1^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) jf' "^^ Itt ttii 12.2 •» 14^ 12.0 I.I I lU u ■tuu L25 niu 11.6 «" PholDgra{diic Sdmces Ckjrporalion 4^ m i\ o -^-V Mir 23 WIST MAIN STREET WEBSTiR,N.Y. I4SS0 (716)S72-4S03 aHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. CIHIVl/ICMH Collection de microfiches. Canadian Institute for Historicai IMicroreproductions / institut Canadian de microreproductions historiques Technical and Bibliographic Notoa/Notoa techniques at biblioqraphiquas TN to Tha institute has attempted to obtain the beat original copy available for filming. Features of this copy which msy be bibliographicaliy unique, which mey alter any of the imagea in the reproduction, or whis iV ■ \ r\ •^-'-"^ < PROTINCIAL AGRICDITCML ISSOCIATION. OFHCERS FOB 185S. A Pretident: David Ghrifitie. M.P.P., Brantford. lat Vice-Preadent: William Niles, M.P.P., London. 2nd Viee-Prtrident: Baron de Longneoil, Kingston. Ex-Preridenta: K W. Thomson, Toronto. Hoa Adam Fergusson, WoodhilL Sheriff H. Bnttan Oota|i>urg. J. B. Marka^ Kiogston.' T. 0. Street^ Niagara Falls. W. Matthie, Brockville. C. P. Treadwell, L'OngnaL Treaturer: B. L. Denison, Toronto. Correaponding Secretary: Professor Buckland, Toronta Beeording Secretary: Hugh Thomson, Toronto. Conavlting Chemiat: Professor Croft, Univeraty College. Seedaman: James Fleeming, Toronro. Bankera: Bonk of Upper Canada. THE BOABD OF AGBICULTUBE, Oon^ting of the following Members, constitutes the Council of the Association between the Annnal Meetmgs thereof: — Hon. Sir AUan Napier McNab, M.P.P., Miniater of Agriculture. E. W. Thommn, Toronto, Preaident. B. L. Denison, Toronto, Treaaurer. Professor Backland, Toronto, Secretary. Hon. Mam Fergnsson, Wocdhill. Sheriff Bnttan Cobourg. J. B. Marke^ Kingston. David Christie, M.P.'P., Brantford. * John Harland, Guelph. Asa A. Barnham, Cobourg. COBOUBG LOCAL COMMITTEE. Sheriff Pnttan, Chairman. A^a A. Burnham, Treaaurer. Henry Jones Buttan, Secretary. Sir Edward Poore, Bart John Wade. D. E. Boulton. Alex. Alcorn. O. E. Castle. Thomas Eyre. Walter BiddeU. R Wade, Junr. C. H. Morgan. 0. W. PowelL P. E. Wright F. BurrclL W. Welter. RULES AND REGULATIONS. TOJ!f. [CULTURE, mbeni, constitatea ition between the Tab, M.P.P., re. ^resident. eaturer. 0, Secretary. cdhill. ntford. MMITTEE. ton. aturer, Secretary. L "The Members of the Agrionltnnl Socioties of the Beveral Townghlps within the County or United Counties wherein the Annual Exhibition may beheld, and the members of the said Connty or United Coun- ties, shall be also members of the Aasoolation for that year, and have badges acoordingly : provided the Agricultural Societies of the said Townships, or the Societies of the said County or United Counties, shall devote their whole funds for the year including the Govemntent Grant, in aid of the AssooiatioD. The Offloe-bearers of all County Societies shall have badges of free entrance during the Show."— £y-I.aw. 1. The payment of 5s. and upwaids constitutes a person a member of the Agricultural Association of Upper Canada for one year ; and £2 lOs for life, when given for that specific object, and not as a con- tribution to the local funds. 2. No one but a member will be allowtd to com- pete for prizes except in classes 30, 32, 34 and 85. 3. All Eutries must be made on printed forms, which may be obtained of the Secretaries of Agricul- tural Societies, free of charge. These forms are to be filltd up and signed by the exhibitor, endodng a dollar for membership, and sent to the Secretary of the Association, Board of Agriculture, Toronto, on OB BEFORE Satubdat, Skpt. 22., after which time a charge o/5» will be imposed on each article. Exhibitors in the Horticultural and Ladles' De- partment may enter articles up to Tuecday Evening, Oct. 9lh., wben the Books will be finally closed. Blood Hortes and Thorough-bred Cattle must be entered, and have their fUll Pedigrees properly at- tested and sent to the Secretary in Toronto, not later than Saturday, Sept. 22«d. No animals will be allowed to compete as pure bred, unless they possess regular Stud and Herd Book pedigrees, or satisfdot- ory evidence be produced that they are directly des- cended from such stock. 4. Badges from the Treasurer's Office will be fur- nished each member, which will admit himself only, free to every department of the Exhibition, during the Show. Life members admitted free. 5. Tickets of admission to those who are not mem- bers, 7 id each time of admission. Carriages, inclu- ding drivers, 5b ; passengers to pay T^d each. Horse- men to pay Is 3d each admission. 6. Every article exhibited for competition must be the growth, produce, or maoufacture of Canada, ex- cept Cidsses 34 and 35. Live Stock for breeding must be the prop^'rty of persons residing in Canada. All premiums for articles, except Stock, a^c to be awarded to the mvnufaeturere or producers only. 7. Ditcretionary Premiums will be awarded for such articles as may be considered worthy by the Judges, although not enumerated In the List, and the Directors will determine the amount of premium. 8. In the absence of competition In any of the Classes, or If the Stock or articles exhibited b or evidence the foal has been lo«t ... 2d do - - 5 3d do - - - 19. Best span Matched Carriage Horses 2d do - - - 3d do - - - Best span of Draught Horses 2d do - • - 3d do - - - Best saddle Horse ... 2d do - - - 3d do • - • Beat single Carriage horse in harness 2d do - - - 3d do • - - Extra Entries. that 20. 21. 22. 23. CATTLE. CLASS in.