31 'J 11 CHRONOLOGICAL AKD SYNOPTICAL TABLES or TIIK PRIXC'irAL EVENTS KECOKDED IN THIS COMPENDIUM OP TUG HISTORY OF CANADA, Together with the most important Synchronisms of the Historieg of the great European Powers, the United States of America, and the Church. :t QUEBEC: ELZ^ATl VINCENT, PRINTER 18 St. Jobn Street, (Without). 1874. VI CriROXOLOGICAL, SYXOPTICAL, A.D. I — I 1193 1497 1-198 1499 i 1500 1518 1519 i 1520 1524 'l53-2 CANADA.— IxTUoiitcTiov. A.i>. The Cnuncii. 1531 15a'> 1541 154^' 1513 1514 1598 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS diHrnvcis tlic Isl 111(1 (iCSitii Salvador, and. short- ly alter, ("iilia. and Sail DomiiiL'o. Coliiiiiliii'^ discdvci's Doiiiiiiica. (liiada- ]KU VII., Pope. ir>U3 I'll s III.. l»(.iM', 27 duys.- .Iri.MS II.. I'ope. 150t) ConstiMictieii of St. Peter's Kraiiiaiite ami Michae AiiLielo. .Vrchiteetri. I.")i:} I-Ko .\.. Pope; he {fives his i;re name to his l.")l(i Coiirordat with I-'vanee. I.j17 .Marl III Luther, ati Aujxuk- tiiiiaii nioiilc. apo.statizes and dr);iiuati/es. l.VJI .VoiMAN VI.. Popo, seeinj: Protestantism triumph- i in;;, dies hroken hearted. l.VJ.'{ Ci, i:\iKNr Nil., rojie. 15J7 Sackiii;: of l{ ! errors in France. — The Socict.N of Jesus founded hy St. iLiiiatius. 151.") Coi'ivocation of the Couneil of Trent. l.JI7.Tti.ns III., Pope.— St. Francis Xavier in .lapan. 1550 IJull for resuming the Council of Trent. JACQUES CARTIER mtor.s the Gulf of St. Lawicncc. and diseover.s the Jidic (Irs C/Kiltnrn. Cartier's second voyaj^e ; he sails up the St. Lawn-nce as far as Montreal (llochela.iia), ;iml passes the \vint«'rat St. Charles Harbor liefore Quebec (Stadacuna). DEROBERVAT (Dc la T{o(pie) is ap- pointeil the Kind's Lieutenant (Jen- eralin Canada. — (Cartier's :{rd voya.ne; ho jiasscs the winter at Caiu' Uontte. De Kobi-rval lauds at Cai>e Iiouj.';o with *JI)I) colonists olboth sexes. Do Roherval visits the Sai^uenay. De liolurval veturus to Fiance ■with the .shatter(>d i-emaiiis of his ccdoiiy. DE LA ROCHE f.Manniis). .secon.l Lieu- tenant Ceiicral ami Viceroy of Can- ada, disembarks at Sable Island. 50 couvicts brou-ilit over a.s colouist.s. , .-,. < Mai:< i:i.i.is II., Popo. '*'•"' } Paii. IV.. Tope. 15.">7 Paul IV. elects Ireland in- I to n kimidom. l.V)9 Pirs IV..'l'ope. 15()() Hull for resuming tin Council of Trout. 151)3 Close of the Council of i Trent. I.'jfil St. Charles Ii(UTomoo is the fust to adt)pt all tin; de- cisions of the Coimcil ot Trent. IJCC) Pus v., Pope, lie exemn j miiiiicates (^uoon Eliz i alietli. — I'ubhcation the Catechism of Council «»f Trent, liomau Breviaiy, Missal. 1571 Vietorv of IiO]>.anto. 1572 Gi{i:goky XIIL, Pope of the the aud AND SYNCnuOXICAL TABLE3 OP IlT>TOm', VII A.I). FllAN.E. EXOLAND. Spain. IJl lOIVNV. M9'J CiiARi.KS VllI.,Kini; TIi.mo- tiiuc'L' 1 183. Kill a Hinct' VII. llS,i. 149 Nai:i.i,i.\ :iti<1 Kim dimjk I H., Ki;i!!>i\ANi> \'. IJM]icn>r sluvv — ('(islilc ninl UKJ. \Arrtn/riu uuil-' ';•'/;'';;;• 'sMvXrMM.IAN (Hattlo t»f Founi.ni.'. rKxcnitinii ot ] ^ 1.. hiiipeior. '.") ^■iiiiiicil hy Charles ? rcrkiii Wiirlicck | rillMi- I., of (VIII. * ( aiiH: Louis XII.. King. i ! Ki:i;i>inai)V. i:>Ol' Treaty of niois. lofAna-on. ,rn,' S 'Ilif ."States Gc'ucral Di-atii ol" Co- '•"""J of Tours. i IuimI.iis. ! ir virf I C ^kiiuf'iK'7 ; I.Miry Mil.. ^ ,,^,„,,ii,i„„ Hat lies ol ^ '^ I Maximilian I I. is liic iilly ol' iicmv ami ; \in.at (iiii- I iic.Liatf. ( .Ma\iiiiilian Mcin ci's \y. lOI II IM »10H1. SHattkd of Pavia; Frauei.s I., a pris- oner. 1.03:2 iJiitauiiy returns to the t'rowu of Franee. I Dailies LOIS' I Flow.liu 151.")' Fhancis 1.. Kiiij^. — I Oiiiiieuato. won j ( 'iiaums I. ; Battle of iMarijj;iiau. [^hy Henry N'lll. I ^aiiie as I, ')!()' '. ; < II A i; 1.1, s \\ Idl7j Henry VIII. re- , in (Jeiiuuny. 0'i»^^ii-iii I lute.s Luther ami, ! receives the litlej i of Pcjcndcr of the Failh. 1510 loJOi Tho Field of the' Cloth of Gohl Hattled of Pavia; 1.0' On the Pojie'sl refusal to saiie- tioii his divoreo, llemy Vill., hrealcs oil with Home. ami tlirows KiiLihiiul into a .sehi.sni. ] <;riiavles v., I Enijieior. 1.031 1511 ( ISattle ot (.■erisoles, J gaiueil over the Iin- j perialist.s ; treaty of j i (.'resi>y. 15171 lIiiXKV II., King ,Edwaru VI ,King ( Tlie Teuton . !<■ .u.h.r sec- (. iilaiizcU. ,-..,1 ! ^ ISIakv TluorJ '^^•^1 ;^Qneen. i ...A U'llil.iP II.. l-)-><>l ' ) I^i,,,, 1558! Capture of Calais. LMZAiJt;rii,tiueen ' - "' i.O.OIV Fkanois II., Kiuii. j. l5Gi>; CiiAin.r.s IX., Kin,!;.j ; — War hetweeii Catii-: ! olios ami Prole.stant.<<. i I5()l '. !Tri aty of Caieaii- Cambrcsi.s. i-,.q| ( Peace of Loiiiyu-^ Ca])tivilv of \ l>eiith ol , I nicau. 1 I Mary Stuart. | \ Don Carlos. I Chnrles V. ! (lel'eals the j I'roiestaiit ■; iiartv at 1 Si mi. erg. S SicLMi of ) Met/. S Fi:i;!)iVAV|) I I., Lnipeior. ^raximiliaii II., Ivnip. VIII CHRONOLOGICAL, SYKOI'TICAL, CANADA.— FRKNX'H IIULK Paut. 1()0:J DE CHATES sonds Do Poiitsriivc' ;uul 1(511 Samuel dr, Cliainplaiii 1»» Canada : tluy I sail u|» tlie St. LawTLMicc Ji.s far as tliui St. Louis lianids. ilClii IGOIDE MONTS sn •.•(■(mIs Do Cliati-.s. and] bcf^ins the scttlciiiriit of I'orf K'oval i (Annapolis) in Acadia (N'ova Scotiai. 1608 DE CHAMPLAINf Uya the foundation I of t^uelM.'c (July). IGOf'Chaniplain joints th^ Al^LTompiins and llu- I rons to ti;;ht a;^ainst tlie Iroquois. 1611> CHARLES DE BOdRBON, ('(.unt of SoisHons. Lioulenant-CJcncral and Vice- roy of New Franc*'. lei'JHEl^RY DE CONDfi (IVince) sureoeds i Cluirles de llourUon in ills Viceroyalty. ' l613Clianiplain sails up the Olliiwa River ul- HIIS I most to its sources. IGJO 1615'Clianiplaiu disooviTS LalvO.s Ontario.! j Huron, and Ni' issinir. and passes the I I winter wilh the Huroiis. i 16:20 DE MONTMORENCY (Duke) pureha.Hos 1G;J1 from the Prince erected very near the site o'" tlu! present Church of Notre Dmic des \'ii;loires, in the Lower-Town, in whicli Father Delhi an say^ tli«' lirst Ma.'ss, on the 21ienf, and K. Masse, Jesuits. The Duke of Ventadom •rives the Jesuits the Seifiniory of Our Lady of Anjreis. All the Relijiions in Can ada return to France. De Noiie and Lej uiic. Jesuits, come back te Canada with De ("acn. — An Knjilish Cathnlic c> lony, -Conducted hy Ix'onard C.ilvert. I5n> ther of Lord Haltimoie. settles in A aryland. Fathers De IJrebeuf and jMasse return to Cana- da with Champlain. Father I'ohaut lays the f«)undations of the Jes- uits' Col.ege at Que- bec. ; Founding of the Algoii- AST) STXCnnON'ICAt TARLrS OF niSTOKT. A. \.D. Spaix. Okum. En-gland. France. 1572' 1571 1570 I ^ Massarro of St. , ( li;irlli(il(iiii»\v. JIkmjy 111., King. <<'l|>li ' IIolv Loii'nic. #111*' *" 15>^-l' '...."...'! \ iV.'inH.filioDiiko I "i j )<>fAiijini. I.jS:, .1 ' S War«»itho Tlirco 1587' 1.588 1.580 1590' ) Mcmvs. SDoiith of r Uattrcnf ConfniH, Mary { uaiiied bv Ilciirv Stuait. (IV. (Tho, In- the 1591 1 loU-J 5 TToKfir nf Tinurhov } lllNKVlV. ^ Sifgi.' of Paris. 