%. ,%. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) V ^ A {/ .s c, .,W0 frenfclenien friends saunter arm in arm up '" and down tlie deck of tlie palace steaiior Chicora as she enters our beautiful Lake Ontario fiom the picturesque Niarjara Ri\er, on a perfret day in dtliulitful September, when the blue canopy of the heavens seems so far away, one wonders tiiat the mirrored surface of the lake can reflect its color. "Do you know, Buckingham, you puzzle me; you were evidently happier in our little circle at the Hoffman House than in billiard, smoking, or reading- rooms, and just now in the saloon you seemed so con- tent with Miss Crew, my wife and our boy, that I again wonder a man with th' se tastes, and who has made his little pile, does not marry," said Mr. Dale, in flute-like tones, distinctly English in accent. " I r«'ally think, .ry dear fellow, j'ou would be happier in big New York city with some one in it to make a home fur you." " I am quite sure your words are kindly meant, Dale, but look at nie," he says tranquilly, " I am not dwarfed by care, being six feet in my stockings, I have no wor- rying lines written on my forehead, and between you and I, I am fifty ; to be sure I am bald and grey, but that is New York life, a bachelor life, then, has not served me ill ; there is a woman at Toronto I should ^ 8 Toronto a Fair Matron. i ; like as my wife, but until I can give her the few luxuries I now deum necessities, I shall remain as I am. " I regret your decision, Buckingham, it is a rock many men split on, this waiting for wealth and miss- ing wifely companionship." " Perhaps you are right; but I should not care to risk it," he says, calmly. " And you a speculator !" his friend said, smiling. At this they drifted into business and some joint invest- ments in Canadian mineral locations, when Dale said: " You must excuse me now, Buckingham, I promised my wife to go and road her a letter descriptive of To- ronto, as we, you know, have not been there." " Who is the writer, if I may know ?" " Our mutual friend at Toronto, Mrs. Gower." " Oh, I am with you then," he said, with unusual eajjerness, a fact noted by his friend. Entering the saloon, Mrs. Dale, a pretty little woman, fashionably dressed, with Irish blue eyes and raven hair, said, lifting her head : " Excuse my recumbent position, but I feel as if my head wasn't level, if I try to sit Qp ; ditto, Miss Crew." "Where is Garfield, Ella?" " Over there with those boys ; now read away, hubby, it will do my head good." " Very well, let me see where the description com- mences (the personal part I may pass), Here it is : " Toronto is a fair matron with many children, whom she has planted out on either side and north of her as far as her great arms can stretch. She lies north and south, while her lips speak loving words to her off- spring, and to her spouse, the County of York ; when she rests she pillows her head on the pine-clad hills of sweet Rosedale, while her feet lave at pleasure in the blue waters of beautiful Lake Ontario. Torouto (J Pair Matron. \) rock " Her favorite children are Parkdale, Rosedale, and Scarhoro' ; Parkdale to her west, amhiticnis and clear- sijrlited, handsoiiio and wcll-hiiilt. tlio sportive lakt* at his feet, in wliicli his cliildren revel at eve; lier dau<^hter, channin»if llose(hile, in society an; her oFteriMjuoted World; her racy town-cry iV«7f.s; jjcr social iSatardd// iVii/ht; lier Life, her Week, her Truth, with her J'Jiunilnf/ Tdajvum, the wliole set being so valued l>y fair Toronto, that she would as soon be minus her daily bread as her newspapers. " It would take too loni? to enumerate the many at- tractions fair Toronto otl'ers — .some of those within her walls havinir throats full of sonjx, otliers in the ' Har- mony Club,' others elocutionists, with orators and athletes; her Cyclorama of Sedan, her Zoo — to which only a triHe pays the piper — her interesting museums, her fine art galleries. "And again, one word of her pet river, lier picture.sque Huniber, where lovers meet, poets dream, and fairies dwell ; yes, as Imrie says : " * Glide we up the Humber river, Where the rushes sigh and quiver, Plight our love to each forever, Love that will not die. ' " Such, dear Mr. and Mrs. Dale, is my lay of Toronto, which I hope you will like well enough to come and sojourn here awhile. You say, Mrs. Dale, that you have ' willed ' to go to an hotel, if s. I shall say no more of my wish, for ' a woman's will dies hard on the field, or on the sward ; ' but when your will is car- ried out, should you sigh for home-life come to me — even then Holmnest \/ill have open doors. You may be grave or gay, you may be en deshabille in mind and robing, or you may have your war-paint on for the watchful eye of Grundy, be it as you will it, you are ever welcome, only tell dear Diogenes not to com© Toronto a Fair Matron. 11 in his till). I can ifivc you l)oth anmsemont enoui:jli in nianv sulijects or (jl»jt;ct.s at wiiicli to level your jjluss, for Toronto society is in many instances an anmsinj,' spectacle, a droll coni^loineration. " Yours as always, " Elaine Goweh." " Well, Buckin<;,d)ani, what think you of fair Toronto?" asked J)ale, as he iinished readin<,^ " I think that, thouf^di unusual, a Fair Matron has had ample justice from a fair woman." " I want to-morrow and Mrs. (iower rii'ht now," said Mrs. Dale, " as (Jartield says when he is pinrtdsed a treat." " Toronto nnist be a fine city, and covering a larj^^e area," said Miss Crew. " Mrs. Govver has a taste for metaplior ; I never heard her in that st^'. before, that is to any extent," .said Buckinf'i>am. "I am intensely practical," said Dale ; " but conf'^vTS Toronto described in metaphor sounds more musical, at all events, than in plain brick and mortar style." " Emerson says," said Buckini^ham, " men are ever lapsing into a beggarly habit in which everything that is not cyphering is hustled out of sight, and I think he is right." " We cannot help it, it is the tendency of the age ; but what have we here, Buckinjjham ? What's the excitement about ? " " Oh, we are only nearing Hanlon's Point ; the ladies had better come outside; every scene will be in gala dress. Mi.ss Crew, can I assist you ? " " Where the blue hills of old Toronto shed Their evening shadows o'er Ontario's bed," said Dale, coming with the crowd to view the scene. But since Moore so sang, the hills of the noble red 7T 12 Toronto a Fair Matron. man have disappeared, save as a boundary to our fair city ; the pale faces, in the interests of progress and civilization, would have it so ; and Bloor Street, to the north, is now reached by a gradual ascent of one hundred and fifty feet above the lake level. But now the stately and comfortable palace steamer, Chinora, with a goodly number of souls on board, is rounding Hanlon's Point, and entering our beautiful Bay, wiien the illumined city, with the Industrial Exhibition of 1887 in full swing, burst upon the view. The bands of music in and about the city, at the Horticultural Gardens and on the fair grounds, with the hum of many voices, fill the evening: air with a glad song of joy. " What a sparkling scene," cried Mrs. Dale ; " see, Garfield, my boy, all the boats lit from bow to stern." " They look as pretty as you in your diamonds, mamma." " It is quite a pretty sight, and the city also," said Miss Crew ; " I had no idea Canada could attempt anj'-tliing to eijual this." " So much for England's instructions of her ' young ideas how to shoot,' as to her colonies. Miss Crew," said Dale ; " Come, confess that a few squaws, bearing torches, with their lordly half smoking the calumet, was the utmost you expected." " Oh, Mr. Dale, please don't exaggerate our ignor- ance in this respect ; I am not quite so bad as a lady at home, who thought Toronto a chain of mountains, and Ottawa an Indian chief." "One of Feiiimore Coopei's, 1 hope," laughed Buck- ingham, '• who hunted hufi'alo on the boundless prairie, instead of your lean gophers who hunt rusty bacon from agents who, some say, use him to swindle the public and line their own pockets. But listen ; what a medley of sounds." " And lights," cried Mrs. Dale ; " it looks as if an- -% Toronto a Fair Matron. 13 our fair ress and t, to the of one (1. But steamer, Doard, is leautiful idustrial he view. at the ds, with with a e ; " see, ) stern." amonds, ?o," said attempt ct ' youn , Crew," bearing calumet, f ignor- s a lady untains, d Buck- prairie, y bacon idle the ; what a IS if an- nexation was on, and they were firing up some of our gold dollars as sky rockets." "It's pretty good for Canada, mamira," said Gar- field, patronisingly. " You say Toronto is quite a business centre, Buck- ingham ? " *' Oh, yes ; quite so ; it makes one think of com- mercial union. Do you advocate it, Dale ? " " Well, as you know, Buckingham, I am not even yet sufficiently Americanised to look upon it from other than a British standpoint, and so do not advo- cate it, as it seems a slight to the Mother Country. What is your idea of advantages derived by Canada were it a fait accompli?" " She would gain larger markets ; her natural re- sources would be developed, especially her mineral, in which I am," he added, jokingly, " looking out for the interest of that most important number one, while also number two would benefit in home manufactures." " You amuse me ; I honestly believe number one is a universal lever ; yet still in a way we are each patriotic ; but, again, you must see that commercial union would be the forerunner of annexation." " Yes, likely, though not for some time, but evolu- tion will bring that about in a natural sort of way, as a final settlement of all vexed questions, whether," he addded laughingly, " of humanity or — fish." " Oh, I don't know that, but you have the fish at all events and mean to keep them too; humanity may follow, but 1 should not like to see the colonies hoist another flag. But here we are at last, at the portals of the Queen City, and such a multitude of people makes one feel as if one might be crowded out," he said, uneasily, as the Ckicora came in at Yonge Street wharf. "Don't bother your head about your rooms. Dale, you secured them by telegram." wz 14 JV/io is Who in a Medley V , " I did, ten days ago, thou^fh." " You never fear, they will be all right, the manager is a thorough business man," he said quietly, gathering up the belongings of the ladies. " You are invaluable, Mr. Buckingham," said Mrs. Dale, "and are as gallant as if you had as many wives as Blue Beard." " Rather a scaly compliment, Buckingham," laughed his friend. " She means well, but the lish are not far ott'," he answered, picking up Garfield, and giving his arm to quiet Miss Crew. CHAPTER II. WHO IS WHO IN A MEDLEY. |HAT a moving sea of faces !" exclaimed Miss Crew. " Yes, quite a few, and look as if they required laundrying — bodies, bones, and all." "Here, Garfield, though you are 'very old' as you say, 3'ou had better take my hand," said Miss Crew, nervously, as Mr. Buckingham set him down on the wharf, " Oh, no, he must go with his father," cried Mrs. Dale. " Oh, I reckon a New York boy can elbow his way throuirh that mean crowd." And dartinir through the mass of people, causing the collapse of not a few tour- nures, and with the aid of one of his mother's bonnet pins giving many a woman cause to scream as she un- consciously cleared his path by getting out of his way, he is on the outskirts of the crowd. " Say, hackman, drive me off right smart to the Queen's ! " ^ ^' Who is Who in a Medley. 15 f " Is it all square, youngf gent ?" " Yes ; dimes sure as Vanderbilt money," " Oh, I mean you are but a kid to go it alone." " Chestnuts 1 " And taking another hack, " Pooh, Bah !" quieting his scruples by pocketing a double insult they are off. " I feel sure Gartield is quite safe, Ella, and probably choosing a cab for us; here, take my arm dear, and don't be nervous, Buckingham is looking after Miss Crew." But he is on ahead making inquiries. " Yes, sir, the young gent is all right, if you take my hack we'll catch hi in, I lost him bv being too careful like." '• Your boy is all right, Mrs. Dale, if you jump in quick we'll overtake him; allow me. Miss Crew." " Thank heaven," said his mother fervently, " tell the man to go as quick as he can through this crowd ; there he is, the young scamp, waving to us, there, on ahead, a pair of light greys." " And here we are, and your boy of the period wait- ing to welcome us." " Welcome to the Queen City," he said, pulling off his skull cap. " You frightened your mother, my boy ; see that you don't repeat this ; remember she is nervous." " Glad I ain't a woman, they are all nerves and bustles ; here, give us a kiss, mamma, I only wanted to show you I aint a baby." " There ! there ! that will do, my bonnet ! my bangs ! such a bustle as I've been in about you, I wish you were in long clothes." " Then I'd have to wear a bustle too ! " " Ella you look tired, we had best let them show us our rooms at once ; Buckingham, we shall have some dinner together, I hope." " Yes, 1 shall meet you here, and go in with you." i Hi ii 1^: 16 PV/io is Who in a Medley. " This is pleasant, rooms en suite, and you beside us, Miss Crew," said Mrs. Dale. And now, while they refresh themselves by bath and toilette, a word of them : Mr. Dale, like his friend Buckingham, has reached fifty, is grey, also wearing short side whiskers and moustache. He is a man of sterling worth of character, honest as the day ; a man whose word was never doubted, who, having seen much of life, was apt to be a trifle cynical ; but withal, so generous that his criticisms on men and things are more on the surface than even he imagines. A good friend, a kind husband to the pretty, penniless girl, Ella Swift, whom he had married in New York eleven years ago, and though unlike in character, there is so much love between them that their wedded happi- ness flows on with never a rift in the rill ; and though she does not look into life and its many vexed ques- tions with his depth of thought, still, in other ways her brain is quite as active — a kindly, social astronomer, she loves to unravel mysteries in the lives about her, to set love affairs going to her liking, she not caring to soar above the drawing-room, leaving Wall Street, the Corn Exchange, and railway stocks to her astute husband, who has inherited English gold, to which he is adding or losing in speculations the American eagle. With some thought of changing their residence to fair Toronto, they had a year ago given up house, and have been residing at the Hoffman House, New York City ; then engaging Miss Crew, as governess to their only child of nine years. Mr. Dale had been somewhat doul^tful as to the advisability of giving the position to Miss Crew, who merely answering their advertisement in the New York Herald, stating ner- vously that she was without references, as the people she had been with had gone West ; but she was a fair, delicate, lady-like, religious girl, interesting Mrs. Dale at once by her loneliness and reticence ; above all, Gar- .1). i JV/io is IV /lo in a Medley. 17 astute ich he erican idence house, , New less to been ngthe their '•^ 1 ner- Deople a fair. r Dale . ,Gar- . ,'M field took to her, and «he gained an influence for good over him at once ; and by this time both Mr. and Mrs. Dale have come to consider her as one of themselves, though having decided to place their son at boarding- school until such time as they take up house. Mr. Buckingham is, as we know, an eligible bachelor, fine-looking, tall, as we have heard, and a man of many dollars; a calmly quiet man (a trait from his German mother), who has lost two fortunes, but who will not play for high stakes again, as he does not care to begin over again at fifty, with nearly all ho craves in his grasp ; two women jilted him when for- tune frowned, but taking it coolly, he merely told himself it was the dollar they had cared for, not he. Passionately fond of music, a skilled performer, the piano has been mistress and wife to him ; if he marries he will be a good husband, but if he does not, he will be almost as happy in the best musical circle wherever his home may be. Having dined, our friends gathered for a few mo- ments' social chat before retiring, when Mrs. Dale said, " I expect, Mr. Buckingham, you feel as important as one of Barnum's shi>w-men in your role, for you are aware you and Mrs. Gower must trot us round to see the lions," " Any man, Mrs. Dale, would feel important as your cicerone, and in company with Mrs. Gower." " How polite you are. Oh, Henry, I see by the Neim, "Fantasrna " is on at the Grand Opera House; even if it is late, let us go." " Nonsen.se, dear, we have seen it often enough." " li you are tired, very well ; but I wanted to make a spectacle of myself this time, and the ladies green with envy over my new heliotrope satin." " Well, if that isn't self-abnegation," laughed Buck- ingham. Tf i[^i rii If Hi 18 Instantaneous Photographs. " Oh, you needn't sympathize, I only feel as the pea- cock when he spreads his tail." " How many churches did Mrs. Gower say there are here ? " asked Miss Crew. " One hundred and twenty ; so you will have a choice of roads heavenward, Miss Crew," answered Buckincfham. "Yes, there are a number of roads, and only one guide-book," she answered, thoughtfully. " Mrs. Gower will put you on the right track," he said quietly. Here Mr. Dale returned, saying in pleased tones, " Well, Ella, I have telephoned Mrs. Gower of our arrival, and she says she will call at 11 ajn., then do the Exhibition, where we are to remain until we see Pekin bombarded." " That is in the evening, and the best part of it this perfect weather ; may I come ? " said Buckingham. "Assuredly." " Thanks, and au re voir." " Good night." u CHAPTER III. INSTANTANEOUS PHOTOGRAPHS. jjOTHING is more deeply punished than the neglect of the affinities by which alone society should be formed and the insane levity of choosing our associates by other's eyes," read a lady, musingly, as Emerson's essays fall from her knees to the soft carpet under her cushioned feet. " Yes, nothing is more deeply punished," she half chanted in a musical voice, while a grave, troubled Jnstn7ttaneous Photographs. 19 look came to the dark eyes, and a quiver of pain to the sensitive lips. " And well do yoil and I know it, Tyr, though you are only a dog," she continued, as she patted a brown retriever beside her. " Yes, you and I, Tyr, like only affinities ; the others seem to us mon- grels, and to us don't seem good. I wonder if they were so pronounced in the first week when the world was young; but fancy is travelling without reason; they were all thorough -breds in the good old days, and one does not read of anything like Emerson's words on affinities, or a case similar to my own ; but I am half asleep, Tyr ; watch by me, good old dog." And leaning her head back against the soft green velvet cushioned back of the rattan chair, Somnus is not wooed in vain ; indeed, one might imagine the god of slumber had wound a garland of poppies about her brow, so does she sleep as an infant. As she rests, a word of her. A Canadian ; a native of Toronto, with far-away English kin ; above the medium height ; dark, comely, and slightly embon- point ; a woman of thirty, but witli that troubled look at present on her face looking older ; generous, warm- hearted and conscientious ; with more than the aver- age force of cliaracter ; too sensitive in days past ; too impulsive, even yet, in this world of " they daily mis- take my words." Even at thirty, she has had years of trouble ; has been dragged in the dust under Fortune's wheel, that others might ride aloft at her expense ; earning her " dinner of herbs " that " Pooh Bah " in the plural, may have the " stalled ox." But at last she rests, and summer friends would again know her, who fled at her first out-at-elbow gown ; but experience is a good teacher, she will cherish only those who have cherished her in her dark days. Society also now desires her company in polite bids to its various webs, in shape of dinners and lunches, with its other numer- ous distractions, knowing she is in possession of a T^ 20 Instantaneous Photographs. ni rather pretentious little home, and is in a position to repay ; for society is a debit and credit system. " Once a widow always a widow " was not the motto of Mrs. Gower, and so she would have again wed, again gone to God's altar ; but the angel of death for- bade, using his scythe almost as the words of the church pronounced them man and wife, and the bridal gown of the morning gave place ere the sun had set to the black robes of a second widowhood. Truly, " Sorrow there seemeth more of thee then we can bear and live ; " yet still we live, was her cry. The death of her friend, just at the time manly counsel would have saved her little fortune from vultures, habited as Christian pew-holders ! was very hard, not to speak of that intense loneliness, the death of husband, wife, or betrothed, brings into one's life ; one is as though struck mentally and physically blind, not knowing where to turn or whose hand to take ; for until such relations are severed by death, one does not realize how one has leaned on the one in the multitude. " But," she would say, " one must harden oneself to the inevitable, to Heaven's will, if one would keep one's reason ; " and in time the sudden death of the man she had so passionately loved, was as some terrible dream. Not as she dreams away the moments now in her pretty restful library, with its rattan furniture, cushioned and trimmed in olive-green velvet ; one side a library of her pet authors, with Davenport near; walls painted in alternate green and cream panels ; on the light ground are lilies from nature, gathered from Ash bridge's Bay, and near the Island ; nestling in their bed of green leaves an English ivy trails around the pretty Queen Anne mantel, with two tall palms, which bring content to the canary as the per- fume from the blossoms on the stand give pleasure to the sleeping mistress of Holmnest. Her own individuality is stamped upon its walls also, % Instantaneous Photographs. 21 for on each alternate dark green panel is some pretty bits of painting, bric-a-brac, or motto ; one reads, " Let ilka ane gang their ain gait," showing her dislike to meddling in another's business ; another reads, " The greatest of these is charity;" and over a bust of Shakspeare are his own words, " No profit goes where is no pleasure taken; in brief, sir, study what you most affect." But she dreams, and what a troubled expression. At this moment a coupe drives up a north-west avenue of our city, stops at the gate of Holmnest, when a gentleman, hurriedly springing out, saying, " come back for me in about an hour-and-a-half, Somers," enters the picturesque grounds, has reached the veranda, and hall door on south side of pretty Holmnest, rings, when a boy, in neat blue suit, answers. " Is Mrs. Gower at home, Thomas ? " " Yes, sir ; in the library." " Very well, you need not announce me, I know the way ; " and hastening his steps he passes through a square hall, done in the warm tints now in vogue, sun- beams coming softened through artistic panes of stained glass, showing vases on brackets filled with flowers, which w^ould delight " Bel Thistlethwaite," with a few appropriate pictures, giving life to the walls ; the door of the library is ajar ; he enters. " Asleep ! " he exclaims, softly ; " with Emerson's thoughts for dreams and Tyr as watch ; but what a troubled expression," he thinks, seating himself, evi- dently quite at home ; a man, too, one would like to be at home with, if there be any trutli in physiognomy, a handsome man, five feet eleven in height, dark hair and moustache, kindly blue eyes, amiability stamped on his face ; a man who, had events shaped themselves that way, would have made an heroic self-sacrificing soldier of the Cross. He is scarcely seated when the occupant awakes TT ^«; i,'p. ^1 22 Instantaneous Photographs. li % V with a start and a terrified exclamation of " Oh ! " at which the doj; phices Ids t'ore-pavvs on her knees, with a whine of sympathy, as her friend, Mr. Cole, comes forward with outstretched hand. " When did you arrive ; is it so late ; you received my message to dine with the Dales and Smyths with me this evening ? but I am half dreandrig yet ; of course you did, for you answered ' Yes.' Getting yourself in trim for leap-year, I suppose," she said, smiling ; " but how is it you are in your otHce coat ? I want you to look your very best, as you are to take in a young lady, a Miss Crew, who comes with the Dales; she is a super-excellent sort of girl." "Has she money ?" he says, laughingly. " Oh, you need not pretend to be a fortune-hunter to me ; I know you too well for that ; but remember, I prophesy you will lose your heart to her. But, oh, Charlie, I have had such a horrible dream," and she presses one hand to her forehead, at whieh the lace rufflings fall back from her sleeve, showing a very good arm, her gown of ecru soft summer bunting, be- coming her style, " that dream will haunt me unless you let me tell it you, Charlie." - " Oh, that's the use you put me to, is it ? all right, tire away, I'll interpret ; it was only a mistake the baptizing me Charlie, when I have to play the part of Joseph." " Well, in the first part, oh Joseph, I had been read- ing this morning what held my mind as to the ascent from Paris of the aeronauts. Mallet and Jovis ; their courage, and Mother Shipton's prophecy impressed me sufficiently as to dream, with the words of Emer- son as to affinities also in my mind, that a party of us — you, the Dales, Mrs. St. Clair, Miss Hall, Mr. Buckingham, and myself, with a gentleman who was masked — had been taking part in an entertainment in the Pavilion, Hortieultural Gardens, in aid of the Hos- i t .'%- •f '"*,'! J Ins tan taneous Photographs. 23 3h ! " at es, with }, conies •eceived lis with yet ; of Gettini^ be said, coat ? I take in J Dales; -hunter leniber, 3ut, oh, .nd she ihe lace a very ng, be- unless 1 ri^ht, ke the part of 1 read- ascent ; their )ressed Emer- irty of 1, Mr. 10 was lent in e Hos- pital for sick children ; we <^ave readinfrs, vocal and instrumental music, and laughed inwardly and glowed outwardly, as we everyone, regardless of merit, received repeated recalls, when afterwards the recalcitrant balloon, which refused to inllate, when we gazed in vain at the fair grounds, did ascend after our per- formance, which fact emptied the Pavilion ere we had concluded our last effort, everyone flying, as we do at Toronto, as though there was a drop curtain with the words in flaming colors, ' The de'il take the hind- most;' the building was empty as our last supreme ettbrt frightened the few dead-heads who had slunk in ; we then laughingly made a rush to the balloon ascension, and determined there and then to further distinguish ourselves by becoming a)ronauts jyro tern. What made it ridiculously droll, Joseph, was the fact that the men in charge chanted continuously Emer- son's words that had impressed me ere I slept — ' Nothing is more deeply punished than the neglect of the affinities.' I was nearest the basket, and wild with reckless spirit. As I remember, myself stepped in ; the owners seemed at variance who was to pose or rise," she said, smilingly, "as my atfinity, that is of yourself, Messrs. Dale, Buckingham, or the man with the mask, when, Anally, they signed to the latter to enter ; I was nothing loth, for his voice, a sweet tenor, had charmed me ; up we went, when to my horror your bete noir, Mr. Cobbe, sprang from among the branches of a tall tree into the basket. " ' Too much ballast,' he cried, throwing out all the owners had provided us with ; we ascended rapidly — a feeling of faintness seizing me — up, up ; I feel the sensation now," she said with a tremor ; " up, up, near- ing the feathery clouds, looking like down from the wings of angels. ' Too much ballast,' he again cried, excitedly springing on the masked man, first tearing off his mask, disclosing the essentially manly face ok' 24 Jnstnutaneous PJiotogrnpJis. m a gentleman whom I frequently meet, but am not acquainted with, Imt in whom I take an interest, be- cause of his tender caie of a little lady I used to see with him ; Mr, Cobhe sprin^dni,' on him with the words, ' too much ballast; down with affinities !' liurled the poor fellow to earth, at which 1 cried out as you heard ; his fall was a something too awfully real ; one's nerves for the time sutler as severely as though all was reality," she added in a pre-occupied tone, as though mind was burdened with latent thought. " But ' all's well that ends well ;' Mr. Cobbe is in mid air, where I fervently hope he will remain." " But you forget the poor man who was hurled to the earth ; I know his face so well." *' And I know yours, Mrs. Gower, and you are safe and so am 1 ; and as Joseph, I interpret that you are to give your charming self to an affinity, and don't fly too high." " The first part of your speech is epicurean, in your second you play the mentor," she said, laughingly; " but in your face 1 see you have something to tell me ; go now to the telephone and tell them to send you your dress coat, for j^ou have no time to go all the way to the Walker House and he back by seven." " No use ; I cannot stay for dinner." "Cannot stay! Why?'" " My father writes me he is going to sail for Eng- land at once, and wishes me to meet him at London." " Well, you ought not to look so grave over such a meditated trip, Charlie, it will make a new man of you ; and instead of betaking yourself to the Preston baths, a sea voyage, I should say, will set you up, making you forget the word rheumatism better than any sulphur bath in all Canada." " But," he said, in serio-comic tones, " v,^hat do you think of my being forced into annexation ? " f The Foot-Ball of Circumstance. 