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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent I* mAthod*. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ■"nsMnn ^t^^ ^m '^ I ■I € Aji ""^Hw PR ■■ BYE-LAWS /A OP THB ^ ^ ^ CORPOKA-TION" OF d^nglis^, iermim, anb |]oIis| |efos, OF MONTREAL. Ai^]^rx)ved and passed at a Special General Meeting of the Congregation on the Z\st day of March, A.M. 5821. fonlwah PRINTED BY JOHN LOVELL, ST. NICHOLAS ST. 1861. ^^*''^=^^^- ' MARCtJg OLLEJTDORFF. Treasurer, DAVID MOSS. ^^^^^t EDWARD MOSS. EDWARD HIMES, MEYER KORTOSK, SAMUEL B. DINKELSPIEL. ABRAHAM HOFFNUNG, Honorary Secretary, INTRODUCTION. It being essentially necessary for the order and good government of all societies and corporations that Bye-Laws should be enacted in order to define the duties, rights and privileges of the officers and members of such society or corporation, and to promote the harmony, peace and good order of the general body, the following code of laws are hereby enacted and passed for that purpose. It is at all times well to remember that laws without observance rather detract from, than add to, the object intended, it is therefore hoped that each officer and member of the Congregation for whose guidance and benefit the present code of Bye-Laws are enactd will comply with their dictates, so far as he is individually concerned, thereby contributing his efforts to further their sole object and intention, namely the preservation of the peace, prosperity, and weal of the Congrega- tion, of which he forms a part. BYE-Li^'^S. -♦«»- BYE-LAW I. Of the Officers. Sec. 1.— Whereas, by the Act of the 2nd Session 2nd Parliament, 9th Vict., chap. 96, it is enacted '' that persons of the Jewish faith calling themselves German and Polish Jews, being inscribed and registered in the manner provided by the Act of 9th and 10th Geo. IV, chap. 75, and being mem- bers of this Synagogue shall elect from among their number a President, Treasurer and three Trustees, to remain in office for one year, and be known and designated under the name, style, and title of " The Corporation of the German and PoUsh Jews of Montreal." Sec. 2.— In conformity with the above there shall be annually elected by those members only who shall have in all respects complied with these Bye-laws, and not being in arrears, a President, ■ Treasurer, Secretaiy and three Trustees • sn.J. officers shall be voted for separated TT ' I order h^ J,^: j , separately m the above order by bemg duly proposed and seconded and served within a S3 3 T?, P''''™''^'^ fif *«„ J 11 , . * ^ y^'^ shal pay a fine ^T,' . ^ °'^°''^'" «^^*«njn-xt,„g, permitting them to officiate in their rT pective capacities, for all persons belongin! totht Congregation and also to persons not Z bers thereof. ^ °* '^'"S "n™- Tices oft w' ""^ T^ ''PP"<=='«°° f"^ ae ser- Tices of he and Shamas of this Con-Te-a t^on .ha be made to the President in "£ who shdl grant such permission after havl" J a ned the consent of the Trustees of thi otrno ration, and ascertaining that the nnrtv Tn 1 ^ for .uchse..iceshall n^tbe in tC ''''"'' bee. 4 -He shall certify ,dl claims a<-ainst the Shhe ran'ait^oTl'l T"" '°^^°™^ ^°''^' sary. " documents when neces- See. 5.-He shall through the Secretary sum- «onspe«al meetings of the Congregation at t^^ request of any five members (not bei^.Tn 1 orotherwise ineligible) delivered to £ i ^h ^ tMmg Us objects or purpose, and shall r^ dc vcred to Inn, ,„ writing, also stating its objects 9 gee. 6.— No other business than that for which it is specially convened shall be gone into at any special meeting of the Congregation or the board of Trustees. gee. 7.— The President shall not be empowered to disburse more than ten shillings at one time, or for the relief of the same person,in charity without the consent of the Corporation. BYE-LAW III. Of the Treasurer. Sec. 1.— The Treasurer shall collect all monies due to the Corporation,liquidate all claims certified by the President, and Gabai Beth Haim, and re- gularly pay the salaries of the officers of the Cor- poration, and deposit all amounts over the sum of one hundred dollars in one of the Banks of the City in the name of the Corporation. Sec. 2.