y. X 2 - ^ >^ a; a: Jleiu Biuiisioick School Scried. I'KKSrUllll.K IIV I UK lloAKli Oh IjUCAIlON >>t- Ni:\v Hi;rN>\vuK TEACHEir^ Manual OF Nature lesso:^ FOR THE COMMON SCHOOLS. BY JOHN BRITTAIN, Insdnclor in Saticral Science in the Provincial Xormal School, Fredericton, N. B. -♦-^ SAINT JOHN, N. B. J. & A. McMillan, 98 Piunoe William Stkkkt. 1890. Entered according to Act of Parliament of Canada, in the year 1896 Bv J. A A. McMillan, In the Office of the Minister of Agriculture at Ottawa. To My Fellow Teaciieks : This little manual is not intended to be of any special interest in itself. It only aims to be a useful index to some of the elementary chapters of the Book of Nature, and to indicate briefly the means by which children may be led to read them with pleasure and profit. In order that our teachers, at least the younger ones, may be able to do their part well, it will be necessary for them to deepen their own interest, as well as increase their knowledge by further study of that great Book. The teacher will also need to provide himself with a few works which will aid him in taking advantage of the labours of others to hasten his own progress. Elsewhere will be found a list of helpful books, some of which, or similar ones, the teacher of limited means will, by a little self-denial, be able to procure. I have tried, herein, to outline a consolidated and correlated course of Nature Lessons which would include, essentially, every- thing embraced under the head of Natural History and Science in the Course of Study for the Common Schools — Lessons on Minerals, Plants, and Animals; Agricultural Topics; Physics — excepting Physiology and Hygiene, which are provided for in the prescribed text-books on these subjects. So far as I know this is the first attempt at such a correlated course for our schools. It will doubtless be found to have many defects. I shall always be glad to receive hints from other teachers which may lead to amendments in i second edition. A complete series of suitable illustrations would, doubtless, have made this manual more serviceable, but would have added con- siderably to its cost. (iii) iv Preface. I have made arrangements by which I can obtain for teachers, at cost, the minerals, apparatus, and chemicals necessary for the experiments in this course. For about $6 a supply, put up in a neat box, sufficient with the addition of such common things as are obtainable in any country district to last an ordinary school for several years, can be obtained. The coui-se of lessons outlined herein should not occupy on an average more than one hour per week of school time in each grade. There should never be two series of Nature Lessons going on together in the same department. For instance, if there is some work on minerals, and some on plants, laid down for the same year, the work on plants should be taken up and completed during the time of year most suitable for their study, and the work on minerals during the other part of the year. Some of the work can be done as well in winter as in summer, but in most of the grades it will be better to discontinue the Nature Lessons during the whole or a part of the winter, and make up for it by having them more frequently in the warmer seasons. A great deal can be accomplished by school excursions on Saturdays or other holidays, or after school hours in the long days. I am acquainted with a number of teachers who have tried such excursions, and have found them not only enjoyable, but profitable to themselves and their pupils. It is quite as easy to maintain order out of doors as in the school room. Besides, if any pupil shows himself unworthy of the privilege, he may be excluded. The teacher must exercise judgment in selecting a suitable route and good weather, and be careful not to unduly fatigue the pupils or otherwise endanger their health. The parents should always be consulted, their advice asked, and consent gained. It is true that, although the Course of Instruction recommends Preface. V such excui-sions in connection with the Nature Lessons, they are not obligatory. But there is no teacher who can do his best for his school without devotinj^ some time to it outside of the regular routine. And the teacher who is not willing to do this is not, in my opinion, worthy of his profession. It is only by the practice of self-denial that teachers will ever attain to that influence and efficiency which will enable them to do the work which lies before them. In conducting these Lessons the teacher must ever keep in mind that it is not their object to make scientists of the children. It is not the aim of the common school to specialize in any direction. A specialist in science who is ignorant in the other grdt divisions of human knowledge, and has no appreciation of poetry or art, is as unsymmetrical a being as an equally narrow- minded specialist in any other department. If such men arc needed it is not the business of the common school to produce them. Let us strive to teach so that as our pupils' acquaintance with natural forms and processes widens, so will their appreciation of the beautiful in nature and reverence for its Author deepen. "Let knowledge grow from more to more, But more of reverence in us dwell ; That mind and soul, according well, May make one music as before. But vaster." Hoping that this little book may be able to establish by its doing its right to being, I am, Yours sincerely, John Bkittain. COURSE OF NATURE LESSONS. GENERAL OUTLINE. Paok Paut r. Naturk Lkssons in TnR Primaky (Jkadks 1 Paut II. Naturk Lkssons in xriK Intermediatk and Advanckd Gradks (5 Chapt?;u I. TnK Inokqanic World Section A : Common Minerals Distinguished by their Properties... 10 Section B: The Elementary Composition of Minerals 20 Section C: The Principal Constituents of the Solid Earth 4;{ Section D: The Properties and Composition of the Air oo Section E: The Constituents of the Waters of the Earth (!1 Chapter 11. The Organic World. Division I. Plants. Section A: The Development of a Plant — Root, Stem, and I.,eaves 03 Section H: The Development of a Plant (Continued) — Flower, Fruit, and Seed 04 Section C: .\nnuals, Biennials, and Perennials — iierbs, Shrubs, and Trees 67 Section D : Forms and Properties of Roots, Stems, Buds, and Branches — Propagation by Cuttings, Layering, Grafting, Budding; Transplanting (38 Section Vj : Structural Relations and Classification of Plants - The Buttercup, Rose, Pulse, and Lily Families 74 Section F: Structural Relations and Cliissification of Plants (Con- tinued) 78 Section G: The Composition of Plants 82 Section H: The Food of Plants and its Assimilation 87 (vi) Qmrse of Nature Lessons. vii Chai'teu III. Thk Ojuianic World. I>ivlniiin If, Animaln. Vaue Section A: The Devolopintnt .-iiid Life History of an Animal - Insects „_ oo Section H: The Adaptation of Form to Fnnction in Animals- The DomPHtic Animals j^., Section C: The I)i8tinj,niishing Characteristics and Hahits of the Common Wild Hirds .q,. Section D: Kindness to Animals jjo APPORTIONMENT OF WOKK AMONli THE DIFFKIIENT JRADES. Schools of Two ok More Dei-artments. Grades I and JI, Part I Grade III. Part II, Chap. II, Section A (.3 Chap. Ill, Section B, begnn 102 Grade IV. Part II, Chap. II, Section B (.4 Chap. Ill, Section A ; Section B, continued jis ont- ^"^'^ ^^'"'••^ 95, 102 Grade V. Part II, Chap. II, Section C gy Chap. Ill, Section B, completed IO2 Grade VI. Part II, Chap. I, Section A 10 Chap. II, Section D gg Chap. Iir, Section C, begnn 103 Grade VII. Part 11, Chap. I, Section B 20 Chap. 11, Section E ^^ Chap. Ill, Section C I03 Grade VIII. Part M, Chap. I, Sections C, D and E 43, 55, 01 Chap. U, Sections F, (i and II 77^ 82, S7 Chap. Ill, Section C reviewed, as out-door work 103 viii Course of Nature Lessons. Miscellaneous Schools in Country Districts. Grades I atid II. Part I Grade 111. Same hh for Grades III and IV above Grade IV. Same as for Grades V and VI above Grade V. Same as for Grade VII above Pupils who have completed Grade V. Same as for Grade VllI above. Requirements of Candidates for Normal School Entrance Exami- nations, AND Preliminary Examinations for Advance OF Class, in New Brunswick. Candidates for Class I should have completed the work laid down for the first eight grades; for Class 11, that prescribed for tiie first seven grades; for Class 111., the work of the first six grades. Note. — The Pulse Family is to be included in the work outlined in Chapter II, 8ectiou E, along with the Buttercup, Rose, and Lily Families. PART I. rUIMAWY XATl'KK LKSSOXs. Xaturo l,a« a „u.ssm,-c for even- little cliil.l. God ,,H.akx to las heart tl,n,„.l, the tlow.ns, l.ir.Is, un.l InUtorflioH. as well as ,„ the ,.,!„, the th,„„h,r, a,n.l the roar of tho oeoa,,. When he enters „,,o„ his s.l.ool life he «houM not he though often he virtually is, shut out fron, this lu.althJ H.tlueuee. The wise an,I earnest teacher will take a.lvan- ';.ge of it as one of the most etfeetive aids in the sy,nn,et- rical (levelopnient o*' tlio child. To do this with success, the teacher must not only he a eo,,e and syn.pathetic stndeut of external nature, but of the ,uner workings, as well, of tho chil.Ps heart and "UM, . Teacher and puj.il must take each other by the -Hi here, the instincts of the child will determine .0 path to be taken -there, the superior knowledge of the teacher will point the way. The changing seasons in their round present a constant succession of topics. - l|^IIIIM> SPRIXG. The Melting of the Snow and Ice. The Muddy Streams. The Swelling of the Buds. ^^^The^Awakening and Growth of the Infant Plant in Teacher\s Manual of Nature Lessons. Tlio Hii)|)lini!: of the Brook. Tlie tSprcadiiia: of the (irassy Carpet over the Fields. The Bleatiiiji: of tlie Lanil)s. The Arrival of the Birds. The New Leaves upon the Trees. The Sono:s of the Birds. The Buttercup aud tlie Violet. The Nestiriii: of the Birds. The Awakuuiug of the Sleeping Insect in the Cocoon. The Shearing of the Sheep. The Ilatcliino; of tlie Eii-ij^s. The Croakinii; of the Froirs. The Colors of the Flowers. The Lengthening of the Days. — —Ml Ml I II 1^1 1 HUM l.^— SUMMER. The Falling of the Bain. The Thunder and Lightning. The Dew on the Grass and Leaves. The Milking of the Cows. The Chewing of the Cud. The Food of the Birds. The Bees and the Butterflies. The Ehl) and Flow of the Tide. The Rising and Setting of the Mooa. The Light of the Stars. The Cutting of the Grass. The Digging of the Well. The Food of the Domestic Animals. Teacher's 3Iamial of Nature Lessons. AUTUMX. The Cutting of tlie Grain. The Golden-Rod and tlie Aster. The Ripening- of tiie Fruit. Tlie Food of the Caterpillar. The Whistling of the Wind. The Waves of the Sea. The Building of the Cocoon. The Departure of the Birds. The Falling of the Leaves. The Frost on tlie Grass. The Shortening of the Davs The Rising and Setting of the Sun. WIXTEI{. The Falling of the Snow. The Drifting of the Snow. The Icicles on the Eaves. The Frost on the I'ane. Where is the Grass? • Where are the Birds? Where are the Bees and the Butterflies ? Where are the Leaves? The Buds on the Trees. n^ 4 Teach€r\s 3Ianual of Nature Lessons. It is not expected that the teacher will take up all or only these subjects. Select a topic some time before the year presents it, and by communion witli nature and the chihlren prepare to deal with it in such a manner as will awaken the interest, and arouse and partly satisiy the curiosity of the young pupils. But do not begin by telling them a story or giving them a description of something they have never or scarcely seen. Take them first to Nature, that they may see for themselves. Then let them relate the story, or describe what they saw. Each Nature lesson thus becomes the basis of a language lesson. The story or description may be followed by a discussion of the causes of the phenomena, if any of these should come within the range of the reasoning powers of young children. Simple songs and poetical extracts, consonant in nuitter and sentiment with the lessons, should be interspersed. Let the children conmiit the choicest pieces to memory. In the second year, the pupils may begin to write little compositions on the lessons, and to make tracings and drawings of plants and flowers wdiich they have pressed and dried. As an instance of how one of these lessons may be applied, let us take the " Swelling of the Buds " in the Spring. Twigs of the maple, beech, willow, horse- chestnut, or other tree, may be taken into the school, and one placed in the hands of each pupil. Notice the brown coverings of the buds, lead the pupils to see i Teacher's Manual of Nature Lessons. 5 wliat it is they protect, and how well they are fitted to keep out the cold and moisture. Xext notice the soft, downy blankets inside and take them ofi' one by one' What is it they are keei.in- warm? It is the miniature ilovver, or branch, or stem, which has been formed the previous summer before the leaf fell, and which has beeu securely protected from the frosts and storms of winter. ^' In its case, russet and rude " the tender ^i^erm of flower or stem has been folded up "uninjured with inimitable art." Place the twigs in water, and put them where the warmth of the sun may reach them. In a f "w days the buds will begin to swell ; first they will d> S the*^ir brown waterproofs; next the blankets will be cast off, and the flower or stem within, with its leaves, will begin' to unfold itself and grow stronger and larger each day. 6 Teacher f< Mamidl of Nature Lessons. PAR^r II. N'ATURK LES80XS FOR IXTKRMKDIATK AXI) ADVAXC^KD (IRADKS. INTRODUCTORY. Tlie teacher and }>ui)ils arc al)()ut to uiulertake a series of incursions into their natural environment. They should enter it at the points of easiest access, and occupy and fortity those spots whi(di will aflfbrd the best v^antage ground from which to extend tlieir conquests. In the following pages an attcni[)t is made to present the work to be done in a natural and logical order. It is necessary that the readier should make himself L familiar with the ground to be covered, the routes to he taken, and tiie capabilities of his pupils. He must acquaint himself with the natural features and products of his district, and note those spots which offer the best and most convenient opitortunities for observation and study, and for procuring material for work m the school- room. He should try the experiments beforehand, so as to be able to direct the pupils in performing them quickly and successfully. Ill school, as far as possible, every pupil should })erform, or, at least, assist in performing the experiments. It does not at all answer the purpose for them merely to look on while the teacher does the work. Thev will not take as much interest, and the educational effect will be greatly Teacher^ Manual of Nature Lessons. 7 (liininislied. This niotliod would rodiu'c tlic |>upils to mere learners at most, instead ot' traiiiiiiii' them to be what thev ouii:ht to be — utcMl ill small |tin'ticK's in \hv soil and rooks, ' the acid, which, if stron*^, may be diluted with water. An ordinary cork will sufttce for these small « bottles. Pieces of irlass tubiuir - or ;> inches lonii; and about I inch in diameter may be used for extracting the acid when needed to apply to a mineral. Show the pupils the etfeet of the acid on tiie skin and on cloth that they may exercise due care in its use. l*lace on each desk a spirit lamp, a piece of litmus paper, two slips of window irlass, two test tubes, a cup of water, two pieces of small tiexible brass wire each al)OUt 14 inches long. The pupils should also haye kniyes or tiles for trying the hardness and streak of minerals. 