmd shipping in front. The har- bonr is formoil at the mouth of Catara- qui river, which here enters the Lake. The west shore is bold and s^iippingof n ly size may lie here in perfect safety East of the Bay the land projec southward, terminating in Point '>t.i.' rick, or Navy Island, beyoi ^ llahlimand Cove, a deep ii water, protected by this j-oi on the west, and Point Henry on th'- . .i t,anri(l<' of sodium ntid cal- ciiini liivc hccii ohtaincd in thn(> in- ?l:iiii'("^ hy hi'i'iiig to tho depth of M"), K), aiul 7.") feet resiK'rtively. Anionp tlio I'uhlic huiMiri to tlip west ( f the city lies the Provincial I'(ni?.entla: y, a hirpo and uiassive stone buildi ig surrounded by a iii.Lch and most su'stantial wall, with towers at the corners. I'eyond the Poiiiteuiiary is the Rockwood Ivanatic Asylum. Kingston contains three branch bunks 2 teh'frraph oflices, a nunilier of insur- ance and assurance agencies, 2 brewcr- m, li'L'. an(f hag manufactories of iron caglings. mill machinery, steam engines, loroniotives, leather, soap and candles, boots and shoes, wooden ware brooms, piivins A'c. Ship and boat bnildi.ig is carried on to a freat extent, and vessels for both lake and ocean n:ivigation are built nnd fitted out complete The '" rcial affairs of Kingston are ited by a Board of Trade. The I Trunk railway has an impor- ■statiftn in rear of the town ; J\t trains run to the harbor A way is in course of construction from Kingston to Pembroke, distant 120 miles. The Rideau Canal, con- nei'tmir this "ort with the Ottawa ■1 place of considerable u-.lance. Four new.s- shed — 2 daily aid 2 y\\j is divided into 7 •rnedby a mayor, board I common council. It ■er to the House of Com- mons and 1 to the Provincial Legisla- ture. It is the seat of the See of the Roman Catholic Bishop of Kingston, ft ra in river, hasmad< ccnimercial ir piipers are ' weekly T wards, ano ,_ of aldermen returns 1 met. nnd ii^ a port of entry. The total value of imports for isT'J was SC'.tTOj'i'JL' ; exports ?I,T;!;!,'.'Ji;. Pop. 1844, 6,840; IHCI, 1:!.sM;:; 1h7'_', 12,407. A seltlenieiit was begun here by the French, under De Courcelles, as early as li; under t!ie name of I'ort Cataraipii, and the fnrt subseipicntly received the name of Fort Frontenac in lionoiir of the French count of that name. This fort was .ofterwards in the ]H)sscssion of the French and the Indians, tinfil it was destri'Ved by the expedition under Ccdi'iicl I'.rad'tn'et in 17r)H.. In 17G2 the place fell into the hands of the British, from win m it received its present name. It Avas in- corpi'r.'ited a city 'v\ ]S,38. KINCiSTON, a ]iosf village in Kings CO., ,\.H., on the left l)ank of the River St. John, 19 m'h'S W. of {^t. John, 10 miles from R'dhsay. It cotitnins 1 church.:', hotel-, 2 stores,] st<'nm .eaw mill, and 2 fh.ui'iiig mil's. Po]i. Hoo. KIXCSTOX, a po;?t village in Kent CO., N.15., on the Richibucto river, 3 miles frcmi its estuary, 'M> miles from Siiedi.'ic. It contains a telegraph (dlice, 2 churches, 2 lintels, a. saw mill, a number of stores, Ac; and has a good lumlier Iradf. A fine wooden bridge sjians the Riehibiicto here. Pop. 000. KIXCSTOX MILLS, a post village in Frontemic co.. Out., on the Rideau canal, 5 miles from Kingston. Pop. 150. KINGSTON VILLAGE, or BLOOM- FIKLI), a post village in Kiiiu's co., \V. k A I), a N.S,, on till {., 4 1- miles from Halifax It contains 2 stores, 2 saw mills, a carding mill, and a furniture factorv. Pop. 120. KIXGSVILLK, a river port of On- tario, CO. of Kssex, on Lake Erie, 2f» miles from Windsor. It contains a telegraph oflice, 2 hotel.:, about 10 stores, a saw mill, and a grist mill, and has manufactories of iron castings, machinery, cotton, wooden ware, wool- lens, I'cc Kiuffsville is a port of entry. Total value of imp(»rts for 1^72 ?2, •«ti'}\ ri"^ frill » i.' i; ^i [■ IH,' r'-: 'In KIR 160 M^\ contains a inatrli factory, a pump fac- tory, a (.•ardiii^ mill, a saw mill, and a grist iirll. I'ui). 'JO. KINL()lJ(!ll,a post olTico in Bruce CO., Ont., 9 i.iilt'3 from Lucknow. KINMUU.Xr, a i) village in Vic- toria CO., on lUirnt rivor, Unt., 20 milcd from Huhc.'iygv'on. It coulaiiis a tele- grapli ollice and several mills and stores. Pop. I0i». KiNXlOARS MILLS, also known as LAMIJIK.S ILLS, a i)()st village in Megautic co , (.hiv., \H miles from Be- cancour Sla'i'oM. Pop. 100. KIX.SALL, a village in Ontario CO., Ont., 7 miles from Whitby. Pop. 90. KIXOSFORD, a post odice in Hast- ing.-i CO., Ont.,() miles from Tyendinaga. klXS.MANS COI!NEi{S, a postotlice in Kings co., N.iS., 13 miles from Kent- ville. KIXTAIL, a post village in Huron CO., Out., IGd miles from Goderich. Pop. 70. KIXTORE, a post village in Oxford CO., Ont., Id milod from Ingersoll. It contains li .s ores. Pop. 100. KIPPEX, a ])03t village in Huron CO., Ont., 14 miljs from Clinton. It has 1 iioiL'l and 1 store. KIIIBY, or JACKSON'S CORNERS, a post village in Durham co., Ont., 7 miles fV-.irn .\'i>wcasile. Pop. 80. KIRKDALl], a post village in Drum- moud CO., Que., on ilie River St. Fran- cis, 4 miles t'nmi Richmond. It con- tains a saw mill and 2 churches. Pop. 34. KIRKFIELD, a post village in Vic- toria CO., unt , ua the T. & N. R., 7G miles from TolOuIo. It contains a telegrapii ofiice, 3 stores., 2 hotels, and 2 shingle mills. Po[). 100. KIIiKlllLL, a ))ost settlement in Cumberland eo., X.S., 3 miles from Pansboruigh. Pop. 100. KlRlvllUiL, a pcjst village in Glen- f;arry co., i bit., 22 miles from Riviere laisin (Lancaster). I'oj) 75. KIRK'S FERRY', a post village in Ottawa CO., Que., on the River Gatin- eau, 13 miles frou) Ottawa. It contains 2 saw mills, 1 store and 1 hotel. Pop. 60. KIRKTON, a post village in Huron CO., Out., 11^ miles from St Marys. It contuias 2 stores and an hotel. Pop. 200. KIRKWALL, Wentworth co., KOU a post Ont., 8 village in miles from KXOWLESVILLE, a meni m Carlelon co., N.B., Gait. It has 2 stores, ^'op. 50. KITLEY, Leeds co., Out. See Tole- do. KLINEBURG, a post village in York CO., Ont., on the llumber river, and on the T. G. & B. 11., 2]iV miles from Toronto. It contains 2 tcfegrajjh olHces, 1 tannery, 1 grist mill. 3 saw mills, a stave factory, 3 hotels and 6 stores. The country around Klinoburg is rich in agricultural resources. Pop. 400 KXAPDALE, a i.ost office in Middle- sex CO., Ont , () miles from Newbury. KXATCIIBULL, a i-ost office in Hal- ton CO., Out., 15 miles from Milton. KXIGHT'S ISLAXD, an island in Lake St. Louis, \V. of Lachine, Que. KXIGHTS ISLAXD, in the North West Territories, near the W. coast of Hudson's Bay, post settle- 27 miles from WoodsM)ck. Po]). 2()0.' KNOWLTON,thecliieftownoftheco. of Brome, Que., is pleasantly situated near ihe head of Brciuie Lake, 10^ miles from Waterloo. It contains a telegra[)li office, several mills, 2 hotels, and 5 or G stores. Knowlton is the sinnmer rosi- deace of a number of Moutrealers. Pop. 500. KNOWLTON LANDING, a post office in iJrome d.^ i>w\ ou LakeMem- phremagog, 2 niiK's Irom Georgeville. KNOX Ford, a i»ost seitlcment in Carlcton co., N.B., 24 miles from Woodstock. Ro'f. 25. KXOYDAlir, a po-st settlement in Pictou CO., N.S , on the (Julfof St. Lawrence, 2(J miles from New Glasgow. Pop. 2-)0. KO.MOKA, a thriving post village in Middlesex co'., ( ut.,(in tiie G. W. R., 10 miles from London. It contains a tele- graph ollice, 3 s'.ores, and 2 hotels, and has a good trade in grain and country produce. Pop. 5, (». KOOTEXAV, a post office in the dis- trict of Koote;iay, B.C., 450 miles from New Westminster. KOSSUTH, a post village in Water- loo CO., Out., 4 miles from Breshiu. Pop. 150. KOUCHIBOUGHAC, a i)ost village in Kent co., X. H., on t he Kouchibotiguac river, 12 miles from liichibucto. It contains saw mill: trade. KOUCI X.H. Su LA BA or ST. a: FEHVRE, CO., Que., Peter, 82 contains a Top. 81HI. LAli.\R [lOst vill.j^ tht S._sl;o miles from .stores au( Pop. 300. LA BE. flourishing Que., on Uliaudiere, contains a a fine colle< several ta: ganese mil LABELI Queens co., pOdl. Poj) LABRAI on the E. c ca, lat. fro 5i; to 78' 1 east and ca reiice and t uudwestljy^ Bay ; and oi river, Lake river, Ext I breadth 4 70 450,(100 sqiu the British ] Combined, indiilh of tl eastern boui this great p» whole area ( Ciiilf of St, lielongin^' tc defined as rivers flowir remaining a liiiy, iscalle in the Nort Dominion ol fhe inte imperfectly who explore table-land is LAB 161 LAB in post q:« m 10 tele- aiid utry 'ater- ?sliiu. Uage giiac contains 3 hotels, 2 stores, and several suw inill;^, iiinl has a large lumber tnuic. Pup. OCO. KOUCIIIMOUGUACIS, Kent cc, N.l). S<, c Louisville. LA HAIIv-r LAJJATE DUFEBVRE, or ST. ANTUINE DE LA BAIE DU I'Ein'IU':, a po.n village in Viiniaska cu., Quo., on the H. sliore of Luke St I'L'tcr, 8:i miles N.E. of Montrciil. It couliiins a lele^jruph office and 8 stores. Top. 80(1. LALARHE, or IIEBERTVILLE, a post vill..}i'o in Cliicoiilinii co., Cjiie., on the S. ,sl:ofc of the Siigucnay river, 4.') luilerf from Chicoutinn. It contiiiiis stores and several saw and grist mills. Pop. 300. LA BEAUCE, or STE. MARIE, a flourishing post village in Beance co., Que., on tlie S. shore of the River Cliaudicre, 0O2 miles from Quebec. It contains a number of mills and stores, a fine college, 4 hotels, an iron fotirdrv, several ta mories, and copjjer and man- ganese mines. Pop. 1,000. LABELLE, a sniail settlement in Queens co., N.S., 23 miles from Liver- pool. Pop. 30. LABRADOR, an extensive peninsula on the E. coast otiJrilisli North Ameri- ca, lat. from 50' to 05 N., and hm. 5G to 78" W., bounded on tiie south- east and east by the Gulf of St. Law- rence and the Atlantic; on the north aiidwestbylludson's Strait andlludson's Bay ; and on the south-west by Rupert 3 river, Lake Mistassini and Betsiamites river, E.xtrerae length 1,100 miles; breadth -ITO miles. Area estimated at 4511,(100 square miles ; or about equal to the Kritish Islands, France and Prussia combined. Blanc Sahlon, near the iiuiiUh of the Xortli West river, is the eastern boundary ot the Canadian part of this great peninsula, wbicii includes tie whole area draining into t'e river and Gulf of St. Lawrence. The i)ortion belongin,' to Newfoundland is roughly deiineil as tinit wiiieh is drained by rivers flowing into tlie Atlantic. Tlic remaining area, draining into Hudson's hay, is called East Main, and is included in the Nortli West Territories of the Dominion of Canada. The interior of Labrador is very im]ierfectly known. Professor Hind, wlio explored U, describes it thus: "The table-land is 2,240 feet above the ocean .li at the sources of the east branch of the Moisic. It is pre-eminently sterile, and where the country is not burned cariboo moss covers the rocks. In the ludlows and deej) ravines are to be found stunted spruce, birch and aspens. Tlie whole of the table-h^nd is strewed witii an inlinito number of boidders, sometimes three and four deep. These singular erratics are jierched on tiie summit of e very- mountain and hill, often on the edges of cliffs, and they vary in ^i/,efrom ono foot to twenty feet in diameter. Lan- uuaL'C fails to paint the awful desola- tion of the table-land of the Labrador peninsula." The principal water shed is formed by the Wotchish mountains sending the water which gatliers on its side West, North and Ea.^t. The principal rivers are theEaslMain or Stiule which flows nearly due west into the south-eoak, which flowing rcspectividy north-east and north-west, unite tlieir ^treams and fali into the Ungava or South Bay, off tho S.E. of Hudson's Strait; and the Meschickemau or Norlli West River, wliich flows east into the Strait of Bellcisle. The lakes are very nunun-- ous, almost every river forming several by exiiamling during its course. The largest are Clear Wati r, in the west, wliieh disciiarges itself by a stream of the same name into Hudson's I'uy; Mistassini in the south, and Meschicke- mau, an expansion of the river of tho same name. The prevailing rocks on the coast are granite, gneiss and miea-sla'e. Above these, in some parts, is a !)ed of old red sandstone, about 200 feet thick, followed by secondary limestone. To- wards the interior, the secondary for- mations disapp(ar, and the jirimary become ijrednmiiuint. The surface, when seen at a distance from the sea, has a green and alluvial upiiearame, but is found, on exaniination, to bo covered with moss ami stun'i d shrubs. In the valleys, where the soil is sandy, and the temper iture considerably above the average, juniper, birch and i)oplar trees are found growing, and form a covert during the summer for deer,bear3. mm V ! i''l''i' ' s m ' : 'It »■'" I I rpfffF ■ ■■"t M .ii 4i ' ' «■ * !!■?'■ fH: liii,. n ; '!i LAB 1(12 LAB S wolves, foxop, martpnp, otters, SiC, till the apinuach of winter drives them to the const. Tlie eliiiiate is too severe to ripen any of tlie oi'ilinary cereals. I'arli'v, sown nnil cut green, makeri excellc it foihler ; polatoes ami several Pi)ec,ies of ciilininy veixetahlivs are said to do well. The wliole of tliis vnsl wilder- ness is iininlialiited by civilizt'd man, with t''e e\c('|ition of a few setlieni'iits on the St. Lawrence a id Atlantic coa-^ts, n id some widely seiaraled pos's of the Hudson's i^'iy Conrany. W.aiid'M'inu^ tril)esor!v(|u'iniaiiX(icciipv thi' northern c 'ist d' iiii rasor, wli.le noma 1 c trilte.s of .Va ;kapees,Mis assini and .Montaajii.ais Indians ;ire thinly scaltcred o'cr tlit^ The exports, which ar^M'hiefly throii'^h N'ewfDiiiidland, are cod'ish, salmon, seal a id whale oil a id fars. Oiiee the country was rich in fur b-ar- hi'i; animals and cariboo or rein leer, bat tliesn are now crr'Mtly reduced in nuiu'iT-:. Of th ' eastern side hardly aiiylhi !!;■ is known b 'vo id the ciast, wliicti h IS been carel'iiik surveyed by Capt. iiayfudd. I'.el'ore his day' it was 1 this bi"ak and dangerous that the i;!'eat navin-at r, Captain Cook, first di-;ilaye(l those tal 'ns as a marine surveyor which trai'ied fir him the patronaire of Sir Hugh Palliser, and drew palilic attention to hi; ex"aor- diiiary enterprise. Ilis charts ofNew- fo'ui Hand, Labrador, and the S'raiis of Bdleisle .are, to this dav, a conviu'iiif:^ proof of his lidelity, genius and dis- cernme it. "ilv Lidiais wiio inhabit the interior of Labr id(n' ar> all tribes of tlii* once great Algompiin race, wh'is:' domains extended, before the arrival of the "[lale-fice-!," fr(mi the Rocky .Mountain? to Xi'wl'o I idlan I, and from Labrador to the Caroliiias. i he abori Gulf; tlie SeofTis, Vaskapees and Mis- lassini are the Algontpii is of Labrador projier, and coternnnous with the Esipiiinaux. The Mountaineers, or " Hunting Indians'" of Labrador, once formed a " great n uion,"and could bring into the field a warrim's to repel the incursions of the Esquimaux, with whom they were constantly at war, and for whom they have still a bitter hatreil a;id ccuilnnpt. They are sh)lhful wlie i not excited by wai' or thi' clia-<". criKd, rcviaigcl'id and sii]iers!itious. Nearly all of them, like the Jlicmaes of N'ova Scotia, jiro- fess the It nuan Cathulic faith; but tli.'V have imbilied Ii!tli> of the sjiirit of ('hristianity. Thry bring (lv>wn furs to the settl'Mui-nts . n the coa-t, and exchange them for amniuiiition and clothing. In the use of tii(>arins they are very expert ; but they are freipiently compel! ' l.hy a scarcity of ammunition, to r'.'ur ftir support to thei' original weapo!:S, the bow an(1 and civilized through the jiraiseworthy exertiois of .M >r avian mis-io liirirs. They excdiange fur-:, oil and whalelione for annnunilion, guns and cloihing at the Kuropean settlements. Tli'\v are mild, liospiiahle and honest. Tln'y are Avell jirovided with a ]>eculiar brt'ed of dogs, vora- cious and fierce, and so lil^e wolves that they nr ^ht easily be mistaki'u for those aninmls. In winter the E-quiniaiix travel with these dogs over the snow at the rate of from six to ten miles a i liiiiir ; e.ich sledire is drawn by ten or tw dve dogs, vokcd two a ul two, a pair of the most ^sagacious being jilaced in front as leaders, and the whole guided by a long whin, Aviihout reins, tlie lash extending to the foremost do.:s. Their huts are, in wiiter. embanked with turf and moss, excepting a small casiuneiit of oiled seal sl:in at the top. AVifliout any fire but a lamp, these iidiabitatioiis area*. warm as lv^ oven. The passion- ate attachment of the E-quiraaux to their frozen seas and icy plains is won- derful. They mfinitely prefer thoir storm-beaten shores totiiegeutle waves and cerulean skies of more temperate regions. It is clear that they are a totally diflfereat race from the Red Iudiaii3 of America. The Esquimaux are stunt .Mw Mniii;.,^ the brief I^abradur suniiniT 1l:r wlinl'> roast, for five hundred miles HMilli of til" Straits of l}(dleisle,K\varins uilli ri-!i' riiicii from Newfouiidland, N )v:i Seotia, Qtieb-e, and the United S;;ites. Tln'V are er'jgajied in the cap- I !" and e ire of cod, salnutn and lu r- r'liL,'. Th" total value of these fisheries i-^ ii"t less thin a million sterlinL'. Mo-t (if the li-hcrnien who frefjiient Labrador in summer aro from Newfoundland. They proceed to the various (ishin<: stations alonijf the coast, in small ves- sel;, oft n takiiiplying merchants direct from Labrador to fbreifrn jiorts, but more of it U t;iken to St. John's, Harbor (Irace and other places, where it is stored to be sliipped according to the demand of foreJLrn markets. 151 Nik and savage ns are the shores of L:iI)!ador, yet their appearance or a.s- pcct is often ]iicture^que and grand, and :ometimes strangely beautiful. At. Capo Chateau is a series of basal- tic ctdumns, wrought into the shape of nn aucietit castle (hence its nainej the t irret-;, arches, !oo|)-holes and keeps all bea'iiif'ully represented Here are materials "for an artist not less attractive than the renowned Cave of Fingal. Ti.c fimous Labrador fld-jiar is wtdl known, and is abundant nenr the Eiiro- jiean settlements on the soutl'.ern por- tion of the peninsula of liabrador. Labrador was di-:iy Company have several settlements in Labi'ador and receive many valuable furs from it. Tiie total population is ^uppused to be about 5,000. LABRADOR, the N.E. portion of the provi ice of (Quebec, bounded on (he IS. by the iJiver and Cfulf of St. Lawrence, on the N. by the North WestTerritoric fi, o 1 the E. by t' ftt j)art of Labrador bidfmeing to Newfoniuiland, and on (he \V. by (In; counties of Chicoutimi and Saguenay Area 35,850,353 acres. Pop 3(;!):>. I/ACADIE, a post, village in St. Johns CO., Quo., on Little Mont real river, and on (he (i. T. li , (('hamplaia division,) '2iio milesS.E. of Mon(real. It conlains a fulling and casing nidi, several stores, an hotel, and a teh'graph odice. Top. .'-.nn. LA CANAIJDIERE, a scattered vil- lage in (.,)iMbec co., Que., on the iKU'lb shore of the Kiver St. Charles, oppo.-it<' (he city of Quebec. It ((uiiaius (lie lJean])ort Lunatic Asylum. I'o|>- ;'">"0. I VCllENAIE, or ST. (!H.\1!LES DU LAC, a post village in L'A-'omp- tion CO., Que., o;i (he north side of Je;U8 river, 4.1 miles from Terrebonne. It contains an exiensive steam grist and saw mill. Pop. 300. liAClHNE, an incorporated town in Jacrjues ('artier co., Que., on Lake St. liouis, and on the G. T. II., (Piovii.c" Tiiue division,) 8 miles fr-rn Jlon'ical. It is (he summer residence of many Montroalers, and a favorite resort of lileiiqii'i' 1 arties during (he wii(er. It contains a large tunnery, two telegrap'h age icies, a convent, several stmes, a brewery, hotels, ehurchcs, schools. &c. There is a canal from this point to Jlontreal CO miles) to avoid the Lacliioe r.apids. All the commerce between Montreal and the west (by water) passes through this caiaL Lachine IS the starting and landing place for the Ottawa liine of steamers ; and the Low'il .Mill Line of steamers for King- ton, Toronto, and Himillon leave daily at noon during the summer .' ea,-on. The Indian village of Caughnawaga li s immediately opposite Lachine. Pop. Loot; LACIHNE JUNCTION, afstafion on the Ct. T. R . 2 miles fr(Un Montreal. LACHUTE, the chief town of the co. of Argentenil, Que., is situated on the North river, 10 miles from f^arillon,45 miles N. of .Montreal. It contains a tel- egraph ollice, a grist mill, a tannery, 4 stores, 2 churches, and 3 hotels. Pop. 600. iV- ' iiin-vi I m- ^.# ,.'s..* >;*ll >• n. t ' ! .■ 'L.r. I:! lit fjl ) ■ I LAI 1G4 LAK LAC LA HACIIE, a post office in the district of Lilloct, B.C., 307 miles from New Westniinriler. LAC MASKINONGE, a post villagi; in Berthier co., Que., on a lake of tlit> same name, 06 miles N. of Montreiil. See St. Gabriel de Brandon. LAC MASSON, or STE. MARGUER- ITE, a thriving post village in Terre- bonne CO., Que., on the west side of Liic Magson, 57 miles N. of Montreal. Ii con- tains saw and gristmills. Poi>. or)0. LAC NOIR, a village in L'lslet CO., Que., 11 miles from St. Jean Port Joli. Pop. 40. LA('OLLE, a post village in St. Johns CO., Que., on the Richelieu river, and on the G. T. R, (Chami)lai i division.) 44 miles S.E. of Montreal. It contains a telegraph office, an iron foundry, several mills and factorie.-^, 3 churches, 6 hotels, and about a doze.i stores. Lacolle is a port of cntrv. Total value of imports for 1872 |8,r>78 ; ex- ports $19,432. In 1812 a battle was fought here between the Bri ish and American trooits, which resulted in the defeat of the latter. In 18. 7, the rebels had possession of the viljage, but in 1838 they were defeated and a number of them captured. Pop. of village 750 ; of parish 3,307. LAC Sr. JEAN, Chicoutimi co., Que. See Roberval. LAFONTAINE, a post office in Sim- coe CO., Ont., 9 miles from Penetan- gnishene. LAGGAN, a post village in Glen- garry CO., Ont., 19 miles from Lancaster. It contains 3 stores and a saw mill. Pop. 100. LA GRANGE, a small village in ., Que., It contains U miles from a carding Missisquoi co Frelighsburg mill. Pop. 100 LA GUERRE, a post village in Hunt- ingdon CO., Que., on the La Guerre river, 3 miles from St. Anict't. Pop. 100. LA HAVE CilOSS ROADS, a post office in Lunenburg co., N.S., on the La Have river, l(! miles from Lunenburg. LA HAVE FERRY, Lunenburg CO., N.S. See Mid^V La Have Ferry. LA HAVE RIVER, or EAST DUB- LIN, a post village in Lunenburg co., N.S., 2 miles from Lunenburg. Pop. 80. L'AIGLE, an island of the province of Quebec, formed by the confluence of tiie Prairie and St. Lawrence Rivers, 12 miles below .Montreal. LAKE AINSLIE, (east,) a post set- tleme it in Inverness c.)., N.S., on the east side of Lake Ainslie, 12 miles from VVhycocomah. Pop. 150. LAKE AINSLIE, (south,) a post settlement in Inverness Co., N.S., on tin; south side of L .ke Ainslie, 4 miles from W'liycocomali. Pop. 100. LAKE AINSLIE, (wkst,) a post set- tlement in Inverness co., N.S., on the west side of Lake Ainslie, 18 miles from Mabou Harbor. Pop. 150. LAKE AYLMER, or STRATFORD, a i)Ost village in Wolfe co., Que., on .Maskinonge 15rook, 55 miles from Len- noxville. It possssscs good water power, and contains several stores and mills. Pop. 150. LAKE BEAUFORT, or ST. DUN- STAN, a post settlement in Quebec CO., Que., 13 miles from Quebec. Pop. 70. LAKE DISTRICT, a small settle- ment in Albert co., N.B., 1^ miles from Harvey Corner. Pop. 50. LAKE DORE, a post village in Ren- frew CO., O it., 18 miles from Pembroke. It has an hotel and a sawmill. LAKE ETCHEMIN, or ST. GER- MAINE, a post village in Dorchester CO., Que., on Lake Etchemin, 36 miles from St. Henri de Lauzon. It contains 4 saw mills and 1 grist mill, and has a large lumber trade. Pop. 250. LAKEFIEIjD, a post settlement in Kings CO., N.I^, II miles from Sussex Vale. Pop. loo. LAKEFIELD, or NORTH DOURO, a flourishing post village in Peter- borough CO., Ont., at tlie head of the Otonabee river, and on tiie M. R., 40 r'lis from Port Ho|)e. It possesses ex;-vinsive water power privileges, and contains a telegraph oHice, Avoollen factory, several saw and grist mills, 3 churciies, 8 or 9 stores, and 2 hotels. Pop. 300. LAKEFIELD, or THE GORE, a post village in Argenteuil co., Que., 9 miles from Lachute. It contains a church, a store, and a flouring mill. Pop. 50. LAKE GEORGE, a post settlement in Kings co., N.S., on tliO fop of South Mountain, 12 miles from Aylesford. Pop. 100. LAKE GEORGE, a post settlement in Yarmouth co., N.S., 7 miles from CO. Ont., LAK 165 LAM Beaver River, 21 miles from Yarmouth. Pop. 175 LAKE GEORGE, a post settlement in York co., N.B., 4 miles from Lower Prince William. It lias an antimony mmc Pop. 100. LAKEIIIIRST, a post office in Peter- borough CO., Ont., 19 miles from Lake- lie Id LAKELANDS, a post office in Cum- berland CO., N.S., 19 miles from Atliol. LAKELA.VDS, a small settlement in riaiits CO., N.S., 4 miles from Mount Uniacke. Pop. r>0. LAKE LARRON (or LAURENT), a small settlement in Quebec co., Que., near Lake St. Charles, 17 miles from Quebec. Pop. 50. LAKE LAW, a i)ost office in Inver- ness CO., N.S., 30 miles from Baddeck. LAKELET, a post village in Huron CO., Out., 5 mile.? from Clitford. It con- tains a saw mill and a woollen factory. Pop. 100. LAKE MEGANTIC, a post village in Compton co.. Que., on the St. Francis and Lake Megantic International rail- way, G5 miles from Lonnoxville. It contains an hotel and 2 stores. Pop. 100 LAKE MUNGER, a hamlet in Nor- folk CO., O it. It has a cheese factory. L.\KE OPINICON, a post otflce in Ont., 34 miles from TWO MOUNTAINS. FroMtenac co. Kiuuston. LAKE OF See Oka. LAKE REGION, a section of country west of the highlands at the head of Lake Superior, on the streams tributary to Rainy Lake, which are so nume- rous that It would be difficult to say whether the country would be better described as one vast lake with ridges of land running through it, or as la id everywhere intersected by water. The lakes are studded with wooded islands which are so sheltered that the smallest canoes are rarely windbound. LAKE ROAD, a post office in Cum- berland CO., N S LAKE ROAD, a station on the G, T R , in Temiscouata co., Que., 121 miles east of Quebec LAKE SETTLEMENT, a post settle- ment in Kent co., N B,, 22 miles from Chatham. Pop. 100. LAKESIDE, a po<5t village in Oxford CO., Ont., 10 miles from St. Marys. It contains 1 store and a grist mill. Ppp. 100. LAKESIDE, a small settlement in Digby CO., N.S., on Digby Neck, 17 miles from Digby. Pop. luO. LAKE ST. CHARLES, a village and settlement in Quebec co.. Que., 10 miles from Quebec. There is a remark- able echo at the Lake, which, ui like other echoes, tarries some few seconds before repeating the sound uttered ; and this in its turn is re-echoed from another quarter as though the nymph of the lake were snmnioning the dryads of the neighbouring woods to join the sport. Pop 500. LAKE TEMISCAMINGUE, a post office ard post of ttit- Hudson's Bay Company in Pontiac co , Que., 90 miles from Mattawa. LAKEVALE, or MORRISTOWN, a post settlement m Antigonish co., N S., on the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 11 miles from Antigonish. Pop. 200. LAKEVIEW, Huron co , Ont. See Johnston's Mills. LAKEVILLE, a post settlement in Carleton co.,N.B., 18 miles from Wood- stock. Pop. 150. LAKEVILLE, a post village in Kings CO., N.S., 9 niilos from Kentville It contains a tannery and 3 stores Pop. 200. LAKEVILLE, Halifax co., N.S. See East Ji'dlore. LAKEVILLE CORNER,or FRENCH LAKE, a post village in Sunbiiry co., N.B., on Frenoli Lake, 3 miles from Sheffield. It contains 3 stores, 1 church, 1 hotel, 1 saw mill, 1 grist null, 1 tan- nery and a shoe factory. Pop. 60. L.VKE WEKDON, a post settlement in Wolfe co., Que., 39 miles from Sher- bronke. Pop. -to. LALLY COVE, a small fishing set- tlement in the d:>tiict of Fi/rtunc Bay, Ntld., 10 miles from Belleorem. Po|). 80. LAM.\BLE, a iiost vilUiire in Ilast- iiirrs CO., Ont., 70 miles N. of Belleville. Pop 100. LA.MALLN'E, a post town and port of entry in tiie district of Burin, Nfld., 40 miles from Burin. It has a consi- derable trade with St. Pierre. Pop. 310. LA MANCHE, a min=ng settlement in the district of Placentia, Nfld., 12 miles from Little Placntia. A Iciid mine has been worked here with vary- ''['.it'^ rf ill' i'&' •: lii. .1 f ! . T'-i -fif^i i i \;4l^ 'is.. ''■ If 1'!"' ' ■' 1 i) ! || ll':«^J Jij :; t *■ ^ ;'■'!' 1 , ' LAN 1G6 LAN Pop. ing success for the past 14 years. 328. LA MANC^IIE TO CAPE RACE, an extent of coiLSt of about 20 ink-s embracing scvenil small lishi ig seitli; raonts on the S.W coast of Ncwfou ul laud. The coast is very rugircd ami has been the scene of many shii)wreck3 P(«l). 14. LA MANCriE, a small fishinsr settle mcnt in the district of Ferrylanil, Ntid. 'il'l milos from St John'.s. Pop 27. L'AMAROUX, a i.ost villagM i Vork CO., Ont., G miles from Scarborough Pop. 250. LA.M13ETfI, a post village in Mid- dlesex CO., Out., miles from Loudon. It oontaiaa 1 hotel and 4 stores Pop. 250. LAMBIE'S MILLS, Megantic co.. Que See Kinnear's Mills LAMBTOX, a county of Ontario bordoring upon the S. portion of Lake Huron The St. Clair river forms its western boundary. Area 501,071 acres This county contains extensive petro- leum wells, and is traversed by the Grand Trunk and Great Western rail- ways. Capital, Saruia Pop 3l,t)94. LAMBTOX, or POUT LAMBTON, a amiiU village in Lambtoi co.^ Out., on the Uiver St Clair, 23 miles from G'ldench It contains a telograpli office 4 hotels 5 stores and several mills and factories Pop. 1,J0. LAMh'TO.V or ST VITAL DE LAMBTON a thriving post viUag.! in Bounce co. Que., in roar of Lake St. Francis, 3G miles from St. Francois, the county town It contains 3 saw mills, 2 grist mills a tannery, 4 stores and extensive sugarics. Pop. 4^i^. LAMBTON York co. Ont See Etobicoke LAMEQUE, a pns: settlement in Gloucester co. N.B _ 10 miles from Shippegau LA.MMERMOOR York co , Ont See Noblelon LANARK n county in the eastern part of Ontario comjiising an area (jf 766,028 acres, is dunned by numerous small riverSj among wiiicl'j are the Clyde the Mississipi i and the Rideau, and traversed by the Brockville and Ottawa railway Capital Perth Pop 32,920 LANARK a flourishing post village in the above county, on the River Clyde, 12 miles N W of Perth Tr contains a tclegrui)h olhcc, 2 hotels, about 11 stores several mills a woollen factory, and an iro i foundry and has a large trade in lumber Pop 740 LANCASTER a post village in (Jlengarry co., Ont , on the Rivi-r St Lawrence ItJmiles E.of Cornwall, and a mile from tiie station on the G. T. R , 54 miles W. of Montreal Attached to it )s auoiher village called Riviere Raisin or New Lancaster, which see. Lancaster is a landing place of the (>orn.vall and Montreal .steamers and coutaius 2 tele- graph agencies and several stores Pop. 250 LA\(\\.STER, or SOUTH BAY, a village in S:. Johu co., N.B., oi theE. & N. A R , 6 niilesfroiiiSt. Jolin It con- tains a saw mill and 2 stires. Pop. 200. LANCE COVE, a lishiug seitlenient in the district of Trinity, Nlld , 47 miles from Harbour Grace. Po|). 75. LANCE COVK, asmall fishing Pet- tleinent in the district of Burgeo and La Poile, Nflil., at the entni ice to La Ilune Bay 33 miles from liurgeo. Pop. 15 LANG, formerly ALL A VD ALE MILi.S, a post viil.igo in Peterb rough CO., Out., (Jii lu'lian river, '-^ milnsfrom Keene. It contains several , and grist mills, a carding mill, and a barrel hoop factory. Pop. 17,5. LAXGEVIN, or STE JUSTINE, a post village in Dorchester co., il'^a., 12 miles from Lake Etchcmiu, 61 miles from St. Henri. It contains several mills, and a large monastery of the Trappist Father,s. Pop. 150. LA.VGFOUI), ajio-t village i'l Bmnt CO., Ont., on Sage's Creek, H miles from Brantford. It contains 2 stores and 2 saw mills. Pop 120. LANGLEY. a post village in the dis- trict (if New Westminster, IJ.C , on the Eraser river, 15 miles from New Westminster. It contains two churches, a public school, 2 stores, and a coop- era-re for the manufacture of salmon barrels. The st'^aiiier ])lying between New Westminster and Yale calls hera every trip. Langlf y is the centre of an extensive agricultural settlement. The land here is considered to be the most productive of any in Columbia, especially in cereals and bulb.s,— -40 bushels of wheat, 17 tons of potatoes, and 30 tons of turnips being LAN 1G1 LAR the average returns per acre Salmon river, a tributary of the Frascr, in the vicinity of tlic village, is well stocked with speckled trout, and is a great re- sort for anglers during the summer months. Pop 200 LANOSIDE a post settlement in Bruce CO. Out 8^ miles from Lucknow. Pop 100. LANUSTAFF, a post village in Y(irk CO Out , 24 mdesfrom llichmond Hill. Pop. 125 L ANGTOX, a post village in Norfolk CO., Out., 13 miles from Tilsonbiirg. It contains 2 stores, 2 saw mills and a bbingle mill. Pop, CO. LANOUAIE, a thriving post villagre in Berthier cc, Que., on the River St. Lawrence, 41 miles N.E. of Montreal It contains several stores and mills, and has a considerable trade in flour, grain and cordwood. A railroad con- nects LaMoraic with Joliette. Pop. GOO. LANSDOWNE, a post village in Leeds co., Out., on the G. T. R., 140,1 miles west of Montreal. It contains a tekgrai)h office, G stores, 2 hotels and a steam saw mill. Pop. 250. L'AXSE A GILES, a post village in L'Isfet CO., Que., on th? south sli;ire of the St. Lawrence, and on the G. T. R., 59 miles E. of Quebec. Pop. 2.".0. L'ANSE A L'EAU, a picturesque lit- tle harbor near Tadousac, and the en- trance to the Sagucnay river. It con- tains a custom house, post oflice, a store and a saw mill, and is the land- ing place of the steamers plying be- tween Quebec and Ha 1 Ha! Bay. Near to it is a mineral spring, the waters of which are considered very eflBca- ceous in certain chronic diseases. L'ANSE AU FOIN, or ST. FUL- GENCE, a post village in Chicoutimi CO., Que., on the north shore of the Saguenay river. 10 miles from Chicou- timi. Pop. 60. L'ANSE AUX GRIFFON, a post office in Gaspe co.. Que., 12 miles from Grande Grove, 28 miles from Gaspe Basin. L'ANSE ST. JEAN, a post office in Chicoutimi co., Que., 48 miles from Murray Bay. L'ANSE VALLEE, a small village in Gaspe CO., Que., 93 miles from Ste. Anne desMonts, 178 miles from Metis. LANSING, a post village in York CO., Out., 4| miles from Weston. It contains 2 stores and a flouring milU. Pop 150 LANTY'S. a post office in Luncn- buig CO., N n . 9 miles from Dalhousie Road 45 miles from Kcntville LA PETITE RIVIERE ST FRAN- COIS, a post oflice in Charlevoix co., Que., 10 miles from St Paul's Bay. LA PIGEONNIEBE, also called ST MICHEL ARCHANGE. a thriving post village m Napierville co , Que , on the G.T.H., (Chami)Iam division,) 25 miles from Montreal. It contains 5 or 6 stores, 2 hotels, a telegraph office, and a church. Pop. "GOO. LAPLAND, a small settlement in Lunenl)urg co., N.S., on tie La Have liver, 12 miles from Bridgewaier Pop. 1 '^n LA PLANTE. a fishing settlement in the district of Burgoo and ].,a Poile, Nnd., 2,', miles from La Poile Pop 108. LA POILE, a post town and fishing settlement in the district of Burgeo and La Poile, Nfld., 338 miles from St. John's. A steamer runs between here and St. John's once a fortnight. Pop. G5. LAPRAIRIE, a county of Quebec, bordering on the River St. Lawrence, opjiosite the Island of Montreal. Area 110,G0() acres. It is traversed by the Cliamplain division of thi Grand Trunk railway. Capital, Laprairie. Pop. 1],SG1. LAPRAIRIE, the chief town of the CO. of Lajirairie, is situated ou the south shore of the River St. Lawrence, 7 miles from Montreal. It contains a telegraph ollice, ch'.rches for the Ejuscopalians and Roman Cath' lic-^. 8 hotels and a dozen stores. The first railway in British North America was constructed from here to St. Johns in 1M.'JG. It was fir.-t run by horses, then by steam, but was d scontimied 1 the construe' ion of the Cliamjilain road, and the rails removed. A sti'.itn f rry runs between Laprairie aii M tin ::!'^'';- 1:1 .pii" n LAU 168 LAU Peters, 44milo.s from Port Hawkcsbury. It contiins f) or G stores. Pop 200, L'AUCIIKVP:(,»IIK, a seitlenicnt in Richmond co., N.S., on Grand Ilivcr 20 miK-s from Sl I'eters. Pop. ino LAIJCJII'i, a i)ost village in Elain CO., Unt., 7 miles from lona. Pop. 100. LAKOCIIELLE, a post settlement in Megiintic co., Que., G miles from Stanfold. Poj). no. LARKY'S RIVER, a post office in Gnyshoroiigli co., N.S., 13 miles from Molasses Ilaibou.- LA S( 'IE, a small fishing station on the French shore, Nlld., 18 miles from Tilt Cove. It has a good harbor. Pop. 20. LAISKAY, a post village in York eo., Onl., on tlie east branch of the Ilumbcr river, 2^ miles from King. It contains I store and a steam saw mill. Pop. mo. L'AS8().MPTI0N, a county in the W. part of Quebec, bordering on the River St Lawrence. Area 158,701 acres It is watered by the Mascouche, Achigan and L'A.ssomption rivers. Capital, L'Assomption. Pop. 15,473. L'ASSO.MI'TION, the chief town of L'Assomption co., Que., is situated on a peninsula formed by the L'Assomp- tion river, 24 miles N. of Montreal. It contains about 20 stores, a telegrajih office, a college, and a cliurch for the Roman Catholics. Steamers run daily, in summer, between Montreal and L'Assomi)tion. Pop. 1,210. LATERRIERE, or GRAXD BRULE, a post village in Chicoutim ico. Que., 12 miles from Ciiicoutimi. It contains 1 store and a saw mill. Pop. 225. LATIMER, a post office in Frontenac CO., Out., 15 miles from Kingston. LATONA, a post settlement in Grey CO., Ont., 7 miles from Durham, 19 miles Irom Fleshorton. It contains i saw mill and 1 grist mill. Pop. 250 LA TORTL'E, a post village in La- prairie CO., Que., 9 miles from Lapraine. It contains 1 store, 1 hotel and a rope- walk. Pop. 100. LATTA'S MILLS, Hastings co , Ont. See Plainlield. LAUDERSVILLE, a small village in Waterloo co., Ont., 8 miles from Petersburg. Pop, 40. LAUGILL'S, a post office in Lun- enburg CO., N.S. LAUNCniNG, a nost village m Kings eo , P E 1., 7 miles from George- town Pop 150 LAUREL, a post village in Welling- ton CO , Ont , 3 miles from Amaranth Pop 40. LAUREXTIAN MOUNTAINS, a range of mountains extending from Labrador to the Arctic Ocean , whole course about 3,.5o0 miles. It gives the water shed separating tlie tributaries of the Si. Lawrence from those of Hud- son's I'ay ; but bi'yondthe basin ol the St. Lawrence it is traversed by two affiiients of Hudson's Ray, the I'^askatcliewan and the Churchill, the former taking its source in the Rocky Mountains, while still tartlier on it becomes the limit of the Hudson s Hay rivers, dividing tl.cir sources and those oftlieBiek and oilier streams, for POO miles, from the tributaries of the Mackenzie. The general elevation of the Laurentian range is from 1,500 to 1,GC0 feet i some peaks about the Sagiie- ney attain a height of 4,000 foct. The surface is ot a mammillated character, its hills being worn by glacial action into lound backed ibrms, in general thickly clothed with wood, the prevail- ing trees on the summits being ever- greens, in some places chiefly pine, and in others spruce, wiule iiardwood sometimes abounds on tiie lower eleva- tions and in the valleys. Tlie va'leys are in general not very wide, and many are worn into deep pits hoUiing ponds and lakes, some streams indeed are nothing more Irom their souicea to their mouths than a chain of such quiet expansions united l)y short discharging ehanneis. Tlie ])rodigiou3 number of these sheets ot water, great and small, bespangling the whole Riea_ is one of Its most remarkable leatuies' and when looked upon as displayed on a maj). they appear so scattered at random over the surface as to contradict al- most any sujiposed law of distribution The L.'iurentide rocks are oft he azoic era LAUZON, or ST JOSEPH DE LE- VIS, a flourishing post village in Le- vis CO , Que , on the south shore of the St. Lawrence, 2 miles from Levis. It contains about 20 stores, a brewery, a ship yard, and a telegraph office, and lias a large trade ii lumber and cordwood. A steam ferry runs between here and Quebec. Pop. 1,847. R LAVA! m the W of .Montre and Praii Ottawa Lawienec tal, Ste LAVAl vAL a Mont more yiu'hcc LAVAl liver port north sli( miles N.E eral stores LAVA Lawrence, On it are LAVAN CO, Unt., 3 abk' dejjos 111 the vici LAVEN NERS, a Ont.,12.i n L AVEJ mond co , bourne I hotel Po LAWN, southern ])^ in, Nfld., 2 and lead hi 170 LAWRE Brunswick 17.1 miles Frcdericto LAWRE lajre in Ch A:C. R., 29 Pop. 100. LAWRE in ifalifax Halifax. (J LAWRE village in Annapolis miles contains a mill, 1 sa\ stores. A annual Iv si LAWRE in Sheffbrd Melbourne, loo It co; grist mills, 1 .' '» LAW lao LEE LAVAL, (Isle Jesub,) a count v m tlio W part ot Qiabcc, 8 miles N'^V (A Montreai, is formed by the J;'sns nnd I'niirie rivcrd. the branchea ot tin- Ottawa river before it joins tlic Kt. Lawicnce Area 54,202 ncroa. Caiii- tal, Sto Rose Pop f»,472, LAVAL or ST I'.RIGITTK DE LA- v'AL a post village and parish in Montmorency co , Que., 19 miles from yiiclH'C Pop 7(j.3. LAVALTIUK, a post village and river port in Ik-rthier co.. Que., on the north slioie of the 8t. Lawrence, 35 nidos N.E of Montreal. It contains sev- eral stores. Pop. 2jO. LAVALTRIE, an island in the St. Lawrence, ojjposite the above village. On it are two lighthouses. LAVANT, a post village in Lanark CO ,()nt., 32 miles from Perth. Valu- able deposits of copper ore are found III the vicinity. Pop. 100, LAVENDER, or MASTIN'S COR- NEIIS, a post village in Simcoe co., Ont., 12.1 miles from Angus. Pop. 120. L AV^NIR, a post village m Drum- mond CO , Que, 11 miles from Mel- bourne It contains 5 stores and an hotel Pop. 250. LAWN, a fishing settlement in the sontiiern ])ortion of the district of Bur- in, Nfld., 25 miles from Burin. Silver and lead has been found here. Pop. 170 LAWREaTE, a station on the New Brunswick railway, in York co., N.I5., 17.1 miles from Nashwaak (opposite Fredericto'i.) LAWRENCE STATION, a post vil- lajre in Charlotte co., N.B., on tlie N. B. •i'C.R., 29 miles from St. Andrews. Pop. 100. LAWRENCETOWN, a post village in Halifax co., N.S., 14 miles from Halifax, (iold is foun(l here. Pop. 504. LAWRENCETOWN, a thriving post village in Annapolis co., N S., on tlic Annajiolis river, and on tiie W '& A. R., 22 miles from Annapolis town, it contains a h logrn\)h oflice, 1 carding mill, 1 saw and grist mill, and 7 or 8 stores. A large quantity of timber is annually shipped from here. Pop GOO LAWRENCEVILLE, a post village in Shefford co.. Que , 21 miles S. of Melbourne, and 12 miles from Water- loo It contains 5 stores and saw and grist mills. Pop. 150. LAWRENCE FACTORY, a post ofTiee in Drumniond co.. Que. LAWRENCEVILLE, Niagara co., Out. See Virgil. LAYTON, a post oflBco m Ontario CO., Ont. LEADING TICKLES, a narrow pas- sage live miles in lengtli, in the district of Twillingate and Fol'o, Nfld,, 32 miles from Tilt Cove. It has tiirec en- trances. Its banks arc settled by fish- ermen. Pop. 2H0. LEAMl.N'CTO.V, a thriving post vil- lage in E-sex co., Ont., on Lake Erie, 37 miles from Windsor. Steamers run from here to Detroit and Windsor. It has a large m lumber and country produce ; and in t(jl)acc(), a heavy cro}) of which is yearly raised. Leamington contains gust and .'^aw mills-, an iron foundry, 8 stores, 3 ho- tels, and a telegraph oflice. Pofi. 200. LEARNED PLAI.V, a post oflice in Compton CO , Que , 5 miles from Cook- shire, 18 miles from Lennoxville, LEARS COVE, a small (islimg set- tlement to the west of Caj)e St. Mary's, Nfld.. 9 miles from Distress, llGmilea from St. John's. Pop. 1 1 LEASKDALE. a post village in On- tario CO., Ont., 10 miles from Uxbridgc. It contains several saw and grist mills, and 3 ^Uores. Pop. 100. LEAVENS, a ])ost village in Grey CO., Ont., 6 miles from Meaford. Pop. 40. LE BRETON FLATS, a suburb of the City of Ottawa, situated on the Chaudiere and Victoria I.-^lands, two small islands in the Ottawa river. It possesses unrivalled water powrr, and c-)ntains an extensive foundry, a card- ing and fulling mill, several flour mills, and eiglit large saw and planing mills. LECLERCVILLE, or STE. E.MILIE, a thriving post village m Lotljiniere CO., Que , on tiie River St. Lawrence, 51 miles above Quebec, 41 miles from Three Rivers, it contains several saw and grist mills, a carding mill, and 3 stores, and has a good lumber trade. Pop. 200 LEDGE, a post village in Charlotte CO., N B., on the St. Croix river, 4 miles from St. Stephen. Pop 300 LEECHVILLE, Huron co., Ont. See Gorrie. LEEDS, a county in the eastern part of Ontario, near the commencement of < I '■Hr ■'A ^■■i r'i 1 ^ \ il... : if''. ii 1 1 11 , rrl .'Il I'M * [' r „ ij i III' Hr-iiil? '■!'■. if .li 11 ' I ^ LEN no LES the St. Lawrciico rvcv. wlilcli forms i's soutli ' oiiud.iry. Witiiin it* limits iir; several siiiuU lukos which form tho Sonrci'S )f the Caiariiiiui a ul III Wan rivers. Tin' front purl of tins (•oiiiity is traversed \iy the (Wiiud Trunk liail- Way ; the Uro'ekvilh' and Ottawa Hail- way ('r('S-e.^ lis N.E. exlicmity. Area acred. (Jaiiital, Brock ville r)7'J,7f»7 oil. :!ri,:;iiii. V LEEdS, a jiost village in Mej^antic CO., Qii '., 3(» niile.s i'njiii Crai|^'s lload It contain.-! rich iron and coj)|ier niine.i, 8ev((ral ;-a\v and nulL-<,a id 5 .stores Pop. ;"()(). LEEDS VILLAGE, the chief town of the county of .Merjaiitic, Que., 2 miles from Leeds It contaiurf the county buildiii<,\s. LEFIiOY, a post villaj?e in Simcoe CO., Out., on the N. U., 52 miles from Toronto It contains a telegraph olhee, and several stores. Pop. :iOo. LI'^K^vSTER, a jmst settlement in Ciiml)erl,ind co,, X.S., JO miles from Ilivi'r IMiilii,. Pol). 150. LEIXHTER, a jiost village in Lennox CO., Ont., ]'J miles from Napanee. Pop. 70. LEIXSTER, the former name of a di.strict jf (,!iie!)cc now comiirising the coiinlie^ of L'Assomption and Mont- calm. LEITCIIFlELD,a .'settlement in An- napolis CO., N.S., on the IJ.iy of Fir.idy, 5 miles frnni Annapolis. Pop. 150. LEITCirS CHEEK, a post settlc- rn'Mit in Cape IJreton co., N.S., 1:5 miles from Syilney. It contains a saw mill. P(^p. 150. LEITir, a post village and lake port in Grey co.. Out., on Georgian Hay, 7| miles from Owen S.jund. It contains 2 stores, a saw mill, and a telegraph office. Pop. KHX LEITII CORXERS, See Speedie. LE.MESURIER.or GULLEX'S COR- NERS, a p )rit village in Megant.c co , Que., 21- miles from IJecancour Station It contaiis a store and a saw and grist mill. Pop. 80. LEMONVILLE, a post village in York CO., Ont., C mih's from StoulIVille. It contains a woollen factory, a saw mill, :uid 2 stores. Pop. 100.' LEXXOX, a county of Ontario, situ- ated on the N. coast of Lake Ontario, Grey co., Ont. near its outlot into the RiverSt Law re ice Cai^ital. .Xapanee Area 201,|jU8 acri'S Poo IC), !;;>(> iil'.N'XOX. a post office in Simeoo co Out., 5 Hides from Lefr y LEXN'OX am ill v llage m Lennox co , Out . I m les f:'om Xajjanee It lia$ a il'iiirintr mill Pon 7o Li:X.NOX FEURV, a post .settlement m Ilchmoiid co N S on Isle Maclanie, sou'h side of Lennox Passage, 7 mile.s from Arichat. I'od 50 LEXXOXVILLE a thriving post village ill Sherhrooke co Quo at- tractively sitimti'd at til' imction (if t!ie Mas-awippi and St Ftaneis rivor.s on the G T and M V Rs ,:-$ miles fr(-ni Sherb.ooke 104 iiiil'S SE of Mont- real It contains 2 chuiclie.^ 3 hotels about a dozen stores, a hi-evvery, 2 saw mills, and a telegra: h oflice Lennox- villo ii tho scat of Lishop'.s Cidleure a Church of England lust'tuti. n with 4 profes-sor.s It has a Royal Charter for conferring degrees in the Arts and Faculties, and has a medical s:'hool es- tahlished in Montreal; an admirable collegiate school and also a th- ological college are attached to tho University at Lennoxville. Pop. DOO LEONARD'S HILL, a post village in Driimmond co., Que., 10 miles from Acto'i Vale. Pop. 75 L'EPIPIIAXIE, a iloiirishiag post villafre ii TiAssomption co.. Quo., near the River Achigan, 5 miles from L'As- soraption. It ^lossosses good water power, has a large busines.^; in (lourand sawn lumber, and contains a farmturc f.ictorv, grist, saw, and carding mills, a telegraph office, and several stores. Pop. Aoo. LEPRE.^UX, a post village in Char- lotte CO., X.P.., on tho Uay of Fiindy, 25 miles from St. Johi. It has a light- house on tho point, lat. 45 3 40 ' N., Ion. C,{V 44 10 ' W. Pop. 200. LEQriLTjE, a post vdlage in Anna- polis CO., N.S., 2 miles from Annapolis. Poi). loo. LE3 EBOULEMEXS, a post village, seigniory a:id river port in Charlevoix c )., Que., on the north shore of tho St. Lawrence, GO miles below Quebec. It contains G stores. Pop. 2,400. LES ECL'REUILS, a post village and river p rt in Portneuf co., Que., on the north shore of the St. Lawrence, 25 miles above Quebec. Pop. 200. LES ESC< and piirisii the X shore miles bcdow hiiiihi'riiig tt for frnifrht pc hESKARD CO Out., on troni Newca.^ |io\v('r wliic working sev ;uid contaiiii: I',.p 2 0. I.R.. It 1 LEVIS, or town of the i utcd on the L.'twrence, op] torniiii'is of v."ay and the passengers ar the Ocean stc of Montreal, hotel, a nur prapli offices, Hii'l factories, shippintr trad LEWIS b; Cape Breton Svlpf^v. Po| 'LEWIS HI' Slielbiirnc co i" miles froi 2 store-J. Po LEWIS :\I(" raont in We miles from ] LEWIS ro E'lward Isla east C'last c Islam!, on the to Holland c 45^ \., Ion. ' LEWISVIl lio.-t vilhu:e iiivor TliauK "1 J.EW ni LIN Lns ESCOUMAINS a post village unil luirisli in Sn^,ni(>iia>' to . Quo. on tlic N' sliore of the Ht Liiwencc, 21 miles below Tiulousac. It liiis ii lar^o Iaiiil)i'riiig tiiule and sliijis load here for freurht |)()it.H i'op l.O'J'l. hESKARI), a post viliapo in Dnrliam CO Out., on Sprinj^ Creek, 10 milcH tritin Newcastle. It hna good water [idwer which is partly utilized in working several mills and factorie.-i, ;inii rnntains 1 hotel and 2 stores. I'.'P 2 0. I.R.^LIEVHJJ-: a thriving j-ost vil- lage in York co , Ont., 2.\ miles from Toronto. It contains a telegraph oflice, !in Toronto nurseries covering 151) iirres. several bricklields, and 8 stores. I'o" 400. LKS PETITES RERGEROXXES, a po.t office in Haguenay co., Que , at t he moiitli of a salmon stream of the same nami'. on the north shore of the St. Lnwrenep, 9 miles from Tadousac. 1/ETKTE a j)ost settlement in Charlotte co., N.B., 9 miles from St. Gt'ore". It has cop))or mines. LEVIS, or POINT LEVI, the chief town of the co. of Levis, Quo., Is situ- ated on the south shore of the St. Lawrence, opposite Quebec, and is the tonninus of the Grand Trunk rail- v.ay and the landing jjlace of tiio passengers arriving from Europe by the Ocean steamship.^, 172 miles X.E. of Montreal. It contains a commodious liOteL a number of stores, 2 telo- frraiili offices, and several saw mills and factories, and has a very extensive shippintr trade. Pop. (;,(391. LEWIS BAY, a post settlement in Cape Breton co., N.S., 30 miles from Syhrv. Pop. 150. LEWIS HEAD, a post settlement in Shelburne Co., N.S,, on the sea coast, '11 miles from Shelburne. It contains 2. store.-. Pop. 120. LEWIS MOUNTAIN, a post settle- raent in Westmorland co., N.B., 10 miles from Petitcodiac. Pop. 120. LEWIS I'ON, a seaport of Prince E'lward Island, co. of Prince, on the east coast of the north end of the l3Lii!i!,on the north side of the entrance to Holland or Cascumpeque Bay. Lat. 45^ N., Ion. or r W. LEWISVILLE, or LOUISVILLE, a po.-t villa','e in Kent c>)., Ont., on the Kiver Thames, and on the G.T.R., ^• oj village m miles from tannery, a miles from London. 6 miles from Chat- iiain It contains a floiiruig null and several stores Pop loO LEWISVILLE a post "Westnurlaiid co N B. 1^ .Mo icton It contains a store and a .^aw mill Pop LEWRAV. or S.MITIIS 'OHxeus, a post village in .Middlesex co., Ont. 6 miles from Park Hill. Pop. 40 LIBBKVS MILLS. Standtead co., Que. See Boynton LIFFORO, a jxist villag(> m Durharu CO., Ont.. 5.', miles from Bethany. Pop 100. LILLOET a post village in the dis- trict of Lilloet, 1! C . 2^'; rules from New Westminster 18.'! miles from Yule. It contains a court house a saw mill, a grist mill, and sevrral stores. Gold mining is prosecuted here with great success LI.ME HOUSE, a post village in Hal- ton CO., Ont , on the G. T R, 32^ miles from Toronto It contains a woollen mill, a saw mill, several limo kilns, a telegraph oflicc, and 3 stores. Pop. 150 LI.ME LAKE, a i)03t village in Hastings co., Out., 20 miles from Napanee. It contains a shingle factory ami 2 stores. Pop 50. LIME ROCK, a post settlement in Pieton CO., N.S., 3 miles from West River Pop. 90 LINCOLN, a county of Ontario, situ- ated on the south shore of Lake On- tario It is boun(le(l on the east by the Niagara river. Area 107, 5ol acres Cajiital, St. Catharines. Pop. 20,072 LINCOLN, a post settlement in Sunbury co., N.15., on the Eredericton railway, G miles from I'redericton. Pop. 2,'iO. LINDA, a post village in Comi)ton CO., <,^ue., 5 miles from Cookshire. LINDSAY, the chief town of the co. of Vicloria, Out., i,s situated on the River Scugog, and on the .M. R , 4:' miles from Port Hope. It has an exteii.-ive trade in lumb;r a d grain, contains 2 wclegraph oliices, 3 branch biinks, the county buildings, several chiiiclies and scho Is, grist and s.iw nulls, and a number of line storeSj and has manu- factories of iron cas ings, machinery, leather, woollen goods, wooden ware, extract of bark, boo s and shoes, &;c.; also a brewery, and several hotels. ;i *Ui f'^^ f v:^ ! '■'"; ! -1 '4 1 ■• L : » ' J :! i; i ; 1 f»i;- ' , 'm^ *'M m I '■ w E;|,/ it iiN Lis 172 LIT Two worlAV .t .MKDrXNIKKAG. a post si'Ulciiit II III (,";iiK;lt)ti CO N 15 . 10 iiiilcjv Iroiii \.(K)(lsl()ck I'op SrjO IJNKiiOliO II post villii^'o in Stiin- Stcml <•!) , II telf^'rir;':i ollice Pup I'jO lilN'tJA.V, 11 p'isl village in Cape l^retoii (■()., \.S J on ilin sea coast, 17 miU'rf from ; }!{ miles helow t^iiehec In contains a Konian (Jalholic cliiirch a lelegiaiili ollice, 7 >;tores,and a shipyard and liaaa lai go liiniher trade Pop I 000 L'lSLEl FOUOES a Hinall vUlago 111 (Jliamplain co Que on tlio Kivur St iMaiirice 12 iniles Irom Three Kiveis It contains a large foiiiuiry where stoves aie maniifictureO tnnii iron ore found in an aiijaceiit bufj which Clivers an area of aOout s.x miles, and is from six toeigliteen inches in tliickness It also contains a saw mill Poj) 150 iilSMOuE, a small settlement in Pictou CO , N.S., on Nortliiiniheilaiiil Strait, at the month of liailey s Crook 24 miles from New Glasgow Pop 150. LISTOVVELL an incori)orated \\\- lage in I'erth co Ont on the east bra.ich of tlie iMaitland rivei and on the W G it M II (South extension) 9 miles from Palnierslon It a telegraph ollice abiaiichbank saw grist, flax and woollen nulls, brewery foundry, tannery, cabinet factory, kc. at)oiil 2 ) stores, 3 hotels, and a ]:rinl- lug office issuing a weekly and ii monthly newspaper. Pop. 970. LITTLE BAY, a fishing settlement in La Poile Bay, Nfld., 2 miles from L;i Poile Poi) 114. LITTLE BAY, a post vdlagc in Kings CO., P E.I., 42 miles from Cliar- lottet Avn Pop. 75. LITTLE BAV, a small hshing settle- ment on the west side of Plaeenlui Bay 130. Nfld., 5 miles from Burin. Pop. LITTLE BAYS, two small fishing setileiii iits in the district of Fortune Bay, Nlkl ,5.', miles from Harbor Briton. Pup. 12,-. LITTLE BAY ISLAND, a largo fisl- ing settlement in the district of Twil- lingateaul Fogo, Xild., on an Island at the entrance to Hall's Bay, 15 miles from Tilt Cove Po)) 250. LITTLE BONAIl, a small fishing settlement on the westsidi^ of Phicentiii Bay, Mid , 15 miles from Burin Pop 20 LITTLE BRANCH, a post office in Northi.irib-rland co., N.B., 13 miles from Chatham. MTTLK village ri C Little Bras .Sydney .\Iin It contains Neptune, p culls here MTTLE viUuge in ^ tnaii Lindsa saw null, a V ;i rake fact*. Pop 330 LITTLE jind settlem iniles from 1 LITTLE ( niorland co. (liac Pop LITTLE ( tlemeiit on Hay, Nfld 3 ;!T0 LITTLE ( BURY, a pi Algonia, Oi Island. 140 It is a laiu: Royal Mai stores, and 1: 3U X., Ion. LITTLE See Hdmiind LITTLE 1 of small isli Island, Nfld. tied hy fishe LITTLE N.S See M LITTLE ( Inge in Cap sea coast, 17 are vast bed enijiloyed in It has a tele American stores. Pop LITTLE meiitin Pict berlund Stra gow. Then and mills toi Pop. 200. LITTLE I Kings CO., Georgetown . LITTLE in Shelburne '-^7 miles fror LIT ns LIT I,ITTLK BRAS D'OK, a i.rctly post villiij^i' 11 Ciipe Mroton co , N S ,on llit; Little Itms d'Or Luke, 4 inilcH Irdiii ^ S , on the yea coast, 31 miles from Sydney i'op 100 LITTLE NARROWS, a post settle- ment 111 Victoria cii , N S , on the south side of St Patricks ("iiaiuKd, 10 miles from Whycocoinah. Pop 150, LITTLE PARADISE, a .mall fishing settlement on the west side ot Placen- tia Bav, Ntld , 22 miles from Plucentia. Pop 21. LITTLE PLACENTIA. a post town on the east side of Phici mia Bay, NMd., 85 miles from St John's. Inliabitants are engaged in fanniu ;; as well as tish- iug. Salmon are pleutil'iil here. Pop. ':'>H'.<. LITTLE RAPIDS, a i^ost oflice in Ottawa CO., Que., 1- miles horn Buck- ingliam. LITTLE RIDEAP, a po.^t village in Prescolt CO., Out., on tl;i' Long Sault rapids, Ottawa river, Hawkesbiiry. Pop LITTLE RIDGE Albert co., N.B. LITTLE RIVER, a i)ost s.'ttlement in Antigonish co., .\.S., 15 niiks Iroiu Antigouish. LITTLE RIVER, a imst settlement in Cumberland CO., N.S., 7^, miles from River Pliilip. LITTLE RIVER, a juist settlement in Digby co., N.S , on Digl'y Neck, 22 miles from Digby town. Poj). 200. LITTLE RIM:R, a post s.-tileimnt in Sunbury co., .\.15., 12 miles from Shettifld. Pop. 25u. LITTLE RIVKK, a settlement in Kings CO., N.B.,t> miles from Ossekeag. Pop. 250. LITTLE RIVER, a settlement in Yar- mouth CO., N.S.,(; miles from Varmoulh. Pop. 200. LITTLE RIVER, a small fishing set- tlement in the district cf Bur^'co and La Poile, Ntld., 22 miles from Burgeo. Pop. 53. LITTLE RIVER, (Coverdale,) a post settlement in Albert co., N.B., 15 miles from Salisbury. Pop. 300. miles from 200. a post oflice in m* i \'\ 11 !4l ijl;i'< ^fi'^ '■*m \'i i . l!,u \ ffcMrllU „ i ; i' m ; V 1 ■' {:' w If '. ■ Ir ^|. (tr i' '^ ■.ni 1 i' !| ,1 ir ':! I t' LIV 174 LOB LITTLE RIVER, (Elgin,) a postsot- tlcinciit in Albert co., N.B., 20 miles from iMiiei)(liiic. Pop. 200. LITTLE RIVLR, (Middlk Musquodo- B')!T,) a po-^t .seltleiueiit iii lliil'fa.K eo., N.S., IH tnllca from Sliubenaeadie. Po]). 400. LITTLE RIVER, (St. FiiANc;c,ig Xavikh,) a villiifTO in (^Imrlevoix co., Que., ;{0 niile.s from i^.t. Tlioin.'is. It. coiitiiin a Roman Catholic olinrcli, 1 store Mn places ofwor-;hip a telegiaph ollicc a pnntingoilire issuing a wi-ekiv news ]»ai)ei, several saw mills a n .imti.T oT stores, the head office oi" :lie l^a ilt of Livctpool, and a branch "^t th> Bank of Aciidia, a id manufictones of iron cast- ings, machinery, cilge li ols, niateliogj icathi'i, wooden ware, boots and shoes. &c. It has a large shipbiilditig ami shipping trade. A new fn>c bridf.'c spans the Mersey from th<' nortli central biHiness part of tlie town to Bri-tol Liverpool is a. ])ort ot entry. Tlie niim- i)('r of arrivals for 1872 was 122 (tons 21,(",SS), and the clearances 102 Cton,^ ll.itn.) Totfil value of imiiorts Si"'",' I I') ; exports i52r).'',3">r), cliictlv lumber stavc-^and fish. Po].. .-!,(i00 LIVERPOOL CAPE, is the nat-ae of a headland on the south side of the en:ran'e to Lancaster Sound, North We-t Territ(u-ies, and of aaothcrliound lug the inlet Liverpool Bay, Arcvic Oc'an, Niu'th America, immediately S.W. of Cai.i' Cathnrst. Lat. about 7n N., l(Hi. 12!) W. LIVLVOSTON'-S COVE, a postseltle- rn-mt in Antigonish co., N.S., on the north side of <'ape George, 42 miles fnun New (ibisi^ow. Pop. 150. LLOVDTOWN, a thriving post vil- larre 11 Yoik co., Out., 8 miles from K I'ie- urg. It CO itaiusa ieb'graph office, several stores, a flouring mill, saw mill, and carding mill, and has nianufactorie? of imideuients, cabinet ware, waggons, bricks, kc. Pop 400. LOBO, a post village in Middlesex CO., Out., or- the Ox Bow river, 11 ni'le.-^ from London. It contains a saw and fl Hiring mill, a woollen factory, a brickficli;, ar.d2 cheese factorie . Pop 100. LOBSTI' s(>lllii:ieii! ?()lltll S(h Till ^'"ve LOCIIA AntiL'tuiisi Lake 20 u .'oo LorriA Ottawa f LOCIIA ir. K!nes 1 1 2h m I!» _'8 l.()(MI.\r.r;iI a p^st sfttlomo-t in Antifonisli CO , N S on Lonlmbcr Lake 20 1111IC3 from Antiguiiish. Pop. joo KOrnALEn hay a post olTice in Oit:i\v,'i CM , {)ii(' , ;") iiult'.-i fidin Tlitirso. I.OCIIAIITVII.LE. u postscttl.'iiunt ir. K u'S- ( 0. N S , liCiir tin! River Avon, 2.j ni I's fioiii Ilant -nort. Po]!. -"."). "j.OCn FiAN. a liainlct in Inverness CO N S It Ii;is a grist mil. LoriIP,r;()()\r,;ispttk'iiicnt in Picfou CO., X.S., on IIjo re. sitlf of Picfon harbor, 8 nuh'^ from Picton. Pop. 200. J.OCiT (JARPY, a post vill trc in r.i r,g-arrvco., Onl., 8 miles from Ale.Ktm- dr:a. Pi'p. 100. LOrjPEL, a post viHuffc in Glen- (rnrrvco., Out, \o\ miles from Riviere liai !!i r CO ;1ai is 2 stores. I'op. <".0. LOCniEL, Inverness co., N.S. See Grand Eta I'C Lor IT INVAR, or McXAI?, a post vi!l in^' in (!l MiGfiirry CO., ()nt., 2.'> miles troiii Rivi'ie P.iisin Pop. 50. LOCIISIDE, 11 ])ost settlement on I.iicii Loin' ml Lake, Pu'litno'd co., XS. (,;) miles liom Port Ilawkesburv. J'ep 100 LOrn LOMOXD, a set'lement in IJichmo'iil CM X.S., on a lake i.f ibe same name, .'J7 miles from Sydney. P(.n ino LOCn LOMOND, a post setllement in St J )!ri c) , N.B., miles from St. J.iliii. Pop 200. L()(:KE port, or LOCKE'S IS- L.VXI), a post town in Shelburne co., .VS., on I! igcred Inland harbor, 'M miles from Sli ■ibiiric. It is a ]iort of entry, and contai:.s a teleK'raiih olliec a lirancli bank, a number of stores, and 2 lintels An extensive trade l.-i done in West India produce and in the fisheries. The number of arrivals for 1872 was 02 (tons 4,llo), and the clearances (;0 tons .',711) Total value of imports S':2.07!; exports $291, 22t;. Pop. IM). LOCKSLEY, apostollicoin Renfrew. CO., Out., 7 miles from Pembroke. LOCKTOX, or ("EXTREV ILLE, a po.-;t vijlit'e in Card Well co.. Out , on the Rive- il'.-'.nber, 1.] miles ''rom Mono Head, it eo.ii.ii is a'flour mill, a store and an hotel. Pop. 80. L(")CT\VILLE, a post village m Dun- das CO., Out., b' mils fii ni Iri cpiois. It contain i 2 churches, 1 store, 1 hotel and an asherv Pop la") LOCJANVILLE, a .-ettlement in Piclou CO , X S , on till' River Joiin, 18 miles frotn Pictou. Pop *I0 LtXlIERAIT, apostVilla^i-eiiiLand.- ton CO ^ Out., Jj.l miles from Sarnia. Pop ,^0 L(KiY RAY, a nsluncr .^enlcment in the lbs: net (,f St. J^ hi.'s, Xfld , :> miles from St. Johns Pi'p 2no LOMI'.ARDY.orSOrTFI ELMSLEY^ a p( St vi!la;:e in Leeds co .Out. 7 iiiili'S from Suiitli's Falls. Il cnniains a llmr- iiig mill, a shingle mill., and several stores. Pop. l.'.O. LOXnESROROrOIL a thriving i^ost villa^■e ill Huron CO., Onl . capita) of t!i<' CO. of .Mi'. ;les"X, > tLe Rivi r Thames, 121 Bi!l-< W .f Tor uto, ]'l mile~ E.X.E. of Wr.Kbsw It has a line appearance, liic strefts are Itt with gas and are wide ^ind run at Mgliraugles to each other I'jion them >ire many ex- cellent buildings. It 13 the ceiilri- of the fine.T+a;r,';e-iltu- ral region of Canada, and a f iri 't div- erging centre of tluv- ra.lwaj*, Inlng the jinction of a lirir*"!! < f ll.» Creat Western to Sarin 1 from the nian line, the northinni tenn'niK of the L' iidun and Port Stanley railway, and having a branch of the Orainl Trunk from St. Marys, connecting it \vi h that i ne. London contains (! bra -cli ba' ks, 2 telegraph agencies, a number of fine liotels. a ho.^t of stores, 4 jirint ng offices issni ig .'i 1] ly and .-ev( lal wc'kly new-pap.'i.- an exl.ibitii)i» biiihling, a lu atic a-yium, o''pi;aii asylum, hospital, 9 schoul.-i. a lonvmit, 4 culletr'S (including II vn (College, II(dlmulh Colle/o and Ilel'mutli Ladies College, 'hreo good ediica'ional eslali- Hshmert-.) and 19 cliuri h' s ( ncludnig Cliiirehof Eng'au'l and Rmna 1 Catho- lic Cithelra! .1 St. I'aul's cliurch (cliurch of E iglardy is one of the few in Canada ])ossessiiig a jieal of Iv Us. The iiiannfactorie-; of L'mdo i are re- presemed by extensive iron foundries and machine shops, mills, breweries, ch uical works, petroleum reiincries, '441^'!. li^*' r-i^ I i! • M ,1-, It r i i y-1 I mi l'\. \v\l I , Lo.y Hfi IA)S tlirnn'ri<'S, hool inul slior, Hoiip iumI caiiilli', iiiiisuiil III r»'^jiiliilc(l liy !i Itoiiiil dl Trnilc Tlu' cily rrluriH I iiiriiitM'f to llic lloiis" ol OoiiiiMoii.-t nnd I lo llic i'lovnii' IjCf^nsluliirc. Dmih;,' Ihc siiiiiiih'I liumtlH liU'|n> nuii.lfi ; nl iiivnlnh iiml lii'iillli si'fkcrs visit IjoikI' 11 to ciijov till" lirin-lil 111 it : wliiii' silpliiii s|inii;;s (t':i;iii'(l lor llini iiicihciiiiii (|iiMlitii's ) liomlon IS II port ol ciilr}' Toliil viiiiii' ol'iiiiporlH lor lsV2 $1 7 in nr.O , oxportrt ;tii,i7i>,J<;"< I'op ill i.>r.j (.<»;i ihci 11,".:.:., is;i, i:.,sj(, L()N'i)o\i)i;i;i;v u post sctticiiK^nt ill Kiii;;^ (• ) . N 15 11 nuli s Iroiii Si Joliii it I'oiilMiiis i siiwinills Pop 'JiiO LOND 'NDKlvKV, ii seaport town of Nova Scotiii CO ol Colclnslri on llu> N' side of oliiMjiii'l l!av tlu- walcrsol w liicli llow W tliioiij;li .M.iiiis I4av to till" Hay orKiiiuiv. and on tlic I K , I 7 tiiilr ; lioiii Truro It coiilams a tdrtrrapli ollicc, 10 stores, I hotel u tannery, k*' ami lias 11 i^ood sliippin^ tiade The mini ber of ariivals loi 1S72 was 2S(l(iiis 2,.S(;'j), mid tluM'learanees 1 '.(tons i;Jl 1 ) Total value ot import-* iji^l.'.'.i:] , e.\|. oris !?2l,r.70 The Acadian Cliiircoal (ion rom[iaiiy have their works liorc l'o[> OOU. liONC. (^I!KEK, a post spttlenient in Queens ( o , N II l'^ miles from Apolia- qui l'o|i lOi) LON'U ("IvllKK n post villajj^e in Queens co IMl I H miles IVom Char lottetown It contiiiiis J stores und ii shipvard Poj. 1<>() L()N(} llAKKOi;, 11 fisliing settle- selllcni'iit ill the «lislricf of {''ortiine Hay. Nlld.,-1T mill' ■■ Irom Ijarlior Itiiton. The liarltor is about I mile wide and runs inward- for 12 miles It is thickly woodeil on h il!i sides I'o|i. MO. LONt; IIAKKOU. 11 lishini^r settlc- rieiit on the east siile of IMaceiiiia Hay, Nlld., [) inilos from Little riacciitia Top. i:t;). i.()N(J ISLAND, iin island in Ilud- son's Hav. Lai. ,''.") ,^) N., Ion. 7:t W. i.O.NC} ISLA.^'l), a settlement in Kitijifs CO., N.S., on an island in Miiias liasin, 2 miles from (irand l*re I'op. 120. LCVd ISLAXD, or FRKErORT, a post villaj^e in Ditjliy eo., N.S., on an ishiud in St. Ma ;"a Hay, off Digby Neck ^.S miles from Digliy town Pop ol I land 7n| LO.N'C ISLAM) LOCKS a post vil Iaj.^e in |{iis<< II co (hit , on the Kideuu laiial r^i miles Iroiii .Manoticl; Poji :i:.o LONC ISLAM) at llielieiid of Lake Mistake, on the Hivicre dii Lievre, CO o( (tlliiwa, Que L().\(5 ISLA.NDS n fr,()iii. of small islands ill I'loiiavisla Hay Nlld., I iiiili'-; Iroiii (>iicn Hall They arc. mhaliiled hy lisliernien Pop 1 ! LONO POI.NT a post settlement in Kiiij.js ((. NS on tlie I'ay of Fuiidy 7 iiiilc.; from r.erwu k I'op in tlio di.s tnct of llailior Mai i .Mid., on the north side ol Concepiion Hay 1(> miles Iroiii SI .loin's Pop 2:.0 L'lNC HKAl'II a post Hi'tt'.enu'ntiu Ki i^sco, N H., on the St .John river, 2(( miles fVom St John It contains 2 stores Po|i HO. I LONC, SLTTLK.MENT a i.ostsellle- iiieiit. in Carleton co., N H , H milesfroiii Floreiiceville Pop 100 LONCI'K DM CLKF, a small fisl*- iii}^ selllrmeiil oil the east side of For- tune Hay Mid . 20 miles from (.iaruisli Pop 20 LONtUn-: POINTK, the chief lownof llochilaija CO., Que., on t lie north slioie of the St Lawrence, (> mile.-, K. of Mon- treal. I'oi). 2r,0 LONCrFrili, the chief town of Ihe co. of Chainlly, prellily situated on the ri^dit h.uik of the St. Lawrence,:! miles from iMontrcal. It contains chiircdies for the Koman Catliol cs, ami M|)i^copalians, a tclejj^raiili ollici'. ami several storesand hotels. Lonj^'iiciiil was the tcrmiir'S of the (Irand Trunk Kaihvuy until the constniclion of the Victoria Hridge, when iIh; rails wen; removed and the ..llices and work.s clo.sed. Il is the summer residence of many Montrealers. Poj.. 2,oH.'t, a de- crease of 7.')3 as conii)an (I with 1801. This was lontr a favorite retreat of tlio late Mgr. Deneaux, Hidhop of Quebec. ! Lf>XCi post \ III;' ; In I t.lllH I . and '> ; Il LONC lage III Ci. \V i; ciinlain '^ Haw Nill 1,0 N ilie:s CO , ( liolil '|\ I Mill, a w I't-li. I..0. LOC.N ni''iii III I Fo-o, Ml I'op. .'!... LOI.'DH (Jliaih-lle liiih> fioi lim;l. '■ : lii ;.:;!es <..,ii LO"!.:t LA .li:iN im.-l vilki' t^'iie., on tl Iroiii <^tiii li II saw mil water woi I Huron tnl They have (iceiii y I he niucc.'isiiis The Falls much admi LOI.'Lf Wi'l! CO J ( pop. ;io. I.OI.'NE, Il l,a> I .-I I i.(»i;m:, (hit , ."i mil i.'oiMc: tniid, capit Pre.-cill a river, and n M'. II I rial I Molill-i :i|. ] ty h:i:ldin{r iii-lllMlice h'l man C; Mi liiodisis, '1 si I ires. .1 li^'hcd in I, L'dM! \l Well CO., Ui. LOU 177 LOV I rum f tlM' il (III !l'<', '.) 1:liiis 111 cs, illir:, m ;ul riiiik lllL' wen; ■ork.s cc of d(- 8(jl. I 111! LOXCWdOf), (ir MI'II.IUUWJNI' a pD-'l \,ll:iM' i I .Miildli'ic;. <■() , (till., '.i l.l'' ; III III l.'i;i;' \\ lidd Sill .i'lli. Il ( (III- t.iiii ^ I . .lU iiiill, I y i'i.. liU. I.ON; l>.\i,i;, II, |i(i I vl!I;ii'c ill II, I, 1- iii;; i ('(I , < hil., (hi Salriioii 1 1\ ci , I iiiiic i liniii T_\ I iidiii;i(';i. Il (i.iiiiiiii a ^'n;l ],iill, il uiKill II null, and '.\ nv \ stoics i'uli. !,.(). LOON LAV, a (■mnll lidiiiijr sdll.- Tlli'llt 111 1 !ir ill, -trie! ol T\\ lllill^iilr lilld I'diro. Nlld., 'JJ lilllcH IVoill TwdlliJ^Nllf. I'dji. .'i.'i. LOI.'DS COVi:, a |i..,-t (.llici- iii Cli.ii liilii' ( (I., N L , (III J)iir l.d.iiid, '^ mill- > I Viilr l'':ii- ' ;l veil. L('!;i,, I .yvl'I, a ;,|ii:ill li liiii^"- ..d- I uimll-ii r.i(ii,ry. L(jji. Li". ^; ; 111 llic dislncUd'Luriii, Nlld , H l,( il (J I! I.Ol'.'O, m- SVDLNI I AM, a ;':!''■' .1111 L.iliiiiliiii'. i'oj). flu. I |)ii.-;l, \ dl.i;4c id Ad ;iii^,M(iii en.. Out. , at i,;;::KTTL, (u- ST A.Ml;i;olSL l>L \\i<: (iiillil. (.!' Sloiit'.s Luke, IV inilcg LOUWAV MINKS, a iuhI vilhitro ,-„ 0;||,(' lin idll CO., N.S,, (1,1 I :(■ (ilii; ;.',< i:i iIm- .ast- ern |illll dC (,H|(1)CC, on tilC KOlllll ^•lldlO ol' till' SI. L.iwiciicc. Area '\i\<\^iA') iicri'.^. The L'lvcr dii Olicnc mnl IIkj l;i:iinivM^(! lldW lliron^li il (Jajiilal, Lolliliih'ic. I'oji. 2(>,i;{ni. LOTLINILI.'i;, IIm; cai.ilal of Lollilii- Ki'r CD, (.,>ii(>., i.s Hitn:iti(| (III the ,-() illi : liorc ol IIk; Si,. Liiv. rciM <•, IV mile , H. of (,)ii(lirc. II. contains li liir).'c roiiii- diii .-t, Miw iind ^.M'ist tiiillH, a ((Hivi nl, ti Uoiiiiin llndsc cdinrcli, and .-I'vcral Hlorc^. l'o|>. 'J.I'J:). L( »TI S, a |io,-it villii^^c III O'lrliiijii co., Onl,., on riccoii (-'nidi, U nnl' .-, IVom l!ii lijiny. Il cdiiliiin.-i I cliiiiiii'licc ci, , j -Idii-, 1 ImIiLs, mid (.n', >nw and • Mil'., on the h'lvcr St. (Iliaihv;, H mil li'diii (.•iK hcc. 1 1 con la ill.-; a iiji|icr iioll, iiKaw null, 11 lldiir mill and lli" (Jik I cc AViilcr \vdi I,.;. Alioiil. (JO liiiiiili' .s ol' l he Iluidii tnlie (f liidiiins rc-ido here. Tlicy have a cIiukIi ol' their own, iind ( nil 1 1 y their lime in makin;^f. snow .sIioc.j, rniiccasiiH, and uM i(de.s (d' curiosity. The l''all.s of Lord tc luc- an oLjecl ( I' niiicli admiration. I'o]i. .■>,!'.;):'). LOi;i:rTO, a |icst villiij.n- in Oard- well CO, Out., "Jl inih'3 iniWi Lnidronl. To]). '.10. LOI.'NK, riliiimlet in Oxford co.. Out. Il l;:i. 1 .-I. re. l.tiLNL, a ollico ill Lnice co., Out , ."i mil,-; from Kinemdine. L'Ol;i(;\.\L, a [losl villii;,^' of <)n- tiiiio, ciipital of till! imilcd coiuilics t f l'ic.-c( 1 1 and Riis,-;(d!, on the Ottawa river, and near a [iiMpo.-icd railroad from Mniitreiil to Ottawa, <;i; iii,l .s W. (^1' Moiilreal. It coniiiiii.-;, ljc.-id(s Ihc coiiii- ly ha'Idiii<:.-', a t(dct.';raph ollicc, several in-iir,iiicc ayciicic;;, cliiirtdii'.-; for t^c lli'inan Oalholics, rre.-diyterimi.s mid .M iliddist..;, jrr ,st and .-^aw inill.-f, and '1 '^lure^. A weekly lie w-;|iap('r i.s jmlj- lished in L'Ori'riia'l. Pop. 8'tO. Ln|;|[.\iM.;' h |,ost ollicc in Card- ■Wtll CO., Onl., 17 mile,-; from Mono Load 12 .,llili}ile mill.-;. I'op. l:";!!. LoriSLI'l.'O, once an impoilnnt .-(■apdi t, of ('a|ie Dretcii, .N.S.,on t.|i« S v.. .-Iidrc of the l-l.iiid, 'M miles S.l']. of .Sydney. The l'"ren( li creeled n fortre.-^-i here iit. an ( xpeii c of ;;o,(i (i,(jOO livrc:;, mnl whih; Loui, liiu(r remaiiicd III their occupancy it, c.x] i rti d .^OO.OOO ipiiiilal-; of cii. AfPri' wa.s taken po;-.- cH ioii of liy th(! Lritish in I ii;.'{ (all the I''rci)ch .Vorili Aiii'iieiin jio.-scs.sjons having lieeii ^fivcn iiji hy trciily,) the J5rifi.'-di (idV(rnmcnt deniol kIhiI the lld I''i('ii(di li^hf lioii,-;e on tl.e ea I ImjikI. I.oiii-liiir^ hii.s a line liiuhor, open the \car idiiiid. LonSVILLiv or K( dCIil i.Ol.'GU- A('l,'<, a post ,-etilemeni m Kcnlro, N.l; .I'-'mile-fioni L'ich Ludo I'op. I'JO. LolISVILLL, Kent co , Out. See Lewisville. LOVAT, a fillici; i i JJruce co., ' »iit., 'i miles from Pai icy. ml ■'■■ "1 ri'ii*^'ipli' i'.i iill \ LOW ITS LOW LOW, a post village in Ottawa co , Que, in iulccp viilji'}', ,'i8 iMilcs f'-oin Ot- tawa. It (umtaiiis a telegraph oflice and ft storo. I'op. 100. L(»\VI5.\\KS, a post villagn in MoMok CO., Out., on Lake Eric, 4 miles friiH) l''cc(l('r. Pop. 140. _ LOWIOII AROYLP:, a po.^t {Tico in Yuniioiith CO., N.S., 2 I milerf from Yar- mouth. LOWER HARNEY'S RIVER, a po.>t BotI lenient in I'ictou co., N.S., at tiic inoiitli of Harney'-s river, 18 miles from New (;i;!Jgow. I'op. 200. LOWEIl HARTlliOG, a settlement in .N'ortiiunilterland co.jN !>., on a tiii)- utiirv 1o the .Mir.miiclii, 'J niil'j.s fnjm CliaihiMii. Pop. 150. LOWER nRKMlTON. a post setlle- meiit in (Jjirlet^n co.,, G miles from Wonit.^tock. Poj.. 2')'). LOWER nriKiEO, a ])03t town and port of entry in the di.Urict of Kiirgeo anil [>a Roil!', Xfld., XiD miles froui'.St. John'd. It is a I'.laco of considerablo trade. A sfcjiner c;;lls here from Ht. Jolin'.s every fortni^rht. Pop. 020 LOWKR (!.\XTE!;i;rRY, aiu),., oa the S. side of the River Ht. John, at the montli of tlieSheogomoc, 44 miles from Frederic- ton. Pop. 100. fiOWKIl CAPE, a post viRa,!re i:i Allti'rt CO., N.l!., at llie head of .Sheiiody Bay, 'V2\ miles from Hali.-lmrv. LO\V"KR CAPE, a set: lenient in Kent CO., N.I)., at the entniiiee of l.'ieliiljneli) { miles from Richili:icto. Tl;er'! on it.^ lieaiL Lat. l^P Gi' 42 30" W. Pop. L".n. LOWER CLYDE, a pettlement in {Slio!l)iirn.' CO., X.S.. on the Cly le river, 11 Tiiiles from Shelh.irne. It contains 2 stores. Posi. 1 00. LOWER (JOVE, a post settlement in (yumherland co , N.S.. on (."umb "rl.ind R.'isin, ].■) miles from .Macean. Grind- stones are mamifacturfd here. I'op. :?no. LOWER COVERDALE, a post set- tleiii'nt i:i AHierl co., X.Il., 4 miles from Moncton. Pop. ir)0. i-OWHR DPHLIN, Lunenburg co., N.S. See Dublin Shore. LOWER FORT CARRY, a post ofTic'' in tiio district of L sgar, Man., on til" I'ed River, 20 miles north of Fort Garry. harbor, 30' 40' X., i:s a light lioii^e Ion. LOWER FREETOWN, a po.^t villa,<^o in Prince co., P.E.I., 8 miles liom Siaa- mersido. Pop. 200. LOWER FRENCH VILL A(;E,a post village in York co., N.l!., on the St. J(jhn river, miles from Frei'.ericton. It was originally settled by Fnncli, There is an Indian village by. Pop. 2.'.0. LOWER GRANVILLE, or GO.\T ISL.ANI), a ]iost_ village in .Annapolis CO , NS., o:i Annapolis Ua.-in, 8 mili3 from Annapolis Pop 100 LOWER (JULLEY, a .-mall fishing settlement in the disti'ict of ILarbor .Miin, Xlld , :J0 miles from St John's. Pod 115 r^OWFRTTAYNE.'^VILLE, a setlkinent in York co., N 1!., 22 miles from Frederiet'-n. Pop. l^O LOWF-I!. IIIl,LSi;oi:orc.!I, a post settlement in Albei't co., .\.li., 27 miles fr'im Sali-burv I'op. 5o. LOWFR liORTON, Ki;ig3 co. N S. See (irand Pre LOWER IRELAND, a post villn^jo in Megantic co., Que., 10 miles fr.)ia i!i caucour Station It ccjiitains 2 saw null-; and 1 grist mill. Pop. 200. L0W1-:R LACIIINE i:.t)AD,_a .set- tleinen! on the lou-erroad on th" N. '^Iiore oftlK.'St. Lawrence, between .Montreal and Lacliine. LOWt:iiLAIIAYE,al-'o caF.ed FIVE IlOrSlCS, a post V ill;'. ire in Luiieiibiu'g CD , N.S., on the La Pave river, miles from Lnni'iiburg. Pop. 220. I.OWEi; L'ARDOISF, a j.ost settle- ment in Riclimoiul co.. N.S., on the east siile of St. Peter's 15av, 4S miles from Port Ilawkesburv. Pop. 100. LOWER LINE (ilJEEN.snriiY, a ]iost setib'inent in York co., N.I5., on the ni>rth s'd'^ of the St. Joliii river, 10 miles from Fredericton. Po)). 150. LOWEil MACtJA.N, a p 'St settle- ment in Cumberland co., N.S., 11 miles from Amherst. LOWi;il .MIDDLETON, a village in Annaiiolis c >., N.S., 1.', miles from Middle'on. Pop. lOu. LOWER NI'.WCASTLE, a po.' vd- bige ill .Vortliuinberlaiid I'o.. \.!i., G miles from Chatliam. Pop. 2"iO. LOWER PEEL, Carleinn ,;,,., N.l!. See Peel. LOWER PKREAPX, a post settle- ment in Kmgsco., N S., (ai M!na< iiasii, 11 miled from Port A''illiams Station. L0\ ,^ SCttlene n niiks I,' 11 Lowi; post S'lll the south 2:!.', miles tains a sto LOWEl ment ill If; llalifa.Y LOWEI tleinent in Fide of th from Fred LOWER post selllc! at the moi 13 miles fr< :;no. LOWER in ■ (■( f'f Cobcipi land. Pup LOWER Rivi;;-.) a j (■".N.S., 12 Inn. LOWERS E'!.) a post s N.S..4rniIes LOWER ?"itl!enietit n'utli side < n;iles F LOWEfi h m-"nt in Ar from Anigo L^)WER post village i the Stewiaek with the S I. R, 44 mile tcle'^rrapli ofli •"'id an hote! tlir'- miles d LOWE Ft T f="'dcnient in from Salisbiii LOWKR V tl inent in ()■ f:'eiM Woodsfi Lower ^ n'KS ];ay, '•'^ , N.S., 2,'. 1 I-OWER V "^"lernent ii 'atk's from iJa 2Phi LO\V 179 L^^[ LO^ ,^R POCKMOrcnE, a pn=t BCtllfiiiMit ill Ciloiu'C'stfr CO., N.n, O'J niiU:-? (.■ in Clinlluini Pop. '..';"". LOWHi; PKIXf'E WILLIAM, a p();U S tlU'IlUTlt ill ^'ol'k CO., X. I; , Oil llic soiitii si(]<; of the Kivcr St. .lolii!, 2.''.V niilcg from Fndcricton. Ti. con- tain.^ n pfnrc and a smv mill Pop. 4"'). LOWEIf, PKOSI'KCT, a I'ot. s-ttlc- rri'iit in Halifax co.. N S , 21 miles from Halifax Pop. L'wO LdWEP orEEXSr.rPY, n ])ost=^of- tioiiH'iit in York co. X I! , on tiic norJi fido of tlio Hiver St John, 21 miles from Frf'lcricion Pop l.^it LOWEfl IJIVER IXIIAIUTAXTS, a so! tlcmont in Ricliinoti'l co., X S., at th<> moulli of tlic Wwir Iiihabitanls, 13 miles from Port Ilawkesbury. Pop. 300. LOWER RELMAIT, a post villnpo in llant;: co , X.S., on the , miles from Halifax. Pop. LOWER WOOD'S H.MHJOR, a post •••ettlcrnent in SliellMirne CO., N.S., 10 lutk-s from LurriiiLfton. LOWER WOODSTOCK, a post vil- ]t}rr" ;i 1(1 SOtthTlieilt in Cailctoll CO., X.l'>., 7 miles from Wo«dstock. It con- tains ;i Htnrc and 2 saw niilis Pop. 5oO. LOW I'OIXT, a p(*st .^etlleinent in Richmond co , X.S , ini the Strait of Canso, 7 miles from Port Hastings. Po[. 200. LOW POIXT, a small fishing settlc- m'Mit in ti.e di.tiict of Ray de Verds, Xdd ,.';:> miles f;o!n Caihonear. Pop. CO. L(»W PolXT .-HOLE, or VlCTOh'LV MlXIiS, a post vilhifre imd cnaldi-triet in (.'ape Rretonco. M S , a' tlie entrance of Sydney Harh'r Cso!ilh sidi ),t) nnies from Sydney. Ti:e Victoria coal mines are lov-ated hen'. A lar;Tc (piaiitity of coal is .v;niially raised and transju/rt'd 4 miles by railway to a wliarf at Sonth Ray, where it is Hnipi)ed on board ves- sels. There is a li^'hthonse on Low I'innt, .^h'lwiiiff a fixed ligiit 70 Tet above the level of the sea. Pop. ;!,-)0. LOWVILLE, a post villajjc in Hal. (on CO., Out., on Twelve Mile Creek, 9 miles fnan W-dlini^ton S., on the sontli W'st branch of (he M:ramic!ii,51 miL*s from Fredericton. Pop. 100. LCMLLV, a jiosl villaw In ITuron CO, (bit., on the River aiix Siulii?, 13 miles from Scaforth. Pop, 200, t t ! ^ .r ' ) II t *'!« J' ' ' I' i"- 4^ \A"l ISO I-VH l.nXnV'S I^.WK, iiiMi- Dnminioinl- i lli.- T. (i. .V It. I! , Cl inilrM iVnm T..l•(Ml- vil^•, < >iil., tlic si rni' tp|' iiii cnnn^rmiMl lit. It, iDiilMiii 1 ;{ :;;i\V iiiilli, ;i \M'I)||iii ill I.U ) 111 iwi'i'ii r (' r.rili.'-ili 111(1 AiinTi- null, 'J Hlmi'S, I iiulfl, iiiul ii li h ^ t'illl lrOvi|i , iiiwhicii llli- hllllT vvrir I ullicc. rcpp. CO »l.'l'>;it Lll.Nl'iNi'.lW.'d, II (•(iiiuty ul' Niiva h'rnli.i, ,- iliiiiir 111! VM'iii liic cDiinl u.. Ill' (,)ii(M'ii4 (lu tlii< W. mill ll.iLlax ami ll.iiil.^ (Ill liii- I']., uiul li ii'ili rcil () I till' N. Ii_y Kiiii'j iiiiil A iiiiM|iiili.;, iiiuIimi llic S. Iiy llii- All.iiilic Onjin. Au'ii VII,- fiOO iirii'.-i. Till' Mill i,t (■(Mill Mint cliiiiali' \A'iy liiu- Till' iiil.aliii.iiiis, df (!cr- niau t'Miarlioii, an- ('ii;,',a^i'il in laiiii- iii(^ mill lilriij^. Tin) si'tiniy iii Alaliono !'.a_\ , on lln.-^ cimihI, i,-4 iiol siir- \ia.;;i'il l»_v lliul in the llaj df Naples, i'apilal, I,nnc ihiii'^. Tup. li:!,;;.ll. LU.Ni;.\!;riv'(;,a post villaur III Sloi- liiuiil cii., Cut., 1 null's iViiiii I );rK iii^nns liiiiuliii;;'. Il I'linlains ;'> slori'S ami an iiiiii r iiarbui all'ojds j^ihuI anrlionij^r, aiiil at il.s in Ira 11 ri' arc two Ii^IiIIioiim-. cue slu)\vi;i;( a lixcil li!.;lil, liic sccuihI sliowin;.; luo li;.;lil.-<, oji(> ri'vol viii;.; ami 30 IcL'l aliovc llic oilier. Liinenltnrjj; owns a lar^e licet of li.;lnii'^ ve.-;.scl.-i, aid every Hcasoii llicy, to the nninln'r ol fil.) or U)i>, arc lillci .Mil, tor Mie li.dirry i i. nVIJin l;i;ll)(;i';, kSlalbiuno CO , N.S. .See I'nrt riyile. I.V.X, a lloiiri Jiiii^^ post vilaj^i' ni I, ceil.; CO , Out, on Cnlrm.iii ; ('reeii, ami on tlio ( I. T. K , I.:* i.i.l 4 imin Monliral. II. ciiiilaiin in.iiiiil.iclni'aM of u iii'lleii -', nililier roiiiln, I isa'al pen i, caniaj.^es, leallr'i'j Im'h a hI : poke.J, liool.-: anil s!;'i' ', K'lMi lasl III'.'. ■, .\ c , aUi) 'J |il,^;ra|'li oil ce-i, (i or V .■.lilies, It hotels, ami hcMial .nill.i. Top (TiO. LNXhl'LV, a tiirivinir jmst villniri' ill W'elilW ,.rl 11 eo , < 'il '., Ill I 'le ( !. W. 1;., I>i llliles II nlil ILlilllli 11. I t Ciill- laiiis a tili';iiapli ulliee, apoltery I wnolleii t'ai'liiiy, n. bncklii M, seveiiil saw aail n'i'i.-l mills, 4 Hton.-) ami J 111. 1. 'Is I'lip. mo. l,V.\l)lll'i;.Sl', a post villa;^!' In liccils CO, Oiil , on llm (Jaiiamii(i;e riM r, .^ miles (Voiii Almlini. li conlam.-i a leli'i;rapli otlicc, saw ,^;risl, sliinj^le ami Will lien mills, and .{ slores. I'op. l!ni) \,\ .NKlMK'll, a post villuj^'o in Nor- folk cii, «>;il., on jiijjj Creek, II nulis Crnin Snncoe. It. contains U slons, '1 liolels, 'J cliiirclics, ami a llonriiij^ mill. in till' \!ci.iiiy arc slroii^ .sulphur spriims. I'np. 'Joo. LVWl'MKIJ), a post scttlcineut iu < 'liarlotte CO, NI'.., 22 nules Iroiu i'.torc8, !> Iiiiiei -, a tclcLiiapli ollici , .-. . - , ... < ...,.i..,i. ..., »,.,.., . cral mills ami shipyanls, ite. TIht;- St. .""Stephen. ro|i. '^00, arc r.ohl mines in llic vicinity. The ' l,\ N .\ \ I LIJ], a imsl villaj^c in Ni r- mimlier III" arrivals for l.'-'T'J was 1.'.* j folk co, ( • n , {\.\ miles Iroiii SiTiicoe. (ti'P.. ..', ISl.) ami li,.' ch araiicc'^ l',»l I It coii'tims a saw mill .iiul 'J stores. (toii.s 'J."i,(il.")). Total ie of imports j I'op :i 1. $l'l 'Jolt; e\porl3;?,;,iO. 111. Poji. l,.MiO. | LVON'S. a |> villat^e in Kljjtiii ci>, LU.NKNl.riM} I'KMNSri.A, a | Oni , IJ n.ilcs from I)orciicri' i'l ISriice ' yar^l, al.aiinci' , ami a saw mill. CO., <.>nt., JJ inile^ from (!ii(Kric!i, 10 i LVSTKK, or ST. A.NAS IW.^Ii; IiK nuKs from Kincanlinc. • I'op. loo ' .NHLSON, a post villat^v in Me(iaiiiii' LUTZ M(U'NT.\IX, a post settle- | co., ()ue., on llic itiver l!ec.incour, aii'l nicnl 111 U\--niorl;uiil co. .N'.ll., IG on the (,;.T i{., :i>S miles W. of (,tueli r luilcs froui .Moiicioa. U i.outains "J It conlaiiit^ a lelei^rapli oliice. .1 ston^ , ami U saw mills, (.'hief trade, liiiiih' Wcllin^j- I The statiuu is l-l luilcs from the viIIul, . aavr niMH LU TIIKK, a viiiaiic III I0U CO., i'ut , uu Oraad liivcr, an. 011 ! Top. -00. MAC ISI Med lvttij;t(»\, (I i.oHi <.nin.iii\(.iiii- | M.\<'i\"n»sii .mii,i,s, a tniii vii- iiiiilici IuimI CD., N.h, 17 mills IVniii | l:i/f in I,' 'It <<> , Out, i; imi'i fVnni I,VrT(».\, II. pu,>l, luwii of (!nii||||l)i;l, (ll 'll'irt, (if \a\i-, Hilli:il<'ii iiliili(>ii (iliiiiil, M). I;iiilal:<)ii alionl. l!(Mi, willnii itinjiiM ol' 'J inilr.-i. 'I'liD linli.iiM im: vrv iinitl Iriuii < iiml |ii ,ic • ilil • 'I'll' i I' (■llil'r»'!li|l!u_Vllir||l i.H K"''' I'iilliHii; il!ii| |iiicKiii'^' .->ii|iiilirH to II III linni I ur iiil'- liiiiwiili III ii' own liiii'Kc.i, 1)1' wlinli tliry liavi' l.u'^fi- tinnili' iM Willi (I'W ex - (•i'|ili'iii.i liny all alli'iiil llir l'];ii.-(;'». M,\('|,|;(i|), a lal,i' iiihI I' .it. in tlic NmIIiWi I '^crI•it,l(^il^^. lail..<.'( \.,|()H. ]■-!;' ! . W. MAiAAIt, lliiinvw CO,, (»il. Si'i! Ariiii! inr V. \''.\ll)!;i;, a. |,o:l. vilia"i' in l.'iiii- oii-l.i ("I., <,'ii"., o I llii' llivcr Sl, l,:i\\- I'l'iici', II niiic i rroiii .\|ili I. ll ' oiil iliH ■1 ^■ll)t■|■.^ MACrAC^rACK, a no. I. ntlli'tnitit III \'orl< <'o , \ I;, I I iiiijiM Iroiii l'ii-i|- crici'Mi rM|i I '0 M.\(;T<»."V, a pn I viilari- i'l W.'ll- i 11 ^' 1 1 III CO , On I., I'i mill ■( li oiii Ki.hIowiI. I'll! I i:u ,M.\('\|L|,i;, a |.o r v Ihrr,, j„ .\l .\ l;i;i;I, V, II IiomI villa^'i' in ! /a nark I (/'ai''lu' II i o , ( )iii , .'! fVoa li. ilfon Co., Oiii., I' 1 lall I ivi'i', :: I ; Inaii I'llili 1 1 ciiiilaiiH li sloii'S, I lloniiii;^ null, am! I saw null. I'dii I in .M.\i;()r,a llHiViiij^ |ii)-il villa(.rc in !ii\ ^l•ln•.-;.^ CO , N'.iS., on llic (!nlF of Si LaUKMCi', 10 inilc-i rioiii I'oil. Iloo'l. It. colli iiii.< .-^I'vcral inill.H, 2 llot(•l,^ ami llliollt a i|ii/,''ll J lolC.H. I'op. (i'H). .M.\l;()i: (JOAIi MINKS, II pot, Villa;/" ill inv III!' ,-( CO., N'.S , on lla- (lult of St. Ijawri'iicc, 7 iiiil'v-i from .Malion 'liii'ie i.> a eiioil (leal of i'.\ccl|riit coal Iiciv. i'op. Jail. MAKOII JIAKIKIU, a jii^t villain- in InviT ii's-< CO., \.S., on ilie t villaij-i- m Cninlicr- CO., N S , on I In- Miiicaii nvcr, an 1 on till' I ii . '.) mile, (roiii Amlici-l. It. caitaiiH a lcli';;i'apli tillic, a wooll'ii null, a tan h ly, aiii .'{ store-!. 'I'licn; un^ Hoiiiu cxcclUtiit coal iiiiiics in Um- iici.r!iliorlioo(| |'o|) L'.)(i. MACJCAN l.\Ti':it\ aLI":, orLlTTLK FOIIk'S, a po.- 2^>^)- MAl'CA.M Mc 111 111! I .Nor' ii .\ mii ici 'i aial New liinii w.cli ami (J imriii ra iwav.4. Hi mills from St John, '1.'! mili;4 from St. Amiri w-;. It, Ian a Icli/rapli ollici-, a lii-if <'la-.s n'S'aiiraiit, a I'l 2 Htores. .Mc.Vilaiii .Innclion i.H a po;l i t «iitrv. Total value nf imiairt.-i for I'TlJ ^I l/J'-''; c.xporl-< S I l,.'ii).'). I'op Vi'K Mi:''.\IN SKPTLKMI'NT, a ficftl-. mint, in Kiim.s co., X.l!., '■> inilcl Iroiii Sii.ssix I'op. 75 Mi:l)(>N.\M)'S CoKNKIl, i\ poU ollir • in (hici'11.4 CO.,, \ , miles from ( ia'.'ctou 11. McDonalds (:oi;\Ki;s, a post villa(;i' ill Lanark co , O .i , on tlaj .\Ii.s.-i:.- i|ipi river, 2 Ilvi-r St .loliii, at the mo'itli of 1 lie Wa^li.adv'- iii'iak, ti miie.i from Wickhaui I'oji, lion McDOrOALL SHTTLLMEN'T, a po>l ollir" 111 Wr.tmorlainl i o , N.I{ , i I liiile.i fr'otri Shei|:ii<'. Mc(llLLIVf;AV,nr IRHLAXn, f al-o callel FLANI-'IAN'S,) a po.stvillapn ;n Middlcdcx CO., Out., liO miliM from Lon- mi %J-* I ; » '*' ^ h . ^'0 ; T f 1 \ 1 ^^* l!l .Ijl1* .!;• i I" I! J . : i 1:1; ■!■■ jl'S 1 #1; ,! I i ! if: ilcP 182 .AIACi dim. It contain ^ ii grist mill ami st-vcral iiorcM, I'or. :;o(). MclNTVi;]';, Ji i.osi villiif,n" ill (Jicy CO., Out., IH Tillies from ( Nillinj^wnoil. It coiitaina uniioU'l iuid 2 stores. I'op. tJO. MoKA Y'S COliNKUS, Kent cc, Ont., Sec Harwich. i\I<:K.\V'.S roiXT, a post, .settlement in Victoria Co., N.S., on Si. I*ali'iund. JlcKH.N'ZIK'S (:()i;.\l';i;, a post vil- IrtfTO R"d setlh'nient in Carhton co., K.15.. on the N. I'.. iV (.'. II., 10 miles from Woo'lstock. Pop. :!.-.0. Mci^K.N'ZirrS (.'Oil.N'KilS', IIaslin<,'S CO., Out Sie Si rin'.4'l)iMok. McI^KN/.IMVIIJ.K, I'ictou co., X.S. See lianicv's l.'iver. Mf;L.VlI(;iI[iA>f ROAD, a post set- tlement i 1 Kent CO., N. 15, , 20 miles from Buetoiieh'V I'op. L")0. MeLI'lAN'S COU.N'KRS, Ilunlln-,nloa CO., <^>'ie. See Vicirs. MciiHLLAN'SHi;(K)K, a i)ost set lie- rieiit in I'ieton co., N.S., 5 miles I'rcnn New (llasij:(iw. Pop. HO. iMcLKI.L.\.YS Mor.VT.M.V, a post setllemenl in Pictmi co., N.S.. on Ea-t river, 5 niih'ii from .New Glasf^o^v. It contains 1 clmreli, 7 saw mills and '.'> grist mills I'op. 800. iMcLKDl) ROAD, a staticm on the Prince Ivlwatd J.Thuel railway, in Qneens co. McIiEOirS TTfLL, a settlement in York CO.,, ;} miles from Frederieton I'op. 80. McLKOD'S MILLS, a post ofliee in Kenteo., N.ii., 11 mih^s from liieliibucto iM('\AI5, Glengarry co., Unl See Locli'n ear .McNIirrS ISLAXD, a small settle- ment in Shelburne co., N.S., on an island in Slielbnrne Ijarhor, 12 miles trom Slirlhunie tnwn. I'o]). .'"'0. iMcl'IiKLS(;OI!Nl':R,a small villapro in (,'ueens co., 1' I'] I., miles from Ch;ir!olti't miles from Slanf-ld. MADISCO. a post villarre in Cloii- C(ster CO., .V.IJ., on tin- Maie des Olia- leiirs, and on tlie I. R., II miles from IJatliiu'st. It contains a t'degrajih oilic", 1 hotel and (! stores. Pop. .'!00. iMADOt!, miles south of St. John's. Pop. 1)1). .M.\r)Rin, a ])03t ollice in Renfrew CO., Out., ;'.() miles from Renfrew. MAI) lilVKR MILLS, Simcoo co,, Ont. See Singhainptoii. M.\(JA(;UADAVI(J, or P.UOCKA- WAY, a po-it setllem;'nt in York co., N r.., IS miles from Harvev. I'o[). 100. .MAC.DALLX LSLA.N'D.S, a group situatctl near the centre of the (Jiilf of St, Lawrence, directly in the tiaeic of vessels hound iiji the gulf fur Q:iehec, ,M mil's N,\Y of Cape Iti'-toa, a id MO miles W'.S.W ot the n 'arest point of Newfci'indiaud Iiieliiding Iliid and Riron i,.lanils the Aviiole i n/tli of t!to range, in a N !•] direelion, i^ nh'' it HiJ niHcs Colli, I'.s Idand, the l.irgest of the group, h 2'> miles long, hut veiy narrow Amher-t l-l.ind i-< iie.irly (> Hides in length and.'';' in widtl',and eon- tains ill" best liari)or in tli>! cliain. C.yii-^um is foiiinl in tlie liol!o',vs and basins of the i,sl.ind, and oeea^ionally in veins Tlii-i mineral fornn i i im- ])orta:it artiide of e.^nort Tiie ]i:'n'i- ]ial dependence of the inlia' itans is \ipon the cod fisheries, althou'rh tliey jirMS'onte herring and seal li hi ig to some cxteir. The Magdahvi I-hinsH weie formerly attached to the govern- ment of Newfoundland, but at pvesetit are under the juri^ilie'ion of the Cana- dian Goverumi'ut, and belong to the electoral Were gran to Adinira gili.died ,■,!■ (jiieal hi'd i ('aptaiii, Towiiseiid niid to hi custom lio cd to proli the ci\ il of arrivals and the ( Tntal va!i !?2 ','.'n;;, M.VCXK in \ ieiiii la river 'i I in' ."\IA(;(»(; iStansfeail iiiagog. I' 21 miles fr extensive \ CMitai ns C'U'iling nil cliiirche,', Hteamer ri XuWplU't, ^ MA COO iStanstead ]i!iremagog Vu]K MAOI'II' CO., (.,»i|e., o Lawren -e, MAI ; CM CO,, \.i;,, ; I'on. !.")(). MAIIO.VI Village in I S''a coast, (1 contains a churehe.^.a ■'uid drive.-! J iiig of sma uieiit of In MAID.ST riut.^s, a Cat., 12 mi tiiiiis 2 .'-•tor Pop. 1 _'.->. MAILLO CO., Qne., 2; coiituiiK ;; ! J'op. 2oi). MAIN, a Main, Labif Jlaln ri\ cr i MAI 183 MAL doctoral disfrict of Gnsp.'', They WcM' Vl":l illi''l li.V til>' Ilrili-litiitVl'l'tUririit to Ailiiiii'iil Sir l-';mc ('')Hiii, lor ('i- gui.-ln'il :vrvici's, uii(i \>y liiiii wrrc ln- (|ut'!illi('(l ill strict, ciiliiii to \\\a ni'iiliow, (!jilitii:ii, iiiiw Uciir Ailiiiinil,' John To\vn.--cipl ( 'i)IIiii,l Im' ])rc'S('iit tiKiprii-tor, nml to his inas I'urcvcr. Tlicrc is a cii.sloin hoM-c on Ainlier.U IjImhI, iiinl O(.'(;a.sioiijill.v n ri'vciiiic ciii'ilcr id sialioii- t'i| to ]irok'ri llKilirihciics aiii| t!iaiiit;ii \ th(! civil utitliorily. Tlic Inlal iniiihcr of jiirivahs fni- 1.-<7J wa.< HOCIons l.ll.')', ;ill«i tltii ch'MIMIlcc.-) L'l (tniH 1, !:■'■"•). Total valii" ol' imixu'td ^I'l.W.'JO ; cxiior..-; !?'J i,'-'n;;, I'no. li.lTJ. ]\IA(;.\i;TAA\'Ay, a post spttlcmcnt in \ icldilii > !..( /111., oil till' .Majrn-'lawi:!! river '!l mii'S IVoin Aiiidowii. I' >|i. 'J>m . ."lIA(i< •(!, a lliriviii,<,' iK) t viihiL^'i in ►Staiistcud CO., <,Mi(;., on Lake Mcniplir •- iiiat,'(iL', !'• niiliM frcjui (Jcor;,^ 'Vilh', 'Jl niihs from Wati'rioo. It |io.-st'.-s('.-< cviciisivc waicr j'owcr priv!i(":,'cs, and ciiMtai IS U saw mills, 1 gJ'ial mil, 1 (■.■irdinf;- null, ft uv C, stores, 2 hotids, '.i cliiirclie.', a toleiri'jiph ollici', Ac. A stcatner runs daily hutweou .\higog and Newport. Pop. (;i)(». _ JlA(i<)()\'Sr()I.\T, a post vilhipo in Stanslcad Co., Q'lC, on Like Mcni- jihreniauiig', T)^ iiiilcs thjni (.Jeorgevillo. Pup. I HO. .MA'. ilMK, a post, oflice in iSa^nionay CO., (.j'ue., on 11k'. norlii slior'; of thi^ St. Liiwieii I', ]2'> miles IVoni (iaspc IJ.isin. iMA(;rM)V'.a post set Moment in York ro., \.l!,, Xi miles from Frt.(iericlun, i'oii. ir.o. MAIK iXE P.AY, or KIXi;ri?..V, a post vilhitio in [jiiaciilmry; co., N.S., on tin; t-'a c()ast, (> miles from u-nharii:. It oatai IS ahout 20 stores, 2 hotels, .'! (■!iur(dies,a lanncry,and 2 or!! saw mil! -, iiiid drives a good business in the Imild- iii'^'of small vessels, and in tlio shin- iJiL'iit of 1 Jiiher, wood, I've. Pop. y<(''K MAIDSTO.N'JO, or MAIDSTON!-] rU(i-;s, a post villago in Essix co., (Int., 12 miles from Windsor. It c n- iiiiiis 2 stores, 2 hotels ami a saw nKJl. Pup. \\i:,. -MAIM.OITX, a village in P.elleclias miles from St. \'allier. (t (•itntaiiis ;5 saw mills and a grist m.ll. Pot'. 2Mi). MAIN', a fort in the district (.T Kast Main, I.ahiador, at the niouili of iiast Muiu ri^ er in James's IJay. .MAI.V A DIHP, a settlement in Capw iJretoa CO., Y.S., on tlie sea coast, 2(> mile^ fr -m Svdiiev. Pop, I'lO. MALN'SCOUNKKS, a ?mull village in dri' iville co., (Jnt., 4 miles from Kd- 1 leiig. Pop. fdi. MAITLANI), a nourishing vil- l.ig" in Hants co,, N,S,attlie mouth of i^-huheiuieadii' river in ('liigneeto Hay, '-!) miles from Sliubenacadif;. It con- tains 2 churches, l.'l stores, 2 hotel ;, aiul .-■ veral shipyards. '/'■ rni nl/m fciys- tallized plaster) is found in tlie vicinity, I'op, 'I'M). .M.\ ITfiAXI), a pf>st settlement ill Aniiii'i('lis CO., .\,S., 27 miles from An- nai'olii. Pop. 2110. •M .\ iTIiA ,N 1), a I ost village in Yar- iiioiitli CO., \.S,,1.'; miles fiom Yarmoulli low II. It con I ai IS several stores and shi' yaiils. Pop. 27o. .M.Mi'L.ANM), a settlement in Luneii- l)i;rg CO., N.S , i;> miles from Lunen- \t\:f'S. Pom. 'JdO. M.\ITIi.\.\.), a thriving ]iost village in 'Ireiiville co , Ont., on the K'iver St. L iwrence, with a station on the (J.lMf,, 120) miles from .Montreal. It contains a tih'gi'a; h ofliee^ 2 hottds, 4 stores, a f );indry, distillery, saw mill, Sic. I'op. 200. .MAITLAND RAPIDS, Grenville co., Out. S^'e Kilmarnock. MAITLA.NDVILLM, a village in Hu- ron CO., Ont., on the River .Maitland, 1 mile from ( Joderieh. It contains a largo, tannery, several salt wells, and 2 hotels. I'dji. l."'ii. MAJOirS, a village in Ottawa oo , Que., on the Jiiver Ottawa, 4 miles from Wal- lace. Pop. 1"0 MALAOAWATCII, a ]h)M settle- ment i:i Inverness co., N.S.. 2'J nrl 3 from Port Ilawkesbmy It has marble (niarnes. Po]) 2r)0 MALAOUASIl, Lunenbu:g co., N.S. See Luaeuburg. i. II i 1:1 ' k '■ 1 ? 1 ; I! .'!•• 1 ♦' ,. I » ■ ivM 1 -A* 1 'lt|- |t;l« 1i } llli I i ■■ '-^i: ■4: 1 111. M l;i ! I •ill "Pip hri^ iin^:. ., I- :l *i )■ i 'i t l.(ii.i t i^ ! MAM 184 MAT.AK'oFF, a jiosf, villntrc in Ciir- Ictoii (• ■., ( >iii., 'J miles from Ktiiijilviilc. MAIi I'.AIE, a small (isliiiif,' sclllc- mtiil ill (lie district of JMiicontia ami Kt. Maiy.-!, Mill .;! miles IVoiii St. Marys. MAI. I;A1K, (,'liailevoi.\ CO., Quo. tSeo lliiii;i\ iliiy. M.ALCOliM, a ]tost villape in nriiro CO., Out., 10 miles from WalUcrton. It coiitiiiiis a sldic ami mii Iiolel. I'o|t. i^^t. JMAMC.VA.NT iiilOOK, (Cucs.s RoAi).sj( r .MAi;V\'ALK, a jiost ^eiile- menl. in Aiitiudni-li co., N'.S., -lO miles from .\i\V (il;ise;(iW. I'op. IHO. AIALKI.NA.NT COVK, a post villa^o in Aniijiniii,|i co., N.S.j on .N'oi'lliiim- berlaiid Sirail, '.\*')\ iiulod from New Gl:is;^i'W. \'i'\). I.".").. M.AM-OiiVTOWN, a llirivinfr jiost villiijrd ill Let (Is CO., (Int., on liie G. T. I! , l.'iT:,' mile.s from .Montreal. It contains H or !t stores, r,n hotel, aiul 2 tt'le.trijijiji ollle( s. J'op. .'JOii. MAI..\iAIS().\, Mi.s.sis(iuoi co.. Que. Sec l)es Kiviircs. MALO.NK, or POWELL'S MILLS, a post, villajie in Hastings co., (tut., on the Ki ver Moira, :;(! iiiih s (Voiu 15e!leville. Here are ri(;li p:ol(l mines. It contain.s two (iiiartz mills, n lloiirinjimiU, a teiu- prapli ollicc, and aevenil stores Pop. 301). I^IALPEQUE, Prince co., P.E.I. See Princciown. MALl'K(,tr'E KO AD, a Stat ion on Die Prii'ce Edward L-land railway, in Queens co. M ALTOX, a'post village in I'eel co., Out., on the V,. T. K., 15 m'le.s \V. of Toronto. It contains a tele};ra|.li ollice, 2 ti'ores and an hotel. Pop. 300. MAL\'Ei;.\, a post villajrc in York CO., (»ni., 1! miles f n ni Auincairt. Ii contains an hotel and 1 store. Pop. I'J.'i. .MA.MATTAWA, a fnrnieri'ost (.f ti.e ITudsoii'.s ]5ay ('om])a;iy, on Keiioganii river, (;i> miles ahove its moniii in the Alhai!}' river, North ^\'( st 'l\'riiiori( s. JIaniattawa is a contract itn of an In- dian Wold, sijrnifying tliccomi'ie; iot;'i'- tlier of many branches, and refers to the fact t! at twola" ami stores, and is a good gram maiket. Pop .'{00. MANCIIESTEH, a .■seaport of Nova Scotia, (Juysli(j!'(aigli co., on .Aiijloid Haven, formed by Olieilai ucio Day, ■which (»pens into the Atlantic Ocean, about IJO miles E..\ E of Ilalifa.v, 5 miles from (liivsboroueli. Pop .'■)tiO M.ANCIIESTER, Hastings co . Ont. See Prank Cord. MA.\(;ilESTEH, Huron CO., Out Seo Auburn MANCMIESTER POAI), or MARY- DALE, aj'ost setlleiiKiit in .Aimgonisli CO.. N.S., 10 miles from Aiiligonisli. Pop. 100. MANDAMIN, a jiost village in Lamb- loii CO., Out., on the (!. W. |{., ;M inih.s \V. of London. It contains oil wells. Po]). 100. MANP'RED, a j.ost oflice in Welling- ton, ' ,', miles fidin L'l ckwooil. .MAMLL.\,a thriving post village in Victoria CO., ( bit. mil'. IVoiii ('an- ;Ta|)h ollice.^ il mills an J ningloii. It contains 'J tele (J stores, 2 hoti'ls and severa factories Po)). .'■)00. MANiTOl'LIX, a grouji of islands in the provinceof Ontari), strctchi'ig from E. to W. along the N. s'lore of Lake Huron, and conskstiiig chietly of the (ireat Manitoulin or Saereil 1 le. Little Manitoulin or Cockburn, and Drum- mond. (Ireat Manitoulin, 150 miles long by -0 miles broad, has an area of l.t! of tlic Do- iniiiinii I'l' ('aiiiilii, hiiiiinlfil (III tlic S. hv tlic I'liili'il Sliitc-^. iiii'l oil the N'.K. ami W. liy the N'orlh \V'i;sl 'I'crritor- ic-s of llh- Doiiii'iiim. It cxlciid-!, tVoiii I'l to '•'■) '■'•<) \ lilt , and IVoiii !»'i to '.':» \V. lull . ai'l (•oiiipri.-i s nti iiri'ii of 11,:; |o S(|iiarL' iiiilc", or !i,IT7,'l()() (icns. 'rill' iMiiii? Mniiihihit, liikcii fVoiM a liirir*' laki', u jiart of wiiicli \\v<. \n tli" lii'oviiii'o, U ii CO itractioii, made liy tlic (iM Frc'iKili (laiiailiiiij vniintjriir.", of tli- Cri'C \.'or.l Miiiiild'icii/tini. Mumlo si'/- uifics mi/'friiihilKrii/, tlirinc Sjuril ; lui'l tC'i/i'tn inraiH ii flr'/if. A-! the w.-itc.-i otaslrail in tlial lake arc !i;j,ilalcil in an niin.sual way, tlii' Indians believed foriiierly there wa-! thi'rein sonie'hiii'^ siiiiei'iiatural, u spirit that moved tliiin, and so lh''y cill 'd the lake U'liii/nii.'ii'i'i)/. Tlie a;,'i'i('Mlliiral cajialiililies of its soil cannot he exceeded fir many tiiin^^'s. Tlie most |iart of the proviiKM! is lu-airle land peif'ctly level and diver- sitieil tiy iri'oups of elm, a-h, oak, pop- lar, hasswood, and a-=li-I<'af m:!ple, (//■f/nnloJro-<>.7ti/^>liii.) It i-; a I'ieh, hlaek mould restinj? ]iarlly on a liiiie- stiine formal ion and jiartly on a t'liek coat of hard (day. ManuP', not indi ■- jion-sahli! at lirst, is as useful h"i'e a-? elsewln ro. Il has not ])een used much so far, o I accoint of the iarji^i' amount of land possessed hy each of the i ilia- Ijitants, which circiinisiantM! enables tli'Mii not to sow the sanief^n-ain several years runiiiir^'. Wheat ripens in ll'» (lays and ^'ive-i an averagt; return of '_'•» to jf) bush' Is to the acre. All ki ids of garden ve'i:i'tables, as well as oats, bai- jey, Indian corn, iiops^ lla\, hemp. ]iotat()e-. and oilier root crojis ai(^ easily r II >ed. The prassy saviiiiiia-i of JU'il River afford nnliiniied iiasliirag' raiiires, as lo:i^ as nnploiii,'lied. The climate (d" .Manitoba, thoiifjh very Severe in winter, is nevortiieless occa- sionally hot in Slimmer. The mean for t!ie three winter months of D'c, Jan., and Fid), is 5' below '; and for ih ■ summer months of June, July, and Aiirriist, d.")'. Thoiiffli the winter is extremely old, it i.s mitijrated liy a cli-ar, dry atmosphere. A populatiim more h 'althythan the .Manitobans can- not bi; met anywhere. The irovi'ice is entirely level, and so nineh so that it is void of any scenery whatsoever. The principal rivers are the A3- s'niboiiie, •l.^l) miles Ion;;, and iteil Kiver, (>')'> miles lon^', ')2'> of which are in tlr- i'niteil Stales. The lar;_'est lakes (only a |iart of wliicdi, however, are in .Manil(d)a) iire Winnipej,', -HO iiiih's loiif^ and T) to ,"i7 in le-t wiile, and .Ma litoba, lio ni)les I aiu' and 'J.'i w,d(;. .Mani.otia is divid'-il Into four (dec- toral districts fop Dimin'on (di'ctions. vi/, : Silkirk, ProvmelH'r, liis^ar, and Manpielie, ciudi (d'whieli siiids 1 mem- ber to the Iloiis(( of (hihi'iioiis. \V'iiinipei.r Id 111!' capital of the pro- vince. Fort (Jarrv n'" miTcanlilo e.tablishm 'lit of the II m llad-'in'd Hay Company) is the t.-niiora'-y resi- de ice of the jrov.'rnir, wiiif' ilie f^ov- ernnient departmcii's are m \\'innl|M't]f, a small but rapidly t^r iWinT town wnicli imdiidi's Fort (ilarry in ils liniiis. Thero are two bishons in ih" pmvinc" : tlie .Arelibidiop of St. Honifac" (R^maii Calliolii!), residing at St. Uonilace, east side of the I'"! Rivei', faiani.; Winnipeg; ami ForK! ir:y ; and Hie Luiil l!is|io|) (if Rimerl's Land (Chiircii of FuLr'and), residiii".; at St. Jnlm. b' low \Vi inipi'jr, west side (f tlie ll'd River. The piiblicall'iirs ar- adniini-li'rid ])y a lii'iit ■iiaiit Governor, an Fxicalive (yoancil of 5 miaiilur-:, a L 'Lrislaiivo Coniicil ' f 7 ine!iib"rs, nnp't-'iled for life, an 1 a Leiridalive Assemlily of 24 111. nib -rs, eleeteil iv ry •? vear-?. Jiistiee is d;s;ien-es and 4 nreacliinj^ stations. Th'" \V''deyaa .Methodi-ts are as yt nem.'rieally small, but makini' steady pmuress. Th •;(■ are also sm ill ^^ronps of 15aplistg and -omi' T^nitarians. Tiie province is wdl jirovided with educational in-titntion-;. It li;;s three col!'\^e>, St. Jidm's I'f'hurcli of Kw^- land), St. Boniface ril'inan Catholic), and Kildonan (Pri'd.vt'M'i'.n). a Con- vent, .'{ Protesta'it Lad-es Seh ml-:, and 40 common .schools, 20 amen'.'-t the Protestants and 20 amoncr-t th" Roman Catholics. The Sisters of Charity from *■ -I t.iiil^l m ^ ■if .a^ ^^J %. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 ;■ « IB 2.0 I!* »i 1.8 1-4 III 1.6 ^ ^ /a /a .^^ *, y -(SS Photographic Sciences Corporation ^ ruviuco in 1871, 11,951?, viz : St. n.mifncp f;21 St. Vitiil 3tlrt St. Norln-rt 1.( Wliinii>f;r 215 St. .loliii SIT, KiMoiian 843 St. r:m|-s a-i4 St. AndrowH (souf !i) (wj2 St. AiKlr.'wsfui.ith) 832 St. CIi'incntK 447 St. IVtrrn 91S Soant*>r1iury 17 e*. Anio 323 St. Jiinii'H uiid Fort 4>8 Houdiiipiv 332 St. rr.Tiiv"()i» Xttvlop 1,837 St. ]'i'iir.'< (\ St, Clmrlt'B 835 White Villi Porta;?© West II.UMO Mltuion IIIl'Ii rind'. Ponlsir Point Oak I'oiiit... Lakn Maiiitnhn St. Pniil'M ill r.ay Sia LoU'' Lake — U3 544 27r> r,i2 142 145 Total. 11,953 In 1^7?, telcjfraiiluc connnmicution 'vas estilili'lied between Manitoba and the Tnitiil States. Tijcre are no railway.? in too i>ro- vince, but several are projected. One from Fort (Jariy to Pembina will con- ned .Manitoba with the railway system of the United States. It is a biatieh of Ihn ('anada Pacific, and has to be finished bv Dec, 1874. The Canada Pacifie, which will pass through the Province, will atld immensely to its growth and prosperity. Steamers ply on Red River, between Fort Garry a id Moorhoad, Minnesota, a station of the American Northern Paci- fic Railway, on the Red River. Fort Garry is now reached by way of St. Paul, Moorluad and Pembina; also by the Dawso i or Canadian ronte from the head of Lake Superior. Distant from Montreal ),5Si(j miles. When the Canada Pncific Railway is built thi.^ distance will bo reduced to 1,200 miles. Every /;o>j(?-/77<' settler receives a Aom^- ttead or a free graat of GO acres of land. The total value of imports for 1872 was :?'J i_',J47; exports $841. This .section of North America was first visite7 liie tirst En^;lish traders visited jt, a!:d soon several rival companies weie in o|i( ra- tion. These liually dwindled into liie famous Xorth West Co!ni);uiy, wliicli in its turn was absorbed by lie Hud- son's Hay Company, chariered \>y Kin;; ('IiarlesII in 1070. Thelnlier eoinpany having sold a tract of land to ti.e iluu. Til 'mas Douglas, Earl of Sel';;ii<, on both sides of tlie Assinilioine and of tiie Red River, his lord.ship jdaiitcd liiere, in 1812, a colony known by the ii:;me ot Selkirk Settlement, Red'lJiver Scltle- nicut, or also Assiniboia. In I'^.iii the Hudson's Ray Company repurchased from tlie heirsof Lord Selkirk the same tract of land ceded to hi.^ lordshij) in ISll, and eontinv.ed to e.xercisc author- ity over that portion of Ruiiert's Land by the apj)ointment of the (tovernor and Council of Assimboia, which, iu course of tune, especially after the set- tlers had declared ludeiH-'ndeuce of trade in 1840, formed a rather ind«i endent administration for the local ii..airs in the colony, the limitsot whiche.Meiided but litiy miles around Fort Garry. It is that colony that now forms t' e frreat- est part of the new nrovince of .Manitoba. The Hudson's Hay Com]i:.ii.« never claimed any (iroprietary right 4 on the North West Territories proper Tliejje territories formcily included nclhing but the lauds east of the Rocl^y Moun- tains, watered by the rivers running towards the Arctic Sea. Tiie Charter of the Company merelv iinl ided Rupert's Land, t.e , the lands watered by tlie trdnilaries of Hudson's !!.'ty. These two immense i)ortio-is of coun- try outside of the ])roviuee of Manitoba are now known by the same name of North West Territories. In March, IHOO, the Hnd-son's Bay Company agreed to hans arose, una the Canadian antiiuritic:4 comlup into the country before the tmnsft-T, njtt resistance. In the mean- time a provisional government was Ibmied by tlio 8e'..'''*8 to secure tln-ir rights and coinu to ati agreement with tlie DuMiinion of Canada, delegates were sent to Ottawa for that purpodo fliid trcuU'd witli tho proper uutliorities. England urgid theOitawa Government to satisfy tlio people of Red River. Then the Rill of Manitoba and oihtr puiiranti( s were agreed to, and thereby till' entry of .Manitoba into the Confed- eration was effi'ded. The lirst missionary known as having visited the country is the Ilev. l\ re .Mf^sagor. wlio aceomiianied Chevalier do hi Vi'randrye in 1731. At the time of the Conquest the Catholic nuBsions verc abandoned i they M'ere resumed iu IHIS by the Revs. J. N. Provencher and S J. S. Dumoulin, from Quebec. The Rev J N. Provencher was CG.isccrated bishop of Juhopolis in 1822, and afterwards nominated bishop of fcjl. Hoiiifiice Tiuit see was created an Arclihishopric in 1871, and is now oc- rupicd l>y the Most Rev Alexandra Tachi', I> D A Ciaireh of England bishopric was creutcMl in 1.SJ".» iiev David Anderson, w s the lirst bishop of Ruperi's Land, and was succeeded by the Right Rev. Robert Machmv, D.D MANITOWAXING, a post village on Great .Manitouliu Island, on a deep bay on the north shore, 150 miles from Col- liugwood. It is chiefly inhal)ited by oiKccrs of the Indian Department and Indians. MA.N'IWAKI, Ottawa co., Que. See River Desert. MANNKRS SUTTOX, a post settlc- niont in Y'ork co., N.IJ., 4 miles from Harvey It contains 1 store and a wool- len nii'll Pop 250. MANXHEIM, a i-ost village in Wa- terloo CO., Unt., 7 miles from Uerlin. It Contains 2 stores, a tiax mill, and a flunrinu' mill. Pojt. 250. MANMNtJVILLE, Huntingdon co. Que JSee Franklin MANOTICK, a post village in Carle- ton CO., Ont., on Rideau river, with a station on the St. L. & 0. R., 15 miles from Ottawa. It contains a telegraph olIice,.a woidlen mill, 2 grist mills, and G stores. Pop. "Ji/O. MAX POIXT, a small fishing settle- ment in the district ot'Twillinpite and Fogo, Xfld., 4-4 miles from Twilliugate. Pop. 8. MAXSFIELD, a post village in Siincoeco., Out., on the lioyne nver, IG miles from Angus. It contains a grist mill and 2 stores. Pop. lt)i). MAX.SFIKLD ISLAXD, in Hudson's Bay, is about 70 miles in lengih. MAX.SUVVILLE PUTTOX, other- wise SOUTH POTTOX, a post village iu Broine co.. Que., on the S. K. R., H9 miles fnmi Montn.>al. It contains a telegraph office, a saw mill, 4 stores, ami an hotel. Pop. 250, •MAXUELS, a lishing station in the district of Harbor Main, Ntld., 14 milea from St. John's. Poj.. 1 10. MAXVERS, Durham co., Ont. See Ballyduir. MAPLE, a post village in York co., Ont., ^ mile from Richmond Hill Sta- t ion. It contains 5 stores and an hotel. Pop. 250. MAPLE BAY, a post settlement on Vancouver Island, B.C., 45 miles from Victoria. Maple Bay is a beautiful land-locked bay surrounded by hills mountains. Gold and coal are supposed to o.xist in the district. Elk, deer and grouse abound, and there are three lakes w 11 stocked with trout. MAPLE GREKX, a post settlement in Restigouche co., N.B., on the Resti- gonche river, 7 miles from Campbellton. Pop. II 10. MAPLE GROVE, a post village in Megantic co., t^Uie., at the head of Lake William, 10 miles fn in Siinerset. It contains a car'ling niill,;{ saw mills, and 2 Htrres. Poo. i'-oo. MAPLE GROVE, a small village in Stormont co., Ont., o'.i t!io ('oinwall canal, 4 miles from Cornw'all, Pop. 100. MAPLE HILL, a post village in Bruce co., Oit., 3j niihs from W.'ilker- toii. It co'itains 1 store, 1 hotel, and saw an 1 grist mills. Pop. loo. MAl'LE LLAF, a post settlement in Compton CO., f^iie., 21 miles from Len- uoxville. Pop. 300. ' 1 • ^ , u ' 1 1 ' -i » \ 'T "= m f*' ^.u^^^'^ MAR 188 MAR mjM. V' w If. i-7 ' f \i ' ■ ■' '■^ ij.,.1 |i i-]\ **f MAP! K LKAF, or SAGEVILLE, a Binall villi:(r>' III Oxfurd co., Unt., 11 miles f'roiii Wdotlstock. Pop. 40. MAI'LIOTOX, )i postvillagfiinAlHe'-t CO., S.H., 12 iiiiica from I'ctitoodiac. Pop. CO. MAl'LKTOX, a post village in Elpin CO., Out., 'J milcj from Hi. Thomas. Pop. To. MA PL ETON, a post villapc in tho district of liLspir, .Manitob:i, 21}, inili'S N. of Furt (lurry It contains '/ stores and a i liott 1 .MAIMJ-: VALLEY, or OSPIlEY, a small villaL'c in t>iniroe co., Ont., 20 miles fiKiu <'(illin!,'\vo.iil Pop. :{ii. MA(.,)rAPIT LAKE, a j.ost seitlo- iMont ill (Jni'cn.s co., N.B., 7 miles from «lic'fli'].|, Pop KiO MAR, a post oflicc in Bruce co.,Ont.. 28*', miles honi Owen Sound SlAIi.\, a station on tho Mu.skokft braiicii of the Norlln'rn railway in {Simcoe co , Ont, 2.) miles from llarrie It has a t! lojrraph oilice. MAIiATilO.V, a poiie., 13 miles from Hem- mingford. Pop. 9'-). MARKDALE, or EAST GLENELO (also called CORNABUSS), a post vil- 1 1'Vf lu Grey co., Out., on a branch of the Saugeen river, and on the T. (1. ntaiiis 2 '.elegraph offices, a woollen mill, a grist mdl, 2 saw mills, and U stores. Pop. 250. MARKHAM, a flourishing post village in York co., Ont., on the T. A N. R., 22i miles from Toronto It contains a telegraph office, a printing office issuing a weekly neW8pai)er, several churches and mi11i», amalgam I iiitry, carrl 4 c., about 1,0110. MARKII inKin It contains Pop. 40. MARLO^ lage in B,a bt'C river, Chaudiere. store? and MARMHl Ont., lOA n MAlfMO ings CO., O from Peter Ik'Ucvillo. and iron n Bidored the tic oxide o One compii mines, and The village a telegr.'ipl Ac P^>;». '. MARXO( CO., Oat , I milos from MaRRK) mcnl in Li from Lunei MARSFI CO., P.E.I uerv .MARSH. WILLIAM; lis CO., N> miles from hoii.-e with MARSH fishing set B.iy d>' Vei bo lear. I MARSH in Diirbr c Goldluis 1 MARSH no CO ,On MARSH LANS Mot in Pictou Glosgovtr. MAR I8y MAR and mtlli', and manufactories of Ptecl ainalguiii l>c-lla, iron cadttng3, miu-li- iiiury, ciirria^jiN, leather, wooden ware, &(-., about I'J stores, and 4 hotels Pop. 1,0(10. MARKHAMVILLE.a post settlement in Kinjr co., N.B.,ll luilesfrom Sussex Pop. MO. MARLBANK, or ALLAN'S MILLS, ft post villa^.'e in IIu>lin,!;-i co., Out., on the J{iv('r Moira, 10 miles troin .\apauee It contains I store and a Honring mill Pop. 40. MARLOW, or ST. COME, a post vil • lage in 15 auce co., Que., on the Kenne- bec river, l.'i mil 'S from Jor.sey IJiver Cliandiere. It contains 4 saw mills, 3 stores and 1 hotel. Po|) .SOO. MARMIO.X, a yosi ofiice in Grey co Ont.. IGA miles from Owen Sound. MAIfMOIiA, a jtost village in Hast- ings CO., Out., on ('row river, 41 miles from Peterborough, 32 miles S.S.W. of Belleville. It contains productive gold and iron mines The latter are con- Bidcrcd the largest deposits of magne- tic o.\idc of iron ore in the province. One company is engaged in tiie iron mines, and 4 mills in crushing quartz Tlie village contains 3 hotels, "> stores a telegr.'iph ofiice, flour and saw mills. &c P>)p. '2:>0. MARN'OUIl, a post ofTico in Huron CO., Oat , near tiio mdeg from Chnton. MARRIOTT'S COVE, a post settle mcnl in Lunenburg co., N.S., 15 miles from Lunenburir Poj). 2.')<). MARSFIELD, a hamlet in Queens CO., IMvI It has a store and a tan- ner v MARSHALL S COVE, or PORT WILLIAMS, a post village m Annapo- lis co., \.S., on tl)c May of Fundy, 11 mdes from Rri.lg^'town It hasalij^lit- b()U.>e with twoli.xed lights Pop. 2.')0. MARSHALL'S FOLLV, a small fishing settlement in the district of B.iy de Verds. Mill. 7 miles from Car- bo'iear. Pop. HO. MARSHALL'S TOWN.apost village in Digby co., N.S., 4 miles from Uigby. Gold has been found here Pop. .'ii; ). Marsh hill, a postomco mOnta- no CO ,Ont., 5 miles from Uxbridge. MARSH SETTLEMENT, (McLkl- LAN's Mountain,) a post settlement in Pictou CO., N.S., 4 milea from New Glasgow. Pop. 10. Maitland river, 20 MARSHVILLE, a post village in Monck CO., Ont., on the G.W.Il. (Can- ada Air Line), 22 miles from Cayuga, it has a telegraph office and several stores Pop. 200. MARSHVILLE, a village in Pictou CO., N.S. on John river, 20 miles fromT Pictou Pop. loo, MARSHY HOPE, a post settlement in Pictou CO., N.S., 29 miles from New Glasgow Pop. 200. MARSTON, a post village in Norfolk CO., Out 17 miles from Tilsouburg, It has a saw mill. Pop. aO. MAI.'SVILLE,a post village in Wei- linglou CO, Ont., 12 miles Inmi Fergus. It c mtains 3 stores, I hotel and a roll- ing mill. Pop. 100. MARTI.N'S 15ROOK, a settlement in Luiie iburg co., N S., 2 miles from Lun 'uburg. Poo. 150. MARTl.VS IMVER, a post settle- meat in Lunenburg co., N.S. , on a river of the same name, 11 miles from Luiun- biirg It contains several saw and grist mills. Pop. 20O. MARTI. VTOW.V, a thriving post vil- lage in Glengarry co., (>nt , 12 miles fiijm Riviere Raisin, (Lancaster). It contains 8 stores, 2 hotels, I grist mill, and I saw mill Pop. 4., very prettily situ.iti-d on the Na.:.hwa;ik river, 4 miles from Freih ric- ton. It contains 1 church, an exten- sive saw mill, 1 store, 1 sc' oul, 1 hotel, and a iiiiiubor of handsome cottages. Pop. :ioi). MARYSVILLE, or TYEXDIXAGA, a post village in Hastings co., Out., on the G. T. R,, 34 miles VV. of Kiiigslou. Pop. 100. MARY VALE, Antigonish co., N.S. See Malignant Ijrook, Cross Roads. I .'ii •^ .^ m I' « >,• ■{' MAT 190 MAX 18' JSfli, 11 '■' >\ \ !..: MASCARENE, a post Bcttlemont in Clmrloite co., N.H., lu-nr tlie nioutli of the Maf^'iiguiulavlc river, 7 miles from St. (jiorjre. Pop. 200. MAHGUdCilK, a post village in L'Assumplion co , Que. MASCOUOIIE RAPIDS, a thriving post village in L'Assomption co.,Qnc., on the f{ivc'r Mascouclie, 8 miles from Terrebonne. It contains 2 churches, 2 telegrapli offices, 5 stores, a tannerv, a saw mill, il grist mill, and a shingle factory, and hns a considerable trade in lunibtr, flour, grain, and potash. Pop. <;r>o. MAHHAM MILLS, a post village in Ottawa CO., Que., 2H railed from Ottaw.i. It contains 3 stores and a grist mill. Pop. 150. MASKINONGE, a county in the western part of Quebec, having Lake St. Peter, an expansion of the St. Law- rence, for its S.E. boundary. Area 2,0GI,327 acres. Tlio north western part of the county is drained by the Gatineau and Du Lievre rivers, and some of iheii tributaries, and the south eastern part by the Maskinonge and Du Loup rivers and several other streams, some flowing into the St. Law- rence others into the St. Maurice. Capital, Ilivi6re du Loup en haul. Pop. 15.079. AlASKINOXGE, a thriving post vil- lage and river jwrt in iMaskinonge co.. Que., on the north shore of the St. Lawrence, 30 miles S.W. of Three Rivers It contains a telegraph office and several stores Pop. L'50. MASKINONGE BRIDGE, Maskin- onge CO.. Que. See Pont de .Maskinonge. MASSAWIPPI, a post village in Stan.stiad co.. Que., on Massawippi Luke, with a station on the M. V. R., IG miles from Shorhrooke. It contains 4 stores, grist, saw and carding mills. Po|). 250. MASSIE, a post oflice in Grey co., Ont., () miles from Chatsv/orth. MAS.STOVVN, a nost settlement in Colchester co., N.S., 4 miles from Debert. Pop. 250. MASTIN S CORNERS, Simcoo co., Ont. See Lavender. MATAXE, a post village in Rimous- ki CO., Que., on the south shore of the St. Lawrence, at the mouth of the Matane river, 33 miles from Metis. It contains a telegraph oQicc, several saw and grist mill!', and 6 stores. The Ma- tane river abounds with salmon and trout. Pop. 300. MATAPEDIAC, a post village in Bonavonture co., Que., at the c )nflu- ence of the Matapediac and Re ^ti':;oi!cl.e rivers, with a station on the I. R., 95 miles from Stc. Flavie. It contains a telegraph office, and is much f iqueuted by spoftamen for its salmon lishing. Pop. \m. MATATAL'S LAKE, a popt village in (yolchester co., .\.S., on tlie French river, 9 miles from Wentworili, R miles from Tatamagotiche hurbor. It con- tains 2 churches, 9 stores, 2 hotels, 9 saw mills and 4 grist mills. Pop. 400. MATAWACHAN, a post settlement in Renfrew co., Ont., 47 miles from Renfrew. Pop. 130. MATAWANj a small island iii the River St. Maurice, Que. MATHER, a post office In Peterbor- ough CO., Ont., 9 miles from Peter- borough. MATILDA, Dundas co., Ont. See Iroquois. MATLOCK, a post settlement in Lambton co., Ont., 4 miles from Wyo- ming. Pop. 50. MATTAWA, a post village in the district vt Nipissing, Ont.^ at the con- fluence of the Mattawa with the Otta- wa river, 55 miles N.W. of Rai^ides des Joachims. It is a post of the Hudson's Bay Company, and a depot of .supplies for the lumberr^en in that remote dis- trict. It contains a Roman (/atholic church, 2 stores, 1 hotel and a saw mill. Pop. 50. MAUGERVTLLE, a post village in Sunbury co., N.B., on the north shore of the River St. John, 12 miles N.E. of Fredericton. It contains 2 churches, 1 store, and a shipyard. Pop. 3(>0. MAVILLET, a settlement in Digby CO., N.S., 18 miles from Yarmouth. Pop. 240. 5IAWC00K, a po?t village in Shef- ford CO., Que., on a branch of the Black river, G miles from Granby. Itcontains 4 saw mills, a tannery, and 3 stores. Pop. 200. MAXWELL, a post village in Grey CO., Ont., on the Durham post road, 21 miles from Collingwood. It contains 3 stores, 2 hotels, and a telegraph office. Pop. 100. MAYFA sex CO.. • > 1 MAYFIE CO., Ont., Pop. HO. MAYNA NKllS, a p( Out., r» mil MAVXO' xi:us, a pi Out., lU n contains MAVO, a Quo., « mil* luo. MEAD()\ Lit., iuWe fi-din i'aiiisi MEAOO\ Xorthuinboi .Vcwea.stle. MKADO\ village ill P Credit, G i posse.s.sc3 gi tains llo;ir, stores, and .\ii;afor; ft ilouri.^hinj Out., ::t the in I .ior;;:au iLTiiiinurf of Ciilliii;4woo( Citlil'", ti liotu ]i:!atiii,g ollii ir.ill.s, a putt ieiis, iron < wooden wa tturriaf^es, \ '.fir;:e export l^roiluce. r MEAGIH village in .Mu.s(pao> in (Jrciivillo co., Out., r> imlfs from Proscott. l*0|>. 170. MAVNOOTll, or IJOVLKH OtUl- NEUri, a post vilhiffo in lIiHtinj<:J co., Out., UJ miles bftcic of Bellevillo. It contains 2 stores. MAVO, a villftfre in Ottawa co., Que., U miled from BuckiDgbum. I'op. 100. MEADOW BROOK, a station on the I, It., ill Westmorland co., N.B., 5 miles from I'ainsi'C Junclion. .MEADOWri, a small settlement in Xortimniberland co., N.3., IG miles from Xcwcastle. MKADOWVALE, a thriving po3t village in Peel co., Ont., on tlie River Credit, G miles from Hramplon. It Hosse.s.se3 good water power, and con- tains Ho;ir, oatmeal and saw mills, 3 stores, and a telegraph ollice. Pop. :ioo. .mi: A FORD, formerly ST. VINtlENT, a lluuri.^hin,' post village iu Grey co., Out., ;it the mouth of IJig Head river in I .ior;;:an Ray, and at the nortliorn tvniiiiuis uf the N. 11., 22 miles from C«illii!;;\vood. It contains a telegraph iillii"', (i liotels, a number of stores, 2 printing ullice?, several Hour and saw ii;ill.s, a pottery, manufactories of wool- l*?:is, iron ca.stings, boots and shoes, wooden M-are, leather, fanning milU, eairiages, waggons, «kc. ; and has a ;ar;:e c.xiiort trade in grain and country produce. Pop. 1,200. MEAC.IlEirS GRANT, a post village in Halifax co., N.S., on the .Musqiiodoboit river, 2.> miles from Ltjwor Stewiacke It contains 2 saw mills. .^•EALY MOUNTAINS, a chain of liiiij in Latr.idor, near its K. coast, be- tween Cape Charles and .Sandwich Ray. Kitiniated lu Ight l,4su feet. MKCCATINA ISLES, t^vo small i.^unds in the Gidf of St. Lawrence, off the N. MECHANICS SETTLEMENT, a post settlement in Kings co., N.ij., 11 milea from Penol)squi3. Pop. 2r)0. MECHINS, Rimouski co., Que. See Dalibaire. MEL MEDFORD, a post village in Kings CO., N.S., on .Minas Hasin, 11 miles from Poi t Williams SUition. Pop. 200. MEDINA, a post village in O.xford CO., Ont., 8 miles from St. .Marys. Pop. G."». MEDINA, York co., Ont. See Kes- wick. MEDONTE, a post offie;^ in Simcoo CO., Ont., 17 miles from Oiillia. MiODlJXNlKEAG, Carleto i co., N.B. See Lindsay. •MEGANTIO, a county in the eaftern j)art of l^uebec, bounded on the S.E. i)y the State of .Maine, and comprising a 1 area of 47."),740 acres. In this county are Lakes St. Francis and William. Cai.ital, Leeds Village. Pop. IB^HIA. MEGUASHA, Ronaventure co., Quo. ^e Nouvelle. WEKlNAtJ, a post office in Cham- plaiii CO., Que., 30 miles from 'ialig- can. MELANOTIION, a post vil1.\go ia Grey co.. Out., 20 miles from Orange- ville. Pop. .t,'). MELBOURNE, a flourishing post village in Richmond co., (jue., on ilio west bank of the Si. Francis rivT, 25 miles N.N.W.of Sherbrooke, and 1 mile from Richmond Junction. A biiiigo spans the St. Francis at thi.^ j'oint connecting Melbourne and Richmond, •Melbourne contains 4 churches, several stores, a chair factory, bark factory, saw mill, tannery, '&c. 'I'h're are valuable copper mines and slato quarries in the vicinitv. Pop. 270. MHLMOUifNE, Middlesex co., Ont. See Longwood. MELBOURNE RIDGE,'^ in Richmond co., (^uc., 1> nii!"S t'\u\u\ Mell)(>urne. It contains a saw mill, and 3 stores. Chief trade, butter and cattle, Pof). 125. MELOCHEVILLE. or TEOIIANTE, a post village itj B('auha^:u)i^ c >. iMELROSE, rt villag.i in Middleaox CO., Oal., 4 tnilca tVuiu Komoku. i'o|>. IJO. MELVEIIN SQUARE, a post village and sc'tiKincni iti Aniiapolis co , N.8., on tbe .soulli side of tlio North Muiin- tiiiiH, 4 niik-s from Wiliiiot. It contains 3 3tiir.'S. i'oii. 4U(). MICIiVILLE, u pi)8t village in Prince Edward CO.. Out., on (jt)ndi'con Lake, 13 miles iVoin li lli-villo. It contains St'Vi-nil stons, 1 grisl mill, and 2 saw ailh. P<»:». fs ). MKLVIL!t of tlio Georgian l.- miles horn .Mo'Cton. It contains a telegraph olVice, and 11 stores. Tlioro is a larg > li iman Caiholic cliurch and cctllege 3 miles from the station. Pop. 200. .MKNIE, or SEV.MOITII EAST, a post Tillage in Norllr.inibcrlanil co., Unt., 24 miles from Hdlevilie. Iicoutai'is 2 stores. Pon. ].")<). MEliASllKKN, a fishing settlement in the disiricl of I'laci iilia an I St. Mary.s, N(i l.,on the southern portion of an island of the same name, 18 miles from Plaeentia Pop. l-^O. .MKKKIO.MISII, a se:ipr>rt of Nova Scotia, I'lCtdii CO., on N()rthuml)erland Strait, 1.! miles from New Glasgow. It contains 2 stores and a large saw mill. A considerable quantity of timber is Bhipi)ed from tiiis jiort annually, ('oal and ir.)n are found in oxiensve beds in the vicinity Shipbuilding is largely engaged in " Pop '4'»0. MEliiVALE, a post < ffice in Carleton CO., Out., 6 miles from Ottawa. MEPJiAND, Antigonlsh eo., N.S. Si-c IM.'ick Ltiiids ( Anligoiiish ) MEULIN, or SMITHS COUNEHS, a post village in Kent co.. Out., y miles from (Jharig ('rii-n. poi». v;, MEIiNEIlSVlLLE, liruco co., Oatl See .Mddmay. MEUUICKVILLE, an village in Gr-nville co , Ilidean canal, 2t> mili-s E miles from Ki'inptvilli'. extensive watrr powir. ineorp'irated < >Mt., 0:1 tlio of l'>rtli, IH It possesses and coataius several churches and ii »iels, tel'gr.iih and insurance agencies, a printi.ig ollic" issuing a w 'flily news|ia(t»r, 3 hotels, 12 or I') stores, saw, griit aiKl shingle mills, 3 iron foundries, a woolli-n factorv, &c. Pop. itj 5. MEliUlTTON, or TllOliOLD STA- TION, a flourishing post village ia Lincoln CO., Out., on the U'elland canal, with a station on the G. W. It., M miles from Hamilton. It co'itainj several churches, 2 cotton mill-, a paper mill, saw and gristmills, several stores and hotels, and a telegraph olKce. Pop. 1,000. MEftRITTSVILLE,Welland co.,Ont. Sei" Wellaud. .MKItSEA, a post ofTieo in Esse.x co., O It., 41 miles from Windsor. M1:TAI;KTCH(>1:AN, a post office in ('Iileoutinii co., Que., 03 miies from Chieiiutimi. MKTAGHAN, a post village in Dig- by CO., N.S., on St. Mary's buy, 40mil'.'S from Diirby. Poi>. 20u. MKTAG'IIAN ItlVEIl, a poU settle- ment in l)igl)y CO., N.S., on the Meta- glian river, 43 miles from Digby. Pop. 300. METCALFE, Russell co., Out. Sec Osgomie. MKTCHOSIN, a.settlenv'iit on Van- couver Island, U.C, tui the Strait of Fuca, W. of Esquim.'.lt. MFTHOTS MILL.S,a post vll.jiein Lothiniere CO., Que., on the (i.T. R., 30 miles S.W. of Qiub.r. C msidcr- able (piantities of lumli' r an- annually shipjted from here. It li.i-i a lelcgranh office, 1 store and several saw mills. Pop. 7.'). METIS, a post village in Rimonski CO., Que., on the south shore «)f the St. Lawrence, aid 01 the I. R., l»4^i miles from Riviere du Loui> en /xis. It con- tains a Roman Catholic church, a telegraph office, 7 stores and several mills, an( linnbir. MEiZ, CO., fbil.. MEVK Norlliiiinl from 1> i MK.'il.N distne; >> MK'llI village a (iistricl ( from Sail UOlld MS sujiplyiii- trade l • The gouii llat-b.>lt(.i acily. Til one year'.' Factory ii, tiie go. ids ed in the Tl miles frou .Superior, lake. '1 \n .N'othing i bi^en done |ier, pi urn I 111 eonsiil I MIDDLI tleiiienl at Nlld., Hi II GJ. MIDDLI on the .-^ui Nild., 17 u 140. MIDDLI !;eltlemeul Mid., IJ 1 Pop. bW. MIDDLI Cumheilai river, 10 111 from Por churches, ; Jurist, mills, MIDDLI settlement on St. G( Sandv Pni MIDDLI the distric River, 8 m MIDDLI village in River Clyc ■'f MID 193 tnilld) and Itas a^^uud trade in f^rnia and liii:ilHr. I'ol'. -jO. MHi'Z, u \n)il ott'u-v ill Wellington CO., Oiu.. 8 lii.U'S fruui Fi.'r;;u3. MKVKilSUUIKi, a sill, ill villnj^c in NorilmiiiU-rluiid cd., Out., I'i uiiU'S from I* i,'l;t >i. pop. H i, .Ml(;ilAi:LS r.AV,:i ollicoin tbo distric: of Al_' >i.ui, O it. .Ml(Ulli'li:()ii:.\' lilVKIi, a imst vill:ij(e and'n'.i !>iiy jio.-t in the (lislfict of AI„'uiiiii, <.»nV, IJJ iiiiK:4 from Saiilt Sii*. .Maru*. It waf unci.' uolid a^ liio llu'iaoii'd IJay Depot I'or supplyiiii^ i^uols, \c., Joriln; purp(>-(y fiat-li.>tt(.iiii.'d iiD.Hsof all )iit 5 loiiscap- ftcity. TliLTO \\\Vti briffadcj which too.i Olio years culk-ction c-f t'wi to Moose Factory in Jaiiu-.s l!ay, returning with tiiu giiids n c ivc'd iiicxchaiige convey- ed in the Ci)iiipaiiy'.s ships I'roin Knjr- Tlio e.stal>Ushment id williin '.i niiled from (iros Ca|) liaili )r, in Lake .Superior, one uf tiie best harlior.i in the lalvc. '1 ho coast li le is very irreji^ular. .N'ulhing i I the shajie of iniuiii;; h;.d Iwen diUK! in this dis'.rict, tliuU'/li cop- jier, pluniba;4o and iioii lias been found 111 coiisid r.ibli! quantities. .MIDDLK ARaI, a small ashing Pet- tleincnl at tlie h ad of C iiu-.-ptioii May, Nlld., Si m.lei from iSl. Johns. I'op. GJ. .MIDDLK niGIIT, a fishii'.g settlement oil the sou! !i side of Couee|>li;eitlemeiit in the district of, Xlld., 1j miles fiom Greens Pond. P(.p. Ml. .MIDDLKlJOPiO', a post vill.icr;^ in Cumberland co., N.S., on Wallace river, 10 miled f. oin Gree iville, ."> iiiile.< from Port Wallice. It contains 2 eliiirclies, 2 stores, 2 saw mills, and 2 j!,ris'. mills. Pop. l7.>. MIDDLE LiiOOK, a small fishing settlement on the Kreiich .>ilion', .\IM., on St. George's IJiy, 10 miles from Sandv Point. Pop. {:>. MIDDLE GlIl'UCII, a post office in tlio district td' Lisgar, .Mau., on lied River, H miles N of Fort (iarry. MIDDLE CLYDE IIIVEK, a post village in Shelburne co., N.S., on the lUver Clyde, 12 miles from Barring ton. VID Jv 1 1 ' It contains 1 church and :i saw niillg. Pop. 7."). MIDDLE COVE, a Fnmll fisliinit si>ttlemeiit in the district . loi). MIDDLEFILLD, a p(Mt s tllcmentin Qiieei'S c »., N.S, 14 miles from L.ver- ponl. Pop. SO. MIDDLE KFN.NETCOOK, Hanta CO., ^'.S. See .Mosli'Tvide. MIDDLE LA HAVE FERUY, a post settltine ii in Lunenburg co., N.S., on the La Have river (east side), 7 miles from Lunenburg. Poj). .'M". MIDDLE MlSglUDOliOIT, n pef.lemeiil in Ilalifa.x co., N.S, on the jMu.-i(inodoboit river, H miles from Shulienacadie. It contain.^ a carding mill, and 4 stoI•e.^. Pop. HOd. MIDDLE OHIO, a po~t villngo in Shelbirne co., N S , on Sl:. MIDDLE KIVEU, or EL.MVALE, a po-;t settlement in Pictou co., .\.S., 10 mil •■; from Gleiij.Mrrv. Pop. 120. .MIDDLE IllVEl!,' or WAGAMAT- CDOlv, a post settlement in Victoria CO., ,N'.S., on Mitldic river, 1.3 miles from liaddeck. T!;i-: is a gol 1 district, no mining operations, liow.ver, are carried on, owing to the ubsenci' of roads and tiie v:onseqnent comparative in ice •*.- bilitv of tlie m'lies. Poji. L'iO. MIDDLE !^r. Fi!A.VCIS,ii post office in Victoria eo., .N'.H.. on ll.t- Kiver St. John. 21 miles frmn Fdiiinnilstoii. MIDDLE SKCTIO.V OF NORTH E.\.sr .M.MIGARLE. a post settlement in Inverness (•o.,.N.,S.. tn .Margaree river, 4;t miles from Whvcocomah. Pop. l.-.n. MIDDLE SETTLEMK.VT OF TUB SOU. '11 UIVEU,orFRASEitS.MILL.S, a jiost settlement in Aiiligonish co., N.S., on South river, 4S miles from New Glasgow Pop. 300. 13 11 'i iJ' ^ I m ■m «.* ''%^ ,.,;„,^^' MIL 194 MIL I fl I' M ' '».; MIDDLK SKTTLKMKNT RIVKIl INIlAlJiTANTtf, a post sctllctiimt in JiiV('itn'>8 en , N.S , 7 iniltn iVom I'ort Mll)l)l,i;si;.\. II county in tlio woat- tiTh part oronlario, iiitiTscctfil \)y t' «• TImiiu's river, lunl tnivcrsdl by the (iriiinl Trunk, (!r<'iil \V'<'rit, aii'l Loudon iiii'l i'url iSlnuli'v r.i Iway*. It coin; rises ii i areii of 1'2'),'<'.'2 acres. (.'ii|ntal. liOiiduii. I'lip. HJ.. ■.;»:». MIDIMJO .^IMONHS, II post villnpo and >cnliiiii'iit in IJarletoti e.>., N.U., on ilie St. Jolin river, 17 miles f-oni Woodsloeli. It (•oiitaiii.4ii ehurcli, an liotel iMid 1 store. I'op. I."i<>. .MIDDLK Sin TIIA.MI'i'O.V, ii post Bctt eiiiiiil in York eo.. NM» , o i tiieSt. Juiin river, 47 miles above Frelericioii. I'op Joo. MIDDLK STKWIACKK, a. po-^^t sct- leineiil i i ('o!flie.sler e.i., N S., H miles troin lirooklield. (Sold has been t'Diiiid in the vicinity, i'op. .'MO. Mli)DLKT().\, a post villapo ii An- iiapoi:-^ CO., .N.S. on ',h« W. it A. it., iDl iiiih-.s t'l'Min ilalit'a.v. It contain!) a t(de;fraph olIi«' •, "2 hot(ds and .'f --t'lres, Mild has a eoiisi Icrahic trade in lunii) 'r and coiifltry prodiici'. Iron and c'p- per niiiic:? are worked in the vicinity, i'oii. •-'Oil. .MIDDLETDN', a jiost villapre in l*rin<''' CO., I'.K.I.. L! miles IVom ."^nni- niiMNide. I'oii. I.")!!. MIDDLKTO.X, a i.ost vil!a,!.r'i in Wesiniorland co., N.Il. 1 mile fnnn I)oreli -ster. Pop. fjO. MIDDLKTO.V ("KNTUK, Xorfblkco., Ont Sie Coiiriland. MIDDLK I'OWN, a small vill.i-re in Siineoe co., Out., Ii miles from l>rad- ford. I'op- !<»"• MIDDLKVILLR. a post villajro in Lanark co., Out., 7 mih's rn)in Lanark. Top .'oo. Mli)(!l(\ a post setllemo'it in West- morland CO., X.M., 10 mile.s from S ick- Ville. Vr,p. 'JOO. JIIDliriJST. apost village in Simci e CO, Out., o!i Oliver's Creek o mil s from Uarrle. It co itaiiis a grist mill, and 4 .«:nv milh. I'oj). loi). MIDLAND, a p<;st ollicein Kinij: co.. N.H. M IDL A N D, a post ollice in Simcoe co., Ont. MILHITIINR, a ^miall villafre in Fron- teuac CO., Ont., 15 miles from K'ngstou, It contains a tele;{ra|di uHice and u laru'e t::nnery. I'oji. .I:*. MILDM.VY, or .NIKU.NKItsVILLK, a post viUaj^e in Itruee eo., Oni.. ua ihe W.d. .t IJ. U.,<; mil'-s from W.dkertuu. It CDUtaiiis a woidlen factory, a pottery, a saw null, a K'"'-^' '" "' •' "tores, J lio;<"ls, and a telej;ra;ili otlici'. Pop. "J.")!". .MILK K.\'!», or roTK Si' L(Mi.S, an,. orated villa;.^! in Hueladaga, CO., Ijli 0., adjoiiii 1^ !^L. .Ii in I! ipii.sio villaj^c, 2 m.lts Iroin .M.>iiUvul oliice. It coiit lins a (.'atliolie • Inirch, a deaf and dumb a.sylum, a drivinj^ park, a race co.ase. and exluu- sive .ritin ■ (piarries. I'up. 4,u.i). .MILI'OUJ), a po.'t vil!a:,'o in .Vnna- p(dis CO, .N.S., 14 in les f. om .Aanapo- l:s. It CMntaiii.4 4 saw miil.% I'.p. i.>.i. .MILFOilD, a tlirivinjr iiosl vi laije in I'rinc? Ivlward c.>., (►at., ou lUuck river, lo guiles S. of I'icton. Ii c ntuins a teli;r|M]di olllc.', miles from llalifa.x. It contains a pood limestone i|'.iarry, ami near liy tlier> is an exten- sive tjvp.iiiin "luarry. Considerable • piautiii'-s of lumb-r, hay and tivpsuni aresliipped from I hi-; station. Pop. 17."i. -MILFitRD 1IAV1;N l!iMD(;K, a post villatfe in (iriiysb troii^ij to., X .s.^ .^ m'lc-; from (liivsb.'ro'.i'.'-ii. Pop. l.")a. MILLAliS CtMiXKRS. a ;;mall vil- la};e in (Jrenvillc co., Ont., J miles from ONf.ird. P,i]>. l.Mi. MILLIJAXK, a ihrivins ]tost village in Perth co., O it., Pi Jiiiles f -o.n Strat- fo:'(!. It contaiiis a t''1e;rra;i!i nlHc?. 4 store?, 2 hotels, a foundry, a grist mill, a faw mill, a llax mil, iui I a carding mill. Pop :mi» MILL UKlDdK, or JOIJD.VX, a post vill i^i^e ill Iia-itings c )., 0:ii . t:'. miles f.'o'.j IJelleville. It contain.^ 8 stores and 1 hotel. Pop. Kfi. .MII.L I'.IIOOK, an incorporated vil- 1 :ge in D'.irham co.. Out , wiPi a sla'ioa on tile .M. 11, 1>^ mil s fro-.ii Port Hope. It contains 2 tidegra /h oliices, about { dozen stores, 2 hotel.-, a ]irin!i;ig oflici issuing a weekly newspap(>r. a foundry, woollen factory, .-aw ami grist mills, \c. Pop. l.L'OO. MILL nilOOK, a iH)st sc'tlement in Picton CO., X S., 1 [ miles from Glen- garry. l*op. 200. MILL ( l-i.'at' iliiir K.ilif.i.K. .MILL ( (Queens ( .lohn. 1 MILL i Kent CO., 1' -p. ini. MIIJ. ( ,Sc- Ode V MILL LI St. John .Mm. It u'ld sliip\a MILLK .Vrf.'i'nieni;inti' MILLK! a post villi iiioiit, sitii.'i witii a sta tlie (;.T. i U contaiim telegraph o MILLKU iilgin CO., ( .'!. Thomas MILLKI." ill Hants r 'roi.v. 2.', ni I'.)]). 2 10. MILL Kir, in',' set I'Mii' li:lV, Xlld., 1 I'd!). !>:>. MILLK V S.igaonay ( Tadoasae. MILLFIE tie CO., i) \o MILL CI Went worth It Mii:;:!:' mill MILL II- Li'iiaox CO., l! miles frc '^ V(-r.iI store iiar'i'ip. |>o MILLIKK '0., Ont., ; It ha3 2 stoi Pop. Hn MILLING Ont ivio CO. MILL Pd v'llage an I <*iit, on th T V ).-!t es It- } ill, •il- ioQ tr. t< ici 11:!, in '0. Oiit., :5 mil's fVoiii riiiuiiv MIL 1I''> MILI, COVE, ft post soltlptnont in l,i;:n' iliurj; en., N.rt., ."{5 \n\\i:i W. t»f Halifax. I'o].. 120. Mli-L CON K, a post si-ttlcincnt io i^iiftMis cii., N.H., fjj milcj tVuin Si. Joiu). l't)p. .')">. .MILI. ('i:KKK, a po.'it scttl.MucMt in Kctil <'i>., .\.I5., 4 miles Imni IJiirtuiiclM' !'■ p. l., 1 ui.i s Ir 'in r^:. .Ii iin. It (Miitainj !ji>vi>nil .saw inilld a'l'l sliii'_\iir(l-<. INip. :;iut. .MllJ-K I.-^LKS, ii post vill:ip« in Ar'.'cniiMiil co., . ul S[<>v. iiiiint, situated on tlii* ('ornw.ill ('.in;;!, with a station ((mII'mI .Mouliaeft •) (i;i ilie (J.T. !{., 7'.*.] miles from Mo itral. (! contain!? 4 ston's, a tf"i-=t mill, .iml a tt'lctfrapli ()"]](•!'. IVci. '2!'0. .MlLI.KIJ.'^l'.UiMijft snuill viUaj?;' in Kljfin ro., (hit., adjoining; the low i of .-[. Thomas. I'op. 1 10. .MILLKIJ'S (M{KKK, a post xlUi-r) ill Hants CO., \..S., on the |{iv r St. 'roix. 2.i miles from Newport Station. !'.>:. , ■_' II). .MlM.KirS TASSAOK, a smill fish- in? set li'Mi'^nt in liie ilis'riet ol" Tor; i le liav, .Villi., 7 miles from ilarhor Hiitoii. I'o'i). !K). WUA.K VACIIES, ft post villajr<> in Sa;4;ie:iay oo., »^ie., 4."> miles -fioin Ta'iloasae. I'op. :!.*)0. Mil.Ll''IEI-!>, a post oflfico in .Megan- tir CO., Q;ic. .MILL r.ilOVK, a villa j:e in Went worth t">., (.Mit., .')i miles frc)m I)i! ula?. It contains 2 stores a sliii^'le mill. Top. 180. .MitJ. IIAVK.V, a post villaffo in I.";iiio\ CO., Ont.on the Hiy of (>uiiite, Ii miles from Kin'.::sion. It eontai is s> v( stores and mills, and ha3 a gojd iiarlvir. Pop. 100. MILMKEX, a post viUajje in Vork MIL It has 2 store,3. it con ains 2 stores. I'tiP. MO. MILLIN'GTOV, a post ofTiee in Out irio CO., Ont., U miles from Orillia. MILL roi.Vr, or HOWES', a poU v'llage an 1 river ttort in IIastin,','s co., V'jit , ou the Napanee river, 7 miles from N'apanec. It contain^ a l«dopraph oliice, 7 stores, 1 iiotel, and2.;aw mdls. I'oji. ,".no. .MILL.STUKA.M, a \>nH .■iettlemeiit in Kinj^s CO., N.IJ., ."» m l .. iVom .Vpohaijui. It contains 2 stores ami saw utid grist mills. I'op. 400. .MILL'S VILIi.\(iK. a thriving tiost vill.i;;' in Queens eo., N..S., oit I'ort .Mei«wa}' river, :i;iies Ir mi Livirpool. Itcontains 7 saw mills, a mat Ii factory, and .'{ :jtores, and has a consiileralde limil) -r trade. Top. loo. .MILLSVlLLi;, a po^ odiee in Tieiou CO., N..S., 1 J miles from I'ielo.l. .MIL'fO.V, a small viliaix" in tjneens CO., I'.E.L.Mii 111 I'-iiic- K Iwarl Island rwiw.av, 7 miles frinn Cliarloiietowa I'op. I'.O .MILTON, a thriving post village in C^ineens Co., N.S , on l^iverpool riviT, 2V miles from Liver|iool. It has a lariiu l;;ml)er trade, and contains a niimli r of >aw mills, a taniery, a i»laiiin.g mill, 4iad I'.li » It 12 s'.jres.' I'op. j.lo I. M1LT«).\ EAST, a i)ost village in Siielf 'rd c >.,(Jae.,'.Mn:les from (lri:il>y. It contains an liot> j, a dtore utid u die.' :• f.i.Morv. Top. loo. MILTO.V WEST, an incorporated town, c.ipital of llalion Co., Out., sitaated on Si.vteen Mile ("reek, I'l miles from (\ or^r.-l w.i. It contains, l)v~ides the coaniy baild'iigs, a tele- graph ol!iee, . u iron fo indry, a taiiuerj wo dlcn far ory, .saw and g.'ists mill, a priatiiig oliice' issa'no: a w 'ekly news- jia-ier, and a namlier ol' stores. I'op. 8.11. MILLT()\V.\,a fluridiingpost town i> ('iiarlotU' ei, .\'.H., b.'aaiifilly sitaated on the Seh xidiac or Si. Croix rivi'r, 2.] miles from St. Stephen. It coataiiis' 18 saw mill-;, an edge tool fnetory, :! charches, tjcliools, a namhr of stores, and a telegraph oHRc?. Several bridges span th" river here conncetiiig this villa/e with .Mill- town, i 1 the State of .Maine. An im- mense quantity of lumber is annually siiiDped from this port. Pop. 2.<»oo. MILLTOW.N. a village in lla-tinjs CO., Out., 2 miles from Shanno nille. l'i>|». 2()'>. MILLVIEW, ft village in Qneons CO., i'.E.I., 12 miles from Charloite- town. It contains I store, 2 hotel % a woo'.len factory and a grist mill. Pop. ICO. •' ! V r I I 4^ h|! ii.» h V\' ]i MliN 1%' MOF MILI.VUiM:. a hamlet In Ciinibor- Ift»i(l <•|i. \1'>. MILVKUTU.V, or WKSTS C()R- Nl^li.S, a jjo-t villi;;' in I'erlh en., Onl., 21\ mile.-* Ironi Str.Ufoid. 1 1 Contains a telej^raph t)llic ■, '1 i>r I stores, 2 hotels, 11 saw mill, a tannery, and a c!i"*S(' factory. I'op. I."j0. iMI.MICO, a no.^t viliafrc in York co.. Ont., on the (i. W. li , 7 miles W. of T«)ronto. Cop. 100. MI.MI\P:(JASIF. h j.ost villa^rf i» Pri let* CO., IMO.l., S7 miles IVoin Chailotfetown. !*op. lOii. MI.MO.SA, or Dt'ltMN VII.LAGi:, a post villi^i" in \'. elliii^rlOM <• >., Out. lU miles from Ferjjns. it contains ',\ stores. Pop. r.o. I^lINDKN, a ]>o,st vilhiKO and river port in I'elrrhoroMi^li co , Ont., .".) miles fnui Mohoayj^eon. Ii contains a tcle^rraph ollice, 2 clinrchcs, G stores and '.'• hotels. I'op. I7>(i. .MI.N'(>0, a sniaU fishing .'station and harbor on the French siiore, NUd., is miUts from La Sc:e. Fine S'erpen'ine (a beaiitil'nl species of marble) is found in (lie vicinity. I'op. 0. AII.N'FSINCj, a jiost village i'l Simcoc CO., Ont., 10 miles from 15arrio. Pop. 60. MING A\, a iiost vlUape in Sapuemy CO., Que., on the norih shore ot tlie St. Lawn nee, at the month of the iMin^ran river, opposite th«» iMliifran Islands, :VJ3 miles below Quebec. It is a lludsfm B.ay Company's post. The inhabitants, chiefly Indians, are enfraged in hnntiifr and iVshing. ..Mingan harbor is on" of the finest on the north shore. Pop. 560. MINGAX I.^LANDS, a group in the Gnlf of St, Lawrence, north of Anti- costi, ou the coast of Labrador. MI.VUDFK, a post sottl K'vcr ri:e!i.'li""i, 1 inih-s from !>'. AriiiHiid. It contains 1 clinndi, :! St r-s :iiid 1 !()tl. I'.;p. 'JOO. ^ MISCor, an islainl in the Oiilf of St. Lawrence, off Sliippegan Islanil, (JloiietvMer c>, NMJ. It has a lit,'iii- house e.\hil)i(iiig a |i.\"d in d liglit, "'» f'<'t a^ove (he level of the s':i. It |io.4aps3:>3 a fmc harbor, whitdi is n.«ieli fr. (pionted bv lishing craft. •MiSCOrt'lli;, a post village in Prince o., P.Ii.I , on the Prlnee Kd- ward Isliiiiil railway, ."> miles from Snin- incrside. It cont.iins U stores. I'op. 'J'lO. .MISl'KC, a po.u village in St. Joh'i CO., N.I5., o;i (ho Hiiy of Fiiidy, '.> miles from St. John. It contains a woollen ficlory. Pop. 200. .M I SS I S(. a 'o'i, a con ity in the gonth- ern I'art of Quebec, boiiiu'cd on the south by (he State of Vermont and Lake (Jliamplain, c )tiipri-i'S an area of 229,17;; acres. Capital, Frelighs- burg. Po;). l(i,t»22. Ml.SSlSnrol !iAV, Missisquoi co.. Qn-. See I'hilipsburg Fast. .MITf'llFlLL, an incorporated villnrrL' i 1 i'tfrth CO., Ont., on the Uiver Thames, with a station on the O. T. K ,.'12 m'.l s from Goderich. Il contains Kjiscopal, lloinan Catholic, Presbyterian, ami .Methodist churches, ft branch bank, 2 telegni])!! ollices, ft printing ollici' , issuing a weekly n''wsi)ft])er,2 foiimlrie.?, saw, grist, woollen, flax and oatmeal mills, several factori^s^ (j hotels, and a number of stores. Pop. 1,H02. MITCHELL'S ILVV, a post office in Kent CO , t)nt. .MOBILE, ft fishing settlement ii the district (f Ferrvland, Mil., 21 miles soulii of St. John's. Pop. 220. MOE'S IlIVEIl, ft post village in Compt )n CO., Que , on a stream of the same name, 2 miles from (Jompton. It contains 1 church. 2 or 3 stores, and Several mills and factories. Pop. 120. MOFFATT, ft i)ost office in Ilalton CO., Ont., 19 miles from Quelpb. MOIIA Cliarloiti Ste|.|ien. MOIIA ft p(-.t V S| ring C it coiitaii lioin:i g II Moll I: Out. See MOJO A Aniigoijis .New (;!,(. MOIUA Ont., I'iin Mol.SR CO., l^'ue., r.vtr, on Lawrence Here are sand. Tli for its sai Ml LA> FLLLX, a oiij^h CO., IVnrn (Jiiy^; .a:(»lls I''r:li CO., vel. it ci 1 Ih)|', 1 am MOLIS Kent c 1., MO.VAC Queens C!iarl.'I!e MOXCK id at the wliicii it i. -ii.^T.SG ac tiraud Ti Canada Sn MONCIC CO., {)u\. M().\( Stinuoiit < Livi, re an: wall. He ">aw i;i il. .\i().\v, T(, I'l.lly i^itua; t' 'diiic rive It is ai tl.e I'eiiteoilinc cuiitair.s 4 iiMuher (J is.siiing a \v ^a:iks, a tc WON 197 HON lit cro in if llie in. It nn 1 lalton MOII ANNAS, 11 Biimll dPlthinrnt in C1i;ii1i>Ul' f )., N.15, ;"» iii.K-- li<.nj St. MlMIAWK, or.\i(tr.\ r I'LKA.^ANT, n |>(/.l Vill.i;,'e i:i l)ii;ut m, (hit , im .Spring Cnk, f» inil< s fn in Kriiitlnrtl. It c>iint;iiiK> :t or 4 sidn s, 2 luitilii and 2 lii)iii:i \ niikd l'r»-in» Mn|iiA,ii )M)jt \ iiliij,a'iii llnsliufjr:? t'«> , Out., l';i:i,k-.s(r< ni iMJi'vilic. l'('i>. lioii. M(»i:-lC, II jiost viiiiijro 111 S.ijriui.iiy C'l., (;iic., at llic iiMiiitli ^'\' liic .Ml isio rivir, (111 ilif iiorili ^Imic dC tiic ,St Law iTHcf, lioi; iiiilcs cast (f Tailoiisai'. IIiii' arc jfriiit 4lejo.«its < t' lilacU iron gaud. Tiic .Mdi-ic river i.< cviilault'd fur its Kaliimn ii.slit'rv. I'up '.i'U',. .Mt L.\S-i:s liAl'ilUi;:, or I'OHT FKM.X, 11 1 0..1 K>til« imiit in (invsl.-ir- oii{:li CO., N.S., on T.r liny, 3i)'inil»-d fruni (Ji:v liorotijrli. Pop. i:n;). .^:(»IJ■.'^\VttI:TII, a iio-i villnpe \n I' r;li CO, (Jnt., II mili.-! from Listn- vxl. It Cull!: in.s ;{ clmnlu'.^J, 2 }., N.I], K; iiiilc- Iroiii Kin','.stoii. 1'>.1.. l.M'. .\lt».\A('.IIi:X, a }iost vdlnge in (,'iucii;i CO., I'.E I., 15 niilcM from (Miari iMc'town. Pop. JO. iMoNCK, a (oiiiily of Ontario, ntiiat- id at the ca.^t iiui (d' Lake Kric, ly wiiicii it i.^ lioimdcd on ll.f S. Ar a .;;-<. T>;ii ncro«. It i.-i travtr.sed hy tlic (Iruud Tniik, (In-at Wcslcrii, lUid C'aiiada.'^oii liciii railways. Pop. 10,17.'. ii<,>.\(.'i\, a post ofiico ill \Vi I'liiiytoii CO., Oi.t.. :i iniics from Ariiiur. .MO.VCKLAND, a jiost vdla<,'0 m StiniMiit CO., (hit., 1 11 II li;ai:cli ( t tii>' Kivi, re an.v i;ai. in, l.tnilcs tr m {Ua-a- v.all. It contai .s I I otid, 3 .-tor*-, and a>a\v ni:il. V(.\y IT*. .MO.Nv. TON, a jmat (own of Ni w,co. of \Vc'.'i;niorlaiid, Ijcau'.i- fi.lly Situated at t! e li nd of Hit- Pelit- cKJiac r'.ver, 8!iniil.s N.K. of St. Join. It is at tl.L' li( ad of iiavi^at.on i f the I'eiiicodiac river, a line harbor, and contair.s 4, several I otcl.-^, a iiMuhcr of stores, a i>rintinLr ollicc is.iuiii;r a newspaper, 2 lir.incli banks, a telegraph oflice, and uianufac- torios of Iron cfwtinp.-', intrnm cnplnnt, niacliineiy, lolmcco, Icatiicr, Wooden w.irc, A.i;. Here arc Ilie ptiifrai olliccH and I riicij al work: hops of the I itcrco- lo lial railway. .Moncti n is a port uf entry Tiie niindicr of arriv,il.4 for IHTJ was 2- (tons 1.S4T), and the chirance.H 'SI (t nin l,l*.");i.) Tola! value of imports !:>«o,«i'i."> , exports 1^1."), Uy. Pop. 4 '!10. .MOXCTON POAD, a post vdlap.> in Wesuiiorlaiid co., .N'.ll., 7 miles from JSIiediac. MONKVMOUK, a post ollice in Ha t- in^r.^ CO., Out , Jl mile;! fro'ii Pollevdle. .MON(!i;.\AIS, a po-;t ollice in \iui- dn il CO., Que., \'.)\ miles fioiii t'oteau Stalioi. M0N(JOLIA, or ('AMiOPNIA. a post village in York ci, O it., ;t miles fium Stoiitlviile. pop 100. Monks llliAD, a vlUapo 111 Anti- pi iiii-li CO., .\.S., mile.s from Liwer Soutii Pivt r. Mt>.\KTO.V, a tlirlvinp po.^t village Ml per h CO., Out , lo/, inile8 IVoui .Milehell. It eo:ila:ns a telcpraph ollicc, several stor<-< jflidlK ttd'*, and a number (,f .<.iw mills, pop. 21^0 .MO.VO CKNTCK, a post village in Canhvell c i., Out, lO iiiiles from Oiaiip vilio. Pop. .'-(). M< l\( > MIIJ.S, a thriving ]iost village 111; CO., Out., on the r liver, it mile* from Mono lioal. It c liitaiiis a tidigraj li ollicc, a taiim ry, wooll.ii and pi it III. lid, and iieveral l:oi> Is 'Uid sto;-(>3. Pop, ."")')'). .MONO l;oAl>, a stUioii on the T. (I. k IJ. K., in ('ardw(ll co.. On!., iJ-^l v.'AU'i f.-om Toronto. It coiit.ii .sa tel pr.'.pli oliiee, a largo prain wareliouae, an lii.l.l. and a steam s i\\ iiidl .MONTAC.ri:, a 11 -nrishiiig jiost vil- l.ipc in K:n:r.-5 co., P.K.I., 20 miles K. of I'harl iltc'i -w'li. It Contains sev lal stores, 1 lio!el, 1 lj;-,\veiy. I ta mery, 2 gri t and .-aw mills, .shipyard.-, »i:c. Pop. ;r.'». MitNTACU'E or lloSKVII.Li:. a l>o-t village HI l.ana k co., Out., ."> miles fromSniilir.- Palls. P.p. |00. MONT AG IK cnoSSpoADS.apost vill.ipe in C,!u<'ei;.s CO., P.I] I., L'l)' 3 from Charlottetowii. I'op. 2ii(). MONTACPK COM) MINCS, a poat viU.ige in Halifa.x ( o., N.S., neai- Lake Loon. r» mile- from llalif.ix. Here are rich gold mines. Pop. 4UU. ff \-\ 1 ' 1 % r i ■ » MON MnXTAGi'l-: MILLS, a tlirvi.,^' post vill.i;^!.; ill Kiiit;-* i^>., I'K L, -)^ uiili'S from CliiirlottLMdWU. It Ikih^ .-rvcral slor'S aiiil sliii>\ anis, and a ^jiotl trade in limil) r ami '^rain. I'op. 'JOO. M(LVr(;ALM, a oou ny in llio^W. nart of Qiii'l) c, Itouiulnl *on tlio N.K. \)\ llie CO. of Jolii ;ti', on 'li' S.H. liy til*' cou'ity of LW.-soiiiiit'' 11, oil ilie S W. by llu' couniii'S of 'l\'!nl>uiin<', Ar^^fntcuil iiiui Otawa. u'.il ou tlio X. by th- Xorlh West Tvtritorios. Area i;,"i7T, ■;*;:'. an-'-;. This coKiily is ilraiiu'd by tlio Gatiiioaii, D'.i Li.'vn', II >!i<:i', N'oi-tli, L'.c Oiiart'au iliul oilier rivers. Ca', Ste. Julieiiue. \\>]y 12,71-'.,-,! viila:^'." in .Moat- c.ilui eo., (^Mu'., 10 uiiK:? fi'oni Joliftte. Il contains several stci*;'.-; iiiid null.;, and has jruod water [lower priviloges. Top. ■Joi). MOXT CAilMEL, Cliainplai i co., Qih'. S.'e \';;hn"iii MOXTKI'.KLLU, a ]>ost vill.tgc in Otiawa ei)., ',M;o., on t!io IJlver Ottawa, 80 iii:le.s frmu Montrv'al. Il was ori;,'i- iially iiiliahitt'tl by Indian of the Al.u; in(|iiin tribe, who cHlledit "Qnien- iioiitati'ruiis,' si^aifyiiii^j a plaee inter- seeted l)y two nio'iUa'iH. It enatains 2 tolei^ra'iii utliees, i! iiolelsniiil 7 Siores. An aqueduct ol I iin.uae log^ brings a pure iiiouiitain .stream iat ) tlie villa;;:o aid supplu'.-? every ii )use with water. Its p'>rt is call d Mnjor's. Pop. ,'i m. .MOXT KLl!-:, a p^.st vT.a-e in St. Maurice co.. Que., on the Vainachieho river, IS inite.=5 from Vainacliiehe. Itcoii- tain.s 1 stdr.'anda sawmill. I'op. Ic'.t. .MOXTiOKLLO, a po--t vilbi-e in Kiii.r.s CO., I'.E.I., -IJ inileri from Vhar- l'.)t1e1own. Pop. ir)0. MOXT LOri.-^, a pu t villnge iu Gaspo CO., l^uc , 1 tlie soutli siicre of the St. Lawrence, -U miles from Fo.x River. Pop. 'JOO. MOXTM\GXV,a county in the S.K. pari of <^tuel)ec,!iaviii^ the St. Lnvreuc- for its N. boil idary and the State of M:ii 10 for its S. Ar.'a ;!;» \0."i,'; acres. Iti.s traversed by tlr:" Grand Trunk rail- wav. (^lpital, St. Thomas. Pop. i:'.,,"*."!,"), .MOXTMAGXV, or ST, THOMAS, an incor;H)rated vilbijxo of Quebec, capital of the CO. of Alontnianjny, on the S. siiore of tlu> St, Lawrence, ami on the G. T. II., 10 miles K, of Quebec. It contains, besides tl e county birldings, * iioiuuu Catholic church, a telegraph 108 MOX olTico, a cdli'g':^, about 2,") store;;. nvA saw. i;ri>t and cardiiiixinills. Pop. I,.")'. J. MOXTMO!;i:XCV. a comity ii the S. K. jiart of Quebec, c iiiipri-iu'.i' au area of l.:'.i>7,nHi) ncroN is bounded cii tlie S.K. bv the St. Lawrence, Capi- tal, Chateau Ric'a>r. Po,., l:?,OS.->. MOXT.\iOi;KNCV FALLS, a post villajxe in Quebec c i., (^^ue., (I iiiilis from Qii bee. The Falls of .M oitaio- reucv present one t f t!ie ino-t majestic spectacles in the proviuc. The .Moat- mir.'iicy it>elf, ,-o c.illed after a French adnrral of that name, is an inconside- rable stream, lii cnnrsi' lii s lhrou;;'i an .'ilm 'St continued over an iM'ee;ular broken r icky bottom, until it arrives at the preci|i:c', wiuie its breadth is fri>m M to 'JO yard.s, A little dec'.i.iation ot the bed befori> it leaclie:* t';is p(>iiit jyives a great v. loc'tv to the .strciim, wh ch i i iieaig im;>elled ov r th,' brink ot a perjiendicular rock, tiills in an cNteuded shed of w.iter into a rocky cha.-m -40 feet belnw. An iiu- iiiens" .-pray ris"s friun the bot:omin curling volumes, wliich. \^\un the sun shines upon it, displays bright prismatic colors.prodiicinganetl'ect iuc mceivaltly b.'autiful. The Falls areagreat -ourre of attraction to visitors to the Ancient Capit.d. .MOXT MORIX. a post ollico v\ tlio tiarish of 8le, .\gathe dt's .Moiits. Torre- b )iine c),, i>iie.. (;o m ,es frtjiu .Mo.itreal. MOXT PFi;CF, or TAUl.H ROU- L.VXTIC, a remarkable mountain in rear (d'Pert'c, c). of Gaspe, Que. It rise,^ to al eight of l,j;;o I'eet above the level of the sea, and cm be seen by the mariner at a di>tanee of 10 miles. .MO.VTIIF.VL.a city of the ! r vincoof Quebec, the commercial metropolis of the Dominion of Camula, situat.'d on the S. side of the Island of .Moiitre.,1, in the St. Lawrence river (Iiere aliove 2 miles wide), ISO miles S.W. oft^iebec, <;_' t niile.-s from the sea, 4'JO miles .X. cf Xew York. Lat. 4.")' M N .lo i. 7;; :U W. It is at the of ocean n.iviga- tion.and at the coiumeiu'ement id" lake and river navigation ; and has r ilway coiumimication with the chief cities anil towns in thoDomiaion of dnada and the United States. The Lsl.ind of Montronl, on wliich the town is built, is situated at the conflu- ence of the Ottawa wi'h the St. Law- reuce. It is 32 miles lonjr by about 10 MON 199 MON iiiilos broiul ut the wiiU'st i)rtrt, pent- rally Iv'vi'l with t!u> oxcopiioM ot tlie iiiiiu.ilaia wliicli nsoji N.W. of tlu* rity. TIic «ui! is for tlu- lucU i>urt fiTtilf uu'l \\A\ ctiltiviititl, iiiid is wiitcinl hy iruiionms small stn-anis, iiml tiie clii'iiit,' ]>.irlicul;irly favoralilc for tlio Institiito, n Canadian Instituto. Mer- rliaiits Kxcliaiip'. MiTcaiitil'.' Lil)riiry, iSitunl ut Trade, Cor.i Kxrii uiin', fic.f and ■j'^ ilmiclK'a viz: Uliiirtdi if ICiip- land r2;(;iiiinli of Koiiio IH; Clmroli of Sco'll iiid '■>; IMvsltyl riaii "• ; Wi'S- h'yan Mitliodi t •; ; New (\)iuu'xion .Mi-thodisi I ; iJaiitist it; Coiifci' f;atio ml 2 ; Auioricaii I'n sliylcrian 1 ; I'lii'arian 1 ;'.:m l*rutc-;aiit 1 ; rnncli Kvanirolcal 1 : Swi'diuhor"; ai\ 1 : and " Muuiit I{.)yal," uud llu- river. It is dividt'd iiittt wards, and lias ovor 2u(i miles (if stri'ctsniid lanrs. S')moof tlio ...,..,.>i,. .,, ,. ...,,i ;',i ...1 i.Mt slr.'ets nV'' iiarrnw a;id ill [lavcd luit tlio majority will ri'm|iaro fav.'raldy with tiiose of any rity t n tins continent. The iirincipal slrei-ts have; d larjT" Widi hnilt edilie.'S, eoiistructed eliii'tly of limestoiu! (jiiairiei' near the citv. TiK'S" liuildi i;.'s, conilui. d with i),,\ ..(Y.-.t ..f- fi... i.,ri.- 1.V,. ..-J ...,.1 ^.>;..,.o frr 'Wtli of nearly every kind of grain, and ve;;etaiile. M 'Hire:;! oeeuiiies u low tract of land alutiit 2 miles wide ' elweeii a CO i.-iihr- ahli" ami v :y liautiiVl I levatiiin called "J Synai,'o<^':es. The Cathedral « f Notre It is , Haiae is eanalile ot enntaininj; frum I'),' 00 to 12,0(0 persons It is 2:):) feet loiijif aad 1 1."> feet hmail, wi:h two towers 2.'0 lei-t i i heiirlit III t!ie N H. tiiwer is a lini> ( hmie of hi lis. and in the \ \V is a b 11 weiL,'hinj( ;j,' oo tons. Ciirist Clinreh Cathedral is the most pert ct sp oimen of ^othie architecturo ill America. It is hn !t of .Mniitreal limi'stoiiv' witli Cieii stone tires-injf.s, obtained Ir'Un Noriua'.aly. Tlie CI, inch of tlio Gesii, a verv iini>osiiijr tMlilice, is 2:'.0 feet Idiiu' and loJ feet wide, with a transejd l."<2 loiiu'. and w;ll aeeiinmo- d.ite over !.."> i erso is. The v.alla and eeilii!^ of tjieuiterinr are heantitnl- ly fVeseood. Another ma^^iiilieeiit pile •loulv heinir const nicted is the IlciiiiRii Catli'lie r.isiiups Chiireh, -St. IVler's Ills after a modi 1 of its iiaiiie>ake in Koine, and will Ic o le of the iiiiest cetdrslastical edifices on this co itinent. Trinity, St. Georue, St. Andrew. St. raal,'aiiil t'.io majurily of the «);her eharehes a;e all exeeediiiiily h.ind- soino eiiilie.'S and add much to the l»ea .ty of th" c ly. The lar^-^est hankinir houses ri the D.imi:iioii have th' ir iieiid olliecs m Ml ii'r' al, ni-e ni s;ly -itiMteiK in IMace d Ai'iues and St. James .stveet, and cons' t of very handsome and lostly struciir. s. The harli'T of Montreal. wliM'h 13 foniud ttWiird^ the Si. l.auieiae. in s • ,re, and ll)i' (piays a:e i.nsiu p -sed hy tliose of any city in Ameriea ; tinilt t f Iniestoiie, and iinitinn' wit'.i thehiek.} I'.iid cat sione whiirvt s of the Laehine C I ;iii,tley pnseiit, for several milrs, u liis I y of c mtiiinoMS masonry ■\\l.irh h '.s f 'W )iarall 1>. Xo iinsii^hily waie- hoi!S"S distitinre th(> river side. A liroad terrac, faced wiili {jrt y Itmestoiie, the par.qiets id" wlrc'i nn- siinaoiiiit'd with a suh-stantial iron railiiiL', divides the city from the river llirongtionl its whole wider and more hn.^iness streets are St. Tanl, Not e D.ini* St. L.iwreiice. McGill, St. Joseph an-! Cralu' Tiie ei;y is well supplied with water and ^as. The jirineiiial jiiihlic huildin^^s are the City Hail, Court House, I'osi Ofliee, Custom, Seminary of Si. Sul- i.;.< . I ',,...■.,., I .a' v..i.-.> n.ii..,. fi. ,■...■■. I iiij^liinK, 1 rotes;;i ii House ol lutlustiy ;!nd]lefn'j,e, St. lirid^f t"s House of Ke- fn^', I'rote-ta'.it Oipliaii A.-ylian, Si, Palriek's Orn .an Asylum, Daf aial Dumb Asylums (I'rotestant and Cailio- li« ), tie ilotel Di-n, La- -.i [iii extent. Improvements in tlic linrbour (whicli is ct,ntrolk'd hy Oi.niniisKioners) are yearly b.-iufj made to accommodate the large increase of slii|i]tin<;. The tbllou-iiig tahle shows the nnm- beraiid tumia;^!' of ocean vessels wliich arrived at Montreal daring the past ten yti ars, VIZ ; 1803. , 1804 , 180:., , 18«)0, , IWiT., 18lW. , IKO'.) 1810., 1871 1872 Vinscls Tons, .../.Ot 2'''K'2'H ....378 lOl.i). I ....G-,8 ir,2.'.'4:} ....f.l() '2(i"),77,-> ....4:14 li»li.0."3 ....478 1US,7,VJ .. .',-,' 2:,u,8;;;{ . .080 31f>,i-4l! fi:i4 3.'3.(i21 ..87 , ..Cyt),7t)5 The duties liave increased from SSl,- 913,440 ill ls.')4 to i5.\:;.').s,7()l j-i Issyi^j and the value of iiiiiorts was respec- tively i;i8,72lv;iL> ill 1854, and lr'40, the I'ro- vinciiil Legislature. It is the seat of the See of the Metropolitan Hisiiop of ('aiiada, ami of the See (f the lioinaa (^ilholie IJishop .f Montreal. The climate in summer is hot, often reaching UO in ili»( shade ; and the winters are severe, the leuiperatnre rangi ig very often iVom zero to 10 nnd even '.^^) Ihlow it. Pop. in 1H44, 44,»):):; ; 1851, :'.7,715; 18iil, S)i>,;!2.1 ; and in 1871, 107,- 22.") — compo.sed chiefly of Cana- dians, English, Irish and Scutch. The folh 0113 religio iu laTl : iloman Vi ( huicli (I I'roltyhr BIetl:6di>t l'a|.ti-t> ('(iiipre}:a I'liitariaii Jl'WS . . Lilllierail: IJrcthi rii n.risfiiiii H\aii.u'lllli (<'u:tk'T,'. Jrviiijii'i ^<) rd i.'io Js'dt fr^vi'i Utlier JJei The hist( to the :;ii Jac(pies C slicies. A lldchelaga The wa\ 1( (if Indi.iu lar; and il si'i'arate v picket fen well seem siiiL:'o eul:-; furiircatioi ai.d stakes fijijiiiiist sivi luilg' 3 of iiini.l cr, w of a 111 1 ni- ls in brea wood covi (leers (ft! the or,t rii n;;ceiuled 1 (•tl;''r mis dell' nee of taiiied seve v.'cH' so n;r Cdiirt yard ("artier na: It fir- 1 beg: in l."i4J, a the ^)o{ do .^Cfraied v mendi'd to and l!',:! it retailed it was taki time it vva; at m ^'Hu.!! MOX 201 AION Tlio fnllowinp' tnl)lo shows the vnri- oiis icligiuua dcuouiiuatiuns in Moutreul in ia71 : jlonian Ctitholics 77. OW ( liutcli <>t I'iiigland 11 ij'i'i l'io>liyt( rian.t i>,l(4 Jlltliodist.s i.iy'''.i l':iliti-t^ -".CS ('(.iiCrcfratioimlistH i^'.'l I'liitariuus 474 Jews 4(i',» hiitlicrans LiVt llivtli.rii H'." ('l.i-isMiin ('(iiifcn'iico liO luaiiu'fliciil Association '/2 L'nivcr.aii>ts '6't Swfdfiiliorgians 18 (,Mi:ik' IS. . ' 14 li viiifiili'S f 13 No nl ;,'ii)tis Iicliof 13 Not /i'vcii 4S Otiier L>t'ii(>iiiiiiations 7^2 Total 107,'i2o Tlic histoiy of Montreal dates back to till' :;ril ( f (H'tdl' r, 1"):!"), wlirii Jiicqiics (_Airtior lirst landed oi its glion-?. All Iiid an villairc! called II(icliel:i;^a (.\:.-;(il Ii -re at tills time. The wav to it v/as ti'ioiiiiii lar;^a> (iehls (if hviiaii cciM. was circu- lar; and i! wa3 enei.ini'a-.sed by lljreo si'iaratc i-( \vs of ] .ilisades, or rather picket fciu's, ore "Ailliin the other, Well sec;;riil juid j)',:t together. A s:n;.:'e cii;:a ic wi.s h ft in this rude fonircatiiai, but pnarded witli ]>ikes ai.d stakes and cveiy prccantioi taken iifjainst si> p- or r.ttack. Tlie cabitis or Kiilc;' s of tiie inhabitants, about .")() in nuii.l er, weiv c ii Mnicted in tlie form ot' a '.u imj^cach an feet j i leiojih by 15 in breaiiih Ti:ev v ere fvniiied of wood cov; ii d w;;ii "baik. Above the doors ( f tlie.-e lii us.'S as well as along tlio out of i alidades ran a L^ailery n;:cemled by hue'; is, wlr re s^tones and otli'T nii-siles wi 10 laid in order for the (icreiice of tl.o jlaec. Kach hoii.rt and citadel, tlic batteries of which command' d the streets of tiie town from one end to the other The town was at tins time divided into upper and lower town, the upper towi beiir' the level of the jirescnt Court House In tiic lower town till! merchaiiis ami nun of business general yres'd 'd ai;d here were situated the royal magazines, the armory, and the nunnery Ixvspiial In tiie npj)cr town Were the pri icijial buildirgs. such as tlie palace <'f llie (lovernor.ilie lionses of the chieioflicer-, tiie Convent of the Rec(dlets, the Jesuit's Church and Seminary, tlie Fne iSehool, and the Parish Church. 'I he houses were solidly constructed i,i tliat semi-moi:a»!!cstyle I>eciiliar to Rouen. Caen an l other towns in NormaU'iy. Kaily in the [uesent century res.-els of more than r^.oo tons could not ascend to .Montreal, and its foreign trade was carrietl on by small brigs and birge-. In 1^"9 the first steam ves.-el, •' The Aceummodation." built by tiie lion. Joh i Molson, made a trip to Quebec ; she had berths for alujut '20 |)asseiigers. Years of iudustrj^, iiit' Ihgence. euterprise and labor have jir'.idiiced a mighty c(ntra~t— Ocean steaiiKTS of 4.000 tons, t!ie mignificent floating palaces of tli • niclulieii Com- pany, and sliij's from TOO to 2,000 tons, friin all jarts (jf ilie wirld, now lay ah:ng .-ide the wl arv. s of the harbor, which are 'lot i (piall. tc a 1 irge j art (d' the c ty burning 1,103 houses aid (h'Stroving property valued at !rl.r'>r,:?.2(;4 In Is o. the city was visited by the Pri :c;' of W.l s ; in 1R02 bv the I'uki! of Eliubur.h; and in i'i' i ■• % ;;:^- **<' ii,.'- ' \>nd i"&\ n l-^'O TVnee residence lor Ait'iur in: de it bis several months The h* ''« ■II i! mMM MOO 202 Mon ilMI 1-; ' « -k; Hotel Dicii was founded in 1G44 by | MndiiniL' de Mouillu i, iind six yi.-n:\' al'terwtirda the Ci»iiv(Mit o.'N'oiie Daim- wns founded by Miideiuoiselle .Miiifjui'i- rltc de IJoiirgeois. In IGGIJ, the Cnin- {)any of Muiilrcal was dissiilved, they laviiij^ already sol I their riylits to the reli^^loiis or U'f of St. Sulpice at I'ar.s, by whom was fouiidvdthe Seiiiiiiary bi - lon.iiijj to that order, and Htill exi tiii^' in the eity. The two oldest chiirciit'S in Mont'.alare the Umusocoiun (Rnniaii Catholie) and St. Gabrii 1 (Chiireh of Seolland). Th " former was erected in lUoS ; was l)iir!it in lTo4, but rehmU in 1771. The latter was bndt in 17:»J. Montreal is .surrounded by vd!a'j:es whose population numb'.M's over2 >,t'^'^- MON TI'vOSI-:, a post villapcf" in Prinee CO., IMO 1., 17 mdei fivm Georgetown. Pop. 'J'lO. MOXTIJOSE, a po.^t villag.^ in Wel- land c )., Out., on tlu \\\dland rivcr, 4^ miles from Port Uobuison. I'op. 100. MONT ST. IIILAIIU':, a post v:lla.2e in Ro'.iville co , Q lo., ;'>.] miles from St. Hllalre Station. It contains a Homaa Catholic church, 2 cardinjj: \r..V \ a llax mill, a saw mill,aud 2 stores. Pop. 200. • MOXrMEXT SETTLEMKXT, a post settlement ri C.irleton co.,, 24 miles from Woodstock. Pop. 1,">0. MOOUEFIELD, a post vniapre in Wellington CO., Out, oi the River Conostopfo, and on the W. G. & B. R., 2:5 mill's from Elora. It contains a tele- graph oHice, a stave and shiiii^le factory, a \iv\.-^t mill, 3 hotels and 4 stores. Poj). 400. MOORE'S CORXERS, Missi.squoi CO., Que. Scv St. Ariiiaiid Station. M miles iVoin St. Johns. It has a teleiriM-ilj olliee Pop. 12'). MtJORESVILEE, a small vdlasre in Midtllesex co., Ont., 5 miles from Lncan. Pop H). MOORETOWX, a thrivinj? post vil- lage in Lambton co , Ont., on the River St. (ylair. at the we-tern terminus of the St. (^lair division of the C. S. R ,. 67 miles from St. Tiiomas. It contains a t legraph oHice, 2 h 'tels, G stores Miid several mills, and has a considerable trade in cordwood and country pridnce. Stearat-rs ply bi'twecn here and Detroit. Pop. 400. MOOSE RROOK, a post settlement, in Hants CO., N.S., on .Miuas liisin, 2S.^ miles fmm .XrW!)ort. Pop. 10). MOOSE CIJEEK. a p ist vi!iag;« ni Slonnoiit CO., Out., 23 miles from Corn- wall. Pop. .")0. MOOSE FA(-TORY, a trading pos» of the Hudson's Ray C smpaiiy. s tiaU' 1 (11 James s l!;iv, at the inoithof t.:' .Moose iJiver, a!)oiit bit. .">L .V., Ion. 81 W. It IS tlie scat of the See ot the Lord Bisho)) (if Modsoiiep. MOOSE IIAIJDOR, a sottlement iii One 'US CO., .X.S. near'the eutiaiice tf Liverpool liarl)or, 2 miles from Liver- pool. Po)). 2 n. MOOSELAXD, Halifax CO., N.S. Se Ta'ic:-r. M( >i >SE PATH, a station on the I. R , 3 m I's f.oni St. Job i, X.i5. MOOSE RIVER, a settlement in Pic- ton CO., .X.S., 18 miles from New Gla.s- gow. Pot), no. MOOSE RIVER, Annapolis co., N'..S. See Clcniciiis]K)rt. MOIfAY O.rono need MURRAY), a post village in Middlesex co., t)at., :> miles fronii Park Hill. It conMuns 4 saw mills, a grist mill and a Blore. Pop. 150. .MORDEX, a post villaffo in King.? CO., X.S., on the Hay of Fundy, 7^ mih'sfrom Avlesford. Pop. IJn. .MORDEX*!:OAI), Kings co., X.S. See Palmer's IJoad. More WOOD, a post villa-re in Dun- das e )., Out., 27 miles from .Morri.sbarg. It eoiuains a s;i\v mill, a tannery and 2 stores. Poo. pm. MORGAXSTO.X, or SXIDER'S COR- NER, a post, village in Xorilrmiberla id CO., Ont., 10 miles from Colixirne. Pop. [)). MO'!LEY, a post ofTice in Greyco, Ont.. 11 iiil.'s ti'oin Meaf>rd. MOilXIXGD.\LE MILLS, a post vill.igc in Perth co., Out., 10 miles fiotn Stratf(U'd. It <'onta! is a (louring mill, and 2 stores. Poo. oO. MORl'ETH. a thriving oost vdlig'^ in Kent co.. Ont.. near Lake Erie, 1.') miles from Thamosvdle. It contains a woollen fictory, foundry, sawaiul grist mills .'> or t! stores, &c. Pop 'iOO. MO'IRELL, a im)^ village in King.? CO., P.E.L, 27 miles from Gharlotte- tnwn. It 1 li-;li, es- eel several sto 'op. t;0. MOiOIIS Il'iniii CO. Pui'. 10. .MORRI^ Iflire and, on th foot of the a station or Montreiil jiower.aiid l)jihk,2 tch cnnlinc; m several fac of stores, :i weekly regularly 1 ten, X.Y HT2 SoO,(51 i.i.v;. MORRIS Kings fo , Poi'. l^''^- MORIilS \Vcllin'j;toi Giiclph. It stores and .MORIHS seaport of Ills!), on 1 entrance it 11 uvl- sf.v .MOIM'IK ilistnet "t isiiihi. p. MiiHTL CO . Ont., H 121). .M(»RTO a post vill; Ridcan Ca ton. It ]u and conta prapli oflii floii'iu:r 111 MOliTO m Lirieid Keutvill'V Moirro tlcm'^nt 11 and Fojo, gate. Po MORTC Hants CO., -MORVl co.,Oat., £ MOR 2ft3 MOU town. It lifi'' a pooil frado in nrc^rrvrd li-:]), cs- cri.Uly Sfiliivn, lui'l oniit;iiii:i si'viTiil stores, a tannery unci a siiipyarJ. I'nji. tiO. .MOIJinSHAXK, a ^o^t villacro in H'lniii CO., Un:.,4 miles from lUuevale. Pop. -10. MOIJlHSnrnr,. an iiu'on» 'intod vil- Iflire ami jiort of entry in Diuulas co , tilt., o 1 tlie Kiver St. LawriMicp. at the foot of tlio Hivii'-r- (111 iM;it ('an;il. wiili astiitjon ontiie (}. T. 11.. Ul niili-s \V. of Mnntroal. It [lo^sesses excelji'nf water Iiowor.aml eontain-; '1 ehurelie.s. a biaiieli biiiik, 2 ti'letTriipli oltiees, saw, prist, aul onnlinir null;, 2 Cminilr^'S, a tannery, several ra<'t()rii'S ami iiotels. a nunili-.-r of storo-i, anil a iiriiitinuiiifj a wekly iicwspaiier. A st"anier raiis r('f^;;!arly between here and Waddinix- ti'n, X V Total valn-^ of ininofts for l.^TJ Sr)(V510; exports i5i:{r>,;''^*^- J'"!'- l.l.v;, MORRr.'^TON'. a post s^ttlonient in Kinprs eo , N',8 , •"> miles from Aylosford. Pop. I'-'O. MoiUJlSTOX, a post villafrP in Wi'l!in.jton CO., Ont., 10 miles from Giiclpli. It o'lntains 2 ehurelies, several stores and a iilaiiing mill. l*op. 4'>0. MOUni.STOWN, or liAKKV.MJ-:. a seaport of Xova Scotia, eo. of Antiiro- ni.;!i, on St. (leorfTc's Hay, ni'ar its entranee into tlie (Jnlfof St.' Lawrence, 11 nvV s r-om A'lticronisli. Pop. 200. .MOU riKIJ.a fi-iliin'jT settlement in t!ie 'li-Jtnet '>f Marin, NHd., 1 mile from ISut'ii. l*'ip TO. .\I'inTr..\KK. a post viUajre in Vork CO.. Out., H.\ miles from Toronto. i'o[i. 1-Ji). MdRTOX. or WIIITR FISFT FALLS, a i)ost villaL^Mn Leeds co.. ( )nf. on t!i' Ridcau Canal, 2f> miles N.K. of Kin'j;- ton. It possesses {rood water jujwer, lunl contains 3 stores, 2 liol'ls,a t( le- prapli offic'^, a larjj' saw mill, and a tioii'inj mil! I'oo 2")i>. .MOirro.VS COUN'KR, a post oflRce in Ltrienhurg co., N.S., r)5 miles from Kentvillv .MOI'TOVS IIARBOR, a fi^liinjr ?ot. tlcniMit lu the di-triet of TwiUinirate and Focro, Xfld., 3 miles from Twillin- gate. I>()-) .-^ir,. .MORTON'VILLE, a post omce in Hants CO., N.S., 9 miles from Wind-or. -MORVKN, a j-o-t vil'age in L' nno.x co.,OrJt., 5 miles from Napance. Pop. 50. MOSCOW, a jiost viliatre in Addinff- ton co.,():it., H.\ miles from Cohhrooko. Pop. 00. .MOSCOW, a small vdla?' in Oxford CO., ( )nt., 2 mile-: f om Drninlio Poj). lo. .MOSK A.MIJKOSK, a sinill (i>hin;; setihaiient in tlie district of Fiitiine i'av. Mid., 5ti miles from Harbor IJriton. .MOSKS niVEH, a post oOice in Hapfix CO.. \ S..;« miles tVnm Ilalifa.x, MOSIIKi:VlLl.K, or Mli);>LK KP.V- .VLTCOOK, a j.rst vliau'c ri Hants CO., N.S., (',}. miles from Newport, i'oi). 100. .MOSOCITO. a fishin? settlemeit in the (lisinct of P.urLreo and La P':;ic, Xlld., 21 miles from Harbor iJrifon. Poi>. 1.". .MOS.)riTO, a fishniff .setilement in t}r> district of Placentia a id St .Mary.^, Nlld.. 4 miles from St. .Maivs MOS()riTO, avillafr.'an'd settlement in III'- di-trict of Carboiiear, Nil I., 1} miles from llarli'tr (Jraee Pop. 3IS. .MOSQCITO COVK, a sTimll vill.iee in St. John c > , N.l>., .] mile from Fair- ville. pop. 7.'>. .MOSSLLV, a post vdlajroin Middle- sex CO., Out., ."» miles from Dorchester Station. Pop. 80. M< >SSM A .\S ( ; W ANT. a nost ofTico in Luncnbnri; CO.. N S. Sic Kiv<'r■ MOr.V ,' 1J1!()()K, a si-lt|i-in(iit in I^stij^'ouclie ci>, X 15 , 8 niih'H from Ualiioii^i'. I'dp. r.T.. MOINT lUiViXii;."^, a lliriving jioj^t vill.'iLC ill .Miil'il<.-i'.\ (■')., ( nt., oil llu- G. W. ir, 1.") miles from i>o ulon 't con- tains a diiirrli, a ti'lcf/nipli ()lMC'(',(;ston's, .*} lioU'ls. an asli'Ty, anil - gri.'m Maltoii. 2 saw milN, H 11 onrin}; aiK fTMSt in'.lls. 'J woollen niilh, an iron i'oni.d: v ail ayrricnllural ini|ilenieiit lac: rv, 2 tanneries, 2 liricklields, a jiotter , , 2 teleijjiaph oll:c;'s,a branch bank, several insurance a.nJ ac..^uiance atrenc'e-, 2 jirintiiiff oflices issii-.u;' weekly iicws- l)aper.s, 5 hotels and a numhtr < f -ires. A cattle fair is held hero launuily. To]). I.:57.). MOIJXT HANLY,a post r,:U:cm3r.t in Annapolis co.. X.S., 7 miles iVom Lawreneeiow n. I'oj*. 200. MOUNT ilEALY. a post vilhiffo in Ilaldimand o., ():it., on the Grand river, 5 miles from ('ayiiga. G.vpsum. al>oin miles troin liolton Pop. MOINT lUWIX, a jiost odlcn in Peierlion n,L;li co., Out., 2.'> miles Iroiii llolicavf^eon. .MOUNT JnllNSiiX, or ST. ORE- flttlKE EE CR.ANI). a thriviiii,' post vill;i;xe ill liierville Co., (^'iie., [reliily sitnaied ut tlie foot of a large ni'iuiitaiil, 3 m les from V'er.xailles. itcintaiaa several stores and hotels. Pop. 4."»o. Mt)rNT.i»)V, or OAKVIELE, a' ill .■^()iila:i}^^-s Co., (.,;i.e., 11 inilcs liMiii ('otean Station It Ciinlaiiis saw and prist mills. Pop. 2o0. .MOUNT LOVAE, a lost office in M nuaim CO., Que. .MOU.NT MAUV, a hanil-t in Kings CO., p. E.I. It contains 2 stores MOUXT NOAH, a hamlet in Iiivor- nes CO., N.S., H miles from I'ort Hood. Mni:NT OSCAI.', a j.ost viihipe in Vaiidreiiil co., ' Mie, 5 m.l' 8 frctu Rir.-UMl. pop. 1 ''. MOUNT PLEASANT, a po.-f oniccin Oi.mbeilaiid cu., X.^., (^ m.h.'S fiom li.ver IMiiIip. Mt)i:NT PLEASANT, a post oflice in Kiii'z-; CO., X.I5. * A.OUNT PLEASANT, a post vill.ajre in Durham co., Oiii., W miles IVcm Mdl- bro ik. It contains 2 churches, ;i cu-dai^' ni 11, an inm foundry, [\->\i\\ o.u aud saw m.lls and.") stores. Pnu. 20 >. MOi N r PLEASAXr.asma11vill.irre in York co., Ont., 1^ miles li\,m LJj'avi- fo.d. I'op. GO. M()UNr PLE.ASAXT Eiaat co . Ont. See Muhau k MOUNT laiUVlLLK. See Leloeil. MOUNT PiOYAL', a very ]iicturesquo moiiKlain ou the outskiris of M 'iiir.-al, wlio.-(! mo The ba.M*; nro'.ind, i-; viil IS a ciioicest also i-it:: of great lui't also MouatKo in apictin rent,. 1 ni!ijriiil:fci;l pro-pcct, inclui!- i ifj ('vc;-v Viiri' ;y lliut Ciiu iii;li('ll:.-li ii l.iiiil.-i'iij.o ; tl;(; iw ])!c liviT M. -Liiw- ri'iur, iii'>viii'4 in nil itsmnjc -ty, i^ soon in ni.i.iy ( t" 'In- win'! n;;s, to un iniiiu'iisc (Ijstjiiic!' ; (,11 (he suiiili .s tk- tlio \h'\v id biinmiid l)y tin- I'.tu^ riiii;r<; i f inoini- tiiin-i ill ll.; Stiito (if Niw V( rk thuiis f,'!-iiilii,-.!!y li'U in the iir/il jior.-j.octlvo. Tlic bu.-(! of tliO ir.oiiiilain, all iiroiind, ii mlonio'l witli ii:u:iy olotruit viU Id iuitl pli'iisiiri! {iT.iuirls. Tlio c!ioicc'5:t <);('liiin!.s of tl.c ; loviiico are sil'.iii'oil !;i'()!in4a it) lit. s in ajiictiiio. tpio i'(Jsition on thoHl.Lau- roiit,'^ido of th," iiioiin'ain,and thn Flonian ratliol.c Ccnictoiy on tlio (Jote dt'^ Noigos Hido, near wIkmo tie road i-r.-sscs the spur of the ino;;ntain that overlooks tlie city. Tl.e former eeme'.cry is ( ne of the most bi'autifid in tlio Diminioii On tlie side of the mountain facing tlie city is a line reservoir beloii.iiinw to the City Walcr Wnrks clift out of tlie rock ; inimediat' ly below itiis Mc(!ill Univer- sity. Mount Ii' yallias beoii cxpro] ri- ntod for ii city paik, and is now being tastef;;lly laid out. It will even- tually be one (;f the most ma!i,'nifice:it park.! :)ii this continent. .Mor.NT HOVAL AVENUE, a road leadi;'.g to Mount Jioyal Cemetery, U miles trcni Montreal jiost ofhce. MOUNT i:0VAL VAUE, a proi)osed suburbaa city on the Island of Mont- real, near Munklands, 3 miles W. of the Montreal jiost oflico. MOUNT !ST. ELI AS, a volcanic oruption of Norli An. erica, forms pari, of the boundarv between tlie North West; Territories and Alaska. Lat. 00^ \H' N., Ion. 14')- 30 W. Estimated helgiit 17,- DTO feet. It is said to bo perceiitiblo 120 mili fs olf at .sea. MOUNT HT. LOUIS, a post village in Simcoe Co., Out., on Sturgeon river, L'O miles from Harrie. It contains 2 stores. Pop. 100. MOUNT ST. PATRICK,a post village in Kenfri'W co.. Out. ,17 miles from Ren- frew. It contains a Itomau Catholic church and I store. MOUNT SALEM, or HAMIlUUG, a post vilhi^ro in Elgin c.>., O :t., H\ miles iVoin Aylimr. It conluins Ii blores and 2 holds l'i>p. CO. MOUNT STEWART a 'biiving p(«t village in (Queens co., 1' E.I., on the ILII.^boro river, and < n the I'riuce Ed- ■^t^.^^' ward l.-lau I r.i h U< lu.l Ironi Charhittetown. It cont.-iins .'. chiirche.«, 10 stor .s, 1 hotel, 1 .-,.iw mill, 1 grist mill, and 1 tannery. Sliipb.iiUling is carried on to a considerable extent. 1.'! ships were built in tlio .summer of l.s7.''.. The brunch lino of iho niilway to Souris starts from hero. A sti amor run; botwi < n .Mount Stewart ami the cai-ital. Pv)p. 200. Mol Nf T110.M,orS.\LTSPRlNOS, a ]().-• t sot;l. MOLNTUNIACKE COLD MINES, a post village in IlaiiLs Co., N S., 4 miles fr< ni .Mo mt I'l iac!:o Station. Several g(dd mines are v.oikud here. Pop. l.-.u. MOUNTSilURO, a j.ost vidagc in Wentworth co., Out., 17 milts from Ilanilton. It ia itford. It con'aiiis .an iron foundry, a saw mill, 3 hotels and 3 stfires. Pop. 1 0. M(JUNT WEi.S i'ER, a post ofTicc in Leeds CO., Ont., 7 niiles from Luns- downc. MOl'NT WITATLEY. settlement in "Westmorlaud co., N IJ., 7 niiles from SackviUc. Pon. ILT). .MOU.N'T "WOLUE, a p.^t v:ihig(! in (]jirdw( 11 CO., Out., 10 miles from IJolton. Pop. K 0. MOU.XT YOUNG, a haml -t iu Inver- ness CO., N.S. It has a si' ic. .AIOUSE ISLAND, a .-mall and fishing settlement in the di-irict of Ruru; o and Lii Poile, Ntld., 3 miles from Ch:ium 1. Pop. 7 ). MOUTfl (>F JEMSEG, a jiost settle- ment in (^'ueensco., N.R., on the .V. shore of the li.ver St. John, at the month of the Jcmseg, a deep cliannel which leads to Grand Lake, 3milesfrom (i:igetown. A fort was erected at this plaoe while Cf % r^^n Nil ■ i ■ \)\\ '\ ml ^^m iii i is: i 1 MUL 206 mi:r :i i the Kiipflisli liad ]iosrfe3.sion of llio coun- try (luii '.;,' ili(> iii-'itLTtoniic lit' (diver ('romwoll. While in iios.-ua-ioti (if the l''ic'iicli, III lUTj, It AViiS r:i|)tiirt'J by pirnto-. St. Jolni ii wl rivdcriiMoii iind (Iraud L tkc stiinnTS c ill here. rop. l.-)n. M( il'Tir OF' KKSWirK.ii iH,3t viJliiKc' in Vi»;k c »., N'.l!., on the X. .sliore of tlii' St. Joliii, iit t'.ic immth of tlio luswick liv: r, rMi)il(..s above rrodtricton. I'op. MOfTII OF MH.LSTRKAM, King.s CO.. \.I!. S ■(• Ai' i:i:;i| !i. MOn'il OF Ni;iti:iMS, a ]io3t vil- l.'i^c in Ki:i;;.-! c )., X.I5., on the S. .shore of til!' Ilivcr St. Joliii, !it llie mouth of tlio .Vcrcpis livtT, ii:i(( on t!i'^ K. ^-. X. A. K., lii) inih'.'! ironi St. Jjlin. IJ )ls- hffb ft cre(?t('«l a fort hero wiiile Aci- (iio viH in po.-^-^ession of tlio Freru'li, but it wii-: (Iistroycil by the KngKsh in IT.").'). A Ini;.,' wiodca br d^^e ,-;;iii is t'lO niOlit'l ot llie ,\(,T('pI.-i ll(y'u'il;n;r (lit. inlmbitaiiti of Westliclda nl (.!feeii\vi^'!i acce;-^ t') t!:-.' railway The Xorejiis is a 'rood sdinonrind trout stn'am. Pop. 201). Mornr of st. MAin''s hiver, Guv biro.";!! Co., X.S. S.'e Siuoia. .Viri):)V' 15 :A\(':r, o:- ST. riiiL- Lii'i'E I) Au;'.i:xri:riL, a p.-^t vil- lage ill ArrculciLl CO., Quo., Gin lies from Ca;-ilIo;i. It co itaiii:? a dmrcli, a t-aw mill i\r.'\ '1 "tores. Pop. .'JOO. •AIUDDV (M;1:I-:K, p ])ost villarjo in Prince co., IMO.1, 8 miles from Suninicr- sido. l''>;i. l.'it. MrnnV 1I(»LF. a fishing .settlement in tlio district of Buryoo and La P>ii!e, Nfld., -.") miles from Harbor Briton. Pop. 32. MrDDV 1T0LI«:, a fi.shins settlement in the d strict of Ihirin, \Hd., -12 nuKs from Burin. Pop. 0."). Ml'DDV IIOLF, a fishing settVment in the dis;rict of Twillinjrate and Fou(>j NfM., 21 miles from CJrcen's Pond. Pop. liiO. ^iri>GUAVE, a post village in Wel- land CO., Out., 1.") miles from Port R - biiso 1. It ha' a saw mill. Po]). 100. Ml'LIi IMVKR, a post settlement i:i Invern '.s.s c )., N.S., H miles from .Mabou. Pop. 1."''. MULLErS COVE, a large fi.diing settlcnicut in the district of Bay do A'enls, Nlld., 12 miles from Curboiiear. Pop. 3 ;o. MrLMrR. a post village in Rimcne CO., (hit., 27 miles f.-om (liltord. It contain.s 2 stores. Ml'N'CEV,apost village in Mi(ldC.;(>x CO., Out, 7 miles from .Mo'iut Brydg:;^. Pot). lo;i. MUNCElfS, Es.scv c )., Out. S" Ihir- row. .MrN(,)l'ART, Caidcton co.,X.B. See Bath. M FN ROE'S, a post o!Tice in Victoria CO., X.S.. ]C, mile- lrj:ii Ba lih-ck. MI'X.STKR, a vill.i ; • m ('arle- ton CO., Out., r» mill's fVoin Asliton. {'op. .")(». .MIIIIRAV, formerly CARflVIXG PLAl'E, a jiost v:i!a-e m Nortli- nuilcjrlauil co., Out , on an istlitnus at the heail of tiie Bay t;f Qr.iiil.', U miki f;()m Bnglito 1. During -Ihe war of b^!2, the British tro.ii).^ were ported across lh:s p t) Lhai' Oa- lario. Til' y'lhi'/e coii'.aiu-! au Kpi^e.'- pal church, 2 tanneries, a'.i hot 'l, and 4 stores, i'op. 2 )0. .MFRRAV BAV, or -MAr-BAIE, a favorite watering place on i!ie lower St. (north sliore), '.)') mdes E. of Quebec. It is picturrsipuly situ- ated amid frownnig iiills and wild scenery, and at tliC nioutli of a ra;)id :;!reain or' the satne name which all'.)! ds good fisliiug as also g()od motive [liwer. The village is re.iched by from Queb.^c. It cmtams 2 churclies, ;> hotels, several good board- lug houses, 10 or 12 stores, and sevcnd nulls. Poii. of vilhoje and parish 2.9i;0. .MFRRAV HARBOR, (Sosrii,) a thriving post village and port of entry ;u Kings co., P.E.I., situated on the oath side of Murray river, 4) miles from {'iiarlottetown. It has saw and gri^t mills, several stores, a ta inery, a shipvard, a:.d a trade in fish. Pop. 200. MURRAV HARBOR, (Xourii,) a post Village in Kings co., P.E.I., on the n.'rlh sule of Murray river, ;>:> miles from Charlottetown. It contains 2 stor.'S and an hotel. Po)). 120. MURRAV HARBOR ROAD, a post village in Queens co., P.E.f , 20 miles from Charlottetown. Pop. 12',t. MFRRAV RIVER, a post village in Kings co., P.E.I., 15 miles from Georiretown. Poj). ;;;!0. MFRRAVS CORXERS, a jiost sct- tl 'iiient in "\Vestmorlanfa; J'llm CO., .X. (.ftlic same IT miles froi line iiarlior, I'lM'ains a lintel. Pot) .MF.