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Wbanever possible, tbese bava been omitted from fikninf/ llsepeutqueeerteinespetasblancbas ajouttes ,.k»rs d'une restauration app a raissant dan* la texte. mei*. lor*que tela Maif po**ible. ce* pege* n'ont pe*Mfilm*a*. ■■«. L'Inttitut a mi, V •# i 2 3 : . ::__ — . ' L'eKOfnptolro film* fut rfproduH grlce i to gAndroelti do: . tlM Uiriiii Owrak tf CMi#a Arakim Victsfli Usivtnlty ArcMvn Lee iJiegee eulventee ont At* roprodultes evoc le plus grend soln. compte tenu de le condition et de le hettet* de l'Momplei#ii f Ilm4«-et en confajrmlt* avac lee conditions du eontrat do filnMOo. ■ Lee eliemplalree origlnaux dont la couverturo an pepie|r est ImprimAe sent fUtm^s en commencant par la .premier plat at ah termlnent salt per le derniliro page qui comporte une empreinte d'Imifresslon ou dlllustration. solt par le skoond plat, aalon la eaa; Toua las autras eMmplairqc orlgmaux aont fllmia en commencent per le . prornMro page qui comporte une empreinte dimpreeslon ou dIHustratlon et en terminent par la damlAro paga qui comporte une teHe ^ ompfolnto* ,'. ^ ■ Un dee aymbdae euhrents apparettra sur la darhMro Image de cheque microftehe. seion le le aymbole "-»- signlfle "A SUIVRE". le syrtibole y signlfle "FIN". tesl cartes, plenchaa. tablieuii. etc.. peuvent *tro fiimto A dee taux da rAduiotion dif f Arants. Lorkque le document est trop grsnd pour Atre rebrodttit en un eeul clichA. 11 est fUmA A partir dajrangla aupArlaur geu^he. de gauche A drolto. et DC heut en bas, an pronant ie nombre d'images nAcessalra. Les d^agrammas suivants lllitstrant la mAthodo. ; - ' 1 ■■ ■■,.■••■■,■' ,"1 3 V -4. .75 6 -t- \ m -.k. -—v. - _jwi- •.'V Uafht 89ri99 Ko. f/ L ^ ^ # ^#t $ay< ^^^^ lo. eaeli ^. % By REV. W. A. MACKAY, B.A., D,0., Woodttoek, OnL • lUoomnwnded by a OommlttM of the PrwbytoriMi MinMerlAl A wo dat too of Toronta Does the Ward Baptize Mean to Dip? . .With great confidence Baptists aasure ui^.that the word baptise means to dip, and never means anything else "Noth- ing but dipping is baptizing," they say J(d they h^itate not to debar from the Lord's Table all JS||f>ped persons as nnbaptized, and consequently unworthy communicants. Now this IS a very high position to take, and those who take it ought to be very sure of the soundness of th^ir contention. The reader will: carefully observe that the Baptist doctrine 18 not that hapt^ sometimes tneans dip, or immerse in the ^nie of dip, but that it never means anything else. If then w« are^le. to point out one, even one instance, in which 1»e woiil does not mean dip, the whole exclusive Baptist theory perishes; for we have thus proved that there may be a ba|>tism without a dipping. A careful ex- ammation*will^ however, show the candid and intelligent reader, that n0t one instance merely^ but all the instances, mthont one exception, are irreconcilably opposed to the aj|mping theory. : ^etther in the Scriptures nor i%Greek liteliiture, sacred or Monlar, prior to the time of Christ, does the word ftaiXijw have such a meaning as "dip," or " immerse " in the sense of al|». In every one of these ancient baptisms we End the Ml ^4 ^ife.^'":?^'.. /,^-t^t .^«r* ^ ^*"* ?^ mstrumentajitjr moved and brought upon the person or thing baptized ; never once do we Cd f he pei^n j,r thing baptized moved, and put into and under rfti^th""'^'''*''';''i!"^2^'^"^^*»«*» immediately withdrnw^K Jh*t M . •"'*""?.' i ^^^ ^P'"^- ^^ ^'« »«^' »»«^e ver. argue ' that 6«;,''^«*i«n »>y which that effect or Z^^\knr^\^T.f'''^^'- .^ ^^^»> many other woras. A hurt B. But the question is always in place How? for the word- hurt "does not indicate i^^odl ' S^ klso A W^oL 7' """^ -Jj/How did he anoint him? for';!^ word anoint does not indicate the mode. And even the Baptist must answer that ihe anointing was by pouring But -till U» anoint does not mean" to pour.'^ g^ ^ . ^ «^t for tT« '*T^!!* ™*^,^ **^^' ««^ ^'^ hfe bakize him? for the word baptize does not indicate specific mode anv ^i'Sra?'''^V""'*"*^"^''''*''^"^^'^V'«^-- Thewo^rSt/^^ i£f rS' «ffe<^fc. Htote, or condition, but has nothing todo^ith the mode by which that effect, state or condition has iLen brought about. Dr. Charles Hodge, probably the gTeate^^^ theologian this continent has ever p>oduced. says, "Thf^t is bapttzein does not express any particular mbde of action As to dye^expresses any kind of action by which an object is colored; to bury, any kind of action by which aLE s hidden and protected ; so to baptize expresses any Tt by * :^JfJ^^orthingishroug\^ into a stote of kinglet fir t^^' Ji^^^^^^^ Dr. J. W.Dale, 4o has gone over the whole baptistic question with a thoroughness never ' ^t?