12 Teacher' 8 Manual of Nature Lessom. A pint of alcohol will last the lamps for a good while. Some litmus powder for eoloriiiii" white jtaiier will be fomid C'oiivoiiieiit. Tlie teacher shoidd have a good magnet with which to magnetize the blades of the pupils' knives. Two small boxjs will be needed for each desk, one to hold the minerals, the other the apparatus for two pupils. It will be best to begin with two common minerals Avhich differ widelv. The contrasts broui::ht out in the comparison will help to tix the properties of both in the mind. I^et us select Avhite (juartz, and gray, reddish, or black limestone. Ask the jtupils first to find whicli of the minerals will scratch the otlier, using a corner of each. When thev have noticed that there is a verv white mark left on each when rubbed by the otlier, but that only one of them makes a scratch in the other, ask them to account for these facts. The one whicli scratches the other is the harder, and the one which is scratchetl the softer. Thev will find that the white streak in both cases is the color of the pow^der of the softer mineral, although the mineral, in the nuiss, may be Idack. Tell them that the color of the powder of a mineral is called its streak. The streak of the harder mineral may be obtained by scratching one piece of it with another piece, or by breaking a piece of it into powder with a hammer. Let them now try to scratch a piece of glass with each mineral. They will succeed with the harder one only, and will infer that this one is harder than the glass, the other softer. Similarly, they will find that one of them is harder than ordinary TencUers Manual of Nature Lesnons. 13 stei'l, while tlie other is iiiiich softer. The teaclier may now iiitonn them tiiat the hiinhu'ss of minerals is expressed in (leifrees from one to ten, and that the hardness of tlio liarder mineral is seven deii-fcos ; also, that aiiy snl)stan('e as liard or hai'der than that is reii^arded as rm/ han/. Tlio hardness of the softer miner.al will not he more than tliree or four (leirrees. Direet each i>n|iil in making a coil at the end of a ])ieeo of rather tine l)rass wire, hv windini;' one entl of it around a lead ])en('il. Sliow them how to close tlie ends of the coil hv hendinu" the wire over them. Ahout five inches of the wire should remain for use as a haiidle. This coil will he found ini .^nt thev ai'e all soft; tliev all have a white streak ; they all effervesce when treated with the acid : thev all become white and (ruiiibly when heated; tlie heatiMl jn-odiict, when dam|iene(l, always turns red litmus blue. The pu}>ils are now prepared to Lelieve that these are all varieties of tlie same mineral, limestone or calcite. They may be told that the lustreless white substance obtained by heating them is lime, whence comes the name limestone. They will be able to tell, or to find out by inquiry, how lime is made on the large scale, and will be led to see that the method is really the same as that which they employed. The examination of the principal varieties of quartz is next in order. They will all be found to be very hard, unattected by the heat or acid, and insoluble in water. They differ much in color, as do the varieties of lime- 1 6 Teacher's Manual of Nature Lessons. stone. The pupils will already begin to see that minerals cannot be distinguished by their colors. Before leaving these two minerals their crystals should be compared. It will be found that calcite crystals will split along smooth surfaces running in deiinite directions. These crystals are, therefore, said to possess cleavage, and the surfaces along wliich they split are called planes of cleavage. Their edges are indicated bv lines runnini; across the faces of the crystals. No such planes can be found in the crystals of quartz, although lines of fracture, where the crvstals have bej^un to crack, mav sometimes be mistaken for the edges of cleavage planes. Quartz crvstals are devoid of true cleavage. Thev are terminated by six-sided pyramids, that is, they have six triangular faces on the end. (^-alcite crvstals varv irreatlv in form, and some of them look remarkably like crvstals of quartz. But their softness, as well as cleavage, and their effer- vescence when treated with acid, at once distinguish them from quartz. It will be interesting and instructive for the pupils to prepare crystals of some substances which are soluble in water. For instance, lei. them, at home, make strong solutions of common salt and alum, hang a thread or two in each, and set them awav where they will be undis- turbed. In a day or two, if the crystals which form are very small, the threads may be hung in another solution that the crystals may grow. Note carefully the difference in form between the crystals of common salt and alum. The pupils may be led to see that if they could dissolve Teachi 's Manual of Nature Lessons. 17 the massive (uncrystallized) pieces of quartz and limestone they might o])tain quartz and calcite crystals. They will also infer tliat the crystallized forms of these minerals must have heen li(iuelied, or at least softened, in some way, before they crystallized. The class should now be able to proceed with the examination of the other minerals with but little direction from the teacher. For class use, the larger specimens may be broken up into pieces about as large as plums. In studying ditferent varieties of the same mineral, note carefully those proper- ties which are common to them all, as these are the only ones essential to their determination. A few notes on the remaining minerals in our list are given here for the benefit of the teacher. One of the most abundant of minerals is common feld- spar (orthoclase). Although hard ((j degrees), it can be scratched by quartz. It has cleavage planes running in two directions. With care, specimens can be found which will show the intersection of two of these glistening planes. They make a right angle with one another. Xote the various colors of the specimens. Enumerate the observ- able differences between feldspar and quartz — between feldspar and calcite. Mica and transparent crystalline gypsum (selenite) nuiy well be studied together. They are soft minerals. Sele- nite can easily be scratched with the linger nail. Its hardness is 2 degrees. Mica, black or white, is little, sometimes not any, harder. In heating the mica a few B ]8 Tcacher\ Manual of Nature Lesso)is. little bits should be placed in a small test tube ke}»t closed by the tiiiger. The tube may be held by a wooden holder, similar in form and size to a clothes-pin, cut out a little neiir the end to receive the tube. After hcatinu' the mica, Vieat a piece of selenite in the same manner. In one case the mineral will withstand the heat without apparent change; but in the other, it will be converted into a soft, white, lustreless powder, while drops of water fron) it will settle on the sides of the tube. Et will also Ijc found that although both minerals cleave into thin sheets, that those of one of them are brittle and of the other elastic. Give the names of the minerals after the }>upils have discovered that they differ from one another and from any mineral previously examined. Then tell them that the white powdery substance in the bottom of the tube is calcined plaster of Paris. Hornblende so frequentlj' replaces mica in rocks that they should be studied in connection with each other. The greater hardness and heaviness of hornblende, and its lack of elasticity, will distinguish it from mica. Asbestos is a variety of hornblende. Study limonite, hematite, and magnetite together. They are hard minerals — in their compact form — although limonite is not as hard as the others usually are. It must be ol)ser\'ed, however, that these as well as other hard minerals seem very soft when reduced to a iine powder, or Avhen they occur naturally in a tine state of division, ilie streak of limonite is yellow, of hematite red, of magnetite black. It will be found that although Teacher^s Manuo.l of Nature Les.sonn. 19 the inaii'iiet will not attract the first, and the second only rarely, it has a strong attraction for magnetite. Heat a bit of hematite and another of magnetite in the same closed tube. Then replace them by a small bit of limonite. One of them yields water. When small pieces of limonite and hematite are stroncrly heated in the wire coil, they will become magnetic, and their streak will be changed. Pyrite resembles gold in color, bnt its hardness, nearly e([ual to that of (juart/, and its brittleness, distin- guish it from thiit mineral. Notice the beautiful effect produced when a lump of jnrite is biiskly struck with a iile. Tiy to get the same effect in the case of feldspar, quartz, and calcite. When a little powdered ]>yrite is heated in the closed tube, a yellow dejtosit apj)ears on the sides of the tube above tlie mineral. The color, and the sul[)hurous smell which may l)e perceiv'ed on holding the tul)e near the nose, indicate that this deposit is sulphur. Submit these aiul the remaining minerals — siderite, common numganese ore (pyrolusite), gra})hite, and rock salt — to all the tests which were ai>plied to calcite and quartz, carefully recording results. If specimens of numganese ore cannot l)e obtained, the powdered hlack oxide of manganese may be examined instead. Note the proi)erties which distinguish it from magnetite. Upon testing the black lead of their pencils, the pupils will conclude that it is the same as graphite. Thev should find out whv, althouLch it contains no lead, it is called black lead. 20 Imcher's Manual of Nature Lessons. Rock salt will be found to diti'er from any mineral studied before in beiiiiir soluble in water. Find, bv sub- mitting common Halt to tbe sjime tests, wbether it is the same as rock salt. Also observe tbe eftect which this mineral, while beinc: boated in tbe wire coil, lias upon the color of tha flame of the 8[)irit lamp. Let the pupils review all the minerals which have been examined, repeating any of the tests whose results have been forgotten. Then the teacher should hold an examin- ation. Supply each pupil with a box or envelope con- taining specimens of the various minerals, including varieties which differ somewhat from those which were used in the lessons. The pupil will identity tbe speci- mens, wrap each in a piece of palter, write the name of the mineral on the paper, and state clearly in writing the considerations which enabled him to reach a decision in each case. He should of course be allowed the use of suflicient apparatus. Lastly, require every member of the class to make a collection, correctly labelled, of all the known minerals to be found in the neighbourhood. Section B : Tue Elementary Composition of Common Minerals, and some Properties of their Elements. Fit a cork, through which the stem of a funnel passes, into a bottle of air. Pour water into the funnel. If the apparatus has been fitted tightly, tbe water will not run through the tube into the bottle until the cork has been Teacher's Manual of Nature Lessons. 21 loosened. The air 18 said to occupy tlie space in the bottle because it excludes the water until it escapes itself. It will at once be seen that the water, the glass, and the cork possess the same property displayed by the air. Agree to call anything which thus occupies space l)y the luime of inatter. Give other examples of matter. A separate portion of matter is called a bod'/. The amount of space included within the limits of a body is called its volume. The amount of matter in a body is called its mass. Fill a test tulte with colored water — red ink will answer for coloring — and close it with a cork which has a glass tube, of small bore, several inches long, tightly litted through it. The water will rise for some distance up the tube in forcing in the cork. Hold the tube slantingly, and warm it along the side with a spirit lam}>, but do not boil the water. The water will gradually expand till it fills the small tube. Without increasing the amount of water — its }nass — we have increased its volume. On cooling the water, it will contract to its original volume. Explain these results. rrobably the most satisfactory explanation to be found will be that the water is made up of extremely minute particles of water which were driven farther apart by the heat, thus causing the water to ris^ in the tube to find more space. As the water lost the heat which had expanded it, the particles came as closely together again as they had been at first. The invisible particles which were driven apart by the heat are called molecules. 22 Teacliers Manual of Nature LesHons. The t'orcc wliieli eiial)los iiioleciiles to clinu: to osieli other UTitil a jj^reater force separates tliem is culled rohesio/i. If the molecules which attract each other heloiiic to (lift'erent hodies, as when water sticks to ii:lass, this force is usually called rocesses. The water which fell into the dish was (/isfiUcd wafer. Distil some water containing salt in solution, and account for the ditference in taste hetween the distilled water and the sohition. Fill a hottle havino- a small neck with water. Cork it ti2:htlv and set it out of doors on a cold winter night. Account for the effect upon the hottle. Does the ice differ from the water which froze in weight or in volume, or in hoth ? Account for the floating of ice upon water. Examine a thermometer, atid study its action. Learn the freezing and hoiling points. What temperature is meant bv "blood heat?" Drop two or three crystals of chlorate of potash into a test tul)e containing a little water. When the crystals liave dissolved compare the taste of the solution with that of chlorate of potash. You will infer that the water simply loosened the molecules of chlorate of potash, and 24 Teachei-'s Manual of Nature Lessons. that they are now mixed with those of the water tliroui»:li- oiit. To estahlisli tliis evaporate tlie water. What sul)- stanee remains in tlie bottom of the tube? r*ut a small teaspoonful of chlorate of potash into a test tube, followed by one-tifth of its bulk of dry blaek oxide of niaui^anese, and shake them till thorouijhlv mixed. Cut oft a piece of i^lass tubing, ] inch bore, with the nid of a file; heat it two inches from the end in the Hanie of the spirit lami), and when soft enough bend it slightly at that point. Ivound the sharp edges of the ends by. holding them in the outside of tlio Hame until thev become red hot. Select a good cork which will tit the test tube tightly when half way in ; with a round file make a hole through it, into which fit the end of the glass tube which is farther from the bend. Fill with water a pickle bottle aiul two smaller bottles with wide mouths, and invert them in a pan of water or a pneumatic trough. Insert the cork tightly into the test tube by twisting it in, and connec^t the bent glass delivery tube with a piece of rubber tubing of fitting size. While one pupil heats the mixture in the tube with the spii'it lamp, let another collect in the bottles over water the gas which escapes. As the smaller bottles fill, remove them, mouth down, in a dish. Leave some water in the dish so that the gas cannot mingle with the air. Take away the tube before the pickle bottle is quite full of the gas. Note the large volume of gas obtained from the small amount of solid matter. Teacher's 3Ianual of Nature Lesaons. 