IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 4/ \'^^'^. Kp^ <^ V ,j w 1= 1.25 ■^■M 12.5 " 1^ 12.2 1.4 2.0 1.6 m__x_ __ „u* rlluluglcipillC Sciences Corporation # iV ^ W. Casey, M. Connors, John Kksnkdy, Joskimi 1). Muri'hv. Committee of Audit and Finance,— Jons Coitrtnky, F. Doyle, T. O'Connor. RETROSPECTIVE. ^^ lien the helpless state of man, if left in his natural con- dition, IS considered, he, of all the animal creation, will be found most in want of society. By means of well regulated society the weakness of man is protec ed, his wants are re- lieved, his misfortunes alleviated, and his moral nature im- proved. Society at large is highly benefitted by every institution which has a tendency to promote private friendship; the just observance of which gradually enlarges the mind and humanizes the heart. Friendship at first is confined within a very narrow compass ; extending its care and attention to a few individuals. The sentiments of benevolence produced by such intercourse, soon beget a strong inclination in the human mind to extend the bounds of friendship ; societies of par- ticular ranks and descriptions of mcii are formed ; new sources of benevolence are discovered ; the understanding is im- proved ; and at length generous sentiments of friendship to all mankind arise amongst those who at first associated only to extend their friendship to the natives of some particular spot of the earth. Minds thus prepared, consider the human race but as one society, and the wantii and misfortunes of every individual equally entitled to compission and relief. On the 17th day of Jam; ; in the year 178G, a number of natives of the Kingdom ur Ireland, inhabitants cf the fowii of Halifax, in the Province of Nova 8cotia, (sensiblv feeling the obligations which thev owed to society, and zealously wishing to promote and encourage frie'ndship and good will amongst men), held a meeting at the house of Mr. John O'Brien, in Halifax, and signed Articles of Association forthe purpose of relieving the wants and mis- fortunes of their countrymen, which association w^s styled The Charitahle Irish Society. The first regular meeting o? the Charitable Irish Society was held on the seventeenth of February, 178G: a Constitu- tion was adopted, and the following officers were elected : li &c.;-e<«,v/,--GeraId Fitgenild. and numbers rapidly inprpn«„i ". 7"' " ^"^^°^v, us ruads enlarged state, CirAHL:s H u „t?STrlI'^ "? ""Pf^''^' ^"d Esquires, were on the J7tl C of V '^ .°u"-'' ^'^'^-^c^'^^' appointed a Connnittee foM^ ^ .'''' '" ^^'^ '''ear 1794 Articles, and to " po5 a new^tr; '^^V^*^"""'' ^'^^« ^^rnie future regulation of the SV)cietv. Constitutions for the An?"versarv^n;eetS>-''of^H^'Q'^> '" '^'' ^ear 1705. at the the Town Jf SS tie oLhS'' '^S''-''' Gallagherl, i^ special meeting of the SociWv wl ' T'^^ "' ^"'^PO"' and a 26th of MarcirfoI]owinrfo7tZ'r''-'f'^*'^^^^^^d «» *'>« ^hich day the Society £vn,. !. ^«'f ^'«i'ation thereof; on of the CHAniTAnu.: Iimi SocTrv"' "'' f"*"''^ ^eguladon to be obseryed by all its "em be," '"''"' '''^°P*''^ '''"d agreed Ha^LtfLlrrfe^^^^ Bartholomew pointed to reyisethe const tu'Hn, .'^^"""" ®^^'«^' ^^s ap- u^embersof tJie SocLtTSn ^ t ?om,dy'' ""/'' '^ '^^^' they performed to tlie' satisfJ;- '^"""^ation, a duty which which they receiyed its tCks '" "^ '^'' ®'^"^^-^' ^^»d for ^^e'^^:i:ttS ^;ift^, in an Howe to the presidency ToiLl\^^\^ Honorable Joseph successiye years. ^' '^^""^ ^^"'^h he filled for three l8^,r;S^i:^LnES Z ?^,--"teenth of Ma,, -Utee .as adopted on'Sfrnte:.! otert^'ll^? ''^'"- th^egitSyi^^:^ 5^.r;;t"^^°" "^^ ^pp-^«^ «„ the second of February, 'sei "" '"^P"''' ''"'^'^ •'"^"Ptecl on c-uased. ■ -'■"'o t^en puuuds, whs nur- The coustitiition was again revised in 1879. (Jn the seventeentli of January, 1886, the Society celebra- ted the centenary of its institution. There was an oration at the Academy of Music in the afternoon, delivered by the Honorrtble Thomas P. Gargan of Boston, and a banquet at Masonic Hall in the evening, at whicli some two hundred guests were present and a number of eloquent and appropriate speeches were delivered. At the Society's quarterly meeting held on the seventeenth of May, 1887, the President, the Honorable James Butler, announced that the late Plonorable Sir William Young had bequeathed ten thousand dollars to trustees who were to pay the income arising therefrom to the Society half-yearly, *' to be applied to the geuoral purposes of its benevolent and charitable work." On the nineteenth of November, 1888, the Honorable L. G. Power, Mr. D. F. Power, the Secretary (Mr. A. B. Cros- by), Mr, W. J. Butler, and Mr. W. A. Lyons, were appointed a committee to revise the constitution. At the annual meeting held on the seventeenth of February, 1890, a letter from the executors of the late Honorable James Butler was read, announcing that their testator had bequeathed one thousand dollars to them in trust to pay the income therefrom to the Society half-yearly, so long as it should con- tinue to exist. On the seventeenth of February, 1891, the committee appointed at the meeting of November, 1888, to revise the consticution, submitted their report, which was finally adopted at the annual meeting held on the seventeenth of Februarv, 1892. CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS OF THE CHARITABLE IRISH SOCIETY. ARTICLE I. THE TITLK OF THE IKTY. The title of this Society shall be the CHAniTAnLK Irish SociKTY OF Halifax. ARTICLE II. MEMBERS. Sec. 1. — Natives of Ireland, descendants of Irifh men or Me,„i,prs' women, persons