— OCRHAUS. 10 10 16 16 10 6 6 10 6 10 3 10 10 16 10 15 10 10 10 10 10 24. Best aged Bull 6 years old and upwards £10 2d do - - - 6 3d do - - •• 4 4lh do - - - - 2 25. Beat 4 years old Bull . - - - 9 2d do - - - - 6 3d do - - - - 4 4th do - - - - 2 26. Best 3 years old Bull - - - - 8 2d do ; • • 6 Sd do '.-SO 4th do ... - 1 10 35. Ezti N. B.-A be reqv ThePe reotas 36. Besl 2d ;0i, •.iSSfei^^ I a g.jwi > ■i^d n.'j I '■'" ■■ w !■ ■ «->wardB £10 . « - 4 ■ - 2 - - 9 - 6 - 4 - 2 - 8 6 - 3 1 10 year] £ 6 4 2 1 6 S 2 1 4 2 10 1 16 6 3 U 4 2 10 Beet. 27. B«8t 2 Tears old Bull 2d do M do 4th do 28. Boat 1 year old Bull 2d do 3d do 4th do 29 Beat Bull Calf (under one year) 2d do 3d do , 4th do F.^30. Beat Cow 2d do 3d do , 4tb do I 31. Beat 3 yeara old Cow 2d do 3d do 4th do 32. Beat 2 years old Heifer . , _^ 2d do trKam- 3d do / 4th do 3, U. Beat I year old Heifer 2d do ■ Sd do A/ 4th do ) Mi. Beat Heifer Calf [under j/ 2d do ''3d do 4th do 35. Extra Entries N. B.— A Certlfleate of Hkhd Book Pidiobkks will be required of all animals in the Dnrham Glaaa The Pedigrees of others should be as full and cor- rect as poisible. cuss rV— DBTONS. 16 10 36 37, Beat «ged Ball, 5 years old and OTer 2d do Sd do 4th do Beat 4 years old Ball 2d do 3d do 4th do 18 Beat 3 years old Bull 2d do 8d do 4th do 39 Best 2 yean old Bull 2d do Sd do 4th do 40 Beat 1 year old Bull 2d do Sd do 4th do 41 Beat Bull Calf [under one year] 2d do 3d do 4th do 42 Best Cow 2d t' do Sd do 4th do 43. Best 3 yeai ■B old Cow 2d Sd- 4Ui do do do £10 6 4 2 9 6 4 2 8 6 5 1 10 6 2 10 1 10 16 6 3 2 1 6 4 2 10 1 10 i Seet: 44. Beat 2 yean old Heifer 2d do Sd do 4th do 46 Best 1 year old Heifer 2d do Sd ' do 4th do 46. Beat Heifer Oalf[under one year] 2d do - Sd do ' o 4th do 47. Fxtra Entrlea ... CLASS y HBRIFOBDS. 48. Beat aged Bull 6 yean and orer 2d do Sd do 4th do 49. Beat 4 yean oldpuil 2d do 3d do 4th do 60. Beat 3 year old Bull 2d do 3d do 4th do 61. Beat 2 yean old Bull 2d do Sd do 4th do 62. Beet 1 year Bull 2d do Sd do 4th do 63. Beat Bull Calf (under 1 2d 3d 4th 64. Beat Cow 2d 3d 4th do do do do do do yen)- 65. Beat 3 yeara old Cow 2d do 3d do 4*h do 66. B < •>. year old Heifer 2d do 3d do 4th do 67. Beat 1 year old Heifer 2d do 3d do 4th do 68. Beat Heifer Calf (under 1 year) 2d do Sd do 4th do 69. For the Best Hereford^ull of any age not exceeding 4 yeara, thathaa aerved Cowa in .the Piovince this season ; Prize offer, ed by Baron de LongueuU 4 8 8 1 2 1 1 S 15 10 10 10 1 10 1 10 « £W 6 4 2 9 6 4 2 8 6 8 1 6 4 2 1 6 3 2 1 4 2 1 6 3 2 1 4 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 10 fi A 10 10 IS 5 10 10 6 16 10 10 10 10 10 6 SO CLiSa VI— AT&SHIBI8 60. Beat Bull 2d do 3d do 4th do (Jl. Beat 4 yean old Bull 2d 3d 4th do do do • 10 • « • 4 . 2 •90 - 6 . 4 . 2 t A.. r* - .■■.'S J' lt!fe». i ' ...■■ .1 ) , I LL i t I ,] AORIOULTURAL ASSOCIATION'S I aeet. e>. Beit 3 veui old Bull 2d do 3d do 4th do 83. Bett 2 je«n old Ball 2d do 8d do 4th do 64. Beit one year old Bull 2d do • Sd do . 4a do - 6A. Beet Ball Galf (ander one year) 2d do • V do . 4th do . 66. Beit Cow 2d do • 8d do • 4th do - 67. Beit 3 yeus old Cow 2d • do • 3d do • 4th do - 68 Beit 2 jean old Heifer 2d do ■ 3d do • 4th do • 69. Best 1 year old Heifer 2d do • 3d do • 4th do - 70. Beit Heifer Calf (ander one year) 2d do . Sd do • 4th do • 71. Extra Entriei . CLASS Vn.— OALLOWAT OATTUt. 72. Beit6 yeari old Ball 2d do • 3d do ' 4th do ■ 73. Beit 4yean old Ball 2d do > 8d do . 4th do • 74. Beit 3 yean old Bull 2d do . Sd do • 4th do • 76. Beat 2 yean old Bull 2d do . 4d do - 4th do ' 76. Beitl year old Ball 2d do • Sd do . dih do - 77. Beit BaU Calf [under 2d do • 3d do • 4th do . 7& Beit Cow 2d do • 3d do • . 4th do • 79. Beit 3 year old Cow 2d do . 3d do - 4th do . one year] £ i. 8 6 3 1 10 6 4 2 A 1 5 2 10 1 10 16 A 3 2 1 6 4 2 10 1 10 1 3 2 1 A 15 2 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 A 10 6 4 2 9 1 10 6 4 2 1 A 3 2 1 4 2 10 1 10 16 A 3 2 1 4 2 10 1 10 1 Sect. 80. Beit 2 year old Heifer 2d do . • 8d do • • 4th do • • 81. Beit 1 year old Heifer 2d do • • • • 3d do • • • • 4th do • • • • 82. Beit Heifer Galf [under one year] 2d do • . • - Sd do • • • • 4th do • • • • 83. Extra Eatrlei CLASS VIIL— ORAfiB OATTLB. 64. Best Cow 2d do • 3d do - 4th do • 86. Belt 3 yean old Cow 2d. do. 3d do • 4th do • 86. Beit 2 yean old Heifer 2d do I- • • • 3d do - • • - 4th do • - - - 87 Beit 1 year old Heifer • 2d do • • • • 3d do - • • • 4th do - - - • 88. Beit Heifer Calf [under one year] 2d do - - - - Sd do • - • - 4th do - • - • 89 Extra Extries .... £ i. 3 2 1 A U lA 2 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 A A 3 3 1 A 4 2 10 1 0« 8 2 1 A IS. 2 10 1 1 1 10 1 10 1 10 A Diplomas will be awarded to the breeders or /ni> porter* of Balli and Stallioni which take Fiut Pri- M*i, when their names and reridences are given. The Judgei ihall aicertaln. in deciding on Bull CaWei in any of the foregoing clanes, whether the animal baa been luckled or ruaed by pail, and make allowanoei accordingly. A oertifloate to be produced to ihow the breeding of animala in Class— VIII. Young cattle may compete, If the exhibiter thinki fit, in an older clais than that to which they properly belong, but no animal will be allowed to compete In more than one of the fongolng sections. CLASS IX.— FAT AMD WOSKINO CATTLE, ANT BRKED Sect. 96. Bi 07. Be 98. B( 99. B. 100. B 101. B 102. B 103. E 104. B 105. B 106. £ 107. B 108 B( 109.1 110. 1 111.1 112.1 90 Best Oz or Steer 2d do - • • 3d do . - 7 10 - 6 ■ 3 1 113. 