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' •** ■ 1 ■ ' c W} : , .■.- • •; '■■''■:: ■■■ .'- , ■ . * \ . . , ■' ■ * .■.■•; "■ V . . ■ • TiM ImtltuM hM •ttamptad ta obfaM tM bMt erlflMl L'liHtitwl ■ fiiicrofllMi4 1« iiMiliMir •■•mplawt ^'tl .' copy f,«Ml«6lc fof ltlmm«. FMfufM of this co^ whkh lui a *«« poMiMt ndtqu4i » • , ', . ■;'^' «l danom. -r' .■...•. • /■ ceioyrad eovar*/ F^ CoNMtrad pata«/ l___J Couvat tura da cowladr ' L-_J ^afat da co«ila«if , ■ ■ i" ■ ■ . ■ . " • ■ ■ * ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ( ■■' ■ . V ■ ■ r~n Covart damapd/ r~l PapM damafad/ L_ Couvartura andommafta : J£J PSfM andommattet ! ..' 1 Covar* rattorad and/or lamtnatad/ 11 ^**** '***<*'*^ and/or larnktatad/ 1 Couvartura rattaurte at/ou pallkulto L_i Patat raitaurAat at/ou paNiculAa* Covar titia MlMtnf/ ">| Nfat ditcdourad. itainad or foMad/ 1 1 La titra da couvartura maiHiua f LJ Pagat d«color«at. tadtatAai ou p^u«a« ■ - " ' ■ CoNMirad mapa/ F I '^H** datactiad/ CarM ftetrapHiqua* an eoulaur 1 j Paflat dAtacMat ^ ^ ^ 1 Cdlourad ink (i.a. othar than Mua or Mack)/ .r~n Sllowthroufh/ 1 Encradacoulaur (i.a.jwtraquaMauaounoira) | M Trantparanca t • ; t D Colourad Plata* and/or illuttrationt/ Planchat at/ou illuitrationi an coulaur Bound wit^ otfMr malarial/ Ralii avac d'autrai documanti Tight binding may causa shadow* or distortion along intarior margin/ La ralitira sarria paut causar da I'ombra ou da la distorsipn la iduo«d thanht to tho g«n«ro«ttv of : . Chursh of Canada Th« tmtQM appoorlng h«r« art tha bf at quality poaalbia conaidaring tha condition and laglbillty of tha original copy and In liaaping with tha filming contract •pacifioationa. "■-;' , ■■■• '■ •.«, '/ "'r ■■,.■■■.■_ Original copiaa in printad papar covara mn fllmf d baginning with tha front covar and anding on tha laat paga with a printad or llluttratad Impraa* •Ion, or tha back, oovar whan appropriata. All othar original copla* ara filmad baginning on tha first paga with a printad or illuatratad impraa- •ion. and anding on tha last paga wifh a printad or illuatratad impraaaion.. THa laat racordad f rama on oaoh microf Icha ahall contain tha aymbol •<-** (moaning "CON- TINUED"), or tha aymboi ▼ (moaning "END"), whichavar appliaa. L'aH g4n( Laa plua dal4 ooni film< papl par I darn d'im pift. origl pran d'im Iad4 amp Unc darn caa: ayml Map*! plataa, charts, ate., may ba filmad at diffarant raduotion ratioa. Thoaa too larga to ba antlraly Includad in ono axpoaura ara filmad baglnriing In tha uppar laft hand cornar. laft tq right ahd top to bottom, aa many framaa aa raquirad. Tha following diagrama iiliiatrata tha mathpd: ^- iPPLIgQ I^A/1GE Ine I6SJ Cml Main Slr*«( Hochwttf. Nm rofti t460« UtA (;i») 4M - OJOO - Phon* (716) 2H - SM« - rn CjfsJuJ^ <5-^5>-^^ , » » ■ <;- who would be Bisho|Mi of tbe Ohuroh, ranking themseivea in hostile array "unto a tid« and draw in tA« quarral wKieh ia going on," and has been raging ' for these forty years 