15931 598' 15991 1603 1G05 1610 1012 HJui ,1018 i 1019 1021 1022 ( PliU-! in I 111., j ■ 1 Rlat- lias Em. (East In- / (lia Coiii- C J>aiiy. I House of Stuart. .TamksI.. King. \ Oiuijmw I dor riot. Pim-tp IV. Kg. 30 »/rj?' tfrtrPal ntino period. Fkud. II. Em. Ilf'ury IV. al»jiires Piotcistaiitisiii. Tr«'aty (irV«'r\ ins. E(lie. fie institutes tho Cen;;re- gations of Canlinals. —Mary StUiirt, tlu- (^iieen of S(ot-«, a pris- oner of I lizalxth, writes to the I'ope a toueliing letter, de- clariTig her lixed re- solve to live and die a , Catholic. { Vxtnxs Vr, Pope. j I GitKconv XIV.. Pope. 1nNO( KNT IX., Poi)e. i Cl KMKNT VI 1 1.. I'ojie.i f Aniie.xion of the, ^ Duchy ofFeirara to, C the Pl.ntitieal States. I I Lko X I., Pope.— Paui.I y.Pope. — Persecution i in .lapan. — Chinese! Missions. -Father liic-! ci in Pekin. — The Jes-! nits in I'sraguay. j Paul V. apj roves: tho following new Institutions : the Frsidines ; the Con- gregation of Priests of the Oratory, es tablislied by *^Card. l)e Hernlle; the NuJis <»f tlie Visitation, ins- tituted by St. Francis of Sales. — Founding by St. Vincent of Paul, of the Sisters of Charity, in Paris. Gkkgory" XV., Pope. —Foundation of the Propaganda.-Canoni- zation of St. Ignatius ot Loyola, St. Frs. Xavier, St. Theresa,, ^ and St. Philip Neri. CnHONOLOGICAL, SYNOPTICAL, CANADA.— FRENCH RULE. A.D. 1635 1636 l(i37 1642 1614 1645 1648 16jy 1651 1653 1656 1657 1658 1660 1661 U)63 1663 Civil and Political Part. Ia.dJ Religious Part. DE CIIATEAL'FOUT lulininistcrs tbo col- ony uif iiihriiii. DE MONTMAGNY, a Knight of Malta, Gov- eruoi-CSciifial. Tlu' village cl'Sillory near Quebec is found- ed l).v lirulart !)»•. Sillery, a pri-jst, ami an ex-niiiiiht<(r ol State. Founding of Ville-Marin (Montreal) l»y De Maisonnouve. 'I'lic Eur«»poan population in Canada, is then not more than "Mi) souIh. The Iroquoi.s burn down Rcveral Huron villages aiul hutclier the inhabitant^). The Ct)niiiany oi the Oik^ lliindied Asso- ciates aldiniUm tu tlie Coluui.sts the mo- nopoly of the fur trade. L'AiLL£B3UST Nuecceds do Montmacny. The Iroipioiu uuddenly tail, at three cfitier- ent piai'e.s, upon Huron villages, and ci- ther butcher and carry etf most of their inhabitiints. DE LAUZON succeeds D'Ailleboust— .The lro(pu>is are leeouiiug more and more formidable ; they attack. Montreal uud 'J hree Rivers. Do Maisonneuve brings from Fi-anco a re- cruit of iOU meri, skilled in some trade, and sincei'e Catholics. DE LAUZON-CIIAKNY governs adinterim alter his lather's departure for France. D'AlLLEliOUST governs also ud interim after l>e Laval about the ti'aliic of brandy ■with the Lidians. The Cohmy is visited by one of tlio most terrili(r earthquakes on reeortl in Canada. DE MESJY succeeds d'Ava gour.-European l)opuJatiou, 2bM ; Quebec alone, 8jii.— An ediot of the Kmg creates at Quebec a fcjuprenie Council composed of the Gov- ernor, the Hishop, the Inteudaut, the At- 1637 1639 1642 1646 1647 1649 1652 1653 1654 Suin Mission and of 10 Hotel! )ieu of Quebec ; the liist, by lirulartdeSillery, the second, by the Duch- ess d'Aiguillon. The convent of the Ur Huliiies in Quebec, b> founded by Mme de la Pel trie. On May 17th, Father} Vimoiit.a Jesuit, says the lirst Mass at Montreal. Tlic Island is j).aced under the J>rotectiou of the M L Virgin.— The Hotel Dieu of Moutreal is: founded by Miss' Manse and Mrs. De Uullion. Father Jogues is man- sacred oy the Iro- quois, Oct. 17th. Father Lcqueu discov ers I^ko iSt. John, in Sagu«!nay. — Father Druillettes reaches the sea through the Chaudi^re and Ken- nebec Rivers. Fathers Daniel, De Bre beuf, Lalemaut, and Garnier, are either horribly tortured to death, or massacred by the Iroquois, neai- Lake Huron. Father Buteux is mas- sacred by the Iro- quois on tlie tSt. Mau- rici River. Foimiling of the Con- frcgation of N. D. at louireal, by iSister Bourgeois, Sept. 2. Mrs. De Champlaiudies an Ui'suline at Meaox, l^'rauce. AWD STNCnRONICAL TABLES OT niSTOnt. xt lA.D. 1633 I 1624 W |1628 1630 1635 1637 1639 1642 1643 1644 1645 1647 1648 1649 1650 i 1655 1658 1659 I 1660 1661 Spain. Germ. England. Ferd. ill., E. r Oliv- ary 8 iH dis- grac- ?d. ( Singe ^ofLe- (.rida D:.n- iMh War. *■ ' ' Swe- dish War. Pr. Wur. ^ChnrlosI I King. France. The Church. S Leo- pold 1. E. 'KiBingof the Scotch agninst lOiigliiiid \ Buttle of \ Kc.vuton S Battle of Nowbu ry. ( Charles 1 } a prison- (er r Charles 1 1 bohead- 1 cd. ■i O.Crom- [ WELL. r Ireland / is !«id { waste. i R. Crom- ^well. ( Charles iII.,King. ''Battle of the Du- nes, gained by Tii- renne. Treaty of the Pyr- l^enees. ( Death of Mazarin. } — Colbert buc- ( ceedn fajm. Riclielicn, minis- ter of State. Siege of IjaRoclioUo. ( JuHniee dca Dttjtes } Alliiiiice with ( Sweden. S The French Acad- emy founded by Canl. Kieheliou. ( Foundation of the / Bourse in Paris. Death of Richelieu. [Louis XIV., King. I — Anu of Au-tria, Regent. — Mazarin niini8t<>r. — Battle of Rocroy, gaiued , by Condo. 4 Battle of Fribourg \ gained l»y Conde. , r Battle of^\'ordlin-' •! gue, gaiued by (Cond^. r Battle of Lens, \ gained by Cond^. —Treaty of West- [phalia. ^Thcfronde.— Con- de besieges Paris defendea by Tu- t^reune. Urban VIII.— This Poi>o cultivates Liit-, in and I al. Poetry, and concj'tHthe litnr-| uii al liyuinM. He imb- lislicH the Bull A'm/- nvhte coudeniniug .lansenisni. — His ]»on-| titicutc sees the ' ound-' ing of the Congrega-' tiou of St. La/arus, \\\ St. Vincent of Paul.j Tluit of the Seminary I of St. Sulpii e, by Mr. ' Olier. — St. FraucisRe- girt. Apostle of \ iva-| rais, Cevennes, &c. — Horrible persecution in Japan against the ^ Christians. 'Innocent X., Pope. Heconiiiats nepotism. — The fanatical sect of Puritans, in Scotland, draw up and sigu h new Covenant, "seal- ed", do they say, "by Heaven itself^', ana take Ol. Ciomwell foi tlieir leader. — IsKuingj of a Bull condejuuingl , Jansenism. r Alexander VIL, Pope. — He receives in the Church Queen Christina of Sweden — Tho Sorbonne con- demns Jansenism.— Bull confii'ming evt ry point of those imblish- ed by Urban VI 11 and Innocent X. for the condemnation of Jan- sen i^m . — D eath ef St ViuoeutofPaul, aged 185. XII cnnoNOL06iCAt, synoptical, CANADA.-FRKNCII RULK. A.D. 1663 Civil and Political Part. 1664 1665 |l666 I ! 'lG72 I I 1673 1679 1682 1685 1686 1687 1689 A.D. Religious Pai!t. tomoy-Ocnoml, and five C'omirillors.— IG60 Throe courts of Jiistiro arc cst»bliHlu>(l roHnoctivcly at QuclMif , Moiitnul, niwi Three Rivers. — The MontiTal Conipanv prants the Inland of Montreal to the Suf- picians. The richts of the Company of the One Hundred Assoeiates are transferred to tl'.e West-India Company. DE TRACT (Marquis), Viceroy. DE C0URCELLE8, Governor.— Talon, In- tendant. Tljfee forts are buiU, viz. : at Sorcl, Cham- bly, and Ste. Thosts in 1679 Hudson Bay, Fort Nelson excepted, — De Denonvillo'hAs some Iroquois chiefs un- justly arrested. 11682 De Denonville defeats the Iroquois, bums and destroys a great number of their villages. 