-(,M'0! v'llage in I .Vtlaui'c coa It rontains 1 mil's, and hi and sh't>bui fire em love Pen. 1.1 M'. .MFSMFOl v'llago in I fnjin Sliubt stores. MFSSELl Perth CO., ( miles from F MF.S.SEL iir^iit on Lo tV'iin Little ! MVRF.HA N'ERS. a lu): (•lit.. 1.1 mih .MvirrhE, C'\, Out,, oi miles from ^ .MVSTIC. CO., Que., 2J C'ntaiii'i a t chine idiop. •f* MYS 207 XAP Mrnn I, a small fisliincr cfttleni'^nt nfar i!i'> ln-ail of St .Mans !!av. .VIM., 4 miles from Salmorii'.T. Pot.. ' :t. MrSCJRAVE TOWN', a lar-'- fi^liin? t!'>t!!pm<'nt iti tlie "Hsliii't of Twilliri- '.'ati' a'nl ri)?o, XfM.. L' ! miles from Cipcn's I'oml. Inliiiliitaiits are eii- jriffed in firming as will as lisliiiig. roM.rtin. .MI'.SKOK.V, an eleetoral district in tlie X. 1 art of (Intiirio, ctiiipriscs an nn-a of :{,.'!r»7.'^H7 ncr<'3. Capital, Hrace- lirid'.'o. Pop. irt. MISK(»KA F.MJ.S, a post villajrc m \ icioria co , Out., :'■'! mi'es from Orillin. It contains 1 hotel and .'{ stiires. 1\'!). '>0. Mr.S(>rASIT, a po>t villipo in St. J in eo . .X.I)., at 111" jMontli of a river oftlic saiTie jiann- in the i'ay of Fnndy, IT miles from St. Jolin. It pos-esses a fine Iiarlior, hifs frond water power, aul contains a saw mil, 3 stores itnd an bitol. Pod. 'Jno. .Mi:sMro!)()!;(»iT iiAnr.oR, a po-^t villaire III Halifax o., X S., on tjie Atlannc coast, :!0 miles S.K. of H ilifax. It rontams 1 store, 2 l)otf'!s, a-id several ii:il'-. and has a good trail*' in lumher and sli'phuilduig. Two quartz mills .'ire enr loved at the gold mine? here. Wr.x i.r.r. .MFSMronOHOlT upper, a post V'llagc in Halifax c >., X S. ';;0 miles fruiii Shubeaacadie. it contains 2 stores. MUSSELPrprr, n post vdlage in Portli CO., Out., on the Xorlh river, K? miles fi'Dui Stratford. Pop. '.',>]. Mt'SSEL HAni'.OF?, a li miles from IJellevillc. Pop. 40. -MYi'TLE, a post villatre in Ontario CO., Out., on the W. k'l\ P. R, 10 mies from Whitby. Pop. .^.0. MYSTIC, a i^ost village in Missi-qnoi CO., Que., 2i miles fi-om Ahereorn. It ('"ntaiiii a store, a foiindrr, and a ma- cLine shop. Pop. 20. XACKAWICK. a pest village in York eo, .V.l'i., on til" Xew I! an wiek rail- wav, 4.'! miles W. of F'rederieton. Pop. 1 :. 2'iO. .X.\XAlMO, a thriving po~t ttiwn on the eastern, or inner, slmr" of \'Hn- ciiver Island, H.C, 7J miles from Vic- toria It owes its growth aid impor- tance to the valn.ahle m'tr-s <>l' liiiiitni- no'is coal which arc wi rkeilin the vici- nity ; also to Its exc( Uent free .tone q'ljirries. The San Fr.ii cisco JPnt, whiidi cost over S L "''",'■' lo, was hnilt of ."tone oliljiined from these quarries. N^riaimo contains a cliiirrli, a lehgraph oliic(>, a g ud, a sawmill, an'l r-evt-ral stores. A ste.imer rnns weekly be- twec!i here and Victoria. Pop. 4'iO. XAXTICOKE. a p-^t village i-i Hal- dimand eo., Ont.. on X'.iiiticoki' Ci'ick, 8 miles from Port Dover. It I'ontains 2 stores, .'i hotels, 1 «: w iniil, and 2 (I'Miring mills. Poji. 2' 0. N'.\PAXEE, an ineorp'raled town of Ontario, ciipital i f tlie (•>. of Lennox, s;ti;ated on the Napanee liver. and on the C.. T. R., 2(; miles \V. of Kingston. It contains eliiirches of.") denominations, 2 l)raic!i hanks, 2 tel'gr.'.jih (dlices, 2 jirinti'ig ollices issni g weeklv news- paper, a mill, .'•ev^'ral hotels, mills and factories, and a of stores. Xapanee is a p>'rt of entry. Total vaiie of imports fr l>72iro0.l(].S ; e.xjiorts S'';i7,0n). Pop. 2.;v;7 XAPAXKE MILLS, u po-^t village in Addmgton co.. Out., ."< nnles from Xapa lee. Pop. 1 '0. X.M'IER. a tJirivincr r-ost villatre in Midiiiesex CO., Ont , oa tl:e River.'^yden- hani, >'. XAP1E::VILLE, a county in thf^ S. part ,sitnated on .Montreal river, 7 miles from Stottville, 27 miles S.E. of MoutreaL It cuutaina fih ' I Ml, ..I I i ■i»-. '.!•! M IJ^'i \ ' SI ■'*! ! :ji * . ■Hi ■ •■« i . *- fl Ni:(j 20S xf:w 'n: y *■^ i' \^ tt'i"')'' 1 '^ II i'* ' "'lii jH SH ^'' |^:j); , t .f ■ ! t . f ' ' h: a ItoniunCatliolic f!i;ircI;,8ovonilstur«'.s iiinl liuii I.-, II l:unitiy,i!iiil ;>a\v,(;risl uiid canliii,:,' iinll.s. ['*>[>. 1,<)U.). NAl'I'AN, ii i> I.--1 sctllfinciit in Ciini- hci'l.iinl CO., M.S., on ilic I. li., f» inilt's from Aiiilicr.U. I'lip. I'.iit NAI'l'AX, ii pusl^cill iiuiit ill Nui- tlniiiiii rlaiid co., , -> iiiiKs iVuiii CliiiMiaiii. I'.M.. I,".n. \Al'l'i;i;'i'(i.N, a po I i.llicL' in Mi.l dk'^i'X CO., Uul., 1 m.k.i IVoiii JSlnitli- roy. NAIIKOWS, H porit sot U'UK'iit in yuL'i'ns co.jN.l! ,1.11 W .i.-iliuilciMoiik river, \H miles troin (I ;':(''o\vn. I'op. l."nt. NASH'S (MM'lliK, II scliirmciit in I{c.-;tit,n)iic!;c (•;!., N I)., on ii ;ir dis ( 'lia- Ii'iir-, IV iMili'.i tiisl ot Dalliuii.^ii.'. I'op. lOi). N'ASHWAAK, H jiorit s-ettii-nient in Yoriv ro., N'.ii.. on ilu- Na.^iiw uak rivor, 14 mill' .^ .v. of l'"i\ilrricloii. r>ip. '2'>K NASiiWAAK, a .-la:ioii () I liio New ]{niiis\viclc ri;ii\vay, i i York co., N'.li., lit tlio iiioiilli ot' iliL' Xa.sli\vaak river, up|i(»sitr FrcdoriiSon. NASIiWWAiv,' IS, a yoM village in York CO., \.l;., Ill iLe uiulet of ii river of tlie :-aiiK' iiame, oppo.-ile tlie eily of Freiiericion. li lias ii foandrv, and cardiiiu'. uri-l, an 1 .s.iw niiil. I', p. 110.). NASHUA AK VILLA (.!•:. a po,t vii- la;^c in Voik ro , N.U , o:i the Uiver Nasluvaak, S uoies N. of rredericton. Pop. ir.i). NASllWOOD, or rAUXnORO, a post v.lla_:e i I iJruiuo co., t^ue., I'J miles from \V;;le: 1)0. I'op. (iU. NASSAOAWKVA, or iiiJOOK- VlLIil'i, a pD.^t Village in Ifaltoii Co., Out., h! miles fioiii Oneljili. It contains an liotel and :> .si. res. i'op. Iji). NATASHQTAN, a post odico in Sagnenay oo., (.^i;e., at, the monlli of a good salmon sltvam of lli' .same name, l!-i4 miles (iiy sea) from (Ja-pL- IJasin. NAU\Vl(;'i':\\Al'K, a .slat. on on the I. 11, in Kings co., N.U., 17 miles from St. John NAVAN, a fo.^t, village in Riir-.^cll CO., Out , 8 miles from Cumberland. Pop 50. NEIJISII, a hamlet in the district of Algonia, Out. It has 1 store. NECL'.M TKN'CII, a post settlement in Halifax co., N.S., on the sea coast, 30 miles S.W. ot Slierbrooke. Pop. 40. NEGU AC, a ]iost village in Norlhiim- berluud co., N.B., on u river of tliC same mime, i'.i) miles N.W . of Cliatbuni. I'oii. I.-.I). NKICKTTE, or A.M<.,dl, a postofiu-e an!'. Ni:i'lSigriT, us'-ttlemeiit ill Glou- cester CO., N.]> . on the N'.'i.i-hjnit liver, ;! miles from Pathiirst. 'l'..e .\epi.>i(i:iit river is noted for its s; lendid .^aliuuu. Pop. [} 10. Nl'illKl'IS, a villag.; in Kings CO., N.B., o.i the .\ r.v. r, at its en- trance into the St. J liii, ii:.(l on t!ie K. k N. A.l!.,l.Si mdesW.ufSt. .Juhn. It contains 1 store and 2 hotel..;. I'lij). NE ril]>iIIiV, a post viiiai;(! in Wel- hiiiil CO., Out., 10 iiiiks from I'ort Kobinson. It c iitains u store and a saw 111:11. Pop. loo. Ni:rSTAi)T, a thriving ]io.•». NEW ALBANY, a post s element iu Annapolis co., N.S., 8 miles from Ii iwreucetowu. It lias 2 hotels. Pop. 'JOO. w\ Ni:\v 209 NKW NEW AN'NAN, a jiost sottlcmcnt in Cofl'lu'sliT cit., N.S., on tin; Krc ;cli rivLf, 1} inik'.-ifroni ViMy I^akc. ('ojij er ore IS f.Hiinl 1(1 llio vicinity, iuhI Jrtf- 8ti)nc «|iiiirric.nuT wiirkcd to fi laijjcrx- tcnt. Till- village roniains scviral saw and grist luilld, u tannery, und 2 stores. I'oi). (;o(», M:\V AXN'AX mills, a hmiill vil- lagi' in I'liiKU! CO., IMM., G niiks fruui ,SiJiiiiiirr.;i(l('. lV)|i. 80. NK\VAIi'I\, a pctst village in Oxfonl CO., Out , r_' miles from Woud.stock. It contains I store und 3 cheese fucluries. l'o|). ID'I. NKWAIIK, Lincoln co., Ont. See Niiipaia. NKW JJANDON, a village in (iluace.ster Co., N'.l!., on i!aie des (>'lia- lenr.^, '21 miles from i'utliiirst. It con- tains 1 store, (iriiidstonea are made here. i'op. IJ."). NKW HAY, a fishing settlement in the di trict i;!' Twillingate and Fogo, N(M., in the May of Notre Dame, 'M miles tVoni Till Cove. r<.i>.:»:). NKWULIS."^, a post village in Leed.s CO., Ont., on Irish Crtek, '.i miles fiuin Irish Creek Station. 1*-|>. li.M). Ni:Wi;01{0,or I.KDFOIU) MILLS, a thnvirg pist village of Ontario, co. of Lei d-, on t'e liidean canal, ii-i miles froiv lirijckvilli'. It hai a telegra;.h oflico. \1 s'ores, .'{ lio'.el ', a tannery, and a saw mill. I'op. 'A)i). NKW nONAVKMURK, a fi.sliing settl'ni -nt in t'u? dislrict of Triai'y, Nfld., 17 mile< from Hearts Content. Pop I-T). NEW LOVNE, a post village in Leetls CO., Ont, JiJ miles from Urock- ville. It c .iil;rns - stores. NKW BilllXJK, u post office in In- verne.^is Co.. .V.S.. 8 miles from .Margaree. NKW 1!R1I)GK, a p. st vi!I,:gc in Huron Co., Out , 8 miles from Ilariiston. It lias s ivv and rr'st niillj,3 hotels and 2 St' res. Pnp. inf). NEW H::ITAIN. See IJritish Ame- rica. NEW RUrNSWICK, a province of the DoiiMiii'in if Canada, bojided on the N. W. by the piovi ic^^ tf Quebec, from which it i^.eparated by the River Restigouc'e ; HaieChaleurs; E. by the (^.If ofSt. Lawrence and Northum- berland S;rn't. t'e latter separating it from Prnco Kdward Islind ; S. by the Bay of Fundy and part of Nova Scotia ; which It is tiropiised to tinite by meiMH of a canal, ciUed the Way Verte and on the W. by tlie S'ato of .Maine, fn.m whic!) it is separated by the St. (.'roi.x and St. John rivers ; extending lat. Ay f) to 4S 40 N., Ion. <;:! ,"»0 to f.H W. ; grea'esl leii'.'lh IViilii N. to S. '-';;it mile.;; bi-adlli I'jo inileri; area 'J7,:ij'J Hipiare miles, e(pial to 17,48fi,'jso acres. Its coast linu is ahoiit ;")i)0 miles in lengtn, inter- rupted only at ihe p li It of j'lnctiin with .Nova Scoti.i, wnere an i-;t!imus of not more than I I miles in I readth con- nects the two te-riiories a'ld separate.1 the waters of Northnmberl.ind Str.iil fiom tliose of the Ray of Fnndy, and ;rte Canal. The surface t)f the country is gen- erally flit or nndnlatiiig. Tliero are some hills skirling tlie I'.iiy of Fnndy and the Rivers St. Jolin'and Restigouche, but they nowhere assume mounlaiii summits. 'The shores of tho (jiilfofSt. Lawre ice and .Vorthumlier- land Strait abound i i tine ship harbors (each at the mouth of a considerable river) from wh eh is exported much line timher. Fur about I'J miles the country is low and skirted with marshes. The face of the yirovinco is tra- versed in all directions *>y naviga- ble rivers, chief if w' ii'h is the St. John, 4.-J I mil s in length. It is n.avi- giblefor ve~'els of I' tona to Frodor- ic'ion, 0'> mils fVom the sea. Above lliis point smalli'i- .steamers ascend G5 miles, to Woodtock, ainl ocea-ionallj m.ike trips a; far as the Tobirpie, 75 miles flirt Iier up. and even to the (inuid Fall-:,amag :i(icent cataract 70or80feet perpendicular, 21') miles from the sea. Above the Falls th" St. John has been navigate I ) n SI u ) !•* 1 r 6,000,000 in Maine. Tlio valley la rc- inarkal)lc for its fiTlility, and pictur- e»({\\v bi-aiity. Aft miles i:; length, an miles fntm tlie (Iiilf, and for sclioone -s 20 miles furtliiT, to the Iliad of till! tide, aI»ove whieli, fur (10 miles, it is navij^ahie fir V>w boats. The river has many Uvi^i-. trilmtarie.s, spreadinff t)ver a jjicat e.vtent of country. The INiliteodiae is a larye river, ilowi ij; into ("uml)i'rland i?asin, near tlie lieud of the j{;iy of Tu idy. It is about lOD mih-s in ien miles, and for seliooners of GO or 80 tons to llie head of title, 12 iiiihs further. The Uichilaieto is a coiisider- able river Howinj; into the (Inif of .Si. Lawrence. The tide Hows up it 2.") miles, it is iiavigaltle for .small vesbels ir> miles. The ifestigouehe, at the north eastern e.Klremity of tlie pro- vince, is a iiol)le river, .'5 miles wide at its entrance into the liaiedes ('haleiirs, and iiiivi^able for lar<,fe vessels fir IH miles from the l$iiy. The principal stream of tlie ilestigotiche is over 200 miles ill len|rtii. ks Indian name signifies " lliJ river which divides like the ha id" — in allusion to its. separation, above the tide, in live larg- streams. The main river, and its tributaries, drains over 4,00o square miles of fertile and linidy timbered country. Among the numerous bays wilh which tlie coast is iu'h'uted, the most important is the Haie desChal^nrSjan immense liaven 90 miles ill length, and fri'in 12 to '_;'> miles ia brealtli, with many e.xcellent harbors Througliout its whole e.v'i-nt there is neither roek, reef, nor slionl, nor any imju'diinent to navigation. On the southern, or New lira iswick, side of this l>ay the shores are low, the water deepening gradually from them. On the northern, or Quebec, side, the shores are bold and precipitous rising into eminences, which almost may be called mountains. Besides the Mirainichi already mentioned, the principal bays on its east coast arc Ricliibucto, Huc- touclie, Cocagne and Shediac ; on the south coast are Passamaquoddy Day, separating New Brunswick from Maine, and on the S.W.. St. John Harbor and ('hig.iecio Hay. The lakes are niimeidus of .-mall extent. The principal is (Sraiid Lake, :< i miliM lon^ and 2 to 7 miles wide, comniiiniciting wilh the Kiver St. John .'iO inile^ from the .sea. Along the shores of the I'.aie des Ch.i- leurs and the (Julf of St. !j.n>retiie gray sandstone and gray claysiate pre- ddininale, wilh deiachcd I•o(■k^ of granite, quart/, and iron tone ; on the south coast, limesloii', graywacke claydate, with Handstoiic, iiit( riupicil orca^iiinally by gnei^-;, trap and granite. S|tecimens of am 'tlivsf cariKdian, jasper, .^c, liav(! been pickeil up in various places. Coal is ph-ntiful ami iron ore abuiiilant ; the former is .-aid to e.vteiid over lo,000 squai'e miles. The Alb 'rt coal mine is the most val- uable ilejiosit of bituminous matter on this continent. It produces loo gallons of crude oil jier ton. (Jopper and mangaii'se also abound. A large de- posit of the former has b"en dis- covered fill the banks of the Nepisiquit river, which falls into 15.ithurst May, and anotiier of plumbago within lialf a mile of St. .John. The supply of the latter is said to be inexhaustible, (lypsum, liniest(me, freestone, and grindstone abound. Salt spring.^, sir.ingly si'turatc), some ,-i;li)liurou3 springs discovered. The climate of New Brunswick is subject to great extromes of heat and cold. Tlie ranges of temper- ature are : at St. John from 18' below to 83' above ; at Itichibucto from '20' below to 9>r aiiove ; and at Prcdericton from 2+" below to 9.') ab)^e. The jirevailiiig summer winds a. e from the W.S.W. and S.; when from the S.W. de ise fogs are often produced on the Bay of Fundy, and extend from l,'"i to 20 miles inland. The autumn is a season of exceeding beauty, the air being dry and clear, and the woods glowi:.g with innumerable tints of the richest and most brilliant hues. Of the soil and capabilities of New Brunswick it is impossible to speak too highly. There is not a country in the world so beautifully wooded and water- ed. A large portion of the surface is covered with dense forests of pine, hackraatac, spruce, cedar, Ac, &c, ire niinieroiis, and have been sv.w 211 NKW tiiiil); r Imtli lor i'.\|i(irt and HliinlMiiltl- ia^. All kiniU (if rcmil-i jniil (Viiim j (he surface of (he water. The May of F'undy has long been celebrated for its (islieries. The yield Irom its waters in ls7o was val- iipil at S'.i 70, •_';!;). I 1 1M7I there wern r),l(;i men employed in the New Bruns- wick fi-dieries, and the total value of fi>!i canjrht wascslimM(e(| at $l,lH,"i,o;t;{. The silmon fi-Iieries of New l!riin»wick nre aiuo i}^ the finest in the world. Tlie Ibictonche, ("'ara(inetfe and (^)catjiie dyster beds are as prolilir as they arc famous, and the finest lobsters are found in profusion. Shii)-buildiii{j is extensively prosenit- nl ill the province, jn'irecs!ie('ially a: St. .lolin and on the Miramiclii. Vessels are al^o built at St. Andrew-", at various coves a id harbors on the Hay of Fiindy, iiloiij; the ba iks uf the St. John a u) Pctitcodiac; and at Cocapne, Riclii- biicto, Hathiirst, Dalhoiisie, Campbell- ton, and other ports on the nortii slioro. Tlio total number of vessels built in 1871 was lOH, with an a(rf]jre,7.'t4. Tiie imports forSt. .Joh i alone amoiiutr ed to$7,:;.".l,t)!»'.t, anile.v|iru'ts :i|:;!,t;.")iMSl. There are five railways in the pro\ince, tv.o of which are under con- titrnction— the iitercoloiiial aud the Fie- dericton and Kiviere du I/Oiip roads. Tiie inter. 'oloiial (complcteil) runi from St. .lohn to Halifax, witli liranch to Shi'diac. The head otlices are at Monctoti, from which westward to Trois I'ist'des the building of the In- tercolonial is being r.'ipidly pushed forward. The Kuio|aMn ami .N'orih American railway (consolidated) rutiB from St. John westward to the State of .Maine, c7) meeting at Fredericton Junction with tlu^ Fredericton Ibanch railway, at M,M 24 S):,3 20.1 !« 13 K47 bjur, 62,3' >3 6S2t ll.r,4l 20,"3.5 , 27.1 1(/ ■NV'ooiUtuck St. Andrews l5iitliur.'>t Kichibucto lliunptoa Kcwcastlo Ciasrotowu I>urbou!'io St. Ji'hu Oroiniict;) (ininil I'iills Dorchi'sftT Frtdciicton Total 2S5,51>4 Total area of the above conutios, 17,393.* 410 aciea There are two Roman Catholic dioceses in the province— St. John and Chatham; and one Churcli of E ighind Froderifton. The f.d- owing "table, taki'n from the census retnrna of 1S71. shows the various rcli • gious denominations and the number of their adherents : ^ Church oi England 45,481 Clunch of It > mo 9t3 ((IJ Church ot Scotland 9.1");}) Prp>bvtoi ians 29,3.2 Baptists 70,-)it7 ■Wesleyan Mothodista 2() 212 Other Metbodi>ts S.ivJi Congtecrationali-its l.l'.'S Other I) noniinntions 8,1 MJ or no relip^ion 131 Jin creed stated Si)2 Juws 43 Total 285,5^4 New Brunswick devotes annnally rut of the Provincial revenue !^l 20,000 to educational objects. The educational institutions supjiorted by law arc a Provincial Univeriily, a Training or Normal school for teaclieis and a system of common schools ranging fr<^m the primary to the grammar or high school departmeul Tiie common Bcliools aro/ree to all being supjiorled from the Provincial revenue, and by rate ujion the entire property ol the country. The cliief partof the inhabitants are emigrants from Great Britain, and their descendants. There are a number of French Acadians, settled chieHy in the counties on the north shore and in the valley of the Madawaska, and there are also a small number of Alicmacs, Meli* cito.^, and other Indians in the northern partof tiiei)rovinci', and on tlieSt John river The number of Indians in New Bni iswick in 1H71 was 1,403. Tiie aflairs of the iiroviuce aro ad- miuistcred by a L eutenant GovLTnor, aided by ai Executive (^/ouiicil of <» mcinbers a Legislative Council of 18 membi.'rs, appointed for life, and a House of Assembly of 41 represent a ti\'e.«, elected every 4 years. Tiie jntlicuU dopartment comprises a Supreme Court, with a chief and4puisn^ jidgcs having Law and Equity jurisdiction , one of Marriage and Divorce a Vic ; Adminilty Court, and a County Court for each county in tlie Province The provincial leg's'ature meets at Frederictoii. X'W Brunswick was first settled by the Trench in IfJSD It continued to form i)art, with NovaScotia, of Ae.idia, or Nevv France, till it fell into the hands of the, after the couq'ie.>t ofQu'b'c The lirst British settlers in tlie province emigrated from Scotland to the Miramichi in 17tj4; and in 1784, N 'W Brunswick was separated from N >va Scotia and erected into a gopa- rate province. In 1825. the standing timber in the district around Mi:amiclii B ly took fire, and enveloped an area of G,000 square miles i i flames, cnnsiiming two thriving towns, many lar«j.'C vessch lying in Miiamiclu river and de.^troyirg 500 human beings. In 18(]7, ths pro- vince united with Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia in forming the Canadian Confederation, and is the fourth largest Province, as regards population. \\\ tho Dominion. NKWBURG, an incorporated village in Addi igton CO , Out., on the Napa- nee river, 22 miles from Kingston, 7 miles from Nap'uiee It contains a tele- graph office, a printing oHice is'u^nga v/ei'kly n.ewspaper, an iron fom Iry a jiaper mill, tannery fulling and canl- iiig mill, grist mill. 2 hoicls and about 12 stores. Pop, 823 NEWBURGII, a post village in Carleton co., N.B., on the New Bruns- wick railway 55 unles from Fredcricton. Pop. 100. NEWBURY, a flourishing post vil- lage in Miudle-:ex co , Out., on tho G. W, R., 30 miles from London. It con- tains 2 telegraph offices, 5 hotels, about a dozen stores, and a woollen mill. Pop. 1,000. NEW 213 NEW NFW CALEDOXIA, a name for- merly ii;Wvii to that jiortion of tlie North West \vc>t of llio Ilocky iMoiintrtitn, between lat. 43' and 57 N , now called Briiisli Coliimb'a, which s>ec. Ni:\V CAFJ' DON'IA, a wM ofTico in Hal fix CO., N.S., 74 miles trom Shube- ua(^llI^ . Ni;\V CAMPRELLTON, a post pot tl'MiR'iit in Victor a co , N S, U5 niih-s frdiii I'>iildeck. Coal id mined huro. Po)). 10. Nr::\V CANAAN, apostPottloment in Oiiinl)erl:ind co., N.S., on the projiosed Spri';;; Hill an 1 Parrsboro' railway, 12 roiiej fVoin Atiiol. Itc iitains 1 chur'^'h. 1 siiire, 3 saw mills and 1 grist mill. Pop :ioo Ni:\V CANAAN, a post settlement m Qiu'r;is CO , N.I5., 18 miles from Petit- cod nc Pop 1 0, NKW CANADA, a post vilkgp in Liiii"nb'T^ CO.. N S., \i miles from Bridgewater It contains 1 store Pop. 120 NEW CARLISLE, » seaport town and i)ort of entry (d'Qiieb^c, c.inital ci tlieoi) ol Bf p haven tn re, on tiio Buo de^ Chaleur-i lat. 4S^ 3 N., Ion G.' H) W. It is tho m'-=t important fis'iery station on the north side of Uv. Bay, and ci>ntaii)-! 2 cli irclie..^, 2 hotel*, .") or 6 stor ■^, a tele,'ra,ih oflic^. an I a print- ine; oniee is>iiiii<; a weekly iiew-p;i|>er Tiie Gulf Ports steam.Ti call heiv. Tho niiiii' er of arrivals for 1^72 was 5,") (toiHf ,.")2H\aiid the clearances 71) (tnnj 9,:!7J.) ToUil vnl-e of in:i)orts !i?i31,- 373; PKiH);!3S'V;;'.,131 P p 4:).") NEW;'.\STLE, an Incorjioraied vil- lage and port of entry in tin co. of Durham, Out., on the G. T. R , 47 miles E. ( f Toroito, wi'h a harbor o i La';e ()ntar"() (f )nnorly called B md Read ) Itc Mitains cbiirciesof 3dononjinatio!is, 2 te!e;4-raph ofTie 'S, 4 hotois, 9 or lO stnr's, an nirritndtiiral im]denieiit fiict uy, a tannery, a fl "irinp^ mill, and one I f tlio 1 iijjf st woollen inilU in the provinee Total valati of ioiiiorts f r 1872 !?.-)4,533 ; cxi-orls $J7,7i;2 Pop. l,in:i NEWCASTLE or MTR.AMTCIII r port of itry and tlom-isiiinfj town of New Bnm^wick, capital of the co. of Norlnnnborland, b'.'autifully sitnated on the left l)iink of the Miraniichi, abo'it IR mil"s from its entraneo into Miramichi Bay, and on. the L R. 78| miles from Moncton. Its streets are liphted with gas, and it contains a brancli bank^ u telegrajdi office, a printing oHico issuing u weekly news- jiaper, a masonic hall, 3 hotels, about 2.") stores, several churches, a tannery, kc A very largo trade is done liere i 1 (ish and iMmbr; also in shipbuild- ing The numb 'r of arrivals for 1872 was r.S (tons 27..")01), and the clearances 01 (tons 2t;,.V.)2.) Total valin of iin- j'ors §109,142; exports $289,407 Pop 1.''00. ' Ni: WCASTr-E BRIDOE, a post vil.- lago and s •ttlenn'iit in (.^ leens c<» , N |}., 1 Giainl Lake, 3 J miles fr tin tSliellield This district contains mex- haustible coal mines I'op 20ii. NEWCASTLE CREEK, a post vil- lage and set'lrment in Queens co N.B at the lieail of Grand Lake 33 miles from Slieliield. A company \s ciiiragi'd in raising coal here. The b'ds extend over an area of 40 miles v^teaniors run between her>j and St. John Pop. 3^0. NEWC().MBE R post viUag? in the d strict of Ma.skoka Ont on W'lite iS:oiie Lake. 27 miles from Parry Sound. It contains 1 church 1 store and I saw m !l. Pt p 5» NEW(^()MI5KS CORNERS a post oHiro ia Ilalif .kco. N.6 G miles f^rom Ari'nir Gold .Muies NEWCi»MBS MILLS a small vil- la'iro in Northumberland co Out., 8 jiiihs from Brighton. It has carding and crr->t mill:!. I'oo. C>0, NEW C(J\("ET'T10N Harbor Main, Nfl 1 See Cat's Cove. NEW COUNWALL, a post seftlp- meiit in Liin tiburg co., N S. 9 miles fVoiii Mahono Bav. Pon. 2 lO. NEW DDMIXION, village in Cilon.rarry co , 0,;t.. 21 miles from La ic ster. . Pop. 120. NEW nrHLIV, or DFRLTN COR- NERS, a iio,-;t villaire in Leed-; co , t )nt., 3.', in 1( s f ■ m B'llamv'.'J. Pop. loO. "NEW DUN'DEE, a village ia Waterloo CD., Ont, 12 mil"s from BiTlin. It has 2 stores, 2 hotels, a saw mill and a irr'r^t mill. Pop. 30 \ NRW DFRfl.V.M, a jmst village in Brant oo., Oit., on Big ('reek, 19 miles from r.rantford. It contains 3 stores and a tannery. Pop. 1,">0. NEW DCunAM, or SOTTTH DUR- HAM, a post village in Drummond co. •hK' Ii I. i ;•' l! i i « !^ ,?i ' ■■ NEW 214 NEW Quo., on tho r». T. R., OG miles from Muntrcal. It Iiih j»eurliisli and h<'in- lock liiuk factories, u tclc^jniph ollice, 2 hdlcis, 1111(1 4 Hlorcs. I'oit 2i)0. NKWDV Ql'OUDV, WivST, n i)ost villiif^o ill iliilirax CO , N.S , o i Quodily riviT, ;M miles fnnii Jlaliliix. It con- tuiii.-t 2 cliurcln'S, 2 hotels, Ii stores and a lobster factory Inliubitants cliiifly cnpitred i 1 llic lishcrie-i i'op. .'{.".O. Nl'iW EI)i:\l!()i;()lI(;il, a seaport town of Nova tSeolia, co. of Di;,'liy, at tlio eiitriiiice of Si-^schoit river into St Maiy'.^ 15ay 2i) miles S.W of Dijrljv Tile iiiliuiiitiiuta uro mostly lislieriiieu Pop JHo. NKW EniNT.UnOir, nn important town ot Ontario, co of Hnssell, on the Iliilean aid Ottawa rivers, ]\ inil(>s from Ottawa Tho Ridi'aii river hero falls into tho Ottawa over a limestone ledtre, f>() feet perpenarated on tlie N W from Canada by the Gulf; its S.W point apjiroaches Cape Hretmi ; N. and N.E. are the shores of Labrador, from which it is divided by tho Straits of Helleislo ; and on its eastern side expands the open ocean. It lies nearer to Europe than any i)art of Ani'Mica It is about 1,200 miles in circumference ; its width, at the very widest part, between Capes Ray and Bonavista, is about ;{00 miles ;a'ul its extreme length, from ('ape Race to Gripnet Hay, about 41!> miles, measured on a curve. Its form is somewhat trianpnhir, but exceedingly irregular, owing to its being inde'ited Avith deep bays, the most remarkable of which are flare, White, and Notre Dame Rays, Ray of Exploits, IJonavista, Trinity, aud Con- ception Rays on the E. coast ; St. Mary's Ray, Fortune and Placentia Ihiy, oi the S. coast ; and St. (Jeorgc's Ray and iJay of Islands on the VV. There are besides these smaller bays and harbors. Many of these nreextensive, commodidiis and well siieltered, with numerous rivulets rii Hiiiig into them, while most id" the harbors have complete anchorages, with clear and good channels. Tiie interior (d' the Island has never been thoroiiiihly explored, but from tho reports of Mr. Murray, the geologist, who has been for many years past and is still en^jaged in its exploration, there is reason to believe thai its resources, both agriculturiil and mineral, are of very considerable Mnporiance. The greater jiorlion, iiowever, appears to be rocky, with numerous tracts of moss, much interseeled by rivers and lakes, and but thinly wooded, except on the banks of the rivers Great boulders, or loose rocks, scattered over the country, increase its genenil rough- ness. Hills and valleys continually succeed each other, the fornnT never rising into mountains (the highest not exei'ediiig ],.'")00 feet) and the latter rarely expanding into plains. Tho " l)arren3 " ( f Newfoundland are those districts which occupy the summits of the hills and ridges, and other elevated and exposed tracts. They are covered with a thin and scrubby vegetation, consisting of be'TV-bearing ]»iants and dwarf buslies, of various kinds. Raro pat (dies of gravel and boulders, and crunibliBg fragments of rock, are fre- quently met with on tlie "barrens," which are generally destitute of vege- table soil The sea clid's are, for tho most part, bold and lofty, with deep water close to the shore. Tho rivers of Newfoundland are nu- merous, and though the majority are small, vet some Httain to respectable size. The largest are the Iliimbcr, River of Exploits, Ganibo and Great Cod Roy rivers. The Hiimber. in it3 mainbranch, is aboutHi) miles long — in its second, or Grand Pond branch, it is about 4S miles long. The Exjjloits is about 150 miles long, and drains about .^,000 S(juaro miles of country. Tho Gander is somewhat over 100 miles long. Nearly all the rivers issue from lakes or ponds in the interior. Many of tbcra abound with fil'i! NEW 215 NEW pxcellont salmon. Frc.-fli wntor lakes nnfl|»itn(lri are iilsoriuineroiis. Tlioy aro I'oiiinl over llio fUc s of llio oiitire ouiitrv— oil the v(-ry t()|).Hof liillH. Tl'O siirraco covered wiili fnsli wuIit Im-j been estiiiiuU-dut one lliinl of llie wlioh; Isliitid. ti7 ponds Imve bt-cn coiiiiti d from one spot on tlic N. E. inoiiiituin.s of Aviiloii, SDine two and tlni-e iiiilf s in ext lit, iiiiiio le;s tlian I'M) yard-i, ami not at afarllier distance lliaii ten iiiilr j hum the I). ISO of the iiill. Tlr* prin- cipal lakes in 'he Fshind are Hie (};iiid r Pond, l).''rl'uiid, Ciaiid I'ond ai;er, lead, chroinie irnn, iiiiif]fiieticiron,specnlar iron,maiij^anes ■, nick(d, ])lMinl)a(jfo, {ry, snni, serpentine, jaspers, white and hlack. marhic, lim ■- stone and ci'.m,!. Traei's of gohl ha\(; also heeii found by analysis, as well as traces of cailmium a id bismuth. 'file principal mines are, liie Tilt Cove .Mine (coDper), the Notre Daiiu' .MiiK? (copiier), both on tiie eastern siilc fathimis. whieji gave '150 tons of ore, or 1-18 per fathom. Tho present Company, called the La .\l;in(;ho Mininj^j C(anpa ly, between January and June, in l.sij, nia ie but an average of I.^SO |iiainds to tla; cubic fathoni, or little over h a to i. Tho t».'al ainouut raided up to;,S was luiitut 2,'.W>0 tons of ore. kSiiiee, then bit little has been done. Therrf liavo li'e 111 (rood many lieiiis"S of search 1:ikeii()Ut these y.'iirs bii k,billli() woric of liny iiiijiDi has been coiiimenct'd. 'I he climale, beiiijj insular, is not liabl.' to so great ciianges in tempera- t ire as that of tho iiei;,;l)b Jiiriiig coii- t iii'uial I'i'ovinces, tho winier being lUK h iiiijii' r and tho Kummer not II ariy 8o w.irin. Tlie averaj,'e tempe- i.ii iri! of February, the c ildest month, i< liJ , of July, the ilottr>.^t, Co', ainl of th(! _\ "ar 40 \ Tiie wi.iler lasts from I) ceiiibT til Ajiril.^ The hunimer is short and warm. In Alay and iio- jrinuiii^c of Jiiii' dense fo;r-! prevail on the Ha iks and le-igh' (U'iiig slior.-s, liiit they do not njipeir to lio iu the bad prej' to henlth. Tlie jiriueijijil trees of Newfound- land are spruce, bireli, larch, willow, adi and fir; but they do not attain to a I ii-;;-e s'/.e. Ui'cumbenl and slmdin^ cver^i'r 'ens are to b'-m-t i i f^reat va ie- ly; berry-trrow'ng bushes a^toniid in every sw iiii;i. a id ,\m cic m irv I se ;, nlso red uiid wliilkj clovei', aro ail ludaiit. Ill sc' eral sections of the Island ncricnlture rm ba carr ed on wdli ]ir dit. li tiie tie'ghbo.hood of ill my id' th" lakes and rivers tiiero are V ilaable ailuvi I. Potatoes yihl well aid are. of exfvdleiit <[uality; t'reen c 'Ops thrive wtdl i i many districts. ^Vheat lia-i been known toyiehl .'io binh- els jiruere. Apples, plunn and clnu-riea liive b 'en rais 'd with «uece.;s ; g lose- bu'.'i's, slrawJK'rries, ftiid raplierries, of very K lod (piality, a:e grown. T :" timb'T lauds, amou iliii^^ 'o iienr- ly one III llio 1 of aci'^s, and situated pr,iie''ifil!y on tiie wis'ern side '^, finio:,.-* th(3 world over. Aiiioii,lj tlie wild iinimih may 1)0 eii'imerated ilio dcoi\ I'.ie wolf, the lii'iir, th(! heiuer, the marie i uiid ■wild cut. Land u id juiaalic birds uro nunieroiis. S^als are niiineron-i o i tlij coasts, as are also w'lai '■:, f'ramp'iHes and; wliilo for fisli there is no ]tlace in the world comparable! to Newfoundland, es])eoial!y (or cod. The famous (Jraud Hanks swarm with cod and every oth'T variety of (ish. These l)an'\S fiirm the most e.x'ensive snb- mai'iao el 'valion ou the face of the glob'; ill lliiir full extent tliey occupy 6' of 1 Ml., and n;' 10' of lai., bci i;^over ()'>0 miles in I'Mi;^!h and 2 ii) miles ill br 'adtii, with adepih of wa'er Taiy'n.( fVon 10 to I li') fa:hoins. mean depth is estim at -d at -JO liithoins. The ])r secution of the fi Iiery oi tho Gi'and Banks has of late y 'arsb'en left exela-:ively in the hands of foreifftru'-:, princ'pallv French, whilst the shore tish M-y, w!iiea, w tli less risk, is inoro convenient, is d 'lended upon by the fislxu'in ui of tlifi Island for their sn;ipirt. T'le col lish u'v onens in June audlas; ; till Iheiuiddle of Novem- ber, and may b.; said to f > in the v., At' oceunaiioii of llio iiihabitauts of the Island. The .seal (i^hery is next in iiii- porianec. In 1^7'J, I!)! vss'ls, with an n^r rr^'Ljat'* b irth mi of 2!t,7;) J tons, aad m iiuie 1 by 9, 1!) ) imui, w 'v cn!ra'.^ed in this li^^Iiery. The saiKn^f 11 'et of Newf luiidland n iw imd id 'S '2 ) steam vc-Jj di, r>,7 !> toiH, carryin'.r 'i,'>ll tii'Mi. 1) A- u<>; IHllAl'i'.) Vi'AA Is WM*"eatere 1 at til •]) ivl of St. Jo'ui's, a idOi.'J v-isels clea!"a|. The r.'V(Miue of .Nf.Mvf )U".dl and for rni amou it-d t iS^lli.t.dO, aid the cxp^'nditur'^ to SlTi,:?)'),' but tli>re b-iii'.,' a balance from 1871 of Sl.Tij'U)'), afier payintrall tht; expenditure of that year, lefr a balance at t'lo (uid of 1H72 of ."J^ll^OOO. The d"ht of t'l • colony rn the .Tlst of December, 187J, was $1,151,G7G. Tho imports of Newfoundland con- sist of all arlicU'S ii-ed for food a;id cioihin;? as wed as for d anesiic ani5 fishi 1}^ purposes. Tlie principal oxportij are ii.di and (ish oil^, s .al oil a id skins. 'I'olal value of impir.'s and ex lorts of the c d'Uiy of X •wrniuijlaiid from aid to each country in the year 1S72 : Countries. Iinpnrf.i, f'rf)orfg. U'lited KiiiKdom..§2,t;it!.(r;7 61,7! ' HI •' ''•■(•;,• ■!;..■, ;2 n[-,^2 <'aii.ui;i S-".,1IJ rtiif,'jil f,i),4 :) 'JJ(,4') i; 'ly <:ij is>,m .^ T.OiJj <'i-'"'e(' 43,196 r .ited , Suites 1,0",! O'U i!U.3!>8 F irei^'u \V. Indies.. 21.>,'J'ji iJ'i.'ll^ '■"•a/.il 1^11 i_H,49 ttl. .letcis 27,'^70 'iXM Total. !:?a,7lo,..>8 to.;j7,0(» T'le riovrnment of Newfoundland pays .^120.0(0 aim lally for \i\.) si(.>am s-rvice of th) Oloay. Tin sleaniera sul)s:di/el aro tho Alhn Line to and from IjiviM'po il and Ha! lax, or same jiort iu the D aininioa or IJn.led S attiS, o ice a fortniirhi ; 1 steamer, (uieo a fortniirlit fr am St. J Iiu's iiorlhwaid ; 1 St Miner o.:ci3 a fortui'j-lit; from St. Jolin'j westward ; 1 Com St. Jahu'a to C I icepti m H ly ; 1 t> co ivey the Jud/'Soi (Jirciit all ov t the Lsland, an I I on thi Labra lor c tast, running oac^a fortnifflit aloii!^ the sii ir- (Votn S)itli to norili and (v ■• /-o-.f, {r^ing iiifu'inalioii to the li<'ierin.;ii wliere th ' (i.ih is most ab iiid uit. Tlie piib!ie alia rs of Newfmndland are administered by a (J jv mmo.', an Kce(' iiiv(; (/ uitieil of G in Miliars, a li 'i^islative Oouneil of l\ me;nb'rs,and a Leg;slativeAs;embly of ;!1 representa- tives. The jadicial deiartnient com- prises a Supriun- (/oiirt, v/itli a (/hicf and two assistant Judn'^; a Vice Ad- miralty (Joiii-r. and a D'str'ct Court. The publ'c school systun ii bas"d on the (lenomiMaiional priiic pie as rec^ardd Roman (/atholics, and the nou-daiom inational as far as Protestants general- NEW 217 NEW ly are concnrnoJ. The Cliiirdi of Eng- lund Pr(jU\sliuils arc disi^mislicd wiili tho syslL'iii, 1111(1 desire ii ^cparulion from all the otii r I'rolestiint de.iorni- natioiis, so in to h<' ])l;iced in tlu; same fiosilion, »s K) imblic ediu'.alion, as the lornin Catiolics; from Mii.s .view, liowcvor, nil the other I'rotestatit de- noriiiiialioii.s dissent. In consonance witJJ this state of things tliere are two general ins;) ctorn of elciiKMitary or board school ^, ' ne a Pi am, the other a Jlonian (y.itholic. The last printed reports of tli se inspectors are for IHTI. The uninh'-r of Protestant schools the-x in opeiMiion (th(! iiuinh'T and aticnd- nnco have variud vcy little si tee) wa.s IHO, with an atiendanco of lo,(;7(; pupils. Of thes"! schools, l.'iS were elementary; 7 commerc'ial ; 20 (loloniiil (JIuirch and School S -ciely (pailly .sup ported hy li' local governincni) ; 12 Wesleyan Seli())l Society ; 2 ('lin;ch of England; and 1 Pivsbyterian Clinrcli. The nmnl) r of Roman (J itli(d;c sciiools was 101, witii an attendance of f),!! I pupils. Tlieie are l)esides tiiese, 7 c(an- mercial scho.ih, with an attendance of 602 pupils ; and 1.'] co iventscliools, \vi;li aa attenda ic5 of l,t)ij.'i pupils. Tli re are four ])ihlic academies, hased on the denominational ))rinciple, and all siliia- ted in t Ik; capital of the Ishi id ; on • for Roma 1 (y'ai holies, which is in connec- tion wit'i tiii'ir ('olleg • ; one fir ('Imrch of En,Lilantestants, in c nuieclion with liii'ir c ill'if'ate es.ahlishinent ; one for W'-sl 'vans ; anrl on i for Pro- tCHt.ant.'J of all other denntninalions. The last nani'd ought not, jierhaps, to be deiioiiiJia!i:)nal, inasmuch as it is open to all iie.iominations, though hut few, if any, of the deiiotninations wiio posse.mae id<'m c I i istitntions of their own have r'<'oiii'se to it. Tho towns of lLuii(jr (J • fe and C'lrboncir, havo each a gram i ir se'io 1 l» ~ide< \.\'\ comni'Tcial und elementary board echotiis. There are no railways on the Island and t:i Miu'an ; of connniin catio.i a. • not tlie best. 'I'wo stejuners m k ' f rt- nightly trp^ to the ininciial pl.ic s north and south of St. Joim's; and anotlier rnni I'a'ly betweei ports on Conc'ption Riy. Most of t!ie other E laced have to be reached by open sail oat. The inhabitants of Newfoundland are principally the descendants of the setllerd from England and Irehunl. The Aboriginal inhabitant.s known an Red India is have been extinct for many years past. There arc some Mic Macs ill the Island, bat not many. The following table sliows the dis- tricts into which the Island is divided with the popidaiiou of each in 181)9 : Distrirtu, Pop. Saint John '.-<, Kast 17,204 hiiiiit .loliii's, West . ll,f>46 c.ij .Sontiaaii l>ivlHion ti.rit'i oil \ ''"rl'Iei^ruve T.-OStJ c 5 < H:irl)or (.race ]'_',740 ^.2 M a lumear Ti.d.'JS ** HaydeVcrdH ".'loT Trinity Hay IM.HIT r.imavista l$av 11,">'0 'J'williii/jiteuiul Fogo lo 007 FerryhuMl G.'.tiil l'!:ic'Mitia and St. Mary's H.7M W.vwx <".,731 J'OrOMic !5av . f),'.i33 liurgfo uiai La I'uile ■ •• 6,119 Total ofKlectornl Districts 13K,070 Freiicii .-^li ire fj.;W7 Labra.lor 2 47a -_ Total H'J.MO There are two Roman (Jatliolic Di icr es in Xewfonndla hI -St. Join's and ll.irlior (iirace; and one of tho Ciiurcii of E' gland, with a comljutor l!|). The i'eli,184 ( ii ;n:li (.1 li.aiie (;i,()40 \V,.-!,.vans '-iH.'.iiX) Cii'ircli (jf Scotland 401 F CI. Iviik 673 (' r.iirrefjatioimlists 378 IJ.ipllrilS 10 Total no/nO Places of worship:- Church (,f Eng- land Hi; ('hurch of \\)i\\' .".:); Wea- leym .MethoJi-it 42; all other deiiom- ina'!oin <>. \'wr)nndland is su''po-;ed to have b"en discovered by .S rfli.iien about the year KiO. It wai re- ii covered by Sir John Cahol and h s son Sebas- tiaaoii til! 21tli June, 1 ,:)7. A settlo- m-ut was siiba-quently f trmed by some l'orlu,i,nn'-;e a Iveiiturer-*, who were in turn e\i>elled by S r Fr.anci* Drake, in the reign of Qi:een El zaheth. After this jiei-iod numerons I ngl li colonies w Te cstMbl sh'd lim't t > time along the eastern, and several #»„ i 1 ) NEW 218 NEW French along the southern, in the Bay of IMiiceniia. For u lont^ series of years tlie col iny existed merely as a tisliing scttlcnieiit, auil was nmiTi disturbed by the Frciitli, until, in 1713, it was de- clared \iy the Treaty of Utrecht to beloug wholly to Great Britain, the French rc-scrving a right to lish ou certain iiarts of the coa4; the rocky isletsofHt. I'ierre and Miquelon being ftlso assigned lo them o j condition that they slnndd not be used fur niili- tary purposes. Tiie first Governor of the I.-land was ajipointcd in 17li^, and the first Legi.^la ive Asseniblv met on the lir.U of January, 1133. The most noteworlliy town on the I -land is St. John's, tiie capital. It has tele- graphic c iiumunleatiou witli ('ami la, the United JSla'es a ul Eiiroin', and llie must imporijut places on the l^and. is l!ie only porti. n of British North Americn, not yet incor- porated in the Dviminion of Canada. NEWFRACE, a small village in Kings CO., P.E.I. Pop. 50. NEW GAIULOCH, a post village and settlement in Pictou co., X.S., 18 miles from Glenirarrv. Pop. 200. NEW GEOi:GlA,'is a name applied to the const line of North Auieriea, on the Pac'lie, comprising VancDuvt-r Island and the adjacent mainlai.d, with the Oregiin territory, as far south as the Riv< r ("> lumliia. NEW GER.MANY, a village in Waterloo co., Out., 3^ miles from Bres- lau. Pop. I'lO. NEW GEiniANY, a village in Wellaud co., Out., 3 miles from Black Creek. Po^i. 1'>. NEW GER.MANY, or CENTRE- VILLE, a post villajrc i i Lunenburg CO., N.S , (Ul the La Have river, IH miles from Mahone Bay. It contams 8 stores, and I hotel. Pop. uOO. NFW GLASl;0\^^ a post village ;.) 'Mioer.?, CO., P.E.I., on the Clyd> d' -L. '< ..'il*a from C arlnttetown. it <•'./«••• i AW iron foundry, tan u'ry, grist ,iju\ ■ n\v iu'll, a Irpyard, an hotel and ju, on the East river, near its entrance i ito Pictou liahnr. and on the I. R., 104 miles N.E. of Halifax. It contains 2 foundries, ,)0. NKW LONDON,orFREN(^n RIVER, a seaport on the nort ern of Prince Edward l.-;hiiid, Queens (•>)., at the west side of tie entrance to (Jrecn- villo IJay ; in lat. G t-' .'53' N., Ion. G.J ' 32' W. It'contains 2 grist mill;;, and 2 stores. Poy). l.")0. NEW LOWELL, a post village in Simcoe co.,Out., on CL>at .'s Creek, and on the N. R., 78 miles from Toronto. It contains several stores and mills, and 2 telegrajih oliices. Pop. 200. NE W .M A -V S ( : O \; E, a lishi n , f foundry, a brewery, w oUen, saw and grist mills, and 2 ju'lnting o'lico-; issuing weeklv newspapers. Pop. 1,7(!0. NKW MAIiYLAND, a post .settle- ment and parish in York co., N.B., 5 mile- from Fredericton. Pop. 4S8. NKW MILLS, a post settlement i;\ Rcstigonche co., N.iJ., on the I. R., 14 miles from Dalbonsie. Pop. 200. NEW MINAS, a post village in Kings CO.. N.S., at the head of Minas Basin, 3 miles from Kcntville. It has saw and grist ip-'ls, and 2 stores. Pop- 150. NEW PAISLEY, a viUage in Terre- bonne CO., Que., 3 miles from New Glasgow. Pop. 150. NKW PERLICAN, a post town oa the .south .'ide of Trinity B.iy, Nlid., 3 miles from Hearts Content. Iidi.ibi- lanls are e igaged in .shipbu.l ling and farming, as well as in the oJ lisheri'S. Hundreds of names have b 'en cut on a table rock here, s unj dating back two centuries. Pop. 42(). NKW PK;;TII. a post vilii-o \\ inn's CO., P.K.I., 8 miles from George- own. Pop. 150. NEW POINT, a post o(iieo in Gaspi^ CO., Que., 35 miles !rom I'eie •. NEWPORT, a pon viil.ige in Brant CO., Out., on Gra id rive;', ;i miles from Biantford. It contains 3 stores and ■! hot: Is. Pop. 100. NEWPORT, a post village in Gaspo CO., Que., on 15aic des Ciialcurs, 37 miles from !'■ rce. It has good unelior- ag) for small vessi Is, and contains several lidiing establi-hments, and a teIe'.xrai)ho'nce. Poj). 2 lO NEWPORT, or BROOivLVN, a thriv- ing post village in Hants co., N.S., 6 m les from Newjiort Station. It has a church,2gr;st mills, a saw mill, 2 tanne- ries, a boot and shoe factory, and several stores. Pop. 400. NEWPORT CORNER, a post village in Hants co.. N.S., 2 miles from KUers- honse. It contains 2 stores and a saw mill. Pop. loo. NKWPORT LANDIN(;, or AVO.X- DALE, a seaport tow i of Nova Se;)tia, CO. of Hants, on an arm of Mi las Basin, 3 miles from Windsor. S'lip- buihling is largely engaged in at this 1 lae". Po)). 500. NKWPORT STATION, a seaport town of .Nova Scotia, co. of Hant j, on the Avon river, ojjposit > I'alinonth, ami on the W ifc A. R, ."■:» ihilea N.N.W. of Ilalifa.x-. Larg- quautities of gvpsum are an uially sliipped from this fx.rt. Pop. 100. .\KW PROSPECT, a .settlement in CumberlaiKl co., N.S., 3 miles from Parrsborough, 25 miles from Athol. Pop. 100. NKW RICHMOND, a seaport in Bonaventure co., Que., on Ba e des Clialeurs, between Great ami Little Cascapedia rivers, 53 miles from Camp- i: I « I i' in' NEW 220 NEW illilr i:'l •' ii . ! If", '(I '•' i t I bcllton, X.R. It has good anolionvRc for lar;^i' vessels, a larf^t; trade in lumber aid iisli, and contains a tcloffrai.ii oilico, 10stnn;<, and ill! liotcl. Pop. -3 ). NEW laVKIl, a pnst KctUcnK-nt in Chailutto CO., N.B., 30 miles S.W. of Bt. JiV;n. I'oj). loo. NliW IIO.SS, a jtoJt villafre in D'ln- das CO.,, 9 miles fioiu ^Matilda (Iroqioi-s). I'op. IJ >. M:\V IIOS.S, or HIIERBROOKE, a ])0.^t st'tlleniont in Luni'nb:;:;.j co., N.S., 21j mil ..s IV mi K'ntville. rop. 15o. ^NMW 1{().>.S UOAI), a i)().st villajjc in Kin.LfS CO., N.S., on-S.ilnion Tall rivcc. 20 m.l;^s fV m K iitvill '. It oo itainr< 1 ♦Lotel, 1 griot mill, and 2 sxw mills. IV)]). I.")0. NKWRV, a post vill go in Perth co , Out., on tlio W. a: it 15. Pt., (S mth cx- tons On,) 1.') miU'-j lVi)m Palm-rston. It Las a til('0. NEWTON, Durham co., Ont. See Clarke. ^ Ni:WTOX DROOK, a po.^t village m York CO., Ont., o miles from Tlioniiiill, It contains several stores and saw and grist mill.s. Pon. 200. NEWTON MILLS, a post .settlement in ('olchester co., N.S., (5 miles from Upper Sti'wiarke. Pop. 100. NEWTON ROBINSON a post village in Simcoe co., Ont., 9 miles from Bra 1- fon'. It has 2 stores and a woollen mill. Pojv 1.")). NEWTONVILLE, a station on tlic G. T. R., in Diirliain co., Ont., 54 mile-! e;ist of Toronto. It has a telegraph onii-e. NEWTOWN, a office in Guys- borough c').. N.S.,1 1 miles from Melrose. NEU'TOWN, a po.?t settlement in Kin'.rs CO., N.B., 12 miles from'c. It contains several stores and mills. Po:>. HI '. NEWTOWN, a post village in Queens CO., P.E I., 20 miles from Charlottetown. Pod. ir.^ NLWTOWN, a settlement in Kent CO., N.B., 22 miles from Richibucto. Pop. 100. ^EW TUSKET, a post settlement in D:g.,y c )., N.S., on Tusket river, and 1 ih; Aiinapidi.-i and Yarmouth rail- Avay, (inc lur.seof con.struc;i()n,) iMiiilea f.'.Hu Weymunlli. It, c mtiim 2 church- es, 2 stors and a l.irge iiiinih.T of saw mills. Th'To are i-o;iie (in" Likes in I'm vici.iily ubou.iding with trout. Pop. .'> 10. N.:W WESTMINSTER, the former of Bri Coliiiiibi.i, i.i be.iuti- (MIy situated on th ' lujrlh i).u:k of \Ur> Fr.iser river, 8j mile.s i'n^m Victoria. Lat. 4,)^ 12 47 N., Ion. 122 o.l W. The town boa-Jts of a very li inil.-um • Ej)i3- C) lal c lUrch (i>f stone) and the only peal of b 'lis on the coast, i)r se;.!!;!! SDiiKj years ago by Mi.-s Burdetl (Jiuttg, now B ironess in hi-r own rig'it. Tliero are also very neat chui'chc.s in o > inoc- tio:i with the Roman Catholic, Pr.'shy- t':'ian and Meihoiis', d.'iiom iiations. Tlie town contains a telegraph oilice, 2 newspaper odices, 1 d stillory, 1 grist ini:l, B saw mill-, a p;;l)l:c liospi- tai, a mint and as.-;ay office, court house, gail, penitentiary, legislative biililinir, government house, savingj bank, a number of stores, ice. At jire- sent the principal i idusliy is salmon fishing, of which immen-e numbers run up t:ie River Fraser. St-irgeon al-oof fibulous si/.o bJ^ides other kiiifls of ii-;h are caught in great abundance. Magnili''ent trout are t.iken in various small strea s in the neighborhood. New Westminster was a jirosperous an I bnsy ])lace when it was the capital, bat since th^remov.ilof ti.e g ivernuient to Victoria it has materially decreased in bn^ine-saiid [lonnla'.ion. Bit nothing can deprivo it of its magnificent site and of its unequalled cl'mato and sc -ncry. The steamers from Vancouver I^lamrmakc it their forwarding station fir all ]):issengers and iFeigiit from abroad ; and the river steamers make it their headquarter:-;, whence the^ con- vey piissongers and f.'cight to Yale, 100 miles distant, the head of naviga- tion f>n the Fraser river, and supply the demands of the whole of the intu-ior. Steamers run twice a week between New Westminster and Victoria. Bur- rard Inlet, one of thfc finest harbors on the Pacific coast, and spoken of as the probable terminus of the Canada Pacific railway, is only a few miles from New Westminster. ,1 ) nt in mil- MO 221 NOE NEW ZEALAN'D, apost sctllomciit in Ywrk o , N i;., on tl;'- N\\v iJiiiii.-^- wick ra.lwiiy, j > iiiilrd N'.W'.of Krcd- crict >n. It contains a i Iiulol a;ul (^rist iiud s;i\v null. I'op. 'JJO. NIAGARA, fjnncily NKWAFIK, an incoqt'iratcd town ot Ontario, co. (/f Niiigara, situated on Lake Ontario, at tlie inoiitli of Niii^iri nvvv, and on tin- C.H. IJ. (ICrie aiui Niagara division;, :;» miles S of Toronto. It coutuin.-i 4 charcln'.-i, S'.'voral slori's and iiotcls, a ti'Io^'iapii odi'c, and aiirintin'.^oliico]s- snin'( a \v, okly ncw-spaper. This i.-i one of tho oldest towns i i tlic ])rovinco.and was i!ie scene (d many stirrin;,' t-vonts in tiieiic'irmniii;,' id tin; presc it century. In l.-^K), it was biir:ied down by (icii. McCliire, of the Ani.'rican army, in iii^ retreat from tiie north. It is a favoriio rc.^ort duriiijj the summer inonllis f ^r pleasure and healtii seek'TS. Total value of imports t'or 1872 !;?j';,03:>; c.K- portsSlOB. I'oj). l,f;00. NIC HULL'S (J()i;.\::R, a post ofTico in Annapolis co., N.S., G miles Ironi Bridf^etown. NIUKSVILLE, a station on llic a. W. R. (Canada A'r line), in Norfolk CO., Out., 5 miles friiin Siiacoe. NICOLET, a c ntial county of Que- bec, comprises an area of .']7;),.'520 acres. The Heeancour river intersects th:s county, and the St. L'lwrence \va-;hes its N. shore. Capital, IJecancour Pop. 2.3,'Ji;'j. NICOLET, a floiiri.?h!n(; post vdlag^ and mark' t town in Niculet co.. Que , 8 miles from St. (Jrefroire, 81 mil s N.N.E. of Montreal. It contains 15 stores, 2 saw and 2 Houring mills, a boot and shoe factory, and a telej;ra[)li ofliee. It has a line college, with a libriirv containing over 10,'. UO volumes. Pull. l,J(iO. NICOLET FALLS, a villa-ro in Riehmon ! co., Que., '-' miles friiin Dan- ville. It contains a broom haiulle fac- tury, a t^rist mill, a saw mill, and a «toi'. Pop. 200. NICOLS .ON, a post villarre m Sim- coe CO., Ont., on Xottawasag.i river, 1-4 miles from Oilford. It cwniains wooUei and grist mills, a store, and a telegraph ofli: e. Poi). loo. NICTAUX FALLS, a post village and settlement in Annapolis co., N.S., on the Nictaux river, 5 miles from Wil- mot. It contains 5 stores. Pop. 300. XIEL'S IIARROrR, a post oHice in Vicloi'iaco , N.S., 14 ni.le; from liigon- isli, ().") miles from Baddeek. NILE, a J) ist viiiage in Huron co., Out.,!) miles from (Jr dorich. IiCMiitains 2 stores and a suw mill. Pup. 10 >. XILLS (JOUNER.-^, a .Miiall village in Princ! E hvard c > , Out., 20 milcJ from Dellevill". Pop. -10. NILESTOWN, a post vilbige in .Mid- dlcse.x CO., Out., on the RiviT I'iiumes, 7 miles from Loiidon. Itcon'a.iis sevei'al store's, all.i.x miil, a woollen ni.ll,anj a lioiiriiig mill. INip 2."< '. Nl.MROD, a small li liing seftlormMit in the distiiet ot Twiliinu:i.e and !'"■';_'<'( Xlld., 21 III !.'S from Tilt Cove. Pop. 1 1. NINE .MILE URFKK, a p-.n village in Queens co , PEL !) uiiles from Charlotfetown Pop. ;{00. NINE MILE rive;;, a po^^t village m Hants co., N.S., H mis fioin Elais- d.ile. (f /id has been fouau on this river. Pop. loo NIPI.SSINO, a district m the N p.irt of Ontario, c ) uprises an aiv.i ot 2,:JS2,- 080 acres. Pop. DliJ. NIPLSSlNdAX, a post onic^ in tho district ofN^iissing, (3nt.,i;i miles from Maltawa NlPl'ERS IIARP.Ol, a fishing. settle- mi'iit m IIk> district v[ Twillingato ar.d Fogo, Nil!., on the north side ot (ire n Ijav, 10 miles from Tilt Cove. P.. p. 120. ' XISSOUPJ, a post village in O.xforl CO , Out., on a braneii of the River Thames, 8 miles from Tiinmesford It contains 1 cliurch, 1 store, 1 g.i -l mill, and 2 chee.-^e fic'ories. pop -lix) XITHI51:RG, apo.n vill i','e in Perth CO., Out., on the River .Nth, Hi milea from .S!iak.-[K'are It c'ui'ains 2 stonvs, an hotel, a grist mill, and a saw mill. Pop. 1)0. Ni Til VALE, a .snub village m Waterloo co._ Ont., 7 mdes from Paris. Pop. ;■■)(). XOliLETON, or LAMMERMOOR, a post village in York co., Out., V m 1(>3 from King It c intains an boitd and 3 stores Pop. 2 10 NODDY I3\Y, a fishing station on the Frinch slior >, Xtld., 5 miles from Qiiinion. Pop. 3L NOEL, ft ])ost village in Hants co., N.S., on Cf'bequid Bay, :'.2 mil.'s from Shubenacadie. It con'ains 2 stores, several mills, and a manufactory of in ~i nfiifi ,,'«■> t .> itj/ ■>.j \0R X()R * Vm I,'.,f,; It h'l! ffi I'i" I''-!! :, 1 i •iiy, H inilcs fl-nlll MlUlIll (i. Pop. KjO. NOCGi.V (;(JVK, a sui.ill fisliinjr r,Pttleni.'nt in the district ot"r\villiiij;-iit and 1 I'op. l.t NOIvi'OLK, a county hordcr 11,:^ upon Lukc! Jiu area ot 4 )■;,' S(i acres, Tliis county is water.'d i)y svvcral small stream.-! (lowiii;^ iiifo li Uvc Kdc, and i.-i truvcr.-fcd by the Canada Soiitlierii and Canada Air Line lailway.s. Capital, JSimcoe. roi>. :; >,7i;o NUUIIA.M, or CRVTREVILLE, a post villa;^!' ()nt., on J^aK x. . ..>.., borne It contains 2 stores and a grist mill Pop. 200 NORIiA.M), ajiost villajro in Victoria CO, Out,, on Gnll river, 18 miles from Fenelon Falls It contains a saw and grirft iiiill, a :d 2 stores. Pop. 100. .NOli.M.V.N'DALH, a jmst village in Norfolk c )., Out., on Lake Erie, 1 1 miles from ^!iinciie. It contains 1 store and a saw null. Pop. loo. NOR.MA.VI)IN,atownsliipinC]iicon. tm CO Q'le., bounded IS. by the Itiver Ashua})monclioiia'i, named after the surveyor who surveyed tins line river from its m nith to its source, aid thence by a series of lakes connected tins operation with tlio first waters falling into the St .Manric;\ NV>"MAXDY, Grey co., Ont. See Orchard. XOll.MAXTON', or PORT ELGIX, a pi St viUage of Ontario, co. of Ikaice, situated oa the E shore of Lake Huron, and on the W. G 22,- 380. Pop. T")0. NORTH ADJALA, a post office in Cardwell co., Out.,31 miles from Gil- ford. NORTH AM, a station on the Prince Edward Island railway, in Prince co. NORTHA.MPTO.V, a post settlement and parish in Carlelou co., N.B,,8 miles from Woodstock. Pop. 935 NORTH AUGUSTA, a thriving post village in Grenvdle co.. Out., on a branc.'i of the Rideau river, 4.] miles from Jiellainy's. It contains 4 store-!, 1 hotel, a laiiuery, and carding, saw and grist m;ils. Pop. 4 10. NORTH RRAXCH OROMOCTO, Sunhiiry co., N.I5. See Traeev Station. XORVH i'.inSTOL, a po.U village in Ponli ic CO., Que., 5 miluij from Bristol. Pop. 40. XOIifll IJROOKFIELD, a jio.flt settle- meat in Q leeiis cu., .N.S., on llie I'orl M'dway river, 25 miles from Bridge- water. " Pop. i:!0 NORTH IWil'CE, a post village in Bruce co., Out., 10 miles h'om Sangeen. X .RTH DOURO, or LAKEFIELD,a flourishing post village in Peicrlioroiigh CO., Out., on the Olonabee river, with a station on the M R., 40 miles from Port Hope. It has extensive water power privileges, and contains several stores and hotels, saw, grist and woollen mills, and a telegraph olliee. Pop. r>00 NORTII EARLTOWN, a village in Picfou CO., N.S., 2') miles from Pictou. NORTH EAST BRANCH .MARGA- REE, apost seltli-ment in Liverne.ssco N.S., 45 miles from Port Hood. Pop. 13,-). NORTH E.\Sr HARBOUR, a post village in co., N S., on the sea coast. 21 miles from Shelburne. It contai is 2 stores. Pop. 2.")0. NORTH EAST MABOU, a post of lice in Inverness co., N.S., 2 miles from Mahou. NORTHERiV HAY, a large fishing settlement in the district of Bay de Verds, Nhd., on the north shore of Con- ception Bay, 20 miles from Carbonear. Pop. 390 NORTHERN HARBOR, a fishing settlement in the district of Twillingate and Fogo, Ntld., at the mouth ot Ex- jdoits Bay. 20 miles 'from Twillingate. Pop. 40. NORTH ESK ROOM, a post settle- ment in Xorthumberland co., N.B., 7 miles from Xewcastle. Pop. 500. NORTHFIELD,apost se.tieiiientand parish in Sunbnry co., N.B., 34 miles from Fredericton. Here are extensive beds of coal. Pop, 200. NORTHFIELD, a post settlement in Annapolis co., N S., 30 miles from An- I napolis Pop. 80. no: 22:1 NOR KORTFIFrELI), a post settlement in LiMnMibiirf^ CO., N.S,, 12 miles from UrKlp'WiiUT 1N>[), 2')\). NOllTllFIEM), a jiost villarro in Storruoiit CO., Oat., 7 miles fmm Coni- \v;il! It coiiUiiiiH II slore, u siiw ni.ll, aiiil an lioti'i I'lip. 40. NOiiTIIFlELI), avillijpciiiRrrtntco., Out. 10] iii:l<,s from I'riiiccion. It contains a store and a saw mill. Poj). I.V1 NORTIIFIF-LD, a villajrc in ITiintg CO., N S. 2^ miicd from tSluibenacadio. Pop 70. NORTH FORKS, a.^iottlementiiiSiin- hnry CO., X.i5., ;} miles from Brigif's ('ornors. Pop. 150. NORTH (;E0RGET0WN, a post office in Cliattangnay co., Que., 20 miles from Cau miles from Thur- so. It contains a tchgiaiili ollice, and several sawnidls, and has a large trade in lumber Pop. .'ioo. N(HiTH ON.-^LOW, a post village in Ponliac co., Que., lo miles from Arn- prior. Pop. loo. .NORTH PELIIAM, a post villajre in Welland CO., (Mit., U miles from Port Robin-on. Pop. 150. NORTH PINNACLE, a por,t settle- ment in Missisfjuoi co., Que., C>^ miles from Frdighsljiirg. Pop. I2,>. NORTH PORT, a post village in Prince Edward co., O it., on the iJay of Qniiite, 12 miles from Ik'UevlUe. It Iuh 2 stores. Pop, 200. NORTH RAN(!E CORNER, a post settlement in Digby co., N.S., 10 miles from Digby. Pup. 200. NORTH RIDGE, a post village in Ess'.K CO., O It., i;» miles from Windsor. It has a saw mill, two shingle mills and :? stores • Pop. V 0. NORTH RIVER, a post settlement in Colcliestcr co., N.S., miles from Truro. It contains 2 stores. I'op. .'iOO. N:)RTH river, a post .settlement in Wes'iu'irland co.. N.U., 3 miles from Salisburv Pop. 200. NORTH RIVER, or WARREN GROVE MILE.s, a small vilhige in Queens co., P.E.I.,^ miles from Char- lotteiown Pop. l.'iO. NORTH RIVER BRIDGE, a post office in Colchester co., N.S., 2 miles from Truro. 'tP"l l!'' ' t f V' "f* ^ hi m ■. I- NUR 2L't NORTH riVI'R r.niDflE, a nost oflic! ill ViclDiMi CO., N S., (J iiiilca friiiii NOR niVIlR PLATrORM, IIuKii Station,) a y' ,-t ill Wi'-iliiuii liiml CO., N.U., I., ', I III. lea from St. Joiiii. St. Ann'.- NOl.TIl (Pol.i.lJi r BCtllriiK III on I III-' I. Po]! 1(10. NdUTlI S\IiE^[, 11 iiost sollliniciit in Il'iiil.-i fi> , N S., ;■> imUs IVoiii Miulifii- acmlic I' |i '.()., N 'UTli .AUCTION' OF 1:ARLT()\V.\, a ])o I oi'o' I I (JulclifsUT CO, N.8., '-'»; miles li(i; ' Tniro. Ndinii ^^ NIK'A, a iiost villain' in IIuM iiiiu, I ' , (.hit, 11 miles iVom Ilaiiiilloii It coiiluiiis 2 t^tori'S. Poj). 201). NORTH I ! ■; )RK, a jiost ofllcc in ('inn- . ,S , l> mill's from Wallace liORI'], a jiosl settle iiKiit I., N S., lomilt'8 from Kiig- bcrlaii'l I II., NMitTlI ^ in Viclorii.' llsiitowii. 1 NOR I'll ; DENNIS a ncs.s CO , N i Ifii) U')E OF HASIN, RIVER [o.^t t^cUlciiic it iii Iiivci- !., 8 miles IVom River iJeii- nis Pi |) I ill) NORTH Si'ANr.RIDCE a imst vil- lage 111 .MHS..«^(jiioi CO ,Qiie.. G miles from btanhridL'c Pop 2M NORTH STOKE, u post village in Ricliiiiotid CO, Quo, 10 milet) Irom Shc'ihiookc Pop 8o' NORTH STI;KELKY, apost villanfo m Slieiloid CO Que : 14 iiiiles Iruiu Waleiloo Pop' 100. NORTH SUTTON, a pretty post vil- lege in Rroiiie co , CJiie , 12 iiiiUs from liichford It contains 2 stores i'o[). 200. NORTH SYDNEY a seaport town of Nova Scolia, co of Capo Rretoii, on the nortli west arm of Sydney harbor, IS miles Irom Sydney. It contains a tele- graph oflice, a number of stores, several taniierie.s, a boot and shoe factory, and several sliijiyards It is a i)ort of e r iv. Large quantities of coal are annually Bhijiped Irom here. The number of arrivals for 1872 was 1G7 (tons '22,:574), and the clearances 151 (tons lU,'Jtl)) Total value of imports $9.0G0 , exports $G8,H:n Pop. 1,000, NORTH TROY, a post office in Brome co.,Que.,22 miles from Knowlton. NORTH TRYON, a village in Prince CO., P.E.I.,27 miles from Chariot tetown. It contains a woollen factory and a saw mill. Pop. 150. NORTIirMRERLAND a county of Oir.aii , l^ilig i.pi.ii the N. MJiure of Lake Uiiiario, con.] ri ( < an area of 47."),:. 7G acres. Rice Lal.e ii in the iior;lii'ni I art of thii c(:. i>awrencc. It IS drained by tlie iKaulif.I River iMir- amiclii, foimiii<;at iis iiioutli tlie exten- sive liaibor ( f tiie siiD.e iiair.c. The river is !) miles wide at \\< mouth, and navi;faldo fia- ve.^els cf the largest cla.";s 3 ) miles. Norliiiiiiib'i land is one of the best waten »1 an 1 most heavily timbered in N w R^l,n^wick, ami lis coii'mcrci", alreaily extensive, is aiiiiiiallv lucrea.iu.::. Aiea .'3,04G,(;40 acres. Cap lal, Ni wca lie Pop.L'O.lIC. NOR 111 WAi:i:, H;RI), a jiost vil- lage I 1 Ottawa CO, (Jr.e , on the River (iatiiieuu, 27 mil.'S f.oiii Ottawa. It contain^ 3 stons, 2 1.; iils, and a tcle- glMl li o!::ce Pop 1. NORTH Wi;. T AR.M, a post settlc- meut in (Jape RrL'ton c., N S., 10 miles from Sy 'uev Pov 1' NORril WESl' R.VV, a settlement ill Queens co , N.S , 12 miles from Liv- erpool Po|i fi I NORTH Wi:ST COVE, a post s-cttlc- nieiit in L;;iieiibiirg co., N.S., 3S.1 miles from Hal fax l'(>|. IM). NORTH WEST RANf^.E, a settle- nient in Liiii' nburg co., .N.S, 4 miles from .Mal'one W.y Pop. I.")0. NORTH WEST TKRRITORIES.— This large jio-session (,f tie Dominion (f Canada inclnde- all that {lortion of liriti h .North Am rica outside the Pro- vinces of O tirio. QUi, \)c, Nova Scotia, New r.ruiiswick, ,^l.lllitol'a, Riilish Co- lumbia, and Pnuce Edward Island, and the i.-,iand ct .N w t' uudland. It IS bounded en t' e N. by the Arctic Ocean, on the E h\ t!ie Atl mtic, on the Vv by thePiH'i.c, ir.:dou llie S. by parts (;f the I)(. million if Canada and the United Slates Area estimated at 2,750.000 square nihs. This immense di tr'et was, until 1870, known as tl.e I'u s . '. R.ay Territory, so named after llviry Hudson, who discov* red the Buy in IGIO, and intolluu pcrmiue NOR NOR pprisliC'l nil itM slmros. It was jjovorn- vi\ by ill.' II .il u'fi liay Cdiiij iiiiy, by wii nil il wiH flivnliMl into (our !;ir;,'(! (lci)iiiliiu'iit 4 (.r rr^ioii^, snliiJiN ult'd into :!:; ilistricfH, incIiHlin^ 1"..") |Hist.<, Tlr.; piiviTiiiiifiit was iiiliiiiiiislcrcil liy ii Cliicf (Jovmior anil ('i)iiiicil ; ami till' vjir'oiH ili'pnrtmi'titM hv' riiirf F.u'lnr; ami Cliicf Trailers. Tlir Nnrlli- ('111 ilt'iailini III, wliirli inclinlcil all (lie osfaltlisliiiiriits ill the (ar iioitli iiikI t'ru/i'ii rcfjiuii, coiiiijriscd the viilli-y (if the Macki'iizii' river, uiid tin; coiiiiliy lictwiM'ii iliat sterile reirioii iind tlio Kocky Mountains, nortlnit Lake Ailiii- liaseii. TIk' Sontlierii dejiartiiieiit oxteiided oil hotli sides (i( James's I'ay, aiidalmii,' the suiitli shores of lliidsoi.'s Hay, as far n'rtli as ('ape (Muirehill, and iiilJiiid to the rid:,'!' wliieli forms tlio northern hoiindary of (>iiel)ee and On- tario, and to llie liUkes Winnipejr, Ueer niid WoUastoii. The Montreal (K'liartineiit inclnded the country in the nei','hl) rhood of Montreal, up tho Oltawa river, niul aloiij^ tlu^ north sliore of the St. Lawrence to Esijui- inaa.x I5;iy ; and the ('oliiinhia depart- ine;i1, c inipri'lieided all extent of eoiintry to tlial iininense the west (if tho Rneky Mmiiitains, now the |irovi;u'e of ISritish Coluinhia. Tho country on the H. side of IIii(!so.:'s I'ciy, firniinj; tho i)eni isiila of Labrador, was eali'd Ea-t Main ; that on the soiith-w 'St, Xew South Wales. In ISTO t!ie Xorlli West Territories came into tho possession of tiie Doini- nion of ('anada. Out of the Soutlern department the province of Manitoba was created. The territ'iries now ont?ide Manitoba and Hr'lish (Jolnnibia an; jiovenied liy the Lieutenant (Jovernor of Manitoba, who is styhd " Lieute lant Governor of Manitoba and Xorlh A\'est Territories,"' and by a Couneil of 1 1 members. Fort Garry is the seat of (toverninent. Tlic North West Territories are water- ed by numerous lakes a id rivers. Tho principal rivers are the Churchill, Nel- son, kSevern, Albany, Abbitibbj, East Main, and (!reat Whale rivers, flowing into Hudson's Day; the Mackenzie, Oop- pormine, a id (!reat Fish rivers, flowing into the Arctic Ocean; the Saskatche- wan, As^inniboine and Red river-!, fall- ing into Lake Wimiiiicg; and theCJan'a- puscaw (or Koksoak) and Natwakame j rivers, fallinfj into Flndson's Straits. The .Mai'kenzie i.s one of ih • (xreaiegt I livers in the world. It i-i '.'.."lO i miles ; lou'r,aiidllows thioiigh a fertile iind lino- I Iv wiaxl d eoiiniry >kir'i d liy nietalli- tei'oii.s hills, and with (nal iieastirefl eroppiiii' out near the snifiee ihcouglj- I'lit three foiirtlH of the area draiui'd hjr it. According to the iie^t coinpiit.ition, it drains an area of ■! l,!,fioi) sipi.iie iiiilea. Till' I 'oppiiiiiine river is very rih ia copper ore and g.ilena. Tin' S.iskat- chi.'wan, l,.'{'H) miles long, and it< tiibii« raravs, drain an area of :iii:!,'i()i) siinaro inile.s Till) prinei|:al lakes an* tho (ireat I? ar, Slave, .\th.ib;isca, Wiiriipeg, Manitoba, La!;e of tho Wood', \\';nni'iei;oos, Clear W.iler, Nelson, Deer, Wollasfoti. North L'lied, .Misfassmi and Abbitibbi. (ii"at Hear Lake is J.'iO mil's Imig and about as wide. (Jreat Slave Lake is ."ino mile.n long and Ti') wide. Lake AthaliascaU ■Jui) miles long and 2'i to 40 wide. Lako Winnipeir is JSO miles long an 1 ." to HT m I 'S wide; Lik ' of the Wiod-i 73 inile-i 1 tw: bv (>) miles wide, a'ld Lako Mistassini aliont the size of Lako On- tario. The agricultural cap:ibiliticg of at least (j 10,01)0 .';i| ,are iiiiies of tho North West Territories aro verjr trreat. The filile belt of tho Saskatclii'wan alone contains an ana of (!t,ti)i) sii'iarc iii'les, in one continu- ous strip Huo miles long, and, on an average, 80 miles broad Hut the h(!st and Largest wheat area is beyoid tho Saskat( liewaii, viz : the vnlleVs of tho Athabasca and Peace rivers to the very western ( the Pacilic) sloptM f the Rocky Mountains, along the I'eace River jmss to lilt. (JO' N., near the foot of the Rocky Mountains, an nieaof llireo hundred million acres beyoul the sup- jiosed limit- of tiie feptl.; be!t of \ha North \\'est. ('.\!:lhori''es on tliisj.oint, Archbisho;> Taelu'', Jfarnioii .•ind Mc- Leod.) The Saskatchewan w.h for- merly a M'oo led country, butsueecssivo fires parti. illy chared its I' rest griAvth; it, however, abounds with t'"^ most beauiirul lerb.'ige, aid genera'.lv poa- se-ses a di'ijia' (I rich soil of vg 'table mould. Thi-t extraordinary belt, more than one-third of wh'ch ia at once ava-lablo for the of the agri- culturalist, is capable of sustaining a population of OO.UOO.OOO. This rcgioa. 15 11 ii ■' i r'h * '**-tfi ft r ' W : . if . tl ••: t' '' ^ % 4 1 % m Hi ■^t iii U' *M nt !'i ' If ^ i f i ; i 1 ^ I ■ , I ■ J ! 1 ■ 1 ' KOIl 220 NOR in wi'itor i.^ tint nmrf pcvoro tlian tliat expciiciK'cd ill Oiitariu; iind in tlio wt'stcni district?, which arc removed from llie iiifli;(iice <,f the grciit lake.'', the siiriiifr fommonccs .'ibout a month enrli'T th;in on tlic yliores of Lako {Sii|ii'ii(ir. wliieli i-! live degrees of hit:- liide f>i;tlier to tho south. Tlie depth of snow i.s never cxeesHive ; wliile in the rieliest tnirts llie nater;:! nasmr- nf^e is so ill am da lit thai Isorses and cittlo may lie left to obtiiiii tlieir ft od d'.!r!n;^ the frreatfr jiiirt ( f tlio winter: in fiict \\]> even to lal. f.Cy N., (Duiivepjan on tl'(! Pe CO niver,) the ]iors"s winter out tlie wlidle seaso'i. TravelU'rs wlio liave vi.-it( il this region descr'be it as ir.aixni- ficnt, mid the kite Sir (leorge i^inipson, W'lio had hoen for over tliirty years (lo- vd, and the soil Well adapted for cultivation. The rivers nnd lakes woi't of Lake Stijierior are bo.derrd by rich ])rairies and luxuriant wooils, and tl;e s;d;Midiil stream, (Rainy riv r, 100 miles, long), which empties Lac hi I'luie into L.iko of th ' Woods, is crowned i;» miuiy places with a iilentifiil growth of luciij po]dar, beech, elm and oak. Kir Ceorge Simpson thus ci'mdudes his remarks o i this b(-autif(il stream ; '■ Is it too much for tl'.ooyeof ])hilantliroi>y to di.-ceni thrugh "tlie vista of futurity, this nol/Ie stream, connecting as it does the feriilo shores of two spacious lakes, willi crowded steamboats on its bosom, and j)0!Milons towns on its borders?'' On Ueace river proves of poplars and pine woods in every shaj'e vary the scene, and tlieir in'ervalsare enlivened with vast herds of elks and buflah^es. About 150 miles east of the Rocky Mountains the great coal bed com- mences. So f.irashas been ascertained it is over 3u0 miles in width, and ^xt'^ndj confinnou.-1y over IG degrees "fhiMtude, to tl:e Arc. le ( )(•( an. The ^Ignite (or tertiary criil) fi rmatirn ig St. 11 more extei:.^iv( ly devdoped. .At the jni:c'ion ( f the M: ck( nzie rnd I5e;;r Lalvo riveis, the firm.'ition is be>t(x- ])'W(m1 ; it tl'.ere con-i.-ts of a seiie,; of lieds, the thick'-st of which exceed three yards, sejarattd by lay( rs (f gi'avcd and sard, alternaiing with a fiiie-g-i-aiiH d, friable sand.-to le, a'ul sometmies with thick Iseds siiV- faee on various parts of the Arctic con; t. Tie IIiuLon's T'ay Comiiany were clarfcnd by King Charles IF. in ](jT(>. t-ii:ec'tl.iit peri( d they havo used this country as hunti'ig grouiuls fi' ni which to ( b'ain .su] plies cf furs for all markets in the world. There are pn b.ibly rpwards of 20 difi'erent kinds, the most valuable of which is that of the black fox. The other arti- cles of commerce are oils, dried and salted fish, feathers, quills, and Avalrus ivory. About 1-'^. Olio seals are annually takfion th.e Lr.lirador Peninsula. The Canada Pacil'c railwe.y will run through the great Saskatchewan Ci>r.n!iy, ci'ossiag the Rocky Moun- tains through the Yellow Head Pass, and ojieniug up one of the richest countries on the glebe. This ra'hvay will be the great higliway between 0;i<-nial countries and "Western K It will be C,").'> miles shorter than the Americiiii Pacific nilroad. the di.-'anc" from Xew Westminster to .Mon- tr'.'il being'-'.TwO miles, as against ;!,3(J.3 miles fr>ui San Francisco to .\e\v York c'ty. Oil its construction depends the rapid growth and jirosperit^' of this r'cli inheritance of the Dominion of Canada, now peipled ]»rinci|'ally by Indians but destined before many years to become the happy home oti millions of inhabitatits. Malcolm McLeod, Ksq., Advocate, Aylnier. Que , son of the late Chief Trader John McLeod, senior, flon. Hud- son's Ray C(mipany, and author of " Peace River,'' &e., haskindly furnished the following estimate as to Dumiuion NOR 227 NOR lantU in tlic North West Territories and Kupoii'.i L:i;i(l • WlicMt iuvii 370,000 Mjuarc miles. Gcik'ImI 1) )ii uliu'HS : Fro.u L:ic Si'ul (siiy lull Ul- 5;j N.,) to foot of ]'i()c:!vy Mo'.intiim.^, liit GO' N , thence aloii;4 l);ise of Rjcky Moiin ains hit. GO' N., iheiici! to ihi' sunih iirn.l of'Moo-ie River, tlieficeto the Luke of the Wood-!, lut. 4'J N. tliene-i iilong Riuny rivei. ami thence to L;ic Senl Thi-; area, v^n ■ broken by nionnlMins oi rocks to any ex:ent, with \d small lakes wliiehbnt tertilir/v may l)e .stateij at :!20,ooO sijnare nuies lieyond it, northwaid.s, liowcvei. are also aiea-? ol richest vcijetable mould (hiimus) oij ^varn^ Sdurian and Devonian, bitiiini nous, and wiili marly clays of utmost fertility They are to be found on liic lower reaches of the Rivers Peace, Hay nud Aix Liards, an a^<^regatc say of at least .'.o,() () square miles Total w'.eat area 370,000 square miles or 2:iG,8U0,- 000 acres VegetaVdc and ftras' Ceconomic) areas beyond (a id iioiincliKled in) the above, and with sufiicient timber, kc. : Sq. miles. 1. ITudson's Bay Basin (por- tion S.lunan, so a? kuiwn, aid fairly jiredic- ahle,) casi si Ic (K of nieri • ciian 80' W ) 100 000 sq. miles west side (W. of meridian 8' W ) 300,000 sq. m . , 2. Winnipcfr Basin, east side, from Engli h river to Nel- son nver. ... ., . ... 3. Beaver River (middle and lower parts) 4. Metliy Lake & river Clear Watjr nver, and Atha- basca river from Clear W. river to Athabasca Lake, east side . 5. West of McKenzie river (Devonian witli coal mea- Bures) to wheat Ii lo as * above stated, and from Fort Chipeweyan to Fort Reso- lution on the Great Slave Lake,.... . 10,000 C. East side of McKenzic river to Fort (rood Hope, or say lat, G3^ N. 100,000 400.000 80,000 50,000 ?0,000 30,000 7. West of McKenzie river to American (la;e Russian) b.jumhiry, Ion. Ill W. and American I'ac.lic si, ore strip. ViZ. : all noilli of lat. G" ii 100,000 8. Rocky .Mountain slope beyond wheat line 1). Cutlyiuj^ area.^, ainonj^'st oiliers, tiie extensive but undelined ones belweei: (Ik; Jl'idson's IJ ly Silurian, and the northern nvei's ot tlio 8l Lawrence valley, say from Lake Misiassini to Lake Ni|>igon 10. Add also the by some called,' American Deseit" of our latitudes say Ixtween '10 and oO N wher" niai/,e well grows bufialue.^ fatten, and ludians ever liiiiii, ''a Lapi)y hiiniing ground;'.... 40,000 100,000 Total area : . . . 1,001,000 Acres (;40,iH)n;;ooO The IJailey area of the above may be stated at two thirds The rest of our North West and Rui)eri'3 Lands including the immense ■ Cairen (Jiounds of our Lanrenliaa Labrador Rocks, ot our Western Ru- perts Land, aid the great wilds and islands of our Aict.c. with their whales, may be faiily estimated at anotiier million s:tiiare miles ^ XUirni WI L LI A. MSnURG. formerly BLLL S COR.N'.Ji.i. a post village ia D.;iidas co Unt , 7 miles from .\hjrri3- biiig It contains 7 St' res a tannery, and 2 ^awmdls Fop 3oO NORTH WILTSHIRE, a post village in t^ieens co , PEl on the Prince Edward Island railway, 10 miles from C harlot tetown i'<)\) [H<) NURTil WINCIIK.STER, a post vil- lage in Dundas co.. U it , 28milt^s from Wales D contains 'J stores, and a saw mill NORTON, a post .settlement m Kings CO.. N B ci miles from Hamp- ton. Pop. loo NORTON CREEFC, a post village in Cliateaugnay co , Que., U miles from St. Renii It contains several milla and stores. Po[). [tO. ^ NOiiTON DALE, a settlement ia York CO., N.IJ., IG miles from Wood- stock. Poi). loo. m 1 1 the IJaie des Clialcir-:, J J iii h'S (Vo'u ("arlo- ton. It contains a telograph olheo and G stores. Po]). I'j. NOVA SCOTIA, (originally ACxV- Df.\,) a province of the Dominion of Canada, lyi g between 4.'5' 2j and 47' N. lat., and between 59' 40' and GG' 2"/ W. ioii. It consists of a long, jiarrow peninsula called Nova Scotia proper, and the Island of Cape Breton, which is sejiarated from the mainland by the Strait of Canso. It is bounded N. by Northumberland Strait (which separates it from Pri ice Edward Island) and by the Gulf of St. Lawrence ; N.E., S. and S.R., by the Atlantic Ocean ; W. by the Bay of Fundy ; and N. by New Brunswick, with which it is coa- nected by an isthmus only 11 miles wide, separating the Bay of Fundy from Xortliumberland Strait. Greatest length from S. \V. to N. E., 350 nrles; greatest breadth, about 120 miles ; area 21,731 square miles, equal to 13,382,003 acres. The country is beautifully varie- gated by ranges of lofty hills and broad valleys.i)oth of wdiich run longitudinally through the province. Its Atlantic fron- tier, for 5 to 10 miles inland, is com- posed chiefly of a poor soil, though rich in gold and other minerals. The Cobequid range of mountains, as they are called, run through the interior of the Province. The summits of a few of the conical mounts of tliis range ascend 1,100 feet and are cultivable nearly to their tops. On each side of these mountains are two extensive ranges of rich arable lands, where agricultural operations are carried ou extensively and with 'irofit. From Briar liland, at the extremity of Digby Neck, and Capes Split and Blomedon, a dis- tance ' of 130 miles along the Bay of Fundy, extends a ridge of mural pro- cipices,in many places presenting over- hanging masses of trap rocks from 100 to liOOfeci in height. These frowning crag.s, with their crowded forests of lir, are first secu by the mariner in crossing inijuir: Av.ui qu.: fl:)V,- ol rive; s ble fo vary :i in'Nt r prov ;i t!i' 1 i :lai A B ly. inipL U the / <>> b:'en K NOV 229 NOV the Bay of Fundy ; their height serves to protect the interior from the driving fogs of the bay." Beyond tliis barrier lies tlie rich and beautiful valley of the An lapolis. The south eastern coast of Nova Sfotia is remarkalde for the number of its canacious harbors, tliere being no fewer tha:i 12 jjorts capable of receiving sh;()3 of the line, and 14 of siiilieie it deiitli fur merchantmen, between Hali- fax and Cajm Caiso, a distance ut' not more than 110 miles. There are nl.-o some excellent haibors o:i the S. \V. coast and on the X. side of the province. Th > l^l.lnd of Capo Breton is second oidy to X(n'a Scotia proper in the num- ber and capacity of its harbors. Tiio Big Bnis dOr is o le grand harbor, wiiilt! around the coast aid in the ,S;rait of Can^u th-TC are many line harbors. N iva Hcotia is b-autifiiUy diversified ■\vi'li rivers and lakes, c iveriifjj an ar'ii e^iiuKit'il at :i,MiO sfpiare mil .s. The la",,'est lake in Xova Seotia proper is Lake Rossigriiil, boing twenty miles in leiig'.h; the next lar;:est is Sliip Harbor ]jal;e, !,"> miles long; (Jlraiid Lak ', dis- ciiargingits waters nor; liward through Siiubenacadie river to Cobeqaid Bay ; aid College Lake, in the eastern ])art of the jie linsul I. T!ie lakes of Cape Breton are niucli la: gerund more im- portant. Tiie principal of these, liow- c\'er, are inland S"as, r;\tlier than lakes. Tlie great Bras d'Or Lake is a magnifi- es lit expanse of water, of great depth, alijutoD miles i i length, and abounding witli the best rpiality of fidi. Of the rivers of Xova8ct)tia l."> l\ )w into Xor- tiiuniberland Strait; four into Si. Ceorge's Bay; 17 into !iie Atlantic, and 24 into the'lJ-iy of Imui !y. The most ini;'ortant are the Slndienacadie, the Aval a; d the Annapoli-i, 11 'wiii'^' into tlie l!ay of Fundy ; the t. .Mary's, .Mus- qii) loboit, La Have and Liverpocd, liov.iag into the Atlanfc. All the rivers are, with few exee|)tioiH, naviga- ble for c ai-ting ves-els fa" di-taiiees vary":ig fioin two to twenty miles. The m')~l remarkable U dy of watei in the jc-ovince IS Miiias Basi i, the east iirm of t!i • r>ay of Fundy, pe letraling 00 miles i '.land ami lerininatin'jr in ('obequid Biy. Tiie tides here riisli in with great ip.qK'Mio.-ity, ami f(U'm what is called the Lurr. At the ecjuinoxes they have; b^'on known to rise from 1 ) to , 'i f- t, while in Halifax harbor, on the opposite coast, the spring tides rise only from 6 to 8 feet. The other principal l)aysare St. George's Bay and Chedabucto Bay in the E., connected by the Gulf of Caiiso; St. Mary's Bay and Towaseud Bay in the extreme west of the peni;)- sula ; and .Mahone and St. Margaret'g Ba^'s on the S. coast. 'riie province of N(jva Scotia is rich in geological resources, all the rocks from the crystalline granites up to the new sandstone series l)eing here met with. In the isthmus connecting the peninsida to Xew B> unswick, the undep- lying rocks consist of gray, red, a idl)uff colou'd sandstones of the coal measares- contaiuing inniuuerable .seams of good bituminous coal, many of which are of su.Ticient mag litude to be prolilably work-'d. Lot ly dills abutting njion the s-'a c )ast at the S )uth Joggins i)resent the mast beautiful sectional pro!lles of llie coal-bearing strata, with curious f 'ssils, bi)lh of v'getabh^ and animal origin. Large trunks of tree-:, such as are at pre-entunkuown inalivlng state, are here seen at various points, st.inding at right angles to tlie Siindsto le strata. Alternate beds of excellent bituminous coal arc seen cropping out along the shore, and a cunpaiiy has for years being woi'kingexle sive mines in one of these coal bels. Tiie rocks of this coal formatio i also furnish a i abundance of excellent raateravl for building and for giiudsto les. Large quaatities of beau- tiful and compact gray, bulfcolored and blue san(L-/ti)ne, and an immense num- ber of grind i Kti III' B ■ 1^ !l I '^1 ■ ! i< . i. :,; !&^''W !#• wor!;ei d n ar Wind or and in Cajie NOV 230 NOV (! }', 1 « IH Breton. The slate hills furnish good rooliug slates, und honos of a supcriur ouiiliiy are ub'.aim'd in sonic of the slat'Jd of the coal scries. Bcautifid aga'o.-!, uniutiiyrits,clialced -nierijasiicrrf, ca.riigiirrns, and the luiire gnniji of minerals abound in tlie ainygda- Ioj! il tiap along llie iJay of Fiiudy. Tiie cliinate of Xova Scoiia is remark- ab;}' l'rf 'ction. Apples, pears, jduins, cherries and other garden fruis attai i the utmost pei'fec- tion. In some sections of the country peaches and gra\)e3 riiien in tlic oinni air. The apple orchards of Annajxilis ami King's counties arc veiy iiioiluetiveaud extend along the roadsidos in an un- brokin line for 50 miles. The manufactures of Xova ~"c(,.iaarc jet l)Ut very limited, (/oarse cloths, called ''homespuns' arc madi.' by the jiea- santry, and are gen r.dly wnni by that cla-s. Coarse llannels, bed linen, blan- kets, carpetsan 1 tweeds, arv.' also ma m- faetured. Tanning is carried on to some cxtt'iit ; and in tlu' towns and villag's boots, shoes, saddlery, harness, liouse- hoM furniture and agricultural iniplc- nients are made in large quanlilies. In the neighborhood ot llald'ax, li baec >, printing and wrapping p ii>er, riiachin- cry, nails, pails, fuse, ganp )W Icr, cir- tiages, a id some otlier articles are maaufactiired. Tiie g.'ogra')hical position of Xova Scotia is hi;;hlv favorable to commer- cial pur3uits,a id as tlienaturalresourc 'S become more tally developed there is no doiibthorcommcrcc will very largely in- crease. The imports of the piovincc for 1872 amounted to S12,4.1/>,74T, (jf w'lich S'), 113,204 were fVoin England, and S-V 090,51)1 from the UiiiiiHl fcjlaics. Ti;e exports diiriug tiie same period amount- ed to $7,r);]8,4i)l. IMie largc.'t j ortiou of tlie exports were drawn fr^ mthelish- ing and mining interests, if we ex- cei)t N'ewfoundiaud, \.)va ycoiia may be said to possess the linest iislierii.'s in tiic world. There is no iiart of i',- coast of 1,000 miles where a proiitablc lishery may not be pursued. Its liays and harbors, and inland lakes and rivers, teem willi salmon, cod, halibut, had- dock, mackiTel, herring, sliad, lobsters, &c. 1 he value (jflidi canglit in 1871 amounted to $."i,IOl,o;>o ; numl)er of men cm;doyed in the lisheries, 2i\313. Shi;, building is very exten-iv. ly en- gaged iiiju Xtjva Scotia. In ls7-, 188 vessels were b.iilt, with an aggregate burthen of 52,882 to is. Tliero arc l\ 'ay, and the other connecting St. Peter's Hay, on the Atlantic coast of Caiie I'reton Island, with IJias d'Ur Lake ; length 2,;! lO feet. Tlie Electric Telegraiih'is established all over the jirovinc ■, and extends througii all the other iirovii.ees. A message may be seat from llalilax di- rect to (^,ilif irnia. he Atlan ie (Jable gives Xova Scotia telegra;diic C( iniiiu- niealion with Ivirope. The ])ni)lie all'iirs of the Province are administered by a Lieutenaiil Gov- ernor, an Executive Council of 9 mem- bers, aLegislalivc Council of 21 mem- bers, a[)p linted for life, and a Legis- lative Assembly of 3^ nr'inber.s, elected every fair vears. The laws NOV 231 NOV m arc dispensed by ;i Ruprome Court, cotnpoocd ni" ii Clilef iiiid 1) a^.-istii'ii jus- lic\'.-, ii ("ourt of Kruu", i,t' \'icL-A(iiiii- rally, iiiid of .Miiriiaj^\' and Divorce' In eacli couuly lIutc is a (,'ui:ri if I'rohii'.o, wliicli has c< iitiul of ibo property of dt ceased persons. The i'ni|(,\vii:;i," table shows tlje coun- ties (,f Nova Seota a d ('a,e Ilr.'ton, widi llie ea[iiLald uud popnluliou of each ill IcTl : Coiintiis. Pop. Ann/iiKiIi- 18,rjl AiUv,' ..i.-li.... J '..■.IJ Cape iiii'iwll.. ib'i -ioi Coicli. ^Ii'i- 2o,Col C'inal;ciluli(l .. 1;.J,6H Dij,'ijy 1(,( ;J7 Oav .--boroiifeli.. 1 >,ii)> llaiiiux [t,;1 Inverness 1.1!, 415 Kia-s,... Ll.alO Jauii'Ml)Ui-g. . i;.J i^A ik'Uni o-,ll I i^iiei'iis lO.i.ol l£:cliiao-.i(l l4,-i;^ Slailunie l:',iJ7 Viciiiri:i ll.oliJ i aimouili. .. 18, •aJ Cupilal. Auli:i)a)Ih!. .•-ydi.ty. 'iiur..'. j\ia hirst. iJi.v'liy. (.■u\ -i.orough. llaau.x. \\i,,i.Mr. 1 ml liuod. lu'ni> iilf. J.i;i ciiburg. 1 iet a. Li,( i-p(;i)I. i Aiiciu.t. Mu'liUi no. I'.adilrcU. . Yui-niuuth. Total SST.bOO Ttitai .oca of the abuvo countiea 13,38:^,0-0 acres. Hai'fax is the chief city in Nova Sciitia. Its harbiii' is tiie hn-si m America, and proiecled bv a fortress trnied with powerful batteries of Ihive and six Iniudred poiuuhis Armstrong; rilled f^uns. tSniall towns and villap s are sea ured (A\r the povitice, wliich are aec/.-siblo fVoui tlie in )sl remote districts by railway or steamboat, or good carriage roads. J'Mi:cati^>u is free to the clrldren of all chi.-scs in No\a Seolia. Tueie arc nuniercHis public >li(*ol; and aca^icni es, besides u no'.iiial and !n .del s^eliool, several conve its, aui! G colleges, viz : Da'hou?ie ('ollege and Univuvitv, >St. Mary'.; ('<.llege, (i?..C.,) and th.e I'resby- terian College, ifalifax; Acadia ('ol- Icge, (iiapli.-'!,) Woltvillc ; ,St. iM-aucis OolK'jr ', (ll.('.,) Xnlig'iiii-h ; and King's Collogp and University, Windsor. The latter, b-longing to tlse Cliurcli of Eng- lanrl, was foand'd in IT' 7. There are two Roman Catholic Dio- ceses in the i>rovin('' — the Arcli- dioces' of Halifax, atid the diocese ofAnchat : .'uid one Cimndi of ICug- laud— Nova Scotia and Prince Euwaid Island. The following table, taken from the census returns of Ic. .shows tiie vari(JU3 relij^ious denoniinaiiuaa and the uiimber of their adheiciits : CMuicli <.fi;t gland W\\2\ (liurclj ollioiiie l('_,(A)l (' urcli if .Scotland Ul Tj 9 l're-l)> teriaiis Hl.ii'iO i<;!|Hi,-ts. We.lryiui .Meth(.(U.sts.., (e.i er ,Mn,;.'reg,i i()l:ali^ts Otlier bi'noniiiuiiions. . .Jews Of 11') reli;,'iun No creed ?iated !:,( '.14 0,f;':2 lit) 1 , !jli3 Total Sb7,8oO Nova Scotia was first visited by J( hn CabvJt and lis son iSebasiian in 14U7, b;it was not colonized by Eiiropiana until iGi!4, wl.( n De iMonis, a Fiench- niaii, and his followers, and seme Je- sails, a;ti injited for 8 years to term selthnients in I'ort iJoyal, t*^'. Cro x, i*v:c., but were liiially expelled fi'(jni tho coinlry by the Engiisli governor and who claimed the (l:.s- ccdonists of Virj'inia, right of the country by c(jvery of tiie Cabots. In lUlil, JSir William Alexander aiijdied for and obtained from Jariies I., a grant of II, o wiiole country, which he jiroposed to c(dwnize on an extensive scale, and in bjli:; the attemjit was made; but the jii-ojioSLd colonists linding the various ];o;nts where they wi -hed to esta' liah themselves thronged by foreign adven- turers, did not think it })ri;dent to at- tempt a setthmenl, and therefore re- turned to E :gland. During the reign of Charlesl., the Nova t^cot a baroneta were created, and their patents r;itilied in Parliament; they were to contriinitc their aid to the selilen.eMt,and to have p riions of land allotted to them -.their number was not to exceed l."iO. Jq lt;>"J4,Cromwi Usent an armed foiceand took ])opst's.'io I of thf country, wh cl» runained with the English till l(jii7, when it was ceded to Eraiici' by the T.vaty o*'Hreda. i'.ut the Ki gli.-h'fn m time 10 time attacked the Fr. nch ciilo- nists at various poi its, till ITl.'J when t' e country was (iiuilly ceded to Eng- land. In 17(>:{ the Island of Cape l!re!(.u was annexed to .Nova Scotia. In T/.S't, the jirovince oi' New Drunswici; was created ; and in ISijT, Nova Scotia be- came a member of tho Domiuiou of Canada. I' 'iJi » 'iM ! • * >s 'ris- ri .1' a / if' OAK 232 OHI m f« ;J ; ;i! U he ... ' t NOYAN, a post village in Mi.'^sisquoi CO., Qui' , neiir the liivcr Iliclu'liou, 2 miles t'liiui LiicoUe. It coiiiiiiii;^ an K|)iscopal church, an hotel autl '^ stores. Pop. l.")l. NIITTS CORNERS, a j.ost villiigo in iMi.s.sisciiui co., (.Jiie., neiir Mis.-fisqiioi IJiiy, 'i miles Iroiu Clare. ici'ville. I'op. 50. OAK IJAV, a jiost s^'ttU'iiic it in CliarioUe co., N.!!., (j uiile.-i tium St. Stejilien. \'u,>. 7.')U. OAKFliOiiD, a iK)st village in llali- fa.x CD.. N.S , Willi a statiuuu.i 'he 1 11., 25 nr:l('.-! fVoin lialirii.v ()AKiIA.M,orSA' .V 'V C^IEEKSET- I'M; I . Queens •iver, 14 •ins 1 \. Pop. i»([: TLEMIOXT.apost. CO., N.iJ., on Wa^'. ck.i' . miles from O.-sekcajr. store, I saw mill, and 1 , • . it u,, 108. (»AK HILL, a port ^' :tlem"nt in Charlotte co., N.H., 11 . nie.i 'Vom !^-^'. SStei lion. Pop. :5i)0. OAK lIFIiL, a ])ost village in Vic- toria CO , Out., 7 miles from Cobuconk. Po|i. lUO. OAKLAND, a jiost village in Brant CO., Out., 10 miles from Brantfjid. It contains several store-, a saw and grist mill, and an iron loumlry. Pop. •200. OAKLAND, a settlement in Hants CO., N S., 2 miles from Xew^iort Land- ing. I'op. L>i>. OAKLAND, a settlement, in Lunen- burg CO , N.S , 2 miles from Mahone Ba\. Pop. :)")). OAK PARK, a post village in Shel- bnrne co,, N.S., 3 mJcs from liarrmg- ton. Pop. i;5>. OAK POINT, a post settlement in the distr'et of .Maripielli', Man , on the east shore of Lake M iniloba, 30 miles fr.nn Fort (Jarry. It c^)ntains about 2) houses, a cattle station and a tr'id- ing pnst of 'he Hudson's Bay ('oiniauy. Tlie country Iiere is not ada-'ted in' fanning, boing stony, marshy and sal V OAK POINT, a post sf^ttlcmont in Nnrth;;ii!l);-rl.iiid en, N 1! , on tlie south side of the Miramiehi, 13 miljs fr ni Chatham. Pop. loo. OAK POINT, a pnst village and river nort in Kings co., N i> , on the S'. Joii 1 river, 2.") miles from St. John ChamplaiQ landed here ia IGO-i. Pop. 150. t'l iiiiL-s 1 '.",». 100. '■..g! in OAK POINT, a settlement in Kings CO , N.S., on .Minus l.a;iin, from I'ort Williams Statiou. (>AK RID(JE.>, a ] n.u v, Y'jrk CO., Onl., H,, milrj from King. It contains 2 stores and a fc>a,v mill. Pu». 25. OA!\V'ILLE, a flonridiing post vil- lage aiitl I or. I l'e..ii/ t;f Oi.,ai ,>», Ilal- ton CO., siliMled (ill the slio.e of Lalvc Ontario, at, the oiith't of Sixteen .Mile CJi'eek, wilhastationon the O. \V.R.,22 milesS.S.W. of Toronto. It cnntaiiH 5 ehiirclies,a number of store.-:, ^-everal ho- tels, inills and fac'.orie:, .--Jiip bnil iiig yanis, 2 telegra;ih olli(%'.-, and a pri U- iiig ollicv' issuing a wclily new i;aper. Total value ofiiiijiorts InrlHTJ ^12,853; exiiorls S!iS*'!^l- l'":- '.''^l- OAKVILLE, Souhuiges co.. Que. See viountjov. OAKWOOD, a post village in Vic- toria co., Out., H m.les !;•• ni Laidsay. '' v'ontaiiH a pap r m'll, J holeh, G sloi\'s,and 2 telegraph o'iic /s. Pop. 500. Or>.\N, a poU villa.e :n Lambton CO., O it., 3 mdes trom Mandamia. Poii. 175. OCHRE PIT COVE, a lit^hing settle- miMii in the di.jtrier i f V>. harlior, and is settled bv fishvrmen. Pop. 3S7. ODES.SA, fdnn.uly MILL CIILIOK, a flourishing jiosl village of Ontario, CO. of Le ino.\, situated o'l the jiost r ad from King.ston to Nananee, 12 m les from Ki ig.ston It contains 3 e'lurehes, 2 gri-tmilL, a saw mill, a j^lan- iiig mill, 2 woollc I milli, i foundries, la'.h and shingle mills, sash and door fartory. Sec. ; uls;) a trlegra[)h office, 4 holel-!, and about 12 stnn-s. Pop. 750 OFFA, or CRAWFOliD, a post villa;re in nur;)n co., Out., IG miles fro'u Luenn. Pop. 100. OCILVIE, a p>st V llnge in Kings CO., N.S , on the Hiy of Fiindy, 8 niik'S I'erwifk. P iji. H't. OHIO, a po., Itj miles fruni liiidycwiilcr. Pop. :; • '. OHIO, a sr-ttlfmont in Sliclburnf co., N.S., 3 niilL'S from ►Sboibiirue. Pop. 300. OHIO, a Fottlcniont in Yannouth Co., N.S., 7 iiiilfs Iroin Yiirnioutli. Pop. 400. OHSWEKEX, a post office in Hrant CO., Ont, ,0IL CI!Er.K, Liinibtoa co., Ont. See Oi>iil''-<):i. OIL .SPiH.N'OS, a p(mt villiio-c in Liiiiibon CO., Out., o.i iiliick l^nelv-, 5 nlill•.^ from I'elroli.i. This pbu'e \va.s a tew yt'ars i^go tiio scene of eoMsider- able bu>ine.iS. As niiiuy as 3."> oil wells were o[)e!ie(l, one yielding ;5,00() to 5,01)0 ban- 'Is every '-'-t hours Dar- ing the years l-^i;:} to LStJi) tVcjui 10,000 to 20,000 barrels of petroleum wi re ship[)ed aiiuually. The wells, howevi'r, about the latter year ceased to How, find operations were trau ferred lo Pelrolia, where fresh disc iveries had beeu made. A i'\:\Y wells arc siill opened here. The village contains a tel''grau!i oliice, an hotel and G stores. Pop. :^.r)0, OKA, formerly LAfvR OF TWO .MOL'Nl'Al.X.S. aa Indian village in th.) CO. of Two .\Io:mtaius, (.,!ue., t-it.iated on Lake of Two .Mountains, an expan- sion of the Ottawa riviu-, 'M mdi;s from Montreal. The tril^es r pre- sented hero are the Algouquins, Iro- quois, .\ipi.s.singues a:id Ultawas. Pop. 1, !.-)(> OLD H.VRXS, or BEAVER P.ROOK, a post VI I big.! in ''oleheitcr co., i\.8., Gi miles fi om Tr ir >. Po;). 'M'}. OLD 1!0.N'AVE.\'TU1;E, a filling scttlem.'ut in the district of Triniiv, NHd., 18 m<]r< from Trinitv. J'op. 1 1!). OLD D! :;iIA.M, Drununond co., Que. Se" IViul)V. OLD FORT l.^LES, in the Gulf of St. Lawre ice, near the X.E. extremity of the S iguenay coast. lost village in Hants miles from EnUeld. Gold OLDIl.A.M. a CO.. X.S ■• IS toiind here. Pop. 500. OLD MANS LAV, a small .'■shing Sfttlement in 'he district of IJurgeoami La Poile, Ntid., 20 miles from iUirgeo. Pop. 15. OLD .MONTROSE, a post nfliro in Kent CO.. Oat., '36 miles from Ciuubam. OLD PERLI(^.\X, a post town and port of entry of Newfoumllaiid, district of Trinity, US miles from Heart's Con- tent. Iihabitants are chielly engaged iu tiie iishery. Pop. 8t;8. OLD SHOP, a small fishing settle- mcMit in the di.-'tncldf Triuiiy, .\'fld., 158 miles from Heart's Content.' Pop. 40. O'LE.VRY RO.\D, a .'^lation ou the Prince Edward l.-;land rail\\ay/m Prince CO. OLIXDA, a jiost village iu Essex co., Om., <; Hides from Leamington. Il co i- taiiis 2 stores and a b.ooin f.iclory. Pop. 100. OLl.N'VILLE, a post ofTic^ in (>uccn3 CO., .N'.l)., .'!o miles from (J.igeiois n. OLIVER'S COVE, fi siiiall tishing settlement in the district of Pla'-eiiiia and St. Marys, Xlld., 23 mde-jfium Pla- centia. P(jp. (lo. O.MAGII, a post oflice ii; Halton CO., 0:it., 5 mih'S from .\Iii;.ii. O.ME.Ml Ho a nour;siiiiig jiost vIMage of Ontario, CO. of Vietoi :a, ou tlie .M. !{., '3.'> miles from Port Ilojie. Il co Tains^ churclies, a telegraiib ollice, a lainting ollice issuing a weekly newspaper, an lion f).i:Hlry, a lannery, saw, grist, aid woollei mills, and about 20 stores. Pop. O'lO. O.MP.MI, a post village in Adding- ton c I , Out., on Trout Lake, 17 nules fr. rn Per:h. P( p. 1(0. OXE lilXDIiLD AXD FIFTY MILE IIOl'SE, a. jio.-^t olfiee in tiie dislrie' of C ii'iboo, B.C., 342 miles from New We-tiniiHter. O.VEIDA, a post village in Ilahlimand CO , Ont., lij miles fiom (Jayuga. I'up. 200. OXGLEY, a po^t village i i North- nmlr.'ilaid co., O it., .5 miles from I>r :litou. Pop. CO. OXO\DA(i.\, a j.ost village in Rva-it CO, Out., OH th(! Or.iud Rivr, a idoii the (J. T. JL, 7t miles fr nil Brantf rd. It, contains 4 stores and a grist null. Pop. 100. OXSLOW, a post settlement in ('ol- clicr^ter CO., N.S., 3 miles from Truro. Pop. O.XSLOW, a seaport town of Nova Scotia, CO. cf (Inlclie ter, oil the estuary of Salmon river, opposite Truro, ('>'> miles N. of Halifax. Poj.. 250. OXSL(»\V, or^)riO, a river j'ort of (^>ueb"e, CO. of Oilaw;i, siiuati'd (ui the Ottawa river, 25 miles Irom Avliner. \h I '• , I* I 41 :l' ? OXT 231 OXT "K!^* m ! V It contaii)3 G sloros, 3 hotels, ami sevcnil iiiill.-<, and liii3 a lar^o Itimbrr tnidc I'op. i>ui). ON'TAUIO, a (M)!!!)!}- in tlin province of Out., Imii'iU" in;^ npun Lai\L' Una ii>, bus nil ariu of 5i;),H(j() ucifd. Tli .s CDiiiity is watered by soviual sni.iU stream,-! 11 iwiii!^ iulo i.aki'Onlario, al o ititi) Lak'.' S iiic'U', whicii foriiis in ii'rtii-w -tcrii i)i);uid;iry. Tiio (Jriuid Trunk, T. roiil'i and Niiiissin , Midland, a'.id \\'iiilliy and I'orl I'orry ralwayi int('r>- 'I'l t;ii.4 cnniniy. Cai»iial, Wliilby. • Po;!. ■!:) '.CIO. ()Xr.\i;i<\:i I'rnvinco of tlio Domi- nion of Cuiala, lioundL'd on tiio N.K. and E. \>v liio jiroviiicc of Qnvh.c; on tli>' S K., S.S.W. and W. by ilu' ll^vcrSl. LawnMice ami it.s <:: real lake.-; and on 1 i<' X . \V. and X liy tlio North Wr-;t T'.'i'i'ilorio.s. Lenj^'tii from S.K. to X.W. aboni. 7of) \mU'.i, and from X.E. to S.W., ubont .51)0 miles. Area, land and inland waters, l()7,7>iO f(inare stainte miics, ccinal to i 8,!)7:).- 372 acres. Area of lie Unt.irio frontier ■waters of the St. Lawrence and its large lakes aljont 27,oi»4 square suituto miles, or»17,.".l(). I'JO acres. The surf ICO of the CDuntry is gently uiidnlaling. rallier tli.m mounlainons, and is diversilieil by rivers a id lakes. The ridge of liigh land which cntcr-j the ]irovince at Xingara Fall.-! e.v'.eiuls to llaniil'io i, a d is con:inn d toOwen Sonnd, Iheiice alnig the peninsula to C.ibot lleiid and tliroi;gh tlio .Mani- touliu Islanils of Lake Jlnron. Tl:e Laiirentia i liills run wesiward f.'om t!.e Thousaul Isla 'ds, near Kingston, and "oxteul north tf Lake Sinicoe, fonn'ng the coa:U of (jcorgian 15. ly and L ilve Huron. A niai ; w i er-shed se]>arate^ llie waiers of li;e Ottawa from t'lo-e of tlie S(. Lawrence; ji minor one divides the streams flowing into Lake S.meoe, Gc' rgian Bayanl Lak'e Huron, frian those flowiiij^ iiito Lakes Erie a .d Ontario. The ngricniiural resources of the country very groat. The ferlile bell extends over tliree-fourths of the present inhabited parts, and a vast area, in the hands of tli(> Gover i- nie t, now oivn for settlement. Ln- nien^e c ops of wheat are annually r.'i's d ; id > oa'S, i)a' lej-, Indir\n corn, ry ■, I'Otatoe;, ti!rniivj,"'A:c., &c. The u])iJe orchards cf l^e south western counties are very prodnc'ivo, and ])ears, plums, gr.iiie<, cherries and various kinds of herries thrive luxuri- aiilly. Tli(! climate of Ontario \< agree- alily tenijiered i»y the lu'oximi y of the ^r at lakes. The winter is considerably hiioi'ter and milder liian tliat of(>!iel»'Jc. The |)rin(i|)al rivers of O ilariw are tlic 1ril).ilaries of iheOtlaua; the I'h neli, t!ie .Maganetawan, the Severn, and the Xottawas.iga falling into (iieorgiaa IJ y ; theS.iug"en, tlie .Mai'.land, anil 'Ik; Aiix .S.d)le.;, falling into LakelLiron; the Thames, running S.W. into Lake Si. (ylair; the (ircaud, Mowing S.L. into Lake Erie; the Trent, in i)ai t of iis course called the Olonabee, and the Miiira, flowing S.E. into the IJ ly of (^)dnte; and the Xiagara, i ig ialo Like Ontario. The mighty Si. Law- rence swoe[)S thi'ough the eastern part of the [u'oviuc, from KingsUai, and the Oltaua firms part of its X.IO. boundary. The lakes of Ontario are niunerous and magniliceut. The largt'st are Lakes S,i[»erior, Ilurou, Er.e and Ontario. They c iver an area of 8i),0i)0 square miles, a id contain nearly half the fresh water o i ti.e globe. The minor lakes are Xi[iigoa, Simcoe, Xiiu-sing, and those in the counties north of Lake Ontario, and in the Ottawa and the St. Lawrence rivers. Tiie principal bays are the (r'orgian, Xottawasaga, Owen Sonul, Lon^' Point, IJurlinglon ami Qninlo. Tiia nuneral weaKh of he country is not surpassed, if indeed it be eiiaalled, by a ly other in variety and richn^'Ss. Iron is found in large quantities a short ilis'anee ba(;k of Lake Ontario, i i tlio c >untry between Georgian IJ ly and Ottawa; also, in the same regioi. ih copper, lead, idumbago, antimony, arse :ic,, gypsum, marble of t!io finest qiality, and building stone. Gold has also been fnind ia tlie same region, but not as yet in ([ lanlities sutlieient to pay well. O.i lae north shoro of Lake Huron are ex'ensive mines of c >ppei-, and o i the shores of Lake Suiiorior, \..iriieidarly round Thunder Bay, are enormous sil- ver deposits. Ainethysts and agates ai'o also found there, as well as mica, iron, gold, cobalt and bismuth. The petroleum wells in the south westerly part of the ])rovince arc yielding ini- mcuse and apparently mexhau-tible !l'i= fi ■*'.- OXT 2;>5 OXT Biipplif".^, fin, ajj;ric illural implements, <\;c. Tlie setilemeuls in Ontario have hitherto been made sou'li of ilie Laiu'eutian range of hills, which was thought to bound the lands fit for set! le- i}i;'iil, but it has bee i discovered that behind this ra ige iIhtc is another tract (if rich agricultural land, as level as the St. Lawrence valley and timbered witli alieavy growth ofiuixed while pine and linrdw'ood. Tliese lands arc ajiproach- e railway .-ystem lias made rapid striiles in Outario during the liast 20 ye;',rs. I i 1852 tlterc W;i3 not a single mile in the w!i dc jirovince. In 187,3, tlier' w 're2i)TH miles inoperation, viz; (IraiKl Trunk, Hn-l miles ; (Ir'.'at Western and l)rai:ches,4r)r) niiie^ ; Can ida iS.)utli- C'rn,;)27 miles; Teronto, Gr y and Bruce, 2!:) miles; Northern, 1-H miles; .Mid- land, ICl) miles ; Hrockville and Ot'awn, 80 miles; St. Lawrence and O tawa, 54 miles ; Lordon and Port Stanley, 24 miles; W'dland, 2.") miles; Canada Central, 2S miles; Coboiirg, Peterboro' a;id P'.'in- II i;ii 1 and ind I'tU't 111" (y'aiiadii, and Marmora, 2'> miles; "W'dli igton, (iri y an 1 I !ri ice, !;»,"» mdes ; 'J'oru;,* land .Nipi.isiug, S,S niiius; llainilfcMi and Ijake I]iie, ;!.") miles ; Kiiigst'-n and I'eiiili.dko, IH miles; and Whiiby and I'l-rt i'e.TV, l:) miles. The IMlowing roads w re cliarlertd, and som : of tliein are ia c Miirs'.; of constrnetioii : Ontario and t^ue') c, - mil s ; KiiiL-'lnn br.)l;e, 1 10 miles ; Loiiduu, Bruce, 10.") miles; Brantl'or( Burwell, 4.") miles; an I'aei.ic, 2,.") .0 miles ; (JUD or TK) miles ut' which will l)e in thi-i ]n'ovince. Tli"re are s.'veral c. ma! < in Ontario. The Welland, betw 'en L ike^ Krio and O.itario, to avoid tha X: ig.ira Falls- t )0 Piide.ui, b'lween Ki.igi.on and O tawi; an 1 tile St. liawreuce canals, rendered n.'<'essary by lUe ra;iids of tliat river. Two others have b-enlbr soni) time contemplated, but llieir con-5truction is doubLfal,nn • toco meet (leorgian B ly widi Lake Ontario; the oilier to connect Gt;orgian Bay with the Ottawa river. The school system of Ontario is admirable. It allbrds the children of tlie rich and poor alike the means of free education. It is under the cd itrol of a (yliiefSuperintendent, and ex ends over the whoh' provi ice. The schools are supported by a tax on propertv, with some assistance from tlie Legi.daiure, ami are free to all. Eacii Towns ip is divided into school sec;io:is, with a Board of School Trustees, composed of 3 persons, to each sectio i. This Board ein;)loys tl:e teacher a id con; nds the scliool. Tiiere are .'i^J ins lectors of sehoids for the entire prnvince, but no Inspcc'or has the simervision of nutro thai 120 or h'ss than.") )sc1mo1s. Th y arejiaid partly by the Couecl and part- ly by the (.iJovernmeiit. Tncse ueulle- me I visit their respective sciioo s ;wiec a year, examine into the state of educa- tional matters and send an elaborate Report to the Chief Sutn'iintenilent of till! result of their inspeclio i, an I the exaet stamiing of the sell ols. Uomau ('atlndic sniay, if they think iiri)|»er, establish sejiarato schoids. and are in such cises e\einpted f.'om suppnrdtig ptibiic schools, and receive a sepa:a;e grant from the (i vernment. In 1 >7'2 "there were 4,,");)S public .school^, (of which IGO w 're Roman Catliolic sepa- rate schools,) with ■1 i^.^h'] *^i\ ii 44i;,;;2i] pupils Nil io-. Ii 1> m ii* 0.\T 2;]G -m 1% Mm attcndiiit; tlii'in. Tlicamount of inoiicy cx|K'ii(lc(l ill tln'ir siiiijiort wim !?I,Hlt,- 8'Jl. Tlii'Srliool Aripl' 1H71 lias Kivcii till iiiuiiciisi; iiiiiu'luH to public srlioul I'diK-iiliifii, ami it is cDiirnlciitly be- lii'Vf(l that tlio year iimiuMli.itoly fol- low! ig itj jiassajfi' will show a iiiiioli givatiT iiuTtMSv' 111 (vliicalioiiai statis- tics than lii-i )(.'t been known Tiio liif^h (forniciiy f;raiiiiiiar) sclmols of Ontario iiiiinlu'r loj, with 7,t;)i) pupils. TIk'.v aiv jir lu-iiially '•oiiliiU'(l to cities, towns ami \; s. i'upils enter tlicni from the pnlilie sihooh, ami tlienei' to colleu;e and the university. The .Vof- mal at Toronto is desif^iied to perfect leai'liers in their piofessioii. and to .show lliein the beslinetliod of teach- ing, rpw.inh of ;iO;) youner annnin, the pape"s beiiii; ^'ot upby ilie Central Hoard and sent sealed up to the local IJoards. Any c.mdidale who fancies justice has not been done to iiim may appeal to tlie Education Department, (if lato years the status of teachiiifr (piali- fications has greatly increased. Tliere arc 17 I'rote^lant universities ami collo;4es. a id .'! lloman Catholic c d- Icj^es in Ontario. Private schools are few, ami ,»).i4, with 4'^'!,0,")T pupils, and a total amount availat)lc for educational purp.'Ses of ,S-,'i'J;i,.")70. The mnnicii'al system of Ontario is anion'; tlie most perfect in the world. All religions are free without !St;ite pre- ference. There arc numerous public institu- tions t' rouui'.io it the pruvince, cliiedv under control iif the (loverninent. Of these are t'le Lunatic A.sylumsal Kinj;- ston. Toronto, London, Amlu'i'stburg and Ordlia ; the Ivetonn.itiU-y Pri^o i at rcnetantraisiiene ; the Asylum for the Blind atiirantford ; the De'af an 1 Dumb Asylum at IMleville ; the Normal School, rniv.eivity Coll'j;e,and Ossjoo le Hall, Toronti). C)i!!er pubic buildings are iu course of consknctiou. ONT The jiiiblic alTairs of tlie province are iidministercd l»ya Lii-ntenant (lov- eriKM', an Kxecutive Council of '» mem- bers, and a Le;^^slative Ass-mbly ot 88 inembers, elected every 4 year . The laws and the mode id'administer- iii:.; them are mainly the same as in l']iif(- land, the practice, however, is simpler and far less expeiHive. The Courts arc th' Queens H ■iieh. Common Picas and Chancery, each presided over by a Chief Justice and two as-istanis, and a Court of Krror and App'al, compos.'d of a Pie:'ideiit and tii(> .lud^^'es of Superior (.'oiiris of Law and Ivpiily. In each county there is a County Court, presided over by a County Jndtre. The J'idijes of the Superior t'onrt (who are all appi)inte(l by tlie Dominion (1 )veni- mrnt);.;oc:ri'!iil to each county throii;:li. out till' jirovince twice a year, to hold assizes f u- th • trial of civil and crimiiiid c.ises. Tlu! judix^'-'^ '^' the Court of Chancery also h ibi their courts in various counties as well as at Ostioode Hall. O itario is divided into the fdlowins: counties (which are snb-tlivided into 68 electoral districts), viz : Couutics. Pop. Countij Toirn. A(MMi.!,'t.iii 21,.'512 .. Naimiee. AL'i'Uia I>i.>;trict. 7,(iS.. .Sauif s. .Marie. Uitliwell 20,701 .. .«tin. (irev .", .. ()\v(.ii Sjuiu!. iliildiniaiid 2 •.o;il .. (';ivii,!;a. Hilton 22,(JiiJ ,. 3Iiil,,'ii. Ha-tiii.;js 4S,;!;t ,. lidh vil'o. Unroll <)l,I')o .. (iddericli. iveiit 2),S:;(j ,. Cliatliaiii. L:uiil)ti>ii 31.1). It .. .Siiniia l.annrlc o.JHiO .. I'ertli. Leed,-^&(.irenvillo 57 9 8 .. I'.rockxillo. Lennox li>.;jt'i .. Niqiaiiee Liic da 2>.'i72 .. St. Catliariiiog. Mi Idlesex 8-> ;V.i,") . T.ondon. M ■nek ... ij.l^JU .. >i'iiirara. .M;id;oka Dist .. 5,1 'D .. Uraeel.ridgo. N'ia'ara 3, 1)03 .. Ai.i^ara. Xi|)iv7o .. ('iiriiWiill. (rliMinarry 2,',»74 .. Toronto. Total I, dioce.-es of Ottawa, Kiiiiiston, Hamilton and liondon. Ac- cording to t!ie census of 1^71, tlic reli- pioiLS denominations iu the province are as follows : MiiltQilinta : \V(>.«lcvan. 2S1,0U E|ii>co|)al 'JJ.lUS Ni'W ( 'annexion 3').SS9 rriinitivo 24.1't.'') J!!l)!e Cliristiaiis 1-^,220 Otlior Methodists 14,518 466,780 rrmhi/lcnans . Ciiiiuda 29.3.275 Kirk.. , (i;j,lt;7 sr)r,.442 Churcli of England 8:i().!iir, ( luiiTh oflvonie 274, idj Buj.ti.^ts Sl.iuji) Iiiitlicrau.s .'!2.;;;ii) Coii;;rc};alioiia!i>t« 12,S.")S Mi-ccllaueous creeds 41.30t •lews (M^ i)i no rolipion 4,!);).S No creed stated l;j,f;4',) Total l,i;2'),8.Jl The largest, and in every respect the inij)ortatit, city is Toronto, tlie capital of Ontario. "This city lias a pop- ulation of over r>(;,000 ; it is well .situated on Lake Ontario, very hand.somely hiiilt, and contains a large mimb'-r of fine bnildint'S. Ottawa is tiieca]iit:il (>f fie Dominion, and is beautifully situated on the river of the same name. It contains the i'arliiment ISiiilding;, o:ie of tlio ;iobIest sinicttiic.s on the America i con- li.ieni. Kingston is a wi'M built and f.).-tilird city, l)ca il!fiilly .-.ilii.i'i itat iho oiliet of liuke Onario. liaipillun is a line commercial city, at the li 'd 't navi- g.'ition on Lake Ontario. L ndo i is a handsome inland ci y, iu the centre of llie western peninsula. According to late retnr is, the total value of the imports of I'iu j)rovineo Iroin all foreign countries in ls72 amounted to .^jllJTj'i'J.'!,.';.")!, of whiili i^liJ,- 2"iV''''l were from (jrieat 15:'i ain, and Si :»,,".:) 1,77H from the I'niied St.itcs. Tho rxjiorls for tliesame perioil amounled to ;?J.">,.".(;().llo. The imporis W^v TtM-onto iilone amounted to Sl.'Vins.i;!;!. Tiie li ;!irri('S of Ontario yieldc I, iu 1871, •JH,.")iiO^ brls., valued *al .":rl-.',')71. The province of itarioeont lins nniny obj 'Cts of interest to the tourisl. Xot to s|)eak of its beautiful cities, thcThousiind Islands of the St. Lawrence, and tho unrivalled -eeiieiyoii the (Ireat Lak"S, there are the world-renowi cd Falls of Niagara, a never l.uliugsource of attr.ic- tion, aii(l the Falls of Kakab;kki.on tho Kiver Kami iistiijuia, !!i) m \ \i frnm it:3 outlet into the head of Lake Superior. Tho scenery surrounding this fall, aIthoiiuebec Major (Ji neral J. O. ."^imcoe was the lirst Lieutenant Onver lor appointed, ami the first Parliam-mt met at Niagara on Septeml>er 17, 17'.)U.. Iu IH20, dissensions of a i)olit:cal nature arose iu Lower Oanad.i, wliich went en increasing iu intensity year by year, deepetieil by the nalii nal preju;'ice of the French and English c )loui. fs to each other, until, iu lo;;i, it exteu'ledto Upper Canada, and finally tcrmin.ated in insurrections iu both provinces in 18.T7. Tiiese were, however, tpiickly suppressed. The result of these pro- i; 11 J li! Vti ' it' , ! 'i ■■!■ f^ I;. 'i^t ; I I,' ONT 2;j8 ONT copdiii;;^ ^va3 the rciinitiiifr of the jirov iiici'S, wliicli took \>\m'r in 1840. ill lMi7, uiph'f tlif Act of (Joiifrdc- ralioii, ['["iit'r Ciiiiuhi was or rti'd a proviico, uikUt llu? niinu' ofOuUiiio. Itis tlif iiost poimloiis jiroviiico n tlio Dominion, liiiviii;,^ a poinilalioti, iicc()r(l- in;^ lo till! cr.isn.s ot I.S71, of l/ili^'jH"''- Tin.' liuliiiiid in Ontario, as far a.s kn!)\vii, niiinbcr nliout i;i,u"0. A work w-.iA piililislu'd in lRi;3, en- titled " i;i;.;lity Years' I'rofjri'ss ui' JJrilisli X'H'ili America," in wiiicli an cxcceiliip^ly inlei'csti.i}^ article from the TKii of T. 0. Ju'cter, (I.E., describes iu lively and animated langiia;jfe tlie n^pecl rpper (Jaiiada in'osented in 1777, only 14 years lieCore it was creeled into a Province. " l'p[)er (.'anada was at that period in possession of tiie Xortiiern lro(i',i(.is, a confederation lA' the most warlike of tlic native t.''ih'-s; and til re are those yet living' vvho renienilier whe;i — save the few (aiiiilies around the prec nets of the old French forts — not, a wliite man c luUl bo found over all the vast area of Canada West. Toi'i'iito was then an I aliaii vill;',;^', whose warriors s|)i'ared tlie salt water salmon iu liT harbor, or ciiased the deer throuf^fli the county of York ; and their squaws then paddled euines amon- now jilow their bu-y way. Myriads of wild p'.r^eoiis from the Souih annually in- vaded llio beech woods and bore down the liranches by their weight ; thou- sands ot black squirrels from the East swam the broad Niagara, and march- ed westward in extended line ; while flocks of gorgeously clad turkey's and ])lump breast 'd quails stalked solemnly along tlic wild pathways of the forest, undistuibed by the lioarse roar of tlie ]oconio;ive. In every uarrowvalley and upon every living streamlet the labo- rious beavers arrested the rich alluvion and i>repared rich meadows for the flocks and herds 'of the red man's suc- cessors. The huutor and the hunted have exterminated each otlier." An erroneous impression i)revail^, not only on the coiiliueiit of Europe, but in (Irei)t I'.ritaiii, that the l;riii.-li North America i (Colonies recently conle ler- ated have been completely eelips d ia growth of population and material re- sources i)y oilier commuuiiies similarly circainslanced ; ii 'verti'cless it ca i ho demonstrated wiili almost the acBtiraey of a iiroblein that iu liicir aggregati' caaraeter these colonies have mai.ioiined the highest standard of ]U()gress, while in o i-s instance, that of the I'roviiice of Oiit.irio, Iiistoiieal re- cords and cL'iisus returns can be addu- C'.'d to prove beyond coniradictioii that ■she lias kept pace with the iikjsI aiu- iiilious iiiid siicei'ssl'id of her com[ieii. tors, and can compare favorably with tlie most jirosjierous Slates in the American Union. A statist Wiio draws his inferences from iiec :mnlatcd data, finds himself '"ortiiied in his conclnsi lis wiien depict- ing a country in the possession of u salubrious climate and a grateful soil — iiiliabited by a population industrious and enterprising, proud of their colon- ial connection, neidiag no army for their protection, only asking time and opp'U'tU'.iity to co(,([uer tli" wild'rness, ami with a firm belief i;i their glorious destiny. lie takes up tlieirstalistical re- t iinsand linds that Ontario has grown fr.)m l-'.),Ot)0 i.i 18")i t.) l,!;j;),8r>I in 1371, lluH repeating herself twelve times iu fifty years; and looking iito the future, sees no olistacle to prvent iiia- attain- ing a po[)ulation of ten millions before tlie close of another century. Tiiis anticipation is not extravagant, because it is based on the assumption of an annual increaso of two pi'r cent., whereas the results for the two last decndes exceed that ratio, as the follow- ing figures demonstrate : Population in IH.'.l 952,004 " " 18GI l,;i!)tj,U'J.5 " •' 1871 l,(;2i),8r)l Whereas, had the increase of popula- tion been restricted to 2 per cent, per an- num, the figures would then have been : Population in 1851 952,004 " « 18G1 l,l:!2,404 " " 1871 1,:570,8S4 Thus while according to the census the aetual population iu 1871 was 1,020,851, ye I had the increase been but 2 per cent. ()\T 'SAO ONT ppr fiinititn, tlio reliirn slioiild have been i:.i'j,:i.;7 U'...i. Miiciy (iiu'yc)ir.sii;^t) tlio iMitiro popii- liitidii iit' L'p '1 r (';i liula dill iiulcxcoi-il 1;)' :iu iii|jiil)itii itH. T..cir ar.' ii:iiiii-liikiil)I<' si^jtn tlmt a i»ruluiij,'i'il piTioil of iiirxiiiiiil'tl pros- jicrity Is (l;i\ on Oatiirio, mid it may I'.iirly hi- iissiinicd tluil her ^ oa ili mill |r)pu!aiioii iiHisl, lor .st'vi'i'.il (K-i-c i- iiiil sia;js C'i|iial, i{" not cxcci'd, tliiiin.s 111" Tul! j\viiij^ai>'sii;f'4'S'.ivL' ; Tlr,- iiii- gratioii ot liiL' nitivc I) irrifroiu Oulariu liaM aim vit coa-i'd, while miiiihiT.s nf Aiii"rit'aii ciii/.i' is, f iniicrs, iiiauuliic- tarors, miii' rs, or liiiiihiT iiK'i'chaiits arc riakiii:^ that provi icc tlioir hoiiu'. Kini_'iMt!ou from the riUropcaii c^n- t'luMit aiiil Cuv it IJrilai i is viic aira^ d hy rciliic 'il ra'r-! ol jiassiu^o money and free grants of !• lU acres tu actual sell ler.-i. Tlie Legslitiuv in ireover vot'S lar e fluids f V the construcliun of iialioiial coloiiiz.ilion roads, extending into tli • uiK)eeii;iied luili'.ic domain. Railways lib'rally subsidized, either nn 'er coii- striieti n or pnijei^ied, and interst-cting every district, omu'Ct every section of tiie jirovi ice wiih that great railway artery of t'le Dominion, the (Srand Triuil';, I'liH adortling facilities for tlie convcya ice of ( ini;j;ra its to pnlilic lands, eniiancing the value of farm pro- duce and real es'ale, and calling into ac'dviiy 1 mg doimant manidactming ami in'ni'ig industries. The iinancial statement of the Ontario Treasurer on the IHtli Febrnary, is;."., revealed a condition of prosp'-riiy rart ly reach nI, ant is a testinnniy of the priid- cnceaii lecon'iiny of lhei)eo|) their fi|ili!uil" forpnlilic afuiirs. Tlie r venne for hi:', a;nollnt^ to l?:!,09,s,4()l ; the cxpeiidiiiire, C':ndncted on a liberal Ecal', ,$J,<;,)J,Ot:{. The snridus savings accir.nniaieil since 18iJ7,a!id invested in intere.-t-b.aring securities, exceed f >i:r niillioiis and a quarter, widi a further sum (if S'5'''2,riyi cash in bank, beddes enormous a-scts in real estate, pine for- ests and mineral la ids. From tlie 1st July, l^i;7,t() the l>t Jannary,187;<, 1,4S4 miles ot railway have beenconstnicied, or were in coni'se of constrnc'ion, at an eatimat'-d cost of thirty five millions, all bona jlJe enterprises, built mainly witU local fuud3. Thirty four thonsa-nl emigrant* from (Iretit Hritafn and the continent mad"' (Mwaiio their hiiinc in iHi'i, in addition to 'j,uiiii Ame- rican cit /. 'US who reiiort' d ! hem-el ve.s to the cmigr.'int agents \\> h.iving prr- iiiaii iitly reinoveil t(j tat rmviiie;'. I l."),o7,') iieres were given away to actual seii|,'rs, heside.s a l)iMins of l;>f> by the (ioveruineut toeaeh ii'liilt einl '.anl who entered and resided three luoiilh-i in that Trovince, and iirrangemi'n'.s havi! iie-n mad' to turn the tile of .Scandi- navian niigiation towai■ll^ the vast nil iccupied forest lands ainmnd Nipis- siii.r, CJeorgian il.ay, and the sliores of bakes llaro 1 imd Sa; eri.'i". wla re a blighter s'ln and more g.aieful .-oil will hiiiidi the regret.s ( f the emigra;itt«, and reward ilieir in .nstry. No language can c;)!ivey so vivid a picture (if the j)rod:gio'is strides i'l pop- ulriou a id civil' ition ol' ( jiiiiiiv'S, a f\v years since wild ami ni.; naiited, like the pres"nt Xipi- ing regi.. 1 1'*) It.llJ 11,'.<7 7,e;r) :;-r7 4.,-'.)i '.i,o7i» 2,17t) 3 -••« 4.3 18 Wentworth CO., 1-71. !') i.i'.tJ l-.t'J7 li.nta 7.:il.-) &,>-73 .0.114 7,^ii4 CsTS Sec Winona. OPEN HALL, a fislii ig settlement in the district of IJonavista, .Mid., 4'J miles from Catalina. Pop. 'iOo. ORANOEVILLE. ai incorporated village in Wellington co., Out., on a brunch of the liiver Credit, and ou tho ■ ^ '%i i' l»5 i % OII.M 210 osa ) I' I J ni^! |) ' n. P ;^r: 1 1 [ 1 ) 1 ' t T. (1. k. IJ. il., l:» luik-y from Toronto. It (•oiitiiiiis 'J, Ijiiuurli lmiik.s, - tol(';j;riii)li ollicos, 'J pfiiiniiu; ollicus issuinijf wivkly m'\vs|i;i|n'rs, Hour inillsuiul \voi»l- li'ii hu'l'u'irs, iwo rmiiilries, two saw iiiills, rftciiin iilanin;; in. lis, a lar^i' laii- ncry, two, a cahliu't laelory, mill scvriiil smaller w irUs ; also, i larjj;L' ^fraiii waicliou.H'S, si'Venil jjrcity oliuri'lic-!, Siinu" c iiimiodioiis Ir.ili'ls, ami alniiit i!'.) ivoroci. A l.u\Lri> quantity (if ^'.'aiu i.-i ship.K'tl IVdia tins [ilarc, also roril\vt)'>il ami tnnb.'i. A ciilllc lair is lu'M nioiilhlv. I'op 1,'1.")H OiaMlAKDVlLl'.K, or XOli.MANDV, a post villaj.- • I . (Ircy i-o.^Ont., H ni.K-s from .Mount t'orcsl il CDnl'-ins ;> stor.'s, ;{ h.iti'ls, a saw mill, ami a woolK-n nnll J'o|). I.")'). Oini;Ll.\, a llourislnng post villa i:;e of Ontari.i, I'o ol Smcoo, pivlliiv sitnali'd on Lake Coucliichin^ (at tin.- northern cm nanity ot Ijako Simc;n',) ami at liu- junclioa of the N'Drliioni and Midland ra'ilways, 22 iiulos from, 8(i I'.om Toronto. It cuntar.s;! cliurciios, abiamii l),ink,'-! ttdc^Ta liollicrs, 3 iinnl- in^' oHic.'s is uinj; woekly nowspaprrs, a lunatic asylum, ..oviimI jurist, oatnuMl, saw, shui^'lc and pl.uiinji; mills, an iron foundry, a lanui'ry, a hrcwiuy, si'Vi-ral hotels and rlmrclus, and ii numbro' stores. 'L'his villaL^e was lirst setMed by Indians, wIm subsi'iiuenlly renun- ed to Kama on the ojjposlie side of the I.ake. Orillia is u favorite resort duriiiLr tlie summer months The lislni.;^ in the lake la e.\eellent Steauu rs ru'.i b;'tween hen> ami IJarrie. Pop 2,s:;j OlILI'^ANS. a |)ost. villast viUaiie in Dundas CO., Out, J I m.hs from (jfgoodc. Pop 40. ORMSTOWX, or DUrUlAM, or ST JIALAClilK l/'Oi.MSTOWN, a thriv- ing post viU.ige 111 Chatoauguay co., Que, on the Gliateaugiiay river, 28 miles from Caiiglinawaga. It eoti- tains a telei'^rai h uliieo, G stt)res, 2 hotels, 4 churches, 2 saw mills, and a taauery. Pop. 500. ORO, a po.qt odice in Siiucoo co., Out., It; mile-; from Harrie OiiO.MOtrrO, a jiost village of New Ih'unswick, capital of Suiibnry co , on the right bank of the St .Jniiii, at the en'rance of tlu' Oroiiioeio river, 11 miles S K. of Fredericlon. <; mih'S fioui \\'a:isis It co.itams a tidegr.H'h i/Hii'f, (! stores., and .several shipyards Pop. •100 ORO.MOCTO, Noirni i!i:AN(:ri. Se • Tracy. ()i:i>.M(»','T(), SOUTH IlRAXUir. See i;iis;vil!e. OliONO, a flourishing post village ia Diirliam c >., ut., on Orono (/'r.<'k,4l mill's from Newcasiie. U rontai is u tehgraph ollice, seyeral churclns and hotels, and about a dozen siores, and has manufactories of iron casting-!, stoves, woollens, wi)oden wai(>, leatlp'r, plaster, potash, bciots and shoes, wug- g ins, .Vc. Pop. 1,001). OliWKLL.orTliMPKRANCKVILLK, a post village i i Elgin co., Out , 2^^ inikH from Ayliiier. Il contains a in.'Ueh factory, a foiridry, saw and grist mill.s, 4 stores and 2 hotels Pop •JJO. omVELL COVE,a village m Qiiocn.9 CO., P.l'].l.,18 miles from Cliarlottelowii. Poj). piO. ORWELL HEAD, a i)ost village in (j^ueens co., P.E.I., 17 miles from Char- lottetowu. It has saw, grist and carding mills Pop. 50. ()SA(\\, a post villag' in Durham CO., Out ,'ie.u a blanch of Sin: Ill's (.,'ivek, 10 miles from Port Hope. It i"oiitaiiis 2 stort's, 1 saw mill, and 1 grist mill. Pop 82. O.SliORXE, a fisiiing a id farming S't'.leinei f.-om SIk Ibnrne. Pop. 100. O.Si'Et)LA, a post village m Renfrew CO., Out., on Snake river, 17 miles from Pemb oke. It has gootl water l)ower, and contains 2 stores, an hotel, a saw mill, and a grist mill. Poj). loO. OSOOODE, a vill.age in Russell co., Out., with a station on the St. L. k. 0. R , 2;! miles from Ottawa. It has a telegraph oHice Pop. TiO. OSGOODE, or METCALFE, a post village 11 Russell co.. Out., 9 miles from Osgoode Station. It contains a tolegrai'.li ollice, a drill shed, town hall, 4 s ores, 2 h.dels, 2 tanneries, and several mills. Pop. 350. 'lit 111 Siielburue co., N.S.^ 2i) ' if . OTT 241 OTT OSTIAWA, an incorporated village of ()iil:irl(), CO. of Ontario, si'iualcd on |,akt' Oiiluno, willi a station on llic <; T. ii., .'{'-i rnilt'jiN.IO ofToronto. Jl !-; an nnjiortant market town, am! Iian inanut.u'tdi'ie-! of iirinlni^ pre.-s cs, steam (■ngiiii'.-< iiud boiiiT;-!, mill niiu;liiuerv, agriciillural inii)h.V.\r.IirCK CENTIIE, a post vil- las i 1 Stdrmont co., Ont., Ti;A\[)Kli, JJothwell CO., Ont. See S loll. ()T.\A1>0G, a post settlement in Qiieo IS CO., NI5., on the St. John rivi-r, 10 miles fr(mi Oacretown. Pop. 100. OrTAWA, a connty in the N'.W. part (if (^m l);'c, has an area of .'!,'!.')'2,- -22 acres. The Ottawa river forms its ;S. and S.W. boundary. This cointy iMvateredby llrj Rivers Petit Nation, biL'vre. (Jatin^an, and many snnill .sMvaiiH. Canital, Ilnll. Pop. .'?7,S92. OTTAWA,' formerly UYTOW.X, a city ot Oitario, caj.Ual of the Dominion of Canada, and of Carlcfon co., i-;l)ean- tif,.llv sitnated on the rip^lit bank of t!ie Oltawa river, at the outlet of tl.e llideaa, and on the ('antda Central and Kt. Lawrence and Ottawa K.iil- w.iv. r.4 mil's N. of Prescott, 120 miles W.N'.W. of Montreal, 9o miles N.N.H of King-ton, and 4."j() miles from New York. It i- one of tuemost flonrisliing cities iu Ontario, being thu entrepot of the groat himbcr trade of the Ottawa river ami its tribntaries. It is divided into 1/pper and Lower Town by the Riilean (y'anaj, which connects it with Kin^^ston. Toe lock.s here are eight in mnnl) T and are very massive. Tlie town was fonndod in 1827 by (/ol. i5y, IM'i. It was incoi'porateil a ( ity, and its n.ime ehaaged to Ottawa, in lH.-)i, and selected by Qnecn Victorians tln> capital of (Ja aula in iH.'iS. Till' chief attraction in Ottawa is th?^ government buildings, whieii occupy an elevated piv-co of ground, ab )nt 2.'j acri'S in e.vlent ami !:">>) feet al)ove the river, known by tiii' name (;f " Uarraek Hill." The view from this natural ter- race is sni)crl). The great river with its moving rafts, Hteamers, barges, nud canoes rolls swiilly on through spliMidid hill ranges towards the .south. In the distance the fine suspension bridge wliicli spans the majestic riv(;r just above the (Jhaudiere Falls attracts tlio eye, even thouirli it be trmpted to r -^t upon t'le wild beauty of the cascndo sweeping by craggy ro^ks lietween ahruiit island-!, and plunging into the basin below, wdiere part of its waters disajipear in a mysterious Wiiy. Far beyond the cascade glitters the broad river swil'ily rushing down the rapi'is DesOlienes; and in the remote back- ground ri-ie towering hills and inoiin- tai'is, ol"teii brillia It with pnrph; and gold wiiei the sun di|)S from view and gilds their lovely summit with his parting beams. The government buildings, the cor- ner stone (d" wiiicli was laid by II. K. 11. the Prince of Wales in Septernb"r, IHtlO, aie constructed of a light, cotoi - e(l sandstone found in th'» towns!ii[» of Nepean, in the valley of the Ottawa. The walls and arcties are relieved witii cut stone dressings of Devonian sand- stone from Ohio and with red sandstone from Potsdam, .N.V. The roofs are coveredwith purple and green slates, and the pin'iacl(!S ornamented with wrought iron castings. The style of architec- ture is the Italian gothic, atid the south front of the (pnuirangle is formed by the Parliament biildi ig, 500 fuct in length. The two departmental build- ings are 'Mii feet long. The rear is i open and will be railed off with a .sm- I table ornamental Bcreen. The coib- mittco rooms occupy the front of th« 17 h 'A' v.■:^ i: OTT 242 OVE I i i^S buildin?. The library, a beautiful dc'tiicliod circular building, Avilli a dome 00 feet liiK'') is in tiie rear of tlie central tower. 250 feel high. The two legislative liall.s are on each side of the library, but in the main buiMing. Tlie dimensions of these hulls are the same as tliose of tlie House of Lords, namely, 80 feet by 43 ; they are situat- ed on the ground floor and light.-d from above. The l.brary is constructed after tlie plan of the new library of the British Museum, and will hold 3i)0,()()0 volumes. The two departmental build- ings contain in the aggregate 300 rooms, and are intended to accommo- date all the departmentsof the govern- ment of the Dominion ; antl are so con- structed as to be c;ipable of extension at any future time without injuring the general architectural clfeci The buildings cover nearly four acres, and cost about §4,000,000. Iks. ties the above magnificent budd- ings Ottawa contiiiiH 17 chureiies, viz. : Church of England 3 ; Church of Homo 4; Presbytena.i 2 ; (Jhurcli of Scotland 1; VVesleyan Methodist 2; Episcopal Jlethodist 2; Congregation- alist 1 ; Baptist 1 ; Catholic Apostolic 1 j 9 printing olhces, several flouring mills, and large saw mills; and has manu- factories of iron casting-!, inillmachinL'- ry, agricultural implements, brooms, bricks, leather, wooden ware, &c., and Kgencies of two telegraph and a num- ber of assurance and insurance compa- nies, and 7 banks. Five daily news- papers are published in Ottawa. The streets of the city are lighted with gas. Adjacent to * Ottawa are several thriving villages, among others New Edinbiirgh and Hull. " Ridoau Hall," the residence of the Governor, is in the former place. It is a hand- some stone structure, with 35 acres of well laid out grounds, and b\'iiiliful avenues of shaded trees. A street rail - wav connec's these villages with Ottawa. The city returns two members to the House of Commons and two to the provincial Legislature. The total value of imports for 187: was $1,472,505; exports $1,401V)54. Pop. in 18G1, 1},0,G9; in 1871, 21,515. OTTERBURN, a fishinsr settlement in the district of Hay do Verds, NHd., 4 miles from Carbonear, Pop. 75. OTTERBURN, a post village in Temiscouata co.. Que., on the Alada- waska road, CO miles from lliv e,o du Loup en Oas, 17 miles from E iniund- ston, N.B. It is in the centre of an ex- tensive lumbering district, and on the line of a railroad in process of construc- tion from P^edericton to Rivieie du Loup. A large farm, conducted on the highest prin-iples of modern cultiva- tion, owned by a resident of Montreal, laid thef )un(]ation of this village. The Madawa-ka river and Lake Temiscou- ata, in the vicinity, abound with the finest trout, making Otterburn attrac- tive to sportsmen. Pop. 100. OTTER CIIEKK, a post village in Brace ct).. Out., 5 miles from Walker- ton. Pop. 150. OTTER LAKE, or PICKANOCK, a post village and settlement in Poutiac CO., Que., 35 miles from Sand Point. It contains a telegraph office, 2 stores and a saw mill. Pop. 50C. OTTERVlLLE,a flourishing post vil- lage in Oxford co., Out., situated on Ot- ter Creek, 22 miles from Woodstock. It contains several grist and saw mills, a woollen factory, match, shingle, lath, ami chvcse factories, &c., a telegraph office, and a number of stores, and luia a largo lumber trade. Po)>. 750. OU.VGAH, a post office in Kent co.. Out., 7 miles from Chatham. OiSTIC, a post village in Welling- ton CO., Out., 8 miles from Fergus. It contains 2 stores and 1 hotel. Pop. 25. OUTER COVE, a sottloment in the district of .St. John's, Mid., 6 miles from St. John's. Pop. 24G. OUTRA'-M, a ])ost village in Bruce CO., Ont., 11 miles from Walkerton. It has a saw mill. Pop. 150. OVE.N'S, a post village in Lunenberg CO., N.S., situated at the entrance to Lunenburg harbor, 4^ miles from Lunenburg (by boat). On entering the harbor the mariner is attracted by a promontory 50 feet in height, which contains a dozen or more cavities fifing the sea, resembling "ovens." Hence the name to the whole peninsu- la. J miles wide by 1^ miles loner, to wliich the gold mining district is at present limited. The regularity at which these "oven-*" occur almost confutes the idea of their being merely created by the action of the waves; OWE 243 PAG they appear ratlicr to have bcon made by hiiuiau edbrtd. tliouj^h for what pur- pose, unless for it would be quartz , Poi). in Ad- dilHcuU to conjecture. Tliieeuf the ovens ure about 7o feet at the inouiii a id ex- tend inwards upwards of 2uO feet. Tue discovery of gold in tjuartz Wiis made here in ISiil, but gold was obtained from sea sand gatliered on the shore in 1 o7 and I8,VJ. Thti shore washings were abandoned in 18(i3 alter about 3,000 dz. had been obtained ; it is stated that tiio saads are still gold b/aring and worth iL'Sling. The (juarl/, lodes in- crease in riciincss and in size as the (h'pUi increases. Very l;:tle mining has, however, been done, 2')i). OVEriTOX, a post villnge dingtou CO., (_»ut., y^ milt-'S from Napa- nce. pop. GO. OWEN SOUN'D, originally SYDEX- HA.M, an incorijurated town and port of entry (jf Ontario, c:i])ital of the co. ot Grey, situated on (Icorgiaii Bay, at the outlet of the River Sydeidiara, and at the Grey terminus of the T. G. & B. li., 44 miles from .Mount Forest, 131 miles N.W. of Toronto. It is pleasant- ly situated on a small plain surrouided on three sides with wood crowned heights, and contains manufacturies of mill machiiicr}', turbine water wheel.-:, agricultural implements and engines, sewing machines, leather, wooden ware of all d;'scriptions, Canadian Tweed ami ot'icr woollen cloths, itc, also two breweries, two brickfields, tiour and saw mills, 5 large grain warehouses and elevators, and various smaller works. Here are agencies of the Mer- cliauts' and Molsou's L5:inks, Montreal and Dominion Telegraph compauie-i, several insurance companies, a nuTiihcr of line stores^ several pretty churches and good hotels, a commodious town hall, a court house, gaol and registry cilice, three i)rinting ollices issuing weekly newspapers. The harbor of Owen Sound is the best on Lake Huron. It is \'l miles long from the town to its mouth, where it is 5 miles wide, and throughout itfi entire length it is com- pletely sheltered on both sides. It has good anchorage ground and consider- able depth of water, and is navig blc for vessels of the largest capacity on the lake. A large number of vessels are engaged in the grain and luml)cr trade. Total value of imports for 1872 $j:!,003 ; exports ijlu3. Pop. 3.b'SJ. OWLS HEAD, a beautiful mijuntaia on Lake Memphremago mi!(!S from Kemntville. It has gind water ]):)wer, and contains a ti'l('gia;)h oilic!, 2 hotels and several mils uiid stores. Pop. l.M). OXFORD STATFOX, a post vlllago in (Jrenville c)., Out, on the St. L. « O. R , bii mile-j frum l*re.-;cott. It hai a lelcg:a";)h olliee. Pop. HO. O.XLEV, or t).\FO;jD. apostvillago in Es X -CO., Out., on I miles from Amhertsbiirg 3 stTc-; Mild .'O'veral mills OVSTEfl POXi), ii small s'ltlement in ILiKfax co , N!S., 24 miles from Hal fax. Pom. 4'^. OV.STER IMXDS, or GOOSE HAR- BOiJ, a^ettl 'iiicnt in Giiysbi)roiigh CO., .V.S., on Ciiedabi'cto Bay, 14 miles from Guv.^borougli, Po-i. loO. PA BOS, Gaspd' co , Que. See Gr.and Pabos. PACQUET, asmall fishing station on the French shore, Niid., 12 miles from La Scie. Pop. 10. ak'! Kri,', 20 It CO U liis "op. I..0. \ ■ m I if «' ;. *t;f«iM PAL 2U PAR m n ''m I * I:, I 'i •'* ^nl PAINCOURT, Kent co., Ont. See Dovi'i' Soiitli. PAIN Si:(J JUNCTIOX, a post village in Wt'stiii' fluid CO., N.B., on the I. ii., Oa m Ivs IV. Ill St. J(»!.ii. l\>\). .00. PAIX.SWKJK, or PEXSWICK, apojt village in Siiacoe C(j., Unt., 3 miles Iroiu AlU'iiilale. Poi). 50. PAI.SLKV, a (louri.iliiiig post village in l]i'uce co., (Jut., sitiialt:d ul the ci^ii- tliiouee of the Teoswater ami >S.iiigeen rivers, ami on the VV. G. & Ii. 11., 8(J miles N.W. of Guel[)li. It coiilains 3 chiiiches, an iron fuuiulry, a brewery, woollen taetory, grist ami saw niill>, a telegr.ipholiiee, a printing oflice issuing a weoklv newspaper, abont 2j stores, and 2 hotels. Pop. 1,000. PAl.SLi:V, Cardwell CO., Out. See Cab.'don I'iast. PAKEXilAM, a flonrishing post vil- lage of O'.ii.u'io, CO. of Lanark, on the Mississippi river, a staiion on tlio B. & O. Ii., (II miles from I'.rockville. It contains 4 chnrches, 2 wooII.mi fac- tories, saw and grist mills, several stoivs and hotel-, at legrapholHce,itc.,and has a large trade in Uimber and couutiy produeo. Pop. GOO. PALERMO, a post village in naltoa CO., Ont., 3 miles from lironte. It con- tains an ir(ni foundry, 2 stores and aa hotel. Pop. ir>0. I'ALEsriNK, a post town in tli,- di'?- tric of Maniiiette. Man., situak-d on the Jordan river (which flows into Big (ir:i.-;s Lak<', about 4 miles from the villagi'), 37 mik'S from Portage; la !*r.iirit'. It contains two ciiiirehes, a schiiol house, one store and one blaeksiniiii sho,). The cou itry around is new, the lirst settlement being made in 1 >72. Pah'.s- tine lies 14 mil's S. ofL;;k;' Manitola (in which numerous lei id( f li.-iliabinml) 30 miles K. of the Ri li:ig MoiMuains, and I')) miles W. of Wiiniipeg, on the propo-ed route of the Canada Pacilic Taih'iie.d. PAL.MER RAPIDS, a post village in Rt r.iVew e i., Out., i. n the .Madaw;i~ka river, Ti") miles from Renl'.ew. It co i- tains a telegraj)h oiiice, I store, I hotel, 1 saw mill, and 1 grist ufU. PALMERS (or MORdEN) P.OAD, apo.Tt vdlage in Kings co., N.8., on the \V & A. R , 2 miles from Ayles- ford. It has two tanneries Pop" 100. PALMERSTON,or ni;YDEN,a post village m Perth co., Ont on the W. G. & B. Pt., .30 miles from Elora. It G s'.ores, 3 hotels and u saw mill. Pop. IJO. PALMEIiSTOX, or ST. LOUIS, a post village a:id setUomeut in l\;.iit co., N.Ii, situ.ited on the Koucliibuuguacis rivir, G miles Ri('l;il)arto. it eon- tains 4 saw mills, a carding mill and a gri^t mil!. l'o|'- <-!'"''• PAL.MERSTOX DEPOT, Oxford co.. Ont. See Einliro. PALStJR.VVE, a post oTice in Card- well CO., Ont., 14 mil' s fnnu Ldton. P.VN'.Mri;E, a po.-^t yi,!ir:>- in t.'arlc- ton CO., Ont., 7 miles from I'akeuhani. Pop. MO. PAl'A ISLAXD, nn inland in the River Etcheiniii, Dorchester c ). .Que. PAPlAEAr\'li>Li;, a thriving post village in (.)'i'.;iwa co., Que, on the River Ottaw.!,-!l m'les E. of Ottawa, It cont^iins 2 telcgrajih ofuce-^, 4 stores, 3 hotel:-!, a tannery, and a houring miU. Pop. TiOO. PA(»1;ETTE, or ST. YEXAXT, a post villag.3 in Complon, C), Qne., 22 miles from Cuaticook. Pop. 200. PARADISi'i, a po-t village in Anna- polis CO , X.S., on tlie W. & A. R., 19 miles from Annapoli-?. It contains 5 saw mills, 2 gristmills, 2 tirncries. a chi'ese factory, a telegraph otlicj antl 4 stores. There are e.vcell'Uit gvinite q larries in tiie vie; nit v. Pop. ?>'><). I'ARIIA.M, ur AXDERSOV MU/-S,a post village in Ad Ungton co., Ont., 22 m.le-sfrftm Ihirrowimiih. Itcoatains2 stcuvs and 2 hot. U. Pop. 50. PA IMS, an iue iiporated town of On- tario, CO. of lira It, on Grand River, at the inteisection of the Great Western and (Ijuflalo and Godericli brunch) Grand Trunk railways, 2D miles W. of Hamilton. Smith's Creek, which here eniers Grand River, divides Paris into two jiarts, called the ni)per and lower villages. Here are agencies of several inoiiauco companies, G church s, a br.inch baik,2 telegra;)hofTic s. 2 n"\vs- ]»aper otlices, 7 hotels, about 40 stores, and maenfaetories of woollen goods, iron castings, machinery, leather, tlonr and tobacco. The town a'so contains an oil relir.ery, ]>ottcry, knitting mills, pla-tcr mills,' &c. Tlicre are extensive beds of gypsum in the vicinity. Paris is a port of entry. Total value of im- ports for 187 , ^G3,G18 ; exports §213,- 202. Pop 2,G40, PAR 245 PEA PARK CORNER, a post villaj^o in QuL'L'US CO., P.E.I., 6 miles from I'nuce- tuwn. Pup. 2. of .Mi .dlc.e.x, on the G. T. ii , U-*! miles fmm Toronto. It contains Ii lflegrai)li olliees, several cliurclies aid hotels, ab ait 30 slorc-^, ami manufactorie.^ of iron ca.-;tiii<^s, mill macii nery, leather, musical i istni- moat.-, Arc, aUo grist, saw and cardiig uiill.>,anil a iieus;;aper oilice. Pop. I,"))!). PAUKilUiJST, a post vill.igo in Lotbiniiro co., C>iio., 17 miles from Ciai^r's Poad. P p. l.'O. PAliM A, a ]iost villa^'O in Addington CO , Ont., 18 miles from -N'apauee. Pop. 70. PARRSROROUGFI, a seaport town of N v,i^)Ci)t:a, c.i. of CiiniliorlaiH!, on astru tconneciing .Miiias Basin with tiio jlay of Fiindy, 2;J m les from Atiioj. It coatains about 20 store.-:, 4 hotels, a tan- nery, a ul saw and grist mills, and i as aconsiderabl;'. trade in lumber and ship- ]iing. Parrsboroufjli is a jtort of entry. The number of arrivals for 1872 wa.^ (iG (tons 11.169\. and tiic clearances 43 (tons 4.8l!t;. 'i'ot il value of imports $27.r)0[{). P.UnjY SOUND, a jiost villaae in the district ot Al^^oina. Out., on Geor - ian Hay, 70 miles from Collingw.od. It contains a telcgrapit oflice, 4 btores and 2 saw mills. P. p. 1 o:)2. PARfPIDGE ISLAND, a village and lioadlui I of .Vova Scot!!, in Pa.r-lH).-- ough townshi[), co. of Cumberland. The heatihuid is noted for the variety of its minerals. The village contains an hotel and a store. P(|). I'uO. PARTRIDGE ISLAND, New Bruns- wick, is in St. John harbor, an inlet of the Bay of Fiindy, S. of St. John. It is a quarantine station, and has a light- house. In foggy Aveather a steam wliistle is sounded every minute. A b 11 buoy is established near the cast side t f tlie i.-land. PASl'EHIAC, a post village in Ron- aveiiture co., Que ,o:i the Baiedes Cha- leurs, GS miles tVom Perce. It has an ex;c.!sive trade in the fisheries, and con- tains a telegraph oflice. an liotel, 2 ch i;'c!ie.s, and 4 stores. Poj). 2;")0. P.VS.^ilKEAG, a post viU.ago in Kings CO., N.B., 2G miles from St. John. Puj). ]r»o. PASS ISLAND, an island at the ontiauce to llenuitago Bay, Nfld., 16 m.les from Harbor Briton. It is settled by li-heruK n. Pop. I(j0. i'AnaCK COVE-a^mall fi.=hingpet- tleuieut in the di.strict (,f Piuceiitia and St. Marys, Nfld., 14 miles from Placen- lia. ]'(>:>. 40. PATTERSON, a post village in York CO., Oat., 1.^ mile.5 fnjin Riciimond llill. It contains an agricultural im);lenient factory, :uul a telegraijli otiice. Pop. oOO. PAfTElJSON SETTLEMENT, a post seltleiueut in Sui bury co., N.B., 3 miles from IMissv'lio Slatlon. PATTONS Sil)ING,ast:it;o-ion the G, W. R., Middleaex Co., Out., 15 milca from London. I'ALDASII, a post village in Peter- borough CO., Out., 5"J miles from Peter~ borough, pop. 50. PA\ ILr.ION, a post office in tha district of Lilloet, B.C., 3ij7 miles from New Westminster. PEA150DV, a post village in Grer CO , () It., 222 miles from Owen Soundf, Pop 300. I'EACH ISLAND, Ont., is in the S. ■\A . part of Lalve St. Clair. PE.VRCEToN.a jiosi village in Mis- si-ipioi CO , t^)ue., 4 miles from Slun- br! I -land, Nfld., 4 miles fr m\ Fogo. Pop. lo. PEARL ISLAND, Newfoundlnnd, in the 15av of Islands, on its W. coast. PEASLEY'S COR ER, a viHaj-oin Broine co., Que., 4 miles from George- viUe. Pop. 80. ■■0 m ^1 "j'!» ''I'l : -.Hi:; TEN 9 '1 PECITE, a tclog-aph station on the Gatinemi river, Oluiwa co., Que. PEEL, a county of Onlurio, borders upon tlie N.W. shore of Lake Ontario. It is watered by the Ilumbor river, and 18 iravoricd by the (hand Tnink, CJreat Western, Toronto, Grey an 1 IJnico, and Credit Valley (iu cours.i of oonritriic- tion) railways. Cai)ital, liraupton. Ar.a 172,177 acres, rop. 1G,:;GD. PEl'iFv. a i) ofhcc in Cariiton co., N.D., ;!■! ' mile.-! from Woodstock. PEEPAUUN, a post oflico in "\V(d- linprto I CO., Onf., 5 miles from LmIIh r. PEFFEIILAW, a vilhigcnn Voik CO., Ont., 10 mill's from Can iinjrton. It contains 2 store-!, a tannery, saw, gnst, and carding niiils. Pop. 100. PECGY'rf COVE, a jiost settlement in Halifax co., N.S., 30 miles from llal:- fa.v. Pop. 1 no. PELHAM UXrOX, a po>t village in Mo lek CO., Ont., 4 miles from Jordan Sta ion. Po)). 50. PELTONS CORNERS, Grenville CO., Ont. S(?e iSouth (Sower. PEMHERTON lilDGE a post olTice in York c<>., N.B. PE.M15IXA, a post village in the dis- trict of Provi'n('!r.'r, .Van., on Red R'vir, G3 miles S. of Fort Garry. SSee West Ly me. i'EMBROKE, an incorporaf<'d tov.-u of Ontario, cajiital uf tli'' co. of lleiilr. w, situated on AUumotte Lak;', an e.\';):;n- sion of the Otiawa river, 1") miles f.'um Renfr.'W. It contains, be -ides th'j coun- ty buildiu'S, 3 branch banks, 2 t?l - graph oilice.SjSeveral insurance agenc es, stores, hotels, and cinirches, a f )u "(Iry, axe fac ory, saw, grist and wo '11,'n mills, and a jtrintins: oflice issuing n w.'ckly newspapiT. Tlie Mu.dv-at nve:-, which ilows through the centre of 1Ik> town, affords excellent Avater power. Pop. 1,;") IS. PE.M BROKE, a .'^-t! lenient in Col- chester CO., N.S , 11 mih'S from Rivcrs- dale. Pod. 3.")0. PEMBROKE, a sottl ment in Hants CO., N.S , 2G miles from Newport Sta- tion. Pop. 1,')0 PEMBROKE, a pettlemeat in Var- montli CO ,N.S., 4 miles from Yarniou'.h. Pod. 200. PENDLETON, a I'o.^t villnrre in Pres'o't CO., Ont., on the South Nation river, 40 miles from Ottawa, 28 mihs from L'Ongnal. It contains 2 stores PER aid a saw mill. Lead and plumbago are found in the vici lity. There are also sulpliur and .saline springs Pop. 70. PENETANGORE, the original name of Kincardine, Bruce co.. Out., wliich PENETANGUISIIENE, a thriving poU v.Uage of O itario, co. cf ,S ;nc )■.•, situated on a i iiiL't of Lakj ]I;iio:i, ;'.2 m les N.N.VV. of Bairie. It contains the Ontario Reforiiiaiory Pr'.-;o i,a tele- graph oilic:", several churches, V> -. i re.a, 2 !i()tels,a tannery and several s.iwir.'.lls. IV'iielangnisheno is a port of entry. Total vafiie of imports for l-!72 S9,4;jij ; exnorts SU7,:!04. Pop. 1,0')0. PE.VINSULA GASPE, a po>t office in (Jaspe co., Qw., on tlie River St. liawivnce, G mi:es from Gaspo Basin. It has a teU'ijrraph office. PE.S\\ATIIAi;BO[l, a fishing set- tlem.'ut in Halifax o , N.S., 20 miles from Halifax. Pop. 00. PE.VNFIELD, a i>ost parish in Char- lotte CO., N.B., G miles from St. George. Pop. n:)s. PE:;XFIELD PJOGE, a post ofiice in Charlotte co., N.l!., 8 miles from St. Geor'j:o. PliNOBSQUIS, a post village in Kings CO., N.l)., on the I. R., 51 miles f om St. John. It contains a telegraph o.".iee, 3 store-!, 2 saw mills a id s 'veral salt wells, and has manufactories of paivr, leathi^r, carriages, &c. Pop. 400. i'E.N'.SWICK, Snncoe co., Ont. See Pa'n wick. Pi'-NTLAND. a post village in Wel- lington CO., Ont., 5 miles from Flora. It has a saw ini'l. Pop. !> ). PiiNVILLE,a rostvilhi're inSiincoe CO., Ont., 10 miles from Bradford. Pop. 120. PERCI5, a ])03t v.llage of Quebec, ea'.ital of t'le c i. of Gas, e, sit at 'd on ih.i G :lf of St. Liwrenc>,3;iiii!e.! tVom Gaspe Ba'-'-.n. It ctnsisii of two small cove;, called N -rth a id Smlh Beach. T!io iirine'' al part of the j)o-ml Hon reside at North Beach wliicli also con- tains the court lious", j '.il iind R anan Catholic church. South Bmc'i con- tiins several important fish -ry e^tab- lisiimints. and an E'liscopal cliarch. l\-rc'' was for some t'me the re-'l nee of Lientena t General Cox, wl o was a!>! orited Governor of; e about 17P.'). Tlie si'e of the Goveranvnt house may still be seen. The village peh 247 PET contains a telegraph ofilco and 4 or 5 stores. TlicseLm ry^iinouiulia;^ I'erco is w.Ul and roiniuitic. I'op. l,V4:i. I'lAlCV: MOCK, properlv LK HO- CllEll PKUCIJ, i.r the 'PUAICVA) KOJK, a icniarkiiblo roek on iho Gu.^po coast, opposite the villaj^e of Perci.''. It id 2SH tVct liig'i, 1,'J();) ixl in len;itli, l)recipit(jus nil rouinl, and liold to .seawanl. In it ure iIu'l'c arelie.s L'ly wrought \iy nature; tlio cenir;; one is sufliricntly large to allow a toat under sail to pass throii;;li wiiii ease. It is the resort {lnrin<^ the Buninier mouths of vast numbers of bea-fowl. PI:IM;II station, a post village in Lanibton co., Ont., on ih 0. T. li., IM miles W. of Toronto. It has a telegraph olli'-e and 2 saw mills. PERCY, a townshij) of Northumber- land CO., O It., and the original name of Waikworth, which sec. PE^iEAUX, a post village in Kings en., N.S , on Mina^Basi i, lo miles from Port Williams Station. Po;>. 21'>. PEIIKINS, a fio t village in 0;tawa CO., Que., IG miles from Ottawa. It has a largo lumtier tra !e Pop. 100. PERM, a post village in Sinicoe co., Ont., on the River R!>3e, 10 miles from Slu'lbui'ne. It co itain i a clrircli, a town hall, a temperance hall an ora ige hall, aii'f a sore. Po[). 2'J. PER.'lETTO-s a post village in Ren- frcnv CO., Ont., 9 miles from Pembroke. It has a woollen mill. PERROT, ail island in the River St. Lawrence, S.W. of the i.>l.ind of M(;n- treal, between the Lake of Two Moun- tains and Lake St. Louis. It is about 7 milos Id ig. Abrilgeoithe (r. T. R. connects it w'ih Vaudreuil. Pon. 20. PERRYBORO,' a p -st odif-e in Compton CO., Que., S miles from Coati- cook. PERRY'S CORNERS, Simcoe co., Ont. See Coolistown. PERRY'S COVE, a fishing settle- ment in t'lc district of Bay dc Verl-!, Nil 1.. 8 miles from Carl) > 'ear. Pop. 248. PERRY SETTLE.MENT, a postoflice in Ivings CO , N.B., 2 ) miles from Apo- haq i. , PERRYTOWN, a p-'st village in Dr.rliani eo., Out., on the M. R., miles from Port Hope. It con'ainsa wooU-n facforv, a tel grap'i ollice, and several saw mills. Pop. 200. PERTH, an incorporated town of Ontario, capital of the co. of Lanark, situated on the Rivir Tay, which has b.-en rendered navigable to the liideau canal, a diitanee of 7 miles, by means of o locks, callable of aduiilting barges carrying from !S0 to 00 tons, willi a station on t!ie B. k 0. R., 40 milca N.W. of Broekv.Ue. It contains, be. i'.Iei the county buildings, charelies of de- nominations, assurance a;, c i- cies, 2 branch banks, 2 telegraph oUiecs, 2 printing oHices issuing w^'ek y news- papers, about 40 stores, s.iw a id gr:st iniils, and manufac ori>'S of machiin'ry, \V()oli(?ns, leatlier, furniture, A;c. TIrre are large d 'posits of mica, plumbago, iron and phosphate of lime in the vici- nity. Pop 2,'.>~i'>. PERTH, a ))= St vdlage and set'le- ment i i Victoria co., N.l>,on t!ie River St Joh 1, 4.J miles from Wood-toek. It was at one tim,^ the cap.tal cf the ci)iintv. Pop. 5'»0. PEi'AWAWA, a post vdlago ia Renfrew co.. Oat., 10 miles Pcin- brol:e. It has a saw mill and several hotels. PETCIIVILLE, a village in Yo-k CO., Ont., 2.', m.les from Aurora Pop. 80. PETERBOROUGH, a county near the ce;itral part ot Ontario, c ompris'S an area of l,i)'J ),3.J.S acres. It contains numerous lak?s wli:c!i give rise to t'le Otonab'O river, and many smaller s!rcams. A railway c nm.ets its capi- tal. Pit 'ibor m h, wi;!i L:'dve Oitario on tlic S. and Georgian Bay on the N. Po:). :v>.47:!. PETERBOROUGH an incorporated town of Ontario, of the c ). (jf Peterborough, on tlie Otonabee river, with a stilt ion on the M. R., a .d al ;.) o i the route of the iiro;;os,'il Onta:' o and Quebec railwav, 31 miles N E of Port INpe, 91 mil.'s N.E. of T >. It contains, bosid "S tlu county l);:lMing!, church's of G denomination;, 4 branch b 'uks, 2 t;'legraph odices, 2 news;ia or oliices, abou 7 ) stores, s 'veral .-aw and grist mils, and manufactories of iri.'a castings, stcun engines, nnichniery, agrlctdtiu'al i;nplements, leather, wool- 1 ns, wo ''I'Mi ware, i.l'c.,and has a largo export tr d • i > '^,-ii'i, p rk {\n'\ 1 imluT. Th ' .'^t;' (•■; f I'ct 'rboroiigh arc well laid oiit ai ' ' r'it''(l with gas. A hand- some brid.'e connects the tow.i with \^^i4 I m ij . . i PKT 248 PET i iM It; Aahburnham, a thriving vliliigo on tlic Dpposito hunks of tlie Utoiabce. Pie- viuiis to l.S'J,"J, Potcrhorougli \va.s known as Indian I'lain or Scott's Landing. It was covoivd Willi scattcivd oaks and small brush, and was on the jjortago to Lake Chcinong, llie lifad of the Oloiiaboo iiavii^^alion. Li that year Col. I'eter liobinsoii, of Ncwinarkft, (a bruihor of the late (Jhicf Jiistice of Ontaro,) was sent out by Earl Jlathnr^t in charire of 2,000 cinigra its. ]h\ con- dncted ihcni troin the sonth of h'claad to llie Indian Plains, where ho en- <'anii)ed theai and subse(iiiently settled them in the neighboring town-hips. Cul. Robinson then lived in a tent on a rising groniid close to the river side, and OHO day at a dinner jiarty which I;o gave in his tent the qnestion aro.-o what name to give the future town. I't was then decided that it slionld be called Peierborongh, after Col. Robin- son. There were jireseiit at the dinner tho lion. Tiiomas A.iStewarf, Mr. Alex. McDonald, Dr. Reid, of Perth, Mr. Syd- ney Ik'llingham, M.P. for Argenteuil, and one or two others. The name was adopted and CoL Robinson gave orders that it should be laid out in town and park l(»ts, and promised each of his guests a town and park lot. The hviid tipon which the town stands Avas then valued at $1 an acre. Pop. in 1871, 4,G11. PETERSBURG, a post village in Waterloo eo., Ont., on the G. T. ]t.,G8.| miles W. of Toron!o,(JniilesS. of IJcrlin. It has a telegra;ih oflice, a tannery, 2 stores and 2 hotels. Pop. 150. PETERSDUIiG, Welland co., Ont. See Ilumberstono. PETERSON, a post ofTico in Peter- borough CO., Ont., 42 miles from Bob- cay geon. l^ETERSON'S FERRY, a i)ost vil- lage in Prince Edward co., Ont., 10 raiies from Napaiee. Poj). 50. PETER'S RIVER, a lishing settle- ment in the district of Placentia and St. Marys, Nfld., 10 miles from St. Marys. PE ERS RIVER, a S'ttlemcnt in Gloucester co., N.B., on a river c^f the same name, 5 miles from Bathurst. Pop. .50. PETER'S ROAD, a post vdlage in Kings CO.. P E I., 10 miles from Georg'^- town. It contains e.n liotel, a saw mill and a grist mill. Pop. 200. PETERSVILLE, a post village and suburb of London, Ont., situated on a branch of the River Thimcs, immedi- ately ojij)osite the foot of Lichlield street. It contains several stores. IJhickfriar's ))ridge connects it with tho city. Pop. 400. PETEUSVILLE, a post village in Queens co., N.B., 10 miles from \Vels- ford. It cnntains stores and 2 saw mills. Pop. 200. PETERSVILLE, a settlement in Kin '.,'-< CO., P.E.I. Po|). 75. PETERSVILLE CilURClI, a post settlement in Oueens co., N.B., 22 Uiiles i'vt m (iagetown. Pop. 200. PETI1ERT()X, H post village in Wel- lington CO., Ont.. ;^ miles from Kenil- worlh. It contains 4 stores and 1 hotel. Pop. 1150. PETITCODIAC, a thriving post vil- lage in We.-tmorland co., N.B., on the Petitcodiac river, and o:i the I. R., dj miles N. of St. John. It contair.s 2 clinrel'es, 2 saw mills, 2 stores, 2 hotels, a i)ut)lic hall, and a telegraph otiico. Po)). 40:). PETITE DE GRAT, a post village in Richmond co., N.S., on the south shore of Isle Madame, 3 ivilcs from Arichat. It contains 2 store;?. Its inhabitants are chiefly engaged in the lisheries. Pop. .^50. PETITE ISLE, in the River Yamas- kn, a little above the S. point of Isle St. Jean, Que. PETITE PASSAGE, or TIVERTON, a post village in Din'by co., N.S , on Long Island, 30 mib.s' fn m Digby. Here is a ligiithouse. Pop. 200. PETITE COTE, a settlement in ITocholaga co.. Que., at tho heail oftho Pa;)!neau r ad, 2 mih^s from Mo itreal. Hero are extensive limestono quarries. Pop. HOO . PETITE RIVIERE BRIDGE, a post settlement in Lunenburg co., N.S., 20 mile.s f;-nm Bridgetown. Pop. GCO. PETITES, a small fishir.g settle- ment in the district of La Poile, Ntld., G miles from Rose Blanche. Pop. 300. PETIT FORD, a sm ill fishing settle- ment in the district of Placentia and St. Marys, NflA., 4 miles fnmi Paradise. Pop. 57". PETIT METIS, Riinonski co., Quo^ Lawrence, 4 miles Pop. IGO. a post village in on tho Riv(>r St. from St. Octave. ,,v.^- PIC 249 pjc 20 I'ETIT ROCIIKP., n Pottlomcnt in (iloiicvster CO., N 15., lli uuKs from Vo[). 2')'>. I'K riiOLIA, an incorporated villaize of Unt.irio, CO. « f Lauibloii. bidiaUd on IJi-'ur (.'rool\, in tho lieart of llic oil region.-!, Willi a station on tlie (.1. W. II., fiD niik'S S.W. of Lonilon. It contains ovor 100 pctrokMini wcIIh, jirodnrin;; ,y,()l)i) to 10,000 brls weekly a id ci.;Iit 1 iri^'c rt'tiiiories ; also saw mid niilis, a number of stores, 2 lelccria; li (iltiec.-i., and 2 iirintiu}^ ofiicc-i iasuiug wix'kly ne\vs])ai)efs. J'op. '_',(.."d, I'KiKttLlA JL'XCTID.V, a ptation on the I'etrolia bvancii of llie G. W li., ■U! mill •< from Lo'idm Out. IMiTTV HARlJOU, a large fisliin;? settlement in the district of i5t. Jolm's, Ntid., o 1 the ^triiighl slp EAr^T, ori:inally .M1SSIS(.,)UUI BAY, ail inc)ri»oraled villaj^e of C^'uebee, co. of i\li.-sis(i.ioi, on the east sitie of Misaisfpioi lliy, 2 miles from St. Armaiid. Station. It is a ]iort of entry and vari housing port, and contains 3 churches, a high school, an extensive carriago faetory, a telegraph ollice, and sever. 1 stores and hotels. Total value of imports fur 1872 $1,012; exports !i5l8,724. Pop. .^00. PIIILIPSBURG WEST, a post vil- lage in Waterloo Co., Out., 12 miles from iJerlin. It contai s a tcK'j.ra|ih ollice, a tannery, and 2 stores. Pop. MO. PllILIPSVILLE, a po.?t village in Leeds co., Out., 28 niiles from Lmck- viUe. It contains saw and grist mills, and several stores. Pop. 100. PllIN.VEYS MOUNTAIN, a settle- ment in .Annapolis co.. N.S., on thelJay of Fundv, 7 miles from I5iidgetown. Pop. 200" PICCADILLY, a station on the Kingston aud Pembroke railway, iu Frontcnac co , Ont., 2S miles from Kingston. See Deni-^ion. I'iCKANOUK, a te.egra h station in I'onliac co., t^ine. S. c (,U( r Lake. PICKAULK, a sm.ll hahing ,< t He- ine ul in 1 hen is rici ( l'l'\.rii;nc Lay.Nlld., on Long Island, 3 miies horn UauUoid 'plCKi:ilI\(;, or DUFFI VS CHEEK. nri;:inally CANl'O.V, a village of Onlaiio, co. of i n'.aiio, on the north shoio of Lake (tnlai;o, near the mouth «)f Duliiu.s Crei k, \siih a station on the G. T. 11. (called Uuhin'.i Cii'ek\23 miles E. of Tor^ nio. Ii con- t. ins .-everal stores and hulels, u grist mi illK 1 a t'le'naiih ol! ee. Po;.. oUO. I'lCKLTTS WilAKl', a landing on Jlinas Pasiii, Kiiius co., N.8., 5 miles troin Port Williams Sla ion. PICTOX, the ciipiial id' the ••o. of Prnee Edward, Out., on ihe iKiy of Qiiinle, 40 miles SS.W. of Kingston, 24 miles from Napanee. It cniitaius, besides the coiiniy laiildings, churches of 5 deiiouiinaiioiH, I branch bank, I telegraph ollice, about, (io stores, manufactories ut' iron castings, steam engines, macliinery, &c , a brewery, p(Ulery, tannery, s-aw and grisi mills, and 3 newspaper oliic s. 1 1 is a jujrl of entry. Toial value ui' imports fir 1872 %U\\ 10; exports $223,(17. Pop. 2,301. PICTOU, a coiuiiy (f Nova Scotia, bordering on N(u''. iiiimberlaud Strait. E.xcejit ai elevation culled Moiiiit Tliom, the sur'ace is nearly levtd, and interseciiMl witli nunu':ous streams llowi.ig chiefly into Mengomisli. Pictou and Cariboo harbdi's, (11 its coa-t. The soil is remarkably fertile. The rock that underlies the surface! is the Devo- viai limestone. The county contains rich mines of coal and iron ore. The coal deposits cmnerise te i strata; the main coal band is 33 f.'ct in lliickness, with 24 leet of good coal. .\'\t to Halifax Picton is the mo-r, p(,piilous county in Nova Scotia. It is settled mostly by S'Olch Ili'ihlin 'iers. Area 72o,4!»0 acres. Capital, P,ctou, i'op. 32.114. PICTOU, a .seoport town of Nova Scotia, ca[iital o, Piclnu co., at the head (f a harbm* ( f its own name, oiiening into Northumberland Strait, and at the E. terminus of ih Pictou braneh of the I. P., 11:! miles N.N.K. of Halifax. It is situated iu a fertile il h " ^^ ■I, 4<>^ 1'. U m it :t!l liJ. :^ 1 , ) j' t\ ■ ( 1 ill 1: <:^ VIK 250 PIR and w<;l! cultivated district, contiiiiiinp extcn-iivc C()!»l miiuM and qnairit's of building stoiio. Tiu' tiiiiuml »'X])i)rts ot coal arc vory larfjo. Tlio harbor i- otiM of iIk! (i u'st oil tilt' S. sliore of tlie Gulf of St. Iia\vr(!ii('o. At the S smIo of its oiitraiice i-i a lifriitliourff, wiili a fix'tl li'ilit (■>.") ('('('t ahovc ilu! si-a. Tlu' tow 1 is \v,ll laiilt, and has an acadciny, library, ;{ liraucli l»aii!i.s, a li.'k'f^craiili oUic;', ncwspa]) T oflicc, iiiaso'iic hall, seviTal clnirciics and iioud-;, a niuiibt'r of stores, 2 sieaiu cardiiii^ mills, 2 tobacco factorii'S, an iron foiuidiy, several saw and g''ist mills ami tti'i- nories, vtc. l':clon is a iiorl of eniry. Its streets are lij^f'itcd w ill pas. The numl)er of arrivals for IST'i was 780(t.>ns 170,430).aud the cleai'ancesT tl (Ions i:)'J,174.) The total value of Ini- itors was St07/>29; ex.iorts .'j2 k">,il4;j Pop. ;{.20 I. I'IKDMOVT VALLBV, a post settle- ment in I'lctoii CO., N.S, 18 miles from New (Jlas'iow. Pop. 2Ji». IMHiJClOTON, MirfsLscinoi co., Que. See Pearceton. PIKUIIEVILI.E, or ST. THOMAS, a thriviiip post village in Vamaska cu.. Que., on the River St. P'raiicis, near its en 'ranee into the St. Lawrence, 28^ miles N E. of Sorel. It contains a telegraph odice, about a dozen stores, and saw, grist and carding mills, and has a very extensive lumber trade. B.ickskiu gloves, ir.itis .aid Bhors are made here in large qua i- tities by a tribe of Abenakis Indians. IShiiibnilding is also engaged in. Pop. 1,200. PlERi{EVILLE -MILLS, a post vil- lage in Yaina.-ka co., t^hie.jOn ihe River S . Francis, ii miles from Pierreville, 30.j miles from Sorel. Here is a tele- graph ollice, and saw, grist and carding mills. PIGEOX HILL, a post vidage in Wissisiinoi co., Que., ?32 miles from the Province line, 5 miles from Si. Armand. It contains a pretty Episcopal church, 3 sti res a id 2 hotels. This village was tie scene of Fenian outrages in June, lB(iG. Pot). 2(K). PIGEt)\' LAKE, a post oflice in the district of Maiqiielte, Man., on ihellivir At-siiiiboine, 52 miles from Fort Garry. PIKE FALLS, a station on the 15. i\: O R.. in Lanark co., Out., G miles from Smith's Falls. See Port Elmslej. PIKE RIVER, a post villajjo in Missis(|uoi CO., Que,, on a tributary of the Richelieu river, 2 miles from Dps Rivi6res. It has water cominun cation With Sorel on the norih and ] ort-i on Lake Champlain on the south, and contains 2 store-^, 2 hotels, and a saw and grist mill. Pop. 2o(). PIL'IRIMS. four island< lying off Ihe S. shore of the St. Lawrence, helow L'lslet. They are mere pdes of recks covered with'low brnshwtiod and a few trees. PIXCHARD'S ISLAND, an island in the district of Bonavisia, Ml I , on Moaavisla Ray, 8 miles from Grron's I'oiid. It is inhabited by lishernien. Poi>. 31(J. PIXEDALE. a post office in Ontario CO., Oiii., 4 miles from Wick. PI.N'E GRkVE, a post village in Vork CO., Out., on a bianch of the llumher rivfr. l.l niile-i from Wood- hridge. It contains a large flouring mil. Pop. 2o(). PINE HILL, Lambton co., Ont. See VVidler. PINE ISLAND, in the River St. Francis, between \Vickham and Upton, Que. PINE ORCHARD, a post village in York CO., Gilt, near Ni'wmarkei. PINE RIVER, or ALMA, or LUR- GAN. a post village in Rruce co., Ont., 10 miles from Kincardine. Pop. 100. PINEO VILLAGE, or WATEIl- VILLE, a i)ost village in Kings co., N.S., on the W. & A. R., 10 mi'e> from Kentville. Ii has several saw and grist mills. I'op. 140. PINE TREE, a .-settlement in Pictou CO., N.S., at tiie hrad of Merigoinisli harbor, G miles from New Glasgow. Poo. 100. PINETTE, a hamlet in Queens co., II. E. I., near Helfasi. It has a saw mill. PINKERTON, a post village in Briice CO., Out., o i the W. G. A; B. R., 11 miles N.W. of Walkenon. It coa- tains 2 stores, and grist, saw and card- ing mills. Pop. 80. PIOPOLiS, or ST. ZENON, a post village in Compton co.,Qiie.,7 m les from Lake Mcgmlic. Pop. 200 PIRATE HARBOR, a post village and seillement in Guysborough CO., N.S., on the Gut of Canso, 3 miles from Port Hawkesbury. Pop. 120. PLA 251 PLE PTSARINCO, a post sottloment in t^t. JdIui CO., N.I5, 14 miles tS.W. of St. Joliii. Pop. '200. I'lSgUlb HDIDGE, a villuge in QuL'iiis CO., I'.J'l.I , on tlic I'rinci^ E(i- •\vni(l I.^lanu railway,-! miles fr'ouj Cliur- lottctown. I'oj). 151). I'ISTOLKT ISLAND, an island and fisiiln;^ station in a bay ot the same name, on the French shore, Nlld., 7 miles from Cape Norman. I'op. 20. riTTS AKCllU'KLAdO, in the Pueilic Ocean, oil' the coast of iJiitisli ('olnmbia, is mostly hetween lat. ^>'l and .">4 N , Ion. I'M' \V. Pitt's Island, the largest of the pronp, is altont 75 mdes in length frcjin N.W. to SH. Several other islands ni tlie Pacihc Lave this name. PITTSFKRRY, a post village in Frontenac co., Ort . U miles from Ganaii(!(]n'' Pop (JO PITTSTON a jio.-t ofTice in Cren- ville CO Out G miles from Edwards- biiig PLACENTiA. n seaport town of Newfouiuiljiiid, on the W coast of tlic from tile S.E 47 -Hie in about lat 47 1 1 30 Jiarhor lin on either sid; pemn.:;iila extendiii; or the island, N ion 5J liithoms ot water ; and of Its uiliance. vhich is not more than ()0 lallunis acioss, stands a lort. Placontia was first settled liy the Frt iieh in 1G2G and stron ly fortilied, aid tor many years witlistoc^d the ai tacks of British squadrons. It is a post town and port of entry and chiefly settled oy fishermen Pop 400. PLACENTIA MANS COVE, a small fis'iirg settlement in tiie district ( f li'.irin, Nlld . on Mortier Bay, 11 miles from 15:!rin Pop :]5. PLAINFIELD, a post village in Pic- tou CO , ^■ S.,on a branch of llie River John, 15 miles from Picton. Pop. 100. PLAINFIELD, nri.uinal'y LATTAS iMILLS. a pos' villa.ue m Hastings co , Ont., 10 miles f.-.iin Ijelievilie. It c n- lai'is a flouring mill, a large saw m.U. and J stores. Pop. "iOO PLAINS OF AlifJAITAM, a table land immediately S.W of the city of Qiieliec Here Generals WoHe and Montcalm, tiie respective commanders of the British and French ferc's, were killed in the action of the 18th Septem- ber, 1759. PLAINVILLE, also called BOW- MANS CORNKIl^,a vilbige in North- umberland co., t)nt., (t^ miles from Cobonrg. Pop. GO. PLAISTER COVE, or PORT HAS- TINGS, a seaport town of Nova Scotia, CO. of Inverness, on the Gnt of Ca'iso, 1H2 miles from llalifa.v, 72 miles from New Glasgow. Tills is a repeating station of the Western I'nion and New York, Newfoiiiidlaud, and London Telegra])h comuanies. It lias a line h irbor ami coiitaiis several stores and hotels. A large trade is done in the lislieri'>9, in cattle and general produce. Pop. GO('). PLANTAGENET. origim>lly IIATT- VILLE, a pot village m Prescntt co., Out., on the South Nation river, 4U miles frcan tMiawa. It has a tclei.'raph ollice, 4 sl(jres, 2 hotels, a saw mill and a carding mill, llie ( elebrated Ciirra- tracea minenil sjirings are in the viciu- itv Poi>. l'"^0. 'PLATE COVE, a fishing settlement in the district of Bonavisia, Ntld., 17 miles from King's Cove. Poji. 250. PLATTSVILLE, a flourishing post vilhige in O.xford co., Out., on the River Niih, 5 miles from Bright, li contains 2 woollen factories, 1 llax mill, 1 fiour- iiiij; mill, an iron foundry, a telegraph oliice, G stores, and 3 hotels, i'op. 'JOO. PLA VFAIR, a jiost village in Lanark CO, Out., on tlie Mississippi rivir, 12 miles from Perth. Poji. 75. PLAVFAIRS CORNERS, Adding- ton CO , Out. See (Jemley. PLEASANT 1!AV> or GRAND AN.-^E, a jiost oflice in Liverness co., N S , 25 miles from (-'heticamp. PLEASA.NT GROVE, (ji.eens co., P E.I S.'e Suliolk PLEASANT HILL, or WALSING- IIA.M CENTuE, a post village iii Nor- fdk CO , Ont , \Si mdes from Til.-on- bur r. It contains a woollen m-ll and .3 stores. Pop J50 PLEASANT RlDGIi, a post seMle- ment in Charlotte eo., N B., 20 miles from St Stephen. Pop 250 PLEASA T VALE, a thrivii^g poSt villiige in Alb"rt Co., N 15., on the ('ov- erilaic iivcr, 10 inihs from Petiteodi iC. It c'Mitai IS a Methodist clmreli, i store, 1 I'otel, 1 grist mill, 1 sawmill, 2 bbiek- smiih's sli'ip', I carriTge f ictory, ii!:d 1 furniture factory. The v. liaise is sur- tl Ik'? i*« lit " M '■^ lilil y.! ! '!'l t*iii roi rounded by larfjfc fnrojts of 8pruco and ])iUL'. l'(>l> l.)'». IM.HASANT VAIJ.KV, u liamlct in Quocii.s CO., I'.E.r. ll liiis a saw mill and .'111 hotel. imj;a.<.vnt valli;v, a ixHtomcc in l)i;,'liv co , N.S., 4 mil ■.-! from \)\'^hy, I'Ll'JASAXT VAIiLi;V, a .^olJcment in Iliinl.^ CO., N.S., on .Mill Lake, ID mi!e< IVntii III!) ;'!:il>'. I'm]i. TiO. rij;ASA.\ 1' VALLKV, a .^etih rncrit in i'itlou CO., N.S., a nnK-.s from Wc^t liiver. Pop. 1 '.n. i'LKASA.NT VAI-M:V, Prince Kd- wat'd CO., Out. .^ ,>• liilliiT. PMOASA.XT KlVi;.;, a |io\'iLLI'], .Megantic CO., Que. See Some;'.- 't. l*Li:.\l HOLLOW, a i)o.>t odico in [jced-: CO., Oil! ,1 1 niilciiVom Brockville. PLl'.MWESKL. , a village \\ Kings CO, X.8., on the I. R., 47 miles from ."^t. Jo!in. Poj). ")(). PLYMOUTH, a po-t ollico in Yar- monlh CO., N.S., [) miles Irom Yar- month. PLV.MPTOX, a h.mlt m Digby co., N.S. it contains an lioltd, 2 stores, ami a shipv.ird. PO(;K.Mi)U(,'III':, a settlement in (Jloncester co., \.1J., 50 miles from Chatham, ;> mile.-! from Cirafpiette. It has a tele'/raiih oliice. Pop. .-it) ). POCKSliAW, :.. po t s.'ttlement in Gloucester co., X.l)., on Hiie des Cha- Icnrs, 2G.i miles fr. m Uathnrst. Pop, POIXT AIUXO, or nRRTII':, or RIDOKWAVjU thrivi igpost viUatije in Welland co., Oat., on tlio G. T. R. (Bull'alo division), •' niil 'S from Hnlfalo. It contain-; a telep;rapliol'iice, a sawmill, an in;n foundry, a cheese fact(jry, iuid several stores The station is called .Bertie, the post ofiice Point Abino, Po]). COf). POINT ALKXAXDLR, a post ofTice in Renfrew co., Out., 'M miles froni Punbroke. POINT BRULE, a ]iost village and BCttlemeut in Colchester co., N.S., on POI Minas Rasin, 30 miloj from Truro. Pop. 40). POINT (\\RDlXAL, GrenviUo co., Orit. iSi'O Kdward.'i'Uig POINT A (iUOl'LlTi;, a village in the (lilrict of Proveuclit r, .Man., on Red lliv. r, 1 1 miles (rom Peialtina. POlNniiKAR, a j.o.^t o!iic • in Vic- toria CO., N.S., 7 miles Ironi Bonlar- Po'lNTK A CAVAGXOL, Vaudrend CO.. (Jue. S.'e ilud.^iiu. POIXTE A FLLl'ILVXT, B)naven- tui'e CO., Que. Se • Kleira it. POiXrH A LA (lARDi:, Boaavcn- tur>' CO., (^tue. S ■-• Lscuiu: lac. POlN^fL A Pi(', a iiost vn\c.n m Cliarlevoi.v CO., l^ue., 2 miles from Mur- lav jlav. POIXTK Air BOI'LKAU, or DUCK Rl\'i]it, a post vlllig" in rihnlevuix CO., <.Jie., at llie outlet of iheSaguo.niy river mlo the St. Lawrence, o|)posite Tadousac, 21 miles from .Murray Bay. Pop. ic,'). P( dNTE AU CIIEXR, a po,4. village i'l Arg.nleiul co., Que., U miles from (Jreiiv'llc. Poj). .^>n. POlA lE AUX AXGLALS, a village in the CO. of Two iMou i tins, <,'ii!'., oa the Otinwa river, 4'J miles from Mon- treal Poi>. -'0. POIN I'E AUX PIX.--;, a post oflicc m the district of Algoma, Out., on the N. shore of Lake Superior, i) miles from S.i'ill St '. .Marie. Pl-lXfE AUX TREMBLES T)U LAC ST. JEAN, a small s'lllemeiU in Clii- coutimi c )., Que., tjO miles fromChicou- timi. Pop. To. POINTE AUX TPtEMBLES ENBAS, a post village in Portnoiif co , 'Juc on the N. shore River St. Law "•■ l: miles S. of Quebec, it ctmlaii saw a id gri;t mills, and slii] is, G slo!'e.-i and a telegraph oiiice. 1' tiflO. POiXTE AUX TREMBLE.S EN IIAUT, a post village ii Ilocholaga CO., Que., oa the I ;I i id of Montreal, 10 miles from Montreal. It contains a Fre ich Protest lilt college, 3 stores and 3 hotels. Po]). 400. POINTE AUX YACnES, a head- land on the N. shore of ilie M. Law- rence, between the Rivers Sagnenay and Bergeronne. It derives its mime from the walrus, an animal once common in the River St. Lawrence and the Sag- ueuav. I lay rui 2:)'^ POI larp' crop. I'uinto ilo POINTE CLAIIU':, an incorporatcMl villii^.' ot" <^iU'l)(.'C', Ciipiiiil (jf llic CD. of Jll('i|ll .S CiriKT, Billlllti'il oil tlio IsliUUl (if Moiil.ciil, on the X. Bliore of tlic liiverSt. Liiwr-nc.', wiili ii sl;i ion on llu; (r. T. I{., II] null's fnni .Moiitr.'iil. It cinluin.s 11 t'lc'}j;iM])li ollice, .'{ .storos, and 2 li >i ■!.-;. I'dp. -I'll. I'OlXfl': l)H ('IICNI':, apostHottle- nu'iil i:i llii' cli^ti'icl of J'ldvciicIiL'r, M;iii., on b,)ih hMi'.-i of n liiilc livcr (mIIciI I'o'rilo di' CIkmics, .'iO mile-? K. ot Fort (i.iny. It fontaiii.-* a lionian CiUliolic cliiiri'li, 1 llonring mill, and U KtoH'S. A lari,'!' hridj^c ihv river. TliL' coiritry around lii;ic is very fertili wlh-at (':il)i'cially produces a larp Hay id in great quantity. (J ones rivir is very irregular; it id IG miles in le I'^-'lh and alj )ut (ID fi'ct in i)rea(!lli. Al)out {)) miles from tlie vil- lage is Lake of tiio Woods, sui'round- iug wliicli arc large forests of cedar and taniarae, and grove- of maple, oak and elm. I'ninte De (Hiene is o i tl e Dawso i or Lake of the Wooiis road. It is lik(dy to heome a town of o isiderahle im- liorla'iee. Th" population is composed of al).)iit one iiundred funilies. POINT!': DK >lHi!l()\, on the Kam- inistiiiuia river, in the disli'ict of Thun- der 1! ly, Ont., 8 miles above Fort Po'lXTE DE MONT.S,a headland on the n.a-lli hIi. ;e of the St. Lawrence, CO. of Sague lay, Que. lat. 40' 1!) ::'> ' N.,r.7 21 .") W. Oil it is a liglithousc exhibiting a fixed light 100 feet above the level of the sea. During fog and H'inw storms a gun is fired every hour. .lis is a depot of provisions for .ship- ivreckf d mariners. The coast here is very dangerous. P'OINTE Dir Bl'TE, a village in Westmorland co., N.l!., 5 miles from i^ackville. It contains 2 stores. Pop. 250. POINTE DU CIIENE, a seaport town of New '!;-nnswick, co. of Westmor- land, on 'I humberland Strait, at the N.E. ten ms of the Shcdiac branch of the I. P s nidcs from St. John. It has a ' liouse, a telegraph ollice, and 7 store Pop. 150. PuIN . [)[] LAC, a post village in St. Mai, c:^ CO., Que, at tlie E. end of Lake St. Peter, 81 miles N.N.E. of Mon- real. It contains 2 stores, and several saw and grist mills. Pop. 500. ^ POINT EDWAKI), originally PORT SAU.MA, a lli'iri-iiii ig post villai^eof Ontario, co. of LambloM, situated on the St. Olair river, near Laivo Huron, and at tin- ("ni ida t>'iiuiiius ot" tlie (}. T. P., 2 miles from Sainia, li>^ miles W. of Toronto, it contains a telegciph otlice, [) stores, 5 hotels and 2 saw mills. Steamers jdyi ig mi Lakes Ifuroii, Superior, .^Iiclligau a id cult here. Fort (!ratiot,a military po.-i in the Stain of Michigan, iiud a siation on tin; (i. T. K,, is iminediately ofiposite. A steam ferry maiiuains communicatio:i between the two pi iceS \'i)\K l,Oi)l). PniNTI': FOirri'.NK, a post v.llage i 1 Vaudreuil c >., Q';c , oi the Uivcr Ottawa, -l.') mill's N.W. of .Montreal It has a telegraph ollice, 2 stores and I hotel. Po|). I'lo. POLNT ESCCMINAf, the S.E. point of Miramichi !;ay. Lat. 47 4 152 N., lo.i.Ct 47 ;iO VV. O.i it is a light- hon-:e. POINT FAU.M. a sunme'r resort on Lake Huron, near (l(;(lei:ch; Ont. It has a tidegiMph oilic ■. POINT FLlli;t)LLE, French shore. Nfld. S 'e Flower's Cove. POINT KAYL, a j. st office in Vic- toria CO., Out, on Ijake Mu-dcoka, I'i mih's fVom 15:'aci'brid'_:'e. POINT LA Nl.M, a post settlement i'l Restigouclie o.. N.I)., 2] miles from UalluMHie. Pop. 1 "li). POINT LANCK, a fidiing settle- ment in the di-itrict of Place. li'a and St. Marvs, Nlld., 5 miles from IJraneh, Pop. 22. POINT LEVI, Levis co., Quo. See Levis. POINT OF CAPE, a ])ost settle- ment in Auiignuidi c;t., N.S , miles from I'liiceiitiii. I'op. :i4. I'UINI' PLKASANT, ii lieadluiid iit llie e.iliiuic(^ of the l^iiy of Ouiiite, Prime Kdward co., Out. On it is a li^^htlioiise. I'Oi.NT PLKAS.VNT, asmall villaf,'c in Si. .I>)lin cd., N.i{.,iidjoiiiinl». I'Oi.VT MI'ZKIIALL, a iieadland on tlieN-.-^iiic of llie enlnuiee to l'oi't;i>;(! River, Kent CO., X.i{. It is setlleil by lisiiernicn Po|i. IDO. POINT ROSV, a small fi.sliin?? S"t- tlemetif in llio district of I{infj;i(i and La Poile, Nlid., miles from Oliannel. Po]). 2;"). POINT S.MMN, a post villafre in Kent CO., N.I!., near tlie cntraneci to Kou(;liil)oiigtiii(' Bay, U8 mili'S from Rieliibiieto. IKmv is one of the best salmou lisheries in the province. Pop. 250. POINT ST. (MIAKLKS, a suburb of Montreal, it coniains tho head olliees and chief workshops of the Trunk Hailwav ('ompan}'. POINT ST. rKfKi;, a post vdlage in Gaspe co., Que., at llie western ex- tremity of (ilaspe Hiiy, 22 miles from Ga-^pe Basin. It contains a telegraph oflice II nd 4 stores. Pop. 100. POINT TilAVEIJSl':, or LONG Point, a posl vdhnre in I'rinc' lOd- ward CO., Ont., 17 mdeb from Pielon, Po]). 2(10. POINT VEKDE.a fi^hinc: settlement in the d'slriel of IMaeeiilia and Si. Marys, Ndd., 2 miles fn)m Pbicentia. Pop. l.'ir). POINT WOLF, a post villarje in Al- bert CO , N.B., on the r>ay of Fnndy, 3.") miles from Penobscpiis. Poj). ir)0. POIiULU, a post oflice in Richmond CO.. N.S., 2G miles from Port Ilawkes- bnrv. PORT ACADIE, a post villape in Dijrby CO., N.S., on St. Marys Bay, 30 miles fronj Di;j;by. Pop. 250. POLAND, a post village in Lanark CO., Ont., 25 miles from Perth. Pop. 40. POLLET niVEf?, a post s-tflomont in Westmorland co., N.H., .0 miles from I'etitcodiac. 1 1 contains a mivr mill and a carding mill. Pop. 250. I'OLLET lUVEIl STATh)N, a sta- tion on the I.R., in Westmorland co., N.]5., 71 miles from St. John. POLLY B()(J, a station on the I. R,, in ('(dchester co., N.S., 4t) miles from Halifax. I'0.\IKROY RIDGE, a post settle- ment in (Charlotte co., N.I5., 8 miles from St. Stephen. Pop. 200. PO.MONA. a post settlement in Grey CO., Out., 13^ miles from Durliam. I'ot). 150. I'OMQPET CTTAPEL,a post village in .Aniiiconisli co., N.S., on St. (}eorge'd 15 iv, 41 miles from New Ghii^gow. Pop. 200 POMQPET FORKS, a post settle- ment in Auligiiiiislj CO., N.S., 45 miles from X' \v Glasgow. Pop. 400. I ONI) MILLS, a small village in Middlesex co , Ont., on tho L. & P. S. R.. *> miles from London. Pop. 70. PONDS, a post settlement in Pictoii CO., N S., on tli(> Giilfof St. Lawrence, 21 miles from New Glasgow. Pop. 150. POXns, a settlement in Yarmouth CO., N.S., 2 miles from Varmouth. Pop. L50. PONIIOOK, Queens co., N.S. See Greenlield. PONSONi?Y, a im.^t vlllaso in Well- ington CO., Ont., (i.l miles from Giielph. Pop. 80. PONTIAC, a village in Pontile co., Que., on tile uoMh side of the (Miiijs Rapids, 3 miles from Quio (Onslow). Pop 50. PONT Oil ATE. \ (I, a post v.illago in S ailauges co.. Que., 5 miles fiora Coteaii Salion. It contains 1 tannery and 2 stoik's. I'op. 120. PONT DE MASKlNONGE.or MAS- KINONGE LIJIDGE, apost v ill .age of Quebec, co. of .Maskinonge, .situated on the north shore of tho St. Lawrence, 27 miles above Tliree Kivers. It conta'ns a telegraph olliee, 4 stores, and saw, grist and eanling mills. Pop. 350. PONT ROIKJE, a post olliee in Portneuf co., Que.,R miles from Pointe au.x Trembles en Imx. P0OI)IA(], a post village in Kings CO., N.Ii., miles from Sussex. Pop. PC. roR 2;.') roR POOLE, a pogt villaj,'.! in Perth co., Out., 12^ milod from kSlralt'ord l'o\). 201). I'OOli'S COVR, a fiHlii'K scttlcmont in Uio (li.stri(.-l of l''i)rtiiiie IJiiy, Nlld., r> Tiiilos from ISilli'orcm. Pop ,50. P()(J1.'S ISIiANl), 111 Doiiji'vistu ]{iiy, Nllil., 'i iniU'sfroin (ireeii's l*oiiil It la settled 1)V fislioniieu. Pop f>-4. POPIO'S lIAIli;()Il, ii post odicfi in Halifax co., N.S.,ri!).', inile.-i from Ilalifa.x. POPL.AR (iKOVK, a post ollice in (Jlouccstor CO, N !>._ G miles from IJa- lliiirst. IM)1'LAR ITILL, a post vWla^ro. in Pictou CO., N.S., 10 inile.s from I'ietoii It contain.s I store, 1 hotel, 2 saw mills, and 1 pi'ist mill. I'op. 100. POPLAR PoLN'T, a post ofTico in til" district of Marfpielte, Man., on tin) Uivt r Assiniboine, 45 miles from Fort (iarry. IHiQlTIOCK, a post vdhisc in York CO., N.I5., on the lJiv'(>r Si. Joh 1, -10 inilea uhove Frech-ricton. It contains H Iar;,''e sawmill. Pop, I.'jO. PdRTAGR, Huntingdon co., Que. See Dewittville. P()IITA(JK I)U FORT, an incorpo- r.ited villui^e of(,>u bee, co. of I'oiHiac, situated on the N shoro of the River dltuwa, CO miles N. of Ottawa. It contains several .saw and f^rist mills, '2 toh'irraidi oflice-", -1 hotels, a iiuiulir of store-:, and extensive marble quarries. Pop. V,'>2. PORTAGE ISLAND, an island of New )!ruiiswick, lyin^ at the eutiancc of Mirainiclii l{;iy, about tlireo mibs distant from the mainland This is- land is about five miles 1:1 leuL^lh a id fioin arpiarter to half a mile in width, well wooded and valuable as a salmon llsiiery It IS at present j^ranteil to the British Admiralty tor naval jiurposes and rented to the fisheriuen The an- nual value of .salmon taken i.s about oif^ht thousand dollars There is a liglitliou--e at the S F extremity PORTA(iF LA PRAIlilF, *a post office in the district of .Manpiette, Man , TjO miles from Fort Carry PORTAGE RIVER, a post settle- ment in Xorthumbcrland co., N.R,42 miles from (/hatham Pop 100 PORT ALBERT, a post village in Huron CO , Ont., 10 miles from (lode- rich. It contuina 2 stores and 2 hotels. Pop. 200. PORT A PIQUE,"a post Heltlemeiit in Colchester co., N.S., 10 miles from Lond(Miderry. Pop. iiOO. PORT A PIQUE MOIJNTAI.VS. a post settlement ill Colchester co., N.S., li.'i miles from fiondoiiderry. Pop. 200. PORT All JJASQi;i-:.S, Huraeo und La Pcile, Nlld. See Ciiaunei. PORT .\i; IJRAS, :i hshiii^,' setlle- lueiit Oil the \V. side ot Piaciuuia Lay, Nfld., I m;h! from Ihirin. J'op l'.),">. PORT AIJ CllOlX, ahshinirst.ition on the French shore, Ntld., 2o0 uiiled from ("hannel Pop. ;',,s. IMJRT Ai:(U'STi;.S COVF, a hamlet in Queens co.. P.E 1. U has aii hotel, a i^v'iAl null, and 2 stores PORT AIJ PERSIL, or ST SIMEON a post viUaj^i; in (Jhiirlevoi.x co., Que . oil t!ie N shore of the St Lfiwieuc;\ 18 miles from .Murray JJay it has 2 store; Pcjp ;{,'J0 PORT AU I'ORT, a fishiuff station on the French sh ire^ Nfid Po|) 7.'>. PO.rr AUX Q:ILLES, a settle nent in (/'harh'voix co., Que., on tlie n75 PORT l)AM10USIE,an incorporated village of Ontario, eo of Lincoln, sit- uated on tlie S siiore ot Lake O itario, near it.s W. end, at the entrance of the WcUand Cnnal, and on the Welland railway, 5 niile.s from 8t, Catharines, 31 miles from Toronto (by water.) It contains several churelie.s, store.s, and hotels, 2 telegiaph ofiice.s, 2 lloiiring mills, a saw mill and 2 shipyards. Pop 1,000. PORT DAXIEL, a post village in Bonaveiiture co., Qii'.\, on Rai'i des Chaleur.-;, Td) miles from Perec'". It con- tains a ttlegraph olliee, a .saw mill, a.ul 5 stores. Pop. 200. PORT D.VlfLlXGTOX, a port of en- try on Lake Ontu-io, 2^ miles h-Jin Bowmiuivillo. Total value of imi)orts for ir-iT2 .SH0,.')2:) ; exports $122,413. See Bowinanv!lk\ PORT I)()V1:R, a post village and portof eiitvy of Onlario, co of Xorfolk, on the N. shore of L:ike Eri,\ at tiic mouth of the River Lyiin,:>7 miles S.W. of llimilton 9 miles from Siinc le. It contains several ch'jrches, a telegraph olliee, t hotels, a number of stores, an iron foundry, s iw, grist and woollen mills, and a newspaper office. Toial value (,f imports for 1872 §l-f,780; ex- ports Si 7^,7 12. Pop. ], 100. PORT ELGIX, a post village m Westmorland eo., N R., on Rule Verte, 30 mil'.'