NEW LIGHT ON THE OLD PRAYER. BY JOHN CAMPBELL, LL.D, F.R.S.C, Etc. PKOFESSOR IN THE HRESBYIERIAN COI.I.EGK, ..ONTREAI-. TORONTO : WILIvIAIVI BRIGQS, WESLEY BUILDINGS. Montreal: C. W. Coates. Halifax: S. F. Huestis, 1895. Entered, according to the Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, by John Campbell, in the Office of the Minister of Agriculture, Ottawa. A BRIEF EXPOSITION OF THE LORD'S PRAYER. The invocation of this beautiful prayer is, "Our Father which art in heaven." It teaches the indi- vidual and universal fatherhood of God to each be- liever who prays, and to all humanity. Succeedinsj petitions indicate that the sphere of supplication and the scope of expectation is the whole world. The solidarity of our race is found in its federal relation to Adam, its proj^enitor, and to Jesus Christ, who in a very real sense is the Saviour of all men, though specially of them that believe. Of Adam's one blood, St. Paul told the Athenians, God made all nations of men to dwell on all the face of the earth ; and of that Adam St. Luke has these words, " which was the son of God." Israel knew the father name and applied it in a restricted national sense. In Moses' wonderful song appears this question relative to the Lord : "Is not he thy father that hath bought thee ? " David blessed the Lord before all the congregation, saying : " Blessed be thou. Lord God of Israel, our father ! " And in Psalm ciii. we read the comforting words : " Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him." Isaiah breaks in upon a confession of great sin with the cry : " But now, O Lord, thou art our father;" and, to the same clear- eyed prophet, the child born and the son given is one with the Everlasting Father. But he seems to give the Father name a wider range, when he represents men as protesting: "Doubtless thou art our father, though Abraham be ignorant of us, and Israel acknowledge us not : thou, O Lord, art our father, our redeemer ; thy name is from everlasting," Yet these expressions are rare. The Israelite was slow to grasp the divine fatherhood even for himself, and slower to apply it to all nations of mankind. There are otherwise worthy people that would restrict the use of this prayer to those who, by the new birth, have become conscious of a nearer relation to God. This would be to deny its invocation to children and to unconverted worshippers in the con- gregation. But this is a great mistake. Filial piety does not create a relationship; it is merely an acknow- ledgment of a relation already existing. The cer- tain man who had two sons was the father of the younger, even while he was a prodigal, to the same extent as he was father to the elder who remained at home. The spirit of adoption, whereby we cry : " Abba, Father," is the divine influence that awakens in our hearts the consciousness of sonship, but does not constitute the filial relation. When the blessed knowledge comes that one is our Father, even God, then we know that all we are brethren ; and, if we will but accept it, joint heirs with Jesus Christ. The natural heritage, lost by the Fall, is in Christ restored to all the world, for which Christ died. When you have found man, woman or child for whom the Saviour did not die, then, and then only, will you find one who has no rij^ht to pray, " Our Father." As no man taketh the honor to himself of being a high-priest but he that is called of God, as was Aaron, so no man, by any faith, virtue or practice, can assume the honor of divine sonship, which God has potentially conferred upon the whole human race. To use the language of the schools, sonship is objective, not subjective ; it resides in the act of God, not in the thought of man, and God's desire is that all the world should call Him Father. The import of the words, " which art in heaven," is generally misunderstood. To some minds it is simply a contradistinction from an earthly human parent ; to others it is a qualification of supreme excellence. Yet it must be remembered that the Israelite, in psalm and in prophecy, recognized the omnipresence of God. Christ taught that the Father was with Him, although men could not see His face. St. Paul declared that in God all men live and move and have their being ; and all rational theologians believe in the divine imma- nence or presence in all phenomena. It was no part of our Lord's design to obscure the truth of the Father's nearness to His children, whose every hair He numbers, nor even to the inferior creation, not a sparrow of which falls to the ground outside of His providential care. Wliy, then, is Me the Father in heaven to us ? It is because earth cannot declare that Father as He is. When He reveals His presence in our world, He does so under limitations. What we call laws of nature are self-imposed limitations of the divine freedom, from which God has occasionally broken forth in the exercise of what men term the miraculous. The light of heaven shining into our midst spreads itself abroad in darkness — the darkness of ignorance, sin and physical evil. The countenance of our Father is veiled in that darkness, which is of the earth earthy. Solomon realized this truth when, at the dedication of the temple, he uttered these words, " The Lord hath said that he would dwell in the thick darkness." In a thick cloud, with thunders, lightnings