91 Beet Cow or Heifer • 2d do • • 3d do • • ■ 7 10 ■ 6 ■ 3 1 114. 92 Best Toke of Working: Oxen 2d do • - Sd do - • > 6 ■ 3 ■ 2 1 ^ Its. 93. Best yoke of three yean old Steen • 2d do ... 3d do ... ■ 4 ■ 2 10 • ) 10 1 "^ 116 94. Best Team of Oxen, not lees than 1( Yoke, from one Township, the proper ty of Qoy number of persons 95. Extra Entries ■ 10 1 117. .fff-y^-' bjf^i: ■ - _/^ PRtZB LIST FOR 1855. feeders or An- itkeFirit Pri. are given, oiding on Bull It whether the pail, and moke r the breeding biter thinlcB fit, they properly 3d to compete ctiona. (ANT BREED - 7 10 • fi - 3 - 7 10 - - 6 ere 2 IC J 10 an 10 roper- - 10 SHEEP. OLAM X^— LEIOUTIU. Seet. 96. Oeit Rmd, two shean and over 2J do 3d do Bent ihearling Ram 2d do 3d do 98. Beit Run Lamb 2d do 3d do 99. Beit 2 Ewei, two ihean ud over 2d do 3d do 100. Beit 2 ihearling Ewes 2d do 3d do 101. Beit 2 Ewe Lambs 2d do 3d do CLASS XL— SOUTBDOWNI. 102. Beit Ram, 2 ihears and over 07. 103. 2d do 3d do Best shearling Ram 2d do 3d do 104. Best Ram Lamb 2d do 3d do 10ft. Best 2 Ewei, two shears and orer 2d do 3d do 106. Best 2 shearling Ewes 2d do 3d do 107. Best 2 Ewe Lambs 2d do 3d do CLASI XIL — MERINOS AND SAXONS. 108 Best Rams two shears and over 2d do 3d do 109. Best shearling Ram and over 2d do 3d do 110. Best Ram Lamb 2d do 3d do 111. Best 2 Ewes two shears 2d do 3d do 112. Best 2 shearling Ewes 2d do 3d do 113. Best 2 Ewe Lambs 2d do 3d do ■ CLaSa XIIL— COTSWOLDS. 114. Best Ram, two shears and over 2d do - - 3d do • - 115. Best shearling Ram 2d do • • 3d do - - 116- Best Ram Lamb 2d do • • 3d do - - 117. Best 2 Ewes, two sheirs and over — 2d do - - — 3d do ■ - £ 1. 4 2 10 1 4 S 10 1 2 1 10 4 3 1 10 3 2 1 1 10 1 10 4 2 10 1 4 2 10 1 2 1 10 4 3 1 10 3 2 1 1 10 1 10 £4 2 10 1 4 2 10 1 2 1 10 4 3 1 10 3 a 1 1 10 1 10 £4 2 10 1 4 2 10 1 2 1 10 4 3 1 10 aeet 118. Best a shearling Ewes 2d do 3d do 119 Beat 2 Ew« Lambe ad do 3d do CLASS XIV.- OHiviom. 120 Beit Ram, 2 shears and over • 2d do • • Sd do • • 121 Best shearling Ram 2d 3d do do 122 Best Ram Lamb 2d do • • 3d do • • 123 Best 2 Ewes, two shears and over 2d do • • 3d do • • 124. Best 2 shearling Ewes • 2d do • - 3d do • • 125. Best 2 Ewe Lambs 2d do - • Sd do • • CLASS XV.— FAT 8HBBF. 126. Best two fat Weathers • 127, 2d 3d Beit 2 Fat Ewes 2d 3d do do do do IV 1 1 10 1 10 4 3 10 1 4 2 10 1 2 1 10 4 3 1 10 3 2 1 110 1 10 £5 3 2 3 a 1 3 2 1 2 1 10 1 128 Extra entries in sheep CLASS XVL— LAROK BRIIDriOB. 129. Best Boar, 1 year aud over 2d do 3d do 130. Best Breeding Sow, 1 year and over 2d do 3d do • 131 Best Boar of 1855 2d do 3d do 132. Best Sow of 1855 2d do .3d do • CLASS XVIL— SHALL BREED nOfl. 133 Best Boar 1 year and over • • -60 2d do - - - - 3 3d do - - - - 2 134 Beat Breeding Sow, 1 year and over - 3 2d do - - - - 2 3d do • - - • 1 135 Best Boar of 1865 - • - - 3 2d do - • - - 2 3d do - • - - 1 136 Best Sow of 1855 - - - -20 2d do - • - ■ 1 10 3d do - - - - 1 137 Extra Entries. In this class the preeue age jot the animal is to be ttated on the eardt. With the view of encoiraging largely the importa- tion of improved stock, the exhibiter of any male animal imported into tikis province from Clarope since the last exhibition, which shall take the first prizeinany of the above clasees, will be paid three times the amount of the premium offered in the list ; the exhibiter of any female animal imported from Europe within the same time taking the first prise '-'*' .,/... >«» • .■ I < M i » .j»Mii4SiMa>fcM «4i^akW« •M>i4|i AORIOULTURAL ASSOCIATION'S 'U be pftid donblt the amoant offerM : tha eihlbitor of any nale Mlm^ Imported lato the ProTince from way |wrt of America within the Mune time tAktng the flrit prlie will be peld doable the MDoant of priie offiircd ; uid of ut female ulmal imported within the eeme time, end taking the flnt prize, one half tkM amonntof prise offered, in addition to that Id the lilt. Saoh aalmale to be tho bona fide propertjr of periou residing in Upper Canada. OUUt XYIL— POCLTBT. Seit. 138 Beit pair of white Dorkings 2d do 139 Beat pair of Spangled do 3d do HO. Beet pair of blaok Polands 2d do 141. Beit pair of white Polands 2d do 142. Beit pair of golden Polands 2d do 143. Beit pair of SllTsr Polands 2d do 144. Beit pair of Oime Fowls 2d do 145. Beit pair of Jersey Blaet 2d do 146. Beit pair of Buff Coohin China, Shanghai, Canton, or Bramah Pootra Fowls 2d do 147. Beit pair of Black do do 2d do 148. Beat pair of white do do 2d do 149. Beit piUr of gray do do 2d do • 151 Beit pair of Blaok Spanish fowls 2d do . 161. Best pair of Blaok Java fowls 2d do • 152. Beit pair of Bolton Grayi 3d do 163, Btit pair of Bolton Bays 2d do 164. Best pair of Hamburgh Foirls 2d do 155 Beit pair of Domlniqae • 2d do • 15S. Beit pair of feathered Bantams 2d do 167. Best pairof smooth Butams 2d do j- 168< Best pair of Torkeys [white or Colored] 2d (do 159. Best pair of Wild Turkeys 2d do 160. Beit pair of large Geese 2d do - 161. Beit pair Bremen Geese 2d do - 162. Best pair Chinese (Seeee 2d do • 163. Beit pair of Huscovy Ducks 2d do 164. Beit pair common Ducks 2d do 166. Bert ptdrof Ayleibury Ducks 2d do - - 166. Beit pair of Poland Ducks - 2d do - - 167 Best pair of Guinea Fowls • 2d do • - 1 10 1 10 10 10 10 010 1 10 10 6 010 6 Seel. 168. Beit collection of Pigeons 2d do ... - 169. Beit lot of Poultry in one pea owned by theEihlbttor 170. Beit oullectlon of poultry entered in the TarlouiolaiMi byoncBxhlbitor 171. Other Eotrtei 10 6. