> »' ^AM^ 2^«i^^UA 3B735 r686 ^BY-LAWS, 33y35 T"^ III -OF THE- ::;,TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY, N\iOP^tQ Yt^RV3N^N 6 KU\i lJ\^RCH \k, \?>'i>k. V/' 'N . ■• ; . 'V^ ■,, TORONTO : Printed by the Grip Printing and Publishing Company. 1884. ■t.'itt»j^'-i.'i,\ur*' ^'-vi^\ j' "-Aiy." ',,:\'i 'A ''■'' <;i.-.. xaU -I. . ,. .it ■ -^. -■-♦ ..> ', ( .. ). .■! ■■ -jr.. .V ., BY-LAWS fiil -^1 m4 MrA -OF THE — TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY. ^^)0?-\t\^ FtBRViNRX 6 NHQ VA^^CH \lx, \a8^. TORONTO: '-N 'EO HV T„I, (JkIP PhINT.K,; AM. PrBLtSHrNO COMrANV. 1884. BOARD OF MANAGEMENT. t ±883. JOKN Hallam, Chairman, His Worship the Mayor. John Taylor. George Wright, M.D. W. H. Knowlton. James Mason. Geo. D'Arcy Boulton. JOHM Mills. William Scully. 1884. John Hallam, Chairman. His Worship the Mayor. John Taylor. George Wright, M.D. W. H. Knowlton. James Mason. Bernard Saunders. John Mills. William Scully. James Bain, Jr. John Davy, Samuel Thompson. Miss O'Dowd. BY-LAWS. Art. I. — Regular meetings of the Board shall be held on the second Friday of each month at 4.15 o'clock p.m. No meeting shall be held unless a quorum is i present within fifteen minutes after the hour ap- pointed. Art. IL — The Chairman may personally, and shall, upon the written request of any two mem- bers, call a special meeting of the Board, giving at least two days' notice to each member. The notice of any special meeting shall state the business of the meeting, and no business shall be transacted at such meeting which is not stated in the notice. Art. III. — Four members shall constitute a quorum of the Hoard at any regular or special, meeting, but no appropriation shall be made, or in- , debtedness incurred, exceeding $100, without the concurrent votes of a majority of all the members of the Board. Art. IV. — The Board of Management shall, at the first meeting in the month of February, elect one' of their number as Chairman, who shall retain office for one year. He shall preside at all meetings of the Board ; in his absence a Chairman may be chosen pro tern. The Chairman shall have the same right of voting as have other members of the Board find no furthe^ right. — - , It shall be his duty to sign all vouchers approved of by the Board, and all drafts which shall be drawn upon the City Treasurer on account of the Library Fund ; to nominate for the approval of the Board, the Standing Committees tor the year and to pre- pare the Annual Report for the consideration of the Board. i .v • Art. V. — Ail orders and proceedings of the Board shall be entered in books to be kept for that purpose, and shall be signed by the Chairman for the time being. ^">^^> •' - '-^ '- ^- Art. VI.— The officers of the Board shall be the Chief Librarian, ist Assistant Librarian (who shall also perform the duties of Secretary), and such Assistant Librarians and Caretakers as may be found necessary, from time to time, for the efficient carrying on of the work of the Library, all of whom shall hold office during the pleasure of the Board. Art. VII. — There shall be three Standing Com- mittees, namely : A Committee on the Library and Reading Rooms, a Committee on Finance, and a Committee on Buildings and Grounds ; each Committee consisting of four members, of whom three shall form a quorum. The Chairman of the '5 Board shall be, ex-officio^ a member of all Com- mittees. • * - •- •• ' '-— - :"• Art. VIII. — The Order of Business at all regu- lar meetings of the Board shall be as follows : — 1. Reading the minutes of the previous meeting. 2. Reading Communications. " • " •' 3. Reading Lists of Donations. '' ' " 4. Reading Reports of Committees. / / Report of Library Committee. " ,.' ,, Report of Finance Committee. ''' "' ' " '." Report of Building Committee. 5. Report of the Librarian. " '." 6. Unfinished Business. ' ' ' ' ' ' *. 7. New Business and Notices of Motion. Art. IX. — I. All motions must be presented in writing, shall contain the names of the mover and seconder, and must be read by the presiding officer before they are open for discussion. 