and earthquake, God came to Moses and all Israel at Sinai. Clouds and darkness were round about Him, and the earth trem- bled at the presence of the Lord. Elijah, also, went to Horeb, the mount of God, and there beheld the effects of whirlwind, earthquake and lightning, earthly precursors of divinity ; yet revelation expressly states that God was not in any of them, but only in the still small voice. It is these clouds and darkness round about God that baffle men seeking a proof of the divine existence in the benevolent designs of nature. They find good and evil intermingled — diabolic malice raging in the elements, earth, sea and air, in tiger's claw and in serpent's fang, in moth and rust that cor- rupt, and a thousand other manifestations of the thief that Cometh not but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. When Jesus was arrested He exclaimed, "This is your hour and the power of darkness;" but His whole life was God's revelation in the midst of deep Satanic pfloom, when the devils of the pit were loosed and suffered to infest the bodies and souls of burdened humanity. Everywhere through the ages the light of heaven has shined into darkness, lighting up the gloom ; but before the Fall it was not so, nor shall it be thus when the restoration comes. Our world is not in a normal state, nor can we, in what we somewhat profanely call providence, behold the normal God. Our God is in the heavens, dwelling in light which no man can approach unto, a region where sin has no abode, that no fallen spirit or mischief-worker ever enters. There is nothing to shroud its glory, to mar its beauty, to interrupt its peace. Neither moth nor rust corrupts, the inhabitant shall never say, " I am sick," and death is a thing unknown. It is a region where light reigns, and in which is no darkness at all, where the divine glory shines with no shadow of limit- ation, where wrath and curse have no place, and where the love of the Father is over all. He is there, our Father in heaven. Here, indeed, we see through a glass darkly, but, nevertheless, the invocation calls us to see, away beyond the mists and clouds of our earthly atmosphere, away beyond all the puzzling phenomena we call providences, beyond the dark scenes of Nature's strife, and beyond all partial revelations into the straitened limits of human vision, 8 ' • the glorious source of all power and all goodness, to whom each child, however unworthy, may confidently say, " Our Father which art in Y eaven." The petition, " Hallowed be thy name," is one that we only begin to comprehend the meaning of when we have realized the Father in heaven. The devout believer who knows that God will overrule evil for His glory and man's benefit, thtit He will make all things work together for the good of His own, may hallow the divine name in the midst of sore trials. The martyr at the stake may, amid his tortures, bless the name of Him who counts him worthy to suffer for His sake. But it is no hallowing of God's name to couple it with persecution to death, with loss and dishonor, disease and bereavement. Christ did not come, a house divided against itself, to contend with the Father, when He stilled the winds and waves of the Sea of Galilee, cast out devils, healed all man- ner of sickness, deformity and disease, and raised the very dead to life. He came to bind earth's strong man and spoil his house, to destroy the works of the devil, healing all that were oppressed by him, as St. Peter said. In the words of the paraphrase : " He comes ! the prisoners to relieve, In Satan's bondage held ; The gates of brass before Him burst, The iron fetters yield." We spiritualize too much, as if the soul were all of our humanity, as if, in contradiction of manifold plain facts, Christ cared not for the perishing body. He distinctly said of the woman with the spirit of infirmity that Satan, and not God, had bound her ; and the same is true of all the sicknesses and diseases He bore. If it was the Father's stroke of death that fell on the daughter of Jairus, on the widow's son of Nain, on His friend Lazarus, how came it that He who was one with that Father wept over the tomb of Bethany and plucked the three from the jaws of man's last enemy ? He that has the power of death is the devil, and that Scripture cannot be broken ; hence all minor ills, however permitted by God in the realm of wrath called into operation by man's free will, are from the same diabolic source. They do not belong in any sense to the realm of our Father in heaven, whose name, therefore, we can hallow with- out any alloy. It is a hollow mockery for anyone who identifies God with Siva, the destroyer, when smarting under wrong, racked with pain, or heart- broken under cruel loss, to speak the adoring words, " Hallowed be thy name." Rather might he heed the words of Job's wife, " Curse God, and die." So have I known a father thrice bereaved, in the resentment of fierce agony, shake his clenched fist in the sight of heaven and characterize the death-strokes as coward's blows. From his point of view, he was the more truthful of the two. We do not hallow God's name for the persecutions of the early Church, for Bulgarian and A.rmenian atrocities, because we recognize in them the powers of darkness workinor through fiendish men, nor do we dare to call these wicked men