26 it am not tere.st, be- ised to see with the ;s!' Imrled ►ut as you real ; one's igh all was as though •e is in mid 3 hurled to )U are safe ) you are to id don't fly an, in your ingly; "but tell me ; go 1 you your the way to dl for Eng- at London." over such a lew man of the Preston ,et you up, better than 'hat do you I?" " Only that you use the word ' forced,' I should say I congratulate you." " At the same time that you keep your own freedom, though," he said, despondently ; seeing her look of gravity, he continued, touJiing her hand, " beg pardon, Elaine, I should not say that, knowing your past ; but," he said brightly, " I should like to see you wed an affinity." " I am afraid such pleasant fate is not for me," she said, gravely. "Do you believe in predestination, Mrs. Gower?" he says, abruptly. " What next ! from annexation to dogma. Tell me all about yourself, and it is too lovely an Indian sum- mer day to remair. ui the house, come to my favorite seat in the garden.' " Where I shall give you an instantaneous photo- graph, from my father's pen, of the girl I am predes- tined to change the name of." " From your father's pen ! " f CHAPTER IV. THE FOOT- BALL OF CIRCUMSTANCE. 'S they near a knoll imder a clump of trees commanding a view of the road, a gentleman \. ?J3 sauntering up the street gazes, as many do, at 4''r Holmnest with its pretty grounds. " Look, quick, Charlie," said Mrs. Gower, in low and rapid tones, apparently intent on spreading jft rug on the rustic bench, " there he is, I mean " "Well, I only see a very ordinary and thoroughly ^independent looking man, seeming as though he feared 3 ^^ TT 26 T/ie Foot- Ball of Ciraunstance. ifi nothing, not even you, and as if Toronto was built for him." At this Mrs. Gower, laughing merrily, says, " And not for the Lieutenant-Governor, Mayor flowland, Archbishop Lynch, or the ' caller herrin'-man.' " As the soft laughter fell on the air, the stranger looked towards them, and looked so intently, that in- voluntarily his hand is raised to his head and his hat lifted. "You say 3;ou have not met him, Mrs. Gower ; you are a very prudent woman, I must say, coming out here in your white gown, with ribbons the color of a peach, creating a sensation ; you had better wed an affinity since you won't have me, and get a protector at once." " That is the man I dreamed of whom the aeronauts dubbed my affinity ; it's too bad we are not acquainted, instead of only getting instantaneous photographs of each other." "What a trial!" he said, ironically; "but still," he added, as with a sudden remembrance, " I have, strange to say, had occasion to say, hang the conventionalities, more than once, with reference to a fair-haired girl with blue eyes, that seem, when I think of her, to fol- low me ; no later, too, than this morning at W. A. Murray's door, as you I have had only instantaneous photographs of her ; once before at a window in New York city, also there in a suspension car ; it is not that I have fallen in love with her — not by a long chalk, but she seems to have been in my life some time, that by a trick of memory I have lost ; but I advise j^ou, Mrs. Gower, not to allow that man to bow to you again." " Oh, he only lifted his hat in apology ; but I wish you were not going away, and that I could see this girl." " t wish I hadn't to ; but this is the way time flies. ■p. was built for ', says, " And or Howland, man. the stranger mtly, that in- ,d and his hat . Gower ; you ^, coming out the color of a )etter wed an ;et a protector the aeronauts lot acquainted, )hotographs of ' but still," he : have, strange ventionalities, lir-haired girl of her, to foi- ling at W. A. instantaneous indow in New jar; it is not lot by a long ife some time, but I advise to bow to you y ; but I M^ish could see this way time flies. The Foot-Ball of Circumstance. 27 1 whenever I come to Holmnest ; I am forgetting that I % came to tell you I am just now the foot-ball of circum- '1 stance, which compels me to cross seas to have a halter :%^ put around my neck in wedding a girl whom I have I never seen." *"■ " Even if you have to, Charlie, you may love her at first sight, so don't take it to heart ; if it is so that she is no affinity, you will suffer only as many others," she says gravely, " in having a taste of the tantalus punishment, in losing what we would fain grasp ; but tell me all about it, as my dinner guests will be soon arriving, and I did so want you for — myself, as well as for Miss Crew." " That's the first sympathetic word you have said, ' for yourself,' " he said, touching her hand, " but I am to be always for somebody else," he said, a little sadly ; " but I see you think I am never going to begin, so here goes : My father, as you have heard me say, did not marry a second time, not that he did not again fall a victim to the tender passion, but that the mis-crea- tor, circumstance, putting in an oar, sent him out of England, when his bride-elect tliat was to be, was coerced into marrying her guardian (one Edward Vil- liers, of Bays water, London,) by his sister-in-law, a domestic tyrant, and his housekeeper ; wlio, knowing to rid himself of her presence he would probably wed a woman of as strong a will as her own, when she, penniless, would be thrust out, told lies, not white ones, of my father, that he had married in Canada, in- tercepting his letters, and heaven knows what ; at all events, Lucifer's agent triumphed, for on my father going across the water to claim her and scold her for her silence, he found iier a wife with a baby Sfirl, when, to reduce a three-volume story to a line, they, in des- pair, wept and raved, nearly heart broken, vowing that I and the little one should wed and inherit all the yellow sovereigns ; and so, Elaine, it com>3s to pass in -^1T' \r !!t 'I ! 28 The Foot- Ball of Circumstance. years of evolution this youngster has become of age, and I am presented with her as my bride. I have al- ways known of this contract, but you know the kind of man I am, ever shoving the unpleasant into a cor- ner; for tlie bare idea of marrying a woman for money has always been repugnant to me." " I should say it has, for with you it has ever been ' more blessed to give than to receive.' " " I don't know that, but to hasten, breathing time is at last not given me, I am summoned to England by those people and by my father's wish, who sends me a copy of the will of the late Mrs. Villiers, a clause of which I shall read to you ; but what a bore I am to you." " Nonsense ; who have I poured my life puzzles into the ear of but your own kind self — turn about is fair play, and besides, yours is a sensational life story, and so more interesting than thoughts from the clever pens of Haggard or Mannville, Fenn, or our own Watson Griffin." "Well, the will reads 'on mv dearlv loved daughter, my little (Pearl) Margaret Villiers attaining her maioritv and becoming "the wife of the aforesaid Charles Babbington-Cole, son of mv loved friend Hugh Babbington-Cole, of Civil Service, Ottawa, Canada, my said daughter nhdll enter into possession of all my real and personal property, .she to be sole executrix, and to inherit all, (with, I hope, the advice of Dr. Anneslev, of London, and Hugh Babbington-Cole afore- said,) and subject to the following bequests: To my step-daughter, Margaret Elizabeth Villiers, I leave my forgiveness lor her unvarying unkindness to my.self with my copy of the Christian Martyrs. To my dear friend, Sarah Kane, five hundred pounds sterling and my wearinf, apparel. To my husband's sister-in-law, Elizabeth Stone, I will and bequeath my piano and music for use in her mission work, with the hope that The Foot- Ball of Ciraimstance. 29 ne of age, I have al- si the kind into a cor- t'or money ever been int^ time is i^ngland by sends me a 1 clause of Di-e I am to )uzzles into bout is fair 'i story, and clever pens wn Watson earlv loved s attaining le aforesaid riend Hugh a, Canada, n of all my executrix, Ivice of Dr. Cole afore- s : To my I leave my to myself To my dear fsterling and ister-in-law, piano and le hope that sweet notes of music will make her less acid to the children of God's poor to whom she brings the Gospel message of peace, etc., etc' " " So ! your late mother-in-law made a point there, the self-righteous woman weighted religion then as now. I have always predicted, because of your open palm, that you would never be a rich man, Charlie; I little thought the precious metal with a wife would pour into your lap at the same time ; if you only knew her and cared for her " she said, musingly, when, noting his troubled look, she said brightly, picking a beautifully tinted maple leaf from his shoulder, "See here, old man, take this crimson-hued leaf as a good omen, and we will read from it that your home-bound path, I mean back to Holmnest and Toronto, will be a path of crimson roses ; and now tell me, does the girl write you, and is it in a stand and deliver manner ? If so, I fear my verdict upon her will be lacking in charity." " No, my pater has letters from her which he does not forward ; but here is the last one from my father, in which he says : . . . ' I have received several letters from Broadlawns, Bayswater, England, and from Margaret also, in which they tell me time's up, your bride elect is of age, and naturally anxious to come into possession of her property. I need not go over the whole matter again with you, my boy, but I do most earnestly advise you to start at once, the daughter of my lost Margaret nmst be good and true, even though Villiers was her father ; she should be pretty, also fair hair and sky-blue eyes (in woman's parlance). I saw her when her poor mother made her will in 1872. -Pearl was then about live years old ; she cannot fail to be attracted by yourself, if Dickson does not flatter you, and I don't think so ; your good looks are honestly come by, so you needn't blush. "'And now to business; enclosed you will find a k Hi 30 T/ic Foot-Ball of Ciraunstance. cheque for five hundred dollars, for you are like me more than in appearance, you don't save. What an income you will have shortly, instead of bookkeepinor on the paltry salary of S800 per annum, you and Mrs. Cole, ahem ! will roll about King Street the envy of the town, with an income of £5,000 sterling per annum. While I shall have the pleasure of seeing some of your mechanical ideas patented, and their models in the buildings here, your nose and the grindstone will part company ; how glad I am that you have not fallen in love and married ; and now I ask you, believing it to be best, believing it to be for your happiness, to leave for the seaboard on receipt of this ; my chief has given me a three weeks' leave, so shall run across, but to save time, as I have business at Quebec, shall sail from there ; meet me at Morley's, London, Trafalgar Square. If my memory plays me no trick, I shall sail by the Circas.nan, Sept. 16th, you take the City of Chicago, one day later from New York. " ' And now, 2^our le present, farewell ; you don't know how I have set my heart on this matter, if 1 were ill, the knowledge that the little daughter of my own love was your wife would cure me. '"Social events are right down smart with us; in fact Ottawa is booming. Rumor says our next tid-bit will be an elopement in high life ; even the soldiers can't keep the enemy from poaching ; but we must be blind and deaf ' till Grundy says now.' " ' The American consul is a very knight of labor at present, minus their short hours, as quite a large num- ber are leaving for, to them, the land of promise, the United States, whether they fly from the taxes or the cold, I have not interviewed them ; by the way, you will be the better for a warm heart beating against your own this winter. And now one word of self, I shall be glad of the run across the water, for I feel any- ^ "1 ■0 TJie Foot-Ball of Circumstance. 31 ■e like me What an Dkkeepincr I and Mrs. e envy of >er annum, ae of your els in the e will part b fallen in inor it to be o leave for ,s oriven me ut to save sail from ;ar Square, sail by the if Chicago, don't know 1 were ill, ly own love \\ us ; in fact tid-bit will Idiers can't 1st be blind of labor at large num- )romise, the taxes or the e way, you iing against rd of self, I r I feel any- thing but smart. I wish we could have crossed to- gether. Farewell, my boy, till we meet at Morley's. " ' Your affectionate father, •"Hugh B. Cole. "'C. B. Cole, Esq., " ' 500 Wellington St. Toronto, Ont.' " "How strange it all seems, Charlie," she said dreamily. " I shall miss you so much, I do hope she is amiable and lovable, you and she must come to me until you get settled ; poor fellow, you look stunned." " I am paralyzed ! it at last is so sudden, but why do you Hu\A^ r' " At a remark you made at the Smyth's, or I rather think it was when escorting me home, that 'you deserved a good wife, for you had never sinned, never told a lie.' So let us hope in your case virtue will have a reward." " See ! 1 must go, your guests are arriving ; how I wish you had no one this evening, and I might dine with you alone." " My wish too, on this your last visit, unfettered." " That means you cannot bolster me up in this case, as you have more than once heretofore ; that 1 am in for it," he says, looking at her sorrowfully. " Yes, you are regularly hemmed in, and as I have been before now, so are you at present the mere foot- ball of circumstances, but ' out of every evil comes some good,' they say, and as your father says," she added with forced gaiety, for she is sad at the thought of snapping of old ties, " You will be the better of a warm heart beside your own in our winter climate ; and above all, remember the good omen of this maple leaf ; here, take it with you," she says, pinning it to his coat, the suspicion of a tear in her eyes. " Good bye, Elaine, if it must be so ; pray that I may come out of it all right, for I feel horribly depressed ; .f; i n^r 32 A Bona Dea. and only you say I must go, would, I believe, show the white feather ; I wish I might kiss you good-bye ; there is that fellow, Cobbe, coming in, remember, that * nothing is more deeply punished than the neglect of the affinities.' God bless you ; farewell." And leaving by a side gate and entering a passing hack, one of the kindest-hearted sons of fair Toronto takes his first step to another land ; easily led, yield- ing to a degree, he is now led by the wish of a dead woman, by the iron will of a living one, his father following their beckoning hand also. II CHAPTER V. A BONA DEA. N animated converse with her guests during the half-hour ere dinner is announced, the mis- tress of Holmnest makes a picture one's eyes dwell on — the folds of her soft summer gown hang gracefully, while fitting her figure like the glove of a Frenchwoman ; fond of a new sensation — as is the way of mortals — this of playing the hostess to a few chosen friends in a hon e of her own once more, is pleasurable excitement; there is a softness of ex- pression, a tenderness in the dark eyes, engendered by the fact of her sympathy having been acted upon by the leave-taking, on such an errand too, of her friend Cole, which lends to her an additional charm. The conscious- ness also that she is looking well, gives, as is natural to most women, a pleasurable feeling in whatever is on the tajjis, with the knowledge also, that her little dinner will be perfect, her guests harmonious — save one. " So you think Toronto is rather a fair matron after ^* A Bona Dea. 33 , show the good-bye ; mber, that neo-lect of r a passing ir Toronto led, yield- ot' a dead his father \ during the d, the mis- 5 one's eyes miner gown jure like the sensation — he hostess to a once more, bness of ex- gendered by I upon by the : friend Cole, he conscious- is is natural whatever is lat her little onious — save matron after all, Mrs. Dale, and that your New York robes blend harmoniously with the other effects at the Queens?" " I reckon I do, Mrs. Gower; you did not say a word too" much in her praise; I remember saying to Henry before we started, my last season's govvn.s would do." " And vou like Toronto also, Mr. Dale," continued his hostess. " Yes, better than any other Canadian town I hav*^ visited ; it is very simply laid out, one couldn't lose oneself if one tried." " It is laid out like a what do you call it, like a chess-board," said Captain Tremaine, an Irishman. " Yes, not unlike," continued Dale, " and as to quiet, one would think the curfew rang; I noticed it particu- larly coming from the Reform Club the other night." " We all notice how quiet our streets are at night, and after your London and New York City, we must seem to you as if we had taken a sedative," said Mrs. Gower, taking his arm to the dining-room; "but where is Miss Crew, Mr. Dale?" " She was too fatigued to come, she foolishly over- taxed her strength, taking my boy to the Industrial Home, at Mimico, I think she said." "That's correct, it's a pet scheme of Mayor How- Llnd's, and a vrorthy one too." " Yes, .so she said ; they also visited your Normal School, and talked of the Cyclorama of Sedan." " Indeed ! they have overtaxed the brain and memory, I fear ; what does Garfield say to it all ? " " Chatters like a magpie over the superior glories of New York, but is honestly pleased after all." " T expect your little son is English only in name." " Yes, and in his love for a good dinner," he said, laughingly. " Well, from all we Canadians hear, there is every reason he should, an English dinner is enouofh 'to ilT^ 34 A Bona Dea. \ :!■ H'i h 'I I !l I.I tempt even ghosts to pass the Styx for more substan- tial feasts/ " she said, ^aily. "Mrs. Gower is always up to the latest in remem- bering the tastes of her guests," said Mrs. Dale to her left-hand neighbor, Mr. Buckingham, as tiny crescents of melon preceded the soup. " That she is," he said, complacently; "no man would sigh for his club dinner, did our hostess cater for him." " Goodness knows what Henry would do if our bank stopped payment, or our Pittsburg foundries shut down ; for I know no more about cooking than Jay Gould's baby," she said, discussing a plate of delicious oyster soup. " He, I expect, makes himself heard on the feeding bottle," said lively Mrs. Smyth. " But you are unusually candid as to your short- comings, Mrs. Dale," continued Buckingham, amusedly. " Because I can aftbrd to be ; were I poor, I reckon I should pawn off my mamma's tea-cakes on my young man as my own, as men in love believe anything — they are as dull as Broadway without millinery." " By the way, Mrs. Dale, talking of millinery, where are your bonnets goin*^ to, they are three stories and a mansard at present ? " " Oh, only a cupola, Mr. Buckingham, on which birds will perch." " How so ; I was under the impression the bird hunt is a thing of the past ? " "No, indeed! not while there are men in the field." " How so ; I do not follow you ? " " Stupid, you are born huntsmen, our bonnets are a perch for a decoy, and," she added, looking at him archly, " our faces are under them." Here there was merry laughter from Mrs. Gower and Captain Tremaine, the former saying gaily, " You would not accomplish it, the strength of will M A Bona Dea. 35 substan- 1 remem- ale to her crescents lan would for him." our bank Iries shut than Jay i delicious le feeding our short- amusedly. I reckon I my young iiing— they lery, where stories and which birds le bird hunt n the field." )nnets are a cing at him Mrs. Gower gaily, ngth of will m. of one- of the party would keep the whole uppermost. I appeal to Mr. Smyth." " I am with you, Mrs. Gower ; Tremaine must go under, even thoutrh he is an Irishman." " Irish (juestions always do get muddled, eh, Smyth?" said Dale, jokingly, seeing that Smyth, intent on dinner, had not heard the argument. " That they do, Dale. Which is it, Mrs. Gower, the Coercion Bill or Home Rule ? " " Neither," she said, laughingly, " we were on the ' Peace Party ' (you remember the meeting at the Gardens, on last Sunday) ; and I have been suggesting that the Body Guard bury their pretty uniforms, and Captain Tremaine raises the war-cry of, 'bury the Peace Party, chairman and all, first.' " " Oh, that's it ! Tremaine knows the indomitable will of one of them would cause more dust to be kicked up than one sees on a March day on Yonge Street." " Out- voted. Captain Tremaine, we weep ' salt tears ' over your becoming uniform ; but seriously speaking, though a High Court of Arbitration would be a grand spectacle, it will be only after years of evolution, and when, as Mr. Blake, the chairman said, ' the voice of the private soldier, instead of the general officer, is heard.' " " If I should ever have the ill-fortune to be drafted," said Smyth, laughingly, " I should fight to the death against my enrolment ; an hospital nurse, like the Quaker-love, would suit me better ; such rations as a man gets on the field." " I know for a fact," said Dale ; " that recruiting during the present year in England, has been far below the average of the last few years." " Indeed ! I was not aware," said Buckingham. " By the way, Smyth," said Tremaine, " have you seen, what do you call him, ' Henry Thompson,' in his defence or answer to his critics ? " IIIT" 36 A Bona Dea. " I have, and he was able for them every time." " Are you speakinj^ of the journalist who went to jail in the interests of the Globe ? " asked Dale. "Yes." '* His defence was capital, I thoujjfht," said Dale, " and I especially liked the way he stands up for his craft. ' There is no class of men,' he says bravely, ' in exis- tence, animated by more humane motives than work- ing newspaper men.'" " I also read his reply with pleasure," said Mrs. Gower, " and reading it, thought what a clever and orififinal fellow he must be." " Talmage and Silcox have been lauding the power of the press to the skies," said Smyth; " they made me wish I surveyed the earth from an editor's chiiir, rather than from a tree I climbed to escape York uiud." " Have you heard how the Grand is going to cater to our dramatic taste this coming season, Mr. Buck- ingham?" asked Mrs. Gower. " Just a whisper, Mrs. Gower, as to Emma Juch, Langtry and Siddons." " Yes ; so far so good. Have you heard that the rail makes no special rates for.travelling companies ? " " I have ; so you may expect that those who will pay the high toll, will be those of the highest standard." " Then I suppose (though it seems selfish) we should be content with the rail rates as they are." " You will enjoy the debates, Dale," said Smyth, " in the Local House during the session ; Meredith is just the man to lead our party." " But I am not sure that it is our party, Smyth ; I scarcely know how I should vote here ; if Meredith is right, why doesn't he prove to Ontario that Mowat has- held the reins too long ? " " So he will before next election," replied Smyth, with a satisfied air. " Don't be too sure, Mr. Smyth, eloquent though he ■/"% A Bona Dea. 37 ime." D went to e. ►ale, " and his craft. , ' in exis- an work- said Mrs. ever and he power ' made me iir, rather ud." y to cater !dr. Buck- ma Juch, that the ipanies ? " 3 will pay ndard." kve should myth, " in th is just Smyth ; I eredith is lowat has* d Smvth, hough he be," said his hostef.s ; " while that clever Demosthenes of his party, Hon. C. F. Frazer, says him nay." " Do vou meditate a loniif stay, Buckingham, in this the white-washed city of the Dominion ? " asked Tre- maine. " Yes, off and on all winter ; you know I intend to purchase some of your mineral lands, since you allow them to lie undeveloped," he added, jestini^ly. " You see, Capt. Tremaine," said Mrs. Gower, merrily, the American Eagle done in silver is not as yet plenty with us." " Don't despair, Tremaine, Commercial Union is looming up," said Buckingham. " Treason ! treason ! " laughed Tremaine, " for we know what it would father." " Hear, hear," cried Smyth. " Oh, I don't know," laughed Mrs. Gower, " they say it is the Main-e idea for settling ; here's a pretty mess 1 here's a pretty, mess — of fish ! " " We can wait," said Buckingham, quietly, " evolu- tion will bring about the Maine idea, with you also." " Did you say you are going to Maine, Mr. Bucking- ham, we cannot do without you now," said pretty Mrs. St. Clair, caressingly. " Thank you, Mrs. St, Clair, I do not go ; but even if so, you would, I fear, miss me less than your latest fad in the pet quadruped." " How severe you are, Mr. Buckingham. Are all New York men so, Mrs. Dale?" She sighed, having a penchant for him. "It's annexation, Mrs. St. Clair," said Mrs. Dale, mischievousl3^ " Annexation ! is Mr. Buckingham going to be mar- ried ? " " I believe so." At this juncture Master Noah St. Clair, who had come instead of his father, was inter- I I I'^nr i , .1' ■!,i ■ iii if 38 A Bona Dea. ested in other than his plate, while his mother said reproachfully : "It eant\ot be true, Mr. Buckingham." " Mrs. Dale is disposed to ho facetious, Mr.s. St. Clair ; you must not swear by everything .she says." " That is an eva.sive answer, and I am dying to know ; tell me, dear Mrs. Dale, what it means V " Which, annexation, or Mr. Buckingham i " .said her tormentor. " Oh, both, of course," she said, breathlessly. " Both ; well, when I come to tak«^ a good look at him, Mrs. St. Clair, he looks important rather than .severe, his reason is, he believes, the be.st part of Canada pines fcr annexation; comprcnez vounl" " Oh, is that what you meant," she replied, with a relieved air, when, catching her son's eye, she said, with assumed carelessness, " I do miss my men friends so much when they marry." " He is as cold as ice," whispered Mr. Cobbe, who, though a man of birth and breeding, prides himself upon being a flirt ; " he is an icicle, I wonder you waste your warmth upon him." " Nice man," she thought, "-and only the second time I've met him; he must be in love with me, too, poor fellow," and, in an undertone, she says, "That's, the way all you men speak of each other, but he is only so before people." " You had better throw him over, an Irish heart is warmer than an American," he said, in his deep tones, into her ear. "But the poor fellow would bit.'ak his heart," she whispered, her cheeks flu.shing , he, equally vain, con- tinued : " Not he, a successful speculation would console him; and I— and I would console you." " Are you always so susceptible ? " she a.sked, turn- ing her pretty enamelled face around to be admired. ■m M Coffee and Chit- Chat. 39 ther said St. Clair ; •I (lying to LS f ' said her I look at ther than ) part of US f Bd, with a she said, en friends )bbe, who, )S himself you waste ,'cond time , too, poor rhat's, the he is only ;h heart is leep tones, leart," she vain, con- )nsolehim; ked, turn- idmired. " No, indeed ; but a man doesn't meet as pretty a woman as you every day, as your mirror must tell " How you gentli^nen Hatter," well aware that he is admiring her pretty hand and !#' pected, is all aglow with lights ; its exterior a goodly spectacle with its many windows. A long, low, rambling house, the front relieved by cornice and architrave, and an immense portico from which white stone steps, wide and worn by man}' feet, lead to the lawns and gardens, which are gay with bright flowers, intersected with old-fashioned serpentine walks; one would call it not infiptl}'' a garden of roses, such were their number, such their variety and beauty. Great masses of rhododendrons, with the frag- rant honeysuckle, sweet-briar, and lauristina lent per- fume to the air. Some fine oaks, with beach and irrace- ful locusts, gave beauty to the lawns ; stone stables, with farm and carrijige houses at the back, with paved court-yard, and kitchen-garden luxuriant in growth, a very horn of plenty. 3 ■f Jiuie ol* i/old orab. I'd advise you to jio to the citv and take a few lessons from the clerks at Swan vV Edgar's; they will tell you tliat in society a bustle is a toiirnure. As for my dress, my role is twenty-one, and I must bear some resemblance to the sweet lines of the poet — of ' Standing with reluctant feet, Where the brook and river meet.' " " Dear, dear, what frivolity, and the suburban train is due ; we should unite in thanking Providence that this gold is in our hands ; but previously, Margaret, you .should stipulate in writing that your unch: may pay me the sum of one hundred pounds per annum for my gooil works. There is Meg Smith, actually pining for her drunken husband, who .says he won't reform until he gets her again; but I have my foot down, and shall keep them apart even if we liave to pay her board ; there is no use in my telling them not to be" ' unequally yoked with unbelieyers,' and then give in. 1 could cite dozens." " Pray do not. It's my belief all you women care for is power to rule ; the wretches would be far better without your government. Heaven preserve me from a woman with a mission," .said her brother in disousted tones. " As to my promising to pay you any stipulated sum, you will receive j^our allowance for wearing apparel, and anything you can crib out of the house- 1.1 'f '^1 r:4 54 A Troubled Spirit, keepino; yon will ,all women take to that card natur- ally) ; but remember, if I find mj'selt' on short rations there will be the devil to pay." " One word more, as the speakers sny," said Miss Villiers, "ere we dissolve this protital>le (I use the word advisedly) meetinp^ : what table sliall we concoct as to the whereabouts of my an^^elic step-sisccr ] " " What an unpleasant \vay you have of putting thini^s Marcjaret," said her aunt. " I prefer on occasion to call ' a spade a spade,' Aunt P^lizabeth. Well, uncle, shall it be as to her self- reliant spirit, and that she (being a mistake v/hich means anything; has fled to that broad and conve- nient field, the United States of America ? " " Yes, that will pass ; but I scarcely thiidc he will inquire, as he has never troubled himself about liis betrothed or yourself until you hunted him up." " At your instigation ; so disinterested in you, never thinking of the feathers for your own nest." " The suburban train is due ! " exclaimed her aunt. 