25 Twist one etid of a j/it'cc of flL'xil)U' l)russ wire around a small jtiece of soft charcoal. Tush a piece of i^lass under the mouth of one of the small bottles of per end; ignite the sulphur with a match, and then lower the wire into the gas in the pickle bottle. The wire should burn with brilliant sjtarks. The teacher may now tell the |)upils that this gas, in which charcoal and iron burn, is called oxi/gen. They will infer that the gas remaining in the bottle after the charcoal ceased to burn, which would not allow the remainder of the charcoal to burn, and which had such a remarkable effect on the lime-water, must be a different gas from oxygen. The (iuestion now is to find what the oxygen came out of. 26 Tc(ichcr\s Manual of Nature Lessons. Fill with water tlio tent t>il)0 coiitaiiiiiii:; the rosiduo of the iiiixtuiv tVoiii which oxyLCfii ^vas ohtaiiK-d. In a few hours j)()ur the eontents into a filter ita[»er fitted into a funnel. The fiffrafr, i. e., the liquid which parses through the filter pajHU', will he found to have a saline taste^ showinii; that soniethinu' from the tuhe is dissolved in it. Pour enou<::h of it into a fiat dish to cover the hottoin Uy a depth of { of an inch. Set the solution in a warm place where it will he undisturhed, and with it a solution of chlorate of potash in a similar dish. In a day or two, the water in hoth dish>s will have eva})orated. The chlorate of potash and th; snhstance which ii:ave taste to the filtrate will then he found crystallized on the hottom of the dishes. But the crystals will pcr, ahmiinuin, and lead. Kxplain tliat none of these iUihstances have ever been deeonipoHcd. (iiiide the pn)'i]s in coinpariiiii; thcni in color, lustre, hardness, nialleahility, fusihility, etc. Make a smooth hall from the drv pith of the stalk of the elder or the sunflower. Sus[)eTid it hy a silk tliread from some support. Hold a piece of amher or a rubber comb near it. Xo visible action takes place. Rub the comb or amber witli a piece of flannel. J^ring- it near the ball. The ball is at first attracted, and tlicn re])elled. lirini."; the rubbed side of the flannel near tlie ])all which the comb or amber repels. It is now attracted. The new power develo[)ed in these bodies by the friction is called electriciti/ — that of tlie amber and comb, and of tlie ball which they touched negative electricity — that of the flannel rubber, positive electricity. Rub a glass rod with silk. It will then attract a ball which a rubbed comb will repel, but the rubbed side of the silk will attract a ball which the glass repels. Was the glass positively electrifled, or negatively? — the silk? Electrify a pith-ball negatively by touching it with a rubbed comb. The comb then repels it. Touch the ball 30 Teachev^s 3Ianual of Nature Lessons. -svitli tlie tiiiii;('r; the l>iill will then attmet it. Electrify ii ball positively and proceed in the «ame manner. Explain the facts. The finper wire of about the same diameter in the Hame 80 that the heat comes ecpially upon them. They should be grasped by the fingers at equal distances from the flame. Drop the one which tirst becomes uncomfortably liot, and continue to hold the other as loug as prudence permits. Account for the ditference. The one is said to be a (food, the other a bad conductor of heat. By the aid of similar experiments, classify the elements on the desk as iijood or bad conductors of heat. It will be found that those which are good conductors of electricity are also good conductors of heat, and that, although tliey differ in color, they all have the same kin«l of lustre. These elements are called iiutafs, and their lustre the metaUic lustre. The other elements before us are called wm-mffah. Oxygen, then, is a non-metal. Classify mercury as a metal or a non-metal. Bring a magnet, first one end of it niid then the otaer, leacher's Manual of Nature Letsaoiis. 81 ♦ near the jiowder of each of tlie elements on the desk. The powder inny be conveniently placed on ii slip of glass. Note the effect and explain it as far as vou can. Classify .such as are attractable by tbe magnet, as )Nf/_tances, the others as minuupietlc. Hold a [)ieee of each element above the desk and tlien take the hand away. They all move toward the earth, (■all attention to the fact that they would move towai'd the earth if dropped twelve hours later, although the direction would be contrary. Acc(Mint for this as far as you can. The power by wliich the earth attracts bodies is called the force of (/radtj/. The amoioit of force with wdiich the earth attracts a body is called its ireight. Find the weight of a bottle of water. Fill the same bottle witl) kerosene oil and find its weight. Also find tlie weight of the same bottle full of sand. Deduct the weight of the ])ottle in each case. We now have the \veights of equal volumes of the three substances. Divide the weight of the oil and the sand re8[»e{!tively by the weight of the water. The one (piotient is called the •specijir (/rarif// of the oil, the other of the sand. Tlie ^yater used as the standard should be artiticially distilled, ])ut rain-water will answer the pur])ose. Collect two bottles of oxygen by tlie method before described. Prepare carbon dioxide in one of them l)y burning a piece of charcoal in the oxygen. Shake a little water through the gas, keeping the hand closely pressed upon the mouth of the bottle. 32 Teacher's Manual of Nature Lessons. Twist one end of a wire around a piece of crayon, and i,i»;nite a piece of sulphur placed in a cavity at the end of the crayon. Lower the ])urning sulphur into the renuiininic l)ottle of oxyo-en. As soon as active com- hustion ceases, remove the crayon, and pour a small ([uantity of water in with the strong-smelliuiJ^ gaseous oxide of sulphur (snl[)hur dioxide), and shake thoroughly as described before. The liquid now in the bottle in whicli the sulphur was burned will have a distinctly sour taste, that in which the carbon was burned should be very slightly sour. Dip blue litmus paper, or pour a solution of blue litmus powder, into each bottle. The color will be changed to red in both cases. These substances with the sour taste which turned blue litmus red are called acids. Each of them is com- posed of an oxide united with water. The one which is made up of carbon dioxide and water is named earhonic acid, and the other for a similar reason is named ftidpfmrous arid. There is another acid consisting of the elements of sulphur trioxide and of water, which is called snlphuric acid. The affix ic liere denotes a greater amount of oxygen than ous does. Examine a piece of magnesium wire or ribbon. Note its lustre and find whether it is a good conductor of heat and electricity. You will conclude that it is a metal. Ignite it with a match or in tlie flame of the lamp. The white product, which might be mistaken for ash, is macjnesium oxide. Dampen this oxide with a little water Teacher^s Manual of Nature Lessons. 8S on a piece of red litmus paper. Xote the ettect on the Utnins. This Biihstiince eliaiiu'es the color of litmus, which has been reddened l)y an acid, l)ack to blue, and is called a base. It is coniitosed of the elements of magnesium oxide and of water. Why did we not get an acid as we did wlien the oxides of carbon and sulphur were mixed with water ? The difference must be due to the fact that the element we began with in the last case is a metal, whereas carbon and sulphur are non- metals. Xotice that the acids contain a non-metal other than oxviicen, while the base contains a metal. Make a weak solution of hydrochloric acid in water. Note its taste and its effect on litmus. Put graimlated zinc, or little pieces of sheet zinc bent so that they do not lie too closely together, into an ignition tube or large test tube until the metal occupies nearly one-third of the tube. Fill the spaces between the pieces with water. Make arrauirements for collectiuii' two bottles of ii:as, as in the preparation of oxygen. Pour hydrochloric acid into the tube until the liquid reaches half an inch above the metal. An active effervescence should set in at once. Insert a cork, with delivery tube, and collect two snndl icide-mouthcd bottles full of the gas. Should the gas cease to flow before the bottles are filled, or at any time before the completion of the experiments upon it, the cork may be taken out of the tube, part of the liquid poured off the zinc, and more acid added. Take the rubber delivery tube out of the water, and hold c 34 Teacher^s Manual of Nature Leasons. it upward in the inoutli of a small, irklc-iuoathed bottle or thick tiiml)ler held mouth downward in the air. In about a minute remove the bottle from the tube, and while its moutli is Ktill turned downward, plunge a lighted match up into it. The gas will burn, probably with a slight explosion. If the bottle be turned up as soon as the match enters the gas, the flame may be seen. Hold the tube for a longer time in the mouth of the bottle ; the gas, when ignited, will burn quietly, showing that the explosion was due to the combustible gas being mixed with air. This combustible gas is called hydrogen. What was reallj' happening when the hydrogen was burning? The presumption is that it was uniting with the oxygen of the air. Let us try to find what its oxide is like. Insert a piece of glass tubing, drawn out at one end till the bore is (juite small, into the free end of the rubber tube. Ignite the gas as it issues from the smaller end of the tube. Hold the flame in the moutli of a clean dry bottle held mouth downward. A colorless liquid will colleat like dew on the inside of the bottle. This liquid condenses just as water does, and upon examination it will be found to be really water. Water, then, is a compound substance con- sisting of hydrogen and oxygen. It is an oxide of hydro- gen, and may be called hi/dric oxide. Turn the mouth of one of the bottles of hydrogen flrst collected, up under the mouth of a smaller wide-mouthed bottle full of air. It will be found on applying a match to the mouth of the smaller bottle that the hydrogen has risen through the air and displaced it. Account for the fact. Tcacher^s Manual of Nature Lesscrus. 35 Raise the otlior bottle of hydrogen, pass a lighted taper or candle uj* into it for a short distance, and stc^adily lower it again until well out of the l)Ottle. The candle tianie will he extinguished as soon as it enters tlie hydrogen, but will take fire again in coming out. This may be repeated sev- eral times with the same bottle of hydrogen. Explain the ohserv^ed facts. We must now find whence the hydrogen came. Being a sim[»le substance, it could not have been formed by the union of other substances. No gas was evolved when we mixed hydrochloric acid with water, nor when we put water on zinc. The hydrogen, then, resulted from the zinc coming in contact with the acid. Hence, since zinc is a simple substance, the hydrogen must have come out of the acid. But the zinc, although insoluble in water, has been dis- appearing. What is becoming of it? The only explanation we can find is that it takes the place in the acid which had been occupied by the hydrogen, uniting with that part of the acid with which the hydrogen had been united, and thus settiuii" the hvdrocren free. Hydrochloric acid, or hydric chloride, as it may be called, is known to be a compound of hydrogen and chlorine. If our exjdanation is correct, there should be a compound of zinc and chlorine in the tube. We cantiot see any new substance there, but we may taste it by touching the water in which it is dissolved to the tongue. When the water is evaporated we obtain it in the solid state. This newly- formed compound — zinc chloride — is called a salt. 36 Teacher^ Manual of Nature Lessons. Zinc irt uot the only iiietul wliieli has the power of taking' the place of the hydrogen of an acid. Try iron filings instead of zinc with hydrochloric acid. What salt can he tasted in the water? Since these tw^o salts are ohtained hv the aid of hydro- chloric acid, ditt'ering from it in composition only in con- tainino; a metal instead of hydros-en, they are called salts of hydrochloric acid. From the metals they contain, tlie one may he called a salt of iron, the other a zinc salt. Care should he taken in experimenting with hydrogen to use only small quantities and wide-mouthed hottles. There is then no danger from the slight explosions which may occur on account of an admixture of air. Dissolve a little caustic soda in water. Taste the solu- tion, and test it with litmus paper. Caustic soda is a soluble base, and like other bases must contain a metal or its equivalent. The metal in caustic soda is called sodium. Mix hydrochloric acid w^ith the solution of caustic soda until the mixture has neither a pungent nor a sour taste, and will neither turn blue litmus paper red nor red to blue, i. e., until it is neutral to litmus. There is now" dissolved in the water a substance which tastes like common salt. To make sure that it is salt, set aside some of the solution in a Hat dish until the water has evaporated. The taste of the residue and the form of its crystals will leave no doubt that it is conmion salt. But no salt was put into the mixture. How shall we account for its production ? We recollect that in the pre- Teachet'^s Manual of Nature Lessons. 37 piinition of liydrogen the metals used took the [>hice of the hydrogen in the acid. The eonelusion is that in this case the metal sodium of the ])ase acted in the same wav — that it re})laeed the hydrogen in the aeid, forming by its union with chlorine another salt, sodium chloride. If this reasoning be correct, we have discovered the composi- tion of common salt, and know its chemical name. Taste a weak solution of aqua ammonite, and test it with litmus paper. You will conclude that it is a base. Make a mixture of the ])ase aqua ammonise with hydro- <;hloric acid. When the solution has been made neutral to litmns, put a few drops of it on a slip of glass and hold the glass slantingly. As the water evaporates, crystals will form on the glass. These are the crvstals of another salt, iimmonium chloride, often called sal ammoniac. Why is not the displaced hydrogen set free when a base and an acid are mixed as well as when a metal and an acid are brought in contact with one another ? Let us now trv to find out, as far as our means will permit, the composition of the minerals we examined some time ago. We have learned that heat tends to break up compounds, and that when some substances are treated with acids, chemical changes set in. Let us take advantage of these facts in endeavoring to find the composition of limestone. Put a small handful of bits of marble, chalk, or ordinary limestone into a bottle. The bottle should have a moutVi large enough to receive a cork, with two tubes through it — a small one, reaching only through the cork, to be con- 38 Teacher\s Manual of Nature Lcftsons. nected witli a ruljbcr (iolivery tube, ainl a larger one, tlirougli vvliich, by meuns of u funnel, acid is to ])e [toured. This tube should roach down nearly to the limestone in tlie bottle. I'our water down the larjj^er tube until it covers the limestone and reaches a short distance up the tnbe. Add enough hydrochloric acid to produce a lively effer- vescence, and collect over water a bottle of the gas wliicli is evolved. Then put the end of the delivery tube into the mouth of a bottle of air standing mouth upward. Add acid whenever necessary to keep up effervescence in the generating bottle. In two or three minutes, the flame of a burning match will be promptly' extinguished when held in the mouth of the receiving bottle, but the gas itself does not take fire. Tliis i>;as then is neither com- bustible nor a supjtorter of ordinary combustion. What does the fact that it sank tlirough and replaced the air show ? Empty it upon a candle flame. Account for the result? Leave an open bottle of this heavy gas sitting on the table for a short time. Then plunge a lighted match into it. If the flame be extinguished, try again a few mimites later. Explain the result. Push a glass slip under the mouth of the first bottle, turn its mouth upward, pour in lime-water, and shake the gas and lime-^vater together. This gas produces the same ^^8ible effect upon lime-w^ater that carbon dioxide did. Since it resembles carbon dioxide in being incombustible and a non-supporter of combustion, we conclude with cer- tainty that it is the same gas which we obtained by burning charcoal in oxygen. Teacher^ 8 Manual of Nature Lesmris. 