God's sword. But with the Psahnist we praise the Lord for His goodness and for His wonderful works to the children of men, when He delivers us out of our distresses to understand His lovingkindness. It is because we believe it is in His heart to redeem us from all evil that we hallow His name. And if, like Job, we, in the midst of great ■ trials, seek and obtain justification from our Maker ; if, like the Son of Man and St. Paul, we pray that the bitter cup and the thorn in the flesh may pass away from us, our self-justification and our prayers arise from the felt truth that an adversary hath done these things, and that our Father is well-disposed, should it be possible or desirable, to deliver us from them. Even when we look upon the law of God and behold Him in the threefold capacity — legislative, judicial and executive — we are enabled to exclaim, " The Lord is our Judge, the Lord is our Lawgiver, the Lord is our King ; he will save us," and, with this salvation tower- ing over all other considerations, can truthfully and adoringly add, " Hallowed be thy name." The Israelite believed in the sovereignty of God on earth as well as in His heaven ; not so God's Son, for He prayed, " Thy kingdom come." Man was to have been a subordinate ruler of the world under God, who gave him dominion over it and put all things under his feet. But that man, who to-day might have been in possession of all the powers and secrets of unfallen nature, proved traitor to his trust, even as a child, and handed over his lordship and dominion to one whom no less a being than the Lord Jesus Christ calls the prince of this world. Under him are principalities and powers that dominate the natural and spiritual realms of earth with innumerable minor agencies of evil that bend all their energies to counteract the will of God and bring ruin upon mankind. " Thy king- dom come " is the wail of an oppressed world, the out- ward expression of the whole creation that groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now ; but it is, at the same time, the lie to the thought that this earth is as God would have it be, and the hopeful expecta- tion of a good time coming, when nothing shall hurt or destroy. The kingdom we pray for is God's, and when it comes in its fulness it will be as the kingdom of heaven in all perfection. But, meantime, it is no New Jerusalem, suddenly, at a prophetic moment, to descend from above. The kingdom is partly here, energizing against evil in the realms of spirituality and of social life and nature, through religious thought and activity, missionary and benevolent effort, social, economic and physical science — everything that makes for the true well-being of man. The statesman is not foreign to it, nor the poet ; the tiller of the soil and the medical discoverer alike help it on. All who work for such an end are electors, giving their suffrages against earth's present rulers and in favor of the King whose right it is to reign. No man who offers this petition should rest content with the present condition 12 of the world, but should strive earnestly to leave it better than he found it ; in physical character, in social condition, in spiritual energy and in restoration hope. Yet, as the chief foes of our race are supernatural, their Overcomer must be endowed with supernatural power, that He may teach His followers, as once He taught His disciples, how to wield the weapons that transcend all human science and moral goodness, by which even devils may be cast out, to enter no more into man. No petition has been less understood than " Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." We murmur it when losses fall upon us, and by the bedsides of our dead. We sing, " Thy will be done," in church, with tones of mournful resignation, enumerating all the ways in which God may rob us of property, and hopes, health, pleasures, good name and friends, even to the nearest and dearest. A grand thing truly is the Christian grace of resignation ! Christ said : " Not my will, but thine, be done," in regard to the cup which He prayed might pass from Him ; but He counselled nobody thus to speak concerning pain, sickness or bereavement. In regard to such cases His language was: "My Father worketh hitherto and I work." Storms were not God's will to Him, nor deformity, nor disease, nor death, and, therefore, He rebuked the one, and restored, healed and raised those who had suffered from the others. He told nobody to be re- signed, but said that all things were possible to the believing one. He encouraged the afflicted to cry out 18 ^^ against, the tyranny of evil, and to turn to God for healing and blessing. God's will is man's complete redemption in body, soul and spirit. What we want in the world is not resignation, but a mighty spirit of discontent and wholesome resentment against the rulers of the darkness of this world, until the com- plaint enters the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth. Look at the second part of the petition, " as it is in heaven." God's will in heaven comprehends no sick- ness nor pain, loss nor bereavement, for in heaven these things do not exist, since sin and Satan are not there. There is no irksomeness in Heaven's com- mands, no unnatural submission to the divine will above. God's angel-ministers find their pleasure in doing