'Do, Margaret, endeavor to act like a Christian." " Never fear. Aunt Elizabeth ; I shall act my part as well as you do, with self-interest as motive-power : our sex niay without a prompter ; and now to the drawing-room to awe the ignorarfc Colonial by our British gold and conventionalities." doc, CHAPTER VIII. A TROUBLED SPIRIT. ITH minified feelinnfs of disinclination and re- pulsion, also an undefined sense of dread and reluctance, poorC. Babbington-Cole left the ipi'j C'd]f of Chicago and, again orn lemi firnia, made his way up from the seaboard to Lon- where at Morley's Hotel he and hi.H father had A Troubled Spirit. 55 :d natur- it rations said Miss '. use the ^e concoct : putting a spade,' ) luT self- ke which ikI coave- k he will about his » up. ^'ou, never her aunt, lan. ny part as ve-power : )W to the al by our ion and re- dread and ole left the rra firnia, rd to Lon- 'ather bad arranged to meet. " Hang it," he thought moodily, " I feel like an infernal frog out of Acheron, covered with the ooze and mud of melancholy. Jove, if I could only chance upon the Will Smyths or Mrs. Gower, what a tonic they would be ; how they would enjoy this mad- dinir crowd with all the world abroad, with no blue blood in the beef they eat either, judgiiig from red cheeks and stout ankles. What women ! cotton batting would not be a safe investment here ; I hope the governor is waiting for me at Morley's, but he must be, as he took the Circassi ni from Quebec on the 16th. I'll persuade him not to go out to Bayswater at all, but to abandon this debt of honor, as in his sensitive nature he dubs his promise to a dead woman, for I have no hankerinfj after a martyr's crown. If I am coerced (for I am made of very limp stuff) into this union and she is not a girl I can care to spoon over, and must ' write me down as an ass ' foj;* selling my liberty to, then adieu to wedded bliss — I shall again content my- self in a den by myself, and my craze for mechanism shall be my wife and my few real friends my mistress. Jove ! though, I must strain my eyes and endeavor to see a glimmer of light in the black clouds ; if A\(i be a girl after my own heart she will sympathize after a nnre practical manner than did the 'twenty with Bunthorn,' in giving me the dollar to develop, and obtain a patent for one or other of my inventions. Yes, I'll be a soldier. I am nearing the battle-tield ; with the smell of powder in my nostrils, I wlU gain strength. Cabby is reining in his steed, so this, I suppose, is my hotel." "' Morley's, sir; and 'ere be a porter for your baggage, sir." "All right," and springing from the four-wheeler he is interviewing the clerk. " Has Mr, Babbington-Cole, froni Ottawa, Canada, arrived ? " H m i. fMi,(flTf? 'flTfftlr ■ -jr. ■ k ".■ 4 i 'i III iiij .ifii ii(|i; J, r 1 ■; jl t 1 ' 56 A Ti'oubled Spirit. " No, sir ; are you Mr. C. Babbington-Cole ? " " Yes." "Then here is a cablegram for you, sir." It was from his father, and ran thus : " St. Lawrence Kall, " Montreal, Sept. 20th. " To C. Babbington-Cole, Esq., " Morley's Hotel, London, England. "Your father has been very ill — typhoid fever; called me in ; is improving; asks me to cablegram you to re turn by way of Montreal. Longs to see you and your wife, which will be a panacea for him. " John Peake, M.D." " My father ill ! Oh that I could have foreseen all this," exclaimed Cole, tl^inging himself into a chair in the privacy of the bedroom assigned him. '' To have to face my fate alone," he thought, '" and yet I have been awai'e for some time that this was hanging over me ; but the truth is, I thought the girl would never claim me, that they would arbitrate, divide, have a grab game among themselves, anything other than rope me in. Had I been infted with Scotch second -sijxht, or even cauticjn, 1 should not be in this tix now ; but I have been made of wax, and so absorbed in my loved inventions, tilling in an emotional half hour with an occasional flirtation, with my nose to the grindstone the rest of my time, that this possible ' game of barter,' in which some one says ' the devil always has the best of it.' rarely occurred to me ; but this will never do in action, only shall 1 now find repose. I ')yiiiHt go out to Bays water, and 1 '])iUHi wed this girl, unless Heaven works a miracle — no, unless I act the cov ard's part, cut and run, I am in for it. \i 1 could only moralize on the pantheon of ugly horrors half of our mar- 1 M A Troubled Spirit. 57 riages are, and that one might imagine most of them were perpetrated in the dark, or on sight, as mine, then I might console myself by thinking that I have as good a chance of hap; iness as most. My brain is on tire ; if I only had one friend in this vanity fair, wherein to me is no merriment, the babel of sounds seeming to me the guns of the enemy w^arning me to retreat; talk of delinicm tremens, I have all the blue devils rolled in one ; a stimulant is what I want, to be able to face the music." And making his way to the bar, in a short time his spirits, with the aid of John Barleycorn, arise ; though he knows in the reaction they will be below zero. " And now for BaysM'ater and my skrinking young bride," he thought. " I declare," he said, half aloud, with a forced laugh, " I can sympathize, for the first time, with the ily who had a bid from the spider to walk into his parlor. Is there a roaring farce on any- where ? " he asked the bar-tender. "Yes, sir; a reg'lar side-splitter at the Haymarket. You w^ill 'ave time to take in the matinee and dinner at Broadlawns, Bayswater, too, sir." " How tl: 3 deuce did you know I was due there ? " " Mr. Stone and Miss Villiers have called three times to look you up, sir." " Indeed ! " " Yes, sir ; Mr. Stone, he came in, and Miss Villiers, she waited outside in the trap." The mere mention of the people from Broadlaw^ns having come to hunt him up, had such a depressing effect, that he abandoned all idea of distraction at the play. " There is not a particle of use of my trying to sit through the farce with this thumping headache ; have a hansom here for me in a couple of hours, to convey me to Broadlawns ; I shall walk out and get a glimpse of the city." 5 I i f ' ■!' -r.r 58 A Troubled Spirit. i il V ■1 ! 1 . " All right, thank you, sir." " Some one hath it," he thought, entering Trafalgar Square, 'that the grand panacea, the matchl(;s.s sanative which is an iril'allible cure for the blues, is exercise, ex- ercise, exerciHel so now for a trial; here goes for five miles an hour." " On, and ever onwards, with, and j^et apart from, the stream of busy life, alone and lonelj'" amidst the throng, not once staying his steps; winging his flight in the vain effort to tlee from self, dril'ting on the waves of unrest, they engulfing him, his face white and worn as a ghost, his blue eyes weary and with a hunted look, a neuralgic headache driving him to the brink of madness; the panorama of wonderful sights on which, under other circumstances, he would have feasted his eyes. Peers of the realm, having gained notoriety in one way or another, passed unnoticed, with lovely women, from professional beauties reclining in their own carria<_jes, whose tovs were men's hearts, with the world as a stage, to the q,vowed actress, whose bright eyes looked from a hired equipage, who ])layed for men's ijohl on the staije of the theatre ; far-famed Regent Street was travf-rsed-with less interest than he would have accorded to Lombard Street, Toronto; for man loves freedom as a bird — there he was free, now he feels his fetters. " Take care sir," said a policeman, kindly. "Blockhead! it would serve him right to coMie to his senses under the feet ofc' liiy horse," said the only occupant of a low carriage, in the voice of a shrew, as she drove on. At this juncture Cole shook himself to rights, as it were. " She was uglj'- enough to give a fellow n «'^are, after our pretty Canadian women," he said to the policeman. " Oh, she isn't no type of what we can show you, sir ; she's but small, but enough o' her sort, say I " : i-ii iilk 1 m A Troubled Spirit. 59 " Ditto ; and now be good enough to hail a cab for me. " Yes, sir ; here you are, and thank you, sir." "To Morley's hotel." " All right, sir." On reachinsr his destination he learned that Mr. Stone had driven in to ascertain whether he had arrived, when, on hearing that he had, but was out, had waited ; when a lady, calling for him, had gone, leaving a note for him, which on opening read thus : " Dear Bahbington-Cole, — Am very pleased to hear of your safe arrival ; have important business, so cannot wait ; in fact arrangements for the immediate marriage of my niece to yourself ; kindly come out at once, on your return. " Yours sincerely, " Timothy Stone." " The net is well laid," thought poor Cole ; '-' they are bound to rope me in ; how strange it all seems ; even my name sounds unfamiliar, having at home, in dear old Toronto, dropped the Babbington ; but I must adorn myself for the altar." And once more he seeks retirement in his own chamber. " Hang that evolu- tion of a woman's corsets and curling tongs, viz., the modern dude ! such a chokino- and ti<;hteninix a fel- low's throat and legs undergo ; I wonder if my shrink- ing bride will ex])ect me to kneel to her. Ah ! there goes for a rip ; under the knee, though, as luck would have it ; not being (|uite educated up to a chamois pad and face powder, my modest Pearl will have to be satisfied with candle and throat moulds. I wonder if she will compliment me on my handsome black mous- tache, as mv women friends at home do ; and now to fortify myself with dinner, or at least oysters and a glass of stout. Hang it, how faint and dizzy I feel." \ '. % "2 i m i if f ' m \nmr !i k > 60 Vultures Habited as Christian Pew-Holders. CHAPTER IX. ^' VULTURES HABITED AS CHRISTIAN PEW-HOLDERS. N due time his hansom enters the gates of Broad- lawns ; at the door he is met by Mr, Stone. " Welcome to Enofland and Broadlawns," said the spider to the fly, his ferret-like eyes scan- nino; his victim eaoerly, as if to read whether he would give him trouble. " We have been expecting you for twenty-four hours ; the ladifes have been most anxious. Simon, bring this gentlernan's baggage up- stairs, to the east room ; and put in an appearance soon, Babbington-Cole, or the ladies will think you a myth." "Thank you; as I dressed at Morley's, I shall be with you in a few moments," responded Cole, in sub- dued accents, feeling that struggles would be now of no avail, that he was well in their net; but the house itself would have depressed him under any cir- cumstances. It was solid, massive, thick-set gloom; happiness and mirth were far away ; the cold, chill atmosphere of distrust, dislike, deceit and hypocrisy dwelt in its dark corridors and gloomy apartments. The last gleam of " Home, sweet home," had fled with the spirit of the second wife of its late master ; she, poor thing, was wont to say, " Broadlawns is like a lovely, smiling face, with a black, lying heart ; its ex- terior is briglit with Nature's beauteous flowers, its interior a very Hades." Miss Villiors and Miss Stone rose to greet Mr. Cole on his enterinnf the oloomv, but handsomely furnished oak drawing-room ; his flrst glance at the former served to show him that the lady who had wished he might come to his sen.ses under the feet of her horse 1 and Miss Villiers were one and the same." "Jove! that vixen," he thought; "but, thank Heaven, ank Heaven, Vultures Habited as Christian Pew- Holders. 61 there are two dauprhters ; the other is my one, for my father says she is the prettiest ^irl in all England, and this one, ugh, she makes one's flesh creep." "My conscience, 'tis that dolt," thought his bride- elect, giving her hand with her false smile. " We ex- pected you to dinner, but cook has my orders to get you up something, so come with me to the dining- room," she add'^d, insinuatingly. '" Don't trouble about me. Miss Villiers, I beg ; I had a bit of dinner at Morley's." "Muff," thought Miss Villiers, spitefully, "not to have taken his chance to become acquainted." " Margaret is, as you are aware, Mr. Babbington- Cole, the Christian name of my niece (and a beautiful name it is) ; she will be better pleased if you drop all formality, and call her so, eh, Margaret." " Yes, under the circumstances," she answered, with a meaning glance. " Thank you ; I have not seen your sister yet ; is she quite well?" he asked, timidly; for, with a forboding of evil, he unconsciously looked to the sister as an escape. " Margaret's fascinations fall flat," thought her uncle, with a malicious chuckle. " I don't take ; he wants a milk and water miss, but no you don't, young man ; you are yny tool," thought his bride-elect, setting her teeth. " My poor step-sister is well — I hope, but we never name her ; she is a — a mistake ; however, she is not your one." " But is she not here ? " said Cole, nervously, now really frightened, " does she not reside with you ? My poor father said — " here he utterly broke down. Ac- customed ever to lean on some one, of a clinging, trust- ing nature, with a strong spice of feminine gentleness, which caused him to turn to some woman friend for advice or moral support, so that here, in the hour of his greatest need, he feels doubly alone, as he gazes I ■ I I ' I f m .' I 4 4 '■ ^"W^ 62 Vultures Habited as Christian Pew-Holders. I ^ if t .ill around at the three hard, cruel faces, each with a set purpose and false smile perceptibly engraven, he is in despair. Miss Villiers especially ; will he ever cease to be haunted by her as she sits in a high Elizabethan chair, an ebony easel exactly on a line with her face, and partly behind her, on which is a frightful head of Medusa, the reptiles for hair looking to him, in his hijVhly nervous state, like the tight, crisp curls and braids covering the head of his bride-elect, and the lines from Pitt's " Virgil " recurred to his memory : " Such fiends to scourge mankind, so fierce, so fell, Heaven never summoned from the depths of hell." Mr. Stone broke the momentary silence by saying, in matter-of-fact tones : " It is natural, I suppose, to a man of your seemingly nervous temperament, to be a little upset at not meeting your father ; but, in my opinion, life is too short for sentiment, especially when wasted as in this case, for your father, according to cablegram sent us, is improving, and is, 1 dare swear, kicking his heels about St. Lawrence Hall, Montreal, waiting impatiently for your return." " Yes, Uncle Timothy, yours is the practical view of it ; sentiment is, or should be, a monopoly of the poets; self-interest, with pounds, shillings and pence, are good enough for us." " Margaret means to convey, Mr. Charles, that you should be thankful to Providence that you have been spared to come to us ; to a land, also, flowing with milk and honey, ready to your hand and purse," said her aunt, sanctimoniously adding, " How is religious life in Toronto ? " " Religious life ? " he said, half dazed, wholly ab- sorbed in the thought that he was to be held in bond- age by that stony-eyed woman with snake-like hair — his Medusa. Vultures Habited as CJiristian Pezv-Holders. 63 " Alas, I fear you are dead in sin, Mr. Charles. You do not evon know the nieanino^ of my woril.s. I have heard that New York is the most wicked city in America, and you, I fear, frequenily go there to j)arti- cipate in the pleasures of sin. 1 ch-ead to nhow my niece to go out, even as your wife ; it was only the other day 1 read, copied fi'oin one of your news[)apeis, that at Taldeqiiah, which I suppose is near you, that a Chickasaw Indian was arrested by a deputy United States m.-irshal with three assistants; the company camped on tlie prairie, with the exception of the mar- shial, who, riding on, reached his goal ; waited there until weary, he rode hack, and what did he find ? The entire posse with heads cut off, and the Jiulian Hed. America must be a very Sodom and Gomorrah But I see you are not listening to me, Mr. Cliarles. We liave a samtly young man here, the Rev. Claude Parks, whom 1 must ask to influence you to a better frame of mind, with an intense ori^^titude to Providence for the favors ah lut to be showered upon you." Thus did Miss Stone give vent to her feelings to unlisteninii' ears. Fond of hearin' modern curate of the conventional type Hasiitd across the memory of pool- Cole. He was a meek younn; man, thougli a true Christian, wh(j spoke in a monotone, Ins liair parted, to a liair, in line with tlie hridi^e of his nose, and wearino- his hands meekly fol(le(h After their goinij round and round the Darometer, EnfTflish and Canadian, Miss Stone said, primly : " It matters little whether the poor carnal bodies suffer from the cohi. I fear, out there, souls are cold unto deatli, starvin<4 for spiritual life and heat. I hav^e been telling Mr. Babbinijton-Cole, and I feel sure you will coincide with me, Mr. Parks, that with so many infidels and wild Indians in his land, they should have their lamps trimmed and burning." " You are always orthodox. Miss Stone," chanted Mr. Parks, meekly. " You look ill, Mr. Babbington Cole ; was the sea too much for you ?" " Yes, and now my head is in a whirl. I feel as if I am in ior brain fever. Would to God I had remained in Canada," he answered feverishly. "Tut, tut; a night's rest will set you up," said Stone hastily. *' You Canadians are pale in any case, looking as though you feed on offuel." " Cablegram, sir," said Simon, tapping at the doo?- "It's for you, Babbington Cole," said Stone, ' ing it. "From my father's medical man," said Cole ii'^r- vously, as, on reading it, he returned it to the env^elope, '4 mr, ^ A Lucifer Match. G7 and was about pocketing it, when Miss Villiers said, puttinnj out lier hand: " I presume we may see it." Cole, though witli visible reluctance, handed it to her, when she read as follows : " St. Lawkence Hall, " AlONTKEAL, 25th Sept. ' To C. Babhington-Cole, Esq. "Typhoid fever left; but taken cold, sore throat; looking most anxiously for the return of yourself and Mrs. Cole. Pray don't delay . "John Peake, M.D." " Too bad, too bad ; but you may yet find your father quite well," said Stone, with assumed feeling. "'In the midst of life we are in death,' " said Miss Stone. " I trust vour father has not been a careless liver, Mr. Charles ; as a young man, I remember he was much ffiven to the thinofs of the world. " My father is no smooth-tongued hypocrite, but has a truer sense of religion than many representative men and women in our church of to-day," said Cole, warmly; while thinking, but for his mistaken sense of honor, I. would not now be in this abominable lix. "You will, I am sure, be anxious to return at once, Mr. Babbington-Cole," said Mr. Parks, in measured tones. " And as the first step towards it, as it grows late, if you will arrange yourselves, I will proceed at once with the service." "To-ni 'i 68 A Lucifer Match. " By delay," said Miss A^illiers, fixing her stony eyes on hiin, as .she motioned him to stand beside her, " by delay we may miss seein;^ your father alive." " Tru(3,' said Cole, " and I must find him alive to explain ail this," he added, with feverish haste. And while the ;service was said in monotone by the clergy- man, so intent was he in performing hidden rites of vengeance upon his bride for the pantheon of hideous idols she was making him walk through life in, that he was deaf to the words : " Wilt thou take this woman to be thy wedded wife?" And the first caress he received fron. his bride was a pinch, sharp and telling; he said, excitedly: "Take it all for granted, Mr. Parks, I am really too ill to take part." At the words, " I pronounce that they be man and \Hfe together," etc., muffled footsteps and the noise of j: anting breath is distinctly heard, and a pale woman, who had evidently come from a distance, with flying feet entcicd ; the clergyman only seeing her, the others having their backs to the entrance ; but she nears, staying her feet to listen as she hears the w^ords which add another couple to the long line of loveless unions, her hurried breathing falls on the ears of those present. All turn round. Miss Villiers eyes her menacingly, while Miss Stone and her brother simultaneously point to the door, as she interrupting Mr. Parks' congratula- tions, says in heart-rending tones of despair : " Yes, I will go, for I am too late, too late, alas ! for my poor young mistress and my oath to protect her." And she vanished noiselessly. The fetters securely fastened, Mrs. Babbington-Cole said, wratht'ully : ^ " A lunatic asylum is the only fit home for Sarah Kane." Turning to her new-made husband, she says explanatorily, "an old servant, and a crank. Uncle l^*j I A Lucifer Match. 69 Timothy, you had better see her caged up somewhere, or pay her off, and dismiss her." *' Yes, I must ; we can't have a madwoman going about like this." " Alas ! how unorratet'ul of Sarah," sisrhed Miss Stone. " I fear the seed we have sown fell on stony ground, Mr. Parks." '■' I fear so, indeed," echoed Mr. Parks, as he departed, his heart orladdened on thinkincj of the efood British gold in his pocket ; arid from Mr. Stone, mean though he was, it was worth paying a sovereign to become the possessor of a yearly income of two thousand pounds. The poor bridegroom thought not of the parson's fee, which, had he wedded a woman of his own choice, he would have paid with an overflowing heart, he, poor fellow, being as generous as morning sunbeams on a beauteous June day. The ceremony over! the fraud consummated! the bird snared ! the man fettered ! all joy in living, all hope in his heart crushed by a woman. Cole since hearing the solemn words of the agitated woman, felt as he threw himself into a chair, burying his head in his hands, as he leaned forward elbows on knees, as though did some one put a knife to his heart he would be grateful ; he felt feverish and his brain throbbed as it had never throbbed before. Starting to his feet, he said brokenly, " It is now my turn to dictate ; you will excuse me, I muHt have time to think, and in nolitude ; I go to my own apartment." "You had better have some supper with us first to celebrate the event," said his bride, jocosely, for she feels triumphant. " No, I thank you, food would choke me, and I am in no mood for revelry." '•'You had better, Babbington-Cole," said Stone (who never offered a meal that he had to pay for), " you had better ; an empty stomach is a cold bed-fellow." #" n m vf'WT I : 70 A Lucifer Match. \\ But he was gone. Six ears sharp as needles listened to the sound of his retreating footfalls, slow and heavy, in ascending the stairs ; they heard him go in and lock his door, " A loving bridegroom," said Stone, malevolently. " You have evidently made an impression, Margaret." " As you did on my sainted step-mother, when she spurned your ofier beneath her feet, history repeats itself, most affectionate of uncles." " ' The tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity,' " said Miss Stone, reprovingly; "let us show a Christia.. spirit, and prove we are thankful everything is set- tled ; we have worked hard for it, and have a right to partake of the feast prepared for the wedding party." " Had you not better call your recalcitrant spouse, Margaret," said her uncle, as they repaired to che dining-room and seated themselves ;" perhaps you do not know that the vay to a man's heart is through his stomach." " No, I shall not disturb his peaceful slumbers ; by leavinof him to himselt' he will the sooner come to his milk. For a beircxarlv eiffht hundred-dollar clerk — Colonial at that — he does not show gratitude as he should for a three thousand pound per annum wife." "I agree with you, Margaret, but I doubt not you will bring him to a more Cliristian frame of uiind," said Miss Stone, dwelling on each mouthful of veal- and-ham pie with the relish of an epicure. "Alone once mo/e, thank God!" said Cole to him- self in despairing tones, throwing himself on to a sofa of stiff, cold horse-hair; "and now to collect my un- welcome thoughts," he sighed wearily, now walking restlessly to and fro, now flinging himself down, lying perfectly still. Some one says that " locality is like a dyer's vat." This room assiijjned to Cole would in itself have lent a gloomy, funereal aspect to one's tone of mind, from the iL, Tl A Lucifer Match. 71 cumbrons bedstead of dark inahooranv to the darkest of hanofings and carpet, every article as cold and polished as the Vuack hair-clcth furniture. No pretty feminine knick-knacks, no brii:;ht pictures, nothing to relieve the eye. " Alone," he groaned, " yes, but for how long ? She will, I expect, think she has the right to come liere ; had she forced her hatefid presence upon me to-night I feel that reason would have Hed. What could mv father have been about to sell me like this ? But there has been some devil's work. He has been deceived, and I have l)een completely hemmed in by the moves of tlie miscreator circumstance, tlie cable- gram of his physician to them and to myself to- night. She a modern Medusa, to be a panacea for him or any one ! Poor father, how you have been duped. That thev are all plavinij: some devil's cT^ime is clear even j my throbljing brain, no won<]er that ever since I set foot on England's shore I have liad a terril:)le pre- sentiment of evil hanging over me, and now the very worst has come to pass : they have roped nie in. I have given her, that awful wo?nan, my name ! God save me from madness ! Hist! what sound was that? They come I an 1 yet the hideous midnight revelry is still on below ; but they come, a tap ! Jove's thunder- bolt, or Vulcan's hammer would be of no avail. 1 shall feign sleep." I i I ^1 Hf-, r'' 72 Their ''Rank is but the Guinea's Stamp." CHAPTER XL i THEIR " RANK IS BUT THE GUINEA'S STAMP." 'ND what does our Dioi^enes find to say ?" said Mrs. Gower, gaily, as on the niij^ht of the 9th Nov^ember she gathered a few friends to supper, after an evening at the Grand Opera House. " Come, Mr. Dale, like a good man, confess that Mrs. Langtry is worth letting your tub go to staves for." "Well, on the whole, yes. I think she has im- proved." " Improved ! but I suppose one must be content with even such admission from you." " But.mydear lady, when a man has seen the best that London, Paris, and New York can put on their theatre boards, what you in Canada ofifer is merely pour passe z le teif)ip." " Yes, I suppose one grows to feel like that; but I am glad I have yet a few sights to see, if, by seeing every- thing, one loses one's zest for anything." "But you surely do not admire her choice of plays ? " " No ; but I do really deem her a born actress, as clever as she is charmino." " One could easily see, Mrs. Gower, that you got the worth of your ticket in emotional feeling," said Mr. Smyth, laughingly, "for you visibly trembled when 'ex-Captain Fortinbras' made his triumphant expose" " Malevolent wretch ! a thrill of horror did run through me, as well as of pity for his unfortunate victim." " My feelings are not so easily acted upon," said Mrs. Dale. " 1 was very coollj^ watching to see if she could disentangle herself from the villain's clutches, and her arms from her odious lace sleeves." Their ^'^ Rank is but the Guinea's Stamp!' 