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTIONS. OtASS XVIII— DRAINS, 8ICD8, &0. The Canada Company's Prise of 1 . For the beet 25 buiheli of Fall Wheat the produce of Canada Weit.being the growth of the Tear 1855. The prise to be award- ed to tne actual grower onlyof the Wheat, which is to be glTsn up to and become the property of tho Anoolation, for dii* trlbutlon to the County Societies for seed. 2d do by tb" association 3d do [The winners of the 2nd and 3rd prizes to retain their wheat]. 2. Best two bushels of Winter Wheat 2d do 3d do 3. Best 2 buiheli Spring Wheat 2d do 3d do 4. Beat 2 buiheli of Barley [2 rowed] 2d do 3d do 6. Best 2 bushels Barley [6 rowed] 2d do 3d do Best 2 buiholi Rye 2d do 3d do 7. Beit 2 bushels of Oats [white] 2d do 3d do 8. Best 2 bushels of Oats [black] 2d do 3d do Beit 2 bushels of Field Peu 2d do 3d do Bpit 2 buiheli of Marrowfat Peas 2d do 3d do 11. Best 2 Bushels Tares 2d do 3d do 12. Beit Bushel of white field Beans 2d do M do 13. Best 2 buiheli Indian Com in the ear (white) 1 10 2d do 3d do 14. Best 2 do (yellow) 2d. do 3d do 15. Beit bushel of Timothy Seed 2d do 3d do 16. Best Bushel of Clover Seed 2d do 3d do 17. Best Bushel Hemp Seed 2d . do 3d do Best bushel Flax Seed 2d do 3d do 9. 10. la £ i> 8tet 1 19.1 10- 1 2 ao. I 2 i 21.1 25 ' 22.1 . 23. t4. 10 6 In 1. 2 10 2. 1 16 1 6 2 10 * 1 16 i •f- 8 1 6 1 10 1 < 4 10 1 10 1 10 ^' 1 10 i t « 10 ^ 1 10 ^ 1 Y to 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 1 1 10 ■ 1 10 ■ 1 1 10 ■ 1 H IS 10 e)l 10 'l 10 1 10 1 10 2 1 10 10—- 2 ■1 1 10 9 1 '« 1 10 il 1 •1 10 J| 1 10 m r — 'M 10 — 'M \ :.„..^.':.::i.x:.^ / ' ftr**-^ f\ VC4~r> PRIZE LIST FOR 1M5. :3 & ■• • I - 10- m owned by - • 2 itored lo th« bitor - a 25 U UCTI0N8. Wheat the the growth I be »wwd> 'theWbett, Dd become >n, for dii> lei for leed. m 10 L. ues to retain leat red] 2 10 1 IS 1 S 2 10 I IS i S 1 10 1 10 10 10 1 10 t 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 IS 10 ear (white) 1 10 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 10 1 10 r 10 attt, i. 19. Bent buhel Wnitard Seed 1 2d do 1 3d do Beit Swedlih Turnip Seed, from iraopplant- ed bulbi, not leii than 20 Ibi. 1 2d do I 3d do 31. Beit 12 Ibi Field Carrot leed 1 Id do I 3d do 22. Beit 12 Ibi yellow Uangel Wurcel leed 1 10 2d do • 1 3d do 10 S3. Beit bale of Hope, not lew than 112 Iba. S 2d do 8 3d do 2 14. Extra Entrlei 0UIS8 XIX— ROOTS AND OTBIR FIILD OROP*. 1. Beit Bushel Pinkeye Potatoes 16 2d do 10 3d do 6 3. Bolt buihel of any other sort 16 2d do ' 10 3d do OS <^ 3; Beit buihel Swede Turnips 16 2d do 10 3d do 6 4. Best buihel of White Globe Tumipa IS 2d do 10 3d do OS ^ S. Beat buihel of Aberdeen Yellow Tamlps 16 -/■ 2d do 10 8d do 6 6. Beit 20 roots Red Carrots 16 2d do 10 3d do 6 7; Best 20 rooto White or Belgian Carrots 16 2d do lU 3d do 6 8. Best 12 roots Mangel Worsel (Long-red) 16 2d do * 10 3d do ^ 9. Best 12 roots Yellow Globe Mangel Wurzel 15 Sd do in 3d do 6 10. Best 12 toots Long Yellow Mangel Wunel 15 <^ 2d do 10 Sd do 6 1 1 . Best 1 2 roots of Khol Rabi 10 2d do 6 12. Beit 12 roots of Sugar Beet 16 2d do 10 Sd do 6 13. Best 20 roots of Parsnips 16 2d do 10 3d do 6 14. Best 20 rooti of Chicory 10 2d do 7i 6 3d do 6 16. Best 2 large Squashes for Cattle 15 2d do 10 3d do 6 16. Best 2 Mammoth field Pumpkins 16 2d do 10 3d do 6 17. Beit 4 common Yellow field Pumpkins 15 2d do 10 3d do OS 18. Best 20 lbs. of Tobacco leaf, growth of Canada West 1 2d do 10 S««f. n. Best Broom Com Bmsh 28 lbs. 2d do 3d do 1 1ft 010 Tht Canada CompanyU Priut fof Flax. 20. Best II 2 lbs. of Flax 6 2d do bytheAisoclatloa 4 3d do 2 l%e Canada CompanyU PriMt for Hemp ' 21. Best 113 lbs. of Hemp 4 2d do by the Aaoolation S Sd do 1 10 12. Other Entrlc*. (The roots In the above class to be certified as of field culture by the secretary of the Towoihip soole* ty of the Township where they are grown.) HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS. CLASS XX.— FRUIT. a*tk. 4 • d 1. Best 20 varieties of Apples, named [ilx of each] ii 2d do 10 8d do S 2. Best 12 Table Apples, named [Fall sort] 10 2d do 7 3d do . S 3. Best 12 Table Apples named [Winter sort] 10 2d do 7 3d do S 4. Best 12 Baking Apples, named 10 2d do 7 Sd do 6 5. Best 20 varieties of Pears, named[3 of each] 15 2d do ■ 10 3d do 5 6. Best 12.Table Pears,named [Fall sort] 10 Sid do 7 3d do S 7. Best 12 Table Pears, named [Winter sort] 10 2d do 7 3d do 6 8. Best dozen Plums [Dessertlnamed 10 2d do 7 3d do 6 9. Best 12 baking Plums, named 10 2d do 7 8d do 6 10. Best quart of Damsons [English] 10 2d do 7 Sd do 6 11. Best 12 Peaches, grown in hot house, 10 8d do 7 3d do S 19. Beat 13 Peaches, grown in open air, named, 10 2d do 1 3d do S 13. Best 20 varieties of.Peachee, grown in open air[3 of each] 16 2d do 10 3d do 5 14. Best 12 Quinces 10 2 do 7 3d do 5 15. Best 4 dusters of Grapes [hot house] 10 2d do 7 3d do 5 16. Best 4 dusters Black Hambnrgh[hot hooseJlO 2d do 7 Sd do S 6 6 6 6 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 -»■'■■-*•-■..*.„■ -^.►•^^ \ ( 10 AGRICULTURAL ASSOCLkTION'S V ^ I -Sr«e/. jE i. d. 17. Beit 4 olastera Black Grape*, grown in open air 10 2d do 7 6 3d do 6 18,Be8t 4 clastera white Grapea grown in open air 10 2d do 7 6 3d do 5 19. Pest 4 clastera Grapes, of any other sorts 10 2d do 7 6 3d do SO 20. Best and heaviest 2 baaohes of Grapes 10 2d do 7 6 3d do 6 21. Best colleotlon of Grape8,grown in open airl6 2d do 10 3d do '50 22. Best Water Melon 10 2d do 7 5 3d do 5 10 7 6 6 10 7 6 5 15 10 5 23. Dest Uotlc Melon of any sort 2d do 3d do 24. Best 12 Tomatos 2d do 3d do 25. Best assorted collection of Tomatos 2d do 3d do 26. Extra Entries CLASS XXL — OABDEN TIOBTABLES. 