His pleasure. But here below His will is not done as it is done there. The will of wicked men and of evil spirits is done here, and that will means all the misery and wretchedness, the pain and sorrow, the toil and strife, the sin and death, that reign continually. " Thy will, not mine, O Lord," does not mean taking away your baby -child or the wife of your love, de- forming your body or tying you to a sick-bed, plung- ing you and your family into poverty, or taking away your good name. Such things are never done in heaven, and you have no right, are most illogical and irrational in supposing that they are the divine will because God, limited in action by this world's sin, permits them to be done. If God had His own way, His will would be done on earth as painlessly and as joyously as it is done in holy heaven, into which no evil enters. God's kingdom has not yet come, His will is not yet done as it is in heaven ; but we will not ask the prince of this world for our bread — we will not be beholden to the evil will for anything. As soldiers in the great army that is marching on to hurl the usurper from his throne, we turn to our King and Commander for our rations, saying, "Give us this day our daily bread." When Satan showed Jesus the glory of the kingdoms of this world, and said, " to whomsoever I will I give it," Jesus did not deny the statement. The power of the Evil One is not ail-im- mediately destructive. Part of his motley human court is in poverty and tatters, and part in purple and fine linen. Millions seek their daily bread from him, though indirectly, as the wages of sin. We can- not serve two masters ; but trusting Him who feeds the fowls of the air and clothes the grass of the field, and can feed and clothe soul as well as body, we, as His servants and soldiers, call, " Our Father, give us this day our daily bread." In our Father's house is bread enough and to spare, and it is our own bread we ask for, the children's bread, a sufficiency out of the bountiful provision God originally bestowed upon man when He i>ave the teeming earth into his hands. The child in his father's house does not concern himself with anything but the meal of the present hour, but leaves it to the provider to anticipate his 1 .) coming wants. In an army with a good commissariat, the marching soldier should not be burdened with provision for more than one day. He applies in the morning for his daily bread. Only our daily bread we ask for, because we are not going away on any expedition from our base of supplies; we are no prodigals, asking for a division of the fortune, that we may leave home and revel on it in a far country. We wish to wait upon the Father every day, and, therefore, our request is only for this present one. Whatever basketfuls of fragments we may find over and above in the feasts of life we will thankfully gather up and gratefully dispense abroad, but never hoard in such manner as to be able to live without the petition, lest they should breed corrupting worms and turn our souls into the charnel house of avarice. It is this day that we ask the Father for the daily bread, which we have faith will be daily supplied to us, long as the number of the days of the years of our pilgrimage may be. Unless it come under this head, there is in the prayer no petition for the food of the soul. Man shall not live by bread alone, but by ev^ry word that proceedeth ou^- of the mouth of God. The soul craves its food, Satan feeds his votaries on the wanderings of evil desire, self-seeking day-dreams, cunning schemes and malicious plans, bread, fishes and eggs that turn to stones, serpents and scorpions. The Father gives us Christ, the bread and the water of life, the heavenly manna, angels' food, the new wine 2 of the kingdom. Our daily spiritual food comes to those who seek it in infinite variety of courses. Some soul- treasure, old or new, whether the creeds will allow U3 to publish the new abroad or not, may be our daily portion, strengthening the heart and keeping the spiritual man in health and vigor. It is not only the body that waits at the Father's bountiful table; our souls wait for the Lord, and they shall be abundantly satisfied. They shall be satisfied with the knowledge of what God is and of what for us God has done, with the knowledge in conscious experience of what He has wrought in us now, and with boundless hopes for the future in time, and above all in eternity. Father, give our souls this day their daily bread. We are sinners who pray, and we know it. The heathen Ovid said, " I see what is good, and approve it ; but I follow the bad." Conscience makes cowards of us all ; but God wants no cowards, no fawning, sycophantic dogs, no slaves of an Oriental despot. He wants humble, yet manly confessors of sin, and strivers after righteousness. How plain, simple, direct and manly this petition, " Forgive us our debts, as we for- give our debtors." It says, " Lord, we are at best unpro- fitable servants ; but something of thyself in us enables us to forgive people who have injured us. If we, with but a modicum of grace, can do this grand thing, who can place any limits to thy forgiving power ?" Every- thing God has made and inspired may lead us towards the knowledge of Him. The heavens declare the glory 17 ■ '■ . of God ; the beauty of the Lord is upon us in