73 " The latter absorbed me," said lively Mrs. Smyth ; "if I had such arms I should never cover them, njt even in mid-winter ; you ou^ht to pay more for your ticket tlian we do, Elaine, you get more — more feelings — than we do." " Yes, I must trouble you for some more oysters, Mr. Dale ; ' nerve tissue is expensive,' " she laugliirgly answered. " Her gowns, her robings, were in perfect taste," said Buckingham. " Yes, Oscar Wilde would have breathed a siirh of satisfaction," said Mrs Gower. "Speaking of our color-blending pet," said Mrs. Dale, " he wishes his baby was a girl ; he says girls drape so much better." "Just fancy a thinjj like that living in our stirring ti»nes, and cilling itself a man," said Dale, contemptu- ously ; " picture him beside the two liberated Chicago Anarchists." " Poor fellow ! he would feel badly had the Com- munists the control of his wardrobe," said Mrs. Gower. " His would be a capital garb for a surveyor," said Mrs. Smyth ; " 1 wish Will would adopt it." " Then would surveyors be on the increase when his measure would be taken," laughed Mrs. Gower. " Lilian has vivid recollections of my last home- coming, when I was a mass of sticky York mud to my knees," said Smyth. " I remember, Dale, you were disgusted at the Emma-Juch concert by reason of larcje .hats and small chatter," said Buckingham. " What did you think of the manner of the audience to-night ? " • " I think that, on the whole, when one considers the antecedents of tl^^ moneyed people of Toronto, that they behaved themselves better, showed more consi- deration for the feelings of others, in fact, ignored their fine feathers— remembering that they were not e ;* n 'I'TT immmm 111 ,1 'i ! , i 1 ■1 i : i. ' : ' i ,1 ' 4 74 T/ieir ^' Rank is bui tJie Guinea! s Stamps the only occupants of }ihe theatre — better than at any other j^atlu'rini; of ' iieautyand fashion' (in newspHper parhmce), that I have made one at." "Yes; so 1 thoUjL^ht," said Bnckinjj^luam ; "and at the theatre, one escapes the worrving nuisance of recalls, as felt at Toronto." " J wish some star in the concert world would have the courai;e to insert after her name, no encore," said Mrs. Gower, " for thou<]jh we do recall, it is astonishing how evnuyeux the best numljers are in repetition." " Will did an awfully daiini; thinnf at the Cai-reno- Jiich concert,'' said Mrs Sm\th, eagerly; "we had seats immediately beiiind the Caw sons ; and you know, Elaine, what a rude, boisterous " " My dear," said her friend, in mock reproof ; " they are in society! have, of course, the rlollar, and, perforce, are fashionable! what in poor people we should desig- nate as rude and underbred, we must call in the Caw- son's, and that ilk, 'quite the thing, you know;' but proceed, 7)\a chy, in her silks and jewels, robbing an honest woman of her " But her sentence was never Hnished, for the man is coming; and quick as a deer she is out of sight. Mrs. Dale is quietly seated by the cheerful grate, apparently absorbed in "Cleveland's winning card," as given in Judge, when her hostess returns, looking sad and troubled. " I don't know how it is T feel so nervous to-night, dear," she said, seeing to the window fastenings ; I am so glad vou are with me. but you will find me very doleful."" " Not a bit of it, Mrs. Gower; I am no relation to an acijuaintance of mine, who is not content unless one is making a buffoon of oneself for her especial delec- tation." r. 1= 'JO §! ■■•«. J -J 80 On the Rack. n " I fear she would cut my acquaintance in my pre- sent mood. I am going to a»k you a favor, dear ; it is to call me Elaine ; I shall feel less alone in this big world, and can talk to you more freely, hearing my Christian name. I dare say it is a childish fancy for a woman of my age, but " " But me — no buts. Elaine, we are true friends, and you have some secret trouble which I ought to share, else, what use is my friendship to you ; you will tell it me, dear?" and the pretty Irish eyes look up into the dark ones bending over her with a questioning look. " Tell me first, dear, did you recognize anyone in the garden to-night ? " "'I did, Elaine." At this, covering her face with her coldly nervous hands, she said, brokenly: " God help me, 1 am driven by the winds, and tossed; I must sleep on it to-night, and if I feel strong enough, tell you all to-morrow." " That's right, and to insure your being brave enough, you must take the best tonic, sleep ; so let us mount," she said affectionately, rising and takijig her friend's arm. " Very well, dear; and the dropping rain shall be my lullaby in wooing the god of slumber." CHAPTER XII. ON THE RACK. T was no heated fancy of a half-delirious brain of our poor friend, Cole, that he had heard a tap on the gloomy door of the east chan)ber, at Broadlawns, on the night he was snared by the huntress ; held by the fetters of a loveless union Margaret Villiers ; but he paid no heed to the stealthy tap, repeated whenever the revelry below was with On the Rack. 81 loudest; but as silent as the grave, he almost holds his breath as he watches the door, a look of agony in his tired eyes, whiih throb as does hl.> head in neuralgic tor- ture; but now, his strange mdnight visitor, as it' driven to desperation by his silence, says through the keyhole : " For heaven's sake, let me in ! " But no response ; he will trust no one und^r the roof of this hateful place, to which he has been trapped, in which he has lost his freedom, in which the terrible conviction has seized him that he is going to be laid low bv the fell hand of sickness. What is that ? Yes, he sees a slip of paper passed under the door ; his mid- night visitor is evidently bent on obtaining an inter- view ; pale as a ghost, and trembling in every limb, he creeps noiselessly to the door, picks up the paper, and reads the following words : " 1 am the woman who came in too lute to stop your marriage ; your oivn friends, who are far away, would tell you to see me. For God's sake, let me do what I can for you, even now." But for her wording, as to his "friends far away," he would have paid no heed ; he remembers now, in a dazed sort of way, amidst the medley he has been in ever since his arrival, that there was some woman who appeared, was maligned, and vanished, ail in a few seconds. Yes, if he could only feel sure the oak door only separated him from one not in league with his enemies, as he now feels them to be, the lock would be immediately turned ; but, should it be a fraud whereby to obtain admittance for the terrlMe woman he has wedded, and whom he loathes and fears at the same time ; and so, with his cold, nervous hand upon the lock, he hesitates, when she again appeals a last time through the keyhole. " 1 must go, and leave you to your misery, if you will not open the door ; they are preparing to come up stairs." ( i ! . ■ i ., « & ■■w \ ] 1 i-.TTMl* 1 • 82 On the Rack. 1: At this, the dread of loneliness, the craving for sym- patliy, witli the sinking feeling of sickness coining over him, the natural instinct of self-preservation impelling him to risk somethitiQf in endeavorincj to secure one friend to be about him if he cannot shake off this feeling of intense lassitude, low spirits, head and brain on tire, and throbbing as with ten thousand pulses, cause him with a sudden fear lest she should go, to turn tlie key, when noiselessly, a pale woman with an intensely sad expression in her whole countenance, and prematurely grey, enters. "Poor fellow! and a kindly, handsome face, too; what a sacriiice ! God knows how willingly [ would have saved you; Imt their moves were hidden from me," she sai " Tell now, nov\" h*^ .«ays feverishly, " how I am to i^et away from here and v/ithout, remember, that woman ? You will have to stay by me, for I am too ill, God help me, to act alone " '' First, you must undress and get into bed ; my, but you are weak ! " "I am ; please ia-ke this key and unlock my trunk ; I am not equal to any exertion." " Were you ill crossing the ocean, sir ? " " I was, but nothing like this ; the medical attendant on board said I must liave some mental worry which preyed even then upon my bodily hf alth." " Your name, Charles Cole, how well I remember it," she said, reading it on his linen. " My poor dead mistress and friend trusted me — God help me if I have seemed unfaithful to my trust. Perhaps I should liave found out and followed my young mistress, but Silas and I thoucjht I had best watch her interests here. God pity me," she said tearfully, falling upon her knees. " Good Lord, watch over her, lead my steps to her, for I have failed in preventing their bh'ck deeds here ; so I shall go to America to try and find you, poor, ciear. wronged Miss Pearl." Here Cole, with a groan of weakness and dizziness, falls half undressed upon the bed, at whicli Sarah Kane tiies to him, takes off his boots, assisting him to get under the clothes. "Poor, poor feet, like ice," she says pityingly; "I must do something for him. Heaven help him among such a horde of ci'uel hearts ; I must at any risk go down and get a foot warmer. Poor fellow, so gentle and amiable-like, he deserved a better fate, and should have a physician at once ; but the mind, the poor sick mind, as well as body, how will that be calmed ? 'J'here, there, don't mind anything; try to sleep. 1 am going down stairs to get a foot-warmer foi- you." "No, no," he said nervously, "you must not leave me." 071 the Rack. 85 " I have listened in the hall, and they are all snoring, sleeping heavily after the late supper. 1 must, indeed, sir, see to the warniinir of vour feet : it will onlv take nie five minutes ; please consent, for your own sake." " Well, go; and I wiQ lock the door after you, lest the wretches come in;" and attempting to sit up he feels too weak, falling backwards with a heavy sigh. Sarah Kane, now really alarmed, slips off' her shoes, silently unfastejis the door, making a speedy exit; passing the doors of theslt-epers without detection, not so though on entering the servants' winion ; no, no one would have believed me, though I think now of one who would, and he is Dr. Annesley, of the city. 1 have erred in judo'iiient, but never thought they would marry you to Miss Villiers; nay, look at it cauuly, if you can, sir, and u:et well sooner. My father was an attorney, but I was penniless; my late romies tleeced Inra, an( mistress took me here, and I was her friend and con- tidant, for they were cruel to her and her child. Sil as I ones an Sil d I knew of Miss Pearl and yourself, and as sail CHAPTER XIII. LUCIFER S VOTARIES RAMPANT. ^ES, Silas Jones shall hear of how we found his precious Sarah Kane alone in a man's bed-room," sneered the cohily cruel voice of Mrs. Cole, entering, and not making a seduc- tive picture in bright green dressing gown, with large purple tlowers, her hooked nose as red as Lucifer's Votaries Rampant. 87 her hijxh cheek bones, her awfdl eves [\.nn\, staring and stonv, her uncle and aunt t't)llowintractedly. "I tliouixht 1 heard a iat>l)eiinir ij^oinLj on before you called nie, M'irf,'aret," said liei* uncle, savajj^ely. " How dare you brin^- disrepute on a virtuous hing. " We don't haibor women of her stamp," said Mar- garet, beside herself with raije at her having tea?- w- w. '^ (/J y. 1.0 I.I '-' IIIIM IIIIM • 132 136 It. IIM IM 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 < 6" ► 0jM: <^ /2 M m j^. 0% •■;> ^^ '.f:^' ^y V /A Photographic Sciences Corporation 4L>^ \ s \ \ s 9> ?b^ '^ <■> \ \^^ ^'^^:. \^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY 14580 (716) $72.4503 >'^ C<'x W. ^ f/j »! m m T 94 msBmsassBBSSa Feiiciyig off Confidence. \V. CHAPTER XIV. FENCING OFF CONFIDENCE. ^HE knowlerlge that, with the morning, her friend would look for a confidence as regarded the intrusion hy a man into the grounds of Hulmnest on the evening previous, unless, indeed, by fencing she could ward off" such confidence, caused Mrs, Gower to pass an almost sleep- less night; and so, with the natural desire to put off the evil dav, she arose later than usual, linuferiui; over bath and toilette. But now in warm morninir robe of a pretty, red woollen nmterial, with ecru lace rufflings, she is worth a second look ; though her thoughts are sad, for under the dark hair on her brow, her eyes wear a wistful expression, and on her sensitive lips is almost a quiver of pain, as she stands at her window, looking mechanically on the familiar scene. 'He always looks up," slie thought, as.a gentleman passed, ami must now either reside in the neighbor- hood, or take it in in his morning outing. How a lonely woman notices any seeming interest taken in herself. 1 have not seen much of him since poor Charlie Cole went away, and strange ; but I miss his face if I don't see him for some days. 1 remember tellinji Charlie of a dream I had of this very man, and liis hde noil', Philip Cobbe. That reminds me again of my promised confidence to Mrs. Dale, it was weak in me to make any such promise — I, who have never had a confidant, even when a girl. I have met some who would have been staunch and true enough, I feel sure, but I never thought heart secrets were alto- gether one's own ; and as to this chatter over men's kind or loving attentions to one, is just about the meanest thing a woman or girl can be guilty of. It is n Fencing off Confidence. 95 sufficient to deter men from beinoj commonly civil. 1 have known women prate any seeing you at the post of duty ; let us forget that we have hearts; let us harden ourselves by look- ing at life teeming with ill everywhere. Let us, from this moment, begin over again, and talk as though the room was full of a gaping crowd ; let us talk of an3'thing but ourselves. Of Chamber- lain and the fisheries; of who will run for mayor; of how tl^at hot pickle, the French calnnet, will be formed ; of whether Bishop Cleary washes he had been tongue-tied before his imagination went without bit or curb on our girls ; anything but ourselves, Cyril, for pity sake." " No, it will not do, dear; we can never be as common acquaintances, though you charm me in any mood," " Very well ; if that be so, you must go. Tho.se song.s, without words, by Mi.ss Crew, with the scent of flowers, have been enough to intoxicate one; but you knoio that since the knowledge came to me of your having a wife, that I have told you, repeatedly, our acquaintance must end unless you always rememljer, in our intercourse, the fact of your being bound to an- ^nai F?' T/ie Tree of Knowledge. 103 other. If yon care to meet Mr. and Mrs. Dale, and a youn*; lady friend, stay to luncheon, if you will not more than look at nte as a friond — for I wdl be rliat." " I cannot face .stninuM'rs now, nnd .shall nro, hut .shall write you froni the west; ani The Tree of Knowledge. 107 Cole " Have you no mutual friend at London," said Dale, kindly, " to whom you could apply, and who niij^ht give you the facts of the case. Perhaps I can assist you. You told me before, Mrs. Gower, that it is to Bayswater suburb, your friend wont ; 1 knew a very prominent physician residing there, to whom 1 shall write, if you wish ; a medical man is very often the very best medium in such cases." " Oh, if you would, Mr. Dale ; it would be a perfect relief to all of us," said Mrs. Gower. " Here is the marriage insertion," said Smyth, read- ing : ' At Broadlawns, Bayswater, London, England, on September 28th, 1887, by the Rev. Claude Parks, Charles Babbington-Cole, Esq., of Toronto, Dominion of Canada, to Margaret, daughter of the late " " What's that ! Miss Crew has fainted, poor girl," cried Mrs. Gower, " and hurt herself, I fear ; there is water in the dining-room." " I'll get it," cried Smyth. Mrs. Dale, returning, said, "I wonder what caused it ; she is delicate, I know, but I never knew her to faint before. My vinaigrette is on my dressing-table ; would you get it, Heniy, like a dear ? " " Thank you, Mr. Dale, she revives." " Then I shall go, Mrs. Gower ; and here, I shall leave the English newspaper with you ; Lil wants you all to come over this evening, then we can talk over some plan — Mr. Dale's is a good one — to elicit informa- tion as to Charlie's position ; Miss Crew is to come, too. Good-bye till evening." "You had better go upstairs and lie down. Miss Crew ; you look very white, and I fear you have hart your head, poor girl," said Mrs. Gower, kindly. " I did give it a knock, but you are all too kind ; if it won't make any difference, I shall lie here for a few minutes." ■I' '■ t;^ W\ n ^ ! mmmm 108 T/ie Tree of Knoivledgc. " Very well, dear ; and a glass of wine will be good for you/' " Oh, she never touches it, Elaine, she is rabid blue ribbon," said Mrs. Dale. " And a very good color to wear, but when one is ill," said Mrs. Gower. " Never mind the wine, Mrs. Gower, my head aches very badly, but all I want is to rest it a little; but shall feel very uncomfortable, though, if I delay your out-going ; do go now." " Yes, I suppose we must." " Garfield, you stay with Miss Crew, darling, while Mrs. Gower dresses, and I put on my wraps." "All O. K., maiinna." After a few moments spent with 'The Pansy,' he comes over to the sofa. " Miss Crew, Miss Crew ; wake up." "I was not sleeping, dear." " But your brows were knit like this ; and you looked so white. What did you faint for ? I wanted you to come with us." " Oh, never mind, don't talk about me ; I want you to give me your catapult." " Yes, I leckon I will, as young Smyth had to give his up ; but I hhoukl like it if I get mad at a man for ill-treating his horse." " But a better plan would be to read the name of the owner on the vehicle, and report him." " Oh, that's to'o slow ; when a fellow gets mad, he wants to let a lead tiy right then," making a move- ment as if he was firing. " Oh, but that is not the best way, my boy ; the wise men of old waited until they were out of their temper." " We don't ; we just go, bang ! but it was pretty good of them, I reckon. What did they say right at first, though ? " " They said, when the evildoer was brought before them, having done them a great wrong, ' By the gods, The Tree of Knoivledge. 109 were I not in wrath with thee, I would have thee slain.' " " Well, I guess that was noble of them ; I reckon my catapult must go," he said, fondling it, '" and here goes," he said, putting it into the fire ; but as I don't want to hear it hissing me, I'll put a finger in each ear." Here Mrs. Gower, with Mr. and Mrs. Dale, entered, robed for the outer world, looking comely and com- fortable. Mrs. Gower in blue, broken plaid skirt, with plain overskirt, and waist of same color, bonnet to suit, tight mantle, with fox boa and muff. Mrs. Dale in plum color, with seal mantle ; both women with the hue of health on cheek and lips, and with bright eyes." " Come, Garfield, \wy son, into your overcoat with the speed of a New York despatch," said his mother. " It seems too bad to leave you. Miss Crew," said Mrs. Gower, sympathetically; "are you sure I can do nothing for you before we start ? " " Quite sure, thank you ; my head aches a little, but I have some Dorcas work here, which will make me fcget I have a head, I hope." " Then you will be rewarded ; axi revoir, dear." " And now for the tree of knowledge," said Mrs. Dale. After visiting the Wellesley and other city schools, the Church School for boys, the Collegiate Institute, Jarvis Street, and the Upper Canada College, they decided to place him at the latter, principally on account of the boarding school; they being, at present, unsettled as to their future plans. "Your city schools are admirable, and were we actua' residents, housekeeping, I should ask nothing better for my boy. Some of your finest public men, I am told, Mrs. Gower, have sat at those desks. " " Yes, so I have always l^eard ; but I think, in Gar- field's caoC, you have acted wisely. A boy coming from school to hotel life, has every incentive not to study." 1 H ■ !;. O p. c w \ ('■«!■ I 110 TAe Tree of Knowledge. " Yes, that's just it. At the U. C. College, the ex- ample will be there in the other boys at their books, and I consider it a great boon to be able to place him under such nianaofement. The masters are talented gentlemen ; and it* a boy does not make something of himself under such guidance, mentally, morally and physically, then he must be made of very poor stuff, indeed." "Garfield, dear," said his mother, "you will have to be as starched as a Swiss laundry, minding your p's and q's, like an Englishman." " Oh, yes, I know ; but they are the stuff, mamma. You see they give a fellow cricket, and drill, as well as book knowledo^e." " Yes, they are wise ; you will study all the better. See that you make a man of yourself w^hile there," said his father." " I shall never forget my goal, papa." " And what is that ? " *' To be President Dale, of the United States of America; and I reckon, when I run, my opponents won't have any dirty stories to rake up about me, for I'm going to begin right now." " But they frequently coin falsehoods. What would you do in that case ?" " Put mamma on their trail ; have 'em up, and make 'em swallow or prove them." " All right, my ten-year-old ; mother will be your right hand man," she said, endearingly. " I expect the lies men have to face in the arena of public life are their worst foes," said Mrs. Gower. " Beecher said, ' If the lies told about public men could be materialized, they would roof in and cover over the whole earth.' " " He spoke feelingly," said Mr. Dale ; Dames Rumor and Grundy, with the newspapers, had him in a tight place." "^nu Tfi. ••i a if- i T/ie Tree of Knowledge. Ill ;Hl " Shall we go on further, Henry, and purchase the mattress, etc., for Garfield ? " " No, I think not, Ella ; I have to meet Dickson, from New York, at the Walker House, at six ; can't you come in the morning, dear ?" " Oh, yes." " Do you dine with your friend, Mr, Dale ? " " Yes ; so we arranged." " Then you come back with me, Ella, and this wee man, of course ? " " Yes, if we don't weary you." " You know better, dear. Oh, Mr. Dale, will you kindly go into Mr. Smyth's office, and say we tind it impossible to go over this evening, but will to-morrow — Hwns cerenionie, if agreeable." " Consider your commission executed, dear Mrs, Gower." I shall drive up for you, Ella, this evening some time ; au revoir" and, lifting his hat, he is gone. After a delightful walk through the busy streets, from the Upper Canada College, by way of King Street West, thence north to Holmnest, they find Miss Crew a little quieter, perhaps, but apparently quite recov- ered froni her recent swoon. Putting aside her Dorcas work, the three ladies sit in the firelight and gloaming, to chat until dinner hour. " I regret you were not with us. Miss Crew ; the schools would have interested you," said Mrs. Dale. " Yes, I am sorry, too ; for ever since our arrival I have heard so much in praise of the city schools, especially." " Their praise is ever in our mouth," said Mrs. Gower; "but my views on the subject are somewhat contra- dictory. Though going with the progress of the age, I don't feel quite sure that this mixing up of the children of the rich and poor is to the ultimate good of either." " Oh, I think it's better, Elaine, to bundle them all in together." ; i Op c-ofcl V^ I!" I "S 1 ill i' .-.? I i. i 112 T/ie Tree of Knowledge. " I don't know, Ella ; the Industrial School system recommends itself very much to me for the poorer classes, among whom, if there is any originality, it will out." After dinner, to which Mr. Cobbe, coming in as it was announced, made one at, Miss Crew, not feeling quite herself, begging to be excused, retired to her room, and Garfield into the arms of morpheus on the lounge; when, during a temporary absence of Mrs. Dale, Mr. Cobbe said, quickly, while laying a hand on either shoulder of his hostess : " What do you have that woman here all the time for ? If she is going to spend the evening, J shall go." " Were I Mrs. Ruggles, of Pickwick fame, I should object to my friend being called a woman," she said, half jokingly ; " as it is, I " At this moment some pebbles were thrown against the window, cracking the glass. Mrs. Dale, now re- turning, said : " What i is it the window fired at ? Thin<;s are com- ing to a pretty pass," she said, with -latent meaning ; " We should have closed the shutters ; don't, Elaine, I shall do it." " I had better go out and frighten away the tramps," said Cobbe, his face Hushing with angry impatience. "Yes, Philip; if you will be so kind." "You are a gentlemanly man, and a good looking one, Mr. Cobbe ; but I don't love you," said Mrs. Dale, emphaticalU', shaking her clenched fist after his retreat- ing form. Mrs. Gower could not but smile at her little friend's vehemence, as she played with the bracelets on her shapely arms, her head bent in thought. " Thomas is a good servant, Elaine ; he has just fastened the hail door on the heels of Monsieur Cobbe ; 8,nd now, ima chere, this is the time and place for confidence," she said, earnestly, while laying her jew- elled fingers on her friend's brown looks. mi ' MMk ^m^ir-yj^. The Oath in the Tower of Torojito University. 113 CHAPTER XVI. THE OATH IX THE TOWER OF TORONTO UNIVERSITY. ^ES, dear, draw over your rocker, he will not return, and since you are willing, I shall pour niy griefs into the lap of yonr mind ; ijisjiir seeking, as you sa}', to lessen the dead weight on my own. "Just about this time last year, not so late tliough, for the trees were lovely in tints of deep orange and crimson, with the brown of the oak. Our beautiful suburbs, with the Queen's Park, looking like hr.g« bouquets in the hand> of Dame Nature ; you know my passion for scenery, Ella. One day — a bright and glori- ous day, it had been — the blue sky, almost out of sight, it was so uplifted ; a day sufficient to raise one's spiiits as by some powerful stimulant, I was returning from town to my modest quarters (not here you know, dear), about four p.m., through the park ; when, Mr. Coltbe overtaking me, suggested our going up into the tower of the Toronto University to enjoy the view. I con- sented, knowing that the slanting beams of the sinking sun would kiss good-night to the tree-tops, lighting them with ad(/ 124 Birds of Prey. ' Yes ; he's out airing ; you befc, they keep me busy,' he answered, with another of his odious winks, saying, ' Here, Missis, j ust step in 'ere while the Squire and me square accounts ; ' this time he winked at me ; and I began to think it a mechanical way he had of winding up a remark." " Nasty beast," said Mary. " I was no sooner in, than the key was turned, and I knew myself a prisoner ; I called, hammered on the door, did every conceivable thing to make a noise ; finally I sat down on the one greasy chair of green rep, and cried as if my heart would break. I thought of you, Silas, and you too, Mary, of poor Mr. Cole; and hope vanished, knowing by whom I had been trapped. Froin time to time I could hear a murmur of voices ; then Mr. Stone's unmusical laugh ; and the unfastening and fastening of the door. Then I gave myself up to despair ; I could make no sign to the outside busy London world, for my small room was only lit from the hall by a curious window, up near the ceiling. A single bed, wash-stand, and tiny look- injj ijlass, hanffinof to the wall, too small and cracked to be of any use ; every article being stale and dirty. Mr. Lang brought me a cup of tea, and some bread and cheese, telling me to make myself at home ; and 'that even though I was in a single gentleman's house, no matter,' with another odious wink ; ' that Mr. Stone had told him I would not be sorry there were no ladies,' etc. ; but to make a long story short, Silas and Mary, the people at Broadlawns imprisoned me to get me out of the way, so I should not speak of this fraud of a marriage." " That's it, my poor Sarah." " Days passed into weeks ; and had it not been for my pocket Bible, the Pickwick papers, and a long strip of muslin embroidery and housewife I had put in my bag, I don't know what would have become of ser wl wil .1 i 'i '! !' Birds of Prey. 125 busy,' lying, i(i lue and I nding d, and on the noise ; green bought '. Cole ; d been lurniur md the I gave to the 3m was ap near .y look- cracked d dirty, e bread ae ; and 's house, hat Mr. re were >rt, Silas 3d me to of this been for a long had put ecome of i me; I tried to keep calm, if only to devise a scheme f)f escape. One day was much the same as another, Mr. Lang trying in many ways to get private informa- tion of Broadlawns, tellinsr me, to raise my wrath, that Mr. Stone had told him I was demented, and nothing I said was reliable ; but I could not triist such a man, so left him no wiser. Every day, for fifteen minutes, I was compelled to go up two flights of stairs to a room with an open skylight, and where I was made, wiliiL.,']y though, to walk up and down ; some- times Lang, sometimes another man, whom I loathed even worse, or the cross-eyed boy, accompanying me as jailer; this they called a pleasure airing. Yester- day, growing desperate, I offered my watch and chain to the cross-eyed boy, to liberate me. He listened, eyeing them greedily, saying to my delight, "' Well, I'll try, Missis ; for I'm a bit tired of airing of you and the three men, and a doing of other chores.' ' Are there three other prisoners beside my- self,' I cried. ' Oh, no, ma'am ; they be just a lodging 'ere on the quiet, loike yf>u be.' * You will free me, then, and gain my watch and chain ; see how pretty it is, and pure gold.' ' Yes, the first chance I gets ; but ye're not lying ; ye'll give it all square ? ' " But to hasten, for I feel tired and weak, though oh ! so much better in mind ; the middle man gave me my airing to-day, to whom I never spoke, though he langhf'd and jeered at me continually. 1 worried my- self by thinking that, perhaps, the boy was only a spy, when this evening, after Mr. Lang had brought mo my tea, and T was again locked in, to my joy, in a few minutes, the key turned, and the boy said, huriiedl}', ' Come alonL^ Missis ; don't wait to take nothing ; master's out, and Bill's run to the gin-palace, telling of me to keep guard.' Even as he spoke, we were down- stairs, the bolt and chain undone, and, thank God, with the free air of heaven about us. ' Give us your mm ■ i i; !, ,; if 1 i 126 Birds of Prey. 'and, Missis, ye're goin' the wrong way ;' and on we sped with Hying feet. ' Good-bye, Missis ; now for the timer. It's a dandy,' he said, pocketing it ; ' there's a 'ansMin ; you'd better take it, you are out of breatli ;' and with a shrill whistle, the man stopped ; when the boy tlew, and I took the hansom ; and here I am home at last, thank God." " What wretches ! " cried Mary. " You leave me no more, Sarah : you are evermore m?