1. Best 12 roots of Salsify 2d do - 3d da 2. Best 4 heads Brocoli 2d do 3d do 3. Beet 4 heads Caaliflower 2d do 3d do 4. Best 4 heads OablMtge (Sommer) 2d do 3d do 6. Best 4 heads Cabbage (Winter) 2d do 3d do 9. Best 4 sorts Winter Cabbage, inolading Savoys 2d do 3d do 7. Best 12 Catrots for Table 2d do 3d do & Best 12 early Horn Carrots Sd do 3d do 9. Best 12 roots of White Celery 2d do 3d do 10. Best 12 rooU of Red Celery 2d do 3d do 11. Best dozen Capsicums 2d do 3d do 12. Best collection Capsicums 2d do 3d do 13. Best 6 Egg Plants, purple 2d do 3d do 10 7 6 IS 10 7 6 5 10 7 6 6 10 7 6 10 7 5 10 7 5 10 7 6 16 10 6 10 7 6 5 10 7 6 5 10 7 6 5 10 7 6 6 10 7 6 6 Sect, £ 14. Beet 13 Blood Beets 2d do Sd do 15 3sst Peck of White Onions 2d do 3d do 16 Best ^eck of Yellow Onions 2d do 3d do 17 Best Peck of Red Onions 2d do 3d do 18 Best 12 White Turnips, Table 2d do 3d do 19 Best Peck of Early Potatoes for seed 2d do 3d do 20 Best and greatest variety of Early Potatoes 2d do 3d do 21 Best 4 Squashes, Table 2d do 3d do 22Best and greatest variety of Vegetables 2d do 3d do 23 Extra Entries CLASS XXII— PLANTS AND FLOWEBS. 1 Best dozen Dahlias, nam^d 2d do Sd do 2 Best and largest collection of Dahlias 1 2d do 3d do 3 Best Boquet of Cut Flowers 2d do 3d do 4 Best Boquet for Table 2d do 3d do 5 Best collection of Green House Plants, not less than twelve Specimens 1 2d do 3d do 6 Best and greatest variety of Green House Plants 1 2d do 3d do 7 Best oolleotion of Annuals in bloom 2d do 3d do 8 Best 6 Coxcombs 2d do 3d do 9 Best 6 Balsams in bloom 2d do 3d do 10 Best collection of China Asters 2d do 3d do 11 Best collection of Ten weeks Stocks 2d do 3d do 1 2 Best Floral Ornament or Design 1 2d do 3d do 13 Best collection of Verbenas, not less than 12 varieties 2d do 3d do B. d. lU 7 5 10 7 5 10 7 6 10 7 6 10 7 6 10 7 6 15 10 6 10 7 6 10 7 5 10 7 5 10 7 5 10 7 10 7 5 10 7 6 10 7 6 7 5 10 7 5 10 7 6 9 6 6 10 7 6 6 15 10 6 6 6 6 « 6 15 10 15 10 5 Set 14 15 i I -<.J^^^ C-.Vf'f-' PRIZE LIST FOR 1855. 11 je s. d. Hi 7 5 10 7 5 10 7 6 10 7 6 10 7 6 vseed 10 7 6 fflj Potatoes 16 10 getables 6 10 7 5 10 7 6 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 e rLOWEBS. khlias 10 7 6 1 10 7 10 7 6 10 7 Plants, ens en House torn Iks ess than 15 10 1 10 7 10 7 S 10 7 6 10 7 6 7 5 10 7 5 I 15 10 15 10 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 « < 6 i -1 Seel. £ s. d. 14 Best colleotlon of Native Plants, dried and named 1 10 2d do 10 3d do 10 15 Extra Entries* CLASS XXni. — DAinr fbodcots, suqab, fbotisioks 1 Best Firkin of Butter, not less than 66 lbs. £2 10 2d do 1 10 3d do 1 2. Best Cheese, not less than 30 lbs. 2 10 2d do 1 10 3d do 1 3. Best 2 Stilton Cheese not less than 14 lbs each 2 10 2d do 1 10 3d do 10 4. Best Butter, not less than 20 lbs., in Firkins, Crooks, or Tabs 1 10 2d do 10 3d do 10 6. Best 30 lbs. Maple Sugar 1 2d do 10 3d do 6 6. Best 30 lbs. Beet Root Sugar 1 2d do 10 8d do 6 7. Best 20 lbs. Com Stalk Sugar 15 2d do 10 3d do 6 8. Best Sugar made by Indians 16 2d do 10 3d do 6 9. Best Starch 15 2d do 10 10. l.i.>st Soaps (collection assorted) 16 2d do 10 11. Best Candles (collection) 16 2d do 10 12. Best collection of Bottled Fruits 15 2d do 10 3d do 6 13. Best 6 kinds of Preserves 15 2d do 10 3d do 6 14. Best collection of Confeotionerr 1 10 2d do 10 3d do 10 15. Best 20 lbs. Chickory, manufactured from roots grown in the Province this Season 1 2d do 10 16. Best barrel of flour 1 2d do 1 Best 14 lbs manufactured tobacco of Cana- 17 dian growth 2d do 3d do ' 18. Best specimen glue, not less than 14 lbs 2d do 3d do 19. Best two cured hams 2d do 3d do 20. Best two sides of Bacon 2d do 3d do [Uode of Curing to be stated] 21. Best Box of Soap, 28 lbs. 1 15 10 15 10 Sect. 22. Best collection of pickles 2d do 3d do 23. Best Honey, in the Comb not 10 lbs 2d do 8d do 24: Best jar of dear honey 2d do 3d do 25. Extra Entries less than £ 8. 15 10 6 2d Sd do do 15 10 6 DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. CLASS XXIV.— AGBICTLTUBAL IMPLEMESTfl. 1. Best wooden Plough 2d do 3d 2. Best Iron Plough 2d do 3d do [The ploughs to be tested in a field, by a Cmn- mittee appointed for the purpose, at the Ex- hlbltion ; ease of draught, and efficiency of work to be considered.] 3. Best SubeoU Plough 2d do 3d do 4. Best pair of Harrows Sd do 3d do 6. Best Fanning Mill 2d 8d do „ . 6. Best horse-power Thrasher and Separator 2d do 3d do 7. Best Grain Drill 2d do 3d do 8. Best Seed Drill or Barrow 2d do 3d do 9. Best Straw Cutter 2d do 3d do 10. Best Smut Machine 2d do 11. Best Portable Grist MUl 2d do 3d do 12. Best Grain Cracker 2d do 3d do 13. Best Com and Cob Crusher 2d do 14. Best Machine for cutting Roots for Stock 2d do 3d do 16. Best Clover Cutting Machine 2d do 3d do 16. Best Clover Cleaning Machine 2d do 3d do 17. Best cider Mill and Press 2d do 18. Best Cheese Press 2d do 19. Best two-horse Waggon 16 10 6 10 6 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 15 10 15 10 10 15 10 0:i6 e 10 10 10 6 10 10 2d 3d do do 2 1 I, • \:','i 11 AGBIOULTTRAL ASSOCIATIONS L J; / i (■ aeet. 20. Best one horse light market Waggon 2d do 8d dp 21. Best Horse Oart 2d do 3d do 22. Best Farm Sleigh 2d do 3d do 23. Best Horse Rake 2d do 8d ko 24. Best Metal Roller 2d do 26. Best Wooden Roller 2d do 26. Best Reaping Machine 2d do 3d do 27. Beet Stuiup Extractor 2d do Sd do 28. BestHowing Machine 2d do 3d do 29. Best