.; from Shediac. It c mtains 3 stores, 1 liotvl, a grist mill, a tannery, and a shipyard. Roj). 150. PORT KLOIN, Bruce CO., Ont. See Normanlon. POirr KhGlN,Greavillcco.,Ont. See Edwardsburg. PORT ESSIXGTOX, a village in the district of Ominica, B.C., at the en- trance to the Skeena river, in lat. 54' 75 N. PORT ELMSLEY, a post village in Lanark co.. Ont., on the River Tay, miles from Smith's Falls It contains u large woolle.i factory, and 3 saw mills. Pop. 100. PORTER'S HILL, a post ofTice in Huron CO., Out., 7.1 Miiles from Clinton PORTER'S LAKE, a post .settlement in lIalila.x,co., N.S., 18 miles from Hal- ifax. Pop. 120. PORT I'ELIX, or MOLASSES HAR- BOR, a post settlement in Giiysborongh CO., N.S.. -:i Tor Bay, 30 miles froln Giivsboiongh. Pop. 200. PORT FRAXK. or GOLDEX CREEK, a villiige in Lambton co., Out., on River aiix Sable, 5 miles from Widder. Pop. 70. PORT GEORGE, a post village in Annapolis co., X.S., o.\ thi! Bay of Fiindy, 16 miles from Lawrencetowu. Po|). 150. PORT GLASGOW, a village in Elgin CO., Out., on Lake Erie, 15 miles from Newbury. It contains 3 saw mill ;, a cheese factorv, and 2 stores. Pojt. 100. PORT GliAXiSV, a post village in Diirhain co., Out., on Lake Ontario, with a station on the G. T. R., (called -XcwtonviUe,) 54 m les E. of Toronto. It has a telegraiih ofHc\ Pop lOQ. PORT GREVIELE, or RATCIl FORD RIVER, a po.5t villigo in Cmnberlaiid CO., N.S., onGreviIle'Bay, 15 miles from Parrsborougli Pop. 250. PORT IIASTIXGS, or PLAISTER COVE, a sea])orttown of Nova Scotia, CO. of Inverness, o!i the Gut of Canso, 72 miles from X'ew Glasgow. This i« a repeating station ot the Western Union, and Xew York, Newfoundland and London Teh'graph companies. It has a large trad' in tho lidieries, r.i cattle and gi- ier;il lu'odnce. hi liarbor is (teep, commodious and well sheltered. Poo. (]00. PORT riAWKESnURY, a seaport town of N''ova Sc itia, c). of Iin\'rnes^', o 1 the Gat of Canso, 75 miL's fr.)in New Glasg,)\v. It has a fine harbor, 2 marine railways, a tologra])h office, and several store ;.' A larg' trade is don" in fisii and general produce. The number of arri- vals f;r 1S72 was i:U (tons (]'J,9U9), and the clearances 102 (tons G5,88G>. Value POR 257 POR of imports §20,302 ; exports $30,8G3. Poj). (iOO. POirr HILL, apostvillajje in Prince CO., i'.K.L, I'J mikd from tSiinnnorsido. It conliiius 1 saw mill, 2 {^I'ijt mills, and several sliipyanl.-). Pop'. ;!,')0. POUT 1)E GUAVIi, a fi-shit.}? settle- ment i:i tl 'listrict of I}ri\^;is, Nlld.,51 niil'-'S from !^^ John's. Pop. fiO,"). POUT (or JIAllCOIl) G R AC E.a mari- time town of Xewfouidlaid, on tlio W. side of Concej)tion Hav, 25 miles N.W. of St. J.I. I's. S'.-i Harbor (Jraco. PORT HOOD, or JIvSTlUO, a seaport town of Nova Scotia, capital of the CO. of Inverness, prettdy situated on the Gulf of St Lawrence, 28 miles fr )m I'urt Ilis^iigs. Its harbor is safe fir fn-ates with any wind, has goi'i ai'^^'ioragi} in 4 to 5 fathoms and during the ti.siiing season presents a mi)>t animated scene, — the mackerel ihi'l makin.f it their rendi'zvous, whei as many as live hundred sail can be seen at 0110 time. The town contains a hot id and halt a dozen stores. There are rich oal mines in tiie vicinity. The number of arrivals for IS72 was 11 (tons ('>')'>), and the clearanc -s 12 (tons 1,012.) T /- tal value of imports $y,7G2; exports 57,r;8[). Pop. 7')(). I'ORT IIOv)I) [SLAXD, an i>1and at tlie entrance (.1 Port Hood harbor, In- verness CO., X.S It IS a lishing station. Top 40 PORT HOOVER, a post villajco in Victoria CO., Out., on Lake Scujjrog, ;» niiks from Oakwood. It coniauis an hotel and a s iw mill Pop. 10). POiiT llOi'E, an incor[)o;-ated town and iiort of entry ot itario, c ). oi' Durham, on the N. shore of Lalie On- tario, ill (li ' S terminus of the iMidland rnilway, and on the Grand Trunk, V>'-i miles ]•]. of Toronto. It is built in a va'ley and on the side of a hill c om- maiiiliu'^' line views of the lake, and lias ell u'cli'S of o or G denominatio-is, 3 hri I'.'li bank^, 2 newspaper ollice^;, 2 tei('i:;ranh ollie 's, anuiat)er of store-, several hotels, 5 11 ouriiii^ mills, 1 ])la.s- termdl, 1 planinsf mil, 1 distillery, 2 lirnveries, and manufactories of wool- h'us, buttons, leath t, wooden ware, Rteatn ^Migcines, machinery, iron castinij-;, &!'. Oioil water power is alfird^'d by Smith's Creek, which runs throiiii;Ii the tow I ar Tile streets of Port II tpe e lighted with gas. The harbor is one of the best on the lake. Tho trade of this j)ort in lumber and grain is coa- siderable. Total value of miiiori.s lor 1872 §272,250; exports ,'$1,371,321. Pop. 5,1 U. PORT JOLLY, a post settlement ia Queeiis co., .V.S.on the Atlantic coast, 25 miles from Liverpool. Pop. 200. PORT LA.MRTOX, or LA.MP.TON, ft jiost villiige in Potliwidl co.. Out., on the River St. Clair, 23 miles from Sar- nia. Pop. 50. PORTLAND, a post village in Leeds CO., Out., on Ridean Lake, 50 miles from K' igston. It contains 3 stores, acheciie l'a(!tory, and a tannery. Poj). 200. PORTLAND, a village in Norfolk CO., Ont., lo miles from Simcoe. It con- tains 3 stores. Pop. 50. PORTLAND, a post tiwn and ish of St. Jijhn co., N B., adjoining the city of St. John. Its s'reets are ligiited witligas, and arc well built. It contains a n imlier of large steam saw mills, and several sliipvards and iron f)un tries. A rich plumbago mine is ■worked near the Falls. S:ili)liatc of barytes is also found in the neitjlibor- Iiood. A h.indsoinc suspension i)ridgo c )nnects this parish with Lancaster. Pop. 12,520. See St. John. PORTLAND a village in Ottawa Co., Que., 12 miles from Buckingham. Pop. li)>. PORT LA TOUR, a post s-t(lemont from Pop 11 S 1 Ibirne co., N S., H m.h It contains 2 stores. 1. irnngion. 210. PORT LE BEAR, or PORT IIE- BKRT, Queens co., N.S. See Big Port le B'lr. PORT LEWIS, ft post village in Iliintiugdou CO., Que, on Luke St. Fraiici-, G' iriles from Iliinliii;^' 1 m, 3 miles from River Bein Ict'e. 1 1 <■ mtains 2 ho'els and s-veral stores. Poji. 120. PORT MAITLAND, or i'.ROAD ('[tEI^K, a post v.Uage in Moiick co., Out , on G;M:d river, near its entrance into Lake Erie, 7 miles S. of Dunnvillo. i' o|». '"^O. I'ORT MATOn.V (or MOUTO.V) HL.VN'l), at the W. eivtram-j to Port Mat )un, Queens c).. N.S. Pop. 30. PORT .MEDWAV, or .MILL VIL- LAGH, a seaport town of Nova Seotia, in (Juee isco., at the heail of aoa liarbor,r)';milesS.\V. nfJTal fax. ' It has laei )ii3 17 ■vend stores, mills,and .shipyar'ls,and ii ; n :j il' i# f\ POR 2."S POR I! ■ : 1 •WIm??^ a place of considerable importance in consfqueiicc of its facilities for navij^M- tiou iiiul the lisheries. Tiie uuniber of arrivals for 1872 was 41 (t!iiisO,4.'>'J),a:i(l the clearances 82 (tons 12,.'!S0). Value of imports ip2S,484; exports !i?M:},'^40. Pop. (;«)(). I'UiiT MULGRAVE, a seaport town of Nova Scolia, co. of Gii3'.sboroii.!.']i,ou the Gut of Canso,opp()site i'orl Ilawkes- biiry, 73 miles from New Gla-gow Tills is one of the most important llsli- ery stations in the j)rovinco It lia-^ a telc^nMuhoflice and 8 stores Pop 400. POUT NluLSON, a post villa;re of Ontario, co, of Ilalton, situated on Lake Ontario, 1] miles frum Wellington Kq lare, :!3 miles S S.W of Toronto. It ccntams an hntel, a shipyard, and several stori'.s. Pop 200. Pt)RTNKUF, a county of Quebec, oa tlic N. shore of the St Li'wrence, has an area of 4,C,-i?j,^'M acres. It is wat- ered by the Iliver St Maurice and nu- merous small streams Capital, Cap Saute Pop 23,21G IMJilTXllUF, a llourishinjr post vil- lage cf C)uebec, in the co of Portneut, situati'd at the entrance ot tlie Purl.ieut river iito the River St Lawrence, 3(J miles above Quebec It contains a telc- gra'iih oiliee, 2 ]>aper mills saw, Hour and cardiuiif mill-:, a nail fictoiy, 2 bote s, and 7 or H stores Pop. 8o0. PUIITNLUF, a small village in Sagueriay co., Que., on ti.o north shore of tlu' St Lawre lee, at ihe mouth cf Portneuf rivu- 45 nules below Tadou- eac Top r)00 POUT PEliRY, a flonrLsliing post vilh';!;e in Whitljy co. Out., on Lake Seugog, at the N terminus of tlio Wliiliiy and Port Perry railway, IS mdes from Whitby It is built on an eminence cmnmanding a iine view of the 1 ike, and is connecti'd with Scugo'.r Island liy a floating bridge ;-; ot a mil ■ long. It contains Episcojial, Pre3l)y- terian and Methiid:,?t cliu;ch('S;2 bianeli b;niks, a number ot stores, several ho- tels. .'s ot agrii'iiltuial iuiplenu'iits, maeliiuerv^steame igines, iron castings, mill gv'aring, &c Steamers i^ly between here and Limlsay. Pop. 1,500. POKT PHILIP, or GifEAT BRIDGE, a vilhige in ('undirriand co., N.S , 14 miles from River Philip. Pop. bO. PORT RICII.MOND, or RICHMOND MI.N'K.S, a post village i;i Ri(;limo id co., N.S., on the (iul of Canso. U.', miles from i'ort lliiwkesburv. Pop'. 120. POUT ROIiiNSON, a post viU.age of Ontario, co. of Welland, situatcil ontlie Wi'lland Canal, and on tlie Widland railway, 10 miles S.E. of St. Catha- rines. It contains several stores, hotels and mills, 2 dry docks, and 2 telegraph ollifvs. Pop. GOO. PORT ROWAN, a thriving p;).5t vil- lage ami port of entry of O itar'o, co. ot Norfolk, situated on Lake Erie, 21 miles from Snneoe. It cont.iius Epis- copal and .Metiioilist ehurelies, a tele- graph oilice and about a dozen store;, and lias a largo tr.uie in lumber and grain. Value of imports fjr 1872 !?2.'i27; exports SJOjOlU. Pop. 000. PORT ROYAL, a post village ia Norfolk CO., Out., on Lake Erie, at tli" mouth of IJig Creek, 23j miles from Simeoe. Pop. 100. PORT ROVAL, a post yiliago in Ri(.'hmond CO., N.S., 9 miles from Ari- cliat. It contains 2 stores. POIiT ROYAL, Annapolis co., N.S- See Annapolis. PORT RYE USE, a ppst village in Norfolk CO., ():it., on Lake Erie, G miles from Simeoe. It contains a telegrajjh olhce, 3 ston.'s and a i)oltery, and has a large trade in lumber and grai 1. Pop. 3n(). PORT SARXIA, Lambtonco., Ont. See Point Edward. POirr SEVi^RX, a post village in Snncne CO , Ont., on Matchcdash Bay, 24 mill's from Orillia. Pop. 130. PORTSMOriTH, an incorporated Tillage of Ontario, co of Frontenac, on Portsmouth B^iy, 2 miles from Kir J 'ton. It contains the Provincial Pen! '..itiary and Rockwood Lunatic A.-ylnm ; also, a large tannery, a brew- ery, a flouring mill, a telegraph ofiice, 2 111,'irine railways, and about a dozen ."tori'S. The bay forms a dcp and well sheltered lia.bor. Pop. 1,702. PORT STANLEY, a post village and jiiH-t ot entry of Ontario, co. of Elg'n, on Lake Erie, at the S. termniu-? of the London and Port Stanley rail- way, 24 miles from LoiuUmi. It con- tains several ehnrches, 2 telegrajdi oHi- ccs, 7 or 8 stores, 7 hcdels, a ;;aw mill, grist mill, Sec. \'al"c of imnorts fnr 1872 $1)2,105 ; cxports$101,8G3. Pop. 900, Pop. m Oat. )ratod U'liac, t'l'om [iucial Imatic Ibrt'-w- lufiico, idozeii 1) and 1)2. lillago ;o. of anuN h- rail- con- lli o!li- iiiill, Its f'.H- I1.9OO. row 2o0 vrdu POUT TALiiOT, a juMt village ia Elj^iii CO., Out, (HI Lak.- Ihio, 11 inik-d from rit. riioma.-i. l'(';i. 'J >. pouTi;(;i:i:;sj': C()\i:,a luxstscitic- incui ill Ualifu.v co., iS'.S., 13 miles I'roin Ilalif.i.x. I'lM'. ^'^o- I'OiiT I'XiOX, u i)Oft villao-e in O.i- tarij CO., Out., uu Lake" Ontario, ami oil the U. T. U., l(>.\ miles K. ul'Toroii- to. It contains a UlcLjraph oUIlV', 1 stop- and 2 li.lLds I'op. 100. I'OitTUGAL COVE, a j-u^t village of .W'wt'oiuuUand, riitualed on the sitiiiii .side of Cunceiitiuu liay, [)}, miles from ti{. Juliu's. it is b liil (HI very roc'lcy ground near tbo foot of u raMg(3 of rue a)- 1i!11s. Top. 050. i'()llT \VII.L1A.M8, a post villa,:,'e in KiufTS CO., X S., on tbe (Jornw.illis river, 1 mile from Port Williams Sia- tion. It contains o stores, 1 hot^d, and a tannery. Pop. 300. POUT WILLIA.MH, Annapolis co., X.S. See MarslialTs Cove. POUT WILLIA.MS STATIOX, or GliKK.VWiCil, ajK-st viUai^o in Kingi c.)., X S., 01 tb'J W. Sc A. Ji., 20 m:le.s f A;m Windsor. It lias a telegra])!! ollice. I.';!].. I,")). POSTH DES GRAIS, a post villa;^,. hi St. Maurice; co., Que., on the Kiver St. iMaurice, 17 miles from Three Rivers, it contai;;s 2 saw mills. P.)p. 2 JO. PO.STVILLE, Ilaltonco., Out. Hec Tr,;!al',Mr. PuLCil COVE, a lar^^e settlement in tlie dist.-iet of St. Jolui'.s. Xlld., I'J miles f,'om S;. John's. Pop. «;iO. i'OULAMOX!), a s 'ttlement in Rich- mond CO., X.S., 7 miles fri,'m Aricliat. P 20:1. POWELTi, a ])o--t ofTico in Carletou CO., On'., 5 m'l.s fv')'.n Almonte. POWELL'.S .MILLiS, llasliufjs co., Out. 8'i( .M.ilone. I'OWELl/ri .MILLS, Xorthumbcr- la!id CO., Out. See S.ockdale. I'OWERS, a viU.iir'! in Richmond CO., N.S., ;■) mil".'^ fr .m St. Peters. POWili'S COURT, a i)ost villa;,'(> in lluntinf^don co., *.^>ue., on tlieCl.a- teaugnay river, G iniles from Ilnntinc!:- dun. It contains a saw mill, a carding mill, and 2 stin-es. Pop. L'-o. POWXAL, a thrivinnj ]'ost vilhirr- in Queens co., P.E.I., at tho ln'ad of Pownd Bay, 8 miles from Cliarhitte- t^ w 1. It Viiutains a saw m 11, and 2 stores. Pop. 130 and grist PilAIRIE SIDIXG, a stati.m o\\ (he G. W. R., i.i ij.sse.x co., Out., 7 miljs from ('lialliam. PiJl'^SCOTf, a county of Ontario, comprises an area of ;!1.'?,I»1G acres. It is bonndeil bv the Ottawa river on the X. Capital, L'Orig lal. Pop. 17,';47. l'RESC(.)TT, an incorporated town and |)ort (;f entry of Ontario, co. of Grenville, on t!ic River Si. Lawr'-ne", at the S. tvu'minus of the St. L. k O. 1!., and on the G. T. P., Ill mil. s W. ■>( Montreal, o-l m;Ie.-j S. of Ottawa. J I has 1 branch biiik, 2 (e!c'.cra]ih ollicos, 4 chnrclies, about oO stoivs, 2 iron foundries, 3 breweries and 1 d;3till tv. A newripii[ier is pnbiislu'il jjere. Fort Wtdliugt'-n is near Proscoit. Asimi-t distance below Iho town is Wiudmlll Point, where stand the ruin.s of an old stone windmdl in which, in p;!7, a number of "l'atri()ts" establishi'(l them.selves but were driven t»ut with severe loss. The town of Ogdon-burg lies immediately opposite PrescottM The value of imoorts for 1872 was S2 hi.- 2ol ; exports S7m:!,^);)4. Pop. 2,017. PRESCOTT JUNCTIO.V, the junc- ticn of the G. T. and St. L. .t O. Us., 2 miles from Prescott. PRESCOTT .MILLS, a post ofTicR in (i;harlotte co., N.H., 33 miles from St. John. PRESCOTT liOAD, a post oirico in Charlotte co., X.IJ., 50 miles from St John. PliESQU'ILE, Grey co., Ont. Sat Sarawak. Piti-STON'', an inoorporateil village of Ontario, co. of Waterloo, at tho Cou- fluonee of the Soecul .ind Graid iiivers, a:id on the W.' G. k U. It., ?>'} mil. s from Ilai'nilton. It contai is 2 teh- graph o'iic'.'Sj a number of s'ore-* ar.d iutels, 3 chnrehes, 3 boweries, '.i dijill- hu'ies, saw and (lour iniil.s, and manu- factories of agriciiltiiral implemcufs, iron casting-!, ma"h;nery, waggou.s, wood;'n ware, woollens, earthenware, leather, kc. It i)0S3('sse.-} exceneut watjr power, and lia-j several mineral spring.? the medicinal qualities (jf V, hieii are highly recommended. Pop. 1.408. PUESTOX ROAD, a post settlemcTit in ]lalira.x co., N.S., iO miles from Hal- ifax. It contains 2 clmrches, 2 Itotid?, i 2 storci and 3 saw mills. Pop. 700. PHI 2G0 PRI I ; iJi' !:, 1 ir PRICEVILLE, a thriving i)Ost vil- lagii in Grey co., Out., on the Saugeeu river, 'I nill<'ri from KK-.^hertim. It con- tains a telegraph ollieo, 4 stores, and several saw and Hour mills. Pop. 300, Plil.MROSE, (I. post village in Card- well CO., Ont., 131 miles from Urange- ville. Pop. 350. " PUIN('E, a county occu])ying the N.W. i)art of Prince Edward l.d.ind. Area 471,000 acres. Capital, Suunuer- side. PlilXCE ALHERT, or REACH, a post village in Ontario co., Out., on tlio Whitby and Port Perry railway, lOi miles from Whitby. It contains several stores', a telegraph ollice, a newspaper ollice, a tannery, and a carriage factory. Pop. GOO. PRINCE ARTHURS LANDLVG, AlgDina, See Tiiunder Bay. PRINCE EDWARD, a eouiity of Ontario, situated on the N shova of Lake Ontario, comprising ai area of 248,130 acrea. It is mosi:y com;)i)SCil of a peninsula nearly sun on uled by Lake Ontario and several small bays. Capital, Picton. Pop. 20,33U. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND, for- merly called ST. JOHNS ISLAND, a Province of the Dominion of Canada, situated in the Gulf of St. Lawrenc >, between 4,;' and 47 7 N. lat., and G2' and G4' 27 W. Ion. It is washed by the Gulf on the N., and separated by Noi'thumberland Strait from New Prunswick on the E. and Nova Scotia on the S. Greatest length 130 mile;^ ; breadth, 34 miles — in its narrowest part, near the centre, it is only 4 miles wide. Area, 2,134 miles, or l,3Gr),7(30 acres. The coast liu' pre- sents a remarkable succession (4" large bays and prnjectug headlands. Of the latter the most jiromi lent are North Capo rn the N.W., West Capo on the S.W., and East Cape on th(> N.K. ; the largest liay^ are thuse (f Riclimonl (ui the N.W., Egmont on the S.W., Ildlsl)ori>' g i mi the S., and C;irdigan on tlio E. Tiiese bay.-i, by penetrating into the land from o;;posite directions, form narrow istliniuses which make a natural division of the Island into three distinct i)enin-u!a.^. This natural division has been adopted as the basis of a nearly corresi>onding civil division into Prince's county in the W., Queen's county in the centre, and King's county in the E. The surface of Prince Edward Island nndidates gently, nowhere rising so high as to become mountainous or .^inking so low as to form a monotonous flat. At one time the whole Island was covered with a dense forest ot bei'ch, birch, maple, poplar, spruee, fir, hemlock, larch and cedar; and though d<'S!ruc'ive lires, lnmb"ring and cul- tiva io;i have made large gaps in it, a CO isiderable part of the original forest still remains. The whole Island is emhicntly agricultural and j)astoral. Tl.e soil consists generally of a light reddish loam, sometimes ap])roacl)ing to a strong clay, but more frequently of a light and sandy texture. The prevailing rock is a reddish sandstone, but a large iiart of the surface is allu- and entirely free from stone. No mi lerals of the least consniuencu have yet been discovered, and even lime- stone and gyi)sum apj)car to be want- ing. The climate is much milder than that of the adjoining continent, and the air, generally free from the fogs which spread alo ig the shores of Nova Scotia, is renuirk .Idy salubrious. The wi iter is long and cold; but the sum- mer, witliout being opiiressively hot, is eminently fitted to promote the growth and maturity of all the ordinary cereals. The principal crops are wliea', barley and oats, all ( f tiiese abunda it and of exeelleni quality ; pease and beans are e([;ially good, and potatoes and turnips are nowhere suqiassed. The la id not cultivable consists of soft, spongy turf, or a deep layer of wet, black mould, wiiich may jn'ove valuable fur fuel. The lisheries are very valuable, especial- ly on the north coast, which is much tVeqienteil by mackerel and cod. The manufactures are chielly for domestic use. Shipbuilding is prosecuted with considerable enterprise. The i)ublic affairs of Priiic Edward Island are administered by a Lieutenant Governor, an Executive Con icil of members, a Legislative Coiinc 1 of 13 members, and a Legislative Assembly of 30 representatives. Justice is adminis- tered according to the laws of Euffland. Tiie total population of the Island in 1871 was 94,021, an increase of 13,1G0 since 18G1, and of 80,921 since it first became a Rritish possession (1758.) I I PRl 2G1 PRI The following table shows the coun- ties, with ihe capital of each : Counties. Capital, Qiicpiis Charlullctown. Ivin.Ljs Ciooigctuwii. rriiice Siiiiiiin.r«Ulc'. Tliesc counties arc divided into (!7 towiisiiips and three royalties. Tlie iuliabitunts consist of descendants of kScol isli, Irish, Acadian, French, Eng- lish, and other settlers. Tiii^ free schotd system was intro- diiced ill lS.->3. There are about ;>7j di.;trict schools, ]."> grammar seliools, various ]irivaie schools, a normal and model s'cliool, and twoC(dlec:es, — i'rincf tf Wales (Prvitestant),and St. Dnnstan's (!!omaa Caiholic.) It is the law of tiie Idand tliatthe Bible be read in the ]uil)lic seliools. The Lord IJishop of Xova Scotia oxcrcisi'S E{)iscoi)al authority over tiie Island. The Roman Catholics have one Diocese, {'harlottetown. The religions denominations in th'^ province, acconli ig to the census of LS71, are as follows : Chiircli of Kn;rland 7,220 <'limvli of Ijoino 4",7 ") l'n'>t>yt(Mi:iiis. 2'J,"-,;J AVr.-leyiiii Methodists h.'.\ A J?!i])tists 4.:!il Jiil)!.- ( liii-itiaiis 2,7 '•» Otlicr I'rolestiints l.OUS Quukors 8 Total 9t.uiJl Prince Edward Island has telegrajjhic c^minunicition with ihe conliueit of America and Europe by means of a snb- mari le cable, U miles in length, con- nect ing the Island with Xew nri-.n.iwick. In 1S72 the building of a railway to connect Uharlottetown with tlie prin- cipal jilaces on the was com- mencetl. Tliis railwiiy will be all com- lileted ill 1874, nnd wdl be 200 miles in length, viz. : Trunk lino, fnmi (,'a-;- cumiJi qu" to (]eorgelowu, 147 miles ; Wesicni exionsion, fconi Cascumite(pie to Tigni-h, i;> miles ; Eastern l)rancli, from Mmu it Siewart to Souris, 40 miles. The gauge is 3 ft. (J in. ; mini- mum radius of curves, (!i)0 ft. ; ma.xi- muui grad'ent, 1 in Ho ; estimated cost (f road Mid eqiipment, Sl'S.OO) jicr mile. That portion of the line between ("harlottiMownand Sumnnrsiile is eom- I'l 'ted. Tlie following i^ th;^ r-lling itook: It locomotives, 11 lirst-dass passenger cara, 9 second-class pnssen- g T and baggage cars (I'oinbincii), 5 postal cars, 123 hnx fniglit cars, 43 platform cars, and 4 snow iilougiis. The Prince E Iward Idand railway will traverse leurly the wliole leng::i of ihe Island from Tignish on tlie iiorlli to (Ji'orgi't'iwn a id Soiiris on tli<^ cast, connecting also witli Summer -ide (Ue- deipie harbor) and Cliarlotti'towii on tiie soiiih. Suminerside is ahoat ;!.} hours' run by st amiT froui I'u iit, du (Mieni", the nortliein terminus of the Xew Brunswick railways. (Jaarlotle- town is about (;o miles or 5 hours' rim by steamer from Pictou, the niu liera terminus of the Nova Scotia railways. T guisli and Ca■ m I M ' t^ :ijii i? 1^ PRI 2f>2 PRI 10,000 liiliiibitmt.-i ; (.corgolown luid 5Suiiiiiicrsi(Jo lU'i! tlio (Ulici' chiuf town-", tli(! liiltxT, Ikju'c'Vit, from U.s 8iin:itioii iiioii()i»')lizns tin- Im-iiK'-;'! of till' district, owiiis to it.-i ln-ttcr liiirhor. Tlii.< I.;laii(l U'iH iiiH')ii;^.st tiio early di.scov/ii' .sof Calml. but no cliiiiii was ever iiiad- In' the M!i.riidi on that ac- count. Tli(! FriMicli altcrwarils a viuin- ed it, n.s j)art of the;ovi'ricd of Vcra/Jiio; luid, in ](;■;{, !i j^n-aiit was made id it to Siciir i).)id)let, n Fn-ncdi iiaviil oiliccr. liiliU; iiniffi.'.M was made ill si'iiliii^r ilic Island idl afier llic p'-ace oflJlrechl inill'i, \Y\nm \\i fortiliiy mid natural udvaiita;j:i'H iillured i^r.-at- Dunil)('r< of Ac '.diaiH frotu (Jape lirf- ton. Ii wa.-) taken t)y the i'rilidi in 17.).'), restored hy liie treaty of Aix-Ia- Clia,ndle, retake;i and tiiialiy ceded to (Ircat IJritain in 17.")S. It thea Slaci'd undi'r the fijovernment of Nova . cotia In ITiJH it wai creeled into a separa^ft j^ ivernin"nt, thoiiL,di at llie tiinu it did not posso-.s live res'.dent |)rojirie!oi-,-t^ nor ii.s total nainbcr of iiih ibitauU o.\c 'cd lo') faaidie.s. In 177.J liio firU li.)ii-!eof Ass^ealjly in"t, and tlii^ c instiluti'.ei of tlie colony WM-! d 'liait' ly s 'tthil iinder tin; adniin- i.stratioa of (lovernor I'atter.son, wliicli lasted from 17oS to 17H!). In l7f)D the name it liie Island waudiantr.'d from St. Jolin to rriiic' 1'] Iward, in compliine it to til' Duke of Kent, who in that year honored tlio Island with a vi.sit. In 187.'{ it was admitted into the Dominion of Canada, on the followinj^ terms ; In cousiileration of the larif' expen- flilnro of Canada in railways an 1 ca- nals, aid the prospective re-ailjiistment of til" p'lblic debt of the Domiruon, the I.sland is allowed a debt eipial to S')*) ^iT h Md of i s i>;)pulation, amounti itj in the n'T'rr'c^itu to ,54,701,05!). Tiia Island n't li.ivinof netually incurred at proseit a delit equal to this amount is to receive 5 per cent. ])cr annum on t!ie dilfiTeiiee b:'tween tlie first mi'iitioned omou'it and its actual iudeblediios^. As tlr* I -land lias no rev>Miuo from ])ubIio lands, it is to receive !f!4"),000 for tlio maintenance of public works, less p' r cent, per au'ium ujion a ly sum not exceeding!: S:-<')0,()no, which the Dominion may advance to the I-land Government for the purchase of lands held by the larije proprietors. In con- sideraliou of its right to levy ta.xatiou, now transfernid to tli(f Dominion, t!io I daiid is to rcc'dve S:io,OiJO per aiiuum and a j^ranl ('(pial to .so c ; its per head (d'its pojiidalioa as shown l)y the c ai- sii.s returns cd" 1871. Tlu( Domini) i undertakes to e-lablisli re;;ular .st am coinmunicalion lietween the Isl.uid and llio mainland of the Dominion at all .«eas'ins of the, to o-tab.isli lel.> jjraphic communieaiion with the Is- l.ind, and to purcha.'ie ilio railway i in tli;.' I-l.iud in course of co islriictlo'i and under contract. T!i(! Isluid is ( ii- tillcd to be represented by si.\L m.'inb.TS i!i the l)oniini(Mi House of (J immuas and four in the I) in !ii.')'i Si'tia;-. riM-NCi-: EDWARD I.SLAND, an island of Ontario, on tlu; U'. Hide oi' Lak" Ontario, .separated from t'le m un- it id by the Ray of ()ni i!e ; leuii,'th IM miles, breadth very irrejjjnlar and va- ries to '10 miles. I'RI.VCE OF WALES, a post villat,^c !n St. John CO., N.R., 1.'} mllei from SI. John. Pop. 100. PRI.VCEi'ORT, a ].ost villa;,'- in Col- (!hester CO., N.S., near the m aiiii of the Shiilicnacadie river, Iti miles from Tru- ro. Pop. l.'.O. i'rin'(m:s roval islands, in Rrilisli Coliimbi.i, in th'- Paci.ic Ocean, N. of Vane )uv a* Island. PUIXCETOX, a fiourisluo;? villa'.xe in O.xfiu'd co , O it, on the G. W. R., .3'^ miles from llainih, .u. It co'.itains a t(degr.;ph o!bc", ii;'Wpap;a' odice, tannery, and several sturea and mills. Pop. 'coo. PRI.VCE roW.V. or MALPEQUE, a seajDrt town of Prince Edw.ud Island, Prince co., on the E. side of the en- trances to Riclimond Bay, li.'j niib'i N.W. of Charlottetown. 'it contains 1 c'lureh, 2 stores, 1 liotid, 1 s iw mill, and 2 grist m lis. Pop. 500. Wliat is gaierally known as Lot Xo. 18 and Princ'town Royalty are divid;.'(l into the fallowing s'ttlements: lliaiiltou, Lilian River, Fermoy, IJaltie, D wnli\'.', and Princetown. In the wlmh^ tliero are 2 c!iu"ch"S (Roman Catlv lie and Presbyterian), 2 stores, 3 hotels, 3 saw mills and 5 gri-t mills. Poo. l.vio. PRiN'(]K Villi-;, Arthab.isk.i CO., Que. S'N> St infold. PRI.VCE WILLIAM, a post villago and settlement in York co., X.B., ou the .south side of the River St. John, 2G1 miles from Fredericton. Pop. 200. Ir PUS 203 QUE It liiis 2 saw uiill.s, iui'l 2 .sloix'S. PRIN'fR WILLIAM STRKKT, a SfUleinviil ill Iviii^s cu., N'.S., 4 luile.s I'roiii Kiti^'-iliiii. l'o|i. I'jo. I'ltloO.V ISLAM), ill the month of Lake Si FiMiicLs (an cxiiaii^iim of liio Hi. Lawrcuc;'), iiiiil-.vay li'twrm il-.c Wt'.^l Jiarl o|' draiiil'! l-.l,j and ine I'.-ilii- ary of iln; Ivivor l)i'li.-lo. I'ltOSlMKJ r, a iio-'tvillatrn in If; li- fax CO., .VS., '20 mill'; fVoiii li liii'.ix'. .:.•) iiiliahltaiit.-i ai-.; clii' tiy cni^ayid in II. o fi-liTiis. I*. .p. '(0;i. i'JtnSPH''T, a i.o^t vil!a'.,r,, in Lan- ark CO., Oat., 71 niili-.s I'immi Fnuik- lown Pop. lO'i l'i:()SS[':R RROOK, u post ollice in Alh.Tt <•).. X.l;. PROTON, Grey co., Out. S.o Iiils- tioKc PROVinF..\CK, a fort of tlio X).i!i Wo.-t Tcrriiorir.^.;, .situated on I lie .V. .-iidi' of (Jreal Slav' Lake. About lat. ^'>\i' 00 N., Ion. Ill VV. PUii.N'ICO LKACIT, a ofliiNi in Slielburne co., N.S., 2iJ miles from IJar- rinpfton. PIJIJ.N'IUO HARBOR, a villiure in Varmoiitli c(x, N'.S., 17 miles fruin Harrington. It contains H stores and 1 liotf 1. PUFFIN ISLAND, of N.'wfoundland, near tlu; eiitr.ince of Green's Pond liai- hor. Lai. 4!)' 3 37 X., Ion. 53 22 27 W. Oil it is a li'/litiioii.S'^ fxjiiliit- iiic^ a (ixi'il red light, 8.3 feel abave the level of tht' -ea. PUG WAS II, a seaport town and boanlifid watering plaeo of Nova Heoli I, CO. of Cumberland, on Xurtli- uaiberlaiiil S:rait, 12 mil-s from Tiiom- soi. It coiitaias about \i stores, a telegrauh ollice, several shipyards, saw mills, freest-one, limestone and plas'er qaanies. L^irgi' quantities ni' de.als ar>; annna!lvshi;ii) ' ! toFiiplanil. Pop. 7m. PCG\\'.\Si[ RIVKR.'a j.ost villir^ in Ciim'ieiland co., N.S., 14 miles from Thoin on. Pop. lOD. PUR[)V, a post settlement in TIi-i- ingi CO., Out., (J.J miles from Re ifV<'w. J'op. I'll. PUiU'LEVILLF, a twt villa o ii York CO.. Oat., ."> miles f.'om Re'. mo id Hill. It ha.; 2 store-s. Pop. P)0. PUSH TilROtJGfl, a port of entry and li>ii;ng settlemi'nt in tlio distriet of Fortune Bay, Ntld., i) miles from Gaultois. Pop' 145. PUSLINfMI, a po^t village in "Wel- lington CO., Out., 12 miles from Guelph. Pop. <;o. PU.SSFTTS COVE, afi.sliing settle- ment in the di-iirict of TwiUingatu and Fi'go, Mid. Pop. <;i). I'LTN.V.M, originally DORCIIRS- ioslvillag(; in Middle^- x eo , THR, a 1 Out., on froai Ligeisnll a .shingle mill, the liiver Thaiiie.<, 1 1 miles It contains 1 sture and l» 1.30. ^ PVKS (JoliNLR.S, (Queens CO., I'.L.I. See ('ornwall. (.^UACO, a liglithousc on a small roi'k olf C,)ua(V) 11 'ii 1, on liie Bay ol Fuiidy, on tlr- ,S. of New Ih'iin.s- wiekjiu lul. 4."» IS N., Ion. marlxal)lv I'ietur- o^iqu! s:t lation bdwe^M liie \w> .i\er.i a' the N.E. extr. mity of a narr w but eh'vated able laud, which, for a'tjout 8 mdes, forms the left bank of th,' .St. Lawrence. Cape Diamnnd, the extre- mitv of tlie table land, is 33.'! feet abovo thelevel of the river, to which it pre- .«euts a nearly precipitous face ; the descent \o th"\Sf-. Charles is more prra- dual. The distance from ono river to '^ -" h% / QUE 2U4 QUE l^i. 1- the otlicr acrosa the riilgo is ratlior moro tliiin.. iiiilo. Opjiorfite Ciipc Diii- inoud tin; Si. Lawrcuco is contracted toil liieadtli of only l,:514yHnl.s; but iiiuuL"! aU ly below, at llie coiilluence of" the .St. (Jharles, it spreads out into a bronl and heiutifid basin more llian 2,5(10 yards wi maiiufaelorif.sof iron casim^'s, in 'chiii- ery, rii Iciy, nails, leatlaT, musical i i- striiincnt.-!, l)oot.s and shoes, paper, India rubber floods, rope, tobacco, si el, e!c. (Quebec is an important jiort of Can ada, and the most ancient The p^'at staple of exp(M't is timber, M>)nlr;'al beiiii; the ])oil where the arruMltural exp iris are cluetly oxchanj^i'd fir sup- jilies of lorei;,ni {foods. The limber is firiiislied p;-ine'i)ally by the (Ki iwa anil 8l Maurice rivers As tlu r.if s come (1 iwii the river, they are cul- Icctt'd into what are called Cr-'.-i and seemed by booms mo nvd alon,^' llie banks, the timber bem,' afloat, jiarllv a;rroiind, accordiiij^ to the rm or fall of the tides Tiiese coves ex- tend almost continuously aloni? the left bank of the St. Lawrence, for a dis- tance of six miles al)i)ve the town, throughout the whole of winch, at c.'i- tain s 'iisons, may be seen a mass of logs wiih a breadth varying from l.'ii to 200 yards. There are al-o expensive timber and deal .sawing cstablishme its near the c;ty, ou the right bank ot the »3t. Lawren' e. Tiie naml)er of arrivals at Quebec from sea in 1872 was 1,002 (tons 78;>,- ;ib)), and tho clearances O'^:) (tons 7!)7.7"!4). Total value of impoits 57,r,:52.'221 ; exports 311,0?. 1.077. X -w ships bu:lt at Quebec in 1872, 13 (tons 7,011); value S:!:^2,2(]2. Quebec retnr is three members to the House of Commo is, and three to the Provincial Legislatur*. It \> the seat of t!ie. See of two fiisliojis, the Lord Dishop of Quebec (Church of QUE England), anil the Archbishop of Quebec (('hnrch ot liome). I'op. ia l.s;{2, 27,rv;2; in l-iU, ;n,.".00 ; in lH.-)2, 42,ii,"»2 ; in 18(jl, .">l,l -0 ; and in b-571, ;■);»,(;.);>,— r)2,;!;J7 of whom were U anau Catholics, chielly Unindi (Jaiiii'liaas. Quebec was lirst visited by Jacipies ('.irtirr ill l"i;i,"). 1 1 111 "I consisted of an I idian village called Sladaco la. In July, 10"^', Cbam.d li i founded tho city g.ving it iis jav enl. name. Tho progress of its aggrandizement was ; low, in conse(pience of the ho.^iilities of the powerl'ul hocpiois. In loJ'J it f 11 into the haiuls (d' the English ; but. with the whole of Canada, lestoied t ) the French in 10.12. From this jierio 1 some attention was paid to the increase of the cily ; and in IWX when the colony wai made a royal government, it became the capital. In IC'Ji) tho Englis.i attemjited to reconii'ier it, but nn't with a dis isirons defeat ; but in 17."iU it was caidured Ijy the brave Gen 'ral Wo fe, ami has since bee I under the l)rili.-h (Jrow i. All un successful attem[)t was m ule liy the Americans to carry the city by assault (m the niglit ot Deci-mber 31, li"75, when Gen"ral .Montgomery slain, Ql'EDEC, a conniy in the S.W. part of tiucbcc, comprises an area of 1,0 <2,- (;;)D acres. This county is drained by the Hostonnais, IJatisean, St. Charles, M mlm oreucy and other streams. It lias the St Lawreice far its S.E. boundary. Capital, Charlesboarg. Pop. 10,007 QUEl'.EC, a province of the Domin- ion of Caaada, bounded o i tiie X. I>y Labrador and llinlsnirj L.iy ; on the E. by Labrador and the (iiilf of St. Lawrence; on the S by Biie d 'S Chaleurs,' Xew Ihiinswick and the S;ate of Maine; on the .s.E by tho S ates ot New Ibunpshiie, ^'r^lllo.lland X 'W Voik; and on the S W by the fiiver Ottawa and the Provinee of Ontario. Lengtli from Lake Teinisca- m uqie to .\n-e an Hlann Sablon, in tho Siriits of 1!-'IK! I-h', about l,i)iiO miles o 1 a due cast and west eoursf, and frira the above named lake to (yape Caspe, about 7iiO miles; breadth about 3i.t0 miles The total territorial sujierficiea comprises, land aid inland waters, 123,747,110 acres, or lti3,3.")r) square sta'ute mih's, or 000,070 square kilo- metres. The surface of llie country 'If ' ! ill Ql'E 2i;i; Qt'E I k luul {^ruml, cotisi.-ilin!:^ .'ll fed Hocks. The priiH'iiial liii>ii:ilaiii r mi^esslfelcll from S.W. to .\.K. aial hu marly paiMlKI li» each oliicr. Tlicy cuiLsidl of the Noire l>aiii(.Mii- tJreeii Mountains, s) called from liie linu fore;;ls llial cover Iheir sl"ie-(, wlm-li, fmm the laliliido of tlu! city of (,>iieliec, f illow nearly llii! wlioli) coiirst! of tJK! St. Jjawrence, on the S side of which Ihey arcs situated, and terniitiatc on tliu (iuifof the .same name, hel u'eeu l!aie (!■ s Chaleur-i ami (jas'io Toiut (ta the N side of the river lA the riUureiilian rau;i;e, whicli forms u.Khdatini^ ridg. s ol" al)out l,'!o ) feel in ci>vatain , Iho Mealy mountains Btretelmi.? from i.h );it hit 7.") \V. lo {Sainlwich l>ay, coMiputed to bvJ ah tat 1,000 feet, hij^'h, and alwa^'S covered AVith snow; and Iho Wotchish iiioiin- tains, 11 siiort raiiji'e, of crescent form between the (iulf of ISt, Jjawri'iuvj and Jhi'l^oii s Jiay The roi-ky masses conneet 'd with the luouniaiu chains that liiK! till.' St Ijawreneo iidvanre in many jthices dose to the streaui, fonni \t. 15elow Montreul it, receives, on the ri;^'!if. the Richelieu river, havinif its h"urce in iiuko (Jhamplaiii ; (he St. Fi'ancis, rising in Lake Memiihrenia- ^■o;' ; and the Chaudiere, the outlet of Lake Megantic ; ami, on the left, the St. M luriee, the l>atiscanand the Sagiienay rivers, from 200 to 4oo mil s in h-ngtl'i. Tiie latter is the outlet of the large anil beauliful L ike St. John The climate of Quebec, thouf;]! similar to that of Ontario, is colder in winter ami warmer in summer. Spring biu'.ts forth in L;-reat beauty, aid vcgetatonis rapid. Ill winler the cold is generally stcaily; mid the atmosphere is dear and bracing, which remler.s the slcigliing very nu'reeable and pleasant. \\'inter generally comincnces the latter end of November and lasts until the onil of March During the winler inimihs the trees are oftentimes covered with frost. Noilmig can b^^ imagined mure beauti- lul and brilliant than the ell'i ct of sun- shine on a calm day on tin; frozen boughs, where every particle of the icy crystals sparkles, and nature seems decked in diamonds. Tlie soil is gen- (■rally ricli and ada|)ted to the growth of cereals, hay and green crops Api'les and jilunis grow m abundance The great r ]iortio'i of the iirovince is overed by forests consisting diielly of white nnd red ])ine. Numerous (p!.intiti''3 of this timber are annually suit to England The other kinds of tnuber are adi, birch, beech, dm, luck- ( rv, blaek walnut, mapl", clierry, but- ternut, Iiasswood, spruce, fir, kc On the 30th of June,lS72, there were .'■),SfM,- 018 acres of Crowu Lauds surveyed !\\\^ re QCK 2f]7 uvi] I ifl ii;i'^ V '{uly to ])•' tlisposi il ;,i;r()iiii(l rcni ••, ,*;c., Inmi .F ly 1st, 1^07, to June liuili, isTJ, •iiiii.iinf'":im'iitiii,'^ iiibl juM^iw-i-ivi' )1) si(iiare miles, tlioui^li only a small jior- tiuii liad l» en leased, as ihu folK.winy tables will cxiilain : Niiuilier of niuaro niik'.>4 uiulcrli- cciisi'iii IbGo cr./ia:i Do do viiciiut l';7,iiiiO Total incomo in isr,8 i!?llJJ,ll') Kiiniber ofsiiiiu:e miles under li- cense in 1872 42 n:''. Do do vacant ll'.t,'. I Total incomo in 1S72 SUt.TOJ Thus 2r.,i 00 miles in 1868 yielded a reveii'ieof .$l'Jo,lli> While il.r/M miles in 1872 yielded a revenue of !?i 44,7.j'i For many years ]iast skilled oxidoreis and surveyors have been oin'jdoyed m the interior, making themselves thor- oujridy ae(iuaiiitid with the natur ' of the soil, and the quaulily and character of the forest i. Messrs. Russell. Symes and Casj^r lin were employed iiscerlaiii'ii^ t!ie viilae of the forest lauds on the I'liper Ottaw.i above Qirnze river, b^dweeii Lakes \':c- toriaand Expanse, included in laiitiid .s 'IT' and 48 and longitudes 7G' to 7!t . They were eii,.rageil on iliisduty at inter- val: during ilie years IS'li; to i,S71 ; anl Messrs. \V. Wagner, Lindsay llus- (i.riO!) 1,0. 3,i'U0 l.TtOi'iO sell, Duncan Sinclair ai.d L,ib>:'0, between tlieye:irs I'Ml.'taiid i''7i> iii.ide exhaustive cxploratiuiis of tlii' c aiatiy uround the head waters of thi; ( lai neiui, Lievrc and Itouge, but mon* especial- ly within l.ititiide! .l<> and 47 ami longitudes 71 and 7.") . Thegeit im- ped me'iit in t!ie pa':!i of the liimhfr mer- (diaiil will) aeipi;rid di.Maiit tiiii!i.«r limits i.s, the ciiornioiiH vm-I of eh an i{{ (I'll the stnal'aT stri aim fMin t'l.irin- ciimtirances so that I gs can be 11 i.iti d ; iiiid also coiistriKding slides t > ov r- coiiie heavy rapids and falls. Ibmlrcds of tlioiisa id.s of dollars iniist often bo laid out in preliminary Woik-i id'tlii.s character before a ,-iiigle saw log or piece of stpiare tinib"!- can be brought to market. Tlie-e reasons will explain iiartly why .«oi( li largo aira.4 of forest land, do not enjoy a liig'i coinmereial value, aid why tliefolluwiug hmitsyet await purchasers: St. >raiir!L'e teirliory, limits yet \ acaiit. (liiliii 'ail do )00 acres of uiisiirveyed la: (Is. The timber lim; .'■, of (laspe only ai!- (l';ireil a coinmeicail value within t!io h'. d, few ye. us, but now they are at- t .acting attention, aid beg'iining to bring in a reveiii". Tiinlier liin"l s vary in Si/.e according to the standing of th« I '-i-pes, many ot the larg' liunbenng est iblishments lioldiiig biiiidreds of .-'luar m.le-:. Toe {iiViriini'Mit-i ot Oat.ino and (Jiiebec le'vio- vlimi'iish t!ie:r proprietary rights; lliey uivaii.ibly re'ai I tiic ,/'///'/ or proprietary riL''ht ; ill r ly lea-ing the lis:. f. act. For- ii! ily the leases were of short duration and at very moderate rates, b;t experience taught the ('rosrn L lud Oepartinents that, uader long !• a>es, t!ie liinii hold' r-s w:)ii! 1 have a direct po'-uniary interest in prot'/ctiiit' til'.! f 'rests from disa-troii iir'-, and judiciously selecting their annual cit- tings, so as to permit the growth of the young timb.T, Tnder theexi-ilingsysteni of granting lie'ns,'-;,th' lea-es co!it:nueln {' ■rn- for twcuty-onu years, with tho right of If 'f i li-^i 'mi>\ l ! r< :i^< :Vl T W' M ', I 'I plii :& QUE 2G8 Qti renewal at snoh homis a.s Uie C^fiinmis- Bio UT-s may sliiiiilule when the I'asc oxiiirc's Tliirly years since, two dnliai's jier sciiiare niilo was ref>:ar(le(l as a h!;;li rale to \)n\' jHTSc^uare mile for a timber limit, \) it tlie rales have advanci' 1 so rapiiliy, eo ise(iueiiton theUnitcihStates deiiiaml tor lumber, that thirty and tli:rly-live dollars were iruely paid in 1872 per square mile, lor twelve hun- dred miles. The thirty dollars is a ])rim" or bonus for a twenty-one years' lease, but there are annt;al ehai'ges at- taeliiii^ to each mile of limit worked, called j^n'ound rent and suimpauc, amount lu!^ to some four dollars per scjuarc mile per annum. In lS7'J,(.^hK'b'.-c had 7:t.'] miles (»f rail- way in operatio'i ; Xi') miles in course of cousiruclKui ; and l'5l! niihjs for wiiieh ciiarters had o(\'U granted. The rail- ways ill operation were, the (rrand Trinik and branches, the .Montreal a id Vermont Junction, Staiisteail, Shellord and Chambly, South Ivistcrn, .Montreal, Chambly and Sore!, lutiu-eolonial, .Mas- sawijiiu Valley, Gosf.'i-d (wooden), and St. Ijawreiiee and Industry; those in course ot constructio'i were tlie luter- coloniai (to be completed in 1871),Levi'i and Kennebec, St. Francis and Lake ^lejfantic, Northern Colonization; and those chartered were thr* Xortli .Shori^, Montreal and St. Li i, and Richmond, Melbourne and Missiscpioi. The province, as rei^ards civil matters, is divided into jiarishe-;, towi- sliips. counties and districts. ^V'lienever a ne,v di-trict is suHiciently pjiuilniis to form a parish, the Roman (".itholic Diocesan liishop, upon the rccpiisilion ot a majority of the inhabitants, or-lei-s its canouieal erection info a jtarlsh. I>y a proceei'mj; somewhat ana'.o^o •■! the civil authorities opler the civil ereciiiui ot municipal corporations. The town- ships are ot Fnglish orijjin. ^Vfter the cessio 1 of Canada to (Ireatl'ritain, the Euij^lish laid system of 1. -.liii j in free and common socciiije wns iiistiinted for the feudal sysU'iniiponallCrown L.inds, and then the townshi]) took the ])iaee of the sei'Tiiiory. The reefular limiis of a township are *"n miles ^ipi ire, or loi) snperlic al mi! .. Such lown-^hips as are not siil)-divided into parishes p- ,>- serve for all municipal or other purposes their leija! limits. The counties w re established for the purposes of reiiresen- tation, each county havinnr tlioriglit to send one member to tlie llo,;.se ot Com- mons every live years, and one to the Local Legislature every four years. In addition to this each county furms a reiristralion division for regi-tration of niortgagcs.&c. The parish ar,d towiu-lup Jiiunicipalities comprised m a cjuiity form what is called a county muiucipai- ity. The jirovinee is divided into Uj electoral districts, viz: CJmntlcs. I'op. County Town Ar;,'enf('uil 12.80i; . . Lacluite IJll^'Dt l'.J,.l.)l . ht. I)u;;ues JJeauce 27.'-:.-.;i . . .St. I'lMliCoiS i;e;ui]iariioi..i.. . lt.7.-;7 . . JJeanhiiniois JSellei'hasso 17,t)77 . . ht. .M.cliel Ueitliier l;t,8 i4 .. IJerlhier r.oiKiVLMituie... 1'). 112.3 . . Is'ew Carlislo Uniiao i3,(r>7 . . Kuowliou Ciumiljly li),4'.i8 . . Loa.Ljiicuil (iKUiiplain . ... 22.ti.-,2 . . IJaliscuu (Iiuijevuix — l.J.Gll .. .St. ranis Bay CliateaiiKiiay.. liJ.IOii . . .St. i'NIartiiio Clucontiiui 17.4:)3 . . Chicmitimi Sii;,'ueiiiiy 4,S^7 . . TadousMC '-'omiitoii 13,ii;,-, . . Couli-'iiin! I>v>rcii('>ler 17,77'J . . .St. lli'utjdino Diimnaoiid .. 14,-Sl . . DrniuiiKiiulvillo Artliii!)aska.... n.til'J . . .St. (Iiri.-iloplie (iasp6 1S,7;.U 2.Nt)4i) . . Tcrce lloclielaL'U . . Lonijriie roiuto llaniiiif^don... iij,;; It ,. liaiiiii.uduu lljerville 1-),413 . .St. Atiiau.i.'^o .Jac(picsCarrii'r 11.17i) ., r. into Clairo Joliett(> 2:3,075 . Jollie, to Kamourii.-ka .. !il,2.Vl . Ivaiaaaniska J.„il>ruiri(' 11,8:J1 . . J/ii)rairii^ J.,'Ass()inpii()u. l.j,473 .. l,'>Vs-:o;iiptioa I.uval y,47J . . St '. Ko.-e Levis 24 s:; I . . Lvv'u L'Islet 13,517 .. >^t. .I.'ai! rortJoIi L 2'i,(;iii . J,ii' eil.ii'PO .Ma.--kia()ii^e.. . 1,5.07'J . . Ki\ iero da Loup .AI '-aiitk; 1S,S7'J . . J..ei'ils .Ali-Msqiioi ll,',»2-2 . . Freli.irlHtuirg Moiitciliii 12 742 . .St. .la louiu ."NI )iitma:^iiy.. . 13,:-, w . . .St. I'liu.iia-i Alontmoreiicy . I'J.O^o , . Ciiuteiu liicher .M.aitreiil. <;... 23.1) '3 . Montival :\IoMtn';ii, K. . 4..2',)1 " ."M,)atre:il. W . .37,1^21 i< Isupierville — ii,<;8S . Naiiiervillo Nicoiet 23,21)2 . . l>ei'!lllCOUr Ottawa Co 3s.(i2:} .. Hull I'oiitiiic 2.-),81t) . Uiyson rortiieuf 22.5;i) . . Cap Saut^ guel>ef,(' ... . iM8:; . . Quel)ec (Jiel , !•: 28.;; 15 .4 (^llel.i'C. W.... 13,2' Mi «l C^llelx'C <'(> i!),''. i7 . Cliar!(>sbourg Kicliinoml 11.213 . UieJoiioad w.ato %^i:i . Diid^well J{ieli('li('n 2i,oi8 . . Korel i{im(>ii-;ki 27.418 . . Kiiu )iit. Ilyaciutho. 18.31 J . St. llyaciuthe tit. JuUus 12,122 . . St. Jolins CntiiitUii. St. Miiiirici! . 11, .Sli'.'li.'rii IJ. Sliirbroiiko .. S, Soiiliui-i's ... ]o 8ian-ti':iil .. ];{ Tl'llll (MiKltll.. UJ. Ti'lTclxiilllC... . lit, 'I'lin (' KiVCiS. . 8 TuD.MuiiuIuiiis lo N'iuiiliciiil 11, Vi'IcIii't.'.S 1^', Vaiiuis.ka Ji QUE 'op 144 Uu .JlG ii./i »i 411 t,l;') (in;j 717 ;;iij 209 tniinnj Toicn, \nniachicli(! NVuli'iloi) hluM hrouko ColCall l.iuidiug hl;iu>ti'ail Isle Vcrro . iSt. .jt'romo 'I'liroc Kivfrs , Sti'. .lruclion, and wlio is assi.y the Lunt 'iiant (iovcnior, It o{ wlioni are llonian Catholics and 7 I'rotestants. ri'iina:} education is so lai compiil- i-'i):y that every citizc:! is bounri to ck i- tnb ito a moderate t.ix assessed on ids jinipertj'. I:i nuinieipalities whep' tlu're arc dilFTeat religious denoniina- tio'iis thu school coinniussioners ot the iiiajirity (i:overn. The schools ot tlic miuiiniy aro calli'd dissentient .uel)Oc there arc .se;.- aiMle h );irds of eomniis-ioners for the I'rotesianl. and Roman (.'alhnlie siliools. Teacli"rs are trained in .Nor- mal school-, supported at the expense ( { til'' Trovinci'. hi l.-tTl there were m the p"oviuce 'A,iV.VJ eletneiilary schools, 'I'll model school-;, 1!7 a;rricullural, conim'Tcial a id special schools, aid 1.") c dlei^jes ami semi laries The I'rot'-stant Universities are .Medill Cul- ll•,u^', at Montreal, fou id"d m 1H'_'7, and His'iop's Colle>j-. QUE The prevailing religion is that of the Church of Home. Tiie Ilv,maii Catho- lic Dioceses are six in nmiiher, viz: the Archdiocese of Quebrc ,and the Dioceses of Montreal, Three l!ivers, St. llyacinthe, Sherbrooke and ilimouski. The Protestant Dioceses are two in number : .Montreal, the Ah troj-olitieal See, and <^>nel)ec. Aecordiii!^ lo tI:o census of l.s71, the reli^fious (h'nomi- iiations in the province were as follows : Chtireli of Ki'pland ('.2 4 1!) Cliurch of l.'iiiiio 1,01'J>V) Cliineh of Scotland ].iySA I'l-c^liyleriiuis IM.U'i Wcsli'yaii .Mctliodists '.:i).7:)7 Oilier .Metiiodistrt T.'-'i',) Itaiiiists 8,iis(i Coiijrrepfationalists r).'Jli) Unitarians l.i :iS -Ali-'cella neons (.'rci'd,' ll.r.MT .Fcws r.u> Of no ri'liL'iou 420 ^o creed sluti'd 1,41)1 Total l,l!il,r.l'; There are four cities in t\ e itroviiicv- : MonlreaL ])o,.ulatio'i l>l,j.l7>; tiuelM-r, nit,';';;*; Three Riv«T- 7,.m0 ; and J!t. llyacinthe, :'.,7ti;. The priurijial nuinii- fictMres an- cloth, liiKM, fiiriitur*>, leather, sawn lumber, flax, liai-dwure, pajjcr, chemicals, s:)ap, b ots and slioes, cotton and woollen {j'^ni.*, steam enjiines and loconiwiives, wo-j-ii n ware ot all deseiiptioiH, juyriculMi:;:! imjdr- ments, ship-;, &c. Tliw^ f,ic;l ties for ma uif.icturin;^ atford I by abundant water poW'T arc exc llent. The i)!iblic alfair-s of tlie province arc adniiaisteu'dby a Lieu tenant CioviTiior, ail Kxec.iiiv;' Council of 7 m'unber.-', a !je;jjislalive (!ouncll of "24 me::dM-r;, ap- pointed for life, and a Le.i^i lalivi' As- semldy of •;.". ni''inbers. Tlie judicial de- partment comiir.s(>s a Court of Qui-ri's r. 'iich, wit'h a Chii'f.fiHliee a- d 4 a-^.-.s- tiiits : a .Superior (,'ourt, with C!,iif Jiis- t;i-e and J'! a-sistant-i ; a (.'ourt of vice Adiniraliy ; Courts of (.^uarterSessions; and Courts for the suiumaiy trial of S'.indl (MUS'-S. According? to late returns ti.e total value of the imoorts IVoiii all I'oreijiii conn'ries in l's7J amounted to Si;>,:i7 >,I7";, of which .•?-^,971.'i"--i wern frniu tlie r li'.e I S'ate-, and ^:;:),7.'!1,01 I from C, reat I'.ritain. Tlie exp rt ^ f •■ Hi lai". •i h ! .: Ti»!'. . 54 'js; )■ 51R,171,.':8.L Th.-oIji'TiirticlcjoxporttMl ■were ]ii)l ii 1(1 ].i:iil ;i-1k.'S, Hour, ■wiicat, oal.-, biil.'V, 1) ;ttc;r. '•liiu'so, copjicr, voiil, jiinl liiiiilj.T. la 1^72 there urrivc'l at tlu; S'-vcral j'orLs of tlio piu- vincc l,i;(iS vc-stl.-i Willi i;!i a.i,"j,Tc;^:ilo burLiicii of l,:;;!t,08fi loas. Diiriu;;' t!iC saino [I riod tliero cleared l,()iJO vessels; tons l,i;i..,71."i. Till! Cdinmcrce of Hie province is greatly laciii'tatiid by several canals ■»vliich avoid tiie most vi(AiMit rajiids of tlieSl. Lawre'.ice. Tlieseare the liaehiiic caaal, exteadingfrdin i\Jo.:treal to Lake St. Loiis; the Ik-aiihariiois canal, uiiitiiii;- Lakes St. Frances and Si. Louis'; tlie ChauiMy canal, uiiiinj,' La!i(.' Chainiilai 1 with Hie iiiclieiien rlvei' ; auvl the Carillon and (ireaviUo canal. Till' province conlains niiuiy grand and l>;autlfji olijeets of liUere.>t to the tourist. Tlie Ottawa and its tribtitaries abound in falls and rajiids of an e.xceedincrly i)icUire>qae character. A-cendin^ this stream a little above lti,!j;auil you have (Jarillon Falls, a P'.'ries of rajiids 12 miles in leugih. Near Ottawa city a branch, called the llidvi'ii, pours its wateis down a per- ])endieular bed of Idiie limestone, 5J feet, into the Ottawa. The (Ji;aiuliere Falls, (llie Indian name of which is Kanajo, '' the IJoiling I'ot,") in tlie same vicinity, are wild and j^r;uid. The Fall in no place e.veee is 40 feet, but tlie rapids extend (> miles, and Ihe water foams, tosses, and tiiinliles anioiij^ rocks of every t'hape, in pcriieUial variety, and in sucli a manner ;vs never to weary tlie eye, appearing- like a mul- tilude (it dill'erent streams " striifrj^^imr for a passage." An e.\cellent view of t!;e v.Iiole is had from a line suspension bridge over the Ottawa. One portion of the river is sepaialed from t!ie main stream, and falis into a subterranean ]).i.ssagi'. \Vhen this part (.'f Canada was an ir.ibrokeu wilderness, an onter- ]iri-iiig named IMiilemon Wright establisiied Iiim.^elf at the falls, selecting tlie mouth i>v llall side as his residence. His descendant-! include the ]U'esent Common's ^Members for the counties of I'ontiac and Ottawa. The late I'liilriiion Wright had liisaKention early attrai'ted to the strange jihenom- opon of a caiisiderable jiertion of the ChaudieL'c Falls dccceudin^'luto a rocky ba-in without any apjiarent outlet. Having built t.'ie lii.U .-aw mill eve:* erected o:i the Oltawa r'.ver, at that jiart of the falls immedialily above the lost chanml, r.nd l)eing curious to know its outlet, lie followed the course of till! liver downwards for si.xly miles, CAainining the shore line on each sid<-, but he was unable to discover the sli^Hib'st trace of the saw d ;st or saw mill debris daily cast into tlie lost channel, ami to this day the enigma lins bailled curiosity and science, and thoout- let is a mystery. At Hiese and the other f.dls are timber slides constructed at g-reat expense. Les ("liats.anotlier si'ri '^ of (iiUs or rapids, .')') miles farther uj), are formed by the river breakiii'r. at: high water, over the rocks in 3.'! distinct shoots, spreading across Hie river to a width of I miles. Some of tliese sepa- rate shoots would, in many places, bi> called large rivers and are v;'ry remarkable f.dls, and well worthy the attention of tli'.' tourist. At Calumet there is another rajiid of scarcidy less interest; a fall of I'J) feet in tli(! Kccpawa branch ; besides, a number of inf 'rior falls and raiiid*. studded with saw mills, and Hie banks in many places wild and re.gged ; wdiil'> the river ofien expands into b.'antif'ul lakes. The well known Falls of .M(»nt- raorcncy, 7 miles below Qu' bee, with a perpendicular descent of 240 feet; the Falls of th(> ('haudiere, on tlie S. sid") of tlie St. Lawrence. 10 miles above Quebec, with a per[)endic'alar ])itch of 12,") feet down a deep chasm ; the beau- tiful Falls of the St. Anm', on the N. shore of the St. Lawrence, 22 mih-s below Quebec; and the Lotig Sault, Cedars and Lachiao rapids are all on the fashionable route (;f tourists. Hut the gi'andest river scene'-y is to be seen on the Saguenay river, wliich enters tl:e St. Lawrence about 120 miles b'dow Quebec. The last CO miles of its course arc exceedingly sublime. The banks, varying in heig!it from TjOO to 1,.')00 feet, not only ofli'ii perpendicular, but ab-Joliit'dy overhanging the dark, di\^]) river below "as if to gaze at its own rugged featmx'S." The precipi- tancy continues belov.- as well as above the wat"r, wdilch has been found as deep Avithin T) feet of the shore as in the middle ; and near its month a line of L'.,0<;0 feet failed to reach the bottom. are ; v;'ry worthy St. At riiml of rj) jesidos, raiiidi. ! hanks ; wlill" 'aiitit'iil Mnllt- witli a the sid"! iil)ove It ell of )i'an- tlie N. mill'.-! Sault, all oil , I5:it JO crs b"ln\V of it-; Tlu; to ic'ilar, (lai'k, • at it:^ ip'oini- :il)ove iiul as i:i the iiu' of oltoin. SCI" I QUE 2T1 CUE The depth iu otlicr ]i!irt:5 varies fr( la loo U) 1,000 foot. The uiiper jiart ul' the ."^agiieiiay abouads in fills and rapid.s. Kxeiir.^ioiis are made fruni Montreal and Quebec to this river ia steaiuhoats. Tiie scenery on the N. bank of llie St. Luwreuee alono is worth the trip. The Indian population of ;lio priivinco of (,>ncb?c iu IHTl Avas H/;.")7— .N'lpis- sinir-, Al'^onfpun^, Al)enakis, Huron.-;, A!'.:.:lieites, Mieniae.-, .Mont.ignais and Na-tpiapees. Tiie pi'ovince is said to have been (li.-eoVered l)y Sel)a3tia:i ('al)otin M;m ; bit the lirst settlement made by Jviro- piM IS Avas in !'>■{[, near (^Ufbee, l»y Janpies (''art;(>r, a Freneh navij^a- to;-, will) sailed up tiie St. Lawre ice. t'l wl)i(di he gavo its pivsent name. Ia IGOS, a penuanent settlement was made by the French njion the present sif <>f -'be city of Qn^b 'c. From t!iis pi ,-i 'd iiU 175;) the i''reiwh c Mili lued t.) . ■> <>]ty the country, tliou,L,^li much liarasseil by various tril)es of Indians, ]part:cnlarly the Iroci'iois; l)ut ia the Vvir \ii>t uaini'd an Kaglisli army, u...!(.'r(i uieral \Volfe, caplired <>ueI)i'C ; aid liv S 'ptember 8, 17';>\ all other jliees within tiie f^overnment if Cana- da were surrenderi'il to tlie lirilish, and ilii French power oulin ly anni- hilated. Ill 17!»2 the pr(;v;!ie.j was (liviiled into IIi)per and Lowor (,'an- a la, bat iu 181-0, after seri.)us ]vditical dissensions, they were reii uted uadi-r till' name of the Uuit'd Provinces of Canada. In IH J7, they wia-e acjaiii separated, and under the n i:ii 's r"<[);.'c- tivly if Ontario ami <>::eb?e, f u'lu the t'vo m lit imoortaut pruviuc 'S in the I) iinini 111 ti\' ('ana la. (iiii:i;.v (niAiiiA)TTF/s i.slaxd.s, a ^'roup of i.dauds i a the I'ae'iic deeaii, uir tiie coast of Hrltindi Columbia, X. lit Vancouver Island, b tween lat. ."iJ and at N., and Ion. l.'il ami bl.j W. The-;!' islaids f>nn jiart of British Columbia. They were tir f 1 lartT'' idaiids and 2 smaller i.'iies, lyini; iu an arciiipelago of i-^le's. The 4 principal oaes, called Graham, .Moresby, XiTth and I'ie-:ciitt, are dlvid'd mendy by utrrjw anna of tlie sea, and taken t)r;.UM1;N'.^ a e > infy i i tlii'S.U'. part of .N'ov.i Seoiia, l).iuu I'd on tin,' S by the Atlau!ii>. Ar 'ai;n,!( »0 arri'S. Tlio coast is deeply indentcil and iitrdereil liy a ru:roed rldLTJ cKteudiuj; many mile! itilaud. The interior of the c lunty is Ir'autifally divrrsili 'd with vall'vs, rivers and lak'S. (-apital, Ijiver;iool. I*i»p. jo,')."!, Qi;i':i':.V.S!U)ii'J', a tmst villa;,'e in IIaslin'.js CO., Out., on IMack Cr-ek, '57 miles from iJ '11 vilh'. It iias a llourinij mill, a saw mill, and 2 store.-. I'op. 10). Q[n:KN'.Sro\', a piU villa,i;-e i.a Xiairara co., Oat., on the W. bank of the .Vi p^.ira rivif, about 5 m'b'-^ X. of the Falls, un • ou the C. S. 11. (Erie i Sir 4*, ,. fd 'i^ RA'l 2T2 RAP i; \M ■jti ai\(l Xiiij;ar.a (livL^ion), 8 milc=i from (Mil't'Mi. iL cniitaiiid II t;le':ni.)li oliice iiiul SL'voral sores a id lioU-li. QiU'custoii \.i a s !C'i.itvil in liistory wilh t!io f^ llaiit (l"i" !icv' mil lo by the IJrilisli oil iho adjici'iit l)'i;;'.i A in tin; war (if 1812. A m niiimcmt l' ^IciuTal r>i-uck, 18.') feet lii;^''.i, li;is l)L'eu erccled oil Queen -ilDii llci,;lit-i. I'oi). 3,")0, QLIKIvN'SVILIiH, II ixxt soMlomeiit in [iiver!ie.s.s cd., Nf-S., 7 miles from Port 11,1-1 iiiu'-i. l'o[) 1.)'). gL'i-,i:.N,Sv ILLE, a ])M\. villiifjo in York CO., Ont., 9] milod from Xew- niarUet. It lias a' tcK'.^iMpli oOicl', 5 siures, and saw ail I |, milL^. Pop. 30vJ. QUKS.VKL, a iio^t odice in the dis- trict of (Jar. boo, IJ.C, 400 miles from N'.'w We-tiuiiist'^r. QUi:SNi:ij PoPti^S, a post oliic'c in th'^ di-Iri 1 of Cariho ., 15.0. Ql'K), Pontiac co., (.^iic. See Onflow. Ql/'liii'ON. an i.dand olf the N. ox- tromiiy of N'-wI'mnU ind, at the en- trance of i; lleid > S;rait, in lat. 51- 40 N.Jon. 5.V W, W. It is settled by lisliennca. Pop. (i:>. QIT|,SL'AM.S1.>, a station on the I. R., in i\in;.^s c ;., NM>., 12 miles from St. Jolin. ilAn.\'()[l roiK'.lvS, Cliiimplain co., Que. S 'e FiTinont. UA1)ST()('K, a post odice In Joliette CO., Que, miles fVoiii Joliette. RA(K5i:i) HAIli]l)il,aiishinc:settlo- ment on the north side of Trinity H.iy, N'lld., li; miles from Trinity. Pop. 210. RAO! JED HEAD, a post ofTicp in (}iiy.-li:'ro!i;;;li co., .\ S.. on (,'liedAbucto Rav. !> iipl s from (^. iivsborough. ilAOGEi) ISLA.N'l). a post settle- ment ill S.iclbnrne (v>., X H,, 21 miles from Shclliiira '. liibabitant-; are clii' Hy oni;.i'.;e I in the li-ilnn-ies. Pop. 3.50. " RAC.CIE;) ISLAM) (E.vst SiniO, a post setileineiit '.) mil.'- iVom the above. Pop. I,-,:). IIAGOED REKT, a village in Cum- bei'laiid ('o , N.S.,.'i m'les iVoin Amherst. (Triii(lston"s are mii'le here. Pop. .SO. RAGE AN, a i)ost village in Ontario CO., Oat., 8j miles from Osliinva. It contain-! 2 stores and a grist mill. Pod. 1"0. RAO TOWN, liraut co., Ont. See Victoria. stores, 2 n.VlI/fON, a post village in A , t)nt., 12 miles from Kingston. Pop ■, 0. R.MXIIAM, a post villa '.re in Ilaldl- manil c > , vint., 9 miles from niiai-,v.l!e. Po;). 72. R.\I.\[IAM CE.VTRE, a post village in il iMimand co., Out., 12 mdes froai UuniiviUe. It contains 4 Iiotil^, il id a saw mill. Pop. 1 RA.MA, an Indian village m Oatari) CO., Ont., on Lake Coiieliichiiig, 4."> m les fi'om I).dl Ewart. It contains 2 hotels, 3 stores and 2 saw mills. .Pop. uOO. RAME.V ISLANDS, a gronp of islanls in the district of H irg 'O ami La Po'le, N!ld., 10 miles from IJiugeo. Pop. IS."). ItAMS.VY, Renfrew co., Ont. Sec Almonte. RA.MSAY'S CORXEIIS, a post vil- lage in Rass'll co., Out., on tlie .Mon- treal and Ottawa Junction railway, 7 miles from Ottawa. It coat.iins 1 church, 1 store and 1 hotel. Pop. 30. RAMSIIEG, a seaport town of Nova Scotia, CO. of CiimbvM'laii.l. on a small estua:'y at the head of Wallaee IJay. op[)osite Wallac', -14 miles IVo-.n Truro Se" Wallace lin.lge. RA.M'S I.-^Ii.VNDS, a group of island.^ in Plac'^ntia liav, .\(ld., 10 miles froai Little Placmtia.' Poi). 133. U.\X1);)M SOUND, al)a^^ago on tlie north s:d' of Trinity IJay, .\ll l.,separ,it- ing Pandom I-land from tlie -i ainland. It is about 10 miles long and \ to 2 miles wide. The inha';i:aiits on the shore are eiigag 'd in the lishe-y and in a'rr'c altural ])ursaits. Poj). 540. R.\NEL.'v.GII, a post village i i Nor- folk CO., Out., 17 miles from Simcoe. Pop. .'^o. UAN'K'IX, fomerlv GREl'X LAKE SETfLE.MENT, a poU v.lla-e in Ren- frew CO., O It., 12 miles from i'einbroke. Pop. loO. UAXKIX'S MILLS, or P.ENTON, a ])OSt village in ('ar etoii co., N.H., on Uie X. B.' & C. R., 19 niile.^ \\'oodstock. It contains 2 saw mills, an hotel and a store. Pop. 2oo. RAPIDES DES JOAOIII.MS, or Ar.Ei;DE];N'. a pod vill g.- in I'ontinc c \, Qne., cm the Ottawa river, 4.") mile- above i'embroki'. It jins a telegra[ ii odice and 3 stores. Pt . . SO. REA 2T3 ri:d Sec !1 tiK' aul t(. -2 the and to. RA'i .riFORD RIVER. Cumberland CO., N' S. H.'C Port Grcville. UATlIiJURN, a ollice in Ontario CO., Oil ., (J miles tVoni Atlicily. RATUO, a post villii<;e in Oxford CO., O it., on the G. T. li. ( iJuiralo (I. vi- sion), 13 miles from Hlrattbrd. It con- tain.s 2 s'orcs an i a tannery. Poji. 1' i>. RATTERS CORXEIIS, a post v 1- lage in K ugi co., N.R., 8 miles fiom Siissi X. pop. IjO. RAVEX.V V, a i)ost villii{rf> in Grey CO., il., 7 mile.s from Tliorubiu-y. Po]). 1 :). RA vEX.SCLIFF, a post oOicc in Vic- toria c )., Ont., H2 miles from lirace- britl.'.\'. RA VENSIIOE, a post villajre in York CO., Oiit., 11 ni'les from NowiiKir.e . 1 1, CA)ntiuni 1 clmrcii, 1 store, 1 hotel and 2 bhic'.smiili's .sliojis. RAVEN.SWOOI), a post vill.ifre in Lambto 1 CO.,, 8 milej frum W'.d- der. Pop. ;>0. RAWDON, a flourishing post village iOiMonteiilm co.,Que.,oii ilie liivurLac ()uar;MU, 48 miles X. of Montri'til. It contai is Epi copal, Roman Caiiiolic and Melliodist churches, 3 saw a id 3 grist mills, has excellent water i rivi- Icges, anostv:Mage in Vic- toria CO U it , i mile fr im Cinibray, ,') 1311 lea fiom Lindsay, it contains 3 •limchea Pop 25. READ, a jio-t vilhiL'cin Hastings co., Ont., 1.) m.les from'. Pup. JU. UEADI\G,ai)ost oTice in Welling- ton CO., Oiti., 23 miles from Georg^- ""lii'lARLAXDS SPOilTIXG MOVS- TAl.V, a \nil s.-.ilemvnt in Kicliiiiond CO., X..)., 2 I miles irom W st Hay. R..Ail OF RLACK RIVE.i, a post setiLnient i i .i.chmond Co., X.S., 4 miles West Hay. i'op. \7>i) lii.D HAXK', a post settlement ii Xv ). RED ISL.VXD, a hirgo i.ilaud i i Placentia Hay, Xf) 1., 12 milci from Little Plac ntii. pvip. 227. RED I.SLAXD, a post vil'ag'? In Richmond c.)., X S., o i an island., i tlui E. side of Hras d"Ur Lake, .'inmleij from Port Hawked)ii'\ . Pop. 77i>. RED ISLAXD, a sm.ill i.-lar.d ofTtho southern coast of Xewfoundland, G miles from Hurgeo. Poj*. 52. RED 1S,.AXD, in th • River St. Law- rence, 9 miles X. of Green Idaal, and oppo.-5ite the mouthof the River ague- uay. ilE?)XERSVlLLE, a post villagn in Pri lee Edwar i e o., ( )iit., on tin- Lay of ■ •••v.lli;. It uid a tfl'i- :; (.^Uiiiiie, 3, miles from •>. cfnnij •> hotel 18 e uitaius 2 stores, neiy. l*op. 17J. i:ED IH)IXT, a post v II. ? • i iKin'.r3 CO., P.E I., .'ju miles fro*"' ti'lutrlotte- town. Pop. l.'iO. RED LOCK, a settlement on tlio ex- treme sou; hern point of the L^'and of Xewfo mdlaml, 1 mile from Ca:ie R»v. Pop. :;t. Rliit RO<_'KS, a post village ia ihn distr.ct of Algoiiiii, Ont., at t..e moniU of li'ie .Vipigon rivir, 75 miles from iSil- ver Islet. It is a oost of the Iludaou'a Hay Compa ly, and has 1 store. Pou. 10. ■A* i\ it 1 ■ j'-' ' '4tf i f I J'" T) II i: *' 1 "1 ^s REX REED, or BAYSIDE. a post villaRo in VVe.-liiiorhi .d co., N. 15., 20 miles lV(ji:i Au, 4 ihilcM IVuiu Ll;^iii. It ouii- tain:4 1 c'lurcli, 1 store, 4 saw mills, 1 gristmill, and a tliresliing muchi'ie fac- turv. l\)\). '_' ,'•). JiEEDSDALE, a post villa<,'(' in Me- gautic c )., '.^iic, on the River Tliames, 14 m'li'S l'n;m Hecancoiir iStation. it contains 1 sloro, 1 saw mill and 1 grist mill. Aliout three miles t'njui this vil- LiLje are the Falls of Lysauder on the Tha!lu■.^ river, so uameil after (Jeneral Ly Sander Fla^rg, of Rhode Islan.l, who has erected at that jujint largj ?aw and gii't mil!<, and a woollen f.ictory. E.Ktensive (l";i '.^its of co]i]ier and \vv,n have been found in the vicinity. Pop. 200. REEKIE, Rruco co., Oit. See Ar- mow. RELES.SEY, a post cfTice in Card- well c > , Da;. ,10 miles from Orang.'ville. RE.Mi.N'dTO '^, a jiost viUa.^'e in Ha.-t- ings CO., Out,, ;U miles fi'om 15; llevillc. It contains 1 church and 1 hotel. Pup. 170. R'^XCONTRE, a fishing .scttleme .t in tiio district of l>urgeo and La Poile. Nfld., 4'J miles from Harbor I5riton. Poo. 111. RE.N'COXTiiE, a fislnug settlement in the district of Fortune i5ay, Nlld., .'!.'> mil;s ll.irbor Briion. Pop. 110. RENFOIlTll, a i)o-l village in We^it- ■wortli CO., it., lo^, mdes from Hamil- ton. It contains a woollen mill and a store. RENF'IEW, a county of Ontario, bordering on ! he Ott-awa river, has an area of 10,:»()^,>^2'J acres. Caoital, Pembr ko. Pop. 29,7i;8. REVFilEW, a-! incorporated yillag;^ of Ontario, co. of Renfrew, on the B m- njchcro river (which 1. -re forms a mag- u.'lice It fall), and at the W . terminus of :ho H. S li ,4 mil<'j ft-om Chatiiam i'op 200. 274 RIO REN'0W.3w, a post town and port of and, Xlld. It is a ulaco cn'ry in i.ioui.^irict of Ferry 54 miles S. < f St. John's. It is a p of coii:iiderable trade. Pop. 859. RE.VTUV, apost village in Norfolk CO., Unt., G miles from Simcoe Pop 50. RE^'TOX, a station on the Hamilton and Lake Erie railway, in Went worth CO., Out., 11 miles from Hamilt(Hi. REL'E.MTIGXY', a post village in L'Assomption co., Que., on the iSt. Lawrence, IS miles N E. of Montreal. It contains a telegraph ollice aidasaw mil'. P p. 3 )0. RESEUVE MIXES, a post oinco in Cape lirel :>n c )., .X.S. KES 1 1G01\J.1E, an extensive coun- ty in the X. of .Xew I'runswick, border- ing 01 Laic (U'i (Jhaleurs. Th(i sur- Wn'.ii is c.Klr mcly diversified with moiin- t:ii ;s and vidleys, and is intersected by uuinerous livers. The soilis f rtile and h; avily timbered. Large quantities of timber are annually exported from Dalhousie, the capital. Area 1,849,000 aeres. Pop. 5,575. REYXOLDSVILLE, a village in Lin- col t 0., V nt., 2 miles from St. t>atharines. Po[). GO. itIlODl-iS, a post ofTiee in Kings co., X.S., 5 miles from Kingston. l;lCi:iU'Il(i, a post village in Missig- quoi CO., Q ic , on Pike river, 5^ miles from Stanhridge. It contains an iron f nmdrv, a saw mill, a grist mill, and 1 store. ' Poi,. .;.)0. RICEVILLE, a post village in Pres- cott CO., U It., 29 miles from Alexan- dria It contains 3 stores, a saw mill, and a flouring mill. Pop. (50. RIU'ilAilDSOX'S CORXERS, Sim- cne CO., Out. See Edgar. RU^IIAIiDS HAR150R, a small fish- i ig set'd'meut in the district nf IJurgoo and La Poilf, Xtld., 17 miles from Her- mitavT'Cove. Pop. 73. RlCILiV, or MltOOKVILLE, a post villigo iu Ci'mpton co., Que., on the Cr. T. R., 118 miles S.E. of Montreal. I'op. 50. iilCHELlEU, a county of Quebec, bounded .X. by t!ie River St. Lawreice, and W. b>- tlie Richelieu orSorid river. .\rea 121,015 acres. Capital, Sorel. Pop 20. 4-i. RI(Mn:LIEU ISLANDS, arc situated :n Lii'ce St. Peter, at the mouth of the Richelieu river in the St. Lawrence. RIG 275 RID ller- RICIIinrCTO, formerly LIVER- POOL, a ;U'u[)orl town and i»)rt of en- try of N'l'W liniiHwick, capital of Kent CO., at the nioutli of n river of the same name, 1 UJ mile3 N.E. of Ht. John, S7 miles E. of Cliatliani. If coiitain-J. besides the county building.-?, several ciiurches and hotels, about -0 stores atjd a telej^rajih ollice, aul has a larire trade in lumber and iish. Sh'pbuildinj^ i3 also o.igai,'ed in. The number of arriv' b.iilding.s. a college', me- chanics" institute, telegraph olliee.uews- pajjer office, and .'several stores and hotels. In the vicinity there are valu- able coppiT mines. Pop. 71,'3. RICHMOND HILL, an incorporated village in tiie co. o' Ycrk, Ont., on the Yonge ."^tre t macadamized road, 1(] miles from Toronto, 3.V miles from the Uichmond Hill station of the Northern railway. It is ndmiraMy situafcl for manufictoriis, being in li.e centre ottlie garden of tlie j)rovinee, has good water jiower, a id contains 2 tdrgraph olliees, a printing ollice issuing a weekly niws- jiaper, a mechanics in.-tilute, lir-telasa sclioi/N, including a county high .^eiiool and a ladies boarding school, -I cluu-ches, an agricultural implement lactory, and a numherofslore-i. The Third DiVision court of tlie co. of York is held here si.t tinvs a veur. Pop 78 [. KiCiniOND MINES, Inverness co., XS. See Port Rieluno ;d. RICHMOND MM.TION, a tliriving ]iost vilhige in Richmond co.. Que., on a lir.'uieli ot the iliver St. Francis, and at the Junction of the .Montreal, l)i,ebec and Portland brandies of the Grand Tnmk ralhva-, 7ti miles E. of Montreal, [hi miles S.S.W. of Quehee, and 221 miles N.W. of Portlami. It contai is 3 stores, 2 hotels, and a telcgrapii oHice. Pop. :-!0(). RICHMOND TERMINUS, a suburb of tiie ci!y ot Halifax, N.S., on Bedford Basin, at' the S. terminus of the I. R., 2 miles from Halifax ]>ost oOice. It CO itains tliu raihvay offices and work shops. Pom. I,(tii0. RICH.MOND WEST, an incorporated village in Carleton co.. Out., on the CJoodwood river, 10 miles fiiun Stilts- ville. It contains Episcopal, Roman Ciitliolic, Presbyterian and .Metli')dist churelies, a telegrapii office, 3 hotels, a number (if stores, and several saw and grist mills. Pop. 487. PiKMlVUCW, a iiost village in Peel CO., Out., 3^ miles from Malton. Pop. luo. RICnWOOD, a post village in Oxford CO., Ont., on the River .Villi, and on the (;; T. R. (I'.uflalo division), 2(j niihs from Stratf ird. Pop ir)0 RIDERS iIAUr.OR, a lishing settle- ment in the district of Trinitv, Nlld., I7miles from Heart's ('(.ntent. Pop. 13. )st. village 'rom Tharae.-;ville. It contains a telej .aph ollice, about l.j stores, a woollen fic- tory, a llouring mill, several clrirelies and hotels, 2 \sa\v mills, soap factory, itc. Pop. .'■)00. RIDOEVILLE, a pon village in Monck co,Ont., 8| miles from Port Robinson. It contains 3 stores and a saw mill. Pop. 100. RlI)iiET')WN,atliriviiigpo in Botiiwell Co., Out., 11 miles fe ■ h h;[35 • nr t ! I ;'H ri:#if till ,• i ; I r RIV 276 RIV RIDCEWAY, Welland co., Ont. See Point Abiiio. lUGAUI), a flourishing post village and seigniory of Quebec, co. of Vuu- dreiiil, on tlie Riviere a la Graisse, 45 mile.s W.S W. of Montreal, IG miles from Vandreuil. It is the seat of liig- au'l Colltpe and Ste. Anne s Convent, and contains a 1ehgra]>hotlicc,G stores, a siiw mill and a grist mill. Vo]h 2r<0. IJILKY BHOOK, a post otlicein Vic- tor a CO , N.H., 9 miles from Andover. IMMOUSKl, a county of Quebec, coinprii^es an area of 3,15(5 280 acres. The St. Lawrence forms its N. bound- nw Its cai)ital is Uimouski. Poj). 27,418. l(l.\l()Ur^KI, an incorporated town and wateri ig place of Quebec, cai)ital of the above county, on the S. shore of the St. Lawrence, and on the I. R., 54;!r n)iles b'luw Uivieredu Loup, e.n Imx. It'cntaiuSjbesides the county buildings, a Roman Catholic Cathedral, a number of siores, several hotels and a telegrafih otlice. Vc's els of the largest tontuige load lier witli tiuib.T for foreign jjorts. The value of e.xpurts for 1872 was $81,85(3. Tlie seabathing facilities here are unsuriassed and cnnsenuently in- duce a l.irge number of health seekers to vrisit it during the hot season. Pop. 1,18:>. RINGWOOD, a post vilhge in York CO., Out., '1\ miles from Stouffville. It Cf^'Uains seaeral stores and mills. Pop. 130. iUl'LEY, a i)ost office in Bruce co., On .. 15 miles from Kineurdine. RIVKR KKAUDETTE. "- post vil- lage in Soulanges co., Que., at the O itletof a nvei vjf llie same name in the St Lawruiee, and on the G. T R., A'\}, miles \V. of .\lo Ureal. It has atele- gr'tpli ollice. Poj). I'lO. i{lVEi{ BOURGEOIS, a post village in Ic'chni ud co., N.S., .'51 miles from Port llawke^hiM'v. It contains 4 stores and 1 li 't'l Pon f»G4. RIVER CHaRLO, a post settlement in Resiig uclie co., N,13., on the 1. R., 8 miles E. of Dalhousie. Poo. 275. RiVEll 1)A\1D, or St. DAVID, a thiivin>r post vilia^r,- in Yamaska co , Qiie., on a river of the same name, 19 mdi's from Sorel It contains a Rnman C:ithorH' ciiuich, 2 siores, a foundry, a p '^' m.ll, and a telegraph otlice. Pop. 800. RIVER DEBERT, a post village in Colchester co.^ N.S., n a river of the same name, with a station on the I. R., 16 miles from Truro. Pop. 400. RIVER DE CHUTE, a post village in Carleton co., N.B., 9 miles from Andover. It contains a store and grist mill. ^ RIVER DENNIS, a post village in Inverness co., N.S., on a river of the same name, 25 miles from Port Hawkes- biiry. It CO itains a comb factory, a grist mill and several stores. Pop. 300. RIVER DENNIS (Upper Settlh- MENr).apost settlement in Inverness co., .V S., G miles from RiveijDennis. Pop. 100. RIVER DENNIS ROAD, a post vil- lage in Inverness co., N'.S.,8mile3 from Port \U\\\ kesbury. It contains 1 church, 2 stores, 4 saw mills a. id 3 grist mills, Poi*. 500. RIVER DESERT, or MANIWAKI, a post village iu Ottawa ro , Que, at the coufluince of the Rivers De.-. Sec GI<'nedale. RIVERJOIIN, a thriving post village in Pictuu CO., N.S , at the mouth of a stream falling into .Vorthumberland Strait, 21 miles from Pictou. It contains 5 orG siores, 2 hotels, and a shipyard. Pop. .500. RIVER JOHN, (West Bhanch.) a j)Ost village in Pictou co., N.S., 20 miles from Pictou. Pop. 150. RIVER LOUISON. a post village in Restigoiicliecj., N.B.,on a smalls, ream filling inio Baie des Chaleur.-;, and on the I R., 19 miles from D.ilbousie. It contains 2 stoies. Pop. IGO. iilVER PHILIP, a post village in Cumberland co., N.S., on the I. R., 45 RIV 277 noB •op. 20 miles from Truro. It contains 2 stores and 2 hotels. Pop. 100. mVEli ROUGH, a station on the G. T. 11., in Vttudrcuil, Que, 31^ miles W. of .Montreal. JUVEUSUALE, a post village in Bruce co., (Jul., 12 miles from Walker- town. It contains 2 stores and 2 hotels. Pop. l(ti». UIVEIi.SDALE, formerly GEORGE- TOW.V, a p(;!!t village in Colcliester CO., N.S , ou Ij.uck river, and on the I. II., 74 miles .V of Il.ilia.x. It contains a Bpooi f lelory, a saw mill, and a tele- graph o;lic". Pop. S'). Ill Vl"iIi.SIDE, a seaport of X \v IJruns- wick, CO. of Albert, on Sli" "'iiy [Jay, 3L>.'. uiih'S from Salisburv. Pop T) ». laVEiiSIDE, lormjrfy APPLKIiY, a station on tlie I 11., ia Kings co., N.IJ , 7 mil r-i from St John. IlIVEIiSDALE, or MOS.SMANS GRAXr, a post settlement in Lunen- burg co„N.S,on the La Have river, 12 miles from Lunenburg. It contains a saw m 11. Pop 92. RlVE.LSrOW.V, a post village ii Weill iglon CO ^ Out , Ii miles from Ken- ilworth. It coaiams 2 stores a;id 1 hot(>l Pop 10). RlVEilTRE.N'T, or PORT TRF'LVT, co., Out. See Tren- ton. RIVIERE A LA C. L AXDE, a hamlet in Gasp6 cj., Que., M miles trom Ste Anne iles .Mouts. RIVIERB A LA MARTFIE, a hamlet in Gaspe co , Que , 18 miles from Ste Ann ' (los .Monis RIVIEIIE A LOURS, a village m Clucoiitnui CO . Que., 56 miles from ChiCDutuui Pop IJO RIVIKIIE AUX VACIIES, a post offic.> 1 1 Yamaaka ex, Que IllVlEill': HLAXCHy, a hamlet in R:niou-'ui o Que It 2 stores RlVlEiM': BOIS CLAIR, or ST. EDOu ARD. a po^t village lu Lotbnu'^re CO Que . 0.]- m le.s from Loti)iniere, .").U nules above Quebec It contains 2 stores and fi saw m II Pop 3)0 RIV1E:;E DES PRAHMES, a post villi:.:e in lloclielagao , Que , 15 miles N. ot .\1 mtreal It has a lelegra[)h olhce Pop 250 IMVIR^.R DD LOUP EN HAS, or fRASE :VILLH,a Hourishir.g post vil lag'^ antl w ,teri;ig place of (Quebec, co of Temiscouata. situated on theS shore of the St. Lawrence, at the junction of the liraiiil Trunk and Intercolonial railways, and at the N.W. terminus of a railway in course of cousiruction from Freilerictoii, 127 miles below Que- bec. It has Roman Catholic and E[)is- copal churche-!, about 20 s ore.s, several hotels and mills, 2 f ouudries, a tannery, a t'degraph ollice,and a uuinl)erot some villa r..'sid -uc-'S. Pon. 1,5 ;l. RlVlEiiE DU LOUP E.V IIAUT, a thriving post vilhiLre and siugiiiory of Queln'c, capital ot .Maskiiioui^e co., sit- uated on the X. s!io e of Lake St. Peter, 22^ miles ab )ve Three Rivers. It lias a Roman C.itholic church, agencies ot two telegra])!! compa lies, a foundry, 2 tanneries, several mills, and about 15 stores. Pop. l,.5O0. RIVIERE DU SL' I), Iberville co.,Que. See Ilcnryville. RIVIERE .MAGDELAIXE, a post village in Gaspe co., Que., 9J miles from Gaspe. RiyiERl<: MARSOUIX, a hamlet in Gaspe CO., Que., 2;J miles from Slo. Anno Des .Moms. RIVIERE OUELLE, a post viUago and seigniory of Quebec, co. of Kam- ourask.i, on the S. shore of the St. Lawrence, and on the G T. R., 92 miles below Quebec. It contains a R »mau C.itholic church, a telegi'aph ollice, a saw 300. mill, a id 4 stores. Pop. RIVIERE RAISIN, or NEW LAX- C.VS TER, a flourishing post vill;\go of Ontario, co. ot Glengarry, on the River St Lawrence, and on the G. T. R,, 54|- miles W. of .Montr 'il. It co itaiiis a telegraph olliee, 4 hotels, and lo or 13 stores Pi)p Wii). RIVIERE Sr. LOri^, Heaiiharnoii CO. Que See St .S> lui^as d.^ K)stka RIVIERE TROl.-sPlSi'Oi.E ^, a post olhce in Temi^cou.Ua co., (...'ue , on tlie River St Lawietic.\ an I on ttie 1 R. 22 lUiles below R.viere dii Loup eii baa. It h IS a tel -grai)!! o!hce ROACIIS POINT, or KESWICK, a |)ost village 11 York co , Out,., on Lake Siincoo, 2 miles from IJe'l Ewart It has a telegraph olhce 2 stores, ana ^ saw m lis Pop 175 R015E;!TS ISLAND, a po>t village in Yarmouth co., NS, 15 miles trom Y.I'TUO !tlv Pop 15 I ROI'.ERVAL, or LAC ST JEA.V, a post village in Chicoutimr co , Que , c« mm tii CO , Out CO., ROC 278 Lake St. John, 7S milci from Cliioou- timi. It ooiiiiuiiH 2 atorea. I'op. ;;oi). R()l{KllT.St)\'S MILLS, Glengarry S(>o Dill kei 111. IlOHINStJN, a Ihriviuff post villa:re in Ooinptoti co., Que., oiiSaliiiuii (hvek, 21 mik'.s troiii lj('imuxville. ll contaiin 4 storey, 2 cliurt'lit'ri, 3 saw mills and I gri.U null. I'op. 3:10. KOlilNSONS IILAD, a fisliinj,' sot- tlcme it () 1 tliL' S'Jiilii sulo nt St, ( U'nv^ 's l};iv, .Villi., 10 miles from Sandy I'oiut. i'op. IJ.V RUill.lX, a ])oat village in Lennox CO., On'., 10 niile.s IVuia ^ai)aaee. It contaiiH 4 storc.-^, 2 saw mills, u grist mill lunl a 1 liotd. I'o)) IJO. IIOHLINS MILLS, Trmce Edward CO., Out. See Amidiashurj^. KOlJixOV, a olli'-e in Orey co.. Out , II null'.? from Colli igwool. IKXMILLLE, or Sn-:. ASSR DK STL'KLLY, a post villa^'o in Slu'llbrd CO., (^ 1!'., H mile.-! from Waterloo. It contains 2 stores and an hotel. Pop. 100. ROCHESTER, or BELLE RIVER, a thriviii;.^ village ii E.sje.K co., Out., on li'lle river, a stream nuiiuni^ mio Lake Si. Olair, and on the G. W. R , 20S mileg S.W. ot Toronto. It co.Uain.^ grist a'ld carding mill.s, a teh'gnipli ofiico, and several hotels and stores. Pop. .".ot. ROCIIESTERVILLE, apost office in Carle'on c >., Out. ROCKIUJUN, a post village m Ilnn- tuiL^'don eo., Que , on a branch ot the River Chatoangnay. 20 miles from ll'Miiiniiiulord. It contains a woollen mil, a gi'i it null and 2 stores. Pop. 73 ROCKFORl), a jmst in Nor- folk (• ) , Out., U mile-! from Watcrford It eontaiiH 2 grist mills, 1 saw mill, and 2 stores Pop 100 ROCK I'O REST, a post office m Sherbrooke co., Que., G miles from Sh(Ml)iooke R()(;k HARBOR, a fishing settle- ment on IIk; W side nt Plaeeiitia Bay, >)lid , li> miles tioin Burin Pop .SO ROCKl.NGHAM a post village m Renfrew co Out., 4/ miles from Ren- trew it contains a telegraph office, 2 stores, a cardi ig mill, and a grist mill. Pop r>o ROOK ISLA.ND, a thriving post vill.iore 1 1 Stanstead co , (Jiie _ on the M V R , 1 mrio tr(j miles from D irchester. It has extensive free stone (luarries. Pop. loo. ROCKLA.ND, a slaiinu on the New r.ruiiswick raiUvjiy, in York co., N.B., 10 iiiiles from Kivdericlon. RO('KLIFi'"E a post office in Renfrew CO., It., oil ihu Rivei Oitawa, 11 miles ab.ivc Rapides des. Joachims. ROCKLIN, a ])()n village m Ricton N.S., on Middle river, (j.j miles frointileiigarry. It contains saw, grist a id tiiUi ig iiiUls. Pop. 1 ;o. ROCKl'ORT, a post village in Leeds CO., Out., on the River St. Lawrence, 11 miles from .Mallorylown. It contains a s iw ni:ll and a siorc. Pi)p. 125. ROCKRORT, a seaport of New Brunswick, co. of Westmorland, on the W. side ol Ciiinber! ind l!a-;in, 12 miles from Dorchester. Pi)|i. 100. ROCKSIDE, a i)ost viUag:> in Card- well CO , Out., 18 miles from Bramp- ton. Pop. f)0 ROCK SPRINGS, Leeds co., Ont. See Wliitehurst. ROCKTON, a post village in Went- worth CO., Out., !).] miles frwin Duiulas. It contains 1 hotel and 3 stores. Pop. 100. ROCKVIEW, Grey co., Out. See Kimborley. ROCK VILLAGE, a post office in Russell CO., O it., 3 miles from Ottawa. RtjCKVlLLE, a jiosi vilhigo m Kings CO., N.B., 5 miles from Sussex. Pop nU). ROCKVILLE, a post village in Yar- mouth CO , N S , 7 miles from Yarmouth. Pop CO. ROCKVILLE, a village in the co. of BiNuihiir lois. Que, 4i> miles S.W. of ROc'KWELL,or AMHERSTSIIORE, n post village lu Cunilieriand co., .\.S., 22 miles from River Philiu i'o[;. 200, ^ HOC 279 liOC ROCKWOOD, a floiirishinff post village of (-)iiliirio, co ul Wflliii^^lnii, (m Uk' 111 vcr Speed, hiuI on Uio (1 T. K., 41 mill's W. of Toronto. Il lias cxli u Vivi' wiifir powir, and contiiinrf I'lcsliy- 4criaii unil Meiliinlist c'liuii.'lu'S, a tcli'- frrapli oiiici', '.i flourini; mills, a -aw mill, a laryi- woollen Jacloi}', uud riever- ul stores i*o)>. (Il It. IIOCKY I!AV, a lisliinpsottlempnt, in tlic ilislriet of Twiliuis; !'-• ami Fo^o, Klld., ]i; miles from kJeidom-Come-lJv. Poi>. 'J7. JiOCKY LAKE, a slntion on llic I. li, in llaiil.ix eo., N.H.. 11 mi!"S from llalilax Tlie N. \a Scutia Ice tlomna ly fjas its storeiioiises lu're RliCKV MOINTAINS, calhd also the ClIll'l'KWAVAN MOl NTAINS, n cl'ain m the central ami W part of' North America: C' mmencmg in New Jlexieo, m about 32 oU N. lat , near Fort \V( bstcr, It exte;ida nearly N.N W throiif,'hout tiie N portion of the con tinoiitaiid tlie I'olar Ocean, ternunatiiig W, of the month of the Mackenzie river in lat G»- N.. Ion Kio- W This ranpcj in connection with llie Andes, of which it may be said to be a conti- nuation, forms the lon^^-st, and accord- ing to Humboldt, the most uniform chain of mountains on the glob<) {somewhat more than half of the entire chain belongs to N"rih America, the name, llocky Mountains, being usually applied to that ])ortion only which is comprised within the United States and JDomininn of Car.ada, although the exact limit of this mountain ran^'-o towards the S. can scarcely be said to be (\< erm ned. The entire length, however, of the chain, fallowing the windings, may be stated i i round numbers at 3,0U0 miles. The E. boun- dary of the Kocky Mountains in lat. 3«" N.,'i3 in 107-20 W. Ion. ; in lat. 4i»' N., 108' 30 W. Ion.; in lat. (^3 N., 124^ 40 W. Ion. ; in lat. G8^ N., 130^ 30 W. Ion. Notwithstanding this general tending to the W., the continent w-ideiis so much more in the same direction that this chain, which, in South a'ld Cc'.itral America, and Jlexico, is comparatively a coast range, is several hundred leagues inland in the Uidtcd Slates and Canada. The highest known peaks within the L'nitet the ^ame altitude can be so readily traversed as the Kocky .Moua tain chain, owing U) the g;cat bieadlh of Its base and its g< ritlo acclivity Among the most remarkabh; of the nninerons jiasses may be mcutioiicil that hatliiig from the head waters of the Atliai)asca to thosi; ot the Colum- bia between Mount Kr()wn aid .Mou'u Hooker, and called tiie Athal)ascii I'oi tage , ill) IS a height of 7,3m) feet and has only been used by the trader-* of the Hudson s Bay Compa ly as the prin- cipal ])ass into the ba-^in of ('olumhia Tlie following are tfie measureine:il of 8 other passod in the Doiuiuiou ot Canada; 1 IJed .Stone Crppk or Bonndarv T'nw from AViitcrtOM Kiver tothe Kootania 0,u3.) feet nl)ove tlio sea. 2 Briti.sli Kootuiiie PassJ. bv RiuiLHay Rivor to the Koot.iuii'. n, !»(■/) feet. 3. Crow's Nost I'ass, by Crow IMvertjthe Ivootaiiie 4. Ivanaiinski Pass, from Fort I5ow by J{ain«iiy Kiver to the Kootunio (witlia Kluirt fiiiiiiel 4,600 feet). rj,'j,S5 leet. 6. Veniiillion Pass, from the .Snutli Rsis- katchewan by Fort Row (4,100 leet) to tlifl Ivotitaiiie. 4,917 feet. fl Kicking liorso Puss, by How Hlrpr and JviokiiiR Uiv>ad crosses the Rocky Mountains n^ar the sources of the Mis.souri and Coluinh a at an elevation of about 6,oo0 feet above the sea. Amid the vallcyaaiid forges of this stU' cndous system of mountains, .-(ane of the largest rivers of the g ohe have their birth. Of t'lese, the Athabasca, Peace Mackenzie i » .> yi 'If ..l|. # J^, ^' ^^ w % IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /<^J<^ ■■■' /« -<■ , "'dp C/j 1.0 I.I " ili£ ■ HU 1^ 1.8 " 1.25 1.4 1.6 ^ 6" — ► V] <^ /} VI ■rings are found not only m this region, bui in Tiinoiii other places on the E >tnd W declivities of tiie liocky Mountain ning« Near 42 37 N lut,andin 43 W. Ion., there are a number ot toun tains the waters of which ettervesce with the carbonic acid that tliey con tain From this circumstatieo they huvfl received tlie name ot " Beer, or Sddit springs The most remarkalile ef these throws up a jcl d'eau ot about 3 fe t high, accompanied with ft sub- terraneous noise, wliich, together with the rusliing of the water, resembles the sound of a steamb;>at in motion whence it has been termed the " Steam- b>)at8priug." Inexhaustibl > coals h. ROD^^EY, n post Tillasre in Elgin CO., Out., 1') mil 'S from N'WlHiry It Contaiawniillaiid2slore,s I'op 80 ROEBUCK, formerly flECKS COR- NEIiS, a post village in Grenvilk* co , Out., 4J miles from SttencerviUe. It coniaiud a saw mill a^d I store Pop 10v> I'op. See ROGER'S HILL, or SCOTSnURJT, a post settlement in Pictou co., N.8., 11 miles from Pictou Pop. 300. K0GUE8 llARBOil, a ^etlleroent in the district of Twillingate a d K 'go, Nfld., 11 miles from Tilt Cove Pop. 4U ROKEBY. a post village in Lanark CO., Oat., \H miles from Perlli P.'p 30. KOIX KOAD, a 8 miles from Mount Forest. Pop laO RONDEAU or BLENHEIM, a thrir- ing post villng"> m Kent co.^ Ont. 13 miles from Chatham It' contains Episcopal and Methodist churches, several stores, hotels,jnill3and factories, mill lui'^ a large trade in fruit and grain. Pop H.">0 RONDEAU HARi;OR, a lake port of Ontario, co of Kent, on li iko Erie, 18 miles from Ch.ttham Pop. 150 RONSON, or ROLPH, a post. oTlce ri Norfolk co Ont, G( miles from Delhi ROSA, a post village in Northiimber^ land CO , Ont , 4i miles from . reu on. It contains saw and flouring mills. Pop. 100 ROSEBANK, formerly SIHPM \N'S CORNERS, c. post village in Brant oo . Ont , 5 miles from Harrisburg It con- tains a woollen mill Pop 4 ). ROSEBANK, asettleme it m Lunen- burg CO , N S , 2 miles from Lunenburg. Pop 2.''.0 ROSEBANK, a settlement n Nor- tlmmborland co , N B., 2 miles from Newcastle. Pop 50. ROSE BLANCHE, a post town and port of entry in the dntrict of B irgeo a id La Poile, Nfld., 2-:.j miles from St. John's (by steamer.) Tho fiiheiv is carried o.i here all winter. Pop. 452. ROS 281 now Nor- trom rn nnd Buisfeo rom St. (leiv 18 I'op. ROSEDALE, a post village in Vic- toria CO., Out., 7 miles from Feneloa Fulls. Fop. 150. RObEDENE, or VIENxVA, a post village in M<>nck co., Ont, 10 miles from Ht'amsville. Pop. loO. ROSEIIALL, a post office in Prince Euward Co., Otit., 2u miles from Bellu- vill'.'. ROSEIIILL, -t. settlement in Glouces- ter c'>., S.ii., 7 miles from Baihurat. Pop. 2."). KOSEMONT, a post village in Sira- coc CO., Ont., l^ miles from Gilford. It coiitai la y or 9 stores, and a telegraph otlice. I'op. ir»i:. RUSENEATH, a post village in Niiriliuinberlaud co., Out., 2i» mil a from Cobourg. It contains 2 stores ami a Hour ng mill. Pop. 100. ROaETTA, a post village in Laiinrk CO., Out, 14 miles trom Lanark. Pop.2). ROSETTE, a settlement in Queens CO., N.S , 2U miles from Rridgewater. Po|). (J ). ROSEVALE, a post settlement in AllHTt CO., iNMi., 20 miles from Salis- bury, lli-re are iue.\ha;istiulj licds of iliiile, but tiie y are not work d owi.ig to cheapness ot well oils. l'o|i. lt»(». ROSE VALLEY, a post village m Quoe IS CO., P.E.I., 50 miles from Char- loltetown Pop. 200. ROSEVILLE, a village in WiUerloo CO., Ont., 8 miles from Rerlin. Itcoiitains a siiw mill, 3 stores and 2 hotels Pop. 200. ROSE VILL a., Lanark co., Out. Sec Mouiui''iie ROSE AAV, a post settlement in SlKlburnc co , \.S., 10 miles from Shel- buriie Po[). 200 RUSLIN, a post villajxe in Hastings CO.,, 14 milos from BelL'Ville. Top ■> '0. ROSLIX a post ofKce m Cumber- lainl vo , N.S., 10 miles from Tlinmson. Ross, a post, otlice in Renfrew co., Out., I'J ml 's from Sand Poiut. li )SS COILVERS, a post ollice in Kr i,';c • , N S , J4milo3 from Kt-ntvilK'. UOvSE.VU, a post viPajje and p'Mt la Vi torii CO, Out, on L;ike HiNicau, ?."i miles from Rrac^'briilj;' It cDuliuns a telegraph oilice, 2 hotels tnil 2 f;for(M Pt>p 2(iO. Rt)SSITERS a station on Xh" St. L. to. !{., m Russell co., Out., 37 mdes from Prcfjcott. ROSSVILLE, an Indian village at theS.E. extremitv of Play Greon Lake, about 2 miles E. of Norway House. North West Territories. It is composed of wooden houses surrounded by small gardens, inhabited and cultivated bj CMiristian Indians, who hunt in the for- est during winter. It is the centre of s Wedeyan mission. ROSS WAY, a post settlement in Digby CO., N.S., on Uighy Ncck,y miles from D'gby. Pop. 100. ROTHSAY, or MARYBOROUGH, a thriving post village in Wellington CO., Out., on the River C'onestogo, 18 niilcs from Elora. It contains churcliei of 3 denomination*, a woollen factory, s.iw and grist mill, 3 stores, and a tel 'graph oilice. Pop. 250. ROTHSAY, a pretty post village in Kings CO., N.B., on the Kenuebaccasis river, and on the I. R., 9 miles N. of St. John. It contains a shipyard and severnl stores. Pop. 150. ROUGE HILL, a post village in Oatario co., Out., on Lake Ontario, 17 miles E. of Toronto. Po[). 100. ROU.JE.MO.VT, a thriving post vil- lage i:i Rouvjlle co., Que., 1 1 miles from Cu.imbly Basin. It contains a boot and slio>; factory, and a saw and grist mill. Pop. 500. ROUND BAY, a fishing settlement in Shelburue co., X.S , 18 miles from Sliel- burue. • op. \C>'). ROUND HARBOR, a fishing settle- ment in the district of Twillii,gafe and Fogo, Nild., 3 miles from Tilt Cove. Copper ore is found here. Pop. 70. ROUND HARBOR, a fishing settle- mi'ut in the district of Fortune Bay, Ntl I, 4 miles from Oaultois. Pop. 40. ROUND HILL, a post village in Aniiapol.s co , N S , on the W. k A. R., 8 m les E of Annapolis. Pop 200. ROU.VD HILL, a post vllage in Knv^^ CO., .N'.B , on the St. Jolin river, 215 iiiil<'s alK)ve St. John. Poj). lOO. IfOUN'D PLAIN.^, a post vill;ige in Norfolk CO., Ont., 4 milo^ tioni Water- tord. It c ) itaius a saw mill uud 1 store Pop. 1 50. ROUVILLR, a county of Quebec, bonleririg on the Ritiieieii river, com- prises an area of 15(!.(l.'J5 acres. C«pi- t;il, Ste. Marie de Monnoir. Pop. 17,- 034. ROWAN MILLS, Norfolk co., Ont. Soe Stisied. Hi ()l i: i * 1 1'-M •% (.,, •r li RUS 282 SAB ROWANTON, a post oflico io Pon- tiac CO., Que, 20 miles from ltapido3 des Joacliim). IIOXIJUIKIH, a post settlement in All)ert CO., N.H., 19 miles from Pcnob- sqiiiH Pop. 150. JiOXllAM, u j)ost village in 8t. Johns CO., Que., 5 miiod from llemmingfurd. Po|). 1 .•)(». IIOX TUN FALLS, an incorporated villii{;o ill Slieflbrd co.. Que., on Hliiok river, G mih's from Acton Vale, ItJ miles frnni Granby. It contains a telegrajili cilice, 1 tanneries,aud several stores and mills. Pi)p. 1,200. HUXTON POND, a post village in Sliellbrd co., Que., U miles from Granhy. It conliiins 2 stores, and a saw and mill. Poj». 125. I!OVAL llOAD, a post settlement in York CO., X.B., 6 miles frotn Frederic- ton. It lias 2 saw mills. Pop. 200. IiUGl>V', a post village in iSimcoe CO., Unt., G miles from Orillia. Pop. ' KUI8.SEAU DES CHEXES, a post village in Drummond co.. Que., H miles friim St Ungues. Poj). 75. UUNNYAIEDE, a post oHice in Ho.ia- vcnture co., Que., G miles from Mata- pediac. RUPEliT, a post village in Ottawa CO., Que., 40 miles N. of Ottawa. Pop. 50. IIUSAGORNIS, a post village in Sunbury co., X.B., on the Fredericton Branch railway, 14 miles S.E. of Fredcr- icton. Pop. 200. IllJSBOON, a fishing settlement on the \V. side of Placentia IJiiy, Nlld., 18 miles frni Burin. Poj). 71. UUSSELL, or DUXCAWILLE, or CASTOR, a post village in Russell co., Out., on the Castor river, 24 miles from Ottawa. It contains several saw mills, 1 grist mill, a carding mill, 5 or G stores, a iannery, an hotel, and a telegra]>li odice. Pop. 1.50. RUSSELL, a coun*,y in the E. part of Ontario, ci)mpri.<«es an iffea of 4;);>,- 1335 acres. The Ottawa river washes its N. border and the Petite Nation washes the S. part. Capital, L'Orignal. Pop. 1H.:!1I. lil:-Si:LLDALE, a hamlet in Perth CO., Ont. It contains an hotel and 1 Store. RIJSSI'LLTOWN, or RUSSELL- TOWN FLATS, a post village and port of entry in Chatoauguay co., Que., 49 miles S.W. of Montreal. It contains a saw mill, a taimery and 2. stores. Value of imports for 1872 l;^l 1,229; e.xportii $15,710. Pop. 100. RUSSELL'S COVE, a fishing .spttle- raent in tire district of Trinity, NHd , G miles fn.ra Old Perlican. Pop. 150. RU.STI Rustieo 15 ly, b; miles from ('harloltetown. It i.s one of tiie chief lishi ig stations on the idand, and contaiis the head oHices of the Fanners l{a ik, a grist and cirding mi.l, and several stores and hotels. Poj). 250. RUTHERFORD, a post village in Uolliwell CO., Ont., 12 miles from Thamesvdlc. Pop. 100. RUTilViC.N, a post village in Essex CO., Out., 4 miles from Leamington. It contains a woollen mill, a grist mill, 2 hotels, 4 stores, a'.id a telegraph offirj. Pop. 150. RUTLED'lEVILLE, or BROAD- VILLE, a village in Hastings co., Ont., 17 miles from Belleville. Pop. 80. RVCKMANS CORNERS, ii post village in We:itworlh co., Ont., 3 miles from Hamilton. Pop. 1.50. RVEtJATE, or TECU.VISEII ST.V- TIO.V, a post village i;> Essex co., Out. on tlie G. W.R., 8 miles from Windsor. It contains Suveral stores and hotels Pop. 200. RYERSONVILLE, a hamlet in An- napolis CO., N.S. RYLSroNE, or ALLANS MILLS, a post village in Northumberland co., Ont., 34 miles from Belleville. It con- tains a saw and grist mill. Pop. 100. RYMAL, a station on the Ilauiilton and Lake Erie railway, in Wentworth CO., Out., G miles from Hamilton. SABLE, a post village in Middlesex CO., Ont., G miles from Park Hill. Pop. 100. SABLE ISLAND, a small island in the Atlantic Ocmti, lying directly in the track of vessels sailing between the northern ports of Canada and f^nrope, 90 miles S.E. of Nova Scotia. Lat. 4;» 59 N., Ion. 59^ 47 W. It is low and sandy, about 25 miles in length, and li m breadth, and has been the scene of numerous and melancholy shipwrecks. A company of men, fur- nished with provisions and other necessaries, for the purpose of relicv- ii SAG 283 St. a »., Que., 49 contains a ire.-?. \' III lie ^ ; exports liing settle- IV, Nfld , G 'op. i:»o. t villiipfe in ico B ly, Iti 1 1, iH one uMi on tho III oIlict'H of ind cvrding nud hotels. viUrtge in nilea from TO in Fi-i!«PX j('HJnint(toii. ii jffi.Hl mill, graph olKc'j. • IIUOAD- ps CO., Ont., '01'. 80. Its, u post Ont, 3 miles rISEII STA- ;i'X CD., Ont., )in Windsor und hotda nlet in An- VS MILLS, iborland co., ille. It con- P«>p. IflO. 10 lliunilton Wentworlh nilton. n Middlesex Hill. Pop. all island in directly in ng between Janada and ova Bcotia. W. It is '2.') miles in nd lias been melancholy of men, fur- and other se of relicv- injfBhipwreckcd mariners, arc support- ed by I ho Dumiuiou Government at the annual cx[) of $(),oi)o. Two lightiioii.scd, one at each end of the is- lund, witii oowerful fixed while liglitd wiiich c:i.i be seen at a didiance uf 3o miles, have recently been consiructed. [Steam fog whistles are attached to each. The i.slund is covcivd with grass atid wild pease, sustaining by its sponta- neous production about 5iMl wild horses and m iny calile. The tisherie.4 in its vicinity .ire believed to be extensive. CajK- Siibh- l.dand is oil" the ."'.W. ex- tremity uf .Vov;i Scotia. SAl;LK IMVKi:, a post in Shelburuc co., N.S., on a river of the .■>auie name, 17 miles from Shel- burue. Cu[ie JSablo l^iand is at the motiili of tiii.-» river. I'op. 4')i). SAIJIJKVOIS, a post village in Ibor- rilie CO., Que., til miles from St. Johns. It conlai s a Frcucli Protestant Col- lege in conuLCtion with the Church of Eiigliuid, an hotel and a store. Pop. 17:.. kSA'IvVlLLK, a seaport town of Xi'w iliMikSwick, Westmorhind co., at tiie lieail of the 15ay of Fundy. and on th.' 1. 11., 120 miles from St. John, 147 miles from Halifax. It is the s >at of Mount Allison College, under the direction of the Wesleyan Conference of the Maritime Province.^, and eon- tuns s chill ehes. 2 hotels, a tannery, several mils ancl stores, an iron foun- dry, and 2 newspai) T ollices. It is a npealiiig Nation of the .Montreal and Weslrii I'liion Ti legrapii Compunit-s. iSiiipl)!'.il(ling is enga;;'Ml in. Tin* iiiim- b:'r dl' arrivals for 1^'7:J was M (tons 4.3'.J)S), and ci araiues 6J (tons |'>,14!>.) Total value of iini»ori3 :54.'i,l'.» i ; ex- port; S!T,i;!">. Po;). l..">ao. SACKVILLK, a vili.i^e in Halifax CO., N.S., IJm.los from llaliia-x. Poj). iio. [^ACKVILLT:, K.v^ex co., Ont. See Ciilc'ic's' 'r. KAl)|)lii:r.ACIC, an i;lan«l i.i Hud- son's .Sira'l, North West Territories. SA(W:VILLH, Oxford co., Ont. See Mapl • he f. SAdtK A, an island near the en- Iranc ■ if Furiune il'v, Mid. It is a fishing statiiiii «;f aonie importance. Po)). J.'o. SA(irE\'.\.y,a county near the S.E. extremity of Quebec. Area 8,2 )1,J50 acres. Thft St. Lawrence forms its S E. boundary, and it is intersected by the Saguenay river. Caidtal, Malbaie. Pop 5,487. SAlLOIiS ISLAND, a small island on tile west side of Uonavi.m I5ay, Ntld., 1.1 miles from Salvage. Pup. oj. SAI.VTFIKLI), a post villugi- in Ontario co.. Out., .'{ miles from Wick. Pop. IMi). ST. Ar)OLPIIE,asettlementin .Mont- morency CO., t^ue., 9 miles from Laval. Pop. ■'. 10. ST. AGAPIT DE IIEATUIVAGE, Lotbiniere co.. Que. See iJlack River Station. ST. AGATHA, a post village in Waterloo co.. Out., 7 miles from Ber- lin. V op. i:.i). ST. Al.ME, a post village and jiarish of Quebec, co. of Richelieu, on the River Vaniask.a, .50 miles N'.E. of .Mon- treal. The village contains 5 store.?, several mills, a church, c invent ami college. Pop. of parish it, 1"»'». ST. ALIIA.V, a post village and ish of Quelj.'c. c ). of Porlneuf, 1.5 miles from Ste. Anne do la Perade. The village contains 3 stores, and a saw a id carding mill. Poi». of parish i,f; i."j. ST. ALHERT, a post village in Artha- ba-ka co.. Que., 8 miles from Arth»- baska Station. It has steam saw mills. Po p. ;5. I. Si. ALEXANDRE, a post village in Kaiuoiira-ka c >., Que., on the (}. T. R., 11"> miles b.'iow Quei)ee. It con- tains "tsl ires. I'op. 2.">0. ST. ALEXAND ;E, a tliriving poirt vill ige in Iberville co., Que., on the V. ('. R , 3t) miles from Montreal. It contains several stores aiid mills, and a telegraph olHce, Po[). 800. ST. ALEXIS, a hamh-t in Chicoa- timi CO., (j>ue. It has 4 stores. ST. ALEXIS, a i»ost villaw and parish in .Mniitcilm co.. Que., 12 iniles irom L'Assoniption. Tiie village ein- tains 3 store-^ Pop. of ]>ivri>h l,:iiO. ST. ALE.KIS, Bonaveniiire co., Que. See Aviy:n m. ST. ALPIIONSE, a po-t village and parish in J'lietle co., <.^ni' , .",7 inih-B N.W. of .Montreal. The village con- tains several .. 1.173. ST. ANASTASIE Dli NELSON, Metjiintic CO., Quo. See Lvsier. ST. ANDRE, a village in Ka- moiinuska co., Que., on tlie G. T. R., Ill miles bol iw Quebec. It contains 3 .stores. Fop. 250. ST. ANDRE AVELIN, a post vil- lage In Ottawa co., Que., 9 miles from Pupincauvi le. It contains 7 stores and a tiinnery. Pop. 2.'ii). ST. ANDRE D'ACTOxN, Bagot co., Que. See Acton Vale. ST. ANDREWS, a flourishing post village of Queboc, co, of Argeuteuil, on tlje North iiiver, or RivierH du Nord, 3 miles from its junction with the Otta- wa, and 45 miles S. VV. of Montreal. It contiiins 4 c'lurchcs, several Hsuimncc and insurance agcnciC'i, 2 teli<{rni|)h agencies, meciianics institute, academy, 2 tauneries, and several mill 4, factories, gtoresand hotels. Pop. 1,000. ST. ANDRKVVS, a post village in co., N.S., on the South River, 10 miles from Antig mish. It contains several stores and mills Pop. 400. ST. ANDREWS, a post village in Colchester co., N.S., 7 miles from Low- er Stewiackc. It contains a saw mill and chair factory. Pop 130. ST. ANDREVVS, a post village in Storraont co., Ont., 7 miles from Corn- wall. It contains a tannery, a store, and 2 h tUds. Pop. 100. ST ANDREWS, a seaport town of New Brunswick, capital of the co. of Charlotte, at the N.E. extremity of Passamaquoddy Bay, on a narrow Blip of low land facing the sea, GO miles W. by S of St, Johi, a id 3 miles from the shores of the United States. It is c )nvc licntly situated for commerce, and especially for the fish- ing tiade. The lumber trade and ship- building employ tlie larger ])ortion of the inhabitants. The harbor is entered by two passes leading from the mouth of the River Schoodiac, and hai a depth sutticient for resselsofany size. Tho town is well and regularly laid out, and the streets well built n|)on. It contains, besides the county b.iildings, churches of 6 denominations, a gram- mar school, superior school, a branch bank, a savings bank, U. S. C onsiilaie, Custom House, several hotels, and a number of stores. Sr. Andrews is the scat of the New Brunswick an 1 Cana- da railway. The number of arnvulj for 1872 was .'•25 (tons 7^472), and tho clearances 41)2 (tons 72,' 98). Total value of imports !f81,840; exports $(] ),214. Po[.. 1.8!iO. ST. ANDREWS, a seaport town of Prince Edward Island, Ki igs co., on Cardigan Bay, which pets up into the S.E. part of the island. Lat. 4iJ 10 N , Ion. 02^ 35 W. The inhabitants are chiefly engaged in shipbuilding and in the export .tion of timb t. ST. ANDREWS, or CAMPIIEI.L, a postoHice in the district of Li-!i,ar, .Man., on Red River, 1(1 miles N.ot Fort Garry. ST. ANDREWS, York co., Oiit. See Thistletown ST. A.VICET, a post villaco in Huntingdon co.. Que., on tlie~^ right bank of the St. Lawrence, 5G miles S. W. of Montreal. It has 5 or U stores. Pop. 55). ST ANN, the former name of Fred- ericton, N.|}. Si-e Fri-dencLon. ST. ANN, a j)ort of Nova Scotia, on tho E. coast of Cape Breton See Eiiglishtown. ST. AN V, a ter N.B. settlement in Glouces- 3 miles from Butliurst CO., Pop 50. ST. ANNS, a post office in Victoria CO., N.S., on St. Ann's harbor, 15 miles from Biuideck. ST. A.VNS, a post village in Monck CO., Ont., on the Jordan rivi-r, 11 Miiles from Grimsby. It contains several stores and mills. Pop 200, ST. A.NSELME, a post village in Dorchester co., Que., 6 miles from St. Henri. Itcontaiis a church, an iron foundry, a cotton and woollen factory, saw a id grist mills, engineering and m'.Uwright works, and 7 stores. Pop. 7i)0. ST. ANTHONY, a post settlement in Kent CO , N.B., 24 miles fr>m Siiediac. It contains 1 church and 1 gristmill. Pop. 400. n% a depth size. Tho liiid out, (qxin. It b.iildings, 1, a pmm- a branch C jnsiiluio, >I3, uiid a ■CVV3 H the \n i Cana- >t anivalj 0, and tho H). Total ; exports )rt town of \gi CO., oa ip into the ^at. 4& 10 nliabitants ii[>biiilding ib-T. IP15ELL, a si,!ir, Man., ?\irt Garry. CO., Oat. villatjo in tlie ngiit )G miles 8. or U stores. c of Fred- on. Scotia, on eton See Glouccs- Batliurst. St. A 285 St. A n Victoria 15 milca 1 )r, m Monck 1 1 >niles Id several viltngo in fruiu St. h, nn iron en factory enng and ■res. Pop. ttlernont in Shediac. grist mill. ST. AN'TOrXE, a post village and {»ari-li in Vi ichore.s co., Que, on tiic iiver Uiclielieu, 15 miles from ^t. Hil- aire Pop 1,'.U3. ST. .\.\ TUIXH AlUJE, Clintoauguay CO., .rn'li > uie CO., Que., on Round LaUe, IS niil'S from St. Jerome. Tiie Vill.ige eontai is :i stores, I tannery, and I saw mill. Poji. 4 » ; of parish l,57o. STK. AGATIIE, a post village in Loibiui Te CO., Que., 8 miles from .Me- thot's .Mills. It contains 4 saw mill ^,2 grist mills, and 4 stores. Poi). ;{J3; of parish 1,051. STE. AGATIIE, a village in the dis- trict of I'rove icher, .Man., 24 iuile.s S. of Fort Garrv. STE. AGATIIE DKS MO.NTS, or I5EKESF(MMJ,a po.>l village an. i>aii,h in Terrebonne eo., Que., on the .N'mth river,(»>> miles X.((f .Moiitroal. The villaga contains a Roman Catholic cliureli, 4 stores, 4 hotels, 4 saw mills and 2 grist mills. Pop. of parish 2.00). iSTE AGXE.S, a jjost village and parish of Quebec, co. ..f (Jliarlevoi.^ 10 miles from .Murray 15a v. Pop. l,t)15. STE. AG.VK8 DE Dl'XDi:E, a vi lagc in Huntingdon Co., Que., on the River St. Lawrence, 12 miles from St. Anicet. It contains 2 churches, G stores, and 1 hole 1. Pop. 123. STE. AXGELE, a post Tillage and pari-h in Ro;iville co., Qu '., tj miles fromStc. .Marie de Mo.inoir. The vill ipo contains 5 stores. Pop. )0 ; of jiariih 1,157. STE. AXGELE DE LAVAL, or DOUCETT S LAXDING, a post vulaga and parish in Xicidet Co., on lli ' i, shore of the St. Lawrenc, at the .N'.W. terminus of the Three Rivers b a ;J '. STE. AXGKLE DE .MiitlCf. a parish in li m Miski co , Qu'., 1 j i;iiL>a from .Sie. Fl.ivi '. P 'it. 715. STE. AXGKLIQUE, • post vilh^ge and |i.iri.-i!i in Ottawa co., Que., 5 miles from Paiiin-aiivilh'. P m. 1,7;; -i STE. AXNE i;orT DE L'l.^LE, a t'-riv ng post vlla.'e and parish of Quebec, co. of J.iequo.s C.irtier, at the confluence of the Rivers Ottawa and im J? 1*1. Ki I ^ F St. a 23G St. U I •if :^ h St. Liiwn'iici!, iiikI o.i the (}. T. K., 'Jl lit'lfH \V. of .Moiitroul. It coiitiiiii.^ 2 telc[xrii|ili olliccrt, uiidHuveral stores juhI hull Is, iiinl IS II Ciivuritc resort tluriai( tho s HUM r nioiitli.4. Pop. l,J!)>i. STK. .W.MO Uli IIKAUIMIK, »i post villiii;!' ill .M<'iiiiui)n'iicy co., Que, <»n tin; Norlli slinr.' (if till' St. Liiwreacf, iit llic inouili (if till' ItivcrSte. Aiiiie, 22 mili's Ih-Iow (,)ii( I)('(>. It coiituins 11 UoiiiJiti Callitilic cliiircli, aiul iibuiit a (lu/.cii stun-s. Till Tc are very pioluresque tails ni'iir liie vill.iTO. lV>p. iim). tSTi:. A.\.\K DK LA rilllADR, a |U);l villa;.'e of (^iiclu-c. co. of ('Iiiiin- itlaiii, o 1 tin- Kiver Stf. Aiiiie, !'>'> miles \V. by N. of (iiielt.'c. It contains a cliiircli, .>i vi'ral saw ami grist mills, al) )iit 12 stores, anil a te|i'i».ai)li ollice. Pop. l,t» I); . ST. HA.'^IL, a post village and parish in Portneuf co., Que., 7 miles from Portuenf. The villigc contains several mills and 4 stores. Pop. 30) : of parish 2,012. ST. MASIL LR GRAND, h post Vil- lage in Chambly, CO., Que., 4 miles from St. Hruno. ST. RENOIT, a post village and parish of Quebec, co. of Two .Motntain-i, 'X\ miles W. of .Montreal, 7 miles from Point aux Anglais. The vill.ige con- tains a church, and several stores and mills. Pop. 2.">0; of parish \,'\\\\. ST. I5ERNAIU), a post villa.'c and parish in Dorcliester CO., Quo., 18 miles from St. lle:irl. Th? village contiins a grist mill, 2 saw milh, and 2 stores. Pop. (50 t; of parish 1,820. ST. IJONAVENTURE, a po.^t vil- lage and parish in Drmnmond co., Que, 30 miles from St. Ilyaclntlic, Poj). l,Ul. ST. HONIFACE, a post village in the district of Selkirk, Man., on Red River, opposite Fort Garry. It is tho scat of the See of tha Archbishop of Manitoba. ST, BONIFACE, St. Maurice co., Que. See Shawencgan. ST. HHUNO, formerly BQUCITER- VILLE STATION, a post village nud parish in Chambly co,, Que., on theG. T. R,15 miles from Montreal. The village contains a telegraph ofiBce, oil the )r()vinco luu. GO' ., oil tliu Si. Hya- 8t. 287 St. ajR and \1 milps CDiituiiH i, and i t villiiK) iks from H si'vcnd r[^i'. inido 801); of lit i 1 Vic- vo Grand iiid iiarish liU'.s frum ins several ; uf parish ti |)Ost Vil- milc.sfrom \iiyc. and |l()ii'ila"nH, IniU's from 1,1 '^o con- |;i()i'('3 and U:'.. l:i.;c and 18 miles coutiins 2 stores. I post vil- ro,, Quo., •op. l,Ul. \i\hy^G in on Rod It is tho [bishop of In rice CO., iuClTER- rillage Que., on iMontrcal. iph office, a savr mill, and several dturca. Pup. 300 ; ufparisili l.tiMi. Si'i:. lU'iATKlX, H pu.U village and ym'irh ill Jolietie co., Que., Id uiilusi IVoiu Jolicllo. I'op. y-7. STiv ItiaGlDK, a |io8t village and jmri-ili in llji-rvillo oo., (jiio.,oii llie S S. k 0. U., 10 inilus from St. JuIiih. The villagt' coutaiiis I Htoni.s. Tiiciv aru I'XttiKsive peat l)o{r.s in tlio vicinity. I'op. Ii»(); of piiri.sli 2,JI«. STiv lUiKJIDH l)K LAVAL, Mont- luoi'fiK'y cojl^iu'. iScc Laval. STK. IJlilGIDK l)i:s SAULTS, a post vilhi:;i' and luiri-li i i .Vicolct co., Qiu'., (Ill tlu! Wivcr Niolot, GO inilcd liulow iMontp'al. I'op. .'"•IS. Sr. CAJKTAN, IJclkcluwjo co., Que. See Armagh. ST. (JALIXl'E DK KILKK.V.VV, Mtintcalin co.,(^iii!. Sci; Kiiki-miv. ST. CALIXI'K I>K S;).Mi:USKT, Mc^oiiitic CO.. Que. See .Si)iiit'ist't. .ST. CA.MILLK, a post villagt! and ]i.'uisli in Wolfo co., Que., 17 miU'3 fiuni Da iviili'. I'op. GOt). 8T. CANUTE, a pc.dt villagu and ii the co. of Two MoiintaiiH, Que., 3:)milr.s.\. of .Montreal. I'op. r,V). sr. CA.SI.MII4, a villag.! in rortiioid" CO., Que., on IIk; llivor Ste. AuiK*, G milei from St. Anne do la I'erado. It contains Sfvi-ral saw and grist in lis and G stm-.s, and has a liirj^e trade in luinbiT. i'op. ;{.ue., ni-nr Lake St. Jo.s -pli, 25 mil.s from (.^iieb'C. The village has 2 stores. I'op. I.'jO; of parish l,'_'i;;j. ST. CKiMLK D'i HIC, Rimonski co., iio. See Hie. ST. GKIiKSTl.V, a thriving post vil- lage in .\'ic(del co., Que., on the Three Rivers bra icli (r. T. II., 2.'i._l m les from .\rlliabask I. It cmitaiiH .'> cr G .xaw iiidl.s, 2 grist mill.s, !> or lu stores, and a telegraph ollico. I'op. G')0; of parish l,Gii;i. ST. CKSAIRK, a market town of <^lel)ee, co. of liouville, on the Kiver Vainaska, ;!t miles N. of .Montreal. It contains two foundries, an agricultural implement factory, boot and shoo factory, several saw, grist, and carding mills, a cdle^rc containing an oti-icp- vat iry and musenin, and a nuiiiirr of stores. A large trade is dole" in II. mr, grain, caitle, mid the products of the tlairv. \'n\). !».'17. ST. C II. MILKS, a post vill ige and |»arish in tli" district of Sdkiik, .Man., on the A'■ sr. ('IIAIiLF.S, a i>ost village in St. Ilyicinlh' CO, Que., on llu; Kiver llieheli Ml, 8 miles from St. liilaire Sta- tion. It contains a telegraph olliec, 5 or G stores, and several mills. St. Charles is memorable as being the sjiot where, in IHIJT, a caj) of lilt-riy and pole were erected, and the rebels assembled and fortified their posi- tion so obstinately that the works had to be stormed, and every house in it but one bur. led. Pop. 800 ; of parish 1,17<;. ST. (MIARLF S,a village ofQuc- bee, eo. of U.-llechass", on the River IJoyer, and on the G. T. R., 2G miles below (^>uebc. It contains a church, a telegrajih ofliee, 7 stores, and several mills. Pop. t'lO; of parish 2,i.'Ji>. ST. (^IIARLK.S, a village on the N. side (if tlie River St. Charles, o[)posito the cilv of Quebec. Pop. 20). ST. CIIAKLES I)E STANBRIDOE, a post village in Missisquoi co., Qu^., 3 miles from Dcs Rivi6rc3. It contains 'i- r H', iT-r, rill : 1 ' i , i ) 1 1 t St. 288 a tannery, a Btoro, and a grist mill. Pop. 200. HT. CHARLES DU LAC, L'ABBorap- tlon CO., Que. Sue Lnc'hcnuio. ST. OIIUISTOIMIK D'AUTIFAnAS- KA, or AIlTilAHASKAVILLK, nn incorporutud vill igu ofQiielK-e, capiiul of a couMiy of tlio Bftiiic niimc, H miles frutii AriiiabarkaStiUion it contains, besides tlio county buililiii^'i, a Koinait Callioiic oliurch,'a teleprai li ollice, a Iirinliii;; ofiice, 'J iiotels, seviTul stores, a potasii factory, H b;i\v mills, a:id 2 flouriiij; mill-. I'op. '<:!<» ST. C LAI UK, a post viUai-o and paii.-^li of (.^)iiehec, co. of Dorciicstcr, 12 miles from St. Henri. Tlic village con- taiii.s siinr and r) mills, and a few ■tore.'}. Pop. (fOO; of 2,l.Sl. ST. CLAIIIK UmiXJE, a office in Dureljcsler co., muc., 18 miles from Franipton. ST. CiJJMEXTS, apost villaj?o in Wate«-lao co.,, 10 miles ffom liirlin. It has 1 sloro and 3 hotels. Pop. 'M). ST. CLE!', a j'ost village and parish in Soulangea co., Que., 7 miles from Coteau Sialion. Pop. l,v).")7. ST. L'L()TllILDE,apost village and parisli ill Artiialia.^lva co,, Que., Irt miles from Art'iaba.^kaStation. Pop. 371. Sr. COLO.MIJ, Quebec co., Que. See Sil'erv C.iv;' ST." CDHMnAX. apost village and parish in the eo. of Two Mountains, Que., on the ilivor Ottawa, 40 miles from Montreal. Pop. .>i:m quarries. Pip. 12U. ST.'tUlUlX, a post village in York CO., X l}.,..n the E k N. A. K,ni miles from S . John, I mile from Vanceboro, Me. Ii contains a large tannery. Pop. 100. ST. CROIX, a thriving post village InLotbinicre cu., Que., on iheS. bank <-f the St. Lawrence, 33 miles above Que- St. D bcc. It coDtaioB a cliurch, an academy, G 8aw millii, 2 grist niill.^, 1 carding mill, and 4 or 5 storcii. Pup. 7jt)- u7 parish 2,2t;0. ST. CKOIX COVE, a settlement in Annapolis C4i , N.S., 7 milcB from i'ara* disc. *l*oi». 7.'). ST. CUTHI5EUT, a posjt village and ))ari.sli in lierthier co.. Que , on a river of the same name, 7 miles from UiTthier t!n hiul. The village contains a tcl(v graph ofTice, 4 Kaw mills, a c:irdin;{ mill, and several stores. Pop. of parish 3 1 J2. ' 'st! CVPRIE.V, Napicrville co., Que. See Napierville. ST. C VliIAC,a post oflice in Chicou- tiini CO., Que. sr. CVRILLE, a post villago in L'l.slet CO., Que., 7 mlll•^ from L Islet. It CO" tains 1 store and 2 saw mills. Pop. 150. ST. L>.\MASE, a post village »an(l parish i i St. ll^acinthe co.. Que., on the Vamaska river, 7i miles from St. llya- cintlie. Pop. 2,;'.4."». sr. DA.MIE.\r DE HRAXDO.V, apo.=.t village in HiMlliior Co., Que , IIV^ miles from Uerthurc/i /«iM^. Pop. lot). sr. DAVID, a seiport on the S.W. coast of Pr nee Edward Island, Queens CO., on lledcfpio liay, in lat. 4G' 23 N., Ion. g:: 42 W . ST. DAVIDS, a post village in Nia- gara CO., O It., on the ti. W. Ii., 5 mdes from Clift(jn. It contains a .Methodist church, a t-innery and several st ties, hotels a id flouring milh. Pop. 27 k ST. DEXIS, a flourishing post vil- lage and parish of Quebec, co. of Su Hyacinthe, oi the River liicheLcu, 14 mdes from St. Ililaire Station. The vil- lage contains 7 or 8 stores, and uaw, gi'ist and caidini; mills. This place has attained an unenviable notoriety from the mur ler of Lieut. Weir, who had been sent overland to Sorel from Mon- with despatches, and wishing to j.iin his regiment, which was on its route to St Denis, Til a |)risoner into the hijadsofthe rebels who barbarously and brutally murdered him, and tiien threw his body into the Richelieu. This wai during the rebellion of 1837-j«. Pop. of parish 2,4G3. S '. DEXIS DE LA BOUTELLERIE, a post village aftd in Kamour- aska CO., Que., on the S. shore of the St. Lawrence, and ou the G. T. R-i 97 St. E 289 St. E 1 curdiiitr [). 1ji); of llemcnt in rum i'tira> oil a river 111 U(.'rtliior iitd a tclc> a ciuUin;? >. uf I'ansli Q CO., Que. in Cliicou* villutro ia )iii li Islet, saw mills. iUi\ge«an(I iiie.jon tlic 111 Hi. ll^a- ON, a post , •!<.] tuilcB 100. I the S.W. lid, Qucem 4U ■ 23 N., po in Nio- U., 5iuilc9 Motliudist Mil St )re3, op. '27 I. post vil- co. of St. clui'.cu, U The vil- aud fiiiw, !s place li;i8 jricty from who had from M on- wishing to >vaa on its isoner into larbarously a, and then lieu. This of 1837-J)i. ELLERIE, n Kamour- lorc ot the T. R., 97 1. miles b('l(»w nuebcc. The vlllnge con- tuiiJS 4 sioteri. i'op. of | UM;». tST. DIUACK, a jxwt vill igo and in Mii.SAiiiongti (*<>., Que., on the Hivtr Mii.skinongr, 48 niile^s IVoni Tlire* Itivi r-i. The vilhige contains Hcveriil mili-i and Httrcs. i'op. of jtarish -,0'''""*' ST. Dit.MI.VlQl'K, a post village and nnr!
  • '» ST. IK».\AT, a post village and |»ari.sli in ikiiiioiislvi CO., Que., on the S. slioi'o of the Ht. Lawrence, 18 niilej from Qiicheo. I'op.Hlil. ST. DOIiOTilEl':, a post village and inri.^ii ill Laval co.. Que., l.'> niiks Irom I ilontreal. I'op. Oh!>. ST. DI'XST AN, Quebec eo., Q-,ie. See Lake Ueaiiitort. ST. KDOUAIID, a thriving i.ost vil- lage and i)arish in Xapiervillo en., Que., on Riviere La Tortiie, t miles fr.>iii La Pigeonnicre. The village contains gc'veriil stores and mills. Pop. GO') ; of pari
  • sr. KLII'] DECAXTOX, a post vil- lage and it:iriili in St. Mauric?eo., Que., on the Yamachicho river, 24 miles frmn T!iree Rivers. It co itains 1 church, 2 stores, and 2 faw mills. Pop. 550. ST. ELIZABETir, a post village and fnvl Ii iu J.ilioUe c )., Que.jOn tlie River 5:iyoi::jc, 4.') miles N.E. of Montreal. The vulago contains an agricultural im[)l rae-ii factory, tannery, and .several Btoro:^. Pop. 40 »'; of parish 2,273. ST ELOI, a post village and parish in Temisconata co., Que., 8 miles from Isle Verte. Pop. 1,134. 19 ST. ELZEAR, a post village and purisli in Ik-auei: co.. Que , 27 i.iil s fr<>in Si. Henri. The villag.- c nitii n 4 sair mill.'), 2 grist mills, and 4 stores. Pup. .Vtil ; of parish 2,12'.*. STE. E.MKLIK DE L'liXKIUilE, a villa;;i* ill Joliitte C)., i»pn'., o:i till' iihick River. 42 miles from .Montreal. Pop. 'i '0 STE. KMKLIE, Lotbini-re co.. Quo. See Leelcrcville. ST. El'ilRK.U I)K TRIXti, a i.o,it village and parish in lleauc; »o.. Que,, 7 • Hides S. of Quebec. The vill.igo Contains saw, grist and cardiug inill.H, and 3 stores. Poii. 2 ii ; of pari.di 1, •;'.».■{. ST. i:rHRK.\I IVrPTO.V, or IPTO.V, a thriving pos> village in Ragot co.. Que., on ilie (J, T. R., 4S milts E. uf .Montreal. It coiilains 7 or H stoie.<, 2 saw mills, a i c.\lract of hemlock failory, a tannery, and lei 'graph tiliiee. There are v.iluable c<)pj)er mines i'l the vicinity. Pop. .'J.")0; of parish l,.t'J2. ST. EPIPIIAXIE, Temiscouata, co., Que. See Vig-r. ST. ESPUir, a post odice in Rich- mond CO., X.S., on the sea coast, 26 miles from St. Peters. ST. E.SPRIT, a thriving post village and in .Montcalm co.. Que., on tiio River St. E-!Miit,17 miles from L'A-;s()inp- tion. It has a telegraph oHice. Pop. 1,.'):'.7. ST. ETIKXXE, Levis CO., Que. See Chaiidi.'.e Junction. ST. ETIKXXE DE REAUJIARXOIS, a post village and pari^Ii in iJeuuhar- nois CO., Que., on the River %St, L-iuis, 5 miles from lii-auiiaruois. l^jp. l,o;)7. ST. EriKXXE UK MoLToX, iirome CO., Que. ,S.'e (liMs-i P.uid. ST. ETIEXXE DKS ( i iiE.S,a post vil- lage a:nl pari.di i i St. .MaurieL' co., Que., on the River St. .Maurice, l."> mil s from Three Rivers. Tiic vili.ige coniams a church, a tannery, unci several itorea. Poj). 3 '0 ; of parish 2,r>74. ST. KL'ClEXK.a thnvKM^jiost village in Prescott eo., Uiit.,'j mil s fr iiii P.jint Fortune. IlcouMivs a taun -ry, poia.ih factory, and several stores and mills. Pop. 4110. sr. EL'STACHE, at incorporated village in t:ie c ;. of Two .Moiul.iins, Que., on River ;, a eliurcii, co iveut, aca- demy, 3 lioiel.s, 10 or 12 stores, an(i .11 St. J 2fM) St. M I' > apTPiiricH of 2 l«li'jfn\j>h c<»m|>HnicM. Tlirri' i.-t II inirit't'til ^|lrlMK lwi> inili'd from llir villnjri'. I'ltji. h:,[). M'. KN AUIvnO |)K KOIt.SVTII, u IKMt village titiil |iiiii^li ill IUmikt ro., ^lu'., 2\ iiiili-i fiiiiii Si. Kniiic ii«', 7h lllil^,^S. III t,Mi('lu'r. Tin* viIliif(o(Miilaili.~t a Hli rt'rt. I'd". ir»(>; (if parish l,l.">.'l. »sr. l' .Ml I MX. a ]i(i-;i villaj^c par- JhIi i i liiiiiiiu^ki ni , (,)iti>., «)ii tilt* llivi I- fc)t. Liiwniuc, p;] inili-s liclow liivii'ir ilii L(iii|» »v» //(M, Till' villaiji^ »'iiii!iiiiis tt c'liiircli ami several slure.s ami mills. 1V)|». 'J.".(i ; I'l" iiarisli I,('.:>.">. sri;. i'"AMiLM';i)«»i;i.i;.\Ns, aposi villa^'e mill paii>li in .Moiilinnreiwv en , Que., on lie- I -land of Orleans, N. sliiir.- river .St. liawrenee, 17 uiile,>t hel >\v Qiiebee. T|ie village eiinlains 5 Hlore '. Ton. s;!|. Sri-;. I- ILWCOISF'', a post village in Teiiii.eniial.i en., (.^>iie., <> iiiiie.s I'roin Tr.'is I'i^tnles. i'(t|i. l»l). .SI'K. CI'AKVlliVD, li jiost villaf,'e and paii-li oC l,>iicliee, eo. o| .laeipn s CaiiiiT, nil I! kirif dcs I'rairus, ,"> miles from I'oiiil Claire. Tiie villap- eoii- tuiiis a cliiireli. a eoiiveiit, and (I sti>n'S Tliere are exe'lleiil mineral spriiijjs in the vicinitv. I'np. (;7- ; of parish i,;'.()l. sri:. (;i;\K\ iiivK dk h.vtisca.n, Cliaiiijilain eo., (Jne. »S •(• Uilisean. iSTi:. i;Ki{.MA1.\K, |).»rcliesli;T, apost vilbi;,"' in .M'jr; iitic c- •.. «;i!c., \.\ imiIcm fiiiiii iJec.ineniir Siatiiii, It e mt.iins ,s •veral saw andgii-t mills, auil iie., H miles from I'rampton 'J'lie vil- la ;e ciinlains tsaw. C!iriliiii;- and fiil!Ing mills, ami S"veral sIok '. Iron anil copper is fo'ind in the vicii:i;y Pop. •Iiio; iif palish I,.")."!. SfK. MAIUilM-ilMTKni'LArMAS- S or *! stores, tiMincry, Sec, and has a larjfe Iraile in pi',uu,catlU' and couutrv produce. Pop. 7L':!. STE. MARTIIK, a post vilhi,ie and ])arisli in \ aadreail co., (^uc., 13 mik'.J from Coteari Station. The village c)n- sliore (if the St. Lawrence, 7^ mdes i t.iins several .stoves and mills. Puj). below t.,»iirbi'e. Pop. J»:>7. liOO ; of parish 2.11."). STK.JKANN'KDE .NEUVILLE.a vil- | STE. .MAIITI.XE, a jiost village and lage iu Porlueuf CO., (.^ue., on the River , parish of Quebec, capital of the co. of \\-! ■> ! itu r<»int# I lilt 111 IH Tl [Iff iiiilU •;t. u jioKi , \\ inilcg (■ iiiliiiiis il tj Bton-s VtrrlnToa ilU'lHTVillC" SI. llnino illiigc mid lilC I'O. t)( 'It vill.ij;.-' (ir ;") ! 'V Till iiiilli uimI tiiiim'i'ii'.H. I'op. 7(11) ; <'l' |iiiii, Il '_'.."> I.'t. riTK. MKLAMK, Jolicllc ni., Qo^. Si'C I'aill Ih'IiI. .■ Ti;. .Mn.\|(,)i:K, ft p(,.sf vil!ii«(. ft-iil iinri-li ill .Nicnlci ro,,(.^)iir , H iiijIcH fr.j n K'iciili't. Tlic vilinjf.' coiil.'tiii.-i 2 H uv mill.-* mill H .^loIv.^. I'op. ;"i(»'» ; of pur h ,sTK .MO Nig IK i»i:s in; I X .M .\. T.\(lMiS. :i iKJ.t iilli''.' ill I lie CI), uC 'i'wo Mi)init.iiii,s, (^11.., 1 1 mile . IVniii .Monlrcal. .STK. IMIILO.MIvM':, n villaKc HMil jMi-i -Il ill (;'liiii»'iiiijfiiiiy I'll., Que, H IllillS IVnlll ('aU);llllll\Vli;r|l. Il I'll ItlllllH iM'liiirrli mi'l i^ivci'iil .-iliiriM. i'i)|i. I,.'i|s. sTi:. liOHMji-:, il po.^i viiiiijr(. ,,f (,iiulic, caiiliil til" tlic CO. of llii^ol, 4,1 iiiilrs Irniii Si. Ilyuciiillu;. I'up. ]()(); (itpiri-li l,.''lil. ,STK. ilO.^M, a lliriviiijj po.^l viiliiK'' ii|'(,)iicl). »', capiliil ot' tin; CI). "I' hiiviil, ll.sic Jc.stiH,) oil tlic 8011II1 shoct! (it tllI4; of par- InIi I.VCh. .STK. ri.'SIJLK, a post viilii;,'c and jHiri-'li in .M.iskinonj^c co., (Jiie , mi t!i« Kiltli- l;ivi milei fnaii .Ma- t.aoe I'up. 1,0HH. ST. I'KMX, a post vil!a(^t! in I'lincJ! CO., I'.K.I , .00 miles from SummerHde. I'l.p. I.Mi. .ST. IKLI.X I)K VAKOIS, a pogt vill.i;f<' and pari.^li in Joliiltc en , (,iiie on tin- Kiver llavounc .M miles .N'.S'.K. of Muiiin-iil. The villaj^e contains un iion I'nindiy, tanniry, r-cvepal sawand llouiiii;r III lis, and f) storcH. I'op. .''jOO; of piiri>li .'!, 1:11;. ST. rKIM)l.\A\I) I)K HALIFAX, a jiost villa;.^ • ill .Mi'^riiiiti(' Co., i^m. ^ (^n Lake Williiim, 17 miles from Somerset It contains several stores and .«.iw mills. Copper is found in the viciiiitj. I'op. 400. ST. KKUKOL, ft post village and pariiliin Monlinorency co., Que. ,011 tbe .\ , liore (-f tlie St. LiUvrence, .'10 niileii lirlow (^iiel)ec, |ii tlic vjciiij y are a numlier of attractive waterfulLs. I'op. ST. KIDKLK, a post village and parish in (,'harlevoix co.. Que , on the .\. shore (f the St. Lawrence, f) niiluH rroiii .Murniy I5:iy. It contains .'^stores. I'oji. 8i:{. ST. I'L.WIK, a post vilLige and parish in llnnoii-ki co.. Que, on the S. uliorc if tiie St. Lawrf'iic"j uiid on the I. K.,h7 miles l)(do\v liiviiTc du Loiipt-n //'". The villiige contains a telcgra[)h odice, ail hoi 1 and 7 stores. I'op. 4.")") ; of fiirisli 2,2n. ST. FL.\\IJ;.\, a post villa;re and piiri.-li ill Lo'JjiiiiiTe co , Que, t miles from .Xlelliot's .Mills. The villa;,'e con- tains 4 stores and several Siiw mills. In the vicinity are Viiliinbh; copper mines. Pop. .100 ; of jmrisii 1, }').">. ST. FLORI;. a post villag*' and jarisli in Champlaiii co., Que... '51 mihs from Thiv( Rivers. It coutaius 1 stores. Pop. 793. II ,,-«. .» i|( w I V* ' f. St. F 292 St. G ST. FOY, a jiost village and parish in (jMitlMH- CO., Que, 4 miles fmiii Qiu'lx'f. 1 1 (Diituiiis 1 .store, .'! hotels, an>l ail i iftir .; c a yluiii. I'oii. 1, •■'!;:">. ST. F()V.\:.i) s"r. i.ouis ..oads, two roail.s <^ out of tin; city (jC Qiichci', hciiig the coiitiimatinii of St. J' liii ami Si. L.)iii.sstrerls. Tliey eoii- talii the re^itli' iced of the lca4milesS. of Quebec. It contains H stores, 7 saw mills, a taii- nerj', a potasli factory, and valuable gold miiu'S. Fop. .'■)|'0. ST. FRANCOIS DF SALLFS, a jiost rillajfe and parish of Qiiel)ec, on hie Jesus, CO. of I^aval, 1 mile from Terre- bonne. Fop. H(;4. ST. FRANCOIS D'ORLFAXS, a post village and }iarish of Quiliec, co. of Montmorency, on the island of Orleans, liT miles below Quebec. Fop. 5:.2. ST. FRAN'COLS OF LAC, a thriyinfr post village of Qucl)ec, capilal uf tiu- CO. of VamasUa, on Lake St. Feter, '2~.\ miles below Sorel. It contains several Stores and mills, and a telegraph oHicr, and has a large trade in lumber and grain, i'tip. AoO. ST. FR.V.NCOIS RIVIFRE-DU-SFD, a j.ost village and luirish in Muit- maLTiiy co.. Que , on the U. T. 11., 4J milesXNE. of Quebec. Tiie village contains a church, a tann.ry, a tek- grapli oflice and 5 or (! stores. Fop. of parish l,t',i;^ ST. FRANCOIS XAVIER, a po-^t oflice in the district of .Manpiette, Wan., on the River Assiniboine, 20 miles from Fort (Jarry. ST. FRANCOIS XAVIER, Charle- Toi.x CO., Que. Sec Fetite Riviere St. Fraicois. ST. FREDERIC, a post village in Beauce co., Que., 48 miloa from Quebec. It contains 4 saw and .1 grist mills, and 2 stores. I'oji. 51)1); of parish l.Vi;."). ST. FFLCKNCK, Chicoulimi co., Que. See L'Anse au Foiii. ST. (JARRIEL DK BRANDON, a thriving post village in Rirlhier co,, Que.,o;i Lake .Maskinoiig.-,'-'! miles from Rertliier <7i /«/»/. It co itaius several stores and mills, and possesses guud water power. Fop. Goo. ST. GFORUE, a post town and jR.rt of entry of Svw Brunswick, co. of Charlotte, at the nioutli of the Magu- guada\ic ruer, 4"» miles \V. ofSt. Jnlm. It contains li saw mills, 4 cliunlies, 2 temperance halls, a mechanics hall, 1 Iiotids, a telegraph olliei', and several stores. It has a large trade in 1 mihef. The number of arrivals for 1S72 wii.H 1, •.'!»! (t(ms 14,!H!o), and the clearaiici'3 141> (tons l:i,".»l»;. Total value of imports 32:{,UL>0 exports !$1i;.'j,.'»82. Fop. (JOO. ST. GEORGE, a station on the S S. k C. R., in Rouville co., Que., 21 milei from St. Johns. ST. GEORGE, a thriving post vil- lage in Rrant co., Ont., ;{ miles from Ilarrisburg. It c uraiiis an iron foun- dry, a telegraph ollice, and several slorea and mills. Foji. 4oo. ST. GEORGE DE LA BE.\FCE. a jiost village in Beauce co.. Que., c;i the River Chiudiere, (>t) miles from (iiiehec It contains 3 saw mills, 2 11 >!iring mills, and H or 9 stores. GoiJ is found in the vicinity. Foo. 400. ST. GEOiUJE DE'HENRVVILLE, Ibrville co.. Que. See Henry ville. ST. GE')R(JE DE WINDS 'R, a post village and parish in Richmond co. Que., 8 miles from Danville. It con- tains a Roman Catlxdic cliurch, 2 saw mills and seviMvl stores. Fon. 1 ill 1 iiiit)i.'r. )r 1ST2 Wii.s cU'aniiiCL'j 1 value uf on the S S. uc, 21 milfi 11 g post vil- , mill's from n iron ruiiii- jcvv;rul:jiorei BEAUCE, a o., Que-., 0.1 mili'd t'ruiii aw mill-. 2 ores. Gold }n. 400. N'llVVlLLE, nryvilli'. S 'U, aposi iinond CO . lie. It cuu- hiirch, 2 ^a\v I'OM. l,o'.4. NKL, a posl CO., N.S ■■ li ,„-y.P,.I). 20". illANni.\M. Villllgl' l!l !") niile.s ff""' res a id n li^"' 13 t villajre in from Tliroc stores and iirishing l^^M It couiaiui| faw, ;s/ist, curdiiip and fiillin}^ mills, ami 7' or H slons, and Ini.s a lai^e lra. s.*o. hi'. (ilLh.'^, a jiorii V lla^^fo and jiar..>ti in Lo'.hmiere co., l^nr., j niih.-i iroiii ("rai.i's lload. Tlic v.ilaj^c co i- taii;s 1 nvi^l mill, li saw mill , .") stored and a cliureli. (iidd and cop, er ln-ar- iiij,' (|ii.iri/. is luiiiil III I in; vicinity, i'tip. L;uo ; ol' |.;iri. Ii l,l;t7. .'-r. UKlKKHi;!';, u tlirivluj,' jiosl viliuLre ol' (Jill Ijec, co. id .Nicwiel, on ti.e (i. T. K. (Tliree Kiver.^ l)ranc:i>, 'M niiUs from Al•lll.ilJa^^a. II couiains a liir e academy, a cliiircli, a It !• ^'lapli ollici', Hour ai.d .>aw miii.-, ana j oi' ti stores. I'op. oo:i. M.CJUKdOiUH Li: (;iL\.M), l!ir;-- vill'' e ).. <.jiie. ;S;i' .\|oiaii .)....i,Svin. M. (iriiiLAi :.\ii:i) i:i'T*».\, a post vili.i^e ami par.jili in Driin.Miond con ii hank ■ f til.' -la ;d opposite Loni^neull. In 1''12 the llritidi (iovernnii'iit purcha ed 8i. }lel',' i'.-- Island, with Isle Koiid'' and I-l ;iii Fraise.;, lor .JL'l."),()Oit, anil the I>..i-Miial residenci' was converted into the I ilieers' (piiirti rs. During? iIm oeci- Jiiiii.ui of the island hy the Iin erial iimiioii'ii s (ovi r ."'i» years) -eveial Valualde huildinir- weie er C ed a.iil imirnv incuts of varivras kinds ellect(vL It v.i'.s till' depot for valuable stores of cveiy l-,iii.>..riat hakiiv, will ea-ily acciiinmodati! 7 or .s ollicirs and ItiO men. Ai tlie northern e.xtreini'y are workshops ami C')t1a;,fes fur artii:rer« a ;d lahorers. a prar'ice hattery for a jloatii }x tar;;ft in Ih chelaLra li. y, and a {T'lDii wharf with 10 leei alont:.-..!!!' at Slimmer levil. .\t the south or npper end of the i>Iai'il there is a rifle ranj^e of 500 yards witli metal .-hiehis anil tarf^el, and a salutin<; pi iif'>rm h.itleiy of 'J Junius on the sid- faciii^^ the city. There are still the remain of an old French redoubt at the south wo-t point o posiie the city, andliiesof e npiicl)- nients on the oppusitc e.\ireniit\ facing Ilixdiila^a liay. T!i.' only works of if f 'lice crecleil by tli' Uriiisli (iovern- ment ajijiiar to have b'i'ii two Mock ho'.i-es fur die aec ' ditioti of about 4 11) Ten, princip lly f 'r u.-kelry a'ld Iji^lit ;.;iiii- on the to|i, a d the constrnc- tioiiot a d ;c'i and a parapet in front of the ,s Idiir-" barraeks ojiposite the city. The block lions < w- re built entirily of woial, i nd biini^' of li; le value in iir ihrn warfif, have beta allowed to fall into ■ ei'.iy and become n-cless. The nns' elevated jiarf of the i-laiid, ru ur the centre, is ab nt i2."- ed seitlii'!.? nj on it with his family, aa de.''^oril)id in tl..' //ifmrr ik In Cu/onit r,-ini<-erie:iced pilots of the steam ferry ste.ini''r3 The d;ilic:;lty of aee-^s in the ct-! channel i)et\v;'eii Ilie idand tiiid the ni inland is s'iH ;^re.iter This b"a .,;fil 1 I. -nd IS the properly uf the Domini m Cl.tvernnnnt, and occui)ied by a com::anv of Canadian Ariill 'ly- niii. 8i. 11. den's WIS fir a loiijf Wmi clos d to the puiilie f,).Mndi!ary re isoii-', but. ait '.onal, benevolent ando;liersoci •- ti'i^are now (I'm.'!) per^nitted to hold tlioir an iii;i! picnics on it. isr. IH'^lil'^X ',ap s'. villiifre inlTnron CO., 1) miles from (loderich. i'i'[). 00 ». LU\ IIEXIU 1>K tvAT'ZOX. a thrivin;,' post vdiago in Levis co., Que., on the River Etcliomin, 3i miles from St. Henri Station, il contains a cliure'.i, a;^raph ohice, 8 or 'J slores, and several mills t/'i^pjier ore is found ia the vicinity I'op .< nt. ST lll-'.Vi:l, llochelaga co., Que. See Tannerv West. ftT 1 1 V. N'lU STATK )X, a post, village il Levi^ CO., Que., on toe (». T. K., IS miles .\.I-j. ol (^iiobec. Ic coutaiu,^ au hotel and 3 Hlons Pop. oO. Sr. Jlhll.MAS, a pot village and pari ill of (^aebee, co of Tw.t .Moun- tains, is sil lated oa Lake of Two Mountain-!, 40 miles fioiii .Montreal I'o;. l:;)7. ST. fllLAHlE MOUN'TAIX, llouviUe CO.. (^>ue. S\»iWonlSt ILIa re ST. lIIL.Ui;!-; STATI().\, a post vill i.^'o in II -unlle c > Q^" , o i tli') |{;vosl vi!ia;4'' in liouvilloco , (m;".,o!1 tiio liivef ii.ciielieu, .] md ' froin Si ILIaiio Station It co itains a clrtrcli, a cun- vrni., an academy a brewery and sevral stores Pop ."J'tO. sr IDN'OilH, a post vtllacro in Heaue • cj Que., 73 miles ri. uft^iobec. 1*0 100 ST 1I0X')RE, Tcmiscouata co.. Que. S e .Vnnaud. ST. 11l:;]1':1U', a post vi'.l.v^-e in Cliainbly CO., Que., on the (T. T. li., ID mile; fro a Montreal. It ha^ a t..: '.'.aph oJi"; a :d 2 or 15 s;or,'S. Pop. 2.")). Si'. lIlKiirHS, athrivingpon v'llage of Queb;'e, of the co. of ]'a'j,ot, 11 luiles f.'om St Ilyaci ithe Icii- tai IS a cliurc'.i, i'. tannery, and b.;voral stores. P :>p. .") ) K .-T. IIVAtMN'TIIL, a county in the S I'art o Q le'o 'C, iuter-rct 'd i'V t!;o I tlranl Trtiik ralwav Ar-i l.i-i.lJj a-'cs. Caoital, Si Hyacmlhe Pop. i8.:no. sr ilVAfMXTIIE, a city • f Qieboc, ce.pi'.il ot ilie CO. id' S' ily leiiii':'', on th.e River Varna ^ka,and on the (t.T. i'., ;;,V, mil's K N'.E of Montr m!. Tiio ]):Tnei ^al b lil liii'gs aud in-id'ati > is are a lloinan (\itl!(di • C.itlie !r 1, l!ii- Inp's Pal.!'". St. JIvaein'he Colle;:'', Jfitel Di'U, ('ou'rrefv.iti iial .Vi;n- n ry, Cry Hail aud^ .M !r':-t, and Ihe'Courl House Tlie college is a litiO cut f I'oj. ( #.!! fi-om St. iluu'ch, !l ro;s, iiiid touiid ill CO., Que. iStvillugO! T. K., IS Ulillh.5 ilU iliig!! find ot Two MonUx'.'.l ■, RouviUe l'L' :, u post ,01 111') Cr T U, ll h.n -1 a llinving tl',-'.,U'.l tlw St ll.hiiro ell, ii ctiu- ft-ery aud villiTgo in ;iiiata CO., •illv/c in T. li., 10 t..: ■■/:ii\)\i .. ■!:>). -I vlliige of i;:m'ut, I (• 11- 11' I t,.;voi-al iitv in the ■li \.v ti'.o ;!io Top. f Quebec, '.ciiit':'', tin K)('..T. i!., r-a1. T;;c U^'iMlti) 13 K^h- 1, r>i^- ii;il .Vi:!i- iv'-.'t, iuri ■ire is a liiiO St. J 295 St. J cut stone building 700 foot in lonj,'tli, iiud liuo I'J iiTulcssur-s. Tliorc urc aLso iu the town u braucli bunk, and saw mill, a nuinbtr of slorci, Ki.'ViTal liotcds, a ted j;raidi ollio', li iniutin;^ oliicr.-J, and luiiaiit'acloricri of woulkii:^, wnodiii Wiuv, IlmUici', lace, organs, irmi ci.slinjr-, iiiiil uiacliinory, buot.s and slioc-, i.v:c. Tho iifad oilice of the St Ilyac. itiu! IJaiik is licro l'(')|) o.TM. .-T. IIVPIMJLITH DK KlLKK.WV, village in .Montcalm cu., nue., 48 indi'S tVom Montreal. I'dj) 2<>{). ST. r.JXAl'K, u jMi^l village in (.>ue- bec CO., C^no. 1 mile I'rum Loretle Poi) 3Ui) ST l(!X.\rE DIJ COTn.MT I)U LAr,Sjulaugea CO , Que See Coleau "sT^ ISIDOIIE DE MOXTIiEAL, a post vill.igeund i> in Laprairie co., Que . on the (1. T ii. (Ijaclune jhhI Provinco Line divisum) 1.'; inik'i ffoiu Md'.itreil I'oi) 1, Id ST ISIDUiiE \)K QUEBEC, a po. mil.'.s from L'Assomplion. Tla^ village contuiiis a cli ircli, a ciiivenl, a l)i':\very, and s -veral stores. Po[). .SOO ; ofjiaris'i '.J.T.-'l. ST.JAC^rKS LE MIXEFR. a post villug ' and i):;ri-liin Laprarie co..(jMe.. f) nide.'l tVoia Jj'Acadie. Tlie viilagi; coiita'n^ 4 stoics and A hotels. Pop. 5:)it; otpari h 1,^35. ST. JA.MK.S. a post odicc in the dis- trict of S dk:rlv, .Man., on the River Asdnilioine, ."> miles from Fori tlarrv. ST. .lA.MES, 11 pa'i^li in C!i 'rl'.ito CO., X I? , l(i miles IVoin St. Stephen. 1' op, ST. JAMES PARK, a rapidly improv- i. igsnb.irb of the city of London, .Middle- .s.«co., Out. It contains a lirst class b.ikery, witli 2 ovcns uf t!ie most im- proved coiis:riietiun, uu E[)iscopal church, aris:iiii Terndionno c.)., t^.u-./J'; mdes tV nil .Montreal The viilag.- coiuaius a t. legraph ollice and li stores. Pop of 1,:; iO. ST. JEAX I5APTISTE DE MON- Tiii'i.VL, an incorporaied vill.ige of Queli.c, CO. of iioeliel.iga, 1 mile tVoai, of wliicli it may almost be Considered a Si;burb. It bai a telegra[di o!!ice,a line market, a irimbcr ot stores, hotel.4, and many good biiildi )gs Poo. I,1),S. sr. J FAX 'RAPTISTE DE ROU- VliiLF, a thrivi.ig pot village and jian.-h iu Rouville co., Quo., on tho 1,1 lie River llnroii, 'J mil 'S from St. 111!. lire Station It coanias several .sloi'is and mills. Pop i.ti."):'.. • sr. JKA.N CIFiVSO-i'dME DB CllATE.Vi;(lL'AV,forinrrlvcalieilED- WARDSTOWX, a liourishng post village and p u'ish in ('iiate.iug'iay co., ()ue., at the c outlue ice ot the Fiiglish a id Rlaek, 1.5 miles from St. R till. Tho village contains 2 churches, .") hoiel.s, a bncktield, a tannery, several mills, aud ; parish ],7o7. ST. JEAX DE DIEF, Tcmisconata CO . Q le. S 'C 13 tf )V.. sr. JF.VX DE .M A i'llA.apon village and par'>li iti .1 dielte eo., (.'le , on tiio Riv'T D'Assompt'oii, 21 mil s from J diette. T!ie v llage contains 7 s.iw mills, 3 grist mills, a carding and f li- 1 ig mill, aud several stores. Pop 4 »0 ; of p Irish 2,'j:t3. ST. JE.VX D'ESCIIAiLLOVS.a post village and p irish in Lothini r ' co.. k'r\' ?..' ii> * (.''le. on the River St. Lawrence, 57 miles S.W. of Quebec. Tlio village I IS I t: F : m-t ) t I St. J 296 St. J contiiina 3 saw inills, 3 grist mills, and 7 or 8 slor s. I'uj'. 40); i.f parish 2,138. Sr. JliAN liUliLKAN^, a poil vil- lagij and parislj in Moutiiiuri'ncy co,. Que , un the Island of O.k'ius, 2j'milet below Q. II bee. Pop. l,4.;ti. « i . Jh,\\ POUT village of Qia-hce, caiti.ul of tiic co. (jf L l.-l't, on the S shore ol'llie t^t. Lii\vreni'c,aii(l on tlie (I T. 11 ,71 miles N.K. of Quehce. It con:iiins a t.'ley,raiiiioltici', a chnreh, a taniii-rv, a id alioiu 10 stored. Pop. 400; ui |i r.ish 2,i;!(i 8T. JKiIO'-IE an incorporated vil- lage of CJuebec. capiliil of llie eu. of TerreboiiiK', on tiie Xorlh iiiver or Jliviiretiii .Void, 3,*] miles N. of .M-mlreal. Itc nt:iiii.s,be.'ide.s tlie ci unty building>, achiireh, u wo dien faeinry, Baw aud gri.>t mill-, a teli gnlph ollice, and a immlK'r of stores. Thcri' are peat bogi ill tlic vc'iiiiv Pop l,!,")'.) Sr. JKRD.MH DU LAU ST. JKAN,a vilhtge in Ciieoiitiim co., Que, f).") miles from Cnieoiitimi It cui:laius Baw and gr;st luills Pop 120. ST JCtAt'Ill.M, a post viUage a-id parisinn .Mouliiuirency o., (iiie.,on the N. sliire of the St. Lawre"'" 21 miles from QucIjcc. It contains achurch and 6 or G stores Pop !l-i:5 ST. JOACHIM, Chaleauguay co.,Qne. See ('liate;iii',Mi;iv. ST JOAOIIIM DE SIIRITORD. a post villagi' aijd paii->li in Slietford co., Que., 9 miles from Waterloo. Pop. 3,512 ST JOnX", a city and seaport of New l>i'iaio\v;ck, tlie commercial metro- polis of the iiroviiiee, and cipital of the CO. of St. John, is pietiirescpiely situated at the mouth of a river of its own name, on a rocky peni isiila projet'tmg into the harbor, 190 miles X.\V. of Halifax, via Auiiaiiolis, or 27<) miles, via Juter- colotral railway, aud 7i!l miles S.K. of Woiiii-eal. Lit."4.j' 14 (J ' .\.. Ion. OG 3 30 W. (I'.irtridge Island light.) Tiie city is regularly laid o it and Will 1) lilt It stands on a decliviiy, and when approach' d from the sea lias an imposing aiipearance. Tiie whole ( f the elevated portion of the city con-ist-i of so!:(i rock, which, for the p irpose if f inn'iig tolerable streets, his had in Bome placi's to be excavated to a depth of .'iO and 40 foet. Tliebiiildiiiirs arecbieflv of brick and Uoue, uud many of the public eJilices have an elegant appearance. The principal ones are St. Mary's Cathedral, (ii.C.,) Lunatic A.sylum, City Hospital, Couro House anl3. Si. John has a number of religious and charitable socielies,a public library, 2 banks and 'J branch banks, 1 s-avings bank, an ellic en I fire brigade, (iro telegra|ih, 4 daily and several we klv m wspapers, aud a number of hrst cla^s lioiel.. The thriving suburb of Carleton, on the opposite side of the harbor, i-s in- cluded withi I the city corporation. The harbor of St. John is cajiacious, safe and never obstructed by ice. Its entrance, about 2 miles S. of the city, is protected by Partridge I-land, on which are a quarantine hosiiitid and ft lighthouse, the lantern l"i(> feet above the lev.d of the sea. The passage' W. of the island has in it ID fVet id" water, that to the E. 1(3 feet, and abreast of Uvi city there are from 8 to 22 fatlioms; both sides of the entrance are cotn- jiosed of sharp rocks, which bec(.ine dry at low water. About 4 of a mile iN. oft eliglilhouseis a vertical beacon, fi.xcd 01 the edge of a rocky ledgo forms the W. side of the th.-iiinel and has deep water close to it. Ontlio E. side of the channel, below the town, a breakwater lias been construced to inlerccpi the violence of the waves, oecisioiied by southerly gales. Tlio en ranee of the River St. Joh 1 intotlio I. arbor, about 1.) miles above the citv, is through a rocky g"rge, 00 yards wide and 4ii0 yards long, occasioirng very remarkable falls. The ordinary rise of the tide in the harbor is 21 feet; at the vernal cqtiinox it rises 25 feet. At low water, the waters of the river arc about 12 feet higher than tho e of tlie harbor, at high water the waters of tho harbor arc 5 feet higher thau thoiie St. J 297 St. J ance. The Catlictlral, tyllodpital, If Hospital, ulo ()r|)liiin ', Dninintic te, kSkaling worship in 'liigluMl 8; lynTiiui 7; list D ; Con- ns comprise ras si'liool, vud jirivatt tf roli>riou3 blic library, s, 1 i-aviiigs "ipadf, tiro iml several . number of !arlcton, on iibur, i-s in- oration. i capacious, by ice. Ita )t the city, I-land, on |)iti;l and a feet above lassagc' W. L't of water, abreast of 12 fatiioms; ! are Corn- ell bec(,me ( of a mile cal beacon, jcky ledgo tliocliaiinel I i!. Ontiio iV Die t'14). Tiie number of arrivals at St. Join in 1.S72 was 1,."<(J2 (icns 4:o,SuO>. and tiie clearances ]y>2l (t'lns 45 i,;)'/!' ) Total value of imports S7,5;!4,' M ; ex- ports S:'>.t;50.1Hl ; viz, producis of tlie forest §2,007, !^:il ; of !;e iisheries ^V:^,- 84;?; of the nrnes S-7.1:-'2 ; animals and their i)ro(lucts S7">,.-,44 ; a'_'ricultural products !^J1,2:;5; ami maii'.;f.ictur; 3 §^5.'?f'>,< 72, of which sugar bo.xes repre- sent S50>!,7.".:5. Hetween <>00 and 9''0 men are yearly engageplied witii water from a lake 4 miles in rear of the city. Tnc railway system of New IJriin-?- wick centres at St. John. Tlu' great Inierciilonial c:inii(cts tiu' cit}- wiih j Nova Seo ia and the Clulf of St. Law- I IV. ice, and the Knropean and X.irth I American railway (consolida ed) e.m- ] nects it with the L'niti-d Siali'-;. T lo head ollicus of the former are at .Moncioii a id of the latter at i{an;,'or, .M •. Al.hoigli seMlements h;n c been made in Acadia for in. my uars no mention is niaiie of St. JdIiu ilni.l 1 ,)4 when the rreneh explorer, (,'!iam 4a; ii, pilot of an expedition ominaud il by .\1. do .Monts, after coasting iil .ug t!ie shores of Nova Scotia, cn)-^''d Ujc l!:y d Lieule lant (Jenerd, lived h re i' >r a 1 ing lime with a large numb t of re- tain -rs a id s.)ldiers, and trail d in fiira with the Iiidia:is., hivwig f.illen' into di.ifavor with the Fi'iu'li King, Was ordered to surrender hi-; f'li't aini cummission ; thi-; he retused tw do, and a I expedition under the command of one D'.lulnay Ci.arnisiiy, w;;-; .-e;it out in IGl.'i to t'j 'Ct him. I) Aulnay aded the fort, but Lalour, having g )t asMstauce of men and idiips froio (Jov- ernor Wi.ithrop, of IJosion, driuc his IL'et back to Fort II !yal (now A ma- jjolls. N.S.), w';ere a n indter of ii;3 vessels were d.iven a-ih ire an! dcs- tr yed. A;,'ain, in 1 ;;.'), I) Aulnay at;,tcked the fort, and Lalour, beiig i.b;: It \v 111 a number (f his nr-n, his lady took comma. id, ami d. 'fended it with so inirji sl^iil and lus--; 'Verance t':at the II 'el was coin;H Ik'd to wi:li- driw. Having r 'C ived rrinrnrco- me 'ts, D'.Uil.iay sliortly af cru-atig retiin.ed, and again attacked th.- furt by land Afu-r tlree d: ys spen! in several uusucccssful attacks, a Swiss Ji-.;- : J). IM »' A^' ■7 « J! J tit rt .^i: f!! St. J 298 gentry, who had bi-en hril)e(l, bctrayod tlie {f.irridmi, mul ullouril tlio euL'iuii.'.s to scale Uk' walls. Mulaiue Lalunr |mt- sonally hvaiieJ la-c li.lle bainl of IJ'.y men, and laToically allaclvi'd thr iii- vadt r.i ; l).it seo!:;;.; how liojudi'^.s was flUCCi-'SSj SliO COIl^i'Ilt'jd to tlTUlS of poac'.', .'ill" rdod by D'AiiIiiay, if shi' woiilil sun' 'lid T the fori. IIo, iiuindi- at(dy uiioii gv.'Hiii.( p 'sses^io i, clisrc- giirdrd all I lie CiMiuiliuiis axi''"i'd ti>, u.i<; ilic whole tirarrison, and coiiiiii'lleil thid lu.olo woman, whh a rope aroum! IiLT II (.'k, to wil 11's.s the fxi'dUioii ; slit', a few days afterwards, died of a broke'i hear', lii lt'>j\\ Laloiir re- turned to St. John, and reeeivetl from the widow of I>'Aiilnay,who had died in tiie nieaiilime, I lie pos-ussio!! of his (dd fort. In 1()').'> lliev were married, ami he oiu'e m()i\? held peacahle ediiirol uf his foiiner la ids as wt 11 as tli :)se of his decea.sed rival. In li;.")4 a i cxpediliou was S'tit by Oliver ('romwell from Knglaiul, wliicli cijiliired Acadia from the Kreiii'li, and Latonr was oiice in ne dojirived of his i-rnpcrty and possessiuii. In lfj."»7, Acadi I was ci'ded to France by the treaty of Jjreda, but no sellle- ineiit oi'iiiiprrli'iieii \v,is made until the year ITt'.i, wli ii a furl was bailt at the Inoiith of tlio Xerepis river, about lo miles from tiio city of St. John. In 17l.">, the Frou'li were airain driven out by tiie Kiiu;lis'i ; and in IT.'jS', a jiarrisoii was c-ita'.ili>.ied at Si. John, under l'i(! command ol' ('olmiel .Moncton. In 17iit, the fii ;t Kngl-sh settlers came to New 15rn isw.Ck, bat no permanent si'ttl arrive I and founded ihe present c'ty i f Si. John. It was created a town !)>• Iioyal Charter in 1 7S.-) John (city niid cou.ity) re ri n .ubei'-^ to the Ilou-e of Coiu- a:rl ij lo t!;o rrovincial Leufi 1 i- I'op. of city in ISil, 27,;{I7 ; in 1-^71, IIS.S .-). Sr. JOilN', a maritime county of New I5ruiiswi;\-, b,/r 1 rin.r on the Hay of Fuiily, and i liersccted hy the Iliver St. Jo!:n, whieh, at its in )ntli, forms one of the lin 'st liarb rs on the coast. It is also dr.iii'.ed by l!ie Kennehaccasis and oth.'r riv. fs. T!ie s'lrfice is a»reeal)ly diversilied with hills and vallevs. The soil is fertile a id a;j;rie!iltii;e has made some advances ; the chief industry of Sr. J St. tur 1 moil ; lure. the inh ibilauts, h,jw v". is direcLjd to commerce, sliipli Idin , and Iho lidieri 's. Si. John i ; .. e m ■■•i p 'i'ulous coll. ily in the .Vr 'a ;J7 ;,8I0 acres.' (^apilal, Si. Jt/o i. i' .p. .").:. l:JO. Sr. JOilNS. a coiiniy in llie S.W. |).trl of (jiiobec bonleri ig on the llichi lien river, c 'Uiprlses an area of I I'J.loi; acres. It is inlei'Secled by the (Jraiiil Trunk railway (Rouse's i'oiht division). Capital, St. Johns. Pop. 12,l.ij. ST. JOII.V'S, the most eastern sea- port and city of .North Ameriea, capital of \ewf inniland, near liie extremity of liie eastcrnmosl of llie iiiiaieruus pen- which jirojecl from the K. portion of Ihe island, i,>>'>7> miles \V. by S. of (1 dway, Ireland, this b'iiiLf the shortest distance b'tv,'o mil'-s N. K. of .\I ntreal. IjuI. li" 3.', U W'., lat. 52^ S W. The harbor is one of tiie veryb-'st. It is encdosed by two tn'iiinla'iis, b 'tween t!ie K. points of wli eh is T.e enl ranee, called " the Narrows," only 'X> failioms wide in its narrowest jiait ami lOD f.ilhoms loirj,". This eiit'^anc '- is defend- ed 1»\ s xeral halt 'lies and for iiieaiion^, .'ind co:dd be tnade iiuprejjn.ihle. It has 12 faihoiiis wu'er in iniil channel, bill only one ves.'.e' can jia-s :it a tiiae. Wiliiin there isam|ile space for sii!"';iii,s^ in j;ood anehoraLfe with peifeelsli Iter. There are no pereeplible tides. A lii',lit '^iilarly biidt, coutaiiiiu;,' many <:;..() 1 shops an 1 s'ores, the former mostly of stone. Tilt" houses in tins part of the town aro small and ni.'S'dy ot brick, but in 'he uj'per part they are of wood, .'ind aro very awkardly disposed. St. John, hv-wevcr, has, upon the wliole, been ^c^reatly iin|iroved since the ;Treat lire of l-'! 4 ;, both as re^rards the style of Imildin^ and the width a;id lenrilarily of Ihe streets. It is liirhted with pas and well snpidici wiih waier bro'i}i;iit from a jion 1 o'' ■< \ adjoi linjj eminence, called Signal Hill. 1 1' St. J 299 St. J The I'lililic b'liUliiipr^!, exclusive of tiio cluux'lif.-i, Jirr till' (ioviTiiiiu'iit House, a larj.? jil.iiii sliviclure (>;i.c(i'(l at a cost of ^- J'>.' 'IJ ; IIjusi; cjf As;vi;iljly, Iu)S!)!- tal. iicuiti'ihiarv, jto n* Iuhisl' i;iiii i),inl;.-5. TI.L'i-e are ci^^lit jiliicfa of woi^liip, 3 li, i coj)!!!, 1 l!(tin;in (^itlioKc, 1 Estiildisihd (.'harcli of Scotlnul, 1 Free Cliii'-cli, 1 We 1 yaix and 1 ("oiij^iv ,i;;i- liuiial. Su Jo' ti's Ch'ircli ia a line CalhediMl creeled for llie lloiiian ('atho- lics at a cot of ^i.^oo/xji). Tiie Kpisco- ]);i\ Caliicdral is also ti fiue cdiiice. Ii cost 0-. cr ,'^l::u,0()o. Tiio ediUMLioiial iiisUlwUous of St. Jojin's ooui])ri.;e twosclitxds in coiiuec- ti'Mi witli liii' (Jliiircli of K:;'.;l'nid, 0!i" bcloiiii;iii;4- to till' Wesleyaii (Jlpii'cli, und two to [lie lloiiiaii ('.itli..lie ('iiiireli. Tiien: are several re! j^ioiis and ii.'iie- volent societies, a iiii'cliuiiics institute, a roadini^ room, liljrary and niaseuin atlaelied ; an a^ricdtural society, li foiindrie-:, -' lut-weries,- tanu'Ties, 1 rope fielory, 1 hioeli factor*, 1 boot !ii:d,-!ioe fiieloiy, 1 c il»inct factory, I saw mill. ;{ hiiCiiit f iclories, eacli iisiiiir U ),0() ) hrls. of Hour aiMiuaiiy, several oil reiineries, and 11 hir;^^' iactory occn[)ied for malvinj^ lie is. The trade of St. John consists cliielli' in ;^!iiri>lyi!i;^ tiie li;di •rmen witii clotli- inj?, prjvi io ^^, and lisli:n'f and liiintnig gear. Duriii;^ llio spririi^ season the harbor is i!.r in;i;od with merchant ves. sids troni ulniost all parts of the world with ccoods and i>rovisions retjiiired in the ti. liery. The value of inrorts in l!H72-wasS:;,71'),';;.^; exports, cii'ielly fish and S!';il 0.1, .$''),70T,O)'2. Tiie inmiber of vor^seh t'.at a":'ived at St. John's iu l.-*72 Wii* l,'i"..'i; cleared 9 ^.'5. The I'.ri.iili (iov( riiincnt was cstab- li?!icil at t-'t Jo'ii's as ea ly as \'>H'l \>y the <:;\ll;;nt.'ir Humphrey ('rt. Ti.e FrL>nch ;;;i')-:ef]!ien;ly took possession, li'it iif r a s rxv-! of troubles tlit island iu IT ■■! a . ail fell into tiie hand- of lh;> l!rltis!i, a'.id has ever since remai led in tbe'r po.->essi 'n. Pop. in 1^ 2, .V20 ; in 184;!, 19,000; in is:.'.!. '21,0 ' > ; in ls(;9, •J:',.".:):',, ST. J( tllN-^.formerly IM MltJIIKSTE!?, an incori'orat 'd town of Quebec, ca-.ita: of the c). of .St. Johns, o'l t! e liivcr Jl'che'"e 1, 27 miles S K. of Montreal. with which it is connected by railway. The ours of 4 railway conii'anies pass through here daily, viz : Tlio Grand Trunk railway to und from Rouse'? I'oiat; the Vermont (.\' r.iiluay t) and from Doston and N^w Vuik ; tlio St.aiistead, Sh ■Iford and ("liambiy rail- way to and tVom Waterloo; aiid tl.o South K:is.ern llailway to a:,d fri ni Newport St. Joium contain-; 4 or ;"> ch-rehes, 1 bra ich bank, 2 uwspajer oliir;' -to stores, and has m:;uiirae- tiu'ies of iro'i callings, leatiier, eartheu- waie, 6ic. There are also saw, eri .t and lihiiiiu:^ mills, briektields, 2 liii'Werie-', iiarracks, lunatic as> luni, Iowa l.a!!, kc. It is couuteled With St. AtliMUise, o I the opposite s'de of the Kiclu lieii, by a line brid;,'e. St. John-* has a larj;e trade in lumber, grain and country |u'o- d;ici\ '1 he head oliiees (f the St. J'lins Hank are here. Tnial vi'.lue < f impnris for IsTJ ■'ji;»9,4:]:; ; exports S ', l."'-,7l!'J. Pop. :5,(il:2. ST. JOilXS, Middlesex co., Out. See Arva. ST. JOHN'S WKST,a i^ost vill ;j,'e iu Weiland CO., Oni., 7 miles 1.; m St. Catharines. It contains 2 stores, a woollen mill and saw aad grist mills. Pop. l.".o. ST. i>lanil ofOntiirio, in the channel betwe^'u L-'v^ Superior andllia-on. Lat. 4G IT. N., iO' \V. Length and breadth aij ait 1.') miles each. ST. JOSKPH. a i.o^t villa-ciu West- morland CO., X.IJ.,:'. m les IV.,ia .M nuam- cook. It is the seat of S . Joseph do Memrameook (.'oUeg', wit li H profes.-uu"', and an average yearly attendance of Di) pupils. I'oj). 4'iit. ST, JOSi.i'ii, a setll'mciit in Anti- gonish CO., X.S., .S miles Auii- gonish. Pot. -00. Sr. JOSiiril DK ]}EAl'<'i;, a thriv- ing i)ost village and pari, ii ii ilraiiee c )., Que., 4:;.j miles fro a (.'.! bi e. Tlio viliige con'aiiis 3 ^aw n.ills, ;; giist mills and i> or <) stores. C'o^ p r o;-- is fund in the vicinity, ioj). 4." > ; of pari h LM)-I. ST. J{).-^;;P1I DE LE\'iS, Levis co., (bie. Se.' L i'zon. ST. JO.-KIMI DELV, Sheliord co., <>u". S e \'aleourt. \ST. JD.-U'ii'lI DF MASKIXOXGE, I Maskinoncr'' co., (.,>ue. S.'e .Mii-Liniu'^e. I ST. .JOSIiPil UrLAC.apost villago ; and i)ar';di in the co. of fvvo .Miuaitaius, Que,, near the Lake of Two .Mouii:;dus, i 30 miles from Montreal. Pop. 1,292. :^...i, V'*i -^ ^.1 m 1! in km .» J- !t"- , l ■14 St. L 300 Rr. L i,4' MhH ST. Jl'DK, a po-st villaprc in St. nyiicin.lii' CO., Que , l.'Ji iiiilcs from St. Ilyiciiillic It cmitiiiiisii liiiiiifry, saw, gri.-t iinil canliii^ mill', and several Hioi'i s. I'op. i;() I. ST.JrLIKN'.S, a(isliiii<,' Fetlletiieiit on the Freiic:i .-liorc, Nliil., 5 miled from Criii(iie. ro|i. 10. Sr. .irST, ll.ii.limana CO., Ont. See Iliillsville. kST. .H'STI.V, a poHt villa;;e ami piuisli in .Masiviiioii^e co., Qui'., U mil s M;i.;i\nioiijfe. The Viil i<^v coiit;iin3 a cliurili, a saw in 11 and 3 stores. Pop. 22:> ; i.fpiirish 1,52^. ST. KVKA.NS, a i\hin ii!. ST. LAl'IillNT, foMiierly INDIA.V MlS.dO.V, a post V lliiji;*' i'l the di tricl of .ManpuMte. Man., on the borders at Lake .Manitnha, «jn miles from Port Carry. It coniains a Roman ("alholic church, and 'i '-tores. Pop. p;?. ST. LAri;i:.\T DIO MOXTIIKAL, a tliriviiifjj jiost village and ))ari
  • .m .Mo itn-al. The villaj;^' c ntai IS a cliiircl), a c(dlege, a convent, anil several stores and hotels. Poj.. f) !() ; ( f p rish li.!)!!. ST. LAl'i;i;.\T D'UIJLKAXS, a jmst villa;.;e and parish in Montmorency co., Quo., on tlie 1 liml (f (M'leaiis, in tlu' {St. Lawre;ice, 11 miles N.K. of Quebec. Pop. :it).'!. sr. LAZAPv^, a post villaore and iiari.;'' in Hjlechasse co., Qne., Ii7 miles ']. t)l' (>nehec. The village contains 2 saw mills, .'J grist mills, and 4 stores. Pop. :j.!i>; of •j,(:g:j. ST. LI'X)X, a post village and parish in Maskinongo co.. Que., o miles from Iliv( rdi Loup,7i /idiit. The little liiviere dii Lo;p jiasses tlirongh thu parish. The village contains some e.\c;llcnt mi leral springs, and several store.-, a saw and grist mill, and 2 tanneries. Pop. 400; of parish 1,801. ST. LEON, Dorchester CO., Qne. See Slaniion. sr. LKOXAIJI), a p(»st village and l>.ui.di in .N'ic. let CO , Que., on the Uivor .Xicolet, I) mde.^ from Acto;i. It con- t d IS 1 st(Me and a saw mill. i'op. 717. ST. LKoXAlii), a post villa;;'' and jiari.-li in Vicloriaco., .S.I5 , 7 miUs from (iraiid Palls. Pop. \.'jj1. ST. LKOVAWDS HILL, a post vil- lage in J>agot co., Que., 10 mihs from Acii.n. Pop. Id I. sr. LliJDIUl-:, a post village in I{ag)t c... Que., on the tl. T. li , 44} miles from .Montreal. It con!.;in.i i stores. I'oji. l.Mi; of parish l.l.'.i. ST. LKiroIlI, a po.-t v.llage and |)arish i i .Montcalm co., Qiie , on tlio liiver Lac Ouareau, .'UmimIcs .\. of .Mon- treal, it contains a clnircii, a c(»:iv.'nt, .'I stores, aiK' saw, grist and carding mills. l*oi». l,4;»s. sr. Ll.\, a II )urishing ])ost v'liage in L'.\ss.imi>tion co.,Qiie., on the liver LWchigan, ami on the .\L)n'.n'al and Lanrentian railway,.'! )mile- 'Von; .Mon- treal. It contains a church, a mill, saw ami grist mills, a tflegraidi ofiiee, several stores, a raci' conr-e, and excellent quarries, and has a large trade in luinl)er, grain and country produce. The houses aie supplied with i)ure water from an afpieduct built by an ent-r- I'ri-ing Pf' iich Canadian, .lo-e[)h Uari'liv. Pop. HOO ; of pari:dr_',i;;)7. ST. I'iOUlS, Kent co., X.I!. See Pal- mcrston. ST. LOriS DE HLAXDKORD, Arth.iba-ka co . Que. Se." Hlandford. ST LoriSDE (inXZACiri;, former- ly (JLOKC.ETOWX, a post vi-llagc in 1> 'uuhar lois co., Qu"., i n ilio River St. Louis, 10 miles from i!eau- harnois, H") miles from .Mo itreal. It con- t. litis a church, a convent, a .'••.•iw mill, a grist ni:ll,ansl' CO., yiif., 00 niilci i'runi Qucl)cc. I'oj). 7.'>. ST. MALACillK, or EAST FUAMP- To.V. ft village niid jiiirisii in Dor- cIk'.sUt CO., Que., 2'> miles from St. iJi'nri. it (•ontaiiH it stMrcJ, and hhw ami tjrist mili.s. i'op. l.l't;. ST. .MAi.ACIllK DOK.MSTnWX, Cliiitoftn;.,'iijiy Co., Que. Sco Orm.slowii. ST. .MAI-O, ft post vill:i;4c mill pftri.-;|i in Complou co , (^iic, ;j.» miles from Coftticook. I'op. li.')!). sr. MAlU', rtpcst villftf^e and jmrish in Vcrclier-s co., Que., on the itivcr Kiclidion, .'tl miles from .Montrefti. The village conluiiis a foundry ami .several stores. I'op. .".HI); of parish 1,117. ST. MAUCHI., ft post villa{,'c and parish in Uielielieu co., Que., on the jJiver Yaniftskft, IM miles from St. llvacinthe. I'op. \.T>2. 'ST. MAllOAKKT'S, a ].ost village in Kiiisjs CO., I'.K.I. Pop. ,")(!. ST. .MAIUIAUKTS IJAV, ft post vil- lage in Halifa.v co., N'.S., 2:^ miles frtm Ilalifft.K. It ontains 2 stores and U hoiils. To]). .")i>(). ST. MAUriX, a post village and parish in Lavjil co., Que., on I. le Jesus, 12 miles from M;Milreal. It contains an hotel and ii stores. I'o)). 2,747. sr. .MARTINS, or Ql'AOO, a mari- time village i > St. Joiin co., N'.H., on the Hay of Fundy, IG miles from Oss ■- keag. It contains seviral sores, hoiuls and mills. Shipbuilding is largi'ly enira,c^ed in. Po]). l.Oii ». ST. MAllTINS, a post village .'5 miles from the above. Poi». 40). ST. MAilYS, ft clu>ter of small islands in the (lulf of St. Lawrence, on the S. coast of Labrador. Lat 5 > -H N., lo-. <;■) W. ST. MARYS, an incorporated town of Out.iri'*, CO. of Perth, on a brancliof the River Thames, and on the (1. T. R., U-iA- miles from Toronto, 122 miles from Lon- don. It contains churcht'S of t) or 7 denoiniiations, 1 branch bank, 2 news- [)aper offices, 2 telegraph ollices, several lotel.', a number of good stores, and mauufacturics of iron castings, ftgri- St. M cultural ini|)lemeiits, leather, woollens, itc, aho saw, g.-i^t and plauing miil.s, ftuii (•.xeelleiil limestoi.e (luarries. P I). ST. MARYS, an i>land i i Lake St. Clair, 2") iiiilr.< from Wind.-^or, (hit. ST. .\lARV."->, a po t villag.j in Kent CO., X.i.., on the iJuclouclie r:vi r, 7 miles from Ructouclie. It co it .i \A 2 churchr.;, f) s;; re', (J s;i\v mills and 'i grist mills. About 8 m le.s from tiiia jilace a c()!n]iany is working a ga.s coal mine. {'nji. 2 II). sr. .M.\i:V.>. a jiost town and port of entry of .N'.'wi'ouiidlaul, di-;lrici of Plaeeiitift and St. Marys, '!."> miles from St. Jiihn's. It possess .a fine liaibor, ami is an important lishing station. Poji. 0") >. ST. .MARYS, a settlement in (ilou- cester CO.. NMi., on Shipjiegau Island, G miles from Lanuque. Pop. li)o ST. .MAIiY.-i 15 AY, ft p<.st village in Di-fliy c )., .V.S., on St. .Marys iJuy, 13 miles from I)igbv. Pop. .'{no. ST. MARYS i- EiiliY, a post villago in York co., NM5.,on the River St John, and on the .\rw lirunswick railway, o|>posite the city ufFredericlun. Pop. l.-.o. ST. MARYS, Lincoln co., Out, Sea Jordan. ST. MATiilAS, a post village and parish in Rouville co , Que., on tho Richeli'U river, 8 miles from St. Ililairo Station. Th" village contains ft church and .s 'veral stores. Pop. 2oO ; of parish U'V.K ST. MATIIIKU, a i)ost village aid ])arish in Riinouski co., Que., 4J mile3 below Rivii'icdu LoU[» ' /; //iM. Pop. 8.)tJ. ST. MAURH'K, ft post villago in Cliamplain ci)., Que., ou the Riv.-r St. .Maurici>, In miles from Three Rivers. It contaiiniis iw mills, 2 grist mills, .-I'ld 2 stores, and in the vici lii y bog iron ore, Pop. post l>eat and saiul stone are found. 2oi). ST. MAURICE FORfa-:-^, a village in .St. .Maurice co., Q;ie., on tiio River St. .Maurice, H miles from Tlirco Rivers. It coitains a large fou idry, wlii-re stoves are mftu;il"ac!ii:ed from bog iron ore found in the vicinify. Pop. :5'Mi. ST. MICHAEL, Huntingdon co., Que. See Atlielstan. ST. MICIIKL. a post village of Que- bec, capital of the co. of iJellcchasse, on ••t; , .^i;- . if. 'i^! il '%\ f-- >■ ■i ■ F 1 1 .1 .'(■ ) I if ^1 h 11^ I-:. n ii! I 1 St. 302 St. P the S. shore of the St. Lawrence, and on tlio G. T. Ii., lit miles lH'h)W t^hiclnc. It cidiiiiius, hf.sided thi- county hiiihl- inf,'.<, u I limcli, (•(nivciil, Cdll. ;.;(•, taii- nery, 'ii\v mil, iiml scvcrul sions, hikJ hiu ;i liu'i^o luiubcr tr.i'li'. I'op. TiiO. ST. .Ml ;iIKL AU("n.\N'(;i:, .\.ii)ier- villf CO., <,)!ii'. S'l' \,x I'l'^'i'uimiJT'.'. ST. 'AH'AIVAj DIvS SAI.NiS, u |)(.st villii;^'.! ill liiTlhii'f CO., <,'iic., (Ill th.' liiver .Mantawa, (iu miles IVoiii Ji lirtic. It piM-es-reri ^roml water jirivili';;e-J, ami coiitaiiH .several saw and gn.sL mills. Pop. lo;i. ST. •' ODD.STK, a post vllla.',^*' and pari.^ll in Tc'iiiisc«);iaia co., C^Mie., 'J niile.s Iruin ('aeoina. I'op. 1,1-4. ST. .MOi.- i'J, a posl ofllce in Tlimouski CO., (,>lle. ST. .XAIM'I.-^SM, a i)ost viHafrc niul parish ill (\,ani))la!n co.. Que., [) miles from llali:5ean. it contains a cliinch, 2 stores .'lid a s;iw iihll. i'op. 1,-1(>:». ST. MOllOliAS, a thriviii;,' p ist viU In^jc in Levis co., Que., on ll:c S. shore of th ! Si. Lawn^ice, l") miles aliove Quebec, it contains s.';w and prist mills, U stores, and a tele;^'raph oilice. Pop. <; 'I'. ST. M)i:i;i;UT, a post omce in the disiict of I'rovenclier, Man., on Ued Iviver, !) miles from Fort (5arrv. ST. A()Ri;l':.':T, a post villa;?e in Berthirr co., t^>iie.. Ii! miles from Hcr- thier r^i /n/iif, 'ti mils .\. of .Montreal. It contains a grist mill and 2 stores. Po]). 2(H>. ST. XORDRilT, .\rthahaska co., Que. See Kast Arlliaba--];a. Sf. OCTAVE, a post villac^o in Ivim- ouslu CO., Que., on the I. U., .'! m'le.; from M' tis. It contains G stores and a teleiTMph (jflice. ST. ('LA, a ]tost village in Hastings CO., Out., (JO miles back of l^ellevilfe. Pop. l"n. ST. OXEZIME, a post village in Kanioura.. Que., (! miles fromSte. Ani;e de la Pocatiere. Poj). 20' ). ST. (*rilS, an incorporated town of Qmliee, CO. of Ivich'jlieii, on the Uiver Richeli.Mi, 21 miles from St. llilaire Stalioii. A sma'l inland here divides the river info two channels. In the eastern eiiannel, a lock, in cnt stone, with ad'.m ;U)(i feet in length, has been constructed; and in the western chan- nel a dam of 1!<>M feet iu length, of crib work, has beeu built. These works the river from 4 to 7 feet above its level, and make it naviga- ble to IJas.n, >i distance Of .'i2 m les. St. Ours CO liains a cliun'li, convent, telegiMph oHicc, saw mills, br;ck!ields, and H or f) .slwre ;, and huA a l;;rg.' irailo in grain and country pro- duce. I»(ip. 7 )]. ST. PACO.Mi;, a vniugo in K.imo;ira.-lva co., (,Uie., ].', iiiiies from K.vure O lelle. It, c;".'.lains 4 stores. Poj). ;mi) ; of par'.sh l.s.i'J. ST. PA.Mi'lliLE, L'l,,!i.t co., Que. See \'ai!lunco!|it. ST. 1'A;>('IIAL, a thriving post villige in Kainoiiraska co., i.^'ue., on the G. T. II., Ii'2 miles below Quebec. It contains a telegi-i; h oilice, '/.stores, aii'l s.'Veral mills. Poji. 70'). Sr. l'ATi';i('l\, a i^ost .seitlement in (-h:!rlutic CO., \.I5., 11.', miles from St. Stephen. Pop. 2.")". ST. PATIIICK ])E SIIEIJPvlXGTON, X;ipierv:lle co.. Que. See Sherring- ton. ST. PATIUt^K-S CriAXXEL, a posl settlement in Victoria co , X.S., on u clianiiel of tlie same name in ]!n;3 d'Or L.ike, 47 miles from Port Hastings. Pom. ir.o. ST. PATHICK'S HILL, or TIXG- WK.'K, a jiosl village in Artliabaska CO., Que., 7 miles IVom Danville. It (Miitai IS a iloiiring mill, 3 saw mills, and ;! stores. Pop. 2."J0. ST. I'AUL, a 'small island in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 8 miles X.E. of the northern extremity of (!ape IJreton. Ii. has 2 iixed lights. Lai. 47 14 N., Ion. <;.; 9 W. ST. PAUL D'lXDrSTRIE, a j.ost villa;re an(l parish in Joliette co.,Qnp., 14 miles from L'Assoiuiitiou. Pop. ST. PAUL DU BUTOX, a post vil- lage in Montmagny co., (.^hie., 17 miles from St. Pierre. Poj). 20o. ST. PAPLIX, a thriving ] village a'ld parish in .Maskinonge co., t^ie., 80 miles X.X.E. of Montreal, 14 miles from Iliviero du Loup en hmit. The village is the seat of large flonrin.g and saw mills ; and at Hunlerstown, in the vicinity, from 2n(i,0iiii to 300^000 ])lanks are annually manufactured and exitorted to the United States. Pop. 200; of iiarish 1,080. ST. PAUL LEPvMITE, a post village in L'AssouiptioQ co., Que., ua the lii- vrp rc: raj col Diil chl nul in" E ni' El St. P 303 Kr. r vcr L'A v;')mptioii, ix tuilo'. from Mont- real, ll «• ):it.i:iis II I'll itiiliy lUitl « 'vc- riiLs to :•<.•;:. I'op. 4") » ; of [-a^risli 1/ H. 8T. I'Al'Ii'S, II l'<'St villaj^o in Kent CO., N !'., on tiie )5i.ftouc!ie r:v(T, 2) iiiilc'i (V 'ill liiu'toiicl.c. It fuiliiiiir; 1 cliiii'eli, 1 .s; i-f, 1 Haw III 11, and I null. 1 I 1 ''-'J tliprt' \\i'r;'Oiiiy 4 s till r.s in tlii- 1 I.K'". Kni ^^ration froiii I'liiict? Kdwa.'l 1 laud luid llit> (">. (,f Wcst- iii-'rla • I ' :!< swt 11. 'I t!iL' iiuiiili r to ')!) ». Sr. I'.M'LS, I'lctoii CO., iN 8. Soc l-;ila-\ il.-. ST. i'Afl/S I5AY, an ontport of Quc'lifi', (.•ipital ot tln3 CO. ut (Jliarl •- voi.x, en t'.o N. sli-'iro of the St. Ijaw- reiirc, (i ' miles l)cU)\v (,'i:;!)cc. It con- tains, iK'Md .s tilt' ciKiuty l)iii!d;n:j;-;, a chnrc'.i, a oonvoiit, Sf'Vrral tann.Tic-s, saw iiii'l ^i*;.;tniill-;, and about -0 stored. Til', re arc iion and ])li;nd)ago unuvi in the vu'iirtv. I'o].. :',,iV2:',. 8T. I'l-'iU'Kl'LK, a post ullice in Nicole' c • . (..'iU'. ST. I'M I'i:il.-\a post onico in tlio dis- rict of Lnc^^r, .Man., (^n Kt'd llivtr, 'J7 mill'-; fr III i''i.'.'t Clariy. ST. I'J'.TKIIS, a sfaport town of Nova S>''i;:a, co. of U'.('liir.i;iid, (;:i St. roter".5 I'-'iy, an inlot ot the .V;l;;!itic Oc'jan, .". y rnili's I'ort lliwlcfs- hiirv. A sli )rt C'lnal ot -,""■' fi' d ii'i'c C"'iut"'l ■> Si. I'l'ii'r'.s n.'iy with th- \>rai d'Or L .!:'-•. Tln> town coiit;>;ii ; a t'dt- fjraph oi'ico, a tannery, a;al aliout \'l store?. Pop. 250. Sr. Pi;] ill. S, or BATH nST VIL- LACJK, a |)o't villa-:;'.' Ill (ilo^ic ^nw co., N.n.,at t'^e irioiith i.f ;!h' llii; N.'pi-^i'iit river in n.iliiuist harbor, and on tiie Interc'.lon al railway, oppu.5ito the town ot !,.i hiirst, v>- •'h whieli it U coii- n'jcted h'y a I'm'' brid^fo It cont.iiii.^ a teU'nf.a'i'li oflicc, 'J clnivf^lic.-!, an ara- deniy,"a s ;w nidi, and several store.-;. Shipl. i!u,i;g is largely engaj,'ed in. Poj). t:iiO ST. I'F.TPPS P.AY, a seaport in Krig^;('». )'.K 1., "li! niileri from (Jiiar- lotteuiwu. Itconliiins saw, griyt and card'.ii,:; mills, and several stores. Pop. h'i ST. IT.TER'S ISLAND, in St. Peter'.s Bay, S s.'iO of Kielnnoiid co., X.S., 7 miles from St Peters. It is settled by fisliernien I'op. 80. ST. I'KTERS P.OAD, a station on the l'ri:eo Edward island railway, in Queens co. ST. PIIILIPPK, a i.o-.t villau'o in Laiir.drif co., ',':.e., i; i.,;i .4 f.o.ii La- prairio. It contains ;» slor.'d and 1 ho- tel.-!. p(.p. ;!M. ST. PlIlMPPi:, Ar;roulen:l co , Que. See Miiddv !!!• i;c!i. ST. piiiLii'i'i; i)i: m: :v, a post vill.i;;'!' and jian. h i : r.uiiiiwra.-Iia c )., Que.,:'.! mile-ifromSt. I) ni.-!. Top, D;»l. sr. T'lK, a i>ost vilhu';; nnd p irisli in l!.i;jj >t CO., (Jiie , on ll.e U'Vcr V.iin- n ka, II iiiile.s f.oM St. Il5aci.ithe, T'li- v:Ila'j;e Ciinlai.i.s .■« 'V -la! .stm-es aud milU. P .p. .'; .•fp:: sh :!,1'""<. ST. PIH I)H I)i:''.!lUi:, u tliriving po.; of 'parish \:ll. ST P1I:;:!;K, a i l iand on the H. of Xewfouidlan 1. The surficg 13 rocky and vetret.i; u^n scanty. It firms, with tli'' .Mi'iue! n I -laud-!, im- nr'd'.alely X.W'., a cjioiiy belonging 'sf. ' PIERRR 1;APT1-TI:, a post vill;i;XO m .Me;4aiitic C)., Q 'C, 7 niile3 from Inverness. sr pii;i;i:K dk miorniiTON, Ar''.a c i.,(^;'. S .• Pr -u^liton. ST. PIKRRE DOP.LKANS, a post village and i>ar sli in Moiitinore ley co., Qui'., on the Isla :d «if Crlean.s, in the St. Lawnnec, 9 in:! 3 li low (Quebec. It c>iiita:ii.^ a fl'mr'Uir nidi, a saw and cardiutr nil'!, a nl ;: st >:v-i. Pop l,lo;». ST PIKKRE Dl S!!). a p^a vil- lage and par::-h i;i .Me.tni igny co., Qh'., on the (1. T II . ■! t uuU-.-i N 10 of (.>iiel) c. The \i;i::gj coijiains 4 stores iiiid a telegraph, ollico. Pop. .'ioO ^ of I.I'M. ST. PIKRi.E LKA PIX/iUETS, a ])Ost village and pa. ..>!i la Nienlet co., Qii'V, on tho St. L.iwiviu; ', ) ; of par; li 2,'.)\2. ST. PLACIDE. '< I V r ii.Mt aud par- ish i 1 tiie CO. ot 'i ■-.!) ^'oll'.lra;^s, Quo., on the River Ottawa. 'J miles ti'nn St. Andrews. Too vill.'igc couiains a f e.indry, and sevend tanneries and gri.-t mills. Pop. '2."o ; of pari.sli 1,172. ST. PLACIDE, Charlevoix co., Que. See Cluirvaux. ,L' r^n 'it> ^j' r f If ' . ■■i St. n rjni HT. POLYCARI'K, a post villnKc anil |iaivi I ill »So .l:iii;{c.s c »., Oik;., kii IliVfc D'lisK', 5 niili'i fruiii (ydtiaii Stiiiiou Till' villa;;*' cuitiiiimii cluircli, a CDiivcnf, 4 Klortv, A liolcl ^iiiid u m.ll. I'uD. r, I ) ; (if I'iuisii :!.;t:>j. jsr. I'lil.MI-; a I'ddl ol'.ici; in Il;m- St. H OU.i!;; CD , (.^tiic iSr. P.^().-;i'Kf, n |.o,U villafe'c and pnii^!) in ('liiin lain c >., ^'uc., I'l Wil s f.oin Hall < Mn. Th" villa,c(j cou- tain ^ :! s'n -c <. iNn. 1 jO ; df iiur'sii 1,147. ST. UAIMIAKL, a \u> i viUajjc ni or I /airy c)., Onl., 7 Inilc'.^ froni IllvKTi! Ilv'hin. 1 1 contains I store and '.'. JiMtnl.. Pop. 2"> ». .ST I{AIM1AI-:L DKIUlLLKrilASSR, a pint VKlau'c ami pari, li in UrlU-- c.(>,(jiio., on liivii'iv (lu Snn('., on the LiUlc llivcr .Sic. All U', '_'! inil'S f om Point (MIX Tn'nil)l'S. it ontain.s grist and .saw null;, a carding null, .'! cliurclic-;, a'.id 5 stores. Pop. 'l.'ii) ; of parish :i,J i:J. tST niMlS, a i>ost village of Qnchec, CO. of lluiitiii;; Ion, o) tlic Ilivcr St. Lawn' ici', 1. ST l:t)i;i:r.T, a jiost viU.i^'e in Riche- lien CO., (,)ue , <) miles from .Sorcl. It contaii: ? 2 stores Pon 2.'".''. ST ROCll I K L ACIIKIAN", villaue., (ii Rivicru dii Xord, 12 miles from St. .Jerome. It ciiitaiiis . miles fioni DcS Rivi'res. It c nlains an hot- I and 3 stores, poll. ;; 0. ST. SIOIIASTIK.V D'AYL.MER, I'eaiice co , Que. See Vallctort. ST. SKVKl'.K, a po\ miksfr'un Yaina- cliiehe. It c mtuins a saw ami grist mill. Pop. IT.'). ST. SIIOTTS, a settlement in the district of Plae;Mil;a and .^t. Mary, Nil I., 4 luile-! from Cape Pine. Thi^ place has been the scene of many sh pwroek^. Pop. 3i). ST. SIMIOON', Charlevoix co., Que. .See Port an Persil. ST. SIMOX hK RIMOU.^KI, a post villa.,'e in Rmiouski c;)., Qu;., on tho S. shore of tlie .St. Lawr nee, and on Iho I. R., 37 miles b low Rirnro du Lonp en /u/f. It contains a tannery and 4 stores. Por*. 2 ) i. sr. SIMON 1)H YAMASKA, a post vill.age in Higut co.. Que., l) mdes from .St. liyacinthe. It Cc»ntains2 ,-aw nulls, 3 stores, and a grist m:ll. Pop 2.".!) ST. .-TA.Vl.SLAS DK I5ATISCAX, a jiost village in Champlain co., Que., on tho River IJatiscan, 8 mile.s from Hatis- can. It contains several stores and mills. Pop. 3'»). 8T. .STAXISLAS DE KOSTICA, a post village in Heanhariuus co., Que., on River St. Louis, 7 miles from Valley- lield. It contains 3 stores. Pop. 250. ST. STEPHEN, a seaport town of New Brunswick, co. of Charlotte, at the entrance of Deny's river into the St. T .•]05 Sr. V in the Tili.^ many tScliDOil'n'- or St. Onix, ojiposito Calais, Mai :«•, anil ^-iJ inili'-i \\ . ol St. Jk'mi hy nia.l, I 1 ._l hiilt-t li) r.iil. Tiu' jpi'lncilial imliisiry of tlii> iMlialiilunlH IS ilincti'd lo Uk; liinilicr Irailc and tlic lijhi'riid. ('alai-i iinil St Sit'iil.fn an' united ti)^ft!i. r \>y :i IhjIj^'', and tia' latt<'r t iwn is ii^jiitfl willi j,ms frvu\ llio riirnicr. St. (Sti'plicii (.•unlaind tJ cliurcln -1, 2 ncw-ij apur Dllicr.-i, 2 bank.J a tclt'grai'ii ollicc, and a mnnlii't' of .stored. It is a port of entry antl tlic H.W. tcrniiniH of the St. SU'i.tien lirineh ufllie .\. I!, k ('. [J. The total numherof^ fur I-mJ wa-; 1'.' (to;.3 7, IIJ), and clearance.s C.J (t-ns 17,.">T.">>. Total value of imports !r;!i;'J,7T7 ; e.\- pori.-< !^-i."i.7:; [. I'op. ;!,"i)i). ST. Si'i-l'K'K, a viIia;io in L'Assoinilion (•>>., Qiie., on tlie N. shore of tlio St. Law renc, Ul) niile.s below >h)ntreal. U contains 4 stores, l'oi>. ;;iiu. ST. SVr.VESTnr:, a noun.hinj? post village and paii.-li in Jiiibinieie co., (,!ui'., '-'1 miles Tom (^rai^r's lloail. The vilhii^e eoHt.iin.-i saw, f,'ri-l. a;, d eiirdln.-^ ni:lls,an ii.'^rii nlwiial iinpl'inenl faeioi'v, .•ifMrnitiite fielorv.aial lli stores, i'up. (11 I; of I ;i:'i h :?.710. ST. SVLVKSi'iil': EAST, apost vil- la i;e ;5 ini!>s Ironi lli" nliuve. It con- tains mil s from Port Stanl\v ft contains c'lorclns of ti denominations, (Epi-copal, II 'inan Catholic, La, list, Z .Methodist, llihie Chii-tiaii,iind Pie.-hy- Icrian,) 2 hr.mi h hanks, J lele^'raidi ollices, 2 newspapiT t);!iees, ah. tut piU stores and .'to hotels,.* -aw null-, 'J grist I mills. 2 1 irge fon idnes, .'I tmi «'ries, I j hlnck ami tackle facto' V, | c.w wheel i 'oimdry, Canada Sontiiern c..r .^liops, I Air Line work .shops, .and a laive niiiii- ' hiT of factories of various k lads The ! jiulilic buildings itreMhe I'lwn hill and : market, conn hon-e, and mn.-:c hall. I Four railways run inli> the town The I station of the Canada Sonthi'rn \< ouo of the line-t in Caiada. It conl.n.iisall j the head oilit cs of the coiiipany Tiie I car shops of this company, in which about r»'io men are emidoycd, are also splendid bnildi igs. rh'o town h:H very rapidly iluring the past four years on aceonnt ot tlie riilway.-i ruiiiiiiig through it. Another r.i'lway, the Credit Valley, rnnnin'.: iVoin St. ThonnH to Toronto, IS nnder constriic- tion. There is iv ciistoni house ollieer and un American consul here. Pop. 7,ooo. ST. TIMOTIIEE, a post village a'kI jiaridi in l!eauharn(/is co,, Qur., on the IJeaiiharnois Canal, ;» m'lis from bi'aii- barnois. The village ciuitai. is a church, a college, convent, and several stoics. Pop. -too; ,,f pari ;|, 2,\:0. ST. TITl'i, a post village and |)arish in (Jhamplain co., Que., ;,:! miles iVoni Thrte Rivers. The village ha- a grist mill and 3 saw mills. Pop. J50 ; of parish l..").!l. ST. TITE DES CAPS, a post village and jtarisii in .Montmorency co., Que., ['<[ miles below Quehec. Pop. (J',:!. ST. CliALDE, a village in Portneuf CO., Que., -8 miles from Raliscan. It contains a grist mill and 2 saw mills. Pop. HO. ST ULRIC, Rimouski co.,Qne. See Tessiervi le. ST. CRMAIX. a post village and ]iarisli in Charlevoix co., Que., D mile.? from St. Paul's li.iy. Pop. SSo. ST. URHAI.V, a post village and ]iarish in Cliateaiigiiay co., Quo., (i miles from St. Isidore. The vilhigo contains 2 hotels and 2 stores. Pop. GOO ; of parish l.Ci:''). ai 4; I. 'i ■ v4 ' ■''I 20 ST. VALEXTIXE.a post village and parish in St. Johns co., Que., ou the H if I ' -I , 1 E. *f l^\\\ ■' ■ I ' i i 1-. !1 SAL 30G SAL River Ilicliclii'U, I,', inili-,i from Stolt- villo. I'.-i'. -,1 H. " Si'. \'AIt vill.igcin \',c]h'- cliii.s-(.' CO., (;iii'., o;i tlio St. liiiwrc :(•<■, unci on till! (I. T. fi., .'M iiiilivs I cImw Qiii'Iifc. It coiitii'in .■{ stores mill ji tele;(:'a]ili o(:ice. {',;<■<; \ i,:i ore is IouikI in the vici i'.v. J'nii. ;; o. ST. Vi:.VA.\T, (Joiniiloa co., (.^ue. See i'!ii|tiel|e. ST. VKrroll DK TRTXr., apon vil- liipe in 15ea;ite cj., Q .e., 00 ni'li',-5 S. • f Qucliec. It cait.riH saw, t,^i t. aii'l caniiii^r mill , ami pol.isli I'.iclorierf. l'i)|>. .'i'l't. ST. VINI'IvnT dp; PAr;L,atlirivin'.r post villatre of (,'iii lice, co. ( f liiival.oii I-lc^, and on la' Ilivirro (hs I'rairie.-), I'J inihs from .Montreal. It contains tlie Provincial I'er.ite itiarv, 'J tele}ri:M>li ollic -, a;;(l several stores ami iioti'i ■. !•■ ;>. I,'iiio. ST. VINCK.N'r, Crey co., Ont. See ST. VITAL !):•: LAMI5T0X, Ik'anco CO.. Qno. S .(■ L lablon. ST. \VKN('i:.5LA;', apost villaire in Nieolet CO., <^'no., 4 miles from Aston. It conlain.s 4 st'ires. I'on. l."» i. ST. WILLIAMS, or WALSlNTrll AM, ft post villacr' in Noif.ilk co, Out,, on Lake Krie, 17 niile^ from Simene. It coitains a telef;^;a|h oLiee, and several Btorrs and mil ;. I'op. ir.O. ST. /.Ki'IIiWiX, a j.i. t village in Vamaska c >., (,>ae , lil u. Ics f.-< m St. Frane:.s. It ciaila'ns 4 stores and several milh. Poo. 4 lO. sr /K.N'OX, Com; Ion co., Qne. S>'e Pii'p""'- sr. /i:\ 'X, p. KV>. ST. ZOTIi.irE, a i»ost villau'o and paiinl i <^r^ c ..,(.;n"., on the St. liUwre ice, '2] mile.-s from (Joteau Land- ingf. Tlie v.lla'j,-() contains 4 stores. Pup. liiHi; of parish 1,';00. SALAMAXCA, a s'ation on the Frederictou Branch railway, in Vork CI, X'.n., 1 mdefroin Frcdericton. Here are two 1 ir;;e saw m:i:s. SALL'd, a post olliie in Cnmberland CO., N -'., K mil s from Andii'rst. SALIi.M, ai)o t .-eiil.aaenl in Alliert CD., X 15., ;j miles li im lliilsboronyh. P.»p. 1.-.). S.Mil]."'.!, a jiost villacr.' of Ontario, oo. of W'eHin.rt 'II, If auiilidly situated on tliu Irvine river, 1 mil' (.om Llora. It contains ^aw and l!onr'n<( mills, 2 tan- n 'i-iiM, last, ! e^ and stave ficlories, a brew r,, an iron I'm idry, a lirirkli. Id, a A\'eslf van clmr -li, a t"! '/ni; h o'liee, and sevenil .stores and hotels. Pop. 8 ii). SALIC.M. a .=ettlemei;t i i '^'armontli CO., X.S , 1 mile from Varmoiiili. I'up. 'J '0. S.\Lr(tr:n, a j.ost villa^-e in Oxforfl C'l,, Ont., l mdt.'sfroin Jn'.^ersoll. i'op. li-O. SALISnURV, .a jiost village in West- mo'laad co., X.ll., on tli(! IVtiteodiae r ver, and ., N.P)., on N'^pisiipiit Lav, 7.', iii'l 'S from Latlra'st. Pop. I,";;). SAL'MOX C(ry'i:,ali liin miles fi'oni Triai V. i'op. 41'J. SALMOX ro'v'i:, as-i ! :aent in the di.Urict of IIari)or .Main, Xild., .'!7 miles from St. John's. J'op. 4 0. SAL.MOX CIli:i:i':,a i.ost sottloment in Q leon-! c >., N.I!., on Wasli.-id 'maak riv^ r, .'■)2 m'les f.-oni St. Jo!:n. It con- tain.s 1 stare, 1 gri t niiil, and 1 saw mill. Poj). I'O. SALM' )X CUE Lie, a post soltloment in Sunbury co., N.i;., on a tributary of tl' o AL ttlomcnl <'j)i.sii|iiit lit. l.Vt. !■ nviit Xlld., 'J I. S'^ttl.'- :u'entia. sctllc- 11., :ir. •JO. .-^ottlo- n Bay, l"monl xna., .S Itlcmont 1(1 •m:):lk It cou- 1(1 1 saw 1ll(^mpnt )ulary of Falnion river, miles from iJrigg's Coriior. I'o,' -<)!). SAI-MOX IIoLK, ft post (.(Tico in ILilir.ix CO., N'.S., <; uuk-i IVoin llalif'a.v. SAL ;():■.■ IK i:,Jili:>lii i^'.scltlcmv:l.Mi the c:l>' side of I'l:ic.ii;ji I!:iy, Mid, iJ miles fVuiii IMaciiiliii. Pop. .M. SAr.'IOMKli, II jiost low II jiiid fi.^Ii- iii,r s til 'iiKiit iit llie lu'iid ui' St. M:i:ys J!:;y, Ml !., t\l I'l" iii mth of ii i)('..l ir/i r ( f t .«• .saiii- ii mie, -ll) iiiiU's fVoM f5t. Jo!.:.'^ 1' p. ;;i';. S.\!,.M()N' I! IV !■:;!, ii i)ost s-.-tik-iiit' it in Di:,'! y <■ ■ , N.'v, IS inik-s I'roiii Var- uio'it'li. P p. :::.(). SA!-M').N'i:i\ !•:;:, !V jxist .■^cillctnfut in (i v. 1) r ii-!. c)., N.S., loiiiilc.slViiM (.;.:v. '"'cr I .;'i. Pop. 2U0. ^'AF.-'.iON !;IVi:i{, a i) vilI.i;,'o in A!'.">t (•'),, at tlio cnliMiifc of hihnin r^V'T in \\\'i Day of rmi'ly, ill ii:il s Pciiob-'piis. ll contains- s,;\.' :i!i.k. Po'i. 'J .0. KAL'-:OX P.IVER, a post villa-e in Caiit'Drt I c >., N.H., JD niil'S IVoni f^Y'lu' V. Il contal IS 2 saw nulls. Poj) 1<)'. S.M/IDX i;iVi:?, a i.ost vllhi'/c in ll.ilii'iix CO., X.S., 80 miles from llalifa.v:. I'u;.. '^ • '. S.M..M()V]:iVEn, a i-ost v;i!a;,'(Mn St. Juhii c )., X.I!., 41 niilcs iVoni Si. Julia. U contains 2 saw mills. Pop. M). _S.\LM()>: PJVEP., a sottlcni'Mit_ in Vaiiiio itli c )., X.S , 7 miles from Yar- laM'itli. Pop. i:'). .^ .\LM( ) WAV !•: il(L.vKK Skt,) a ]i >st. set' lem lit, in (luysbo.'ou.i;:! (■') , .\' S , 1.". indes fnjni Gaysborougli. l'o[). ISO. HAL.IOX inVE!!, Victoria co., N.n. Se ■ Umlinc. HAI.MO.N'VIi.LE, a post vilhi-e i i pel c ., (..'lit., o I llie River OnMlit, G lailt.s fi' 'tn Ueo"i,'eto\vn. Il contains a tclo;,'ra.!h oilice, 2 siw mills aiul a {,'rist m 11.' i*or.. To. SALT ISLAM), an inland in tlu! d:<'r,. t of Tw Uin^ate and Foj^o, Xlld. SALT SP'UXG' ISLAND, in .\la: le li.iy, Vancouver I land, IJ.C, is ub )ut 7 ' ) II m'les loni^and 2 to 3 miles wide. Il is \v II st'f.Ied, the land is of v.-ry K ) 'd quality, and there are springs of warm :alt water. Pop. :M0. SALT SPIMXGS, a post settlement in K'ng;c . I 7. S.\.Mi;i:(J,a post s 'l le .K.ui in Ib.i: ax c ».,.V .^ ,() 1 til'! Allaiifc' . (la t, 'J I ill 1 3 IV ni Il.ililax. Tlie S S. .i.'.rr'- wr c\ (1 ip'ar Ict; M.i c:i .M, l.->7.>, and ov, r .' I ) \ y i 1 ,.^t. Po I. i; ). SAXI) l;]:A'"iI, a po-t (;;;ic;in Var- mo a'l Co., X.S., ;{ miles froia Var- njuiilh. ^S\XiH)RX, a \'<'-t .^ •ttlern-nl in Wolfe CO., (.inc., 2(i mil sfrom »S(jm r.set Po[). 7.". S AXDFIELD, a post villau'cin G! -u- ^'■ar'-y Co., Out., on Rivi, n; la (irui.-e, 27 ml' from on RiviCre Rasiu. Pop. loij. SAXDFOiil), a poU viIla.. SAXDY LAY, a post villai,'e in Rim- oiiski CO , Que., on the River S'. Law- rence, 9 miles from >!