— He shall in the absence of the Parnas act in his place during service in the Synagogue or elsewhere. Sec. 3.— He shall also in the absence of the President preside at any mooting either of the Corporation or general body. geo. 4.— All applications for seats in the Syna- gogue shall be made to the Treasurer, whoHc duty Bhall be the renting of the same according to the terms and rates hereafter to be determined. 10 Sec. 5.— It shaJl be the duty of thp T.n •ng to ths Corporauon be properly insured agalnft BYE-LAW IV. Of the Secketary. nufeTrf ;i:?' ^""■f''"^ *^" "^^P ""•'"rate mi- nutes ot tlie transactions both of the Cnr,^, *• oec. d.— -It shall be the duixr nf ^i o to notifv h.r f^ • . . -^ ^* "^^ Secretary "^"vj oy the instruction of ih^ t "^ fiicmbers in arreHr« n! * treasurer, all " "» arrears, one month previmiH i^ *k annual meeting, infbrr.iuK then. o^TnoIit - Con,ii7wTE'rt"r"' '^ '^'^'^'^ *« the signatures of Ls^T ""'/"'• "'"^^^ ^""^ b aturcs ot the Secretary and President. m 11 reasurer s belong- l against ate mi- 'oration both of by the mem- of the on the nnual )f the tveeka )bject Btary ', aJI the gibi- dto )ear BYE-LAW V. Of the Corporation. Q.0 1 --All meetings of the Corporation shall be ca led bylhe S3crefary by direction of the Pre- sL:ay iing two ^^^^^ Tef" ^It Bhall be the duty of the Corporation to make and renew all contracts within its cogni- ir in such a manner as may be deemed proper Td conducive to the interest of the Congregat^^^^ Sec.3.--The Corporation shall -^^^ ^^^^ every six months for the transaction of busmess and'hall also meet at least one week beto t^ annual meeting for the purpose of aud^^^^^^^ Treasurers books and preparing a report to be sub- TYiitt^d to the general body, '"'stc 4.-It Bhall bo the duty of the Corporate to e:Le by law the payment of all .omcB due to them arising in any '"''""«'' '^;*^7'„_,ed g„o 5 -The Corporation shall be empowered to ty a special tax upon all seat-holdcrs, to pro- t^^de for any deficiency or emergent or conUng nt litlav for which the funds of the Corporation S'noaelfficient; such tax to be lev.ed ^ tZ amongst the seat-holders and to bc^me due and payable within one week from ita adoption. 12 officer. ^MU?"T^ ■"'"''"« for the election of bath before the ne.y7T " °" *== "'"'■ BYE-LAW VI. Op Members. tho'r ^'~'^" ^"■'*'"' "' P""*'^""* seat-holders of annum, not being m arrears and coniplvino- ;„ .n aspects with the requirements of th ,e "„d h "ig «°b«ribed to these Bve-L.wswM 7" from tlin ^.,t„ „«• .1 ■ : "'""" ^=-^ niont is nienbe cm,- r '"^"P*'«"'«'-" b= considered memner, of tins Congregation. mhCVr^*''"" "" "''"'"• "" P«r«on «l'all be eli- gible to become a member, with all M,- ^ • m a nionibcr, shnll sJ.n.JAr n ^^ecoining 13 I Sec 4 -Any person desirous of becoming a Lember before the expiration of the said two years Cu signify the same to the President in writing, td itlllbe at the discretion of the Corpora ion JTa^majority of vot.s to admit such seat^older • on the payment of such sum as may be thought iust by the Trustees. Sec 5.-Members who have assisted in the for- mation of tliis Congregation, and who ^ave paid Cty dollars and upwards towards the Zli and who may hereafter from misfortune or Ither llnZ be unable U> pay the amount at which £ s^ich they originally '-^J^e—f' shall not be deprived of the same, but shall pay ^.^y Uch amount as their circumstances will P' Sec "e -Members voluntarily relinciuishing their xuembersliip at any time and -^ leaving the city shall not be entitled to reclaim the seat they on Siy held or be permitted to share in the above f"sic''7.-That upon being admitted a member of this Congregation as aforesaid, a member sha bo entitled (if not in arrears) to vote on .^ ques tions brought before the general body of the Con gregation at all general or «P««'»\'7""S5B- Sec 8.-That all payments shall be duo and pay! throe months in advance, and no member 14 stall be entitled to vote on any question or Inter- fere at any meeting, who is in arrears six months account^and the Treasurer shall produce a list of such defaulters at the annual meeting. See 9 —That all members not in arrears shall be eligible to be elected an officer of the Corpora- tion, to be also eligible to be elected Hasan, Torah and Hasan Bereshis, the two latter appointments to be in the gifts of the Parnas. Sec. 10.