Potato Digger 2d do 3d do 30. Best Thistle Extraoter 2d do SI. Best Farm Gate 2d do 3d do 32. Best Field or Two Horse Cultivator 2d do 3d do £ 2 2 1 1 1 B. 10 10 u 10 2 1 10 83. Best Horse boe, or Single Horse Cultivator 1 2d do 84. Best Post hole Bore 2d do 35. Best Wooden Pump 2d do 86. Best Machine for making Drain Tiles 2d do 37. Best Brick-making Machine 2d. do 38. Be9t half-dozen Haj Rakes 2d do 3d do 89. Best half-dozen Manure Forks 2d do 3d do 10. Best half-dozen Hay Forks 2d do 3d do 41. Best half-dozen Scythe Snaiths 2d do 8d do 42. Best Ox Yoke and Bom < 2d do 43. Best Grain Cradle 2d do 44. Best half-dozen Grain Shovels, wood 15 2d do • 10 3d do 6 45. Best half-dozen Iron Shovels 16 2d do 10 Sd do 6 46. Best half-dozen Spades 15 2d do 10 3d do 6 47. Extra Entries 15 10 15 10 6 10 16 10 6 10 6 16 10 6 15 16 10 10 10 10 10 7 6 15 10 6 16 10 6 16 10 6 10 5 10 6 CUSS XXV.— LEATBIR AMD FCBS. Sect. 1. Best Saddle and Bridle 2d do 2. Best Side Saddle 2d do 3. Best specimen of WWps and Whip Thongs (Oolleotion assorted) 2d do 4. BestSHogskios 2d do 5. Best set of Farm Harness 2d do 3d do 6. Best set of pleasure Harness 2d do 8d do 7. Best Travelling Trunk 2d do 3d do 8. Best side of Sole Leather 2d do 3d do 9. Best side of Upper Leather 2d do 3d do 10. Best Kip skin 2d do 3d do 11. Rest Stirrup Leather 2d do 3d. do 12. Best skin Cordovan 2d. do. 3d do 13. Best specimen belt leather 2d do 3d do 14. Best specimens linings 2d do 3d do 15. Best Skirting Leather 2d do Sd do 16. Best side of Harness Leather 2d do 3d do 17. Best Calf Skin, Dressed . 2d do 3d do 18. Best Skin of Leather for Carriage Covers 2d do 19. Best Fur Hat 2d do 3d do 20. Best Fur Cap 2d do 3d do 21. Best Fur Sleigh Robe 2d do ,,; 3d do 22. Best Specimen of Bootmaker's Work 2d do 3d do 23. Extra Entries £ s. 1 15 1 16 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 16 6 15 10 5 16 10 6 15 10 5 15 10 6 16 10 6 16 10 6 16 10 A 16 10 6 15 10 6 16 10 6 1 e 10 16 10 6 16 10 6 15 10 6 15 10 6 CLASS. XXVI— MANUFACTURES IN UETALS, &0. 1. Best Portable Steam Engine for farm pur- poses, 4 to 6 horse power [open to foreign competition] Diploma and 10 2. Best Model in metal of Engine, general millwright's work or machinery, Dip. and 2 2d do 10 Sei S. 4. h 6. a 6. 7. 8. 9. .,K,-\fy i**^ , iisim^t'tlOSSSmtL «r •*»tft^- ■■y^iy* M p in n trwimm^^irttufm PRIZE LIST FOR 1855. 13 MOFUBS. ip Thongs a. 15 16 e CoTera ork 10 15 1 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 15 5 16 10 5 15 10 6 15 10 5 15 10 6 15 10 6 16 10 6 16 10 6 15 10 5 15 10 5 15 10 6 1 10 16 10 18 10 6 IS OlO 6 16 10 ft (ETALS, &a. irm pur- » foreign 10 general ). and 2 1 « 6. " Do 7. " Do 8. " Do Sect. • a, a. 5. Best epeelmea of SilTerBmKh'a work, Dip. •nd 2 4. " Do Ornamental Iron'work fVom the hammer, Dip. and 1 10 6. " Do Cabt Ornamental Iron work, Dip and 1 10 Copperamith's work. Dip, and 10 Looksmith'a work, Dip. and 10 Pampmaker'a work, Dip. and 10 9. Best Iron Fire-proof Vault Door (price OODBidered) Dip. and 2 10. Best Iron Fire-proof Safe (price oonaidercd) Dip. and 1 11 Beat Refrigerator [price conaldered] Dip and 1 12. Beat Hall Stove 1 2d do 3d do 13. Best Parlor Stove 1 2d do Sd do 14. Beat Cooking Stove, with Famiture 1 2d do 1 3d do 15. Beet Cooking Stove for Coal 1 2d do 1 3d do 16. Beat ayatem of ventilating bnildinga, with model aod description, and reducing tlie aame to practical u«e. Dip. and 2d do 17. Beat apecimen of Iron Caating for Stovea and general Machinery, Diploma. 18. Best Balance Scales 2d do Sd do 19. Beat Model Hot Air Apparatus 2d do 20. Beat Steaming Apparatus for feeding Stock 2d do 21. Beat aet of Cooper's Tool 2d do 22. Beat aet of bench Planes 2d do 23. Beat pair of Uames 2d do 24. Beat Saddle tree 2d do 26. Best Weaver's Reeds 2d do 26. Beat Augura from i to 2 inches 2d do 27. Best Earth Augur 2d 'lo 28. Best apecim i 20 ibs. Cut Nails 2d do 29. Beat Blacksmith's Bellowa 2d do 80. Best Rifle 2d do 81. Beat half-dozen Narrow Axea 2d do 3d do 32. Beat set of Horse Shoes 2d do 5d do S3. Best half-dozen Grass Scythes 2d do 3d do •4. Best half-dozen Cradle Scythes 2d do 3d do 86. Best assortment of Edge Tools, Diploma & 6 86. Kxtra Entries. CLASS XXYIL— OABINIT WIBI, CABBUOES, &C. Sect. 1. Beat Side Board, Diploma and 2d do 3d do 2. Beat Piano. Canadian Hanafaotnre 2d do 3d do 3; Beat Veneers from Canadian Wood, Dip. tt 2d do 3d do 4. Beat specimen of Sawed Pine 6. do Black Wallnut 6. do Oak 7. do Curled Maple 8. Btst specimen of Graining Wood, Dip. & 2d do 3d do 9. Beat Centre Table, Diploma and 2d do 3d do 10. Best Dining Table, Diploma and 2d do 3d do } 1 . Best Easy Arm Chair 2d do 3d do 12. Beat Sofa, Diploma and 2d do 3d do 13. Best 6 Dining Room Chaira 2d do 3d do 14. Beat Ottoman 2d do 8d do 1. 16 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 15 10 16 10 16 U 10 6 U 10 10 16 1 16 10 15. Beat Work Box 10 2d do 6 ,16. Beat Writing Deak 10 3d do 6 17. Beat 1 Horae Pleasure Carriage, Diploma & 2 2d do 1 10 3d do 16 18. Beat 2 Horae Pleasure Carriage, Diploma & 2 2d do 1 10 3d do 1 19. Best Two Horse Pleasure Sleigh 2 2d do 1 10 3d do 1 20. Beat 1 Horse Sleigh 1 10 2d do 1 3d do 10 21. Best half-dozen Corn Brooms 10 2d do 6 22. Beat i 'Irzen Broom Handles, turned, 10 2d lo 5 23. Best S^, .en of Willow Ware 10 2d do 6 24. Best dozen flour barrel? 