/ care ; go to bed now, dear, and rest, for we will go up to London to-morrow, to ask Dr. Annesley's advice. I shall go now to Broadlawns for your trunks ; good night. Oh, how light my heart is now I have found you again, Sarah," he said, tenderly kissing her. " We will be an old couple, Silas, dear," she said, quietly ; " do you know, to-morrow will be our joint birthday ; this is the eve of All Saints." " Yes ; and we shall be married to-morrow, when we are in the city ; age doesn't count ; our hearts are young, Sarah." ^ " Yes, Silas ; I feel so happy I could sing, " ' Now we maun totter doon, John ; But hand in hand we'll go ; And we'll sleep thegither at the foot, John Anderson, my jo. ' " " Our lives have been ever hand in hand, Sarah, for we exchanged hearts long, long ago ; but here is George ; I shall go now with an easy mind, for he will guard you safely; good night." " 1 have only time, to-night, to wish you joy, George, for I require rest," she said, going upstairs. Well, this is good," he .said, rubbing his hands; " '■ ui. good night, sister, that is to be ; my little wife Ik IV has her mouth open to give me your story." Wher; Silas Jones, with the light waggon, drove up the carriage drive to Broadlawn.s, the family were at ■nwc n? Birds of Prey, 127 supper ; so Simon, glad of the chance, got the trunks down and into the waggon, without words ; but as Silas Jones was thanking him for his assistance ; tell- ing him of Sarah Kane's escape, and inquiring for Mr. Cole, Mr. Stone, leaving the dining-room, encoun- tered him, when he said, *' I am taking Sarah Kane's trunks away, Mr. Stone." " And who has authorized you to do anything in the matter? " he inquired, haughtily. " My future wife, Sarah Kane." For once, he was non-plussed ; when Miss Stone, passing through the hall, said, stiffly : " I am sorry I cannot congratulate you, Mr. Jones, on winninjr a Christian woman." " What can it mean," thought Mrs. Cole ; " she is in tight keeping ; safe enough." As a feeler, she says, " You must have the faith of Abraliam to trust her still ; someone said she is living with a bachelor at London." " Mrs. Cole, let me tell you there is such a thing as British justice, which we mean to have, when you shall eat your words in a court of law," he said, indig- nantly turning on his heel, and out into the night. Simon, at his post in the sick room, told the good news of Sarah Kane's escape. Turning suddenly, in his eagerness to face Simon, and hear more, the sufferer groaned in rheumatic pain. " Can you not manage to bring her to see me, when they are all out ; the once you did bring Mr. Jones, he said, when he found Sarah, they would go out to New York or Canada ; I particularly wish to see them. Jove ! the pain ; the liniment, Simon ; rub me, please, and close the door ; if 1 could only escape, like Sarah ; you will do what you can, I beg of you, to bring them to see me ? " • It 4 »«■ , J.ij; ¥ 128 Bin/s of Prey. " I will, sir, if I loses my situation by it." Below stairs the V)irds of prey held council with closed doors. " What the devil did that man Jones mean ly darins:^ to throw threats in our faces, Margaret?" said Stone, with seemin;j^ bravado, thoucfh, in reality, in dismay. " Impudent bluster, perhaps, but I shall put my ears to their proper use," and slipping off her shoes, she crept noiselessly up to the door of the gloomy east chamber, which had been closed so they could talk privately, thus playing into the ear of the enemy. " Well," said her uncle grimly, as she returned. "Well?" she answered, in the same tones, her eagle nose more prominent, her awful eyes more stony than ever. ' She has escaped ! and is even now at the bookseller's." "The devil!'' " You may well say so. Thomas Lang has sold you. Simon does not know particulars, for our friend Cole was earnest in inquiries.' "Is it too late to go into the city now?" he said nervoush'. "Yes, and you are too cowardly to face 'ills you know not off' alone. Let me see; the lower class are awed by pomp and show. We will drive into Wind- sor Terrace in the morning in the carriage and pair. If Lang has sold you, you must buy him, by letting him have the house at his own figure. A*jain, should she have escaped without his connivance, be prepared by selling everything you can. You, -o guardian to my sweet step-sister, have unlimited powers until our pet is of age, which interesting e\ ent, they don't seem to know, has taken place. Rake in all the gold you can, uncle, as the United States looks inviting at pre- sent ; to-morrow will be a busy day. Aunt Elizabeth, so voii might t(ill cook to have breakfast an hour earlier. Good night." "^Tr^r The Islet-Gemmed St. Lawrence. 129 As she left the room, her uncle said '. " She is every inch a Stone, Elizabeth, and not a bit like her chicken-hearted father." " That's true, Timothy, but she ^rows plainer every day, and looks nearly as old as I do." " Yes, she is no Hebe ; but had the blooming god- dess been possessed of her wits, she would have blind- folded Jupiter." CHAPTER XVIII. THE ISLET-GEMMED ST. LAWRENCE. sN a mornini]f late in December Mrs. Gower sat alone in her pretty re.stiul library, with its olive-green velvet cushions and hangings, its water-lilies, like the beauties in our bay, with their green stalks and leaves painted on the panelled walls, its English ivy trained up and around the Queen Anne mantel, with graceful palms standing on either side of the floral blossoms on the stand. The occupant looks well in a close-titting gown of navy blue flannel, embroidered in rose silk ; there is a half- smile on the lips, and the dreaminess of some tender thought in the dark eyes, as she idly opens and closes a black lace fan, with a spray of honeysuckle painted thereon. A gentleman's card lay beside her work-bas- ket on the table. " So Alexander Blair is his name," she thought ; "how very, ver}'" long," with a sigh, "it has taken to come to me — his name, of course, I mean." She thought, with a smile, putting the card to her lips, "how foolish of me, but I have always had that way. I remember travelling to Port Elgin, from Toronto, and on my arrival, my trunk, containing my dearest treasures, was not forthcoming. I was wild with grief, \ i '-Am, :i: 130 Tlu Islet- Gemmed St. Lawrence, when, after enriching the telegraph offices, at the ex- pense of my purse, in three days it was again in my possession ; and what did I do, why kissed and fon- dled both trunk and key. Elaine Gower, you are a foolish, impressionable woman. And so I dropped my fan at the Grand, last night. His card says, ' With compliments, dropped at the theatre.' He scarcely seemed a stranger seated beside me at ' Erminie,' and I feel sure he felt likewise. How handsome he is, or rather how essentially manly, with the look of strength in his broad shoulders, and of honesty of purpose in his fearless, blue eyes. He is iron-grey, and slightly bald, I noticed, when he stooped to pick up my hand- kerchief, but his beard and moustache are brown. He is decidedly dark ; I wonder if Highland Scotch ; for dark, and true, and tender are the North. His name suits him. I like them both for old association's sake, one being the maiden name of one whose memory is sacred, the other, the Christian name of my loved dead. I wonder what poor Charlie Cole would think of my having made his acquaintance" in this romantic fashion. I remember, he also had had instantaneous photographs, as we laughingly called them, of a young lady who had interested him."' At this moment Miss Crew, entering, in walking costume, said : " I met the letter-carrier as I came in, Mrs. Gower, and here is yowx share." " Thank you. You look better for your walk ; but did you walk ?" " Only from the Spadina Avenue car terminus, but I had some little walking in my district, but the Col- lege Street Mission is worth fatiguing oneself for. Oh, Mrs. Gower, have you heard how Mayor Howland pur- poses raising building funds for the cottage in connec- tion with the Industrial Home at Mimico ?" HHSHBH "=-n T The Islct-Gemmcd St. Lmvrence. 131 " Yes, I read it in some newspaper, the Glohe of yes- terday, I think." " Won't it be something to be proud of, if the chil- dren carry it out." "Yes, and I believe they will; children are very much in earnest, when the heart is touched ; and now for our correspondence ; take off your hat and mantle here by the grate, though Gurney's furnace does keep us very coihfortable all over the house." " Pardon my interrupting you, Mrs. Gower ; but I am reading a letter from Mrs. Dale, in which she says, to be sure and remind you to write her somr descrip- tion of your yachting on the St. Lawrence ; those English friends of theirs would so much like to get some idea of the lite, as they purpose purchasing an island." "Yes, I must do so; but I fear any poor words of mine, will fail in doing justice to its many delights;" and on finishing reading her letters, seating herself at her escretoire, she wrote as follows : " The Islet-Gemmed St. Lawrence. "Dear Mr. and Mrs. Dai.e, — It has never been my lot to read anything descriptive of river-life, on our loveliest of streams, that I have considered did justice to its varied charms ; so you may imagine how powerless I feel, in the task you have assigned me ; but when 1 tell you that that martyr to ennui, Jack Halton, this summer owned to myself that he had, at last, found something worth living for, you will there- fore not be surprised that I, loving nature as [ do, should have gone into raptures. " In the first place, our steam-yacht, the Ino, was the trimmest little craft, the daintiest little beauty on the river ; and we had the perfection of host and hostess, each in their respective niche, leaving nothing to be desired. I told them they must have had ' Aladdin's 'Si z\:Z if.'. is- • rnr". 31 •"=-5 p 132 The Islet-Gemmed St. Laiurence. A.. lainp' stowod awny soniPwhore; for we had but to clfip our liancls, and our will was done. " Day after daj', never tirint^, ever with lenewed zest we l)oarded the hio, to dream away the houi.s in the most ravishing bits of scenery my eyes ever be- held. With hampers full of dainties and substantial, we wanderetl in and about the islands ; sometimes meetin^r other idlers like ourselves, and pic-nicking at some chosen spot; sometimes the guests at one or other of our ac(iuaintances having summer homes in this our Canadian fairyland. Truly, if all the year were June, the world in woods would roam ; for our gay little Ino was a spirit of the waters, and though we had no spiritualists on board, still we had table rappings on some good story by our witty host ; neither were we so spiritual as to despise the material, which we proved as we sat to dinner ; and such dinners, Ambrosia ! Yea, and for our goddesses ; though with sunburnt faces we women did not much resemble the latter, our men looking handsomer the browner they grew ; but as for dinner, we had from dishes to tickle the palate of our club epicures to — hodge-podge, which we relished. " Yes, from morn till eve, and often late, late, in the white moonlight, we lived an ideal life on our pet yacht, the Ino. "One will sometimes say, in meteing out great praise to some favored spot, that one would liv and die there ; but here, who talks of dying ? One would fain live forever ; for, every moment one lives^ one breathes a new life ; for on the luxuriously appoii»ted Ino, we gazed out from curtained windows, or from under a cnnopied aich, while we reclined on softest of cushioned seats, and literally drank in the ' Elixir of Life.' The air of the pine groves as we passed, the air of the grandly dark and dashing river, full of ozone, is the air to inflate one's lungs with, and carry back Tlw Islet-Gemmed St, Laivrenre. l:{;j with one to our crowded cities, winch .seemed so far away in that land of beauty. "Some delisfhtful eveninu^s, we would tread a mea- sure on the ((reen sward, to music of tlute and violin ; for, had one or more of our j^ioup not heeri irinite musicians, the scene was enough to inspire one, and so, in songs, merry laughter or sentiment, our days passed as a dream. " For we stem the shining river, The river of tlic isles. On our fairy yacht, the Inn, With our love beside our side. For I there met a sorcerer, who robbed me of my heart, and whose spells I could not break Uiitil 1 tied from this scene of enchantment. And agfain we board our trim yacht, and what varied scenes of beauty met the eye, whenever and wherever we gazed. Such lights, such shadows, such artist bits, such tree<, such rocks, such everything ! Surely we were in fairylantl, and not in plain, practical Canada. " On some of the islands are ideal summer homes ; now we came upon a fairy-like structure, in Italian villa style ; now, upon a palatial mansion ; now, upon a camp all alive, and signalling Ino the fair. " The only specks in my sun were, that the American islands were made more beautiful bv their owners than our own ; and that uneuphonious names had been given to some of these charming islets. Fancy one * Pitch Pine Point ' — I failed to see the point of chris- tening it so. "The rocks take most fantastic shapes intheshadowed moonlight. By and under the rock-bound shore, I used to fancy I saw nymphs dancing on the rippling waters, which was to them music; and, dreaming on, as we lazily stemmed the tide, it all came to me, that in days of yore, the youths from the shore, coming to row and • \ \ 1. 1 I i 1 ' 1 a! -an. *. 1.S4 Tlie hlet-Getmned St. Lawrence. sport in Uie waves at eve, saw the water-sprites, and fell in love ; when the sea-^ods, for revenge, fell upon them, transforming them into some of the most fantas- tic-shaped rocks we see ; and, the sea-nymphs, pitying the sons of men for their fatal love, prayed the gods to transform themselves into trees, to grow into the clefts of tiie rocks ; and so protect their would-be lovers from old Sol's tiery beams, and their wish was granted. " But wo invariably turned ere a bend in the river robbed it from our sight, to take a last loving glance at the beauteous Isle Manhattan, where we had been most hospitably entertained by its charming American inmates. It is beautifully wooded, and an elegant mansion thereon, with one of the most hospitable of verandas, stretching long and wide, with many American rockers and pillowed rattan sofas, on which we have reclined or sat while partaking of iced claret and, for those who liked it, champagne carte blanche, and where we had one of the most perfect views from the commandinjj tower of the villa. "A view that wants a Lett, an Imrie, or an Awde to sing of, a Longfellow to immortalize — my pen is lifeless in describing its beauty ; a beauty that would ravish the soul of a poet, and send an artist wild; a view which brought to my mind the remark of a dear old Scotch- man, whom a party of tourists came upon, lost in ad- miration of the Falls of Niagara.. On one of the party asking him what he thor.ght of the Falls, he said, ' Eh, man, I just feel like takin' afFmy bonnet til't.' " In the far-stretching scene of loveliness here, in the heart of the Islands, one should go Co the Tower, at Manhattan alone, leavjng the merry, madding crowd on board the yacht, or on the veranda ; one should go alone, or in dual solitude, where a clasp of the hand, or a look, is sympathy enough ; for one should carry with one one's fill of such a scene of perfect beauty, to brighten darker days and drearier times." Eye-Openers. 1H5 CHAPTER XIX. EYE-OPENERS. JN the morning, of All Saints' Day, and while numerous bells, in tuneful voices, reminded London of souls departed, and souls to be saved, Silas Jones and his twin spirit, Sarah Kane, having arrayed themselves in best bib and tucker, had taken the underground rail from Bayswater, and with the multitude were trying not to lose one another in the London fog — a regular pea- souper, in which the coat-pocket of Silas had been picked of pipe, tobacco and handkerchief. " Mercy me, Silas, look well that they don't steal the license." " You are right, Sarah; which the thieves would not ask for leave or license to take ; 'tis a big world our London ; and it's my belief the thieves' quarter is the biggest half." " We should have made sure of the license, Silas, by being married at fivst." " That we should, dear ; but you have always let a fancied duty come between us. And now for Picca- dilly and Dr. Annesley, in this fog," " Hello, Missis ; a feller can't see in this 'ere yeller fog; 'ere, get into my barrow; it's clean, and I'll run yer through," said a boy's voice, rurning against them; and which Sarah Kane recognized as that of her liberator, the cross-eyed bov. His offer was hurriedly declined by Silas, who dread- ed Sarah taking her hand from his arm. On ascer- taining from the boy that he had hired to peddle fruit for a huckster and that he had pawned the watch and chain they offeied to redeem them, and give him a sovereign and-a-half for them ; which offer he joy- - , J ■ ii M \ :■: .:i C/5 15.1 •••— " Ha' rnr" 1 HUH' <• iP ' ■ '! 13G Eye- Openers. fully accepted ; they also, giving him tlieir address, told hiiii, it' at any time he wanted advice or assist- ance, to come. A policeman now directed them to tlie residence of Dr. Annesley — a genial, kindly old gentleman, who was at home, and pleased to see them. On their relating tlie doings at Broadlawns, he was both astonished and indignarit, disgusted and outrageous. "As to any sharp tricks in money matters, I am not surprised," he said, impatiently ; " but that they should have dared to perpetrate such an outrage as the mar- riage of Mr. C. Babbingtoti-Gole, to that intensely dis- agreeable, ugly, cruel, Miss Villiers, is monstrous, monstrous ! " " You may well say so, sir," said Sarah Kane, sadly. " How is it you had no suspicions, Mistress Kane, and you under the same roof ? " " I onlj'' overheard a word now and again, as to a marriage ; but 1 never suspected this horror ; I sup- posed it meant Miss Pearl, and that they were going to bring her back, when of age." " Nothing can be done for Babbington-Cole ; he is tied for life ; but how he could ever have fallen into their net. is more than I can imagine," he said, in dis- gusted tones. " You know, I told you they took him by surprise, sir ; and his father lay ill ; and cablegrams came telling him to wed Margaret Villiers, and hasten with her to his bedside ; and he was just demented-like, between it all, and brain fever coming on." " Well, well, it is a bail, very bad business. I confess to the having been so disgusted, on Villiers making Stone guardian to Miss Pearl, until she attained her majority, that I, metaphorically speaking, washed my hands of the whole affair ; especially on Miss Pearl her- self telling Brookes & Davidson, her mother's law- yers, that she agreed to it; this she said, on their rprise, came with 1-Uke, their Eye-Openers. 137 tellinof her that, as her father had had softeninfj of the brain at the time, nothing he said was worth con- sidering." " Depend upon it, doctor, Mr. Stone liad use'd coercion to induce Miss Pearl to agree," said Silas Jones. " Yes, I see, he must have," he answered, thought- fully. "And you don't know anything of poor Miss Pearl's whereabouts, do you, sir?" asked Sarah Kane, anxiously. " Yes, I can give you a clue, for I love her for her own and her mother's sake ; and as time went on, and I heard or saw nothing of her, I wrote T. L. Brookes, the sei'ior p.- itner, fot I have had nothing to do with the hypocrites at Broadlawns, since Villiers' death ; and he sent me an address at New York. Here it is, ' Mrs. Kent, The Maples, Murray Hill ; ' but, it is only a clue, for I have written, and have not, as yet, received a reply." " Oh, please copy it for me, sir, for Silas and I are going to be married, and go out and find her. I promised her mother to look after her ; and I have not heard from Miss Pearl ; but she has written, for she said she would ; but they have read and destroyed them, the same as they did to some t'iiat came for Mr. Cole just before and after h'^ arrived," " Horrible ! h( »rri ble ! How is he now ; you just come from there, I presviine I " On Sarah Kane relaihig her late enforced retire- ment under Tom Lang's roof, and her escape therefrom, he opened his eyes in astonishment, saying, indignantly: " The rascal ! and you know nothing of the locality? " " Nothing wdiatever, sir." " Even if she did, Dr. Annesley, Stone would coin some plausible ^a.son for placing her there." " Yes, yes, J >>v^,s : he is as cunning as the arch-fiend ; people would beluvc hun, too, as he is a good church- man. 10 r-n fi! 'i Si- , c::r: t- m ' '1 '"?! 138 Eye-Openers. " But, you know, Silas ; he has his falsehood ready. Sir, he told my jailer that I was demented, and — worse." " Ah, his plots have no flaw ; poor creature, after the kindness and respect Mrs. Villiers showed you, and which yon deserved ; too bad, too bad." " The poison of their lying tongues has already done Sarah harm in Bayswater, Doctor. People pass her without a nod ; they at Broadlavvns say they found her in the bedroom of a gei deman guest at midnight, and that she stole out of i ' ouse at three in the morning to meet another." " Shocking ! you can have them up for defamation," he said, sternly. " But, sir, I must tell you, it was to poor Mr. Cole's bedroom I went, and he with brain-fever coming on, to do what I could to comfort the unfortunate gentle- man ; and it was to Silas and his sister I went at night to tell them of the awful marriage ; that I was turned out, and going to Mrs. Mansfield's, which I was foolish enough to believe," she said, with tears. " Well, well. Mistress Kane, there, there, don't recall it ; go oft' to a clergyman's and marry this good man ; and here are five pounds to buy some trifle in Cheap- side, to remember the day by. And now, let me see, there was something I wished to see Jones about," he said, kindly, rubbing his forehead. "Yes, I have it; did they give you all the wearing apparel of the late Mrs. Villiers, Mistress Kane ? " " Oh, no, sir ! I would not expect such beautiful things. I thought Miss Pearl should have them, when- ever I see Miss Stone wearing the lovely furs and satins." " Did you ever receive five hundred pounds sterling, Mistress Kane, left you, by the will of the late- Mrs. Villiers ? " he asked, slowly, and with emphasis. " Sir, you take my breath away. Silas, tell him, no, ( ,■ a« li. ^■ m 1 Eye- Openers. 130 sir. I ! 1 1 receive such a sum. No, nor one penny since Mrs. Villiers' rleath ; but that, I cannot claim, for I have staid on willingly, to watch dear Miss Pearl's interests, and this is the end. Come Silas, let us go now to the parson ; it will be our first step out of Old England, to find Mi;5s Pearl," she said, nervously, her tears flowing apace, partly with the troubled excite- ment of the words of Dr. Annesley, partly at the hav- ing, at last, a clue to the whereabouts of Pearl Villiers. Not so, Silas, who loved her to* well to allow the words of Dr. Annesley to pass unnoticed. " Do you really mean that the late Mrs. Villiers left Sarah a legacy, Doctor ? " he said, in some excitement. " I do ; and infer from your united words that that rascal has pocketed it ; I must see to it," and going to the telephone, ringing up Brookes h Davidson, ascer- taining that they were both at their offices, said : " Hello ! Have been interviewed re Villiers' estate, am now sending the persons to you ; they are quite reliable ; shall see you to-morrow." " All right, send them on." " This is all I can do for you at present," he said ; " and I advise you to make oath as to your not having received the legacy ; it will save time. " 1 am selfish enouorh to be glad you are going out to New York; something tells me you will trace Miss Pearl ; and I can a-suic you both, you have my fullest sympathy in your dealings with Stone ; I can scarcely restrain myself from taking the law into my own hands, going out, and charging them with their villainy." " Thank God for your friendship. Doctor," said Silas Jones fervently, as he smoothed Sarah's bonnet-strings, and gave her her satchel. " Good-by3, sir, and heaven bless you for your kind- nesses," said Sarah Kane, with feeling. " 0, pshaw ; my only regret is that you have only »"n tt' r.ao. 1. m 1 r- . \v f-i 140 Eye-Openers. found me out to say farewell ; but you must both come back, and bring Mi.ss Pearl, to see an old man." On reaching the offices of the law-Hrm, Sarah Kane made oath as to the not having received either money or wearing apparel. W. Davidson, Q, C, saying : " My eyes are being opened every day by the reve- lations of my clients ; but what you say confirms my suspicion, that the schemes of some certain people are such cunningly devised fables, as t > make it next to impossible for all the law courts in the kingdom to convict them." On leaving Temple Bar, they dined comfortably at a restaurant, talking faster than they ate. Afterwards, by the words of a clergyn an, t^ey were at last made one, at which, with hearts full of thankfulness and quiet content, they took a Bayswater omnibus. Again in the little back parlor, where Mary had a table groaning under its good things, with a bright fire to welcome them, to which they had scarcely done justice, and beginning to relate their adventures in the city, when Simon, the man from Broadlawns, entered, -aying, hurriedly : " I gave my word to the young gent up to the house that I'd fetch you folks up to see him when they, over there, were out ; so, come along, please, if you be in a mind to give the poor genth'iiian his way." " Yes, indeed, we will, Simon," said Sarah Kane, readily tying on her bonnet. " Come, Silas, dear." He rose, somewhat reluctantly, for the neat little parlor is doubly home to him now, with the sweet, gen- tle fa^je of Sanih lookinu* -tt him with the lovinj; eyes of a wife. " But are you sure, Simon, that they are all out, and for the evenirig, for 1 cannot answer for myself if I come across them ?" " Sure as the Bank of England, Mr. Jones, they be u II t Eye-Openers. 141 and if I at the parson's. He's a showinor of them off to a big missionary from foreign parts as liis best angels." " The Rev. Mr. Parks is so good," said Sarah, " thas I always regret that his eyes are closed to the color of his angels." " The trouble be, Mistress Kane, that they blindfold more nor parson," said Simon, as tliey hurriedly made their exit. " Mistress Kane no longer, Simon, for I am glad to tell you we were married in the city to-day," " Lawk-a-day ! you don't tell me ; but I am mighty glad to hear it. You will hnve a man of your own now, to take your name out of the gossips' mouth." On arriving at Broadlawns, they went at once to the gloomy east chamber, when Sarah could scarcely re- press an exclamation of intense pity at the c lange for the worse in the appearance of the long-sufrering inmate. He was wasted to a shadow, and his brown locks had been sViaved during brain fever, his kindly blue eyes looked black in the transparent paleness of his face, as did his whiskers and moustache, but in which many grey hairs had come. Holding out a thin, white hand, he welcomed Sarah warmly, saying : " Oh, it in good to see your face again. I expect I look like a galvanized corpse, Sarah. What with the horror of my forced union with Medusa (a pet name I have for Mrs. Cole), and then brain fever, which, I don't wonder, caught me, and which, having that woman about me, aggravated. You banished, and ma- ligned, at which I stuffed the bedclothes into my ears, and now my old enemy, inflammatory rheumatism, I have had a pretty tough time of it." " Yes, indeed, you have, poor fellow," said Sarah, restraining her tears, and scarcelv able to look at the wreck before her ; " but you are on the mend now, and we must trust in God to bring you around soon. ^1 ..': -i*' ^•\ ...ic* -' — 1, 1; rTn "'.sa trr; t-' ."^ !