"C^. >:^ .V^ H 1100 Wfiyiw AMnut. SuNt 1100 SNvBf flpirt'HI. Msfytand 90v10 M1/M7-U02 <% T ^^^ I '*r G^ntimeter ; - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ja 9 10 IT 12 13 14 15 mm b |l|)l| l l|l| l l|l ^l |l | l |ltl| l ^ l | l ^ l ^ 1 -, 2 •■■ • ■"aj; ■ .■;■", -4.,/ - 5 . . Inches 1 ■ 1.0 W^ ■ 2J u; S bs #- Him |U9 KS |U Uj^ MQNUFPCTUREO TO AIIH STPNOARDS -^ BY flRPLIED IMfiGE. INC. CIHM Microfiche Series (Monograptis) •-«* ICMH Coilection de microficfies (rhonograpiiies) C«iM4lMi Imthuto for HittOfM Mloror«pro0ttctlwi» / l*«ltiit cw»dl«« .. r / I t - ■-'• " ' ':' ' r-- m ;'■ . ■ ■ - ■•■ - ;' ' : .'■■;■■■ '; ■ -■ ■ ■»"»*^ / • %r \ f ^ L . X rt ijsr / , a^ ^^a^V_wfeAli^^i*S^ rt1«i^A ^^^^S m ■ i . -r jw-H-iT-T B V-. \-- A WAS THE CHILDREN'S FUND. M««ting of the Oommittte ftppolotod bj the Conferenct; held in the John St. Ohnrch Vee try, on the 2nd Oecem* ber, 1867, puraaant to notice in the Ohrutum Gumrditm, Present, Ren. 8. Roee, J. Dome, O. Donglei, J. Bn|;hef, 8^ D. Rice, ftnd Meiirs. R. Woodfworth end J. MeDoneld. After a lengthened difCQMion on the Oonitltntion of tht Children's Fand, it wm onanimoaslj resolred that the foll(»w i ing be adopted :—> In order to equalise the harden ^of supporting the Ohil4reB of onr Ministers, authorised alike by the oonnezioaal form of our Churches, and the itineranej of our Ministers, and thus to reliere from difficulties often felt in stotioning Ministers irith large famiUes to otherwise suitible CircuUs, it was resolred at the Confer;)noe held in London in 1866, that the riiles adopted bj the British Conference on this subject for their own guidance, should be reeeiyed by this Conference, so far at least as they may be found to Apply to our condition. 1. That ereiy District shall be considered to be responsible for proTiding within itself, and by its own local resourete, the usual quarterly allowances iW such a number of the Minis- ters' Children, as shall be found, on annual examination an4 calculation, to be fairly chargeable on the Circuits belonging to that District,' according to the principles of proportion to numbers in Socie^. ' ' i That when the iramberof Children's allowances, to be psoTided in e«ch District coUectiTely, has been «scertalned} tlioit alloWMiOM ihdl afUrwardi b« annaally dlrided among the MTeral OiroaiU of that DUirioi ; and erery Gircnit ihall b« reiponiible for the lam lo aUotted to it, at iu eqoiUble share of thii part of the general expenditure of oor con- neiion, and ihall be expected to fnrniib that lani by qoar- terly Initalmenta, either oat of its' own regular income, or, if neceiiar J, by meani of extraordinary local exertioni. . 8. That although in aacertaialng the number of Ohildren'i allowancMto be charged on oTory Diitrietf the number of membert is to be the io<« principle of oalcnlatldn, it is recom- mended that in the partition of ttese allowanees among th» sereral CfireuU$ which compose that District, while the num- ber of Members in each Circuit is still to be considered as the Itaiinff principle on which the diTision shall be made, the com- parati?ecife«mstancesofthe Oireuits, «i e(A«r r«qMel«, shaU also be taken into the account, and allowed to modify, in par- ticular eases, the application of the general principle of imri* Urt; so that the more burdened Oircnits may^yM much as pos- sible, be relie?ed by others in the same District, and the wholo quota for each Diatriet be always raised within itself. 