2. No motion involving the expenditure of money, or the discussion of new business shall be submitted without notice having been given at a previous meeting, except by consent of a majority of all the members of the Board. 3. Only two motions in amendment shall be in order at the same time, the one to amend the original motion, and the other to amend the amend- ment ; they shall be put to the meeting in the re- verse of the order in which they are moved. 4. Any question before the Board shall be taken by yeas and nays, at the request of any member. Art. X. — It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep an exact and permanent record of the meet- ings of the Board of Management and Committees, to notify the members of all meetings of the Board and of Committees, to keep the financial accounts of the Library under the supervision of the Finance Committee and perform such other duties as the Board may direct. . ,. t Art. XI. — I. The Committee on Library and Reading Rooms shall meet on the Wednesday pre- vious to the regular meeting of the Board, and shall have supervision of everything relating to the selec- tion, purchase, circulation, use, and binding of books, periodicals and newspapers, the disposition of duplicates, and the preparation, printing, and distribution of catalogues. 2. They shall examine all donations before being reported to the Board; aid shall have the super- intendence cf the employees in the Library and Reading Rooms, and shall report to the Board the names of suitable persons as Librarian and assist- ants. v„ ^; ,,;j ,..-, \' .' i« -^ v.;..>-^. Art. XIL — i. The Committee on Finance shall meet on the Thursday previous to the regular meeting of the Board, and shall have charge of the General Finances and of Insurances, they shall investigate all accounts and pass upon the same before presentation to the Board. 2. They shall also see that all appropriations necessary be duly reported to the Board. , 3- They shall previous to the 15th day of March, in every year, make up or cause to be made up, an estimate of the sums required to pay, during the ensuing financial year : ^ • » The interest of any money borrowed, The amount of the Sinking Fund, and The expense of maintaining the Library, Reading Rooms and Buildings. *' * Art. Xlil. — The Committee on Buildings and Grounds shall meet on the Tuesday previous to the regular meeting of the Board, and shall have supervision of the Library Buildings and Care- takers, and take charge of all repairs, extensions, improvements, heating, lighting, and renting of rooms. Art. XIV. — i. The Chief Librarian shall have charge of the rooms and employees of the Library and Reading Rooms ; and shall be responsible for the safety of the books and property contained therein, and for the preservation of order in the buildings. : ♦ 2. He shall prepare for the use of the Com- mittee on Library and Reading Rooms, lists of books to be purchased; and shall have executive superintendence of all matters, under the super- vision of the several Standing Committees. 3. At the first regular meeting of the Board in each month he shall report the condition and cir- culation of the books for the preceding month; 8 and shall make an annual report, up to the 31st December precedmg to the Board of Management at the first meeting of the new Board in February of each year. Art. XV. — No amendment to these Rules of Procedure shall be moved unless notice thereof shall have been given at the previous meeting of the Board, and no such amendment shall be con- curred in,^ except it be carried by a majority of the whole Board. r, - yftt ? *i. '>■ -: 'j**! :'5-. LIBRARY AND READING ROOMS. RULES AND REGULATIONS. 1. The Reference and Circulating Library shall be open every week day from 9 a.m. to 9.30 p.m., except Christmas Day, New Year's Day, Good Friday, Dominion Day, any day appointed by Government or by Civic Proclamation as a public holiday, and such other days as the Board of Man^ agement may direct, for the dosing of the whole Oi of any portion of the Library .