— That any member being appointed to either of the above offices, and refusing to serve shall pay a fine of five dollars, but any person serv- ing one year, or paying such fine, shall be exempt for three years.' Sec. 11.— Members shall not have the right to vote by proxy at any of the meetings of the Con- gregation. ^ Sec. 12.— A member shall have the right to offi- ciate as Segan (provided always that he is not in arrears) on the occasion of the marriage or confir- mation of any of his children upon giving 2 davs previous notice to the Parnas. ^ Sec. 13.— A member shall be called to the law in rotation according to seniority, on Sabbaths and festival, lie forfeiting such right by absence. He shall also have the right to the attendance of the Hazan and Shamas on all occasions when their services shall be required, permission of the Parnas being first obtained. 15 or Inter- X months a list of 3ars shall Corpora* n, Torah intments )inted to to serve ion serv- exempt right to he Con- t to offi- I not in confir- 2 days lie law bhs and u He of th» their Parnaa Sec 14 —No member shall be deprived of bis seat so long as he pays his contributions and offer- ings but should any member refuse to pay the same after being in arrears for six months, and bein- duly notified by the Treasurer, the Cor- poration shall have the power to let his seat to any applicant, he (the member in arrears) having for- feited the same together with all privileges and immunities. Sec. 15.— No member shall be allowed to trans- fer his seat to any other person, nor shall he take any other seat than his own ; but he may permit his seat to be taken by a stranger or non-resident (not being a subscriber to this Congregation) upon any special occasion, and with permission of the Parnas may occupy a vacant seat. Sec. 16.— No member shall bring or send any child to Synagogue under the age of five years on Sabbaths and festivals, or under the age of nine years on the day of atonement or Rosh Hashanah. Sec. 17.— Son8ofmembers,over 18 years of age, occupying seats must pay for them, and those under that age can only take such seats as may be pointed out by the Parnas. Sec. 18.— Any person marrying contraiy to the laws of Judaism shall neither be eligible to become a member of this Congregation ur receive any of its privileges. 16 Sec. 19.— It being indispensable that order an,! decorun, should reign i„ the house of llj every „,e„xb.r n.ust during divine service remS at h.s place and conduct himself with propriety and a„ ,,,,;„„ ^^^ ^ ^Pj^iy, only after the last prayer has been said. Any persons conversing in the Synagogue during service or habitually quitting or entering it, or LinU' defiance to the above rule, will be liable to puWic ataon by the Parnas, and on a repetitirn S the offence wjll be expelled. , Jr/"'~,,'^?P"""'" "^'^ ""*y ''^^o voluntarily receded or who has been expelled, being desirous of™n shall first pay to the Tre^asurer al arrears that he may stand charged with, and then mke application to the President in writing who shall without delny summon a meeting of the' Cor poration to take the s „ne into consideration and Who shall act upon the same as they deem fit LAW VII. Of Seat-holders. Sec. l._Any person wishing to obtain a seat in the Synagogue must apply to the Treasurer, and equitable, which sum must be paid strictly in ad- ^rder and ^ prayer, 3e remain 3ropriety, all do so d. Any ? service, icting in public iition of untarily iesirous arer all id then ig, who be Cor- >n, and t. leat in f, and emed n ad- 17 Sec. 2. — That should any person being a seat- holder only, or any other person whether residing in this city or elsewhere, require the services of the Hazan and Shamas, or the use of the burial ground, he shall make application to the President in writing, stating his desire, and be charged such sum as the Corporation may deem just before granting such request. LAW VIII. Of the Prayers. Sec. 1. — The