4. That the iums thus charged in the pistrlct, and dirided among the Oircuits, shall be considered as constituting a sep- arate Fund, to be called th4 OhiUbrtrit Fmd) and that in con- •equenee of this anran|fement, no allowances for Children's quarterage shall in fhtnre be paid out of the Contingent Pond, either at the District Meetings or at the Confisrence. B. That two QtMral IVeatwrers and a General Secretary for the Children's Fnn^ shall be annually appointed by the Con- ference ; and that the Financial Secretary of the Districtlfeet- Uig shall act m Local Tr¥UMif» for Uip same Fond in that District during the eoening year. ' V I. ,•» ' * I 6. Tliftt the Otrentt StewaHi of erery Olrenlt ihall b« ei- p«eUd to pay the rtg^ur Allowancei for GhUdren—by qu«r- ttrlj inaUlmenti aa oinll^to tboie Miniiteri lUllonad for th« 'time belag in jtbeir Oircait, wbo are «ntitUd to receire inch allowancei, according to onr exiitlng mlM. If the qnota of oontribntion to the Ohildrea'i Fond, bt charged on that Oir- enit according to the lecolid and third article! of thia plan, ■hall be Imt thiin the mm which they thai aetnally adrance for the children of their own Minliten, they ihall be entitled to receire the d^^etfmey back again, throngh the Diitrict Treai- urer, ont of the Ohildreni' Fnnd. Bat if the qnoted charge! on that Oireuit ihall be moro than ii needed for the payment of the children of their own miniiten, they ihall, Immediately afker ctery Qnarterly Meeting, remit the balaaM to tha Dii- trlel Treaiarer. , In all theee eaiei, whaterer rami the.Oirooit Stewardi ibaU adTaaee to tkeir own minliten for their Ohil- dren, according to rale, inch inmi ihall be eonildMred, when duly certified to the Diitrict Tjreaiuren ai paid on behalf of the Children's Fand, and entered in the Diitrict aeconnl accordingly. T. That the#iitrict Tf^ainren ihall be earneitly reqaeited to lettle their aceonnti for the year with the Stewardi of etery Olrenlt in their District at the May Qnarterly Meetingi of each year ; and to trjosmit to the general Secretary of this Fund, the complete accounts of the District for that year, in refer- ence to the said Fond immediately afterwards, in order that time may be afforded fonarranging the whole, and preparing them for the Oommittee at the Oonfereiice. The account of erery District Treasnrer, should include— 1. The names and total number of children of ministers actually stationed in that District, for whom allowanees almii claimed. 1. The num- ber of allowances for children charged on each particnlar -sS. :f> \ 'V Olrealt of hit District, In ord«r to m«k« np tht qoot* whieh WM allotted to that District bj the Oommittoa at tha prtcoding donference. 8. A lUtoment, whether In hli Dittrlot tha aami charged on the Mreral Oircaita for thia Fund, hare bean mor£ than infflolent, or lata than lafflolant, to paj tha whole of tht allowances daa for children to ministers In that District, and in the former case, what la the amount of the snrplns which ha, as District Treasurer, has to pay to the Qeneral Treasurers { or, in tha latter oaae, what is the amount of tha deficiency which the General Treasurers, ara expected to raAind to tha District Treasurer. / 8. That the Oommittea of the OonUogent Fund and tha Qeneral Traasurars and SecreUry of the Children's Fund, shall, at their Annual Meetings before or at tha Conference, examine tha acaounts of this Fund for tha year preceding, and Shan make tha neceasary calculations and aUotmants for tha year ensuing, 9. That, the said Committee, In nifi^g their ealeulatloni for that pni^^ili»s^Hihall take tha numbers of members in the Circuits composing each District, exactly as annually reported at the Confisrence, by. tha Chairman of tha District, which shall in all oases be adopted for the year then next ensuing, as the general basil of all calculations affecting this Fund — because any partial attention, eren in case of real error, would usually be of small consequence to the indfVidual Clrcait or District, and could not be effected, after the general calcula^ tions hare been once made and published, without materially deranging the whole plan. 10. That In dtrNtlng the Children's allowances among tha sarerai Districts, according to their number of members, on tha rates which may be annually found just and necessary, when a fractional number occurs, if sucti fractional number be onerhalf or upwards of the whole number which ought to .