■ lis. U b is a telegraph ufHce. Pop. 2~i K it, "• It r. •4; t. ^:,t 1 .1 1* ■ ■ #' flW (■. ' 'A ' .4 I I I ■'I SAN n;)S SAU SAXDY DEACII, a post vilhi^ro ami fi'-Iii ijx stalOi in (i.i.Sjio co., Que, -1 mil s t'l'iii (liisiK' l!a.-iii. Pop. U'K SA.NDV JJIOACIIES, a poU s'jtt'o- nn* ,1 in (iuncnhurfj co., N.S., -11 mili!.s W. of IIlil;!.X. I'oj). rj». HAXi)V (,'UV'E,a in.iritiuie villa^cof No. a So iii, CO. (>i' ])':'^^>y, on Diijliy Nock, IH miles H.W. olDigl.y. I'oii. 40;). 8AXI)V COVK, a fi.sliin.c,' st^ttlcnicMt in t Aid st;\ctof TwiiliiiLjMt auil Fogo, Nfl'I., ' inks froHi Vurro. pop. •_>(). KAXiA' COVE, a Bot;l mr-nt in Qu'jfns Co, N .S.J ].\ luilcs from Livei- pool. Pup. Id ). f>A\:)Y IfARIlOII, a (i^Iiin,'.,' pctll - mcnL*'!! l!i" \7. 'A le cf Placi-ntia Vi:\\, Nil [., 1'! \uAq6 from Mria-slicen. Puji. 30. SAXDY POIXT, a post Potllomont ami fi h'u'^ station in S :r;!bi!rn..' c >., N.S., t) I'lili'sf'roin Slu'lbiwia'. Pop. rmo. SAXDY POIXT, a thriving viUajx- 'on tliO Fro' cli shoro, Xlld, (!') miles from Cape Pay. It \:i the cliirf scttli- - mcnt in St. (jli'orjr'''s liaihor, iiml cli'.cdr cdinc,dy fertile. The pasturo is so nutritions ll:at the mutt' n raised iipo i it is remarkable for the delirary of its flavor. There is near the liarbor a quarry of lime- stone. Coal is al^o fmmd. Oil' t':e lower end of the inland are the best fishin.rp water.' in the Sound. Croat qnantilii 3 of halibut, codli^h and sal- mou arc lukcQ at certain sea:;ons. When tlie Ilnd.^on's l>ay Compatiy n.sod San Jnai a-i a lishing station, Ihev Were in the iiabit of ])Ullin',r up ;!,(Jo'o barrels of salmon yearly. 'I'lie j)opula- tion of tile island is abont 4'- jiajier odices, 1 brewery, saw, grist, and sliingle mills, and mari'd'actories et' iron casl.n;4's, m lehincry, W(«)den w.irc, Woollens, leather, kc. The totil va!;>; of iniiKirts for l^'TJ was l?J7t),04;>: ex- ports S'.);!7.''55. Pop.2,t>J'J. SAUt.i-EN, or CUEGnELO, or FI.SillXG ISLANDS, a gi'oap of islands on (he eastern side of Lake II n-on, about IS miles IVom S i:lh- anipt'ii, the X. terminus of the W. (!. ruce, at tlic mouili of the Saugeen river in Lake Huron, and at the northern terminus of the \V. Cr. & P. R., V>2k miles from Owen Sjund, O'J miles from Goderiob. It SAW 309 SCO [>any iipod ion, tliL'v up :5,oo'o 10 j)()piil;i- t 4',0, (,f U Jllilll 'h twi e'li Ih" : lliiro nii'l 872 ct'tlud S. I'art of I'-IX. I.y I'll. \jK, a l)Ort inil"S t'niiii ■a[ h ullicc. lid, apo-t RNIA, nn A), cupliul tualid oil luvun, and ., (;l irdlea ill Toronli). .-) llio riVLT t (if outry, 1 Etcani'Tj i can call, u (^.illiol'.c, r. .-i'nyteria:! 2 braiich 2 nu\v<- saw, fxrist, Hiclori;,'.-; i/t" lodrii ware, tot'il vad'.ic 7G,<)4a ; cx- HKLO, or gro;!)) ()f c of Laki- oin S i;'Ji- iho w. <;. 7 milc^aivl 1 to 5 in d-d y arc crk'- •■s of white Uf^ht in till' n safe and ii"t> vos>(ds. dPTOX. an ii't of entry the mouth like Huron, lilts of the !'oni Owen dericb. It contains a tclograpli oflico, brewery, f:\v, gy'ift and woollen mills, a id a nuiiihi r of stores, \alue of imports for LS72 wa3 Iji'JlH; exi'orts ;:"8,iie., ni tlie X. shore cf S;. Lawrence, (J*) inihs below Ta !i)ii-ac. S.Vl'LT AU RECOLLKT, or lUriv i;iVl]i>, a jtost village in Iloolielaga CO., Q:ie., oi Rivi'ie des Prairies, (J niil'.s from .MoUrcal. It is tiie seat of tlio ('oiiv( nt of the .Sacred ll'-art, oni; of tlio larg('.;t cdueatioiial institutions in the Province, contains seveial stores and liotids, and is a favorite resort id" S"i Ivi'rs. Pop. i'>')0. SAl'LT ArX MOUTOXS, a villa-.' in Sa;jjue!iay co.. Quo., on lln' X. sliore of the St. Lawrence, 'A'> miles below Tadmisae. I'op. loo. SAILT STE. MAlUE,a]iostvilla;ro ami pi'rt of entry of Ontario, capital of the district of Alijoma, on St. .Mary's Htraitjal the ])oint where Lake Sa- erinr fl )ws into Lake Huron, 3,")0 miles .N'.W. of Col'iiifxwood. The raptls at this place liave a descent of 22 feet in bv-s thin a mile, and form the natural limit of steamboat nivi^Miion. A canal, however, has been cut arotiiMl them on the Ameiicaii side (see St. Miiry's Strait). Tito vdlac^o is pleasant- ly situated, ami contains chiri-ehes for I'lie Fpi.~copal:an.=», Roman Cal.Jiulics iind We-'evan .M tliodi.-ts, and 5 stores. Many of the iiihat):1aiits are on<,'afred ill tiie fur trade a^id the lishcri ■-;. Sauk Ste. Maiie i,3 the seal of t!ie See (f the missionary Rishop * f Al^^oma, the liic^lit IJev. Dr. Fauquier, con-eorai- cd (jct'iber 28, 1873. To'.il iuiports for l'<72 !:>1.")|I.."»;m S,S ■,.",.- 09, P'^p. -too. SAULT ST. LoriS, Laprairio co., Que. S "e ("aueiinawa'jra. SAVAC.R (^IIVE, a li-^liinj? station nil tliO French shore, Nlll., 2i> miles faim <"ape Xormaii. Pop. 2:*.. SAVAGES MH.L, a, post viUape in Sla il'ord CO., (.'lie., 10 miles tVom Gra bv. Pop. ;»0. SAW ]\!1LL Ui;EKK, apo^t villa;.;- in .\inapolis co., .X.S., ;)} miles from Annapolis Pop. 00. value of ; exports SAWVEP.VILLE, a post vil!a;;e in Coiupl-'ii CO., Que., on E.itoii riv< r, lU miles from Lenun.willo. It contains 'I stores. Poji. 17.\ S(:AXL(>XS, a station on tIi;'Nnrtl». crn railway, in .""iiucoe co., Out., 44 miles fiT.iii Torcpiito. S(.'AUl;i>i,()l i;il, a post vi'Iase in Vork <•.!.,( )iit, on the G. T. K., il miles from Toronto. It has atvl ■^raph oliicf. Po". 200. SGAi;i;()R()r(.iii.JUX(;TU).Y,ai ost ollice in York co.. Out., at tlie junetiou of the Ciraiid Trunk and Toronto and .Nipissiii^' railways, !) milei E. miles from Aurora. It coo- tains an iron foundry, tannery, 11 )i:r mills, woollen mills, leleimniU' ollice, and several stores. Pop. 2i)i). SCOXE, a post villa'jfe in Uruco co.. Out., 17 miles from Walkorton, Ii c uitains a saw mill, a grist, mill, ,nud a st(n'e. Pop. 00. SCOTt.MI RLOt.'K, a vilLv/e in Ifulton CO., Out., (] uiile.^ fr la GeorLTetown. It contains 2 taw and 2 l!ou;'iii'.r mills. Pop. ITiO. SCOTCH nRIDtiE, a settlcmcul iu Charlotte co., X.IJ., 10 mile.-i from St. Stevhrn. Pop. 20 . SCOTCH COIIXER, C irletm a)., X'.l!. See RichiiKiud SCOTCH COUXKRS, .S'mcoe co , Out. See Dunti'oon. SCOTCH FOirr, a po., Out. See Darrrll. SCOTCH TOWX, a po.,t vllas-' iu (^>ueoiis c)., X.I!, on (Land Lake, 1*: miles fro Slielii Id. Po". IJJ. Si'Oi'ClI VILLAtJIE, ap...-t villacr*! iu Hants co., N. S.j on Kenacicook ^'. U.k >H iii\ m '^-5i,'i; ■ t i llfl ffj a 1 ' 11 ?, ■ >■ I? 8 1^' SEA 10 SEL river, 9 miic.-; froi!) Xt wporl Station. Pop. 200. SCOTLAND, a l!ir:vii:,., j,...., vilhi;,v iu Unuit CO., ()i;l., 11 inilf.>i'r()i;i nruiit- foril. It ti)iit;uu.-; a curtliiig luill, j^iisl mill, l;iiin;'rv, -l sim* ■, ;; IkAoLs, uiiil u ti'l''LM-.i;)li (jiiic3^ i'uii. 100. land. They arc inhabited by fuhcmien. i'ui). .'J. !SI:AL ISL.VNDS, asm.-.U cluster W. by S. of (inmd.Miui.n b.l.nd, KA). ^'I']Ali UlVEli, a hamlet in i.2'*ecnj CO., I'.l::.!. ►SCOTSliUliX, Pieto., <•:,., X.S. See , I Uo^r r's IMl. ^.SCOTT'ri ];AV, a post village in , Kin^.s CO.. \.8., on ili ■ iJay of Fundy, ; ■JO inilcd from rauuing. It has {rood | facilitie-! for slii|ili'iilding. I'op. '.'-M. {S(H)TTvS (JOKNEUSjFronlenac co., i Uni. iS.'e ICl'ucinhurg. .SUOVH/S MILLS, a post ollice in Westiniiriand co., N.IJ., 7 miles from , Co('a;;j:i! •. i HClKiUO, a i)ost vilIa;^o in Ontario : CO., Oat., 7', mil's from Port Perry. ] Toi). 20O. " ! SI':AFOIlTII,an inc()r]>orated villago of OiJariii, co. of Ilnron, on the ! Bwilali) braneh of the (l T. K., 21 \ tnih'S from CJo'lerich. It contains a branch bank, 2 telegraph ollice;^, a ncw;!pa]>cr ofiirc, mechanics' institnte, an iron foundry, wo(dlen mills, .several hoteU and churches, and a nnmber of store:!. IL roare the most exl-iisivo salt welLs known on the .\ineriean con- tinent. At a depth of 1,100 feet is a solid Btratinn of pure rock salt of unknown thickness. Seaf.irlh is a.i important market town. The expfuMs of wheat and other grain ex'-eed a luillion jushels annual! v. Poit. 1,800. SLA IIORSL POINT of the North West Territories, is at tlie E. extremity ofSoM'hamiitnn Inland. L:'.t. GiJ 40 N., hn\. RiV 10 \V. SEAIj (J0\'1>, a lishing settlement in the district of Fortune Bay, .Vlld., 8 mile:! fi'om Harbor I'riton. Pop. ;'>i). SliAL COVE, a fishing settlement on tiio south side of Conception !!ay, N:ld., 25 miles from St. John's. Pop. 'J». SEAL COVE, a_ fishing settlement on tlic south side of Trinity I!:iy, Xllil., It miles from Old Perlicau! I'oji. I;t7. SE.\L COVE, a fishing station on the French shore, .N'fl 1., L!0 miles from La Scie. Pol). 2 I. SEAL ISL.VND, a lighthouse station 18 milei W. (,f Cape Sable, the S. extremity of Nova Scotia. SEAL ISLANDS, a small cl:ister at the outruucc of Garia Bay, Ncwfoimd- SLAiiLTOV.'N, r post village iu nil CO CO., P.E.i., G miles from Gi'orgetown. Poi). 80. SI'j.ATON', a post ollice in York co., Ont. SLHASTOPOL, a hamlet in La- neuhiir'; CO., N.S. It has i caidin:;-mill, I grist inili. and 2 stores. SKI5ASTOP0L, a iiaialetin Il.-.uVew CO., Ont It ha; I ho'' 1 and 2 st u-es. Si;i;i:iNwVILLi;, lormerly BLACK CliLEK, a thriving post viUago in Perth CO., Out., 0:1 the Buiiaio i miles from Kingston. It contains a tclegriph ollice, 5 stores a id 2 hotels. Pop'. I."i0. SELLEY'S.. MILLS, a jiost settlement in Kings co., N.B., miles from Susie-X. Pop. 5r»o. SEOUIN FALLS, a post office in ^'ictoria Co., Out., 11 miles from A.di- down. SLLBORNE, n village in Eltrin co., Out., 1 mile iVo::i 1' u't Stanley. l'o[). .')."). SELIJY, a po^t vill!a;,e in Lennox CO., Out., 4 miles from Xapau 0. It cuilaius atelcsrraph ollice an 1 4 stores. 1' ,.. 200. .^ELDOM-COME-i.Y, a fishing .set- tlement and harbor of refuge in th« district of Twilli'igate and Fogo, Ntld., f) mile-; from Fogo. Poji. IGO. SLLIvlBK, a post village in Ilaldi- mand CO., Out., 11 miles from Cayuga. It contains several stores, a grist mill and a carding mill. Pop, 300. 'A'/ni CO., I'ol). :i:). Lennox :i;i ■?. It 4 .-; tores. ILildi- L-'iit mill SUA 311 SUA SELKIIIK MUUXTALN'S, a holt of nioiinUiiuuUd couiilry in iJrilirih Culum- biii. SELMAH, a i)0:.t vili'ifvn in Haiits CO., N.S., ua 0()l)L'(jiiiu lliiy, 2 miles from M;iill:rHl. I'oi). 225. SELTU.N, or O.STIIAXDEIJ, a i> villiijjc in ridihwcil cu., Onl., ^i\ milcri fioin Tliiiinc'rfviUc. Pop. ;"iu. t^KijWV.N, 11 ])U't viiliiire in I'ctor- boro cu., Out., i) iiiiloj IVnni Liil;t'lii'ld. It co!itiu:iS 2 .st(jres. I'o;). lui). SKNKCA. nr C ALllDO.MA, ;m iu- coriioriili.'il villii.:;c in lliiklimund co , Ont.jDU (Iraiid liivrr, andun lla- (jraud Trunk (JJiii. ilo bnmcli; iiad ll:iinilti)n and Lake !■; ie ruilw.ivs, 1<; niile.i- IVom Ilamilton, 1 I miles tVoiii ("ayu^jja. It liUo gooil water power, and c()ulain.s a telef;ra[ili olliee, a printing' ollice piib- lisliin^f a w ekly newsi/aper, .several churche.s :;nd lioiel -, a niinib.'r of jtores. a large foundry a ul macbine sliop, a woollen mill, and saw and l: rist mills. Pop. 2,ui)(i. HKTTIUNtlTO.V, a po.-t village and l)arisli in ('ii.irlevoi.'c co., Que., uU'meus. i\»p. uou. 8KVLN ISLAXU.S, a group in tbe Ciiilf of St. L.iwrcucc, o[)p()site the entrance of Seven Islands' IJay, near Muisic. SK\'EUX L'iilUliE, a poU vdbige in Victoria co., Out., on the Uiver ."--evern, It miles from Oriilia. It ct)ntain3 2 stores II ud a telegi'a[.li oliic..'. Pop. .'JO. Sl'iVKl.N'K, a p ist village i i Ottawa CO., Que., ."■),"; miles from Ottawa. Pop. 5'i. SEV.MOilli EAST, Xortlnuubaland CO., Seo .Me: ie. .slIAi'TK.Siil.'iiV, Al-oma district, Oat. See Litili' Curre:it. SlIACr I'.AV, a s'ttlementiu llulilaic CO., X.S., 21 miles from llalifix. Po|>. bo. SifAC lIAi;i;ol;, a jio.^t village i.i iSlielburne co , .N.S., on llie Atlan- tic cua^t, 12 miles \'-un\ L.irrington. It ""iiM. :;."> I. COIltlUUS store-'. SHAMROCK, a post vilhige in Ren- frew CO., Out., 12 miles from Iicnfrew. Po)). 50.' SIIAXK'K.or r>.VILEV'S COllNERS, a post village in ilasiings co.. Out., .'^4 miles back of iJ.dleviilo. Poj). b50. SILVXKLIX, a jiost ,se;tbinent in St. John CO.. .N.l!., 2o miles X.E. of St. Joiin. Pop.' loo. SIIAXLV, or \VALL.\(:ES COR- XKIvS, a jiost village i i (IrenviUe co., Out., 8 miles from Spencerville. Pop. 70. SIIANXOX VALE, a po.^t oflice in Ri'Sfigouehe co., X.l!., 5 nnlei from Dalliousie. SIIAXXOXViLLE,a liourisliing post village of Ontario, co. of Ilasti igs, on tbe Salmon river, 1.' miles from tiie IJay of Qninte, a ul 'on the (I. T. R, -lu.j miles "W. of King ton. V ssels of all sizes come up Irom tl.c bay to tliis ])ort and take and deliver cargoes. I It contains a large saw null, a lioiiring mill, 2 tanneri'-s. about a dozen stong, a telegraph oilice, and '.'> cljurclics. Poll. Toit. SIIAXTV r.AV, a post onice in Siro coe c )., Out., ti miles from llarrie. SllARliOT LAKE, a station on the Kingston and Pvndiroko railway, 4'! mib's X'. of KiugsU)!!. Out. SIF.AROX, or liAVlDTOWN, or HOPE, a ])ost vlllar^ in Vork co., Out., 4\ miles from X'l'wmarket. It contains a telegraph (liice, a foundr}', saw mil!, flour. ng mill, and several stores. Pop. 4ijO. SIIAIM'L'S lUnOC-E, or ('.\.M. LRllJlil], a p>)st village in Ivings co., X S., .'i miles from WaterviUe. Pop. bsu. SIIAIU'E'S t'o;;XEi:S, Durliam co.. Out. See Id I. SlIAUPTOX, a povt village in Frouienac co., (hit, 12 miles from KillL'Stol. Pop. 1 0. SUAWLUIDCi:, a p iSt village in 'firrc bcniie co., i.^'A'.. U miles froui St. Jirome. It contains a store and 2 saw SIIAKE-Pi:.M;E, a thrivi igpo^tvil- ige in Peril 1 e ). Out., on the O.T. P 82 mil' s W. of Toronto. It contains several st.irc: graiili MsTi'Ui'ies. a id hotels, and 2 tele- 4()i). SIIAMI'.LEil'S OOVE, a ns'ungset- tlemcnt in tlie di-t.'ict of jJonavi.^la. Nfld., 8 miK .om Green's) Pond. r op mills. P r S11A\VEXI;(..V\. or ST. LOXI- FACE a post viil.ig" m St. .Ma irico •()., Que, on the Kiver St. .\I.i'irice, 2;{ miles from Three Rivers. It coutain.s >aw and grist mills. Thi! sluiiendoua Falls of tbe S!iawen"gau, 150 feet high, and secontl only to Xiagara, are in the vicinity. Pop. 25u. m P li iff Jfl |!>', SHE 312 SHE 'rt m n . i i SIIAWVILLK, a jmst ofTuv in Carlo- ion CO., N.Ii.. on the River .Si. Joim, .">] miles iihovc WodiNtock. SIIKA'S lilVKIl, or BROOK VIL- LAS K, a post villiif^e in Invernes.'^ co., N.S., H rnile.-i from .Mahon. Pop. 200. SIIKDDEN, Victoria co., Ont. See Col)i)('()nk. .SiilODlJON, a station on the C. S. R., in Ki^^in co., Ont., H mileri from St. Thomas. Slli;i)IA(>, a post town ami jiort of entry on an island, near the month of a river of the same name, on the S.IO. coast of New IJrim.suick, co. of West- iiiorhuul. Tiic town has a tolerable hariior and some trade. Here is a station stores, hotels several mills, and a larii^c boot and shoe fictoiy. The nnmber of arrivals for 1H7J was 2f;7 (tons <;4,r):!'J), and the clearaiioes '2'>4: (tons 07,7 1 o). Total value of imports ^2r)2jG;"j."> ; exports $:;(»], in. I'op. r.oo. SIIKDIAC liRIDCIE, a post oflice in Westmorland co., N.ii., j miles from Shediae. .SIIKDIAC ROAD, a jiost settlement in Westmorland eo., X.I]., I.', miles from Shediae I'op. 1 0. SlIKKXnORO', a post settlement in 1 G miles from Chi- o:iliac co., Que , Chester. Pop. ;>"):). SIIKKT il.\RlJOR,a i)ost village in Halifax CO., .\.S., on the Atlantic coast, 77 mile- E. of Halifax. It has several saw mills, stores a. id shipyards. Po}). BTf). SHEFFIELD, a post village in Snn- liury CO., N'.l!., on the River St. John, O-l mih's from St. John. It is the seat of the Shellield Academy, one of the best educational institutiois in the province, and contains an hotel and 2 stores. Pop. l.")(i. SlHOFFl i.IiD, a post village in Went- worth f o. ' ■ 'as 3 store ■ 'liv'-FIELD MILLS, a post village N.S,, at Hie head of ., Ont., 14 miles from Dundas. Pop, i:)0. ;ii c ). 7 miles from KentvilU !Iii' I anf river, i'oi'. "o^ Sl'ilFORDj a county in the S.W. central part ot Quebec, drained by the river, and traversed by the Stanstead, Siied'ord, and Chainbly railway. Area ;?."> 7, 7G2 acres. Uapilal, Waterloo. Pop. li;»,077. SHEFFORD MOUNTAIN', a post village ill Sl:efi')rd co., Que, 'l.\ miles fiian Uraiibv. Pop. loO. SIIELiU:i":.\E, a couniy in the S.W. extreiniiy of Nova Scotia, b(M'dering on theAtla'ulic Aroa li;. SiIKi;l!i:()OKF, an incorporatcil town lit (^)uol)i'C, capital of tlie o. (if Slierbrooke, on botli sides of the Iliver .Mau'oir. and oi tlic (Jrand Trunk and .Ma.s-awippi \'alley railways, and at I!ie \V. ti'rniinus of the St. Fraicis and liake ,M>'.Lran; the h 'ad t)nice.-> of the East- n-.i Townships IJank, 1 branch bank, the cliief odice in Canada of the British America Land Comoany, several assu- lanceaml insurance ajj^oncies, churches (;f .") or () denomi latioiis, !> pri.itinj^ otlices issuiii!^ weekly uewspa[)ers, an academy, about 30 .stores, and mauu- f dories of woollen and cottnu clot!i<, lliiiuiels, iron casliii)tia, co. of Guysborou^h, on the estuary of the River St. M.arys. about \1 miles from the Atlantic and 1J4 miles E.N.E. of ilalifa.v. Ship- Ituiltlinji; is en;^a.;'ed in to soma e.^clent, and lar mihs from the east side of the I't. Anne dcs .Mollis to the Maiane. They staml on a breadth of from 2 to <> mih-s, at a distance of about 12 miles from the St, Lawrence, and rise into jioin^s attun- ing heights of between :i,0 of ls72 was X'Ol.S.oOO. Pop, 0, Pop, 142. S1H':RI1)AX, a post village in Ihiltou SHIPLEV, a iiost vilbig- in Perth CO., C):it,, 4 miles from Uukville. It ' co. Out., 8 miles from Palmcrston. has 2 stores. Pop, 100. Pop, 1' 0. . , yi I m "}':■[ Ilfl'i ^ i" 'rt I ^f# ■^ ljj w* < ^^!! fl Mif II 1 «» 1 1 I! I' t i|-t I 1 SIIO 314 SIL SIIIPMAX'S COI.'MKIIS, JJrant CO., Out. Sc<' Ifdsthaiik. Smi'I'KtiAX ,111 i.^laiKl of Ni-w IJniiiswicl;, ritar its X 1]. coaat, iit tlio y.K. ('iitrii!i(*.'i)t' i; lii- i\(,':i (JliiilcurH. It is of soiiicwiiat ti'iaiij;:ili'.r sliapo, abjiil 20 iiiil'.'s loiiir 1)V Id miles broiul. Siill'l'IiCAX, ii scai>nrl town of N^'W l!iMi..<\vick, CO. of (lloiici stt r, at till; ciitraiicc to IJak- di'S Clialnirs, Tit iiiilfs from (."iialliain, 70 ihHl'.s from IJatliurst, 11 !• miji's from Quebec. It ba.s a liu" iuiriior with ^ni(j(l aiielioraj^i! for lilt' lai';:c.-;l vi.'ssels, and coii'iains a telcL^'iilili (llie^' aiiij .'-everal stores. Tlio iiiliabilaiit.s are cliietly oiij^aged in tlio lislieri's. The number of arrivals for 1M72 wastJ (tons 72:> ; exports .•?L!2,804. I'oji. 500. SIIll'TOX, 11 post villa{?e in Ricli- moud CO., Que., on t!ie River Nictdet, ;i miles from Danville. It contains iv number of saw millSj several jirist mills, and a .-late (quarry. Pop. 'IM. SlIOAIi RAV, ii lislmig seltl'incnt in the district of Ferrylaiul, Xtld., lo miles from St. John's. Copper ore is found here. Top. In:;. SlIOAIi 1;AV, a li^hiiijr ^ in the district of Twilliiiifatc and Foffo. XH i., 7 miles fn):ii Foi^o. Pop. 50. SHOAL 1!.\V, a lishitij; s-tllvment on Cotterelis Idand, litiuavista l!ay, Nlld.. lu miles from Grceu',s Pond. Pop. 01. SHOAL P.AV. a pottlcment in fbd fa.x CO., \.S., 52 miles X.E. of ilalil'ax. pop. 2(10. SHOAL i'0\H, a lishintr sctllcmcut on the French slioro, Nlid., 45 miles from Cape Xormau. MIOAL H.VIHiOR, a fishincr settle- ment on the S. side (/f Trinity Pa}', Xild.. 11 miles from Hearts Content. Pop. 70. SIIOJ: COVE, a fisliiug settlement in the district of l'wil!iiij:^ate and Fo;j:o, Xlld., 4 miles from Tilt Cove. i'op. •2;;o. SHOE COVE, a fishiujr .qcttlemont on the X. side of 15 uiavisia Pay., Xfld., .J mib's fVoni Ciiveii's P<;nd. 'P(.ip. 42. SIIO0E!;Ri;D,apost villacre in l!oua- venture c '., t^ue., on t!ie liiver Resti- gouche, n . ar the mouth of the X'o.ivelle river, 2!V, miles from Camijbellton. Pop. 175. ^ SHORT nEACH, VariiK^uth co., N.S. See Dirliiii^'s Lal;c. SlIliEWSlU'RV, a i.ost oITicc in Ar};i'nteuil co., Que., lo miles from Llicllllte. SHRKiLEV, a jiosl v;lla;,'c in Crcv CO., Uit., 2L5 miles from C llinywooil Pop, bSi). ^SHLMJEXACADIE, a post villa^rp i i ('olchester co., X.S., mi tlie Shubeiuira- die river, 2o miles lr..m its iiiouili, a id on the I. il, .'J.-i miles frimi Hal (ax. It contains several br:ck .elds, a tannery, pail factory, saw mdl, 2 hotels, '.'< stores, and a lide;;rapli ollice. Poji. ;;5u. Slll'LlJC, a seapoit of Xuva Scotia, CO. of Climb riaiid, en ("lii.ijiiecto JJayj 24 Hides tV(!m .Macca i. Pop. 75. SIDDELLSVILbE, a villa.ije m .Middlesex co.. Out., 1 miles IVoiu Ail-a Craii,'. Poll. 5o. Sli)XEV'(;ROS^IXG, a ixistoHiic and telcjjfri'ph station in ll.isting-s co., Ont. SIDXEV, or SVDXEV, Aiitigonisli CO., X.S. See Aiit:.u:oiholi. SIERRA, a jiost viUajxe in (•len'^iirry CO., O It., 11' miles from P.iviire Raisia. Pop. loo. SUniT POIXT, a ]>o. t viihijrc in luverness co., X.S., 15 miles from Maboii. Pop. 150. SKl.XAL HILL, a bed I juid i 'cimvs- qiie 1 roniontory on the X.s'de ofthefii- tranco to the harbirof St. John's. XUI. It is 52 I feet high. SUiXAV, a village in Chicoutir.ii CO., Que., 45 miles from Cliicoutimi, Pop. 50. SILLERY COVE, or St. COLO.MD, a post village ai:d i'arish of i-Jueliec, co. of Quebec, on the X'. shore of the St. Lawrence, (J miles above Quebec The parish contains Anglican and Roman (Jatholic churches, a 1 irge c >iivent, nii academy, several schools, 17 timber coves, a number of stores, and about 3,.5oo inhabitants. SILLSVILLE, a post village in Lennox co.. Out., 15 miles from X'apa- iiee. Pop. ()0. SILOA.M, a post oOi 'e on Ontario co., Ont., 5 miK's from Uxbridge. SlLVEl'i CR1:EIv, a post village in llalton CO., Onl.,;J:i iiuh s from CJeorgc- I town. Pop. to. SILVER IIA.'IE'S ISLAXI), on the ' X. side I f IJoi'avista li.iy, Xdd., G miles [ from Green's Pond. Pop. 45. ffi SIX ni.") KMI iclurrs- rri.Mll. icouliiai couiimi. .0MB, a l)l'C, CO. the !St. jec The lliniian •I'llt, Mil tiuilior '\ about l;ip;e in nil XiiiJii- tiUMO CO., illiigc in (.leurge- ). on the G miles SILVER IlilJ., a jiost vilhxtro in nvnt in ('umhoHaiiil fo., X.S.,_ on Noifi/lk c')., ():it., 12 iniK'S from X iriliiinibeihin 1 Strait, K> lulled from Sinicoe. ll ha.-! :> slore.i. I'op. .")0. SIliVKIl I.-iUiT, a i)!)sl uliii'e in the tli-tricl of .Aljjonia, Ont., 'JJ miles tVuin Til ; '.(Ivr i; .v. SlLVEli LAIvV:, Victoria CO., Ont. Sec (1 Iwa.v. Sn.VKil.SliOI-:, iv post ofTico in Siin- cc, Ont., I4 mi! ■.-! fniin New LoW' Tlio;!).-nli. I'olK -I'iO .V..1X l'0,;TA(;i':S, a ixsl vilhv^'o in Ottawa ci)., (.^iic, on the iiiver (iali- iicau, HO miles N. cf OUawa. It lias a tc!(':rra;iii ullice. I'op. l-'). Si\1;aI)'S M1Mj>, v'arh'ton Co., Oat. See I'.iit.Miiiia. SKIl'XiiSS, a post villifTC in Unice SIliVKH. STi;KA.M,aposi s 'lih.' ncnt i co., Out., u;;^ m.lcs t'roia Owen Suniid. in Victoria co.. In IJ , G miles from Ivliiimi'! -ioa. To;) 1,")Q. SIMt'OI'vi CO ;iity ot Ontario, chiefly h;.'l\veen Lak'? S lacoc uiul (!eorc?.an IJuy. Area l,0';."),'j!i;i ncrc.s. It i.-i' iii- tei'.s;'ct(d by tiic N'orl!i' rn railway. Capital, IJaiTie l'<)[i oT, :;.-:). Sl.MCOi'], an iiKMiporaloil town of Ouiariu, capital ( f t::e co. of Xjrfollc, on the River Lynn, an 1 on the O. W. 11. (Canaihi Air rue), about 8 mii'M X. of Lake Ec['\ and i; 1 iii'I s from IJraiit- fonl. II. cniilain-J, 1)1' :ih'.-i lie co.iti y buihliiu", churclii':^ for the Epi?coiia- liah!, .Mciliodusts, Pr.'.ibytenan.', Co 1- grei;-alioi;;, and 15apti.-;t.-!, li lirancii bank.-:, sevcial as-iiraiic;' ;iiid iii:5 nance aK^'ncieSj'a j^rainniar and .s-viral com- mon schools, a telei^rapli ollic?, 2 pri it- iiif; ollic'.'s issninj^ weekly iiews[)aiier.-!, manufactories of iron ca.-^tmg.-^, mi I machinery, soap and candle.s, potash, I a'lier, woolh.-n.-, &c.^ .a di.-;iillery, brewery, scvcimI ,-aw and ilonring mill.-, and a number of store:; Poo. 1,85!;. SlXr.IIAMPTOX, or MAD RIVER jMIliL."^, a po.-l vdl.i.ue in Siincoj co., Out, 1^ mil.'.s from Coiringwo:)d. It has a woollen factory, and a telegraph ollice. Pop. 100. SIR JOii.V S ISL AXD, Frontenac CO., Ont. Sfc II we I.daud. SISTERS, THE, three Ldaiids at the \y. e.xlreniiiy of Lake Erie, two be- longing to Canaila the third to the I'liit d Slates. Tiie largest contains about 2.") acres. SIX MILE i;!;OOI\, apost village in I'ictou CO., X.S., i) miles fi'oiu West River. Pop. 00. SIX MILE CROSS, or AXDERSOX COllXliliS, a [lost village in lluutiiig- ton CO., C^>ue., 3.") miles from Cangli- nawnga. It contains a store and a saw mill. Pop. ISO. SIX MILE ROAD, or IIILLS- BOitl'UGil, a post village and cettle- I'op. oO. SK1.\XERS POM), a ])ost village in i'rince co., P E.I., lo m.les iVota Alberto 1. Pop. lo ». SKVE, a iiost vilhi,'e in (llenrarry CO., t)iit., 32 miles from Cornwall. Pop. loo. SKVE (J LEX, a iiost .-eitlement in Inverness CO., N.S., funiles from Wliyco- eoinah. Pop. 200. SLESWICK, a jmst villa-je in (' ird- Avell CO,, Out.. I miles from .Mono Road. Pop. .".o. SLIil ', a jiost village in Cardwcdl CO., Out., ;! miles from ( Mi.u'le.-.ton. Pop. To. SLUICE POIXT, a .s;n:dl village in Vannouth co., X.S., o.', miles from Tusk.'t. SM.VRT'S ISLAXI), on tlie X. side of IJonavisla l>iy, XlM., 1 i.iih' f.'om (Iree I's Pond. S.MITII Ci'.ELK, a j.ost settlement in Kings co., X.l!., 1) miles from Susse.v. Pop. 200. SMITH FIELD, a post ollice in Cnys- b(>rou'.;!i Co., X.S. SMiriHTELl), a post village in X' .rtimmberlai-.d co., Out., mil s fVom IJrighton. It ha.5 2 s!or.;. Pop. 1 >. S.dlT;: FIELD, iluntingdo i co., (,»iie. See Dundee. S.MITIIS, a post village i 1 ^Vestlllo^- land CO.. X.l!., 2 mih'S from Siiediac. Pop.' SMITH'S, a villag'ir. Pictou <■()., X.S., T miles from .N'ew Ol,: '^mw. S.MITHS COIwNERS, Kent co., Ont. See .Merlin. S.MITHS CORXERS, Mi.!dle.-ex co., Ont. See Lewrav. SMITir.S CORXEIhS Xorthumber- laiid c I., Ont. Wookr. SMITH'S COVE, a post village in Digliyco., X.S. ,011 Annapolis bi-^iii, l.")^ miles from AimaMolis. I'op. 12 <. S.MITH'S FALLS, an incorporated town of Ontario, co. of Lanark, on tho r l.r|l t J ^:- !:»■ K I [ m^t i\ I 'i SOD 31G SOO Ridciiti Cdiiiil, .111(1 on the 13. k 0. R., 2H miles N.W.ul" Urockville. ll lias manufaclorit'rf of wooHl-us, ayricultiiial inipli'incut-:, stoves, pl(jii)^lis. axes, mill imu'liiin'iy, KmIIri', wooden ware, &c. ; several p,'''"^' '""' •■^"■^^' "'^" t •"* I'roli'staiit eiiuri'lies, a llomaa (Jailiol'c clmiiel, 2 tel 'giaiili olliees, and a mim- berof stores. I'd]). !,.")|)0. JSMlTll.S illLL, Umouco.jOnt. Seu Carli)\v. S.MllirS ISLAND, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, oll'llie coast ofliivemuss co., N.S., 2 miles IVom I'oi'l Hood. S.MITIIS MILL.S, a post villa^a- in kStaiistead co., (^iie., on the .M. V. li.,'U inik'-i f!'om .Sla islead. It has a woollen I'aclorv and a t(diifrai/li ollic ■. l'o;i. 00. S.Mrnrri .MIid>i5, 1'd icc Edward co., Ont. Se.' DeiiinroilviUe. iS.MlTHTOW'.N, a post villa;';o in Kings CO., .\.l!., 1 miles from Us->'keaj^. It contains 2 saw and grist mills, 2 Woolie'i laelories, &c. Pop. l.")0. .S.MlTIHinST, a post village in ^yel- lingtviii CO., Out., li miles fruui CliU'oi'd. Poi». 81). S.MITIIVILLIO, a thriving post village in Lincoln co.. Out., situated on the Jordan or Twenty Mile ('reek, 8 miles from Urim.-by. It contains 2 iron foundries, several saw and gi'ist mills, a number of stores, :; hotels, and a telegranh ollice. Pop. IJJO. SNAKE ISLAND, a beautiful island in Lak,' Siiiicoe, uccupied by a tribe of Cliii)pew.i Indians. Pop. I'-'H. SNI'jDDKN'S, a st.uion on the 15. & 0. K., i'l Lanark co., Out., 55^ miles from i!roekville. SNIDE R'S CORNER, Northumber- land CO., Ont. See .Morg.mston. SNOOK'S AR.M, a lishing set. lenient in the district of Twdlingale and Fogo, Nlld., 5 miles ffDin Tilt Cove. Pop. 3"). SNOW VILLA(;E, llastiugs co., Ont. Si'O Thurlow. SODA OREElv, a post town in tlij district uf Oariljoo, B.C., situated on the left bank >d" the Fras.'r river, 2GS miles above Yale. Two lioteN, a telegraph ollice, and one private resi- dence con^prise the town. There are several fine farms in the neighbor- hood. Tlie lakes in this district are well stocked with H.sli ; — tnait, grey mullet, whitelish, and several other varieties abound. Deer and grouse are plentiful, and yearly the salmon jiass U]»on thelrwav t ) the'r .^[jawiilng [ilac^ above. The I''ra.-er is ii.ivigaMe fiuui here to Que.-nel, a distauc; of Go inile:j north. During the sunnner sea-oa a stern wheel steamer makes bi-weekiy trips. SOIXANTE, a village in St. Ily.i- cinthe CO., Que., on the (i. T. R,"'2.S miles fnan Montreal. It lias a teL'gViiph tjlliee. Pop. 22."j. SOLl.N'A, a post village in I);iriiii;ii CO., Out , 7 mill's from Dowiuanville. Po]). 12:.. S(.).M1}RA, a ].ost village iu nolhweil CO., Out., on the RiverSt. Clair, 21 mil s :,':'apli ollic- \\)\>. loo. from Sarnia. It lias a tele; ■1 slores, and 2 saw mills. SONOR.\, a post setil'ineut iu Cuy-'- bori)Ugh CO., N.S., 8 mih'S from Slier- lirooke. P p. 200. SO.MENOS, a juj t oOice in the dis- trict ot N'aucouver, iJ.C. SOMERSET, a post village in Kings CO., N.S., 2 miles fruni Berwick. Pop. 18». S(.).MKRSET, a post village iu Prince CO., P.E.I., 12 miles from Summersid/. Poj). 2,'.0. SO.MI'iR.SI'iT, a settlemciit fti Lunen- burg CO., N.S., 11 miles from Bridge- water. Pop. 7."). SO.MERSET, or PLESSISVILLE, an incoriioraled village in .Megantic co.. Que., on the C. T. R., ol miles S.w! of Quel)v'c. It contains several saw, grist a id carding niill.s, a tannery, an iron f)undry, t(di graph ollice, chureli, convent, hotels and stores. Pop. 1,200. St^.MERSET, NORTH, a tract in th'> Arctic regiun of the North West Ter- ritories, forming the N. part (jf Itoolhia Feli.K, and mostly between lat. 7;} and 71 N., and W. of Ion. 80 W., having E. Prince Regent Inlet, and N. Barrow Sliait, separating it from C irnwallis Island and North Devon, Cape Clarence is its N.E. extremity, op[)o- site which is Prince Leopcdd' Island. It was discovered by Sir E. Parry in 1819. SOMERVILLE, a post village in Carleton co., N.B., lOj miles froai Woodstock. Pop. loo. SO.N'VA, a iiost village in Ontario CO., Out., ;') miles from Wick. Pop. ^'0. SOOKE, a settleni'iit on Vancouver Island, !{.C.,on Juan Ue Fuca Strait, W of Esquimau. Gold is found here. sou • > 1 1 8()U SOPKIITON, a j.ost onicc in Leeds CO., Oiit., 7 iiiiirs l'.i>;.i F.i.i.i ■r.,vill,'. t<(h;iJ>, or -^'.11, MAM Jli;.\liV, nil i.i(;i>r[)(UMii;il tmvn of (.^iii'ljfC, cr.-!, 'J branch bank.-!, several liole'.-J, ;{ or 4 ciinrche.s, and a numljcr of stores. Thi.-i i,s tln' winter (luarler-toCucuilyull iho.steanibo.its and c:iU"t plyiiiLT iM-lween .Monlreal and Quebec. Miifibuildin;;:^, for whicli there nri! excellent f cililie.-^j i.s lar^^ely eii^'a;,'ed in. A iMJlway i.s in c;nnve ('f e"us:rnc;:un fium Montreal to Surel. Top. o, (.;;■;. .SOULANT.E.S, a otmty nt the W. c.\Ueniity ofoiicb^c/oorderingou the .St. liawr.'UC'.', iiiid travi'r.s-nl Dy i!ie Grand Ti'iink riihv:'y. Area .S7,'Sc-'{) acrrs (,'.;;'it;U, (Joleiiu LandiuL;'. Pop. l'i,HOS. bUlJl'JS. or COLVILLE liAY, n ticaporl town of Prince Kdward Idand, CD. of King.-i, on the Illver Simris, near il-i entrance into the Oulf of Si. Law- renc;', and al the iKjrthern torminns of the Prince Ed'.vard I -land railway, (.Mount Stewart and .Sonrii brancli,; .j'J miles from Cliarloltetown. Sliip- bidklin,!^ and fi.diin;^ arc the chi.f occnpation of the inhaiiitants. The town contains severid otores and mills. Pop.rv'O. .SOUT.'I, a settlement in Tiimenbnrg CO., X.8., 3 miles iVum Lunenbnrjf. Pop. i:]ii. SOUTHAMPTON, a post .seftlement in York co., X J>., on the iiiver St. John, 4.J miles above Froderictoii Pop. ?'')<). SOUTHAMPTON', a post viHagn in (hnnberland o., N..S., on the Maccan river, G miles from AiLol. It contains 2 Presbyterian charches, 2 stores, 3 hotels, 2 saw mills. I grist mill, ami a wooUea mill. Pop. 225. _ ' orTHAMPTO.V, or SAUCnKX, a rxi i'^ town of Ontario, co. of l;r;ice, nt the monih of the>;ai;;^a'en river in Lako H'.roM, aid at the N. torminns • f tho \y. V>. k 15. i:., CO m.les from Goderich. See S.m^jcn. SOfTilAMPTON ISLAND, on the N. .-ide of llnd.- 'lis iiav, is l a id ^7 W. The coasts are ri!.i:,j:'(l a nl le.or.nfa'n- ous. Cape SonI laiinptMn fi'i'ins ii.n S. txtreniiiy. It is cmij (•;i:i( (I to be a C(dlectii)n of i.-Iand.-, bill it; interior is U .0 I'lored. sol' HI liAIl OF .SVONiiV KIVFIJ, a seaport town of ('a;'e Imc;. n co , .\.S., (i Hides frotn Svdii y. U c .ntiii..* an irun fonndiy, a laree shoe facloiy, u marine ylip, and .several ]'riis;ieroi!3 st"res ami hotels, iiere the coals from (he Sydney mines are shipped; ,-hip- biiildinj,' and a considerable busine.-'S are carried on. Pop. '.'>'){>. SOFTil HAIiXS'lON, a po^t villa'.,'c in Stanstead cu., <,ine., 11 miles fn^ni Co.'ltieook. pop. 1 10. sol 'Til iJ.W, a ollice in Prince E Iward CO., Ont., l-> miles Pie- toa. SOl'TII MAV, a po^t vill i_L,^e Ju Vic- toria CO., N.S., 'H mdes from' IJaddeck. Prp. I 0. SOITII IJAV, n post vi!!ai,r,. ia St. John CO., N.i! , 3 mil.'S from FairviUe. Pop. loo. SOL'TII LOLTON, a post villatvo in P.riim" CO., Que, l'j\ mil's from ^\ater- loo. It has a t' 1 .rra[ih o.iice and a saw mill. pop. lL''i. SOUTH i] :ANCII, a i)ost .settle- ment in Kings co., N.H., on the soiilli branch of the River Kenmdiaccasis, G mil's from i'enob-ipiis. Pop. I'ni). SOUTH liRANCH. a poit village in Colchester co , N.S., on the sonth br.mcli of the River Stewiacke, G.', miles from Upjcr Sti'wiaeke. pep. li."."). SOUTH BRANCH OiiOMOCTO, iSuiibnrv CO., N 1>. .'>.,'e IJli.^sviile. SOUTH CAVUtJA, or FRVS COR- NERS, a ])OSt village in llaldimand co., Ont., ■) miles from Dnnnvdh;. It has 2 stores. Pop. 50. SOUTH DIUDO, asmall fidiing set- tlement (HI Trinity IJav, Nlld. Pop. 10. SOUTH DOURO, a post village in Peterborongh co., Ont., 10 miles from Peterborongh. Pop. 100. Wi .J .. 'H ill i ':i\ '#: V--' '.] \. ■*'. sou 313 SOU IH ■ii ! ■"! m SOUTH DfM.MKIJ, a post onirn in Pelt rl) ii'oiijrli CO., Out., 15 mika truiu Pctcrl) iroii^li. SOUTH DIMMIAM, Drummoud c«., Que. S i.: Ni'W Dm Imiii. SOl'Til I'iASr lilCHT, a (ishiiiK BOttli'liictil on the W. Hide' of IMiicciltiil IJay, Mid., J iiiili'.s from I'uradisi.!. I'up. HI. SOUTH i:.\ST I'.V.S.S.UH'], a yofil oflici' m Hal r.i\ c)., N.S., H luilcs IVoui IJalilax- SOiiTH KL.MSIJ;V, Lci«ds oo., Out. See li'iKiiiii' ly SIU' i"il iiUV, a 1 o-t villaiji' in Slicf- ford CO., (^iic, 7 miles from \Valerl(jo. Pop. \:.:> Sori'iH'Wl.V JJAY, a (ishiiiB seltlo- meiil on liie W. b'idi; of llnnavirita I!ay, Nlld., 10 mili'd from Sal .'age. Pop. Id'J. SOUTHKIIN HAlii:OR,afisliiiiff set- tleme M on tin; .N.IO. side of Plaeenlia Bay, .Nlld., 2 uiiled from ha Mancue. Pop. 'J 4 SOUTH FALLS, a liamlct in Siiuooe CO., Ont. S(»UTH FINCH, a i)ost village in Stormout (M., (> t,. lii miles from Wale.s It eoiiiains 2 .^a\v mills and 3 store.-!. Pop I'i'l. SOUTH 1'()1;1:LAN'1), Es.sexco.,Ont. See I'oi It l';K''. SOUTH GLOUCESTER, a post vil- lage in Uii.^.sell co., Out., 7 miles from Ottawa I'oo. G'l. SOliTH COWER, or PELTOX'S CORNERS, a p^^t vdl.ige in Caen- ville CO., Ont., 11 miles from Kempt- ville Pop i;;». SOUTH GRANIiY, a iwst village in SheU'ord co , Que., 71 miles from CJran- by. Pop. [M. SOUril GUT OF ST. ANNS, n post BCftlemenl in Victoria co., N.S., 12 \ miles from Haddeek Pop. l.'iH. SOUTH JIA.M, Wolfe co., Qi.e. See Hum SOUTH IIARROR, a vdlagc in Vic- toria CO., N S.,on t!:e Atlantic coast, 71 mili'S tVoJti l>,,dd 'ck. SOUTH HILL, a bold and pic- turesque jiromontory at the souiii side of the entrance to the harbor of St. John.sNtld. If i.s 700f-et hiL'h. SOUril IHN'CHINT.ROOKE, Himt- ingdon CO., Que. S e HehMri. SOUTH LAC.I'AISSE, formerly MCDONALD'S MILLS, a post village in Glengarry co., Ont., H miles from Lochiid, 27j mile.s trum Riviere Ruis ii. It contains 1 store, a iil saw, grisL and cardinir mills. Pop. &l}. S(»l fH LAKi;, a post vilhi^r,. j„ L^eds CM., O it., -1 mihs iVom C.uian- Cll'll". Pojl 1 Ml. SlK'TH .McLELLAN'S MoUNTALV, a p.i.>t si'tllemeut in i'ictiui c., N.S., l.'J miles from New (!l,!S;,'(i\v. I*..]), l.'o. SOUTH MAIM'H. a po-t vdia-e in Carleloii co., Ont , 11 naks from Otta- ^sa. Pop. 1)'). SOUni MIDDLETOX, II po.>t vilhig.. in .\orf(dk co., Oni., i' miles iVom Til- sonli'iig. i'lip. i> 1. SOUiH .M()N.\(;n \N, or I5L00.M- FIELI), or CENILLVILLE, a i>osi vdlai; ■ in Pelerbnrougli eo., Out., T) Hides Irom .MiUbiook. it has 2 stiax'S. Pop. I(t0. SOUTH MOUNTAIN, a pretty po.n vilhige in Haul, IS co., Oat , on the Petite Nation River, l.'i miles fi(^m Iroquois. Il has go'^d w,.; r jiower, and c:intaiiis several miU-i jiud store.-:, and a tel gr.iiiii ollic;'. Pop. 2'}'). SOUTH NULSO.X, a p>.-,t village i:i Norllnimberland co., N.IJ., 'J mils froiu Chatliam. SOUTH OHIO, a post village in Yar- moiitli CO., N.S. SOL'TH POTTON. Hrome co.. Que. See Miinsouvill ■ I'ot oa. S 'UTIH'ORT, a s 'aport of Prince Evlward Island, on Hillsliorougli Ray, im.nediattdy oppo-ite CluirloWetowii. It contains a ta uierv, ii broom factory, several saw and ga.-t mills, a brick- field, ),*.i(l slniiyai'ds. A st' am f 'rry runs between here and Charlottetown.' Pop. It; t. SOUTH QUEnEr,a n.airislung post town of Quebec, c ). of Lewis, on the S. side of the St. Lawrence, 2 miles from Quebec. It is one of the moit im]>ortaiit statio is on the (J. T. H., possesses a fine harbor, has an exten- sive lumber and shipiii g trade, and is the port of arrival and dei'arture of the oc^an steamers. It is c>' it'guous to the town of Levi.--, and is strongly ])ro- tected by the formidable fortilications erected a few yea-s ago by the British governmeiit. It has a telegra]ih office and a number < f f^tores. Pop. :),noo. SOUTH RANGE, a settlement in Hants CO., N.S., 9 miles from Digby. Pop. 150. ill: SI' A :ji!) SPE liowor, • K'c i:i Prinre iH'T post on tlie 2 miles ic T. 11., n cxti'n- ', luid is IT (if tlic iimis to ;rly 1)1-0- licafioiis e Driti^b ])Ii office ;!,n!V). lUMit in Digby. SOl'T'I ILUVDON, II po.U soltlc- nu'iit ill ll:m;j co., N.S., lu miles Iroin .Nu\v|MPii. i'<'i' ;!> t. ^(irTil l>IVi:i{ I..\KK,(Jiiysborougli Co., N'.S. S' «-• .' I':-;,)!' Sl'l'i'II JJOCKLAM), u pest ollice in \V(V'lliioii;!ii(l CO , X.i). SOUTH ItOXro.V, u \o-\ omci- in Hiit'H"i''i CO., t tii''., M iiiii('> iViiiii ( iiiiiii'v. Sdi'i'ii siDK iJAsi.v ()!■' i;ivi;"i: DivS'MS, il p .St .-I'tlll lIliMlt I 1 illV 'l- iii's.s Co., N'.S , L'4 lulk'rf tVoiu I'url Jliist iiijr-. I'o;'. - "• SOliTII SIDH OP r.OULAllDKRIK, a jMLst s"lih'i:!(",t in N'icluriii co., N.S., 3 iiiili'.s IVoin Ili'iliiplcrio, Pop. so. .soui'ii SID!; OF \Vi-;sT .^iAI{(JA- ^^I;K, II po.'t .'^.til 'iir'nt ill liivoriH'.-;.-; (• >., N'.S., o'l M iruMn'o nvr, .Ti miles IVoiii Purl II.hmI p.);) Ij.-. SOU I II SIDi; OK \ViIV("Of:o.MAlI r.AY, a ]i')sl -'vilriiK'iit 111 luvi'rin's.s CO., X.S , M luilcf from Whvcoi'Dinali. Poi) 1.".'. SOUTH STPilAM. 11 scttlcmriit in St. John CO., .\ !>., 21 niik'.s (Vnii St. Join. Pop. l.'.i. SOi:Til STUK1:F.V. or STUICKLV, a v.ll.irj' I 1 SluTr.jrd c >., ^'iio., (J inilt'S fi'Min WnUM'loo It oatains a tclcgrai 11 oillc ■, an Episcopal ciuircli, saw mill, taiui ry and scvt'cal siorcs. iiicli coppi-r mm .s arc worked in the vicinitv Po ) 1 ■) ) SOUTlIVll-k!:. a soltlomoMt iii Dij?- 1)V CO., X.S., :; ) m Ics Oigby. Pop. 150. S()UT:I west MAP.On, a I.O.St ofTice in Iiivcni'S.i co., X. .'->., o niik'.s from roi'tlln,.,!. SOUT'l UKSTMlkVTil, Renfrew co., Out. S.'.. i; ; (•!.:, l•(,^ SOUTH ;(K;;:.V,'a vilhiiro in O.d'iiril fi, O I.. 2 mips from Wootl- slork. P.)ii. 1.'. >. SPArp.i|;i)r;)X, a post villago m Addm^i n c ■., O.t., 17 milis from spaxia::;'.; i; w. a railing sottie- iiu'ut 1 I i'.e ''i.-i cL ( f 1 riiiity, Xfld., G miltsf;'(r.n T: Pod :i. Sl'AXIAKD'.S 1!.\V, a lartrc n>lr:nfj ."otUcmi'^t in t (• di tnct of Jlarhor •Main. Xl'il , (.ii a )> y < f the same name, f> iiiip s fr';m H.nlior (5:Mro. Spaiiiard'.s Bay is al-uo^t cnlircly surromided by lii;rh Jiilh, from widcli macfiiiliccnt views of t!r> Mirr iimding country are to be had. Pop. 1,IS-1, SPAXISII niVPi!, II post villapoin till' di.sU'icl «(f Al;,^iiii.i, Out., on (Ji-or- triii I Hay, at tin- in lOih df Sp.i li.sli river, i."»oiMil .s fioni ('u|liii.rwood. Pop. 1(10, SPAXlSli KOO.M, a h.^hiiii,' s.'ttle- int'iit iiikI harb ir nn tin- W. side of Plac'.'it a 15av, Xlld , 7 miles from Uiirin. I'op. II.".. SP.\PT.\. a lli.urisliiii;^ post villapje in KI^Mi cii., Oni , IJ mikvs from St. Tho:n.i.s. It c'.iitaiiis an iron f .nidry, a .'^aw and mil, a t iniuTy, 'a t lej^rapli ollice, luid L^everal .stores, pop !'Mi. SPA SPUIXii.-^, a poU vllla:,'e in Aiiniip'ilis CO., X'.."\, '.'• miles from Wil- mot Poo. loo. SPKiiDli:, or Li;iTil CniiXUUS. u viH oje 111 (Irey e , . (),ii ., d i,iil(;n i'ldiii Owen S iiiiid. it c.a'.aiii.s ;>st(;re3. Pop. lo;i. SPKhDSIDi:, a po^' viUa-re m Wei- Iiirj^ton CO., Oat., i; iii.h.s \\- .\n Pergiis. Pop ;'.') SPKKDSVILI.i;, a in Water- loo CO., Oat 1 1 li.i-! wooij.ii uiiU SPKITCilF/Sk'ovi;, ..!■ i;.\:;tox, a .S'-aport of X )va S-o la. c . of l>.Lrl>y, on St .Marys D.iy. I i mile-ifrom i) u'''V. Il has e.\e'lleat la.eiliii,'S lor i-liip- biiiMiiig. Pop. til) SPKNCK, a i.ost oflic;' iii the iieboC CO., Q.:o , on tlie Rivei St. Lawii'iici', a niiles f;oiii Ow bee Si'KXUKIIS, a vi.kx- in (\)1- che.stcr co., X.S., 7 mil.'.s Irniii Loudon- derrv. SPKXCERS CO\'I':, a pettlo- 111" it on \j 'W'ri I. land, Xiid.. jo mile.<« from kittle'it.a Po;. T I SPI'kXCHIfS ISLAXii, a office in Cumberland co._ X S., nti .Minas? k'hannel, 2:i iii:l"s tiMin l'arr.-I)oroii;,'li. SPI-k\(:kli\lkk!', a ihrivintr jmst vill.ige ia OreiiV'll • eo ,Oi)l., on I he St. ]j. & (). P., !» miles from P. escort. It contain.s a lelecfraph oilic •, and several .^tures iind umIIs. Pop. 'J,".i). SPEXIHC'S Hkllx;!-:. a post town in the district if V;ile. !;.('., on the Yale and Caribiio waiX'Tim read, 80 miles north of Yale, and 2.'! iirles fn^ni tlift Thompson river's juuctiou with tho »ti ij» ■it: i , i lit 'M im^'i : I If^ 'H SPR 320 SPJ Fraspr. It conlains a tclograph ofTu'c, a moiCiirulu.L;.tMl sUitiou, an hotel, a store, aii'l a l)lack.siiiitli\s sijop. The bridge .siiaiiuiii^- the ThiJiiip^uu river is a wondoii sUiicliire oOd f,jet loiijx. Tlie iish iVcijiieiil iig Uie Thoiiip.j(jn iuv isaliiiDU, sahnuu truui, mountain trout, wliili-i sh ;!iiil suckers. iSi'i'lV.SlDJJ, a ])ost village in Ilalton CO.. (Jill., uii Hpeyside ereek, .') luiie-i Ironi Acloii. li has 1 store, 1 liotijj 1 tamury. auil '2 s'lw mills. Pop. 200. .SPli'\i: :S COUNl'^US, Fronleiiac co., Ont. S-'e llarrousmitli. SP1LL.\U'.S COVE, a fishing «ett.le- r.K'nl m tin' disliict of" Trinity, Nlld., '.', v.\i\"A i -ii'.i n.'iiavista. Pop. 40. tiPOLT CON'iJ, a li.-^hiiig settlement oa tlie X. :-lii)ro of Conception 15ay, MM., [) miles from Carbonear, P. p 40. SPRAC.Ur:S POINT, a iM)st village, in K::;g.-; co., X.IJ., near llio lu-ail of JJellei.-le Hay, 10 miles from Norton. Pop. 2."(). hPPlXiV ARDOUR, a post village in Xurt'olk CO., Oiit.j'Jl mile> from Tilson- burg It CO ilains 2 stores and 2 saw mills. I'oj). 100. SI'RlX('il!AN'K, a jtost vill.ige in Mi(.ldl'.'-e.v CO., Out., 7 miles from Slratli- roy Pop. 1.^0 SP!;lXi;i;KCOK, a village in Peel CO., ():il., 2 miles from IJnunpton 8Pi:i.\(.;i;U00K, or MrlCKXZIK'.S (X)ii.\i'^iv, a post village in Hasting-! CO., Ont., ;M miles fniin Uclloville. It 2 stores, 2 hotels, .'! .saw mills and 1 grist mill. Tiicre are G churches and (> clieese factories in tlie township in which this village is situated (Raw- don) Pop. '? »o. SPRlXdlMiOOK, Wellin-ton Co., Ont kS'e Wva idot. SPRI.VOFrKLD, a post olllce in Annapolis co., X..S., 20 miles from Lawrcneetown .SPRIXOI'IKLD, apost ollieein York CO., N.i!., 11 miles from Kcswiek Ridge. SPRIXCFIKLD, a jiost villag.'in ()iu'ens cd., P. I'M., 2 1 miles from Char- lo;t"!(iwn. Po',(. 40. SPRIXCFIKLI), a settlement on the N, side of ('oncepfion Rny, Xild., 2 miles froTii Rriuk CO., X.n., on the S. side of the St. John, f) mik'S a'love Freder'eion. It contains saw, grist and carding mill-;. Po:). 2.",o. SI'iilXG HILL, a post village in Cumberland en., X.S., on the 1. li., l\l[ mil s fr.mi Ilalihix. P( jt. 120. SPRIXti IHLL, astatii,n-.i tlie Xew Rrunsuiek railway, in Vorl; co., N.lJ., on the X. side of the River St. John, 5^ m Ks IVom Fredericton. ^SPRIXG HILL, York eo., Ont. Sec SPRIXG HILL COAL MIXES, :i po?t village ill ('umlierhuid co., X.S., 4nrk's from Spring Hill. It contains I church, 5 stores, 1 hotel, and 7 saw mills. A company is engaged in raising coal from the e.vte isive beds this iiart of the countv. Pop. 200. SPRIXG IHLL RO.AD, ( r ATIIOT,. a post village in Cumbeiland co., X.s. on the I. R., 12G miles from Halifax. bPRIXGTOWX, a jiest village in Queens CO., P.E.I., 14 miles from Ch: r- lottetown. Pop. 2:;0, SPRIXGT(J\VN, Renfrew co., Out. See SPU'lXGVALE, a post vill- ge in Ilaldiinaud co., Out , 4 miles f'n m IlagersviUe. It has 2 stores. Pep. 120. SPRINGVILLE, a post village in Peterbonnigh co.. Out., G miles frein Pe'erborough. Pop. loO. SPRINGVILLE, a post village in Piet(Hi CO., X.S., on the East river, 10 miles from New Glasgow. It has ;i cloth mill and a store. Pop. ^J-'iO. SPRUCE LAKE, a post pettleniont in St. John co., 'S.V>., on a lake of the .«:ame name, 7 miles from St. John. Pop. 100. SPRY P. AY, a seaport of Nova Scotia, CO. of Halifax, tm the Atlantic coast, Go miles X.E. of Halifax. Po]). 200. SPPRR'S COVE, a village adjoin- ing Fairville, St. John co., N.U., 3 milei 'iS, a post, t ctiutuins d st'vorul Out. See k-:llago in Clin i.igir- 'i'O. villiij^e in : of the St. ■t'dri-icton. diny milLs. villacro in t>l. li., IJI li). . 1 the Now k CO., N.I!., • St. John, Out. Hlc Xr.S, n po?t s'.S., 4 iirk'^ ii.s I church, saw mil!?, raisin?; coal uiidorlviut: 01). 'l^V). n- ATIIOT.. id CO., N.i. ITalitax. vilhii;-!' in from Cl;;:v- 00. Ont. vill fre in miles fr( i!i ores. poll. viUa<;'.' in ini!(.s frciii t villap;o in ast river, 10 It Ims a f' cottlcmcnf lake of ll:c . Julin. Pup. NovaPcotirt, it;c coast, C'j p. 200. !a;.rL* a'ljoin- N.IJ,, 3 miles STA from St. Jolin. It contains 3 stoam Baw iikII-;. I'om. ,'J jO. STADACON'A, a viUarrc in Quebec CO., (.v.u'., (11 ti.e Pvivcr St. (.'hailc.-:, 3 mile.s frouiQ.iob c. It ''ontain^ 3 s!iip- vard' an 1 :-'.'Vcral .sa\v mills. Stadacoiia i.s ilie an •ion t namy ot ihe city of QiicIk'c. l\ri\ nOD. STAI'TA, a post villa I.SLAN'I), or ISLE AUX CEIIP.S, as.iia!! i-laudiii l!ie liver rit. ClaT, ") t'.V] s I) do>v Port H.iriiia. tsTAMPt) ID, a po.n vilhre in Wel- lan'l c)., It , 3 111 I s N.W. of tiie Fall' of .\'i ri;ir:i It. c i itatii-; poveral cliurcli ■' aiidslores, anda 11 jiiriiijj mill. Pop. :]y<) STAXnrMDGE EAST, a thrivm,G: po.-t v;i!a ;• ' i.i .Mi-;s;.-([ :oi co , Q ic, on Pikj [l;V r, 7 mil •-; from St:i:ibr d;^-^ S'alion. I'. In- good water p nv •;• u-i.d for a S'i't mill, ta:inery, &c ; and co i- taiiis E,)ic ipal and .Meiiio(rL-;l c'lurch s, an acidemy, 2 lioleh, .^^evoral store.-, m'i'hi rci' .di >'>-!, itc Poo. ."lO'). SrANi5niI);;ESrATl()X,a thnvn,!? post village 1 1 Mi.Si'S'pioi c > , Q;i"., o:i the Y. C. U.^-13 m.les S.E. of Montreal. It ha- a t "le^rraph ollice, 3 hotcl.s, and several s'ore^ Pop. 300. STANI]UIlY,a viHa.c?!^ r.i Mi^sis- quoi CO., (^hv, !i ih - (;. T, P.. oo nrlos from Queb e I contain- a founiliy, a tan- nery, ;> ea'.diiK: mill, a tolofriM.'i'h ollice, iiehi'r''li. a college, and about 15 stores. Pop. 2,r.(,0. 321 21 STA STAXnOPE, a Tillage in Stan- stea I CO., (-iic, near loe (,)ueboc ai.d Verm nt boundary line, I niih- from X'ort n Mi 1% It conta ii.s 2 .stores, a saw and g.istiuill, a.idu granite (juarr/. Pop. (M. STAXITOPE, a seaport on the .Y. cc):i:t of P.iuce Ivl-v.ii-d 1 laiid, Co. of Q aMui', witli aliarb.irfor sin. 11 c;oft. Sr.VXLEY, a post villa.,'.' iu York CO.. X.n., on the Xaliwaak river, 23 miles X'. of Fred'ricton. It c miainj several in'lls and st ;res. P(»i>. l.-iO. STAXLLV, POPT, a town and port of entry , co. of I'il 'io, attlio m oiih of K'^itle (Jreek, on ili" X'. shora of Lake E.-ie, llom.les from il niiltoii. It possesses one of the b.'t liirbor.s oi Lalc" E.''o. S"e Port S'aiilev. STA.VLEYS P.PIDCE, upon vi!- la:je in (Vioeus co., P.K I., 2'! mile.i f.Min Cliarlottetown It conta;n3 2 SUM--'. Poo. l.-.o. STAXLLY'S MILLS, a pont , .2 miles fr nil V, ll'irj. It ha^ a v.-ooll u fu'torv, a gri>i indl, and 2 stor--. P.'o. 100," • STAPMEY'S, a post setth-nvnt in Qiiee '^. CO . X p.., on the'vricnioalc river, 31 miles from Cagetown. Pop. loo. STARK'S rORXERS, Pruee co., (^iit ^■•'■' Pou'''''ovne. ST.\ .XESHtHlOUr.n, or ST. AX- 'lOlXE AI!r,E, a post vill in-,. :„ f^ii.i- te.a'guay co., (Juc, lo ni'le: W- m Ht^ra- mi i.crford. It contains 2 stores and 2 hotels. Pop. 200. ivi f o. 1 i. Si 'S M. HM .h. : ! I STE 'too KTO Ki STAIIRS P(^INT, a settlt ment m 11 KH cu. X.S, •' miles from i'ort WilLaiiis Slaliou. Pop. 170. kSTAVNEIl, ii tliilvin;^ post vilhigo ill ."-.lucoe Co., Oil., on the X. II., w.") miles from Toron.o. It coutuiiis i> C'jiirclics, (5 hotels, about 20 store-s, 2 woollen mills, 2 ilwiiriiin: mill-s, 2 s-uv mill-*, ii tannery, an iron tbundry, and 2 tcl •,-.Mi)h oHie^'S. Poji. l.'iOO. 8TI:AM mill VILLA(JE, a vilhi;^.; in Kiiij,'-* eo., N.H., on tlu' ('aniuil liver, 2 miles from Keulville. Poj). 1.."). STKKLE, a j)ost office in kSinicoc eo., Ont., >-\ mill ri fVoni llawksto'ie. STKKl' Cill^KK, a jjo.^t vilhii^e in Guy l»!)iMnj;-li eo., X.S., on the Gut of Caiiso, 7 miles Ironi Port .Alul.irrave. Inli;i''i Milts are eiiieily engaged in Ih-j fish rie^. Pop. 18'». HTEi-VE'S :\l()rXTAIX, a post BettliMiieiit in Wetnioi-luud co., X.IJ, 3.', miles from Ijoundaiy Creek. Po^i. 100. STEi: VE\S SETTLE.MEXT,or HEAD OF UIIJCIE, a postsetjlenieiit in West- morland CO., X.H., 1") miies from Petit- codi le. Pop. 12;"), •STELLA, a post village in Lennox CO., Ont., on Amlierst Islanil, in the I'ay of (^)uinte, 15 miles W. ot Kingston. It has a Presbylerian chiircli and 2 BtOP'-:. Pop. K)o. • [STELL AHT().\',or ALRIOX .MIXES, atlir'vuig post village of XovaSeolui, CO. of Picloii, on the East River, aiui on the 1. ii. (I'lctan branch), ;^ miles from New Glasgow, 101 miles X.E. of Halifax. This village owes its growth and importance to the valuable eoal mines wliich are worked in the vieini;y. Iron ore is also found, in connection Willi the coal, and tliere is a furnace in operation at this place. Pop. 2,50(\ .Si'EPIIEX'S rORXERS, a hamlet in 1) . nt CO., Out. tSTi;VE.\,S\ ILLE, a post village in ■Wellaud CO., Out., on Llaek (.'reek, a ;d on the C.S. R.. 17 ir.iles fr. m Wel- land. It c nt'iins 2 stoi'i's, 2 saw mills and :i g'st iivM. Pop- •" '• ^iTEWARTTOWX, Ilalton co., Ont. See E ()n' s'liir. HTEWARTVILLE, or RALMER'H ISLAND, a post village in Renfrew co., Ont., on the .Madawaska river, 8 miles from Aruprior. Pop. 150. vieinily. l'(jp, STlLLAVATi ST.EWIACKE C'ilOSS ROAD,.apost settlement in Coleu. . >. STILLWATER, a village in Ilant^ CO., X S., on the W. it .V. R., .!;! iiiiloa t.din llalifa.K. Tiiere are several large s'.eani saw mills in tiie vicinity. Pop. loo. STlXKIXCr RIVER, a village in the ilistricl (-f S-lIcirk, Ma;i., on Ucd River, I» m les S. ul' Fort (iarrv. STIRLI.N'O, finneily IJ.VWDOY, m ineorjiorated villag.' in 11', ting.s co., Out., on Rawdon (Ji'e"k, a triljutary of tlu Trent. IG miles froni l!c'ilevilk\ It contai'.is a la"ge 1! )uring mill, a woul- 1 II factory, abnut 15stores, a telegraph oliice, ami ehnrciics of 5 denominations. Po)>. l,::(io. SriRTOX, a thriving ]io3t village in Welliiiglon co.. Out., on the (Jone.-!- t;)g() river, 17 miles Irom Elora. It contains alla.\ mill, saw mill, tannery, and a st:ire. Pop. 150. STISTED,f )i-m;'rly ROWAN MILLS, a iiost v.llag.; in Norfolk C)., Ont., 23 miles from Tilsnnburg. Pop. 80. STlTTSVILLi:,ap'ost village in Car- let m eo., Out., on the (.'. C. R., 11.; miles from Ottawa. It contains Epi.- copal, Presbyterian and M'thodi-it eliurehes, a carding mill, 2 saw mills a. id a telegraph o i ee. Po.p. 100. STOCK COVE, a fishing settlement on the S. side v;* liouavista Hay, Nlld., 17 miles from Honavista. Pop. [>(j. STOCKDALE, f mnerly POWELL'S MILLS, a ]M)st vdlage in Xortiiamber- hii.d CO , Ont., H niiles from Trenton. It contains 2 carding mills, a saw and llourin'jf mill, and a store. Pop. 120. STOCKING IIARP.OR, a lisliing set- tlement o I the X. side of (Jreen Hay, Xild., 12 miles from Tilt Cove. Pop, 11)0. STOCKWELL, a jiost village in (.liatcaiiguay co., (>iio., lU miles from llenrninizford. Pop. 50. STOCO, a ]n)st village in Hastings CO . On*,, on Lake Stoco, 25 miles from lielleville. Pop. 200. 1 ^nii: ' STO 323 STR STOOD ART'S, a post office in Anna- poli.-! c;)., X.S.,.'il inile.-jfroni Annapolis. SrOKK CKXTR.,, a j)osL setilemont in Riclimon i co., Que., 12;J miles from Slioihrooko. Pop. 173. KTUKi:rOX, a post villa{,n> ii Rich- mond C!i., Que, 7./ miles from 8lier- brooko. Pop. 100. " STONIwililDCE, Welland co., Ont. See lliiiiil)M-.-;t()nc>. ST()\l';Fli;Li>, a thriving post vil- la,f,n; in Argi'iitcuil co., Qne., on tliu liiver Oiliiua, 50 niil'S from .Montreal. It contains a saw mill, tannery, potasli fiictory. a telegraph office, and 2 stores. Poji. :ii):i. STOXEIIAM, n post village and t )Wns]iip in C^nehoc co., Que., 'SI milivs N. of QiieljfC. It contains 4 saw mills and a p!ore. Pop. 450. STOXE MILLS, Prince Edward co., Ont. So Mon itain. Mills. SrOXE RIDGE, astati n on the New Brunswick railw.iy, in York co., N.l>., 225 mile^ fiom Fredericto'i. STONY liEECII, asettlementin An- napolis CO., N.S., on Annapoli.s river, 3^ miles from Granville Ferry. P(*p. 75. STONY CREEK, a post settl-m-Mit in Albert co., N.B., 33 miles from Salis- burv. Pot). 150. STONY CREEK, a post village in Wentworth co., Ont., on Lake Oniari >, and on the G. W. R., (j miles from Hamilton. Tliis place was the sceie of a battle between the British and America! troo s in 1812, in which the latter were badly beaten. Tt c:nitaiii.s several stores and hotels, and a grist mill. Pop. 200. STONY FOIXT, a post village in Essex CO., Ont., on the G. W. R., 84 miles W. of London. It conta'iis 4 stores and 2 hotels. Pop. 200. STOR.Mi)XT, a county (if Ontario, !ia.s an area of ];>G,l(i0 acres, it is watered by several small stream? flow- ing into the St. Lawrence, whiclifnnns its S.E. I'.onnilaiT, and is traversed bv the Grand Trunk railway. Capital, Coriiwnll. Pop 11, «7:?. STORMOXT, Gnysborough co., N.S. See Isaac's Harbor. STORXOWAY, a post village in Compton CO., Que., 2G miles from Robinson. It contains saw, prist and carding mills, and 4 stores. Pop. 150. STORRlXGTONjFrontenacco., Oat. See luverury. STORY'S, a station on the R. & 0. R, in Grenville CO., Ont., 26 miles from Rrockv lie. STOTTVILLE, a post village in St Jolins CO., Que., on the (r. T. R., (Cbamplain division), 39_1 miles S.E. of Montreal. It has a telegraph ollice and 2 stores. Pop. 250. STOUFFVILLE, a thriving post vU- lage in York co., (int., on the T. k N. R., 28 miles fr. in Toronto. It contains 2 churches, 3 hotels, an iron foundrv, tannery, flouring mill, 2 saw mills, 'a telegraph office, a printing office, and al)0!it a d'izen stores. Pop. 800. STO WE, a post village in Huron co., Out., 14 miles from Mitchell. It coa- tain.s several S'W mills. Po]). 100. STRAHANE, a post village in Went- worth CO., Ont., 14^ miles from Hamil- ton. It contains 3 saw mills, 1 grist miil, 1 hotel and 4 stores. Pop. 150. STR AFFORDVlLLE,formc;lv called SAXDYTOWN, a ))ost village in Elgin CO., O It., on Little Otter river, 22 mdes from St. Thomas. It cmtains 2 churches, a flouring mill, and several hotels and stores. Pop. 400. STRAXGFORD, ai)ostoffice in York CO , Out., 3^ miles from Scarborough Junction. STRATFORD, an incorporated town and port of entry of Ontario, capital of the CO. of Perth, pleasantly situated on the Avon river, at the junction of the main line of the (Jrand Trunk Ilailwar with the Buffiilo brancJi, 88 nides W. of Toronto. It possesses good water power, and contains, besides the coiintj buildings, 3 branch banks, 3 printing offices issuing weekly newspapers, 2 telegraph offices, (i!liurch of England, Roman Catholic, Church of Scotlmd, Presbyterian, Conirrotrational, Baptist and Metliodist churches, a number of stores, lirst class hotels, distillery and brew'ry, several fluiring mills, ma 111- fiictories of iron c;istings, mill machin- ery, agricultural inipKnne its, woolhns, steam engine.s, leather, boots ami shoes, &o The railway staloii here is one of tiie fine.=5t in the ])rovince, and the worksliops in conncetinn wi'h the road are very extensive and give em-doy- inent to a large nuinbin- of men. Total value of imports f)r 1872 SI 5G 202; ex- ports S284.!>84. Pop. 4.3 1;{. STRATFORD, Wolfe co., Que. See Lake Aylmer. •i, U^ jk-%.M m ' M ! « ni ■li.lFM ; ). ii i I i 1 ',.\' i »■ I SUF 324 SUM KTRATII ALLEN, or ALIN AVILLE, a l)ust villiigc! ill Oxt'unl ci> , Out., on a uraiicli of" ilic llivor Tliumes, 8 luilos fi'om Woodstock. I'op. !.">(). KfIiATJli;UUN', a i-usl villa<,'c in Middli'ricx CO., Out., on tlio liivor Tlianios, 4}, miles from Gleiicoo. It con- tains a I'ro&liylcriiiu clmrcli and s<;vcial stores. ro|). loO. STUATilXAlliN, a ])Ost oHicu in Gri/y CO., Ont., H miios IVoni Miaturd. tSTHATllUUY,an inc.oriionitiMl town of Ontario, co. of Middlrs.x, on lliu River tSydo iliam, a::. VV. \l., 20 miles \V. of London. It contains churches of 5 dcnominalions, :> inp; otlices issning weekly newspaiier.s, 2 lelegrapli oflices. a jfiiuntnar .-cliool, 2 brunch banks, a oreweryj several milks, and man'. factories of iron casting;.-!, steam ensiiH'^, "'ill macliinery, a^^ri- cultiiral implements, woollen.-^, leather, kc. ; also, a number of stores Pop. 3,232. aTRAUSnERG, a village in Water- loo CO., Out., 4.i miles from IJerlin. Pop. 50. STREKTSVILLE, an incorporated Tillage of Ontario, co. of l\tl,on the River Credit, miles from Port Credit. It contains Epi.^copal, Metliodist aid Presbyterian churches, a town hall, several schools, a telcf^raiili ollice, a nnnibor of stores, 2 large woollen mills, flourinj; mills, per miles from New We.-tniins'.er. SUMMER MILL, a post village iu Queens co., N.l?., 13 miles fuoiu Gag> town P.ip. |(iO. SUMMEiJSIDL, a seaport town of Prince Edward I daud, capiial uf Princn CO., on Ledeqae l>av, and on the Prince. Eilward Isla id railway, 4') miles N.W of Charlottetown, 4.") miles N.L. of .'^^Iv- diac. It has an excelle it harimr with goiid anchorage for (he largest vessel-', and contains chiircdies of 7 denoiiiiiia- tions, a bank, 2 printing ofiices issui'.ig weekly newspaper-, a t de^rai !i ollicc, liublic hall, market, eou.ent, scliocl-!, 1 steam grist mill, ."• steam saw mills, I l)!auing mill, 1 cabinet factory, 12 lia- tels and 28 stores. Sliipbui'aliug \i arned on to a large extent, a'ld eggs, potatoes, oysters, sheep, Irnse.s a'ul oats, are extensively exported. Suni- merside has dailv conimuiiication, in suninicr, by steamer with Nnva Scotia and New Brunswick. In 11 -.1. ijia- l!ay, opposite the town, is a be.aatiltil i land of about 201) acre-, on wiiich li.i:5 been erected a line hole! capable of accoin- modating G:)0 g lesis. A steam ferry runs between tiie island and I he town The Prince Edward 1,-land railway has a first (dass stat'un, engine iaaise and car sheds in the town. Pop. 2,')(iO. SLMMEUSMILL, a village in Lamb- ton CO., Out., on Lake Huron, 11 miles from Widder. Pop. .'50. .SUMMEII.STOW.V, a post village in Glengarry co., Ont., on the River St. sus SWR ! in Vic- 11 moun- i(';ir tlio (li:imct'T IH'l'cllC.l, l- rbor Willi t vi'ssirl", riiomina- s iss'iiiii; h ollic!', scl;o(;l-!, \v mill.-:, 1 UliiiL!; ia i:i(l ogg.^. ISC'? 11' Hi Siiin- ition, in V;l Hrotiil (|iio Uiiy, I 111 i-lanil h.u; been t accoin- ■iu;i ferry i1k> town. ilway li;v3 Miir!!'' an J ill Lamb- 1, 11 miles villape ill River St. Lawronce, C, mije'^ FiancTStor. It ii It ■'jra' li ( ifli ce, Pop ■v Si:.\I.Mi;i;Vli.l>l';, a ]>r.A vlllafrp i;i P.H 1 Oiit. oil till' Ki(jbic(ike river, 4.' ml '.- Ii-oni .Mimici P l"n. 81'.MMi;i;VILi-K, a jo-t vi!la'>. Sr.M:\!: i'. a .elation on lb'- Midlaml r.iilw.iy, i;i Diii'bain co., Out., 11 niile.s from Pi I'l 1 '^ pe. SC.Vlin;/, a county in tbe S. cen- tral lari ol Nv\v I'.nin -w'ck, inteisi-c'eij by the Kiii' pe:i:i aial Nortb Ami'rieiii nii'l I') (I'i'ieto!! l',:aiieli railway-', and by tli<' lliver St. Jolin. .'iml wal Ted by scviral other .streamy. The s irface i.i nearjv level; the S(.il is ferlile aid lieavi' ■ woo'.led. Area lV\t'0') acres. Cai i';''l. Or- moelo Pop (>.H1\. t-;rX!;!'i;y, a post villa in Front- onac CO . Ont., Ill niile.i from K'licrsto i. Poo. !■' '. SrXOAY COVE ISLAM), at tlieen- tra"ee I ) Hall Bay, Xlld., 20 iiiil",s from Hill Cove. SrXI'KPL.ANn, !i ]y.)<\ village in Ont.'irio c ., Out , on the T. .v X. 15., ,'■':'. mile-; f.o.n Toronto. It Iia;;t teh'- L'ra'i!) of'iee and 4 .stor.'s. I' > . 1 et. HrXXIDALK, a \o<- vUIm-' in -m- coe CO.. Ont., on the X. 11., 2 miles from New Lowell. Pop. K 0. Srs M<:XStOX HIMDHE, a iH'id-e tliatli IS b en thrown ;;cro^.-i the .Xia.'j^iira river, 2 miles below tlr- L-'re.'il cataract, to connect t'u G:'eat We-tern r.riway Willi tlr- several r.iihviys of Xew York. The br' Vi'C i.s a s'nf,d(' s'kui of '00 f'ct in leiiLTih, rai.sed 2:!0 fct ab ive the water, and s'ipjiorted bv 4 wire cables 0.1 iiH li"S in d aini'tfM', with an ■Itimate oapac'ty tf .^ustainii:;^ 10,000 tons. There are two lloor^, ll:e uiipcrfir tlio railrcad irae'; a m1 the 1 av r for wa^r- croas. Tl'<' E. c;.d of the br'd.i.ji' com- mands a fine viev of the falls and of the ra' 'ds ii ;iler and Iclow the brid'i'e, for ' of a ni'le to ihc wlii'lpo 1. The water of t'rso nnidi runs at the rate I f 2."> ni'les per hour, witli breakoi\s da'diing: from 10 to 20 feet in height. Vieweil i'r m the shore tlu'V iire.-ent one of Ibc grandest sights of tbe ki»«d in the world, and llic toiiri.>t lias not done justice to Ni;t;,'ara until be lias stood oa the ,-liore LI) rods bidow tl. bri\v. Pop. ]:,(). Sl'TTOX FbATS, a nourishing post vill .ge in Hromi- c(> , (^)ue , on the N. branch of the Mis-is:pioi river, and on the S. K. R., churches, 2 lioti Is, 7 or 8 stores, giist and saw niills^ and a telegrajih oflic'. Ir"n, cooper, soajiston'', and other mincr.ilsare f ) inj i 1 th" vieiiiitv. It is a port of enlrv. Total value of inmorts for 1 ^72 §14,- 8^.'» ; exixirt-: SP^.Sll. Pop. .T.O. SUTTOX, York co. , Ont. S !0 (Jeor- giiia. SWAIXK'S ISl.AXD. on the X. -ide of Ho 'avista l!ay, .Xtld., 4 m'hs from (ilreen's Pond. It is inlribit n- I; li^ ■f:^ i ^ .. it ■ \¥^ « ■■r 4 SYD 32G TAD .1 '< 1 1 I, ^11 1 '1. til .« n if of justice for the district of Bedford. Pom. 300. SWEET'S CORNERS, a village in Eiildiiiiiind co., it., 11 miles from Duiiiivillo. Pop. (io. SWITZERVILLE, a post vUage in Lciino.x CO., Out., G miles from Napaneo. Pod. '>->0. SYDENHAM, J5rant co., Out. See Call 1 cart SYDENHAM, Frontenac co., Ont. See Loiifrliboroiigli. SYDENHAM, Gny co., Ont. See Owcii S )u mI. SYDENHAM, Tcel co., Ont. See Dixie. SYDENHAM MH LS, a post village in Giey co.. On' , •' a brancli of tlie Big Head river, I s t •■ m Meaf'ord. It_ contains 1 t.. tu, "v /oio, 1 saw mill, 1 grist mill, and . ' (aQtory. Pop. '{O. _ SYDENHAM PLACE, a post v.llago in Dnunmon I co., <;. •• 15 miles Ir'-m Eiclinioiid. Pop. 'Joo. SVDNEY, or SIDNEY, Anli{,-)riJi CO., N.S. See An'i^f' iiisii. SYDNEY, or SOl'TH SYDNEY, an important seaport town of Nova Scnt'a, formerly capital of tlio ('oloiiy of Ciijie Breton, situated in tlie E. j art of tlio Island of Cape Ilreton, at tiie hea'1 of one of the finest iiarbors in tiie world, havi ig a snfo and secure entrance, 28.") miles N.E. of Halifax. Lat. 4Cr 18 N., Ion. GO U \V. A lijilitliouse on a low point of land at the S. side of the en- trance to the harbor, sliows a fi.xed lijrht IGO feet above the sea. 3 ni'lcs above tlie 1 ghthouse are the famous Sydney Coal Mines, esiiinated to co ilan '2."0 miles of workable coal, i lie tliickn'ss of tlie mine worked is s'x feet The coal is transported 3 miles by railw.iy to a wharf, where it is taken on boanl of Vi'ssels. At tliedi:^taiice of l.') miles are tlie H. idgeport Mine-', where the coal is 9 feet in thickness. A railway (constructed at a cost of S^ftO,()00,) connects the latt'T ni'nes with Sydney. In 1(^72,340 vessels (tons01,82G) arrived at Syilney bringl ig cargoes valued and Sl4:),7.-)8; and 387 vessels (tons 10'_',;''5l) cleared for foreign ports with cargoes valued at $'2 14,491. Sydney is the chief town of the co. of Cape Breton. It co itains churches of G denominations, .". branch banks, a court house, masonic hall, telegraph office, 2 printing ofTiccg issuing wocklv news- jjajier, 2 or 3 good hotels, an iron foun- dry, steam tiinnery, boot factory, shipyiinL*, and a miniber of stfue.s. It has a c 'usiderablo trade with Ncw- fciindlaiid and tie I.^hnids of St. Pierre and Miqielon. The Fr ni'h Stpiadron .make tlii.- their North American station. Pop. 3.0110. SYDNEY MINES, a senr^ort town of Nova Sc ilia, CO. at (Jane i; eio ',(^1 the N. shore of Sydney liarboi-/2 Miilesfrom Sydney. Here are the faniou-: Sydney .Mines, osliiiiate(i to contain LTiO miles of workable coal The thickness of the bed worke. 80. SYlMIEirS COVE, a post village in Queens co., N.B., on Grand Lake, 64 mil's from St. John Pop. 100. TAHUSINTAC, a no>t village and settleme' t in Nortlmniherland co., \ 1}., on the (lulf of St. Lawrence, nt tlie mouth of the Tabusirilac river, 3.5 miles from Chatham. Pop. 4(iO. TAHUSINTAC RIVER, a jiost office in Gloucester co., N..^., 21 miles fiorn Cliatliani The Tabusintac riv. r is not d f )r its excellent saluKui trout a;:d ba-s lisheiy. lis banks are heavilv wooddl, TADOrSAC, a post village and watering place of Quebec, cajiital of the CO. of Saguenay. situated at the cast entrance of the Saguenay rivei', about !j miles above its coulluence with the St Lawrence, on a semi-eij-ciilar terrace at the top of a beautiful bay with a sandy b"acli, heiiiined in by mountains of solid rock, 'J5 miles from Riviere du Loup, 13 ) mile.'j from Quebec. It has a good liotl, and a number of haiid.-ome v Has. in- cluding one built by His Excel- lency Earl DuHerin, and is much frequented by tourists a h1 Ifalth seekers during the snmni(>r months. Tadonsac, apart from itspleasaiit situa- tion as a watering place, is interesting from the cireum.^tance of i's having been at an early period the capital of tlie \l TAN 327 TAT iiid CO., 'Oil CO, nt river, 35 lire and ;'il of tlie the east or, iihout CO with cia'cular joiuitit'ul loinined 'J'i miles ih':i from t' 1, and 11ns. in- Excid- is much health months. i!it.s'.tua- tcn'stin,g ; Imviiijj talof the French settlements, nn.1 for a long time was one of the rliii f fur liading [losts. Ik're are the niin- iS >i Jesuit religions (Stablishnieiit, wliicii are cu isiUi-rcd a prcut ciiriositj although nutliing re- mains but the fouuilatioiiri upon whieli tlie ancient ediliee rested. It isconlid- deutly asserted that ui)on this spot once stood tlie lirst stone ai;i. Fnm the very centre of the ruins lias growti uj) a cluster of pine trie-, which must have existed at lea^t two hundred years. The fate, and the very names of tlio.5P who first ]iitelied their tents in this wdderness, and there erected an altar to the Gid ot then fathers, are alike unknown. Charlevmx. in 1720, thus speaks of it: '-.Most of our geographers have placed a town here, where there never was but one French house and some huts of sav- ages, who resorted hither a mually to trade with the French when tl:e navi- gation was free ; the missionaries niiule u.>c of the oiijjortnnity, and when the trade was over, the men;liants reti rued t(i their lumies, the savajres to their forests, and the Gospel labourers fol- lowed the last Tadoiisac contaius several prist and saw mills, and has a large lumber trade Salmon and other fish are plentiful in the waters here. Tou. 7G;"i. TALHOTVILLE ROVAL. a post village in Kigin co., Ont. 15 miles foin St. Thomas. It has a flouring mill. Pop. 100. TAMWORTTT, a flourishing post vil- lage in Addington CO., Out., on Salmon river, '20 miles from Xajianeo. It con- tains an iron foundry, severil saw and grist mills, a tannery, 3 churches, a telegraph oflice, and about 12 stores. Foil. 500. TANCOOK ISLANDS, Great and LiTTLK, two islands of S'ova Scotia, in Mahone Hay, 3(» miles S.W. of llalifix TAXCOOK ISLANDS, a post settle- ment (ui the above islands, 9 miles from Chester. The inhabitants are chiefly engaged in fishing and farming. Pop. TANGIER, NEW, a seaport of Nova ?ci)tia, CO. of Halifax, at the head of a fine harbor of the same name, on the Atlantic coast, 75 miles from Halifax. This place was a mere lisliing village until IHGO when the discovery of gold attracted a lirge number of gold ^eek- ers. Twelve (piartz lodes have Icen opened and proved gold bearing. .Most of them, however,have been abandoned, though the mills still m operation are yielding profitable returns. A nugget wiMgliing 27 ounces, the largest ivcr found in Nova Scotia, was .m>iit to the Dublin Exhibit on. Pop. '! )o. TAN(J1ER, OLD.or .M()(»SELAND,a post village in Ilalilax co , N.S , a!) ait 11 miles from Pope's Head, a harbor on the Atlantic coast, 50 miles from Halifax Gold in quartz was first dis- co, ered here in 1H5H, but no works were established until 18<;o. Two com- pauies are now ojierating with success. Some very large; nuggets have been ob- tained here; one specimen i f (loartz weighing 12 oz. contained 8 oz. of pure gold I'ot). .'{'10. TAX.NERIES DES ROLLANDS, Iloch la-ia I'o. (}\i>\ See Ta niervWest. TA.\\E[;V WEST, or ST. HENRI, formerly TANNERIES DES RUL- LAN'DS, a thriviiig jjost vilhigo ia Ilociiel.iga CO., Que., on the G T. R., 3 miles from Montreal, of which it xnny almost be considered a suburb. It con- liiins an Episcopid church, a Roman C.itholic chnreii, several stores, brick- fieMs, iV:c Poj). 4.' Oa. TAl'LEVTOWN, a post in Weiitwortli CO., Oil'.. 4 miles from Stony (.'reek. Poj). InO. T.VRA, a thriving ]icst vill;i(ro in Brno ' CO., Ont., o i tiie River an S.iuble, l').] miles from Owen Sound. I con. ta'us 2 churches, 2 hotels, 5 store-s, a telegraph oflice, a grist mill. a sawmill, a woe lien mill, a tanmny, 4 sash and door fictorics. a fann'iig mill fictt r. on a fine harbor on Ni rth'imberluud Strait, 30 mil 3 N. of Truro, IH miles from Wentwonh. It Contains a telegraph i^'*.;-'' 11 ■ Hi' \h M TEK 328 TEN office, 2 hotels and about 12 stores, and In tlie vicinity there are fiee stone qnar- ries and coi)i)er mines. Shi^jbuilding is enpaj^.'d in. I'op. r)0(). TArA.MAGOUCIIE MOUNTAIN, a post oiiiee in Colchester co., N.S., 13 mile> fmin the above town. TATLUCK, a post village i i Lanark CO., Unt, 2U miles from Almonte. Pop. 100. TAUNTON, a i)03t ofTicc in Ontario •0., Out., K miles from 0.slia\va. T.\\!STOCK, a lluurishinj,' post vil- lage i:i I'crtli CO., Ont., on ilie 0. T 11. (liuli'alo and (loderich branch), Smiles from Stratford. It CMntams a \vo lien mill, mill, flounnjf mill, t(d {;rai)h office, and several stores. Poj). fiOO. TAXADA, an isla id in tiie Gulf of Georgia, opposite Jervis Inh.'t, British Columbia. It is 18 miles in le iptli by 5 or (> in breadth, ami valua- ble deposits of hematite iron of extra- ordinary richness. TAVLOli, a station on the C. S. R., in Elgin co , Out., 30 miles from vSt. Thomas. It has a telegraph ollice. TAYLORIIOL.ME, a post village in Russell CO., Ont., 8 miles from Ottawa. Pop. 100. TAYLORTOWN, Sunbiiry co., N.B. Sec Upper Sheliield. TAYLOil VILLAGE, a post vilbige in Westmorland co., N.l>., 7 miles from Mcmramcook. Pop. 100." TAY .MILLS, a post settlement in York CO., N 15., 18 miles N. of Frederic- ton Pop- 1"". TAY SETTLEMENT, a post settle- ment in Yoric co., N.B., 22 miles N. of FrciU'ricton. Pcjp. IfiO. TECUIMSEH, a station on the Great Western Railway, in P^ssex co., Ofit., 102 niile^ from London. Sec Ryegate. TEHUMSETII, Bothwell co., Ont. See Tiianie--ville. TEtJU.MSETH, or CLARKSVILLE, a post village in Sinicue co., Ont., 12 miles from Bradfonl, It cunt lins a telegi'ai)li office, 2 hotels, 2 stores, and 3 saw mill-!. Pop. 200. TEDISII, a post vilhigo in Westmor- land CO., N.B., 12 miles from Shediac. It conla'ns 3 stores. Pop. 200. TEKSWATER, a thriving post vil- lage in Briici! co., Ont., on the River Tees, and on the T. G. & B. R., 120 miles irom Toronto, IG miles from Walkcrton. It contains an iron fouu- dry, an agricultural imi)lement factory, woollen, saw and lluiiniig mills, a tele- grai)h ollice, a tannery, 1 hoiel, uud about 12 stores. Poj). 4J0. TEICTERVILLE, a post village in Norfolk CO., Out., on Big Civek, 13 miles from Simcoe. It C'liilains t^aw, grist and shingle mills, and 3 stores. Po|). 200. TELFER, a post village in Middle- .sex CO., O it., 8 miles from Kouiuka. Polt. 1") ». TE.MISCAMI\(;UE HOUSE, or OBAUJIOWA.N'G, an I idian vilhigo and jxj.stof t!ie llud.-on's B.;y ('oin;,aiiy, on the E. side of Lak" Tiini.-ci;m;ugue, Po:itiac CO., Que., 'JO miles Irom Mul- tawa. Pop 3U0. ^ TEMISCOUATA, a county in the S.E. part of Quebec, bordering on Iho St. Lawrence on the N., and on the Slate of Maine and New Brim wick on on the S. Area 1,13;!,(;40 acres. This county 13 traversed by the Intercolonial railway and by the Fredencto i i.nd Riviere dii Loup railway (in counse of construction). Cajjital, Riviero du Loup en 'xis. Pop. 22. 191. TEMPERANCE VALE, a post vib lage in York co., .\.B., 22 miles from Woodstock. Pc]). .^0. TLMPERAXCEVILLE, a post vil- lage in York co., Ont., 2] miles from TEMPERAXCEVILLE, Elgin co , Ont. See Orwdl. TEMPLETON, formerly GATIXE.^n POl.N'T, a viUiigj in Ottawa co.. Que., at the confluence of tht' Rivers (iratineau and Ottawa, 2 miles from Ottawa. It contains G stores aad a saw mill. Pop. 200. TEMl'O, a post village m Muldlese.x CO., Ont, 4 milts from Glauwortli. Pop. 1 ,")(). TKN MILE CREEK, or TYXE- MOUTII, a post village in St. John CO., N B., on the Buy of Fu idy, 27 m.l'^s fi'oni ^'t. John. 'Pop. l.'iO. TEXNANT'S COVE, a post settle- ment m Kings co., XMi., on iho River Jolin, 29 miles from St. John. Pop. 200. TENNYSON, a post office in Lanark CO., Out , 10 miles from I erili. TEN'Y CAPE,a post village in Hants CO., N.S., on a lieadland at the inou'h of a river of the same name in Cobcquid Bay, 23| miles from Newport. Man- ? t^' Pf ¥ .1 nt factory, ills, a U'k- buiel, iiuJ villiigo in CiVL-k, 13 il ill IIS i>iUV, 1 3 stores. in Miilille- Kuiuukii. USE, or III village (Joinpiiiiy, Irum *\lal- ity in the lllj^ uu tlio lid on llie in Wick oil :tc'S. Tliia tercolonial rictoi i'.nil I course (jf tiviuro du a ]uxst Til- miles frum I)ri3t Yil- niiU'S from Elgin CO , ATIXEAH )ltii\va CO., tlu' Rivers miles from luid a saw Mnldlcsex iJlaiiworlU. r TYNE- 1 St. John Fii n\y, 27 loO. >ost sottle- t'lo River oil II. Pop. s in Lanark l!). t village in Riiiii ii,). TESTOX, a village in York co., Dnt, 3 miles from Kicbmonti IIill. Pop. 12,-). TETE-A-G()T'C11E, a settlement in Gloucester cv)., X.IJ., on the Tele-a- p^melie river, '.i miles from Raihurst. The Tolea-goKclie river is one of the best salmon sii'eams in the province. Po]). :'>'i >. TEVIOTDALE. a village in Wellington o., Uiil., 2:! mil s from I'Mm-a. It contains saw, grist and phining mills. Pop. lo^i. TEWlvE-brflY, a village in Quebec. CO., Que , 20 mile's from Quebec. Poi). 200. Tr/AMESFORD, a thriving post vil lage of Diioirio, co. of (b\tord, oi the River Tiiaini'S, J mill s from IngersoU. It contains :> churches, 4 or 5 stores, a pota-h factory, and saw, grist and woollen mills. Pop, ,')0 '. TIIAMESVIELE, formerly TECUM- SETII, a tin'lving p'st village of Onta- rio, CO. of l!olli\vell, on tlv River Thames, and ou the G. ^V. R., 4'J miles from London. It contains saw, prist liud carding mills, a c.ibinet lactory, '2 telegraph ollices, 5 lioiels and about 12 stoics. Three miles from this jilace id the Indian village of Moraviiin Town, tlie .-i'.e of the Rattle of tl:e 'I iianies, in wliicli fell the cclebraied Lulian war- rior Tecuniseth, in the -Mlli year of his age. Pop. ."jDO. TIIAXET, a po?t village in Hastings CO., Out, 48 miles back id belleville. Pop. Kill. TIIEDFORD, Lambtonco., Ont. See Wi.lder. THE ISLAND OF AXTK^ STL lies directly in ili • 11101..I1 < f li.c M. L;;w- rciiee, f)etween ilie-l'.Hh aiiil .'■Oili degiees of latitude, nearly the same lis that of the north of France, iiii!! coinains an ar.'aof 2,l(Ji»,aii:ar.!s, who li-lied in and off the St. Lawrence at tliat period, to its ])resent aj jiell ition. He reports that the inland was then held by a tribe of Indians, who were exeeedingly kind and friendly to s leli im.rinors as landed there. The fief of the island was graned by Louis NIV, about 1< 'ftC, to S;eur Louis Juliet, as a recompense for his discovery of ihc mouths of the Mississippi and the Illi lois, and other services rendered to lus Governiiieiit , and it seems to haveb'cn held of so lotle aeeounl in lis primitive state that here (Miarlevoi.x, writing about 1722, m his - llistoiiv du Canada," says that J(d el '• would, per- haps, have preferre(l one of the cniallest lordships in France."' In La H.aitan'a " llisltny of Canada," is a ciiiirt i f the St, Lawrence, and a plan of the island, showing Juliet's Fort on the western flank, Li'. Ibjutan was a French marine oSicT, and li'' meirioiis t' J.d: t was captured in his boat oil thvi Island by il I. Ml r ili JiF U I ? ; 1- . i ' 1 * ■ i 4 ,11- '/if It 'I ■ (■"• I >( "* i! ; I ■ ■ .r THE 330 Till'] the En^jlisli oxpndition ngainst Quebec, ill lo;)'), II kIt Ailiniiiil I'hips, but re- lonsc'd ut'li'v tlie failure (jf thiit expe- dition. Mr. T. Aubu y, wlio suile'd witli in IT.'iG, de- General liiirg' yiit; s army votes liin'e pajfes of Iiis work In terior Travels tiiroujirli Anv.rie.i," lo tiie seal iisliei-ies of Aii'.icosti, and the method of catehiii;,' ihee animals be- tween the conlineal and the adjacent islands. So niueli for the early records of Anticosii. When the Aaidal system b;,'canie abolished, which had lon;^ pre- vailed under the French domination of Canada, there b i i;;- no tenants on the i.=!land, tliesei},nie;ir,orlordof iiis manor, became pos-e.v-e 1 of the whole soil in fee .dniple, since which time it has been held jointly by a vaiiely of l)ersons, clii f amunL'^t whom ar.' the Forsyth family. The title to this imme.ise ]»ossessi()n s"(nis to have been fully aciviiowiedj^ed by the I'arliament of Ca- nada, as an a(;t was pa.-sed durinp,- the hist ses-;ion (in the sprin;.;^ of \>^1'.'>) in- corporating? a company to dcvelope the resonrces (;f the ishind. Anticusti slopes pradually from its elevated iiort! irn coa-t to the ^a'as.-}' savannas which skirt the southern shore, and thus, in a p,Teat measure, the fertile portions of the country are pro- tected from severe Avinter winds. J is climate is very healthy, and it certainly is not severer tl;aii that of the other maritime i>rovinces. Tlie atmosi)hero is i)ure and clear, and free from fogs which are so frecpient on and aronad Newfounay. This j^eiitlema'i had b.'eii three tini 's round the world as captain of iiti East Indianian. The excellent posili' n of Anticosti in regard to ships, commerce, I'icc., is easily seen, when \\\' remendr.'r that every vessid must take one or other of the clia'mels formed by iheislaiid, wlndher having passed from the Atlantic, or lu- lendiiii; to pass to the ocea i Ihron^li the si rails of Bdle Id", throiii^h ili? more frequenied passai^e belwcn Xew- fomidland and (Jajie llreton, or througii the (Jilt of Canso, or whether muni 15? helween Qu 'bee and thi)se portions of Canada and of the m.iriiiino provinces lying on the Gulf of St. Law.enc:\ Vessels taking cither of the channels formed by the position of th.e islan I must pa-s close to the island in c 011- seipience of the comparative narrowness of the northern one, and of the strong southeast current w!ii(di always runs along the souther. 1 channel. To avoid this, and the risk ofb dug driven on the rock-bound coast of the south shore of the Gulf and river, vessels generally stand out till they nnike Uie West Point of Anticosti, close U) I'Uis I5ay. Tiie inner anchorage of this bay has a depth of from three to four fatlioms at low water, with very excellent holding ground Cgravel and mud) ; the outer portion of th • anchorage could be nni- lei iaily improved at a trilling expense, so as to be able to cunlaiii in salely. during all winds, alnisstai.y number of vessel.-* of the largest size. If docks were coii- stiuclid a! iniis' Kay, wiili a pa'e it slip, it would I>e an admirable po.s'ion for the repair of ves^el■i stranded or dam- aged throiiglioul the Lower St. Law- renc ', many of w hich are now brviken up by the sea or di-'tnaiilled by wreeker.s b Tore assi danc- can be obtained from Qiiel)ec. l\iv s cam tugs I ni| loycd for the rlief of vessels in lUstress, tlijj might be niadi; an exc(llent slation; here, al.^o, a few stcann rs or g;nib;>at3 could coniiiiaud the two entrances to the river, or send out from this con- venient and c n ral s{)ot cruisers to any part (d'the Gulf The cstablidiuuvit of depots of coal at Kllis IJay and Kox liiver wo ildbe an advantage the importance of wlii:'■'>.'> ' io SI per t )n. Consid. ring i he fad lliat upwards of 2,0 1') ves-els annually arrivj from Eur ipe in the seas >n, besi les a larg.; Ileet of coasting and ,i lung vt'ss'ds, all of which must jias.i within siglit of tiio islaiul, some iilca can lu formed of tho importance lo be attached to tlie posi- toii and carabditics of these hari)or3 for c imniercial purposes. Tir> company wliic'i has be"n formed for ilie purpose of colo;ii:',:ng th.' idand of A'.iticosti, and lor working and cle- velo[);ng its resource-;, projiose to lay out town sites at Ell s 15.iv, Fox I5ay, and ,'il the South We^t I'winl. The chief town will ])e at Ellis 15:iy, wh.'ro the priiu'ipal [dace of luisne-s will bj establidied. The beaiiiifiil itua- tion of the first of these places, with its bracing s 'a-air, mist eventu- ally make it a resort f)r thou- s.uids of i)leasure-seek ers, sue.; sca- latiiiug could tiiere be combia d with many other summer s])ort-; and amuse- ments. The of the company i,=» S2,.'.')0,0'ii', d vide'd into i:>,nO;i sliar.'-; of SlOleacIi. The island is to b? divided into twenty comitie-!, of about I'J i,000 acres each, sub-divided into live town- ships It is further prop-sed lo lay a submarine telegrai)h cal le to connect t.^l-'*.:' if III k ''? fly i TV 1 »:t| k ^ 1 «i 1 M ' W ' %U ■I •: 4 ;if'i II: I t-iiuli.j, (.'siabli.,!) a baulc and a giia-ral liosiiital, c'liiaclics and .sc:,i)()!rf, and to esuiblisli, uimeoviT, five li liiii,,' .staliou.s, iii dilil'iviil p.irts of tlic irilaiid, wiiCTc t('iii|i<)rary buildiii;^^ are lo bf erected for curing and dryiu'j lisli. Opcratl. US and improvements of such n kind liave iverywiicre iiad ibe niosl bent' ri'hulL upon the industry, Wcallii and progress of tlie couniry in wljicb l!iey were ailenipted, and witii tho gri'al re^;ollr(•e3 and favourai)le peog ajiliical ]i(jsiti().i of tlie Island of Anlicosii, Ibirc is no re;iso!i to doul)l liiat ib'y will be attended tliero with similar ii'.iulls. 8ir >Villianj E. Logan, in his Gco- prapli.'e d Ucpcn't of Canada, after refer- ing to dcj osits of peat, or i)eat-l)oirs, in diller 'III parts of Canada, says: " Tlie most exlcn.sivc peat de[)o,ply of salt up(ni I he ishuid, an immcise quantity of fish caught at Anticosti a year v)r two ago were rendered usel'ss. This was alluded to by Command^'r Ijavoie, of " I,a Canadienne," in his report for ISTl, wiicre ha says that " lishing was abundant this season, the yield being reckoned at 9,500 quintala of cod, . . . but ti.e ., cutest drawback arose from the (! .iiculty experienced in curing fish. f. om the want of salt' Souk; of the llahnma Islands are retained merely oi account of the s;;ll ponds wITudi tliey coninin, and in (.'eylon a large rcvi'iiii(> is deri- ved I'rom the salt works carried on in that islaad. Ill ComuanderLavoie's report fjr 1S72, q.KUcd from bi'I'ore, he says tliat geolo. gists and others wiio have vi.-.iled the i iterior of the island, agree in slating that it, sn in )rt f..r 1872, t!iat ^I'olo. vi.-silod tlip ill statiiig iiK ir tlian ivalcilwitli ve already :.s'l:ay), at iiiiil, wlicrc : (li.;;rict of li. iStoricg, vri'ck:^ that jfAnticosti ti:]) lo 18(;i tliii^' tliere, cxU'iiding, id a c|iinrter [ ancdiorage C(•a^■t, and, jnslily tills fo {Tivat a tl'C! solves vi.'ilde at 2 ten feet y(> at fifty . and a-half mile-, and with the cyo at an olovatlon of 10 > II' 't, il will l>o visibh- iiltoiU twiMi- ty-lhri'i' iiiilod. Tiie t ird li,'hlhuu.m', oivctfd ' II I he West I'oiiit of Antico-ti, id a lire iliir sto.K^ tn\V( fared wilh lin'ii;:ck, !';;> feet in h'i^^jlit. Il exliiliiis, at lU fet ab'ive hi;;h water mark, a fix"d white li;_'ht, vidiblo from a di-t uiee of lifteiMi in le-i. A gnu is fired every hour da. iu^ i'o'4 and suow-sioi'in-t. The lilXlithoii •(! at Soiiiii I'o'.iit i.s a eoiiip ir- fttivrly iii'W buildiiiLT, t-lic I'l^ht havi.ijx been cxli bited in Aii also ostabli-hod on the islaml fur the relief of wr eked crews. The lirst of Uio-e is at KIlis ]>ay, the second at thelijrhthouse at the Soiitli Point; the third wlre!i was form rly at Shallop Creek (Ju:iiter Iliver , was this year removed toS.fiitli Point, where the new lin'htliouse and steam fog-whistle have been located, and til'! foi'.rth at tl'.e liirlilhouso on Ileatli Point. DirecMon boards are erected on the shore, or nailed to t-ecs, from which th> b.'anclies have been lopped ()ff, near the beach, and on various jioints of the coat. These boards are intended to jioint out to shii-.wrecked persons the way to the provision posts. Ves cl^ lire more frequently lost on Antie,)sti in the bad weathcu', at the cUiscj of navigation, than itanyotli.;r time, and their crews would p<'risli from want and the ri»r uirs of a C;ina- dian winter, if it were not f)r this humane ])i-ovi3iou, uinde bv Govern- raca:,iu the absence of settlements on the iiland. As, however, tlie popula- tion b, gin to increase, and d\v. llniK.4 become dcattered about, there will l)o tiie less urgent need ttn* th>S(' de]»ot.s. The currents around liie 1 land of Anticosti are \i-vy variable and iineer- taiu, and to this canst; may be atJriba- ted lua ly of the shipwreck.) that havo from time to time occurred there. A thj norili |ioiut id' tlie island then' is a cui- reiit aluio.-t always .selling ov. r to tho north-east, being turned in that d rec- tion liy the wesiendcd'tho i,-.liiid. Con- line 1 as it is, within a narrow ( lauuu I, it is vt'ry strong. AUaloigth- south coast betiveen the south- we -I and west points, the svvidl and the current both set 111 shore, and liie Ijottoin bei.ig of clean Hal limestone, will not Iiold an aiulnu'. It is also by no means iineom- mo;i in summer for Ih • bree/.e to die away suddenly to a calm. The tide around the island only rises from four to seven feet. Il not iinfreipieiiily jiapnens that wli"nthe, curreui romtlie no!i!i,vard i.^ running, a lolher from \V..\.\V. eoiue.-? along the south coa^t, i i wiiidi easo tiieymoet at a reef (,lf Heath Point, itnd caiwe a great ripple or irre'.ni! r bivak- ingsea. This takes place when a iVe..!i bree/.e IS blowing .iloiig tlie I.uid oii (uther side of the island. A wind has b 'Oil observed on the north .side from -V. or N.iv. whist thai on tin soutU side was W.N.W., and yet never meet- ing round the e.ast end of thi i;d,i,id. Belween the two winds there is usually a triangular s;iace of calm, ami light balding airs, cxte iding from live' to ei:xlit miles. In tlie >|)ac' b lw;-en the winds there is olten ob-.u-v.d a high cross S"a,iUid constau'.Iy changing light airs, which would leave a vessel nt tho mercy of the iiirrent, and in groat danger of being set on the II 'utli Point reef. Streams of e.xeellent waler de-cend to the sea ( n eveiy j.a t of tii ■ co ista of Anticosti. They are f.r iIk,' most I'a't too small to adinil, b.'com- iug rajiid immediately witiiiii their entrances, and eve;i t!ie'large.5t of th.'in are barred witli sand, cxeepling for short hilervals of time, after t!io -P'''"S fl H)il > ov after conti iiie I heavy rains. Tiiere '3 no doubt that, in a \oyy few ye.'ir.-i there will b;^ a num>;-.M;s ■. o n- la'ilon on the island, as applic.uions for i\ is It liii ; !*' nil TIIO 334 TIIO land nro belnj; constantly n^'ccivcd by th ■ Aiiticu.->li Oinii|iiiiiy, and tin; survey ij lj.'iiiy l>rosscd I'orwiiiHl williuU iitacti- cablc- Hi)eed. Had the island been thrown opc! I lor setlUim-nt years ago, it would be in a very dilK'renl position, connner- Cially speakiuL'', from uliat it now is; but once o[)ene(l, and found to bo equally productive willi the inari- tiine province's and Priiic'i Kdwaid Island, there is no reason wliy in a few decades it should not rival tlie latter. For long neglected and discarded, An- ticosli now lias a chance of prominence, and the Ddininion will hail the advent of another link in her chain, which, ihougli it m;iy never assume the title now borne iiy Prince Edward island, " the gem of the (!ult," may yet prove as valuable a jewel in the diadem of Con- federation. TIIH RAXGE, a post settlement in Queens co., N.i!., :!J miles from CJage- town. Pop. 150. TlIIKluS, a jiost office in Mcganlic CO., Que., (17 miles from Quobi^c. TllIliTV MILK CKKKK, a village m Lincoln co.. Out., 2 miles from Heams- vill' . Pop liO. TIllSTM:T()\VN,or ST. ANDREWS, a post village in V'ork co., Out., M miles from Weston. It contains 1 store and a grist mill. Pop. 200. TlIO.MASIU'RC;, a post village in Hastings co., Out., It) miles from ilelle- ville. It contains a tannery, carriage and blacksmith shops, 2 hot(ds, ;'. stores, and Church of England and Wesleyan Methodist churches. Pop. 200. THOMPSONS MILLS, a post office in (/unilierliiud co , N S. TIIO.MPSOXVILLI':, a post village in Simco.' co., On!., 17 miles from P>rad- f )rd. It has a .■^aw and grist mill, and 1 store, i'op. 80. TII()MS!)X,a post village in Cumber- woollen mill, flouring mill, telegraph office, and "> or G stores. Pop. -loo. TllOKXiJY, a post office in Pontiac CO., Que., 24 miles from Portage du Fort. TIIORXDALE, a post village in Mid- dlesex co., Ont., on the G. T. R., U) miles from London. It contains a telegraph office, a saw null, and 3 stores. Poj). I,"i0. TllORXE BROOK, a poH office in Kings CO., N.i}., 2.") miles from Apo- 'tII()RXE centre, a post village in i'outiai; co., Que., 20 miles trom iJristol. Pop. 100. TllORXE TOWN, a post village in Qmens co., N.B., on tiie Wash.idemoak river, 2(3 miles from Gagetown. Pop. 1,10. TIIORNIIILL, a thriving post vd- lage in York co.,Ont., on the N. R., 14 miles north of Toronto. It coitains churches of 4 deiominatiiuis, saw and flouring mills, 2 tidegraph oliice-:, (J or 7 stores, and .'5 hotels. The nil way sta- tion is ;! miles from the village. Pop. (jiio. THORNTON, a post village m Sim- coe CO, Out., S niile.s fVoiii Alieinlale. It c intaias an hotel and :> stores. Pop. 100. TIIOROLD, an incorporated town of Ontario, co. of Welhiud, on tiie ^\'elland Canal, and on the Welland railway, 4 miles fro.Ti St. Catharines. It ha.; sev- eral very extensive and planing mills flouring mills, saw , manufactories of land CD., N.S., on the I. li., 42 miles from Truro, 12 miles from Pugwash. | cotton mill it contaiiH .'! stores, 1 hotel, 1 saw mil cotton, paper, lea'dier, iron castings, and agricultural iniplemenis, 4 church- es, 2 telegraph offices, a printing oilier, 2 liranch banks, and a number of stores. P .p. l,u:i."). TIIOROLD STATION, or MERRIT- T' >X, a thriving i)ost vdlagc; in Lin- c iln CO., Out., on the Wella id (,'an.d, and on the G. W. R., 34 miles fr in Hamilton. It contains a pa|ier mill, saw and flouriim mills, and a woollen factory. South and cast of this i»lace are several beautiful lakes abounding i i trout. Pop. 2.')0, TIIORXIUIRV. a thriving post vil- lage of Ontario, co. of Grey, at the month of Reaver river in Nottawa.-aga Hay, Lake Huron, and on the X. li., l.S miles from Collingwood. It possesses ^ood water power, and coniairu a and several stores and hotels. Pop. ],onO. THOCSAXD ISLES, the most nu- merous collection of river islands in tiic world, between Ontario and the United States, coii'^ist of about 1,500 woody and rocky islets, in an expansion of the St. Lawrence, at its emergence from Lake Ontario, hence called the "Lake of the Thousand Isles." The tclogmpb . -luo. II Puatiac jrliigo du gc inMid- T. 11., 10 ;Mit;iiu.s ii 11, iiud 3 t oHicn in i'uiu Ai)o- st village lilcd troin pillage in liadcuKuik VQ. I'oj). post vil- ■ N. Ii., 14 L co'itains >, saw and ire,^, (J or 7 ihvay sta- igc. Pup. ^0 m Sim- Allendale. :> stores. 'd town of \\\Ilaiid railwav, 4 lia; ,sev- nulls, saw Mories of casting.^, 4 church- ing olHcr, of stores. MERRIT- iii fjin- il Canal, fr m [icr iiiill, ng iiiills, Is. Pop. niosst nu- shiiuls iu and the out l,m) '.xpansion iiuTgcnco •,illod tho L'S." t:ir 3:35 TIL The isles c.\tend fn in X.ipancc to Brockvillc and are travi rsed daily during the open iiavigaiiou l»y llie sleaniersot' llie lioyal Mail Line running between Montreal Kiiursl"", Toronto and liainillon. TiliJA.SHLii.S <;URXK1;8, Hastings CO., Out. S'e ] I.Ida. TI1UEI<: AR.M.'S Ji (ishing settle- ment ill the di,;triet of Twillingaio and Fi.g'), Mid., 1:5 miles from Tilt Cove. l'o]>. 7 •. TIIRi;!-: lil.'OOKS. a post office in Victoria CO , X J>., 'JO miles from Ando- TIIKI'r: MILK IIorSE, a village in Pictou I o , .\..S . ;', iiiilrs from Pieiou. It CO! taii.s a launerv and 2 stores. Pop. 2:. ■. 'lllki.l': .MILK PLAINS, a post vil- lage and ^ei; ;.'ni 'lit 111 Hants Co., .N'.S., on tlie \V. a A. ii., 4J miles from llali- ta.x Pop :; I'. Tllli. L laVKIiS, a city of Qi-eboc, cai)iial i t the co. of St. Maurice, at tlie coufluciice of tlie liters St. Maurice and St. Lawrence, and 0:1 the line of tlie propo.sed .Nortli Shore railway, [)0 miU'-s from Queb.'c, Oi) mil.'S from .\lo 1- treal. It is one of the oldest towns in die province, ha' i.Mg been founded in l(jl8, and was f)r a long lime station- ary as regarded enterpri.S(' and im- provemen; ; but of late years it has bjcome a mo,st prosperous place, a change i)r(idiiced lu-incipally by the extensive trade in Imiiber which is carried on on the St. Maurice ami its tribu'arics, and by increased ener- gy 'n the m mufacture of iron wares, for wiiicli till' S". Maurice forges, about ;! miles (li.-^tant from the town, have ahvajs been celebrated in (Janada. Three Rivers is tiie residence of a Roman Catholic Risiiop, whose diocese bears the same name, and contains a Roman Catliolic C.iiiiedral, a p iri.-^h cluircii, a church (d' Iv.iglaiKl, a Scotch kiriv, and a Wesleyaii ciiajiel, an I'r.^ii- liue convent with a scliocd attached, a colli'ge, Knglisii academy, and seve- ral other sclio )Is, 2 branch bank.-:, 2 l)rinting oilices issuing weekly news- pa[)ers, agencies of 2 telegraph and several insurance and assura ice com- panies, a ul a number of stores. The chief trade of the town is in lumber, which is shi"pe(l ii large (piantities direct to Soaih America, the West In- dies, England and th« United States. The i^treet.s of Three River? are ligh'.cil Willi gas. Ilse.ids one member to the House of Commons and one to the Provincial Parliament. Tlumberlaiiil c> , X.S., 10 miles from Advocate Harbor. TIIKKK TI;KK CRKKK, a station on the Fredericlon I'irauch raihvay, in Suiibury co., .V.!!., Ii miles from Pred- erictoii Junction. TilCNDKR 1!AV, a post vdlacre in the district of Algoma, () ;i., on 'i'hiin- der l!av, at the head of Lake Superior. TIU'RLOW, foni.erlv S.XOU VIL- L.V(JL. a jiost village in II isiings co., Out., 13 lulled from Bellevi.le. Pop. 12 I. TlIUPiSO, a river port of Quebec, co. . TKJXISII, a jiost vdlagfi in Prince CO , P.K.I. , (Jii the C.ulf (d" Lawrence and at the nortliern termini;s of the Prince Ivhvanl Island railway, 12 miles ■■ of the m on ihe <'iUholi r.'il saw 1.7'>. TILH Kent c » It c >nta several s TILSC thriving III i> 11 4iJ 1' f i».' w ' H ii'll |i ii' ! i ■ ■ if" , K >IPi'*4 'lili i TO A T(^ O.xf rd, "11 Otter creok, nnd on 1lie C. n lui'l (i. W. R'v, 2-i milos from St. Til i:i;i-, l.'» mil '.s N. of I'ort Hurvvcll. It c aitiiiH 4 c-IiLvclr-'s, a bi'iuicli bank. a t.l< }rr!i/li oliic •, ii priiitiiijjf oliico, o liulcl:, 4J St >i\'d, 2 s.'iw mills, .'» tT'.' mill :. 2 li'oii f iiiHiiics, 2 sa^li a id d or faci '.'ij-. a,:(l 2 cirra^'O f icloriL'.'^, ki'.. LuuiIh': ii.i,' \j l-.o priiu'iiial l);i.-iiii\ss but tir.; i.^ a {jC>J''d oii''iiiiij^ for i:\c- tor'iM u;al in icliiii ^ sliop.^, ha iIkto ar(! sevi'nil t xcc.'ll iitwat'-r p.iv.b'grs, and a].'() fa>v 111 Min of Iran p Tlatioii loall par's ')f t':," e 111. il;y. I'Dp. 1,7 h). Tir/r COv'l'i, a 'piciiuv^tiiic vill:i'4i! on \V :?! I'av, in tli. Tl.VuVriO'v, Avlhaba-^ka cc, Que. SeeS, I'.iiiciv's 1! !l. TIXLI;;F.\S COii.VEliS, York CO., Ont. S"i:\"T^ley. TITi-'.SVlLLK, a ])0;t vilhigo in Kings eo, \.!!., 7 miles IVijm iiamptou. It c mtaias :? -tores. Fop 10*. TIVK.iTOV, a jiost village in Brace c >., Ont., 20 miles f.oml^aiigHMi. It coutaias a cardiag m 11, woolen mill, lliiiiring m'li, and saw mill, 2 hotels, 3 c'aurc'ies a telegraph ollice, and 3 tor-'. I'op. 2"r). TIVi:HTi)N, Di-by co., N.S Sec Petite Pa.-; 'ge. T'iZZA!n)"S IIAUrOR, a nshi-ig settlcni'nt ni the
  • . 300. TOLLE.VDALE, a viUa-o in Simcoc CO , O It., I ni.le fr III Alien aikv It contains 2 tiniriog m.lis, 2 s.iw mill.;, and a woollen laiU. P'p. T' i ^ TO.XEY IMVr.L, a so i]>orl of Nov.i So )ta, CO. (d' PIctoa. at the mouth of a river of tl'.e same naui" i:i .N'oi'iliumbei'- land Sirait, 11 ni'h'.i lr.;iu Pictou. Po]). :;():). TOOLKY'S ro:;XERS, Diirham co,, Ont. S.-e Cartw. glit. TOPl'l.VlLa i(..l v;il;;ge in Perth CO, Out., 10 in.ies from Slralforil. Pop. 280. TOPSAIL, a picturesque bathing place on the S. .-ide tif Coi'Cptioa Le.y, di.Uncl of ILubar Main, Nlld., 12 miles from St. Jo!;n's. It i.-? much r sort' d to duri ig the summer months. Po;i. 2.".o. T-)Ki;AY, a p-^st office in Guy.s- b()r.)igli CO., N.S , on T;r iaiy. on the S K, c us' of Nova Scotia, K") miles from .Mw!av-es flarb.T. TOIMJ.VY, a hirL'e fi-hing s"t;lement on Tor Pay. on ili(> E c( ast i Xowfonud- l.i' (I, 7 miles N. of St. John's. Pop. 1,27a. TORHOLTON, Carletou co., Ont. See l)u irob'n, TOPP.i:Ot)K, a post village in Anna- polis CO., N.S , Oil Tor In. ok 5 miles from Bridgetown. It contains 1 churcli, 2 ,, formerly YORK, capitiil of Oat.uio, nn ' one ( f ilieiiio>i flaurisli- ingci;ijs i \ the Domiirou, is situated on a beautilV.I cirenlar bay, on the N.W. pliore of Lak" Ontav'o, in Vin'k co.,333 miles W.S.W. of Mo .Ureal, IGI miles fro liei )iit. See ' .1 tbriv- , Ont., on j1i Creek. 1 WIT, and ■iiw mill, res, and a in Sim coo n:ii!.>. It saw uiill;, .1 I of Nnva n.)ul!> of a K'ilnniibc'i- n Pictou. ,iih:un CO., • in Perth Slralford. 2 bathing Jo\' eptioa u, Nlhl., VI . la much ler months. ■ in Guys- Liiy. on iliC • in lies from s"t:loment \'.'wfoiiud- lu's. Pup. CO., Ont. '.0 111 It Anna- I miU'3 s 1 eliurcli, mill, and a cmtre of a on the iinarkable 1,'eaiitiful ojJcnin.Lrs tn. Pop. ■ in Card- Toronto, rapitiil ).\ tlaurish- tuatedon n Iho iN.W. rk co.,3;i3 IGl miles TOR 337 TOR from Kingston, 39 miles X. by E. of Hamilton, and 500 miles N'.W. of Wash- ington. Lat. 4:1 49 4 N., Ion. 79 71 f) \V. Moan temperatnre of the year 44"4 ; winter 20 4 ; snmiiier Oli 8 Faliren- lieit. Tl'.c bay is entered by a narrow opening, and is separated from the lake by a low ])eninsnia about G miles long, enclosing a beanlifiil basin lA mil' s in diameter, forming a safe ami well sheltered harbor, capable of con- taining a large number of vessels. The jfeninsiilaia called Plea.sure Island or Gibraltar Point, and is a favorite resort during the summer months. Tlie site of the town is low but rises gently from the waters' edge, — the ob- servatory being 108 feet above the Lake. Tiie streets generally cross each other at riglit angle-, some almost running parallel with the bay, and intersected bv otiiers which have a N and 8. direction, inclining slightly to the W., the whole forming nearly a parallelo- gram. The principal streets running E. and W. in the denser jiortioiis of tiie city are 'Front, King, Kiclimond, Adelaide and Que n streets; aid of tiie cross streets, Yonge, Church, iiay, and York streets. King and Yonge streets are tiie thoroughfares, and contain the largest numlier of stores. The ci;y^ generally is built of a light colored brick, of a soft, pleasing tint. The public buildings of the city are substantial in workmanship,and some of them beautiful in arohicteelural design. Many of the stores, especially the wholesale stores, and private dwell- ings, are quite ])alatial in their out- ward aspect and interior structure. It is the seat of Law and Provin- cial Government, and the headquarters of tiie Educational Dt^iiartment of Ontario. The principal buildings in f'onnectiou with are Osgoode Hall, a tine classic structure, coutaiii- sng all the Superior Law ('ourts of the province ; the Parliament buihings, of plain exterior, but witli handsomely decorated and furnished legislative cliamber, and well equipped Govern- ment (dlices ; the Lieut.-Governor's residence, a princely mansion; the Normal School buildings, of Italian design, containing ollici'S and de|U)si- taries of the Council of Public luslruc- 0'> tion ; two model schools ; one model grammar school and cdiirationttl museum. There are several ha idsome common and grammar schools. In connection with higher education there is the University of Toronto, tnie of the linest buildings on the continent of America, and rccKoned second to none on this side the Atlantic as a seat of learning. It is of Norman architecture in its i)rincipal features, with massive tower and richly sculptured doorway for Its main entrance. It is beau- tifully situated at the western side of the Queen's Park, a noble public jiark for the recreation of the citizens, whose spacious avenues are ornamen- ted with rows of stately trees. In the centre of the Park is a finely modelled and well executed bronxe statue of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, by Marshall Wood, England, and a short distance from this there is a mo lument, erected in honor of those Toronto Volunteers wht» sacrificed their lives in defence of their coun- try during the lirst attempted in- vasion of Canada by the Fenian mis- creants (18(;'i.) Trinity College is an- other educational institution in con- nection with the Kpiscopalian Church; and there is al.-o Knox College, for the theological training of students in con- nection with the Presbyterian CMiurch. The Upper Canada College is an extensive range of buildings and has a high repute as a grammar school and boarding school for boys. Thei« are two schools of medicine in Toronto each having an ellieient staff of pro- fessors. There is also an ably conduct- ed Veterinary College. The public institutions are numerous, and many of the buildings ajipropriatod for their purposes have striking features of architectural beauty. Amongst these may be enumerated the Lunatic Asylum, the Crystal Palace, for hold- ing the Provincial Agricultural Exhibi- tions ; the Hoys' Home ; the Girls' Home the Hot se of Providence; the Protest- ant Orphans' Home; the Custom House ; the Government School of Technology ; the new Post Oflieo, a fine speeimcni of the Italian order of aichiteclure. Tlie, manufacturing interests of Tor- onto are varied. There are several ex- tensive iron foundriea and engineering l»^' •f- ;-.) TOR 338 TOT :i \% 1^ establishments, railway car building 8hop3, rolling mills, several breweries and a mammoth distillery, carriage factories, tanneries, soap works, spice mills, caoinct factories, one of wnich is the largest in the Dominion, car wherl works, macliine shops of all kinds, pork i)acking establishments — one of these in appliances and arrange- ments for killing and curing l)eing modelled after the best Chicago houses — sewing macliine, sash and door, and boot and shoe factories on an extensive scale. Besides these, man^ other varieties of manufacture anti trade are carried on. Banking is well represented, there being thirteen Banks in the city, six of which have sprung out of the enter- prise of Toro ito merchants, and are doing a profitable business. Tliese are, the Bank of Toronto, the Royal ('ana- dian Bank, the Bank of Commerce, the Dominion Bank, the Federal Bank, and the St. Lawrence Bank. The other seven have their head offices elsewhere and are branches of the Bank of Montreal, the Merchants' Bank, the Ontario Hank, the Bank of British North America, the Quebec Bank, Molson's Bank and the City Bank. Insurances offices are numerous and their business extensive. The principal public halls are the St. Lawrence and .Music Halls, with i^yveral minor ones, and a large oni' with a suite of rooms attached for the Vouiig .Men's Christian Association. There is also a Mechanics' Institute, with class roonus, reading room and lilirary. Toronto contains 1 synagogue, and about 47 cliurclies, of which 11 are church of England, o church of [{ mie, 6 W sleyan Methodist, Si Presbyterian, and the remainder divided among the Baptists, Congregationalists, Xevv Con- ne-vion and Episcopal Metiiodists and other Dissenters. Among the cliurclies most deserving of notice for their archit/'ctural merits are St. James' Catliedral (church of England), St. Michael's (cathedral (iJoinan Catholic), the .Metropolitan Wesleyan Tabrr^ acle, Kno.\, Holy Trinity and St. George's churches. There are in the vicinity of tiie city 4 buryi'ig grounds, being Potters Kield, containing (> acros ; the Toronto Ne- cropolis, with fifteen acres ; St. James Cemeteiy, with 6.5 acres— the latter 2 at the N.E. extremity of the city, and the former W. of Yonge street'; and the Roman Catholic Cemetery, in Power street. Forty one newspajjcrs and periodi- cals are publidlied in Toronto, viz., 4 daily, l.'i weekly, 5 semi-monthly, 15 monthly, 1 quartirly, and 2 anuiiMlly. The citv is well supplied witli wall'v and is lighted with gas; and has an efficient fire brigade. Its fine harbor affords great facilities for an exten-ive traffic. Lines of steam- ers run daily during navigation to all the lake j)orts and ports on tlie River St. Lawrence. Five lines of railways run through the city — the Grand Trunk, Great Western, Northern. Toronto and Xipis- sing, and Toronto, Grey anil Bruce. These railways connect at all seasons of the year with all places of impor- tance on this continent. The value of real and personal pro- perty in Toronto for tlieyears 1870,1871, and 1872 was respectivelv, 1H70, Si"),- 918,457; 1871, $29,277,13,5 ; 1S72,3;J2,- G44,(;i2. The total value of imports for 1872 was §13,098,1:33; exports §2,201,814. Pop. in 1817, 1,2)0; in 18.3o, l,«i77; in 1842, 15,331]; in 1845; 19, 70(5; in 18:.2, 50,7U3 ; in 18G1, 44,821 ; and in 1871, 5G,''92. Toronto was founded by Governor Sinicoe in 1794. Parliament buildinjrs were erected and the Legislature iis- senibled there for the first time in 17;»7. In 1813, it was captured by the Ameri- cans, under General Pike, who was ki. led in storming the fort, but it wag hel'i only for a few days. Since that period the jdace has made steady pro- gress, and has assumed considerable iin- jiortance as a mart of trade and com- merce. In 1834 it was incorporated a city, and its name changed from York to Toronto. TORRVUrRN, a station on the In- ter('(d(jiiial raihv.av, in St. John cu., N.K., 5 miles from St. John. TOTXESS, a post village in Perth CO. Ont., 8 miles from Stratford. Pop. 200. TOTTEXHAM, a post village in Sinicoe CO., Ont , 17 miles from Hrad- ford. It contains a telegraph othce, a grist mill, and 4 stores. Pop. 150. TRE 339 TRO latter 2 and and citv, 3et : iu Powor i pcrioili- 0, viz., 4 ntlily, 15 iimuiiilly. ith wator d lias :u) t iacilltios of stcani- ,iau to all the ilivcr u through ik, Gifut and N'iitis- nd Bruce. »U seasons of impor- raoiiftl i)ro- s 1870,1871, 1870, $•»•;.. •ts for 1872 S2,.;0l,814. 0, 1,077-, in Ik; ; in 18.")2, id ill 1871, Governor t buildini:^ Islitnre as- Inie in 17'J7. the Araeri- ^yho was hnt it waa Since that isteudy pnv Jidfiabloim- ji.' and coia- lorporated a •uui ^'ork to 1 on the In- John CO., J"(> in Perth (ford. I'op. viUage in Ifroni Hrad- \)\\ othce, a h). 150. TOrUXCJUET, Newfoundland. See Twillintr te. TOVNK { lULIi, a settlement in CharloUf co., N B., 13 miles from St. Stephen. V<<]\ 2.')ii. TOWXSKXD CENTRE, a post vil- lage in Nurfoik co.. Out., 2\ miles from Waterford. ft coutiiinsa saw mill and a . miles- from Fleslierton. It contains a wool- len mill, jurist mill, and a store. Pop.Si). TREADVVELL, a nost village in Preseolt co., Ont., on tlie River Ottawa, 15 miles fn, 111 L'Orignal. Pod. r>0. TRECASTLE,apost village in Perth CO., Out., 12 miles from Listowel. Pop. 90. TREMBL A Y, a post office in Chicou- timi CO., Que., 3 miles from Chicoutimi. TREMONT, Kings co., N.S. See Canaan Road. TRENHOL.M, a post village in Drum- mond CO., Que., on the River St. Francia, 5 miles from Richmond. It contains 2 saw mills, 1 grist mill, and a woollen factory. Pop. 150. TREN'TOiV, an incorporated village and port of entry of Ontario, co. of Hastings, on the Trent, at its entrance into ihe Bav of Qninte, 101 miles E. of Toronto, ft contains 4 cinirches, a gramniar and 3 common schools, town hall, branch bank, printing office, 2 steam saw mills, 4 grist mills, 2 tan- neries, a tin factory, paper mill, carding mill, an iron foundry, and a number of stores. It also has excellent facilities for shipbuildingj and a considerable trade in exporting square and sawed timber. Total value of imports for 1872, $13,593: exports $412,^37. Pop. 2000. TRENTONVILLE, Norfolk co., Ont. See Atherton. TREPASSEY, a post town and port of entry of .N'ewfoundland, district of Placentia ana Sr. Marys, HI miles from St. John's. It has a fine harbor and a large trade in the fisheries. Pop. 514. TRINITY, a post town and port of entry >'^ miles from St. John's It lias one of the best har- bors on the island, with good anchorage for large vessels. The circuit court sits here every autumn. Inhabitants are chiefly engaged in the fisheries. Farming is also carried on. Po|>. 1,434. TRINITY RAY, a fishing st^ition on the Gulf of St. Lawrenc ', co., of Sag- uenay, 70 miles below Bersimis. Pop. 50, TROIS PISTOLES, a flourishing post village in Temiscouata co., Qiu'., on the S. shore of the St. Lawrence, and on the I. R,, 148 miles below Quebec. It contains a church, a convent flour- ing, carding and saw mills, aliout 15 stores, and a telegraph otlice. Pop. 650. TROIS SATMONS, a j.nst village in L'l^let CO, Que., on tivei of ihe same name, and on the G i . R., •)() miles be- low Quebec. It has 2 stores. Pop. ?M. TROUT BROOK, a settlement in Kent co.,N.B., 30 miles from Richibuoto. Pop. 100. \t i' ' '■ :.'i.i' iM'- ; !• t is r Hi T.. h i m^ ost village in Wentwortli CO., Ont., 7 miles from Ilurri.^burg. It has 2 .'stores. Poj). 100. TROV, Ke- t CO., Ont. Sec Fairfield. TRri)kLL, a post village in Essex CO., t)iit., 20 miles from Cliatham. Pop. mo. TRUMP ISLAND, in the district of Twilliiigate and Fogi>, NUd., 4 miles from Twillingate. It contains cojjper mines. TK*(IRO, an important market town of Nova Scotia, capital of ('olchester CO., silnatod 2 miles above the head of Cobecpiid Hay, and on the I. R., (!1 miles from Halifax, 215 mi es from St. John. It i.s one of the prettiest towns in the prov.nct% and contains, lie.-^ides the county buildiogs, several cliurehes and liotels, a braneh bank, a te!-'grapli office, thi» Provincial Normal and. Model schools, and manufactories of engines, iron castings, axles, machinery, boots nnd shoes, lasts and pegs, hats, leather, Woiulen ware, woollens, vtc. Pop. 2,5(10. TKVON CnRNER, u post village in Prin«eco., P.E.I., 24 miles from Cliar- lotteiown. Poj). 100. TS(H\\0\TII0UAN, or GREAT MOrXTAlN, a mountain on the N. bank of the river Jacque;^ Cartipr,about 24 miles X.W. of Quebec. It forms the southern angle of the Laun'ntian range of mountains which extend from Labra- dor to lliidxin's Hay Its elevaiion is nbont 2,000 feet above the level of the St. Lawrence. The view from its sum- mit is exceedingly grand. TUAM, a i>osi village in Simcoe co., Ont., on the Notfawasaga river, 15 miles from Bradford. It contains a distillery, a flouring mill, 2sawmills,aud several Stores. Poll. 180. TULLAMORE, a post village in Cardwell co., Ont., 9 miles from Mal- ton. Pop 250. TUPPERVILLE, a post village in Annapolis co., N.S., on Annapoli.s river, 5 miles from Rridgotuwo. Pop. 150. TURKS rOVE, a fishing setllement on the S. side of Trinity Hay, .N'fld , lit; miles from Harbor (Jrace. "poi.. HO. TI'RKStJI'T, a fishin- settlement on the .\. Side of (Conception Hay, Ntld., 2 miles from Hrigiis. Pop. I lo. TPiv'XIP ('(>VE,a fisliing settlement on the N. side of FortuiK! Hay, Ntld , 20 miles from Hfdieorem Pop. '40. TUR.VS. orTERKNCE, !'..\y, a post in Halifax co., N.S., on tiie Atlantic coast, 19 miles from Ibdifax. lis iahabitanls are chiefly engaged in the fisheries. Pop. 240. TURTLE UlfEEK, a j.ost s-dtlement in All)ert co.,.\.H., 12 miles from vSali?- biiry. Pop. 150. TURTLE LAKE. Victoria co. Ont., 7 a post otVice in miles from Ash- down. TUSCARORA, or MIUDLEPORT, a ])ost village in Hrant co., Out., on th« Granil River, and on the G. T. R., 11 miles from Hrantford. Pop. 15o. '1 CSKET. a tliriving |)ost village in Yarmouth en,, N'.S,, on a river of tliH same name. 9 miles from Yarnuuith. It contains a innl.i'r of stores, and has a large tnnle in sliii/building. Poo. 450. TUCKET FORKS, a post ollice in Yarn*)iitli co., N S. TPSKET WEDGE, a post settlement in Yarmouth co.. N.S., 12 miles from Yar'iionth. Pop'. 800, TWEED, formerly IIUNGERFORD MILLS, a thriving post village ill Hast- ings CO., Ont., on the River .Moira, 25 miles from Helleville. It po.ssfs.sei g:iod water power, and contains 2 saw mills, a flouring mill, steam t iiinerT, woollen factory, iron foundry, 12 store', a telegraph office, and churches of 3 denominaiions. Pop. 000. TWEEDSIDE, a post settlement in York CO., N.H., 8 miles from Harvey. Pop. 150. TWEEDSIDE, a post village in Wentwortii co , Ont., 4 miles from Winona Poo. I'o. TWILLI.XG ATE. or TOUMNGUET a seaport town and port of entry Newfoundland, capital of the di,5trict 'illii}»'(! in froMi Mdl- rillapro in Vniiapolis i\v:i. l*op. sctllomont . .\tt(i , :!•; 'oi.. HO. tlcinpnt on y, NH.l, 2 (I. sottloniont Hiiv, Ntld, \ Y, rt post <., (in tiie nil Hidifax. ■n^iiKf^d in soltltMiiont from Suli?- ; ollire in from Asli- [.EPOIIT, a Oiii., on tlifi ;.T. R., n villnixe if r of tliH nmith. It Pom. 4riii. olliee in solUcment niilt'3 from ■via llftst- Moirn, 25 po.-.sfj'sei tuins '1 saw in tiHiierT, I'J Hlore«, ii'clif:3 of ^ tlcnient in mi Iliirvoy. villivjjP '1 iii;l'-s f(■^>ra of tMitry e diiii'ict ULL 341 UPH IVC Twilliiipale and Fogo, 190 niilen from St. Jol'ii's. It is a jilaceof con.-iideraf'lo tnidc, and is situated on two it^lands of tJKi same iiiinie wliicli aiv connected t()f(i'tlier by a l)ridgo. Its Imrhor is not very g'^oii, lu'lni; exposed toN.K. winds, (/'opper mines are worked in the vicin- itv. Top. 'JJiHi. *TW() ISLANDS, a settlement in (]uinl)erliind co., N'.S., G miles from i'turslioro'ijrli- I'op. 100. TWO MOl'NTAIN'S, (Dkux Mon- TAONKS,) a county of Qnehec, haviufi; tiie Ottawa river for its S. lioundary. Area lt!"i,2H7 acres. It i.s wjitered by the Kiviere dii Nord mid Fliviere dii Clieiie, wliieh How into tlio Ottawa. It.s capital is Ste. Scholtistique. Pop. i.V-ir.. TYENDIXAdA, a township in Hast- ings CO., Ont., liaving the I5tiy of Quinte fnr its S. boundary. It is wiitcrcd by lilt; Salmon river, a largo stream on wiiich are numerous flouring and .«aw mills, factories, &e. It contains sever- k1 village.s, the largest of which is bliannonville. 'I'yendinaga is the name of 11 stntion on the G. T. R., 3t mile.s from Kingston. The village of Marys- riile is di-tant a half mile from this stiition. Si'" Marysville. TV.NEMOUTil, St. John co., iN.B. See Ten Mile Oeek. TYNESIDE, a post office in Haldi- mimd CO., Ont., 14 miles from Hamilton. TYRCONNEL, a post village in Eltjin CO., Ont., 3 miles from Wallacc- lown. It contains several stores and uiills, and i telegraph oflico. Pop. I'fid. TYRONE, a iH)3l village in Durham •0., Out., 7 miles from lk)wmaiiviilt). It contains a bdegraph othce, 3 stores, !v saw mill and a grist mill. Pop. :!0(t. TYRRELL, or HOPEVILLE, a ])ost village in Norfolk co., Ont., (> miles fruin ."^imeoe. Pop. HO. UDORA, a post village in Ontario fo., Out., on lilaek river, Hj miles from U.xliridge. It contains I saw mill, 1 grist mill, antl 1 store. Pop. 2r>(). UKEINGTON, a post village in Vic- toria CO., Ont., (J miles from Brace- bridge. Pop. 70. UFFORI), a post village in Victoria CO.. Out., IG miles from Bracebridge. Pofi. 50. I'LLSVILLE.a hamletinSimcoe co., Out. ULLSVVATER, a post vilbipe in Vic'oriu CO., Ont., 20 miles from Brace- bridge. Pop. 100. ULLYATT, a post office in (Jrey co., Ont., 12 miles from Fle-^herton. ULSTER, a post office in Grey co., Ont., 2G miles from (ruderich. ULVEirrON, a post village in Dnim- mond CO., Que., 7 miles from .Melbniune. It Contains a woollen factory, 3 saw and grist mills, and 4 stores. Pop. 20O. UMFRA VILLE, a post office in HasU intrs CO., Out., 71 miles back of Belle- ville. UNDERWOOD, a jiost village in Bruce co., Ont , i;{ miles from Paisley. It has a telegra])h office, 3 stores, and a saw mill. i'o|i. Jto. INDIXE, or SALMOV RIVEIf, a post settlernen' in Victoria co.,N.H., on a tributary of the St. John, 9 miles from Grand Falls. Pop. 150. UNION, a thriving post vilhige in Elgin CO., Ont., on Beaver (heek, G miles from St. Thomas. It cnntaiiis saw, grist.aiiii woollen mills, a telegraph offic", ami several stores. Po|>. AM. U'NION, a village in Colchester co, N.S , on the I. R. (Pictou branch), 70 miles from Halifa.x. Pop. 50. I NION C(»RNER, a post office in Carleton co., N.B., i4 miles from Wood- stock. UNION ROAD, a station on the Pri ice Eilward Island railway, in Queens co, P.E I. UNION HILL, a po.n office in Middle- sex CO , Ont., 14^ miles from London. UNION SQUARE, Kings co., N.S. See Bucklev's. UNIONVILLE, a hamlet in Leeds CO., Ont. UNIONVILLE, a thriving post vil- lage in Y^ork co , Out., on the River Rouge, and on th'3 T. it N. R., 20 miles from Toronto. It contains a fl mring mill, a saw mill, G stores, I! hotels, and a tidegra]ili office. I'oji. 250. UPIIA.M, a post village in Kings co., ^'.B., 1.") miles from Hauipton, 2.'> miles from St John. It contains several stores and mills. Pop. 2oo. UPIIA.M VALE, Kings co., N.B. See Hammond Vale. UlMllLL, a tiost village in Victoria CO.. Ont., on Head river, 11 miles from Coboconk. It contains 1 church,! store, 1 hotel, and 3 :jaw mills. Pop. 50. ■>i i'^ m m r UPP /I Ji UPNOR, n post office in Victoria co., Ont., 38 miles from Lindsay. UPPEIl liAY DU VIN, a i)Ost settle- ment in Northumberland co., N.B , IG miles from Chatham. Pop. 100. DPPEU HEDFOHD, a tliriving post village in .Missisqrtoi co., Que., on Pike river, 2;J niilesfromSta'ibridge. It con- tains 3 chnrciies, 8 store.^^, 3 hotels, 2 eaw mills, 1 gristmill, I iron foundry, 1 scythe factory, 1 sewing machine fac- tory, 1 tannery, 2, door and blind factories, 1 carriage factory, 4 black- smiths' ^hops, 3 harness shops, 3 shoe 8hops,an organ factory, and a telegraph office. Pop. 1,000. UPPKll IJRANCK, a post office in Lnnenbiirg co., N.S., on a branch of the La Have liver, 7 miles from Bridge- water. UPPER HREVVERS MILLS, a village in Fronteuac co., Ont., on the Rideaii Canal, 18 miles from Kingston. It lias a telegr' ph oflice. UPPER HUCTOUCIIE, a postsettle- ment in Kent co., N.B., on the River Bnctouche, 12 miles from Buctouche. Pop. 509. UPPER BURGEO, a fishing settle- ment in the district of Burgeo iiiid La Poilc,Nfld., 3 miles from Lower Bnrgeo. Pop. 85. UPPER CALEDOXIA, a post settle- ment in Ilalif IX co. N.S., 62 miles f om Shnbenacadie. Gold is found in the vicinity. Pop 125. UPPER CANARD, a village in Kings CO., N.S., on Canard river, 4 miles from Kentville. It contains 2 stores. Pop. 150. UPPER CAPE, a post settlement in Westmorland co., N.B., 15 miles from Bale Verte. Pop. 75. UPPER CARAQUi-lTTE, a post office in Gloucester co , N.B., 42^ miles from Bathnrst. See Caraquette. UPPER CAVERHILL, a post office in York co., N.B., 1!) miles from Kes- wick Ridg'', 31 miles from Fredericton. UPPER CHURCH STREET, Kings CO., N.S. See Church Street. UPPER CROSS ROADS ST.MARYS, a post office in Guysborough co., N.S., 3 miles from .Melrose. UPPER CLYDE RIVER, a post set- tlement in Shelburne co., N.S., on the River Clyde, 14 miles from Shelburne. Pop. 125. 342 UP? FPPFR DYKE VILLAGE, a poat village in Kings co., N.S., 5/[ miles from Kentville. Pop. 140 UPPER ECO.\OMY,H post village in Colchester CO., N.S.,on Cobeipiid B;ty, 21 J miles from Londond'rry. It con- tains 3 stores, and several mills and shipynrds. Pop. 425 UPPRR FONTHILL. a village hi Welland co., Ont, G miles from Wel- land. Pop. 75. UPPER GAGETOWX, a post vil- lage in Queens co., N.M., on the River St. John, 8 miles above (Jagetown. It contains 2 stores, a grist mill and 3 saw mills. P(tp. 2o0. UPPER GASPEREAU, a post sot- tlement in Queens co., N.B., 55 miles from Sheffield. Pop. 100. UPPER GREENWICH, a post sot- tlenieiit in Kings co., N.B., on the River St. John, 22 miles above St John. Pop. 100. UPPER GULLEY, a fishing settle- ment in the district of Harbor Main, Nfld, .30 miles from St. John's. Pop. 138 UPPER HAMPSTEAD, a post village in Queens co., N.B., on the N. side of the River St. John, 40 miles from St. John. It contains 1 church, 1 store and 1 saw mill. P«)p. 160. UPPER HAYNESVILLE, apost set- tlement in York co., N B., on the New Brunswick railway, 24 miles from Fred- ericton. Pop. 150. UPPER KENNETCOOK, a post vil- lage in Hants co., N.S., on the River Kennetcook, 11 miles from Maitland. Pop. 80. UPPER KENT, a post settlement in Carleton co., X.B., 11 miles from An- dover. Pop 250. UPPER KESWICK, a post village in York CO., N.B., on the Now Brunswick railway, 28 miles from Fredericton. It contains a saw mill and 3 stores. Pop. 150. UPPER KESWICK RIDGE, apost settlement in York co., N.H., 16 miles from Fredericton, 4 miles from Kes- wick Ridge. Pod. 100. UPPER KINGSCLEAR, York co., N.B. SecKingsclear. UPPER LA HAVE, a post village in Lunenburg co., N.S., on the La Have river, 9 miles from Lunenburg. It contains 2 saw mills and 3 stores. Pop. 130. UPP 343 UPP Ej a po8l miles from ^t village )e(iui(l Hay, r. It con- mills and village in rrom Wel- , post vil- the Kivor etown. It nill and 3 I p03t BPt- , 55 miles a post sot- |{., on the ve. St John. ling settle- irbor Main, 5. Pop. 138 post village t N. side of les from St. 1 store and , a post set- on the New from Fred- a post vil- Ihe River a Maitland. ittlement in from An- :;t village in Brunswick i'redericton. stores. Pop. )GE, a post H., 16 miles from Kes- York CO., it village in le La Have iburg. It ,orea. Pop. UPPER L'AIIDOISE, Richmona co., N.S. Hoc L'Ardoisp. UPPER LOCII LOMOND, a post seltlcuii' it ill St. .loliii CO., N.B., at tlie head of a beautiful lake of the same iinuie, 14 miles from St. John. Pop. 150. UPPEli MA(;CAN, a post village in Cumberland co., N.S., 18 miles from Amherst. Pop. 70. UPPER MAGAC.UADAVIC, a post settlement in Vork ci»., .V.H., 10 miles from Low(!r Prince William, 40 miles fioni Fredcrirton. P 'M:' il Hi ■■m. w [lis UXB UPPER WASH A HOCK. 344 VAL a pngt office in Itivorncss co., N.S., 17 miles from Wliycocomiih. UPPKK WICKLOW, a post settle- ment in (yiirleton co., N.l?., Oj miles from Klorencevilie. Pop. 20f<. ni'PKU W()(H)S IIAMHOH, ii post onice in Shciburne co., N.S.. 20 miles from Biirrinfrton. UPPKU WOODSTOCK, a fliriving post village in (Jarleion co., N.iJ, on the ]{iver St. John, 2\ miles from Wiioilstock. It contuiiis several stores atul exten.-;ive iron works. Pop. 400.' UPSALQUITCH, a post settlement in Gli'iict'Ster co., N.H., at the moutii ot the Up^ahiuitch river, 13 miles from Camiliellion. Pop. 100. UPTKROROVE, a j.ost villu(ro in Ontario co., Ont., 'Ih miles from Atlier- lev. It contains 4 stores. Poji. IH"). UPTON, a station ()n the G. T. R., in Bapot CO., Que., 48 miles from Montreal. It has a telegrai)h oflice. See St. E))hri'ni d'Upton. URBAXIA, a post ofTice in Hants co., N.S , 10 miles frcmi Shubenacadie. URSIJLE MILLS, a telegraph station iu Temiscouata co., Que., 8 miles back of Riviere du Lou|) en hdut. UHQUIIART'S, a post onice in Kings CO., N.B. USHER, a post office in Antigonish CO., N S., 4 miles from Tracadic. UTICA,ai)0st village in Ontario co., Ont., 7 miles from Uxbridge. Pop. 200. UTOPIA, a post villaso in Simcoe CO., Out., on the X. R., 2;{ miles from Collingwood. It contains a grist mill, a saw mill, and a store. UTTERSOX, a thriving post village in Victoria co., Ont., 12 miles from Bracebridge. It co'itains several stores and mills. Pop. .350. UTTOXETER, a post village in Lambton co.. Out., 6 miles from Wan- atead. Pop. 100. UXBRIDGE, an incorporated village in Ontario co., Ont., on a branch of the Black river, and on the T. & X. R., 43 miles from Toronto. It contains churches of 6 denominations, a branch bank, a telegraph office, printing office, 6 hotels, about 20 stores, several saw and grist mills, and manufactories of iron castings, mill machinery, en- gines, axes, ploughs, leather, fanning mills, woollens, &c. Pop. 1,500. VACHELL, orEtJYPT, a vil- la^'c in York co,, Ont., 13 miles from Bell Ewart. Pop. 17.'). VAILLAX(M)rRT, or ST. PAM- PIIILE, a post village in L'l.>let ro , Que., 33 miles from St. Jean P«jrt Juli. Pop. 70. VALCARTIER, a post village and parisli in Quebec co., Que., 17 miles from Quebec. It has a Roman Catholic church and 2stnres. Poji. 737. VAL(}(JUI!T, formerly ST. JOSEPH D'ELV, a post village in Slieflbrd c o., (iue..^ 20 miles from Waterloo. It lias 2 stores and a saw and grist mill. Pop. HO. VALDES, an island of British Col- umbia, in the (!ulf of Georgia, lat. fio' X., lo!i. 12.0 2 W. It is the largest of all the islands in the vicinity, and ah)ng with Vancouver's forms the continua- tion of the gulf, which is al.'^o called " Discovery Passage." There is a vil- lage ujion it,seiite, when the island became a British (yolony, under a complete form of government. In ]HC,v, the Island find the mainland were united under the name of British ('"lumbia, and so C(mtinned until ihe 'JOlli of July, 1871, at which date that large and beautiful colony became one of the jirovinces of the Dominion of ('anada. Vancouver Island is noted for its rich coal mines, its magiiilicent liail)ors, its valuable free stone quarries, its derglitful (di- mate, and its forests of lino timber. Gold has also becu found but in leiona co., Ont., 10 miles from Brace- small quantity. Victoria, at the S.E. v.xtremity of the Island, is the capital of British (!obimbia. VA.NDEtJAR, a village in O.xford CO, Ont., 10 miles Iroin Wood- stock. I'op. IflO. VAN'DKLKI'R, a post oOice in Grey CO , Ont., on Beaver river, 'j miles from Fle.-herton. VANKEKEK HILL, a thriving post vilhigi' in I're.-irott co., Ont., "J!) miles from Riviere Baisin^ IH miles from I'oint Fortune. It eontains cliiiielies of .'i or ♦; denominations, 1 giamnr r .-.cliool, 'J common schools, a telegrapii otlice, about ]'2 stores, mannfactorit- of pot und pearl ashes, iron ca-^tings, doth, or 7 stores, and a telegraph (flice. Pop. .'iOl. VAB.VA,a post village in Huron co., Ont , near Bayfield river, \'2z m'h's Seaforth. Itcontai-isa telegraph ollice, 4 stores, and a saw und grist mill. Pop. I'OO VARNEV, or ENXISKILLEN, a Host v'liage in 'Irey co., Ont., 13 miles f'cm Mount Forest. Pop. too. V ASEV, a jiost village in Simcoe co., Ont., 'J.C) miles from Bairie. Pop. r)0. VAU15AN, a p(»st village in Temis- couata CO., Que., 33 miles from Riviere du Loup >» liiix. Pop. .oO. VAl'DREI'IL, a cousty of Quebec, situated in the S.W. part of the pro- vince, bounded on the S.E. by the St. Luwrtnce Rivtr, and on the N. by the {': \.- if" 1 l> f li 111 '* :l :l III; li' VER 34G VIO Lake of Two Montitainfl. It is wiifor- ed by tlio Hivcr DcLislc un»l several otiicr streams, and traversed by the Grand Trunk railway. Area li»;,r)i)() acres. l*()i». 1 1.()(i3. VAl'DUKCIL, ii thriving i»ost vil- lajje of Quebec, capital of the above county, oil tiie iliver St. Lawrence, and on the (J. T. II, 2-\^ miles \V. of Montreal. It cmitaiiis a (;iiuicii, con- vent, telegraph oflice, .saw null, 4 liotel.s and ntains an hotel and 3 stores. Pup, 12,V VERXOX RIVER MRII)(!E, a post village in Queens CO., P.E.I.,on N'ernon river, 14 miles from Cliarlottetown. It con tains a sliipvard and .several stores?, Pop 1.^.0 VERXOXVILLE, a post village in .Vorlliniiibciiiuid co.,Ont., 14milertl'roni (Jnifton. Pop. 100. VEROXA, a post village in Addiiig- ton CO., Ont., at the head of the .Xapa- neo river, and on the Kingston and Peml)i'oke railway, 21 miles from King- ston, pop. 40. VERSAILLES, or SOlXAXTE,am.3t village in Iberville co.. Que., on the S. S. & C. It., 7 miles from St. Johns. Pop, 150. VRRSCHOYLE, a post village in Oxford CO., Out., Gi miles from Inger- soU. Pop. 175. VESTA, a post village in Hruce co., a p >sfi Out., 8 miles from Paisley, Pop. ,'iO. VICARS, or McLEAN'S CORXERS, a i)Ost village in Huntingdon co.. Que., 8 miles from Ilemmiiigford. It contains an hotel and 2 stores. Pop. GO. VICTORIA, a county in the N.W. part of Ontario, near Lake Simcoe. Area 83,'), .^)48 acres. It contains several small lakes, and is intersected by two railroads. Cai)ital, Lindsay. Pop. 30,- 2 no. VICTORIA, acounty of New Bruns- wick, in the N'. part of the province, bordering on the State of Maine and on the i)rovince of Quebec. Area 2,2.'U,- 000 acres. The surfice is rolling and varied, but remarkably fertile, even to the tops of the hills. The country is drained by the St. John, St. Francis, Madawaska, and Tobique river.', besidi numerous other streams. The i-iiti the Frederic on ami Rivicn 'm ' Railway (in course of co: ^wu, traverses it. Capital, Gra Falls. Po)). ll,G4l. VICTORIA, a county of Nova Sc tia, on the Island of Cape IJrelo between the counties of Ca]»e Iketon and Inverness. Area 707,000 acres. The north western part is mountainous, and but scantily settled ; the south west is better adapted for agriculture, and the soil particularly good in many 'Wi illage in till- same DttC'ttlWll. res. Pop. "i, a post II Nfrnon ittl'IOWll. nils lure?. illapn in nik'slroni Adding- lie Xapa- ^tuii and •oni King- TK,ano3t n the S.S. us. Pop. illnjye in m luger- Uruco CO., Pop. ;w. DllNKHS, CO., Que., t contains GO. the N.W. ' Sinicoe. i.s several by two Pop. 30,. iw Bruns- province, and oil p.'i 2,2:u,- ling and even to 1)1111 try is Francis, , liesidi r .lltP I OllOl./ Falls. uvii Sc' IJrclo te Breton 00 acres, ntainons, he south riculture, iu many VIO 347 vrc parts. TliP cniintv abounds in miner- ftls, coal, iron and salt, which, with e.xccl- lontl>niIdin(;st(ine, are abundant ; yoid and silver have been disrovered in niJiiiy |)laces, but no mines have been opened. Capital, Baddeck. Pop. 11,- 340. VICTORIA, a nost settlement in Ciunlierlaiui co., S'.S., 8 miles from Tlionison. Pop. loo, VICTOIIIA, a post villape and set- tlement in (Jarlettui ro., N'.B,, 7^ miles rniin Woodstocii. It contains an hotel, a tanni'i'v, and 2 stores. Pop, ,'{,"iO, VICTUKIA, asetllement in Sunbury CO., N.B., I) miles from Cromocto. Pop. ir)0. VHn^ORIA, a thriving post village in Queens co., P.IvI., at the mouth of Crapaud river, '.'.t miles from (.'harlottc- fown. It contaiiisan hotel and several stori'S. Pop. 200. VICTORIA, a village in Peel co., Ont., H miles fr()m Brampton. Pop. oO. VICTORIA, formerly RAGTOWX, a Tillage in Brunt co,, Ont., 5 miles from Princeton. Pop. SO. VICTORIA, the seat of (Jovernment nnd capital of British Columbia, is sit- uated near the S.E. e.vtremity of Van- couver Island, where the adjoining Strait of Fuca is 17 miles in breadth, 143 miles from < >lympiM(Puget's Sound ), 320 miles from Portland (Oregon), 3,000 miles from .Montreal. Lat. 48^ 25 20' .N., Ion. 123 22 34 W. The surroundings of Victoria are singularly beautiful. To the south is a wide stretch of sea, closed in by the magnificent range of the Olympian Dioiintain.«). These mountains, the lower portion of which is shaded with a soft velvety mist, and the tojis covered with ■;ii"W strongly rcHecting the ray- of the 1, form the most prominent feature i till' hindseape. To the eastward is 'ount Baker, which, at a distance of arly InO miles, rears its snowy peak ir away into the clouds. To the west- ward i,s a long wide stretch of sea, bounded on one side by the Olympian range and on the other by the rocks and moun lins of Vancouver, jutting 1 there into the Strait ; northward are ranges of n tains, prominent amongst which, within 5 or G miles of the town, a,i ' e peaks of Mount Tolraie and Ceti Mountain. From these out heie while to hills aiii' heights the most beautiful panoramic views of the southern e\id of the Island, the surrounding oetiiii, the Olympian range and the enasl ra ige on themain- lanti far away to the westward may be obtained. The country in the ncighbi iirhood of Victoria is rciiiarkaljly pictiire.-(pu'. Na- tural larks— in whicii iluu'e iiii' num- bers of line old • aks, and a prijfiision of ferns and wild ro«es, little inb'ls, ba^s, and beaclie-:, jutting roeks, and the line scenery of the baek-groiiiid combine to render it one of the most lovely spots on tlie earth. This, together with itri magniliceiit climate, which is beauti- fully dear, cool and fiesii during the whol(! Slimmer season, and very mild in winter, must in the fiiiure ri'iider it a place of great resort. Three miles from Victoria is the har- bor of Iv-(iiiimaiill, one of the finest on the Pacific coast, and the western terminus of the Canada Pacific rail- way. There is here a naval station, at which tiiere are generally two or three shijis of war. A graving dock is iu contemplation, capable of admitting ships of the largest >i/,e, tenders for the construction of which have been invited by the Provincial Government. An excellent macadamized road connects the two harbors. The city boasts of some good streets, with fine drives, ovcre.vcellent roHls,in various directions. .Adjoining the town a large e.xte It of ground has heeu reserv- ed for a public jtark. This picturesque locality, known as Beacon llill, borders on the Strait. Here is the public race course, and cricket grouml. On the outskirts of the town are many attrac- tive residences ; and every C(.)ttage dis- plays its pretty garden. Though Victoria can boast of no architectural pretensions, there are many neat and substantially con- structed building.-!, among ilicm maybe mentioned the Provincial olliccs on James' Bay; the Presbyterian, Wcsley- an and Rf)maH Catholic ciiurches ,• a Jewish Synagogue; (Jhrist Church Ca- tliciiral; the iron eliurcli of St. John, a donation to the Eiii.-copalian rongrega- lion of the Province from the Baroness (,'outts; the Angela College for young ladies, from the same e.xeellent lady; the St. Anne's Convent and Orphan School; thtt MasouicBuildiug ; the Me- ;j .' I, i r 5^*i il '. ' i I ' i ■ r i 1 'j \ 1 * 1 1 1 n It ;^i'^ ■#: VIO 348 VIE T I ^ I! ' it. ,r. :;'. !^ clmuica Institute, Rank of Hritisli North AnuM'ica, the St. Nidioliis hotel, Alhiiiu- biii, and Driiird Ffoiisc, a jtiiblic llos- nitiil, i\n(l a Tlicutre. Various imhlic uiiililin}!;s are to he erected by the Do- mi tion Government. Two daily and two weekly news- papers are nnhlislied in Victoria. The city is adiciuately snpidied witli pas by an incorporated couipiiny; and will) water, by pipes laid dowa by another coiniiany, supplemented by carts — the source of siijiplv bi'inf? cer- tain sprinj^s on a riilpe near the town. A bill has passed the last sesgion ot'tiie legislature authoriziu}? the Mnnicinal Council to liriii^ water from a bike, distant some <) miles from the town. Tliis will cost ^10n,0(i(). Th'-re is constant telepra])liic com- munication between Europe and Victo- ria, by way of New York and Snn Fnincisco. The line which crosses the southern ])iirt of tlie Gulf of Georgia to Victoria by a submeriijed cable, has a branch exteudiiig to tlie verjje of the (..'nril)oo region, a distance of 5Gt) miles. Victoria contains about 40 stores, 4 breweries, 2 distilleries, 1 irou foun^lry, 1 soap factorv.'i sash fiictories, 2 tanner- ies, 1 shijiyard, 2 lumber yards, ortsin IS72 was2it2 (tons KU,- C96), and the clciirauces 28;") (tons 12!t,- 804.) Total value of imports :?l,7!tO,- 352; exports Sl,'.»ir),107. Pop. 4,r).10. Rates of wnges current in Victoria May. lf^72 ; Car|)enters ij3.r)0 to S!}.?") per diem; blacksmiths, bricklayers, jilastercrs, itc, $2 to SO ])er diem ; fe- male servants — nursemaids $12 to $15 ; cooks, itc , $20 to $25 per month. Men- servants (Chinese) $20 to $25 ]ier month. Laborers, scarce at 5f!U) to ;t5 ])er month, witli boarii. Flour is sold at $7 to $7.50 per brl. of 200 lbs. ; lieef, pork and mutton 12^c to ISc. per lb. ; butlter 40c. to ilOc. ; sugar TJ-^c. ; an I clothing at a moderate advance on in- voice. \ ICTOIJIA, Bothwell co., Ont. See Florence. VICTORIA, Siincoe co , Ont. See Innistil. VICTORIA BRIDGE, a .settlement in AMnapt)lis co., N.S , at the mouth of i>ear river in Annajiolis basil, V6k miles from Auuapolis. Fou. 50. VICTORIA CORNERS, a post vil- lage iu Ontario co., Out., (J miles from Uxbridge. Pop. 80. VICTORIA FARM, a office in Ottawa co., Que. See Wriglit. VltrroiUA HARBOR, a post olRco in Simcoe co., Ont on Matchedasb Ray, 28 miles from OriUiu. VICTORIA IIAR150R, a post vil- Kings CO., N.S., on tlie Bay (if 15 miles from Berwick Pop. lage m Funily, on. VICTORIA LAXD, an insular tract of the North West Territories, N. of lat. 08" N. and extending from about Ion. 103' to 110 W. It 18 sei)araled from the .North American continent on the S by D.'ase Strait, and from Bonthia- Felix on t!ie E. by Victoria S'rait. It was discovered and named by Siinpson ; ami ex!i1ore(l bv Dr. Rae in 1851. VH'TOPJA MILLS, a settlement in Westmorland co., N.B., 7 miles from Petitcodiac. Considerable lumber is maniitactureil here. Pojt. Ino. VK 'TORIA MINES, a post village in Cnpe Breton co., N.S., on the S. side of Sydney harbor, 9 miles from Sydney. Here are' valuable coal mines. Pop. 350. VK^TORIA ROAD, a i)Ost village in Victoria co.,Ont.,on Grass river, and on the T. k N. R., 79 miles N. of Toronto. It contains a telegraph oilice. a Roman (^itholic church, 3 stores, 2 hotels, 1 saw mill, and a shingle factory. There are saw mills in the vicinity, manu- facturing large quantities of bunber which is shipped from this station. Po)), 100. VltrrORIA SQUARE, a post village in York co., Ont., 5 miles from Rich- mond liill. It contains 3 stores. Pop. 200. VICTORIA VILLAGE, a fishing set- tlemeut on the N. side of C(uiceptioii Biy, Nfld., G miles from Carbouear. Pop. 200. VICTORIAVILLE, Arthal)aska co., Que. See Arthabaska Station. VIENNA, an incorporated villacro in Klgin CO., Out., on Big Otter Creek, 28 miles from Sr. Thomas. It contains churches of 4 denominations, a gram- mar sciiool, a telegraiih ottice, several hotels a number of stores, and manu- factories of iron castings, wooden ware, leather, sawu lumb-'r, woollens, &c. Pop. 593. Koniaii lotfls. 1 . Thore iiiiimi- Imiiber station. iUairo in ivclc, 28 contains a ffiam- scveral (I nianti- iMi ware, ") iiC. VIT 349 WAL VIENNA, Monck co., Ont. See Rose- VIC;KI{, or ST. KFUMIAXIK, a post villaf^c ill Tcmiscotiala co., t^ne., K) niil*'s from (.'acoiina. I'op. 150. V i( ; Kli M 1 .\ KS. a post ollice in Artlia- lia-ka CO., Que., II luiics from Artlui- liaska Station. VKJn, a post villnge in Simcoe co., Ont., 1 1 miles from Siavocr. Pop. 200. Vri.LAlJE IHv; AULNAHvS, a post vilhmi' in I/I.slct co., Que, 5 miles from St. Kocii. Pop. 200. ViLLA(;E RKMIELIEU, or NOTRE DAME 1)E ilICIIEEiEl',aposivilhiKe ill iioiivillc CO., Quo., on tiic Iviver llicli- oiicii. iiiid nil tlie Montreal, (Mianilily and Sorcl railway, 2 miles from C'liam- l)ly Basin, L; miles from Montreal. It f stores. Pof). 100. VILLA NOVA, apost village in Nor- follv CO., Ont., 5 miles from Waterford. Pop. 100. VILLETTE. a post settlement in ('omptfjn CO, Que., 9 miles from Coati- eook. It contain.s an E|)iscopal and a Roman Calliolic cliiircli, I store, I liotel mid a steam ,savv mill. Pop. 3oo. VILLI KRjS, a post vilhiKe in Peter- borou^'' CO . Ont., L") miles from Peter- boronj.'li. Poo. 7'). VINCEXNES, or ST. LUC, a post villafjje in (Jliamitlaln co.,<>)ue., l.") miles from Three Rivers. Pop. lt)0. VINE, a post villaR-e in Simcoe co., Out.. 7 rnile.s from Harrie. Pop. 175. VINER, Lambton co., Ont. See Vyncr. VIXOY, a post ofTice in Ottawa co., Que., 2'A uiUi's from Papineauviilo. VIXTOX, ajjosl otiicein Pontine co.. Que., 1() miles from Portatfo d\i Fort. VIOLET, a post villafre in Addinjfton CO., Out., on Hif( tireek, 17 miles from KiuKsloii. Pop. 200. VI ROIL, or (CROSSROADS, former- ly LAWREXCEViLLE, a post village ill Lincoln co. Calli.aiiiK s. Pop. 100. VIROJX ARM. a lishing station in the district of Twillingate and Fogo., Nild., .5 miles from Twillingate. Pop. Ont., 8 miles from St. It). VITTORIA, a thriving post village in Xorf(dk co., Ont., on Young's ('reck, 7 miles from Simcoe. It contains 2 Episcopal, Presbylerian. and Ka])tist churches, a Idegcaph oHico, a tannery, a pinning mill, a tlonring mill, and S(!veriil stores and holds. J'op. tjon. VI\'I,\N, a post ollice in Vork co., Ont., ." mles from .Xewmarket. VO(}LE!lS COVE, a post settlement in Lunenburg c().,X.S.,()n the Atlantic coast, 7;J miles from .Mill Village. Pop. 2r)0. VROOMAXTON, a post village in Ontario co.. Ont., '.'> miles from Sunder- land. It contains a Roman OHtliolic church, a Wesleyan chapel, an hi,tel, ;{ stores and a saw and grist mill. Pon. 2r)0. VYX'ER, a jiost village in Lambton CO., Out., ,') miles from Mandamin. It has a stoH! and a saw miU. WA.V.^LS, a post village and Bettle- ment in Sunbury co., X. J!., on the Fred- ericton Rianch railway, lo miles from Fredericlon. Pop. 12."). W.\I'>AS1[EXE, Simcoe co.. Out. Sec Waubasliene. WA(^AMATCOOK, Vict(u-ia co., N.S. See Middle iii\er. WACJ.XER, a settlement in D'gby en., X'.S., 1,') miles from Diiiby. I'op. liiO. WAIXFLEET, a siai'ion on the 0. T. R. (liiili'alo division), in Monck CO., Ont.. 4h; miles from I'.rantford. WAKEFIELD, apost vdlage in Otta- wa CO., Que., on the River (Jaiinean, 28 miles from Ottawa. It contains a wo(d- Icn factory, a saw mill, and S'veral stores. Piip. 200. WALDK.MAR.apostvilhige in Well- ington CO., Out., on the T. 0. it R. R., bal miles from Toronto. It has an hotel, a st(ue an ashery, and a telegra[dj oflice. WALDROX'S 00 VE, a fi.shin.-r sot- tlcineiit in the district of Twillingaie and Fogo, XtM., 24 miles from Twillin- gate, loo. 80. WALKS, or DICKIXSOX'S LAXD- 1X0 STATlOX, a i>ost village i i Stor- nmnt co.. Out., on the O. T. R., 77 miles W. of Montreal. It cfuitains 2 hoKds and .'{ stores. Pop. Hi. \V.\LKER'S OI'TTIXO, a ?fMti..n on the O. T. R, (Three Rivers bianch,) in Artliaba-ka co , <^)ue., 4^ miles from Anliabiska Station. WALKI:RT(»X, a post villai/e of ( )iii:irio, cajiital of the co. of iU'nce, b"aulifnlly siliialed o i th<' Sau- gee'i river, and on the \V. G. it I!. R., 0.'") miles from Guelph. It po>ses,sc9 extensive water power, and contains a 15 it tr ■ 'hA' WAL 350 WAR !«1 I 'f. ^If : t >i branch bnnk, 3 printing ofTices, a tele- grapli ollicc, t! Imtols, 4 clmrclicH, um iron tuimdry, Hiivcral mills, and al)OUl 2,") stnn's. V()]>. l,2tH). WAi,KKi{VliJ.K, a jxist villiipo in Essex CO., Ont., on llic Di'troit river, 2 miles tVitin Wimlsor. It. conlnins a telegriipli olliec, ii (iistiilerv, and several stores and sliiiijards. I'op. 200. WALLACK, a post villant ,('. u.ih'sfroni l>iHt(i\V(d. Pop. TiO. WALLACK. formerly FUKDIOK'iCK- TOW.N, a seaport town of Nova Scotia. CO. of ( ■iniiherlaiiii, oM N'orlhumherlana Strait, III mileB from WeiiUvorth, 20 miles from Tliojnson. It contains clmrelies of -1 denominations, nbonl If) stores, a tidcgraidi otiice, a tannery, a paw mill and a boot and shoe tiictory. In the vicinity are extensive (pinrrii'S of limestone and pypsnin. Shipbnilding is carried on. Top. lOO WALLACE ItKintiK, r post village in ('uniberland co., N.IS., 1^ miles from Wallace.. Top. l.">0. WALLACKHUIKJ, a Ihriviiig post village and itort of entry in Kent co., Ont., on the Miver Sydenham, 17 miles from Chntluim. It contains cluirches of 2 denonn nations, 2 telegraph oihces, 7 hotels, about a dn/.eii slores,a tannery, a saw mill, ami 2 grist mills. Total valne of imjiorts for 1872 §13,710; exiHirts S^'j;)o. <;."),'{. Top. lit^o. WALLAtMi: CORN'KIiS, Grcuville CO.. Ont. S ■(• Slianlv. WAl-LACK I'.llxiR, a post village in Cumberhuid co., N.S., 5 miles from Walhue. Poo. i.'.O. WAM.ACK iilVKK*, a post village in Cumberhiud «'o . N.S., on a river of the same name, l!t.l miles from Liindon- derry. It contnius :> stores and 2 saw mills. Po]). niM. WALLACKTOWX. a thriving i>ost villaL-e in Klg n co , Ont., 18 mih'S from St. Thomas. It contains a telegraph of^ici, 7 or .'^ stof's. a cheese factory, a planing' mill, and a saw and grist mill. Pop. !(M1. WALi>HHll)(;i':. a jtost village in HasliniTs CO . Ont., 7 miles from Helle- ville /Poiv lor. WALLKNSTKIX, a post village in WaleiliH) CO, Out., 1"J.] miles from Listowel. Pop. 100. VVAL.MKII. a oost villns-e iu Oxford CO., (.hit, a miles from Ihight. Pop. 150. WALMSLEV, a senp> rt of Nova Scotia, CO. of Pictoii, o i I' (ton harbor opening into Norllnimiicrbind Strait 11.0 miles N.E. of Ibilifa.\. ' WALPOl.E ISIiANI), M largo island in the .N.E. of Lake St. Clair. Kent co., Ont. It is about 10 mile , long, and from ."{to 4 miles widi , and ia inhabit- ed <"hietly by Indians. \VA!.P: ISLAND, a post oflirc on the above island, 1 ) nules fruin Wallacebnrg. WAi-SlI, or CIIAIILOTTEVILLE CENTHE, a jtcst vil.age in Norfolk CO., Ont., in miles from Simcoe. It has a sawmill, a shingle mill, an hotel, and several stor(>s. Pop. l.Oo. VVM.SINOHAM, Norfolk co., Ont. See St. Williams. WALSINOHAM CENTUE, Norfolk CO., Ont. See Pleasant Hill. WALTER'S FALLS, a post village in (Jrey co., Ont., on Big Mead river, 14 miles from .Mt'aford. There is a very pretty waterfall here abont ^O feet high. The village contains several mills and stores. Poi). 100. \VALTIIA.M,a i»ost village in Ponti- ac CO., Que., on Black river, a tributary of the Ottawa, i:{ miles from Fort ('ou'- longe. It has a tele<>raph oflice. Pop. 50. WALTON, a post village in Huron CO., Ont., 10 miles fio'.n Seaforth. It contains 3 stores, 2 hotels, 1 saw mill, and a telegraiih oflice. Pop. 12.'). WALTON, a seajiort town of Nova Seotia. CO. of Hants, on Minas Basin, 17._; miles from Newport. It contains a saw mill, .') churches, and H stores, and has a large export trade in gyp- sum. Po]l. (100. WANSTEAl), a post village in Lambton co., Ont., on the U. \V. R.,4l nules from London. It contains 2 stores and a saw mill. Po]i. I.'H). WAUBLINC.TON. Prince co., P.K.I. See Auixusta ('ove. WAliBURTON, a post village in Leeds co., Ont., 4 miles from Lans- downe. Po]). lOO WARDEN, a ])ost village inSheftbrd CO, Que., it niihvs from Waterloo. It contains a Wesleyau church, 2 stores, 2 hotels, and saw and grist mills. Pop. 150. WARD'S CREEK ROAD, a post settlement in Kings co., N.B., 5 miles from Sussex Vale. Pop. 150. WAS 351 WAT f Nova liaibor, y trait, '« island <('llt CO., iijj, anil iiihahit- )hI oflicc OS tVuni FA'II.LE Norfolk lU'OC. It iin hoti'l, CO., Ont. , Norfolk St. village end river, li is a voi'y loci liigli. mills and ■ ill Ponti- tributiiry I'ort Cm- ico. Pop. n Hnron ifortli. It saw mill, |i of Nova lias Hiisiii, contains :? stores, in gyP- liltage in \V.R.,41 )ntains '2 IK'.O. ,•0., P.K.I. jillafT'- in Ini Lans- jti Slicflbrd Icrloo. It 2 stores, ^ills. Pop. [, a post 5 miles WAUn'S HARMOR.a fishing settle- ment in liic district of Twillingate and Fogo, .Mill., attlio niontli of Hull's Buy, '2.T mill's from Tilt t'ovo. Large ((iian- tities of salmon arc annually preserved here. Pol), 2iK). W A l{ I ).SViMiE, an incorporated vil- luge in .Middlese.x CO., Ont., on tlic; Riv- er Tlianies, ;i mile.s from N('v\ linry. It contains cliMrclics of I de loniinations, a telegraph oflice, an" Inm foundry, a numlier of stores, and several mills. Pop. 5,')!). \VAin']H.\M, a post olTice in (}rey CO. Ont., 10 miles from Flesherton. WARKWORTII, fornKMJy called PKRt'V, a thriving |i(>st villagi! in Nortlinmherland co., Out., on Mill Creek, If) miles from (Jolhurne. It •ontain- churches of .'{ denominations, a telegraph ollirc, 2 hotels, iilior.f 'JO stores, •■.nd several mills and factories. Po]). HOO. • WAIi.MINSTKR, a post village in w^imcoo CO., Ont, H miles fromOriilia. It CO itains 2 stores and a saw mill. Pop. 120. WAR.N'r':R, ft post otlio.^ i i Monck ■ CO., Ont.. 7 miles from ("anlield. WARRK.V, a j'ost seitlement in ; Cumheriand Co., X.S., (! miles from j Amherst. Pop. !.^)0. WAiniH.N UROVE MILLS, Queens ! CO., P.L.I. See Nforth River. ' \VAl{RlN(lTON, a post omce in Simcoo CO., Ont., .'< miles fiom Sttiyner. WARS.WV, a post viiliige in Peter- borough CO., Ont , on ludian river, 1.') miles from Pflerhorough. It contains T) store.-, 1 tannery, a saw mill, and an hotid. Pop. I")<>. WARTI'.riai, a post villa.cre in Perth ro., Out., ost villag.- in Latnb- ton CO., Out., on Pear (Jreek, 8 miles from Watf 0(1. It cnitains 2 clmrclies, a saw mill, ll'iuriiiL;' niill, several stores, 2 hotel--, and a telih'., on th (}. T. I!., I'U) miles from Montreal. It contains a broom factory, a potash factory, large tlonr and saw mills, a ttdegraj)!! ollic"', and ^evral stores. Pof). 1,0 '0. WASIIADEMOAK. a post settle- meul iu Queens co., N.R., on a lake of Iho same naino, 8 mile? from Cage- town. Pop. 2.'"i(). WASIIA(;0, a post village in Sim- coo CO.. Ont., at the outlet of Lake Couchiching, and on the X. R., i.Mus- koka branch,) 12 miles from Orillia, OH miles from Toronto. It lias a trbv graph oflicc and an hotel. Pop. l.SO. WASIIINOTOX, a mark.t town of Ontario, co. of O.xford, on the River Nith, !> miles fr.)m Drumbo. It con- tains 1 stop' and 1 hotcd. Pop. Co. WASIIMISKKR ISLIvS, m-ar the Saguenay coast, in the (Julf of St. Lawrence. WATKRHOROrfJII, or FA.VJOV'S, a post village in Queens co., .V I!., on Or.'uid Lake, 1") miles from (lagelowii. It contains an hotel and 2 stores. I'op. ino. WATKRDOWN, a thriving post vill.ige in Weiilworth co., Ont , on th(! (J. W. R., 7 miles from Hamilton, '.'>') nr'cH from Toronto It contains churches of ;"» denominations, a tele- graph office, a grammar school, a wo(dlen factory, an iron foundry, and several hotels, stores ami mills. Pop. 1,(!li(). WATLRFORD, a settlement in Dig- by CO, N.S., on Digby Xock, 12 miles from Oitrbv. Pop 1 •"'". WATLRFORl), a thriving post vil- lage in N'ortolk co., Out , on Xauticoke Cretdt, and on the C. S. R., 2!) miles from (^aiifield. Tt contains cliurclies of l denomiiuitioiis 2 tch'trr iph olliccSj ! a printing ollice issuing a weekly news- ])aper, ai iron foundry, .several mills, a'ul a number of ston s Pop. DOO. WA'PKRLtKt, a coil ity of Ontario, situated in the \V. ce itrd part of the Province. Area .'511,271! ucie.s. It is (lr;i'neil by the (Iraiid river, a id inter- sected by the Vj. T. and (J. W. R"s. t Pom. 40.2'.- 1. j WATFRLOO. an incrupor.ited vil- I lair dtOiilario, CO. of Waterloo, on a branch of the (irand river. 2 miles W. I of Berlin. It |)ossfsscs good water I power, a'id contains ciiurches of 3 (l('iiominati''n'-. 2 t'legra-li nHii'i's, 2 prin'ing offices issuing w ekly ncws- )ianers, a brane'i bank, ahout a dozen hotel-!, a number of -tores, and ma'iu- factories of iron castings, agricultural implemeut.s. woolb'us, wooden ware, j tobacco, beer, whiskev, .kc. Pop. I 1,594. n ^^-^^ ►:•'. ;' im J; ': i ■ ^'' i) '■]■ Ais@3 !(' |M w|^ 1 J *'ii s^^ ' '^ 1 'M ■ 1, "'".' •y «_^;- ■ m if '■■ .4 ': I s, ■tl'l. V^ll! pjilil WAT 352 WATKIiL()0,aa incorporated village of y uehec, capitul of tho co. of SlicHord, on llu; S. 8. & C. II., 70 miles ftuni Mon- tretil. ll contains churches of 4 denoni- iiialioiis, a teU'gra|iii oHicc, a hraiicii ba.ik, a priniinj^ ollice issuing a weekly newspaper, an academy, abrcwery, saw, grist and c irdiiig mills, ami maniilac- tories of leathiT, fiirnitiire, iron cast- ing-s, mill machinery, agricultural iui- plemetits, .\ c, sevenil liolels and a nuinl»er of stores. I'op. 1, 700. WATEliLOO, a settlement in Lunen- burg CO., X.S., 11 miles from Bridge- waler. I'op. !■!'>. WATHRliOO, a thriving village of Ontario, co. ot U'tdland, situated «ui the Niagara rivur, :iud 3 miles N.W. of liutl'alo. f^ee Fort Krie. WATKKLOO, Frontenac co., Out. See (' raiaqui. WATER (or FPJZRLL'S) MILLS, a village in llastings co., Ont , on Sal- mon river, 10 miles from Xapanee. Pop. ino. WATERSIDE a post village in Albert CO., N.IS., on the Bay of Fundy, 'M\ miles from Salisbury. It contains I church, 2 stores, 1 hotel, and 5 saw mills. Manganese is found in the vici- nitv. Pop. 22."). WATERTOWX, a village in Middle- sex co., Unt., (J miles from Xe^^bury. PO]). 00. WATERVILLE, a post village and aettlement in ('arletou co., X.r>.. 9 miles from Woodstock. It has a tan- uerv, and .several mills. Pop. ooo. WATERVILLE, a post village in Coiuiilon CO., Que., on the Coatirook river, and on the G. T. R., Ill mih-,s from Montreal. It contains an Episco- pal chi.rcli. a ttdegrapli olliee, a saw mill and several stores. Pop. ;{.')'). WATERVILLE, a ])ost village in Kings CO., X S., 1^ miles from Ayles- ford. It contains a flouring and saw mill, and a carriage factory. Pop. 175. WATERVILLE, a post vHlag:- in Queens co.,X.B.,o i the b. side of W'ash- ademoak Lake, 20 miles from Ilamp- toa. It contains 2 stores, 2 hotels, 1 saw mil" WAW V 01) l.')0. 1 grist mill, 1 shingle fac- tory, 1 tannery and 1 slioe factory. Poit. 25'). WATERVILLE, or PIXEO VIL- LAGE, a post village in Kings eo,, N.S., ou the W. it A. R., 34 miles W. of ' miles ti\im St. Andrews 1 grist and 2 X.S. CO. Windsor. It contains saw mills. Pop. ir)0. WATERVILLE, Hants See Vaughan's. WATFORD, a thriving post village in Lambton co., Giit., on 'he G. W. ii., it.'i miles from L(nidon. It contains 2 telegraph offices, 2 grist mills, 3 gaw mills, about a dozen storey, and 3 hotels. Pop. 400. WATSDX'S CORXERS, a post vil- lage in Lanark co,, Ont., 19 miles from Perth. i'(,p. lOO. WATSOX SETTLEMEXT, a post settlement in Carlelon co., X.B., 13 miles Wooilstcek. Pop. 200. WATT JIJXCTIOX, a station on the X. B. iV: Vj. R., in ("harlotte co., X.B., 27 mill's from St. Andrews. WAL'BAMIK, a post office in the district of Algoma, Out., 10 miles from P.irrv Sound. W^M'BASIIENE, a post village in Simcoe co., Out., 21 miles from Orillia. It contains a telegraph office. Pop. 50. W.VIJHI'XO, a post office in Lambton CO, Out., l"i miles from Sarnia. WAnU'XO, a station on the G. W, R., in Middlesex co., Ont., G miles from Londcui. WAFGirS RTVEF?, a post officein Colchester co., X.S., miles from Tat.imiiironfhe. WAI'POOS, a i)ost office in Prince Edward co., Ont., on an island in Prince Edw.'ird ]5iiy,an Inlet of Lake Ontario, ^h miles from I'iclon. 'WAVERLEV, a post village in Halifax CO., X.S., 3 miles from liocky Lak'>, 12 miles from Halifax. This if one of the richest gold districts in the province, and has attained consider- able notoriety from tiie remarkahle manner of the formation, whicii pre- sents the of a series of ^mall ca-ks laid together side by side ; id cud to end. Two mines have been ojieued which yield good returns. Poji. 000. WAVERLEV, a post village in Sim- coe CO., Out., 21 miles frcmi Barrie. It coatains 2 saw mills, a potterv, 3 stores, 1 hotel, and a telegraph ol!ice. WAVERLEV, Grey co., Ont. Soe Trii version. WAWEIG, a Dost village in Char- lotte CO., X.B., on the X. li. k C. R., 13 jt and 2 :o., N.S. ;t villnp;e 3. W. 11., ontains 2 Is, 'i saw ^, and 3 post vil- liloB from ' a post N.B., 13 . '200. OH on the I., N.IJ, 27 ce in the 10 inil(;8 villafze in )ui Oiillia. Top. no. 1 Lamb ton ia. tho G. W, miles from ;t office in liles from in Prince 1 in Trince |e (Juiario, illnge in loni Rocky Thi.s iF |ict3 ill the consider- |emarliabl« liich prc- yerioH of |de by side have been urns. Pop. I go in Sim- Im Harrie. ]potti.'rv, 3 ph ullice. Ont. fcfea in Char- C. II., 1^ WEL WAYSIDE, a post village in Cum- berland CO., N.S., 6 miles from Kiver Ph lii'. WAV'S MILLS, a post village in Stansteiul co., t^hie., lU miles from Stansteiirl. Poj). Hoi), WKAVEIl SKTTLE.MEXT, a post gettlcinent in Dij,'''iy co., N.S., -4 miles fruii) Wcvuioiitli. Pop. ]'){). WKUm-AlS, or JOHNSON'S MILLS, a .si'aport of Nova Scntia, co. of Anna- polis, on tiie i^ay of Fniidy, at the entrance to Digby Gut, 14 niik-s from An'ui|i(>lis. Pop. ,^5(>. WKI5BERS l5l(illT, a fishing settle- ment in the district of Twillingate and Fogo, Nfld., Hit miles from Twillingatc. Pot.. 40. WEP.STER'S CKEEK, a post settle- meiii in Victoria co., N.B., :!1 miles from Kdnuind-lon. Pop. lOU. \Vi':i':l)()N, a j.ost village in Wolfe CO., '.,!ue., :J2 miles fi'oni Sherbrooke. It contains a Roman Catholic church, 2 saw and grist mills, and several stores. Pop. 200. WKIMAR, Waterloo co., Ont. See Bamberg. WELCOME, a post village in Dur- ham CO., Out., 3 miles from Port Hope. Pop. 100 WELDFORD, a parish in Kent co., N.H. It contains 2 stores and G saw mills. Pop. ;i,,'!02. WKIiLAND, a county of Ontario, situated at the E. end of Lake Erie, by whii'h it is bounded on the S. Area lt)4.-'.to acres. It is drained by tlu; Wolland River. Capital, Welland. Pop. •i<\r,i'2. WELLAND, formerly MERRITTS- VILLE, an incorporated village of On- tario, capital of tlie coMutyof Welland, sit'iatc'd on the ^^'elland Canal and River, and on the Welland railway, 12 mili's fromSt. Catharines. It i)ossesses good water pow(.'r, and contai^is churches of three denomination-;, 2 ♦elfgiaph oHices, 2 printing ollices issuing weekly newspapir-, a dry dock, an iron foundry, a wo'llen factory, 2 saw mills, and a number of stores. Pop. 1.110 WELLAND PORT, a thriving post village ill .Monck co.,Ont., on the Chip- pewa or Welland river, 14 miles from Cniifield, 17 miles from Grirn*S miles from B.iden. It contains a woollei: factory, a foundry, a tlax mill, 2 llouring mills, 2 tanneries, 4 stores, and a telegraph office. Pop. noo. WELLINGTON, a county of Ontario, centrally situated in the W. part of the province. Area!! acres. It is drained by the Grand river and its blanches, and traversed by the (irand Tiunk and Wellington, (Jrey X" Bruce railways. (Capital, Guelpli. Pop. 03,- 2. ^'3. WELLINGTON, nn incorporated vil- lage in Prince Edward co., Ont., situ- ated on We.-it Lake, an inlet of Lake Ontario, 24 miles from Brighton. It is an important fishing staiion, and eon- tains an iron foundry, a plaster mill, 6 hotels, 7 or 8 stores, and 2 telegraph offices. Pop T)] 7. WELLINGTON, a post in Yarmoulh co., N.S., 5 Varmouth. It contains 1 saw mill. Pop. 2(H). WELLIN(;T0N, a ])0St mi in ., N.S., i'J miles from Liver- Carleton co., Ont. settlement miles from store ami 1 village in Pri'ice CO., I'.E.L, on the Prince Edward Island railway, 12 miles from Suniuierside. Pop. .")0. WELLINGTO.V, a settlement Queens co pool. ]'o]). nn WELLINGTON Sec Kais. WELLINGTON MINES, a hamlet in the district of Algonia, Out. It con- tains 4 store-; I'lid 2 hotels. WELLlNtrrON Sni'ARE, or BPR- LINGTON, an incorporated villaje in llalton CO , Out., on liake Ontario, and on the G. .W. R., 32 miles S.W. of Toronto. It coiitiiins Epi-copal, Ro- man Catholic and Methodi-t chuii'hes, 2 telegrajdi agencies, several hotels, a nunib'T of stores, a saw mill, and a grist mill. Large (piiiniitie> of liMidier and grain are .-hi|ipeii from ihis j'ort, The station is 2 miles distant. 7(H) WELLMANS CORNERS, a vill.ige in Hastings co., Out., 2a from B7,:);»!». WKXTWORTrr. a post villaKc an<». WKSTERN BAY, a large fishing settlement on the N. shore of (Concep- tion liiiv, .Ntld., 17 miles from Carhonear. Pun. ■^:'.">. WKSTERN HEAD, afisliing settle- ment in the diritriet of Twillingate and Fogo, N'lhl., 10 miles from Twillingate. Pu].. H.",. WKSfEU.V JIEAD, a .settlement in Quoens co., .\.S., at tiie entrance to LiverjiDol Bay, 4 miles from Liverpool. I'oi). ir>(i. WKSTKiiVELT'S COil.VERS, a vil- lage in i'eel co., Out., 2 miles trom IJninijilon. l*oi». HO. WEST ESSA, a post village ''i Simeof CO., Ont., iSmiles from ( Jilfurd. It has 'J stores. i*op. uU. WKST FARNIIA.M, or ST. liO.MU- Ahl) UE FAIiXilAM, a thriving post village in Missisqnoi co., t^ue., at llie jiaic'tion of the Stan.slead, Shelford and (Jliamldy, South Eastern, and ,\lon- iR'id, (Jliamt)ly and St)rel radways, U miles iVom Montreal. It contains Episeoiial, Roman Catliolic and .Method- ist thurches, a telegraph ollice, several hutels, a number of stores 4 saw mills, Sgi'isl mills, li bricklields, and IG mau- uhiclories of various kinds, E.\leusivo jiwit hogs are worked iu the vicinity. Pun. l.tiOD. WKSTFIELD, a post office in Huron CO., (Jul., 12 miles froni Goderieh WKSTFIELI) a _)OBt settlement m Kings CO., N'.B., G miles from West- ticld Siaiion. Pop. 200. WKSTFIELI), a .settlement in Queens CO,, N.S., oO miles from Liverpool. Pup. 100. WESTFIELD STATIO.V, a post vil- lage and settlement in Kings Co., X.B. ou the E. k N. A. R., 15 miles frou St. Juhn. WEST FLAMBOROUCJH, a post vil- lage ui Weniworth co.. Out., 3.) miles Irum Dnudas. It coutaius a woollen mill, ' piijier mills, and several hotels and Etures. Top. ;iOO. WEST GLASSVILLE, a post settle- o-cnt ill Carleton co., N.B., 10 miles from Florenceville. Pop. 50. WEST GORE, a post village in Hants CO., N.S., 17 miles from Newport. Pop. 1 0. WEST HUNTINGDON, a post vil- lage in Hastings CO., Ont., 15 miles from Belleville. It contains 1 store and 1 saw mill. Pop. 50. WEST HU.NTLEY, a i)0st village in Carleton eo.. Out., 8 miles from Almonte. Pop. !)0. WEST L.AKF, a jtost villnge in Prince Edward co., Out., on an arm of Lake Ontario, [)\ miles from Pictou. Pop. 150. WEST LORNE, or lUS.M.VRCK, a post village in Klgin eo.. Out., on the G. S. R.. 2G miles from St. TIcXniH. It contains a telegraph otlice, 1 tloin , ig mill, o saw mills, 1 tannery, I .>a-h tul door factory, 3 hotels, an'.'> miles frotn Fort Garry. It contains a custom iiouse, telegraph oflice, emigratio n olliee, anil post (jliice, ami IS the pro|)osed terniiiiiis of the Canada Paeitic railway branch line. Very line farming country in tin' vici- nity ; 3(^il unsurpassed in the .North West. The river at this place abounds with iish of neailveverv variety. WEST .McGILLlVRAY, a post vil- lage in .Middlesex Co., Out., milea from Ailsa (Jraig. It contains a cheese tacUH'y and 2 stores. Pop. 45. WEST ACDALA, a post villnge in Elgin CO., Out., in miles from St. TlH)iiias. Poj). 50. WEST.MEATH, or liELLOWSTON, a post village in Rmifrew co., On;., 20 miles from Renfrew. It ciuitains a telegraph oUiee, 2 saw mills, a grisi mill, a tannerv ami si'veral stores. Pop. 170. WESTMINSTER, a station «mi the L. ct. P. S. R., in .Middlesex Co., Ont., 5 miles from London. WEST.MINSTER, a village in Mid- dlesex co., Out., on tlie River Thame'S, 1 mile from the London jiost ollice. It is the residence of a number of the Icadi'ii' citi/eiis of London. Pop. GOO. WEST Mt)NTROSE, a post village in Waterloo co,, Ont., on Grand river, 12 miles from Berlin. It has a woollen factory, a saw mill and smelting works. Iron ore is found in the vicinity. Pop. 100. 'i|- m u< n H'^*^ in I : • lit r •^s; Jf «'>i I. 'i. >fl i ! I y tlic i'i't,itciseopal and .Methodist churches, 2 telejjraph ajrencies, several hotels, a number of stores, a woollen factory, an apricnltural implement estahlisliment, a foundry and machine shop, 2 llourinir mill-i. .'! saw mills, and sundry mi lor establishments. There is a peat boji iu the vici litv. Pop. l,:Mn. WKST ()S(U)()1)E. a post villa.!?e in Russell CO., Out., on the St. L. .t (). II, 31 miles from Prescott. ft has 1 store and a saw mill. Pop. 10!t. WKST()VKi{, or DONNVP.ROOK, a i>ost viHajxe ii U'entworth co.. Out., 10 mil's from Dun las. It contains 2 stores, a saw mill and iv grist mill. Pop 100. WRST POINT, a fishing settlement in the district of Hurgeo and La Poile, Nfld., 1.} miles from La Poile. Pop. 15G. WKST POINT, a post village in I'rince CO., P.M. I., on Northumberlanil Stniit, 4.5 miles from Suniiuesiile. Oonsiderable shipbuilding is carried on here. Pop. loo. WKSTPOliT, a maritime village in Digby CO . .V.S., on St, .Marys IJuy, -12 miles' from Digbv. Pop. (jiie.. o miles from .Maiison- vilh' Pottoii. Pop. 2011, WKST QU.VCO, 11 post villaffe in St. John CO., N.I{,, I mile from St. Mar- tins. Poji. loo. WEST RlVEl?, a jiost village in Piciiiii CO.. .N.S., 12 miles from Pictou, Pop. 2o(). ■ WKST RIVER, a settlement in Anti- gonishco., N.S,, on a river of the sumo name, 4f) miles from New (ilasgow. Pop. 4:)0. WEST IJIVKR, a settlement in W- bert CO., .\.H., miles from Hopewell Corner. Pop. .'!(). WK>.T RIVKR ST.\TI()N, a post village in Pictou co., N.S , on the 1. Ii.. (Pictou branch,) iS2 miles from H.ilifax, It has a t(degrapli ollice. Pop. l'Ji>, WKST lUVKR ST, MARVS, a post settlement in Uuysboroiigh co., .NT. is., 1 West river, IH miles from New (jlasgow. It contains I church, 1 ho- tel, 2 grist mills, and 7 saw mills. Pop. 4n0. WKST^S (,U)RNEi:S, or MII.VlvR- TON, a |)ost village in Perth co., (hit., 17 miles from Stiatlonl. It contains 1 Ihuir mill, 1 saw mill, a I1a.\ mill, n tannery, a cheese factory, 2 hotels, iinJ 3 stores. Pop. IfiO, WKSTSHKl'FORI), a post village! in Siietford CO., Que., on the Yania.-ka river, and on the S. S, k C.R,, 8 inik'8 from Wiiterloo. It contains Episcopal j ami Roman Catholic churidies, a tclo-^ gi'aph ollice, and several stiU'cs and sawi mills. Pop. 2,")0. WEST SIDE OP LOCHABER, aj post settlement in Antigimish co., N.S, on Lochaber Lake, ISiniles from Aiiti- gonish, "18 miles from New Glasgow. Pop. 200. WHE 357 Win villiiffo ill lnmitti'rliiii(l >iiiniiic' >iil(!. ; i.s curried lie village in ,rys liiiy, 42 lit). |)()Ht village '|)|icr lliiiciiu ■iickviil(!. It k'cr, mill con- illon mills, a of slure;^,iiu(l ^t villiiffc in from Maiison- >t village in from Si. Mar- ist villago in ; from I'ictou. •incnt, ill Anti- cr of lilt; ^iiii"' New (ilass^ow, lement in Al- um lIoi)eWL'll TION. a vosl on tin; l.H' from Halifax, I'op. rjt». IVS, a post (.'h CO., X.!S., from Now cliurcli, 1 lio- iw mills. Pop. ei or':R- .■nil CO., (tut., It contains , a Ha.\ mill, * ,-,2 hutrls, and post village the Yatua.-U C.R., H inilw .ain.s Hpiscopal lurches, a tclo- stores and saw OCHAP.ER, !» ouisli CO., NSi lies from Auti- New Glasgow WKST SIDROF MIDDLE RIVER, a|iii~t olliceiii Victoria co., X.S. WKSTVILLE, a thriving post vil- lage in I'ictou CO., N.S., 3 miles from iStcliarton. It contains 3 liotels ami a nunitier of sl(»res. Extensive coal minis are worked \ty three compnnies. Pop. 1,000. WKST \VI.V(;in;STER. a post vil- lim'c in Diinilas co., Onl., IH mihis from Morri -burg, I il miles from Osgooile. It contains a ti'lcgrapii oflice, !» siores, ami a gri-t lui'i saw mill. i'op. L'tl'i. WKSTWOOi), or ASI'IIODEL, a pest village in Retorborougii co.. Out., 11 miles from Keene, 23 miles from Peterhoroiigli. It contains I store ami 2, saw niilN. I'op. ]o •. WKST WOOLWICH, Waterloo co., Out. Si'e Hliiiira. VVK.\FOi;l), a post village in York CO., Out., ah miles from Scarboroii'.;ii Jiinrlion. It has 2 stores. I'op. ir)0. WKVMOUTII, a seajiort town of Nova Scotia, co. of Digby, at the en- trance of Sissiboo river into St. Marys Bay, oppoi^ite N'ew Eilenbomugli, ami 20 "miles from Digby. The inlialiitants, mostly of Kreiicli origin, are principally crigagi'd in the fisheries, for which tiie neighboring waters are ci^lebrated. W^'Vinoiith is a jiort of entry, and con- tains a branch bank, a telegraph ollice, gevi'ral shipyards, and 4 siores. The total numbiM' of arrivals for 1872 was 204 (tons l(;,7ii(!), a'ld clearances 210 ons 18,0!)1). Total value of imports (i7,17;»; exports S'^4,4S0. Pop. 4iiO. WKYMOl'Tll IJRIIXJE, a thriving post vi!lage.,in Digby co., .V.S., on Sis- siboo river, 21 miles from Digby. It contains several saw, grist and carding mills, and 7 orS stores Pop. 400. WIIALEX, a post village in .Middle- sex CO., Out., 3 miles from (iraulon. Pup. ISO. WHALE'S BROOK, a fishing settle- ment in the district of Trinity, Ntld. Pop, ;)7. WIIKATLAXD, or WICKIIA.M, a post villatre in Drummond co., C^)ue., I4A miles from Melbourne. Poji, lOO. "WllKATLV, a post village in Kssex CO., Ont., 37 miles from Chatham. It has 1 saw mill, 2 grist mills, 2 hotels, ami'' 'Stores. Pop. 100. WIIEATLY RIVER, a post village in Queens co., P.E.I., 13 miles from Char- lottetown. Pop. 200. WIIEATOX SETTLK.MEXT, a settlrnient in Westmorland c^i, N.H., 7 miles from Petilcodiac. The land is well adapted for agriculture. I'op. 2"0. WIIITiSY, formerly WIXDSOR, an incorporati'd town ot Oniario, capital of the CO, of Ontario, on Lake Ontario, and on the (i. T. \{., 2U^ miles X.K. of Toronto. The harbor is one of tin' best on the lake. The town contains, in'sides the county buildings, ciiiirche.s of,") de- nominatiiHiH, .'{ bramdi banks, a gram- mar and si-veral common srhool.s, 2 printing oilici'S issuing weekly ni'WS- pajiers, several assurance and insurance agencies, 2 telegraph agencii-s, a iium- bi'r of stores, and miinufactories of iron castings, mil! m.chineiy, agricul- tural imi)linients, musical inslrmn"iits, leatlier, kc. Whitby is a port of entry, and tile southern terminus of the Wiiiiby and Port Perry railway. It is an imjiortanl marki't t >w 1. Total val- ue of imports for H72 S''^H,4i:'. ; exi'orts ^2;),'., 1 ."i.S. Pop. 2,7,32. Tliis town wad originally laid out by Mr. Joliii Scnd- iliiig, t he first patentee of our tlinii-aiul acres here. It appears as Windsor on tlie earlier maps of I'pper ('aiiada, on whiidi the l)ay is also marked Windsor Lay, and sometimes Lig Uiy. Mr. Scad- ding ealh'd tlie jdace Windsor, not from the famous myal city on the Thames, but from a small lamled estaie of tiiat name, possessed by liim and hi-; "fore- bears" for some generations, at Lujipit in l)(!vonsliire. The name wa< aliered to W'hitby in later years, eonfusi,)n in the post oflice and elsewliere having arisen, throiiirh the existence ofanotlier (Canadian Windsor in the west. If the modesty of tin; first ju'ojeetor of Wiiitby had not finaily forbade the adoption of the suggesterl '-Scaddington" or '■ Srad- dingfield" as tin- title of the infant town, it is iirobable that such would hav-'been at this day the iianie of tlie jilaei'. Mr. John Seadding ili''d in H24 on his farm on the Don, near York (To- ronto), leaving three sons, John, (.'iiar- les, and Henry, sifter eacli of whom a street in Windsor was named The latter is rector of iluly Trinity, To- ronto. WHITEHURX, a settlemont in Queens co., X.S., 33 miles from Liver- pool. Pop. >^0. WIIITK riSII FALLS, Leeds CO., Ont. See Morton. !;fe' '^ •■i J'"! II ; ft Hit If'cf i t !; IH i1 1 i'" ll i 5i, Ml.' ' I II fi M ¥ i 1 •' k ^■. l:> 1 ^'ii , 1" !■ 'i' ■' i wni 358 WIO ^ WF[[TE IIAVKN, a scnport of Nova Kcscs Harbor, :?1 milc^ fiom Giiysboioiifrli. Tiiis is the (irsi laml on llie N'ova Sco- tiii coasl seen by vessels from Murcpe. Its iiiliabitaiits are cliietly enyayed in the fi-herics. Pof). ?>'>(). \viHTi-;iiri!ST, or bell's sta- tion', or l;()CK SI'R[N(;S,a post vil- la^i' in \jCvi\^ CO., Out., on the l>. k O. R., 1.'!.', miles from J'.rockville. Pu{). 7». WHITE ISLAND, in the Itiver St. Lawrence, below Quebec, extends down the river at the N.H. end of Ilari' Is- land. It is about 5 miles lon^and { of a mile broad. WHITE LAKE, a post villa^r"' in IleiilVew CO., Ont., on Waba or \\'liite Laki', lio Hides from Arnpiior. It ha.s good water power, and contains several saw, grist and carding mills, and 2 stores. Pop. '-'"0. WHITE MP I) IUVER,apostofIicein the disiriet of M,'ir<[iiette, .Man., 7n miles "W. of Fori (Jarry, 11» miles from Por- tage la Prairie. See Westbonrne. WHITE POINT, a fishing .--ettlement on the W. side of Plaeentia Hay, Niid., 2'^ miles from Plaeentia. Pop. iii. WHITE rOINT, a jiost ofhce in Vic- toria CO., N'.S., 7!» miles from Paddock. WHITE POUK, a fishing settlement in the district of Trinity, Nfld. Pop. 48. WHITE ROCK MILLS, a post villoge ii\ Kings CO., N.S., on the Gaspereau river, ;j miles from Port Williams Sta- tion. It contains 1 saw mill and 1 grist mill. Pop. 15i>. WHITE ROSE,. a jiost village m York CO., Oat., 4 miles from Aurora. Pop. 130. WHITE RAPIDS, a settlement in Northuml)erhind Co., N P., 19 miles from Newcastle. Pop :{0. WHITE'S, a pi)st village in Elgin CO.. Out., on the L. & P. S". P., '20 miles from London. WIHTE'S COVE, a post settlement in (,)ueens co., N.I)., 9^ miles from Gagelown. Pop. 200. WHITEVALE, formerly MA.TOR. VILLE, a thriving post village in On. tario CO., Out., (J miles from .Markliain. It contains a woollen factory, saw, ^rri.n and planing mills, a telegraph oTlice, and several stores. Pojt. l'>i). WHITFIELD, a jiost village in Sitn- coe CO., Out., 17 miles from Oraugc- vill. Poj) l.fio. WIHTNEV, a post settlement iu Northumberland co , N.H., on ('iiin'j river, 'M) miles from Newcastle. ?ou 2or.. '^ WHITTIER'S RIDGE, a post office in (Charlotte co . N.I5. WIIITTINCTON, a post village in Wcdlington co.. Out., lo miles from Orangeville. It contains I store iiiid 2 hotids. WIHTTON, a post office in Comptoii CO., (^i!e., ;"),") miles from Leniio.wille. WIIVCOCO.MAH, a thriving post village in Inverness co., N S., jiictiir- esipiely sitmited on an arm of Una d'Or Lake, 18 miles from Maboii, :ij miles fV< in Port Hastings. At its liark, nigged hills rise amphitheatre like to a vast eminence, while from its feet stretch out the smiling waters of Wyeoconiah Pay. It is a jdace of con- siilerable trade, and contains about a dozen stores. Poji. 4<»'» WIARTOX, a post village in Bruce CO., Out., at the head of Colnoy's Bay, 20^ miles from Owen So'nnd. The harbor is one of the best on Geori,'iau Pay. The projected Stratford and Luke Hiinm railway will have its northern terminus here. Po]). 200. WICK, a post village in Ontario co., Ont., on the T. k N. R., 49 miles from Toronto. It contains a telegrajili office, an hotel and 2 stores. Pop. 12."i. WICKHAM, a jiost village in (,^>ueen3 CO., N.P)., on the St. John river, 32 Tiiiles above St. John. It contains :i store and 2 saw mills, and has first- class facilities for shijibuilding. 251). WICKHAM, Drummond co., Pop, Ont, See Wheatland. WICKHAM STATION, a post vil- lage in Carleton co., S.\\, on the .V P). i*i C. R., M miles from Woodstock. Pop. 30. AVICKLOW, a post settlement in Carleton co., N.H., on the St. John river, G miles from Florence ville. Pop. 3U0. ly MAJOR, i-illairi' ill Oil- mi Miirkliivra. :>ry, siiWjjrri.n •j^n-iipli otiice, lliij^i' in Sim- rum Oniiige- u'ttlcniont iu 15., oil ('iiiu'j rcaalle. Pop. a jiosl office :)3t viUiipo in mile-; frnni I StulT lUUl 2 ;o in Co'nptou ji'niio.wille. thriving' ]iost 1 N 8., )iictiir- 1 arm of Dnij tm Maboii, ;;j !. At its back, lioiitre like to from its foet i<^ wators of 1 ]i1aci' (if con- taiiLS about a lage in Ikuce (.'olnov's ]5;\y, Houiul. Tlje t, on Gcori^'iau ifofd and Lakf .' its norlhern n Ontario CO., I iiiilis from ci^ra] ill office, op. I'i."). iigi' in Queens ohn river, 32 II contains !i ,111(1 has tirst- lilding. Pop. ind CO., Ont. r, a post vil- li, on the N III Woodstock. sottk'iiH'ut in tlio St. Jolm iceville. Pop. Wlli 359 WIM WIOKLOW, a post viilapo in Nor- thumberland CO., Ont., 2^ miles from CJniflon. Pop. Ion. WlOKWIItK STATION, Halifax co., N.S. Sec .Milford. WIDDKK', or PINK HILL, a post villajfc in Lauiblon co., Ont , 2il miles ftoni Widder Station. It lias 2 tcle- griipli ollices, '2 stores, an liotel, a taii- uerv and a pottery. I'cp- ^""• WIDDKR STATION, or THED- FOIM), a lloiirisliing post village in liiinibton CO., (Mit., on the G. T. R., i;;";; miles W. of Toronto. It coiitain.s sinv, grist and W(>(dlcii mills, a tele- giaph ollice, and several stores and liot(d.s. A weekly newspaper is luib- lijlicd here. Pop. fioo. WliiFIUI), a post village in Ontario CO., (bit., 8)1 miles from Canninglon. Pup. 110. WILD HKUIT, a fishing scttlem-nt on Little Lay Island, Ntld., otf the en- trance to Jla'll's Bay. Pop. 20. WILD COVE, a fishing settlement o;i Fogo Island, Nlid., ti miles from Fogo. Pop. 40. WILKESPORT, a post village in Laiiil>ton CO., Ont., on a branch of the River Sydenham, 8 miles f'rcm Soiiibra, 29 miles from Sarnia. It has o stores, 2 telegraph offices, and a carding mill. Pop. ;Vi. AVILKIE'S CORNERS, a village in Elgin CO., Ont , 8 miles from St. Tho- mas. It has a saw mill and 2 slores. Poll. GO. WILLETSHOLME, a post village va Fronlenac co.. Out., 14 miles from Gananoqiie. Poo. loo. WILLIAM HENRY, Richelieu co., Que. See Sorel. WILLIAMS, a office in Middle- sex CO., Out., 2;") miles from London. WILLIAMSBURG, a village in Wa- terloo CO., Out., 4 miles frum lierlin. Pop. loo. WILLIAMSBURG, Durham co. Ont. Sec Cartwriglit. WILLIAMSBURG, Ilalton co., Ont. »>0e < lleii William. WILLI A.MSDALE. a ] ost v llage iu Cuinbirland co., N.S., 'j iiiilis from Thoiiison. It contains several stores- Pop. 100. WILLIAMSFORD, iSee Sullivan. WILLIAMSON, Ontario co., Out, Sec Foley. \V1LLIAMST0WN, a office in Carleton co., N.IJ., 7 miles from FIo- reiic.cville. Grey co., Out. WILLIAMSTOWN, a settlement in Nortliiinibcrlaiid co., N.B., 8 miles from .Newcastle. Pop. i.")0. WILLIA.MSTOWN, a thriving post village in Glengarry co., Out., on Rivii're anx Raisins, 5 miles from Rivi(''ie Raisin. It contains several ehiirclies, stores, hotels, and mills. Pop. 4riO. WILLIAM^VILLE, a village of On- tario, co. of llitldiiii.ind, .'!.") miles S. of Hamilton. Pop. loo. WILLISCRGFT, a post olfi( e iu Brnce CO., dnt , 8.', miles from Paisley. WILLOWDALE, a i^ost village iu York CO., Out., 5 miles from Tiioinhill. Poi>. lOo. WILLOW GROVE, a post villa-e in Ilaldim.'iiid co , Out., 4 miles from Calc(|()iii!i Pop. HO. WILL(»W (J ROVE, a post village in St. John CO., .\.B., on .Negro Lake. ].'{ miles fVoni St. John. It has a eottou factorv. pop. loo. WILMOT, (.r FARMINCiTON, a oost village of Nova Scotia, co. of Anna- polis, in the beautiful and fertile valley of tiie Aniiaiiolis, on the right bank of the river, about 40 miles from its en- trance into Annapolis Bav, and on the W. k A. R., !)x miles N.W. of Hal:ta.\-. It contains several stores and mills, and some excellent mineral springs. Pop. 200. WIL.MUR, a ])03t village in Adding- ton CO.. Out., 24 miles from King.-ion. It contains 4 saw mills, and in the vici- nity are extensive lead mines. Po]). 300. WILSONS BEACH, a i.ost village in Charlotte co., N.B., on the E. end of Camixdii'llo island, at the entrance to the Bay of Fiindv, ;; miles from East- port, .Me. Inlialiitants are ciiiefly cn- gage(l in the fisheries. Pop. oO(). WILTtJ.N, a post village in Lennox CO., (.)nt., on Big (^reek. 4 miles from Odessa, lO miles from King.-loii. It contains several stores and mills. Pop. 200. WILTON GROVE, a seitlement ex CO., Out., G miles from Windsor. I 1 f '">, '«1« I ♦!!■ M»! r 1 1 1 '*. ' t !'.'(■ !lt> Mm WIN iron CO., Out , H milfs WINTHELSEA, or ELIMVILLE, a fiosi villiij^'f in "" roiii (Iraiitiin. I'op. 7n WIXClll'STKU, or CHRSTER- VILIJ'], M tliiiiri^liing ])ost villus;*' in Diiiiiiiis CO., Out., on lln- Ilivcr N'liiion, I'J iiiilc.'^ tVuiii .M(iriisl)ur{,'. It contaitm M tiiiinciy, ciirdiii^' mill, itn^i aiul saw mill, jilxiiit IJ stores, a id a tclfgiuph onic(>. l'i)|). 4o(i, WlXCIIKSTKIl SI'lilXGS, a j.ost villii}.'!' in jiiiniliis co., Out., I'J niih'9 from Moiri.-hnr;;. It contuins a tck'- gT'ipii olljcc, a (jootl hotel, and fxco • It'iit mineral springs, and is a favorite resort of lie.iltli seekern during summer mouths. I'op. 101). WI.VDKirMKKE, a jiost villa<,'« in Victoria CO., Out., 'JO miles from Hniro- bridjre. It contains a store, H tannery, and several mills. Pop. t)(). Wl.VDllA.M OKXTliE, a post village in Voifollv eo., Ont., on the (', S. ii., Jo miles from Simcoe. It contains 2 stOH's and a saw mill. Pojt. 1<'0. WlN'I»H.