IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 m III 18 = 5 '" = >" IlilU 2.2 ;;; ||||im ^ " m M 1.8 1.4 111.6 ^ ^ '^. e": :^«^-'"^ T^X::^ ■il!;!;,l,; .. : 1. TTTTp^Ti-r:; ■ SJU V ■ , p. hi D ICT ION A R Y OF Bo O K S IteUitttig \$ ^Smmca, The foiJoinring {nges aw|i^ lbr«h w* Specimen of "A Dic- tionary of Books l*i«tin| to Amtrica, fi-oni its Discovery to the present Time,'* and. a*e intended to txlnbit the thorough manner in which the #ork is performed. Up to this d«^ February, j 876, forty Parts b|ve beeh publiijhed, and duHng. th« prwcm year not less than six more Parts will be issued, indeed, the work is going slowly, but surely, along > and it is hoped that it can be com- pleted in a few mo-e years, for very much of the work in the sequent letters of the alphabet is already done, and needs only to be put into the printer's hands. It is scarcely necessary to say dttt the labor is immense; the proofs aye all read not ^ess than five times and >y three and sometimes four different persons ; all the books of imporunce are very carefully descrthed* and it is believed that no bibliographical work of equal extent, has ever attempted so minute a description of so many books, for at this time the number of titles described amount to 32000, which number does not include the various editions of the works nor the titles of books of secondary interest which are printed in small type, which additions would more than double the number. From its nature it cannot, of course, aim at a large circulation- it is intended for the Historian, the Collector, syid the Librarian, beyond whose sphere it is not expected to circulate, and it is for their information, as to the stai^ of the work, that these p. ses^ are distributed. The author has receivedjnany commendations of the work, whieh might perhaps have been printed— he contents himself with a quotation from a letter written by Mr. Frederick Muller, of Amsterdam, himself an eminent bibliographer, who says "I am proud to be a bookseller, seeing a bookseller-has made such a book." , If 1. / P"P BIBLIOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION or THE WORKS OF €♦ ^ennepin antr %. ire ^axtxa. ENNEPIN (L.) Description I de la| Louisiana, | nouvellement decouverte | au Sud'Oiiest de la Nouvelle Fiance, | par ordre du roy. | Avec la Carte du Pays: Les Moeurs I & la Maniere de vivre | des Sau- vages. I Dedie'e a Sa Majeste'. | Par le R. P. Louis Hennepin, I Missionaire Recollet &| Notaire Apostolique, | J Paris, \ Chez la Veuve Sebastien Hure, ... |m.dc. Lxxxiii. | ... | i2mo, pp. (12), 312, "MceursdesSauvages,"pp. 107. Map by Guerard. ba., c. There are copies of this edition dated Paris, mdclxxxiv. This is the first edition of the Travels of this famous friar, giving his voyage up the Mississippi from the Illi- nois river. He first described the Falls of Niagara, and, according to some authorities, named Louisiana after the then King of France, Louis xiv. But this fact is disputed by Harrisse and others ; it is, however, the first printed account of Louisiana. Hennepin. Description | de la | Lousiane | nouvellement decou- verte I au Sud'Oiiest de la Nouvelle France, | par ordre du roy. | Avec la Carte du Pays : Les Moeurs | & la Maniere de vivre | des Sauvages. I ... | Par le R. P. Louis Hennepin, | Missionaire Re- collet & I Notaire Apostolique. \^ Paris, \ Chez Jniable Auroy, ... \ M. DC. L.xxxviii. I ...| i2nio, pp. (12), 312, 107. Map. ba., h. An exact reproduction of the edition of 1683, but some slight verbal changes and typographical errors prove that it is a reprint. Both editions have a monogram AA above imprint. Hennepin. [Engraved title:] Nouvelle decouverte |d'un tres grand | Pays Situe. dans L'Amerique | Par R. P. Louis de Henne- pin. I a Utrec Chez Guiliaume Broedelet \ [Followed by printed title :] Nouvelle | decouverte | d'un tres grand | pays | Situe dans I'Ame- rique, | entre | Le Nouveau Mexique, | et | La Mer Glaciale, | Avec les Cartes, & les Figures nccessaires, & de plus|rHistoire Natu- relle & Morale, & les av;witages, | qu'- en peut tirer par I'etablisse- ment des Colonies. | Le tout dedle | a | Sa Majeste Britannique. | Guillaume in. | Par le| R. P. Louis Hennepin, | Missionaire Re- collect & Notaire Apostolique. ^ A Utrecht^ \ Che% Guillaume Broedelet^\ Marchand Libraire, M DC xcvii. | i2mo, Engraved Title, pp. (70), 506. 2 Maps, 2 Plates, one of which is the first engraved view of Niagara Falls. ba., h., j.c.b., m. 31349 This is the first edition of the second part, it includes the substance of his first book, but gives, before the account of his voyage up the Mississippi, an account of a voyage he here claims to have made down to the mouth and up again. It is identical, in fact, with Membre's in Leclercq, which Hennepin says was taken frohi his account. The charges against Hennepin's veracity are based on this interpolation chiefly. The preface con- tains a narration of his embroglio with Mr. La Salic. See Tromel, No. 422. The following is the same work with a new title-page only. Hennepin. Nouvelle | Decouverte I d'un tres grand | Pays Situe dans I'Amerique, |entre| Le Nouveau Mexique, |et La Mer Gla- ciale, I Avec les Cartes, et les Figures necessaires, et de plus | I'Histoire Naturelle et Morale, et les avantages | qu'on en peut tirer par I'etablissem. des Colon. | Le tout dedie | a Sa Majeste Britannique, | Guillaume in | par le R. P. Louis Hennepin | ... A Amsterdam^ Chez Abraham van Someren ... mdcxcviii. i2mo, Engraved Title, pp. (70), 506. 2 Maps, 2 Plates. 31350 Hennepin. Nouveau | voyage | d'un Pais plus grand que j I'Europe] Avec les reflections des enterprises du Sieur||de la Salle, sur les Mines de Sf. Barbe, &c. | Enrichi de la Carte, de figures expressives, des moeurs | & manieres de vivre des Sauvages du Nord, I & du Sud, de la prise de Quebec Ville Capital- |le de la Nouvelle France, par les Anglois, & des | avantages qu'on peut retirer du chemin recourci | de la Chine & du Japon, par le moien de tant | de Vastes Contrees & de Nouvelles Colonies. | Avec approbation & dedie a sa Majeste | Guillaume in. | Roy de la grande | Bretagne | par le | R. P. Louis Hennepin, | Missionaire Recollect & Notaire Apostolique. ^ A Utrecht^ | Che% Antoine Schouten, \ Marchand Libraire. 1698. | 8vo, pp. (70), I leaf blank, pp. 389. 