--*" proTtdt for on« •lloir*ao«| it iball, In tvtrj raeli eMt, bt nokoMd M if H had aaoaitod to that wholt nambM ; ftad on* additioiml ohild •hall, for that ytM-, b« chargtd In that Dlftriot. And if this pro? ision ihaH not proTt tuffloittnt to Mnkn np tho Iom whieh wonld nriM flrom tho omittiou of fnc* Uonnl nambf n in tli« division, ono allownnet moro ibnll bo odd«d to thOM Dlitrleta, whoto IVnetionnl .nnpibora eomo noortit to tbo on«-bnlf of tb« nnmb«r flztd Ih tbiLfMeml ratto, nntil tho whole nnmlMr of nUowMieos which nrt wonted •boll boTO botn dUtribntcd among th« dlffertnt Dittrieta. 11. That tho dirition among tha Dittrieta baTiag boan mado M tha Oonfaranao on tha plan i^ra mantionad| the Ministarf andStawarde of aaoh dietrieti aiMmblad in tho Finanoial Dlitriot Maating, shali than proeood, to datarmina deflnltalj whaipart of tha Ohildran'i ollowaneai, ohargad on thair Dli- triot oollaotiraly, ihall ba pfOTtdad by aaeb partlenlar Olronli or lflailoa,andto adopt ineh moaanraa as thaj may think ttaoassary for saonring Uia dno coUoctlon of Uia qnotas allotted ^0 tho soToral Olrenits, so that the whole maj ba dulj reoeWed hf tho Dlstriet Treasurer, and tho snrplns, If any, shall ro- main, after paying the .ohlldren then In tliat District, bo by htm pdd to the Oeneral Treasurers not Inter than the Wed- nesday before the ensnlng Oonliirenee* 12. That the Stewards of erery Oircnlt shall bo requested regularly to pay either to the District Treasurers or to their Ministers on his account,^ at the close of erery Quarterly Meetlngi wba^Brer sQm may be then due from their Circuit for children's allowances ; In order tbnt the District Treasurer may, ns far as possible, be enabled to make the usual Quar- terly payments in his own district, it the proper time, withont being sol^eefted to the necessity of large pecnnlaiy adrioces 9k aeconnt qi the Fund. • 40^' 'T^jT" .«•""?-'» ^ ?, \ t 18. That to pr«Ttnt eonftiiloi in tht Mcomiti of th« Dl»- trict TrMiiirvn, and fbr oth«? weighty rcMOni, It If fovad BccMMTj to dirtct that ao Mialitcri child boia la tha coaria of tha jMMT, (batwaan ona Ooafbraaea and another), aad not Inoladad la thaaooonntf, ani^bafbra tha pracadlB| Oonlbraaaat of tha i^babla nambar to ba prorlded for la that yaar, nor ia tha arraagemanta of tha Flaanotal Dlitrlct Heating In 8ap- tambar, fhall hara aay allowance for that year ttom the Ohll- 4reni' Fond ] bat that for arary inch ehlld the Mlnlitar may raedva tha ragalar Qnarterlj allowance, daring tha raaalnder oC that year, from tha Stewarda of tha Olroalt to which ha belong!. And In the oaee of the death of any of tboee chll' dran who are prorldad for^by thli Fond, tha paranta thaM be permlttad IcTtMalTa for them tha niaal allowanca to tha and •f tha year In wkeh they died. 14* That In tha regular minntea of arery DUlrlct Meeting, the ehidniian li raqoired to direct the Annual Insertion of a aomplata and particular Ikt of tha namaa of all tha children of ministan than itationed In that Diatrlct, for wham tha stoal qnartaraga la claimed, during that year, whether paid by tha Traaf arar of tha O^eral Ohildran'e Fan4t or In tha Olrcnltyand to tha name of each child on the list sha|l ba appen- ded its aga, at tha May Qoartar-day of that year; so that It may bo annaally ascertained by the compilation of one gaa- aral list, not only how many children bars clidms on tha Cttreoit or Fond, but also for how many years the anowanea has been already paid for each child, and how much loqger such child will ba aatitlad by nila to raceWa tha aNowaaca. Ib stating the ages, tha additional quarters, If any, should b* lidda^ to tha iiwabar of yean apaoUtod In tha acaoiiBt.