born in the Province of Nova Scotia; natives iinaliHca- of any otlier country who are inhabitants of this Province, *^'°"' and who are not niembers of any national society estnblislied therein ; and descendants of anv post, present or fnture mem- ber of this Society shiiU be eligible for membership. Sec. 2. — A person desiring to become a member of the Nomination- Society must be proposed by a member thereof at a special o' meinberg. or yenernl meetind in case ent of the proceed to ' 'lands or '^'"'iue the s'la]] aJso ftve power rcise such ■>re vested 'residents y, and in ""• rank, ^ funds, 'iiers of cretai'v, Rsident, •^Jiaritv ty; Jie when 'o liis nay be t ench f'eipts office 'e ap- 'oolfs, " liis the c(ed larv OlWS I'Mriiiiicial Socretary,' his duties. uotice ; shall previous to sending the summonses to members for regular meetings forward the same to the Financial .Secre- tary m order that the amounts due by them respectively mav be entered thereon ; shall have charge of all bo.lks and papers pertaining to his office, and of all property not otherwii pro- vided for ; and all ofhcial correspondence of the Societv shall be conducted by him. - ' " The Assistant Secretary shall help the Secretary in the dis- chnrge of his duties. tl ^Tr" ^'~7'i ^'''"™""^ Secretar,/. It shall be the duty of the Iinancial Secretary to keep just and true accounts'be- tween tiie Society and Us members, credit the amounts paid and pay the same over to the Treasurer immediately, taking Ids receipt for the same. He shall, previous to the regular n^^e - iiigS uotify each member of the amount due by him to the Society, and shall report in writing to the Society at its annual meeting the amount of moneys received and tlie sources whence derived during his year of office, with a state- ment of the amount due by members to tlie Societv. He shall make out a list of members in arrears over two veaVs, and shall forward a notice in writinsr to each delinquent, miuestinc! him to pay up arrearages. In case of such lleliunuenfs no.r. couipliance, his name shall be erased from the roll of mem- bership upon the written report of the Financial Secretary ; piovided, however, that such person mav be readmitted as' a new member at any future tiu.e, on being proposed and bal- lot ed for in tl.e usual manner, and paying up all arrearage, and without being compelled to pay i -secmd initiati „, f^l? ' a cIec\';heron! '^"^'"^ ''"'' ''''' '' '^^'^'"- = ^^ ^ ^''^^^-- - Skc. G.-The Marshal shall conduct all professions of the Mu^hu Society, sub,ect to programme ( f officers or Committees and i.i' d ?v~ previous thereto shall see that all banners, ffags anT;, I e insignia, to be carried in such procession are properly fitted and in good order, and at meetings of the Societv shall assist the I resident in enforcing order, and shall perform such other duties ns the Society shall from time to time determine. Sec 1 .—Messenger. The Society shall also aimoint m ajinually a messenger, whose duty it shall be to attelff I "SS. Kegular and Snecial meetings of the Societv, and funerals of "''"!""• deceased memWs; and to perform sucll other necessary i^n' ""/"'" duties as the Society shall require. He shall receive for 1 is services such remuneration as may be ff.xed by the Society. ' »1.«^'S:.;ST?." ^L^""'"'''-" '"^'-'««'o"^. "1^«o at an meetings of8a»he».- tiie society, the Ofliceis are to wear green sashes with such «'"-'" *" •'" *"' worn. Vacancy of oftiees, how fill,, j u JuottG thereon as t\,^ o • vac.nt ofHce. ''''^^ P^'^^^^ed to elect a nfember to S ARTICLE VJ. n STANDING CO.MJIlTTPTr^ Committees SFcl~^\t u ''^"iJKKfe. (A'imiiittee oil Chaiitv, — tlioir (In- tic,-. To secure Con,nS\l t,f Z'^*^^ ^'"■'^^ 'Others In ei t'''""^' ''"^ shall i\ '^ expend ture of r,Jl^^'^^'^''^h' reports to the Shall be granted but with JL . '"'"' ^'oted. i\o r^S ^ ' '"'"''^ ^-^^ ^'^^^ they are entitle,! to? ^'^"""^'"itv at tlicir offsnriiur >„i • ^^'^ P'"^ 't out of their nnJ^ ? ^^^'^se To care for ''I'iliiren in certain cases. to time deter- •■Jtv, In vestipa- ociety become 'le incumbent, *Vfit its next 'lember to the y there shall ee of Inves- *> !>>» herein- ''191st of six s'irtli retire -'^'tion), (,nd aces. This Je ordinary deservinj^j 'le persons rts to the No relief '•ity of the doubt or President the 8Up- 'iiitteo to ■"t'sidence "It them 1 unity at iiltee ta s whose support "i with > useful proper of thi» 15 Sec. 5.— It shall be the duty of the Committee to point out To discour- to tlie .Society such measures iis shall appear necessary for the "S*^ ^'^e- bociety to adopt to discourage as far as in its power the growtli of vice and immorality. Skc. G.— In all cases where the poor sutfer oppression, it To aid op- sball be the duty of tlie Committee to interpose in their Pressed behalf ; and if occasion should require it, to call for the aid of ''"°''- the .Society, which, as far as its means will permit, will have recourse to tlie legal authority of the country for their relief. hKc. 7. In all cases wliere the misfortunes of individuals Cases need- f'hall require assistance bevond the means furnished to tlie ""^.'