\.\f HILL, a p ,8t office in Cmid)eriaiid co^, N.S., 7 milci from River I'hilip. WINDSOR, an incorporated town and port of entry of Ontario, co. of Esse.x, on the Detroit river, ojijiositc Detroit, and tit the W. terminus of the G. \V. !{., 110 miles from London, 22;{ miles from Toronto. It contain.s clinrclies of 4 denominations, 2 ])ranch banks, a hijifh school, a couvent, atren- ciesof2 telej^r.ildi and several assurance and insurance companies, 2 printini:f otlices issuing daily and weekly news- papers, breweries and distilleries, and manufactories of tobacco, brooms, leather, wooden ware, wine, soap and candles, boots a id shoes, carriages, v'tc; also several hotels and a number of v«tores. A tunnel under the River Detroit is in of construction, between Windsor and Detrnit, for the (Jreat Western Railway. Total value ofim])orts for 1872, $074,887 ; exports $371,8.^7. Pop. 4,253. WINDSOR, a post settlement in Carleton co., X.H., 23^ miles from W' (idstock. Pop. 200. WINDSOR, a seaport town of Nova Scotia, capital of the co. of Hants, on an arm of .Minus Hasin, which sets up far into the interior of the province, and on the W. & A. R., 4") miles N.W. of Halifax, 84 miles from Annapolis. It is 300 WIN the seat of King'.i College, the principjil educational institution in Nova Semiuj and is a place of'coiiimercinl importaiKie in con-'ccpieiice of the extensive mines of limestone, gypsum and other valua- ble minerals abounding in its vicinity. The town contains t; clinrclies, 2 KpLs- copal, 1 Roman ('atlndic, 1 Weshyiiri, 1 Pre.-byterian and 1 I'aptist, 1 bra icli Imnk, an iron foundry, several iiiill.s ami factories a |piintiiig olliee issninir a Weekly newspaper, a tidegraph oilicfi, and H iiiinilier of stores. The streets of Windsor are lighted with gas. It is a port of entry. The total nuiiiber of arrivals for 1872 was :!13 > ton 2;!3), and the clearances :!87 (tons .'.O', 301). Total value of imports ir20l,930; e.Kporls :^:l|,ly:'.. I'op. 3,000. WINDStJR, Ontario co., Ont, See Whiibv. Wl.NDSOR RRIDGE, Hants co.,N.S, Si'e Falmouth. WINDSOR FORKS, a settlement ia Hants CO., N.S.,4iJ miles from Windsor, 47,- P 1^0. WINDSOR JUNCTION, a post vil- lage in Halit'a.x co., N.S., at the juiuMioa ot t lie Inlercoloiiiul and Windsor and .Annapolis railways, 13 miles from Halifax. It has a telegraph otliee. Pop. ."jO. WINDSOR MILLS, a flourishing ].09t vill.ig(' in Ricliinoiul co., (Jiie., on the River St. Francis, and on the G. T. R,, Htio miles S.E. of Montreal, 14 miles N. of Slierbrnoke. It has unrivalled water power privileges, an 1 contains a large pajier mill, a jiowdf r factory, 5 saw mills, 1 grist mill, a telegraph oflice, 2 churches, and about tj stores. Pop. 32."). WINE IIARROR, a,-caport in Guys- borough CO., N.S., on St. Marys river, ,"> miles from its entrance into the At- lantic Ocean, 13 miles from Sherbrooke. It is pictir.esqiiely sitimted, and d'Tives its muiie Crom a vessel with wine having been wiecked here some years ago. It is also in one of the richest gold districts in Nova Scotia. Pop. 380. WINFIKLD. a post village in Wel- lington CO., (int., 7 miles from Alma. Pop. .50 • WINGER, a post office in Welland CO., Out.. ;■) miles fre>m Welland Port. WINGIIAM. a flourishing ])ost village in Huron co.. Out., on the River Mait- land, and on the W. G. & B. R., (South '^ WIS I principal ripiiilaiioo ivc iiiiriea lor valna- >> vicinity. ■s, 'J Kpis- Wcsli yun, I I bra idi ural mills • issiiiii_' a ipli otlic!, he streets ffnu. It il nuiiilier I tons 47,- (toiis "lO.- Ir2i)l,0:i0; :)nt. ■^re ts CO., N.S. Icmont in 1 \\ iuilsor. i post viU jiinctiuu nilsor and lilcs fiiim uph otlice. shing ]to9t le., on the (i. T. ii., 14 miles iiiilviiilcd ontums a Uctory, 5 •apli ollice, •t'3. I'op. in Guys- rvs river, the At- icrbroolce. (1 (l'>rive3 np having ajro. It is districts in W'el- pni Alma. Well and 1(1 Port, st viliajj^e vcr Mait- l., (South pxtcnfion,) 38 miles f'rDm Palmrrston. li iiM>scsses ijooil wali'r power jirivi- le|,'es, and contains L' li'inriii;^ mills, 'J Haw mills, 'J planin;^' mills, 'J lath mills, 1 woollen factory, 1 (jatme;il mill, 1 phiiiyle mill, I tannery, an iron ftmndry, a printin^f ollict! is-^uinjr a ■\\-eekIy ncwsiiapcr, a l( li'iriaph ollicc, cimrchcs of J denominations, .5 hotels, and iiltont 'JO slOM'S. l'o)i. Too. WIN.MPKd.or KOliT CAUnY, tlie seal of (i'overnnieiit of the province of .Manitoliu, silnateii at the jiinclioii of the Assinilioini' and [{ed Rivers, 4omIl(s S. of Lake \\'inni|ieg. or) niile,^ from I'enihina, I'.S., 'J.'iO mik's frotn I'ort Aliercromhie, l.jHDniile from, via proposecl Ciiii'iila I'neilic railway, or I,s4.''. miles Tia Chicajfo ami St. I'aid. Tilt' city contains al)oiit 2'> stores, f;everal saw mills, 4 iiriniing ofhces. a telegiaph olliee, a theatre, a chii'ch of Kn^land cathedral, rreshyteiian and We.^leyan chnrches, two colleges, pcvc- ral schools, a bank and bianeh bank, government house, Icgi -hit ive biiihlings, many good dwell inv:.-', and a strong and regular fortification. Winnijii g is the si'at of the See of the .Metropolitan of the North West. Opposite the town is St IJoniface, the seat of the See of Archbishoii Taehe. Total value of imports for 1872 :5042,247; e.vports $8j.r. 11. Top. :!,nOO, WINONA, or ONTAIIH), a post vil- lage in Weiitworth co., Ont., on the G. W. U., 12 miles from Hamilton. It contains 2 saw mills and 2 stores. Pop. 100. WINSLOW, ft settlement in Oonipton CO, Que., 48 miles fr. m Lenno.wille. It ccmtains a Pi-man ('atholic church, BCvi'ial stores, and a saw and gri. .'^00. WlXTEPJlorRNE, a jmst village in Waterloo co., O'lt., on (!rand river, 10 miles from Pcrlin. It contains 2 hot(ds, severMl stop's and a grist mill. Pop. l.')0. WlXTllROP.a post villiige in Huron CO., Ont., 5 miles from Seaforlh. It coutai'is 3 hotels, 2 stores, a ::aw mill and a cheese factory. WISBEACII, a i^ost office i-i Lamb- ton CO., Ont., 12 miles from Strathroy. WISE.MAN'S GOVE, a li.hing station on the French shore, Ntid., 47 miles from La Scie. Pop. Gl, 301 WOL WITLESS l!AV, a I'shing settlement oil theS. SMie ot Trinity l!ay, Nlld., 19 tip. milrs li'nni Heart'-! Content! Pwp. 12. WITLESS llAV, 11 large li^hing s.t- tli'menl i'l the district of E<'ir.\hiiul .\t!il., 22 miles S. of St. Johns P'JH. WOl>ri{.V,a post village in York co., Out., "» miles from Scarliorough Junc- tion, pop. ,")0. WOLEl'], a ciMinty in the S.W. jiart of (.Miibec, anne.xeil to I'iclinKunl for electoral purposes, comprises an area of •12 j, (171 acres. It is drained by the River St. Francis a' id several other streams. Gaiiit;!l,I)U(i>Well. Pop. S,82:!. AN'OLFE WAY, a lishiiig station in the di-tricl of ji irgeo and La I'oile, Nthl., (1 miirs from lliiigeo. P.p, 'M. WOLFE HARKori;, a llshing sta- tion in the district of IJurgeo anl Lii Poile, Nlhl., 4 miles from Channel. P(ip. i."!. WOLFE ISLAND, a large island at the entrance to the RiverSt. Lnw:'ence, at the N 1']., extremity of Lake ( )n'iii io. Il diviiles tlie St. Lawieiice into (WO tiranc'ies, both of which are navigaldo for the largest vessels. The south one. however, is the main channel ami l)oundary line of tlu! I'nit' d Slates. Wolf' I-lan I is the C^iiern of ihf far- famed Tiionsand I-lands. Its W. por- tion is opjiosite Kingston. Its coast is rather irregular, inde;ii(d with lieanli- fiil and ]iictnres(pie buys. The shon'3 are sntlieiently high to pieveiit tiie-urf from washing uji on the la;iil,and is coiii- j)osed of tine gravel or limestone rock, which gives the wlado ccast a clea ily ami atirai'tive appearance. Its gre',te-;t width is 7 miles and length iihoiit 18 miles, and h;is .'{o^tioo acres o'' as gorid land as is to be found in the ]irovince. There are many evidences of this island having been inhabited by Indians, aa human bones and varioui n'lics pecu- liar to Indian life have been di-covered in many places. Forty years ago Wolfo Island Wiis almost a churches. The water around the island is as clear as crystal, and teeming wiih all kinds uf delicious IJrih, such as salmon, trout, whilctisli III in! 1 n mi ■k .'^1 i '« i_ woe 362 WOO bass, piki*, pickerel and maskinoiige. Pop. '_',T;i7. Wol.FK IrfliAXD, a lliriyinp ])03t villiigi! (Ill tliciiljove island, in Froiite- iiac en, Out., :-! miles froii, Kiiii;sto >, with wiiieii city it lias regular eoinniiini- caliDii by f'.Try sleaincr. It coiitaiiisa telegrapli olliee, a grist niiil, '• nr G stores, and a liglitliouso. Sliiphuildiug is largely engaged 111. I' "jOO. Wdl.F ISIiAM), a small island in the Clulf of St. Lawrence, near the Kagiicnuv coast. AVOLFOiJI), a station o-: the ]i. Sc. 0. II., in Leeds co., Ont., IG miles from Broekville. WOLF.-^TOWX, a i)ost village in W(jlfe CO., Que . 21 miles from Sonn'r- set. It contains a IJoinan Catholic chureh and si'vera'i stores. Fop. HK) WOLFVILLK, formerly COKN'- WALLIS, a seaport town of Xova Sco- tia, CO. of K'irigs, at tin' cm ranee of Cornwallis river into Minai Hasin.and ou the A\', & A. Iv., IH miles from AVindsor, G] miU'sfrom Halifax. It is the seal of .\eadia College, and of the Ilorton Academy, bolJi under the con- trol of the Baptist di'iiomination, and contains churches of -1 deuoiiiiualions, a female ??minary, a branch bank, a tclegra]di ofliee, a saw mill, a number of store- and >L'veral luitels. Shipbuild- ing is largely engaged in. Wolfville is a ])ort ot entry. The number of arrivals for 1S72 wiis 203 rtons J(t,2:3r),) and the clearaiic s 221 (tons 21,tM:-^). Total value of imports ,';r''.'5.,")T2 ; exports $81,425. Pop, (MiO. WOLLASTON LAXl). Xorih West Tf'rritories.Arctic Ocean, \V. of Victoria Land, tlie K. point is in hit. Gs 4"i X., Ion. li;? 5.'-$ W., and se]iarated from tlie mainland ))y Dolidun and Union Strait. WOLVRkTOX, a post village in Ox- ford CO., Or., on Smitli's Creek, 4 ni;I'S from Di'umbo. It contains 1 saw mill, 1 grist mill, and 1 store. Pop. 2r>o. WOODlJRIDtJF, or Bl'UWICK, a flourishing post village in York co., Ont., on the River Ilumber, ■ndon the T. (1. it H U., IG.I miles from Toronto. It contains chuvches of 3 denomina- tions, 2 telegraph otlices, several stores, liote1=!,aud sawmill^, and manufactories of iron casting-, mill machinery, agri- cultural implements, engine-', boilers, ■woollens, woodeuwarc, ic. Pop. l,Gno. WOO I) BROOK, a hamlet in Prince CO., F.H.I. WOdDBPRX, a hamlet in Kings co., X.S., n"ar Kentville. WOODlU'iiX, a post village in Went- Avortli CO., Out., 8 miles from Stony Creek. It contains 2 stores and a grist mill. Po]). loo. WOODiSURV, or FOlUUO'S CoR- XKUS, a post village in Brant co., Out., 3 miles from Princeton. Pop. IGn. WOODFORD, a pnst village in Orey CO., (Jut., 10 miles trom Owen Sound. It coiita'iis 2 stores, 1 lioiel, a tannery, and a saw mill. Poi). 50. WO01)lIA.M,a post village in Ferth CO., Out., 10] miles from St. .Marys. Po]). 100. WOOD lI.\Ri;oR, a post settlement in Sheliairue CO., X. S., on iheAtlanlic coast, 10 miles fioni Barrington. Iii- liaiiitants are chiefly engaged in the fisheries. Fop. 500. WOODl!ILL,aiK)st ofliee inPeel co., Out., 4 mih's iVoin .Malton. WOODLAXDS, a jiost village in Stormoiit CO., t)nt., 2 miles from Wales. It has 2 .-tores. I'op. 7(i. WOOD FOIXT, a seap(ud of Xew Brnn-wicdv, co. of Westmorland, on Ciimberbind Basin, 5 miles from Sack- ville. Pop. 150. WOODLAXDS, a settlement in the district of Mar(iuette, Man., towards Slioal Lake. 30 miles X.W. of Fort Gar- ry. The ^oil here is very rich, and cov- ered with lieivy timber. Ricli springs of gooil water ai'e fninid at a depth of seven feet. Pop. 100. WOODRIDOK, a post village in Prince co., P.L.f, 7ii miles from Sum- merside. It contains a saw mill. Pop. 200. WOODSIDK, a jiost village in .Me- gantic CO., Que., 14 miles fnmi .'>omer Si't and a taimerv. Poj). 100. WOODSLEF, a post villap'in Es'^ex CO , Out , "11 Belle Riviere, and on the (>. S. R., 2i mile- from Andierstburg. It contains an iron foundry, 3 stores and 3sav.- mills. Fup, ir.n. WOO 'STOCK, an incoi | oraied town and port of entry of Ontario, cap- ital of the county of Oxford, on tlie River Thames ami Cedar (,'reek, and on the G. W. R. .40 miles from llamilion, 29 mile.-; troni Londoii. It is a place ol ■■ 'ti- sidcrable trade, possesses good water It Contains a store, a sa\v mill •|.(ir.i'cd •ill. i' i li- on tliO utiil on I V.UltT woo 3G3 WRO power privilofros and contnins, besides till' c'Miiity liiiildiii!^'-:. S climclif.-!, 1.') hotels, do stores, 2 hraiu^h liaiiks. a^ren- cies (if '1 teleusits of red hematite iron ore are found a slua-f dislanee ab ve the town, along the banks of the .Meduxnikeag, at its enl ranee into the St. John. The ore is of a very siij'crior quality, and though so highly charged with manga- nese as to make white and brittle ea STATION, a post oliice in ('arleto i co., X.l!, on th." X. n. k C. R., 3 miles from Wood- Stoek. WOODVILLE, a post village in Hants port, I*op. 100. WOODVILLK, a post village in Vic- toria CO., (Int., on the .M. R.. 5S nulea from Port Hope, and on theT. iV X. R., <;.'! miles from Toronto. It contains a lelegr.ipliolliee, a foumlry, a tloiiriug mill, ti stores, and ,'! hotids. Pop. 400. \\'0!»D\1LL1'], a settlement in Kings CO., X.S., 2.1 miles from Cambridge. Pop. .'iOo. W( )OD WORTH HAY. a settlement in King- CO , X.S.jOn the Ray of Fiindy, 13 miles from Port Williams Station. Pop. 101). WOODY L^LAXD, in Placentia Ray, Xfld., Ill mil. . from llarlvT RuflM. Wnoi.Kl:. orSMlTflS COR\KRS a po-t; village in .\Mrilii.umbirlaii'i o., O it., f»n Cold Cr-i'-k, 'J miles from Trenton. It contains 2 stores and • saw and crrist mill. Pop. 120. WolToX, a ]»)<{ village and town- ship in Wolfe CO., *)ne., 11 miles from Danville. Tiie village ■■o»j'r»ifis a Ro- man Catholic cl'i'irch and -everal saw and grist mill-. P.-j-p. 20o : of township 2,0011. ■ WRKCi: COVE, a fishing settlement in the di.-;;icr of FortuiM- Ray, Xfld., 14 miles from Harbor Rriton. Pop. 2"). WRKCK COVE, a post settlement in Victoria co.. X.S , on St. A tin's Ray, 10 miles from Ivi/lishtown. Kop. loO. WRKCK ISI.AXD HARBOR, a fishing settlement in the district of Riirgeo and La Pinl. . Xlld., 13 miles from I'.nrL'-i'O. Po]i. I 7. WiM(;HT, or VI'TORIA FARM, a po.-t village in Ottawa co.,giie.,on the River Gatiiiean, r,,'! miles X. of Ottawa. It contains an hotel. ."'. stores, 2 saw mill- and a teleL''ra"li office. Pon. W IM'iHT'S Co!;NKR, Grenvilh 250. CO., Out. Ali:'oiiq I'n. WRoXETKl.'.a tiiriving post village in H iron eo., Oni., on the River Mait- land.and on the T. O. .V R. R., i'>W mileg from Toronto. It contains 2 el.iirclics, a telegraph olRce, several stores aud ♦ • YAR 3G4 YOR Hi ■i I lintels, ainrpo sawmill, a smsIi and door fiiclory, a cnliiuct factory, a flr)uriiiji; mill, an iron fmi idry, several carria<,'e and wajf<;-()ii faetorie-. and fniir f,a-ain waielionseH. A larj^i' (jniHitiiy ofprain, butter, |i(,rk and wviA is b oiitrht lieie. A cattle fair is held iiionthlv. Pop. 700. WYANDOT, or SPRINT.r.ROOK. a post villaji^o ill Wi-llinji^ion co., Ont., 51 miles fVnni .Moorelield. Pnp. 150. WHVinilDCI';, a i:ost villnre inSim- coe C'i.,()iit., oil the lliver V',"ye, 'IC, mili's from Uarrie. It contains a tele^jraph oliice. and si'veral stores. I'op. 15n. WYO.MING, a Ihriviufr post villaj^e in Lnml'ton co.,(> it., on tlie (!. W. U,, 4.") miles from Loud n. It is a place of con.-iilerable trade, Imms in tlie centre of tlie western oil rejjidns, and contains several oil relineries, a carditis^ mill, grist mill, iron foiiidry, 2 telej^ripli ollices, a printinf? odice, and a. nunihiM' of stores. Pop. '00. WYfON, a villnjre in Mi-idlesex co., Out., on the I'iver Tli;imes, M miles from Thorndale. It contains 1 store, and a clolh factory. Pop. .';0. YALE, a post town in the dislrici of Yale, li.C, on tli" Fr.iser river, lOO miles from \ew Westminster. YALKTOW.V, a villaj.-e in Maski- noiifre CO, Que., ;U) miles fi'om Three Rivers. It contains a hii-i^e tannery, a grist mill, and a saw mill. Pop. 12."). YA.MACIIKMIR, a flom-ishin.u^ post, vill.'iixe of Quebec, c;i]iital of the co. of St. Miuiriee, on IG.') miles fr om the iiiver Yamaciuche, Three llivers. ft con- tains a chnrcli, convent, academy, teleffrajili oliice, woollen factory, tan- mn-y, saw and Kf'--^f mills, and about a dozen stores. Pop. l.liOO, YAMA.SKA, a county of (Jnebec. It is centrally situated, and ilr.iinedby the Nicolet, St. Francis and Yaniaska Rivers, enterinji: Laki- St. Peter, which bounds it on the N'.W. Capital,- St. Francois. Pop. byilT. YAMASKA, aflonrishinspost village in Yamaska co.. Que., (Ui the River Yamaska, I'd mih'S i'rom St. llyaciiilhe. It ccntains a tele miles from Na))anee. It con- tainsa woollen factory, a larjre flouring mill, ii saw mill, au iron foundry, a tclo- l^rajih olTicc ami several stores. Pop 400. YAR.M, a post oflice in Pontine co., (Jue., r» miles from ("larendon Centre. YAR.MOr rif,a county at the western extremity of Nova Scotia, borderiucf on III ■ AllaMtic, a'ld intersected by Tnsket river. The coasts are deeply indented, a;id the surface i.; extremely diversilied with nionntains, rivers and lakes. Area ITl,(,i00 acres. (Japital, Yarmouth. Pop. \Sy,')i). The first settlenvnt of this county was made by relumed Acadiaus in bit;:!, and al'terw.irds by Loyalists from Shelhurne. YA R.M< IPTII, a seaport town of Nora Seijtia, capital of the above counly, on a small bay scltinu' up from 'he Atlantic, 2(',") mib's S.W. of Ilalifix, ss mih-sfrom .Annapolis. The surrounding country is fertile and well cultivated. The town contains ma ly fine public buihl- inj/s, as churches, ediiealinnal institu- tion-;, l)anl%s, hotels, kc. The Yarmoulh Seminary is one of f h ■ lari:' st and hands(miest woode.i bu'ldinixs in the piovirici\ There are also a commercial readi ,<^ room, 2 priutinfT oilices issuing weekly newspnjiers, a (eh'jrraph oliiee, a number of stores, and manutactories of iroa ca-tinsfs, machinerj', wooden ware, kc. Yannotitii is the chieJ sliip- buld:ng pl'ic in the province, and has a large trade in the iisle'ries. P is a port of entry. The total number of arrivals for ]>^1'2 was 10.") ftons 2.'>,.SS,")),;ind clear- ences Ui^ (tons ;^4,OH2). Total value of imports S"0i,t)O'J ; exjiorts S:!r):?,'i2.3. A railway (tlie Western Counties) is ill cour.-!e of co.istrnction between Y.armouth and Anna[)olis. It is e.\p(>ct- ed to be in running order in 1875. Pop. :',.:>•){). VARMOUTII CENTRE, ajiost village in Elgin (;o.. Out., on the L. k P. S. iC, 11 miles from London. It contains a cheese fac'ory, 1 '.aniierv, 1 saw mill and I store. Po]). 1(;0. VELVERTON, or NEWRY, a post otTice in Durham co., Onl., 14 miles from Bethany. YEOVIL, a post oHic" in Gv^'y co., Out , II miles from Forest. YOlIO, a i)ost oflice in York co., N.H., 15 miles from Frederictoii. YORK, a county of O.itario, centrally situated, and drained by the llumbi'r, Rouge and Don rivers liowiug into Lake Ontario, which bounds it ou tlio YOR 3(35 ZIR R., and sovornl small stroam?< onteriiij? Luki! SiiiKMR', wliicli I'oriiis iiiirt ,;»74. VUKK, iiii extensive county i;i the S. \V. piiM of Xew Brunswick, l)onieriii^' on Miiiiii'. It is iiitcisifteil hy the St. Joh 1 nv T and is honnded on the W.S.W. hy the St. Croix river and Grand Lake. There are also a gnat nninlier of other lakes in the county. Besides tiiese sheets of water, the sur- face is a{,'reeal)l3'suni ^auiries. I'op. 4'i0. "\"*J1{K, tlie former name of, vviiich see. Wfieu IJouchelte made the first survey of York harbor, in 17i).';, dense and trackless forests liiieii ihc margin ot' the lake, and rellectcd their inveried images in its glassy The wandin'ing savage had eonslrncled his epiieiiieral habitation beneath their luxuriant foliage — the group then con- sisting of two families of .Me.-sassagas — and the liay and neighi)nriiig marshe.s were the hitherto iini ivaded haunts of immense coveys of wild fowl, in the ensuing spring the lieutenant-governor removed lo the site of the new caiiital, attinided liy the regiment of Queen's Rangers. From the day of his arrival dates the histi/ry of the Queen ("itv of the We-^t. Y(M;K FACTORY, a fort of the North West I'erriioiies, on the W. coa-^t of Hudson's Hay, at the mouth of Hayes River, times lat. |ia>i ,')7 \., Ion. t<- \V it, as Fort lioiirhon, gave fierce bailie to the " Guvtn-iior and Company of Adventurers of Flugland trading into Hudson's Bay," and incar- nadined those Arctic waters in a strife that nas brought to a close only l)y the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713, under which til'.' Frencii ceded the wiiole country and Hudson's Bay to the Knglisii. Vork Factory is one of the principal trading posts of the Hudson's iiav (''impany. YOiiK MILLS, a post village in York CO., (Jnt, on a branch of the liumber river, ;{ miles fnnn Westou. It con- tains an Episcopal and a I'resbytrrian church, a tannery, saw and Uouriig mill, .several stores, hotels, \c. I'op. 3,n. YOiJK \{\VK\l, a post villa.e in Ha.sings co., Out., on a river of the siMiK' name, 17 miles fnan Tlianet, 73 mile^ tVoni I'eileville. Roji. l-'i. V( ) K K \' I L L I'],a n i ncori lorated v i 1 1 age of Ontario, CO. of York, about 'J miles X. of Toronto, of which it may l)e coii- idered a suburli. 5t has many good brick houses, K|iiscopalian, Wesbyan, I'rimitive, and N'ew Con lexioi Metho- dist churches,.several school-, a nii-dical college, town hall, telegrajdi ollice, breweries, factories, store.>, Ac. I'op. 2,2.;!. VOU(;H.VL,asettleminit in Clouces- ■•-ter CO., ,\.!5., 2 niihs from Ihitlinrst. I'op. Inn. VoU.Vd'S (JOVL, a i)ost setllemtMit int,*iu'ens co., X.B., on Gr;tnd Lak.', 18 miles from Gagetown. J'op. 2i)0. YOC.VG'S I'OIXT, a post vdhige in l'eterl)orough co.. Ont., 17 miles from Pe'erbor. ugh. Pop. ^00. YOUNGS\lLLL, a iiamlet in Oxford CO., Ont. ZKALAXD.a po-stoHice in Addington CO., Oiit.,2i; miles from Perth. ZEi'IiYK, !i post village in Ontario CO., O it., 1'! mil"S from Uxbriuge. It contains 2 hotels, 1 store, a saw mill, a shingle mill, and a cheese factory. Pop. :'.no. ZFTLANM), a I'.ost village in Huron CO., Out., on the Rivm' .Maillaiid, G^ mile-! from iUuevale. Pop. 00. ZIMMKII.MAX, a vill;igein Hal- ton CO., Oa'.., on Twelve .Mile Creek, 8 miles from Wellington Snuare. It con- tains 1 stvu-eaiid a grist e.nd saw mill. Pop. mo. ZISKA, a post otlice in Yictoria co., Oiit-, n mile- from I'.raeeltridge. ZOXF MILLS, BothwelTco., Ont. See Florence. Zl'RICH, a post village in Huron co., Out., l.-< miles from Seaforth. Jt con- tains 2 wo )llen factories. a tannery, pot- tery, .saw and grist mill, 3 store-;, a t( legra))h oUice, and several churches. Pop. 2UU. I s; 1 " t Hi r V nil ,li 1* K '■'•, Wm^ f --^ flD !I« _, , 1; ill afiH| iulHl!{' mm "P LAKES AND RIVERS IN BRITISH NORTH AMERICA.* ACIT ABAGUSQUASir, (Enr/lhli : " SidrU Wiitcr,"'; a nvor of Teini.sroiintii co., QuL'., forms one (jt tliu head brandies of tlic Tiiludi. AliATAOOrSH, a lar^^e bay on Lfiko .Mistassi!ii,Xortli West Ten-iiories, 290 miles f"( ni Lake St. John, :y.v.\\ miles X. of Montreal. On it is a Iliui- 8on iJav Ooiniiiinv's tradiii<.f jiosl. AlJATAMAiat.MAW, a lake of tlie North West Territories, near the hei:/ht of land dividinir tlie waters oftiieSt. Lawrence from tiinse of Hudson's I5:iv, 272 miles X. of .Montreal, 10 miles \.\V. It is about of Lake XikonliMU. It is about 12 miles lont? from X.IO. to S.W., and miles wide from y.K. to XAV. It is cniwded with low rocky islands, on some of which, as well as on the main- land, tiiere is some laro-c timber. Coj)- per and iron ore are found on the mar- gin of the lake, and limestone iind building stones are abundant. Lake Abatamagiimaw has its outlet i;i the S.W. jiart by a stream which forms one of the brandies of the Xotaway river, which emjities into Janies's Hay. AUAWSl^gUASIl, a small stream running X.W. into the River Trois Pis- toles, in Temiseouata co., Que. AIUilTIBHI, alakeof theXorth West Territories, in hit. 4!) X., Ion. 7.S 10' W. Length (iO miles; breadth 20 miles. It is studded with numerous islands, and has its o'ltlet in Abbitibbi river! There is a trading jiost of the Hud- son's Bav Comiianv on its S.E. shore. Ai;BITli;Hl, a Viver of tlie Xorth West Territories, takes its rise in the high lands above Lake Temiscamingue, about hit. 48 10 X., Ion. 29 ;m \\ ., ami after a course of 200 miles joins the Moose river, a large stream running iuto James's Bay, at Moose Factory. ACllKiAX, a river of Quebec, takes itfl rise in several lakes in the co. of ALM Terrebonne, and runs into the L'As- somption, 2 miles above the village of that name. AGAWA, a river running into tlie X. shore of Lake JSuiPcrior, Ontario. Good trout fishing. AGWAXrS or. GOYXISH, a river running into the X. shore of the Gulf of 8t. Lawrence, E. of the .Miugan Islands. AUPMOOJKEXE-GAMOOK, a small lake in an extensive swamp near the frontier, in the township id' Metger- niette, co. nf Dorchester, Que. It is the soiu'ceof the great River St. John. which empties into the IJay of Fundy at St. John, X.B. ALI'ANY, a river of the Xorth W>st Territories, takes its rise in Lake St. Jo.seph, lat. 51 X., lo;i. 90 20 W,, and falls into James's Bay. Total length .'520 miles. About 120 miles from its estuary it spreads into numer- ous branches extending far to ilie west- ward and southward and forming a complete chain of communication Avith the waters of Lake Sui)erior, Lake Winnipeg and Severn river. The Hud- son's Bay Company have four trading posts on this river ALDER, a river in Chicoutimi co , Que. See Aulnaies, Rivii'rc des. AbDOriX, a river in Kent co., X.B., a tributary of tiie i.iehiliucto. Its lianks are well settled by French Acadians. • ALLAX'S, a river in Annapolis co., X.S., takes its rise in a number of lakes and runs into Annapolis Bay. By tliis river and conneeiing stream, an almost uninterrupted water communication ia had between Annap(dis on the X.W. and Livei'pool on the S.E. coast of the pro- vince. The lakes in its course abound with fish. ALMA, a lake of X^'ova Scutia, on the River Medway, 2.") miles from the head * Revised by S. P. Baiiset, Ewj., Department of llarine and Fi«hurky, Ottawa. 1^ ARC 3G7 ARC of GrPonfit'ldLake. Into it flow a num- ber of .siiiiiU streams. AMI'LIA, or DKW'AR'S I'JVER, in Cunil, -lumi CO., \.S., runs K. into Tatamajrouche liarbor. A.XDKEW'SlUiOOK, in Boniiventuro CO., C^ne., a small .stream nimiing into tiie \. hunk of the I{cslig(jiiclie, near its nidulli. ANGKS, RCISSHAU DES, a small rivnlet rnnniiif,^ into the Aeliigaii, 1 mile above >St. liocii, L'Assomptiun co., Que. AXXAPOLIS, a river of Xova Scotia, at lis month expands into a wide es- tinirv and talLs into the Bay of Fundy, after a course of about 70 miles. Navi- gable 30 miles. Il is second to no other stream in liic province for salmon iiahint,'. AXXA'S LAKK, a small lake on tlie W. side of ISalmon river, iu Yarmoutli CO., X.S. AXTIIOXY, a small lake in Cliarle- voix CO., Que., near the X.IO. side of Lake X.iiru, int(j wliich it empties itself. Al'l'EX'lX, a small stream running into .the Ktcheiuin, in L^'vis co., t^)ue. APPLE RIVER, in Cnndierland co., N.S.. tails info tlu' Ray of l-'undvin lat. 4() 2") X.. Ion. (31 51 [in W. * At its moutii it forms a goodand well siielter- cd harbor. ARCTIC OCEAX, (named frear," the con- Btellaiion of which is principally inclu- ded within the celestial Arctic Circle), tliat portion of tiie Xorthern Sea extfid- ing from the Arctic Circle to tlie Xorth Pcde. The Arctic Ocean enters deeply, in the form of gulfs, bays, &c., into the X. parts of the contineiit of Europe, Asia and Anirrica. Tlie (diief of these indentations are the White Sea, in Eiu'ope ; Sea of Kara, Gulfs of Obi and Yenisei in Siberia; and ]5allin"s Ray in N'ortli Anu'riea. It is united to ijie Pacitic by Rihring's Strait.;, and to the Atlantic by a wide sea extending from Greenland on the \V. to Norway and Lapland on the E. This ii\)rtioii of the Arctic Ocean con- tains line of the largest arelii|H'lagos o:i the globe. The unddle of it is oe- cupied by (ireenland, and on tlie E. is au cxteisive group of islaids known under the name of Sfiitzbergen, the small island of Jan Mayen, and Iceland. West of Greenland, and divided from it by Davis's Straits and R flin's I'.ay, tiiere are a nundjer of i-lauds of great size belonging to llie Dominion of Can- ada. The regions embraced by tlio more restricted limits of the Arctic Ocean (munely, from lat. 7o X.,) are, perhaps, the nu)st dreary and desohtlo on tiie face of the globe. Their slmrea are covered witii eternal snows, and the entire surface of their seas with largo fields aid huge masses of tloating ice, ill pi'r|ieliial niotion, and whose con- stant and treuiendoiis collisions are attended witi the most appalling sounijs. fogs, violent storm.s, and endless nights add to the ln'iror of the scene. There is but one niontii in tiie year (July) in whieiisnow does not fall. The Arctic Ocean freezes even in summer; and, during the eight winter months, a continuous iiody of ice ex- teiiiis in every direction from the i>ide, lining the area of a cirel" between 3,00(1 and 4,ooo miles in diameter. S(jino of tlie masses (f ice tlialline the shores of this oeian, extend many miles in lengtli, and jireseiit sea fnn'its of 200 fiel in iicigiit; while lields of ice 20 or 3t» miles iu diameter, and from 10 to 40 feet in thickness, are frecpieut, and sometimes extend over lOO miles so closely packed together tluit no optn- ing is left between them. Thev arc also found to have a violent rotary mo- tion, by which they are dashed against one another with tremendous force. The icebergs, of which vast numbers are seen lloating about, vary from a few yards to miles in circumterence, and rise to several hundreds of feel in height. The ice in these regions is very transparent, and com|iaet,and remark- able for the variety and beauty ol its tint. The water (jf the Aiclic (»<'ean is exiremi ly pure, shells bfing di^iinct- ly visible at a depth of -0 fatiionis. The lirst atlenijtt to navigate this .sea \v!V3 made in IfjOo. From 171."», Eiitr'aiid, anxious to lind l'(."llOl'A\,a largeriver of QuL-bec, rises in the higiilands separating the w.iter slu'd of Iht' rivers {l(nving into the St. Lawrence from those flowing into Hndsniis Hay, 8'> miles N.E. of .Meiis- can, Hinl runniusr S.R. eniers the W. side of 1-ake St.^John, lat. 48*^ 31t X, Ion. 12 10 W. Length about 170 uiiies. In its course it receives the tiibutary waters of the Sliecoubi-h, Rdc (' C;>ii>e and Subiioii rivers. Its navigatiiiD is ti'.i-iructed w; falls ani ca-cades. Tlie valley o' tiie .\shuiii»- mouchoiian ditf Ts but litt' - froi!' thai arnund Lake St. John, being underl.iid ■witii IIl'Al'.M()r(:il(»rAX, C'Tlie In- dians Ambush," or '' The i)luce where the Elk is laid wait for,") a lake of Quebec, 150 miles W. uf Lake St. John. Lat. 4y 27 X., lo 1. 7;i .5V \V. Length 10 miles ; average breadth 4 miles. It receives the waters of several hirf,'e lakes, and has its outlet in the lliver Asl!uai)iii(juelion:ri. At the N E. e.\- tremily of the Lake, 147 miles X. of Monireal, is a lluds(jn I5ay ("om]iany'H trading post. Th'-re are gond sized trees around the lake, and fruit, grass, tfcc, thrive ^vell. ASTirPEKACIIiaA.V, a river nm- ning into the X. sliore of the (Jiilf of Sl Lawience. ASHWAXIPI, or IIAMILTOX, the great river of Labrador, has its source near tin- head waters nf the east bra icb of the .M lisic, and afur a course of tiOU miles enters the A laniic through Es- quimaux Bay or Hamilton Inlet. At its miiuth it is nearly li miles wide, aid 2.") miles up its breadtli varies from J to J mile. -Vbiait Ino miles uji occur the great falls, one of the giaudeU spectacles in tiie world. Six miles above the falls the river suddenly con- tracts to about 100 yard>, then rushing along in a co'iliiiuous f lamiug rap'd. finally contracts to a breadth of 5'J yards ere it precipitttes iselfovtu* the rock which forms the fall ; when, -till roaring aid fuiiuiiig, it connnues its maddiue.l c iir-ie fu' about Sti miles, pent up beiween walls of roc'v that rise sonii'times to tlie height o' ;;'iO feet 1 either side. This stupendous fall exceed-, in h 'iirht the FaUs ofXiagara. ASKA TfCllE, ,1 lake in Chieoiitimi CO., (^Miebec, receive- the waters of a small lake in lat. 48° 18' X., and dii- cliarges them and its own into the N'ik'iiibau riv'r, which forms the lirst part of the lliver Ashuapmouchuuuu. T I ATL 3G9 AUL ASSEMETQUACJAX, arivcr in l]on- avciitiire co., (^uo., nitis into tlie loft bank (if tlie .Miitii|iodiiic. AS.SI.VIiJOlNK. a lai-go river of tlie North West Territories, rises about lat. 52 \., I'lii. l*'ii \V., and aftei' flowiuLT southerly ahmit 130 miles wiuils to the E. anil disehari,a'.s itself into the Red river, ;iO or lo miles above its month in Lake Winnipeg. The lluilsou's Hay Company have several trading' posts on this riv-r. ASSUMI'TIOX, a river of Quebec. {See Ij'Assomiilion. A8TUiiAaA.\iIC00K, a lake in 8af(nenay co., Que., has its outlet in till' River .Maiiieouat^an, about 4ii mile,-; from its moiitii in the r^t. Lawreiee. AT(JiK.)K, a small river runniiijf into tiie Troiri I'istoles, iu Temiscouata co., Que. ATHAKASCA LAKE, or LAKE OF TIIE llIl-LS, (if the XorihWesl Terri- tories, is ue-Kt to Slave Lake in super- fieies, ami is situated about ISO miles S.W. of it, lat. ')'J N., Ion. from I'x; to 1 lli W. It is an elongated body of water ' miles i'l length and averag- ing 14 miles in width. Near its S. W. extremity it reeeives the Athabasca river, wiiieli rises in the Rocky Moun- tains and Hows .\. E. to join it after a long and turtuous course. Lake Atha- basca discharges its waters nortliward by Slave river, and it communicates both lIuMugh the Slave Lake and Mac- kenzi(^ river with the Polar S'a, a id through Wiillaston and Deer Lakes, and Ciiurchill river, Avith Hudson's Bay. The shores of th(> Athabasca to the northward, aie high syenitic rock; those to the soutiiw.ird are alluvial, but ad- vancing enstwardly they rise into bar- ren sandy hills jierfectly livested of vegetable growth. On Athabasca river, lat. 54 20 X,, Ion. 114 3 E., is Fort Assi liboini'. ATIIAHASC.V RIVER. See Big Alh ibasca. ATLA.VTK^ OCEAN, one of the five great hy(irogra|ihical divisions of the globe, occuiiies an imuK'nse longitu- di'.uil vall'y, and exu'iids from the Arctic Circle on the N. to the Ant- arctic Circle o i the S., bounded W. by the coas! of America to Cape Horn, and thence by aline coiitimied on tlie same nicridiau to the Antarctic Circle, aud E. by the shares of Europe and Africa to the (^ape of Good Hope, and Ihence prolougrd to the meridian of (.'ape Agulhas till it meets the Ant- arctic Circle. Its e.vtnine lireadth la about r>,000 miles, and its area is coiu- puted iU 2.'),0U(i,i)i)i) s(|uaiv mile,-,. The North Sea or (jlerinan Ocean, theCar- ribean Sea and the Ir'sh S.'a form por- tions of the Atlaniic. Its principal Oulfs are, in Europe, the Bay of Biscay ; in Africa, 'he (iulf of (luini'a ; in Am- erica, the Oulf of Me.vico and the (iulf (jf St. Lawrence. Tiie ciiief islands are, in Euro|e, the British Isles and Icelaud; in Africa, the Azores, .Ma- deira and ('aiiary Island.s, and the .\r- chi])el,igo of the (lull Of Guinea; ia .America, the Antilles, .\'e\vloi;udlaiid, aud the islands in the Gulf of St. f.iaw- rence. The chief aflluents are, ia Europe, the Rhine, L'lir-! aU'l Tagus ; in Atrica, the .Senegal, .N'igiT and (,'on- go; and in America, the St. Lawreiic(^, .Mississijii'i, Orinoco, Amazon and La Plata. The bed of the Atlantic is very uiieipial in elevation, in s;im ' plu'i-g rising in imnii'iise sandbanks lo wilhio a f'W fathoms of the surface, and ia others sinking to unfatliomalile depths. The most extensive baiiks are those of .Vewfoundland, the Dogger baik in the German Ocean, and the Agulhas bank oil the S. point (d Africa. Tlie mini- mum depith oa the banks of N(.:wfuund- land is \' Parry Soiiiul, Ont. It is of ver}' irrcj^iilar turni, aiul iudentod hy several liays. Its shores are covered witli red and white pine, varied with Iiardwond, AV'(tN, a lieautiful river of Nova Scotia, rises i.i a small lake near the head waters of the Chester, a river tiowin.t;' into the Atlantie, and runs N.N'.M'. into tlie Minas Haoin. Toti'l len;ji,-ih atioiit iin inih'S. It receives tin; ti'iliiitary wa'ers of lln' Ken.ietciok, St. Croix Hid ('ogmajruu rivi^rs and is iia- vij^able for a c msiderable distance. Tlie town of Windsor is situated al tiie coiilluinee of the Avon and St. Croix. AVO.V LAKH.ajir.'lty sheet, of water in Lunenburg co., N.IS., gives rise to the beautiful Avon river, which empties into Mi'ias I'asin. AVL.MKPv, ii lake of the North- West Territories, iinnu'diat(dy adjoin- ing Cliuto'i-Colden Lulce, witii whieli it is connected hy a small stream, a'ul about 81) miles N. of tiie S.K. extremity of tlie (Jreat Slave Lak''. It is about no mill's in l-'iigtli aul 30 in hroadtti. HAIU.VK LAKIO, IJriiish Columbia. Hee Nata-Puiiket. BAt^KS KIVKll, of the Xorth West Territories, ri-es in Sussex Lake, N. of Lake Aylnier, tlows N. and N.E. through a granite and sandy region, traverses Lakes I'elly and Garry, ami enters a bav, in hit. G2- 7 31 ' N., Ion. 94' :\0 45 W. BADDEUK, a river of Nova b>^otia, takes its rise near the source of the .Middle river, in what is called the Moose Forest, Island of Cape Breton, and Mowing through a tine agricultural country, empties itself into St. I'atriek's Channel, au arm ot Bras d'Or Lake, at the town of Buddeck. It is frequented by salmon and trout. BADDELY', a river in Chicoutimi CO,, Que., named after its explorer, Lieut. Baddely. It is between 7 and 8 miles long, and runs into Lake Keuo- gamicliiche. BAFFIN'S BAY, a large gulf or in- land sea, communicating with the .':|-| N'orlh Atlantic by Davis's Strait, or tbe N.E. coast of the North West Ter- ritories of the Dominion of Canada, be- tween hit. OH and 78' N., and Ion. r)'2' and 80 W., extending from S.E. to N.W. about [)')() miles, with a mean breadtli of 2>0 miles. It was (irst e.x- phu-rd by William IJallin, in I'ibl, in iioiior of whom it was named, and more fully by Captain I'oss, in l«i8, jiud Captain Parry, in IHl'j. It is ot great depth in many jilaees, but of extremely uiKMiiial bolloni, the ascertained ile]ilii varying from lioo to l.o.'iO fatiioms. It.-i sliores are rocky anil preeijjitous, at- taining a lieight in tuauy places of 1,0(10 feet, backed by ranges of lofty mountains covered with iterixniial snow. The coasts are reudi-ri'd re- markable by the [U'esence of prodigious iiutnlters of high, sharp, conical rocks, so ariifieial in form ami appearanee tliat they are calleil iiuiiiinn-iil^. Buth sidrs of the bay aie indented with nu- merous sounds, creeks, and inlets, few of whicii, however, have yrt been t*x- ploied. It abounds in black whales ot a larue size, and in >eals. BACrTCIlKWAN, a river of the Xorth West Territories, .\. shore of Lake Superior, joins the I\en(tgami river, 1') miles from Pembina Island. B.Mloi'L DAY, Newfoundland. See Bulls i;.iv. r.AlE'DES CIIALEUHS. See Cha- leurs, Haie des. IJAIE DES ROCIIERS, a small river of Cliarlevoix co., Quo., empties into theestimry of the St. Lawrence, 18 miles fi.jin Tadousac. It is formed by a number of lakes in which troiit are to be found. BAIL ST. PAUL, Charlevoix co., Que. See St. Paul's Bay. BAILEY'S JIKOOK, a beautiful stream of the co. of Pictou, N.S., takes its rise in the Antigonish Mountains, and after a couiwe of 12 miles in a nortlierly direction, falls into the Straits of Northumberland, 20 miles east of Pictou. it is navigable a h mile and tlien only by small boats. It abounds witii white trout, and is a great favorite for salmon and trout to spawn in. The sea shore on either side of its month is one of the be^. salmon fishinir sjiots in the Dominion. BALSA.M LAKE, in Peterborough CO.. Out., the we.sternraost of a chain of lakes between the mouth of the River Trent and Lake Simcoe. auliful ., tukes a tains, s ill a to the . \ milo ts. It 111 is a rout to cither It' be.-, tiiiniiiu. loroiigh tin in of River BAR 371 BAY BARACIIOIS, liir.e rivers in Viclo- riii CO., N. S., CfilkMi rtspectively N'ortii, Middle, ami Snuiii. euch iil)()iit 21! miles long aii'l t'ii({Meiiti'd hy salmon and Ifirjjesea Imnt. They di!:ehar;:;e into the Atlantic Oecan through Aspy IJay, near Cape North. HARliKirS ('IIHKK, a .small stream running into tiie N. shore of Lal\(! Oittai'io, at lio'vnuinville. JJAIMI. LAKH of the North West Territories, \V, ofthe water shed divid- ing the waters flowing into Lake Sii- [KiVior fi-oni tlio.M' of lliidsoii's i!ay. [t is 8.\ miles long and navigable. r.AliNAnV. a river of New r,rniis-_ wick, tukvs il^ rise near the source of the Konch.bougiiac, in tlie co. of Kent, and logi'tln'r wilh .icveral e;»nsitleiable bi'anclu's di-cliar.;-(v-; into tlie Miramjciii ulmnt A'l mih's tVi'm the (Iiilf. BARNKV'S UIVi:i{,()fI'ie,toiicc» , N S., nni.s ncuMJiaiid ml'/rs Nnrthinnli'i land Strait lliroiigli tii!' E. corner of .Merigo- mish harbor. |;AI!.\S I.AKK.^a sm.'iU lake near tlie N.W. cornerof Vuniioutii co., N.IS., lai the IJi.'avfr I'iv r. llAUlllv ia'lSr>KAU, arivuK't in llior- ville CO., ne., ri.-es n few inile.s IVum Mount Johnson and joining some otiier streams talis into the Huron river. DARROWS LAKE, a beautiful ex- panse of water towards the S. extn-inily of Newfo'in ilaiid, about 18 miles long (uid '2, wide. It has its outlet by iv river emiitvinrr intii "Fortune Hav. l!ARTlI()Li;.Mi;\V, a river of Nortli- ninberland c)., N.l>., issues frnin a beautiful lake near I'orter'.s Brook, ami running a long distance fall.s into the Miramiehi 10 above the J'enous. ll is navigalde for canoes a considera- ble distance. BARTIi;0(i, arver of Northumber- land CO., N. B., issues frcui the iiigli- land.s near the Wild ("at Brook in the north west ; is about 28 miles long, ami runs into the .Mirainiclii on the imrih west side, near Muddy's Point, about 2 miles westward of Mii'arnielii Inner IJay. It receiv(s a number of streams, (he chi"f of which .are (Vreen riviT and Little Bartibog, — tie former risiug iv ar the N.W. Miramiehi, the latter pro- d.'ediig from two lacge barrens in rear of Newcastle; canoes can ascend to its source. There are some splendid qrarrica of freestone on its banks. The river is frequented by salmon, trout and bass. BATCIIKWArNlNd, n river in the dislrii-'l of Algoiua, Out , cnicrs the N. sIkhc of Lake Superior through Bat- chewauning Bav, 4"> miles from Sanlt Ste. Marie. Lat." 4i; .".1 N., Ion. M 22' W Not far from the shore {>{ tlie bay is a hirgi! vein of mang.anesc oie, run- ning ninth and south and from ."lU to (jQ feet wide. iJATllURST ILW, an arm of Baio des Clialeurs, in hit. -IT .'!7 .\., Ion. t!5'' •l."> W. It is '.'i-j niihs long by 2 miles wide, ami is sheliereil from everv wind. i;.\T!!ri;.ST INLi-rr. of the" North ■\Ve'tTernt ries, is in hit. (J7 30 N., km. In:* W. BATIirilST LAKi;. near the ceitre of Newfoundland, is 4o miles long from W. to 10. by <5 miles across, and dis- (diai'ges its .-lirplus waters eastward by the River of Ivvploiis. It is studded with i-iaiids. au.l .■ib.uinds with lisli. 1L\T1S("A.\, a river of (.^Mu bee, ri-os in the Co. of ()uebee, and fall> into tiie St. aw re nee at haiisean l)r,i|go. Ijeiigtli about .'lU miles. Near ilssoifce are sevi'ial laigc lakes aboiuidiug with fi-h. Bait'srix capal'le of canyinj? friaii 80 to 1 :'i c'l'.ls of lirewood ii ;cend this river us as Ste. Genevieve, which is about 11 miles fi-iiu its moll til. BATLStlAX, a small river running into til" lef' bnik of the St. .Maurice, (»ue., 2 iii'le. b low Bat river. ' BAV DC VIN, a river of Nortlnim- berhind CO., N.B., fills into .Miramiehi In'ier Bay, on the soutli side. Length 28 miles. BAY EAST RIVER, of Newfound- land, riH's in aljout iat. -18 :;o N., and between Ion. at) and nil 20' W., and falls into tlie Bay East arm of Bay d'E-'poir, ab.iut hit. 47 r»o N., Ion'. ;■),')' it! W. It consists of a chain of lakes linked to^^'ther by rapid str''a!n-;. and is one of the Ingest and most imiiortant of tiie south llow- ing stre:'.nis of the idand, draining an area of ne.arly 72m square miles of coiintry. Tl'i.' following ponds or lakes fi.'rui part of this river: Long I'ond 9 miles long and from \ to 1 mile wide; Soul is Pond, area I'S s(p:are milea; brazil Pin 1, area 2,] s(p'are miles; T/ittle Burnt Pond, area 2 square miles; Round Pond, a lino sheolof water ollip- :a It ii«i,iE m i'i I . !. S I n* ;|f|; ^^ii*^ J5KA 372 HKA IP ft tionl in form, itulontod by numcrfHiS t'xtorisivo bays iiml coves, ami jiic- tun'sF gi'INTK. Sec Qninte, Bay of. BAY OF Fl'NDY. SoeFnndy, Bavof. BAY OF iSi.AXDS. See Islands, Bay of. BAY OF MiVAS. See Minus Basin. BAY OF SKViOX ISLANDS. See Seven I-lands, Bay of ]}AYON'.\K, a river of (^>ncbee, rises in several small streams in tiie c;). of JJerliiier, and ruDuiiii,' S.E. fills into the St. Lawrence (i|ij)(isiio Isle (.'astor. It is naviiribh! for ."i miles from its moutli, bnt further uj) rapids ami falls jtrevent a passa^'e. 'I'liere are 2 per- l)tMulicular leajis each 10 feet in hci^'lil . BAY YFUTF. a largo bay on the S. side of Nortluinibi TJiMid Strait, fiu'ni- ing ]tar( of the lnuindary between New Brunswick and Nova Scntia. It is 9 miles wide at its eniraiice, but con- tracts to '1\ miles near il3 head. Total depth about 11 nilL's. Between the bea estima'ed at lt/;o6 square miles ; height above the sea at 2.^0 feet. Its deptii has never Ik'cmi uscert lined; but where tried no bottom was found with 270 feet line. The water is remarkably tr.msparent, and appears of a li;,'hl' blue cohinr. The lake abounds with (isli. it dis- charges its water.s by Bear river into the .Mackenzie. It remains fiozmi over fi'om |)('C(inb<'r to .lune. BKAi; l;[\ VA{, of British ('olmid)ia, a considerable tributary of the Frascr river, which it enters i:i hit. 53 53 N., Ion. 122 4.*) W. BFAR KIVKIl, of \ovaSrot-a, rise? in Digliy ro., ami Ilowi ig N. \V. falls into Digby basin; lor a part of its course it tortus theilivisio'ili'.ie Ijelween tlu! Counties of Annapolis iind i):pl)y. Shipbuilding is carrie I on exten.Mvely at it-; head. BKAIDKTTK HiVFU, rises in CUen- garry co., Ont., and falls into Lake St. Friiucis at I'oiileau I>eaiidette. BLAF L.\0, a baiitiful lake on the Ilivv'r St. Francis, in Temiscouala co . Que. BF.VrPORT, a river of gneb,-c, riseg in Lake Beauport, and fabs into the St Lawrence a few mile, helow Onebec. UFAI.'I'OBT, a -mall lak^ in tiie co. of (Quebec, IH m le.-; X. of the city of tiMiebec. It abou ids with trout of the hnest (jualitv. BFAriitVACF RIVKB. in Lotbiniere co., One., enters the co. of Levis, and falls intt) tlie Chaudiero at St. Denis, it is in no jilace navigable. BKAVER BROOK, in Bonaventiire CO., Que., runs iali. the Assenietipiagan. BFAVFR LAKF, a small lake it the CO. of Ilalifa.v, X.S., a I'vw miles S.W. of llalifa.v cil V. BFAVLR LAKF, i \ Rictonco., N.S., the smirce of the F i-t river. BFAVFR LAKHS, two lakes in Q\ietais CO., N.S., have their outlet in the Liverpool river, which empties into the Atlantic Ocean. BH.VVFll IMVFR, in Orey po., Ont., takes its rise in a small lake 2 inilei? S.W. of Flesherton, a id piuvuing its way through strath, and wood, and glen, finds its oiitb t at the village of fhorid)ury, on the (r-orgian Bay. In its course it is ei.largecl by various small streams. On one of its bra ichcs, which rises in the tow isliip of Osprey, there is a fall over 70 feet high. Beginning at the falls a HED 3::j BKR deo]) wild ck'ii stn-tclioH for iihoul a iiiilt!. Down lliis llie slrt'iiiu riislu'S io ac'oiii-sc of r.ijiids till it ifuriics ii (Icptli of lull fpf ■■'><^ fret. Till' tilcii is iiiirniw, and it-; Infly sides, (Voiu iIk" rii,i;t,'cd ciiiuimd to tlicir yrriitost iiltitiidc, arc lined with tree and slirub and hrnsli- Wuud ; aid tiie woialed iieiH;li1s stretch slraiiht (inwards lor some dist'iiiee, tiien liriiiulen (lilt aid heiid to the I'inlit, runjrinj^ nnwu'dri ns far as the eye can reach — the wlnde scent' beinj; one of sin^nilar t;randein'and romantic lieanty, remindin^r one torcihly ( f the rocky and W'lodeil ill lis that co'istitute t'» such a iar;,'e extent the roniaiiUi^ scenery of .Scotland. This lovely spot — called Kn^'enia Falls- is a ;,neat attiaction to the lover- of the lieaiititnl. Tiiis liranch of the ]>ea\('r 'in' ads an aliiinchince of water power availaljle all the year round. liKCACriMKf.;, a rivorof Caileton CO., N. 15. , enters the easteiMi side of the St. John a! Ilartland, aliout 12 miles ahove Woo 'slock. It drain.s a lino a^ricnltural eoiintry, for a considerahle part covered wiili forests of la rjje tim- ber, and is crossed by the .Vew IJriins- wick railway. iJKCA.NCi >ri.',a !art,n> ami beaiitifal river of (.^iiiebes, lises in the co. of Beauco, and foUowinj? a seri^entino course throiij^h tlie counties of .Met^an- tic and Arthalia-ka miters the co. of Nicolet, and falls in'o the. St. Lawrence at the villaj^e of l!ecanc(air. Total len.tjtli, 7o miles. Its naviij^alioii is prevented by fails ami cascades. I i the broader jiarts are some islands covered with line trees. The scenery on some parts of this river is very pic- turestpie. liKCSCIE RIVER, a small stream on the Island of Aniicosti, Que., frequen- ted bv ■ ilanni and seu trout. HE'DFOlil) 1!ASIX, a majrnificent sheet of water of Nova Scotia, con- nected liy a narrow arm. called the Narrows, with Halifax harbor. It is uel cc, risei in a lake of the same name in Chicou- tiini CO , and falls into the .S E. side of Lake St. Jtihii. It is navje-.ihle for lare-f batt(!aii.\ for many miles, and fur- ihei' up fir caiuies. IIELLE lilVlEllE.of Essex CO, Ont., runs into Lake St. (.'lair ;it a villajfeof till s; me namo. IJELLE UlVIEKE, a small stream on tlie Island of Auticosli, Que., frecpien- ted bv salmon. HELLES A.MOFKS DAY, an inlet on the .\orlh slioieof tlu; (Julf of St Lawrence, west of lllaiie Saldoii ; ion ,")7 :•.() W .. bit .".1 X. i!EL(EIL IHVER. <.f Vercheres co., (.^)ue., runs into the Richelieu opposite I-les aux Cvvl)^. bEXidT, LAKE, in Chieoutimi co.,^ Que., near the River Saj:aena\ , is of Coiisidinaljle extei t, but of very irren;u- lar .-liape. It i< surrounded by mouu- taii!< of no creat he^u-lit. ItEKKELEVSOrXl), Ih-iiish Colum- bia. See Xilinat. r.ERCEROXXES. LES. two rivers of Siirnenay co., Qbie,, eniptyine- ihem- selves \ \'u-) the estuary of tlie St. Law- rence a few miles bi low the mouth of the Sa;;uenay. lioth furnish a few cialmou and many trout. ■■i ■W ^'A "*i ■i si t 1::: : • ', 1:( H IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I iM m 32 6 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1 6 ■• 6" ► Photographic Sciences Corporation s. ^- \ 4^ \\ % v %^ 4^ 6^ out Iti miles troTIl till- .\I:i«kil:nri, a lar!,^o lake in the rear of the co. of Hastings, Ont., abviut 40 miles long l)y UO miles wide. It abounds with •^alimui trout. BKJ OTTER CREEK, a good mill- Btream in Noii'oik co., Out., falls into Lake Erie at I'ort Harwell. lilO I'O.VI), a lake iu Inverness co., N.S , H miles N. of the mouth of the Wargaree river, about one mile long aiul a qunrler of a mile wide. It is separati'd (pan the Oiilf of St. Law- rence liy a lieaeli aO yards wide. At Pome siM'ing ti'^s ibe waters of the Gulf lluw over tiie beach i to the pond. Big Pond abounds with trout, alcwivos and eels. In some jjarts it is 30 fathoms dee]). lilRCIITOWN RIVER, a small stream of Shelburno co., X S., ha-* its source in a lake '^ miles long and 1 wide, and discharges into Shell)!irne Harbor, at RircJitown Length 10 miles. In it are fouid alewives, trout and e(ds. IJLAOKRERRY L.\KE, a small Ink.- of .Vova Scotia, about 7 miles W. of Halifax. BLACK LAKE, in Megantic en., Que., gives rise to a small stream niti- niiig iiil' Trout L ike. BLA'JK RIVER, a large river nt Quebec, enters the Olt.iwa from the N after a cour.^e of aboet I'JS miles. It drains an area of \,\in srpuire miles and winds through a heavily wooded couutrv. BLACK RIVER, a .=:mall river in Antigonish co., NS, joins the Pom- quet river, near its esiu:iry. BLACK RlVEIf. a sm.ill stream in ('umberland co., N S , fills into the W bank of the River I'hilip. BLACK RIVER, a stnall stream rnn- ning into an arm of Bias d'OrLake, on the Islaml of (^ape I'.a'ton, N.S. .BLACK RIVER, of Chaiievoi.K co., Que., runs tlu'ougli a very extensive and fertile tract of land, ami enters the X. shore ()f the St. Lnwrence opposite Ibtre Island, aVioiit ';o miles above the mouth of the Sagueiav. BLACK RIVER, of" Kings CO., N.S., falls into the Gasperejiii.x river, about 10 miles from its moiiili. This stream ri-es in Black River Lake and Hows S. Length about 10 miles. It is not a fruitful fishing stream, but is celebrat- ed for its beautiful falls about 1 mile above its junction with the Gaspereaux river. BLAtMC RIVER, of Xorthumberland CO., N.B., falls into tlie .Miramichi Inner I{;iy, on the south side. Length \^ miles. BLACK RIVER, of Picton co., N.S., runs \V. into the River J(din. BLACK RIVER, rises in several branches in Victoria co.. Out., and falls into the head of Lalve tJouchiching, op- po.Mte Rama I -laml. BLACK RIVER, in the district of Algoma, Onl , and enters the Pic river, U miles from Lake Superior. Its ivvs, trout BLA 3T5 BON bauks are well woodod. At its mouth tlicro ore veins of galena, very rich in flilvor. BLACK RIVER, runs throtitrh Hox- ton Fullri, n village in Sheflurd co.. Que. It nflurrlr; trreat water power. BLACK KlVKIl, Sagucnay co.. Que. See Manicouaj^an. BLACKS CKKF.K, a small stream running into Lake Ontaiio, \V. of Bovvmanvi'.I". BLACK STURtirO-V, n river of On- tario, ent('r!5 the X. oxtren)ity of IJlack Bay, in Lake Superior. Tia; general ujiward course .)f this rivir sweeps round in a regidar curve fmm N. to N'.W., iind a' the end of 44 niiles reacia'.s Black Sturgon Lake. At 3 or 4 miles S W. of llie point wh'Te it en- ters the la' e it divides into 2 hranches. At about liticen miles from the lake, the S. bnuich enters u hilly country, and the N. hr.inch at about 1.3 inibs ; but east nf his range the whole tnict through whicli the two brandies pass is comparatively level, and tla- conn- try continues so to Black .Sturgeon Lake and the lower sec'.ion of the river. Tne upward course of the south fork of liie river ext'nds south- westward in two principal 'uanelies, (each proceeding from lakes) to a dis- tance of ab )Ul 30 miles beyond a point at which it enters the hilly country, so that the whole course of the river is Bome !tO niih;-;, but, following its wind- ings, alxuit double that distance. The Black Sturgeon is a rapid stream, and one of the largest rivers entering Lake Superior. In its course it passei through several lakes. BLACK STrRC.K(»N LAKE, on n river of the same name, in tiie district of Algoiuii, Ontario, stretches in a nortii-westerly direction. It is aliout 13 miles in length by '_' wide, and conies within about I mile of the southern the Ec'iiinmanis discharges its w.ifcrg into Nels(ni's river, and through the latter i ito llud-on's I5av. BLANC SAhLoN, AnsK AT, the eastern boundary of tin- i'rovince of Quebec, on the north shore of the (JuiJ" of St. Lawrence. r>L.\.\CIllv a river of Ontario, en- ters the head of Lake Teiiiiscaniiugne from the N., ufier a course of ;in mdes through a iieavily wooded country. HLA.VCIIE. a river rising in rear of I Kildare, in .Moiitcalm co., Que., joins the N.E. branch of the Rouge ("lied) river. BLANCHK, a small river of Ottawa CO., Q ic., falls into the Ottawa at Teni- pletoii. I'.LKriME RIVER, in a small lake in St. .Joiiu I'o., Que., and run ling S. falN into Jackson's Creek, nearly opp«»site hie au.\ .N'()i.t. BLI.N'l) L.\KK, a narrow lake about C miles long on the St. Croix rivir, ia Hants CO., NS. BLIM) RIVMII, of Ontario, district of Algouia, enters the Spanish river, in la;. 4'; 1! \.. Ion. 82 f)7 W. ^ BL0.\1)I:LLK bMVI'liJ, rises near the S. bank of the Ste. Anne in Moutnior- ency co.. Que., and, being joined by anotltr small stream, fills into the N. bank of th ■ St. L.'iwreuce. J?Lri-:!;KR|{V IMVEU, a small stream falling into Lake St. Ktancis, CO. of iieauce, Que. BOISCLKRC RIVER, ripes near the source (d' the Uivei- Huron, in Lotbi- niere co., Q'le., and falls into the Riviere du Ci.i'ii ■. l!OIS\El{T, ariverof Ohicontinii co., Que., fall-: into Lake St. John. Its hanki are heavilv w oded. IJO.XAVENTriM-:. a large river of Qu'bee, empties into i!ait;de- ('liai. iir», mar N^w Curli.^le. Length Tr> iiiiles. It can b" asce aled to its siuirc- iu arm of Black Sturgeon I'.a}' on Lake j canoes. Vessels of t;0 tons burthen cau Nipigoii. A valley, paved with round- | at its mouth. It is a line salnmu ed boulders, extends fmm one'to the stream atiord'ng niueli sport to aii;;!ers, other. Indians say that .'!.") years ago, ! the tis!i being of a laiye -ize. Its Imnki whenever the water happened to be | are covered with large tin. ber,esiiecially high, a small quautitv Ijowed from ' pine. Lai. ""■ ■ -- - 1. eaii ation ake. Til'.' water of Black Sturs.' eiui on the 1']. coii-t of .Newiouiiiiland. the Lake and Biver is verv dark, winle iliat ! b;iv ii- hit. i^ 4'J \., aid h ii. of Luke .N'iiiiiroii i-; rennrkaldy (dear. H \V Tiiei'c are inanv -mall islands and BLACKWATLR CRilLK, X. rih i r oc in th av r uueiing the nav:i co., and enters the (Jnlf ot St. Lawrence through Houghton Hay, a f«w miles N. of (Jeorge- tow 1. For about 7 miles from the sea it is a broad stream, of serpentine course, with wide sands; towards it-J source it is much narrower, flowing south easter- Iv from towushi|t r)4. 'HorLKAU, RIVIERE, of Qnel)ec. See White Hirch River. HOVER RIVER, lises in Levis co., Que., and falls into the St. Lawrence nearly opjjosite St. Jean, in the Island of (»rleans. It is so mirrow and ol>. striu'ted by trees and sa-id banks that the lightest canoe cannot pass. HRADORE HAV, a bay near the entrance to the Straits nf liellc Isle from the (lulf of St. Lawrence. HRADORE RIVER, a small stream omplying into the St. Lawrence, near Hianc Sablo'i. HR AS DOR, ("Arm of Oold,") a magniticent sea water lake in Cape Hreton Island, N.S., TiO miles in length aid JO miles in breadth. Its depth varies from 12 to ('.0 fathoms, anil forms a .-secure and navigable road stead. The enlrance is divided into two passages by Houlanlerie Island; the southern ])assage is 2") miles long and from \ to r? miles in breadth, but is not navigable for huge vessels having a bar at its mouth ; the northern is 2") miles long and fiom 2 to 3 nules wide, with GO fathoms of water. Seatisheries of every ki'id (ineludiiig salmon) are carried on in the Hras d Or. In several of itslarge bays ships are loatled with timber for England. HI!AS, RIVIERE LE, rises in Dor- chester CO., Que., and falls into the Riviere dii Sud, near St. Vallier. HRITCIIES LAKE, a small lake in the district of Arthaliaska, Que., con- tain-; ail abundance of trout and other fis .. HROAD RIVKR, a small stream run- ning into I'ort .Moutnii harbor, on the S.W. coast iimo fine farms on both. Oysters are taken at the mouths of these rivers in larjre (|iiantities. IJI'FKALO LAKK, the names of three lakes of tiie North West Terri- tories: oiiH in hit. ()<) "JO .v.. Ion. 11,'! \V.; another in hit ">G .V,lon. II.'. 4.") \V. ; and the third in la'. .">.i 1") X., Ion. 112 10 \y. Tiiere is a Roman Cu- tlndic mission near the latter lake. lULLKT I{I\Ki:, rises near the X.E Jide (tf the townsiiip of Irelaml. co. of .\Ii' •_'() W. ■ l!ri{LlX(;T(>.\ HAV, at the western e.Ktriniity of Lake Ontario, is about '}\ miles loiifj an*! \)l miles broad in its widest part. It is nearly trianjfular in shape wilh base towards the lake. A loiii^ low ridjrc of sand nearly separates itl'fomthe lake. E.xfeiisive lisliiiirST.\KI), a bay on the unit h siiore of the Si. Lawreiit-r, ininndi.itely be- low tla; River Bersiniis, co. of Sajriii'nay, t,)ue. Bl'STARD, a river in Sa!.ruenay co., Que., enters the lei-ih sl.'ore of the St. Law retiei' throii^rli i;iistard Bay. BCTLKKS L.\KE, one of a chain of lake- in Vai'iieiuth Co., N.S. BVRONS BAV, on the east cast of Laliiador. hit .".4 40 N., Ion. .07 .'io VV. CABANO, or ("AlUXKAr RIVER, rises in Lonj; Lake in Temiscouata co., Que., and t.ikinj,' a X.E. course falls into Lake Teuiiscouula, .'{ miles from Lonu's. ("ABISTACIirAN, a larjre bay on the E. side of Lake .Mistassini, about 20 miles in deptli. At its soiiiii end a stream of tlie same name, siid to be of considerable >i/,e, enters from the eastw.'ird TACIIKE RIVKi;, rises in Terre- bonne CO., C^tiie., a ul running S. falls into the River .Jesus. rACIIKK l.'l\ Ell, rises near the S. W. corner of Lauai.iliere, in .Maskin- Olipe CO., (Jue., .1 :d juiiis the Little Maskiuoiigi' in I)u-;.ilile. CAILLE, I'ETITE RIVIEIIL A LA, rises in the co. of Beliechasse, (^iue.,and runs into the St. Lawrence half a mile from the mouth of Riviere du Sud. i' '! ( : t CAN 378 CAP i 9 I ■) I I i\ ('AILLE, riVIKIlK A LA, rises in ] Abrifpaii, sen trout of tlio most delicious the vn. of ndli'diiis.-c. (Mie., iiii'i run ninp \ K. falh i'llu llic St. I.iiwn'ict' U inilt'H S. of tiie inoiitli of tlu'lJlvioro dli SnI. CAI.VS IMVKH. a nol.l,« stn-ain is- suinir fV'iiii a Inrfrc pliiiii in tlic t'o. for canoes and boats a great treaiii niiiniiij; into the N" sliore ol tin- St. Lawrence, a id formiiijr at its inouili a safe liarlmr for l> Nils and sm.ill craft. lA.VIAi'lSl^WV. a lake of Lal.pi- d'T. ofwry sirijie : is alioiii To lulled l()!|u- wiih a liicailth vary in- froia s to ;{."> mil"s. Its N. cud is iu lat.'l }."< N., loll, t',7 \V. Il occiiia>> a central jiart of the <:reat |»eiiinstii:i. and is tu'arlv e<|tn-disiaiit from tl(e.e places, flic surrounding' coiiiMiy ;s hilly, e-ipecially on tl • western side rniiir ii.' south aboit 4 ' miU's falls into the ( iil.i wa. It is a rai'id .-treMm. makes j tin- h:Ih arc well wooded and abniu'i fine falls for nulls, ;ii.d aiiounds with i in wild ;iiiiiii;iN. lish. t'A.NI vrrsCAW, or KOKSDAK. a (".\L\'.\II'K. a pretty lake in I'ort- river of Labrador, is^iiiiij.' from a I IKI' nenf co., <,)iie . hctween the St. iia\ of the same name, niniiinj; N. by \V renc" and jiivjrre du Cap l.'oiiff". It. j and receiviiis^ two eonsiibralde trib ;lii 18 \.\ Hides loiijr, siirroiiud.d liy mosi atlraciive sc n' ry, and has its outlet b) a sm.ill sireani in the St. Lawrence. CA.MIS, lail.-SKAr, rise, in !,iu^h- rie talis into ru-rava Hav, Iliid.-;o; Strait, ill lat ."lit .\'. Total course aiuiiit 4'>o ii,ii( !>o miles from its inoiiih it a mile wide and Hows betwi'cii h!''l lands ill Hellrcli 's-e co ,(,Mie . r ms S W. ri'ckv liaii!v< thinly (doihed with tn and tiien snddenh ti:rniii-' loth; fall iior;ii s into Anse d'- Ilertliit-r, on tiic south simr of I he St. L iwrenc' At it- iii.iinh ii is ;i miles wide. • 'A.N'OK LAKK, in the township of IJt'dford. c >. of Froiite lac, Out., is one lai CANADA MAY.abavof Xewfiiind- i>> L pcniiisiiia. ntiii tlic .St. niiillDti III- i'liiii eicli ut i^ co^inti V ;> •stcrii s^iili'; iiml ub'iiiud )KSOAK. a ViMii a l.iki' r N. l.y W , ililf trili:;ta- _V, IIU'I.-IHl'i; [Miir.-iv-iiiMi'a Is IlKilltll ii t\v 'til li';,'li with trttv iilo. M\viis]ii;> of (lit., is oiii' of iuki'.-i Mud Ij.iki', with wlntf >!l-iS:i;;'i' Im'- qii' llrvtuii, N'ltrliiiiiii- iiili'S ; avi'f- I!,in (lasiiP j-'iici' aipniit cape fn'iii t drains an linricl. A \s ill l^'Uv- tliionj;li a i I na 'iral ■M|iir U.ii>l, I' ti' ar ill- ot'Giiiuiar- 370 ciTA CASSfMAQUAC^AX RTVKR, in I{')iiavi'iiliiii' CO.. (,>uo., niu-i Ir iin tin- K. into the Malaiifilinc. It alionntl.s with vaiii.ahic f>iiit'ri('-!. ami is aid In be nnviijililr lui- tnii iv mile-;. ('.\Srr.S("|'iJi.* II river of (,»iiel)ec, ri>os in ii lake towards the S. Iiointlarjr ot iJiniiinsUi, niid rtiiiniiiir S.W. for lh» irri'alfi- i«.irt of ir.^ course n> iKc-; a sad- den I 'irn to the W. and soon afl'T enters CAS villo. Il receiver in iff co'irso m.Tnv small stn'aMi-i from the r'ght and l>ft. VA- S. I:>VIK!:K DKS, rises in Ter- reho'uie c > , <,'iie,. and rui' into tlie St. I,a\\ reiiCv- oinio-;ite 1 !"■ nio>t c;i-t\v.ird i-laiid of the clwsicr called 'flie I'il j,'ri'ns. CAP ST. «'IiAri»K.ii rivulet in the CO. (d* llidh'cliassc, l,>ne., runs into tin- St. I.awicnee. .Near its nuiutli i~ a fall of ahi'il l.'.o f'l't. j th.' Iv !• or Uo JrM'lior of the SMiiie name in Iliie des i niil"s. C'hal'iir.^. The fimou> ('ar.i UidoawCanai. waid F laud, rises in townsliip .■.-', a few j CAT LAKK UiVKU", of the Nortli miles \V. of (J 'oriretown. ;t. id runiiiiiLT ' West Territoiies. tlow« troui the south- due iv f'lrnis tiie .\. Ii'inndnrv of the l ward aud |.a.-ses ili;dU(_'h Cat Like into tow I and reaciies the ( !ulf of .'^t. i-aw- ; the S. verii. At it^ mouth is Severn rerire op 'o-^ite iioi'^ht'iii Uland. I'.ieti'rv. ('AIM ;•»(). a liver in I'ictou co.. CM" IMVKIf, r ^o calh-d in Alsron- N'..'*., runs K. iind di-cliar;res Mito N'oi' ! quin. nua iin,' I'ole Cat. '" Hot4! tliumt'erland Strait, opposite Cariboo ' I'liaiiie.") a sntall stream of <.,>nebec, l.-Iaiid I riiniiin-j- into the western of the CAIMI'.OO. ,1 small river in Cliicon- j St. Maurice, .".bove the Upoer Matawan I-sland CAriUK. CK.WDK IIIVfKKIv ri.-^cB in a like at the N'K. aiiLrle of Dorset towindio, CO of IJeiueo. <^*ue.,!iiid niii- tiini CO , <,tue . runs from the hills to the \.\V. and falls into itie Si^iienay .'! nid'S b hiw the Clreoulimi river. It forms a >_' ""I harbor .it its mouth. CAKII;t> » I.AKK. iti liuneiibii'.reo.. N.S., is the source of the .Mu-h-a-.Miish river. CAS(\M'KniAC.(;i!AM).ariverof i ol l,ik • Kri> iiintr S i-; fall-' into the Chaudiere. CKDAIi; CKKKK, a small stream in K-s.x CI.. 'Mil , runs into the N. bank Qiieb/e. r:-;es in a lake near th" Sliick- shi'ck Moun'ai i-', in the eo. of (laspe, and lliw'uj,' S.K. f.ill ■ into the wc-t side of \ew U'ehmoud haibor, one of the safest haibots in the I!iie do-; Chaleuis. Lenirth 7'". miles. Thi- river is con-idered one >'t' the most majmi- fcent stream' in the co. of Honaveii- tuiv. it aboumls with salmon and tr mt ; prune of" th ' former have been taken ("KitAK LAKK, a small hike in the towiisinp of Clare, co of l)i'_d)v. N.S ("KiJAi: l.AKK. of the .North West TeriiiMi'ics. is a frw miles to tin- id" li.ike Wiiinipetriios, and very infer- ior to it in ext.'iit. It receives the w.aters of the S.i katehewan, which il disehar'.'e.* ihroii^fli Cross Liiko into l>ake Winuiiiei' ("IIAl"Fi;i{> lUJOOK, ri.s;'. miles, by the ea~t br.ineh, which forks otf at a vene s<. CIIAIJ-rilS, MAIK DKS. an inh-t of t!ie (lulf I f S'. L.iwicnee, s'p.arating (,>uel,ec t"rom New IJiiinswiek. Lat. LS N.. Imi. Ii.". \V. L. iijfth from K. to W. abiUt ;>!» mile-, and jrrea'est breadth 2() miles At ii< \V. exiremity it receiver the lliver UesiiiT uiche. a noMe salmon distance of '_'0 miles from its mouth. | stream. The whole bay may be con- Very larire trout fie'iueiit this stn-am ; j siihred one unniense h.-nbnr without Falnion are aho plentd'ul. Its banks | shoals or rocky reefs, .secure from the ftre heavily wooded with pine. ' more stormy wintls, abounding in tisb r^) iti •1 ClIA 380 CIIA lii. " f M:^ to a ninrvcllous cxtciif, and rocL-iviu^ ijitn its b'iSDiii ill Iciist a ilo/.cti rivers ttliicii run flirt»iij;li t-xti'iisivc umcIs of e3U|lav. (jovernnieiit ly an expansion of the river. Leiiirih nearly 21 miles. See Aslnirti>ni(iiichouan. C'JIA.MI'LALV, a river of Qmbec, in the co. of ('liamplain, and after riiniiiiit,^ N.H., then S., falls into the St. Lawrence at the villa<(e uf the same name. ^ ClIA.Ml'LAI.V, LAKK, between the Stales of N'ormont ami New York, ex- tends from WhiteliuU i'l New York norihwi'id a few miles across the l^hie- bec liouudary line. Kxtieme leniith about li'.o iiiiles. Its breadth varies from A mile to 10 miles, and its depth from .")() to L'Mii teet. Its coast line, in- cluding siuuubilies, 13 estiiuuted at 280 inilei'. It r. ccivc.s a nninlier of streeharf;e-i ils wal' rs iii'.o the St. Lawreuee Ift mdes below Mon- treal. It CO itaiiis many i.-laiids, and Its waters abound wiili s.ilm in, trout and other lish. I!y meansof the Cham- biy canal and liiclielieu rivir inijirovc- meiits, and I'ii nn|dain canal, Hudson riv»rand Krie, an iininterrujtled wa!'r comiiiuiiieaiion is seciiri.'(l throii^rji this lake from the St. Law- rence to New York ciiy. In \^12 there I'assed tliroiii^li this lake to and from Canada 7, l.'».') ves-els (7ii-;,:*'l tons.) The inwiii'd vessels had car'.'';>es, princi- pally lumlier. valued at ,S'i.17o.1;m, on which the flulies collect'-d amounted to over 5;.'>iio,uiio. Naviu'.ilion oi Lake ('liamplaiii usually commences about the 1st of .\pril and open till near Decniber. The principal towns on the Lake ere Si. Albans, in N'ermont, and ii(Uises I'oint, Chainp- lain, W'liileiiall and lMatisbur<^li, in New Y^rk. The nani' ol' tin- Lake is derived Iroin that of Samuc 1 Champlaiii, a French naval odieer, wia) di-coven;d it in liiU!). Fort .Montgomery {juards the oMilel of the lake. rilAl!LI-:S UIVLK, rises in a chain of lakes !'_' miles in extent, in ll.ilit'a.x CO.. .\ S., and ru;is S.IO. iii'.o the Allan- tie tliruujili Ship ll.uleir. The lands on both sides of the river and 1 ikes are clothed with line tii.ilier. CllAltLLSTON LAKF.a .-mall shoot of water in (iri'uville co., Out., 17mili.'S back ol LrockviUe. It is surrounded with lovely scenery, and abounds with fish, especially black bass and salinoa triMit. ClIASSK, KIVIFUK A LA, a river of (.Quebec, runs from the N.W. into Lake Si. John. CllATK.MtiUAY inVFII, rises in the eastern jiart of Fraiilvlin co., S.Y , anil passiiifj lliroiiifhu lake of its own namefalh into the St. a few mdes above ('aiiu^li it 'H route. CHATS, LAC DKS, a majrnilicent expansion of the Uiver Ottawa, 2 J miles CUE 381 cirr nbnvp Oftnwa city. Lonptli I'lnilfs; on thf K. Lnnfrtli 'J"> niilo', hfondth nu'Hii hniidtli I mill', its nnitlHTii 1") rii Ic-t ; imvip:il>lc tliroiifjlmut for the plion* is (lociily iiii|iTi*i)iiii(U with iiiJi^kiimii.c jinu thrct'. Tlu' SMificc (pf tlic water.-) 's bas-J. mikI i-; iiMvitrnblt- fur -Iimiiht-:. prettily sfii< ino iIk- Si. t'iNii\ or CIlArniKli'K. a liike of Ontario a!id ' Selioniliac river. See ( "IniMitiietii nok. Qiieb'T, is an expinsion of the River ! riiKSTKUKIKLI) IM.KT, a Imnf (Mtawa, iininedial"ly aliove ntiaw.i ' and M;irr«i\v in!<'i of Ih'' .Niir!li \Vi-;t city. Lon'/th is milc-j citieine breadlli , Territories, stretchin;.'' \. fnnii Ihid-o is .Smiles. 1; ci niains !i n'.mbtr nf isle's ! Hay. I'ntranee in bit 'Ii '.<•) S,\nn. and terminate^ ill ill'' (irejil and Little I yn 4it \V. li-iiL^'h -.')'> niile>; jrreat- Cliaiiilierr, twii extraordinary cliasms. | ('stbnadtii "_'.') mib's. It r'>nfaiiis nii- Tlie priii'lpi! fall> are I'll) feet liiixli by j merons islands and receives .sevenU 'Jl'J fe -t wide. \ CKiisidi'iMlile portion ; riv^r-;. of the wat-rs e-cijie siibterraiieoiisly | ("IIIO/ZK !'('( •( >i\, a 1 ike in the tuwn- nfter their prei ijdlaiion. I ship of I'p'sIoii, eo. nf H.ilif ix. \..S.. has (MIAl'DIKi.'K, a river of (iiiefu'c, I its oiillet by a siiiuli sinam into (,'li(;z- rises in ii;ike .Mejranlic, and joins the ! zetro"k harlior nn the Atlant <• (•oa-;t. St. Lawr'iiee 7 miles ab.ive <..,>iiebee, ClllKOdOMor. a l.ike (if liie .\(irth nt'ler ft N.N.W. course of |o-_' niihs. its ' West Tei riiorie-;, j.^s m les .\ uf Minit- breadth varies froTi; 4(M) to Cnu yard-:; |, and over 'Joo miles fniii Lake St. lis ooursp is fre(pieiitly interrii|ited by [ Jcdin. It stretches to the .V K. some .sin.'ill, i)ieiiire-<|Me islaii'Is, covered with | -•"» miles anil empties fty 2 outlets into liiirdw 1 limbe;', which add consider- I anoiher parallel l.ake un the .\.\V. -iidc*. ably to it-: bi'jiiity. The banks of the ; i'lie^e lak>'S have their onilei intiiebi-c, ri.<-c8 ii St. llyacinthe Co., and run iing in an irr'g liar course falh into the \'ama-ka ClllfitTTK i;iVi:i{, a si'nJI stream on ih'' Islai d of .\uticosti, <,'iie. ClIliOlHlCIII-:, or SilKCOililSII, I lake i)t (,|ii(,'bec, separated b.' one mouth. It i-i nav g.ible 7 miles from canying place only from Lake Ashnap the liay, and at ils mouth expa ids into m"iielr nr ('liaiiioncliouaii. L'liglh agooilharbir. i [) miles, and of siittieient depth to carry ('IlKHI't; I'O. two bays in Nova Sco- j large bo.iis. It gives rise lo a river of aui>> name running into the riu'hi tia, near II ild'ax. th ClIKDAItrCKMLW, an indentation i bank nf the liiver AshuaiPinouchoua:!. on the N.H. coast of .N'ovaSco'ia, forni- ClilCOUTLMI. ("farther out it is ed bv ('ape ('anso on the \V. and Cape I still deep, ') a river of Quebec, rises in An Guet, in the island of Cape iirelou, i several lakes ia a county lo which it >\r ■v*. l'« .■'^f.l.l rV» nil 382 CLA Ml m ''' i-j 1 •I • 1. »| i i i lends its nnmc, and lliwinpf S.W. falls into llic Sai.MU'ii;iy. Its navi^'ittioii la piTvciit' liiiM|iiimii(li()iiaii,\\ liiih iiciiUrs from the N.N.K. a Ul'U' aluisc the !»..'iiil miU', -.'>H iiiilfs N. of .Mmitrful. Tliis river diviilcs into twoliriiiiciiis uf m-iir- ly r(|iial -i/f. CIIIKN, lilVIKI!!': AT. a small stream running into the .Sa;:ui^iiay. Qllehi I' ClliKNS, IMVII-:!:!-: ATX, ris.w ill Tern Imiiiih' cd., (^iiie., and rtinnin'r N.K. falls into the KiverSi. Ji-aii or Jesus. (;ill(;.\i;("T(» I:AV. an Inht lutweeii Nova Seolia and New I5ru:is\v:c!», foriiiiiiL^ ||||' norihrrn ( xt:ei;iiiy of the l!ay of iMindy. Lingili iJn niihs ; aver- a>;e hrc'tUih Ij mill s. JSee iMiirlv, llav of. CHICONAIS IMVKIJ, of Nova Sco- tia, runs S. iliitii:;^li the towiship of Onslow, CO. of Colcbosler, iiil"("ol,e- qiiid llav. CllllJ"(tII. a river of British Colum- bia, joins the I" laser on the r;;rhl alioiif *!U miies ahove Koct Alex;iieiri;i it waters lie ferlih' iracl oec .[lied iiv th" ('liileotin indiaiH. (;IIIMK!'ANI1'KST[('K, a river ..f Qiiehee, falling into ti.e (iii!f of St. iiawreiiee, o'l tlie N. side. ;ilio'.it I'J miles above S^'ven I^lallds Kay. after a S.W. eonise of alioiit l'*'' in'les. CIIINoL'AtJO.Ml LAKH, uf <.!i:ebec. See Keno'jami. ClllNorAC.O.MISIIISII LAKB, of Qnebeo. See Keiiogainishi.-li. Ollll'KJAN LAKK. a siiia!! lake in liamblon eo., Out., - miles .\. of I'ort Sarnia, separated from L:i!\e llnron by a iiiirruw ridge ol liiirli !. 'Cllll'l'I':\VA.\r\VKLL.\Ni). ariver of (bitario. tlows Iv and join-; the Nia- gara slmrlly aliovo its Fall-, alter a course id' (in miles, in progn -is if which it forms jiart of tin- Welland Canal. l> is deep, H<»0 feet wide at its mouth, and friii'jfcd with woods. CIIII'ITNKTICOOK LAKIvS a iiiagniticent chain of lake.s on the Chi- putnetieook river, a bianch of the St. Croi.x, forming the western boundary of the province of New lUiinswicl;. The tirst lake is about 20 iniks long and from 1 lo Tj rnib-.s wide; tbo nrcond is 14 mile.'i long by 7 wide, and the third is .'! miles long by 1] miles wide. A steamer piie.s between the soiilherly end of the .second lake, called lliu Criiid ('hipntneticook, and a place oti the .Monninenl Hrook, a dislaiK-e of 25 mile-. The lakes abound with whiio lish, I'ieker'I, speckletl liont, sucker, while |eicli, 'i' ri.-es. (Mill; iri\ Ki!. of Quebec, runs into the ."^t. .\I inricc IVoiii the .N.K.. between the li'iHpiois lia['ids and the mouth of Rihbnti river. CIIUiJCIlILL, cal!.-d also .MISSI- Wil'I and I-;N(;IJ.--1I KIVKU. a river oi tie.' Norlli Wot Tenitta !> ,-, rising in Lake .\lethye, hit. ol M N., loll. HHl :i> W., lirst'llowiiig S.K. through Lakes Mfiifah) and La Cmsse, then turning N.K. and rniining almost diie K. to Nei-ion's L ike, wiieiice ii li iws in a N. v.. ilircetit>n through two considerable lakes, and tails inio HtKlsonV 'Jay. after a c'urse of al)out Toit mile-, i i hit. ."<4 .V. It trav' r-t's a wiody region and is full of r;i; id-:, but is nevertheicss navi- galde, jKuWiges being formed at the mo-t ditliciili rajiids. The upper, or li.-aver river, portion of tlie (.•tiurcliill river walerslied, interiiieili.-'.te between till' ."^a.-k ilidi -wan and Mackenzie Kfd llivcr sysiems, is a tine country for settlement. The soil is good iind stony, well woiided wiMi magiiilicent jiiiies and oil:er valuable tiinlier. cm Ti:.S, UIVlKitK DKS. n river running into the western bank of the St. J dm, in \ictoria c,>., N 15. CINt.iS, IMVIKIIK DK.S. of Quebec, falls into the St. .Maurice opjio.'Ute Low.r .Matawan Island. CLAIiKNUUN.rtsmall lake in Leeds Co.. Out. CLARK'S LAKE, a .small lake near t!,e .\ W e.xtrcmity of the co. (tf Var- niouth, .N.S ('LKAIl LAKE, a lake in rear of the village of Eganville, co. of lienficw. Out , surrounded by pine woods uud CO A 383 (Oh |nftirip lanils. It Ims it'j oiitlot liy a iiniall sinaiii ruiiiiutf iiil<» lln' Huiuio- chiTr rivfi- CLKAU LAKK. oroiitnrio, .int« uf a fliuiii ( r l.ik'S oil till' liiilniii t'amil, li"- twri II Mini jiiiii Indian l^akcs. CM'IAKU ATKI{. a rivn- ^,f C^iolior. laki's its rise iit'iir llii- iifi;:lii ol' laiiil iliviMinij tin- wat' rs (»f ilioSt. Lawriitcc fruiii iii.)-;i' (if llinl-oirs Hay, Jjn milts N. (it Moiitri'al, ami, |ia.'Siii>r tlir.iiijrli i'ciiiscailiir. U'aiitirsli. Kishiii;,' ami cifarwMti-r lalii'S, (alls into tlu* St. Minrico at Lake Travi-rso. Liiiu'tli ■*'- I'LKAKW ATKIt LAKK. in the 'owusliiji )'(' Clare, ro. dl' Uij^l'V, N.S., .'ivos ris^f Id llic S.ilii;-iii tlvfr, wliicli • iii|'tifs ii.tii till' .Viiaiilic Oi-'-an. CLKAKWATKIlorUTrLK ATIIA- i;AS(',\,a riviTnf the Nmlli NVe-t I'n- raoiifs, lat. 51; .!(» .\., In. lUi W., roiiia-cts liiiki- Mitliy*' willi tin- Wwv \ilial)as(M,ainl llifiici' I lie waliis 11 -w- ■1/ to liinlsiin's Hay willi lliusi- entering :ii.' Arctic Ocean. Tiavrllris d.-scnlit! ila- sccin'iy uii this riviT as c.xcci'iliii^ly ^'raiHJ. CLl.NTOX-t'OLDK.V LAKK, an c.x- t'li.'ivc sl.ciM of water in tlr- .NDrlli W est Ti rrit.nies, connected wiili Lake Ayl- npT on the .\.\V. lu.d wiiii Arliliery I.iike 0:1 till' S., inter-ecti d liy ilie | ifl (it (11 N., and hy the nieriihaii ot' l(i7 :'.!> \V. It was discovered in 1>".'>:j hy Captaiu Hack. (.'liVI>K. a river of .Vova Scolia. rises ii;i\vards of 40 iiides in the interior "'f S!ielbiirne co , in an e.\ien-'.;ve "'haiii of '.ikes, and iit its junciiou with tlie ,-;ea :..i'iiH two liarl)rs. called Cajie Xeirro llarliors. It is sanl to Ik- oiie of tlio i!iu-t beaiitifiil rivers in tlie proviiie". Tiie la'.ds siirro; orer u inilo in Unjfih. Tho runs Ihioujjh h cl asm ho or '.») feet deeo, I he ioel. ('()(* .\ Cl .V K, a ri ver < f Xr w Hriins w ick, rises in Kent <'i'., uml enters berland Strait o|i|Misi!(' C(i(Mj;iie Ishiial. lis banks are well settled. At llie. iiioiilhare the celebrated Cocagiie oyster beds. CdCtJlXS KAKK, a .small hike in Vainio itli CO., .N.S. CtKi.Ni Atil'N, a small river running nto the Avon Hants co., N.rf. Co of tiie abovo mo'iiitaiii raiipe, till it receives its northernmost tributary in abuiii hit. ,^_' .'!o .\., alter whicli it Hosv.s in a S'liitherly direction to the .Mtli paralhd. Kr. Ill tliis point to the I'aeilic ii runs due W. It is a rental k:d)ly rapid slieaiii, often [lassiiiiT ihroui.'li iiioiitjtain umj^ea and (-vcr fills. Toial leuirth e.-^iiiiiaieti>iiiiH of AmiIiiii. TIic vallfv nl' iliir^ river is Uiifow lint well wiHiilid Tlini- air lliil< (111 its imilli WiSl sillr WillCll 11;'C lid liiirli IIS !t'.i,"i I'lci. COMMISSloNKItSLAKI-:. inCliinHi- timi ru, (,iin'., IS (III llic Kmr Oiimt- rliiiiia'i.iiihl is .'•i-iiMiatrtl I'l'i'iii liiiiiclii'lli' Laki'li.v ilir lilui'liiMiV Hills. It nciiv'-i huvi'imI rivrs, iiiikhi); wiiicli arc U<'il Hiver iViim ilic .\ W , an I riviis Davis anil lioitjijit' t'i'iiiii the W . ('(i.MI'oiJi KK, II riv.r,.f Cliailvolx CO., •.•ill' , i.^siu'.s mil 111' |<:iUcs (Jr.iVfl, Ciiiiiiiiirli'c, mill .liM-oli, !) Ill li'.s to III' rear of .Mmrav May, ainl fiiiiilics into till" f'tiiaiN or till' Si. I.awn'ui- at .Mur- ray ii.iy. Tliis livrr iiinl its Ink* rf alMiMinl v\ ii|i -|ii'ck|i il troiii. CO.\('Kl'ri(»\ I5AV, III) inlet ..f New luiiinlliiiiil, nil its rasttrii CMUst, N.W. t.lSt. .Juliirs; lat. IS N., Ion. ■.;'. W . Il lia> scvcijil |inrt>, llic |iriiiii|al bciiiy; llarli'ii- (iiacc. CONKS It m;o. ji river df Oiitarin, takes Its rise in tlie en. nf lliipin. ami tiowiiiLT S.K. enters tlic (Jra al Uiver al C'tim -i"'.;ii, H miles Irniii li'Mliii. CO.NNAf. a iaiv-' .'I' N.-va Scitia, in the en. nl Liiiieiiitnrjr, the eliiel' .sniirce of tiie Kiist river, wliieli I'liipties into tlsi' Allaiilie ( leeiiii. It is il miles Inn;; by 1 mile \> itie t'O.WKCricrr LAKK, a lake on tilt' linnjers nf l^)iieliei; ami .Maiic, tonns part of II lar nr IMM l.AKi;, a lake ul' liie Nnrili West Teriil nies, in the country nf ilie Copiier liiilians, in- terst'cletl by llie parallel nir..") :;,") N., ami III- ineriilia I of 1 In .'>o \\°. ('(H>KS WW. T lo :i<> .\., loll, lltl Jf) 4.'> \V. This river was explored by Sam- uel Ileal III' in 1771. COKONATION cri.I', in the Arctir t»eeaii, III the .N.irtli W c>l Tei lilurie.^, is W . of Vielnria band and Kent Ten. insula, bat. 'IH ilii .N , Inn. I |u \\, ('<»K.\l':ibbK KIVKU, nf (^llelMT, empiies nil tin* iioi'lli slmre nf the (iiill n| Si. Lawrence, e i^t nf Min:.;aii. t't»i:.\W.\bblS |J1\ i:i{, uf KiiiK-i CO,, .S'.S,ri^es .N.W nl I'aribnn bu;.',.iiii| lln\v^ K. past Keiitville inio tie- b.i^:ii nl .Minas at I'nrI W illiaiiH, a distane ' nt abntit 2\i miles. 1 1 IS lar^'lv resurtid to by siilmoii (who rise badly in tlir sliijru'isli water), shad and trniii. It i- vei_\ Weedy and iniieli nbslrueled In miil-and In;; j. mis, .Smpe are pleiuirul am iii<; llie iiiii^lie.s ilir<>uii<|s with trout ami black bass. 1 1 di^cliar^es its waters liv means of the liiver Severn, Ihriiiu''! beuulilul t^eeiicrv, into the tJenr^'ian iJav. C'OU-Cor-CAClIK, a river and lake nl (.Quebec, beiweeii the llivers l''laiiiiiiMnd an 1 \'erinillinii which run K. i ito the .St. Maurice, above the IJus- tniinais river. ("OlDlOAt', a river of New Driiiis- wiek. See I'etitcndiae. COUDKK. (JKANDK KlVlKliK, rises in the town-hip nf Dorset, co. uf lleaiice, Que., and runs .N.K. into the Chaiidiere. 1 COrbO.MHIv a small lake in the dis- trict of Arlhabaska, (.^iie., co.iUiins uo abu idance nf trnut. ('OL'LON(JK, a river of Qiieiiec. ri II' (|fi I'niirii-i, n|i|i(ii^iU! (Ill' N K < ml itl i-lf JiNin. ColMUV IIAUMOCU, a riy.r in flny li'irnii^jli cu., N.S, imiiih SK. iiilo tli<> AlliiiilK*, ri)riiiiii(r at its iii')iitli a p.iuij liiirliuiir. I,fii;,'ili .jr» m.l''^, H of wliicli IIP' iiavi|X;il»lt' l'i>r lar^ji- VfHsi'h. Tln'ii' an' ilint' liiki-s im its main PtifUMi, hr-,' liv j niiU" wiijp. Tin* tliini laki- is \\ nuU's loiitr 1>.V S niilr wiili'. Till' river anil Ink**-, ill s<'!is'iii, ahoiitiil with siiimnii nail tmiit, ulcwivfi, .tc. The lakis oit tin- triliiitiiry -iircaiiis nrc vory niimi'r- oiiH, iiii'l tiM'iiril iniinl fisliiii;;. ('(M'VI'UV IIAUMori:, an cxti-rHivc inii't ol' Nuva Siolia, on its SKiiilicrn ciias , \ K. Ill" M:ilir.i\. It is a caiiafiiHis pitri, iiii^'i^falilr Cor tlii- iarjfi'St slii|Mt"t»r H mill's iilmv.' its cntiMiici'. CU.WVKOIM) i.AKK.a small lake in Arj/i'iilt'iiil (•!»., '^11''., Iii-lwi'i'ii Laki'.s Ners' aipi HuiiclK'tic. ('I;K|)I r, a rivr of Otitarin. rises in *I)C (;;ile(|i)ii MiHiiituiiis, ami enters I/ike Oii;.iri<), 14 miles W. ol' TdriMilo. Till' liivid waters nt" this river ainl its triliiiiaries swarm witJi s|M'cklei| trout. (^tlXCO.MIJ, a lake in IJaiils, N.S, a'lont 4 miles lin'_', an I varvinjf in wiillli from i to 1 in.le. ll gives rise to tlie Me:iihler river. t'NKl'X, lU'lSSKAl', a smill stream in Kaiiioniaska eo , (.^tue., runs N.K into the liivi -re iln Loiiti. CKOi'llK. or CUOOKKI) KIVKIl, ris' s in (!liii"iiitimi eo.. t.^ue., ami falls into the St. .Maurice, above the La Tuque i-\ills. CUOMKi:, a small ficifiiiorv of Lanoraie, Qui lake in the CO. of Jolielte, ("IMiS.^ LAKK leiiKllifroni V. toS , rt'ceivcn the watiTii of the |le:iver nverainl u'iviM origin to Ih" <'liHreliil|. On its W. siile is Fort La <'ros«e, lat :,:, jii .\., luii Ins W. CUOSSW.W.S, L.'KK, of giielMT, an e.v|(Hnsio I of the Uivei .S|. .Manriec, lies Itetwuuu Lakes Chawgis ami ( tske- taiiaio. tTLoTTK. LA<; LA. a lak.' of (^le- hec, lies Ml the centre of a eliaiii ol lake.S forming; the lieaii w.iti'r.s of the Itiviuro aiix Licvres CI .si|C(M| A, a hay on Lake Keno- piimi^hisli, lit till- moiiih of the Madilei/ river, iu ( 'hiconiinii co., (./ne ('I:TIAI"K.\I)I L.\KK, m the monn- I tains of Fossi'tiiltaiilt, co. of rortneiif, I (^ue , is the Hource of ihc Kiviere uux I rnis. I DAAtvl'AM IMVKIl, takes its rise in Dmchesti r co , t^iie , ainl runs K. j throii^'h the rear of L'lsjet into the St. Joilll liver. DA.SIKI,, IMtUT. a luy of <,)nej)ec, on the .S .siile of the ijistrict of ( laspe, near the entrance of Maie iles Ohaleiirs. It forms u sniij; inlet. !See I'ort Daniel. |).\i:L!N(i LAKK, In Kind's <•<)., NMl., at the moinh of llaiiiiiioinl river, cotii- niMiiicates Willi the .-pacioiH estuary of the Ken lehieeasis. DAUTMdl'i'll, a river of the co. of (las)ie, takes its source in a lake near llie Itiver Vork, and empties inlotlaspij ilay on the N.W. braneli. I.enu'lh 40 miles. It is aline r ver for salmon ami trout. .All estalilislimeiit for carryin(^ on"eeiliii;( operations on this stre.'iui is ill course of coii-trui''inn. DAII'IIIN'. also called LITTLK SASKATCIIKWAV, a bautifiil rapid river if the .Vorlli West T' rritories, runs into the W. ,>ide of Lake \Viiiiii|ieg. DA: IMII.V, a .^nall stream i i tbo 1^1 Old of ( )i-!i';itis, (,>iie. DAlI'lil.V LAKK, ofthe.Vorth West Territories, is Jl miles lonir l»y 1.' wide at )JriaIe-,t Itieadlh. It is v .ry stiallow lake on theOmha aud surrounded hv f'riile meadows. bika river. i:i the district of Tiiunder li Ins its onilei in Lake Wiiniipe;^by Ijav. Out . ilio'it 4 mill's in diameter. the Dauphin river (JMt.S.^KlLL LAKK, on the ton of ! DAiTH'.Vfi KIVKK. a stream fre- the .N utli .Mountain, ',1 miles from , quenied bv sahiiui on the south side of Hridmitown. Annapolis co , \ S., is abo ll mile lone:, and contains tine trout. It is a favorite anirl'n:: spot. C!ti»SS(oi LACUO.SSH) LAKK, of A itico-iti I-laud. (.^)iie DAriMII.VKYS LAKi:,a pretty lake on the border.s of Lunenlmr;f and Hali- fax coil t es, .\.8 , discnari'es its water.i the North West Territories, Gl» miles iu by Ilubbert'a river iulu the head of 25 'jr • "I' ii i-^i DEA 38G DEE h ?*■ Mnr^aroCsj Ray. It abf)tiiiils with cx- ci'llcut I'sli. DAVID RIVEn, (if Chicftutinii co., It is fed by n'lmcrnns small streoms. anil is (Iniiiini hy Dcn.-e'-^ riviT whicli lall.s iiilo Liard's river, and wliich iu Qui'., runs fVuni tbo .\. and oniptics j turn-; Ids.s itsdl" in Mackcnzii- river. itKtdl'iuto tiie ri;,'lil bank of tiie I'eri- ; Tiie face ot tliu country is roUlntf iiills boiiea, ,3.i iiiilos frcni liukc St. John. It I and prairio iainl. Knt rii)i)iij;iy ricii is navipabk' for fanoes for a great di.-'- ' }j;iild tiolds have reccitiy (.lily.' i^<7,'l,) tanc" 1 Ic en di-e-overL-d in the vi»;;iniv of this ake DMAS!-: !;iVKi;, of the .Nortii West Territories, ri-in<; in llie ('(t[>!i(Trirmc MJ and otluT ;-inall stn am- risin<; in the town.shi]) of rjiton, and fail-; counties, N.S., j^ive.s rise to tlie b'iver Jordan. D.WIS IMVKIJ. in Arj^entenil co., Que., is ''ornied by the w.tiers nl' several son's i'av C'Unt'anv. DI-;.\SE STIJAIT, a rliann.I in iho Aretic Ocean, ei'inniunieatinrif with ("orona'.ii'U (Inlf and h;; viny; .\iell)(airiie lakes in Chatham (!ore. and rnns fS. I Island al its K. exiremity ; intersected into the North river. DAVIS b'[\ HI!, in th<- co. of Chi- conlimi. <^tue., runs fn in iIk' \V. oji- j)osile niueberry I'iains i'lio Cuinniis- sioners bake. DA V IS S STRAIT, between Hie N'ortli "West Territories of Canada and (Jreen- land. connecls ballin'- I'ay wit!-, tiio Atlanlie. Lene'li about 7."m miles. The n:irrowe mile-; av. I of 2.S miles of apparinlly milionUss DAWSON'S LAKH, a sirall fal:e I water, viry widi' and of gn at (U'plh. in Cliatiiani (lore. Argenteuil co.. Que. DKAX A.ND CilArTKR, a small On the south .'ide of lliis gra id siieet ot' water tl'.e griieral conformation of the cointrv is that of an elevated and lake (Ml Hie birder- of Hants and comparatively levd [ilateau : ihe pre- liiinenbiirg counties, -N.S, near tlie ! vailaig character (f the soil dry head wa'ers cf tie (!ohl river. DKASK LAKK, of Fritisii Cidumbia, in bit. S'.i , about 2iO miles fn m tl;e Paeilic coast, or .''0 mihg from the head of navigation o'l Sticke(n river. and samiy, the forests nearly allogetluT of red lane and wliiie lurch. On the tHuMh pide very bold nioiintaiuous scenery prevails : all tliut can lie seen ot ihe cui;nt!-y iu that direction as one w DIS 387 DUO parses (Town the river, is Iiar?li and b.UTi'ii. 'rill' vSyoiiilir ri'ck^ frr<];i''iitly tower up to iiiiinende hoit^'lild iil)uve the dt'O]) Wilt.T. DKHIi I.AKK, of tlic N'orih West Tecrildrii'S, lu.-lwofii r»i.i !ln iiml .")S X. lat.. ami in li 'J W. Ion. Ii(;n.,-tii t'ri>ni ir>i» to 'Jon niilc>; hri^tidtli J.") inilci. A serpen line strait connects it, towanl.s the n(»rtli with I^alve Woiiaston, and to the soulli it has an outletinto ("iiurchill river. |)o(r l.;'.ke is exlreiiitiy doej ai'.d il.s waters reni,;rkatilv clear. DHKli l'(t.\i). .a ijoa'ilifil lake of N wt'iiindland, ahmit 1") miles lonj; by '! mih'S wiiie. It is an exuan>i"n of the liiver Idmiiier. and is surr.iuiided by IniHl oTaniost fertile deseriution hear- in;^ on its surfiee great (piantities of pine and hirtdi. DKLISLK UIVKR, rises in C.h M:.xnrry CO., Out , enters the c>>. of Soulau'^-s, Que., and falls into the St. Lawrence at ('.)iean dn liac. J)i;SCi:.\'TK DK.^FK.MMKS, Chicoii- tini! c >.. <>uid)ec. Ste Fi'innies. DKTiiOir (a '-strait" or "narrow passage') i;l\'Kii. the name of th^' river or strait, ciuin'-cting Lak"'St. Cl.iir with I-ake Ivrie. LeiiLrih 20 miles; breadth froni half a nule to a mile. It is n.ivi^^ablo for lari^e ve-sol.s, and contains several islands. The city ofDjtroilis situated on t!i" .\nieriean siilo of this river, and tlie towns l. CO. of Frontenae," Out., i- one of the larjj^est of a nund^'i' of hike-; liavingr their outlet in the JideauCanal through .Mild Lake. DKW.Vir.S lllVKlt, .d"\,,vii Scotia. Sei' .\in(dia. DlCDKCiUASII 1MVI:R. tak-.sits v'<-^ ill the S.W. extremity of Y^irk v>\, X. 1!., tlows S.H. and fall J into I'.i-sa- iii.: 'g Lake are densely wooled. Doy Kiver flows iiito it fr )m the W, It lias its outlet in th" K.'unii!i-t!(|uia river, which em|itirs into Lake S ipi'rl'ir. I)(>.MAI.\F, UIVIF!;!-: UF, ri^es in two lake.? in reir of t'ai> Tournu nte, .Mo itmorency c(> . ( *ue., at least H i() te.'t above the levr] of th." St. Lawrence, into which it f.dls. 1)().\, a smail river in Vork co., (>nt., enti-rs To/oiito lliiy about a mile ea*t of the ci'v. DOR.VN' LAKF. a small lake in th-i towndiip of Liv"i",iool, co. of (^>iiu''. See St. .lolm. iJi; CIIFXF. or I;KM>K RIVIKRE, risi'sin theco. o' Two .\I')nut:iins. (,)i!e.. aie St. loWlllL jii.-tacl S.K. enter-; tii" Ottaw.i at It a lii'.e ini cam la lat. i.'i ■11 :i'J X., and '•i:n S nto the .Maeanelawan. Very extensive tiats and abounds with fish I)F ('IIFM-:, or POINT DU CIIFXE RIVFIR, ri-es in a sm dl lake in Argeu- i!id runs S.F. in o the teml CO. <,.Ue ^^h A. lii \.n w ili . iiVJ Utltiwa. EAS 388 ECO •'i 'Ml::' h ■it! : i * DU CIIEXE, PKTITR RIVIERK, rises in Nicoh-l co , (juc, and riius N.E. iuto tlie St I,!i\vronc('. DU (MIKXK I'OINT, near Shecliac. The (lulf I'orts steamers call there, Cfiniiecling witli railway to St. Julin, N.l{. DUCK LAKES, two small lakes in tlieco. of Quebec, Que., between (.'rook- ed L:iko and Liiko Kajoualwaii}?. DU liUUl', RIVIEIM'], takes its rise near tlio centre of tiie co. of Kamonr- aska. <>ut'., and runninj; N'.iv, S.W., and .V.N.E., is suddenly turned to tlie N.W. into the St. Lawre ice by a of land juttiuff into the latter in the form of a crescent, at the village to which it lends its name. About a mile in rear of tli(! viUaj^e is the celebrated Riviere du Loup Falls, an object of great intercut to tourists, DU MOl.VE, a lar^e river of Quebec, takes its rise i\ Luke Antiquas, in tlie CO. of I'ontiac, and runs X. i ito th« Ottawa, I'jO miles above the CKpital. It is about I22 l."> X., Ion. 78 41 W., after a course estimated at 400 miles, in which it traverses numer- ous lakes. E.VSr, a small river of Nova Scotia, . falling inio the eastern part of Cifster Bay, (j miles X.E. from the town of Chester. This river, about 10 tiiiles long, runs from Timber Lake. It has a west biauch about the sanie length which takes its rise in Houghton's I.iake. Both streams pass through lakes wherein alewives, trout, salmon, (els, suckers, and smr'!'.s, rises near White Water L.'ike and flowing in a westerly direc- tion enters Nelson's river, and through it Hudson's liav. E('1I() LAKE, about .3 miles from Lake > , gives rise to Petite Riviere. ELLIOTT RIVER,of l'r;nee Edward Islauiie.. tails into the Chaleaugiiay river at llowiek. EN'tlLISlI RIV.KR, of the North West Territories. See Churchill. EN.MORE. a small river in I'rince co., I'.E.i.. falls into Etj;mont Bav. E.M'IES, IMVER l>ES, ri'ses in the CO. of Cham[ilain, Que, and runs into the Matiscan. ERIE.V, a small lake in co. of Poo- tiac, Que,, E.of Decoy Lake. ERIE, one cd' the five great lakes drained t)y tla? St. Lawrence river, lies about norih-east and south-west, !)•»- tweeii 41 25 untri:'t and St. Clair rivers, which C' nstiiute the outlet of the three lakes 'o the .N'.W., vi/ : Huron, .Michigan and Super lor. .\ iimerous o ther 1 hj ft .'k m i^] s ri ams also flow into it, the more important t which are the Muiimee, Sandusky ETC 390 FAL 1' -i P' 4 mi Grand, Tliiron uud Riii-iii. Its own w:( IfT.-. ; n* ilL-'cliiiri/od 1j_v the Ninj^iirii River into Lake Oiitiuio, ;iii(l lliciicc l)y IIm' Si. Liiuniico to till' (K'liin. Tlic {ir:ii(:i|iiil liarlmi'.Ji on the coast ai'c Jiiltal'i, Cli-v»-I:iii(l. Toli'ilo, iJiiiikiik, Eric, Sa';(lii-ky I'ay, an tiie Daaipiiim. aboiit (1 mihs above its iiMietion wiili the l!ivi r St. John. KSiirA-XOXWAT.VX, n lake on Black Slnrueon river, in the district of Ab-'omii, Out. It is abont two miles in ]•■ nu'lh. KS(i(l.MArX, orST.l'ArLlMVER. a lart'c stream on the north shore of the Gulf of 8t. Lawr(nce, :5i> mile.s west of I'lanc Sablon. Iloats ciin ascend it for (ivo miles. It is naviu'a- tcd by canoes for me.ny mdes inland, and alioninjs with salmon. KTCIIKMIX. a river of Quebec, rises in a 1 :1<" of the same name in the co. of Dorchester, and falls in'o the St. Lawrence, a short disi:ince above Levis. Lenuih ab'.mt f.t) mile.s. it is ;ilso called the Kiver Hniy;inte, from its roaring beinjr lieard in Quebec before a south- easltrly storn;. aUbrdin^ good L( (livXlL^KIVL!?, ri.ii"d wiili a volume of waier un- usually large for that ■width, is preei- pitatt'd in a dense sh't't down a per- j'.endieulir pn'eipioe more tlrui i'.O f\'t high into a dei-p Tlu^ baid^. .■Xme River. _ FALLS OF SILWVEXFOAX, on the St. Maurice, Que. See Shawcnegan, Falls of. Lawrence about 4 mile.s from the mouth of th' Ste. Au'ie. FFRK, a snuill stivain Firming into tlie S. shore of the St. Lawrence, at St. Rocli d.'s .\uliiaies. Fi']l;RE, a river in Rortnrufco., Que, sever, U snuill hikes a id runs S. W. into L'Uig Lake, wliicii gives to the I'iver Xoire. FIXLAVS IMVER, of Hritish Colum- bia, winds round a liuge jieak at its source, and enters the i'eace river at the I'eace Pass of the Rocky .Moun- tain;, after a coiU'-e estimated at iinO miles. This river is regarded as the main stream if the Peace river. FI.-^lILirS b.\KE. a i.rel;y lake in Annupidis co., .N S. It is about o miles long by I wide, and ha-iiis one of ihc souiees of the Liverpool rivir, w liicli emiities iuto the Atlantic Ocean. FITCH'S RAY, is a long sheet of water in the co. of Staustead, reciving the waters of a considerable lake and emptying itsolf into Lake .Memphrenia- gog. FIVE ME.VSSOrXl). in Frobi.-iur-s Strait. .Vortli W < -l Territories. FLAT RAY RRoOR', of Xewfoimd- i;ind, a coi'sidi'rable sli'eaiii eur'tving into Flat Hay, on the S. side of St. ( ;'s l!av. FLA.M.MAXl), a river of Qie bee, ruis into tlie St. Maia-ice above the Rostonuais. FiJvMlXC.'S L.\KF, (so named alter the Chief Engineer of the Litercolmiial and I'acilic Railways,) a lake on ijio Kawakashgama river, in the disiiie. of .Mgoma, Out., on the X.'A'. sl.oie of Lake Superior. Length ."«/, niiies; bi'e'idih ].\ mill's. FLET("ilE:;'S, asmall lake in H.ili- FAM'NE RIVER, takes its rise in a i fa.v co.. X.S., 7 miles from Winder lake i 1 Doreh'-ster co.. Que, and fall into the C audi're. Junction. FLEri{, RIVIERE L.\. rise.: in the FAVOnJARLE LAKE, in the Xorth , high lands of the Island (.f 0;1. ,ius, nail l)ody of Q'"-'-- 'i"d taki ig a S.W. direeiion runs into the sou h clianii'd of the Si. Law- rene '. FO.VM F.VLLS, a river of (^lebec, takes its rise the height ot' land wiiieli divides the waters of L.ake St. John from tliose of the St. .Maurice, u mi West Te''i'iioi';es, is a water nearly at the summit uf the stream^ descnding in opi>o-ite direc- tions to Lake Winiiiiieg and James's Bay. Oiitofit flow- the Severn rPver. FEM.MES, i;riSSEAi: DE.S. a small rapid salmon .stream descending into iiearlv the X. bank (.'f tlie Saguenay oj)])osite lla ! Ila I Ray, where it forms a criiod hii ruor. FERME, PETITE RIVIERE, in Mont- fiowing through lakes Xorniamiin. I\a- ka.-kapstelhioui.-se and Askaiiciie in a (7(ilM'(|iiid Mmiiitains, Nova Seoiia, abmit 2 niilis in Ienj,'tli and \ ola mile ill wiihli. Some tioiit an- eaiijrlit in its waters. Tiie Wallace river takes its rise in this lake. FOKHK.S LAKK, in I'ietoii co.. N S, Sives rise to a small stream rniiniii^r into cLelian's Hrook. Im'KTKAU may, nn inlet ontheS.K. coast of li.iltrador, near the S.K. ex- tremity of ihe Straits of Mellc Isle. It receives a coiisiderahle river and has Talnalile (isheries. KUlM'rNK l!AV, an extensive inlet of the Ailantic, on the S. coast of .\ew- foniidiiind. Lai. -17 N'., Ion. f)") W., giviiijr the name to a district on its N. sitle. It contains Mrule Ipjaiid, and at its eiitiiince are the Fiench islaiKls of St. I'iei re nnd .Miqiielon. roi'ljrKT, a small stream riinniiifi into h'iviere der. ('np?, in Kamouniska CO.. (,»ne. FtXHaillK, (JRANDK HIVIKKK, in Tomiscoi ata co., Que , runs into the N.W. inanch of the Trois I'isloles. rOl'llClIK, I'KTITI-; HIMKRK, in Teniisninata co., (.^Mie., connects the small lake that receives the waters nf the iiivii're dts Sanirnes with the S W. branch of the Trois I'isloles. KoriUMlK, inVlKKK LA, a small Stream in Lotliiiiicre co., Que. KO.XLKV, a river of Prince Kdward Islaiul, stietclies soul h easterly frniii Holland Hay, and terminates in a s|ia- oions lake H miles frum its month. It also stretches sdulli westerly from the W. side of Ricl nioiid Bay, and tiranches into various inferior stream.^ pursuing: dilieient directions, a id e.xtendiiip to will in a few miles of the souiheru shore. roX niVEH,a small stream inCum- bcrhmd co., X.S.. empties into Minas Channel, near Halchford Ilarhor. I'OX RIVKI{,GnEAT AM) LITTLE, two rivers of Quebec, about L' mihvs fri m each other and both fallinpf i to the 8. shore of the St. Lawrence, be- tween (Jrdlin's Cove and Little Yallee, in the co. of Gaspe. FOX'S ('IIANXEL, a strait of the North \Nest Territories, stretehiiip; N. from the N.W. extremity of I liaison's Strait, hiivinp W. Meiiville i'eiiinsiila and Southampton L^laiid, ami E. an iine.xpiored conntrv. FOXS l{|\ EI{,'of the North West Territories, flows from the westward into ilill river. FRANKLIN MAY, on the N. coast of the North West 'lei ri lories, hetwcrn Fort Fitton and Cajie Parry, and inter- sected by the meridian of \'l'i W. FIv'A.'^FM |{|\KI{, themoxt imiiortant river of Mritish Coliimbia, Hows entirely ihroii^'h that province, enteiin^f the (iulf of (Jeorgia a few miles north of the Ijoiindary line of 4!) ami in about 122 W W. Imi ; its course throujihoiit is nearly )>arall(d with that of the ('ol- iimbia. The main, or central, braiieh takes its rise in the Rockv .Mduntainsiu lat. ;•).'{ -l.") N , loii. I IH W.thenMni'ct- ing with the hiviere de .Mitte, a tribu- tary of the Atliabasca, which after- wards unites with Peace river in ita course towards the Arctic Ocean. Fra.ser river was first discovered by Sir Alexander .Mackenzie of the Nortli West Coinpaiiy, who, desij/nating it as the Ta-coiit slie Tesse, or Miver of the Taciilly Nation, di scendtd it tor some distance on his wa to the western coast in 17!t:{. Afterwards, in IHOH, it was navipated to its mouth l»y Mr. Simon Fra^er and .Mr. J(diii Stuart of the North West ("ompany ; from the former of whom it has i.s present name. Eraser river, a few miles from its source, flows into a lake some miles in leiif^th called ('ow-diinir lake, below which, consider- ably iiicivascd by a tributary from the north, it enters .Moose Lake, a bea'itiful sheet of water some nine miles in leii;rth. Thence the river continues rai>itily to Ti te Jaiine R ('aehe,aboiiti;;!0 miles i'rom ihe sea, the limit of canoe nav ^Mtion ■ on the Eraser. About three miles lower down, the stream is joined by the (-lanberrj Fork, a tributary flowing from the south. Metween Tife Janne's tJaclic and Fort (Jeorjie the river is aug- mented by many tributaries, two of which, the Mackenzie Fork and Hear Hiver. are of considerable nia^nitude. At Fort (Jeotfre, hit. 5:1 .'i.'} N.. Ion. 122' 4."t W.,a'i im|iortant branch falls in from the westward. jToeeedinfrfi'oni the lakes of Stuart and Eraser. Quesnel's river, FRE 393 FUL iastiinp fmni tlip groat Inko of t)ic same niuiic, llowN in loo miles lower down; an<] 10 miles lichtw this is Fort Alox- aiiiii'ia, sentcil on tlie right liank i.i Int. 52 .'!.'{ 4(1 N. It is in tlie moMiitainoiis rejjidn, cnmpvised within the ^jreiit he id wliich the Inisermnkes hetween Tet«! Jniiii's (')i('lie nnd this point thiit the rich Riild (h'|insils, known as tlieCnriliou mines, !ire sitiialeii. At l>vltoii, about IHO miles from the sen. the Kraser is joined liy 'ri,oin|ison's river, a copions trihutaiy llnuini^ from the castwiird. Yale, H sniiill town at the head of ■tenmiuial navi^ration on the Lower Fraser, is T.T miles lower down, and New Wesiniiii-ler, the former capiial of the nuiinland, some loo miles helow it. Lat. •!!» I'J M N., Ion. 12'-' .''.:'. \V. between liVtton and Yale the Kiasor runs ihron^li «ome of the prandesl scenery in ihe world. On each side lie.'ivily timlnred mountains rise to a heiplit (jf over ;{,oOn feet. Ni ar the Binnmits of these tnonntains may be ol)seive(l here .'iml there a thin stieak of fallin^r water, which, gathering strenjrtli as ll'.ey descend, swell into a cataract rif consitierahle magnitude rushing with tremendous force into the foainiiif^ river beneath. I''I1K.\('II LAKE, a beautiful lake in Sunhury co., N.I5.. ahonndiiif,' with (ish. It communicates by a narrow channel with M.'iquaiiit Lake, and through the latter into (Jrand Lake. FlMvVCII |{I\ KIJ, a small river run- ninp N.N.Iv into Meri^fomish harbor, on the N. co.'ist of Novii Scotia. KIJK.VCH KIVKII. !i small stream runniu}; .V. into Tatainapouclie Harbor, on tll^ .\. const of Nova Scotia. FI.'LNCH lUVKIi, of Ontario, flows \V. from Lake .Vipissiug into the (leor- pia'i Hiiy, whicli it enters in lat. 4.'") .'3 N , Ion. Ml i> \V., after a course esti- mated at !' wide and in some places 40 fathoms deep. See (irand Lake. Fini'ONNK, RIVIl'UF, LA, rises in a small lake in .Moritmonncy eo..Que., and rnniiiiip .\.\V. and then S.W. ^terd the St. Lawrince (J miles below tho mouth of tlieSte. .Anne. FifOHISIIKK SriiAIT, in the North West Terriiories, between llnd-ion'8 Strait ani(lity that swme are often taker, and drowned while feeding on shell fish. Orinristunes and gypsum, are obtained at the head of this bay. It comprises the (Inind Ma'ian and ofl'eis exeellent mill sites. and St. ('roi.\- riv(M',- •itv o f St. FKHNCII KIVKR, of the North West • John. }iM.. i> on its i orth coast. UMT) lories, joins the estuary o f th( FILLEKTON S LAKE, a small lako Abbitibbe and Moose rivers at the S.W. situated beiweeu Amherst and I'arrs- corner of James's Bay. Lat. 51- y N., j liorongh, Cumberland co., .N.S.. aboutS Ion. 81 W. 1 miles iu length by half u mile iu width. II ')) ^■.P j , i -i i NI-: CAR no4 GAS '■ ■ I,' Tho River lli hcrt takes its rise in tliis Luke. Till' lake altouiuls in ulfwlvcs aii'i t'diii. I'TliV AN!) IIKCLA .STItAI i', in thf N. trill WCsl Tt iTil 'ii*'s, '<'■* .'io N., 1(111. '■;.") \\'., l"ii(l-t wcslwiud into lidoUiiii (Jiiir, haviii^r X. (^icUburii IsliMid itiiil S. M iviUc rcuiiHiilii. It irt about .'{() miles wiilo an rise io a livr niii- niii'j- iiilo l!ie ,\llaiitic tliniiijrii Liitlc Fonrciiii lliirlinr. _ (JAIiKI-LH, I'ALLS ( Hy.u tlh' kiver St. Maiiriee, aliuiit ir» miles frnm i!s inoiiiji. Til. V are nhuit 'Ji'i t'.et lii;,'li and d"S("ii(l iliiciiio'li a purliiil contrMC- tioiidl' the rivtr p(isses-;in;4 liUle nl'tlK! l)icliir:'S(|iie. (lADUAMCOl'SIKM-T, a river of Qu<'ln c, rises ill l\V(i lakes Imrderin;; on tlie .\.\V. aii,L;l'- of the co. of liouii- vtMitme and lieeonu'S ono ol' the cliirf soiirees ot" th' Ifiver Kestifjnudie. (iAd.NON IMVKI!, a small stream in Kiiiiuiiira ;k;i cm.. Cue. _(;A(;.\(>\ I;1\I;I!. rises in the lakes of Ahercronihie. in tlie •■o. of Ti-rre- boiuie, t^'ne., mid lulls into the iiiviere du Ni rd. (i.\(;01;(M!1(;A(IU. a river runninji: into the S. h Mik ut' iho ir'Siijfdiieiie. (^\MA(;ili;, or KLMS IJIVER, a fjiiall stream uii ihe I-land of Aiiti- costi, (>\iQ., rises i i a lake of the sanii- mime, iiiid af'i'r a c'our'^t' (>f 4 miles cnlei's tho (iiiir (if St. Lawrence tlirou'/li (J.inarhi' i>v KIlis llav. (JANANO(.,M'K KIVKR, rises in a lake of tho same name i;i Leeds co., (Jilt., andniiHS. inlntheSt. Lawrence, which it eiiiei's at a vilhi.t^" to which it Icniis its iKiiiie. It is a tin;' millstreani. C!A.M>i;U BAV I'(»\l), a lako of Newfoundland, lies hot ween 54 and a") N. hit., ami !'< ami 4:) W. Ion. It i.s about :'.<) miles lone-, and 2 to 3 miles wide; and has its outlet into tho At- lantic ()ce;tn thro'io:!! (Itinder Uav. (JAXDKUUIVI-;!;, of Newfoundland, an important strenm f;illin^' into the Athintie ( teean on iheS.K. coast. Total lon^lh abiut loo miles. GARDKX HIVKH. a broad shnllow Btream in the di.^trictof Alfjoma. Ont. {;AF{!)NKIIS lilVKf?. a oelebnit.^d s.iliii.iii stream of Mriti.-h (.'(ilumbiu, rises near l''iirt Si. .Iiini.s, in hit. .'■|4' 2.") X , ion. U.'. :;n W., and enters the i'iiciiic Ocean tliroii{,'!i (lardn i'.- Inlet. Lenirth about !.",o miles. (;.\|;X1:T illVKil. rises inr/.nM.fSt. .M.ii:rice CO.. (jMie., and runs \V. into Lalse K'i|M|it. (lAliliV LAKK. in the Xiulli West Territories, in hit. tii; .N , bm. '."j .W \V., leci'ives lilack's lliver I'kuii the we;t. <;ASI»K I5AV, in the (Julf of St. Liiwre ice, on !h" S.K, side of t!io co. ot on caught. The bay itself i.s di^ej) and well slieliei'cd, its waiers are a jrreal resort for cod and oih>'r deep sea (islies, ijie shores an^ lofty and Ihi" selth-rs are neiirly all lishcrmen. The basin, which is eu'jy of acces-;, is said lo be one of the best and most c >mmo lious iiarlxu's in America, and is ciipable of con- tainii.L. more than :{0U ves-els in the most pevfeet si curity. (1 ASi'KUKAI'.a riverof New Uruns- wiek, rises in ii hike in the co of Siiii- biiry. Hows NMv and then S. and falls into ti:e Salmon river in the co. of (Jneetis. It is uavij^able for canoes 50 m'les. (iASI'i<;!M':ArX,('Xu-el-'ielmi -"•The Tiiniblin^r liivr,') a wild ;iiid rnpid river of .Vova Scotia, co. of Kiii^s. A net work of lakes contributes by slen- der •streams to swell ilrs beiuitlful riv<'r, which, t'as-iii'.i: thrnue-h tlr'vari- on A slaL:"s of liny rills. ; lacid pine fiin.ix- ed lakes, bndton rnitids, f.ed;'-y dii'^k ponds, -till pools and roarintr fill- linal- ly (hb lucdies upon that lieniiliful valley rendered immortal liy Loiufellow : Far ti> the uortliwiril IJlDiiiicliui ro^e, and iilott en its Miiii'iiits Sell i'>r^' pitcli their tents, and mists from till' niij^'lity Atltiiitic. enters St. >Iarys Sirait, opposite Siip-ar '. The Gasporeanx lakes are four in num- Islaiid, after a rapid and very serpen- j ber, tho four mile lake beintr the lari^est tiue course. of the chain. It abounds iu islands, C.ER 305 (JOU sai'i to iiiinilier 1 il, ami prisciils iifnrly •■very ii|iu?:o ntwilil lake HcoiMTy. 'I'lu- Indian tiatiic " l'a>c(lii\V('rk "' (IJcavi r liain tall; iiii|:catts llif ra;'iil c(iit of tiic waters iV"iii it-; ikmc.Ih! h'is>iii. SaliiKni, sia liuiil ami iini 'cti-t' imiri- Ih'is (if ifasiaToaiix trc<|iiciit tlu'se laKt-i — fli(> salniuii ami j:f;i.-]H'ri'atix in M.:y Ikm'oul'Ii, ctivcrsa lew tlioiisainl acres, n-nl is coiiMi'lcriMl the best trout lake in the rasUTii ot'tlii' iiroviiico. (!L.\lsi;s. i;i\im;k av\, i i St. Maiiricc CI)., (,Mii' , fails into l.iikc St. I'ftt-r iM'twrcii ilu- i'ivi'iv St. ('iiarcs uml Mii.x Ii(i'ilri'.'<. (K'DliOl T, or (MMUMUHT, a livcr ^^-* iiml .iiiiif, aiiil lli(! .-ica tfniit in Apiil ! in Sa^'nctiav co . (.'iif.. tall.-i into tln' Si. aiul larly May. I l.awictii'" hctWfi-ii ('a|i(' M Ni(!:olas CASI'I'II.'KAIX. a small lakv in A i- ami Toinl dis Moiils, alioiit 'J.'.O miliH tii^oni.-li CO., .\ S., lias iisoiillci in liic | l.i low (,'iirlicc, and is one if tiir ln'st Wcs; river. I salitiori sfriunis in tiic pro-, incr. At (TA.srKI.'HArX, a small lake on i its mo .tli is a Hudson li.iv Com; anv's Allan',- liver, ill Aiin.',p(jli-; co , .\.S. ( 1 ATI \ i; AT, n river of <,'tieliec, ri.-es in a lar^e lak<' in lal. Ih .\., l"n. 7'. .';0 \V., tlo'.vs soitli, eiiterinu' the Ottawa noiir Hull, heiiij;' 400 miles in leir.'ih, drainiii'/ an ar^-a of Howards of it.uoo Mliiare niili'-;. and naviji-ahle I'or canoes upward - (d':'.n;i mile.<. The timlier berths on this river and its trdailariesare very extensive. About 'JH'i,0(io sawlo^'-; atf floati'd (Idvvn it annually. It aliounds in views of the wilch'Sl and musi i<>- nianlic scenerv. (iAI'TillKU RIVKK, a small str'ani that its rise in the Abercrond>ie lakes, T«'rrilioniie c(t., (,ine , ami falls into iiie Kiv:ere dn .Nord. (lA V"S Kl \ Ki;, a small -stream iiin- luiiiT iiito the Sliubenacadie, in the co. of ("olchester, .\.S. Gold is found on this r.viv. (JKDUKS, a small lake in Halifax c<^, X.S., has its outlet in a small stivani runn'ny iiiJo I'le Mns(|nod()l)oit river. (Ji;.\ WIAA' laVHll, rises in LakeSt. Louis, in .N'ico'.et co., t^Mie., and alter windini.'' a serpentine course falls ii:tu the St. Iji'wronce. GKOKCK IV. LAKE, a lake near the centre of .N'ewfonndlaud. about l^f' miles IcuLT and r> wide. It is roniiiutieally silii.iled and abounds with exclleiit (ish. (iKOKtnrs IlIVKi;, of Labrador, follows a ucneral X. r in the southeni j'urt of ti.e county td' Ilant.-. The wi-st biaiieh if this river takes its risr in Xev. r-iell Lake, and tlowinp; sout'.- easierly naehe; tla- main s reameiiont louiiles the sea. This bunich is mded for a ca-cade a' the outlet o' a like, where the water falls \priieally about 'J."> feet, (lidd river is a sidenditl salmon -'piim and a |.'reat f,ivorIt« anions'' Hiitrlers. COLDKX LAKK, a 1 n tty lakf on the .\Iad:iw!i-ka river, (hit. Lat. -If)' ;;,■) .fil X . Ion. VT •!■< \\ ., abniit C, mihsloiifr by;; wide. Theic are si \eral Indian eli ;i inirs on it.; banks. COL!) IMVKl! LAKK, a prettysheet of water in Lunenbi rj;' Co., X.S, id of a circular form, and jjives lo a I'ranch id' ( iold river. CCOSf: HAKlloi; LIVKi:, a small stream falliuj; into Chedabiicto Lay, on t!ie >^ ]]. enast of Xova .'^eiiii:i. (iOSSKLlX, Rl'ISSLAC, ri^.s in Lo'bitiiere co , (,Mif..aft( r a >li(»r' ci/urse Joins the IJiviere Xoire, whicii falls into the lleanrivatre. COLl'FUE, mVIi:i;K DC. a river (if Qii(d)ec, rises in (Jharlevoix co.. and falls into the estiuirv of the St. Law- CLolUHAX LAV, Untariu. Hee | rence at St. I'Hid's J'ay, cpposite Isle Lake Huron ' aux Coudro.s. Its course Ls verv cir- '^^..*^ rjil GKli.MAXTOWN LAKL, in Albert CO., N.B., about 20 miles from llills- cintou.s, and it is diflicult to ascemi, being full of rapids. Bog ore and :u (JRA 30C ORA f#- ninj,'ii('lic (ixiilo of iron nro to ho found on Ms Itiiiiks ill hir^)' i|iiantitif>4. It i)r(iH Hiilinon uinl oIImt li-ili, and is i'fd liv II niinilii-r of lakes all of wliicli ulxniinl vvilli Iroii. (lorcii LAKK, a small hike in tliP towiisiiiji (if hiinniniitli, c > of lialifav, | N.S , Nvitli an oii'Irl in Kcdlnrd Itasin. ' <;(M'I,AIS, a li If river in llir district of Al;^t IllM. (1 ll., lia Vlj^.'llili' for Vr<-cU : of litrlit draiivrlil for 10 or !.". iniltv-i from '\{< inoiiili orciilr.iiico inloCioulais ' Hav, N K. t'lid of liUk.' Sii|iiTi(.r. Tlic j lowiT |ijirl (if |l|i^ nvcr How-; in a vi'ry torliHiiis course lirt ivccii iiiaiiiHiiiii raiim's, lliroii^li a wide and fertile j valii'v. ^ (JiM'M.MIT/ JMVKK, ris.M in ihc ' S. aii«;lf of llii- en. nf Ituiiavcntiin', Que, and runs into tin- l{t'sli;foni'lir, lu'lwrt'ii Ilic rivers (iadnaiii};onsliiiiit und I'sei.dv. (iOVMSII IMVKU, of Qnolicc. See AjfWMiins c;k' \i>si;, i.MviKin-: a la, takes its nsi' in (Iji'iiir.iriT eo,Ont., traverses Vaiidrciiil, ami fails into Lake of Two Moiiiitains at |{ij,^md. (JIJAM) !!AV, of Qiichec. Sec lla ! 11a! I!,tv (SIJANI) CAStWPHDIAC, a river of Hoiiavcntiire co., (^)ue. SeeCasca- jtediac, < iraml. (JKANi)]-: fOrDKI':, a river of giie- bee. See ( "ondt'c. i;i{AM)K MKUK, a piotiires(|iie fall on till IJivi'r Si. Maiiriee, aliniit 3o tni'es above iis nioutli, divideil in two by an island nf o( nsideralile exbiit. The fall on iIr' W. side of the island is aluiiit 4i> fi'ot, almost |ierin'iiilic!ilar ; llial on tile K. side is of much {ireater lentjth hill more fj;iadnal. The heaiity and niafrniliceiicc of these falls and the Bnrrouiuliiij;" scenery can hartlly be sur- pass' (I (.{{ANDI-: \()l'VKLLK,asnmll river of Honaventiire co., Que., empties into Uaie dcs 1,'luilcurs. and abounds with trout. CKANDI-: KIVIKIU-:, or Ql'IAl'S- Ql' ACIv UIVKU. rises near the hea.l waters (if ilic Ixostiyouoho and nun S W. iiUo the lliver St. John, about "> miles aiiove the (Jreat Falls. Its banks are licaviiv wooded. (rKANDH inVlHKK S TK. ANNK DKS MONfS, of (laspe co., Que., has its source ia several lakes in the Sliirkslioek Mont. tuinn, and ojnplips into the St. i.awrence at n villa^'c to which it lends its iiain(>. Total len^Mli .M miles, r>(t <»f which are tiavi^'able tur canoes. It abounds with saliiio i and trout. A number of lakes have their outlet in this river. They udord jjood tishinjr Clf.WI) K.\M,S, on the Hiver St. .Iidiii, Vieiori.i CO., \.|{, "JJ,") miles fmia the sen. The river lure rushes with jrreat fury over a rocky b'-d till it IS suddenly narrowed by the pidjeetiun of a rock ; from the weslern side il mils with irresistible iiii|i(iuosity over the leili,'es and is pri'ei|)itited in a perpeii- dieiibir line I."! feet iiuoii narrow basin of pointed rocks, .iinidst which it fiaiiia and r.ivjes, till it escapes throii'^h A niiidw rocky (diauinl over a series of detdivnies half a nnle in rontinuauce, j'liclos •(! (in ciKdi side by «'ra},'!,'y c|ill':J overliaiif^int; i's* roiirse and almost eompleiely iiilerrii|ilinjj the view. A line siispcnsiim bridj^'e spans the river over the falls. (JU.\.\I)I-'(>M>, a small river running W. into the Sa^'uenay, above ('hic()ii. tiini. (JUAN!) JiMJC.j.NS. a small river in Difjby CO., .VS., falls into Dii^by Hasin. 1* is iiaviffiible tdr vess(ds of from 100 to IJo tons burthen fori! miles. (JUANI) liAKK, a beautiful lake of New l'.niii>wick. in the co ef (^ueeng. I,en!.'lli li.") mil s; bremlth (J miles. It has its iiiillet in the liiver St Joiin throiijih the Jem sej; (a small but deep si ream) opposite (Ja^relown. Several ki ids (if lisli, especially tnuit, pasper- eaiix and salmon aSoiind in the lake and the streams llowiinr i ito il. Several rivers empty ihein-idvea into (Jraud Lake, the larjrest of which is Salmon river, navigable from its iiiouili but only 10 inibs for steamers and vessels of 100 tiuis ; for canoes 7") miles. The CJas|iereau.\ river, a branch of Salmon river, is navi li.\KK. Monllimreiiey co , Quo. Sei- ijiil.e St. Joaeliiin. (JII.\M) LAKK V1("T(H;IA, a larfrc lake iif (..'i.i'li e, on the Ottawa rivi-r, alxHil l.ii. 17 at S , Ion. 77 iiu W (JUANl) (or orSK) inVKI,', ..f (Hi- tari'i. ri>'s m lie- coin ly of (irey, on the lionlei's of .Melanctlinii aiitl i'mtoii lo\vn.--liiiis, ami llnw.s ilii(iii;^|| ihi' coun- ties of WelliiiKton, Wuteiloo, ISiaiitamI llaldiiiianil, to Lake I'irie, almiit l.;u mile.-, the la.^t 7'i of w hii Ii are navijralile for sclioomTH aid small huais. At its UKUitli it i.s npwardrf <.l iti'u _^ard.^ wide, niid form.i one of the liesl liarliois on the N. slinrr td'Lake Mrie Its hanks ahound wiih ijypHum. A nuinhcr ot llou^i.-hill^( t"Wiis and villa^'es are situated on its hanks. iJraiid Itiver is connected with Lake Ontario hy tlio Wcllaml ('anal, wliic I coiniiieiiee.s near its mnii'li. (;U.\.\I) I'O.N'I), II heaiilifMl lake of New tniiiidlaiid, ahoiil lio miles Iuiil; hy r> miles wide, its l)inks are cose red with liinhir. It al)ouiid.'4 with hue lish and'jres i;s waters into the Ailanlic iliiouuii ilumher Sound. (iKANI) inVKIi LaKK. il lake in l\iciimt>ut) CO., N S., iihuiit H miles lonjj by .'! miles wide in its broadest fiart, and indented l»y several bays. It j^ives rise to ihe (.Jrand river. CJWANI) KIVi;i{, ft river of (Jasjie CO , (.^»ue., on 15aie do- (Jlialeiirs, It; miles from I'ercc, alfurds excellent angling for salnio'i. (;UAXI) IlIVKU, of Ontario and Quebec. See Ottawa river. CJUAXI) mVKli, il river of Rich- mond CO., N.S , enters the Atlantic Ocean a few miles east of St. I'eter's Bay. GKAXn lUIISSKAlI, a rivulet formed by two small streams in (Miar- levoix CO., Que., runs N.K. into the St. Lawrence. GRAND HUISSKAU, a rivulet in Levi- e .., Que., runs N.E. into the Cliaudiere. ('.RANT'S LAKI-:. n small lake in Halifax CO . N.S , 7 mile, .s \\ ,,f Hali- fax city, ha.-i itH on' let hy a small siream running; iiiti .M'iiyneii.\ Ha-in, on the .Mlaiitie const. (il:A.\rS I.AKK, H mall lake on the KasI river, i' I'lc'cUi co., .N.S. (;KA\ KL KIVKU, a sin.ill river in the di.-trict 'il 7 :;i N , Ion. i»i :!!> 4". \v, (;|;|;AI" .MISH-A-.MI SH. a lake in Lunei hug eo , .N S., fi miles long and about '1 miles broad. It i- the main source of the .Musji-a niii-h Riv. r. (;RI-;AT I'IILMCO, a lake in nioiilii CO, N..S., luu its oullfl hy ii small river running into i'.arring- ton harliir. ORKAT SOI'TH SKA. See I'ac.fic ( )cean. (iRKAT RATTI.INC RI.'OoK, a river of .Newfoiinilland, taking iis in Kuima's Lake, and tlowing .\. is joined by several si reams and (alls into the I'ixpioiis River. CRLAT SLAVK LAKK, C/./r ile L' i.Krhiir, ' Lake ot' the Slave,") an extensive lake ol tin- .Ntu'th West Terri- tories, siiiialed between lat tlO 40 and •;:{ N., and Ion. Kt'J .'M and 1 17^ T'.O W. The -liiipe is very irregular. Length from K. to W. ;;(•!' niile-;: great- est breadth ;"■)(» miles. The shores^ on its N. .>-ide especially, are precipitous and rugged, and il contai is m my loiky and wooded islan<'s. It receives from the N.l-;. the suri Ins waters of Aylmerand .\rliliery lake-. and trom the S. those of Lake Athabasca liy i lie Slave River. Il dischaiges its own by the .Mackenzie River into the Arctic ( h'ean. It is wholly frozen over for G mouths of the year. : "11 m { '■ \ * 1 •" I GUR 398 IIAII il! .■n< r,IMv\T SLAVK UIVKK, of tlio Nullll WC-it 'I'l ri ilnl'h'..', Idriliril liy llir J'ciirc liiviT, iili'T it is jiiiiH'l liv St my KiviT Irtilll I.lU" Alll:ll):in'll. It ClltiTM (il'i'ilt Sl:ivr L.iki' oil its siiiitli -iilo liy two iiinitliH, tinir Fort i( s liiitioii. cniir. !'M lllil'.-t. I'lic sliori'-. in III. my |i!irt.s, ur.- wi-ll womjiil. In it- upp T p.irl it is iiiti'iTii; ted hy nipiils niii| riill.< ; its lower f Mirm- is tjiroiijjli an iillnviiil rc^'ion. .M;iLtiii';('tiit scen- ery sl\ins Its liii iks. '(;i;i;i;\ i;i \\'.\i. a sni.ill str.iiin ill Kiiij;- CO.. I'.r; I., runs into ;Iit' N. si'li- of Miirrnv Imrl/ur. (JilKKN KIVi:i{.ri -sN.K. of.Mid.ili. liiikc DM till' It.iiiniliuifs 111" OiicliM! nii'l 1 lii'.^r wi'li I fJllKXVriJ.K MAY, n hny on the norili'i'ii ('Mint iitM'rinci' Klwiir'l I il.wi«l, S !■;. <.r Uiclmi'iml l;;iy. It nc-lv"s tlic wat- IS of .Stiiilcy rivtT, at llw; niontliof uiiicli is liic liailior of Ni-w I.onild i, wliirii allonl; jj.)otl aiiclioruf^o forsuiall ViS-ifls. (JI.'K-; FAM.S, on l!ie Wv.vr St. .M.i irifi'. al>oiit IT luiU'.s rrmn itsnioiitli, (Mil oni.> 1)0 consiilcn'U im a cascade wh -sc wat'MM arc .:cpaiMli'>l jnlit scr- ciil clia iiicis liy II fi-w isirld clothcl with rlcli f. il'a/c. CI.'KV I'l.NK IMVI'!:. in Ciiioontimi CO, i}iu) , runs inio ilic (inimk //>• !■:/■' wliirli ciir.ii'Cts tlio Safjiienny UK. 'icw l>riiu>wicK, iiii I |'a»-:in - W, nft! St. .Jol.ii. QiiaiiM|iii'riictiok .\lnnntai;i.s, laii-^ iiil » tlic Ivivcr kSl. John, /♦m;lc.s h low Ivl- riinii'l ton. (iUKKM'IKiJi I<.\Ki';. a pivtty lake in Uurons c.(. N U)H\ |l! llllh' h hv .'( nil!' s \V|i|c It is stiiil'l.'il Willi «i:.MS IM'ISSHAI . a rivnlct in Cliail.'V.iix C'l., (Jiic, falliii;;' into llio St. li.'iwrcMcc. (JitOSSK IMX'HKS. n riviiK'f in SairiiciMv CO., <,>iii'., rnii.^ from ti:c .V.I", aiiii joins the S;i'.rii('iiay iirar H'ly St aldMii :i 1 ilaiiih. Oil its .\ I'], sill.' HIT Infiv hills cofi'cil with tiinlicr ; the Kt fiiii' 1-1 mil s \'fum Ta loiisac. (iriOIMJK, i{l\IKi;l': a LA,ris<'s in ili<' tiiwnsiiio of (ii)ilmani"hc .t r. c ■ f S.W . sidi- i,-' nios;!y liiiiTfii a ul .-;wampy. Ilmitiiij:i!'>ii, ()n' . mid I'liimin^ N.W Salnioa, fcjs a id trout l'n'i|in.'iit thi.s lak( T fon'-;t< ar.' iiili;ih:icil liy moose, I'cars, fn.vcs. wild- ats, iiui-iK- A SIM dl rut.--, porcnpiiiis. miiiks, i^r. stream call'd Wild-cit itiv>T c.niii-'ci.s " Ion U i W. Aveni^i' hn-adtii JO niilc: falls inln liidvc St. l-'ian iM- (U IJ'' (»F CKiiKCllA, an inlet (,f iifiiidi ! 'oliimlna,s.-):nratiii|r N'auco'ivcr I-l II! i 'roi'i the tiKi'iilaiid, in lat. I'.i .\,, M ila<. ake Willi (»reei iti.dd i.\e. It c i!iiiiiiinic;it' s witii th ac:lic on The l.-itl r disi'li.n':;'' d its w. iters into i the iiort!i hv < "ice i Ol'aclottc Sound, I.' It is siijiplied liy L' sin.ill ;i"d ha- it.s i'ort Mcdw.'iv lliv.-iv (}ii'Ki:\ 11 MMMlIl LAKK, a laku in the distric' of Loekeport. co. of Sl.d- Imiiie, N.S., idt:iiit '.'.\ miles lon^ hy Ik m;l"S wii lakes called Mud Lake; outlet by a .-mall river ninnitid into (irreen ll.irbor on tlie ,\;ie coast. This lake abound- with s.nnio'i, pike, trout ai( wives ami -itlier tisli. (illKK.N LAKK, a Like at the head waters of the .Missassajr.i, in the dis- trict of AlLToiiia, (Mit. It is .-'irioniid- ed bv a vallev of ron-ider.ibie width, nnl )r'PAen bv ro'-K V ri'liZ's (a' l.ik. .and on the south west by tlie Strait of San .IiiM 1 de Kuea. (IILF OF ST LAW i:i:.Vi'i:,aIar;cc 'lilet of the Allaiilie ( )cean, between lat. 4': and "lO .V., and Ion. a'^ and *>'< W., bd'inded by the p''ovinc 'S of Quebec. .New I'.rnnswick, .\i ivu Scotia, and Xew- fniindl .nd. It <'ommuniea!es on tliep]. with ill' Ocean by ihree ]ins ap'S. tiie lion hernimist beiii,i( the tJtrail nf iiello Isle, and the >outlieriimost the (Jut of f'aiisd. Averae^e length and brejidth. iKi) miles eaidi. On its west side aiv the b ;ys of (,'haleur and .\Iir:;m:(dii, .and the e-^tuarv ofllieSt. Jitwreiiei.' river. (IKFK.V LAKK, of Ii;-iiish (Columbia, It contains Anticosti. I'riiiee Hdward, pitnated between .Mevandria and [ the M,;(rdalen anil many other Islands. TlKmipsoii's river, is alioiit .'^o miie.s in len<;th. with a beautiful jjr.'i sv siion It has no outlet, sav.' very partially by undi'r-urrmind in the direction df tlTc ]{oiiaparte, a tributary of the Tliomp- son. 1 Ins laiie is stron;jly impreiiiia fed with salt; its color iieiiig at the same time a tine jiea green. Its fisher es are very inipurtant. ni'TOF OA.VSO. Se.'Cau^o. (Jut of. II A! II A! r.AV. nv (J1:AX!) UAV, (called by the Indinns //'■m/,-hi ir.iskii,) n beaniif'i! expanse of water on the Rivor S.ajruen.iy, tJi" miles from its mouth, 10 iinic.s S. of (jhieoiitimi. It forms a badi 1 aboul S) mile.s wide and \) milos HAM 30!) II A V Innp, with n (|(|itli ni'ipinj; l.'S to i hm a niitnltor nf Inr'/t- Inko^ fsoiiio GO ;i.") tMllluliM, i|i]i ul'all'.ililill},' Slltllcr Jllill'S il l«li}^l||) 11-: lliliu|;il H'S (MllllO to till: hii'^'cm sliips (if 1 1 10 iiiif. 'I'lic ! \V. .iliiirt' til' line »»t' til. -I l.iikc Wiimi- luti'l ill lis vicini;y is U"""' '>iiii lit tur ; l\niii|iaii - is llic new Minpin |n>,.i. ,'>nti ciillivniio ij iiiiU ilic bay in IttiiilfiTd hy , iiiilis N. of llii- old oiit> on llio JSt. I.iiw- |iiiiiiic - iif f(i:i.-i(itial'U' cxti'iit. Tho j r»'ii<'i'. iiniMi' ll;i I 111 ! is lit -ni|itivf ot llif sur- I IIAM'-KM) l;i\'l';i;. ri^if-i in Kiiiffs l>:iHi^ wliicii tin; ruiicli ox; crii'iicul | en.. N I! . ninl nfir nci-ivinj' VMiioii.-i « 111 ti tl;c\ tir^l onii'p il llii' bay, siiji- \ l.iaiu'li vs loses it-elf in I»iuliiij; Like, jio-iiii},' i|i:i' i> WHS tlu' iS.i^fin'iiiiy until j »'(intni'inii'alc!« with lln'.s|iii('|Miiscstiinry tl.cir sli.ill 'p (,'rnuiith'il (jii tin- iidiili of ili-- Kiiincl.acci-is. I t ii,!"li i'.^t niil.'S. wi'stcin ..i;Hiv. ; liAKNI |;i:< i(iK, of .NrwIinintllaiMl, IIAIl- l!AV, ill ('uniniissioihis l,)iKi', ' a stream of ciin^iileralilo size, rniis S W. til' l/ikc St. .Itilin. riiicdiiiimi CO , , l"n>ni a iiorili i'a>terly iliri'ctitm aid yin. ctniitics into the lifad of f't. (U-ttr^jc's HAIMTAN'T iil\'KI!. of Kiiij;-' d'., ' l!iiy. t.n tlie SMntlitrn coast of New- N.S., eiilfts tlic lia\ ot Fuiily ai Can- loiin'il.iinl. iiiiiji. Il is lri(| l;\ iar^r«' sea i II Al!ltl<' A .V \\V. a river tif tlie N'nrth troiit. j We I Tenitui'it ■:. lie- ill a .-niall lako ilAli; (TTriNi; LAKK,aiU'iilar},'p- , ultoiit lat.-Jl) o.". N.^tm. 77 .".o \V .and iiifiil ' fa 'ivti'df liif saiiif naiiif, 17H | al'ior a N.W. ftair.-i- I'l alir.t 'JT'i nnl.'S ii.'lfs N'.of .Mt ntreal ii i.-alitnu V niiles \ fall- iiii<> .lanii'-'rf I'l-y at llannaii lli'.y ill li'ii;.''! Il ainl I'niin 'J chains iti 'J niiie-i in , 1!ii tin* iit>rll..'rn t'"a.'t lilve llin>e (if tin.' Lower M. Lawreiiee, i.f I'rine" I'.ijward Ishiml, S.K. tif Hicli- ait> nifi with. I i:ioi:d Hay, is reiiirukidde fop having a IIAlii crTTlN",; l;l\'Kl{, (d" (.tiieliec, I Iniig nai'rtiw i.-laud b in>( ucro--- it-i takes its rise in (Ileal lieavtr i iJreal litad waleis i.f ila- S;. Maurice and | Kii-Jtico, and its soi. thorn v dl admit thiis'.' t f the (laiiiiean, Is;iinile> N. td' I o dy small ves-ids lo l/iiflc IJu-tieo Mnn'nal. and tails into a trilailary tjf llarhtir, which is very d- r:;.'h;i':illy s'ln- tii" Si MiiUtiee. • ateil. Intu tiii-^ Im\ tlow Huiiler aiiil HALFWA V KIVKi;, a small river i'l \Vh;itelv rivers. Hants en., .%';■;., runs iiao tiie Avon IIAKIMm'NS IMVl'i;. td' l!riti-^h !iv( r ni ar Ilaiit-i'ort. ; Columhia, II .\v- t'luni a iMria'isij'a' and llAlill'AX WAY, 01 tho soii'hern ' oM'-nsive l(il;e. and outers tho rii^dit ciiasi of i'liiice Kdward Islaiiij, lis' miles ! ha k of the Fi'asor at the bianlifn! vi!- \V. of Cliarlotteiown. Il lorms a n-(io(l ! lairc tif i.illoei. This stream was nt li:ii'l;or nil ilsoasterii side, the eniraiieo j one limo tho chief route of (•(•niinnnica- t() which i- s!i' Iten d hy a small island. iioii with tie- niiiioreoiintry. At its head it liraiiohes into two rivers. | IIATCJIKT, a small lak« in Halifax Tliv hariior lioa-ts id' several sl'ijiy.irds co . X..'^. imd is a con-ideraolo port tor tho .-hip jiiiiiT '> :!."> W. IIAVKS l;i\ KlI.orllILL lUVKU, in tlio l)oiiiid:try botwoeii tho iirovir.o.' of i the .\orlli West T'Trilories, rises near Qinhec and S'ato of New Ilaii^i, . Lake Win dpe^'. and f! .v. -; .N'.K. throiij^di iuul falls into the ("niineotieiii river, liA.MKL LAKK.o.dleil hy tho Indians As^viiii.irai'.slitei -, -'a rook that istlnre.'' is the hue-, '.-I lake tin tho Kivi r Pa^ta- II ly. Knee, and >\\am;'y iaiko;?, anil, after a course estimated at upwards of ■'iot) miles, enters'-s"- Hay at York. Lat. :a; ';:.". N.. hm. irj :;m \\ . 1,^ poiii.^ie, whith runs from Lake Kaiio- | tia iks are steep ami in iiany pla os {.Mini S K. I f Lake St. JoliM. i horderod by tine W(e d-. I < aniiioiiLS IIAMILTUX KIVKH, a large river of I are Fox Uivcr and Shanialawii. Ox- ^ha 1)00, takes its rise near the .-oiirce of } ford House a al Ilookhoua.- are slatioim the Mok-ie and riinniiii: a S.K. course for • on the river; at its month, between it ahoiit (.00 miles eiiler< the (Jnlf (jf .St. , ami Ni l-iai river, o i D.e we;;l side, id Lawrence liirough Lsquiuiaux Hay. It I llayea Island. !K '• " • I '■'T ; I' } < . ,U' I -Mv «(., ,'1 H" HOL 400 HUD (;■» il:^'i i ::^l '''^^ HKMERT RIVEIf, in Hants co., N.S., rises in L()n{^ Luke aini Hows into the St. Oroix 'leur its discliiirj^e inti) Av(ni river. Lenurtli IBniiles. Vessels ii.-^cend 6 miles ti> load wiili plaster. Above this I he river is roiij;li ami rocky, with occasi.iiuil heavy falls. IliO.MiSO.V, 11 river of Qiiehee, rises in a lake of ihf same name in Dorchester CO., and tlowinj^ 8.\V'. joins the river Eleliemi k lIKIiKIN'G (;()VI<:, a small river in Ilalifa.v CO.. N.S., takes its rise in Loni^ Lake, whieii is ahoiit .I mih's lonj? and \ mile wide, and fulls into llalifa.x Hay- in a small cove of the same name. The shores of Ijoiijjc Lake are very rouifli. It <;out'iins a few islands. The river, which is very mcky and has numerons small faIN, produces trout. HlLli lilVKIf, .d' the North West Territories See llav-'s river. lIlLLSHl)|{()r(;irHAV,tlii'l'iincipal bay in I'rinee Kdwaid Island, is situated on the siiiiili west side of the island, at the coiifhieice of tlie three rivers, llills- biiroiigh, Vork ami Llliott,and isdneof the most secnn' in the (Jidf of St. Law- rence, and Ihoiiph not more than li^ilf a mile in breadth at its e itrance it soon widens into a ca;»acious havon. The (Mty Iff ("harloltetown stands at the head of this bav. llIIiLSr.OIKd'CUl KIVKll.ri.scs near Savage llarb ir oa the .\ E. coast of Priiic.' Ivhvard i^.iid, Hows inaS.W. direction, j^i'adually wideiiinnr, antl receiving in its coarse ma iv tributary Btreams. and forming several bays and creidvs, till it falls into the Imy of the ^■•ame name at ('harloltetown. It is the raosr mairniiicient stream the island boasts. The scenery along its whole course ( 30 miles) is delightful. It is edged l»y numerous flourishing farms, whil-t the back ground of state- ly timb.'r f i: iiishi's a majestic finish to t'le landscape. The tide runs up it 20 miles. HOLEY LAKK, in the Xorth West Territorii's, coiuuiunicates with Knee Lake by Trout river and with \Vi uly Lake bv the lliver VVepinapaiiis. IIOLLAXI) I5AV, ai inlet on the soutli-wtsi side of I'rince Edwaid Island, W. of Chai lottetown. Its en- tra ice, though safely aceessil)le,is almost entindy clo-ed upby islands. Its prin- cipal harbor is called Cascumpeqne, which is commodious and secure, and fav jurablv situated for tlie lisheri s. li()LL.\NI) RIVER, of Ontario, takes its rise in two brauche.-, one entering the township of West (Jwillimbiiry, co. of Siincoe,at llolia'td Land! ig, and the other joining it 3 mdes from Lake Simcoe. Steamers ascend on bra ich to withii 4 miles of Holland Landi ig. and the other 7 or H miles aiiove l5radfonl. The Holland river marsh, •15 miles long, aHoids verv good snipe shooting. IIOLLII'IA.V, a lake of Xova Scoti.a, in lli(.' CO. of Lunenburg, at the northern base of Aspologan Mountain. Length 3 miles ; breadth 2 miles. It contains several islets. Its waters flow into Deep (/ove, at Hlandford. HO.MK liAY, in the North West Territories, .\. of Cuinb:'rlaud I land, is in lal. CH ;{0 .V., Ion. i\H W. HOODS RIVER, North West Terri- tories, flows into (Joronatioii (lulf, Arctic Ocean. lIOOSliOR'S, a stream in Halifax co., N.S , H miles long, ati'l lull of salmon. HOWE HAV, a small bay on the S. E. coast of I'riice Edward 1-land. HOWE'S LAKK. a small and attrac- tive sh(>et of water, 3 miles from St. John, N.i;, Hl'BBKIlT'S, a small river in Huli- fa.\ CO., N.S, 10 miles long. HUDSON'S HA \', an i daid,s.-a of the North West Territories, between hit. ."il and ngli iu its narrowest part but about sixty oiilee. HUR 401 IRO eciiro, and arm, tiikeg .' (Ml 1 1' ring inbiirv, CO. ^i<;, iiml the roin Lake bra It'll to iidi iir. and • I '.ra. I lord, mill's long, iva Scotia, le iiorllii'rn 1. Ivi'iijjjth It contains How into ortli West iiid I land, W. rest Tcrri- liuii (lulf, lalifax CO., of salmon. ' on the S. ^land. and Mttrrtc- 'rf from rSt. cr in Ilali- ds'-a of the twi'i'u lat. and !)."> W. ory on all it coniinii- •y llnilson'3 to S. Hr)0 Its south lid iTCi'ivL'S tiiiM- rivers. ^horo-^ and •; : -h ^■■\M' 20 ".-i JEM 402 KAM }:«!t ,':) ISLANDS. BAY OF, a large bay foriiR'd by ine Gulf of St. Lawrence, on tlie east coast of Newfoundland, not til of St. George's Bay. Lat. 49 20 N., loD. 58° 15 W. It receives on the S.K. tlie Hiimber, and encloses a great number of small ij^lands. LSLAND LAKE, a small lake on the Maj^anetawaii river, about U> miles from its mouth in Laki' Huron. It con- tains more than twenty i.slands. ISLA WATER, a small stream run- ning into tlie Etcliemin, in Dorchester CO., Que. IWASHEGA, or TWASIIEGA.ariver of Qucl»LC, runs from the N.\V. into the Ashuiipmouciioiian. JACK.MANS SOUND, a harbor in Frol>isiuT Strait. Nortli West Terri- tories, opjio.siie Sussex Island. JAOQUKS CARTIEIi, a river of Quebi'O, derives its name from the dis- coverer of the country, who wintered in its estuary in l.'J3(5. It takes its source in several small lakes near lat. 48 N. bin. 71 20 W., and after a S.S.\V. course of 60 miles enters the N. sliore of the St. Lawrence 32 miles W.S.W. of Quebec. Tlie general ap- pearance of the river is varied, ])ictu- resq'.ie and extraonliiuiry, presenting a thousand couibinatiuns of unrivalled grandi'ur, beauty and magnificence. This celebrated river was formerly the terror and often the grave of travellers. It abounds vvitli fish, especially salmon, and works numerous mills. It is re- garded .'Ls highly imjiortant as a defen- sive barrier to Queb 'c and its environs. JACQUET ia\ HR, a salmon and trout stream running into the JJaie des Chaleurs, W. of Bathurst, N.H. it is 50 miles long, rich in lumber, and has a verv good harbor at its mouth. JAMESON'S LAKE, a pretty lake of Newtonndl'ind, about 20 miles long and 2 to 3 wide. It abounds with hsh. JAMES RIVER, a small stream in Antigoni h co.. .N.S , runs into the S. bank of the West River. JARVIS CHANNEL, an inlet of the Gulf of Georgia, British Columbia, JEDDOIiE BAY, an inlet on the south-eastern coast of Nova Scotia, N.E. of Halifa.x. It is long, shallow, intricate and unsafe. JE.MSEG, a deep narrow channel in Queens co., N.B., leading from Grand Lake to the Paver St. Juhu. At its mouth at one time was a fort erected during the ])rotectorate of C)liver Cromwell, when Acadia was in pos- session of England. It was afterwards occupied hy the French ; but the only notable action in which it hgured was its cajiture bv a jiirate in 1<)7(;. JOHNSON'S CREEK, asniall stream runui'ig into the Riciielieu, opposite Isleaux Noix, St. Johns co., Que. JOHNSTON RIVER, a small river running S W'. into the Hillsborough River, in Queens co., P.E.I. JOHNSTONS STRAIT, of British Columbia, in the .\orth Pacitic, sepa- rates Vancouver Island from the niain- lanil, on its north side. JOlil).\N, a river of Nova Scotia, rises in Davis Lake, about 20 miles W. of Liverpool, and running S.S.E., falls into the Atlantic, forming at its mouth a good harbor. JUGLER'S, a river of Quebec, runs into the St. Maurice below the River Pisiiiiy. JUl'ITAGAN, a small salmon stream on the N. shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 3 miles W. of the mouth of Magpie river. JUPITER, a large and rapid stream on the S. side of the Islaiivi of Anti- costi, falls into the Gulf of St, Law- rence. There are extensive cod fishing estiiblishments at its mouth. It is also frequented bv salmon. KA.IOUALWA.NG, alake of Quebec, forms a large bay on tlie W. side of Portage Dore, out of which runs the Bostonnais river. Length 10^ miles Its banks arc well timbered. KAGEINAGA.MI, a lake of the North West Territories, on a tributary of the Albany river, N. of Ogoke river. It is, properly speaking, two lakes con- nected by a short cliannel only \ a mile long. Each section is about 5 miles long by 4 wide. KAKOVaTIHEU, or COMEA- THIEU, a river of Que1»ec, runs into Lake St. John, between the great out- let of that lake and the River Pcri- bonea. KAMINISTIQUIA, a river of Onta- rio, takes its rise in Dog Lake, and after running an exceedingly crooked course of 60 miles, enters Lake Supe- rior through Thunder Bay. It has a re- gular bed and a rapid current, and abounds with rapids aad cataracts. erected Oliver in pos- er w II nls tlie only lied was 11 stream opposite IIL', nil river jboroiigh f British lie, sopa- :he niain- 11 Scotia, mik's W. S.K., (Mi its mouth bee, runs the River on stream lilt of St. mouth of lid stream I of Anti- St. Law- od tishing It is also jf Quebec, . side of runs the .0^ miles of the tributary )ki' river, akos eon- y \ a mile t 8 miles COMEA- ruus into jreal out- ver Peri- KEE 403 Amons the latter is one of the most magniticent cascades to be witnessed in any country. !Sce Falls of Kaka- bika KAMOrilASKA, a river of Quebec, flows X.N.W. through a county of the same name, and falls into the St. Law- rence ab( ut hit. 47' 33 N., lou. 09 43 W. KANASriRfiOMICUP, a lake of Quebec, on the N.IO. side of the St. Maurice, into wiiiohits waters rua. KAUGASSIKOK, a lake uf Canada, W. on till' head of Lake Superior, about If) miles lung. It is navigable for large vessels. KAOlSSA, a river of Quebec, rises in Lake Wi-couamatche and runs into Lake St. Jolai. It is a very ra|>i(l stream, bounded on either side by high rocks. KAl'KF.SAWATAN, a lake on the Keuogauii-sibi river, m tiie Xorth West Territories, N. of Lake Superior. It is li miles long, and contains several low islands. KATIGAMAIGOUSr-TA, a lake on the N. shore of Lake Huron. Lat. 4G ■.VI \., Ion h:? 24' \y. KAWAKASHKAOAMA, a river of the Nifih West Territories, issuing from Long Lake, N. of Lake Superior. According to the Indians, this river, after flowing a considerable distance westward, turns northward, passing through two lakes, and finally runs east\Taid to tlie KenoLrami river. KAZEEZEEKlTCIilWA.MAGOG, a lake of 'he district of Algoma, Out., 12 miles S.W. of Fort William. It is 7| luiles long in a \.E. and S.W. course, and 1 mile wide in the miudle, sur- rounded with high bluffs. Its surface has an elevation of several hundred feet above Lake Superior. Sucker Hrook disch;irir<'s its waters into it. KEE I' AW A, a great and alm,ost un- known river of Quebec, having a num- liiT of lakes as tributaries, fl(jws from the N.Pi ah mt I'JO miles a id plunges into Lake Teniiscainingue in a masrnili- ccat cascade, IJO feet in height, 77eiia- rated froai another lake calh d Keno- ganiisliish, bv a ridgi; about \\ miles long by J a mile wide, wliieli seiar.ites the waters flowing southward directly into the Saguenay from those which, jHirsuing a northerly course, fir.-t enter Lake St. John, a topi»graphical feature of rather tin sua! occurre u'e. The southern borders of tiie lake rise into hills 3o0 feet high, limbe-ed with spruce, white birch, aud asiien ; the nortlu-ra side, althougli not so nionutaiuons, frequently rises in perpendienlar cliffs of (granite, whose base is bathed'by the waters of the lake, and summit clothed 'Hi} ii.^r ;' KES 404 KUS U, all,; ii with cyprogq and Norway pino. The leiij^tli i»t' tliis lake, its numerous rocky capes and bays, and its preci|»itous shores cause it to resemble tiie Sagueuay, but its iiioiintaias are neitiier so higli nor so b 'rrcii. KKMXJA.MI, or L()X(} LAKE, of the Xoitli West Territories, N. of i>,ake Superior, is ,"14^, miles long i)y 1', miles broad. Its shore line measures H)'J miles, exclusive ot islands. Tiie country around the southern part of the lake is rugged aid raountainous, with very little coverintr of utiy kind ujion the hard gneiss rocks. Tiie fnllowiug rivers enter the west side : — llane's River, Kawesafjiiagama, or Faint River, Ka- inuckatiwau''ii, or Hlack Water River, nnd Kiii(inii;e, or I'ike i?!ver; on the East side, .\iaking (Jround River. Tiie Canada I'acilic Railway will cross this lake. Oats iind barley have been suc- cessfully culiivated at Lo ig Lake House. Lat. 49 4i3 :V) ' N., Ion. K<1 4(5 W. Hay. jiotatoes and all the ordinnry vcget;il)les ilso thrive rernarkablv well. KI;\()(;a.MI8IIISI1. or LITTLE LAKH, a lake of Chicoutimi co., Qn<'., about H miles long anil from 'iJo yards to 1 mile wide. It i.s navigable for vessels of .'M to 40 tons. Its shores are low, and interspersed with elm and a?h. It Ims its outlet in Lake St. John by Helle Riviere. KK\()(J.\Ml-Sir.I, or L(»\(> LAKE RI\'KR, a river oi the Xorth West Torritoiies, X. of Luke Su])erior, issues out of the Kenotrami, or Long Lake, and Hows through a level country into the Albany river. Its banks are in some parts c ivered with spruce, balsam, hr, white cellar, tamar.ic, and white birch. KHXUSIO. a river of Quebec, enters the Ashuapniouchouaii, <;s miles above Lake St. Jidiu. Its head waters are formed by several lakes, near the head waters of the St. .Maunci-. KKXTVIl.LE HiiooK, of Ki igs co., N.S., rises in .McCJee Lake, and Howiug N.K. about (i.j mile-, enters he Corn- wallis river at" Keniville. It is a very picturesque stream, with beautifid falls of -l'> feet, :> miles from Keutville, and is celebiaied fiu-ils smidts. KKSIKAl', a river of (^)uebec into the Si. Maurice about 300 above riiii e Rivers KKSWICK, a river of York co., N.B., tnters the N. ba.di of the St. John, a falls miles few miles above Fredericton. It flow? through a fine and well settled valley, traversed by the Xew Hrunswick R. R. KETCH HARBOR, a river in Halifax CO., X. S., .0 miles long. KlKEXDATCII,orOSKISKETAK,ft river of t^tuebcc, runs from the X. into u lake of the same name, one of the mile^ I'll] so rces of the St. .Maurice, (Jii above Lake Weynioiitacliinciue, miles above Three Rivers. KI.VtiilAM RIVKR, rises in two small lakes in (Jrenville, Argenteiiil CO., Que., and winils to tlie S.\\' to its junction with the Oilawa, at the basin at the head of the Carillon and (jren- ville Ciiiial. KIXG'S LAKE, a small lake about r, miles E. of llilifax. N.S. KIXGST, and itlicr l)ran- Anuapuli!" |)olis river. giiierally lisli, whicb, i and ftliig- the angler !, is part of :^ into Lake le. Di-tli West lar sliajie, it::^ surface opens into ic;ilcs with I short but fall I'J feet 8 in'ar the (,f tiiflake. i:f Labra- nebec, falls mouth of ver i)f New nf 8t. Law- apin. a river of Cult ot St. Uicliibucto. . See Belle ■iverofQue- f Lake St. iuibered. LAC A CAi'OCliE, in Hellechasse LACOLLE, a river of (,)ueber, flows CO., Que., one of the sources of a small from W. to E. and falls into the Rieiic- Btream runniiiff into t' o N.E. side of lieu opposite Ash Island. It is a fine the Riviere du Sud. niill stream, but not navigaljk- even for LAC A CENDROX, in Bellechasse canoes. CO., Que., the .siiurce of a small stream running into the N.E. side of Riviere du Sud. LAC DEL'ESCLAVE. S.c Great Slave Like. LA(J I)E L'ISr.E A LA CROSSE, a lake of till .North West Ttnritiiries, in [at. of) 2V N.,l(in. 107 ^>i M W. It is about f!0 miles inna, collects tiie various sources of Cinirehill river and yields a consfantsnjiply ofjzood lisli botli inwiu- ter and summer. Here is an important postdf tlie Hudson's Hay Company. LAC DES IJOIS. See Lake of the Woods. ^ LAC DES DEUX MOXTAGXES. S«e Lake of T\V().\i()imtains. LAC DES Hi; RONS, in Ikdlechasse CO., Que., jfives to the X. braneii of a small stream running into the X.E. side of Riviere du Sud. LAC DES LIE VRES, a chain of lakes in Ottawa eo , Que., running- from X. to S,, and funning tiie eomnuniceinent of I he north west branch of the Riviere du Lii'vre. LAC DES MILLES ISLES, ("Lake of the Thousand Llands,'') an expan- sion in the upper ]iart of the St. Law- rence river, which see. LAC DES .MILLES LACS, a beauti- ful lake of the North West Territnries. One of the sources of tiie River WiMne|»ig is at Savanne Pontage, afterwards ex- panding into this lake and flowing ou to Rainy Lake as Rivi r La Seine. LA CHEVROTIERE, a river of Que- bec, is formed by the juiicticMi of three small streams in the co. of Portneuf, and falls into the N. bank of the St. Lawrence above Qneb'c. LACIHXE RAIMDS, on the River St. [.awrenee, are situated betXvecn La- chine and Montreal. Tliey ])ree ich in l(i3J. LA HAVE LAKES, several small lakes in K ngs co., X.S., give rise to the La Have river. LAIT, III VIERE AU, a small stream in Porlneuf CO., t^ue., runs into the S. W. side of tiie St. Maurice, above the mouth of the Bostonnais river. LAKE AINSLIE, in the county of Inverness, Cai)e Hreton, lies in the val- ley of Aiiislie about 3 miles to the west- ward ot Whycoeomah village, 8 miles Bonth of Mabou Harbor. It is 12 miles long and 7 miles broad at the widest part. The outlet of Margaree river forms the northern corner of the lake. Eels abound in it all the year round. A great object of curiosity that has been seen rising to the surface of the lake is a huge monster supposed from a distance to be 70 feet in length, and in all respects and form like a sea serpent. It swam along very nearly in a straight line through the middle of the lake, until a certain i)oint called McLean's Point hid it from view. This monster was seen for the first time ten years ago, and has been seen two or three times since then. Lake Ainslie Froduces salmon, gaspereaux, and trout. t has regular shores, and contains no islands. On its west shore there is every appearance of Petroleum being -1 .-liant I'.ader the surface, as it oozes ov scenery is much admired. L. a'E ALMA, a small lake in Anna- }ioiiji .1)., X.S., 2v, miles from Hridge- towa L is 3 miles long, surrounded by fine scenery, and contains trout in abundance. LAKE AYLMER, a beautiful lake on the River St. Francis, co. of Wolfe, Quebec, about 8 miles long by 3 miles wide, and abounding in excellent fish. LAKE BARS'STOX, in Stansteid co., Que., the expansion of a considi-rable stream running into Lake Massawiprd LAKE BENOIT, in Chic -utimi co , Que , has its outlet by a .J.E. side of the Sagueiay, nearlv oppnsite Hal Ha! I'av LAKE HEVAX, a lake of Argeitcii! CO., Que. On its Ijorders there is si con- siderable quantity nfcxri'lli'iit o:ik. LAKE BEWILDERED, a lake .f Quebec, W. of the River St. .Mauricf, on the route towards Great Goldfinih Lake LAKE BONHOMME, a small lake in the CO of Portueuf, Que. LAKE CAWAKAl'.ISKITEC, a la\e of Quebec, near the head waters of the St. .Mauriee. LAKE CHARLES, a small lake in the township of Dartmouth, co. of Hali- fa.\-, XS. LAKE COMMAXDAXT, a pictures que lake of considerahle size near Montebllo, Ottawa co., Que. It b studdi.'d with islets and rocky rcefj, and deep shady bays sur[irise the voy- agcnr at everv point. LAKE CUTIATEXDI, a small lake in the mountains of Fossainbaull, Port- ncuf CO., Que., is the source of the Riviere aux Pins. LAKE DES XEICtES, a large lake in the rear of (^uehi>c. fall of trout. LAKE DURKE-S, a small lake in Yarmouth co., X.S. LAKE ECHO, a pretty lake in tlie town.^hip of Pre.^ton, Halifax co., X.S. LAKE EGMOXr,a lake in the co. of Halifax, X.S., has its outlet in a small stream running into Gay's river. LAKE EQUERRE, a lake in the townshii) of Bucklami, co. of Belle- chasse. Que., one of the sources of the Riviere des Abenaquis. LAKE EQUERRE, a lake in the county of Quebec, on the road to hike St. John. It abounds with trout. LAKE JOSEPH, a large lake in Fos- sambault, Quebec, on the (iosfiud R. R. line. Speckled trout of large size is abundant. LAKE GEORGE, a be^iutifnl shoot of w iter in the tow isliipofPi'Incc \\'illi,un,, CO. of York, N.B., about 3^, miles luu.n by 2 broad, the source of the Po(ininck river, a small stream running N.W. into the St. John. An antimony mine is worked on the shores of this lake. LAK 407 LAK nsteidco., nsidi-ruble ii-;>;i\vip[ti. utimi CO, all stream If of the :ila!!5ay. re id a cou- t oak. I lake (if ,. Manricf, Goldfinrh ill lake :ti EO, ala\.' lers of ilio \\\ lake ill :o. of Hali- i pictures size near • lie. It i> icky reef;, e the voy- small lake aiilt, Port- I'ce uf the •rro lake in )iit. II lake in ke in Hie CO., N.S. the CO. oi' in a small vor. ce in til'.' of J5eik- rces of I lie in the ad to hike rout. kc in Fos- osfoid R. irije size is 'ill shof^t of e William, nilcs hini;' Poqiiiock iiig N.W. lony mine is lake. I LAKE GEORGE, a considerable lake in Yarmouth Co., \.S., surrounded by 70 or HO otliers of a smaller size, abo'iiiding in fine fish and rich with timb'r. LAKE GOLDFINCH, ii St. Mauriee CO.. Que., is the first of a ciiain of lakes tliat supply the N.E. branch of the Rivii'-re dn Lievre. LAKK IlF'^fiFX, an expansion of the Nii'ijron river, oio tiiilefpim Red Ruck, a nud-ouV Hay t'omyiany's post at the head of Nifiigroi harbor, Lake Superior. It is H ni'les iontj bv 1 wide. LAKE.IOMX, a' bike in Arsr'^ iteuil CO., <.>iie.. has its ontlet in Davis river. LAK1-: JOHN, a lake in ({oiivill • ro . Que., is tiie source of the South West river LAKF: JOSEPH, a beautiful lake om the Mii-koka river, district of M'skoka, Out It is nnvirrable for steamers. LAKK J(»SEI'H, a small lak- in the towMshin of Harrinpctnn, ro. of Arfr"n- teui], tjue., about 4 miles lone by 1 wide, and aboundine: in trout and other fish LAKE KAKERONGA. a lar?e inko near the he-id waters of the Ottawa river, about lat. 47 I.')' \ , lo'i. 7t; :^0 W. At ts N. extremity is a tra . N S., fjivesrise to a trlbutarv of the St Croix. LAKE MIJr/:<»WAJA, a beautiful lake on the Ottawa river, in Pontiac CO., Que. LAKE LAWSON. a small lake on Gold river, in Luni-nbiire eo., X.S. LAKE LO.MOXD. a beautiful like C, miles N. of St. Jolin, X.B. It is sur- rouid'd with very iiicture-que see lerv. LAKK LOMOND, in the S.W.nartof the lowuoliip of Inverness, co. of Megan- tic, Que., receives the waters of several streams ai.d iaktS and discharges iiself into the Clyde. LAKE Li ION, a small lake in the .Montague Gold district, 5 mih s E. of Halifa.v. X.S. LAKK LOUISA, a pretty lak ■ on the River St. Fram is, in th'' tow isliip of Weedoii, CO. of Wolfe, Que., about 5 m les lonsr by .'5 miles wide. It abounds with niaskin'iuge, sturgeon, has-, pick- erel, white fish and eels. LAKE MACAVA.MACK, a small lake in the township of Woliurn, eo. of Compton, Que., has its outlet in Lake .Megantic. ^ LAKE MAJOR, a lake on the West Salmon river, in the townr-:iii|t of Pres- ton, CO. of llalifa.\,N.S. Leiiglli about .") miles. LAKE MAXOUAX, a large lake of Quebec, out of the sources of the Ribbon river. LAKE MAXTALAGOOSE, a lake of Quebec, near the head water- of R bboii river. Its shape is singiilarlv irregu- lar. LAKE MARGARKE, Inverness co.. N S. See Lake .\iiislie. LAKK M.\RV, a small lake in Anna- liolis eo , .X..S., near the head wa; r.s of Po' t .M'Mlwav river. LAKEM.VTAWAX.alakeinJoliette CO., Que., between Lakes Kempt and Shasawataisi, gives rise to a shori river of the same name. L.\KE MKRRV, a small lake on the bolder of Kings and Lunenburg coun- ties. X.S. LAKE MISTAKE, an expansion of the Riviere du Lievre, in Ottawa co.. Que., below Lmiir Isia m1. LAKK MORIX. in Belleeh.i >-e co.. Que., has its on let in the X.E. side of Riviere du Sud. LAKK MUlXiEE-MANIToT'.a shal- low sheet of wat'-r, on (^ .Ma litoii- lin I-liUid, Lake Hnro i, Oiitaric, ai out .') miles long; has its oiiiKi in Lake Kagawoiig by a bronk snflic'eiitly large to ite ii.'vi^fa'ed bv eaiioes. LAKK MURDiM'll, in i'ictoi co., N'.S., miles in bn'ddth. L.AKE O.XTARITZI, or ST. JOSEPH, in Portneuf eo.. Que., receives the Little Riviere Aiix Pins and discharges itself into the Rivei" Jacques ('artier. LAKE OXIGA.MIS, one of the chain of lakes fcn-ming the hciid waters of the River St. .Maurice. The country be- tween this lake and the sources of the St. .Maurice is level, the soil sandy and the growth of timber, especially tamarac, of good size. LAKE OSKELANAIO. a lake of Quebec, near tlie head waters of the li.ver St. Maurice. It is 27 miles long from N.K. to S.K. and 4 miles wide. LAKE PAXACIIK, a lake of very irregular shape on the Whitelish river, Out., la'. 4(5 15 N., loi. HI 20 W. It contains a large number of islands. Length about 18 miles, averagebreadlh 2 mih's. LAKK PAPINEAU, a large lake in Ottawa CO., Que., givi's rise to th'main branch of the North Petite Nation River. LAKE PAUL, in Kings co., N.S., near Lake Kempt, is tlie source of a branch of the River La Have. Length about r? miles. In its centre is a small island. LAKE PEAKQUAGOMI, or PEA- KU.AGAMI, the Indian name for Lake St. John. Chicoutimi co., (^le. LAKE PI(;OT, a small lake on the W. side (>f Meander river, Jiear its source, in Hants co., N.S. LAKE PITT, in Megantic co.. Que., communicates by a small channel with L ike William, whence the waters dis- eliarge into the River Clyde. It is about 5 miles long by ^ a mile wide, and abounds in fish. LAK 400 LAK countless riiiH, ilia- :onU nued iters, llie Llie vision Mit'liikc, roui view xiiiil him. Ivor f rum •ea origin A INS, a biiiuff an a lU'ur its lar form, yiiig from JOSEPH, tin; Little tfc'S itself I". the chain Icrs of the 11 n try be- ces main ic Nation N'.S., near a Wnmcli (Till aliout a small or PEA- for Lake ice ou tlie near its CO.. Que., .niiel with aters d is- le. It is wide, and LAKE POTIIIER, of Quebec, one of the lakes that supply the N.E. branch of tlic Fiivieie du Lievre. LAKE I'REVCKST, in Charlevoix co.. Que., is t!ie source of a small stream runiiiiifi: into tiie Little Kiver .\Ialbaie. LAKE HAMSAV. a hike on the west branch of tlie (lold river, in Liinenlurtr CO , N.S. It is of a very irrej^iihirshape ; and abounds with various kimla of lisli. • LAKE R()CIIEi5LA\(', of Quebec, lies between Lakes I'othier and La Rciqiie at the head of tiie Riviere du Lievre. LAKE ROSSEAU, a beautiful lake in the district of .Miiskoka, Out., con- nected witli Lake .Miiskoka. Itisnavi- gal)le for steamers. Tliere are several viih-iires on its bunks. LAKE liOSSKJXOL, the largest lake in tiie province of Nova Scotia, on the Liverpool river, !•! miles from the head of tide. Into it flow the streams from a number of lakes. The coast line is irreijular, iiidentcd with a number of hays. It contains a larpe number of islands and is fretiuenied by produces trout and salm m. L .A K E ST. EUST A CUE. a small lake in the township of lUandf'ord, co. ot Nicolet, Que., has its outlet in the River ftux OriL'iiiMii.v. LAKE ST. FRANCIS, a beautiful lake in Heauce co., Que., 4i) miles X.E. of Siie.'-brooke. Length about 14miles, breadth 1 to 2 miles. It is surrounded iiievrry directioii by lofty wood cov- ered mountains, and abounds with fish. LAKE ST. JOACHI.M, or (JRAN'D LAKE, in Montmorency co.. Que., has its outlet ill the River Ste. .Viiiie. LAKE ST. LOUIS, aluki' of Quebec, formed by the expansion of the river St. Lawrence, miles S.W. of .Montreal, L 'iigth "JO miles ; greatest breadth 7 miles. The River Ottawa enters it by two chtinuels on its W. side. LAKE ST. LOUIS, a small lake in tlie township of IJlandford, co. of Nico- let. (.)n<'.. one of the sources of the River Gentillv. LAKE ST. PETER, a hike of Que- bec, being an expansion of the lUver St. Lawrence, between lat. 4tj and 40 H N., and about Ion. 7;{ W. Length 3,'> miles ; greatest breadth 10 miles. It receives many rivers, the largest of which is the St. Francis fmm the S E. Ill its S. part a-e nianyi sla id,^. It is navigable for oc 'an steiimers. LAKE ST. PETEi{, a small lake in Kamoiiraska co.. Que., about lA indes long and niirrow. LAKE SCASWANINEPUSJn dmp- ton CO,, Que., a hugi- cxpaiHion of the i{iver .Magog, 5 miles long and \ to 1 mile wide. LAKE SEI5ASTIEN, in the eo. of Qii'liec, a-i expansion of asm. ill stream running into the I'ivrr Jeaniie. LAKE SEtiAMlTE, in the co. of Quebec, an expansion of the river Jean LAKESIIAPAIGAN, a lake in the highlands aoove the source of the St. .Maurice. LAKE SlIASAWATAISI, a lake of a longand irregular shaiie in ('liam- idain co., <^iie., collects tlie waters of the .Matawa'i and other lakes, and dis- charges them by a connecting stream into the St. .Maurice, near the mouth of Ribbon river. LAKES OF RRITISII COLUMBIA. — There are many hundreds of lake^ in British (.'olmiibia, but wo have been unable to obtain descriptions of a tithe of their iiiinibcr. They vary in dimen- sions from To miles iirieiij^'ili tiy 4 or 5 miles in breadth to the mere mountain tarn of a few acres in extent, and gen- erally iiboind with fi le tish. Of the I)riiicipal lakes the following may be inentioied : On tributaries id" the Kr;i- ser: Stuart's Lake and Lake Tath'i, Eraser's Lake, Lac des Fram/ais, Itear Lake, Qiiesnel and Caribou ' ake, L.ike ('hilcotin, Lac a la llaclie, La';es An- derson and Seton, Harrison's Lake, Pitt Lake, near Westminster ; the upper a'ld 1 nver Shusliwap Lakes on Thomp- son's River; Horse Lake and i.rac des Bochers (Ui the North Branch. On the Coliimhia watershed the great ( (kiiia- ga 1 Lake and the Osooyoos, the .Arrow Lakes, the Oreat Lake of the Arcs- plattes on the Kootenay Branch. Oa the waters of Peace river, .McLeod's Lake, &c. Close to Stuart's Lake is Nata-piiiiket or Babiue Lake, a sheet of water of the first magnitude lieadi ig a branch of the Skeena ; and on a tribu- tary of the same stream flowi-ig from the northward is Connolly's Lake, on both of which are posts of the Hudson's Bay Company. 1 t i < LAK 410 LES |5i , 1 '^ ■■i 4, |] T-AKES OF THE OTTAWA DIS- TllK' r.— The sevorul lownslii|.s aloiijr llif (lutiiicmi iirnl [)u liii vn- Ilivt-rs uro .stu'ideil wit ■ iiiimcrous luke.^, easy of access, and ud'ordi ig great sport to tlic ;ili;.'lcr. I.AKK SI'K('TA<.'LE, a snisill lake ill Aiiii:i)iidi.s CO., N' S., 14 miles f'nuii iJi i(i;;rf()\vii. It is the source of Port Mciiwuv river, flowing S.E intotlie At- lantic, Mill! ciuitains tiue trmit LAKK .SIiKHI!l{(K>KI-:, a beautiful lake in Liineniniig co., N.S., li or 7 miles lung and 1 to 2 wide. It fornn jtart of a tir;incli of I lie ' a Have river. l-AKKS(>l'OlIAT()r[\' or S(>rAT- TK( ,' i\, in Teniiscoiiat:i co , Que . is one of tiic sources of tlie iliv.'r Tnladi. It is .'>'• m les in superlicial extent. LAKIO TIIO.MAS. a pretty sheet of •waier ill II ilifa.x co., \.S., near Wind- sor Junction. i.AKE TIlAVEFiSK, near the head waters of the St. Maurice, in Fortnenf CO., <.iMie., is iihont 18 miles long and from a thw chains to '2\ miles wide. Its hanks are covered \\iih sjiruce, balsam, iir, tamarac, and white birch. The St iMaurice enters this lake l.\ miles below the end, VM miles N. of LAKE UlST, a small lake at the head of Salmon river, in Cape Breton CO., .\ S. LAKK WAHASKOUTYUXK. Sec Laki' Kem]»t. LAKK WEXTWOHTH, in Digby co., N.S., receives the waters of a small stream froni the N,, and gives rise to the Tiisket river. It is studded with Beveral islands. LAKE WESCJUATOWCOW, a lake ofQuebic, near the head waters of the St, .Maurice. Dark marten ofveryfiie quality are very abnndaut on this lake. LAKE WILLIAM, in Chatham Gore, Argenieuil co., Que., discharges itself by a small siieum into Lake John. LAKE WILLIAM, in the t.iwishii) of Ilaliliix, Megantic co., yards. LAKKS 1, 2 and :?, three lakes of the CO. of Gaspe, Que. No. 1 is situated between the rivers York and St. John, .0 mile.s from Gaspe harbor ; it is .1 niile< in circumference. No. 2 is al)out 2 miles from the atiove ; it is much larger. No. H is about 4 miles further, and about the same size. Tiiey all altonnd with tine trout. LA I'KTITE liiyiKliE RAHASKA, Noriii West Territories. See Clear \»ater River LA PLANCilE, a river in Cnmher- 1 >iid CO.. N S., riitis W.S W. into tin- Hay of Fuiidy, A ixirtage ofonlyoae nile separates its head waters froni those of the Tignish runni:ig into IJay Verte. LA IMil'IE, a river of Manitohn, takes its in the height of land be- tween Lakes Superior and Winiipeg, and descending tlirough several mi'cu' lakes has its outlet to the .\.W. in Win- nipeg River. L A.S.SO.Ml'TION, a river of Quebec, takes its rise in rear of Joliette co..auil follo.ving a very ^erjientine course of over loo miles throuarh much rough and mo'intai ions country, disehaiges itself into the St Lawrence above the village of Repentig ly, wliere the niiited waters of the Rivers Jesus and Des I'raries enter the St. Lawrence. It is navigable f(^r batteanx to a consider- able distance, a id much timber is tent down it. It abounds with tisli. LA TUQUE, a small stream or (aitlel of a lake a. few miles N.E. of the post of La Tuiiiie on the River St. .Maurice. It runs into the Petite Hostonnai* river. LA TUQUE FALLS, a fine cascade of .")() feet on the St. Maurice. loO miles from its month. A st amer plies be- tween here and Grand Piles. L.'WAIj river, a salmon stream of Quebec, 'lO miles below Tadousac. LEAVERS LAKE, a small lake near Gabarus Bay, in Cajie Breton co., N.S. LEQUILLE RIVER, a srood salmon a'ld trout stream iir Annapolis co.. N.S., empties into the Annapolis Basin near Annapolis town. LE.S.SHR SLAVK LAKK, a lake of the North \Vesl Territories, about lOD miles Inntr and above .'SO miles broad at its broadest part. It is in the middle of a trading district known as that of L'SS'T Slave Lake, m extent altout 4^0 miles from E. to W. and 200 from N. to S., say 80,000 square miles, and des- LIT it is .1 i« about !•< iiHicli i further, Tliey ttll J5ASKA, L'C Clear Curiiber- iiito tlic only oip (MS fVoin into l!ay MilllitoI):«, r laiiil be- A'iiriipe^', Till nii'oi' v. ill Win- )f Quebec, W CO.. auii course of icli roucrh liscbiirgcj above the tlieiiiiiteil and l)e.s nee. It is consider- ber is s-eiit sb. n or outlet )f the post Maurice, {ostonnais rie ra senile 1(10 miles plies be- st ream of UiJac. mull lake }reti)U CO., 0(1 salmon ;l]toliS CO.. lolis B:isiu a lake of about 100 ^•( broad at the middle as that of t aliout 400 from N. to , and des- cribed as tho very Kdon of otir Xnrtli. Lat. r..'-)' 40 N., Ion. 117' VV. Tlu.s lake has been k^owii lo keep free from ice until near ('bri^iinas. li'KTAN'lJ, a beautiful lake in the CO. of (.'harlottc, .V.H. At i's outlet into tlie Hiy of Kumly it forms a deep and capaeous hiirbor, in \vlii(di tiie larije.m vessels can anchor with iierled eeeuritv. l.KSflT I''li{K, a lake of guebee, on the S.. K''ruiich of the (iaiiueau, sev- eral mdi's below its .^ouree, :'..") mihs iS.W. of the Kirkeiidaleh post ou the St. Maurice, ami 107 miles N. of .Mon- treal. LILV LAK K, a prettv sheet of water 1 mile .v. 1)1 St. John, .V.H. Near it are uiMuy line resjdenc 's. LISCOMI!, a river in Giiysborouph CO., rise-iin si'veral brancties whi"'h join and fall into the Atlantic through Lid- comb hiirbor LISCOMIfS, a small lake in C.uys- borontrh CO., N.S., gives rise to a branch of thf Lis. o'lib river. LITfLK ATIIAIiASCA, a river of the Norlli W est Territories. See Clciir Water Kiver. LIT TLK HALDWI?^, or PIX.VACLE liAKK, a pretty li tie lake in Coranton CO., Que., a few miles W. of Coiiticook. On its X.K. shore is ii peculiar moun- tain risinij ])erpendicu!ar!y to a height of 1,00 I feet. It is wooded nearly two third^ofits heiglit, but the remainder is entirely destitute of trees. It is called 'The Piimiide." LITTLK HAS.S, a small river in Col- chester CO., N.S., enters ("obetpiid Hay from the N. LITTLK CARCAPEDIAC, a river of Honaventure CO., Que. See Casca- pediac. Little. LITTLK LAKEj a bike in Temis- couata CO., Que., in the seigniory of Madawaska, has its outlet in Lake Temiscouiita bv a small s.tream that crosses the Portage. LITTLK LAKK STE. MARIE, in Charlevoix co, Que., has its outlet in the River Miilbaie. LITTLE NOITVELLE RIVER, a small .-itreiim in the township of Hojie, CO. of Hoiiaventure, Que. It is frequent- ed by sea trout. Large forests of pine Burroiiml its head waters. LITTLK PIC, a river of the district of Algoma, Oiit., enters Lake Superior 411 LIV in the bottom of a b.iy lyiug X. of Pic island, about 'Jn miles \\'.\V. of the mouth of the (Ireat Pic River. Imn t>ie is fnutid uear its mouth. LITTLK i'lLK.^. a fall on Wv St. Maurier, :;:! milf,- fmni its mouth. LITTLK RIVKR, a sniitll riv.r fall- ing into Chigiieclii lliiy, on the X. coast of ('unilierhiiid en., \.S. LirrLK RIVKK. a small slP'.im falling into I'orl l^ichmoinl, on the Strait of Canso, Cape l>relou l.-;laud. Si.x miles from it> iiiontb then' jiic two small bikes ;i to 4 miles l(Mig iibounding with siilnion iiud trout LITTLK iilVEIJ. a .small stream flowing into the (lulf of St. Lawrence, at the northern end of (,^heticamp. In- verness CO., XS it takes its rise from various springs in the int«'rior iimi is about \'l mdes long. It nb'unids w th trout and ee!s, a id sometimes is fre- (jueited by salmon. (>iinoes can as- cend ii distance of '2 miles. LITTLK RIVER, a small stn-am of miiiL' into the River Detroit. LITTLK RIVKR, in Monaveutnre co , Que., fiills into tho mouth of the Resti- goucho. LITTLK WIIITK RIVKR, a rapid anil sliiillow stream tlowitiL'soutii west- erly and fiiUing into the River .Mi--iss- aga, in tiie district of Algoniii, (bit. X. shore of Lake Huron, about 4') 2'i X. lat ,and 8;? 1;.' W. b.n. LIKVRK. RIVIKRK DU, (' River of the Hares,") a large river of Quebec, rises in numerous hikes near thr head waters ci' the (liitinciiu, with wliich stream it runs tiaialiel for ii cornider- able spiice, and traversing Ottawa co., from X. to S. falls the ()ttawi[ river a short distance below ()tt;iwa city. It is 200 miles in leiiirth ii'id with its numerous tributaries drain- an arcii of 4,100 stpiare miles. The iiiivi- giition of this river is interrupted by rapids and falls. In its courseit wiuil-s tlirough some oftlietnost picturesqii>' sceuery. and there ate an abundii'we of lake-! stockeil with trout. L'lSLKTTp], ii small rivulet rniiniiig into the Siitriienjiv, abnve Ha! Ha! I'av. LIVKRPOf'L ' RIVKR. of \nv;, Scotia, rises in the co. of .Ann.aiHlI:;, and runs S.K. into the Athtntic. Totiil leigth 5t) miles. Its estuiiry fnrms si line harbor. shelt"red fr-ora all wind- by surrounding highlands. This bar- ii^: ;M' m ' ".I'i ii 1- ='■ ■Z '"I' ■ LO.V 412 MAO : 1 Y m Id. ^ Imr (i|iciH iiiti) liivci'pool Huv, wliii-li lii'rt (iji'ii to the S.K Willi u iiiuiitli it mill's wiijt', rx|i()siM| (o ilic lull s\vc<'|» of llir Allnulic. Vf^si'ls niiiiiul ridr Willi >iililv ill iiiiy pail (il'llif Iniv tiiir- iiH^jis piiilicilv siiinii. liivcrpodl rivi-ris Jiiiv i^dhli' 'J iiiilcs. Sixteen miles Irinii tlie IhuiI III llic lide is I lie liir^esl hike ill the |ii'(ivitiee, imIIciI hiike Kossi^niol, into wliieli empties tlie strennH Iroiii ii iiiiiiil)er of liikes, Tlie CDiisl line is ir- reM^'iilar, ami iiiilenle(l wiiliii iiiimlierot' ))av.v II eniitains u laij^e iiiimliei' of itilamis. The lisli are chielly trout and salmon. Seven miles I'roin the inlet of lliis lake is Fairy liUke, a heantilnl circular sheet ot water ahoiit \\ miles in diameter, lis history is of more tiiaii usual interest, in coiisr(|i;('iiee of its I) 'in;,' llie locality to which the ori^^inal inlialiilaiiis wer' driviii diiriii^tlie war b>iweeii I he Kiijriish and French. Many relics ol' the war have hreii (uiiiid on its shores. From the head of tliis lake, iiiverpnol river e.vteiids si.v miles Jiuiher to a lake called Frozen Oceai, an iiieonsiderahle sheet of Water in the co. ol' Annapolis. LOCH LO.MO.Nl), a l.eautiful lake C miles X. of St. .h>lri, N.H., ono of a chain sup]llvin^r the city with water. l-OCll lAt.MONU, a* lake of Nova Scotia, in tlie co. of Kichniuiid, Island of (."ape llreton, H miles loiii,' i.y .j of a mile Itroad. Its coast line is very irre- gular, llaboiinds with trout and eels, and hasitsoutlel in the Atlantic throiitfli (ira;id river, a small stream iH miles long. LOMHUETTK, a river in Montmor- ency CO., Que., runs into the Iliver St. Anne LO.N'C; LAKi*:, a beautiful lake in Temiscoiiala co.. Que., about Ii! miles long and 1 wide. It id the sourco of the Rivei (;abiiieau. J-0.\(l LAKE, a lake of Ontario, N.W. of Lake Superior, about ;"):< miles long, and varying from .] to 4 miles wide. The country around its shores is extremely rough. Cat Lake Hows into it at its southern extremity. At its head is a trading pi)st of the IliaU eon's Hav Comiiauy. Lat. 49' 4G 30 N., Ion. Hi; 4ir \V. LONG LAKE, a pretty lake in Shel- burne co., N.S., an exjiausion of the Iloseway or JShcIburne river. Abounds with trout. LONtJ L.\KE, in the co. of ira.iH, .\'.S,, is ;i mile-, long, ami varies in Width fi'oin 1 to J miles. it is -tiiddcd with inlands, iis many a< !),"i have bieii counted, and abonnd-i with trout. Out of it is-iies the llebert river. LoNtJ L.\KK, of Quebec. See Keno- gaiiii. LoN(J LAKE l.'IVEi:. (.f the Nonh West Teiriltaies. See Kenouiimi 'i^ibi. i-OON liAKE. in Time llivcrs dis- tiict. (^tiie , J.', niile-i from Kirkijidalch, a post of the Ibidsiui's Kay Company on the l!i ver St. .Maurice. LOK.MIKKE, a river in St. Maurice CO,, (.lue., falls into Lake St. I'eter a little S.NV. of the liiver .M.isk'imu'.'e, having been |iri'vioiisly joined by the Uilisseau des I'xiis Ilia ic. LoU(illi:Oi:olJCIl, a lake ill I'mnlcnac co., Out., a feeder of the lii- deaii Canal. Lorn.'KS, I!1VIE1!E AI'X. in St. Maurice co., (.Mie , and falls into tlio N. siile of Lake St I'eter. LVNN'S CI.'EKK, a small stream rniiiiing into Lake (tntario, \V. of Whilbv. .McC'AIiE'S, a small lake on the Sackville river, in ll.difa.x co , .\.S. .McKAVS LAKE, in the district ol Algoma, Out., on the .\. slnu'i' of Ijak<' Superior, about 1- miles long and L\ miles wiile. It gives rise to the l*ie liiver. The country around it, es- pecially to the N., is hilly and barren. MAIJOli, a river of Nova Scotia, enters the (JiilfofSt. Lawrence on the N. W. coast of the Island of Cape l)ret(m. Its principal sources are South West, South East, and North East rivers. The South West runs a coiiise of K') miles from River Dennis Moun- tain. The Soiiili East has its soiirci! in (Jlencoe and runs a course of about 12 miles. The North East branch rises in Cape Mab')u. The two lirst naiiiod branclies abound in salmon, gaspereaiix, trout, eels and smelts. The country nlo:ig tiiese rivers is exceedingly fer- tile, and the scenery at the mouth of tile harbor is very beautiful. Ves.-el.^ of heavy tonnage find good anchor- age in .Nlabou harbor. MAC CAN KIVEI{, a small river which falls into the Cumberla id basin, at the head of the Bay of Fiindy, N.S. It is navigable for 5 or 6 niihs for ves- sels of from 40 to 100 tous. The Inter- MAO 4i;i MAO .1 :• stri'iiii) W. of colonial niilrond pns'P'? cloqo to its li!inI'! N, Ion. lli; ;{ • \V'., Hows iia tortnons clianiicd .N.N K., receiving nnnierons trihiitaries and forming .several coti- sideralde lakes, till il reaches Atha- basca lak". \v|iose waters it discharges, and receiving I'euce river, son miles long, continues N. \>y W . n'ider the name of Sl.ive I{iver to (Ireat Slave Lake, which it traverses, emerging at its S.W, extremitv; it tlcn takes the name of Maeken/.ie, and Hows in a general N'.V W. cimrse, receiving in hit. n;* :!0 N., the waters ofCreat l'.<'ar Lake, till it reaches tlie Ai'ctic (tcean, which it enter- hy niimerons months; its we>ternmo>t licitiuMii>< i;» \., Ion. l.'i;') :'.7 \V . havintr tr.ivirsed more than l of '.|,ooo ^i|niire miles. On its banks are to bu found some of the best red and white i>ine on the contiiiejit. MAD.WVASKA l{l\ KH, riM'-m Lake Temi-^couala. and rMiiniiigS fdU iilo the iJiver Si, John at IvIiiMrid-tnn, .N 11. It is .'10 miles long and varies in breadtli from DO to l.'.o yiird-i. Tlie scenery on its banks is very pretty. The bind on both sides is ot excellent ty ami in snna' place- well -ctiled. The .Mada- waska at)onnds with trout, and is navi- gable throu<;hout for siimll steamers. Madawa^ka nieii'is " never tVo/.en." .M.MiKLI'.I.Nl";, a river of (l.i-pe co , Quebec, enters the S. shore of the St. i,awreiict! at <"a|) de la .Madeleine, about I'X) miles below Ma lane. A good salmon stream. MA(JA(irAI)A\ |(',a river of New l!runswi(d\, falls iulo i'lis-aiinnpiodd}' l!ay 1 miles Im low the town of St. (leorge, to which port it is navigable for vessids of |oo to ]')() tons bnrihen. It is about loo miles in h-ngili and atl'ords great water power to a largo number ot mills, wl)i(di mannfictnre immense (piantities of lumber. miiipioddy Hay. into which the river empties, is a hand-oine sheet of water about p; m les hum- bv l."> mile^ wide at Its greatest breadtli. Niimerons kimls offish frcipieiit its wateis, snch us her- ring, mackerel, cod and haddock, 'i'his b;iy is coiiipare(i by toniisisfor iialural beauty and splendid sf-eiiery to the H.iy of .Naples Tins river w ,i.s formerly C(Uitemled by the Americans to be the true St. Croix, and con-e- (pienlly the western b'iiiiidaiy of the ])roviiice of .New Brn;isw iek -a claim whi(di, could it liave been .• ll>s. weijjjiil. Tliere arcalso (luan- tities of pickerel antl eeks. A special act cl"ses this stream to (isliinj; from tlie 25th of June to the l."c. MAILLOIJX, a river of Charlevoi.x CO., Que., falls into the St. Lawrence near Murray H ly. MA ITLAXD, a river of Ontario, takes Its rise in the township of Minto, co. of Welliiijrton, and falls into Lake ilnrou Ht Ooilerich. Xear its mouth are some very pretty falls. The Mai t land and its branches furnish a number of mills with motive power. MAK()KEHATAX,a lake on the Al- bany river, North West Territories, N. Ol' Lake Superior. It is nearly straifjrht, and measures If) mih^ in lenjrth by 1^ miles in breadth. The surroundiiiij count y is low ami level. A I the east- ern extremity of this lake the Albany flows out by two ciiannels, wliieii conio tof^eliier a{,'ain at Moosewake lake, 1!0 miles further down. MALAtJA, a iarfre and very beau- tiful lake of Xova Scotia, in tlie eo. of (iiu'(nis, is about 12 miles lon^f liy .'! miles wide. It contains 10 islands, a id is surrounded with hills covereij with tiinbm-. It is connectecl with (.Ireen- tirjd or Port .Medway lake by a small .stream called Wild (Jat river. MAL I5AIE, a bea itiful bay on tlio y<. coast of (!asj)e co., Que., about G miles wide iiy 4 miles broad. .\ear its S point a remarkable rock rises about 20(1 foct out of tlie water. It is about l,2n()feet wide, and contains .'{ arches wroufjlit by nature, the centre one of which is siillicieiitly large to admit a boat under sail to pass through with ease. M.\L B,\TK, a river of Quebec, rises ill some rocky hills in Charlev ix co., and falls into the St. Lawrence at .Mur- ray I{ay. It is a rapid stream and all'nrds gnod trout lishing. Several lakes at its head aboiiml with trout. .MAL HAIE, a river of the co. of rias|ie, Que., midway between (laspo Uasin and Perce, empties into Mai Haie. Boats can ascnd this river a short distance; canoes go up it 30 miles. It is freqiiented by salmon and trout. MAXICOUAGAX, or HLACK lUV'Kli, a large river of (].iiiada, rises in the territory of Labrador, a id en- tering the X.E. part of the co. of Sa- giieuay falls into the (Julf of St. Law- rence, 27 miles below Hersimis. MAXIGOUSITO UIVEK, CO. of St. Maurice, <,)iie. See Shawe ;egan. MAXITOBA, a lake of tlie Xorth West Territories!, lat. 51 X., long. 90^ W. It is immediately S W. of Lake Winnipeg, with which it is cniinected by the Dauphin river. Length 120 nrles; greatest breadth 2,") miles. .MAXITOU, a large river ot Q ebec, falls into the N. shore of the (Jiilf of St. Lawrence, a short distance be- low the Bay of ?^even Islands. It abounds in trout of a very large size. About a mile and a half from its mouth « MAR 415 MAS it pr(ici|iitates its waters in one un- i)n)ki'n HluM't over a jtrccipici' II.'! ffi't hi<;li, fiiriiiint; one of i lie must beiiutit'iil ciiscuiles in tlic proviice. MAMT()U-N'AMAl(j,a rivor of the N'ortli West, Territories, X. of liuke Snjieiior, enters tiie K'-nogaini river (> miles from the outlet nf Loii^^ liiike. MA MTOW KJK, a lake of the liistrict of Al{^'>ni;i. Out., forni.-i one of the sources i)t' the Miehiiili^ot' n river,\vhich eniptiis into Ij;ike Smieiior. MAN r \[.A(J()()SK, a lake of a sin- gularly irre^iihii forni near the head watcis of the fLhhoM river, a trilmtaiy of the St. Ma rice, Que., near hit. 48 .\., liin;r. 7."i \V. .MAgllAI'IT, a pretty sheet of water ill Qiiii'iis CO., .V. I!., receives the waters cf Fri'Mcli Lake aid discliargi.s them ami its 1 w 1 into (Jra id Lake. MAI:A[S, lUVlKUL DKS, a snull river ri nniiiff into the SM^nnjuav, (^iie. MARIOS, KIVlLliH DK.S, a' small streani niniiin}^ into I^a lliviere du (loiiUVe. in Moiitiiioreiicy co., Que. MA IK J A ;KL, a lake of InveriieriS Co., N'.H. Si'i' Lake Ainslie. MAR(;A1!KE, a river of Inverne.s.s CO., N.S., ri,>) tnih-s long III its c 'iirse it foims S tine lakes ' in which are s iine large slaiids. The river ami lakes are fieipi'iited by salmon, trout, smelts, alesvive.s and suekei'S. MARY S LAKE, a prettv lake on the R'ver Miiskoka, Out. Lat.4.") 14 .N'.,!on. Tit W. It is studdt'd with a iiiimbi-r of island-:. On its N E. side are blull's l'>') feet high. MARVS LAKE,asmall lakeof Delle- cli -se CO., Que., has its outlet is La Riviere Xoire. MAS(;olIAI.VE, a beautiful riv.r of Chicoutimi co., Q>ue , alioiit 4 miles long by l.j wide, of great depth and abounding with e.vecdh'iit lish. On its E. side are several islands .and moun- tains of great height. MASKIXON'OE, a lake in the town- ship of l!randon, co. of lieriliier, C^Mie., about '' miles i \ ci'cumferenee. It \n well stocked with lish and suiToundi'd by .,ild and beautiful scenerv. MASKIX0X(;E, a river o'f Qiebeo, rises in the above lake and tlows S S E. through much rough and mountainous country into the St. Lawrence. Aooiit H miles from its mouth it is navigable for boats and canoes as fir as th.' Oreat llapids, where there is a great fall of more than :M0 feet. M ASK AX( tXtil- WAG A.M IXG, a lako of O itario, in lat. 40' 48 N., Ion. 80' 2!> W., about 7 miles long and from 4 a mile to l.j miles wide. It funis one of the sources of the Sturgeou river, which empties into the N. side of Lako Nipissing. MASSAWIl'I'I, or TOMEFOBI, a beautiful lake in the township uf Hat- iM 'if* ^' "■ ■*■ i ■U: :^' MAT 41 G MED 'il : K , s ley, CO. of Stanstcnd, Que, uV)out 9 iiiiirs \ouir by!! wide. It i.s rcmarkabie for ils ^Mi'iit depth, which in iiniiiy lihircs is (Vom •!() to 'JO feet. Its shores lire riclily wnodi'd mid iiuU'titod with hiivs, mill it nltiUMids in li-h ot nmny kinds- " Itliick salnnin " hilic trout, iiike, sturjjcon, inaskinonjie, shad, &C, The snri'oundiiifi; seenery i.s very tine. Tlie Massiiwip])! \'alley Kailwiiy winds ahni;; tlie H. sidt; neaiiy tiie whoU' leiijilh (if the hiia-. This' lake has its onlh't in the IJiverSt. Tianeis hy the Ma-sawippi liver MASSAWI I'l IMVKH, of Qu bee, rises in the above laki' and falls into the St. Kraneis at liennoxville. M.\TA(iA.MASlIINlJ, u lake of On- larir, in hit. Ii) Id .\., Ion. 80 4i) W., nbiinl It miles in leuj^th. It >::ives rise to the Sliirfieon rivtT, whieh empties intt) tlie .\ side of Lake Nipissing. Ils ghons lire liarreii jind roeky. MAT.