\ 1ft. Thft Ohairman of arery District ihaB ba laqvlrad to sa« >'\ /. ^ii r>*. 1 i. %" thai all tbt rvguUiioBi rttpMtinf Ui« iBUiaf«ni«iiVBimlttaa of tba ObUdran'f Fund daring Oonfbranoa. il«folii<^ //,— Tbat Hba Oonfaranea ba raqaattad to add to tba Mid Oootataaon of tba Oblldran'a Faad, a rala for tba a^tvatmant of tba dIflWrant olalnia of tba Mltalon and refalar ^ work, M tbat aacb dspartmtnt tball ba mada.to baar Ito owa ^ XmoUtHoHlTft—ThtLi tba ftjpiflar olalnaataon ttilt Fond ara faeb Oblldran of MInUtcrt ai ara bom aflar tbair fatbari bara baaa racabad Into foU oooAazloa witb tba Oonfaraoca and ordalaad.. Tbat tha Cbtldran of IflnltUrf from tba Bngllab Oonferaaeai ^ horn afflllattad Oonforaneaii and flrom tba Matbodlat 1. 0., U. 8., who baTa baan rvgalarly tranifarrad to tbti Oonfareneti wblcb bara l;^n bor|i aftar tbaIr Nathan bara tratalled four yaari In tba^ ragtilar work, aball ba fagnlar dalmantf npon ' pajmant of laob rania to tifo Funds of tha Ohnreb at majgiTa tbamiMi aqultabla tltla tbirato. ' ^ ». 8. Amoiint to ba lUad at^aait niliUni % \> . /F;— All Oblldratt bora wbUa Pfra^ ^^|o«> 5, travaUad In tha iag«Ur workt ihall fllilaHha MakMa la. ■ ■' -'•' •■ : '^'; '''.»..* 'i^V ■' ■^*'» I.. '%':■■ T,— That wj/Umporlaf^^t^^ m ■\ii nm :. V ". ■''. - \ ■■ '- '■ ■ ■ ■ '■ ' .. "■ .:' .' ^ "■■ B ■.■■'<*w. . :': . ■ '% 1- > • .J ■ap- ■■./■ ,1- i ■f" a«nib«rs j»f thb OoDfereooeiland the other ftfflUated Oonfenn- oei,b« tilt aalijMt of tipeoUl rml«,M aneh •zchuigw nay bo made. A^oaned to meet the let Wedneedaj ia rebraeiy, 18ft8, In the Million Boom, TorontOi •! 7 r. M. / S. Bon, dhairmts; 8. D. ^■jSeeretMy. »• « Iff /• / O i»r-V\ A. Veetlog of tbe GbmmtttfM appointed to prepW* reTtiei ' Oonetftiitlon f{>t the Obntiiigieiit Fnad, wM hdd/ii the€It7 of Hamilton, on tneidaj, December lit, 1857. / -^r^^f ^^e followfni^ irere present-^ j. Doj^ae, J^ itna- grof e, J. S^ii^er nndt B. Howard, and VeMn.Tho8. Storm -'•ad;^^']|oDraald.„:,_^, '-:,/.;; v ;,.■■-. ■//•V-': ..•'■• ^^ ^>. ItoT, ^ Doa«e inMi j^pointod Ohairmanr wd/ LB. Howard "'Seeretarj*., ■ ■'''■/■■■■" The following dran of* Ctonetitation ii(*^ opiuidered 1^ the Gommittee, when it was Besolv%d, That ^e Secretuj b^ directed to get a anffioient nojiiier of copiee printed, and Mnt eaeh mevbor bf the Qomaitlee fbr their t^daideiatioB, and ftr iiieiir fQggeetiona, and that aa acUonmed tiweting of tho Committee be held In the Oity of TorontOi in the FIrti Vaeei* vft- im I F-— , 'f" im 'i ^m^ ".■-■■] . 1.; . ' ~ '>■ ■-./ IM In m It d ■ '•' - ■ 1 .•■ * ■■'«■ / s 'B ■M ■■ y' « y^'y # 11 COPY OP DRAFT OP CCHfSTITOTIIINi ^e WerieyAii Ifethodfaii Obnroh ia Oaaada,'* ig ftt^Wd Ibv yi« pnrpote of AldlBf thoie OinnHti whldi b»v» Bot b^ ablt |o p»y th«ir PMMhtn' S«l«riM; for rtUeHsf cmm of ipida •«W•lol^ Md fcr dollrajriBf «iti,gHtoMy txptim iMtt^ • In tlw MTviM of flio OhaNh^;;..- .■;:.,}/^>>5r --^^ •:4;-:w/./i,::^ V^- i - j..' ;'•;*{ m-:-- \i'.vii^K\' , .dii, 8. Tbo Cfonimllloi ^ tbo OonttegM^ iliilof fblr^ ICottbMt^-MMttAly.^ FIflotn Mlniiltti (oM of whom thoU bo tho Treoiarer) choton b/ tbo «laii(*iv nad 5»^ of llllten W«riH lleotloif, d^rignMod b^ if^MiM^utqanlnatibor of]4^yMnob«ORby,tbf«iir 1 «*Pdtot Stownrdo and BeprMontodToi 9k tbo Hoy INiUldt Ifeetings Of fOTorol Dlittliti iMMtoontlgnoiiolothOilnooof hoMiof tbo OHraiii QM«NfMioo» inob DMlott to bo nowod ; IgFlboOooftnMO. --•.■?• f...^j ,,„; :,,,,.,,,,.., ,,^.^ . /"'^^'il^Yhiv'OoiittHi^ iliMa^'itlii^^^/ holding the OonftftteOi ^ «t 84teondWo«itol«yM»lb#Ooii»/ :#!