-'^tra Committee quarterly by the .Societv, tlie Committee shall help'""'' report to the Society, at their next quarterly meeting, the cases of such individuals, and suggest to the Societv the means of relief ; and the Society will receive no application for its ex- traordinary interposition until the Committee shall have first reported thereon. Skc. 8. The Committee of Investigation shall consist Committee ot tour members, two of whom, the senior members, shall °*' i"^«s''-a- retire from office annually (but shall be elidble for re-Tlwo'mt-'' election) ; and the Societv shall elect two others in their ment, and places. This Committee shall carefully investigate the ''""'''• character of every person who maybe proposed as a mem- ber of tlie Society, and shall rep'ort thereon at the next meetine. Skc. 0. The Committee of Audit and Finance shall committee consist of three members, and shall be appointed at the p'^"'"'^'""' annual meeting by the retiring President. Their dutv shall n.ode of'ap- be to examine the books and accounts of the Treasurer and PO'"ti>ient, Financial Secretary and Committee of Charitv, and other '""^ ''"""*• Committees, for the year, and report thereon at the annual meeting ; and also to examine and certify to the correctness of all account.s against the Societv prev'ious to their bein"- passed for payment. In cases of great urgencv bills mav be paid by the Treasurer on the certificate of the Audit and Fin- ance Committee and the order of the President, Sec. 10,— Reports of all Committees shall be in writing, itepoits, and .signed by a majority """ " ... receivable. Minority reports shall aiso be ''°"' ""^'^'-'- 16 pivisioii of funds. I^'sposai of Sir V\',n. Young's request. ARTICLE Vli Initiation Sec ] -_p Qiiarterlv Sfc r Skc. 3 Qf J.. ° ^^-b^'SS ^?^SS :i:?/^^'-« ^ees and due. -f the SocS;^'''^' ^"'^ *^^«-thirds /or ^^'^^ ^PPropriated for > '"e general expenses »-•..■ - .aa-SA'- '"""ASMS- ^"'■'nation SliC 5 Tl • i-und. fund to be Irnnl; do'iatious shall h^"** 'bequest and expended oni;?oTnr '^' "f^^q^esfs F^^d ^S^??''^'^ ^« ' nr&%t"*-eaehq;,ar;;;^^ *'."'« Bequests Fund fl.^ . ^^"-it,, Comn^it? f 0? Sff ?»^ appropriate bf a Sa." ®?'^-^ «^"^i at 3»V'e to be hys2V/ '"^'^ '^'^^ as"^drcT,n S'^ ""'« *° t^e generally. ^'^^'^ ^e expended for P^^oses ^'f cha!^^ Sec. 9 -All ''"^'^^able purposes. <»!''arterh' vote from i'liarities Puud. Balance in Treasurer's hands- how "'sposed of Sec. 9. surer over _^j] --"".D purposes. to the Committee of .^«s '.f'efore beinrr "le Society the siiui of sixtj. fees and dues Topriated for si'al expeuses ["est of the *? <^fae terujs '^si"g there- <^ses of the !equest and lated to a 1 sliall be ' shall at •te to the may re- f liistress 'Parities charity May at 'pte, to ircuDi- Trea- tee of Charity, ahall be deposited in one of the banks of the City of l-lahfax, to bo drawn out on the i:hec[ue of the President or acting President, countersigned by the Treasurer. Skc. 10.— The funds at any time in bank may, with the Funds in approval of the Society, be withdrawn and re-invested at bank,-h( interest in tlie name of the Society. ' ' " how invested. ARTICLE VIII. MRKTINOS OF THE SOCIETY. Skc. 1.— The annual meeting of the Society shall be held Time of on the 17th day of February, and quarterly meetings on tha holding J ah days of May, August and November", unless any such ho?" af " ilaj shall fall on Sunday, in whicli case the meeting shall which to take place on the foHowing day. All these meetings shall '"-'^'''"'''^• commence at 8 o'clock, p. m. Twenty members in addition to the Chairman shall constitute a quorum. Skc. y.—Special meetings may be called by the President, Special under Article .0, Section 1, and also on the requisition of i,"^'''''"f*'r at least twenty members ; but in the latter case the object for which the meeting is requested must be set forth in the requisition. Skc. 3.— At all meetings of the Society members desirous Order to be ot speaking on any subject under discussion shall stand andoi'served by address the i)residing oilicer, and no member shall interrupt "'«'"*^«''*- aiiotiier while speaking, or ank questions of anybody other than the presiding oilicer without special permission of the Society. Skc. 4.— No member shall speak more than twice to any No. of times original resolution, or more than once to an amendment to a*""*"'' to resohition, and the moving of any amendment immediately dlaiT' aftt^r a resolution shall not in any manner interfere with the privilege above accorded. Skc. G.— In the absence of any member who has given Absence of notice of n resolution, such resolution may be moved by any "'embor other member who is in favor of it. Uee'of so- lution. Order of ^ ^° business at OEC. 6 A foil Election of officerr ■"'"'• ^«J other business' ^fjjoiirnnient. Mode of Sec.1. AliTlCLR IX. ANNlVEIiSAHV rpr^n^ Festival,-f "16 seventeenfl. dn^ ^^r celebrate thp A n. , ,. and thol- It'l^'^^'^^-i'^vnieetin. r/' 'r=^^^ by tl,. a gen Sea'.—matc- "ar of, de sign and motto. «"«i expense, of tftSv""' '""" '» i>»"i - ,t?':?[Jj SKAL op Tin-. ^ ,I':^J-7-1JiesenItobe,„e,lh -'vo,,,nr;in;on.::;:e^';^--'V „,i. So, ^'oUt hiuni a c ""■'^ ''''"f'i«fy shall be of I W(.nian resfjnn- cross surrounded allowing shall 'etiiio-s. nieetiiio-. was given iiiit(ecs, (if t'oiiiniit- tii t' rules tivnl 01] ei'oftJie spriir of he Fes - Jiode of by the •riiary ; ■ of the ho. of !Sl)ltg luded 19 by a wreiith one half Shamrock ami llie otiier liiilf Mayflower, Willi tlie motto " Ubiqite Putnam lieminisci :'' the whole en- circled with the mime of the Society, the name of the City of Halifax, and the date of the Institution oi tlie Society. Skc. 2. — The seal shall, as hefore provided, lemiiin in the By whom custody of the President, nnd shall be allixed lo all official ''«'''^- documents. ARTICLE XI. FUNEI'.ALS. Skc. 1.