flower and forest tree, in painted butterfly and bird of song ; His ways are seen in providential care for the indi- vidual and in the guidings of nations. But the upper rungs of the ladder of the soul that reaches His throne are those of human life which ascend into that of the Divine Man. Resentment, retaliation, the resistance of evil, revenge, are natural to humanity, and very characteristic of the savage still. But in past ages men, who knew nothing of divine revelation as we understand it, forgave their debtors and their enemies, refused to avail themselves of opportunities of revenge placed within their reach. Now, everything that the better nature of man ap- proves has its counterpart in God the Father^ its counterpart carried to infinity ; for these better traits of character are but sparks from the divine fire ever burning. When a human being realizes the fact of earthly pardon, he turns his gaze heavenward, and says to God, so far as he apprehends Him, " There is forgiveness with thee." The knowledge of God comes more by doing than by thinking. He that doeth the will of God shall know of the doctrine. Do you want to know whether your daily bread, temporal or spiritual, is sure ? Go and minister of your superfluity to the needy. Do you want to know whether your offences are pardoned ? Forgive from the heart them that have trespassed against you. Many people, however, are better in practice than their theology. The unconscious promptings of the 18 Holy Spirit within them are truer than their conscious spelling out of His intimations to men of old time. Ever present to their minds is the censorious God, strict to mark iniquity, who will not clear the guilty, taking account in judgment of every idle wo/d even, a resister and avenjgfer of all manner of evil. All this is Scriptural and true, but it is not the highest Scripture and sublimest truth. A sermon on this petition is our Lord's discourse, amply illustrated in such a way as to excite the wonder and dismay of those who really seek to lead the Christ-life, on the words, " I say unto you that ye resist not evil ; that ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven." In a practical discourse on the most practi- cal of all things, a prayer given by infallibility, 1 am not concerned to split theological hairs or reconcile apparently divergent Scripture. Theological studies had sunk Martin Luther in the Slough of Despond, when a simple-hearted old monk recited in his ear the words of the creed, *' I believe in the forgiveness of sins." No doctrinal subtleties will long stand in the way of this comforting truth in that man's heart which has forgiven the trespasses of a brother. St. Bernard said, " As great as is our love of God, so great is our knowledge of him." But Jesus Christ virtually says, " As great as is our love of our brother, so great is our knowledge of God." And St. John, who drank deeply of his Master's spirit, aptly puts it, " He that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God, whom he hath not seen ?" It is strange that Christ in the petition, " Lead us not into temptation," should have allowed a handle to be given to those who wish to err regarding the character and acts of the Heavenly Father. Yet the Bible is full of this deference to the freedom of the reader, whether he wish to be killed by the letter or be made alive by the spirit. God placed man origi- nally, and still keeps him, in a world full of temptation, for the necessary trial of his faith. Yet the tempting powers are inimical to God. St. James the Less, the so-called brother or cousin on the reputed father's side of Jesus, knew this prayer well, and would have been among the last to contradict any statement in it. Never- theless, he says: "Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God : for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man." And yet Jesus was himself led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. So may that same Spirit sometimes lead a strong man of God even where Satan's seat is, as a champion full armed with the panoply of the faith, to stand against the wiles of the devil. This is a contest for which every Christian war- rior should be prepared, constantly putting on the whole armor of God. The great temptation of your life may face you in your business, in your social recreations, in the Seld of your ambition, in the secret chamber of your soul's imagery, and its shock may be too terrible for flesh and blood. As Moses prayed to be excused from appearing before Pharaoh, so may 20 ' weaker souls pray not to be led into Satan's audi- torium. They may even go farther, and entreat that their ignorant feet be so divinely guided as not to stray of themselves into the path of the tempter. There are in the Church thousands of God-protected souls, that almost doubt the existence of the powers of evil, because, like the Hebrews of the epistle, they have not yet been called upon to resist unto blood. Happy they, if, in their complacence, the enemy do not at some time gain the advantage of them, and, all ^ unknown, infuse hii spirit, as that of an angel of light, into theirs, making of them earthly Satans, accusers of the brethren who are marked with many a battle- scar. Not lightly will we venture on the contest, since heavenly wisdom tells us to pray, " Lead