««•, •! J b'dodV-F^H,-. ,. ,;., .,,,j, ,.-.: ,, ,^^^ / ^^ II. tbbr i^^^y^lkmk^xi^^y^^^ fioa rtiG- — iir«|, OhplriMii, Soerrtity, frOoiofor nnd^two Atf^ WS?-! tOfO^ <:!?«M»iM ^ *» ■ . ■■■ ■■ ■■■■■■*;■■. i. It ibflll be tbe doty of the ObAiniMm to pne^de st the meetingt Oomaittee, and Id llaTe « rote m a tteuber of the Ooi|[imittee, and alio a caeting Tote in eaae of an eqaality of Tot#e upon a^j qaeitloa. In the abienee of the Ofaalrman, Mji member of the Committee maj be appointed to preside PfOi IfM. ... ,' ■■■ ■■'.::■ .■--'-.■■■ •''■■ ^ /-■.,.■.;',' ■• ;.;;r.-.-v si-•»^.^ .■■■■,: ' S. It ilMll be the doty Of the aeeietai7 to keep a dook in whieh ihaU be ineerted tlU Oonetitation and B^-Lawa, and in wUehhe ehaU keep a reootd of Ike proeeedinga of aU the mee tl ng e of the Oommittee; and to sign aU orden upon tho TtmmmK wkieb bare been aptborIM b/ the Ckmimitlea. . 8. It ibaUbe tkodnlif of the Treaeuer toveedrenll meidee, and aMki nek diabtoteeaeBte ae kaVe been aothoriied hy th# OommiH^aaialgaedVtkeaeeriliij^and to midortotke Ooinmittee an annual detailed aoeoont of tbeeaoMw ■ ■■■■.:^,x; - 4» IlJteB betbedalyor tiMAaditoVito esattlim tb«ao- eoiMilaDf the 1!r«amMwriaiuui^|«M| PR^ iallia€leiBJBritteeb»':-vTi;' r-^-;v-vv'"-;-';'-:-T" ■■h':^.*^?'.-;-'^ -:'-j-^ f.-'- <9M^ #. AB appfieationt for granti ftmn thie Fmd ehall b# pNienl^ to theOolMkltteebjtheOhairmanof the Diitriet ftinMieh'the dakn ia made, or br eocb other penon at ho ki^ aippeilit to lepr^ieut hia J>iatii»L^ii^^t;UMk.^m'^'mji'^?^ . -^■Sm, t Ko ippUoktkm for apeeial or addiHomO^gnmli to anj Oitenit ihall be entertained bj thia Oommltteei unleN mil CHrevit hai ralaed doilag eaoh qaartar, the areiafe «nm «f tPo ihillbHpi and ill peneeptr member. , , • ^di j? t.,,- Art, 9.1X0 appUeatton fbr addittolial aid to drouite, tf •pedal elaim^aballbie entertained by this OommiUee nnleM ^hufe pMsed the (^ifvierijlfeetingyand hare been signeA lij thelBeeoidiBg Stowwde; and reeommeaded bj the Dtotrifl Meeting. ^ V A ■ \ I- 'I '^..^fias^u, I of Of i« la io le It •f i# tt. i I .0 i n r » ^ \ 1$ ^i< 9. All •ppUoattona Ibr tzpiOMf laeiirNdiii Uie/g«O0r*l work, or for other cUiini not otkonrito ipooified shaU be eob- Mitted to tlia OomiDittee ia detatt for their inrettigMloii and •pproraL Art, 10. A ibiMid«I IHitrlet HeeUng eoasi^lag of tho Bvperinteadenti of Olreotti ead MImIoim, en^^e SCew«d ftoa each Olreiiit ud IUmImi ■btU be held i^ oMh Diitriet ia the month of September, la wbieh the ram/graated to that Diafriet 1^ ^ Committee, ahatt be apportio^ to the diihp- •at Oirooiti ai hbrfy aad Impartial u.. ■k:l. •wiftaaee ftom the Ooatthgeat iToad ittu^ or maj abt obtabi aid IN M«t ^, aa tha nwMkslal n^^ •vaft Ihaagh the aald (Xreall ma^ ormii^aot hate beeacoai- •idaied ia the ^propriatida madoto th4 IXftrlei faj tlOf Qomr . mii|ae»' : -^r^:-' ■■■■'' ;^rjfii0if^^'^ArH^^^ v^rt 11. Oaebrif oirthaamtimteiiaaledhy^tBaGammft- t^e to eadi Diftriel tlwdlba fondly tho55»^ Finaacial Secrettuy of ea^ DiatrietS Ibe niimth^^ ber, aad t^e MiUMl|Macha8areofriperyean. ^A T, Form of Solemn^Uon df BtaUfmony. WxTt Order of the ^iarial if the Dead. "^ ' ''' ■ ^. Vlt Form and Manner of Ordalniog Mloit^w: _Si^ ttTlie Origin, i:)flaign,M^ of Onr united Bocietwe.^*^'^':'^*^* '■*t*^'^.-''*^^***^^ -^^ ■'■■i ■.">5 >■•.;■■■■■■- ^^^ P^ ^ nde 8r4 pag6 i^ tfoder the head of Tke l^tdgr.