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Original copiai in printad papar covara'ara fllmad baginning with tha fftont eovar and.andîng on tha latt paga with a printad or llluatratad impraa- ' aion. or tha baf It covar whan appropriata. Ail othar original «opiaa ara filméd baginning on tha f irat paga 4ivith • i^rlntad or liluttritad impraa- aion. tind anding oh tha laat paga with a printad or llluatratad impraMion. Tha laat racordad frama on aach microfiçha ahall conti^lr» tha aymbol -^ (maa.ning "CON3 TINUED"l^<|'» '''"> » Pétition rrt S^.S i f'? ^'J'^"''"''' ""* ^'•""^ ''"« commanded to procced to the sale of Zool t «r",'?'"».»*^'*''' ""-l" ««i^u^ in the s«id cause, and to hare the procee,ls befon, IffL;r,H ^Tr r"'"^*''* '"'*' '""• T»"" ^''^ Sheriff-didsellthesaid goods and' c^ts as d-rected for thc pr.ce of i:200 18.,.. 9d. That by an interlocu.ory order the Sheriff HÏ^f r«Tl ,"ri*^" '^'■' ''^•' *» ''" intcrvcning party. leaving a balance i^his cauli.fr .?•' •^''' ^''"' "" *•"' '^''' •^""•" 1857. a Jud«mcnt was pronounce.1 in the sW caiwein thefollowin^terms: «the Court, after hearing the parties on|he motion of tl . ".iTcu' """"°"? ""i* "'*'*""' ''y *'"' ^^ *-^«""«' 0° *e 9th May. 1857. b.fore Marti.X .. „W. „7 *'"'• '""^ f 'T'""^'^ *'•'' '^^ «'''» •»»"«»' '•'«' the parti?» in the said cause ont « TZTTi 7 •''",' *''" ^''•'""*' •""* "'"^"♦"'''"' ♦" withdmw his suit, grants «.7e to ^^ the Défendait of the production of the said Deed and in conséquence met les parties hors rfe«,«r.„«./r„.,." That by the said Judgment- the said sei^un, was virtually annullcd and that mam levée thercof was granted to thc Défendant i... Zt^ll^" f"'! '"'! •«' ^"♦''«'•"«''t ♦« «J^'ain the kects seized. nor the moni.-s procc^l- pfiS- ïrf : »'»t'hat the said effects and monies ought to be given and paid to the Plamt.ff conclusion that the Respondent pay to the Plaintifl £8i 2s.. 7d.,with interest. wnts and oniersof the Court ; that on the Hth July, 1856. a Writ of Revendication iésuedat lilT. • r ^J'"^">«'f'J«i""ft tk" Défendant to seize and «vendicate certain goods and -InS S.^J?" TT'"" "^ *', ^'"'""'^^ *'"'* *•"* ^•^' *»« ''"'y ««"tcd by the Sheriff !„ «^ rP '•* ^^ f7»"t -f Wb fées and disbursements as usual. in lifce Ws ; that by TJ^JL '^ f ''*'/'" ^'^ ^"«"'"' ^^^' *»"' «""«"ff "»" •''««'«î to «>" « ««'••tain portion l««î^''ï- l"~"t"'^'""**'P°'''*«'''°" "f "«' Posent Plaintiff. as belongingto' STλ •'If °V '." °'*^'""* *''*"'"' f""*"»*^ to Boch Baie, .ndlevied the sumof tt« ™ J „f '#Si' ô T^ • T,'' "'"" "^ ''" P'«*«J'''«» in ddb course of law. dcducting thc Bunt of £lé 28., 8d., u ai»d for the fées «rid disbursements due the said Défendant, his depujes. and other officers, for the services rendered by them as afo>««ud and flxed by law. That on the 17th Ootober, 1856. by an onler of the Court, the Sheriff was commanded to ' outof the monies so levied as afows,id i:il6 15»., lOd., to an intervtning party. which onler was executed by the Sheriff. ■ ■> b p» j. ""«ui That there lemains in the hands and custodv nf the f;heriff y % £9 193., l l d-, whiclMW- «Jepositing the same m the hands of the Prothonotaiy. -, ^ «""er, ■ l^t ^ - ' fitM Au - "m. The Sberiff furthcr Kpreicntei], Aat by » dt«d of ittnnollon or oompromÎM. exaovted bofore Msthioa and Colleagoe. on thè Otk Ifay, 1857, the uid Desjaidina and tho Plaintif dMlarod that by Deed of the 4Ui Janoary, 1864, tho nid PJaintiff fyd en^gcd himMlf to De^ardioa for the purpow of oonduoting a farm, a travtru and to comluct and lAana^ a tiade in goods and mcithaiidite. That snbieqnently tii«et&, difBcnlties havingariien betwwn them, ' Dwjardins issucd an attaebment, and that to avoid furthCr di'ffieultics thoy had rrfenvd their dlfmnoes to arbitratow, which aAitratora had m»de an awaid ; that the èaid Dtiijttidini, in conaeqnenoe of the refoaal of the Plaintiff to acqaiew in the awanl. institutcd an action of Rorandication and leiied npon the stock in the handi of the praaent Plaintiff, and which laid mit was then pending and nndetwmined. That the said parties, désirons cf terminating ail their 4iiretences and snits, eoreaantid St they shoald discontinne thesnlU institufèd on botl^. .. . Ar^*** *" ^ '""* '^ *• property under suiars'having been lest, the SbenS woald be liable and obliged to indemnify the Défendant, dirwtly or indirectiy. .L. .^*~^* '" ^'" "" ^ ^^^'^ perfomed certain dattes, such as selling and leTyina, . which wonld entitlehimtoretain the fées and disborsements. 6.— That theoompiomise between the Plaintiff and IX»janlins was asaléof thepropertr nnkr seisnr» to the présent Plaintiff for a nluable conwdcration, and oonld not be made. so as todistnrbtherightsof theSheriff: "«««in«ie,8oss MoHTBB&L, 27th Uay, 18S9. HENRY STUART, Atloneyfor Beqmdent. î" i I ■^. -•#-1 9 1 — , ' , . ' ' ' . . . : r .it- y « fi ^ tç^^ ■^ mmm '.I- > \ ■/• 1 ^^^^^^^^^^ ■..,•■ -'!'.. 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