^.?L''"?'*f • "l^ ^^° ^"^ «•"«" "«"' *»^« r««"»* oi his in- mo-^^^^M"'" 1 T ^*'? '^''^T^"' ^^y^' "^ "^"nd toan could more readily select any demanded color from the spectrum, or l^i^r "^"""f ""^'^y thread the Creten labyrinth, than could the seven wise men 6f Greece declare the nature or mode BLbtism''n%^?^^^^ itoptism, p. 35a). The learned Robert Young, LL D author the Bible, ^says, "From all this I gather that the word *««/wo ^as no real specific reference to mode at all, but to the object. , effect or result contemplated.- See his tract, "Baptism tw«»*» Immersion.^' . * wpwsm ^ The specific mode in which the state orcondition expressed Zi?^k7*'^^^^ ""'* ^ determined, not from the word Itself but from the context ; and the examination must include k2 \ - a careful inspection of every ins^nco. This, the writer claimg H-i*'' T* "^ ^" f I^mP^'t^t of sixty ,mge«, entitled. " Bap- tism : Its mode and u»eaning at the time of our Lord." I have given, m the original Greelf or, Hebrew, every instance of the wordoccuringuptothetiraeof Christ. Thrise are the only K^^T** ^''^ ?"'^. ^'"^'^ *^>^ influence on the minds of the ^f^J* i?"^ '*'"^''-. '^*'" instances are twenty-seven in a h^J^7 . ^^ f*^ oaretnliy arranged in chi-onological order, li 'fwi'T'''**''" «*?"• ''"^ this question asked in each caje What was moved in this baptism, the baptizing ele- Xen^ .^M"*'J^*^P'^r^'" I" «very case the ansler IS adverse to the dippmg theory. The baptizing element is always moved, the subject baptized is neVer m*ov^ In n« instance IS there a dip; that is. the person or thing bapt^z^ moved put into the baptizing element and then wltWraw^ after the manner of the Baptists. ' De^lex'ltv W 'i!!'>.'ti**'^ yr^K'"" "" <^<'^^^ion of mental perplexity is a baptized youth ; the man in a condition of drunkenne^ is a baptized man ; the coast in a condition of ^^^^Z^^^^ ''"u^^'^'f '''^'' Then, was adherent lum. J^!^ rT^'^^T'^''^'^^ were classic Greek bap- U^fcL^ T i? the mode, there was no dip in effecting these baptisms In the one case the baptizing instrumentality was waU C^V'' '^t^'^'' ***** ^^"«'^"^ ^" *he list The waves. But the youth was not put into the questions the Sr:.-'"' ''"' "^ ?i^ ' t^"" '"'^" ^'^ not plugged i2e rn3tl- T "! "^^ put into him; the coast wks nSt taken un ^ in S/Th;"'' ^'^^ ''"^ '^^ r °*™^ "P^'^ ^h« coast. And T' din" in n *;r^ "^Z ^^ ^^"^ t^^^enty-seven. there is not • exbZed and tt ^^^^^^ J^'^'^.l^ '^If^y* '^ «tate or condition expressed, and the context usually determines that state or ^rurnumv^^**' "^Ji*^^.*t« *^P*^^'"« elementorin- tWn^hw^ ^1 "2? "'''''^ *°^ ^"^""^^^ upoa the person or thing baptized. ^Never once is the person or thing *baptiz«i ^.^f'^^K ™r^*'*^ P"* into thV baptising deLTio much for the ciassics. In Leaflet No. 1 2, we SiaU Xw tlmt the same is the case in the New Testament • ThU L-li.t I. on. o/ . Serle. of Twenty-four on B.ptl,n.. .upplled in <|ii«ntitlei. post free, .t One Cent Ekch. ""*"*"*** '" - w^c^ k3 ■^- » U'-'- ^ A Series of 4-pagt LEAFLETS ON BAPTlSfM, by the Rev, W. a. MacKAY, B.a:, D.D., Woodstock, Otii Recommended by a Committee of the Presbyterian Ministerial t Mem mm JmuM B9,ptiabdt . xiBapttm by tlM Spirit: ItaModa. & CtaNmonlal Baptiams: How Perfonnad. 1 A Bibla Baptlam on Dry Oroimd. 6> How wara tha T]ir0e Thouaand Baptized on tha Day of Pantacoat? - 8. John'a Baptiam at tha Jordan and at jEnon. ' 7. Tk6 Baptiam of tha Ethiopian Ennncli. 8. Baptising before Meals, and Baptising Vessels and Tables^ ^ Niuunan'a Sayan-fold Baptism. 10. l)oes Bnried wltl^ Ohriat mean Dipping into Water? 11. Does the word Baptise mean to Dip? 12. Doea tha word Baptise mean to Dip? (0;'-■ i:. ■■■_ • \ , t ■ r' ■ '■ • > i » ■4^ ' f - ( '- ■".:.:..:;■:.■: • ,■.,■■ ■ ■ .j • . / f •' .■■■-"■■' "^ ■ '. ';.. ■ ■■'■.„■ i^_. ■ '■, ;■ 1 " • 1 HI 1 1 IHH ■^- ''''': r ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^L .'■;■■;: •■■^ ^^^^: ■ '■ ■ '-.'-. -'^^^^^^^^ i .ia_:Si - 1 ' j^^^H Wh: ''■:M . . * ■ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H ■t^' ■ _ ; • ■' ; : y « ■ i ^ ^^^^^^^^^^|r ' ' ' . % ■ ;- « ' -^ --. ; ■ '■".. * /■■ ■ ,'^ . 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