'past, when wo ' find amongst thom and other preebytera ' ' of the Ohurch a determination to throw _ off the principles oi the Reformers and lay aside the Scriptural character of tbo . Articles of the Churchy «> When we find such mon as "TKuroro^' and <7i/m> oomfrs" wrangling and coming to an ^ open contention through the publio prees as to what doctrines tbe Churoh - does or does nol teachj When we ose • Presbyter of the Ohuroh openly declare . it he could be convinced that the Ohuf oh holds the dodcrine of Baptismal Rsgeneration, he would leAve hor polo and ministry forever, and then when shown incontestible proof of it which no candid mind oould resist, ineoastimlly , qnil Ihe tiijid vanqui$httt, but still rs> ' mail}, like a SUm0a a wsU, clinging to the loaves and fishesj^When we sso 7~ a iWbytor oleolod to iho oOm of GEN^rlAL SVI^CD, AUCHiVES ■ ---f i .. *3 y. ••V .- ^■' id- t llialmf i'p^\~^^ AN OPEN LvrriR i. •ntNnii lo • \wfkA smwiAnUI witiflli tnvitlvK* ••IharwiiM lo th« liogm* of myuitt.iufm\ •lUKMMMiun whiob h« hM |ini«uM«hl]r (IvoUkI, «n«l whtah tho IH^Xy |»Uh wbum h* h«« hm^ tdmUitMi (n tlitlobiiroh r«|>iiift«U<« WIm'Ii wa kmr or « Biihop iinMoHliig » Mcroon IrylnJ lo amkm owi iht iil*nlU]r of th« OhrUMitn minklry «Uli ttiM MAilfldinK |iri«Mlj|.MiiJ. uniUr Ih* Imwuth Muiiunijr. anil mkmn% lh«» tItM (JiirialUii piiaAUiMod liM liirn in oniaUino* ovur tbr«« thoul •ad «Mm I «n«1) "wm not niouldod into thmpm aooording t«) may ■oriptiiiml ilMlinUion.but on ih«i oootiary, lb* Bdripuir*' itiMilf n«<««lMl |h«n«i*t«noN •nd «|iproval of th« Ohiiroh \mtor« it oould Imv« any »iithoi4ty m dMiUifttory or th« will uf Uoil" »iid AgAiit "tha writ uigof thii Ni^w Tt'Mtanient wmi not Him «MM« of th«i tprMd of OhriatiAnity, o^ of tb« oi-g»nii«tion of tho Churoh, but WM tho tffSut of Itoih. IndMil on th« Mippoailion th*t tlM Mwrtid boo^i worv ooin|KiMNl for thut purpo«<*, wo mmt MO that they h»vo uttorljr failed of tbia ob|«ot. Tho roading of tb«ut (the Horipturoa) to find out rukaa of guidanoo foriaiDg OhurohM, has ro- Bultod in a inultitudo of oo^tradiotory MOta, all howovn- olaiming to be Soriptural Oburobea." 1 an led to ««k "wbither aro you drifungt" I AID indaoad to heliave that Biabop Haira "anall olood" ia already kMrgtr iMam a tnm't Kmd, and that il ia BOi "oomtfv tomorcU," but ia aliaady tit t/u dmnh, and haa-iadly [paaaa nf tta Bmoiten, Timly tka akf Ktu "tbleb (lonttanlly reprobate the duAon«$t oonduet and rituatutie praeHe** of thoaa they them- aelvea oall "Itrethian," and I ask them through this letter to let their oonaoim* oea determine "if they are not tAtm- m/m* ehaiymbU mth timUar conduct 1 It baa baan the habit of a mnoh revered Biahopoftha A merioan Church, (now gone to hia reat) to make the re- mark — which waa the key note of moat of hia platform s|ie«ohea in wbiob tho oburoh was oonjernod — "Befire you oaii get pinan*.or«ft out of the Ohuroh to*i mu«t lake the prieat out of the prayer book I" And Sir, before yoar Society or the Ohnrch in Canada or the United Statea, can expeot that the prinoiplaa of tho Ungliih Reformation will bo revived in their miUat, that "alumlv dffnobitd tho pluroaaanU abaken the ^iog^ blook" must ho removed whloh< / ' \- ■ ■J 1 .