us not into temptation ;" but this we know, that not without severe conflict, and it may be many a fall as well as successful resistance, shall the spiritually valiant be fitted to lead the hosts of God. " But deliver us from evil," says our English version ; and it is wrong. Abstract evil exists where all other abstractions exist, as a mere definition, in the mind of man. Real evil is a personal thing, in our own persons, in those of our fellows, in spirits of wicked- ness, doubtless in brutes, if they have personality. But here the language of the original is plain : " De- liver us from the Evil One." Abundant Scripture makes clear and definite who the Evil One is — the adversary, that old serpent who is the devil and Satan. We wrestle not against flesh and blood (would to God 21 that Christians (lid not!), but aj^ainst his principali- ties and powers. The whole world lies in that Wicked One, and he has a mortgage on the physical life of all men. A supernatural being of great power over Nature and the elements, his power that is most to be dreaded is that which enslaves the soul. St. Peter understood this petition, for his loving Lord and Master had actually identified him with the adversary, and had warned him that Satan desired to sift him as wheat. And all those upon whom the Evil One has had a hold in the past, through temper or pride, greed of gain or coward falsehood, lust or intemperance, may well dread his blandishments, and pray to be delivered from them. It is a petition for the slave as well as for the temporarily free man. The wretched one who has awakened to realize the body of death that is chained to him, may cry out from his prison-house, " Deliver us from the Evil One." There is hope for all in this petition, for the lowest fallen, the most utterly degraded, for those whom the world truly speaks of as " gone to the devil." He cannot- hold the soul that prays in earnest, "Deliver me," for none can pluck out of the Father's hand those whose pitiful cry He hears. Oh, to ring out, clear and definite and loud, no mere abstraction, but the most concrete personal appeal of suffering, lost humanity, till all the world is wrought to sympathy r **ih its tones, " Our Father, deliver us from the Evil One." It is the revolt ef the people against their tyrant, the resistance of ■ ''" 22 the bondman to his oppressor, the struggle of the victim writhing under the heel of fiendish brutality ; and the Father, who is Redeemer and Saviour, will hear the cry and give strength to break every yoke. " Deliver us from the Evil One." I would pray it when the tierce tempest rages and deadly lightnings flash across the sky. In the earthquake's shock and in the path of the levelling '•yclone, I would make its voice to be heard. When engulfing waves threaten to devour them that go down to the sea in ships, this should be their united voice. Whatever of evil may be found in man, in nature, in soul tempta- tion, let its great source be recognized, and, face to face with it, let this oft-agonized, yet ever strong and confident petition arise, " Deliver us from the Evil One." Thank God that Christ has given us this petition, that He has taught us to know our enemy, and to find, in His Father and our Father, one who has no pleasure in destruction, but is able, and willing as He is able, to save to the very uttermost, even from such a foe. "For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen." What do we mean by saying, " Thine is the kingdom," after praying, " Thy kingdom come " ? The prince of this world holds the kingdom still, and no doubt a poll of earth's teeming millions would keep him in his place to-day by a majority of votes. We are speaking as electors here, and saying, So far as we who pray are concerned, 23 the kiii<^doin of this world is tliine, O, Father! Our hearts are thy throne, our Church is thine abode, all that we are and have and can do that is worthy in any degree of thine acceptance, we freely offer to our King. We refuse to own the usurper, and would hurl that Evil One from his throne were it in our power so to do. We are seeking to lift thee up before the nations on the Cross of Christ, that thou mayest draw all men unto thee, until its thousands of thousands shall cry with united voice, " Thou art our King, 0, God ; command deliverances." If the world only knew God, were able clearly to distin- guish between His acts and those of the great deceiver who darkens the human understanding, its choice would be that of the ascription, and its king- doms would become the kingdom of our God and of His Christ. God is omnipotent in His heaven, but " Thine is the power" has no reference to this. It also is an ascrip- tion by man. By the gift of freedom with dominion to angels and men, God limits His power. As in a republic, an elective monarchy, and in democratic governments generally, the people are the repository of power, so is it in the case of the whole world. This world's history is that of an elective system on trial — so far a dismal failure. Power is wielded here below largely for injury ; but for God's intervention in Christ, it would have been exercised for total destruc- tion, physical and spiritual. I saw a book on a counter once, entitled, " Why doesn't God kill the Devil ?" I 'i' 24 have not read the book, and do not know its