39 AVhence did tlie carbon dioxide come? Since iieitlior the wiiter nor the acid put ir^to tiie «i^eneratinn- bottle con- tain its elements, tiie inference is that it came out of the limestone. Repeat the experiment of heating a thin slice of lime- stone in a wire coil, and dami»en the residue on red litmus paper. It acts like a base, and has a puntz:ent taste. How shall we account for the formation of this ])ase? We prepared our first ])ase by treating the oxide of a metal with water. Our explanation, then, is that the residue which remaijis after heating the calcite is the oxide of a metal. It is evidently not a metal, as it does not })0sse8s metalli(; lustre or the other distinctive properties of metals. This oxide is called qalckUtne^ or simply lime. And lime has V)een found to consist of oxviyen and a beautiful metal called calcium ; hence, lime may be called caldiun oxule. On each desk place a small lump of lime. Since it is the oxide of a metal, with water it should form a base. Let us try it. Slowly pour upon the lime as much water as it will absorb, turning it over as this is done. Curiously enough, the cold water seems to make it hot. Light a match in the crumbling mass. The lime is now said to be water-slaked. Rub some of it on dampened red litmus paper. It acts like a base. Taste it. Put the water-slaked lime, or caustic lime, as it is called, into large bottles, until each is about one-third full. Fill them up with water, and shake. When the water has become clear again, try red litmus paper in it. The effect will convince you that a part of the caustic lime has been 40 Teacher 8 Manual of Nature Lessons. (lisHolvod in the water. This solution of caustii' lime in water is called /intc-irafrr. Cork tlie bottles and set them aside. Put a lari:;er lump of unslaked lime in one pan of a balance, and wei^^hts enou*2;h to equal it in the other pan. Slake this lum[) of lime in a dish, and when the resulting caustic lime has become cool and i»erfectly dry, put it into the same pan of the balance in which it was before it was slaked. Does it weigh more or less than the original lime ? You will be forced to conclude that, although the lime is perfectly dry, the increase in weight must be due to the water having united with the lime. This is another ex- ample of chemical union. The heat which was evolved while the lime was beino* slaked Avas doubtless due to the comim:: toiirether of the atoms. The base, caustic lime, consists, then, of the metal cal- cium, hydrogen, and oxygen, and may be called calcium hydrate. We have found that the lime which remains after heat- ing limestone contains a metal (calcium, we were told) and oxygen. We had previously found that limestone contains carbon dioxide. Therefore limestone must contain the elements of both lime and carbon dioxide, viz., calcium, carbon, and oxygen. We see now what happens to calcite when it is heated, and why chemists call it carbonate of lime or calcium carboimte. Call attention to the fact that although limestone con- tains the black element carbon yet, when pure, it is either colorless or white. Teachcr^s Manual of Nature Lessom. 41 Since luairiietite is {ittractuhle bv tlio iiiaiiiiet, wo imiv be quite sure tliiit it contains iron. Its lianlness, black- ness, and brittleness sliow tbat it is not pure iron. We renienil)er tliat it resenil^les tbe black i>'lol)iiles of oxide of iron wliicb were produced by burniuij; iron wire in oxygen, and, indeed, tbe composition is tbe same. Heat a tliin frai;inent of bematite in a wire coil. It becomes dark and maii;nt'ti(' like mai>:netite. Hematite is evidently anotber oxide of iron. It is called from tbe color of its powder red oxide <>/' h'o?). Heat some u'rains of limonite in a closed tu1)e. It yields water and becomes reddisb. Heat a sliee of it more strongly in a wire coil. It becomes dark and magnetic. We must tliink tbat limonite is a compound of red oxide of iron witb ^vater. From its yellow streak it is called yelloio oxide of iron. Heat powdered pyrite in a closed tube. A yellow deposit appears on tbe inside of tbe tube. Open tbe tube and con- tinue heating. Wbat do you now smell ? AVbat was tbe jellow solid wbicb was at first deposited? Heat a bit of pyrite in a Avire coil. It becomes magnetic. What have we established concerning its composition? Its chemical name is sulphide of iron. Heat a slice of clay iron stone (impure siderite) in a wire coil, and test the residue with the magnet. Put a teaspoonfal of fragmetits of siderite into a test tube. Cover with water, add hydrochloric acid, and insert a cork litted with a delivery tube. Apply heat, and pass, by means of a rubber tube, the gas which is evolved into lime-water. 42 Tfacher\s Manual of Nnbirc Lessons. Account for tlie eft'oct. Inter the coni])Osit*H)n ot' sidcritc. What is itH chcniiciil niiinc ? Il(!at i^ypsuiii in a closed tube until the water is expelled. The residue can })e shown to consist of the metal calcium — the metal of which lime is the oxide — toi^ether with sul- phur and oxyt^en. llenco, gypsum is ktiown as hydrous (Gr. lufdor, water) calcium sulphate or sul[»hate of lime. We have not the means, however, to demonstrate its com- position. These are the oidv minerals we have studied vet which hydrochloric acid, or the heat of the spirit lamp without a blow-i)i[»e, will readily decompose. It will he interestinic to know, however, some thing's which liave been found out about the composition of the others. Quartz is the oxide of an element, silico)), which resem- bles carbon. ITence, cjuart/ may be called oxif/e. of silicon, or brietlv silica. Since it is the oxide of a non-metal, it miglit be expected that with water it would form an acid. Water, however, under ordinary' conditions, as can be easilv shown bv exi)eriment, does not even dissolve it. But by indirect processes their elements can be got to unite, thus forming silicic acid. The salts of this acid are called silicates, since they contain a metal with silicon and oxvijen. Feldspar, mica, and hornblende are silicates. Each of them contains aluminum, the most abundant of the metals, ; and one or two other metals besides. Rock salt is chemically the same as table salt, as can be inferred from comparison. Tmchtr'a Manual of Nature Lensom. 43 All tlio liiiiKTiils we luivo considtTi'd are eonipomwls — eitliei' salts or oxides — exeept lirapliite. Altlioiiirl' tl'i-^ miiu'i-al has a nietallir lustre, it is oiilv a I'oriii of the non- metal carlx)!!. Note how it ditfers in its properties from chareoal. Section C: Tiik Phincipal Constituents of the Soliiv Kakth. R(tr/,s. — Visit the sea-shore or the hanks of a river, ln'ook, or lake. Seek out a hed of (/rfirl. ^'ou will tind in it several minerals voii know, and others of whieh vou are ignorant. The jiieccs of <|uartz and other minerals will sometimes he eolored red or vellow. Tlieso eolors are ii'enerallv due to an admixture of red or of vellow oxide of iron, (travel, it is plain, is not a mineral, but a mixture of various minerals. It is a rork. Visit a hed of samf. Vou will tind that it, too, is a, mix- ture of several minerals. (Quartz, opai>anitiis so tliat tlie ond of tlio deliverv tube will be under water, and beat the confined air. Part of the air will be forced from the tube, and will ascend iti bubbles throui»:h the water. Ac- count for this. ITow, besides in teiii[»erature, does the air in the tube now differ from the air which was there at first? IIt)ld your hand in the air two or three inches al)Ove the flame of a lanqt. Then hold a bit of down or fine cotton- wool in the same place, and suddenly release it. If care- fully done, it will rise vertically for several feet. Kxplain its ascent. Account for winds on the same principle. Confine a portion of air bv corking a tube tio;htlv at both ends. Hold one end against a firm surface, and push in the cork at tlie other end with a blunt rod. Although the air cannot escape from the tube, the cork can easily be driven in, thus diminishing the volume of the air without lessening its mass. This experiment shows that air is Ijighly compressible. On removing the rod, the cork, if no air has escaped around it, will be driven back nearly to its original position. Since the air was not able to push the cork out at first, we must conclude that the compression endowed it with more ability to do work — more energy. Hold the tube horizontally, leaving the farther end free, and push the nearer cork in quickly. Explain the result. Place a piece of paper over the mouth of a tumbler of water. Keeping the paper in its place, invert the tumbler. Something pushes or pulls upon the paper with sufficient 1^6 Teachtr^s Manual of Nature Lessons. force to h()loriiiiont that tlic paj'tT is not held up by adhesion, i^oniething presses ifpirard, then against tlie paper. What <*an it be ? There is nothing touching the lower side of the paper except the air. It must l)e the air, then, that pushes against the })aper. Stand a small tube, which is open at both ends, with the lower end in water. Then, pressing the thui..'> against the ui)per end, raise the tube. Some water is maintained in the tube without the intervention of paper. Lift the thumb. The water drops out of the tube. Explain. By using a bent tube, it may be shown that the air exerts pressure laterally. What else does the air press against besides the things we liave noticed? How do 3'ou know? What compresses the air in the room and pushes it against the surfaces with which it is in contact? It must be the upper air, pressing downward with all its weight, which compresses the lower air and gives it this energy; just as in a former experiment, the })ressure of the air in a closed tube increased its cxjMnsivc force. If the school possesses a pound of mercury and a glass tube about three feet long, the pressure of the air per square inch may be calculated, and the principle of the barometer explained. The Constituents of the Air. — Repeat the experiments and arguments by which we were formerly led to conclude that there is oxygen in the air. Show th^-t the air cannot be entirely composed of oxygen. It is our business then to find what other gas or gases are present in it. How shall we begin ? leacha^'fi Manual of Nature Lessons, bl Let \X9< remove the oxvircti from a confiiu'd portion of air, and try to tind what the residue is. AVe know that when suhstaneeH hurn in tlie air, tliey eond)ine witli its oxygen. We may remove the oxygen, tlien, from some air by ])urning something in it. Let us try aleohoh We have })een Imrning alcohol in a spirit lamp. The oxides produced by its eond)Ustion are invisible to us, but we may catch them in a bottle. ITold the wide mouth of a bottle rather closely over the flame. Drops of water will condense on the inside of the bottle. In about a minute, close the mouth of the bottle with a Blip of glass and invert it. As soon as the mouth of the bottle is cool enough, pour in a little lime-water and shake it through the gases in the closed bottle. A striking change takes place in the lime-water. By argument based on these experiments show what two oxides are produced by the combustion of alcohol, and demonstrate the presence of two elements in it. Besides these, alcohol has been found to contain some oxvjTfen, but not nearly enouo-h to oxidize the two other elements in its molecule. Wrap a bit of cotton jiround the end of a brass wire, into a loose ball as large as a grape. Bend the wire into a shape resembling that of the radical sign in algebra, but rounded at the angles. Saturate tlie cotton with alcohol. Hold the wire so that the bend below the cotton rests upon the bottom of a small pan containing lime-water to the depth of three inches. Ignite the alcohol in the ^cotton with a match ; then quickly lower a wide-mouthed 58 Teacher's Manual of Nature Lessons. bottle over the cotton until its mouth rests upon the bottom of the pan. The lime-water will rise in the bottle. The part of tlie wire bearing the cotton should reach more than half- way up the bottle. There must be enough lime-water in the dish, otherwise air will be forced into the bottle from the outside after the alcohol has ceased to burn. This would spoil the experiment. Raise the bottle a little, but not till its mouth is out of the lime-water, and draw out of it the Avire and cotton. Then put one hand into the water and slide the palm under the mouth of the bottle. Turn the bottle up and shake it thorouii;hly, keeping the hand constantly pressed upon its mouth. Plunge a lighted match or stick into the gas wdiich now remains over the lime-water. If the experiment has been properly done, the flame will be immediately extinguished. The gas itself does not take fire. What gas previously prepared does this agree with so far ? How shall we deter- mine whether it is that gas or not? By finding whether it \N\\\ have the same effect on lime-water. Repeat the preceding experiment with the exception of putting a burning stick into the gas. Instead, as soon as it has been shaken through the lime-water, still keeping the hand tightly over it, lower the bottle into a deep pan or pail full of water. Remo\'e the hand, and tip the mouth of the bottle containing the gas under the mouth of a much, smaller bottle which has been filled with water and inverted in the vessel. The gas will rise into the smaller bottle, displacing the water. Turn the bottle up in the usual w^ay. Remove the hand, pour in lime-water, and shake it through the gas. The water should remain clear. Teacha-^s Manual of Nature Lessons. 5i> Show that this gas differs from any before preparech Its name is nitrogen. Show that there is nitrou:en in the air. Explain why lime-water was used in the preceding experi- ment rather than pure water. Phosphorus may be used instead of alcohol in this experiment, but it is so inflaramable and poisonous that the latter is to be preferred in the common schools. However, by using phosphorus it is easy to show that about four-fifths of the air is nitrogen, and about one-fifth oxygen. Direc- tions for performing the experiment with phosphonis may be found in any text-book on chemistry. Leave some clear lime-water standing in a bottle tightly closed, and beside it some more in an open dish. Tn a few days a scum will have formed upon the surface of the water in the latter dish. Break a little piece of it away from the rest. It sinks through the water. Skim off the rest of it, and remove the water which adheres to it. Toucli it with hydrochloric acid. This substance displays the distinctive properties of a mineral well known to us. What is it ? If it is carltonate of lime, the gas evolved must be carl)on dioxide. Tliis may l)e established by treating a consider- able quantity of the scum with hydrochloric acid in a test tube provided with a delivery tube. The gas, when passed into lime-water, will produce the same effect as carbon dioxide. Whence came the carbon dioxide? It is not present in water or hydrochloric acid ; neither did it come from the^ caustic lime dissolved in the water, for, as w^e remember^ that is a compound of lime (calcium oxide) and water. Hence it must have come from the air. But whv did it leave the air and become part of this scum? We can 60 Teacher^ s Manual of Nature Lessons. only explain this by supposing that the lime has a stronger iiiiinity for carbon dioxide than for the water with which it is combined in the caustic lime (calcium hydrate) in the lime-water. The lime then, we believe, gave up the water and united with carbon dioxide out of the air, thus form- ing a compound of calcium, carbon, and oxygen (calcium carbonate). The teacher must be careful to keep the distinction clear between the water which is eoinbined with the lime to form caustic lime, and the water in which the caustic hme is dissolved to form lime-water. The latter is onlv a mixture, not a compound of caustic lime and water. By shaking lime-water through a bottle of air it can be shown that there is but a small amount of carbon dioxide present there. Give the argument. Pass carbon dioxide, obtained from carbonate of lime in the manner described in Section B., into a small bottle of lime-water. Take the delivery tube out of the water as soon as the substance which forms in the water has made it opaque. Allow this newlv formed solid to settle until the water has become quite clear. Prove the elementary composition of this solid. Shake the solid through the water, and pass in more <;arbon dioxide. In a short time the watc' will become olear again although the solid does not settle to the bottom. Account for this. You will probably conclude that the carbon dioxide has made the opaque body more soluble in water. This will explain its disappearance from sight. Teacher s Manual of Nature Lessons. 