^* . ■ , V "■"'■ ■ ^^ ^'•' ■ \ ■ ■ ^ ■■ ■■ ' . ■ .- * J ' A _^ . . ■ i. " / ■- AN OWmt tKtTRN. MmmI* I* iInt »*f al fiMiif irn* •lk«tf«l) ■MA, •mi whtah hiui dri««n nMiii* MiiMMH Ohrinlinna OMI uf il« |mI^. II| til«>jr ti|ifMMif>, M ili<>^ hMvw hUhorlo Mfiktmih >UHtf, mU Mllrmiibi luuktitg to III* rMviahiu of (ii« pfi*ymr ^mutk, llt««u U wart uiu-|«>w to umUrtokw or aftM*^! » rtftMrm witli^i t lf Cltitrth i -Timi AofA • Ar* r^uirmi, n i aknowr^ •liidaiil uf tlm MibJ«l>» «•» •r^ill «il«iii|>i t/». lUnWr- Nolli)iii|| tHit im nffVoiMtt *iril of bi>|>«t«>aa M|{otry ami folly. , If tlii7 Mr* il«Uiriiiin''i4i «*iugrity M May judge of tha iutMgrity of ihair au oalled "br»thran," I havN no hope whatovar that many of the niiniatani of the Bvanglioal School will yitdd or oonawnt to « raviaion of tha firaycr book, or aoknowladgo thoir oonviotion that tha root of all pr«a«nl avUi (npart frooi Iha artiotaa of re- Jlgton) raata mainly in thatoom|Mndiuni whioh haa been handad down in a multlalMi htm. t hJ aaJ | em Irmljr p«r«u««l»l thai all vflWitMal r«form«ll<«|» vlll aver b«a«ranoiMSy o|ipe«Ni by (||a gr«ml body of lh« Kvanglkiel alargy, •ml bjr vmtf m«nr »f lb« Uliy, to aaj nothing of th« High Chiirah tm^, • iliialialiw oiargy. In (iruof oiT' Ihll ft^llag till Ma meiiilon Iwo InaLiiiaaaf of whiah ibt-ra aia iMniiiiil« ainillat oii*«p-Th« lau Hiahop lUatburn, «•# Ih* Anii>tii«n Ohurah, an Kng- tiaman and a moat iiroiionnoml RvanKaltct^l, publicly denUrail witbi<*fai. niiMi to a reviaton o( ibrlbMik of ('oa»* niun V>ayar (hal ht- «»ild nnvar ooA' «an» to dol an i or ^ruaa a I in thai Itooli by «ri4r of altoratinn or am«nd- iM«nt, and aintw, hia di»>«lb thit vaoaiioy in hia l)io«aa«« haa b«*<«n Adad by iha «*l«otion and oonaaoration of a i^aal- iaiio Htabop— -(b« natural aoquoaBu)/ ■nob a d*daratinn,-and a Canon pf ib«« DiooMaM of Huron in a aitrnu n priiaoba r by biiu Nome two yi>arN ago, dajlamd that nutwithalaMlinK hia Kvangitliaal piinoipltta bo "wimlil not altar onA word of th» Pray«r Hook." The aama individual aoinv (ift««n ytwra ago, dMolar«d that raiher than ktwp the g«>rnia ftlT Pojwry aa thay axiat in the Book of (yontinon Pravar. would, il neijeaaary^ do away with Ihe Liturgy altogathar,'— it inuat ba undariUxxl howevei that ha waa lovm than than ha ia no«^>— he waa not a Canon. H* haa now tttpfttd up hif/htr, but aa I have already aaid theae aie uot exoap^ ioiial people. Thare are thouaanda of Huoh in tha United Btatea and Canada. Indued I oan not aae how, or where, or through m hom tho reforot — ia to oommenoe, or the avilia to end. •I *llll, ''All •(«»>• «>f »^>« al««^|f •*••« >•> lMv« 'i^tlM on (Mr J««w.' nt«« wHo |»nM, who |HM«h. mnt\ whti publiaS tk« lNiffnMt<*ni «»f »li« hc-lhwn Unda wiflK h* I'd «» tMiaglni* •0 f»r/ ffiTO '»*'ini oimii«l«r>'«l, ■• iImj tiAVM IwMin III all «ivil (XMuiitiin- Ilii«. •normous oriinmi. wurii In lH» oow wunlon of th« ProlMUnt R|iiMfiO|ml Ohurdh. tiMimiHl (foflinal oirtuM. ArguniT.M in tlinroMlvM (m tb mm* uf •TAunrnM") lh« >iu»l ounvinoinn niiU |M«#rfiil •|»|n«iir lo h«»» no w«ighl Ngaliwt •ooh • ajrtUm. •up|ioit.Ml T lK«ia.