— It shall bo the duty of tlie Officers of the Society, Death of upon the fact of the decease of a member l.eini: niadeluiown ""omber. to them, to call upon the Society by advertisement in tlie ^fflj^s'in newspapers or otherwise to ntteiid liis fuiienil, and to take ro^'ard such other steps in reference thereto as thev may deem *^^''''*°- proper. ARTICLE XII. FUIKNDLY RELATIONS. Skc. I. — The members of the Society will, bv every means uelationa in their power, cultiviite and keep up a friendly intercourse "ith s'stcr with all Societies which are 01- shall be formed for the pur- '*°"^*'*''*- l)ose of },n-antin<): relief to the distressed, and will use their en- deavours to promote the^ welfare and prosperity of such Societies. ARTICLE XIII. .CERTIFICATES. Skc. 1. — A certificate under the seal of the Society, and Certificates si^med by the President iiud Secretary, shall be gi'auted to *°^°'J°P^y every honorary member on his admission. In case am active members. membei- removin-i from the city or province shall desire a certificate, he shall apply to the Society for the same ; and if a majority of the Society (on a ballot'to be taken for that purj)ose) shall agree thereto, such certificate shall be granted to him. f'orms of 20 *^orm8 of certificates. Sec. 2. (V-fifi . was on the -^ ^"at on- thousand c.ij,'; . , "V of '°'"^'^^' '" "'o l-'.!,'lt huri( rnrl „.,.■ f SEAL. J I'RKSIDRNt. ^KCRKTARr. 4«»"»'..e „„,„„„ i„,„^ He having pajj .„, , '*''^' ^^"vu «cotia. ^n witness who City orSfal'V.""' ''''^ "' ftoS'''^?' ^-1 °"^"'°--^eiV£^i.u„c,reA«' •''''*'^'' fSUAL.J ^^RTICLE XIV. •^'0 p.irt of t] ' fo]] ''Wing, viz tn. 21 LIST OF MKMBKKS OF THF CIIA I'lTATJLE IRISH SOCIETY SINCiO ITS FOltMATION. ^e CharitabiH fJHf,' deemed t'le bod jr. *^is oertifioafp SwTetar.v, anrt ^"""'^Ky, in tlio I "lejnber otia. t'l with- ertificafe Pd of aJ] ';ortifi;.ate '^anv, and v, in the '■ed or r then 'nient pre- Richard I5iilkoley Thomas Coihran Charl(M Ljons .James Cochran \\il!iai)' Co'.firan I'ichard .tohu (Jniacke J. M. P. Hulltelci' fieorge Wni. Sherlock l!(i<;.'r Johnson Charles Hill Michael Kavanagh John O'Brien Cieorge Fitzgerald John lioyd Edward Bulkeley Constant O'Connor .Tohn Cleary William Walsh John Shields Charles Morris, senr Charles Nova 8cotia •lohn Parr .lohn Cunningiiam James Jones Henry Austen Thomas Anstcn Foster Sherlock Henry Thetford John Moraii nngh Kelly Kichard Clearv Mark Mullen " Walter Smyth Timothy Noonan James Mnrphy Edmund Phel'an, senr Robert Smyth Michael Toi)in William Forrest Daniel Hannnill James Hiissey Henry Frost William Murphy John Blake •lames Kelly J'llin Murphy Ciporge Boyd Roger Clancy Thomas Ouliiton William Whitty James Meany Marcus Lucius Power John Cody Patrick O'Brien Haniel McMichacl John Allen William Bell Alexander Cunningham Richard Bnlkel'jv, i!:!:r John G. Pvke William Willet John Cunningham, jr. Timothy Mullen William Barry Andrew Finucane William Phelan Jones Fawson Lawrence Kavanagh Edward Kavanajjh Benjamin Cuniiinghani .loiui llogan Tliomas Moncritffi' John Siiiltliwick John Nearv William Frizzle David O'Brien Edward Kavanagh, jr. Michael Ilickey Matthew Bull Timothy Murjihy Thomas Watson Malacliy O'Laughlnn Wiiickwortli Tuiigc, sr. Vostcr Lombard John McMongle Charles Hill, jimr. John Lawlor Patrick Lanigan William Lawlor John Cumiintrliam Patrick Hitfcnian ' Edward Butler j Jlichael Bennett Hamilton Mnore I Peter Lynch I Thomas McCJory John Blair Michael Head Oeorgc Wright John McOuire Robert O'Brien John Gleeson John Kelly Fdmund i)wyer John Curtin Edward Howo jNfartin Meagher John Leonard James Fitzgerald Thomas Keys James Whitehead Michael Ford Hnpert George Isaac Wilson Charles Dickson Alexander Uowe Lawrence Phelan Charles Morris, jr. Edmund Hussev Luke McGrath' Wiii.kworthTnnge, jr. Wni. Cottnam Tonge Garret Stark Garret Ilodnett I Richard Keneteck Kdward Potts j .Michael Dinney j 'Ihomas Power I Thomas .Murphy I .Morgan Murphy i Robert Hill I .lohn Lanigan i lohn McQuaid William Keardin Paul .Minchin ' Bryan .Meighan I Boss Welsh , Thomas Fillis Thomas Cahill I William B. Rrinley David Lawson ' John Sands John Cleveland , Da'"el Noonan Micirael Uwyer Kdward St. George Daniel Dickson Francis Kearney Henry J. Heynett Robert iJoss Thomas Fitzsinions ; Michael Scott John McEvoy .lohn Stealing Rt.Rev.Di.p:(lm. Burke, Catholic Bish. of N..S. .lohn .McDaniel John Neville Patrick Ryan John P. Berestord Joliti Dempsey Joseph Maiming ■losejih Mitchell John Lanchman Nicholas Foley Lieut. Sackvillc James .Miller Lieut. Howe Patrick Pursell John Meiirher f ".arret .Miller William Keys John Galvin John Billiard Adam .Murphy Capt. Roe Capt. Birmingham -Mr. Mumford JIajor Bonoughs .Major J)omville Lieut. Despard Dr. Irwin Major .lackBon Lieut. Keating Lieut. Wilson Matthew Connoll 00 James Cinnenion ''. Hiillivari Lharleb It. I'rescnff Andrew Vo^ylT°^^ Elen. Earnam V'eut. O'Hrien ; ames Allison f 'omas Wallis James Tobin John Ileiinessev UHTencfi Doyle Jf>hn Connor Charles Cody '■h'l'P Colford N'C'holas Stnith IhillipGorrell John f'iliis James Kyan ev. Mr. Oiiniar J>nniel Donovan "/■ McCashin Thomas Tohin f ov. Mr. VVeatherall ^'dHard Pouer Janits Folev Joseph Kennoll J>aniel McHoron 'f^'ntk Mnllins Thomas Ueniiett Michael Leonard Thomas McCuiloeh John Cook V'^iit. iiiirke James Keruick ''eiinis Kinn. Isaac O'Hrion "«". -Miirrav ^'ajor Mnrrav hamiicl Head Andrew WiHia,,,, jwhert MoHrier James Ka^anatfh Ihomas f'inn John Mnrphv Michael Kinn H.l mm Gnll„.,,cr Hi,""'!*"' Madden "ichard .siu.\ Joseph (;hnrcliil| John I'owcr ''"'••i''''FoKarfv Alexander Allan ;7"'hae! T,.