^' •<:. rr\ f-'^ r^ 1 ? tl, 142 Eye- Openers. It has been a heartbreak to me, Mr. Cole, that I was not allowed to nurse you." " Only another piece of their cruelty, Sarah. But tell me about yourself. Where did that old sinner in- carcerate you ? tell me everything," he said, with feeble eagerness, for sometimes the pain was intense, causing him to set his teeth, or catch his breath. But Silas Jones, seeing how nnich she was affected, and wishing to give her time to recover, himself gave the sick man a vivid picture of her imprisonment and release. " Jove ! what a wretch — I mean Stone ; for the man Lang was simply his tool. Gad ! I shall exercise a treble amount of will-power to get well, and out of their clutches, and back to dear old Toronto. * Out of every evil comes some good,' they say ; though, in my case, not much ; in Sarah's, yes, for you have given me a tonic, Jones. From this moment I am determined to recover." " That's right ; be brave, sir, and you'll pull through right smart," said Silas Jones; for Sarah is swallowing a lump in her throat." "Yes, bear up, Mr. Cole," she said, trying to smile, as she seated herself on the bedside, taking his poor, worn hands into her own, warm with vitality. " But Silas has not given you a bit of good news — that the happiest part of our lives is to come, for from to-day, we pass them together !" " Yes,"said Silas, coming beside her, laying his hands on her shoulders ; " yes, I have nothing more to wish for, with Sarah beside me. I cannot remember the time, sir, that I did not want Sarah." Two tears rolled down the sick man's cheeks, as he thought of his own wretched fate ; but, by a visible effort, controlling self, he said, simply : " I am glad you are together, and happy. Yours is a blessed union. God help me to health and strength, ■-■-f Eye-Openers. un that I can free myself of her presence," he cried im- ploringly. " Sarah, I have a fancy — it may be a dying one, heaven knows — it is to see a likeness of Pearl Villiers, the girl T was, by right, to have married." " Here she is, poor dear," she said with alacrity, un- fastening a locket suspended to her chain. " How strange ! how like her ! only older, and more careworn. Sarah, I have seen a face like this three or four times on the other side of the water ; the face, too, strange to say, haunted me ; a nice, good face, rather than pretty ; but if the careworn, troubled look was gone it would have been pretty. Yes, the same features ; small, pale, and regular." "And with fair hair and slight figure ?" cried Sarah, clasping her hands. " Yes," but with the restlessness of the invalid he changed the subject, saying : " You and your husband are going to America, you say. I am going, too ; wlien I get well. You might meet me tliere, if you can't wait for me," he said, wearily; " and, yes, there is something else I must hasten to say before those people return. I have received no letters since my arrival, only a few newspapers ; here they are. I love them because they come from dear Toronto," he said, in nervous haste, taking from be- neath his pillow a copy of the Mail, two of Gvli), with a Globe. "Letters were here to meet you, sir V " Then the sneaks have read and kept them," he cried, angrily. " Perhaps I should not have told you, sir ; but I don't like you to think your friends have forgotten you." " You do me no harm, Sarah, by your eye-openers. Wrath is a good tonic ; tell me ir you know what post- mark was on them." " Here are some envelopes I picked up from the grate the morning they sent me av/ay." M Ml if if "IP* "ao. 2. b:^ Hi' .1 II '■■if III ■^ ■■;■■ ^ yiilLii, 144 Eye-Openers " Yes, they said their letters would be here to meet me. This is quite plain, from Will Smith ; this I can scarcely decipher ; but it's — yes, it's Mrs. Gower's writ- ing ; and this from a namesake of yours, Mr. Jones. Ah, it's good to see even these scraps. I could preach sermons on the wickedness of my jailers," he said, weakly, " but now, at once, before they come back, take my address here, on " "How dare you enter my roof ! it is more than flesh and blood can stand," said Mrs.Cole, entering stealthily, her face in a flame with rage — a virago, from the crown of her head to the sole of her foot, and arrayed, with her usual contempt for harmonious coloring, in pea- green satin, jet trimmings, with crimson bows. " Calm yourself, Mrs. Cole ; we are in the presence of a sick man," said Silas, with intense pity for the in- valid, and endeavoring to curb his own tongue. " Don't dare to address me, but get out of my house immediately ; there, follow your bonnet, Sarah Kane," she said, furiously, pitching her bonnet and'satchel into the hall, on which some change rolling therefrom, she was the richer by a half a sovereign, which, stealthily picking up, with an inward chuckle, she slipped into her boot. " What's all the racket about upstairs ? Wait a few moments, Lang," said Stone, who, on returning, ascer- tained he had been waiting for him in the kitchen for a full hour, they having missed each other in the morn- ing. Sarah Jones, in nervous haste to be gone, picked up her bonnet and satchel, taking the hand of Mr. Cole in good night. " Remember ! and here is my, address," he whispered nervoii.:ly. But the woman he has married is too sharp for them ; for, on Sarah turning from the bedside, she snatched the paper, tearing it into fragments. ►r--' " Your Rcu Were Like a Spc/iy 145 " Gi>od night, Mr. Cole. I am truly sorry for you ; you are too good for the inmates of this house." " Again you dare to trespass," said Stone, meeting them on the stairs, turning and follovvinir them down. "I warned you before that I should make you pay for this. I am master here, and I tell you I shall kick you out if you ever show your ugly faces here again," he said, choking with passion. " Good evening, Mistress Kane,"vvinked Lang, as they passed him. " it was not square of you to skip off from me without paying your board. I'm dead broke, so you or your follower better pay up now ; it's only five sovereigns, and save law expenses." " You are unwise, Mr. Lang, to add insult to injury," she said, quietly, as she went out into a serener night, "Provide yourselves with pla.ster.s, and we shall pro- vide ourselves with copper toes, the next time you tres- pass," shouted Mrs. Cole, over the banisters. " We shall only trouble you once more," said Silas Jones, curbing himself, " when Mrs. Jones will give you her signature in exchange for live hundred pounds, with interest on same, left her by the will of the late Mrs. Villiers." CHAPTER XX. "YOUR EEN WERE LIKE A SPELL." ^HE silver chimes of the mantel clock rang four p.m., as Mrs. Gower descended from lier sew- ing-room on the last day of the old year. She looked well in a gown of soft, .<:^rey silk, hanging in full, straight folds, ur elieved by ornament, save a few sprays of sweet heliotrope at her collar-fastening. She stood at the library door, unseen by Miss Crew ? Pi ^^ Viifi ^ if 156 " Your Ecn Were Like a Spell." " We hear he is insanely jealous of her." " Rumor, as you know, dear Mrs. Gower, says more than her prayers. He tells me he is not jealous ; for he does not believe any man would be silly enouofh to give him cause; but that by he or his son (^oing about with her, her quest for admiration is held in check." " Oh, I see ; that is the reason they attend lier so closely ; what a pity we are so foolish as to throw away life happiness, and the passing of our time in rest and quietness for the evanescent soap bubbles of a pa;3sing hour ; but it is growing late ; come and see my palms in my pet room, the library, before you go." " Thank yon ; " the mere words were naught, but he looked so quietly happy, as he drew the hangings for their exit, that the color came to her cheeks as she remembered her oath, to as quickly fade on the clock striking ten, and the hall bell ringing simultaneously, as a man outside stamped the snow off his boots, im- patiently saying, hurriedly, the startled look again in her face : " Ten o'clock ; I fear I must postpone your visit to the library.' " Is there any trouble I can shield you from ? if so, you have only to command me," he said, quickly, taking her hand in good night. " No, no, not now," she said, with a troubled look. " Think, and tell me on New Year's Day," he said, buttonino- his overcoat. " I shook her off, Elaine," he said, impulsively, not seeing Mr. Blair, who was rather back of the door. *' Oh, I beg pardon," he continued, sulkily. "I thought you were alone, and watching for my return." " It is so late," she said, as Mr Blair made his exit. " Nonsense, who was the man ; I don't think it's right of you to have gentleman visitors," he said, in aggrieved tones. " Now, Philip, does not that sound rather absurd ? I o ■*••«■ « f^^ " Vo?ir Een Were Like a Spell! 157 and, as I have before told you, I wish you would not come here at such a late hour ; I don't like it," she said, gravely, as they went into the dining-room, where the usual little supper stood on a tray. " But we are engaged, it's you who are absurd," he said, pettishly ; " but don't let us bother about it, my frosty walk has been quite an appetizer. Did you find it long, pet, while I was away ? but I forget, you had that man here. A ring ! bother." " It is Miss Crew, who is, you know, visiting me. Excuse me a moment, I hear Captain Treraaine's voice." " Hang all her visitors," he muttered. " T am glad to see you back, dear ; come into the dining-room, both of you." " Thanks, I believe if you only had potato and point, you would ofi'er some one the potato." " If so, they should thank you ; for, from admiration of your hospitality, to imitation, was but one step." " Blarney, blarney, you might only say that to the Chinese. These oysters are very tine, nothing like eating them off' the shell." " Just my taste ; these were sent me by a friend." ' " I never saw a man look more at home, than you, Cobbe; if all bachelors looked as contentedly jolly, we would not pity you so." " No pity for me, Tremaine, thanks. I have given many of you cause for envy." "He is not at all vain, Captain Tremaine," said Mrs. Gower, amusedly. " Not for him," said Tremaine, jokingly. " What is to be our color for 1888?" " Orange or blue, Mrs. Gower ; half the men I have met to-day say one, half the other ; opinions are divided." " Had the other man been a green Reformer, though, I would have bet on him," said Mr. Cobbe, buttoning on his overcoat. : ft V, : .( ■*;■ •III fc ■'■"•a I m 158 A Happy Nnv Year. "There is something in that," she said; "for some would say he would have the Ontario Government at his back." " So he would, and good backers they would be, too. Good night, Elaine; shall I see you at St. John's Church, to-morrow ? " he said, in an undertone. " Don't ask me, after my last experience ; I am going all the way to Holy Trinity Church, with Miss Crew ; but >3hall be at home Monday, excepting while at the polls." " All right, an revoir." On his exit, Tremaine said, laughingly, " Good night. If the candidates were as sure of their election as our friend Cobbe is of his, they would sleep till Tuesday without a narcotic or a charm from the irood fairies." CHAPTER XXL A HAPPY NEW YEArC. HAPPY New Year! A Happy New Year ! " is on every tongue, and how exhilarating is the cry uttered by thousands. From the weakly voice of our aged loved ones, to the bird-like notes of the wee children, mingling with the merry sleigh-bells, do our politicians take up the refrain; and our manly men, and ambitious women, sing out in various chords, as they swarm to the polls, "A Happy New Year ! A Happy New Year ! " And Old Boreas takes up the refrain, and blows till his cheeks crack, down Yonge street, from his northern realm. Yea, forty miles distant, does he send his cold breath. A Happy New Year ! A Happy New Year. And our young men and maidens, our girls and our A Happy New Year. 159 boys, lauf]fh till the air ri'r^s. Hurrah for the north wind, we'll go to the Granite and have a j[^ood skate. And one gathers from the merry medley that our King Coal, and the Sentinel, are this year's favorites; but those who have put money up, and those who have not, must even wait with bated breath till midnight, or till dawn ; and in dreamland, see their pet schemes forwarded, their own man in the Mayor's chair. It was a busy da}'^ at Holmnest, a bee-hive with no drones, by eleven a.m. Mrs. Gower has polled her vote ; afterwards, with Miss Crew, drove through snow- mantled Rosedale, down villa-lined Jarvis street, through those stores of wealth, Yonge and King streets, along the margin of the silver lake, ere turning the horses' heads to the north-west and Holmnest; visiting, also, some of the poorer streets, in which quarters Miss Crew has found God's poor, many cases having touched her heart, she now leaves little parcels of good things to gladden these homes. " You will become bankrupt, Miss Crew," said Mrs. Gower, as they are driven home. " I am almost so, now ; and if it will not bother you, I should like to tell you of a plan I have in view." " Bother me ? I should say not. You should know I take too much interest in you for tliat." " Thank you ; some connections, until recently, have remitted to me a sum amply sufficient for my needs ; I know not why," she said, in troubled tones, " they have discon- tinued it ; but they have, and it remains for me to face the difficulty, now that Garfield has outgrown my tuition, I cannot remain dependent on the Dale's kind- ness; and of Mr, D- ^e's generous, good treatment of me, a stranger, 1 cannt t say too much ; but I must exert myself to get r^ new situation," she said, nervously. " And will you, dear Mrs. Gower, do what you can in advising me ; I have been looking in the newspapers, but have seen nothing suitable." 91 1 1 'Z. 1^ I 1; 100 A Happy Neiv Year. " Excuse me, Miss Crew, " but are you entitled by law to receive this remittance you speak of ? if so, you should not quietly relinquish it, but should consult a lawyer. We, at Toronto, are blessed with several honest, as well as clever, law firms. I will accompany you readily, or do anything I can for you." " You are very kind, buo 1 shrink from lawyers, they ask so many questions," she said, timidly. " You must not mind that, dear ; if you were ill, what would you do, send for a medical man ? and the more questions he asked, the better he would under- stand your case." " I wish I was braver ; but I am only a girl, and have had much trouble, which has made me very nervous and timid." For one so extremely reticent, this was quite a con- fidence. " Yes, it would have that efiect on one of your tem- perament ; but witli me, my troubles have made me more self-reliant ; finding few to tru«t, I have leaned on myself." " Yes, you seem to me very brave ; but don't you think I should advertise for a situation at once V " No, decidedly not. You should ask Mr. Dale to ad- vise, and I shall be very pleased to have you with me all winter." " How very kind you are, Mrs. Gower," and the tears came to her eyes, •' but I should be more satis- fied, adding to my purse." " Very w^ell, dear ; I commend your decision, but re- member the bed-room you occupy is Miss Crew's own, and your little home-nest will be ever ready for you ; but do not forget my advice, which is to confide in Mr. Dale, fully and entirely ; he can, and will, give you the very best advice." " Oh, I don't see how I can. If you only knew ; but I a, A Happy New Year. 161 how selfish I ain, .spoilinc^ your drive, and on New Year's Day, too." Here a small sleigh, in which were seated a comfort- able-looking couple ; the man a mass of grey tints — complexion, hair, whiskers, over-coat, and fur cap — looking like a man who had led a sedentary life ; the woman, fresh of color, partly bent by the breath of old Boreas, both looking (piietly happy, but so intent on turning their heads, as if on a pivot, first on this side, now on tluit, as they drove down handsome Saint George street, as to be oblivious of the ap- proach of the sleigh in which were seated Mrs. Gower and ]\liss Crew. " Look out, there," shouted the driver. At this, the man,, giving his whole attention to his horse, turned him out of the way just in time to save a collision ; the woman, as they passed, looking at the occupants. She gave a great cry to stop them, but the driver had given his horses the whip, and on they dashed. Miss Crew had leaned forward, pale as death, her lips blue and parted, she tried to f lame the word, " Stop," but failed. Mrs. Gower, in sympathy, defining her meaning, cried : " Stop, driver, please." On his doing so : " Is the sleigh we just passed out of sight ?" " No, ma'am ; the gentleman has turned, and is a fol- lowing of us. Would you, ladies, like a New Year's race ? if so, I'm your man," he said, grinning. ^^)nt Miss Crew, white as the snow^ and looking whiter by contrast with the pretty red hat, has leaped out 0+' the cutter. " i^^y dog-skin coat is very warm, Mrs. Gower ; don't wait ; I must speak to them," she said, in the greatest excitement, her eyes glistening, her color coming and going. " But you will take cold, dear ; get in beside me again until they come up." ii )> SS.i n f " 162 A Happy Neiv Year. I ^ " No, no, I beg ; I wish fco meet them alone, she whispered. " On one condition ; are they friends V " Yes ; oh, yes, she is one of my best." Mrs Cower, seeing them ahnost close, wishing her an alfectionate good-bye, bade the man drive on, and, as was natural, full into a reverie over the strange oc- currence liappening to a girl of Miss Crew s remark- ably reticent cliaracter. JShe seemed pleased, but so intcnseh'- excityd, one could scarcely tell her real feel- ings. She thought, " But I sincerely hope it v^ill be a britfht incident, tor her to betiin 1888 with ; for a more truly pious, gentle, amiable girl I have never met." Or. the driver drawing in his horses, to allow a gen- tleriK ,nly-looking man to pass, who was crossing Bloor W. st. at the head of St. George street, Mrs. Gow^er waking from her reverie., sees Mr. Buckingham. '• The compliments of the season, Mrs. Gower," he said, lifting his hat. " The same to you. Whither bound ?" " To Holmnest." " Then you had better come into the sleigh ; ' there's room enough for twa. " " Thanks ; with pleasure." " Driver, you see the young lady ahead of us. I expect she is coming to my place. Just pick her up, please." " All right, ma'am." "I suppose you will think our sleighing a make- believe, after Lindsay and locality." " You will be surprised to hear I now come from New York. Dale telegraphed me to meet some rail- way men, so i have been there ever since." " But won't your interests north-east suffer by your absence ?" " Oh, not materially, 1 hope ; still 1 am anxious to A Happy Nezv Year. 163 be on the spot. There is a splendid mine out that way I should like to oret hold of." " Iron, I suppose ? " " Oh, yes ; it is, you know, to be the great industry of tno luture." " But you only mean if we get Commercial Union ? " " Yes, as tar as Canada is concerned." " What is the name of this special mine. you covet ? I have heard Mr. .Dale speak of several ; this may be one." " It is the Snowden, in Victoria county ; the ore is a fine grained magnetite ; the mine is favorably situ- ated, having a railway running into it." " Indeed ! all very favorable ; «Io you think you will succeed in becoming a purchaser ? " " Of that, I regret to say, I am somewhat doubtful, as I am told there are several obstructionists connected with it ; but I am not going to worry about it," he said, quietly ; " if I don't get it, there are others." " What an easy temperament you have," she said, looking into his quiet unmoved countenance. " My dear Mrs. Gower, I hold that a man should have himself under such perfect control as to be able to look at himself, in a manner of speaking, with other eyes; sit in judgment upon himself; dissect his mo- tives, reward or punish. I look upon one who lets loose the reins of reason, giving blind passion or im- pulse full swing, as only an animal of the swine family, whatever his name may be," he said, smiling. " What must he think of me," she thought ; I am as impulsive as a Celt. " What a superior race of beings man would be were his convictions your convictions." " 1 think he would be happier, for he would not give way to excitement, which is, in my opinion, a sort of insanity ; and also in its reaction, which is melan- choly." " That reaction, after excitement, is one of the ^ If Ik ■ • 164 A Happy New Year. t I i^- strongest blue ribbon arguments ; we had a ' chalk talk ' thereon at the Pavilion on last Sunday after- noon ; what do you think of the Prohibition move- ment ? " " I go with it, to the letter, for the mass of humanity cannot, or will not, control themselves ; how do you go^ " I believe in temperance in all things. Professor Blackie says, ' We have too much of everything in our day ; too much eating, too much drinking, too much preaching, etc ; ' and 1 am so far at one with him, that 1 believe in temperance, and coffee, even on New Year's Day," she added, smiling. "Stop, driver, please." " Come, get in, Miss O'Sullivan, and a Happy Nev; Year to you, dear ; this is my friend, Mr. Buck- ingham." " I was on my way to your place, Mrs. Gower, to ask Miss Crew to come and spend the day." " She is out with some friends ; but you must lunch with me, and wait for her." "Whose is that large, hospitable house, Mrs. Gower, at the head of St. Georii^e Street ?" asked Miss O'Sullivan. " A Colonel Sweeney's, dear, wlio, I was going to say, has a lieait as large as his house, he is so kindly hospitable." Here they overtook Mr. Blair, whose handsome face lit with pleasure, as he lifted his hat ; and, somehow, Mrs. Gower was glad of the advent of the young lady, though, before seeing him, she had not minded her itte-d-tete with Mr. Buckingham, with whom she likes to talk. In a few minntes Holmnest is reached, when Mrs. Gower, tellinii: Mr. Buckingham to make himself at home, he nmst stay for luncheon, and until it Is time to take the Midland rail, went upstairs to make her toilette for the day. Mr. Buckingham looks and feels at home ensconced [.iiLa±L WIW^W^^W^^^^^MPII. mill. . .1111^,1.1111 Hil!,ilill.l|.l.._ A Happy Neiv Year. 165 in a deep, softly padded chair, near the blazinjv grate, in the restful library ; he is soon lost in the Iron Age. On Miss O'Sullivan, a sweet-faced, biue-eyed girl, entering, looking bright as the morning in her pretty red woollen frock, the occupant, with the innate courtesy of his countrymen, laying aside his news- paper .adapted himsel^' to her girlish chit-chat in a manner tliat charmed her, until the entrance of Mrs. Gower, in a very becoming gown of brown silk, with old gold plush trimming, ecru lace chemisette, and elbow sleeves — for she dressed for all day, and any friendvS wdio may come to wish her a glad New Year ; she first goes to the kitchen to see that the machinery is actively in motion, as she had set it before going to the polls; one servant maid, with the boy, Thomas, being sufRcie: j for the requirements of her cosy little home. " Well, vou both do look comfortable," she said, entering the library. " Yes ; I think vve do," said Miss O'Sullivan. " We only want you to want nothing more," he said, in pleased tones, placing a rattan chair, with its dark green velvet cu-hioned back and seat, and turn- ing the fire screen to protect her face. " Not yet, thaid\s ; my poor palms have had no water to-day. How do you think my plants are look- ing, Mr. Buckingham ? " " Very fine ; but if you kept them more moist they would do still better ; but most amateur gardeners make a like mistake," he said, cutting some bits of scarlet geranium; "this bit of color will make your costuriie perfect." " The costume ! but what about the woman ? " " Oh, the woman knows right well," he said, lead- ing her to the mirror. " Give me the good taste of an American gentleman, in preference to a mirror, which is frequently untrue." " Luncheon is served, ma'am." M r HI :l. IJ 166 ''Better Lded Ve Cnnna Be^ CHAPTER XXn. " BETTER LO'ED YE CANNA BE." *FTER a substantial luncheon, to which they bring p^ood appetites, given by their exhilara- ting outing in the frosty air, they cross the hall to the drawing-room, when Thomas opened the door to Miss Crew and Mr. Cobbe. " Ah, here is our truant," said Mrs. Gower. " Me ! " laughed Cobbe, wishing her the compliments of the season. Mr. Buckinijham thouq-ht he detected a sliijht cloud of dissatisfaction pass over her face, even as she wel- comed him. " I have made fifteen calls already ; the fair sex like to be remembered, Buckingham." " Man is too selfish to forget what hecoald not do v/ithout, Cobbe." " Give me an American for a due appreciation of our sex," said Mrs. Gower, gaily. " No, no ; you are wrong. Yoii ought to know an Irishman to be the most ijallant man that lives," Mr. Cobbe said, sulkily. " Well, yes, perhaps you are the most gallant," she said, thoughtfully, " but in the bearing of an Ameri- can man towards inv sex there is a somethinor more — there is a gentle courtesy, a deference, a grave tender- ness." " Tut, tut," said Mr. Cobbe, turning over the leaves of an album impatiently. " I fear you flatter us " said Buckingham. " No, I think not ; simply becfiuse your great Repub- lic is so highly civilized and progressive, the outcome of which is our enthronement with you ; while, in other ^nami«ni^^m«fQRff^iBnipv'ijjuu'JUUKJi^- ^'"■"^•i'lit""^?;*:*^ V ',. IT -T" rKT '. ''Better Loed Ye Canna BeT 167 countries, we are still midway between our footstool of the dark ages and our throne with you." Here Mr. St. Clair, Captain Tremaine, and a young barrister, a Mr. McCullogh, made their entree. " Your drawing-room is looking very pretty, Mrs. Gower,"said Tremaine; " the holly and mistletoe brings me home again." " Yes, it looks so well against the blue and tan pan- els, that I am tempted to let it stay." " Where did you get it ; it is very fine and healthy ? ' asked St. Clair, admiringly. "Well, thereby hangs a tale ; it is a Christmas gift from Santa Claus. All I know about it is, it came (Thomas thinks) from Slight's." "It was no slight to you, Elaine," said Cobbe, jok- ingly. On the mention, before so many, of her Christian name she made an expressive mioue at Tremaine, un- seen by the others, whose attention was momentarily given to several booklets and cards which lay on a pretty gilt stand, and while Miss O'Sullivan and Mc- Cullogh turned the pages of " Erminie " for Miss Crew at the piano. " Wait until Monday, Buckingham. I take the Mid- land then, in your direction," said St. Clair. " Impossible, St. Clair. I should have been as far as Lindsay yesterday." On the clock striking three, St. Clair started to his feet, buttoning his coat. "Good-bye, Mrs. Gower, 'Time and tide,' you know." " Oh, yes ; but Time i.-s not such a churl as to bid you away before I have had even a look at you." " But we men come to look at you, to-day, and, as usual, gratify ourselves. Au revoir. I promised Noah to be back at three, to let him off for a skate." ■fl>w ■fl>w 1^ "i 1 168 Better Lded Ye Canna Be!' " * What's in a name ?'" said Tremaine. "I wonder what relation he of the Ark was to that boy." " But fancy ! I heard a clerpryman in this city bap- tize an unoffending infant Shadrach, Meshach and Abedne^o." " Did ho throw in the ' and ' ?" laughed Tremaine. "Oh, no. Did I give it?" " Yes. Well, I just call my boy plain Paddy." " Do you throw in the ' plain ' ?" " Oh, come, now ; you ladies are having the best of it all through to-day," he said, making his adieux. " At the polls too ?" she said gaily. Several callers now came in in rapid succession, Mr. Cobbe rising as the last made their exit. "Think of me, Elaine. I shall come in and cheer you up when I get through," he said, in a, loud whis- per, as she was having a last quiet word with Bucking- ham. " Here Mr. Blair entered, and both men thought they saw a something in her smile that had not been given them, " Good-bye has come again, Mrs. Gower," stild Buck- ingham. " One must always regret leaving Holmnest ; but I have only time to catch my train." " Good-bye, and may all your wishes be granted." Miss O'SuUivan, saying she must really go, took Miss Crew (who had a new light in her face), Mr. McCul- logh accompanying them. " I am fortunate," said Mr. Blair, as the portiere hangings closed after them ; Mrs. Gower smiled. " Rest, after running about ; though I think the fashion of New Year's calls is fast dying out." " It is, undoubtedly ; this is my third and last. You are looking well after your frosty drive," he said, seat- ing himself at the gilt stand beside her. " Don't you think my friends have good taste ?" she said, directing his attention to the cards and booklets ; > I' A ''Better Lded Ye Canna Be!' 169 " this white ivory card is pretty, with its jrolden edge, white roses, and snowdrops, and gold bells, as they ring. " May every Christmas chime awaken in your heart Each bliss of Ijy-gone years in which your life had part." " Yes," he said, thoughtfully, " if one could only drink a good bumper of the waters of Lethe, and for- get the pain, reint^nibering only the bliss." " BuJ^'tis the memory of the bliss that brings the pain ; at least I have found it so," she said gravely. " Yes, you are right ; I have not thought of putting it to myself in that way ; but I must not izive you a sad train of thought. Ah, this is original," he said, picking up a large caid, on which was painted a bunch of .