4 Plates, I Map. ba. 31 351 This forms a third series of Hennepin's Travels. It is not a personal narrative, as he was but once in America. It gives an account of La Salle's unfortunate journey, and describes at greater length the manners, customs, and superstitions of the Indian tribes. Hennepin. Voyage | ou Nouvelle decouverte | d'un tres- grand pays, | dans | I'Amerique, ] entre le Nouveau | Mexique | et la Mer Glaciale, | Par le R. P. Louis Hennepin, | Avec toutes les particularitez de ce Pais, & de celui connu sous le nom de La Louisiane ; I les avantages qu*on en peut tirer parjl'etablissement des Colonies enrichie de I'artes Geographiques. | Augmente de 31351 tres- :|et la tes les de La voyage | Qui contient Coutumes, Religion, quelques figures en taille douce. | Avec un une Relation exacte de I'Ongine, Moeurs, Guerres & Voyages des Caraibes, | Sauvages des Isles Antilles de L' Amerique, | Faite par la Sieur De la Borde, | Tiree du Cabinet de Monsr. Blondel. J A Amsterdam^ Chez, Jdriaan Braakman. M. D. cciv.| i2mo, Frontispiece, pp. (34), 604, (32). 2 Maps, 6 Plates. BA. 31352 Brunet says pp. 516, having probably an imperfect copy wiiich did not include the "Voyage qui contient," etc., pp. 517-604. Hennepin. Voyage Curieux | Du R. P. Louis Hennepin, | Missionaire Recollect, & Notaire Apostolique, | Qui contient une j Nouvelle Decouverte | D'un Tres-Grand Pays, | Situe dans I'Ame- rique, j Entre le Nouveau Mexique & la Mer Glaciale, | Avec j Toutes les particularitez de ce Pays, & les avantages qu'on | en peut tirer par I'etablissement des Colonies, enrichi | de Cartes & augmente de quelques figures | en taille douce necessaires. [Outre cela on a aussi ajoute ici un | Voyage | Qui contient une Relation exacte de I'Origine, Moeurs, | Coutumes, Religion, Guerres & Voyages I Des Caraibes, I Sauvages des Isles Antilles de I'Ame- rique, | Faite par le Sieur De La Borde, | Employe a la Conversion des Caraibes, | Et tiree du Cabinet de Mr. Blondel. | A La Haye^ \ Chez yean Kitto, Marchana Libraire^ dans \ le Spuy-straet. 1 704. i2mo. Two Titles, one of which is engraved, pp. (32), 604, (32). 2 Maps, 6 Plates. h.c.m. 31353 The engraved title reads, " Nouveaux Voyages du R P Louis Hennepin et dc Sieur Dela Borde." This is a reprint of Hennepin's second publication entitled : "Nouvelle decouverte d'un tres grand pays situe dans rAmerique &t." (UtrecAt, 1697,) together with the voyage made by Sieur De la Borde to the Antilles, giving an account of the Caraibes, not elsewhere published, p. 517 (oar No. 604), which was printed by Van der Aa. Brunet refers to this edition as a reprint of his " Nouveau Voyage," printed at UtrecAt in 1698 j and, at the same time, gives as his principal article on Hennepin this very edition containing La Borde with a different title, as if it were a different work and the first of the series. Some copies have the imprint, A Leide : Chez Pierre •van der Aa. mdcciv. Hennepin. Voyages | curieux et nouveaux | de Messieurs Hennepin & De la Borde, | Ou Ton voit | Une Description tres Particuliere, d'un Grand Pays dans L'Amerlque, entre le | Nou- veau Mexique, & la Mer Glaciale, avec une Relation Curieuse des I Caraibes sauvages des Isles Antilles de L'Amerique, | les Moeurs, Coutumes, Religion, &c. | ... \ Amsterdam., Aux depens de la Compagnie. M. Dccxi. | i2mo, oblong title, up. (32), 604, (32). 2 Maps, 6 Plates. ba., h. 31354 The same as the edition of 1704, with a title printed in 410. Hennepin. Voyage ou nouvelle decouverte d'lin tres-| grand Pais, dans | I'Amerique, entre le Nouveau Mexique | et la | Mer Glaciale. | ... Augmente ... avec un voyage | qui contient une relation exacte de I'Origine, Moeurs, Coutumes, Religion, Guerres et Voyages des Caraibes, | Sauvages des Isles Antilles de I'Amerique. Faite par le Sieur de la Borde. Amsterdam : yaquei Desbordes. 1712. 1 2mo, Frontispiece, pp. (34), 604. Map and Places. 3*355 Another French version (1710) is included in Bernard's " Recueil de Voyages du Nord," Vol. V. See our Vol. 11., No. 4936, note. Hennepin. Descrizione | della | Lvigiana ; | Paese nuouamente scoperto nel- | TAmerica Settentrionale, | sotto gl'auspicij | del Christianissimo | Lvigi xiv. | Con la Carta Geografica del mede- ) simo, costumi, e maniere di | viuere di que' Seluaggi. Del P. Lvigi Hennepin | Francescano Recolletto, e Missionario| Apostolico in questa Scoperta. Tradotta dal Francese, e Dedicata | al Reve- rendiss. P. D. Ludovico|de' Conti Gverra | Abbate Casinense de S. Procolo I di Bologna. | In Bologna, per Giacomo Monti. 1686. i2mo, pp. (8), 396. Map. j.c.B. 31356 This Italian translation is by Casimiro Freschot ; it is a little remarkable that the first translation should have been into Italian. It docs not appear ever to have been re- printed. Hennepin. [Engraved title:] Ontdekking van | LouisaniaJ Door den Vader L. Hennepin. | Benevens de Beschryving van Noord-America door den Heer Denys. | ^Amsterdam by Jan ten Hoorn ... 1688. [Printed title:] Beschryving| van | Louisariia, | Nieuwelijks ontdekt ten Zuid-Westen | van | Nieuw-Vrankryk, j Door order van den Koning. | Met de Kaart des Landts, en een nauvvkeurige verhande- 1 ling van de Zeden en manieren van leeven der Wilden. | Door Den | Vader Lodewyk Hennepin, | Recollet- sche Missionaris in die Gewesten, en | Apostolische Notaris. j Mitsgaders de | Geographische en Historische Beschrijving der Kusten van | Noord-America, | Met de Natuurlijke Histoire des Landts. Door den Heer Denys, | Gouverneur Lieutenant Generaal voor Zijn Allerchriste- 1 lijkste Majesteit, en Eigenaar van alle de Landen en Ei-|landen gelegen van Cap de Campseaux tot aan Cap des Roziers. | Ver9iert met Kopere Figuren. \ t* Amsterdam, \ By Jan ten Hoorn, Boekverkooper over 't Oude \ Heer en Logement, in de Histori-Schryver. A. 1688. | 4to, Two Titles, one of which is engraved, pp. (4), 158, (5), Map and 6 Plates ; followed by "Ge- ographische ... Door den Heer Denys," pp. (4), 200, (4). j.c.b. This first edition in Dutch consists of a translation of our No. 31347 \Faris. 1683], with the addition of Denys' geographical and historical description of the Coasts of North America, as described in our Vol. iv., Nos. ^961 5, 19616. The map is entitled: • *< Kaart van Nieuw Vrankrijlc en van Louisania." du J.C.B. . 