|,in, j„nr *'.vnn Conrov John Neville; junr •/."nies Hnfler''""'^' Marshall ,stnrv William Htorv ^lansall Newfon ^'''»ard l,arklns John Landri,.an {;hlhp 'nrsell ^-rapX-COl) Michael Hickev Wilham liore ' Kdmnnci oXeary , " lani Morrissey JVilham Hayer '^'eiit. Uallard John Meajfher John Howe ' ^I','"'' Clearv John llenn.rrl.v Michael l^halen "illiam Newman moh'T^ Kavana-h Nicholas Power James Plonnninir John Flavev ijennis Farrell Alichael Pheian iJaniel Farrell ^aniel Kelly Michael Polver Thomas Phalen ^''"H.nd MeDaniol John Martin •^■ter Martin John Pnrsell ' 'crce Clancev Ai-chihald Gav '■••ancis f.cOn'ire Lawrence I>helan Thomas Dulhantv ; anies Malone ' ihomas Morris James Dnlhanfv M.cliael Fit.-wrald •itrick Hnnt Kohert Hii^^hes John K\an Kdward I.affin John I'helan ''■■',I"-'I Ilians John Carey Thomas Din-yiiis Charles 8. Hill V '"on ' niacke ' John Plielan ' Micliael Houlihan John liyiey ^,''|it. HIaKe, loist ,9'in. <»(;radv <,niif. Miown " Ca|)t. Kilkellv 'ieiif, r.v,,,!,- ''i<;"f. 'ilake ' ol. l>illon, II M Junes ouo,,,;,.; • ,'-'lm. n(.t,nes,sev I homas Smith Mornran Dov I,. Hi(hardc|,ip,„n i " ncH Dnlhantv •'''frick Leamy ' "eroni ii,uvo Kohert Phelan ;>ichoIas |)ol,i„ I'^dward Mara ''onr.v Anstin Saml. c;eortfc IIoo.I John Clarke William Conrov John Letson ""•'■ard Haberlin ,>\illiani Power J hoinas Fonertv Upt.Wm.Mcliorron Joiin Newman John Pender-ast V^Pt. John Power ^apt Michael Moran Davi.l Fletclicr Josejil, Allison Jose; ■ Hamilton "ilha.i, IVnertv Am re«' Wri-iit'' Michael Jlerlcy fsaac MansHeld Lewis Denidlitor •Michael Creamer John Skerrv Joel .Martin' fjcoi-e W alsh Kohert Parker •'ohn Ford I'octor riofrman l>octor()'l!rien Joseph O'Hrien fhonins ffoiilihan John Scott , )V'iIIiam Donovan '<<-'}• I'. M. Mil," aiiif "oheitllenrv '"apt. Willian'. Power John w. Pike °"'-'^ ArichaelCitt Hillian, Miller [ Thomas Clearv James Lvons * Martin Walsh Samuel Alhi„ •apt.N. Il..«d, Ji X John Mann ' John Allen II. I>. (ieorjfn r-ient. .(. craiir, U. n James Mc(; rath ^• l>. S. Clarke Mwar.1 Mcswim.y JVilliam lla.kctt" J- ^^. Niittim: , H'"m.el(',„„„,,| I tornelins (iXe.,? 6. Ocorgo Ryrnus Patrick Kelly Michl O'Shai'iKhncssv Thomas Cassidy Andrew Oimim'lns •John K. (!!!!l!!!!it:j; Micfiaei.Maher Samuel Street William Dillon Peter Barron Ileiiry O'Neal 1820. Michael Walsh Simon l)ono\an Con. Rrousjham Henry .Sniith John L. Compton Richard .Morriscy .lames Wall Thomas U. lieamish •lames li. Uniacke I'atriek Ryrnes .lohn O'Brien Terence Hall Patrick Maliony .lolm Nowlan John Meigher Nicholas K earns IS-iT. Daniel Creamer .lames liutler Nicholas Kearns John Harney Richard F. Hare iS'i;i. .Michael Smith Lieut. Watson, R. N. Kdward Keimy Thomas U'.Meara L. O'C. Doyle John L Marry James Dunn Thomas Ken!iy William Hates .Michael Coblciit/ John Hrown Jeffery Power Rev. John Loiigbnan Joseph Dean i8i;». Luke Kehoc Patrick (iorman •Maurice Ureeu Hetu'y Donovan H. Mulholland Philip Carten Samuel Carten Thomas Carroll John H. Clarke Anthony DcLatorre F. r. Achesnn Matthew O'Urieii John O'Rrien Patrick Domiollv Rev. D. {;cary IK^iiiiis l.aniKiiu Kilnuind WaMi James Mulllns 18IK). John Ci (Jleeson .lohn Kelly .lohn Sihi.iijfe John ViiiiKV .lohn .Malicr ThomaH Leonard Con. I''alvev 1831. Peter Furlonjj Edward Walsh James C. Tohin Henry Kirijr .loiies Duke .lolm D'Arcy Thomas Maliar Joseph Hennett Garret DeUourcey Jolm L Starr Lieut. Silver, R. N. Peter Mamiinjf .Maj. Tew, ;j4th Regt. Lieut. Newfomh John Cahill James Sinnett Charles Daly William Walsh (ieor^e Thomi)8on John Roche William Murphy .loseph Roles James Talbot I lieorye P. Lawson i VV illiam Sweetman Daniel O'Rrien Thomas Lonerjfan Rernard Ryrnes William Leavis John Power John P. Tobin David McGratI) 18;«. .loseih Cupples Edwiird Falvey Daniel Doherty Joseph Howe Patrick MoGrath Michael Flitui William O'.Meara Uod^fcr Cumiiuffhani Kdward Warren .lohn Power Andrew Siuilio Michael Doyle Thomas Walsh Michael McKennni Kdward Shortis William Flinn Tim. Morriscey William llnckiey .lames Charles Michael Malom^v Th<)m..s Sutton" Donald Taylor .Michael To'bin, junr. Wdliam Klimi Michael Tynan Ren Zwickcr William llallaril Samuel Cowen John Riley ls3;}. Dennis .Murphy .lohn Kustace » ^hoiiias Aforan Joseph VV. (^ui„a„ James Dooley Cornelius Sullivan J «ter Laug-liii,, •fohn Malicr ■A'l'lrew B. JennitM^s James Maxwell ♦William Uarron James Waliacc lijohael Kgan f 'omas B. Aki.w P'oinasJvinjr- Jacob Curiie ^.'/j^r'es Tillman " fam «<.|,uit;i "'lliam Tobin ,, , 18;«. f;(J«'ard i^,„,g , ''aniel JJuckle, ' •'ohn Stuart f/»r'o.^''' Onrnan ^''t^hael AI„,p,;." KobertCliristie- T'lomas A. Kauer V'Y'"-'' ^'■•oxan .John >,u«:ont i;atrick IV.uer TJipmas C. James "obert Hill Patrick Walsh l^nter Uierv James Kitz-, raid James nonoboe 'atrickcostin •'o'''i Ifennessv f ''o son ')'"''iael /(ohannan Jam-s Neville Thomas 8. Tobin tU'orKe Tobin Alaurice Foley < apt. Mi,.hael Morris,., James O'Connor • '■" H Noonan ^>«'"ls I'ahov James Laujrhlin ^O'a" J). Cochran M. ( John O'Connor • anie.'j Hutler Jo "1 Caiteh Hilliam Murph,- ; anies crosskill apt. \ Vn,. Flotcher ;'i"anlM<.Crca«v atrick .Sua.vne HoMlami icustaeo James Connors Hi ham Ahorn ; 'Robert Lonif : / 'lomas Fieldinir ' ''f>'»as Croako Jobn Kenned,' J>aiuel Cro«i;>,. ■James CunniniVbam '''^tnek .SullivaTi John Compton t.eor-o T. Fillis -iiithon.v Mnrphv Jiernard Kennv VVi'lli"" J/i^"'-'^'"fe •atiick Kent 'jfartin Kav Jj'^i'l'h Ijr.nvner ilionias ColHell ')l"'hael Doran Jobn Murphy Jaines Ho„anl VVilliani Connois Jt'remiah(:„,|„, . John James " /,'lomasJe/f|.^.^. Kd«ai'■■ ••ha,|..H „,,„,, Jacob Monsncr "avid Donovan Jfatt Quirk John Punch J'eter Walsh James Daltoii Jatrick Occjran James Ho,y|,,„ Fdu'n''?''.'