1684 In the night of the 5th of August, the Iro- quois suddenly apfiear in the Island of Montreal, and butcher a great man^ of its inhabitants without distiuetion oi age or sex. De Laval-Movtmo- KKVCV (FrAucis), Bishop of Pctrca, ar- rives at Quebec, as Vicar-Apostolic of New France, June 6. Until then, Caniula wafl un«ler the juris-| diction of the Arcli-j bishop of Rouen. — ^^ Founding by De jQueylus, of the Seni- inarv of St. Sulpice,! at Montreal. Founding of the Serai nary ofQuel)ec by Bp Do Laval. Incfunm- rii ion of the Parishes to the Seminary. Dedication of the Que- bec Cathedral to the Immaculate Concep tion, July 2. Tlie tithes, from the 13tli, are reduced to the 26th part. Foundation of the little Seminary of Queliec. Tlie Rocullet Fathero return to Cana<1a. — Death of the Yen. Mother of the Incar- nation, first Superior- ess of the Ursulincs of Quebec. Clement X. erects Que4 bee into a Bishopric. J The irremovability of parish priests pro-i claimed. Bishop De Laval ex- communicates the trallickera in brandy. Erec. of a Chapter for the Cathedial of Que- bec. — The opposition Bishop De Laval en- counters from the Governors and in AND STNCIIRONICAL TABLES Of IIISTOaV. xin A.D.! SpAIK. Qekm. 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1670 1672 1674 ! Chs. H., Kg. 1675 1676 1678 1681 1683 1685 1686 I 1688 1689 1690 tlcof St. Gdtb jinl. England. France. ! fi resit fire in Jjoniloii. rDpvolution War.— CniuiUfsT of KliiiuloVH ami Kraiiclu'-L'«»nilc. Coiuli'.'riin'iiiie, I..nty of Aix-la-Cluw ( pellc. f Siogo I of Vien- na by the LTrks Hill of the Ha- beas C'ur- pt's. WhiffS and To- ries., test Bill. lIollaiHl War. { Battle of Senef ( caiiUMl by Coiuli'. Tiireiine is killed by a eaiuion ball ut 8al/- bacb, aft<'r liavinj; snccM'Ssiveiy defeated tlie Iini>eriali8t.s in 5 battlert. Naval Hat tie of Mcs- rtinii wou by Du•« II eh iaes. — Con- demnation of Mol- jno.s' errors, 1687. Alexander V111» Poj)©. XIV CimONOLOOlCAL, SYNOPTICAL, CANADA.— FKENCII RULE. A.l>. IGSH 1690 Civil and Political Part. a.d. Religious Part. 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1700 1703 1704 DE FRONTEN/VC, fJovc.riior-Geii- eral fi)r tlio Necond time. — D'Hicr-, ville uplioMs the lioiKir of tlio' French fla^ in the neighborhood of Hudson liiiy. I I)e Fronleniic invades the English Colonies at three dift'erent points at the same time. IJut tliese coloniesj l>roniptl.y ojniij) a fleet the eoni-i uiand of which they entrust to Sir! William Phipps, who capturesj nearly all the Froheh possessions! in Acadia. Soon after, Plii[»i)s, with! a second and more powerful annu-j nient, api)eiU'8 before Quebec; but! after u four days' bombardment, he is obliged to abandon the euter- l)rise. De Calli^re8, aided by the bravo De Vareinies, routs J 000 Iroquois at 1684 tcndants in the ad- ministration of his diocese, engages him on a jouniey to France to choose his successor. 1688 DE Si. VALIEB (John Baptist Che- vrit^re), 12ud IMsliop of C/uebec, succeeds liishop Do Laval who resigns. La Priiirie. An Engli.sh squadron is obliged to retreat from Placeutia iu New- foundland. The English oapturo Fort Sto Anne in Hudson Hay. Fort Nelson, in Hudson-Bay, surren- ders lo D'Iberviile. A band of Iroquois is extenninated, at Boiicherville, by Canadian vol- uutijers. D'Iberviile captures FortPemmaquid with St. Johns, Newfoundland, and nearly all th'i trading posts in that Island. D'Iberviile drives the English out of Hudson Bay. DE CALLIEBES, Governor of Mont- real, becomes Governor-General. — Settlement of Louisiana, by D'I- berviile who is named its Governor. Do Ljv Motte Cadillac, with 100 Ca- nadians, lavs the foundation of De- troit— Population of Canada, 200UO ; English colonies, 'JOOOOO. DEVAl'DREUIf (Marquis), suc- ceeds de Cal litres. Fresh hostilities between the Irencli and I'uglish colouistii. L 1689 I lG92,Tho "Hf.pital 06n6- ral" of Quebec is founded by Bishop de St. Valier. 1694, Foundation of tho "Hftpital-General" of Montreal by Bro. Charon. 1697|'nie Ursulincs at I Tlireo liivers foun- ded" bv Bishop de St. Valier. 1698 Foundation, by the Seminary ofC^uebec, of a Mission in Il- linois r Death of Sr. Bom-- 1700 ^ geois, at Montreal, at the ago of 80, Jan. 12. Mr. Dollier de Casson, Superior | of the Seminary ofi Montreal, also 801 years old, ja-onoun ces the funeral era- , tion ( Fii-st conflagration 1701 ^ of the Seminary ol ( Quebec. 1703 1705, Second conflagi-ation j of the Semijiary ol I Quebec. 1708 Bishop De Laval,who 00 Pe- TKR I.thel Gr. ^Czar ^Batt. of i Nar- j va, lost i Petr. I L i rBatt. of Mit- tau gam- ed the Swe des. ' Fn. da- tion of St. Pe- I tors I , burg ! A\D STNCHRONICAL TABLES OP HISTOitT. XT A.D. 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1697 Spain. Germ. fPHIL IP ' v., li{f2 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1709 rsatt. otAI- man- za. Ha- iiove rian elec- tor- ate. Vic- tory of Zen- tha won over the Trks Second battle ot'Uoch stadt gained over the Fr. Jos. I.Emp. England. . i ^Battle of the Boy- 1 ue lost Jainea II. ^ Found ing of tlie Roy- al Bank of Lon- ^don. (Death of < -lames 1 1. (_ in iVnce. ( Anne 2 (Stuart), (. Queen. Union of England anaScot- laud. France. I, ',■ •1 - ^ ( Battle of Statfarde I gained by Catiuat. •r; '..::■•:. \ , " ^' ^ Naval Battle of La Hogue, lost by Tonr- villo.-Battle of Stein- kerqne gained by Lnxenibourg. Battles of Norwindo and la Mar8oti8m . — Louis XI V. disavowsthe acts of tlie Assem- bly of I ♦iSa. Letter ol the French bish- oj)H t'> Innocent XII., declaring the decrees of 1683 null and void. — Submission of Fenelon to the' condemnation of his work the Ma- ximes des Saints. Clement XI. Pope He energetically protests ngainst the unjustifiable aggression of Jo- s«-ph I. of Austria, against Italy. Is suing of the Bull Unigenitua con- demning 101 pro- positions drawn from the Reflex- ions Morales of Quesnel, the Jan senist ; it is rcceiv e by Pes iter 1. I Battle of 1 Pnith, } lost by- PeterJ.! / ^ Second voyage of" Pe- ter I. thr'gh out ^ Europ. ! Peace of Nvs- tadt. ( Cathc- < rine I., (. Emp. C Peter ] II., ( Emp. AND STKCHRONICAL TABLES OF DISTORT. XYTt A.D. 'l710 !l711 1713 1714 Il715 Qehhak. C Ciis. < VI., C Emp. 1716 1718 1721 1724 !1726 1727 Battles of Pe- terwar dein andfiel grade gained fy Pr. li'Ugen. over the V Turks. C Passo- < rowitz ( Peace. ^ Htnite of Urtms- leick. George ^ I. King. rThe son of James II. at- temps to recover the throne. ''Battle of Deiiain gained by Villars over Prince Eu- Treaty of Utrecht. of ^Battle Villa-vioio- sa gained , by Veudome <* i Peace of Rastadt. ^ Death of Louis XIV.— Under his reign, styled the Atiguslan Age of French literature, flourished in France a constellation of em- inent personages, such as Cond<5, Turenne, Luxembourg, Vauban, Villars, Duquesne, Tourville, Colbert, Bossuet, Fenelou, Mhs- sillon, Pascal, Descartes, Cor- neille, Racine, dtc— Louis XV., King.— The Duke of Orleans, Re- Lgent. Financial Scheme of Law. J The Quad- ruple Al liauce. 1730 1733 5 George ill., Kg. ''War of the Polish Bucoes- sion. r Innocent XIII., Pope.— Pe < ter the Great expels the Jes ( uits from Russia. 'Benedict XI II.. Pope.— He confirms the Bull Unigenitus hi a council assembled at Rome. — Card, de Noailles submits to the Holy See. — The Pope condemns the de crces of the Parliaments of France forbidding the cele- brat. of the feast of St. Greg- ory VII.— The Jansenists propagate liturgic novelties m many dioceses in France. '^Clement XII., Pope.