1683], Coasts of ■ entitled : Hennepin. [Engraved title:] Reyse|door|Nieuwe Ondekte] Landen [Printed title:] Aenmerckelycke | Historische | Reys- Beschryvinge | Door verscheyde Landen veel grooter als die van geheel] Europa|onlanghs ontdeckt. | Behelsende een nauwkeurige Beschrijvinge van gelegentheyd, natuur, en| vrughtbaerheyd, van't Zuyder, en Noorder gedeelte van^ America; mitsgaders | de gedaente, aerd, manieren, kledingen, en't geloove der talrijke Wilde Natien | aldaer woonende. Het beleg en veroveringe van Quebek, de Hooft-stad van Cana-|da, door de Engelschen. De gewigtige aenmerkingen op de onderneminge van de | Heer de la Salle, op de Goud-Mijnen van St. Barbara, met veel meer andere | waeragtige en seldsame geschiedenissen. En in't besonder de aenwijsingen om [door een korten wegh sonder de Linie Equinoc- tiael te passeeren, na China en | Japan te komen ; en de groote voordeelen die men hier door, als mede door de | nieuwe Volck- plantingen in dese vrughtbaare Landen sou konnen trecken. Alles|met een nette Kaert tot dese | aenwijsinge nodig, en kopere Platen verciert. | Met Approbatie van | Wilhelmus den in. | Ko- ningh | van | Groot-Britanie. | En aan deselve sijne Majesteyt opgedragen | door | Lodewyck Hennepin, | Missionaris Recollect, en Notaris Apostoliek. | Tot Utrecht^ \ By Anthony Schouten. 1698. j 4to, Two Titles, one of which is engraved, pp. (28), 142 [mis- numbered 242], (18). Map and 4 Plates. ba. 31358 This is a translation of the " Nouvelle decouverte," No. 31349. Utrecht. 1697. The map is entitled : " Carte d'un Nouveau monde entre le Nouveau Mexique et la Mer Glaciale. Gasp. Bouttats fecit." HfiNNEPiN. Nieuwe Ontdekkinge | Van een groot Land, gele- gen in | America, | tusschen nieuw Mexico | en de [Ys-Zee. | Behel- zende de gelegentheid der zelve nieuwe ontdekte Landen : de Rivieren en | groote Meeren in't zelve. En voor al van de groote Rivier Meschasipi genaamd. | De Kolonien die men by de zelve tot voordeel van dezen Staat, zo ten opzich- 1 te van den Koop- handel, als tot verzekeringe der Spaansche Goud-Mijnen, | zou konnen onrcchten. De uitneemende vruchtbaarheid van 't Land ; over- 1 vloed der Visschen in den Rivieren. De gedaanten, inborst, geloove en oeffe-|ningen der Wilden aldaar woonende. De vreemde Dieren in haare Rosschen en | Velden. Met een korte aanmerkinge oevr de zo genaamde Straat Aniam ; enj't middel om door een korte weg, zonder de Linie ^Equinoctiaal te passee- ren, I na China en Japan te komen met veele curieuse dingen meer. Alles met goede | Kaarten tot ueze aanwijzinge nodig, en met Kopere Plaaten vercierd. | Met goed-vindinge van den | Koning van Engeland | Wilhelmus den in. | In 't licht gegeeven : j e En aan dc zelve zijne Majesteit opgcdraagen, | door | Lodewyk Hennepin,! Missionaris Recollect en Notaris Apostolick. Tf Tot j1mster(lafn^\ Ry Abraham van Someren. 1699. | 410, pp. (26), 220, (14). 2 Maps, Plate. 31359 T!ie maps are entitled: 1st. "Carte d'un tres grand pais ... Chez A. v. Someren i Amsterdam ;" id. •' Amerique Septei)trionalis [i/V.] Carte d'un tres grands pays ... Chc« A. V. Someren ^ Amsterdam 1698. J. v. Vianen fecit." Hennkimn. Nieuwe Ontdekkinge | Van een Groot Land, eelegen|in America, |Tusschen nieuw| Mexico en de Ys-Zee. I Behelzende de gelegcnheid der zelve nieuwe ontdekte Landen, | de Rivieren en groote Meercn, en voor al de groote Rivier Me- schasipi genaamd :|de Colonien die men by de zelve tot voordeel van dezen Staat, | zo ten opzichte van den Koophandel, als tot ver- zekeringe der Spaan-|sche Goud-Mijnen, zou konnen oprechten j ... . Benevens een Aanhangsel, behelzende een Reizc door ccn | gedeelte van de Spaansche West-Indien, en een Verhaal | van d'Ex- peditie der Franschcn op Cartagena, j Door L[ouis] de C[apine]. Tot Jmsterda?n^\ By Andries van Damme ^ Boekverkooper ... 1702. | 4to, Two Titles, one of which is engraved, pp. (24), 220, (14). 2 Maps, the same as in our former number, and 2 Plates ; " Aan- hangsel," pp. 47, Map and Plate. ba. 31360 This is a translation of the " Nouvelle Decouverte" of Hennepin, and has the two maps and two plates which are found in the original ; it also contains an Appendix consisting of Capine's Voyage through the Spanish Wtjt Indies, and an account of the French expedition to Cartagena. The .engraved title reads, "Nieuwe Ontdekkinge in America Gedaan Door L. Hennepin." Hennepin. Aenmerkelyke Voyagie j Gedaan na't | Gedeelte van Noorder America, | Behelzende een nieuwe ontdekkinge van een seer | Groot Land, gelegen tusschen | Nieuw Mexico en de Ys- Zee. I Vervattende de gelegentheid der zelve nieuwe ontdekte Lan-|den; de Revieren en groote Meeren in't zelve. En voor al van de groote Revier Meschasipi genaamd. Die Kolonien die men by de zelve tot voordeel van dezen Staat, zo ten opzichte van den| Koophandel, als tot verzekeringe der Spaansche Goud Mijnenjzou kunncn oprechten. De uitnemende vruchtbaarheid van't I Land, overvloed der Visschen in die Revieren. De gedaan- ten, I inborst, geloove en oefteningen der Wilden aldaar woonende. De vreemde Dieren in Haare Bosschen en Velden. Met een korte aanmerkinge over de zogenaamde Straat Aniam ; en't | mid del om door een korte weg, zonder der Linie ^quinoctiaal | te pas- seeren, na China en Japan te komen met veele andere by-|sonder- heden meer. Door Lodewyk Hennepin, | Missionaris Recollect en Notaris Apostoliek. | Desen laatsten Druk is niet alleen ver- 7 Lodewyk c. J fat (26), 220, 3»359 V. Sumercn i pays ... Chex ot Land, Ys-Zcc. I Landen, | ivier Me- ; voordeel Is tot ver- prechten j door ccn | van d'Ex- C[apine]. .. 1702. 1 120,(14). 1 ; " Aan- A. 31360 has the two in Appendix :()unt of the dekkinge in jcdeelte inge van n de Ys- ontdekte En voor onien die opzichte le Goud baarheid gedaan- onende. J let een j n't|mid- I te pas- sonder- ecollect sen ver- cierd, met noodigc Kaartcn | maar ook met vcrschcide Kopcre rrintverbecldingen, I noyt te vooren soo gcsicn. | TV Leydfn^\ By Pieter van der Aa. 1704. | 4to, pp. (22), 219, ( 13). 6 Plates, 2 Maps. 3*36^ Hennepin. Aanmcrkclykc voyagie | gedaan na 't | gcdeelde van | Noorder America, j behel/,(Mide cen nieuwe ontdekkinge van een seer|gr<)ot land, gelegen tusschen| Nicuw-Mexico en dc Ys-zee, | ... Rotterdam: B. Bos. 1704. Sm. 4to, pp. (22), 200, (14). 2 Maps, 6 Plates. c. 31362 Usually found with Benzoni (G.), " De gedenkwaardige Wc»t-Indise voyagicn," etc., and is also included in der Aa's Collection of Voyages. Ley Jen. 1704. Hennepin. Nieuwe Ontdekkinge, van groote Lande in Ame- rika, tusschen Nieuw Mexico en de Ys-Zee. ... Benevens ... een Reize door een gedeelte van de Spaanisch West Indien, door L. de Capine. Met Kaarten en Kopere Plaat. Amsterdam. 1722. 4to. 31363 Hennepin. Beschreibung der Landschaft Louisiana welche auf Befehl des Konigs in Frankreich neulich gcgen Siid-Westen Neu Frankreichs in America gefunden. Niirnberg: Andreas Otto. 1692. i8mo, pp. 427. Map. j.c.b. 31364 Hennepin. Neue Entdeckungen vieler sehr grossen Land- schaften in America zwischen Neu Mexico und dem Eis-Meer gelegen, ubersetzt von J. G. Langen. Bremen. 