>- I lN«iM il|M« llM Mwl «l r««ial lo*i«h«l-~b«l I I'tw* »ttU4f to |A« <{^Im» t -^mi Imn I will •U«i4t le tm la IMrtioiiUr. ' ■^ Til* lUitf |i##« of iKa ditM; p«^ ItalwNl amuovit ollior ihinga minn* «llh Iha roMMil oonaMralion of lli«ho|i «f Monlrwil. Ihal lh« •••liof lilahtitt in laying on hla iiaiula iimr tli» lni|MMilion nfour banda" Ao kn , no«r wbat aaaumplion ia bar* I how aaatly aaaailalil* I* iba IUaho|i wito aaaiimaa lo oonfar tbia gifl I anil how qvMllonabi* «r» lh« |irlndpl«« of tb« I'rmihylfo nrhoa'- "vhola luiniaMrial oaiatii' hM Ini«ii |»rwiiiiNaiiiy inarlit> ooniar aoob a gift Tbia oora. tbay am iiy m»l«airt«ti«N»l pr. Jn mony afiil iba uMi of llifa* woida in- ilicaa anil intrraatB (aa in tba oaaM of "Illnw<»ini»ii''J 'Hbai oinni|H»l«ni roioa, wbiah aaiiig Kvangrlioabi (noiaidy Daan (limaaalt^drny j— how Ut this, Mr. Pruaid.nti what d«H»a tbo Ohnrob AiMooiaiion aay lo tbia 1 -and latmo raraark b«r»'lM>foie we gnlurthar, that in onlaiiiing PriaaU, tha Biabop aaaumaa to ifn|>art ibr gift of tbn Holy Oboat, foi ha aaya (the *'raenv0r»" hi^mbly kna«>Hng) "Raoaiva tha Holy Ohoat, wboM aiiia Ibou doat foigirr tbay are forgivan. «n« whoa* aina ihou doat ri»uin tbay or* r»ulnad" 4o., and built upon «i|k'"> • Piwiby'er or Prieat ooiu*« to AN ortN urrrm. tik ■iMl at AMMinitf rmwiv* ill* Hoijr |l«ah4*« lh« lluty OImm A« , M iMrwifW tlMH**. W«Mr«imili« Kvn of An K|itM't|Ml •iMlUm In 4h« IMr«mlo, « flr(«l« for i^ (7li«rfl» It aImmiI to •«•««• on lh« ilmilll tit lli«ho|i lUiHiin*. PrMwt mmf h» %h» ■f lll >t of lh« iitliMi |«rl]r. NwlUivr «f 1M0* mukf lM«lm>«M|, kntl « MM^rom im mam m*y WfounJ who will nol MMlljr lilt**** Milli^r frif, Itnt injr «onl fur it. Mr. PrmitiMiit. Itit whn«v«r m*y Im •l>'al«Mi, wlmilwir IIim Provunt or Ilia l)«Mn,ur %hi> eiim|Ml tli»t Hum* |Mrt liml Iiihiii i f^^^^^ l#ft OHt. «l*»ll MM Ika •|>iftl til •ml |4iv« •! Am.WI \ (Mii.irMN I. lt«Ml*« (ho Holy Oiioal for th« Omar Mid ;wnrk o| « Hiah Um« hy iha iin|N>- ■IMnii or our handa, in 1 1« nama of th« Fathar. and of tha Hon, andof (hu Holy Ohual, Ainun. And raiuawbar that thou •tir up tha Qraoa of OimJ which ia Kivau lba«f lo ^v»iH« Sit||«r of ai>nt«im|i( |M>inl«i at h«r .»y h«*r wnamira, or tQf ihm airti •rating lltaho|M diaahat^ging Rida^ii^l funoiiona I0 a«y th«l whi«h iii»ul»«Mi nothing aliort of PQ|ilah Maiim|ition and oiMn hlaafdinniy, and noi>i|WNliana]r or raaaiin can U luattflalihi whi«h will nofjiiatily thalioii ol' Blaho|it in tha Qhuruh involvM nothing aliort of op*n hkuphh nij^xn all who lali«t pArt inthiMHi .iwr- ••uumii't, and lit IbM woni* of iht* aiitliur whom I hA*« alriMdjr qiiot«il:~"UbriMtianilyaa it ia |*rof#iMMNi and |iraotiooialiu|Ni a imwar lo giv« Ch« Holy Ohual -and to alt th« priit<«, aioku«aa, |Miin Of d^ath. Thia a|i|jear« (o iiAva ti««u lb« aentiment of lonakind in nil agM of tiM worlfL" 1 ..