— Thej sophist Voltaire is entering' uptm his long career of lit- erary and immoral triumphs by an unequalled hypoci \ny, corrupiioii, and infamy.— Clement XII. condcinns . Freemasouary. XVIIl CHRONOLOGICAL, SYNOPTICAL, CANADA.— FRENCH RULE. \.D. jCiviL AND Political Part. I a.d.' Religious Part il752 1751 1755 1756 1757 1758 nfjainst oorrupiion. DUQUESNE i)E MENNE- VILLE 'Mni'(ini.s) succcctls De l.'i J00,000; French popul. 80000- Fort Bull surrenders to De Lcrv. — Tlio Alarquis de MO'NTCALM ariivcs in Canada as commandcr-in- cbicf of tho forces. He is accompanied by the Cheva- lier do Levis, De Bougain- ville, and De Bourlama(]ue. — Montcalm takes Forts Ontario and Oswego. Montcalm takes Fort William- Henry. Tho French lose Louisbourg, Capo Breton, Prince-Kd- ward Island, Forts Front- euac and Duqucsne. — Bat- tle of Carillon in which Montcalm, with 3600 men, defc'Us IfiOOO English troops cou.maudcd by Abercrom- 17^8 1730 17^3 on of Quebec, lie ncv8. XVII.-Takiug of Toulon. Re- volt of Bel- gium. Lko- I FOLD \ "• I^Emp. f { Frh. U., Emp. Lea- gue for the 2nd parti- tion of Po- land. ^FuEn- KKIC — Wil- liam II., L King. ''Publi- cation of the Declci- rulion of Pil- uits. Tlio Duke of Rruns- wick is de- feated by Du- inou- T\cr and Keller- nianu. The Church. '^Pius VL. Pope. — The k'suits are i-eccived in Prussia and Kus.sia. — The Pope con- demns the Jansenistic Synod of Pis- toja held by Bishop Ricci. — C^onderana- tion of the Ciril Consti- ftiHnn of the Clergy in Fmnce, and convageous bearing of most of the French cler- gy. — IMus VI. aJldresses the Cardinsvlsina consistory.on the occasion of the execu- tion of Ix)uis XVI.— The French Con- vention pros- cribesCathol- icisui and its ministers throughout France, and establishes the W(yrship of Reason. — The prisons ai-e soon filled with faithful priests, and thousands of these die on the scaffold. Many remain in conceal- ment, whilst an immense number choose exile. id XXII CHROKOLOCICAL, STNOfTlCAL, CANADA —ENGLISH RULE. A.D. 1774 1775 Civil and Political Tart. 1776 1777 1778 1783 1784 1785 1786 1791 A.D. Keligious Part. 1772 siege ofl march. — at Tliiarty. The AmcricauH ca^>tnre Forts Caril- lon, St. Frederic, Chainhly, and St. John. They give the command of their armies to Gen. Wasliing- tou. — Gen. Montgomery & Ariiold invade Canada, they occupy Sorel, Three Rivers, Montreal, and march on Quebec, whicli i)lace they be- siege. On Dec. 30, Gen. Montgo- mery and several other otticersl fall in attempting to carry the! 1773 city by stonn. The Americans raise the gucbec and withdraw, rigadier Eraser beats Rivers the American Thompson. — On July 4, the Amer- icans declare themselves iudc- j)endent. Gen. Burgoyne is completely beaten by Gen. Arnold, at Saratoga. 0£x4. HALDIMAND succeeds Caj'leton and governs with despot- ism and terror. He imj)ri8ons ar- bitrarily hundreds of citizens. Gr(;j't IJritaiu recognizes the inde- pendence of the IJi.ited-States. HENRY HAMILTON, Lieutemmt- Governor. — Introduction of the Ihiheas Corpus Act. — Poj)ul. of the Province of Quebec, 113,012. COL. HOPE, Lieutenant-Governor. B0KCH£8T£R (Carleton,Lord),Gov- ernor-General for the 2nd time. — The French Canadians are bestir- ing themselves to obtain the re- tovm of their political institutions. Constitutional Act. establishing a repre'^eutative government, and divi«iing the comitry into two Provinces, Upper, and Lower Can- 1794 1777 1784 1786 1788 1789 since the demise of Bisho De Pontbriand. — Traimla tion ol Sr. Bourgeois' re mains from the Paris] church, to the Chapel the Ccrtigregation of N. D Governor Carleton forbid Religious Communities fo women to receive postu lants before the age of 30 and to admit any to tli Religious professioi without his permission this prohibition is repealet only two years later. D'Esgly, Bishop i» parfifyn of Dory lee, coaiVJ. to Bish opBriand. Last Assembly of the Quebec Chapter. Fruitless Mission of Dr Camdl, since Ist liisho of Baltimore, to rally th( Canadians to the AmeVicjw Revolution. Tl\e College of the Jesuits in Quebec, is convertei into a Barrack. Bishoj) Dosquet dies Pans, at the age of 86. D'ESGLY (L. P. Mariau eheau), 8th Bishop of One bee, succeeds to Bishoj Briand who had just re signed. J. F. Hubert, Bishop in pari tihus of Almyre, Coadj. Bishop D'Esgly. HVBEKT (John Francis) 9th Bishop of Quebec, sue ceeds to Bishop d'Eeglj who had just died. BAILLY DE MESSED (ch. F.), Bishop in parti hu8 of Cause, and Coadjn tor to Bisii 3p Hubert, dicf in the General Hospita ageE- RIC. Wil- liam III. ] I., (Emp. { War with Fr. v. I /'Battle of Flounis ■{ Kaint'dbvJour(hni. j —Fall of liobts-, ! I nion'c. Holland invaded — Death of Louis' XVII.— Disaster j of Quiheron. — Victory of the Con- vention : Gen, Nap. Uonapartc. — The DIKKCTORY. Campaign against Italy conducted by Gen. _ Bonaparte who is victorious at Alontcnotte, Dcgo, Mondovi, ! Lodi. Mantua, Cas-j tiglione, Arcole. Battle of Kivoli won by Gen. Boa-j aj)arte. — Treaty i , of Canipo-Forniio. 'Gen. Bonaparte's expedition against J'^Kypt- He jjjains the battles of the Pyraujids and ^Aboukir. r Another coalition against France. — Gen. Brunne de- tents the English at Bergen, and Gen. Masseua, the lius-j fsians, at Zurich — [ Consulate, with' Napoleon Bona- parte as Ist. Con- sul. •2nd Campaign against Italy. — Battles of Mo'nte- bello and Marengo f;aiued by Napo- eou.— Battle of Hohen linden gain ^ed by Moreau. fLord How de- feats the Fr. Ueet. ■ Nel- son isvic to- rious over the Frch. fleet at Abou kir. Irish insur rcc- tion sup- port- ed bv the Fr. Rep- ublic. Ire- laud IS in- cor- porat ed to Eng- land. Church. Pius VI. is barbar- ously remov- ed from Kou)e in asickly state by order oil the French Di recto-] ry and brought to Val- ence, in France, where he diesj of ill- treat- ment (17W). Pius VI was- Btyled by the Romans the "Father of the Poor." . Pius VIL, Pope. Hiselec-I tion takes place at V« nice. Unbe- lief, Schism. andHer-j e^y are! much ! disap- , pointed CnnONOLOGTCAt, SYNOPTICAL, CANADA.— EXr.LISII RULE. A.D. 1792 i:d3 1796 1796 1797 1799 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 Civil and Political Part. ada with an oloctivo House of AssMubly lor each ouo. Popiil. of CjuiuiUv, IliOOOO, in- cluding 15000 Anglo-Cana- dians, of whom 10000 be- long to Upi»er Canada.— In Lower Canadu,ont of 50 mem- bers returned by the Cana- dians for the Legishitive Assembly, 16 are English P. A. Panet is electi^d Speak- er by 28 votes against 18. — Attempt to abolish the use of the French Language. The Upper Canadian Assem- bly abolishes slavery. — Lord Dorchester forms a new Ex- ecutive Council of mcm- ber8,2 only being Canadians. Settlement of the question re- lating to seigniorial reve- nues. — Specification of the, currency, and rate of ex- change for sterling money. OEir. PSESCOTT succeeds Lord Dorchester. Mr. Panet is re-elected Speaker of the House of Assembly. Several defections are notic- ed ill the Canadian rauks : for iiistunce, De lioune and De Lanaudii>re. MILNES (Sir K. Shore), suc- ceeds Gen. Prescott as Lieu- tenant-Governor. Death of Washington. DUNN (Hon. Thos.) succeeds Milnes. Apparition of the Mercury. Apufu-ition of the Gunadien. The publication of this paper marks the era of the liberty of the press in Canada. CRAIG (Sir James), Governor- General. Ho is a despotic administrator, and strongly Srejudiced agamst the Cana- ians and their religion. The names of the leading A.D. 1795 llELIGIOCS PaHT. 1797 Seminary of Quebec, at tlic age (»f 7!). DENAUT (PieiTP), Bishop in partihtis of Canathe.andCoad- jntor to bishop Hu- bert. 1796 Death of the last canon of tlic! Quebec Chap- ter. — Ncwfounlaiul becomes a Vicariate ApoHtolic. rDJiNAUT (Pierre), 10th Bishop of Que- bec. — Death of Bish- oj) Hubert in the (tcnciral Hospital, at the age of 58. 