1690. 3^395 Title from Ternaux, No. 1049 — perhaps an error as to place and date. Hennepin. Neue | Reise Beschreibung | durch viele Lander weit grosser als gantz | Europa, | ... durch L. Hennepin. | ^r^-w^n; Phil. Gottfr. Saurmans. 1698. | 8vo, pp. (64), 288. j.c.B. Hennepin. Neue | Entdeckung | vieler sehr grossen | Land- schaft'tcn | in | America zwischen Neu-Mexico und dem Eyss-| Meer gelegen. ... Ins Teutschc iibcrsetzt durch |M. J. G. Lan- gen. I Mit Land-Charten und KupfFer Figuren. Bremen: Philip Gottfr. Saurmans. 1699. i2mo, pp. (66), 382. Map and Plates. Hennepin. Neue | Reise | Beschreibung | nach | America, | und dererjbisher noch unbekandten Lan-|der und Volcker, | vornem- lich|von der Landschaft't| Lovisiana, | und den Sitten und Lebens Art der Wil-|den in selbiger Landschafft. | Aus dem Fran^-v^si- schen uber-|setzt und mit Kupfern geziert. Niirnberg. 1739. Im Ferlag Christ. Fried. Feisze. i8mo, pp. 425. 2 Maps. w 8 Hennepin. Reisen | und seltsahme | Begebenheiten ; Oder sonderbare Entdeckung | vieler sehr grossen | Lander | in Amerika. Welche biszhero noch unbekannt|gewesen, und an Grosse gantz Euro- 1 pa ubertrefFen, etc. Bremen: Nathaniel Saurmann. 1742. i8mo, pp. (24), 382. 2 Maps and Plate. j.c.b. 31369 Hennepin. A | New Discovery | of a | Vast Country in Amer- ica, I Extending above Four Thousand Miles, | between | New France and New Mexico ; | with a | Description of the Great Lakes, Cata- 1 racts, Rivers, Plants, and Animals. | Also, the Man- ners, Customs, and Languages of the se-|veral Native Indians; and the Advantage of Com- 1 merce with those different Nations. ) With a I Continuation, | Giving an Account of the | Attempts of the Sieur De la Salle upon the | Mines of St. Barbe, &c. The taking of | Quebec by the English ; With the Advantages | of a Shorter Cut to China and Japan. | Both Parts Illustrated with Maps, and Figures, | and Dedicated to His Majesty K. William.) By L. Hennepin, now Resident in Holland. | To which are added. Several New Discoveries in North- 1 America, not publish'd in the French Edition. | London.^ Printed for M. Bentley^ J. Tonson^\H. Bonwick^ T. Goodwin^ and S. Manship. 1698. | 8vo, Two Titles, one of which is engraved, pp. (20), 243 ; Pt. il., pp. (32), 228. 2 Maps, 7 Plates. h. 31370 Hennepin. [Same title.] London: Printed for M. Bentley^ J. Tomon^ H. Bon~\wick^ T. Goodwin and S. Manship. i6g8. | 8vo, Two Titles, one of which is engraved, pp. (20), 299, (i) ; Pt. II. pp. (32), 178, (2), 303-355. 2 Maps, 7 Plates. 31 371 The only difference between the contents of these two editions^ date 1698, is in their arrangement. In this edition the entire work fills 585 pages, and in the former only 525, the type being smaller. Hennepin. A | New Discovery | of a | Vast Country in America, | Extending above Four Thousand Miles, | between | New France & New Mexico ; | with a | Description [wV] of the Great Lakes, Cataracts, | Rivers, Plants, and Animals. | Also, the Manners, Customs, and Languages of the several | Native Indians; And the Advantage of Commerce with | those different Nations. | With a I Continuation | Giving an Account of the | Attempts of the Sieur de la Salle upon the | Mines of St. Barbe, &c. The Taking of Quebec | by the English ; With the Advantages of a | shorter Cut to China and Japan. | Both Illustrated with Maps, and Figures ; and Dedicated | to His Majesty King William. | By L. Hennepin now Resident in Holland. | To which are added, Sev- eral New Discoveries in North- j America, not Publish'd In [wV] liten ; Oder in Amerika. jrosse gantz nann. 1742. f.c.B. 31369 ry in Amer- iveen | New f the Great 0, the Man- ve Indians ; It Nations. | \ttempts of , &c. The ntages | of a itrated with . William. I 1 are added, lish'd in the Tonson^ | H. fwo Titles, . (32), 228. H. 31370 M. Bentley^ np. 1698. 1 299,(0; 698, is in their le former only 'ountry in I between | sic~\ of the Also, the |e Indians; Nations. | :tempts of :c. The iges of a I laps, and By L. Ided, Sev- ld In [«V] the French Edition. | London^ Printed for Henry Bonwlcke, at the Red Lion | in St. PauPs Church-Tard. 1699. | 8vo, Engraved Title, pp. (20), 240 ; Pt. II. pp. (24), 216. 2 Maps, 6 Plates. ba. The second paging has the title " A Continuation of the New Discovery ... ." [Hennepin.] A | Discovery Of a Large, Rich, and Plentiful | Country | in the | North America ; | Extending above 4000 Leagues. Wherein, | By a very short Passage, lately found | out, thro* the Mer-Barmejo into the South- 1 Sea ; by which a consid- erable Trade might | be carry 'd on, as well in the Northern as| the Southern Parts of America. | London: W. Boreham. [1720.] 8vo, pp. (2), 22. BA. 31373 Evidently an abridgment. Hennepin. Relacionjde un pais | que nuevamente se ha des- cu- 1 bierto | en la | America | Septentrional | de mas estendido que es | la Europa. | Y que saca a luz en Castellano, debajo de la protec- cion de ... Don Sebastian Fernandez de Medrano. | Brusse/as:\ Lamberto Marchant.\M.DC.xcix.\ i2mo, pp. (8), 86. Map and 2 Plates. j.c.B. 31374 This Spanish version, which is of course an abridgment, concludes our long list of the various editions of the work of this famed traveller, who was " the undoubted dis- coverer and explorer of the Upper Mississippi, and the first to lay open to the world that mighty region." That he should have made some mistakes is not to be wondered at, and that when he first saw the Falls of Niagara he should have overstated the " won- derful downfall of above 600 feet," is not very surprising ; but his mistakes have not entitled him to receive thecastigations which have been heaped upon him. Bancroft, Vol. in., 202, remarks : " Had he loved truth, he would have gained a noble reputa- tion, who now is remembered, not merely as a light-hearted and during discoverer, but also as a boastful liar. The Journal of a voyage down the Mississippi in this book is a lie by the author." Charlevoix was the first to attack the author, not so much with reference to the truth of his statements as to his manners. He remarks that Hennepin " vents his chagrin not only on the Sieur de la Sale, but on France also, by which he deemed himself ill used, and he tries to save his credit by declaring himself a born sub- ject of the Catholic King. But he should have remembered that it was at the expense of