61 Bring a cold glass vessel into a warm room. Drops of water collect on the outside of it. The water could not come out of the i:;lass. Whence did it come ? Give other proofs that there is invisible water vapour (steam) in the air. We have now shown that the air contains nitrogen^ oxygen, carbonic acid gas, and water — two elements and two compounds. Besides these, it has been shown to con- tain a very small amount of ammonia and of oxides of nitrogen. Ammonia is a compound of nitrogen and hydrogen. It may be smelled as it issues from a bottle of aqua ammonia^ or in the idr of a stable before it has been cleaned out in the morning;. Show that there is little if any hydrogen in the air. Section E: The Constituents of the Waters of the Earth, and some of their Properties. Water, we already know, is by far the most abundant constituent of our seas, lak' s, and rivers. Allow some sea-water, if obtainable, to evaporate, or boil it in a test tube until the water disappears. Of what does the residue mainly consist ? Scratch a piece of coral, or the shell of an oyster or mussel, with a knife, and then touch it with hydrochloric acid. Collect some of the <.:as, in the manner described for calcite, and allow it to pass through lime-water. Heat a sliver of this shell or coral, and note the eliect of the dampened residue upon red litmus paper. Touch the bone of a sea-iish with hydrochloric acid. The mineral part of the bone is evidently different from 62 Teacher's Manual of Nature Lessons. that of the shell and coral. It consists mainlv of a salt ■called, from its composition, calcium phosphate or phosphate of lime. Touch a fresh-water shell and the bone of a fresh-water lish with hydrochloric acid. Examine the deposit on the inside of a kettle or boiler which has ))een in use for some time. These experiments will show that not only sea-water, but fresh water, holds in solution various saline matters. In- deed, we might be sure without examination that the rains would dissolve out of the soil and rocks such com- pounds as are soluble in rain-water, and carry them into the rivers and seas. But how shall we explain the fact that shells and bones remain for a very long time undissolved in the waters ? We once showed that carbonic acid eras in water has the power of making carbonate of lime soluble. And since rain-water contiiins a considerable amount of carbon dioxide taken from the air, it is a better solvent than waters which contain a less amount of the gas. Similarly, it has been found that carbon dioxide renders phosphate ot lime soluble in water. Take a sip of rain-water and of water artificially dis- tilled. Are they more or less palatable than ordinary spring or river water ? Account for the difference. Teachev^s Manual of Nature Lessons. 63 CHAPTER II. THE ORGANIC WORLD. DIVISION I. — PLANTS. Section A : The DeveloPxMent of the Plant — Root, Stem, and Leaves. Collect a number of larije seeds. Select some which contain albumen, as those of the ash and of Indian corn ; some wliich have no albumen, as those of the maple, the bean, and the pea; some whose embryos have tleshy cotyledons, as beans, peas, and apple-seeds ; some whose embryofe have one cotyledon, as those of the Indian corn ; others with dicotyledonous embryos ; and seeds with poly- cotyledonous embryos, as those of the white pine and most other members of the IMne Family. Plant a sufficient number of each kind of seeds in boxes in a moderately warm room, and water them regularly, but not too frequently. As soon as each kind begins to germi- nate, dissect some seeds (previously soaked, if too hard) of that kind, comparing its parts with those of the germinating plantlet. The pupils will learn what parts grow larger in germina- tion, what parts become smaller — they will note the uses of the different parts — and then the teacher will give them their names. Make drawings of the embryo, giving the names of its parts — the radicle, the seed-leaves or cotyle- dons, and the plumule if apparent. Leave at least as many young plants in the earth to continue their growth as there are pupils in the class. 64 Teacher^s Manual of Nature Lessons. TCeep tliem in the school-room and let the children observe their growth from day to day, noting any interesting changes which are observable. Measnre their height from time to time, and calculate the rate of increase. Why can we not sec them grow ? 01)serve particularly the manner of growth, the forma- tion of nodes and mternodes, the growth of the leaves and their arrangement on the stem. Xame the different parts of the leaves — the blade, the foot-stalk, the stipules, and notice which of them are sometimes wantino;. Observe and name the different shapes of the leaves, and distinguish between simple and compound leaves. Watch the formation of buds, and their position — axillary oY ter)tiinal. Compare those which are not intended to live through the winter with those which are, and account for the difference. Require the pupils to make drawings illustrating all the important facts and new terms. If the plants enumerated cannot all be had, or are not found sufficient to bring out all the necessary points, other seeds and growing plants may be brought in from the fields or gardens. The propagation of plants by seeds is called reproduction. Section B : The Development of Flowering Plants Continued — The Flower, Fruit, and Seed. In the early spring, bring to the school-room several young trees — birches, maples, apple-trees, etc., which bear living buds, but as yet no branches. Keep as much of Teacher's Manual of Nature Lessons. 65 the native esirth about tlieir roots as possible. Briiii:; also l)raiK*lies of older trees or shrubs, including!: some with two forms of buds. Set the jjlants aud l)ranelies in vessels of damp eartli or sand. AVateh the buds from (hiy to dav as they swell and leiiii'then out. Into what do the axillary buds on the vouui^ trees develop? — the terminal buds. These buds are called kaj-hnih. Observe that leaf- buds develop not into leaves but into branches, or con- tinuations of the stems, with ordinary or folkufc leaves upon them. Some of the buds on the branches from the older trees will develop into a kind of modified branches bearing several sets of moditied leaves set closely together at the top of the branches, or branchlets. These are fower-bads. Each Hower with its stalk constitutes a modified branch, the iioincr-leavi's corresponding to the foliage leaves, but set much more closely tv^gether. Theoretically, then, every bud which develops at all becomes a branch of some kind (or a continuation of the stem, which is e(piivalent to a branch). Distinguish and name the different sets of parts which make up a flower, using large flowers at first. Xame the different sorts of flower-leaves — sepals, petals, stamens (fila- ment and anther), carpels. Lead the pupils to see that the carpels are ovule-hearing leaves, and the stamens pollen-bearing leaves. Investigate the history of the pollen after its discharge by the anther. It will be found that the stigma is specially- fitted to retain it. After careful observations in the field, E 66 Teacher^ 8 Manual of Nature Lessoua. it will be cojK'luded that insects and winds are the chid" agents in conveying pollen from the anther to the stigniu — that is, in eftecting pollination. Discover at least one plant in which pollination could not be effected by the wind; also, a flower in which it is impossible, or nearly so, for the pollen from its own anthers to reach its stigma. Carefully exclude [)ollen from the stigmas of some large flowers. Keep a plant of the same species under similar conditions except those for preventing pollen from reaching the stigma. Tt will not be long until the use of the pollen becomes evident. The eft'ect produced by the pollen upon the ovules is called fertilization. Study the means by wliich cross fertilization is secured in the common iris (blue-flag), and find what insect plays a j>rominent part in its pollination. Follow the history of the flower on, either in the fields or by bringing specimens into the school-room from time to time. The maple, cherry, apple, strawberry, tomato, and Indian corn will present an instructive variety. Notice what parts of the flower perish, and what parts continue to live and grow. When growth has ceased, we have the full-grow^n fruit. The plants mentioned above furnish examples of some of the principal kinds of fruit — the achene, pome^ berry, stove- fruit, (jrain, and key-fruit. The fruit may be defined as the ripened pistil together with any part of the flower which may adhere to it. Prove that the little seed-like bodies on the outside of leachers Manvnl of Nature Lesfions. 67 the jiiicv ro(H'i)ta('lo of the str:i\v])orrv arc not seeds hut the true fruits. Finally, c)j)en the rijK'ned ovary (the seed-vessel), take out the seeds, open one of them, and examine the embryo within. We have now followed the life-history of the plant from embrvo to end)rvo. Section C: Anxtals, Biennials, and Perennials, Herbs, Shrubs, ani> Trees. Collect several wild and several cultivated ftlants which grow from the seed, blossom, and die, all in one year. These are annnats (Lat. annus, a year). Learti the names of those you tind. Set out in a box or bed a cabbage, turnip, carrot, beet, parsnip, and onion which were grown from the seed last year. ^Sow near them some seeds of each ]>lant. Should the seeds of any of them fail to germinate, young plants grown from the seed can be obtained trom gardeners or farmers, and be planted in boxes or pots in the school- room. Compare the growth and development of the first year with that of the second 3'ear, Xotice the change in the bulb of tlie onion, the thick leaves of the cabbage- head, and the Heshv roots of the other iilants as the u'rowth of the second year proceeds. Draw the inference as to the use of these parts. Such of the plants as die outright on ripening their seed at the end of tlieir second year's grow^th are called biennials (Lat. Ins, twice; annas, a year). Plants which 68 Teachei-^8 Manual of Nature Lessoiia, ('C)iitiiHU' to live and iz;row tor iiioro tluiii two voiirs ure called perennials (Lat. pcr^ throngh ; annifs, a year). Distinguish Ijctween AhVav, s/>ri'hs^ and tires. Discover and name some annual, some biennial, and some perennial herbs. Find how our native perennial herbs provide against tlie cold of winter, what i»arts of them die in tlie autumn, and what parts retain their vitality tlirougli the winter. Learn to distinguish our principal forest trees and shrubs — the maples, cherries, birches, alders, the oak, the hazel, the ashes, the elm, the poplars, willows, pines, spruces, the hemlock, larch, or tamarack, and cedar, and in localities where they grow, the linden or basswood, the butternut, and the hornbeam. Note the time and order of their flowering; \vhich of them blossom before their leaves appear; which of them have flowers with l)oth stamens and pistils ; which have on the same tree some flowers with stamens and no pistils {staminatc Jiowcrs), and others with }iistils but no stamens {pistillaie flowers) ; and which bear the pistillate and the stand nate flowers on diflerent trees. Make a collection of their leaves and fruits. Compare them, and make illustrative drawings. Find which of them are deciduous and which are evergreen. Section D : Forms and Properties of Roots, Stems, Buds, _ AND Branches. ^ Make a collection of j)lanvs illustrating fleshy and tibrous roots, and the principal modifications of stems and branches — as the rmmers of the strawberry; the tendrils of the grape- Teacher s Manual of Nature Lessons. 60 vine, the Yirginiii crcoper, or the s<|usish ; tlio suckers of tlie rose or tlie ra8j>borry; the rootsloch- of the couch-gniss ; the tuber of tlie potato or of the spring beauty; the bulbs of tlie onion and lily; and the fhonis of the hawthorn. Allow the ]>upils to identity each of these moditieations as a 8teni, or branch of a stem, giving proofs. The clearest proof in most cases is that they bear leaves, which is a peculiarit}' of stems. Sometimes, however, the leaves are very small and scale-like, as in the case of the potato tuber. The position and origin of thorns show that they are branches, although other evidence may occasionally be found. Propali(jiU'ly the lower end ot" one of the sliootK previously iiieiitioTU'd, and make in it a totiicue i»roje<;tinL^ downwards, so that it will tit exjietly upon the end of the root cut as described. Then tit th(>in toi^ether tightly, taking care that the inner hark of the one is in close con- tact with that ol" the other, at least on one side. F'inish hy wrai»})ing a strip of calico, saturated with the grafting mixture, tirndy around the parts wliere the joining was made. The process just described is called //'v/./'///?y ; the })lant upon which the shoot is grafted is called the .s7or/i ; and the shoot itself the scioti. If properly done, the two will unite, and growth will ))roceed in the ordinary wav. One or two of the plants should be set out in good earth in the school grounds. The others may be planted at home in the garden bv the children, to he afterward transferred to the orchard. If it is not convenient to do the work in tlie school-room, the grafting may be done in the orchard upon an older tree. Cut off' the ends of some of the lower branches, and graft upon them shoots from other trees. If the teacher should he conscious of a lack of skill, a lesson from some one who has a practical knowledge of grafting will over- come the difficulty. Budding. — If a single bud be cut smoothly from the new wood in the summer, before the tree has completed its growth for the year, it will, if inserted under the bark of 72 Teacher^s Manual of Nature Lessons. another tree of the same kind, grow out and l)ecome a hranch. A portion of bark and a very little wood at the hase of the bud should be cut out wiHi the bud. A cross- shaped incision is made in the bark so that it can be raise*! to receive the bud beneath it. A piece of tape, soaked in the graftini; mixture, is then tightly wound about it. BUDDING. o. Removal of bud. b. Method of slilHiig the bark. c. The bud inserted. d. The same tied up. Find whv the different varieties of orchard fruits are usually pro[»agated by grafting or l)udding. Encourage the children to experiment further in this line and report their failures and successes. Transplantmg 7)rcs. — Xo school, in country or city, should allow arbor day to pass without planting one or more trees. If there is no room in the school grounds for more trees, city schools may find vacant spaces in the public parks nnd along the streets; country schools, by the roadside near the school, or before the house of a poor Teacher's Manual of Nature Lessons. 