u ■ i *^>, d 1100 aQt/917-tNI Iv Centimeter 12 3 4 Inches 5 « 7^ t 9 10 11 12 T3 U 15 1.0 tftt 123 1.1 Mm HI tu 2j0 L8 lt2S lU |L6 ■■■ ■■■ ■■■ i^t'- '.AA.3fcH^tf-&'».-^ ^^sM^^g?^ \ CIHM Microfiche Serbs (Monographs) » t» CsMdtan Imiltuts tor lll i U i l o l ^ ICMH Conection de microfiches (monographles) i/i m i i i i i t ' -/ /^\ rl OQ^ r: r TlMlMtitHl* liM atiMnpMrf to okMiii Km FMtMTMOf Ms «l tfw I wn pi in tM ( llfnifiCMItlV CllMI|i nC (MM HiMnOQ of ffNMMI^ wv ' * -«»--■ — .... .. ; I '. ' ColoMrMi oevm/ D Cowt iMtoras «Ml/orl«iiiMMi/ rattMNte M/oM paNioMd □ ColOMnd talk (iA vilMrliMn Mm or btoek)/ Enwt i> WMlwif (i;«. Mitra i|iM Mmn om noin) - * a CohNNvd plali^ and/or iHmtraiioiii/ •t^M. iMmtt rt kim «i «oulMir I I 'Boond wMi on^'MMMriM/ I I RaMMMd'MrtrMt La rtltara ttrrfe Mit cmmmt d» romfara 011 dt la ■;.::,•■-■■ T;., ■■ □ MMlk ImMIK MJlilll dllf ino nMoratklll hum mmm^mi wimm ins !*««. ifiMNMWr pomow, vmm imw OMn oiMtMo froin ffHniinff 11 m iwut iH W r t itai w i pupi Mwdm ijoimai lot a MM fntturation iiiipmiiyMit dim !• ttxti, mwt, lonQiM CMS sUit potiiMo, cm ps(M n out PM wIQb TIMMM* L IIMlllllt IMpMOfHRM M •rtl I oaipr OM ( V* rrn Shotythrooih/ 1 1 Tramparanet □ Quality of print variat/ Qualit* taiiiate da I'iniprattion □ ContinMom pailnation/ tafination eontinua □ IndudHi indax(M)/ . Comprand un (dM) indtx' Titia on ha a dar takan from:/ La titra da i'an^ttla proviaht: pafaofittua/ datitradalalivraison □ Caption of iMMa/- Titra d> dAparrda la livraiton □ IMasthaad/ , Q«n«riqu» (piriodiqua*) da la livraison 0Adtf tional ummanti:/ Tl|«rtt are sob« creases In the middle of pages. C o n iwan tt ira i «Mppl*'W!it«iw«? : "^^ Thte itMn it f ilinad at tlia raduetion ratio chavkad balow/ Ca dodwnant att filin« au tauii da rMuetion indiq i rf cj-dawoei. 10X „ 14X HX ;rv- r TiM oofy fHnwd htrt hti to tN eofKMrotltv «f t rtpro4uJMNi thankt Natropelltth Terpnto R«f«rtnc« Library laldMlfi Room TiM liiMoti •ppMrinfl h(M« ara tha bMt quality poaalMa eonaMartna thaaoftdltlon antf la«lbility of tha ordilftal eopy and In kaaplng vvith tha fHmlne eontraat apacif ioatlona. Original aoplaa In printad papar advora ara fllmad baglnnino with tfia front oovar and anding on tho laat paga with a printad or Hluttratad Impraa- alon. or tho book aoyar w^an appropriata. All Athar original ooplai ara fllmad baginning on tha flrit paga with a printad or'llluttratad Impraa- aloh* and andlng on tha toat paga with a printad or milatratad Impraaaion. Tho teat raeordodlrama on aaeh microftoha ahall oootain tha aymbol — ^ (moaning "CON- TINUED"), or tha aymbery (moaning "END"). whiehovor appNaai Mapa, plataa. aharta^ ato.* miy ba fllmad at diffaramf raduotlon ratioa. Theaa too larga to bo ontiraly Ineludad in ana axpoaura ara fllmad baginning in tha uppar laft hand eornar, laft to right and top to bottom, aa many framaa at 1. Tha following diagrama lliuatrata tha ■ '■ 1 ; ''■■'2-:\ i 3 _>.■ l/aMamplaIra fWrnd fut rap r adult griaa i It gdndrooHido: /7* : Hat repot 1 tan Toronto Mforonoo Librory •aldMin llooia '■ 1^ Imagoa auNowtaa om dti toprod u lia a a¥Oa la # plua grand aoin. oompto tonu do lo oondMon oi > da to nattat« da I'axamptako fllmd. dt on eonformlt* avaa laa aondMona du aomrat do fUmaga. . ^ . -■. ■ ■^. ■■■■.'