France that he travelled in America, and that it was in the name of the most Chris- tian King that he and the Sieur Dacan took possession of the countries which they had discovered. He does not even hesitate to aver that it was with the consent of the Catholic King, his first sovereign, that he dedicated his book to William in.. King of England, and that he solicited that monarch to effect the conquest of those vast tracts, send colonies there, and have the gospel preached to the heathen. This step, which scandalized the Catholics, and made even Protestants laugh, surprised to see a rtHgieux, calling himself Missionary and Apostolic Prothonotary, exhort a Protestant Prince to found a church in the^ New World. All these works are written in a declamatory style, offensive by its inflation, and revolting by the liberties which the author takes, and by his indecent invectives. As to substance. Father Hennepin believed himself entitled to take a traveller's license; he is accordingly much decried in Canada, his fellow-travellers often protesting that he was anything but truthful in his accounts." — New France, Vol. i. On which we remark that it must be recollected that Charlevoix (whose remarks are ungrammatical) was a Jesuit, and that Hennepin belonged to an order who were opposed to them, that he should have solicited the assistance of ^ 10 ' I William iii. is simply a proof that he was no bigot. Mr. Field very properly observes that "criticism [on Hennepin] proceeds from sources which entitle him to the benefit at least of a doubt of its impartiality," and adds, " The author lost the support of his own brethren of the order of Recollects by neglecting or refusing to return to his duties in America as a missionary." "This Reverend Father was the most impudent of liars, and the narrative is a rare monument of brazen mendacity. Hennepin, how- ever, had seen much and dared much : for among his many failings fear had no part; and where his vanity or his spite was not involved he often told the truth. ... These fabrications occur, not in the early editions, which are comparatively truthful, but in the edition of 1697, and those which followed. La Salle was dead at the time of their publication." — Parkman's Disco-very of the Great fVest, p. 124. The question of Hennepin's veracity, as to his claim of descending the Mississippi, was first raised by Sparks' "Life of La .Salle," " Amer. Biog.," 11. i, followed by Shea, Parkman, etc. A portion of Hennepin's first work is given in Shea's " Discovery of the Mississippi," and his "New Discovery" is included in the "Amer. Ant. Soc. Trans.," Vol. i. Hee Faribault's " Bibl.," also " N. Am. Rev.," xlviii. 70 ; xlix. 258. HERRERA (A. de). Cinco libros de la Historia de Por- tugal, y conquista de las Islas de los Azores en 1582 y 1583. Por Antonio de Herrera. Madrid. 1591. 410. 31538 Herrera. Descripcion de|las Indias Occide-| ntales de An- tonio |de Herrera coro-|nista Mayor de|sv Magt^. de las In-|dias y sv coronista | de Castilla. | Al Rey Nro Senor. | En Mad : enla etnplen'" Real 1601. | [Colophon :] En Madrid^ \ Por luan Fla- menco. I Am M.DC.i.| Folio, Engraved Title, pp. (4), 96. 14 Maps. j.c.B. 31539 This work should go with the General History, and is usually bound at the end of the second volume after the fourth Decade. In the composition of this work the author had access to the most secret of the archives of Spain. It embraces the history from the discovery of America to 1555. The engraved title contains a miniature of the author, and representations of Mexican Deities. It was published in Latin, with additions from Le Maire and Cevallos, under the following title : Herrera. Novvs Orbis, | Sive | Descriptio | Indiae Occi- 1 den- talis, I Auctore] Antonio de Herrera, | Supremo Castellae & India- rum authoritate Philippi iii. | Hispaniarum Regis Historiographo. | Metaphraste C. Barheo. | Accesserunt & aliorum Indiae Occiden- talis Descriptiones, & | Navigationis nuperae Australis Jacobi le Maire Histo-|ria, uti & navigationum omnium per Fretum | Magellanicum succincta narratio. | Amsteloda7ni^\ Apud Michaelem Colinivm B'lbliopolam^ ad | Insigne Libri Doinestici. Anno M. D. c. xxii. Cum Privilegio.\ Folio. ba., C, g., J.C.b., s. 31540 Six prel. leaves, including the engraved and printed titles ; text, 44 leaves ; followed by a half-title " Ephemerides," etc., 3 leaves and text, 46 to 81, 81 repeated, I leaf. Followed by another half-title " Descriptio India: Occidentalis, etc., Avthore Pctro Or- donnez de Cevallos," 9 leaves; succeeded by a half-title "Brevis ac Succincta Americas," II ' properly observes him to the benefit the support of" his ; to return to his he most impudent Hennepin, how- fear had no part ; i truth. ... These y truthful, but in t the time of their The question of vas first raised by ;a, Parkman, etc. f the Mississippi," ans.," Vol. I. Hee storia de Por- es en 1582 y 4to. 31538 ntales de An- le las In-|dias 'in Mad: enla For luan Fla- (4), 96. 14 J.C.B. 31539 lund at the end of of this work the braces the history ns a miniature of ed in Latin, with Occi-|den- \x. & India- toriographo. | iae Occiden- is Jacobi le Der Fretum | id Michaelem M.D. C. XXII. .B., S. 31540 leaves ; followed repeated, I leaf. vthore Pctro Or- cincta Amerlcae," II leaves. The first part has the 14 maps copied from the Madrid edition of 1601 of the " Indias Occidentales," and Le Maire is illustrated with the three maps taken from De Dry, together with 4 plates in the text. Stevens observes " In the Preface to Bar- cia's reprint of Herrera, Madrid^ 1716-30, the editor repudiates this edition, as being full of typographical errors, and encumbered with matters not pertaining to Herrera." On which {2'^'"'''^'^^ remarks: "It is erroneously stated in the 'American Nuggets' that Barcia, in the preface to his edition of Herrera, repudiates the edition by Colin as full of errors. The fact is, that Barcia makes nowhere any remark prejudicial to the above publication of 1622, which certainly contains a faithful translation of the ' De- scripcion' of Herrera, and an equally faithful reproduction of the fourteen genuine maps. He alludes only to the Antwerp edition of 1728." But Mr. J2ua'''tch's note is appended to the French version, described infra, yet the criticism is probably correct. It is reprinted in part, in Vol. xii. of De Bry's "Grands Voyages." See Camus' " Memoirc," 147- i6oj Tiele, No. 294. Herrera. Descripcionde | las Indias Ocide | ntales de An- tonio I de Herrera coro-|nista mayorde | su Mag'', de las | Indias, ysu coronista | de Castilla. Al Rey Nro. Senor. | EnMadrid enla OficinaReal\de Nicolas Rodriguez Franco^ Jno de 1730.] Folio, pp. (40), 78. 