73 or infirm resident of the district. In the country, too, the cliildren should he encouraged to plant trees ahout their homes. But the trees must he taken up and planted in an intelli- gent manner, and ])e cared tor and piotected afterward, else only disappointment will follow. The proper time to transplant trees is Just hefore the huds hcgin to swell. In selecting trees for trans[)lanting, prefer those which grow at some distance from others. They will hear the chauire to an exposed situation hetter than those which liave heen growing in the dense shade. Small thrifty trees will hear transplanting hetter than hirger ones and will soon surpass them in size. Great care should he taken not to destroy the iihrous roots. As soon as the tree is out of the earth its roots should he dipped in, or dauhed with, rich mud, or covered with very damp earth. It is important that the rootlets be kept moist until the tree is set out. The ground into which the tree is set should be well spaded. Sift loose rich carta about the roots when the young tree has been set in place. Shake the tree up and downi a little as tlie roots become covered to assist in working the earth into all the cavities. Finally press the earth down, but not too compactly, to the level of the surrounding soil. A pail of water thrown on the earth before the last is put in will aid in bringing the tine soil close to the rootlets. If the soil be clayey, the tree must not be planted deep, as water would collect and sta«>:nate around it. In the case 74 Teacher^s Ilanual of Nature Lessom. of very clayej' soil, a little dniin filled with sand or sandy earth should he digged to earry off the surplus water. In most eases, unless the tree is quite small, the ends of the branehes should he lopped off in order to balance the loss of roots. In doing this the future symmetry of the tree should he kept in view. Sometimes it would l)e better to saw off the top of the main stem, and cut off all the branches quite short. It is well to cover the wounds with paint or tar. The earth around the tree should be covered, especially if the season be dry, with a mulching of straw, decaying chips, or other loose material. The trees will need to be watered in case of a drought. In the country, if not protected from cattle by a fence, each tree must be separately guarded by stakes or palings set around it and joined by cross-pieces. Section E : Structural Relations and Classification OF Plants. Collect a set of plants, in bloom at the same time, illus- trating the various degrees and forms of cohesion and adhesion in the flower. The buttercup, plum, apple, adder's tongue, trillium, dwarf raspberry, fiy-lioneysuckle, and dandelion will make a good set, but a closely related plant may be substituted for either of them. First examine the flowers for examples of union between the parts of the same circle, i. e., for cohesion. In the butteiA'Up no cohesion will be found; but in the others the parts of the calyx are more or less united, the lower part, Teacher s Manual of Nature Lessons. 7 5 us far as the coliesioii extends, forniijig tlie tnhe of tlie calyx, iiiid the n|)per part tlie llitif). The numl)er of lobes or teeth in tlie limb indicate the number of sepids except in the florets of tlie dandelion in wliicli the limb of the calyx is made np of numerous bristles so that we can oidy infer the numl»er of }»arts of which the calyx is formed, from the numbei' which make up the stamens and corolla. Among the flowers will be found cases in which the petals are distinct, and in which they are more or less united: cases of distinct stamens, and of stamens united by tlicir anthers; of distinct car])els, and of carpels coherent. Next look for examples of union between different circles, i. e., for adhesion. Here you will find the calyx quite free from all the other circles; there vou will find it adherinu; to — combined with — the ovarv. Sometimes the corolla will be free from the other parts of the flower, and only attached to — inserted on — the receptacle; sometimes it will be inserted on the calyx tube. Agaiti, in the dandelion it is seemingly inserted on the top of the ovary. Stamens will be found inserted on the receptacle, on the calyx, and on the corolla. In this way, the pu[)ils will be led to see that flowers differ widely in the degree and manner of the union be- tween their parts — in the way they are put together — that is, in their structure. Compare the flowers as to the number of parts in the a- gate tlieir species without man's care. In the spring-time, watch the curion. way in which the leaves — fronds — of ferns unfold. Xothing but the leaves rise above the ground. The stem and root must be beneath its surface in our ferns. Dig some up and examine them. If they grow at a long distance from the school take up two or three kinds, with a good share of their native soil, and wet them in boxes in the school-room. Allow them enough water and not too much light. Follow the growth of the rei)roductive organs on tlie back of the fronds. Compare the ferns with re]>resentatives of some of the other families of lowering plants — the Club-mosses, Mosses, Horsetails, Lichens, and Mushrooms or Fungi. Note such differences as will enable the pupils to refer ordinary tlowerless plants to their proper families. In autumn, collect a quantity of the ripe spoi'es of ferns or of club-mosses. Demonstrate, by imitating the natural conditions as closely as possible in the school-room, that they possess vitality and the power of growth. The s[)ores may be sown upon pieces of brick placed in a saucer con- taining water. The brick will absorb water to keep the 80 Teacher\s Manual of Nature Lessons. spores sufHcieiitly moist. Cover the saucer witli a glass jar, aiul keep it \iiere the teini)erature will be as even us possible and tlie light not too strong. [{' time and opportunity permit, a small area of damp earth nuiy he prepared in a suitable place, ajid then be' sown with spores. The spot should be protected so that rains will not wash the s[)ores away. The sowers may succeed in growing new plants. The pupils are now able to arrange all the }»lants they have met with in two divisions which will include the whole, viz., plants which bear Howers and seeds (each of which contains, when mature, an emI>ryo): and plants which do not l)ear Howers or seeds, but reproduce them- selves by means of mimite reproductive bodies called spores. These great divisions of plants are called Series — the former the Flowering Series, the latter the Floivcrless Series. Similarlv, divide the Flowering ISeries into two Classes — the Exogenous Class or Dicotyledons, and tlie Endo- genous Class or Monocotyledons. Inquire into the appro- priateness of these terms. Enumerate {ind record the features common to all plants of each class. These are Class characteristics. Refer the families of Howering plants whose characteristics have been made out to one or the other of these classes, giving the reasons. Consider whether part of a famih^ ever belongs to one class, and the other species of the family to another class. Divide the Exogens into two groups — Sub-classes — Covered-Seeded plants and Naked-Seeded plants, and write out the characteristics of each sub-class. Teacher^s Manual of Nature Lessons. 81 AiTanir<^' tlu' families ol' Ex()i::tMis with wliich voii arc acquainted under one or tlie other of the ahove sub-ehisscs. The pupils are to work out the above classitieation themselves. A set of specimens illustratiuiz; these natural divisions of plants should be arran«^ed before them while thus enii'a«!:ed. Description of Bed Clover. — The main root is large, firm, and tough. Its principal divisions are long and fleshy, with flbrous branches extending a great way in various directions. The stem is exogenous, contains only a small amount of wood, and is slightly hairy. The leaves are net-veined, compound, alternate. The blade is composed of three oval leaflets, each of which has a pale spot on its upper surface. Each leaf has a pair of broad stipules which adhere to the foot-stalk except at the tips. The flowers grow in dense roundish clusters, or heads. They are pleasantly sweet-scented. Each flower is on a little receptacle of its own. The lower part of the calyx forms a narrow cup, which is hairy at the mouth. The cup bears five slender teeth, which show that the calyx is composed of five sepals united at the base. The corolla is composed of five petals of different sizes and shapes. It is of a purplish color. The upper petal is the largest. There are two smaller petals at the sides, and between them two small petals are united at one edge. All the petals are united below in a long, slender tube. Upon splitting this tube, without pulling it out of the calyx, two F 82 TeaQher\^ Manual of Nature Lessoiifi. slender tliread-like parts will be found insido of it. "When traeed downward, one of tliem will be found to end in the snndl, ij^reen ovary, and is therefore the style. When traced upward, the other will be found to ))ear an anther on the top, and is therefore a tilainent. Xine other stamens show their anthers, but their filaments unite in the loiiic tube, which seems to consist of tlie tilaments of nine sta- mens and the lower parts of the petals, i(ro\vn together. This tube, when [Milled out, is seen to have been fastened to the base of the calvx-tube. We niii^ht have thoun'ht it grew from the receptacle had we not noticed that the tlower closely resembles, in structure, those of the Pea and Bean. And since there is nothing to show that the pistil has more than one carpel, we conclude that, like the }»istils of its near relatives, it is formed from onlv one ovule-bearino; leaf. The fruit is verv small, and remains liidden within the calyx. It seems most often to contain only one seed. The .seed contains nothimj: l)u.t an embrvo, whicli has two cotv- ledons. We do not know yet how long the Red Clover lives, but I shall raise some plants from the seeds, and count the years until they die. .^^OTE. — The above description will show that a plant may be elescribed with exactness, including the structure of the flower, without the use of any of the more difficult technical terms employed in text-books on Botany. Section Ct: The Composition of Plants. We know something about the composition of the earth, the ocean, and the air. To discover what plants are chiefly composed of is our next undertaking. Teacher s Manval of Nature LeHnons. 83 IMiU'c ill the bottom of si'pjirato test tulu'^ ji little cotton fibre, u hit of uiiit(> linen, iiiul a pieci' of tlie pith of I'l snntlower, and cover them witli water. Xote the effect, if any; then pour otT' the water and eover them with alcoliol. Km[)ty the alcohol, and cover tliem with hvdrochloric acid. Slowly heat a dry piece of each of the suhstancies ahove mentioned in a test tnhe closed V)y th(> fini!:er. dear drops of water collect on the inside of the tube, while a hlack mass of charcoal remains in the bottom. Eacli of these substances, then, must contain carbon and the elements of water — hvdrolants is mainly composed of a substance called cellulose, consisting' of these three elements. Cotton and linen tibre and dry sunflower ]>ith are nearly [lure cellulose. With a knife or grater, reduce a small potato to a Hne pulp. Place the [>ulp in the middle of a piece of t/iut cotton, and draw together the edges so as to form a little l)ag with the pnlp in the bottom. Take a saucer of water, and ])y alternate di[)i»ing and squeezing, without using much force, try to get out of the pulp anything soluble which it mav contain, or anvthing which is in a sufHcientlv fine state of division to pass through the meshes of the cotton. When this has been well done, stir the water, and jtour it, and evervthinir which it contains, into a slender bottle 84 Teacher's Manual of Nature Lessons. or into test tubes. Soon a white solid substance will have settled to the bottom. This is evidontlv insoluble in cold « water. Pour off the lic^uid over it into test tubes. Boil a little of this white substance with fresh water, in a test tube. Mix with water a small portion of the jelly-like mass which results. Put in two or three drops of tincture of iodine — a solution of iodine in alcohol. A new and bright color should appear. Treat a bit of starch in a similar way with cold and hot water, and tincture of iodine. Facts will justify the infer- ence that the white solid which came out of the potato is^ starch. How, being insoluble, did it pass through the coUon? It is granular — made up of little grains small enough to make their way through the meshes. Heat slowdy a piece of thoroughly dry starch in a closed tube. AVhat collects above the starch on the inside, and what is the dark substance which remains in the bottom ? You will conclude that each molecule of starch contains one or more atoms of carbon, of hydrogen, and of oxygen. Cellulose and starch are ternary compounds ; they are called, from their elementary composition, carboh/drates — the first part of the word denoting carbon, the middle part hydrogen, and the termination ate oxygen. Warm with the fiame of the spirit lamp, in a test tube, some of the liquid which was poured from over the starch. Before the water has begun to boil, a substance, which evidently was dissolved in the cold waiter, will Teacher'' s Mariual of Nature Lessomt. 85 solidify in the warm water. This substance, so pLiinly different from starch in its properties, must also have come out of the potato. It is known as albumen (Lat. albas, white), although, from the presence of foreign sub- stances, it does not appear to be quite white. Mix wheat flour with enough water to make a lump of stiff dough as large as a small apple. Put this dough into a thin cotton bag. Dip it in water and squeeze it repeatedly in the same manner as the potato pulp. Stir the water and pour it into a test tube. Identify the substance which settles to the bottom. Spread the bag open, and examine the part of the flour which did not pass through into the water. Although it is insoluble like the substance which passed out, it differs from it in being sticky, and in admitting of being drawn out into strings wliich contract when they break. This substance is called fjlutin or vegetable fbrin. These names, it will be noticed, were suggested by its properties. Upon slowly heating dry albumen and gluten, it will be found that they both contain carbon. We shall not be able to show experimentally what other elements are in them. They have, however, been found to contain (besides carbon) hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and a little sulphur, i. e., the elements of the carbohydrates and two more. They are called albuminoids, nitror/enoKs substances, or proteids. Note the suitability of the first two names ; that of the third is not so apparent in the present state of our knowledge. Call attention to the fact that sugar is another substance found in plants. Treat a little sugar with hot and cold 86 Teacher''' s Manual of Nature Lessons. water. Ileiit a few ij;raiiis of it slowlv in a closed tube. What elements must be in it ? It is plainlv another carl )oli yd rate. The pupils will be able to mention substances found in [tlants which difler in some of their properties from anv we liave examined. Indeed, there are many other vegetable substances — some carbohydrates, some albuminoids, some oils, some acids, etc. ; but those we have considered make up the greater part of most plants. Hold a green leaf by one edge, keeping the farther part in the tlame of a s[)irit lam[>, and carefully observe the visible changes. The part of the leaf ex[)Osed to the fire first dries, then blackens, and lastly whitens. Do your best to burn the white tilm which remains. This incombustible material, or inorganie matter, is the ash of the plant. Burn other portions of plants in the same way. Procure some ash from a stove. Mix the ash with water, A part of it settles to tlie bottom. Dip a piece of red litmus paper into the water above it. The effect shows that part oi' the ash is soluble in water, and also that this soluble part contains a metal. The ashes of plants have been found, by analysis, to con- sist mainl V of the salts and oxides of various metals. Hence we speak of the ash as saline matter. But what became of the carbohydrates, albuminoids, oils, etc., when the plants were exposed to the fire. They must have been consumed. These combustible substances are called organic matter. Wliat was the black substance which was the last to burn ? Which is greater in amount in the plant — the organic matter or the ash ? leacher^s Manual of Nature Lessons. 