«.carlet poppies, with the lines : " O! sleep ; 0! gentle sleep, how have T frighted thee. That thou no more will weigh my eyelids down. And steep \ny senses in f oi'getf ulnesa ? " " All the way from Ottawa; he evidently sees your eyes, which keep his open," he said, trying to read her. " You are fancifid, Mr. Blair;" but her color deepens under his gaze ; " but, be it as you say, he shouKl close his eyes, possess his soul with honor, and clasp the hand of duty." " You give him a hard task, still I would lay any wager on your kindliness of heart, on your strong sense of honor. I don't think you would fool with a man's affections," he said, earnestly. In spite of herself she trembles, for she feels that he is more to her than any living man ; and as he sits, his elb 'Ws on the table, his Hnfrers ran through his iron- grey hair, looking at her, lier eyes droop, her hands nervously play with the cards, her sensitive lips show- .'ng Iter emotion, as .she thinks of Mr. St. Clair's words to her the evening of their introduction, of the no- 12 170 ''Better Loed Ye Canna Be." f\ r. bility of this man's character, of his devotion to his late wife, of his clean record among men as to his truth and honor in all business transactions ; and now she knows, intuitively, in fact, did at their first meet- ing, that his heart is seeking hers. " I am right, you would not play with a man's affec- tions ; you have had sorrow yourself ; tell me." In spite of herself, a tear glistened in her e3'es as she looked into his face, as she thoqght of her oath. "]No; do I look so faulty, frivolous and foolishly wicked ?" " No, you have a sweet, kind, womanly face," he said, smiling gravely ; " and were I to tell you of my lonely life, and how I long for just such a womanly presence, just such companionship to gladden a home, to make my broken life complete, with a sweet sense of peace and rest, would you send me from you deso- late ?" and his voice thrilled with intense feeling. " If so, and that my act left me also desolate, would you not forgive me ? " she said, brokenly. " I would forgive you, yes ; for I could not live with enmity in my heart towards you ; but, why do you speak su ? " he said, earnestly, her words giving him the key to her heart, as he came over beside her, and with an ami around her, drew her head to his chest. " Don't resist me ; you know I love you, and you will be my ain bonnie wife." He felt her tremble, though she yielded to him. " Better lo'ed ye canuii be," and stooping, he kissed her on the lips : " those lips, a thread of scarlet," and he looked at her tenderly. At this her color deepened, and, with a sigh, she said, her voice trembling with emotion : " Release me, dear, it can never be ; I am promised to another-. Go now, and leave me to my fate," she said, tearfully. " Never ! You sliall be my wife, and that before the next moon wanes. Whoever this man is, he has not won your heart. Yes, m^/ heart twin, my own companion ''Better Lded Ye Canna Be." 171 every day for our iourney thronfjh life, my Elaine, not his ;" and, nt^^ain and aijfain, for a few blissful moments that she is strained to his heart, do his kisses come to her lips, " Look up, dear wife, and tell me \>y one look that I am in your heart. Yes, love, your eyes tell me that our lives will be ai^ain worth livino- again com- plete. No, I will not let you go ; and I just want to see this man who thinks he will rob me of you." At this juncture the hall-bell rinprs, jnst as the clock was striking seven, the hour Mrs. Gower had ordered dinner ; and, as quick as her hastened heart-beats would allow, donning society's mask, she is playing (yhopin's music, while Mr. Blair is intent on "The Miniatui'e Golden Floral Series;" when Mr. Cobbe enters, evidently by his manner having done more than "look upon the wine when it is n.'d." '■ Well, Elaine, don't scold me, I could not come back any sooner," he said, with a jovial air ; " but, lang it, I never see you alone these days." " Can it be possible, she has promised herself to this swajrcrerinj' fool!" thouorht Blair. " What's the matter, Elaine ? " he continued, leaning on the piano, and looking into her face, " you have a tragedy face." "Sometimes T seem to be taking part in one," she said, gravely ; hoping he would remember the woman. "Oh, I see; you have been playing 'Faust;' if you want something devilish, try French opera ; German is horns and hoof, and no fun." Seeing his mood, she abandoned all hope of fixing his attention on any quieting thoi ght, glancing at Mr. Blair for sympathy; one look told her his (^pinion of her friend. " How he must despise me," she thought, introducing them. " And now, you must both dine with a lone woman." " It will give me great pleasure to begin the year so," said Mr. Blair, with the determined air of a man •^ tig *•■ J"* •3 ) ; 172 'Better Lded Ye Canna BeT \ 1 jM m- m. 1 who could and would hold his ground, as he put her hand throucjh his arm, whisperinj^, "Courage!" "You look very much like a lone woman, T must say," said Cobhe, sulkily. " I told you before, Elaine, that I don't think it's right of you," he said, lecklessly. As they crossed the hall to dine, the geraniums dropi^ed from her gown. '• Oh, my poor fi(jwers," Mr. Blair picking them up, Mr. Cobbe said, jealously, " Poor flowers, indeed ; I sho\ild just like to know who gave them you." Fearinof he would think it had been Mr. Blair, and not feeling equal to a scene, she said, hurriedly : " A frienil who has left town ; but vou are too sensible to allow such a tiifie to spoil your dinner." From the moment of their passing through the por- tiere hangings into the hall. Blair had seen the face of a woman peering through the vestibule door, Thomas havinor neirlected fasteninjr the outer door on lettinsj in Mr. Cobbe. On enterinu: the diniuij-room, Mrs. Gower, in lookiniir over her shoulder in niakiui; the above remark, saw the face. Not so Cobbe, who was wholly absorbed in rage at the present state of affairs. Mr. Blair felt his companion tremble as she saiV." 175 " No ; for was I not Enj^lish, I would be Scotch." "And I," said Mrs. J)ale, "vvunid liave liked you better were you Irish- America'!." "You are candid, at all events," he said, smilirg. " You had better live as near perfection as possible, by reniaininj^ in Canada, Mr. Blair," .said his hostess, ris- \w^ from the table. "Come, Ella, we shall leave them to their cij^arettes and the subjects nearest their hearts." " YoM are one of the most thoua'htful women I have ever met," said ])ale, drawinir the hanirinj^s for their exit; '■ bat our smoke will be but a passing cloud ; we shall soon sun ourselves in your presence." " Listen to him," said his wife, merrily ; " don't I bring him up well." As the two friends sipped their coffee from dainty Japanese china, the red silk gown of Mrs. Dale con- trasting prettily with the brown and old gold in the dress of her friend, they made a sweet, home- like pic- ture, in this tasteful little drawing-r(joiri, with its gaily painted walls, hangings in artistic blending, its softly padded furniture, not extravagant — for Mrs. Gower's income is but SOOO per annum — now that house and furniture are paid for, but Roger's bill was very reasonable, for all is in good taste; and with two or three good pictures, a handsome bronze or two, with a few bits of choice bric-a-brac, all the latter gifts from friends; with the glowing grate, the colored lights, the holly and mistletoe, all make an attractive scene. " And now about yourself, Elaine ; I hoped on my return to have found your mercurial friend out in the cold." " No, Ella ; I can do nothing with him," she said, gravely. " Can't he get it into his head that no woman would marry a man with another woman dangling after him. I have no patience with him. Does she haunt your place still? " ■A li '"I '^ - 5! j i 0' '. .1 m;i 17G ''Better Lded Ye Canna Be!' " Yes ; she is certainly most constant. Did I tell vou of a t'rioj'ht she o-ave ine at two public meetliiujs ?" " No ; you wrote ine that you must do so on my return." "Just fancy coming from the Rodi^ers' mass meet- ing, before the mayoralty election. I went with Philip, and she must have followed us, for she managed to get near us, and in the crush making our exit, took hold of his arm, and luoidd not let him see me home ; picture me in that crowd, having to tight my way throuijh, and alone ! I think I shall never for^ret that nifjht : fortun^'.tely the cars were runnino- • so takinjx the Carlton, College and Spadina Avenue car, I man- aged to reach home. Ella, it was aw^ful, the lonely home-coming," she said tearfidly ; -'the cowardly (I suppose it was) fear of meeting acquaintances ; but the feeling thnt I was engaged, nay, under oath to marry a man who couM allow^ this, was worse than had 1 met dozens of acquaint;inces ; the late hour; then after I had left the Spadina A-venue terminus, the lonely walk up here — all togethei' made me so riervotiH 1 was not myself for a day or two." " I should say vou would be ; it was dieadful ; and as you say, dear, the feeling that you were engaged to such," she said, contemptuously, 'added bitterness to the act ; oath or no oath, he must release you." " He won't." " He shall ; and I am determined to sta}^ with you until I can interview that woman. What a horrid man he is, any way." Here the gentlemen entered, and a truce to con- fidentials. " Has my little wife told you, Mrs. Gower, that I have tickets for ' Fau>t,' and we hope you will care to accompany us ? " " No ; she had not told me, though v/e were- speak- ing tragedy." ' 'Better Lded Ye Canna Be.'' 177 "Well, yours was the prologue; now for 'Faust;' you wi!! come ?" " Yes, with pleasure," she said, feelinf^ that her tete-d-tete with Mr. Blair is over, for Mr. Cobbe would remain ; feelincf also that such tete-d-tete was too full of quiet content for her to indulge in, engaged as she is to another. Mr. Blair very reluctantly rises to depart, :-;oeing that the evening he has promised himself, in dual solitude with the woman he determines shall be his wife, is broken in upon. "Good-night, Mrs. Gower ; the walk to town will seem doubly cold by contrast with the warmth of your hospitalities," he said, holding her hand, a look of regret in his blue eyes. "Button up well, then, to ensure my being remem- bered for so long," she said, quietly. " Good-night. Elaine ; expect me to-vnorrow, at five p.m.," .said Mr. Co' 'be, with an important air. Out-«tery in the case, knowing Mrs. Gower to shri' k from fultillino- her enfifatrement ; haviuLf recos- i.i/ed the face of the woman at the vestibule as the ^ ^; ctiit IK* >" \ 5?!.* v' 17i those few blissful moments that lived in the memory of each, in which he had asked her to become his wif(3 on Monday, the 2iid of January, and when he h.ad read her heart. "It's a miserable fix for Elaine," said Mrs. Dale, picking out a few false stitches she had made in giv- ing iier attention to liim as he paced the tloor in his agony of mind. "She cares for you, but will remain true to her oath ; she will go on in this wrctclied way, Mr. Ccjbbe cominof and ecoinix, boastinu' of his enirau'e- ment, to keep rivals at bay, and that woman haunting the place until a tragedy ends the whole farce. Elaine will postpone and postpone her union with that man until she dies broken-hearted, poor thing. She has had no end of trouble in the past, and now this must all crop up. Nasty Cobbe; I haia you," she said, emphati- cally. "So do I," he said, moodily; " but what availeth it ? We, with our strong natures, are as wax in the hands of this vain, foolish, empty-headed fellow; he has the whip- hand of us. [ never felt small, impott^nt, powerless in my life until now. You don't know what mad thoughts come to me sometimes, when I see her fjoinir about in her sweet womanliness with a pretence of gaiety lest I feel for her, making this tiuiy home, sweet home ; now going to her kitchen, now .sewing qiiietly ; again sing- ing, though in unsteady tones, the songs of my own land." " Perhaps it would be better for you ; easier, I mean, if you kept away from her." •I J"" , 3tl 3:. :}r- \ ir'^M 182 T/ie T/iree Links. "Kept away! that's what she tells me. No; come I must. I am not fit to attend to business, to face the busy hive of men down town. I have not as yet rented an office, or ynit out my .shingle as broker and estate aL;ent, .so tlie world which knows me not does not miss me. Did 1 not come, 1 .shonUl be tortured by the thouglit that Cobbe had persua'led her to marry him, and that with the false hope of makin*^ me forf^et her, and the woman to give up her game as lost, she would consent. No ; I shall come in the .seemingly aim- less way; but not aimless, for 1 am her bodyguard. Already my being liere, and holding myg,ound, has more than once prevented a tete-a-tete, and saved her from (I make no doubt) his hateful caresses. He hates me, and would revenge himself upon me if he could ; and, insomuch as he can, he does do so — by using her Christian name, leaning familiarly over her shoulder as she reads or sews, following her even to the kitchen. Once he dared tc ki.ss her good-bye, but I don't think 'he will try that again ; for, on his loolving at me mali- ciously, to note my jealous}^ I gave him one look, at which he made a ha.stv exit." " So far so good, Mr. Blair ; but you and myself are really doing nothing to free Elaine. We miunt get a hold of the won)an ; .she is not very well clad ; is, I dare say, poor ; I shall try if the dollar will grease the wheels of her tongue. Now, how shall we manacre it ? This evening I .shall express a wi.sh to telegraph Henry. You must offer to accompany me ; this will allow of time to work on Mr. C'obbe's Mary Ann, We shall walk up and down on the other side of the street (thus putting ourselves in Grundy's mouth) until .she appears, when, pouncing upon hei-, we will miake her tell her relations to Cobbe. You understand ?" " Yes, but he will be here alone with Elaine." " Just like a man : as jealous as a rooster in a barn- yard. Miss Crew will be here, and chance callers." ii i! :• The TJirec Links. 183 " Very well ; it shall be as you say, though I mor- tally hate not beinks. 185 not speak of my love for you ; aii.. • r- i f" ' Mil ""l ;i ^\l 186 A Hand of Ice Lay on Her Heart " Well, if you are i^oinLf to talk to liim, Elaine, tell him ever3'tliing ; and that Mr. Blair and 1 say he is brenking your heart." "I fear. Ella, your united opinions wouM have little weight with him," she said, with the ghost of a smile ; " but I shall tell him all, never fear," slie said, earnestly feeling that Mr. Blair was, as usual, following her every word. " Never fear, 1 shall be a good pleader, for 1 have my life's happiness at stake ; away with you at once, and don't come back with broken bones from the slide." CHAPTER XXIV. A HAND OF ICE LAY ON HER HEART. T is a cold, frostj^ night, the moon and clouds seeming to have a game of hide-and-go-seek across the sky, when Mis. Dale is already enveloped in her warm dark blue blanket suit and Tam-o-Shanter, with Mr. Blair, in heavy brown overcoat and Christy hat, not having been in our land long enough for his blood to have lost its warmth and to feel the need of furs. Before they start Mr. Cobbe rings the bell, and is admitted to the lil)raiy, Mr. Blair turning out the gas in the drawing-room, and Thomas receiving orders that " no one is at home." " Suppose she should not come this evening," said Mrs. Dale, as she and her companion returned from a brisk walk to a post box, and reared Holmnest. "You know, she misses his trail; at all events, does not watch for him here every evening." " Hush ! she is in the shade of .that pile of lumber and bricks in front of the hou.se that is being built next to Holmnest," he whispered, hurriedly. -.1 ■Ti, i A Hand of Ice Lay on Her Heart. 187 " So she is ; that is lucky; nii ^ e. e. m ^^i °^i Photographic Sciences Corporation 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 i/s 6^ <^ 188 A Hand of Ice I. ay on Her Heart. fi 1* - m " Mrs. Dale "ives a little scream. Mr. Blair, turninjr quickly, says, in decided tones, " Oh ! you are here ai^ain ; well, I ain not sorry, for I had determined to put a detective on your track to- morrow, and am glad to have an opportunity of warn- inff you first." "Any woman would do no more nor T do, ju.st stand- ing here when I please," .she .said, doggedly, her teeth chattering, partly from nervousness, partly from cold. " Poor thing ; you are half frozen," said Mrs. Dale, to show .she was not unfriend !3^ " We shall not detain you long, young woman," said Mr. Blair, quickly, as he thinks of the woman he loves worried by the man he hates; "all we want to know is your name and address, and what hold you have on Mr. Cobbe ; for a woman of your re.spectable appearance would not follow a man about unle.ss she had .some hold on him — some real right to watch his movements. You have overheard this lady and my- self talkinj/ over this matter, and I can- assure you it would add materially to our peace of mind could we compel Mr. Cobbe to do right by you ; come now, no delay, no beating about the bu.sh ; tell the truth and shame the devil ; out with it." " Gentlemen lie (juicker tlian a working girl, like myself," she .said, .su.spiciously. " I have heard what this lady said, but how do I know that it's all square ? Phil, .said if you caught me hanging around after him, you'd get me took up, and here is a peeler coming ; I see what you're after." And .she tries to run, but Mr. Blair holds her firmly until the policeman pa.sses. " I tell you I mean you no harm ; but you tmist tell your connection with Mr. Cobbe, and at once." " Give me till to-morrow night, sir, for the ]ove of heaven, and I will try again if Phil, will give your lady up, that I have wished to kill for coming between 'A Hand of Ice Lay on Her Heart. ISO us ; aye, and would have fired Hohnnest on her some nijrht, but for this ladv's words that she don't want my man. My name is Beatrice Hill, and 1 live at 910, Seaton Street ; I will tell you the rest to-morrow night, if he will not give her uu," she said, bursting into tears. Mr. Blair made a note of the address, Mrs. Dale saying kindly, " You had better come around to the kitchen and get thawed ; you are " when, turning suddenly to Mr. Blair, who has his back to a couple coming down the street, she says, quickly, " Here are the Smyths ; stand where you are ; and you too, Beatrice Hill." " Hello !" cried Smyth, coming upon them suddenly (that is Toronto's pass-word). " How do you do, Mrs. Dale ; how do, Blair ? " " How happy would I be with either," .said his lively wife, aside to Mr. Blair; oh, I beg pardon," she con- tinued, seeing the other is not one of them. " How is Mrs. Gower ? " " She is not very well this evening, and is, I hope resting. How is it your little son is out when he ought to be under the bedclothes ? That's one thing I am glad my boy is at boarding-.school for. " Oh, this young man has been to a party at the Halls, and we had to trot up for him. Give Elaine my love, and tell her one look at handsome Doctor Mills, on our street, will cure her ; he cured my baby. So, come around to-morrow, all of you. Oh, Will, we had better go in to Holmnest for a minute. I want to tell Elaine you have heard from Charlie." " Oh, no ; go in to-morrow. This little chap is nearly asleep." " All right. Mrs. Dale, please tell Mrs. Gower that Charlie Cole is at New York, and she may expect to see them any day. Good night." "Goodnight." lll'M % % * S !• \ -^p 190 A Hand of Ice Lay on Her Heart. " Come, Mrs. Dale, we had better go in at once ; you must be very cold." " Yes, I am. You had better come round and get thawed out in the kitchen, Beatrice Hill, I will bring you." " No, thanks ; I am used to it. I'll just walk up and down, to keep from freezing." " Perhaps you had better not try to see him to-night, it is so cold." " Not try to see him !" she exclaimed. " I see him too seldom, and love him too much for that," she said, pathetically, " and I must see if he will pro'iiise me to come no more where neither of us is wanted." " Remember ! you are to be here to-morrow night to tell us your hold on him, unless he gives Mrs. Gower up," he said, firmly. " I will, sir; thank you both," she said tearfully, as, turning towards the gate of Holmnest, they each slip a five dollar bill into ^er hand. " Poor thing, I think she is hard up,"-said Mrs. Dale, as they ring the bell ; " see her examining the bills by the lamp." " Yes, so she is, to see if they are ' Central '; had she not been sold by my hete noir, I should say she was a canny Scotchwoman." " On Thomas opening the door, they see Mr. Cobbe draw close the^^o^^^iere hangings of the library, as if to say, no admittance. " Have you a match, Thomas ?" " Yes, ma'am." " Then light one jet in the drawing-room, please." Here they sit quietly talking for half an hour, dur- ing which, at times, Mr. Cobbe talked loud and excit- edly, while sometimes Mrs. Gower's voice came to them in pleading, or quieting tones. At last he goes into the dining-room, asks Thomas for some sherry, drinks two glasses ; is again in the ■^ A Hand of Ice Lay on Her Heart. 191 hall, his over-shoes, coat, and fur cap on, in his excite- ment pickincf up Mr. Blair's j^loves, which, when in the street, findinjj; his mistake, he dashes into the road. Angry and troiil)led by Mrs. Gower's words, he is kinder to Beatrice Hill than he has been for some time. " You here again, Betty. Yovb are infatuated with me, anyway." " Indeed, I am, sweetheart, but my love doesn't content you. You bet, I'd sooner have a black look from you than a kiss from any man living. The saints forgive me, when I think of the holy Father and cardinals, and how I worship you, Phil." " Yes, you are wiM about me, I know, Betty, but we men are different to you, you know ; we have so many adorers, we can't go mooning forever around one woman." " And you are not angy with me to-night, Phil, for coming again to get a sight of your dear face ?" " No, 1 am not angry with you to-night ; but you must not come again ; they don't like it," he said, importantly. "If I don't see you, I may as well die," she says despondently. " I love you better than any of them ladies do," she says, feeling her way. " Hang her, she is as fickle as her clime," he says, half aloud, thinking of Mrs. Gower. His companion made no response, knowing who he meant, but her heart is lighter at his words. " Hang it, Bet, it's a freezer ; if you have any money about you, I'll hail this sleigh if it's empty." " Yes, sweetheart, here it is," giving him one of the fives. In a minute they are under the buffalo robe, when, according to promise, she coaxes, entreats, and implores him to give Mrs. Gower up, but he angrily refuses to listen to anything on the subject ; entertaining her, instead, with recitals of all the girls on King i'' |S 8t) r 192 A Hand of Ice Lay on Hey Heart. street who, he is sure, are dyin*^- for an introduction to l\ini, and of several women of his acquaintance beinfj infatuated about him, his companion assentincr to all he said ; getting out at his own quarters, paying the driver to 910 Seaton street, pocketing the change. Beatrice Hill alone, thinks out her plan for the following evening with tears, which she brushes away with bare hands, having given her mits to her fickle swain to keep his hands from the frost. "Yes, I must tell them all,'" she thought, weeping silently, " else Phil will make her marry him. Father Nolan would tell me to do so, to save him from guilt. He will turn to his faithful Betty again when he sees how they sit on him, when they know all." As the hall door had closed on Mr. Cobbe mak- ing his exit, Mr. Blair said, turning out the gas : " Let us go to her." Mrs. Gower meets them in the hall, looking pale and agitated, her eyes larger and darker in her pale face, her sensitive mouth quivering. . " I was just coming for you," she said, and on her eyes meeting Mr. Blair's, in answer to his loving, stead- fast gaze, her's told him that her appeal has been in vain. " He would not free you ?" he said, compa.ssionately. " No." " Well, then, he must be compelled to," said Mrs. Dale, energetically; "we are not going to stand by with folded hands, and see the remainder of your life made wretched by a weak, vain, frivolous thing like that. You have had trouble enough in the past, heaven knows." " Yes, we must act ; we must endeavor to inter- view the woman," he said sympathetically, preparing her for what might occur. " I fear your kind efforts in my behalf will prove useless, Alec. You would only ascertain that she is A Hand of Ice Lay on Her Heart. 19:^ some poor creature whose heart h.e has gained, but who is not bountl to him in any way. She is faithful, where he is false," she says, gravely, " and is breaking her heart for him — a way we have — that is all. No, * Blessed are they who expect nothing,' I must keep well in my mind for the future. I scarcely deserve this from Fate, for I have been pretty brave hitherto through troubles, that at the time were sufficient to crush all hope, leaving not the faintest gleam ; but I struggled through the clouds in my sky, which, finally parting, I saw the sunbeams once more. My plan now is, to close up this my home, sweet home, or ask you, Ella, or Mr. Cole, to take it of! my hands for a year. It would please me best to know some one I care for was among my little treasured belongings." " Mr. Cole, Charlie's father is at the Tremont Hotel, Jacksonville, Florida. My placa is to ask Miss Crew (as you don't require her services, and her mind is easier as to money matters), to accompany me for the remainder of the winter to same place as my friend Charlie's father; he is a most worthy man and a gentle- man. At the close of winter we would cross to the British Isles. To myself, a Canadian, it would be a complete distraction, as I have never been across ; and I pray fervently, will take me out of self," she said sadly. " We would visit London and some pretty rural spots, the Devonshire lanes, perhaps ; and then the Emerald Isle, thence to bonnie Scotia's shores ; taking, perhaps, more than a peep at fair Dunkeld," she says, trying to smile in the grave face of Mr. Blair. " I have foreseen the result of my appeal to Philip, and so have been laying my plans for some days." As she spoke, trying vainly to hide her emotion, more than one tear had been stealthily brushed away by her sympathetic little friend, who, seeing that Mr. Blair is suffering intensely, from suppressed feeling, says bravely, though rather doubtful at heart : {Sin - \ Mr 1 1 3: ) 194 "Here Azun\ T/iere Aiva\ f )i " Mark my words, Elaine, that woman will free you ; say j^ood nij^ht to u.s, Mr. Blair, I am medical attendant }}vo fern., and Elaine must take a sedative, and room with me to-night." " You are rii^ht, Mrs. Dale ; be brave, Elaine, he says, holding her hand in his firm grasp, " to-morrow your clouds must again pass, I shall come in after luncheon. CHAPTER XXV. "HERE AWA', there AWA'." 5|^#j|HE following is an ideal Canadian winter day ; imi m ^\^Q g]^y^ a^ far-off canopy of brightest blue, with no clouds to obscure the sunbeams, which pour down on fair Toronto, melting the icicles when his smiles are warmest, and glad- dening the hearts of the million. There is just enough of frost in the air to make a walk to town pleasant, cheering and exhilarating, so that Mrs. Dale is glad when Mrs. Gower proposes their going. The whole city seems to have turned out, and the streets are alive with the busy hum of life, and the tinkling music of the merry sleigh-bells Mrs. Gower, who had slept little, arose with the determination to appear reconciled to her fate, not wishing to add to the sorrow of Mr. Blair and Mrs. Dale, on her account ; feeling that there will be time enough to give way, when " large lengths of miles " divide them. She cannot bear to dwell upon the separation, she has decided, is for the best, and dreads to think of her heart loneliness, w^ith Mr. Blair gone out of her life, and the sympathy of Mrs. Dale, not be- side her. How she will miss her quiet talks with him, his manly advice and interest in all her acts, the "Here Azva', TJiere AivaT 105 oneness of their views on many questions of the day — relijOrious, social, and in i)art political. The Tremaines and Smyths also; with her many favorite walks and resorts, th^- public library, and other places of interest. Yes, to leave tliem all and her snug Holmnest, is hard ; but to j^o on in the way events have shaped them- seives — Mr, Cobbe, a privilef^ed visitor, as her future husband ; the woman hauntinj^ her home ; her misery, seeing daily the grief telling on Mr. Blair would be harder still ; so, nerving herself for the parting, she determines on making her preparations at once. No one meeting the friends, as they walk into town, would imagine that the dusky shadow of sorrow sits in each heart ; the pretty little face of Mrs. Dale being set off by a bonnet, with pink feathers, her seal coat and muff making: her warm and comfortable. Mrs. Gower, in a heavy dark blue gown, short dolman boa and muff of the be:ir ; a pretty little bonnet blendinjx with her sown, the crlow of heat from exer- cise lending color to her cheeks. Down busy Yonge street to Eaton's ; Trowern's, with Mrs. Dale's watch ; thence to gay King Street, to Murray's, Nordheimer's, the Public Library, back again West, and to Coleman's for a cup of coffee, are all done ; at the latter place they run across Mrs. St. Clair with Miss Hall. " Oh, you two dear pets, I am so awfully glad to have met you," says pretty Mrs. St. Clair, effusively ; " I want to know when you can talk over a programme with me — tableaux, readings, etc., in aid of the debt on our church. Say when ? " " I really cannot, Mrs. St. Clair," said Mrs. Gower ; just at present I am very busy, and am daily expect- ing a small house party." " Dear, dear ! that is too bad ; what shall I do ; you are so smart, and would know ju.st what would take. You will talk it over with me, Mrs. Dale," she said, beseechingly. jk'M '18 ' 5?.-' lUG '^Here Awa\ There Azca'." Ill " No, thank you ; on principle, I object." " How funny ! niijilit 1 ask why ? " " (.ertainly. I think oti'erinL^'s to such an object as a church debt should be vohintary." "Hut, Mrs. Dale, people expect a little treat for their money." " They have, or we have, the church service, and the ministrations of the clerfryman." "That's just the way Mr. St. Clair damps my ardor," she says, poutini^Iy ; I do so want to pose as Mary Stuart. Mr. CJobbe says I'd look too sweet for anythini,' ; you won't be jealous, Mrs. Gower." 