14 Maps. BA., P. 31541 This, which is Barcia's reprint of the first edition, usually accompanies the General History, and forms part of that work. See our note to No. 31539, supra. The title is engraved, and the final DE of the first line is one letter. Herrera. Nieuwe | Werelt, | Anders ghenaempt | West-In- dien. | /' Amsterdam^ \ By Michiel Coltjn^ Boeck-vercooper op /' IVater \ by de Oude Brugh^ in 't Huys-Boeck. \ Jnno 1622. | Met Privilege. | Folio, Two Titles, one of which is engraved, pp. (8), 11 1. 17 Maps. J.C.B. 31542 Usually followed by Ordonnez and Le Maire. See Tiele, p. 314-315. Herrera. Description | des | Indes Occidentales, | Qu'on appelle aujourdhuy | le | Novveau Monde. | Par| Antoine de Her- rera, | Grand Chroniqueur des Ind'es, & Chroniqueur de Castille : J Translatee d'Espagnol en Francois. | A la quelle sont adjoustees j Quelques autres Descriptions des mesmes pays, | Avec | La Navi- gation du vaillant Capitaine de Mer Jaques le Maire, | & de plu- sieurs autres. | Le contenu de cest ceuvre se veoit en la page suy vante. ^ A Amsterdam., \ Chez Michel Colin., Libraire., demeurant au Livre\Domestique. Anno M.D.C.xxil. | Avec Privilege. \ Folio, Two Titles, one of which is engraved, pp. (4), 254. 17 Maps, -j- A Amsterdam., chez Emmanuel Colin de Thovoyon., i3 a Paris., chez Michel Joly. 1622. Folio, Two Titles, pp. (4), 254. 17 Maps. Portrait. j.c.b. 31543 e contents of this French version are the same as that of the preceding Dutch, except that the French translation has not the portrait of Le Maire. "The volume is valuable as containing the first edition of the genuine Voyage of Le Maire (also issued in Latin and Dutch in the same year) as distinguished from that which had been, through the Dutch India Company's jealousy of Le Maire, published by Blaeu under r^ 12 the name ot Cornelius Schouten, who had commanded one of Le Maire's vessels. It concludes with the Spanish and English voyages to Magellan's Straits and the descrip- tions of America given by Ordoftez de Cevallos and Bertius." — Quaritch. For a detailed list of the contents see Leclerc's Catalogue, No. 708. See also Ternaux, No. 447-; Rich, No. 168; Camus, p. 162. Herrera, Historia Gene | ral de los hechos | de los Castella- nos I en las Islas i tierra fi-|rme del Mar oceano esc | rita por Antonio de | Herrera coronista | mayor de sv M.^. delas | Indias y svcoronis- 1 ta de Castilia. | En quatro Decadas desde el Ano de | 1492. hasta el de i53i.|DeCada primera|Al Rey Nu™. Senor. | En Mo'L en la \ Emplentarea \ 1601. | -15. Folio, Engraved Titles, PP- (12), 371,(20). c. 31544 Decada segvnda, 1601, pp. (4), 368, (16); Decada terzera, 1601, pp. (4), 377, (16); Decada qvarta, 1601, pp. (4), 293, (14) j Decada quinta, 1615, pp. (8), 317, (20); Decada si'sta, 1615, pp. (4), 302, (18); Decada setima, 1615, pp. (8), 316, (20); Decada octaua, 1615, pp. (4), 342, (16). 14 Maps. These eight decades are usually bound in four volumes. Herrera. Historia general de las Indias Occidentales 6 de los Hechos de los Castellanos en las Islas y Tierra Firmc del Mar Oceano en Ocho Decades. Escrita por Antonio de Her- rera ... Sigue a la Ultima Decada la Description de las Indias Occidentales por el mismo Autor. Nueva Impression. En Amheres Por 'Juan Bautista Verdussen^ 4 vols., folio. H. 31545 Engraved titles, pp. 496, (23); 446, (16); 412, (20); 422, (22). " Descripcion de las Islas, y Tierra Firmc del Mar Oceano, que llaman Indias Occidentales." Folio, pp. 68. 2 Maps. The Portraits and Plates in the text are copies from De Bry, by Bouttats, and are not so accurate as those which are used in Barcia's edition. This Antwerp edition was, in fact, brought out with a design to forestall Barcia's, to which it is very inferior, especially with regard to the absence of the maps, without which the " Descripcion " is almost valueless. This " Descripcion" is sometimes found at the beginning of Vol. i., but more frequently after the eighth decade. Herrera. Historia Gene | ral de los hechos | delos Castella- nos I enlas Islas i Tierrafi | rme del Mar Oceano. Es | crita por Antonio de| Herrera Coronista] Mayor de su M*^. Dlas| Indias y svCoronis-|tade Castilia | En quatro Decadas desde el Ano de | 1492 hasta el de [i]53i. | Decada primerajAl Rey Nu^o. Senor. j En Madrid^\en la Impfenta\Real\de Nicolas Rodiguez\f7'anco\Jno de 1730. 1 4 vols., folio. ba. 31546 Each decade has an engraved title. " Historia general de los Hechos de los Castel- lanos," pp. (40), 78, 14 Maps. Decada primera, 1725, pp. (12), 292; Decada segunda, 1726, pp, (6), 2885 Decada terzera, 1726, pp. (4), 296; Decada quarta, 1730, pp. (6), 2325 Decada quinta. Franc, de ^bad, 1728, pp. (8), 252; Decada sexta, Rodri- guez. Franco, 'TJOj PP- (6)> 236, [on the last leaf: hitfrenta de Francisco Alartinex lAbad, I'jz'j -,'] Decada setima, 1730, pp. (6), 245 ; Decada octavo, 1730, pp. (^6), 251; "Tabla General," etc., 226 leaves, ending yvith the Colophon. En Madrid: En la Imprenta de Francisco Alartinez Abad. AHo de mdccxxviii. Each engraved title is I ! ' ' fT Mairc's vessels. It its and the descrip- -QuARiTCH. For a '< also Ternaux, No. de los Castella- esc I rita por delas I Indias y isde el Ano de | ' Nu""". Senor. | ngraved Titles, c. 31544 1601, pp. (4), 377, 1615, pp. (8), 317, 1615, pp. (8), 316, ;se eight decades are xidentales 6 de ierra Firmc del ntonio de Her- 1 de las Indias npression. En iviii. 