87 Sectiun 11 : The Food of Plants ani> its Assimilation. Ul>oii inquiry, your pupils will tell you tliiit a I'ull-growii' lilaut luis much more mutter in it than when it began its existence, and that this matter must have been obtained from its surroundinics — from its enciroHnicitt. They will also notice that the soil and air, with the water whi(;h falls from the air, constitute the whole material sur- rouiidinii^s of the phmt. They will tell you that the organic substances in the |>lant — the starch, sugar, cellulose, albu- men, gluten, etc. — are not found either in the air, water, or soil. It must be that the substances which the plant took in — liA food. — underwent cliemical changes within the plant by which these organic couipounds were produced. The changes which the i)lant food undergoes are denoted collec- tively by the term as.^imdlafmi, since by them substances which differ from those in tlie plant are transformed into substances which are s'mi.'dav to them. The pu[>ils can easily oe led to see that the food of the jtlaut must contain the elements of starch, sugar, ceUulose, and the other organic compounds which are the products of assimihition. Examine a young plant — root, stem, and leaves. No openings can be seen through which the smallest particle of solid matter could enter. It is evident that a plant can only take in — absorb — liquid or gaseous matter. Let us try to find out some of the substances which plants absorb. To make starch and the other carbo- hydrates the substances taken in must contain their ele- ments — carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. They cannot 88 Teach&i'''s Manual of Nature Lessons. take ill carbon l)y itself since it is quite insoluble. But the air contains carbon dioxide, a gaseous compound of carbon. Hydrogen is not, by itself, a constituent of either the soil or air. Water, however, whicli contains hydrogen and oxygen, is present in both the liquid and gaseous states. These two compounds, carl)on dioxide and water, con- tain, taken together, the same elements as starch. And further, water contains hydrogen and oxygen in the [»ro- portions in which they exist in starch. We remember that Avhen starcli was hented in a closed tube its hydrogen and oxj-gen immediately began to pass off together in the form of water, leaving carbon behind. It is probable, then, that the plant absorbs carbon dioxide and M^ater, and out of their elements forms the carbohydrates. Let us put this supposition to the test of experiment. Twist the end of a small wire around a short piece of a taper. Fill a pan with water to the depth of about three inches. Set a pickle bottle, or other wide-mouthed bottle, with it:^ mouth down into the water, and let it stand thus on the bottom of the pan. Bend the wire in the manner described for the pre[)aration of nitrogen by the combustion of alcohol. Rest the bends below the end which bears the taper, on the bottom of the pan. The taper should reach a short distance above the water. Light the taper, and set the bottle mouth downward over it. As the taper burns, water will rise into the bottle. When combustion has ceased, quickly raise the bottle, and Teacher^8 Manual of Nature Lessons. 89 as soon as thu water wliich lias risen into it (Iroj)s out, place the palm of the hand closely over the niontli of the bottle and turn its mouth upward. Kemove the hand, pour in lime-water until the bottle is one-fourth full; close it tightly again aiid shake the lime-water through the gases. The effect will show that carbon dioxide was produced by the combustion of the taper, which means that the taper contains carbon which united with the oxj'gen of the air in the bottle. The air, then, now contains little oxygen, but, instead, much carbon dioxide. Burn the tai»er in two other bottles as before; but this time leave the bottles standing with their mouths under water. Get the taper out of the bottle by raising the latter in the water and drawing the taper out by the wire. Be careful not to raise the mouth of the bottle out of the water. Prepare another bottle in the same way, and after remov- ing the taper, push up into it, without raising its mouth above the surface of the water, a sprig of mint, or some other plant, with rootlets attached. Most of the leaves should reach above the water, atid the roots should be immersed in the water. The plant may be as tall as the bottle. It will be well to prepare three other bottles, using another pan, in the same way. Take two plants of one species, and two of another. Set two of the bottles containing plants of the same species in a place where they will receive plenty of sunlight. Set the other two in a totally dark, but not a cold place, as 90 leacher^s Manual of Nature Lesftons. in a trunk or close box. Let all the bottles remain with their nioutlis under water for six or eight ward. Lower into it ])y it wire a burning ta|»er. It will be at once extinguished. Shake up lime- water in it, and in the other bottle wdiich was left without a plant. The effect on the lime-water will be tlie same as in the l)ottlc in which the taper had just been burned. Explain the results. Kemove the plant, without allowing air to enter, out of one of the bottles which was left cx[)ose(l to the light. Then slip the hand under the mouth of the bottle and invert it, allowing the water in it to fall to the bottom of the bottle. Quickly lower a lighted tai)cr into it by means of a wire. The ta[)er should continue to burn for some time. Remove the plant in the same way from the companion bottle ; but raise it above the water before placing the hand upon its mouth that any water which is in it mav fall out. Then shake through it some lime- water. The water should remain clear. Account, as far as you are able, for these results. Since the carbon dioxide remained in the bottles which contained no plants, and disappeared from tliose in which plants had been placed, we must conclude that, in the latter case, the plants absorbed that gas. And since there was oxygen enough in the latter case to enable a taper to burn, although all, or nearly all of it, had been previously re- moved by the combustion of the taper, we are led to conclude that the plant gave out oxygen. Teacher 8 Manual of Nature Lessons. 91 Fill ji 1)()ttle, in which ji niiiiiixu- of tK'isli loiivus hnvv been plticod, with niiii-wutor or water from a stream, which, since carhon dioxide is sohil)k' in water, must have taken in some of that n'as from tiie air. Invert the hottle with its mouth down in Ji saucer of water, and expose it to direct sunlijj^ht. Bubhles of gas will collect uj^on the leaves and will readilv ascend in small huhbles to the surface. What gas is \t'i Prepare another hottle similarly, using water from which the carhon dioxide has been expelled hv hoilinu'. Xcr bubbles of oxygen will be given ofi* from the leaves. When the leaves, then, can get no carbonic acid gas tliev cease to ij^ive ofi' oxviren. It seems that the oxygen which is evolved from a plant comes from the carl)onic acid gas which it absorbs; that is, the plant decomposes carbon dioxide and gives off its oxygen, retaining the carbon. By careful manipulation, the oxygen from the leaves may be em})tied upward into a vial or small test tube. If a hardwood s[)linter, with a glowing tip, l)e plunged into it, active combustion will set in. A leafy water-plant immersed in rain-water in an inverted test tube, will give off oxygen rapidly when held in the light. Examine the gas now in the bottles which were Fot awav in darkness. Find whether a taper will burn in one of^ them. Shake lime-water through the other. Account for the difference between these results and those obtained in the bottles left under the influence of suuliorht. 92 Teacher a Manual of Nature Lemontt. Set a yoiinu; c'tibbaii:L', bean, or otlitT plant, in a i)()ttlo, Avitli its roots inmiersud in a solution of red ink or aniline ilye. Aceount for the effects observable in the plant on tin.' following day. Allow the earth about the roots of two potted plants to become very dry. Water the leaves of one of them regu- hirly for several days without wetting the earth. Apply the water to the earth about the roots of the other plant. AVhat inferences mav be drawn ? Stand a plant with only its roots in water. Set another top downward in a bottle. Tut water enough into the bottle to cover the top and upper leaves, leaving the rest of the plant, including the root, immersed in air. Notice which of the leaves wither first, and draw the obvious in- ferences. We have established pretty conclusively, by experiments iiiid arguments, that plants absorb carbon dioxide out of the air by tlieir leaves; that they absorb water by their roots, and but little, if any, by their leaves ; that they take in b}' their roots substances dissolved in water; and that the}^ exhale oxygen from tlieir leaves. We have also found that the absorption of carbon dioxide and exhalation of oxygen only go on under the action of light. It is now reasonably clear that the plant makes starch and the other carbohydrates out of carbonic acid gas and water. But these two substances contain more oxygen than is necessary for that purpose, since they both contain it, wdiile in starch there is only enough oxygen to form water with the hydrogen. That is, there is sufficient Teacher s Manual of Nature Lesaons. 93 hv(lr()i::en iind oxvirt'ii in tlic water alone for tho iiiakinir of starch, and onlv tlio oarlfon of tlio carhon dioxide is re(iuired. //>• oxyiren is exhaled hy tlic ]>lant. But tlie alhnniinoids contain two elements, nitroj^en and 8ul})liur, neitlier of wliicli are present in earhon dioxide or water. Now, so far as we know, the i)lant cannot build up eh'/nenfs into compounds. Tlie food of plants consists of compounds, most of which the plant decomposes and builds up aii:ain into others more complex. Althouiih there is an abundance of nitrogen in the air it is of no direct use to the plant. l*lants derive their supply of nitrogen mainly from the ammonia and oxides of nitrogen in the air, and salts of nitric acid — nitrates — present in the soil in small amount. The sul[)hur required for the production of albuminoids is supplied by the soluble sulphates. The most important of these is sul- phate of lime (gypsum), which is slightly soluble, and is present in tine [)articles in most soils. These sulphates must be decomposed in the plant in order that their sulphur may be worked into the forming albuminoids. Fill a small wide-mouthed bottle nearly to the neck with water. Make a hole through its cork just large enough to receive the stem of a plant of suitable size. Split the cork from one side into the hole, and push the stem of the plant through the cleft into tlie hole made to receive it. Close the cleft and lower the root of the plant into the water. Fit the cork tightly into the neck of the bottle. Turn a glass jar, or a larger bottle mouth down- D4 Teachrs Manual of Nature Lr^miis. Avard over the l)()ttl(' containinu; \]\v [>lant. Wliat colk'cts on the inside of tlje larutT hottlc. WIh'IU'c docs it come':' Kxplain tlic facts and reconcile tlieni witli what \vc liad provionyly learned about the use of water as food foi' jdants. Tlie pujtils are familiar with the nuiin facts of res}»ira- tion in animals. Tiiey iidiale oxy_i;'en and exhale carbon dioxide produced by the oxidation i;"oing on in nearly all parts of the body. It can be demonstrated that a similar process, wliich mjiy be termed vcf/tiahic ri'Sfura.tion^ goes on in plants. They absorb oxy") CHAPTER III. TirK ()K(;AXir world. DIVISION II. — ANIMALS. S'.:CTIOX A: TiIK nKVKLOI'.MIlNT AND LiFK IIl.STOHV OK AN Animal. Wo luivt' tullowed a )>lant t'roiii its iK'^-iiining- as an embryo tliruiiu'li tlio successive stages of its existence. In ii similar manner we propose to trace the lite liistorv of an iinimal. Of all kinds of animals, an insecjt will best suit our pnr[»ose. Its development is easily followed, and since its life is usnallv brief we shall not be wejiried ])y waitiiiii". Caterpillars of various kinds are easil}- obtained. They may be brought to the school in bottles with some leaves from the [dant on which they were found. This will prob- ably be the plant — or one of the plants — upon whicb they feed. A breeding cage may be made from a wooden box, each side of which is about a foot s(piare. Set the box with the open end in a vertical position. Cut a hole about four inches square in the side which is then uppermost. Cover tlie open end with wire netting or gauze, and nail a strip of wood, about three inches wide, at the bottom. Put in enough sandy earth to cover the bottom to the depth of three inches, and put in some dry twigs. 96 Teacher^s Manual of Nature Lessons. The caterpillars kept in thin cage inust be provided from time to time with fresh leaves from their food-plants. The earth should be kept sliglitly moist. If properly cared for some of the caterpillars will shortly begin to make a little case, called a cocoon, \n which to stay during the next stage in their development. If the insect constructs its cocoon above ground, it will be easy to watch its progress. Find wliere the caterpillar gets the material of which its cocoon is made. Examine the contents of some of the cocoons. Com- pare the new form which the insect has assumed with that of the caterpillar. Some cater})illars do not make a cocoon, but attach themselves to a stick or other support, and there undergo the change to the pupa state in open sight. In this inactive state the insect remains often for onlv two or three weeks, sometimes until the following spring. Then its final transformation into the winged state takes place. If these winged insects be kept in the case for a while, and provided with suitable food, they may be induced to lay eggs. We have now seen the four principal stages in the development of an insect. You will understand, how^ever, that the egg, which has been mentioned last, is really the lirst state. The second form of an insect, of which the caterpillars are examples, is called the larva (plural, larva'). The term caterpillar, strictly, is only applied to the larvae of butterflies and moths. The larvse of Hies are called maggots, and those of beetles grabs. Teachei-'s Manual of Nature Lessons. 