^^ » * 2. No person who is in an intoxicated, dis- orderly, or uncleanly condition shall be admitted. No audible conversation will be permitted, and no person will be allowed to smoke, to partake of re- freshments, to spit, to ramble about the room, or to bring any dog into the building. 3. No person will be allowed to pass within the enclosure, or to take any books from the shelves. 4. No person under the age of 14 will be ad- mitted to the Reading Room or to the Reference Library. '^' * » - lO RULES FOR REFERENCE LIBRARY. \..: 5. x\ll applications for books must be made in writing, the printed form being signed by the applicant ; and such signature shall be deemed to be an assent to the Rules and Regulations of the Library. Every reader shall, before leaving the room, return the book or books into the hands of the Librarian. Exchanging books with any other reader is strictly prohibited, and persons giving a false address are liable to prosecution. 6. The Librarian will carefully examine each book returned, and if the same be found to have sustained any injury, or to have been rendered of less value by being soiled or written in, the person to whom the same was delivered shall pay the amount of damage or injury done, or shall procure a new copy of equal value, and, in the latter case, such person will be entitled to the damaged copy on depositing the new one. If any person to whom a book shall have been delivered, injures or does not return the same to the Librarian before leaving the room,, or refuses or neglects to pay on demand the amount of any loss or injury, or to procure another copy, as before mentioned, he or she shall be prosecuted under the Free Libraries' Act, Vic. 45, chap. 22. II 7. The Librarian shall have discretionary power to refuse books to any applicant who is not of suit- able age, or to any reader who neglects or refuses to comply with the Rules and Regulations ; but any person so refused may appeal to the Library Committee. 8. Readers wishing to consult the more valuable books, or works of art, or those marked thus *, must make special application for that purpose. ' 9. The use of ink for making extracts, for copy- ing, or for taking tracings is not permitted. 10. Readers desirous of proposing books, peri- odicals or newspapers for addition to the Library may do so by writing the names of such books, etc., in a Suggestion Book, which will be sub- mitted regularly to the Library Committee ^ j:^j " f • - -, .. r■ ^^S'-' 'y7^ ...... ... .,.^ ... - : .. ,. •.■.. .■ J .. '^ '■•■'■ -^ -'' - ■■ '•■ •-■■.■I ' '■ ; . ■■>?;',v.^- ^ . > ,^■•^,K•, ^. 12 CIRCULATING LIBRARY. II. Any resident of Toronto shall be entitled to borrow books upon signing the following applica- tion, and upon obtaining the signature of one rate- payer (who must be approved of by the Chief Librarian or by the Secretary), to the following guarantee, or upon depositing the sum of three dollars with the Librarian : — ' '* ^''* . No._ ^;i, ..»• .. PUBLIC LIBRARY, TORONTO. I hereby make application for a Borrower's Ticket, and agree to observe all the Rules and Regulations of the Library. Toronto, — - — :— 188 . ,^, Address ' >t ' ^ Toronto, 188 To iUe Chief Librarian Public Library^ Toronto. 1 recommend residing at No. Street, occupation au a fit person to enjoy the privileges of the Public Library ; and I hereby guarantee that I wil^ make good any injury or loss the Library may sustain from the permission that may be given in consequence of this Certificate. - * .. . Name : ^. Address Occupation When the person who has signed this engagement shall desire to •withdraw from it, he must give notice thereof to the Chief Librarian, who will give a release as soon as he shall have ascertained that no liability exists. < 13 The privileges accorded in consequence of this Certificate, may be revoked al pleasure by the Board of Management. Borrowers are especially cautioned against losing their' tickets, as they will be held responsible for any books that may be taken out with such ticket. * - * s :ir.