-^^mwcdB the anpport of the work of GoA-^- •ertinateadoi; -Ffeaohen^ Ohnrch and Poor;* ^^i^^ On the aame pago-Dmnlcennemt bi^og or aeliing Spirit- tooaliqaof^or.drfaking them/nnlem in caaea of ei^tome neeearity. ..: *■"- / r ni e46h Oirctiit, thai! be the Oeoeral BecoWHog BtewMrt, who with the other Bepraseeta. tlree ahaU be memhen of their raapectife District Meetion When the financial and teiBjwral aflbiie an ander cbaaider*- Mon. The Chairman in appointing the Ume and plaoe of ^lnfeipectlfeJ)litrict Meeting!, ahaU annonnoe the time *he W Bepreaetttatiwe ite wqulied to Ptgeaa ajSaWyiBieeiiddf #ewi, mtiLNOlAL IflSTIUOT MIITIN08, Page aa IL To apporMott, to the i(i?eralGircuit% ac- cording to the cWmswhicbtimr then px«wn|, ^i^tably and JJW oonaidered the aipoiint pl409d at Up ditposal by the Gontingent Food Oommittee to provide for the eRowaoeM of the Minieter'B children, acoording to tiie ralia of ^ qhUdren^ Fand, to appoint a DiiWct Treaaiier of the PhUdrena Pond ; and to malce am^gementii for holding Missioaaiy Meetings, aUowing Saperintendente toproyidai m thei^ own Oiroaito when it is deem^^ ad?j«ab^ .. Page 24. QifM#»n \. , Anpwer; ,1 1^1?^ - •' ' -^ • . ■,■;,-'. >>;. . litis..; /,■/! Wafnaxx xtxnifat l*:i -*. Of att ttii^ *«ifa«w»idtheOirevltorMtei6n;^i^^ and Local Freachdie, Kithorje^^ Stewarda, daas Uaderai. fnd one Tmatee appointed by Moh TVo^ B6ard. | 8. Add^The Oommittee on Eitimate,'to report to the ■i kh' f-^' 0. To appoint all thi| Btewardi aonvillyat the Second Qaarterly Meetiog, for «i.^fvlH-j: ■^* ¥i4(e2t. Ai&din esM bfihei death of tiie oo-B^gute^ or 1# disqoalifloation to perform tiie duties ofPMdent^the J _./, \ J •' fitecwtwy of OoBftrence shil! caii a meeting of the donfer- enoe Speoitl Oommittee inraohpla^ u maj be deemed moat convenfent. to appolot a member of the Conference, Prerident |>ro Urn, who ahaU perform the dotiea of the offloa QhtU a anooeaaoria appointed. / OHAIRMM Of DltTRiOTp. Pege 27. QoeaUoo 2od. Anawer. By the Preaident Nevertheleaa. an Adriaory Oommittaf cooaiBting of om member from eaeh District elected by baUot at each Aannal Diatrict Meeting, ahall be aaaocUted with the Pieaideiit in the appointment of the Ohaiman ; a&d he ahall not appofait any Miniater Ohairman of a DiatrLet without the eonaeot of a m^ority of aaid Oommittee ; and in caae of a difleienoe between the Preaident and the Committee^ with reapect to any Diatrict. /^ At the end of Sec 11, page 2«, add the fbUowIng rtilej^ In caae of the death, reraoTal of the Ohairman during the year, or hia being otherwiae disqaaUfied to perform the dntieB of hie offlce, the Financial Becretaiy ahall caH a Special District Meeting, and the Meeting so eaUed ahaU dect by ballot a Ohairman for the remainder of the jear, ■uwRtftiiiDiNTt.;^ •::■'■ '^^^^ Pbge 30. Add 'fSoperintendent" after dmirman— And to preside in all the official meetings of hia Oironit or Minion, and to make all nominations for the appointing of offioera .inthe Ohorch..; /.i-... -w-/-, ,■■.■.- ■■..■■^^■...■ .■■ :-k ■.■:■:■'■(. Page 30-^10. And deliirer In tiioh accbnnt to the Db- tnct Meetings which ahall be reported to the Oonferanoe, Ao, fliiohaeeomit ahaU include the memben who h|i?t been weeiyed by ticket, and thoae who aro only menib^ w irial&c. f^ ■ .18. ■ - Page ^1-~16. Qowtorly aod other eoUeciioiii In Pftge 16. To see that all the pablie oolleetiont Id aid o\ the Oirouit and Ooooeziooal Foadt of the Chorch, are ref Qlarly made in all the OongregaUona as directed by the Ooi = r feraooe. CAIfDIDATit FOR TBI If miSTET. Page 38. QaMtion 4. Aof.— After *'inqairy^* ''Po yoa eonetantly attend the Sacramentr^/nWrl, Hafe yoa been baptiied, and what are your yiews on mfant BaptinnT— and at the end of the paragraph, inqalre-^What Is your natiye eoantryf What oocopatlon or trade have yoa fiAlowedf Page 41. Qoeetion 1. Ana. 11.— After *'foar year%' inaert— Nerertheleai any Preadier who may be employed in the work by the Ohairman, previous to the 1st. of January, shall be allowed one year of his probation. ) BKOiPTioN or xiinsnEs from otbrr oauBcais. Answer 12. Pag6 42.