.. ■■ ■: ■■ :::-/■:■■■.:-'■■■:■■::■■■■ ^ axamptolraa origlnauii dant la aouvortura on poplar aat imprimda aont fllmdo on oominonaant par la pramlar plat at an tamdnam aah par to ^wr^f% paga qui aomporto una amprahita • d'Impraaalon ou diNuatratlon. aolt por to aooohd ptot. tolon to eoa. Tdua too autraa ammptolraa origlnaux aont fllmda an aommongam par to promtora paga qui aomporto uno ompMlnto d'Improaalon ou dlNuairation of on'tarmlnam par to damtora paga qui oempofto uno toNo ampralnta. <> Un daa aymboloa darniira Imaga da ohaqbaL^iorofloho, oaa; la aymboto ->ni^ alg aymboto ▼ aignHto "PIN" apparalira aur to i.aalonto tUIVIirVto ioa oartaa. ptonohoa. tabtoouM. olo. filmAa A daa taux da rMuotion Lortquo to documont oat trap grand rapradult %n un aaui altohd. 11 aat fMntd A ^rtlr da I'angla aupdriaur gauoha. da gauoha Atdrolto^ ot do haut an baa. an prOnant to nombro d'lmagaa ni o a aaa lro. Ua diagrammaa auhlfOnta illuatrant to m«thodo. fci- ■■■♦ . 32X -^ 1 , ■*;■ ^ fifep-ViE --Ifei^n-r 1 Vk^A^tiiSH-H^. > METROPOLITAN TORONTO LIBRARY Q\^Qi~b^^ Canodiaa 789 YONGE TORONTO M4Wr2G8 (v/'t[^ v jh^; '»■ «.** PrONEER ASSOCIATION ' .•'I' It i '«!''. A ..M;i. 'f^v* t^ '»'fT>,V '.•«"»^ * ■il-x, ONTARIO. CANADA,. ' 'i ' U ■ -■' " oB04inMm) AT TqmMsaiK uf^MMBEJui^ m. «" .. « V. t f' . *. ^: ■i>i 'iir;-!* ^ rn 'r YORK AND PEEL PI0N£E§ SOCIETIES, • »o ; < .^* ^^f iWwflf JZtprcMn^td 6y IkUgatn duly Appoinied, T 7 ^ "T" TOIKMITOt *>■ »'- i '4 'A *'/i':>j v-v;; 'i. .OFFICERS For rmr mdmg ^A Jwm 1890 f ''I A MARS 1933 UV. DR. SOADDOfO. lU CRAWfO&D. Kr WOLIAlf RKNini. . ^>—: T) I /ft ' ■# & E. HODGSON. J. P. HUTTOM. WILI4AM LEA. CAFT. JftSSOP. i ' il .1 .\ 'ds'MJ^ nOVIM AMOOIATKHI, dm., OAMADA. .« I By-Laws. 1. Th« PrMidmt th^l Im, m^^faio^ olwiriMB of »U BMtliiifi^ «tt> oMj Md ipMiAl, iHlan lie is i/iii Um abttHM of «h« Prwkl«nt» tho Vko-FiviUiMit ahdl pniU% of bod^ ilMi tbo dwiraHl of tho OonatttM V^ bofe in tfei other dsember of lli# A«od«lk» m ihAll then be nominated bj tt* memben preeenti oi*y pveeldo^ nnd mid ohninun ihnll, for Hm liB% be clothed with all the powers of the oheirroen. the 8. In oeee of two nembero riling at the mme time to add: meeting, the presiding ohairman shaU decide who has the floor. 4. Any member addressing the meeting shall do so throi|^ the pr»> siding o h ai rm an , and shall not oeonpjr the floor more than .fifteen asin*-- ateiL without permission. 0. At all ofeetings the ohair is to be taken ponotaallj at the. hoar appointed, and in oaee thirty minates elapse withent a qaomm, the meeting may stand acyoamod nntil sooh time as the membmrs may namoMidam^^ ^ .• ' ■; ■ ' ■ , ■ ■ . ■■ ,• . ■' ' ■ •■ '■'■ , '■■■;■',■.■■';■. 'i'l^\ '• 6. It will be the dnty of the Beoretanr «o keep tho ninntM of afl meetings of tha Aasoeiation and rsad them at the next mnoriiifl. in order t« their oorreotion and oonfinnatkm ; to oondnet all the oor r s» pondenoe of the Aieodation. It will ahp be the dnty of thefltiaretary^ to oMke a fnU aanoal report, at the reg^diMr or adjo«riMid ing, of the proeaedings of the. Aslooianoa for^the preoedlng year. 7. Hm Treasnrir shall take diirfe of aU fuids and h»M n oo^ «ioooant of tiie same^ disbursing thess nnder tl4 dirselias iof the AaB»> ciation, being praparsd at an^ x«|nl«r meeting with a statement of IIm flnanoss and making an annwd report at uib regnkr or a4)oarMd •naval wmtingi «'■ -^ -^^T^-^ ' r . 