'Oh, fearfully so; but joking apart; how do you think he would pose us Bunthorn ? " " I see you are lauj^hing at him, Mrs, Gower?" " Not at all ; the twenty forlorn ones would keep him in a\ There AivaT 107 " Well, you are smart, to guess exactly ; have you seen tljein ? Isn't she frijifhtfullv Ui^lv ?" she savs, in one breath. " No, I have not seen them. What a pity she is not pretty. I received a letter from Charlie, saying to ex- pect them." " Oh, you sly thing ; why didn't yon let us know ? Oh, how ugly she is ! May we come round this even- ing ? Here is my car." " Certainly. We have been to your husband's office to invite you" " Thanks. O !" she cried, stepping on to the car. " Will gave me a new piano yesterday." " Whose make ?" " Ruse's, Temple of Music, over there." " 1 congratulate vou." As thev walked on she con- tinned, absently, " What a pity she is plain looking" " Who ; not Mrs. Smvth C *' Oh, no, Ella ; her animation will always make her pretty. I was thinking of Charlie (Jole's wnfe. I wonder where she saw them ?" '■ Oh, somewhere in town, I suppose. So you ex- pected them to-day." " Yes, and I would have told you, but I want their advent to be a surprise for Miss Crew, whom I have frequently found secretly studying Charlie Cole's photo. She is so guardedly reticent, that 1 am curious to see if suddenly confronting him will cause her to show any interest in the original of the photo." " But you should make sure of her, Elaine. She maj'' remain at the O'SuUivans ; and as 1 own to tak- ing an interest in human bric-a-brac, I hope you will call for her." " I fancy she will return for certain, as she tells me the couple we met on New Year's Day are coming to Holmnest this afternoon ; the woman, (piite a lady- 1 i'i r- n t 198 '^ Here Azva\ There ^hua'." like looking person, is to alter her black silk ; but we shall call on our way home for her." " Yes, that will be best, and hero is our ca** ; but it is too crowd m1. As members of the Humane Society we had better wait for the next." As they wait in front of the Dominion Bank, Mr. Cobbe joins them. " Good morning, ladies ; won't you turn west, and have a promenade, Elaine ?" " No, thank you. Time has gone too fast for us already." " O, pshaw ! I want to speak to you. When do you return to New York, Mrs. Dale ?" he says pointedly, disliking her, and feeling freer at Holmnest in her ab- sence. " I have not the remotest idea, Mr. Coblje, indeed," .she added, in return for his ; " we may take dear little Holmnest off* Mrs. Gower's hands if she carries out her present intention to leave Canada for a time." " Leave Canada !" he exclaims, flushing. " Please, stop the car, Philip, quick." " What does it mean, Elaine ?" he whispers, .seeing them on board ; but the bell rings, and off* they go. Two yards distant, and he calls out, " I shall be up after office hour.s." " Talk of cruelty to animals. 1 gave him a blow, but he richly deserves it. But I do believe, Elaine, you are sorry for him," she says i amazement, and under cover of the noise of travel. " I am. He is his worst enemy. Yes, I am sorry for his weak, vain nature. A man without stability of character, in our stirring times, is of no more account than are the soap-bubbles blown by a little child." Getting out of the car at Webb'.s, to leave an order, they there meet Miss O'SuUivan, who, with her own bright smile, comes forward quickly to shake hands. " Oh, Mrs. Gower, I am so glad to see you. I have "/Avr A7.'a\ There Aica!' i9y sonietlnii<( to toll you. Miss Crow loft our place for Holnuu'st lit ton this a. \\\., wwA I have Iut promise to tell Mr. J)h1(! hor history, and ask liis advice." "I am glad of that, doar," " Oh, so am I, she is such a darling: l>ut I was not satistiod to have lior without some ;f(;i>tl iientleman friend t(j advise her," " Has sho confidod in yoursolf ?" " Yes, Mrs. Dale ; hut not until last niLjht." " Was it sensational enoui^h to keep you awake, or, as I suppose, of no more interest than ' little Johnny Horner sittiu'^ in the corner eating; his Cn» . tmas pie ? " You see, dear, Mrs. Dale is distrusted wi^h Mother Goose for not telling us of his bilious attach , laugho<-l Mrs. Gower, " G' od bye, dear, here is our car, College and Sp.idina Avenue." " Yv . will not be disappointed in Miss Crew'.s story, Mrs. Dale. The bilious part is not omitted ; poor dear, I am so sorry for her." On reaching Holmnest they find Mr. Dale, who has returned from the North-We.st, and Mi.ss Crew, in the library. Mrs. Gower, not pretending to notice that the latter has been in tears, and to give her an excu.se to make her exit, asks her to carry her wraps upstairs for her ; and then to go and give theui some music during the few minutes before luncheon. " Mrs. Gower is taking better care of you, little wife, than you are of her, now that the roses from the frosty air are fading. I notice she is paler and thinner." " Don't blame me, Henry," she answered, stroking his whiskers ; " blame Mr. Cobbe. I declare to you both, I never name him without doubling my tists." " Mj'' impression has always been, dear Mrs. Gower, that he will be no companion for you in the hand-in- hand Journey through life." r '•r 200 Electric Tips Among the Roses. WWfTF "Yes; but you are not cofjnizant of certain facts which has led to our beinir in our present relation to- wards each other," she says, crravely; "and of wliich we must tell you, perhaps to-morrow. We have enough on for to-day, and there is the luncheon bell, come." " Oh, Henry, do you know that the Coles are ex- pected here to-day, and have you told Miss Crew ? becau.se, don't," she whispered hurriedly. "No; I thought it as well not to," he said, in con- strained tones, adding, ".she has been telling me her sad story, poor girl ; which you and Mrs. Gower will know shortly, little woman." 1:1 CHAPTER XXVI. ELECTRIC TIPS AMONG THE ROSES. jURING luncheon, Mrs. Gower, , seeing that her companions seem too full of bu.sy thought to be talkative, exerts herself keeping up a con.stant flow of little nothings, requiring no replies ; her spirits became less depressed by the effort to keep sorrow at bay, her pleasant walk to town has really been a tonic to her. And now the knowledge that the Coles may come in at any moment ; that a handsome face, so full of power and sympathy with herself, will be here also; with the meeting by the Smyths and herself of the wife of their old friend Charlief Cole ; all this is a powerful stimulant to her, as well as the little surprise and excitement for the quiet, fair-haired girl, with tear-stained cheeks, on her left. " Would you like a trip down to Florida with me, Miss Crew. Orange groves and outdoor blossoms would be as a glimpse of Paradise, with one's eyes full of snow flakes. Electric Tips Among the Roses. 201 " Yes ; I should like to jjjo anywhere with you, Mrs. Gower ; that is," she achls, ^lancini^. timidly, at Mr. Dale, altvady now he knows her history, turning to him as a child to a parent; "that is, if it would be best for me." " Do you really contemplate this trip ; if so, and you do not leave for a few days, I think it would be the very thiii<]j for Miss — , for this little lady," he says; thinking she is merely running away to escape the remainder of the winter, " I do ready intend going," she said, slowly, and with an uncon-^cious sigh. He looks at her earne-^tly, thinkinj there is some latent reasort, when his wife, makinLT ^ moiie at him, accompanied l)y an almost im})erceptil»le sluike of the he;id, when, Mrs. (Jower, cliang ng the sijltject, sa^'s : " Did you see how Professor Hei komer has been laud- ing the Americans, Mr. Dale ? " " I kin;; couple Mr.s. Gower had seen on New Year's Day ; and wlio proved to be none other than our old friends, Silas Jojies and his loved wife Sarah, who made oath to the truth of Mr. Dale's statements. Insane at her defeat, at her loss of power, for which she had lived, for which she had sold her soul to Mephistoplieles In a ra^'j at her humiliation before Silas Jones and iils wife, wliom she has Idthorto walked over, whom she feels will rejoice with her victim over her discomfiture ; and whom she feels will .sin<^ the Te Deum Laudamtis over his freedoui, which she knows he will grasp at as eagerly as the timely njpe by the drowning man ; and so, hissing forth many words of fierce invective and malicious threats, she takes the hack from Holmnest. Mr. Dale's first expressive act on returning from escorting this amiable creature to the cab is to shake hands with Mr, Cole ; then, crossing ihe room to Pearl Villiers, to congratulate her, he ascertains she has fainted. " No wonder, poor girl," said Mrs. Gower, coming to her relief ; " I expect, this is not the first time her terrible step-sister has caused her to find relief in un- consciousness." "Do you remember, Elaine, she fainted once before, on Mr. Smyth announcing the marriage of Margaret Villiers with your poor friend here ? " " I do, distinctly." " I wonder," continued Mrs. Dale, " was she aware of her mother's wish that she should marry Mr. Cole? " " Yes, Miss Pearl knew it right well, poor, long-suf- 214 A Serpent in Paradise. t 1 i t i fering darling," says Sarah Jones, who is supporting her, while whispering soothing words of comfort. She now recovers, and is able to sit up, smiling at the sight which meets her eye, of Mr. Cole shaking Silas Jones by the hand, as if it was to be perpetual motion. Then, hobbling to the mirror, tears off his unbecoming muffler, throwing it at Tyr; saying, half wild with joy at his deliverance : '■ Away with her fetters; I shall begin to look like a Christian again ; if I had a razor now, it would not be used on the jugular vein, but on my beard; but Mrs. Smyth, Mrs. Gower, see how grey I am, Jove ! " and he ijave a oflance at the fair-haired ijirl, who with- drew her ej'-es, while both color. " Medusa was my pet name for her ; oh, it was a den of villainy, eh, Sarah," he said, excitedly. " It caps anything I have ever heard," said Dale, seeinij how weak Cole looks, and makinjj him take an easy chair. " Dinner is served, ma'am." After dining, Mr. and Mrs. Jones sitting down with them at the pressing invitation of Mrs. Gower, Mr. Dale read all the communications he had received re- lating to the fraud practised by Miss Villiers, and the Stones antagonistic to the interests of Pearl Villiers ; Brookes & Davidson undertaking to ptosecute in the interests of the latter, should she so decide. Before leaving England, some weeks previous, they had robbed and plundered the estate to such an extent as to reduce the actual income from five thousand pounds sterling per annum to three thousand. These facts had been ascertained by Messrs. Brookes & David.son, who said, as the delinquents had shel- tered themselves beneath the stars and stripes, they were safe personally ; but some of the properties could be wrested from parties to whom fraudulent sales had been made by Mrs. Cole. Her plea would of i A Serpent in Paradise. 215 course be that she, Margaret Villiers, had wed Charles Babbington-Cole ; but that had no weight, for a clause in the will would make such plea not worth a row of pins ; they, the lawyers, only wishing they were in England, when they would indict them for fraud. "You will prosecute the wretches. Pearl ; for we are going to make you feel at home, and call you so," said Mrs. Dale, eager l3\ But the girl, saying in a low voice, though heard by all, that she will not go to law ; that three thousand per annum is ample for her ; that in most cases, per- haps, the lessees were not cognizant of the fraudulent sale, and so would be punished, while the guilty people were the gainers. "They have a nice little nest egg," said Mr. Blair, indignantly ; " so does the green bay tree flourish." " Yc3," said Mr. Dale ; " and will likely pose as saints on the other side. Only that our little friend here would suffer much during a complicated law-suit, and that the enemy are hard to reach, I would advise her not to turn the other cheek, as she is doing but to fight; howevrr," he says, smilingly, "for Canada, Miss Pearl, you are (|uite a little heiress." " Ladies and gentlemen," said Silas Jones, as he and his happy wife bid them all good-night, " Sarah and I don't know how to thank you for your kindness to our Miss Pearl." " Yes ; may the blessings of heaven rest upon you for it," said S-irah, tearfully and reverently, as the girl kissed her, lovingly. " Amen," said Silas ; " and I would add that this poor gentleman has gone through a fiery furnace of affliction in his forced union with that vixen of the iron will and heart of stone ; but shv; will troul)le you no more, sir, it was only your name she wanted ; it meant gold," ■:1. 216 Squaring Accounts. 1 CHAPTER XXVIII. SQUARING ACCOUNTS. |X the evenini^ of the day on which the Coles' had arrived, and Miss Crew liad come out in her true colors as Pearl Viiliers, the heiress, in wliich her step-sister, Mrs. Cole, was branded with the name and character slie has earned as devotee of the father of lies ; tiiere was so much to say, and so many to say it ; so many hand clasps for the poor victim, Charlie Cole, on the incom- ing for his wife of Will Smyth, the Tremaines the A. Jones, and others, that the slipping out of Mrs. Dale and Mr. Blair, to meet the girl, Beatrice Hill, is unnoticed. After waiting in the shadow of the house, building on the next lot, for a considerable time, and evening is fast waning into night, Mr. Cobbe appears in the distance, coming at a brisk pace ; nears, opens the gate, is up the walk, rings, and is admitted. " Now she will come, I fervently hope," said Mrs. Dale, impatiently ; " horrid pair they are, interfering with our hearing the circus indoors. If our friend, Mr. Cobbe was mated to that hideons scold, Mis. Cole, I reckon he would not get too much line. But she would never have trapped him, he knows too much ; unless, indeed, she had settled half the plunder on him to close his mouth with the bon-bons that his soul loveth." " Your words, Mrs. Dale, give me an idea; I wonder if he would pose as 'Pooh Bah,' and pocket an insult, in the shape of a bribe, to give our dear friend her freedom." " Yes ; I do believe he would," she answers, eagerly; " I wonder we have not thought of that before." n v c Squaring Accounts. 217 " But how can we work it ; I cannot appear, though my bank notes are at his service ; I wonder if your very philanthropic husband would undertake the deli- cate mission ? " " Indeed, he would ; he just loves making rough places smooth for people." " It is very good of him," he said, gratefully." I fear this girl, Hill, is as slippery as Cobbe himself ; you had better return to the house, and I shall go to her address, Seaton street; and if I do not find her, shall see if I can elicit any item of importance from others in the house." " But you will wi>*h to come in and tell Elaine good- night first ; you will not sleep otherwise," she said, teasingly. " You are right ; but T must practise self-denial ; indeed, it is my life just now, and endeavor to earn a blissful reward bv cfaininff her release from Mr. Cobbe. Did you over see such a contrast in faces and expres- sion as that vixen. Cole's wife, presented, compared to our dear Elaine ? " " No ; unless it was myself, which of course you did not see," she said, saucily ; " but I like you all the better for it. I hate your men who are all things to all women ; go now, and success attend you. Good- night." Walking rapidly, winged love buoying him up, he soon reaches the Spadina Avenue terminus, when, for- tune smiling, he has not to wait the twenty minutes for the car, for the driver is in the act of turning the horses' heads south. Entering, wrapt in thought, he does not notice the numbers on this broad highway who make their ingress or egress. Pretty girls, peeping from cloud-like fascinators, attended by their chosen valentine, or by chaperon, evidently, by their gay trap- pings, bent on scoring a last dance before Lent, for this is St. Valentine's Day, and to-morrow will be Ash 15 218 Sqnarmg Accounts, •1 lUi; Wednesday, and so good-bye for a season to the plea- sures of Terpsichore. No, he is observant of nothing, ex- cepting the many stoppages, at which he is impatient. Even electric lighted King street is passed through unnoticed ; men thinking, on seeing his bent head and knit brows, poor fellow, probably bit by the " Central." Girls whispering, ' He has missed the ring in his Shrove Tuesday pancakes this evening, getting only the button What a pity, for he v.'Ould be handsome if he would only see us." At the crossing of his turn north, the driver calling Sherbourne street, he changes cars, and in due course leaves them, to walk up Seaton street. Reaching his number, he rings the bell of a small rough-cast house. A man in his shirt sleeves, and with the smell of fresh pine about him, opens the door. " Does a young woman, named Hill, live here ?" "Yes, sir ; just step in, please," and ushering him into a sitting-room, at one end there being a new pine table nearly finished, tools and shavings about. A woman, who is nursing a baby, says : " Take this chair, sir ; but I'm a'm&st feared Beatrice has too bad a head to see you." "Tell her, please, that I must see her, if she is able to sit up at all," he says, decidedly. " Very well, sir," and going to another room on same flat, he could hear half -angry words and sobs. The woman returning, eyeing him suspiciously, said: " No, sir ; she says as how she'll see you to-morrow." " That won't do. I w/tsHiave the information she has promised, otherwise the detectives will do the work for me at once," he said sternly. " Detectives ! oh !" she cries, quickly, in changed tones, leaving the room; when there is more parleying on the part of the woman. She now returns, saying : " Please, step this way, sir." Going into the girl's room, who is evidently a vest- Squaring Accounts. 219 maker, by the pile of said articles on a table, another on the sevvins^- machine. She gives a sulky nod, pointing him to a chair. She has a seedy gown on, untidy hair, and no collar, looking as if she cared for naught. There is an attempt at decoration on the flowered wall-paper, in shape of business cards pinned thereon, with the inevitable bow of ribbon; three cane chairs, a trunk, a bright rag carpet, two tables, and a small lounge, fur- nish the room. Conspicuous among the photos lying on a table, and the only one enthroned in a scarlet plush frame, is a smiling photograph of Mr. Cobbe. Determined on showing nothing like feeling, in her half hysterical state, he says, briefly: " Well, what have you to tell me, as you failed in keeping your appointment ? I have come to hear." " And suppose I go back on my word, and don't tell you ?" she said, doggedly. " Then you shall be made to speak," he says, with a brave front ; though his heart is heavy at her words. " Oh, I know what fine gentlemen's boasts add up to," she sa^yrf, crossly and defiantly, dashing away her tears; " to just nothing." " You shall be put in the lock-up if you are caught prowling about any one's residence after this." "And what would you gain by that ?" she says, cun- ningly. While Blair, sighing for woman's tact, wishes Mrs. Dale was with him, when a sudden thought occurs to him ; rising, as if to go, he says, with assumed careless- ness : " Very well ; if you won't help yourself and me, by making a clean breast of it, things will have to take their own course, and that man," indicating by a ges- ture the photograph of Mr. Cobbe, " and that man will be lo.st to you, as the husband of a certain lady in the north-west end." SflSBi 220 Squaring A ccoti n ts. At this she is humble enough, her tears bursting afresh. " Oh, no, no ; I am just crazy to-night, that my Phil is with her ; and I have been crying my eyes out, because I daren't go up, because of you coming out to make me tell on him ; oh, oh, oh." " But can't you see, girl, that this is the only way you will keep him to yourself, by telling what hold you have on him. If you don't, as sure as you are alive, he will marry yonder lady, and spurn you like a worm under his heel," he said, with angry impatience. "Oh, never ; oh, oh, oh, me ! I suppose 1 had best tell, then." And going to the trunk, taking out a small box, which she unlocks with a key, suspended by a ribbon around her neck, she takes therefrom a few lines written on half a sheet of paper, handing it to him. It read : "SiMCOE St., March 16. " Dearest Love, — Be sure and be on time at the Union Depot. It's all nonsense your asking me to marry you before we start. It's not common sense of you. The other women who want me would tear youi pretty eyes out. No, Betty, my petty. I will marry you when we get to Buffalo ; not before ; so do not make me angry, when you ought to be the happiest woman in Toronto at going away with your own " Philip." " Did he marry you ? " asked Blair, placing the paper carefully in his pocket-book. Coloring, as she hangs her head, she does not notice his act. " What's that to you ? " she said, doggedly. " It's everything ; speak, or take the consequences." " He didn't, then ; but he's not free to marry that Sqii laring Accounts. 221 hussy, since I have his writ promise, where is my paper ? Give it me." " Softly, softly, young woman ; I want him to do right by you." " But you'll only rouse the devil in him, sir ; and he'll see me no more," she says, wringing her hands. " Listen to reason, girl, I will borrow this paper, and on my honor ; but pshaw, you won't credit me with so scarce a commodity," he says, half aside. " Lend me the letter until this time to-morrow, and here is ten dollars; when I return it you shall have ten more." "Not much; you bet, it shan't leave my eye-sight for any money." But after a weary talk she unwillingly consents ; when he leaves the house. During the next three days and nights Mr. Blair was half beside himself with anxieties, doubts and fears ; for Mr. Dale, even with the letter to Beatrice Hill in his hand, could do nothing with Mr. Cobbe. As mulish as the girl Hill, he refused to release Mrs. Gower from her oath ; finally, in fiery wrath decla^ ig there would be a heavy breach of promise case, did she break faith. The result was, that with the Dales, Pearl Villiers and Mr. Cole, at Holranest, a busy week was spent. Mrs. Gower telling Mr. Cobbe, since he would have it so, she would wed him sometime or other, parting with him at the foot of the altar, henceforth to meet as strangers ; that but for his own acts, they would have been friends ; but she could never forget all she had al- ready suffered in nervous fear of the girl Hill. And so, as rapidly as possible she prepares, as before arranged, to leave Holmnest for some months. Charlie Cole was to join his father at Jacksonville, Florida, the following day ; Pearl Villiers and herself follow- ing. The house to be left in care of the kitchen, the Dales making it their home when in the city ; but in 222 Squaring A ccou n is. a day or two, they would be most likely summoned to New York on peremptory business for a few days. Mrs. Dale and Mrs. Gower were amused in a sad sort of way, for their thoughts were orravely set, on the attitude taken by Mr. Cobbe. Still, it was a sort of distraction to note the manner of each toward the other; of Pearl Villiers and Charlie Cole, the latter demand- inor, and the former seeming to think it her duty to wait on him, humor him, go out for little sunlit walks on the veranda with him, play his favorite music, and endeavor to make up to him for her step- sister's wicked a(5t, in coming between them. " It's a rather dangerous game though, Elaine ; they will trade hearts unconsciously." " Yes, I have feared that, Ella ; God spare her from that misery," she says, gravely, with hands pressed to her own aching heart. " Pearl," said Charlie Cole, as throwing away his cane, he leans lightly on her arm, as they pace up and down the sun- warm veranda, half an hour before the hack arrives to convey him to the Union Depot, " Tell me, Pearl, dear ; but for my wretched union with your wicked step-sister, would you have married me will- ingly, mark me, willingly ? " he says, probing her. " I would," she says, truthfully, blushing vividly ; •' but I don't think it's quite right to talk of it now, Charlie, is it ? only, if we had known long ago when we have met as strangers, Margaret might have been spared this sin." " How your eyes seemed to follow me, Pearl. Our friend, Mrs. Gower, and myself have been the foot-ball of circumstances, she used to have instantaneous photo- graphs of Blair, and is doomed to Cobbe ; same fate as mine." " My heart is full of pity for you both, dear ; but try and think of it as God's will, and it will come easier." " I know all that ; but it's confoundedly hard that those vultures should have it all their own way." 'Mair Sweet than I Can Tell!^ 223 CHAPTER XXLX. "MAIR SWEET THAN I CAN TELL." N an evenincr at the close of February, wnerl the mercury has risen so high that all nature is in a melting mood; the snowy mantle of winter disappearing fast on the warm bosom of dear old mother earth, while Holmnest is a very bower of love, a very haven of peace. Up- stairs, downstairs, and in my lady's chamber, every- thing is warm, home-like, sweet and fresh ; with dreamy, turned down lights, showing the dainty sleep- ing apartment of its mistress, with its blue and white prevailing tints, its lace bed-spread and pillow shams ; its pretty feminine adornments, with three or four pictures, and a vase of fresh flowers giving life to its repose. But we notice in the dim and shadowy light, a something unusual, a something different, a new- element in this, the bed-chamber of Elaine Gower ; a something that makes the heart throb faster, and a look of wonder, with a smile of content come to the face, a something which gives a tone of strength, of completeness to this bower of rest ; it is, that here and there, one can dimly see a man's belongings, and one remembers to have read, " it is not good for man to be alone." But ; and we start with fear, for the inaminate can- not speak and tell us if Mr. Cobbe has had his way, and those manly belongings are his ; if so, if so, alas ! But the kitchen says, no, as with a broad grin of content it sits over the debris of a late dinner ; when, at the tinkle, tinkle of the library bell, Thomas is away like a flash ; we follow, peep in and see Mr. Blair, reclining on a lounge, holding between his fingers a cigarette; he forgets to smoke, a look of L2i ^24 ''Mair Sivcet than I Can Tc/ir •'•1 < ,.-1 i'--"( ineffable content and happiness on his manly face. He has rolled the .sota over beside the Davenpoit, at which sits his twin-.Npnit, the mistress of Holiiinest, who is within easy reach of his hand, as she sits writinjjf. She wears a <^own coiden r de rose, and is lookin«i; very lovable, her face transti(,mred with quiet happiness. As Thomas appears, slie says, in her sweet tones: " No one is aware of our return, Thonias, so we don't expect visitors ; but in any case, we are not at home." " Very well, ma'am." " My bride of a week ; my ain wife, my other self," he says, his heart in his eyes, " bend down your sweet face and kiss me." Holding her in a close embrace, he says, " and so you are not sorry that a i^reat, rough man like myself has crept into your bonnie Holmnest, and stolen your heart ? " " Nay, not stolen, dearest ; mine has been a willing surrender ; and you must not call yourself names in my hearing. Mine has been a very lonely life, especi- ally of late years ; and you don't know how humble I feel at this great happiness coming to me, or my rest- ful content in leaning on this strong arm." " There is one thing to be said for me, my own wife, and that is, that no other woman has a real or fancied riirht to lean on me. I have never been a flirting man, for which I may thank my father and mother, who aye were leal and true. What a picture they were in fair Dunkeld, going down life's hill together ; he only living after her to close her eyes. How I wish they could have seen you, my other better self." " Yes ; it would have given me great joy to have met them ; your words of them remind me. Alec, of a dear old couple who reside in our sweet Rosedale. A day in their home is a living idyl ; to see his tender care of her crossing the bridge into Bloor street, is a life lesson ; I used to liken you and your w^ee lost wife ''Mair S-uurt than I Can Tdir 225 to them, dear. I must tell you of an incident that attracted me to Mr Smyth more than years ot ac- (luaintance. Prior to an illness of his wife, she had a photo taken at Gagren and Eraser's. On her recovery we were comparinj,' it with a previous one, when he said, ' I like one I have better tlian either of them.' His wife, lookinj,' amazed, said, ' What one, Will ? ' while I said, ' Show it to us.' He answered, " This one,' encirclini; her in his arms." " Only what he should have done, darling. Each for the other, shall be our motto ; but must you write Mrs. Dale to-nioht ? " " Yes, dear ; just fancy how eager she must be to hear, as they were called away so suddenly, and they ^are such faithful friends. Shall 1 hand you the even- ing papers to look at while I write, dearest ? " " No, thanks ; I shall look at my wife's face instead." " HoLMNEST, Toronto, " Feb. 28th, 1888. " My Dear Ella, " We only returned home to day ; but as we, with Pearl, leave for Jacksonville on to-morrow, I must do myself the pleasure of a one-sided written chat with you to-night. My pre-arranged plan is to be carried out ; but with what a light heart do I carry it out as Elaine Blair— is it not a pretty name. But lest you think me insane at my age, I shall not go into rap- tures over my name, or my loving life companion, who has given it me. " I have so much to say, that I am in a quandary what to begin with. " The day after you left we went down quietly to the early morning Lenten service, and at its close were married by my good pastor, leaving the same day for Niagara. You remember I used to say in jest, that to 226 *'Mair S-u'cef than I Can Tclir make a marriage lefjal, we Torontonians iriust j^o thither ! so Alec and 1 are fast bound ; tliank (iod for His goodness. How little I dreamed of this two weeks ago. Your good hushand has worked a miracle in obtaining my release from Philip ; I cannot but think I have been bou