97 The form into which the larva changes is called the pupa (plural, pupti) or rlin/salis. The fourth state, in which the insect is usually provided witli win*!:s, is the miago. If unsuccessful in carrying any one species through all these transformations, the whole history of the typical in- sect must ])e learned by piecing together the partial histories of two or more. If it is desired to keep one species by itself, it may })e kept in a pasteboard box, having a glass cover, and small holes in the sides for ventilation. A glass jar with a pie(;e of gauze placed over the mouth also answers well. The bottom of the box or jar should be kept covered with damp earth. In which of its stages does an insect partake of food ':* In which does it eat most greedily? In which does it grow? In what ways does it obtain its food in difterent stages? How does the food of the same insect vary in its different stages ? What ditlering habits sometimes make an insect harmful to man in one of its states and useful in another ? How many legs and wings has an insect in the imago state ? Compare the eyes of an insect with human eyes. Find the row of little holes on each side of the body of an insect, which are the openings to its breathing organs. Allow the pupils to find, by individual observation, the answers to the preceding questions. In country and village schools, at least, the life history of several species of insects may be traced. Four are selected as examples, the lirst for its size and beauty, the a 98 Teacher\ Manual of Nature Lessons. others rather on account of their fondness for human food- plants. In the autumn, there may be found feeding on the leaves of the apple-tree a large green caterpillar, three or four inches long when full-grown, having its l)ack set with warts or tubercles, some red, some yellow. If it cannot be found on the apple, it may be looked for on the plum, cherry, alder, and lilac. This is the larva of the Emperor Moth. THE COrooN OF THE EMPEROU MOTH. THE LARVA (W THE EMPEROR MOTH. Place several of those caterpillars in the breeding cage, and sup])lv tlicin with leaves. Soon thev will be^'in to build cocoons. The cocoon is double, of a brownish or ici'avisli color, about three inches long, and an inch broad at the widest part. The space between the outer and the inner cocoon is occupied by til)res of silk. If you should not succeed in securing any of the caterpillars, the cocoons Teache/s Manual of Nature Lessons. 99 may be found upon tlie trees at any time during tlie winter or early spring. The chrysalis may be taken out of one of them for examination. The cocoons should be kept out of doors, or in a shed, during the winter. When winter is over, they should be brought into the school- room and placed in a breeding cage. About the last of May, the imago will come forth in all its beauty. Let IMAGO OF EMPEROR MOTH. the pupils watch its exit from the cocoon and the expansion of its wini>;s. It is now a maiirnificent creature with winii-s extending, when spread out, six or seven inches from tip to tip. jN'ote the colors and arrangement of the wings. This insect is closely related to the silk'-worm moth, from whose cocoon is obtained the silk of commerce. On visitinc; the iirarden, some morninii" in June, vou will find the tops of certain young plants — cabbages, beans, or onions perhaps — lying on the ground looking as if they had been cut ott near its surface. Slowly scrape away the earth about the stum}) and you will find the culprit — a 100 Teacher^ s Manual of Nature Lessons. greasy-looking, brownish or grayisli caterpillar. It coils itself up as soon as it is disturbed. It is known as a Cut- worm^ for a reason now plain to you. Leave it lying ou the surface of the ground, but keep your eye on it. Notice the course it pursues when it sets out to escape. Before it has entirely disappeared, take it again ; and, with some of its kind, put it into a glass jar which has a little earth in the bottom. Provide them wuth leaves from their food-plants. After a while they will cease to eat. Upon examining the earth in the bottom of the bottle, you will find that they have made cells for themselves, in which thev have become transformed into pupjc. Take one of the pupa^ by the head and note the behaviour of the other end. Leave the others undisturbed in their cells. In a few weeks the imagos will appear. Note the dis- tinctive characteristics of these moths, s) that you will know them from others when you see them out of doors, or when they fly into the house at night attracted by the light. Find w^iether cut-worms ever destroy w^eeds. Wheu do they do their work ? The Potato Beetle, improperly called a bug, is easily fol- lowed through all its transformations. The imagos may be seen upon the potato plant early in June. They deposit their yellow eggs in clusters on the under side of the leaves. The larva is yellowish in color, and has a row of black dots ou each side. If allowed to live, it will descend into the earth to become a pupa. Put some well-grown larva? into a bottle partly filled with earth, and feed them with potato Teacher s Manual of Nature Lessons. 101 leaves until they pupate. Take some of the piipse out of the earth. Notice whether the traiisforruation is more or less marked than in the case of a hutterily or moth. Leave some of them in a bottle until Jiey become perfect beetles. Trace the life history of the insect whose larva is so des- tractive to apples by eatiuii; holes through them. Find where tiie larva enters the ai)ple, and where it makes its exit. In autumn, before the apples are ripe, procure some fruit infested by these larvae. Put a number of the apples into a box or jar aloni^ with some bits of wood. Examine the cocoons when finished, and then set them away in a cool place till spring. This cut shows the transformations of the Codling Moth, its cocoon, and its burrowings in the apple. The beautiful little moths which emerge from the cocoons will enable you to identity those of the same species which you will find flying about the apple trees, if you visit them 102 Teacher^ 8 Manual of Nature Lessons. at night with the lamp about the time the blossoms are opening in the spring. Find where, upon the young apple, this insect, the Codlmc/ Mot/i, deposits its egg. Also discover where they make their cocoons, and remain during the winter. The honey-bee, the ant, and the mosquito, afford interesting subjects for study. Section B: The Adaptation of Form to Function in AnIxMALS. The domestic animals ofter the best opportunity of studying the admirable correspondence of form to function in organized beings. Our observations will include the horse, cow, sheep, pig: the hen, turkey, goose, duck; the cat and dog. Below will be found a list of topics and questions indicating the extent and character of the investigations to be made. THE DOMESTIC ANIMALS: Their Food and Clothing. How do they take their Food ? How do they procure Food when not provided by Man ? How do they feed their Young? In what position do they Eat ? How do they Drink? How do they get Up and iie Down ? Which of them spend most time in Eating? Which of them Ruminate? What is the Cud, and what is its Use? Teachei'^s Manual of Nature Lesfions. 103 Which of them can Swim, Climb Trees, Fly, Perch? Compare the Teeth of those which sul)sist on Vegetable Food with the Teeth of those which feed on Animal Food, and account for the difference. Which of them have both upper and lower Front Teeth ? Compare the . Feet, Toes, Ears, Eyes, and Noses of each species with the Corresponding Organs of all the others. Which of them have relatively much longer Necks than the others? Of what advantage is this to them? Which of their Limbs correspmnd (are homologous) to Human Arms, Legs, Hands, and Feet? How do they < xpress Pleasure, Anger, Grief, Fear? In what Position do they Rest and Sleep? How do they call their Companions? How do they Attack other Animals? How do they Defend themselves against Attack ? In making the observations indicated above, encourag'O tlie children to note for themselves the adaptation of form to fnnetion, and that for every diiference in the habits of animals tliere is a corresponding difference in form. Section C: The Distinguishing Characteristics and Habits of the Common Wild Birds. The birds enumerated below are so common and easily distinguished that every child, both in country and city schools, mav learn to recos-nize them. It will not be necessary to kill any of them in order to identify them. Patient observation will overcome all the difficulties, and at the same time call forth patience, tact, and keenness of 104 Teacher s Manual of Nature Lessonn. sight and cur; not to speak ot'tlic direct and indirect moral effects. If four or five birds are learnt each year, the list will he inarttered before tlie pupil leaves the common school. City schools may take advantage of natural history col- lections to supplement their Piore limited opportunities for ■field work. Jjcarn to recognize the different species in as many ways as possible — by their plumage, their songs, their modes of flight", etc. Observe closely the nestinji; and feedins: habits of each species, the difference (if any) in [)lumage between the males and females, and discover which are migratory, and which resident throui^hojit the vear. 1. The American Kobin is so well known that no des- cription is necessary. Our Robin is a member of the Thrush Family, of which two or three other species are quite common. The Swamp Robin, or Hermit Thrush, is much shyer than the common Robin, and does not frequent the open fields. Its under parts are mostly white, but the throat and breast are speckled with dusky spots. The Robin of England — "Redbreast" — is quite a diflerent bird from ours. 2. The Black-capped Chickadee lives with us through- out the year. It is a small bird, mostly ash-colored above, with the top of the head, the chin, and throat black. The Chickadees prefer to go in small companies. The usual note, Chick-a-dee, dee, dee, is quite familiar. Find what it is looking for as it inspects the stems of trees bo carefully. Is it doing good to itself alone, or to the Teacher^s 3fanual of Nature Lessons. 105 trees also ? Does it ever run about on the ii^round ? The Chickadee l)elon_ii:s to tlie Titmouse Family. The lIiulHoniaii Chickadee is less coiunion with iih than the Black -capped. It is b^o^vnish above, without any black on the head. •3. Tlie Summer Warbler, or Golden Warbler, is abundant amonjj: the willows and low- shrubbery along the l)aidluekisli- usli. The tail is tipped with yellow. From its crested head, it is sometimes known among hoys as the " Top- knot Bird." Some of the win it flies. Both species frequent fields and roadsides. 7. The Chipping S[»arr()w is a very small "gray-bird."" Its crown is reddish-l)r()wn. The throat and l)ellv are grayish-wliite without streaks or other markifigs. Its song is a mere chipping. It is very familiar in its habits, and will allow the observer to approach, as it hoi)s about the roadside, near enough to see its brown cap. The Savanna Sparrow is another "gray-bird" smaller than the Song Sparrow. It frequents intervales and lo«r meadows. It has no brown cap* but a light streak over tlie eye, upon close approach, is seen to be yellow. It has a musical, but very weak song, by which it may be easily distinguished. 8. The AVhite-throated Sparrow is familiarly known a* Old Tom Peabody — a name suggested by the number and grouping of the syllables in its song. It is mostly grayish and reddish-brown above. The crown has two broad 108 leacher'n Manual of Nature Lemms^. MiU'k Wjinds, scparjitcil and honlcrcd hy narrow wliite HtripcH. Tlic tliroat is juirc vvliiti-, Loiindcd l.y dark ash oil tlu' breast and sides n\' neck. Tlie liu:l,t line in front of ojieh eye and on tlie edge of the wings is, upon close view, seen to be yellow. 9. The Knglish Sparrow is another "gray ])ird "; at least, the female is. The black throat of the male dis- tinguishes him at sight from tlie female. Tidike the native sparrows, they reside with us through all the seasons. They are very familiar, freipu-nting in Hoeks, yjirds, and gardens, aiid the streets in towns and villages. 10. The Purple Finch is much smaller than a robin, but slightly longer than the larger sparrows. Its pre- vailing color is rose-red above and in front below. The red deepens into eriiuson on the crown, and is striped ■Nvith brown on the back. The female and young are quite different in color, but tliey may be known by the company they keep. The Purple F'inch is a tine singer. The male of the Pine Gross- beak is also red, but is ranch larger than the Purple Finch. The Grossbeaks remain with us during the winter, and mostly go north in the spring, whereas the Purple Finches leave for the south before winter sets in. 11. The American Gohlfinch is mostlv t' yellow above and be- low. The crown is AMERICAN GOLDFINCH. Teacher^ a Manual of Nature Leasons. I0i> hlack. Till' \viiii::s aiv Itliu-k, with strips across thoiii t()niu':es. Each of us can do some- thinii: to hasten the time when men will cease to reufard the pursuit and death of defenceless, terror-stricken animals as " sport," and when women will no longer wear as orna- ments the remains of harmless birds. The gentle deer may yet roam our woodlands in peaceful security, and many sweet-voiced birds, in happy confidence, build their nests in the shrubs and trees about our homes. BOOKS FOR TEACHERS. In iiddition to the prescribed texts, teachers will find the hooks included in the following list very hel})tnl in ]tre- paring themselves to deal with the Nature Lessons intelli- fjjentlv and eftectivelv : 1. Common Minerals and Rocks, by W. O. Crosby. Paper, 25c.; cloth, 60c. Gives a brief account of the agencies throusj-h which rocks are formed, describes the principal kinds of rocks, and the commoner minerals found in them. 2. Tables for the Determination of Common Minerals, by W. O. Crosby. Boston: J.Allen Crosby. Cloth, $1.25. Contains, in a brief form, much useful infornuition about minerals, and tables by which some two hundred minerals may be determined mostly by easy physical tests. 3. A First Book in Geoloi^y, by N. S. Shaler. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co. Boards, 70c. A very plain and readable book, quite easily understood by beginners. 4. A Compend of Geology, by Joseph LeConte. New York : American Book Company. Cloth, $1.20. A good book to get after reading No. 3. It uses more tech- nical language, but is an excellent summary, and finely illustrated. 5. A Manual of Botany. Spotton's Botany, price $1, will answer very well. 6. Gray's Manual of Botany with Lessons, price $3, describes a greater number of plants, and the descriptions are more detailed. (114) Books for Teachei's. 115 7. Insects Injurious to Fruits, by William Saunders, Director of the Experimental Farms in Canada. Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott & Co. Illustrated, S2. Describes many of the commoner insects, and gives an account of their habits. An excellent work. 8. My Saturday Bird Class, by Margaret Miller. Boston : D. C. Heath & Co. Boards, 30c. 9. Some Canadian Birds, First Series, by Montague Chamberlain. Toronto : The Copp, Clark Co. Boards, 30c. These two cheap little books would be very useful to any one beginning the study of birds. T'hey contain descriptions and engravings of a good many of our commoner birds, including, however, some not found in the Maritime Provinces, 10. Handbook of Birds of Eastern North America, by Frank M. Chapman. New York : D. Appleton & Co. Cloth, $3. Contains a very complete account of the birds of the eastern part of the Continent, with keys to aid in their identification. It is well illustrated. 11. A Popular Zoology, by Steele and Jenks. New York : Ameri- can Book Company. Cloth, $1.50. This book gives a general account of the Animal Kingdom. It contains much interesting information, and is profusely illustrated. 12. Hand-book of Zoology, by Sir J. W. Dawson. Montreal: Dawson Brothers. Cloth. This is a popular guide to Canadian Zoology. It is fully illustrated. 13. Lessons in Elementary Physics, by Balfour Stewart. Mac- millan & Co. Illustrated, SI. 50. The author desires to convey his thanks to those friends who so efficiently aided him in the preparation of this volume. Both the author and publishers especially acknowledge their obligation to Mr. G. U. Hay, editor of The Educational Review ^ of St. John.