1 'iHi '9 ■ -Ix ^i.'^i ,^-»"" -/ J* J- -»„ . .-»> • '*s,..V ^i> •^(■'^ ^'^^ I »■ • * ' V 'A I ' V nowim AModiATtoii, oirr., oaiiada. Constitution. J*?. d^.. tUm iball b«<»ll«d the Piowiu AMOoiATibii or Itt. This A«oda Omtabio, Oavada. ' '■ . ■■ ' ''■■ ^. ■■■•■.■■■■"■■■,■'.■■■.■ . • ■ ■ , 2nd. Iti ckji9at» duUl be to viiito tht TAriova PiooMr aooUtiM of tW Provinoo in oa« omtral h«ul or organiMtlon, th«r*bj th« bottar to pitMBOto intorooano mmI onion of all aaoh aooiatiaa, Cor tha baMar ff- r~«arta«k«i olldalorioal and othar record* and mamoriala of the Prorino^ ^for the forroinc of new aodaiiaa for anoh parpoaaa, and for tba p(omol> ing and axtondinf the inflatnaa and baneflta thereof. Abo, thk Aaao- dation ahall pabllah an annual raportt oontainiof the namaa of all the mambera of faoh and areiy aiBliated aoeiety, iHOwawih other mattera aa m»^ ba n^vlftd. aaek WMh iJUiatM aooiaiy to tt«li«« a^fiw thereof. Srd. Ita membardiip diaU oonalat of dalagatea from all the rariona Pioneer aodatiea of the Ftoviwe, of aaoh aa are now in akialenoe and oTthoaa thai may in the fatare be formed. 4th. The aflUraof thia Aaaooiation ahall be mataafed bj aPMd^ one y^Praaidant, a Beoratair, Treaaarar, and an BzecntiTe Com- mit of five ; all of whom ahall be appointad from among the ragular metabera of the Anooiatibn. The offioOra being, tm^JSeio, mambera ol the oommittee, all ol whom ahall hold oflloe until their auoaaaaoiu ar* Mgnlarly appointad. Stt. An annual ganeral meodng of the Aaaooiation ahall be held a| auoh pkoe in Ontario aa ahall be appointed at each preoeding annual or adkmraad annual meeting, auoh annual meeting to be held on the fin* Wedaaaday in June in eaeh and every year, to reeeiTe the annual raporta ol the Aaaooiation, and taking proper action thaieon; for th» nomination and election of oiBoera, ^e committee and two auditon, and to tranaaot auoh other buainaaa aa may be required. Five bani to form a fuomrni for the eommittaa^ thna ItL illiiiot the iatontioii of thii AiMoafaitiao'toaMraiaa any «».,. trol in fovening or directing any of the attliated aodbtfaa, orinaay way tolntarfara in IdMir private working; but in caae any ^naation u raibrrad to thia^ AaiMnatlon by any of the affiliated aodetiaa, then it will be oompetent for thia Aaaooiation to oonaider and decide upon any •noh quottion or nfbrence. 'I ', r #*' ► ., « '-1^. *^»^i^f]^-««r -Siti^ . ■..?