prayers shall be read in the He- brew language according to custom of the English, German and Polish Jews, as exemplified in the Great Synagogue in London. Sec. 2. — The hour for commencing the morning service shall be in Summer at half-past eight, A. M., and in the Winter at nine o'clock, A.M. Sec. 3. — The prayers shall be read by the Ha- zan only, excepting in case of his sickness or ab- sence, or on new year or the day of atonement, when it shall be the duty of the Corporation to request some properly qualified member, or procure an assistant, to take part in the service. On no other occasion shall any private member officiate in any portion of the service. The Haphtorah shall af fill f.imp.H ho rftnd hv thn TTflznn ! nn the fionfir- I 18 mationofayouth, however, itmaybe permitted tor him to taie the customary part on such occa- Bions. Sec. 4.— Members or seat-holders desirous of making offerings for the departed on the proper occasions, must notify the Pamas previous to the service of the amount of his offering and the name of the departed, who will cause the Kazan to make the necessary prayers. In no case, however, will it be pern.Hted for members to leave their seats du- ring service for such a purpose, and persons mak- ing offerings on the occasions of their being called to the law are requested to make them as brief as possible. LAW IX. Of the Cemetery. _ Sec. l._All members of the Congregation not m arrears are entitled to the free use of the burial ground for the purpose of interment of any of their immediate family. Sec. 2.— That in consequence of the said ceme- tery requiring annual disbursements for the pur- pose of keeping the same in order, a tax of twenty- five cents per month shall be imposed on all mem be^ and seat-holders of this Congregation, said tai to be collected on the quarterly bills and shall be considered as arrears when not paid the same m \ 19 other monies due to the Congregation, and disqua- lify any person from his ordinary privileges. Said tax shall be separately accounted for by the Trear surer. Sec. 3.— All expenses attending any burial such as opening and closing graves, &c., shall be borne by the family or relatives of the deceased. Sec. 4.— It shall be the duty of the Gabai Beth Haim, or in his absence the President or 'Senior trustee, to keep the key of the said Cemete 7 and give the requisite permission in writing for the opening and closing of all graves, and also notify in writing the Kazan and Shamas of all inter- ments about to take place. He shall through the Shamas give notice to the said members the tim6 appointed for funerals, and place and hours of prayer during the Shivah. Sec. 5.— That the Gabai Beth Haim, or in his absence the President, shall have power to cause the interment, without charge, of any indigent Israelite upon representation of such case being made. Sec. 6.— That all interments in said ground shall be only in strict accordance with the rites and customs of the Jewish religion, and the burial service shall only be performed by the Hazan of the Congregation, excepiing always the Gabai Beth Haim, and in his absence the President as aforesaid, 20 «hall be permitted to allow the service to be perfonn ed by any other recognized Hazan, upon applica- tion, should be deem fit. ^ Sec. 7.~That in every case all arrears, whether due by members of this Congregation or non-mem- bers thereof, shall be paid previous to permission being granted for the opening of any grave. fnr C .^•.T^''** P'-°^''J«<1 «"y application be made for bunal .„ said cemetery of any person or per- sons non-resident in the city or district of Mon- treal or not being a member of this Congregation, h.s or their executors, or assigns, shall pay to the Treasurer previous to interment such V sum a the President and Trustees shall deem fit to charge for a grave in said cemetery, and also shall pay for the services of the Hazan a sum not less than five dollars, and for the services of the Shamas a sum not less than three dollars. Sec. 9.-Any member desirous of purchasing a certain lot of ground, in said cemetery^ as a fa^ly ul af h n f V'' '" ^ °" P^y--* °f -°t Ztees. *"' '^''*™'"*'^ ^^ '"^^ LAW X. The duties oe the Hazan. !