-*To form a new Section with See. 15^ Qoes. 1 & 2. Page 51,— as (bUowSi ** Of the*Teception of Preatohers from the Wealeyan Oonnezion and firom other Disnominations.". Qaes. 1 .-*<* In what manner ahall we reeeiTe those Hinis- tera who may come to ns from the Wedeyan Ooanezioa in Earope, ani the BIdthoJist Episcopal Oharch in the United Statesr Ans.- If Hey eom3 to as properly accredited frqni either the British, Irish, or any Annaal^OQaferenec^n the Uuited Statea, they may be leceiied aceordifug tpflfk credential proTiled they gire sttisfiiction to tho Oonferepce of their wilKngneas to cooform |b 091^ Oliarch g^bvemment aod ^^, nsages. \'-'''f:'y- :'■ ■.: 'iX/' ■''■" \-"-i ■'■■■/.': ■fi\ •'' »i ^ - m. ^ 'ibji'&TiWrt- f^r m K. V X9 Quai. 1— How ihtlt we reeelTe thoM Mluiiton who mty o9dt to aoite with as from other Ohriitiaa Oharohei, or «a/ Mceoing body of Methoditta! . Aha. 1. Those Alioisteri of other ■XSrAogftUcal Oharohet or other bodies of Methodists who may desire to aoite with oar dfaoroh, may be reoeif e| Mcordiog to oar osagee, on conditioD of their takiog upoo them oar ordiatUoD-TOWt without re4mpo3itioQ of hoods, giving satisfactioa to a cooi- mittee composed of the Ohairmaa of the District aod two other MiolBtoni of the District Meotiqg, and to the Ooofer- ence of their beiog ia Orders, aild of their agreement with OS in doctrine, disoipUAe, government and asages, provided also that the Oonference is satisfied with their gifts, grace and asefoluess. Qaei. 3.— Hpw shall we receive Preacbers of other Bvan- gelical Deoomidations, or any seceding body of Hethodistg who aie not in order? ^ Page 42. Ana.— They may be rtoeived as lioeoUatet, provided they give satisfiictioo that they are soitebla persons to exercise the office, and of their agreement with the doc- trines, discipline, government and asages of oar Oharoh. The Ohairman and any two Ministers (members of the Ooo- fereoco.) of the District, within the boanda of which sach Preacher may be travelling or resident, are authoriaed to act as a Oommittee on behalf of the Oonference to admit him into our Oharoh, and he may be employed antil the en- sajnk Oonference ; and if he be recommended by a District Meedbi;, he may be received as a Preacher on trial impSl^^N or MVMBBBB TBOM OTHBB OIBOUTTS. IHigjer6lk Sec. 6. Qaea 11 Ana. 4.---PiiTa*e menibeni •" f^. .m ■ y'- Y~ "«-. 20 lo oooiMeUon with other ErAag«UoaI Oharohes, or any Mce- dlog body of Methodista, who make applioatioa for admit- •ioo into oar Oh^jKsh, may be receded by the Preaohera on the Oircnit as members without the iiaaal term of probation. ^.^ Olf TR1AI.8. Page 56. Am. 8.-^After 'aceoMd by,"— i*n»erl, The Preaideot, co-Delegate, Saperintendeut of Missiong, or Ohair- nan, Ac. Page 99. Qaes. .4 Attti.— When ohargea are preferred ■gainst any Local Preacher, the accused and his accuser shall respectively choose two Local Preachers or official members of the Oircait or Mission, (bat should either or both of them refuse, or neglect to select themselves of such comintttee^ then, in such ca«, the Superintendent ilk^ll have power to appoint them), tad the Preacher in charge, shall, with the members of the Oommittee so chosen, try the ao- oosed Preaeher; and they shall have authority, if he be found guilty, to admonish, reprove^ or suspend him, till the ensuing Quarterly Meeting, when the whole matter shall be determined. ,r-r.-.^;-''. ■■■■*:^-, , Sec. 1 or 2.— 0« trial of LottU PreaAeri, Between & ft 6, insert— Qaes. 2. What shall be done in cases of im- proper teachers' words and actions? . Ana. The person so offending shall be reprehended by the Minister or the Superintendent Preacher having charge. Should a second transgression talce place, one^ two, or three faithful friends are to be taken as witnesses. If he be not cured, he shall be then tried at the next Local Preachers^ Meeting or Quarterly Board of the Oircuit, and if fonnd goUl^ and impenitent; he ihnU be expelled from the Ohurdi. Qtm. 8.