\(;().Mi.N(i,a lake in the district of .M^ioniM. Out., on the Miehipicoten rivrr, ri.i 1 feel above Luke Superior. M.VTANK, a tine salmon river of the CO. of llinionski, Que., rises in the Fl';(kshoek Mountains am' falls into the (lull (if St. Lawrenee ;!:i miles \V. of ('Mpe t'hatte. Lent;th about tJO miles. M.VT.M'KDIAC, a lake of Quebee, nboul Jl miles S. iif the S. shore of the St. l.awrtiiee. Len^rlh about iGnuh's; pic'iti'sl iircadtli ii miles. Its siioresare hi^li and linld. and covered with fjjoial tinilt ■!. The eenuv of the liikt' isdiver- silit (1 by a cluster of islands, whieh, Aviiii the exlensive surface of water ami the trrandenrof ihe surrouudinj; scenery attracts the attention of travellers. A few small streams fall into the lake, •which abounds witli "touladi' and MATAI'KDIAC, or MUSICAL IxIVKU, one of the chief tributaries of the l.'estiironehe, takes its rise in the nbove lake and runninjr S.S.E. enters the Kestijjjonelie D nnh's above Camp- beltoi. In its course it receives the waters of several large streams, par- ticularly the I'iscaminean, the Cassima- quagan. the Casupscull, and the llunniuin. The Matajiediac is in many idacc' diversified with numerousislands ami picturesque wimlincs; sometimes its waters are contracted uetweeu stupen- dous mountaius and at other times cxi)anded to a great extent in a fin« tipen country. MATATAL'S, a small lake in the west corner of the township of Tatama- gonche, co. of (Colchester, N.S., about :i iniles long by ij a mile wide. It gives rise to a small stream falling iiit > the French river at the head of tide. There is a varielv of fish in the liike,— trout, [lerch, g(d(l fish, black bass, ki',. M.\TA\VAN,a river of Oiil.i'io, tnkes its rise ill Trout Lake, runs in a W. direction to the line; dividing the water shed of the Ottawa and the Si. I^nw- rence or. the border of Lake N'ipissiiig, and enters the Ottawa .'ios miles froiii Montr-'al. Length 44,1 miles. It is the widest and deepest of the western tributaries of th- Ottawa, ami far larger at its source than at ils mouth. A sandy ridge id' only ij of a mile separ- ateji its head wait rs i'roni La iiivieie de Vase, a small rapid stream, o miles hrngj running into Lake Nij issing. Some jiarts id" tl:e lakes on the Matawan are 200 (Vet deep. M ATA WAX. or .MATTOIMX, a river of t^>uebee, falls into the St. n auiiee about 70 miles above Three lliver-^. 1 1 is of considerable length, and navigal)k' l"(jr canoes. MATrilAOASH MAV, alarg*^ inlet at the S E. extremity of (ieoigian Hay, Lake Huron. M ATPAWA, a river of thedistriet of Thunder Itay, Out., fjnws from the Slubaiidowan Lake aid falls into the Kiiministi(piia Hiver, o i its west side. M ATTOri.V, a river of Quebec. Sec Matawan. MKANI)EI{,a riverof Hantscc, N.S., rises in Coxcomb Lake, near Mount Uniacke, and, after joining th> River Jlebert, falls into the' River St. Croix. MKCATINA RIVER, a salmon stream on the north shore of the (Julf of St. Lawrence. MEDICINE LAKE, a lake on the Red Paint Riv r, whitdi empties into the E. side of Lake Nipigon, in thedis- triet of Thunder Mav, Out. M E \)VX N I K E A t \ a broad, rapid river running into the St. John a few miles above Woodstock, .N R. It takes its rise in the State of Maine, has nu- merous windings, a])reail-^ into large and inferior branches, and contains a num- ber of islands. Denosit of red hematite iron occur near its mouth. in a fins kc in the rTiUainii- S., al)i)iit 1 1 ii'lVKi r iiil > the .le. Tiicre ■cc, — trout, U!. ii'io, liiki'8 s in II W. the will or St. Lnw- Xipissiiifr, nik's !'iMiii fS. It is e west (Mil anil t'tir its IIHIUtil. iiiilf si'jiiir- IJivit'ic do miles l lliver t. Croix. inn stream nlf of St. ko on the pties into in the dis- ad, rapid )hn a few It takes i, has nii- hirpeand ns a nuin- i hematite MRM 417 MET MT-:nW.\Y, or POUT MROWAY, a river of .Nova Seolia, tak;'S its rise in an extensive chain of lakes in the iiortlicr'i part of Queens fo., and enters the Ailmtie thion,L;h the spacious harI)or of Port iM'-dway. It, is navi^faltje about ') miles. 'I'otiil lenj^th .'ibuul 100 tniles. MKC.WTK), alak.'of (iii(d)ee,alKiiit 40 mile- S !•] of ."^hi'riiidoke, a!)outidiii!j^ with lak" Ironi and ha-s. I>eni;!li i'l miles : av('r;i;^e breadtii 'J, nib's. This lake jjivi's rise to the Uiver (;iia;!di''ri', and ha^ been rendered uieniirilde in history its th" ronlc t)y wliic.h Armdd, in 177r>,ae('oiiiplished ins perilous niarcli tlironuli the wild eonntiy np the Iv nn-'- hec, thron_''li Lak ■ .Me^rantic, and down the Cliandiere to Qiub'e. MKKINAK, a river of Qiieb.'c. Hei; Miekinaek. MELIiVILI.K'S I AKI-:, near the K. extremity of Newfoundia id, is about (! tniles lonji; l>y 4 wide, and has an oulh'I, in the (!nlf of St. Lawrcnco throui^li Bonn vista 15ay. AlKI/rALLABKTIMO, a river of Qiieliec, mar the source of tin; St. MHMiMrnEM.VdOr,, LAKK, " !!ie deueva of Ca'iada,'' is sitnaied ici! tly in tlie eonnti'S of I'ronieand Sta ish';'.!, and p;irtly in the State of Vermont, a lew miles \V. of .Massawippi. LenuMi :>0 mill's, of which r^ are in Vermont,) hr.'a'HIi from I to 4 nuh's. Tlie b).-:(jtn of tile lake is everywhere stiidiled wiih islands, j^eneraliy covered with trees to the water's edire. The snrroui!din a Vieautiful stream. MKTAIiFTCIIOl'AX, (" Tie- piar;e wh re tlie coiiise of the water ends,'') a river of Quebec, in hit. 4H ' 23 FJ" N. It is a fiiK; broad stream, navigalib; for many miles forlarge lioals, a •(! fuitlier up for bark canoe-i. It discbarg's its wa'ers on the S. side of Luke Si. .lohn. .MFTCFC.MFfTF, a river of Quebec, ri-es in tiie .Metgermette .Mouniai is, on the froitier line, cu of l{(.'auee, and alter rec^dviiig its .N'.W. luancli j'uns I lie Kivi(:ie du Lou)), by which its waters are cairied to the I'iver ('iiaudien.-. MKfllYE, a small lake in tho .\orih West Territories, IRO niile< S. of Lake Atliabasca, and having a its .S. exticm.ty Fori .Metlivc Another Lake Metliye is ;!.".() miles S.W. MI'iTI\.\(], a river of Quebec, iiina into the ]•]. l)ank of th(; St. .Maurice, a'xuit 1 I miles abfjve the (Jrand IMes. MIOTl.S, a bilce in Riimm-ki CO., Que., 27 miles S. of the St. Lawnnco. Leigih 5 miles ; greatest breadth 3 miles. METIS, two rivers of Qiu bee, enter- ing tin' S. slioreoftlie St. Lawrence. One, called (Jraiide Metis, takes its rise in the X.W. aii'ile of th' co. of llona- veiiture, and running N. discharges it- self inlo an exoausive estuary culled Aiise aiix SieUcs. It is a go' d sal- mon sireatn. The other, called LiMJe .M'lis, rises in rear of the seieniorjr of Metis, and falls into a small bay call d Little .M'ti; Ilariior. METISC \X, a tributary of the Waa- waiie;:e llowi ig into Iluilson's Fay, oa wliicii there are many falls and r.ipids. It talvcs its rise near the bead waters of the St. Maurice. There is a trading til ii ■ r i - , m !■ • li^ " ,' ** , ^1^^: MIC 418 MID "I 1 -^ i..:|. post of Uie Hudson's Buy Company on this river, wliicli is 20 days tiiivt'l from IIuiJsou's l^>ay. The sources of the Asiiii- apuioiiciioiiaii river is HO niilcs N.E. of this i:osl. The cliniate lierc will nut ariniil of the siiccHSsfi 1 raising of cro. s of any kind : ihey have not lime to ripen. MK'HAKI/S LAKE, in Herthier co., Que., one 'if> niiks; its greatest breadth about 110 miles. The surfac*! of the lake is about (iOO feet above the level of the sea ; some have estimated its mean depth as high as 1,000 feet; area esii- maied at 110,000 square miles. The shore of the lake is generally low, being formed of limestone, rock, clay orsand. It never has higii clills, like tlio.-e on the u|ip'i pail ot the .Mississippi river. The lake appears to be moving we^t- ward, asilie water is constantly, though slowly, receding from the .Michigan shoie and encroaching iqum tiiat of Wiscouii'i. (tn liie ea>t shore, the sand thrown up oy the waves diiring a heavy s't., soon becomes thy and is carried inland by the aeiicni of the winds. This loose sand forms hills rang- ing in lie'ght from Id lo 150 feet, llie former of wliicli are constanily chang- ing. Lake Mi higan is deslitulo of is- lands, except a few near its N.E. extie- mity. It is usually clear ( f ice about the middle or latter part of March ;1 ut as the Strait of Mackinaw remains frozen considerably later, steamers for the east seldom reach .^Iiiwaukee be- fore tlie midille of April, and tlioy are sometimes prevented by the ice irom arriving bi fore the midille of Jlay. Lake Aliehigan has but few bays on its shores, and fewer good harbors. Among the latter may be mentiune tlie only ciU 12") niilo^ This river an tlic s^cutli diviiiing tlio iid Lalvc Sii- ikc, slur^'Cdii iiig the suni- dilliciilty ill f to the very il the numef- to be Kiir- lo the heiglii (art from the land trip is till' nunlorou^ lo lie I as>c(l d -with trout river, which t Mo()?e Fac- ie, on the N. Tiicse two oe route be- {iuL-;i,'ii'sIjay, luiruige to hiitli rivers. river. ir.S"' contiiiii There are:!'.i n tlii.'^ caiK.o ior and Iliul- s IJay t the mouth of Quebec, alls into the ,- tVom Threw ir Cannes. 11 river fall- on the S.Iv )va Hcotia. river in tl;c Botiaventure iesChaleurs. lall river of esler I'.ay, ou iiiee, abmit .'J It irf ab'iut branch iuth strciitiii* pas.9 through small lakes, wliieli ore fieiiuented by <^uspereuux, sea trout, perch and salmon. MIDDLE HIVKR (or WAGAMAT- COOK), of Nova Scotia, a rapid stream which empties itself into an arm of Bras d'Or Lake. It runs fir a distance of 1.3 miles in a northerly directieculators who have done nothing towards developing its resources. Xinnerous lodes of gold quartz can be seen in a nimiber of small brooks wiiich run into the main river, This river is settled for a distance of 14 miles. TIh! lands are well adapted to raise any kind of crops. In the months of June, Jul}- and August large numbers of trout frecpient this river, and in Sep- tember aii(l October it abonntls with salmon of very large size. There are no lakes connected with Middle river. Its water is clear and cold ; hence the meaning of its Indian (.Mic-Mac) iianu- '•Wagamatcook"— "Clear Ila-id Wa- ter." It has been called Mitldle river ou account of its being half way be- tween Baddeek and .Margarec rivers. It is navigable for boats 3 miles, and for canoes M. Large beds of limestone are found on its banks; also red and white free stone. MILLE VACIIES, a b.iy on the N. shore of the estuary of the St. Lawrence, about 30 miles beiow the mouth of the Saguenay. Several streams enter the St. Liawrence through it. One of tlenn, the Sault au.v Mouton, falls from a height of 80 feet. MILL LAKK, a small lake in Anna- polis CO., X.S., gives rise to a tributary of tiie La Ilavi'. MILL LAKE, a small lak< in Hali- fax CO., N.S., gives rise to a stream run- ning into the S. side of the Musquodo- boit river. MILL RIVEU, in Cliicoutimi oo., Que., tniters the Saguenay above Hal Ha! Bay. It is a rapid stream. Its banks are well timbered. MINAS BAY, a remarkable body of water in Xova Scotia, the east arm of the Bay of Fuudy, penetrating GO milts inland and terminating in Chignco tt Bay. The tides Ihti' nisi 'n with grcao impetuosity and form what is called itie horr. At the ecpiiiKj.xes tliey have been known to rise t'voiu t;0 to 70 feet, while in Halifa.x I arbor on the opposite coast, the spring tides rise only from fJ to 9 feet. .Miiias IJay receives" a great ntnn- bi-r of .-mall rivers, the priiici: al of which, called the Avon, is navigabl<>. .Ml.N'G.V.V, a large river of (^tuebec enters the .\'. shure (f the St. Lawrence 40.") miles below Quebec. It is one of the finest salmon s reams in the prov- ince, and exe.'llent for trout. The scenery in rear of this stream is roman- tic; and b dd. Its mouth forms one of the i)est harbors on the N. shore. Schooners and sometimes square rigged vessels take shelter in it. There nr«> great deposits of black iron sand on the shore between this river and the .Moisic MING AN lilVER, a river of Quebec, on the north shore of the (iiilf of St. Lawrence. Gi.od anchorage at its ni'Mitli. MIXK RIVER, a small stream in Kings CO., P.E.I., runs into the nortiiern side of .Miirrav harbor. MIliAMlCHI, a bay on the X.K, coast of .New Brunswick, lat. 47 5 N., i'S S-'iKi" the estui'.ry of Opposite ' the l'\)X and Pas- .■ '»Vr- 'i < id!B. '^ '1 Ilk' ,1 'i ( ST. • ]m hi*'" •\ • i I .. i .- >-i ' ■1 ■■:, «' • .!i:,- 'i '- fil, « ■ .. {■: -' ,,» i'' ' ur' ? t'. f , . i 1- , ^ » : ; > 1 V t I"- .' 'i' * . : « ' I*.'*' 1 ^ '■ 1' . i ■ ;. fr' ! , * »» MIR 420 MI8 ■; ,1 h. M> and for canoes 40 to 50 miles fibnve tlic briilf^o. The iirni sliip timt ontcroil tlio Miniiniclii was tlie frij^iite which took tl)c> rciiiiins of (luiieial WoUV; fniin Qiii'hcc to Erigliuul in 17.")!), a storm hftvinj; driven lior in for siifcty. The branrlu'S of thu Miramichi arc cclehrattd for their siilcudid salmo i and trout. A lisli bri'i'dini; (stablirihnu'Ut, situate on Stewart'd Brook, one of its trihiita- ries, is in course of con)i)lction in- the Govcrumen!. The Miramichi itself abounds with salmon, stur- geon, codtish, mackerel, herring, CasH, shad, alewives, trout, eels, smelts, lobsters u"d oysters. The Mir- annchi is fed '^y u 'itl'' number of tri- butaries ra'ii^ii .m 'i^ to 100 miles ill len{.;tli. Tht.; i,*..!'. 'lesarc (Jaii;'s, Bay du Vin, Napita, • ' {?, Renous, Bartholenu'W tiii'i ' iiieiv vi ers. The south we.-f or main branch of ihe Mir- amichi tak's its s.< iiiC' in ahik'- a. .hort distu'icc from the 'I .nfy ■ a r v. v lUn- D'liginto the St. John, ana llowi !'■ ; n tyecpiablybutwith considerable rapidity over a slii igly niid rocky bed in an easterly ciMir-e it ndls into tlie (luif of St. iiawrence thi-oiii:!:h a larjre and beautiful bay, in iat. 47 ' 5 N , hm. v,\ 53' W. In I lie immediate vicinity of its source are three or four lakes; and about 'JO miles from its head it Ixconies considerably e\|iar.ded in conseUlXIPI,a river of Quebec. See Terr.'S Rompues. iMISKAllOUSKA, a lake and river of Quebec, dis-xharge tin ir Witters into Lake Ashuapniduchoiian, .MISSIQUASH RlVKi{,asmall stream which forms part of the division line between the provinces of Nova Scotia and iVew Hrunswick, and enters into the Cumberland Hasin through flu,' West- morlanil marshes, near Fort Lawrence. Ihe liiU'i'colonial railway cro.^.ses near ilsmniith, a mile or two from the west- ern outlet of the projected Haie Vertc (.'anal. MISSISQUOI, or MISSISCO RIVER, rises in the norther. i part of Vermont, and Hows in a northerly direction into (/anada,w}iere, after running for several miles, it returns into Vernioiit and falls into Missistpioi Hay, an arm of Lake ('haini)lain. The whole length of the river is 75 miles, and ii is navigable for vessels of 50 tons about G miles. MISSISSAGFI, a river falling into the noith shore of Lake llurcm,' West of ll'e Serpent river. Mi.^SISSIPPl RIVER.a river of Ont- ario, rises in Missi.-si| pi Lake, Lanark CO., and Howing northerly 100 miles, enters the Ot awa 7 miles above Arii- prior. A good part is navigable for small steamers. MLSSIWIRI, or ENGLISH RIVER, of .Manitoba, rises in Lacrosse Lake, near Iat. .55 30 N., bm. lo8 W , flows \Qr:^ tortuously eastward through nu- on the Al- ls narrow er (aocord- 11(1 (k't'iioni iliices U is i of a iiiilo islands. It •dl'ls f'(T 25 'veral iJuds 'is ami '^m- iridgt'-; over •ilway from iirvcyt'd lo I nary. Norih West f Lake Sn- out of the JoO mik'.s to y. (»n tlio mbe lIouoP, s Hav Com- Jiieboc. See mid river of vatcrs into mall stream ivisioii line »ova iScotia lers into ihc 1 the West- Lawrence, • near til lliC west- JJaie W'rlc RIVER, f Vermont, eclion into It and falls m of Lake gtli of the iiavij^ablc ) miles. lUing into ircm, West ver of Oiit- :e, Lanark 100 miles-, liDve Arii- ij^able for 1 RIVER, s-e Lake, \V , flows I rough uu- MIS 421 MIS meron.s inner lakes. Under the name {- N'., b»n. 72 to 7;{ W. Tills lake forms the head waters (d' Rupert river, liowini; into James's Ray The e.vteat of this lake is bill inipirf 'Clly k"o,vn. The Iiiiiians say it takes three days to cross tlie nar- rowest ]iart from i-^land to island. Mr. James Ric'taidson, of the (leolo^ncal S irviy, who e.Kplored a jtarl of the lake in An^'iist, ;>7I, says: "Abila- frmsli bay (a jiart of Lake Mista-sini) was surveyed for 30 miles — L] miles to tiie Hudson's Hay L'ompany's post (.'>.'i:t| miles N. of Moitreali, aid 17 miles lieyond it. At this point tlie lake opens oiit li.ith to the ri<,'iit and left ; and Mr. Iiur;ress, the ollicer in cliar<:ce of llio II nisoa's Uiy Conijiany's j'ost, told me that from thi-; iioinl tlie we-tern shore trends north for about (! miles, where a bay, 12 miles across, calle 1 Pooui- eiiuan, stretches S. and S W. for a dis- taiiee of about HO miles. He furtlier iafornied nie tliat aeros-; the bay the <• last line CiMitiuiies in a iiortli wes;{U'ly direction fiir 10 or 4.") miles farther, ami t' eiice north for about 60 miles. If this estimate i> apnro.xiiiialely correct. Ilie le-if^ii of Lake Mi-itassini. iiududinj^ the bays, would b;.' about L">() miles, or but lii'll ■ le<^ than tliat of I^ak" On- tario. I have no information rejirardintr Its breadth. Resiilvs the two bays already m'Uitioned, then; is a third on tlie E. side called I'abist.ichuan. whicdi riiiis to the S. and W. from a point about midway between the Hudson'-s Hay ("oniiiany's post and the end of our iiii'asui'eiiuMri (2;tO miles from Lake St. Joiin,) ami is about 20 miles deep. At the south end (d" this a stream of 'he Eame liaine, said to be of considerable size, enters from tlie eastward." The country around the lake, so far a-i is known, is level ami favourable for afrriciilture. (Jood sized potatoes are thrown at the Hud^o'i's Hay (himpaiiy'B post. .Mr. Walter McOuat, (d' the (!eo- loj.ncal Survey, who surveyed another piuuion of th;' Lake, i i 1872, says: ''We m^aisiired on this lake a coast line of about 1,")0 mile-:, includinpj no bays lesB ll an a mile in width. The main body of the hike was fou id to bi' id a very elongated form, lyinj^ in a S.W. j.nd N. Fi direction, with a perceptible curve between tin; south wesi extremity and the farthest point S"e:i by us, the eon- cavity of the curve beiiiff towards the south east. A lonj; ruLT^'ed ton^^ue of land, upwards of 20 miles in lenj^th, runni ijr from the S.W. end, divides that end ot the lake into two parts; and, of these, the one on the south east divi'ies into several lon^r arms, which are out I.\L (-'The Lar-e Rock,'') a rivtu- of Qiiebee, is firmed by the junction of two rivi-rs, tiie Washieamis- coii and the l\iiki-'sa'.raii, ami runs into the N W. side of Laki' St. Joh i. about 3 miles fi'om the Riv u'A~huapmoucliouan. It is about ;! miles wid- at its month, including a group of islets, but is e.x- trenedy shallow. It i-; also called the Riviere de Sable or Sand River, on account of its sandy banks and the sand shoals at its mouth, which e-ctend 'a .i. '^Mo , » * . ' '" i It ■=- if. i .u. - , 5 : 11 MON 422 MOO considornbl.v into tlic liake. Tliis rivor is siiiip(ipp(i to he tlie ancient route loaiiinfj to Lake Mistassini. M(>II!A, 11 river of Ontario, cn)])tic=; into tlie l^iy of (^iiintOfit tlie fionri-iiing toAvn of i'elliville, iiftcr n rapid coiirso of about ."iO miles. Jl is frequented iiy niasiake Superior, and afier a north eastward course of 2."j0 miles enters James's Ray, having previously bemi joiii'MJ by the Abbitibbe. .MOOSE, a small river in Cumber- laud CO., N.S., runs south into .Miuas IJasi 1. .MOOSE, a small river in Pictoii co., N S , is one of t!ie branches of the River St. .Marys, which empties into the Atlantic (ii'ean. .MOOSE, a small stream of Annapo- lis CO., .\'.S , lalls into Aniia|)olis Basin at ('lenientsport. Ml lOSEIlEAI), a small lake of Nova Scotia, near the S.E. ( innuity (jf llie CO. of llalifi.x, lias its outlet in .Nicumtaeu haibor, on the Atlantic coast. .MOOSE LAKE, a beautiful sh-et of water of Rnlisii (Jolumbia, on the Fr.iser river, a few miles from its source. It is 'J miles lung. MUR 423 NAC of interest. 10 falls i.s a river bank IS," being a ■stone rocli, ;kiiess, iiu(l MH'tliiig one lit ot nearly nnod by ihe reiil objects There are 'ar the falls, ]nv(te saw ng from GOO of Ontario, lie from the It 120 miles, tlie Ottawa I'er of Que- Iiintingdon, lis into the ■ Cliambly the district to tlie N.E. ;er a course ios from its xh. ec, rises in 30. of ^; tan- liver Coali- North West 1 Lake 31 is- jr, and after >f 250 miles ; previously ibe. in Cumber- in to .Miuas PiclOU CO., 2hes of the nipties into of Annapo- a[)olis Basin ake of Xova mity of tlie outlet ill le Atlantic iful sh'.'ct of ia, on the 's from its MOREL, a river of Kings co., P.E.I., falls into St. Peter's harbor on the northern ecast of the island. Its banks are well S"t11ed. MOKRIS LAKE, n small lake in the township of Dartmouth, co. of Halifax, .\,8. .MOFLIX B.AUDE, a river or the co. of JSagiien.iy, (^bie , enters the N. shore of the St. Lawrence 4 miles beiow Ta- donsac At its miuith there is a (piarry of juire wliite statuary marble, of excellent quality and in considerable . MILLIXS RIVER, of Ilalifix co , .N'.S., issues out of Oak liill Lake, and falls into Blind Bay on the Atlantic coast Length 10 miles. It is fre- (juentei! by salmon trout. There are numerous small falls on this stream, some ;ilmos1 perpinidicular. MURR.W RIVKR, rises in Kings co , P.E.I., and after a N.E. course of about 10 miles enters the sea at the harbor of the sjinip name, on Ihe S.K. coast. MrSII-A-MUSll, a river of Lunen- burg on., X.S., enters the Atlantic Ocean through .Mahoiie l!:iy. MUSKOKA, a iieauliful hike on the River .Mnskoka, Out . atiout hit. A'> N., loii. 7i> 30 W. The mivitratinii of this like and LnkeSt. Jus-mIi and Ro3- seau has been connected by m 'ans of a lock reciMitly constructed a short dis- tance below the lower end of the lake. At the upper end the River . Muskokaen- ters, .Ml'.SKOKA. a river of itario, rises in a ceih'.r swamp on the hi^h la tis se- parating the waters of tlie Ottawa from those of Genrgian I!.iy. hit. If) 40 N., hui. TH 40 \V., and llowiug throegh a heavily wooded coiint'y fall-; into (icorgian :'ay. About S miles fom its entrance into Lake .Mn.'koka it divides into two branche-;. On tli cjis' one bont aoii mill's up, are the II LM ! FaIN,'' use of about b;o feet. The thriving vil! of Ih'acebridg.e is sit'ialed on tlr north brancli of this river. Hire also are consideral)le falls, the foot of which is the heaawrencetown. It prnduees vi-ry gind timbiM', and has some thriving .-ettle- ments nti its banks. Ml'SlKJAMA, a lake nf the Xorth West Territories, 100 miles S. of Han- nah Bay. It gives rise to the West River. XAl'.ESIPPI, a river of Quebec, en- ters the X. shore of th<' (Julf of St. Lawrence, 17^ miles X W.of the mouth of the Xatasiiipian. Xalii'sippi is an Indian word s'gnifving '•man." XACKAWICK,a river of York co., N.B., enters the N. bank ot the St. Johu 't, -.4^ i •J'i It f r- <<.( II ■I' ll 1 <»' s NAS 424 NEP a fow TiiiloB nbovi! Ilie month of the Keswick. II all'>)l•(l^ ^jooil \v;ilrr [lowcr, drai isa li wn^ricult iml ixirtion ofllic proviiic.i-, Mild is iVoiiiU'iititl !)}■ saliiiui and Kiiicr (i-li MAMI'UIK.W, a Ilk' uC Ontario, \V. of till' lifad ol' Luke .Sii|iiTior. liCiij^lli about I'l mill's. K A M.I .\ MSl • IJT( •( )( »K. a river in T.- niisroii.Miu (M, (,,)iir. »Sfc ( 'al) no rivrr. N M'.\I)\U(:A\. a riv.T in Voik CO., N.M., one of till- larj^i'rfl tril iilarii'.- ol tlio Nasliwaak. A'.M'ANKK, a rivrr of Oiitnri", >(\- ters llic! li.iv of (.^t'linU- h.dow .Vapan'^c It i.s a i^ooil mill .-^tiviim. N.M'l'AN, a river of .\oriliiind)"i- laiid CO., N 15., [irocccds from wild liu'adows in Ilie n ar of .Velson villa^fi", alioiit r> miles S. of the Miraniiclii, and after t laciufj; an easlerh course ofaliont 1() miU's, disemlio^fiies a consideralde dis'anci> above tlie month of the May du Vln river. NAl'I'AN. a small stream in (Cum- berland (•>., N.S., runs into ('nmberl.ind liusin, after joi'i'n^ the Micean liver. NASH \VAAK,a river of New Ihnn.s- wiek, rises iiSt. Mary's Iiake,Vork eo., and eiiers th" St. Jidin, opposite Kre- dcriclon. Length tlO miles, it is a beautifnl and rapid stri'am. At its mouth was at one time a Kreneh fori, wliieh, from 1(;!):> to Ifi'.tT, was ili'' lieatl quarK.MS of \'illelK)n, li.e (lovernor of Ae:idia. This ftiri b'-siejreii in li;'.i'.) by the N'ew Kn.nlanders umier Cajitain Clnirch, bnt the besiejiers were repul- Bed. ll was abaudoiii d i:i that year, and bnt slight trac;s of it are now to ^ASilWAAKSIS, a river i , Vork eo., N.H., enters the X. side ol' the St. JAni nearly opjiosite Frede-ietoii. A few miles from its disehari^e il divides into three biauelies ; on tlu- N.K. braneh, about \\ jnilesfrom ihe l'\)rks,(H'e;irs tlie Falls of Nashwa.iksis. Here the brook, risins; in a pietures(|iie uorire formed of nearly chtls loo feet hiirh falls over coarse silicious con valuable 11 herie.',. \ATASH(,)UAX. ("where the soala laid.") a river of (.inebee, entei's tiie N. shnreofthe (!ull'ofSl. Lawre ice on the \V. side *ue, NKLSOX RIVER, of the Xi rth West Territories, drains the wliole ot Winnepee; Rasiii, flows Nlv and entera Il;id-on's Hav near I''orl York. Ilisii very \iuni' river, but iU naviiration is ahniwt imiossible. In the vaiclyand numbiTofits fails and rapids it presentB {i;rand scenes XKl'EAX, abay on the W. cnast of Hritish Columbia. Lai.."-.'; '.',2 X.,lon. IJT ;i(i W. NKlMdOX, u lake and river of On- tario. See .N'ipiifiui. XEl'ISlgillT,' ariverofXew \\n\m- wiek. takes it rise near the In'ad walers of the Tobiipie and eiiUrs I>al! Ray afU'r a t'ou'.se of ah nit loO miles. It is c'lebr.aled for iH liie \:U'ge salmo I, aud runs rapdity. Ap.irt Iroin theirlonin and urandiiir of Ihe nioMilani .-ce lery al its source! and from its nniny lovely t ihu arie^ il can boast of falls and rapids wiiieli are e.vtremely interest! ig. From these rap'ds it derives the name of N'episl- ipiil or Foamy River. Tweniy miles from Rathurst are the C. leat Falls, winch it would seem Naiure had ilcemed so b'^autifnl that she encjised them in fii'it and granite. For miles abive and below Ihe cataract llie river is very much eonlracted, ami the banks rocky and iier|)eniiicidar. Tiie total height of these falls is 110 feet, the 1)1)^? narrow llilillH. (;i of the libuk water with the wiiite loam. AOniit 7 miles Hl)ove |'.atliiiist lire the I'aiiin an, or (y'riinlicrry Fall.>', which cori-i. t of a KcricH 111' cirite-^ and small falls. TIk' salmon a -c^ ml ik; lo\^her than the (Jreai Falls, NI'K.M'Al^i'O.V, a laki- at lie iDonlh of the Stni.ueoii Kiver. \V. of LuUe S ;])••- rior. It i- a ina^nilicent (Xpatise of water, naviijaiiie iuv 17 mile.;. NKIIFI'IS ii ri\er of .\ew Urijo wicK-, enters the S shore (d tlii' St. John, II miles above its mouth. It is fr({|ii(iile ! by .'■■aliiinn and trout, and afl'-rils pond Bporl to the aii^lrr On tin- .\. bank of tliiw river, at tlie point wiiere it j liiis the St. di hii, a French fort was en c'ld by Moishi'rlicrt, but destroyed In the Hrilidi in 17.')."i. XFrAdMIl,' ItlVFll, a saliiuui ptreani nil ilii- north shore of the (!ulf of Si. lia\vri'!iee. NiOWi BRISroL UIVKI{,iii Kimoiidlaiid. c illed (iraud I-I,ind, I'J miles long, and frnm li to 7 mill'- widi'. Two or ilii'ee miles b(dow Oraid Inland the entire wa'(r.i (,f the .Niagara me precipitaU'd nver a, per- iicndieiilar h'dge of rnf'vs aliiiit pin fret io height, forming the .N ag i;a l''alls, ih-' iiK'Sl stupciulo s cataract om thft giibi^ The rajeds above the falls Iiave a descnt of .'7 f'ct inaSout half a mile. The river is navi-^oible 7 mil s to Lewi.Mdii, and abovf tie' falls f u" small bdats fnun the (dd T'lU'i Sclilns-'er ! to Lake Kmc, rear lid iiiles. Two ' milfs below the cat.aract the livcr lA -panned by a mugiiilicent susj.en-ioti lir (lu^e. S'''i fe-t in |i-ii;^-lh. N1A(]AB.\. FALLS OF, a mighty ciitarael situated par'ly in (.'anaila and partly in the United Slates, lui ihc Niii'jara, a river ."',1 mi es in length, riiiining \'vr.M\ La!-ly Ic'S iiilcfi sliiii^ tliiiii th" falls iIh'MhcI vcs) ciniiiii ■iicr luid iit'icr a coiiisc 111" riillitM" iiinic ili:iii liall'ii iiiih' tiTiiHiialc in till' ;^ir.:il cataract. (Iciat Ulainl, a (|mirtcr til' a mile .viilv aial half" a mill' lull;;, fVdiii N' to S , cNtfiiih to liu' very lir lU of tlio iifecipicc .-tinl LI-:'r,"a river of t^nel)ec, risi'S in the aiiov.' lake, and falls into Lake St. I'eter at N'icoh't. I.en,>,Mli <;!) miles. It is a rapid sticam. Imt iiavi^jjable to soni" disia'ic ' ulmve tlu! villa;^.' NI(' fAUX. a river of Annaiiulis co., N.y., falls into the S. batik of the Annapoli-; river,near Middieton Station. Silver and iron ore is foiiml in the viciiiil}- (d' this river. There are ten lakes on th" Xietaux, wdiicli abniml with trout, alfoitling line sjiort for the anglor The lower part of the river abonuds with salmon, baj^s and shad. MKOlinAr, a river of Quebec, forms the lirst iiartof the Ifiver Asliiiaji- moucliiiaii It.s upward course \n j;('iierallv notlh-westerly to the lM'ij,'lit o( laud which ilivide- ilie wat, rs of the Sagueiuiy from || win;; to llnd- son'.; Hay. It |ias-e.s throiij;h several lakes. At tiie jieacl ef the fourth "' ('i\iih'S i ilo two br.i'iehi's, one <'()i from the N.K. and the nther, in its ,.,, waul course, coiitinirs iiorth-westcrly. a id a sort of dnuble lake,eallea Xarrow Uid^n> lake, where the hi;,diest lake, called Whilelisli Ijike. is reuehed by a porlaj^e of about 1 mil(!. This id ch'se to tiie water shed, wlii( h isi also the boundary line b't ween the I'l'dvince of Quebec iiiid the Niatli West Terri- toiies. and is 170 niil'.J f oiii SI. John, •J»;;» miles X. of .Motiireal. At Lake Nik(Mibau, the sprue ', taniarae, bal- sam, lir, Sic, attain a ','ood size. .NXL .MILK IMVLf!. a <,'ood salmon and troiit slreani in ll.ilila.v Co.. X.S., enters the Atlairic 'hroueji Shad Day, W. of llalila.x, after a cotirse of abi)'* 10 miles. NIl'KiON', or XKPICOX, a li lake of Ontario, !!>) miles N W. Lake Superior. I ! - eeueral oufliiie is elliptical, the lonj;est diameter, a little west ot norih, b.'ine- seventy miles, and the shoi'iest all miles. The shore on the southern sid" is deejily indented by lai;;-e liays ; and on the iKirthern, Omliabika iJay is iieiuly 'JO milei lonjj with i.n eiiti'aiice oiil}' a mile wide. These indenialions increase vi'vy much the coast line, which measures .'ii^O Hides. Lake Xipi^on is very thickly steelded with islands. It is estiniatod that there arc more than 1,000. Some 500 or GOii have already been examined, varyi ig in size frnm S miles in diameter (low 1 to a few chains in lene;tli. The streams llowin.i: into the lake are tinme- roiis. Tlu^ IS lar^'est are: Kayoshk or (ilull Iviver,X''a-me-wa-miu-i kanorStur- p'on iiiver, (sometimes also called the poplar LoOe'c Rive.'', from the name of the llndson i5ay ('omiiany's i>ost at ils mouth,) O-iia-ma-ni-saei or IJe I Paint IJiver, Pick-i-ti-gonch-ing or Muddy River, K.i-bi-to-ti-q'iia or the river which runs jiarall','! to the shore, Ouiba-bika or Rising Rocks River, Wa-ba-no.-h or Dawning Day River, Ka-ma-ka-tc-wa-ga-inigor lilack River Posh-ko-ka-gan Iliver, Ka-wa-ba-ton- I't.'r Asliiiup- '■oiiivf is till' Iiciglit •!it. iM of the II ;r to II 11(1- i;:li .several e (ulirtli ■' tlU« col r, ill it-i . , lli-wcstorly, i;ik.,eMlle(l tiie lii;,'lie,-t , iri ivaelied li!. This U lii( li is also lie i'l'iiviiiee West Terri- III SI. John, A I Like JiiUMc, biil- ^ize. r-a-nio orliOok'Mit I'iviT, Siiiidy lliver. Kaieli- iiii-m-Ii-n.i-wi or Iliiili Hill RiviT. K.i- iie-Hha,aiid I\a-:iee->iiM-,«iMi,' River. The a-ipect of the country iiro'ind jjuke Ni|iij.'dii. mid of the isl;i ids within it, is iiiidulaiiir.r, and soui' times hilly, Init l('V(d tracts (d considerable extent occur ill some places. Tic bui;'est tract (d' ;;'oo(l lainl appears to be on tiie south- western s'dc of the lake. For ."lO miles from the Xoiiwataii river norihwards the coiintiy is mostly level iiiid tlcsril fertile. The Indi.'ins represent tiiis tract as continuing; nearly to (he Win- iiipci^ river, becominj^ mure levcd .as it recedes we-twanl. Around South and Mcliiiyiv, the two larjrest b.avs (d" the sor.tli, thi're is a ciusideijilde area (d' good land. Aloii/ the Kaliilntacpiia on the w;'-t, on b.)th sides of tin- river, the CDiintry is level and the sol pandy, suppcrliii'^ a e;ro\vlh of p-rass and bushes, the timlier havin<; been burnt off by repeated tires. The land is free from stones and abnost ready for the jiloue^li. To the no''tli westward the counlry is low a id a levlture a-; the ercaler part of the province of (^^nebec. The timbiT is principally white spruce, while birch, aspe i, pojdar, l)a'sam, lir, tamarac, and while cer Lake." Xll'l(;()X, a river (d' the district ()f Thunder IJay, Out., issues from the S.K. side ul Lake Nipigon, uiid empties into the licMil of Xipi'/'M. I?.iy, the nuMt northern pidnt of Lake Superior. It 19 abont .''.0 miles bm^r. and is the larjrest river flowiii;.'' into Lake Supciior. li.s si/.e and (dia:a(t'r, ai.d the area it drai'is, entiil'' it to be c m-^idered as the continuation (d the St. Lawrence be- yond Lake Superior. Four lake- occur in its c'lirse : Lake iliden. H ndlcM loni? H'ld 1 wide ; L:ikc .)es>ie, I! ; Lako .Maria, 2.\ ; and L.ake Kmniu, 1 long. The mivigation between these lakes jg interiiipted l)V f:ill-!iiii(l riipids. The River Xipi'^oii nil' ids ilieiiiiest trout lisliiii^' on ilic conlineiil. Its water ia verv clear. .Nll'ISSIXd, or XKI'ISSINC. LAKH, Ontario, is siinateil .N.L. (d' Lake Huron, nearly midwfiy iictween it ami the Ottawa rivi r. The sliape is irre- gular ; the shiire-i are I) dd. iieiiglli TjO miles ; greatest breailih :'.."> miles. It contains many islaiid-, and disidiarges itS(df int" (u'orj;iaii Hay (l-ake llnrou) by Flinch river, the lavi'^Mtion of wlii(di is, however, impeded by numer- ous rapids ; Imt eastward it is separat- ed by only a siiort portage fioni Turtle Lake and Little r.vei-, a tributary (d' tiie iiavigabi • ( ittawa. XlTCIilj^ri'X. a lake of Labi ador, midway bitwecii .James's I'ay and the Atlantic Ocean. xrnxA'f, or 1!Krki;li;v sorxn, !!riti>li Coliinib'a, an extensive inlet filled wi;li i.-l:inds on the \V coast of Vancouver Isi.iiid. Lat. •l.-t ."■>) .\., Ion. 2.") '^4 W. It is about I'J miles wide at its entrance betwcii Terron I'oiiil (Ml tlieX'., iiud (Jairasco I'oinl on the SI'] XIXOX LAKH, a small lake in the jieninsnla near Luke St .loliii, Ohiciai- timi CO., (.>ue. Length .'!•'. ciiains ; breadth 1" chains. It- banks are cov- ered wiih ahier. XOll-ori-LOO LA KM, of (>uebec, forms part of the River !'• rib 'iiea which runs iiiie> Lake Si. .I"lin. It is about 4 mile- long and 1 w^de. There are many islands at its eiitiance, which i. !;» m les fruii the mouth of the river. NOIRE, a river in the co. of Ch.'irlevoix, L'''C., eilrrs the St. Lawrence at Port an Persil. X'OIRL, two rivers in the co. of L'Ishit, (.^iie. The (iraade Rivii're X'oire is commonly called Lake Ktucasy River or uullel. It runs near 5 small -V i*1 t ( iSp ji 9 ' m%. 1% w NOli •128 (tr.s IUi)Ui\(iiiii 1, callcil S |.;;iii |,>.iV(>i, (»vi"- II li;ii> MiK'iilli lic(1 of liliicU ^^l(llllV^, iiiiil OMllM !)■: Si'Vcnil Sinilll i;ili\Hi|), 'I'lii" I'ciiii' U'lvii'Ti" \()ir(> iiiKiw ii-^ risi< in r>':ii' .il ilii- ciiiiiiiv, Miu! iMiniiiij.^ Hdiiih t \l| J niii> ;li.> SV .Ixliii riviT. NOIU'K. KIVIKIM']. ris.') in l„.ll.i- niiMi" I' > , (>u ' , ;ni;l run ; \ Iv inlo II «' ('ll:lti.liM,' lN'(>\ y\ A I'AN I, \K\]. ;i |.i,Mlir'..|n,- s!i(>.'l (i| w il.';' .Ml Uliicli Slur^^.'on nv.i, in iIk' .1; iiruM of rininiicr \U\. Onl . •>' null- . liMi •; Ir.ini \ . lo S .' iiM'I I ', IHil ,; I'l ;• I .,ni llh' w ("^iwnnl, tin' II IIW I . . I .< .1' .. 1. .1. I I I. cniii'ii' dp .iliiinl lilMniili") over lui nii- i'i| It'll iniilvi Hi ni'ni\ lii'iinliCnl (;lll^. 1 1 i-) well Hiiicki'il with liili. nn'l Wdikfl II iimiiiImt III' niill>4. Ndu'TlirMUI'IKI, AND I NUMW-n tli \\'i';U Trill hnics, II li.iy W'l" I 111 (liini lii'il Mill l;)l:iiiil, mill iiiirili (iC ji'i'dlii luT Sir lit, il ; cm 1.1 ic' in lal. (',:> S ., Ion. i;.'t Iv NOIM'III'MliKKM.AM) SI'IJAI T. ^c |i:iiiilc'^ I'liiicr I'lilw.inl 1 ;!!in'l Iriiiii \i'\v llriin;\vn'\ mi. I \.i\;i Scolii NOitni WIvST i;i\ I'iU'.orLniinnlor, ."■^I'O N';l ■illlil]'ri>. NMHWU AV, !i riv.T ..I' lli- \,>iili W f { Ti'irilo;!.' 1^ ||:M |(v| soilK'i' i t| ^. II. Ill M.r, 1 oni Ilh' \\l"^l\V;ltM, III!' \\(:| l-ririlo;-.. 1, ||:M lis SOlll.',' 1 1| iinw.K.I .Mill',' ol' w'lirli |,(^ soiilli (hr.'i. I.ii-m' l;ik.s nrii' llu- liciir;,! ,,f \vo.i!\\.;r.l I'm .1 <-oiiMi!,T,ilili- ilisliin-.' '•■ ' '■■ " ' ■' '■ tlii'o:i.' . :> !.\cl ,' .mil' \ Ni\ w V I' \\()si',, ri.irri.i'; \(>\- W \ I' \ \, n 1 ,K • .11 HI o'u .^turivroii i'i\ <' , 111 i:i '
  • " ol riiinnlcr l!:iv, Onl 111- I iii;K> ill (l.aiiu'UT hm.I iumi'I v roiiii.' .\oi;i;i ; i,A,\i:, in n iin.iv ,•.., n.s., filio II 1 111 li> lioin ri'iin.Tit ii.i y, is ill><'ni 1 '. in:!.'< Kni.^- 1>\ I n niilo w.ilc. It !iliii-ni I-, w.lli 1 1'oiM. XvMM'll i: V.'>rK'i\lv;,nsin;illsliv;iin ill II iln i\ .■.' . \ S , CilU n;.> I'.u' lu-a.l cC ^!■l ;l II'!'-. Hmv I. ■Il;-:ill .'i niilrs. \»'u' I'll l,l\Ki> 1, \Ki;, ov I.^LAXn l.AKt'. .1 l.i'x.' (>i Hit' W .'^i i',M-- rii(>;- 0-:, on ilu* •• l;n • ' or liimi \v!:imi- tlu' wooi^ >i siiiiioii;- in I'.nisiMnu'iu'i- > t llu' h\-xl] la;;tii'V> NOKTII V.'Tl !'!•: N A ri'>N. a liv.'i- ol' t.i'.i. liu', riit.Mx i;ii> N, of lin- t>li.i\\a, ;; ; v.\ Kv> IvKiw iho canital 1.0 ;r;li ;'"' mil ■■:. \0\ini illVinj, ol' (\.k.-;t,-r iNi., N S, t'li;, i'i:o i!u> vt' Colu'iinid l?;iy. It 's about 'JO niil.'s I rii,', an, I tiH'.in Mii .1 bv < \]\\\o 1 ail'! trout' •NOu I'll i;i\i:K. o!' l\ni;iton co . tjiii* . a i- .null of the Kauni rivor. SOWl'W niWAi, ofllalitaM-o, \ S. I'ilU into tif .Vthintio Oooai at Shoot liar-.-- N(>K;!I !;'\-K!?. ot' Viou^ria co i.iii I .li\ o'- 111- walcr ; ol' I he St. I, . Wl'.' IC' iViilii I lio : ol' I I 111 I -(111' I -I V , ",ii mile-; \. of M,m!n':il || i ; .-m;,1 in Ik' lari;-.' wlirr.' il inl'T ; .lanii':;''< il.iv- \(iri;K i> \.Mi'; dI'Is niiici:.-;, u -nii'ill riv.r in lloolirl.iv.a ro . (,>iiiv, lisi's in ol Mount Koyai ami falls i^.'> III i'ai Ol \|oinii lUMili alio laiiM il.i ilii' l>i\ o'l'i' ili'i I'nirii";, iili.nit om> ..111- S.W of Saul an iu'coll.'l. ND'rr.VW .\S,\»;a, n river of Oiilii- ri.i, al'irr a iwrih' of ov.'i- li'l iiiiji'-i cnli-rs Nollaw asaj^ii I'.ay hy iiii inli'l III the S innl of (i.'or iaii llav. NOTl'AW VS.MIA l!AV,ii,;" hay on ilio S slioro of ( u'oiifian r..i\, at tlm III. Miili of t 111' atiovo river. Il f.'ii!i;an r\e fi' il li.irlioi' \(M'\'i;i,l,!;, I'lASr, a rivrin P. nia- vi'iitiirc CO., (,iiii . ri u"^ iii lli.' I.iwii- shii of Maria, and rnnniiij; S W over l!i • ^.r:. an.j,lc of C.irh'ioii, falh inlu till' iiiij'Ci' I'. II I of H.iic .iiiavenliuv co., (^>nc., ri-.'.'^ S W. of Carict Ul. mid ninniii!;' S !']. fnli.s into I! 1 ie d.'< Clial.'ius. NTMIWCKT, ;i like of LniieiilrnK' CO.. N .'^., ;.;-ive-; ri>e to a small Irilintary of I ' c r.i; I M. dwiiv river. 0AKPA!;K l,.\k;',. a sni.ill .sii— t of ua'er in l<'iiie!ilMi;;;" co.. .N.S., li.i-; its outlet in a small .stre;Mii t'alliiii^ into the .\tlant'c. )f N(>U\"!I !;'\"K!?. o\' \ic;(r,-ia co., Atlant-c. N.S..t'a;'s int.) liiM.s d'Dr Lake. It's I MiS'l't'Ii^'rOSiir AM, a lake of KMniles Killer, ami fiv.i' by (^biehee, near the IJiv.'r Mataped'ac. inoM a'l i lari:v sea trotit. ' laMUjtli about :5 luiles. h;'ea.ltli I mile. NOivlM! i;iVK!{. or UlVlKlvH \M' It is very doop, coiitain.-i salmon, tronl N(.>!vl>. ris-.>s la tiio to\vii-:!iip of Abe-- and other lisli. and is surrounded by cronibje. e ■. of Tv'iw b n ne, (J'.io.. and boantifiil scn-rv. i-'MiniiiiT S W. tin- it.^-h tlic oo. uf Ar- ffcii . u'l onti rs iIk' Ottawi at tin' head ot th,> L'lke of Two Mountains, afur a .>v':vi'. rises m nto to\vii-::np ot Abe ■- cronibje. c '. of Tv'i\v b M ne, (Juo.. and ..v.. .i ....i .-...., . ■■'- "' "■ •' '■ •' ' * OliSWAXTKL I.AKIvS. a chain of .ii'UHi.'^ .- M . inr n.^-ii liic oo. ur Av- >■...-.,.,.,...., ...^.x.i... ,. vi...... ... ffoii . u'l onti rs the Ottawi at tlio head lakes in Gaspo oo., (hie., s^.m.' of **'■''■'■"■'"''■"■" " '"■ ■" " which area iiiilo beiij,' and ;! a mile wide. vcr Mil iiii- ilil'iil liilh. ini'l WdiUn IJ'M'.Nnltl, I III ( 'iiiii I'' ruin iii'l' ;.. N., lull. 'i;,\rr. hc iiiii'i ii'iitii V'iili;l ' l/;i'uiii|iir. till' N'nrlti Si>lll(M> ill lii'lii;!!! <'(■ III llic St. I ^Dll' I'.IV , I i i :-.iiil III i's'h Itav. fo , <,Mii'., i :illi| t'llils llltilllt dlU' Irl. V nC Ollill- i|' dViT (>l> I'.iiy liy Mil in I'.iiy. I lir,;-'- Iniv i!;iv,:it tlin I riMius ail r ill II ma ■ ill'' li>\\ II- l-ill > into a li! u's, nv r ir S W. .if III I is into iiiiKMilra't;- Iriluit.iry sii-"t of \i.\< lis j: iulii the lak.« of 'aiM'ii'iic, li 1 mile. 1)11. tlMlll iiiiii'''! liy cliaiii of S'lllli' of lilo wiilo. OMI'. 4L'!> ()(;A-i)i!()rsiiT,\,ii i.iki- .irgiiHic.:. ,Si r ('liii« ^i;! (. (tCDI'lN LAKK, ill AiiliK'"ii li in , N.iS., in (■(iniiirlcil hy II f.luMi cliiiiuii'l wi'li llir W. Midi- (.rSi (IntrKi-'H liny. OdUiON liAlil'l, mil' III' 11 fluiiii ul iala'ri i'l Yiirniiiiilli cii ^ N ,-! , iiliiiiini!.; Willi ('iin I (Mi(i|\|i;, a liviT nf till' Nmlli \Vi I Ti'irilnrii'M, N. ( r jjiikr .--iiiiii-ri'ir. jl i i ,i:iii| In III' llic kp (,;!■ il Inliiilaiy i|M'i'iiil (lilt Id II i^iifit widlli and ln'- I'liiiic very ,-;liallow al'liT it I'cadr-i llic Hal lyiiiiJT |i;il;i'o/.ii!c rock i lurlliri' down. Tiic ()|.;oki'' \n iii'inly Iwcniy cliainH ill widlli wIicit il Joiii.-i ilic .\l- llllll V ' OKANACO.N IMVI'IK, li i-^ il lliil- i.^'Ii ('oliiiid)ia, llllW.^ smilliW aid ami ('III.' rs Ilic Oidiuiiliia river alimil hit. ■IH ■(■ N., Idii. 1 1!) aa \V. iaii^rlli ovi'r ■ {MO Illijl'vl. c'KAINKS l{IVi';i.', dC.Ncw Hriiiis- wick. Si'c On i'l's. OLD I'llOKUKMIl'l.ii river of QiK'licc. Ser I'ii'i'riclic, (Jriiiali' Kivii're. (iLIVKIKA, a lake in IIk- ldwiis!ii|. of Dors. M, Co. ot r.'-aiiei , <.^ii('., is envi- riiiied with heiiiilit'iil aiiM |iictiir('-(|ir' .scenery. It.-^ waters aliuiind willi L.-li of varimis Iviiids. Oi.d.M.VNOSJIKKno, or- I'AI.NT itl\ Ell, a cdii>i'li'rulil«' ii\'er oCC^iiu hir. t;ill.-5 iiiio the N'.slea'i' < I'llie (lullorHi. laiwreiico o\('r a iireci] ice lio I'eri in liei^Iii. O.MDAHIKA. or KISIN'C. I.MK.'KS. a river td' ilia di.-trict id' TIiuikI r i;a\, Out., takes il source in Shoal [ad\" nciir the iiiiilihiiids, ,se|iaraiiiiLr tl.i' waters of liiike .Sii| crior (n in Iho.'-'e of nudson's Hav, and after a coiirs(.' of -VJl miles, in which il imsses through 12 OIIK Lake-', fiilhi into laikc iN'i|ii;/dii at O-n- l).ilid i wliic.jj C'aiiiiiuiiieali' With tln' Livii .-il Law- li'lii I', i.'. d|iialei| lielween '1^1 I'l aiill II III ,\ lat., and V*; iiial Hit \V, Ion. II divide, llie Siale ol .\' W' Viak (lolii t'niiada on the .S , iIh' line o| i .< i.'ieat- e I (\liiil running', in .irly dia' !•;, aiai W, L' ni'lli ah. .Ill l',io n de . !.'i'-;ile.(t hr'-ndih •>.') null ;, 'I'im' inlii'' ari'a iti e.>i iinati d III ;»|'l'i(i •(|ii,iie nnl Tn<; snifnce \A '.','.',1 fill III lo'.v I.ii;: I ol I'^ril!, nnd alioiil ;!.■;'! !'• el ahove li .• I nl' W,i!«!r in ihe iSt. lS feel of water for 20 miles alxive iis outlet. Vess'ls of l.'Jod tons are liuilt within its mouth. Swme tif the hranehes and tributaries oft eOromocto abound with salmon ami trout. (».S(;()()l)i-; I.'IVK!.', ris( sin tlie town- .shijt of Thetlord, <;o. of .Meiranlie, Que., nnd run linji; .N.W. joins Sunday river, and soo'i after falls into the Ik'canoonr. OSKISKMT.VK, a river of Quebec. See K keudaich. OTONWIIKK, !i river of Ontario, takes iis ri.~e in a eliain of lakes in about lat. 1') X.. bui. T>s lio \V., and af'er a loriuonscoursi'ei.iers llii'e Lake, where it eiian!L;i's its name to tlie Tri'iit, and runs into the Day cf Quinte at Trenton. [jene;lh about 170 miles. It is naviiiable i'or a good part of its course f(U' steamers. ()TT.\\V.\, or (JU.VXl) lUVKR, a larn:e nver oi' Ca lada, rises in !at. 4S 30 N.. Ion. «u \V., S'.K. of Hudson's l)ay. For i'.OO miles from its source to Lake Temiseaminiruo the Ottawa runs from N.Fi. to S.W'.; then suddenly chanfxiiii.!; its direc;ion it linws to the 8.K. for 401) nules, dividiuji; Ontario and Quebec, widening" at its outlet into the expanse (f water known as the Lake of Two .MdUiitaius, and ii lally dis- cliari^es into the St. liawi'enre at the St. Anne"-, rapids, above the Island of .Mon- treal. Above Lake Temiseamingne the count, y drained by the Oitawa is little known, but below it the river has been surveyed. .Montreal river, the canoe route to Iladsiui's Bay, comes in from the north-wesi, ;il miles duwn Lake Teniis- c^iminn'iie, ami si.v miles lower down, the greiit ami almost unkno n iliver Keep- awapUaiu'es inio the lake in a maj^nili- cent ca~eade. l.'n feet in hei:.;'ht. From the LongSanlt at the toot of LakeTenii-- camii ^n>e, 'J;;3 miles above the (i;» of Ottawa, the river is not navigable ibr a distance of 8!.) miles, excei>t for canoes. Hetween the last-named point nnd Ottawa, a distance of 1!>7 miles' various tributaries swell its waters, nnd one of them, the .Matawan. coming from the west, is of especial interest at the jire- sent lime, in consecpience of its being un the line of the proposed siiip canal loiite between Ottawa aud Lake llurmi. Above the upjier Alliunette Lak'' there is a navigable reach of water 4'A miles in lengih. Tiie inoiiiitains above Albnnette (vake ar- iipwardH of 1,000 feet in height, ;iml the sce- nery is magnilicent. The nn)untuins on the nortii sid(.' of Coulong' L.ike are 1,500 feet higli, and the .■ e Miery grand and beautiful. The I'l tewawa, one of the largest tribnt.nies, 1 to mih's lo )g, drains an area of -,'J'io s(piare miles; tlie lilack Iliver I,120 sipiare miles; ami, ;::» miles fiom Otta- wa city, the .Madawa.-ka, one of it? greatest feeders, and .10 niihs long, drains 4,100 scpiare miles. Six niih* above Ottawa the rapids begin which terminate in ihe celi'brated Chaudiere Falls, whose tnniuItuoi;s waters plunge 40 feet ami partly disappear in the Ijosl ('hauiliere by an underground passage whose subsequent outlet is unknown. At Ottawa the great river receives the Uidean, distinguished on account of iis canal which eimnectstlie city of Ottawa with I\ingsti)n. It? larg( st tributary, the (Jatinean, with a course of 4-0 miles, comes in from the north, and drains 12,000 stjuare miles of territory. Eighteen miles below Oitawa is the Iliviere du Lievre, drain- ing an area ni' 4,100 tijuare miles; below this river there are numerous tributarit'S varyitigfrom ttO to 1(10 miles in length. The rapids below (Htawa are avoided by a succession of canals. The valley drained by the Ott.awa i? 80,000 square miles in area, tor the mo-Jl part covereil wi'h valuable woods, pur- ticidarly red and white ]»iue ; it is abun- I dauily intersected with lai'ge rivers and I contains a very considerable area of the best soil. The country is generally beautiful a"id undulating behind what has b en called the red pine region!^. ! ami sustains a growth of maple, beech, I birch and elm. No region of equal , extent enjoys so much excellent water ] ower, with such ample sup{ilies of j limber and minerals to work uporap- I ply to any kind of manufacture to ous 431 PAC ] tons for several miles. Ol'lATCIIOrAX, alako in (Miicou- timi CO.. Que., lU'ar the head waters of above river. Leu;rth 1:, miles, breadth 1 mile. OUIATCHOUAX, (which means in the Creo language " Do you see the Falls there, ") a river of Quebec, rises in Chicouliiiii co., 7 miles above Lake Quaqur.fraiiiucke, and enters the S.W. corner of Lal;e St. John after a of M\ mills. Abdui !i mile from its mouth are the (Ireal Fall-, '-'oOfeet high. They rival those oj .Montmorency in height, and far siu'i)a^s them in the distributidu of the water as it descmids over iieniiaut reeks. These beautiful falls can lie ,-;een from the opiiosite siile ot Lake St. Jnhii, and have given to this river its naiiu'. OUIATCIIOIWNITCII, br LITTLK OUIATCliOlAX, a river of Quebec, falls into Luke St. Jidm about V,[ miled from the Ouiatclnnuin. ONIQUE, a lake of Quebec. See Wiqui. OURS. RlVlKRi:, A L', of Qucb. c, runs into t!ie lliv er Ashnapmouchouan. a tributary ot Lake St. John. OrSK,a river of Ontario. See Grand River. OFTARDKS, a lake in the co. of \i- coiet, Que., Si> mimed fn.m the imnuMise number of birds of that siiecies ("bus- tards") winch (uue freiimnileij its bor- ders. It comieins w ilh Lake Si. Paul. OL'TARULS, a ri v. r i.fQutiiie,! titers the St. Lawrei.ce 11 miles bidow Ikn- simi,-. It is a goud salmon stn^ain OXTONkoka rivei', in the towu.ship of .McClintoch, CO. of I'etin-lioidugh, ( >nt. I'Al'.OS, (JRAXIJ and LITTLK, two bays at I he en tr. nee to the La ie ih-s (.'lia- leurs, in Ga-iie ci., Que. Th'V are about .^) miles aliart and lie midway between Vu])Q d'Lspoir and I'niiil Ma'- Hueteau. On the W. si-JO of (iniud I'abos Lay is a -mall village, and on its east side a fishing seltleiueut. Several streams run into the bay fnnii a numer- ous (diain of lake- to the iioilhwest- ward. The (Laud I'.ibos is a good saluioii striani. ILVriFIC OCKAX. or the CRKAT SOUTH SKA, by far the largest ot the grtiit divi-ions of wati r on the surface of the globe, extends from the Arctic !'• the Aniarctic circle, over 1.'!.'! of lal.; and from the \V. ci a-t of America to Australia, I'aima, I'lnns, Suiubawa, Java, Suniaira, and 1 1 c K. coast ot Asia, or through nearly 1G!> degrees of longi- tude. Area, cs'iimateil at 7o,()oi),(ii)i) sipuire miles, CNceeding that of all the dry land on the globe. In lis widest part, at the eipiator, it is 10, 0' miles acros- ; towaids the circles its breadth is dimin- ished, especially in the X., where it cotnmuuieales with the Aretie Ocean by Hehring Mrait. It is n.siially divided by geogruj)' ( rs into the Xorth and South I'acilic, separated fr^ ni each other by the ccj nator. TI.e ue st dis- tiigui-hing features of ti.e I'acilic arc the conn less number nf o.uiparaiively small islands s| lead nvtn- iis surface, moree-p' c ally ut it-; c(|uatorial region, a id tlu> imnieii-e chain of volcanoes ' which s'retehiibi i;! Ci'Uliuuou-ly along I its shores f.iriiiin.;' oi.e vast vidcauic circle. In the simmIi, it is .-ej arated from the Aiit;uet c Circle only by an arbitrary line; i)ui in otlier direclions lioth its b iiindariis and its cuinnuni- eaiions wi^li oiiui ec^ .ms are well delined. Its coa-t I'ue oii the American side, though gneially bold, is very little bi-okeu by inle s. On the .Asatic (side it io very irregulur. The dciith ot '■ J 'l tr^ ' ■■! r . :' '•] 1-: •• M !J "T ' :; 1... ,:.4'i-V:'' ■ '■ i ... ». , Ki \ \k. '■ • ■■!1! !> .. ^ «.l!' , , *'■■;: . ■ Vvi- ^ 1 «:■ If *^l*fc?'* s I ;; ^1 r i if Nil 11 III I' IS H Mil PAS PEC the Pacific lias not been ascertaiiie'l, tli(tii;^-Ii tlicro seems no reason to doubt it (Icsi'emi.-? niueli further below tli;in the lol'liest mountain liei;,dit3 ascend above its surface. Tliis ocean \va> first seen by l^uropeans in l.")]3. Vasco Nuii'v, lie i5a!l)oa, tlie Si)anisli (Jovemoi- of D.irieu, piMceeding on native infor- mation, set out on an exiilorinpf expe- dition across tlie isthmus, and, iiaviujij iisc'iided a liill, saw a bou idless ocean sju'ead oul b. fore liim. As Iiis view extend d idreliy to llieS., lie oulli .Se.i. It receiveil its ]irehvnt iiann' from the celei)rated navit^ator, Fernando de .Ma- f^ellan, w: o sailed across it in ]")-l. In tlie ei;;'iteeiitli century its ditr<:re'it fiarls were <'xplored by IJidiriufr, Anson,, nouLMinville, (^'oolv, Vancouver, Broii;xlii'iu, La I'erouse, kc, and in the present century by D'Hntrecasteanx, Krnsen^ter 1, IJeechey, Fitzmy, D'Ur- ville, Wilkes and Sir Jam 'S Koss. PAI.NT RIVKR, of Quebec. See Olomanos' et bo. PAK'(>\VA().\MfXG, a lake on the north sh u'f uf Lake lluron, about lat. 4G !")■ .v. Ion , 83 17 \V. PALl'KKy, a river f Xew Bruns- ils j:ra ute, its X'-ar its source and Grass, aid .St. Croi.v, Lake wiclc, rrinarkable for luniljer, and its fish. n:e !;ik"s .Moose, Sliift n":;r its niouiji iu liie Holton. i'ARAOISK LAKK AXD r.POOK, ill Annapolis co., N.S., about 'J miles fiom Uridji^etown, i> 4 mih-s long, tilled uith islii uls and deep narrow coves, and c inta ins line tiout and nercli. I'Allk'EUS L.VKIO. in Halifax co., X.S., iirar the Waverlv (lold Mines, abmit ;> miles long by half a mile wide I'AlvR'S, ,1 lo ig narrnw lake in Hali- fax CO., X.S , has its 'H.tlet by a small sir Mi'ii filling into Saiidiro Harbor, on the Atlantic e(ias*. PAllKSliORO' HIVK!?, asmall riv r felling in'io the hirlnr of the same name in .^Lnas Basil, Nova Scotia- The river is not navigable, but the harbor is desiined to b.; the winter ouilel for till' endless aliundaiice of coal existing iu the co of C' lubi rland. A few s.'ilnini) are taken 'n the Parrboro. rAllTIMDeiK ILilifav co., N.S., fills into the Atlantic at Law- roiu'etown liaibor. PASHASllEEBOO IIWER, a river ofQneboc, enters the north shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 2'> miles west of the Xatasliquan. ^ I'ASSAMAQIJODDV BAY, at the S.K extremity of Maine, separates the United States from New Brunswick. It extends inland about I.'t mihs, with an avi'rags: breadth of about 10 miles, iucludi ig the estuary of ihe St. Croix, which Hows into it. It is exci'ediiigly irrgular, contains 5iiinieroiis islands, an! abounds with harbors wliic'i aiibru good anchorage and are siieltered tVom all wind-. There are three eatra ices to the liay^ called respectively East, ^\'e-t, and .Middle l'ass:iges, which are indici!ed by lighthouses. Tiie West Passage has an alarm bell. Common tides rise hen' 2.") feet. _ I'ASTAGiiUrSIK.a river of Quebec, ri-;es in Lake Kenogami near Sable I'oiut aid falls i ito the Siguenay 11 miles X.W. of Ciiicouiinii. It runs thruigli a series of beautiful lakes, one of them of considerable eximt, and is said to jiass nnder a mountain. It has a number (jf fills, one 240 f'et higti. TiiC soiiiul of this mag lificiit fall can be heard at a great dislaiu-e. The I idians aver that there are Irg'uer falls further 11)1 tile river. rAT'.'UASIIGAMA, a lake of the N'oith West Territories, opening into Lake Waratowaha. The source of the Montreal river is faind in the vicinity of the waters of this lake. I'AVILLION' IHVKll,asniull stream o 1 the Island of Antic ).-ti, Q'lie., 40 miles east of S. W. I'oint ; the scene of manv a sliipwreck. I'EACL lUVEIi, a larg ' river of the Xorlli West Territories, rises by two heads near oO N. lat., and liO" lo V13 W. Ion., Ilows at first .lorth, and after receiving Eialay's Branch, breaks through the Rocky Mountain-;. It has thenc -forth a generally norlh-cast course to near Lake Athabasca, where it again turns iiorlli, and under the name of Slave River enters the Great Slave Lake, near lat. Gl" N., Ion. 113 '30' W. Total course estimated at 1,100 miles. It rece ves the surplus waters of Lake Aihabasca, and gives iiauie to a wide territor\' between hit. a,") UY and t]0 X., and Ion. 112 and 115 W. PECIIES, RIVIERE Al'X, in Lamb- ton CO., Out., rnus into Lake St. Olair See Tccuniseth. Ii shore of ■) inik'3 west ^Y, at the |iarfit('3 the iiswick. It U's, with an t 10 miles, 10 yi. Croix, exci't'iliMgly )iis isliinds. vhicii aduru .'llcred fVom .> catiM ices ivi'ly East, I, wiiich arc Tlio West Cuinraon r of Qiu'boc, ni'iir Sable i:i^'.u'nay 11 i. It rims 1 biki's, oue tint, and ia aiii. It has I f't.'t higti. ■lit fall can aiK't'. Tlie h-gluT falls ilk.' of the |H iiiiisjf into ICC of the 11' vicinity nail stream 10 rfoeue of ■ivor of the ^('s bv two 1(1 liO" to .loitli, and iL'li, breaks 111-:. It hiii norlli-oar;t , miles long iiy 2 broad. The shore line is broken, being indented with coves. It contai is ,-everal small islands. (Jold river takes its rise in ' PEVV.VNT RIVER, in Halifax co., N.S , issues out of Spruce Hill Lake anil falls into Pc inant Hay, on tiie Atlantic coast, near the .scne of the wreck of the ste.atTier At/nnfir. It is from 20 to 2."i miles long, and in its course passes through (irand (iake, which is about 3 miles long and 1 wide. The shores of this lake are very rough, and iidented with nnmerons small bavs. PK.VTECOST, a river of 5?igiienny CO., {}\\(' , ('liters tiie north shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, about 300 milts below Quebec. PEI'SIAQUACK, a river of Bona- ventiiH' CO , Que., runs into the north- east side <'f the Matapediac about (3 miles from its mouth. PEPSIAQUASiS. a small river of Bon ivent'ire co.. Que., runs into the S.W. side of the Matajjediuc, 8 miles from its mouth. PERCHACA, a river of Chic(Jiitimi CO., Que., falls into Lake Si. Jolm. It is navigable for large baiteanx f -r ma ly miles ; and farther up for bark canoes. PERCIIE, RIVIERE A LA, a river of Temi-C')iiata co.. Que, runs into the .Madawaska near the head of hake Temiscoiiata. It abounds with li le li.-li. PERCH RIVER, in Lambtou co., On)., enters Lake Huron at the north corner of the town-hip of Sar lia. PERCIVAL RIVER, a small stream running into Eginunt Ray, on llie .•^.W. coast tit' Pri ice Edward Island. ^ PERIRAl'I)RICHE,ariverofQiiebcc. See David R ver. PERIHONEA, (" The singular or cu- rious,") a river of Quebec, enters the iioriheinmost point of Lake St. Joiin, after a course of many miles from the E X.E. It is one of the most beautifil rivers flowing into Lake St. John. Its banks, which are level, are heavily wooded. I'ESQUIAMAU, a river of IJonaveii- ture CO., Que., runs into the S.W. side of the River .Matapediac, 9mile- from its moiiili. PETKR'S LAKE, a small lake on the La II ive river, in Luuenbuig co.. \.S. RETEWAWA, a large river of Onta- rio, tal mleS for vess(d-i of the largest size; and for seho iinTS of > or SO ton- biriln- for 12 miles further to the head of t de. The whole length of this river is about lot) miles; above the head of tide it is navigable fir boats and cuioes fully 50 m les. Tiie I'etiteodiac is an impor- tant fertilizer to rich and e.itcnsive marshes which skirt its banks, causing them to jirod abundant crops of hay for tlie pa m one hiinilred years witlKuit any ot:er aiil Tlie c inmer- cial importance of this stream is consid- erable ; from Ilillsburongh, u jiort on 28 1! i*'»i ii>^ ,&v ^^m V' ' !i rs ^ ■ It. ^ * ij S . ■i-,<- h ■»iii PTO 434 i»LA I!' ! I ■ iHi! I r lii} IF« its banks, tlio cj'lebrated " Albert coal, " (worth $15 per ton at tho port) is sliip- pe(l, and a frw rods furtlior up are •xtcnsivc wharves where large quanti- ties of i)laster of I'aris, (oT superior Stij^Iity) are amiially sliipped. This \'er is fc'd by niinierons smaller rivers or creeks— the Weldon Creek, Stony Creek, Ooverdale river and I'oilett river, all abo :nding witii trout and ■ome •^uliuoii. Lar{(e quantities of shad »re yearly taken in tlie Petiteodiae. PKTrilO NATIOX UlVlili, North. See No, til Petiie Nation. PKTITK NATIOV ftlVER, South. See SmiIIi Petite Xatioti. PKI'IT PI;E, RIVIKIJK DU, in Mont- into the Island of St. Or- niVlERi'i, in Lapriirie co., north into the River La morency co., ik>., fill LaWrcnco oi)posite the lean-; pi:titk Que., riina Tortue. PETITE FEIIME, a river of Mont- moreucy co., Que., runs through the Doniaiiie de Beanpro into the St. Law- rence. PETITE RIVIERE, takes its rise in a lakcne:ir the bo.indary l)etwo<'n Lunm- burt; and Queens counties, N.S., and runs aoulh-east into th:' Atlantic, form- ing ai its nioutii a (jood harbor called PulmiMvton Bay. PETI r S.\G'UEXAY RlVK!l,a.sniall salmon stroum running into the Sague- nay from the south. P[(!,a river of the district Oi' Algonia, Out., takes its rise in McKay's Lake, near tbe height of land st'paratiiig the waters of Lake Superior from those of Hudson's Riy, and Hows inlo the north-west angle of Lake Miperior. At its month and for some di-;iance it is less than 100 feet wide. For 6:? miles from its month it flows swiftly with a smooth gliding cur- rent. It averages 5 feet in depth at low water, and 10 to lo feet at high. The val- ley of the river averages about a mile in breadth. On either side rises wooded hdls from KtO to 400 f^-et high, the high- est being nearest the lake. At tlie mouth of the Pic there is a tradi:ig post of the Hudaon's H v Company. PICTOU ilARBOR,'a capacious and beautiful basin of Nova Scotia, admir- ably situatcil on the St:ait of Xorth- umberliind, opposite to Pri ice Edward Island. At its mouth is a baron which is 'i'i feet at low water. Inside the bar there fs good anchorage from five to nine fathom,^. A number of streams run into this harbor. On ita N. side stands the town of Pictoii, and on ita 3. the terminus of the liitercolooial. PIERRICME, (JRANDE RIVIERB) in the co. of Portn town-hij) of Preston, co. of Halifa.v, N.S , receives the waters of sev- eral small streams a id discharges them and ilsdwii into Tjuwrencetown harbor. PORTERS LAKR, a small lake in Yarmouth co., N S. PORT DANIRL, of Quebec, a fine harbor in the Baie des Chaleurs, about 4 miles from its entrance Here -Julnioa fisliiug is jirosecuted to a cousidrr.iblc extent ; herrings are also t ken win- ter and summer in great abuidntice. The country a few miles aroimil is hilly ami abounds with limestone, but the soil is fertile, a id along the riv(>rs are large tracts of the ricliest meadow land, lu-odiici'ig hay for ages without c'lher manure or cultivation. Two rivers fall into this harbor, which take their rise in small lakes in the inferior. They are frequented liy salmon, eels and trout, but are not navitrahie. (,'aiioe3 can ascend a di-tance of from 10 to 15 miles. PORT Ar PERSTL, a small river of Charlevoix co., Que , issues out of sev- eral lakes (abounding with trout) 18 1;=' ■ u i 'ni .L. . : to t^ POT 436 PSO f • ; r II -If m ' : i'f ' II ^1 miles from Murray Bay,and empties into the fstiiaiy of the St. Lawrence at Port au PiT-sil. PORT AU SAUMON, a small riyer of Cliarlcvuixco., Que., rises in a num- ber of lakca 12 miles from Murray Hay, and empties into the St. Lawrence at Port ail Siiumon. The lakes abound with trout. PORT Ai:X QUILLES, asmall river of C{.arU'vi)ix co., (.^ue., fed by a number of lakes, euipties into tlie estuary of tlie Kt. Lawrence, ^0 miles from "Tadou- eac. PORT JOLl, a river of Quebec, falls into llie S. sliore of llie St. Lawrence, near St. Jean I'ort Joli. PORfLAXD CHANNEL, off tlieW. coast of N' rth America, stretches in- land, in lat. .o5 N.,lon.laO \V,andsep- araies Uie North West Territories and PORT MEDWAY GREAT LAKE, a lar^e e-Kpansiou of the Port Medway river, ah lut 2U miles from itsmoutli,on the S.W. coast of Nova Scotia. It is of an irregular shape, about 18 miles long, coaiains a number of islands, and IS surrounded by heavily timbered lands. PORT MEDWAY RIVER, a consid- erable stream in the eastern side of Queens co., N.S. It is navigable for 5 miles. 50 miles from the head of tide It passes through Ponhook lake, which is about lU miles in leng;ii, and receives from the eastward the waters of Malaga lake, which is also a large and very beautiful lake. 25 miles from l'oiih>)ok lake thisstreum receives the waters of Luke Alma, iiito which flow a uiuuber of snuill branches. PURi'NEL'F, a river of Quebec, rises in a small lake m the seigniory of Fau- 6eml)iult, CO. of Portneuf, and enters a bay on tlie St. Lawrence Ihrougli a narrow gorge or ravine about 1 mile in length and in some jilaces not 2(i feet wide. The banks of this river are high and well wooded, but its stream is pre- tipitated ilirnghso many rapids and along a broken rocky bed with such violence as to render navigation im- possible for any sort of boat. POT AU HEURRE, three rivers in the seigniory of Morel, Que, all running into the S. shore of Vamaska Bay. PUT AU BEURRE, a river in the lulaud of Orleans, Que., rises about the centre of the island and runs into the N. channel of the St. Lawrence. POWITIK, a river of the North West Terri'ories, N.VV^ of Lake Siipo rior, flows northward from Shoal Lake towards the Albany river. About 6 miles from its nioutn it joins a larger river called the Kajiikotongwa. PHADE, RUISSEAU LA, a small river running N.E. into t!>e Richelieu river, ojipusite Isle Deschaillons, Ver- cheres co.. Que. PRAIRIK, GRANDE RIVIEHE, on the island of Montreal, rises in Cuteuii St. Louis and traversing Cote Ste. Marie fails into the Si. Lawrence. PRAIRIES, RIVIERE Di:S, of Que- bec, divides Isle Jesus from the Island of .\Iontreal. L is im|)r 'jierly called a river as it is one of th'- channels of the Ottawa extending from Isle Bizard to the N.E. extremity of tlie Island of Montreal. PRAIBIES, RUISSEAU DES, rises in L'Assoniiition co.. Que., and runs S.W. into the River Ma-coiiehe. PRE.NDERGAST RIVER, rises in the townshi[) of Clarendon, co. of Pontiac, Que., and runs S. into Lac aes Chats. PRESQUILE, a harbor on the N. shore of Lake Ontario, immediately above thepe iinsula of Prince Edward. PRESQUILE, a river running into the western side of the Rirer St. John, a few miles above Woodstock, N.B. It lakes its rise in the State of .Maine. PREVOST RIVER, or RIVIERE NOIRE, rises in the township of Wick- ham, CO. of Drummo id. Que., and enters the St. Francis near Drumnioud- ville. PRINCE REGENT INLET, in the North West Territories, between lat. 72 and 7l N., Ion. 83 and 85 W., leads from Barrow Strait into Uoothia Gulf, and was discovered in 181D. PRINCE, RIVIERE AU, in the co. of Two Mountains, Que., runs N.E. and joins the Petite Riviere du Chcne. PROPKE, a river of Quebec, ono of the early tributaries of the Baiiscan. PROSPECT lilVEIf, in Halifax co., N.S., is 5 miles long and well stocked with salmon. PROVll;ENCE, asmall lake of th« North VVest Territories, near d5^ N. lat., and 113 W. Ion. PSCUDY, a river of Quebec, rises in Rimouski co., fulls into the Redligoucbe. t ins into the •ence. the North Lake Sinio- yhoiil Luke '. About 6 ins IV larger jwa. ,A, a small !'e Riclit'liiui iiilloiis, Vcr- [IV IE HE, on ics in CoU'uu jteSle. Marie IjiES, of Que- im the Islaixi n'rly calli:d a aiiiioLs of tbe Isle Hizard tlic Island ot J DES, rises e., and runs Diiclio. )H, rises in the I), of Pontiac, c dos Cliats. ir on tlie N. initiiediately ince Edward. nuuiitiK into irer St. John, idstock, N.B. teot Maine, ur RIVIERE hip ,.f Wick- Que., and Dtiiminond- LET, in the between lat. and 85 W., into lioutLia in 1811). U, in the co. ■uiis N.E. and (,' liene. UK' bee, one of le IJaiiriean. n Halifax CO.. well ritockod U lake of th» near 05' N. iiebec, rises in uUesugoucbe. QUI 437 RAT PUCE, RIVIERE AUX, of Ontario, entpr.^ Luke St. Clftir, about 4niiles W. of ]?'lle Riviere. Pl'GWASH HAY, a fine harbor on Northumberland Strait, eo. of Uuni- bcrlaml, N.S. The shore here is so bold 'hut ves.sel.« can lie with r^afety, at all times, witliin 20 yards of it. Above the channel, which is not more than 11^ (if a mile wide it li-eonies a beautiful iiasin. Pufiwash harbor, thoiigli ^ml'.ll, is one r,f tlie best in the jirovinoe, and has been celebrated for its shipbuilding and produce of (h iils and other lumber. I'UtnVASlI RIVER, a small stream falling into the above harbor. It is navigable for some 7 or 8 miles, and abounil> with trout and alewives. PVKE laVER, a small stream of Missisquoi co., Que., falls into Missis- quoi llav, near the boundary line. PYKKS LAKE, a smalllake in the township of Framjiion, co. of Beauce, Que. PVKE'S RIVER, a small river of Dorchester co,, Que., runs N.E. into the River Etehemin. gr'APPELLE or ^VIIO CALLS RIVER, in the Nortli West Territories, takes its rise within a few miles of the Southern or Lower SMskatdiewan, and forms one of the chief tributaries of the Assiniboine. In its course it runs through a delightful valley, and ex- pa ids into eight lakes, wlu'ie the best of whitehsh at)ounds. Length 270 miles. QUAQUAtjAMACK, a lake of Que- bec, one of the lirst waters of the River Duiatchouan. gUAliUAGAMACKSIS, a small lake a few miles S. of the above. QUKEN (CHARLOTTE'S SOUND, on the W. coast of British Columbia, is the N. portion of the Strait which 8C]iarate3 Vancouver Island from the mniuland. Lat. of entrance 51- 55 N., Ion. 131 2 W. t^IlKSNEL RIVER, of Bntish Co- lumbia, issues from a great lake of the i^anie name, and Hows into the Fraser 40 miles above Fort Alexandria. gUIAUSQUAK RIVER, of New Brunswick. See Grand River. QUINCHIEN, a river in Vaudrenil CO., t^)ue.,runs NMv, and falls into a bay that lies between Isle Perrot and the Lake of Two Mountains. t,UINTE, BAY OF, a large i'det west of Kingston, Out., very singularly form- ed between tlio irregular peninsula of Prince Edward on the S. and the iiuiin- lar.d on the N. Length, I hrongii the various crooked turns 't nuikes, altout 5 miles joins the Saskauhewau in lat. 50M0 N., Ion. 110 5 W. RED INDIAN LAKE, a Bpacions aud hcaiiliful sheel of water in New- fonndUiid. Length TiO miles, breadth 6 miles. It is supposed to have been at o le time a favorite haunt of the Indians, as in 1827 an exploring party discovered on its banks lints, small imafifes, models of canoes, anus, and culinary utensils. RED RIVER, of Quebec, rung into Commissioners Lake, N. of Blueberry Hill... ' ' RED RIVER, of the North, rises In Elbow Lake, in the west of Minnesota, inal)out hvt. 47^ 7 N., Ion. 9J 2r> W., and flowing in a general S., then in a S.W., and afterwards in a N W. direc- tion, ai last runs nearly N., and cross- ing the N boundary of the United States, falls into Lake Winnipeg, in Mnuitoba. Entire length '65 miles, 82") of whieh are in the United States. In the first 100 miles of its course, it forms the line of connection between a multitude of small lakes, which seem to bo disposed along the stream like beads upon a thread. A steamer has plied on Red river since 1859 REED (iRASS RIVER, of the North West Territories, rises in Lake of the Woods and enters the ri ht bank of the Red River, N. of the 49th degree. REMEMBRANCE LAKE, a small lake oti the borders of Queens and Shelburne countier?, N.S., has its out- let in I'ort Herbert, on the Atlantic coast. REM IE, a river iu Charlevoix co., Que., fall-! i'lto Rivi6re du Goiiffre. RE NOUS, a river of Nortiiumberland CO., N.i>., rises in a chain of lakes, and empties iiito the .Miraniiclii at the lit'ad of tide, u'jara I'lace called Iiidiantown, 18 miles from N. wca.stle. It is about 48 miles in length, aud settled for 18 miles up from its mputh by farmer? and liimbt-rmen. Thsre are two falls on the Rcnous, one 3ij miled fVom its mouth and the other 7 miles farther up. It has several branches, one called the Dungarven, 47 mili'S loig, nnd an- other, the N'.jrth Hranch, 20 miles long. It has also a numbi'r of small brooks on which lumber is driven, vis : Underwood, Kings, Rocky and .Mona- ghan. The latter is about miloi long nnd takes its rise in a sniftll .spring. There aro several lakes which form the sources of all the small streams. The largest is the North Hrancli Lake, about 5 miles long, and the next largest the Lake of the Little Suiiih West, 3 miles long and i of a mile wide. Salmon, troit, chub and sucker are plentiful in all the streams. From the middle of April until the end of May, smelts and gaspereaux swarra 7 miles u[) the Reiibus to spawn. The Renous isa narrow rapid stream espe- cially the North Branch) on which lumber is driven with difliculty. Ca- noes can ascend to its source, and also to the sources of the oth' r streams. REPULSE BAY, North West Terri- tories, is on the S. side of Melville Peninsula, in lat. 66' N., Ion. W to 87 W. RESTIGOUCHE, (which means " the river which divides like the hand," in allusion to its separating at the head of tide into five principal streams or branches,) a river of New Brunswick, forms the N. boundary of the province on the S.W^ separating it from the P'ovince of Quebec. From the head of tide to its extreme source near Lake Temiscouata the distance is 200 miles, and the main river, with its tributaries, drains an area of about 5,000 square miles of fertile and well timbered country. The five leading branches vary from 50 to 70 miles in length, and are known by the novel names of Matapediac, or Musical river ; Upsal- quitch, or Blanket river; Wetomkege- wick, or Large river; Mistouche, or Little river; and Waagan, or Knife river. The entrance to the Restigoiiche from the Bale d'?-^ Chaleurs is 3 miles wide and 9 fathoms deep. Tlie tide llowa ujiit 24 miles, of which 'Sareiiavicrable for the largest ships. The princijml towns on its banks are Dalliousie at its mouth, and Cainpbelltou at the head m- RIO 439 HIV y farmers and vofallii oil the III its mouth irtlier up. li ic called tht )i'g, nnil an- ch, 20 inilea ibcr of small 8 (JriTtMi, vii : J and Mona- bout niiloi e in a small I lakes which 1 the small is the North les long, and of the Little and i of a it, chub and the streams, until the end ;'reHux swarra ipawn. The stream esps> 1) on which fliculty. Ca- irce, and also • streams. 1 West Terri- a of Melville ,, Ion. 'AiP to 1 means '' the le hand," in at the head [ streums or Brunswick, the provinct it from the n the head of near Lake a 200 miles, ts tributaries, 5,000 square ell timbered ng branches s in length, vel names of iver ; Ujjsal- Wetomkege- listouche, or in, or Knife RestigoMche irs is 8 miles le tide IIdws ire iiavitrable The princiiml ^tillioMsie at n at the head of navigation. The scenery in its conr e U everywhere both griiiid and beMiitifiil, but that portimi is the most intip'Sting where it forces its way tliMMgh the iiunintain laids which jrive birth to the great streams of New Hruiiswick, ami of the Uniied iSt li',s emptying into the Alliinlic Ocean. Here " the eagle, U'lnmlested, builds its nest upon high clifl's ; the hear and bhick cat secrete themselves in caves a'ld rocky fissures ; the m"Ose and cariboo "brouse" upon their favor- rite food ; and the salmon, fearless and free, reflect the sunshine in the deepest and darkest jiools. " The Hcstigouche is one of the finest salmon rivers in the world. On the U|«salquitch, also, rare Falinoii fishing may be enjoyed. Fish- breeding operations are carried on by the Government on the R'stigouche, ojiposite the month of Matapediac river. RinH(>N RIVEll, of Quebec, tiikes its rise near Lake Oatineauand enters the St. Maurice at Weymontachinque. RK'E LAKE, in Northumberland co., Ont., is 25 miles U)ng and 4 or 5 miles wide. It lies nearly S.W. and N E., about 15 miles from the shore of Lake Ontario, and receives from the N. the River Otonabee flowing from a chain of lakes, and pouring its own waters by the Trent into the Hay of Quinte. The name it bears is derived from the wild rice growing on its margin It is a favorite resort for anglers, its waters teeming with mas- kinonjre and bass. RICHELIEU, OIIAMliLV, or Kt. JOII.V, a river of QneLec, leaves Lake Chnm[ilain at its N. extremity aid after a N. course of 80 miles, enters the River St. Lawrence at • ake St. Peter. It is broader and more rajiid in the former than in the latter part of its course. Near its centre it expands into the basin ofChambly. The Richelieu forms an important part of the naviga- tion between the St. Lawrence an' i the Hndion rivers. At its mouth is the town (ifSorel. HIOllIHUCTO, a considerable river of New Brunswick, takes its rise in Kent CO., and enters the Gulf of St. Lawrence at Ricliihucto. It is naviga- ble for small vess(ds for 15 miles above its mouth. The tide flows 25 miles, and there are yearly floated down it immense quantities of timber. RICII.MONl) WAY, a very spacoui inlet of the sea on tin- uorihtrii side of Prince Edward Island. It is J) m 'es wide and stretches inland 10 niileg frtni its entrance, almost dividing tiie island, leaving a narrt w reiieh if oily one mile in width. Its K. enlraiic<. ig ciHitraeted liy a long narrow i'lnnd lying across it. Several creeks, rivtrs and smaller bays indmit its shores, and no fewer than six islands stml its .-.nrface. RIDKAL' LAKE, in Leeds co., Out., is the grand snminit level «)ftlie Uideuu Canal. It is about 24 miles Imig, averages (j miles in breadth, ai d is about 2b.''. feet above the waters of the Ottawa on one side, and l.")4 above the surface miles long from S.E to N.W., and 1 to 2 miles W'de, with a de^ilh of water vaiyii.g % li ■'''■, ■ ! li i i. jail V ^, - ' ■ n.. v^ 4- 'A :'U ■^m^ , RFV 440 ROC ^ii\ i from 3 to Ofuthnms. FlivcrliiliaUitnnts is 24 inilc-i loiip, R miles of which iin; luivijf.iblc for scJKioiicrs of (JO iiinl 80 tons liiirihi'ii, wliik' hdiitn cun iihcoikI iiciuly to its source. It is f'ri'i|Moiittjd bv siltii'in, iilfwive.s, cclsiitnl trout. 'FUVKIl.fOlI.V, a liver of I'ictoii co , NS . fulls into Tiitiiiiiiij^ouclie liaibur, on the Sti'tiit of XortlinnibiTliiiul. RFVKIJ NKJA-(;()H (liiviKHK nu LAtioK^of Mritisli ('olnmbin, waters the coMiitry inhiibited by the .Neja-otin ((}eiH (1(1 liarjje), a remote branch of the Taeiilly Indians, who .so (iistin- jT'ilsli tlif'ni from the rest of the tribe. This river joi is the Nantlay-acnh (or Friiser's Lake Branch) to the aontbwestward, about a mile below the flfTInenee of Fraser's Lake. RIVER NITH.of Ontario. See Smith's Creek, RIVKR OF RAPIDS, of the North We.Ht Territories, enters Rainy Luke from the left i)f»nk after a rajjid course of nboiit SO miles. RIVER PHILIP, of Nova Scotia, Jails into the Strait of Norhiim- berlan Peak Mountains and debouches into the Mackenzie river at Fort Simpson, after a course of about 800 miles RIVIERE CAP CIIATTE, ofGaspe CO., Que., has its so"rce in some lakes in of the Shickshock Mountains, and empties into the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 3 Diiles E. of Cap Chatte. It is navi- - of a mile of the source of the Mata- an ^.f.| t^ ''.','? t ■'A S.\1'.LR, niVIKFlK AUX, in St. Miiiiricc CO, Quo., runn in a voiy di'vi'iiH ooiiP'^e into the St Lawroicc, j)a.minpf tlironfrlj the village of Pointo dn l,afv SAiU>ES. I{l VIKIIIO AtlX.ofOntaria, winds sin^'iilarly tln'oiij;!! a part of tlio count ic-j of Huron nnd Middloscx. and bcndiiijj iibniptlj about 10 mil' s abovp its \n intli, and vvitiiin KOO or t)00 yards of till- TTi'iiirin of Lako Huron, runs pnrnllcl to thp Siioro of tho Lsiko, into wliicli its waters are discharged, 5 miles above Kettle Point. S > HI. ON, ^ee Anso an Hliino. SAf^KVILLK IHVKR, in Ilulifaxco., N.S , fills into into the bead 'of Hed- fcrd Masin alter a S K. eourse of 15 miles It is a (rood salmon stream. SAOTTEVAV, a Inrsre river of Que- bec, and one of the prineijial trib'ifarics of the St. Lawrenee, thf^ e-tuary of which it enters 120 niileg N E. of Que- bec, In Int. 4H'€t N., Ion. <',9 3S W, and into which it brings the snrnlna w.-ilers of Lake St. John. Total lenpth 100 miles. Its origiiuil Intlian name wa.s Ohicoutimi, siirnifyinp "deep water," but the early Jesuit missionaries pave it the name it now lK>ar8. The Sairnenay is remarkable for its wild and pietnresque scenery. The first half of its course averapea half a mile in width and runs throufrh a wiMer- ness of i>!ne and spruce covered hills; it abo'inda in waterfalls and is only navif.cahle for canoes. A fi'w miles below the niost southern fill on tho river i.s the villajje of Ohicoutimi where an extensive lumber business is trans- ftct"(l, a'ld where the Hudson's Hay Oomp'Uiy have an important nost. About 10 miles S. of ('hicoutimi, there reee'les from the Sjipuenay a beautiful cxpnnse of wnler called Ha! Ha! Hay, at the heiid of which is another villnsfe. Between this bay and the mouth of the river its course exhibits sonic of the most sublime river scenery in the world. Tlie bunks viirying in heitrht from 500 to 1,500 feet, not onlj' often jierpondicu- lar but iibsolufely overhnnpi g the dnrk, deen river below, as if to ^az^ at their own rusr^ed features. Tlieprecini- tM'cy (•(Hitiniie-; b(>low as well us above the water, whieli has been found as deep witli'n live f-et "f the shore as in the middle. Near its mouth a line of 3,000 feet failed to find bottom ; the depth in other parts varies from 100 to 1,000 feet. During the summer months the Sigiienav is visited by tlioiisauli of tourists. I' is navigable to Ha! Hal Hay for vessels of the largest class. It receives the waters of many tributnries ; some full of sfllmon. At the mouili of the Saguenay is the elebrated watering I)lnc", Tas itself by a snnill river. Le-iir'h and breadth about 20 miles. ST. ANNE'S HAY, or I'ORT nAlTRHTN, a fine harbor of tlie Inland of (>ape Hreton, without the Hr«s dOr T.,ake. TiC'r^th 8 miles; breadth 3 miles. It branches out into two exten- sive arms ST. ANNE DES MONTS, a beanti- ful river of Quebec, flows from beyond the Shickshocks in Riinonski eo., and falls into the St. Lawrence 10 miles E. of (/ape Ohatte. It is navigable at high wafer for schooners 1 mile, and forcnnoes 54 miles, and nbonnds with sHlmon and trout A number of small lakes on ttie Shickshock mountains have t' eir outlet in this river. ST. ANNE RIVER in Montmor- ency CO., Que., rises in rear of the seigniorv of COte de Reaupre, aid being joined by the River Lombrette fulls into the St. Lawrence at the E. corner of the pnrish of Ste. Anne. There are several falls on the river bnt the most celebrated are two miles above the villnge of Ste. Anne where there ig n, solitarv vale of rocks, almost a nat- ural crrotto, thriMicrh the centre of which the stream rushes until it escapes by a narrow channel between the rocks, aiid continiies roaring and tumbling witi) ausrmenting vebicity. The seen* from below the cataract is very grand ST. ANNE RIVER, in the conntiei of Portieuf and Chann>liiin, Que., rises in the rear of Stonehani, eo. of Quebec, and forms in the (ir'^t part of its conrs* the River T.'ilavrole. thei runsS 'W., ro- ceivinir the River .N'MreCwliich descends from a lake .abnnnding with fish> and fills into the Si Lawrence at Ste. Anne de 111 Parade, forming several islands St. 443 St. E from 100 to liner months )y tlioiisH'uli • to Ffn! Hal 3st class. It r tribiitnriog ; ho moil ill of ted wal frill jf , in ('olcheg- ' E. bank of Ontario. 50 into wliicli Pmiili river. 20 miles, or PORT )f the I-land he Bras d'Or breadth 3 3 two oxten- 'R, a heauti- rom beyond ki CO.. and 10 miles E. avipable at I mile, and lonnds with cr t)f small mouMtaius pr. Montmor- ear nt the \ aid belnjj irette falls at the Ste. Anne, le river but tTiiles ahov« ere there ii lO'^t a nat- eentre of il it e«;rn pea 1 the rookfj tumbling Tlie seen* is Tcry ? coiintiet Que., ri>ei of Quebec, it- eoiirse IsS W., ro- ll descends (i-:h) and Ste .\nno al isluiidl at its mouth. It« CMir«e, about 70 miles, is raiid and through a mountainous country. fST. ANNE TUVER, of Qiiibee, rises in tlie d W. ST. AUOrSTlN RIVER, a salmon Btrenm r' luiincT into the Saffuenar. ST. Al'CJUSTINE R1VEI{, a larfre galniou stream on the N. shore of tlie (Julf of St. Lawrence. RT. CHARLES, a river of Quebec, take.s its rise in the township of Stone- ham, CO. of Quebec, and running S E. falls into the St Lawrence at Quebec. It recfives the waters of several small Btruiius. e.vjiands into a beautiful lake, and at the village of Lorettc rolls over a Rteet) and irregular rock 30 feet high, forming a very pretty cataract. The Indians call this river Cofiir Cou- li'it, on account of its windings and meanderings. ST. (CHARLES imOOK, in L'As- Bomptinn. co., Que., is a small stream running N.E. into the Little Chaloupe river. ST. CHARLES, LAKE, a beautiful sheet of water l'{ miles N.N.W. of Quebec. Length about 4 miles; great- est breadth 1 mile. This lake affords one of the most exquisitely picturesque scenes in the province. The margin presc'its an apjiearance at once wild, romantic and delightful ; the devious course of the low bank-^ form numer- ous little bays and headlands where the trt'e-^ to t'le water's v<\ffe conndete one of the richest views that could be desir-'d. This charming panorama during the .summer months is frequent- ly visited on account of its Arcadian beauty. There is a remarkable echo at the lake, wliicli, unlike ot.hei echoes, tarries some few seconds before repeat- ing the .«oiiiid uttered; and this in its turn is re-echoed from another quar- tca, as though the nymphs of the lake were sntnnioning the drvads of the neiirlibouriug woods to join in the sport, l.iike St. Charles abounds with Bjicekli'd tr'Mit. ST. CHAl'.LRS RIVER, in St. Mau- rice CO., (>ue., runa into Lake St. Peier. ST. CLAIR, a lake between Oiitario and the iASSAMA- QUODDYand SCHOODFAC RIVER, rises from (Jranci Lake, on the boniers between Maine and New Mrunswick, and flowing in a general S.S E. direction, although in a very winding course, falls into Passamnquoddy Hay. It form,=i the boundary tor its while course between the United States and Sew Brunswick. The whole length is about 12") miles. It is navigable for vessels of light draught, say 300 tons, to the town of St. Stephen, but above this its navigation is interrupted by a succes- sion of falls and rapids, affording fine water power, and upon which an ex- tensive milling business is carried on. Canoes can ascend to its source. The St. Croix is fed by a number of tribu- tary streams and lakes. On theOrand for Cheputneticook; Lake at its source a steamer plies. ST. (^ROIX, a river of Nova Scotia, Hows N.E, and forms a confluence with the .\von at Windsor. ST, CROIX RIVER, in Charlevoix CO., Quf»,, a small stream running into River dii (Joutlre ST. DAVID RIVER, in Yamaska co., Que., rises in the township of Tpton, and falls into the River Yamaska; 1 mile above Isle Jo«ei h. ST. DENNIS RIVER, in Inverness CO., N.S., enters an arm of Bras d'Or Lake, af'er a ehor' but crooked cniiise. ST.ETIKNNK IMVKR, of gii.-tx' •, dipcl'arges itself into th Sag'ieiay, on the W. side, about a mile below tho Rui^seau des drosses Roches, A small and rapid stream. '1' U .•I, i m Ij ^ ■>i i. 1 Ik , i n\ t^i St. G 444 St. J M •Hi I i |ii ^ ST. ESPRIT RIVP:II, in L'Assomp- tioii CO., Que., joins the L'Asaumptiou river at St.Sulpico. ST. KHSTAUIFE, alake in thetown- sliip of I'.landford, co. of Nicnlet, Que., about 100 acres in superlicial e.xlent. It abounds with fisli, anci di.-ciiarges its waters into the River Originaux. ST. FRANCIS, a beautiful lake in Wolfe CO., Que., about 40 niile.s N.E. of Sherbrooke. Length 15 miles; breadth 1 to 4 miles. It is surrounded in every direction by lofty wood covered moun- tains, some containing iron ore. ST. FRANCIS, a lake of Ontario and Qu» l)cc, formed by the St. Lawrence, 3."j miles S.VV. of Montreal. Length 28 miles ; breadth 2 miles. ST. FRANCIS, a river of Quebec, rises in Lake St. Frauci.s, in the co. of Wolfe, and having received many tributaries (the Salmon, the Eaton, the Coaticook, the Massawippi and tin) Ma- gog,) reaches the town of Slierbrooke ; tlience it winds through a lugldy pic- turescpie country, and finally empties in'o the St. Lawrence at Lake St. Peter. Total course about 100 miles. Its navigation is interrupted by falls and rapids. It is studded with many fine U\an s some of them well cultiva- ted, and abounds with many kinds of fisli, such as bhick bass, maskinouge, fiike, sturgeon, ic. The following akes are on the St. Francis : Lake Louisa, in the township of Wecdon, about 5 miles long by 3 wide; Lake Aylmer, 8 miles by 3; and Lake St. Francis, 15 miles by 4; there are many Bmall lakes close by all those waters, and they all abound in fish of large size, — ma-kinonge, sturgeon, bass, pickerel, white fish and eels; but uo trout are to be found. ST. FRANCIS, a small stream runuin'jr into the River Chaudiere, in Eeauce co.. Que. ST. FRANCIS RIVER, rises in Tem- iscouata co., Que., and flows S. until it meets the N.W. boundary of Maine, ■when it turns and runs E., and unites with th({ WoUastook river to form the St. J,)hn. It constitutes the N. boun- dary of Maine for most of its length. ST. UEOUdE, a bay and harbor of Kewfouudland, on the W. coast. The bay extends inward E.N.E. about 54 miles, a ui receives the River St.(ieorge, which falls into the head of the harbor of the same name in which the baj terminates on the E. Several other streams fall into this bav. ST. GEORGE, a bay of Nova Scotia, on the N.E coast, about 120 mile.-; wide at the entra'ice,and where it penetrates farthest into the land, about 18 miles in length from Cape (Jeorgc. ST. (lEORGE, a lake in York co., N.IJ., 25 miles S.W. of Fredericton, give.s rise to the River I'oquiock. ST. C;E()R(JE river, in 1/A.ssnmp. lion CO , Que., a small stream running N.E. into the River L'Assompiion. ST. JACQUES, a river of Quebec, after a S E. course of 23 miles joins the St. Lawrence 10 miles N.E. of the month of the Siiguenav. ST. JACQUES, a Fmall stream running into the St. Charles river, in ti.e CO. of Quebec. ST. JEAN, RIVIKRE, in Chicoutimi CO., Que., runs from the W. into a bay on the Saguenay river, opposite Cape Dia- moid. ST. JEAN, RIVIERE, in Kamouraska CO., Que., a small stream running N.W. int'Uhe River Ste. Aine. ST. JOHN, a river of Quebec, joins the estuary of the St. Lawrence, at .Mingan, opposite the Island of Antieo.-ti, after a S. course of (iO mile-?. It is an admi- rable salmon stream. The coa.ti, after is an admi- lasi between md tiie Bay an abuii- c oxide of lifboc, joins L'Assomp- f Montreal, ilep. ho [ndinnf "lat Lake,) parallels titiido, and 72 10 W. X. of Qiift- rcular, and miles. It uid is the ron«: large lM'm>elves, highlands ost'Territo- rincipiil of ■isini. Peri- hn X, the iiiatciioiia- uialchouan i! St. J on the S.W., and the Metabetshuan, Kush) ahiganish and Helle Riviere on the S. By means of some of these rivers, anil their lakes and tributaries, communication from Lake St John may be had through the or St. .Mauiice with iheSt. Lawrence, and through tlie Catineau with the Ottawa. This great lake has its outlet into the Sagueuay by the Grande aiul I'etite Decharge, which lie on its E. side. Its shores ubnu id with iuexhaustib'e quar- ries of limestone aiul extensive beds of fine marl. Tin; laki; contains a num- ber of beautiful islands, and abounds with a viirii'ty of lisli, iucliiding the ceUbrati (1 '' winuouiche " ST. JOHN IllVEiJ, (lulian name Lnoshh ok^ siguifsing "the Lo ig River,'') the principal river of New Bruuswif'k, rises unthr the name of the South West J5ranc!i, at the .Mei- gerin^'lte Portage, in tlie highlands which sej'a ale .Ma ne from Canada, near the sources of the Connecticut. It flows due N E. to the junction of the St. P^iaucis, 68^ 54 of lat. 47 10 N., Ion .,) a distance of about 150 miles, ot which course about 100 mile.-, comnieneing at the influx of the North West IJr.inch, is known as the Walliistool; river. Helow tlie entrance of I he Si. Francis, th" St. John flows in an irreg lar E.S.E. course to the Grand flails, (lat. 47 5 N., Ion. G7-^ 45 W ,) where the river has a perpendi- ular descent of 70 or 8i) feet, abounding in pictnre.-(jue scenery ; thence its direciion is nearly S., lo about lat. 46' N., whrie it bends suddenly E., and flows in this general direction for about loO miles to the entrance of the outlet to Grand Lake, below which the river Hows in a broail chann.d due S.S.W Its entire le igth is esiiimited at 450 miles. To the Grand Falls, 225 miles from the sea, its cour-e is wholly «ithin the province of New Brunswick. From a point about 3 miles above the falls, where the E. boundary of .Maine intersects the St. John, to the entrance of the St. Francis, a distance of 75 miles, the boundary betwet' 1 Mai le and New Brunswick is found in the middle cha inel or deepest water oC the river. From the mouth of the St. Francis to about lat. 4t; 25 N., 445 St. L Maine ; but f-ora the point last mention ed to the Monument at the source o the river on the .Metgerniette Portage, a distance ofabout 38 mile.-:!, the right bank only is in the {)rovince of Quebec, The principal afliuents of the .-t. Jiihii are the Oioiuocio, Aroostook, and Alagash from the W., and the Keunebaccasia, Washademoak, Salmon, Naskwaak, To- biciue, .Madaw.'iska, and St. Fiancis from the E. Vessels of 120 tons ase-nd the St. John to Fredericion, 8o miles from the IJay of Fundy ; small stvanurs ply to Woodstock, 75 nnhs farther up, and occiisionally make trips to the Gra id Falls. Above the Grand Fall--, the St. John has been nav:gaied by a sieamer 40 miles to the month of the River M.idawa>ka, and from this point boa's and canoes ascend almost to its sources. It is estimated that the St. John and its tributaries afford 1,300 miles of navigable waters. The area drained is computed at 17.MOn,(ioO acres, of which l>,> to 'Jl 30 W. Lei.gth 35 miles; average lir>adth 10 miles, ll receives the Callake river, and discharges by the Albanv river into James's Bav. ST. LA.MDEUT PJVEP., in Lap'rairie Ion. 70 4 W., a distance of 112 miles, co., Que., runs into the S. shore of ilie the river has its course wholly in 1 St. Lawrence nearly oi posite Montreal. \r % W'M r. ■Ml .t, 14. .1 k*. lit*'' M i O'i) r n m\ I )i; i! i »' ^': ] ,1 ; !1 i i 1 i ; I 1 1 .1 1 St. L 446 St. M ST. LAWRENCE, one of the largest riv<'rri in North America, issues from Lake Ontario in ab >ut 44' 10 N. lat., and 7() 30 VV. lon.^ and flowing in a N.E. direction, forming, in a part of its course, tlie boundary between New York and Ontario and Quebec, falls into the Gulf of St. Lawrence by a broad estuary, in about 4'J 30 N. lat. and G4 VV. Ion. Viewing this river in connection with the great western lakes, of which it forms the outlet, it may be said to rise at the sources of the St. Louis, wiiich tluws into Lake Supe- rior. It has received diU'orent nanies in different |)arts of its ci)urs«; between Lake S ^jerior a id Huron it is called tlie Si. .Mary; belwceii Lake llin-onand Erie, the St. Clair and Detroit ; between Lake Ontario, tlie Niagara'; lielween Lake Ontario and tiie Sea, it takes tlie name of St. Lawrence. Its whole length, including the chain of Lakes, is estimated at 2,200 miles. The distance from Lake Ontario to the Gulf of St. Lawrence is about 750 miles. It is navigable fort^hips of the line to Que- bec, and for vessels of 4,000 tons to Mon- treal. Between Montreal and Lake Ontario, the navigation is much im- peded by rapids, the most important of which aVe the Cedar and Luchine Rap- ids, the latter 9 miles above .Montreal. The total elevation between tide water and Lake Ontario is about 230 feet. This is overcome l)y 8 canals, varying from ^ of a mile to "lU, miles in length (but ill the aggregate o ily 41 miles of canal) haviig locks 200 feet long be- tween the gates and 45 feet wide, with an excavated trunk from 100 to 140 ft'ct wide on the surfaee, and a (lei>tli of lo feet of water. The St. Lawrence can- als were deepened for paddle steamers, but from the mag litmle of tiie rapids anil ilieir regular inelination the aid (jf the locks is not required in dcsceniling the river. The i)a>sage fiom the head of the lake to Montreal is made b> a freitrlited steamer in 48 hours ; the up- ward trip requires about <)0 hours. From Lake Ontario to Lake Erie an tde- vation of '530 feet is overcome liy a cuii d 28 miles in length with 27 cut stone locks, 130 feet long by 2(1^ feet wi wide. It contuns within it many smaller harbors and coves, affording shelter for ships of the 19 to meet ping trade of llie CHU- rigiiUon is le onlarpe- >(id several By m ana d Cliiimbly rom tlie St. liiin, which Cliani|>lain iters of the lents of the 1,800 miles y between d tlie St. lien ay from idlh of the al, varying ree or four from ap he distance ini contains sion of the xke Ontario roup called •esenting to variety of rtion of the le " Lake of ic dcx Millet ia Bridge, at a cost the river at ice, Willi its stimate'i at lich !)0,000 of the five iver of On- ' tiie miifiity urce in lat. bee, formed er St. Law- Montreal, biviidlh 7 niers it by , of Quebec, bay of the of the St. oisic. It is er. a large inlet Scot in, 12 It cnnt-iins arbitis and hips of the St. M 447 St. P rrcareat bnrthon. Several streams fall inio it abounding with salmon and other fish. STE. MARGUERITE, a river of Que- bec, rises in a ci ain of mountains in the CO. of Saguenay and enters the Sagiienay river on the N. side, 18 mi'es above Tadonsac. It is one of the chief trib itaries of theS igue lay. Its course is very rapid and lies deejily bedded in abrupt mountains. This river is jiarti- cularly famous for its salmon, which are very abundant and of a large size. Salmon go up it 60 mil s, but tln-n meet steep falls which prevent their fiirtlicr ascent. STE .MAR(iUERlTE, a small Btn'aiii running into the St. Lawrence, in Nicolet co.. Que. STE. MaRIK, a small stream in Beance co., Que., runs S.W. into the Ghaiidiere. STE. MARIE, a small stream in Terribi;nne co., Que. ST. MARY, a river of Xova Scotia, rises in (JoUege Lake, within a short distance of the Antigonish river, and crossing nearly the whole county of Guysliorongh from N. to S. falls into the'Atlantic about 90 miles E, of Hali- fax, forming the harbor of St. Mary, where it becomes navigable for the largest vessels for about 10 miles. It has a number of branches flowing through a well wooded and rich mineral country. ST. MARY'S, a small lake on the Gatineau river,40 miles above its mouth. ST. MARY'S STIIAIT. or SAULT STE. MARIE, separates Ontario from the np!)er peninsula of .Michigan, and connects Lake Superior with L:il feet, and covered with groups of nmjestic trees. It is adorned with a nunii)er of l)eantiful i.siands, and has a vari- ety of falls and ca-^cades. The Falls of Grand .Mere and the Shawenegan Falls are particularly attractive to the tourist. The latter "are about 30 mile.-J from the city of Three Rivers. The most remarkable place on the St. Mau- rice is the Hudson Bay Company's post of La Tiupie, about 100 miles from Three Rivers. Lat. 47 IS :50 .V, Ion. 73 ^V. It is separated fr- m the falls by a conical hill jirineipally com- posed of granite rock, containing quartz, mica and felds]iar. The St. Maurice and its tributaries abound with fish. ST. MK.'H AEL'S BA Y, on the E. cast of Labrador, in lat. 52 5G \., Ion. 55' 30 \V. vST. NICHOLAS HARBOR, of Que- bec, on the N. side of the St. Lawreueo estuary, in lat. -It) 18 X., Ion. Jm 10' W. It is a narrow inlet b^'tween gra- nite hills from 500 to 800 feet in heitrht, forming a harbor so perfectly ^ecuro that a ves-el might lie laid on sh"ri> and rei)aiii(| as if she was in a dock, while on the S W. side she could be moored as if at a wharf ST. PAULS BAY, in the River St. Lawrence, at the entrance (f the River du Goullre, runs about 3 miles inland k * t '■if : n 111 ^ h ■ »> I'l 'f !■! » M^ i Hi: I ■I SAL 448 SAL and nl itsentrancois Dmilcswido. It is in tl e fill III of an anipliitlii'iitrcaiKi witli lofty ciiciiitoiis liill'j to the N. unfoklg a very ronuintic ami beautiful scone. Call n {^ilicaii "11 the E. are of coUHidenihle lieifjht and of nearly j-eriicndicular aserut. HT. PAUL'S LAKE, in Nicolet co., Que., is nearly 5 miles loiifij nnd 4 mile wide. It n ceives the waters of liiike Oiiiardes and discliarg-es its own by the IJiver (Joilefroi into the St. Law- re oe It almiiiids with fisii and is stir- rouudi (1 i)v beaiitifid scenery. ST l'.\r"L'S HI VE|{, of Quebec, see Esqiiimini.x river. ST. PICTEK. a lake of Quebec, beintr an expansion of the liiv(TSt. Lawrence, beiwi'cn lilt. 'Mi and 4(J' 8 N,, and about loll. Tl W. Length 3."i miles ; prealest lireadlh 10 miles. Il receives many rivt rs, the largest of which is the Kt. Francis from the S P^ In its S. part aie many islands. It is navigable for vessels of'4,()(lo tons. ST. PETEirs HARBOR, an inlet on the ,\. coast of Prince Edward Island. Into it falls the River Morel. ST. RK(!1S RIVER, rises in Franklin CO., New Vork and flowing throiigli St. Lawrence co., falls into the St. Lawrence r'ver near its Intersection ■with tl e boundary line between the United States and ("Canada. S.ALMOX ANM) SEA TROl'T FISH- ERIES OF THE PROVINCE OF QrEiSEC.— The following listiMcludos tiie principal salmo i rivers and sea- trout 'Ireajns which discharge into the SiiiKt Lawrence and Saguenay Rivers along the north-east or Labra- dor coast, betweei the ]irovince boun- dary eastwards (Blanc Sablon), and the IJiv'er Jac(iues ("artier, above C.Uiebec ; also tlio-e emiityiiig upon the south or eastern shore of the "^t. Lawrence, and others fiowiig easterly into theRaie des Chalenrs. I'l addition there are many other buy, cove and inlet stations along these extensive coasts, but which arc disposiible chiefly as sedentary net- fishings for salmon and trout : DISCHARGE INTO RIVKR ST. LAWRENCE, NORTH SHORE. Esquimaux. — Fine salmon river. Formerly yielding 52,500 salmon each season. Corkcwetpeeche. — The neighbour- ing stream Contains steady run of salmon. Ste. Augustine. — Well supplied with s: Imon. Sheep Bay — Considerable si/e. Good salmon-fishery station. Little M(ccatiiia. — Discharges large body of water by several channels. Fine salmon river. Netagamu. — Large, deo]) strtam. Ilith falls inside. Swarms of trout. Salmon ascending it only to the falls. Najieteteepe. — Emjities into siiacious bay. Abtamds witii sahiion. iEtaniamu. — Celebrated for its sal- miin li>heiy. Coacoacho. — Discharges into a fine basin, (lood salmo i river Romaine. — Large, but shoal stream. Salmon abound. Is renuukalile fur a rare, bt'autiful, and flavourisli quality of white or silver trout. "Waslieecootai.— Discharges into a large bay Good salmon stream. Miiscjiuirro. — Bold, rapifl riviT. Af- fonls fine salmon tisliiug with Hy. Good net-fishery station. Kegashka.— Salmon abundant — stee]» rapids impeding their ascent. Fishery in bay. (Jreat Natashquan. —Famous stream. Salmon of finest kind and numerous. Agwanus.— Large stream. Good, salmon-fishery location (N .E. bound- arv of " Lordshi]) of Miiigan. ' Nabissipi.— Good net salmon fi->hery. Pashasheeboo. — Tolerable size. Fair fishery. Watslieeshoo. — Good salmon stream. Corneille.— Fair fishery. Piasliter Bay River. — Fair fishery. Mingan. — Excellent net and Hy-iish- ing f'o'" salmon. Pools always hold a heavy run of large fish. iManitou. — Branch of the .Mingan, equally good and well known. Saint John.— Very large stream. Splendid salmon hshery. Magpie. Very good fishery for salmon. Rapid little river. Saw Bill. — Considerable stream. Chiefly net fishery. Manitou.— Large — obstructed by per- ])endiciilar fall. At its mouth both salmon and trout resort. Trout.— Small river. Chiefly net fishery. * Molsic. — Noted for numbers of nfiRliboiir- v\y run of >l)lieil with size. Good rges large cliaiiiK'la. |) ati'tfim. ! of trout. ) the falls. to spiicioiis 1. or its sal- into a fine nal ^JtrciiiTi. kabk' fur a risli quality es into a I IT am. river. Af- r with fly. nbuu'lant — leir ascent. lous stream. niinorous. mi. Good. .E. bound- •1 non fi^licry. L' size. Fair lion stream. r fishery, iiul fly-tish- ays hold a le Mingan, vn. ;e stream. fishery for stream. cted by per- noulh both Jhiefly net imbers of SAL 449 SAL weighty salmon. Extensive and lucra- tive net Hshery. Fine tiy-fishing. Ste. Marguerite (en bus). — excellent river tor salmon and trout. I'eiitfcoat.- Full, swift stream, frcqiK'nted by salmon. Stationary fisheries at the mouth. Trinity ilhiy) — Favourite river. Sal- mon and trout fisliing, for net and rod. Goodbout. — Fine salmon river, wide- ly known as such. Englisli. Eini)iies into deep cove. Salmon fishery. Plenty of trout. Bersiniis. — Immense stream, and has many tributaries. Scenery interesting. Abounds with large-sized salmon. They do not take the fly except on the waters of its branches. Nipimevvecaw'nan. — Tributary of the Bersimis. Fairy-like stream. Falls nine miles inside. Exquisite tiy-fishiig. Jeremie. — Small. Trout only. Fur- trading post, chiefly. Col mbier. — Good salmon Hshery. Plovrr. -(iood salm n fishery. Blanche. — Good salmon fishery. Laval. — Picturesque and wild river, alternating with gentle rapids ana deep narrow pools. Kesides valuable net H hery, it affords abundant salmon and trout fishing. Sault de Cochon.— Steep falls hinder ascent of salmon. Famous for trout fishing along the estuary border. Port neuf.— Pleasant stream to fish with fly. Up to the first falls swarms with trout. For several miles higher up is frequented by salmon. Net fishery station along the tide-way. Grand Escoumain — Once famous for salmon. Mill-dam has now an artificial fishway. Fine net fishery for salmon in bay. G. Hergeronne.— Good trout stream. L. Bergeronne. — Fair salmon and trout river. (Both the Bergeronne rivers are within a few miles of Sague- nay and Tadousac). Black, or Salmon. — Formerly good fishery. Murray.— Flows down beautiful val- ley. Yields salmon. .*)u Gouflfre,— Much deteriorated. Ste. Anne— Prettr river, and latterly has afford d fair salmon fishing just be ow the chute. Montmorency. — Cataract at mouth. The upper water swarms with (river) tr^ut. Jacques Cartier. stream. -Excellent salmon 29 DISCHAUGE I.NTO HIVKK ST. I^AWKKNCE, SOUTH snoiiE. Ouelle.— Formerly well stocked with Salmon. Riniouski. — Good salmon river. .Metis. — Good .^aliiion stream. Mill dam provided witli fishway Matane. — Fine salmon river. Caji Challe. — Good trout stream. A few salmon. Si. Ann. — Fishway on mill dam. Bold, rapid river; affords capital sal- mon fishing. Mount Louis. — Important stream. .More noted of recent seasons for sea trout than salmon. .Magdelaine. — Salmon river. Dartmouth. — First-class sti-eam, flow- ing into Gaspe basin. Abounds with salmon. Vork. — First-class salmon stream, flowi ig into Gaspe basin. Abounds with salmon. St. John's (du and) — First-class sal- mon stream, flowing into Gaspe basin. Abounds with salmon. Malbaie. — Salmon fishery. Gra id. — Fine salmon-fishery. Little Pabos. — A tolerably fair sal- mon and trout stream. G. Pabos — Saimon-fishery. Superior station. FLOW INTOBAIE I)E8 CHALKL'Rg. G. Bonaventure. — Large and valua- ble stream. Many tributaries. Abound- ing with salmon. Cascapediacs. — Both the Little and G real Cascapediacs yield high numbers of salmon, and of a large size. Nouvelle. — Good salmon fishery in bay, trout in river. Matapediac. — Considerable magni- tude, and abounds with salmon. Resiigouehe. — N(jl)le river. Has fine tributary streams. Salmon fnq etit it in huge numbers, and of heavy weight. Head of Bale des Chaleiirs. Upsalquit<;h -Branch of Restigouehe. First class salmon stream. Patapediac— Branch if Restigouehe. Salmon ascend it about forty ludes. Mistouche. — Feeder of Restigouehe. Salmon river. DISCHAKOE INTO RIVBK SAOlKNAf. St. Margaiet ien Aau^)— Large iribu- 'l»:-v J ^^\ 51 ; fc. HiJt,.» " ■! !;M -; K li ' ' . ■ ' r I 'Hi 1 1 SAL 450 SAX tary of River Sagnonny. Fine snlmon fitiliiiiK <'r- she(l between McLeod's Fort and Fort St. James. It is navigable for canoes of the largest size and abounds with salmon. Length about 50 miles. SALMON RIVER, on the N. sido of the Island of Anticosti, Que. A salmon stream. Cod lishing establish- ments at its momh. SALMON inVEI?, rises in Franklin CO., New Vork, and flowing N.W ., falls into the St. Lawrence river in Canada, near St. Regis. About 15 miles from its mouth it has a |ierpendicular descent of about 70 feet. It was up this river that the American forces, under Gen. Wilkinson, retreated after the batile of Chryslers Farm, Nov. i:^, 1831. SALVAi'LE KIVEH, in St. Ilya- cinthe co..t^tue., falls into the Yamaska. SAMAGOU, a river of Quebec, runs into the N.E. side of the Metapediac, 4 miles above its confluence with the Restigouch . SAND RIVER, in Cumberland co., N.S., falls into Chignecto Bay. SAND RIVER, of the district of Algonia, Ontario, enters the N. shore of Lake Superior ; length about 25 miles. SANDY BKACH LAKE, on the River St. Maurice, 20 miles above Kir- kendatch, 198 miles N. of Monti-eal. The St. Maurice flows in from the N. W., about 2 miles above this lake. SANDY LAKE, an expansion of the Riviere du Lievre, in Ottawa co., Que. Neaj- its lower end is a trading post of the Hudson's Bay Company. fratortuoas ihe OUiiwa iug stocked Ljjruenfty CO., kV. iiiio llie foiiuiiig iu rell tiniltfred Its avi'iujre mile aud it pent. Victoria co., m 10 uiilc3 arniouili co., AUtic (Jceau, Col- li tile E. of IW3 into the 1 S. S.E. (lirec- cy aud watT- f\)V\. and Fort ble for caiu)C3 abouudd with ")0 miles. I the N. si do !osti, Quo. A uing establish- 8 in Franklin ingN.\\., fidls ver in Canada, 15 mes in a .small lake on the E. side of Temiscdiiata portage and communi- cates liy means of the River I'etite Fourciie with the S.W. branch of the Uiver Troin Pistoles. SASKATCUEWAX, a river of Ihe Nortli \V(\U Territories, takes t.s rise in the Rocky Mountains, in a sti all lake near .MdunI Forbes, in about lat. 51- TiU X. Winding amongst tiie mountain 3i»urs near its source it follows a N.E. diiecti(Mi to I'ointe au.v I'ins, thence it runs N.N.E. to the foot of I'.ij; Horn II 11, whence, having received the streamlet of that mime, it hastens eastward to Mountain House. From this ])oiiit to Fort Edmonton its general direction is N.E. ; it continues in lliesame direction till it crosses the 54th parallel of lati- tude, along which it runs and then turns southward towards Furl Pit*, and thus, between the latter and Fiu't Ivlmonton, describes a large and almost regular curve. From Fort Pitt tlie river continues its .S.E. course to the Elbow, whence it turns suddenly to- wards tlie N.E., first reaching Carlton House and thence (Jumberhuid House. From the latter point its general c(uirse is S.E., although its great winding sometimes carries it tOAvards the N., and sometimes towards the 8. This great river divides into many branches tiiat flow caprici(»usly through the vast plain wliich they cut in various, aud frequeuily (piite opposite, directions. Clearwater river joins it nearMouutain House, and 75 miles farther down it receives Hrazeau river, called also North Branch. From its source to Mountain House, a distance of about 150 nules, the Saskatchewan is not navigable Fn/m Mountain House to Edmonton, aljout 15o miles, navig- able with barges, and from Edmonton to Carlton Hou.-e, about 5oo miles, wita steamers during a couple of months, some years for a longer period. Be- tween Carlton and Lake Winnepeg the river is very well fitted for navigation, except for 20 miles between Cedar Lake and Lake Winnepeg, and about the same distance in Coal rapids near *he juaction of the souihern branch, about 50 mile^ below Carlton. Total length of the Saskatchewan about l,'2iiAver. SAlJOEEX, a river of Ontario, dis- charging into Lake Huron at the villago of Southampton, after a of about 150 miles through an e.';cet'(li'ii;ly fertile and well settled country. It is 150 yards wide at its mouth. From its source to the Lake there are numerous rapids, creating a large ainoiinl of water jiower, only ai)ortionof wiii<'h is used. Sturgeon, bass and pickerel are taken in the Saugeen, ami laigcqiian- titii's of trout in its In 1872 a large number of salmon fry were jiut into its head waters as an experiment. SAFLT A LA PUCE, a small stream descending from the highlaniis in the rear of Chateau Richer, co. of .Montmo- rency, Que., and filling into the St. Lawrence. It winds through a moun- tainous and woody country, and is en- titled to notice for 2 or 3 very roma itic falls, where its stream is [irecipitaled from the declivity of one riilge to tlio level of aiother, aud for the beautiful and truly sylvan scenery that decorates its banks. SAWl!ILL,or SHELDRAKE RIVER, of Quebec, on the north shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, west of Mingua. ;.* i, . J; ^# I1 »:. . !• > i . i w ^^ * 'S 1:' • : ■. ■! > Si » ■ mk Vh. '' ' 1 [■■'1 lim ^il i: \^ '['f SEV 452 SHA ; |i SCHOODIAC RIVER, of New Bruns- wick. See St. Croix. SCOOTAMATTA, a river of Ontario, falls into llii' .Moira river, in llastinf?^ Co. It is a (locj), imrrow strciim, and funii^lifs valuable WiittT power priv^ leges. SCl'CJOa LAKE, an extremely i)ret- ty sliec't ot water in Ontario co., Ont., almost divided longitudinally by a pen- insida JVoni tlie H. It is indented with mimeroiis liays and is full of lisli, espe- cially bass and niasUinunge. On its banks are the flourishing villages of Port I'errv and Sciigog. SCU.MIXAO, or K.SCU.MENA(.\ a email stremn running into the N.VV. side of Restigoiielie liay. SKAL illVEi{, of the North West Territories, enters Iliulson's Hay on its W. side, 40 miles N.W. of the Churehill river, after a N.E. course of 200 nnles. SEOl'.M SP:(;A lakes, in Queens CO., N S.,liave their outlet in Lake Ros- slgnol. They abound m ith lish and their banks are c >vered with tine timber. SKIU'KNT RIVER, of Ontario, formed by a chain of lakes considerably N. of Lake Huron. It (lows VV.S.W. for many miles, and falls into the N. channel of Lake Huron about 30 miles W of the Hudson Hay Company's settlement of La Cluehe. SEVE.V ISLANDS, BAY OF, a beautiful bay on the N. shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, about 3(»0 miles below Quebec. It is about G miles long and 2.] miles wide at its entrance, and is nearly landlocked by the islands and bold peninsula at its western extrenuty rising 7.^7 feet above the sea. It forms one of the best and most sheltered an- chorages on theN. shore. Jae(pu>s Car- tier visited this bay in lo.'J.") aiilfoiind it a favorite haunt of the walrus. It has always lieen a great resort of the Mon- tagiiai-i Indians, antl is connected hy a broad aim lieep valley with Lake St. John, ;f.\, one of the chain of lakes formitifj the head waters of liie River Olonabee, in I'eterborough co., Out. SHKCOri'.ISII, a river of Quebec, rises in a lake of the same name in iat. 41) -7 N'., hui. 7;j "ifj W. It receives the waters of (iiaud Uivc luid after passing several rapids joins the Asliuap- mouch(juaii at the Falls of Chaudiew. See Oliiconbiche. SIIHDIAC, a riverof New Brunswick, falls into a bay of th same name in Nortliiimlu'rlaiid Stiait. SUELI>IiAKK,or SA\VBrLL,a river of the CO. of Sagucmiy, Que., enters the X. shore of the (iult oi St. Lawrence, 4o miles X.E. ot Halifax. Length iibi.iit 10 miles ; greatest brea'lth .'! miles. It is of ail irregular shape, iiideiite(l with .several large bays, and surrounded by rich mineral lands. It dis(diMrgfS its surplus water Honthwanl into Shiji Harbor, on the Aihmtie coa-^t. Sllll', or KXOWLES H.\RBOR, a deep bold harbor on the S.E. coast if Nova Scotia, distinguished by a white clilf resenibliug at a distance a ship under sail. In every jiart of it the ancliorajze is good ami safe. SHOAL LAKE, of the district of Thunder Bay, Out., lies due .\. and S. It is [i}, miles long by 1 wide and di.s- charges north liy a stream Mow- ing towaril ihe Albany rivi-r, called the I'owitik river, and south by the Onibabka river, which empties into Lake .Vipigon. SIll'BENACADlE, a principal river of Xova Scotia, which l)Oniiisula it near- ly divides into two ; after a N. course it enters Cidiecpiid Bay. 45 miles .\. of Halifax, with which ciiy and its harbor it is connected l)y a canal ;50 miles in length. The tide liiws up the Shuiienacadie 2.5 miles ; large ves- sels are built iiiion its banks for 12 miles 11]). Salmon, shad and alewives are numerous in its waters. SIH'LIE RIVER, a small stream in Cumberland co., N.S., falls into ("hig- necto Bay. SILVER BROOK, or RIVIERE D ARC EXT, a tributarv of York river, in (iaspe CO., Que. I'droleiim of a greenish cohu" collects in pools on this brook and has an od(U' which is le.S3 disagreeabi ■ than that of the petro- leinu of ( )utario. SKKENA,or Sl.MI'SOX RIVER, ^ a river of Briti:-h Columbia, rises in Liike Conn(dly, ou the I'cak .Mont. tains, and runs westward into tiie I'aci'c, at the head of Observatory Inlet. It borders H ■,. - ■ "i I •i :r- ua U, ' sou 454 STI dnrintrymrt of its course the sontli-cftst- erti hoiiinliiry of Aliiskn, i>» iisccntl- fd liy sti'iiincr-i from Niiiiiiinio for iicar- 1}' one linii(ii'('(l miles, ami iH o m' at thi- roiitiMfo tlif Omitiica pol'i miiii'S. M.ADf-: IJIVKIl, of Lahnitlor. See Kii-:i Ma!ii Itivcr. S.MrnrS ISAY, an arm of Lake Hu- ron, near the »'ast(rn cxtiemity of (inat M.'inilonr.u Island, extending itdand G miles. S.MITirs CRKIIK, or HIVKR NITIf, of Ontario, a tnl»iit:iry of the (irund I{iver, into wliicli it falls at I'aris. SMITH'S SOUND, a body of water formed at the N. extremity of Hatliii's H ly, tennimitinf,' towards the N.K. in a larjfe Kulf 1 lt» nnle^ in its lougest diameter SMOKKV RIVKI?, of the N'ortli West Territories, a larf>-e tributary of the I'eace River, liavinji itself nniiy tri- butaries eaiisiiij^the Avaiersof the larjje area between i'eace river and the Deer ]\Ioii ifaiii'j,) runs from the W. eid of the Lesser Slave Lake and Vellow Hea'l Pass. Length abo\it IHOniiles. SX()WI>AIiurse from east to west discharges its waters into the Richelieu 1 mile below Lsle aux Noix. S(»UTII RIVER, of Antigonishco N.S., issues out of a ])re[ty lake and falls into Antigonish harbor, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. It is about '20 miles In length, 4') to c,0 feet wide navigable ftrftor 10 mili's, a'ld fre. ({iiented bv salmon. Its banka nr(. well settled. SI'A.MSH RIVKR, a large river ot Oiifiirio, enters the .\. branch of Luki- llnnm, about lat. 'It; 10 .N'.lon.S'J .'iO \V. It-< banks are heavily woddeil. Sl'KEI), a river of Ontario, takes its ri-e in the township of Erin, co. < f Wellington, and passing through (Jiie'ph enters the Oiand river at Pres- ton. It is an excellent mill stream. SPLIT LAKE, of the North West Territories, a iiroad expansion of the .N'eNon river, checkered with islands, and lyin;r about half way between its head and estuarv. SttllATOOK." or SQUATTRCK LAKE.S, in Temiscouata co.. Que., arc sources ofthe River Tuladi. S(^>1'1BI.SK, a river of (^)uebec, rises near the W. boundary of the co. of Ho- navent ire and riinni ig S. passes near the Quam(pu'rtic')ok mountains, in its way to the River .Madawaska, into which it falls. STANLEV, ariverof Prince Edward Island, runs into OrenviUe Hay on the north shore of (,)ueens co. STEEL RIVER, of the North W^^st Territories, is that part of Hill river between its confluence with Fox's river and junctioi with the Hayes river. Its banks are elevated and the scenery, as it winds through a narrow ami well wooded valley, is in numy in- stances beautiful. STKWIAOKE, a river of Colchester CO., N.S., rises among the hills in Pictou CO., and flowing down through Upper, Middle and Lower Stewiacke, falls into the Shubenacadie river about miles above the Bay of Fiindy. To- tal length about r»0 mih's, but not navigable except for canoes, boats and giiinlaloes. The latter go up about f) or (J miles to the head of tide. Ca- noes can go to its source. The in- tervale and marsh o the river is very fertile. The Stewiacke contains fish of all sizes, from the iuiallcst min- now to salmon weighing 2j lbs. Smelts, gaspere.'uix, trout, biss, shad, salmon, eels and suckers abound in large (piantities. STICKEEX RIVER, of British Col- imibia, enters the P; cific IGO miles N. of Fort Simpson after a course of ai'f^ sue 455 SUP feet wide •:*, !IM(1 fro. a buiiUa ur,. ir^jc livor of iicli ofLnkf ; . \i)U.Hl ;!0 vily woiMled. ii'iii, tiikf'S its Erin, co. ( f iiy: Uiriiu;,'li river at Prc.^- lill strt'iini. i North West IHinll (if till- ivitii isliindi;, liftwcH'ii its QIJATTKCK CO., Que., arc (11. ()ti('l)C'c, rise? 1 he CO. of Ho- . passes near ntaiiH, ill its liiWiiska, into rinco Edward le Viiiy on the i Xorlh West of Hill river til Fox's river 1 1 aye.-* river. I the dcenery, narrow ami in many iu- of Colchester the liiU.s in lown throiig'h er Stewiacke, ie river about Fiindy. To- liles, but not :ies, boats and go up about of tide. Ca- rce. Tiie in- e river is very contains fish ;uuillcst niin- !iiiii>- 25 lbs. it, hiss, shall; rs abound iti f British Col- : IGO miles N. a course of abniit .100 miles, ino of which are navi- gable fur steamers. This river leads to the rich {?old mines in the (Jassiar coiitury. in the vicinity of \)ru^i> Lake. JSTOC", LAKi;, in Ha>ti ijrs en.. Out., i> about 7 miles in length lind belwei'u 1 and '1 in breadth. STO.N'E RIVEIl, of the North West Territories, issues out of Lake Wolhis- ton. winds throuifh several lakes, ami idt'mately falls into the Lake of the Hills \n part of its course it is called I'orciipine river. SroXEV LAKE, in Peterboroujrh CO., Out, at (he head of tlieOtimabee river, abounds with maskiiiniige, trout and l)a>s. Tlie sceuerv on this lake is Einiilar to that of the Thon.sand Islands of the St. Lawrence. Steamers ply on it. STONEV RIVER, of the North West Teriitories, the principal outlet of Athibasca Lake, flows between mar- shy banks about I'J or 14 mile-, and then joins the Peace River. The com- bined streams of both form Slave river. STRAWBERRY BROOK, in the dis- trict of Aljjoma, Out., a small stream running into the east side of the Kami- nistiquia liver, about .] a mile below the mouth of the .Mattiiwa. STURGEON, a lake of the North West Territories, 27 miles long by (J miles broad, connected with Pine Island Lake bv the River Saskatchewan, in lat. rit'N., Ion. 102 W. It receives Sturgeon river, a rapid stream, 30 miles long. STURGEON, one of the chain of lakes funning the head waters of the River Otonabee, in Peterborough co., Ont. STURGEON CREEK, a small stream runni ig into Pigeon Bay, on the N. chore of Lake Erie. STURGEON RIVER, of the district of Nijiissing, Out., takes its rise in Lake AA'ataganiasliing and falls into Lake Nipissing It receives on its N.B. siiie the tributary waters of tlie.Temagam- ing, Tomikamico and Smoke rivers. Near its mouth, on Lake Nipissing, there is a trading jiost of the Hudson's Bay Company. Lat. 4G^ 20 22 N., Ion. .^'0 .3 W. SUCKER LAKE, in Halifax CO., N.S, Las its outlet in the Atlantic thmugli a small stream running S. iuto Bliud Bay. SUP OT'EST, or SOUTH WEST RIVER, issues out of Lake John in l.'oiiville CO., Que., and fall.H iiilo the Vamaska. Near its mouth it reO'ivea the Little South West River. SUl), RIVIERE I)U,a river of(^i.>- liec* takes its aourco in the liill-t to the S W. in the co. of Bellecha-se, and winding in a general N.E course abmit 00 miles thrniigli a rich and fiuiifiil plain, falls into the St. Lawrence 2!) miles below Quebec. Its scenery Ih beautiful in the extreme. SUNDAV LAKE, a snuill hike on Saliimu river, lo miles N B. of Yar- niDiith, .VS. SUNDAY RIVER, a smail stream falling into tho Osgoode rirer, in Meganiic en.. Que. SUPEIMOR, LAKE, tho most west- erly and most (devated of the Nurth American chain of lakes, and tiiel:ir;:est ex| of fresh water on the globe. It e.\teuds from lat. 40 .'!.'» to V.i N^ 1 nd from Ion. K4 :\0 to 92 2i) W It has Minnesota on the W. a i\ N.W., Wisconsin and the N. jieninsiila of Michigan on the S,, and ()ntario in all other directions. Greatest length, measured on a curve through its eciire, from Tv to W. 420 miles: greatest breadth liiO miles ; circuit about 1.7r)0 miles. Estimated area .'52,000 square miles. Height above sea level '!:!0 feet; deiitli varying frini 80 to 200 fathoms. It is of very irregular shape, widening towards its centre, and gradually nar- rowing, jiartly towards its K. but much more so towards its W. (xfnmily, thus forming an irregular crescent, with its vexity on the N. and its concavity on the S. The N. shore is gcnenlly bold and elevated, and extends about 12 miles, jiresenting almost continuous ranges of cliffs, which vary in height from ;500 to 1,")00 feet ; the' S. .-hore is low and sandy, though occasionally interriiiited by limestone ridges, the most remarkable of which, situated to- wards the E. extreniily, |ire>enis i\ jier- pendicular wall .'100 feet high, bn ken by nunieroiis caverns and piojecliiiiis, and forming, under the name of the P'ctiircd Rocks, one of the greatest natural curi- osities in America. The cc itral portion of the Lake is clear of islands, wliieli, however, are nuiiieroim both towards the S and the N. side. In the former direction they are generally Buiall ; m 'if r ' !■■■ I: -I 7^ ■ i * v r? .. if! m f SUT 456 TAT but in the latter, several, more especi- ally tlie Islo Royal, are (if considerable diniensioim, a d ilo ij; witli the inden- tfuion of the coast, atlo d good nhflter for vessels. The water ot the lake is remarkable for its transpan ncy,« and derives its siiiijtlies from a ba-in esti- riiHted at 10o,()0() scuiare miles, which is ilraincd liy more tiian 200 sir. ani>. About 3'> of these are of C(;iisiduiible size, but they are almost all impe- tuous torrents, interriqited by rocks and rapids. The outlet is at the S.K., by the St. .Mary's Strait, which commu- nicates witli Lake liiroti lUid the i ther grt'at lakes whose waters rench the ocean, tlirough the St. Lawrence. St. Miiry sSirait SauItSte. Marie) descends 22 feel in a distimce of three fourths of a mile, forming a series of rapids, around which a navigable canal has been constructed forming the last link ol' the c'lain of communication between the great iakes, iUKi adding above 1,700 miles to ^)ur coast tiade. Within the lake itself the only obstructions to its navigation are the violent gales to whicii it is subject. It is well supplied with fish, principally trout, v hitefish and sturgeon. The twoformer ariofex- ctdlentqualily and have led to theestab- IhshnK'nt of a numl)erof fishing stations. The principal v^xport by the lake is co])j)er, of which veins of great rich- ness and extent have been discovered both on its shores and islands. The silver mines of Lake Superior are very rich. Siiccessfid and most profitable explorations are l)eing jirosecuted on a number of islands and on the main- land by several comptinies. The moat valui'lile deposits yet found have been on Silver Islet, where the yield is jirolitic The boundary iine between Canada and the UnitEX LAKK, :"orth West Terri- tories, N. of Lake Ayiiner, is the source of l^'ick-^ or (ir'at' Fish River, the theatre of many stirring scenes. SUTHEIiLA.VI) RIVER, a .small river in I'ictou co., N.S., falls into Merigomish harbor. S\VAMP7L theNorthWe Tei'ritorii'.^,giv es rise to f-'ilj River. U its borders is Swampy Lake House. SYDK.VIIA.M, a river of () itario, rix'S in a snuiU lake in the tow isln'p of lIoHand, co. of (irey, and flowing tlirough a picturescine valley pours its waters into the Sound that opens northward into (ieorgan Lay. The Sound, which foimsthe best natural liar- l)or on Lake Huron, is 12 miles loiigand 5 miles wide and, throiighoul its entire length is complet(dy sladtered It has g(H)d anchorage gronn'i and consider- able depth of water so tliai vessels of any capacity on the lakes can sail 'ip to near the mouth of the Sydenham witli perfect safetv. SVDE.VHA.M RiVKR, orHKI REAR CREEK, a rivm' of Ontario, which afier a course of about loO ni'les enters the River St. Clair behiW Wallaceburg. TA IU'Sl.\TAC,a river of New Hriins- wick, fails into the Culfof St. Lawrence about 20 miles N. of the .Miiamicln. It is navigable 7 or 8 miles for vessels of from HO to ino tons burthen, and fjr small craft for 10 miles further to the head of tide. Total length abdut GO miles. Large (|uantities of loniber aru amiuallv cut on its banks. It abounds with salmon, trout, eels, alewivcs and bass, and contains numerous beds of oysters. The lagoons at tic mouth of tjie river abound with wildfiwl. and are visited sjiring and fall liysporisinen from the province and the I'nited States. TALAYORLE. a river of Quebec, forms part of the River Ste. Anne. TALBOT, a river of Ontario, takes its rise near Balsam Lake and falls into Lake Sinicoe, near Beaverton. TARTKJO, a river of Quebec, rises in the co. of Rimonski and runs N. into the St. Lawnnice. TARTKKHtSHICHE, a small river of Qiubec. falls into the Tartigo. TASt'ilEREAU RIVER, in the town- ship vi' Bucklaiid. co. of, Que., is one of th*> branches of the Riviere des .\benaquis, which runs into the River Etcheniin. TATA.M.\(;orCHE BAY, on the gulf shore, at the N.E. border of ("^iim- Innlandco., N.S., is 2.1 miji s wide at its mouth, and runs inland about 7 miles. At its N.W. corner it receives the Tatamagouchc river, an excellent trout TET 457 TflU lio North We 'ill Kiver. ((■ lloiisp. of C) itario, t'lW 'sliip of l!l(l flowing ley iKJiirs it3 tliut opens ) Bny. The natural Iiar- ilosl(>ii miles long, has its outlet in the Atlantic Ocean, through Honavista Hav. TEUItES i!(».\lPrES, or MISSIQfJI- M, i" river of broken laids,'') a river of Quebec, rises in a lake in the co. of Chicoutimi, and enter-! the" Satrucuiy nearly oppo-^ite ("hieoutimi village. A lake of the same name has its out- let into the Grande Decharge of Lake St. Jolin. TETE-A-(;ATM;HE. (which in the Indian tongue means the " river of the fairies,"') a beautifd river in (;iou<'ester CO., N.H. It is 25 miles long, winding iu its course, and runs over a rocky through a fertile C(juntry in the iienin- suhi formed between Lakes lluron bottom. It has 2 or ?> picturesque rai)id3 and aflords first rate trout and good salmon fishing. Along its banks is to be found in abnndauee the curi- ous jilant c. lied .Myra Cerifera, which yields a whitish wu.x out of winch the Acadians make very good camlles. THAMES, a river of Ontario, flows peni lliin and Flrie, and after a S.W. course of KJO miles, enters Lake St. Clair. It is navigable for boats from its nioulh to Chatham. The city of Lomlon is situated on its banks, also a number of towns and villages. THAMES, a small river in the town- ship, of Inverness, eo. of -Meuant c. Que. TEKSWATLR, a river otOuiario, rises near the boundary of Carrick and Culross, co. of Bruce, Hows ti^rough the village to which it lends its name, and joins the Saugeeii near Paisley. Good limestone is fnund on its bjmks, u])on which a number of mills are worked. THESSALON, a river (d' Ontario, enters th< ,\. sli' "e »»f Lake Huron ab ini lat. 4'; 10 N . Ion. SI! .'Jt* \V. THEW EE CnoM RIVER, f the North West T».'rr.tori»*8. See Great Fish River. THLrrV ONE MILE LAKK, a lake up the Gatineau river, iu Ottawa c'»., Quo., HI miles long. ainJ dtudded with islaiuls. TIIOMPSOST'S RIVER, of British Columbia, tiow-- from ih-- ea8tvvar(| and joins the Eraser at Lyttoii, isu tales from til*' sea. This stream waters an extensive section of comtry. THOROrGIIFARP:, a short pas^ngrc on the N. ide of Tiiniiy Bay, .NH.l., between Random Island and Ireland'i Eve. 'THPNDER i'.AY, a large bay at the head of Lake Superi(»r, surro'inthd by high lieadlands and islands. lorming such a good and well protected harbor that an ordinary -ail boat can ride saf^-iy at anchor under any gale. The shorrs are reiiiaikable for tiieir valua- ble mines of silver and copper. TlirXDEi; IMVEIJ, a stream empty- ing into the N. shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, l.H miles \V. of the .Macrpie rivei'. Sidiooiiers of;io ions can iniler its mouth, at wliitdi there is a large fishing establishment. ;•>.«. ^, W' ^:, I., til r f SI M TT TOU 458 TRO ... r •<" i . I ■■h TTDNTSII RIVER a small stroam of Cunibcrliirifl co.. N.S.. at tlie eastern en- trance of the j)rojtcted liaie Verte Canal, It is o ily iiitvigabl a short distance fur sniall ve-^sels or boats. 'l'()I5ii,irK,a river of New Brniiswirk, a larr.':e triliutavy of tiieSt. John, fallinjf into tl)" main stream iihout hO miles shove Woodstock, from tlie X.E. It has its souree in tlie liiulilands constituting tlie water i^IhmI itetween the St. John rihI the (!ulf of St. [jawrence Oik- of its main branches, callefl the Little To- biqne, with a f^e'ieral south easterly conrse, conneetsby a short portaiye with the Xcpisiiinit fldwinp into the IJaie des Chalenrs. From another direction, through a very mgged and monii- tainous country, a branch falls into the main sih'am at the same point. This branch i< ilivided i no twoand forms the Campbell and Serpentine rivers. Tliese Btreams form a junction 10 miles from the main forks, from which the To- bique flows through a rich and fertile valley in a south wi'sterly direction to join the St. John, a distance of il2 miles. For about 2 miles from its discharoje it Hows with great rapidity through a deej) rocky gorge. There are said to V>e gold V>eariiig rocks and auriferous iiebl)les on the Campbell and Serpentine rivers. The banks of the Tobitpie are heavily wooded with red pine, and it presents some of the most 1)ictiires(pie scenery in the ])rovince. t aboiintls with salmon and trout of the largest size, and is much frequented by the discinles of Isaak Walton. TOLEDO, a river of giiebec. See Tiibidi. TO.MEFOBl, a lake of Quebec. See Massawippi. TONY RIVER, a small stream in Pic- ton CO., N.S., falls into Northumberland Strait. TORHAY, a bay on the E. coast of Kewfoiintlland, H miles N. of' St. John's. TOHBAY, a bay on the S.E. coast of Nova Scotia, 13 miles VV.ti.W. of Ca[ie TOliTUE, RIVIERE LA, a small Blreaiii in Najiierville co., Que. It turns several mills. TOl I'FE DES PIXS, a small river in B''auce CO.. Que., rises in Aubert de L' sle and falls into the Chaudiere about D^ miles above St. Francois de Leauce. TULUU RIVER, rises iu tiie tuwu- ship of Frampton, Dorchester co., Que. ami runs S.\V. into the Etcliemin. TRACADIE, a river of New Brnn-s- wick, falls into the (lulf of Sl.Lawrerice bS miles N.E of Tabusintac. There i.s a good harbor at it^ mouth for large schooners, several of which are owned there. A considerable trade is done in fish, oil, shingles and lumber. The Tra- cadie river is navigable for 20 miles from its iiioiith for lai'ge boats. TKEXr, a large river of Ontario, rises in Rice Lake, co. of Northiimlier- laiid, and after a tortuous S. and K. course discharges into the iJay of (^Miinte at the village of Trenton, <;7 'miles S.W. of Kingston. Total iengih 71 miles. It is the outlet fur numerous lakes sit- uated in the county of Peterborough, interspersed among pine forests, thus allording all the facilities and natural advantages for tra;isi)ortiug the vast quantities of timber and logs that are annually cut and driven down the river and through the lakes to the navigable waters of the IJay ot Quintc. T'lis river, [lossessing the linest water p.owers in Ontario, and v.-itli its extensive mills, and flourishing little towns, surrounded with a rich agricultural country, gives wonderful activity to mercaitile, me- chanical and manufacturing trades. Tlie lakr's at the head of the Trent al)ouiid with trout, salmon trout, mas- kinonge, pickerel and oilier iisli. The first part of this river is called the Otonabee. TRINITY RIVER, a small and rapid stream, abounding with trout and salmon, enters the N. shore of the St. Lawernce, 278 miles below Quebec. It forms a fine bay at its niouih 2 miles wideand 1 deei), which affords excellent, anchorage. TRINITY, or ETERNITY RIVER, of Quebec, ii small stream riiniiing into the S.W. side of the Saguenay, half way between Tadousac a id (yiiicoutimi. It winds alo ig a beautiful valley, and at its mouth forms a good harbor. Clifla 1,800 feet high, the famous Caiies Etcr- niiv a 111 Triuitv, overha ig the water. tliOIS riSTOLES.a river of Quebec, falls into tlie St. Lawrence at the village of Trois Pistoles. It is a pretty stream surrounded by charming sceii- eiv. TROIS SAU.MONS, HIVIERE DES, has its source iu the mouulaius in rear TUR 459 UTS ter CO., Que, lioiniii. New Bruns- U.LawreiiCe c. Tliere i.s til foi' large li iirc owned io is (lone in r. ThcTra- br 2u miles ats. of Ontario, Jortliiitiiljer- 5 S. amJ K. avoff^tiiinte riniles.S.W. ii 71 miles. lis liike.s sit- ter! )() roil j^h, ore.sts, tliiLS ati'l luUiiriU ij? llie vast )jrs that are *vn the river 10 navigable T'lis river, : powers in iisive mills, , surruuuded iintiy, gives :'aiitile, me- iiig trades. the Trent trout, mas- r lisli. Tho called the 11 and rapid trout and •(' of the St. Quebec. It nil 2 miles dse.KcoUent, RIVER, of iuj:' into the ,, , half way juutinii. It ley, and at )i»r. (Mifla ;'apes Eter- tlie water, r of Quebec, nee at the t is a pretty iniiig scen- ic RE DES, iius in rear of th.c .seigniory of St. Jean Port Joli, L'Islet CO., Que., and descends in a west- erly direction into the St. Lawrence. At nbotil 10 miles from its nouth is Lac dr.- Trois Saumons, celebrated for its excellent trout tishiijr. TROUI'.LESOME RIVEI?. or SIIIE- GASII, asmallstreatn run iiiig into the N.K. side of the River St. John, near the S.K.i'nd of Mad.iwaska, N.B. TROUT LAKE, a beautiful basin, of inmv'iHc depth, at the head of the Matawan river, near Lake .N'ipissing, Ont. Length 8.', miles; depth from 11 to 20O fei't. TRorT LAKE, in Megantic co.. Que., lec 'ives the waters of the Hhudv stream and a numb 'r of rivulets, and has it-; outlet by several lakes and con- nectinir (diannels into the River Clvde. TROL'T LAKE, one of the chain of lakes in Peterborough co., O'lt., that give rise to the River Otonabee. Ti;OUT, orSALMON TAIL RIVER, of Kings CO., N.S., rises in Salmon Tail Lake and Hows X. till it joins tlie Gas- 'erea'i.x about 2 miles from tin- Gas- pereaii.v Lakes. It isfretpiented by in- numerable sea trout, which are jireven- ed now from reaching the lake by liatchani's mills. TROIT RIVER, a short but rapid stream ni the North West Territories, connecting Knee and Holey Lakes. It has a fall HJ feet high. TROUT RIVER, a small stream 7 mil's east of Moisic river, on the N. sliori' of the St Lawrence. TROIT RIVER, risesin Temiscouata CO., *v'ui'., and falls into the S.W. tiank of the K'iver Madawaska. It contains agrear v.irietvot ti-;h. TULAl)l,('.r TOLEDO. ariverof Que- bec, takes its rise in a chain of .-mall lakes to the .\.E. of Lake Temisoouatii, into which it dischartrcs itself. It is full of rapids and tlitlicult to ascend wilhacuioe Lake Temiscouata may be left by the Tiiladi and re-entered some miles nearer its outlet after a circuit of 84 m les through lakes and stream-, in which there are only 4 miles of portage. A large ti-ih called the tuladi or toledo, very nuicli like a com- mon sized codfish, is taken at the mouth of this river. TIRKEV CREEK, a stnall stream runuiiig Sandwich, Ont into tho Detroit nvcr, near TURN'S BAY RIVER, of Halifa.x CO.. X.S., takes its rise from numerous small lakes, and after a coiu'-e ot alxiut 2n miles, in which there is a fall of 12 or 14 feet, enters the Atlantic through Turn's Bav. It is a good trout streini. TURTLE LAKE, a beautiful basin near the of the Matawan riwr. di'Jtrict of Xipissing Ont. Length 4) miles; minnnum dejith 1.") feet. TURTLE LAKE, a lake on the La Have river, in Lunenburg co., \.S. TURTLE LAKE, a small lake in Bellechasse co.. Que., with an outlet in the Fi'iviere Noire. TI'SKET, a river of Nova Scotia, ri-;es in the Blue, Mountains.and falls into Lobster Bay, on the Atlantic ci^ast. It is navigable 12 miles for vessels of 600 tons burthen, to Tusket village, one mile below the liead of tide. The river is about (iO miles in length. At its mouth are about .'JOO islands, called the Tu.-kets, many of which are well cultivated, and afford shelter a id an- chorage for small ve-sels. The Tusket riv(M- and its braucties, many of which expand into lakes, drain the larger part of Varuiouth the southern part of Digby and north-west part of Shelhurne coun- ties. Salmon and alevvives are flu princiTial fish which frequent this river. T W A S 11 EG A , a ri ver of Quebec. See Iwashega. UAKANATSi, (" The Lake of Crook- ed .Mountains,") a lake of Quebec, near the great Lake .Mistassini. L-nfth aliout :50 miles, breadth i> miles. It is verv deep a, id abounds with fi-di. liNlATCHOl'AN, and the UNIAT- CHOUANISH, two rivers of Queliec, runni ig into Lake St. John, .are navi- gable for latge batteaux for many leagues and farther up for hark canoes. UUBIKUBATCH RIVER, of (,)u.bec, falls into Lake Kigiiagomi, forming a large !)ay surrounded by rocky moun- tains. It descends from a succession of rapids. UUSALQUITCH, (" Blanket River,") a river of New Brunswick, enters the Restigouche 12 miles above Cam| bejton after a S.W. cour.-e of aliout 40 miles. Itafl'ord-- rare salmon fisliiiig. UTSISSAGOMO, or VOMiriNO LAKE, of Quebec, lietween Lake.s Mwtassini and Ashuapmoucliouau, is about i»0 miles in eir''unifer.'nce, full of islands, and abounds, witblish. m: u: . *.n • I- i ■8j 7T m hi : f J't . P'l |; i I'll (m* ft': II' WAB 4(10 WAK VA CHER. r?UISSEAU i ises in sever- al Hjiriiijrs in L'Ass'imjttion co., Que., and running E. fiiUj into ihe River L'Assdmption. VAl>I\. laVlEHE, rises in a Piimll lake in Ciiicoulimi oo., Que., and runs info llie Sji)i:uenuy 1^ miles below the River Caritioo. VALLEE, (;REAT and LITTLE, two river.s i i (Jnspe co., Que., tailing into tlie (TnH'ofSt. La\vrei'"('. VASES, or TOMI^TIOOBISH, a river of Qiiebee,rnni)inf!: into the S. ))ank of the Safrntiuiy. between the nioiitli of the ( ■liieoutinii Viver and Ha! Ila ! Hay. Fine spec mens of red marble have been f mnd at its mouth. VASi(;A.MEX()llE RIVER, in Chi- coiilinii CO, Que., runs into Ha! Ha! Hiiy, and is navigable for canoes to a gren^ distance. VERMILLION RIVER, of Quebec, a tributnrvof the St. Maurice, falling into its S.W" side 116 n;iles above Three Rivers. Length about (JO miles. The Iroquf>is Falls, 40 feet in height, are 8 mili'-J from its miuith. VERTE. RIVIERE, rises in themoun- tains in Temiscouata co., Qne., and rnnuiug N. falls into the St. Lawrence ojti'osite (Jreen Island. Its navigation is obstructed l)y falls. VICTORIA, a lake in the of Hastings CO., Out., about 20 miles long by <) miles wide. Il abounds with sal- mon and salmon trout. VICTORIA LAKE, a beautiful lake of Newfoundland, ab()iit40 miles in length by '■'> to -t- in breadth, dischirges its waters on the S. coast by Little River. VICTORIA LAKE, a large l.ake on the i)ttawa river, in tlie co. of Poutiac, Que. VK^TORIA STRAIT, a broad arm of the sea, in the Arctic regions, separating Victoria Land ami Prince of v\ ales Land from Boothia Felix and North Somerset on the E. It communicates N. by (^mnianey Inlet with Hariow Strait. W. of the entrance to Wellington Channel. VIVERI RIVER, a small stream in Vandrenil co., Que., runs N. into the Lake of Two Mountains. WAHIN'OSH, a river in the district of Tliuedrr Hay, Out., flows into the head of Wabinosh Bay, Lake Nipigon, after a course of 3.S miles, in which it passes through 1^ lakes, the largest of which arc Wabinosh and Round Lakes' each .3.] miles in width, and Oval IJock 4 miles in length. A south branch of this river enters the N.W. angle of Wabniosh Lake. It is a larger stream tlian the .\'. branch. Thecouniry thnuigh which the Wabinosh flows is giner illy mcky (ftid of little value for agi .cultural puriMises. WABIQLEKOBINOSINt;, a lake of Ontario, on the N. shore ol Lake Huron La*. 40 19 \., Ion 83 2."' W. WABOdSEKO.N), or RAIIIUT LAKE, a lake on the Pic River, in tiie district of Ali^oma, O'lt., has the form of the letter L., each arm bring 2 miles long. WAGA.MATCOOK. or MIDDLE RIVER, rises W. oftheBaddeck .Moun- tains in Victoria co., N.S., and falls into St. Patrick's Chainu'l, an ami of IJras d'Or Lake. Cold is found on itsbank^. WACJANSIS, (JREAT and LITTLE two rivers in Boiiaventure co , Que., head branches of the Re-ligiaiche river. WAIICOMATAGAMIXO.a lake of Ontario, on the N. shore of Lake Huron, Lat. 4ii 35 N., Ion. 83 19 W. W AHNAPITAE, a river of Ontario, flows out of Lake Wahnapitaeping in lat. 4G 40 N., Ion. 80 42 W. ! ii larger Fhc country )sli fiowg i.s le value for !, a lake of pake Huron. V. 1!1T LAKE, tiie district oitn of the miles loiijf. MIDDLE icck Mouu- mI falls into mi of iJnis II its liank^!. il LITTLE CO , Que., aiclif river. , u lake of ake llurou. v. of Ontario, itae|>ing in \X. On its wliite jtine, pood. The 1. ake of On- SO 4.") \V., The X. ponie parts 1 red jiine, id receives of Ontario, about 20 t. 4.V 44' xceedingly )y several ofislands. a circular er Mairan- ssiiifTj (hit. usli !it the pod patches ' the North i. of Mont- ilioi^oniou. in al)out24 U) 3 miles ? soil is a gricnlture, I "IT r- #1 WAS 4G1 WEM and covered with trees of a ffood size. On the N.W. side there are rocky r'iges, but i a mile back green woods I J seen. Tiiis lake has an outlet in Abatagoiish bay by a small stream 4 ruih's in Irn'/'h, WALKKU'S LAKL, on the N. sliore of Lake Huron, Ont. Lat. 40-24 N. Ion. Hli ;").") \V. WALL ACL ILVY, a large inlet on the N. coast nf .Nova Scotia, \V. of I'ic- tou, navigable for tiie large-t ships for above •; miles and for smaller ones above 12. WALLACE RIV^LR, of Cum- berlatid co., N.S., fills i ito the. above bay, and takes its rise in Folly Lake, on the route of the Intercolonial rail- way, as it passes through the Cobeipiid Mountai is. Length about .'!<) miles. It was formerly celebrated for salmon ami alewives; but these fish do not now fre(|uent its "vaters to any extent. WAI?ATO\VAiiA, a lake of the North West Territories, lear tlie source of a blanch of tlie Abbitibbe river, and on the direct water conimiinication between Montreal and Hudson's J?ay, by Ottawa river. Lake Temiscamingue and Mo itreal river, whose source is fomd !•! the waters of Lake Patqiiash- gamu, which opens into Waratowaha Lake. WASHACUMMOV, a river of the North West Ti rritories. See Clear- water River. WASHADLMOAK, a river of New Bnmswick, takes its rise in tlie co. of Westmorland, near the sources of sonm of the rivers running into the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and flowing S. \V. about 70 miles enters the St. John a few miles above Helleisle, liut before doing so it exjiands into a narrow lake 3(t miles long, wiiicli is navigable for small steamer-;. WASHISACAIGaN, or LAKE OF THE XAIIUOWS, a lake on the Albany riv-r. North West. Territories, N. of Lake Superior, about lij miles long and 2 miles wide. The upper divi-ion of this lake approaches close to a bay on the X. side of Makohebatan Lake. Washisagaigan was formerly calleil G'oucester Lake, from a llud--on Hay (>ojnpany's post of that tiatne which exi'stC'l manv'vars ago at the Narrows. WASH-SH'ECOOTAI, a bay on the N. shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. WASII-SHECOOTAI RIVER, a good salmoi stream einjitving into the bay of the same name, in"^ the Gulf of St. Laivrenee. WASHTA\V0OK.\ H.W, o-i the N. shore of t!ie (IJnlf of St. Lawrence, 5 miles N.W. of Little NataslKpian, makes a goi d harbor. WASSIK.MSKA, a river in (Jhicouti- mi CO., Que., nearly as large as the .Mi.s- tas-ini. into which' it flows. WATEKHE.V, a river of Hie Xor;h ^Vest Territt>>iinais riv' r. It is 11 miles lo ig and 3 wide, contains several islands, and is indented by- deep bays. The scenery surrounding this beautiful sheei of wi«ter is very pictures(pie. The Little Wayaganiacke is 4^ miles long by 2 miU-- broad It is 17 miles higher up, ati.l siirroMuded by gentle hillocks, timbered with spruce, pine, &c. WELLAXD RIVKR .«!ee Chippewa. WEMHROOK HI\ K in Monaven- ture CO., gue., v)ne of the soure-!* of the Restigouche. *1'J &i I 1 ^•1 .1 f wm 402 WHY '. I m } 1.5 'I I il 1^ .1^ I 1 WEST RIVER, ill the township of Port Daiiifi, co. of I'.o laveiitiire, yiie., eniplie-s into Jiaic (ics Cliait'iirs. WKST.or oJllO iaVEi{,of Aiitigon- ish CD., N.S , Hows tVoru (^'ollfj^e Lake into Autigonirih hurhor. Lcngiii aliout 20 iiiilcs. It is tVcMjiiciited \>y salninii. WKST J{1VKJ{, (if t lie N'orlli West Territories, flows out of Miisiigaiiia Lake, distant about lOO miles from its discharge in Uaiiiiaii Hay, and coiiiiiiii- nicales by jiorlages, lakes and slreaius wiili Al)l)iiil)l)e Lake. WL.ST lUVEH, of Quebec, takes it3 rise in ihe rearof (/'iiatliam, Argentenil CO., and einpiies itself into the North Kiver at Lachute. \\i;VM()rTli, the largest river in Digby CO., N.Sj falls into St. Marys ]3ay after a course of about '20 miles. A heavy liimljcring business is done on this I ivcr. WIIATELY, a small river in Queens CO., r.l'i.l., runs into the Gulf of St. Lawrence on the north side of the i&land. WHITE BEAR 15 AY, an inlet on the southt-rii coast of .Newfoundland, about 12 miles in dejith. There a'e large forests on its banks in whidi are bears, wolves anil deer. A\ JUTr; HEAR LAKE, on Ihe (Jatl- neau river, 9 uiiha above iIk; mouth of .Marten river, ami J,l.">n feet above the level ot the sera. The timber surround- ing this lake is of good size. 3 or 4 miles to the S E. there are rocky hills 300 or ^oo feci higli. A iiorlagc only a 2 luih' wide separates tliis lake from Hair Cutting iiake, one of the head water.- of the St. Maurice. WHITE FISH LAKE, a large lake in Ott.iwa CO., Que., N.W. of Riviere du Lievre, into whicli rivr it h;is its outlet by a small stream running into it a little below Lac des Saldes. The scenery on this lake is very beautiful, and a remark- able cave exists tiiere called '•The Church.' The roof is dome sliaped. and at the ex'.remiy of the cave is a curious raised auiss of stone, called the ** altar" fmai its >i range re-ambiance to such : the tiocr is strewed w nli beau- tiful li .e white s:ii'f'., and )'s the entrance toil is very >nia'l, it is used freoiietitly by hunters as aciimpiug place. In the lake is an island very rich in metallic ore WUa'EFISIl LAKE, a pretty lake on the Whitcfish brniich of the Spanish river, on the N. side of Lake Huron, On . There isa Hudson Bay Company's post on it. Lat. 4G 22 49 N.. Ion. SFir.w. WlHTEFISIl LAKE, of the dis- trict of fhiinder Ray, Out., on the N.W. shore of Lake Superior, abom 7 miles long from E to W. and 2 wide. WIHTKFiSH RIVER, of Ontario, runs into the N. shore of Lake Huron. WHITEHAVEN, a harbor of Nova Scotia, 12 miles W.S.W. of Cape Canso. WHITE LAKE, in the district of Algoma, Out., ol") feet above Lake Superior. Length about 10 miles; greate.-t breadth 4 miles. It gives rise to ihe White River. WHITE .MOUTH, a river of Manitoba, hills iilo the Winnipeg river, just above the Seven Portages. WHITE MUD RIVER, of Manitoba, takes its st)Urce in the Running (or Hiding; .Mountains, and running through Rig Crass Lake empties itself into Lake Manitoba, 7 miles troni Westbfuirne. Length .iboiit l:-)() miles. WHITE RIVER, of the di.sui<'t of Algoma, Ont., enters Lake Superior 4 miles S. of the Pic River. 2fi miles from its mouth is Mataniasagami or U hite Lake, 18 miles long and conlaini' j over :U) island"; O 1 this river are tuc I'niliabata falls, one perpendicular leap of .J? feet. Tlie country on either side of White River is low, level, and well tittibm'ed. WHITE WATER LAKE, of the Nortli West Territories, near the source of tiie Ecliiamamis, has its outlet through a rejiular rocky cliiism into WiiKJy L:Mve,an prin- cijial are Indian Island and Mumiy's or McN'eviii's, wliichii'e inhabits, bv a k'W families. The Basin i^ iiavi_ liilo to Its h>ad for ves>els of lie;iv ton- nage. Niimerons kinds of hsli aoound in i his basin at some seasons of tlie year. The two principal rivers tlowing into it are Skye river, s miles long, and Bridg- end river lO miles long. The scenery the Siianish jiikf Huron, ' Ciiiiipjinv's 9 N., Ion. »f tl)(; dis- int., (Ill tlie rior, mImiiu 7 ami '1 wide, of Oiiiiirio, [jiiko Huron. or of Nova Uajie Canso. district of ihovf Lake , 10 miles; 1 1 gives riao of ^laiiitoba, river, just I. jf .Manitoba, liimiiiiisr (or id niiiiiiiif iiiptics itself iiiiics from It 150 miles. ! district of e Sii|perior 4 S miles from mi or \\ bite coiitaiiii' J •jver are lae diciilar leap 1 either side , and well . t)f the r the source it.s outlet ciiasui into iwjrli several impv Lake; \l\ 'er. . .iljeaiitifiil id of Cape ad of .\l aboil hreadlli 3 retrular. It le tw . prin- id .Mil -ay's labitei. by a ! navij.ii>lo heaV' lou- tish ;U)i)und of tlie year. w'n\\f into it and Hrideeiury WIN 463 WOL on the west and nortb .side of the ba.sin is very bcnulihil. Hkye Moiiiitain is 1)37 feet liigli, and Salt Mountain 742 feet. Under Skye Mountain iron ore of the best quality is abiiiidant, and under Salt Mountain there is believed to be larve deposits of salt. WILLHTTS liliOOK.orTIlK COFN- TY LINK IJKOOK, a river of Kiiijrs CO., .N.S., rises in tlie Xortli Mountains, and Hows south to the Annapolis river, forming for some distance tlie boundary line between Annapolis county and Kings. It is celebrated for its trout (.s'. /(//7//('///.vi, which are of large size and verv free takers. ^VIL\H»TS(J1I^;I•:K, near X(>wcastle Out., on ilie t;. T. K. R. line, ivxteti- sive iish-breediiig operations carried on tliere bv (Jovermiient. WILMi )T'8 LAKE.of Newfoundland, is 10 miles long by 1 wide, and abounds with lisli. WINDECOOSTAX, a chain of lakes of Canaiia, W. of Lake Superior, connected by a small stream and having ail agirieefate ieuTili of l'_' miles. WINUIGO KIVKIJ, of Quebec, nins into the St. Maurice from the N.Iv about 4 miles above the (irand Detour. WINN1I'K(;, a lake of Manitoba, is betwHci) bit. 50 and 54 X., and Ion. Od and !)'» VV. Length 240 miles ; breadth r)o miles ; shape very irregular. and !)'» VV 55 milc; The shores are low and its waters are muddy. (in Algonquin Wi iiiepeg means "dirty water.") \moiig its aiiluents from the east are 15eren's river and the large and beautiful Winnepeg river. Its only tributary from the south is IJed river, and among its many trili- iitaries from the west are Danp'in or Little Saskatchewan river and the gnat Saskatchewan river. It hasnoallluent from the north. It discliarges its own stirplus waters northward by the N(dsoti River, through I'layCiieeii Lake, imo Hudson's May. On its shores are several Stations of the Hudson's I>iiv Comi^anv. WLNNKPEO, a large and beaiitiflil river of Manitoba, rises at the heigiits .sejiarnting Ontario from the :'orth West Territories, and Hows X.W. into Lake Winnepeg. One of the sources of this river is at Savanne Porta u'e, afier- waids e.vjianding into Lac des Milles Lacs ami flowing on as River La Seine. The wh(jle up to Little Falls, about (;5 miles, is> "lavigablj by steamers, thence to Rainy Lake, li? miles, it can only be navigated by canoes. From the* be- ginning of Rainy Lake to the end of Lake of the Wootls, including Rainy river which connects these two beaiti- ful sheets of water, about 2ii.S miles, it is navigable for steamers, except at tbo (;reat Fulls of St. Francis. At j{at Portage, where it receives the wateig of Lake of the Woods, it assumes its own name, and Hows thence into Likt; Winnepeg at Fort Alexander. This portion of the stream, for a distance of about Ifio miles, has so many rapids, falls and cascades that it is only nav- igable for caiioes ami small boats. At one place the Winnepeg takes the name of White river, because ihe water is everywhere foaming from the raiiid.s being very continuous. The most re- markable allluents of Wiiriepeg river are, on the X., Little English river, which em))ties Lac Seal a nl is tlie canoe naite, via Albany river, to the jiort of that name on Hudson's H ^y, and on the S., the (diaiu td' lakes which was fornit rly the canoe route via (Iraiul.. Porlaj/e and Pigeon river. Vermillioa Lake also drains into Winnepeg river. WlNXKP_E(i(»()S,alakeofMinil()ba, about 50 W. miles of Lake Winnijieg, is 125 miles in length fn in X. to S., average bieadth 25 miles It is a inag- niticent sheet of water, navigable for vessel- drawing 10 feet WIXTKR HAIH'.OI'R, X' rtli West Territories, i-^ on the S K. coast of.Mcd- ville Island, Ar(dic Ocean. Lat. 74^ 47 2 ■ N.. Ion. 110 48 2 \V. Here Sir Edward Parrv wintered in lHl!)-20. WIPUS('(H>L, a small river in ("hi- coutimi CO., Que., runs into Ha! Ha ! Uav. WlOn, orOriQri,alake of Quebec, the source of the ('hicontimi river, lies at the W. emi of Lake Kenogami. with which it communicates by a short chan- nel. It is of a circular form about 2r>0 vards in diameter. WISCorAMATOHE, a laKe of ()ue- bee, about ',\ miles long and of \ arying width. Its shores are iiidenteil witli stn'eral bays, in o'le of wliicli on its S. side, is a .small island. T discharges its wat 'I's info Lake St. JoiiU by tlie Ifiver Kao'ss.i, WISS'"SrorE, a river of Quebec, runs into Ha ! Ha ! I5ay. WOLF OREEK, a small stream ruu- ii '.J' '.■ ': I'll i3 ■ f- - I ' * YEL 464 ^/^ YOR ing into the South River, in Iberville CO., Quo. WOLLASTON, a large lake of the North VVeHtTerritoneSjDeartlie summit source of the Clear Water River. It is full of ishuuls, has ashore line probably about 300 miles, and from it flows two different river systems, viz : that of Macltinzie River (Arctic), and that of Uhurchill River f Atlantic). YA.M ASKA, or RIVIERE DESSAV- ANNES, a river of Quebec, 1ai. Blyth O. Bobcay^acn O. Bol8ov,ir O Bolton O Bombay* Corn'rsN.Y Bonaventure Q. Bondhead O. •Bord4 Ploufre....y. Bothwell O. Both well Station... O. Boueherville Q, Bowmanville 0. BownianvilleGTR.O. Bracebridge O. Bradford O. Bradford Station... O. Braeside O. Braraley O. Brampton O. Brampton GTR.... O. Brantford O. BrantfordG T H...0. Brasher Falls.... N.Y. Breslau O. Brewer's Mills O. Bridgeport 0. Bridgewater O. Brignam Q. Bright O. Brighton O. Brighton GTR.... O. Brinston's Corueis. O. Bristol Q. Britannia Mills. ...Q. Brockville O. Brockville GTR...O. Brome Corner y . Brompton Falls U. Bronte 0. Brooklin O. Browns Wharf. — O. Brownville N.Y. Brucolield O. Brudenel O, Brush's Mills N.Y. Brussels (or Ain- / leyville) \ 0, Bryant's Pond. . . .Me. Buckliorn O. Buckingham Q. Buctoucho N.B, Buffalo N.Y. Burke N.Y, Burritt's Rapids . . . O. *Cacouna Q, Caledonia O, Caledonia Springs. .0, Cambray O, Camden East O. Camluchie (), Campbellford O. CampboUton N.B, Canaan N.B. Canfield {). Cannington (). Canton N.Y, Cape Cove Q. Cape Rosier y . •Cape Rouge Q. Cape St. Ignace. . . . t). Cape Vincent,... N,Y, Caraquette N.B. Carillon o. •Carillon Whf. y. Carleton Q. Carleton Place (j, Carleton Place St'n.O. Carlton O. Carp .0. Carron Brook, ,. .O. Carthage N,Y. Castleton O. Caughnawaga; Q, Causapscal Q, Cayuga Station 0. Centreville O. Chambly Q. Chanibly Basin O. Champlain N.Y. Chapeau Q. Chai ing Cross O. Chateauguay ... .N.Y, Chatham N.B. Chatham O. Chatham Q, Chatsworth O. Chaudiere Junct'n. Q. Chaudiere Station. . Q. Chaumont N. Y . Cheever N.Y, Chelsea , ..Q. Cheltenham O. Clierubusco N.Y, Cheatervilie O. Chichester Q. Chippawa O, Church's Falls O. Clarendon Centre. .Q. Clarksburg O. Clarksvilie 0. Clayburg N.Y. 1 I alff! k ■i- i.:t ■ fil" '■■f'. pi' • J w it MST OF (M'l'ff^R.S-r,,.// ■///'•;. M (}» 'I !. 'I -k »'iV'«"!j ^4 •..^1 if' 1 1 11 i « (lavffMi. Cl'lVonl. riitiuii., .K.V..!)r>>icrf Villapi' (). I) •■: .Ii,;ichi .(^.Fort ('ovlti«f()n..X.Y.;H:nvll>iiiT .<>. N.l'.. I»c. I IIIH ■ Cj. Furl I. ill 0.;i|a\vk(-liiiiv .Mills. .(I. .nii'l'c.'i rliiioii (). Ditrolt A}. I'urt lrl<' StJili'iii O Mhnvki-vill. .Mich. I"i>i t .lacked, I. •ciit'toii Housi' (>. |)pxiT N.^'.Fnrt li (I'Ti .N.Y II N.V.Ill. Cliiitiiii (). I >i(.'!>iiisnii''< Lainl';,'.( ». I''(i\ liivfr »^ ildiiia (I. \\\ k'tniic ( I. ..N.Y. ifiia ( lllltlMI MilU ,N.V. l>ir!>ilis(iii',s Lil^fSIni I. V'<>\ (liiiliinvilN; .N.Y. bull .(>. I' iihkfunl. . n. ' ili'[ril!!illL''l()l (1 . ( >., l|('li(l('i-o|i. . . . < iiaticodku (^'iii (). I r.'iiiklui ((.'Ilrrii C'lialifOdki' St'ii. .(I. i>.ni'!icsl('r O. riupklin Tall N.Y. II( Col JdCMll:; 'Ixiiiij; .<>. |)illl(l'l\ l,.UUlill^ .<). l)'>ii/la-< o. l>t.ii''la-ito\vii .() !■ ii(|iiick-li •pclcr, •Ill.O. Iliini'ltnli NY. N.Y. (ulxmijj; G 'I' 11 <'((lli(irii(' i>. DiavtiiM ('Mll)i.rii('(,i T 11 ....(). I>ii ■-(li.ii riilclii'sicr .().!> li'W M .(». lT(li;,'li-l)iir;.' (^.1 iIiII.-ImmijIi. A). •I'lriicliiijau's hay,.o,' iliil-iiaif (>.!||di lii'lajra. <_> ! ll■.';ra;l^lllllJ(. Coli'liriink < ). UriiiiilM). o. » lair (iiiiaiio.|n<'.. . ill's . . . ..(>. < iaiiaiioiiuc (I 1 u . ...(). (ianli'ii Hill . . • ■ .N.V ().{ Ilnl ;iliir> Lail(lill)^-() <> llolli < (i|llll''\Vri)( < 'olllii 'Wdoil St 11 ( 1 hriiuiiiiianlvillc . (). Driii'iiiidiKlvilli'. . , .(». ( lai'dcn lylaml o l|d|, .(.I. (. Cdlliiw liay Cdltdu . (I Iciart , N.^ .'Imiliii's Ci-fc -pc .( ». (.aiiiican Mili- .(^.'Iliil! c^|llull IniMhii , Dam' .1. (Ill ('diiiln'i'iiH'ru ( •. l>'iii(ias < >. ( ( 'diiid ii Kiiiid Ciiiiiiitdii ^^j iMiiili {Idaiptoii .Stii (J. ' Diiiit (N)ii<'sto;ra w. Iniiiv ('oiist'coii » >. I)'irli Codk-tdwu < >.| l\a.At ('upiMilui\;(ii .... N.Y'. Kasf (.'dpctdWIl O. ivi- 1\ I'diiiitli. O.Kcrlc C'oi'iiwall Cdiiiwall (J T K ( iTiiuna .(). Ivitn .<>. i:il\var(l-: as . . . < ) ('(' < 1 am . . ■ A> Pdim . ill.j... am . . . .() . t ) Kraiik Tiiiipl Vlilxl. . lin .. (tun .Vt .Ai rvill« . ( ( -AlilL-! ( <). (i ■tdWil (). I 11(1 1 •town t.iUdli. A). iilr\i <'dti:iii Laiidiiij:. . . .1,'. I'.dwii dslmi-f,'. ,N.^ . < idiid\Vnl)(l ...<». (imhaiii . . . ( dlcau Ci r K ...«>. .Idii( ,N.I1. .)i;.'. . .(t. Kan Cdtt <\. raiil. .(i.ii-:id..ii iidiun iU( Colli poy'.s I'.ay Cdiirfland .... Com t A iii;lit . . ( 'o\\aii>\ illc. , . < 'd wans villi; Jil'ii . .. ('•.' I'^ili'iihiir;; . (^ l^hvardsliurj^ LiTI{.().ji.ioriii' (,!.; I'luai; villi.'. .• () *\ioii!(r,s Liiiidiiij. .(.). i\ai> 111, n < ■ diivciiiL'iir .N.Y Ka/ii O.KfiM .().;KI;'ln .'',li/,,ili('t!it(iwii . .N.Y. ( iianli .( 1. (iral'idii .(». I ii'afidii .Station. .... li. ilia/.aa . . . iaiis\ilk'. (). (). . ( 1 Kiiii'iivilli .N Y. < 'raii;liiirst .o.iK Craii Kdaii (.i.iKld Crary'"^ .Mills N.Y i Kinbro O.Kiianlon (>. Keith Creditdii .O.IKiin Creeinuio (> KiiK Cm>l>v .Mills Cross'lliU.... < 'I'dWIl rejllt ,...(». 'Klin ...O.^Kriu .N.V.I i-:-e> CmnbirliUKl O.i Kiol < 'iiiiiiiiiii.-vill(> < >. I I'.vai a ro (^>. skillcn. . . (I.J riirix.'.. . . J t •stow 11 ... .\ ...N.V.l ellllll. . . . (.). .N.'\'. < ilMtldc .AliM' 1 1 rand (iri-ve, ,N.I> Keia|i',viilf Statida.(J. . .(>. Keiiiiidii' ( iraiii i;i Vl'l A' ivciiliiir -t (I. Knil) liivce-i I'dillt (^1 Kiiica ( incmvoiKl (). Kiiiu: *(ircn\ ille Wharf U. l\'\u.i l>all .N.l>.i Kvcrton. .>lills Daiiliy lOkl Dur- ( | Kxctcr. ... ham) ) () ! KaliMoiith naiuiciiioni ... Danville Daia ilie.liiiict. (•rcmille iSiatJi (jrillin's Cove. , .N. Y'. (irini.-hy . . .( I. (IroVL'tdii {) (illeljill. u. Kill' (> Iviii . . (>, i'.inni'luiUlicld. Odd. . ■hy... nil. . . tiai -rii. (i ■villo . dim!. T U.. . (). K;ii ilv. Oiielph (i r U (), Knapp: ielll!',4. .N.Y'.il'"ariu. na;r('r>\ illi> ... . (.i.\ Hitliluirtdii . . . ( 1. llamliur"- .Station.. A >. I.acadii,' .N.V. Ai . (.). ivdiiieka ... .. 0. . II. Ka r.aiu ..... I)av('n|)drt O.I Fcri/iis. ... . () llaiiiilt'iii . Dci'iien DtH'i KiviT. .l».'l'iii;:al O.H .N.Y.iKi-l inijiidii. W. ^^ H A). LachiiR' .Iiiiiftidii (J. .«>. ac UT l)c Kalb .liiiict. ..N.Y.I KlesluM'toii J^viuliiiifN.Y'. Hanover .() Harn-liuri' 1)0 Kail).. Delaware ,N.Y. I Kletelicr (» liarri-tou. .O.'Moi eiice .(1. Hani.-vilK ...(>. -I ...(I. K ...(). L .N.V, I. 1. iclinti' ■lield. .(I. Delhi <».; Font hill (). llan-ow O. l..akc .Metapeilia.. (<. Delhi Stu .. Delta Derby Line Desert . D. , l''orest O. I' .N.Y. Hainnvsiiiitli O. Kaiiilitun i oriiidsa. O. Ilai wood .Vt.jForre-t t>,' lla-tin^s. . .g.' Fort Coulonge U.' Hiivelock .(). K;iiiarl O. i^anc.istcr C/. Laii.-UdW lie. ,0 •I'lirv O. ■ I'lirV Mills.. O. ■Mil.'' O. llllH' I '. .N.V, (^1. iilMokI (I. M)U N V II N.Y. •r (I. Inn N.V. ifih (». !(,• n, ;l^'H •;■ ■ Imiij; -N.K il'> l.uiuliiiK'". (». rtiiii N.V. uiiilin;; (J. «^ • r-tuwii .M'.-..l^ i;;tliiii (^. a <• 11 Stu •'. t live (i- .11 •'. I Hi < '. IKIV <>. . . .' U. nvk (». lie N.V, lis n. i'liiul Vt. •rtu ti. (I. (• tt. Mvi ic '"■ iinulNii *^ (>. /;;|;l . ( ^» , nis\ilU' *'■ villi' N V. ivilli' *!• I'.viili' 8tiitiiia.(^ Idle <•■ uuil. *•■ •!)>• ..••"■ 11-11 *». trdliu' "■ t.'il ■"'.'.".' '■ • .Mctiiiii'ciui.. ^^ Moll '• irk <'. Mstcr " ■ liiiW IK' ' ' I,I.«/,//»»/.,/. N l.iipraint' l.'.\'-iutn|iti. . l,.-li.'vil!(' .. I.i'vis , I.imi'lions", . . i.iii(Nay I.iinvdod I.i-lioii I i^iTiir •I.Isl.'t I/Nli'f Stutloii.... l,iM..w,.|| i.iitit' .\rt'tis I.liiydtown I."iii!i'-lH)i'mi;;li. . . I.nmloii I.Kinldii (i T li. . . . I-oih.' Mills.... l.iinirMi'iiii I.iiii:.'u-()i)il I.Oli^r,|;il /.I)\V I,ii\v\i||(i N i.i>\v\illp I.iicaii I.uciui (i T i: l.iu'kiiow I.Mi (i T U l-ymlcn I.VI|{||lll|>t I.v-ior Kalis. M M. ^^ A, I) v. «/• ,(^ o. .N .M.ilisci) .''Udoc Miiiirid N M.I Irid Depot. ...X MiiiTojr :\l;iitliiiitl .M.illoi'ytown MiiJDiie N .M;ii!(.|l ^Iai!fli(ist(n' Manilla. .Maiiiisville N Maiiotick ^I.iiisonvilh! .Mar.i ■Marin .Markdal.> ."^larkliaui Marmora .M irslivillc ■^Iirtiiis N M irtiii>lnirj( N MasL'oiiche .Maskiiioiij;t5 Ma-<(iiia Springs. X -Ma^sdii ('olk'^^t!. . . . Mat iif -'^I'lapi'dla Matilda •Ma.xui.ll -Mcadowvulc ilL'atbrcl Mt'i'iiaiiii M.'ll nil'. >r"lr..>!l( Mi'rriil<\ 111(1 Mcrriioii .. l.Mi'toiiir. ... IMcHiofs Mills i)- I.Mi-fIs ((iraiid) . JMilaii N.ii. 'Milliin-i O. Mildniav < ). Millord' O MillliMiik (). .Millhrouk <>. iMillhr.idk Stalion. A). '.Mill Covo (,i. iMille i:o('!i('s (). 'Mill I'diiit o '.Milton O. .MiUcrlon <» Miiidi'ii (». .Vlitrholl n. .Molir's Corncr.s <». >loir:i N.Y. .M. .Mdorlii'ld (». .M..riali (ciitiv. . N.V. Mdil. y N.V. Mdi'i ishiirir ( ». .Morri'liiii't; Station. < >. .Morton (). .M niliiH (ti- I >. .Mount i'.i vd;,'es. ...«». Mount I'.lirin < >. V.'.Moniit Forest <> .V.lNapallee () t,>.jNai)ani'r (iT U <> ,<).'.\apieivil,e t». .«>. Nenstadt o. . V ! Newlxiro t ». .O.JNewlmrf,' <> ,. New CaVlisIc V. Newca-tle... .0.|Ne\vi'a-;t!e (i ^^ I Newcastle.. . ,(>. New Dundee tJ.JNew {•".(liiiliiii .New (ila..','ow . aer (} (> r R .<> ... \.i'. i). . () (> .Me h. .(• jNew ( il'iiu* .O.jNew lliilnliiuj,'. (>, () ;New Haven N.V. V.i 'Ne^V Liverpool . . . (^>. V ;New I.'iwell <), (2. i Newmarket (), A). Newmarkel Station.!), .V. Newport .... i) Y. Newport Stat'on .Vt. Ai. New Iticlinidud . A} .t^ Newt.oiville <>, , ti.'Niajrn-a (>. O.^NielidJviUe N.V, .U.'Niedlet (,». <).:.VicolHtoii (). ,U. Norlblk N.V. NdrtM (iower . . ().' N irlll l\ep, el 1 1 : Noiili s:rail .rd.\ H .'Vdilli Ti'.v ..\'t. :Iills Vi. Norton I'diid ... \'i \drval (I \or\al Station o Ndrwieti (). Noi wood ' '. Nottawa (^ N'olivelie (J (taUville (). Oak wo d (> ()de.--a <» » )>."leli>ieir;,' N. V . t >il Sprini^s «). Ulnar N.V. ( tmeinee (). Dliieiiiee Statnni... (> ()iiiii,i:evil'e O. ( irehiiniville < i. (»ii!!ia O. (iriiiia Station ( ». (hlii-to\Ml (J. llrono O. O'^'OIKh^. ... ( » i)-lia wa (). u^liawa Ci I' U O. OM'.e-ro N.V Ottawa o oiterville <». ( tweii Sound O. Oxendeii O. o.\l'ord ...Me. Oxl'ird o • I'al"..; {). I'ai^ley O I'akeiiliam O. I'al;iier-1dn O I'apineain i'lo (^. I'.iris (i {■ l{ O. I'.iri- li W U (> :l'''>i- Town. !►. I'arl^liviije ,N.Y I'ark Hill U. I'fi!-k Ilill Station ..o. I'.irrv Soaial O. I'a-peliiac {} ■ I'aion's Cove (i i'atter-on O. '. M'aul Siiiitli'.s . ..N.V. I'eclle (^ reinl)i'oke O. l'eliet;in.;llislielie . .(). i'"liili~ula (iaspe. ..(,>, I'erce {1 I'ereh o I'errv O I'ertti O I'ern N.V. I'eterboro ( ). I'eter-hlir^' <» I'etewawa .o I'etrolia O. i'etwurfli o. I'liiladelphia N.V. I'liillip>liiirjr <>. I'ielanouk '. t^. I'iotuu O. I'i.'.pMnf \ V. rieiTep't Vfaimr..N. ^ . IMerr"\l I.' MilN.. A\. I'ierre* jM,, \'il||i;{(«,,(^, I'l.liif '.'eliet . . . O, l'I..M-lllU'..r N.V . I I,'ilt*vil|e ... . O. I'le si. N.V . I'oint ( laoe . , . 1^. 'I'i'inI Kami ( t I'dint !'oilniii> (J. I' lint I,e\ i {) I'oint S| I'eler . . i) I'okrneMi.he . N.lV I'orta;.'edii I'lrl . Kt. l'orl'ii.'e III, ad o. I'drl \llierf n. I'm t Itip well o. j'ort Cullidine o i'ort Credit o. •I'di-t Dalln.n-ie .. .o. I'ort Dmie' t_>. •Tort |)ai-lin;toii . iV i'drl !»dver o I'dlt Kl Mil (t. I'ort Henry .N.V. I'ort Hop" n. I'ort lliipe e o. I I'(..-ISIeo|itll O. I I'ort S' inley O II' .ri Kiiioti ' . . . . O. iM'ort Wliitliv ... o. I'dt-laiii . ." ....N.V . !l' .idaiii .laiictn.N. V. IPre-^cotr o. I I're^cof! .lulictioli ( ». I'l-e-cott Wharf ' ». I'ri'-"pie |..i|e ... . ( ». !ri'e,>ton I ». i I'liee"- CoVO (J il'r.eeMlle O. jl'rinee .Mlierf O. ' I'l ilieetdii ( >. !l'rovpcel Hole], I Sariiiiae Lake ) N.V. I|''ila. (Jiieen^tdti . ( t. t,>iieeii>\ ille ( ). < j lio yt. ii'awdi.n 1,1 . l.'aviiiiinihi^le. ...N.V . ■I.'eillonl N.V. I.'edwodd N.V. I.'enl'pW (I. I.'ciilrew Sto 1 ' l{en-si'laer I- ail-. .\. V . "ItepellliL'liy (>. Kielil'oril . .' \t. KieldlnK'to N.I'.. Kirhland - N.V. Kiclimoiid »i ! j'V- \ I., '. I'V i . ■ ■ ' 111 I it ; I'll .1 • 1 IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I ilM ilM m ||||22 li£ 1 2.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1 6 ■• 6" ► Photographic Sciences Corporation 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y 14580 (716) 872-4503 i-? LIST OF Oi'FWES—Contitmed. n •* J i IMclimond lllll O. IMcliinuiiaililliit'ii.O. Itiolivilld N.Y. UichvilleYilUge.N.Y. Itidmubtn O iiidgiowu O. ICiKUud U. iCiniuuakI Q. iriviTltoaudetto... O. Uiver David U. It. dti Loup, vn hM Q. !t dii l^otip, uii liMUt.Q. IC. duLuupUTU .<^. Uivit're du Luupllj. Wlmrf I IUviir« Ouelto Q. Uuaclio'K I'oiut VI. UtHskinghani U Kockland O. Kockwuod O KocoTiont O. KuiM«au O. Kuthtwr O KouHe'H Point.... N.Y. Koxton Fallrt Q. •ISoyalUoUilNiag'aO. UtiaMli N.V. KuMla,CI"A)nCo.>;.Y. Kutlivpii U. ^ackvlts '/larbor.Jf.Y. MttckvlUc. M.B. firtiltnonville O. 8ui>dllill N.Y. Hand I'oiiit O. .Siiiidwivh O. Siiiidy Itay U. hnudy (reek N.Y. Siiraiiuc N.Y. t'arnia O. »aiiiiuOTU O. Suarboro'. ... O. dcliotnbbrg O. Ucotlaud O. »eaforth U. Sebringville O. 8o«>ley^ Bay O. Sdby O. Svveni Bridge U. miakeoptwn' O. bliannuiivtllH O. 8liauiionvilltt Stii.. . U 8liarou U. ^Iiudiac M.U. 81ierbrouke Q. bliurbrooke 8tNtlon.(4. tiliigawake Q, Shingle Creek... .N.Y. Sorel Q. 6outbam ptou U. South Bay O- ttoutb Durham; . . . . Q. South MuuQtain...O South Paria Me. Sparta O. SpcneervIKe O. Springflnid O. Staubridge Station. U. SUnfold U. StaiiHtcad Q. Stapleton U. Stark Water..,. ^tayner O. Siirling U. SlittPville U Stockholm DepolN.Y StoneHeld Q. StottMville o. Stoufl\ille O atnttlord O. Stratford, UTB.. O Stmthroy U. StrathroyStatiou..U. SlreetDville : O. Stukcley Milln Q. .Mimmer8tpwn ....<». Sundmland .O. "Uttun. O Sutton FlatiiSt'n...Q, Swet'tobnrg U Sydenham (J, St Alexander Q St Aloxia g. St Andrews H- *S. Anne Bout, do II»l^ St Anne Bout, de I'ldeSU St Aiinu la r4rade..U, St Anii«> la PocatiSreQ. St Armnnd Q. St Bruno Q. St father, ues O. StCiSlecitin Q. St (jharles J. St Charles, en baa. .Q. at Cuthburt H. St Uuniini«iue <4. St Edouara U, St Esprit Q. St KuMtache O. StKlavi g. St Scholantique g. St Tli6r^ g. StThGuwit U. St'n.umaH g. St.Valliire g. St Vincent de Puul.g. St WllliamB U. Tiimworth U. lara O. Tartigon 6. Tavtatock U. Teeawater O, Terrebonne Q niameitville O. Tliereaa N Y. Tliombury U. Tliornd&le O. Thomliiil O. ThornI- ill Station... O. Thorold U. 'I'huuaand lal'd I H'atf.AlexllaylN.Y. Three Uilu Bay..N Y. Three Uivera g. Thuno O. Ticonderoga N.i. Tilaouburg O. Tiverton O. Toronto O. rottenham O. Fracadie N.B. Trenton O. Trenton GTB O. Troia Piatolea Trola Piatolea Stn Turin rwced. O. ■'■t N.Y. ...O. Tyendinam O. Tyroounen O Shippegnu N.B. Sidney U. St Ur«goire . Simcoe O.St UaiUaume Siugliampton O. |St Henri Six Porlugea •Skead'a Miila Smith'a Falia .O. 8t Hyacinthe, Smllhfltild U. Smitli'a Falla St'n, O. Smith'a Milla Q. SmithviUe O Soixante .....O. Soubra O. 8; I Q.IStUtlairn g. O. St Hubert g. St Hyacinthe. g. StJucoba 0. St Jaequea. Q. St Janvier g, 8t Jean Baptlkte) near BContreal.. ) Q. Jean Port Joli Someraet ({. St Jerome. :t l^rrone O Lnderwood U. Union O. Unionville. .«• O. Upp.Brewer'a Milla O. Upper Wakefield... g. Upton Uraule Milla Uxbridge . . Vallejteld g VanBmgh O. VankleekHlU O. Varennea Q. Varna O. Vaudreuil g Veroherea g. VietoriaFarm Q. Victoria Boad o. Vienna o Vlttoria o. Watidington....jr.Y. Walkerton o WalkeiTille o. W allacvburg o. Wallacetown o. Waltham u. Walton o. Wardaville O. Warkworth o. Warwick g. WaalMgo o. Waterdown O. Waterford o. WatorfordStn (». Waterloo o. Waterloo g. Waterloo 8Ution..g. Watertown N.Y. Waterville g. Watlord 0. Waubaabene o. Waveriey (>. Welford 5.B. Welland 0, Weliandport O. WVllealey o. Wellington U. Wellington Square..O. Wcndover q. W(.8t Brome g. WeatChasy N.Y. Weatfoeatb O. Wcaton O. Weaton Station.... u. Weat Paris Me. •Weatport N.Y. Weat Port O. V/eat SheflTord g. Weat Wlncbo8ter..O. Whitby 0. Whitby GTB O. Wbiteliall N.Y Whitevale O. Wiarton O. Wick 0. Widder O. Widder Station.... O. Wilke-port O. Will8borough....N.y. Wincheeter Springs O. Windaor O. Windaor U. Wingham O. •Wolfe Island U. Woodbridge O. Woodford O. Woodatoek o. Woodville O. WoodTiUeJanen...O. WroxKter 0. Wyebridge U. Wyoming O. Yamachiche g. Yamaaka g. Yarker ....U. Yarmouth Me. Yorkville O. Znriob 0. THE •'^l . Eboad O. O. O. [ton....Ji.Y. >n o, ille O. rarK O. town O. » o. iwn O. rd O. irdStn O. lo O. lo g. to 8Ution..u. :iwn N. I. ille V' 1 0. ibene O. ey O. I... ....K.B. d O, dport O. leyT..^ "• Cton O. gton Sqiuure..O. >ver 0« BronM il. Jli»»y K.Y. icath O. n 0. n Station.... U. »«rto Me. irt N.Y. ort 0. tieflTord U. iuoboster ..0. ly 0. ivGTR O. fiall N.Y vale O. n O. O. r... O. !r Station.... O. port 0. lorougta — N.Y. eater SpriuKsO. T t)' T «■ lam 0. Island O. ridge U. Iford <'. took O. ville O TilleJancn...O. ster O. Iridge (>• tag O. hlehe Q- ika «. ,r O. th H«' "'•-::.::;:a •Eailway and Steamboat Eoutes nr BRITISH NORTH AMERICA; ▲CCOMPAHIKD BT SHOWING THE CITIES, TOWNS AND VILLAGES, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED, AND GITTNO THE DISTANCE FROM EACH PLACE TO THE NBABBST STATION OR PORT. BY P. A. CROSSBY. JOHN LOVELL, PUBLISHER, ST. NICHOLAS STREET; House's \)oi\\i, £i'^.: JOHN LOVELL it SONS, PUBLISH KIl.S, LAKE SHOUE PRESS. Entered ftcoonllng to Act of Parliament, In the year one tlumnsntl clifht hundr«t "AIM ■>''■ ij INDKX TO THE FOLLOWING KOUTES. RAILWAYS. A. Grand Trunk, Wot of Montreal. Aa " " Kiott " " Ab " " IV.rtlanit dlvlMon, Ac " " Tlir.c Klvor» brunch. Ad " " KouM! H I'oint dlvUlon. Ao " " Lju-lilnoillviNion. Af " " nutT.ilo iinil (!<>d«;rlcb branch. A(f " " LoDilnn branch. B Great WvHtcm, Main lino. Ba " " Toronto branch, Bb " " Rarnia branch. Bo " " t'anadii Air Mne. Bd " " I'ctrolla branch. Be " " Ilninlford brunch. C WclMngton, Grey and Unicc, Main line. l^ " " " South cxteniiloD. V KortliiTD. Pa " Muxkoka branch. B Toronto, Grey and Hrucc, Main lino. Ea " " " Owen Sound branch. F Toronto and NipiKHlng. U Midland, Mainline. Oa " I't'tirhorouKh branch. H Canada Sout horn, Main lino Ha " " St. flair division. lib " " Krlu oud . Niagara division. I Wcdiand. J Ijimdon and I'ort Stanley. K t^obouri,', rctirboroufjli luid Marmora. L Whitby oud I'ort I'erry. M fit. Lawronce ami Ottawa. N Ilrockvlllo and Ottawa, Main Itno. Na " " Perth branch. O Canada Central. r Vcrnionl Central. (j .Stan^tead, ShelTord and Chambly, 11 South i;:i^tern. S MaiM'oru ardiug and Ituilway Company. 4 Itidoall Canal, ft Montreal ami Cornwall. f. Iljiy of giilnle and Ulvur .St. Lawreucc. 7 Bay of Quintc. N Toronto and I'ort Dalbouiic. 9 Toronto and .M;i(.'ara. 10 Port Stanley nnil Sarnla. 11 WindKor anil lii;ainiii|fton. 13 Windsor and Si'.U|;cvu. 1.1 T.ak< Simcoe. 14 Mu^koka, I& CoUlnxwood and Owen Sound. 16 " " Saiilt Slu. MarlCL 17 " •' Dnluth. 18 Lind.Hay and '^•iboconk. 19 I'eturlHiroi )rh and II:iliburton. m Laketidd and ll>jrl< igb iload. SI I'oi-t I'erry and l.lnilay. Ti Onrletoii I'laeoand lunlRvtlle. . XI Rich' llou Navigation Company. SI Montreal and Xbi-oo UlTura, i(.'i Montreal and Bcrtlileren Aatil. ill " " 87 " " TcrrclMmno. ' 8H St, Ilyaelnthe and St. Cesalre, 8<.) .\:<>ntreal and (iulf l'ort.i. 30 l^iicbec and (lulf I'iprts. 31 yiieliecand Kt. Mcholaa. 32 " " St. Jem. 3.1 " " .St, AniiedoloPerada 34 " " Sajruen.iy. nj SI. .Tobn, N.ll., and I'riKb'rIcton. 36 St. John, N.ll,, ami (irand Lake. 3' St. John, N.ll., and St. Stephen. :m Point du (Thrue, N.D., and Canipbellton. 30 " " " and Prince Edward bland. 40 ll.ilifax and Yarmouth. 41 Kras d'Or Lake. 4!i Charloltelown and Albcrton. 43 Charlottelown and Victoria. 44 St. John's, Nfld., SouthwarA, 45 " " Northward. 4H Portujpil Cove ami Carbonnar 47, 4H, 40, .'lO BrltUh Columbia. 61 Uod Uivvr. leh. KEY TO THE RAILROAD AND STEAMBOAT ROUTES l.\ TIIK DOMIXIOX OF CANADA AXD NEWFOIJXDLAND, Showing nil tlic jilncis, with their (listuiiccs, on oach ; nUo nil tho Routes in the Unitcil States with wliieh tliose in the I)on)inion connect. The means of trunsport with the chief eitieri lieuij^ very freiiuont, no fiirect connections ia rcganl to them require to be noticed. Uaihvuy Routes lire (l('si:^riiit<"1 l)y If/ti-rs : .Stoiimboat RouIch l)y numbers. ido. iplK'llton. iou Edward UlMJd. A.— By Orand Trunk RiiiUvay, from IVIONTKUAL wet^tward to— Mll.KS Xowtonvillo ?7!t Vi'uca^tlc ?>>(! lt.>\viiiuMvillc '.>!I0 S iirliorouijli H'J'i Don :i:!l 'rofoiito..... 'I'in Ciirltoii ;t::s Wi'-^ton : Maitland.... .... 1.(1 D.rviil 10 Ilrorkville. . . p.'.- iln line. J'oiiit'- Claire 11 .... l-.'!> Siophen branch. St. AnneV •-'1 .Miillorvtown. Iw.S lulum I'riuich. ViiiKlrenil •Jl I.aii-dou ne. . ii<; (coMoUdated.) C d:irs V'l (lanarioiiue . . \:>r. St. l)oinini:il|eo . . .. .... 1 itx (''rirri' tmr.; s:; Ill"' ''itiill .... '.ill Colhonie .... 'Jilt Xfa ;ida (Iroquois) !>!> drill on .... '2'>r, Kd^v;lrll-l)^r'.' KM ( 'iilioiirvr .... •-'Ill rrtv^ottJunetion. IIJ Port lloiK".... .... 1'7U finelph ■"'{ Preplan .•'.:»1 Merlin :',\>^ Peter-l)UrK Mii lladen •io.') Ilandiiin; 408 SliaksjK'aro 415 Stratf.ird P.'l St. .MaryV l.Ti ■ inuiton Ill I.nean 117 Ail^n Craitr -ir.i I'ark Hill 401 Widdor{Thcdford) 170 I'orrest 179 Atieranlnr 4 S3 Ciiinlachio 4.s8 I'erch 4!i'2 Sarnia .101 Detroit .')04 Coniiocta witli ]?I at Preseott .Tiinetion ; N at Rroekvllle ; Zb at Kinjrston ; K at CohonrL.' ; O at Port Hope ; Ij at Wliitliy ; F at .s<-ar1iorout,'h .hinction ; Ba, D, 12) 8 and 9 at Toronto ! <' :'.t 'Iiielj)!! ; London liraneii at St. Mary's; Detroit and Milwaukee, Miehi^an Central. Lake ^li'ivaiid Mii'lii^'an Soiitliern, and Detroit. Lansin-r and Lake Michi(,'an Railroads at Detroit; and with Steamer for Lake Su))erior at .Sarnia ; Steamer for Rtx-hester at Port IIojh) ; Steamier for Ca] t! A'ineent and ()-!\v<'.'o ;it Kin:: ton; and Ferry for Oirdenshurirh at Proseott. Will !il-o connect at CoUuui Landing with the Montreal and Ottawa Junction Railway, now con- Htruclint;. Aa,— (Eastern divi.nion Grand Tnink Railway) from ITIONTREAL eastward to— St. Lamliert 7 Si. Iluiiert 10 ."^t. I'.riino I.-) l'>''lo'il '-'1 St. llilaire •_>•_» Si'i-.;ilite '.'S .'■t. li'.aeinthe ".") Itritannia Mills... 4'_' St. Liboirc ■Vt Upton 4.S ip* .. r>i Danbv St. Thomas '."."0 Cap St. l^'nace . .. '2'2' 1/Anse ^{tile 'J lo I/l-let '.':i Trois .Saumons.... '.;::7 Port Joli. 212 lCl;.'in Road '21H St.Roch 'J-IO Ste. Anno •2'>7 UiviiNrt! iJnolle.... '2i;3 St. Denis 2(«1 St. Pa-.lial '.'73 Ste. lU^lciie ■.'7l» St. Allelic* •2h2 St. Alexandre.... 2H6 I.ak(! Road ( Notre- D:imeduPorta(,'e) '.'92 Rivitre du Loup (lYa-^erville) ... 298 Ca'iiiuia ;; connect with Zc, Zf and Zli, now coniitiuelini;, B w lit f !{ « 4 KEY TO TABLE OP ROUTES. Ak.— rtlund divUion Oniad Trunk Itillwiiy) froni IlICHiTIOND nonthwanl In— Wii.iUir 10 Bri Lennox villu 'JH Watorvillo ;!."> <'iiin|itiin HS Ui< lil>y 4.' ('oiitii'ook 4ii niiiunliiry l.ino \ \\u<\ I'ontl 7-.' (iorliiun 1<')() Mcrhiinli- Fulls... ISJJ M.uivillc .liinctinn 195 I'urtlund til ConnoctM with main Inioat Richmond ; K at Lonnoxvillc ; Maino Cr'ntnil Railway (for n.ini^or, WluTo it «'h Point 50 BroKsuaii'tt I'i 8t..)ohna '21 StottMville. Connct'ts with P and ^ at St. Johns; and witli Vermont Central Railway and Lake Champlain 8tcanu;rrt at Ruuso'h I'oint. Ae*— (Lacliino and rrovinco Line division Grand Trunk Railway) from niONTR£AL southward to— Lachino 8 Cau(,'linawaj,'a .... 10 St. Isidore \') St. RCmi '21 La IMgoonnidro. .. '2!> lIuKhes' 28 Joluiion's Il'.i Ilenimini^ford . Frovince Lino. 40 Connects with 1, 2f 5) 6 at Lachinc, and with the Montreal and Plattsbargh Railway at Province Line. Af.— (Bnffiilo division Grand Trunk Railway) from BVFFA LO northwestward to— FortKrio 2 Bertio 9 Port Colborno.... 19 WainHeet 2A Feeder :)2 Dnnnville .^8 Oanticld 4(i CooVs 51 t^atcdonia o'.t Middloport (i") Unonda>;a (i8 Cainsvillc 72 Brantford 7(> Paris 84 Rich wood 89 Druinbo 92 Itri^'lit 97 RiUho 101 Tavistock Ifi7 .Stratford IIJ .SfbrinpviUe 120 -Mitchell 128 Ciirron Ilrook l.'i:t Sciifoith U9 (Minton 144 Cioduriuli 100 Connects with Now York Central and Brie Railways at Buffalo ; I at Port Colbomc ; Bc and H at Canfleld ; Za at Calixlonia ; Be at Brantford ; B at Paris ; A at Stmtfon) ; and Steamers for Kincardine, Inverhuron, Port El^in, and Southampton ; tuid for Nortti Shore Porta of Lake Huron and Lake Superior, and for Duluth, atGmterich. Ag.