1800 Deatli, in Quebec, ol Father J. Cazot, the last Canadiau Jesuit, anil of Felix De Berry, the last Itec- ollct Father in Canada. The Eng- lish Crown takes possession of the Jes- uits' properties. PLE8SIS (Joa. O.), Bishop in partibus oi Canathe, and Coad- jutor to Bishop Do- naut. Founding of the Sem- inary of Nicolet bv Mr. J. M. Brassard, curate of this place. Death of Bishop De- luiut, in Longueuil, at the age of ^.i. PLESSlS(Jos. Octave), lith Bishop of Que- bec. — SoUicitor Gen- oral Sewell attempts to give the Catholic parishes to Protest- ants. PANET (B. C), cu- rate of Rivifere- 1801 1804 1806 1806 1807 H Declara- tion of in- depend»!iice \ (1776). Tlie indep- endence rec- ognized (1783). G. WAsn- ingtox, Ist President (1789). Vermont becomes a' state (1791).; Kentucky becomes a state (1792). John Adams President (1797). Death of Washington (17U9). Jefferson, President (1801). Abolition of the slave trade (1808).; Jefferson j forbids ' French and, American | vessels toi enter into' American ports (1809). AND SINCHROJflCAL TABLES OF HISTORY. x»r A.i>. Gkum. Kussia 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1811 1812 • ••••■•• I tria. j Fkan < CI8, ^Forc- ed abdi- ca- tion. • •«■••* . (Alkx ANI)- EK I., Lull*. FiiA>'C£. ''Lobs oft lie Batt. of Filed laud. r Trea- ty of Frieil richa Jicmu r Otiadruplr thb Northe IInULAM> TllE'CllL'RCU. allic'ince of rn States' aj^aiiiHt FraiH'c. — i iVare of Luiievillc, Peace of Aiiiieiis. — Napoleon is Consul for Lite. — Fonndinji of the, Le^jion of hon-i or. — Murder of the; Duke of Knghhn. , CE.xpeditiou against! ( St. Domingo. I ^The first CouhuI l»e-| come.s Knii)cror under the name of Js'Aro-j ^ LKON 1. I 'Napoleon, King of Italy. — Third eoa-I lit ion. — Caiiituliition of Uhn.— Battle ol Austerlitz. — rcaee of ^ Presburg. /'Confederation of the Rhine. — Fourth cmtli- tiun. — Battle of iena gained o\er Prussia. — The C'onlintiilal blockade. 'Napoleon is victo- rious at Eylau and Friedland. — Treaty of Tilsitt.— Invasion of Portugal. Joseph Bonaparte, King of Si»ain. 'Siege of Saragcssa. — tHftli coalition. — Bat- 1 ties of Essliiig audi Wagram gained by Napoleou.— Treaty of, ^ Vienna. f Birth of a son to Na-| \ poleon ; he receives I the name oi King of [ Borne. ' Campaign of Moscow — Taking of Smolensk, | Battle of Moskowa. Entry Nap. to Moscow ami liiH retreat from Russia with the rem- nants of hia Gr. Arm. Iiisur- ri etion in lie- i.'ind under the leafh'i- hhip «tf Koliert J m- niett. Nelson de- stroys the F.eneh and Sjian- ish Ucet atTraf- algar. Death of W. Pitt. The Fox Min- istry. Coi)eu- hagen is liom- ^burded. Con- quest of the Ionian Islands Wel- lington beats Mar- mout and takes poss 8- sion of , Madrid Concordat with France (1801).— Schism of the "Little (hurdi.'-Thechur- clie- are" reopene«l in France. — Pius Vll. prot».sts against the| Oiqauic Articlet,\ (l«l>'J). Ho jj;oes to| Pans to anoint Nn-I ))o:eon Emperor of the French (18()4).i He refuses to annul! the nuimjigc of Jer- ome Boiiaparte! with Miss Pattcrsonl (180.)). Napoleon,! displeased, ordersi the oeeupa'iou ofj several places in thei Ponrttical States,! and, linally, of Rome hcrself.-Card. Paeca prime minister to the Holy see (ISOb). Najioletm is excom- municated (ISitD). Pius Vll. is rudely taken from Rome and led to caiitiv- ity (1809).— Napo- leon, of his own au- thority, divorces with .losephine, and marriesArchduchese Marie Louise.— Firbt be.>Iy. Miich 118 l'aii«>t, Ueilaul, TaHcluMT.'iii. rtc. iiro] c.'incollod fnnn tliuliMt uf tho| militia otilcrrrt. i 1839. Tlio Governor diHHolvos Par-| liamriit fi»r havin<; iiisistcMl on the liborty '"f (liHriiH«ioii. — The first Hteainboat on tlio St. Luwience, culled the Aceommndadon. 1810 Tlic new Parliament cnerpjoti- cally protests against the of- fensive Innj^najre used by Sir J. Crais in prorojjning the last Parliament. — The Honso declares, by a three- fourth majority, t^ie neat of. Judge de Hcmne vacant. Thej Governor dissolves the Pav-| liament, seizes the presses of] the Oana(lien,niu\ has its pro-i prietor to;retherwith Messrs. Bedard, Tasohere.an, Pai)i-; ueiin, etc., arrested ouchai{je of hi;^li treason. 1811; PEE VOST (Sir Georpe) suc- ceeds Sir J. Craij;. Ho wins the sympathj' and support of the people. 1812 War with the United States.— TakiiiR of Fort Michilimaki- nac by th<^ Kn.:ilish, ami sur- render of the Ameriean ar- mies of the West and of the Cenrre. — lietrcat oi the Northern American army nmler Gen. Dearl)orn. The Americans arc nmve success-! ful on sea. The C'onstitutioiV. and the United Slates cap- ture several Euj^lish fri<;ates. 1813 The Americans defeat Gen.| Proctor at Moravian Town.j Commodore Perry captures the Bi'itish liotilla on Lake! Erie. The American Gen. Dearborn takes Toronto and Fort Geori^e. The British 1801) 1812 I j 1817i 1818 Religious Paut. Ouellc, becomes Bishop in pnrtihun of Sardes, ami C')ad.ju- tor to Bishop Plessis. H CO 1819 18-JO 1821 1822 1824 1825 SFoundiufjof St. Hya- cinthe College by'M. Girouard. SAVicariate Apostolic is established inl Nova Scotia. I Messrs. Provencher and Dumoulin start, for the Red-River Mission. 'Bislioj) Plessis starts f(»r Rome. — Quebec is erected into an Archbishopric. — Frii^htl'ul darkness au(i hurricane at Montreal. — Mr. lyicDoniild is ap- pointed to the see of Kingston, and Mr. ^IcEachern, to that of Ro.«e, for New Brunswick and the Ma^^daleu Islands, Itoth as suflFragaats ^ of Quebec. ! Mr. Lartifjues is con- secrated first Bishop of Montreal and be- comes suffragant of Quebec. Consecration of Bish- oj) Provencher, as suffragant of Quebec for Red-River. C Founding of the Col- / K'ge of Ste. Thdrfese { by Mr. Ducharme. (Death of Archbishop {Plessis in tlio Gen- eral Hospital, aged Madison, President. War against ' Or. Brit. { Monroi, ( President. Commer- j cial Treaty with Great Britain. ' Acquisi- tion of Florida. First steamship sailing for .Europe. f Popnlat. i 9.625.734. In 1810, it was 7.239.903. C Lafayette < visits the ( country, i (John I Ouincy Adams, : President. AKD SYNCHRONICAL TABLES OF HISTORT. XXVII A.D. AusTR. Russia. 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 ''Trea- ty of| Vien- l^na. Ntt- pol eon's son nam- ed Duke of Reich Btadt. Se- cret asso- cia- tions amg. the stu- dents Con- < gress Trop- Lpau. I France. 