■'■,''•. ■ ■v ■K HM«r(.i«t». ft imnai ttrlMf, kM |M^ r(iM«lt ur tmwm •! «f4UMii»^ hm Um MtMMl tr* «f cm>iM»iuii«f In w^Wik ••»» «»^» •'• fwwi»4. In Um m«w«I itliAni^ «••( mMiImw* •••Mi«. mkuh llivy fo««w |M»« ■ i iiu« rli* 0* M(M* i>«4rttvm«n% «Utw m thm knv«ntl»ii« «( th« former, till U gr«i» to lh« |inwrni f^oftHwwa miiMi of Ik* ituiM«n imiitA mL It li iwouliM'ljr worthy of aMan IIm, M^t my ftMthur, "UmI In not (in« ot lk« flral^lflotKii rilu«U, from (h« ftrat to tb« Aft«*ntli OMotuiy, lurtu wsd •ltM*tv« tliM Uuly CllKMt,' r, II U lh« Utt untjr, th« aiiti^nth (whiflli MoriiiM* takiHi U> U t»it nUiiiI (br^ bunilml ymmM) whtoh nvanniMi lA litrtf Ihla |)Ow«r. Ym aaiidst tlm prill* «n»aii m a< i i«i HMb* fMW tiM if'b lo lb* tw«(fib MMiiMtv. Tat (ttt, ibiN waaMmtWOrf wbtob apr«ng wik IUm lb* thmiU tblMl*. MmI mmmf mim* ' h«rt#WI Ibinga, frow tb* UMat aovrnptail •UU wbUili iHm |M*|NMy •«»« a«w la noft onljr m M t» > 4 liMi m^t^Af* (m4 [tf^%im4 Im tiMM •nltghuiiHKl, tkmm tml^tt^ftmi, thfti^ nt**- I — '- -■*»»■■■ in.. >-«>.>, v^i^ »aril, •««! la a«iff"r»«l »>y r«"«» K»««g* ll«l D««na, Canoivi an*! Hlaliwktmnntm In «li whofll ll m^ mm* «Mrn, anii #ip» otf tbbi (MlguM frOM tb«NM flbuiah«a uf lb« fUfwrniMtlon f" from ih« Clirlatlair n<*it'«, thlfl daap MMn(l«l an4 r«pr«M«ib «bl«b It unrifbt* otMljrtMffiHtt It ariui with pr«i|ilHKt« aiiirU «b*l • vary iMrn"'! «ii«l ^wrtbv |ii»lat« •!• |irww*Mla wi^h "Ihiti •omalhing war* dona to eoiiviuM tli» world that lb« diarfiy of tha CJiunih ar* not avariM to » rnformation of aunin |Mil of bar iiitMio aaivioa ; ainm othorwiaa thay mt^j give oflJNlca by tbair obattnaay and aaaumrd infalUMUty : and If a alorra abould ariaw, may f iin a rlak of hating thn trM torn up by ibM roota, which thay might hava ifvad by a llttia pruning. Thia pralalioal aaauinption, thia h«r«»t< loal impoatnrw alioul>l hava b««ii oon- doiuniHl in tbaXXII artiolaof Riligion; to amplify wbioh oni^ a llttia,— U might wall hava daolarad "Tha Romiali dootrina oonaaming* • • • tbt^pi«. T^t ^p^ .«;■'» ♦ ■» av^omm vfthoik ■MplWtx CHl«M Ikf llW l«pM««(o» »< »«••<«• li • fHv«lMii Aiirf 1im4 Iking %*lNly liiv»«t» •4 amt i»tHi»i«ir Roman or An||ll «lt ha« avur hlth«rl« mlvMncml " A* nna ol (lia mwllnga nf jrimr Aaa«>> Kf, AAV rov«rb of thn Hafornmtion '*1f yoo wani to gat rid of thu rooka, out _down tb« tr«M," aod I •» pr«p«r«d MMT to propoM » aimiUr rtmady. I Mjr, ''R^viaa (ha Pnyai Book," for tha at mil anmiMitinrai sfv •k« riMiliavy In vktak tKmm M»mk 'row*, •r* •Mtmni, Ikif Mw ika rtgging wkkA lk« NMink*y« alliig Ia R«|iv»gl|* ttl Iklnipi on whUk A«Mitt«a •tm hnnt. tHmam «tl lr|iliii«i in afray ahrap Nvlflf no akaf» k^rda, lo unlln (li«maalvmii wMli Rv«ng» li whoM) ■h«<|di«rd« ftmt liiala«d of 4t9 Churoh in Ika U. 8. aoiongNt tha maaaaa ; tha tailing roiaaion fund «nd unauppliiMl miaaion fi«ld8, wanting miaaionarida, tha moiiiaa •ubacribad for miaaionary purpotM divartad }if 9^jfkm 0mmd (vvm l|i proaaouling of miaaiona to tba anpport m Alt o^ urrm vsr ■•^., •>.