— (London branch Grand Trnnk Railway) from ST. ItlAB Y'S southward to— Thurndalc 12, London 2:1 miles. Connects with J at London. B.— By Groat Western Railway, from SUSPENSION BRIDGB westward to— St. David's 2 Meritton Junction (late Thorold).. 9 St. Catharines.... It Jordan 17 Beamsville 22 Qrimsby 27 Winona :>'.' Btonev Creek :{7 Hamilton 4;t Dtindaa 49 Copetown 65 Lynden 59 llarrisburg (i2 Paris 72 Princeton 79 Uoble's (lato Ar- nold's) 81 ' tovernor's Road. . 81 Kastwood 8(i WcMxistock 91 Boachvillo 90 Intrersoll 100 Dorchester 110 Waubuno II H London 119 Ivoinoka 129 Mount Brydgos... l:)4 Loui^wood 140 Appin 14.) Ulencoc 150 Newbury 160 Bothwell ICl Thamesville 168 Lewisville 174 Vosbur^; 178 Cliatham IMO Bai>tinte Creek... 198 Stoney Point '203 Rochester 210 Belle River 212 Tccumseh 221 Windsor 'i'.'i Detroit TiO Connects with New York Centta .nd Eric Railroads at Suspension Bridge ; I at St. Catliarinea ; il to— Fiilt^... 185 .lunction lH'i •.'•Jl r (for«or, I.) Ill Diiiivillo I'ortliiii'l with „ anil ll.ilifax, oiittruiiiiii;. iKA north- fliviTH (by I ,..■•• t ■ • 37 thward to— 44 Point 60 Ake Champlain |>NTR£AL iil^fon) • • • • 36 cu Liiie...« 40 irgli Railway at ltd to — rvillc 120 11 12S Urook i:!:i t. l:!» , 14S ch l^O Colbonie ; Bc btnitfonl ; and X North Shore dto— vard to— sville 168 viUo 1'* TK' *'* am ItO ,U' Creek... 198 y Point 203 ;«tt.r 2|0 River 2]^* nseh 2]- J uir...» 2.^ t 230 b St. Cfttliarines ; KEY TO TAHI.E OP ROUTES. 5 Za nrd 1 at Hamilton ; A fat Turin ; J at London ; Oc at Olnncoo ; and Michigan Contral, ])i'iniit iind iMilwuiikcp, and Michi^'an iSoutlicrn Riiilwa.vx at lu-troit. B«, -(Toronto brancli Gniat Wenttni R»il>vaj ) from TORONTO n<>nthwoiitward to— Miini'o 7 I Oi''.* I Hamilton 89 I'ui't CrLHilt 11 I iliMiili' '2ii I Wiiit'ivldwii :i.') I Con nnctH with Af D^ V.j V^ and 1 at Toronto ; and nniin line and Za at Hamilton. Bb.(.Sarni:i branch firnat Wertorn Railway) from LONDON woHtwanl t''iro- t1iindaiimin "arniu SI •1 FiTt Krio :» Sti-veii \ il!c I'J Wi'liaiid .hiU' tion. 2! j ^V^llilnd C.mal.. . V.' Alar»iiville :it»3 Cjinflold Junction 4^\ .l;ir\ is (iiij himcou 77 j \i.k- ,} Til^inburg 1)7 Corinth 101 AylMicr 112 M. Thomas ITi^ 'rii.imrs liivfir, . . . l:il I ttuncue. . I&O ronnocts with New York Central and Krio nilwiiyn at UnfTalo; I ut Willund .luni-tion ; Af (It Ctiitirlcl Junction ; Zu at Jarvis ; II und J at St. Thomas ; :inil with thi'iri.iin linoiil Uiencue. B€l.-( Petrol ia bran'> ClitVord h'-> | Pailcy 113 Urayton 01> : .Mildmay IM | I'ort, i:i','in I2« I I Soiithumpton I'iS Connortawith Bat HarrUbnr}? ; A at Ouelph ; Ca at Pulmeratou ; ti at JIarriston ; and Lake* HnroM and.Sniierior Steamers at Stiuthami)ton. Ca.— (\Vellin;,'ton, (iroy and Bruce Railway, South Extension,) from PAL^fllSRSTOIV northward to— Rranchton (iiilt V2 l'rc- ll.'.p-ler 1:1 Gueli-h 27 Kthol 21]jWink'ham ;!,S A'nleyville '.'7.U Lui i^now ii[} lilik'vale '>i\ Oowanstown 6 ' Li^towcl !> Neury 1 Ij Connects with the main line at Palnierston. J.— Py Northern Railway of Canaila, from TORONTO northward to— Huroi Kini.'anline. .. r.3 Davenjiort f> Weston S Thondiill 14 Richmond Hill... IS Kin.,' '2-2 Aurora ".0 ^I'ewmarkct 'M Holland l^anding. l!r:ult'onl :!S I Alleiidalo... 41 i Parrie r>:! (It .S anion:! 44 (iilford 4it L'.'froy ......... Kill Kwart Pramlcy r,:\ Harrison's OH L'to|ii;l 71 Ant-'us 7:! N'(rW liOWCll IA Pta>Tior 85 iSiilteanx 91 Coiling wood 94 Cra;','leith 100 Thornlmry 107 Meaford 115 Connertt with A, Ba, E, F, 1, 8 and 9 at Toronto; 13 at Bell Ewart ; Muskoka branch »t Allendale; and 15, 10 and 11 at Collingwood. ■i ii 1, '.t|| V 6 KEY TO TABLE OF RfUTE8. 1 1' it ' l! Da.— (Miiskoka branch Xortlifrn Riiihvuy) fr.mi A IjLI'^NDAIjE: ca^twunl to— BuiTio 1 I (lowim 7 I Iliiwk-toiic l.j | Orilliii 23 Connonta with G nt Orillia; ul-u», with Hteamuri to Waslm^'o, and Stajjo to Omvcnhurst, BriM'briil^'u I'lirry Sound. E.— I-iy Toronto, (Jri;y lunl Uriu-o Railwiiy. fr.)Mi TOItONTO northwcrtwurd to— W7 .^[ono Roivl :i'.' < liuriiMton -11 .Mion '1(1 Oniii'.'i-villi; 4!> Aniiimnth M I,iitli-r «1 I fiirrio 102 Ariliiir 7:l I Wroxctcr in* K'liilworth 7;i I l.l'mlol loft .M.iimt I'..r<-it K.; I 'rv^.^wiifr T-'O llarri-'ton 87 I Kiii< iinlino H.l Connccl-i witli A, Ba, D, F, 1 , 8 and 9 nt Toronto ; bninch to Owen Sound at Omnffpville ; and O iit Hiirriston. Ea,— (Owen Sound branch Toronto, Grey and Bruce Hallway) from OIlANCiKVILLE northward to — rhat'wortl! ..... 00 Williainsfurd M Uockfnrd t'l.") OwcUi'Mjund 74 ShoUiiirno I">} I I'lo-ihorton ">7 I)Mii;e Wick •»!• Sandrirland 0:> '.'II I M il W'lM'U iiii- U:l 41 .Midlaiid.lun< tion. ti'i Ar./\ Ic KI.I.'.M 71 I'.iii.i're Road K!r.v.,cld Vi tiu-in Road. . . . C'lil) ii'unk(iir."3hiil- di'ii.) 7t 7ti 7!» 88 Quay's Pcrrvt'iwn OaiM'ili.'irM Summit <( 10 li M'!'I.r-)'ik. H 1: ':'.i:lilV l!riiri->viok I'rauklin '.'1 '.'ti •JS Connects witli A, Ba, D, E^ If 8 and Oat Toronto; and G at Midland Junction. Tliis road is to bo built to Lake N'ipirt.sint; (210 miles), tlierc to connect with the CaniulaPai iiic Railway G« — Ry Midland Rillwuy of CaiiiKla, (lute Port IIojic, Lindsay and Beaverton Railway), from POKT HOPE ncn-tliuard to— O'nomeo ."li! | Oakwood 54 Ki'lly'.^ ;i,S Woodville .'»'< l,'M'i-:iy 4:t I li' .ivertou OK C'amlir.iy 4it | Orillia hT Connects with A, 1 and Stoamer to RiK-hestcr (liO miles) at Port Ilupe ; \f at Midland Junction (\V'ovillo 7 Wclland 17 Perry 'Mi AtterclilVe ;i t Canlicld 4J Cayu;.'a -H HaL'ersville <>S AVat-rford 71 Wiiiiliiam 7'< llawtrey M Cornell." >t I Duiton 1..7 iViiiarck 141 Rodney IJ.s Taylor Ij'i Tlis'hgato !.•)<> Riilu'elown ItiJ Ciarui^t Cross . .. 17'j rielclier 1S.5 (.'o.;il)er !!)!> \Vi.,KMee '20i Cil hesler 'i'.'l Auiliurstburg 'il'J Connects oast with New York Central and Krio Railways ; and west with Mi(;higar. Central, lliclii^'an Sontlicrn, and Dotroitand Milwaukee Railways ; with Af and Be at Cantleld Junctiou ; »nd with 7a at llager.svillc. Ha.— (St. Clair Division C.inada Southern Railway) from ST. THO.tlAS westward to— Boiitliwold ft I Oreat Wester n I ■^fell)()urne I!) I O'.l Spring's 4)< Delaware 14 | Crossin;; 2-' | Alvinston 3j | iloorotowu 07 Connects with the main line at St. Thomas. 23 mvenhurst, 102 id:. loft l-.'i) ' \U >raiiffpvillc; KVTLMS ■■•••••I 111 74 )m Colpoy'a nail 7i 'i> loml 7!» nrftllltl- 83 iction. This ilie Railway ihvay), from 54 M m h7 at ^lUUand J to— IM n ItiJ ross ... 1 T-t IS.-i 1!)!> -JOS r -i-'l nii-b' •-'■.';) ran Pcntral, M.fiKU'tiuu ; w.ird to^ ,'s 48 vii ti7 KEY TO TABLE OP ROUTES. I Hb.— {Krio and Niagara branch fanoda Southirn Hallway) from Niagara woiHrnnl to— gmiMi-t.iwn.. ... C | N -» ' "" v Fall ■< 1 i | lilac k i'rwk 21 | Fort Erie 81 3C 34 bUil>'vva li I,— By WcUaiid lUlhvay, (omi POUT DA LIIOUKIIS southwanl t'>— gf. CaUiariiic-i ... :i I VMiilmr; lo l Wcllaiid 17 I Port Colhnmo.... TliiiioiiKMcriitiiii) H I I' .rt ltc.l)iiir«>n.... l;i | | Coniiucts with Af at. I'.irt C >llj.inio ; D at St. Catharlnp< ; and 8 at l' .rt IUIUduhIo. J,— By London and P'»rt Stanley Hallway, fmni LOMDOK Bonthwarl to- Fond MilW :i I (Him nth 8 I St. I'li'iiiun l'> 1 I 'on Stanley .... \Vi'stiniiistcr ;. I Vat- II >;it!i ll|\V'i.t<''M 'JO | Connccli* witli ASfaiid Bat London ; He and II at St. Tlionun ; and at I'ort Stanley with Stnuncrs for CKvLlai I (71 niilo.s), and N.n-th .Slioro TraiiMportution Co.'s lino oC Stcaiuora for Montreal. K. -By Cohourjr, rctorhoron,'h and Marmora Uailway, fro-n rOBOl'ltC> nortliwanl to — 15 iltiniori' •'>. V'V.i lunN !», Il.irwood 1 1, Uice Laku aiul Uivcr 'I'r.Mit to Narrows (hy Steamer) 40, Blairton IS inilci. Connects with A and 1 at Cobourg, and with Stoamors at Ilarwood (Rice Lake) to retcrborough, Keono, Gore's l^andin.', II.i-iinK'. Marmora, ic. L.— By Whitliy an 1 Port IVrry Uailway, fnmi WHITBY JUN^'TION n.irthward t«>— Wiiiibv 1 I M i;il -St. Cnn-iiii';. 7ISii;nuiit. I .'.J I I'r ii'-" AUiert 17 Urookiln (i|M;rth;. 10 | Mmrlicster !."> | I'ori IVrry 19 Connects with A at Wnitljy ; and with Stages to and from Uxbrido'o and SLoamors to uvl from LindMy at Port Perry. If.— By St.>n c and Ottawa R.illway, from PRKSrOTT northwarl to— Pro-!<'oti .Tnnctlon S|a'n.'ci-villi! Kumptville Oxford lii ' >-^'oim| > :i| lloS-iitcr' !)...... .. il7 .M.iU'iti'u '.i'.t (ilon^e-icr (Cnii- niii'^^liam's) •<:! Ottawa. 4S Connects with 1 a' I'rjioott, also with Ferry to 0/donsb«rj,'h, tlienco vid Of^densburRh and Lake C!iatn|il.iin ll.iiiway for Roudo'd Point, Boston, Sic. ; A at Prcsuntt Junction ; and O^ % and 3 at (;itav. a. N,— By Broukville and Ottawa Railw.-vy, from BKOCKVILLE! northward to- Grand TrunkJunc- tion Falrtield Bellamy's I nell'H i:i , Fertrn-^in'r^ ll Woll'ord l(i l-'rankio\vn •i\ Iri-ili Creek, Jas- Ifcckwiih 7 pcr'H 21 Cirl.'i.tii i'lace.... 10 Store's. ao AlmoiiU! .'t:> I'akenham 01 iil i Arnpriur 69 41 line. i. I,. 72 40 ' Sainl I'ciint 74 62 I Ca-iI.'fMrd 80 W , Kenfnw 87 Jclly'ii 1'.* I Smith's Falls 'JS | . Sneddon's Connects with A and 1 at Brookville; Perth branch at Smitli's Falls; O and tl'i at Corlotoa Place ; and 3 at Sand Point. Na.— (Perth branch Brockville ond Ottawa Railway) from SIVIITH^S FALLS west- ward to — Pike's Falls G, Perth 12 miles. Connects with tlio main line at Smith's Falls. O.— By Canadi Central Railway, from OTTA"WA westward to— I* Bri'ton Flats... 1 jB-U's (V.rners KMA-liton 2nJ I Carleton I'laco Britannia 6 | Stitt.->ville........ 1 1 j | Appli.-ton '.'t> | Jamtion 2R| Connects with III and 2 at Ottawa ; and N at Carleton Place Jnnction. P. — By Montreal and Vermunt Junction and Vernwnt Central Railways, from ITIONTHE! A L southward to — St. Johns St. Alexandre. Des Rivieres... 4:i Staisbridgo AC Moori-'s All St. Armand C! St. Albans 70 I Boston 33 lUirliii^'ton. ...... loo New York 49 Connects with Ad and f^ at St. Johns, and at St. Albans with connecting branches to Boston, New York, iic. Iff If'Li II! 6 KEY TO TABLE OP ROUTKS. Q«— Dy SUniit«a(l, SlicfTonl and Hiambly Railway, from IVIONTRR/% Ij MinthcaHtwRnl to-> 8t John*... Vunwilleii... 77 I Rt nrlifldo n; I Anu'clino 4H I W.'«t Shofford .... M :{t I WcHt ruriilmiii.. -Illfirurihy Ti? | Wutorlou 70 Connc<:U witik Ad and P at Ht. Jolinw, and R and Zc at Wnxt Farnhain, 1.— Uy Buuth GMtcrn Railway, from IVIONTRBAL Honthward to— Rt. JohMH 37 Wt'Ht I'.irnliani ... 41 Farndcti 4il nriKlinrn 4!) Kant I'ariihitni.. .. A I Cowaniivillc Ii!> HwootH)>nr|th fl7 W-st llrnini fl!» Miinn'H Mi IN fVl Ijiicr-ion'M i'A Kilt ton I'latH..... (17 AlH>rcorn 7U Honndarv Lino.. 7:1 VorthTrnv 01 iti.hfnrd.. ...... 71 N"c\v|M)it (Vntre .. f>« I'.a-t Iti'liford.... 7!l N'".\I"irt 1(11 (ili'Ti Sutton h:i l»'i-totl .'I.'lO MaonoiiviUo 8'i'2 iMilloiil Kti KIiiihIiiIo H'M KMli''ld A:I3 (iniiidLako O.'iH \V<'lliii^'ton r>40 l-'Ictili.T 541 Wiiid^ir .Junction A4H lliKkv Lake WO liiM|f,,rd . .. &.•);! I'lHir Mill! Hon8c.. liH\ Halifax 6«7 Bt. Ar-*nc 7 IhIc Vcriu Ki TrolH Pistolu-* *JH St. Kinioii :I7 St. Fabien 4f:^ BiC .............. it't\ RhnoHski til^ St. Plavie H7 Metia IMA St. Octavo !i7] CaaupM'iil! Im-* A<«w.'m('t<|i>a;,'an. . . 1 4S MataiM'clia U>'.) Cain|ilK>llton 17!) Dalhousiu 1 S!> Connects with Aa at Rivicro dii Loup; with Bt. .John brtin^-h at Afoncton ; with Shedlac taunch at I'ain^i- Jiiiirtlon ; witli Plctou brain h at Tniro ; and with U, -10 and .Stcainers to BoBt-lli-iluno •2:11 Siirinir Hill 411) llathur^t •2:>' .*-alt ."^jn-lnk'H llivcr I'hilip ■147 Ncwrastle 4")l .MolK-toll !17l 'riioinson 4-.S Hiiniphrov . :i7i; (Jncnvillo 4'i.-. I'aiii-^i'i! iliinclion :is-.> Wi'iitworlh 4T| MiMdow Itrook.. :!,s7 I'olly Luke 47-. .M'liiraiiii-ook :i:m Loiiiloiidcrry . . . , 4vl D.irchf^ter 40J Dibirt 4HW Siikvillo 414 r-h'.'oni^h ■\'.>-> All \.n- 417 4-.';i Truro .100 Aiiilierist .lolll|! noiindary (.'rook.. 7!> Moncton 8!) Connects with main lino at M(mcton ; and with 1¥, 35, 36, 3Tj and Stoatners to and from Windsor, l)it.'by, Annapolis, Yarmouth, Kastjwrt, Portland and H(ist-> Tord.... M 70 hv fll ••ntre.. f>« 101 !I.')0 408 ho Vermont Te.— (Plt'ton bmnrh TntrrcnlnninllUllwa} ) from TRITRO runtwnnl to — 280 4U7 at NcwTwrt. to— ftl7 Mlio r>22 82« WI »:i3 ICO or>K III MO Ml Junction MH Lkc r>r,Q 1;! I IIOUBC.. M\ fifi7 vith Shcdiac Steamers to ortion of the oxpoctod tu kc 6« cr 71 , 7»! Creek.. 79 89 Steamers to t. John. •rthward to — Chenc ; and uguac, Mira* Valley 4 riijiiii . !) Ktverithlle l:i \\'''t Uiv«r •-'! I ili'ii^iirry 'Jm Siclhirliin New (iti^ijDW,. • . . . 4(1 4.i l'i< ton T.nmlfnfr... A1 I irtoU (IjciltJ O'i ll>i|N>\vi>il :iA Coniii'it* with iniiiii lltii- fit Truro ; with Sf), 30 ami SteuiiuTu to nml from Port TIih>I, Port ITnwkesbnry, ninl r.o-tun nt I'jitoii ; nn iioiiiU l,°iiiii('k(>... 21! Slillw;lt(T :i.'l Kli'-isiioiHe "M Nfwp.irt '■'■'■> 'Ihr.T Mil.-1'lainn 4.' Wind -or A't Fuhiioiith . . .... 47 Mo;iiit I ii'll-oli. .. , ,',0 riiiiii poll trJ A^ oil port •'" Ih'rton Iniidiiiu'.. •''■' tirand i'r* <>'l Uolfvill.. tl! T' I'l Williams.. (!'< Keiitvillu 70 ( 'i'Miir..iil\ , 7") (' iMiliridi,'!" 77 \VaiiT\illi' 7!t r.i-ru ilk S'i Ayl.-f.Til h7 Monli'ii Itnad.... hi KllC'stou !'t Wihuot Its •••( •»••• Mi.Mlct-.ii I.awri'iii ctown . , I'ar.uli lirid I'tiiun UmiiikIIiiII..'iilJH. , l)i^liy, -tcumcr 101 11)7 110 11.1 l-.'l I •-.".• 115 .St. John, ktcamer I'M Connects with X h Windsor Junction ; and Steamer to and from St. John at Annajwdi*. Thi« RailroiMl riiiM through the valley of Acmlia and tlio iiia„'nillcent Mcetiery made celeliratod In the story of " i;v . .rfeliiie." From Aiina|iolU llrst class .StHkren convey pa^.■cll:.-l•^^^ lo .MilfonI .Maitlaiul, llari "iiy. Caledoiiia, l)rkiielil aiirl Liverpool, Gi miles ; .-iiid to( lemeiil-port, Victoria BridKe, Smith ri Cove, Ui.'hy, St. Mary'* Bay, Weyiiumth, Sis.-itio, r.ellevou'n Cove, Clare, MoiitoL'an Co. . Hear Illvcr, Varmonth-I.alvc.", an l:i 20 Dnniliarion W.iit .luintion. . .. I.awrenCe Ii:i!'her Dam 'I'l'Sy (lu/.zle Mc.Vdam Junction 21 Maud-dey •1. Iv I Uiver 76 V7 • 'r mlii^rr.' 4;i Wi 'kliaiii. I»cii"c .liiic'tion... 80 2!» llall'M Siding. . .. K.-i HI Drcr Lake M l;.irkcr lloii-e >*« ;is C.interhury V,:, V*'iiiid toik K'lad.. l»l 4:! S.'oit'i* 70 Woi«l-to.k »4 Coniiuct.s witli ^t. .'^tcphen hram h at Watt Jiuution ; W at Sfc.Vilam Junction; Hoiilton branch at iHhec Jum tion ; and %h at Wo!o, with .SteamerB, at hi;.'h water, to the Ciraiid Falls. Va,— (St. .Ste.ilieu l.rancli .N(.w Brnnswick and Canada Railway) from ST. STKPIIEN iiortliwani to — Maxwell ."i. .Moi.n.'s Mills «. Meadows l.T, Watt Junction 1!» milen. Connects with main line at W.itt Junction. Connections are madu at St. Stephen with the Calais and L.iwy's Island Railway to Princeton, thence by btage (.5(> miles) to Lincoln, a station on the Fnroi«.an and Nortli .Vmerican llailway. Vb.— (JloulLonliraucli .N(.'w Brunswick and Canada Rail way) from DIiIItLIC JUNCTION northward to— McKenzic's Cornirs'J, (Ireenville 4, Richmond C, Houlton S mile;». Connects with tlie main line at IJ.'liec .lumtion. W. — By European an I North American Railway (c:on.solidated), from ST. JOHN weot- vvai-d to — Fafrvlllc 4 South Bay (I Sutton s Grand Bay 11 Westtleld L". Nerepi.s "Jo Connects with Ta, 35) 30, 37) and Steamer to and from Annapolis at St. John; X ak Wehford 2' Clan-ndon ;!0 I l.i-pereaux :i-'> ■' 'li-killen .'ill Hit :is .iii -ville 4'-' Fredericton Junc- tion ira'y ........ ... Cork Harvey 4i; 4:t *;i (■(> M ij.'a','u:vlavic.... .\|e.\dain Junction .^t. Cr lix \'aMce!)i)ro Ilan'or 70, 8.'> ill !»2 2(M} »>l !!^ 10 KKY TO TAni.K OP ROI'TRS. « i Fri>rli-tiitrnl Ilailwny nt Ilun:/or. Will hIwi coniiuct witli ttiu Ht. FntixiH iitnl Liiko .M(";iiiit!'' Iiit'>rii;iiiiiiiiil U.kilwa> , now i mi tructlnj;. X.— Ily rn'.JTl-l..i, |»r,n„-li lUllway, from I'lkl'IDKKIC'TOlV J|fN<'TION north- Nsiinl 111 — Threw Tn-i) Cn-ok ;i, llii«i;{(iniii« P, Wtia^U 1-', (IKinlnr K', Siiliim:iiic-ft 'Jl, l*rf — i!y Iliiiiiiltoii and I.ikke Kriu iliiilway, from IIAITIILTON soiithwoHtwanl to— llviiiiil <; j cilrilohia li; I Mu'(T*vill!> •.'■> i j.irvig :il lli-ntoii II I It.ilhvilli.i -.M I liiill.vilic -.'> I ('oniu'('ti) witli B iiiid 1 lit Iliiiniltoii ; A f iit ('.il< "Ion: i ; II .it ll.i.'i'r-^villc ; uikI Hcat Jnrvii. Xb.— Ity Kliitfston iii.d IVmbroko Iliiilwiiy, from KIMiiKTON iiortliw.ird to— Ki'pli'r 10 I Vi'miM I'l i Ti iH'p'i'l;. ... Il:irro\vtimitli is | I'lfciidilly 'JH ) .s'.iurhot Litku. ... TliU roiul i.x ()ix-n to Ilarrowsniilh ; will bo i)i)ciicd to rembrokc in lS7(i. 117 j ]\>mbroke 120 4ti vil ill'' aSc— r.y Moiitroiil, Cliamlily and Sord Riiilway, from ITIOXTIKI'MIj southward to — WV^-t laridiain Cliamlily ''..i-^in.. C'li.imbh Ciiitoii to I Illl'lllljl'll 1 1 .->ti'. Miirlo Id I Sti>. .\ii"il • ■-'I I .M«'. l;ri;,'i(lt' * ■ • « • • "•' 3.1 ('oiincctswitl. Q and It nt West I'arnliam. TlilAruad in to be built front Wo8t Farnham to the I'rovini'c I,iiu>, and from Chambly IJa.sin to Sorol. Xd« — HyMonlri il N'orilicrn Colonization Ilaihvay (in i-onrso of conKtractioii), from HION. Tltli^AL north wf.u ward to— Hack niv.T «ti'. ltd .- Sto. Thornsi) , :'t. .Ji'romo, . tlronvillo llnl! . .. \> !iiii-r !)■ ip Uivcr.. l-'O This road iii oxj)octi'd to bo in coniplfto runninj; onk-r in is""!. Zc— ny the St. Francis and LakcMcgantic International Uailway.from SlIli^ltUilOOKl!: ca-twiuil to — Lake ^^(•;,'anti<•, S."> niilcM. This road i^ to be built to sonio jiolnt on tlio Eiiropnan and North /mcrican Railway, iKitwrcn Bangor and Mattawamkea^,'. When eomplt'ttd the distance between Montreal and St. John,, by r.Ul, will bo about 4:iO niilos, 5Bf.— By liCvis and Kennebec Railway, from liKVIS southward to^ St. Hi nry Kt. Anselme .... 11 I Ste. Ib'ni-diiio 'Jl I St. .To-u'iih •!'_> I St. rioorire fiO 17 Lste. Mane Itl) St. Francid ui I Kcnneboc 8o It is intended that this i-oml Bhaill)0 built to Portland, Me. ZK* — By North Shore Railway (projected), from t>uKito i'roUerlcton) ti tBOOKU faplUrnn Iiij I It -rut I.Jiko UQ W.>i>il*t««k June 03 N-w /.•■iliiiKl.... Il>| I .Millvlllc :(H| lliirtliii.l til il.'k 4:1 !rt':ilU liri lliirtl iiKJ. W.MHilok «l Pt. Mury'it 1 lii.iijii. :t Si»r!ii,' IIIll .'.] It.irklUIIll 10 Ki'Hwiik 1'.' Conneft* with X i»t FntliTlrtim, ninl V at WmHUtiK-k. TI1U iKinl will niii throiiijh t«» Tobiii|>< <-'» l'-^*' >>i l^^*'- Bl.-Dy rriiKO Eilwiird Man.! nuilway. from CIIAItliOTTICTOWIX woMf.vnnl to— Iloyiilty U'iiu\ ... lloVllltv .llliK'tinil. Mill|H'(|U(> ilii.k'l.,. . Milton I,..>:lli-.t Unil.l ... .\i(i,"(i k ildXl Ca.'H iiin|M-(iuo. ... CwiV Mil P.ridKO. I i\ir|»lay iir_' Ho Mat:iila (Iro.inoir) IJO rri'-dott .... 1:10 Tlr I'll' D.irrii.'li'M :>'.'0 'Cinu'-*ion ins 'I'dr.iiito '.n;.| (Joboiir' '.*:>') Ilaniilton ..... ... 4o,i Connprt'<\vitli23 at Montreal : ,\e at r.acliinc ; A, !^ and hVrry to r).:driisl)nr^'li at Pr("«-ott , A, N at IliMi'Uvilli' ; A, %l>^ 7 and Stfuncr to and frnin ('api' Viip 'Mif .r Kii;; ; K at ColMiiir^'; Gat Port iIoi><'; A, Ua, D, I'], P, 8 and Oat Toronto; and B and Xuat llainillon. 8,— By Ottawa River N.vvisation Coinpany'u Steamers daily, from LACIIIN' V. westward to— ( ft. Anns 18 i Riiraiid :il) (;ka '.'7 Mali lion 4-'i <'oiiio 2M I point I'ortuno.... 47 Tliid-son '.'!) I Cn-liiiiLf li-2 Poiiitcanx An;;Iais :!:t I lirenvillo .is >•■•••• T/(lriL'nal Ma Ill's 7' raiiiiiiMUville HO P.iMuirij HO 'I'har-io !>•.' ' iiiidi-rland 101 l'.ai;,iii"'iaiii |0:l T-inidi'ton Ilo intawa I'.M Connects with Ac at Lachiue ; and with 1?I, O ami 3 at Ottawa. 3.— By Union Forwardint; and Railway Comjiany'a Steamers, daily, from OTTAWA west- ward to — Aylmer 8 , Union VilKigo.... :i!) I Oonld's Landing.. «i2 I I'ort William 112 Marrli 14 Ariiiirior 4! ' l'..rta.'c du I'ort.. *i:! 1 Point Ah'.xander. IW Kidly'HLandint?... 2'-» 1 Sand Point 4:» ! f'nl)di'ii 7.'> | Moor'-". 143 Baillr.ini'-i Jio P.ri-tol .'»•.' Penibroko Hi! ; Dp- .luailiims 148 On.slow (Quio).... ;!:! ; I'onticfhpre flii petawawa lOG j Kocluaptain .... 166 Pontiuc a« I Farrel's m\ I CoTineot'i with 1?I, O, 2 and 4 at Ottawa , N at Rand Point ; and Stave to and fmni Bryson (8 mile.-) at Portago du Tort. From Bryson, a Steamer runs to Chajwau Village, a disunce of 46 mile3. ,ll?') *.;■*» m mm ri I -' !. iS KEY TO TABLE OP ROUTES. 4.— By Riiloan Canal Steamers, bi-weekly, from OTTAWA soiithwarJ to — 4 i .Mcrrifkvillr 42 ; T'cirll,iii j Bri-\v(T'rf T.T Jones' Falls 98 Upper Mills 107 Rp'Wcr'H Lower ■Mill-' 109 !to ! Kin'_'-t(,ii Mills... IIH !)ii Kiii^'ston rj5 Hartwcll''! }l<><^'s liiu'k Ti I Maithinirrt 4!) lilai'k Kai'iil-! 1() l'/liiiiiiiS I Sniitli's Kails .I" Jiiirritt"^ Kiipiil-!.. oil , I'irsi Kapid-i ,'>'■> Kiclii)ls()ii> :',[}[ I'lirt Kliii-lcy >'■>'> Clow's Oiian-y 40 | (Jliver's Ferry.... 71 Comioi'ts witli in lit Kcmjitvillc , M at SiiiiHr.-'. I'alls ; ami A, 1 ami 7 at Kit):.'stipn. Thi^ronto Is rhiialy used in caiTying freight and transporting passengurs to jilaijes not within easy aeach of railwTRKAL westward to— Mclochovillt' '21 St. Tiitint!!'.' ;!1 Cornv.all 8-J Dii'kiiisou's Laiul- iiig .01 Williamsburg .... 110 Matilda (Iroqiioi.-) I'JO rn>s liath '.'It! Adoliihustown '.':;o I'irt.Di 'jr'.H Mill I'oint '-'.".I North T'ort 2fil ll.'ll •vili.' 27:t IJi-dncr^ville 27.") Trenton '28H 7.— By Bay of Quintc Steamers, daily, from KINGSTON westward to- Amherst L! I Marvsburi,'h ;;•'! Bath H Adolphii-tnwn... . :U Frederi('kshur.:!i.. 'J") Stone .Mills 1)7 Picton 42 liMblin's Mills .''>'.• Mill Fomt OS Xnrth Port fifi Belleville 78 Connec-tt- with A at Kingston and Belleville. 8.— By St.-anur. — St. Clair. I'.aby's Point, Port Laiubton, Sombni, Monrctown, Samia, Godorieh, Kincardine, Port Bruce and Saugeen. V Connects wiih B at Windsor ; A and Bb at Sariiia ; A fat Croderich ; and E at Saugeen. 13.— By Steamer, daily, from BELL E WA BT, on Lake Simcoe, to— Jackson's Point.. . 12 I Bcaverton ;!0 I llawkstojie ;)") I Orillia 80 Port Bolster 21 | Barrie 32 I Ath.'dy 47 | Connects with D at Bell Ewart ; O at Bcaverton ; and Stages and Steamers to and from the UuskoLaand Pan-y Sound districts at Oriilia. falls 9g fH Upjjor • 107 109 'II .Mills.. IH '» l:'5 -t'in. Tliis roiitfi ill fjisy BL'Uch of nr times a week, '• 7G i-' XI ill 82 rs, weekly, from T'ort 261 1'" 27:! ■-^ville 27.'> » 2«!) T'ort fifi lie 78 ti, Kincardine, It Saugeon. «0 and from the KEY TO TABLE OF ROUTES. 14.-By Steamer, daily, from GRAVED HL'RST, on Lake Miiskoka. to— Lon;; I'oint 9 Port C'arliiii,'. ••• 21 ] I'oiiit ri(Mh.I..un Alpnrt l:!;liilii 2? ' Tort S.indticM. . . . 2X Hcil • f Lake iSr.ici'briil.'i' lii I Wiuileniicre 2)i : Ho^seau ui , Jci-i']iii 43 I'uiiit Kayu . .. IG I I I Connect? with Stages to ami from Orir.ia at Oravenhur^t ; anil with Stashes to and from Parry llo-'oau. 15.-Uy .'■:tLauii'r. daily, from COL LING AVOOD, or Georg-jan Day, to— Ifcafoiil 24 Capo Rich !5S. Leit'.i 4:?, (Jwea Soand ."O miles Connects v itii D, 17- a>i 1 Stennur for P.irrv Sound and Byng Tnlet nt ColUng^voo^^, and E and Steamer to ar.d from Colpoy'-' li.iv at ()\v.''i <^oii;l 10,— By Steamer, woek'y, from COLLIM« WOOD wenwarl to— Owen Pound 50 Cabot's ll'sid XI) Loni'ly Ilaiid lOD rai)e Siiiytho Ti") Shi'liawaiialining., 1i'> Manitowaiiinv' 170 rin))pnrtoii I-ilanl 1^ > | faiiipomentd'Ours ILakerjeorce , 320 Co kl.uni l-Iand.. 20"< I Inland. S02 ( Ciiaiidi.- I,aiidin«. . 32fi ])rirn;ii BrmcMino-! 2'>o | Nebish Rapids.... HUi St. Jost^pa ^ Island 2'JU | tIcMl.'Ilt O.10 Sault bic. Marie . 340 Connects with I> at Collingv.-ood 17. -By Lake Superior Royai ilail Steamers L>i weekly, from COLLINCU'OOD west- wai\l to- Little Cnrrrnt )40 I Bnioe Mine^ 2nn I Minhipiroton 4f.O I Knrt William Hanitowaiiinii 170 . Sault Sie ilarie.. :i40 | Silver Islet 7."(0 Uukitii .... 7r,o .... 9U0 Connects with D and 15 at Collinj^wood ; with Government Transi)ort,ation lino to Fort Garry at Fort William ; with the Lake Superior and Mis8issii)pi Railway at Diihith, for St. Paul, and all points West, North West and Soutli : and with the Northern Pai-idc Railway ami Kittson's Tnin-:p(>rtation lino from Moorhoad for Fori, dairy and the Red River country. A Steamer of this line leaves Cjllingsvocxl every Tuesday for Owen Sound, Byng Inlet and Parry Sound. 18.— By Steamer, daily, from LINDS.VY northward to— Fenelon Falls IS, Bobcavfreon 24 miles. And tri-weckly to Larkhall (Bald Lake) 35, Mud Lake 48, Bnckhom 48 miles. Connects with O at Lindsay. 19.— By Steamer, daily, from PETERBOROUGH northward to— Bridgenorth 6, Bobcaygcon 2'>, Minden 5;!, Haliburton 70 miles. Connects with Ga at Peterborough. aO.— By Steamer, daily, from LAKEFIELD northward to— Stoney Lake, Thousand Lslands, Burleigh Road, &c. Connects with Ga at Lakeflcld. 21.— By Steamer, daily, from LINDS.IY southward to— Cajsarea l."). Port Hoover 20, and Port Perrj- 32 miles. Connects wi'.h G at Lindsay ; and L at Port Perry. 22.- BySteamer, tri-weekly, fromCARLETON PLACE, on the Mis.Mssippi rfyer, to— Innisville, 9 miles. Connects with I?I and O at Carleton PLace. 23.— By Richelieu Company's Steamers, daily, from IVONTREAL eastward to— Borel 45, Three Rivers 90, Batiscan 111, Quebec 1 -(O miles. Connects with A and 1 at Montreal ; and Stcamcra for the watering places and Lirerpool and Olasgow at Quebec. ?-• I',; 1^:.' 14 KEY TO TABLE OP ROT'TE;?. >, !i » tJl vl \i\'M 'i ; 21.— By Pwkholio'j Compuiy's Steamor " Throo Rlvol•^" bi-weekly, from .tlONTREA L eastward in — Three Uivcrs RO Ttivit'ri' (III T.onp, en liaiit Oii Yainafhirli" '"> Poll Si. I'iMlU'is.. Tti Vorrh^rnH 21 SmIvI .l", Ma-.kiii'irii.'i' tio ('(iniiort-* lit Sorel with Stoamor for St. Duviil, Yamaska.St Ainn', aivl St TIiomas(Pierrpvillp.) 2.*.— Dy Riiholieu fice 2 J, Lavaltrio :J0. Lanoraie 30, Bcrthier Ij mile.-!. Ciiiiiie(t.-> w it:i V at l^aiioraie. 2S.-Dy Ilicli.'lieii Company's Steamer '•Chamhly." bi-weekly, from ^TIONTRKAL castwanl lo-- Vcr.hi'roa e:) ' «t. Dentsi fii! j St. Afaro ?! C'l If recuMir ."o .-^t. ,\ntoiiip ri(;|.0 27.— By Tli^'hi'liiMi Company's Steamer "Terrebonne," daily, from iHONTZtE.VL east- ward t" — Boiicherville f>, Varoniies 15, Bout de I'Islo !•"). Laclionaic is, L'.Vssoiiiption 21, Tcrrcb(mne 21 ni.le-. 28.— By Steamer, daily, from ST. IIV-VCINTJIE southward to- st. Pic 111. St. Dam ISO 10. St. Cesaire 20 miles. Conneets with .\n at St. Ifyacinthc. 29.— By Qni^h"r< nnd Onlf Ports Steamship Company's Lino of Stoamcrs, weekly, from .lIO\TIir. \ I., ea'^tward lo- Qaehec l-i>, Palhur Point ;ti>2, Mtitis :iS7, I'ercci (115, Point dti Chhiio 702, (liarlottetown 880, Pictoii !>.')Oiiiile!^. Connect- Willi Ta at Point dn Chone ; 5B1 at Charlottotown ; an 1 Tc and Ftcamer for Port llawkeshnry nnd Pori Hood at I'iitou. 30.— Dy Qii '"'I- a-id Ci:ilf Ports Steamship Company's Lino of Steamer?, weekly, from QL'I':KI':Cea>tward to— Father Point 1S2 Metis 207 Gaspii 1)0 Perei< 4 7"> Pa-;|>;'hiae , .'»")0 New Carlisle f>'>"> Carleton r,(r, DiMion-ie (10") Challiaiii 7'.).S Xcwra^tlo 803 Point du Chene... !I08 Pictou 1028 Connect* w it!i Ta an 1 IJ9 at Point dn Cliene, and 'I'c at Pictou. 31.— By Steamer, daily, from QUli^BEC westward to— St. Nich da-, l'> iiiileJ. 32.— I'.y Steam.'r. daily, from NTREAI, liro Station 7f» hi i-i ;io y to REAL cast- Terrebonne 21 weokly, from iotteton-n 8S0, mer for Port ttpckly, from 803 Chono... !)08 lO-'8 e de la 58 bi-weekly to i 2.{« 1U4 35.— BySloamer, daili', fromST. JOHN, N.B., westward to— P,niii(law''< I'oint lo IJiililer's li> .loliii Orr's 17 Iloniul Hill 2:; ( :ik I'oml 21 Storrait's 2(1 TiMinatit'sCovo... ;n Wi'.'uli.iiii :<:! Tiiom|i.ion'-< ;U Tliiiiiii-! (ioUlinii's. :!■"> CiiiilirMlire :!•> C.viiKtron'd uT c; .I'^xto \vn 47 .teni-^/ 411 r;itier 'laiftowu.. .I") T'lli7 MiiuLrcrvillc 71 ( tr.i!!i«i ui 7:{ 'Ib-i'T'-' 7!» t'ri'dericton b4 Cinn""*-: \v;t 1 Ta n,'vl S' >xii'^r to and fro'u .V'ln-i'DlisatSt. John ; and X, Zli, Stoamar for WoodstocU, nud Sta^'m for the Aliraniichi at I're 1( ricton. 36.— By Grand Lake Stea'.u'-r, bi-weekly, froMi ST. JOIIX, N.B., westward to— Jcni^ptr Doujriin il;ii'i) )r... 4!t I ?;v;>hf>rs Povo . .. (U j N'fwra;; I- 15rid;^o. Sii N'.'wcastk' (,'rf'i'k . 7ii I ('lal .Mines ■ iliiinn Tlivcr. . . I!ri'-';;'s l.'ornLTA.. HO !t:i 3(V! 37.- Hy P.-'aincr, bi-weekly, from ST. JOII\, \.B., \\v.-,t\vard to— L'Rtani^ "lO | ?t. Ofor^c 7^! 1 .-i. Andr.'ux S.> | St. Stephen Tiii.s ;it • i:in>r also makes a weekly trip to Winds ir. N'.S , ealliiie at I'iirrsl)oroiii,di. 38. -By North Shore Steam.r, weekly, from POINT DV CHEN E w.-iwupI to— UL'hihneto. 40 I N'eweastle 11') I firriinetto ]•<■<{ Dillioiwie C':iiitnaiii 1!;) | .-^.liiiiie^'an l.S» | lj.ittiur:-t -M^ | Campbellton :j'.'0 Connects wiih Tb and 39 at Point dn Chene. 39. -By Trineo Klwarl Island Steamer, bi-weekly, from POIXT DU CIIEN'E north- v.arl I I — S'.iniiiiei-^ide 45, Chariot tciowii ! 1 Bur.-eo :;iw i Bo-e r.lan^-he Trepassey ^IJ | llurlior Briton.... 'i.;i | La PoUc ;!:iS i Clianiul. 45.— By Steamer, fortnigntly, from ST. JOIf >l S, Nfltl., northward to— 20 2:5 :ilo ;t(is Trinity fiO i Oreen's Pond .... un^ | Twiilingate Catalina 'iO Fo^'o iir.' i i:i.i I TiIlCovo 2:i0 I 46.— By Steamer, daily, from PORTU(;.%L COVE lo— P.ri-us H. Harbour Grace 1!>, Carbonear 21 miles. A Steamer runs weekly between Porta;.Ml Cove and Bay Roberts, 18 miles. 47. -By Steamer, weekly, from VICTORI.l, B.C., to— ("owichan .'l.J l Chemainua i>t; I Nanaimo 74 i Comox P29 Maple Bay 45 | | | Connects, occasionally, with Steamer at Nanaimo for Port Esslngton, at the entrance of the River Skeena, OJO miles. iV .'~1' ^11 'UM miu '•' I i ! I .' ! , . ! , ( I !i ^! $ X IIP IG i:i;y to tahle of routes. 48. -Hy Stcrunir. M-wcckly, from VICTOIIIA, B.C., to— New Wt-^iininstcr 75 mlica, CoiiiifiU.u New Wc.atiiliHtcr wltli Stiaiiior for Lui.{Uy 1.), ami Yale 100 miloi. 49.-liy steamer hi weekly, from VICTORIA, B.<'., to— Olyiiip'-' l^"' iiiilf^. Connects at Olympl.v witli a liramh of the Central raiillc Railway. 50.— Hy steamer, fortniuhlly. from VICTOHIA, B.C., to— San Frani.i«eo 750 miles*. ConneiJtsat Sun Franti!»co with the Central Pacitic Railway. A Steamer iil-^o riwH hetweon Soda Crook and the mouth of the Quesnel river ; and another on Lake Tatla, in the district of Omliiei a, H.C 61.— Hy Steamer, weekly, from PEMBINA, on R«l River, to— Fort Garry, «'>S milea. Conne ts at Pembiua witli St;igu!i to and froiu Moorhcad, a statiuu ou tliu Nurthuru Pooifio Railway. PASSAGE LINE'S ACROSS LAKK ONTARIO, IIKTWKKN Bri(.'hton Colionrii Collxirno ]lowm:iiivil1o* Kin'zston Kiuiiston and Cliailottc. Cimiiitte. " ()-;Uet,'o. " O^ivejfo. " CaiK' Vincent. •' tjaekett's Harbor. Km».'ston Kinj^'siou Ivin>;sioii I'ort Ilopo 'I'ovnnto 'I'oronio and O^woffo llo.'liester. Wolf.' Islund. Cliarlottt*. Niaijara. Port Ualhousi*. ACROSS THE l^^PPER ST. LAAVRENCE AND I'PPER LAKES, BETWKK.S Chlppawa Fort Krie Jloore I'ort nurwell Port Colborne and "DnfTalo. : Port Dover and Buffalo. IJjiO Mo. 1 I'ort St.uiley t. Cleveland. St. il;iir. ] Siiniia M Tort Huron, Cl'Veiand. ; Windsor M Detroit. BiilYalo. , ST. LAWRENCE RIVER FERRIES, BETWKKN Batisoan nnit St. Pierre. Qnobec and Island of Orlcani. Bertliier, en haut ** Sorel. Quebec •• Soiitli (^ueboo. Broikville *4 Morristown. Quebec (1 G . 1". Station. Cornwall (« St. Ue-ir<. Riviere Beaudette" Port Lewis. Laehiiio tt Caufjlmawa'ja. Uoi'kford Alcxandor's Bay. Lanea- r BET) VEEN Halifax and Pictou Landing " Dartmonth. Pietou. Port Mulgrave and Port Hawkesbury. NEW BRUNSWICK FERRIES, BETWEE.y and Newcastle. Lancabter. St. .John and Carloton. Cliatham Freilerieton " St, .Mary'a Indiaiitown St. OeorKO •' Mascareuo. Steamers run between Halifax and Boston, 400 miles, Halifax and Portland, 340 mllee; Halifax and St. John'-', NHd , .'52:1 miles; St John, N.B., and Portland, 250 miles; Quebec oad St. John'ei, Nlld., b'Jd milea ; and Quebec and Liverpool, 2615 miles. KEY TO TABLE OF ROUTES. 17 ^' «H ! iflc nailway. :b LvVKES, STAtiE CONNECTIONS. mOM STATIONS OX TIIK UU.VND TIU'NK RAILWAY. Acton Vale— ''■<• UnxtKii I'ulH A rlhubuMkM— 'l'i> st ('hrUtoi he ISevuueour— 'Jo liiveriiu>s and St. Oer- trutli' Uellcville — To Bannotkbnn), Mndco, Kid ir.ulo, TUamt, lioguit, Uritl^-cwatcr, Allt n Stlileincnt, Fliiitoii, Foxboro, llalloway. IliiiToltl iiiul riainlk'kl Berlin— To WatL-rloo. Pt .Ta'hill. Miiiiiilu" .Milll'iinl.. Bowmanvlllo — To llnmi'ton, Kimis- kill'ii, \\ lllialu.•^bul•t'll, Ciusarua, aout'og Lake iiiiil llavilcii Brnniplon— To Pliclbumc. Brltflituu— To Hilton. <.'uii;;li iia%vuKa — 'I'o .str. Philomt-no. Ptr. MartiiR', .-t. rrhaiii. llowik. burluun (Orin.-.- towii). Allen's ConuT-!, AiKUTSdii's C'oruurs, l)c-.ittvillti mill lliiiifinj.'( <;|lillou— To lli-'lgravo. Loiiileaboro ami Mum oc'.U. <"o»llloook— To Barnston's Cornpr. DrowV Mills. Kviiii^'cliiH'. I'^ii t Hereford, licrciord, I'iKlucli villi .M. Main. \i-. <' boili'tt- To Uoiiiaiitoii, Hoseneath, and (IdVe'rt J^:ii.'!'i,':. ("omptuu - To Clifton, Martinvillc, Brook- \ii;,'. vS.. . Banvlllo— To Wotton, St CamiUo and (■^illt!) 11. 1. .1. fiicori; to%vn -To t'aliuonvillo, Olen \\',.l.;i'a, llr, iianr. Co:iin:.r>by. &!■. Uodorifli — To Aiubi'.l 'v. Kin{rRbrid}.'p. T.n Uiiow, TivtTtnn, Tort Albert. Kinriinlinc, I nder\voolitc, Ste Atrathe de-< .\b)nti4, .-^to, Adelc, .St Jiiuvicr, .Ste Tliere-^' do main- \ille, Ste Sopliie, St. Vineent de I'aul, .Ma^t- eonciie, Tenvbonne and St. .Siiivciir ; I'ointe a-.i.x Trfnd)les, Sault aux Uirollet.s, St. Martin, .ste Uose, &c Napanee— To Anion, Tamworth, Coli hos- ier and Clark's MilN Quebec— To Cap RouRe, St Colnnib.x, Rt<'. I'.i.e, i-t Cliarle-:. Stadaeona, Ancieiii;e Ledi!W road, to Nei'.'ette, Temiieruiee Valley, i;e-ti;_'oiieho, and jiarislics aronnci iiaie de* Clinleiirs. Sarnia— To Logierait, Colinsville, Birkhold aii'l ' >--ia!i. Shcrbrooke — To A> and Milton. St. Tlioiiias. via Morpeth and Wallaiebun?. SmithviUo and Welland Paris— To Burfortl, Scotland, Round Plains an I .<:'ii'i"'. Port C;rcdit— To CooksvilK;, Springfield an I .sir—t \ ii;.-. St, falliarliio!*— To Via-ari. ThailieHVllIe— To Ridt;eto\ni, Selton and M"l-...t:i. \V4»(>d«iock — To Burgeasvillo and Nor- wi !i\ iile. FROM STATIONS ON TIIE INTI'RCdr.OXrAL RATL'V\'AY. Shnbenacadic— To Maitland, Gay't; River ami .MiisiiutKloboit. Truro— To Tatamagoucbe and the North Shore of Nova Scotia. Nc\vCJIa«KOW— To Antlgnnish, Strait of Cans4), .Vrii hat, S,\(ln 'V. Cow Day, St. I'eter'.- , and all (larts of Cape Breton; also for Guysboro' and Sherbrooke. .>^ ►>? »-f 'f r- . i' t. . ■f ,„ .i„ i 18 if ^'i life Pi ■ • ^; I, i ^: KEY TO TABLE OP ROUTES. rnnsi stations os tub intercolonial railway ntinufdA l>pbort— T ) Great Village, Economy and Plvu I ■■.vi\-. liOiidi^iidprrjr— To Acadia Iron Minei. 1V«Mll'.V»>rtSl— r.f Wiillacn Uivcr. Thi>:n<*<»ii — 'l'i> I'lixwanhand WostChJstor At!n|I— r > raiTibonV. lUin'c I II — To .f(vj ;!(!'< and Mlniidlo. All ILai'— To Bay Vorto and Capo Tormon- Sllfldlar — Ti> Hor'ai^no. nnntourho, Rii-Ui- b'l'to, i; HI liihi) I riri'i •-. Kiiiii'liil)')iv,'iia(\ Mira- n»i''tii, liiflvirt. I)vlhr>!Hi' and UMti;^miclio. ITIoai'toii -Ti) inilsboro", Jlopcwell and the Alijin't .Minus. Potltoodlac— To nuttornut Uid^e, Elfrin PoniiT. PKiuiiit Valo, Qowiand Alountaln, oml l'.)IIi't River. ■IiillftlX- Wo'vlll';, Shii) Harbor, Tuv^rior, Rhcot Harbor and lieavor IlarbDr. St. Jolin— ^TIl«|uaOl, T,'^))rr:i>i, St. rjcorgo, St. Aii'lr'vi an 1 St .'^tntih'-n ; Sil^. Snrin,'*, Un'ri'n Vi''>, Ilv'nmind, N'"'.v ^rOind atid Ifar/'v ; I-i'i Lomond, Black lUver, Quaco and Salmon Illror FROM STATION!? ON THR TORONTO, OTIKY AVT) BnrrK RAILWAY. Artlliir— To For^ns. | Itlono Road— To Cali'don Kast, Sloswlck Kllaobarur— T) Xobloton, Kingsville, '*'» ' ' ""''!' • an I S liombors. ' Fiftslicrton— To PriceviUi and Darhom. FIIOM STATIONS ON TFIB WKLLTNOTOX. ORin' A\D r.RTTCI3 RAILWAY. Elora— To T^o^worth, Ilollin and Rothsay. Preston -To Berlin. Fo rj; 11 K— T. • Arthur, Mount Forest, Durham and UwL'ii .Sound. FROM .STATIONS ON THE NORTHERN RATT.WAY, Patorson and Rlc^iinond Hill— To Ric:iiu.>iil Hill \ ill:i:>. Kl«ilf-T<) Nolilnton and Bond Lake. Aurora— To Kettleby, Schomberg and Llnydto.vii. Newmarket— To Sharon, Queonaville, Kc-\viik. '•' itt) I. and IJeavorton. Brn, I'arry Sound, an 1 CoMwatcr. Siayncr-Tiirrcivnoro, Hand vand Avening- rolllilVTWOOd- 'o Nottasva, P'lntroon, Sin-.rha npr in, .Mi\wr ,. I'lpiliortim, Pricevillo, Dnr!i:i'n, Hanovor, and Walkortnn. Tfiornbiiry— To Clarksb-n-j?. Jtleaford— To Owon Snniid; thonce t« Colnoy's lUv, Cliatuvorth. La'oiia, Kilsyth, Tara, ■nwmv, Arkwri'ii*^. Allanford, Elui- noro, Southampton and Port El(,'in. FROM STATIONS ON THE TORONTO AND NTPTSS^NO RAILWAY. Sunderland— To Vroomanton and Va- Ipiitync Uxbrld^e— To Man^^hester, Prince Albert, Port I'M".- ■. H );om and Utii-a. Coboconk— To Norland and Minden. TTIark'inni— To r^Ur Orovc, Bellford, Whit' \'il •, IVi i;r 11-. Tlro;u"ia:n, &<•. StonHvllIf- ToClir-m-iMt. Altona.RIng- Kood, 1 ' ■ ' ) \ . r.'.Mnnv.vlllp, Hailantrae, &o. Caniiliiston— To Oakwood and Manilla. FR")M ST.iTIONS ON T^IR EASTERN TOWNSHIPS R.A.ILW.VY3. De* Il!vicrc^— To St. rharle?. Pik" Riv.x, ■;,M- 1 -t ir.brid;;o, Venice, Ilonrj-villo and f'laiviv cvill'^ Stanbrldse— To Dunham, Ricobnrg, East Dun)m;ii. \:i' "Waterloo— To Knowlton, Fnlford, Weat Bolton, Eait Bolton, South Bulton, Huntiug- ron's "^rinos, Bolton Centre. Manner. neorErevilte, Frost Villa-re, North and Sonth Stnkcly, Law- ronrcvillo,Wo';t Potton, &c. St. Armand— To Ph!li^i=hnr?, Pigeon Hill. St. .\rniand C-ntre, Frelighsburg, Abbott'i Comera, Olen Sutton, Sic. ued.) It Uidiro, Elirin Muuutaiii, aiid St. ^farTarpt'i ^iilitir^'. Ilri(l;,'c, I'oit .Mdlltnii. n Uivr. y.v\, St. ricorffo, Silt Siirin,"*, \- 'T'lind nml lUver, Quov.-)) Kftst, Sloswfck » an.l Durham. LWAY. n^nnle, Crafg- illOllC. :iiiur3t, Brace- I and Avenfng- \';i, P'lTitrooTi, 'II, PricevilK?, thonce trt '•iiii, Kilsyth, iiiifurd, Eliii- III. r. iton and Va- Prince Albert, Arindon, . Ooorerevilh», Stuliely, Law- )nr?, Piprcon lurg, Abbott'i TABLE OF ROUTES: SHOWING THE PROXI.MITY OF TIIR RAILROAD STATIO.N'S, AND SEA, LAKE AND RIVEH I'OIITS, TO THK CITIES, TOWNS AND VILLAGES OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. The Lcttoror Flinirp after thn nnnios, in \\\c Fourth colnnni. t-hows the rnnio in whii h the plares are to ho found in tlie nccoiniMinj iii^ Key. Tlio Figures in the Fiftti cohinin ^\\c the distance from the Station or Port. I'A.'SSnNn FR'S DESTINATION. Most convenient Point acci"-K.Mi' \<\ Railniail or .■~ti'ii' .or. T a '3 Touii, Villii^rc, io. Coiiiity or Di-trict. I'rov. ii;e .. •* 1 r.rnine Al'i'rcorn, U } Ab('rrn)ni)>ie Point AlM»r«l<^oii Pictoti, Tc. •.>!• or :'0 ."■i^o li'npidps dc-< .liiachinis. (iMclph, A or (' \ I'ont iiv i.tne .. Ill t .. unt .. \.n.. '.'lie. Out.., I'.K.I. Olit .. \.s .. AlK'rfovlo ■ Welliii^iton 1 Altincriioii • ■ \Ionck Winona, B .^arkvillc. T Dalhotisii', T. "0 or ::.S ( Jncliih. A or (' 12 Abou-*ha;:an Road Westniorliiid I'.ntiaventi.rt.' Wellini^ton 8 AI>ovno ....*.. Abovnp •• 14 Abram's Villa^'o Prime Vorfolk Siimnierside. ;!!) or-l'i. Ir.persoll, n 161 3 I.oiirjiindorry, T New Ola^irow. Tc. Se( Cork Htatinii. Acton la^t. Aa. Act fin We.«t. A. :ce AlUimette Island. 1 'aini'bell's Cros-inr, C}. . . r'avbonear, 4#I \.S .. Act<»ii ■ • ••• York Da;:ot Hiilton N.n.. Qne . . (int.. y)\\(' .. 1 )nt . . Mid.. Out .. <,'iie.. (int .. Out .. t, no . . N.S .. 1 lit .. "lit .. Oi t .. MM.. ( lit .. N S .. ont .. - lit .. Alton Fat Acton Wt -t L Adani<* Pontiac Durham P»av de A'crds Adaiim* Corners 1 A'icinis* C**vc* • 13 Adauis' A! ill-; f Irpiivillo See Ventnf)r. • Iranbv.v? Sep f Men Tay. T.iU'an. A Adanisvillfi 11 Adamsvlllo Lanark Adare Middlo-^ex MoKantic Antl'_'oiii A 1(11)1 iro. .\ii''ns, D ••.. Airlip iSiincoo ID Albanol • 'Ph-'coutiiiii |Prin « 5 County or DlKtrict. Albion MilU AJbi<)U Miiicii A.n«in Scttleiuont Lll(>nsvillo Alli-«mvillo Alliston Jvi r^& '■•••••••■■•■.•••••,• All'imetto Islaml Alma Alnta Alma Alinim Almoate Alport Alton Altona AltoiivtUc Al vanlpy Alviiiston Aiuara th Amhcrlpy Amblcsifiiv Amclia-ibnrjj Amhnrst Ainher4l)iir'» Amherst C. )vt? Amh<'r,'ton Sinic-oo Hruce Hastinyd Vl'toria Prineo EJwanl.. . Sinieoe Peel. Pontiac BruiP Piiton Wellinjjton Yorif ■ Lanark Victoria ."anlwell , Ontario Ilnron <. ... Orey l.ainbton Wellinijton iliiron Hruee l*rinfp Edward.. Ciinilierland Kssex lonavista ...... Oasprt Lennox C'nnihcrland .... Cninlwrland ... . M iddlescx WiMitworth ... . Qneber; Anderson's Settlement .... Andover Ahd rows vf lie iLanark. Anp:e Gardien Jfontniorency. Ans« Oanlien jOttawa ADg« Gardien iRoaTille Prov Out., N..S., Ont . Ont . (.)nt . IMit . Ont N.B. Ont . I'.B.I Ont. Out . Ont . lint Ont . . SB.. Ont .. Out.. Ont Ont.. C.)\ie . . Dnt .. Ont .. lint.. Ont. Ont.. fjnt .. Out., out . . gne . . Ont .. .N'.S . . Out . . ( lilt . . "lilt . . Ont . . ' int . . Out . . Ont .. Ont . , Out., Out. Ont . Ont . Out. NS. ont. Nfld. Qne. Ont. N.S. M S. Ont . Ont . Que. I'nt . N.a. Qne. Ont. Ont. M.B. X.B. Ont . Qne . Qne. ijue. Moat I'onveniont Point a''roHi*ibli! Iiy Railroad or .Steainnr. ■^<-p Monnt Albion. .- Ryl-tone. .MlaiitiiirK, I l''n'derii'ton, X or IW l'eterl)or^(U^,'h, Ga Set! .Marlltank. .S'p R\l>toiie. WalkertMii. C (Jau^'hnawatra, Ao ~ei' «ilenallan. Allendale. I) I 'wen .Sound, Ea or 15. . . . See Cooper. lira elirid^'o, 14 I'i> ton, wen Sound. Ea or l-l . . . .\.lvin.sto!i. Ha .\iiiarant;i, H. Oolerieli, Al Walkerton. C Ilohlin'sMllln, fior 7. Amherst, T .Vinh' r-lbnr^', 11. Catalina, 4>'> I'erci^, 'i9or30.... .\.mher,st, 7. •Vmherst, T '. .See K'M-kwell Settlement. rttrathroy, Bb Ilanilton. B or 1 Aneienne liOnrtte, Z. St. Mary's, A \ew(}Iasfow, Tc....... See Six Mile CrosH. SeeBlackheath. Kin 14 i •21 :t.'J 1.) 10 11 ■24 .J. 16 P2 17 7 8 12 1 18 22 10 23 140 6 7 IC) 4 41 26 50 lU 10 10 TABLE OP ROUTES. n II 14 ,5 3 21 •■\H \!i a 4:1 10 It 24 .S. IB 12 17 7 8 13 i 1 H 18 22 10 23 140 6 7 ICJ 4 41 26 50 V^ 10 10 PASHENUKFl'S DKSTINATK )X. Town, Village, kc. AnRel's (.'ove Antrrrs AnpriiH Anna;'ance Annitrulain AnnniHiliA Anstriithor.. Anne aiix GrifTona Aiitfi^onish Antrim Antrim A)M)hn(iai Appiii Apjilchy ApplfbV AjMilff FUvor Apploton Apsoy Cove Apsley Apto Aqnafnrte Arrailla Archibald Settlement . Anion Anl<» h Anloi-^kaville Arthur , Arthurr-tto Archnr Oola Minos Anindol , Arv:v ArJ'ot rnrncr A ill burn A^hhiiriiham A-ilHToft A-liii' Ash.Vilc A<'i-ri)\e AOi!-y A'litnn Afihworth County or District. I'rov I'lai cntla k St. Mary'8 'Mtawa. .". . Simcoe Kintrs Kings Annapolis IVtcrlMirouKh ' :a>n Brufo f'ardwell York Hollppha-!!^e 'Pfmif^ouata rio^tigoiicho f,>Tinons Victoria Oxford riacentia ii St. Mary's irev R"nfrew Victoria Vi( toria C,rov ArthaVia-nt . Nfld. N.S . \ n. Ont . Ont . \.S. Out . Out . N.S. v.s . \.s . Ont . Ont . Ont . Ont . Ont . Qno . Qtif . V.M. N.n. iOft . Out . Ntld. iOnt . |Oi>t . N.n. Moi-t convrnicnt Point a<'i»>Ns|blc by Railroad or j^Utinier. St. .John's i»tta\va. M, N or 2 Angus. U Annagancp, Ta. Ocorj-'i'town. HI). .Annapoli'', V I'otprborough. Ga. s<'(! (iriffln's Covp. Ni'w (JIasgow, Tc I'uki-nham, N Milf'.nl.T A|Milia>|ui, Ta. Appin, H. Itronto. Ra S't! Riv. I)a I'crry land, 4 1 . . Varnioiith. 40 I.oni-on River, T Napani'c, A K'ng'^on. A or 1 Kllcr^hon-c. \' Orii;i4. Da, U,ur 13». .. Ar^'vle. V. Yanni.nth, 40 Ni'w (ila-Kovv. Tc jNcw li. A or C jWidticr, A lOwcn Sound, Ea (. Viilicr, Aa R dii T.onp, en basi. Aaor'l" Uiv.r I.oiii-;(m,T \v..I.f.,r.1. W .*;.■.• .McK.Ilar boti Gobies Cornen. Out . Ont. Quo . Que. Que. Ont . v.n. N.S. Que . "nt . Que . iint . Ont . HC. nt . \.S.. 'Pt . '>tit . Ont. Ont. rhat'T^-orth. Ta \v!i|.ri.,r. N 'ir :t WmMl t.M'k. V I\irkti'-:d. F -^(M? l'lc«lifrton. -co Ka^t Artliabaska. .Vnhaba-ka, Aa .Sep .St. Cbris. d'Arthaba-ka Arthur. H \V(Kxl.jto< k. V Sliubcnii''iulic, T. (Jrctivillf, '2 r,ondi>n. A:j, P or .7. ..... . siicrbrookc. Ab or 8 Whitby. A or L rptprborough, Ga Va!c. 4« A-ilidown. 14. S 'p Rawdon. South. 'icor/ctown. A , . '"won .Sonnd, Ea or \li. . . . A-^htnn. O Uxbridge, F i 14 i to 4 7 II H 3 3 4w 5« H ft 19 li:t 5 7 22 22 ^ 24 26 5 « S i 60 5i 1 «5 2S 6 7 10 4 S 2 « 1 ■''^r 'f ■' ^ »i If :; V. h-:ii 2? TABLE OF UOUTE8. I'ASsKNCJKlfS l)l>TINATmN. 4l I ': 1 % n Town. Vm:v,'0, Aic. 1 . ■ ' ■ m A.H|ih)t»^niii lUrlxir A'<|>> \\^\ A'^H.'\iiiri(ja it'an A'Ni'l <( iimii M iUn A-iiriiptinn A-t'iii Htation Ath.'i Atlii'liAH Atlli^lM A I 'I'rU'jr Alh'Ttnn Aihluiie AtlKll ACml Atti>ri'lille Aiil)i.'ny AnbrAy Aultsirti Aivllivv Aiighrim AitK'i-'ta Town Hall Aii»;u4!n Uove .... All Uv AiiUl'" Core. Aiiltsrillo Aiiron AvcniiiR Av{t;iion ^v> (n'A* ••••••••••••••••••••••• Avon AToubank A vonilalo ATondiilo Avoninoro Avonitort Avoi\ton. Av.VHFlat A> le-foni Ayliiier, K,a-t , Ayliiicr, Wtj.-rt , Ay twin Ayr Avton Biiby'n Point R v-i-aro Toiut Bu'k Ti\y BukCovo B » Tc M''a B^it* ties Rix>hpr3 Baie da I'pbvre BaieSt. raul...\ Biile Vorte Baic Vorte Road Bailoy's Brook. Bailey's Comtrs. Baillargeon Ciiiiiitv or District, ri'lctbiiroii^li I.iiiiciiliiir^' Viitoriii ...• Itoiiiivciiturc < l.miKix .. . . l/AMsoiiiption Nl.ol.'t ( ntiirii) lliiiitiiipliin Ontario Ontario Norfolk Ciinhvcll , Cnnilx-rlimd (ilt-HKarry Mon<-k ttttnwa . ('lmt(>niiKnay Ilnron Ontario I.itnibton (ircnvillo Printo Westmorland (Inysboroiigh Stonnunt York .SinnMW noiiftvcnturo ArtrcntiMiil Middlesex IVrth Iliint!< I'ictou .'^torniont Kini;!4. . Perth Stanstend Kin;;s Ottawa Kl!,'in Ottawn Waterloo drey Hot ti well . Shelbnrno Charliitto TwillinKato and Fogo Pietou iIo<-helaga Kin;;.s ll.arbonr Main Vietoria Vietoria Vietoria Waterloo Renfrew riiieoutlnii f'harlcvoix Yaiuaska Maniuette Wc-^tniorland Wpsttnorland Pietou Hastings Levis I'rov Out., N.S.. out .. i,in(! . . Viio . tint . , gtie . . Int.. ont .. Ont .. Ont .. N .S , . Out .. Ont .. .^no . , gno . . Ont ., Ont ., Ont ., Ont .. I'.i; I N.n.. N'..S ., S..S Ont . Out , Ont •v'lie tjiio Ont Ont N S, .N.S., Out . N S, Ont , One , \ S., ',1110 . Out , 1.^110 . Out , Ont , Ont , N.S. N.n. Nfld. N.S. Que. N.S. Nlid. N.S. N.S. N.S . Ont . Ont. Quo. Que. Que . Man. N.15. N.B. N S . Ont , gue< Jloht <'onve»tient Point li<'ee-.\cliie.v, 11 ,\\iaiiiilciiitn.'iin. T. iM'lie-^tiiwn. .\ e l,',\^^iini)ition. Ahton, All. Mdllll villi'. K llcniiiiin^ifiinl Ae , , , . IxbrulK'r j- MlicrlcN. I)a or i;i. Delhi. P.. Or.lli^'eville, 11 Allinl.T. l.iiiK'iiKter, A Alt. r. liiV.'. 11. Otiir.vii. .M, N I r '-' .. . . t. It. nil. A".. (i.wlorii li, Af Wliitl.y, A <.i I Ne\4 liur;. .1'. .•^e." Cliiiri"; ill.'. ."-^ee Wuilil.iiKl.'il. An'. T. See T'orrltiiirs. Anitsvill.', A Aiir.irii, 1) Stayner. |i Mei:ipeili:l-, T . tIr.Mivilli'. '.' liiKerMill. i; ^t. Miiry'.-. A .'>ee Newpi'ri L:i;.v!iiiy. Pietou. Tf, •-'!» i.r ; t) Coniuail, A, I, o or >!.. Avoiii)iirt, V .■^ebrili;.'viil.', Af Vyer's I hii. S Axlesfiml, r .\ylnier, :! \yliiier. B'" Ottavii, M. N or 2 Paris. Af.)r li .Mount I'd', M. K .''^arnia, A .>r lib .-^hullmriie. -l) St, liei.'k.-ll Hadderk.-li I'.ivlen, A Vrni', N or ;! C'liii'outinii. :: ! Uivii're dn Loiip, Au v\ .S>c La Paio. I'ort (Jarrv. TjI .-^lU'kville. T -aekville. T Now Glasgow, Tc Se.> Slianiek. Craig's Road, Aa. . . . . . so 4 ■:-i :!3 t.^i ID It ^ 7 1.) 17 1« i 7 14 •24 13 7 10 4 i-l 2) •; in :i •>o 17 23 t Point i i t.y I'.iMior. "'I .10 I'. 'J8 • » ' ' ■Si ;i3 IS It -> 9 J 7 19 17 i Ml or « 1« 1^ J > ro 7 14 •M n 7 :!0 illet. 10 4 21 10 17 2J T.\ni.E OK noiTES. 'Si PAS.SEN(; nil's r RHTIN.VTIO.N. (.ounty or Dinriit Hiirliatii ( litirliitii' Vh turiii Prov. Ont . . Nil.. .N 11 . . N S . . S.U.. MM tint .. Out .. out . lilt .. tint .. g,M. . I'.K.I. N .>^ . . NIM. 'lilt .. Out .. Ont . N ..S . . Ont .. Ont .. Ont . Out . Oil! .. Ont .. N.ll . Out .. ont .. .N n. Out . Out .. Out .. ont . . Ont .. N.H.. Ont . Ont .. I'.K.I. N.I5.. gnr. . . N.B.. Ont .. MM.. M'Mt roiivciilent Point Hr, cs-llili' by Uailroivl ur .Stcitiiicr M;1 bro..k.(i .. Il.iilii.'. Va Wo-Kl t.H-k. V l.iiiKnbiiri:. -iO Iliviirfdn Lniip, Aft or T U<> <• MIUM b.'. 11 . llaniiltMii, li .,r 1 il.ila. It. .-«■.• (icnivon. I'.itli. Na N'lipaiiec, A .>.■<• in--u'- m;ii-. liarlMiictown, :'!» or :'.!> 'rriiic. T St. ilohn's ^2 I'owii. ViUui{i>. iu: ni%llli<'li"r"' . Illllllll- .-^•'lll<.'lll('Ul IJftlnlvillf 4t linker Si'ttli'Mii'iit I.iincnlinr^; \ i< t'iriik i'.iiri.'i'i) liiid La pi)it<> . . W't'iit wnrth II HukcrV Crii'k Ilrtkfr''. Tiikli' Ilakcrsvilli' « 4 Iiiiln Vii I'liia Urii.i' Lanark Itiilakliivii Hiil.l.!r*.n < BivMwIii A o<» Dill Inn tnic \iipaa. 1> liall.iiitviW''->, A 1 J'oruri'tnu ir. A . Ilallla\, T 7 IliillyiiiiiiiiK'li Iliiliiiir'' Isliind liank. l'.-ll(!villc. A.flor 7 I!a)iti-t<' Ciiek. li. .•^iinitni'r-idi', Hit or i'i. >li-diac. Tb (!a-|i'' liaMii, :i') I'..iri)i r I);iiM, V. Siincoe. lie liri.-'n-'. 4(; Iliiinlicr^ W'ltt'rloo 1 iJanila SiniccM* • . . . • t . . M Itaiiildii Huron. . (iii'iario .Mbcrt lla^lMiK'rt lO-M-.X I'rinc'c We.stinorluiid |.^ Cliarldttc .Norfolk liriu'iH , 1? I{ani,': \ort!inmbcrland l\l Barnaliy Kivcr Ncucatlc. T. :;(). or :;h . . . o-i<»'kca_'. Ta. 1 fr;.rii<, (' New (ila-now. Tf ( oatK ook. Ab FoL'". 4.-| I'.it.ilina. !."> liarric. Da n n Jiiiriipsvllli' Barnct t \Vt.'llm},'toii I'icton .*^tan-t(-ad Out .. N.S .. gn,... Nfi.l.. NIM.. Oi t .. Ont .. giic .. N . .S . . N'.S.. N.S .. N ,S . . Xlll.. MM.. NM". . ■>.]{.. N.S.. Out . N.S.. 4 Bariicv'rt River 21 Itiinirttoii - '4 4 Barr'cl NlamlK 'l'williii;;ato and Fo'.'o I'laicntui At St. Mary'n Barron I.^laiid Barrio :!8 Barri(>(i(^l(l Kruntrnai' Ilnntiii/doii Sltelhuriio K iiiLT^^on, .\ "I 1 H:irri ii^jt on Fli'nmiiiij.'ford. Ac 1 vm^ Town, VlllftKi', Sic. Bil*-* ItlViT lii«-*ld(' County or DiWrut. I'rov !§••••< B IV St. T.awTPiicc Hay St. Paul.. Braclihnn? Buai'lu'ille B(>alt(in Bean)«vill(> Bear Hrook Bcir Covi! Bear ( 'ivck Boar Inland Bear Island , Bear Point , Bear Rivor , Bear Ilivcr , Beaton's Point Beatrice .. Beatihai's Island Bonn BoU Bean Harbor BcanharnoiB Bean Lac Bonn!lou Beaumont Beiiiiport Boaiiriv(«re Beavc-r Bank ... Beaver Bank Settlomont Beaver Brook Beavor Brook Beaver Oove. ... Beavor Harbor Beavor Meadow Beaver River Beavor River Comer Beaverton Becagaimec Kont ••••••• * • ('Inirlotto I'liu-enini it .St. .Muoniii ..... Addln^toii. Ciirlotiin ( i lourontrr Iliin(-e-r.t . N.S. Ont N.a., N'.U.. N.S , N.a N.a ., P.E.I Ont N U . Ntld Nfld Que Que Que . Que . Que. Que N.S. N.S. N.B. N.a Nfld. N.B N.a N.S. N.S. Ont ••••■•« Harbor (jraio Kent Charlotte ..... Victoria Chiirlovoix. . . Uoiifrew. ... Oxford Norfolk I.ini.-oln IlimsoII Halifax. I.auibton Uii'hniotid. ... York Shelburno. . . . Annapolis. ... DlKby. Kinttd Victoria Northuniberlund . .. . IJurin I'livx'ntiaA: St. Mary's BcanharnoiB Montcalm Montmorency Bcllcchasso Quebec Lotbinifcre Halifax. Halifa.x Albert Colchester Twillingate and Fo^o Charlotte AntiRonUh .. DiRby ... Yarmouth Ontario Carleton MoKt i-onvi iiient Point | { nt'io^t'lblc by ~ Railroitd or Stoumer, Si lliclidiiirto, MH St. St<-plicn. Va t. .lolin'it. .^iinlt sto. Mario, 16 or 17. Itiith. ti nr 7. VVoiHNtmk, \' Until iirnt. T or ;W .■sc !Sl. IVtcr'i* Villain. illaii.M'aii, 'l-i Iliiti'O'an. 'i'.l Itatlcaiix. I) Kiiik'-'tiin, A or 1 \Vi)-t lliver. To Kcntvill.'. U ... St. .)olin'>( Sec l'.ti*t Hay. Ilititior Hritnn, 44 Sic .Niiriii Il.i>. t'arliiinear, 4)i I'liatliitiii. :iiMir hm.. . . .. , .New (i l!l.■*^'OA■, Tc Soiiforth. Af S.ickvillc. T i'Iiarliiiii'iiivvn,Vi» or A'.t .. Connlti. Uc Itiiriii. 41 ('Iiannrl.44 .... Ilarbnr (iiiioc, 4fi. .... . , . Shudnu', 'lb .. St Andrew !t, V or d7 . ., Sydney, 41 sl'o St.. I'Hul'fl Bay. I'embriikc, .» Hi'achvillc. li II IJe'.imsvillo. H. ('nmborliiiiil. 'i ..... . , Hiilifax. Tor U See Hirklmll X(?w Ola-'i.'inv, Tc .... rredonclon. K or •iH.. . . vSliclbnrnc, 40 \nna|Milis, {]. ......... I)it:b.N, V (ioiirt»otovvn, ■{• l!ri\cobriilL'p. 14 Chutliani, ;ii) or KA rtunn.44 Hiinn. 44 licanharnois, 5 L' As.sijniption. '27 Quebec , Qnobeo Qiiebt'C , ('rale's Rood. Aa Beavor Hank, T. Reaver Bank. T. Moniton.T. See Old Harna. Tilt Cove. 4.1 Heaver Harbor, ,T7. See Addlnv'ton Forks Y'armouth. 40 Yarmouth. 40 i Beaverton, G or 13. . , ••«..... 39 4S •to Ifi HI Pi 19 !4 :« •20 .14 IT .18 AS A 1 2ft 8 ?6 7 '.ft Id 13 87 '2i W 14 9 It 4 20 3» 41 9 2 1« N.B..lSeeUartlaad 141 TABLE OF ROUTES. 25 lOIlt I'lJlIlt I t 3 l.'l.y '5 2 J, 16 or 17. !»or3!» ., 2» •10 I'i 04 17 »(i 4-.' 4 r.(» 138 R 36 7 !A 10 12 8T ■il » 11 4 20 38 J' 2 18 141 13 •I' l*Aa.sKN(J Kll'rt Ul':s Tl N ATK )N . ToxMi, Villitfsc, &c. r<><-iini(iiir Ki-r mil our Stiitioii. ))i-«lii r Ik'tki-it Town .. .. lltckwiili U'ton Bor^iIni^ Bcrthier, en has. . . Berthier, «/i Auuf. .. County or Diiitnct. I'roN Mfoli't Mrt'niitie Both well WVIlanil. Lanark I'lime MIxiisiinol Halifax VUl'C'HK . Li'oN Stiiti!*i<«ail KinKi* Viifi'im .• Qiii-fim. 'I'l-niiHC'Diiata Huron giM-i-ns York ''anlwoll Iliiron York I.L'fllx Laiiark (^Ill-IMIH.. (ilonrcMtiT (iloiiceriter. , KinKH KintfH Frviirli .'^hore . . . i'ortuiie Bay Ks^-x Two MuuntaiuH. . DiK'liy Carlctoii.. . Hii^tinir^ Wi'stiuorlanil ,. .. SmiriK' Ri'iilrevs- Frontenac honil><, Ciirletnn DiindaH Middlesex Huron Vi-rcherps Vi'nli^res (JUOCUi* Ui'stiniuuho Huron.. K'lnavi^ta Lanark Oxford N'ortliuniberliiiitl, Biant (!rey Kent (Ontario Ti'rri'honne yui'hec Cirey Waterloo Huron... Albert. SnKnenay Bi-llechafse Berthier Que giie Out Out oni . I'.K.I .^l.r .N S I'. K 1 Dili t^ue N.S N.H N S gue. Ont . I' K.l Out Ont Ont Ont i)nt Drit l» K.l V.U N.U. N.H NMI NHd. .\Hd. Ont guo. N.S. .\ B. Out .N.U Ont Out . Ont Ont. Out. nt Ont. Ont yiio Quo N.U N.U Ont . Mid. Ont . Ont. Out . Out. i)Ut . Ont. Ont. '^iic . (Juc . ont Ont. Ont . N.B. Que. Quo . Que. Mont ronvoiiieiit I'oint ai »i,. Caiupbidllon, T or 3«. OiHlerii-li. Af OriM-n's I'oiid, 45 AliMouti'. X B'a'liville. B .Millbrook.C! Si'f l''iilkliiud .•^I'l' Durlianj Cliatliiini. B ^I'c Brou^'liain. Moutri-al Ouchi'c Bt'rkeli'V. Ka Berlin. A. .Si'iifortli. Af I 1« Halisburv. Ta 10 Tadousao. :!t I 90 Berthier, Aji j 2| Berthier, 25. I ^ 4 5 6 12 18 24 )i « 17 10 :a •14 » 70 U3 •2.-> H 7 » 20 1.1 loi a 4 II G.1 8 , ' f I I i II? M' * I ; MH m n" 5. .' il » ti |''iP 26 TAIILE OP ROUTES. PASSKNCKIl'S l)i;STI NATION. Town. Villan^'. 5ic> County or Uistriet. I'rov n.-rtic Welliind Out . . B'TV IC , , , Briiee Ont . Berwick , . . . . \\ \l\irn N..'^ Berwick. Storinont Ont . Bcllianv Bctlicl I>iir1iii:ti ■ . Ont . ShelTord Qne Bciliiino , Arnentenil 1,1'Clls yne . (»nt . . J}('V( rlcv , BcwiiU-y Northnmlierland Iliinonski I'rineo. LevJM Victoria Out .. Bi<- Viie . P.K.I gin. . N.S Bidtlcford Bienville Bin Itiiiik Bin I'riis il'Or N S . Bin lii'ook ..••«• Antinonish Inverness QiieiMis . ('apt! Breton Victoria Nortlininbcrland Victoria Inverness. . . , N S .. Bin Itrook. .. Bin Cove Bin <:iace Ituy Bin llMrlioiir. Bin Hole N S N S. N S \ S . . N.B Bin Interv;il(> ((iriiiid Nrirrnws). Bin Interviile(Miirnaree) Bin Inland Bin I'oraiiio Bin Me:uiow^ , N.S . N.S N .S . ("ape Breton N'ortluinilierland ('.■>pe Breton i^)iieens' ., Kinn" . I.nnenlmrn .Vniinonisli. . Carleton K inn*^ N S N.B Bin I'oiuJ N.S Bin I'oi't llebert Bin Uim Bin Taneook Bin Triicrtilie Biliinn's nridni! Bill Town N.S P.K.I N.S N.S Ont N.S Bintirook , . W'eutwortli Ont . Biii'-;li:iiii Iload 1 laMttnand , . . • • . . . . . . Ont . Hirchliiii Quo Nlld Nlld . Birchy (>ive Bud Island Cove Moiiavista lYiiiit V Birkhall Out .. Biniiinnliiiiu I'rontenae. Ont .. Birr Middlesex Placeutia & St. Mary's Annapolis Ilarlior tira'^e .. Brant Ont . l!i-!cay Bay Bi.-^iiop's (.'ornor Bishop's* Cove Bishop's (iato Nad. N.S.. Ntld.. <»nt .. Bisliop's MilU Bismarck JJismarck (irenvillo Mlnin IjinCOlU •>.* . aa aaaaaa . Out .. < )nt . . Ont .. Black Bank "^inic()e Ont .. Black Brook Nortlinnibcrlai;d N.B.. Black Brook Black Biisl) I'ictou Ivinn.'^ > Bonavcntnrc. .>• N.S.. P.H.I Black Cape Qno .. Out . Bhikk Crci>k Pcrili Black Creek Welland Out .. Black Ile^ul Bay de Vt'rds. St. .lolni's s tid . . Black Head Nlld.. Black (i Ciul Cove Black Heath Black Horse Cornera Twillinnato ftiid Fono llaldiinand I'.rueo Nlld.. Ont .. Ont .. Black Island lUacklands Black lands Black lev's Corners Twillinnatc and Fono. .Vntinonish Il"stitjoncho 0.\ford Halifax Restinoiiche A.ntigonisU , Ntld.. N.S.. N.B.. Ont . Black Point Black Point Black liner N.S.. N.B.. N.S., Most convonionl IVjint aceesKihIe by Ilailroiul or steamer. Bertie. Af. Walkerton. C . Berwiek. U Walls, A Bethany. (J Durham. Aa (irenville. '.» See Delta .Millhrook.G Bic.T, Siimmersidf», H!) or 'I'i . .. South Quebec, Aa liiiddecU. ■!! |{ad(|i'(k.n .New (ihiSL'ow, Tc New (iliisnow. To (ia'.'etown, :\'t See Port Caledoniii. Bailileek, 41 New.Mstl(.,T,;iOor J!,**.. . Buldeck, 41 Whycocoinali, 41 Pii'tou, Te Sydney. 41 S''ii .^ieado\vs Syiliu'y. 41 . , laverpooi, 40 Ocornetown, ;;it See Tancook Islands New iJlasizow, Tc' Ottawa. M, N. or 'J Kentville. U Stonev Creek. B Canlielil. Af or Be il.ennoxville. Ah or .S . , , (^atalina. 4.') ICaialina.J.'i Sarnia, A or Bh ICitinston. .A or I iLondon. An. B or. I Trepassey, 41 . . ' ■ Annapoli.s, U diarhoi (iiwe. 4'i Brantford, Af or Bo jovford. M ! Bismarck. H. iUrimsby, B Stayner, D. Clnitham. :!() or ;!H I'lcton, Te. 'i!' or .It) 'chariot tetnwn/.;:» or :i'J. . , See Caplln .S< e .S(>brinnvilIo. ! Black Creek, II iCarhonear, 4(i .St. John's il''ono. 4.") Cay una. Be '."^iH' Kinloss JTwili'ti.'atP. Hi ., I New (1 lasnow, Tc ...... ■Blacklands, T. .'.See Biirnville. !Halifax,Tor U Uiver Lonl^jn.T. ....... I New Glasgow, Tc ?!2 J U u 'jn >i '.'■'i I't Ml ['J 4.^ •:,-i Ti 64J :i n •i 4| 10 l.'> PJ 17 Vi H .■J 12 G 7 :> \i •.'0 8 m It 4 H l:i 10 10 .-.0 4 i^tiipiit. Point ^iblc liy >r rtUjamcr, " a 2? J 14 11 Tor •I'.' . . A.i ; 'in -.4' •■'J iouiii. 3(> or ."is. '.'.'.* ■ii .!.."! ' ! (!. I n R 'JO ! .IS :;j 'lands Tr' or •_> 1 -Ji i 1 I c>H ;i n « 4 10 l.'> \) 17 12 I'> ■ He '' "r S . ... • 1 or.I 4« ^r Ifo G 7 .'} 11 L'O 8 ;tM 14 4 It l:i la 10 .•)0 4 TABLE OF ROUTES. 21 PAS-SliNliKK'S DKSTJ .NATION. Town, Villiigo, &c, BliM'kTlivpr . Mhu'k il:v(.r Win \: liiMT Bl:i.' Iliv.-r iJlii'h iUvlanl»iir!| , Blow !;m^ L'own ...... I'liifprrry , I'liu! Mountain Blue Pinion ..... , . . BllIO Ri)ckr<.. Blue':! "'1 ilia Blnovale Blyth Blythpuwooil Biibcavficoii Boraliec BoLrart . .. , Boip^town. ...:...., Boisclaic Bolinpljroke Bolsovcr Bolton Bolton Centre Bolton ("lorners Bolton Forest , Bonianton Bonavpnture Bonavpntnre River.., Bonaviwia Bon Do-iir JSoiid Head , Bond Head Uarbor.. , County or L)Hirlit. I'niv C'lrlevoix Kp.'II .SorthiiinlMTland Pirtoil Plircnlia At St. Mary'K Ricliinond |.^t* Jonn*. •.••••••.■•• .W.rthi'nibprlatid Lotblpi'TP ^'ncibcrland Cliarlotro N'< rtliui.'ilKTland i'l'tiiii.. Sliclbr.riiP I'ortiiin' Bay Waterloo Pctcrlxirnii^'ii Artliaha>ka Lnnenbnr}^ iftrK ••••••■••• ••••• firpv l\1*TlL •■••■••■••••• Ila-:tiniirjj Roiiavista . . Carlf'ton Di'jbV Kini,'-< Pctpfljorongh PiMK e. Prime Kdward .... \Va terloo York St John.. N'oi-fr)lk Uriirnn . Q11P1M13 Pii't<>n irtiinc Bay....... l.unenbnr;,' Invpvnesfl Huron.. Unroll np. .N'.S. r«;(>-.t ponvpnii'nl I'omt aci'i'i-ililc liy Kaili(>ud or SIi-miht, N.B. .V.P. N'.S . .N'.S . .Nlld Ont . Ont . y-ie . .N..S. '>nt . • oa . Out., X.S.. N.P.. N P . . N IS , . \ S. Nfld N.ll .N S . . N.P... Cut .. p !•; 1 (lilt .. Out .. I lilt .. N B. Ont . . Nfld.. X.S .. N S.. NHd.. .N .S . . .N.S .. ( ut . Ont . . Ont . , Mill .. X B.. Out N.n.. N'.S.. Ont . . (int .. Ont .. One . Ont . . One . . Out .. Que . , Que . , NHd., Quo . , Ont.. Ont . , K. dii l.tMi)). Aa. T or :>4 S'li'iiiiii', 'I'b t 'MThaui. 'lO f,r :.^ Pntoti. Tr, '.'Dor :i() St Jnlm'-I.. .. ~^pf^ pear of lil.i k Uupr. -t J.iliii. Tor W '■' .attiaio. :;0(ir : 8 Pilark Uivor, Aa. Ailiol. T. St. (I' (tru'e. n? Clmtoaiii. :!0or :is li. ton. Tc, '-'!• or :jO .■-iii'ltii-.rrip. 40 Il.iilior llnton, 44 . Pn-Kni, ('.... P.lairtiiii, K. .S:;iiif(i!d, Aa. Ilai'fax, T or 11 I'r'deni ton, .V or '.i'l .... .^I(■;lff.n!. I) or 1.7 S.>(. P.diidi'all. SliaMMotnillp. A IPili'-ix, TnrTJ Cli'itliMin. .10 or :i« I'ii(l('r)ii(jM .hiiii!. W rir X, |i;>.Kvillp. \V .. I.niipiiliiirjr. 40 Cntalina, 4'> . . ... WonNtock, V iJiL'bv, U Hhotiilicld, Ta See South \'oiiairlian. JSnniiiier-idp. 'M or 4'i. I'irtoii. t; or 7 .... Ifcrlin. A StoiifTviPe. F St. .lohn. T or W Sinu'fM\ Bi; iirlL'tis. AH I.ivpri'.ool. -10 Xcn- (;ia~;-'()\v. To illarbor Briton, 44 Liuipiihiiri.', 40. . . N'i'W (;i.\.s;.'o\v, Tc PI MP vail'. Ca. riintoii. .\f .«tony point, P PdlK'ay.'pr'ii, 14 riianicook, V Pi'Ppvillp, A. f! or 7 Fii'lpricton. X or :!•") Sv(lnpv.41 Perth.' Xa Sep Pal -over. Polton. K. \Vat(Tloo. Q , Sep Cotswold. Watorloo, Q CobdiirL'. A, K or 1 .^po Xpw Uichniond Xpw Carli-Ie. liO Catalina, 4") Tadfin-ao, '!4 P.radfoid, I) See Newcastle. I i 2 I— ■/, 'a 8 l.j '.)■; 17 12 18 <>1 2 4t •;7 12 7 ji 45 1 8 08 1.5 .'> 5 4 l:< ti 11 .'> 14 ■-'0 , 4 I0;> lOj 14 3 •.>8 :!8 •ifi ■20 14 13 13 10 10 1.5 i^^rl S8 TABLE OP ROUTES. !♦! U PAKSKN(! KU'S DI'.STI N ATM )N m ^ J. •■ I . ■■ < ill I 5 I* I Tnwii. \'illl^^'(<. 4;<-. f'oinity or DUtiict n<)n;'iiril'-t ('ornor.< Uoillic lt;iy n'llllir II IV Prince Mihvutil I'Viriiini' Hiiv . . . 1 roMt'li i^litiro H.iiiMiTlii'ri' I'oiiit {[.■iifrow Hi'ikIuuv Jlo||..\ ill(« g"o..n« i i\fiii'iolVi>r.l \*'i'folk BiisWillllt \Vi'llin::l()U lliil:iiiv I'.tiili well ll'>t .']lt(>\Vll .■^iin»"4i(>' ... . J»,);ll\v<'ll r.niiiuoii IJoillwcll , IV't^lunl l'oi-tu^;.> J H.i:i«-ln'rvi!l<' IJiiiidi'MH \'il!iii;(> IV 'ir'it'*s ( 'oriU'TS •••• W'l'stniiii land t'li;i!iil)ly U'o-tiiiiirliinl)rk . «• . . . , l(;().:>'li It.uiiuliry rriv>k HiMiiil.iry Line*,' Prcsiiu'ilu . • « • . \Vi' rislo UlUVl'II IK>A liii;: lin'oii HouiiKin's CorinT.'i IV>'A'ni<'rt' ll.istin^rs Wollin.-fon N.'rtliuiiil) 'rhnul Shnom* Bovviu:iiiti)n l5o A iii;ll\vilk> IJdwoik! I>urhain Mill llcso.x B.'x (Jrovo York Boxv I'ortnno Hay ihiltdii H(iv no Boviiton Br.ui'l)nil.:r>' Br.v. kli>v i'DiiiL . Br.iiii'!m *. . BraniK'v . ilont'row i;on:ivis(a I'roni'li ^lioro si int'i)o IlrillHif()ii r»ol Br inch Bi.iiioh Br iiir!Hi>u I'laoontia ii St. M.iry't- W.itoiloo \orfiilk IJniit Br.iiuh Crook Br,\ntfi)nl Ov.waU Brocliiu i;iir:o(> and \m Poilo. . Oiiiarii) Broiit'.s Co\e. Bront \v(x*l ^ i 1 n I ' 00 . . . Bio»lan U'atorlcMi , r<)Mton.u.v Huron . , , Browors Mills. Bivwstor ..... 1 Brui.^'aUlo | AllK'rt t >i:t. . MM MM. i).,t . r.r;.i • hil < ,s ^'lio . .Il,t ml . ,iiii' . Ill . •)n( . .till 1nl .. ml i'.i': I >; II.. .N P.. 1,1110 . \ rf . . >»..! ., Ill .. s: I!., . ii . \ v... I,>II0 . , .'110 . , Oat ., >iit . Out. It . Oal . . 1 lilt . )nl . 'iMt .. Ntld. 'lit. . V.'lIO . . ; )nt . . i' I'M. Out . IM P.K.I. .)nt .. Out Ntld . MM.. lilt . . r.nt . . N.S . Mid Out.. Out Out.. .Mid . lilt . Mid.. Ont . . Out .. out.. Out.. s.a.. Most rdliVPliioiit I'tjillt lli'oo-fllilo liy Iliiilidiid or .stniiiK'r I'iclon, (i nr 7 . . ..... . larlior llnum, M t''l.llllH'l. .) I . . . ■ii^lli'lnrd. N Imrlollolnwn.Vn or .19 . >■!' CIlOMll'tllold Wiiidliani. II A li.\oo>'iijiiiili, 41 . . ... ll'llllOllI . sliawii. A Mil.lioll, Af \itoii. Aa Aalorfor.l. II I'.l.ira. (• r:i.inio^\ illi', Fi VI' .MoMiit Plo.isuiit !'. >tlluoll. R iodiyotow n. ;;!) Ihdiao.'I'l. IW.a.lii rvillo, 'J7 . . , , ... .loiiiraiiiiook, T Iiiiilroal ■'. i.l'look. 41 ii.llovill... A. tior 7 i;.Milu>n Pitol), Af. .'viodiao, 'I'll poiindary Crook, Tn.. i.oaiidary l.ino, Ab Wdoilstock. V i'o'.iit mix 'I'roinlilox. :j:{ . . -co .'^1. Ann's bout tie I'lslo vo .Mill Point )iMn:.'ovillo. K .•^o" Plainvillo. oo P.oiuanton. l;ouiuaii\ illo. .Vor 1. AiNa C'ai.L.'. A M.irkliani, V ihu'hor llriton, 41 M.ilmn. A Vxcr'.s Plat, S IJia.chrid.'o, M liarlotlotow 11,20 or Hf). . . . ira'll'onl, I) 'arbiiiiiar, .K! '!iiiiiiior-ido, :ii» or 4'J Wood-look, .B I'.ra.'-ido. X In oil's Poiul, 4.5 lilt Covo. Ci lirainloy, 1) !!iaiii|)ton, A Soo rpiior Branch St .I'l'm's Uniiuliton, C D'Hii. lie nianti'onl, Af or Be .... Uo-o Blauolio, II P.'avorton, ti or Pt Tilt Covo. |."> Now Lowoll, I) lirodaii. A. Urowor's Mills, 4. iodorii h. .\f. Muiictoii.T hi :;% IS R l.-> .1 14 3 13 :r, V, !» 11 4 1} 10 80 17 n 7 CO » 13 1 16 10.i 103 4 1 10 n voiiiriil roilil ■i-ilili' liy or .sii'iiiiii'r 011,4-1 . . N iVn.?nor .■}!) u-UI I .. . Ii,4l . ,15 'll'.l->Ullt U.T . <> or 7 . . , li. Af. •0(>k. Ta lit', Al) V ri'ml)l('-<. :!:| . . ■< bout lie rislt' lit K A or 1 . II, 41...'.' it 1, '.'!) or no. :>or4'.'... Vy inch or He . . .. . It )r l;i ,4. ••■••••■t T C •t 1!) l;:g 15 (I i:. i;;' A 14 !i 13 H ro 1.'. 11 4 IJ 10 .".5 17 13 7 ()() :< *i 1!} 1 16 :>•> 8 10.) 105 4 1 5 10 TABLE OF ROUTES. rA«,=;RS'OF,U'H DESTINATION lowii VllIuRP. iic Bri'ip" 'lorti iki"l;;i'i'<'.t llriil!.'rt ltriiU;i'i<'wn Rriclir''lv jlln Bill-';;"'* ('••nuirB Bri_'li;iin Bi;^.'!i;iiirrtrorner». . .. Ilrii.'!il jlri'lilon Bri'.;'iii)ii .... llri,.:ii-< Brir''!** Biilc. M Brook llriiik'Mirlli Brill-lev Bn~l«:iiivo Broad Cove Broad (,'ovc Chaiiol Broad Covo Intorvalc . Brniul Cove Marsh . . . , Broad Creek Bro!vilia;ron Broadlands. Broad Uivor Broadvilic BriKk Rrookaway Brockton Urot'kvillo .... Rrockvillo BriHlhagcu Broino Brompmerc Broiiio W(Kxliii , Bronipton Broinptoa Falls Bronte , BrooklHiry Brookfiold Brooklit'ld .. BrookflcliI f onniy r.r Dn-tnct. I Trov, I'<'li"ll>otr>n[rh rt|>e l!ri'i)iii .... W.ili't U o ... .\niia|H)lii4 Kind's I'htoii. ... .... liastinRH l,Mneiiliiir(; Miii'dlii Waterloo . (.,)liei'tlS . .... ;r . . )xt(.rd Oxford . . Di^'liy .NorthnndM'rland liriiTii^ I'errx land . . Anii|.'oiii.-~h Ha-^tin/s Miildlf I e\ Wellington I'ontiac. . Oneenii Wcllliiirton . . Westmorland. . . . York l'oiitin••••••• • 1 Oht . . N..S.. <>nt .. N S . N .s . Out . N .S . Out . Out N.n. giie . . (Jl.f .. om, N..H.. Oni.. Ntld.. MM.. .N .S . Ont . Ont . . Out. Que . N.S. Out . \ 15. , N II Que.. (^Iie . I'.K.I Out Out Que Ntld Que .Mid Ntld. N.S. Mid. N.S., Ntld Ntld. N.S . N.S . N.S. Ont ini . Quo , N S Out . nt. N.r.. I' t . N.IJ. Ont . Ont. Que . Que . One.. Que . , Que Out. , Que . N.S., Mo«t ronveiilent Point a('< i-'. .. . New (ila-t'orv. To M.'lleville. A. . . iii'itanniii, O. (■rani|itou, A itritannia .MilU, Aa Ilarlic>r (Jrjice. 40 , I'arillon. '2 , ('arl«)near. 46 1 'atalina, 4"> . . . . :Jit,'i)y. I! I. .lohns .. , '.iveriMKil, 40 St. .lolin's I'rinity. i.j I'nrt lliKvl. :if) i'ort IIiMxl, ■■','.) i'ort llootl. :i!) ■ee I'ort Maitland. arroiibro')k. Af 'ani|)lx llton, T or "S , (.iver|V) I. 40. See Kutlandville. 'aniiiii|.'toh, r , '•'• Wvr.\xu:u\!i\\c. Toronto Sali -burv. Ta. Rrfx-kviile. A. M or 1. .~^ee I!rc>adl.a.,'en. Sutto:i, U . Waterloo. Q , See Iron II H Hronipton I'alls, .\l) , Mrompton I'alU, .\!) nronte. B.i. Lennoxville, Ab or S. . . . Urooktieid. T. LiveriAJOl, 40 CUariottetowii, TJ or '.i'j. . , 29 H 7 13 i 10 Vi ::0 Vi .It 44 •.'1 4 10 l.'> 6 'JO 104 n; '.'li 8 10 4 S 4 ?6 27 11 i*"" "^-.V "':li 30 TABLE OP ROUTES. ]'.t 1,.)\ t. i ■, { i'At5^i;.\(ii;ir.s iji:.sti. nation. Jlojit (•onvcnicnl I'oint ac« c^^lblc l»y flailroiid oi Steamer. 1 ti Town, Viliatjo, iic. County or District. I'rov .V .s . Otit . N.H Ntht N..S N.O \..S. N S Ol.t N..-3 . SA< S.'.i . fj-.ift . N..S . ont N'.S .S.S N .S. <.^»ne . O^ll (,)!ie l.)ue • 'lit . <'lit .. <>;;t .. ' 'lit. <);it.. •Jilt . .Ntid. N.S . .Mkl.. '.'lit ,. <.'iit . t.iiit P E.I 0",t . . Nlld N.ri . Out. Que . Que X S N'.S Bnn:kUinU. I'l.toU '>\'« St River, Tc. UriHi'tlin, L. ''iiiidletoii, U • Car alma, 4'> •10 Newport. i.iveri'oul, ■») "laritioiiiii, 40 ' 'iildlirook. V ile.i hviUr, li ■i)iul. ... Oxford . Huron BriKrk-^dak' Brui'kv lie. Biiiu'.iv.ilc Brook Villa^re BnM.kvill.' bnK'kvilli' n •:« •.0 '|9 Bro(iA\ illf Biiokv illc , Brook \i III' 9 Brook\ illi" . lA Bro-.-tMii's Brim^'liaiu BroiiL'litoii. PI .VI u Browne CoiiiiTS BrownV Coriii'is Brown's Corners Brownsville Bnicolu'lil 'se'c 1? Biuiiit > Covo.. . Biickiicid Bnoklioni ... . Biii'kin}::liain Buckl-.uKi Buiklaw (Inrk lt'\ 'rt ■...«... Harlior Gniec yncens Kent Ottawa I'.elleiliasee Victoria Kin^s 1) 4« 11 27 IK BiU'k.-li'it Mills l''vonteimc Ont \.B. .Ntld. Ont . , Que . . Que P.K.I Out . Ntld Ont . Ont .. Ntld , Nlld Siiiitli's Falls, N or 4. . .. sli.'diae, Tb 43 BvU'U'IUIk! Kent Brians Wen I worth .\rtlial)askii Coinpton Queens Hrant ?l J>nll Cove Brnjiis, 44 •I BulliK'k's I'ornerB Diiiula-. B iiiil-trode. Ac. I.enn.ixvirk'. .\b or S .... Cliarlottetown. •.'!> or 39 Bi-antford. Af or Be Burf;en, 44. \Voiid. .si;x(ii;ii'H'ina-|'ion'. To'.vii, \"ill:i;^e, 4ic. Biiriix lliirii>i(l(' Hum town. , . , . IJiinit < 'liiinh . . , Hiiriit Hnnit U-.vA Ilr.nit I 1:uh1 ... Huriit I hiti.l . , l{;init r.i'tit IJuriit llivi-r. . 15;inivil!" Hiirruvl !i:l t . , Hiirritt's i; liiiil-;. B iiTou-^viUc. . liiirU'li .. ..... Hr.rtoii Uiirtdii Unrtdii'M Poiul. . Hnrwi'lc Bury R;iryiiij; IM.i 'o. . Biirv'K <;;-('"u . . B-i.hli-ll Biish.'oii^c Biit(> . .: IVitlor'-! ('ov'> lJiitU'r?nit Ui(l;,'o ButKoilvilli) IJaxtoii Byiih' Byn:.,' Inlet By mil Bytowii Crv-lio Crot'k (.'ivouiia CrulmiiH Ca' ~arca . , Cfiin's ^rmntaia Cain's Ui\('r Ciiin-^villo Caintown (\iirn.Toriu Caisoy',-! I'.iint Cai-itorvil'.o . . Calahngin CaUlor! Calihv.'ll CalO'lon Ciilcil')!! Kast. . , Calp'lonia .,..., Catijdonia . . . Caloilonia OalodonKi Cali'donia Parnor Caledonia F'at-^ Cilalon'a MilN Calotlotiia Snrin'X'i.. . . Caledonia, St. Mary's California California. , • , Califoniia Corncrg. ... . Gftllifero Calton Calumet T'^land Cambnmo Csmbray County or District. I'rov I'.Tth Mar(|U('tt(! Ucnfrcw , Nnrtluinil)orhind Hants Urirus iiiinavista l!ur;,'(o and I.a Toilc l!ay d(> ViTd.-^. .. .. .. Vi -toria . . D.Nford Sew Wi'stmiiistcr. . . I Ircnville (ircy !!ra:it Diirliain unhnry Twillinpratc and Pori York < 'inii'ton .vill;n;_'atc and l'..;,'( Vi toria Huron i'ltcrboroufrh Mo'autii- I'.uria Kin'.::4 York !\"iit : laldiniand Al ronia Middlesex ('aik'tou Yale Teniiscouata Durham i)niham Vi toria '.orthumhcrland. I'.ni'it !/-'d^ Middleuox AOIlt '.ini-oln ilonfrew "lild!" e\- I'ardwell Cirdwcll ■•ara'.vell \M)n>t ' 'a- Hi Ilreton 'TaMimand KiuTS ineen^ '.'ro-; 'ott \nti roTii^h '"n^scott 'uy-bor.'Tn'h r"iateaut,niay Vi 'toria '■'ork '"'harlovoi.'c ''Jtin '^iiutiae •" irfiumherland. Victoria Out . , Man. Oi t ., N.n. x.s Nlld. Nlld. MM. Nlld. Out., Otit. i!.('. Out. Ont . Out . ^:i!t . X.U \V'\. .)l,t <,IU(". .\l!d. Out Ont . Ont Vuo Mid. Ont. Or.t. Ont . Out Ont . Out. n.(_; . (.>uo, Out , Out., x.s., X IJ ' Hit . . Ont . Ont X.15. , Ont Out. Ont . Ont Ont . Out x.n. x.s. Ont . !• K.I X.S . . Out., \.S., Ont , X.S ., Quo , X.H., Ont., Quo., Ont , Que . , Out., Ont., Most (•()nv('n!et;t Point a('i'i-;.~iil)!c by Railroiul or Jsteamcr. ;i. Stratford, A , I'ort Carry, .' \rriprior, N. . . . Cliatham, I'.Oor :!S. Shubcnaradio, T. . i'.ri-ru-i. 4(i .. (Ire-en's Pond, l-"" . . Ito-c r.l.'Mwhe. .11.. Carbonear, 40 Til^nnliurc. TT ::.'v We tuiiust'T, t.s. Keniiitville, 31 or 4.. . '^rantford, Af or Bo. . . n.'thaii; . (1 liiirton, I!.'). I'ilt Cove, 1.') . e- Wo.hII i-idve. I.euuowill", Al) or S. Tilt Cove, 4-'.. I'ob:'a.^';:e()u, !S or lit. . Clintou. Af .-iee Carnarvon. !!(■( iiui'our, Aa Hurin, '11 I'ctitrod^a-, 'I'a. . rniouvill". 1' (liirintr Cro--. U Dniiuvill", Af I!yn;r lull t. 17. I.find 'U, A'-', li or J — See Ott uva. Yale.4H... Caiouna, .Va. Tlelhauy.C l!o\vniauvill(<, A or 1 Xcw Cla-'^ov.-, 'J'r. Xewcastle, 'J'.-, ::0or "H.. ., i'.rantforil, .\f or He Mallor.\ town. ,V Stratlii-oy. V,h Sli'Mliai', 'I'b ''aniieUl. Af, Dc or H .Vrnj'rior, X .-t. Thomas V»\ II or J Charleston, !•; Charle-tou, E 1 'aisle-. K. Sali-liurv, Ta , Syiliu'v.-l!"donia, Af, ("larlMttetoviu, Zi, '.'D or .'!1' Anuapoh-, U S''0 r'c!ia 'livale. X'cw Ola '-'ow, Te I/OH'/nal, '.» Shub'Uia "ulie, T ."-'pe Aubrev. Woodsto-'k. Tor Zh. ^"" ^!o;i"olia. Murray I'av, :it Aylruer, T'.r 'Virtacre dn Fort, il rohotirr, A, K or 1 . t . . . , Cauibray, G a 23 (IS I.J •JO :i6 2 7 8 21 4 9 10 5 13 10 7 9 IC 2 1.3 12 6 1 !10 \S 18 :!0 3 4 9 10 8 26 8 16 •27 ■:8 5(5 9 07 21 10 13 H -^'•^i K>4 iHi H - If. r ■ ■ k . I * - •■ ; '? 't 1> I ■'■''A r ii'i f M, i., .rt- *l; f' 32 tABLE OF ROUTES. PASSE.VGEU'n Dli.STlXATiON 'J'owii, Villa^'e, iic. Ciiuil)r'i Cainbr;71i;o (';iiiiliriilj,'o. . . . .. ., C'ainbridj;n.... . ... (!ainliri(i^o Station. . . CaiiiilcMi ("iinui'di East ( aiiu^rori (.'iiiiieron. . . , Ciiiiicniii o .11 Ca.uilla (' , . . . C.imijtx'lH'.inl Cii.uphi'ir.s ('a.iii)l)(!ll's ('ri);3. . . C'atniili'll S.'itli'iiiciit. ('airi|il)('ll .Si.ttloiiient. t'iXini)h(;llti)ii ('ariiplx'llt.ju. . ,. .. ('iifii)ihi!llliiii. ('aiiilil)i'llvillc ...... C'ainpdi'ii . C'aini):) Ucllo Canaan Caniuiu .. Canaan Canaan . . Canaan ]\ro'.nitaiu.. . Canaan lload Canaila Crrek (./"aiuird (.'iin.'iV'l lUvor Caiiborii Cauda ivillo Canlicdd Cann I ^laiuli Cannit'tDii Cannin;,' (.'annin;,' , Cannin;xton Canoe Civck Caiin :v I'Aiijle n,.i;>Chat 'Ji' ;-> do la Ma Tdelcine.. . , > tp '..'.A Rosiers. . . . i Vylesbury • . no 'laid r ■ -ift TJroyle (j :.'^ Oanso , Cape Cove. . Cape Cove , Cape Fogo Cape Ga^e Cape George County or Uiatrict- I'rov iVrgcnteuil . . . iiauta Kings Queens , . . Kings ...... . . Addington Addington . . Invenioes Victoria Ulcn-arry CurdivoU Lanibton , Norilunnbcrlaml . . . Uurliam. .. . , I'(>(;1 King.i . .. York , Oxford Prince ,,.., ilostigouclio , llalton . Linroln Charlotte .. Carlcton Cumberland. . . . . . . . KlMlt , King.s Annapolis Kings Kings Kings .. Essex Ifaldiniand Welland Haldimand Twillingate and Togo, llastinga Canning Kings Oxford Queens Ontario Cariboo Cumberland llouville Uuysborough Compton York York Ottawa Durham Middlesex Ontario.. . .". Queens Charlevoix ( laspd Chaniplaiu ,. Oasp^; Prince Westmorland Ferryland (ruysborough Digby ( ra!..s. (Jut . Ont Ont . (Jnt . Ont Ont . Ont . \.B .V.B. Ont . V ]■:.] N' B Ont . Ont. .V.B. V.B. v.s. X.B. X.S . \.S . v.s. X.S . v.s. Ont . Ont . Ont. Ont . Nttd. Ont. .V.S . Ont. X.B. Out U.C.. X.S . Que. X .S . Que . V.B. X.B. Que. (Jilt , out . Ont . P.E.] Que . Que . Que. Que . P.E. X.B I. Xfld. N.S. X.S. Que Ntid P.E. N.S, I. Most convenient Point acce~£iiljlu by Railroad or Suamor ■1^ Carillon, 2 Vewport, U K(!ntville. U , Cambridge, iOi, Cambridge, U. .Vapanee, A .... Nai)an('e, A B;uldcck, 41 t Lind.say, Cr Laiica.ster, A Orangeville, E. . . Cainlacliie, A Brighton, A. Caii;i)bi'ir;-, (r liniiiiiitoTi, A Sn.s,si!x. Ta Frederic ton, X, Zh, or '.'>•'>. Inger.soll, B !-'mninerside, Zi. "■'.) or 4'J. . Camjibellton, Tor :is. Wellington Square, Ba Bcamsvillo, B St Andrews', V or :,' Woodstock, V or Zli Athol, T Richibucto, ;i8 Kentville. U Kontville, U. Kentville. U Watervill.\U Port Williams, U Sandwich, B Canfield. Af. Be or H Boainsville. B Canfield, Af, Be or II. Fogo, 4i) Belleville, A, C or 7 I'ort Williams. U I'aris. Af or B (!'annin;r. :(•"). ( 'amiington, F Yale, 4H. .'Uhol. T We-t ranilmm. Q. II or /: Xew ( ilas.fow, 'I'.- Lonnoxville, Ab or t^ tlantcrbury, V I'anterbr.rv, V. Ottawa, M, O or 2 Port Hope, A, G or 1 .-Jeo Ca'ihmcre. .■^e Pickering. Charlottet#wn. Zi, 29 or 3D. .Mnrrav Bav, ;',4 .Metis.T. 2!> or ;;0 Three Rivers, Ac, 2;i or 24. OaspS, :>() See Dam ley. .^liediac, Tb St. John's ■see Canso, Cape. Yarmouth, 40 Perc^, :iO Fogo, 45 See Miminegosh. New Glasgow, Tc :;o 7 18 •10 8 20 8 12 4^ 14 4a 11 4 17 ;:i 6 !> 4 8 4 16 16 3 6 4 16 r, ;.o 8 15 5 9 81 4, 19 13 38 18 9 96 or 7. '^5 J.I :!0 7 o. 11. (1- y. •\\- Zi, 29 or 3!) ;;o. Vc, 2;tor24. )•#••••• 18 i) •10 8 20 8 12 4.S 14 ■ia 14 4 17 I:! '.'.-) 6 i-'i t) 4 8 4 16 16 3 6 4 16 5 oO 8 15 3 81 4 19 13 38 18 9 9 TAUI.K or IKHTES. 33 I'ASSi:XGEU'3 DKiJTl.NA'IIU.N'. Town, Villnirc, ic. f'iilK' CcorfTo (north) . (';i|iL> Islaiid Cape Jiwk CiVjK' John ('ni)e Kildiiro (';ii)L' LaliiiHo Cupo Mill "HI. Cljio Nr;^r<) (■;i]i(' NcfJTo Icliirid. .. Citpc Xnriiiiiii Cajio North Oipo I'iiic Capo Kirli <';ipoU:i c C.i|)t' Kuy CaiKj Ifo-icr Cilix; Sable l>l;uul.... ( ajie ."^t. .Mary C:i;'o St. Mary'n CiipoSponr C;\po I'orrni'iitino.. .. Capo Tr.i\ ('apItou;r(> Cap St. i_'nace Cap .Saiit6 (lapolton Capliii Caplin Covo ('ai)liii C'ovo ('aj.lin Cove ('ar;v(jn(.'tte Caiaqnette Upper. . , . Carbuiiear CinU'n ('ar(li},'an ranlitrau Settlement. (.'ariboo Cariboo Cove Cariboo Island Cariboo Island Carilioo Uivcr (.'arillon Carli'ton Carleton l3tirloton Carloton Carloton Carloton Place Cnrlfton Point Carlinpford I'arli-le Carli.|ii.' .Slii'lburne Digby I'lacentia A; St. Mary's WeftniorlanvJ Queens Quebec .Montinat,'ny Portnciif Conipton I'.onavc'iiturc Bay do Yenls Bri:.;us Twillini-'ate and Fot,'o. . (ilOlR(!-t(r Olouce.stt r iiay d Xew (ila.-iL,'ow. Tc I'ictou. 'i'c, 2it or :;o See Kildare Uiver. Ilurrco, -It Port IIoikI. ;;i) Sliclburne, 10 >helburuc, .lu Tilt (•.)vc,.».'i l;addcck.41 Trepas^ey, 4-1 Cape Uicli, l."!. I'orrN land, 41 < lianiicl, 41 (la'itJ. :.() Slu'lburiie, 4(1. VariKiiulh, 40 .-t. Jcilui'.s .-a(kville, T Sai kville, T Charlottetown,/.;, 'JP or;.!'. QMicboc Ca)) St. I( iiace, Aa . l'ortn('Ut'. ;':: Caiiilton. S. N.B.. Mid.. ' Hit .. I'.K.l. X.B.. s" .S . . X.S .. X.S.. Quo . . \.S.. T)i;e . . Qt.C . . I'.K.l. X.S.. X.B.. \.S., Dlit .. I'.K.I Out., Out ., Out ., X.B.. Ont ., X.B.. Ont .. Out .. Out .. Ont .. Ont .. Out.. Out . . Out . . X.H .. Ont., Out . , -P'b :!0. Carboncar, 1(1 Britrus, 4(1 Tilt Cove. 4.") Caraciuctte, lis. See Upper Caraquctte. Carboncar. 4(;. Liiid-ay, Charlottetown, Zi,2i) or lilt. See Hampton. I'ictou. Tc, '.'!> or :;o .Xew Cila-gow, T<-. Pictou, Tc, 21) or;;0 Tadou.^ar. ;;4 I'ictou, Tc, 29 or ;;0 (,'arillon. 2. Carleton, :10. Charlottetown, 7.i,20 or :i!t, Shelburne, 40 .•-t. John, Tor W Y'aniiouth. 40 Carleton Place, N cr o. Charlottftown, Zi.'JIj or I!!*, Sebrir.gvilk, Af .Vilsa Craig, A Hamilton. B. /.a or I .... Woodstock. Y or Zh (iodtrii h. Af or P.' I'rcdi ricion. X. Zh • •-* yj Q 80 i:i «if'> l.'i 1411 S(l 1.-) :u i> 1!) 21 20 no :!2 22 WW !> '21» h 26 22 5 170 6 !) I i IG ;t3 8 4 ' P! I "2 \ 8 : 10 I I" I 41 7 22 5 ii^*** ■ I- H » #■•1' ml .Ji8(.|M 11*;.;'^': I « 34 TABLE OF ROUTES. l'AS.SI';X(JKU',S DKSTINATKJX. Town, Villivjic, &c. *.■<» Carrviii^r I'liu-p Ciir.*l;iil Car-ioiihy CiUMniivillc Oartlia .'.■.. Cartwri'.'lit (^a-ica(k'« Ca^rniniKMiiu' Caw S ■ttlcMiii'iit Casliiiicrc , Crvs-cll Casm'lma:i Castilf Castlcl);ir Cattle Cdvi' Ca-tlc'foiM (Vtl MiK.rc Castl'jll-.iy Ca-~tlct()ii Castiir Cataliiia Cataloiu! CataiMit Cataratini Cat Covi" Gat ('i)V(> Cat llavlior Cathcart Cat I'oiiit CatV. Cove CaiiKhnawa'-ra Cftiisapscnl Cavati Cavpndijih Cawdor CayiiLra Cayu.tra Iloishtrs Cazavillc Cedar Dale Cedar (Ircivo Cedar Hall Cedar Hill Cedar Lake Cedar Lake Cedars Ced;ir\ill(' Ceiitnl lli'i Iodine Coiitnl IUis>ville... , Contral (' itiitirid;-ro . , Contr:;l (.\iobo.'i(uu . . . CeiUrilia Central Kiiv^sclear. , Central Xnrton , Central Onslow Centi'o Centre Au!ru-;ta Centre Range Centrotun Centre Village Centreville , Centreville Centreville Centreville , Centreville Gentrcville foiinty rir District. rrincc Kdward.. . Annapolis ('arl(!ton Kindts Perth Nortliinnberland. Ottawa I'rini-e Kinirs York- Midd'esex iixfoid Uu-i-ell ll<'nfre'Y Uii'liniond Konavi-ta , Il'Mifrew {'olclv'ster Northnniherland . . . . llus^cll Trinity Hay ''ai)e i'.reton (^irdwell I'rontenae P'rench Shore Trinity I?:iv Twillingate and Fogo. Ilrant Shi'lbr.rno Harbor Main , Lajirairie . . Uinioiiski Durham Queens Addinizton |IIaldiniand Brajit ilnntinjxdon Ontario York Uimonski Lanark Addington Digby Vandrouil (!rey , Prince >^nnbiiry , I Mie-ns Yarnionih , Huron Ym-k Ivincrs ('ol.'lir-ter ("ninb-n-land Orcnville , fitinenburi , -Vorthumberland .... Westmorland Addinston Albert (^arleton Digby Elpin Kings T'rov. Out.. N.S.. ont .. N.H.. Ont .. 0)lt .. f.hic .. I'.K.I. N'.n. Ont. Ont . Ont . Ont . (hit. Que . Mid. Ont.. Ont N.S Ont Ont S'tld X.S.. Ont .. Ont .. Nlld.. N'fld.. Ntld.. (lilt .. N.R.. Xfld.. Juo . . Que . . Ont .. P.K.I. Ont.. Ont . . Ont.. Quo . . Ont . . Ont . . Quo . , Ont . , Ont ., N.S., Que . Ont . P.E.I \.B. N.B. N'.S . Ont . N.B. X.R. v.a. X..S.. Ont . X.S. Ont . N.B. Ont. N.B N.R. N.S. Ont. N.S. Most ronvenient Point ai'ce-'.sibli! by Ilallrond or Steamer, «<■.; s<'(! Murray. \nnapolis, [J Os;^o(Mle, M Apoliaipii, Ta Stratford, A riowmanville, A Mltawa, M, O or 2 Sec Alexandria. Vorton, Ta Ilichiiiond Hill, D Ilothwell. n P.riL'ht, Af n'ale--, A Uenfri'w, N. Danville, .\a Cafalina. I'l ■•'"I- T.oni:cc''i':-i' Point j \Vesrl!. ('a'alina, '1") S\(lnev, 41 Vltoru K Kiii'-T'^ton, A, '/.]> . N'apanen, A Cayuca, P.c. S(>e Cainsville. Sr. Anicct. .") Oshawa, A Markiiam, F Ste. Flavie. T Pakenba'n. N See Denbiirli. Yarmouth. 10 Odar--. A. Mount Fore-^t.F Sunnnersidc. '/A. "<.) or 12... -\V Xorton. Ta ■^'armouth. 10 Lucan, Af I'rcdiTicton, X. '/.h or :'.■") . . Hampton, Ta Trnro. T Atbol.T Piv-jj-ott. A.M orl Lnncnburu', 10 Orafton. A Sackville. T Xapanoe, A \Ioncton, T Woodstock, V or 2:11 Dij^'by, U See Luton. Kentville.U 10 H l:; I.-l 17 4 4 IS 24 2'i 1: 14| 2'i 14 vpniPiit I'oint j : il or StiiiiiiiT, \^-z V. ,"U... t ... Ta. , A 10 s l:; illp. A 1 li r, () (ir 2, iiilria. 17 I um.i). r? f N... A:v. 4'.' (.|-lil",-r I'Dillt K. l»(.r H.... .A.... I'll. , 45. 11. ... 1. A./b 'l-l- r>, 4") 4n I'oiiil, \'> m,T? no, 40 IS •fi'.'si, Ac ■ul. T. (! own. Zi,'.J:>ii:li. 1,40 A. on-st.T: sido. Zi. ;Ulor4'-\. W 'l';i 4 4 11 Irt ;( 2H I tli.40 ' Af •t.ui, X. /li tri( t. I'rov Northumberland. Oxford P('tprborou(,'h rrincp Harbor Main Clianibly Cliambly Cliicoutimi Charlotte Cliniii)>laiii Trinity Piftou St. .Totiii I'eterbdvoii -h Twilliii}.'i\ti' 1111(1 I'oL'f Hur'-'po and I, a Toih'. Ca)ie Breton Montcalm liCpfls Poiitiac Trinity Harbor Main Xorthnmlxrland . . . . HastinLrs Westmorland Kent Qupbep I'rench Shore Carleton Card well I,eed-i Ont .. Dot .. lint .. lint . . I'.K.I Nlld.. f,inp . , Quo . gup . N.M. gun . Ntlil. Ont . NJId. Nlld. Qupejis Stanstead Durliam Durham stormont Orenvillp , C^uy^borou^'h . . . , Quppns Norfolk Comjiton , Arfrenteuil Chateaupnay ... Ch.atpauKuay .. . Montnioreitey . . .\rppnteuil Kent Northumberland Yamaska f;rpv (JUP ., Ont ., (.hip . , Nfld. Nfl-l. N.n., Ont ., N.B.. Ont. One . Ndd. N.n. Out ., Ont . N.R . , I'laeentia & St. Mary's Levis C;irleton Ticvis Levis Ualdimand Yarmouth . . . . Yannouth . . . Peterboroufrh Yannouth .. . . Lunenburg . . . Ottawa Pool Vancouver. . . . Qup . . Ont. . Ont .. Ont . Ont .. N.S .. P.K.I. Ont . . Quo . . Quo . . Que . . K'ue . . IQup.. Qup . . Ont . . N.n.. Que.. Ont... \flee South Monafilian. See l!e(U(|ue, •^t. .lobn'B Chanibly I'.asin, Zr or.'d. ( Iiandily ( anton, Zc or 'it; rhi<'outimi, :i4 Chamcdok, V. Iiatisi'nTi. '.';) 'I'rinitv. A'l . I'iiti.ii. Te.2!>or:!(). ... -t. ,Iohn. Tor W Peterborough. (la l'o(_'o, 4.'> Channel, 4 t ■Sydney, 41 L'Assuebec Tilt Cove. 4r) , \Voodsto.k. V orZh CIiarh"-ton, K. lirockvllle. A. N or 1 Liverpool, 40 N.S Ont . N.R N.S Que Ont, BC. See Hat ley. See Knniskillen. Si'o Haydon. -ee Auitsville. Prespott. A, M or 1 New Olastrow, Tc ciiarlottPtown, Zi, '.'!) or "W Sep ^Valsh. Sberbrooke, Ab or S Ciishinf.'. 2 Chateaupnay. '). Chateaupnay, 5 Qneber Spc Cnshii'.e. ' 'liatham. P. Chatham, 'M) or .18. jSt. Cele-^tin. Ae 'chatsworth. Ka iPnrin. 4 1 Chaiid ere Curve. Aa CliiUid'er" .Iiiuction, M. Cliandiere Junction, Aa Levis, Aa. Cayurra. Pc See Chepstow. See Central Chebogmo. Yarmouth, 40 Lakefield, Ca \'ai-month.40 Lunenburp, 40. Ottawa, M. O or2 Brampton, A Chemainas 47 14 87 .1 'JS r, 214 4:i 8 1.5 :3l 2n 20 8 •iO 20 4 78 15 1ft 12 7 07 11 ;t 2 15 12 40 13 8 25 !> 12 *:-.r'.: 3-!!. 5:1 ill! I tt' ■M 'ill li i I., -'s ri s \^^ ii; .'}C TABLK 01" IluUTEH. rAS-SEN'OKIl'S DESTINATION. Town, ViUano, Aic. Clicpstow CliypuLiictiiook . . CliuiTy CriM'k .... (Mu^rry Valley.. ,. (!liorry Woud (Jhortsey (JliuHloy (!liL'sI(.'y"s Cor.'iurs (Cluster ter (Uiestor (.'Imstor Ba-iii. . . . Olnistcrlii'M County or Distriit. I'rov nruco Voik Siiiicoc I'riiu'o Ivluiinl. Ontario .MDiitcalm Ilnicc Liiitciibur^' .. .. AllMTt Arthivba-ka . ... liiiiicnlMir^,' .. .. I-iiiuMibiirg . ... Oxford (JliostcrvilK' ; I)iuida3. ('tiutic'aiii|i Di.u'by (Jbotlcaiiip Inverness (Jiiovuric Hants Ctioviot IJriico r'hnzz^jU'ook Halifax Cliiclh) :t«.v Pontiao Ciiicoutiini ('Iiicoutinii Chignocto ( Juniborlaiid CiiiRonaise lUvcr Colchester Chimney Cunier Inverness OliLpniaii (^uecna CUlpnian's Brook Kings Cliippawa Wclland ('Ulorydonnea Gaspo CUockfoh Kent Cliristicvillo Iberville Clirlstinas Island iCaiM) Breton (Church Hill | Albert Chureh Hill iSinicoo Church Over j.Shelbnrno Church i'oint iN'orthunibcrlaud. ont . N.15. Ont . Out . Ont . Out . ('hurch's Falls . , Church .Street Cliurchville Churchville Chuto d. Lilondeau. ('hute'd Cove Ciuquo CVrf Claehan Olairniont Clair vaux Clairview Clairvillc Clairvillc Clam Harbor Clandoboyc CUiphani Card well Kinjjs I'eel I'ietou L'rcscott Annapuiis IJuri^eo and La I'oile. . i:it;in Urant Charlevoix Addinf^toii (Jlengarry York Ouysborough Carleton .Megantio Claro j Digby Claremont jCuinberland. Claromont lOntario Clarence iRussell Clarence C Clarcnceville Clarendon Clarendon Centre , Clarendon Front . . Clarina Clarke Churke's Harbor. . , Clark's Clark's Beach Clarksburg , Ilussell . . . , ilissisqnoi , Charlotte . , Pontiac . . , Pontiac . . , SheEEord... Durham . . Shelburne Leeds Brigus. . . . , G rey , N.B.. |,>uo . . \.S .. N ..S . . )nt .. Ont .. S'.S... v .s . . \.s .. Ont .. \..S .. 1,1110 . . (.,)iio . . N.S.. N.S . . N.S .. N.B.. N'.S .. Ont .. ^no . . N.B.. I juo . . N.S... .V.B.. Ont .. x.s... N'.B.. Ont ., X.S .. Ont ., N.S . Ont . X.S., XUd. Ont., Ont ., Quo . (Jnt . Ont . Ont . X.S., Ont . Quo . X.S . X.S. Ont. Ont . Ont. iiae . X.B Que . Que . Quo. Ont . N.S. Ont . NUd. Ont . Moat couTonlcnt Point lieccsKlblc by Ilailroad or .steamer. '.Valkcrton. C .>L. Croix. W I.efroy, 1) i'ieton, (i or 7 frenchman's ]!:iy, A l/Assoni|ition, '.'7 Walkerton. C Kcntville, U Sallsltury, Ta Vrthaba-'ka, Aa Halifax, Tor W Halifax, T or W I!rii.'ht, Af Sei« Winchester. Viirniouth, 10 I'ort Hood, ii!) Xewport, U Walkerton, C Halifax, Tor W r inbrokc, ',i ( Iiicoutinii, III. Maecan, T Debert, T i'ort Hood, :it» (Jhipnian, ;i»i Kcntville, U Chippawa, lib, Uaspe, oO .Slieiliao, Tb .See Ste. Athanaso. Biuldeck, 41 I'otiteocliac, Ta Lefroy, IJ .Shelburne, 40 Cliatham, ;!0 or oS. .See Cataract. Port Williams Station, U. Malton, A N c w (i livsgow, To Carillon, 2 ]3ridgeto\vn, U Ucse Blanc'he, 44 Bothwcll.B See Burford. .St. Paul's Bay, .^4 Xapanoe, A See North Lancaster. See Huiubei". Xew Glasgow, Tc Aliuonto, N , Becancour Station, Aa. . , Digby, U lliver Philip. T Stouffville, F , Thurso, 2 , . Thurso, 2 . . Lacolle, Ad Welsford, W..., Bristol,:! Bri-tol,,S f Jranby, Q Ncwtonville, A Shelburne, 40... Cl.irk'e, N Brigus, 40 Clarksburg, D. >•••••••• vcnient Tolnt .*>.!• Camden i;iwt. .Seo 'j'ec nm.sith. Ilranipton, A fi ("hirksvillc Claude ."^inieoe I'ecl 10 Cliiverin^' t'la\ tciii ■ liru.e Lanark Ndrfiilk Owen Snund, Ku or I."* .Mnionte. N 1« Clear < reck Sinicoe, Re 'J*' CUarlaiKl I.nh(-nbnr<' I.iinenbnri.', 40 K ( IcariiiMht • 1 ■ . Ilrant Ont .. ont.. \.s . . N.S . . .~ee liiirfonl, r.otliwell. R ("learville I'.othwell Kintrs... l(i (;i( nient ll'iad .\vle-ford. V ■ • (Mriiient •imrt .\niiM|iolis, IT K Cl'iiienNviile N.S .. \niiai (dis. C Sec Deep Rrook. CUn'ord, C. 'I'niio. T r.attinr~t, T or IIH 1" (Meiiients West ClilVcird Aimiij)oli-t \V('lliiiLrt<'ii N.S.. Ont . N.8.. t'lifltin Colchester (Jloneoster K injr** 11 Clifton 17 Clifton Rollisay, Ta .-( e Cami« Col< t)r()ok Colcbrook Victoria Cole Harbour Coleraiiio Guvsborou^di Peel 102 ? Coleridi'c Wellington 18 C ole's ( 'nrners r>a,nibton 4 Cole's Crook Cole's Island Hastings Queens Westmorland Harbor Grace Sec Frankford. Apohariui, Ta •'0 Colo's Island Coley's Point ,'*ee An Harbor Gi-ace, 46 10 !* -'3 I :• i u S 1 a. t '' ' I I ^^- ..u US' ¥if'ir M " ; „ .' 1:' ■) -t' lift J! ■ . I d8 TABLE OP ROUTES. PASSKNd i;u*S DKSTI NATK )N. MoHt convi'tiletit Point iit'ei'Hsiblii liy UailriMul or Stoanior. Triwii, Villagp, kc. (-'ounty or Dl.strl' t. I'rov. Ont .. giK- .. N'.Il.. N.It.. Mid.. NIM,. "Mt .. Ont .. Ont .. Ont .. Ont.. Ont .. ont .. Ont.. gne.. MC... ',)ni« : MM. N'.S.. Out.. \ S "•3 Colliivillo ~>arnla, A or ni) . !) (•0II1I..I1I Potiliui' Porta.'e dii Port, II 11 t!ulliiiii Kin^'i Apolia^iui, Tu rolliiKi See Qua 0. Ilrigns, id (lollici-M i lart>or Main (•ollilii't I'larfiilia & St. Mary'^ >in' 'ot! •^t . .(ohn'H ■ .'.0 (!«iIliiii,'\voo(I , CollilD/Wood, 1), I.J or 17. Cuilin'. Ilav. A. Killiirney, Hi 1 Kven Sonnil, En or l."). .. . I'ccl C'OllltllluiH ' )ntario R (/(iml)i'r IN^cx CoMll)er, IL l*enibroke, U (loiiibiTiiipro Iti'hfrow 51 ( V)1I10 \'anilri'uil < 'onio, '2. Coniov, 17. Conipton, Ah. I'llt Cove. |.-> OleiitMrrv. Te I'lioriihili. 1) Conir)X Vanroiivi'r ('oTUptfiM ( 'oinplon tinni'lii' (•'riMirli iSlioro M Ooiu'oril I'ii'toll ;i <'oii<'iinl York :i Condon St'ttli'inont Kin;,'^ Kenlville. [J. CoIl'-StO^,'!! Waterloo Ont .. Slid.. Ont .. Mid. . Ont .. Ont.. NMl.. V.S.. Ont . . Ont. Ont. '^110. . ont .. Ont .. N'.S s Coiiov Ann Frcmli Shore ■j'ilt Covo.'l.'j Mton, !■; .'.(1 (loiiiiii^^bv., \Vtdliii;;toii It Oonn I'ortune lia^' Harbor nriton,4t Matilda. A Itolton.K IS Oonnuntrht Dniidas •.':i Connor Cardwiill 11 Conimr-ivillc Kinj;-* Itolhsiy, Til r.iTiiK'nhiir"' 10 15 Coniniprall LninMibnr^j 17 Coniviy Perth rriiKt; Kdward 1 luroit -tratford. A iiri:.'hton, A Seaf.irih. Af Contri'i'oMir, 'i-l. See Fredericksburg. Cook's. Af. Shnbenaeadid, T Cook's Prook. T. See Charing Cro-<. See Cn)wlandvilli>. Lennoxville, .Vb or S .. .. (lilford. D « CJonsei'on Consi;;'vo It 6 (Jontniiii'iir Couwiiy Ven'h6n'-! I.elinov. C'ook'H ilaldiinand Cook's lU-ook Coli'iie^ter 10 Cook'ii Ilniok Westmorland Kent Welland N.n.. Ont.. ''>Mt . . (^10.. 'Mlt .. Ont.. N'.l!.. N(ld.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.*. Ont.. Nfld. . Ont . . Slid.. Quo . . N S . . Cook V Corners Cook's Mills Cookshire P! ^'Ookstown Simeoi; K Cooksvilln I'eid PortCreilit. P.a See North Lake. Harbor Priton, It Pelieville, A,fior7 i'ort Stanley, J Cojjetown, 15. I'etrolia.Hd liurgeo. 41 I'ark Hill. A i> Cook^^villo Coonib'rf Cove Westmorland I'ortiino Has' •2S C'ooid'r 1 la-it in""s 4:; CoiK'nlia.;on in-in WentwiM"th 11 Coplo-iton I,anibtrtnn(> ]!ay Ilnntinj.'ilon Ui'liV Harl)or I'riton, 41 18 Corl)in Heinmin"'ford. At* 4 Ci)rl)iiry Di.'liv. \J •JO Corinth i:iu'iii Ont.. \ T!.. Corinth, Be. Cork. W. See Markdale. ("orntdlville. TF. .Vnna.'aneo, Ta Charlottetown, '/A. i.>n or 'M Cornwall, A, 1, .'» or 6. Seo Wolfville. Port Williams Station, T7. ■Soo Hack Set. W.Cornwalli.-i ^arnia. A or Pb Cork York Cornivbu-s« Irev nnt .. Out.. N'.B.. P.K.I. Ont.. \.S.. N'.S . . ('orncllville 1 )\ford Corn Hill Kin.'s (Jnoen.'^ Stormont Kings Kings c Cornwall 1 Cornwall Cornwallis Cornwalli« East 2S Cornwallis West Corunna Kings Lambton ... ... ^oulangcs Soulaugcs X.S.. Ont.. Quo . . guo . . 7 Cotean ilu Lac Goteau Landing Cotcau Station, A Cotcau Station, A 5 2 ili•••••• I Coti'ini .>^f. An 'II till ("iiti'iHI St \.^>^i\^ .. CoiiMiii Sf, I'icn-i' ... Cnli'ltn Sllltiilll Coii'iiiiv I!iv. Oiu.'lli! ('■(to (!'•< Ni'i/iM .... C'lti' St. Atit'iiiio .. . ('■lie i^t, r.iiluriiKf . (■..l<'.'-;t. I.uUi' (oti'St. I'liul Ccil-IWolll CiiiiNoii ...,., ('■iiil-«iii'-i CiiriHT-t. .. C'liiiitrv llirlnir. .. Ciiiirtl.iml C.IVC lIlMil Cove lli'iul Un;iil...,, Covontrv f DVcriliU). . . Civcrlcv ... I'livoy Ifill . Ciiuiil C'lWiin'^villc ('()«• IliVV Cow Hiirlxir ('i)uicliiui Coxhi'iith ('riili's lirook ..... ("mi) S<'ttl('inont. . CraiL'tiiir-t CniL'lciili ('niii;li-i)ioliii Cniiij'H Tloail f r;iii,'viili' f'r.iiilicrrv I'ninhcrry Head . ('rinl)oiirn(! Cmnlirook I'ninworth ('r;i|iaii(l (.'rawfonl Cniufcird , CnOit ('rfm Cr('i!;thtiin , Crciirnisli f'ri'H' Bri'toii . .. . I"n'tii'h .sjiori' . , Vancouver .. . . rape Brctiin . . . I'roiicli Shore . . ^ork .•>inn'oo drey Wellington Viio . , ',>nu .. 'Jue ,, \>iie ., '^iio., '}m'.. ,»;ie., I, 'lie .. \iiio ,, ','IU' . . •lit., Dili ., lilt .. \.><.. lint .. :'.i:.i, im:.i, 'lilt .. NM!.. ' int.. 1110 . . ' "lit ■. ',1110 . . \.S.. Moitt coiivcnieiil r'ork Yarmouth . Don-lio.stcr. Huron Leeds (Queens (irey Huron P.-el Huron Wellington . ... Siin<'oe Siinooe Inverness Prince IMward. Wellington . ... Oarbonear Prince Eilward. Perth Kings Peterborough.. I'rench Shore.,. York [.eeda Waterloo lionavonture .. l.incoln (tiiysborough .. Inverness (tiiysborough . Antigonisli. . . . Nll.l.. B.C.. V.S.. Mid.. .V.B.. Int.. lint .. lint .. ',1110.. I -lit. .N'.n.. v.s., I.IIIO .. ■ nit ., mt . . I'.K.I, Hilt .. (Int.. Out .. Int.. lint .. lint. . lint .. .\.S. . .Moiitrciil Si-e .Mile Kiid. .^lollt ' III Ciitean tation, A. Uivierc • iiielle, Aa Montreal .Montr.-al Montreal Mi.nlreal .... .Moiitri'.d Ilarri^toii, (' nr I! iirillia, II, (i or 1:1 Itriwlfnrd, II New (Ma-t'ow, '\\: Coiirtlaiid, lie, Charliitteiowii, '/.]. '.'|i or :; t'harlottetown, Zi, I'll or ;i!i Bolton, i') Sali-biiry, Ta l''I'(slierion, Ivi lleiillnilli.'rold, Ae f.ongwood, II Cowansville, II. S\(|nev, 41 (•'lianriel,41 Cciwiehan, 47. .^vdiiev. 41 Channel. 41 I'rederlcioii, Zli, .\ or :;.'i. Barrie, I la Craiglelth, 1). , C All. lint . Int. lint. Ntld. I lilt ., I mt .. N'.B.. ' Hit . , MI<1.. II' t.. lint .. lint .. i.iiie . . ' nit . . S.S.. \.S . . S.S.. x.s . . Ciai'-''s Road, Brainley. U Cranberry, \'. ^'arniouth, 4i) (,iiiebeo Aiiileyville. /.a . jsinith's I'alls, N fir I . . . Iciiarlottetoun, /i, "j:! or [I'le-llertoll, Ka l^i'i' (ilTa. I'ort Cnilit. Ba Lnean, Af i:i.ii-a. (' New Lowell, I) (irillia, II, (r or i:; , New ( J la4 4 It 'i a II S!» 1.5 II 8 1 (! C 14 83 28 l(i VO 6J .a>-'^;j mi i. I hi I u '*! ;1::rHii; hi: ' : .ili \i i 40 TABLE OP ROUTES, iw'H • .'» > ' { mil ^ lifi^i ■ ':ii:i ^.c . I'AHSUNUKR'S IJHSTINATIOX. MoBt rnnvetiicnt Point acce>-iililr liy Ildilroiid or .steamer. Town, VlllftBo, &.'. County or DiRtrlct. Pro v. N.S.. ^■■'s »- Cnixx ItoiiiU (llivrr Ufniii-) L'r(isHUoiul(St.wl;iii(lvilli' :v2 ("ruMiii's ( 'oriitTH I". 0^ilv'^ll:lnk. .«• (M'Uinliii ••••...•••••• (Ircy ^l i(l(ii(»si»\ 1 Iwell Siilllid, !■; or l'> London. A;'. P. or .1 Wall";. A Crvsirr "•> C.Mit'koM's ('t)vc Triiiit \' I'rinilv, 4'> li;Rei->ll('l'llK lialton Out.. Out.. N.i!.. Out .. Out .. (Int.. NfM.. Out .. N.P. . Que . . Mid.. Out .. giK! . • IJIIP • . N.U.. .N.S.. lu ('iiiiiIm'i-|;iiii1 Il;iy (^iiiiil>i'r).uii i l^oinf .......... (^uiiiiiiiiisvilli* . \Velliii;:lon Sinmre. iJa. , ,, I'eri'iis, C Soe (iloneoster. lirii'iis, .|(J C'uuiintck », ., Wellington ,) Ciiimiiij.'liiiii''s ( 'arli'toii Ciii^iil-^ Cm nil Itriuus i'rcscott Allicrt •> llrown's, 'J A t'iirr\ villi" .MoiK ton, T .».( Cn.-hiii'-,' I'n.-.liinu', '2. St . ,Iollll's f'usU'ii riai'cntia vSi SI. Mary's '•■1 Dill re Renfrew, N r. Diiillclioiit ,|()l|ct|(> Mont real 4)i Diilcsvillc Aiventeiii 1 < 'urilloii. '2 p; ]1:illi(iii-Ji(' Itcstiiromlu' Kinirs Dallioiisie, T, :ii) or ;iH. Kentville. U l):illu)iisii' lvi>,ilil);virc Uimonski 1 i Ii^n^arrv <,»ne.. Ont.. Out.. Out.. l)iio . . Quo . . Out .. Mid.. Ntld.. i,»ne .. Mid.. Ntld.. N'.S , Metis, 'r 'ill or ;;o *i:i DalkoitU Liiiieaster, A "S I);vlr\ iiipU' Viotoriiv WoiKlville, F or Ir •':! l):ll;t(m Sinu'oe ,, Harrie, D '( ]1;Ull)V I'niiiimoml 1 *oiit ia^' Daiiby, Aiv Ottawa, M, or 2 Dimt'oril Lake r.o ■l):lllf<)rtll York Si iulioroii'di, A Panid's ("live 'I'rinit v •• Harbor Cirace, 4(i Cliannel, •! 1 47 paiiii'l's 1 l;)"l)nr I'rcncli Slioro Uii'liinoiid 11" Diiiivillo Danville, Aiv. liiirin, 44 'I'ill Cove,4"i Yurnioiitli. 4() . ]l,iii/.irk ('live Hnrin 117 Diivk Tickles TwilliiiLrato and I'olto . Yarnioiilh ''.1 l);irliii"''s Lako III Durliiiirtdii Danvll Qut'oiis Kent P.K.I. • int.. Out.. Ont . P.M.I N.S,. ii\w . . Out,. Out., (^iit,. Out,, Out . \Md.. V Tl Cliarlottetown, Zi, •2i) or ;i!i Clialliain, ]t Col borne, A VI Dartrnnl Nortliiinilierlaiid Victoria Prince Halifax Hroiui^ • IS DaniiiiKir Woodville. V ;f'> Dart 11 11 HI I h Snniinersiile, Zi, ;i!) or 4'-*. Halifax, Tor U Dartiiiiuii h 1 l);vsh\V(>ii(l .See Karnbori), Seaforth. Af Davenport, 1). Perth. Na 'I'oroiito Thainesville, 15 , . l)a''.h\v 1,-, lirey rwilliiitrato and Koiro . t'harlotte !. .. Kent t)llt .. \Hd.. .V.IJ.. )nt . v.n.. s,s,. IS Doadniao's Harbor Doaltown or:!!> V /,i, :!'.) or 4'->. >r U ri>. 1). to 1? 11,41... (1. I'.a or l'>. . . 1(1, 15 ">7 ' !•! i:. 4*1 i:; % 14 ;;(! 10 t;:i '.'S II .')0 • t 47 147 r,7 •j.'i 10 VI 7 n ;i'.> 1 '.'1 2'. :ii :i (> 1.-. s IS 1'.' TABLK OF ROT'TE.S. 41 ]';N(;i;ii's Dii.sriNA'iioN Town, Villu,;;o, Kv. I)<'l)crt liivcr. DcOusvllll! lii'f|) r.rook DtTp ('l)Vl! l)f'i'r(lock , lii'erlicld. . . Deer liiirlior lJ('(>rliiir~t l)c('cr Ishind .... ])i'cr Isluiul , .. . , Ivctl.ako ])('o Sidu l»('t;ol(! li(«(iriits... Dcliiwiirc . . . , . Dclhy'H (.'ovo ... Delhi Dclliv DiMiioisi'llo Creek. Dcnioresivillo . . , l)('ni|w.v"8 Corner I)eiil)i^'li DciifieM Dciiisoiis JIill>,.. . DeiiiKtoii Deiisiiion'.H ])eii8iiiorc's Jlill.-i. Do Ilunihrty Derby. ... D(!rl)y. Coiiiily or l;istrict !•• * \ • ' * t \ Dereham . . . Derryvillo .. Derry AVcst Derwciit. . . DoSivlile,,. ])esboroii'rh Desi'hainhaiilt Dosi'oose Desert l.ako Dft!?iiioii(l Dert lUviiri'^ Detour (111 l.iie D(Mix Ilivi(jres Devizes Devon Dinvittvillo De Wolfe ( oriier Di'xtcr Diaiiiorul DiekeiiH Dickens lUekinson's Limdiny. Dickson's Coriuu'.s. . . . Di;-kson's t^torc Di^'by Difiby Out Ditrdefjnash Dildo Co\ (' I'iliirent Kivor Dillon Dinsjlc Dil'lier Il.irbor Distress Colilie-tcr Ilaliliiiiiiiid Aiiiiajiolis I.mii'iibiir^' , Addiiij-'loii ...... , ^■lllIllolltll 'J'nnity Siiiicoe , , . , HollllVIKtft , lliii!.'f<) aiid J. a ]*oilo Charloltc , Yolk . . . I'.oiiavi iittire , I'eniiscdiiala I'reiii li Shore Middlesex Trinity , Norfolk LcedH ., Albert I'riiico I'ldward KiiiKS , Addinu'toii , Middle.-ex , Uicliniond Addiiiglon , Hants Hants , tbdii'ttc r.raiit , Nortliuniberland. .. . Oxford Ontario Miifdlesex (Queens (Jr-y I'rov N K. Out N S. N.S Out N.S Ntld Out Mid Nl!d N D N.I J gtie . (^iie . Ndd Out Nlld. Ont Out N.IJ Out .N S Out Out giio Ont . N..S Ditton Dixie. I'ortneiif Hicliniond Addiie^ton AddiiiL'ti'ti .Mis,-i-(|Uoi ,. 'riiniscoiiata Nipissin^' Middli?sex ]luron IJuntinird'in Charlotti' Kl-'in Carillon Carlctiiii Le(^(N Stonnnnt ret'Tlinriiun;!! Colc'ic-ler l)i^'bv lliL'bv ChaiiMtte 'J'rinity Cumberland Itroine Huron ."^t .John.. IMaeentia&St Mary's ('onipton .... ...... r«iel ....... N.S gue . Out Out. Out. Ont. (int. I'.K.I Ont Que . N.S Out. Out. (Jue . gue . Ont. Out Ont. N.n. Out Olit. N.B. Out . ont. out . x.s. N.S. N.S, Ntld. N.S. (,iiie . Ont . N.D Ntld. Que . Ont >Ior»t convenient Point ai<<'--^ibli' by liailrotui or Steamer See liiver Debert Cayii;,'a. De Aiinapoli.M, U .... Halifax, T or L'.. .... rerlh.Na ^'iirnioiitli, 40 .,,,,,, . . . Trinity, 4.) llradford, D (ireeii's I'oiid. 4.">. ... . . linr^'cci. 44 Sec i airhavcn Deer, V M.itapolKX , T Ilivic ic (111 I.'Hip. Aaor T 'I'ilt Cove. 4.> Delaware, U- Trinit'. . 45 Delhi, "lie.' l.ville, A K nr 1 . . Sah.-hiir;,, 'la .. ., Ndrili I'lpit. (i or 7 . A\l(-foi(l. i; . . Na| anee, A r.ondon, A^', l! or J . . Tiii hiiiond Aa I-iccadilly. V.h Shlll'cnac adie, T.. .,..., . ,Siuibenai ad," T . ir.ertliii r in huut, '2o , . .'^ee Haiiey No\vui«. Canninuton, A Malion. A , I.ondin, At.', 11 or I ... . Charlottetown. /i, 2^ OT'.ii) 0\\( n Kiaind, I'm or 10 ... I)es( hainbanlt, :v.;. New (lla ;.'oU. T(^ ... Kiiip~t, ]'. Riviere dii l.onp. AaorT. I!apii!es (lis Joivcliiui.';, .'i. . ( Irantcii, A . l.iK an, Af I ■aut;lina\va;.'a, A(! -t, Stephen, Va or ;!7 I'oit Stanley, .1 i'akenhaiii. N See Charle-toll. r.roekv ille, A, X or 1. . .. , Wale--. A See Villiera. ] IllT'S -- ••••(••••••••••••• i)i'-b\, r. I't^'MV, v.... ...... ..•••«. ( hnnirfiiik, V llailM.rCraee, 40 Athol.T Waterloo, Q , .Vinlevville, Ca. ~t .b'.hn.Tor W St .Tohn's . , . , , .-ec We-t Ditton Port Credit, Ba , 1'.' Ill :i:{ 11 110 •21 I'M 4 •J 1»0 14 17 IS Dl •20 IS 120 2H ]:{ 47', :;o 7 10 ;::t 1'2 If 12 .■5 10 r,i) •M i:i •JO u kf k ^■ I m' iW ■ t9' I!" t -.1 ) I* >■ J^ *i)illl lit "^5 ' c, V 'I' mm i'.ti r ! ■ill m ^''"". ki 42 TABLE OF ROUTES. PASrfliN'Ci KU'S DKSTI NATION. Town, Villii'-Tc, iSic, Dixiiii'M ('(inicrs 1)o:lkt()Ull ■Ui)l)bintiia . Doct or's JIarbor Do.; Bay 11(»^ (Ji)VG Uiv^ (.'rnck Doit's Xcst Dolicrtv's MilU DoUiiir l)nll:ir l)i>iii;iiiic (Ic Gmitilly..' Don.... Doiuvldson E.stato Doncaslor Done.':)! Dcii.'-id Dottnybruok Doou Doraii. Doivho-itor ■ Doivhe^tiT Doivlu'-lor Don-Iio-ter Tload Doivlicstur Station. . . . D.n-I;in^ Diirnocl) Dotin;j; Covo 'Ooiicet's Lauding .... Dou:..rlas . Uiiti^la^ •••..< Uou:.^laj J)i)u:-;la-< DunjilasfuMd Don,:.; las Harbor .....< l)oii:-rla.:to'.vii .... J)ou,rlasto\vn Dontrlai Valley Iload Dover Dover Sontli County or District. I'rov Diinilin N'orrimniberland.. lirnre ■■•••• ■••••• ['"ortuno Hay . . I'lacontiaii Sr. ^Fary's. Itonavista., Cariboo .Norfolk KlMlt Kent Vork .Vrthabaska . York ,>uocn3 York IvinfT^ IVrth Wentwortli Waterlo(j Lanark Middle.-io.K St. .John's . Wi'stniorland Westmorland Midilloiex Wellington Oxf.u-d Twillingato and Fogo Xieolet . Ifants. Renfrew Wellington York Northumberland Queens (ia-pd Northuuiberland Queens Wi'stUKU'land Kent .... Victoria .... eonvenient I'oint aeee^sible by Ilailroad or .^leaincr. )Mt .. S.H.. Out ., .Vfld. , Xtld. . Xlld. IJ.C ., Out. . \.H.. N.B |)nt Quo .)nt i'.i:.i, lint \.B. Iro(|nois, A or I l''rrderieton, X, Zli or '•','>, Paisley, C Harbor Hriton, 44 Trei)asse\ , 41 St. .lolin'd Yale. 4.S, Siiucoe. Be Shedia", 'J'b Shediae.Tb Tliornhill. i).. Doueet's, Ac Don. A , iCharlottotown, 7i.20 or .19 Toronto Downey villo j Dowuview York Doyle's (lornonj iHasting.s Doylo Settlement 'Restifioueho Dra.,'on IJay JBnrLjeo and l^a Poilo. Drayton • Wellington ....... J)re.iuey 's Cornera | Middlese.'c Dre-den ..'Botliwell Drew IWellinirton Drew's .M ills... • Oroglieda Ih'omore Drum Druiubo Druinmoudvillo, Ka'it , DrunitiKuidvillo, West. Drnmquin Drnry Dryden Drysdalo , , . Diiart Dublin Dublin (^oinors Dublin Raugo Dublin Shorn Dublin Village Stansteiul . . Brigus ... Cirey .... Durham.. .. Oxford Drmnmond Wei land,. . Ilalton , Siincoo ..... Wellington . Huron .... Bothwell .. . Peel Leeds Megantic , . Lunenburg , Wellington t)nt .. Dnt .. ')ut .. One .. Out . I, Inn N B.. N'.B.. Out., Out ., Out.. .\lld Quo N.S . Out Out N.B N.B. N.B Que N.B. N.B. N.B. Out Out. (~»iit. Out . N.B. NHd. Out. Out Out. Out Quo Ntl(L Out , Out , Out, Quo , Out, Out, Ont . Out Ont Ont Ont Ont Quo Sus X.3. Ont, NewrV; Ca See Westo\ cr. Berlin, A I'erth. Na See Put- am See Kt, Joling Dorelie>t.(>r. T Dorchester Road, Tb. Dorehe-ter, B. Listowel, Ca In:_^'r-() or ;>•> I'.uniskillen, W MemraiiK'ook, T , Chatham. B , Oiiiemee, G Weston, A. D or K See Maynooth. Il^.'er Loui-on, T I larbr)r Briton, 44 Drayton. C, See Cninilin. Tliiimpaforth, A Bothwell, B Seo Campboll's Cro^s. •500 Now Dublin. Sep Irvine, Litnonburtr, 40 Sec Mimosa. 7 HI 10 ;jo ;)o 146 10 an 4 20 n 2 ]:i s 7 IS 12 9 28 14 17 5 3 9 3 4 6 6 6 3 14 H 15 9 18 3 8 9 18 14 23 Zi.2r)or nf> •0 a .•=3 '^3 7 51 10 :iO :!0 U6 10 2fi 3!) 4 20 13 2 13 3 7 16 12 9 23 14 17 5 3 9 3 4 6 6 6 3 3 25 14 35 3 15 9 18 3 8 9 18 14 23 TABLE OP ROUTES. 43 PA.- si:.\ ( i LU S ] ) : .^'I'l N AT ION. Town, Villaj,'e. kc T)nck .iTifl Pringlo. Duck Rivur DudswcU DiiflVTiii DiitTlirH Creek .... Duiiibartoii DuiublaiiM Dumfries Duiuoine Depot.. . Dtmany Dunbar iJunbiirton Duncan Duncan Duncansville Dunrriefl Dunilalk Dundaa DunihM Dunrtoe Dundee Dundee Dundee Centre . .. Dundela Dundonald Dunediii Dungannnn Dnngarvan Uungiveii Dunhain Dunkeld Dnnnvillo Dunphy Dunravon Dunrohin Dnnsford , Dunsinnane , Dunisinnane , Duntrnon Duuvepran Durham , Durham , Durham , Duride Dutch,'0..., Dutton , Dutton DwyerlTill Dwver's Corners l>,'le , County or District. Prov I'la'jfle Head Katrlo'a Ne^t . . . . Eardley KarltowTi Fast Arthabaska. East Bay East Bay (north). Ea-;tBay(^outli). Kast Bolton I'ant Brou'.rhton.. East Chester East Clifton Ea^t Cul do ."^ac.. East Dublin East DuuUam . . . ICootcnav \\k\U- Il.'ildiinnnd I ntario. Charlotte I'.ruce York I'ontiao ArLrontcnil DuiMJas ( intario Grey I.nnoTiburg Uu^^ell .Middlesex Uft . . (,>ue • . One., Nfld.. N.S . . Que.. Most convenient I'oint acce.<.-ible by Railroiul or fctcamer. Vale,4S .^(•e l^oint an Boiileau. Shcrbrool:!'. Ab or S .... Ha;.'(r. Carillcn,2 Mirrri-bnrjr, A In ncliiiian's Pay, A .... .Miafonl. I) (.r l.:i l.nnciibnrfr, 40. !-ee ];nsst 11. Ail- a Cl•ai^', A Dni.(;alk. Pa. ChiirlotK town, Zi, 2!) or X> Diii.(Uis. B. Dm, dec. j". .'•cc f-niithfield. DallKUsie, T, no or "R ... Dundee, .5 !ro(inoir!, A or 1 P.r:;.hton. A New Lowell. D Oederirh. Af Xew(a'tle, T. ;o or :;;<.. . Ml niriUiK ook. T f-'tanbridre, 1" Dunkeld. C Dunnville, Af. Fri deric ton. X. Zli or ^5 Cahiniet Island, :i Stittsville.O Lindsay, (J Lucknow, Cii Pcnob.-t)uis, Ta Collinpwood, D Cornwall. A, 1, !> or ti.. .. Caiif-'linawaira, Ao See New Diiihaju. I'lcshertfin, La Pictou.Tc, '.?!• or ;;() P.urin, 44... Halifax.TorU Dutton, ir. .^ee DiuL'le. Ottawa. M.O or 2. Mono poail, V, Newbury, B Liverpool, 40 I'ort Carry, ")1 Avinier. :t Truro. T t:infiild. Aa Harlior Briton, 44 ydney.41 >>vdiiev,41 Waterloo, Q Quebec Arthabaska, Aa rouipton, .M) Harbor Briton, 41 See La Tfave River. Staiibridgu, P 20 :i->J 20 14 14 i 12 8 34 9 4 9 7 9 13 32 4 13 G7 5 14 10 5 4 8 31 21 12 8 3 3J 2 18 7 :;o 17 21 12 33 12 23 13 r,9 17 15 19 J,,," ^««< ■ *:■ ^t; IS' 44 TABLE OF ROUTES. PASSENGER'S DESTINATION Town, Village, &c ii ■'* I, t>'! i. H » : i '•'* Eastrru Harbour Eiistuni Tickle , East Fariihaiii . , .,...,, East Florciiceville . . , . , East (Massville East (rloiicls,' ... East] [alley .,, ... East J la\vke^:bury East Hereford East Jodili ire East ilaLfitala , East Marsh . , , Easton's Uoruers East Oro East I'oiiit East Point. , I'List Port Med way East Qiiai'o EastUlver East River East Ris-er Island East Royalty East Scotch Settlement East Side Chiizzotcook East Side Pnl)iii<'0 Harbor. .. East Side Ha.iji^cd Island East Side \V. Bi-auch East River East Tcinplotoii Eastvillc Eastville East "Waterloo * East Williainsburij Eastwood East Zorra Eaton Eboulcniens Ecclesville Economy Ecureiiils Eddy's Cove Eddystone Eden.... County or District Prov Eden .Mills Edgar Edgecombe.. , Edgely Edgett's Landing , Edgewortli Edina Edmonton Edmundston . . . .. Edwardsburg .. . . Edward -burg .. .. . Elwardstown . . .. Eel Brook Eel River Eel River , . Eel River Efllngham Kganvillo Egbert Ejerton Egliiiton lOgmondville Egrcmout Egypt Inverness Twillingate and Fogo Uromo Carleton . . ...... Carleton Uroy Stanstcad Prescott . ,....•.... Compton .. Il.alifax Megantic ■ Hants Grenvillo <. Simcoo . Burgeo and La Poile Kings (Queens ....... .St John (ruy.sborougli Pictou , Pictou i^ueens Kings Halifax Yarmouth .sholburne Pictou Ottawa Col(;hester York Queens Dundas Oxford Oxford Compton Charlevoix Essex Colchester Portnouf French Shore N'orthumberland i:igin Wellington .Simcoc Perth York Albert Kent Argenteuil Peel Victoria Urenvillo Middlesex Chateaugnay Yarmouth Carleton Restigoucho York Monck Renfrew , .sjmcoc Wellington York Huron (iroy York « , N S.. Nlld.. Quo . . N.B N B.. Ont . Que . . Ont . Que . . NS Que . . N.3 . Ont .. Ont . Ntld. P.E.I. N S .. N B.. N S.. N S. N'.S.. P.E.I N.B. N S. N.S . . N.S. N S.. Quo .. N.S. Out., X.B. Ont . Out . . Ont . Quo. Que . Out . N.S. gno . Xlld Out. Out. Ont. Ont. Ont . Out . .V.B. Ont. Que. Ont. N.B. Ont . Ont. Que . N.S. N.B. N.B. N.B. Ont. Ont. Ont . Out . Ont . Out. Ont Ont. Most convenient Point accessible by Ilailroad or Steamer is Port Hood, ul),. .. . , .i Fogo, 4."). East Farnham. R . .. . S(!i! Florencevilli! ];a>t Woodstock, V or Zh.. . See JIarkdale. See llatley. Point Fortune, 2 Coaticook , Ab Halifax, Tor U Lyster, Aa . Windsor, U .... Irish Creek, N. . Hawkstoue, Da Burgeo, 4 1 Charlottetown, Zi, 2l> or ;!!• Liverpool, 40 See Quaco. New Ci la-gow. To , New G lasgow, Tc Hopewell, Tc Charlottetown, Zi, 2!) or ;!9 Norton, Ta Halifax, T or U Shelburne, 40 Shelburne, 40. . , New Glasgow, Tc Ottawa, M, Oor 2 Brooktield. Tc See Holt, Ga.retown, 3'> .VultsviUe A. L'^astwood.B. Woodstock, B Compt((n, Ab See Les Eboulemens. .>t(my Point, 1! Londonderry, T See Los Ecureuils. Tilt Cove, 4.j (Jraftoti, A Tilsouburg, Be Guelph, Aor C Hiiwkstoue, Da Stratford, A ThornhilLD Salisliury, Ta Chatham, B Carillon, 2. Brampton, A Riviere du Loup, Aa,T,or iH Edward-bm-g. A. See Dorchester Station. See St. Jean ('hrysostJinie. Yarmouth, 40 EelRiver V. Eel River. T. See Cauterburv. Welland, I...." Renfrew, N Lof roy , D Mount Forest, E Toronto Seaforth, Af Mount Forest, E See Vachell. C9 ] 29 12 21 3S 8 r> 3 :j nA ar, lo 3.5 32 4 S 10 22 5i2 :!0 10 8 23 30 10 20 6 S2 icr, 11 a » 10 18 2 21 25 5 79 12 8 27 12 16 4 2 3 nient Point bio by r fstcuiiior )..,...,... .. i.R... illii Kii>t. 'orZh t e.2 09 1 29 ),,,,,, 21 u 'iH n n sf 3 Da •,i 3H ,To 15 36 H'f. 4 n,Zi,'2!)or;!i). 3 10 u Tf, ;■!? ) :;o •, T( ) or 2 c 10 8 30 2i 10 '?i) leiuoiis. 1! a o't iuiU. ifir, 11 10 IS -X ?4 V5 n iiji.Aa.T.or M ^r >^tation. ) 79 12 ry. ,,E.. ■', e! 8 27 Vi IB 4 2 3 TABLE OP ROUTES. I'ASSENGER'H DESTINATION. Town, Villa.'^'c, &c. E^rypto Kitjlit Jlil(! Ilrook. KiK M(jnntiiiii Elba Elbo Elder Eldon EUlon Eldon...., Eldorado Elfrida El^in Kl'Mn County or District. Prov Hlsinburfc I'.lf^in Corners Hl','infi(dd Klpin lloiul Kliniville Elizabetlivillo Kik'npowan MlltTKliouse i;ilerslie I'illosmcrc Klliott Elliott's Mills Elmbank Elm Grove i'jlmira Elinsdalc Elmsvillc I'Mni Trco Elmvalc Elmvalo i'Uinwood Elora 101])hin Elsinurc Embro Enibrun Kmerald Eincr^on Emigrant Road Eiiiif^ant bottlonicut Knfiold Enfiold.. Kngli-h Corner English Cove I'lnglish Harbor English Harbor English Harbor English Harbor East. . . . . Mnglish Harbor We.^t Knglish Settlement Knglish Town Dnniskillcn llnniskillon Knniakillon tinnismoro. EnniBvillo. Knnotvlllo. Entcrpi-iso. Epping.... Epsom Eramosa Erb Settlement Erbsvillo Sheft'ord i'il''OU.. ... Antigonish . Cardwell.. .. Leeds Cardwell . . (^'ueens . . Uestigonclie Victoria . . . I la-ting-? . . WenLworth . Leeds Hnntingdon . Erontenac . . jAlbert Middlesex . .. L'Islet Huron Durham , jBruce I. •■•••...... •.•*•• . !...••• ■ .*•••..••. • •••••.•■t...... I Hants rrinee [York I.'.nark I>urham Peel Simcoe \\atcrloo Hants ['ietou < 1 loiicester Picton Siincoe Brueo Wellington Lanark Crnee ,. ,, Oxford Russell Lennox Eronie Westmorland .. . , Westmorland .. .. Durham Hants Halifax Harbor Main Bonavista French Shore .. . , Trinity Eortune liny Eortuno Dav gieens ". Victiria Durham Crey Queens Peterborough .. . , Lanark Wellington Addington Grey Ontario Wellington Kings Waterloo (^ue \ S X.S Ont Ont Ont I'.E X U Ont Out Out Ont V'ue Ont X.P. Out Qne Ont Ont Ont X.S P.E. Ont Ont ;int Ont Out Ont X.S X.S. X.B. X.S. Ont . Ont . Ont. Ont. Ont . Ont. Ont. Ont , Quo. X.B. X.B. Ont. X.S. X.S. Xfld. Nlld. Nlld. Nlld. Mid. XOd. X.U. X.S. . nt . Dnt . X.B. Ont . Ont . (Jnt. (hit . Ont. Ont. Ont. X.B. Ont. Most convenient Point acce-.sible by Railroad or Steamer, Upton. Aa West River, Tc Xew (ila-gow, Tc . . .. Unnngevilie. E See Dickens. .shelburne, Ea , .-eeBeifa>t. Campbellton, T or :!8 . I'.Id.m.F r.cllcville, A, or 7.... .--^tony Creek. B lirockville. A. N or 1. .See Kelso. King-ton. A. Zb or 1 . . retit<(Kliac. Ta London. Ag. B or J . .. i;igin Road, Aa. .-t. .Mary's. A i'ort lIo|ie. A. G or 1.. Walkcrton, C I'.llershou.-^e.U. Vlbcrton, Zi or 42 .\gincourt, F i'crtli, Na I'ort Hope, A, G or 1. . .Maltoii. A Oilford, D Berlin. A Elmsdale. T. Xew Glasgow, Tc Uatliurst. T or :!S .See Middle River. liarrie, Da Walkerton, C Elorn. C. Perth, Xa Owen Sound, Ea or \'>. Beachvillo, B Ottawa. M, O or 1 Bath. 7 Em(T>on. R. .Satkville, T Sackville. T Oshawa, A Enfu'Id. T. Bedford. T Brigiis, 41 dreen'.s Pond, 4.'> Tilt Cove, 4.) Trinity, 4"i Harbor Britini, 41 Harbor Briton, 4 1 Apohaqui, T Badd.Mk,4l BowmanviUe, A See Varney. Enniskillen, W. Peterborough, Ga Sec Innisville. See Barnott. Xapance, A .Meaf.ird, D or 10 Uxbridge, F Gnelph, A or C Apohatpii, Ta Berlin, A 45 -3 9 8 80 U 18 18 :!2 4 :;2 7 12 10 22 I. J 10 10 ;s •4 Ki 12 20 14 20 14 .".O 17 3:i 30 12 9 3 I (;:t 7 r,i 19 13 19 8 10 20 10 7 * 7 IJ-'*' Li^l?'! H' H ■1' ■v" 1 ■ f [ 1 0\ 1 f -" . 1 i ! ■ ill '■1, t: i ! "' .riii V ''6 *■ I ■ t| t- I 4G TABLE OP ROUTES. PASSHNGKU'S DESTINATION'. Town, Villa::-p, &c. Erie Erin Erinsvillo Erinvillc Erni'stown Erroll Escott Escuiiiiiiac Escuniin.'U! Esi'j I'.iy li^Mdi Fanjov"s , Farley's Mill.s Farm !r-;t 111 , Far:iiersvill(! Farinc r-;viilr; Farm in -ft in Farmiir_'toa FarmiM-'to'i Far, mil. 'ton Fariilioro' Fariidon Farnham CiMitre. .. Farnham V:\-t Farnliaiii We-;t Fanjuhar Farran's Point Father Point Feeder County or District. Prov Ilaldiniand .. , Wellington ,. . Addiiigton.. . . I Jnysborough. Lennox I^ambton Leculs Ijonavcntiire. . . . , N'orth'.iiiibi'rland. , (.'a')0 Ureton Wolfo , ila'.ton V'ancoiivi r ...... SaLrnniiay Majdalen Island. . Huron York (ircy... drey !S: an- tend Midd e,-e.x .-';nii''-.e v.: - W-ll ■ ^t Ilut'in T''> and ]' Twillinicato and F ivill'-'S r/it))iuii;ro Iv'iit Kini-'i^ .St. John Leeds Brant Charlor'.e l)Ollavi^ita Penh St. J,i!iii Mn^koka Victoria Middlesex , Brant Lnnenburij Lanark i'ictou Hants ila:its Cauo Breton o;,'0. (•i,'o. .>;i '..'arli'ton. i'arl(;ton. Leeds... Oxford Annapoli!^. .,, Cuml);.'r!a;id . Kiirj^s Wellington .. I'.romi^ .\ri>si~(iuoi. . . Droino i;r line .\li-s)S(inoi, , . Iluron Storiiiont. . ., Uinion-^Ai . ilaldimund .. Out.. Ont.. Ont . . X.S.. Out., nnt . , Out., Que . , X.B.. N.S., •juc . . Ont.. ll.O . . t jne . . Quo . . Out.. Out.. I )nt . . Ont.. ,inc . . Ont .. Out.. int . . Out .. :nt . . X(ld.. Nlld N'.S.. Quo ., Out.. E.I. S.ll. Ont. Out. X.B. Xlld. Ont. X.B. )iit . Ont. Dllt . Out. V..S. )nt , X.S , X.S. X.S, V.B. \'.B. X.B. Ont. Ont . .V.S X.,S.. I'.I'^.I, Out.. or :!.S .See Chaiiiiel Islands. See Xorth I [am. < reoriretown, A.. 1 J Victoria, •">() .'{ (^a.«):6, :!0 \(\:i <;a!) or ;^!). r,j -t. Johii,T or W ao iMiirlii'ld Ka^t, N. Bn^ntt'onl. Af or Be 12 St. Andrews, V or '27 !» C.reeii's Pond, 4"> !> Si ratf ( ird, A .... U I'airville, W. I'arry Sound, 17 8 Brarebridge, 11 .Vilsa Craig, A 4 Pari-", AforB 4 See Fosler'.s. Perth. Xa lOj Xew Glasgow, Tc !) Wiiid^or,U 7 Kalniotith, U. .Sydney. 41 2-5 See Waterborou'jh. Woodstock, V or /h 24 Woodstork. V or Zli .... 10 Brockville. A. N or 1 14 See Corui'llviUo. SeijWIIinot. Thoni-on.T II (teor-'ctown, '/A or ;>'.) 14 Oraii'-'eville. K We-'t f^hefford, g 4i I'arndoti, U. Brigham, H 'i .See I'.a-t Farnham. S(>e West I'^irnham. Mitchell, Af 10 Farran's Point, A I'atlur Point, oO. Feeder, M, ■ • ''1^'^ :^5 — •/) 2a .5 12 24 8.5 2 « 5 .18 out Point Stoainnr. Tc or '.'.' ' :!S . . lands. 1. \a. = 5 *J^ -A "'a 12 24 85 2 5 9 H8 :{ lfi:{ 1*20 n 3 6 5 10 10 •.>2 U •24: 4 :V2 ,/i,'.".)«ir:. W N. or Bo I T.'. tu'jh. or /h., or >'ti . N or 1 llo. /.[ or :i!). ,(i- iliani. iituun. TABLE OP ROUTES. 4*7 IS r>7 20 12 !> 'J 8 4 4 lOJ •J 7 25 24 1(1 U II 14 S 4i t. A., oO. 10 ^tvi r.VS-^EN'flEirS DESTINATION'. Town, Villaj];!;, &c. Folton Fenatrlivivl'j Fenella Fenelon Falls Fennoirs.,,. ... . Fenwick Fenwick Fenwick Ferfjns FerKiison's Ferguson's Cove . Forgusiin's Falls.. Fcrgnsonvale FermensL' Fennont Femiov Fernhill Fermll's Landing . Ferris Ferry land Ferry Point Ferry villo Fevcrsliani Fiftpnn Point Finrh Fingal Fintona Fish Crook Fisher's (traut Fisher's Mills Fishervillo Fish Poll Fitch Bay Fitzroy Ifarbor Five Hon-(;s Five Ishui'N Five Mile Kivcr . .. Five Stakes .... Flamborongh West. Flanii'an's FlatlNlands Flat Islands Flat Bay Flatlands. Flat lliver Flatllock ..... ... Flat Rock Fleetwood Fleshertoii Fletcher Fletcher's istation. Fleurant Flenr do Lis Flinton Flint's Mills Flora Florcnco Florencevillc Florenceville East , Flower Cove Flowers Island Flurry's Bright . . , Foley Folly LaVe. , Folly Mountain.... Folly Village County or District, Rnosell I'n^sfott N'orthuinberland. Victoria . Sinicoe Cumberland Kings Monck Wellington, Lanark Halifax Lanark .SiuH'oe Ferry land Clianiiilain Addintrton Middle -ox Jtonfruw Queens Ferry land Hastings Carloton Grey .. Prineo .Stonnont Elgin Cardwell Perth Pictou Waterloo Haldiniand Pictou Stan^tead Carloton Lunenburg Colchesfter Hants Elgin Wentwovth Middlo'-ex . Bonavista Burin French Shore , . . . Ue~ti'-'oucho Vneoiis Bay de Vords St. John's Duriiain .Vmh^'ist, T .•\poliiii|i!i. Til Wellaiid.I I'ei'gu-i. C. I'eruu- oil's, N. llalilji.N.Tcrn rerlh. Na P.avrie. ])ii Fcrr.vliUMl. 4 1 Three Rivers, 21! or '.M . . . . We-tiu)rt,4 Sti-ivlliro' . P.b Sen Ca-tleford Welstnrd. W I'l'rry land, 41. Believille. A.('>or7 Woii(l-I(i( !;, V or Zll l'le~lic,-ton. Ell .•^iiiiiiiier:::i!''. Zi or ;ii) S( (! BlTUJik. f-t. 'riiiiina-. Be. IT or .T. . . . .•^lieltiurKe, l.ii MiiUford. A I'i-lier's Cram, Tc. lle-l-iler. C <'a\ u^'a, lie Holiewll, Tc .•Sinilirs .Mills. S i'itzroy Harbor, .i. .S-e Lower La Have. Athol.T Sluibeiiacadie. T.. St. Thomas. Be, H or./ See West Flaniborough. See McOillivray. Cataiina, 40 Burin, 4t < Iiaiiiiol. 44 Flat lands, T. Chariot letown, i,i, lO or :iO. Carbonear, 4ti St. .John s Frankhti. (i Elesliert(j|i. JLa. Fletcher, H. Fletcher's T. Carleton, : o lilt Cove, 4-') Belleville. A,U or 7 ISee Kala Fogo, 4'j Osliawa. A Folly Lake. T. Lnnilondf'rrv, T DeWurt, T . '. ^ '--.'3, Q :iO :u 2 c 11 8 v\ 9 7 W 8 8 1 .1 14 12 7 l:i 18 4:! I"> 82 ;!0 2 12 2 9 ;!S 42 16 16 20 21i ir,(i !» 16 6 A i i» ^».- 1,,'*' i ■it i'-'- !a i :ill; ii. i; ■■'ii.,'t: 48 TABLE OF ROUTES. l'A.SSKNGKIl'S D];.STINATION. ' U nl 'iVi Town, Villa!,'C k.c. Togo Foiitcnoy Foiitliill- Forho.s Force's CorncM Fonhviili l''oriiyco FoiX'.^t , Fnrc-:t ('ity Fure.stor'-s'FiUls , Foro.-^t Mills .F(jrestoii , I'orc'stville I^)rfiir l')nt.. N'.B. Out Jut x S, N.U. x.s. ' )nt . \.S. vVcllaud Victoria Sollcirk ''umborland Nia;.'i\ra lUclielieu French Slioro Burin Twillingato and Fo; Algoniii Pontia'^ Luiu.'nburg Victoria Richmond ricton Halifax Prescott Hastings Burin Fortune Bay Westmorland Cumberland Placentia & St. Mary's Fortune Bay Burpeo and La Toile. . Cumberland Oasp6 Burgeo and La Poile. . Harbor Stain Richmond Dorchester Middlesex Huron Huron Burgeo and La Poile. . Hastings Victoria Arthabaska Durham Huntingdon Lanark , Leeds Antigonlsh Picton Darham '.E.I. Que . Unt . . X.B.. Man. X.S. Out , Que . Xtld. Nild. Xlld. Ont. Quo . X.B. X.S. X.S. X.S.. Ont . Out . Xfld. Xtld. X.B., Most convenient Point acccr-sihlc by Railroad or fcicanic-r. X.S . Xfld. Xfld.. Xtld N.S Que. Xfld. Xfld. X.S . Quo . Ont . . Ont . . Ont . . Xfld. . Ont.. Ont . . Que.. Ont . . Que . . Ont.. Ont.. N.S.. X.S . . Ont FoK'o, 4.-). Richmond, Aa irt Robinson, I PictDU, Tc, '2!» or oO . .. o Woodbury, .•^(•e Lisadcl. (JiKlerich, Af i'orcst: A. Frediricton. X.Zhor .". Renfrew. N Xapanoe. A Woodstock. V or Z!).... Simcoe. Be Brockville, A. N or 1 . . .-eo Glenelg. Xewcastle, T, ."Oor :!8,. r.addeck.'ll Walkerton, C New (llasgow, Tc Fort Augustus, lo. Portage du Fort, S Fort Erie, Af. Be I'lil. \Voo(l>to(k, V or Zii. . . ■•oe Winni})eg. See Amherst. l"^ee Niagara. See S(irel. Tilt Cove, 40 Burin, 41 Twillingato, 4.") Fort William, 17. Fort 'William, 3. Kcntville, U Woodstock, V or Zli.... Xew Glasgow, Tc West River. Tc Four Mile House, T. L'0rignal,'2 Belleville, A, 6 or 7 . . . Burin, 44 Burin, 41 .Moncton, T Thomson, T St. John's Harbor Briton, 44 ... . Burgeo, 44 Athol.T Gasp6, ;10 Channel, 44 St, Jolui's New Glasgow, Tc Quebec Dorchester, B See Hay. See Exeter. Burgeo, 44 Trenton, A or 6 Peterborough, Ga See Warwick. Franklin, G. Hemraingf ord, Ao • • . . Franktown, N Irish Creek, N New Glasgow, Tc Pictou, Tc, '."J or yO... . Fraservillo, O. .^B 6 5 27 18 10 10 ;r4 14 a'2 ao 8 8 80 'J3 57 113 r>7 28 41 77 UiO 1'2 18 7 2 44 «;i no 8;> 17 14 31 31 6 16 l:^6 86 1 .-59 8 16 11 TABLE OF ROUTES. 49 Ao • • I . ^3 6 6 27 13 10 10 :r4 14 :50 8 8 80 'i3 57 PAS.SK\( I KIl'S DHsl'IN ATlON'. 113 28 41 77 UiO 12 18 7 2 44 (;i HO 8i> 17 14 ai 31 6 16 i;^6 H6 1 H9 8 16 to 11 '7 Town, Villu^'p, &c. KrasiTvillc I'razerville Frcdcricksliiirj,' Frwloru-ksbiir-,' Vi-udcricktKWii FriKlorictDU FretU'riotoii ■Iniiclion. I'riMlerk'tiiu Koiiil rn'flton Frooport Freeiiort Frt'pport Frootowii Fn.'iburt? Frt'lit;h-,l)iir^,' FreiichmiinV Covo Frcnchfort Cove French Croek Fronchnian's Hay French l N.B Ont X..S Que Out 1 Out . Quo . Mid. x.n. IJ.C . Out. X.B. X..S. X.S. Quo . X.B. X.B. P.E.] Ont . Out . Ont. Ont . Xlld. Xtld. Xtld. Xlld. Quo . Ont . Que . Ont. P.E.] Ont. Xflil. X.S. Ont. X.B. X.B. X.S . X.B, Ont. Ont . Ont . Ont. Ont. Ont. Ont. X.S. Out . X.S. X.B. Xlld. Que. . NUd. Que . P.E.I Xfkl. Quo . N.S. Most convenient Point acies.silde by Railro.ul or Steamer. See Riviere du Loup en bus. See CrIelT. See Conway. .See D.lhi. See Wallace. Frederiiton, X, Zh or H."). Fredericton .lunr., W or X Salisbury, 'I'a Hamilton, B or Zn. ■-ee Lon>; Island. St. Armand, P. Ilerlin, A Freetown. Zi. Oreslau, A St. Avniand, P Burin, II Xewcastio, T, ;;o or ;!8 . . . . Y.alc.lS Frenchman's Bay, A. l.'pper ."^hetlleld, ';i.> Xew (ilasi^ow, Tc Sydney, 41 Iliclimoiul, Aa llan>pton, Ta .>ee llardwirke. .S''e .Vlexandria. .See Water Mill. Port Credit, Ba , .-^t. John's Waterloo, Q See South Cayu.^'a. Waterloo, Q ." .Mitchell, Af (,'luvrlottetown, Zi, "J!) or ',','.). Winona, T! Harbor Briton, 11 Sydney, 41 Stratford, A (Ia;::etown, I!-", llichibucto, :;^!. .Sec Xew (laii'locli, Rieliil)ncto, 'M (!alt. C. Bobcay^'pon, l.S Ili'avertoM, (1 or \'.\ OaiianiKjne, A or I. Fi'rjrus. or I Xew ( 1 la-LTow, Ti; (!ard("> lliver, l(i. .Sydney, 41 .-^t. Jo'Jn, Tor W Hose Blanche, 11 St. Jean Purt J(;li, Aa Burin, 11 Sherbrooke. Ab or S. Si'e Flat River. Trepassey , 44 (iaspe, ISO. WolfviUe^U II' 8 44 10 %\ I 2»0 8 7 7 5 3 81 8u 8 2 4 6 7 7 5 8 IS 2 •24 20 8 \\i 20 4A 2S 24 It " i. ""«> fin ■;|- ','"l!f,.!5 Ms} ih rjr. II". 00 TABLE OF llOUTES. PAariliNUKU'S UKSllNATlUN. Town, Villii^'i', &c. Is;' V . r, '■ ,: , )| h^Mf Oasperoaux Oa.'(|ii.T(;iHi.\ iStation Oastiu O.itiiioiiii Point Uaiiltoi-i G.iiy-rt Itivcr CJay'n liivcr \U»\i\ ., , Gas 'rt liivcr lloiul . . deary County or Dlatriot. Prov. .icy OiMicva (k'lioa (Ji'iitilly Ooor^'cii.'ld G(;or„'c'rt lirook , Gc'or.'c'rt Cove. . Gt!or,'i'to\vn ... . Odor^'ctown... . Georgetown. .. . G2nr;r('town... , Gcor.L'etown. . . . (iGor^'cviHe . . . . (Jcor^'eville ... . (h;()r;,'ina CJernian MilU .. German MilU . . German town ,. . Oet-ii)n'>( Point. , Giant'>* Lake ,. . Gibraltar Gifford Gilbert Cove ... Gilbert's .Alllls. . Gilbortvillc . . . , (iilforil Girvan Glivlstone Glammi^ Glanfonl Glainnire Glanworth Glarscott Glascow Glas^'ow Glasgow Glas^ijow , Glasior Ghiisville Gla'stonbtirv. . . . Glen Glenaladalc . .. . Glenallan Glen Alpine... Glenarm Glenburnio . .. , Gleneairn Gloncoo Glondnwer Gleneilale Gloiielt; Glonlinan Glnnfrarry , Glen Hnron. .. (Jl'^nlevit (rlonloyd , •Glenlyon (,>U('oii« Ijueen^ Harbor Main Ottawa jl-'ortnne Hay Illalilas iColehe4er I Halifax Sunbury .Vdilin'.fton Ar^'enteiiil .Vr,'enteiiil N'icolet Ifant^ Trinity Trinity Biauiiarnois 'Jolrliester llaltoii Ha^iti^s ICin-TH .Vntii^'onish Stan stead York Rrant Waterloo All)ert Ijunenbur;,' rtiiysboroii;:h (irey ll.aldiniand DiL'by I'rinro Edward Beaneo Simeoe Kent Middlesex Uniee WentwOTth lla-;tinf,'s Miildlesex 'll'PV Waterloo ntario , Peel I'i.tnu York Carleton Addincrton .Vnti-Tonish (jlieens Wollini^'ton , .Vntiu'onish Ontario I'rontenae Simeon Middlesex Addin;-rton Inverness Guysborougli (jncons Pietou IV.S. Siineoe jOnt . Restiiiouche I . Metrantio i Quo . Priice jOut . N'.n.. N.I!.. .Slid.. \llie .. Mid.. X.S .. N'.S . . N'.S . . NM!.. Out .. One . . (..liie . . (,'a(! .. ■>.s . . NtM.. Nlld.. ^)ne .. N .H . Out .. Ont.. I'.K.I. N'.S .. Qnn . . )nt .. Ont .. Ont. . N'.n. . N.S.. N'.S . i)nt.. Ont .. N'.S . . Ont.. (ine . . Out.. N.B.. Ont . . Ont .. Ont .. Or.t . . Ont.. Ont . . Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. .N'.S .. N.H.. Ont . . Ont . . X.S . . l'.i:.I. Ont . . N.S.. Ont . . Ont . . Ont .. Ont . . Ont . . N'.S . . N'.S.. P.E.I. Most convenient Point a.'ee-->ili!e by Railroad or Steajier. = 2 nri^;,''.-« ('iir]i.'r<. 'M (iasju'i'caitx, \V. SI, .bihn's ■■ee 'i'enipletoii. Harbor Briioii, It SlinbeiiiKadic, 'I" .■ Carillon. -» Doui'CtV. Ac Sluibi'na-adie, T lYinity, -I'l Trinity, 4"i See .'^t. l,oni^ de GoiiZii^'llo. See Piver-diile. < ieor.retown. A, ■ll('ville. A, r. or 7 ((('(iP-'ctown, '/A or "It. .Sei! Cai'c Cic.Mve North. Xew|>ort,]t, nr S. Xewniavket, 1) I^arri-illln•^^ P or C IJeriin. A .Salisbury, Ta r.nncnbnr-T.-lO New (! la-'/ow, Tc CollMu'wood. D See ]!inj_'haiii lload. Diirby, C ['icton. (i or 7 See Ui ver Ciilburt. Oilford. D. Ricbilnpto, ns l)ori'lie-ter, l! Wallsciton, C lliiniilton, I!, Za or I Belleville. A. G or 7 (ilanwortii, J. Flesherton, Ea Berlin. A StonlVville. F'ow. E. Spo New (ilasgow. Gla-!;er,X. Woodstock. V or Zh Napanei', A New (1 lavow, Tc . Charlottetown, Zi,2i) or ;5!), Gold-tone, C Xew OlaS'-'ow, Tc Lindsay. U Kin;.i:-tnn, A. /,b or 1 New Lowell.]) (Hencoe. IJ or P>e. Kinjjrston. A, Zb or 1 New f ! laJ::o w, Tc N ew ( ! 1 as;4o\v, Tc Charlottetown, Zi.'.'O or 3!) r>len.crarry,Tc. Colliii'^'wood, D Catnpbellton, Tor:;S Lye-tel', Aa Glenlyon, C TADLE OF ROUTES. ic-nt I'oiut il.' >>y S -M ~5 :t . It. T . . .Ilk. , T. .T. 1.'. .\. , ti or 7 Zi 111- :::>. >r;rc North. 11- S. 1) norC ;i -to XV, Tc .. I.IX .. la Hi mil. ilbci-t. !S.... Xa or 1 . . C or 7 .., F V or Zh. U ml 7 .'.r, 10 1'2 11 12 :;2 ;!7 26 26 4 :i .10 2t 'JO 9i 15 18 Si 50 20 r,v, Ti" ,\vn,Zi.2i)or:i!) O o\v, Ti- I A. /b or 1 1.1) ir T>o. \,Zb orl.... o\v, T.- ,ow, T.' own,Zi,2!)or3fl. Ill, D i.u,Tor:i8.... . 27 40 r.7 14 'J 01 18 C 5 30 !r2 47 10 T2 11 1 rAJsriKNlilUfS DlCVn.SA'l'lo.S. Mi)-t couvpnicMU I'olut 111 rt'--,-ilil • by llailmad or Steamer. 1% 'I'liwu, Villiv:,'o, &c. County or Dltstrict. I'rov . H (lien Mil or 1 )utiirl() • Out . . Out .. Out .. (.,i|ie . . Out.. X.S.. (JllO . . Out .. Out.. x.n.. Out. Out. x.s . . Out ., (.Mil! . . Out.. Mid.. Out.. X.n.. N.S.. x.s . . x.s. x.s . . C)iit . . x.n.. Out.. Out.. Xtld . Xfld.. Nlld.. X.n.. x.s . rxbriil;rc, F A 13 6 I'i \,,i-f,,lk riloiibiir^', lii,' ialt.C Itcraui our, Aa (ili'u .Miirri.s Itniiit li • . . . < i !■ II Sutton IW'MIIM- Cl 11 'l';vv 4 7 (11 llVllll" I'ronti'uac Wcstiiioriaud Ilalton ( 'aili'tou Ciruvillc ti'r Hants r.iincubiin,' \VclliuL.'ton Carli'ton M iddli'^L*.K . - . ......... .•^t, .Jiihn's OoMi'U ('r(*"lc \Yidder. A 5 1 In ;'l(»n ( 1 1'n^'O .-.^t. .loHn, '1' or W 15 :.9 9 (iojilouvilll' 'InUl I'U'M^ New (i la-vrow, To Stewiac'Ue, T Moir t Cniai'Ke, U Halil'ax.T or U (lold-itone, C. Wood-tork. V orZh Se!( lJr\an-ton. (ioodwood, F. St ,101111'-; • iiiM MiiiiM fl'ild Uivcr (liililstollO • iiioil Coruor ^rn(hl\V(»l)il , 4 .-)3 16 (if'iKUvfiot! Ontario IMa-ciitiaiiSt. MaryV l?i)uavi-t!i Frcui li .Shore .-^t. John ( 1 nv*linr()ii"h ... 'liKlSChlMT.V < 1. Ki-icborry Islands (liio-fi ('i)Vfi (1(10-0 Croi'k ( 11 10-^0 1 1'lrhor .... 07 12 :j3 ' Ireeu's I'onil, 4.) Tilt Cove, 4."> Siiwex, 'J'a .Sen Oy-^ter Ponds. c Itivor (ii't'ilou-ivillo 40 28 (Lire.. .\rj.^(>nt('iiil Quo . . X.S.. Out . . Out.. Out . . Out.. x.n.. (iiiro ITauts Xortlmniborland York \ Huron IN-^PX Vlbprt 22 (iuro'.s Lauding (ioriiiloy ('iirrio Ciislk'ld 7i 15 (jorrie. 1'. IJelle lliviOrp. B (iii-'lion Auuiiizatue, 'I'a Truro. T Xi'W ( ! la: :row , Ti- .Vpoliaqiii, Ta 8 (ioshon (^>-lu'n ('O^hon I'olilio-iti^r (iiiyvboroufrli X.S.. N'.S.. X.U.. 2t 14 Cri Import I .OIIUOX .... ..... Out., gno . . Xfld. . Out .. xtld.. (Jilt.. Out.. Out.. Out.. Out.. x.n.. Out.. N.S.. V.S.. r.K.i. Out . . x.s . . Xapatieo, A 13 'ioiiM 'lo'.lllVs 'Iii.ild's Landing 'lo-.ilil'-iKoaa fl'iiroi-k ( 'oiuiiton iM'rrylaiid I{"nfrt!W I'.riuus \Vollin^''ton Leuuo.willo, Ab or S St. .John's Oonld's Landiuf,', 3. r.ricu'i, 4() (ioiirork, C. (!ovcrnor':'i Road, B. (i^owiin. 1). (Jowaiwtown, Ca. (lower Point. :!. Petiti', Ta 15 3 ('ovcriior's Road )\ford ^iiucoo IVrtli (iowaii (idw.iiwtown (lowrr I'oint iionfrow (lowlaiul AroiiiiLiiu Albert Xovthunibcrland Qiieous Kinirs (,lU'M3nS 1>P(.1 15 (iraftou (ir.'\fton (Iraftnn Corner • in'iain's Road Oraftou. A. Liveriiool, 40 Watervill-, U CharlMtutowii, Zi,2!Jor Wd. Maltoii, A See Pleasant Bay. Xew ( i la-^^'ow, Te ........ natluir.-t, T or:i8 Barlu,41 40 9 (iva'iaui.svillc % (iraiid Auso riivorno-;s (initid Anse Iliclimond X.S.. x.n.. xtia. . 104 ( irand Annco (Jloucestcr Burin 2;> (.'rami Bank (il ^1 'It l.ll K\ ^^ p^j-il. i!«:i,« 52 TABLE OF R0UTK8. M'li;Mii;u's iji;stin.\'1"i;)N. If Nit t Town, Village, &o. ■••••«■ Orniiboro' Gniud lUy Cl'Ullll IWlKll Cimiiil llniU') (ilMlul lll'llit Uiwiilty Ciriiiirl (;!iliiiiu!t Gniiid (,';ii>iii'iii Cl'Ullll C'lllllcOH Cniiidu I!:iii> Craiiili* lior^rroiiiio . Gra:i(l(' (ii-;?vi> Graiidn l.\;',uo Urand I'.liinx Grand Ltiiii>,' Graiido \ allco Grand FUl.s Grand Falla Portasn Grandfutlicr's (Jovo , Grand Harbour Grandigui! Grandlnuf Forry. . . . Grani^ Lake Grand Manan Grand Mira North .. Grand Narrows Grand Pahos Grand Pr6 Grand River Grand Uiver Grand River Grand Rivor Wharf Orandy'ii Drook Grandy'K I'as.sago Oi^andy'a Point G%nt Grant , Grantlcy Granton Grant's IililU , Gi-anville , Granville Centre , Granville Forry Grass Pond Grate's Cove , GravcUIill , Gravelotte Graronhiirst , GrayHtock G ray's Wood Great Bridge Great Mill Great and Little Barachois, Great Barachols , Great IJonali , Great Harhnr ,.... Great Harbor Deep , Great Jarvis Great Pai-adise , Great Shonioguo Great Ft. Lawrence Great Villa;^e Oreeiibank , Groenbush Green Cove Greenfield , • • •• • • < County or DiHtrlct. I'rov SIiclTord Kinuw l.iiiiilit<a.~|.6 Victorlii Victoria Fninch Shore. , (Jiiarlottc Kent Richmond llalilnx (.'Iiarlottc Cai)e Hreton... Victoria (I''sj)6 (Jasjo Victoria Uichniond I'rinco I5ur>;i!o and La I'oile. . Bnryco and La Poilo.. i'lacentia & St. liliiry': Lunenburg IlusHoU. . I)unda» Middlo^cx Oreiiville.... Queens Annapolis Annapolis ...• Bronio Trinity Storniont Norfolk Victoria Peterborough Annapolis Uuniborland QiieeiiH I'lacentia & St. iMary's, UuTKCo and La Poile.. I'lacentia & St. ILiry's Fortune Bay French Shore Fortune bay Plarentia & St. llary'n Westmorland Burin Colchester N.S Ontario Out , Leeds ("nt , French Shrro Ntld. Carlotou iN.Li, ;nf) . >.ll . Mlt . ,IUc . Mid., 1|U! . , ,'Ul' , Juo , JllO . , Jue . k'UO . Jiio . . (,tuo . .\.H . .11.:., N'.n.. \.B.. N.S N'.S N'.B. \.S \.S , (^ue . N.S., Que . \.U. N.S. Most conveniont Point n ■ci'Mtiblc b.v Ilailroiwl or Steamer. (inmliv, Q (iniii.l l:iiv, W. I'liik 11:11, A .See Lull rriere. Ui)M> Bl:inche,4i. . . . C rill. by. y. I'ortii-cdu Fort, I).. Mcii , 'I'. '-':> or :;() .. Il.omiitou I'all.-i, Al) ll;il Hal ]!iiy,;!l... 'I'mlou-ac, :tt -1' ;(). I'.K.I Ntld. Nlld. Ntld. N.S, Out . , Out . . Out.. Out., P.E.L .\.S . , N.S Quo. Nlld. Out . Out lint . Out . N.S. N.S . N.S Ntld Nlld,, Nlld. , Ntld. , Ntld , Ntld , Nlld. , N.B., ;tid. (Iraiido Li;,'nc, Ad. .Metis T. VKorlJO , I'oi-t Hood. ;!!> Metis, 'J". '.'Kor liO Uiv.du Loll]!. All, 'i' or lit. , Woodstock, V or Zh Tilt Cove. J.) ^■t. Andrew I*, V or DT Slierli:ic,TI) New ( i liiSL'ow, To (iniiul Luke, 'J'. t. Andrews, V or «? .''^',(lm'V,41 liaddci k.41 I'erce, •.'!) or !J0 Cnuid I'rC'.V I'er(<^. 1'!) r Cliarlottctown, Zi, '20 or T.O, .\uiuipolis, U Anniii)oli>;, U \Vuterlf)o, Q Ciirbonear, 40 Cornwall, A, 1, 5 or G Delhi, Be (iraveiihurst, 14. Peterborough, Ga Annapolis, V .See Port Philip. Liveri)ool. 40 .^t. .John's , Burgeo, 41 . St. John's Harbor Briton, 41. . . . . . Tilt Cove, 4i) Harbor Briton, 44 Burin, 44.. , .•Shediae.Tb.. Burin, 41 Londonderry, T Wick, F Bellamy's, N Channel. 4 1 Woodstock, V or Zh. sniciit I'oiiit 1;^ 3 Millie by \^ii or Slfiviiicr, '2 n ow. To o.T. 8, V or r>7 . . . V!.'!. ir yo .u ir:iO mi'.Aa.Tor; <)\v. To .... dale. 15 Fort, :J r;U.. !!•' , VorZh 15 s, VorllT.... rst, 14. ugh, Ga, ', V •hilip. 40 1. •itnn, 41.. . ■15 riton, 41 rb wy.T' ;, N 4t k, VotZh. 156 23 1 TABLE OF ROUTES. r>3 l'A.S.SKNCH:H'rt DKSTINATION. Most convenient Point acre )-ilili> by llailr.iad or .Suiuiiier. ^, J Town, Vllla;(o, kc. County or District. I'rov 'a (Irociilli'ld UlPHKarry Kill'/.H ():it.. N.S.. N H . . r.a'ira-ter. A Wind . If, ir •JO •J I :i3 17 4 J 4 7 :50 1 3 15 9 IS 7 It (irc'Clilirld (Iri'i'iiUcld I lUecilti Liiiieiilii:iV, -to 'ee 'I'lii-lletown. Shclbliriie, •(() llarlior (irace, 4ti St. ,lolin (inM'ii <;n)vt' Voik )iit.. 'Jlld . ■{'rinitv *ir('('ii llc':ul St. .lolin I'ietou . r'reiieh .shore 'roiui^ooiiata Priiiitv . . ......... ,M».. N'.S , , .NUd.. i.'lio . Mid . int )iit .. ..11.. Out.. Dot . yii;i . . \.l!. , .N.S . .\lld.. Out.. I'.K.l. SAL. S.S.. N.S.. s.n.. Out.. Out . . ijuo . . Ont . . Out.. Out., lilt . . Ont.. Out.. ','110 . . i-iim . . ont . . .(Id. mt . . v)llt.. .\ild.. \!l(l.. guo . . .^110 . . < juo . . \ .S . . X.H.. li.C . . Out.. X.B.. int . X..S .. Civi'ii Hill Cr.vii 1 1;i;kI (ir''('ii 1 liiid (irt'fMi 1 ..Iiuid Covo I'i.'t.iii, T, 'Jlior :io I'iltCove, 45 Si'c I le Verte. c.italina. 41 i; Jl.uikin. Walker! on, C. (Irc'cu LaUi' .*-'(!ttl('ineiit (ilVi'llOi'k .... Renfrew Uriii'o , .• (Irocn Toiiit (Irccii I'liiiit lliilieester I'riiico I'ilward Ontario I'eliii-ieouata Vietiiria 'olelietiT lioiiavista WentworLh ii.itliiir. t,T or'.'.H I'ietiin, <) or 7 WliiUiv, A or fi (irci'ii River (Irccii River (irt'cirs ( 'reek • Iiiv.du I.oiip.Aa, T or ;!1.. Riv. (Ill I,oii|), All, 'J' or i;i Steuiaeke, T . (ireen'n l'.pnd,44. l)lini!:H, n Orcpii's I'diul liri'i'iisvillo J) (Iri'ciivale (Jrci'Mvillo GrcciivilK' UrciMiwich Grwiiwlili Hill (ll'ccM wood JlKJO'S ' 'arl(>toM ' 'iiiiiberlaiid Xiie.'.s .Ciii'.,'^ intario VI"oiiia t;!iarl.itl town, Z1,2'J oral). (Iri'i'iiville. Vb .Iroeiiville. '1'. Se • I'ort W ; liiaina .Station (Ji liwiell. .•(5 U liii),-, A or L Cirocn's .Mill.H. I'arrv .'^luiiiil. 17 ) Uronvillo (irt'-hani \r.,'eiitL'uil '.nice Orenville, •.>. (itxleriell, Af 13 4 14 fi l.-J 1!) 6 4'i :,7 (rrcfiiji Napaiiee, A Aiiileyville, Cft .\leafie-.|. 1) or 15 Til-oUii IIV, lie Owen Sdiiiid, Eaor X.'i Staii-itead, .s Oa~; 6, ;;() , lleiiireu-, N i'ilt C,,ve,4.'5 '''■ii'Uby, B. •Se-'Biiriilcy ^ifueii's l'.)nd.4.') ilarbor l!ritoii,44 CiroMiiii.'s, ;{;;. Di^rbv, U (Ircy (tricr.-ivilln tii'illlii'-i Conior.s UrilHu'.s C.iriu.'iN Critllir.s (l.inior-* (ir'mii'.sCovo (irltllth Iiiroii ;r^y ;i,,'iii !rey taiistead la-:p(i Gri,'iiet. (iriiiij-hv ■reneh Shore i.iiu'dln \'(iriluimborlaiid o:ia\ i-uv .'orrime Hay I'lirtiioiif 115 (iriiii>h!iup's Mills (Ir i;it's I.-laud Grole (rroudin**-* J Gro.-;se CNxiiios * • Uv^hy 28 St. Tlionia«, Aa .Metis. T, 2!) or 30 Sydney, 41 \ow (Jla-gow, Tc Yal'!,4,H. -Yy liner, Bi5 . Shciliai','J'b iliielph, A or(!, W'entwurth, T See LeJIe.siirior. St. .loliii's 1 Gro-so lloi'hes r>i Gro-^s I'niiit . . . . Viotoria tiuy.sboroiu^h . ( "iiriboo "(J Grosvotior G rolls'^ (h*('ok (J9 Grov('.SLMid GucjriKMi Gaolpli K ','in Kont 10 u .32 GuUer'.s i.'orticrti Gull Covo .Mosantie Plaet iitia & ,St. Mary'.'- Mav dfi V(*rils 'jiie . . Nlld.. VUd.. X .S . . Xttd.. <.s.. X.S.. mt . . \' .S , . ,'.S . . ,)110 . . ont.. ?:i Gall Inland (,'arbonear, 40 Di.u'by. U iJriKiis, 4G ■boi-oii'4h , .. N'orf.ilk (riiv-borouLjh . Ilaiifa.v ...' T."VM XewGlivyow, Te In,'-,'erso!l, B New Cla :'row. T(; 11 lifax, TorU Hadlow, Aa. Toronto. G7 77 ^3 llaufniiau's Corners York •In,*,, ' ""111 ' M- ' '>P' ^!;;, •M k. t u ■ 1 :, ; i'M i I '' li-5i -5 ! tLrnh'' , ifiSiti;',:!!;" ' ► ' ■ Ck','. . ;• .- jv! :- ,d 64 TAUI.K OF IlorTKS. :>• 'Kll, 1; >- i Itiii I'A.ssi;n-(J Kii's i)i;sTi nation' 'r . ITain'M ('(iriuM'^ . . Ilaiinxtrail ITiu Hai lip -l« iil>tiiii >l. Faiinitiiii llaiii)! i\iiii>iiin aiimt,.!) ITaiil'.inl Fir Ilainioii .. . Coiiiily nr District 'aliliiniiiid ixl'cii'd . . . , I'll )iil iiiii Maliliinaiiil ... . NdrllMimlii'ilaiiil. ( :iiv-l-<>riiii"li ,. . . ■lirst. I 'iiiiilM'iland . . I'('lrvll(irilll''ll. ilifax . rant ic Ml I liinliii;-;il(Mi Hu'ititirH .. I'i'(crlii'rnii(,'li. Wiiitudrlli. . . Ilaltciii Wi.lfn i:i"in I,('iin'>\ l'clrlliMrMii!;|i. \Vrl'( Wdl'lll .. . (.iMCi'lIM .aiia'k Vovk rill Halifax K'iiii:-< . . K iii">< . . i,Mi('(>ns. . Amiapiili Dnrhaiii. Kiii'.'s . . . l.'Ul'l'IW. . Kiii'.'s . Wi'iitwiihh n. , Tlarlinr liii'V.'it , Tlavii^r (i(> X'canx ITarbur (!all TTarl Hi i\V, iiir Cri 'o . irbiT li' ('rtmii> llav ria (Mitia & St, Mary' I'rcinli Sh"!(' ...... I rortiiiio I'av I larltMr (ii'a c kv r.iir 'CO (lid l,a Polio. Ilarli a-.AIain :Ha:h !!■ i-tii Hariior Alillo ITavhorHoad |Aiit; Hail) r Kiiiiiul Har idi'villo Vv^ ar 'iiiirt . H; ITanl\vi:'k(> , mini' ITill Hard> H in- Hav, id Laiid^. It'Mifn .\d:Ul N.ath P'ctni [COl.-ll I l!i>iKivi-ta , If Main Mid.. ' !• Hay ... iiiish h Plunv Mid.. N'.S.. Mid \ S.. OW' 1 lilt . . ■rtiiii ' >iit . . iiliibcrlaiul I N'.S rstiT N.S.. Hari^ l;ay ('rwilliiiLTitn iind I'dtro Ha Harj:ra\ narleni id Wi'4iii(>rlaiid 'olliliVO •fl*ft*.ti Ll'oJs I'rov. ''lit . Did, . i,'ii(< O'lt. ., Did . N.S., N S. N S. Out N.S. <,>iic . (,liic . lint, . Out. Old . N.S. (Int . (,inc Old . Out . Out. Old. . N.a. Otir. . Out. Or.t . N.S. N.Il. N.M. Out. Out . N.B N.S. Out. N.Il. IM'.l N.H N.I'., Out. Old.. Nlld. N.S N.H. Nlld. N.S Nlld. Nlld. Nlld. Nil I. Nlld. Mo.Ht roiivcnliMit Toliit iirci'isilili' liy lliiilriiad or Slciimcr. llaircrHvilli', II or /.a. Iiit;ci-;(ill. II <('i' ( Irutidu JJaio. Sci' r.\ li;r. .Sec (1 l.d'loll . New ( llil ;'(i\v, Tc . . . f.riiMklicld,'!' At!i< •I' llalilitirtnii. I!) Halifax. T nr V . Sec St. I'Vrdiiiaiid. Ihaiiiiiii lU'll.'vill I.akclirlt Sec r.illl Kcidvill Uii(di\v(i( Dam nil Nlld. N.Il. i.i'io. Out. i| ford .A. . Ce ClilUe'^ Covo. nouniaiiville, A or 1 . Haiiiptnii, Til. il lotiiw n. /i. '-'!) or I'rcderirtoii, X, /.!i or ;;. Ilainptim, 'J'a. IlaniiUoii, 1;. '/..I or 1 . . . WalKert.dii. (' Ilirlinr (ilM; e. 4iJ Haul port, r I'rederirtcin.X, 7h or 3.'). I'dalina, -l-'i Ni'w Ola 'tlW Ti Harlier liritc ii, 41. -1. .I.lllll':i Tilt Cove. 4--. Ilailinr Itritmi.-ll. iiaili^ r Crare, •Id. -r..l N( TiltC lierw li.Mlf Nai a Cliatliaiii, ;i(> or :!S . . 'ieton. T', 'Jll or ;iO. ■lii'.lii'iia ailic, T. . . . Or, I'oud, l.). .■^alirtharv, Ta. l'..r!a,; or :i" X, y.!i or '■'<■>■ I. ■ /.a or 1 •. 4ti .X. 7A\ or 3.'). i\\ , 'I'c t< 11, 11. ton, -11.. ■,-lil. ., 41 .. INV, 'Vc ') •V:\ l'ort,:t... .A.Norl. i i;i c 5 •22 VI ID (li (i •J 7 !0 M 70 80 ■.OoroS _'i) or ISO.. . . ii'. T Mia,l">.. ... 45 •2(5 ID 8 (;:» j) (ij •J:i :j i:t 8 •Jtj i';.S(ii;u"s dk.stinatio.n. (J')iinty or J^lHtrict. I'rov. Town, Villafe'o, ito. ll:»rlcv ll;irlo,k jhiilowi' ll;ir:iiiili.V ll.ii'Mioliy Il.innnrj',' lIuoM .'. Il.ii|i'r Ii.ii|ilty llai'iMirlicy Iliirrici .villi' Il:irri;r;iii ( 'o\ i- Il;\i-r;ii .'ton Ivi I . ,. . Iliuriii,'i(iii W't -.t.. . . Iliiiribiir ;,' Ihn'i'i-ciii's Ilarri-ioii'.s ( 'onirr^. . lhirri-.tiiM il;irrow ll:UTow.--lilil ll Ilartfoni ll.utfonl lliirtiir^tiiii lliirliaiKl Hartley llartiiiaii Harvey Harvey Civek Harvey Hill Mill''^. , Harvey .sialioi Ihirwicli , Harwood llas('ville llastiiiKM lla-ter, ll llalilax.Tor i: (iiiiivilli', 2 . .-iiralloKl, ,\ iiai'ii-biiivr, H or (J lliiirisiiii -I, U Mllles Ho. hi.-i. A llairi-.toii, ( ; or E. .\iiilier.ibiiiv, II Ilariou -iiiit :i, /.). \Va erford, !l \ aiiiioiilli, ll) 1 llarrou^iii.tli, /Ai {llarLlaiid /.li. jt.'.uiibray, (i LsioiilVville, F. iSali-biiry, Tii Yal-, 4.S CraiK •> Unad, Aa Il.irvey .SLalmn, W. 'I'haiiie.svilli-, 11 Harwood, K. .MaiibridrCe, 1' I'eliobMjiii-i, 'I'ii Aiiiliernt, 'i' See Madoe. (.'olboriie, A .VyiM-'s I'lal.i, S lliirKi.'o,41 .->ee riaiila/eiiet. reterboroii;,'li, (ia Lau reiieelown, L' D;>,'l)y, L' I'elerboroiigli, (Ja See Hry^-oii. (iri-liville, '.' llau ketone, Da. liirliii, A . iiawli-ey, 11. . '■( 'liiitoii, Af . I r.owiiiaiivill.., A . ! ilaiiiikoii, It, /a or 1 ... . . I Hay iii'SVille, Zii. . jl'orl Hood, :,'.) . j New llaiiibuiv, A j.^i. .(olin's iOreeii's Pond, 4"< .jCliarlotteio'A 11,7.1, I'll or .i.-tiU.-;ville, O . ., , iRii liinoiid Ilill, I) . I I'lirt (Jarry, 'i\ .'I'Viudoii fall-i. Is. ..... . Amiier-t. T . I Harbor llriion, 41 ..Harbor MritMi,, U . ■Shelbiiriie, 40 II 11 t>7 t to 7 7 >i H ! •■>l . l>I 7 H l.'i 9 a a n !) 411 ;;(i H 9 10 •Jd •25 r, Hi ;io 14 •-'H 2 12 •JO IL 4 .'I 10,5 8 IK :i ,? .;o 10 '■','> •'I't 8 '•Ntl I f :c[> 1 m f 1 *|" H!i^„ tl n-.h ^ iijf 1^ ■ I; ai 1! 8 ■ ' :i < I I il'+ .:* fer 56 TABLE OF ROUTES. l'AS.-!KN(}ER'S DKSTIN'ATION. Tow 11, Vill;i::o, &('. Ilpivl (if Mill tri'ain jlpa'l iif l!iii,L.'i' Hfiul of St. M:ir.'iiri't.'s Kay. Hciiil (if sr. Man's lUy lifiul of I'oiitli liivor Liiko.. Jioml of 'r:itaiiiii^,'(Mich(! liay, liciul of Ti'lc llc!iwl of WiiUiirc Biiv Hfiiulvillc Hoiirl'B Coiitoiit Hfiiirt'fl licli'ilit lloart's Ih'-irn HiMit's Ea.- Hibrrnia Hiboriiia Hibr-rnia Hi|.'}.'iii"s liiad HitrifiirsSi'tllonienfc HifThltlMiV Hiuh I'alU Hiuditicld Hi^'hliold HinliL'at'" Hiu'blaiidi \-rok Hitrhlaiid Villa;4n Hilda Hini(>r HilMim-o' Hill~bonv..Ldi HillsboroiiLTti Hill-ibnroii'ih Hillsbni^' Hill-linrj; Hillsburu ...,, County or District. Prov I\iii^"( X.B. . Wc^tniorlaiid N.B. Halifax N S. . Di^diy X S . Antit-'onisli .. X.S. . ColrlicstiT N S. . U('-tit;oii(!io N.15. . Ciiiiibcrlaiid .N K. , Driininioiid Qm) . Triiiily Mid. Triiiitv Mid. 'I'riiiitv Mid. 'I'viiuty Ntld. (ircy Out . I.iinpiil)iir,i.r N .S. I 'liifoutinii yuo . .\Uii.K. Halifax X.S , Mo.biir\, Ta I ••fl.atat*. ManiiK'tto Uciifrow Hants York Kent York I'olcliester IhKtIn.i.'- I'rimo Kdward I.:unbt(>ii \lbpi-t I 'iinihiM'hiiid.. . I in ''•I e-s . . .. ni'j'\v VY'^llini-'ton .... Annapolis ,.... Man. ( nt . N.H. Out. Ont Out. X.S >.nt . ( in.t . jOwen Sound, Ea or l/i. . . . |Miiiis(.ir. ill'.B ilieniiniiii^ford, Ae 't'oatieooU, Ab [l,ntli"r, K l'rederi( ton, X.ZIi or '•)').. Harln r Briton. 44 New Mills, T Halifax, T or IJ T\\ illiiiL'iU', io lies) cN r. ('. SiH^ llariietf. P» ti rboroii.rh, Ga r.ri;.'us. 4ti Ilaiiivport. U Hiiluii- tead. ;;.") .\iiiiai!olis, (■ Siiimiier,-ide, /.i. i'.'J or 4"-'.. .■-Iiubeiiaiadie, T I'ort Carr; ..01 .\riiiiri. r, N Newiiort. V Malton. A lli,uh;.'ate, H. Toroiii Truro. T I!ell(>\ille, P.ellevillr. Porc-t. A. .-ali.diurv , Ta -ee Six Mile Boad. Port JIoo.l, ;'.i» ■^ee Pi !ir liiver. ' !eorLr"town, A . . . , -VnnapoU^, U A, (1 or 7 A. (J or 7 Q y.i i.-> 21 7 04 IS r> •2-2 ir, •24 'J I ;)(► IS 10 4 3 8 48 24 4i H D 8 P> 5 24 10 4i 11 9 4 9 4 18 :i 16 r> •27 21 27 ill ;!2 "i 14 21 8 IS r» 22 14 1-i iont Point ti StciiMicr. ' s i;{ I 15 L' n T.- (n IH J' 111- ;;s r. -'•i (loflrantliuiii ,4(1 15 4tj ., 24 Ki •.'I .•10 :i() 1) l« ic 58 7\ 4" 3 8 \i. 48 Ol'/.i 24 , At'. 4i 1'*! 8 Eiior IT) 12 ]l 5 24 ) k; ■1' X.'/Ai or 35... n.-14 9 4 IJ i) 45 4 , Ga IS f IB ;.-, 5 '>7 ■/a. :;!t..r-i--'... 21 , T 27 I 51 :i2 3 14 VI 8 (i Dl" 7 IS 5 22 14 A 1"} 6 TABLE OF ROUTES. l'A.-.S.:.NMi;iLS DlC.STiNATIiiN. T.)Wii, Villa.,', .^p. nni^ii.iii! Hill dalo Hill ilalo Hill's (iro'Mi llilNiilo Hilton Hinch HisciK'k's I'oiiil !Ioa-ic Hiiath Iloal Hoc!i"la-a Hock H()(li,'(!"s ("oi'iii.'rs . Hii:r-,''s T.ack Ifoltirnok ilnllani] f''T;. iroHaiul Laiiilin.; Hollin .". H(illi)\V0ll I llMllt. lfolinn-;villi! Holiii"-;vill'> . . . . Hol-toiii Holt, Holyrooil Ifolyr.Hi;! Holyrood Hoill'T llonoywoofl Tlookhii^ Harbor. Hoik;. . Hop;; Coinitv or ])i-stri(t. .^^. .... Uant-f Killer -i -■i:ui'oo .... Huron .. . . AllnMt .... Xorthninbo AiMin;,'ton r.ur.'c'o iind La I'liik', DiiriiUn '• ri'.v Ilo.liola;ja I 'anhvcll ' Ircnvillo -^'Mli'OO )xforil I'rov V irk W'-lliu-'ton \nt i.Lroaish , ( 'arlotou . . . Huron Hopo Hopo All Hopclicld llojie llivor Hopotown Iloitovillo lloppwcll Hopewell Hopew(>lI (':tp'' . . llopewoll CiiriH'r HopewU Hill, .. Hornby llorniir/'s .Mills. . Ifornsoy Horso Covo HortoM Horton CoriU'r:. . Horton CorinTs. . Horton LamliiiLT . ][on,^'liton t 'I'litri' House IlarlKir . . . Howe's Coriii'ia. Howe Islauil . . . Ho wick llowiek Hoyt Huhhanl'si'o', ('. . llnbb ir.s Falls . . Hudson HtV-rhe^ Hull HuUsvllle Huiuber Hutnb'T-tnne, . . . Uumber SuMiniit. Vnrk P.nicn Harbor Main I'la-entia&St. Mary's Fiiiieoln .-^inieoo I'reneh .'^hore P)OiuiVc!iture Yale York Trinity llenfrew ijueens Lanark Norfolk .Vlbert I'ictou .Vlbort ,\lbert ,Mbert Halton (Jrev X.S, . .V.15.. Ont . , Ont ., N.l!., Ont. , nnt , Nllil. Ont. lint . ( )uo . Ont . Ont . Ont . Ont . , Ont, , Ont. Ont X.8., Ont. , 0!lt Ont , Ont Ont., Nflil. XtM. Ont . Ont , Nllil (.(no . Ti.O. I 'nnibi-rland . Harbor Main Kin^r.s Lanark Ri'nfrew . . . ., 'Cincrs Norfolk ' la^ti/? llaatiniB I'ro'itena". . . ' 'batean^'uay Huron York Halifax I 'arl"ton . . . , N'auilniiil . . . Najiierville. . ittawa HiMiniaii'l , York Wrllaiul York ont \IM. Ont . I'.K.I Ont. Ont . N'.H. X.S. x.n. X.R. X.IJ. Out. Ont. X.S . X(M x.s. Ont. Ont . X.S. Ont . Quo . Ont . Ont . <,)ne . Ont . X.IL, X..S., I int. Qui! One. Que . Ont. lint . Out . Out. Jfost convenient Point II le-sible by llailroail or .^teanier. Nfonnt T'niiV'ke, U 8t. .lohn. Tor W liarrie. Da . II .\l(irri-bnr-', A ■ )wen Sound, lia or Pi Montreal . . .Mono UoM 1, i. ■■^iM! Mayniird. ,-v'e(Heni aini. \Vood-t."i,,LJ S 'e Arnolt. Holl,,;,d Landincr, TX !)ra\ Ion, (! New {!la 'riov, '!'•■ Wooil-toeU, VorZii Cliiiton, Af MouMt i''i>re-t, V, Vewniarket, D, I'a . . . . St. John's St. .lohn's St. Ca' barine-i, I! or I . . . . Slielluil'lie, Iba Tilt (;ove, 45 Pa^liebia',:*') \ew \Ve;tiiiinst'r, 48 ^ee Sb.aron. Harbor (;ra"c, 40 Ilenfriw, X ('!iarloit"town. '/A, 2'.) or i!!' IV;th, Na -ee Tvrr.dl. Sali^iurv, Ta , llojiewell, Te, Sali^Vuiry, '!'.: , Sali-biirv, 'la .Silibury. Ta t leor_reto\vn. ;\ . Horniri'.r's Mill Wontwortli. T -^t. .lolm'j V:: ~ee ( Iraiid I'le. I'ertb. Nil. .S"e (biu^i's LandinfT. Horton Landing:, T. .Simro '. 1! • 'iasp'', :;i) Se' Myreliall. Kiinr-ton, A. Zlmr 1 f!a;i:.dniawa:-ia, A j See ( lorrie. Hovi. \V. Haiifax.Tor TJ .Arniirior, Is' Hudson. 2. IIU'.'Ikt:, A.>. Ottawa. >', O or 2 TlulLvilH'-./i. ! (ii'Mber Siiiiiiiiit. K Port Colborn". Af , lluntbur Summit, L. 6t ■5 a >^ 'O -^3 7 .10 i« 11 17 r, 10 10 8 « 2 14 10 6 50 ;;5 4 6 fi 4 28 T.'i 4 » CO ft 85 43 50 21 19 35 2f> 41 37 10 22 14 32 120 ft 1ft 32 7 J lii:-r> III III- * lis, ;.- i« ',■ I i- 1 :ik. I 58 TABLE OF ROUTES. m^ %ai It? 11^ ^' l^ii I r ■« i s III • " it 1 ' .v s,^ 1 ; X (1 i: 1 i,'s .1 ) 1 ;,-.Ti X .\ T 1 () X . Most convoniont Toint ftrcc-.-ihlo by llailrotul or Stoiiinor., Villago, Aic. County or Di.-trirt. J'rov. X.U.. Ont . lint .. X.S. . Quo . . Quo . . Que . . Quo Out.. Ont .. .X.S.. Ont .. Ont .. Ont. . Out.. Ont , . Quo Ont . . I nt . . Or.t . M!d. . Xlld.. X.S.. X.S.. Quo . Xlld.. Xllil.. X.S.. X.S. . X 15 . Xild.. .Man.. X.S.. X.S.. X.S Ont . . r.i'.i X.S.. x.r... X.l!. ITniniilircv's .Mills llnn-vrfMi-d Mills VVo-tnnnland lla-tiTi^rs 1 'ardwoll Iluniphroy's Mills. T. Si'i' 'rwooii. P.oltnn. 1'. 10 Hunter's Monntain Vioioria Maskinon.LTn ••jMk«-- llunlinplon . .Uh... I'.rnnu! IWr. . . • -iiorbrookc nadilook.ll. Iti\iiro (In l,nu)i <>i /iiiiit/2\ ('an;diiui\\a:.,'a, Ac ,-^cc I)il|.>n. ' I.onnow illo. Ab or S Stitt-Villr. () iluntcr^tow n 17 llnntin'-'d.Mi ;;h IFtint in.'l on Flint's Ilnntin;;villo Hum ley llnnliT-Aillc Hiinl's r.iiuL (i Lanark (.Mit'ons N'ii'toria r.ruio Wollin^'ton ... .... \\-\ MiddlosoK .\lninnfi'. N . . . . J,i\'oriio(il. ill 7 H llnnt.Aillc Hnrnn If 11 ;! on nraci brM',''!', 11 Hnri n. Ca. Moontiidd. C 2i t; Iliiitonsvilli! I Iran 1 1 it 4 m. A 4 Lor.don, A'J. 1! or J Sco St,\ Athana~o. .Millbn.ok, (1 (i Iborvillo Ida Iliorvillo I )iirli'im c, Ildorton. Ind'ana Indian Arm Indian 1U\ Indian liro.ilv Indian liriok Middl0Sl>.K Ilaldiniand r>nna\i i; Indian ('ii\o Indian II irbnr Indian 11 irii ir Indian lI.irliDr Indian! land Indian 1 -lands Indian .Mis.;ion.. Indian TaMi Indian r*ii it 'i'willin^rato and Fo;,'o. l;ur;::oo and l.a I'oilo. . ; ln\.-lior(inj:li Halifax Ciiarlotto 'Puillineatc an ;m 74 'JH T4 U r> 11 Indian I'.iint Indian ll'x or Inilian W.vr Indian Knad India nliiwn !) 10 7 St^ .T(i}iii 'V or \V TS Jndiantciwn Indu-trv ? Idliot to ( 'no , . Ont.. Ont . . X S.. Ont. . Ont . Quo . . ■■tld.. Ont Ont .. Ont . . X.r... Out.. 0ns . . Ont .. Ono . I'.K.I. Out . Ont.. XOd.. X.S. Ont . X.T5.. Quo , . Qno , . Ont . . Soo .Toilet to. ln:-'er-oll. 15. 15obea\|,'eon, IS or HI P.adde'ok.ll Proiiin.lla. Iroiinoi-. A See P.ri-t(d. ( t V('(^n's Pond 'l.") Intror-iiil In,--..ld.- .... Peoan' our. An Suninior-ido, '/A, lil) or -i'.'. lona. IT S(M' M' (iillivrav. ITarb.Tdrace. ir, New Ola ri>»'. To Iri-h Crook. X. 18 11 1 .. 14(J Ireland Indand'- 1',.\(> Irish ('live Irish Crook ^!iddlosox ... Trinity Iiii'hniond Oronvillo ^Vo^^tnlorIand ilroino Ottawa Iri-litiiwn 1(1 Ir.m Hill ■^wcot biir""! . \\ « Ironsido Ottawa. AT. O (U- 2 5J Iroquois Dundas Iroiiiuiis, A or 1, licnt Toiiit ,A )li' by • .Stciuiipr. nils T. 10 11)) (/( hunt, 'Jl 17 .Ac •M \h(,r.S o 7 S 1 2i 1' 4 iorJ (i iiii~i'. r, ! (11- ,1 10 H ;j • • . . (;:! ■l."i 1.-) t>.-) .-, :m 71 r 'JH 14 U 1 »)!". II , r , (111 /a. :;:> or i'.'. T :;0(ir :is W IS orl!>. 45. ''.Ixir 1 . (' I'll or l"> \ 'a, :;:» or r.'. 11 y. I!... ovl', 1. > 5 II .')t3 !) 10 7 IS 2 :-5 51 21 10 « 1 12 18 11 ^2 MO Ifi H 5i TABLE OP ROUTES, 51) r.VHc^L.Nli KU'S ])i;---i'| x ATli »N' . 'J'dwn, VilliV^'c, &u Irvine Irviii'^' S'li li'iiifiit l-;i;i 's I l;irb(ir. I ili„'(iiil ^h lihllid r.ronk . . {■-laiKl ( (IV(!.. . . Miiii 1 Covo . .. Isliinil ( 'iivo ... Isliiiiil ll;irl)iir . \A. Ijlciiux ChtitH... l-ili- iuix Couilro.s. Uli" mix (inii'H. . . Nlc !iii\ Noix. . . . \-h- Uiziird l-lc !)ii|i,n I-ilc .Ic-IH isle remit UUm mix Morti . . Nlft .Ici'i'iiiio .... \Ac Viili'ii !sl(' Vcrtu F>liii;.B. x.s. Most conviiiieiif I'oint lieee -w.lise liy Ilailniad or .Steainor. out . I '.L.I Ont . iii-.t . N.B. Bc' aiieonr, .\a .~ali>bnry, 'I'a .New (tla-.;,'(iw, '!'••. ~^ee ('hi;,'oiiai,se Iliver. Leniioxville. Ah <'r .S I arlioiiiiir, -lii Harbor ( Ira e, I'l Il.irbor (Ira. e, 111 I'o.'O, l-'* I. I III -ay, (i '.iri.loii, '.' •I. I'liul's Jlay. Ill t. 'I'hoinas, Aa. . .•^lott-ville, Ad .Montreal Ilei'lliicr en liaiit. 'l'> .MoiiM'cal St. Anne's, A or 2 Uo-e Llaiiilie, -11.. . . . . Iliver (111 Loll]), Aa, T or I. 1 .■^l. John's IUmt (111 Loii]), .'\,i, '1' or ;; 1 Miiiiico, iia Bi'lleville, A, (i or 7 Barrie, Da Burin, 41 Owen Sound, Li or I •") (ll'een's I'oiid, b") 'lilt Covi', 4.i .-^e ' Kirbv. (.'oldbroo'k, U. Colilln-ook, L. Woodsiork, \' or Zh Wi.oo-to.k, V or Zh .\ylesford, U B-thany.d Balbur-t, T or i: •.. . OriUiii, J), (! (.r l:j,. .larvi-, Br or Zii. See Iri-h (.'reek. Burin, 41 Halifax. '1' or U Jelly's, X. .leiusc!.'. ll."). W'iekhaiii, "•') St. I'l'anroi i, Zr Newmarkil. 1) Harbor Briton, II L\ mien, B .See Port Hood, Trinity, l."i Carlionear, b! I'O'.'O, 4.") lUv.r llebcrf, T I'liannel, 44 I )wen Sound , Iia or B"). . . .lohnson'-, Ac. I)orelie~ter. T See ^V(4llll■r's (la-Ti'tov II, ll.'i .lohnsfon's, 'I'. 1'.. ILU.A I'll . .ttetown, Z'. •_':) or :i I'ns ott. A. .M or 1 -ei- (":lllt<\Vorth, ilartluud, Zli It III) yo 22 •^1 !> •_'(> •JO 101 li I'J 6 4 27 •-'i K 7 12 hO Kit 10 :i 21 11 AH l( !>1 13 8 5 10 1'.! 7 12 1.1 l.t It 4 r> 2.". 5 4 f) Vi 7 22 19 ID :i 20 Ilk' I ;-i. I'i!!- Ill' *&■ 'I'l !lj-'lt': ill I j' PU- h . I Ml CO TABLE OP ROUTES. r.u, i; .'UKii's ]JKSTi.\ATi;)X. Tiiwii. Vilhigc, L.C, JolmvilU JdlK lire . Joiio.V CnnicrH. JoiiC'V lull.-*,. . . JoH.iiiicrc'i , . .. Joi'iliin Jonlan . J(inl;iii Jirdiiii 11. ly. . , . Joriliui Imitv . . Jonhiii lUvcr. , JoKCjililiiiri,'. . . , JudhliU! Jura JuVOIlilo SottlOHllMlt Kilbli' Kiihilar Kaiulddps Kaiiioiiraska Kar.-i Kill's Ka^tncrvilli; Katc'.^villu Katuvillc Kay Si'UU'iiuMit.. , Kazahaziia Keady Keels KccMiaiisvillo KC'L'llC Kccjiawa Keilli. Kciilili V Cri'i>k. . . , KellorKy Kellev's C'iac Kelly's Kcl • o Kelvin Keiiibli' Kciii]'!. Kouii t Kciuiit I'.riil ft' . . . , Kciiiiit I Ira'l Keiiij't Kii.kI KeiiipL i;.;a'l. . . . . , Kcuii/t 'I'dwii KeinptviUo KciKlal Ki'iiiiwcnh Kciuiicir.' Keim''l)t'r J^iiie Keinictcddk KoiUlftl'dok Cdl IKT . Keii<);:aiin KcMisiiiiil.iin Kent nriilL'c Ketifs I ;1;iikI Kent Villa-c Ker.tvillf Kenvoi! Kepler Keppdi'h Kerl(>y's Jlarbor ... Kerrwooil Kerry Uoiiiity (jr Distri. t. i 'rov ('oriipton .... \V(.'ht.iiidrlans«. Chathnni, 1! Halifax. Tor U (lold.-td!ie, C Ko; tvillo. r. .-ee r)inive^,.u. Kej^ler./b.^ .Vinv (!la{i I las .5 H IK vf 8 11- 2 Ja or l.> CO Vi lit 18 o 74 ,■> 4 12 18 ■111 (ir 1 ") i:{ ;ir( ?o ?;i iiO I'c 5 !)4 Si (ir-1. U A- '2 19 n 'J' '?0 'IM.SS. 11 ' 40 18 Tc. 13 3C TABLE OP ROUTES. PA.S3ENGEU'S DM.STIXATIOX. Town, Villapo, &c. Kertoh Ke-wick Knswick Ko.-twii'k U'lli^'n. .. K(!tph Harbor . .. Kettloby K(!Wfit()ko Koysfir K"tOL'auiio-Soebe. Kilbrid') KiMiiro KiMivro Kildoiiaii Kilkonny Killanioy Killcan KilliijrowM Kiliiiaiiarh Kiliiiariio 'k KiliiiarLiii Kiltnaur:! Kilsyth Kilwortli Kiint)i>iioy. Kiiiiboltoii . Kinbiirn Kinburn Klnbnrn Kinoardiiiu Kinrardino Kin;,' King ('r'!ok Kintfliorn Kiiif^lako King;brid:^G Kin;^,-ibur.c Kin;,'.shury King's Covo King'sC ive Kinj?S!'loar Kiiij?sny Kingsoy rail-; King Sntilenient. . . Kingston . Kingston Kingston Kingston MilN King>to;i ViUago . . Kingsvillo Kinkora Kiuloss Kinlough Kininonnt Kiinioar's .\[ill-' Kin.salo Kingsford Kinsman's Corners. Kintail Kintoro Kippen Kirby Kirkdal,^ Kirktield Kirkhill Kirkhill Kirk's Forry County or District. Prov Lanibton V'ork York York Halifax York Invornoss Middlesex Al'-'onia Ilalto;! .Folit'tto I'riiu'o Selkirk Montcalm Algonia Wellington ...... !l irbour Main I'.'Ol (Jrnnvillo Middlesex ("ailoton Middle-ex Or.'v Broiiio f.'arl 'ton . . Huron .... r,nnenbiirg Vii'toria York York Yor'K Xorfolk Huron Lunenburg Ili.'huiotid lionaviita Twitlingate and Fogo, York l):Hi:inu(iiil Druiiiuioii I York I'rontciia-; l\''nt , Kings FronteiiaT Kings , Perth Bruce liruce Vi'"toria .... Mc'-'antic .. . . I )iitario Hasti .gs Kiiiirs Huron Oxford Hunju Durham . . . . nnuumond .. Victoria (Cumberland . (Hengarry .. , Ottawa.."..., Ont . . Out . . Out.. N.H.. N.S.. Ont.. N.S.. Out.. Out.. Out. . '.luo . . i'.H.I. Man. . (juo . Out.. int . . .Vlld.. • nt . Ont . . Out . . Ont.. Out.. Out.. Out.. Quo . . Out.. Out., N' S . . Ont . , NMi.. Ont . . Ont . Out., out. . (^ut.. N.S.. Quo . , Xlld.. N'lld. N.IJ.. Que . . C^ue . . N.B., Ont.. N'.D.. X.B.. Ont . , N.S.. Ont . . Ont . . Ont., Ont., Ont. <.^ue . Out. Ont . X.S., Ont. Out. Out. Out . Quo . Out . y.s. Ont. Mo3t <'onveuieut Point a,-ce^-.ilile l,y Railroad or iSleaucr. Wans'toad, I!b .Newmarket, I) Si'o Roach's Point. Keswick, Zh. Halifax, T or TT Aurora. 1) I'ort Ho,«i, :;:». Iverrwoipil, I! -ee (lanleu Ki\ cr. Hamilton, 11, /.a or 1 . .loliette, Y Vlbcrtou.,1-: I'ort (iarry, .M l,'Assom|iti,iii, '-'7 KiUaruev, I 7. (lalt, (;.'. .St. John's Hram|iton A Smith's I'alN, \ or -1. , < llelicoe, 1» Vruprior, N "r ;i ( iwcn .^oiiiel, 11a or I"). )moka, lib .Meaford,!) ( r |."i ^Ol'. IJnltdU ('.■uiro. Pakenham. -N . Kingston, A. /.b, i, (i or 7 Il:ch;b;u'to, ;;s U')th^ay,Ta King>t,in M,IlsP BloomliiM, U Kingsvill.'. II. Sc'liriugvil!.-. .\f Vt'alkertou. (' r,uckiio\\ . Ca Bobcayg'^ .u. Is Becancoiir, .\a Whitby, -V or 1 Tyeni'.iiiaga. A Kentvill,', I' (lodeiich, Af Ingers(,ll, P, ( liintou, Af X(!\v(a~tle, A I!iehmoui,Aa Kirkfield, F. Athol.T Ijimcast er, A Ottawa, AI, O ur .... Kii()\vl;oii Know lt( II Liii.diii'. Kiioxfur 1 Knovi'art KiiMin;,;l K(>i>t iKiy Kiissiith KiincliilKiirnia ■. . K ;iii'liil)(iiiL,'ii;u'i-* I.ll ]!:)!(> I,!iliam> L:i I! 'auci- T/ihelli' li'Acivlio I-a CaiianliiTi' . . . l/ichcimie I,:icliiiio L'.icliino .hiiu tion. LacliKtt"' LacJ/iIIaho.... Lac y.:i Liiuin^'c. . Lao V-\ (in Lac N 'ir Lacollo Lao Sr. .lean Lafontaini' Lfii.f'ai'i Laliraii '0 . . La (!:irn> La llaA(> Ci-iKS Jloaa-t). .. Lako Aiii lie (soiitli).. Lake Aiii- lio (\vc!-i) . Lako Ayl'.iior Lako lii-aniiort Lako J>: triot Lako l).;;i^ Coiiiily or District. Prov iiroii (lilt V\'(nt\v(irlli I :iit l,p(vN Out . 'cnl. Out . Out. \.l!. (Mio. I'.riiiiio <,tii<' . Cai-lctdn N'.il. I'icton .IX H. Y.irk Miilillcscx. : lalloii ,. , < 'arlf'toii . i'miiio .. . "idillo-ox jOiit . ICodlcnay H.C . Walorloo I Mit . ivolit N'.ll :C<'lit X.Il. ^aiiia^Ira !',>iio . Cliiooutiiiii 'Owe . Vauco ',»i;o . Mioolit N'.S ;t. .lolins li.Mio . 'lU'bo.' l.'.Mio . l/'As^oiiiiUioii . , .lai()no:< ( 'ai'l icr, !I()(liola"a \r 'ciitoiiil Lll!(i(t !'. Tt'iicr 'I'crn'bDiitio I/lslot ;-t. .loliiis Cliii'ontinii .'•iincoo Lako lU honiiu Lakori<>!'l Lakolii>lil Lakoliolil LakoCioonri'' LakoCtOdr ro LakofJcoriro liakoliiir-t Lakola;'.(i-^ liakolaiiilri Lako l.arroii Lako Law Lakolot Lako Mosrniitio Lako M iniu'or Lake of Two Mountains..., Lake ('innicoii Lake ^^lall Lake Hoad jToniisoouata Lake Settlement iXeut Mi-isi^KiiKii Ifuntiiii'don . . . . r.miotibiir;,' I.unonbiir,' lamonbur;,' Invornoss Invoriio^rt 'iivornosfl Wolfo I'lichoc Albert lionlivw Dorclio-tor ArLTontouil ivin^rs IVtcrborou^di.. . Kin.L'S 'I' ar mouth ^ork I'otorbiironiih. . . ("iimborland . . .. llant^* (incboo Iiivorncss 1 [nron Conipton N'orfolk Two Mountains. I'rontonao Onniborland .. . !,>no , f.juo . (.Ml(! . (>)no . ]iA'. Quo . (,)no . <.'no . (."no . Qno . Out Ont . t.Uio . ( )np . X.K. X.S. X.K. N'.S. X.S. N.S. (..'ne . (.IllO. X.l?. Ont Quo . Ouo. N.15. Ont. X.S. X.S. x.n. Ont. X.S. X.S. (.)ae . X.S. ont. no . Ont. Que . Ont. N.S. t.Uio . N.B. Most ronvonlc'tit Point acros: iblc by llailrnad or Stoainor. ■t. Mary's. A :;alt.('.* S 'f 'i'olcdo. ; linrbiirj.'. i;. Ni'ulinrv, li Milfcm, A Wdiid-tiii'k, V or Zh Waterloo, (,) ■sewpoil, li or 8. Wood-lock. V or /.h N'nw (!l:ls;row, 'I'c ICoinoka, 111). Val-, IS lire Ian. A l!ic)iibncto, ::s -co !jMnsviIU>. I. (ircroiro. Ac Cliii'ontinu, ;M r't(\ Marie, '/.{. I.iverpool, -10 I, 'A' ndio, Ad. (^Inebec I.aclionaie, '21 . l.achine, A(\ Lacliini^ .lunction, .\. I 'arillon, 2 Vale, 4H See SI . Cabritd do Itrandon Montreal .^t. .lean Port Joli, An LaeoUe, Ad. See Itoberval. lari Da Ijancai^er. A I'reli^-'-li^liurfr. H >:t. Anicet. .") I/Uneidinp-:, in Soo Middle La Have Forry l,nnenbur'-r, 10 Wliycoconiali, -11 \Vliycnd>roko, :> St. llonri. Aa, or Zf Carillon, '..' Sussex, 'I'a r.akorudd, (la. Aylosford.U ^'arnlonth, 10 rrodorictoii.X, Zh or :;.'<. . Lakolield.da Athol.T Mount Uniacke, U Quebec l'.addeck.4l t'lilVord. !•; Lake .Me<.'antic, Zd. Sinicoe, Be. Sop Oka, Kin^rstoii, A, Zb or L... AndioriJt, T. Lako Road, Aa. Chatham, liU or 38 ID •-'t 2(1 '.■.0 ■» 12 •1.-) 2n I 10 207 r.7 II 41 in IJ ;i ifi p.> 4 2(i r>r> i.t 41 18 :>(> 1!) H 12 21 27 li) I!) 4 17 ;!0 34 22 ',•) •lit I'oiiii .. by IJriviiclnii Joli, Aa 11 ilavo I'crry ■11. •11. b or S. .. ,1- 7.f. •2■^ I 10 !l)7 r.7 41 ir. •1 2(! .').'> l:! 18 :>(! 1!) 11 i 21 /!i (11- ;;.-....! V!7 I 1!) I 1!) 0, U 4 17 IM) za. ;b or 1 . 38 34 •22 TAIILK OV IIOCTF'.S. nn 1'A,SS1';N( I Mil's DKS'I'I N ATM )\ . 'I'ouii, Villii;,'(!, &c. (Jotintv nr l)i-*trict. 1 I'mv. I l)i;:by IN'.H., Oxford ioiit ., (,)iicbi'(r i',iii(> . . I'oiitia'r ,(,iii(! . , Aiitiu'oiiisli j N .S. , lliiroii lOiit . , CarlctDii iN.It. , lliilifiix |l''.S.. Kiiitr.H IN.S., Siiiibnry iNMl. Wolff: (,»ll() l'"ortiiii(' Jtiiy !.\IM. lliiiLiii;,'s iOiit . liiiriii i.\(l(l. l„iki'siili' , l/ikf'^iilr 1/ikc St. ChiirkM I.akc 'ri'iiiisriiiiiiiniiK.' L;ikt'Viilc I,;ikc'vii'\v l,:iki:vilK<. .. , l/lkevillr biikevillc l/iki!Vlllc ConiiT baki' Wci^doll , I.;illy ('(.Vr b'Amiibli' l/iiiinliii'^ I,;l .Milllrhi' I,:l M:lliclu'.. ..... l.'Aiiiiiroiix I,;inibi!f,li b;niibic':< MilN i.ambtoii Liiiiibtoii I,:inilitiiii Lani('()iii' l/uiiiiK I'liioor I.iiiiiirk I,:ini;ii.-t. .John Luu'i? ('oV(^ M'.iir:,'<'o iiiid J^a Puil L'uii"'! Cove n'riiiity bailor i'iiti'rl)()rou:;li Don^hoslor iiniiit Now Wcstiuiiistor., i'.rnco York Xorfolk L'.crthicr Lccila i/lslot I'"r|-ryl:lllil i'Lu^cntia & SI. .Mar York .^IMdlc.-'cx .M(';,'autii' Itcauce I.ambton j')nt York loiit (iloiicLVtor i N'.l! York I'crtli . I ili'iiu'arry INlld. .Mil. Out., , iont . . ;(.iii(!. ]<.iiin. bau'-Ti'viii I.aiijrford baii^loy buijJt-'idc Laii^'stalV Langton bauorain bansdowiK! L'.Viiso a (lil'S L'Aiisc ail I''oiii k'hicoutimi L'.ViiHe aux (IriiVon (lasi)<> Ij'Aiisc St. .If in ;( 'liiroiitinii L'Aiiso Valid' ,ila^i c Laiisin;^' | York Ijauty's Ibuiicnbui':,' La Pi'tite Uiv. St. I'raiicois, . . ]('liarlc;voix La Pit;(!oiuiu re LXapiorvllic Lapland l^iiiii>iibur^' La I'lantc I l!iiri,'c'o and La I'.iilc. La. I'oilc IJiir;,'(.'o and La J'oilo. Laprairii" La I'rascntatloii Lapuin L'An L'.Vrdoi-;!! Larj.Tii! Laror hullo . . Larry 'ri Uivcr La Scie La-^kay L'As^.;oini)tion . Latorrior; . ... Latimer , Latona La Tortuo Latta's Mills. . . Laprairii' St Ilyarintho . Froiitonac Ilichinoml llichinond 1^1-in iIoi,'antii' (iiiybboroii:;li .. l''reiu-h Slioro. York r/ARSsoinptioii. Cliicoiithni . . . . Frontcuac (iroy Laprairie Hastings Out . Out . Ont . N'.IJ. :-"iid. Xlld. i)nt . Olll! . Out . i;.(!. lilt . ont. )..t . v'lio . lilt . i,iue. i,IU(' . Olio . '.IllO. Out. X.S. <,Mlo. ■.liio . \.S. .\lld. .\llfl. (ino . ijue . Oat . ;..s. ;•; s. )nt. .jtio . .\..S. Nrtd. iliit . (,)iio . i,)UO . (Jnt . Ont. yuo . Ont . Jfo.'^tcdiivcnlciit Point nccc-vsiblc by Unilroiul or .Sti>aincr. l)ij.'by, ir St. .Mary'K, A .' gili^bfc .Miittaua, :;. New (ila-.'o.. . 'i Sec .lolin [If,'' , .., il •. Wood-toik, V or /ill Scr- I'U^t.lfd'lorr. I\<'lit\ ilk', L' sii.'iu.^iti.:;.-. SliiTbrookc, .-Vb or S Harbor Lriloii, •! I liclli'villi', A, (i or 7 Uurin, 4 t St. .lolin's St. .lolin's Scarbciroii^li, A or f Loud 11, A/, \i or .( Si'i' Kinn"ar',s .^lill.i. , t. I'r.mroi !, /f ;; Mlc'.-irli.Af . (•(• Mtoliico!,''. ,>Uippr:,'aii, ::s S •(,' .\oblcLoii. IV^rtli.Na Lana-lcr, A (■r.'), s.iiilli Lay, \V. lllir ;('o,-l 1. ilarbiir (Irarc, lii ICocnc, K St. lb'iiri,Aaor/.r . liraiiL.ord. Af or i!i; La;i -I •y, 4S. Liirknow, Ca llichiiiouil Hill, 1) 'riUoiibiii'i.', II Lanoraic, Y or '.'."). liansilowiio. A. L'Aiiso adilo.-t, Aa. Cliicontiiui, :M (ias|,»5. :.(). .Muri'av 1 :,\ , ;il .Mctis.'T. •-M or ;;() Weston, A. I> or K Kentvillo, V St. I'anl'ri Lay, ;; t La Pi^rconnX';' ', Ao. LiiiH'nbr.iy, lo Lft I'oilc, 11 La roil.', 41. Montreal jst. llya-intlie. Aa or 'JS .. . Kin^'>.ton, A, Zli or 1 I'ort Ha\vl.e-bur.\', ;.!' I'ort Ifawko.-ibr.r ,■, Ml loiia, II '. rilanfold, Aa .Vew ( i la-t-'ow, 'I'c jTilt.-oiiiptioii, 'J7. |Cliieoiitiiiii, ;;i iKiiiu'ston, .V, 7,1) or 1 il''le-li('r!on, La iMontreal ISte I'laiulield. 17 ID 10 IM) 01 18 n :t 70 40 !I7 6 6 :;« •2;j 10 12 47 n <>1 8 u 10 I'.S •IS 178 4.) 10 2.") 2i 7 IS .")l> 41 7 (i 111 IS 12 \r> If) 10 'S *• k H ■;' • 'I..'. i n> i^M, . i \l 64 TABLE OF KOUTES. I'.V.SSHNUIUl'S DI'ISI"! NATION. 'I'liw II. Vlllii^jo, Sic. TiaiiiliT-villc Laiin'i liiii'4' . liiiiircl Liiir/nii Liival Liivivlti-i.i..., Liiviiiit l.avi'iMlcr^ L'Avciiir Liiwii liiiwrclirc Liiwrciiic Liiwrcnrctowii liawfii. cliiw II lifiwri'iii <'villr Livwrcnicvillc liOil livill" Lciuliiii; TicklcH Loiiuiiii.'.liiii Li'iiniud i'laiii liCiir's ( ipvc Lc;iskd:ilL' Leiivcii-i Le J'.rctoii riiits Lccli'DVillc Loil^rc Leeds Leeds Vil)u-o Lef riiy Leicester Leiii- Irr LeitcliUeld LeiLih's t're;'k Lehli Leitli C'lirii'Ts Leiiio iirirf LeiiKiiiviilo Lennox Lennox Lennox Vrvvy Lennoxvillc Leoiiurd's II ill L'J'^ijiiiliiii ;e LeircMiix Leciullle Los ]'U)oiil(i!a('ns Leg ]•; urcirls Les Esc'omiiaiiirt . Le.skard Leslieviile Les I'etites licrgerourie.s. L'Eteto Levis Lewis ]Viy Lewis J lead Lewis iiddiitain Lftwray Lewiston Lowisville Lewi.svilh.' Libbcv'sJIills Lifford Lilloet Liniehouso Lime Lake Liiuc liock County or Distriit. Waterloo .. . Kliiu's \V(dlliiKt()ii . I.I'ViS MipiiUiiorcni' ll.Tiliier. ...i Lanark Sinii'oe Dniiiiiiiond .. liiiriii , Cliarloite.. ., York Annaiiolis . . , Halifax Slicl onl Huron ''rwilliui,'ato and Fo^'o. ('oiii)>ton riai'ciitia & St. Mai'y' Ontario (irey Carleton fiOlhinii'iv Charlotte ,Mc;,'aiiti<' M(,'f.'autic Siiiiroe Cuiiilicrland Lriinox Aiina|)olis Cape iireton Cn'y ( Irev ierantie. York I.I'IUIOX Sillli'OO Ilii'linioiid . . . . Slicrlirooke . . . Dniiiiiunnil .. . l/'A-^sdiiiiiticjn (.'Iiarlotlc. . .. AiinaiioKs . . . . Cliarlevoix . L'ortiieuf Sau'iuMiay .... Durluim Y(]rk IU! . . out . . Out ., '.luc ., Nrti.. N.S , N.S lint . t,>ue. . Out . Mill. Out . giie . Mid. Out. Out. Out CJiie . N.U. .Jue , gue Out. N.S , Out ., N.S ., \.S ., Out. Out., Que . Out ., Out ., 0:.t ., N.S. tjne . '•juc . Quo . N.B. N.S. Que . Que . Quo . Out., Out., Que . N.B. , Que . N.S., -N.S., X.B. Out.. P.K.I Out.. N.B.. iQue.. Out.. B.C.. k)ut .. lOut.. |N.S.. .Mo. rcrili. .Na All^MI-. I) Kidiuioihl. .\a Kiirin. 11 I.awreilee. V. Lawri'iiie, /li. Luwri iii'iiiiwu, U. Ilalilax. 'I' or \j Si'e \'ir,ril. Waterloo. i'(^ Spei'dii'. I'li'i auioiiv. Aa -toulVvil!.'. J' .Napaiiee, A LlllMV, J) I'ort jlawl^c'.-biiry, ;'!) , Leniiowill..', Ab i r S. Ai'toii, Aa L'As-;oinptii>n. ■-'7 St. .lohii, T or W Annapolis. U I.i's Mboiili'U'.eus, .'i-L l.i's lv;iiro;;i! •, ;;.'!. 'J'adou,-ae, ;il N(^wiastli', A Toronto Tadousa-, '.'A St. (ioor^e, ;;7 Levis, Aa. Sydney, 41 sii'dbiin-.e, II) I'etiti'od a;-, 'J'a Park Hill, A Cascinnpcii'ie, '/A. LewisviUc, JJ. ^loiutou. T See Boy 1 1 to) I. Ii(!thauv, C Yale, 4S Liniehou-;!', A. Napauee, A Wcbtlliver, Tc i:3 8 7 •> 4 5 24i 10 25 2 27 10 9 9 30 27 10 G 64 183 20 3 TABLE OP ROUTES. 65 iciil Point I ,|i' l).v H ■ Mciinior. ''■ v. 8 .i (,r:;:t 7 ;i 2 12 ?' io n, U. i; 14 12 :i2 IK III t nV' 10 « 1 :i2 Vut(>n Victoria CarlctoM Stanstcad ('alio llr(!ton I'rinro fionnox Siinbury York Waterloo 'rwillin;,'at'' and Fojrn Huron Pcrtii Itnico (Inypboroupjli r/Islet ("haniplaiii Pictou Perth narf,'eo and La Poilc . . Placentia Jt St lliiry's. Prince Twillinfratn and Foj^'o . I'ortuno liav Plaeentia & St. Mary's. N'orthuniberland Cajw Breton Victoria Kent \yo-tmorland Trinity Algoma Victoria Twillinnate and Fogo. Cumberland (]ape Breton lionavlsta Kings l'ilie . , I ml, . , v. It.. i.Mie . \.S. . IMl.l . lot, . NML. )nt . Out . Mid. Mnt . Ont . Out. X.S. tnt . . <,)ne . . l.Mie . . S.H.. Out.. \)ld.. N!M.. IM'.I. .Vtld.. .\(M. . Xtltl.. N'.B. . N'.S . . Ont .. X.B.. .NM5. N^tld. Out. N'.B. .Vfld. N'.S. y.s., Nfid. . P.K.I N'.S . N.S, X.S, x.s, M.S. N'fld. N'fld. Qne . ( )nt . N.B. , N'.S. N'fld. N'.S . N'.S. X.S . , \.B. N'.B. N'.S N'.B. X B. Que. X.B. P.K.I. Nfld. . X.B.. N.D.. Most convonlont Point ai'ce;-!bl(' by Railroa.1 or Steamer. I'rederii'fdn, X, /.h or '■•'> . l,i'Hnoxville, Ab or K Lind-iiy.O. Wiiod-iork, V or Zli r,in>'b)ro',S. -lydiies', 11 ■;iiMinier,.-lde, Zi, ;ii) or 12. DrntJ.-itown, A .Newcastli! Crook, 'M .\urora, 1) liirlin.A V Harrlston.C or K r.;iden, A Kincardine, Cii or K New ( ila-i^,'ow, To Miilton, A r/Met. A. Tlircr' Rivers, Ac, 2:i or 21. N'i'w (ilajj^ow, To fjisto\v(d, Ca. La Poile, 41 Hurin, 11 ''harlottetown, Zi, 2!) or :!;' I'ilt Cove. 4.-, I [arbor Briton, II Uiirin, 44 Cliathaiu, liOor ;!H Little Brasd'Or, 41. Lindsay. (} Shedia'', Tb Slie(li;ic,Tb , Catalina, 4."i , Littli; (Jurront, 17. .•^I'o I'Mmundston. Fogo, 4') , See .Maccan Inton'alo, Sydney, 41 Catalina, 44 Georgt^town, Zi or ;i!> Xew (rlasgow, Tc. . . . Shelburne, 40 Port Hood, :j!) Sydney. 41 Whycocomah, 41 St. Johns St. John's Buckingham, 2 Orenville, 2 Salisbury, Ta. XewGla.-gow, Tc. ., . Burgeo, 44 River Philip, T DiL'by. U Shubenac-adio, T Ossckeag, T:i, Slioflield, ;i") Yarmouth, 40 Sali,sbnry,Ta Petitcodiac, Ta St. Thomas, Aa Salisl)ury, Ta ('harlottetown, Zi,29 or ;J!) Fogo, 4-j. ... Sackville, T Shippcgan, 38 >••••••■•■ 41 H 10 17 10 17 \H 2 7 7 8 r.H 12 12 21 2 5 L") »i 13 10 23 1.1 3 6 17 •Mi 102 8 27 8 .SI 10 8.'i 12 .15 22 74 22 18 12 6 Mi 20 :iO r>2 :w 7 22 20 "It '>i- Hi-- I' !|-^' h: B 1« 1,1' 1 ■I'll ... !■" ': ■ ' 66 TABLE OP ROUTES. PASSHNdKU'ri DKSTINATHJ.N. Town, Villii^cc, die. I. < ' li Little Sfmfh Wr^t.... Little St. Lawrence.. Little Trariidio Little York ,. .,, Liveriiiiiil Llvurpofil Livli'k'ston'H ('t)vc. . , . Lloj'dtown Lolio. . ,, Loli'^ter llarlior Loctialier Locliiiber l!:iy L(H'h!irtvillo Loi'h Loch I'.nxiiii LocliicI Locliiel Loch I.olllr)ll(1 Loch Loiiioni) Lochside :ii LfK'ke Port Locksley Locktdii Lockville Lopinvill(> Lo^'ieriiit Lo^'y liay Loinliiirdy Londesliorough . . . . London LondondeiTy Londonderry Lont; Creek Long Creek Long Harbor Long Harbor Long Island Long Island Long Island Locks. Long Islandrt Lorg I'oint Long Point Long I'oint Long I'oint Long Pond Long Reach Long Settlement... Lon.Ljtie de Cerf . . . Longue Pointo LongUi'Uil Long wood Longwood Station.. Lonsdale Loon Hay , .. Lord's Cove Lord's Cove Loretto Loretto Lome Lornc L'Orignal Lorraine Lorway Mines Lotbinifero Lotn!> Loaghboro County or Ulhtrict. Prov Northnndperland Placentia \, St. Mary'w Antigoidsh (.MUMMIS lu'nt (,iiieenH .Xntigonish York MId.lIesex French Slion? Antigonish Ottawa Kings Inverness , Pictoii (Jlengarry Inverness.. , Richmond St. John , Itichmond .siiellinrno Itenfrew , Canlwell Dnndns PIcton Lanihton. St. .lohn's Leeds llnron Middlesex Colchester Kiugs Queens Queens Fortune Bay Placentia & St Mar.r's Digby Kings Ilnssell ISonavista Prince Edward Inverness Kings' Kings Harbor Main Kings Carlcton I'ortuue Bay llochelaga Chanibly Middlesex .Middlesex Ila-tings Twillingateand Fogo. Burin Charlotte Quebec Cardwell , Bruce.,... • • ....... Oxford Presoott.. Cardwell Cape Breton Lotbini^re Durham Addingtou \.U.. Mid.. \.S.. P.M. 1. N'.U . V..S.. \.s.. Out.. Out.. Ntld. . N'.S.. (,tne . . N.S.. N'.S.. N.S.. Out .. N'.S.. .\'.H .. N.15.. .N .S . . N'.S.. Ont .. out .. Ont.. N.S . . Ont . Ntld. . (~tnt.. Ont . . Ont . . X.S . . N.B. . N.B.. P.K.I. Ntld.. Ntld.. N.S.. N.S . . Ont.. KM.. Ont . . N.S.. N.B.. N'.S . . N.B.. Nfld.. N.B.. Nfld.. Que . . Quo . . Ont . . Ont.. Ont . . Nfld.. Nfld.. N.B.. Que . . Ont . . Ont . Ont.. Ont . Ont . . N.S . Qne . Ont.. Out.. Mont rnnvonlont Point ai'cessil)le by Itallroad or Sleaiuer. Newcastle, T, :10 or :)8 Ituriii, M New (ila-gow, Tc Mttle York./.l. See Itichibllcto. Liverpool, 40. New (;ias_'ow, Tc Klinebiirg, K Koinoka, lib Tilt Cove. .(■. New (Ilii^gow, 'J'c 'I'linrso, '2 lIuntsjHirt, U irt HoimI, :i!t. Picton.Tc,'Jl)or:;o Lancaster, A See (irand I'.tang. Port llawke-bisry, :!i) St. John, T or \V )rt Ilawlu'biiry, !11» lelblirne, 40 Penibrolve. ;t .M or:!!i| ^8 ton, 41. I I '>^ rraversf. (-ijury. :;;)... T or W VorZh. 1. M. •l.'Vor: 15 b 21 le, Ca oi i ' " k. B. ul.E PJ Aa ••• ^t, ,A,'zborl I " TABLE OF IIOLTES. et; Kii's dintinatk )\. Prov. Most convenient Point accev*ible by Rail road or Steamer. f a Town, Villiigc, Ic. (,'ounty or l)i.-*triet. "i5 , Ciipe Breton Kent Kent Itrme v. a.. .N'.n. ont . . Out.. (^no . . Out .. N.S . N.H.. X.B. N.B.. Nlld.. N.B.. N.B.. .N.B . N.S.. N.S.. N.B. N.S.. IMl.I. .Man.. N.B.. .N.S .. Sydney , 11. UicliU'iuito, ;1H See Lewi.sville. I'aiHley, C Ottawa, M, or '.' •-'7 li Louisville Loiiinvillo. • Lovut :i8 Low Ottawa Lowljiiiiks .\I..Iiek Kecler Af i Lower A r;;y lu Lower lliinu'.v'H Uivcr Lower liiirtilio;.' Lowt.T J!ri^;liton Vannoiith rictoii N'onhiiiiiberland Ciirletoli ItlMV'eo 111 (I l,.i I'oilu. . V..rk .Mliert Kent .-Iie.bunie ( 'umbcrhind Albert Lunenburg' I'rince Lis),'ar \ork A iinapolin ViirMiontli, 40 .New (tla..,. .-ali.-^biiry, Ta lliiliibiicto, :i.s .-•-Iielbnrne, 40 . Maccan, T .Mi.nctoii, T ■11 IH 1) Lower UiirH'fo Lower CiiMf erldiry Lower Ciipe Lower (':i|h' 11 Lower Clj ile Lower Cove LowiT I'ovenliilo n 1.3 4 Lower DuMin Lower Freetown Lower I'ortdiirr.v Lower rrencli \'illiij,'o Lower (iriiiivillu .>('(! l)nlilln Shore. .'umnicr>ide, '/A, 'Mori'i.. I'ort (iarry, .11 Krederictoii, X, Zh or ;i.>. . . . .\nnapoiis, X 8 •20 !> 8 Lower (illlleV Harbor JIaiu Ntl(L. .-^t. .lolm's llayne.^ville, Zh. -■^alisbin-y, Ta See Grand I'n'. Bei'aneoiir, Aa :iO Lower Iliiviiesville York Albert Kill^'H N.Lt.. X.B. . N S . . gne . N'.S . Lower Hiilslmrough Lower llorton •27 Lower Irehiiul Mej^antie 16 Lower La 1 lave LiMieiiburii Liiiienbur^', 40 Port llawkesbiuy, :(!» I'riMlericton, X, Zh or il.V . Aniher.»t, T Lower L'.Vnloise. . Lower Line Qneensbiiry Lower Maoean lUrhiuond York 1 'mnberland N.S.. N.B. N .S . . 48 16 n Lower iliddieton Annapolis N.S , .Mi.ldlctoii, U i« Lower Neweastle Xorthuiiiberland Carleton ivings N.B.. N.B . . -V.S . . Chatham, 30 or 38 .See Peel. Port Williams, U Chatham, ;!() or ;',H I' redericton, X, Zh or JJ.'i. .. Malifa.x, T or C I'reilericton, X, Zh or ;i5. . . I'ort Ilawkesbury , :)!» sjinbenacadie, T Lower Peel Lower I'ereaux n Lower I'oikinom-lie Lower I'rlnee William Lower I'rospect Lower Quocnsbiiry Lower River Inhabitants (ilouceater York Halifax York lUehniond N.B. N.B.. N.S.. N.B.. N.S (12 21 13 Lower JSeliuah Hants •N S . 24 Lower Settlement Lower Settlement Lower .Soutliainpton Aiitigonlsh Victoria York N.S.. N.S.. X.B. . New CHa.'<{,'ow, Ti' li:iddeck,41 Fredericton, X or :;.") New C las;,'ow, Tc Stewiivke, T 44 Vi lO Lower South River X.S.. N.S . . 45 Lower Stewiacko Colchester 8 Lower Turtle Creek Lower Waketield Albert ("iirleton. N.S.. X.B.. N.S . . N S .. Salisbury, Ta Woodst^K'k, V or Zh Halifax, Tor U .Shelburne, 4i) 14 H 2.5 Lower Ward St. Marparet's liay Lower WckkI's Harbor Halifax Lower Woodstock C'arletoii ... N B Woodstock, V or Zh Carbonear, 4f) I'ort Hawkesbury, :!!» S\ (Incv. 41 7 Low Point Bav de Verda .Ntid.. N..=? . . 33 Low Point Richmond 9 Low Point Shore .• (.'ape Breton llalton ..luecns Afiddlesex X.S.. Ont.. I'.i::.:. Ont.. yiio . . Ont . 9 Lowville Loyalist Road Lucan \Velliiij,'ton Square, Ba.... Loyalist Road, Zi. Lucan, A. Ottawa, M, Cor 2 Lucknow, Ca. Fredericton, X, Zh or 35. . . .■^eaforth. Af 9 Lucerne Ottawa Bruce 34 Luckii' v Ludlo' Northumberland Huron N.B.. Out.. N.S . . 51 Lumle i;{ Lunei if , Lniienburt/ Lunenburg, 40. Wales, A Lunenburg, 40 Lui ■•:; Stormont Lunenburg Bruce • . Ont . . N.S.. Ont.. N.B.. 4 Lu > ig Peninsala n Lui \ Kincardine, Ca or E Moncton, T 10 Latz mtain Westmorland 16 •«l«l .::i if! i! lu 1 iplffl H i '^ > u ■ 1 jj- < JB|] MM Hi M ^P m 68 TABLE OF ROUTES. PASSENOER'S DESTI X ATION. Town. Village, &c. li it,'< ^1 Luther Lutuii Lylu'a Bridge. Lyn. Lyndon Lyndhurst. .. . Lynediii'h Lynnfiilil Lyniiville Lyons Lyon'H Brook.. Ly.stcr. Lyttlcton Lytton Maberlcy Miiboii Jlal)ou Coal Jlines Maboii Harbor Maccan Maccan Intervale Maccan .Mountain Mace's Bay MachoU'r! Comers Mack's Mill-i Macintosh Mills MacNab MacXidcr Mactatiuaok Macton Macvillo McAdaiu Junction McCain Settlement. . . . MeUonald's Corner. . . , AI<'Doiiald's Corners. . . , McDonald's Mills McDonald's Toint McDougall Settlement. McGilhvray Mclntyro McKay's Corners McKay's Point McKay's Settlement. . . McKenzio's Corner. , . . McKenzic's Corners..., McKenzieville , McLaughlin Road McLean's Corners McLellan McLelhin's Brook . . . . . McLellan's Mountain.. . McLeod 111 lad. ... McLeod'slliU McLcod's Mills McNab McNutt's Island. . . . . . McPliee's Corner Mcl'herson'a Ferry. . , , Madawa.-ka Maddington Madisco ,... Modoc Mado.i Cove Mailrid .. Mad River Mills Mfigaguadavic Magdalen Islands. . , , . , County or District. Wellington. Elgin Hhelburne. . Leeds Wentworth Leeds Norfolk , Charlotte .Vorfolk Elgin Pictou •Mogantic Xorthuniberland. , Yale Lanark , Inverness , . , , Prov . Ont . . Ont.. N.S.. Ont .. Ont . . Ont . . Ont.. N.B. . Ont . . Ont.. X.S . Quo . . X.B B.C . . Ont . . X.S . Most convenient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer. nverness ''I.S InverncM.s Cumberland Cumberland Cumberland Charlotte Stanstead York Leeds , Renfrew Rimoubki York , Wellington Cardwell York Kings , Queens Lanark Olengarry Queens Westmorland . . . Middlesex Cirey Kent Victoria ........ Hants Carle ton Hastings Kent I'ictou Huntingdon Victoria Pictou ,,...,.... Pictou Queens York Kent Glengarry Shelburne Queens Richmond Victoria A.rthabaska Gloucester Hastings St. John's Renfrew Simcoe. York Gasp^ \.S . . N.S . X.S.. X.S . . N.B.. Que . . Ont . . Ont . . Ont . . Quo.. X.B. . Ont.. Ont . . X.B.. X.B. . X.B.. (Jnt . . Ont . . X.B.. X.B . Ont. Ont . . Ont . . X.S . . N.S.. X.B.. Ont.. X.B.. -N.S.. Que . . Ont . . N.S.. X.S . . P.E.I. X.B.. X.B.. Ont. X.S , . I'.E.I. X.S . . N.B.. Quo . . N.B. . Ont .. Nfld.. Ont . . Ont . . X.B.. Quo .. Lmher, E. Ayli'ier, Be tilieiourne, 40 Lyn, A. Lynden, B. Morton, 4 Situcoo, Be St. Sttjphen, Va or ;;7.. Simcoe Be Dorchester, B Pictou, Tc, 2a or 30. Lyster, Aa Xewcastlo, T, 30 or 38. Y'ale, 4S Perth, Na Port Hootl, 30 Port Hood, 39 Port Hood, 39 jAIaccan, T. Atliol.T Atliol.T. St. John, T or W Stanstead Plain, S See Aurora. .Mallorytown, A See Ariiprior, .Meti.s, T, -29 or 30 Fredericton, X, Zh or 3.5. . Listowel, Ca Boltrm, E .McAdam Junction, V or W Sussex, Ta. ... (Jagetown, 35 ^. . . Pcrth,Na See South Lagraisso. Wickham, 35 Shediac, Tb London, Af , B or J Collingwood, D See Harwich. Baddeck,41 Xewport, U McKenzie's Corner, Vb. See Sjiringbrook . .Shediac, Tb See Barney's River. .See Vicars. Parry Sound, 17 Xow Glasgow, To .N'ew Crlasgow, Tc .McLeod Road. Zi. Fredericton, X, /.a or 3.'5. . , Richibucto, 38 See Lochinvar. ^helburne, 40 Charlottetown, Zi, 2!) or 30. Port Hawkesbury, 39 See Edmundston. Stanfold, Aa Madisco, T, Belleville, A, 6 or 7 St. John's Renfrew, N See Singhanipton, Harvey, W aa3p6,21)or30 18 120 ih TABLE OF IIOUTES. 09 cnt Toint Icby Steamer. PASSEN( 1 VAVa DKSTIX ATION. a or .w ... . or 30. *30or 38... nrW. . ain, S nJtVon,VorW. .agi'aissc. Corner, Vb. )rook . lliver. 1.1, 17 nv, To ow. To )atl. 7A. , X, -ii or 3.) 58 var. 40 ;' wn, Zi, 2!) or .10 sbury, 39 dston. Via A, 6 or 7. 12 9 4 13 27 9 36 anipton. ^^ 'ot36:::v.:::::::u2o Town, Village, &c. JIagnctawar. Maf^oj,' Jliigoon's Point. .. iluKpic Jla'^nndy llaiione Bay Maidstone Wailloux llain-a Uicn JIaiirs(>)rncrs. . . . JlaitlaTid Maitlan I llaitl.uid Maitlaiid Maitlaiid Maitland Ilapids. . ilaltlandvillc . . .. Major's Majorvillc MaliiRash Mala^'ash Point.. . Mala'-jawatcli Mala;,'nasli Malalioft , Malbaie Ualbaio Malcolm Malignant I'.rook . Mali:-rnant Cove . . Mallirytowu .... JIahnaison Malonc Malpequo Mali)e(iuo Road. , llalton Jlalvern Maiiche-ter itanchostcr ..,,.. Manche-ter ... . ManchcBter Manoh(v~tor Road , !Mandaiiiin Manfred Manilla. Manito waning. County or District. Prov Victoria. , Stanstead .-'au'iionuv \in-k...'. r.unenburg llssex Bcllechasse (^'apc lircton rirenvill(- .NnnajKilis (ironville Hants r.iinonbnrg Vaniiouth (ircnvillo Huron Ottawa Ontario C'niibcrland Cumberland Inverness Lunenburg f 'arlcton (Jliarlevoix I'jai'cntia & St. Mary's Bruce Antigonish .\ntigonibli Leeds Missisquoi Hastings Prince Prince Peel York (tuysborough Hastings Huron Ontario Antigonish Liunbton Wellington Virtfiria Algoma ( )ttawa Ont . . Que . , gue . , '^ue . , .N'.B. . X.S . . Ont. . Que. . N'.S.. Ont.. N'.S . . Ont. N.B . \.S. X.S . Ont, Out, Que , Ont , X.S, X.S, X.S, v.s Out.. 'Juo.. XUd. . Out.. N'.S . , X.S . , Out., Quo. , Ont .. E.I ILaniwf Manners Sutton . . . . ] York , Mannhr im Waterloo Manningville ... Hinitingdon Manotick ... Carleton Man Point iTwillingate and Fog Man-on ville-Potton. _. ... 'lironie Ifanuels '..,. j Harbor Main Manvers iDurhani Maple I York Vancouver Maple Pay Maple Gi'cen. , Maple (irovo Maple (i rove 'StoruKjnt . ;Ro3tigoucho . , . '.Megantic Maple Hill Maple Leaf.. M.aple Leaf. . Maplcton, . .. Maplcton..,. Mapleton. Bruce . , (,'omptou Oxford... Albert . . :Elgin .... ar P.EL Ont .. Out.. X.S.. Ont. Out . Out . X.S. Out. Out. Out. Ont . Qtuo . N.IJ. Out . Que . Out. Xlld. Juo . Maple Valley jsimcoo , xad. Ont. Out. !?.(; . X.B. \'ue. Out. Ont . Q>uo . Ont. X.B. Ont . Man, Unt. Most convenient Point acces.sil>le by Railroad or Steamer. Aslulown, 14 .Vyer's Flats, S Newjiort, R or S (I'aspiS '-•!> <)r3(» Frcdericton, X, Zh or '.i'>. riUueuburg, 40 Winilsor. B .-t. Vallier, Aa Sydney, 41 I'.dward.sburg. A Aniia])olis, U .Maitlaud, A. Slmbenacadie, T Lunenburg, 40 Yarnionth. 40 .■^ee Kilmarnock. Oodericli, Af Majors. 