4 vols., H. 3^545 22). " Descripcion cidentales." Folio, es from De Bry, by rcia's edition. This 11 Barcia's, to which , without which the etimes found at the delos Castella- Es I crita por E)las I Indias y de el Ano de | Nu^o. Senor. ) tez \franco\ Am BA. 31546 echos de los Castel- j Decada scgunda, quarta, 1730, pp. ecada sexta, Rodri- Francisco Marlinez 730. PP- (6), 251; En Madrid: En la engraved title is n divided into from ten to fourteen compartments, in which is represented some scene of the conquest of the Indians by the invading Spaniards, or a pprtrait of some eminent Conquistador; seventy-two battle-scenes, views of human sacrifices, or Indian life, and thirty-nine portraits are thus exhibited. In some sets the " Descripcion de las Indias _ Occidontales," or " Historia general de los Hcchos de los Castcllanos," 1730, is found preceding the " Tabla" in Vol. iv., and in the Large Paper copies it is usual to bind this "Descripcion" and •' Tabla" together as a fifth volume, indeed, some small paper copies are thus divided. There are copies of i-his edition dated 1727, 1728, 1729, and 1730, which are all alike except as to the date — the work not having been com- pleted till that year — the publishers cfianging the dates as circumstances suggested. It is merely a reprint of the original edition of 1601-1615, with the addition of a very copious index, compiled under the direction of Gonzales Barcia, but without a continu- ation, as erroneously stated by Meusel, and it is deservedly regarded as the hen edition. Herrera. Histoire | generale | des Voyages | et Conqvestes | des Castillans, dans les Isles & Terre-fcrme | des Indes Occiden- tales. I Traduite de I'Espagnol d'Antoine | d'Herrcra, Historio- graphe de sa Maieste Catholique, | tant des Indes, que des Roy- aumes de Castille. | Par N. de la Coste. | J Paris \ Chez Nicolas ^ Jean de la Coste. m.dc.lix. 410, pp. (28), 776, (24). 31547 It was reprinted the next year with the following title : Herrera. Histoire generale des Voyages et Conqvestes des Castillans, dans les Isles & Terre-ferme des Indes Occidcntales. Traduite de I'Espagnol d'Antoine d'Herrera, Historiographe de sa Maieste Catholique, tant des Indes, que des Rovaumes de Castille. Par N. de la Coste.' Premier Decade, Contenant les Premiers Descouuertes du nouueau Monde par Christofle Colon, Les diuers combats qu'il eut contre les Indiens de Veragua, de lamayca, & autres lieux, I es mauuais traitemens qu'il recent de ses gens dans les quatre voyages qu'il y sit, & les trauaux qu'il soufFrit, Les voyages d'Americ Vespuce, La Descouuerte de la mer du Sud, Les diuers succes des armees Castillanes dans ces nouuelles terres ; Et les soins qu'eurent les Rois Catholiques pour y establir la Police tant spirituelle, que temporelle. A Paris Chez Nicolas & Jean de la Coste. m.dc.lx. 4to, pp. (30), 776, (24). H., s. 31548 Herrera. Histoire | generale | [as above]. Seconde Decade, Contenant les dif-| ferens Voyages de plusieurs Capitaines dans ce nouueau Monde, & les diuers | succes qu'ils eurent contre les In- diens, La descouuerte de la Riuiere de la Plata. | L'entree de Fernand Cortes dans la nouuelle Espagne, Les batailles qu'il eut I contre la Republique Tlascala, Son entree dans la ville de Mexique, La | prize du Roy, & sa mort, Les cruelles batailles que les Mexiquains liurerentja Cortez pour le chaffer de leurs Terres, Sa retraite, & les preparatifs quiljfait pour le siege de ^ette grande ville. | A Paris | Chez Nicolas iff Jean de la Coste. MDCLx. 4to, pp. {24), 784, Table (28). 3^549 ^ li ! I ■ I 14 Herrera. Histoire | Generale | des Voyages et Conqvestes | des Castillans dans les Isles & Terre-ferme | des Indes Occiden- tales. I Traduite de I'Espagnol d'Antoine d'Herrera, | Histori- ographe de sa Majeste Catholique, tant | des Indes, que des Royaumes de Castille. | Par N. de la Coste. | Ou Ton voit la prise de la grande ville de Mexique, & autres| Provinces par Fernand Cortes; Sa fondation ; le Rois qui. | la gouvernerent ; Le com- mencement & fin de cet Empire ;|Leur coutumes & ceremonies; Les grandes revokes qui y | sont arrivez ; Les contestations qu'eurent les Castillans & | ks Portugais, sur I'assiette de la ligne de partarge de leurs | conquestes ; La decouverte des Isles Philip- pines par I Hernando de Magellan ; Sa mort & autres choses remar-|quables. | Dediee a Monseigneur le premier President.] A Paris ^ \_Chez La Veuve Nicolas de la Coste^ a l' Ecu \ de ^retagne. \ Francois Clov'z.ier raisn'e^ a l^ Image mstre Dame \ et | Pierre JvboUin^ a la Fleur de Lys. \ ] demeurant tous\proche V Hostel\ de Monseigneur \ le premier Pre-\sident. | M. DC. LXXI | Jvec Privilege dv Roy. \ 4to, pp. xviii, 790,(12). 31550 The three volumes having been published separately, with dift'erent titles, are rarely found together. The remaining five decades have not been translated. See Faribault, p. 6z. Herrera. Verscheide zee en land-togten gedaan in de West- Indien : d'eerste, door Jean Ponce de Leon, naar Florida in 15 12. De andere gedaan door Pamphilio de Narvaes op't eiland Cuba, in 1 5 13. In't Spaans beschreven door Antonius Herrera en nu aller-eerst in't Nederduyts vertaald. Leyden : P. Fan der Aa. 1706. Sm. 8vo, pp. 77, (6). 4 Plates. c. 3155 1 Forms part of Van der Aa's " Collection of Voyages." Also in folio. See our Vol. i. Herrera. Vevolg der Roemwaardige Zee en Land-Reysen des Dapperen Ferdinand Cortez ; aan de Vaste Kust van Mexico en Nieuw-Spaanje. Gedaan in 't Jaar 1521, en vervolgens. Verhalende de Oorlagen en bloedige Gevegten, in 't verder bemagtigen der Mexicaansche Landschappen, het Beleegeren, en Innemen der beroemde Hoofdstad Mexico ; nevens de seldsame Handelingen met de Koning Motezuma ; sijn dood, en nagelaten Rijkdommen. Te Leyden: By Pieter Van der Aa. i']ob. 8vo, pp. 418, Register (24). 31552 Herrera. [Drie] scheeptogten van Kolumbus, Vasco de Gama, Amerikus Vesputius, Chr. Guerre en A. Nino. Uit het Spaansch. Leyden: P. Van der Aa. 1706. 8vo. Map. 31553 Herrera. Zeetogten naar West-Indien, 1508, 1509: OCampa naar Kuba, Ponze de Leon naar de Borriquen, de Solis XS et Conqvestes) Indes Occiden- errera, | Histori- Indes, que des Ton voit la prise :es par Fernand srent ; Le com- s & ceremonies; es contestations siette de la ligne des Isles Philip- & autres choses mier President. | ]cu I de Bretagne. \ ' I Pierre jlvhoiiin^ I de Monseigneur | y dv Roy. I 4to, 31550 erent titles, are rarely slated. See Faribault, laan in de West- Plorida in 15 12. p't eiland Cuba, s Herrera en nu P. Fan der Aa. c. 31551 folio. See our Vol. i. n Land-Reysen ust van Mexico en vervolgens. in 't verder Beleegeren, en ns de seldsame jd, en nagelaten 1706. 8vo, 31552 bus, Vasco de Nino. Uit het Map. 31553 1508, 1509: riquen, de Solis n d'Ojcda, Nicueza, etc. Uit het Spaansch. Leyden : P. Van der Aa. I job. 8vo. Map. 3^554 Herrera. Drie togten ter zee en te land in de West-Indien in 1523 en vervolg. ... d. F. de Garay, van Jamaica na Panuco, ... d. P. d'Alvarado, van Mexico na Guatemala, ... d. D. de Goday, van Mexico ter ontdekking, enz. nu alder-eerst in 't Neder-duyts vertaald. Leyden: P. Fan der Aa, 1707. 