■ TtlL Ko portion of IIm OoMlltailott or j^-t^wt ol IIm lirtjuW ■M7 bo altMPKl, oddod to» br rapMM, «alU anr«v«d of'bjr two^ldnli of Um BMrnbori pr«Mt ftt Iko m oo Hnf ; 4ad lor muk pripotJ altim> tfon, MkUag to. or rmd. nolioo ^kmmd ohiJl bo givoe to ^iTiiritiii in #ritiB( Mid oicMd by aoob raqttfaor, M lonH ooo moalli fadBl«-|lw "^ '"**^: *^ ^^ Soorotory aliii) immodktoly. on rooMtOoo of Mid iioCion»d oofiio* of OMh propoowi ' pod, to oooli uMOibor of tte AMooktioib toiOrr% •I >> vs- #1 * • Sth. Booh ond ovory aflUiatod oooUty oball poj into t»)o fando of tkio Awooiatlon an Mmoal oam, •• Oooo, M tan oonto for ofiok and OTonr mombor of miob aooiotjr : bat wboo tho wimbor of monboffo of ■aoh aooioty exoooda ono bnndrod, or tan doUan, than no fvrthor an- ml dnoo, namoly, than ton doUaro por annam from oooli aflliatod M^loty, will bo roqoirod; Mid dooa to bo dao and pavabia at oaok — ttnl mfoting. and if not |Md. tho dolMpito ftam mk looiffljr wiU havo a vote until sooh arrM^ri art paid. annual not 9tlL Hoooraiy niombora not Urinf in Ontario may bo olootod on tilo roooumondation of tho ExeoatiTo Oommittoa, bat wob honorary mom- bor* thali-not vota or hold oOeo ozeopt aa an auditor. Mor ahall Moh . honorary momboro have a voioa in tho nwntir hniiinw of iIm JLiMdi^ ^ tion, exoept by pormiHion. ' . •' / " •■i"- 10th. A ipeoial mooting of the AMoeiation may be oallod bf Ilia chairman upon a roqaiaitiqn dgnod by three memberi, whioh meotina •hall be oompetent to entertain no bnaineea exoept tuoh aa it ie oaUod for, ^ 11th. No ratjeota inTolting dit^renoee in religion or politioa will on any aeoMut be oonddered proper for diMnudon. 19th. Baoh and every affiliated looiety may tend to thie Ataooiatfon V « not more than Ave delegatoe, bat aa won aa nine diilbrait eodbtieo lro\ V^ repreeentod, thia eootion of the Oonatitotion will ba noU and void, and ''^' ieotion l3willrMdMfoUowi,vis.: _ \ ^ 4A .. » % -^ • » B^ and every affiliated Kwiety WiU be repreeentad in thia Aflwoiar ^ tion by one delefato i^g iK Biv.CUifovO.A.B0ix,lf.A.,Nii«MrftFUb8(mth.P.O; ' ' t •?' Jom A. Ombabo, B0Q:, NtapM mi* Smrth, P.O. CluauR PA«SQf. BiQ., IRiifm Pdli Bontl^ P.Q. Jamm Wtuot. 8i^ N; F. PtoA. Kkiflm Mb SoaMi. P.a lUhk 5" 1^. Bav. GUsttir Honnoir, U.A., iuOM McOMaBAV, BiQ.» rC^^MMnr Walknid (Ibuty, WUlaaa P.O.. W OtmuMmdvilk. llagr. IWPL ■*« \ H. O wiwifi I tokdfc. ...... J... ^:, >; ^^.^; 4,-;. •.% ? •** It' ♦! Ar SS* S~Py*Sr* ^^0» »» » « » »»»■««« ...««.» «.>««,', Ifovr. 8 '* V 2» y***?* .? * ]ky' • • • • • ^ ««*"'»» ■ . » . . > . . '• *• '" ' '" i2k' S^jf Sy »? '?? '•••••*••'••••'••''••••'' y«fc'y 14 119^' '•'' * '^ 2» fy'p "''? '' ' "*'''°*' • ■"»"■■>. •.^. ...... April 11 •• .- '' Sir fifr^'''* *"***•,•►•••■*>■•■•■•■•■«•••■••••■■■■-'••■::'■■,••■■ ** ** • 'Ir' ■ '^ '^ ^ ' vi^>^'HlBM» ..,/..vi;i.,,>..._4'.v- ••♦'•'■ "• ** '*''.<•' "A**-s -^^ el .WataM, 41« .......v.... " -St;! ,H 5- g*g^i^ ./......... liMdilJ !!•<► > i . ( Jf 2!I^^i'"'*'**''' ...v " « „. ^ 61. Ball, B. H .........,.*.:■•* • *» , -ipfi^y .•' ' ■*" ^ ^■- , . ... > « ^'V • ' * ■ I » • '<^i' U ^(' -, _ ' , LUNDY'S LANE HISTOBICAL SOCIBTY; 'I * ANNIVBRaART-JITLYlsI 1814 T^OJher§^aeSoeietyJbrlk0iiurrtntyMr,189O, *ltev.CA»o«O.A.Bia]^ltA.;]niwmlUb8(mth.P.O; [ *: Josh A. Ombaw, lfa«:, m^tM» JUb Somh, P.O. Ciuai£»pAnQf.aiQ.,IRiCM»MIb8oiitl^P.Q. ^ Jamm Wiuo». 8q^ N. F. Ptek, ll^wt» Mb SoaMi, P.a Jambs McOunuv, Esq., !l>;«MaMr Walfand (loiuty, WUhad P.a„ ttok OranmwdvilK lliqr. IMO. ro* BooiMrr WAS f^mAwtzBD IX mt. J .1 >.iM ?>.■•* /■'.i * ■':« ,• a ■.v'V*'-/ ■ .-^i-'-yr..-- 4 . "*>», ♦ '■\ i>'' >■ • ■ .-■'--■■^ :' ' 4".- 'V-':-si^-*«''-l-.- .