1 2d do 10 25. Best Wooden Pail 7 2d do 5 26. Best Wash Tub 7 2d do 5 27. Beet Washing Machine 10 2d do '* 6 28. Best Board Rule 10 2d do 5 29. Best Spinning Wheel 10 2d do 5 30. West dozen Wheel Heads 15 2d do 10 31. Best Churn 15 2d do 10 / . ..w'»«. . ■«. i i ; u AORIOULTtTRAL ASSOCIATION'S ff- SeeL £ 32. Best 4 or 6 Fannelled Door 2d do 3d do • 33. Beet Wladow Stub, 12 lights, hung in frame u 2d do 34. Best Model Beehive 2d do 35. Best Bandle of Bhingles, sawed, 2d do 36. Best do do split, 3d do 37. Extra Eatries CLASS XXVIIL— POTTIRT. 1. Best specimen of Potterv £1 2d do 15 3d do 10 2. Best specimen Draiuiog Tiles and pipes of dlit erent sizes 2d do 3d do 8. Best dozen Bricks 2d do 4. B<-8t Water Filter 2d do 10 5. Best Afsortment of Pottery 1 10 2d do 10 3d do 10 Extra Entries 2 10 1 5 10 10 5 15 6 CLASS XXIX. — WOOLLEN AND FLAX GOODS. 1. Best piece of not less than 12 yards of len Carpet 2d do 3d do 2. Best 12 yards, or over, OilClotb, 2d do 3d do 3. Best pair Woollen Blankets 2d do 3d do 4. Best Counterpane, 2d do 3d do 6. Best piece 12 yards Flannel, 2d do 3d do 6. Best piece of Satiaet, 12 yards 2d do 3d do 7. Best piece Broad Cloth, from Canadian 2d do 3d do Wool- 2 1 1(L 1 0^ 10 5 2 1 10 1 16 10 15 10 15 8. Best piece made, 2d 1 1 U 10 wool 2 1 10 do 10 Flannel, 10 yards, not Factory IS do 10 3d do Winter Tweed, 12 yards, do , Be>it piece 2d 3d do do 5 1 15 10 10, Best piece Fulled Cloth, 10 yards, not fac- tory made, 2d do 3d do Best SbavpJa, not factory made, 2d do 3d do 12. Beet piece Linen Goods 2d do 3d do 11 Sect. £ r 13. Best samples of Flax or Hemp Cordage, not less than 281l». 15 2d do 10 3d do 6 14. Best 12 Linen Bags, manufactured from Flax, growth of Canada, 1 2d do 15 3d do 10 15. Best half dozen pairs knitted factory wool- len drawers 1 3d do 16 3d do 10 16. Be«t half dozen knitted fsotory woollen shirts 1 2d do 15 3d do 10 17. Extra Entries CLASS XXX. — ladies' depabtmgnt. Sect. £ s. d. 1. Best specimen of Crochet Work 10 2d do 15 3d do 10 2. Best specimen of Guipure Wo k 10 2d do 16 3d do 10 3. Best specimen of Lace Work 10 2d do 16 3d do 10 4. Best specimen of Fancy Knitting 15 2d do 10 3d do 7 6 6. Best specimen of Fancy Netting 16 2d do 10 3d do 7 6 6. Best Embroidery, in Muslin, 15 2d do 10 3d do 7 6 7. Best Embroidery, in Silk, 16 2d do 10 3d do 7 8. Best Embroidery, in Worsted, 15 2d do 10 3d do 7 6 9. Best specimen of Worsted Work 16 2d do 10 3d do 7 6 10. Best specimen of Raised Worsted Work 15 2d do 10 3d do 7 6 11. Best specimen ofOmamental Needle Work 15 2d do 10 33 do -76 12. Best specimen of Quilts, in Crochet, 1 U 2d do 15 3d do 10 13. Ditto in Knitting 10 2d do 15 3d do 10 14. Ditto in Silk 10 2d do 15 3d do 10 15. Best Picce-Work Quilt 10 2d do 15 3d do • 10 16. Best specimen in Tatting 15 2d do 10 3d do 7 6 17. Best specimen of Braiding 16 2d do 10 3d do 7 6 attemm wya*"-:. Dp Cordage, totured from factory wool- cry woollen £ r 15 10 ff 1 15 10 1 15 10 1 15 10 IPAUTICKNT. £ «. d. 10 U 10 10 15 10 1 15 ng 10 15 10 7 6 15 10 7 6 15 10 7 6 15 10 7 15 d Work 10 7 15 10 7 15 het, 10 7 C idle Work 15 10 . 7 6 1 15 10 1 15 10 10 15 10 10 15 10 15 !0 7 15 10 7 PRIZE LIST FOR 1855. 15 Stet. £ B. 18. Beit ipoolmen of Wax Frnlt 16 2d do 10 3d do '50 10. Best specimen of Wax Flowers 15 3d do 10 3d do 5 20. Best F^ Woollen Sooka 10 Sd do 7 6 3d do 5 21. Best Pair Woollen StooUngs 10 21 do 7 6 3d do 5 23.- Best specimen of Gentlemen's ahlrta 15 3d do 10 3d do 5 23. Best pair of WooUen Mittens 10 3d do 7 6 3d do 5 34. Best Pair of Woollen Gloves 10 Sd do 7 3d do 5 25. Beat Hat of Canadian Straw, 10 2d do 7 6 3d do 5 26. Best Bonnet of Canadian Straw 10 2d do 7 6 3d do 5 27. Other Articles. Sect. £ 16. Best specimen Architectaral Drawing 1 2d best 1 17. Daguerreotype, best collection, the Exhibitor to nave operated in Canada for the^laat 12 months. Diploma and 1 2d beat 1 18. Lithographic Drawing, Diploma and 1 2d best 1 19. Wood Engraving, Diploma and 1 2d best 1 20. Engraving on Copper, Diploma and 1 2d best 1 21. Engraving on Steel, Diploma and 1 Sd best 1 22. Best specimen of Seal Engraving, Diploma and Carving in Wood, Diplo- 8. 10 10 10 10 10 10 23 do 3 2 3 2 2 10 1 10 2 LUt. £2 10 2 2 10 1 10 10 10 10 10 1>> 10 10 10 10 10 OLISS XXXI — FINB IRTS, kC— [Executed since last Exhibition.] Oil. Profeuional Amateur LUt. 1. Historical painting, Canadian sub- lect, Diploma and £3 2d best 2. Landscape, Canadian subject. Di- ploma and 2d best . Animals [grouped or single] Di- ploma and 2d best 4. Portrait — Diploma and 2d best In Water Colors. 5. Landscape, Canadian subject. Di- ploma and 2d best . Portrait, diploma and 2d best 7. Animals, [grouped or single] Di- ploma and 2d best 8. Miniature, Diploma and 2d beat 9. Fiowera, Diploma and 2d beat Peneiland Orayon. 10. Pencil Portrait, Diploma and 2d best 11. Crajon Portrait, Diploma and 2d best 12. Pencil Drawing, Diploma and 2d best 13. Crayon Drawing, Diploma and 2d best 14. Colored Crayon, Diploma and 2d best 15. Best specimen of Colored Geometrical draw- ing of Engine or Millwright work. Diplo- ma and 2 do do Stone, Diplc Modelling in Plaster, Di- Ornamental Turning, Dl- Do ma and Do ma and Do ploma and Do do ploma and Ornamental Penmanship Diploma and 2d best Stuffed Birds 2d best Picture Frame, gUt 2d do Picture Frame, veneered 2d do Stucco Moulding 2d do 32. Stained Glass 2d do 33. Dentistry, Diploma and 2d do 34. Extra Entries 2 2 2 2 10 10 10 10 10 10 1 10 CLASS XXXII— INDIAN PRIZES. 