8vo. Map. 31555 Herrera. Aankomst van Jean d'Ezquebel ter Bevolking van Jamaica door den Ammiraal Diego Kolumbus in't Jaar 15 10. Leyden: P. Fan der Aa. 1 706. ^ 3^55^ Herrera. The General History of the Vast Continent and Islands of America, Commonly call'd The West-Indies, from The First Discovery thereof: With the Best Accounts the People could give of their Antiquities. Collected from the Original Relations sent to the King* of Spain. By Antonio de Herrera, Historiographer to His Catholick Majerty. Translated into English by Capt. John Stevens. Illustrated with Cutts and Maps. Landon : Jer. Batley M.DCC.xxv-vi. 6 vols., 8vo, pp. (8), 379 ; (2), 436 ; Vol. III., dated 1726, (2), 418 ; (2), 422 ; (2), 430 ; (2), 408 ; Index, 30. 2 Maps, 15 Plates, and Por- traits of Columbus and Cortez. H. 31557 Herrera. The General History [same title and collation]. The Second Edition. London : Wood & Woodward, mdccxl. 6 vols., 8vo. BA. 31558 This translation includes only the three first decades. This so-called second edition has new title-pages only. A portion of Herrera is included in Kerr's " Voyages," Vol. III. The following does not relate specially to America : Herrera. Historia general del Mundo, de xvii. anos del tiempo del Senor Rev don Felipe 11. el Prudente, desde el ano de 1554, hasta el de 1598. Falladolid : J. G. de Millis. 1 606-12. 3 vols., folio. s. 31559 " Histoire estimee." — Brunet. "A work written under the influence of contem- porary passions, and published before any of those passions had been much tranquilized." TlCKNOR, III. 142. A grand chorus of writers, from Nicholas Antonio down to Thomas W. Field, unite in their testimony as to the fidelity of this Prince of Historians. He was successively employed as historiographer by Philip ii., iii., and iv., and having access to every avail- able source of information, made free use of many original documents which had never before been printed, and which no longer exist in MS. His works embrace a large part of the MS. "Chronicle" of B. de las Casas, and almost the entire MS. "Relacion" of Palacio is incorporated with his fourth decade. A French bibliographer, quoted without name by Tromel, observes : " Parmi les historiens de I'Amerique, D. Antonio T^^ i6 de Herrera tient incontestablcment le premier rang. II naquit en 1559, ^* *^"' quelque temps secretaire de Vespjsien de Gonzague, vice-roi de Naples, et fut ensuite nommee par Philippe 11. historiographe des Indcs. Son ouvrage est ce que nous possedons de plus complet sur I'epoque qu'il embrasse." The Spanish bibliographer Salva says : "Cet ouvrage est un des plus importants qu'on ait publiea sur Ics decouvertes des Espagnols dans le Nouveau-Monde." Munoz, at the aid page of the prologue to his " History of the New World," remarks : " Herrera eclipsed all other historians on the same sub- ject which had till then been published, in fullness of matter, truth of narration, chronological arrangement, geographical accuracy, and beauty of style." J. Bcldon de Guevara writes : " No one of all those who have writ on this subject has performed it with so much exactness as Ant. de Herrera." The Italian, Davila, observes "This history is very useful for all sorts of people, because the author's method i.s very good, being at the same time bri2f and intelligible, joining profound knowledge and undoubted truth, and undeceiving us as to many errors into which other authors have led us." The Scotch historian Robertson remarks : " Of all the Spanish writers Herrera fur- nishes the fullest and most accurate informations concerning the conquest of Mexico, as well as every other transaction of America ; his Decades may be ranked amongst the most judicious and useful collections." The English bibliographer Dibdin observes : " Antonio de Herrera is well designated by Bishop Kennett as the chief chronicler of the Indies and Castile; he stands in the foremost rank of early American Historians." Our own Washington Irving, in his " Life of Columbus," concludes a judicious criti- cism thus : " Herrera has left voluminous proofs of industrious research, extensive Information, and great literary talent. His works bear the mark of candour, integrity, and a sincere desire to record the truth." Ticknor, in his " History of Spanish Litera- ture" accords him equal praise; and Thomas W. P'ield's "Essay on Indian Bibliog- raphy" concludes our series of eulogizers with tile statement that " His work is a perfect treasure-house of the most valuable details, regarding the original state of the religion and manners of the Indians." ■PPvnivBi EXPLANATORY. The numbers in the extreme right-hand margin indicate the ►regressive number in the .Dictionary, intended to be used when he Index of Subjects is printed. The small capitals indicate some public or private library in i/hich the work may be consulted, e.g.: RA *'2"1^^* Boston Public Library. BA. C. J.C.B. J.C.Bt. H. M. H.C.M. " N. P. S. it u u n it (( Boston Athenaeum. Library of Congress. J. Carter Brown. J. Carson Brevoort. Harvard University. Massachusetts Historical Society. Henry C. Murphy. New York Historical Society. Philadelphia Library. State Library, Albany, N. Y. The Subscription Price is 82.00 per Part for the small paper, fid ?4.oo for large paper. Separate Parts are not sold, the sub- tnption must be for the entire work. ^*S'' ■^ NOH^ PUBl.lSHiyG IN PJRTS. A Dictionary OF Boo F.OM ITS DISCOVKRY VO THE PRESKN T TIM Br JOSEPH SARIN. Parts I to XXXVJIl Now Rkady. This Work describes Bibliographically and in Alphabetical Order, all thi published in this Country or abroad, which relate to its History — using the woi widest meaning i including the Books described by RICH, TERNAUX, WHITE KENNETT, EARIBAULT, STE LUDEWIG, TRUBNER, TRQ^MEL, HARRISSE, BOUCHER DE LA RICHARDERIE, LOWNDES, BRUNET, GR/ESSE, And, indeed all known Bibliographers, besides the Contents ot the Catalogur the Public, and many of the Private Libraries in this Country, which pertain subject. * ■ ' ■ . ' ' It is a Work of much painstaking research, and on a scale not hitherto attc giving the Titles generally at length, the place where and date when printed, i of pages, plates and maps ; indicates the Libraries in which the books may be gives the price at which some of the rarest books have been sold, and when cc will form an Encyclopaedia of Information indispensable to the Collector ot relating to America. Subscribers' tuimes will be thankfully received by the Author at 84 .C-> 84 Nassau Street, NEW YO f^TS, ^ Boo tka, KSENT 'l^IM Y, :al Order, all th( ry — using the vvoi liAULT, STE SE, BOUCHEI^ )ES, . •- lit the Catalogiif y, which pertain : not hitherto attt e when printed, i he books may be >!d, and when cv the Collector ot Author at Street, NEW YO