import, good or bad. But the question is capable of being answered. To kill the devil would involve the killing of those who have set him on the throne of the world ; that is, of our race, or the annulling of that quality of freedom whereby the conquerors in the strife between good and evil are to become the sons and daughters in the highest sense of the Lord God Almighty. The votes of the people place rulers in power. God condescends to our suffrages, to be the ruler of a free and willing people. He recognizes our dominion over the works of His hands, and our right to give it to whom we will. We have placed that power in the hands of the Evil One, and have suffered for so doing, finding out slowly that it is an evil thing and bitter to forsake the Lord. We have awakened to see power misplaced in every possible way, so that it smites us from morn till night, and from year to year. We pray, "Take to thyself thy great power and reign. If that power be in our human will, we offer that will to thee. We revoke our race's gift of the dominion to the rulers of darkness. Take to thyself all the powers a willing people can confer, and use them for our good and the destruction of our spiritual enemies. Then shall the land yield her increase, and God, even our God, shall bless us." The name of God has been blasphemed among heathen Gentiles and Jews, in the Christian world and Church. Thoughts and deeds He abhors have been attributed to Him, and the character that should 25 win the world has been so travestied as to repel. The Son, who gave this prayer, saw himself going forward to a judgment of shame and an ignominious death. His followers have too often shared the same dis- honor, and when those who called themselves such have been glorified in the sight of the world it has been because they were no true disciples of the meek and lowly Jesus. The people are the awarders of honor, the bestowers of glory and immortal fame. They press around some honored name and praise it with united voice ; they crown its owner with the laurel and the bay, until royalty has no such an empire over the hearts of generations as these recipients of the people's glory. It is not a capricious thing ; the glorified must have performed some great work that raises him above his fellows. So far, the people are discriminating ; yet many of the world's greatest heroes and benefactors have no monument, have not even had their names handed down to posterity. More than half the world is ignorant of the great God in whom they live and move and have their being. But we who pray this prayer know the Father, and His marvellous long-suffering, His infinite condescen- sion. His sparing not His own Son, whom He freely gave to death for us all. Our little life-labors we are apt to pride ourselves upon and ask recognition for, at the thought of Him and His, sink to the bungling work of unprofitable servants. All holy prophets and apostles, saints and martyrs, we look upon as tiny wave-beats of the great ocean of knowledge and 26 inspiration, of holy love and patient endurance of ill, which is God. Every effort to spread the truth, to ameliorate the condition of humanity, to drive out of corner after corner the lurking foes of our race, is a pulsation of His strong arm, mighty to smite and to save. Therefore, we freely say, " Blessing and honor and glory and power be unto Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb, forever and ever." And, working for His glory, we confidently wait until every creature shall say, * Amen !" 27 THY KINGDOM COME. Up ! up I ye young men, stout of heart, Of active brain and hand, Arise to play the hero's part In many a warrior-band. When face to face with myriad wrongs, 'Tis no time to be dumb ; Shout with ten thousand thousand tongues, " O Lord, Thy kingdom come !" Awake ! ye maidens, good and pure. Have ye not slumbered long ? Ye, too, must help Earth's ills to cure. Strike up your virgin-song : No gentle cooing of the dove. No plaintive dreamer's hum, But full and strong, as heart's best love, *'0 Lord, Thy kingdom come !" Ye veterans in holy strife, Whose heads are turning hoar, Well have ye served your time of life, Now must ye do the more. It fits you not to contemplate The curse, with visage glum ; Come, hurl your plaint at Heaven s gate, *'0 Lord, Thy kingdom come!" 28 O mothers of our Israel, How great the Church's debt To your kind care what tonfrue can tell ? The Christ will ne'er forget That, when all fled, ye did abide By Cross and seek the tomb ; Come, swell our supplication's tide, "O Lord, Thy kingdom come!" Children, ye children Jesus loved, And, living, who loves still, By His own Spirit be ye moved. And answer with a will. Your fresh young souls have power with God, The tyrant's arm to numb ; Call out to Him this earth who trod, *'0 Lord, Thy kingdom come I " And you who suffer more than all From Satan's evil sway. Who have no doubts about the Fall Nor of the Judgment Day ; From homes with want and squalor rife, In many a crowded slum, Cry loud, spare not, 'tis for your life, "O Lord, Thy kingdom come !" O sinners, whatsoe'er ye be, List to your Captain's shout, " Stand up ! be men and women free, And put your foes to rout." The King, the hosts of Heaven, wait, As roll of charging drum. The signal of your tumult great, "O Lord, Thy kingdom come !"