FREEMASONRY IN NEW BRUNSWICK, 3483.'J W. Bro. David Waterbuky, P. M. HI$TOI^Y OF St. JOHN'S Lodge, f. & a. m. OF SaiNT JOHN, NE¥ BRUNSWICK, TOGETHER WITH SKETCHES OF ALL MASONIC BODIES IN NEW BRUNSWICK, FROM A. D. 1784 TO A. D. 1894. WILLIAM FEAyiCL'N B-J ofTlSO, Era, Etc., Etc. , u„ , ILLUSTRATED. SAINT JOHN, N. B. J. & A. McMillan, 98 & 100 Prince Willlam Street. 1895. Entered according to Act of Parliament of Canada, in the year 1895, , By W. F. Bunting, In the Office of the Minister of Agriculture at Ottawa. > • • • • • • •••.* • • • • • .! .: •• • .••••! • ••*• • ••••• • : : •.• . ... •.. . ••• ... .. . • •.*•• • • . « • • « [ B.Q^R, IN MEMORY OF THE LATE R. W. BRO. W. H. A. KEANS, Esquire, DEPUTY C4KAND MASTER, PAST MASTER OP ST. JOHN'S LODGE, ETC. MY MASONIC GUIDE AND INSTRUCTOR, MY EARLY FRIEND AND COUNSELLOR, AND IN TESTIMONY* OF HIS STERLING WORTH AS A PUBLIC SPIRITED CITIZEN AND A BRIGHT AND ZEALOUS CRAFTSMAN, THIS VOLUME 18 GRATEFULLY DEDICATED. INTRODUCTION. The following pages are offered to the masonic fraternity in the hope that the various matters embodied in them may be the means of affording opportunity to brethren of gathering information relating to the craft in New Brunswick heretofore beyond their reach. The references to masonic bodies, other than St. John's Lodge, are necessarily abbreviated, in order to conform as nearly as possible to the design and limit of the compilation. Had I enlarged upon this division of my work — and there was much of absorbing interest in connection with these bodies which came under my notice — the size of the volume would have exceeded prudential limits ; and, notwithstanding my efforts to be concise in this and other particulars, the number of pages has exceeded my original intention. I have been more explicit in transcribing from the early pages of the records of St. John's Lodge — the exact wording of the original is given — as I felt that they would be more interesting to the reader than excerpts of later dates. From April 2, 1802, the day on which the lodge was constituted, the original chartered name " St. John's " has been continued without change or variation ; and, in like manner, there has been no alteration in the time of holding the regular communications, i. e., the first Tuesday in each calendar month. The many serious fires by which large portions of the city of Saint John were, from time to time, laid waste, destroyed large accumulations of books and documents, public and private, of great value for his- toric and other purposes. In consequence of these losses the historian and compiler are oftentimes perplexed in their efforts to obtain data to enable them to furnish important details. Files of old local newspapers are exceedingly rare. The reader will no doubt observe the frequent mention of the com- piler's name in the excerpts of St. John's Lodge records, since the year 1852. Having since that year been a regular attendant at the meetings and an active participator in all the concerns of the lodge, and having had a large share of the work cast upon my shoulders, this obtrusion could not be very well avoided. For prudential reasons I have, in many instances, suppressed my personality. In the prosecution of this work, undertaken as a labor of love and to fill up an occasional hour not devoted to official duty (I did not intend X INTRODUCTION. originally to publiHli it, but have been perhaps overpersuaded by indis- creet friends), I have exiierienced a large measure of Hatisfaction in the perusal and deciphering of ancient books and documents, particularly those stored in the archives of the grand lodge of Nova Scotia. Brethren and others to whom I have been obliged to apply, either personally or by letter, for information affecting the various umtUin embodied in this volume, have reat:ster, .John Haws, Israel Merritt, John Thomas, (Jharles Johnston, William H. A. Keans, Samuel Holman, R. Sands Armstrong, Joseph Mercer, (has. E. Potter, William F. Bunting, John H. Sheridan, Hon. William Wedderburn, Robert G. Crozier, John I). Short, .James G. Forlies, Joseph C. Hatheway, William H. Sinnott, Henry G. Hunt, Thomas O. Sandall, William M. Sears, Hiram (i. liettJt, John Buchanan, George B. Hegan, Artluir I. Trueman, William H. B. Sadleir, Arthur Kverilt, Robert H. B. Tennant, Robert C. Thorne, Frederick Sandall, Arthur W. Sharp, William A. Ewing, John J. Forrest, Wilson L. Dobbin, Archibald lianer. Roll of Mkmhkrh of St. John's Loikie, from A. D. 1802 to A.D. 1894,... 205 Me.mherh OK THE Loih;e, alphabetically arranged 281 List OF Memhkrs, April .'{, 1894, 290 List ok Past Mahteiis, Wcjrhhipfi.l Masters, Senior Wardens, J'juior Wardens, Treasurers AND Secretaries 291 I^>iKjt:s, Etc., in New Brunswick, from 1784 to 1 8'>5, 295 Hiram Jy'xlge, New Brunswick Lodge, St. (ieorge's Lodge, Sion I^xlge, Solomon's Lodge, Hiram York LfKlge, St. John's I^xlge, Midian Lodge, Orphan's Friend Ixxige, Eastern Star Lodge, [Jnion Lanlslcy I Doctor l)ivinity .... Olivor nourdt'tt (ieiitleuiuii Joliii raiil Artillery Sergeant. David Melville Tavern Keeper ]{ieliar