.' hael Lani^an Thomas Cioker Edward VValsli 1841. John Dn;,'fran Anthony Connolly (Icorjfc A. \'. Paw Jerennah l)onohoc John WinteiK Iticliard Niiirent William SantKJcrs Matthe\<- llilfernan James McKcayney John Kahie Michael Holland James LaMf,'ford .Michael Power Jolm lioheit l-'itz^'crald Kdward Whalen John Kline John llollihan 1S4'_>. John Cronan Henry Parker William II. Tidmnrsh John P. Walsh Doctor Kernaii Kdward Keefe l'.itrick Donohoc Iternard (jiiinan James Purlonj; John Callaifhan Wm. Dovle Michael Twohill John Connors J. P. Ha;le Charles KavanHKh ■lohn Mailer Michael Walsh .lohn Kit/K'crald Thonias Mooiiey John Sweeney Thomas t!nMni;.'liani Thomas M(d)onald Kilwaril Power Jf\nieH Hiitlivan Patrick Connors Thomas Power Edward Lavin Patrick Ljons William Lynch Thomas Prandy Andrew Cvillerton David McDonald David Kirby Kdward Murphv William Walsh" David (London William Keatiiifr John Lonttard, junr. Owen Fitzirerald Kohert Simple John Dereon John McDonoiiijh Jolm Conroy James Hogan ISW. Andrew DuUianty Kdward Canl Thomas fJarberry Michael Cronin Uev. Knuwian lii-ht Hev. Dr. Walsh Re\ . Thomas Connolly Thomas Shaw .Maurice Pride Joseiih Du^rifan John Tohin .Michael John Shortill Kdmiind Harher Bartholom. McDerniott Andrew Stcjihens John Hinifiiis William I'low 1«44 ■lohn KtchinKham Kdward Karrell John Ilollahan Patrick Power William Lahy .\lichael Keefe Patricl; Man:ee Patrick Lonergaii Thomas llrowii tlohii Power John WaKhlnjrtoii William CDnnors •lohn .Murphy Thomas Casey John liarron Thomas Calahan KS4,J. Patrick l,ahv Jolm (aUoylu John lligu .John .MclJrath Thomas Karrell Kichard Power ilosrph Itarron Thomas Donnolioe Wllilum Karrell Peter Duval John Hheuhan John Twohill Jerennah Murphy Laurence Gooley Henry Craven Peter Bulger 184C. Thonias Minahan John Hoffan John Manning James Donnelly John Fit/.patrick William Brown William Smith John Hennessv 1847. ' George Sinclair Charles Dickson Peter Loughlin Maurice Downey John Lynch James Toole Williani O'Mrien Maurice Power David Dillon Patrick Shields Michael Scallion Michael McDoruiell Dr. J. Steverinan Uichard Burns Hoderick McCarthy Timothy Kidney John Uyan Peter Uiely Uev, .Michael Uannau 1848. •TameH Duggan Timothy Orady Maurice Uollo'ran John Aylworth Stephen Carew .Micliael Sullivan Thonias Keardon John Hannan Patrick Corcoran William Hackett William Leavis John Kgan liichard MoNeilly James Murphy (-ornelhm Buttonier .James Boylan 1841». William Walsh Michael Nugent James Kline Patrick Delaney Thomas V. Kyan John Donovan t'lionias .Shea Williani Kelly Patrick Vaughan 1 8.^.0. Michael Punch John Prini/le .lohn Cahiii James McCatfrcy James Forristall Arthur Anderson John Donovan i atrick Coakley f'atrisk Urinnmond MniuncI OOonnoll ■'aines Lonergan .„ 1852 William Uarron J-noma« Walsh li'!"''.'-'"' <^'a"'Pl)ell John McCartney Oeorge Grant Thomas .\iau-ec Ihomas Callahnn Jiifhard AJoOabo (^enjaniin Wier Walter Q„iJt,y James Daley John Holland James McLean i-awrence Alnrphy Thomas Delahanty Jerennah Sullivan 1st Thomas Ward ' ^' John Noonan John Furlon.r Thonias Keatinif Michael MoDermott ^onnis O'Brien James Mulroney Martin Kahnert James Kearney Jolin O'Mallev James O'Donnell, ist Maurice Curran t-arick Ryan William Kyan Dennis Sweeney Patrick Godfrey Thonias AIcCartne»- "reirory P},eia„ •* John Alurphy John Hendry Patrick Henisvvorth I'lomas Cahalanc James Crehen James O'Donnell, lind „ , lS6;j. Jwbert Wyso ''atrick Connoll John Hackett iiernard Alcdee ttl""' VV«l«h. ,ird 'atrick Hamtan John Skerry John (Jriffln •h-dwaid «yan y«en Koanis Jeremiah Sullivan 'nd John Farrcll ' ^ Jaiiies Kelly Mi<'hael Koid ^-'jOi-Jfe Alctzlor i-JHard W»|g,, 26 Maurice Alanning Hugh William Keiur Henry l-'anninj. JJ.ii lean UNcJll IJiehard ONcill 0.;oryo Pnrcull Cornelius l'hela„ ^^oma, ('onnolly, 1st . (>a.'nel liu^kley .Y."'amjjra,4tt Fr unc.s Camphell To 'j;.T--^^"*' ''•'->'' t ttcr Kenny I ^J'eiihen I'eare ; a "es Spellman i liomas Synott J'lei'ce li,„,.os ' a"l l-'anell Joseph Aluipiiy ; Jas. (J. Tobin '/*;•"! Armstronj. I *'''"ne\v Doijohdo ( Wartin Aleaffher '-^"■holasAIaher Jonathan Mccully , ■y"'fiael Mannin:,; Jo.s.,ph Alurphy, "jnj '■■'•P O'ijrie,; hjf'"' Sullivan Thomas Leahy Charles AJcCaVthy I J;>'"^'s h'yan , rhomas H. Shaw f q'hen J. Tohin l'a«rence\ereker T""othy(;rady James llannan ^y'll'am Kidney Martin Komiedy J"hn Slayter, A. |, ' Thos. J. Wallace " [John Walsh 'J; M. Walsh ' Tiuiothy linrns •'ames Jiutler, '_';id John Dunn 'fj-i'Mialliyan *''f''|ael Hurle\ Pa nek Kelly • i^atrick Kcnnifick , Jaiiius Leary I John Alurphy, am J; ,' • McDomild ; ;\"<; 'ael NolliK-a,, Matthew \o„nan yipt. James Oltri,.,, James Keifan James li()„rh Patrick C'ontiors Will CraR^. Mortimer Dwver Peter Doyle William Hay Homy |)ris,'.„|| Michael Houlahan J; M. In^flis Matthew Kelly James Kcllv ' j atrick Connors y ;"'»;ii i^avulson John Fiy„„ [ 'John Haley James Hcnnessy John Kielv Jauies Lcridv Patrick Ar,.\a,„a,.a felck K "'V"'"""' •an ick iteardon Hfiran Skerr\- ^tephen liowJrs Andrew iiurus Oliver JJreiman •'iL>"Ps liroi)l,v JVi'i. Connors, 2nd I John Dillon I '^1". Oiimi Jaiiies Dun,, ;a;ij)u;^y"^"^- i '''o«. K. Kemiv I ('.'»■• J. Keimv' M'l'liael Keatiiijf ! J" '" l-aimiffan*' i ifl'ii Sluii)hy 4(1, Daniel Ar,!r;i.