1 Re- build inpof Mos- cow. SiJrth Coalition . — Nn - noloon ;riuns tho battles of liUtzeii. HnntKrn.niid DroHdon* but lie is conii>l('tol.\ dcfoatod nt Loijifiirk. — The allies invade Fraiu'O. Battle of Paris. — Na- poleon is forced to abdicate. — \nt Jfr$ti>- ratiou . — Lni'isX VIII. — Treaty of Pttris. Return of Napoleon. Tlie "Hnndredda.VH". — Seventh Coalition. — Najioleon is defeated at Waterloo ; he ab- dicates for tho 9ud time. — Sffond Eesto- ration. — Loi'isXVIII. Captivity of Napdeon Reorganization of the French InKtitute, Great famine during tho winter. — A new Concordat with the Holy Sec. The araiy of occupa- tion quits the French territory. — First gas lighting in Paris. 'Political troubles and condemnations. — Recall from exile, of < all political offenders, (^ the regicides cvcepted. 'Assassination by Lou- vel of the Duke of I3erri,son of the Count of Artois, since Char- les X. — IMrth of Count of Chambonl, son to the Duke of Herri. — Death of M. DeMon- tyon. Death of Napoleon I. at St. Helena. — Cham- pollion deciphers the Egyptian Hyero- gliphics. Knt.land The Cm ncn. C:ele- brated battle of Wa- terloo gained j byWel- ^ lingtou I 'Suspen| Hi on of] the /7a-! leas __ Corpus Death ofWatf the in- ventor •f ■I steam- [ engine. C George ] IV., (King. Return of Pius VII to Ron)o. The ven. Pontiff makes his solenm entrance into the eternal City having at hif* fide, Canl. Pac<'a, the faithful com panion of his exile. —The Pull Sollici tudo ofhcially res tor«'s the Society of Jesus, and the decree is hailed with joy by all the tnio mends of the Church and of religion. Divine l*rovidence punisiies in the nri.Honerof St. He- lena, the jiersecu tor ofPiusVll. C Concordats con < eluded withFrance (. and Bavaria. ( Concordat with I the Two Sicilies. A Brief to all the Bishops of France, ptits an end to the difhculties caused bv the Concordat of 1817. 'A Bull stamred with a truly Apos- tolic energy, is launched against the secret society of the Carbonari. — Forgetting all Napoleon's wrong Pius VII. remem- bers only it. J ben- efits,and prays foi .bis persecutor. xxvni CHRONOLOGICAL, SYNOPTICAL, CANADA.— ENGLISH RULE. A.D. 1814 1815 1816 1818 1819 1811 Civil and Political Paht. Burpriso tlio Amoviran army, i near Hiirlin^^toii. ami make Gcu. Chandler and Winder prison- Hern.— (Joinniodore Chauueey, on Lake Ontario, is vietorioiis over the IJritisli Coinniauder, Sir J. Yeo.— De'eat of the Amerieau General Wilkinson at Christler's Farm. — l)e SalalKniy, witli 300 Canadians, routs, near Cliateau- Rua.Y, the American Gen. Hamp- ton who commands 7000 men. luclieetnal attack of tlic Americans on Lac. Religious Part, ,;; ■< 1828 1830 1832 1833 LAND (Sir P.) govoi-n miccossively ad interim ; the first dissolves Parliaiiieut. DAIHOUSIE (Earl of), Governor-General. Papineau and Nelson arc dojmted to Loii- (foa to oppose the Union of the two Canad. The Governor dissolves the Legislative As- sembly to^tho great dissatisfaction of the people. " - , , X. i Dalhousie refuses to confimi the election ol Papineau as Speaker, and, usinj^ otten- sive language like Craig and Richmond, prorogues the Assembly. Nelson, Viger and Cuvillier ai-e deputed to England by the people. i KEMPT (Sir James) succeeds to the harli of Dalhousio. Mr. Papineau is recognized as Speaker. . , . x i ' AYLMEB (Lord), a man of hmitcd mtel loot replaces Sir J. Kempt. The L^'gis^j;- tive Asseuubly is then conii)osL'd ot Ou Canadians and SI English men.. First apparition of cholera in Canada; death of 3300 persons in Quebec. Seeing that Mr. Papuieau is going too fur in his opposition to the government, Duvai, etc. 1837 Bishop Bourget, Van- to Burcn' .artigue Presi- i 1839 1841 1834 St. John Bap- Duvernuy. — A embodying the the Canadians 1835 1835 1838 Messrs. Nelson, Cuvillier, separate from him. Founding of the Society of list, at Montreal, by L series of 92 resolutions principal grievances of .-_ against the government are adopted by the Assembly.— Second apparition ol Cholera ; it carries off i200U0 persons m Canada. 008FOBD (Lord) succeeds Lord Aylnier. The Governor prorogues the House alier a session of six days, and dismisses Piipi- ueau and several militia othcers.— llie Clergy tries, butir. vain, to cool the i>opu- lar excitement. The British troops are dcfenled at Chambly and St. Denis ; but, at St. Charles, they oblige a party ot iii- surgents to surrender, and burn the vil- lage. Soon after, Sir J. Colborne disperses, at St. Eustaclie and St. Benedict, 2000 insurgents, and burns these villages. COLBORNE (Sir John) administers the country ad interim.— 'tha Constitution of Coadjutor Bp. L- „ — Arrival, at dent Montreal, of (18137). the Brothers of the Chris- tian Schools. 1838 Messrs. Blanchetj and Dealers I commence the Columbian Mission. Do Forbin-Jan- sou, Bp. of Nancy, gives Missions throughout Canada. Arrival of the W. H. Oblatesof Ma-j Har- ry at Montreal, j risou, 18 42 Return t)i the ; Presi- 1 Jesuit Fathers I dent, and ari'ival ofj — Ju the Ladies of!(lS41) tlie Sacred Tvler. Heart in Cai>- Vicorl ada.— Erection Prosi- otthe Bishop- dent,] ricsof St.John, beco- N. B., and Hal- nies ifax. —Arrival Pre.-*i-| of the Brothers deut.f of the Chris- (ISU)] tian Schools at Quebec. 1843 Bp. Phelan, ad- (Ja8.| ministrator ot K. the Bishopric Polk,! of Kingston. PiesiH 1844 Most Rev. F. N. dent I Blauchet,Abp. (1845)j| of Oregon (jlcs City.-lU. Rev. J-M-ki Power, Ist. son Bp. of Toron- dies! to.— Rt, Rev. (1845] Eraser, Ist. AND S^NCHRONICAL TABLES OF HISTORY. XXXI A.u. ArsTR. Spain. Fbance. England 183(] . I I 1837- I 1840 SLoiiia Nnp.'s first ftt- tciin>t to seizo the ])o\v»'i-, at Strnsl)nr^. J C'ivil ^ Tiikiii;; of Citiistnii- l War I {'uw by dm. ViilU'o. TiTiity witli Kii;;;luii(l, liiis.siii, Austria, aiul Prussia. — I'aris forti- I'umI. — >iT(>ntl uttiinpt «)1' Ijouis-Xap. at Bou I ajfaiiiBt Liiuis- 1847 fRevo < Int. 1848 at Vicu- na. Ris- ing of lluu- tgary. rilun- ga- riau 1 j War. 1849 < -Kos i tsutli. - ^ lojinc, riiilippo s goveru-i uicnt. — TranslatitMi ofj >S'ai)oU!ou I.'s remain.-* to tlic Invalided. Tragical ond of the Duke of Urk'iina. Victo- lia. t^UUCli. ('Capitu- lation of Cau- [.tou. Battle of Isly gaiucd l»y Bugoaud. Ls.-NapoitMui makes liis escape from thej fort of Hani. Le* A'errier discovers the! new phmet, i\ci)liine.\ Alj(l-el-Ka»ler sur-| renders toGcn.Lamo- rieiere. Fall of Louis-Pliilip- l)e. — Proclamation of tlie Ii<'i»ul)li". — Cons- tituant Assembly elected by universal! - sutVrage. — Insuri-ec- tion in Paris, ui Mar; v'nd and more formi- dable Insurrection, in June. — The Arehb. of Pari« is assassinated on a barricade. — Gen. Cavaignae, named chief of the Executive Power, crusheH the Insurrection. — Loni.s- Napoleou Bonaparte President of the Rep. Siego aud taking of Homo by the French The Church. Ify their learning, zeal, and piety- 'Ilie puljtit of No- t re-Dame, in Par- is, is then tilled by tho.se two prin- ces of saereil ora tury, Fathers de Ivavignau aud lia- eordaire. Tlio Catholic tribune has the illustrious Count de Mental-! eud)ert.