— Whtt ihall b« done when a Looal Preacher falle io baaioosi^ or ooatraoti debU which he It not able to pay t Ana^-Let the Saperiatendent Miaiiter appoiot thiye Jodi- eioas memben of the Oharoh, ioapeot the MscoautiiOOotracte •od circamatAooea of the sappoeed delinqaeot ; end if, in their opiaioo, he has behaTcd diehonestly, or contriMtad debts without the probebiUtf of pajiog, he ehaU be soepeii- ded ontil the eneoiog Quarterly Meeting. J • f ;, ■ ■ \( c •■ ■ ■ -■ '' ■ , • LOCAL Pft^OHEftS' If MTUI0« .. ' . '' '■ ; I'v >■•■■;' :' ' . ■ ' Page 56.— tntrodoM a qheetton— Who ritaU oompeee the Iiooal Pieaohen* Meetingt ^ Ana.— All the Ministen, TMtening miii Loeal TmaAmt and Bthortera of the Oirooit or MImIob. It ihall be re- qiiied of all^idoal Pfeaohera, before fliUj receiTed, to g|fe aa^afhelioif to the Local Preaohera' or Qoarlerl/ HeetiDg; aa to their aoqnaintaoce with the >ibJeot ol SerlptanU and Weeleyan Theology. The following qoeationB ahaU bepro- poeed>-«HaTB yoa (Uth in Ohriett Are yoa going on to perfectfon? Do^yoa expeot to bo perfected in Ioto in tUt lifer Are yoa groaning after itt Do you aineerely and folly belieye the dootrinea of Methodisoa, m oontaiiied ki o«r articles of Faith and as tavght by Mr. Wesley In his notes on the New Testamenti and Tolnnies of Bermdnst -Bip*- daUyHie /Mowing leading onea :— A Trinity of Persons Ilk the unity of the Oodheart ; the total deprai^ty of eU' inta by nature in consequence of Adam's fall ; the atonement made by Ohrist for the sins of all the human race ; jnstifl- cation byfsith; the dii^ct witilMs of the Spirit; the p^s^, ^-:^- ■I, itbm^ 22 r-i. lUog enrUatiaglj ; the abtolato MMMity of kdt- I w^mm doih ill h^iwt aod life ; Mid the proper etemitj of fUtoro rewtrdt mm! pontuhmeatir Will 70a eode«Toor fidlj and UiihtaWj to preeoh themr— (Diiap. pagei 89 ft iO.) I »> BAPnill AND THB LOBD's tVPFSR. Page 91. Qhftp. 4 Sec. l. ^Iocor ponito Itoptim a nd the Lord • Sap^r la ode Section. Aoe. 1.— Either omit eotirelj.or add tlii» following pro- ▼iao:— yererthelets nomioiiter ihtll be leqaired to edmfaiit ter the ordinftooe by immereioa, who eoiarteios oonicitntioaf dijeeaou to that nodi of Beptism. %mi» L Are a^ ^^og ehndren entitled to baptfam f ^' ' iAiNf. We hold that all children, by Tirtne of the Qnoo» ditional beoeflti of the atooementk are membera of tne king)* liom of God, «Bd tblBreforeb gradoaalj entitled to baptiM f bviiypfeot iliptiam oonftemplatei a oonrn^f nligioaa in- atmSii and diaoipline, It la ezpeciM of all paxeota or goar- dlaai who preaent their children for baptlam, that theyiiM al dUiganoein bringing them vp in conftmni^ to the word of Ood^ and theyahoold bt aotemiaj admoniahed of thk obU» ga«ioo, and eamettlj eihortad to lUthfalneia thenin. _. ^MM. 2; WMbthf lilatlon of baptiied ohildieD to tiuT Church r -f^. Aimo, We regard aU children who hate been bapUiii «•' placed in Tialble 'eofonant relation to God, and under thf> J, I' 1'. .f f i ^f i i.n r 'i~i' **$r-^v9- ■i ^ > 9*»i •itU r „. fc^V • »^ < ^ i, 'I 'i u*;-: ■v." 4- , I ^<)1t !-> I -r '• I \ , « ' ■)r /-^" f rifrS'j/ ^ \';'-r*fii.p"o':: ct (^:j '-■j^ t fj.- « . * irsia SJU&*J ^'- ?RSr r%. %, i ^ ■/-. ■ -J « x^^ €. "J-- ,•■■•■::... -^ ■".■.■ '^■;" ■■..'■ ' '''^^^^^^^■'■- ' \ ^ L ""' ■ *■ * *■ ' . . ,.-■ ... ■■• i^^r ,^ 1 _;,. 1 ,-■ "■' -N { ■ • ^ , . ' .^ ■■■ ^ I ^^^^^^L. '- '-'^ * - « f '"3 \ ^^-^^^^^^^^^1 ^^^Br':''^-if.y .■■ • * •< ■ a" J. ' 3 . ' ■■ ■ ' : '■ ' :: ■ ■ ■ ■ . \ . \: ■r ■ - 4 ' ■ y .-•'■.■ ■■ ■;.'■ '1' k ■■•■ ' .■'■■''■■■ ■'■. m ■ "'" -', ^ - %', , i- y 1 m w- ■ / ■*, i - { ;?;r.." ^'-^ '^ ■ ,3. .'-''..-^ .- ; ^.--.-.-- 1 •