- ,» 12. Each borrower, on payment of five cents shall be supplied with a ticket inscribed with his or her name, address, and register number, which must be renewed at the expiration of the time mentioned thereon. This card must be presented whenever a book is borrowed, returned, or re lewed, and, if lost, a new one not be issued until thirty days aftei written notice of the loss has been given, except upon sufficient consideration by the ' Librarian. Immediate written notice of change of. residence, must be given at the Library. Neglect to give this notice will subject the borrower to for- feiture of privileges. ' 13 Each borrower is entitled to take one volume of octavo or of larger size, or two volumes of smaller size than octavo, these being the same work. . . 14. Books may be retained two weeks, and may be once Renewed for the same time. 15. Books of recent date, labelled " Seven-day Book," must not be retained more than one week> and will not be renewed. 16. A fine of three cents per day shall be paid on each work (whether bound in one or more volumes) which is not returned according to the provisions of 14 tthe preceding rules, and no other book will be delivered to the party incurring the fine until such .fine is paid. 17. Should a book not be returned within four- teen days after the expiration of the prescribed time an additional charge of twenty-five cents shall be added for costs of collection, and if the book be not returned within six weeks from the day of issue, legal proceedings shall immediately be taken to recover the value of the same, with all fines and charges. 18. V\'^riting in books is prohibited, and all injuries to books, and all losses must be promptly adjusted to the satisfaction of the Librarian. 19. Any person abusing the privileges of the Library, or violating these regulations shall be temporarily suspended from the use of the Library, and the case shall be reported to the Library Com- mittee for proper action thereon. %.:^:ii 'S READING ROOMS. 20. The Reading Rooms shall be open every week-day except Good Friday, Christmas Day and New Year's day, from 8.30 a. m. to 10 p.m. ^21. All magazines and papers must be read at the tables or stands provided for the purpose, and any paper can be claimed on ten minutes' notice being given to the reader. 22. No amendments to these Rules and Regula- tions of the Library and Reading Rooms shall be moved unless notice thereof shall have been given at the previous meeting of the Board, and no such amendment shall be concurred in except it be carried by a majority of the whole Board. Excerpts from the Free Libraries' Act, 45 Vic, chap. 22 : "The Board may impose penalties for breaches of the By-laws or Rules, not exceeding ten dollars for any offence, but any Judge or Mag- istrate, before whom a penalty imposed thereby is sought to be recovered, may order a part only of such penalty to be paid, it he thinks fit." •.* The word Librarian, wherever mentioned in the Rules and Regulations, shall be taken to mean the Librarian in chief or his assistants. No guarantee will be taken from any member of the Board or officer of the Library. pnl. /^^i l< i/,:^'" '',■'■. '';■';"• .o:f«»^;- ' ) ■/, M^: ' ..,i' •?if'i;^>'3*,--ir-*;'r,v.v>i*'; • *» . . ;■ ' t ••;•■■ f r'^tu: '..I :; . -.: , i?c). '.??'( ■:''-»' /pK^i^M '-^v? I' •■ •> •• -t' -rvi: ? > V:*f:- •■XViy J: ■:M. V:,- :V.) vLna 11$^, L ::':-^?> ^ •■■■'.' i^&fLtvc^:>^-: '-i,r( •,■•- ;{■ ^-'•'.- :■■ V Toronto Public Library. ^•x^^ *-%^-^.r^ REFERENCE LIBRAR Y-CEN TRAL CIRCULA TING UBRAR Y, CORNER CHURCH AND ADELAIDE STREETS. NORTHERN BRANCH, ST. PAUL'S HALL, YONGE STREET ■M. WESTERN BRANCH, > ' - ST. ANDREW'S MARKET. STANDING C0JV1J\/1ITTEES FOR 1384. LIBRARY COMMITTEE, JNO. TAYLOR, C/mirman, GEO. WRIGHT, M.D.. JAMES MASON, BERNARD SAUNDERS. FINANCE COMMITTEE, JAMES MASON, C/iairpian, W. H. KNOWLTON, THE MAYOR, WILLIAM SCULLY. BVILDING COMMITTEE, WM. SCULLY, Chairman, JOHN A. MILLS, W. H. KNOWLTON, JOHN TAYLOR. ■' *