— The Science of history is beginning to doj ju.stice to the; nanu^sof St. Greg-j ory VII. of Inuo- centlII.,andot St. Pius V. Pope Gregory XVl.'s wisfjom, flrmneHS, ami constancy, have won him an I innnortal uamo in I history. Pius IX.", Pope. I Encyclical letter I on the contempo-' \ i-ary «rrors. — En-, I eyelical letter to I I lieligious. I A liCtter,. to the Catholic and; Sehisnnitio East-i ern ( hristians. — ' Troubles in Rome.! — Assassination ofj Count Rossi.- -| Flight of the Pope ^to Gaeta. j 'A Republic is pro-l claimed in Rome.! — Protestation of Pius IX. — Rouie isj taken by the, French, and thej authority of the Pope is ro-cstab- Jiahcd. XZZXI CORONOLOGICAL, SYNOPTICAI., CANADA.— ENGLISU RULE. A.D. i 1833 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1847 1849 1850 l85-,> l8o4 Civil and Political Part. 1791 is «»n9pcnflc(l. DURHAM (Ijord) succeeds Lord Gosford as Goveruor-G'nfral. — A geueral sim- nesty is jproclaiiiK^d. COLBJBnE (Sir John) succeeds Lord Durham. — He suppresses partial insur- rections with fire and sword. Many of the insurgents are sentenced to capital punishment, others, to banishment, and all their goods confiscated. THOMPSON (Hon. C. P.) since Lord SYDENHAM, Governor-General. The Bill for the Union of the two Canadas, receives the royal sanction. The first Parliament of the United Prov- inces is held at Kingston. — Laws are faased relative to Municipal Systems and ublic Education. — Dr. Meilleur is ap- pointed S'.iperinteudent of Education of Lower Canada. BAGOT (Sir Chavlea) succeeds Lord Syd- enham. — Inaufjiiration of the Constitu- tional government. The Tories anjirte i.s i)roeliiiuied Linpcror under the name of NAroLEoN Uii- r Uni- versal exi)osi- tion in tlie Crystal (^paiufC. The Ciil'uch. ('The Eastern War.— i Aliiiince of Frtnico • Avith E.igland auainst linssia, in belialf of Turkey. — Victory of Ahua, in Crimea, Avon by Marshall St. AniauA. — (ien. Can- robert succeeds St. Arnaud. — Sieije of Se- bastopol. — liattles of Balaklava and luker- , maun. f Gen. Canrohei*t is rc- ■( placed by Gen. Pelis- sier before Sebastt)- pol. — Taking of Fort Malakoff by Gen. Boscjuet and Mac- Mahon.— Fall of Se- bastopol. — Felissier is created Marshall ot France and Duke of Malakoff. — Universal ^Exjjosition in Paiis. ' Birth of the Imperial Prince. — Congress of of Paris. — Great inun- dations in the Rhone ^aud Loire basins. ' Assassination of the Abp. of Paris. — Con- quest of the great ^ Kabylie. ^AUian- j ce with ^ France against Ruiisia. f Indian < insur- (, roctiou. / Re-estaldishment of the Catliolie Hicrarehy in En- gland. Anti-Catholic pol- icy of Sardinia. — Question of the Classics: Bp. Du- panloup, abbd Gaunic. — Councils of Amiens, and Baltimore. — Per- secution in jS'ew Granada. ' Ke-establishmcnt of the Catliolie ■{ Hierarchy in Hol- land. — Persecu- tion in the Grand- ^ Duchy of Baden. 'Encyclical letter to the Catholic Armenians of Constantinople. — Definition and jnoclama ion of the dogma of the Immaculate Con- U'eption. "Ptrsecution in Spa n. — Piedmont fiesecutes the Re- igious. — Maniage question in Swit- zeiland. — Concor- (^dat with Austria. ' Persecution in Mexico and in Piedmont. — Tlie Feast ot the Sacred Heart of Jesus be- comes obligatory for the universal ^ Church. ^Triumphal jour- ney of Pius IX. through his States. — 'i'he martyrs of the extreme East. U.-Sts. An- nexa- tion of Texas (IS'JS). Mex- ican War (1816). Trea- ty with Mexico yield- ing to the U.- Statea, New Mexico andUp- i)cr ( a- lifornia (1848). Gen. Taylor, Pregi- dent (1849). Mil- Lard Fill- more, Vice- Presi- dent be- comes Presi- dent (1850). P. Pierce, Presi- dent (1853). James Bucha' nan. Presi- dent (1857). XXXIV CIIKOXOLOGICAL, SVNOrXICAL, CANADA.— ENCSLISII liULE. A.D. 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 Civil and Political Paiit. A.D. IticLiGiofs Paiit. clnded with tlio ITnitod States. HEAD (Sir Edinuud) Buccceds Loi'd Elgin. Arrival ol' tlio Fi-eiich corvct Capri cieuse, in Caiiadiiui waters. The Legislative Council is ren- 1851 dered elective. Three Normal Schools arc estah- lished, — lion. P. O. Chauvc^au, Superintendent of Education for Lower Cainada. The city of Ottawa is selected by the Queen for tlio seat of theil85(j Provincial Government. — Adopiion of the Monetary-Dec- imal System in Canada. — 185/ Atlantic Cable laid. 1860 The Prince of Wales visits Can- 1858 ada and the other British North American Provinces. He, then 185i) inaugurates the Vi<;toria tubu- lar bridge at Montreal, and lays the tirst stone of the Par- 18G0 liameut buildings at Oitawa. 1861 MOmCK (Lord Viscount) suc- ceeds Sir E. Head. 1865 Delegates from the British North American Provinces assiiuible at Quebec to devise a new sys- tem of government. Tiic bases of a Federal Constitution arc; 1863 drawn up. 1866 The British regulars, aided by the Canadian Militia, rei)el tlie Fenian raids. 1867 Tlie Confederation, or Dominion of Canada, is sanctionned by royal proclaunition. May 23rnd Abp. of Halifax ' Rt. Rev. J. LaroqiK.', iiud. Bp. of St. Hyacinthe.— Rt. Rev. J.! Lyncli, 3rd Bp. of Toronto.— I lit. Rev. J. Sweeney, 3rd Bp.i of St. John, N. B.—fit. Rev. J.! Rogers, 1st Bp. of Chatham, N. B.— Rt. Rev. P. Mclntyro, 3rd Bp. of Charlottetown. Third Provincial Council of Que- bec. — Rt. Rev. H. Faraud, Vicar Ai^ostolic of Arthabaska. Rt. Rev. D'Hergoniez, Vic. Apost. of the British Columbia. Rt. Rev. G. Laroque, 3rd. Bp. of St. Hyacinthe. Rt. Rev. Lall^che, Coadjutor to the Bp. of Three Rivers.— lit. Rev. J. P. F. L. Langevin, Ist Bp. of St. Germain of Rimouski.' Rt. Rev. J. Walsh, 2nd Bp. of Sandwich.— Rt. Rev. Chit, Coadjutor to the Vic. Apost. of Arthabaska. | BAILLAEOE0N(MostT?«v. C.F.), 5th Abp. ol Quebec. AND STNCHRONICAL TABLES OF HISTORY ZZXT ff! A.D. I United-Siateh, 1868 1859 I860 1861 1862 1863 1864 France. The Ciicrch. Abraham Lincoln, Pi'csideut. r Civil AViir.— The Southern Slates se- cede. — Battles oi' Great Bethel and ^Manassas. ^Battles of Sl.iloh, Seven Pines, Beav- er's Dam, Gaines' MilliSavafic Station. Frazer's Hill, i^Ial- vern Hill, Ball's Bluff, ManassHS (•2nd), Anti(;tam, f"'rederick si )urg, ^Miu'freesboro. ^Battles of Chan- cellorsvillo and Gettysburg. — Sur- render of Wicks- ■{ burg and Port Ilud- (^sou to the Federals. 'Attempt against the life of Xa])oleon III. — Expedition in Co- chin China. 'Canii)aign of Italy. The Austrians are defeated at 31onte-j hello, Magt-nta, and Solfcrino. — Treaty of ^Zurich. 'Free exchange Treaty be- tween France and Enghunl. — Annexation of Savoy and Nicetobrancc. — Eiiglo- Fiench expe- dition against I Ciiiiia. Victorvi of PeMIo and, capture of Pe- ^liin. f Joint expedi- { tion of the French, h, and Spanish (^ against Mexico Eugli.