\"'' Tnuothy Alullaue Thos. .Moria,.ty ( Poter Alartiu " •/ohn A,,,,.,^,,f,,^. Patrick Malone John O'Hrien James O'Connor ; P- ". Pitts '•(-'"Mis Hik.y J"t)n Sullivan nobt. Stewart I atrick Wallace James Walsh Thomas llrackett •♦'■I'tlloai dwell ' »cMnisCr,rrol| " illlam Collins Thomas (;on„ors •'ohn ,>wy,'r <-'apt. i;di\. Oay 27 ilalier MfL'iilly 'aiiiiiiij>- "I'li.v.'iind lion ■ an ahv OaVthv ri Shaw Toliin I. lOfs iiisori iSSV I'ip.ira >0III1L'J| Ion V rs i n •2iui, I'acJ \r\ Jolni ForHe Philii. Haley .laincs Iloldeii Nicholas .loiii'.s \Villia\ii Johnston Edward Johnston Thomas McConnauk Patrick Moriarty Thomas Martin, 1st JohnMurray(N..S.K.K.) Dermis O'Brien Alexander Unhinson William Kawley Richard Swinhonrnc .lohn Warren Kd. Whclan John Connolly William (Jonnell (ieor^e Meatrhor Hichard Wallace James Wallace William Carter Aiitinstns Doyle IJartholomew Dillon David Flavin John (iriflin William Jones, 'ind James Ma^'key I'cter McIIeren (N. S. U. H.) I'crnard O'Hara John I'liirh Matthew White Patrick Dwycr Thomas Martin, '2nd 1^57. Cornelius Curran Patrick James Kelly Kt. K. Curry John L. Craj.'ir Ham. Carton, re-adnit'd ( Hven Curlcy .)ose))h Conlon William Carcw William Devine .lohn Donohoe .lohn Kad Patrick Klavin Dennis llayden Michael Henncssy Thomas llanrahan Uicharil llanrahan Michael Keofo Patrick Kcefu William Ijyoiis William Leahy, Isl William Loahy, 'ind Martin Mannintr James NelliKan Thomas Nash Mirhad Ncviiic Thomas Neville Thomas O'Brien John Purccll Patrick li>uitni Tinothy Sullivan Micliasi Sullivan Michael Tohin Capt. F. Carr .losejih (Jarcw s Ueddy Kdward Tobin William Wallace James M. Brown Peter Iloi,'an James McKeagncy, M. r. v. William Cartilc Kicliard I'ochlin Samuel (,'artile James Kelly James Pavne isrkS. lOdward lioran Michael Kinlan Bernard Byrnes Maurice Curran Michael J Cochran Cornelius Driscoll Peter Donnelly Daniel (Jallai^her John Ho^an Patrick Lancr;j;an Thomas V.'ard I James Doherty Martin Donavin Michael Donavin Daniel Gallajiher, 2nd B. D. C. Marshall Martin Burns Peter Cumiin};liam William Connors, 4th Patrick (>)lenian Datucl Driscoll . John Evans I Michn'^l Khvart ! Jaiues Kinlay I Wiliiiim (Jaul ! Joremiali Hurley Peter Laui,'hliii .loscph Mulcahy Daviil Murrains Patrick Mona(,'han .lames Mahon Ilnjrh Brown Walter Barron .lolui Casey I I'atrick Cnllcrton John K^'an, ^:id 1 Janu's Pitzpatrick I John Mau'un i Wi!:i;ini Hyfm Ulchard Uawsoii Martin Flinn fjawrence Haley Capt. Michael Kennedy Joht' Kane Patrick McCallum Thos. Moriarty IJichard MoUoy Patrick O'Brien James Keanlon Bartholomew Walsh John Mahaney im). John W. Collins Jolni l''inu James White John Brcnnan Thos. Doyle James W. Klimi Wm. Fayan Patrick Hayden Thos. Kane Joliii May John Murphy .lohn C^uimi Thomas S|)ellmaM I;awrence Holland Thos. Kelly Alex. Panel Thos. Archer John Mockler JStil. Thomas Brophy Wm. Miller John Tobin John Corhett Patrick Day Thomas .Maher Wm. 8hea Oweti Hammell James lUtchie (ircg. Phelan, re-adinlt'd f!to. Burke S. J. Conlihaii ,lohn Plinn .Michael .Murphy Henry IVters James Breslow James Burns John Connors (Jarrett (hotter James ilalliscy James Hayes John Kennedy John O'Brien 1S(W. Jeremiah Calnan Patrick Ha\den Swithin Carroll John <:;ahill John Doran Kdward Donohoe Capt. Krancis Day J')hn Devine John Plinn i^anir- Hslli=Kpy John Kennedy Berna.ii MeGibbon Walter Mcajfher Michael Murphy William Millar Jehn O'Brien Michael O'Brien William Power tapt. James IJickson James Shea 1803, John Brown John L. Barry Michael Casey John Donovan John Connolly Daniel Donovan John Flaherty .'ohn Orifflii Oeorge B, Kenny John Larrisscv Michael W.Laniffan James Norris James J O'Connor John (^uinlan Timothy Ryan John M. Sullivan John Welsh, 2n,i John Welsh, 3re«- firaham I atk. IfaCTrty Mt"hael riowlov James Umit ' Thomas Leahon " .11. Mona-han Thomas Mora?, • ^'^ , ^^'''hoIas.Meatfher "m] Johnc. O'Ncri I It, 'JMuilin John Iie«-a„ l>onald,Scott '•atWck Sullivan , Patrick Shullv John Thomp.^c, John, juur Hcphoii Traccy John Vau-haii Maurice W,en Michael Walsh wiward Warner 1800. I ^Vm. Bowler John Buckley Micliael funicy James (,'arev ' James Connors I'avid Dee •'allies Dee ■"fichael Dee •'ntk. Dillon John Ferris Maurice Kavaiia-h I atrick Keutiedv J i-mnci.s Keiinv ' I James Kennedy, 1st 'John Murphy hrd James Malicr Jolin .Moore >'atk. Maher ''atk. McCoiiville •J'liiios L. Murphy Michl. .Mu.phv ■ 'atk. Meaffhcr, 2!id Timothy Moriartv /']°'''- ^'oriarty, 2nd John Norris Uwrenee G. Power James Vuig^ley John (Shorten John Sullivan J'aijiol Sullivan 'atk. Kcanlan Thos. Sullivan Tlios. Tobin, L'nd ; aiiu-s Ticrncv J li'is. Tohiii, 3rd ,\^m. Walsh ■Matthew Vouiiy >i'lid. Bca;!lcv I'iiiil. Bowl.iii' -M:chl. Casey, jr. Ihos. Crokc Matthew- Condon tnos. Oonnell I atk. Connors Joseph Caliian I atrick ( 'ai, ill Mkhael Conlon "■ 'i. Christian •'anus Casey •'eiemiabj; jioMohoe '•-d«ard Durney ye\. FtLstace ' John Fleiiuiiin.' James (iilfoyle" ;Vm. Ilowlcy Jellies Kennedy, -ind )Jm. Kennedy ' etcr Keniirdy ; allies Keniiv' , llios. Mulcahcv •'n«eph MulcalKM , ",„! , •^■}«;^H McCorma.'k liicliard OMidlJM Jamc.s J. (,'(!ri,,„ I atnck () D„„n;;hue •'eivnuah O'Connor Junes Potter Peter Shipley Matthew .Scaninn John Shea i'atiick .stokcs Kichaid Shell Michael ,Sc,ui,,„ Di'imis. Sullivan Joliii A. Toliii, C'harles Vauvhan I'atrick J. Scanlan ' td. M. Oolford iville iiphv hy er, iud lartv ^■, 2nd I'OHCT V ohoe L'iKi Timothy CnmminKS Walter Dady Thomas J. Kuan Tatrick Farrell Wm. Finlcy John Frawley Wm. Kennedy Patrick Murphy Ancns Murphy 1'. M. McDermott John M. O'Donnell Th08. O'Biien Kdw. Orman M. J. Power James Purcell Thomas Qnirk John Reardon Dr. John Sommcrs John Shelly Michael Slincy Dennis Tynan Dr. Thomas Walbh Lawrence Bcrri^tan John H. HnmncU Thomas Condon Richard Callanan Michael Dclancy Patrick Doyle Patrick Flinn Maurice Fit/ccrald Patrick Hogan Michael Morrisscy John Moore John Morrisscy Thomas Parker Lawrence Power William Power Felix Qninn Michael filinoy Wn.. Shannahan John B. D. Thompson 1869. John Royle (;. W. Dupe .loscph Fortune Thomas Ooolcy .lames (iormai\ Henry I-ovctt Dennis Murphy Wm. Roherts Charles Tohin 1S70. Michael Dunn Dr. Kdward Farrell Matthew Lamiiiian Simon Mackasey Patrick Mullaney John Nash Nicholas Wirrall llutfh W. lilacUailar ThoH W. (Jasey JanicH Casey John Connolly, -ml F.dwan! !