* mU1«I fliTorilM who bdoBg le tbo •o^Uad orthodox p»rty,— wo in»7 f«*» IhM the troo b pM» jwiiniiV. *•»•* ^ noith«r watering, nor pranlng nor dig- , ging tround h fHll Ao U good, and wo n»y oipoot th»» domo ooo»nlii»o •torm will ibivir it into apliuterih root, hodjr •nd bruiobM, tiir kbo aap will toon oouo to flow— and Ufa nuat baooma axtinol. Mr. Fioaidant, tha CKrutumUy of tha Chtfrohifcof England, and tha P. E. :lf Churoh in tho U. B. b auob that oould , • , AOt axkt in any othar communion, or ^T^^ branch of tho FniMttmt Churoh, for ^ thara ia a toliaw »mongat hor mambar- , abipipartiao hoaUla to bar •uooaaa atey inaidaand mar' her progr«H,-tioarral and wangle and contend one againat ' tha other, one olaima orAodeeen on the Bitual, and repela the articlea of Reli- gion although aubaoribad by all ; the other daima orthodoxy on the artiolea of Religion and repela the rituallatlo paotioea of the other. In any other Ohuroh one of^theae faotiona muat, jm/orM, go oat ; they oould not exi«i together within ; but in the Ohuroh of England and the P. E. Church, oibala and factions and heterodox prinoiplea it* within their vaunted '''com- prebeiiaiveneaa f and ao Aeir Chru- Uani^ ia ridiculed, ia despised, is railed ^■■■- at »fad reviled with very litM* stint, ' iOiltHilr are a laaghing stock of the ehurehee (or they ore <« mAwm. Yea, Bli', thaite oharchaa are In MAtam— (that !• divided againat themaelva*) in danger^ 'from the Proteatent Aniiohrtat under all ite divorsiflad forms. Much may be done for their aafety aad entire security, bat nothing abort of a raviaion of ihe Prayir Book till do it, failing that, aooner or later, (it would be only « queation of time) there must be a »Mo*d Ktfof',^ matm', eve^ if regulated by nothing bMter than Mi adhurence to the plainer dictetes of Obmmon sense and the reoeivedmaxima of human prudence. All might be done if under the severe ooo trol and dictetea of Chriatian prinaiple. If that did not succeed they would ai least fall with dignity and honor, ik would be a Bpiritufl not a worldly aacrifloe, and wksn the Churohea were thu§ fallen,they would not preaent to the Christian worid a worse aspect than they now oocupy. Their worst enemiea, Papists, Infidels and Traolarians, would not be better pleased than they are by the preeent bickerings and strife of their members, they might indeed be con- strained to weep over the wreck. 1 am, Mr. Preaident, with great reapeci . Tours truly, JOHN RILAND. 7 I. < M ff, ','," I' %, ... /I .N . ■ ■- .'■■-, , V -, - ■ > % H 4 * ' ^--' <* ". , _ > « V r . • • V ,4 • .' ., • * V •Si, » < -^, ..:. -^ - — ( t ^- - ' «-..Jk. y