10 10 15 15 15 15 15 16 10 10 16 5 15 10 15 1. Best Bark Canoe 2d do 2. Best 4 Paddles 2d do 3. Best Indian Cradle 2d do 4. Best ptdr of Snow Shoea [common aize] 2d do u 5. Beat pair of Snow Shoea [8 inchea long] 2d do 6 Beat Tobacco Pouch, worked with Porcupine Quilla 7. Best pipe of Peace 15 2d do 10 8. Best pipe of War 15 2d do 10 9. Best pair cf Mocassins [plain] 7 2d do 5 Best pair [Mocassins worked with Porcupine 10 10 5 6 10, Quills] 7 2d do 6 11. Best pair Mocassins (worked with beads) 7 2d do 5 12. Best pair Buckskin Mitteca 7 2d do 5 13. Best dressed Deer Skin 10 2d do 6 14. Best Fruit Basket 7 2d do 5 15. Best Clothes Basket 7 2d do 5 i> i i !jP i S SS;i P» i l i t i ' *^*^ ^^rni^' 'WC|W™*W •--»>'<«:.-' •.•«nr,)% 1 I? /I » i I /; i< AGRIOULTUBAL ASSOGUTIONfl^BIZB LIST FOR ISfiS. Sect. 16.B«itHwidB«iket Id do IT. Bwt U Ibf Wild Bloe 2d do 18. Extn EntrlM 1 J CLASS XXXUL— BOOKBINDDia, PAFIK Ack 1. Besi epooimea Dookbiadlng Sd do 8d do 5. Best ream of Writing Pcper 2d do 8d do 8. Best ream of Printing Paper 2d . do 3d do 4. Best a&d cheapNt ream wrapping paper made from anj material 2d • do 3d do 6. Best apeoimen LMt^-PiesB fPrintiog, ex- ecuted since last Exhibition 2d do 3d do Kxtra Gntriea 6, CLASS XXXIV.— FORKION 1. Best Durham Bull over 6 yean, and STOCK. Diplomi 2d ^ do 2, BeAlDarham Cow, Diploma and 2d.»*^ do 5. Best Ayshire Bull, Diploma and 2d do 4. Best Ayshire Oow, Diploma and 2d do 6. Best Hereford Bull Diploma and 2d do 6. Best Hereford Cow Diploma and 2d do 7. BestDaron Bull, Diploma and 2d do 6. Best Devon Oow, Diploma and 2d do 9. Best Stallion for Agricultural purposes, Diploma and 2d do 10: Best Blood Stallion, Diploma and 2d do 11. Best Leicester Ram Diploma, and 2d do 12 Bests Leicester Ewes, Diploma and 2d do 13. Best Southdown Ram, Diploma and 2d do 14. Best 2 Southdown Ewes, Diploma and 2d do 15. Best Merino and Saxon Ram, Diploma and 2d do 2 10 1 10 1 2 10 10 1 10 1 10 2 10 2 10 1 10 1 to 2 10 2 10 1 10 1 10 2 10 2 10 10 lO' 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 16. Best 2 Merino or Saxon Ewes, Diploma and 1 10 2d do 17. Best Boar, Diploma and 2a do 18. Best Breeding Sow, Diploma and 2a do 19. Extra Entries in Foreign Stock OLMS XXXV.— FOREIOS AOKICULTUaAL lUPtEMENTS. 1. " Best Plough, Diploma and 1 2. " Subsoil Plough Diploma and 1 8. " Pair Harrows I Ttaaing Mill, Dlplom* and Hone Power Thrasher and Separator, Beet. ' 4. " 6. « Diploma and ' " Seed Drill or Barrow, Diploma and Straw Cutter Smut Slaohlne ° PorUble Grist Mill, Diploma and Grain Cracker Machine for cutting Roots for Stock Com and Cob Crusher Olorer Machine, Diploma and Reaping Machine, dlplom^ and Culttvator, Diploma and Assortment of Agricultural Implement! t Edge Tools, Diploma and 6 17. Extra Entries. «. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. 12. IS. 14. 15. 16. u « « II Ii II II ii II i< « 1. 1 2 10 u 2 10 10 u 2 10 1 B COVNTT AQBICTTLTiniAL AEPOKTS. A Premium of £15, will be given for the best Report on each of the following Counties : viz., SiHcoi, Brcob, and Prooott. If the sucoessftal Report be written by the Secretary of the County Agricultural Society, the premium will be increased to £20. These Reports, In .'addition to the usual informa- tlon required respecting the condition of Agrlcultu* ral Societies within their range, should describe the various soils of the county, modes of farming, value of land, amount of tillage and average of crops, breeds of llve-stook. Implements and machines In use, manures and their mode of applioation, sketch of part process, with suggestions for ftirther improve- ment. All statistical information should be condensed and, when practicable, put in a tabulated form. The main otgect of the Report would be to afford any intelligent stranger who may read it, a coaoise, yet an adequately truthful view of the agricultural condition, and industrial pursuits of ihe County. It Is desirable that each Report should not be less than 25 or 30 octavo pages, when printed. The Reports are to be sent in to the Secretary of the Board of Agrlonlture, Toronto, on or before the 1st day of September next ; accompanied by a sealed note contidning the name and address of the writer- Such as obtain premium) will become the property of the Board ; but no premium will be awarded to any Report, unless it posesses sufflolent m^tit, altbo' It may be the best sent in. JUST PTTBUSHP, I'^HE Journal and tranMhAiong of the Board of Agriculture of Upper Canadn, No. 1, Vol. Ist, pp 180 Torouto: priuted and published by Thompson & Co , for the Board of Agrlcullure This work will bo issued In quarterly parts, four of which will form a volume. The first part embodies the transactions of this I'rovincial Association from its Institution in 1846, down to the commencement of the year 1851 Tlie next number will con- tain an account ot the further proceeding* of the Association and the Board of Agriculture, Prixo Essays, Abstract of County Uoports, &c ... . , , .„ The work will be sent free by post for cs per annum. All communications and remittances to be addressed to the Secre- tary of the Board of Agriculture, Toronto. -^i. wr.-'"'"wrj^' itor, ok ementi « 1. 1 2 10 1 u 1 1 2 10 1 10 1 I 2 2 10 1 6 6 IFOKTS. or the best itiea: viz., I laooessM the County beiuoreaaed lal Infonnar r Agrlcaltu- leacribe tbe ming, value ;e of crops, hiBes in use, I, eketch of ler improve- I condensed Iform. Tbe I afford any I coaoiae, yet igrieuUural ihe County. i not be less d. Secretary of ir before the L by a sealed f the writer, the property awarded to m^rlt, altbo' r Agriculture of orouto: printed lofAgricuUure ur of which will nRactions of tliia ;46, down to tho umber will con- tlie Association itraot of Count/ )or annum. All ed to the Secro-