2. S;'e Whiti^vale, Went worth, T WcMtworth, T Port Hawkosbury, :{!».., . Sec Lunenburg. Ketui)tvillo, M or 4 Sec .Murray Bay. St. .Toiin's . Walkcrtou, C Xew fHa-^gow, Tc New (Ha-gow, Tc .Mallorytown, A. See DesRivi(>res. P.ellevillo. A. ee Auburn. Manche-ter. L. Xew Glasgow, Tc Mandauiiu, lib, riockwood, A I 'anuington, F Manitowaning, It!. See River Desert. Harvey, W Berlin, A • See Franklin, .Manotick, Jf or 4. Twillingatc, 4-5 I'otton. S, St. .Folui's >('e BallydulT. lUclnnond Jlill, D Maiile Bay, 47, Campbi-li'tou, T or ;i,S.,. ~ouiersi-t, Aa I '(jrnwall, A. 1. •"( or 0. . . Walkerton, C Lennoxvillc, Ab or S.. Woodstock, n Pctitco ill iV-l 'l ill i I hi. i "-' 'M 1 1 11 ' if YO TABLE OF ROUTES. PASSENGER'S DESTINATION. Tfiwii, Village, &c. Maquapit Lake .... Mar Mara Miirathon Marble Mountain.. Marblcton ■ Marble Rock Mimli Marcbmont ... ... Mardon Mar^areo Marfraree Forks. . . . Marfrarctsvillc Marprate Marf^iinrite Marquise Maria Mario Mario .Josopli Mariovillo Marion Bridge Maritana Markdale Markliain Jlarkliamvillo Marlbank ......... Marlow Mariiiton Marmora llarnoch Marriott's C<>vc ... Mar^jfiold Slar-iliall'sCovo. . .., Mar^;Ilal^s Folly ... Marsliall'sTown... Mar^hllill Marsh Settlement . Jlar^hvillo . Mar.-ihvillo Marsliy Hope Marston Mar.«ville Martin's Brf)ok , .. Martin's River Martintown Martinvillo Maryboro' . Marydalo Mary Lake Mary's Point Marysville , Marysi'*\lc M.aryv.../e Mascareno Masoouoho • Ma^liain Mills MaskinoTifTo Maskinonpe Bridge Ma-'sa\vippi Massio M.ifs Town Mastin's Comers. . . Matane MatajH'diac . . , Matatal's Lake Matawatchau . County or District. Queens .. . , Ilrure . , . .^iuicoe . . . Carlotou . luvornoss . Wolfe Leeds . . . . Carleton Siiiiroo Wellington Inverness Inverness Annwiiolis Prin(;e Burgeo and La P Placentia & .St. 5 Bonaventure . . . Kings (iuysborough .. . Ronvillo Cape Breton .... Huntingdon .... (Irev York Kings Hastings Beauee Orev oile. . irv's. Hastings Huron Lunenburg .. . Queens Annapolis. . . . Bav do Verds Di^-by (Ontario Pictou Monek Pictoii Pieton Norfolk Wellington. . . Lunenburg .. . Lunenburg .. . .ilengarry .. . . Coiiipton Wellington ,. . Antigonish ... Victoria Albert Hastings York .Vntigonish . . . Charlotte Ij'Assoniption ( )tta\va ^faskinoiigo . . Maskiniingo . . Stan.stead . . . . (^rey Colchester. . . . Simcoo Rimonskl . . . . Bonaventure Colchester. . . . UciiCrew.-,.-... • • • • • • • 4 Prov X.B Out . Out., Out . N.S. (>)uo . . Out .. Out. Out .. Ont . . X.S.. X.S., N.S.. P.K.I, Ntld. . Xrtd. . Quo . . P.K.I, X.S. (iue . . X.S.. Que . Ont ., :)nt . X.B. , Ont . Quo . , Ont . , Ont . , Ont . , X.S.. P.E.I. X.S.. Nfld.. N.S . . Ont . X.S. Ont , N.S. X.S, Ont , Ont. N.S. X.S. Ont . Quo . Ont. N.S. Ont . N.B. Ont . N.B. N.S . X.B. Quo . Quo. Qiu) . Que . Quo Ont. N.S Ont. Q>ne . Que . N S Out Most convenient Point accessible by R.ailroad or Steamer .^hemcld. ']') Owen Sound, Ea or 15 Mani, Da I'akenham, N Port HawkosbHrj', Jil) .... .^herbrooke, Ab or S fiaiianoque, A . . . Ottawa. M.Oor 2 Orillia, Da. f! or 13 (luelph. A or C Port Hood, :>!) Whycocoinah, 41 Wil'uiot, U Charlottctown. Zi, '.'!> or !!!). Channel, 44 St. John's ('ani))bellton. T or H8 Cluirhittctown, Zi, '.'I) or :;i) New CJla-gow, 1'c See Ste. ]Marie de Monnoir. Sydney. 41 llciiuniiigford, Ae Markdale, Ea. Markhaiu, F. Sussex, Ta Xai)anee, A St Francis. Zf Owen Sound, Ea or 1.5 .... .Mannora. K. Clinton. Af LunenbtH'g, 40 Cliarlottetown, Zi, 2i) or o'J Lridgetown. U Carbonoar, 4*J Digby. U Uxbridge, F New ti lasirow, Tc .Marshville, Be. Pictou, Tc, 29 or.^O Now C. !a.-;gow, Tc Tilsonburg, Be Charleston, E Lunenburg, 40 Lunenburg, 40 Lancaster, A Cduipton, Ab See Rothsay. .See Manchester Road. Bracebridge, 14 Salisbnr}-, Ta Tyendinaga, A. FrcHlcricton. X. Zli or ■?.'< . . See Malignant Brook. ,?t, George, 37 Ten'obonno, 27 Ottawa, M, Oor2 .Maskinonge. See Pont de Maskiuongc. ilas.s!iwii)i)i, S. Chatsworth, B» Dobert. T See I..»Tender. Meti.s, T, 29 or 30 Matapediac, T Wentworth, T liMklrew, N ^.2 « 7 2Sj 10 23 25 4J 21 8 4 50 3(i 8 12 5 82 45 30 74 12 13 11 IC 28 16i 20 15 11 7 4 5 4 20 29 17 6 2 11 12 G 14 46 7 r, 28 6 4 33 9 47 lient Point ble by r Stcaninr Ea or 15 )Hrv, ;!S) .b or S or 2.. or 13. C .. 1) ,41... 11. Zi, 2i>or;!!). , Tor S8 n,Zi,'2!) or:'.'.) \-, Tc ie de 5Ioniioir. (1, Ae I. 7 28j 10 23 25 4J 21 8 4 50 3(i 8 12 .5 82 45 30 74 12 13 ;f , Ea or 1 5 . . . . 40 ni,Zi,21)or 39 U ,v, Tc .. . 15c. >9 or 30 \v,Tc ... Be 40. 40. K . Act Road . .14 a ,A. X. 71i or 35 nt Bi'ook. 37 27 Oor2 i ^raBkinoiHre. .S. ,B» or. > or 30 . ,T . T.... 11 IC 28 IGi 20 15 11 7 4 5 4 20 29 17 6 2 11 12 (J 14 46 7 6 28 6 4 33 9 47 TABLE OF ROUTES. 71 PASSENGERS DESTINATION. Town, Vill.ige, kc. Mather Matilda Matlock Mattawa MauKcrvillo Mavillet Mawcook Maxwell Mayfair Mayfield Maynard Maynooth Mayo . Meadow Brook Meadows Meadowvale Meaford ... Meat^her's Grant Mechanicb Sottleinent Mechins Medford !^^..alna Medina Moduxnikeag Meguasha Mokinae Melancthou Melbourne Melbourne Melbourne Kid.Lje MeUx^llevillu Melrose Melrose Melrose Melrose Melvern .Snuare Melville ... Melvilli^ Mellville's Mills Meniraincook Menie Merashcen Meriifoniish Merivale Merland Merlin MerncrsN illu Merriikville Merrill -ville M'/rriiton Mersea County or District. [Peterborough. Diindas I-ainbton Nipissing . . . . Sunbury Digby ........ rflieft'ord Middlesex reel (ifenville Hastings (Jttawa Westmorland . . . Xortliuniburland. I'eel Grey Halifax Kings lUiaouski Kings Oxford York Carleton Uonaveuturc . . . . Cliaini»lain Grey Middlesex iUchinond Uichniond lieauharnois ,, .. Guysbonnigh Hastings KingH .Middlesex .ViinaiJolis L'eel Prov , Prince Edward . Huron Westniorhind .. . Xorthunibcrland I'lacentia i; St. .M I'ictou , Carleton . . . , Antigonish .. Kent Bruce ary s Ont . . Ont . . Ont . . Ont . . N.B.. N.S.. Quo.. Ont .. Ont . . Out.. Ont . . Ont , . Que .. N.B.. N.B.. Ont . . Ont . . N.S N.B.. Que . N.S . Out.. Ont . . N.B.. Que . Que, . Ont Unt Quo . . Que .. Quo . . N.S.. Ont . . P.E.I, Ont.. N.S .. ont . Ont. Ont . N.B. |(irenville, Welland.. Lincoln . , !M(;tab('tchoULin ( 'lucoiitinii Metaghau • ,1 )igby .... Metaghan River . , Digby Metcalfe I Russell MethotV, MilK ^l.otljiniere Metis Uiinonski Metz ; Wellington Moyersburg Northiiinberland. Michipii'otcMi River ;.\,lgoma Middle Ana Harbor Main .. . . Middle Bight Harbor .Mam .. .. Middle Bill Cove lioiia\ista Middleb iro Cuniberland . . . . Middle lirook iTrem h Sliore.. . . Middle Church Lisgar Ont. Ntid. N.S Ont. N.S . Ont. Out . Ont. Ont . Ont. Ont. QUO. N.S . N.S. ont Quo Vue . (Jat . ont . Ont. Ntld. Nlld Ntld. N.S . Ntia. Mau. Most convenient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer. Peterborough, Ga See Iroquois. Wyoming, Bb Rapidesdes Joachims, ;! . Eredericton, K, Zli or '.'<'> Yarmoutli, 40 Granby, R Flesherton, Ea Appin, B Brampton, A Prescott, A, JI or 1 Belleville, A, ti or 7 Buckingliain, 2 Meailow Brook, T. Newcastle, Tc Brampton, A Meaford, D or 15. Stew iaeke, T I'enobsquis, Ta .See Dalibaire. Port Williams, U St. Mary's, A ■See Keswick. .See Lindsiiy'B See Nouvellc. Batiscan, 23 Proton, Ea. .See Longwood. Richmund, Aa Richmond, Aa Melochoville, 1. 5 or )). Shubenacadie, T .shannonville, A Georgetown, Zi ur :.l) ... , KoUKjka, Bb Wilmot, U Oraugeville, E , Belleville, A, or 7 .See Bandon. -Memramcook, T. Belleville, A, G or 7 St. John's .New Glasgow, Tc Ottawa, il, O or 2 See Black Lands. Cluiring Cross, 11 See Mililmay. .Merrickville, 4. .See Welland. Merrittoii, 15. Leamington, 11 , ('lncoutimi,;i4 Dlgl)y, U Digl)y, U.. See O.sgoode. .Metiiot's, Aa. Metis, T. 29 or 30. Fergus, C , Brighton, A Sault .^ti'. .Mane. 17. ... .St. .lolm s St. John's (ireen's I'ond, 15 (ireenvillc. T Gnu'n's Pond. 45 Fort Garry, 51 '"I I Q 4 5.5 13 18 6 6 4 8 5 92 8 16 6 ■2r, U 11 8 80 1 10 83 S 7 4 4 2i 13 24 98 13 8 4 C3 40 43 8 10 I'.'O 30 17 15 10 .'07 8 ■'i:E.'lfci :;i.™*' .. .'.'^ »e .r?J'? ■■■: 'i \- „ ■ 'hi h. If 72 TABLE OF ROUTES. PASSENGER'S DESTINATION. Town, Vinac,'e, &c. Middle Cove Middle Clyde liivcr Middle ("ovcrdale , . Middk'liokl Middle Kennetcook Middle La Have Ferry Miiidle .MuK(iuoue .. N.S . , N.S . , Ont. N.S . Ont . Ont. Ont. Ont . N.S. N.S. N.B. N.B. Ont . N.B. Que . Ont.. Ont . , N.8., Nfid. Que . Que . Ont., Ont Ont , , Ont . . Ont . , N.B., N.S . N.S. P.E.I. N.S . . P.E.I, Que . . Ont . . N.B.. Ont.. Most convenient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer. St. John's Shelburne, 40 Salisbury, Ta Livei'pool, 40 See Moshorvilie. Lunenburg, 40 Shubnnat'adie, T Shelburne, 40 Sriddloport, Af . Crlotigarrv, To Bathurstli T or :S8 Baddeck, 41 Wooodstock, V or Zh Whycoeoniah, 41 Port Hawkosbury, M) New Glasgow, Tc \\ ood-tock, V or Zh I'rcdericton. X, Zh or JJ") . . Brookfield, T .Middleton, U. Suninierside. Zi, 3t) or 42. . Dorchester. T See Courtland. Bradford, D Perth, Na Sackville. T rsarrie, Da Kingston, A, Zb or 1 Mildmay, C. Montreal Annapolis, U Milford, T. Picton, 6 or 7 New Gln^srow, Tc. Oxford. M Stratford, A Belleville, A, tJ or 7 Mill Brook. (}. G lengarrv, Tc Halifax, Tor U Jemseg, oS Shediac, Tb See Odessa. St. .John, T or W Carillon, '2 Moulinett^^ A. St. Thoma«, Be, H or J Newjiort, U Harbor Briton, 44 Tadousac. ;i4 Becancour, Aa. Dundas, B Ernestown, A L^ninnville, F Orillia. Da, G or i:j Mill Point, r, or 7 Apohaqui, To fiiverpool, 40 Picton, Tc, '-'!) or ;iO Charh ttctown.Zi, 2f) or 3!) verpool, 40 Charlottetown, Zi, 29 or ilO Granby, Q Georgetown , A St. Stepiien, V or iJT Shannon vi'le, A 32 21 14 7 18 U 10 6 13 i:!2 49 9 4S 17 47 8 12 1 2 19 10 ."5 l.'j 1 14 2 ]() 43 14 3.'> 7 24 4 26 1 7 ir, 5» 9 .5 9 It 12 ? 9 16 I' out roint loby Steamer. S .2 ;f8 or Zh 41 irv,:iy To or Zh , Zh or :;.j . ;i, .SO or 42. ib or 1. Tc. ) or ( U. W. or :iO .... Zi, 2!) or ;J!t "7.1,2!) or :!0 TABLE OP ROUTES. TS l'A.SSENC! EIl'S DESTINATION. Most convenient Point a<'eessible by Railroiul or Sleainer ■r ^ Town, Village, iSiic. County or Distrii^t. Prov . S.I2 a Millville Durham.... Out . . X.B.. Bowiuanvillp, .\ I'ri'derieton. X, Zh or ',i'> .. .Markhaiu, P.... .Stratford. A Miiuieo, l!a. Suuuuer Moffatt Ilalton 'Iticlph, A or C -•t. S^teiiheli, V or .".7 lirautford, Ab or lie .See ilubbeir.s Palls. N'ew (.iIa'.) Sinitli s Falls. .\I or 1... .. . I 'hr.rlottetowu, Zi. 21) or :!!). Cliarlottet.owu. Zi, 21) or ;iD. Halifax, T or U ( 'harlottetown, Zi, 29 or :!!). .bill. ate, Z .■^oe Valuiout. Mouteb.'llo, 2. N'auiachlclie. 21 21 H)i 3 Monk's lluad Moukton .Vutigonish .... . Perth. . ... ( 'ardwoU 10 J Mono Centro Mono Millrf Mono Road Montaguo Monta^'uo.... Montague. Mont'iguo Cross Roads , Montague ( ".old ilines ..;.... Montague Milli • • Card well Caldwell,. Kings Lanark. ., Queens ... ICmgs Halitax . ,, Kiu'.'s. . .Moiitealm..... ...... 9 2G 20 a 26 5 Montoaliu 10 \Jonteb('lIo. ., Mont Klfc. .............*..... Ottawa . .■St. Maurice IS Montifo'.lo Mont Louis , Moutnia'.;n V Kings ( iaspe Moutiuagny. . ..... Quebec. , . TeiT('b.)nne ..... ('harlottetown, Zi, 21) or :(!» Oa-pe, :i() .-^t. Tiioinas, Aa. (jiicbec 4-2 Montnioroiioy Falls. . , . , a Mont 111 TTln Montreal .Montreal Ceorgetown, Zi or of) PtTL I'obiu.^ou, I St. Hilaire, A Woodstock, V or Zh Moorefield, C. Moore's Mills, Va. Moore's, P. i]Q MontrG:il .. .••..... ........ .Montreal. , , i'rinco . Welland..., Montroso. Montrose 47 4 A Mont St. Ililairo.. ...... .«. . . . Rouville ;'t Monument iSettloniont Moorefield Carloton.. . , , Wellington '24 Mooro'.s .Milh. Uoore'B Station Charlotte UiuBitiquoi t I I' !iu;, wM !" ■ • .' . I / 74 TABLE OP ROUTES. PASSKNGEIl'S DKSTIXATION ik V.i '.i' Ill 'III \i ni(i Town, Village, &ic. Moorcsville. . ]M()()r(!t(>\vii . , . Moose Brook . Mooso Cn'ek... Mooso Fiif'tory Mooso Harbor. Moo'claiiil Moo^e Tatli,. Mooso Tlivcr... Mooso lliver ..... Morii\' Monlcii ...... Monl<'n Road., .. Morowood Mor.L'anston . , , . . . Morlcy Moniinrrdalo Mills Morjji'tli.' Mon-oll.... jrorrlsbank jrorrislnir?,'.. ,,.. . Morristoii , Morristoii :. ., Morristowii.. Mortior Mortlake Morton , Morton's Corner. Morton's Harbor.. Mortoiiville Morvon Moscow Mose Ambrose. , . . Moses River Mo.sherville ... Mostjuito ■ . Mo.squito. . : Mosctiiito Mosqnito Cove, . . , Mossloy ..•••• Mossiiian's Grant. 3Iothor In.xos JlotlurwcU Moulio's River .... Moulinotto Mountain drove. . . Mountain ^Miils. ... Mountain View. . . Mount Albert Mount Albion Mount BiMok Mount liryd.iros. . , . Mount Cai-nuil ^[ouiit Carmel Jlount Charles. ., ., Mount Donnison.. Mount El'^in Mount Forest Mount Ilanley Mount Healy Jlountllope Mount lloiie... ... Mount lloreb Mount Hurst Mount Irwin Mount Johuaoii. . . ■ County or District. Prov lliddlosex LaniV)ton. ,,,... Hants Stormont Hudson's Cay. . . . (,)upena Halifa.x .^t. ,Iohn Annapolis I'ictou MidiUosex Kin^rs ICini,'S Diindas Northumberland. Crev Perth Kent . Kiiii^s Huron Dundas . Killers Wellington... .. .\ntigonish. . Burin York Leeds Lunenburg Twillingato and Fogo Hants Lennox , Addington .. . Fortune Bay Halifax 1 1 ants Dnr-reo and La Poilo. lMa:^entia & 3t. Marys .-^t. .lolin , .Middlesex Lunenburg Placeutia & St. Mary's Perth Kent .Storniont .Addington Prince Edward Prince Edward York Wcntworth . ,. Rostigoucho .Middlesex. Kamoura.ska . Huron Pool... Hants Oxford Wellington Annapolis Haldiniand. Middlesex Wcntworth Victoria CardwoU Poterborough Iberville Ont Out N.S Ont NW T N S N.S \.B Most convenient Point accessible by Railroad or steamer. N S . , Ont. N.S X.S. Ont Ont.. Out Ont Ont P.E.I Out.. Ont N.S . . Ont N.S Nfld Ont . . Ont ., N.S. Nlld . N S Ont Ont Nlld N.S N.S . . Nfld Nfld.. Nfld . N.B.. Ont.. N.S.. Nfld. . Ont . N.B . Ont . Ont. Ont.. Out . . (3nt . . Ont . N B.. Ont . . Quo . Out .. Ont . N.S . Ont . Ont . N.S Ont . . Ont . . Ont . Ont . , Ont . , Ont . . Que . Lucan, A .Mooretown. Ha. .Vewijort, U Cornwall, A, 1 , 5 or 6 Sault Ste. Marie, K! or 1". Liveri)ool, 40 .Soc Tangier. .Moose Path, Ta. .-iee Cleniontsi)ort. \ew Glasgow, Tc I'ark Hill. A .Vy losford, U .-!('e Palmer's Road. MoiTisburg, A (.'olborne, A .Meaford, D or 1 ,) ."Stratford. A Thaiuesville, B Charlottotown, Zi, '2!t or ;i!). Blue vale, (,'a Morrisburg, A. Aylesford, U (tuelph, A or C New Glasgow, Tc Burin, 4-4 Toronto , Morton. 4. Kentville, U Twillingato, 45 Windsor, U Napanee, A. Kingston, .\. 7.1j, or 1, ... . Harbor Bnton. 44.. .. ... Halifax, Tor U Newport. U Harbor Briton 44.. ,. .. Harbor Grace, 40 St. John's Fairvillo. W Dorchester, B See Riversilale St. John's St. Mary's,. A Richibucto, 88. Moulinette, A HaiTowsniitli , Zb Picton. (5 or 7. . . ■. Belleville, A, or 7 Newmarket, D. . . . .... Hamilton, B. Za or 1 .... Dalhousie, T ao or ;J8 .... Mount Brydges, B. St. Denis, Aa See OfFa. Malton, A Haiit.sjKjrt, U . . lugei-soll , B Mount Forest. E. LawTencetown , U Cayuga, Be or H See Cairngorm, .See G Ian ford Franklin O Bolton, E Bobcaj-geon, 18 or li) Versailles, Q. , ■"3 2Si 2a 13 3 27 10 11 in 1.') 27 4 6 10 56 1 8i 55 3 9 5 31 56 98 ,? 72 G 9J 32 5 7 Hi 7 8 3 74 7 5 2 6 25 'iiioiit Point ibln by jr t^teainer. ,5 Ila. 28i 23 2 13 1 . 5 or 6 \rie, 10 or 17. ) Ta. l)()rt. r Tc 3 Road. A. ?7 10 11 , 15 ■n,Zi, 2l)or;i9. r C .. .V, Tc. 45. Zb, or 1, )n.44.. . U .. m 41.. e, 46 ,. B . lie as. . A. i,Zb.. I •••••« I Oor 7.... D.... . Za or 1 . ;j() or ;JS ges, B. J t. E. vii, U or 11, '111, ,18 or 19. fT 19 1.5 27 4 a 10 SG 1 8i 55 S 9 6 :51 56 98 fii 21 H 69 4 5 72 6 9i 32 5 7 Hi 7 8 3 3 n 7 5 2 6 2.5 3 T.VBLE OP ROUTES. PA.S.SE.\(JEll'S DHSTIN'ATIUN. Town, Vill:i'-ro, &c. >[i)Ulit,oy Mdiitit .\lary. Moiiiil Xoah.. Mount Osi-ir. Moinit IM(':i.;;int ^[onnt I'loasuit Mount I'lra--ant Mount Pleasant Mount llouvillc Mount Royal Valo Mountsburj.' Mount St. liouis Mount St. Patrick Mount Salem ;Mount Stewart Mount Thoin Mount ITiiiai'lto Mount Uniaclce Uold Mines. . Mount Vernon Mount Wobster Mount WliaHoy Jlonnt Wolfe Mount Young Mouse Island Mouth of .1 oniscjr Mouth of Keswick Mouth of Nerepis Mouth of Millstreain Mouth of St. Mary'r! llivur. . . , Muddy Branch Mudd V Creek , Muddy Hole Mnddv Hole Muddy Hole Mulrlan(l Durliaui York \'er.hei-es ilochela.'a Went worth. siini'oo Ileiifrew IHs'tn Jueens Pictou Hants Hants lirant Le(>ds Westmorland Cardwell Inverness Bui-geo and La Poile. . Queens York Kings Kings (ruysborongh Argenteuil Prince Burgeo and La Poile. . Burin Twillingate and Fogo.. Welland Inverness Bay de Yerds .Simcoo Middlesex Que .. P.E.L X.S . . Que . . Out . . X.S.. Ont.. Unt . . Que . . c,iue . . Ont .. I iry's Twillingate and I'ogi). . Victoria St. . John Halifax Halifax Perth I'laceiitia & St. Mary's Hastings . . Ontario Missiscjuoi York Middlesex Vancouver Haldimaud Xfld. . Ont ., Ont . , Ont . , X.B., X.S.. Out .. Ont . . Quo . . X.B.. P.E.I. P.E.I. P.E.I. P.E.I. (Jnt .. Xfld.. Xlld.. Ont . X.B . . V.B . X.S. Ont . Xfld. (3nt ., Ont . , Que . X..S . , Ont., B.C., Ont . , Cotean A (Georgetown, Zi or ;t9. Port HfMHl, ;ji» Rigaud. 2 See Mohawk. River Phili]!, T .Millbrook. U Bradford. D ."^ee Beloeil. Montreal Hamilton, B, Za or 1 Barrie. Oa Renfrew, X .\ylmer. Be Mount Stewart, Zi or 4:!. Pictou, Tc, 'Jl* or :;() ilonnt Tniacke, T. Mount I'niaike, T Bnintford, Af or Be. Landsdowne. A ISaikville, T IBolton, E Port Hood, ;i'J. Channel, 41 j.feinseg, :!.") or :!ii. lEredericton, X, Zh,or 35.. I.Xerepis, W. !Seo Aiiohaqui. See Sonora. Carillon, 2 Sunimer.-.ide, Zi, ;!9 or 42. . . Harbor Briton, 44 Burin. 44 (ircen's Pond, 15 Port Robinson, I Port Hood, :;:i Carbonear, Hi (;ilford,I) Mount Brydges, B See IlaiTow. See Bath. Baddeek,41 Ashtoii, O Brighton, A Murray Bar, ;J4. Sackville, T Charlottetown, Zi, 29 or :;:. (.'harlottetown, Zi, 21) or '.'.V I'hiirlottetown. Zi, 29 or '•>•■> Oe(jrgetown, Zi or :jy Ivingston A, ZIj or 1 St. John's Green's I'ond, 45 Orillia, Da, (i or i:i St. .Iolin,T or W ,. Halifax, Tor U .-hulicnacadie, T Stratford, A St. .Tohn's *. lii'lleville. A, G or 7 .Myrtle, L. .Vbercom, R ■• Xackawick, Zli. .\ilsa Craig, A Xanaimo, 47. Cayuga, Uc or H 75. 15 7 7 10 3 10 8 25 42 24 15 IS 12 27 7 16 5 9 ."5.5 :)9 40 20 15 12 40 2:{ a;{ 17 .•!0 .•10 i;j 00 15 13 fi flr'jf ; ' 'il'" m 'i^ '*ffl Mm ;:$•■. {iiS 'I" *« ■'■',^m » , 'f t i? # If.' '^ jiU|l il- \ i'.: ■ii?.' 4 ii ?! ■||;. ( il. l! ' Ji; llll^IlM 1G TABLE OP ROUTES. rASSENOEIfS DESTIN'ATIOX. rU' L li^i rjf:f ■ ■ i Town, Village, kc. NaiJiviico Naitaiiuo Mills.. Napiur Naiiiorvillo Ka)ii>aii NaplK )••.••••• Na|)i)L'rtou Narnjws Kash'H Creek Nashwaak Nashwaaksis Nashwaak Villa;,'c. Nashwddil Nassa^'aweya NataslKiiiaii Nauwigewauk Navaii Neeiim Tench NeKuac Nei.irette Neil's Corners. Nellestown... . Nelson Nelson Nelson villo .. ., Nc ,'li, Nepisi(iuit Nerejiis , Nether))/ NoustiKlt Nevis Now Ab('rd(>en New Albany New Annan New Ainian Mills .., Newark Newark , New Jiaiulon , New Hay Nowbliss New ])(inaventure . . Nowbiiro' New Boy lie Newbricl:^e Newbrid^'o Newbm'f^ Newbnr;,'li Newbury , New Caledonia New Camiibellton . . New Canaan New Canaan New Canada ■ Now Carlisle , Newcastle NowcaKtle , Ncweastlo Brid^cc . . Newcastle Creek. . . . , Nowcoinbe Newcnnibe'a Corner. , Nowcoiibe's Mills . . , Now Concciitmn. ... Now Cornwall. New Dominion New D'.iblin New Uuudeo , County or District. I'rov . Ecnnox |Oiit . . AddinKton 'Out .. Dnt.. Que.. N'.S.. N'.U.. Ont . . X.B.. .Middlesex. Xapiervillo Cumberland N'ortliumbcrlaiid. .Middlesex (luoons I'lCstigoucho York York York UromP inlton .Saj,'uenay Kings UusselP. alil^x Northumberland.. . . lUniouski Sheft'ord ilaldimand llalton Northumberland. . . Missisquoi (!rey (iloucester Kings Wcllaiul Crey . Simcoe Waterloo Aiina]jolis L'olchester I'rince Lincoln Oxford (iloucester Twillingate and Fogo. Leeds 'i'riiiity Leeds Leeds Huron Inverness Addiiigton Carloton .Middlesex Ualilax \'ictoria Cumberland Queens Lunenburg Bonavcnturo Durham Xorthumbcrlaud Queens (,)npens Muskoka Halifax Northumberland Harbor Main Lunenburg Glongdjry Leeds Waterloo N*,B.. N.B.. N.B. N.B.. Que . . Ont .. Que . . N.J!.. Out . . N'.S.. N.B.. Quo Quo . . Unt.. Ont . . N.B.. Que . . Ont . . N.B . N.B.. Ont . . Ont . . Out.. Out . , N.,S., N.S., I '.E.I, <.)iit.. Ont.. N.B., Mid., Out ., Ntld., Ont., Ont., Ont., X.S., Out., X.B. , Out., .N.S., N . S. , \.B., \.S., Quo . , (nit. , X.B., X.B., N.B., Ont . N.S. Ont . , Xlld. , X.S., Ont . , Ont., Out.. Most convenient Point accessible by Railroad or Steamer. Xa|)aneo, A. .Xaiiance, A KerrwocKl, Bb Stottsville. Ad .\ai)|)an, T. Chatham. ::0 or :!.S trathroy, ]{ Oairetown, ;i.) Dalhousie, T, :iO or ;;,S I'redericton, X, Zh or "■").. I'r(>dericton, X. /h or '•>'>. . I'redericton, X, Zli oT">'>. \Vat(Mdoo, Q. . . . tiuel;,li, A or C Oa-jic. ;!() Nauwigewauk, Ta. I 'umberlar.d, 2 New Cilasgow, Tc Chatham, ;J0 or J:,*^ .-te. riavie, T >ee (IraTiboro. Nelle'ri Corners, 'He. WelliiiL'tou S(|iiare, Tin. . . Newcastle. "J", 30 or 3S .■^oe Cowansvilli\ Mount Foro-t, E Bathurst. T or 38 ... , . . . W. Port Bobiiison,! Clitl'ord.C Orillia. Da,G or lo l'ro^ton, C Lawrcncevillo, U Folly Lake, T • .Summer •id(!,Zi, oU or i'J. . .•See Xiai'ara. Woodstock, B Bathurst. 'J' or )\>i , . . Tilt Cove, ir. Irish Crock, N H arbor (i race,. k; JU-ockvillc, A, N or 1 Brockville, A, N or 1., .. Uarri-ton, C Port Hood, 3!) Xapanoo, A Newhurgh, Zh Xewbury, B. Shubena- adio, T Bad(lock.41 Athol.T Petitcfidiae, Ta Luncnburr. -10 XewCarli.-le, 30. X'oweastlo, A. Newcastle, T. nO or .18. Newcastle Bridge, '.M. Xewcastlo Creek. 30. PaiTy Sound, 17 Shubenacadie, T. Brighton, A .See Cat's Cove. Lunenburg, 40 Lancaster, A Bellamy's, N Borlii., A 7 3 4 18 17 14 3 8 12 Ifi ■244 8 S« 30 8 1.1 3 10 8 9 7 8 14 ft 12 22 30 3 33 38 26 8 r<6 7 20 74 25 12 18 28 27 8 Mi 21 H 12 TABLE OF ROUTES. tf inient Point ,il)lo liy )r Steamer. or :!S , > .•••• , ;iO or ;;s — X. Zti .. X. /.!> or ;>•').. X, zii or ;;•'<. c. ik, Til. w.Tc lor ;)8 T o, era, Ti c . ScpKxro, Ba. r. 30 or as.. villi<. -t. K or 38 on, I. . i or 1^ lli>, U r ,Zi,oy or42.. B.... or ;w. K o,.H! \.N orl.. \, N orl. ;'J. ^h. 0, T. Ta 10 '. 30. :. ?,0 or ?A. .ridjc, :it;, reck. ofi. 1,17 e, T. 40., .^s ;t 4 18 17 14 i 8 V2 Ifi 244 8 S« :jo 8 13 3 10 8 9 7 8 14 « 12 22 30 3 33 38 26 8 r>6 7 20 74 25 12 18 26 27 8 1.5 21 H 12 PASSENO ER'S DESTIN ATIOX. Town. VillaKC, kc. New Biirhiim New l)urli:viii New lWcillMirnU;,'ll New Eiliiibiirrh NeweH'w Island Newfra-o NewOairloeh New Germany New Germany ■ Now Germany , New Gla^prow Now Olai^f^ow New Crla'^gow NewQlasLrov,, New llambnrij New Harbor Now lliirbor Now Harbor New Harbor New Hoiio New Morton Ncv.'ingt(jn Now Ireland New Ireland New Ireland Road . . . , New Italy New Joru>a!eiri Now Lancaster Ncwland New Lari;.; Now Liverpool New London Now Lowell Newmarket Now JIaryland Nowinan'a Covo New Mills Now Minns , Now Paisley Now Perliean Now Perth New Point Newport Newport Newport , Newport Corner Newport Landing. ... No\viiort Station New Prospect New Richmond ...... New River New Ross Nc\r Ros3 New Rosa Road Newry Newry Now Sarnm New South Wiltshire Nowton Newton Brook Ne\vton Mills Newton Robinson . . . Newtonville Newtown Newtown NeMftown County or District. I'rov Rrant l)rnnimond nid.y Carleton lionavist.i Prince I'Ictou r,nn( nbnr;,' Wall rli)o Weill nd El-in l"'ictoU Queens 'crrehonno Waterloo Diir^reo and Ea Poilo. I'ortuno Bay Onysborongh Trinity Waterloo Albert Stornnint Albert Mi^^antic. Albert Lunenburg Queens < Hengarry York Pictou ■ Levis Qncons .Simcoo York York Bonavista Ilestigoucho Kings Terrebonne Trinity Kings (rasp6 lirant fia>p(5 Hants Hants Hants Hants Cumberland Donaventuro Charlotte Dundas Lunenburg Kings Durham Perth Elgin Queens Durham York Colchester Simcoc Durham Guysborough Kent Kings Out . . Quo . . N'.S.. Ont ., Mid. , P.E.I N'.S., X.S., Ont . Ont . Ont . X.S., p.i;.i Que . Ont . Xfld. Xlld. X..S. Nlld. Ont. X.B. Ont . Most convenient Point acoes.sible by Railroiul or Steamer. r.rantford, Af or Be Durham, Aa. Digbv, U Ottawa, M, Oor2 Oreon's Pond, io Sunnuerside, '/.[, 31) or 4:.\ Oldigarry, Tc r.unenbm-g, 40 P.roslau, A Blai-k Creek, HI) See AMbdr,)'. New (lla--.i>w, To. Chnvlottetown, Zl, 21) or;;i). .Nroiitrcal , New Hanihiir.r, A Harbor Briton, 4 I llarbiir liriton, 41 Xew Ola-,'()w, Tc, Harbor draco, 4(5. .S,'(> Ife-^iiclcr. Siilisburv, Ta .... I Wales. A X.B..|st. .lohn, T orW. Quo . . iSonierset, Aa .... X.B.. X.S.. X.B.. Ont.. St. .Jolui. T orW Lunenburg, 10 (lagetown, '.','> See Riviere Raisin. X.B..!Seo Mount Albert. N'.S. . jOleng.arry, Tc Que . . Levis, Aa P.E.I.iCharlottetown, Zi, 21) or 3 Ont ..jXew Lowell, 1). Ont. .IXewmarket, D, I'redericton, X, Zh or H-J.. Catalina. (."i Xew Mills, T. 19 20 'i 18 24 3i a 17 3(> 42 .)0 :i3 47 43 10 7 a 17 Cfi 24 17 22 5 20 X.B.. XUd. , X.B., N'.S. . Kentvillo, U Quo . . Xfld. . ['.E.I. Quo . . Ont . . Que . . X.S.. X.S.. x.s. . x.s. . x.s. . Quo.. X.B.. Ont . . X.S.. X.S. . Ont . . Ont . . Ont . P.E.I. Ont . . Ont . . X.S.. Ont. Ont . . X.S. . N.B.. X.B.. Montn^al Harbor (ii'ace, 40 Oeoru'etown, Zi or ;!!>.. . Perco. 2d or 30 r.rantford, Af or Be..., I'erct!, 21) or 30 X'ewport, U I'.llershonse, U , Wimlsor, U X'ewport, U. Athol.T Xew (.'arlisle. 30 St. .John, Tor W Matilda. A Kentville, U Kentvillo, IJ See Yolveiton. Newry, C'ii. St. Thomas, Be, IT or ,T Charlottetown, Zi, 2t» or 31) See (Uarke. Thornhill, D.... Stewiacko, T Bradford. D Newtonville, A. .Sliubonaciuli(>, T iRichibucto, 38. . [Sussex, Ta 13 ,3 18 s 3.'> 37 (i 3 3 30 :;0 !> 20. 20 7 9 r, 6 9 09 22 12 MtlUII ilaL^r "i .it ,.', I .if. 'i!::|-| / ,. Pit ■'[ .,:) 78 TABLE OF ROUTES. TASSKNClKli'S l)i:s'l'INA'l"I(;X. ^ i I. -ifi III S f « ' i Towni, Villafe'o, kc. J OUInWIl New 'l'ii'U(('i-'s I larbor NiK,'ara Annajxdis Xorfnlk \icolot Richmond Sini('<)o Annapolis Virioria Kin^M Huron I'rinco Kdward Middlo'^i'X 'Pwillin^'ato and i'o{,'o . Qnoon's . . . Uant^ Nijiis^inu' TwillinL'ato and FofTo. Oxfonl IVrth Waterloo York I'ronch Shore Hants Ifants rwillincrato and Fofro . Xorthnmborland Vif'toria (iroy Norfolk Rrnoo CardwcU I'rinoo ( 'arloton (ironvilio Fortnnu R.ay i^nnbnry I'ontiac Qnoons Bnioe PoterboroiiKh Rioton Inverness Shelbnrne Invornosfl Twillintrate and Pogo. l^.ay do Vords Xorthumberland Annapolis lirant Hant« Lunenburg Stormont Snnbnry Siinbury ('liatoan?naj' V*'('tit\vortli ' Ciirloton Wolfe IMacontia & St. llarv's l'laccntia&. St. Mary's Stan'^tead Charlotte R.K.I. X.S.. R.C . X.R (int . X.S. Ont. Qno . Cine . Ont . X.S. N.H. N.S. Ont . Ont . Ont Xfld. R.R.I X.S.. Ont.. Xfld., Ont . - Ont . , Out.. Ont .. Xlld., X.S.. X K. Xfld. , Ont.. Ont , Ont . . Ont . . Ont . . Ont.. I'.R.I, X.R.. Ont. XIM. X.R. Que . X.S. Ont. Ont. X.S. X.S X.S. N.S. Xfld. Xfld. X.R. N.S . Ont. X.S. X.S. Ont . X.R. X.R. gne . Ont . Ont. Quo . Xlld. Xfld. Qno. N.B. Most ronvonlont Point Hcfcssible by Railroad or Steiiinor. Charlottctown, Zi. 'J!t or ■•• Digby, r .Xew Wc-tniinstcr, -IM. Xi^w /Cealund, /h. Xia^rara. lib or 1». RridKotown. I' Xicksville. Re. St. (ire;»oire, Ac Danville. .\a (iilford, 1) Wilniot, U liaildeck, 11 Sec Kingston. OiMleriih. ,Vf Rc'lovillc, A, (i or 7 Dorchester, R , Tilt <"ove.-l.". Charlottetown.Zi, 'Jl)or!i!t KImsdale. V Des .Joaihinis, ;( Tilt Cove. I.-) St. Mary's, A.. .Shakespeare. A , Paris, Af or R King, 1) (Jreen's I'ond. A'> -bnbenacadie, T Shnbenacmiie, T I'ogo, 4.") Colborne, A I'enelon Falls.RS See Orchard. Sinico(>, Ro Port KiLMn, C. (Iilford. D Xorthain, Zi. Woodstock, VorZh Rellaniy's, X Harbiir Rriton, 41 See Tiacoy. Rristol. ••{ Lunonbnrg, 40 .Sonthampton, C I.aketield, (Ja. I'icton.T.-, 20 or .'SO Port Hood, :i!i Shelbnrno, 40 Port Hood, 3!) Twillingate, 4') ('arbonear, 4t! Newcastle, T, 30 or o8 . . . . Annapolis, U Princeton, R Shubonaciulie. T Lunenburg. 40 (^)rnwall. A, 1 , .'> or (! I'redericton, X, Zh or ;15. . . Rrigg's ('ornerx, ;H(J {^aughnawaga. Ae Hamilton, R, Za or I Osgoodo, M Arthabtiska, Aa ."^t. .John's St. John's North Hatley, S. St. Andrews, V or 37 •io 8 2 14 r, (1.) 9 •JO ^ 21 i> 8 111) 10 8 ? 7 143 :i2 28 10 14 18 11 ai 8 2G a 10 25 45 21 12 20 20 7 .•50 10 22 25 7 U 3 20 r>i 8 21 52 118 48 'iiiotit Point ililf by >r Stt'iimer. II, /I. U!) or ;;ii •iO 3? i-tir, -18. , /ll. or !». U n c. Ac 8 9, M r, (i.i n <) or 7 •JO ii.Zi, 'JUorHit. it ., ;! 111) 10 8 \ ;' 7 . 4'> , T 113 32 •.>8 l(! i,]8 14 18 11 31 orZh 8 26 1, 4'i n 38 C 10 lor.'iO 25 43 '>1 12 20 30 or 38 ... . 20 7 30 10 22 25 7 34 3 20 r>i 8 T ) :, Zh or 35. . . .Ao 21 1*8 ,S. Vor37 48 TABLE OP IIOUTES. n rAS.SENG Ell'ri DRSTI.N' ATIO.N. Town, VlllaRo, 5:c. Nortli .roi.'i.'iii(i North Ki'|>|)t!l Nortli l.iiko North Ij'.iko North Luke Nortli LiiiKiistcr North .Montiiu'iic Nortli .Moiiiit;iin Nortli Moiintiiiii North Niitioii Mills North Oiisiow North rt'lhiiiii North I'rlllhMlll North l'imia<:l(i North I'nrt North Uaiii^c! Corner North Uid,'c North Hivor Nortli UivfT North River North Uiver Uridire North Hivcr liriiL'o North Uivcr I'laU'oriii North Salt'iii North Soc'tioti of Earltowii. . . . North SiMU'ca North Shoi'u North .short! North .Siilo Ijasiii IlivurDtJiiiiis. North Stan bridge North Stoke North Stukoloy North Sutton North Sydney North Troy North Tryon North Walveliold North West Ann North West Bay North West Cove North West Ran ire North Williamsburg North Wi It.iliiro North Winchester Norton Norton ( 'reek Norton Dale Norton Stat on Nerval Norwa\' Norwieh Norwc >d Notfield Notre Da. no Au.\iliatrice.< Notre Dame de Oraee Notre Uauie de llichelieu Notre Dame du Lac Notre Daiiie dii Mont Carinel. . Notre Dame du Mont Carmel.. Notre Dame du Portaj^e Nottawa . . . Nouvellc Noyan Nutt's Corners Oak Bay Oakliam Comity or District. IProv Wi'stiniirland tir-y KiiiKH W(!stinorland ^(.rk I.N. 11 ileiivrarry Out ,N'.I1.. ,Oiit . , , P.K.I, jN.n . Diindas ()nt . KiiiKs |N..S . . .yuo .. .IWue.. , '(Jilt .. .I.Mali.. Ottawa I'liiitiai- Wellaiid Provciiclicr.. , .\lissisex (Int.. Colche.ster i.N.S. . • Jilccns P.H 1. Westmorland .N'.IJ. . Colchester. . . . Victoria Wesiinorlaiul , ilaiils Colchester. . ,. laldiiiuiiid . , ( Uiiiiberland . . \ictoria iiiveniess .... .Missis(iiioi,,. . llicliiiioiid .... .-^hetldrd Hroiae Caiie Uretou . . Broiiio Prince Ottawa Cape Breton.. ijueens Lunenburg . . . Lunenburg . . . Dundas Queen.-i Duiidas Kinj,'.s Cliateauguay . Vork Kings llalton Voik O.xl'nrd Peterborough. (Hengarry .... ... Uoeiielaga.... llouvill(! Teiiiiscouata. . Cliamplain . . . Kamniira-ka. . Teiiiiscouata . Simcoe Bonaveiitiire.. Missisquoi. ... Missisquoi. .. . Charlotte ^uccnii Mostroiiveninnt Point accessible by Uailroiid or .-steamer. .•#.... .N.S.. N.S.. S.H. .N .S . . .N.S.. Out . . .N.S.. .N.S.. N .8 . . Quo . . Que . . Quo . . Quo . . .N .S . . Quo . . P.K.I. Que . . .\.S.. X.S . . .V.S.. .S.S.. Out . . P.K.I. Out.. .S.B.. Que . . X.B.. N.B.. Out . . Out.. (Jnt.. Out .. Out.. Que . . Que . . Que . . Que.. Que . . Sjue . . Que . . (Jilt.. Que . . Quo . . Quo . . .N.B.. N.B.. iKkville.T Owen .Si)und, Ka or l.> ( ieorgctown, Zi or 31> Sackvillc, T ( 'anterbiiry, V ( 'iirnwall, .\, I, .'> nr tl .--iiiith's I'alls, .\ or 1 l\.eui)itvillc. i[ or I Kciiiviilc, U riiurx), 2 .Vriii>ri(ir,N I'lirl R(il;iii^on, I lubiiia, .")| . .>t. .Vriiiand, P Belleville, A, (i or 7 ui),'i'y, i; Windsor, li i'l'niro, T ('iiarlottctoAii, Zi, 2;» or :;:• Sali-btiry, Ta Iriii'.), 'J' B.iddeck.-ll Pc.lktL Ui\er, Ta. Sliubciiii. iuiic, T Truro, T ilaiuiltoii, IJ, /.:i di' 1 Weiitworth, T Baddivk.ll Piirt llawkesbiiry. ;;;» .Stanbridgi', .S SlierbrooKC, Ab Waterloo, (^ Richl'ord, U j Sydney, 41 Troy Line, 11. CUarlottetowii, Zi, 2!) or 3!t Ottawa, M, U or2 Sydney, 41 Liverjiool, 40 lalit'a.\, T or W Luneiibur;j 40 A lure, Zi. Alorri,-,buiv .North Wilt:> Wales, A . llaiiiptoii, Ta St. liemi, Aa Wood- to k, V or Zh.. Norton, T.i. Norval, A. Toronto , Woixlitock, B Peterborough, Cui. . . . Lanca-.Lci, A See Buiklaiid. .\lonireal See Vii.age Richeliuu. See Detour du Lao. See ValiiKjiit. -lec Mount Cannel. Lake Road, Aa (-'oiiingwood, D (jr 1.). Carleton, .,0 Lacollo, Ad IJei Uiviii-fs, P St. Ste|i!icii, V or 37 . Udsekeag, T.i 17 19 40 12 17 24 lU 6 10 1) lt> li 1«* 12 10 10 (*> (S ;{ 2 ID 5 2(j 11 •J-) 2i) •u a 1!) 14 12 13 27 27 10 12 3-^i 10 7 28 .11 Iti 4 1-0 ■a 3 12 2 17 6 14 I> i 'I I I? Ill !|:' t iiii i. ,, ■ u»P; t.V ^ 1 1 '1 .J II 1$ i !i^ • ^i 111 SO TAnT.F. or ROUTES. J'A.S.SIiNai:il'S DI'.STIXATION. l\)wn. Villain, iic. Oak Tlill.... Oiik Hill.... (MkliiiKJ... . OakiiiMiJ.. . . OakliHid. ... Oiik I'liik... Oiik I 'ill lit. . I'diiit. , I'oillt.. I'oillt. . Iti.|-(S. County or Disfrlrt. I'rov fliaii()l,t(! VJi't.nrln Hniiit HllIltH I.niu'iihiirj,' .-lu'lbiirmi KillLTH Kin;; -I .Mar'iiii'ttp Nnrllimiili!'rlaii(l. 't'lirk Ilalton .-■oiiiaii!:!'; \'ii'toria Oak Oak Oak Oak OakvlUc. Onkvillc. Oak \vi Kill Oban I/unliti)ii Of lire I 'it Cove I!ay dc Vcni-i <)iiiio\- Otfa I i I iinm OkHvIc Kin'.'i^ Ohio I Aiiti;^'n)ii^.li Ohio ; r.tincidiiir:: . . Ohio |Sli<'lliarnt' Oliio YanniKitli Oil Crock I.ainbtim Oil iSprin^M I^iiiiibton Oka Old Darns Old Jioniuonlnro Old Diirliimi Oldham (»ld Man'H ]!ay Old Oldrcrlioan OldShoi) O'Leary Jloiwl Olinda Olinvill. Olivcr'rf Covo OiiiaKh Oinoiiico l.")0 Milo Jlouso Onoida Oiitrlcy Onoiulai^'a Onislow Onslow Onslow Upper Ontario Open Hall Orangoville On'hardvillo Orillia Orleans Orniond OrmBtown Oro Oromocto Oromo.- to (North Branch) .... Oromocto (riouth Branch) Orono Orwell Orwell Cove Orwell Uead Osoca ■ Two .Mountains Colchostcr 'I'rinity Urnnintond Hants r.ur;-'co and ].a Poilo. . Kent Trinity 'I'riniiy I'rinco I'^HSCX cjueeiis I'lacontiaiS; ."^t. JIary'.-. Halton Victoria ('aril)oo llaldiniand N'orthiimbcrland Brant Colchester Ottawa ( Jolchestor Wcntworih Bonavista.. Welliiijjton (!rcy Siincoo Russell Dundas Chateauguay Simcoe .-^unbury Siinbury ■Snnbury Durham El;^'in (,)ueen8 Queens Durlxam \.B. Out. Out. N'.S. ,V..S. N'.S., V.H., N.S. Man. N.B., Out . Out., Que . lint., ' mt . Nlld. ',ino . Nlld. Out. nnt . N'.S. M.S. N'.S. M.S. N'.S. Ont. Ont. (Juo . N.S. Nlld. Que . N.S. Nlld. Ont . Nlld. Nlld. I'.E.J Ont. \.U. Ntld. Out . Out . r..o . Ont. Out . Out . N.S. Quo , x.s, Ont, Nlld, (Jut , Out, Out , Ont, Out . Que . Ont , N.B. X.B. N.B. Ont . Ont, P.E. P.E. Ont. Most convrnfent Point accessible by Railrutul or .Steamer. St. Stephen, V or ;!7... < 'dbociiuk, F Brantfcird. Af or Be. . , N(!\vport, U I.uiicnbiir;;, 40 shclbnrnc, lO Oak I'liint, I!'). I'ort WilliauH, U I'nrt Carry, 01 Chat ham, :!0 or :i« Kill'.', 1) Oakviile, Ba. See .Mountjiiy. r.ind-tay. (i Mimdamin, lib (.'arboncar. 4') Lacolle, Ad Burin, 41 Kint;ston, A, Zb or 1 . . Lucan, A. . . . Berwick, U New (ilasLTow. Tc .... Luiieuburi.', 40 Shclburnc, 40 Varuioiith, 40 See (,'opli'vton. I'ctrolia, Bb Oka, '2. Truro. T Trii.ity, 4.') See lianby, lailield. T Biirijeo, 41 (.'halham, B Harbor (irace, 4G Harbor Grace, 4 (i. . , . , O'Leary Ilmvl, '/A. Belle Ilivicre, B (Jat,'etown, '^li St. ilohn's Georgetown, A Onieiueo, G. Yale, 48 Ilai,'ersvillo, JI or Za. . Brij^hton, A ;)nondaj;a, Af. Truro, T Onslow, ;t. Truro. T See Winona. Catalina, Aii Orangeville, E. Mount Torcst, E Orillia, Da, G or 13 Ottawa, M,Oor2.... Osgoode, M See Durham. Ban'io, Da Oromocto, 35 . See Tracey. See Blissville. Newcastle, A Aylmer, Be Orwell Cove, 43. Orwell Head, 43. Port Hope, A, G or 1 . , '2 3 11 7 10 1.5 :io 8J 8 a IH 3 l!> Vi ir. 8 4.'5 2:» 3 7 18 .1 •JO ;:8 43 18 30 103 21 2t2 1 5 6 3 46 8 8 11 IC 10 lent Point )lc l.y Mtcmiior. or :i7. or liti. ,U.. I b. Zl) or I . 0. 4G.. ,4(). .. 7a. 15.... r or Zii. E.... oris or '2.. 11 7 10 1» 1.1 •J3 7i :io IS 81 8 3 IH 3 1!) I'i « ■1.5 :t 7 1« .1 •JO ;:8 w 18 30 !(>3 1>1 1 6 3 46 8 8 11 IC aor 1 1 10 TADLE OF U0UTE8. 81 I'AS.silNdLU'S NATION. Town. VIIlv^o, ic. 1,'onnty or l)i^tri< t. Osbornii , ()-it;o()i|i? OshoikIc siation.. ■ Osliii'.va i)Mi;U)ni< k ('onU'o. (lH|ll'l'.V O'iprin'.ri' :<\\ •Umrn'". li ■lll'l-"W. . il;i>-:cll... Itll-cll... ,()iilirio.. . Storriiont. O' ()H.m;vn. . . . ()lld.. nt . NM!.. Ont . ):it . )nt .. :)nt. . Int .. Man.. )nt . . I'.S . Most convenient I'oint lii'i-e Hilile liy Itailroa'l or Mi uin r. Slieltiiirne, ID Pemliroke. 3 O-i'/ood '. \\ o-„'o.m1-, y\. tiriwa, A. Wales, A ColIiii^'Wdod, |) or r> 1 Inelph, A or (! Hampton, M'l. \lan {■"ep'ns, C W.ilkertnn, (; .St..r(ihn'-; Lnnerdiuri.', 10 , \a|)anee, .V Owen S iMiid. Ill or I ■>. SniiLli's Milh. S : )wen Sriinid, I^a or \; .... iliver Piiilii','!' -! 'o Oxloy. Wood-toek. U Newi'a-*tle, T, '■'■<) ne . . jnn . . <..S . Ont ., 0:it.. nit .. i'.H.I hit . V.S.. Ian.. Ont.. Out . . .S-.-e Dover Soil! 'i. Pains'.'c .Iiinction, 'I'. Allendale, D Paisley. C See C.iledoii East. Pakenliani, N. Lronte, !! I'ort Carry, .'d UiMifrew. \. M.irden Uoad, U. Riehibncto, ii.S Palmer. ton, (J. See lOmliro. liolton, !•; Pakenliani, N Papineanville, '_'. Coatii'ook, Ab Paradise, P. irarrowsiiiiili, Zh Pari-, Af or P. Paris, Af or It. (Jliarlottetown, Zi,2!) or 31) Dlora, C .Vnnap(dis, U Port Carry, ."il Owen S )nnd, Ea or l'>.. . Park Uill, A. I ^ ■JO 17 9 S « 10 4 00 5 36 11 C It S 30 H G 3 5 20 24 81 30 3 53 G It 7 22 22 1 9 8 l»i 15 ur \i\ ♦•I ■ ill.: «iiiii|l||ki 'I ' jc \t.i III"'".' » V II' I'll! ::<:>!y :i«||-! 82 T.M'.LE OI' U';|;TKS. 1. 1 ii- \> i • t| i fll^' r.vssiiNtiHU'.-s i)i:s'ri\.\'i'i()\. .Mo:-t •oiiviilcnl Pdii.t ll''ee--iblc by Ilailroail or Sliaiii<'r. --I V-* 'IViuii, Villii;"'. k<\ Ciiuiity or Di.-tri't. I'niv. Quo . . lint .. \'.S, . '5 Vnrl.liiirst l';irtii:i Lotbiniern .\'lil!ii"|iai (.'rai-y-sTload, .\ii .'\a;.aiie', A \Miol, '1' P.'iri ;l)or J'.irrv Siiiiihl \ .'""oina Out.. \.S.. \ IJ . <>|!P . , \.P.. . \-|l.l.. ■\'M . out .. X.ll.. ';iit.. !!.C.. Itnt I'.M.I. Nt!(l.. f,i!;c . . ','!ie . . Dllt .. Milt .. \.S. . llMt .. Milt .. Man.. ;\..s.. X.«.. Out . ^' S I'arrv Sonml, 1 7. Atli/il.T -;r. .biliii, '1' i.r \V P;iri i-iil'.'(' j.^l:iiiil I'.'irl ri(i"'(' ! kI:lii([ .... , CllMlberll'l'l. .... . 2.-) J'aiM'lii.K- Pa fl^.air ]'.i:'i 1 ;);iii>l i;iina\ I'lil III-:' Kill '•; riirliiiK' ]: v; ria-. nf.afc f-:i. Marv's Vbiii". ; n. I'.a- cl.ea". 'I'a. i lariior I 'r't on, 11 K Cnvc I'.Uf r •III .-t.. .I.lllll's !!• Iiiii'iiiil MilK 1) |i' P I'atti r III Hci t Iciiii'iii;', W Tail. la h J'avilli.iii I'caliinlv i'l'tcrboroii'jli. ( ;a Vale. -IS Mwcii s.iiinil, lla. or r. I'eaic''; lloail. VA. To-'o, |.") '-'tuiibrl'i-ire l!:i 1 , 1' Newport, i! i.r .-^ Hart land, Z'l l/iiii' r, !■■ ■_'(;7 Peal. (■•,'. l; 1 \\'.-4V-v lliirl..,! Pcarcctiiii •1 I'ca 'l''v's Cum. r Pool..' !!r(ii!K' Carl Moll U'cllili-toii Vor!; Halifax 'J'' P('('j;;i,hpii n (VinTlaw Pp-'"V"s<'o\,- 1 ' mnin 't on, 1 ' Ibil'fa.x, 'I'.a- |- .lorian. 1>. -■'1' S lal 1| ( low.-r. ■ce W'o t 1,' ?)lie. Iliver-lale. '1' 10 :;ii PoUi.uf I'liioii !'(ilt DiiV < '(in H ':■.-; M(i;itk ( lrcii\ IS!" 4 P(;iii!iin:i I'cinlinii.r Pi'iiilii"(i!,(' i'roveir 'i!',- Col !u-ler \hv.\\=. lie iiir'w 11 •Jil P(,miiIhm!.(' i'eaibiMke. :!. Potiilirol;!' •t Poilill''(,nii. . , , , i'r'~,Mit.t I'.riiri' ) 'i ItlfOf! Out .. Ont . . Milt .. ijiie . . N'.S.. X.P.. X.P... \ 15 I/Mri^'nal, '.' .■■('" Kill' anliiii'. Ilirrie, Da -•I-!"'. "0 ifalil'av, T or C 'N Pcnctaiiu'drc PcnciMii'.-iii li"iii' "'> Poiiiii^llla di;.' Pctuiat 1 !;ir!iiir Ilil 1" Halifax Cliai-1 tte I •iivrlotte. K'll'M .. Pcniilicl.l ; Poiinlidlcl Ui.:-c Peii'il) >i|iiis St. M'-cir'-e.,:!? ■t. (;■' .r.'e. :;; i'cilob ■(]iii ;. 'I'a. ■'-'0 I'a'rKW ill;. Clora, C s Pen v.irl; J'oiillaiiil ■•iaiiiie \Vel'iiii_'toii i):it . . Ont . . PiMiviilc Pc-.Th St;i(;iiii 1, ll'lll'iOll Milt .. Mnt .. ^'iie . . Mtit . . X..S.. ,)I10. . Milt.. Mat.. ,'110 . tilt.. :;iiii.. -■.n.. Mnt. . tnt .. .11. . )!lt.. Milt . Mat.. ).it . . Milt.. ■'•It.. Milt.. ;.!(.. ■.•)M.. P.K.'. nradi.a-.l. I) I'er'li, \. i'l^r ■■'. '.'It or ::o. ■■c" V.iirl;\vortl\. I'ort Wiiliai 1 :, r 10 P,T.'(! Perry I'.TMIIX \i i-(!iiniil)'aiaii(| !;|i;- .; |>l|-a,wa -i;:i''()e ilei'fr"\V Cotiiiiton >i;!ii'oe. iiiv (le Veril ■ in Pcrkiii:* Por: 1 P.rr't',1111 J'('rr\ burn Mttawa. .M, M or •_' .-^lielbiini", lla !';'liibro!,e, 'A ('(latii k. Ab See ('ooK.'^town. Carboiiear, in Aiinliaor.i, 'I'a i 'err '.town, (J. I'erti,. Na. ira:-ilaii<)./.li I'oiiibi-il-.e. ;: \iirora,. 1) I'elrrb.iri.i;;:!!. Ma. IVter h-.r-. A. "Jen Iliiiabi'rstoiie. l')Ob'-ay;r"tin, is or ID \ai'a:i"e, A l'.at!mr-l, '1' nr :."< St. .lo!m'><. 10 TVrry'.s I'lrinav-; Pen", 's ( 'i)Vi'. . . ... s Perry S 'MlciiK'iit Pon-vMwii P.'r;!i Pcrt'i Pi; awava iviir' -. HiTiiani I.aiiari; Viitovia Itcnfrcw '20 10 Pot''ivillc '.■or!: l'(';i'rlioi'(iir.''i War-rloo U'r'llaild ;'eterl)oi'o!i:'li i'riiiei! IMwanl dioii •O'llrr ''la-entia^: St. M iry'-; Kiiiga •>i IVt 'rl) iron :li • Peto.'.biir-- Pcf'-rlmr-r I'et 'rsim Peterson's I'cn-y Pot-^i-'s l!"vi r. .'. p." »r"s Itiv "• 4'.' 10 7.'i PetLT's lluivtl ■■ii. Pct'.'V's UortU, Zl. lii'iil I'Mii.t. Sti'mii'M', \n n ■ >■' )l» - 2-) ■ W •2 1 ! k; 1, 1) II' (l;i I!) •)■)! /'i . 1 ■'.'' ■1 1? "■'. ■ • • • T) 10 1' :;i) 4 ' 11 I 4 I,, I "•' I (i I 20 ! I s 10 , r. cil--' 10 10 10 f» H 11. R VO 3.^ 10 ol 1 ;;>. '1111'. S nr 11) 10 • :,'i , , 5 7.> T.MU.E OF ROUTES. 83 I'AHSKNfJHIl'S Dl'Xn NATION. Town, Villii^'o, &c. icrivillc I'..ur-iv;llc rcLcr.-villc !'.'t,('r.-villi' Cliiipli , rdiiiTidii I'rtitcdiliac l'rt,it<^ Cot" I'tito (IdCrat I'' tiU' l'ii-.-^a'„'o i' titc lUvii ii! liriilj^'c , ^rlitl•^ I'.iii I'linl , !Mit .Mrfu I'.'tit Uorllir rilroliii I'rlt.V ll.ii-lior I'c!'.v(irlli I'.'VCl-il l'!l(Hjl-^l■ ri^'Aoriiii-T i'ickptf.-i Wliarf l';rl,.,u I'icloll I'irtlilinllt \ .lll/y I'lc-lTi'Mll ri.rnnill:' I'icrri'vill'' MUIa Pi;.'i'iill Hill ri-;roii l,;iltoii Vh I'lacciitia Mail's dive I'laiiiliojil I'lailiticid r'aiiivilU^ i'lui-tcr Cove l'!;uiLa,'rii!'t I '. tC ( '()\l> i".i;;;villo :''M:rr (.'omity or District, Prov. Kill,'-! .Mid-lli.Mcx yiu'iins Oui'i'iis \V''llili;. tnii \V(!-tliii)rlaiid Iliiclii'laira liit'lllriolid l)i;/l.y , LiiiK'iihur r I!iir^'r(» anil I.a I' ■: I'la'ciitia \, .St. :.: 1 llinnin.lii . iioii''! sicr I..ainlit(i!i ,~;t. .Idlin'it Aildin^'t.iii Nandrciiil .-iini'ixi .\ri--i .(iiiiii Wati'rlcio U'cls .\l.iiaiM)!i-; I'"n>iil('nac I'l.nlia- .... ll'.H.l. 'Out . . ....|N.IJ. ...,|.v,n.. ()nt ., j;,,ij,. ....I'jiio,. N.S.. N.S., N.S,, .\lld.. « .;iid.. f.iro . . Most cdnvt'iilpiit Point ai'i'i! -oilili' by Uailr iHil or .Stoaiiirr, N.IJ.. 0;.t ,, .\!l.|.. Out ,. •JIH' . • Mrit . . y.U! . , tint . . Ont . . N S. . Out . . . 'Jiio (Icdr.ritduii, '/.] ( r '■'.'.). Ldnluii. A-T, 1! dr ■) . . . Wrl IdlM, \V W.lldrd, \V Kiiiiludrtli, V, rotiliddia^:, 'I'a. .Montreal Port lla\vk(!.;biiry, :;!). l)i:-'()y, i; l!ri(l;jct<)\vii, U Planclic!, 41 ,- 1, tldlm'.s .-t. O.tavf!. T. liatliiir t, T or :i» rclnilia, Jid. ■■it. Jdlm's .'saiJiinco, A C'.t'aii, A. I'dituiif liny Ntld I )iitario |( ii.t , Kiii:'-t -„ I'rinrc Jidward I'iitoii i irldll Mi--i.-(HKii V;Uiia.-ka Va!iia-"i Ma,-, iiictt'- ,. . . out,. N .S , . lark ad, '/A. .riilr'aCoriK.'r.s .Mi i.;i]Udi Udiiavi ^ta Ontario Vork liaiiifiidii Vork NiiiLTS iirii' (! I'i.-tiui , Vllci'llS lirui (! ( 'onipldii , ! Iny b.iroii^li St, Jdllll , (.^IIIVMIS Fivn li Slidr'i' l''rdnt>'iia" <;rciiviil" ld;l'';'lltill & St. Mai-j ' linrin ila-tiii;,';-! I'ii'tdii .Xdrtliniiiln'rlaml Invcrnc.--. i'rc-ccitt Iii0iavi~ta ,. iisl'iird. lie . f/ne <,;io , IJlIO . .Man. (lit . (^)iu; . M!d. out. Ont . •Hit. (jnt . N.S. Out . . .\.s. , p.i;,i. Out ., ',1|10.. N S. . I la 1'^ 3 'Xi •JO r, 4 \2 llarrif, Oa St. Annaiid, 1' Ilcrlm. A i;r')( kvilli!, A, N, nr 1 Ijrid 'ctowii, U , .-■i.'u Otini ton. .S(>o Otter J/ike. Harbor ISrit'in, 44 iMiflin- ♦ rt^k. A. I'ort V.',.::»rti-,U......i Pi> t<«, »i t.! or 'J I ■Sorel, •.■:; or '^4 ,-t. Ariiiai.d, y inrt (iarfj &! .>>e I'drt Kiiurit-y. J>-.s Jiti V itTc-", r OnM-:ir'.-> Pond, i't Wiek.iJ'' \Vd(,dlii:''.''-, K .Sep WitM r. .\L'\viiiai'.. I. I> WiUervillf, I . kiln ardi lie, <,'a or !■; .\Cw (M.i-^'dW, '1 ' Cnarldtteio'.Mi, Zi, '2'.> or ;;: Pink('ri.oii,(;. Lennii.wi Je, Ah or R I'ort lla\\k(vl)iir' , ;>:» . . . .St, J< hn.Tor W" I'i.-"liiid, /i. (Iri'eli'.-< Pdlld, 4." Oanaiioiii.'', A Ivhvard •.'nr;Jr, A St, .Idlm'.-i P.iirin, It P.eileville, A. 'id.- 7 Pietdu, ■]•<•, v:i or ;.() Cdlioiir;:, A, K or i .New OI:l-;,'0W, Te Urov. n',-;, -J fatal dia. 4-') Mriijht.A Penh, \a D 18 Vi \i •2 la •JS 7 16 =1 .'.2 4 4 10 c CO :> S) 6 ■-() 11 10 l-i r> 47 ,5 "i'J liliJ^I tfoe GL'inloy, TAiJLP] OF uoi;tks. PAKSKNGKIl'vS IJKHTINATION. F {^« Mr r » f fl I'owti, Villiij^is &(', rii-tiH:it,t. I'.ivy Plcii ,.i:,l (iiMVc Pira-lUil. Hill Pl I '11 lint, UU\','<'. Pli':i.iint. I!iv( r ri';:i .•ml Viilr rii'!i';ir,t VuUcy riiii iiiiL Valley Pl.iii, :ilit. Viillcv JPl(t.i iuit Viill^'V Plcii;iiit Viillfy Pl(!HlK,vilIc Plum lldlliiw Hlllll\VCr'<<|) Plyiiumth Po ■Iu'i'iikIk! P<).'■k^.h:lw point. Aliilio Point. I'i t IniiicI tc point Ali'xiinilcr P.iint. V.iuU- P.iiiil. ( iiriliniil Point, Clciir Poirit(( i\ i 'iiv:i :ncil P.JiM.'i' A i'"lilll':Ull Pcj'nti! !v 111 (laiilc P(iliit(( ii I'll- Ptiinti! ail lioiiicaii Po'iilc nil (Jliciio P linti! Aiix AiikIiiIh Poiiilo ii'i.x I'ins Pdiiil.c' iinx 'rr^niMcM point <• iiiiv '^|•'lul)ll'.^ (7t hii.i. , P.iii.ti! .'iix 'rrcmhlc.s <7( /laiil Poitllf! dl' CIll'IK! Pointc (!(• Mciiron P'lihtn 'ill r.nli! P :nti' (III Olic'iio Pol il.iMlii I,ac Pi^tili! ( 'liirc Point Ivlv.anI P<)int(> I'oil niH! Point Kii.'o Point I.:i Nini Point l.anri! Point l.rvi Poir.t Mii'limix Poi'it f.loll Point of (lapi? Point T'-li r , Po'nt I'laloii Point I'riin Point Uo-sy Point St. tniarloH Point,'- 1. IVtiM- Point 'l"iM\ cvii! Point V.T.lii Point Woll" PolritM- , ?o!:j,n(l , oll"t Kivor Pollot Ilivijr fetation Polly lio^r Potnproy liid^-c , Ponionfx Pbuiijuut Chapel (-'oiinly or MisLrict. i'rov rnvrnc^H '.iiiciwn ..« .\drni|U ( '!ifir! kjllrCllH I Albert |)ii_'l)y I iants i'icloii I'rinco Kdward CJni'ciin .Mr>;,'iiiiti(; I,i'((l.-t KinKr< Yarinoiitli (Jloiii tv-liT • iloiiio-tcr Welland I'rovcnilicr licnfri'W OolrliO' liT i'n'; Unrcco and I,iv I'oilc. .Monli'i-al (lap* I'riiK'o l'',d\\ard . . . I'la<(!ntiii& St Mary's AllM^rt llirlniioiid riatiarl<. WirHtliiorlaiid West inorland (!oli'ti(vst('r ... Cliarlotti! (troy , AhtitjOUisU ••• \.S. I'.K.I, Ont . . MoHt coiivciiit'iit roint a('i'(;*Kil)|i' tiy llailroiiil or HtcaiiK r .N S.. N'.n.. .\ .s. . N.S.. Out.. '.K.r (jiic . . Out . . .N.l!.. N.K. N.U. .N.U. Out . .Mail. Out . N.H. Out . N.S Que . '..IlK! . I.JlK! . , Quo Qiio . I.Hio . Quo. Dnt . QIlK! . ;ino . Quo . .Man. Out. N.H. N.n. Quo ■ QlK! . Out. Quo . Ont., X II. , Nfld., Quo . .\.S. .\!ld.. N .S.. (.'lit. Qui! . . 1' V.A. .Mid , Quo . Quo . Out . Mid N'.n . N S 'Mlt \.I5. , N.H.. .\ H . .\.I{.. Out. N.S. Port Hood. ;)!» .><■<• SiilVolk. 'l'ilKonlinr„'. He or II .' t . .'^tcjilu n. V or '.')7 I.iiniiilinr^r. '10. . I'nl.itiddiai-. 'I'a .')itrl)v. ir Illni'^laU'. T U'.'vt )!iv .\Iontr,:ii I'ort (!;UTV. 01 Fort William. 17 SarUvilii'. T I'oinl.c on ; lii'iic. 'I'li or ;n» 'I'liPM- |!,-i'iv. Af, T.i or 21 I'l iidi! Claire, A. ■-'.arnia, A or lili t'ointi' I'or'ii'io. '-' Poii;t Ka\c. II Dallioovi,., 'f,i. :;() or :i8 St..)olmVi So(> |,i>vi-. Port Ilawkcslinry, "!). .St. ,Tol Ill's N'cw ( i la-irow, To I.'iitoii, (i or 7 (^)uclinc Cliarlottotowu, Xi, I'D or;;!). ('lian!i, •■ Perth, \a. Petit^'odia-, Ta I'oUet Uivcr. Ta. Polly ]!o-, T St. Sti'iihen, Va or 157.. . , Mount Foro-'f, K Nuw CUasfow, To , inii:iit I'liiiit or KtiMiiK r in. Ill- <.r 11 V or:;; 40 Tiu Tc ,vii, /■!,'-.':» or ;!!!. t A.N or 1 :i, 'I'iv. 10 :!H orliH :* '/I 'S y;i 10 •» ):» H '.'0 !» II ■)l |s>)urt,'. 1 1. It.. Mill'. v,:i4 ■A. . •f . Aii!.'li\i^. '2 M-.iric, 17 14 :!ii ■| l■|■|lll)l(:^^. I!'.! )!) m. 17 'hciic. Tliiir ::i> •r.-. Af, '2;> or 'Jl r.'. A. .r 1>!' 11 'II'. '..' .11 To.:!Oor :i8. .. I tcKliiiry, "'!>. r)\V, 'IV . . n-7 iwii, /,i, •..':) or:;!i. it !1 (;o 10 2i 11') 8.-. 71 VI 4<» 2:> r, 2 22 17 8'2 i, 'I'll kci-lan-y, :!'.». •■ 'I'a. II, Viv or :!7 ■ P'Kt.K jTow, 'L'o .• • t •• • • US 2t; 2-'> 2:..j 41 TAIJLE OF ROUTE.S. I'AS.SK.NCi;!!,',^ IdvVriNA'riDN. County or l)lf rnrt, linr.vfll I'nt, Cal'l mill .... Tort Ciirl'n'.,' l'..rt('lyilii 1' rt Co!) irnr> r.'it ('r'"lit T'lrr, Diillioimio T'lrt IVmii'l I'l'rt nirliir.'ton . . , I'nrtd" ili.ivc I'ort l)..v(T T'lrt i;1'-''m P.'i-t i;i '.'11 I'-rt I'l'ji'i IV.i-t I'liii ■I-'V .. . I'TtorV'^ Ilili .. ]'ort(.'r'.>< l.iiki? .. . Tort Kclix I'mi-i I'ri'ik Tort, (it'or.ic .. Port (ll;X■[<' . s.w. )llfc.. N'IM.. •:(M.. N'.S., \.s., V.I5.. 'Ian. . '.'.!?.. N.S.. O'lo . ,1110 .. 'Inn.. \M!.. lilt .. ■V .S . N..^.. ■.IM, :M.. VIM. . C.K.I. Inn . . Nn.i.. <)w: . . ■■.'.S.. ■)iit . . |)iit . . N'.S.. )!lt.. v.s. . lilt .. Int.. Int., ,)iio . . lilt . :(1(1., Int.. Diit . , lilt . , V.B., Out . . );it .. Most roil veniont Point li'Tc iildr' liy Ilailroaii or StiMiiicr. \r'\v (!Ia-i,'o\v, Tc. I'ond Mill-, ,1. N-'W < ;ia-,M\v, Tc . Varinonili, 10 .-!('(! (i roi'jiiicM. 'liii'loli, .\ or ('. . . . jlllo. \'..S.. )nt ., V.S. , Onr, ., \fld., Int., V..S. V.H., ( Co lean, A 'laikiiioir.r''. I'l. I'ointi' iiii.\ 'J'^■lnldl•^, :!.') .Sin-i'\, 'I'a .S'ritf,,rd. A H.u-h'ir I'.rltoii, 11 c ni'iis I'ond. I") Halifax, Tor i; I'i'ton, 'j'c. •_':) or :!() liaOinr t, T or :!H I'ort dan;. , .'"il ''rod'Ti 'ton, X,/!i or:;') Hi-by, r Sl'O 1) ■wii.tvilli'. i'o:-*iV,'(; (111 i'""r(, :t. I'ort Carry, .'51 Cliatlriin, :!0 or .;m Codiri ti, Af F/iiidoiid'ory, T l.ond indiTry, T •f!n C'laiioid. IJiiriii.ll • 'lianncl, It fort .\ii;,'n4ns, 4:!. Murray I'.ay, :',i C'laiiiKd, 44 Tadoii n ■. :!1 N"c\v Cla-i,M\v. Tr .St. Thonia;, U;-, IF or.J. Tilsoiildir r, lie or H . .. Svdncv. II i'ortf'arliiiL'. II. siiclbiirii' . 10 I'..rt CollinriH', Af or I. I'ort Cr "It, I'.i. I'ort D.irioiivic, I .ir K, i'(Tr<^, 'j:i or ;;o Sco l5o\vinanvilli'. >f. .Iohn'^ Si llCfIC, li' •>('0 N'lrnianron. -'oi! I'M'.vard-liiiri.'. Slicilia'-, 'I'll I'crt K'liHk'y, 4. Clinton, Af.' Halifix.Tor i: I'ort, Hauko-^bury ... Wilder. A LauTi'iicctown, n .... N'','\vtiiiry, I! . . , , S"ii ifarli r (I race. N"Wtoiivill<', A. AMiol.T I'ort IIa'.v!;i' bury, '■',>. .. V..^ I'ort Ha\vk"-ibiirv, ::'». Prill ..'•;.i, Invcrnp^s S . -lllnnl'■r^l Zi, ::'.) or 4J. ,rt H'lod. :•.:>. 85 1 Victoria jOnt . .I'ort ili ■r. 'Jl. Uiirhaiii lOnt ..i I'ort IVipo, A, U or 1 , || Q 49 '.'1 2 a 3 8 9 '-'() 10 6 M '0 ;;0 •0 ■12 10 hi 174 1 18 ; -'() lA 7t 17 lA !;> 23 .-,0 ■J 40 r, 16 15 m l'"V 'fK, "1 1^ tit, i4 i lit i ti' ■-^ii 'i Hi !1- 1?< 1- 1^1 1 * 5d 8(; TAni.K OK RO( TES. \Si ( m :|" If ■'» :i ^1' If' ^^' . .• "»,i PAssHNf ij'Ui'K Di;sTrxA'rr)\, convrnii nt l'oii;t (lrri'.,.^llilc l> . ]tiiiln/U(l or .Sii'iiiiii'r. 1 '' - Town. Vilhi;V!, &i'. County or DLstriit. i'rov. N.S.. Mit.. Ont.. 1 lit.. (Jii(« . N S.. '■S r..rl .Inlly V.r.l. I,riilit.iii i'ol-(!ilMl| Porlliiiil .. .... ',I||''(MIM iiolllWI'U I,cim!i '■'orf.i'l; hivi^riiool, 'li) .\loor('town, lla I'orllaii'l.'I. .'-^illiror, III", in P,,iil:iii(l Ilia-, a I'lukiiij^'liiini, 'J 1" r.M-||;iiii| l*(;rt l„i 'rcpiir St. .;olin, 'i'or W .-■Iii'liiiiriii', 1(» .Sii'>.. Out.. X.S.. ■X.S 1',.1-t I.CWi-l Port M:ii:l:ui'l 1 liiiit;ii:.;iloli Monck llirlliiio:,(l l.lllCCIM 7 Port M.Jll.iiiil Port M:d,oiiM ... I'ort llawki'ldiry,:;!* I,i\ crfiool, .10 /,ivrr|ioi)l, 10 I'ort Haw ki'-iliiin , '■','.' \\'olliiij.'ton Siihan-, |;a. . . . I'orlni'nf. ;i.'l. 'i'ailoiisa!', ;M I'ort perry. H or 'Jl . Itivcr i'liili)), '1' i;; 10 Port M.'ilwiiy Port M 111 .iMx 1! Port NCI oil Portiiciir I.Iik; 'ii-i ' ;iIV;.l)oroI|;;Ii llalloii i'ortii';i:f 10 1 port I'crrv P,,rt I'liilip Wliithv . ' 'iiiiilii'rl mil !{ ii'liiiio ill It Port llicliinonil Port llawk('-liiir\ , :.:* I'ort Itohindii, 1. Siniroc, lie Si'(> Annapoli -i. .-^illH-OI', lll^ I'ort JIawkc.tinry, :!!» .... :-iiiii-oi\ lii- Si'o Point I'Mwiuil. Orillia. l)a, (1 or P; Kinu'-lon, A, '/.h or 1 . .. , I'ort Sianli'v, .1 or H). Port St. Franris, •_' 1 S|. 'riioinas, lie, Jl or .1 . . . . •1 . .lolin's '•i P( 1 rti f t o1 1 ' 1 1 -'-o H . .. . . . , Wcjlaiiil Out.. Out.. X.S. port Iio\v;iii r,,rt Koval \orfoll< . .... 'M \ iifia])olis For Ito'vul Xorl'olk Out.. X.S i:iit . . Out.. out . Out.. Out.. <.tiic.. ()iit . . X(l(l.. X.S.. Ont.. X.S. •j:i.i G P.rt llo'\;il Porl Kvi'r:.' Hi'iiiiioiiil .Norfolk Port I'.iruiii Port S"vorii perl iioiiMi I /I' tilf Loll "-^Imcoi^ 2) ? Port SI nil Icy Port SI. iMMllciM Port'l'alliol K\-hx ^■a]llll-l.a i':i;-,'ii> St. .loliu'rt Halifax ( )iit '.u'i'* • port ii-'t !(";(> ( ;o\ (! Port \ ! iifon Ilalilii.\-, '1' or U p; Port riiion, A Si',' .Mar-hall's Covk. Port \Vill;;iiiis, P Port Williaiii-, P. 'I'lirri! llivi'r-, Ao, TA or 'Jl Sci! 'I'rafal.-ar. SI . .lollli'^ Port Ilawkohury, UK .... Alnionti', X . .~^i'i; Miiloni!. S(>(! Storkdalc. Port Hawl I' bury, I'.D lll'nlllllll^'fnrll. A" Chariot let o\\ n, '/A, 'J:) or ;;;•. S("i> .Sarawak. Pro-rot t, A, .M or 1. Pnr^rott .Iiiiirli.,11. A or AP S'. ,)o!m. 'i' or \V St. .lotiii. 'J' or W Pro ton, ('. Halifax. 'J' orTJ Moshortoii. Ell. . oran^'ovill '. K. . ., Prill' oAlhirt, L. ,Si>i' 'I'lmmlor P.ay '-^f . .Folin, 'J' or W Trnro. 'l' Port WllNinn Port ANilliiiiiH X s. 1 I'ort Willi:iiiH Stiitioii I\iii;r^ ^t. Main ii(; Mill'nii X s.. giio . . ont . XIM.. X S.. Out . Out. . Onfc.. N.S I'o-t« 'l(M (!rai i Po-itvillo 17 P.iilcll ( 'ovc Vo 111 ill 11 mill St. ,ll)'lI^.^ V.I ;!7 po.vcU ( 'jirli't oil , , r> Powell'.^ Mi'U. . rowtir.H .MiiN II;i. tinjr^ \( rt!mnib(M'l:ni(l Power-; 41 Powcr'^ ( 'ourt 1 Iiintr,.j.,'(lon oript'ii-j . ()lll! . im;.i, Ont.. Ont Ont X.l?.. X.!5 . Out . X S.. Ont Ont. . Ont . Ont . X n . X S. Ont . P.K.I. 0;m.. N.n.. N.S.. III* Pow;i;il , , H Pr '*|iril(! Pr.'scott Pni-icott Jiiuc'tion Pnv-i-ott MilN Pro^rott Uoiul Pro -ton fln-nvillo ( irciisi lo Ciiaviotfn ( Ii,..lot'n Yi'atcrliio Pp'stoii Roiul Halifax ( 1 ri'v . . . Car.'lw.'ll Ill Prii'inillo 4 Primro-c Priaro AlliiTt l::i Priii'-o ,\rt'uiv s r.aiulin'.^' .\l;,''iiiiv Priiii'i' of Walo-i ~t. Jolill If! Priiii'i'port Priiii cion Colclu'-tor (ivforil "l i Prinictnn. H. .Miilpo |ii<' JPiiiil, 7A. i^"(> siiiiifoM. I'roilorirton. X, /li or I!.'. . . kiiiji.stoii, l^' Prini'otowu l'riii''i> Arlliahaskiv York Iviuti's Priiicov'lln Priiii'o William •J.i.i 4 Priiicj ■\ViUiaiu tJtrout ii-ar. •.v,;'.:» •V, , l;a. .!. • -.M. -.,:.;) i-y, :;ii nl ■ 1 ', 10 10 •V, ?.'.) ... 41 •■ ::i) 'Oi, '.'iMii-;;!!. H ir 1. .11, A f>r ^\. ;;» .".() Id • l::.i V U' . . "li 7A. /.ti or :!.">. . . •.•(l.i 1 4 7 i:; 10 10 I li It ill L'l a 21 2 11 1 17 l!i o7 5 TAHLK OF II()UTP:S. 87 I'A.SyE.SGKlfS DK.STI NATION. 'JVinn. Vi!lii;;('. tSci:. County or Uiistrlit. I'i'Miic L , i'r > ;if' (, I'c..l..ii JMiir -1 l;-;i h .. I'; iM. ■■, ll.ii-li.,i' . . V-:-V.\.'. '. ]■ -..a :i iL. ■..!•.. r.i.-iv I',r|.|.'i-ill.; !•'. U 'r!in„i,li..., !• rn h r 1 u.'.s Co'. 1^ I\.t . y l'.Vi:'.i (.'iirii'T-;.. . . Qi::ui. (^ii:i: <> Kuiid . . , . CjiKiilra C,in i\'i Q'i"l"" Q:;,'iM-i) ]i'() (JllrCil :(i)l| . QirV-'ll .Villi' Quf.'i'ii.vilU; QlKJSIlfl Qi::.) miiirji .n Qiii-p;!,,.] :■! lliflii ir i' piV'S. . . Kiul-lo :; ]l;i:,';.'''il ilii:-:>.ir. . \l.\SA '1 :1 I I.... Ru,'-".! I 1 i:i I, . . lUliA I I ri.l(.; U;u:r.l :;.•.•! .... l!;i-l;iii \US\'..\A Itiiilt'Mi Uiiinli.iiii K.iiiihiLii 1 '.'.'iLri'. IMIIKI U 11,1' M I l.lllil-.. . . iHiiIlfiix |l,:iiMri< kri'.v , .- ii(!llilirir,' --iiclliin'ii.! ' 'mill)' rl.i'i'l , •' 'iiiiihrrlainl lliis! ill;.; i Volk iurliiiic ill i'.Vclli!,: ' i.i"... 'rwilliii .1!'! ;ii,i| 1'm;ji) .Mi'Ml'v. V '.!Mi"iiH , ..|i' i:.i. .it, .)oli;i I-;. I;. .-(.. .lohii j.\Mi. .' I;.' ' . . . Iiiiiiiaiii 11. 1 . . 1 I'OV. Mo.'.t CiMlVI'lllcill I'oiiit ill ■ (• ilil" liy Uu'li'.uil 11)- ,- 'cimcr . ■. ..I. i)liL.. n.A.. . 1 ); t, . . . i.i I »i.t. . . A). R iMsay'.s I ''innT.s. 'JlH'hi'C. I Ill-til, K^ Ni:i;'iir.^ IllVfTllC ,> V.ii-k ( 'arilmo I'liiitiiii' !'n'ii''li f-'-'i'"!-.' Killi.M ( 'haiiipl.iiii roliftli' I'riiiity I !tiv.^iKir'iii;-'h Mi-'Umrnc ■jlicllilinii; ( 'uiiili'Tlaiiil ' mtarii) .rant. .\iMiii','l.'iii Ilaliliiuaiiil Ilaliliiiiaiiij I liil.iirio. i!ii','('ii iiud Ln roili). ll-iitivv llll.^-K'll ('iiiiiliiTiaiii' ri.irciitia (S: St.. Al.a-y'.s 'rriiiitv N irf i.: U'lilr-.v liaiii'.s I: laii:!-* ][ uidoiii .-'oinirl Ilia.'I.i.'Ii U.iiikiii H,uil<:ir-< .'.IilU irirli.tdM ila')iili'-i lU'S .loil^.'lliliis rontiii ■. . . . Itit-lil'tinl Uivci' 'iriil) rhiiKl. 11 Ullhlll'll )lllM'io. UatiK ').\for(l I; ut.i!r'- (' inii-r--. • Kiii.,'.s Ilivciiiia In^v ....... Itivcii- ■liiV i\'ictMria Il.iva'ii.Oi't • Vork. . . . ... . Il ivcii-iWM'iit l.iviiiMoii . , , iriiiits I Fa liriu's U.i.vl.iii llawilili Kawiloii j Mdiii.ialiii U,v.v,|iiii(vi;n'i) Ilaiit- ll.uvil m ir|i;ici') 'flaiit4 lUiviiioii'l iVirtiiria '.111'! . . Dili .. ■ Hit . . Dlit , ,'I1(J I'l. '•.lUI! . . (jn.) . .Mid.. .\..S . N..S.. N.S.. N ..S . Out.. Out. . :)iit . . ' tilt . . Out. . out . Nlld.. Out.. OiiL. . N..i , . Nlld.. Nfld.. Out . . Out.. N.I!. . ■.^11 J . . N.S . . Ont. . 0::t .. !<.'<. Out.. Out., oia.. i»iit . . ;rai:fax,T< r i: I'ra :!.';iuii. M .-'■(; liiiHti'i'-'c. lul'i'irn". I'l .-.'i lliariK'. ;0 riiiiin -(p;!, '!' Tlidiii ' 11, T i:.airi-.".v, \ Ili.lnuuii.l ii:ll, I) Ilarlmr lir't.ipii. 11 ip'ii' ilili, ,V tirC, .3 ■-•1) n id !■ ' >r !■• il,-p TmpII, I! I' ( 'uriiwill. ■I. .lohn/rm- W i.. .Iiiliii. 'I' or W. .■•:v Vai.. 'itivcr jilis'.^ G ,i|p'li".'. i;i:ilc\ illo, A, or 7. |.(li'..'li-t,'o',v, Tc... .-^lip'lhiiriii', 10 .^'ii'lliiiriic, '10 .\iuli('r-t, T . , O.-hawa, A ; cf; Yi'tipria. i;;(||,^'-;t.'iii, .\, Z>> nr 1 biiiiin'ill", Af Ixiiiiii. ill'', Af ALh.-rly, I ) i;iiiV'<>, "11 • . . .'M'!! AlllKllitl". Oita'Mi, .M. f) or 3. .-i.'i; Walla p' IWi-l/o. .Sf. .lollii'-, 'I'riiiily, -l."! iiiiciic, Ij : i'ttiiiliriii.i'. :; Ilaiik:n'<.Vill-, V \>'i Joii' liiii-. :|. ■"! Port (ire, ;ll.'. Alli"il., l;f.. riatliPi.'Af. . II .'.x.'ra ThfTldii !■ , Ii r'.ra .-Vird,'.', Ii .V''\v;',arkct. D \Vi(Idp-r, A ■'■uiKirt, r -^■■o ."-^lirlinir. Moiitr'nl Toiiiit-, rtih»;;ke. T'. . i;i!ii-:.la1". T lira -iir.' Is<;. 11.. . , li 14 ii.> •'i -'i \2 10 11 •-'5 .'0 ;;7 10 ::i3 9 IG 78 •J I •2-i 3 «l 13 » Vi 2 '3 .ill t .IV. ! ';; Id. m:; r;-. .■'* I ^'/l W -i 88 TABLE OP ROUTES. PASSnXOEU'S DKSTI XATION'. Town, Viliaj;o, kc. Reading,' Rfiiir l<;inils Rear of Hlu Red ]i;uik RiuK.'liir I laud Red ("i)V(; Red llnrliov , Red ll<>ud Cdvo Red Island Rwi Island lU'd Island Red Point Retl link RedJloi'ks Retlner;villo Reed Re«'dsi1ale Reckii' ReleKsey ReTuin^ftnn Rencontre Rencontre Renfiirth Renfrew Renfrew Rcnons ]!r!il;^e , Renowst.' . . . . Renton Rtjnton Ropentv-rny Reynoldsville Rhodes Ricehurg Ricevillo Ricliard"s Harbor. . . Richard8t)n',s Corners Richliy Richilincto Rii'liniond Richmond Ritdnnoiid Richmond Richmond Mill Riclunond lortin;^ llountam River County or District. Min-s Settli'nieiit. Sialion Teriuhms . Rich!nond Riilimond Richmond Richvii'w Rii'liWdinl Rider's ll;irh(ir Ridi.retow II Rid-evil!" Rid'.'cway. lU.,nuid Riley Ih- lok Ritnousk ]ti!H;.^\voud Ripley River B'.iiidet ; ;• River li.' rireois River f a, i^ River D IV ill River Deh a River d" Ciute Kvi r D uni Kvev D-'nui!' (Upier Set) Wellhi'^ton Uichnond Itichmoiid ;-<"ort!i!'.!;ih(r!and l!onavi4a l''ortiii.e ];ay i'laccntia & St. Mary'f Trinity Ihir reo and La J'o'lo. . I'lai entia A:, St. Mary'.- l!i< hniond Ivin;.;s linr.L'Co and Li I'oile. . Ala. ma , Prince I'.dward Westmorland Me;;antic , IhMice Cardwell llastin.cs lUnveo and La Poilo. . I'ortune P.ay Wcntworth Hants Uenfrow , Norlhuniherland , iM'rrvlaml Norfolk Wcntworth li'A^somption Lincoln lvin;.;s M.insisquoi I'resciitt , Ihirjeo and La I'oilo. . ■^iincoft ( 'ompton , Kent ( 'arletou , I' irleton M:-,'in , Hichniond , Vork , Inverness Yarmouili Hi' h'.nond ilahfix Pe-1 Oxford Trinity IJ.ilhwell Monck W I and , Vaiulreuil .. \i.'t ira Prov. . . York I5ru.'e , , Soidaii'-Tc^ . . , Capi^ lUvtiiii. Resli'.roiii'lu; . Vaina ;ka . . I'iilchester. . I'avlcton ... Invernc '. . luveruess.... Ont .. N.S . . S'.S.. x.i;. . Mid.. \iia. . .\lld. :.iid.. Xlld., Mid. .\.s . , I'.K.l ■;iid , Ont . Ont , N'.B. '\Uie . Ont . Ont . Ont . Ntld. Nfld. Ont . .V.S . Ont . X.B. \Ud. Ont . Ont . Cjuo . Ont . X.S . Que . Ont X lid Ont Quo . N B. X.B. Ont < Ont , v)ne . Ont X.S Que . N.8 . Ont Ont. \tld. ()nt I hit Oiit Q'le , N.B. ,110 )nt . Ont . ne x.s X.R. Que N .S . X.B. x.s. N.S. Most convenient Point accessjhlc hy Railroail or Steamer. 'leovo'etown. A. . . . West l!av, 41 We-t Bay. 41 ■.'ewra tie, T, 'M or :P<. . .. ('ataliiia, 4'> ilarlior Briton, 41 il,.rin, 41 I 'arboncar, 4ville. A. (> (ir 7 .\u Lac, T Becanidnr. Aa ., >t. (.'atharincs B or I. . . . Kin^'ston, V Stanhrid'.rc , 1' L'Or!','nat. '_'. Br ton, 41 .~ r.i '2i 4 14 47 H (i 'ft (i !>'2 'u't ■'iC, 10 7"> :l •j:? 14 10 :!1 42 loj 24 54 '.'4 •24 10 H 10 H n 4!) 8 18 49 '25 111 m TABLE OF ROUTES. 89 k!i ':m — -■ iiMit Point ll> liv StcllllHM-. a \ •• •2:! '2i 4 iooriix. ... ." 1 1'. 17 H li (i iirv, ;!!• I, '/A, -iit or lil) !>'2 10 (i (ir 7 :t 14 10 •; <>v 7 'il m, 44 11.4. , Za. or 1 . . . . or .>!>. . 12 7 24 54 li or I....! 2 •24 011,44 24 a. i ill 1) l' \:l. f. r, 4(1. I! . . 10 ■>i 10 H I 11 u, 1 ; H 1110. 4!> 1 "a or E I.-. I to, A. );;r\. •;'.' ;a (iV • ^ I IS . T. I -),:ir.v. ;;i) ... ib.iO, ;iD. ... 1 i 49 1 2.-> 1 ill I'A.SSKNIJKR'S DE.STIN ATK )X. Town, M!l;i_'(', &('. llivor I)ciiiii-i Itciiul Uivcr Dc-crt River (iilli It Jlivcr ilclicrt llivor liiliuliiliiiit- llivor .loliii. . . River .fohii (\Vo>t liian. h),.. . River liOiii- )ii River I'liilip River Roii.;o RlvciNdalo;ile River-ide RLver-iiiio RiA'erstowii River Trent Riviere a la ' il.nilo Riviere li la Manlie Riviere a lO'ir-! Riviere aii.x \'a, U •> Riviere iUancIi- Riviere IJ.iis ( '!air Riviere il.'s Triirie^ Riviere (111 Lonp I'.if'i-: Riviere (111 Loup f.i liint ... Riviere (UiS;el Riviere .Mifrda! ; Riviere Miiv uri Rivi(''rn OivUe. . . liiviure II r ;iii. . , RivitTe Tr.ii-i I'i Rivt'!-e ,St. l/ei;~, Roaeli'^ I'o'iit.. . Robert's I-laiel. Itoberval lloberti Roi'he^er Roehc-it 'rviil". . Roekbiirii Rockfonl Roekforl Roek Forest Coimtv or Distriet. l:i' tol; Iiivenies.s ititawa li.ailcc; i 'ninl>(>rlaiul . .. . Inverne.-*.-* rictoii I'iitOU Hesti'.'OIlclie. . . . < 'nniberland .... \'aii(lretlil Itniee ('olclie-ter r.nneiiburL,' All);-rt Kiiiirs Wellin^'tiiii .N'orthuinbcrlaiMl ( las])!; (raspe Cliieor.tinii... . . . V.'iiiia-ika Riiiioiiski Lotbiirere IIoeliela.ra Teiniscoii.ita. , . . Ma-kinonire lb 'rv-ille i;asp»5 (lapcS IC mioura ■■■va. . . . (ilcii rarry T.'iiii-eonata. . . . IV'aiiharnoi-i . . . . loi-k 'I'arnioiith I'rov N'.S . ijiie . N'.S. Rock 1 [arbor. , Rockin'rliani. . Roek Manil , . Ro klaiul Ri.ekland Rockland .... RoekliiTo.. .. Rockliii ...... Roelcport . . . Roekjiort . . . RiH'k.^ide . , . . Roek .>prin^,'s , Roi'kton . Ro-kview . . Rock V Hare. Rokvi'l' Uockvilio. , . . • "licontinii i!i.'ii.:arry ('(MU|lt()Il ri'''n.'h Shor(;. . . , Lennox I'rinee Kdward. . (irey ■^Iii'lTord 1]' ex ( arletoii ilnntiii'-'don .... N'orfolk (!rev ^herbrooke. I'la-entia &; St. Mary's Renfrew SliiiHtead Itiissell W'Kstmorland Y(.rk ll'Mifrcw I'ietou i,(>!-d-i W'e-t I norland Cardwtdl L' 'ds V 'iitwortli firov Un-ell r.-^anluvrnois iQne Kings. ., IN'.IJ .S. . .s. . . s . .n.. .V.S.. IJue . . Out. . \ .S . . N'.S.. .V.S . . NM?.. Out.. Out .. '..'lie . . (,)ne .. Quo . . '.ine . . gne . . '.•lie . . .... f.iiio.. . ... 't.>ne . . ((.itne .. ,...K«:ie.. 'ine .. i^ie.. ')iit . . ^>ue . . guo .. Out .. N'.S . . Mne.. (int . . i.i;u! . . N'll'L. Dnt .. Ont .. (Int.. (^.10 . , ')nt .. Out . , '^10.. !)nt ., Out. tie . Mid. Ont . 'Jnc . Ont . X.l!. \.n. Out . v.s. Ont . N'.n. Ont . Ont . Ont . Ont . Out . Most eonvenient Point acee.-dile by Railroiul or .^tcanier. Tor;; I t-'l. Von irawko-hnry. ;;i> i )tta\va, .M. < ) iir '2 ... Quebec .Maci'an, 'I' See ( tlenedal '. I'i toil, Te, T.t or ;;i». . i'ietou. Tc. I'ltor :;n,. River L )i!i-;.)ii, 'I'. River I'liilip, T. River Ronire, .V. Walkerton, Rivcnvdale, 'J'. Lnneiibnr,', 10 Sali.-ilMiry, Ta Iliver.side, Ta. Kenilwdrili, I'I S'"' 'i'renton. M-ti<, '1', 2'» or :;i) Meti^, T, 2:1 or ;!() .... (,'hicoiitinii, ;;i Sorel, 2:! or 21. Rimonski, T' or :; I . .Mctliot'.s .\a. .Montreal Itivienuln Lniiii,.\!) ' Rivii'n'e dn |,(,ii|>, !.-<■'(' ll'Mirvvil!... I.Meti-, T, 2!» or ;;0 Metis T, 2!> or;;o Rivier!! (luelle, Aa. liaiKwuter, A. rrois!>i^tole.<. T. .•^■•e St. Stani la-i de Kostka. Hell Kwirt, 1) Yarniont'i, 4n i.'iiieoniiini, :;4 .-^O" l)il!;e;ih, L"nno::vill ■, Ab or S 1 'lami'l, 41 Xapanee, A -'■ 'o .Vni >lia hni- r. Collin'rwood, I) or l."i Waterloo, tj a !le kiver, ]'.. Ottawa, Af. O nr 2. Ifennnin ford, Ae Waterf'Tl, H Riekt'ord. ivi, .-^iierbro'il;-, Ab or ;-^ I'.iir'n, 41 R"nfrew. N , iR'.ck hland, .- . , lottawa, .M, ' ) or 2 . |l)orch'v-ter, T , j Rd-kland, Z i. . j Dc- ..<, Ta II — ' /i Q 8 !>n .■>7 8 21 20 12 12 12'2 r,c, :i.'{ 15 4!) i:j 2 T. 78 21 .*;.. in'A Ml bill W^ 90 TABLE OF ROUTES. III m I i'A:-si;.\(ii:;i',s''ion. JI( I'onvcMiciit Point a ■cc-i il)J!' hy Laihoad or .-ileaiui-r. - 'i Town, Vi;i.i..'>!, tSci'. (Joiiiily or District I'rov. .N.S.. X,.3.. Rockvil''. VanuouMi ^■arnlonlll, ID liivia- Lhilij), T Ilo; kwood, A. Fo-'o. I". Ko.kv, T. Clinton, Af Roi-kw. 11 •>•» RockWo.,:! . W'clIlM" loU J (int . . Nild.. X.S . , ■)nt .. (/lit. . Rocky .ll:iv Rorky I.i';' Rwlv'cn'villc !'.villini;ato and I'o^'o. iallfax •J,: Rodney RoobiK 1; RoK'(!r'ri Hill Ro.rii"'s Iliii'bor Rok hv iuin irenville I'nt III Xovvhury. I! .-^li.'U' ,'rvil!e, .M i'i ton, 'J\', '-'li or :;:i ' ill Cove, 1.') Perth. Va IJoix Uoad, V. Chariot; 'town. /I. '.;' or :;!' Uolliii;-' Itain, V. Sec Pion-;on. f/Miniu'.' ton, 11 III .' 1. r.villiii^ and Fo;^o. '.mark Xlld.. I'nt. . x.i; . I'.l'.L X.I!.. Milt .. ;i;it .. i.ii. . . 1): t .. Dht. .. Dot . . (inL .. >l;t .. 11 is M'<:\ Itoil.... liolla i; 1 , ' lafloiti' ■IV Rolling' Dam Rolpli |''iai-l.,tU' ■\oiroik ■Co. It ; iX'y iCcnt 'Cent Roniii'^v. ... !■', RoiiiUil -iiy Rondoau l)nnU ••ee .\ronla,j:ni>. li^'rliii, A -^lieib;irne, Lt -1 RoM!hil] Ro-;i'i:i(iiit, Ro,-;on''atli Ro>i>t* a. 7 ■ • Ro-ottp \)i;(''n-i Ro.^0 ValU'v Roscvmi' '.'«H',-0-. Lanark... Vi'aiiM'loo 8 X'.S . . It; Ito^li.l X.S . . 10 Ro;lin Ro.s ItO-^^l'll'IUT-i ;i:i,.,tin:;.-i leufivw 'C in'''s . , , , Onfc.. Out.. X S . li'llevillv-, A, (1 or 7 \i!id I'o' at, .V 10' :! ICeutville, 1' i'lO-.-can, 1 L llosiitei-.--, M. i'orl ( larrv, ."1 , DJL'bv. U." llth-av,Ta. i:i(;ra.(' ."r.'tii hinan'.'; L.iy, A 1 'iianibly La-in, '/.• 'heiiiiirne. .;0 Ilarbfa- liritoii, .1 1 Tilt Cove. !.•» Hound nil. r. Round liill. :'>."i. Waterford. 11 14 111 "1 Ro>^.ca;i Ros-;ilc-.-'s Rossvillo Ro^^wav R-i:'i av Rothav Victoria 'lu^^'Ml 1,1 -J- \r DliJiy \'ln'-'.s \Vollin'.;tou Out .. Ont . Man.. X.S.. N.I!.. Out .. ' nt .. (,);ie . ^:.^:: XUd . X..S. . !) is Roil re l[i;i )iitai';o ? Ron ro'.;i'i!;t Round n IV 1- Round 1 L'.'.'iioi' llor.villi; vi'.jlliurno I'or'.uiK' ^'''y I'wiilini^ato and Fo.zo . \nnaooUs 11 18 17 ;t Roirid ll;;i Round Hill Round I'l till-; \in 'M Norfolk \.I5. . Out .. Out.. (.);u> . . NIL. 4 Ro\va)»:\nUs Rowaut'Hi Roxb;ir;li Norfolk i'oni.iai-' \ll)irb .■'i!0 SLi 'ted. l)e.^ .loa iilm.-:. " '20 Ft Rox'iani Roxt.m i'aU^ Roxton I'ond ■r. .John-! ^'lolVord -^liflVord Olio . . (JlO . . (,)Ui'.. X P. !le;;.inin;,'ford, A ■ .\iton. Aa Iranliy, (J !"rivh>rieton, X. Zh i i' ;;.) . . Orillia. Da. a or LI ^r. llya 'inthe. Aa..r ->. .. -Mataijcdia. , T r, (i t Roval Ro'id G Ru%'l)y Rui-'^'MU do:5 Clients RuuuyuiL'du ••■■ni"oc itni.inuona.. Uouavuutui-o Ont . . Quo . . yuu.. t! l.» 6 1' ! icnt I'oint .•;Lt.Mini:r. ■-'■A .J.J "1 H \r.. .".'.!'., ..' 10 .< (ii- :;:» II , '/,' , ::> (ir Ml V. v i-S ( oi- r >) !!. '» • (■'^ 10 - 1 in- 1 . « ■Jo "li "0 /.:.-'.» oi- ;j:) 8 l)i 1(1 oi' 7 or ;J 14 i;i "1 !) IS 1 ; , .V 2 II l^^ ■11 17 ;t 4 "0 1(1 A- . 1 • \,i. r •-'■•!. .. 1^ T.\BLE OP I10UTP:S. Ml I'ASSKNCiKll'S DIvSTIN.VTlON. I'n.v. Que . . . .Nlld. . Out., ont.. .Ntld.. (Jno . . I'.K.I. I'lit .. Out . I.ut.. Out.. i.i;t . \ . S . . Most crmvi'iiionl I'liiiit ai'i'o .S'liU' by ' Ilailroad or Sieaiuor. Town, Villii;,'e, i;c. Counly or UUtrii't. Uui) rt Ottawa Siinli'.iry I'lacntia i: St. Mark's l!n-.sdl I'rrtli 'trinity ( lia;:,'aii,:ii;iy (,110 ■:i-'. , . ." 11 xhwcll ik^e.x r... 1 la-till;_l-i Ottawa, M, o or •.' dii>a,Mnii-:, .\. liuiin. U '), M. w or •_' ■^tr.iif.ird. V. i larhor ( 1 la c, !;i ■10 I'S 11) Kii a oriii; lla .l)(j:n Kuscll lln^-el!.:;ih' Un^i'll's ('< vc ilu-i-ollt<)\\ I il'MipninTiord. .\'> 1 'iiarlolti'inwii, /i, •.';! nr ;,: I'llilllK.MVilli', li 10 Uuitii'd l(j KuCluTfnrd I'J Untln (11 I,i'.iniin'.^t.iii, II I li,UtK'd;.;('\ ill(i l!.dlovill ', .\. <. ( rT ilaniiltoM, 1.'. /..I f.r 1 .. . . I'e uin-c ■!, 1;. .VnnaiMili ;, V . clkn ill ', .\, li or 7 i!\ lual, Z I. I'i'u'K llil!. A 17 llvckinan's ( dnii'iv 3 Kvor, on\'ille \ni:a|)'t] I ; . . . . , Ilvlstono Niinhniii!) rland Vv\ nt wcvtii • • Ont . . Ont .. ont .. N'.S.. I,>U0 .. Ont . . .n" S.. N.l!.. Oat . . Nlld . Ntld.. t'Ut . . Quo . QUO . . ■lit.. Quo . . I.'IIO . . Qilio . . QMlo.. QHl'!.. Q>ao .. Q>uo ., 'JllO. . Quo . . Quo . . Q>uo . . Q)uo . . Quo.. QUO . . Q)uo . Quo . QUO,. Q)IU! . . N.S. \.l!. , \ S. I'.K.I. .Man. i'.K.l Out.. Out . . Quo . N.U . N S N.B. Ont . N S i'.t Itvnial S;illl.' ..llddle^-.K .'Iielbiirne IlliTVilio Kv-e.x Halifax \Ve~tini>rland 1 'xfcird G 17 IJ Salile Kiv.T ^Iiolhiiriii', I'l Salii' 'Viiis , Sarkvillc Sa'kvili.' ,,,. •t. Johns, .Vd, 1*. Q) (ir K. . . -eeC.l'.K'liei'T. lialil'.iN, '1' or V Sa/kvill,. Sajcvillo ■aekville. 't. • .Ma;. I- :larl>or lii-iion. 11 I'aialiiia, lij \Vi;k, K tiueboe '-co IJlaek Ilivi'r ."-tati'in. IJerlin, A St. Aiine, 21. .-^t. Anno d(! la Porade, :'.;). .inlialia-ika, .■Va .-t. Aloxaiidiv, 1'. St. Aloxandi'i', Aa. ■-00 Aviuiiou. Ciiii'oiiii.iii, ii t. K'As-oiui)ti()ii. -7 Sa '■iiiia IVrtiuie l!ay I!iinavi-ta 1 Intario 5 SailDi-'s ishind Saiiit!i"ld liiJi St. Ad(djilio St. A'-'.'apit do Bi'amiva.^'o St. Arafia .M'intiiini\'n''y I.MiItin c't*.' 28 Walcrld.) 7 St. Ai:l|.' ■li' ilclicU . . . . St. All>'>n St. All...:! I'ortiicui' .Vrllialj.i-ka lluTville iCauii>iuM-ka IJ'jtiavcnlun! ( Miietiin 'lid 1.5 3 St. Al'X-iiiilre St. Alex!- St. Al xi; St. Ali'xis ■'loiiti'alin ■liiliolti; 1 'iiii'oiitinii loliette Qnclioc liiindii-ki 12 St. Alii'inti.-e Et. Aliilmnse do laCrando llaie L:t. Ainl>r(ii-;o do Kildare St, .\iiil)r. do la Jciiiie Lorotto. St. Ana'ict .kiliett;', Y '■ioo l!:v roivillo. .See Kildare. ."-eo Lore; to. Uanou^I.i, ill •S'jo Lv.- t^'jr. .-t. Andr,', Aa. I'apiiK.'auville, '2 IG 7 St. Ana ta.sie d;^ Xcl-on St. AndlV' .Merantir .•Canmr.ra.-Ka Ottawa iiu„'..t .Vr;-'('Uteiiil ;{ >eo Arlou \alo. (.'anlloii, '-'... .New (11 i.s,_ow, '!'.• St. Andrews, V (.r i'7. titewia.-ko, T (ionr'ctou 11, /.I (.r i,;i. Fort tiany, ."d (.'iiarlottet.iwn. /.i. -'i) or '■■'■ .-(•o 'I'iiisiK'town. Coinwall, A. 1, .") or (i St. Anil i.'l, •«. I', T or ii'S Sfo l-inulidil'i.'.n. See Frederi.tiiU. '1 rim. by, IJ liiVldci k, 11 .. .. St. Andrews St. Andfi'V'. s St. Aiidivv.; St. Andr.'W.s .St. Andivws St. Andrews .St.'w- ' .\nt::-ri>ni.-h I'liarlotto 1 '.iliiieslor iCiiiL'-; . . . r,i-;,ar ,»!lrcns Vork ■l.> 7 IG St. Andvi'ws 7 St. Ann ot St. Ann tliintin'.'.dnu : IliiUirsl.^l- Victoria 'I'ork Mi.'H.k . \'i' t'iria ,3 St. Ann St. Ann St. An ,s St. Ann; St. AnselMie St. Antlii i!>' St. Antoji • St. Ant. line Alil)' St. Antoine dj kv i^.iio 11 |.-> li •Jt l).)rclio-ter IvCilt \'ei\'li"ro^ t 'hatoau:-rnay Yu!ua^.;a Oup . . N.U.. (jue . . Quo . . Que . . .■^t. Henri, .Va Sliedia.-, 'ill St. Antoiuo, 'Jii. See .--tarnesbiirnu.rli. Sec La JJaie da I'ebvro. '\\ ,"'* ■ St. llill' ;■ St. 11 ir; 'ii'lciiii , St. I!:i~ 1 St. I!:i 1 St, !!■' il li'Cniiid St. I!m.:i .., St, ]!."--n:inl St, ]!. inivi'iunn! St. 1! -^lil'.ic Sr. r,"',;r:ir(. Si. Hrimii Sto, ]V-.i.t;-i\ S;o. ]?vi vido Sto. l\r.'.x>.(\r> d" I.:i\!il Sre. I'.ri rido dc^ Sanlts St. CaicJnii St. ciliNtodo Kilkenny St. ("ali\t.' doSinior I't St. (MiiiUo St, t'.mi'.trt St. Cii'-'i'i'r St. CaLliarinos Sr, ratlicrino-; St. ' o -iio do liii- St. C;ol.'-tni St. Co Aairo St. riiarl. :< St. C'larl ••; St. Cliivrh'- St. Clmvl •; St. ("larlos do Ptanbrld c ... St, Cliai-lcsdu I.i- St. (hi'i-itdiOuMrAvthaba.-^ka. St.Ciairo St, Clairo Brid '0 C'liiiilv iir I)Htrii't. I'rov I.Dthlniori' iQtio . Ti'iiii^'iiiiata 0\w . I.iitliinii n' k.nio , MH-. l-'lslct giio Two .Mountains t,Mi(^ . I'oi'trioiif l,iiio . rcrrolioiiiic (^)iic . I.iitliin ore (,iiio . l'ro\ I'lK'luT .\r:iii. Trrri lioiuio <,'i;o . ( 'liarii'^'iiix 1,1111' . 1 liintiiii-'don (,Mii' . Ifonvlllo (.^iiio . Nirolit (^>no .. Itimonski (,)tio . , ( titawa (jno ., <.iiio . . '.ino . (,tlic . . (,Mlo . . (,)110 . . Quo . , \l|10 . . i:,)no . . (^110.. i,»iio . . I, Mil' .. ',1110 . . (.>110 . . Quo . . \.U.. '}no . . i.nio . . Quo . . Quo . . Man.. ()no . . (.•■10 . . i.iuo .. 110 . . (,)uo . . .'ue . . .)iio . . I, mo . . I Hio . . 'Jno . . '.Mio . . (Vac. Out.. [ino . . ,1110 . . f,)uo . . i,»no . . ',>!1C . . Que . . )iio . . Man.. Quo . . iuo . . ■} V.UlO . . (iiio . . .la.o(|ui"< Curt ii'r Montniorcncy Clianiphiin saiiioiiraka ionavontiir" '■>■■'](• I'orrolxinno. -liofFord r'i. Manrioo ('hlcdiitind St. iryacintlii^ St. .\(aiir!c(> licrtliicr I'orliioiil' \'i ''ll'-. Ad. I', I.) .,!■ U.. •t. .lean I'oi-l .1 li. A,i.. . . Moiiiroal (^inboo .joiid-i'ii! MiTliot's. A I t'ort Carry, "il. . . , . . .. . -to. Mario, /.;• Doiirott's, A''. -^t. riavio, T I'aiiiiioain ilit'. "J. . .^to, .VnnV, A or J. .luobo- -tc. .Anno do la I'lTado,:::!. Sic. .\iilio. All. ('ainlib\ , Soo 81ia\veno_'an. -t. r.runo, .\a. .roliette, Y Ste. l5ri;_'ido, Q. o(? ]ii\al. DoucotlV. Ac .Soo Arina^'h. Soo Kilkoni:y, See Soinoivet I)an\illo, Aa .Montr 'al Ste. ,\nno d" la Vorado, ;;:! St. ( 'atliarino-, IJ or 1 . Quebec Soo Hie. St. Colo .8i a a 12 15 np llicllt I'liliit. llli- ll.V r St";inii'r. m ^ , A:i, 'r.4- :,l, All t I''. ', I'.'.t i.r II. ,1 li. A.i.... i. ".'....".', ;;i or J. I'l iviM.i!'.::;!, T (ivils r :'.i ■111-. I ', Ail or'.'S. ., •21 HZl'lis, •_' ■r /.f , A I or 2S... all. 1. la i"or;wlo, ;;:! :l or ■/.{. orZf.. 1(1 7 « 8 •21 10 l.> U 10 22 2 SM) 'IS 1 !) 12 10 7 85 4 7 18 ;to 1 18 ao 17 <; 3 3 12 15 TAiJLi; oi)' UiH/ifcai. I'AiSSKNdKU'S DESTINATION. Town. V'lllii),'«, iic. .St. Si. ISt. St. Si. .St,. St. 8t. St. St. St. St. .St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. Sto Sto St. St, St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. Sto Sto Sto Sto Sto S te- ste Sto Ste Sto Ste Sto Ste Sto Ste. CIlMIH'llt-l {•lit Clotllil.lo (•ol.i:)!l. ., , ('ohiiiiiaii ('(1111" , . ,. . ('■■HI.' Clin- l;ilit ('roix Croix Croix Croix Cdvo Clltlllirrt , ( 'v|iri '11 Cyrillo Daiiiii^c' Daiiiipii do IJraiiiloii David Davids Doiiii Denis do I:v Uouttdlorio.. , Did.vo Doniiii'iiio Doiiiiiiliiiio ilo.H C'odro.s .. , Doiiat . Dun tan Dorotli'd Ivloiiard J'ldoii ii'd lOdonani do I'mnipton .. . I'Jdwici-TO ];iio do C.a.xton lOloanors , ];ii/.al)olh j:i()i , . Miuolio . Kiiiolio do I'MiHa^'io I'ljjlir.iii df^ Trill;,' lOphrciii d'l'ptoii ICpiii'ianii; ]v-prit K-prit Ktioiiiio . Ktioiino di's Circs Ktioiiiio do licaidiiiriiow , . Eti(!niio dc J'.oltoti IllILToiio IhKtarlio I'iVaristo de For.-ijth FiiV)ioii . [''aniillo d'Orloans . Kran ■f)i-;o . • . C!cni;vi('vo (It'iioviove do Ijatisoiiii. . . . (ii'niiaiiio . Holono Ilol'-no do I_!.i,.t. llva-iiitho Wuo . , Kiimour.i-ka yuo . . Maskiiion;,'!' |giie . \>uo.. Quo . . gno . , f^iio . . mu) . . (,)uo . . t^Uo . . Quo . . gno . . giK' . . I'.E.I. gito.. gno . . gno . . i,)no . . <.>no . gno . . gno , . ^>no . . gno . . N'.S.. gno . . Quo . gno.. g)no . . Out . . gno . . guo . . guo . . gno . . gno . . gno . . guo . . guo . . guo . . tjuo . . gno . guo . . Quo . . guo . . Quo . guo . . Quo . . Que . . l!a'4iit .~;oiilaii).'o-i. . . IlilllOllr-ki . . . (^lul)l'O Laval.. Lotbinioro. . . Napicrvilli' .. Dor.'liostor .. Coinptiiii . . . . St. .\Ianrir(^ . I'riiioo .loliotto Toiiiisoonata. lii'aiu'(> 1 othinioro. , . .loliotto Boaiu'O r.a-ot ■J'oiiii-;ronata Mont 'aim. . . Iliclliuolld. . . St. Manrioo . . . . Boaiihaniois. . . . liroino I'ro-oott Two Mountains lloanro Iliiiionski .Moiitiuoronoy . . Triiiiscoiiata. . . . .lar(|uos CartiL'r. < 'liain|)laiii DoivluHt-r Kanioura-ka... . l!a-ot Dorohostrr St nistoad ( 'liarlovoix Portnonf .Mo/antio Voroli(;r(!S .Moiitoalm Dorche-stor. . . . MoHt convcnloiit I'oint Ui'io-^sililo liy ilailroiul or .>^i<'ainor. lioillii, A Coloan. A .Villiai aka, .\.i .Sro .sjlli.ry (.'ii\ .', Alontroal. . , ;-oo .\Iarlovv. .r.iiictto, Y C,ui"liiia>\a' a, A • Now port, K \Irlllot'-i, All Si. Croix, W. I'aradiSi', I' Itcrtliior, ■.'•". ,Soo Napiorvillo. i;i:dot, All .St. l)aiiia«o, 28. liortliiir. 2."> Cliarloiiotown, Zi, 2!) orlil*, St. D.ivids ii. St, Di'iii-i, 2ii. St. Don in, Aa. liiTiliicr. '.'.■) St. llya'.'iiitlio, Aa or J v . . (N'llars. A Uiinon-ki. T or :M So(! I.ako Lioiiujiort. .Montreal Sec Uiviorr- P.oIh Clair, J.a riLri.'oniiit'rc, Ao Sec I'raiiiptoii. Conipton, .\li Yainaeliiiiie, 21 .St. l'',lcaiiors, '/A. iierthic:-, 2.'» Islo Vorte, T St. Henri. .\a or Zf Soc liOclcr.'villo, l.atioraic, 'J'< Crai;r'ti lioa 1, Aa Upton, .\a. Sco \'ij.;er. Ij .Vs?;oiiiptioii. 27 Port llaul^el.nry, :!!»... . ■ <'liaudio"c .Inni-lion, Throe Kiv(!r -, Ae, •.':) or 21. Hoan!iarn()i-i,."( ,Seo I lr.i-;s Pond. i'oint l'"ortnno,2 .Montreal St. I'ranoois. Zf ■St. Kaliioii, 'i'. gnolx'o Trois Pi-;.o',os. 1' Poiiito Claire, ,\ S '(■ P.atisean. .Soo Lake Ktelie'iiin. Sto, lloleiio, Aa. I'litoii. .\a St. llonedilie, Zf. See lAan;.;eline. St. PaiiT'^ i;ay,;;l. Piiinte anx TromblLi, ;):>.. , liLMMiiconr, \:\, St. IJriino, Aa r/.\^-;o:;iptioii, 27 timi Langovin. 03 ID 7 10 ■■)■■] I) l.i 7 7 27J 27 ,S ■i* 15 4 10 18 !) S 27 :») r>l 17 til 1.5 5 9 21 2-t 17 15 7^ Ij H .'!i «rfl lilil j,J^ I ii-' 1 ml : < I" •I" : ,11 riii.'i ml ■ ' • l!l' I IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 11^ |3 2 11" IIIIM ilM IM 1.8 1.25 1.4 1 = — = 1 1.6 ^ 6" — ► v] <^ /2 /a '^). c^l ^'^ '/ /A Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER. NY 14S80 (716) 872-4503 u TABLE OP ROI'TLS. pas.sI':noi:u's iji;stinatiox. Town, Villu'^n, kc. H 8to. JiHtino do Xowton Ste. Louiso ili'H Auliiiiies 8to. Slar;,'iu'ri(n Sto MariiiicritiMlii l.iioMasson Sto, Marie do la MciviK-n St(!. Mirio ill! Mmiiioir Ste. Marthe Ste iMartiiic Sto Mflaiiio Ste. M(>iiir|ue Sto >faii"o St. Ocor.iredo Wind-or St (!oor;:('"s Clianiicl St. (icriiiain do (Irantham. . . St (iertriuL' St. (icrvais ..,, St.(;iK's St. (ircivofrc St. (ire 'oiri'lo (iraiid St. (fiiillaiiine dTjiton St. Helens St. Ilriiri St. Henri dc l.anzon St. Henri Station St. Hennas St. iniaire Mountain 8t. Hilaire Station St. Hilaii-o Villaao St. H< 'ore 8t. IIu ore Connty or District. Vandrev.ll L'lslet Dorchester . . . . , Torrebonno . .. . , Deauce lionville Vandreail (.'hatoan!,'nay . . , .Toliette , Xirolnt , Two Monntain.s . Chateaugnav. . . , Dr^'ot. ...." 7.aval Two Monntains . Moi.'antic Terrebonne Terrebonne ... , Maskinonge ..., Richelieu , Riinonski Prince .... . , .Jolicttc .... , . Megan tie . ... Montmorency . (;harlovoi.x lliniousl'i ... , . r.otbinidro . .. . Channilain .. . Quebec ..... Victoria .... Richmond . Deauce Laval .\rontirorenoy . , Yamaska . .. .Montmnpny . . Charlevoix Mnniiiette ., . Boatice ... .... Ohicoutimi Derthier . Drant .. Charlotte Rouville Iberville neanco Richmond... Richmond ■ Dmmmond Xicolot .. Bellecha«8C . .. . Lotb'nitre Xicolet . . Ibenillo Drummond Huron llochelaga Levis riOvis Two Mountains. Rouvillo Ronvillo Rouvillo RennoB TeuiiBCOuata . . Prov . Quo., ue . Ci'UC . . yuc .. Que . . (Juo . . Que . . Unc , <^ue . . Que . Quo . . <)ne . . Que . . (,)uo . . Que . . (^ne . . Que . . Que . . Que . . Que. . (ine P.IO.I. Qne.. Que . Que., Q>iio , Qne . , (juc Que (Jue N.B «i»UO . Que . Quo (Juo . Ouo . Quo Quo Man, Que . <,hio , (Jiie . Out . N B. , Most convenient Point accessil)le by Railroad or Steamer. Quo., Quo . One., Quo . , X.S . Que . . Que . , Que . , Que . Quo . . Que , Quo . Ont . Que. Que . Que . Qne . Que . Qne . Que . I Que . I Quo . Coteau. A .-t. Roc-li, Aa rft. Henri, Aa or Zf .■^ce Lai.Masson. .'00 La Beauce. Ste. Marie, Zc. Coteau, A Caughna\vn!.'a, Ac .See Daillcbont. .St. (iregoire, Ac .Montrciil Cauphnawa ra. Ao St. llyacintlie, Aa or LN, . . .Monti eal .Montreal .Somerset, Aa .Montreal ^fontreal Throe Rivers. Ac, 2:'. or '-M. Sorel , V;t or '.' 1 Metis, T. 'J!) f.r "o Kummer.side. Zi. Mi or-l... . Berth in-, '.'.") Somerset, Aa (Jnebcc Murrav Bav.:;i St. Flavio, T. MethoCs. Aa Three Rivers, Ac, 2:! or'Ji. Qnchec Riv. or 24 St Francis. Aa. See I'ctiteRiv. St. Franooi. Fort (iarry, .M .■^t. ilo.seiih, '/' ."^ee L'Anse an F'oin. Berthior, 2'> . . Harrlsburg. li or C St. George. :17. St. (4oonre, (,). See llenrvviUe. St. Ceorgo, Zf. Danville. Aa Port Haw kesbury, ;;!» . . . . Upton. Aa Three Rivers, Tc, 2:! or 21. St. Charles, Aa Craig's Boad, Aa St. (iregoire. A<'. See Mount Johnson. Ujiton, Aa ftfKlerich, Af See Tannery West. St. HiMiri, Aa or Zf St. Henri, Aa or Zf. Montreal. SeeMimtSt. Hilaire. St. Hilaire, Aa cr 2ii. St. Hilaire. 2(). St. .Tosejih. Zf See AnnuiiU. '/I - ^3 14 i 34 n u 41 8 •Mi 7 34 20 5 9 42 50 15 17 •M 4 31 4 115 1 27i 20 G 21 3 8 12 10 15 5 9 7 20 40 33 TABLE OF ROUTES. passi:ngi:u's destination. Town. Villfv'^o, ic. St. St. St. St. St. 8*.. Sc. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. 8t. St. Kilk(Mniy r.'\<'iiiMi». Mil I'ur . . . IIlll)Tt .... llir.'iics .... JIyivii\th(> . , ir.v|)|><)lit(' (U lf:ii!i<' If?llilcc lsi(lnn> (Ic .\Iniitri':il. Isiddivdc (jiicljcu" .. Ivo< .Tii'vih* .Ta'(|iic i .Ta-'ir..' Jnc(Hi(> Jaiuo-, Jaino.-i .Tainc<4 I'ark Janvior .Tcan n'.jjtisti' Jean !'.at)ti-t(' Jean i 'hry^o.^toiiio Jca:i ('lir\ ■ii.^tdmc .Tean d'^ I)ip:i Jean il"i;-:-liailloin Jean de Mat !ia . .*. Jean d'Ork'aiis , Jean Port JoH , Jeroino Jeroinedii Lac St. Jean. . . , Joachim Joachim , Joa'.'lum do SlivH'ord , John Jolun , John's , John'^ JohiH \\\'^t Jo<3;>h , .To'o;)li Jo.^o;)li da ll^uti •(> Jo-w.)h d'' I.GVi.H .Toso;)h d'i:iy Joseph do Ma.;kini)ii;jc- .. , . Jo^o;>li du Lac Judo Julicns •Tim Ju^t n Kyiii.r* Lamh.'i-t Lanib'Tt do Lauzon Laiir lit Laiinvit i'" ^'^nitlval Lauroiit (I'l )rl;'an.-i. . . . i . . . La/.ai'c Leon hcnn Leonard Leonard'.s llill , . , Lib.'iir!" LL'Uori ijiii .■......*•*..••••..... LollI:4 L')ir < do Ckuidford Loni < d' ( !in7.a'.,'iiu Louid de Maittawa , Comity or District. Prov Phainbly Ilaifot .^t. Hyacintlie ,... Jlontcalm Qncbw; .SoiHanife^. ....,., Lai)rairio Dori'host. r .Ml(kllc-H>x \Vatorlrairio Ciiarlf.tto Soll;irk MidillP:t. .lohn»t \Vc'llai\il AntiL;oni>h \Ve-;tmorIaiid !!eau(.x' Levi.H shcirord '.iaskinon:-rfl Ma^kinoii'T" •■^t. Ilya'intlio I'ronc'li Shuro il.a!di.'.ia:id Ma;kino:!_-' L'la'cnMa & . ra'iiucvs Carii;r Muntiiioroniy iWlodia^;o !) r hostor Makinoiiyc Mi'olot Victoria 3a%'ot U.a;,'ot.. Mont.abn L'As-iomptioii ICent .Vrthaba-ika IloauharnoU Jclietto Que . Que. Que. jQue . iQuo. jQue . Que Que . ()nt. Out. iNDd. !Que. l.. <>Mio.. (inc.. .N'.U.. •r.r Out . Nlid. Quo . Out . •j.s. , X.ll. Que . Quo. Quo . Quo . (.^ue . !,)U0 . .Nlid. Out. (Juo . saa. Que . ijuo . Man. >i\w. . Quo . Qu ) . Quo . i^ue . to>uo N'.U. .St, llubi'it. \i\. St. llya intlic. Aa i>\ St. llya •liithi'. .\ii (ir ' Montreal Lorctto. Z See Ciiti'au du Lav". St, Isidore, \t\ j.'^t. Henri, .\a .Montri'.il .MoniriMJ St. llilii;.-i'. Aa or "Ji;, . . . St. Ilf'iai. \r .-t .lean Ciiry io. t«>:.u . '. .Sec li'.'-'on, .Stanfold, \a Jolii'tl-f. Y ,. . (Jucbo.: St, .rcan I'ort .Foli, Aa. .Montreal Ciiieoiitinii, :il .Soe Cliateau'ri.ay. iQucbur Wuteiiiio, ij St. Jolui, T or W. .Soi! Arva. St. .lohii's. .St. .Inluis .VI, P. <} or II. St. Cath.iriiics, IJ or I . , NowdkiH.'oA, To McnuMMii-oo!;, T St. .losi^lih, /.{. .See Laii.'.on. .Sco ValeoLat. .■^I'O ^Fa'ki^.)n'.ro. .Montreal St. ilva •intiir, Aa or'.'S . Tilt Cove, -4.-) .See Hull .vi He. .Ma kin .;i_'o, •.'! St. Joilll'^ .St. Lamli Tt. .\;i. .St. 11 iiri. Aac r Zf I'orL (lurry, .ll Montr'i! Quelic.v. (juobo • .See Standoii. Riviere du Louii, 'Jt . . . Aeton, Aa I (art land (^>ue (,>uo '^ue (Juo N' 11, Que . Que. Quo, /.:i A a. .Veton. .\a. .St. Lil)o;re, Monireal TeiT'lidnno, '.'7 .S.!(? PahnerM-.n. See lilan(|for I. IJeauharno!-, .") , Sec St. Z'Jiiou. or. 11 4S 1 V2 .*> S I.s l:i 4r, *2G I 21 XI r>5 •27 it 7 3 3 10 11 CO 7 14 27 ."5 l» 71 10 1« 10 ^1' Si tit W im 1") 'i\ l- ?» 'i I > '•I >|;iii jjS' 90 TABLE OP ROUTES. rA.SSi;N(J i:US DKhTINATION. 'I'owii, Villa '0, Sic. « !l^ 8t. 8t. Ft. St. St. St. St St. St. St. St. St. Si. St. St. St, St. St. St. St St. St St St St St. St St. St. St. St St St St St St St St. St. St St St St St. St. St. St. St. St Ht. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. Sc. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. Luc lillO l,Ul(. liiiriii'n' . .. Mil liiiiian . Mu rloinv Miihihii' Mul:i liic croriiLstown Mai. Mure Miuv.'l Mar. ;ir(t>< >[arr:ir(t"Mlliiy . . Miii'iiii 'MiU'tillH . Murv'< . Maiv's .Mary'is .Marv'rt .Miiry'-* . Murv" Miir\' Mufiias .. MaMiicii Alaiiii. p Maurii'! Foro'cs . Mi Ii.ul Miclu-I Mirlici Arclniitro Mirlirj ('!•,< Saiiitrt M(«lct(< Nai-'i-^o . . Ni.h. .!..<..„... . Niirl) rt N'Tlirrt . . ... Norlirrt . Otavc . Ola Oiu'/.iiiic OllIM I'll ()-.;iO I'.iiiiphllo ra^'liil Bay I'"(rry Couiitv or Dixtritt. Prov riiniiiplain .-»t .TdllUH Tliinoiiski Froiich Slioro .. . ("Iiirnntiiiil !Jr'll(-cha't.-nt . Liiu'oJn .. Perth . Pliu-oiitia &i St MaryV DIu'by York. Ilonvillo Iliinnn.Hkl Cliamiilaiii St Afninire ..... . !Iniitinir]aiii L"vi.H Itprthicr ,\rtlinha-ka. Provpiu'lHT . . . . Itiiiionsiki lla-tiiiK'* lvaiiioiira>'ka liii'liplipii Ivaiiionraska f/Mpt Ivaiunnra.^ka ('liarli)tto Xapiprville Vii'tdrla Artlml>aska l'atr:.k I'atri. k (li> S!i •irintrton. Patrick's ("laiiiu;! Palri(!v-s Hill Paul ipr'.-- Ro.icl lMiili))|K' Philipi)p Philipi)pdo Ncrv. , Pic '.., I'll! dp Dp'Tiiiro . .. , Pierre Baptistv. , . , (tloticp.'itnr . Ilirliinond ... Li^-ar Kin.X» Iliclimoiid ... QUPlMlst .\r.jontoail . Laiimirip . . Kamini5lioii, 27 Que . , Que . , ... Pi'n-i'. Ati Illv i'r:' Npw ( ; I.i ' (i\v. To St.'s l!:iv. :U. Hat bur t, T or :i.s. Port ll:>\v! e-hiiry, .'tO Port (larrv, 51 t'liariottctown. Zi. 'J!) or ;t!» Port llnv kpshin". . :i!( .•t. I'ptpr'-i Uoa.l.Zi. .-cp .Muddy Uninili. .Moiitrnal St. Dpni-i. Aa St. Pip. W. 8ond.2:tor2t BotBHcour, Aa 23 8 12 12 CO CO 20 :I0 13 22 12 10 )G 25 C3 1.S .1 10 8 (;o 9 9 I'J 9 fiO 6 U llj !) 7 14 17 14 IH 22 IS 27 8:t 43 IS H 2.5 18 TABLE OP ROUTES. 97 t Point ij;iiiior. Qor n I . . . . . . 7X a or 28 — t 1^1 e 13 112 (10 (iO 20 :10 18 11 VI IG IG 25 (','j:ifir24 10 ,c 2;J or 24 Ore msUii. Aa . t or;57 >. 24 •V, :t!) G3 13 (->0 9 9 n 9 fiO 111 9 7 14 17 U IK 22 15 ii. 2!) or :in v. ;;<» 'Zi. •li. 27 8:( 43 15 3i 25 18 rASSIiNGKIl'S DKSTl NATION . Town, Village, 4;c. 8t. Pierre do l!roii>{hton . . . 8t. Piurrn dOrlcanH St. Pierre (lu Sud St. Pierre lc9 Bccquets,.,,. St. Placido St. Placido St. Polyrarpo St. ProsjMT St. Raiiha.'l St. UaphiU'l do Bellecha-Hso. St. Raviiiond St. U«ii3 St. Ilfjinl St. Uitbort ,. ... St. Uocli du rAcliij,',in St. lVi icolet St. Williams Norfolk County or District. I'rov Arthabaska .... M ••••••( guo. Que. guo. Quo . guo . gue. gue guo. Out . gue. guo. guo. guo guo . gue. gue. gue. guo. guo . gue. guo. guo. guo. guo . Xlid. Quo. gue. guo. guo. guo . N.B. St. Zephirin St. Zenon . . St. Zotiquc . Salamanca. Salom Salem Silcm Salem Salford .... SftUibnty. . Y.-iniaska Toliotto SonlangoR York .Ubert (.'umberland Wellington Yarmouth O.vford W««tmorland O gue . . gue . . guo . . guo.. guo.. guo . . gae . . guo .. Ont . . gue.. gue . . guo . . gue . . guo . . gue . . Quo . guo.. Que . . Quo., (juo . . (^10 . . gue . . lHl, A .Salamanca. X. Siilisburv, Ta Amherst, T Elora, C Yarmouth, 40 Ingersoll, B. . SaUsbory, Ta. »•••••••■ 9 28 10 7 7 21 % 11 1 51 45 6 1!) 21 24 4 28 34 28 » 6 »i 12 4 17 21 .57 25 « 1 1 4 I I i ■i ■ I , I' i ■ '' i * i lAh\ >' i ; !;n \ liiif] •8 TABLE OP ROUTES. PASSENOEIl'8 DESTINATION. ill' Town, Village, A:c. Snlmon Beach. Salmon Cove. . Salmon Cove. . Salmon Cove. . Salmon Cove. . Salmon (^)ve. . Salmon Cove. . Salmon Creek. Salmon Creek. Salmr))) Hole. . Salmonier Salmonicr Salmon Kivor. Salmon Iliver. Salmon Itiver. Salmon Iliver. Salnum Iliver. Salmon Iliver.. Salmon Iliver. Salmon Iliver. , Salmon Iliver. Salmonvillo. .. Salt Spriiif^s... Salt Kprintrs. . . Salt Springs. . . Sah Sambro Sanluirn Sand llcai'h SamKlelil Sandfonl Sandfonl Sandliill Sftudiiiirst Sand Point Sand Point Sandwich Sandy Hay Sandy Ikinii Sandy IJeacli Sandy Cove Sandy Cove Sandy Cove Sandy lliirV)or. Sandy Point Sandy Point Sarawak Sar('i)la Sarniii Sauiroen S;»nliii(>r\ino Sanit an Cochon. . . Sanltaii Il-rollet. . Hault nnx Mmitons. Sault .^to. Marie. .. Sault St. Loins. . , . 8ava;,'<> Cove Sava;;('.s JIill Saw Mill Oeek. .. . Sawyerville Scanlon'H Scarborough ScillyCove Sohombcri; Sbone Siiotch Block County or Dlstriet. Prov OlouccHter Bay de Venlu BrigQH Freneh Shore Il.arbor Main Plaoontia St St. Marj's. Trinity Queens .Sunbury Halifax Placentia & St. Mary's. Placentia & at. Mary'b. Albert Cape Breton Digby (ruysboronjrh ( I uysborougli Ilaiffax St. John Victoria Yarmouth Peel Cumberland Ivint^s Pictou. lionavista ll.ilifax Wolfe Vanuouth (Jlengarry Ontario Varinouth Cardwell Lennox (iuysborough ■ Renfrew K.*^Jex Ilimouski iasp(S . V.B. Nlld. .Mid.. Nfld.. Ntld. . Nfld Nfld. . X.B. N.8, Nfld. . Nfld. . N.B N.S.. N.8.. X.S.. N.S. N.S . N.B. N.B. . N.S. (Int . , N.S., N.B. X.S.. Nfld.. N.S.. Que. . N.S . Ont. . Ont.. N.8.. Ont. , Ont. N.S. Lunenburg . Dife'by . Ont Ont. Que. Que. N.S. <,)uccna Twillincrate an Halifax, Tor U .Somerset, Aa Yarmouth, 40 Lancaster. A Uxbridre, F See Cranberry Head. Bolton, K KinfTston, A. 7.h or 1.. Port Ilawkesbiiry, ;>!). Sand Point, N or li. Windsor, 15 Meti.'*. T, ->1» or 30 (!aueen's Prince.. Lunenburg Renfrew i'erth (Jharlotte Victoria Leeds icings Victoria Elgin liOnnox Twillincrato and Fogo llaldimand Hants Hothwell Peterborough . IFaldimaud Charlevoix Victoria Ottawa Northumberland Algoma Halifax dholburne I'erth Bonavista Renfrew Hastings .St. John (trenville Ilestigouche Hastings Simcoe Frontcnac York Kings Durham Frontenac Terrebonne St. Maurice Carleton Inverness . .. Victoria Elgin Most convenient Point occoshilde liy Railroad N'o Rii-hinonii Corner. See Duntrmin. Charlottetown. /.i,2!>or :tO. t. Stephen, Va or H' ee Kerry, sot' D.irrell. hediai', Tb tu-nield.:;,') Newport, U l!r.antfonl, Af or Ug.. .. . . . e RoL'cr's Hill. Port Williain-i, U.. See Elgiiibiirg. shedia-. Tb Port Perry. Lor 21 Seaforth. Af. H;»rbor llriton. 44 Tilt(;ove, 4r, St. John's lhirl)or (Jrace, 4i! ("harlot .etown,Zi,'.'!» or:.!', ( Jofirgetown, Zi or 39 Lunenburg. ',0. Renfrew. N. .Sebringvlllc, Af. St. George. :{7 IJrarobridge. 11 Kingston. A, Zb or 1 .\Bhdown ,14 I'ort Stanley. J Napance. A Fogo, 4."> C.aynga, Ec , Sliubenacadie, T Thaniosvilie. B Lakclield, Ua Caledonia, Af. L<'S Ebonleniens, .2 9 21 23 9 14 1 4 5 11 22 35 21 32 8 12 34 26 R S ♦i 3 12 42 23 18 I Mil J'* ! n ! \m .a ■ ' i J ''M iilHI 100 TABLE OF ROUTES. I'AHHKNf! KR'K DKSTl NATION. I l> Town, VillaKe, kc. Hhediac HndKc Windia<;Uoaa Sho«nbor<>' Shoet Hnrbor 8hcffl.l,l SlK'm-M Sl.<'in^co New lions. Sliorbrooke, Ab or 8. N'cw ( Mangow, To Oakvillo. Ba I 'ort Colbonie, At ilufihes, Ao Newbury, B I Vrc<^. 2l> or 30 llartland.Zh IMvcr Philip, T IJritruo, 46 St.. John's Trinity, 4.'> Ilalifax.TorU St. John's (lrcon'8 Pond, 4o 'alnicrston, C See Ilo.sebank. .sjiippoffan, 38. Danville, Aa Green's Pond, 4!) .St. John'rt Ilalifax.TorU Fofjo, 45 Tilt Cove, 4.5 Harbor (i race, 4 G (Ireen'sPond, 45 Tilt Cove. 4.'i Cann)bollton, T or 38 .See Darling's I.Ake. Carillon, '2 Collingwood, D or 15 .shubcnacndie, T. Maccan, T Ailsa Craip, A See Antit;oni.--h. BolloviHo, A,0 or 7. Lancaster, A Port Hood, 39 Oiicoutimi, 34 Quebec Napanoe, A Uxbridge, P .*. Georgetown, A ( Jrcen's Pond, 45 Delhi, Be Silver Islet, 17. See Gal way. . New Lowell, D . I River daLoap, Aa, T or 34. fa S ,!' 77 14 7 10 113 59 47 69 (9 4 7 ,'■'* n fi8 16 14 4 90 3 48 90 3 10 15 53 7 192 29 3 4 29} 19 23 24 4 111 2.5 45 « 15 5 3| 6 8 73 TABLE OP ROUTES. Wl P or 15. 3,T. 117 6 u 17 77 U 7 4i 18 li:i 59 47 06 69 4 7 2J 12 fi8 IB U 4 90 » 48 90 3 10 15 52 7 192 29 3 4 29} 19 23 24 4 C or 7. Ill I) , . , . , 25 JA 4S 6 15 1 45 ...*. 5 '» '" 8 „ , u p, All, Tor 34.1 73 PASSENGEU'R DESTINATION. Town, Vlllngo, kw Sliiuoc SlriiJrliamptnn Sir JoUii'h Inland Six Mllo Brook SLxMllo Cross Six Mllo Road Six Portii-ros Skootl'H Mills Skipncsn Skinncr'a Pond Skyo Skyo Olcn Shswick 8li«o Sluice Point Smart's Island Smith Creek Smithfleld Snilthliold Smltli'rt Smith's Smith's Comers Smith's Comers Smith's Corners Smlth'sCove Smith's FalU Smith's Hill Smith's Island Smith's Mills Smith's Mills Smlthtown Smlthnrst Smithville Sneddon's Snider's Comers Snook's Arm Snow Village Soila Creek Soixanto Soixantc Solina Sombra Sonora 8omer-ct Somcrriet Somer-et Somerset Somcrvillc Sonya Soperton Sorol Sonris Sijnth Sonthampton S )nthamiiton Southampton South Barnstnn South IJar of Sydney River. South IJav South Bay South Bay South Boiton South Branch South Branch South Branch uroraocto. . .. South Cayuga ,. County or Dintrirt. F'rov Norfolk Siincoo l''rontena(; I'ic'on Huntingdon ('unil>erland Ottawa Carl' ton Itruco I'rince Olonuarry Inverne-H Canlwcll ("ardwell Varmouth Honavista Kiuj^s Huntln(?dnn Northumberland I'ictou Westmorland Kent Middlesex Northumberland l)i?by Lanark Huron Inveme-w I'rin<'e Ivlward stamteml Kini;4 Wtlllnj^>n Lincoln Lanark N'orthuniborland rwillin,:,'ate and I'oijo. Hastings Cariboo Iliorville ^t. llyacinthe Durham Ilothwell ( Jiiysborough icings (iUnenburg Megantic I'rince Carloton Ontario Leeds , llirhclieu icings Lunenburg , I'.ruce , t.'umberland , ^'ork Stanstearl , Capo Breton , Prince Edward St. John Victoria Brome (^olchester Kings Snnbury Haldimand Ont . Ont, Ont . N..S, Que . . N..S . . QUO.. Ont.. Ont.. P.E.I. ;'nt.. N'..S . . Ont . . Ont.. .V.S.. Nfld V.B. . Que . , Ont.. N.S . . M.B.. Ont . . Ont.. Ont . . \..S . . Ont . . Ont . , N.S . , Ont . , Que . , N.B., Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont . , N'fld. , Ont . , n.c Qne., Que , Ont., Ont . , x.s., V.S., S'.S., Qne . . I'.R.I. \.B.. Ont . . < nt . . Qne.. I'.E.I, N S.. Ont.. \..S.. \.B. Que. N.S. Ont. X.B. N'..S . Que. N.S. N.B. N.B. Ont. Most convenient Point acccwihle by Railroad or SU'iiiner. .Simroe, W'. CollingwtMKl, D or 15 .*t,r(i WhyccK-omab ,41 , .Mono Rood, E Charleston, E Varniouth, 40 (froen's Pond, 45 .Sussex, Ta .See Dundee. Biight^m, A .New O lasgow, Tc .Shen, (.'. Athol. T Fred'-ricton. X, Zh or;i5. Coaticnok, Al .Sydney, 41 I'icton. f! or 7 F.iirville, W B.odde.-k, 41 Waterloo,g Brofikfleld, T Penobsquis, Ta See Blissville. Danuville, Af I! IS 5 a 80 2.-4 15 :)'i A 4 !i 14 1 » n 7 2 4 8 8 5 2»>8 7 8 C4 2 27 12 '? 21 3 a 11 4.H n 4S iM '-'2 S 5 ill ri '*<''!] 102 TABLE OF R01TTE«. I'A.SfiENU Ktt'8 DK8TIN ATION. Town, Vlllftge, kc. South Dihlo South Douro Suiith Diimincr South Durham South Kiixl Ili;;)it South Kiixt I'ltKiiairn South i;im-lc.v South i:iy Snuthf rn Hay Southorii Harbor South r.-ilU South Flncli South Olouoo-trr South Oowrr South (iranliy South Out «t >t. Anns South Hum South Hiirbiir South Hinchinbrooko Soutli Lairmi-'so South Lak(; South Mi'LclIau'M Mountain ... South March Scmth Mldilh'Um South Monnirban South Mniiiitaln South Nelson SiHith rottoii Sonthport South t^ucl)po South lianKf South Uawdiiii South River Laivo South Roxtoii South Sidft li.v-in Ilivor UcnniM. South .Si{aroo. . South Side of Whycoconiali Bay South Stream South Stukciy Southvillo South Wost ifrtbou South Wo-tmcath South Zorra SpaiTonlton S|)an!ar(r!< Bay Spanianl'^ Day S])anl4h River Sinnish Room ... Sparta Spa SpriuK's Spoedio SlKsednldp I S|)i'cdsvilli> I Spcitrho'd Covo I Spcnoo ! SixMiccr Cove 1 Spencer's Spencer's Cove , S|)encor'i4 Island Spencerville Spcnro's Bridge Spejmide Spike's Comer SpiUer'sCove Spout Cove County or DiBtrict. Prov Trinity IVterborouuh PeterlxiriiULrlt I)nimmond Placcntia i: ."^t. Marv'n Halifax .".. LcidM .'^hi'lTonl BonaviKta Pla<-entia k Ht. Mary•^ Simcoc .". . Stonnont Rtixscll (Jrcnvillo shefTord Victoria Wolfe Victoria Huntintrdon Olcnffarry r,<'edn Pictou <'arloton N'orfolk PetorborouKh Dundas Xcirthumbcrlaiid nronio. Quwns r.evis I)i,'by Illaiit-" (!uysl)ori>UL;h ."^hcfTord luvernciw Victoria Invenies^ Inverness .St. John .siipfford Di-'by Invenies.-* Renfrew Oxfonl .\ddinpton Harbor Main Trinity A lipoma Rurin El^'in Annapoli.s Orev \Vcnincrt>m Waterloo Di-by )[u»«koka Qiicl)ec Colchrstir Placentia & St. Marj's Cumberland Drenville Yale Halton Frontenoc Trinity Bay de Verds N'fld. Ont. Ont. Quo. Ntld. \.s . Ont. Quo . Ntld., Mid., Ont . , ( Hit . , Mnt , Ont., Vne v.s . , Que . , N'.S., Quo . , Ont ., Ont., s.a.. Ont.. Ont . . Ont . Ont.. v.n.. Quo .. P.K.I, Quo . X.S. X.S . Quo . X.S. X.S. X.S. .v.s X.B. Que. X.S. X.S Ont. Ont . Ont. Xfld. Xtld. Ont. xnd Ont. X.S. )nt . Ont . , Ont.. X.S.. MoMt convenient Point ai-i'iMriiblo by Railriiad or .'steamer. Ont . , Que . , X.S., Xfld. , X.S., Ont., B.C., Ont. Ont., Nfld., Nfld., Harbor (ira' e, Ifi I'cterlMiroii^'h, < I a IVterlM)rou),'h.,'wood, D or l.'i. .. Burin. 41 St. Thomas, Bo, H or J. Wilmot, U Owen Sound, Ka or l'> . . I'enrns, C Berlin, A. Dif-'bv, U Orillia, Da, Ooria Quebec Londonderrj-, T St. John's .\thol,T Spencerville, M . . Yale. 48 Acton, A See Harrowsniith. Catalina, 4.') Carbonear, 4C i (13 10 19 100 8 17 G3 H 1« 7 11 ,5' 71 27J 4 13 14 9 S IS 9 9 10 8 27 15 3r> 8 24 li 30 6 •■••••• 2 17 6 a ISO 7 12 3 fi 6 10 60 5 7 90 43 9 80 6 13 9 TABLE OF ROUTES. 103 I'ASMKN ( i KU'8 I)i:.sTl N ATH )N . limit Tntiit »lo 1).V ' Stcftiuor. .m Cik (ia (till. Town, Villaijo, Lc. or '2 . I ur4 »•••#•(••••• , To .. or '2... ic or II. or :tH Ilo I'utton. I. . Ao. )tiry, ;i!) 41... h-W.. Zb or 1 . . . .4« b'oViV... tc, II or J. Ka orl.'» .. oris. T.".!! m".!'. I'li'th."' 10 la 100 ti 17 C3 H 1« 7 11 .5' 71 27i 4 13 14 9 5 15 9 9 10 8 27 ir. 3.5 8 24 80 6 2 17 G (t l.TO 7 12 3 6 10 CO 5 7 no 4:s 9 80 6 13 9 KiiroffiK''^ Point . ..... Spring' .Vrliniir Hprlnkliaiik 8prinKl>rook Sprlnjflironk 8prlnK'liro'l>l 8prlnKll<-ltl 8priiiKli*l'l 8prln)^l)<'lil Spjin^fonl ... 8prin«niH Sprin«llill 8prln« Hill , 8priiiK Hill SprinK Hill Minos Sprinn' Hill iU,M Hpriiikctowii , Si>rtn){to\vii 8iir!n^val(! , 8i)rin>;villu S|)rins;v'll(' 8prucc Lake Spry IJay Spurr'K Cove 8tiwlaoona Stiiffa 8ta(Tonl StafforJville Stamford 8tanl>rl(l;,'n Kit Htanbri(l,'o t>tiitiriili,'(» , Stanlov, Piirt Stanley's Mills StaiLstoad Stanton Starkey'.s. Stark's (" jhkmm Slarnesb.iroiit,'li Starr's I'oint Stayner Steam Mill Villa^'o..., Steele Steep (^rook , Steeve's .Mmiitaiii Stecve'H Settlement . . , Stella Stellarton Stephen's rorners Stcvensvillo Stowarttown Stewartville Stowiaoko Cnis-s IIohUj Stcwlivcko Middle StiUwator Ctiunly or Uintrlot. Kin^'rt N.irfolk .... MiddloM'X . . , liastlnxri .. . , I'.ol \Velllnj.'ti)n ., Aniui|Kilis . , , I'.riruti i:i.,'in ivillL'lt ^)||1-0I18 York ()\f(»ril Ciiiiibcrland . York York York CuinbiTlaiKl . I'liinborland , tjnoens Iluiifrcw . . . , llaldiinaiid .. Pc'torborou;,'! Piitou St. John .. . . Halifax .St. Jolui . . . . 'Quebec I'rov N.D., Ont . . Uiit.. Out . . Ont . , Ont . . N.S.. Nfld. . Ont . . .N.l).. Ont . . p.r,.i N.U.. Ont.. N'..^.. .N'.n.. N'.IJ.. Ont N..S.. .\.S.. r.i;.i, Ont.. Ont.. tint . .V.S . .V.U.. .v..-<.. .N'.IJ.. yue. Perth Out., llejifmw , Priiu'o lyhviinl. , Wei land .Missi.s<|iioi MiisiApioi .Missis{iiioi Iioroh'',stor Prime Arthabaskii (Queens .-^tan stead i ork Queens i:i_'in Peel Stanstoad Simcoe CJueenM liruc-o , ('hatoanj.'uay .. , Kind's simooe KintTH SiiiR-oe (;iiy.-bor()r.i.ii .. . Wostmorlii'.id .. . \Ve-itllUjrl:i;;d . , Lennox Pii'tou Brant Welland Halton Uonfmw I'olchester C )lchejiter Guyaborough . .. Ont .. Out.. Ont.. tjno . . yue . . yno . . yuo . P.E.I. yiio . . p.i:.i. (^ue . . N.B.. l'.E.L Ont.. Ont.. yuc . . Ont.. N.K.. Out., yiie . . N.S. . Ont . . S.S.. Ont . . N'.S.. X.B.. N-.U.. Ont.. V.S.. Ont.. Out.. Ont . . Ont.. N'.S.. V.S.. X.S . . MiMtonnvenient Point art'usHiblo l)y llailroitd or Stoamor. or II. Norton, Ta... TiUinl.iiri.'. p. Strufhrov, III Ilelleville. .\.»!or7 Kniiiiptoii, A See Wyandot. IjiwrciK flow n, V llri:/iH, lii .spriiiL'lieM, II, .Norton, 'I'a !>!e(> Cmlit. Charlottiiowii, Zi, '.'ii or ;>!• I'Mper Ki'-wji k, /li Iiipr-oll, II .sprifiK Hill. I', rrederietoii, X. Zh or 3.'i. . . SjiriiiK' Hill, /,li. fM'o Kim:. .Spring' Hill, T .See Atliol. Charlottetown, Zl, 2U or :!!• .See Da;.'ot. IlaKersville. He or /.a PeterlMiroii^;!!, ( ;a Now (ila-,_'o.v , 'I'e .St. John, T or W Halifax, T or r St. .John, T or \V yneboo CarroiibrooU. Af Saiiil Point, N or ;i Ilelleville, A, ti or 7 Niatrara. I'aIN, Hb Stanbri V'e, P .stanbriil-'e, p. West Faniliaiii, Qor R , , . . yuebec Siiminorside, /i, ;i!) or 42.. . Stailfold, .•\:i. ("hiirlr>ttetnu II, Zi, 20 or :i» Koiindary Line. At). FrtMleriitoii, X. Zh or :(•".. . Chariot tiiowii. Zi, i'!» or .!!» See I'ort Stanles'. Malton, A ". Staiistead, S. (tilford. 1) (ias,'oto\vii, ;;:i .ScO lllir;''i\ III.. Hemiiiiie'fonl. Ao P..rt Williams, U Stayner, 1). Keiitville, L' Hawk-tune, |i i . . , Port HawUe-tmry, ::!» Hound iry Crei-k, Ta. PetitoiHliae.'I'ii Kiii;rstiin, A. /.I) or 1. Stellarton, T.-. Ur.intford. .\f or Steven i-);iii r M:irliiir. . , 8t(K'kv,cll 8t<>('() Ht(K|(liirl'K Htokc- Ccntr.^ Stdkctipii , 8tii(>ii.'l.| StllllclKCII «tOIlf Mill'! Stony Ilciicli St'Hiy Crivk , Ktony Crci'k Stony Point 8tornioiit Stoniowiiy 8torrin;,'ton , Story 'rt Stott-ivillc StouiVvlllo , BtO\V(! StriilKinc StnvlVonlvillc , htriin'.'fonl , Stnitfonl Strulfiinl , Striilliiillcn.. . . StratlilMirii Strut In lairn County or l)lKtrToli9 Sheffnrd KintfH Selkirk... Queens Trii.ity , ''•n-y New Wontiiiinster Qnocns Prineo , l.ainbton f i lon;;arry , .Vnti^'onisli Hants Peel Dnrhani Frnntenac TwilliiiKato and Fo^o, Ontario ."^inieoe Niagara Kinfpi Kin^s Kings I'rov. Ont. N.n. Ont., Ont., N.S., Quo . . Ont.. ont . . ino . . Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Out.. ( )nt . . (,)ne . . Out.. Ont.. Ont . . Ont . . Ont.. Ont . . Ont. ( )nt . . N.S.. Quo P.E.I. Man . P.H.I. Ntld Ont.. B.C.. N.n. . P.E.I, Ont.. Ont . N.S.. N.S. Ont Ont. Ollt. Nfld. Ont Ont. Ont N'.B. N.B. N.B. Mont convenient Point aiM'eK.-i|ble l)y RniircNwl or Htuiinier. ."^dllwater, U. Fort tbirry, 51 , U-Ilevllli', A, Uor 7 i'llora, O , I'onrtland, he. i^tittsvlllo, O. Cata'inn, 4.'i I'riMiton, A or olis, i; , .-herbrooko, Ab or .S , slierbrooki'. Ab or ."^ S(>e HuniherntiMK-. Carillon, -i Quebnc , '\nna|)(di!<. V .S.>e .Monntnin .Mills. Salisbury. Ta Stony (!re<>k, B. Stony Point, B. .S«i' Isiuv's Harlior. Lennoxvillo. Ab ur S . ... Soo Inverary. Story's, N, StottBvill', Ad. HtouU'ville. F. .Miteliell, Af Hamilton, It, /a or 1 ... Corinth. H Searboront,'h, A or F. . . . StratfonI, A. .soc I.rfiko Aylnicr. \Vooil-it Stratliroy, lib. Berlin, A Port Credit. Ba Uxbri.lj.'e. F Dunnville, .Vf Wilniot. Ij . . .See .South Stnkely. Co«iri;eto\vn, Zi or 'M ... . Fort (larrv, 51 Suffolk, Zi. Trinity, 4-> Willianisfori.Ka New Westminster, 4H. ., (ranctown, .'(■) .Snnnnersid*!, Zi, ;{1» or 42. Widder. A r^ftiiea-ter, A .New Ula- Sui)derl:iTi(l. F. Suiuiidale, p. Suspension Urid.^'e, IJ. -ussex. Ta Aiiiiai^a'.iee, Ta riussex, Ta. i» \H 17 IH •.>7 H I? "J ■■i\ 1 ?l «7 47 14 14i H 8 4i 9 :t .1 12J 6 4 7 4 it 45 18 II « 27 12 Hi 20 T 3.2 I) III 17 IX 27 H I? II) '.'A HI I ?! M '2'I li (J7 47 i nr 1 I-I 'J' or F ai r. H 8 >.•.•.• 1 ■• • ?,' :< n 1-4 Iv. ir :J!) 4 7 4 » ^r, 4H 4A IH M) or 42. . • . • • ■ ■ • • 11 A ?7 1? 4i or 1 'fO ',0, IJ. 4 •i TABLK OF noi'TF.R. 105 l>AH«iKNaEll't« DKSTl NATION. Town, Villa,'!-, &p. Sn-wrx Viilc SutlnrliuiirMriirtuT. HiitliiTlaii(li S\vt'H ( 'iiriii'M .Swlti'.crviik' Svdcnhatn Kydonhiirn. Sydciihim Sydnnhum SydonhiiiM MilU .... Sydcniiiiui I'li'i!. . . . Syilncy Sydney Sydnoy Mines Sylvan Syplicr'H Cove T.vl.UHintft- Tabiii'lnlac lliver. .. TtidonKiK- Tilbotvillc Iloyal .. Timwortli... Tnnrook I-slixiuN. ... Tani^icr, New Tauifier. (ild Tannery W^st Tapleytown T.ira !••#••* Tarbort Tartij^o Tatania;.^on -lie T.itaniaj,'()ni'lio Moimt^iin. Tatl(K-k Taunton Tavistock Taylor Taylorholnic Taylortown Tavlor Vilia^o TiyMilN T.iy &'ttlf»uicnt. TotMimwth T<»cumsetli . . . Teeunisctli... Teoswater Teoterviile Telfer ; Tomlsraininu'iie l|nn-K'k, II , >vvc'ct -liiir^rli, It. Diinnvllle, .\f NkpiUK'*', A , .-^ei- '"uthiurt. ■^•e I/in;{hi)()r<)ni;li. «ec ()«en Sound. •■•o Dixie. II "--kf >nl. V.!\ lUdiniotid, .\a -iee Antitronl.sli. •■^ulney, II. ^vdnev.'tl Wl.ldcr, A •'>.. .SeeTliainesvillo. See U\ otrate. Ilradfr.rd. 1) Sliediac, Tb Teeswati-r, E. .simcoe, no ,. Komoka, lib ])(s ,10iV'liiin'', It \Vofyl-to, I'erth, Na Newport, IT See Mdochoville. See Turn's Bay. 4 11 (! II 10 I.) 20 3 M 21 l.t 20 :io 7.'J 50 :t 4 10| i:i 7 :tl 20 8 4 18 2-i 12 12 13 « IW 12 2i 4 27 10 23i tAf m 111 it || n ;'' i.^: m; %^^ ill 100 TABLE OF nOUTES. PA.SSEXaEIf.S Ui:STIX.VTI(».V. Town, v'illaj^o, Ato. IP. i Tt'lTcl>'>lltlc Ti'ssicrvillu Tl'stoll Ti'to-ii-^'iiuchc Tcvi(it Three Mile Plains Three Hi vers Three Sisters Three Tree; Creek Thuniler Bay Thurliiw Thurso Tickle Cove Tickle Harbor Tickles Tidnish Tidnisli liridw Tipiish Tilbury Kast Tilsoidnirj; Tilt Cove , Tilton JIarbor Tincap Tinpwiik. Tinline"s Corners Tintern Titusville Tivertnt . t)nt . , Ntld., N'.B.. N'.8. . N.S., Que. N.S.. N.B. Ont., Ont., Que., NUd. Xtid. Mid. N.S. N.B.. P.B.L Ont.. Ont . . NHd.. NUd. . ( >nt . Que . . ont , Out.. N.B.. Out.. Ntid. Ntld. ()nt. Ont . Ont . N.S. Ont . Ont . Ntid. N.S. Xfld. Jfost convenient Point l)y Railroad or Steamer. 1). Ten'eboiine, '.'7. Metis, T. •.':! or : Uiclimond Ilill, Batlnirst, T or : i;iora, C. . . . : Quebec Iri'jersoil. B 'riianie.-ville, P.. BePevillc, A, ti or 7 See Wiildcr. Cai^'ctown, '.',' llecani'oiir, Aa I'.eainsvillc. 15, Weston. A. 1) or K lirlleville, A. tJ or 7 Bia.lfonl, 1) Thomson, T. riionibury, 1). Portage du Port, 3 Tliorndale, Ai,'. Apoha(|ui, Ta Bristol, :i (la^retown, ."."i Thornliill. I) Alieiidale, 1) 'I'liorold, B or I Thorold, B or I. -ce Hilda. Tilt Cove, 1.-) Ilartlaiul, /,h I'ictou, Tc, I'D or IK) Three Mile Plains, U. riiree Rivers. Ac, •.':{ or 24. Athol.T Three Tree Crcc'k, X, TluindorBay, 17. B.'llevillo, A, G or 7 Thurso, '2. Cutalina, l.> Brigus, k; .St. John's Amherst, T Shcdiac, Tb Tignish, Zi. Charing Cro-^s, H Tilsonburg, Be or H. Tilt Cove, 4."). I'ogo, 4') BriK-kville, A. X or 1 .See St. I'atrick'ri Hill. See Kversley. Beamsville, B Hamilton, Ta Kincardine, Ca or K See Petite;,'e. I'willingate, 4 J St. .lolin's .See Donca-ti'r. Irisli Creek. N Allendale.]) Pictou. Tc. 'JO or oO .■^ee Cartwriglit. Stratford. A St, .Tohn's New f; la-sow. To St. Julm'd 2 24 ;i 3 r.i •JO a 48 3.3 2C 2 3 19 17 21 2.'> 20 26 8 8 1 13 60 3 66 13 ,'53 30 56 21 12 P2J 8 7 9 5 2G 9 1 11 10 12 113 7 TABLE OP ROUTES. 1011 ii'llt I'oilit Ic l.y Stoaiucr. If -i 5 ;!() I) J,S 24 ''H 20 *or7 48 :53 26 2 r 1-; ;l or 7 10 17 t. 3 24 20 2fi « 8 1 13 «0 irllO Lc, I'iJ or 24. 3 .-•k, X. or 7 13 r.3 80 fiO 21 12 11 12J 4 s iir 1 »niii. 4 R 7 orK 9 5 2n » 1 r oO 11 in \-}, 113 7 I'A.SSKNGIiUS DKpTINAI'IOX. Town, Village, &c. Torboltnn Torbrnok Toriiiorc Toroiiti) Torrjburn Totno:M Tottctiham Tower Hill Townsond Ceiitro Trat'adio Tracadie TrivceyV Mills , Tratrcy Station Trafalfiar Trafalgar Trav(ivt(>ii Tri'odwcll Trecastlii Treniblay Trenioiit Trenholiii Trenton Trenton villi! Trepasscy Trinity Trinity Bay Trois I'i.itolos Trots Sannioiis Trout Urook Tront Cove Trout Lake Trout lliver Trouty Trowbridge Troy Troy Triidoll Trump Inland Truro Tryon Tiiani Tullaniore Tuppervillo Turk's Cove Turk's Cut Turnip Cove Turns (or Terence) Liay. Turilo Creek Turtle Lalie Tusoarora Taskot Tu.-4ket \\ o L'e 1'weed^ido . . . , Twewlnido ... TwilliuKate. . . Two Islands . Tyendinafja. . , TynemouLli. . Tynesiilu Tyrconnell . . . Tyrone Tyrrell Udora Ufflnirton Ufford , Carteton. ... :Vnna|K>lis. .. Canlwell. ... York St. John .. .. I'erth Sinicoe Charlotte . . . Norfolk Anti},'r)nisli. (ilouce>ter. . Carletoii... . Sunbury. . . . Walton Halifax (i Coiintv or DiHtrict. rey I'resnott I cm I ■••*•••••• •«•«•> (.'liicoutinii Kiiii^s Druininond Mastings '. . Norfolk I'lacentia iSiL St. Mary's. Trinity Sai,'uenay Temiseouata li'lslet Kent Ui^'by Vittoria iInntini,'don Trinity I'enh ICent Wentworih i':.s.- Trinity, I') Listowel, Ca .--ee I'airlield. Harri.sburj:, U or C Cliathani, ii rwillii(,'ate, 4.1 Truro, T. Charlottetown, Zi, 29 or 30 Bradford, D .\Ialton, A MridLfetown, U Harbor Grace, b! 15ri;,'u,s, 4ii Harbor Briton. 41 Halifax. T or U , Salisbury, Ta Ashdown, 14 .Middleport, Af. Yarniotitli, 40 Yarmouth, 10 , lielleville, A, C or 7 Winona, li Harvey. W Twilliii'^ate, 4.j. Athol, T TyendinaKa, A. .See Ten Xlilo Creek. 1 laniilton . B, Za or 1 Dutton, II Ilowmanville, A , >inicoe, lit' Lxbrid;^'e, F Braeobrid;,'c, 14 , Bracebridgc, 14 ^■l 3 8 17 i:{ -'4 (;7 16 4 52 5 IS Vi 3 160 30 10 cr Canard Upper C.ipe Upper Ciiratinotte UpiK-r Cavcrlull Upper ( 'hnreli Street Upper Cross lloads St. Slarys. .. Upper Clyde lliver Upper l)\ko Village Upper Economy Upi)er I'onthill Upper (iairetowni UpjM'r (Ja'^iiereaux Upi)(>r (ireenwiih Uj) er (iiilley Ui)per JIanipsteaiit UpixT Keswick Upper Kesw ick Uidge Upper KiiiLT^lear Upper I^a Have Upper L'Anloise Upjicr Loch Ijouiond Upper Maccaii Ui)per Ma-'a'-Tuadavic Upper Mar^arce Upi)er Maugerville Upper :yiills Upper Musunodoboit Upper Xe:_'\iac Upper Nelson Upper New Morton Ujjjjer Newport Upiier Onslow Upper Peel Upper I'ocknionelin Upper Port Latoiir Upper Qneensl)ury Upper Itawdon Upper backviUe County or District. Prov. Vietorift •Jrey Huron Di'uniniond Hastings liruco Victoria i:iKin Colchester Carleton Middlesex (Queens iviii^s York Kings Kings Victoria Victoria Northumberland. Missisquoi Lunenburi,' Front«nac Kent iSurj^eo and La Poilc Halifax Kings Westmorland Ciloucestcr York Kings Guysborough Slnlbume Kings Colchester , Welland Queens , t^ueens Kinirs Harbor Main Queens York Hants Carleton York York York N.B Ltnienbnrg N.S Richmond St, John Cumberland York Inverness Snnbury Char.otte Halifax Noithinnberlaml . Northumberland , Albert Hants Colchester Carleton Gloucester IN.B. Shelburne N S. York N.B. llaiiH N.S Weiitmorland IN.B. Out . . Ont .. Out . . Que . . Ont.. Ont.. N.B. . Ont.. N.S . . N.B.. Ont .. I'.K.I. N.B.. Ont.. :;.B.. N.B.. Ont . . Ont . . N.B.. Que.. N.S.. Ont . . N.B. . NQd. . N.S.. N.S.. N.B.. N.B.. N.B. N.S.. N.S . . N.S . . N.S.. N.S.. Ont.. N.B.. N.B. . N.B.. NOd. . N.B.. N.B. . N.S . N.B.. N.n.. V.B.. Most convenient Point aoccssihio by llailroad or Steamer. N.S. V.B. X.S. N.B. N.S N.B. N.B. N.S. N.B N.B. N.H.. ¥ S N S., N.B Brat ebridge. 11 l'l(!sherton, Eu (ioderich, Af Ulchmond, Aa. . ; Belleville, A, G or 7 Paisley, C Hartland, Zh , St. Thomas, he, II or J . . . I'nion, Tc. Wo(Klstock, V or /Ch London. Ag, B or J Union Zi. See Buckle\'s. I'niouville. 1". Hampton, T.i See Hammond Vale. Coboconk, I" Linds.ay, G Chathiini, ;iO or :;s Stanbriilge. P Lunenburg, -lo Upi)er Brewer's Mills, 4. shedi.oc, Tb Burgeo, 44 •■^hubeniiciMlie, T Kentville, U Sackville, T See Caraquette. L'pper Keswick See Church Street. >liubenii» adie, T Slu!lburne, 40 Iventville, U Londonderrv, T Welland, H or I Upper Gagetown, lij. Brigg's (,'ornor, ;iU Oak l'oint,;i.» , .. St. .lohn's Welsford. W llaynesvillo. Zh. luibenacailie, T Hartland. Zh CpiKT Keswick, Zh. l'pIK>r Keswick, Zh -co King.sclear. liUncnburg, 40 ■8 .shelbnnie, 40 Tredericton, X, Zh or S't.. .Newport, U Sackville, T \'2 •JK H 71 V.i 7:i S 14 1.1 11 IK •.'0 n:{ 3 C2 4 26 19 ill 14 n c :i() 'a :!l 6\ 14 IH 40 ;!0 .10 •2H P.'i 6 12 :ilj 17 4 TABLE OF ROUTES. 109 '1:1 PASSKNdKR'S DESTINATION*. Town, Villa.'o. iic. T'piKT St. I'.a/.il Upjwr St. I'rnlu•i^ Upper Svlinnn Uivcr Upper H;t. of i;:i(M;'(k Rivor . . Upper Sot. of ll;irrioy's Hivcr . . Upper Set. of Mid.Ui' Uivor.... Upper Sot. of lllvcr I)•nni.^. ... Upjier .Sot. of .s.iutli Uivor Upper Set. of West lUver Upper shcnicM Upper Piiiiill Point Upper Sdutliampton Ui)per Sto\vi:v l;!! Ui)por Wnkfliclil Ui)per \Vashal)iuk Upi)er Wicklo-.v T'piicr Wood's ll.'vrljor Upi>cr WoiKl-itock Upsiihinitcli Uptcrgrovo Upton. Urbaiiia Usher Utica Utopia Utterson Uttoxater Uxbri(li;o Vuphfili Vaillanoourt . Valcartier. ... Vak'ourt Valotitia Valctta Vallnntvno .. . Vallotort VivlleyfiH.l.... ValloyfieUl. . . . Valtnotit Vaiiattor Vanhnrrh . . . . V.indorar . . . . Vandulpur. . . , Vanlcok Hill. Vankon;,'lini't. Vanneck Vanvl ick . . . . Van Winkle . . Varennes V.ama Varney Vatwy Vauban Vandrouil . .. . Vaughan's.... Voi}rl»ton VoUoro Venice Vcnnachar . . . Vonosta Ventnor Ventry Vercherca . . . . Verdaii Verokcr .... Toroatw Connty or District. Vii'toria Victoria Albert Vii'toria Pirton Victoria Invornc-is . . . , Antijronish .. . I'icton Sinil)nry r.aydo.Verdt . York Colchester. . . I'ontiae ruvorncss . . .. Carlcton Shclbiirne .. . . Carlcton Ue-tiiroucho . , Ontario Ba:,'ot Hants Anti^'onisli .. Ontario Simcoe Victoria Lambton .... Ontario York i; Islet Quebec ShofTord Victoria fCont Ontario Bcance licanhaniois. Queens Chamjilain .. Wcllin'.rton .. Renfrew Oxford firev lY.'SCOtt Victoria Middlesex... Sinicoo Cariboo Vercheros . . Huron Orey Simcoe Temisconata. Vaudreuil . .. Hant-> Ru-isell York Missi-jqnoi. . . Addinprton. . . Ottawa Orenvillo. ... Orey Veroheres . . . Bruce ?]-»sex ilntigoniuh .. Prov. N-.B. S.R. \.U. N.S. X.S . N'.S. N'.S, V.H, N.R. Nlid. N.B. N.S. <^»ne .. N.S.. N'.IJ. N'.S. N.R. N.P.. Out Que . . N.S.. Mo.stronvcuient Point accessible hy Railroiul or .^teanier. V.S Out.. Ont . . Out ,. Ont .. Ont . . Ont . . Que .. i^>ue . . Que . . Ont.. Ont . . Ont . . Quo . . (^uo . . I'.K.l. Que . . nnt . . Ont . . Ont .. Ont .. Ont . . Ont.. Out.. Ont.. B.C.. lino . . • mt . . Ont. ^ Out.. Que . . Quo . . N.S.. Ont.. Out.. Que . . out .. iQuo . . jont .. iont .. JQue . . ;ont.. ,Ont.. 'n.s.. Riv. dn I.oup, Aa, T or ".I. lliv. du I.oup, Aa, T or yj. See Ha-tinjrs. Baddeck,4l New ( Uasirow, Tc Baddeck,4l Port Hawkesbury, ;;:• New (ila-i,'ow, Ti- I'icton. Tc.'.'it or :'.() rpl)cr Sliclli 'Id, ;>"). Carbonear, 4»! Wood -to k .function, /,li.. . Brookfiel.l.T Ottawa, .M.Oor'i Whvcocoinah, 41 Haftland, /!i >hc!burn<',4') Wo.Kl4nck, V or/h Catnphel'.t m, Tor:!.S .VtUcrlev. P! Sc(> St. Uphroni (ITpti'ii. Shubenacailie, T New ( I las;row, Tc L'xbrid-ie, p T'toiiia, I). Bra<'ebi-i(k'e, M Wanstead.B Uxbriil-re, !•'. 11(11 Kwart, D t. .lean Port Joli, Aa Qllelicc Waterloo, Q Liiidsav, (i Chatham, B Sunderland, V St. Krancois. Zf Vallc\ii'>ld. 1 or T). Charloitetown, Zi. 0!) or :!('. Three Rivers, Ac, '.'! or '.M . Oran'.'eville, E Renfrew, N Woodstock, I! i"l(> :i3 1.1 16 S' 71 46 4 23 12 7 ;:.'ii i I Ill 'I I' •'I. •■If i\ il I li 110 TABLE OP ROUTES. rA.ssKNdini's 1)K.stinati!)X. Town. Villayo, 4ic. VcriKin Vernon Uivcr Vernon River Uridijo Vernon villi,' Veronii VersiiillcM Ver^liovle VoHta " Vi.IMN Vicloria Vii'toriii Vietorlii Victoria Victoria Victor a Victor a Victoria Victoria Victoria Victoria llriil 'o Victoria ( 'onicr.s . . . Victoria I'iirni Victoria llarlior . .. Victoria Ihirlior . . ., Victoria Mills Victoria Mines Victoria Iin:v 1 Victoria Siium? Victoria VilUiLio Victoriavillc Vienna Vienna Vi^er Vi^'e^ Jliiies Vi^'o Villu'e (l.'s Aiilnaie3 . VilhueUi helieii .... Villa Nova Villctie Villiers Vincenne.s Vino Vincr Vinoy Vinton Violet Virtril. Viri-in Arm , Vittoria Vivian Voi;lcr's("ove Vrooniantoii Vvner Wiui>i-i Waba-lieno Wajrainatcook Wairnm- W'aind'rt Wakeiioi.l Walileiiiar Walilron's Covo. . , Wales Walker's Cutting? , Walkerton ., Walkervillc County or District. I'rov ItlKsell neens Norlliiinilierland. A'MIn^'toM Ihi-ville Oxfonl liriice llMntini.'(t(in lirant Ilotliwell Cirloton Cnniborland . ,. Pncens . . . >iincoe Siinhiiry \'aiicou\ or . . . . . \V<>!lan(l AiMiapolis Oiitario Ottawa Kinirs Si'ncon Wc.-tinorlnnd .. ., ( 'api! liri'toM Vicloria York ( 'arbonoar Artliabaska Kl^'in Mouck 'I'einis'onata ,, . Artliabaska sinicoo I/Islet, lloiiville Norfolk Coniiiton I'ctcrboroutjh ... Cliatniilain Sinicoo l.anibton Ottawa I'ontiac Aililiii.irton Nia-rara Wallate Cumberland Twilliiij^ato and Fogo. Norfolk York Lunenburg I intario Laiiibton Sniibury ^inicoc Vicloria nijrby M.M-.cJc ■ Xtawa \Vcliin}:tor» 'I'wilHiifrate and Fogo, stoniiniit Arthiibaska i'.nice t'i'^>OX *•■»•••«■•• ■•■•I Out , V.V.. im:. Out , Out , tine Out, Out (^iie Out Out N n N .S Out V.K Out N 11 15 (^ Out \ S Ont Que N.S Out, N.B N.S Out , Out NUd guc Out ■ Out Quo. <^nic Ont Quo Vne Ont Quo Out Qiu^ Ont Out • ^tiie Que (Jut Ont Nlld Out Ont \.S Ont Ont N B Ont N.S N.S. Onl. <2uo . Ont . Nf?d. Cut . Quo . Ont . Ont- N.S. Mostennvpnient Point acce.s.-;ible by Itailroad or Sloaincr. O-iL'oiHle, M ("liarlottetown.Zi. 'J!» or ::;» ('liarlotteto\vii,Zi,2'» or ;ii( (irafton, A Verona, Zb. Versaille^.Q. Iiij.'er-oll, H , , I'aisl.y, C Ileniniiii;'fi'nl, Ac rrinccton. It Si'e I'lorence. vVood-to.'k, VorZh Thoiii^on, T Hrainpton, A Viitoria. i:!. S''e ]nni--1il. Oroinoi to, "i"> . . . Victoria. I?, 48, 4 !» or 50 Vi( toria, H A niiMpoli^. U lixhridire. V See Wrmlit licrwick, U Orillia Da. C, or i;! I'etitcoiliac, 'J'a SvdMc\- 41 . . Victoria Hond. F llichiiiond Hill I) ('arbonoar. 4(1 Sec Artliaba-l:a halation. St.Tlionias, Be. II or J .. . See ilo->edcne. Cacoiina, Aa. Arlbaba.-^ka, Aa Sta\ iicr. \) .... st.'Uocb, Aa Villaire IlirlieliL'U.Zc Wabrfonl, II Coatlcook. Ab i'<'terboroni'li. (!a Tlirce Itivciv, Ac, 'Jiior'Jl. Itarrie, Da See Vyiier. I'aiiiiieanville. 3 I'ortaLTe dii Fort, :i Kin^iston, .\, Zb or 1 St. Catliarine-', I? orl . ... Twilliiitrati', 4.") Simcoe, He Newmarket, D Liveri>ool. 40 Sunderland, F Marilaniin, lib Waa-is, X. See Waiiba-Jliono. See Middlo River. Di;rby,U Wainlleet. Af. Ottawa, M. 0-or 2 Waldeiiiar, E. Twi P.iuKate, 43 Wales. A Walker's Cutting Ac» Walkerton. C. Windsor. B Went worth, T a 6 14 H 8 8 V4 6 1.5 281 a 6 28i 10 11 11 5 .5 !) 15 1.5 7 23 16 17 8 5 7 8 lOj :t 8 IS 24 2 16 TAULE OP ROUTES. Ill i,2'» or 'I'J • • Zh . • 4 !»or 50 , vi. "..'..'.. ) Q 6 H 8 K 13i C ir) 2SJ 7 •J S 6 28J 10 11 11 A 5 !) 15 13 7 23 16 17 8 5 7 8 lUj :i IS 23 24 • iS I'ASSKNGHR'.S DKSTl NATION'. Town, Vilhi^rc, if Wiilltti-n , Wiilliu-o ltri.l;;i' .. .. WiiUiiccliin-.r Wiilliuv) Conn !•■<. . . Wivlliifo Kill '.. Wiillivfi! Uiv.r Wallai-ctuwii Wallhriil-.- Wiill(!ristciii Willlllrr W;il|)ol(! I-l.ui.l WiiNh Wiilsin^'liaiii W:vlsiii;rli:iii CiMitro . W.ilt.T-s I'all.s W:iltli;iiii Walton WUton Wanstinvl Warbliiitrtoti Warbiirtoii Warden Ward's Crcoli :i<.,i;l. . Ward's ifarlnpr Wanlsvilli! Warehaiii Wirkwortli .. Warminster Warnor Warren Warron fJrovo Mills Warrinf^toii Wiir^aw Wartliur>,' Warwiik Warwick Washad(!inoak Wasliaj^o AVasliiti;^ton Watin'l)(ir.)ii:,'h Watordowh Watcvfnrd Wat(>rford Waterloo Wat''rloo W itcrloo Waterloo Waterloo Water Mill Waterside Waterto'.vn Watervillo Wat(!rville Watorville Watervili.- Watorville Waterville . Watfoiil Watson's (.' Tiiors ... Watson Settlerue'nt . Watt Junction Wanbaniik Waiibaslieno Waiihiim Waugh'slUvcr Connty or District. I'erth ('ii;nl)orliind Kent ' Irenville I 'ninberliind I'ninlierliind !:i;^Mn !la-tinLM Waterloo , ■cfonl Kent Ndrfnlk Norfolk N'orfolk I'untiac Hants Huron L:iinhton i'rineo I.ceds -:hefTonl Kinj,'s {'williiiKaio and Fojj Middlesex lirey Norttiuniberland. . . . Siineoe Monek ("uniborland ijuoens >inicoo I'etorborouKli I'ertli .Vrtha))a-ka Lanibtou 'juoens siineoe Oxfonl i^)ueons Weiitworth i)i-hv Prov. Ont \.H. Ont.. Out .. N.S . . N S.. Ont . . Ont. Ont .. Ont .. Ont.. Ont .. Ont.. Ont .. i>nt .. (jne . \ ..S . . Dnt . Out .. IM'. I, Ont .. ','»(! . . N.H.. Mid.. ;)Mt.. Ont.. Out.. Out .. .)nt .. N'..S . . ..-orfolk " i-jtitenac I.iuienbnrtj , sli..|Vi.rd Wat'Tloo Welland lia-;tings VIbort Middlesex , Carlo ori Conipton Hants K'in^s Kin^s 'Jtieens l.anil)ton Lanark , ' 'tirleton , ciiarlotte .\l;joina .Simcoe Lainbton Middicstix Culchcgtcr I'.K.I. Out. . Ont .. Ont . . gu(! . . Ont.. N'.n.. Ont. iJnt . N.IJ. Ont. \.K. Ont. ont. X.S. Quo . Ont. Ont. Ont. .V.IJ. Ont. \.U. Quo . N ..S. \ .H . N'.S. Dnt . Ont. NM. N.IJ Ont. Out . Dnt. Dnt . Most ronvcuicnt Point m'cossible by Railroad or Steamer. ListoweI,('a Wontwortli, T Ctiatliaiii, It .-v'o .Slianly. Wi.'ntwortli, T London(lerr> , T Dutton. II Ilelleville, A, fi or 7 .. I.istowel, Ca lirerlit, Af li.iby's I'liint, 12 .■^iiiH'oe, 111' S(!(! St. WiUiann. See I'leasiint Hill. Aleaford, 1) or I.") l'oria:,'e du I'liri, :i. . . \(n\ port, i; .Sealortli, Af \Viinste:ul. li. See .Vnuu.>la ( 'ovc. I. in~ta\ ner, D reterb(iroUL'!i. (ia . ., .Sebrinu;\ ille. Af Warwick, A a. Watford, lib (ia^-'etow M. ;i.> A'asha^'o, l)a. Drumbo. Af ( !a:4elown, :i'> Walenlown, 15. Uiirby, i; Wat'-rl'ord, If. .Sei< t'atc.r.iiiii. Lunenbiir.'. 10 ,, Waterloo, Q. IJerliii, A .S(MJ l''ort lli'ic. Na|)anee, A .Sali.^l»tir.> , 'J'a .Newbury. B Woodstock, Vor Zli.. Watervillc, Ab. .Sh! Naii'/liaii's. Aylc-for.l. i; \Vater\ ille. U. Hamilton, Ta Watford, III). Perth. Na WiMxUto.k. \' or Zh. . Watt ,)un( tion. V. I'arry Souml, IV 'Drillia, Da. (J or 1:{ .. sirnia, .V or lib jWanbuno, H. iWuiitwortli, T "S 6 14 17 21 i»} & 7 m} A 4 19 14 :i(S 17i 10 4 » 5 2:j 10 15 8 7 6 8 15 G 8 8 IS 12 10 ;to u 9 20 11) 13 10 21 15 24 if I ^h i4 il ■ ; ^ ; ..I 4 -I ^1 I'!?' • '• 112 TABLE OP ROUTES. i';ngl!1".s 1)i;.sti nation. Town, Villafjc, Sic, Comity or District. Wunpoo^ Wavt'ili-y Wnvcrlcy WiiviTl(!y Wiiyfidi! \Vii\vei(f Way's .Mills Weaver .SctllciiH'iit AVcl)bcr's Wchbcr's Iji^'iit.... Wcl)Sti'r"sCn.Lk ... Weoddii Weiniiir Wclcf)!ll(> Wc'lliiiid WclliiiHl I'ort WoUcslcv Wcllin^rliiii Wcllin;,'tiiii Wt'lliii}.'t(>i\ Welliiiinneens Pres-ott I'ninlierland [ rants Pirt'iu )xf..rd U'chnionil Inverness St. John lironio Marquette ICent !Mrtnu Colehestcr Picton Promo (Mimberland l-'rontonac Peauce (.'oniptou Prince <.'nmlH>rland ' 'nnil)erlaiid I'^lprin Westmorland IJnrijer) and La Poilo. ( "onipton Lnneiibnrir nay do Verds Queens L'willlnKate and Fojro i'oel Simeoo .Missisiiuol Huron , Kin^H Queens Ivin^^ Wontworth CarlctcKi Pr>v Ont .. Out.. N'.S .. Gilt.. N.S.. N.IJ.. '^110.. N ..S . . N'.S.. Mid . NMl.. Que . . Out.. i;nt .. ont.. Out.. Ont.. Out I'.K.I. Ont.. N..S.. ,\..S.. Ont.. (Jnt.. ()nt .. N.Ii.. Ont.. N'.S . . N.S.. N.S.. Out. . N.S. . Ont . . N.S.. N.IL. Quo .. .Man.. N'.IJ.. N.S . . N.S . N S.. <.,tuo . . N.S . I lit .. (,ue . . Que . . p.K.r, N.S . N.S.. Ont . N.I!.. Mid.. (,>ne , . N.S . . vild.. N.S . . Nlld.. Ont.. Out.. Quo . . ■■ )nt . N.n,. N.S.. N.B.. Ont.. N.B . . MoBt convenient I'oiiit accessible by Railroiul or Steamer. Picton, (5 or 7 See Traverston. Hooky Lake, T liarrie. Da Itiver Philip, T Waweif.', V. stani^tead, S i);gby,U .Vniiapolis, U rwillin(,'at<', 4."> iliv. du Loup, Aa, T or M. SlierbriHiko, Ab or S See iJambertc. i'ort I lojio. A, O or 1 Welland, I. Orimshv, B Paden. A S''e Kars. Wellington, Zi. liritrhton, A Liverpool, 40 Yarinonth, 40 sanlt Ste. Mario, 17. Wolliiifrton Squiiro. ];b. ISelloville, A, or 7 Wolsford. W, Priiv, n's, '2, Wontworth, T. Windsor, U New Glav'^Vi To ln;_'ors()ll, H Port Hawkosbnry, ;;i* Owen Sound, La or 1.5.... West l!av,4l. •^t. .John, Tor W Waterloo, Q I'"ort Garry, [>\ Ui liibiK to. :;s lIoi)owell.Tc Iliver l'lij!ii>. T Picton, T.-, 'JiOirLlO West Promo, It. See Macciin. Kinirston. A, Zh or 1 ( 'rai.i^'s Uoad, Aa Shorbrooko, Ab or S Snnimerside, Zi, ;)!) or 42.. . Thomson, T Thomson, T i^t. Thomas. B-, II or J. Sackville, T Bnrgeo, 44 Ijonnoxville, Ab or S Lnnenbur}^, 40 Carb inear, 4« Liverpool, 40 Twillingato, 4-5 Brampton, A Gilford, D West I'aniham, Q, II or Zc. Goderich, Af \Ve-tti( Id, W fjiverpool, 40 Wostlii'ld, W. iDnndas, B (Woodstock, V or Zh II 8i 3 21 6 10 24 14 :to 110 ■i'i H 21 la 1(1 i;ngi:r's dmsti nation. Town, Villa^'c, kc. WV-tflDi-o \V'('>y UVst L:ikc West Lome West Lvniic Wf-itMcGillivray \V.'st Ma-rdala Wostmoath , West Mi'rigoiuish Westminster Westminster , West Montrose Wostmorlaiul Point,. . . West Xewdy Quoddy . . Weston West 0.nt . , Ont.. )iit.. Ont.. ■ )nt . . .N'.B . . \.S.. Ont.. Ont. Ont.. .\fld. . P.B.I. Ont N'.S . . Quo N'.B. \.a. X.B. N.S . \.S. K.S. Ont . Que. \.S. \.s. Ont . Ont. Ont . Ont. N.a. \.S. Ont . . N-fld. . Que.. Ont . P.E.I X.B. . Most convenient Point arcesfllble by ' Railroad or Steamer. or 7. »•••••! •••••• Ont.. N.S., t»nt . . X.S . Ont . . Ont Man. Xfld. N.S. N'.B. N'fid. X.S. Ont. Out . X.B. Ont. Ont. N.S Ont. Que, N.S. Vewport, U.. ., litdlevillo, A, 6 .Vlmoiitc. N. . . I'ictoii, (I or 7. . Bismarck, H. Pembina, fil. .Vilsa (;rai>:, A. St., Be, H or J. . Renfrew, N Now Glasgow, Tc London, Ag, B or J Westminster, J. Berlin, A Sackville, T Halifax, Tor U Weston, A, D or B. Osgoode.M. Dundas, B La Poile. 4 1 Snmmersidc, Zi, 39 or 42 Westford, 4. Digby, U Potton.R St. John, Tor W New Glasgow, Tc Salisbury, Ta Pictou, Tc, T.i or 30 West River, Tc. New Glasgow, Tc Stratford, A West Shefford. Q. New Glasgow. Tc Stcllarton. Ti- Morrisburg, A. See Elmira. Peterborough, On Scarborough, A or F Digby, U Digby, U Granton, A Trinity, 4.'} Richmond, Aa I.,eaniington, 11 Charlottotown, Zi,2!)or 3!), Petitcodiac, Ta Whitby, A,Lorl. Liverpool, 40 See Morton. New Glasgow, Tc Bell's, N. Arnprior, N or 3 See Westbourne. St. John's Baddeck, 41 Newcastle, T, 30 or 38.... Trinity, 4.'>. Port Williams, U Aurora, D White's, J. Gagctown, H!i .Markham, F Orangeville, B Xewcastle, T, 30 or 38. ... Orangeville, E Lennoxvillc. Ab or S Whycocomah, 41 IS Q 17 IS B « l.H -.20 13 4 34 10 14 43 4S S 28 40 36 12 Ifl 17 flS 3 18 39 20 21 8 ft 1ft 7 13 7 38 98 30 108 79 19 8 4 H • 17 30 19 M tl i;|: tr era s:;-!'' -'If N': illli 114 TABLE OF ROUTES. PASSU SQ KU'.S D I:ST I N AT ION'. Town, Villajje, Aic. it I Winrton Wick Wickham AVickhnm Wickham Stiition. . . Wicklow Wicklow Wickwlre Station. .. WiiWor Widilcr SUtion WiklBijrht Wild Cove Wilfred Wilkie's Corners. . . . Willetsholmo William Henry , WilliamH Williams^biiri; WilliiimsbnrB Williamsburg WilliamMliilc Williamsfoixl Williamran Williamstown WillianiKtown Willlamstown Williscroft Willowdalc WiUowOrovo Willow Grove Wiimot Wilmnr Wilson's Beach Wilton Wilton Orovo Wimbledon Winchester Wlnchelsca Winchester Springs. Windermere Windhatn Centre. . . , Windham Hill Wimlsor Windsor Windsor Windsor Windsor Bridge . . . . Windsor Forks Windsor Jnnction. . WindHor Mills Wine Harbor Wintteld Winger Wingham , Winnipeg Winona , Wlndslow Wlnslow Road Winterbournc , Winthrop Wisbeach Wiseman's Cove. . . . Witless Bay Witless Bay , Wolrom ;. Wolfe Bay ,. ••••••• •••••••••I County or Di^tri<•t. I'rov FSrure Ontario Druinniond Qiiei-na Carlcton Carleton N'oi-tlunnberland Halifax r.ainbton i.iiinbton Twillingato and Fo^o.. Twillingftte and Foi^'o. )ntario • ;i;;in I'ronteimc Itichelicn Middlesex Durham Halton Waterloo Cumberland (irey OntArio , Carleton Glengarry Northumberland Brnce York Haldimand St. John Annapolis Addington Charlotte Lennox Trinity Essex Uundas Ilnnm Dundas Victoria Norfolk Cumberland Carleton EsKex Hants Ontario Hants Hants Halifax Richmond Guysborongh Wellington Welland Huron Selkirk Wentworth Compton Queens Waterloo Huron Lambton French Shore Ferryland Trinity York Buigeowd La Poile.. Out.. Out., (iue. . NMl.. N.B.. .V.B . nt.. Ont . . Ont . . Xfld.. Nfld.. Ont . . Ont . . Ont.. Quo . . Ont.. Ont . . Ont.. Ont . . N.S.. Ont. Ont. N.B. Out.. SB. . Ont . . Out . . Ont . . X.B. . N.S.. Ont . . N.B.. Ont.. Nfld.. Ont.. Oat.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. Ont.. N.S . . N.B. . Ont.. N.3.. Ont . . N.S . . N.S.. N.S.. Que.. N.3.. Ont., Ont.. Ont.. Man. . Ont.. Quo.. P.B.I. Ont.. Ont . . Ont.. Nfld.. Nfld . Nfld. . Ont . . Nfld.. Most convenient Point accessible l)y Tlailroiid or Steamer. Mwcn Sound, Ea or 1.5 \Vl('k. F f^t'c Wheatland, Wlckliam.,. Wickham, V. Woodstock, V or Zh Grafton. A See Milford, Wiilder, A Wi.idcr, A. Tilt Cove, 4.5 Kogo, 4.5 Tannington, F St. Thomas, He, H or J. . .. GananrKjue, A •CO .Son; I. .A.ilsa Craig, A See Cartwright. See Olcn William. Berlin, A Thomson. T See .Snllivan. .See Foley. Wo(Mlsti)(k,V orfh Laiica-^i or, A « . Scwca-^tle. T,:;Oor 38 Paisley. C Thoniliill. 1) Cahdonia. Af orZa .St John. Tor W Wiimot. U. Kingston. A, 7!b or 1 St. Andrews, V or HI King.ston, A, Zb or 1 Trinity,4.5 Windsor, S Morrisburg, A (iranton, A MorrisOurg, A Bracebridge, 14 Windham, H. River Philip, T Woodstock . V or Zh Windsor, S. Windsor. U. See Whitby. See Falmonth. Windsor, U Windsor Junction, T or U. Windsor Mills, Ab. New Glasgow, Tc Alma, C Grimsby, B Wingham, Ca. Fort Gan*y, 51. Winona, B. Lennoxville, Ab S Charlottetowi., ii,29 or 39, Berlin, A Seaforth, Af Strathroy.Bb Tilt Cove, 45 St. John's Harbor Grace, 46 Scarborough, A or F fiargeo, 44 c a •JOi 2< 13 R 14 5 27 5 8 8* 6 4 IS 24 18 16 33 6 19 8 13 26 7 23^ 4* 69 7 22 48 8 10 s 13 65 23 34 6 < TABLE OP ROUTES. 115 rA.ssKNt; i:u\s d:>ti.\ation. Town, Yil!a;,'o, in:. Wolfe Hftibor Wolff Islftiiil Wolford Wolf.-ttown Wolfvillo Wolvertoii Woodbriiljro Woodbrook Woixlliurn Wo by Railroojl or .stcnuior. Ont.. Ont . . Ont , . Ont . . Ont.. Ont.. Ont . . Ont.. Channel, 44 Kingston, A, Zb or I Wolford, N. .S<>inortH.>t, Aa Wolfvllle. U. Hriinilxi, Af Woodbridnc F. SuinmerMide, Zi, 31) or 40. Stony Creek, B Princeton, B Owen S4)nnd, Ea or l.'S ..... St. Mary's, A Malton, A .Shelburne, 40 Wales, A Sajkvillo. T Sinnmersidc. Zi, ii'J or-!-'.. SoineriH't, Aa Woodnlw, H. Woc;dsto<'k .Junction, Zh . Wl ADDENDA. 1 1 m > " seaport town of I'rincc Edwnrd Island, I'rincu cu., on tliu Ca.s- cuiiijif<|iu' river, aiul on the I'rincc Kd- w»nl Island railwa}',t>I{ ni.lcd from Cliar- lottetoun. It contaiiiH K|)i!ico|iaI, I'ri'slijtciian and cinnclii'it, i:i 8turot<,r> liotul8,4Ha\v •' ills, 'ishin^flu mills, .'t grist mills, 1 carding uiill,:icar- ringf factories and H shoe factories. The harbor is I he hest on the northern side of the Island. The inhabitants are princi- pnllv ('ngng«-d in agricultine. l'o|>.(ii)(). AXTHOSTI. For a fuller de.^cri|»- lion «)f this beaut ifnl island (written by William II. Smith, Ksq., Dcpiit)- Minister of iMarine and Fisheries,) see The la- LA^D OK Aniicosti. 1'o|). 2,000. ANTKIONISII IIAKHOl{,abeautifnl BCttleniL-nt at the hcadof Bay St. George, Antigonlsh co., N.S., 43 miles from Ni \v Olasgow, comiinindsa fine view of the Bay, Cape Breton and surrounding country. Soil fertile, and well culti- Tated. It contains a i>ost ollice, 1 store, 2 saw mills and a grist mill. Pop. l.OO. AVONI)AIiK,a]iost village in i'iciou CO., N S , on the jiropo.sed .New Glasgow and Louisbiirg railway, 20 miles from New Glitsgow. It contains 1 store, 1 saw mill, J grist mill and a furniture factory. I'op. 157. AVONVILLE, a village in Cumber- land co.< N.S,, on Wallace river, li milea from Wontworih, .T miles from Wallace. It contains 1 ciinn li.2storc,«, 2 saw mills and 2 giist ii.ills. i'op. 200 l!UA.NTF()i:l),()ni,, contains :j print- ing ollices, issuing 2 daily ami .{ weekly newspapers. The l.'omii'n *.'alliolics of this town have built, a biautilul brick school house in gotiiic style, the main building bei'ig 7atlK>r Belting, Montreal 11 Canada Oinnautee Company, Montreal. 5 Canada Marble and (Jranito Works, Montreal 9 Canada Taper Company, Montreal 9 Canadian Monthly MaJ^azine, Toronto. 42 Carmichuel .lame, ()i, Toronto pai;es 2 and 3 Mackenzie, Powis, k Co.. .Montreui 24 .Mav 8. II., &Co., I'aints, Oi!s, &c., .Montreal 21 May Ihos.. & Co.. Dry (ioods, Montreal 23 .Meicantlle Agency, .Montreal . 25 Minister of Interior, Ottawa 36 Mitchell U., k Co., Brass (ioods, .Mon- treal 13 Montreal Warrlioiislng Company 4 Moore Wm., (Quebec 26 Morrison W., Toronto 87 MnirU. B.. Montreal 7 Ottawa Hotel, Montreal 4 Oshawa Stoves Manufacturing Co 19 6 6 as 33 32 31 Pariseau C. K., Furniture, .Montri al Plunnlx Fire Assuranc ' Co., .Montreal Phrenological, New York..,.«'r General, Ottawa lost Otiice Savings Bank, Canada.... Princo Kdward Island Kail way Bamsay A., & Sons, I'aints, Oils, &c., .Montreal 39 Hamsay W. M., Montreal 7 Uawliiigs K., Montreal 6 Kobertson James, Metal .Merchant, Montre -.1 . 14 Kobert.sons, Linton k Co., Dry Ooods, .Montreal 20 Itob"rt8on William, Montreal 6 Boners & King, Cruig Street foundry, Montreal 21 Holland . I. B.. & Kils, .Montreal 40 Savace. & Co., Montreal 15 Scotiisli Imperial Insurance Co 6 Se rctary of .State, Ottawa . 34 Smyth li. L .Slioe and Tailors threads, Jlontreal 10 Standard Assurance Co 7 Tales of the St. Lawrence 40 I'orrance David, »k Co.. Montri'al . . 25 Valois N,. & Co., Boot< aiul Stmes.Mon- tnnl 23 Van Al-tyne N., & ('o., Ironfounders, Montreal 14 Wiiketield, Kerby & Co., Auctionft r.:, Toronto IT WaterousC. H., & Co., Brantford Ku- gine SVork< 16 Wells S. H.. New York 38 Winidng, Hill & Ware, 3Iontrcal.... 24 ' I i r, i| ■I >'• ■• . I >> <;;i 1 1 , 'r t » ,« 1 ■ ; [' j li ;,| I 1 WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. John Macdonald & Co., Established, 1849. Invite the attention of DEALERS FROM ALL PARTS OF THE DOMINION, To the very large and varied Stock of DRY GOODS, kept coiiPtjintly on hand, compriHing very clioioe lines of BRITISir, AMERICAN AND CANADIAN GOODS, Buying u.s they do in every instance FOR CASH. They have access to tlie BEST MARKETS, witli which iVonj their lortg and extensive experience they are P ERF EC TL V FA MILIA R , They are in receipt of , ' SHIPMENTS DURING EACH WEEK OF THE YEAR, which keep their Stock constantly LARGE, WELL ASSORTED AND ATTRACTIVE. They undertake to EXECUTE ORDERS, SkS satisfactorily as if selected by the customer and hold themselves ready to take back, (if returned immediately) any lines to which exception is taken. Their Departments are: • • . STAPLE DEPARTMENT, containing always very full lines of HE A VY GOODS, either by the Package or otherwise ; 8 WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. JOHN MACDONALD & CO. HABERDASHERY VEPARTMENT, TIiIh ifl (itnuttg the largent IIal>erilaHhery and small ware dcpartracnta in the Doininiun. FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT, FANCY DRESS POOPS DEPARTMENT, HOSIERY AND GLOVES DEPARTMENT, GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT , LACE AND MUSLIN DEPARTMENT, FANCY WOOL GOODS DEPARTMENT , SHAWL AND MANTLE DEPARTMENT, , SILK AND CRAPE DEPARTMENT, FRENCH AND ENGLISH FLOWER DEPARTMENT, RIBBON AND PARASOL DEPARTMENT, WOOL EN DEPA R TMKNT, Embracing all classoH of ENGLISH, SCOTCH AND CANADIAN WOOLENS , Also full lines ot IRISH FREIZES. Although they do u business ranking AMONG THE LARGEST IN THE DOMINION , TH E Y EMB LOY NO TRAVELL E R S, DATE NO GOODS FORWARD, SELL ALL GOODS AT CURRENCY PRICES, and oft'er only UNIFORM TERMS, They will be glad to meet purchasers at their Warehouse to all of whom they offer THEIR BEST SERVICES, yohn Macdonald <£r Co. TORONTO, 21 & 23 Wellington St„ 28 & 30 Front St. MANCHESTER, ENGLAND. 3 Yo&K Strhet. i: :& M&Sii a S. BROWNE & J. c^. PKliLEY, Proprietors. This popular First-Clasa Hotel nccorrmodates 400 (iuesta. Tlu> rroprietors respectfull)' inform tlie trave'linff Public, that thpy intend, by constant •tteniion to the want-^ > ftlicirpamns, to make this hot 1 a comfortable home for travellera. gl^CarriaKes, with attentive drivers, may be had at all times by application at theOUice. lAontreal Telegraph Olhce at the Hotel. < *• . ' '■ — ■ • THE Subscribed Capital, - - With Power to Increase to - - $600,000, - - $1,400,000. DIRECTORS; Sir HUGH ALLAN, President, Hon. henry STARNES, Vice-President, C. J. BRYDGES, THOMAS CRAMP, HUGH McLENNAN. GEO. H. HANNA, Secretary, JOHN S. HALL, Manager* Nil "iiU Private Suretyship Aholishecl. The Canada GUARANTEE COMPANY. President, SIR ALEX. T. GALT, K.CMG. Vice-President, JOHN RANKIN, Esq, Manager, ED. RAWLINGS, Esq, ISSUES BONDS OF SURETYSHIP, FOR PUBLIC OFFICERS , OF THE DOMINION AND PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENTS IN ALL THE DEPARTMENTS, ALSO FOR OFFICERS OP , BANKS, RAILWAYS, MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS, MERCANTILE FIRMS, &c., &c. Thereby doing away with the necessity of Private Suretyship. The Rates of Premium charged are very moderate, so that no one need now ask his friends to assume, or continue under, the responsibili- ties of Private Bondsmen. The Bonds of this Company can be issued and Existing Private Suretyship relieved without delay. Full particulars and Forms of Proposal will be sent on application to the Head Office, 40 St. John Street, Montreal. EDWARD RxiWLINGS, Managtr. J8@"Agents wanted in unrepresented Districts. Agents at Toronto, Baikio & Alexander; Hamilton, S. Jones; Quebec, A. J. Maxham; Halifax, Almon & Mackintosh; Cliarlottetown, R. W.Fitzgerald; Victoria, B.C., W.C. Ward; Ottawa, Capt. D. W. Mctiuaig. If |<♦. Highest Prize Medal ''for Progress." VIENNA EXHIBITION, 1873. Wi. Barbour & Sons, HILDEN MILLS, LISBURN, IRELAND, 1 -. T \^ \ y \ \ 'f \ MANUFACTURERS OP ' ^ SHOE & TAILORS' T H R E A D S . Wax Machine Threads specially made for the Mackay and other \Iachines, and Welting and Soling Machines. Cable Twist, 3 to 6 cord, on loz. Spools for Leather Work, used instead of silk, and much :land. s. r and other nst, 3 to 6 i, and much READS, Twine, Dominion. L. L J. CAMPBELL & CO., MANUFACTURERS OP . i LEATHER BELTING, LACE LEATHER. &c., i '\ 594' 5 9 6, 598 St. Joseph Street, MONTREAL. TORONTO BRANCH: ^. ^. j^AMPBELL, 15 Phoenix Block v -l Z. " TOEONTO. 1.1 I ill \ iiift IH«I % ill li irf I Ikf 11 : ' A 12 1' ■ y ■t'l ■'li Ml Ml r M i si; ^' In; ^1 m X Dominion Metal Works. ESTABLISHED 1828. CHARLES GARTH & CO., Brass Founders, Finishers, COPPER SMITHS, MACHINISTS, &c. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF Plumf?ers\ Engineers' and Steam fitters' j3rass, "Copper and Iron Work, Cras and Steam Sittings, (^c., (§c,, AND OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF WORK FOR Gas and Water Works, Distilleries, Breweries, Sugar Refineries, Electric and Air Bells, Telegraphs, ' &c., for Public and Private Buildings, Manufactories, &e. Also, undertakes the warming of Public and Private Buildings, Manufactories, Conservatories, Vineries, &c., by GARTH'S PATENT IMPROVED HOT WATER APPARATUS, Gold's Low Pressure Steam Apparatus, with the latest improvements, and also by High Pressure Steam in Coils or Pipes. On hand and for sale at the lowest rates, all kinds of Gasaliers, Brackets, Pen- dants, Glass shades, &c., Wrought Iron Pipe with MalleabL' and Cast Iron Fittings, for Water, Steam or Gas. Agents for George Jcnning's, London, England, Sanitary Wares and Disinfecting Apparatus. r OFFICE AND MANUFACTORY: , ^ ] ' '* Nos. 536 to 542 CRAIG STREET, MONTREAL '. rks. :o., rs, S, &c. jBrais, earn 1 ?5, Sugar aphs, 'anufactories, ARATUS, cnts, and also rackets, Pen- ron Fittings, 1 Disinfecting L 18 EAGLE FOUNDRY, GEORGE BRUSH, ^4 to 3d ICIJVG ^' Q UEEJV Streets, MONTREAL. Steam Engines, Steam Boilers, Hoisting Engines, Steam Pumps, Ore Crushers, Stamp Mills, Water Wheels, Mill Gearing, Shafting, &c., Winches, Hoisting Machines for Warehouses, &c.. Bark Mills, Hydraulic Presses, Screw Presses, Castings and Forgings of all kinds. Best Fire Bricks, Fire Clay & Foundry Facings always on hand, R. MITCHELL & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF IMPORTERS OF yJif-an. jS^Lfi^e. and ^ LttLn.^s., Plumbers' Enamelled Iron & Earthen Wares. MAN UFACTURERS' AGE NTS, Montreal Brass Works, MONTREAL. 'iiti', ill i!! • 's ill ■f! *! 'M J' 1. I i ' I '^- ; '1 : 1 n h. f 'Ml .i m la' ! ,: M'-' u ?f :• \ \m 14 N. VAN ALSTYNE & CO., Iron Jfouniifrs anb glanufacturers, 1 to 29 Dalhousie Street. AND MOITTBEAL. JAMES ROBERTSON, Metal iaetcbani % TS^o. SO Wellington Jft^ti-eet. [aiiitfadnter. F {Old PROPRIETOR CANADA LEAD WOBKS, 126 TO 132 QUEEN STEEET. CANADA SAW WORKS, 140 AND 142 WILLIAM STEEET. Manufactureg from best Cast Steel, Mill Gang and Miillaj, Butting, Circular Cut and Billet Web Saws. Manufacturer of Shot, Lead Pipe, White Lead, Putty and Coloured Paints. FJ]]ItRIJE](^ gf' CO., 15^§df^54f« '^iirbajtir^ 7ll<»r<§ \timm, SON. reet. pnKS, STEEET. STEEET. Rutting, Circular 'hite Lead, Putty a, r stveei n CJicLS. D. JJ^cbv^osrcLs, MANUFACTURER OP FIREPROOF SAFES, ALSO, BURGLAR PROOF SAFES, IRON VAULT LININGS, lEOJ^ DOORS AJ^D SHUTTERS, JAIL DOORS, &C., ^ . COMBINATION BANK AND SAFE LOCKS. E. H. MOORE, General /Igent for Ontario^ 64 FRONT STREET, TORONTO, ONT. Salesroom and Factory : 49 St. Joseph street, {Old St George's Church,) MONTREAL. ESTABLISHED 1818, Sewage, LyrrLOTL ^ Co,, 226 AND 228 ST. JAMES STREET, Direct Importers and Manufacturers of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELLERY, Solid Silver and Electro-Plated Ware, Bronzes, Clocks, Fine Table Cutlery, Leather and V/ood Dressing-Cases, Work-Boxes^ BAROMETERS, THERMOMETERS, OPERA GLASSES, And a Large Stock of FANCY GOODS. ... Sole Agents for Ulysse Nardin Chronometers, Watches, &c., Ac DESIGNS FURNISHED FOR PLATE AND MONOGRAMS AT SHORT NOTIClfi. . ■W nil' 111 (It til jiir ill %\ 111'.!. ifi I ^k Sir ''I il . 11! I'i 16 m I I . ;3' 'lis m,, h m t Iil? m ir.. 1^ i ji V V < .. ».. i> Brantford Engine WorksJ ESTAHLISIIED 1844. PATENT PORTABLE DIRECT ACTION SAW MILLS, OCn SPECIALTY. We only Manufacture ■ Engines, Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Shingle Machines, Lath Machines, Beveled Lath Cutters, Lath Bolters, Chopping Mills, Rotary Pumps, TRIMMERS, GRAIN SCOaRER, And Waterous System of Fire Protection and Water Supply, Patented February 8th, 1871, SencL foT iHzzstrctted CtrcuZcur of over 160 pages, containing full information how to bang and run Circular Saws, to C. H. WATEROUS & CO., Brantford, Ont, OR W.H.OLIVE, A^cm, St. John, N.B. r'i'-j urn IILLS, jath Machines, Mills, RER, ipply, Patented of over lar Saws, to •antford, Ont, 17 cunmm BOILER WORKS, Iron JJrtd^/cs & SLccurrt JJoLlcrs, Of every dcMcrlption MADE and REPAIRED. New and Second hand Boilers, Fire Brick and Fire Clay, FOR SALE. Esplanade Street, Near Church Street, TORONTO, 1873. - - - N. CURRIE. TORONTO. Wakefield, Kerby & Co., AUCTIONEERS, No. 68 KING STREET WEST. Wc beg to call the attention of the public to our large and handsome Warcrooms tor the display of all descriptions of Goods and Furniture. General Consignments solicited. Advances made by special arrangement on Consignments in certain lines: Prompt Settlement. REFERENCES: Messrs. ADAM, STEVENSON & CO., Toronto. Messrs. BOOKER & RITCHIE, Montreal. "' 1: HI i III! If I'j! I 1 I ' 18 THE Wi^ii m y m m fl" n JosephHallMachine Works. OSHAWA, ONTARIO. . . « ESTABLISIIKD, 1861. ' 'i J TAB Joseph Hall Manufacturing Company, PEOPRIETORS, Manufacture Portable and Stationary Steam Engines and Boilers J Saw Mill and Flour Mill Machinery of all kinds. 3WARTH0UT*6 PATENT OSCILLATING GaNG AND MuLAY SaW MiLLS.I Leffeh's Double Turbine Water Wheels Shingle and Heading Machines and yointcrs, Lath and vStave Machines, Leather Splitting Machines and Knife Grinders, Engine Lathes ot" , all sizes, Planers, Drilling Machines, Boring Lathes, Bolt Cutters, Wood Working Machinery of" all kinds. Gordon's Power Printing Presses, Washington Hand Printing Press, Taylor's Cylinder Power Press, and Paper Cutters. Steam Pumps, Gearing, Shafting, Hangers, Couplings and PuUies, of latest and most approved Patterns. Castings OF all kinds made in Iron or Brass. .» : yV. J^ew Mac}}inery of any kind built to order, PATTERNS OP ANY DESCRIPTION JHADE: WHBN DESIRED. For further information address F. W. GLEN, President. OSHAWA. ONT. ^orks. ompany, es and Boilers, kinds. ly Saw Mills, Wheels >tave Machines, ne Lathes ot" hes, Bolt inds. land Printing •er Cutters. and PuUies, of OR Brass. order. BN DESIRED. lSIDENT. T. 19 Luke & Brothers, Wholesale and Retail CABINET FACTORY, OSlljl^Vjl, OJVT. Our new buildings are now completely furnished with New Machinery and everything essential for first-class work. Parties intending to furnish throughout, or requiring Hels, would do well to correspond with us. All work warranted, as it is done under the immediate supervision of the Proprietors, who are practical men of long experience. Liberal Toiins given to the Trade. We also manufacture all kinds of Cane and Wood Seat Chairs. LUKE & BROTHERS. THE Oshawa Stove Manufacturing Company, Our aim is to make Stoves in smoothness of plate, quality of iron, and closenew of fitting with any in the Un.^ed States or Canada. This we have accom- plished, and we challenge comparison in all these respects. We have adopted the latest improvemeots in designs, after seeing the leading .Stoves of this Continent. Our JF^cLrlor cuxd Cool^ing Stoves have the anti-clinker grates, and the Parlor Stoves have the two rows of mica lights, the gas consumer within the stoves, and the flues are so arranged as to giv« a fire about as rapidly as wood, while the damper can nearly check the consump- tion of fuel totally. W«^ forward Stoves to all parts of the Dominion promptly. J. CARMICHAEL, President. ill m I ^li I I ■ 20 CHARLES ALEXANDER & SONS, ESTABLISHED 1842, tirf ..*iH- "'I I I m it hi? mi Wholesale Confectioners, AND MANUFACTURERS OP Candied Orange, Lemon and Citron Peel, r m:ontr:ea.l. ROBERTSONS, LINTON & CO., DRY GOODS IMPOKTERS, AND Manufacturers Canadian Tweeds, &e., Corner Lemoine and St. Helen Streets, ^j(jLan±^e.cLL 21 SONS, I R. C.JAMIESON &Co^, MANUFACTURERS OF Varnishes and Japans, IMPORTERS OP Oils, Faints, Colors, Spts. of Ttcrpentiney &c., &c., 3 Corn Exchange,- 6 St. John Street, Montreal. S. H. May& Co, 474 St. Paul Street, and 395 Commissioners St.. Importers and Dealers in Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil (Blun- dell, Spence & Co.) ; Brandram Brothers & Co., Genuine and No, i White Paint, 25, 50, 100 and 300 lbs. Kegs; Bennest & Bivost, Star, Diamond and double thick Glass, Smithwith, 16, 21 and 26 oz. and other brand, together with a general assortment of Paints, Varnish, Japan, and Noble & Hoar's English Coach and Carriage Varnish. CTCLig Street FoiiTLctry. eogersTking, iron founders. SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF Spence's Patent Hot Water Boilers for Heatin<; Lnrire Buildino^s, Con- Bervatories, ko,., Cemetery, House, and B.ihiony Rfiiliiiir«, Potash Kettles, Potash «nJ kSu;jar ' oolers, Steam and Hot Water Fittings, tapptid and untapped, Sinks, Baths, and House Castin<5S, kept always in Stock. All kinds of Castincfs made to order. 64-5 ORMG STREET. MONTliEAL it 1 !■} Sr I' u I: in I ! 22 THE (Limited). MONTREAL.. Manufacturers of all the standard faces for JS/evTs ^ BooTl Wor'k; Made from • EXTRA HARD TYPE METAL. \ li^i 1. '!!•■ Pi ■ t'; ?i; I'i '■ :». 'iff it '■l>J 1^ ^^% ^nA flimsy ^yf ^ OF ilili THl NEWEST STYLES. Estimates given for Newspaper and Job Office outfits. Specimen Books to Printers on Application, Agents for the "Gordon," "Minerva" and all the best Job Presses the "Reliance" Wharttdale, Hoe's & Potter's Cylinder Machines, all at Manufactiucrs' prices. S Jf> All Kinds of Printers* Material constantly on hand. THE " Dominion Printer," Published quarterly by the Company, mailed free to printers. THE DOMINION TYPE-FOUNDING COMPANY, CHENNEVILLE STREET, MONTREAL. "i 23 THOS. MAY & CO., WHOLESALE Fancy Dry Goods, Silks, MILLINERY, STRAW GOODS, • >• ■ Ribbons, &c.. &c., 127 Si. PETER STREET, ."'"' MONTREAL. j i I I'll J - ■ . . - , - - ■ . - , ■ . ■ . . . . . - . . N. VALOIS & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS, '% 26 d 28 Jacques Cartier sq. mowtr:ejil. ♦ ■ii. iWi 1 1, Narcissb Valois. JuDx Yaloib. J 24 JOHN McARTHUR & SON, Oil, Lead, Faint, Color, AND VARNISH MERCHANTS, IMPORTERS OF ENGLISH AND BELGIAN WINDOW GLASS Plain and Ornamental Sheet, Polished, Rolled, & Rough Plate, &c. painters' and artists' ma terials, brushes, &c.. Oils, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Gums, &c, 18 ^ 20 PeBresoles ^tbeet and 17 ^ 19^t,j NUN'S NEW BUILDINGS, MONTREAL "^'''^'^iNNiNG, Hill & Ware, Distillers and Manufacturers of Ccyd:als\ Tom Gins, Ginger Wines, CHOICE FRUIT SYRUPS, BITTERS, BRANDIES, BOUMBOK AND MYE WHISKIES, MONTREAL. - MACKENZIE. POIVIS & CO., Importers and Wholesale Tea Merchants, 12 ST. JOHN STREET, MONTREAL 2ft DOMINION LINE. THIS LINE IS COMPOSED OF THE FOLLOWING FIRST-CLASS, FULL- POWERED, CLYDE-BUILT STEAMSHIPS, and is intended to perform a regular service between LIVERPOOL, QUEBEC AND MONTREAL IN SCHHER, AND LIVERPOOL AND PORTLAND. IN WINTER. Tons. Tons. 3,250 (Building.) MEMPHIS . 2,500 Capt. Mellon. • • DOMINION... 3,200 (Building.) MISSISSIPPI.. . 2,200 Capt. Roberts. ONTAFIIO 3,200 (Building.) VICKSBURG.. . 2,500 Capt. Pearson. TEXAS 2,350 Capt. Boucher ST. LOUIS . 1,324 Capt. Eilmundson, These Vessels have very superior accommodation for Cabin and Sicorago Pas- sengers, and pre-paid Tickets are issued at reduced prices to those desirous uf bringing out their friends. Sailing from Liverpool evcrj Wodnesday, calling at Belfast Lough to take in Cargo and Faaaeiigprs. Thrdiigh Tickets can be had at all the principal Grand Trunk Railway Ticket Offices in Canada. For FREIGHT or PASSAGE apply in Havre to H. Generftal or Washington Flnlay; in Paris to F. N. Gilbert, 5 Rue Scribe; in Hamburg to August IJehrens: in ISdi dvaux to MM. Fauro Freres; in Christiiina to R. RafT'l, 4 Store Stnuigade; in (ojtt'nliiigen to I'. M. KoUe, 18 Sanc'anmepladc.s; in Bergen to Micluiel Krohn, Cimsiil; in London to Howring and Jamioson, Laugbourne Chambers, 17 Fonchurcli street; in Belfast to Henry Gowan, Oueen Square; in l^iverpool to Fliun, Main & Montgoraory, Lancelot's-hay ; in (Quebec to W. M. Macpherson; and In ]?Ioiitreal to DAVID TORRANCE dc CO., Exchange Court. I l^mntik Am^h : «' 111; !i 1 1 ! 1 .1 ; BUN, WIMAX & CO., NO. 201 ST. JAMES STREET, iiii !^i Wm. W. JOHNSON, Manager. lU 4i 26 Quebec and Gulf Ports Steamship Co. :ii' ROYAL MAIL LINE OF STEAMERS BETWEEN Montreal, Quebec, Father Point, Gaspe, Perce, Paspehiac, Dal- housie, Chatham, Newcastle, Shediae, Char- lottetown, P. E. L, and Pictou, AND BY RAILWAY AND STEAMBOAT CONNECTIONS TO St. John, N.B., Halifax, N.S., all Places on the Intercolonial R. /?., Portland and Boston. THE LINE IS COxMPOSED OF SEVEIH FIRST-CLASS POWERFUL STEAMERS- A PapHongcr Steamer leaves Queliec and Pictou every week, calling at Fatlier Point, Gaspe, Perce, Paspebiac, Dalhoupie, Chatham, Newcastle, and Shediae. A Passenger Steamer leaves Montreal and Pictou every week, toiiching at Quebec, Father Point, Charlottetown and Shediae ; the other steamere eail as specially advertised. The Officers and employees are experienced, polite and obliging. The table is got>d, and nothing is wanting to promote the comfort ol'passengerH. The scenery along the River and Gulf of St. Lawrence is grand and beau- tiful, and the air is cool and invigorating, even in the warmest months. Tourists and those seeking relaxation from the toils of business will find the trip by these Steamers most healthful and pleasant. Persons wishing to spend tiie sunmier at the sea side cannot fail to find places to their taste at some of the ports at which the Steamers touch. The sportsman and angler will find this route unrivalled. The riversj bays, and inlets alojig the river and coast swarm with salmon, trout and other fish. Tlic immense fleet of vessels visiting the ports of Quebec and Montreal, from tlie stately and magnificent Atlantic steamer to the small fishing craft, pass up and down in view of the traveller. The raters of Fare, as will be observed on reference to the Tariffs and Time-Tables, arc exceedingly low — not more than would be charged at first- class Hotels for the time occupied by the trip. Passengers know exactly what they have to pay : there are no extra charges. For Freight or Passage, apply to Wm. MOORE, Manager, Quebec. ) Co. L ac, Bal- is TO al R. /?., MERS- calling at S'ewcaetle, )uclnng at in ) era eail ing. The ssengors. nd beau- ths. will find wishing ir taste at le rivers? trout and Montreal, ng craft, iriflTs and i at first- exactW lebeo. 27 GREAT INTERNATIONAL ROUTE. RAILWAY. o 1377 Miles under one Management. THE GREAT DIRECT CANADIAN MAIL AND EXPRESS ROUTE BETWEEN THE EASTERN & WESTERN STATES. GREAT Fr'eIGHT ROUTE BETWEEN EUROPE AND NORTH AMERICA. Bj^^SEVERAL LINES of Powerful Screw Steuincrs, during; the Sum- mer, iiuikc lic'irular Trips between Liverpool and Mftntreal, and l»etweeii Glasgow and Montreal, tliere connecting with the GRAND TJIL'NK KAIL- WxVY, thus fornung the MOST DIRECT liOUTE TO AND FROM ENGLAND AND THE WESTERN STATES OF THE UNION. Only two tranahijiinenlH hetweeii Liverpool and Chicui/o, or Cincinnati. ~^(ioods sent through in iiond. THE CHEAPEST AND BEST ROUTE TO ALL POINTS EAST AND WEST. jJfi^Cloae Connections made with all Connecting Lines, and Through Tickets issued tu all Jnij)ortant Puints. I^r ACCELERATION OF SPEED on the EXPRESS TRAINS. l^g^NEW CARS on ail the EXPRESS TRAINS. JfeTPULLMAN'S PALACE and SLEEPING CARS are now RUN on the GRAND TRUNK LINE. ffgg^For San Franciaco, Sacramento, Salt Lake City, Omaha, and intermediate places en the J'acijic Railway, the Grand Trunk is the most Direct Route. Splendid Palace Cars are now run between Chicago and Sarnia without change. fSTFroni Passengers liolding Through Tickets, American Money is re- ceived at Par, for Sleeping Berths and Refreshments. BE SURE AND ASK FOR TICKETS via THE GRAND TRUNK RAIL- WAY. C. J. BRYDGES, Managing Director. ix f «•' 1! II 1; I !'■ I I I t I ( I ! :V « 1: INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. GENERAL OFFICES-MONCTION, N.B. Lewis Cauvkm,, Oeneml SiiiwriiitniKlent OK«m(>K Tayi.oii. (Iciicml Kri'ii,'lit A>;i'nt, Henuy a. WniTNKV, Mcchiniical Siijit. Alkxandkk M(.Naii, Eii>rfiioor. Thomas h'wrr, Ai'iountiuii. JOSKPII J. Walf-ack. And tor. A. lii'SUY, Siiperiiiteiidont Iv,i«torii division, Tliilio, N'.S. R. LUTTUKLL, .Sui)criiiUeiidoiit Western ami ("nntral DivisioiiH, Mo\(TOM, N.B. Main Line— QOINO EAST and SOUTH. 3 6 6 7 12 17 22 26 27 »J 89 44 47 51 m 71 76 79 89 91 97 102 109 117 129 1:^2 13S 143 146 150 155 162 166 173 ISO 186 190 198 203 207 215 219 223 228 232 237 241 246 248 261 253 265 263 266 268 272 276 8TAti(;n.s. Iliiu' KxpH. 8 OOa.m t8 12 t8.18 t8.22 8.28 8.38 9.10 9 40 9.66 10 15 tlO.23 111.33 10 GO 11 10 til 24 11.37 tU.45 12.15 St.JOlIN LEAVK Mooso I'ath Brookville Torry tniiii ItivHr-ide ROTHSAY QuispainHi!* Nauwigcwauk Hampton l':ms(>koa2 Bloonifierd Norton Apohaqui 8UBHKX PltimwoBoop I'onobsquis . . Aiinaf^anco I'ctitcodiac Poll.'t Kiver Salisbury Boundary Creek MONCION Humplircy Painsko Junction 1'.'.40 Meadow Urook tl2.5ti Meiniamcook 1.08 Doichustir 1.28 Sackvillk 158 Auiac 2.06 AMUEUST 2 40 Is'appan t2 53 Maccan 3.00 Athul 3.10 Spring Hill 3.23 Salt Springs t3.40 Kivor Phifip 3.4S Thomson 4.06 Greenville 4 24 Wenfworth 4.38 FolleighLako t4 48 Londonderry 6 08 Debert 5.20 Isgonish t5.S0 TWITUn J ARRIVE 550 ^»*^^^- i LEAVE 6.10 Johnston t6.21 Brooktield 6 32 Polly Hog t6.45 Stt'wiacke 6.57 8hubenacadie 7.10 Milford 7.21 Elmsdale 7.33 EuHeld 7.40 Oakfield t7.48 Grand Lake t7 53 Wellington 8.00 Windsor Jdnotion 8 22 KockyLake fS 80 Bedford 8.38 Four Mile House t8.60 HALIFAX ARRIVE 9.00 A. M Pain. 1030 am 10.48 10.47 10.55 11.00 11.08 11.20 11.40 12.10 12 38 12 42 1 10 1 30 2 15 2 28 2 45 3 22 3 47 4.07 4 45 4.56 5.45 5.53 6.50 7.20 8 00 8.85 9.35 a. 60 10.35 11. to 11.16 11.35 12 00 Night. Accm. Accm. A.iM 10.20 10.62 11.12 11.28 11.60 12.08 12 25 12.84 1.00 1.46 1.63 2 06 2.22 I.85P.M N'ight 12.10 12.45 1.05 1.46 2.22 2.63 8.16 4-30 4.67 6-18 6.00 6.80 6.42 6.66 7.08 7.23 7.85 7.48 8.03 8.09 8.18 8.24 8.35 8.65 9.01 9.10 9.20 .SOa.m A. cm. 1.30 P. M 4.3-^ 4.42 4 46 4.50 4.56 5.<5 5 20 5 ;r. 5 40 5.60 6 08 6 ot) 6.55 7.04 7.16 7.42 8.00 P.M. AY. nocr. tor. iNCTOM.N.B. 29 INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY.— Continue,!. Main Line.— GOING NORTH and WEST. 'Ili MIn. STATIONS. Ihni' Ac-cm. Ai'c'iii. A m. 4 HALIFAX LKAVK 7 Four Milp llouso SOa.m K t7.4i> t8.02 8 10 ).15am 10.28 10.45 10.58 11.15 11.46 "i2!i3* 12.25 12 45 1 02 1 23 1.40 2 02 "2!35' l'..M. Ol'.M 4 10 . P.M. 8 IJcdiord 4.23 . 4 31 . 4 38 . 5 (to . 5.06 . 5.10 5.20 . 6 26 . 6.38 6.50 04 6 • 15 6 35 6.47 7.00 7 20 8 05 8.27 9.15 9 58 10.15 10.47 11 23 12.00 Night. 11 13 Hocky Luko W I. susoii Junction VVi'lliiif^ton 21 23 (iMinil Luke t8.37 . tv43 . 8.f>'» 8.56 9.M 9 20 9.33 fJ »5 9.58 tio.os 10.20 1(1 25 tlO.45 10 55 ll.uti til 20 11. 3i 11 50 12 00 12 24 tl2 32 12.50 1 03 1 11 tl 18 1.50 2 10 2 18 2 45 3 05 t3 i'i 3.40 25 OnUliclU 28 Kniicltl Kliiisdalo 30 85 Mi ford .. tSliulii'iincndie 39 44 Stt'wiackc 4S i'ollv Hoir 53 UrOdkHold 57 J(lllll.' (i rt*(' 11 villi* 1(13 Tllonl^lOll Night. 12.05 12 40 1 20 1.45 2 07 2 25 3 10 3 40 3 55 45.") 5 30 6.10 7.15 7.38 7 f.5 8.33 8 55 9.13 9 3 • 9 63 lo.a^i 10 53 11.25 11.45 12.10 . 12 34 . 12. 3S 1.05 1.25 1 45 . 1.68 . 2 08 2.13 2 2i 2.27 2.36 H. 110 KiviT 1 hilip 114 Suit S^rin^s 121 Silling llill 120 ATIIOL 130 Alitccan 133 Nh iium ..••• 13S AMiiEUST 144 Auluc 147 Saokville 15 < Uoiclit'sttT 107 ^Iciiirtiiiicuok ............. 174 ^It'udow Urook - • • • • • • 17'J I'AiNSKo Junction iiiiiii|>lirey 185 187 MO.Nt TUN 4 05 t4.iS0 4.38 t4 50 6. 3 5.18 6.42 t5 52 6 15 6.27 43 t7.00 7.03 7.14 7 32 . 7.49 8.00 . +8 06 . 18.10 t8.18 197 liuuudary Creek Salisbury I'oUet liiver I'L'titcodiao Auuugunce 200 205 210 210 l* A.M. 6.00 6.17 6.41 6 53 7.05 7.18 7 30 7 63 7.57 8.08 8 21 8 40 H 50 8 57 9.O0 9 07 ^ ^ . • > • • ■ • 225 i't'iiobsquis 229 I'luuiweseep 232 SLSSKX Apuhaqui .... 243 Ivorton 249 lilooinlield 250 I'assekoiig 254 llutnptou 2i.9 N auwitrewauk 204 Qui.>|iainsit) 207 209 lloTilSAY 1 JiVLTsido , 270 271 Tuny burn Uruukville 273 M ose I'ath 9.12 .< 20 A. M P.M. 276 Sr. JOHN ABRIV E 930 P.M M 1 1< II I i i I K 30 ■I, h INTERCOLONIAL UAILW AY .—Continued. PICTOU jmANCIl. QOINO BAST. MU. 4 9 13 21 28 35 40 43 5L 62 >l A'MU.Sm. LEAVE Vufy. Arclil TRURO Valley Union liivcrsdale \\\'s{ River GlcuK'U'iy lldpOWt'll SU'llarton New (ilasgow .. I'iclou Landing I'lCTOV^JJoat) AKKIVE •••••••••( A.M. 10.30 10.42 10.56 11.08 1 1 .30 11.53 12.13 12.27 12.35 1.00 1.15 P.M. P.M 3.30 3.17 3.411 3.58 4.45 5.1 5.4 0.00 0.13 0.45 7.00 P.M. aOING WBST. Mln. M'I'AI lO.NS Aii'iii. I'lm LEVAE A.M. IMCTOU (Boat)-.. 1 'I'ictou Landing.... 9 JNcw Glasgow 12 'Stullarlon 17 Hopewell J4 'Glengarry 31 West RivtT 30 Rivcrsdale 43 Union 48 I Valley 52 .TRURO I 1 AKKIVE G.OO 0.15, 0.-17I 7.r. UlH. y\.\\H>Sn. I'llHn. Kx|m. P.M. 4.00 4 20 Mlx ;! Dorcliester Roac' . 0.35 12.10 PAINSEC JU' 0.55 12.30 AH A.M. . P.M. 3.10 3.30 P.M. 11 PI'. DU 0- xiNE... AKUIV 4.45 1 P.M. 7.10 P,M.[ Standard of Time.— Trains on the Main Line are run b^ or. .John time be- tween St John and Tuuro, and by Halifax time between Tkuko and Halifax ; on Shediac BiiaNch by St. John time ; and on Pictou Buanch by Halifax time. Notes on running of Trains. — Trains run daily Sundays e.\cppted. On Sun- day mornings tiie Accuinino(l((lion Train yoinu 8ou(k rund only to Truro; and the AccoiniiKxldtion Train yoing North only to Moneton, t Stops on signal only, or to leave Passenge.s. RAILWAY & STKAMHOAT CONNECTIONS. St. John. — With the European & North American Railway for Fredtricton, McAdam Junction, Woodstock, St. Stc'[)li('ns, St. Andrews, Calais, Hoiilton, and Bangor. At Bangor connection is made wilii the Maine Central Railwa> for Bos- ton. Portland, and all points in tiie United S ates ; and &\9,o[via Danville Junction] ■witli tln' (irand Trunk Railway for Mo itreal and all points in Quebec. Ontario and the West. With Steamers of the Inlcruational Steamship Comi)auy for East- port, Portland aid Boston. Wi.ND.^ou Junction.— With Windsor & Annapolis Railway for Windsor, Kent- Tille Kid Annapolis. Point i)u Ciikne. — With Steamers of the " Prince Edward Lsland Navigation Company " to and from Summerside and Charlottelown, P.E.I. ; and to Canso, Port Hood, Pictou and other ]»laces in Nova Scotia. With the Ste.'iiner " Rothesay Castle" to and from Ri stigouche, Bay Chdlcur, Chatham and Newcastle. Also with Steamers of the Quebec and Gulf Ports Steamship Cumpsny. Pictou. With Steamers to and from Shediac, N.B., Charlot;etown and Summer- Bide, I*. ML, Canso, Port Hood and Hawkeshury, C.i3. ; and with Steamers of the Qnebec and Gulf Ports Steamship Comitany. m fcrii. I'aKH ..^_ .M. I'.M. G.OO 3.00 (i.lf) :iir> (i..|7 :!.;iu 7.00 :j.4.s 7.28 4.02 7.:.o 4.2;{ 8.21 4.43 8.. a r).oi; 5.17 'i'iii. .Mix I'll. I'UHH. • M. ! A.M. P.M. i.ilO 11.45 2.45 i.20 11.54 2.53 3.35 12.10 3.10 >.53 12.30 3.30 l.M. 1 P.M. P.M. . John time be- d Halifax ; on FAX lime, fpted. On Sun- h-uvo : and the 3r Fredoricton, , lloiilton, and iiiwa\ fur Bos- ville Junction] iiebec. Ontario iprtuy for East- ^Vindsor, Kent- nd Navigation and to Canso, ner •' Rothesay vv castle. Also n and Summer- steamers of the 31 INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY, continued. STAGE CONNECTIONS. SnuBENACADiE— With Stagcs for Maithvnd, Cray's River and Miisiinodoboit. TiiUKo— With Stajresfor Tataniagouclieand the Xortli Shore of NovaSeotii*. New (Ji,A80ow— With Stages for Antigonishe, Strait of Can^o. Arichat, Sydney, Cow Hay, St. Peters, and all parts of Cape Breton ; also for Guysboro, and Sher- brooke. Debkut— With Stapes for Great Village, Economy and Five Islands. LoNDONDKKUY— With Stages for Acadia lion Mines. Wkntwouth— With Stagi'3 for Wallace River. Thomso.v— With Stages for Pugwash and Westchester, daily. Ath(*l — With Stages for Parrsboro', daily. Macoan — With Stages for Jogging and Minudle. AuLAC— With Stages for Bay Verte and Cape Tornientine. SnEuiAC— With Stages to and from Cociiigne, Buctonche, Richibiicto, Kouchi- boiign icis, Kouchibouguac, Mirainichi, Batliurst Dalhonsie ami Re.Htigoucho. MoNCToN — With Stages for lliilsburo , Hopewell and the Albert Mines. Petitcodiac— With Stages to and from Hutternut Ridge and PoUet Rirer. Refreshment Rooms at Sussex, Amherst and Truro. LIST OF STATIONS ON THE PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND RAILWAY. Oascumpec. Dock Roitd. Bloomtield. O'Leary Road. Brae Road Aldan's Road. Ridtford Road Port Hill. Northam. Lot 14. Wellington. Miscouche. St. Eleanor's. SUMMEHSIDB. Town Road. W^alker's Road. Kensington. Vally Road. Freetown. Ilaslam's Mill. Elliott's Mill. VV'(!st Line Road. East Line Road. Hu Iter RiV' r. North Wiltshire. McLeod Road. Loyalist Road. Milton. Malpeque Road. Royalty Junction. Royalty Road, CHARIiOTTKTOWN. Brack ley Pt. Road. Union Ro d. Little York. Suttulk Road. Tracadie St. Peter's Road. Mount Stewart. Pis(pii(l. Peake's Road. Baldw ns Road. Lot 51, East Line, ('ardigan Bridge. Fairplay. Georoktown. I : r, M I 32 If ^ :.!'! POST OFFICE SAYINGS BANK, CANADA. 2, Any person may have adepogit account, and may deposit yearly any ni of dollars, from $1 up to §;!00, or more, with the permission ot the Postn 1. The following Post Office Savings Banks in Ontario and Quebec are opet daily for the receipt and re|)aymcnt of deposits, during tho ordinary hours of Pos Ollice business 2. Tlie direct security of the Dominion is given by the Statute for all depositi made lumbc tmaste General 4. Deposits may be made by married women, and deposits so made, or made bj women who shall afterwards marry, will be rei)aid to any such woman. 5. As respects children under ten years of age, money maybe deposited — Firxl/i/ — Hy a parent or friend as Trustee for the child, in which case the deposit can he witluirawn by the Triistee until the child shall attain the age of ten year; after which time rv.'paymeiit will be made only on the joint receipts of both Trus tec and cliild. Stcondlji — In the child's own name — and, if so deposited, repayment will no be made until the child slia'l attain tlie age of ten years. 6. A depositor in any of the Savings Bank Post Ollices may continue his deposit; at any otlicrof such ollices, without notice or change of Pass Hook, and can witlv draw money at that Savings Hank Otlice which is most convenient to him. For instance, if he makes his first dejjosit at the Savings IJank at Cobourg, he may make further deposits at, or witiidraw his money through, tiie Post Office Bank o Oollingwood or t^ucbec, Sarnia, Brockville, orany place whicii may be convenient to him, wiiether lie continue to reside at Cobourg or remove to some otiier place 13.1 Icatiol 1 othei U.| 1 seen i Actol AlbiJ Alex) AlmcT Am 111 Ang( Arki^l Arn| Arthl Auro Ay In Ay In Ayr. Barri Bayli Beam Beau Beuvi Belle Bcrlii Berlli Blair Bond Both' Bow I Bract BradI 7. Eacli dcj)ositor is supplied with a Pass Book, whicii is to he produced to tiie l*^"'^" Postmitster every time the depositor i)ays in or witiidraws money, and the suuu jMiid in or withdrawn are entered therein by the Postmaster receiving or paying the s;nT)e 8. Each depositor's account is kept in the Postmaster General's Office, in Ottawa, iintl in addition to the Postmaster's receipt in the Pass Book, a direct iicknowli'(l;/(' mentjrom the I'osliiuister (icneraljor each, snni /xii.i in is sent to the depositor. If ^lis ackaowledgeraent does not reach tlie depositor within ten days from the daw of his deposit, lie should ajipl^' immediately to the Postmaster General, by letter, henig careful to give his address, and, if necessary, renew his application until li receives a satisfactory rejily. 9. When a depositor wishes to withdraw money, he can do so by applying to the Postmaster General, who will send him byretur i mail a cheque for the amount payable at wliatever Savings Bank Post Office the depositor may have named in his application. 10. Interest at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum is allowed on deposits, and the interest is added to the principal on the 30th June in each year 11. Postniisters are forbidde . by law to disclose the name of any depositor, or the amount of any sum deposited or withdrawn 12. No charge is made to depositors, on paying in or drawing out money, nor for Pass Books, nor for postage or communications with the Postmaster General in relation to ibeir deposits. Bran Brid* Brigl Brig Broc Broo Br us Bucl Cam Can Carl Cay Cha Cha Clie Chi Cla cut Ciii Coii Col Col VI 33 POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK, CAN AD A.-Conlinued. 13. The Postmaster Genpral is always ready to receive and attend to all appli- cati')ns, complaints, or other communications addressed to hiiu by depositors or otiii'rs, relative to Post Ofhce Savings Bank business. 14. A full statement # the Regulations of the Post OfTice Savings Bank may be seen at any of the Post OtHees named in the following List ; — STADA. Quebec are ope ;nary hours of Pos lite for all deposit yearly any n umbo '* the Postmaste ' made, or made b woman, deposited — ;h case the deposit age of ten year, ipts of both Trui ^payment will no ntinue his deposit ok, and can with. nt to iiim. For Cobourg, he niav )st Office Bank oi may be convenient )nic other place )e produced to the y, and the sunn ceiving or paying Office, in Ottawa Urecf ticknoii'lf'dije. the depositor. If ys from the date reneral, by letter, plication until he )y applying to the for the amount y have named in deposits, and the ny depositor, or 1 ut money, nor for mster General in Acton Vale. Albion. Alexandria. Almonte. Ainhertsburg. Angus. Arkoua. Arn prior. Arthur. Aurora. Aylmer, East. Aylmer, West. Ayr. barrie. Buylield. Beamsville. Beauharuois. lieaverton. Belleville. Berlin. Berthier. Blairton. Bond Head. Bolhwell. BowniHuville. Bracibridge. Bradford. Brampton. Braiitford. Bridgewater. Bright. Brigiiton. Brockville. Brooklin. Brussels. Buckingham. Campbellford. UanniuguHi. Carleton Place. Cayuga. Chanibly Canton. Chatliiin, West. Chelsea. Chippewa. Clarksl»i:rg. Cllt'tun. Cliuto 1. Coalicook. Cob ;urg. Colborne. Cohl water. Collingwood. Coni]iton. Cooksiowa. Corn wall. Creemore. Danville. Duudas. Dunnville. Durham. Elora. Erin. Exeter. Feigus. Fingil. Fort Erie. Frelighsburgh. Gait. Gananoque. Gantfra.xa. Georgetown. Gcorgina. Goderich. Graul)}'. Grim by. Guelpli. llaliburton. Hamilton. Hastings. liawkesbury. Hespeler. Hull. Huntingdon. lugersoll. Inverness. Iroquois. Joliette. Keeue. Kenii)tville. Kincardine. Kingston. Kiiigsville. Kirktield. Kiiowlton. Lacliine. Lacliute. Lanark. Lajirairie. L'Assumption. Leeda. Lennoxville. Levis. Lindsay. ListoweL London. L'Orignal, Lucan. Lucknow. Lyn. Madoc. Manchester. Markham. Meaford. Melbourne. Merrickville. ' Mill brook. Ml lies Roches. Milton, West. Montmagny. Montreal. .Morpeth. Morrisburgh. Mount Brydges. Mount Forest. Murray Bay. Napanee.; Newboro'. Nevvburgh. Newbury. Newcastle. New Kdinburffh. New Hamburg. Newmarket. Niagara. Norwich. Norwood. Oakville. Odessa. Oil Springs. Omemee. On-low. Onuigeville. Orillia. Orono. Osceola. < )sliawa. Ottawa. Owen Sound. I'aisley. Pakeuham. 1 , I , i'i it : ■' t "i ■ 'ii 84 POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK, CANADA.— Continued. Paris. Pembroke. Penetanguishene. Perth. Peterboro. Petrolea. Picton. Point St, Charles. Portage du Fort. Port Biirwell. PortColborne. * Port Dalhousie. Port OovtT. Port Hone. Port Robinson. Port Rowan. Port Stanley. Prescott. Preston. Prince Albert Qiiebfc. Renfrew. Richmond'East. Richmond Hill. Riniouski. Riviere du Loup en baa. Rockingham. Rosemont. St. Andrew's, East. St. Catharines, West. St. Cesaire. St. Hyacinthe. St. Jerojne. Si. Johns, East. St. Mary's, Blanchard. St. Paul's Bay. 8r. Rochde Quebec. St. Thomas, West. Sandwich. Sam in. Siuipeen. Scai-boro'. . ^, Seaforth. Seneca. Sherbrooke. Simcoe. Smith's Falls Smithville. Sorel. South Quebec. Sparta. Stanstead. Stayner. Stirling. Slouffville. Stratford. S rat .roy. Streetvilie. Teeswater. Thornhill. Thorold. Thurso. Tilsonburg. Toronto. Trenton. Uxbridge. VJJleytield. Vankleek Hill. Vienna. Walkerton. Wallaceburg. Wardsville. VVaterdown. Waterford. Waterloo East. Waterloo West. Welland. Wellesley. Wellington Square. Wast Farnham. Weston. West Winchester. Whitby. Windsor. Woodbridge. Woodstock. Woodville. Wroxeter. Wyoming. York. Yorkville. Three Rivers. Further Offices will be added from time to time. Post Office Department, Ottawa. Nov., 1873. TO ADVERTISERS IN THE GAZETTE. PARTIES pendino; advertisements to be inserted in tlie " Canada Gazette," will hereafter please observe tlie r'ullowing rules : Ist. Address the " Canada Gazette, Ottawa, Canada." 2M(i. Indicate the number of insertions requireil. 3rd. Invariably remit the fees Ibr such advertisements, together with the price of one Gazette, as below. Otherwise they will not be inserted. Tlie raten are eight cents for the first insertion, and two cents for each subsequent insertion per line of nine words — each figure counting as one word. Subscribers will also notice that the subscription, $4 per annum, is in- variably payable in advance, and that the "Gazette" will be stopped from them at the end of the period i)aid for. Single numbers will be charged 10 cents each, and when more than one are required by advertisers, must be remitted fur likewise. BROWN CHAMBERLTN, Office of Queen's Pi-inter, Queen's Printer. Ottawa, Octob^-, 1873. 35 itiniied. Id. ; Hill. n. i. East, West. •n Square, iham. Chester. f- Q. riada Gazette," retlier with the iiisfi-ted. The icli subnequent word. ' aiiinnn, is in- p atuj)j)('d from be char^rcd 10 iserj^, must be in's Printer. GOVERNMENT IMMIGEATION AGENTS IlahYar, N. S.—E. Clay. Sf. Jolni, X. li.—R. Shives. Miramiclii, X. fi — WiUiam Wilkinson, Agent. Quehec. — L. Staffbrrl, old Custom House and Grand Trunk Station, Point Levis, whore ho is always in attendance on the arnval of the mail steamers, pas- senger vessels, and on tlie departure of all immigrant trains. Montreal. — Johi J. Daley. Otlnwn. — W. J. Wills, St. Lawrence and Ottawa Railway Station. Kinr/ston. — R. McFherson, William Street. Toronto. — Jolm A. Donaldson, Immigrant Depot, at corner of Strachan avenue. Hamilton. — R. IL Ra", Great Western Railway Wharf (opposite station). Sherhrooke. Henry Hubbard. London. — A. G. Smyth. , Winnipeg. — William Hespeler, resident Agent for Manitoba. Information respecting passenger warrants and the arrangements that are taking place from time to time with steamship companies, regarding reduced rates, may bo obtain d from the Agents. They will also furnish information as to lands open for settlement in their respective Provinces and Districts, farms for sale, demand for employment, rates of wasres, routes of travel, distances, e.xi)ense of conveyance, and will receive and forward letters and remittances for immigrants, &C., &c. The Dominion of Canada with its seven Provinces and the North-West Territory offers unequalled inducements to immigrants. The Provinces of Prince Edward's Island, Nova Scotia and New BrutHwick have an area cf over 32.000,000 acres, the greater part of the soil being adapted for agriculttiral pursuits. Fishing and mining aro most important industries. The Pr ivince of Qiiel)ec has a territorial suporlicies of over 123,000,000 acres. Agriculture is the principal occupation, while tiie nnmense forests and mines and magnificent fish'ng grounds atlbrd a constantly enlarging field for human skill, labor aiul capital. The Province of Ontario covers an area of over 0'^, 000.000 acres Agriculture, lumberingand mining are its most important industries. Thegreat lakes also offer employment to seafaring oecujiations. The North-West Territor\', cxtciuling over two million of miles supcrficie."?, is at present almost unsettled, but in richnoss of soil and vast extent of coal mines, he , offers an unbiundeil liidd for iininijrratiou. The Provitice of .Manitoba has an area of 1», 000,000 acres, composed of jirairie land, interspersed with groves of timber, and offers all facilities for agricultural occupations. The Province of Hritish Columbia has an area of 200,000,000 acres, and abounds in mineral wealth and uilvantages of climate, which render it a most desirable home for a large population. S6 T he Office having the management of Indian AfFairs offers to those parties, AND TO THOSE ONLY, ■who agree to become ACTUAL SETTLERS, the principal part of the surveyed lands; thus encouraging the agriculturist, Riid siautting out specuhitors. The three chief localities are : in which about 200,000 acres remain disposable. The Agent for thoir sale is Mr. W. Plummer, Indian Offico, Toronto. Between thirty and forty miles of Coloniza- tion Holds liave already been made for the purpose of affording acc(>ss to the dis- posabli' hind ; and by grants from the Indian Funds to the several townsliip muni- cipalities, various leading new roads, affording readier access to the lands, have been either opened or improved. ON THE GRAND MANITOULIN ISLAND, LAKE HURON, there are about 250,000 acres still for sale. The Agent is Mr. J. Phipps, Manito- ■waaning, and between forty and titty miles of road have already been made on the Batchawatia Bay Reserve, at the foot of Lak? Superior. The disposable lands amount to about lbJ,uOO acres. And the rear part of Garden River Reserve is disposnble for mining locations. Abbott, at the iSauIl Ste. Marie. The Agent of these two tracts is Mr. W. Van a >3e parties, ciilturist, fttid •lot. 'ir sale is Mr. ' «f Colonizii- ^-f to tlie iUs- «'nBhi|) mutji- e lanJa, have ND. pps, Manito- niade on the usable lands re Mr. W. Van 37 The Fire Extinguisher Manufacturing Company. Incorporated by Special Act of Parliament^ 1873. JOHN FIST:EN, Esq., Pfesident! cTTl. WATEROUS, Esq., Vice President. gj I ypc to TS HON. JOHN McMURRICH, I ROBERT BEATY, Esq., A. M. SMITH, Esq., I GEORGE BOOTH, Esq., JOHN RITCHIE, Esq. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, 100,000 Dollars. OFFICE :— 32 COLBORNE ST., TORONTO. KING ENGINE AND The best protection afiaiiist Firo extant, and to placcf without a good pnpi)ly of water furnisJiing a more cfticient protection at loss tlian ono third the money than can be supplied in any other form. I'he principal cities in the United States and (au- ada liave adopted tliein, and a Fire I)ej)iirtrnent without an e(|ui|iment of Clieniical apparatus is not now considered iiii to tlie standard of elli- ciency. .Specially rcconmieiidcd lor SteaniVioats aiul '\''(>ssels, Churches, Hotels, and iill Public I'.uildinps, aiul indeed every l'>tablishin(>nt should liave them as \lie price brinj^s them within the reach of all. Local and County Ajrents wanted in all parts of Caiuida. Send for cir- culars. OfiBces aud Sale Room, 32 Colbr \e Street, TORONTO. Post Office Box 6G5. W \ MORRISON, Secretary/ 88 d874. 4874 Now in its 56th volume, is devoted to the Sciekce of Man ; Physiognomy, with all the "Signs op Character," and how to Improve Body, lirain, and Feature ; Ethnolooy, the Niitiiral History ot'Man, with Portraits atulHiograpiiies of leading Men and Women ; Compatibility in our Social Relations ; Cultivation of Memory ; Choice of Pursuits, and How to make the most of one's self, to put the " Right Man in the Right Place." Monthly, ^^3.00 a year. Address, S. R. WELLS, Publisher, 389 Broadway Street, N.Y. THE SCIENCE OF HEALTH, Begins its fourth volume with the January number. Its leading obj'^ct is to tench all that relates to the Art of Preserving and Recivering Health. It will be the exponent of every means by which health may be preserved, strength of body and mind increased, life prolonged and disease removed, not the organ of any person or institution, but an independent, earnest teacher of the laws of life and health, published in the interests of the people, and not an exponent of any man's practice or profession. Monthly, $2.00 a year. Most liberal premiums otlered for Clubs. For terms, address, S. R. WELLS, Publisher, 389 Broadway, N.Y. 39 1874 ') NOMY, with id Feature ; t if leading if Memory ; tie " Right treet^ N.Y. is to toncli yill be the ' body and ny person id health, s practice 'or Clubs. vay^ N.Y. A. NTICOS TI. Area of Island of Anticosti, 3,750 square miles or 2,400,000 acres. 320 miles of Sea Coast. Island to bo divided into 20 Counties of 120,000 acres each, having 5 Townships each, making in all 100 Townships of 24,000 acres each. Business operations will be to developo the manifold resources of the Fertile Soil, Fo- rests, Minerals and Fisheries of Anticosti ; to settle and colonize the Island with those who now frequent it and others desirous of becoming settlers thereon ; and also to establish kStcamship (Com- munication and a thorough Telegraphic System throughout the Island connected by a Cable with the present mainland system. Special inducements are ottered to Capitalists in the purchase of Farming Properties. Timber Limits, Mineral Prospects and Fishing Stations, or for the jiurchase of Shares in the Capital Stock of the Company. Applications to be made to the Secretary at the Company's Office, in Montreal, or to the Manager, at Co's. Office, Nora, I. A. W. L. FORSYTH, Acting Secretory, A. KAMbA^ 6c bUM, Manufacturers and Importers Glass, Paints and Oils. WaBKHODSK : liECOLLET &T. j FACTORY : CoBNEB COLLEGB AND InsPEOTOB StS. 40 LORD, MAGOR & MUNN, [l^ipptng anb Commission Mtttl^^nis, MONTREAL AND QUEBEC. REFERENCES. John If linn ^ fn,, flnrhor Ornrr, yi'wfoiiiidlnni, JIarri-i/ ■^ (h., St. ./o/i/i'y, XeivfoundlanU. Win. 'J'urbet o., printed on Fine paper, from new type. 3u Mmtnttf BY In Fine English C/oth, gilt bac/( and side, - - $2.00 Sent by post on receipt of the price by JOHN LOVELL, PubUsher. 23 St Nicholas Street, Montreal. ^FIL! MBBMElS-SBlf SifiS W DE FRANCE, BELGIQUE, ALLEWIAGNE ET ETATS-UNIS. RUE ST. VINCENT. 12 & 14. MONTREAL. 41 P BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. hook Work, Blank ForiUM, Pamphlet*, InNiiraiioe Forms, Perlodlealn, Hallway Forinn, PrlecM Current, Le^al ForniM, ProMpcotiiNeii, mils of Lading, Circulars* Way Bills, Receipts, Catalogues, Cards, Funeral Letters, Hand Bills, Posting Bills, AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF Executed with the utmost despatch, and at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. ^ BLANK AND ACCOUNT BOOKS, OP THE FOLLOWING, AND ALL OTHER SIZES, MADE TO ORDER: Imperial,.... Hi X 21 inch. I Royal, ....11 X 18 inch. I Demy, 9J X 14i inch Super Royal, 12 X 18 inch. | Medium,. .. lOJ X IGj inch. | Foolscap,. ... 7J X 12i inch BOUND IN CALF,(withor without liusaia Bands,) VELLUM, OR BASIL. RULING- TO ANl^ PATTERN REQUIRED, Indices Bound with the Books, orfurnished loose, as may be required ^ill ^ooks, Letter ^ooks, Invoice ^ooks, Guard ^ooks, (Poliay ^ooJcs, ;fiocount Ginrent ^ooks, Sales ^ooks, Qontraat Books, jankers' (Pass i^oo/cs, Jlferchants Kemorandum ^ooks, Manufacturers of SOFA, CHAIR and BE i ) SPRINGS. A LAROE STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. 30 SI f ct. TES, •lo, )nt, iiont, out. ) «, 1.^, ES, :ng3.