^^;V~^''* H^^-i shaU attend (illness ex- cepted) in the Synagogne upon all and every oo- 21 perform applica- w^hether >n-mem- mission »e made or per- P Mon- gation, to the um as charge 3ay for an five a sum sing a family ' such J the s ex- jr oc- casion the same is opened for prayers, or the per- formance of any religious ceremony in his official dress; also at all funerals when notified to do so by the Gaba Beth Haim. Sec. 2. — He shall, when requested so to do, attend at the dwelling of any member or seat-holder when afflicted with serious illness, also at the house; of mourning during the Shivah and shall also be present at the preparation for a funeral, for which he shall be entitled to a fee of not less than $2. Sec. 3. — The Hazan shall officiate on all and every occasion in Synagogue or elsewhere (unless prevented by illness or being absent from town.) Sec. 4. — It shall be the duty of the Hazan to attend the Synagogue on the day previous to Sab- baths and festivals, and examine and prcparo the scrolls of the law foi the next day's service, and to see that the appropriate decorations are made. Sec. 5. — He shall according to the law of this Province keep a proper register of the births, mar- riages and deaths in his Congregation, and report the same in required time to the appointed legal oif ocr of the government. Sec. 6. — He shall strictly conform to all the before-mentioned rules and regulations, and con- duct himself in every way becoming the dignity of his office. 22 Sec, 9. — He shall at all times be under the di- rections of the Parnas, or in his absence the Trea- surer, in all matters relating to the Synagogue, but in all others, under the direction of the President and Corporation. Sec. 8. — He shall not perform the marriage ce- remony or any other Ecclesiastical or Kabbinical function without the permission of the President being first obtained. At the marriage of any member of this Congregation the Kazan shall be entitled to a fee not kes than |5. LAW Xt. Op the duties op Siiochet and Shamas. Sec. l.-^The Shochet shall attend at the butcher's i^ambles for the purpose of killing meat, as often as necessary, and shall not refuse to kill poultry for any member or seat-holder of the Congrega- tion, providing it is sent to his house or such place as he may appoint. Sec. 2. — ^He shall not be required to go to the domicile of any member or scat-holder to kill poul- try or purge meat. Sec. 3.-— tie shall not be required to kill poultry bt purge meat at his residence, at unseasonable hours, or later than two hours previous to Sabbaths or festivaJs. 23 Sec. 4.— He shall attend at the butcher's stall for two hours on each market-day, to purge meat, from the first of May to the thirty-first of October,' from seven to nine, A.M., and one hour on each market-day, from the first of November to the thirtieth of April, from nine to ten, A.M. Sec. 5.— The Shamas shall attend (illness excep- ted) the Synagogue upon all and every occasion, and be there in due time to open the same and make all necessary preparations for the service. Sec. 6. — He shall attend all marriages and fune- rals and all other ceremonies in any way appertain- ment to members or seat-holders of the Congrega- tion ; he shall be entitled to a fee of not less than two dollars at each funeral, and not less than three dollars for each marriage ceremony. Sec. 7. — He shall be answerable for all property committed to his care. Sec. 8.— He shall strictly superintend the making of the matsas, for which he shall be entitled to re- ceive a fee of one cent per lb. Sec. 9.— It shall be his duty to deliver all no- tices and to collect all monies duo to the Corpora- tion, for which ho shall be entitled to a commission of five per cent. t 2i ALTERATION OF BYE-LAWS. That any amendments, alterations or additions to these Bye-Laws shaF be proposed in writing at one general meeting and taken into consideration at another general meeting after a lapse of at least thirty days; and such amendments, alterations or additions shall be carried only by a majority of two- thirds of the votes present at such meeting.