>•-,! sr. Wm. Foril John Foley •29 John Killccu John Ijarrisey Dennis Murphy James MacKay, 2nd 18T1. John Curran Timothy Crowley ■lohn Connors Robert Clancy Daniel Carroll John Cronan, 2nd Maurice (Jrano John CunninKham Wu). Delaney George Fultz James Fe^'an Patrick Hogan Tliomas Harti^'an ' Thomas Kent Lawrence Lynch Matthew Lyncli , Hinion Markley i John May .lames J. McDonald i Thomas McDonald 1 Stitt McClelland I James M. Norris I Dennis (t'Connor Wm. O'Brien ' James O'MuUin Kdinuiid O'Donnell, jr Hicliaid O'Neill Capt. .lames O'Pirien I Thomas Power i;dward Pholan I James I'hclan John Whelau Thomas J. Walsh 1872. I Patrick Rreslow i Patrick Rurkc RolK^'t Forrestall Thomas firifiin John (iooley Ferdinand (laston^uay John M. lAons Martin Murphy John Mulroncy John Mulcahcy Peter Murph.\ I'atricK Mahony Richard McDonald Daniel Mcintosh Ale\. MeKinnon Patk. .McOlennon Wm. Nov'llo Matthew O'Doiiojhue (JcordcO'SuUivan Thomas O'RourUc Charles Palmer Thomas <^>uinn Michael Routledt,'c Wm. Stdlivan John Bhepperd ,T(]hn Sniitli Pntiir K: HInttrry .Miciiael "hanahan ' Daniel Sullivan, iiid Kichard L. Sutliffe Thomas Walsh, '.!nd Michael Walsh William WashinRton Thomas Tompkins 1873. Wm. Baker John Dnnlay Capt. Patk. Doyle lohn Kad, jr Martin Fahnert James M. Foley M. J. Fahic John Hajjarty I James Harvey I Ma\irice Hurten John O'SuUivan I I'.dward J. Power I Richard Baftus I Thomas Shcehan I John H. Torrey James Quinn ; 1874. Henry Brackctt ' John Barry I James Burke ' Patrick Deiancy , James W. Flinn I Michael Garvic I James W. Garvie ' John Ketfe John J. Mvirphy I Thomas McCarthy , Cornelius O'Neill j Michael Shechan Richard Walsh ! Kdward l^tnrk ; 1875. ! James Burns ' George Brooks ' Thomas BirminKham P. F. Broydrick Patrick Connors John Courtney M. Henry Callanan ' Richard Cruet Kdward Carroll Patrick (JonnoUy, jr. '< John D. Cummins James Cashon Donald Chisholm .loscph Crockett Wm. Doyle I John Denee I James Fortune P. C. Hill Michael Kearney John Keltic Hujih Kerr J. M. LeP.liinc Daniel I.vncli ' Joseiih P. Marr John Muldowncy I Martin McNally ' John Norris i Patk. Nasli^ Patrick OTooIp Mk'haeU'helan 30 1876. James Cashen I>onald Chisholm JoReph Crockett Dennis Dunn fieorifc Guv •'no. M. l,{g]is, jr. Wni. Kelly •• Daniel Kennedy Tnos. Lawlor Geo. Jlonaghan Mich. O'Hearn Thos. Donoffhue Jno. R. Power Wm. Ryan ■John Slieehan Edw. Scanlan Alex. Wi||ia,„s Wni. Watkins 1877. ■Tohn Griffln M. J. Griffin John Hogan John Meatrher J/ancis O'Connor M. n. HuIIivan J- T. Sullivan John Tobin Geo. Tobin John L. Walsh John White I'eter H. Coyle Jas. Coppintrer I'eo. Churchill John Conncll P. »r. Duffjran tdw. Df lanev 1878.' »Vm. Con Ion Thos. Delaiiey Win. E. O'Brien John Pullivan Thos. Shea Win. Carrifran Patk Cadden 1879. VVni. Dillon Jas. Foley Wm. .Murphy Patk. J, Nnppcn Jno. A. O'Brien wni. Power Jno. Revel John Leahy Jos. D. Barry M. K. Keefe M. J. Punch 1881. Jas. Allen Peter Duffleld Arthur Mona^f ban M. J. O'Brien Stephen Tobin Jno. Tobin Edw. Walsh Thos, Sweeney 1882. I Mich. Connors P- J. Colford Thos. Doyle Jas. Keefe Jno. P. O'Neill Thos. F. O'fSrien ; Jno. C. O'Mnllin 1883. Wni. Butler John Bovlo L.'.wrence Berrigan I Wni. Cairns ! Dr. F'raser ' M. J. Sullivan 1884. A. B. Crosby Robt. CIan<'ev Cornelius Ifarriuffton Jas. Mulcahcy P. Murphy Peter Power D. F. Power David Roche 1885. Janie.s Beckham John Burns James Carroll Edw. Canavan John Cahill John Dulhanty A. DujTfran Jas. Donnelly Jas. Foyarty' VVm. Fitzucrald Wm, Lonjr T. L. Morriscey w°;5r- Melntire W. McDonald Wm. McDonald Wm. O'Brien J. M. O'Donnell John Renrdon Daniel Woods T. W. Walsh Chas Tobin John Wood J. W. Younar 188fi. Andrew Barron Jno. J. Cahill [<■ O'N. Dusffran Andrew Ooi Ic Jas. K. Murphy Philip McGuire Tiiiiofhy O'Connor Christopher O'Neill Peter O Hearn Jas. W. Power Jas. M. Power J. J. Power W. J. Power Jno. J. Richards Danl. P. Sullivan VaP*^. J. Slteninn Jeffrey Terrio John Walsh I John DeYounjr Patrick Burn.s James Brown P. J. Broderick I Jas C. Callat'han ' I atk. Connolly Jas. Douifall I Kdw. Bad A. II. Flinn Jno. Foley I Herbert Gannon "111. Guihan I Jas. Hopewell J. F. Kelly Jas. Kearnc- Frank Lyons John Murphy John Moore JI. iMoGrath James K. i).,„Kall ii-dw. Power A. J. White U T. Briand Jno. F. Devine John Daley Jas. DuiTKan Wm. Gleesoii Jas. n. Harrington Dennis Lynch I Jas. P. .Alurrav I Geo. Monaghan Jos. D. Murphy I Rod. N. McDonald Jno. Purcell J- P. Ryan 1889. , Jno. Buckley I E>'w. Condon I Thos. Conlon Jno. Delanev Rdw. Doherty Patk. J. McMnnus L. A. McKenna Jas. O'Toolo Vincent O'Brien Flank O'Donnell Jas. O'Brien ( Jno. J. Purcell Edw. Ryan I Kicb. Richards j Robt. Taple ' Geo. Weaver j C. A. West ' ixr . ^^•^^ Wm. Burke E. J. Bennett Edw. Bronn.Tn John Cahill E. F. Doyle Cornelius Ead M. R. Houlihan M. V. Hartigan John T,.arkin W, Leary Jaa. J. D. J. I Jno. J, W A. Jno. W Jas. 8] R.J. 6 ' \ 31 Jaa. J. Myett D. J. Murray J no. J. Ciuiiin W A. Payne Jno. W. Power J as. Spearnmu R. J. Saxton W. B. Wallace 1891. Nicholas Buckley A. D. Fillis Thos. P. Mulcahy Mich. Miller C. H. McLaughlin W. J. Redmond Lawrence Kedmond A, D. Gillis 1892. M.J. Bates F. J. Doyle a