« ''Gen. Sherman tui'cs Atlanta cap- and Savannah. — A. Lin- coln is ro-elected President. Expedition against Cochin China. The Enii)eror of Annaia recog- nizes the free exercise of Christianity in his realnis, cedes three Provinces to France, and opens three sea-ports to European trade in Tou- l^ quin. Perpetual adoration in Par is. — Protestant intolerance in Sweden. Encyclical letter of Pius IX on the revolt of Roniagna. - < Consistorial allocution of the Holy Father against tliose who usurp and take what be- longs to the Church. — Beat ilication of the Ven. Bene- dict Joseph Labro. — AlamiB of the French Episcojiacy. — The French Government for- bids the reproduction in newspapers of the £pisco|)al Circulars and treats "with rigor the religions press. Bull of excommunication against the invaders and! usurpers of the States of thei Church, March 5i6. — Gari-| huhii invades the Two Sic-I ilies with the support of Pied-I mont. — l*iedmont invadesj the Pontilical States andj crushes or rather assassin ates the Pontifical volunteers at Casteltidardo. — Conver- sion of the Bulgarians. 'Solemn cnnonixation, at St. Peter's, hv Pius IX., of a great number of Martyrs in Asia. /"Concordat concluded with Nicaragua. — Encyclical let-j ter accompanied by a Sylla-\ husov liesnme, including the princi]>al errors of the time. — Apostolic letters nrescrib- ing a universal Jubilee for XXItTi CHRONOLOGICAL, StKOPTICAt, CANADA.— ENGLISH KULE. A.D. 1870 1871 1872 1873 Civil and Political Part. Extension of the Dominion bv tho a«quiKition of tlio North-West Territory, and tlie Province of Manitoba. — The Federal militia repels a Fenian raid. Tho l*rovinee of Bnti»h Colum- bia i.^ received in the Dominion. DUFFEKIW (Lord), Governor- Genernl, who shows himself, at tho beginning of his adminis- tration, a great Patron of good and solid Education. Tho MacDonald Ministry, which existed since the establishment of the Confederation, is defeat- ed bv the party styled " liberal" headed by tho Hon. McKeuzie who becomes the chief of a new Ministry. . A.D. 1868 1870 Keligious Paht. 1871 1873 Fourth Provincial Council of Quebec. Erection of the Ecclesiastical Pro- vince of Toronto: — Most Rev. Lynch, Ist Abp. — lit. Rev. J. Cameron, Coadjutor to theBp. of Arichat.— Rt. Rev. T. J. Power, lip. of St. Johns, N. F, — Rt. Rev. II. Carfaguini, Bp, of Il.irbor Grace. TASCHEREAU (Elzcar Alexan-| der), ()th Abp. of Quebec. Rt. Rev. E. C. Fabre, Coadjutor to the Bj). of Montreal.— Fifth Provincial Council of Quebec. — Erection of tho Ecclesnistical Province of St. Boniiace :— Most Rev. Tachii, Ist Abp, AND STNCHROmCAL TABLES OF HXSTOnY. txxrn A.D. 1865 1866 The Ciiubch. 1867 1868 1869 1870 1971 187a General Assembly of the German Catholics at Triers. — Pontiticiil allocution on Prce-Masonry. — Russia persecutes tlio Catholics in Poland. Martyrdom, in Corea, of Up. Daveluy and his companions. — St. Catharine of Sienna is declared the FatronesHof Rome. — Farewell of I'iua IX. to the otticers of the French army of Rome. — Per- secution in Russia. Celebration of the 18th centenary anniversary of St. Peter. 44 Cardinals, I'atriarchs, and Pri- mates, 400 Bishops., and 10000 Priests thronged around the venerated Pius IX. — Garibaldian bands attack the little Pontiticiil army; the latter, aided by French troops, sweep them off completely at Montana. Bull for the convocation of the (Ecumenical Council of the Vatican. — Ai'rival in Rome of the first detachment of the Canadian Poutifioal Zouaves. Francb. ("The Golden Wedding of Pius IX., April 10.— | Opening of the Vatican ^ Council, Dec. 8. The dogmatic infallibili ty of tlie Pope, freely teaehiug a truth of faith, ex cathedra, in matter of' faith, is proclaimed in the CEcumenical Council of the Vatican. — Victor Emmanual's ffovemraent takes possession of ''ome, Sept. "-iO, in direct viola- tion of the pledged faith, and solemn obligation s of International Treaties The Pope is cajitive ^the Vatican. C Pius IX. attains the years ) of St. Peter's Roman (^ Pontificate, Auy. ^3. in S Louis Xapoleon erants a new Constitution wita a respons- ible Ministry. r Louis Napoleon declares -war against Prussia. Soon after. France is invaded, and Napoleon with his army taken prisoners at Sedan. — A Revolution breaks out in Paris : the Emperor is deposed and a Republic pro- claimed. — Strasburg and Metz ^suiTcuder to the Prussians. ''After a siege of four months, Paris surrenders to the Prus- sians, Jan. 28. — Terms of Peace are ratified on the 1st of March. France cedes to Prussia, Al- sace, one filth of Lorraine, in- cluding Metz, and pays her ^£:^,000,000 indemnity. U.-Sts. '' Gen. Grant Preai- .dent. f Gen. Grant is re- elect- ed Presi- ^dent. CONTENTS OF ins COMPENDIUM OF IBB HISTORY OF CANADA. Introduction. — ^Early voyages, principal discoveries and con(][ucsts in America^-^ ....••....• 9 FEENCII EULE. FIRST PERIOD. Chapter L — ^From the anival of Jacques Cartieir In Canada, 1534, to the nomination of De - Roberval, 1541 17 Chapter II. — From Do Roberval, 1541, to the Marquis de la lloche, the eecond Viceroy, 1578 . 22 Chapter III. — ^From the Marquis de la Roche, 1578, to the foundation of Quebec, 1608 25 conteSW* • second period^ CnAPtEB t— From the foundation of Qii'eT)^, 16(59^'!& the formation of the Montmorency Com- pany, 1G21 29 CiLAPTER IL — From the formation of the Montmorency Company, 1(121, to the restitution of Canada and Acadia to France, 1G32.. 36 Chapter IIL — From the restitution of Canada and Aca- dia to France, 1G32, to the formation of the Montreal Company, 1G40 41 Chapter IVr — ^From the formation of the Montreal Com- pany, ] G40, to the administration of De Lauzon, 1G50 45 Chapter V-— From the administration of Do Lauzon, 1G50, to the foiination of the Supreme Council, 1GG3 ,....-.,,.._..... 49 THIRD PERIOD. Chapter. L — From the formation of the Supreme Coun* oil, 1GG3, to the first administration of Do Frontenac, 1G72 54 Chapter II. — From the first administration of De Fron- tenac, 1G72, to that of De Denonville, 1685 59 Chapter IIL — From the administration of De Denonville, 1G85, to the second administration of De Frontenac, 1689 62 Chapter IV. — From the second administration of De Frontenac, 1689, to the peace of Kys- wick, 1697 64 Chapter V.— From the peace of Ryswiclc, 1697, to that ofUtrecht, 1713 68 Qhapter VL— From the Treaty of Utrecht, 1713, to that of Aix-la-Chapelle, 17.48, „^j. .....«, .71 '; • . ■ \ CONTEHTS. ^ Chapter VTL— From the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapello, 1748, to the atlministration of De Vaudrcuil; 1755 76 CnAPTER \^II. — From tlic administrationof Do Vaudrcuil, 1755, to the capitulation of Montreal, 17G0 79 ENGLISH RULE. j'. FIRST PERIOD. Chapter L — From the capitulation of Montreal, 1760, „ . to tho Quebec Act, 1774 86 Chapter-- JL— From the Quebec Act, 1774, to the Con- stitutional Act, 17U1 89 " ■ " secokd period. Chapter I.—From the Constitutional Act, 1791, to the arrival of Sir George Provost, IBll 94 ' Chapter II. — From the arrival of Sir George Prevost, 1811, to his departure, 1815 97 Chapter HL — From the departure of Sir George Pre- ' < . - vost, 1815, to tho arrival of the lloyal Commissioner, 1835 102 Chapter IV. — ^From the arrival of tho Royal Commia- - sioner, 1835, to the Union of the two '■ ' '• Canadas, 1841 107 ^''•'.; •■■■■■ f- .. ■ "'-0' ' -i - THIRD period. 10 . . . : . . Chapter J. — From the Union, 1841, to the Unl^slbf h\^ LordElgin, 1847 111! Chapter II.^--From the arrival of Lord Elgin, 1847, to tlie Confederation, 1867. «...„,,., 4.^,, ^^13 . •> K m »